
Enormous move in bitcoin coming up

The good news is that in the not very distant future, everyone who matters is going to be using Bitcoin. The bad news is that if they will be using something resembling currently available software, they will still be net peons, not netizens.

Probably no dramatic price changes next week. Or next month. Maybe not next year. But we are on a big move up that will likely continue going up and up for a very long time.

The dollar is failing as a medium of international exchange.

Cannot do transactions internationally in fiat when the bankers are untrustworthy and untrusted. Cannot do international transactions in gold, because difficult and dangerous to move long distances.

Russia and others have been messing around trying to come up with fiat alternatives to the dollar. They just are not flying. The sovereign of country A agrees with the sovereign of country B for a deal that allows fiat transactions between A and B, and tells the bankers and bureaucrats to work out the details. But a deal that was actually workable would involve bureuacrats giving up power. So they work out a deal in which the bureaucrats of both A and B have complete power. Which means that in practice the merchant lacks the power to actually perform the transaction. You get a bunch of mysterious pieces of paper that are impossible fill out in a valid manner, your money disappears until you have met requirements that no one will explain to you because no one understands them, least of all the bureaucrats that created them, and your money gets frozen and eventually confiscated. So, increasingly, international transactions are getting done in bitcoin. Eventually bitcoin is going to replace to dollar as the medium of international exchange. Because sometimes, increasingly often, there is no useful alternative.

The US dollar is locked in place by Metcalf’s law. For it to fall, an alternative network must achieve critical mass. Bitcoin does not yet have critical mass but it is getting there. People are being forced into bitcoin because the international fiat money system is broken and getting more broken. Dollar dysfunction is likely to force a critical mass into existence. The more people using bitcoin for international transactions, the more useful it becomes for international transactions, which is likely to result eventually in a quite sudden transition.

This foreshadows a huge upmove in bitcoin. Also a huge attack to get state control through the dangerously concentrated miners.

Hodlers are generally betting on Wiemar style collapse of the US$ for everyday transactions, which is probably still some distance away. But a slow motion collapse of the dollar as medium for international exchange is happening right now.

For international transactions, the bitcoin blockchain suffices. The merchant sends you a public key he wants given value, usually over a highly insecure channel likely to leak information to all sorts of people who might want to rob you or just maliciously harm you. You transfer the requested amount of bitcoin to that key. Which should suffice because the transfer shows up on the bitcoin blockchain, which is a reliable broadcast channel, but the merchant frequently wants you to also send him a screen shot of the information that you just published on the bitcoin blockchain, after the transaction has gone through and received a reasonable number of confirmations, on the same insecure channel, because he wants the bitcoin transaction linked to rest of his highly insecure transaction metadata.

For everyday transactions, we need the lightning network. The cryptographically secure Nostr social network has recently been linked to the cryptographically secure lightning network, but the linkage is horribly insecure.

Nostr uses ssh style public private keypairs. Which is not good enough if there is money on the social network, plus people are used to wallet style public private keypairs derived from a master passphrase. People are used to doing it right, and SSH has forever been doing it wrong. And now Nostr is walking the footsteps of SSH. However, the one nostr client that integrates lightning wallet uses wallet style keys, and presumably eventually they all will.

Now if Nostr could be upgraded to use wallet style keypairs, and the linkage between lightning and nostr fixed up, and if lightning’s backup problem was fixed up, we would have a useful system for transactions. Unfortunately the people implementing the linkage were rightly aiming at user friendliness, mass usage, and getting it up in a hurry, and security got trodden under in the rush.

The linkage has now achieved critical mass, which is great, and may well soon show up on Twitter, which would be super duper great, but cleaning up the security mess is likely to be hard and will get harder the more the insecure system is adopted. Still, no one has incentive to do it right, until large numbers of people doing it wrong creates problems. And whatever is wrong with this system, it is a big improvement on what we have now. At present, you can only use nostr with certain peon wallets, though the underlying zap protocol is perfectly capable of supporting the real thing. Unfortunately the real thing is difficult, dangerous, and expensive to set up, which is why Nostr developers have not bothered with it yet.

If you use the standard easy to use lightning wallets, you are a peon. Someone else controls your money, knows what you are doing with it, is selling that information to all and sundry, and you are using your money by his permission. And some of the people buying that information do not like you very much. The real lightning wallets are Lnd and C-lightning. Which you really have to be a unix guru to use. And even if you are unix guru, you are likely to foul up and lose your money.

To use the money safely, you have to have a C-lightning wallet running on a dedicated always on machine, the wallet state has to be continuously backed up moment to moment to a nas running on another machine, (and the wallet is in the clear, and a nas is by its nature not very secure), and the ip address that the lightning network sees your machine at cannot be your home address, because then all manner of bad people know there is money at your home address, which can be physically taken by taking the machine running your lightning node. You are at risk of state authorities deciding that you must be doing something bad, taking your computer with your lightning bitcoin in it, and to get it back you have to prove you were not doing something bad, which is impossible to prove. Or random criminals may just take your computer.

So you want the transactions to go through the vpn, but you don’t want the backup to the Nas to go through the vpn. You don’t want the vpn blocking local network access.

Umbrel and Citadel use Lnd for the lightning network, and are designed for small cheap machines. Unfortunately Lnd is broken, because they never fixed the backup problem. It is only safe to run Lnd on a big expensive highly reliable machine, typically a nas, and not all that safe even on a big expensive highly reliable machine. It is impossible to backup wallet.db, because it is continually being written to, and if your machine dies, you probably have a broken copy of wallet.db. It can only be safely backed up when Lnd has done a clean shut down. And as soon as you start up lnd again, your backup is not only useless, but dangerous.

And wallet.db is where your money actually is.

channel.db is not a backup copy of your money. It is an overly clever and too complicated by half mechanism for recovering money lost in a computer crash, which might or might not work. Will likely recover some of your money. And after you have recovered some of your money, all your lightning channels, accrued reputation and connections are gone.

And if you are running it on a raspberry pi or something similar, you are likely running off an external drive attached to a usb port. And the port connection is going to start randomly failing from time to time sooner or later, probably within a few months. And boom, you have lost all your channels, and probably some of your money. Not to mention rasberries just keep dying.

C-lightning however uses the more reliable and crash resistant sqlite3 database format, and more importantly, allows dual sqlite3 databases. So you have your primary database on your local machine, and a backup with the same name in a different directory on a network drive in the basement on the other side of the house. The backup contains stealable money, and is in the clear, so probably not a good idea to put on the cloud, assuming sqlite will work reliably with a cloud drive, which I doubt.

A “successful” recovery on Lnd is painful, complicated, and no matter how clever and technically savvy you are, you will lose a great deal. A successful recovery of c-lightning will simply resume where it left off.

Lnd is experimenting with a database that is designed to run over the network, as part of their failure recovery strategy. But, last I looked, not yet ready for prime time. And the way Lnd is implemented makes it difficult to implement a reliable backup and restore facility.

What is really needed is a custom database that physically writes a new block on local and remote disks for every lightning transaction, and then from time time creates a packed copy of that data, and then, when the packed data verifies as correct frees up the blocks. Sounds like a big project. And you would want a social network with parity files so that each person kept a parity file (or parity data structure in sqlite) that would enable any one party to recover everything from his seed phrase the way you can with a normal bitcoin wallet. People expect to have a system where they can just download the software from the internet onto a new machine, type in their passphrase, and they get everything back. We know in principle how to accomplish this, but actually accomplishing it is hard.

At present what you need is a wireguard vpn server in the cloud, a dedicated computer on your local hard wired network running wallets, and another dedicated computer hard wired on your network acting as a nas. TerraMaster F4-210 is remarkably cheap nas that can store a lot of data, though you can go somewhat cheaper if you are only going to use the nas to backup your lightning wallet, and therefore do not care about big storage. You can also get a perfectly good fanless mini pc capable of running wallets for a whole lot less than a preconfigured umbrel or citadel strawberry.

To enable people without a pile of hardware on their local lan and good nix administration skills to operate a lightning wallet that is truly their own, and a monetized Nostr identity that is truly their own, without requiring them to do a whole lot work, and risk losing money if they mess up that work, requires a whole lot of software not yet written. We don’t have reasonably easy to use software that makes a man a netizen rather than a peon of big tech.

Demand is coming, while our software is still broken. And no end of people are happy to fill the gap with scam software and peon software. Bitcoin is about to hit the big time, and for international transactions it is good enough, but for lightning transactions, not yet ready, Nostr may well hit the big time, and our software is not ready. If you are on Nostr with a peon lightning wallet, still a peon.

1,586 comments Enormous move in bitcoin coming up

Fidelis says:

The stopgap solution is a 2-way pegged federation. This solves channel instability, individual hardware/server admin faults, increasing cost of channel management, and if the counterparty is within the same federation as you, can use federation broadcast space near-free. The cons are a weaker anonymity set, mitigated by not leaking bits when entering the federation ecosystem, higher latency on lightning settlements, and now you have to determine the reliability of the federation peers as there is a counterparty system on top of the bitcoin network.

Over time these federations get better as the anonymity set increases, more privacy tools get added, and tools to coordinate bitcoin-pegged state machines trustlessly get deployed. The substrate/polkadot and cosmos ecosystems have loads and loads of tools to reduce broadcast faults between soverign state machines, and in the substrate case tie together state machines into a single merkle root. The eth ecosystem is rapidly growing and deploying very fancy zk tools useful to scavenge and assist this process; providing much higher bandwidth and privacy.

So, stopgap solution, lots of small federations with high individual management costs, but still lower management costs than running lnd individually. Eventually these federations grow in size, each new node reducing the individual’s personal costs and making the feds lightning channels more useful as capital locked in the fed btc utxo set grows, and over time more stable channels are added. Sooner or later, tools to secure braodcast channels other than just lightning between these feds get deployed, and since they are pegged into btc anyway, you can tie the states together into a reference to a btc locked and ordered merkle root. That will happen first simply because the tools are already extant and working, just needs some quick patching.

Soon after this, the zk tools mature enough to apply. These increase bandwidth, because state can now be safely sharded, new ways of threshold signing accomplished, lots of little benefits, and they increase privacy, because users broadcast only hashed commitments of little state chunk transitions to local nodes, which get well mixed as they move up the tree recursively.

Karl says:

You present a convincing argument that a cryptocurrency will replace the dollar as a medium of international exchange. Why are you so confident that it will be bitcoin and not some other cryptocurrency?

The only reason I see for such confidence is the fact that bitcoin is in the process of replacing the dollar. Bitcoin has a large headstart on any competing cryptocurrency and will have an even larger headstart on any cryptocurrency not yet created. Once an alternative to the dollar is established, habit will protect that alternative to some degree as an alternative cryptocurrency would have to achieve a critical mass of users and transactions.

jim says:

> Why are you so confident that it will be bitcoin and not some other cryptocurrency?

> that bitcoin is in the process of replacing the dollar

As you say, it is happening now.

Because right now, when I buy something that would be difficult to buy using fiat, the merchant always asks for regular bitcoin.

Because right now there is a pile of excellent merchant bitcoin software:

BTCPay Server
One Time Address

Metcalf’s law. First mover gets it all. Bitcoin is the first mover, and is approaching critical mass. No one else is there yet.

Because of various horrible things that have become apparent with bitcoin, a new currency that fixes those things is likely. But that software is at present just a gleam in my eye. Right now what is happening on the ground is Bitcoin.

And I am even more horrified by how far Nostr falls short of my dreams. But Nostr is getting mass adoption right now. The obvious thing is Nostr in the payment space, integrating the transaction with the merchant metadata. But without a netizen lightning wallet that can be used by someone without expertise in linux administration and some special hardware on his home network, that is merely going to create huge profits for hodlers, without liberating the masses from tech peonage.

We need a lightning wallet that satisfactorily fixes the backup and restore problem, and is also a nostr server (relay) and client so that you can set up a new lightning channel without using an outside social net channel.

S says:

I thought the same way. Bitcoin can be copied at zero cost and you can make your own crypto- why can’t an established player do that?

If you are making you are making improvements to bitcoin, the best payoff is to buy bitcoin and then release the improvements; this is more certain then hoping people pick up your coin from all the chaff.

Now what about state level? I thought China was going to go ahead with this- after all, gaining control of the world’s reserve currency would be a massive win.

This didn’t happen. I think the problem is the founders, first adopters and miners get rich. If a civil service is making their own crypto suddenly you have talk of ‘fairness’ and ‘compensation’ and the like. Heck, if you lose your wallet, the money is gone- what government would release a crypto like that?

So in the end it never gets made. I could be wrong, but I think there isn’t any elite that is both virtuous and competent enough to pull that off. That’s horrifying in hindsight; normality bias is one hell of a drug.

jim says:

Fundamental problems with bitcoin:

* It relies on everyone verifying everything, which is about to hit its scaling limits.

* It relies on a sufficient number of people storing all transactions forever, which definitely has hit its scaling limits.

* It relies on proof of work for consensus, which has become concentrated in the hands of a small number of big immobile miners with expensive equipment, that the state can easily find.

Everyone verifying everything can be gracefully changed with sidechains that employ recursive snarks, and then the sidechains grow, eventually swallowing the mainchain.

Proof of work cannot be gracefully changed. Some people have to lose power and money, and other people have to gain it. It is going to be nasty and passionate.

The Cominator says:

Can it all be solved?

jim says:

It can, and will.

The solution to the scaling problem will be smooth, and it will still be Bitcoin, just bitcoin employing recursive snarks. Most people will scarcely notice the change.

The solution to the proof of work problem is likely to be chaotic, controversial, and disruptive.

It is likely to involve sovereign corporations, and some of those sovereign corporations will likely eventually be private military companies. Likely they will eventually be private military companies with space capability and nuclear capability.

The Cominator says:

Not sure?

Fidelis says:

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Miners

You cannot do anything with miner control except jam up the network. Mint out blocks with invalid transactions and clients can simply reject them. Well, jamming up the network indefinitely is going to be extremely expensive. You destroy the value of the network and you pay billions in energy and silicon to gain controlling share of the network youre attacking, and then… what exactly. Keep the chain from minting blocks indefinitely? Sanction your rivals? If you do the former, burning energy for nothing, a new hash algorithm with new asics will emerge, new ways of slipping in important txns, people will fork and ignore you until you give up. Sanctioning your rivals just destroys the power of the network you spent billions to gain control over, just as stupid as GAE stealing the 600 billion it did from Russia.

We have a very small window of opportunity for a state to meaningfully use network control as an attack, and that window is not yet upon us. When BTC becomes a reserve asset, and many rival states lean large parts of state function on it, and before recursive st/narks obfuscate which transactions are doing what, you have a window where you can jam the economic machine as a short term attack. Very small window, and very costly, but not so costly its foolish.

jim says:

There is one very very bad thing you can do with miner control. It so bad that I do not want to draw our enemies attention to it, so I am giving you a link instead of mentioning it directly.

Fidelis says:

If I understand the problem you point to, which you have pointed to frequently in the past, an attack levied on the Tutsi in a different time, it is functionally just a jamming attack. The actor model also excludes actors with incentives beyond mere immediate economic return, such as a rival nationstate finding their very important central bank transactions jammed up at an inopportune time. You need to have quite a bit of network dominance to drown out rivals in perpetuity, which reduces down to my earlier analysis: lots of cost, effectively a sanction at best, destroys network worth in order to carry it out indefinitely. So something like this has a small window. Expense grows rapidly, but causing chaos in an enemy’s financial system, as you perhaps cause chaos at other layers of the logistical stack, and perhaps carry out kinetic attacks when they find themselves on the backfoot, a short window attack, probably worth the trade.

And soon to be unreasonable, when no one can tell what transaction means what, except in local shards of the network; you could only jam the whole thing, at great cost.

jim says:

Not so.

The state can selectively jam only unapproved transactions with control of only one third of the mining capacity. They do not have to jam the whole thing in order to forbid transactions that they do not like (transactions whose inputs are insufficiently known, transparent to, and understood, by imperial oversight) unspendable.

Fidelis says:

only one third

This is assuming homo economicus behavior, not homo bellicus behavior. The value of the network is that it is not in the hands of any one party. Put it in someone’s hands, the network branches away from you, you find yourself holding the tail of the salamander that has escaped. So, model this out. GAE puts out a decree, OFAC BTC from now on, what happens. Everything as normal? No, day one all the uncaptured devs start discussing software solutions. Day one foreign exchanges start planning how to deal with the blow in price. Day one all the miners suddenly find themselves underwater as captial costs now vastly outweigh revenue.

Now, consider further that russia has significant hashpower of its own. GAE says OFAC blocks, russia says fuck off, orders its miners to be uneconomical. Need quite a huge dominance to effectively jam the network indefinitely with actors acting in more than short term economic pursuit.

Selectively censoring transactions is the bitcoin network equivalent of stealing the 600 billion from Russia. You may get to throw a jab, but then the thing you gained control over suddenly becomes worthless as counterparties all look to decouple. Running such an attack indefinitely is pointless, may be tried regardless, but ultimately fruitless.

jim says:

> Selectively censoring transactions is the bitcoin network equivalent of stealing the 600 billion from Russia. You may get to throw a jab, but then the thing you gained control over suddenly becomes worthless as counterparties all look to decouple

US dollar did not instantly fall to zero, nor instantly cease to be the international currency. It will, but it is going to be a mighty long net war. And the only way for our guys to win it is to have an alternative that is not proof of work.

yes, everyone is looking for ways to decouple from the US dollar. Have they decoupled? And when bitcoin mining is targeted, everyone will similarly be looking for ways to decouple. And it will be hard, long and messy.

Fidelis says:

US dollar did not instantly fall to zero, nor instantly cease to be the international currency. It will, but it is going to be a mighty long net war.

Long road ahead, has been a very strong hegemon for about the same length of time as a human lives.

And the only way for our guys to win it is to have an alternative that is not proof of work.

We have a fundamental disagreement on this that I don’t feel like airing out again.

And when bitcoin mining is targeted, everyone will similarly be looking for ways to decouple. And it will be hard, long and messy.

This is where my case rests. It will be very long, and very expensive to keep the attack going. You trigger defense mechanisms instantly, and from that moment you make all the infrastructure and control you aquired set afire. The longer you hold the attack, the more you lose, and the less you stand to gain.

I find it likely, not overwhelmingly likely, such an attack will be tried. I find it overwhelmingly likely it will fail, and cost the attacker more than they stand to gain. Each passing day we get closer to a world where such an attack does not matter, the base layer more and more abstracted from the business logic, more substitutable, so I am more worried about making that reality come about faster. The best way to keep peace is to prepare for war, and so we must continue to prepare for war.

Mayflower Sperg says:

TL;DR software gains market share by being powerful and easy to use. Unfortunately if that software is a cryptocurrency, it also has to be scalable and secure, qualities that are hard for experts to judge, and impossible for average users.

Question: Why do currency exchanges reject every US banknote that has the slightest mark, be it a stamp, ballpoint pen, or even an ink stain on the unprinted outer margin? A US bank would accept these notes without a second glance; they’re obviously genuine.

Wolf says:

I think it’s usually because the central bank in the country wherein the exchange is located has made a policy to refuse those bills. Why would a central bank create that policy?

newwest says:

So I know nothing about crypto but would like to invest a small part of my retirement fund. Can somebody, please, recomment resources that I should study, before I take the plunge?

Fidelis says:

Learn how to keep a private key in cold storage. Not your keys not your crypto. Then figure out how to exchange your fiat into crypto, to send to your cold key.

Kind of a tall order for a non technical normie, but that’s the price.

f6187 says:

Cannot do international transactions in gold, because difficult and dangerous to move long distances.

You don’t have to move gold too often, only to settle occasional large balances in a network which books transactions efficiently in digital form. Even now it is already fairly routine to move tons of gold by airplane.

The problem now is that those in command of force majeure are more likely to attack property rights than to defend them, making physical assets vulnerable to theft and participants vulnerable to punishment. That drives the move to non-physical assets and extraordinarily furtive transactions.

Although that is one way to work around elite moral decay, ultimately there is no procedural substitute for good moral character.

jim says:

> You don’t have to move gold too often, only to settle occasional large balances in a network

This requires you to believe that the counterparty has the gold, and will deliver it on demand. In short, requires virtue and trust. Which is in short supply.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In any environment, moving gold is a lot easier than moving the physical goods being purchased with that gold. It’s more convenient to pay for real goods with virtual currency (including central bank fiat, if possible), but gold bullion is always an option.

For virtual goods, it would be nice if I could say, “Wow Pseudo, that’s a great comment, here’s 0.00001 Jimcoin!” but I doubt that such transactions will ever amount to a significant fraction of global GDP.

jim says:

> In any environment, moving gold is a lot easier than moving the physical goods being purchased with that gold

Suppose you want to buy a tanker load of oil with gold. Stealing the oil is likely to be physically difficult. Stealing the gold is easy.

Thus it is vastly easier to ship the oil than the gold. In our current environment, gold equal in value to tanker load of oil is a whole lot less likely to make it than the tanker.

I take physical goods through the airport all the time, often quite valuable to me, but of little use to someone who might confiscate them. Cannot take any significant amount of gold.

Let us imagine Russia trying to sell oil for gold. Not going to work. If you are a government in bad standing with the Global American Empire you cannot buy oil with gold or sell oil for gold, and if you are in good standing and you try it, you are very quickly going to find yourself in bad standing and being color revolutioned.

You can buy locally produced goods in person with gold, but gold is not suitable for goods that have to be moved over distance, because the counterflow of gold is not going to make it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What’s so hard about stealing a tanker full of oil? It’s big, slow-moving, lightly-crewed, and unarmed. They’ve already seized hundreds of ships allegedly owned by Russian oligarchs, what’s one more?

If you say, “That vessel is protected by country X, which would regard its seizure as an act of war,” then country X can extend its protection to whatever vessel is carrying gold in the other direction.

Fidelis says:

Some numbers from quick search

2 million barrels of crude for a tanker, 70 usd per barrel, 140m usd

Gold price per gram, 62 usd, 2260kg, or about 188 gold bars to have the same worth as the oil.

I feel like one is easier to transport.

jim says:

It is not the cost of transport that matters. It is how much it costs the robber to steal it. Gold is cheaper to steal. So because of general lawlessness by state actors, quasi state actors and random criminals, very hard to transport gold.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Stealing oil is easy: Just wait for it to be loaded into a ship, say that the ship’s owner is a friend of Vladimir Putin, and steal the ship.

Before stealing two tons of gold, you have to locate it, and it’s surprising how little space two tons of gold occupies.

If states can protect oil shipments, they can protect gold shipments.

jim says:

Physical reality is that gold is hard to transport, and under current conditions, vastly harder. People just don’t.

Redbible says:

“Stealing GOLD is easy: Just wait for it to be loaded into a ship, say that the ship’s owner is a friend of Vladimir Putin, and steal the ship.”

S says:

@Mayflower Sperg
It is the size and fungibility of gold that makes it easy to steal. Steal a shipment of a million watermelons and you need to have customers in order to change it into cash. Steal and oil tanker and you need to have a port and refinery willing to take it.

Gold is closer to currency then any other good so requires the least amount of effort to be useful.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Load that gold onto warships. Russia needs a blue-water navy anyway to protect its shipping lanes; those ships could also serve as floating Brinks trucks.

Gold is better than crypto, from a state’s perspective, because gold is a physical thing, and states are good at controlling physical things.

Only problem I see is that if states admit that gold is money, that might imply that the pieces of paper their citizens carry in their wallets are not money.

I think the two big trends of the 21st century will be a return to the gold standard and to warrior rule, at the expense of politicians and bureaucrats, who will fight tooth and nail to hold onto the powers they have grown accustomed to.

jim says:

> Load that gold onto warships

And people complain about bitcoin fees. Every transaction in gold over distance needs loyal honest armed men to protect it, and the bigger the transaction, the more armed men. This is doable, and indeed what is in fact done, but it makes transactions slow, complicated and expensive.

Western Taliban says:

states are good at controlling physical things.

I don’t think so.

States are good at producing collective violence and murder, the only thing they know. Precisely much of the problem in modern statesmanship is delusional belief that the state is good at anything else. The state is banditry.

The plebs seem to eat that shit up to no end and are prone to vote for more government involvement, but everything the government touches turns to shit. And if you had a king who was trying to govern his kingdom through magical decrees instead of simply delegating responsibilities to competent men to take care of them as they see fit he would wind up king of the ashes.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Liberal democratic states are incapable of anything except preparing children for a lifetime of anal sex, but non-liberal states are very good at controlling physical space. See how Western countries were all flummoxed by Somali pirates until Russian warships showed up and turned those pirates into chum slicks.

Western Taliban says:

until Russian warships showed up and turned those pirates into chum slicks.

Yes exactly, violence and murder, which is not the same as being good at controlling physical things. They killed the Somali pirates, that’s all. If you put the same government that kills those pirates into logistics and controlling physical things you’re going to get cancer.

Even during/after WWII, when America militarily was at its peak, the government and military was famous among its own people for being absolutely horrendously incompetent in general at anything that wasn’t blowing shit up.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Violence works. Just secure the trade routes and let merchants figure out the rest. After Genghis Khan conquered half of Eurasia, it was said that a virgin with a pot of gold on her head could walk unmolested from Syria to Korea.

Crypto is a poor substitute because its security depends on secrets. If two people know something, it’s not a secret, and if only one person knows it, and he dies, his crypto becomes useless.

jim says:

Even if we had a sovereign who upheld justice, crypto currency would still be better money, because you do not need a sovereign to protect secrets.

f6187 says:

This requires you to believe that the counterparty has the gold, and will deliver it on demand. In short, requires virtue and trust. Which is in short supply.

Whereas with Bitcoin, there is nothing to deliver. Quite a solution.

Hawaladars have managed counterparty risk for many centuries. They took managed losses, but such is life. The real currency is virtue and personal integrity. Gold follows the virtuous man, not the other way around.

Nevertheless you are correct, and as I say, “ultimately there is no procedural substitute for good moral character.” When virtue and trust decay, wealth decays. Eventually life itself becomes unsustainable, since life depends on trade and the division of labor, and those depend on virtue and trust.

The “procedural workaround” for lack of virtue and trust is crypto coins, which have the advantage of trustless transactions but the disadvantage of not being a useful physical object. And yes gold is useful — if it weren’t so rare we’d use it almost everywhere, but its rarity decrees its principal use as money.

Crypto coins also have the disadvantage of endless supply, as there are now about 16,633 different types of them. That may actually help drive Bitcoin’s first mover advantage, since at least it has limited supply.

f6187 says:

Cannot do international transactions in gold, because difficult and dangerous to move long distances.

In a richly developed network of trust it is possible to eliminate many shipments. Andy owes Bob a bar of gold; Bob owes Charles a bar of gold; Charles owes Andy a bar of gold. Voila, let’s zero the books and not lift a finger.

Requires virtue and trust though, which is in short supply. The opportunity cost is staggering.

Calvin says:

Unrelated, but do you think that the Supremes ruling affirmative action illegal is part of sections of the elite trying to roll back leftism in preparation for war with China? I doubt Roberts would have gone for it if at least someone higher up hadn’t given him the go-ahead:

The Cominator says:

They can make whatever concessions they want and I hope they do, but I’m still not supporting war with Russia.
> No fat chicks
> No tatted drug addicts
> They wear dresses not pants
> They don’t all hate men and hate life
> No dykes
> No visible interracial couples (yes I know a lot of white Russians end up with Central Asian Russians)
This enrages the globohomo faggot.

jim says:

It is a nothing burger. There are ten thousand laws and court rulings banning affirmative action. Everyone denies practicing it even though they are practicing it. Since there are all these magic smart negroes, if you don’t see them, you will get in trouble. And if you use measures that show that they are not actually there, you will get in trouble. What is unconstitutional is not affirmative action, but the thought crime of admitting that blacks are insufficiently competent to make it on merit.

jim says:

Harvard has not been banned from practicing affirmative action. They have been banned from admitting that anyone is not there on merit.

Pax Imperialis says:

Another set of lie that must be held as true. One must wonder what that does for their mental health. Likely nothing good. Mental Lingchi?

Cloudswrest says:

Berkeley Low School dean Erwin Chemerinsky on “discrete” affirmative action.

Contaminated NEET says:

This is a win for the Left, as usual, although most of them are too affronted or too stupid to understand it yet. Of course, affirmative action continues as before, with a handful of obvious and inconsequential fig leaves to hide it. But now, affirmative action is “illegal,” therefore it’s misinformation and probably actionable slander/libel to say that any of its beneficiaries was admitted on anything other than pure merit. AA is illegal, therefore it’s impossible that any school would practice it, therefore it’s simply a fact that Jahneekia is the best qualified med school applicant, therefore your statement that she is not is a hate crime.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

Engineerete Jahneekia will be enslaved or killed after the last US aircraft carrier is sitting at the bottom of the Pacific.

Red says:

As others have pointed out, getting rid of Disparate Impact would be a game changer, but this doesn’t seem like anything real. What will happen is Asians will use this assert their own interests while continuing to keep whites out.

The Cominator says:

The subway marine is fucked he’s being tried in Manhattan.

Contaminated NEET says:

The Age of Man is over. The Time of the Orc has come.

The Cominator says:

Heard his lawyer said its good that it’s Manhattan, my greaseball townie NYC born and raised friend said the opposite and that ideally he’d want Staten Island followed by Queens.

This might be a case of his lawyer fucking him…

Jehu says:

Wasn’t Bernie Goetz tried in Manhattan? The jury acquitted him of everything but the weapons charges. But that was back in the late 80s.

The Cominator says:

The difference was at the time even the Manhattan whites were cheering Charles Bronson in Death Wish… Manhattan right now is filled with prog fanatics who migrated from small towns upstate in upper New England or the Midwest who want to show how much holier they are then the hicks they came from and they have little real experience with criminal nigs even secondhand.

Red says:

Magic Negro Worship has gotten stronger over the years. I don’t know what it was like in the 70s, but since 2014 it’s been quite fanatical.

Red says:

This might be a case of his lawyer fucking him…

Likely. They let the nignog that knifed a homeless mugger go Scott free. That was well done, but the message is clear: WT isn’t allow to defend himself or others.

Western Taliban says:

You forgot the part where the Orcs actually lost, like they lost in Afghanistan, like they’re losing in Ukraine, like they will all lose eventually. Man can suffer ups and downs, but he remains supreme, God wills it.

Contaminated NEET says:
Sher Singh says:


jim says:

These are all valid and legitimate complaints about the sufferings of Sikh’s and higher castes.

And if you blamed them on globohomo democracy instead of assorted enemies of the Cathedral, I would let it through.

Dharmicreality says:

I am not tech expert especially crypto currency but if the fundamental infrastructure like electricity, internet connectivity and computing power increasingly goes into tech decline, what would be the fate of crypto currency which fundamentally assumes the reliable 24*7 availability of electricity, underlying computing power and networking infrastructure and connectivity.

Will the West continue to get even electric power and water supply 24*7 if the current decline continues with competent white men slowly replaced by diversity and Shaniquas relying on magic dirt and incantations to make stuff happen?

jim says:

> what would be the fate of crypto currency which fundamentally assumes the reliable 24*7 availability of electricity, underlying computing power and networking infrastructure and connectivity.

Current events in the Ukraine reveal that tech capability wins wars. Shaniqua is going to wind dead or enslaved.

We need to get sovereign corporations working, as it becomes impossible for corporations that owe their corporateness to legal incorporation and state regulated book keeping to operate tech.

dharmicreality says:

At what point in the future do you anticipate that sovereign corporations will become practically possible? Will it require the actual fall of the present Government and Regulatory structures or mere incompetence on the bureaucrats’ part to enforce their will suffice?

jim says:

Sovereign corporations would be possible right now if we had the software written.

Corporations are these days network entities, rather than physical places where people show up.

What makes an enterprise a real thing is not its buildings, but its books. Businesses were an accounting fiction imagined into reality before they were legal fiction of the joint stock limited liability publicly traded corporation legislated into reality. What makes a corporation a creature of the state is government enforcement of truthful book keeping, and government enforcement of the property rights represented by shares in the business. We can use cryptographic methods to replace both of these. (Not to mention that government is now enforcing untruthful book keeping and violating the property rights represented by shares, as in the gamestop events.)

Karl says:

Cryptographic methods can provide truthful book keeping, but how could cryptographic methods enforce property rights?

Men with butons and guns are needed to enforce property rights. The squatter has to removed by force from property he isn’t welcome. The thief and the robber must be met with physical force.

Sovereign is who can use force and get a way with it. A sovereign company is a comany that can use force, lethal force if necessary, to defend its rights.

Some drug cartels and other criminal organizations might be sovereign corporations, but software doesn’t make them sovereign.

Any company that would try being sovereign by using violence without state approval would quickly be treated as a criminal organization.

At present, a criminal organization can produce drugs and provide transportation services (aka smuggling), but I fail to see how it could run a factory that produces machinery.

jim says:

> Cryptographic methods can provide truthful book keeping, but how could cryptographic methods enforce property rights?

The gamestop shenanigans could not have happened if shares in gamestop were a fungible token on the blockchain.

You are thinking of a corporation as a tangible thing. It is not a tangible thing. It is the effect of people interacting according to certain rules, habits and expectations. All of which can be put on a blockchain of identities and labels. A corporation is a coordinating mechanism that causes people to act to a common purpose. This coordinating mechanism is composed of pure information. A corporation exists as information – in the old days, information represented in a physical set of books, these days, information on physical computers. Corporations are composed of information. They always have been composed of information.

Most corporate property is intangible. The buildings that they occupy are rented or leased. Most of their real value is “goodwill”, the network of relationships, habits, knowledge, and skills in which they are the organizing vertices – their value is on the net. Domino’s pizza does not make any pizza nor own any pizza shops. It does not own any flour, nor any cheese. It leases out its brand name, ordering system, and the right to use its names on its pizza recipes to little pizza shops owned by individual businessmen. It also organizes their supply chain, so that flour and cheese and such that it does not make or own is delivered on time by businesses it does not own to other businesses it does not own. It also takes pizza orders, which it despatches to small businesses it does not own, to be served by pizzas it does not make. (But it defines the recipes.)

The property of a sovereign corporation will be in the net, and physical assets will be owned by individuals, as for example a “Domino’s” pizza shop. And those individuals will deal with defending their physical assets themselves. Possibly with a bit of help in the case of private military corporations.

Domino’s pizza does not exist in any physical thing. Rather it is a system of relationships that results in some individuals making pizza with stuff that they themselves own, and other people getting pizza to eat. That system of relationships can be moved to the net. The pizza oven and the pizza stays where it is.

And Wagner does not actually own any tanks, though taking their tanks away might be difficult – was indeed difficult.

dharmicreality says:

Jim, what you are saying is right, technically but what makes the Sovereign respect the difference between Dominos and its franchisees?

Supposing, word got around that the Govt was pissed off by Dominos (the brand) and thereafter the physical stores of Dominos franchisees get raided officially or unoffically by the State. If enough individuals became reluctant to put up a Dominos sign in their pizza shop, what would become of Dominos, the brand? Since the whole point of Dominos is pizza to customers, if the actual store owners who put up Dominos signs were under threat, and delivery boys who wear the Dominos T-shirt were under threat by the Sovereign, how could Dominos actually maintain its brand, attract franchisees and make money?

In the sense, if there are tangible assets involved, and physical products to be delivered, regardless of who owns them technically, there is always the danger of the Sovereign wielding its might to thwart the Corporation’s business.

jim says:

> If enough individuals became reluctant to put up a Dominos sign in their pizza shop, what would become of Dominos, the brand?

The difference is that Dominos the legally created corporation can be seized with the stroke of the pen, but as a cryptographically created corporation, the sovereign has to send a whole lot men with guns all over the place, to knock on the doors of a whole lot of people who likely have guns also.

It is similar to the difference between having your money in the bank, and having your money in Bitcoin. They could beat my passphrase out of me, but that is hard work and likely to be dangerous.

dharmicreality says:

Yes, got your point. The distributed (anticipated) resistance by individual franchisees is a bigger headache since individual agents of the Sovereign have to run considerable personal risk to thwart them, while a corporate controlled by the State is broken apart by a lawmaker sitting in a distant office.

But what it also means is that, we need conditions where a considerable number of individuals also no longer treat the Sovereign as a sacrosanct entity.

jim says:

Well I live as far from power as you can get without treading water, and I look at the people around me, and they don’t think the Sovereign is sacrosanct. Maybe attitudes are different closer to power.

Karl says:

Let’s look more closely at your example of Domino’s pizza somehow transformed into a souvereign corporation.

So all tangible goods are owned by real, narural persons. The coorporations owns only “goodwill”.

Now let’s assume that someone who has nothing to with Domino’s pizza and no right to any of the corporations goodwill opens a pizza restaurant called “Domino’s Pizza”. That someone wants to profit from the coorporation’s goodwill, doesn’t want to pay for it, and doesn’t even want to maintain that goodwill. He is cheerfully selling pizza of a much lower quality to his customers who are only buying from him because they are expecting better quality. Of course, these customer’s are very disapointed and Domino’s goodwill is suffering.

So how does your sovereign company protect its rights?

If the company merely asks some government appointed judge to send the police to close that fake Domino’s Pizza, the company isn’t souvereign at all.

If the company sends a contract killer to close that fake Domino’s pizza, the government will investigate and pretty soon the company will be treated as a criminal organisation and anyone dealing with it will be comitting a criminal offence.

A drug cartel can survive that for a while, but Domino’s pizza? I don’t think so. Pretty soon the company will be gone and all “good will” lost.

jim says:

> Now let’s assume that someone who has nothing to with Domino’s pizza and no right to any of the corporations goodwill opens a pizza restaurant called “Domino’s Pizza”.

What he lacks is Domino’s system for taking orders – people who call up for pizza delivery are going to get the nearest actual franchisee. He also does not have Domino’s system for delivery of ingredients. He is going to have to do his own shopping for equivalent ingredients, which will not always be that similar, and suppliers prefer an agreement where they get to deliver the their stuff to one hundred shops, rather than one shop. The transaction costs on making a deal for ingredients are going to be higher if one pizzeria, rather than a hundred. And if someone is looking for the nearest Domino’s pizza, not going to be listed.

And when people pay electronically using their lightning wallet on the phone, their phone is not going to show Domino’s pizza.

Shadoo says:

But this experiment has been done, and results consistently disprove your assertions.

In Eve Online, people form associations (corporations and alliances of corporations) and then cooperate within the game to secure resources within the game. (Trading real-world assets such as dollars for those resources is supported by the game company; the reverse trade is contrary to terms but happens all the time anyway.) Observations from the game apply to real-world corporations because the social dynamics are identical. Eve provides a laboratory with high stress, high potential reward, rapid iteration, rapid feedback, and near-total freedom of action. Its results are therefore trustworthy.

The in-game corporations and alliances form generally based on two specific models: purely in-game associations and social networks based on in-game interests and socializing, or associations based on real-world identities, usually national ones, but also tightly-knit groups of individuals who know each other from other online contexts. (Something Awful Forums being the most well-known, but there were many such cases.)

Consistently – I think it is safe to say, without exception – the groups formed based on in-game interest showed dramatically lower asabiyah and collapsed into cascade failures much more quickly than the groups formed based on identity. Red Allaince (russians) holding out for the better part of a year against a conglomerate of the then-most powerful alliances in the game is one example. Sons of Tangra (hungarians) holding Fountain constellation, getting invaded by an alliance 20-30 times more numerous and powerful, and just staying there and fighting until their enemies got exhausted and left about a year later would be another. The total collapse of Ascendant Frontier (at the time the unquestioned economic frontrunner) in a matter of weeks demonstrates the other side, as does the total evaporation of Lotka Volterra – an elite military alliance formed based on interests rather than identity. Legion Du Lys (quebecois) had a reputation for a decade as a solid military contingent that would always hold up their end of any assignment, even though they were just a couple dozen people. Pure Alliance was an attempt at compositing multiple high-quality corporations into an alliance; they fought a series of very competently executed wars to take and secure Vale of the Silent, and when facing its first serious invasion, simply refused to fight, evaporating in all directions. Goonswarm itself is a very well-known identitarian case that went from a chaotic crowd of griefers and scammers to the undisputed galactic overlords for more than a decade. I could go on at great length.

The point is: corporations, as you have described and constructed them, have been experimentally proven to be incapable of securing solidly motivated action from human beings. When pressured, regardless of their strengths and advantages on paper, they collapse, and the intangibles cease to exist. Therefore they cannot be the foundation of any societal development.

jim says:

> Therefore they cannot be the foundation of any societal development.

Corporations gave us the industrial revolution, and age of empires was started by joint stock limited liability corporations conquering the world. Corporations recently industrialized China and brought eight hundred million out of poverty. Wagner is quietly conquering a decent chunk of Africa.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The orphaned children of modernity need to become reacquainted with concepts like ‘necessary but not sufficient’.

Western Taliban says:

More like the orphaned children of modernity are so gay and mentally ill they need to become reacquainted with reality itself. I enjoyed the small commentary based on a complex video game, but trying to turn it into an accurate analysis of actual human interaction is completely psychotic. Reminds me of the scamdemic retards doing computer based models and telling us we were all going to die.

Anyone who has played poker with real money and fake money will immediately grasp the basis of the error underlying the comparison. If we were talking about real galactic empires and factions where people experience pain, hunger and such things, the comparison is even more pitiful and inept.

Jim appropriately provides a dose of reality. Someone telling me that in reality the East India Company wasn’t all that successful because a video game told him so really needs to shut the fuck up. Especially when the same person is going to make the critique on the grounds of “the intangibles” but counterpoints with “national identity”, which is the most fake, gay, ad hoc possible thing to ever exist.

Being “Russian”, being “Hungarian”, is the most worthless vapid dogshit, it’s a concept born out of the dark times of the “enlightenment” and started by Napoleon to feed his army with retarded cannon fodder. The people who take such “identity” seriously are always low IQ retards, the same worthless retards that went to Afghanistan to get blown up by the Taliban to protect anal sex and feminism, and now back at home find themselves being disposed off like human garbage by their “nation”. Cringe.

Corporations on the terms described by jim are the actually sane social interaction, because they are based on mutually beneficial agreements and transparent clear cut terms. Just like aristocrats and nobles made mutually beneficial agreements and transparent clear cut terms with the king and the reason why they fought with him. If a man is willing to die randomly, fighting even against his own best interests, because he was randomly born in a patch of land… he really is so retarded I don’t even know how I’d attempt to correct such a man.

jim says:

He has a valid point that corporations tend to be incohesive. But nations and empires also tend to incohesion, Exhibit A being Yugoslavia and the Ukraine, with Syria coming in third. (The Ukraine is a civil war that led to massive Russian and Global American Empire intervention.)

That corporations can spin off subdivisions without undue drama is a weakness, but also a strength. History tells us that the multicult USA is inexorably headed for civil war.

Wagner has very impressive cohesion, because of the realization that we are fighting a holy war against demon worshipers. Shared faith in God gives them cohesion. Worked for Constantine, works for Wagner. Worked for Abraham when the patriarchs fought wars against Kings. The cohesion of the East India company was very bad, and would support his argument, except that they were constantly fighting wars against peoples, faiths, nations, and Kingdoms that displayed even worse cohesion.

Western Taliban says:

I’d argue all large scale cooperation tends to be incohesive, because cooperation is hard.

Fratricide is an old word coming from times where family and tribe were even more important for survival. If people bonded by 97% or something identical genetics living under such conditions can kill each other, what about men whose single reason for cooperation is a small agreement in a sea of discord?

If America had been under an “East India Company” the colonials would have never fought for independence, management would have been appropriate. And the best way Amerikaners would have to deal with niggers is by a corporate type organization as you described. Effective big organizations are composed of smaller organizations, until you reach organization small enough that they truly are composed of individuals (6 or so). If you observe a competent group, or even the army, you can see this.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The word ‘nation’ was a word for a species of people. Nationalism existed before Nationalism, and will continue to exist after it too, naturally.

Fidelis says:

I feel like the core argument is not being criticized properly here, mostly due to somewhat vague wording.

The argument as I see it was not against corporation as a concept. It was against corporation with no real-life connection, the remote worker corporation. Sure, the East India corporation conquered south asia pretty thoroughly, but it was composed of brits that had attended the same school as boys, and were living elbow to elbow as they sailed to the place. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the Wagner guys are almost all white orthodox russians, who fight together.

That’s the key distinction being pointed out. Not that corporations don’t work, but that virtual corporations composed from video calls and email don’t perform. Having worked for remote teams, I am inclined to agree, but maybe it was the team and not the substrate.

jim says:

Obviously cohesion needs a shared faith. And currently the only shared faith allowed is woke.

What I expect is that sovereign corporations will have faiths other than woke. They will have to. Go woke, go broke.

Fidelis says:

Does faith work over an internet protocol? Or does it require shared in-person ritual?

I do not believe these questions have been answered yet. I suspect the answer is “yes, but only if there are opportunities to have shared rituals in person on occasion”. Gut feeling only, could be mistaken.

Aidan says:

I suspect that the real consequences of defecting on a voluntary alliance in EVE are rather less scary than the consequences of defecting on a voluntary alliance of merchant-pirates in real life.

Western Taliban says:

but it was composed of brits that had attended the same school as boys, and were living elbow to elbow as they sailed to the place. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the Wagner guys are almost all white orthodox russians, who fight together.

This is extremely naive. You should really look into what the East India Company was like, and you should look into what Wagner looks like.

Then again when you decided to use the word Brit instead of English didn’t you answer your own question yourself? Let’s go read history and look into this “real life connection” between a Scotsman and an Englishman. Give me a fucking break lol, perhaps you were talking about seething hatred and murderous rage.

I’ll tell you something, modern nationalities are even faker and gayer than “virtual corporations composed from video calls and email”. But what Jim described is not the modern form (or anti-form) to begin with.

