The progs believe that Marc Andreessen is the primary ideologist of the tech oligarch wing of the Trump coalition. This is an odd delusion.
Under the New York Times new policy of listening to their enemies for a change, the New York Times interviewed Mark Andreessen.
Andreessen is a natural born Havel’s Greengrocer. There is not a political thought in his head. Political thoughts continually explode out of Musk, who not merely very good at tech priesting, but is a natural prophet.
Believing Andreessen to be an important ideologist, the New York Times asked him ideological questions, and he responded with what he no doubt thought, and the New York Times probably thought, were ideological answers. They were not.
Being a good little Havel’s Green Grocer, he was reading the New York Times every day, and watching MSNBC news every night, to hear his betters tell him how to be a good person, so utterly immersed in madness, delusion, malice, hatred, evil, destructiveness, and self destructiveness, and seeing it as normal and right. He was a good Havel’s Greengrocer, and the NYT Interviewer was kind of shocked to discover that Marc Andreessen had very recently been watching MSNBC and the New York Times in order to receive the very latest instructions on what to say and what to think in order to be a good person.
He is told that to be a good person he must hate himself and harm himself, and hate everyone around him and harm everyone around him, but in 2018 he starts to feel a little uneasy about being a good person. But he cannot actually put words to this feeling. Still cannot.
Mark Andreessen sees, starting around 2012 or so, that about twenty percent of new hires are woke communists who want to destroy the company because white, male, straight, and capitalist. (But fails to see that this he because he is hiring from elite universities) and that sixty percent of his staff go along with them (but fails to see that this additional sixty percent are going along with the twenty percent because he and Human Resources are telling everyone that they must conform to superior holiness, or else they will suffer devastating career consequence) so that a total of eighty percent of his staff want to destroy the company, destroy him, and destroy capitalism. (But fails to see that he and Human Resources are terrorizing his staff into seeking the destruction of the company and the destruction of Marc Andreesen, fails to see that mandatory sensitivity training courses are training everyone “Smash capitalism, starting with this company, and smash the company starting with Marc Andreessen”.)
And then in 2020, full on terror campaign from the Biden gestalt.
in 2023 or so, he saw that the Biden Gestalt intended to destroy him and everyone like him, and he and everyone in Big Tech like him decided that they had enough of being a good person. From 2012 onwards, reality was punching him in the face, and he felt the punches, but could not see reality punching him. Still cannot.
He is still full of the same ideology as he always was. He has just decided to be a sinner.
At 2745 in the video, he finally disagrees with the virtue and moral superiority of the New York times on the question of taxation and deficit spending. He tells the interviewer that the interviewer is “dripping with contempt for the American taxpayer”. Did not notice all the other evil and malice, but this part has been getting on his nerves. OK, that is a political thought, but he has not one political thought about the campaign of destruction he complains about being waged against him and his companies from within for thirteen years.
“The last decade has been very educational” His education, however, is seriously lacking.
“Equity” is defined by its theologians as state managed redistribution of assets from white males to everyone else — Marxism, except of course that they are focused on cultural assets, hence what happened to video games and Star Wars, rather than the means of production. The ideology of Equity is cultural Marxism, but of course part of Marc Andreesan’s straight white male privilege is the company and his material assets, so that naturally has to go as well. Hence sensitivity training and all that, where one is forced to attend self righteous fire and brimstone sermons by the priesthood of Woke, are sermons in destroying the company and destroying Mark Andreesen. To which Marc Andreesan was remains utterly oblivious. And still is.
The faith that threatened him and his businesses was accepted within his businesses because backed by intimidating power. Employees were terrified. Woke created an environment of omnipresent fear and hatred in every business. In his discussion with the New York Times, he says how he felt bad. But neglected to mention, or perhaps notice, how unpleasant and frightening it was for his employees.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion divides the room into “oppressors” and “oppressed”, and then unleashes the “oppressed” to wreak vengeance upon the “oppressors”. Trotsky tells the peasant with one cow “hail follow peasant, you are oppressed by the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant. Fellow peasant, you should kill the cows of the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant”, and in the end Trotsky has the land and the wheat, and the former owner of one cow, and the former owner of two cows, starve. This is terrifying and extremely unpleasant if you are one of the oppressor class, if you are male, if you are straight, or if you are white. Hence the curiously large number of cross dressing engineers.
Leftism uses people’s wickedness and sinfulness to turn people against each other, so that leftists can destroy them all, both “oppressors”, and “oppressed”.
Marc Andreessen could not see that, still cannot see that, perhaps because it would be too disturbing to see the woke as demonic, rather that excessively and unwisely benevolent and caring. Thermidor is lapsed woke, not actually reactionary.
