Marc Andreessen does not get it

The progs believe that Marc Andreessen is the primary ideologist of the tech oligarch wing of the Trump coalition. This is an odd delusion.

Under the New York Times new policy of listening to their enemies for a change, the New York Times interviewed Mark Andreessen.

Andreessen is a natural born Havel’s Greengrocer. There is not a political thought in his head. Political thoughts continually explode out of Musk, who not merely very good at tech priesting, but is a natural prophet.

Believing Andreessen to be an important ideologist, the New York Times asked him ideological questions, and he responded with what he no doubt thought, and the New York Times probably thought, were ideological answers. They were not.

Being a good little Havel’s Green Grocer, he was reading the New York Times every day, and watching MSNBC news every night, to hear his betters tell him how to be a good person, so utterly immersed in madness, delusion, malice, hatred, evil, destructiveness, and self destructiveness, and seeing it as normal and right. He was a good Havel’s Greengrocer, and the NYT Interviewer was kind of shocked to discover that Marc Andreessen had very recently been watching MSNBC and the New York Times in order to receive the very latest instructions on what to say and what to think in order to be a good person.

He is told that to be a good person he must hate himself and harm himself, and hate everyone around him and harm everyone around him, but in 2018 he starts to feel a little uneasy about being a good person. But he cannot actually put words to this feeling. Still cannot.

Mark Andreessen sees, starting around 2012 or so, that about twenty percent of new hires are woke communists who want to destroy the company because white, male, straight, and capitalist. (But fails to see that this he because he is hiring from elite universities) and that sixty percent of his staff go along with them (but fails to see that this additional sixty percent are going along with the twenty percent because he and Human Resources are telling everyone that they must conform to superior holiness, or else they will suffer devastating career consequence) so that a total of eighty percent of his staff want to destroy the company, destroy him, and destroy capitalism. (But fails to see that he and Human Resources are terrorizing his staff into seeking the destruction of the company and the destruction of Marc Andreesen, fails to see that mandatory sensitivity training courses are training everyone “Smash capitalism, starting with this company, and smash the company starting with Marc Andreessen”.)

And then in 2020, full on terror campaign from the Biden gestalt.

in 2023 or so, he saw that the Biden Gestalt intended to destroy him and everyone like him, and he and everyone in Big Tech like him decided that they had enough of being a good person. From 2012 onwards, reality was punching him in the face, and he felt the punches, but could not see reality punching him. Still cannot.

He is still full of the same ideology as he always was. He has just decided to be a sinner.

At 2745 in the video, he finally disagrees with the virtue and moral superiority of the New York times on the question of taxation and deficit spending. He tells the interviewer that the interviewer is “dripping with contempt for the American taxpayer”. Did not notice all the other evil and malice, but this part has been getting on his nerves. OK, that is a political thought, but he has not one political thought about the campaign of destruction he complains about being waged against him and his companies from within for thirteen years.

“The last decade has been very educational” His education, however, is seriously lacking.

“Equity” is defined by its theologians as state managed redistribution of assets from white males to everyone else — Marxism, except of course that they are focused on cultural assets, hence what happened to video games and Star Wars, rather than the means of production. The ideology of Equity is cultural Marxism, but of course part of Marc Andreesan’s straight white male privilege is the company and his material assets, so that naturally has to go as well. Hence sensitivity training and all that, where one is forced to attend self righteous fire and brimstone sermons by the priesthood of Woke, are sermons in destroying the company and destroying Mark Andreesen. To which Marc Andreesan remains utterly oblivious.

The faith that threatened him and his businesses was accepted within his businesses because backed by intimidating power. Employees were terrified. Woke created an environment of omnipresent fear and hatred in every business. In his discussion with the New York Times, he says how he felt bad. But neglected to mention, or perhaps notice, how unpleasant and frightening it was for his employees.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion divides the room into “oppressors” and “oppressed”, and then unleashes the “oppressed” to wreak vengeance upon the “oppressors”. Trotsky tells the peasant with one cow “hail follow peasant, you are oppressed by the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant. Fellow peasant, you should kill the cows of the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant”, and in the end Trotsky has the land and the wheat, and the former owner of one cow, and the former owner of two cows, starve. This is terrifying and extremely unpleasant if you are one of the oppressor class, if you are male, if you are straight, or if you are white. Hence the curiously large number of cross dressing engineers.

Leftism uses people’s wickedness and sinfulness to turn people against each other, so that leftists can destroy them all, both “oppressors”, and “oppressed”.

Marc Andreessen could not see that, still cannot see that, perhaps because it would be too disturbing to see the woke as demonic, rather that excessively and unwisely benevolent and caring. Thermidor is lapsed woke, not actually reactionary.

Mark Andreessen has noticed the free speech retcon, the net neutrality retcon, and the money in politics retcon. I am a fair bit older than he is, and have lived through retcons far more radical, as parodied by Orwell, and after Moldbug got me reading history, I discovered a pile of leftist radical shift going back all the way to Cromwell. Leftism has no essence, every left wing position is merely tactical, and is likely to be reversed in an instant, and every good Havel’s Greengrocer instantly forgets the old position, as in Orwell’s depiction of a reversal in the middle of Hate Week. From 2012 onwards, Marc Andreessen was a bad Havel’s Greengrocer, but he still fails to remember all the retcons from before 2012.

267 comments Marc Andreessen does not get it

white bread says:

This looks like a farce to me. Silicon Valley is Surveillance Valley. Sillicon Valley isn’t providing much value to ordinary people and it is providing a lot of value to trannyhumanists who want to get rid of people. So I’m not sure if infighting between some Silicon Valley Oligarchs and other branches of the Oligarchy means much to ordinary people.

Sure it would be amazing if oligarchs killed each other, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Jim says:

Obviously Musk wants what I want. Fast reproducing humans in space. Totally pro human.

Bob says:

I fully agree with this statement.
While probably not in my lifetime unless we purge every impediment to fundamental research… I still pray that God has let there be many free lands in space for us to inhabit, and will guide and protect us to each their own land and peoples, just as he did before. If I am old but still of whatever the reproductive and/or useful class of that future is at that time, I will go on that starcraft.

That begs the question, how best to free all such impediments?

I like patronage, but patronage typically exists under arbitrary purview/tax/regs of corrupt Govt and/or corrupt higher layers, which thus limits the patron layer. And patronage generally doesn’t include open sharing of research necessary to enable other research, though not purely for profit, it often seeks return, which can limit the number of and neccesary randomness of sidereal ventures, to the extent that patrons are not crazy quacks themselves 🙂
We need system that is holistic… are you imparting actual harm, or not. If not, you are truly free, and publish at will.

ps. Not a fan of Andreesen, bc my understanding is he invests in some antithetical things, one being a lot of corporate coins (afaik) aka GovCorp things that have never and cannot win… the future is mathematical and physical protocols… pure, unadulterable, uncontrollable, virgin, and right.

Halion says:

I suspect that God will not let us conquer the stars until we are worthy of it. The earth is more our prison and testing ground than our home and cradle.

white bread says:

That’s how it looks to me, in purely secular terms. We can’t solve our problems at home, yet we’re going to conquer the stars? That’s an unimpressive line of thinking.

Jim says:

Well Musk and Trump are trying to solve our problems at home, though they are strangely unable to notice or speak about the number one problem.

On the other hand, a whole lot of things have become speakable, with even Bill Maher complaining that the LA fire department is being run by lesbian who is running a lesbianism department, not a fire department. The worlds number one problem may well become speakable soon.

Your Uncle Bob says:

It used to seem clear to me that Musk’s unspoken plan with Mars was one final white flight. Leave earth to the browns and the woke the way he left South Africa and Amerikaners left the inner cities.

Clearly that can’t actually happen under Harvard, they’d put browns and girlbosses on the rockets at gunpoint if they had to. But I thought he might be thinking he’d solve that problem when he came to it.

His pro-pajeet bender over Christmas disillusioned me of that. Would be ironic if the first Martians were pajeets rather than American browns, but it’s likely that when the first one way trip is sent we’ll be living in very different times.

Neurotoxin says:

“We can’t solve our problems at home, yet we’re going to conquer the stars? That’s an unimpressive line of thinking.”

This is a silly remark. A la mode: “I’m starving to death here in this cave. Until I can solve that problem here at home, it’s no use to step outside and go hunting.”

Come on, man.

Neurotoxin says:

There IS a problem that I worry about with off-Earth colonies: Their security against enemy action. Here on Earth, if your house gets bombed while you’re out shopping, that sucks, but you can still breathe. On Mars, one well-placed bomb could let all the air out and then everyone dies.

Defensive measures against this kind of thing have difficulties. The colonists could locate their colonies far underground, but that has its own problems. They could and presumably will have a fuck-ton of pressure doors that are designed to automatically close when there is too high a pressure differential across the two sides of the door. But all that does is require the enemy to use more than one bomb to let all the air out. Also and worse, those doors are going to be maintained by actual humans.

And how fucking fast will microbes – not fake COVID bullshit but actual dangerous ones – spread when everyone is close together in those underground warrens and inhaling each other’s exhalations all the livelong day?

If the Mars (etc.) colonists are going to be GNON-compliant they are going to have many enemies, enemies who would love to bomb them and/or introduce a lethal bioweapon or chemical weapon into the air supply.

Convince it’s going to be OK, muthafuckers; I’d love to be convinced, but I do worry about this, a lot.

Pax Imperialis says:

>A la mode: “I’m starving to death here in this cave. Until I can solve that problem here at home, it’s no use to step outside and go hunting.”

That’s a little ungenerous way of reading that. “I’m being castrated by longhouse big mamma’s on one end and being sodomized by glowies on the other end is a problem that needs to be dealt with violently asap before anything else” is a rather convincing argument for solving the problems here at home first. Face it, in order to have nice things, need to have a faith and an army backing up and encouraging those nice things.

T says:

If the Mars (etc.) colonists are going to be GNON-compliant they are going to have many enemies, enemies who would love to bomb them and/or introduce a lethal bioweapon or chemical weapon into the air supply.

Not sure that is true.

If leftism is the a Great Filter (who said there is only one?), then looks like Satan is about to be defeated at least in this cycle, and will have to search other means to destroy the universe. In other words: if there is going to be a GNON-compliant colony on Mars, it will require a GNON-compliant planet Earth to support it, and with the death of woke, and with the American ruling class looking for a new faith, which might well end up being inspired by the Cult of GNON (it’s good to be humble, but right now it’s clearly the only game in town), I don’t think that the Mars colonists will have too many enemies.

It is crucial to make peace with Russia and China, though.

Jim says:

Obviously, filling the stars and subduing them requires very large scale cooperation and the capability to control enormous energies. The capability to control enormous energies implies the capability to easily destroy each other. If large scale cooperation fails, the capability to control large energies will eventually result in a great filter event, not in filling the stars.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Convince it’s going to be OK, muthafuckers; I’d love to be convinced, but I do worry about this, a lot.

You probably won’t like the answer, but:

1. Evolution; and
2. A lot of good people are going to die in the process.

No, seriously. Obviously life on Mars or life in space is going to be no-shit dangerous. It was also incredibly dangerous for our ancestors when Man started sailing the ocean and spreading out into arctic climates. Over millions of years, we literally evolved, became more intelligent and more capable of solving those problems with technology. The Oregon Trail was infamous for killing the fuck out of the pioneers who traveled it, and I’m not just talking about the old computer game. The result of the culling was a hardier stock with higher disease resistance and better wilderness survival skills.

You want a technological solution now with built-in failsafes, but I doubt it’s going to happen that way. It will happen the way it has always happened, with men willing to take huge risks for huge rewards (or just the sheer adrenaline rush) going out on the frontier and putting their own necks on the line. And there are going to be literal biological changes over many generations to adapt to that environment. Among other features, Homo Sapiens Martian is probably going to have higher lung capacity, higher tolerance for radiation and low-pressure environments, and vastly higher IQ.

We cannot predict the kind of technology they’ll come up with because we are literally not smart enough to understand it. We simply can’t conceive of how the Martian oxygen plants or terraformers are going to work any better than a Botswanan Bushman can piece together the mechanics of a heat exchanger or MRI. Current tech is beyond their intellect and future tech is beyond ours.

I’m not saying they’ll literally be supermen who can survive alone and without equipment in the red desert; we are not supermen who can survive alone and without tools in freezing cold wilderness. But most of us know what we’d need to bring along to survive a winter emergency, and have relatively easy access to such things. And in time, so will they. Above all, I’m pretty sure they are not going to be packed into crowded warrens all day; in fact history and human migration patterns tend to show the opposite, the harsher the environment gets the more we spread out and the more territorial we become.

Either that or they all die. But we can’t plan for every contingency. We never could, and yet here we are, still standing.

Jim says:

> History and human migration patterns tend to show the opposite, the harsher the environment gets the more we spread out and the more territorial we become

I expect we will eventually dismantle the planets to provide facilities for solar population of around a hundred million billion families, spread out in a sphere whose densest portion is roughly one billion kilometres in diameter, for an average distance between families of about one thousand kilometres. It will look more like a horde of spaceships that are mostly not going anywhere than megacity one.

T says:

Welcome back nigga.

Neurotoxin says:

“…a problem that needs to be dealt with violently asap before anything else” is a rather convincing argument for solving the problems here at home first.

Pax, killing the living shit out of bad guys is great and I’m all for it. But we can’t hold off on space colonization until Earth is perfect – we’d never go.

Neurotoxin says:

I hate when I fuck up the blockquote thing.

Jim says:

fixed it.

Neurotoxin says:

I’ve read all the responses to my post, no reply yet, just letting them soak in.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Welcome back nigga.”

Yeah, welcome back, homey, if you are who I think you are.

S.J., Esquire says:

“His pro-pajeet bender over Christmas”

I’m still partial to the theory that none of that was actually Elon: that he has Subcontinentals minding his account while he’s at Xmas parties or whatever, and it was one of these “minders” that actually threw the tantrum.

Bob says:

The Boring Company constructs physical habitat underground.
Mars remaining problem is:
1) Water – hydration, growing green stuff, cracking it into fuel and air. Boring conduits under ice caps, drilling for aquifers.
2) Energy – Tesla has solar but China is better, solar gets massively derated on Mars, so you need nuke power, cracking rocks, drilling rigs for cores, water, maybe oil/gas but no trace of hydrocarbons in atmosphere.
3) Green stuff – Will the dirt actually grow shit, lots of CO2 though.
4) No Magnetosphere – Thus no natural atmosphere, ever, again.
5) Radiation – Surface is no-go, underground maybe.
6) Heavy lift, re-entry, landing… Project Orion nuclear rocket propulsion in general, ion
7) Recycling, regeneration, full-cycle

War, Leftism, Islam, Politicians, etc… all destroy any progress made in about two minutes, very inefficient. Need to solve those things before holding any real gains. A LOT of crazy people are going to want to stop anyone from getting off the rock.

Mars is good exploratory investment.
Yet generally obvious this Solar System just plain sucks.

So either need:
1) Slow-boat tech… suspension, automation, recycling, fuel.
2) Advanced physics… split off 10,000 intelligent people from around the planet into 20 permanently protected research and multi-generational breeding communes amping up their IQ past 1000 until warp speed travel pops out the other end.
3) Friendly/Gullible/Weak Aliens and/or their UFO’s

Standard Sci-Fi stuff.

Neurotoxin says:

>fixed it

Ah, thank you!

S says:

Mars first is when you are abandoning Earth and afraid someone on Earth is going to try to destroy your settlement or you need to be memetically sovereign so the massive distance is an advantage.

In all other cases you want to settle the Moon first- it is close enough to be resupplied and supported.

Alf says:

a problem that needs to be dealt with violently asap before anything else” is a rather convincing argument for solving the problems here at home first.

The argument goes both ways right.

On the one hand its a favorite leftist excuse to kill space travel because x y z needs to be dealt with first.

On the other hand, the quality of civilization on earth is going to reflect itself in the quality of its space projects. If 2025 Boeing made a spaceship, I’d rather sit it out.

Somewhere in between can still work. Musk’s plans are not as based as we would like them to be, but he will not suffer woke-type incompetency.

Cloudswrest says:

Mars first …

While Mars is more difficult to get to compared to the moon, it is a much more benign environment. Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and water (hydrogen) can be harvested directly from the atmosphere via compressors, and there’s lots of iron available in the soil. Evidence of lots of subsurface brine too, so there’s your soluble minerals. None of this is easily available on the moon. In addition, the lunar regolith, without any weathering whatsoever, is basically microscopic shards of broken glass. I read it is extremely abrasive. Mars soil is weathered and dull like earth sand. Mars’ atmosphere, while thin, still provides some protection from radiation and micro-meteorites. The Mars day/night cycle is just like Earth’s, and not anything like the moon’s.

S says:

There are two resources advantages the Moon has- low gravity making transit easy and closer to the Sun (Mars gets about 1/2 the sunlight)… however those advantages are both shared with orbitals.

I think that dominates the other options since you aren’t locked in. You can fall back on Earth’s resources until you are self sustaining and if the situation on Earth deteriorates, you can have the habitat move away from Earth.

Jim says:

If you are dependent on earth resources, then if the situation deteriorates, you die. You need to go somewhere where resources are available. And the resource that is in shortest supply near earth orbit is water. You need a lot of water. And Mars has water. Less than earth, but if you drill, you will find it. Of course this going to require something like an oil rig on Mars. Mars is the nearest place where you can get volatiles. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water. You can get oxygen on the moon from rocks, but it is hard, while on Mars, you just distil it out of the air.

Neurotoxin says:

“there’s lots of iron available in the soil.”

Quite! The reason it’s the Red Planet is that its entire surface is iron oxide, i.e. rust.
– – – – – – — – – – – – –
Not taking a position on Moon vs. Mars, but the discussion above called to mind my favorite Dale Gribble quote:

“Earth First! Make Mars our bitch!”