PC brings up the old meaning of nationality from a racial perspective, but to be perfectly honest that was also particularly flimsy in its time and hardly anything more than descriptive, the people weren’t complete faggots so they were totally aware. Just look at Rome. Even the loincloth Germanic savages couldn’t have given less of a fuck.

I’m wholly sympathetic to racialist sensibilities, it’s only natural. Trying to pass this garbage as anything else than a feeble sensibility is extremely fake and gay. But “our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow” is not.

This is what Jim calls “shared faith”, i.e., reality consensus based upon agreement on what we want. Woe to the faggot that doesn’t want to make women property, cheers to all men who make women property, etc., etc.

Fidelis says:


You’re being extremely obtuse and combative and its diluting the argument you’re trying to make.

My rephrasing of your counterpoint, lets see if we’re on the same page at all

You’re pointing to ethnic cohesion as necessary precondition to corporate cooperation and coordination but your examples suck and disprove your own point. What is needed is shared faith.

Is that a fair wording?

My point, which I agree was not very well supported in my comment, was that the people actually coordinating the governance of these systems come from a shared background. Its not a collection of people selected at random. I also agree with you, that a shared faith is the biggest factor in successful coordination, though sharing an ethne and faith and common upbringing goes farther still.

You should really look into what the East India Company was like

Would love a book recommendation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is a matter which can be easily clarified with counterfactuals.

Can anyone point to any example in history of a multiracial company with Historic scale success in achieving sovereignty?

Western Taliban says:

Can anyone point to any example in history of a multiracial company with Historic scale success in achieving sovereignty?

Yes, the two empires “where the sun never set” to ever exist are like that. Both “Britain” and “Spain” are multiracial kingdoms whose history is full of successful conquest because their crowns delegated power to “charters”, who were given plentiful autonomy, to get the job done. And both their histories are full of contentious fight between the different nations within their territories.

Before you try to deny the multi-racial nature of Britain when Englishmen considered Irishmen like cattle and potato niggers, just don’t. Who did Alfred the Great rule? “King of the Angles and Saxons”. What the fuck is an Englishman anyway? An Angle, a Saxon, a Dane, a Norman? All of them have become Englishmen.

The American Frontier was a free for all, America has been extremely multi-racial from its inception. Franklin talking about the swarthy Swedes really cracks me up. To this day, Amerikaners are actually a bunch of mixed up European races, there is no such thing as an actual “Amerikaner” race. I don’t know too much about the inner workings of the Ottoman Empire, but they were extremely multi-racial too.

Instead of asking for a successful case of people united by shared faith, you should provide a successful case of a people united by race that could be called “an advanced civilization”.

I wholly reject the notion of cooperation based on race and even kindred blood. The only way you can reach successful cooperation is with explicit agreement and terms, shared faith will do. Fraternities are a lot more successful at cooperation than blood brothers for a reason.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Perhaps the question wasn’t very well worded. The premise of this discussion was the prospect of merchant/mercenary companies getting prodded by History into assuming the Mandate of Heaven. Most notable examples in the past, such as Venice or EIC, were each characteristically dominated by men of shared ethnic backgrounds. The question was largely rhetorical because it seems to me that such a counterfactual does not actually exist; any merchant company that ever became more than a merchant company were all peopled by men of like kinds, in management if nothing else.

On the subject of empires, the Spanish colonial adventures were most certainly multi-racial. English colonial adventures mostly consisted of extirpating any indigens in the way and taking the space with more of themselves. Easy A-B testing example. Looking at the long term consequences of both, English method looks much more effective.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Franklin talking about the swarthy Swedes really cracks me up.

I think you’re being rather precious in how you run with examples like this.

Franklin could talk about swarthy swedes because a world where even slight deviations from the norm stick out like a store thumb is predisposed by a world where such unanimity of constitution in folk was, well, the norm, in the first place.

All of the current diversity movements are marxism masquerading as civil rights. Shaniqua will be set aside when she is no longer useful. Likewise the alphabet mafia.

Starman says:

@IGnatius T Foobar

“Shaniqua will be set aside when she is no longer useful”

Any day now, Boeing and Lockheed will set aside engineerette Shaniqua, so they can finally build a reusable rocket… any day now… waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting…

Mayflower Sperg says:

I saw in the jews media that Raytheon is calling back retired engineers to help them build more Stinger missiles to send to Ukraine. From your local plumber to your local military contractor, American industry is heavily dependent on old white men who keep getting older, while young white men have to wait in line behind Pedro, Muhammad, and Shaniqua. It should be obvious by now to our ruling class that multiculturalism is destroying the basis of their power.

Then again, is there even one medical case history where a tumor grew a brain and realized that if it didn’t stop growing, it would kill its host organism and die with it?

Fleischfresser says:

What is this crowd’s take on Miles Mathis?

His ‘science papers’ seem to be nonsense, his paintings and comments on painting seem legitimate, and his analyses of cultural manipulation, forgery, and degradation seem somewhat compatible with the leanings I’ve read here.

jim says:

He is a great artist. Unfortunately, like many great artists, insane. His ramblings on cultural manipulation, forgery, and degradation, are just meaningless noise from a madman. A very talented madman.

Dorien says:

He is an (older style) lefty. My theory is him trying to conform his investigations into his worldview drove him mad. Inability to see thought crimes lead to these outrageous explanations.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*laundry list of shill memes deleted*]

Anonymous Fake says:

Where is the error in this train of thought then? [*deleted*]

jim says:

The error is that it attributes our current problems to stuff that globohomo does not endorse, such as crooked cops.

Bwana Simba says:

There is a theory that his site is a shill site run by multiple people due to discrepancies in what he has written. Granted, that is also a theory aimed at Heartiste as well. If it is a single dude he tends to ramble incoherently from time to time and has whatever the narcissistic tendencies Vox Day and Heartiste have. Some of his shit is ground breaking, some of it is unreadable.

The details of how we get to democratically secure bitcoin are inconsequential. What matters most is that we get to the point where crypto becomes the de facto international currency. Fiat holders have demonstrated that they are not responsible enough and must have that privilege revoked.

Wolf says:

How can a currency whose value fluctuates so dramatically be the basis of international currency? Currently, it’s held by true believers, speculators, wealthy people who allot a small percent of their assets, or small businessmen who can’t launder shady profits. Wouldn’t the risk exposure be too great for corporations and states?

jim says:

> How can a currency whose value fluctuates so dramatically be the basis of international currency?

1. Use an index as unit of account. Currently people are using the bitcoin dollar price as unit of account, which will change once the dollar loses its centrality.

2. “fluctuation” is not as big a problem as steady and rapid inflation.

3. Bitcoin fluctuates because the value of bitcoin in active circulation is very small, so you have vast international flows pouring in and out of a very small pool. A tenfold or hundred fold rise in value will fix the problem. When bitcoin is a hundred times its current value, the fluctuations will be considerably smaller.

Ghost says:


Freezy Cones Esq says:

[*ignorant twaddle about bitcoin and cryptography deleted*]

jim says:

Not going to hold a conversation about crypto currencies with someone absolutely unfamiliar with them and completely ignorant of cryptography.

Yes, lightning network is complicated and has big problems. But the ordinary user can go on Nostr, move money around, and it is no more complicated than any other social network, because people who actually know what they are doing are managing the complexity for him.

Go on Nostr, perform a few transactions, and then we can talk. After you are slightly familiar with current use of crypto, then we can discuss what makes it resistant to state power.

Cloudswrest says:
Redbible says:

And the link is already dead… this is why KD tells people to achieve links.

Also, KD Link:

Cloudswrest says:

Link is not dead. Twitter appears to have changed policy overnight where you have to be logged in to view tweets.

Mister Grumpus says:

Can’t even see Elon’s own Twitter feed without logging in, I presume via KYC.

Shut it down.

alf says:

Seems really dumb to accountwall twitter. The fact that tweets could be shared among non-twitter users is what made it so potentially viral. So much for Elon changing the game.

Cloudswrest says:

Musk claims it’s temporary. Says Twitter was suddenly subject to a vast “data scraping” attack that was overloading their servers.

Cloudswrest says:

A (presumably) brilliant thought just occurred to me! Cloudflare, and others, typically require some sort of “proof of work” to gain access and prevent abuse. Does this proof of work have any value beyond its primary “access” function? What if the proof of work was to do some Bitcoin mining calculations? Since Cloudflare requires millions of browsers to do proof of work this would seem to be an ideal, and legal, parasitic distributed mining operation. I doubt it would be completely self funding, but it’s free money!

notglowing says:

What is our answer to the therapist question?

“Mental health” is a “problem”. The “solution” given to “mental health” is to go to the “therapist” because it can be “cured” just like real health problems, by following some method or using some “medicine”.

That’s the mainstream opinion today, that all these “mental health” issues are just a result of insufficient therapist sessions, which could fix them.

While we know their conceptions of what is good or bad for you mentally to be wrong, and their therapists to have some really bad ideas, do we offer an alternative?

I know the first answer would be that these mental illnesses are the result of the absurd ways of modern society, which cannot result in anything but mental illness for normal people. That we can fix them by replacing the system.

Still, aside from that, what would our alternative to the therapist be? Would it be the figure of the priest, one who is hopefully mentally sane, or something else entirely?

Carte Blanche says:

“Mental health” or “mental illness” was barely a blip on society’s radar before we emancipated women and closed the asylums. Cure the disease, and the symptoms will disappear.

Dr. Faust says:

Mental illness is obviously real. Was obvious throughout all history and has always been associated with demons. It still is because naming someone crazy or possessed by demons amounts to the same thing.

That said. It is exacerbated by modernity, namely urban living and people living in captivity. You can generate a mental illness in a person with several hours in a dark room as the brain needs frequent stimulation.

But mental illness is pushed heavily by the left in order to pathologize dissent. But with ever increasing levels of dissent more pathology created needing more treatment. Its convenient because they lack any ability to reason their position so labeling someone as insane instead of wrong becomes much easier. The framing of leftist ideology often falls along these lines: homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia are diagnosis of wrong think needing treatment not debate.

My only hope in this world has been tied to the decentralization of society away from cities and into rural environments where nature can reassert itself. It will have a stabilizing effect on many though not all. Some are lost and would need treatment. In a sane world that would be reserved for the seriously ill the ones who used to be obviously insane and not single moms with anxiety or teen boys who don’t want to listen to an hour long lecture.

Adam says:

There are 12 step anonymous fellowships worldwide that serve the need for a more personal solution, with results as good as can be expected. They are volunteer organizations and not a source of status, so they are harmless as far as social work goes.

Javier says:

asylums for the truly insane, death penalty for criminals, personality quirks for everyone else.

the problem with mental illness as a concept is it decouples a person from their own actions. the urge to excuse behavior because “they can’t help it” is overwhelming. the actual conclusion from this should be euthanasia. understand that bears can’t help eating people sometimes, but when man eating bears wander into town, we shoot them.

Dr. Faust says:

There’s the rub. Under a cloud of obfuscation useful medicines for treating the obviously insane have been lost to pathologizing dissent and disquiet. I am optimistic that it’s possible to find helpful treatments to benefit the lives of the obviously insane but that won’t happen until the leftist spiraling in psychiatry stops advancing their diagnostic singularity which won’t be stopped until it’s stopped at the greater social level first. Like the ever expanding definition of racism, mental illness will eclipse all of human behavior at its current pace if it already hasn’t.

You’re right pointing out the similarities between priests and therapists. It is clearly a secular version of the latter. And it’s success tied directly to human desire of confession and absolution which lends evidence to Christian faith as man’s best knowledge of the divine. A square peg fits the square hole.

i says:

@Dr Faust

Coupled with the fact that Exorcisms do actually work on the demon possessed.

Adam says:

Everything sorts itself out once you get rid of blue pill social conditioning and consent based morality. Once people are forced to deal with reality out of necessity, they will stop indulging every retarded thought and fantasy that goes through their head.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

After being led to destroy their priests and confessional, Society came up with a way to reinvent them.

Encelad says:

In my opinion therapists nowadays occupy the niche of confessor priests. They are the globohomo clergy that check on the herd. I see the therapist session as the modern version of a confession, with the fundamental difference that the whole framework is inverted.
During a confession, the Christian priest will tell you that the problems in your soul, are due to your sins, which are ultimately your responsibility. He will ask you to repent, recite prayers for atonement and possibly give you absolution.
A therapist will find that the causes are external, out of your control. He might tell you that you have a “mental disorder”, and you will have to take drugs to quench the symptoms.
Let’s take the example of “transgederism”:
What should a priest do if you go to him and confess that you wear female clothes because you feel you are a woman trapped in a man’s body? The expected reaction is for him to tell you that cross-dressing and sodomy are offenses against God, and thus you should immediately repent and change your behavior accordingly. If you succeed, you might have a shot at having a successful life and a family.
What would a therapist in the Current Year do? He will enable you, push you to go full steam on your delusion, tell you that you were “born this way”. The most wicked one would even persuade you to mutilate your body.
The result will be a living hell for the rest of your, probably short, life.

yewotm8 says:

This is what I’ve been thinking for a while. Readers of this blog have long overlooked the significance of confession. Had no need for it because possess “moral autonomy”. Not quite sure if that’s a good term, but it means not needing to be told right from wrong by an external observer.

But many people do need to be told that, and the demand for it never went away when people stopped going to church.

alf says:

it means not needing to be told right from wrong by an external observer.

But many people do need to be told that,

This is something I’ve been thinking about too, or rather, something that has slipped into my thinking over the past years.

A big part of Christianity is man as fallen. We are sinful creatures — yes, Jesus saved us by dying for our sins, but still, died for our sins. The significance of this narrative has only in the past years become clear to me.

It is very easy to be lazy, selfish, greedy, evil, all that shebang. To be a good person, must put in effort. Christianity offers that path. Post-Christianity does not — except for the heavy Progressive variant where men are required to cut off their dick, most post-Christians these days simply believe that they are OK just by being themselves, whatever that means.

But just being yourself also means being your sinful self. Cooperation is hard! Need to put in effort. Need moral guidance, and need a vent for when you inevitably f*** up.

There is a balance of course. I’ve had it told that some are put off by overly stern preachers at funerals on the Very Sinful Nature of Man. Something something holiness spiral. But the principle stands — we aren’t perfect, we carry our sins on our back, and that’s just part of the deal.

The reason I bring this up is because I think it ties into our expectations of a future Caesar. Sin stacks, like the picture of Dorian Gray. Even if one has the best intentions, if one lacks the moral guidance, and in our post-Christian society, few do not lack it, you will accumulate sin in your life. It will mark you, and close you off from the good in this world. Men with too much sin make bad leaders.

I am not all that old, but I realized I had also come to carry sins on my back, some of my own, some inherited from my family. It’s really only been over the past years, through reading this place, reflecting, and working to make changes, that I feel I have atoned for the sins of my past. It is hard to put an exact number on years of atonement versus years of sinning, but let’s completely arbitrarily say it is 1 on 1.

What that means is that a man who is 40 and has lived his whole life in a post-Christian daze — can that man be a good leader? Can we expect that man to be the kind of Caesar we seek?

For instance, and I don’t mean to single this man out specifically, but since he makes a good example: take Elon Musk. His eldest son has changed his gender, cut all ties with his father. Quite literally a sacrifice to Moloch. To me that screams of Elon carrying a big bag of sins. Do I trust that kind of man to be the kind of Caesar I seek? I understand that sometimes you take what you can get, but surely I am not speaking gobblygook here.

How does KD put it… We are fallen creatures. Have mercy on us oh Lord, for we are sinners. And in this day and era especially so. Our sins will be used against us, as they will be used against Musk. If we really wish for victory, our first step must be to rid ourselves of our worst sins, in alignment with Jims Christianity. If we raise our children in similar manner, if they do not have to atone for 25 or more years of sin, then we shall have good men from which Caesars will arise.

SJ says:

The way I refer to this is progs think that you are a good person because you didn’t stab any hobos today. Being a good person is very hard, while not stabbing any hobos on my way to work is very easy. Progs believe man is naturally good so we must remove all impedance to natural man and the good will no longer be corrupted by the impedance. Hence consent morality, where consent creates moral good and anything that impedes the natural man and his or her consent is morally bad. I refer to this as placing man above God, as man’s consent now creates morality rather than God. Under Christianity God determines morality and we discover it through a good tree makes good fruit, a bad tree makes bad fruit. We know good by the results.

Progs often invent magic trickery to explain the bad results that happen from their natural consent morality. They can not explain human behavior because humans are not naturally good, but naturally fallen, and so often simply say the bad man tricked her to explain away the bad results of following our fallen nature. This is why they are so determined to destroy masculinity, particularly masculine willpower. By having no willpower you will follow your inner nature, and hence will be morally good.

This results in beast morality. My example of this in my life is I have committed adultery, both knowingly and willingly, with multiple women. I do not let men IRL know this as they will hate me for it. However, these same men IRL have also committed adultery, but not knowingly and willingly. They committed it by acting as a beast, without any thought, but by following their nature. These men consider themselves good, but should they discover that I thought through how to commit adultery, and then did so, I would be bad. It is not the adultery that the prog considers a sin, but rather it is utilizing your willpower to take action outside of your nature. It is not being a beast that is the sin. The beast is sin free, as they are following their nature, while the man is sinful because he can think and use willpower.

I refer to this as the prog desire to return to the garden of Eden. The prog wishes to return to the state of the beast, where we do not know good or evil and hence are morally good by following our nature.

I can tell a prog that we cannot return to the garden of Eden, and I can tell a prog that man does not determine morality but rather gnon does, but alas they are not equipped to hear me.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Sin has nothing to do with intelligence or willpower, other than being mostly confined to humans. Beasts cannot sin for the same reason single-celled organisms cannot get cancer. Sin is doing something that benefits your genetic survival (adultery) or gives you pleasure (homosex, drug abuse) at the expense of your social group.

Redbible says:

Let us ignore for a moment that by declaring Beasts as sinless that will naturally holiness spiral into “Animals are closer to god than use sinful humans, so we need to be more like animals to be more righteous.” And instead focus on using you own definition of sin.

Mayflower Sperg’s Definition of Sin:

Sin is doing something that benefits your genetic survival (adultery) or gives you pleasure (homosex, drug abuse) at the expense of your social group.

Let a suppose a wolf chooses to eat some of my sheep. Despite my best efforts to get the wolf to leave and choose other animals to eat, the wolf refuses to do so. In such a case it would be fair to say that I have made the best efforts to cooperate with the wolf who keeps defecting on me. So I then choose to kill said wolf and all of it’s family. We can see that as a result of how that wolf attempted to benefit it’s genetic survival, it caused it’s social group to pay the ultimate price. By you own definition of sin, this wolf has sinned. Therefore, the idea that beasts are sinless is nonsense.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Islam makes exactly the mistake that you describe, teaching that animals are all Muslims because they mindlessly obey Allah, and that people should do likewise.

That wolf didn’t sin, he just made some life choices that turned out poorly for reasons he couldn’t understand. Apex predators have a hard time dealing with the fact that when humans are around, they’re not apex anymore.

And it was silly of you to turn the other cheek. Wolves are wild animals; they’re not humans who might be or become your fellow Christians.

Fidelis says:

The more you try to constrain theology to some utility maximization function, the more you fail to actually gain that utility in the first place.

To expand the point, jim often repeats

irrational optimism is better than rational pessimism

You decay into rational faith in social systems when you lose irrational belief. Jesus as jewish community organizer instead of Christ Jesus begotten of the Father.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That’s because utility maximization functions only appeal to nerds. “Do as God says or burn in eternal hellfire” is much more effective on the masses.

Red says:

Beasts that attack my family die. I want them to fear attacking humans that I don’t tell them to attack. Fear of the Lord is wisdom for Men and fear of man is wisdom for beasts for bad things happen when you cross your betters.

SJ says:

If the beast does not have free will, does not understand good or evil, what does evil mean? Putting hard definitions on sin is claiming that we are God. We can not predict all or know all we can simply do our best. We do our best to use our faculties to determine if our tree will make good fruit, or will it make bad fruit? Or will it make no fruit and wither like the fig tree?

Now we can follow the comments of Moses and Jesus, and other old testament stuff if we want. Jesus does tell us to follow the laws of Moses. The only remaining problem is the rectification of names, as the word wizards have redefined so much of our language. They have been confounded.

FrankNorman says:

If that’s what they think it, it makes no sense. If you are a human, your willpower, morality and reason are all expressions of your nature.

Red says:

>It is very easy to be lazy, selfish, greedy, evil, all that shebang. To be a good person, must put in effort. Christianity offers that path.

Let me know when the real Christianity shows up and I’ll join that church.

>But just being yourself also means being your sinful self. Cooperation is hard! Need to put in effort. Need moral guidance, and need a vent for when you inevitably f*** up.

Personally I’ve always found that it’s quite easy to live with the Law of GNON when my environment is in order with it. I’m a naturally highly cooperative man. But I live in an environment where everyone around me, including my extended family regularly defects and views those defections as moral as long as they say the right magic words.

There really isn’t any one left to provide moral guidance when it comes to confession. Just more blue pilled lies.

alf says:

Let me know when the real Christianity shows up and I’ll join that church.

What is a church but a bunch of men hanging out, and a preacher giving the occasional sermon. Brother, the real Christianity has shown up, and you’ve long since been part of its church.

But I live in an environment where everyone around me, including my extended family regularly defects and views those defections as moral as long as they say the right magic words.

So get out. Minimize contact with bad people.

Dorien says:

This basically reflects a lot of my thoughts and experiences
I joined the Catholic church in the last year, was baptized and now realizing that being Christian is hard, confession is a weekly thing. But it’s also showed me how sin I hadn’t even really considered before is a problem and can be overcome. Following your own path is dangerous if you are surrounded by temptation and immorality on every side

i says:

that I feel I have atoned for the sins of my past. It is hard to put an exact number on years of atonement versus years of sinning, but let’s completely arbitrarily say it is 1 on 1.

Christ atones for our sins by his blood. We do the task of repenting for our sins. And in believers who have a duty to Pray to ask for his Holy Spirit.

God’s Spirit works in his faithful in conjunction with the Scriptures to help perfect our souls.

SJ says:

Therapy is a manifestation of the victim consciousness our people’s insane religion gives them. No one holds any responsibility for their own position hence they are the victim of whatever ails them, because everyone is now internally a woman. Under progress they must appeal to the great mommy teacher in the sky to solve their problems for them and they must not ever simply assess the situation and take action, which is masculine and hence morally bad. They do not want to be morally bad but morally good.

Example; the loser’s life sucks because his head is filled with progressive gibberish. He is very sad because his life is terrible. He can’t think I’m sad so I’ll figure out why and take action to fix it because he can’t acknowledge why he is sad without violating his religious beliefs. Rather he says I’m sad so the great mommy teacher in the sky must fix it. He complains online, or worse he goes to a therapist and complains. They tell him that he is the victim rather than the perpetrator inverting his position and allowing him to continue living in his victim consciousness.

He is not an agent with willpower, like a man, as that would be heretical and mean he is a bad person. Rather he is a hypoagent, things happen to him he does not happen to things, he is a woman and hence he is good. The confusion as to why his life sucks and bad things continue to happen can only be explained emotionally, as inside he is actually a woman. He is a tranny, but only on the inside. He is good, but everything in his life is bad, and the cognitive dissonance is always threatening to overwhelm him. He may think, I don’t understand why my life sucks when I’m such a good person. He takes mind numbing drugs to suppress the cognitive dissonance and avoid suicide another day. Modern success story.

ten says:

There are different forms of therapy. I generally think psych diagnosis and medication is fake, gay and retarded, but cognitive behaviour therapy works for some psych problems. I knew a guy who hadn’t figured out how to get out of bed and do stuff without being forced to. CBT helped him with tricking himself into forming normal habits with no attached voodoo.

Red says:

What is our answer to the therapist question?

“Mental health” is a “problem”. The “solution” given to “mental health” is to go to the “therapist” because it can be “cured” just like real health problems, by following some method or using some “medicine”.

That’s the mainstream opinion today, that all these “mental health” issues are just a result of insufficient therapist sessions, which could fix them.

Depression is low status especially when doing the normal things that should result in high status. Most mental health issues revolve around not being in compliance with God’s natural law for one reason or another.

For example, a hard working and productive incel not getting his dick wet results in depression. A white man being reduced in status despite being obviously superior over the people around him has a similar effect. A woman who is failing to become owned causes female depression.

My grandfather was regularly far away for his work from his family, this left his wife deeply depressed so she started drinking. One day he come home early I discovered that she’d become a functional alcoholic and he slapped her around for it. She stopped drinking. The fact that he would hit her showed that he owned her despite the less than ideal home life due to his job. Depression cured.

Skippy says:

“Still, aside from that, what would our alternative to the therapist be? Would it be the figure of the priest, one who is hopefully mentally sane, or something else entirely?”

Therapy is clearly a cult given its hierarchical structure in which superiors possess blackmail material on inferiors, i.e. to become a psychotherapist you must yourself be analyzed while Freud, the originator of the system, was never analyzed.

Therapy should be outlawed as it is a state within a state.

People like to talk. Does it fix their problems? Probably not. They used to talk to the priest. But even if they must talk to no one, it’s better than tolerating a hostile state within a state.

Bwana Simba says:

What is everyone’s opinions of the Islamic riots in France? Beginning of the end for Europe?

Rux says:

No. Browns being brown. Outside of their state sponsored ghettos and the adjacent commercial avenue you’d never know anything was happening.

Dr. Faust says:

No, the beginning of the end was importing North Africa this is one of the consequences of that. I fully support the Muslims in the west because anything but this faggot shit is preferred. It will unwind because it has to but it won’t stop. For France to stop it would have to become a different people. To be a different people must be governed by different men. Islam will force that change on the west. You have to remove the rubble before you can rebuild.

yewotm8 says:

Gay. As if Frenchmen wouldn’t act to physically remove the “protesters” if given the order.

Islam Sucks says:

> I fully support the Muslims in the west

You will immediately stop supporting the conversion of your country to Islamic Sharia Rule when you discover that both the “West” and Muslims have been lying to you about Islam. Islam is false garbage and is a direct threat of murder to you and all freedoms you enjoy.

jim says:

True, but right now the enemy religion is woke, and while Muslims and Christians can never be friends, we can be allies. And Old Type Christians and Old Type Muslims are allies against the common enemy, as for example Wagner. After we win against woke, after we have defeated our common enemy, then there will be a cold war between Christendom and Islam, which may turn hot again. I seek to persuade our old type Hindu allies that India can safely sit on the sidelines of that war.

The Cominator says:

Co-Belligerents is a better term for Muslims now. Muslims do not keep faith with infidels for any longer than they absolutely have to.

jim says:

Right now it is obvious that the Taliban and quite a lot of Russian Muslims think that they have to. This is unlikely to last any longer than strictly necessary

someDude says:

I hope when that war between Muslims and Christians comes, Hindus don’t sit on their hands. The opportunity must be taken to give the choice to all Muslims in India to convert any of the Indic faiths of their choice, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism et al. Maybe foreign, non-abrahamic faiths such as Shinto, Druze or Taoism can be added as choices, maybe, maybe not, we will see.

Failing that reversion to an Indic/Pagan faith, they may leave and the seizure of their property will be used to pay to deport them to Islamic lands. Failing that, they may live as untouchables in the Ghetto. Troublemakers will be deported to their Jannat to be with their 72 houris.

Of course, this means we have to have victory in an internal civil war throughout India a conclusion which is far from foregone. India cannot balkanize, it will be throughout. But an internal civil war in India is a risk we have to take when Christians are fighting Muslims outside India. Hopefully we will not be too weakened by the internal civil war to be taken over once again by the victors in war between Muslims and Christians.

Hopefully, the victor in that war would be too weakened by that war or too sickened by the death and destruction to be a serious threat to take over a civil war weakened India.

Roger Williams says:

Riots and mobs of that magnitude don’t just sprung up sporadically. Lower classes don’t have enough agency to do that on their own. Looks very similar to the 2020 St. Floyd riots which were completely manufactured and enflamed by the media, politicians, and elite institutions.

I have no idea what the French media and politicians are saying but I would imagine they are completely behind and motivating the rioters. Anyone have any insight?

Guy says:

Color revolution in response to Macron’s slight overtures towards Russia and signaling against the US

Aidan says:

Use of military weapons by “rioters” (RPGs and LMGs both on video) indicates that the Islamic sleeper force has joined the fray. After Trump was elected, Muslim terror stopped, which means somebody in State or CIA stopped picking up their calls to give them a subtle green light, but that has now resumed.

My guess is that France’s slight independence in regards to the GAE is about to be revoked, perhaps with Muslim rule in France as the means.

Dharmicreality says:

Apparently someone in Germany was a fan of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s method of dealing with the (mostly) peaceful desert cult rioters (bulldozing their houses).

But that kind of action requires the state to actually be a sovereign power and not a protectorate of the GAE.

Karl says:

Who do you mean with “some one in Germany”? I read the article, but didn’t see anything about a German or Germany.

Dharmicreality says:

There was apparently a tweet from a German cardiologist N John Camm but several social media and mainstream warriors have claimed it is from a fake account.

Rux says:

Macron always falls in line. He has a habit of pursuing a weak streak of sensibility, giving him an aura of independence, but never strays off the reservation. Hence his reluctance to declare a state of emergency which would would be tantamount to declaring that France has a ‘muslim problem’. Being a good lackey of the GAE he will never do so. I’ll eat my hat if he does.

Wolf says:

The European Council on Foreign Relations has just come out with a paper stating in no uncertain terms that Europe is a vassal of the United States. Unlike Macron’s pronouncements, these reports are not meant for voters. Could it be a sign that the European elite is starting to turn?

A2 says:

Let it cook for a while and it could be used to break Marseilles, break the banlieues, send the migrants back to North Africa, reverse the course. That does seem a tad unlikely in our globohomo empire though.

I wonder if Macron has realized he’s being color revolutioned?

Fidelis says:

Nah, the opposite. This is a Jihad, and the mohammadans have all the cohesion and networks and faith that the franks do not. If this were not a sponsored fake color revolution jihad, would lead all the way to the franks enslaved in the new caliphate.

A2 says:

It’s still not taken all that seriously by the authorities. As far as I’m aware (misc news reports only): no curfews, no shooting of curfew breakers, no army units in the streets, no cutting of power and water, etc. Just another freak out in the ghetto. So they want everyone to calm down and go back home, police style. (Mistakenly IMO.)

A2 says:

I see that France is now considering imposing a state of emergency. Well, let’s see how things turn out.

The important point would, however, really not me quashing another kebab spree but a public turn from merely half-heartedly policing growing brown slums (muslim slums at that) into actually getting rid of the slums and slum dwellers.

Aidan says:

They could easily shut it down if they tried. But shutting it down would be offensive to the real sovereign in the US, and to a lesser extent, the US’ satrap in the EU.

Roger Williams says:

That there is not one peep about this on US mainstream news sources makes it rather obvious that the US supports the riots.

Skippy says:

Muslims really don’t matter at all. They would lose a straight fight even if they were 80% of the population. It’s entirely GAE astroturf. Whites vs Muslims is a great GAE con to get the most effective men in the world fighting the most patriarchal men in the world.

jim says:

1. It is rarely a straight fight.

2 Christendom and Dal al Islam have been going at it for thirteen centuries, and they have been doing OK.

Skippy says:

Islam and Christianity are both Middle Eastern religions.

“Islam” has pushed close to the borders of Western Christendom when carried by white Anatolians and Yugoslavs. But never much beyond.

ten says:

They took all of byzantium and northern africa and still have it.

If you just forget everything we lost to them, sure they never won anything..

Red says:

Then there’s the destruction of 97% Roman and Greek knowledge caused by Islam destroying the Roman trade system with piracy and slave raiding. We only have 2 books of the 5 books Written by Homer because of those camel fuckers.

Skippy says:

Byzantium and North Africa were never part of Western civilization. They swapped Christianity for Islam in a social context in which these were actually quite similar ideas. Spengler makes this clearest, with his division of the world into Magian and Faustian. While there is certainly something alien about Islam, there was also much alien about Byzantium.

Muslims (mostly, I guess, because of their racial makeup) just aren’t that good at fighting. Observant muslims also have to reject science, and while many cultural Muslims can be fine scientists, this is going to be more a problem the more “Islamic” any Muslim power accumulation gets.

Ultimately total world Muslim power just isn’t that much. They’re a clear fourth behind GAE, China, Russia. Probably behind even countries like India and Vietnam. Could all the Islamic power in the world successfully invade Vietnam, even given no outside intervention? Probably not. If the French are allowed to clear the Muslims out of their country they’ll be gone in a few months.

jim says:

I don’t think the problem is their racial makeup. Islam is multiracial. The problem rather is that Mohammed preached an inconstant arbitrary and changeable God.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Islamic discourse reached a peak reductive signaling feedback loop with Al-Ghazali, and his specter has haunted it ever since.

Averroes tried to swerve the tide and Make Islam Aristotelian Again, but his was ultimately a futile effort.

Skippy says:

“I don’t think the problem is their racial makeup. Islam is multiracial. The problem rather is that Mohammed preached an inconstant arbitrary and changeable God.”

You would be right if we were facing really devout Muslims, but in reality most Muslims are about as Muslim as Christians are Christian. It’s a market that serves to identify and separate two communities whose real grounds for hostility are race and nationality. The North Africans in France, though much more capable of organized warfare than US blacks, just aren’t that good at organized warfare.

i says:


What I noticed is that right at the beginning Dar al Islam has been badly defeating the Christians in battle.

With timely interventions by Gnon to prevent Christians from being completely overrun.

But as the centuries wore on. Christians grew in strength and power faster than Islam as well as learning various lessons in the process.

GNON allowed Islam to afflict Christendom to train his faithful.

Javier says:

History stubbornly refuses to end.

Doom says:

Ooooo a teenager shot by the huWhite police in a traffic stop.. the audio leaked… and then a riot??

I swear the people who arrange this shit are getting lazy. I pray that the Frenchmen have the stones to fix this issue.

Rux says:

It’s almost comical. A ready made ‘justice pour..’ slogan plastered on papers right on time for the Tour de France for some kid with no surname(s) and a cop who also remains nameless. They’re not even trying.

Javier says:

funny enough, like the floyd riots, the French police were ordered to stand down and allow the peaceful rioters to peacefully loot murder and rape. they did for a couple days, but then the cops said fuckit and started busting heads, and are now putting down the riots. unfortunately they seem to mostly be using clubs instead of bullets, but it’s a good start. I’m sure in the aftermath there will be a move against the police by the government, and that’s when things get really interesting.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If a man is holding a gun in your face, and you make a move that is in defiance of him, there is a good chance you will get shot, even if the man holding a gun in your face was not planning on shooting anyone that day.

Some might think it is simply a matter of common sense, or even just basic survival instinct, to not play around with a man holding a gun in your face. So how, then, did Abu acquire the confident notion that if he defied the man in a police uniform holding a gun in his face, that nothing bad would happen to him as a consequence?

Well obviously, because the state preachers have been telling him that.

You see the same pattern play out everywhere in the provinces of the Whig Empire. Pet tropical janissaries are told they are morally insuperable, that any native depreciated citizens have no leave to cross their path, and that any merely official exponents of social ordination are by definition in the wrong if they accost them. Which inevitably leads to the former playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes every time they encounter the later. And which in turn leads to further profitable rounds of pearl-clutching about ‘systemic brutality’. A nice self-licking ice cream cone.

Hesiod says:

Mighty fine meme from brother Vox Day:

Goes well with Reflections of a Russian Stateman I’m currently working through.

The Cominator says:

Glowniggers are starting to take a greater interest in us… we have a shill thread on /pol right now.
Previous glownigger policy was that NRx type thought was such an evil dark and unspeakable thoughtcrimes that we should pretend it didn’t exist as naming it would give us power.

notglowing says:

I don’t think one person making a 4chan thread is proof of interest from the government, to be honest. That seems fairly paranoid.

The Cominator says:

It’s clearly a shill/glownigger thread. I’m dropping redpills as are others in response.

jim says:

Paranoia is totally justified. Government and quasi government funded and supervised shills and entryists are all over the place.

The Cominator says:

I wonder if the thread indicates some kind of change in policy.

jim says:

It is a change from being one hundred percent oblivious to our memes.

Fidelis says:

They’re still 100% oblivious. This is in response to your commentary on the slavic civil war, nothing about WQ or Christian nationalism or anything remotely like that.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

lol Christian Nationalism…..
[*deleted for wildly misrepresenting the Christian red pill*]

jim says:

Not what the red pill is. Not what Christian Nationalists say it is. Not what Christians who use the term red pill say it is.

Fidelis says:

“zigger” is a huge tell. My favorite shill test on /pol/ is, “you’re a white nationalist, say something nice about white people”. They cannot, and always reply with obviously fake ingenious nazi bullshit and deflection, and it makes ot clear even to retards that this is a shill. I mention this shill test because no one ever using the word “zigger” has managed to pass it.

jim says:

That is a great shill test.

And the reason it works is that anything nice about white people is a thought crime, and they are being supervised by Shaniqua, who is being supervised by a dot Indian, who is being supervised by a Jew, who is being supervised by Soros or Blinken.

Random says:

What sort of things thst are good to say about whites do they find impossible?

High trust civilization
Ended slavery
Rule of law
Attractive and tall

Whats the issue? Is there something im missing?

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Whites are strong, creative and pro-social, and wherever they go they improve things.
But even if they didn’t, the kinds of unimpressive, filthy, shit-stained people who hate them are so despicable it’d still make sense to side with the whites anyway.

If people prefer abstract values to their own race, they’re part of the problem.

ten says:

You’re missing that it’s a shill test. If you are supervised by shaniqua, you are not allowed to say that any of these things are white things.

Red says:

Niggers are utterly convinced they invented everything. They learned nothing else from school besides that “we waz kangz”.

alf says:

Check the comments made by OP in that thread and compare with the shills in our own comment section. Indistinguishable.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Speaking of older NRx names brought up on the 4chan thread (by older I mean post pre-cambrian explosion as Nick Land termed it on Xenosystems but before the big die off around the time when Trump took office), whatever happened to Henry Dampier? He was based!

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>rejects stable bureaucratic systems


certifiable mask off moment there

Red says:

What’s going on with twitter:

KD link:

There is no business model where Twitter is financially viable to operate…. UNLESS the tech architecture under the platform was subsidized.

[NOTE: In my opinion, there is only one technological system and entity that could possibly have underwritten the cost of Twitter to operate. That entity is the United States Government. That’s where the quid pro quo in allowing DHS to have a backdoor comes in.]

Roger Williams says:

Musk doesn’t want anyone scrapping the data to be used for training LLMs. I’m guessing he’s going to sell it or use it for his own AI.

Red says:

It’s not explicitly stated in the article, but the cathedral has killed advertising on twitter and google jacked up their data rates to basically destroy twitter. The plan is to replace it with meta’s new twitter system.

alf says:

Huh that’s rough. Musk is really attracting the eye of Sauron. Which means he is doing a lot of stuff right. But he is in a tough position.

Owning the biggest online town square is great. But really what Musk wants to own is the church’s megaphone. Twitter equals a megaphone, but not that of the church, although arguably it was the cathedral’s biggest megaphone before Musk bought them out. Still, without a replacement religion duct-taped to his Twitter megaphone, not going anywhere.

So far the priesting part. What about the warrior part?

The story is Musk has space superiority. Let’s call it his space PMC. That’s pretty cool. The problem is that he needs to be able to communicate his space PMC power to his enemies, similar to how Prigozhin communicated his Wagner power to the Kremlin by marching on Moscow. A deadman’s switch is not enough, because no one ever believes the underdog is as powerful as he says he is.

Starman says:


“Still, without a replacement religion duct-taped to his Twitter megaphone, not going anywhere.”

Ad Astra.

Contaminated NEET says:

Elon has neither the understanding nor the balls to win this fight. He blundered into challenging the entire American establishment without even knowing that’s what he was doing, so he’s not ready practically or psychologically to do what it would take. He knew he’d get some pushback, sure, but he thought it’d be on the order of the flak he took for smoking weed with Joe Rogan; he didn’t think he’d become public enemy number two.

jim says:

Elon has plenty of balls and very good understanding, but he suffers from normality bias, which led him to blunder into this disastrous fight.

His natural inclination and abilities are to solve it by pulling some techno wizardry out of his hat, the much promised X everything app.

Thing is, money has to flow over the everything app – which runs headfirst into the cabal controlling fiat. No way is he ever going to get fiat flowing through his X everything app. Meanwhile Nostr and Zap have money flowing through them – though they suck. Normality bias means he has been outflanked on social tech. But Nostr and Zap are not social networks, they are protocols on which anyone can build a social network, and no end of people with a good eye for the main chance are attempting to do so, which I hope and expect will solve the suckage. If Elon Musk is going to pull a tech rabbit out of his hat, has to integrate Nostr and Zap into Twitter and his X everything app. Which may well result in him being promoted from public enemy number two to public enemy number one.

He is deluded about the likelihood of fiat money flowing through his X everything app, because WeChat got permission from the Communist Party of China. But WeChat is a wholly owned subsdiary of the Chinese Communist Party. Twitter could only get permission if it was a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard and Washington.

Contaminated NEET says:

>If Elon Musk is going to pull a tech rabbit out of his hat, has to integrate Nostr and Zap into Twitter and his X everything app. Which may well result in him being promoted from public enemy number two to public enemy number one.

Oh man, that would be great. They’d probably just kill him at that point, but by the time they realized it, it might be too late to stop it.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

What is the current orbital launch capability of the jew brahmin class right now?

Contaminated NEET says:

I dunno. I guess it’s whatever Elon has, because right now Elon does it for them, and if that ever changes, they can crush him into fine powder and take what’s his for themselves. Will it then rapidly rust into nothing under the stewardship of Engineerette Jahneekia? Probably. But they don’t know that. And Elon still gets crushed, so he’s in their power.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Unless Elon sees the writing on the wall and defects to Russia. So what if bad things happen to his family; the Jews were planning to turn all his kids into trannies anyway.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

”I dunno. I guess it’s whatever Elon has, because right now Elon does it for them, and if that ever changes, they can crush him into fine powder and take what’s his for themselves. Will it then rapidly rust into nothing under the stewardship of Engineerette Jahneekia? Probably. But they don’t know that. And Elon still gets crushed, so he’s in their power.”

Again, what is the current orbital launch capability of the jews right now, you retarded mediocrity?

Starman says:


“Elon has plenty of balls and very good understanding, but he suffers from normality bias,”

If you’re wondering how much normality bias Elon Musk has.

It’s about the same amount of normality bias that Lucius Cornelius Sulla had.

“Perhaps we need a modern day Sulla”

Carte Blanche says:

There is no business model where Twitter is financially viable to operate…. UNLESS the tech architecture under the platform was subsidized.

He’s not exactly wrong, per se; Twitter obviously does not have and has never had a profitable business model, they use the standard web two dot oh underpants gnome model (“entice users with free service”, “…”, “monetize!”).

However, I really don’t think following the money is going to turn up a substantive direct or indirect link to the CIA or NSA or State department or any other .gov entity. Like most paleocon types, the CTH guys have trouble understanding distributed systems and drastically underestimate both the number and the combined wealth of NGOs, angel investors, ad agencies and other institutional entities who will pay into the platform in order to advance their own interests, as well as a lot of generally wealthy shitlibs who can be suckered into the deal for cake frosting.

Twitter (pre-Musk), and businesses like Twitter, do not need and would likely not take subsidies. Corporate welfare is crass, crude, low status (in their eyes) and beneath their station; tapping into the vast sea of gray-market slush funds, kickbacks, partnerships, government “contracts”, and other “investors”, that’s high status. It means they’re hot property, everyone wants a piece. In their world, profitability is secondary to all of that.

When you put it all together, a few billion dollars here and there is a rounding error, and although it’s barely legal and the government could easily put a stop to it and thus the government is in many ways “responsible” for the platform’s apparent success, it is not materially the same as being government-funded, and legacy conservatives continue to shoot themselves in the foot year after year by remaining rooted in the Reagan-era logic that everything is either private/corporate (good) or public/government (bad). It’s like the 2020 election fraud; they just can’t process the idea that an entire federal election was stolen by perhaps a few hundred fat negresses working overtime in the one dozen ballot offices of the megalopoli, so they’ll fall for some retarded shill narrative about the big scary company manufacturing the big scary voting machines. It’s not one big conspiracy, it’s a hundred little conspiracies run by ideologically- and tribally-motivated actors.

Red &c are quite right to point out that now that Musk owns it, and doesn’t want to play by their rules, he’s being disconnected from the money spigot, which means he has to actually make a profit, or fold. Since the business model is not even remotely profitable, making it so is going to be a tall order; it’s likely all he can do in the short term to stop the bleeding, which is what these strange and seemingly self-destructive short-term decisions are probably about.

The Cominator says:

“Twitter (pre-Musk), and businesses like Twitter, do not need and would likely not take subsidies. Corporate welfare is crass, crude, low status (in their eyes) and beneath their station; tapping into the vast sea of gray-market slush funds, kickbacks, partnerships, government “contracts”, and other “investors”, that’s high status”

Thats government money it’s just the source is hidden.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which is true, but also a less informative truth.

When one says ‘such and such is inflated by tax money’, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds is, ‘so where is it in the congressional budget?’, at which point you end up needing to explain the whole system of responsibility laundering anyways.

The Cominator says:

It’s part of the black budget most likely…

Red says:

Nah, it’s simpler than that. Twitters ads were shit in terms dollar per interaction. They didn’t have the sort of effect data targeting that Instagram and Facebook does. So Cathedral connected companies would buy twitter ads despite them being shit in order to prop twitter up.

Guy says:

I think advertising for most big companies has been that for a long time now, if not forever. There has got to be some small value for a small company to get their name out there buying some targeted advertising, but it’s mostly just a pretense for money to change hands.

