people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism find themselves at war against all, because they expect to find themselves at war against all – but find to their shock and surprise that their non Hobbesian enemies are cooperating just fine to deal with the common enemy and common threat. Thus people and groups that subscribe to Hobbesianism get defeated, and frequently enslaved or wiped out. All those who doubt Hobbesianism gang up on them.
Category: war
Losing in Afghanistan 2
Our policy in Afghanistan is as if the Czechs had fought and won, and then Chamberlain sold them to Hitler. We are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Losing in Afghanistan
The winner in a guerrilla war is the side that most brutally terrorizes the population. Our troops lack the stomach for what it takes to win a guerrilla war, so more troops will not help.
A kid carrying a gun, and wearing an explosive vest, attempted to enter a mosque. It seems that though the congregation were Muslim, they were the wrong kind of Muslim. A guard tackled him. That is courage.
Iran tells it like it is:
In his April 15, 2009 speech, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told America: We say to you that you yourselves know that you are today in a position of weakness. Your hands are empty, and you can no longer promote your affairs from a position of strength. … with the grace of God, and thanks to Iran’s national unity, the recommendations of Supreme Leader, and the following of his [path], nearly …
We are all terrorists now
The liberty papers found an interesting Obama document. It seems that it is not those poor misunderstood adherents of the Religion of Peace that are a problem. It is any American who disagrees with the Obama agenda. Michael Malkin confirms the document is real, not a parody. Veterans are also terrorists, no doubt it comes of persecuting those poor adherents of the Religion of Peace.
Headless body in Gutless press
Mark Steyn ridicules the mainstream press’s fear of Islam: the killing of Aasiya Hassan seems to have elicited a very muted response. When poor Mrs. Hassan’s husband launched his TV network to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims, he had no difficulty generating column inches, as far afield as The Columbus Dispatch, The Detroit Free Press, The San Jose Mercury News, Variety, NBC News, the Voice of America, and the Canadian Press. The …
Israel did not win
After the recent war in the Gaza strip, Hamas declared victory, and Israel declared victory. What do they teach small boys in school today? When I was in school, the first thing I learned is that the fight is not over till the winner can make loser cry “uncleâ€. Hamas has not been destroyed, nor coerced. They continue to rocket Israel. Since they are religious fanatics, nothing short of Roman …
British police retreat before Muslims
British police retreat before a hail of not very dangerous missiles: This retreat follows a long series of recent similar humiliations – the British submission in Basra, in Helmand province, and in the Persian Gulf. Weakness and fear is provocative. Someone is going to take Britain from the British.
All quiet in France
Small Dead Animals draws my attention to the fact that things are not all quiet in France On New Years day, more than 1000 cars were torched – but the French seem unable to mention the fact that Muslims were burning the cars of infidels. Islamic jihadism has tripled over the last year, but French government imposition of order has remained unchanged – which trend, if continued for much longer, …