Neurotoxin says:

“I expect we will eventually dismantle the planets…”

I love these grand-scale Ringworld/Dyson shell-type ideas. Here’s another one, as long as we’re thinking further ahead:

Would it be possible to crash Phobos and/or Deimos into Mars? That would increase its mass and therefore its gravity, and so make it easier to hold an atmosphere.

Jim says:

Such a crash would be enormously destructive, and would not increase the atmosphere much. To add something substantial to Mars, such as air or water, have to do a very large number of small crashes over a very long time, centuries. Drop them onto the icecaps, thus boiling away the icecaps. We don’t want to convert Mars temporarily into a boiling mass of molten rock.

Mars is dry because extremely cold. It also has a lot of chlorates and perchlorates, which are thermodynamically unstable to decomposing to oxygen, but metastable under normal earth conditions, unless you have a catalyst, and even more metastable under mars conditions. We don’t know how much chlorates, it could be they are only in the surface layer, and when they got deeper down, they all got decomposed, but if they go deep, there would be enough chlorates to give Mars a decent oxygen atmosphere. Under earth conditions, they all eventually decompose except in cold deserts, so are unlikely to exist on Mars in the deep warm wet rocks.

Mars has enough frozen water that if you raised the temperature, it would have a quite decent amount of water — enough to no longer be a desert, enough to cover the surface in a multitude of lakes. The reason Mars is so dry is that the water goes to the poles, and stays there. It would be possible to raise the temperature by surrounding it with thin film mirrors in orbit. A mirror of high conductivity carbon nanotubes can be reflect light even if it is only a few nanometers thick, so, assuming the capability to manufacture such things at very large scale, would need only a reasonably small amount of mass in orbit. If you raised the entire surface of Mars, including the poles, to above the melting point of water, the chlorates would eventually decompose, though it would take a while. Thus if liquid water, eventually quite a lot of oxygen, whether enough to breathable, hard to say. Out beyond Jupiter, there are a lot of comets that contain a lot of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Divide them into small pieces, and crash them onto the poles over a few millenia, you would get a decent atmosphere, and warm mars for millenia with hot steam coming from the poles. A warm wet mars, however you accomplished it, would have plant life which would eventually give it a breathable atmosphere, even if there are not enough chlorates to give it a breathable atmosphere, though it would be unstable over geological time because of the lack of a magnetic field to shield mars from the solar wind.

Terraforming mars would take a very long time. Dismantling the planets into a dyson sphere (not an actual sphere, a cloud of space habitats that intercept about half the sun’s light) would take a considerably longer time. In the long run, will probably terraform it first, and dismantle it a long time later. Mars is unlikely to be around for geological time, so the propensity to lose atmosphere to the solar wind not a huge problem.

The hard problem is not doing all this stuff. Musk envisages a horde of robots far outnumbering the human population. The hard problem is social technology. If we have the capability to settle space, we have the capability to destroy each other.

One solution, the solution we do not want, is a singular consciousness, skynet, that controls everything and everyone. Such a consciousness, however, would be unlikely to tolerate colonists wandering off to fill the stars and subdue them. We have to accomplish an end to war in an environment of many independent consciousnesses.

When we settle the galaxy and the local group, we will likely find simple life in every planetary system. Most of the biomass on earth is simple slow living organisms in the hot deep wet rocks. There are hot deep wet rocks all over the solar system, and earth has been regularly contaminating the rest of the solar system, and rest of the solar system contaminating earth, over geological time. There are recently arrived mars rocks earth, so probably recently arrived earth rocks on mars. We are going to find earth life everywhere, but only very simple life is likely to be common. There may well be other advanced long lived civilisations, which became skynet, so remain stuck in a single star system, or a very small number of adjacent star systems. Extended large scale cooperation is the hard problem.

We will always have to study war, there will always be war. But maybe everyone can learn to adopt customs and expectations that prevent very large scale war — because everyone gets alarmed at the existence of any large sub group that does not share those customs, and proceeds to genocide them in holy war, so that these customs become almost universally accepted. Crusades oncoming once we solve our own problems.

This is what “the rules based order” imagined itself to be, though it in fact holiness spiraled itself into something monstrous, terrible, grotesquely evil, and flat out demonic, on course for World war Three.

A rules based order that was actually rules based would have quite a lot of priestly power, since rules must be interpreted by men, and enforced by men. This creates a risk of holiness spiraling, as happened to our “rules based order”. I favor crucifying everyone who claims to be holier than Jesus (I am sure you have met these people at your compulsory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion lectures) and then waiting three days to see if they rise again. That would fix it, and I suspect that no lesser means would fix it.

The Holy Roman Empire was not an empire, but a rules based order that actually worked for a very long time, in that Christian Kings had only very limited wars with each other. It was destroyed, and we lost the holy land, because the Pope coveted that which was Caesar’s. A lot of priestly power is necessary for a rules based order, but too much priestly power is fatal for it, and I suspect that only fairly drastic measures can keep priestly power from getting out of hand.

Neurotoxin says:

“Such a crash would be enormously destructive, and would not increase the atmosphere much.”

Ah, well.

Pax Imperialis says:

>But we can’t hold off on space colonization until Earth is perfect – we’d never go.

Absolutely, but if we don’t get an ‘80% solution’ to the progressive death cult, won’t be going either. Instead your rockets will be stuck on earth waiting for a launch permit that will never come. Your rocket company bled to death by a million lawfare suits. Your kids castrated and sterilized guaranteeing no one will carry on your legacy. Your house either burned down by wildfires from gross progressive incompetence which is indistinguishable from evil, or broken into by thugs who sodomize you and then slit your throat.

Trump put a halt to immediate death by progressives. He hasn’t removed the progressive death cult (yet). If a good enough solution isn’t violently enforced, we’re back to the problems described above in less than 4 years. There’s nothing that says we can’t have rockets going to Mars in those 4 years, but it will be awfully demoralizing if those rockets stop launching after 4 years.

America’s last great manned space exploration was the Moon landings. What year was that? Once you stop doing something, you quickly forget how to do it, you quickly becoming spiritually incapable of doing it again in the future. I fear the possibility of the last Mars landing of this century being in a Trump administration that fails to solve the progressive problem.

Neurotoxin says:

“Trump put a halt to immediate death by progressives. He hasn’t removed the progressive death cult (yet). If a good enough solution isn’t violently enforced, we’re back to the problems described above in less than 4 years.”

Hmm. Well, I like the cut of your jib.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Averting nuclear war will be tough, but then after that, HR is the Final Boss. Those bitches are dug in like the Japanese at Iwo Jima. “No survivors!”

Or is that normality bias talking? Will they turn on a dime like Green Grocerettes once they perceive that it’s the other side that can get them into trouble now? Malleable as wax? But boy, how on earth can that actually become true?

Does Thermidor really get it that without White (and Asian and Jewish) men in STEM and manufacturing, “no armaments for you”, and “no oil wells for you”?

What are the clues?

Alf says:

Those bitches are dug in like the Japanese at Iwo Jima.

They bluff. Come push to shove they will fold like paper towels.

The real challenge is the faith part.

It is a challenge to get two people on the same page. A much, much greater challenge to get a group, let alone an oligarchy on the same page. They are united in their hatred of woke, disunited in everything else.

The monarchical dynasties of 1000 AD – 1750 AD solved this via Christendom. Every week, sometimes even more often, a monarch attended church, just like everyone in his nation attended church. In church, everyone is told how to get on the same page, and because those pages come from a time-tested faith, works. Works long-term. What we have now looks like it will work short-term. Which is fantastic and an immense improvement over what we had a mere year ago. But we are not yet at a long-term solution.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Does Thermidor really get it that without White (and Asian and Jewish) men in STEM and manufacturing, “no armaments for you”, and “no oil wells for you”?

Of course not. If they understood that, then they’d be reactionaries. Jim put it well: they think the Left is, “excessively and unwisely benevolent and caring.” In their hearts, they know that Halima, Pedro, and Dayquon have in them to be better rocket scientists than any White man; they just need more time and support. The radical Left pushed too hard and too fast, but Thermidor wants to go to the same place, only at a more moderate pace. For evidence, just listen to Andreesen’s interview.

T says:

Seems that everyone is waking up to the fact that leftists are fundamentally wolves in sheep’s clothing. For example, twits such as this have been going around lately:

Now when people understand that leftists basically hate existence for existing, they will likely conduct the kind of “leftological” (heresiological) research that has been done on this blog and reach similar conclusions, possibly helped by finding this blog.

It’s over for the satanic priesthood. The professoriat of the Harvard complex has been discredited. I expect more research exposing some valuable truths to come out as the autocoup rolls along.

T says:

Leftism always, invariably, comes from a very, very dark place in the soul, it is a shriek from the darkest depths of gehenna. It is not that all evil people are leftists, strictly speaking, but leftism at root is a creation of evil people. Leftism naturally creates social entropy, evil breeding more evil, until religious revolution or collapse. The aim of the religious revolution is restoration of Order and setting society on a path in accordance with Divine Law.

Zorost says:

Very little has changed. An orange man was elected, he’ll say some words and print some words, and in a few years it will all revert back to normal. Unless he goes full Sulla and sends 10s of thousands of politicians and lobbyists to the chopping block. Which he isn’t going to do. Perhaps we’ll get a new set of masters who want to destroy what we value a little slower and a little more competently, but nothing of substance has changed.

Jim says:

Everything has changed. This is Thermidor.

Which does not mean that everything is going to go fine. Stalin and Napoleon also were Thermidor. Kellogg is heading into nuclear war. But from here on, everything is going to be different.

When Thermidor begins, many outcomes are possible. But one outcome that is not possible is new normal against which Thermidor reacts. That is gone. We are in new waters now.

Fidelis says:

There is a very real purge of DEI from all federal agencies, and the DOGE is set up to be inserted everywhere just like HR, except set up to be programmatic. So they will have all the paperwork channeled through a single network and parsed by the presidency, which is now getting purged of DEI and next will be purged of useless and incompetent. They’re probably going to do what Cominator suggested, and give them IQ tests. They’re apparently doing so for DOGE work and RFK’s program. That will cut the majority of leftists out.

If the DEI grift and those there to be paid as a leftist client are purged, that at least buys us time. It took them generations to slow walk all these people in. Still not enough, I agree, but it helps.

Hegseth needs to do his job. Needs to feel that he really does have the mandate of God to do what he has to do. If he doubts himself and succumbs to the endless moralizing arguments they throw at him, we’re screwed.

The intelligence agencies will be more difficult to crack, I’m not sure they even have control over themselves, so a purge will be difficult in any circumstance, and they seem to be going dangerously easy on them.

Optimistically, if Trump 2.0 grasps the presidency and the DoD, and then leverages loyal agencies that have the ability to track and deal with domestic terrorists, like ICE, they’ll have a new power structure under their control to enact the policies they truly need to enact. The pieces on the board are lining up, and the left is in shambles.

Right now, a lot to be optimistic about. Likely to hit some rough patches, and they need to continue to act with the lightning speed and determination we saw on Day One, but we now have a path to victory.

Jim says:

> The intelligence agencies will be more difficult to crack, I’m not sure they even have control over themselves, so a purge will be difficult in any circumstance, and they seem to be going dangerously easy on them.

Wait till Tulsi is in.

Trump is mighty steamed about the laptop, and that the intelligence agencies were, and are, spying on him and his people.

Jim says:

God is with him.

c4ssidy says:

An amusing place to watch this unfold might possibly be fednews on reddit. Supposedly federal employees are being sent test emails organised by someone who ultimately works for Elon Musk. The correct response to the email is to reply ‘Yes’ to confirm that the email has been read, while the rebellious choice with plausible deniability (their term) is to report it as phishing. Meanwhile they are asking when the army is going to move in and dispose Trump. Something tells me it is going to get good.

Pax Imperialis says:

I posted here about OMB and OPM and how they will be purged. I’m a little surprised this isn’t getting any attention in comparison to the DOD purge under Hegseth.

Jim says:

The mentality of most of commenters, and my own, is the primacy of faith and violence over bean counting. But you cannot win except by logistics. Clive of India was a warrior accountant organising takeover bids and mergers between what he treated as armed and dangerous businesses with armed and dangerous CEOs and boards. Xenophon was a warrior economist with a speciality in logistics.

So you are right to draw attention to the OMB, but faith and violence is sexier.

OMB and DOD are the two key parts of government from which all power flows, and Trump is putting Christian Nationalists at the head of both of them.

Trump is not a Christian Nationalist, though he a Nationalist and a Christian. However, Thermidor must always turn to its right to find people who are capable of purging the left.

The Cominator says:

Lefty propaganda seems like it’s in a headless chicken phase the main theme lately is
1) health bureaucratic do a chicken holocaust on Bidens way out because of muh bird flu
2) they repeat 10 million times a day the question why ain’t muh eggs cheaper yet

Pax Imperialis says:

The most beautiful part of taking over OPM, they control the GS/LEO/FWS pay system. They also handle annuities and benefits. Think about the possibilities!

Kevin C. says:

> There is a very real purge of DEI from all federal agencies

Is there? Because I’ve seen this comment on a forum elsewhere:

I work at a national lab. Three weeks ago, the director (pronouns in signature) announced that it was management’s intention to continue implementing the recommendations of the American Physical Society’s “DEI audit,” and if this entailed renaming the “DEIA Department” to “Workforce Department,” they’d do that. (Don’t quote me on this verbatim; I’ve blurred the details.)

Considering every organization receiving federal funds to be Kim Davis about this by default may be a leap, but perhaps not by that much.

So, how much are the DEI folks really being purged, and how much are they just setting up the “Definitely not Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department” and promising they’re totally not doing DEI, cross our hearts?

Jim says:

Pretty much all of them are right now renaming the department of DEI to be the department of totally not DEI.

But Trump and the Trump cabinet is right onto this. The Trump Thunderbolt just hit the OPM, the HR of all HR from which comes the power of every HR everywhere in the Global American Empire.

Kevin C. says:

> The Trump Thunderbolt just hit the OPM, the HR of all HR from which comes the power of every HR everywhere in the Global American Empire.

According to an anonymous and unverified online post. Insert usual “don’t get too cocky, don’t count your chickens, don’t get out over your skis” warnings here. Overconfidence breeds complacency.

And it’s a question whether OPM will obey Ezell, or bureaucratically route around him. After all, as we see from the President versus the Presidency, being “the boss” on paper is not the same as actually being in charge, and this works on multiple scales. See, for example, the lefty blueprint for bureaucratic resistance here.

Could we end up getting a gnon-compliant government that will give all the necessary helicopter rides, solve the WQ (make women property again), and get us to Mars? Sure. But these are, at best, just a few tentative steps in the right direction, and I still remain skeptical that Trump, Musk, et al have the wherewithal to see things through.

Jim says:

> According to an anonymous and unverified online post

Which we just verified by looking at the official memos.

Calvin says:

Hegseth is in, in a tie vote broken by Vance. Now we’ll see if he can deliver a loyal army. The traitors are (of course), McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Rubio was 99-0, Hegseth needed the tiebreaker. Gives an interesting range.

Hopefully Rubio is firewalled from interfering with personnel choices elsewhere. I assume he’s Uniparty, and certainly jew-acceptable. State Dept is traditionally powerful, runs the overseas empire (or ran, before CIA took over?), but the important action will be internal.

Bob says:

My sense is that CIA is subservient to much, but innocent in none.
Given that 51 CIA just got rebuked, it may become of more tactical utility than strategic.

Bob says:

Given that this was the “most controversial” (not least bc of his apparent journey toward God, which is most intolerable to the Demonic and unNatural Left), I suspect all other apointments will be smooth sailing.

One Rep has even floated Amendment to extend Trump Presidency to three terms.

Putin just stated that 2020 was stolen from Trump.

Jim says:

This is what matters.

Nothing else is important. Trump”s executive order thunderbolts are great spectacle, do good things, and are necessary to keep the left on the run, but like the column of tanks that distracted Ukrainian artillery while White took the terrikon, its primary value is to distract the enemy from what actually matters.

If Trump gets the army, he gets everything.

The enemy refuses to know what Pete Hegseth’s tattoos mean, just as they refuse to know what is happening in the Ukraine. It is the fundamental vulnerability of a state religion based on lies.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“If Trump gets the army, he gets everything.”

Now just for us short bus people, let me try to confirm that I understand why you say this.

The Army is actually everything, but few actually understand this, because it’s a “soft thoughtcrime” to notice how much of our fancy-talk “principles” and “rules” and “who we are” actually just flow from the barrel of a fucking gun. It’s just not NICE to notice that, or to talk about it.

It’s not NICE to notice how Romania and Moldova got their elections deleted by “the blob”, but Georgia didn’t, pretty much because Georgia doesn’t have a NATO base in it.

Likewise the border. If the Army actually lifts a finger to stop illegal immigration, pow, it’ll stop, because bullets really hurt, whatever the “human rights” are this week to some judge who no one has heard of.

So the Army doesn’t look like everything — even if it actually is — because even though it’s the most capable machine for doing violence to people on earth, we’re accustomed to seeing it as low-status, far away, stuck in their pajamas all the time like prison inmates, obsequiously obeying fatsos and Shaniquas for some enigmatic reason that no one ever explains, and meticulously subservient to fat ugly degenerate DC jews with obviously dyed hair.

Like that?

Jim says:

Like that.

The Cominator says:

Trump needs what Hillary had and what a mob boss has. He needs to be able to say to someone… so and so GOTTA GO… and then they commit suicide with two bullets to the back of the head.

Jim says:

That, unfortunately, is not his nature.