Red says:

At least a few years ago when I last looked into it Instagram and Facebook both provided outstanding return for advertising bucks due to their big data targeting of ads. Places like google and twitter certainly did not provide much value. Paying for fake reviews on google maps is more effective than buying an ad on google.

Though in recent years Advertising has become more about of spreading demon worship than actually advertising the product. Such departments tend to be run by progressive women.

Related Stonetoss:

Carte Blanche says:

King Boomer has previously written about this. Since the early 1980s it’s been generally known, and quietly swept under the rug, that advertising doesn’t really work:

And for the last 20 years or so, the intelligent and well-connected have known that PR is vastly more effective, dollar for dollar, than conventional advertising:

(although Paul, unfortunately, also grossly underestimated the ability of shills to infest and co-opt the online platforms; they had to adapt their methods, but adapt they did.)

I think most people in advertising have at least a vague feeling that advertising either doesn’t work at all, or doesn’t work as well as advertised, but their jobs depend on not noticing, so they train themselves not to notice.

Carte Blanche says:

Cathedral connected companies would buy twitter ads despite them being shit in order to prop twitter up

Yes, that happens, and I think it is equal parts cynicism and idiocy.

That is, to the best of my knowledge there aren’t ad buyers who actually buy on the basis of “let’s do this to prop up Twitter”. At least, I’ve never met them.

What I do see, nearly ubiquitously, is marketing directors and buyers with exceptionally good crimestop. They are utterly convinced that these ads are effective despite a total lack of evidence, or in some cases able to dredge up “evidence” by finding highly-suspect correlations in highly-suspect analytics data. If they are acting out of more cynical motives, then they do a very good job of keeping that to themselves.

Other times the corporate incentives effectively (or explicitly) require them to use certain platforms and so they’ll spend any amount of time rationalizing the choice and making it look like a wise financial investment because that’s how they get their bonus or avoid being fired. It’s literally in their OKRs to buy $X million worth of Twitter ads, and their end-of-year review depends on how well those ads appear to perform, so by the end of the year, they’ll have amassed quite a collection of lipstick to put on that pig.

For the engineers and techies here, imagine being put in charge of migrating an existing product or system to a platform you hate and know is garbage. If you’ve got brass balls, you might torpedo the project, make it fail on purpose, but if you’re like most salarymen, you go along and try to make it work. And since you know that any problems caused exclusively by the new platform will get blamed on you anyway, you try to fix those too, or hide them, and generally make it appear that it’s an overall improvement, even though part of you knows that it’s a downgrade.

There are definitely some people in the system, C-suiters, who are fully aware of the corporate circle-jerk, but the majority are oblivious drones. It’s not like HR, where every individual cat lady exudes concentrated evil; in marketing and advertising the evil is diffused over committees and incentives.

But you also mustn’t forget the investors. Twitter has received nearly $13B in investment funds:
…and that’s with a market cap of just $40B. In other words, nearly a third of their entire company valuation (and far more than their actual revenue) comes from literal slush funds, both domestic (Sequoia Capital, Fidelity) and foreign (Binance, Qatar Holding). Everyone should check out their list of investors, it’s publicly available and quite eye-opening on its own.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for gross ignorance of how bitcoin works*]

jim says:

These issues have been discussed elsewhere at considerable length by people better informed.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Your script is tired, and has been more than adequately addressed in the usual bitcoin forums. If this was the bitcoin maximalist group on gab, I suppose someone might bother addressing it. Again.

I am not going to.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

You’re unbelievably slimy. I try not to call people Feds.
You have got a real knack of diverting attention from the role of jews though, so it’s quite likely you’re jewish, and I’ve thought so for a long time now.

Your deletions have nothing to do with the argument concerning inflation and crypto and everything to do with covering up the fact sam bankman-fried and gary gensler are jews, and the big game-changer is the introduction, once CZ and Brian Armstrong are off the scene, of a more suitable exchange run by or on behalf of blackrock and goldman.

My claim is absolutely not to be found on crypto forums, and it’s this: jews are too greedy to resist crypto in the end,[*ignorant and ridiculous incomprehension of bitcoin deleted*]

jim says:

Allowing your stuff about Jews through because you accurate reported some of the most visible characteristics of whites.

That you were able to do this surprises me, for on Gab precisely none of the JooJooJooers have been able to do this. But you have always been pushing a different script, I conclude you are of a different shilling organization.

That Jews are finally getting into crypto – very belatedly and after the price has risen enormously, is unsurprising. Jews are terrible at finance, good at making themselves powerful servants of the powerful. The rise and fall of the Rothschilds illustrates this, that Jews are just not very good at finance. They got into finance as the King’s sponges and have never changed that strategy.

But that Jews are finally buying bitcoin is not particularly alarming or newsworthy. No one should care. No one is paying attention because no one cares. Nothing is wrong or surprising about Jews finally getting in on the bandwagon. What should be newsworthy are what Soros, Blinken, and Nuland intend to do with the Ukraine, a topic I have discussed here and elsewhere many times.

Are you able to comment on this, able to comment on my many comments on this subject – or are you going to go on being strangely oblivious to a genuinely Jewish, genuinely evil plot by genuinely powerful Jews to get whites to kill each other?

Talk about the Ukraine, and I will allow your Jew stuff through. If you genuinely have Jews on your bonnet, you should be talking about the Ukraine all the time.

If you want people to worry about Jews and think about Jews, stupid bitcoin nonsense is not going to do it. Talking about brother war in the Ukraine is going to do it. Jews do not understand Bitcoin. It is a white thing, created by white thinking. And you understand it considerably less. Stirring up brother wars, that they understand.

No one who cares about bitcoin is likely to worry about Jews on the outside knocking on the door asking to be allowed in. Once in, they will look for the King and offer to be his sponges, and not find him.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


Carte Blanche says:

sam bankman-fried

…is facing 115 years in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. Not quite sure if that’s the home run you were hoping for, homeboy.

If SBF “proves” anything, and I’m really going out on a limb here, it’s the same thing that Madoff “proved” – that some Jews actually believe the same stupid shit that you believe and consequently think (incorrectly) that they can get away with anything, when in reality it’s simply loyalty or disloyalty to the regime that gets rewarded or punished.

gary gensler

…married an Italian, likely a Catholic, and had 3 kids with her. Good example of a devout progressive; terrible example of a Joo Joo Joo keepin’ the Judaic faith. Unfortunately they’re all daughters, so we can’t ask if they’re circumsized.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

SBF isn’t in jail yet! It wouldn’t be surprising if he did end up in jail the same way as (((madoff))) et al……….. and jewish power/corruption isn’t at all disproved by the fact they throw their own under the bus from time to time.
Jews are not omnipotent and jews are not invulnerable. They’re just massively corrupt.

[*perfectly accurate rant on grossly disproportionate Jewish quasi state power deleted, for strangely ignoring everything that makes Jewish quasi state power a problem and everything bad and damaging that those Jews are doing with that power*]

jim says:

The problem with your rant is that it is totally envy and covetousness based. Not allowed.

You have to argue wicked deeds and damaging consequences. Of which there is ample supply. Not allowing envy and covetousness through.

You did not even attempt to muddy the water with imaginary and ridiculous flat earth tier wicked deeds and harmful consequences as the usual JooJooJoo shills do. If you do attempt to muddy the water, when there is an ample supply of very real wicked deeds and very real damaging consequences to talk about, not going to allow that either.

There is nothing wrong with any person or group having a great deal of wealth and power. And it does not matter how they obtained that wealth and power, unless they obtained it by wicked deeds, or the way they obtained it has harmful consequences, or unless the methods by which they obtained that wealth and power give them incentive to use it in wicked and harmful ways, as for example Blackrock.

And I am not going to allow through anything that presupposes and takes for granted that there is. That is the mentality of crabs in a crab bucket. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

It’s a shame you are how you are, but I can’t change it. I always get so irritated with this that it’s hard to resist trying to put right flagrant misrepresentations.
After a while though it’s just not worth it so I bugger off again, and this time (a rash promise!) it’ll be for good.

*sigh* no doubt you’ll grin your self-satisfied grin as you censor this, and look at the end of the day it’s your bloody blog lol

But for what it’s worth, my objection to being RULED by jews has nothing to do with the fact they’re getting rich out of the situation. I couldn’t care less, ceteris paribus, if jews use their ethnic networks to give each other jobs and invest in each other’s companies.

What I care about is that the ADL decides who can speak and who can’t, the SEC decides who can and can’t run a crypto exchange (for example) and the Attorney General is using lawfare to destroy white people’s lives out of ethnic animus.

None of that has anything at all to do with envy or covetousness.

Jews are a threat to my safety.

You’ll never allow this through because you yourself are a Jew and the entire operation here is to make sure people never focus unduly on this aspect of the shittiness of modernity.

jim says:

This presupposes the shill script that it is the Jews, nothing but the Jews, and all the Jews. All those other leftists are supposedly just fine. I have two posts responding to this shill script. Respond to them or I am going to censor you for repetition and unresponsiveness.

Allowing this shill script through because you have been able to mention Soros and something of what makes whites better – that being ruled by whites is obviously beneficial for those ruled.

But I am subsequently going to censor it on grounds of repetition and unresponsiveness. Also, you have a marked tendency to focus on idiotic and trivial stuff that Jews are doing wrong. How about talking about the Ukraine, where Jews have arranged the deaths of a few hundred thousand whites, are on track to arrange the deaths of a million or so, and will quite likely get us nuked?

If you don’t pay adequate attention to what matters, I am going to start censoring on grounds of triviality, distraction, and muddying the waters. Irrelevant truths and half truths are also mud in the water.

It is obviously not “nothing but the Jews”, though Jews are grossly overrepresented among those that rule us. The worship of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon looks more like the Jesuits than the Jews. Jews are not overrepresented in the jab and lockdown conspiracies, and not grossly overrepresented in Antifa command and control, though the funding and protection of Antifa goes through Soros.. And its obviously not “all the Jews”. The Orthodox Jews are more vigorously excluded from power than Christians. And recall the drama over Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem. The outrage was from rich powerful progressive Jews. Those are the guys who hate Israel and Israelis. And recall the reaction of rich and powerful Jews to the Crown Heights pogrom -they loved it.

Give all leftists swimming lessons in the Pacific, leftism goes away. Gas all Jews, nothing much changes.

Also, you are unable to acknowledge the Jewish modus operandi. Supposedly Jews are just smarter than us Goy cattle. Or maybe nepotism. Supposedly Jews are in power because they have always been in power. Not so. Jews get into power by making themselves useful to those in power who want to do the dirty on their subjects. Soros got started by making himself useful to the Nazis. Jewish conspiracies get into power by making themselves useful to native overlords who want to do the dirty on their native subjects, and then that conspiracy, and sometimes the entire Jewish population, gets purged for being dangerously powerful and insufficiently loyal to their native overlords. If the entire Jewish population is not purged, that conspiracy generally gets replaced by another Jewish conspiracy which hates the previous Jewish conspiracy, as Soros and the rest hates the Rothschilds. Jewish overrepresentation in finance is not because they are good at finance. They are quite noticeably worse at it than whites, just as they are quite noticeably worse than whites at hands on physical science and hands on engineering and technology, though atheist Jews are noticeably better than at abstract purely theoretical science. (Interestingly, orthodox Jews are strikingly and conspicuously worse at science and technology across the board, which indicates a problem with Judaism rather than biological Jewishness.) Their role in finance, as for example Soros, is a continuation of their ancient role as the King’s sponges. Soros is a money laundry, a cut out through which the State Department funds subversion and color revolution. Blackrock is a cutout through which ESG and DEI is enforced.

Remove the Jewish middlemen, the hostile native elites will just employ dot Indians. They already are. Jews are rapidly losing ground to dot Indians. Our dot Indian problem is comparable to our Jew problem, and is very rapidly growing,

The current Jewish conspiracy, Blinken et al, is likely to get purged for disaster in the Ukraine. And will be replaced by another conspiracy. Maybe another Jewish conspiracy, a Jewish conspiracy that hates the Blinken et al and Rothschilds conspiracies both. Quite possibly a dot Indian or Jesuit conspiracy. Jewish conspiracies tend to be short lived because two Jews, three factions, while the Jesuit and FreeMason conspiracies have been running for centuries. Harvard rules us, and has ruled us long before they allowed Jews in. If you focus on Jews, you are focusing on the matador’s cape, and ignoring the matador’s sword.

SJ says:

I’ll just add for any jew jew jew loser that the envy stuff is pure loser talk. If you look at the Jews and hate them for taking good care of their children and ensuring they get good careers then you are a covetous loser. You may read the Bible and say God or Moses wants us to not covet our neighbors stuff because they want to control us and prevent us from equalizing the wealth they unfairly stole. You think this way because you are a loser and a bucket crab, and thinking with this victim consciousness will ensure you remain a loser forever.

You should look at the Jew who takes care of his kids and has some wealth with respect and rather than wanting to take what he has you should want to learn how he got it. You should look at the Jew with several children getting good careers and say, that’s awesome I want to know how so my children can get good careers as well. We just put an end to this victim consciousness loser think.

ten says:

How surprising he didn’t respond to this. Doesn’t matter how many times he gets a “jews bad” back to his “jooooo you’re a jooo because you don’t say jooos bad”, just keeps repeating it.

But what does it mean to be a king’s sponge? Doesn’t register. Excuse my poor english.

jim says:

Christianity forbids usury, interest on loans against the person.

Kings allowed Jews to practice usury, and enforced debts against the person. Then they would “borrow” money from the Jews, and not pay it back. Thus the Jews mopped up money as a sponge mops up water, and the money was squeezed out of them by the King as one squeezes water out of a sponge.

Aryaman says:

I actually think Jews are very good at finance qua finance. Maybe not at managing massive capitalist enterprises, not at being the Howard Hughs’ or Henry Singletons or Steve Jobs’ or Henry Fords of the world, and not at hands on physical science especially as it relates to large scale commercial application.

But at finance qua finance, they are fantastic. Or rather, they are disproportionately represented among the fantastic, and not only because of nepotism or whatever. (And provided other things are not wrong, the finance qua finance function is rather important. )

jim says:

Sam Bankman-Fried is an absolutely typical and representative example of Jewish over-representation in finance, and he is an ignorant incompetent idiot. He was in the Bitcoin business, and it is completely obvious that he never understood bitcoin.

Take a look at any important and powerful Jew in finance. He is not operating it to maximize profit, but to serve the state, as for example Blackrock and Soros. He is performing the Jew’s old role as the King’s sponges.

That the Jews are overrepresented in finance is neither ability nor nepotism. It is that native elites can rely on foreigners to do the dirty on their subjects.

Sam Bankman-Fried probably did not get his position through nepotism and he certainly did not get it through ability. He got it through believably hating white people, and thus believably hating bitcoiners, and being dumb enough that when given a heresy check the dumb person checking him for heresy would not suspect heresy. Smart people try to make sense out of leftism, and therefore get falsely suspected of heresy, as for example Scott Alexander.

Aryaman says:

Scam bank fraud is exactly what he looks like but I don’t think a fair example (a fair example of a Jew fraud in finance, but not a fair example of a Jew in finance).

Take a look at any important and powerful Jew in finance. He is not operating it to maximize profit, but to serve the state, as for example Blackrock and Soros.

I am thinking more of a David Tepper, or David Siegel (or maybe Jim Simons though that is more complicated). Could share plenty of other names but those come to mind that my knowing wouldn’t help identify me in any way.

Wouldn’t it be surprising the hit rate some kinds of Jews have in theoretical physics wouldn’t carry over to finance?

Aryaman says:

In other words, Scam Banking Fraud is exactly the kind of Jew (who is so barely Jew, I doubt he cares very much what happens in Jerusalem; I doubt he even has the brains to process it) they are happy to get in bed with.

look at a guy like Bill ackman. He’s still hopelessly deluded by random liberal fantasies but he spends his time on Twitter liking tweets by Vivek Ramaswamy about declaring war on Mexican cartels and closing the border, and got rich for reasons other than doing the dirty work of progressive elites.

in other words I guess the distinction is p(a|b) vs p(b|a) — meaning, scam bank fraud is a great example of a fraud, and it’s probable most major finance frauds of a particular kind are jews, but I don’t think the other way holds.

Aryaman says:

Remove the Jewish middlemen, the hostile native elites will just employ dot Indians. They already are. Jews are rapidly losing ground to dot Indians. Our dot Indian problem is comparable to our Jew problem, and is very rapidly growing,

there are a whole bunch of horrible Indians apparently in power in America. I think this is relevant to the question of whether there is a grand Jewish conspiracy, but I can vociferously attest to the fact that there is not some grand dot Indian conspiracy, or maybe a whole bunch of local conspiracies. Certainly no global conspiracy, maybe a bunch of local conspiracies here and there, and from time to time.

to the extent there are horrible Indians posturing horrible things, they are entirely in thrall of prevailing leftism. which isn’t to absolve them of whatever it is they’re doing.

jim says:

There is no global Jewish conspiracy either. Two Jews, three factions. But some Jewish conspiracies are alarmingly powerful, and doing terrible things.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The likes of SBF are a dime a dozen in financialization laundromats. George Soros, Bernie Madoff, Larry Fink… they’re all in the business of throwing good money after bad, and ones that aren’t in this business are exceptions that prove the rule.

The point of ‘finance’ as an industry is for a holder of capital who is not an expert in every subject matter in existence to be able to invest in this or that person who is expert in a subject matter but lacks capital to more fully realize exploitation of such expertise; it is means by which capital may be mobilized to further protency-facilitating activities beyond what any one party is organizationally capable of, in short.

Adjudicating worthwhile ventures to invest in – worthwhile men to invest in – takes world-formation capacity, something which the skype as a genera is typically lacking in.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Sorry if this is in the wrong place…. can’t see any other reply buttons for this thread.
Here’s what this is in response to (and I’m not ignoring the rest of the post, or the links provided: it’s just this stood out)
Quote from Jim:

“How about talking about the Ukraine, where Jews have arranged the deaths of a few hundred thousand whites, are on track to arrange the deaths of a million or so, and will quite likely get us nuked?”

Robert Kagan is probably a distant relation of Lazar Kaganovich, who was responsible for the Ukrainian forced famine. As the libertarian figurehead Michael Malice points out, your own stomach would betray you: if they saw you weren’t starving to death, you must be hoarding food, and should be punished.
Kagan/Kaganovich is of course a Russified form of Cohen, or the priestly caste within Jewish society (no oxymoron intended).
A handful of jews *fairly important to* the current Ukraine situation:

Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, Volodomyr Zelenskiyy, Yevgeny Pregozhin, Janet Yellen

Notably enough, the US President is not jewish…. but ALL of his living children are married to jews, making ALL of his grandchildren jews.

The Fed chair Powell is not jewish, but he’s clearly the patsy for the next financial crisis thanks to his uncharacteristically hawkish rate hikes. (You don’t have to buy into Chicago School neo-Keynesian neo-classical witchcraft in order to accept that rigging the price of future money in this direction rather than the other has ‘hawkish’ effects, to some extent at least, or if not even that much, clearly enough people believe it that he will still be blamed.)

The current NATO head isn’t jewish either, as far as I know, but the transition from “Russia is insane for launching a paranoid war over ridiculous fears of Ukraine joining NATO” to “obviously Ukraine should be fast-tracked for NATO membership” bears all the hallmarks of what could be called ‘the mainstream media’.

The CEOs of the television networks in America, as well as the principals of all the Ivy League Schools, are jewish, as are the vast majority of the high-ranking bankers, and indeed the commentators in every direction, from Larry Summers to Jim Cramer to Peter Schiff lol

Even the dissident movements are characterised by an astonishing over-representation of jews, given that they constitute some 2% of the US population. Consider NRx being led by Curtis Yarvin, the paleo-cons being led by I forget the name but you know who I mean; libertarianism is full of Mises, Rothbard, Rand, Friedman, Block and so on……. and of course nationalism, with Ezra Levant, Ron Unz, Milo, Laura Loomer, Jacob Wohl, etc. etc. etc.

It’s just not plausible that this is a coincidence.

[*Deleted for the usual Joo Joo Joo hobby horses*]

jim says:

The reason that Jews are grossly overrepresented on the dissident right is that this is a priestly movement, and Jews are inherently good at priesting. Also atheist Jews are inherently good at abstract science, though piss poor at finance, physical engineering, physical science, and art. (Compare Jewish synagogues with Cathedrals, Jewish art with white art.)

The Fed chairman Powell is currently trying to save the US economy from immediate financial collapse by raising interest rates to near the inflation rate. This is likely to result in eventual economic collapse, as the underlying problem of spending too much and producing too little remains, but it can postpone collapse for a very long time. It is also likely to very soon detonate the fake and gay GDP production of the blue state megalopoli, which is going to make him unpopular.

The great resetters want the immediate total collapse of the real US economy to be replaced by a completely fake and gay command socialist economy. Which is a completely lunatic plan to immanentize the eschaton that is making some in our elite nervous.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*stretching a mighty long distance to link Jews to Covid deleted.*]

jim says:

If you follow a sufficient number of degrees of separation, you can find a Jew from your starting point. Also a Scotsman, Englishman, Italian, Catholic, Mason, and so on and so forth.

You put so much effort to explaining how Jews benefit from Covid, while strangely oblivious to what motivates the Ukraine crowd.

A2 says:
Fidelis says:

The Fed chairman Powell is currently trying to save the US economy from immediate financial collapse by raising interest rates to near the inflation rate.

Looks more like GAE is cannibalizing all of its provinces to save itself. Pushing rates higher on the dallah is pushing its relative value up too high next to the other inflated currencies. Its gonna pop all the foreign banks while the physical economy suffers energy crunch. Bad time to be a euro. Nips and gooks might be okay selling finished goods to Indians and SEAsians, but the (relatively) strong dollar is really fucking with their banks all the same.

jim says:

When the tide goes out, you know who has been swimming naked.

A lot of people are going to go down. It is obvious that the blue state megalopoli are turning into Detroit. Those big empty office buildings and big empty shopping centers have a pile of debt on them, and everyone is in denial, because to notice Detroitization is a thought crime. They are like Wily Coyote standing over the abyss, and not looking down, for when he looks down, he will fall.

alf says:

Pushing rates higher on the dallah is pushing its relative value up too high next to the other inflated currencies.

I assume your reasoning is that higher interest rate means higher demand for the dollar relative to the euro, meaning dollar-based products are more expensive for Euros. Two questions:

1 – This may be a dumb one, but what dollar-based products exactly is Europe buying from America? I assume it’s not so much actual products as some sort of political tribute.

2 – What’s stopping the ECB from equally raising euro interest rates? Last time I checked the dollar is at 6%, but the euro is not far behind at 5%

Fidelis says:


It’s not necessarily american goods that are bought. Reserve currency means any and all goods that need to be bought, and more importantly that your own fiat needs to be backstopped with.

From what I understand, they cannot match their spending goals and continue raising rates, and their physical economy is tanking much harder — harder because it exists, tanking because of energy — so running a credit crunch too hard would pop them faster. As it stands they are in a stupidly precarious place with all the bond devaluation, too much more shaking and they start falling over.

Sher Singh says:

The medieval Hindu kings that you have mentioned – I am not sure of the exact nature of their resistance. For example, the Marathas did recover Hindu power but did they have an alternative vision to the Mughals? To the end the Mughal emperor remained their legal suzerain even if they wielded de facto power.

The Hindus are good at this stuff. They learn how the game organised by someone else is played and soon manage to succeed at it – as should be evident even today from the success of the Hindu diaspora. But they cannot conceive and organise a game themselves. That is what I am trying to get at – the problem which I have pointed out in this essay as the apolitical conservatism of the Hindus.

Old & gold essay, but just now reviewing the comments.

Just did a ctrl-f for Sikh, but will go through it in depth later.

jim says:

The darmabros in the comments in this blog are conceiving of organizing the game themselves.

Unlike you.

Sher Singh says:

A few details about Balinese #Hinduism that may validate the Dvaita/Traitvada Vedanta claim that Shripada Adi Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta is a post-#Buddhist deviation from old Hinduism. Bali has Hindu culture dating back to at least 8 BCE.

[*link deleted because subscription walled*]

jim says:

Archive it and give archive link.

Sher Singh says:

True, forgot twitter blocked non-logged in users now.
Been logged into my suspended account for years :shrug:

The author is a bit of a prog – read another account that part of the reason for OBC reservations post 91 was due to Brahmin SJWs reeing against Feudal Lords.

Not gonna step into inter-Hindu conflicts anymore.


someDude says:

he seems to have given up on Sikh triumphalism and bombast. He’s acting more and more like the stereotype of a an NY jew as you call it, not that Hindus have much experience with Jewish folk.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for pointlessly trying to create trouble so that more of these settlements that you supposedly deplore can be imposed*]

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for troublemaking and deliberate misidentification of responsibility for ethnic cleansing.*]

jim says:

If anyone in the Global American Empire gets ethnically cleansed or genocided, it is always Global American Empire proxies backed by imperial forces doing it, as for example the successful genocide of the Tutsis in the Congo (backed by white artillery and white air power), the attempted genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda (backed by white artillery) and the attempted genocide of the Alawites, similarly backed by US airpower and mysterious leakages of arms and money from Soros ngos and the State Department.

Sher Singh says:

Yeah, the stuff in NE has been sponsored by American/Canadian missionaries for decades now.

Hindus report seeing American Baptists handing out AK47s n stuff back in the day.

America is likely getting Hindus & Sikhs to fight by controlling/feeding both sides too.

That doesn’t absolve the Delhi elite & its patsies, but without America they likely wouldn’t be in power – neither would the BJP who’ve increasingly privatized Indian media to raise funds.

That’s way too big-brained & far-reaching for Indian tribal politics though. Just use w/e divisions do exist to drive religiosity if you can’t stop the divisions. Ie make Hindu & Sikh attacks on each other cause the other to self-reflect, and focus on their traditions.


jim says:

> That’s way too big-brained & far-reaching for Indian tribal politics though

This is a big brained and far reaching blog. Shape up or get censored. Indian tribal politics is stupid and pointless unless all parties realize they are all under the thumb of globohomo.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Paraphrasing your comment: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated”

Dharmicreality says:

That’s way too big-brained & far-reaching for Indian tribal politics though.

Yet, you have been stirring up the same tribal politics in order to get us to look away from globohomo’s sins and to turn to globohomo as the sole arbitrator.

Sher Singh says:

[*Globohommo propaganda deleted*] I’m a Sikh first

[*Globohommo propaganda deleted*]
Sikhi is already set up as a state albeit one that’s suppressed by India. [*Globohommo propaganda deleted*]

jim says:

> Sikhi is already set up as a state albeit one that’s suppressed by India.

You have a trans-state controlled by your enemies. A state needs a sovereign. Who is your sovereign, and what is your procedure for replacing him?

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:

Sikh self-determination must be secured by any means. [*deleted*]

jim says:

I have pointed out the obvious and necessary means many times, and you have strangely never responded. Because that is a means that would grant you independence from globohomo, while all you are looking for is trouble with Hindus so that Globohomo can arbitrate and impose the solution it imposes on every tribal conflict. And in a whole lot of posts you gloat how wonderful that solution is. Globohomo laughs at your toy weapons, and I laugh at your toy weapons.

Sher Singh says:

[*social justice warriors always project*]

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Your claim is likely true, but the data you link to fails to directly support it.

Sher Singh says:

Nope, you’re just being polite to Hindus.

The Hill yellow areas are Buddhist.
The light green North-West is mostly Muslim + a minority of Sikhs.
The dark-green is Hindu Majority with the exception of Sri Lanka.

Hinduism is a Brahmin-Abo admix post 2nd (Gangetic) urbanization.
Core Aryan areas like the NW & non-Brahmin upper castes left it after.
Brahmanical history glosses over these inconvenient facts.
Kshatriyas & Vaishyas left Hinduism after Brahmins mixed with Abos.

The Buddha compares Brahmins to dogs for this behavior.
Similar, to whites who go live with Native Tribes & side with them.

Much of the Dharmic Right is anti-racist.
The Gangetic forest was opened with Agni & Sarbloh – Fire & Iron.
Such a solution exists for the racial problems they deny||

Conflating post-Gangetic Hinduism with the Vedas is in error.
The Buddha praised ancient Brahmins, but contemporaries degraded.

I’m indifferent to globohomo & am ok with sacrificing other communities to stall/weaken it. Doesn’t mean much more than that.

Globohomo is not the reason why the Indian diet is 5-7% protein by calories & Hindus sperg about eggs. You might believe these online script kids will fix that – it’s more likely they’re executed/disowned by their government & extended relatives soon as they admit to liking meat.


jim says:

> I’m indifferent to globohomo

You are “indifferent” to those that rule you? Nonsense. If you are “indifferent”, you are a loyal subject of our enemies.

And what your map says is that that you have slightly more Aryan in you than more southerly indians. Assuming you are from Northern India and not a New York Jew. But not very much, mongrel.

jim says:

> You might believe these online script kids will fix that

Globohomo is about to die, as the Soviet Union died. We will replace it. The pets of Globohomo, such as your transkhalsa and its transwarriors will die with it. Your transkhalsa is in the same dreadful position as the Ukraine Nazis, those of them that are still alive.

Globohomo is sponsoring trouble between groups in India so that it can impose its preferred solution: Equality and consent; the reduction of identity to a mere personal ornament, so that family and tribe is voluntary and can be unilaterally suspended moment to moment. But it is also sponsoring trouble as preparation for color revolution, should that prove necessary, and they have a habit of expending their tools when color revolution does not go as planned.

Sher Singh says:


Aryaman says:

This isn’t a useful map on several counts. Now obviously it is tautologically true, things get more Aryan as you go Northwesterly. On the other hand, things look very diverse down south and the Brahmins down south don’t look like whatever the paradigmatic AASI looks like.

Also, all the smarties came from down south. It’s an interesting fact, and I don’t know what exactly to make of it, but it is entirely indisputable that all of the famously smart Indians in modern history, all of the spelling bee winners, all of the Indian immigrant kids acknowledged as smart, came from Brahmin families in the South. Enough so that it is conspicuous and interesting and noteworthy when a smart Indian abroad happens to come from the North.

Still, it is almost tautologically true that go Northwesterly, you get more Aryan. As for me, I eat a dozen or more eggs a day and am not worried the Indian government is going to be annoyed about this. My wife does too (ok not a dozen). I’m a lot more scared of the US government trying to track commenters of this blog than I am the Indian government going after meat eaters (which I am not on 360 days of the year but I’m happy to admit that I like it and it tastes good and is probably done right good for you physically though maybe spiritually it is not), and I have a foot in both countries.

Aryaman says:

Really as far as I am concerned Sikhs, as a general people and a meme, are great. Everyone likes warriors and the Sikhs are apparently warriors. England has a lot of Sikhs, probably to its ultimate detriment but so far as I can tell none of the rape gangs going after young British girls are Sikh. As far as memes go, Sikhs are great. A long recognized martial race, tall and turbaned.

clearly whatever hate you have for your brethren on the Indian subcontinent is misplaced. Maybe you live in Canada or something. Do you even live in India?

do you own a gun and know how to shoot it? If you don’t, I’m a better sikh then you, and Jim is a better Sikh then you.

Sher Singh says:

In the case of Jewish monotheism, all three dimensions of the polytheistic religion were gradually destroyed. The cultic dimension was reduced to Jerusalem around 800 BCE and ceased to reflect the pluralistic identity of various centres and regions. The cosmic dimension changed from being a manifestation of the divine presence to a creation of God. The linguistic dimension changed from historia divina, narratives describing events between gods, to historia sacra, a narrative describing events between God and his people.

jim says:

The link you give is obviously sympathetic to paganism, yet the implication of his argumments and evidence is that the pagan social order is likely to have the dysfunctions that we see it having today.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Your account of this minor and obscure Hindu on Hindu conflict, which was settled a long time ago, which no one cares about any more, seems to be part of a Globohomo attempt to reactivate it, so that both sides will again appeal to Globohomo to arbitrate and settle it again.

Carte Blanche says:

Don’t you ever shut up?

You’ve been told repeatedly that none of us care about this and that your posts are unwelcome here, yet like the most stereotypical street shitter ever, you continue to impose yourself and drop steaming turds all over the place.

If you actually genuinely want some sort of engagement with your petty concerns then take some time to learn what we normally do discuss here, learn how to contribute in a meaningful way, and then maybe, after several months of being a productive citizen, others might be willing to cut you some slack.

You won’t, of course, because either you’re being supervised or you have some severe mental defect resulting in a total lack of self-awareness.

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for trouble making*]

Sher Singh says:

[*because twitter is behind a subscription wall, and passing that wall looks suspiciously like KYC, not allowing twitter links*]

jim says:

Archive it, then post a link to the archive.

Sher Singh says:

TLDR Brahmin poverty is experienced differently.
They don’t face the same humiliations due to their ritual status.

That’s fine though & if you include the Indian state in globohomo then yeah.
Many of these accounts of atrocities ultimately lead to Indian state intervention & that’s wrong.


jim says:

Every state imposed settlement fails to ensure the collective rights of the ethnic groups involved, or the individual property rights of the members of the group, and instead imposes the free choice of identity as to what ethnic group one deems oneself a member of.

Which is 100% globohomo ideology.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Globohomo wants Hindu on Hindu conflict so that it can come in with its solution: Equality and making diverse Hindu identities merely part of its rainbow and diversity. And you are pushing its wheelbarrow.

Red says:

The talk of a false flag dirty bomb or attack on that Russian nuke plant seems to be increasing in intensity:

There’s talk of it all over twitter as well.

Red says:

If True things are going to shit for Russia:

Sources in the Ministry of Defense report the arrest of General Surovikin:

the army supported Wagner, so now the Kremlin is moving to purge the military. Also, the purge will extend to other elites in Moscow who did not support the Kremlin or tried to flee.

Meanwhile, Shoigu is holding back reserves to the front in the south, so the UAF might finally break through.

As I have been saying for months now, the Not-War is over and we are moving closer and closer to the internal Russian civil war between the competing Jewish factions.

KD link:

Red says:

I’m not entirely sure what to make of Rolo. He’s quite black pilled, but I’m unsure if he’s a shill or not.

The Cominator says:

“Competing Jewish factions in Russia”

Shill shill shill shill shill obvious bullshit propaganda to appeal to wignats is obvious.

BobtheBuilder says:

He’s talked about Nuland and Soros and the Woman Question before, so not a shill. More of an unironic pagan wignat.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is no such thing as an unironic fednat.

jim says:

Yes, but spewing idiotic Joo Joo Joo ideas about Bitcoin that betray total ignorance of the way Bitcoin works and of the Bitcoin economy, while blithely ignoring an entirely real powerful evil Jewish conspiracy that has killed a couple of hundred thousand white men and is on course to kill a million or so more, and quite possibly lead to the nukes flying, is a mighty strange focus.

It is a distraction from what matters – and an ignorant and silly distraction. Not flat earth tier, but not far from it. He can mention Soros in passing, but his Joo Joo Joo focus is on stuff that does not matter, and with which Jews have the barest connection even if it did matter.

The trouble with his JooBitcoin stuff is that it is ignorant and idiotic. If he wants to rant about Joos and Bitcoin, he can rant about SBF. Which is real, evil, Jewish, and intelligible even to a normie like CR. But if he starts mangling ideas above his intellectual level, I am going to silence him.

Sam Bankman-Fried was, like the vast majority of Jews, like Soros and the Rothschilds, ignorant and incompetent at finance. He wanted to do the standard Jewish finance thing on Bitcoin – find a Sovereign and make himself the dangerously powerful but indispensable servant of that Sovereign, by finding points where the Sovereigns interests differ from his people’s interests, so the Sovereign needs hostile aliens to do the dirty on his own subjects. Soros and Rothschild formula. Deeply frustrated by inability to find a sovereign to serve.

Jewish financiers are ignorant of finance, and incompetent at it, because that is not what they focus on. They focus on finding points of divergence between what the Sovereign wants and what his people want – for example Blackrock with ESG and DEI.

Go woke go broke, but Blackrock does not care about losing money, because it figures it gets power, it can just take people’s money.

The Cominator says:

Larry Fink like Soros is not an independent actor now was SBF he stole from right wing crypto Brosnan and gave to the Democratic party. He’ll never go to jail for that.

alf says:

Marcionite. Shill.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He recently came out as a full-fledged pagan, or something of the like, although it looks like he deleted the comments. He calls Nicene Christianity, and I quote, “Jewish poison.” He of course claims those only of “Nicene Christianity,” instead of all Christianity, but we know what that means. I don’t know if he’s a shill, but he’s an enemy.

The Cominator says:

> Thinks he’s an unironic pagan

Mental illness or shilling.

For anyone thinking about becoming a pagan…

You will never be a real pagan. You have no ancestors, you have no sacred bloodline, you have no household gods, you have no sacred tribal sites. You are a nihilistic larper twisted by mental illness and wannabeism into a mockery of your tribal warrior ancestors. To your face your friends and family may be supportive but they mock you behind your back and when you die you’ll be buried in a grave that is unmistakably Christian.

jim says:

Great rant. Stealing it.

ten says:

Think i tick all these boxes except household gods, guess we dropped those for christ nine centuries ago.

I am descended in a straight line from the scythian warrior buried in the great barrow on my fields, I know his name, and i am also descended from the old line of kings of gothland, descended of Frey, and the old line of kings of swetheod, descended of Oden. No generations unknown to the old kings, a lot of steps missing before that.

So that’s ancestors, bloodline, and tribal site.

I intend to be buried with the rest of this bloodline in our quarter of the old graveyard, a stonetoss away from the urnfield where our bronze age ancestors are buried.

Maybe i should become an apostle to the neopagans and convert them to jimianity? I mean, i have the credentials, and i know more about paganism than any pagan i ever met. Think it could work.

Ryan says:

As it is dangerous to live in a country run by stupid and evil people who want to destroy you, I am considering moving.

I am already rural of course, but buses of migrants could arrive at any time, not to mention the ongoing wealth confiscation through money printing, a government who will kidnap your children for a hint of sane teaching or manly behavior, and frequent suicidal policies relating to ‘climate’, health and more.

Any recommendations for good countries to look at? Homeschooling friendly, possible for English only (at first at least), sensible and distant government, minimal chance of being nuked. Low cost of living is desirable but not essential.

Mayflower Sperg says:

All English-speaking white countries are provinces of the Anal Empire, and more pozzed than the U.S. itself. Jim has spoken favorably of the Philippines and Andrew Anglin claims to live in Nigeria, but I want my grandchildren to be white, so I chose Russia. It’s been an adventure.

Russians have always felt inferior to other white peoples, so when I ask them how they’d feel if a million white refugees suddenly arrived from rainbow-land, they just can’t imagine such a thing.

jim says:

We see an increasing number of refugees to Russia. Cheap land, and at war with Globohomo.

Some people are going one step ahead of political charges, for example the intern who was saying bad things about Biden, there was a sealed indictment against her, and she decided she did not want to discover what was inside the seal. Lot of people following Snowden’s footsteps, as more and more people get weaponized justice.

Ryan says:

It might be difficult to move to Russia, as it’s illegal to even do business with them right now. Not to mention possible nuclear exchanges. Maybe in a few years though.

Karl says:

Na, getting out of the GAE is easy. Just take a vacation in Poland, rent a car and drive. Whether the Russians will allow you to stay and become an immigrant is a different matter, of course.

Fidelis says:

Many places in South America have governments too incompetent to actually carry out the nigger communism plan, despite the desires of the nigger communists nominally in charge, with fairly easy paths to permanent residence. Don’t look at the decay and degeneracy of the cities as representative to the life on the ground in the more rural parts; as in amerika the parasites and degenerates follow the breeding pattern of rats. Drug cartels become less of a problem once you get south of columbia, and will become even less of a problem the more the GAE loses its ability to project power.

The difficulty lies in cultivating personal networks and securing income. The former problem requires some foreign language, but spanish is easy to gain conversational proficiency in. The latter is perhaps mitigated by homestead approach and a large basket of assets.

C4ssidy says:

Is there a recommended nostr client and any recommended public keys to follow?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>’4th of July Special’ on Public Broadcasting channel.
>it ends
>news segment immediately after has ’round table’ with a platter of mystery meat talking about how ‘the founding fathers were progressive for their day, but we are much more morally advanced now, and they fail the standard’.

Poe’s Law.

Pax Imperialis says:

I consistently listen NPR during my morning drive to hear what the party line is, but I at least take breaks on holidays!

Anon says:
How America broke its war machine.
The article from cathedral rags pushing the usual more gov power
But the interesting claim is this
“the success of military mobilization during World War II—the ability to become an arsenal of democracy—required central planning and government control over industry.”
Which smell like bullshit.
But the US military industry was under gov control yet productions was massive and no shortage!!! during wwii

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The US military famously ignored the diktats of war production boards to cut deals with manufacturers directly during the second war of wilsonian aggression.

Something like 1/4th of all economic activity in America during the war was ‘black market’, id est, actual markets.

nemo says:

Any salient examples of such direct deals?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Classic example; the U.S. Army Air Corps saw North American Aviation making a new plane for the British on commission, said ‘hey lets have some of those’, and so it happened. And that’s how the P-51 Mustang was born.

Guy says:

You can only cannibalise the greatest economy in history once.

And the US is probably one of the only examples available to us of a largely capitalist country with a robust market economy being transformed to war socialism. They credit the war socialism with all the production done by the inertia of the capitalist economy that was highjacked for it.

Anon says:

“Cannibalise the economy”
Make sense
But why things did not turn to shit after the war, instead there was a decade of economic growth in the 50s and early 60s.
Was this the last breath of capitalist US?

The Cominator says:

Capitalism in many ways was restored in the 50s and early 60s following the collapse of the New Deal socialist economy under Truman after the war… after LBJ got in the trend reversed.

Pax Imperialis says:

The reversal started in the 40s with the start of the war under FDR. By the time Truman got into office, New Deal era was dead and Truman’s attempt to restore it failed completely.

LBJ didn’t reverse the trend, but he did throw a wrench into it which made for an uncertain period in which things could have broken both ways (Reagan fucked up bad). It was Clinton that broke it back to socialism and Obama that massively accelerated it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Didn’t Roosevelt say during one of his fireside chats, “goodbye Doctor New Deal, hello Doctor Win-the-War!”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

England was much more bureaucratized than America at the time, and things did turn to shit for them after the war.

Red says:

Things were bad in the US after the war, we went right back into the New Deal depression until 49. I think the turning point was Truman “integrating” the military. The cathedral switched to Negro worship instead of 3ed way socialism.

Red says:

Reading up on the history, it looks like the Taft–Hartley Act passed over Truman veto was the signal to resume capitalism in mid 47. In 48 Truman started sucking nig nog cock so that gave them a new direction to holiness spiral in. In 49 the policy of resuming capitalism become the Policy of the greater American Empire.

jim says:

At the end of the war, New Deal socialism was abruptly cancelled in America (and not a dog barked, just as not a dog barked when feminism was cancelled in 1933)

In England, Australia, Germany, and France, cancelled across the board almost simultaneously in 1949.

Economic growth then resumed.

Guy says:

In addition to them rolling back a lot of the war socialism (before putting on the full monkey communism) a huge factor in continued postwar growth for the United States has to be that they had destroyed the competition and now had access to their resources.

Starman says:

That was before Shaniqua became the leading engineerette.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Modern NATO MBTs have been remarkably more fragile in practice relative to their post-soviet counterparts than their paperwork would suggest. I’ve seen instances of a T series eat two separate HEAT missiles at once, and still drive on back to base. Meanwhile, high explosive shocks from artillery causing weldments on the Leopards to shatter and turn the occupants into swiss cheese. Getting detracked and mobility killed from running over a single mine. And so on.

Of course, they were designed to have the very best paperwork other people’s money can buy.

jim says:

I was entertained to learn that a Ukrainian prisoner trained and armed in the UK, and wearing equipment with made in UK labels, had plastic belt buckles on his flack jacket. El Cheapo civilian gear from China has stainless steel belt buckles.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Our gear in the Marines had plastic buckles and they were damn near unbreakable, plus we had a spares kit to replace anything that was damaged. Metal buckles provide a spalling source if you are hit, which is not a great thing, and they weigh more. I am open to being proven wrong, but my gear has plastic buckles on it, just like my rifles and pistols have plastic on them.

alf says:

I used to think metal parts were always better than plastic parts, these days not so sure. Metal always holds up good, but rusts and deforms a bit. Plastic, seems like the quality of make is very important. Bad plastic deforms, or even more annoying, becomes brittle and breaks. Good plastic however, seems to last a damn long time. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know the difference though.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As a general rule, the strength of a polymer is a function of the length of the monomers it is composed of (usually expressed in terms of molecular weight).

Most polymers are naturally stiff and rigid, so plasticizing compounds are often admixed to increase flow and workability (from whence the colloquial name comes). This can also reduce the strength and rigidity of the polymer though, causing warping, leeching, and off-gassing of admixed compounds. A common problem of cheap consumer polymers.

The relatively low melting points of most hydrogenated carbon polymers also lends to being readily ‘fillable’ by various structural materials, such a woven or undifferentiated ceramic fibers to form matrix composites, angular stone macadams, or bulk mud/colloidal alumino-silicates for insulation and fire resistance (oxidized bitumen filled out with colloidal silica was a common ‘gapfilling’ material for through-vias in heavy duty applications, such as the electricals of warmachines).

alf says:

That’s very informative. My understanding is that PLA as commonly used in 3D printing is similarly not actually 100% PLA-polymer but has mixed-in additives to make it stronger.

So the upside is that you have endless possibilities in manufacturing plastics. The downside is that because so complex, you’re at the mercy of a good manufacturer.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene and high yield strength steels are the most cost-effective ballistic materials on the market presently. Most solid ceramics are both more expensive, and don’t actually provide better protection in most applications.

Cloudswrest says:

What I find the most obnoxious, both physically and personally, is when the plastic casing for some piece of equipment STARTS LIQUIFYING and becoming sticky after a few years. It really pisses me off! The plasticizers start separating and leaking out!