Mark Andreessen has noticed the free speech retcon, the net neutrality retcon, and the money in politics retcon. I am a fair bit older than he is, and have lived through retcons far more radical, as parodied by Orwell, and after Moldbug got me reading history, I discovered a pile of leftist radical shift going back all the way to Cromwell. Leftism has no essence, every left wing position is merely tactical, and is likely to be reversed in an instant, and every good Havel’s Greengrocer instantly forgets the old position, as in Orwell’s depiction of a reversal in the middle of Hate Week. From 2012 onwards, Marc Andreessen was a bad Havel’s Greengrocer, but he still fails to remember all the retcons from before 2012.
This looks like a farce to me. Silicon Valley is Surveillance Valley. Sillicon Valley isn’t providing much value to ordinary people and it is providing a lot of value to trannyhumanists who want to get rid of people. So I’m not sure if infighting between some Silicon Valley Oligarchs and other branches of the Oligarchy means much to ordinary people.
Sure it would be amazing if oligarchs killed each other, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Obviously Musk wants what I want. Fast reproducing humans in space. Totally pro human.
I fully agree with this statement.
While probably not in my lifetime unless we purge every impediment to fundamental research… I still pray that God has let there be many free lands in space for us to inhabit, and will guide and protect us to each their own land and peoples, just as he did before. If I am old but still of whatever the reproductive and/or useful class of that future is at that time, I will go on that starcraft.
That begs the question, how best to free all such impediments?
I like patronage, but patronage typically exists under arbitrary purview/tax/regs of corrupt Govt and/or corrupt higher layers, which thus limits the patron layer. And patronage generally doesn’t include open sharing of research necessary to enable other research, though not purely for profit, it often seeks return, which can limit the number of and neccesary randomness of sidereal ventures, to the extent that patrons are not crazy quacks themselves 🙂
We need system that is holistic… are you imparting actual harm, or not. If not, you are truly free, and publish at will.
ps. Not a fan of Andreesen, bc my understanding is he invests in some antithetical things, one being a lot of corporate coins (afaik) aka GovCorp things that have never and cannot win… the future is mathematical and physical protocols… pure, unadulterable, uncontrollable, virgin, and right.
Averting nuclear war will be tough, but then after that, HR is the Final Boss. Those bitches are dug in like the Japanese at Iwo Jima. “No survivors!”
Or is that normality bias talking? Will they turn on a dime like Green Grocerettes once they perceive that it’s the other side that can get them into trouble now? Malleable as wax? But boy, how on earth can that actually become true?
Does Thermidor really get it that without White (and Asian and Jewish) men in STEM and manufacturing, “no armaments for you”, and “no oil wells for you”?
What are the clues?
Seems that everyone is waking up to the fact that leftists are fundamentally wolves in sheep’s clothing. For example, twits such as this have been going around lately:
Now when people understand that leftists basically hate existence for existing, they will likely conduct the kind of “leftological” (heresiological) research that has been done on this blog and reach similar conclusions, possibly helped by finding this blog.
It’s over for the satanic priesthood. The professoriat of the Harvard complex has been discredited. I expect more research exposing some valuable truths to come out as the autocoup rolls along.
Leftism always, invariably, comes from a very, very dark place in the soul, it is a shriek from the darkest depths of gehenna. It is not that all evil people are leftists, strictly speaking, but leftism at root is a creation of evil people. Leftism naturally creates social entropy, evil breeding more evil, until religious revolution or collapse. The aim of the religious revolution is restoration of Order and setting society on a path in accordance with Divine Law.
Hegseth is in, in a tie vote broken by Vance. Now we’ll see if he can deliver a loyal army. The traitors are (of course), McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins.
Rubio was 99-0, Hegseth needed the tiebreaker. Gives an interesting range.
Hopefully Rubio is firewalled from interfering with personnel choices elsewhere. I assume he’s Uniparty, and certainly jew-acceptable. State Dept is traditionally powerful, runs the overseas empire (or ran, before CIA took over?), but the important action will be internal.
Given that this was the “most controversial” (not least bc of his apparent journey toward God, which is most intolerable to the Demonic and unNatural Left), I suspect all other apointments will be smooth sailing.
One Rep has even floated Amendment to extend Trump Presidency to three terms.
Putin just stated that 2020 was stolen from Trump.
This is what matters.
Nothing else is important. Trump”s executive order thunderbolts are great spectacle, do good things, and are necessary to keep the left on the run, but like the column of tanks that distracted Ukrainian artillery while White took the terrikon, its primary value is to distract the enemy from what actually matters.
If Trump gets the army, he gets everything.
The enemy refuses to know what Pete Hegseth’s tattoos mean, just as they refuse to know what is happening in the Ukraine. It is the fundamental vulnerability of a state religion based on lies.
Trump’s opening moves put the final nail in the coffin of the accelerationist “strategy” of worse is better, let the democrats win. If Trump makes any of this stick, great. Beats the hell out of active genocide. If he’s beaten back after all, first it’s obviously breathing room, that point has been made before. But more than breathing room, it turns out it’s also the real acceleration. A boomer conservative is the chaos agent now. Conflict, battle lines drawn, men with guns carrying out orders… what’s not to love? Compare it to the revolutions we got under the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations… i.e. none, really.