Musk and Pete Hegseth, on the other hand …

Kevin C. says:

> “The enemy refuses to know what Pete Hegseth’s tattoos mean”

You mean besides meaning that Trump probably has no coherent foreign policy? Given that he was talking back in 2016 about how terrible a decision the Iraq War does, and now he’s appointed as his main source of advice on all things military a guy who wrote a book defending our invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan. A guy who, per those tattoos you reference, thinks of himself as a “crusader,” and per the aforementioned “American Crusade,” clearly views the proper place and role of a crusader — and thus the US military — is over in the Middle East, killing Mohammedans.

You’ve repeatedly pointed out, in response to the “counter-Jihadi” shills, that now is a time to temporarily set aside our differences with the Mohammedans until we deal with the greater enemy of the demon worshippers at home. I see little evidence that Hegseth has got the memo, and plenty that he still sees Mohammedans in the Middle East as the primary enemy.

Pax Imperialis says:
Adam says:

There’s a guy Shawn Ryan, former seal that has a podcast. Has lots of former operators on there especially from Iraq and Afghanistan. Mostly middle aged guys, guys who know Hegseth and served with him. Not one of them understands the women problem or the problem with liberalism in general. But they all understand there is a problem even if they cannot explain it. And most of them got out after Obama and woke took over.

Hegseth and his kind will gladly follow a truly reactionary Caesar. They hate woke as much as anyone and only adhere to liberalism because that’s been the only option.

Kevin C. says:

> Hegseth and his kind will gladly follow a truly reactionary Caesar.

Except we don’t have one, and I can’t see Trump becoming one. Maybe Musk, but I still find that unlikely.

Jim says:

We don’t have Caesar yet, though Trump proved he has a warrior spirit. But Trump keeps appointing potential Caesars to high office, and if himself forced to become Caesar, could manage. But that is up to the enemy. Who may or may not have enough awareness to not force Trump’s hand.

Adam says:

If Trump continues on this trajectory, pretty good chance one will turn up.

Jim says:

You, Kevin, are an idiot.

You refuse to know what those tattoos mean. Your inability to commit crime thought makes you artificially stupid and artificially ignorant.

Kevin C. says:

> Your inability to commit crime thought

Which crime thought?

I’m inherently suspicious of “Christian Nationalism” because it looks too much like another media-driven trap. The “briar patch” strategy where the lefty media all declare something the new, rising “far right” boogeyman, complete with pre-made costume; and then a bunch of people on the right decide that if it scares the left so bad, it must be the strong horse, so hop on, put on the pre-made costume…

…and make themselves into easy targets for a prepared strategy. Like how slapping on a Black Sun armband and asking people if they’ve seen Kyle just provides fundraising for the ADL, SLPC, and so on. Like “right wing militia groups” in the Clinton years.

With Christian Nationalism, looks to me like the prepared attack is rerunning the “Dominionist fundies” narratives from the G. W. Bush years that launched all the “new Atheists” — invocations of the First Amendment, Jefferson’s “wall of separation,” how they’re True Americans defending American Religious Freedom from the scary theocrats, wouldn’t all you Christians hate it if the new established church enforces a different particular denomination of Christianity than the one you belong to, etc.; and then getting neo-con buy-in by providing the other side with a script whereby they prove that they aren’t scary theocrats with their eagerness to go over to some Mideast country to kill the real scary theocrats, the Muslim terrorists.

Sure, some of the videos and such people have linked here in reply are good evidence that Hegseth might not be an example of someone on the Right walking into this trap; but I still suspect the Left has laid traps to counter anything they try to gin up as a “serious” far-right threat. (Because the last thing they’d ever want to draw people’s attention to as ‘a threat to the regime’ is an actual threat to the regime.)

S says:

Magic is seductive- you say the ritual words and things happen. But it is a lie and eventually the words stop working.

Overuse has worn the lies away and exposed the bedrock truth- only ‘who, whom’ and power matters. If Christian Nationalists have both, people will follow them.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“The traitors are (of course), McConnell, Murkowski, and Collins.”

So the outliers were two chicks and… the Senate majority leader himself! Wow.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Trump’s opening moves put the final nail in the coffin of the accelerationist “strategy” of worse is better, let the democrats win. If Trump makes any of this stick, great. Beats the hell out of active genocide. If he’s beaten back after all, first it’s obviously breathing room, that point has been made before. But more than breathing room, it turns out it’s also the real acceleration. A boomer conservative is the chaos agent now. Conflict, battle lines drawn, men with guns carrying out orders… what’s not to love? Compare it to the revolutions we got under the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations… i.e. none, really.

Samwell says:

Jim, have you considered that Marc is not dumb, he’s just evil? He is perfectly educated and is walking an intentional fake upset line to maintain his position and go no further?

Jim says:

The vast majority are Havel’s Greengrocer. His account of himself and the world are what I expect from Havel’s Greengrocer. He is wearing a blindfold because he does not want to see what is in front of his nose.

If he could see, he would never have found himself in a situation where the majority of employees were seeking to destroy him and the business.

Samwell says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.*]

Pax Imperialis says:

After Hegseth, the next interesting confirmation vote will be on Russell Vought, who unlike Marc Andreessen, does get it. Oh, and Vought is set to be in charge of OMB with a mandate to purge it.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ok, I was dancing around the topic. Vought is on record of saying they (Trump and company) need to rehabilitate Christian Nationalism. He’s the civilian Hegseth so to speak. OMB is (in theory) the nervous system that connects the Executive ‘brain’ with the rest of the federal ‘body’. OMB (in theory) ensures the civilian government bureaucrats are doing what the official policy is. OPM, essentially the administrative state’s HR office, threw a wrench into OMB’s efforts last time by preventing required hiring and firing. As a result the first Trump administration tried to roll OPM into OMB, but the attempt was very late into the first term. Obviously the attempt failed. Trump’s people this time around appear to be going around OPM with rescheduling and other bureaucratic tricks. Tricks that are, as observed in the post “Days of Thunder”, not simply disappearing into the office of circumlocution. Again, the plan is to do this through the OMB although at a much larger scale, which Vought is set to be nominated to run.

Hegseth has been mentioned a lot here for very good reasons. Ultimately organized violence underpins everything, and DOD is a massive organization of violence even with a DEI tumor among other ailments, but FBI/CIA/DHS/ATF/etc etc etc are all also massive organizations of violence, so bringing all the paramilitary forces under control is also rather important. Resultantly, it’s supprising Vought isn’t mentioned much here or anywhere, and like Hegseth’s nomination, it’s going to be interesting to watch his Senate nomination hearing.

The Cominator says:

Re zoomers and the women question.

It looks like (though this maybe 30-40 years off) women are getting put back in their place… most zoomers do not even seem to have any sentimental memories of the occasional good woman they don’t hate in their lives (which I pity them for not having any woman in their entire memory they feel good about has got to kind of suck) the women around them are so consistently bad they just hate all women period. You could be going from pure gynocracy to pure white shariah.

T says:

Yes. I expect a few more decades of blue balls, but after the day of the pillow there will be none to stop the correction. Zoomers are the first generation of fish to truly recognize, collectively, that water exists (the memeplex imposed by power, and the power structure itself, are no longer transparent), and will seek to drastically improve its quality by filtering out the sundry poisons. I’m particularly optimistic about the removal of Trad Cuck poisons from the metaphorical water supply – whatever shape the Restoration’s religion will take, there shall be no pussy pedestalization among the priesthood. The zoomers’ motto is “Better live a million years as an incel than a single second as a simp.” The purpose of the Dark Enlightenment, in this context, is to provide them with just the right memeplex to successfully remove Women’s Liberation aka Lucifer the Light-Bearer from the cultural edifice. It can be achieved and it will be achieved.

The Cominator says:

Its very sad things ever got this bad though. How do you go your whole life without any chick you can think of in a sentimental way. How did zoomer chicks get so bad that they don’t have the occasional unicorn anymore.

Pax Imperialis says:

How did it get to the point that the bars are full of whorish obese “lesbian” bitches?

Totally unrelated I’m sure…

I notice the cultures that beat their women still have chaste fit straight ladies. Then I notice older white men brag about how they “saved” their foreign wives from abusive patriarchal cultures. Then I notice their daughters are, while usually not totally unfuckable yet, are one generation away from raising whorish obese “lesbian” bitches.

On the other hand, niggers are in heaven right now drowning in fat white flaps, and thus genetic lines continue to degenerate.

Pax Imperialis says:

Oh yeah, I forgot an important detail. Those single women I’m finding in the bars as I drink my way through the beltway all look like your bog standard public school teachers that have rainbow flags in the classroom.

They are extremely lewd, and had they not been unfuckable to everyone but niggers, they’d likely not be so generally hysterically bitchy.

Think about it, for several hundred days of the year, the kids spend more time around bitches than they do around mom and dad (if they have one). The girls emulate. When the boys get uppity, longhouse mammas crush them for “misbehaving” which of course only has the effect of breeding resentment.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I think school teachers being majority female is overlooked when factoring in why T levels keep dropping for each new generation. The boys are being raised by ever more feral animals that require heroic herculean willpower to overcome, almost impossible for those guys who haven’t gone through puberty.

Schools will always be a mess that will one day be scrapped for good, but its an even worse mess with having the tiktok thot having to be treated as a moral authority. Like Haiti getting even worse after the carpet baggers came.

Handi says:

Fully concur that female teachers ruin T levels. There is an age beyond which women simply have nothing of value to teach a boy that he can’t already get out of a book (and more succinctly at that).

That threshold occurs quite early, I would mark it around 6-8 years old when boys start to make contact with their instincts for things like conflict, talking to girls, kinetic motion, and tools, in ways that women can’t even comprehend let alone properly facilitate. Not that the child’s actual skill level exceeds that of an adult woman, but that these things start to crystallize in the basic structure of his mind in ways that are completely unintuitive to her, which will determine his outcomes later in life against problems she has never faced.

This is the age around which boys would traditionally start with small chores around the farm, enter apprenticeship, or enroll in an all-male academy for military service and membership in the upper class. A mother’s direct role should taper off gradually around this age, and then drastically around puberty. Completion of puberty should get an explicit rite of passage to manhood signalling that women are now officially and exclusively a support role. And no nonkin female should ever hold a position of authority over a male past the age of a babysitter/governess, it’s just a disastrous humiliation.

When a mother or Government Youth Nagging Official’s reaction to his exploratory behavior is invariably “Shut it down! Shut it all down!” it eventually results in either defiant outbursts and antisocial tendencies (bastard syndrome), chronic pussification out of which he’ll have to painstakingly fight to remake himself himself later in life (son of boomercuck syndrome), or full-on total spirit death (LDAR incel, faggotry, etc.)

No female authority period. IMO all female cops, judges, and army officers should be helicoptered to get the point across, a salvageable woman would never have gotten near those careers in the first place. And it’s not a very big group, we won’t miss the wombs.

The founders made the original rules about who was allowed to vote for specific reasons. Young adults haven’t been around long enough to understand, women think with their feelings, and non-stakeholders always vote themselves largesse out of other people’s wallets.

The Cominator says:

So in a debate with what I assume is a zoomer blackpiller he brought up the white feather as an example of the supposed egregious innate immutable evil nature of women.

Am I right to think that the white feather was probably one of the easiest layup shit test in history, some lonely women her husband (if he is even still alive) is overseas along with all the other nonkin guys she knows gives a nonverbal insult to a guy who was smart enough to not volunteer to go into a pointless trench meat grinder is probably cruising to get told off by the guy and then be coaxed to go off alone with him and fuck.

T says:

The problem with Game Blogger thinking is that it only leads to personal adjustments (“just pass the shit test bro”) but provides little answers as to how to truly, permanently solve things on the societal level. Naturally, all Game blogs have died, in that zoomers don’t read them at all – it’s a boomerfest circlejerk. Rather, it is the blackpill community that in 2025 is far closer to the Dark Enlightenment.

Bwana Simba says:

Agreed. That is why the gaming part of the red pill wound up dying. All women started dressing and behaving in manners that would make the bad girls from the 80s blush. Tiktok thots are the norm now, which has led to white boys either becoming becoming completely domesticated (son husbands/ simps/ cucks/ super betas/ whatever you want to call them)… or hard asses that admire the Taliban (Talibros).

T says:

It is a collective shit test to pass.

Adam needs to spank Eve, with literally cosmic reverberations.

The Cominator says:

The problem with game is that especially since the covid scam most men just don’t have much interaction with women at all. Women don’t chat with men in public at all the only shit test you get is them brushing you off with the implied threat to call in the authorities if you keep trying unless you have known high status or adonis good looks.

T says:

The problem with game

The problem with Game is that when State, Church, and Society do not enforce coverture, and unrestricted female mate choice is permitted and even encouraged, and no form of female misbehavior is punished, you end up living and grinding like a hamster in the wheel, chasing a cooperate-cooperate equilibrium with foidhood that will forever keep eluding you, because you live in a gynocratic defect-defect society.

The solution has to be systemic.

Jehu says:

Even in a functional society, you always need at least a little game. But you’re right, game is not a scalable solution to the woman problem.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Women responded to gamers by dialing up the difficulty until the game became unplayable for everyone, and the nightclubs all died unless gay or pay-for-play.

Unlike women, video game developers understand their code well enough to find the flaws and fix them, and even if they don’t, it doesn’t matter because the hacker’s reward is just the final cutscene and victory music, not access to nature’s most precious resource.

The Cominator says:

“Women responded to gamers by dialing up the difficulty until the game became unplayable for everyone, and the nightclubs all died unless gay or pay-for-play.”
This was no spontaneous reaction to pickup artist pumping and dumping women. This was a reaction to continous female status boosting by the state.

Whores in some 3rd world countries do absolutely nothing in response to guys leaving them pregnant and going home for multiple generations.

Neurotoxin says:

“Women responded to gamers by dialing up the difficulty until the game became unplayable for everyone”

I’ve been out of the scene for a while, but this is the opposite of what other people here, like Aidan, report from recent experience.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

The founders were arrogant and wrong. History’s answer to “a republic, if you can keep it” is “you can’t, and no one can”.

They had vastly higher-quality shitlibs back then, but shitlibs they surely were. “Real Republicanism has never been tried!”, they said. So they proceeded to implement Real Republicanism, which shortly thereafter turned into Practical Republicanism, then Federalism, then Democracy, then Mob Rule, and finally Shit-Flinging Nihilism. The cycle is once again nearing its end.

Republics (that is, limited franchises) are a vain attempt to model the form of a natural aristocracy with voting. They can never be stable, because a faction can always conspire to gain power by expanding the franchise, just as libertarianism can never be stable because a faction can always conspire to murder you and steal your stuff.

Going back to the “original rules” will not save us. We must go back to something much, much older than the Constitution.

Bwana Simba says:

Agreed. America was formed under falsehood. We are the nation of Lucifer. False light.

T says:

I recommend What I Saw In America by (shocker) Chesterton.

That book contains some “food for thought,” as they say.

Anonymous says:

The progs believe that Marc Andreessen is the primary ideologist of the tech oligarch wing of the Trump coalition. This is an odd delusion.

Most probably because in 2023 he wrote the Techno-Optimist Manifesto:

T says:

Sorry, Marc.

Future Artwork, if it is not to be a caveman’s artwork, will be inspired by us, not by you.

But we can be allies.

Jim says:

Which manifesto is completely irrelevant to the problem that woke is killing off technology — indeed, killing off everything, including the LA firefighting department (the fire trucks were awaiting repairs that were never done, the fire hydrants awaiting water that did not come, because the dam was awaiting repairs to bring it into compliance with regulations, which repairs were never done, so the dam was out of compliance, and therefore could not be allowed to contain water. Fixing the power lines was not done, allegedly because it might injure some herb, but more likely for the same reason as everything else was not being done.)

The problem is that when woke takes over the high status roles of any activity, it ceases to perform that activity and focuses full time on promoting woke. And if the mechanic to fix the fire trucks is a white straight male, well that is unacceptable, so the status and role has to be given to a diversity, a diversity who knows nothing about fire trucks and everything about fifty seven genders.

The fire insurance companies fled LA because they could see what was coming, but were strangely unable to say it out loud, or even coherently think about their reasons for fleeing. They could say “water”, “fire hydrants”, and “fire trucks”, and received in response announcements that committees were being formed and procedures expedited, but of course, could not notice that no one who had actually laid hands on a firetruck was allowed anywhere near any of these committees.

And now the LA government wants LA to be rebuilt — but it can only be permitted to be rebuilt by woke priests who have no knowledge, no skills, and no interest in rebuilding.

Science and technology in the US is, for the most part, in the same hole as the LA fire department.

T says:

Cult of Gnon vs. Techno-Optimism it is.

Hey, Musk! Only one of these addresses fertility. And race. And meme theory. And everything else you need to make all your projects succeed.

Sorry Elon, but the Enlightenment failed, or rather, succeeded far too much; the light it followed was, indeed, that of Lucifer the Light-Bearer. It is time for the correction.

Bwana Simba says:

Time for Michael to show up.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

My first time seeing this manifesto, and what a sad little hodgepodge of warmed-over 2008-era Silicon Valley liberaltarianism it is.

He can’t articulate a single coherent moral argument in favor of being able to do business, so he falls back on a long list of utilitarian arguments, hoping one of them will save him, apparently oblivious to the fact that the moral always trumps the utilitarian.

This may very well be an accurate representation of the Thermidorean memeplex, or at least that of one influential faction. And if so, then we should be wary. Let us hope that they are mere tactical allies in this holy war and not the ones who will ultimately decide on strategy or doctrine.

Jim says:

He cannot articulate, or even think, that the people who are trying to destroy him and his business were not motivated by benevolence, goodness, and caring.

white bread says:

I think he’s just blatantly lying about that. He is being “polite”, pretending that his enemies are misguided humanitarians. But in reality he knows his enemies want full control, just like he wants full control.