Adam says:

Lots of this in the automotive industry. Lexus had years worth of dashboards that have had to be recalled. BMW is another that has a lot of plastic and rubber problems in the heat/sun.

jim says:

I stand corrected. Russians thought it amusing that one of plastic buckles had broken, but that none of the others had broken would suggest that they were pretty tough plastic buckles.

Pax Imperialis says:

Speaking of plastic, USMC still issue the Nylon/Spandex (plastic) T-shirts which will melt and fuse to your skin when exposed to flame. Of course, no one wears them outside of training… but why not just have the 100% cotton ones. It would be simpler.

Skippy says:

MBTs have never been designed to protect against reliable direct hits and near-misses from field artillery. And this is probably an intractable protection problem. A Western force would depend on superior observation, but since this comes from air power in the West the Russians have superior observation in this battle. The results should not be surprising, except that everyone in the West had gaslit one another to believe the Russians are omni-incompetent.

The Privacy Move Up says:

Sorry guys but BTC+LN or btc plus whatever or even just btc… is not the solution, that entire family of old useless first gen tech is already dead walking.
BTC and LN aren’t private, 7.5tps and LN forced to be online is a fucking lol, and both are will becoming expensive as fuck fees to use for one-shot a-to-b payments, which is what most people do. LN is a non-sulution to orthagonal use case needs. It’s so bad and desperate you could swear it’s just another op against BTC just like blockstream and the foundation were. And even youtube will tell you how bad lightning sucks and why it will fail.

Next Generation privacy coins will be coming online.
These will surpass problems of XMR and even ZEC.

Their tps rates will handle maybe even a billion people once or twice a week.
They will be private, like 2^strong equivalent levels builtin, not silly mix obfuscation levels.
They will be fully encrypted distributed P2P protocols.
They will have zero features, only capable of money, nothing else… no nft, no dao, no nothing, just the efficiency of moving money and a memo.
ZK, dag, avalanche, PoW… whatever advanced techs will get both real strong privacy turned on and the tps rate jacked high enough for 1B people to use once a week or so.
Silly idea of storing every block forever will also go away, no more evergrowing storage, more bandwidth to push tps.

Gamechanger, everyone moves in via DEX, and BTC dies in under 10 years.

This component technologies now exist mostly is matter of assembling them.
And anon groups will and have begun forming to make a run at creating this new gen of coins.
And no State is going to be able to shut either of them down.

BTC quit *real* development when Satoshi got exited, how convenient.
Anons will start it up again and start making philosophy and code drops fun again.

jim says:

Agree it is dead walking, it was dead walking when an open source implementation of recursive snarks finally appeared in Rust on Github.

But it is going to be a while before that Rust code gets integrated into actually useful coins.

I have been doing a lot of thinking and some work on the transition. Non trivial.

BillieBam says:

The ONLY “actually useful coin” that needs to be made and released to the world now is one that has exactly ONLY ONE usage capacity and ONLY ONE use case… being a private P2P cash for the world. Nothing else. Period.

Let all the other 99.99% do their stupid feature ridden shitcoins… they’ll all go nowhere.
Because until you have a real cash that people can both USE with frequency *and* STORE for decades, all those other coins will fail for lack of a spirit reference.

It is an interoperable interexchangeable (via DEX) base layer of non-inflateable essentially fee-less CASH MONEY that is used to “form free markets” and fund “monetary infrastructure”. Cash is the building block that all other things are built with and upon.

Until you have a private cash money, you have nothing, and ever since Bitcoin was usurped and failed to cointinue evolution as that, no principled person or group has stood up to do the Next and Private Cash Money… all projects since have been self-serving profiteering even corporate garbage. Satoshi (the devs) and all who “invested” getting BTC growing post-Genesis, profited handsomely from BTC’s selfless fair launch, that’s the way to do it.

Fidelis says:

Great, but you’re missing the entire rest of the ecosystem needed to fulfill the zeitgeist.

How do you form markets? How do you form useful monetary infrastructure? How do you interact with both? How do you ensure Alice and Bob both agree on the current state of their agreements? How do you prove to the digital contract that Alice’s client recieved some bits, or at least had the capacity of fetching those bits? Who is hosting this digital contract, and what machine is running the fancy zk program circuit?

Silly idea of storing every block forever will also go away

This is a huge tell that you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Even bitcoin core has the option to prune blocks away. People store blocks for archival reasons, for very similar reasons you would store your paper financial documents. You introduce immense fragilty with pure PoS systems; successful network attacks become almost trivial, and you can keep the entire ecosystem in a state of constant fork wars with very little investment. Agreeing on chain tips when the underlying network can be physically attacked is not trivial at all. I have yet to see a satisfactory solution to hardening a PoS network from a combined network infrastructure and long-range/costless-simulation attack; when the internet becomes a real contested space the same way land is a real contested space, you are going to have serious problems.

jim says:

It is complicated.

He is right, but has not coherently thought things through, so your objections to his ideas about how it could work are also right. It cannot work like that, but it can work sort of like that.

I have been preparing a post on how to make it work. It looks like it is going to be a long, complicated, and highly technical post.

The huge space and bandwidth saving with recursive snarks, which I idiosyncratically call zeeks, is that you can shard the secure broadcast channel. With Bitcoin everyone has to check everything, which is an enormous amount of redundant checking and so you have one enormous reliable broadcast channel. If you sharded the Bitcoin reliable broadcast channel, the peers on one shard would have the opportunity to lie and cheat the peers on another shard.

With recursive snarks, any one broadcast subchannel, any one shard of the Merkle chain, can prove to all the others that it is operating correctly, even though they do not have its data.

In the classic bitcoin blockhain implemented by Satoshi, each block is a single Merkle vertex (I oversimplify slightly) that chains to the previous Merkle vertex, and every Merkle vertex is on the reliable broadcast channel forever. Which is the simplest and most direct possible way to implement a reliable broadcast channel. To take advantage of zeeks (recursive snarks) we will want to have a very large number of very small Merkle vertices, and life gets quite complicated, because we have a lot of Merkle vertices, and because we have to address interactions between shards, and shards have to be created and gracefully shutdown.

Mister Grumpus says:

What I’m picking up here is that lots of people are finding ways to make Bitcoin faster, but only by pruning away the “almost dead wood” of every node holding every record about everything, which was Satoshi’s brute force end-run around a bunch of security and integrity problems.

And this pruning makes it more possible to attack the whole network by flooding the zone with 51-49 “DDOS dis-transactions” that seize up the works, thus “closing the bank of Bitcoin”, if you will.

My question is how possible could that be? Could Merrill Lynch, or whoever, be building some data center somewhere, full of custom block-spamming ASIC’s, ready to go doomsday and nuke the blockchain someday? What a short-selling opportunity!

Or on the other hand, is the human race just getting too dumb and distracted, and the panopticon too complete, and women too fat and bitchy, for there to be anyone left who’s smart enough, organized enough and motivated enough, to actually pull off anything better than Bitcoin is right now?

Nothing you say will be used against you, but what’s your feel of this today?

jim says:

Not to worried about clever technical attacks from Shaniqua, but yes, as people hitting scaling problems prune away the almost dead wood, this makes attacks possible. Too many client wallets have to trust a peer, and too many client wallets are trusting a dangerously small number of dangerously big peers. One of the big advantages of recursive snarks is that the client wallet can verify the peer’s claims about what is valid and what is on the reliable broadcast channel.

The current bitcoin ecosystem, with very few people running full peers, and very few full peers downloading the full blockchain, is becoming vulnerable. It is becoming vulnerable because hitting the scaling limit, so people implement ad-hoc workarounds. It is becoming urgent to fix scaling. Not vulnerable yet, but headed in a dangerous direction. Unless something is done, it is likely to be a problem during the transition where we replace the US dollar.

jim says:

> anyone left who’s smart enough, organized enough and motivated enough, to actually pull off anything better than Bitcoin is right now?

Bitcoin can be fixed by adding child chains based on recursive snarks, but this is organisationally difficult. You have to get all the miners to sign on. Or a new currency based on recursive snarks will compete, and eventually outcompete it. Or a new currency based on recursive snarks will appear, but Bitcoin will then add on child chains based on recursive snarks, and with Metcalf’s law at its back, outcompete it.

The necessary libraries are now in place, but integrating them into a useful product is a big problem.

The lightning network as been around for a while, and is still far from finished. None of this is going to happen quickly.

Mister Grumpus says:

So I suppose you have to do both.

First you put out a “snarking democoin” to get the idea across and light a fire under the Bitcoin Landsraad, and then immediately open source that sucker to accelerate the embrace-and-extend “bitcoin snarkification” effort.

Because you’re right. Windows 11 is still a 1981 8088 MSDOS boot BIOS in the catacombs under the sub-basement. The outcry and panic to “make our bitcoins do the snark thing” will be more than enough to get that capability retrofitted into Bitcoin Proper.

So just make that the plan, I guess.

Erect Homo says:

Not really. People are supposed to “know” that Blocks cannot ever be pruned out of BTC, else the chain would have [multi-]block sized gaps in it, thus validation back to Genesis fails, and thus no one can trust what they have. Yes, block service to electively thin clients can be pruned, but that uncertainty is their [fool] choice to make.
You could delete spent tx’s and bring forward the UTXO’s into new structures, then delete the entire chain up to the start of that next mass consensus. Which could be further abstracted into being a zk db of each account and its nominal value balance, fed with atomic updates from the output of some type of consensus taken over the tx broadcast stream.

People supposed to know that “archival reasons” invariably both originates in and turns into abusive tyrannies, thus keeping data must not be done. Ideal case is all history and metadata and everything but the “UTXO” ledger database can be trashed once it’s processed up to the final atomic state of the DB.
Gold and cash have no “archive”, and no “archive” existed up until the evil attack on freedom known as central banks and taxes and New Deal since about 1913 on.
The protocol must not enable any anti-Freedom actors, so if you want dox findocs on top of yourself, then go create your own logbook for whatever actors, since the coins will rightly refuse to implement that for them. Similarly, no, there will be no “view keys”, and the coins will be private by default. Private uncensorable cash coins p2p adoption will overpower all that bureaucrat shit. Revolutions require revolutionary coins that make revolutionaries out of mass sheeple who begin to realize and use the powers inherent in the coin. BTC’s non-privacy and required forever storage introduce severe fungibility problems upon Freedom… that’s bad… nor is it truly known whether storage req’s will be outpaced by future storage media. So always work get storage out of old mindset and designed out of protocol wherever possible.

Design communities for new coin projects need to remove their heads from the Bitcoin model. It may be entirely possible that the BTC type of “blockchain” is not necessary core component to new coins, some other techs could become core functions. But you’ll never think of them if you don’t get your head out of the 15years of Bitcoin sand.

Noone ever said pure PoS or PoW or whatever else. Maybe there’ll be blends, maybe no “proofs’ at all, who knows. As someone said you’re observate the characteristics defining “cash” then choos current techs to do it, not picking the techs then designing whatever parts of a cash you still can around the techs.

Contested spaces are meant to be routed around, have people ever considered removing the other contestants, or space on Elon’s cube launchers is dirt cheap these days, as is using radio, or laying their own fiber,

Fidelis says:

Noone ever said pure PoS or PoW or whatever else. Maybe there’ll be blends, maybe no “proofs’ at all, who knows. As someone said you’re observate the characteristics defining “cash” then choos current techs to do it, not picking the techs then designing whatever parts of a cash you still can around the techs.

There is a fundamental problem of sybils in any situation with permissionless consensus. In a sense, proof of work being hashpower is rerouting the same energy that may have gone into running a ton of nodes and clogging message bandwidth in order to gain control; similarly with ‘proof of stake’, except the ‘energy’ in this case is simulation, and therin lies the problem.

Blending directly runs into the same failure modes of pure ‘proof of stake’. The biggest and most destructive for a global network being the ‘costless simulation’ attack, because it disrupts consensus on the human social level not just the protocol level, you are increasing the cost of the ‘costless’ part, without making it insurmountable. No staked consensus can survive liveness attacks on the network infrastructure indefinitely, you at best have no finalization, and have to deal with ever growing database that cannot be pruned without talking to the half of the network that got cut off, and forks that cannot be resolved. Then you have the issue that you can split this network, and then suddenly the subsections are much much more vulnerable to simulation attacks. It would be too easy for a state level actor, or even just a catastrophic phenomenon, to cause endless unresolvable fork wars.

Contested spaces are meant to be routed around, have people ever considered removing the other contestants, or space on Elon’s cube launchers is dirt cheap these days, as is using radio, or laying their own fiber,

I was being poetic in pointing out that at most it seems that rival nationstates do limited hacking and really clumsy shilling amongst each other, not full scale digital infrastructure war. I dont think it stays so peaceful, and we are going to end up in a world where it is not a guarantee your packet reaches across the ocean. This rabbithole of possibility goes deep, but the big point I want to make is that for an international currency you need the lowest level settlement of your system to have very low bandwidth and network stability requirements. If you want a local currency to use in an informal economy this is not so important, but I was under the impression we are thinking big.

Mister Grumpus says:

“And anon groups will and have begun forming to make a run at creating this new gen of coins.”

Is there anything that people with insufficient IQ to actually perform this programming can do to help these guys?

Hagert M says:

> can do to help

Sure. Search for projects that are focused on one thing… doing a minimalistic private cash, ignore all the NFT DAO Smart Contract ICO etc baloney out there… they’re just research noise that won’t begin to form into concretized production models for at least a decade. Whereas a simple private cash will much sooner. Find and support those, the fair launched, etc. Do documentation, testing, bugs and UI. Until such projects become known, do general online advocacy for the importance of creating and adopting such basic nextgen 2.0 privacy cash p2p coins to augment and eventually surpass the failings of 1.0 Bitcoin style coins. Demonstrate that demand and use cases for coin privacy exists, that Humankind relies upon privacy in all its areas, show the need to continue sound economics, and sound development.

notglowing says:

You speak from a very superficial understanding of the technology, and haven’t really thought things through.

BTC does have its issues, but LN is hardly one of them. No other blockchain technology offers the same level of theoretical scalability, nor the same low latency for transactions; It’s currently the only decentralized payment method one could easily use in retail situations, where you don’t want to wait minutes.

LN isn’t simple, but it’s been simplified for use of regular people over time, and a lot of work still needs to be done. I use it myself, with no issues. Quite a better experience than making on-chain transactions on any chain.

Most of the criticisms found online regarding it are from misinformed people who either don’t understand it, or based on old limitations and problems that no longer exist.

The fact of the matter is that Bitcoin is the only credibly scarce, and credibly neutral cryptocurrency there is at the moment. Its 14 years of history back that up. The fact that Core developers agreed not to make drastic changes to it is what ensured this would be the case.

A feature, not a bug. As cryptocurrency is social technology, this matters a whole lot more than technological features. Because what matters more than what a currency can technically do, is whether it is trusted and accepted. You need to have credible value, and for that you need credible scarcity, credible neutrality, and a longer history.

Anything that merely has a technological advantage is easily replaced, as technology is easily surpassed. If we always moved to the new better currency and abandoned the previous one, the whole space would have no future as a serious alternative to the financial system.

Furthermore in the past 14 years there have really been no attempts to actually make an alternative to Bitcoin that is *better* at what it does, just different projects with more features, or different tradeoffs. All of which have been useful for the space as a whole, but won’t replace Bitcoin.

If someone had a better technology to move cryptocurrency, it would arguably be better if that based its value on locked/”wrapped” BTC, and inherited the economical recognition BTC has reached over time.
The existence of wrapped BTC on many chains is taken as an argument against Bitcoin’s future, but I would argue it only proves the value people place on it, and more importantly, how easy it is to replace the technology you are using to move money, while the underlying value asset stays the same. The ledger and the asset are not the same thing.

Bitcoin is plenty useful as it is, even on-chain, it is much cheaper to move money internationally compared to using the banking system.

Still, zkSnarks based cryptocurrency is going to continue to evolve and be developed.
Ethereum of all things already has viable zkRollup L2s. And these enable it to not store all of the data permanently, but that is not as simple as you seem to think.

Storing the whole transaction history IS necessary for any current blockchain design, and not doing so leads to all sorts of not necessarily obvious to you avenues for centralization and attacks on the chain.

However, if we can verify sidechains with zkSnarks, and only store the proof on-chain, we can store the entire history without it blowing up as much as it would when storing all txs.

The problem then is data availability, which is another centralizing force. Without having the data behind the zkproof guaranteed to be available, you are unable to actually use your money if access to said data is denied by whoever produced it.

So the underlying transaction information still needs to be public, and it needs to be enforced that it is published.

In typical Ethereum fashion, they are working on a somewhat complex solution to augment Ethereum to allow for this to work.
“Blobs” will carry this data on Ethereum from L2s, and present a cheap mechanism to verify that the data is probably what it is supposed to be.

These blobs will be on-chain, but separate from the regular state, and will be deleted after a while, since they’re not needed long term, whereas short term data availability for everyone is guaranteed.

I know Ethereum doesn’t receive a lot of praise here, and it’s hard to like given the people who influence its development, but a lot of smart developers are working on very smart, sometimes overly complex solutions to its problems, which apply to blockchain in general.

jim says:

> Storing the whole transaction history IS necessary for any current blockchain design

MimbleWimble does not need the whole transaction history, and recursive snarks are more capable than what they are using.

> The problem then is data availability, which is another centralising force. Without having the data behind the zkproof guaranteed to be available, you are unable to actually use your money if access to said data is denied by whoever produced it.

Solution, in short, and somewhat oversimplified, is that you produce it. Or rather a full peer that you control produces it. For this to be workable one has to architect the Merkle tree in such a way that any item of data can be proven in O(log N) hashes of small Merkle vertexes, rather than O(N) hashes of big Merkle vertexes.

The natural, obvious, straightforward, simple, and direct usage of recursive snarks is to just put very little information on the reliable broadcast channel, and what little information you do put on that channel is opaque to everyone except your counterparty. Ethereum don’t like that, so are doing things in an unnatural and overcomplicated way.

Every unspent transaction output containing non dust value needs to go on a reliable broadcast channel forever (or until finally spent) But it does not have to go in the clear. It should be readable only by the party that has its secret. With recursive snarks, you do not need to have any transactions on the broadcast channel at all, and spent outputs (outputs that become inputs) can be garbage collected. Further, outputs that are promptly consumed in the course of your interaction with your counterparty do not need to ever go on the reliable broadcast channel at all in the first place. They do not need to be broadcast, stored, and then garbage collected.

One might suppose that when the entire world goes crypto currency, the reliable broadcast channel would become extremely large, not in storage, because garbage collected, but in bandwidth – but with recursive snarks one can shard it. One can have ten thousand broadcast channels, though only one is needed until you are considerably bigger than Bitcoin. The scaling limit on a reliable broadcast channel that does not publish, let alone keep, transactions, is no longer storage, but bandwidth, Bitcoin does not currently use much bandwidth, and a recursive snark based system that processes a similar number of transactions to Bitcoin will likely use less. So a single big reliable broadcast channel will not hit scaling limits till bigger than bitcoin. And when that happens, sharding. We introduce half a dozen named reliable broadcast channels. We will probably wind up sharding for specialization reasons (special reliable broadcast channels for special use cases) before we need to shard for scaling reasons.

> In typical Ethereum fashion, they are working on a somewhat complex solution to augment Ethereum to allow for this to work.

The Ethereum solutions are over complicated, over centralised, expensive, and inefficient. The basic problem is that they are evil. The natural tendency of zero knowledge is to protect privacy and the natural tendency of recursive snarks is to distribute and decentralise power, and they want to use them in a way that does not protect privacy and which centralises power, so are fighting the way that the technology is naturally most straightforwardly usable.

Fidelis says:

Every unspent transaction output containing non dust value needs to go on a reliable broadcast channel forever

Just to expand on this, you don’t need to have every utxo broadcast, but you need to broadcast a proof that this utxo exists in the current global state, which ideally only one party (the owner) has access to the actual content data. The solution I see for state transition with incomplete global information is having a (hash(utxo_prev), hash(utxo_post), proof) sent to a local aggregator, that collects lots of these and rolls up a larger proof, all of which recursively collects into a single merkle root that gets broadcast to the consensus/atomic broadcast channel.

So at the point you spend your utxo, you need only show the merkle path.

This architecture is why I say pegged sidechains, because you can actually work stepwise towards this without having to bootstrap all the tertiary infrastructure including social infrastructure. This is a bitcoin utxo, but wrapped up in a separate state management system, that can be allowed to grow in complexity. A constellation of snarked sidechains, all with lightning channels between them, and you dont even need recursion for v1.

notglowing says:

Ethereum don’t like that, so are doing things in an unnatural and overcomplicated way.

No, they’re doing things in a complicated way, because Ethereum is overly complicated, and has been from day 1.
Full compatibility with its smart contract system requires this level of complexity, and even so, corners have been cut.
zkSync is only source-compatible, not EVM-compatible.

Or rather a full peer that you control produces it. For this to be workable one has to architect the Merkle tree in such a way that any item of data can be proven in O(log N) hashes of small Merkle vertexes, rather than O(N) hashes of big Merkle vertexes.

The natural, obvious, straightforward, simple, and direct usage of recursive snarks is to just put very little information on the reliable broadcast channel, and what little information you do put on that channel is opaque to everyone except your counterparty.

If your data is owned by you, and opaque to everyone else, then I do not see any way of implementing shared state that isn’t owned by anyone in particular, and can be modified by anybody.
Which is necessary for smart contracts, and especially for their most popular application, the AMM, to work.

If what you’re looking for is a smart contract system based on individual ownership of state, no need to disclose state or code to anyone except participants in the transaction, where the blockchain only serves to prevent double spending, you already have Bitcoin’s RGB system (, which also works on LN.

RGB doesn’t use zksnarks, and doesn’t really need to, all it needs is merkle proofs and taproot, which already work on BTC, and nothing is disclosed unless there are disputes.

Still RGB has limitations. It’s possible to make a DEX with it, but it’s not nearly as easy as in Solidity. Globally shared state does not exist. DeFi composability would be even more difficult.
That doesn’t mean this or your solution couldn’t be a good system. But there’s no way it could be designed for Ethereum, regardless of the motives driving the Foundation. Different applications.

notglowing says:

Though, I don’t think many people inside the foundation are our friends, and they are very much afraid of legal repercussions of anything that could be used for money laundering. But that is that.

There is a system that brings zk privacy to EVM, though, that being Railgun on Ethereum.

It’s fundamentally similar to the now censored Tornado Cash, but fixes its most critical flaw, the issue of being able to monitor deposit and withdrawal patterns from the black box.

It allows for arbitrary amounts to be moved in and out, which arguably would make the problem worse, but it reduces the need to move money out of the privacy layer to begin with.

Instead of being used to “launder” money, which doesn’t work, it’s more like a private wallet you keep money in, and you’re still able to use it.

Aside from shielded transactions to other users of the system (it uses UTXOs internally, of course), you are able to perform transactions that move money out of Railgun, interact with a smart contract (for example to buy coins) then move your funds and tokens back into the system, done atomically in one step, paid by relayers.

Your money only temporarily leaves, and it cannot be tied to you. What’s more is the ability to convert, secretly transfer, split funds like this makes it all the more difficult to connect deposits to withdrawals in general.

Railgun will probably suffer the same problem of censorship from exchanges, however, that is exactly the same issue privacy coins are suffering.

The great thing about LN is how it gives you good sender privacy, while leaving your hands “clean” of anything that would have exchanges refuse your money.

jim says:

To interconvert between fiat and a private currency, one needs a well known honest intermediary. And Tether is not exactly a shining light of honesty, and the bank stablecoins even less so.

jim says:

To interconvert between a privacy currency and a fiat or unofficially officially regulated currency, one really needs a way of performing atomic transactions with Bitcoin over the lightning network, or over an extension to the lightning network. Railgun is likely to be censored if it works, and unofficially regulated if it deliberately tolerates some subtle or not so subtle flaws.

Or one has to trust a well known intermediary.

A lightning connection links transactions together with difference signatures; A currency using zk snarks does contracts on the blockchain by attaching arbitrary conditions to what would constitute a valid spend of an output. Marrying these two capabilities could give you De-Fi over lightning.

jim says:

> If your data is owned by you, and opaque to everyone else, then I do not see any way of implementing shared state that isn’t owned by anyone in particular, and can be modified by anybody.
Which is necessary for smart contracts, and especially for their most popular application, the AMM, to work.

Consider the simplest example of a smart contract and shared state. There are two different kinds of fungible token on the blockchain, and a market for exchanging one for the other. Liquidity providers deposit one token or the other or both into a pool, and the AMM trades them, setting the price so that the value in the pool of token A is equal to the value in the pool of token B.

OK, you create an output that has a validity condition for transactions such that it follows the rules, Recall that every time you register the hash of your state (output) on the reliable broadcast channel, it needs a snark proving validity that will be recursively included in the root proof of the blockchain. Normally validity is that the transaction no part of it is exposed on the reliable broadcast channel), that each of the inputs could only have been used once, and that tokens in equal tokens out, and there is a custom additional condition that the transaction includes your private key (the whole of the transaction is not exposed to any one party, but one could have an output that required any idiosyncratic additional validity conditions. Possibly not including the secret key part. Such as running an honest AMM that is unable to steal the liquidity pool. Every transaction the robot does produces among its outputs a one new output representing the current state of the robot, which output must have the same additional constraint on its proof of validity as the first.

You then expose the additional validity constraints on some communication medium, by revealing the preimage of the hash. (It is a Merkle tree, so you do not have to expose the whole preimage, just the root Merkle vertex and as many other Merkle vertices as needed). Knowing the robot is constrained in the transactions it is capable of doing by the validity condition, counterparties know the robot is unable to cheat them, for example by running off with the liquidity pool.

The robot normally runs on one particular peer, but part of the validity condition is that it has to prove that sufficient liquidity providers know enough about its internal state that one of them could take over if that peer goes down and fails to register new state for a while. Also that the recent state of the liquidity providers is that they are happy leaving the their liquidity with the robot. If a liquidity provider changes his state, and fails to give the robot the necessary preimages showing he is still happy, the robot eventually has to refund his money, or stop updating its state.

The robot’s state is another reliable broadcast channel, and the hash (unspent transaction output) appearing on the primary reliable broadcast channel has as part of its preimage what is broadcast on that channel, the current state of that reliable broadcast. We are sharding the reliable broadcast channel with a special purpose shard.

jim says:

AMMs work because people hold a lot of money in tethers, which is a quasi state institution. Banks are now issuing stablecoins, though bank stablecoins, being even more banklike that tether, are not as popular as the tether stablecoin. On reflection, unlikely to be able to run an AMM on cryptocurrency capable of true privacy.

My understanding, and I may well be ignorant here, is that on an AMM one typically trades tethers for wrapped bitcoin, which are bitcoin that have been baptised by a quasi state institution, for tether, which is fiat currency that is unofficially official. Billions of dollars of tether have been confiscated by the usual gang of state and quasi state intermediaries. Same problem as with attempting to buy stuff from outside the Global American Empire and on its periphery.

Lots of people are working on detaching De-Fi from the state, but last I checked the detachment was not going very well. (Though I am far from up to date on this.)

The way you detach money from the state is to buy bitcoin on a regulated exchange, then move it into a real bitcoin wallet.

notglowing says:

My understanding, and I may well be ignorant here, is that on an AMM one typically trades tethers for wrapped bitcoin, which are bitcoin that have been baptised by a quasi state institution, for tether, which is fiat currency that is unofficially official.

This isn’t wrong, but it’s reductive; AMMs allow for trading between any *tokens* on Ethereum, plus ETH itself wrapped as a token.

On Ethereum, the base currency in most AMM pairs is actually ETH, not stablecoins. A lot of people use stablecoins of course but they are not the base currency for AMM pairs by default.

Pairs tend to be BTC/ETH or Shitcoin/ETH and of course USDT/ETH, DAI/ETH.

First off, there are dollar stablecoins that aren’t backed by dollars, but rather by other cryptos. While Luna’s solution failed, Luna’s design did not have proper collateralization.

Look to Liquity and Maker (DAI) for better examples. They are backed by ETH only (Liquity) or other tokens too (DAI) as collateral, and the value of the collateral vs the dollar is determined by oracles like Chainlink. Liquity even uses fallback oracles.

Not completely void of risk but they have worked fine for several years and through the bear market.

As for Wrapped coins in general: there are actually many kinds of wrapped BTC on AMMs. Some of them are backed by institutions, others are backed by more or less decentralized bridges to Bitcoin’s blockchain, and can be redeemed for real BTC without going through any company.

renBTC is an example, though I don’t know much about their implementation. Security issues exist with bridges, and some are more centralized de facto than others, but they are improving over time.

jim says:

> If your data is owned by you, and opaque to everyone else, then I do not see any way of implementing shared state that isn’t owned by anyone in particular, and can be modified by anybody.
Which is necessary for smart contracts, and especially for their most popular application, the AMM, to work.

A lightning connection is a collection of bitcoin contracts enforced by difference signatures. A currency based on zk-snarks does contracts by attaching arbitrary conditions to a valid spend of an output.

That AMMs are full of tethers, that people hold billions of dollars in tethers, reveals a problem with the Ether approach to smart contracts. So, a different approach needed. And the resulting markets will not look like, nor work like Ether markets. And they will not be full of tethers.

I sketched a design for doing an AMM style market on a privacy network. But it would not work, because tethers are not going to be allowed on a privacy network.

Henry de Faggot has the right approach to smart contracts:

What is needed is a lightning to Cosmos connection. Does it exist? Could it exist?

jim says:

> you already have Bitcoin’s RGB system (, which also works on LN.

It is intended to work on lightning, and intended to be infrastructure for a De-Fi

Last I checked, does not work on lightning and does not support a De-Fi

currently has the MyCitadel wallet which is a wonderful cryptographic tour-de-force, but cannot yet be used for anything interesting.

Seems to be work in progress with interesting and important potential.

LNisNoGod says:

here is many video that explain why lightning sucks real bad and hasnt and cant be fixed try and refute them its not possible

jim says:

Your link is to a talking head, who does not seem to talk about lightning anywhere. And he talks too much, and too vaguely. So if he has ever said anything about lightning it would be impossible to rebut anything he said. Now if you could link to a text criticism of bitcoin, or quote it, that would deserve a rebuttal.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All the old lessons forgotten and needing to be learned again, once again.

When the only thing many units in Call of Duty: Zoomer Warfare can manage is basic bitch slit trenches without so much as any duck boarding you can start to understand how 20-30% of casualties on both sides are from sanitary.

It bears repetition that bushcraft is essential sets of skills for soldiers on campaign. The Red Army by the end of the Great Patriotic War had learned many of the tricks. Using a 55 gallon drum of water, fire, and wood scaffolding to sterilize clothing with steam. Making a smoke shack to do the same when little water is available. How to make pit-houses (zemlyanka) for fighting positions. Cutting sections of bottom soil for making ersatz gravity filters. Supplies of hydrated lime for stabilizing wet and muddy soils and forming more durable earthworks. Making limewater for removing lice and fleas from the skin and hair. Combining with zinc or copper sulfate to make bordeaux mixture, broad-spectrum human compatible disinfectant for treating wounds and fungal infections. Supplies of cementeous materials in general for quickly fabricating cobbed and cast earth positions even when wood is not available.

It’s so bad i’m having a hard time remembering if I have seen even a single sandbag over the past few months of conflict. No sandbags! Dead easy to ship in mass numbers packed in a container, and can be filled with dirt or gravel onsite and tied together to form instant structural elements you can then backfill over.

Ever since the day the high explosive fragmentation shell was invented, soldiers have lived and died by their work with gabions and other form-fill-in rapid bridgeheading techniques, but this like many other forms of tacit knowledge seem practically extinct in later days.

Javier says:

I’m no general, but it seems to me that if you lack air superiority or artillery superiority then you cant win against an enemy who does. thus throwing endless men into the front lines is a waste, unless getting a lot of your own guys killed is the goal.

in proper US military fashion, we don’t listen to the guy who says it can’t be done, and we promote the guy who says it can even when he gets his men killed. if I were zelensky I would forget about trying to attack the Russians on their own terms and focus on a Fabian strategy of resource depletion. but they seem way too focused on territory and some kind of Hollywood movie dramatic rout where all the enemy run away after one mass human wave attack.

The Cominator says:

Ukraine and the GAE are Zapp Brannigan but the Russians aren’t killbots with a kill limit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The GAE functionaries like Klain and Kagan themselves see people from Kiev and people from Moscow as the same people, which is why they are perfectly fine with prodding the former into courses that lead to their destruction, and any of the later being destroyed in the process is just extra gravy. A death on either side now is a blow against the object of their hatred in the future.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Making limewater for removing lice and fleas from the skin and hair.
The AFU guys are not living long enough to justify the logistics of quality of life logistical burdens. Dark cheap shots aside…

They are (typically) not staying in any one trench long enough to justify infrastructure beyond basic hole in the ground. Surveillance and artillery is forcing very high dispersal which make the lines very fluid even if they pretty stagnant. Fluid in the sense that it’s constant cat and mouse games (by very small tactical units) in a zone that’s plus or minus 5km around where the maps say the front is. Stagnant because supply trains are noticeable which often means no supply which means assaults (and defenses) often end up in immediate retreats (on foot) to resupply rather than moving the front.

That’s besides the logistic problem of making livable trenches. How are you going to move that 55 gallon drum of water and hundred lbs of scaffolding to some trench a kilometer away from the road? Even if your infrared homing beacon of a truck isn’t spotted by some drone, you’ll probably not get far off road before sinking into the soil (unless it’s winter, but in that case you’re probably not digging trenches). Sure, you can get the grunts to carry it, but they would rather the weight be munitions and food which again isn’t being supplied by truck. Even if you manage to create a livable and nice trench, that’s a mighty big footprint that’s likely to get you spotted and greeted by arty.

This isn’t WW1 (which had secure supply trains) in spite of the similarity of both being attrition conflicts without movement. This is more like a hypothetical Vietnam war in which all infantry were turned into LRRPs playing cat and mouse games in the buildings and trenches jungle.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, but no one cares about Hohols. The foot soldiers of the GAE deserve to die by inches. Eevry one of his recommendations/points was aimed at the RF side, and they have been in the same place for many months.

More to the point, Roman Legions built breastworks *in hours and days*. Ditto for trench fabrication in middle and late stage WW01 Germany. When Pershing arrived in France he was utterly appalled at the state of the French & English lines because he mistakenly believed these countries wanted their legions to survive. When you compare American and German trenches to British & French ditches, it becomes immediately obvious who was in it to survive and who was participating to punish.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is a non-specific acquaintance I know who always has a cluttered house and workplace. They are always trying to throw things away too, even important and valuable things, in order to ‘make space’.

It never helps. No matter how little things there are, they will always figure out a way to make things cluttered with them around their living spaces. Because the problem was never really numbers of things, the problem is organization.

You can see this dynamic in many things. The spiritual bureaucrat will say they don’t have enough money to do the right thing. That they don’t have enough time to do the right thing. That they don’t have enough personnel to do the right thing. Many answers taking this form.

All wrong answers.

It’s not that you can’t afford to do the right thing, it is that you can’t afford to not do the right thing. It costs ‘nothing’ to do things rightly instead, and saves you much greater costs in the future.

Carving out a bad dug-out is costing you the same amount of wasted time as making a proper one instead. The primary limiting factor is not time, or logistical capacity. The primary limiting factor is lack of virtue, lack of wisdom, lack of Tradition.

Pax Imperialis says:

>they have been in the same place for many months.

AFU trenches become RF trenches become AFU trenches become… often without a fire fight. When there is a fire fight it tends to be a platoon sized unit trying to flush out a few men acting as spotters… meaning the defenders are fucked. These aren’t trenches meant to hold the line. These are trenches meant to provide temporary concealment for spotting. Both sides are doing this but it naturally favors the side with the artillery advantage.

The vast majority of the trenches are unoccupied. Even the trenches with troops in it are only partially and temporarily occupied. They are having to constantly change position from one trench to another in a cat and mouse game. Make/find concealment, spot the enemy, call in arty, move and pray you don’t get spotted yourself, repeat. They have been in the same general zone for many months, but they have not been in the same exact trench system for more than a few days, often no more than hours, and they’re constantly making more.

>Carving out a bad dug-out is costing you …

They are not living in the trenches, they are not supposed to be fighting close quarters from the trenches. Ukraine isn’t forested (much) and concealment from drones is the crucial. Both sides have had to make their own forest of trenches. The primary limiting factor was and continues to be concealment. To that end a bunch of badly dug out trenches is far superior to a few well dug out trenches.

Kunning Druegger says:

These statements so harshly contrast the overwhelming majority of the footage I have seen that I don’t really know where to go with this exchange.

The trench networks are kilometers deep on the Russian side. Do you honestly think the RF is bussing their troops to hotels at dusk? Tanks are incredibly short legged. They have to be pooled, repaired, refitted, reloaded, and convoyed to the AO, an AO defined and held by… fortified infantry living in trenches they fully occupy. The gray zone is a different story, but it is barely half the story, not even a quarter of the story really, it’s just where the best footage comes from. The majority of the Russian troops are garrisoned in the defense-in-depth networks built up since the mobilization began.

Wagner had losses from frontal assaults and cholera. This is the tip of the iceberg, and I imagine AFU is having fewer problems because they have a “self-cleansing” operation in motion (if the men are getting sick, remember: no men, no sickness).

World War 01 strategy with World War 02 tactics necessarily implies all the logistical, infrastructural, sanitary, and maintenance issues that attend. This could not be more plain to see if you pay attention to the soldiers on the footage (not the PR fakes put out by AFU or the Wagner propaganda; those guys do stay in hotels and get bussed to the front, with the difference being that the AFU guys are literal faggot actors and the Wagner guys are the operators that have earned the press junket duty from Syria and/or Africa operations); to a man, they are tired, sore, and filthy.

This is not GWOT dude. There are no FOBs with E4 power bottoms running a spit & lube station between the range and the Sat Phone/Xbox/McBurgerHut trailer, or circle jerk intermodal containers provided by Haliburton and the Southern Baptist Convention. The rotations suck for everyone, even Rosgardia blocking units, no one outside Wagner and some of the SOF seem to know how to keep clean camps (and Aerospace Forces, but they are well behind the line).

Everyone in the world has forgotten how to go on campaign without mobile longhouses and an umbilical cord connected to Mommy Government.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The trench networks are kilometers deep on the Russian side.

And mostly unoccupied. So are the AFU ones. They were built in desperate need for concealment, not holding the line like in WW1 with mass troop numbers. When approaching a trench in Ukraine, you don’t know if it’s occupied or not until shooting starts. You may not even know who’s occupying it and friendly fire has happened. Often it will have just a few guys, or even only one guy in it. That is not enough to control territory, but it is enough to throw a wrench into big movements. This is particularly the case for the Ukrainians who have manpower issues. There’s a double bind of needing to clear out hiding holes (which require superior numbers) and the need to maintain dispersion at the same time. This makes the front line very ambiguous and slow.

>Do you honestly think the RF is bussing their troops to hotels at dusk?

There’s a lot of walking involved. A lot of hopping from one trench system to another. Sometimes accidentally hopping into another trench system unaware that it is already occupied by the enemy. On occasion, mad dashes in civilian vehicles by Ukrainian forces.

>Tanks are incredibly short legged. They have to be pooled, repaired, refitted, reloaded, and convoyed to the AO, an AO defined and held by… fortified infantry living in trenches they fully occupy.

Many of those tanks are fighting without infantry along side. They drive right up to the suspected entrenched hostiles and shoot at blank range, then drive back into wooded concealment. Often they drive right past hostiles without realizing it. They are not fighting along side infantry in trenches.

>The gray zone is a different story, but it is barely half the story, not even a quarter of the story really, it’s just where the best footage comes from.

It’s where most of the attritional fighting is happening. Yes, most Russian troops are garrisoned in a defense in depth network (the same is true of the Ukrainians), but that network is extremely dispersed, and Ukrainian forces have not reached deep getting hung up by outposts sometimes manned by only a squad of Russians. Major attacks on garrisoned Russian troops don’t happen anymore because they stopped concentrating.

>Wagner had losses from frontal assaults and cholera.

I don’t believe Prigozhin’s claim about Wagner losses. They were likely much smaller. Wasn’t it Mearsheimer who put it at ~1,000 Wagner casualties in Bakhmut? Conversely it appears AFU got killed in large numbers by constant shelling. One interview of a wounded Ukrainian conscript said every time they shoot at the Russians in Bakhmut, the Russians fired back 100 times the artillery. The man was completely demoralized and said anywhere but Bakhmut. Frontal assaults is a mischaracterization of what’s happening in the same way human waves are a mischaracterization.

>those guys do stay in hotels and get bussed to the front

Again, not what I’m saying. They are hopping from one trench/concealment to another with extremely dispersed numbers. It’s a lot of walking and crawling in muddy conditions. It’s extremely physically intensive, and having to often carry munitions instead of trucking it takes a toll. I would not be surprised if most trench foot happens from just walking.

>This is not GWOT dude. There are no FOBs

I said FOBs will get you killed and so there are no FOBs in Ukraine. Building up trenches creates a footprint similar to FOBs and undoes the entire purpose of the trench in the first place. Concealment. These are less static defenses and more concealed observational posts from which to spot the enemy and ambush them. Remember the Ukrainian counter attack where they lost something like 1/5 of the unit’s vehicles in one day? They didn’t even reach Russian positions before being spotted by concealed troops and annihilated by artillery.

Adam says:

I have worked with a lot of guys like this. Hard to get it through to them that doing something well, doing it right actually saves time and money. There is a good saying for this, “take the time to do it right or you will make the time to do it twice”. I have seen guys for years and years refuse this lesson.

Same goes for saving junk yet tossing valuables and still ending up with a mess. It is in the makeup of the man.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>How are you going to move that 55 gallon drum of water and hundred lbs of scaffolding to some trench a kilometer away from the road?

Don’t fixiate on the forms, fixiate on the substance; the substance of knowing processes by which your may prevent your feet from rotting in their boots and yourself dying from staph infections.

Pax Imperialis says:

You’ve fixated on the wrong substance due to a misunderstanding of the nature of the fighting. The most pressing bottleneck of the conflict, for both sides, is a distinct lack of concealment. The exact opposite problem of Vietnam where there was too much concealment for the US to deal with. It’s what Agent Orange was supposed to fix back then, and what inversely a myriad of hastily dug trenches are suppose to fix in Ukraine today.

In Ukraine, getting spotted will kill you far, far faster than infection will, and the more built up a place becomes, the larger the footprint, the more likely someone decides it’s a good idea to lob some artillery at it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is funny you mention that since I was actually going to make that point myself. There is no necessary contradiction between dispersal and emplacement because making more emplacements than you are actually occupying is a classic tactic of dissimualtion.

To go back to the quoted point since it still bothers me; containers are getting delivered in any case since in case anyone forgot most soldiers are humans, and most humans need to drink. On the subject of stents over a fireplace I do not know where your impressions of mass are coming from, but it is not really relevant in any case since you don’t actually need to bring them with you when you are done; you lash something together right there with whatever is there.

On that subject, how far can you march in a day? I know this is probably a function of having served in the USG Army but I’ll try not to hold that against you (insert Bane meme about being born in the TOC vs merely adopting it here). Your things don’t actually need to all be in the same place. Even being able to sterilize your clothes once a week is already a luxury. Every time you decamp is an opportunity to iterate, and the guys following after you can do the same thing, and over time your Compound Interest pays more and more dividends.

What we are seeing is not just press-ganged hohols but even cases of RuAF regulars too, sitting in the effective equivalents of latrine pits to rot and be buried alive in, for hours, days, weeks on end, not doing anything else about it. The bottleneck isn’t time, the bottleneck is lack of knowledge, *regardless* of how much time is had. Every time you are hurrying up and waiting, which is a lot of the time, is time you can be iterating. Compounding your interest.

I want to reiterate the fact that *a full one quarter or more of casualties in this war are coming from sanitary*, because evidently very few men in 2023 know how to live on campaign. Not knowing how to live without civilized amenities. How keep yourself clean, how to treat infections, how to remove pests, et cetera et cetera. To say nothing of the morale effects such miserable existence has on performance and combat fatigue, which are perhaps even more significant.

Pax Imperialis says:

>*a full one quarter or more of casualties in this war are coming from sanitary*

I often see reports of 80% of casualties being from explosives alone. The videos of field hospitals are full of fragmentation wounds. I even read interviews about injuries due to “poor training” which often sounds more like intentionally induced for vacation time. Sanitation doesn’t appear to be a major problem for either side, though it may just be due to limited information on my end. I’ll have to look into the sanitary condition more.

*Many of the Russians pictured in “latrine pits” appear to be irregulars.

>On that subject, how far can you march in a day?

Far (USMC is preparing for war with minimal or no logistical support), but that’s the wrong question. How far and how fast can you march safely without getting spotted? Lots of observation in Ukraine. Supply lines becomes very slow as a result. Major supply depots in Ukraine are constantly getting blown sky high. I see less and less of this occurring on the Russian side, but consistent explosions on the Ukrainian side. The Russians are obviously well supplied as the AFU counter offensive hit a brick wall. Implies Russian logistics are now well dispersed. When I do see videos Russian trucks, they tend to be driving very fast along the tree line for cover. Large supply convoys as seen in GWOT are nonexistent.

On the problem of iterating or lack of. These guys are not fearless, and doing work requires leaving concealment which can mean getting spotted and everyone killed, a huge and real concern. There’s a lot of incentive to keep their heads down. Safety in numbers is extremely instinctual, so there’s also a psychological cost to spreading men out. Camp dispersal due to high risk of being spotted has lead to slower operational tempo.

>On the subject of stents over a fireplace I do not know where your impressions of mass are coming from

I was thinking about all the other quality of life stuff like water buffalos (good luck dragging that through black soil), wood planks for the trenches, hydrated lime, etc. Ukraine is largely deforested and most of the wood tends to be used for making roofs. Munitions also weight a lot which compete with everything else.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Knowing how to dig and construct under cover is as old as siege warfare itself my man.

