Category: war

party politics

We are all terrorists now

The liberty papers found an interesting Obama document.  It seems that it is not those poor misunderstood adherents of the Religion of Peace that are a problem.  It is any American who disagrees with the Obama agenda.  Michael Malkin confirms the document is real, not a parody. Veterans are also terrorists, no doubt it comes of persecuting those poor adherents of the Religion of Peace.


Headless body in Gutless press

Mark Steyn ridicules the mainstream press’s fear of Islam: the killing of Aasiya Hassan seems to have elicited a very muted response. When poor Mrs. Hassan’s husband launched his TV network to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims, he had no difficulty generating column inches, as far afield as The Columbus Dispatch, The Detroit Free Press, The San Jose Mercury News, Variety, NBC News, the Voice of America, and the Canadian Press. The …


Israel did not win

After the recent war in the Gaza strip, Hamas declared victory, and Israel declared victory. What do they teach small boys in school today?  When I was in school, the first thing I learned is that the fight  is not over till the winner can make loser cry “uncle”. Hamas has not been destroyed, nor coerced.  They continue to rocket Israel.  Since they are religious fanatics, nothing short of Roman …


All quiet in France

Small Dead Animals draws my attention to the fact that things are not all quiet in France On New Years day, more than 1000 cars were torched – but the French seem unable to mention the fact that Muslims were burning the cars of infidels.  Islamic jihadism has tripled over the last year, but French government imposition of order has remained unchanged – which trend, if continued for much longer, …


Yellow bellied surrender monkeys

In the last ten years or so we have been hearing a lot of disturbing reports about Britain – reports of a society of fearful and servile subjects, of criminals acting with impunity, of the British accepting second class status to Islam.  Maybe the gun lobby is exaggerating British submission to criminals, maybe racists and war hawks are exaggerating British submission to Islam, but this story of cowardice and betrayal …


What has been happening in Georgia

The boundaries of all the Balkan and Caucasus states are ill defined, one blurs into the other, each contains people who feel themselves outsiders and oppressed. In some, like Estonia, “oppression” is merely that if you cannot speak the majority language, or a widely spoken international language such as English, you have poor job prospects. In others, oppression consists of robbery, rape, and murder. By and large the resentment is …


We won in Iraq

Michael Yon declares the war over. He should know. He has been wandering around the place looking it over. But if we have a few more victories like this one, we will have lost, and Islam won. We cannot do Iran what we barely managed to do to Iraq, and still less can we do to Pakistan what we barely accomplished in Iraq. We are losing in Afghanistan, for it …


“Governance in the Wilderness”

“Governance in the Wilderness” is merely a retranslation of the same Al Quaeda document earlier translated as “the Management of Savagery” or “the Management of Barbarism” The author concluded that 9/11 was unsuccessful, in that it failed to intimidate Americans, and the American retribution was severe. He correctly predicted that the attempt to set up a new Caliphate in Bahgdad was much premature, and would be defeated, as it was. …