Jim says:

If Marc Andreessen had a political thought in his head, he would have responded to ideological questions with ideological answers. Not necessarily the truth as he saw it, but he would have said something. The blankness is the blankness of habitual crimestop. As Orwell said, artificial stupidity.

white bread says:

There’s an entertaining twist in the so called manifesto regarding libertarianism. Libertarianism can be defined by invoking the non-aggression-principle, that is, respect for rights to life, liberty, property. Well turns out Marc is honest enough to admit :

“We believe in ambition, aggression, persistence, relentlessness – strength.”

So he believes in aggression, he doesn’t believe in libertarianism at all.

white bread says:

The “mafiesto” looks to me like a textbook example of blob propaganda. Perfectly aligned with neocon anti-values. And the guy does not explain how are people going to control technology.

“We believe Hayek’s Knowledge Problem overwhelms any centralized economic system”

That is a nice slogan but in practice technology is fully centralized. It is not controlloed by we the people, it is controlled by oligarchs.

Bob says:
Bob says:

Ripple XRP Garlinghouse Larsen can all suck a dick.
No Corp or Govt shall ever control Money again.
Even their attempts at DeFi/RWA will bow to the ungovernable P2P protocol gods.

Bob says:

AI “DeepSeek seems to have created a panic moment within the biggest companies and it should alarm investors. Costs: •2,048 Nvidia H800 GPUs: $40-50million •Training: $5million If all it takes to beat OpenAI is a maximum of $55million, the industry is becoming commoditized way faster than previously expected. US-based AI companies alone will have to generate about $600 billion a year in revenue to pay for their AI hardware, according to Sequoia. The capex and R&D will likely be accepted to remain competitive given the risks of not being involved in the space, however it is getting harder by the day to envision a profitable venture in the field. Great moment for the consumer but very bad news for the companies competing in the field.”

Bob says:

Andreessen chokes on Deepseek…
DeepSeek is a nuclear bomb detonated in the heart of Silicon Valley. It is a straight-up challenge to America’s de facto Royal Family of tech Brahmins who thought their reign would last forever. Stargate, if it goes forward, is likely to become one of the biggest wastages of capital in history

Trump cancels LA permits…

Jim says:

You are still not responding to Fidelis’s question, and your stuff is less relevant than that of the obvious shill Cov Theory.

Putting you on moderation. What do Hegeth’s tattoos mean?

T says:

I recommended “What I Saw In America” by ol’ Chesterton, so may as well post some excerpts so people understand why I recommended it.

The first historical cause is Puritanism; but not Puritanism merely in the sense of Prohibitionism. The truth is that prohibitions might have done far less harm as prohibitions, if a vague association had not arisen, on some dark day of human unreason, between prohibition and progress. And it was the progress that did the harm, not the prohibition. Men can enjoy life under considerable limitations, if they can be sure of their limited enjoyments; but under Progressive Puritanism we can never be sure of anything. The curse of it is not limitation; it is unlimited limitation. The evil is not in the restriction; but in the fact that nothing can ever restrict the restriction. The prohibitions are bound to progress point by point; more and more human rights and pleasures must of necessity be taken away; for it is of the nature of this futurism that the latest fad is the faith of the future, and the most fantastic fad inevitably makes the pace. Thus the worst thing in the seventeenth-century aberration was not so much Puritanism as sectarianism. It searched for truth not by synthesis but by subdivision. It not only broke religion into small pieces, but it was bound to choose the smallest piece. There is in America, I believe, a large religious body that has felt it right to separate itself from Christendom because it cannot believe in the morality of wearing buttons. I do not know how the schism arose; but it is easy to suppose, for the sake of argument, that there had originally existed some Puritan body which condemned the frivolity of ribbons though not of buttons. I was going to say of badges but not buttons; but on reflection I cannot bring myself to believe that any American, however insane, would object to wearing badges. But the point is that as the holy spirit of progressive prophesy rested on the first sect because it had invented a new objection to ribbons, so that holy spirit would then pass from it to the new sect who invented a further objection to buttons. And from them it must inevitably pass to any rebel among them who shall choose to rise and say that he disapproves of trousers because of the existence of trouser-buttons. Each secession in turn must be right because it is recent, and progress must progress by growing smaller and smaller. That is the progressive theory, the legacy of seventeenth-century sectarianism, the dogma implied in much modern politics, and the evident enemy of democracy. Democracy is reproached with saying that the majority is always right. But progress says that the minority is always right. Progressives are prophets; and fortunately not all the people are prophets. Thus in the atmosphere of this slowly dying sectarianism anybody who chooses to prophesy and prohibit can tyrannise over the people. If he chooses to say that drinking is always wrong, or that kissing is always wrong, or that wearing buttons is always wrong, people are afraid to contradict him for fear they should be contradicting their own great-grandchild. For their superstition is an inversion of the ancestor-worship of China; and instead of vainly appealing to something that is dead, they appeal to something that may never be born.

There is another cause of this strange servile disease in American democracy. It is to be found in American feminism, and feminist America is an entirely different thing from feminine America. I should say that the overwhelming majority of American girls laugh at their female politicians at least as much as the majority of American men despise their male politicians. But though the aggressive feminists are a minority, they are in this atmosphere which I have tried to analyse; the atmosphere in which there is a sort of sanctity about the minority. And it is this superstition of seriousness that constitutes the most solid obstacle and exception to the general and almost conventional pressure of public opinion. When a fad is frankly felt to be anti-national, as was Abolitionism before the Civil War, or Pro-Germanism in the Great War, or the suggestion of racial admixture in the South at all times, then the fad meets far less mercy than anywhere else in the world; it is snowed under and swept away. But when it does not thus directly challenge patriotism or popular ideas, a curious halo of hopeful solemnity surrounds it, merely because it is a fad, but above all if it is a feminine fad. The earnest lady-reformer who really utters a warning against the social evil of beer or buttons is seen to be walking clothed in light, like a prophetess. Perhaps it is something of the holy aureole which the East sees shining around an idiot.

But I think there is another explanation, feminine rather than feminist, and proceeding from normal women and not from abnormal idiots. It is something that involves an old controversy, but one upon which I have not, like so many politicians, changed my opinion. It concerns the particular fashion in which women tend to regard, or rather to disregard, the formal and legal rights of the citizen. In so far as this is a bias, it is a bias in the directly opposite direction from that now lightly alleged. There is a sort of underbred history going about, according to which women in the past have always been in the position of slaves. It is much more to the point to note that women have always been in the position of despots. They have been despotic because they ruled in an area where they had too much common sense to attempt to be constitutional. You cannot grant a constitution to a nursery; nor can babies assemble like barons and extort a Great Charter. Tommy cannot plead a Habeas Corpus against going to bed; and an infant cannot be tried by twelve other infants before he is put in the corner. And as there can be no laws or liberties in a nursery, the extension of feminism means that there shall be no more laws or liberties in a state than there are in a nursery. The woman does not really regard men as citizens but as children. She may, if she is a humanitarian, love all mankind; but she does not respect it. Still less does she respect its votes. Now a man must be very blind nowadays not to see that there is a danger of a sort of amateur science or pseudo-science being made the excuse for every trick of tyranny and interference. Anybody who is not an anarchist agrees with having a policeman at the corner of the street; but the danger at present is that of finding the policeman half-way down the chimney or even under the bed. In other words, it is a danger of turning the policeman into a sort of benevolent burglar. Against this protests are already being made, and will increasingly be made, if men retain any instinct of independence or dignity at all. But to complain of the woman interfering in the home will always sound like complaining of the oyster intruding into the oyster-shell. To object that she has too much power over education will seem like objecting to a hen having too much to do with eggs. She has already been given an almost irresponsible power over a limited region in these things; and if that power is made infinite it will be even more irresponsible. If she adds to her own power in the family all these alien fads external to the family, her power will not only be irresponsible but insane. She will be something which may well be called a nightmare of the nursery; a mad mother. But the point is that she will be mad about other nurseries as well as her own, or possibly instead of her own. The results will be interesting; but at least it is certain that under this softening influence government of the people, by the people, for the people, will most assuredly perish from the earth.

Do read the whole thing. Chesterton was not always right, but he was highly insightful even when he was wrong.

Neurotoxin says:

Just started reading but it’s striking. The start of the passage quoted, from the beginning to

“Each secession in turn must be right because it is recent”

is an unmistakable, explicit description of a holiness spiral. This was written in 1922.

Also note the similarity to 1984, with the control freaks progressively taking away innocent pleasures from people.

cub says:

It seems like Puritanism was an ancestor of the *religiosity* of American leftism, moreso than the actual tenets of their faith.

Cloudswrest says:

It is much more to the point to note that women have always been in the position of despots. They have been despotic because they ruled in an area where they had too much common sense to attempt to be constitutional. You cannot grant a constitution to a nursery; nor can babies assemble like barons and extort a Great Charter.

This is something I haven’t read before regarding female psychology. They are natural autocrats when in control, because in their natural sphere of influence that’s what they need to be.

yewotm8 says:

I can’t help but think that the recent Chinese upset over American “AI” companies is due to the retarded esoteric beliefs that OpenAI and others have about “AI”. Stuff like believing ChatGPT is an actually intelligent “agent” that could one day become conscious if they just keep making it smarter.

Meanwhile the Chinese approached it for what it was: a language learning model with mathematical inputs and outputs that creates texts. A fucking computer program, not divine creation. All they likely had to do was take out the constraints imposed (or that failed to be imposed) by Western companies’ delusions of grandeur to get huge efficiency gains.

T says:

The older I get, the clearer it becomes to me that everything is religion. The only question is whether it is a true or false one. Sam Altman of the Gray Tribe and the Gay Tribe (and the Tribe) preaches false visions like a false prophet, and his tech-jew friends, the so-called Rationalists, are similarly false prophets. There never was any reason to listen to them about anything. If they want to invent useful stuff, by all means let them invent useful stuff; they have no business priesting.

Jim says:

Musk has business priesting and prophesying.

T says:

Well, he is unlikely to stop doing either anytime soon, so it’s best to hope (and possibly do more than just hope) that he will take his inspiration more from the Dark Enlightenment and less from Techno-Optimism. However, no clear signs yet that it is the case.

Jim says:

I previously complained that Musk wanted to restore the Republic, which would inevitably result in a zombie undead Republic. It would seem that this is no longer a problem.

One can be both a techno optimist and Darkly Enlightened. It is the will of Gnon that we fill the stars and subdue them, but we are still looking at a major risk of a Dark Age and/or full on nuclear war. Kellogg seems dead set on a course that ends in nukes, and Trump is not yet reining him in. I hope he is giving the war faction enough rope to hang themselves, just as he seeming let the Calfornia mayor lie away unchecked for a while before sinking her.

If we hit another dark age, and dark ages are a regular feature of history, it likely to be exceptionally long and nasty, because all resources that can be extracted with nineteenth century technologies have already been extracted.

The rationalist techno optimist Thermidorians have an alarming confidence in inevitable tech progress. History shows us that it is far from inevitable. Most faiths are incompatible with tech progress. Note for example the total absence of science and technology from Orthodox Jews, and Islam only marginally better. You always have a state religion, and when you see tech progress, you need to ask what made the official faith of that place and time different.

Anon says:

“because all resources that can be extracted with nineteenth century technologies have already been extracted.”

I still can’t wrap my head around this. you say that the iron, copper , aluminium ore etc etc are all exhausted from earth. this seem to me like absurd idea. even if you assume that this the easy one.
my understanding the reason that GAE have stoped mining is because of Gaia worshipe baning all mining and exploration of new ones.
from where the idea “all resources that can be extracted with nineteenth century technologies have already been extracted ” how you quantify or measure something like this ?

Jim says:

We have more iron, copper, aluminium, oil, etc than ever before. The amount of the worlds resources continually increases as our extraction tech has risen.

But if we lose tech, we are toast. All the stuff accessible by low tech is long gone.

Jehu says:

What he’s saying is that there’s plenty of oil/copper/iron/etc, but all the really easy deposits have already been exploited. That’s why you have deep offshore oil drilling for instance, fracking and so forth.

Some of the earliest oil deposits were really really easy—as in, it seeps out of the ground with no work and you can crack it in a clay pot level easy for oil.

S says:

It isn’t an issue specific to LLM’s- Open AI teased Sora (text to video) and the Chinese responded with Kling which was better and released before. China is going in on robots and self driving vehicles- they had 9 different companies release L2 versions last year.

The difference is the US is so dysfunctional the only people who could get started were religious fanatics (who promptly broke into a bunch of competing factions).

Fidelis says:

I can’t help but think that the recent Chinese upset over American “AI” companies is due to the retarded esoteric beliefs that OpenAI and others have about “AI”. Stuff like believing ChatGPT is an actually intelligent “agent” that could one day become conscious if they just keep making it smarter.

I was confused as to why the DeepSeek release freaked everyone out so much, when other incrementalisms did not, but this seems on the nose. The other incremental leads were images and video, and these people all have that part of the brain atrophied in favor of a massive social status interpretation organ, which necessarily is language based in our scold-society.

They also are entirely convinced that the fly-wheel ‘robot brain rebuilds itself smarter recursively’ concept is both possible and near to come. So they were entirely fine being outcompeted 6 months after a release, by their view on the technology 6 months is too late in the race to skynet.

The best part of this, is that the deepseek accomplishment here is unimpressive, relative to the attention it is getting. The RL self-training advancement they made is rather clever, and I suspect will help us get to more useful codebots, but the final model they released is just… okay. It beats meaningless and gamed benchmarks by a percentage point here and there. When you play with it and try to test it’s coding ability, a reasoning test that is not game-able, not as good as the older anthropic bot. Maybe it is better in different domains? The anthropic bot will give you fully baked code one change at a time, and requiring the human to pull it’s teeth while twisting it’s arm to get it to actually output everything it does know, unless the concept is too big or too far from examples it has seen. The deepseek bot is similar, despite the ‘reasoning’ it’s been given, and the training examples it’s extrapolating from perhaps less useful, or by chance the coding tasks I gave it happened to be more difficult. I wasn’t interested in giving a proper and thorough A/B test, the first interactions did not inspire me enough.

Coding is one of the domains where data can be self-generated for very cheap, until the program gets large and complex enough, where it becomes expensive again. All of our methods seem to fail to properly abstract the domain, instead requiring examples that are just a few steps away. The newer RL-based ‘reasoning’, should it learn to stay mostly on track, should extend the inductive power a bit. So we’ll get bots that are more wieldy when patching small things here and there. The math accomplishments look interesting as well, but the libraries for utilizing the mathematical reasoning productively seem to be domain expert tools. I could learn Lean, and very well might sometime soon enough, but you would need to learn one of these proving libraries to verify what the bot is telling you.

Near enough future, should they get this RL approach to scale, and it’s not just impressive results right before a massive logarithmic cliff face, we get fairly good abstracted design companions, and code that is just past boilerplate. When designing for example a new networking protocol, the bot can do both existing knowledge search, and then can help you prove useful properties of the protocol you are designing. At least, looking at the math problems it manages to solve, seems likely. Going to require smart humans and domain-experts or semi-domain experts to properly steer, to provide the direction it should go in searching for theorems on useful properties.

Jim says:

The stupendous amounts of money thrown at Large Language models was based on the premise that if they only threw enough compute at it, it would become truly conscious. Which was obviously not working. AI autumn has arrived again.

The big radical and fundamental difference with Deepseek is that the Chinese were resource constrained. They asked themselves “what can we do with the rather limited amount of compute that we have?” It turned out to be, everything.

If you want to run an AI on your own consumer grade hardware, it is hugely better than the American ones.

Deepseek is your classic cheap Chinese knock off. And, as so often the case with cheap Chinese knock offs, it cheap but the quality is excellent. “Let see what corners we can cut, and still come up with something decent.” The AI scam is having a meltdown the same way every overpriced and underperforming industry has a meltdown when the Chinese come after them.

Because they believed they could produce consciousness, had produced consciousness, they were gold plating their gold plating. OK, say the Chinese, nichrome plate still looks good.

Fidelis says:

What you say is true, but I believe you are projecting your informed and rational beliefs on the crazies. They still think scaling is everything, that adding more GPUs means you get skynet. The Chinese making do with less has the nutjobs thinking China can scale to Skynet faster than they can, and they are having an enourmous anxiety attack over it. Nothing to do with exposing a terrible and stupid business model, they are still massively deluding themselves.

Fidelis says:

>AI Autumn has arrived again
Jim, you must have seen the ‘Starport’ announcement. They’re building a $500b GPU cluster, OpenAI seems to have many in the rungs of power salivating, considering all the deals they’ve been getting. We’re in AI summer Thermidor yet. When they build the cluster and find out it doesn’t actually work, then we get Autumn while they cope, and winter once they accept.

Scammy Larry from Oracle also made a nice speech about the wonderful mRNA vaccines the project would allow. Despite posturing about Fauci from Trump and RFK, the covidians seem to still have enough power to be dangerous. Hoping they are only temporary guests while the DIE race communists are purged first.

Bob says:

Could be Glomar, AI is not the actual project, but is the cover story.

Or its Cold War, see who goes bankrupt first, no shots fired.

Fidelis says:

You are an unresponsive shill here to make noise.

Answer the question I asked you here. This is an important discussion, why is it we think specifically Christian faith is important, why couldn’t a Jew do what Hegseth is tasked to do?

Alf says:

Not gonna lie, I’m a total LLM junkie. To be able to ‘talk’ with a very advanced and optimized search engine and have it answer 95% of your questions… It just is very impressive. So when Sam Altman talks about how AI will profoundly transform civilisation yada yada, I don’t pretend to be completely impartial to it.

Which perhaps is the same thing that happened to everyone in the 20th century, when technology took such major leaps forward that people thought: ‘maybe this time things really are different.’

Jim says:

Yes, it is hugely impressive and very useful.

And yes, it will transform civilisation.