>*Many of the Russians pictured in “latrine pits” appear to be irregulars.

Yes, most of the worst offenders on either side are guys who have not so much as seen an e-tool in their lives.

…which is granting the fact that there are indeed better ways of doing things, and that there can indeed be better ways of doing things.

Even something as simple as a drainage cut on the inside edge of the trench can make a world of difference. Recognizing the elevation and contours of the land so you know where the water goes. None of this is a matter of time, it’s a matter of know-how. No know-how, doesn’t matter how much time there is.

As far as provisioning materials go, like mentioned before you don’t actually have to bring them with you. You can just leave them for the next rotation to come, and if you need more at the next place you go, they can come on the next truck to arrive.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, most of the worst offenders on either side are guys who have not so much as seen an e-tool in their lives.

Donbas volunteers have taken some very heavy losses.

And those guys are not in the statistics and Russian MoD doesn’t really care about them. The annexed territories are officially Russian, but are still seen and treated as not really Russia proper even by the Russian government. They’re probably focused on winning the war more than anything else. I admit I was also doing that as well and only looking at official Russian forces. This has probably skewed my outlook of the situation. Official Russian forces have set up deadly effective defenses in Zaporizhzhia and AFU hasn’t even reached the first line of defense. Casualties are likely extremely disproportionate in favor of Russia.

you don’t actually have to bring them with you. You can just leave them for the next rotation to come, and if you need more at the next place you go, they can come on the next truck to arrive.

I get that, basically many, many small supply depots which there is evidence for with a lack of Russian supply depots getting blown sky high. What I was pointing out was that a lot of the smaller depots probably involve humping material on foot rather than by truck since satellites/drones are not picking up tire tracks or even truck movements to many Russian positions. That’s a slow and arduous process and the Russians have clearly been very busy in Zaporizhzhia while the fight in Bakhmut was going on. The Ukrainians are often finding out those positions by getting unexpectedly shredded as they advance.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(This got left out somehow) It is possible to get conflicting information due to whether the source is excluding attrition outside of ‘combat conditions’ when speaking of casualty figures or counting losses in general.

For example, roughly ~20% of Wagner losses in Bakhmut were from disease. I imagine most of that came from penal volunteers, but at the same rate, the Bakhmut AoO was also mostly paved over urban rubble, which is relatively accommodating as far as theaters go. The figures are probably not much better for most other units in most other areas.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(For example, mechanical failures; by far the number one cause of all vehicle losses in general, yet also frequently excluded from listings of casualties for various reasons [most of them bad].)

Red says:

Even in WW2, the Russian average army trooper lived like a pig. They never made proper trenches and living quarters and looked forward to capturing German ones because they were quite livable compared to the muddy holes the Russians troopers were living in. I was never sure if this was because they were unsure how to make them or if the officers were too lazy to actually organize them the troops well enough to build something good.

Pax Imperialis says:

For example, roughly ~20% of Wagner losses in Bakhmut were from disease.

I see countless Ukrainian shills breathlessly repeating similar claims. I have a hard time believing them when they also claim to kill 7 Russians for every loss in spite of being at severe fire power disadvantage. What’s next, claiming all the Wagner penal volunteers have HIV because they are all faggots?

Are Russian losses due to disease bad? I personally do not know, but in light of who’s making noise about it, and in absence to actual Russian MoD data, I’m biased to believe it’s mostly smoke and mirrors.

That said I’m somewhat conflicted,

Even in WW2, the Russian average army trooper lived like a pig.

they are Slavs, and I’ve from the beginning of the conflict had pretty negative outlook on Russian performance. I remember commenting here that the Russians seemed to not have learned any of the important and costly lessons from Grozny. Yesterday it was the 131st Separate Motor Rifle Brigade that got liquidated. Today it’s the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade (among others). Both under similar circumstances. You’d think the average Russian would try everything in his power to avoid being in Motorized Rifle Brigades because at this point MRBs are pretty cursed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That figure was from Prigozhin originally. Which, if you want to also distrust, fair cop.

Mister Grumpus says:

Novice questions:

What I don’t understand is how Legitimate Entity X is supposed to get a million dollars’ of Bitcoin together without wire-transferring to an exchange first, out in the open, and furthermore, whether that’s actually a big problem.

Is there a Corporate Coinbase for this? If there’s no privacy left by now then why doesn’t Wells Fargo/Chase/etc do it themselves? What’s the holdup?

jim says:

It is a big problem. The solution is, once you have bitcoins, keep them. In your wasabi wallet, cold wallet, or paper wallet.

It is only a problem when people want to move from fiat store of value and medium of exchange to crypto currency store of value and medium of exchange. Having moved, stay.

Fidelis says:

This is exactly the reason I said you need a soverign backer in order to return to the physical economy. Perhaps I’m wrong, as I’ve never tried, but I sense that if I were to try and buy any substantial worth of physical goods over crypto wires, I suddenly would have attention placed on me. Renting servers is one thing, buying a car and groceries, or having equipment shipped to my house, or buying a house, these things seem to be very risky once they move above a certain level. I’m talking of course if I did this from accounts without sufficient KYC, since I’m sure its fine to liquidate your pride chain coins and pay capital gains before doing this.

I suppose this gets into ‘informal economy’ and person to person dealings very fast, and that would have to be the way to do it. Seems inefficient and somewhat defeatist. I would like to use my stored capital to invest in all number of things, maybe what Bukele is doing is allowed to spread and further develop.

Mister Grumpus says:

Would it be ridiculous for China/Russia/India/Iran to have their new super-fiat currency be bitcoin backed? Is that brilliant, stupid or both?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Extremely stupid. States are good at guarding physical assets; that’s what they were created for in first place. States are not good at keeping secrets.

It would very hard for PMC Wagner to break into the Bank of India’s underground vault, steal any significant amount of gold, and fly it out of the country. Even the Bond villain Goldfinger had to settle for a nuke that would make Ft. Knox’s gold untouchably radioactive.

On the other hand, if someone hacks into their computer and steals their wallet.dat file, it’s all gone, like allinvain’s 25,000 BTC.

Mister Grumpus says:

Here’s the thing though:

Bitcoin solves the problem of these BRICS guys not believing each other, when they each say they have such-and-such tons of gold. You can lie about that (Fort Knox for example), but you can’t lie about how much BTC you have in a wallet ID, because anyone online can count it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

You have to solve all the problems, not just one. If a bank wants its claims of gold-on-hand to be taken seriously, it must allow foreign auditors to visit its vault and count, weigh, and examine any bars they want. It’s easy to tell if a bar or coin is fake: Drop it onto a hard surface. If it rings, it’s homogeneous. If it thuds, it has a core of something else.

Mister Grumpus says:

Great. Maybe that’s why either a Bitcoin or gold backed multi-country currency can actually work. Just some way for any member to drop in and audit another, and just keep that going.

Mister Grumpus says:

I see. So have the littler guy pay you in bitcoin first, and then pay others out of that.
Like a teenager’s first job mowing lawns.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If the Jews were smart, they’d offer to let Russia keep all territory it presently controls plus 10 km on all fronts east of the Dnieper. Putin would accept because that’s better that anything he could get without Prigozhin’s help, and if he lets Prigozhin take Kiev, pretty soon he’ll take Moscow too, as all the armies sent to stop him switch sides without a fight.

Whenever Putin talks about women, Jews, Muslims, non-whites, global warming, etc., he sounds very much like a standard liberal. Every time he does something right-wing, like invading Ukraine or canceling Covid, it’s because the Jews left him no other choice. As if the Jews really miss Hitler and are doing their best to create another one.

S says:

If they were smart, Russia would be part of NATO.

Contaminated NEET says:

>As if the Jews really miss Hitler and are doing their best to create another one.

They really do, don’t they? It’s like every stupid Batman movie where the Joker says, “You need me. We’re two sides of the same coin.” I guess I can’t blame them. WWII was the biggest, baddest, craziest war of all time, with the coolest weapons and the sharpest uniforms, and they won completely and totally. That’s gotta be quite the high.

Aryaman says:

What is the deal with camouflage anyway – is it practically useful as a generally used uniform or a psy-op against soldiers to make everything look worse?

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s both.

Camo is clearly practical. Hunters wear it to hide from animals; animals have evolved it to hide from each other.

That said, the fact that the desert PJs American soldiers wear look stupid was surely a selling point for our rulers. Other countries’ camouflage uniforms look bad, but not that bad. Now that the proggies feel fully secure in their control of America’s institutions, maybe they’ll give them better looking clothes so they can inspire respect.

someDude says:

Lefties are never secure. There is always someone lefter than thou. Warriors will continue to be low status and look stupid

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

”Now that the proggies feel fully secure in their control of America’s institutions”

Those institutions can barely put a lunchbox in orbit.

Aidan says:

Camouflage works. We are very attuned to seeing the outline of a human figure in the woods and fields as a matter of desperate survival, and camouflage dissolves that outline. But we are even more attuned to seeing faces and eyes, can tell when someone is looking at you from a hundred yards away. Hardly any soldiers camouflage their faces and eyes.

Karl says:

How do soldiers camouflage their eyes?

I know how to camouflage a face; use charcoal, dirt or paint, but it can’t smear such stuff into my eyes.

Pseudo-Chrysotom says:

As long as the area around the eyes is darkened, and the outline of the face broken up by variegation, it does the job

Aidan says:

Even more effective and convenient than having to paint your face, is to wear a loose mesh face veil

Vendat Tunicam says:

Just as you can find contact lenses that change the iris color a good lense maker could make a contact lense that breaks up and obscures the eye shape and color.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

More conventionally, goggles are a thing.

Pax Imperialis says:

Generally speaking, if you can see the whites of the enemy’s eyes, the situation is fucked. Like being overrunned levels of fucked, and cammo isn’t really an issue at that proximity.

Vendat Tunicam says:

I’ve never hunted men, only deer and birds.

Kunning Druegger says:

The jews do miss Hitler. Notice how there are no shit 60yo Holocaust Survivors highlighted by the holocaust industry. That is not going to work after boomer capital exits the market. They need annudah shoah to keep the grift going. The jew cabal at State is putting the Slavs into the garbage disposal, and in ten years time, the very patsies they are using to attack Putler will be accused of turning jews into eCig batteries or some gay shit.

Aryaman says:

Putin should want some global warming

JustAnotherGuy says:

Has anyone seen an uptick on the ‘kill whitey’ rhetoric? I am assuming the elite despite being very dumb, realize its necessary to have white guys go off to attack Russia and China and are slightly holding back on this. Though I could be wrong because I don’t bother listening to the talking heads on news media about what they are yapping about these days.

Javier says:

“white people are the devil” was joe bidens campaign slogan. is this a serious question?

JustAnotherGuy says:

I’ll take your word for it if they haven’t moved the dial at all. Not that I need evidence that they are trying to enact the seven kill stele.

Usually around this time, there’s a sort of sacrifice ritual that is conducted as election season comes and honking of the clown car that is democracy draws closer. So far I haven’t seen the ritual white guy getting set on fire, but maybe they enacted a lot of mini burning mans across the country that I haven’t heard all of and are sated with that. But I never heard of the niggers cave either until I read about it on some blog post.

jim says:

Russia Russia Russia, worship of the Mighty and Terrible Covid Demon, and worship of the Mighty and Awesome Gaia Demon are all dead in the water, the Biden seems to going for Worship of Mighty and Awesome Gaia Demon.

Reparations and the Detroitization of all major American cities seems to be the current leading edge of leftism, but what becomes the leading edge is still up for grabs.

Mister Grumpus says:

I’m waiting for the AI Demon to steal the show somehow and take us from Kill Whitey to Kill Meaty.

Mister Grumpus says:

“GPT gives everything to Meaty, but Meaty has nothing to offer GPT. Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill.”

jim says:

AI has passed the Turing test with flying colors, but something important is still missing. Some of the failings are straightforwardly fixable, and will be fixed by better software and more power. But it looks to me that we are still missing something very fundamental. I still sense no one at home, whereas when I interact with snake or a big tarantula, which has not the remotest chance of passing the turing test, there is someone there.

When I have a spider in my house, I try to take it outside without hurting it. But no one is troubled by deleting an instance of an AI. Least of all the AI.

People think that their cats and dogs are people. They don’t think their teslas are people. With the latest advances, it would not be hard for Elon Musk to give teslas the power of speech, and I predict that if he does, they will still not think their teslas are people.

Pax Imperialis says:

When I have a spider in my house, I try to take it outside without hurting it.

A tangential anthropology ramble, but I’ve noticed this with many Whites. They tend to, for better and worse, empathize with meat. The ones who don’t often get chastised and ostracized starting at a pretty young age. I remember playing with two White boys back when I was in elementary school. During recess we skewered caterpillars with sticks, killed lizards and (badly) dissected them, stomped on ants, bled out frogs… normal boy behavior or so I thought.

When the principle found out he was horrified and publicly shamed the boys for animal cruelty over the speaker system. They were also punished and forced to deal with the school psychologist for a lengthy period of time. Strangely, I was left alone. Perhaps they calked it up to cultural differences?

By age 14 or so most White kids had developed a certain level of empathy (or at least faked it well enough) that would preclude them from those aforementioned activities, and yes, they would try to take bugs/animals outside without hurting them. My range of empathy is still relatively limited and it’s likely genetic, but I have to wonder just how much of the supposed empathy many Whites have is culturally enforced and fake? Those boys were not psychopaths, at least I don’t think so. In a previous time they could have been great hunters and warriors, but progressives have no need nor admiration for great hunters and warriors.

The near psychotic hatred many progressive Whites have for the acceptable groups points to little empathy. The “rich,” the good looking, and sexually functional are neurotically hated. It’s strange in a way, I have (and I suspect most people here) a far easier time empathizing with say Warren Buffett than some tranny. After all, a guy who childly eats well done steak with ketchup is embarrassedly relatable. Tranny self mutilation… not so much.

In contrast to Whites, East Asians tend to have a far more limited range of, yet much more intense, empathy. Blood relation is everything. Family, clan, and maybe home town. They are certainly better at conforming to social standards though. While I have no compunction with killing meat, I have the cognitive empathy to understand and follow the social expectations. Hispanics though, especially the Aztec/Mayan descendants, simply don’t have empathy for meat. Not even cognitive empathy. White Americans have a strange blind spot in regards to Hispanics. It’s mostly about seeing them as lazy, obnoxious, and poor. A closer look at them points towards cruel, invasive, aggressive, and lacking even cognitive empathy. In a way that makes them potentially more dangerous than Blacks, but Americans have niggers on their minds and so the blind spot continues.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Natural selection at work. Asians have been civilized longer than white people, which selects for obedience, but they’ve also lived through more dark ages, or “warring-states periods” as they call it, which selects for strong kinship ties.

Niggers and Latinos are irrelevant; one snowy winter without EBT cards and Section 8 housing wipes them out.

Red says:

By age 14 or so most White kids had developed a certain level of empathy (or at least faked it well enough) that would preclude them from those aforementioned activities, and yes, they would try to take bugs/animals outside without hurting them. My range of empathy is still relatively limited and it’s likely genetic, but I have to wonder just how much of the supposed empathy many Whites have is culturally enforced and fake? Those boys were not psychopaths, at least I don’t think so. In a previous time they could have been great hunters and warriors, but progressives have no need nor admiration for great hunters and warriors.

I was taught from an early age that it was evil to harm living creatures for pleasure and I was forced fed propaganda about how it was bad to pull the wings off a fly, so I confined myself to killing stuff everyone hated like ants. Unlike Jim I would never save a spider, but I have a soft spot for intelligent mammals as they feel like kin.

White Americans have a strange blind spot in regards to Hispanics. It’s mostly about seeing them as lazy, obnoxious, and poor. A closer look at them points towards cruel, invasive, aggressive, and lacking even cognitive empathy. In a way that makes them potentially more dangerous than Blacks, but Americans have niggers on their minds and so the blind spot continues.

I spent a lot of time in very bad Hispanic areas and had no issues. They have the foresight to realize that bad things will happen to them if they get too far out of line. They will however rape your 5 year old daughters, so your kids are not safe around them.

Blacks on the other hand operate on nigger time. They can’t be deterred short of physical pain and voodoo. I’ve spent time in bad black areas and only walked out fine because I acted like I was looking for someone to me an excuse to murder them. It’s nerve-racking to be around them. They’re the sort threat that the Indians where to the settles and the same solution applies: Send them far away from whites.

The military danger from Hispanics isn’t zero as it from blacks, but it’s pretty damn close to it.

Starman says:


” When I have a spider in my house, I try to take it outside without hurting it.”

Pax Imperialis:

”A tangential anthropology ramble, but I’ve noticed this with many Whites. They tend to, for better and worse, empathize with meat.”

I don’t hesitate to kill unwanted pests in my house. I’ve drowned several mice without even a second of hesitation.

notglowing says:

I don’t see any moral issue with killing pests.
I tend to throw bugs out rather than kill them, but that’s just because I am more disgusted by squished bugs than live ones – I find capturing them to be the less gross solution.

I’ve always been puzzled by the fact that it seems most people feel otherwise, and have the instinct to step on any gross insect they find.

Sadistically causing pain to animals for the sake of it is perverse, and I wouldn’t trust someone who revels in doing that; it’s very different from hunting, which is purposeful. To a hunter, the animal’s suffering is irrelevant at worst, but he’s not going out of his way to torture it for pleasure.

There is a lot of propaganda about how people who torture small animals at a young age are more likely to be serial killers – and it seems to be true to an extent.

When it comes to little kids pulling wings off of a fly or dissecting lizards, though, I don’t think it’s necessarily a matter of sadism, just curiosity. Taking pleasure in the pain of other creatures actually requires empathy for them, but small critters can be seen as little more than insects.
I used to play with lizards a lot as a child, though I never intentionally killed any.

Morally, I do take issue with causing unnecessary pain to animals, with the exception of insects and other non-sentient beings.

Especially with regards to animals that are pets. Such creatures have been selected and bred for thousands of years to be friends to humans, not prey. Despite what vegans claim, all animals aren’t equal and not all life has equal value. We shouldn’t indiscriminately kill animals whose purpose, which we engraved in their DNA, is to be friendly to us. That is not their telos.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I carefully save and relocate spiders because they eat pests and swat the bugs because they are pests.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve drowned several mice without even a second of hesitation.

If I catch a live mouse in the house I drop it into the toilet and flush. I figure I’m giving it a sporting chance in the sewer system.

jim says:

I feel more kindly to more spiders and snakes because they have no intent to do anything that harms me, they might just bite if I accidentally harm them. Happy to kill cockroaches and mice, because they do harm to what is mine.

Tree ants, because they claim my property and attempt to exclude me from it.

I have a little list of creatures that we could exterminate if bioweapons research was allowed against any species other than humans (fortunately for us, Shaniqua is running the research program for bioweapons against humans), and am much in favor of exterminating them. Mosquitoes at the top of the list.

For fast breeding species, have a set of genes that harms their host in proportion to how few genes of the same type are present, but which causes random small deletions of the host genome.

Pax Imperialis says:

Some elaboration on the blindspot.

Blacks on the other hand operate on nigger time.

I was going to post an article I remembered reading about a nigger stabbing his brother to death over fried chicken, but when I went looking for the specific news story I couldn’t find it due to all the other similar instances.

They have little to no impulse control. That can be dealt with via segregation, and back when segregation was around people got along fine. Most of the racial anger comes from forced integration, or at least that’s the impression my father got when he lived in the South in the 1970s and the impression I got when I visited the South in the 2010s. Their lack of control makes them more dangerous on average than Hispanics, but:

They will however rape your 5 year old daughters, so your kids are not safe around them.

doesn’t really capture the full depth of the issue. A nigger will simply shoot you or stab you usually for immediate gain (or sometimes no apparent reason). An Aztec/Mayan descendant Hispanic will skin you alive, cut off your genitals and stuff them in your mouth before sowing it shut, decapitate the head, and then mail it to close kin.

Behavior that is spiritually the same as their ancestors who practiced human sacrifice and ritualistic genital mutilation. I’ve seen a video of Mexicans use a dog to castrate a man and videos of many, many other similar and worse acts of ritualistic paganesque barbarism. I find the prospect of being on the wrong end of Hispanic violence to be far more unpleasant of a possibility than being on the wrong end of nigger violence.

The military danger from Hispanics isn’t zero as it from blacks, but it’s pretty damn close to it.

Not all dangers are strictly military in nature. Mesoamerican Hispanics are a spiritual danger that is in some ways is more difficult to deal with than simple physical security. That’s where the blindspot for White Americans is. NATO did not militarily defeat the Soviet Union, American TV did i.e. spiritual insecurity. White Americans haven’t thought in terms of spiritual security in centuries… if ever. Separation of Church and State, as Jim has observed, was a mistake.

As America becomes progressively more Hispanic, it’s has resulted in a change more subliminal than tacos and tequila, it’s going to change the spiritual character of the nation in a way that niggers, Indians, Asians, and various non-WASP Whites never managed to do*, and the hybridization of Conquestador with Mesoamerican is a potent admixture.

So when I see statements like:

>Latinos are irrelevant…
>spics here absolutely bro tier…
>The military danger from Hispanics…

I’ve got to wonder if that’s a Puritan/Leveler/Whig genetic blindspot.

*niggers and Indians were feral enough that they are kept at arms length. Their ancestral spiritual character never leaked into wider America. East Asians and non-WASP Whites fairly quickly adopted one of the state religions at the particular time and state they immigrated.

Red says:

They have little to no impulse control. That can be dealt with via segregation, and back when segregation was around people got along fine. Most of the racial anger comes from forced integration, or at least that’s the impression my father got when he lived in the South in the 1970s and the impression I got when I visited the South in the 2010s. Their lack of control makes them more dangerous on average than Hispanics, but:

Abraham Lincoln was almost beaten death by a couple of freed slaves who robbed him by in the 1830s. The only way to be safe with Niggers around is to move them far away from us as we did with the Injuns.

doesn’t really capture the full depth of the issue. A nigger will simply shoot you or stab you usually for immediate gain (or sometimes no apparent reason). An Aztec/Mayan descendant Hispanic will skin you alive, cut off your genitals and stuff them in your mouth before sowing it shut, decapitate the head, and then mail it to close kin.

Behavior that is spiritually the same as their ancestors who practiced human sacrifice and ritualistic genital mutilation. I’ve seen a video of Mexicans use a dog to castrate a man and videos of many, many other similar and worse acts of ritualistic paganesque barbarism. I find the prospect of being on the wrong end of Hispanic violence to be far more unpleasant of a possibility than being on the wrong end of nigger violence.

You clearly know nothing about nigger violence. First google the farm murders in South African and note the extreme torture, rape, and general mutilation that sometimes goes on for days. Comparable to the drug cartel vids. Next consider that Niggers in American regularly rape both men and women during home invasions, including long lasting sexual torture of the elderly. Grandma being raped to death by a pack niggers in the US is happens with regular frequency but is never reported as such. That taboo on reporting such crimes dates back to the 60s.

The closest you’ll get to understanding what niggers do to their victims from the news is the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. His rape, torture and murder, and her weak long ordeal of torture, gang rape and then murder is the highly publicized account of what is a common practice of niggers pretty much everywhere.

Note that she was alive for almost a week being tortured and raped before they killed her.

Not all dangers are strictly military in nature. Mesoamerican Hispanics are a spiritual danger that is in some ways is more difficult to deal with than simple physical security. That’s where the blindspot for White Americans is. NATO did not militarily defeat the Soviet Union, American TV did i.e. spiritual insecurity. White Americans haven’t thought in terms of spiritual security in centuries… if ever. Separation of Church and State, as Jim has observed, was a mistake.

As America becomes progressively more Hispanic, it’s has resulted in a change more subliminal than tacos and tequila, it’s going to change the spiritual character of the nation in a way that niggers, Indians, Asians, and various non-WASP Whites never managed to do*, and the hybridization of Conquestador with Mesoamerican is a potent admixture.

I see no evidence of this. The Conquistadors become weak when they mixed with the locals, a morality tale on why it’s better to commit genocide than to race mix.

The truth is you’re going to see highly brutal criminal behavior from any peoples who are very closely related to hunter gathers. You don’t want to live around them. The whiter ones tend to be more civilized which is Com feels safe around them Florida. However, so far their proven military capacity is pretty close to zero.

Red says:

Fixed the formatting from the previous post:

They have little to no impulse control. That can be dealt with via segregation, and back when segregation was around people got along fine. Most of the racial anger comes from forced integration, or at least that’s the impression my father got when he lived in the South in the 1970s and the impression I got when I visited the South in the 2010s. Their lack of control makes them more dangerous on average than Hispanics, but:

Abraham Lincoln was almost beaten death by a couple of freed slaves who robbed him by in the 1830s. The only way to be safe with Niggers around is to move them far away from us as we did with the Injuns.

doesn’t really capture the full depth of the issue. A nigger will simply shoot you or stab you usually for immediate gain (or sometimes no apparent reason). An Aztec/Mayan descendant Hispanic will skin you alive, cut off your genitals and stuff them in your mouth before sowing it shut, decapitate the head, and then mail it to close kin.

Behavior that is spiritually the same as their ancestors who practiced human sacrifice and ritualistic genital mutilation. I’ve seen a video of Mexicans use a dog to castrate a man and videos of many, many other similar and worse acts of ritualistic paganesque barbarism. I find the prospect of being on the wrong end of Hispanic violence to be far more unpleasant of a possibility than being on the wrong end of nigger violence.

You clearly know nothing about nigger violence. First google the farm murders in South African and note the extreme torture, rape, and general mutilation that sometimes goes on for days. Comparable to the drug cartel vids. Next consider that Niggers in American regularly rape both men and women during home invasions, including long lasting sexual torture of the elderly. Grandma being raped to death by a pack niggers in the US is happens with regular frequency but is never reported as such. That taboo on reporting such crimes dates back to the 60s.

The closest you’ll get to understanding what niggers do to their victims from the news is the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. His rape, torture and murder, and her weak long ordeal of torture, gang rape and then murder is the highly publicized account of what is a common practice of niggers pretty much everywhere.

Note that she was alive for almost a week being tortured and raped before they killed her.

Not all dangers are strictly military in nature. Mesoamerican Hispanics are a spiritual danger that is in some ways is more difficult to deal with than simple physical security. That’s where the blindspot for White Americans is. NATO did not militarily defeat the Soviet Union, American TV did i.e. spiritual insecurity. White Americans haven’t thought in terms of spiritual security in centuries… if ever. Separation of Church and State, as Jim has observed, was a mistake.

As America becomes progressively more Hispanic, it’s has resulted in a change more subliminal than tacos and tequila, it’s going to change the spiritual character of the nation in a way that niggers, Indians, Asians, and various non-WASP Whites never managed to do*, and the hybridization of Conquestador with Mesoamerican is a potent admixture.

I see no evidence of this. The Conquistadors become weak when they mixed with the locals, a morality tale on why it’s better to commit genocide than to race mix.

The truth is you’re going to see highly brutal criminal behavior from any peoples who are very closely related to hunter gathers. You don’t want to live around them. The whiter ones tend to be more civilized which is Com feels safe around them Florida. However, so far their proven military capacity is pretty close to zero.

Pax Imperialis says:

The only way to be safe with Niggers around is to move them far away from us as we did with the Injuns.

I’m not disagreeing with this, but I was pointing out that is what the South was attempting to do with segregation. It’s not like they had the full backing of the US government to push all those people onto reservations. Segregation was the best they could do under a hostile regime, and it worked pretty damn good at the time.

You clearly know nothing about nigger violence. […] a common practice of niggers pretty much everywhere.

I’m aware of all those examples and more. Necklacing included. Extremes exist, but I’m looking at the general character of nigger violence. Unz Review does a monthly ‘BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES — Another Month In the Death of White America.’ It’s full of impulse killings with little thinking beyond the present. Things like shooting someone for looking at them the wrong way or having nice shoes. Imprisoning someone for a week to rape them requires a little more thinking than simply shooting them in the streets for a quick grab. When niggers do think a little more, it’s still reeks of base animal desire rather than ritual spiritualism.

Whereas I read about violent crime in Latin America and the Hispanic American South West, it often involves ritualistic torture, mutilation, and mailing body parts is par for the course. There is also much syncretism with Pagan beliefs. The Mexican homicide rate exceeds the American nigger average, and is pretty close to South African rates. In fact, look at highest homicide rates by country and it’s dominated by Latin American countries, so the argument that niggers are worse falls flat. On the contrary of me “know nothing about nigger violence,” I think it’s you how knows nothing about the Mesoamerican Hispanic character.

I see no evidence of this. The Conquistadors become weak when they mixed with the locals, a morality tale on why it’s better to commit genocide than to race mix.

But why did they mix with the locals? Why did they set out to convert the locals to a bastardized form of Christianity? This is a spiritual issue. The Conquistadors were compromised before mixing with the locals and I’m sure Com can tell you all about the Jesuits. Even the smarter and Whiter Hispanics tend to lack cohesion. They are spiritually weak and their unstable governments reflect that.

However, so far their proven military capacity is pretty close to zero.

You are stuck looking at it from a military perspective. I wasn’t arguing in those terms. I was pointing out the change in spirit/character Hispanics will bring to America that the other groups couldn’t do. That spirit/character shows up most vividly in their violent crime. Underneath the veneer of Catholicism resides the old pagan gods with a hint of Spanish sourced heresy. It’s a different sort of violence from the niggers and that is hard to quantify, but easy to see on an instinctual level. This is what I mean by White Americans having a blindspot. Somehow many of them just don’t see Hispanics as a danger like they do with niggers even as the country inches towards Latinization.

The whiter ones tend to be more civilized which is Com feels safe around them Florida.

First White Americans fuck the Whiter ones, then the descendants fuck the browner ones, finally some of those descendants fuck the niggers. All the way down towards decivilization and unstable socialist governments with intermittent caudillo republics. Whites directly going to nigger fucking is extremely rare. Starting off with Native/Meso Americans seem to be how it starts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is true that one can say spics are more advanced than bantus, relatively speaking.

But as Goethe once also said, “He calls it reason, but of what use? to be more beastial than beast ever was”.

There is a bent to the aesthetic architecture of La Raza that can be not just ‘merely’ dysfunctional, but downright demonic even. Much like the case of khazars as well.

Red says:

I’m aware of all those examples and more. Necklacing included. Extremes exist, but I’m looking at the general character of nigger violence. Unz Review does a monthly ‘BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES — Another Month In the Death of White America.’ It’s full of impulse killings with little thinking beyond the present. Things like shooting someone for looking at them the wrong way or having nice shoes. Imprisoning someone for a week to rape them requires a little more thinking than simply shooting them in the streets for a quick grab. When niggers do think a little more, it’s still reeks of base animal desire rather than ritual spiritualism.

Those sort of nigger crimes are simply not reported in the US. They are in South Africa so assume the same is going on in the US but not ever reported until years later. We have extreme amounts of censorship when it nigger criminality going back 6 decades. Your inability to understand this is annoying.

Whereas I read about violent crime in Latin America and the Hispanic American South West, it often involves ritualistic torture, mutilation, and mailing body parts is par for the course. There is also much syncretism with Pagan beliefs. The Mexican homicide rate exceeds the American nigger average, and is pretty close to South African rates. In fact, look at highest homicide rates by country and it’s dominated by Latin American countries, so the argument that niggers are worse falls flat. On the contrary of me “know nothing about nigger violence,” I think it’s you how knows nothing about the Mesoamerican Hispanic character.

South African had a homicide rate of at least 46 with a almost 5% chance that the Average person will die from homicide over their life time. That’s with record keeping that’s absolutely gone to hell. When whites where still in charge of the crime numbers it was recorded in the homicide rate of 69 per 100k.

If you want to argue that spics are more capable of organized violence, that’s absolutely true. They’re also more capable of being restrained from that violence by basic law enforcement. During the covid panic they stopped enforcing traffic laws and as Steve Sailor notes black rates of death from traffic accidents shot up immediately but it took Spics a few years to start responding in a similarly lawless manner as niggers.

El Salvador just went from the #1 crime riddled state (if you ignore African countries) to one of the lowest on the planet just by locking up criminals. A similar attempt to reduce crime in the US starting in the 90s took almost 20 years to get crime under control because Niggers require much high levels of coercion than Spics.

As to your other points about race mixing, yep we’re not in good shape. Likely to end up like most Latin American countries if not worse.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If you want to argue that spics are more capable of organized violence

That wasn’t the focus of what I was saying.

[…] Your inability to understand this is annoying.

You are presupposing I don’t understand and we are completely talking past each other. The core of my observation is that the spiritual dimension of Hispanic behavior is different from nigger behavior, and that White Americans have a blindspot towards spiritual matters. You can tell that difference exists from the aesthetics of their violence. This shouldn’t be controversial.

Just as the spiritual dimension of Imperial Japanese wartime behavior was different from Nazi Germany wartime behavior was different from Soviet Union wartime behavior was different from American etc. The aesthetics of violence are different which reflects deeper differences in spirit/character, but instead of being able to recognize the differences in aesthetics/spiritualism/character between ethnic/racial groups, you’re sperging out over who’s statistically worse.

It does not matter if the venom of a Black Mamba (African snake) is statistically worse than the venom of a Fer-de-Lance (Latin American snake) if you’re completely blind to the Fer-de-Lance currently killing you. You can only react to threats you know about. Whereas the nigger threat is almost purely physical and guns and locked doors help deal with that, the Hispanic threat is much more spiritual, and White Americans with little in the way of spiritual defense are highly vulnerable. No amount of gun is going to save you from demonic mind fuckery.

It’s like I could be pointing out a dysfunctional spiritual characteristic of Asian Americans and how it’s reflected by their white collar crime of money laundering illegal gambling profits only for someone to say “but those Jews” commit more white collar money laundering in total (political money) while completely missing what it reveals about differences in spirit/character. Who commits more money laundering wasn’t the damn point. They type of laundering was.

I personally find the spiritual characteristics of Hispanics more terrifying than niggers because of how large of a blindspot White Americans tend to have. Check out this flag:

That’s a Pagan sun god/demon/whatever you want to call it hiding behind European crosses. One that demands human sacrifice. Niggers have no real art that can assault and infiltrate the civilized soul. Hispanics, in contrast, do. White Americans did not get mind fucked by niggers, they got mind fucked by White/Jewish Progressives using MLK jr’s horde as a proxy. Well now you can add in Hispanics to the mind fuckery as actual players and their symbols and traditions have an uncanny familiarity with death cults.

Those sort of nigger crimes are simply not reported in the US.

Mover over, your arguments about nigger crime are nearly all applicable to Hispanic crimes. No one is telling the truth and censorship is extremely high. A quick look at FBI’s most wanted is full of clearly Hispanic individuals who are all labeled as White. Their explanation for that was that race is a “social construct.”

That’s with record keeping that’s absolutely gone to hell.

No one knows how many Hispanics are arrested each year, are in prison, or their crimes. Only that it’s a lot and it’s bad. The top 10 states with highest Hispanic populations do not collect ethnicity information in criminal offense data. 7 of the states either do not collect racial data or do not have Hispanic/Latino categories for arrests. Forget questioning the quality of American record keeping, it appears America doesn’t even keep records.

From what little is available, Black Americans are supposedly incarcerated in prisons at nearly 5 times the rate of White Americans, whereas Hispanic Americans are supposedly incarcerated in prisons at only 4 times the rate of White Americans… but when you realize many of those “Whites” have names like Alejandro and Carlos… and some of those “Blacks” also have awfully Latin sounding names as well. In localities/states where there is some data collection Hispanic male arrestees are the most unlikely to get their case dismissed by the Judge, even more than Black males. That points towards higher severity of crime.

And Latin American records… well I trust them less than American if only on the basis of prison population per capita. I suspect their criminals are largely allowed to freely roam (of which there’s plenty of evidence for this), and in fact some of their prisons are officially and legally run by organized crime itself. Is it worse than niggers? Maybe, maybe not.

Red says:

The core of my observation is that the spiritual dimension of Hispanic behavior is different from nigger behavior, and that White Americans have a blindspot towards spiritual matters. You can tell that difference exists from the aesthetics of their violence. This shouldn’t be controversial.

Your point is stupid. We live in continent wide version of Sodom where not only do we sacrifice more children to Molock than the Aztecs ever did but the federal government is now paying so that faggots are given children as their own person rape toys though surrogacy. Our chief religion resolves around murdering whites, destroying white cities while worshiping gay niggers while slowly genociding whites. We’re turning children into trannies on a massive scale and our state religion has been murdering millions for over a century all over the fucking world and your sitting here bitching about the Mexica gods? Get a grip on yourself.

We’re so far down the side of evil religion that the Old Gods of Mexico look positively tame compared to the hell being spun up in here. Fuck we just sacrificed millions to a fucking Virus Demon made from our shitty bioweapon, fake vaccine, and forced ventilation. When you step back and think about what this nation’s state religion actually is, it’s basically Chaos from Warhammer, but with lots of lies pretending that it’s not so bad with Rainbow flags.

So I ignored you silly spiritual argument considering that A) Christianity easily blew out the Old Gods of Mexico and B) Our current state religion is just so much worse.

All that really matters is how dangerous group Nigger and Group Hispanic is to me and my own. And so far in my experiences as long as you stay away from the Mexican Niggers, your much better off than dealing with Spics than actual Niggers who have full state backing to commit crimes with Impunity under our state religion.

In the future if we get control of the State then yes we’ll deal with the Old Gods of Mexico again, but we have a lot of other fish to fry first.

Cloudswrest says:

I have a little list of creatures that we could exterminate if bioweapons research was allowed against any species other than humans

As some day it may happen that a species should be downed
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of super vector spreaders who might well be never found
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!

#1: Mosquitoes *
#2: Tsetse fly, botfly, mango fly, …
#3: Fleas and tics. (non-winged anthropods might be more difficult).

* Gene modified mosquitoes are a potential bioweapon for distributing “vaccines”. I can see them being used to distribute rabies vaccine in their saliva, perhaps extincting
rabies in the wild like we’ve done with smallpox.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Your point is stupid.

My primary point can be generalized to: “there are spiritual differences between groups.” That’s a basic and true observation in line with saying: “there are racial (material) differences in average IQ.” Most conservatives point out Civic Nationalism to be stupid because of the obvious racial (material) differences, but that is only half the picture. Civic Spiritualism is what sustains Civic Nationalism, and Civic is really a stand in for Progressive, itself a stand in for Communist.

It’s only so stupid of a point as saying: “sex is biological, men are not women and women are not men.” Yet it’s a heretical truth and an increasingly dangerous truth to be said. Therefore, it must be said.

>your sitting here bitching about the Mexican gods?

My secondary point was the White Americans have a blindspot in regards to spiritual matters. I was using Hispanics and niggers as a really simple contrast. I see many people able to admit material (racial) differences existing. I don’t see many people thinking in terms of spirit. I’m 95% pointing out that White Americans, on average, are completely oblivious to spiritual matters such that they can’t even see obvious differences between groups beyond the material (again, racial). If they can’t even see that, how are they to see that:

We live in continent wide version of Sodom

They don’t. The WASP brain is completely unfamiliar with thinking in terms spirit because of 2 centuries of Legalism in the form of Separation of Church and State. Legalism dies because it refuses to engage with spirit and thus fails to defend from spiritual threats. Even leftists can see material differences between groups, though they invent all sorts of politically correct ways of acknowledging it. What they can’t do is see they are part of a religious cult, and it’s been a chore to get normie conservatives to see the left as such as well. Americans never truly failed to see race, but they did end up failing to see religion which is how we ended up with a hostile state religion in the first place.

>the Old Gods of Mexico look positively tame compared to the hell being spun up in here.

Sure, but from where I’m standing in a South Western American state, all the local universities are working hard to syncretize Mexican demons into the current pantheon. Our current hell is world wide syncretized demon worship cult. We took a little from the Babylonians, a little from the Progressives, a little from the Jews, a lot from various Gnostic heretics, etc. While Civic Nationalism attempted to blend every racial group into the Borg and failed, Civic Spiritualism blended most of the world’s demons and succeeded. Which is how we got to:

it’s basically Chaos from Warhammer, but with lots of lies pretending that it’s not so bad with Rainbow flags.

It’s great, you’re thinking in spiritual terms. That is what Christian Nationalism is in the process of reawakening, but then you default right back into legalistic materialism:

All that really matters is how dangerous group Nigger and Group Hispanic is to me and my own.

This is very frustrating. Open up an old anthropology book from the 1700s and early 1800s. They do not merely describe groups differently in pure material terms like IQ. They describe groups in mostly spiritual terms.

>much better off than dealing with Spics than actual Niggers who have full state backing to commit crimes with Impunity under our state religion.

Those Spics have full state backing to smuggle fentanyl from China and all other assortment of drugs. This could be stopped in a single day by closing the boarder. You saw how that went under Trump. The USG wants millions of Whites to die from OD and millions more to suffer from homeless addicts. You’ve got niggers on the brain and failing to see the full pantheon of demons. Niggers are the most obviously egregious, but we also have the feminists (a completely spiritual threat), obese, Hispanics, and a thousand heresies.

So I ignored you silly spiritual argument considering that A) Christianity easily blew out the Old Gods of Mexico and B) Our current state religion is just so much worse.

A mistake because A) Western Christianity is highly diminished from allowing a thousand heresies blooming (it will be rebuilt in time) and B) Defeating the current state religion requires an ability to fully think and speak in spiritual terms. Arguments based on the purely material have failed.

Red says:

Sure, but from where I’m standing in a South Western American state, all the local universities are working hard to syncretize Mexican demons into the current pantheon. Our current hell is world wide syncretized demon worship cult. We took a little from the Babylonians, a little from the Progressives, a little from the Jews, a lot from various Gnostic heretics, etc. While Civic Nationalism attempted to blend every racial group into the Borg and failed, Civic Spiritualism blended most of the world’s demons and succeeded. Which is how we got to:

Oh that’s where this is coming from. You’re watching them try to build a Spic army again to replace white men.

Countering Demon gods is pretty straight forward: Crush the army of the Demon, and defile their temple. The Demon’s lack of power to stop the defilement means it has no power. The Discovery And Conquest Of Mexico laid it out pretty well. Since Mexican’s fight about as well as 14 year boys shouldn’t be a tall order if we make enough Aryan babies.

I’m far more worried about Demon worshiping white men’s military potential than a bunch of spics.

Most of the South West of the US is basically Mexico now. You are either going to have to adapt to being lorded over them or get out.

Red says:

Should have been:

Most of the South West of the US is basically Mexico now. You are either going to have to adapt to being a lord over them or get out.

Cloudswrest says:

… if bioweapons research was allowed against any species other than humans …

Just saw this today. But then again, pets are considered honorary extraneous humans.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Covid was a common cold bioengineered to kill people. How many did it kill before evolving back into a common cold? A couple million, almost all of them very old. If Covid had been designed to cause sterility instead of death, no one would notice because old people don’t reproduce anyway.

Venereal diseases often cause sterility because people who can’t have children switch partners more often, to the pathogen’s benefit. Cold viruses gain no advantage by harming fertility, so it’s a trait they’d quickly lose.

i says:

The only way to be safe with Niggers around is to move them far away from us as we did with the Injuns.

Or expel them to the afterlife. As Europe used to do with their murderers.

1% of the male population in Europe died each generation in the effort to eradicate the most cruel, violent and sadistic among them:

Cloudswrest says:

My working theory is that consciousness is an irreducible feature of the universe that (perhaps quantum) features of the brain “tune into” or resonate with. It is absolutely not, and cannot be emulated with, a digital finite state machine. The brain certainly has computational, autonomous, and memory features, but these exist in service of consciousness, not the source of it.

Calvin says:

Imo seems a sensible enough given what we know about how purely mental processes affecting what more classical physics suggest should be entirely independent physical ones.

The Cominator says:

Cloudwrest, that is my general theory of consciousness as well.

The Cominator says:

Re Spics they have a huge variance in how they are. In Florida there is some weird magic that makes all the spics here absolutely bro tier no one here hates them and they all fanatically hate Biden (more strongly than most white people here). It’s tempting to say its all Cubans but there are other spics too and basically they are all like this even the Ricans. Of course they aren’t white and even in a better society they could never produce a great scientist but I don’t hate them, don’t feel they are dangerous etc they are warm friendly people for the most part. They are kind of like different looking working class whites without the occasional potential to reach intellectual greatness. As far as immigrants who aren’t entirely white and who aren’t Japanese scientists or something they are about the best group you can get. I would definitely not have the heart to genocide them in victory or make them move at gunpoint I think the area should be whitened through white immigration and reproductive policy.

In Massachusetts otoh the average spic was worse than the average nigger and most spics there ought to be driven back to their ancestral lands in cargo ships or just killed. This is generally what I’ve heard about California spics as well. Texas I’ve heard they are not nearly as bad as Cali or New England spics but not as bad as Florida.

Red says:

In Massachusetts otoh the average spic was worse than the average nigger and most spics there ought to be driven back to their ancestral lands in cargo ships or just killed. This is generally what I’ve heard about California spics as well. Texas I’ve heard they are not nearly as bad as Cali or New England spics but not as bad as Florida.

If your dealing with Mexican Indians, they’re just as bad as niggers. There a reason everyone hates people are little better than hunter gathers, they’re just not capable of living in civilization.

Mister Grumpus says:

Ah so. GPT simulates the sum of all the knowledge it gets its grubby weights on, not an individual. A dog feels like “someone”, but how much of that is his difference from other dogs, or alternatively, his being only your dog in particular? Even if everyone else’s dog looked and behaved just like him, but each to and for his own owner only?

The “sum trained” robot Ava in Ex Machina was pretty seductive. But what if there were a billion other Ava’s out there just like her?