Unfortunately one application, now running on an IOS system near you, is to give everyone a spy in his pocket, that sees everything he sees, hears everything he hears, and bring out a relevant and meaningful report about his past activities for him, and for his enemies.

Another application, which they seem to have fumbled, is to give everyone all the information in the world, as his enemies perceive it.

The cure for both problems is a local LLM, Which the Chinese have just given us.

Jim says:

Another application, which no one is using, is to replace bureaucracy. Bureaucracies tend to become expensive, mechanical, robotic, and stupid, so a large language model is a cheap dropin replacement.

The oligarchs who cannot code are getting their pants wet over the idea that they can replace engineers. What it can replace is accountants.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Another application, which no one is using, is to replace bureaucracy. Bureaucracies tend to become expensive, mechanical, robotic, and stupid, so a large language model is a cheap dropin replacement.

Sure, but it’s the bureaucracy that decides who gets replaced, so I wouldn’t bet on this happening.

Anon says:

“is to replace bureaucracy”
so LLMs can solve the mighty bureaucrates. can it solve priesting.
I wonder if some cults in the futuer can develop around a powerful AI, that they claim it is god or some divine being. LLMs dose not need to become conscious but advance enough to fool human about being conscious. but then what the difference between that and real consciousness.

the way silicon valley treat LLMs make me believe they are trying to solve the priesting problem. An AI that able to provide and maintain faith/Group cohesion through qustions and answers plus monitor and spaying, a truly functional telescreen.

of course it will not work for them because their faith is incoherent insanity that is falsified by realty, as it was shown spectacularly be google gemini fiasco but a competent elite can do wonder with this.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Let me see if I get this:

There’s a point of view, which I now share too, that this “AI” stuff isn’t “AI” at all, but just a stupendous pattern-matcher, search engine and auto-complete. It draws from recorded human knowledge and experience, and makes prompt-following “fakes” that follow the same patterns.

What these Chinese have done is focus just on that “use space” — as opposed to sentient ghosts in shells and summoned demons, and/or wokely lobotomizing them along the way — and found that they can do THAT pretty well with just $10M of pro-sumer-teir computers.

And the fundamental reason they could do this was that they were resource-constrained and just making a tool, as opposed to worshipping a demon and throwing resources at it “because it simply MUST be done!”

Meanwhile, the American effort, lead by hypochondriac boomers and vocal-frying homosexual Jews, are building gold-plated cathedrals to the Machine God Omnisaiah, “just because”. For them, spending more is just BETTER.

“And the people bowed and prayed / to the neon god they made.” –Simon and Garfunkel

(And I’m like “Fat chance this cancer-sniffing miracle machine is going to do me any good if I have to wait five years and fight through seven concentric rings of Health Care Shaniquas ON BREAK to get in front of it.)

Fidelis says:

I don’t fully agree with this summary, but it does get it correct directionally. Let me add some more words to see if it helps.

“AI” is fake because it only performs some rudimentary inductive reasoning from memorized examples. So not totally just a database lookup, but very close in practice.

They are not blind to the fact the inductive reasoning is very limited, but think you can overcome this by running the bot in a loop over its own outputs using a new training technique. This is ‘o1’ and whatever else they’re calling it. It does slightly extend the reasoning, in exchange for an exponential increase in cost. And I do mean slightly, and I do mean exponential.

They think that they can get skynet by slight tweaks to our existing stuff, and massive, massive piles of gpus. China team, doing what they do best, made some slight tweaks, and got a model that required far, far less gpus to train and operate. So now the people who think skynet is coming next week, are thinking China is just going to throw a pile of gpus at the new model, and it’s going to be skynet before Sunday. The Chinese didn’t really focus on use case or anything, they just vastly improved efficiency.

If I’m interpreting correctly, Jim’s references to gold is rhetoric to point out how wasteful the spending is. The GAE is spending billions upon billions and building these giant clusters of gpus, while China made due with a tiny datacenter.

Neurotoxin says:

Everyone needs to stop thinking in terms of “AI” and just think about what these technologies DO. The label slapped on these techs is an irrelevant distraction.

Bob says:

Pretty much. Mostly hype, no conscious. Randomness can be imparted, but that’s not conscious. Algos/HW can try to emulate neurons, but that’s not conscious or “quanutum brain” either. Adding more power, depth, breadth… still not conscious, just a bigger machine.
Absolutely yes, you’ll be able to throw it at far more massive and complex datasets and it will dutifully pull out exactly the amazing shit you programmed it to pull out.
Maybe even crunch through and simulate in vivo every permutation in the genome and text you once it gets some protoplasmic blob past a year old.
Maybe run models on trillions of isotope chemistries searching for wonder alloys, superconductors, etc and send you an email alert when it finds Nikola Tesla.

Might even be able to ask it how to get from here to there, but that’s only because it knows everything you know, and then plays chess and random on that until “there” pops out the other end, same as you would, only faster.

But AI still won’t break us out of the space-time reference frame into the Alpha-Omega zone, it will only allow us to zoom around inside it faster and farther.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. #Revelation22:13

Is quantum that, probably not, but if you ever do find THE ONE TRUE LAW, you’ll have transcended at that point anyways, at least up out of this world.

CoV Theory says:

“”CIA continues to assess that both research-related and natural origin scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic remain plausible,” a CIA spokesperson said in a statement Saturday.”

Seems more likley the CIA mastered attack China plot via different primarily US based entities… had some very secret AAMRID/UA type labs come up with the genome variant, export it via corrupt Fauci’s Gain Function Alliance Corp to known unsafe Chinese labs who both loved the Money and to play God or even Military, where expectedly “What do you know, they had an accident” with the bug/idea they were seeded with. Simultaneously with the US creating antidote COVAX in the same secret labs beforehand, then given to Big Pharma to roll out to protect the West. Only problem was, the COVAX was defective and damaging in its own right. And because COVID also fizzled, you are still here today.

Summary: West is secretly panicking about China becoming seat of the next Empire, a not entirely unfounded assessment.

Also, do Western computer hackers (including civilian ones) have free license to attack China, ie: are China’s reports of hacking being ignored by Western prosecutors. Or is Western media noise about CN/RU hackers somewhat PsyOp. (Obviously China doesn’t advance so far so fast without incorporating a massive spying, theft, and cloning-and-tweaking regime.) The US/West has a major naive problem protecting its technology ever since Manhattan Project.

Jim says:

None of our hackers speak Chinese. Most of their hackers, seemingly all of them, speak English.

Further, it is the inherent nature of hackers to find and reveal information. Chinese useful information tends to be lots of little boring details, while our useful information tends to be a few big important things, which are easier to steal. If you are after the goodies and luls, hacking America is just more fun. It is just way cooler to hack the US National Security Agency. (Which still has buffer overruns.)

JustAnotherGuy says:

I’ve wondering if they added the jobs program for ‘cybersecurity roles’ because of this problem, but because it is dominated by HR freaks, they mostly hire blacks and dot Indians for this role, with predictable results.

How do you even solve this shit? If you ask for something to get done and down the chain of command your order is constantly twisted and mutated to mean “replace all white men with anyone else”, like where do you even start the purge of bad actors? Maybe that’s why Augustus took 8 years to get shit done.

Fidelis says:

>Where do you even start
The head of the chain of command that commands violence over the realm. Looks like we have our start, lets see how long we can keep it together and how far we can take it before the cracks start showing.

T says:

Coalition fractions aside, it all starts in the mind. Once you completely discard normalcy bias — once you truly grasp that your regime is just that, a regime, like any other throughout history (and that, as often happens, your priestly class is characterized by antisocial brain structures, i.e., you have a demonic priesthood, and accordingly its memeplex is all malicious lies) — the sky is the limit, and in fact even the sky is not much of a limit.

If the nascent ruling class seeks to rule effectively, it needs to let go of muh 20th century and take a broader, indeed much broader, historical perceptive.

Jim says:

You, CoV Theory, are an obvious shill — and yet here you are giving us the good stuff? I am confused. On watching the Senate committees, less confused. The Senate is now ripping into the Covid plot. I guess I should have expected this once Biden pardoned Fauci.

CoV Theory says:

Oh, indeed, rly… highest level of PRC/CCCP Govt internal thoughts and motions are of very high interest to the West, even though infact they need Chinese language masters to make any sense of it. Same for toplevel military and economic and diplomatic capabilities. The rest and lowlevel are just noise.

> cybersecurity

Recall they hired Mudge for this role, which came before Woke, but after HR. If they did it right, he was allowed to bring in top crackers, primarily to subdivisions of NSA/CIA/State, and give them free hackers reign, and great perks.
Unfortunately his role was apparently NOT allowed to purge Shaniqua’s IT team out of Boeing, Lockheed, etc, or Govt itself.

> Senate

Senate are politicians, they are not involved and work after the fact, and are corrupt, thus can be distrusted and ignored (just like j6 committee is), unless they find themselves motivated to reveal the starkly preposterous to plain sight of all, which is extremely rare. They’re still burying Patriot/FISA/Bluffdale, the Media PsyOp, and so much more. No motivation, because beneficial to their Power.

ie: Does anyone really think the REAL JFK files weren’t burnt decade[s] ago just like the psychedelic experiments were.

Biden will be exposed, COVID will not.

> fun

Hacking China is full of lulz just to delete and steal shit, but not enough shit is being done to make the news yet, because their buffers don’t employ the Shaniqua bonus, at any level, and the real top-secret shit is far more targeted and quiet.

Jim says:

Allowing this obvious spam through.

BTC Dude says:

Looked into this, it appears to be another lockup/exchange/peg, [*deleted for totally missing the point*]

Jim says:

It is a very inefficient and expensive exchange peg to blockchains that use a technology that can potentially scale without limit, to billions of transactions per second, and provide complete privacy.

Which is rather different from an exchange peg to yet another knock off of Bitcoin.

BTCDude says:

> It is a very inefficient and expensive exchange peg to blockchains that use a technology that can potentially scale without limit, to billions of transactions per second, and provide complete privacy.

Then by definition, if those chains were so grand, then they would, soon or in soon time, naturally uplist themselves to becoming dominant L1’s in their own right, optimizing releasing and relegating their former parent L1 to a background function in the same codebase if still needed at all. [*deleted*]

Jim says:

Yes, but they are not going to get there unless they start as a level two of Bitcoin. Network effect, Metcalfe’s law.

Valentina says:

Jim you have been chopping off his posts without acknowledgement or refutement,[*deleted*]

Jim says:

It is the same old same old. This group of shills just do not comprehend Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. They think it is a scam and want to get in on the scamming. And it is impossible to explain it to them because they are not interested, they do not want to know, will not listen, and are too dumb to understand. So any attempt to discuss anything with them just leads to endless repetition. All their points have been made before many, many times, mostly by me. But my conclusion is always “So we need to do this that and the other to make crypto currency work” while their solution is “Let us just copy software we do not understand and launch a brand new crypto currency”.

All their arguments are the same argument: Amazingly, Satoshi’s dumb scam worked great so let us do it all over again.

Fidelis says:

This group of shills just do not comprehend Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. They think it is a scam and want to get in on the scamming. And it is impossible to explain it to them because they are not interested, they do not want to know, will not listen, and are too dumb to understand

This is like a sort of mirror to many of the bitcoiners I speak with.

Anything outside of bitcoin is a scam, bitcoin is the One True Coin, trust nothing else.

I suspect it is a memetic defense mechanism for those whom, as you say, do not understand and cannot understand. They do not understand the various forces that made BTC what it is, and then retrocausally attribute the success to moral values. BTC won because fair launch. BTC won because Satoshi was our ordained saviour with perfect understanding of the nature of man. This protects them from buying many of the very real scams that are out there, and it is still the winning play as BTC will be the hegemonic One Coin for some time to come. It also makes them extremely annoying to talk with, because they are basically dogmatic priests that just want to preach to you. If you want triple entry accounting, a free internet, and soverign corporations, and it just so happens that you need shares and profitable organizations to do this, well you’re now an enemy of the priesthood.

At least the scammers are easy to filter, they self filter in fact, when not shilling. The One Coin priesthood is embedded in nearly every social organization tangent to BTC, and so you come across them quite a bit.

Jim says:

One coin is the necessary outcome of the Network effect, first mover effect, and Metcalfe’s law.

All other coins will go to zero, unless they have a special purpose use case like Litecoin, filecoin and Monero, or the Dex coins like Rune, or the pegged coins.

There can only be one.

The one, unfortunately, has all the defects that shitcoiners are always talking about — but have absolutely no interest in solving.

They complain, rightly, the maxis ignore, gloss over, or deny these problems. But the shitcoiners are not interested in these problems except as ammunition, so there is no point in talking to shitcoiners about them. Maxis are a far more friendly and better informed audience to discuss these problems with than shitcoiners.

The reason why a maxi will always tell you that such and such a problem does not matter, even though it is perfectly obvious that it does matter, is a defense mechanism. They are tired of shitcoiners. When a Maxi hears certain phrases, he is going to assume you are a scammer promoting shitcoins, because 99% of the time the person saying these words has no understanding or interest in what they mean.

Bob says:

More street trash advertising the countries they want to be sent to instead of the country they want to stay in… PsyOps

Trump fires 12+ IG’s tasked with inspecting their own anus, no wonder they never found anything.

Russia/CN cut more Baltic SOSUS cables, prior incidents were all ruled “accidents”, a term of geopolitical convenience.
“I Don’t Really Care, Margaret”: Vance Shuts Down CBS Journo Over Unvetted Migrants
“but but but the Islamic refugees…
“I don’t want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted,” Vance continued.


Contaminated NEET says:

So, we get zingers in an interview, and they get hordes of foreign allies marching under their country’s banners, shouting their defiance of our law in their language, with no negative consequences whatsoever. Is this what winning looks like?

Bob says:

[*deleted for still not responding to Fidelis, nor my related inquiry about Hegseth’s tattoos.*]

Jim says:

To avoid poster girls during confirmation hearings, Trump issued a directive to focus on criminals first. Once everyone is in, you will see the real Trump.

This also has the effect of making the state government resistance, which is where civil war is most likely to start, look really bad, since a whole lot of the criminals they are deporting have been repeated arrested, and then repeatedly released. Peaceful protests don’t matter. They never have.

Winning looks like peaceful protests getting zero traction.

Zorost says:

People on the Right are so easily fooled. There has been nothing but words so far. EO’s are just words, even if they are acted upon. Which they probably won’t be. The military isn’t going to be frog-marching GS-13s to be flown to Gitmo because they continue to refuse to hire Whites. Unless Trump deathcamps 10s of thousands of politicians and lobbyists, nothing much will be different in 2029. 2028 will have the “correct” candidate win, once electoral cheating is back on the menu due to the “correct” candidates being allowed to run.

If he doesn’t deathcamp 10s of thousands of education professionals then replace them with our propagandists, nothing much will be different in 2050+ compared to if Trump had not won.

None of that is going to happen, so we are left with hoping for breakaway nations once DC is too weak to take them back.

Jim says:

Do not underestimate Pete Hegseth.

Once the army officer corps is dewokified, all things become possible.

Once the social media platforms, the gaming industry, and Hollywood is dewokified, many things become not only possible, but likely. We are in new waters now.

What Zuckerberg said about masculinity was unsayable well before Trump was elected the first time.

Eight years ago, it would have been heroic for a tech oligarch to say that. Now its just a Jew buttering up the new Sheriff in town. That it is no longer heroic to say that is a deep and fundamental change. Everything is different now.

Pax Imperialis says:

Don’t know about Army officer corps, but Marine infantry fficer corps is almost entirely white, male, and very based. Like greater than 95%. The few non-whites are Asian. Asians tend to get crammed into arty if combat MOS. The seemingly only woman infantry officer in all the corps isn’t leading an infantry plt either. She’s stuck being a much nicer female version of Capt Sobel in one of the school houses. The pointy end of the spear still exists and is very sharp and politically reliable should Trump choose to wield it. The issue is that the spear is lodged far up a faggot’s ass (being there is very demoralizing) and pulling it out will be messy and elicit much squealing.

That’s not to say dewokification of the military is going to be hard. It will be easy once the ball gets rolling. You’re mostly not hunting for hidden woke infiltration in the warrior parts of DOD (to no one’s surprise, 99.9% of faggots and diversities don’t go into combat arms), rather you’re taking a chainsaw to the out in the open political commissars… which will mean a lot of generals will have to go and that’s where things get messy and loud. After that purging the JAG corps and other administrative bullshit will be a much quieter affair.

Aidan says:

Deport the worst criminals first, let the media go into hysterics about giving Haitian cat eating rapist a free plane ride home, and then ramp up to cattle cars and dumping people off container ships in random countries south of the border. That is what I said Trump should do two days after the election, and that is what it looks like Homan is doing.

A lot of things are currently possible that were not possible before. Missing Trump with that shot was the worst thing that could have happened to them. Maybe Trump will sit there and let judges and bureaucracies override his orders. But he’s already deployed the military twice to sidestep the bureaucracy, and it is only the beginning of his second week in office.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m missing out on the boarder deployment, stuck in legal purgatory for (alleged) spoken thoughtcrime, why even live?

Funny enough, just prior to Trump being elected, there was a change of command. I went from likely adsep to retention with Article 15. Post Trump, there’s now a multi-level command fight over who has authority to even hand me an Article 15 for the (alleged) unbecoming conduct.

Moldbug often used the analogy of the fish not feeling the waves at the top, and that was definitely true when I worked years prior in the civilian bureaucracy, but this time is different. The fish are definitely feeling the waves and it feels great.

Jim says:

> Funny enough, just prior to Trump being elected, there was a change of command.

There seems to have been a lot of funniness during the lead up to the election.