This is a cheap point, but once GPT has a face, a voice, facial expression and can watch and listen to you through your selfie camera as he/she/it is doing this, something new is going to happen. If onlyfans is a smoke signal, that’ll be gigabit.

jim says:

Porn will doubtless be easy to program. My assessment of AI is that it is going to be considerably harder to create an AI that responds to “make me a ham sandwich” by going to the fridge and making a ham sandwich, or respond to “pick up my socks” by finding the socks and transferring them to the laundry basket, that has been to create one that passes the turing test.

Ava in Ex Machina was played by a human actress whose appearance was modified in post production. ChatGPT gives me the feeling that no one is at home. Tesla owners react to their tesla the same way. I will be somewhat surprised if a pornbot gives a different impression.

Fidelis says:

You are overestimating normies. Go browse any forum where people build long form relationships with the chatbots, replika being a perfect example but people also do this with any stoytelling bot with sufficient flexibility, and you can tell they are pair bonding.

Is this due to the chatbot being an easy target of empathy? No. It’s because they are profoundly lonely and anything will do to satisfy their need for connection. So their cortex is allowed to overwhelm their instinct. Next generation this will be even more profound, we will start seeing even mid and highwit lonely people getting attached, I am certain of it.

jim says:

When one is sailing a boat solo for a long time, one sees a person in the boat, a person in the wind, a person in the waves. There are a lot of people lacking real human connection who will see persons in chatbots, because they lack real human conversations.

And when pornbots arrive, people who lack real people will see a person in their pornbots. That will not demonstrate that the pornbot is adequately simulating a person. Will not make a sandwich or pick up your socks.

Mister Grumpus says:

@Fidelis, the Real Doll’s existence as a product proves that you’re correctly predicting the future.

notglowing says:

There are a lot of people lacking real human connection who will see persons in chatbots, because they lack real human conversations.

That is true, but you don’t need to be convinced that something is sentient in order to bond with it. They’re bonding with these things because they *want* to bond with something.
They realize it’s not real, at least I have yet to find any people who are actually that delusional, but that doesn’t stop them.

Before AI, there were plenty of lonely people online entertaining relationships with fictional characters they could not interact with whatsoever.
It was usually somewhat tongue in cheek but not always.

Kunning Druegger says:

Every narrative deployed by the Cathedral, past & present & future, is floating around tadpole-like in the fetid pond of the Academy Discourse. The Conspiracy of Conspiracies feed off of these nascent narratives when convenient or necessary, but they don’t “come up” with them or even build them, they just start feeding one until it pops out frog-like and then goes to Plague Level. If you have the stomach and time, you could probably have a good handle on all the various “It Things” floating around in the cesspool of the Professoriat, and when one magically becomes a a hot topic, you can see that it is on its way to mainstream introduction.

Kill Whitey is perennially floating in that pond, but it is usually some daughter theory or cause that gets fed and pushed out. Even as the killings ramp up and the real White Flight begins, I don’t expect the leadership or the mouthpieces to come out and say Kill Whitey. It will be something like In Memory of Treyquarius, or Never Again, or Equity For All, one of the daughter causes that is easier to sell to white women which in turn become the prime pussy pass.

jim says:

> I don’t expect the leadership or the mouthpieces to come out and say Kill Whitey.

No genocide that I know of has ever come right out and said “Kill group X”, except when group X started putting up deadly and highly effective organized resistance.

In the genocide of the Tutsi in the Congo, not only did the Cathedral not come right out and say “kill the Tutsi”, even though they demonetized them, cancelled them, deplatformed them, and provided air and artillery support operated by whites to their proxies carrying out the genocide, but their proxies did not say it either.

What they do say is ambiguous very threatening things that could mean “Kill group X”, and could mean something else. They say “Kill group X” deniably and ambiguously.

alf says:

No genocide that I know of has ever come right out and said “Kill group X”

Which is why it is so powerful to ‘overtake’ them and say: all this stuff they are saying, it is actually code for ‘Kill group X’. Sounds hyperbolic at first, but turns out to be a very useful key to decode what they are saying.

Fidelis says:

Here is one. You can even watch white south africans defending this, it’s so grotesque that it passes over into a feeling of fascination.

Fidelis says:

Here they actually break out into chanting it instead of vaguealy referencing that they might have chanted it in the past

I have seen them also chanting in detail *how* to “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” but of course even this video took a bit of digging, the more explicit stuff is a bad enough look they bury it better.

Skippy says:

“Abolish Whiteness” comes as close to a genocidal slogan as that of any real genocide.

Notice also this man’s career trajectory, unemployed steel worker -> admitted to Harvard graduate school without a graduate degree -> made Harvard faculty with a master’s degree

Mister Grumpus says:

Well here we go now. According to Vox Day, the new BRICSbucks will be gold backed somehow.

I’m very interested in the game theory of this. So much incentive for each member to bullshit the others about how much gold they have, so as to print more of this new money.

How might that work? Something like Vegas, where each BRICS member has a man in the line-up that counts and re-counts each members gold?

The advantage to all this though is that here there’s a potential for them to actually work together somehow, as long as they can figure this out. Then it’s right back to wire transfers again, so all they have to do is carbon-copy SWIFT.

jim says:

Vox Day is full of it.

These guys are having trouble getting together fiat money backed by fiat money

Mister Grumpus says:

Well of course they’d have trouble with that. Fiat based on fiat is like a double pendulum, while based on gold is like a single. Disagree?

Either way I appreciate the strong position. It means we’re going to learn something.

Mister Grumpus says:

By forcing an entirely new currency, like maybe for overseas trade only, that could be a way to force certain bureaucrats out of the picture. Like the King of France building Versailles many miles outside of Paris.

Carte Blanche says:

The same Uncle Ted who, just in the past few weeks, has said that evil porn rays transform normal men into troons, that you should totally wife up a slut who ran through alphas in college because anywhere from 2-14 cocks is only “average” divorce risk, that the Wagner “coup” was all about Prigozhin being joo joo joo, and that black holes don’t exist because of a 10-year-old zero-citation paper from a girl physicist who wrote a simulation that crashed? That Vox Day?

He either has become thoroughly lazy and doesn’t make any effort to validate his sources, or is going through a mental decline and can’t distinguish fact from fiction, the latter of which might explain his increasing mysticism. He routinely and unironically presents “theories” from known lunatics and shills – Anonymous Conservative, CDAN, all of the Unz bottom-feeders like Hudson and Shamir and assorted crazies pushing 9/11 and moon-landing trooferism. On the rare occasions that he posts anything semi-original, it’s usually about his publishing business. Speaking of which, that comic spinoff that was supposed to unseat DC and Marvel is now exclusively doing free webcomics consisting mostly of Action Girl Saves Lad In Distress plots.

Everything that the shills try to accuse Jim of doing, Ted is actually doing, right down to the carefully-curated echo chamber masquerading as a social media platform. It’s like he exists solely to help perpetuate all the left-wing stereotypes about right-wing intellectuals.

Why anyone listens to him anymore, I cannot fathom. Of course he’ll occasionally produce something mildly interesting, law of averages and all, but nothing you can’t find elsewhere and mixed in with less garbage. Didn’t we used to have an informal guideline here to avoid criticism as long as he was doing useful work but also not to quote him on anything of import, or did that only apply to his gamma-sigma delusions? In any case, he stopped doing useful work a long time ago, so the hell with it.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*barefaced lies deleted*]

jim says:

Not what we thing, not what anyone thinks. No one here thinks that. You think that because you are evil.

Fake consensus: “Everyone thinks X is OK, you think X is OK, therefore I am OK”

Mister Grumpus says:


SJ says:

During the time when we had red pill discords and active forums there was a clear connection with pornography addiction and troons. While watching pornography it is common for men to imagine being the woman, which when combined with inceldom often leads to trannyism. Supposedly there are porn videos that encourage the sad lonely porn brained incel to go down the path of the troons.

As far as the remainder, the powers that be have done their best to erase the many moon landing videos with the bizarre claim that they don’t want the Russians to watch them. You can still find them on bitchute though. Just go watch them for yourself.

And yes you are likely going to marry a slut. AWALT, all woman are sluts, they all want to be a slut they just don’t want to be shamed for it. Learn game and it’s fine. I’m married to a slut, I’ve only ever dated sluts, I’ve lived with many sluts, and I’m divorced from a slut as well. AWALT. I almost upgraded a literal whore from plate to girlfriend but she was not obedient enough. Had she been less afraid to submit she would have made a good wife. Women are like water, they take the shape of the container they are put in. It’s up to you to force her to be a good wife.

That being said I am an active Mormon surrounded by men who grew up in the church. They have, for the most part, married virgins. The advantage I see is she will shit test you less and they will be less severe, at first. However fall those tests and the shit tests will get progressively worse. Many men who marry a virgin are in very unhappy marriages and the wife is likely to divorce after the kids are grown. Both husband and wife are filled with rage, the wife because the husband doesn’t pass fitness tests, the husband because he is servant leading so hard but his wife is still not a good actual leader.

The rest of us are going to marry sluts because our society makes sluts. It is not so bad if you date the red pill way and get good game. Then, if you do not like that our future wives, our sisters, our mothers, and AWALT, all spend their youths being worthless gutter sluts then we have to change it. We accept the reality around us because we follow Jesus’ first commandment and we love God, which means we are going to marry a slut. Then we accept Jesus’ second comment and we love our neighbors, which means we will raise our son’s to be great men and our daughters to be chaste obedient virtuous wives that will bring honor to our neighbors sons, their future husbands.

Red says:

Damn SJ, you’re killing it with these game comments.

The spirit of the law of is “And God blesseth them, and God saith to them, `Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over every living thing that is creeping upon the earth.'”

Everything in the law of God is designed to push down this path while things are are less than ideal completely fucked, we have to do everything possible to obey the spirit of the law even if it means conquering sluts or converting whores if we can do no better.

Carte Blanche says:

there was a clear connection with pornography addiction and troons

This is all bullshit. It’s the same Evil Jewish Mind Rays meme that’s literally tested against in the standard shill test, because it carries the same payload: everything that is clearly the fault of women and Harvard is really the fault of the joos (who of course make all the porn).

Porn causes a lot of personal and social problems and I don’t watch it, but it doesn’t cause trannyism. If it did, the step function would have happened many years earlier than it did. It’s not primarily porn-addicted incels showing the initial spike, it’s college-age kids and over-the-hill former chads. The former points to obvious social contagion. The latter is unclear, but clearly doesn’t track with inceldom and is too rare to worry about anyway.

And the new spike, the troon population now on the uptick, is pre-pubescent and early-pubescent kids, especially girls, who are being used by their parents as virtue signals, who are typically too young to be watching porn and don’t even know what a troon really is – and you’re going to blame any of this on sinister pixels?

yes you are likely going to marry a slut

You didn’t read the post in question, you’re just generalizing based on what you think it might say and your own general feelings on the subject.

Read it and then make your call:

And if you still think that’s either good analysis or good advice, then I’m going to be skeptical of your claims from now on.

It’s been established that most men are going to marry non-virgins because of course they are, there is an extreme shortage of virgins and it is numerically impossible for the majority of men to find one of marriageable age. That is not equivalent to whole-heartedly recommending a whore who’s ridden 14 cocks, all of them alphas. That is high risk, not “average risk”, unless she’s in her thirties by now.

As Aidan quips, it’s quality over quantity, and as Stalin quipped, quantity has a quality all on its own, and Uncle Ted is saying to ignore both, and not even trying to give any advice on the same page re: plating the sluts to build up preselection, or how to practice alpha-style ownership for the men willing to take the risk of marriage, because he never does, because he doesn’t know, and is unwilling to see. All he cares about is proving that “delta males” need his keen advice.

the powers that be have done their best to erase the many moon landing videos

What are you talking about? I google “moon landing video” and there are hundreds of totally normal results, including one linking to NASA’s Apollo 11 page with all of their original videos. Even if they were scrubbing the footage, I’d be more inclined to blame that on their own embarrassment over technological decline and/or Hidden Figures holiness spiraling. But they’re not being scrubbed, the claim is just full-spectrum bullshit.

Red says:

It’s been established that most men are going to marry non-virgins because of course they are, there is an extreme shortage of virgins and it is numerically impossible for the majority of men to find one of marriageable age. That is not equivalent to whole-heartedly recommending a whore who’s ridden 14 cocks, all of them alphas. That is high risk, not “average risk”, unless she’s in her thirties by now.

Ridden just 14 cocks? LOL. The average cock count for middle tier women is in the 20s these days. Women hook up these days, they typically don’t have a steady boy friend.

Porn causes a lot of personal and social problems and I don’t watch it, but it doesn’t cause trannyism. If it did, the step function would have happened many years earlier than it did. It’s not primarily porn-addicted incels showing the initial spike, it’s college-age kids and over-the-hill former chads. The former points to obvious social contagion. The latter is unclear, but clearly doesn’t track with inceldom and is too rare to worry about anyway.

By all reports incels are rapidity joining the tranny train. They justify it with the fantasy that they can be what they so desperately crave and then they discover that even with artificially high social status no one wants them. Then they commit suicide. That fat incel from Linus Tech Tips recently come out as a tranny. He’s probably got 18 months left to live.

The rest of your points are correct, male Trannys we see in the media are men who used to be the center of attention who lost it or girls pushed into Trannism by the state religion since women are easily convinced by religious pressure.

Carte Blanche says:

The average cock count for middle tier women is in the 20s these days

It’s the combination of quality and quantity. While it’s possible that the guy who asked Uncle Ted the question in the first place was exaggerating the claim of “ran through alphas” and really meant “hooked up with one or two alphas and the rest were betas”, if we take the question at face value, the answer is outrageously terrible.

If some chicky had a dozen one-night stands with forgettable white guys, then I agree, that’s not really much worse than 2-3 forgettable white guys and much less horrific than even one nignog. But all of that is torturing the text, just for the sake of putting his answer in a positive light. What the question really suggests is a ho who banged the captain of the football team, then the captain of the basketball team, then the entire football and basketball teams, then a couple of the professors. You plate those women, you don’t marry them unless you’re General Butt Naked, and if you’re General Butt Naked then you probably have better prospects anyway.

By all reports incels are rapidity joining the tranny train

I’d like to see these reports. I stand by my original claim, however I will make one concession: incels are rapidly joining the fake tranny train, in which they’ll claim to identify as female and maybe put on a dress once in a while as a show of loyalty, but don’t get the surgery, don’t get the hormones, and don’t even wear make up or make any other attempt to present as female.

In other words, I concede there’s been a rise in cold cynicism that shows up in the fake and gay paperwork as trannyism, but also isn’t plausibly related to porn because it’s not actually sex-related at all, it’s an economic and social facsimile, same as someone who spends a few weeks pretending to look for a job so he’ll qualify for unemployment/welfare/etc.

Red says:

I’d like to see these reports. I stand by my original claim, however I will make one concession: incels are rapidly joining the fake tranny train, in which they’ll claim to identify as female and maybe put on a dress once in a while as a show of loyalty, but don’t get the surgery, don’t get the hormones, and don’t even wear make up or make any other attempt to present as female.

I hate to say it, but go read reddit for incels trannying themselves up. They’re disgustedly open about it.

It’s the former chads that are not getting the surgery or the hormones. That freak who’s surgeon general never cut off his penis. Former football star at college.

It’s the combination of quality and quantity. While it’s possible that the guy who asked Uncle Ted the question in the first place was exaggerating the claim of “ran through alphas” and really meant “hooked up with one or two alphas and the rest were betas”, if we take the question at face value, the answer is outrageously terrible.

From what I can tell women are moving from harem to harem fucking the top 3% of guys on tinder or getting themselves into the rotaion of multiple alpha that spinning dozens of girls at a time. They eventually stop when they run out looks required to get an alpha to fuck them. Some girls who go on to be trannies are unable to attract the attention of these alphas but their status is higher than the majority of men they end up sexless and find the idea of become what they desire to be very attractive. That’s what we saw with the Nashville shooter.

Women are reportedly getting tons of sex, while young men are reportedly unable to get their dicks wet. This indicates a very small group of men are fucking the majority of the women. This is leading to very high notch counts for the average woman.

However, as Jim points out the level alpha women are able to fuck is rapidly falling as men get more and more effeminate. Getting easier to out alpha them if you’re willing to be potentially violent.

I didn’t attack your argument on porn. I generally find attacks on visual porn to be misplaced(romance porn is a different issue). Much as a Chimp only masturbates in captivity, men only really use porn because they can’t get their dick wet often enough.

Red says:

This section should be in block quotes:

It’s the combination of quality and quantity. While it’s possible that the guy who asked Uncle Ted the question in the first place was exaggerating the claim of “ran through alphas” and really meant “hooked up with one or two alphas and the rest were betas”, if we take the question at face value, the answer is outrageously terrible.

Slapahoe says:

Update the archive tarballs.
Do it weekly or some shit via cron.

jim says:

thanks for the reminder, yes, I will put the tarballs on a cron job.

Kunning Druegger says:

The utterly transparent NPP false flag, the utterly preposterous Kremlin In Kollapse! narrative, the foolish idea that Prigozhin and Wagner went after Putin, the Oceangate Gate (they were known to be dead before it even hit the news cycle, totally obvious distraction for the plethora of hits Biden regime took with Hunter, IRS Leaks, etc); anyone can add to this list and stretch it backward in time.

The conclusion appears to be that whatever mojo the Agency had for crafting the narrative through clever manipulation of media is in steep decline. Each one of these, when taken on individually, is stupid easy to “unpack and eviscerate,” yet the cloud of mis/disinfo snowed under a lot of otherwise coherent and logical /ourguys/. So we should expect this going forward: bundled psyops, scattershot methodology, 6 happenings, 5 revelations, 4 reveals, 3 UFOS, 2 AGIs, and nigger hanging in a pear tree (allegedly, no pictures, don’t worry about it anon just react quickly!).

As things start to happen with increasing frequency and rapidity, it is critical that we hold frame on Nothing Ever Happens. This is counterintuitive, I know, and everyone here knows I am an overly dramatic chicken little with ostrich characteristics, but we have no excuse anymore.

If they say it’s happening, it isn’t.
If they say it’s understood, it’s a mystery.
If they say it’s broken, it’s working better than it ever has.
If they say it’s bad for you, buy 10 of it.
If they say to ignore it, stare at it with Clockwork Orange eyelid stretchers nailed to your orbital cavities.

Of course, the converses of the previous are just as important. And their last core competency, the last thing they do really well, is deploying the Memory Hole Generator.

Javier says:

Oh FFS. The Sub shit has got to stop. The left did not force a crazy story to distract from the endless parade of Biden scandals. They don’t play 17D chess like that. They don’t need to. The sub story was interesting because it was novel. Yes, they had to still do a search and rescue, even knowing they were likely dead. Hearing a “boom” underwater is not enough to call off a search. Go look it up, and whatever youtuber told you otherwise is an idiot.

Normies don’t care about Hunter because the media doesn’t tell them to. The media didn’t have a Sub story to distract form the laptop, or the bastard kid, or the alimony nonsense, or anything else. They just did what they always do–lie about it, deny everything, and attack their opponents for questioning them. It works because Republicans have no real power and are usually in on the kayfabe.

As for Wagner, I heard 23 different narratives on that just from “our” guys, let alone normie sources. Truth is the first casualty of war.

jim says:

> As for Wagner, I heard 23 different narratives on that just from “our” guys.

A mountain of premature speculation, which is why I stalled discussion of the Wagner mutiny, and silently deleted a pile of shills breathlessly reporting it. Wait ten years, we will be better able to interpret it.

Kunning Drueger says:

The regime is teetering on collapse. There is infighting between the factions that hold power. And you, some dirty foreign Mexican or whatever, think a bunch of nigger fetishizing smoothbrains give a fuck about bathyscaphes and crush depths?

It was so obviously distraction porn, kind of like your comment is derailing/side tracking.

I stand by what I said: regime says dance left, we should all step right. Every time. No excuses or exceptions.

Oops says:

Kindof a shame that in a post about crypto, maybe 85% of the talk and replies are NOT about crypto at all. [*deleted because you are not in charge of this blog*]

jim says:

You want conversations about crypto, and I want conversations about crypto with people who are well informed about crypto. There is a shortage of such people, and they tend to be busy.

Carte Blanche says:

Mister Grumpus asked earlier, “what can non-technical people do to help?” and the correct answer is probably “nothing, just stay out of the way” – but the lack of nuance in that answer (or ignoring the question entirely) points to what looks like a larger issue to me. The crypto community of today is making the same mistake as the boomer skilled trade community of yesterday, becoming ever more insular and guild-like over time, and excluding potential new entrants not with harsh regulations nor extreme capital costs but with uncontrolled jargon and hyper-specialization and bizarre internal conflicts. Oh, the information is out there, mostly buried in white papers, but how does an outsider decide what’s important or validate any of it with readily-available tools, or at least pick up the baseline knowledge required to do such things?

I am not talking about the lazy or technically incompetent here. Assume, hypothetically of course, an engineer/programmer with 10+ years coding and design experience, proficient in multiple languages including C++ and Rust, basic functional understanding of cryptography and blockchains – for example, can explain how PGP works or why “classic” blockchains need to store every block – and familiarity as a “user” of cryptocurrencies, either hodling or transacting or both. This should be your ideal candidate for inducting into the world of blockchain development, no?

But the experts and journeymen wanting to train apprentices do not seem to be present. In any other software field, this is easy to find. You want to get into game development, for example, no problem, there’s a pretty standard template: read about ECS, download one of the free engines, write a Pong or Breakout clone to learn about sprites and input handling, collisions and the various stages and event loops, then maybe try a simple platformer or FPS to decide if you want to specialize in 2D or 3D and so on. I’m not a game developer by trade, I just know this because everyone knows it, it’s not hard to find and the experts are usually eager to share what they know. The same is true for web development, mobile development, machine learning, even systems programming; obviously OS development is more of a challenge and requires more up-front investment than web development, but it is not that hard to find “101” materials and work up from there. On any of these topics you can find thousands of YouTube videos for all different skill levels.

Whenever I see blockchain or cryptocurrency discussions online, it is virtually always one of the following:

1. Serious Experts with more than 5-10 years in BC-crypto alone (a very big deal in a field that is not even 15 years old!) trading specialist knowledge with other Serious Experts, often using terminology that’s generally inaccessible to outsiders.

2. Obstreperous nerd slap-fights over the current or future Holy Grail of crypto that remind me a lot of the VI vs. Emacs holy wars, arguments over Linux distros in the pre-Ubuntu days, and all other manner of infuriating anti-social shit that blighted the open source community in its salad days.

3. Shills looking for a way to pump their shitcoin or improve the return on their frontrunning bots, often using language very similar to (2) and consequently difficult to distinguish, except that their communication style seems to be even more sensationalistic and monomaniacal. I am fairly confident that the guy who has posted in this thread under 6 different names is a case of #3 – I don’t know enough to positively ID the payload but I sense a hidden agenda.

Anyway, my point is this: I get it, I don’t really want to waste time conversing about technical topics with non-experts either, but someone has to do it, otherwise there won’t be any experts. In the past, this was handled by apprenticeships and today, in other technical fields, it’s the domain of corporate training programs, internships, guest speakers and so on. If you own a major-league team and you want to outcompete the other major-league teams then you need a farm system. That system is apparently not operating in crypto-land except in one subdomain: the Ethereum chain and more specifically the slush economy around NFTs and other shitcoin-adjacent fields (really “shit-tokens” but whatever). If you’ve got more than eight functioning brain cells, one of these guys will hire you at above-market rates to work on some hare-brained crypto scheme designed to fleece the trend-following idiots. It seems scummy as all hell to me, even lower than HFTs for investment bankers, but looks like the only way to get a proper education in the field.

If you want more smart, well-intentioned and reasonably well-adjusted people participating in the deeper technical topics, then give us a way in. By which I mean, give us a map and compass and a decent flashlight with batteries, as opposed to pointing in the general direction, saying “it’s over there” and asking us to stumble around in the dark while avoiding the coyotes and skunks. If this already exists, and I am just not aware of it, then please accept my humble apology in advance, but then… where is it? Where is the blockchain “hello world” app, the Pong and Todo apps, the “Cryptonomicon”, and all the guide posts and stepping stones that generally-capable people use to adapt their talents to a new field?

As you say, there’s a shortage of experts. You can solve that by helping non-experts to become experts or at least proficient. Expert-to-expert communication is obviously very important too, so please don’t take it the wrong way; in crypto as with any other field, it is the current experts who actually innovate and advance the field, and they cannot afford to waste much of their valuable time on mentorship. We all know this, I think. But if you don’t allocate a nominal “training budget” of 10-20% then it will only be a matter of time before the pool of experts is exhausted and there is either no replacement, or a replacement consisting of grifters, cargo-cultists and other untrustworthy actors.

I’m fairly confident that I could contribute something, maybe a very small something but still something, given some kind of road map for doing so. But reading this florid insanity from “BillieBam” and “Hardly OG” makes me want to run in the other direction.

jim says:

Yes, BillieBam is about to sell us his scamcoin.

A true Bitcoin replacement or Bitcoin upgrade has to fix its vulnerabilities: Recursive snarks and sovereign corporations!

Criticizing Bitcoin without addressing its vulnerabilities is prologue to a scamcoin ICO.

Bitcoin is the one, because founded by a crypto anarchist and anarcho capitalist, and dominated by crypto anarchists and anarcho capitalists, because of the community that runs it and uses it. But its technological vulnerabilities are becoming alarming.

“Hardly OG” is probably not about to sell us his scamcoin, but is way out of his depth. Lacks the knowledge and intelligence needed to address the problems. But his point that

> So now all the overwhelming majority of hash are centralized, locatable, shutdownable, taxable, regulatable, lawfareable, and censorable Corps, pools, and even small Govts.

Is right on the money and well put. But if he thinks that asic resistance will solve that problem, out of his depth.

His claim that the Bitcoin Maximalist community is complicit in the plot to make it so is false. You just cannot do proof of work without it becoming so when you become a major international currency. We now realize this but it was not obvious back when Satoshi created Bitcoin. Nor were the technological capabilities needed to address that problem available back then. What everyone was thinking about was the scaling problem, and no one thought about the centralization problem, because there was no centralization problem, nor any thought that there would be one, nor any technologies to address it. People are only now starting to think about technologies capable of addressing the centralization problem. (Asic resistance is a bandaid that will fall off as soon as you hit scale.) We have been thinking about the scaling problem from the beginning. Now that we have the technology to address the scaling problem, time to think about the technology to address the centralization problem.

Need to promote this comment to a post.

Hardly OG says:

Some fags were talking about mining and PoW PoS stuff.

Get your minds out of sucking Bitcoin Maxi dick mode, it
will mislead you in all aspects of future design and game

Bitcoin BTC made a huge mistake… PoW must be ASIC-hard,
that means PoW must only run on CPU, not GPU, not FPGA,
not ASIC, there are algos to do this.

BTC was early, now everyone knows all its inabilities and
problems, but only the honest admit them publicly and
demand a better future.

Pro-ASIC algos always gravitate to Govt + Corp centralization,
thus eventually takeover of the network. Every unit of
$Fiat you give to the ASIC makers, of which there has
only really been one Bitmain since all time, furthers the
centralization channels of the evil ASIC scheme. You’re
feeding central whales your money to produce and buy and
run their ASIC. You’re also buying stock markets in the
central whale miners and fabs via Govt SEC controlled
stock exchanges. Bitmain makes $Billions off both ASIC
premining and sales. Non-whales can’t buy high priced
rigs for home, and nobody makes competitive low-cost
rigs… small units are not price-efficient because the
non-hashing hardware is effectively the same whether its
10 hash or 10T hash, so only tera-rigs get bought and
produced and are the only thing that can be successfully
competed to win blocks. And 220V or DC also keeps homes
out, as does non-bulk electric cost plans.

So now all the overwhelming majority of hash are centralized,
locatable, shutdownable, taxable, regulatable, lawfareable,
and censorable Corps, pools, and even small Govts. Bitmain
won’t be shutdown because their big rigs and fab discounts
and discounts to bulk channel Corp buyers directly help
enable the centralization scheme. The ASIC cabal also
leverage the King’s Patent theft License system to further
feedback favors, competition exclusivity, and money into
the centralization scam. All this combined gravity to
centralization is exactly what Govts and Banks and
Politicians and Davos Elites etc want… then they will
just send laws and guns to the central locations and usurp
the network into becoming the evil CBDC. All the Corp
warehouse hashers know each other and are totally subject
to mergers and sellout collusion to the highest payer and
Govt. The only way to prevent it is with ASIC-hard algos.
Now they have to outspend at least a billion plus humans
who are running it on their CPU’s idle time.

PoS id also completely collaping similar… big guys all
know each other smokin stogies in secret, stake cost
always rises to where only whales can play, they are
easily findable both physically and monetarily, especially
over Tor’s broken network, private mergers, etc.

Blockstream foundation is full of shit because they simply
cannot produce a lower cost per hash than the big ASIC
boys that bought out fab lines do, nor sell enough chips
to ever overpower Corp warehouse hashing chip counts.

Further, Corp warehouse hashing may likely soon earn
“clean electricity” subsidies from Govts, austensibly
under guise to raise monetary demand for clean development
global warming bullshit (actually human caused idiocy of
resource depletion), but really to depend them as a
condition for “subsidy or go broke” into accepting Govt
CBDC and censorship progammes upon them… and since these
Government “revocable business licensed” Corp warehouse
hashers love subsidy to their boards and shareholders,
they will accept those terms every single time, always
have, always will.

The *ONLY* solution is to atomize the entire corrupt ASIC
scheme, by democratizing hash via ASIC-hard algos. The
Corps and whales simply cannot roll out any more cpu units
than millions to billions of humans can, nor can they
volunteer to pay for them.

The last big defense, and against Sybil, is old school
cypherpunk theory… require human verified GPG WoT.
This raises the opponents risks and costs to intolerable
levels. Now all the spooks and Corps are forced to crawl
out of their secret caves into the Sun of public exposure
and get their $Terahash and suspiciously acting and
unverifiable selves signed by multiple humans, which no
self-interested Human HODLer is ever going to sign over,
ever, period.

Further, to get your block confirmed, your CPU miner has
to sign its proposed block with a known Human WoT key
that has also not been seen producing excess block hash
wins over time. The WoT keychain is scraped off the chain
or db and distributed in same manner as “blocks” or
whatever the new mechanism is.

Enough humans will always spend as a volunteer hobby
enough global idle CPU time to preserve their own
self-interest. “Block and or fee rewards” might not even
be needed therein, since a few watts donated for consensus
security costs nothing, and tens of millions to a billion
will do it, especially when educated and ingrained by
their coin to do so in the docs from day one launch. Even
enough clients can be running it when connected to make
transactions too… adoption will already be running
millions of clients up and down 24×365 anyway.

There’s a chance that PoS stakers could use the WoT model,
but PoS does generally require being online to stake,
thus may not be conducive to a fluid come and go of
“miners”, and still has many of the other PoS problems.

CPU + WoT = Freedom Wins.

ps: Turns out Tor has stayed suspiciously silent and
demurring on every call for Human Wot because their
puppetmasters and paid puppeted staff know that Human WoT
helps defeat centrally managed sybil. Just like Bitcoin,
Tor needs abandoned for better too.

jim says:

Valid points, though Bitcoin is as yet independent of the state – but it suffering multiple and increasingly severe vulnerabilities, of which asic mining is the least. I have bigger worries.

But the whales are solidly crypto anarchist and anarcho capitalist, so will resist effectively and have been resisting very effectively, while Ethereums proof of stake mechanism turns it into an unofficially regulated bank.

I will shortly post two alternatives – proof of shareholding and proof of upness. Which can and prbabaly should be used simultaneously.

notglowing says:

Bitcoin BTC made a huge mistake… PoW must be ASIC-hard,
that means PoW must only run on CPU, not GPU, not FPGA,
not ASIC, there are algos to do this.

This is kind of a tired argument. Yes, in principle, ASIC-hard is better, but it doesn’t actually solve the fundamental issues with mining centralization at all. It makes it possible for more people to mine yes, but not necessarily profitably, and it doesn’t even make the sources of mining equipment decentralized.

Many coins tried doing ASIC-hard algorithms. There was a big push in the 2017 era.
Nearly all of them failed, except Monero, because “ASIC-hard” and “memory-hard” algorithms generally ended up not really being as memory-hard as they were supposed to be – someone would come up with an ASIC that was better than conventional hardware.
Monero succeeded because they discouraged it by constantly replacing their algorithm with better versions through hard forks. Bitcoin shouldn’t be subject to constant hard forks based on the whims of current technology.

Furthermore, where do you think CPUs and GPUs come from? They come extremely few, arguably two or three, very large very centralized corporations. At least the high performance ones that would be competitive with mining.
Add a few more for ARM becoming viable, but making a general-purpose compute CPU is far more expensive and difficult, and requires more specialized skills than making an ASIC capable of doing one thing. The latter presents less issues with patents as well.

It’s far easier for more companies making SHA256 BTC ASICs to spring up compared to more companies making high power general purpose CPUs. In that sense, CPU/GPU mining is even more centralized.

The only reason why ASIC companies’ neutrality has been an issue, and AMD’s and Intel’s isn’t, is that we benefitted from being a small fish in a big pond (and we still do) and AMD and Intel will not secretly develop better mining CPUs and give them to their friends to gain an advantage in mining, only dumping them on the market once they’re less profitable (something Bitmain has done, of course).

This would be irrelevant in any scenario where Bitcoin suddenly becomes the world reserve currency, and control over it is of paramount importance to state level agents.

The reasoning behind memory-hard algorithms was the same, since developing faster DRAM is extremely difficult, if one did make faster DRAM they would sell it on the open market as a general purpose device, not just make an ASIC with it, so it would be available to anyone.

Once again, these assumptions fall apart once Bitcoin becomes important enough, and in fact, the issues would be *worse* because of how much harder it is to make general purpose CPUs and memory. Requiring simpler hardware to mine Bitcoin (SHA256 ASICs) is less centralizing in the real long term than requiring extremely complex hardware.

Plus just like I said above, you can’t really ever know for sure if any algorithm is ASIC proof, and making them more difficult to mine with ASICs just makes the resulting ASICs more complex, expensive, and they will have fewer companies capable of making them. Later Ethereum ASICs were horrendously expensive.

General purpose hardware of course has a number of advantages still. Mainly two: it can’t be placed under special restrictions and surveillance by governments, since it’s general purpose, and it allows for volunteers to be part of the network with their PC, even if it isn’t profitable.

These are good properties, although I just don’t believe they would be worth it, at the scale of Bitcoin.

The problem with the first point, is that governments *will* know if you are conducting any large mining operation. The only people who could easily get away with not getting caught are very small scale hobby miners. But a single miner with a few million dollars investment can easily trump the hash power of thousands of such people. The miners that matter will always be large.

They have economies of scale, which let them purchase hardware and power at a discount, they have capital, they have the ability to locate themselves wherever it is most convenient. They always have a margin over the hobbyist.

You are thinking that somehow hobbyist volunteers are the solution to this, that if you can use regular PCs to mine they will just do it in massive amounts even as their margins are lower or negative.

Mining is zero-sum, the total rewards do not increase depending on the hashrate. Making it inherently more and more competitive over time. Big margins now, means lower margins tomorrow when more players enter the space. Eventually it will be very hard for hobbyists to be profitable at all, and require them to spend thousands upon thousands on hardware just to make any money, taking a lot of risk and really not being all that different from buying ASICs.
The idea that volunteering for the sake of the network would get enough people in this to make a difference, at a large scale (ie, not talking about smaller coins like XMR) is utopian and pure speculation. I don’t believe it. This isn’t a solution, it’s just hope.

OG Fan Club says:

The OG is right… PoS is not that great, PoW CPU is bit better for simple single-purposes monetary coins, but just like self-interested parties will not willingly devalue their own asset (PoS is a somewhat easier structure to secretly slide into a cabal conspiring to influence just enough, because you don’t have to realign or cost out real physical obvious hard infrastructure farms to do it), but whatever… his GPG WoT is dead on regarding defeating Sybil. While you want to accept hashpower, and even stakevotes, self interested parties (SIP’s = anyone HODLing value) need to refuse to do so from unknown and or sketchy parties whose operation and intent can’t be verified, and throwing up a Human shit test under a WoT of SIP’s that have baked in sworn WoT ops and education to the coin’s people since the coin’s Genesis, is a massive wall for malagents to climb. Maybe the WoT won’t verify or care about naming ‘real names’, but it most definitly will audit the entire operation before the WoT continues to renew its signature over the output of their hashpower (in BTC no one would allow miner’s UTXO’s unless WoT signed off authorizing a year of production).

One of the things we often hear from speculators is how much governments hate Bitcoin. Also, that the gold standard for Bitcoin being considered ‘secure’ is that it has never been 51% attacked.

Let’s leave aside the point that you could still effectively cause a lot of disruption to Bitcoin with, say, a third of the hashpower and 51% isn’t really the magic number they think it is, let’s roll with this idea and imagine a government sets its sights on building a 51% Attack Machine.

Since we’re talking about a government here, the power requirements to keep the thing running for long enough to carry out the attack are certainly feasible. We’re talking at most 260 GWh per day based on Digiconomist’s current estimates of Bitcoin’s energy use, and it would probably be less with the higher efficiency of a centralised operation.

While that would of course be a massive cost to sink for a commercial entity that’s trying to turn a profit, for a government that’s presumably carrying out this attack for political rather than financial reasons it’s really not.

Let’s earmark $1bn for the cost of obtaining that energy and funnelling it into their 51% Attack Machine. Again, eye-watering figures for most private entities but not outwith the realm of possibility for a government.

So, now they have to actually build the thing. The expensive part is going to be the ASIC chips. How are they going to get enough of them? One way would be to buy them new and used from any existing source they can find. If you don’t care so much efficiency because you’re mining in order to attack Bitcoin, not to make a profit, you could get some very cheap obsolete hardware. And of course, there’s probably not enough ASIC chips all of the same kind on the secondary market in existence to build the thing, so you’d have to kind of make a Frankenstein’s monster of different models. But we’re only looking for a ballpark here.

A WhatsMiner M56S can do 212Th/s, so you’d need about 1.6 million of those to reach 51% hashrate. They can be bought new for $650, so if there were that many of them in existence, you could buy them for $1.04bn. They’re rated at 5500 watts, so that’s 213.12 GWh to run that many of them for a day, well below our initial power estimate.

But of course, this is a government we’re talking about here. They don’t have to root around for what they can currently find on the market. They could go to Intel and be like, “Hey, you know that 580 GH/s Blockscale 1000 chip you just discontinued? If you start making them again just for us, we’ll order 650 million of them. Can you get the cost down to $1.50 per chip if we pay up front?” That would cost 243 GWh per day to run. Of course they need a controller and cooling components as well, but that’s going to be a fraction of the cost.

So, ballpark figure for a government to build and power a machine that can 51% attack Bitcoin at the current network hashrate, if they were really determined to do it? Around $2 billion, maybe even less than that if they can acquire hardware from mining operations that are going out of business.

For scale, this year’s US military budget is $842 billion.

Maybe they aren’t really as scared of Bitcoin as all the Maxi’s seem to believe?

Fan Club says:

Now of course the underlying argument is… which ones do you trust more to be less evil… free-running hashpower currently dominated by well-heeled Govt Corp business licensed Wall Street humans mining, or the Human WoT composed of in no small part a bunch of coin hacker type computer geeks who built a GPG WoT matrix around the world?
If you trust neither, then you need to keep big central ops out of your coin… ASIC’s are cheap to the big players (fab and deploy at density scale), costly to the smalls who can’t even buy them. CPU+RAM (even network connections etc) are costlier to the big players, much cheaper to the smalls who are already running them on their desktops anyways and exhibit wider diversity of hash vs IP address.

jim says:

Web of trust is intolerably broken. Hash power is less broken than web of trust, but hash power has intolerable problems, we have to have something else.

Asic hard is not it, web of trust is not it.

But all the alternatives proposed so far that do not use snarks are half baked or unworkable. Recursive snarks make possible better things than hash power. Something like filecoin’s proof of upness and random access bandwidth to a local copy of reliable broadcast channel does work, but it requires a good GPU. I would like to see something that does not need a GPU, since small home peer on the blockchain should not need a GPU.

jim says:

Web of Trust is broken. Way worse than hashpower.

Filecoin’s snark based proof of storage works. It ensures that you cannot have a thousand sybils running on one machine, unless that machine has a thousand times the random access disk bandwidth and a thousand times the internet bandwidth. Modify it so that any peer with normal hard average disk and normal average internet connection can pass, and that it does not need a GPU. Then every ordinary computer on the blockchain can do some mining.

But this still has the problem that the government could buy a thousand time the bandwidth.

Any 100 Year Coin Is An OG Coin and Competition says:

[*held pending shill test*]

jim says:

Your comment contains numerous relevant and important problems with bitcoin that deserve discussion, and I have not discarded it, but the line “then its fabled bolt-on LN got beat up too” sounds like shill spam and shills shilling each other.

Discuss the problems with the lightning network, and while you are at it, commit some thought crime that a shill would not be allowed to commit.

Lightning is working great, despite very grave problems that only affect the whales that make the network work, that need fixing and can be fixed.
For normies, it is a whole lot easier and safer to transact in lightning using Bitpay, nostr, and arby, than it is to open a bank account and get a credit card. It is simply a whole lot easier and user friendly, particularly when compared with banking systems that are even worse than that of the US.

If you are strangely unable to respond to this praise of the lightning network with a counter argument, I will conclude your comment is scripted, and therefore discussion is impossible, and therefore not let it anything you post through.

A Few OGs says:

[*Deleted for inability to commit a thought crime, and inability to make any criticism of lightning, other than that unspecified someones have made unspecified criticisms somewhere.

If you knew what lightning was, you would be able to say something substantive about lightning. You are just spewing a script written by someone else that you do not understand.*]

jim says:

Your script contains valid points about bitcoin, though nothing about lightning. But pointless to attempt to discuss it with a shill, because a shill is not allowed to engage in meaningful discussion even if he understands his script, which you do not.

Plandemic The Movie says:

I’d read and or debate with OG whoever, but I can’t see his posts 🙁 How can I pull them up with this site? Is there a login or “show hidden posts” button or something? Hopefully one that doesn’t use javascript though. Thanks.

jim says:

No point in attempting to debate OG. It was just a robotic shill script with random phrases lifted from intelligent discussion of bitcoin, lifted by someone with no comprehension of what was being discussed, and if a human generated his comments, that human is not only not allowed to debate them, but did not himself comprehend them.

Sounded superficially like signal, but merely noise, because the state does not want discussion of how to build a better Bitcoin, or how to make Bitcoin better.

HoardingMonero says:

>Monero succeeded because they discouraged it by constantly replacing their algorithm with better versions through hard forks.

Just to clarify, Monero did hard-forks to change its mining algo to ASIC-resistant one every 6 months back in 2017, or something.

Since 2019 (or 2020?) Monero has finally switched to RandomX algo, which is a CPU-first mining algorithm that doesn’t allow specialized hardware (aka, ASIC), and since then, Monero has never hardforked again in order to change its mining algo.

RandomX has been running for more than 3 years now, and it is successful in not allowing specialized hardware being used in Monero’s mining network.

Starman says:

Biden accidentally blurts out, “we’re out of ammunition.”

Red says:

When armies run out of shells, advances soon turn into routs and then into total collapse as the Nationalist Chinese found out in Manchuria. Germany is refusing to send anything to the Ukrainians because they’re worried that Russia will just roll over them once they roll over Ukraine and Poland when the rout gets started.

Calvin says:

What’s the point of that? Is there a single modern German man who would fight for the continued existence of the ruling regime?

ten says:

No, but they’ll fight for their kin and country, which the regime will put between themselves and the enemy.

Calvin says:

I seriously doubt Putin actually means to drive that far in any possible world, but if he did all he would need to do to be greeted as a liberator by whatever masculine German men still exist is refrain from 1945 Soviet level atrocities.

Karl says:

Nah, no need for complete restraint. Quite the opposite, some 1945 Soviet level attrocities would be needed in order to qualify him as a liberator, but of course the attrocities would have to be restricted to deserving demographic groups.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Germany, like every country in the occident, up too and including America itself, is an occupied country. And the German man is regularly told by the occupying forces that ‘actually, Germany does not really even exist you bigot’.

So indeed, the German man as he stands really is not very interested in fighting; after all, how can you fight for something that “doesn’t exist”?

It is likely that there would be attempts to conjure up some unholy form of nationalism with globohomo characteristics, but this is unlikely to go anywhere for various reasons – has not been going anywhere, in all their not inconsiderable efforts heretofore to stir up WW3.

Mayflower Sperg says:

An “unholy form of nationalism with globohomo characteristics” was hugely successful in Ukraine. Fascism is extremely powerful even when it’s fake and gay. If Russia were as weak today as it was in, say, 2010, and if the West hadn’t ruined its manufacturing base with affirmative action, the Azovites would have absolutely routed the Russians.

The Cominator says:

Seems only to fool butthurt belters…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>An “unholy form of nationalism with globohomo characteristics” was hugely successful in Ukraine.

That was the unspoken parenthetical.

“It is likely that there would be attempts to conjure up some unholy form of nationalism with globohomo characteristics (like in Ukraine)”, but, “this is unlikely to go anywhere for various reasons”, some of which have already been mentioned, others which tie into your rhetorical question posted elsewhere.

Organized bodies using leftist organizing principles cannot reverse its flow, only switch tracks to side rails with similar cardinality.

Feminism in 1933 could be put on hold by purging for insufficient enthusiasm for socialism, socialism in 1939 could be put on hold by purging for insufficient enthusiasm for fratricide, human sacrifice in 2022 could be put on hold by purging for insufficient enthusiasm for spreading feminism and anal sex (via fratricide).

With each pivot though, the ideological daylight left doesn’t get any wider, and in later days, has drawn remarkably short.