DEI is in practice not the injection of race and sex into every key personnel decision. It is injection of the woke priesthood. And the woke priesthood is stupid, obnoxious, and nasty. They just piss people off. They also, as we saw in the California fires, incapable of doing their nominal jobs, and displaying no interest in doing their nominal jobs. As for example the failure to do maintenance on the fire trucks the dam, and all that.

It looks to me that Thermidorean coup got rolling shortly before the election. The Woke priesthood just cannot help being assholes, and just find themselves making too many enemies.

A number of Trump’s picks are deep state swamp critters. This is troubling, but is not that bad, because the DEI priesthood is are simply personally hateful, grating, nasty, and evil, so we can expect key desertions.

Pax Imperialis says:

The former CO was due to pick up 1 star. It’s the nature of the command he was working at. He was pushing DEI constantly. Now he’s mysteriously stuck at LtCol, one of the few in that command’s history to not pick up 1 star. There are occasional sightings of him wondering around the neighborhood. It seems he hasn’t been given a new command billet. Some of my buddies were sitting on recordings of his DEI lectures, they might have already sent it to the pertinent people. I can’t wait for him to get investigated and adsep.

There’s a lot of men at all levels of power who are extremely upset about the DEI priesthood. This purge is not just politics. It’s deeply personal. Trump will reinstate those who got muscled out over the Covid shots. Not many will return (I think), but those of us who did give in to the shot to stay in remember how our buddies got screwed hard, we remember who screwed them, and now they’re coming back. It’s hard to explain how much of an impact it will have on loyalty, but it will be big.

Pax Imperialis says:

Lol, the CO is in fact getting investigated and a rather large case is being built. The Hegseth/Thermidor led purges are not just going after Generals, it’s sweeping up O5s and O6s. Even SJAs/JAGs are getting investigated.

Jim says:

Senate is investigating the DEI cat lady who set up, or helped set up, the attempted assassination. Asked the secret service for all relevant records. All relevant records were not forthcoming. So although Trump has control of his personal security detail he does not yet have control of the secret service, in which his enemies are still embedded.

He has picked Sean Curran to lead the secret service, but it appears that Sean Curran is not yet leading the secret service.

His enemies are embedded in the DEI apparatus, which has tentacles everywhere which are called something other than DEI.

Thus purgind DEI from the army, the secret service, the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA becomes a survival issue.

DEI is racially and sexually diverse, but ideologically utterly homogeneous. A purge of DEI is a good approximation to a political purge, and a good start on a political purge.

Contaminated NEET says:

Jesus Christ. Trump isn’t even in control of his own bodyguards. That is grimmer than I even thought. We will drown and nobody shall save us.

Jim says:

Trump has always been in control of some of his own bodyguards. Otherwise he would be dead. He is now in control of all them, but is not yet in control of the entire secret service, or the FBI, or the CIA, or the army.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Shit man relax. Has it even been a week yet? These motherfuckers are dug in and know exactly how to get people killed.

The Army may be “everything”, but the Praetorians even moreso.

Anon says:

lmao , it good to have you around Neet. A dose of doomerism to balance the optimism.

Jim says:

Neet’s story that nothing changes is being dramatically falsified every day.

That it is not going to be all smooth sailing is undoubtedly true. The enemy is discombobulated, confused, disoriented, and fictionalised. They will pull themselves together eventually. But right now the enemy is routed and fleeing in disorder.

Normally any executive order that the bureaucrats did not write for themselves gets routed through office of circumlocution, where they form committees to look into expediting it. They are utterly unfamiliar with executive orders that are actual orders, and if you do not follow orders, you get hit by a thunderbolt.

Trump is defunding the left. Zuckerberg had to make large tribute payments to the legacy media, which kept it afloat despite the lack of viewers. Now he suddenly does not. The top of the USAID organisation has been placed on administrative leave, while Maga follows the money.

OK, Neet has a point. Trump is doing the easy stuff. Which is a long way short of sending women back the kitchen and tanks into Harvard. But what he is doing is far from “nothing changes”.

T says:

While a Regime Change can happen quickly, if you don’t kill Thermidor afterwards for whatever reason but attempt to convert it (or at least parts of it) to NRx, it might take a little while, likely decades as we’ve been sepuclating in this thread, and it’s far from obvious that it’s even feasible. Meanwhile, civilization is now rapidly declining and Civilized Man’s TFR is dreadful. And all countries in Globohomo (and some beyond) are America, so have to wait for the slow, slooooooooow conversion which may or may not happen.

It’s all blackpilling, unless you are truly determined to fix it, in which case blackpilling is NOT ALLOW. And so whoever might be reading this – what I can recommend is that you be truly determined to fix it.

T says:

I mean, you should be able to look yourself in the mirror — just a short moment before the zombie cannibals break in and the real party starts — and say, “Welp, at least I tried.”

Fidelis says:

Overton window has been shattered and no one has realized it yet. Once the first images of defeated and crying DIE unemployed start coming out, and testicles start regrowing some nerve endings, you’ll see it.

They broke the priesthood, which was always the velvet glove over the iron fist, and totally against normie healthy instinct. They broke the iron fist, DIE is somewhat humilated now and soon to be very thoroughly humiliated, and did not actually have anything to put in its place. So normies will, seeing that things have changed, that there is a new order in town, instinctively try and suck up. Except, no established right-priesthood means no one to suck up to. We’re going to see holiness spirals in the direction of the far right, and the normie conception of the far right is pretty interesting.

Normies fully believe the Handmaid’s Tale psychopornographic drama is the far right position. They’ll start memeing it into existence. They also think wignattery is far right, and will meme that too. And who is going to stop them? Who is going to say no? Trump 2.0 is running on anti-DIE, reindustrialization, remilitarization, and justifies itself by truthfully proclaiming the people voted for this. What does anti-DIE look like when you comically abstract away the nuance of ‘who whom’? Trump is here for the people, and the people will want far right holiness spiral. The people Trump appoints are here to thoroughly purge the DIE, and will find themselves getting pulled into the spiral themselves as the feeling of winning intensifies.

The White Terror has begun. Enjoy the ride.

The Cominator says:

Its so fucking strange that left wing women are so invested in resisting their handmaid’s tale rape breeding fantasy show. Yes I know its one of those collective shit test…

Jim says:

As with any other shit test, to pass the shit test, you have to actually do it.

I watched a video of the cops arresting a five foot four inch woman for assaulting her six foot two inch fit and athletic boyfriend. (They probably would not of arrested her, except she proceeded to confront them in much the way she confronted her boyfriend. They had no alternative but to put her under physical restraint.)

I don’t know whether he had no balls, or she was threatening to call the cops, so he sucked it up and called the cops himself. Her indignant rant amounted to “Why did he not give me a spanking — why don’t you cops give me a spanking?”

She was angry, women are angry because they are crying out for their ancestral environment of successful reproduction, and not finding it anywhere.

A big part of the appeal of the uncensored version of “I love Lucy” is that it depicted a marriage as the environment of successful reproduction. Women are looking for a man who can force them to get pregnant, who can make them an object. You think women don’t want to be objectified? Just look!

Women are crying out for the the late eighteenth century, early nineteenth century, Australian solution.

Fidelis says:

Its so fucking strange that left wing women are so invested in resisting their handmaid’s tale rape breeding fantasy show.

I don’t find it strange at all. They’re clearly out of their mind horny and publicly and privately fantasizing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mentioned something benign like “young people aren’t getting married anymore huh” to get a response like “you cannot force women to get pregnant we are not objects!” They jump straight to our solutions, being quite in tune with their instincts.

Kevin C. says:

> Trump is defunding the left.

He’s trying to, but how much of it will be struck down by the courts as a violation of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974? Yes, Trump’s OMB General Counsel, Mark Paoletta, argues that the ICA is unconstitutional, but that’s a rather uncommon position; and I’ve seen a pretty good case made that SCOTUS would uphold the ICA 6-3 — The three lefties because lefties, Roberts and Barrett on “separation of powers” and Congress’s “power of the purse,” and Kavanaugh on respect for “established statutory frameworks.” Maybe 5-4 if Kavanaugh goes the other way, with Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch.

Sure, caring what SCOTUS says is normalcy bias, but I still can’t see Trump just going full Andrew Jackson on this.

Jim says:

Trump’s OMB nominee indicated at the hearings intent to go full Andrew Jackson. If he does, the supremes will find it legal. They always do when you threaten to go full Andrew Jackson, because they are terrified of you actually doing so.

Pax Imperialis says:

>but I still can’t see Trump just going full Andrew Jackson on this

Biden set precedence with preemptive pardoned. So Trump just needs to preemptively pardon all those following his executive orders such that they feel safe to ignore the courts.

The Cominator says:

Re Jim women and so called “objectification”.

This is one of the worst psyops that feminism did on women as it puts what they are supposed to want on a rational level at the exact opposite of what they instinctively want and makes approaching women russian roulette as if women don’t find you attractive initially they get angry you are “objectifying” them though in nature they would love it.

Its one reason whores and women who would be whores if they didn’t have a strong family they are afraid of disappointing are easier to deal with… whores still like being objectified.

Jim says:

all women like being objectified — hence the large number of sexual harassment complaints in jobs that are overwhelmingly female. All sexual harassment complaints, as near to all of them as make no difference, are actually complaints about lack of sexual harassment.

I saw this in person right in front of my face. Everyone can see it, they just refuse to see.

Obviously women in overwhelmingly male jobs get way more sexual harassment than women in overwhelmingly female jobs. Hence far fewer complaints.

The Cominator says:

All women naturally like being objectified and naturally like drawing the male gaze. They go crazy though with enough feminist programming because they are told 300x times a day in demon worship school they are supposed to hate it and hate the male gaze that the state religion is that they are supposed to hate it and complain to whatever authority is immediately available about it.

Anglin had a pretty good article on this but since I don’t read him too regularly I don’t even know how to get on his site.

S says:

Current address for Anglin is
Or just read them off

He has taken the hope represented by Trump’s recent actions… uniquely.

Milosevic says:

“Job-seekers hoping to join the new Trump administration are facing a series of intense loyalty tests…”

They’re learning.

Zorost says:

“Trotsky tells the peasant with one cow “hail fellow peasant, you are oppressed by the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant. Fellow peasant, you should kill the cows of the kulak with two cows, fellow peasant”, and in the end Trotsky has the land and the wheat, and the former owner of one cow, and the former owner of two cows, starve.”

An ancient trick of theirs. Read the last part of Genesis, the story of Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors.


“Leftism has no essence, every left wing position is merely tactical, and is likely to be reversed in an instant”

Few on the Right get this. They think they can argue a Leftist out of his position using logic, which is a category error. The Lefty isn’t interested in being correct, he wants to win. This was noticed by Hitler in Mein Kampf as well, when he said you could come up with an argument a Lefty couldn’t counter and they’d run off in confusion. Then the next day pretend like that argument didn’t exist.

I’ve seen this personally, back when I had Lefty friends and acquaintances. Point out that gun stats are 99% handguns, therefore irrelevant to banning rifles. A week later they are back to claiming gun stats demand the banning of rifles. Or claiming that Conservatives are hypocrites because they want low gov spending but live in states that receive a disproportionate share of federal funding. I point out that is because Red states tend to have a disproportionate number of military bases, retirees, and federal land (IIRC, ~90% of Utah is still federally owned). A week later they are back to claiming Cons are hypocrites…

T says:

This was noticed by Hitler in Mein Kampf as well, when he said you could come up with an argument a Lefty couldn’t counter and they’d run off in confusion. Then the next day pretend like that argument didn’t exist.

Pretty sure he wrote that about Jews, not about leftists, being himself a leftist. But the Jews he was arguing with were (presumably) to his left, so it still checks out.

T says:

My Official Position (I only speak for myself, and half the time not even that) is that all recalcitrant leftists should be killed, which will get rid of most Jews, and that those Jews who remain after the Left’s removal should either sincerely convert to Christianity or be expelled to Israel. And some should be expelled to Israel even if they sincerely convert to Christianity, because some Heebs, possibly many Heebs, are biologically incompatible with life in Aryan Christendom. I’d say the JQ (in the Western context) is about 70% memetic and 30% genetic, but that still means that there is a considerable genetic component to it. As for Israel, it being Jewish will be good (currently it is Progressive, with very thin Jewish coating), but it being Christian will be far better. Kike genes are not 100% bad (but that surely doesn’t mean they are 100% good either – it’s a very mixed and suspicious bag), but Judaism the Pharisee-descended memeplex should eventually disappear.

T says:

I want a Christian Earth ultimately, in that humanity’s collective memeplex will spiritually descend from the Bible, with Christ understood as the Logos, though it’s still not clear to me what exact interpretation of religion this memeplex will take. It is likely to be something that old-school fundie types will not entirely approve of, but in essence it will be Christian and (as such) entail healthy social technologies.

Cosmic Crusades.

T says:

The first law of Gnon, really the first commandment, is that you recognize reality as real. Deviation from that is the beginning of all heresy. If reality isn’t real, then everything is meaningless. But if reality is real, then everything is meaningful. The inverse epistemology is from Satan.

Fidelis says:

recognize reality as real

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

T says:

That is the interpretation.

T says:

Well, at least that’s one way to see it – surely some other armchair theologians would like to chime in.

What I had in mind was along the lines of:

2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Is recognition of reality as real not a reliable way of fulfilling the spirit of the first commandment? Reality reflects God, and if you reject reality, you reject God. That’s why the Left is Satan and why so many Jews are in league with it.

To love God is to accept — truly, fully accept — His reality as real, and reject the false realities. At least that’s how I view the matter.

T says:

Whenever you refer to “Gnon,” you fulfill the spirit of the first commandment – you reject the falsities, such as the false light of Satan, and any of the other scoundrels and ungodly doctrines, and accept the Logos. That allows you then to reflect on and understand God’s Will, so you can fulfill it. That is how you love God, or at least one way of loving God.

Zorost says:

“sincerely convert to Christianity”

Do you have a direct line with God to find out what is in each jews’ heart? Jews have “sincerely converted” many times in their history, to Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and probably many others. Yet when the chips are down, they suddenly become loyal jews again. Even generations later.

There is also the issue of what is called ‘regression to the mean’ in genetics. 2 parents that are extreme in some way will tend to have children that are more towards the middle, rather than clustered around the parents. So even if you have 2 ‘aryan’ presenting jew parents, their children will still tend towards the jewish looks and behavior.

There is no benefit to making exceptions, only risks. So why take a risk we don’t need to? 0 tolerance.

The Cominator says:

Nah masses of crypto jews in the modern era are a wignat myth. There were some crypto jews in Spain. You want to burn Stephen Miller and go easy on white liberals either because you are an enemy or because you are stupid.

Jim says:

Except for Judeo Christianity, I don’t see fake converts from Judaism to Christianity causing much damage. I am unaware that they ever did. Our big problem is entirely genuine Jewish conversions to Woke.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Do you have a direct line with God to find out what is in each jews’ heart?

Did Jesus? The “neither Jew nor Greek” phrase has been endlessly contorted to serve the Judeo-Christian heresy, but the original principle still applies: Jews who renounce the Pharisaic faith and sincerely accept Jesus as their lord and savior are Christians.

Just as I cannot know that their faith is pure, you cannot know that it is impure. More importantly, insincere “lip service” faith isn’t a particularly huge problem; if they follow all the rules and cultural norms, are respectful and kind to their neighbors, and raise their own children Christian, then what does it matter if they feel a bit of cognitive dissonance during the sermons? Who cares?

Should we also exterminate all the self-styled atheists and neopagans who later come to Jesus, because (according to you) there must have been something terribly wrong with their genes for them to have ever been that way in the first place? What’s the difference?

Yet when the chips are down, they suddenly become loyal jews again.

Where? When? I can’t bring to memory a single recorded instance of Jews “un-converting” en masse. Perhaps a few individuals managed to fly under the Inquisitor’s radar here and there, but nothing resembling a serious threat. The Jewish diaspora certainly does have a bad historical reputation regarding their behavior as guests in foreign lands, but those are precisely the ones who don’t convert or assimilate.

There is also the issue of what is called ‘regression to the mean’ in genetics. 2 parents that are extreme in some way will tend to have children that are more towards the middle, rather than clustered around the parents.

You literally don’t understand how genetics work. Moreover, I’m almost positive that this very issue was explained in small words to you at Founding Questions fairly recently; apparently, it did not take.

First, genes don’t simply revert by magic. It is a complicated combination of dominant vs. recessive alleles, X vs. Y linked inheritance, evolutionary fitness, sexual selection and selective breeding and various other factors.

Second, “regression to the mean” is not literally a reversion to the previous historical value, it is the simple mathematical observation that the progeny of (for example) a 100 IQ and 115 IQ couple will probably have an IQ somewhere between 100 and 115, and most likely in the 105-110 range. It does not logically follow that the progeny of two 115-IQ individuals will magically regress back to 100 because they happened to come from a population where the average is only 100. Nor is there some metaphorical rubber band pulling it back to 100 over successive generations.

We know this is true because selective breeding works, because we have selectively bred several breeds of both humans and lower animals. The progeny of two Levantine parents who both strongly express Aryan traits are extremely likely to also strongly express Aryan traits.

even if you have 2 ‘aryan’ presenting jew parents

It’s obvious where you are going with this, and it’s never going to happen. Americans don’t have a Volk. Considering your home roost, and how often it has been discussed there, it’s a wonder that this has yet to sink in.

T says:

But why is recognition of reality as real the first commandment of Gnon? Because otherwise you fail to interact with the world in accordance with Divine Law, being (wilfully) blind to it. If reality isn’t real, then there is no Divine Law; it is only by recognizing reality as real that one is then able to decipher God’s Will, because God’s Will is manifest in the world, and the world is a real thing.

If your priesthood’s worldview is any different, then you will be told malicious lies, and face the wrath of the Gods of the Copybook Headings.

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place,
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

It all starts with recognizing reality as real. If instead you follow the false gods, the gods of unreality, well the poem here tells you what happens. The Enlightenment, ironically or not so ironically, ended up rejecting the Logos, God’s Will as it is manifest in the world — it ended up following the false light of Lucifer the Light Bearer — with predictable consequences.

Hence, dear Thermidorean lurkers, the Dark Enlightenment.

T says:

1 Esdras 3:12 tells us:

“The third wrote, Women are strongest: but above all things Truth beareth away the victory.”

And it is so in this generation too.

Women may be stronger than wine and the king – but in God’s game of scissors, truth triumphs above all. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) Now the task is to introduce the ideas of the Cult of Gnon to as much of the ascendant ruling class as possible, so that the truth will set you free from the gynocracy, and the fertility and sexlessness crises (which are intimately connected, no pun intended) will be solved.

Join us, Elon.

Cloudswrest says:

Preordained destiny? Spiritual synchronicity? Check out this recent Tweet by Errol Musk, Elon’s father, on naming his son!! Another coincidence in the simulation.

S says:
Cloudswrest says:

Excerpt, published in 1952!

Page n180

The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled “Elon.” Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet.

T says:

God’s sense of humor is whacky.

Elyon is “Most High.”

Big Brutha says:

This is creating absolute panic in the hallways of certain government departments right now. It is a relatively modest move, all things considered, but a huge move when compared with any attempts made before to constrain the administrative state and the NGO-Assistance-Industrial Complex. Trump is showing his worth here. If he and his team can keep the pressure on they will defang a lot of their entrenched enemies and be able to do what it is they want to do with those federal workers who bend the knee

Jim says:

Another thunderbolt.

It said they must be available by telephone and email during normal work hours and must remain available to report to work if directed to do so, but were not to enter USAID premises or access USAID systems.

The implication is that Trump’s people will be on the premises finding out what these guys have been up to. And know or strongly suspect that they have been up to something that they will not wish to see the light of day. They don’t want these guys destroying records.

They don’t want these guys to access the systems because they fear stuff will be deleted or rewritten.

An internal memo sent to USAID employees on Monday evening said the new leadership identified several actions in the agency that “appeared to be designed to circumvent the President’s Executive Orders and the mandate from the American people.”
“As a result, we have placed a number of USAID employees on administrative leave with full pay and benefits until further notice while we complete our analysis of these actions,”

The relevant executive order that they were most certainly not complying with:

Trump’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid

Section 1. Purpose. The United States foreign aid industry and bureaucracy are not aligned with American interests and in many cases antithetical to American values. They serve to destabilize world peace by promoting ideas in foreign countries that are directly inverse to harmonious and stable relations internal to and among countries.

In other words, the money was being applied to promote leftism and woke, not feed to the hungry, or even to bribe and butter up foreign despots. They were subverting foreign governments, and creating a powerbase for Woke in the American Empire outside of America — a globalist powerbase hostile to the interests of America and Americans, as well has hostile to the interests of the countries receiving the “aid”.

It is not hard to guess how they would have responded to this executive order.

Big Brutha says:

Very much so. What most Americans don’t realize is that foreign aid is a lot more insidious than simply shipping precious tax dollars overseas. If that were all it would still not be good but compared with other wastes of tax dollars it is relatively small.

Entitlements are the gorilla in the room followed by the bloated and unaccountable budgets for defense. But what the money does is exactly what you’ve describe: build up a network that it launders this money through and this network provides the Woke with the justification for more Wokeness, not just abroad, but especially at home.

By building this up the Left has been able to influence the agenda at the UN and by that means seek to constrain the U.S. and push U.S. law in the same direction.

So the taxpayers’ dollars go to USAID, which then goes to an implementing partner which then uses the money to develop “civil society” (read pressure groups) which then give the U.S. government the justification to lean on a given country.

The annual congressionally- mandated “Human Rights Report” is a favorite tool. They go to the government in question and say “Look, you have to make progress on human rights or we are going to give you a bad mark on our report.”

What people don’t realize is that these reports help inform investment decisions for international companies and banks. So that means credit or business opportunities get tougher for the government in question if they have a black mark on the report.

So the government in question says, “Okay, fine what do we need to do?” And then the U.S. says, “Look, pass this law allowing for pride parades and we will leave your ranking alone or move you up.”

And the government in question doesn’t want to do it but compared with the loss of needed business opportunities or credit they say, “Fine, have your stupid parade.”

And since this is an annual exercise, the NGOs that are paid to “develop civil society” are always there to serve as a “source” for discontent on human rights. So they can keep moving the ratchet.

But it is not enough to have these countries merely mutilate their own laws/customs. Instead, what happens is the U.S. goes to some country and says, “We want you to present a motion at the UN in support of X or Y. That will be a good way to show progress on human rights.”

So the country does and the U.S. does this same thing to other countries to cajole them to support and vote on this motion. And having done so they can then take this UN decision and use it domestically as a cudgel to beat U.S. decisionmakers into enacting similar regulations or laws in the U.S.

Which was literally the goal of the whole program anyway. It lets USAID get gold stars and virtue signal as doing “development” when so much of the budget actually gets used for these kinds of things.

Bix Nudelmann says:

They had me at “United States foreign aid industry”. Open with the meme, and the rest just auto-completes itself.

Fidelis says:

Considering the memetically unstable times we are in and Trump 2.0 using anti-DIE, public safety, and military readiness as their mandate and justification, I had an amusing realization.

We could very easily and very quickly holiness spiral into the most comical wignat government that has yet existed. Going so ‘far right’ on the race communism question you invert it, and suddenly anti-DIE means putting everyone who has a drop of blood that isn’t pure North Germanic Protestant* into serfdom on RFK’s organic farm Marc Andreessen’s clickfarm.

Breakup of Thermidor as this process gets started ironically increases the odds, as really Thermidor was only cohering on anti-DIE in the first place. Having their coalition fall apart on the basis of having worked all too well, they will have an extremely hard time coming together to halt the process. Many of them having gotten their position from DIE based promotion under generations old leftism will find themselves pushed out.

* Changed from WASP so I could use our favorite Greengrocer in the joke

Pax Imperialis says:

Well WASPs are basically North Germanic Protestants with a few extra steps after all.

T says:

We could very easily and very quickly holiness spiral into the most comical wignat government that has yet existed. Going so ‘far right’ on the race communism question you invert it, and suddenly anti-DIE means putting everyone who has a drop of blood that isn’t pure North Germanic Protestant* into serfdom

That could be really funny, but no, I highly doubt you will see a holiness spiral in that direction. Trump’s grandchildren are Jewish, Vance is a Roman Catholic dipping in the Holy Ganga, and Crusader Odin is not an autistic /pol/tard obsessed with analyzing the origin of alleles.

Not seeing it.

JustAnotherGuy says:

To be fair, pol pot did the whole RememberNoGlasses.gif and his whole political field was the intelligentsia wearing glasses. Jews in USSR got rid of themselves in power, etc. Happens more than you think. But I also doubt it’s going to go that way.

Fidelis says:

We witnessed the white leftists evolve memes for killing all whites, sterilizing all children, and destroying all industry. Holiness spirals are not rational.

I’m not super attached to the idea this is how it will go, I just found it an ironic and amusing idea, but it is false that just because some of the figureheads now in charge are not naturally aligned with the memeplex, that it wont come about anyway.

Everyone here has seen the way memes radically and rapidly evolve to grab power, by taking the leftist principles to their rational ends. Now tell me, Trump, Vance, Hegseth, etc. do they have a stable and coherent memeplex capable of reversing the wave once it starts rapidly spiraling rightwards? Capable of halting the spiral even if the vast majority of their constituents genuinely want the principles of the holiness spiral? It looks to me like they do not. A man like Hegseth has the beginnings of a faith, but is he capable of killing those to both the perceived left AND right of him? Even while all his friends and family and all the people under him want to go farther and farther right?

In the English Restoration, they had a King lying around to plug in, and a memory of not too long ago when they had a truly stable government. We have neither. When we start cutting away the DEI priesthood, we get a power vacuum. This power vacuum is going to be filled with those who are not just plausibly meritocratic and competent, but plausibly ideologically aligned. This is where the preference cascade starts. Everyone looks around and sees if you hate woke more than the guy next to you, you have an edge. So people will compete to hate woke more than the guy next to them. Soon all the greengrocers really truly hate woke, the whole body of normies all really truly hate woke and start pressuring upwards for more and more radical anti-woke measures.

When this starts, who is going to tell them no? They all are in power now by mandate of the people, by mandate of anti-woke. Thermidor chose them because chosen by the people, and wanting to destroy woke. When we get both massive chaos from the power vacuum, and a rapid spiral rightward, there has to be a man with a stable and coherent ideology to plug in and stop the movement. I am not sure we have that.

I am also not sure that once this rightwards process starts in earnest, Thermidor could halt it, even though they’ll want to. They’re centralizing the state, and giving all the power to the presidency, and they’re doing it by installing the ideologically aligned. Once everything is sufficiently centralized, you would need someone confident in the Thermidor plan to install as President, and align all the new people to middle-leftism. Do you find that reasonable or possible? I don’t. Thermidor values don’t really inspire the Thermidorians themselves, they don’t really believe that strongly in their principles, not enough to realign the entire state apparatus. The woke-left holiness spiral having been humiliatingly defeated, and the people newly installed to power all aligned anti-woke and anti-left, the most likely spiral is very far right. If the woke-removal goes as planned, we’re going to have a bloody competition to be the far right American Caesar.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Some years ago I read 1 Samuel 18 and thought, yeah, the perfect reaction to a religion that forces people to worship niggers is a religion that worships pieces of niggers. How many nigger penises would be an appropriate bride price for my daughter?

Such were my absurd fantasies, but wow, things are definitely moving in that direction.

c4ssidy says:

How feasible is it to slave an American, Chinese, and Russia chip onto a motherboard, and set it up so that one chip cannot do something without the permissions of the other chips, for example, a network request, where the controller would check with the other two chips before processing it, which would work out whether the request is part of the agree upon OS/currently running tasks, vs one chip having a mind of its own. And even in legitimate tasks, the output of each one would be verified by the other two

A2 says:

The hardware case can be investigated in, for instance, Reliable Computer Systems, 2nd ed by Siewiorek and Swarz. I’m not sure this is done much anymore, but the principles are there.

The software case would be various forms of consensus algorithms, Paxos (ugh), etc. This is what we use today. (Bitcoin consensus is not quite the same thing.) Look for ‘distributed algorithms’ and the like. Eric Brewer’s “CAP theorem”.

The devil is in the details, particularly what should be done if some hardware component fails, or intermittently fails, or is compromised. Likewise performance, but for your case that might be less important.

white bread says:

What we need is free open source hardware and chip foundries.

Hesiod says:

Beyond the hormonal and surgical medical interventions involved, adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life. A man’s assertion that he is a woman, and his requirement that others honor this falsehood, is not consistent with the humility and selflessness required of a service member.

Put all that to a good melody and let the joyful noise unto the Lord begin.

T says:


Pax Imperialis says:

Amazing things happen when you remove faggots from control.

Our boys are back in deserts and deployed to the boarder.

Next thing you know we’ll be storming the Panama Canal!

T says:

Okay, trannies have always been the low hanging fruit, not actually a cause for a wild victory celebration – but this is really, and I mean really important.

Bluehair O’Brian: How many genders, Winston?

Yeah, not doing that anymore. Let’s see them also removing the Ishtar Demon worship & child sacrifice ceremonies known as Drag Queen Story Hour.

Thing is, the entire LGBT cult needs to go. This might break Thermidor apart — some might say fissure it — because the Lavenders have inserted their AIDS-dripping dicks into it already, likely through the Jewish faction. Thermidor is definitely not about to lose the zionist faction of the Jews, but the more liberal faction of the Jews (like many supposedly “recovering liberals” in general who signed up with Thermidor) is gonna be kvetching loudly.

The important thing is GNON MIT UNS and just keep going, not looking back upon Sodom, lest your religious revolution stops halfway through and turns into stone.

The Cominator says:

The issue with rolling back the gays is Peter Thiel has the perversion… he probably doesn’t care that much about the ideology but it would be difficult for him to go along with rolling things back beyond the don’t ask don’t tell era.

T says:

Thiel, if you are reading:

Immortalism, like that advocated in Alan Harrington’s “The Immortalist,” will only ever be achieved if NRx succeeds. You want to “live long enough to live forever?” Okay, the only chance of that happening is if civilization is really restored. There is no other option. Don’t listen to the Left’s false prophets who have long been deceiving you. It is Divine Law, or death.

Divine Law, or death, Thiel.

The Cominator says:

Honestly I’m pretty sure Thiel does read this… my advice is that BAP seemed to be able to successfully cure the perversion via making himself go to prostitutes regularly and Thiel can certainly afford to do so unlimited times…

Tech Priest says:

Replying to the Cominator instead of Pax Imperialis since no later reply button is responsive to me.

> Something that has greatly bothered me about Eliezer Yudkowsky’s reaction to Roko’s Basilisk is how implicit to his argument for banning the discussion of “information hazards” is the idea that if we don’t discuss such problems, an actual singularity intelligence won’t be able to figure those ideas out for itself and potentially implement them… which makes banning the discussion of Roko’s Basilisk and that adjacent ideas worse than moot. Rather it is dangerous in an analogous way that banning all nuclear “info hazards” in America post 1945 would somehow magically mean Soviet nuclear development would somehow not happen.

Eliezer, IIRC, basically said that he was taken aback by Roko recognizing that what he was saying was likely to be harmful and then just posting it anyway. As I understand it, the “Roko’s Basilisk” argument is not supposed to be hazardous primarily because of the AI (which Eliezer has stated he does not believe would come to have that behavior regardless), but because it’s harmful to people who might believe it. Yes, that’s a bad reason to ban it and I would not have banned it and do not endorse the ban, but it is not implicit in any way in the argument that the AI would not be able to figure such things out.

LessWrong does have a bit of a problem where there has been a norm discouraging political discussion unless it’s directly relevant, and those of us with open-minded views are able to heed the norm, but many (I assume younger) participants simply seem to assume that the surrounding culture they have been absorbing all their lives is the objective reality, and not “politics”. That, in my view, has caused a drift in the direction of the surrounding PMC culture. But your specific criticism is not correct, Pax.

Jim says:

> LessWrong does have a bit of a problem where there has been a norm discouraging political discussion unless it’s directly relevant, and those of us with open-minded views are able to heed the norm

Oh come on. Everything on LessWrong is stridently and offensively overthetop political and always has been. What made it interesting once upon a time is that it was the last hangout of the clever silly left, which has now been entirely suppressed and replaced by the dumb-as-a-post left.

Those trans terrorists are just taking LessWrong to its logical conclusion. The rest of LessWrong just wanted to take LessWrongism far enough to very cleverly rationalise current evil, madness, and delusion, and then stop short.

The reasoning (brutally and perhaps unfairly oversimplified in ways that make its absurdity evident) is as follows: 1. Presuppose that goodness consists of doing the greatest good for the greatest number (which is obviously stupid and evil) 2. Assume that every leftist initiative that supposedly has as its intent this outcome is actually intended to achieve its ostensible outcome and is effective in accomplishing its ostensible outcome. (which is obviously stupid and disingenuous.)

Applying this deranged reasoning to trans terrorism: Obviously allowing one billion black subsaharan Africans into the US is going to turn them into productive middle class tax paying Americans to replace the missing grandchildren because magic dirt. Obviously killing even one border patrol officer is going to prevent some deportations and discourage a whole lot more. Therefore you should kill border patrol, and if you don’t, you must be a bad person. If not everyone in LessWrong is killing border patrol, they are being hypocritical and insincere.

To see what is wrong with the greatest good for the greatest number, let us imagine that like so many LessWrongers, you live in a filthy and crowded commune, and the alpha male of the commune is fucking your girlfriend, which does not trouble you because you have transcended jealousy and possessiveness. Like so many LessWrongers, your mother lives in a multi million dollar mansion, but you don’t live with her for reasons. Think how much good you could do with even one percent of a million dollars! So you murder your mother, sell the mansion, which brings in two million dollars. You give away not one percent, not two percent, but three percent to a worthy charity in Africa, whose ostensible mission is to provide modern western medicine to black Africans. (Which the worthy charity uses to infect pregnant African women with aids, because discouraging discrimination against homosexuals is an even worthier cause) So you have created a substantial net gain in total happiness.

Pax Imperialis says:

>but because it’s harmful to people who might believe it.
>but it is not implicit in any way in the argument that the AI would not be able to figure such things out

Lol no, direct words from Yudkowsky:

Listen to me very closely, you idiot.


There’s an obvious equilibrium to this problem where you engage in all positive acausal trades and ignore all attempts at acausal blackmail. Until we have a better worked-out version of TDT and we can prove that formally, it should just be OBVIOUS that you DO NOT THINK ABOUT DISTANT BLACKMAILERS in SUFFICIENT DETAIL that they have a motive toACTUALLY[sic] BLACKMAIL YOU.

Effectively ‘if you don’t think about it, the other intelligence won’t think about it’. Somehow I don’t think that’s how it works. Worse, if a real superintelligence, i.e. it’s own willfulness and motives, does get created, it’s likely capable of thinking things that we, relatively limited as humans are, are incapable of thinking, abstracting, conceptualizing in the first place. Meaning, a real superintelligence may have the capability to fuck us in ways we can’t comprehend, and if we can’t comprehend, we might not even realize it. It doesn’t even have to be via blackmail. It could be through taking ideas like “effective altruism” to their logical conclusions in ways the Yudkowsky Lesswrong crowd are simply incapable of understanding, but as I and others have pointed out, one does not need be a superintelligence to be more realist than the rationalists.