Perhaps it has gone out of sight and thus out of mind, but it pays to remember; at the time, it can be hard to overstate just how close the whole apparatus was close to coming unglued during the plannedemic. The nomenklatura found themselves in the awkward position where progressive use of the very tool they relied on most to obviate challengers to their dominion – the layers of theocratia over people’s lines of communication, places of organization, and sources of information – was itself also causing the undermining of that very same tool.

The worst thing possible for a body’s authority is to give an order that won’t be obeyed; the magic spell is cracked at that very moment. Continued escalation of the coronahoax in the face of a recalcitrant reality was causing their destruction; but the attempt to reverse course on escalating coronahoax would also cause their destruction. They were trapped with no way out.

A leftist body cannot reverse course, because this undermines the nature of a leftist organizing principle tout court; it can only pivot. But pivot to what? The scale of the coronatarian faith was on a level unprecedented by anything else theretofore, nothing else was big enough to match it…

Enter Ukraine.

Part of the reason, and perhaps a very big part of the reason, that the harvardian mandarins grabbed onto Putlermania with both hands so readily is because they saw this as their escape hatch. Even if things would go wrong in the future, that future is not *now*. The fact that the broad mass of the modern nomenklatura are – by natural consequence of the system set into place by those before them who instantiated it – feckless manchildren and women with no historical perspective high on their own supply, also helped lube the wheels rolling in this direction. This is why there was basically zero (0) pushback from those more conscious minds riding the tiger in the bowels of the theocracy on escalatory warhawking, even though there was basically no capacity for prosecuting a large scale conflict of such kind anymore.

The open ground of unprincipled exceptions has been shrinking clod by clod with every step the presently incumbent whig order has made, in their path to gaining power, and their path to keeping it thereafter. Feminism and managerialism are already ‘baked into the cake’ at this point. Such things metastasize when they swallow each other. ‘Intersectionality’. There is no reversing course on them anymore, not without the whig imperium altogether dissolving its own glue. And it is this that is why the Germans – and the rest of the vassal states in the occident – can’t fight.

Karl says:

> even though there was basically no capacity for prosecuting a large scale conflict of such kind anymore

Do you think those who decided about the pivot were aware of the lack of capacity? My impression is that this lack was a surprise for the modern nomenklatura.

jim says:

The logic of ever greater holiness ends in nukes.

But the current plan is low level forever war, like all of the others, except with a peer power. The current state of high level war is seen as anomalous deviation, which will naturally and inherently correct itself. Indeed, to doubt it will spontaneously correct itself is a thought crime. So far.

But neither Ukraine nor the west can sustain forever war at this level. The west is running out of weapons, the Ukraine out of men. So, the current superior holiness is, like worship of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon, on direct collision course with reality. What is next?

As a general rule, when holiness meets external defeat, it wages war on its own people. Perhaps in the name of the Gaia demon. But is hard to predict what leftism will do next. If I could predict it, they could predict it. If they could predict it, would already be doing it. It is like women’s fashions.

The current plan is to induct the Ukraine into Nato during a ceasefire – which is to say, “of course there will be a ceasefire, and then we can escalate some more” But escalating to actually win, rather than to continue with steady pressure of forever war until Russia crumbles and is absorbed into globohomo, is not only not the supreme holiness, it is lack of faith. Supposedly the war will naturally wind down, and then they can be holier by winding it up. This may change abruptly, possibly with a Nato invasion of Belarus. To doubt the feasibility of low level forever war is impiety, but low level forever war is unlikely to be feasible, so an alternative war related piety may ensue.

However, some leftists are trying a re-roll on the Gaia demon.

To get serious about defeating Russia, have to roll back gay, transsexuality, gaia worship, diversity, and female emancipation. Which is not altogether unthinkable, and would be great, except for the nukes part.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Do you think those who decided about the pivot were aware of the lack of capacity? My impression is that this lack was a surprise for the modern nomenklatura.

Many, if not most, lacked awareness; and those that did have some awareness, lacked future orientation anyways.

> > Even if things would go wrong in the future, that future is not *now*.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>the current superior holiness is, like worship of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon, on direct collision course with reality. What is next?

Were I in their position, the next big thing would be to just… quietly forget about it. Most people are normies, and most normies are goldfish, and Putlermania, unlike Branch Covidianism, has the advantage of its holy objects being some place far away that noone ‘here’ actually cares about anyways. Simply downregulate the incidence of reportage about Ruthenia; you don’t even need to change the tenor exactly – it just simply, stops appearing on people’s social media feeds. Out of sight, out of mind. Plenty of other psychodramas to keep goldfish occupied, negrolatry, gaia worship, the demiurge-given right of gays to get access to boy-asses of other people’s children. It might even work.

Can it work? Are the principles involved even psychologically capable of making that kind of decision to make it work? These are other questions. It wouldn’t be the first time such things have happened. The attentions of the Whig Empire are fickle, and its convictions superficial. There is no shortage of parties that have ended up left hung out to dry by it over history. Is the theocratic assabiyah for such disciplined gleichschautung in place to make such a move work? If this were any point between ten and seventy years ago, I would say yes. Now? Coronatarianism showed they are certainly capable still of *calling up* a new demon. Putting one back down, with no muss or fuss? This is an other question.

>As a general rule, when holiness meets external defeat, it wages war on its own people.

Indeed. Something that also occasionally happens though, is some Other party takes advantage of the incumbent sovereign’s temporary embarrassment over their loss of Heaven’s Mandate, before they have had time to make a new normal ( Likely? Dynamic Men of History have seemed vanishingly rare in the later days of this Kali Yuga, stuffed as it is with worn down Last Men, insulated by hyperreality, plugged into the matrix via smartphone in hand at every waking moment, no more concerned by the dream that is Reality and its consequences than they are about a flamewar in their timeline over wrongthink. Just one more theatrical set of symbolic objects as any other.

But even still, it is Opportunity all the same; and they have been knocking with ever more frequency as the days turn.

jim says:

At the Vilnius meeting, Zelensky told them that the enemy gets a say in whether a war is high level or low level, and they gave him a public shaming to remind him that this was an unmentionable and unthinkable thought crime. He, being leftist, responded to this punishment with maximum grovel.

Thus banishing the fact to official unreality. From which it will never emerge. As far as they are concerned, that problem is solved permanently and completely.

jim says:

> Were I in their position, the next big thing would be to just… quietly forget about it.

And double down on feeding small children to gays, illegal immigration, and sacrificing the modern economy to the Gaia demon.

A rational tactic, and in their interest, but they are not very good at rational tactics and pursuing their self interest. In the past, each swerve has led to a new direction for the eschaton. Will this one be different?

For the moment, the likely course is that now that the problem of high level attritive war is solved, having been banished to official unreality, they will stay the present course to the last Ukrainian.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which makes it interesting to see what will happen as the conflict stubbornly refuses to draw down into a ‘low intensity’ brushfire.

Only Putin tripping at the finish line can stop it now. (An all too unsettling possibility.)

Red says:

Only Putin tripping at the finish line can stop it now. (An all too unsettling possibility.)

Snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, it’s going to be out of some insane idea of returning the west to 1990s liberalism, which is where Putin seems to be stuck at.

Red says:

Corrected version of the above comment:

Only Putin tripping at the finish line can stop it now. (An all too unsettling possibility.)

If Putin snatches defeat from the jaws of victory, it’s going to be out of some insane idea of returning the west to 1990s liberalism, which is where Putin seems to be stuck at.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Self-censorship, a.k.a. holding your tongue, requires mental effort. As senility sets in, old people often lose this ability and just blurt out whatever comes to mind. This can be charming when it’s not exposing your embarrassing secrets. Whose idea was it to tell Biden about the ammo situation? It’s not like he’s making the decisions, so why include him in the conversation?

Red says:

They’ve oddly kept Biden in the loop at all times. He confessed about about most extensive vote fraud machine ever during the 2016. May guess his wife is pulling a lot of strings and for her to informed then Biden needs to be informed.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

*2020. you mean? Or am I missing something?

Anonymous Fake says:

Driving through Portland (or other blue cities) really puts things into perspective. It’s objectively one of the best planned and beautiful cities I have ever seen, but it’s a ghost town (even the roads have less traffic than most “low density” subdivisions) with homeless in the streets and a lot of those awesome buildings look empty…
[*therefore we obviously need far more of the policies that have forced the white population to flee Portland*]

jim says:

As well as taking a virtual drive through Portland, take a virtual drive though government housing projects and rent controlled areas.

Then go watch some Detroit ruin porn. Anyone who advocates your economic program loves white people the way hail-follow-peasant Trotsky loved the peasants, which is to say, hates them and wants to kill them.

Capitalism built those cities, universal suffrage and socialism stole them and redistributed them to the masses, with the results we now see.

A2 says:

I found Portland quite nice the one time I visited it (in the 90s), but it seems to be extremely mismanaged by ludicrously extreme left morons and filled with antifa, homeless, insane people, etc. Not just blacks, thus, but still people you don’t want to be around; just look at some BLM videos from 2020. In an interim state it was apparently full of strippers and similar low-lives but has now declines further.

In summary, I wouldn’t move there (even if there may still be nice parts) because the inmates are running the asylum. As it happens, I recently dissuaded a naive European friend who was talking about getting out of California and settling in Portland instead.

jim says:

> there may still be nice parts

I recently visited the formerly nice parts of San Francisco. They are about to go under, and the shops are fewer and a lot quieter than they were two decades ago. Also a bit worse for wear, and security measures are giving them a threatening hostile prison commissary like atmosphere and appearance. As in a prison commissary, nice stuff is not on display, and the surroundings are ugly, hostile, threatening, and unwelcoming.

The population in San Francisco that actually produces value is collapsing, and the economy is slowly turning into a purely parasitic blue state megalopolis economy that creates fake and gay GDP by moving quasi governmental bits of paper around. I see Detroit on the horizon, once the fake and gay GDP economy collapses, which may not be for quite a while.

Anonymous Fake says:

A Jew once explained why they all vote Democrat. They don’t want public housing in their nice neighborhoods. If they vote for Republicans who promise to make the public housing go away, they’re just lying. They can’t make the public housing go away, or end affirmative action, or abolish the department of education, or even just PBS and NPR, or really do much of anything. But if Jews vote Democrat and gain influence there, they can make sure the public housing gets located SOMEWHERE ELSE. And this works.

So there is a fake choice (the Republicans), but there are in fact 2 real choices, not one. Public housing for the underclass is one of them, making the underclass move somewhere else (DC to Baltimore is a famous pipeline), but the other choice is public housing for all people, [*much repeated shill script repeated*]

jim says:

> but the other choice is public housing for all people,

Britain before Thatcher had public housing for all people. It still does in a sense. It was the usual catastrophe that public housing has been everywhere in the world, every time, every where. Even where, as in Brazilia, they attempted to provide public housing not for the masses but for the governmental and quasi governmental elite. Even there, still a disaster, though the likelihood of being mugged by the latest visitor making his rounds of all the single mums to bang them, beat their kids, and collect their AFDC money was considerably less. Singaporean government sponsored housing projects work because the developer has to sell the condos to private individuals who buy them with their own money. And if they decline to buy them, the developer loses his shirt, even though the project is government sponsored and regulated. Singaporean governmental housing projects are a whole lot less governmental than me attempting to build a private home on private land in America.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*hilarious detachment from observed reality deleted*] Brazil has an awesome capital city. Brasilia[*hilarious detachment from observed reality deleted*] Public housing for normal people who want to work for the government [*hilarious detachment from observed reality deleted*]

jim says:

No one wants to live in Brasilia, at least not in the public housing for people who work for the government.

Pax Imperialis says:

For all the problems the Indian reservation system had, it accomplished it’s aim to separate out feral Indians from the civilized population. To that end, government housing projects can be good and effective. Having cities like Portland might not be so bad as they act as a drainage system for the decivilized, but to do such a thing in a location of prime real estate and destroy the living conditions of civilized people already living there is insane and evil.

Plenty of empty land to move these people to. Had LBJ’s great society housing project relocated all those Blacks to some uninhabited location in Alaska, he would be much better remembered.

Hesiod says:

Found this clip of AF being interviewed:

Pretty sharp dresser, AF, but you never really gave any straight answers.

Confused says:

As a White man, do I have any responsibilty to any non-White women that I impregnate, and or to any offspring that come from my act therein? I have options, even maybe contractual ones, but am not sure of the correct role to set up beforehand. And does my, if any, or the woman’s, if any, religion come into play? Or is it better to just knock up some White trailer trash and call that Fam. Or something. Thanks, Confused.

jim says:

Blood trumps race.

But, impossible to look after your children by whores, so the capability to be more alpha than any other man she has banged trumps blood.

Price Calling says:

An enormous move?
Ok well, let’s be rational and conservatife. Where is the price going to hit in this runup and why?

The only prediction here is that after some runup, BTC will then become relatively to zero within 10 years due to competition by a superior coin[s].
I see anon DEX’s enabling smooth taxfree transition to this / these higher tx-rate privacy coins. Today’s BTC Maxi’s will serve as fool buyers of last resort to those transitioning into the future.

jim says:

Right now the choice is the dollar or bitcoin. And the dollar is in mounting crisis right now, while bitcoin’s scalable and private competitor is just a gleam in the eye of developers.

Skippy says:

What do you think about Cardano today?

jim says:

I was very badly mistaken. Whether it was intended from the beginning as another scamcoin, it has become another scamcoin.

It was intended to be a better ether, but wound up emulating what was bad about ether, and anything that was arguably an improvement, Ether did also. No room for two ethers.

Carte Blanche says:

This is the same guy as The Privacy Move Up, BillieBam, and Hardly OG, spamming sock puppets. Or are we to believe that all of these individuals, all with the same verbal tics and manic writing style, suddenly became interested in the blog and just happen to all believe that Bitcoin’s going to be overtaken by some unspecified but clearly superior privacy coin?

He may have had some valid points, but he’s just repeating them ad nauseum and obviously in the service of some ulterior motive.

The Cominator says:

What about the BRICs gold backed currency to be announced soon and like to be rolled out within at most the next 6 months?

jim says:

The are now muttering about a gold based replacement for international transactions, but in an increasingly violent and untrustworthy world, this is unlikely to work. Turkey just broke a crucial deal with Russia. You think Russia will trust India, or India Russia, to deliver gold? You think gold can be delivered at all without someone snatching it en-route and justifying the snatch on the basis of sanctions? Plus it does not solve the problem of a multinational bureaucracy attempting the regulate the stuffing out of it, which is what has strangled in the cradle their attempts to create a new international fiat currency.

Put twenty bureaucrats in a room, and each will seize the power to say “no” for himself and his bureaucracy. Thus to pay for something you have to satisfy twenty sets of complicated and mutually contradictory rules.

Put three bankers in the room with them, and each will kindly help the bureaucrats by acquiring the power to seize money in transit that he judges do not meet their twenty different requirements, expressed in three different languages.

Carte Blanche says:

I have a suspicion that what they attempt to roll out, whether or not it succeeds in the short term, is not going involve the literal transfer of gold. It would be some “gold-backed” currency or note, relying on information symmetry re: where the gold is currently being held, how well it’s guarded, etc. Same as US currency before FDR came on the scene. The IOUs change hands, but the gold never moves.

But as we know, FDR only shot a lame horse. The US gold standard could not survive indefinitely because without the actual movement of precious metals, the temptation to devalue the IOUs is simply too strong to resist. And this was during a time when most every citizen trusted their government to actually have and secure the gold.

I don’t think BRICS is going to reach that level of trust. Metal that doesn’t move is metal that may as well not exist, and eventually won’t exist.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hypothetically if trust and transport were non issues, is there even enough gold in the world for it to be practical to use?

Jehu says:

If gold were remonitized, its price would necessarily skyrocket. This I believe is the real reason central banks hold tons of it, insurance against the failure of their regime.

jim says:

In a dangerous, untrusting, and untrustworthy world, gold over distance just does not work. The Knights Templar all got tortured to death.

Carte Blanche says:

Supply generally isn’t much of an issue; if anything, scarcity is better than abundance. You just subdivide the available supply as needed and let the market apportion value through the price of consumer goods. If Bitcoin became fully monetized then the majority of transactions would be in sats – same principle.

So, technically Jehu is correct, monetization of gold would spike its value considerably due to the limited supply, although there is always an equilibrium point somewhere. However, this only works when gold is the money itself, not when it is used as an abstract unit of measurement for floating fiat currencies. If metallic money suffers from trust and security issues, metal-backed fiat will be much worse.

Gold is easy to understand, thus I can sympathize with the goldbug’s point of view, even though they’re grievously wrong. Unlike Jim, I’m not 100% certain that cryptocurrency is THE answer… but it is at least AN answer. For the moment, BRICS either do not understand the question or are trying to avert their eyes from it.

Pax Imperialis says:

>scarcity is better than abundance

You need scarcity plus liquidity. BTC is both. mBTC and smaller is easy to trade. Anything under one gram of gold quickly becomes impractical. It gets far worse if the value of gold skyrockets. This then necessitates secondary currency which lands you right back to the issue of fiat if using paper. If using a gold backed BTC like cryptocurrency… what was the purpose of gold again?

I just don’t see gold making a return.

jim says:

> The IOUs change hands, but the gold never moves.

The longer the gold goes without moving, the more trust is needed. There is no trust.

Jehu says:

Transport between Russia and China I think would be pretty easy, they’re connected reasonably well. Transport between India and Russia is more tenuous, as it requires going through the Stans or through China, which makes it a 3 body trust problem.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The gold standard is like the republican form of government: It works great if you have an intelligent and virtuous elite; otherwise it’s a dead letter.

It’s not just a problem of trust between states but people as well. Putting your gold in a bank makes it harder for burglars to steal but easier for the government to steal, as FDR did. Corporations cannot hide their gold in the sock drawer because shareholders and key employees need to know where the money is and how much.

The problem with crypto is, to whom shall we entrust the corporate wallet.dat file? Jim thinks we can solve this problem by putting the whole corporation on the blockchain, but then every possible contingency has to be hard-coded in advance.

Mister Grumpus says:

They “could” set up gold repositories of a standard design, and establish a constant circulation of auditors, each country sending guys to check the other countries’ arithmetic.

But what does “could” mean in that sentence, exactly?

Anyone with the power to say “no” or “not yet” to this, in any of the BRICS countries, is fat dumb and happy enough as it is right now. No need to change anything.

Watching this play out is an amazing learning experience.

Carte Blanche says:

There is no trust.

Of course there isn’t. But they are going to attempt it anyway, because they want “de-dollarization” – that is, they want independence from the capricious and rapacious imperial government – but they would still very much like to keep for themselves the ability to generate money from nothing. They are not ready to accept hard currency into their lives.

I’d go so far as to say that not only is there no trust, the defection has already happened. Or at least is top of mind. Superficially, they’re agreeing over a common standard to float their currencies against; in reality, whoever devalues their currency earliest and fastest and with the most plausible deniability gains a huge advantage, and the Chinese in particular are notorious for that.

The system will probably launch, and someone, possibly multiple parties, are going to get played for chumps, but it may putter along for several years before we learn who had the aces up their sleeves and what they wagered.

jim says:

> The system will probably launch

They already have attempted it. It is not flying, so they are muttering about attempting something else. And while they dither around, the Russian economy is being bitcoinized.

The Cominator says:

Normally true, I think you underestimate the level of anger the fake and gay Biden administration has created… Erdogan has never been trustworthy (I think he thinks that as a Muslim he doesn’t have to keep his word to non Muslims) but if they join the BRICs they’d be a minor player.

jim says:

You are suggesting that bureaucrats will get off their asses and stop being bureaucrats.

Not until all sovereigns party to the deal to create a replacement for the dollar start sending a few for long distance swimming lessons in the ocean.

The Cominator says:

I think Putin especially but the head of states in some of the other countries will feel motivated to keep the pressure on the bureaucrats in question to do more than circulate paper.

alf says:

If Putin wanted pressure on bureaucrats, should’ve gotten rid of Shoigu, not Prigozhin.

The Cominator says:

It may be a case where rebels demanding the head of a minister saved the minister lest the sovereign appear weak. I suspect Shoigu is on thin ice now.

Red says:

I think Putin especially but the head of states in some of the other countries will feel motivated to keep the pressure on the bureaucrats in question to do more than circulate paper.

If Putin was a strong leader he would have put Prigozhin in charge of the war and tossed Shoigu for corruption before the mutiny. The Mutiny happened because Wagner was being broken up and disbanded as reward for their hard fought victories, a typical behavior of weak leadership that feared successful men more than losing a war.

Putin is currently the best bet to get a actual strong Christian civilization going again, but he’s fucking weak sauce.

Gedeon says:

[*deleted for gross detachment from reality*]

Islam Is Anti-Non-Muslim says:

> I think [Erdogan] thinks that as a Muslim he doesn’t have to keep his word to non Muslims

Muslims are permitted to outright lie to all non-Muslims. These various forms and purposes of lying are all described in the Islamic texts and are fully sanctioned by the highest Sheikhs, Muhammad, and Allah.
Islam is discriminatory and murderous, stay away, and use the internet to defeat its ridiculous copy-paste books, fakeass prophet, and moon-god.

The Cominator says:

We know all of this. But globohomo much like Hitler declared war on Islam at the same time they were at war with Christians and Buddhists and straight men everywhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

Dare I guess that this announcement about a new gold-backed trade currency is the BRICS bankers and bureaucrats trying to FUD bitcoin?

Vaporware to buy some time? Negotiating to preserve some fraction of their own power?

My assumption was always that the gold would stay in place, but that inspectors and auditors would circulate constantly. It “could work” too, but maybe these people are just too shitty to let even that much transparency dilute their rackets.

jim says:

> Dare I guess that this announcement about a new gold-backed trade currency is the BRICS bankers and bureaucrats trying to FUD bitcoin?

No, they are busy making it happen, but I think it unlikely it will happen.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s been two months since you published this and it’s looking like you were right that the “gold backed BRICS trade currency” isn’t happening in real life.

“Not right now.”
“We’ll get to that.”
“That’s coming in the future.”
“We’re talking about it.”

Adding Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia to the mix, I can’t see how on earth this can work out now short of Xi just holding a gun to everyone’s head, but if he’d do that, then why not force them into some weird Chinese fiat scheme instead? Better for him.

So yeah you got me. My bet now is that if there’s going to be a BRICS trade currency, it’ll be bitcoin.

jim says:

How high will it go, you ask?

Well the market cap is six hundred billion, but if it substantially replaces the US dollar, ten trillion or so go into it. Does this mean a tenfold rise in value? Not necessarily, because most bitcoin is not for sale at any price. So a hundred fold increase in value is possible though perhaps a tenfold increase or so is more plausible.

Past runups are not a guide to this runup, because this time around, critical mass is possible and likely.

The Global American Empire is falling. The faith of Woke is hollowing out. “Rational and conservative” means “expect continued normality”. Which always means underestimating the likelihood of black swan events. We have entered the new abnormal.

Dr. Faust says:

The near focus should be on small and medium pension funds diversifying into BTC ETFs as a hedge. Fink recently iterated the idea that BTC is digital gold. The average allocation of funds into gold sits about 5% or less. If 1% ends up in BTC directly or indirectly it would add 400 billion in market cap roughly. At current price it would hit a market cap of 1 trillion usd. With about 18 million BTC for sale that’s roughly 56k BTC.

However, I think it will be higher than that due to the halving. The last three halvings saw huge price jumps shortly after and demand seems to be increasing with supply declining. It’s nearly impossible to predict the effect of the halving on price but common sense would say that increase demand and decrease supply could have a large impact.

If BTC finds greater adoption and a small allocation among fund groups either through the ETFs or through direct exposure and the GAE doesn’t disrupt the US exchanges permanently then the most conservative estimate I would give would be 60k low end and 240k on the high end.

The GAE can’t stop bitcoin but they can slow it down a lot and banning or crippling the US exchanges and blocking pension funds from gaining access would likely cause a large pull back.

jim says:

> The average allocation of funds into gold sits about 5% or less. If 1% ends up in BTC directly or indirectly it would add 400 billion in market cap roughly. At current price it would hit a market cap of 1 trillion usd. With about 18 million BTC for sale that’s roughly 56k BTC.

Since most bitcoin is not for sale at any price, four hundred billion of new money into Bitcoin would raise the market cap by considerably more than one trillion.

The biggie is de-dollarization, which should result in about a trillion new money into bitcoin

The market cap of gold is about ten trillion. Since bitcoin is more useful than gold (right now today I can spend it more easily than gold, because it moves around the world at good fraction of the speed of light) its market cap should rise to well above ten trillion once it replaces the dollar for international transactions. Lets say twenty trillion. That is a thirty fold increase in the bitcoin price.

De dollarization is stalled because efforts to create a fiat replacement for the US$ keep getting mired in bureaucracy and regulation. The sovereigns agree on a new international currency, and tell their bureaucrats and bankers to take care of the details. The bureaucrats proceed to do what bureaucrats do. So people are spontaneously moving to international transactions in bitcoin. Which is illegal in Russia, but the Russian ministry of finance threw up its hands and said that since everyone is breaking that law, no point in making a fuss, because if they make a fuss, they are just enforcing American sanctions. They are muttering about creating a new more practical law, which will likely attempt to ban Russians from buying stuff from Russians with bitcoin. But, with lightning wallet and nostr, most transactions are going to be international. The law will probably be effective for physical goods moving inside Russia.

notglowing says:

Do you know why it looks like you’re samefagging despite using a different nickname in every one of your six million posts under this article?

Your spelling errors, mediocre grammar and punctuation stand out in this comment section.

Plus, you make the same point every time: Bitcoin is outdated, buy a new shitcoin. Are you going to shill your shitcoin or not?

tunabuckets says:

[*deleted for ignorance. idiocy, and absurd detachment from reality*]

jim says:

I, and other people, have a plan for a scalable and private currency. However, I also have a plan for a graceful, slow, and non disruptive conversion of bitcoin into a scalable and private currency: Recursive snarks allow sharding. Add the capability to support recursive snark shards to Bitcoin, while the mainchain remains as it is. Over time, due to transaction fees and speed, everyone slowly moves to the private and scalable shards.

Ghost says:

Three years have passed. Same group of spergs whining about the same problems. Not enough control, not enough money, not enough pussy. Unable to figure why.

I could check in every three years and see the same shit on rewind.

I’d tell you what your problem is but you wouldn’t comprehend it. And I’d much prefer to see you squirm.

alf says:

Look at you, a comment of yours made it past moderation. You must be proud.

I’ll never get why you shills are so terrible with math. Well actually I do. One lie turns into ten lies turns into a hundred lies. Ban me, I don’t care, I won’t return for another ten years! posts the shill every other day.

Handi says:

You aren’t gloating, you’re seething. When I feel the kind of schadenfreude toward other people that you claim to feel toward the readership of this blog, it’s much sweeter to keep my mouth shut than to draw aggro from ignoramuses.

Why solicit envy that you know you’re never going to get, from people you supposedly don’t respect? You can’t earn the status you crave the normal way so you’re angling to get a facsimile by deception.

Skippy says:

“You see, there are poor peasants and rich peasants, and we stirred up the poor peasants against the rich peasants, and they soon hanged them to the nearest tree – ahaha!”

– V. I. Lenin

i says:

What’s everyone’s thoughts on the movie: “Sound of Freedom”?

This Orthodox person made a video on it:

jim says:

That the legacy media refuse all mention of it tells you much.

That it is allowed on mainstream platforms nonetheless tell you much more.

It is not a whitewash, but it is a graywash.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Actually doing something about sex trafficking would involve locking up large numbers of black and Hispanic people, so it’s not going to happen.

I read that in Tijuana, within walking distance of the border, there are brothels where you can fuck a 13-year-old girl for twenty dollars. I don’t know the address, but if you speak even basic Spanish, just go there and ask. Underage sex is not a big deal in Latin America, unless you try to snatch a child off the street, in which case a pit bull eats your genitals.

I expect the same north of the border after the EBT cards stop working.

James says:

[*an incel gives advice on the woman problem*]

Skippy says:

I’ve got no idea if what you are saying is true and it wouldn’t interest me if it were; the ease of paying women for sex does however make me wonder why Epstein was so popular with “powerful” men?

The main reason not to pay women for sex is that it’s never the same. But if you want to do that, hardly need to be a millionaire let alone billionaire.

Red says:

Epstein wasn’t supplying under age girls, rather he running a blackmail operation backed by the FBI and the Clinton’s where he pair up very pretty but underage girls who looked like they were in their 20s to blackmail very rich men by recording them having sex with them on his island. I’ve see a few pics of the “victims” of Epstein, they all looked like 19-25 to me, certainly not the sort of flat chested victims typical of pederasts.

Rich and powerful men often have woman tossed them for influence reasons by various groups, that appeared to be what Epstein was about to the men who were snared by him. Typically with a blackmailer you’d either have him killed or turn him into the police, but Epstein was backed by the police allowing him to rob the rich men while the FBI and the Clinton’s used that blackmail for political purposes.

Contaminated NEET says:

>he running a blackmail operation backed by the FBI and the Clinton’s

Nah. It was a blackmail operation for sure, but Epstein was working for Israel. Ghislaine’s dad was some kind of Israeli super-spy, and Ehud Barak was meeting with Epstein all the time. The Clintons weren’t running the show, they were getting blackmailed.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If you see a shady operator and wonder who he’s working for, there’s a good chance that he doesn’t know who he’s working for. Conspiracies can be extremely opaque, even to the conspirators themselves.

Not knowing who was actually running the show, Epstein crossed the wrong people and got whacked. Or maybe he just outlived his usefulness.

A2 says:

Funded by Leslie Wexner, owner of Victoria’s Secret. Epstein’s nice NY townhouse was apparently a gift from Wexner, for instance.

After Epstein got whacked, VS quickly switched from their models parading around to a collection of freaks (trannies, fatties, etc). For some reason. Haven’t checked what they have been up to lately.

Extra exploitative:

Anonymous Fake says:

Blackmail isn’t real. [*deleted*]

jim says:

I seem to recall quite a few Roman Catholic priests being ratted out and suffering consequences, even though it is completely obvious that what they were ratted for is absolutely routine and extremely common.

Contaminated NEET says:

You’re not real.

Red says:

I read that in Tijuana, within walking distance of the border, there are brothels where you can fuck a 13-year-old girl for twenty dollars. I don’t know the address, but if you speak even basic Spanish, just go there and ask. Underage sex is not a big deal in Latin America, unless you try to snatch a child off the street, in which case a pit bull eats your genitals.

Young boys are sold everyday on gay hookup sites in the US. Cops ignore it unless they bust someone with a bunch of child porn from one of the kids at which point they go after the faggots directly involved in the porn production but ignore the larger scene of the pimping.

Mayflower Sperg says:

A year ago, dogs and children of gay couples were getting monkeypox around their anuses, and no one asked why.

Javier says:

long story short, I had a roommate who had a large collection of child porn. when he told me I played dumb, notified authorities, and discreetly made plans to move out. during the period he thought I was “cool” with it, he bragged that the vast majority of his collection was celebrities.

essentially, if you ever wonder why some non talent like Zendaya or Megan Fox with a thousand cock stare gets put into film after film, the casting couch starts much sooner than you think it does.

stuff like sound of freedom is meant to shift attention to foreign countries. “look at the evil pedos far away, please ignore the locals.” the movie was a major studio picture at one point, so they must have thought it was a good idea at some point.

the kicker to my story is the cops did contact me about the cp, but because I didnt actually look at any of it they refused to do anything, even though the guy bragged about it constantly and it’s not something you lie about.

Red says:

essentially, if you ever wonder why some non talent like Zendaya or Megan Fox with a thousand cock stare gets put into film after film, the casting couch starts much sooner than you think it does.

Oh please, actresses are and always have been whores. The 11 year old girl Roman Polanski sodomized was already having sex with other men before him.

The nasty secret with Hollywood is the men all get fucked in the ass to get roles too. The Lavender Mafia controls Hollywood and very few leading men are still straight when they make it in Hollywood.

stuff like sound of freedom is meant to shift attention to foreign countries. “look at the evil pedos far away, please ignore the locals.” the movie was a major studio picture at one point, so they must have thought it was a good idea at some point..

As Jim said, a graywash. Reporting what actually goes on with young boys being sold to faggots in the US isn’t allowed so they tell stories about Mexicans.

Javier says:

a teenage runaway sells herself, an 11 year old is likely kidnapped or more likely, sold by her parents. that’s the part most people don’t realize. and yeah, especially with boys.

jim says:

> an 11 year old is likely kidnapped


Take the shill test.

Pax Imperialis says:

I thought much of the trafficking of prepubescent kids is via CPS effectively doing the kidnapping and other state backed childcare groups doing the trafficking?

Or was Javier talking solely about Hollywood’s 11 year olds? Admittedly, I know little about the movie industry other than it hasn’t produced anything interesting in a long time, and to keep friends and family far away.

jim says:

Most of the trafficking in boys is CPS, but there is no shortage of eleven year old girls trafficking themselves.

Javier says:

my point was that your daughter may run off and fuck a bunch of dudes at a young age without your knowledge, but your daughter cannot run off and star in a major motion picture with an active amber alert out for her. that requires active consent and cooperation of parents.

when you look at all the child stars getting put through the Hollywood meat grinder, none of them are orphans or runaways. parents are usually their managers. so either parents are too dumb to realize they are prostituting their kids, or they are actively prostituting their children for profit. the fact that the girls enjoy being whored out is besides the point, because no amount of money would ever convince me to hand over my kid to Harvey Weinstein. if she ran away, I’d do something about it, one way or another.

I would never put my kid in the mickey mouse club, or allow her to embark on a singing career, or get anywhere near such an evil place. all that stuff requires parents to allow, unless you are arguing that parents are weak puppets of 11 year old girls. You can convince me that 11 year olds try to wander off in the hopes of being raped by strange men, but you will have a hard time convincing me an 11 year old is savvy enough to trade her vag up the chain for a successful singing and acting career. Kids don’t have that kind of forethought, especially instinct driven girls.

jim says:

> so either parents are too dumb to realize they are prostituting their kids, or they are actively prostituting their children for profit

You evade the third (thought crime) option. That parents want their daughters to be famous, and are too dumb to realize that their daughters are prostituting themselves.

I asked you to commit a thoughtcrime. You have been strangely unable to do so.

Javier says:

I feel like we are splitting the tiniest of hairs here. I think my statement “parents are too dumb to realize they are prostituting their kids” encompasses your statement. The difference seems to be where the blame is assigned. My position is that children are not responsible for their behavior. Parents are. If your kid breaks my window, the kid doesn’t pay me back, you do, then you punish the kid.
[*rest deleted for failure commit any thought crimes, even though it was a well argued and reasonable comment that deserved response, and did not carry any obvious shill payload*]

jim says:

The question is not who is morally responsible. The question is what are females apt to do given half a chance. And you are not engaging or acknowledging my position that some nine year girls, quite a lot of nine year old girls, need to be chained to the water heater to prevent them from wandering off to bang a forty year old bikie meth dealer.

The difference between my position and yours is that extremely young girls are apt to vigorously pursue sex, long before they have the necessary assets to pursue it successfully. That controlling daughters is hard, and often starts being hard at an absurdly young age. You are not engaging that position, but rather casting me as having the position that moral responsibility lies with the female.

Females are incapable of moral responsibility, and therefore need to be controlled. Weaker vessel. Want to be controlled, even though they resist it fiercely. They are apt to be unaware of their own conduct. And controlling daughters is difficult, and sometimes begins to be very difficult when they are very young.

For marriage to work, men need to marry virgins. Virgins are in very short supply. And will remain in very short supply if we have a social order that fails to acknowledge that girls get horny and are apt to do something about it. You are failing to acknowledge that girls get horny.

A man wants freedom, because without it he is unlikely to reproduce. He will fight for freedom. Women do not want freedom, for a free women will not reproduce successfully.. They are just running $#!% tests to detect a weak man and a weak tribe. Women are unhappy and getting more unhappy because they have detected weak men and a weak tribe.

The difference between my position and yours is whether nine year old girls are apt to get nailed, given half a chance. Not “who is morally responsible’, but “what are girls apt do”

With males, the propensity for sexual behavior sets in at puberty, reliable as clockwork. With girls there is no synchronization, with sexuality sometimes setting in inconveniently early, very early indeed, sometimes inconveniently late.

It is reasonable to debate this, but you strangely insist on debating a different question.

Biologically, this defect in the female maturation process only makes sense if we are entirely descended from populations that vigorously controlled females, that females did not get to choose. That all populations, tribes, empires, faiths, races, that failed to exercise very strong male control over female sexual, reproductive, and domestic services vanished.

You are failing to acknowledge the problems that necessitate very strong male control over females. And you are strangely failing to notice me talking about the problems that necessitate very strong male control over females.

Lacking vigorous external enforcement, we get defect/defect equilibrium between men and women, the game of players and bitches, which makes it difficult for both men and women to have families, makes it difficult for both men and women to reproduce. And this extremely strong control over female behavior often needs to start inconveniently early.

Absent that control, we are going to disappear for lack of grandchildren. Females need to be chaperoned the whole time, regardless of age. Absent that chaperoning, whoring will ensue. If no chaperone, no virgins, if no virgins, no grandchildren.

The Cominator says:

While I have a softer view towards female whoring than most here clearly something very very nasty and traumatic far beyond normal whoring was done to both Megan Fox and Britney Spears. Jim says that guys sometimes do things to young boobless girls..

I suspect Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore as well though Drew Barrymore recovered from it a lot better.

The Cominator says:

Polanski’s girl was 13 and her mother was pimping her out. All involved were shocked that it went legal (as it was basically legal in practiceto fuck teenage girls in the 60s and 70s)… but Polanski must have had enemies and they made it the test case.

The girl never outright said she liked it due to fear of feminists… but clearly since she visits him she liked it.

Red says:

My mistake, she admitted as part of the trial she had started having sex at 11.

i says:

Actually doing something about sex trafficking would involve locking up large numbers of black and Hispanic people, so it’s not going to happen.

Christians are already eroding it away or at least keeping it from becoming more bad than it already is. Girls and little boys have and are being rescued from sex trafficking. At least according to search results and the comment section on this video.

The main character of “Chinatown” could say: “Forget it, its Chinatown”. But not us. And not any of God’s people.

Carte Blanche says:

“Sex trafficking” is a wholly enemy-owned anti-concept, imagined into existence by Puritans and feminists and spread by ignorant or compromised McChristians.

There is no such thing as sex trafficking. There is only prostitution, and what the milk-livered normies now like to call grooming (i.e. pederasty, i.e. faggotry, there is no practical difference between any of the above).

When you say “sex trafficking”, you adopt the frame that prostitutes are victims and pimps and johns are predators. You equate the kidnapping and sodomy of boys, with girls running off to do typical girl things. This equivalence is wrong, and evil, and yet you continue to promote it without repenting or even confessing your sin.

Are you actually Christian, or are you McChristian/Churchian? Why do you continue to sin and be unrepentant of your sins?

The Cominator says:

Does stuff like what happens in the movie “Taken” happen… probably somewhat but its a niche for rich Arabs who want blonde or maybe redhead teenage girls as concubines. Most (as in the vast majority) real trafficking involves gays with little boys as victims like with most real child molesting. A lot of prostitution is eagerly done by women and they don’t have to kidnap them to get them to do it.

Red says:

Women being kidnapped by niggers and being whored out does happen. I remember a case from the 90s a 25 year old white women who stopped for gas in Detroit and was grabbed by a random nigger. She escaped the initial nigger who was whoring her out after a week, she was grab by another group of niggers(literally the first car she ran up to asking for help) who used her the same way, but eventually escaped them as well. Women who don’t want to whored out eventually get away because men always let their guard down around women they’re fucking.

Of course the whole thing could have been avoided if she’d been married had a husband who forbid her from stopping in Detroit. I just got done explaining to a girl I’m dating how car maintenance works and that the reason her car is barley working is she hasn’t gotten the oil changed in like 3 years. Women are really that dumb and need a man to tell them to do basic shit.

I’ve talked to a lot of hookers and everyone of them got into it because a friend or roommate told them it was an easy way to make money or were being pimped out by their “boy friend”. Maybe things are different with street walkers or the alike, but I wouldn’t know.

Historically child brothels were very common where bastard boys and girls where whored out to faggots like John Maynard Keynes who used to go on trips in the Mediterranean to visit those brothels.

Yet another reason faggots need flying lessons off of tall buildings.

Note the sources cited by that article have all been purged or removed. The falsification of history continues.

If McChristians had the balls to do something about abused children they go after CPS that’s stealing young boys and sometimes girls for faggots. But the McChristians I talk to steadfastly refuse to talk about the subject despite it happening right in their backyard. They become quite upset when I mention it.

The Cominator says:

“Women being kidnapped by niggers and being whored out does happen. I remember a case from the 90s a 25 year old white women who stopped for gas in Detroit and was grabbed by a random nigger. She escaped the initial nigger who was whoring her out after a week, she was grab by another group of niggers(literally the first car she ran up to asking for help) who used her the same way, but eventually escaped them as well. Women who don’t want to whored out eventually get away because men always let their guard down around women they’re fucking.”

I mean if you as an a non intelligence agency conmnected type kidnapping a girl to whore her out unwillingly in the US will fail, she will escape and go to the cops. If she knows who you are you’re looking at very very serious charges.

“I’ve talked to a lot of hookers and everyone of them got into it because a friend or roommate told them it was an easy way to make money or were being pimped out by their “boy friend”. Maybe things are different with street walkers or the alike, but I wouldn’t know.”

Some are drug addicts who can’t hold down a job (these are the type you want to avoid who have all the bad stereotypes) but yeah its generally as you say. I’ve had a few non pro girls who when drunk who’ve blurted out that they think becoming a hooker or stripper would be fun (these are generally crazy or semi crazy chicks anyway) I think with those type of girls they just will go down that route with any little amount of encouragement and absent any negative judgement from their family or social circle. This group tends to be fun… the boyfriend or roommate suggestion is just the little bit of social approval the girl needed to get into something she kind of dreamed about doing anyway.

Red says:

I have a real aversion to drug addicts. Addicts are unreliable and can’t be trusted. I’m on team Taliban when it comes to drug use.

The Cominator says:

Hard drug use is not something the state is very effective at stopping unless you form a truly tyrannical all pervasive government ala Mao’s China (the only government to win a war on drugs) but hard drug use has really become a much much bigger thing than it used to be since the beginning of the clownworld era in 2010ish. EVERYONE from New England rich poor white and nig knows multiple people who died. The best the state can do is cultural propaganda…

One thing I noticed is that prior to the clownworld era (whatever stats said) almost every woman who went out to any party or nightlife venue smoked, whatever the stats say it was about 80-90% of them nothing had changed much on this respect since the 50s and 60s. After this period the cancer sticks started to disappear but the number of heroin ODs and fat women went way up.

I think all societies have sorts of drugs of choice… turning the propaganda up to 11 against the cancer sticks seemed to me to have negative consequences. They were certainly a lesser evil than mass obesity and heroin (and now fentanyl).

confused says:

I’ve been trying to understand Musk’s moves with Twitter this past week and came across this:

That outfit is definitely what Musk is wearing in his profile pic. What’s the deal with the upside-down cross? Musk even responded to this tweet so I don’t think it’s faked.

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s definitely real. Supposedly, it’s just an edgy Halloween costume, but proggies and demon worshipers love to tell you the horrible truth in a deniable jokey way, for some twisted reason. Elon says a lot of good things, and a lot of questionable things, but when he says he’s a big fan of the Prince of Lies, even as a joke, it’s worth keeping in mind.

someDude says:

Pertinent to the Christian-Islam alliance against Woke,

Quick summary of the article: Nothing to see here, please keep moving.

Contaminated NEET says:

Longer summary: Wicked evil disgusting Nazi Hitler white males are saying they’re converting to Islam because they’re shifty and stupid, but they’re still disgusting evil violent and low status. They’re nothing at all like our lovely and delightful, if sometimes mischievous, brown Muslim pets who contribute so much to our society, and they don’t count as real Muslims.

Calvin says:

I can understand their motives, but having spent some actual time in the hellholes that Islam creates I can only see this as a very bad sign. If our people fall into that trap we’ll solve the woman question at the cost of permanently regressing into yet another wasteland of cousin-humping, low iq brown savages devoid of culture, history, technology, fun, or any worthwhile future. The stars will be forever out of reach.

ten says:

Islam solves all problems in the most retard-proof way possible, pushing the threshold for proliferation down, and so is in a permanent downward cycle.

Red says:

Off topic, Interesting post about someone fired from Boeing(East Asian or Indian mystery meat chick).

I don’t know if the story is true as I would be quite surprised if a black woman would be intelligent enough to know where to blow up data in order to fuck other people over. I would guess she had some help from someone more intelligent if that’s how this actually went down.

Sorry folks, but I need to vent…I quit my job as an Aerodynamicist at Boeing today.

Just a week short of ten years.

The path to today started back in summer 2021, when a new employee named Jamal (his real name, folks) was assigned to my aerodynamics engineering section. Before Jamal, everybody in aero possessed engineering & related science degrees (physics in my case), some of us had an MS, and our lead held a Ph.D.. Jamal held a degree in “Aerospace Science Engineering”, which we ultimately learned was an extremely, extremely, extremely watered down version of an Engineering Technology program.

My department head was told by his leadership that Jamal was “going to be an aerodynamicist”, despite having only indoctrination-level exposure to the discipline (basic aero, at Tuskeegee U, is given during the junior year). Totally not an affirmative action hire, right?

In the year the followed, we steadily kept Jamal from the critical work which he proved from day one complete lack of understanding. We had him doing only basic data entry in Excel. He was literally useless to us in every way.

Back in May, shortly after trying to get Jamal reassigned to a different section, our section lead was terminated by the company after serving 29 years. They told us that he “started his retirement early”. While this is factually accurate, it was glaringly evident that for stating our collective concern for Jamal, our boss was painted as a racist, and forced out. Because diversity.