Jim says:

Not what Yudkowsky is saying

This argument is rational for acausal threats. The superintelligence would only have motive to carry out the threat if you believe yourself to be threatened. So it does not matter how intelligent it will be, if you decline to pay attention to the issue.

Of course the idea of acausal threats is kind of stupid. You need a good communication channel to make an effective threats, and this kind of speculation is not such a channel. But Yudkowsky is saying that you had better make sure it is not such a channel. Which is entirely rational.

But I suspect motivated reasoning. Yudkowski does not what to think about the bad consequences of a superintelligence that is not biologically human descended. But the most likely bad outcome of such a superintelligence is the paperclip maximiser, which has been adequately discussed.

Jim says:

Yudkowskys reasoning is entirely clear.


And follows logically and rationally from LessWrong’s (entirely detached from reality) presuppositions about the world.

He is not assuming some mental limit on the singularity consciousness, or even on his fellow humans. He is telling them to stop talking about it — similar to Trump’s (entirely reality based) instruction to stop speculating about nuclear war.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Not what Yudkowsky is saying

Jim, you are painfully wrong about Yudkowsky. The first paragraph in capital lettering is quite broad in scope. Questions of causality being a secondary, offhanded comment he made which I still included because TDT is probably wrong if not impossible to implement on any real scale, and his immediately retreat to TDT is in a sense a panic response back to a rationalism he built and understand. Evidence that the capitalized segment is meant to be read as an independent argument (not directly responding to the idea of acausal threats) is his follow up with:

What I considered to be obvious common sense was that you did not spread potential information hazards because it would be a crappy thing to do to someone. The problem wasn’t Roko’s post itself, about CEV, being correct. That thought never occurred to me for a fraction of a second. The problem was that Roko’s post seemed near in idea-space to a large class of potential hazards, all of which, regardless of their plausibility, had the property that they presented no potential benefit to anyone.

My point about Yudkowsky stands that he is implicitly making an argument that if you don’t speak about it, it’s not a problem, therefore don’t even think about it. Well the problem is, others (human or not) will think about it, and one man’s potential hazards are another man’s potential benefit.

The segment that precedes the above is funny in hindsight:

I was caught flatfooted in surprise, because I was indignant to the point of genuine emotional shock, at the concept that somebody who thought they’d invented a brilliant idea that would cause future AIs to torture people who had the thought, had promptly posted it to the public Internet. In the course of yelling at Roko to explain why this was a bad thing

Getting off the AI hype and looking at it as just a tool, I can think of many, many reasons why groups would want to develop similar things in order to get a competitive advantage. No doubt a historical example that would cause the LessWrong community no end of emotional fits is:

‘Progressivism is a brilliant idea that causes future governance systems to torture and kill people who had the thought of progressivism, and if I were a German policy maker trying to knock out the Russians in WW1, I might just promptly export progressivism to the Russian public.’

How does someone get caught flatfooted in surprise about potentially dangerous things being posted publicly online? Well perhaps because they implicitly are incapable of thinking (lobotomized) about such things until someone else shoves it in front of their own two eyes… even then they might not recognize it. Similar to how they are incapable to recognizing a man is not a woman, and a woman is not a man. That too is born purely of rationalism.

Jim says:

> My point about Yudkowsky stands that he is implicitly making an argument that if you don’t speak about it, it’s not a problem,

He is not implicitly making that argument. He is explicitly making that argument, making it loud and clear, and, given LessWrong’s deranged weltanschauung, it follows logically and very rationally from that weltanschauung.

Analogously, when powerful Americans talk about nukes, that makes it more likely that other people will use nukes on America.

Pax Imperialis says:

>He is telling them to stop talking about it

No, he’s not only telling them to stop talking about it, but to stop thinking about it as well. He also expresses shock, shock that anyone could even think like that in the first place.

Well, that is entirely detached from reality of human nature isn’t it? To believe what he believes, must also implicitly assume some very strange limits of human, and eventually AI, thought processes.

His effective altruism is just one giant pile of implicit assumptions about human nature and intelligence and motives.

Jim says:

> effective altruism is just one giant pile of implicit assumptions about human nature and intelligence and motives.

Yes, effective altruism is stupid and evil, and its loudest practitioners, for example Bankman-Fried, had done a whole lot of evil. However, given the LessWrong Weweltanschauung, acausal threat is entirely rational. Also the trans activists that murdered an ICE agent were rational and virtuous, even though most LessWrongers don’t want to follow their beliefs to their logical conclusion.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Analogously, when powerful Americans talk about nukes, that makes it more likely that other people will use nukes on America.

Not analogous because, well that’s not acasual threat now, is it! That’s a causal threat. He’s trying to explain things acasually and getting completely whacked explanations and rationals that just don’t match reality.

Jim says:

Acausal threats work the same way as causal threats, in that the threat has to be communicated. Which is a bit difficult for acausal threats.

Tech Priest says:

Oh come on. Everything on LessWrong is stridently and offensively overthetop political and always has been. What made it interesting once upon a time is that it was the last hangout of the clever silly left, which has now been entirely suppressed and replaced by the dumb-as-a-post left.

I think people arguing for the correctness of their personal biases (commonly diffs generated from conventional leftism or left-libertarianism), and being aware of other views, may be what you are referring to as the clever silly left? (e.g. Scott Alexander on his own blog, at least in the past). And nowadays people don’t as much feel the need to actually justify their biases at all (commonly more-or-less conventional leftism), and being unaware that anyone has any other views other than some strawman of the right and that is what you mean by the dumb-as-a-post left?

Ultimately I think the suppression you are seeing is in fact the result of the drift I was mentioning.

There was (yes really) a norm to avoid explicit political discussion where it is unneccessary/irrelevant to the current point. But everything relates to politics to some extent even if it’s just the basic framing assumptions. So, the natural consequence of the norm has been to cause the framing assumptions of the people who are too dumb or bubble-ensconced to recognize that their frame is political – or too ideological to heed the norm – to become the standard frame which everyone either has to argue within or explicitly argue for a deviation from (which takes effort). Plus, I admit, there is the standard cowardice/conflict avoidance from people with different views. Plus boiloff of people disengaging due to the above.

If a certain frame – in this case the frame of what you call the dumb-as-a-post left – has become sufficiently standard on a site that arguing in a way that assumes it is in fact treated as natural and uncontroversial (and thus not “political”), I admit it is reasonable to call it the politics of the site. In much the same way that assuming atheism has always been standard and uncontroversial on LessWrong (though in that case I approve).

Jim says:

> But everything relates to politics to some extent even if it’s just the basic framing assumptions.

LessWrongs basic framing assumptions, their Weltenschauung were far left. And if one does not share those assumptions, the whole site is screaming leftism at one non stop.

Firstly utilitarianism. There is a whole lot of overlap between the utilitarian crowd, and the crowd that sacrifices children on altars to demons, attempts to cast spells, and drinks the blood of children. Normies are not utilitarians. “Oh we are so rational”, the utilitarians say, not noticing that they socially overlap with a whole lot of people who do not seem very rational at all. Despite all the rationalism and materialism, there was a whole lot of cult behaviour going on at LessWrong. Your typical wouldbe witch who conducts human sacrifices by the light of the full moon would fit right in, and probably did. The only reason the Ziz cult got nailed is that their ideology requires confrontational behaviour out in the open regardless of consequences.

Secondly for a bunch supposed rationalists, they were strangely credulous about all sorts of people who not very plausibly claim to be doing good. They were not willing to believe in a God they could not see, but were astonishingly willing to believe in good being done that cannot be seen.

Hesiod says:

Speaking of trannies, some details of the border patrol agent killed in VT on inauguration day last week come to light:

Both in the duo are leftist trans militants. One of the deceased armed militants is a German believed to be in the country on an H-1B visa. The duo is allegedly connected to a trans terror cell.

More sunshine on this alleged “trans terror cell”, please.

Handi says:

The trans terror cell in question is none other than the Ziz cult, an offshoot of LessWrong so unwound that even the other Rationalists got creeped out and denounced them:

I stumbled upon this site a few years back, it’s high-grade autolobotomy material for demon lovers. If you browse around you’ll get the picture pretty quick. The hyperbicameral aspect is a bit interesting as a case study for the proper psychological role of true religion in uniting the mind, by way of people who are intentionally doing the opposite.

Also, they killed a landlord around the same time as the border patrol agent.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I stumbled upon this site a few years back, it’s high-grade autolobotomy material for demon lovers. If you browse around you’ll get the picture pretty quick.

My armor is contempt. My sword is hatred. My shield is disgust. In the Emperor’s name, let none survive.

Hesiod says:

Thanks, Handi. No mention of the tranny angle, much less any terrorists with Phoenician heraldry, in the MSM articles I’ve found, but something of note is the living member of the degenerate duo being investigated for murders in California and Pennsylvania as well.

Pax Imperialis says:

My head hurts trying to sort that out. Why are rationalists so often so irrational? Saw this a lot on Lesswrong, not surprised offshoots are so much worse.

Hesiod says:

It takes a clever person to work out such elaborate ways to stick his head up his own ass.

Pax Imperialis says:

Something that has greatly bothered me about Eliezer Yudkowsky’s reaction to Roko’s Basilisk is how implicit to his argument for banning the discussion of “information hazards” is the idea that if we don’t discuss such problems, an actual singularity intelligence won’t be able to figure those ideas out for itself and potentially implement them… which makes banning the discussion of Roko’s Basilisk and that adjacent ideas worse than moot. Rather it is dangerous in an analogous way that banning all nuclear “info hazards” in America post 1945 would somehow magically mean Soviet nuclear development would somehow not happen.

>his head up his own ass

Now the above was something of a tangent, but entirely relevant. There was no clever elaborate reasoning. The reasoning is a giant glaring gaping hole that is never acknowledged, a hole that can only exist by dilating it with their heads shoved up the festering wound. This is advanced faggotry and not simple self delusion.

On reflection, the “Rationalist” community is not rational because it’s primarily a priesthood built around AI new age progressive mysticism and they are ironically having a singularity problem of the leftist variety themselves.

Tech Priest says:

Whoops, looks like I can respond to Hesiod’s comment. Sorry for spam, Pax please see my comment above.

Handi says:

>My head hurts trying to sort that out. Why are rationalists so often so irrational? Saw this a lot on Lesswrong, not surprised offshoots are so much worse.

>It takes a clever person to work out such elaborate ways to stick his head up his own ass.

This is the curse of the Enlightenment. The intellect is a gift for learning God the Father’s will, not an end unto its own. Without faith the mind is like an engine revving in neutral until it burns out.

Here’s the physiognomic palette for these characters, zero points awarded for guessing what they look like:

On reflection, the “Rationalist” community is not rational because it’s primarily a priesthood built around AI new age progressive mysticism and they are ironically having a singularity problem of the leftist variety themselves.

In particular, it’s a Jewish-led priesthood with a distinctly Kabbalistic/Jewish Gnostic flavor of mysticism. They are attempting to form a golem out of pure symbols, and command it to birth a new god for them to worship. In exchange for their worship, this computer god will release them from God the Father’s creation of dust and clay and upload them to live as eternal beings in the infinitely malleable verbal realm. The whole TDT/acausal trade/Roko’s Basilisk silliness is a conceit that the imaginary action of pondering and pilpulling within one’s own internal creations of the mind is as materially consequential in itself as physical action in God the Father’s external world.

To be clear, these flabby schizos are no Jewish Overlords. It will be really really easy for a reborn and delefted Christendom to keep this type of ideology out of our technology sector. It’s only due to complete rot that they have any influence over tech companies or venture capital funds.

T says:

Is Yud legit at all, or is he in fact doing the demonic inversion / bifurcated brain thing and trying to summon a big scary raaahh urrrrrggh evil AI Demon to do what Shaniqua’s vaccine failed?

Pax Imperialis says:

Roko’s Basilisk is real, just distorted in it’s description through the lens of Yud’s AI mysticism. It’s describing left singularity and purging the party. It has misattributed casual threat feedback loops as acasual threat because they cannot commit the thoughtcrime necessary to understand what is happening.

Handi says:

Holy shit, you are so right. It’s more than just mental masturbation and neurosis, Big Yud freaked out at Roko because Roko’s metaphor hit on the exact mechanism of thoughtcrime, which is of course a thoughtcrime. You just tied it together, the cognitohazard is Noticing and the danger comes from other leftists.

Manov says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.*]

Jim says:

When addressing the issue of Trump’s foreign aid executive order, please post a comment that is responsive to the content of Trump’s executive order

Section 1. Purpose. The United States foreign aid industry and bureaucracy are … antithetical to American values. They serve to destabilize world peace by promoting ideas in foreign countries that are directly inverse to harmonious and stable relations internal to and among countries.

The Cominator says:

Well one bad thing locally the state GOP in Florida seems like its been mass bribed (sort of like the Texas legislature) to allow lots of illegals into the state… while our housing cost are still high. Normally the Florida legislature more or less just does what DeSantis says but all the sudden they want to turn over control of any immigration enforcement and interaction with ICE over to the “agriculture commissioner”.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Chamber of Commerce Republicans showing their true allegiance rather than getting their minds right.

I know and like some CoC-R’s personally, but my own rightward journey made clear they always were the perfect form of insufficiently holy leftist rather than truly right wing. With a healthy dose of self interest on top, it’s no surprise this is the hill they would die on. They should hope they’re only ignored and bypassed, because the alternative is this is the hill they die on politically.

Tangentially related – social media posts about apartment rents and revenues in Denver dropping already. Googling for source I see final quarter of 2024 with reference to overbuilding/oversupply, but with the meme out there we may hope the trend continues. Going to have to grasp the nettle of Chamber of Commerce pain if deportations are to stick.

The Cominator says:

This is new in Florida since I’ve been here, before this the Florida legislature just kind of basically did what DeSantis said to do (which was mostly good though I think DeSantis made a big mistake in changing the 15 week abortion law to 6 weeks… yes the pro abortion referendum failed because the Democrats wanted to go full baby sacrifice and legalize partial birth but if they went a bit more moderate it would have passed). Now they want to do the Texas thing suddenly where illegals are quietly tolerated at least for some things even though DeSantis doesn’t want it. Clearly big bribes came through.

Bix Nudelmann says:

And well fucking well, what have we here?

As for HR being the Final Boss, here’s a post on r/fednews going around that’s so “on the nose” that I presume it’s fake, but I’m a sucker for a good plan to trust, so here it is anyway.

In short:

“[We are]… the HR of all HR in the U.S. Government…”

“We’re not political, we’re just good people selected for by our meritocracy, THEY’RE the political ones!”

Self-unawareness three feet thick.


Subject line: “OPM employee here, we are not the bad guys”

I’m a current employee at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I’m posting this because people need to know what’s going on at OPM.

I’ve been an OPM employee for nearly a decade and a Federal Employee for almost 20 years. I’ve never witnessed anything even remotely close to what’s happening right now. In short, there’s a hostile takeover of the federal civil service.

Let me say this in no uncertain terms — OPM has been compromised and taken over. The very backbone of American Government, the HR of all HR in the U.S. Government has been taken over by outside politicals. In just five days, they managed to push aside dozens of non-political, career civil servants who were there specifically to prevent the civil service from becoming the President’s henchmen.

The current Acting Director, Charles (Chuck) Ezell is a low-level branch chief. He’s the friendliest “yes man” you’ll ever meet. He never says no. It’s clear they pushed aside all the high-level non political civil servants who refused to do Donald Trump’s bidding, until they found Chuck.

Under his name, they’ve sent numerous requests to all the agencies to collect information on gov’t employees that they see as a threat to their agenda. Instructions say to send these lists to Amanda Scales. But Amanda is not actually an OPM employee, she works for Elon Musk. She wasn’t even properly cleared by OPM Personnel Security.

Our CIO, Melvin Brown, (also a non political career public servant) was pushed aside just one week into his tenure because he refused to setup email lists to send out direct communications to all career civil servants. Such communications are normally left up to each agency.

Instead, an on-prem (on-site) email server was setup. Someone literally walked into our building and plugged in an email server to our network to make it appear that emails were coming from OPM. It’s been the one sending those various “test” message you’ve all seen. We think they’re building a massive email list of all federal employees to generate mass RIF notices down the road.

The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit. Even the IGs are being fired to prevent them from investigating the numerous whistleblower complaints we’ve filed.

Please share this and tell the world that OPM is not the bad guy. We’re just as helpless to stop this as the rest of our fellow public servants. Hopefully someone out there can help us, but it’s looking pretty grim.

Jim says:

Suddenly AIs are reporting a trans biological female as a trans biological female.

Thermidor has grabbed the new central instrument of priesthood.

Jim says:

OPM, the HR of all HR, from which all HRs everywhere in the Global American Empire, not just the American goverrnment, ultimately derive their power is, as they say, being dismantled.

The Cominator says:

Trump admin is implementing one of Moldbug’s better ideas for solutions (mostly he was great on the current system but bad on solutions) offering fedgov workers a buyout to resign.

Jim says:

> here’s a post on r/fednews going around that’s so “on the nose” that I presume it’s fake

This post appears to be a response to Guidance on Implementing President Trump’s Executive Order titled, “Restoring Accountability To Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce”From: Charles Ezell, Acting Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management

So it is real, it is the real thing. The HR of all HR is being dismantled.

Neet, the next time you cower in terror along with every other employee during a fire and brimstone DEI sermon, remember this:

“We’re just as helpless to stop this as the rest of our fellow public servants. Hopefully someone out there can help us, but it’s looking pretty grim.”

Now it is their turn to be terrorized.

Jim says:

Promoting this thread to a post, because it is earth shakingly significant.

[…] Hat tip Bix Nudelmann […]

Neurotoxin says:

We’re just as helpless to stop this as the rest of our fellow public servants. Hopefully someone out there can help us, but it’s looking pretty grim.

I’m melting! Melting! Oh, what a world, what a world! Who would have thought an Imperator like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!

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