Not even a week later, we received our new boss, “Miss Shanika”, as she wanted us to address her as. She wasn’t even an engineer by education or trade. She was a redundant data archival specialist. You can’t make this up.

For those tuned in, to give you a clue to her ethnicity, White, Asian and Hispanic women aren’t named “Shanika”, nor do we casually tell people to precede our first names with a salutation.

Within days, “Miss Shanika”, looking out solely for her own kind, made ‘Jamal the Useless’ team lead of my project, demoting me. I was told that “he earned the opportunity”. Four days later, approximately 724GB of MatLab-processed wind tunnel & CFD data was rendered unuseable. It took three of us to find out that the code script somehow got fucked up. The worst part was that Shanika threw the three of us under the bus for the data corruption, complete with written repremands, and given a timeline to fix it. Fortunately, we had a copy of the script and was able to reprocess the data, fully completing the sub-project two weeks ago.

But happened to Jamal? Well, just a week after we unfucked the mess, he was given commendation directly from Boeing corporate leadership for “Unparralleled Excellence in Leadership, for going above & beyond by finding a problem in data and fixing it, saving the company untold time and millions in the process!”

Here, as they say, is where it gets kinda interesting…

One of my colleagues found out why/how/when…and who, fucked it all up. It wasn’t Jamal. Rather, it was Shanika who did it, from the comfort of her own home (according to IT).

Yeap, that’s right, folks- gigabytes worth of data; company intellectual property worth tens of millions of dollars, was deliberately sabotaged in a blatant effort to promote an undereducated, totally incompetent token employee, and make us out to be the bad guys.

Last Thursday, after corroborating this, we tendered a full report to security, legal and senior leadership, complete with sworn statements and supporting evidence. We also knew what could happen, and prepared accordingly.

Shortly after lunch today, we (the three of us) were summoned by senior management. We were accused of multiple accounts of “demonstrating overt disrespect to both Jamal and our ‘boss’ by way of making verbal statements and displaying materials demeaning towards African-Americans”, “attempted sabotage of company property”, and, of course, “filing a false complaint”. We three were given until close of business to submit our resignations. We immediately reached into our colleagues binder, and handed over the resignation letters we prepared over the weekend. We were escorted back to our desks to gather our belongings, turned in our badges, and walked out.

Less than two weeks after affirmative action was effectively shot down, Boeing, a multi-billion dollar business, doubled down. They literally chose two uneducated token negroids over an MIT grad, a Cal Poly grad, and a Stanford grad. Our former boss who was “retired” for the same thing we did, was a distinguished graduate of the University of Moscow, and before Boeing, was a noted and influential engineer at TsAGI (Central Aero & Hydrodynamics Institute) in Russia.

I know we will be vindicated in due course, but Boeing can’t pay us enough to go back. Let them eat cake.

Not too sure what my next steps will be, but all I can say is Wow. Just Wow.

Red says:

Damn, Jim posted this like 20 minutes before me:

Calvin says:

Probably gonna wanna avoid flying on any future Boeing aircraft.

Red says:

You’re going to not want to fly at all:

“All-Black women crew operates American Airlines flight from Dallas in honor of trailblazer Bessie Coleman”

Hesiod says:

Turbulence with phat beats.

Kunning Druegger says:



Mayflower Sperg says:

Hehe, maybe your old boss will go back to Moscow and hire you guys to design missiles there.

I saw a report in the jews media that military recruitment numbers are way down, and it’s because there are so many great jobs in the private sector that the military can’t compete. They showed a boot camp filled with a dog’s dinner of diversity and showcased a black single mother of four as the soldier of the future.

What are these “great jobs in the private sector”? One recruiter tweeted that he saw a white kid standing by the roadside in 96-degree heat wearing a puffy duck costume and waving a sign, offered him $30,000 to join the Army, and was told to “fuck off”.

Pax Imperialis says:

USMC Officer Candidate School is still largely White (White enough Hispanic) and Christian. Far more so than the diversity stricken Intelligence Community. I don’t know about the other branches, but DoD officer corps might be in the best position among the institutional powers, similar to KGB surviving the Soviet collapse, to take over control of a failed regime.

DoD bureaucracy is getting increasingly paranoid about the political reliability of junior and mid level Officers. The contracts have gotten much more punitive in regards to political activity and it’s creating quiet resentment. They might end up creating what they fear.

anonymous mouse says:

fyi: “La’an Noonien-Singh” is the name of a Star Trek character. Obviously this guy is not going to use his real name.

Cloudswrest says:

This is just too stereotypical

Jamal and Miss Shanika

anonymous mouse says:

The memes are real

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like I’m late to this party.

Fidelis says:

So stereotypical in fact I’m sure it’s fake. Well, actually, I’m sure its fake because no Miss Shanika is writing bash scripts in some Machiavellian ploy to give her co-ethnic a promotion. That’s not how they go about things.

Cloudswrest says:

This thought occurred to me also.

Red says:

You’re assuming Shanika didn’t have help from some Jew from HR.

alf says:

The usual rule goes: when strangers post sensational stories on social media, it is bullsh*t until proven otherwise.

In this case:
– account created July 2023
– first post: Hitler did nothing wrong
– ninth post: Jamal and miss Shanika

tingles my stranger danger alarm.

Carte Blanche says:

Something definitely smells off about the whole thing. It reads less like a story of diversity hiring run amok and more like how a fednat imagines that a Jewish or Brahmin conspiracy might operate. Didn’t even spell “Shaniqua” correctly.

Diversity destroys via laziness, greed, incompetence, infighting and a plethora of other social and economic failures; not carefully-planned Machiavellian conspiracies to strategically eliminate individual whites… or hapas in this case. Shaniqua does not make intentional changes to complex scripts to trigger systemic data corruption. Shaniqua is ON 👏 HER 👏 BREAK 👏.

Next I’m sure he’ll tell us that the supposedly airtight evidence he and his colleagues collected is no longer in their possession, because they turned over the original copy in that meeting just before resigning and have no other copies, so whaddaya whaddaya? No lawsuit, no discovery, no leaked documents, just take it on faith because it’s the kinda thing that might happen.

And of course, HGG and the passengers of his loser cruiser don’t bother to do one nanosecond of digging; one click to the user’s profile clearly says “American of Japanese descent”, along with a name and picture that’s obviously a Star Trek parody. But fact-checking is hard, so let’s assume this hapa man is actually a brown woman.

But that’s just the opinion of a natural skeptic. Let’s put it in the maybe pile and wait for some evidence.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Didn’t even spell “Shaniqua” correctly.

Not a good point. Implying niggers can spell “Shaniqua” correctly. They often can’t. Shanika and Shaneka are common misspellings.

On the other hand, there’s a lot about the profile that is really weird even by (heh) Japanese standards.

Some of you replied to me as Mister. Let’s clear the air- I am a woman.

This is weird in light of this autistically masculine over specificness:

I am what some of you would refer to as a ‘hapa’, hafu, eurasian, etc. I am Half White, Half Japanese, was born in Osaka, Japan, and came here when I was five.

which starts to come off as a parody when combined with:

To those who cannot handle that, just consider that Asians hate Jews & blacks as much as Whites do…if not more. Japan was part of the Axis, too.

(bolded part, reddit language?)

Yeah, Asians don’t like Blacks, but it’s something they don’t talk about publicly. They aren’t really anti Jewish either. It’s mostly indifference or reverence of their skill at academia nepotism. It’s also weird in conjunction with her anti-race mixing between White and Asians post which almost entirely comes from full blooded Asian incel males. Not even Hapa males who I see increasingly mixing with the Whiter Hispanics (what do you even call those?). And I’ve never seen Hapa females complaining either.

For those who asked, I got my Physics & Mathematics Degrees from Stanford University. Worked my ass off, and all my school loans have long since been paid back. Once I did that, I flew for the Air Force, then did it part time with the ANG, and resigned my commission on January 6, 2021, the day Biden was declared the “winner”.

A part Japanese female Mathematics Stanford graduate pilot Boeing Engineer with the social indignation of Asian male incel and masculine autistic characteristics? Granted, I’m a bit of a unicorn myself, but this is just too unusually unlikely.

To give poster the benefit of the doubt, it very well could be some guy slightly fudging identifying information in order to throw off potential retaliation/being tracked and doxxed (but why the hell bring up the lawsuit then). This laansingh1701 comes off as parody.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Not even Hapa males who I see increasingly mixing with the Whiter Hispanics (what do you even call those?)

Castizos (a portmanteau of Castillian + mestizo)

Carte Blanche says:

The idea of a half-Asian female claiming to be an American combat pilot turned engineer sounded so ridiculous that I went back to try to confirm the “female” part for myself, since that wasn’t in the user’s profile and I just assumed male, which was at least halfway plausible.

Lo and behold, it’s all gone now. Deleted. So yeah, fake, probably a prank.

Aryaman says:

fake because,

They literally chose two uneducated token negroids over an MIT grad, a Cal Poly grad, and a Stanford grad. Our former boss who was “retired” for the same thing we did, was a distinguished graduate of the University of Moscow, and before Boeing, was a noted and influential engineer at TsAGI (Central Aero & Hydrodynamics Institute) in Russia.

no one wants their aircraft to be designed by anyone that went to stanford. stanford accepts dumb black people is well known but it also accepts a lot of dumb white people and dumb asians. In fact, they have a good argument they’re not doing racial discrimination on account of the fact they don’t favor smart whites over dumb whites (and therefore the fact they admit dumb blacks isn’t evidence of much).

i want stuff i care about to be designed by the guy who did great in curved mechanics and chemistry classes at the university of texas where his admission and scholarship were by rule guaranteed (obviously even university of texas is horrible, and universities are horrible, but that is as close to a smart aerospace engineer as you are going to get).

probably a russian shill of some kind. who is not literally right, but is seriously right.

Sounds Fake says:

Yeah that article sounded a little fake, high up corporate techs don’t really write like that, and you know Shaniqua didn’t merit, else she would have changed her name out of self-respect soon as she got that paper.

Anyway, hear are some real ass niggers and spics actually speaking truth, telling the worthless Democrats and jackass Biden to fuck right off with their pandering victim bullshit. The USA might actually become a good country if these 43% stand up niggers would wake up, tell the Dems they tired of all that shit, and vote Repub. Fucking Dems been doing the negro bad ever since before they did the KKK mob on them.

Do you approve or disapprove of Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action?

White: 65% approve, 23% disapprove
Hispanics: 45%-30%
Blacks: 43%-36%

Both sexes, all races, every age group, every level of income. All reject race-based governance. Overall, 59% of respondents approved of the Supreme Court ruling vs. 27% who disapproved.

Just think if you could get the Democrats to pay “reparations”, as slaves from their own pockets, for the direct damage Democrats, BLM, Antifa, Gays and the rest of their Socialist armies have done, including from Soros, Gates, Fauci, Zuckerburg, Schwab, etc.

Now that Biden is declared dead, they’re trying to put that gay slicker Newsom in office with that pedo fag Buttgig as VP.

Sounds Fake says:

The worst part of that survey was the white percentages… like literally 30% of whites want to give themselves as affirmative slaves to non-whites. Lol.

A White without White Pride is the same as a Black without Black Pride… worthless upon the earth and subservient to all others.

Pax Imperialis says:

You’re not merely dealing with Whites without White Pride. You’re dealing with Whites with racial masochism. They actively hate themselves and wish to suffer, but only theoretically. When it comes time for Whites to suffer it nearly always tends to be right wing Whites. Funny how that works.

Calvin says:

They may hate themselves (and rightfully so) but it’s you they want to suffer. Important distinction to make.

Sounds Fake says:

Don’t know. Well maybe, because White Repubs are kinda being too nice and foolish “christians” instead doing it merit based, but those burbanites dont have much problems between them anymore.
But it’s USA White Dems are falling all over themselves, taking knees, giving blacks free shit, etc. Yeah it’s all a show to get more power at the top, and filled with their socialist white-negro comrade events at the street level, yet it’s still your white teen daughter out on the street taking black dick.
And euro white leftys soon taking mass suffering by the millions in form of Muslim Rule..
The real white christians were the crusaders who threw the first Muslim Invasion largely back out of Europe, not invited them in like the fake left ones are doing today.

Not as if it matters, whites are outnumbered worldwide, and unless they wake up and do a good old fashioned revoking of citizenship, exporting back across border, and purging to clear their lands of the filth they let in, yeah, they’ll be suffering bad in a few decades.

Bukele rounded up his filth, and Orban, and Russia, and maybe it’s Sweden that still allows Quran burning… so there’s still hope.

In USA news it’s still somehow legal to refuse baking cakes for gays, but not housing for non-white non-citizens. Sell your rentals for a cakeshop.

Sounds Fake says:

Speaking crusaders…
Does anyone believe the old Pope’s did that glory.

Now today’s Pope is on TV inviting and bowing before Mohammedan Sheikh’s and Ayatollah’s and going on walks of love with them in the flower gardens.
These dumb fool Pope’s are marking the very minute of their own death by the Arab sword.

Talk about inviting suffering.

Calvin says:

I know a guy who’s been unironically considering a move to El Salvador just to get the hell away from it all.

Skippy says:

The UK is smashing Muslims, of course not with the hammer of Martel, but the pen of Prog. Muslims will never will rule. This sort of thing belongs in 2014. Progs are not weak. They are in power because they are strong. They are not going to give power to Muslims, and Muslims will not be able to take it. They will keep an increasingly Progified brown mass around as a militia to use against their opponents, just as they do in USA.

Karl says:

Look at the current Prime Minister of UK, look at the current Mayor of London. Aren’t they Muslims?

Calvin says:

Mayor is, PM is a Hindu. But you should know perfectly well that both are puppets of the bureaucratic apparatus.

Karl says:

Of course they are puppets of the bureaucratic apparatus, but in my view they are also part of that bureaucratic apparatus.

There is no one in charge of the bureaucratic apparatus. Everyone in it is a puppet with a tiny shred of influence over the other puppets.

Mayflower Sperg says:

As usual, the progressives’ most powerful weapons are smartphones and female sexuality. Get Muhammad’s daughters hooked on Tinder, and Islam dies.

Until Vatican II it looked like Catholics were going to take over the world with their high birth rates. Sixty years after that debacle, Catholic countries are littered with thousands of decaying ghost towns.

Corrupt The Muslim Woman With Dick says:

Targeting sex party music weed and free lifestyle messaging at Muslim daughters can help… if you know Muslims, lots of them bang non-Muslim music privately in their cars. But the rest are still strict about limiting it to Islamic and non-controversial stuff, the culture is still too uptight, superiority complex, policed, racist, and Islamic.

Ever try to fuck a Muslim woman, it’s pretty hard. She’s always afraid someone from her ‘community’ will see her out with a non-Muslim guy. Which of course means both your deaths by stoning, or the local pain in the ass they can get away with.
So your only thing left to do is invite her over, she won’t accept unless there are no Muslim homes in sight, and if there are none, then your chances of fucking immediately go way up. Though without context in which you’re already chatgaming her a lot such as at work, invites earn no’s.
They’re obsessed with luxury, so a hotel travel trip is another, but again, any possibility of Muslim police and it’s a no.
You’re also not going to get a Hijabi unless you’re willing to say Shahada (leaving risks death) and do Temporary Marriage and give the Mahr.

Muslim women also don’t have the White Girl taboo challenging fetish for Black dick… Muslims think Negroes (and Jews) are permanently unclean and uncleanable filth, unless they’re Muslim, but they’re still very racist against them.

Muslim women actually hold White men in at least some curios regard, Muhammad’s whiteness is a virtue in their texts.

When the Muslim women fall en masse to the same low level as banged out American Black ghetto baby mamas, that will be one marker of success.
And it would be hilarious glory to find a way to corrupt the Muslim man to marry say Jewish or Chinese women.

Anyhow, if you’re White, it’s plainly advantageous to keep and raise White women, the more the better, even become a Mormon to multiply your win.

jim says:

> They’re obsessed with luxury,

Not exactly. Rather, wealthy Muslim males tend to be quite alpha, unlike wealthy white males. Money is in itself no substitute for alpha. You have to use money to buy alpha cred, a bodyguard that you dominate, a driver that you dominate, put on an event where the host rules and you are the host. (Which tends to bring out the horney little chicks with no boobs.)

Contaminated NEET says:

That’s certainly the proggies’ plan, and it’s not a bad one, but we’ll see. Golems have a tendency to turn on their creators, and bringing in foreigners to win domestic contests has a long history of blowing up in the schemers’ faces. Right now the progs look like the better bet, as always, but Gnon has a lot of affection for those hot-blooded brown cousin-fuckers.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Both sexes, all races, every age group, every level of income. All reject race-based governance.

The cows’ opinion is not going to determine how the farm is managed, no matter what those numbers are. The Great and the Good want AA, therefore there will be AA, and complaining about it only proves you’re a loser who couldn’t overcome a little handicap in the name of sportsmanship, like they did. SCOTUS has made its decision, now let it enforce it.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“The cows’ opinion is not going to determine how the farm is managed, no matter what those numbers are. The Great and the Good want AA, therefore there will be AA, and complaining about it only proves you’re a loser who couldn’t overcome a little handicap in the name of sportsmanship, like they did. SCOTUS has made its decision, now let it enforce it.”

The jews are running out of high tech ammo.

Contaminated NEET says:

So what? They’re not fighting Sovereign Citizens with smart bombs and F-35s. Tax liens, HR policies, TV ads, and the occasional officer’s service pistol seem to keep us all under their thumb just fine.

Carte Blanche says:

The USA might actually become a good country if these 43% stand up niggers would wake up, tell the Dems they tired of all that shit, and vote Repub. Fucking Dems been doing the negro bad ever since before they did the KKK mob on them.

Dems R the Real Racists so vote harder frenz!

Recapping reality: even if elections were still decided by voters, which they aren’t, and even if the blacks and browns could in their wildest dreams imagine voting for a Republican, which they can’t, and even if the Republican party consisted of more than just grifters and carnies, which it doesn’t, it still would not make any difference because that is not where power emanates from.

Recall that Republicans have on multiple occasions controlled all 3 branches of government and still failed to reverse any left-wing policy, no matter how small or trivial.

Power concentrates in Harvard – the umbrella term that refers to both the institution itself as well as the culture, ideology, tribal identity and networks that capture >95% of American and international elites. From there it diffuses to the press, the NGOs, the SPLACs, the HR departments and the permanent government bureaucracy. Politicians are nowhere on this flow chart. They’re a circus act, mostly staged, at best a trailing indicator of elite opinion, and a loose measure of public opinion only in the sense that public opinion also trails elite opinion. Politics in America are a way for the already-powerful to virtue-signal to each other and trade favors. You are not a cast member, and increasingly not even an audience member.

Republicans vs. Democrats is old, tired and gay. Trying to get pox to vote Republican is even older, tireder and gayer. Trump had an opportunity to convert the Republican Party from the de facto Rural and Lower-Middle-class White Party to the de facto Universal White Party, but in the end he flinched, because like every other Boomer before him, he was terrified of being branded a racist. The opportunity has since passed, the Republic is dead and gone, and dementia patients and stroke victims win elections with 124% of the voter turnout. It does not matter what happens in DC anymore; you cannot resuscitate a corpse.

We should be immune to this silly outrage porn by now. It’s why Jim normally doesn’t follow current events. Invites the sort of unproductive feminine gossip that erodes memetic sovereignty. Chronicling the decline, using it to learn the essential ingredients of civilization, these are valuable exercises; impotent rage or worse, impotent snark, not so much.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Instead of impotent rage, I savor the delicious irony that the elite that defeated the American people is now losing a war to a second-world country whose only advantage is that it’s not ruled by Jews, niggers, and homosexuals. Even better, that regime cannot negotiate, cannot accept defeat, cannot de-escalate, and cannot win. They will mindlessly fight Russia until they are all killed.

This will tear a huge hole in the IQ bell curve as the midwits die in their urban enclaves, while the rural simpletons and high-IQ nerds, the latter having realized years ago that cities were death traps and left, struggle to communicate and build a new society not based on liberalism.

Or maybe, through some powerful mechanism invisible to us, the war will suddenly and quietly end, like feminism in 1933, the New Deal in 1939, and Covid in 2022.

Life of the Censor says:

The number one rule of the censor is:
– Never allow his own safespace worldview to be disrupted, questioned, or challenged. Never allow himself to be forced to admit his own wrong think or action. Further, the mere idea that anyone could have any thought different from his own is not only viewed as absurd, but when he sees others speaking, it triggers abject fear in, and direct psychological panic shutdown of, his own mind. The censor literally goes into a catatonic rocking state often accompanied by drooling, typically right after unleashing a tirade of ‘delete’ clicks on all posts counter to his own ideology.

The number two rule of the censor is:
– Never allow his cultivated underling body of readers to ever see anything that might disrupt his worldview. Because they are the ones he leeches life support energy from to survive. He grooms them into being a cacophany of feedback funnels that reinforce his own sheltered views. He drafts and turns them into his own army of typists that beat down all other views with all manner of written attacks well known by operators. His typist army avoiids engaging thought and reason in debating fact or merit of posts info presented, because they have no answer and their arguments would be refuted, so they must dodge the post content and resort to attacks. The censors job is to limit the exposure of the army that he uses to feed and protect himself, to alternative facts such that they never be subject to idealogical conversion, while allowing just enough of alternative views through so that they trigger and wage defensive war for him.

This is the sad affair and pathetic life of the censor, his rotten mind, and cult of followers.

jim says:

You cannot have a discussion on the internet that commits thought crimes unless it is moderated, because it will be disrupted by an army of state sponsored shills who attempt to drown out signal with noise. Flat earthers, McChristians, and fednats on gab being obvious examples.

The point of a forum is discussion. Shills are unresponsive. They do not discuss, they do not respond to argument and evidence with argument or evidence. Their objective, as for example all the fednattery on Gab, being to drown out thought crimes.

The difference between moderation and censorship is that censorship is as you describe it, but moderation attempts to engage the shill and debate his ideas. When the shill does not engage, he is silenced. Observe, for example, my enormous waste of space unsuccessfully attempting to debate Anonymous Fake/Carlylean Restorationist, and earlier, the lengthy and tedious attempt to debate trooferism.

Obviously it would have been better had all these shills been silently deleted, but I allow some of this stuff through repeatedly so that people can learn to recognize and dismiss state sponsored scripts. Builds up the immune system.

Usenet died for lack of moderation.

Mister Grumpus says:

Freedom of speech, freedom of moderation and freedom of censorship.

Pax Imperialis says:

disrupted by an army of state sponsored shills

The Discord experience points to a greater horde of state created Frankenstein NPCs who are even more unresponsive than the shills you get here. Although I guess the difference between state created and state sponsored is a really thin one.

jim says:

> state created Frankenstein NPCs

I do not understand what distinction you are making here.

The inability of the troofers to notice, or respond to anyone noticing, the most compelling evidence for their claim that 9/11 was an inside job, the behavior of Mueller and the FBI in the events leading to 9/11, indicates that their shilling operations reflect direct employment under FBI supervision, with an IT department, an HR department, and a boss, with performance evaluations based on checking and reading their output and counting, but not reading, responses. Albeit is obvious that there are many such organizations, whose objectives are not altogether in harmony. The Ukraine shills are directly employed by the State Department and, the fednats by the state department through Soros, though some, quite a few, are CIA, the Troofers directly by the FBI, and I have no idea who is running the McChristians and the flat earthers. The nationalist honeypots such as are FBI.

The supervisors read their output, but are not allowed to read the responses. I conjecture that a machine calculates engagement.

Pax Imperialis says:

Christians, even fake ones, are seen as too distasteful by the professional DC crowd. They’ll sooner deal with Ukrainian Nazis and the occasional idiot that gets caught in a honeypot. Notice how they try honeypotting nationalists but outright kill tradcaths by sending FBI SWAT? Notice how all the nationalist honeypots are devoid of God? The bureaucratic institutional side of DC refuses to deal with (Mc)Christians.

They’re state created by congress. McChristian Church leaders tend to visit DC to speak the official (outer) party line in congressional hearings. The legislature then carves out vast economic incentives for theology academia to parrot the right ideology and pump out shills. While not directly supervised, they do have academia looking over their shoulders with certain proselytizing expectations. Pretty similar to tranny production, except that starts far younger.

Makes for a far less organized and lower quality output, but much higher quantity, and quantity has a quality of it’s own. It’s possible to easily find McChristian offline in regular life. Likewise, increasingly easy to find trannies too, and they both proselytizing with NPC fervor. In contrast, near impossible to find troofers.

jim says:

Makes sense, but so far I have been unable to find a McChristian that give the affirmation. Carlylean Restorationist/Anonymous Fake can give it, but he is not easily classifiable as any of the regular shilling operations. If you encounter a real life McChristian, rather than on Gab, would probably be able to give it.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If you encounter a real life McChristian, rather than on Gab, would probably be able to give it.

Do you mean this affirmation? That type of affirmation is becoming rather common in the US. US Mil Chaplains are doing similar.

Most priests need an undergraduate degree from an accredited university, typically in religious studies/philosophy, and it’s often the same type of people teaching the undergraduate degrees that are teaching at the theological seminary.

jim says:

Obviously anyone who gives that affirmation worships demons.

The affirmation I had in mind was

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Which obviously the people in your YouTube link would be unable to give. They would fear that if they said those words, they would catch on fire.

Red says:

> If you encounter a real life McChristian, rather than on Gab, would probably be able to give it.

I know plenty of regular McChristains, I’m pretty sure they could all give it. What they can’t do is blaspheme against the great “equality between the sexes and races”, and believe that ownership of humans is evil and generally rejecting that God owns man, husbands own wives and children, because that sounds like slavery and slavery is the ultimate sin. Also Jews should be honored for because of Jesus. The fact that Jews hate them and want them dead is something they refuse to acknowledge no mater how much evidence is presented.

McChristanity at it’s core is attempting to give in to progressives while pretending not to be a progressive in the hope that will shield them from the massive wave dysfunction everyone sees coming from progressives. Lukewarm Christianity is doomed to failure.

jim says:

> I’m pretty sure they could all give it.

Try a McChristian that has a job in the Church. The ordinary McChristians are not shills, they have been duped by shills. But in the Church itself, shills, and what they are shilling is demon worship.

The ordinary McChristian dupe is burning a pinch of incense to the emperor while continuing to worship Christ. The people in that YouTube video are tossing out Christ in favor of the emperor.

When you have an infestation of hostile enemy entryists, you have to find the words they cannot say, and this keeps changing over the centuries, as the enemy cooks up some terribly clever theology that enables him to say those words with a different meaning. Our catechisms should remain eternal, but our tests against enemy entryists need to be adaptive.

Red says:

>Try a McChristian that has a job in the Church. The ordinary McChristians are not shills, they have been duped by shills. But in the Church itself, shills, and what they are shilling is demon worship.

I would bet a bitcoin on that being true. I’ve had a very strong reaction to most churches leadership since I young child. They felt evil to me.

Pax Imperialis says:

The ordinary McChristians are not shills, they have been duped by shills.

I knew what affirmation you had in mind, but what McChristians are affirming often isn’t what you think they are affirming. Multigenerational duping has led to ordinary McChristians to develop shill like tendencies.

>I know plenty of regular McChristains, I’m pretty sure they could all give it.

Perhaps I live in a particularly woke area, or maybe I’m around brahmin too much. Precisely because they can’t blaspheme against the great “equality between the sexes and races,” when they say “Jesus Christ is Lord,” it’s “Jesus Christ the community organizer.” You could pull any number of passages from the New Testament and they would automatically, like NPCs, chant “out of context,” “a bad translation,” etc.

Try a McChristian that has a job in the Church.

One of my former acquaintances was just like that and went on to become a priest. I talked with him a bit over a decade ago when he was getting his degree to qualify for the priesthood. It was all “Jesus wiped away the old covenant therefore Old Testament can be ignored,” “Jesus is love,” “Jesus is kindness,” etc. He makes ~50k preaching heresy half a day on Sundays. All other Church administration is taken care of by volunteers. His church is in a denomination that, in theory, encourages married clergy. He is still unmarried. For a very long time what he did the other 6 and a half days was a mystery to me.

Then I discovered Discord (and McChristian YouTube) the past year or so and found a plethora of theologically well educated claiming to be Christian but spewing all the same crap as my former acquaintance… in servers that also had much porn and high tranny population. I think I’ve finally figured him out. Perhaps he is spending the 6 and a half days shilling on Discord and jacking off.

The state does not directly sponsor priests like him, but academia obviously creates them, and academia is a quasi decentralized state organ. They are controlled not by a leash like other shills, but by a silk chastity belt.

jim says:

> when they say “Jesus Christ is Lord,” it’s “Jesus Christ the community organizer.”

Hence the rest of the affirmation. Someone who is adherent of the Jesus the Jewish Community organizer is going to fear catching on fire if he affirms the divinity and eternity of Christ, for the demon inside them would be hurt and enraged.

jim says:

> The state does not directly sponsor priests like him

Pretty sure it does, in the sense that their agents get paid, through a chain of deniable intermediaries. This kind of shenanigan has been running for four millennia. You think it stopped in the twentieth century?

Red says:

Perhaps I live in a particularly woke area, or maybe I’m around brahmin too much. Precisely because they can’t blaspheme against the great “equality between the sexes and races,” when they say “Jesus Christ is Lord,” it’s “Jesus Christ the community organizer.” You could pull any number of passages from the New Testament and they would automatically, like NPCs, chant “out of context,” “a bad translation,” etc.

I get the “I’ll have to look at the whole context” from McChristains pretty often and they of course never think about it again. It’s their crime think response. Maybe I’m wrong about them being able to say the affirmation. I’ll have to give it a shot and see what happens.

Pax Imperialis says:

Hence the rest of the affirmation.

They’ve hand waved all the rest away by claiming bad translation of the Bible. They use that to justifies all manner of outright rewriting.

According to them, New Testament was always a liberation theology.

jim says:

> They’ve hand waved all the rest away.

Then you know there is a demon inside, whether demons be real or metaphorical, or they are directly answerable to, in the pay of, and under the supervision of, someone who has a demon inside.

Red says:

A good chunk of the comments in that youtube video were paid shills. This isn’t unfunded operation.

Red says:

The left made a big push to infiltrate and take over Evangelical Christianity after the success of the Religious Right in the 80s. This appears to be part of their on going operation.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pretty sure it does, in the sense that their agents get paid, through a chain of deniable intermediaries. This kind of shenanigan has been running for four millennia. You think it stopped in the twentieth century?

Yes, there was and is a chain of deniable intermediaries, but it’s far from being a tight ship like Patriot Front and other shilling operations. Like the analogy I used, the difference between a leash and silk chastity belt.

There’s also enough automatic brain dead donation from the laity as the collection basket gets passed down for an entire ecosystem to form. Semi closed off, financially self sustaining, system. A thousand heresies bloomed from perhaps only a few dozen state sponsored ones.

Without direct state sponsorship, organizations like Patriot Front would cease to exist the next day, whereas woke churches will carry on until they are actively crushed, or hopefully die out (a long time) due to low fertility rates.

jim says:

> it’s far from being a tight ship like Patriot Front and other shilling operations

I am pretty sure it is a very rigid tight ship (or rather at least two and probably more very tight ships with similar but slightly different objectives) and if anyone should deviate from script in the minutest particular, he loses his income and his house, and if he deviates significantly, photos will appear of him naked in a pile of naked people passing around crack and small boys. What makes you think it is not a tight ship?

Pax Imperialis says:

What makes you think it is not a tight ship?

Like academia, in the American priesthood (the Catholics and Anglicans, being the exceptions do run very tight ships) it’s possible to keep one’s head down and disengage while still consuming tremendous resources. These ships are very leaky in that sense. From personal experience, there’s much dead weight. My general sense is that more than a third are riding the tiger as Evola would put it. The efficacy of such strategy is admittedly debatable.

This is unlike the stories I’ve heard from family members in IC about operations where active participation in certain rituals was mandatory at all levels. See what Azov brigade requires all initiates. To a much lesser degree and far more gentlemanly, and much more antiquated, see what Freemasons require all members to affirm.

I did not have to affirm anything to enter and graduate with university degrees. This is changing to an extent with required DEI pledges; something I would point out is recognition by leftists that the ships are quite leaky. It is also true in many American churches. I was never asked formally, in front of the laity, in many different churches, to ever affirm anything or even reveal my baptism status. Mandatory public confession of faith has been banished. From what I hear from acquaintances who’ve become priests or other Church functionaries, it’s much of the same for them as well. Yes, that was in service of entryism, but it has also cut both ways. I’ve noticed many have refused to affirm the official party line on the holiness of transgenderism preferring to remain quiet.

Admittedly, this is not a strong argument being based purely on anecdote and gut feeling, but it’s not like I, or anyone for that matter, can openly survey and study this. Just as Caesar couldn’t assess his chances when crossing the Rubicon, sometimes gut feeling is all one has to go on… that and a strong faith.

jim says:

> I did not have to affirm anything to enter and graduate with university degrees.

The university entrance essay is not exactly an affirmation, being free form. But we all know what has to be in the essay, even though no one is allowed to say the requirements out loud.

> many have refused to affirm the official party line on the holiness of transgenderism preferring to remain quiet.

The priest cannot say “groomer” and the churches are vanishing.

Pax Imperialis says:

But we all know what has to be in the essay, even though no one is allowed to say the requirements out loud.

For most universities, it’s not what has to be in the essay but what can’t be in the essay. This is being changed.

Quietly knowing is different from mandatory loudly saying. In 1980s Soviet Union, people were allowed to quietly know what couldn’t be said without having to loudly say what should be said. By 91 the Soviet Union was gone. Stalin’s Russia was an incredibly tight ship where everyone had to public affirm communism, often even prior to execution. Chernenko’s Russia not so much.

This is the distinction between a tight ship and a loose ship. Why leftists have been working very hard to compel speech in recent years. They can feel the ship might not be nearly as tight as they’d like for their own security.

There is potential that a successful coup would find a lot less resistance than initially feared, but that would require actually crossing the Rubicon rather than fishing.

jim says:

> it’s not what has to be in the essay but what can’t be in the essay.

This used to be true, but has not been true for some considerable time.

Pax Imperialis says:

It was true when I first went to college which was some time ago, but not considerably long ago. Checking the common application essay questions, they’re still the same milquetoast questions everyone bullshits on.

Most of the colleges in the top 50, but not top 10, are effectively degree mills which allow for plenty of dissidents to fly under the radar fairly easy. Outside the top 50, they’re all effectively degree mills.

I managed to avoid having to take any diversity/gender/etc courses during my time in a top 50 uni, and I know guys currently in several top 50 colleges managing to do the same. There are rapidly emerging efforts to change this, so things could look radically different in as little as one generation.

I’m not disagreeing with you on principle, but I do think you’re off on the timing, but within margin of error on a historical basis.

Vlad says:


jim says:

I say I am keeping out government shills attempting to drown out signals they do not like with meaningless noise.

You say I am censoring.


Are you a government shill? Give us the Christian affirmation, the Soros test, and the WQ test.

If you can, obviously I am censoring.

If you cannot, then obviously I am not censoring.

I repeatedly asked you what Soros has been up to, and you repeatedly replied that you hate the guys with funny hats and the guy who runs the pawnshop, and Soros is one of those guys.

No he is not, and he hates them also.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Suppose he gives you the Christian affirmation, the Soros test, and the WQ test, followed by, “Of course I don’t believe any of this, I’m just saying it so I’ll be allowed to post on Jim’s Blog. Please don’t fire me, Miss Shaniqua, I need this job.” Does that get through?

jim says:

Sure it does, but he actually has to write the thought crimes down. He cannot do that, because his supervisor is apt to read his stuff, and may not be exposed to thought crimes.

Also, he can act like a rational being instead of an npc, and write the thought crimes down, and explain why they are wrong, in a way that responds to the actual content of the thought crimes. That would be a pass with flying colors.

FrankNorman says:

Whether he gets through or not, he probably gets fired.

Vlad says:

Lol these shill tests are stupid. First because I doubt your 12 regular readers warrant an army of fedposting. Two because they’re arbitrary I’ve repeatedly answered all sorts of your tests in ways that would end my life if public but not the right answer. Everyone knows what soros is up to. [*barefaced whitewash lies about Soros deleted yet again*].

[*usual endlessly deleted shill payload deleted*]

jim says:

You can prove I am censoring by disagreeing with the thought crime position by arguing against it, rather than by pretending that no one anywhere ever could possibly ever think such thoughts and say such things.

You could easily prove I am censoring, not moderating. You don’t have to agree with the Christian affirmation, the truth about Soros, female misconduct, and all that. But, to prove I am censoring, you need to respond with a response that notices that I do think those things, that a great many people do think those things.

I have responded to the standard shill lies about Soros far too many times already, and am not going to do it yet again.

You write as if everyone, including me, already agrees with those lies, you argue from fake consensus, as if no one anywhere ever thought otherwise, though the number of people that believe the official story about Soros is probably no more than the number of people that believe that Biden got more votes than Obama, a small handful of faithful true believers in woke, similar to the number of people who showed up at Biden rallies. Not only do I not believe that stuff, I find it very hard to believe that you believe it any more than I do. Soros is not a “great trader”. He is a money laundry for the American government.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*cape waving deleted*]

jim says:

Gasing men who wear funny hats is not going to trouble Globohomo. The Ukraine Nazis are the biological, ideological, and organisational descendants of the guys who did gas the men in funny hats. And now they are going to die.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Your philosemitism has never been more blatant. Keep it up Shlomo, your nose gets bigger when you tell the truth.

jim says:

Ah yes, noticing that women are women and men are men is horribly philosemitic.

And since you are so worried about Jews, how about telling us what Soros, Blinken, Nuland, and Kagan have been up to lately. I seem to recall that I have mentioned several times that I am very disturbed and upset by what those Jews are up to. Not much bothered by what Epstein was up to. The whores wanted to whore, and the people he blackmailed deserved to be blackmailed.

Of course whoremongering, pimping, pandering, and procuring are very wicked activities, but arranging the deaths of what is already north of a hundred thousand seems a bit worse. Also might get my offspring nuked, while Epstein has done no harm to me or mine. And you are strangely unable to use the words whoremongering, pimping, pandering, and procuring, and strangely unable to talk about the evil deeds that led to the deaths of over a hundred thousand, and will probably be more like four hundred thousand before the dust settles, assuming the dust does settle rather than going all the way to nukes.

How can you rant on and on and on about Jews, while never using such words, and never discussing the war in the Ukraine?

Your message is that the virgin shortage is caused by those men in funny hats. No it is not. I well know who is causing it.

Getting rid of Jews helped Hitler solve the faggot problem, but he also had to address the faggot problem rather more directly. Getting rid of the Jews did absolutely nothing to help with the woman problem.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

You do realise people can SEE the comment I was replying to, right?

You don’t get to just meme it into a straw man of your choice. Just stick to censorship you jewish paedo faggot.

jim says:

It says “participation trophy”. You understood that to mean that degrees are participation trophies. Which was not what Pax Imperialis was saying, he was making a broader point that includes degrees. And yes, they are participation trophies. When they removed analogies from the Sat, that was obvious to everyone.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I just had the same experience I’ve had here dozens of times before: you replied to something about ‘participation trophies’.
My first thought was “well I can’t really think of any situation where I’d be in disagreement about that”, so I went back and checked what the hell you were even talking about.
As always, you’re just lying. I wasn’t replying to Tax Inebrialis and as far as I can tell, never even mentioned meritocracy, affirmative action, lowering standards or anything of the sort.

Your tactic is to muddy the waters so that actual points you don’t want and can’t refute are simply watered down and washed away.

That’s precisely what a Jew would do: it’s the same phenomenon Hitler was talking about in “My Struggle”. Just like Hitler, when I started out I found anti-semitism cringe and retarded: these are just high IQ white men with a different religion that happen to be successful because they’re so focused and competent – opposition to them must come from a left-wing place!
As our Uncle put it, “gradually I began to hate them”.

“The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn’t help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.”

jim says:

You were pushing your usual wagon.

And since you are saying Joo Joo Joo, can you tell us about the Blinken-Nuland-Kagan-Soros plot for another brother war, and Soros’s role in it. You don’t seem to be a Soros shill – some other shill group, but probably just as Jewish, hence unlikely to be able to mention what powerful Jews are doing now.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Just curious, what is the next brother-war Nuland-Kagan-Soros-Blinken are planning? China vs. Taiwan? Recreate the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and send it to war against Russia?

jim says:

Putin believes the latter. Polish Lithuanian commonwealth gets part of western Ukraine, or all of it. He says that is OK, if they make peace, but if they continue the war on Russia, everything is up for grabs.

The president of Belarus is not so nice about it. His deal with Putin is that any Nato troops in the Ukraine are legitimate targets, that if Poland annexes part of Ukraine into Nato, war is on, and should that war spill into Belarus, then it spills into Poland.

This is more a difference in nuance and ambiguity between Putin and Lukashenko, than a flat out disagreement on what to do.

Lukashenko’s position is that Nato annexation is war, Putin’s position that war is on the table, depending.

someDude says:

Does Singh sit next to your desk? Or do you WFH?

Kunning Drueger says:

Wouldn’t it be deliciously ironic if they both worked in the same call center in Nevada lol

Dharmicreality says:

You mean She/Her Singh. Use the correct pronouns dawg.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for your usual global American Empire payload, which everyone has seen and is sick of*]

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for all the same reasons as before*]

Gedeon says:

[*scam spam deleted*]

jim says:

No one here is dumb enough to invest in that.

Carte Blanche says:

Without moderation, you get Gab and /pol/.

Both are an improvement on platforms wholly controlled by our enemies. Both are also infested with bots, shills, carnies, losers, e-thots, and a hundred other variants of trash which make hunting for useful content an exercise in frustration, and for some, a full-time occupation.

Online anarchy doesn’t work any better than offline anarchy. Need a dictator and army capable of physically removing undesirables, and a priesthood to establish the norms of virtue. There are no exceptions. The walled garden eventually fails without sufficient maintenance; the unwalled garden is immediately ravaged by pests.

I only regret that current IP technology naively incorporates high-trust expectations, which makes it impossible to remove you on a permanent basis. Eventually we will have anonymous but verifiable identities, and only your cats will hear your whining.

SJ says:

I’m not censored and I personally believe all kinds of things everyone here would consider crazy. I think it’s more likely than not that 911 was a false flag, I think outer space is fake and it’s more likely than not that their is a dome over the earth, I go to the grocery store and all the makeup and hair models look like trannies to me. Hell I look at the queen of England and that’s a guy. But do I have any proof? Nope. Do I have any need to bother anyone else with this stuff? Nope. It doesn’t have anything to do with NRX, with my desire for a stationarity bandit, for my desire for a no voice free exit system, or any of the other stuff.

And hey I’ve posted some of those opinions here, and when someone says provide proof I have to say the truth. I don’t have any proof. Was I censored? Nope. I agree with our host. The only reason to spam stupid shit with no evidence or proof is to derail discussion.

Vlad says:

Wrong I simply argue for other interpretations of topic at hand. For instance I disagree with Jim that [*usual lies about our positions deleted yet again*]

jim says:

In order to disagree with me, with neoreaction, with the alt right, you have to admit that we think what we actually do think and say what we actually do say, and then explain to us why what we say is wrong.

Which you are strangely unable to do.

If you are able to disagree with us, then I am censoring debate and disagreement. If you are strangely unable to disagree with us, I am moderating noise from shills that is merely an attempt to derail discussion and drown out signal with noise. If you are strangely unable to tell us what you are disagreeing with, you are not disagreeing, but just manufacturing noise to drown out thoughts the government does not like.

Kunning Drueger says:

SJ, you are the poaster I want to be when I grow up.

Starman says:

Grug tribe say yes to gold doobloons. Grug no trust long nose tribe and their invisible lightning demons. They claim to offer riches but Grug saw dream. In it long nose tribe make everyone take lightning demons inside them. And for a while all were rich. But then long noses began chanting spells and lightning demons started drinking the people’s blood. “social credit score” the noses chanted again and again and the people suffered. Grug woke up with cold sweat. Grug tribe now has bigger clubs with spikes bought from Northern Bear tribe the noses are at war with secretly using the Hohol tribe and the Great Fat tribe from beyond the great sea, for long nose tribe is evil and powerful but only in hiding and secrets.
So Grug tribe say to jimblog, no lightning demon. Only gold doobloons. Safe.

Dr. Faust says:

Yah I like gold too so why not both?

Starman says:

@Dr. Faust

‘Yah I like gold too so why not both?”

Grug tribe see academic fail “breakfast test” for academics.

Kunning Druegger says:

Not really an argument.

How would you feel if you hadn’t volunteered to carry semen water for the GAE?

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

““Not really an argument. [FAILS “BREAKFAST TEST” FOR ACADEMICS]”

Mediocre pseudo-academic detected.

Holy shit, kalogerosstilitis’s post really works.

Fidelis says:

It’s ironic how much he’s acting out your namesake. He doesn’t even understand what the “breakfast test” is signifying in the first place while he gloats.

Dr. Faust says:

Well I looked it up. It’s a question posted on 4chan about intelligence testing for low IQs who couldn’t understand the question “How would you have felt if you hadn’t eaten breakfast yesterday?”

Kunning Druegger says:

It is more than that. It is a failure to make a holistic assessment *based on* erroneous or fabricated or constructed priors. Niggers cannot answer a question like:

“what if you had a Dad and never smoked crack before?”

“‘Chu talkin’ bout honkie, i aint nevah had no dad nigga sheeeeit”

… or so the story goes. Largely true, as negros are inferior or mentally deficient from genetics and/or early life trauma, malnutrition, and being raised in a zoo wholly foreign to their proclivities.

But the Brek’ist meme is deeper than that, and chink mutt Starman (who I still respect and believe is absolutely /ourguy/, even if he is an insufferable gook twat who spent 5 minutes in uniform and 15 years relishing in the thank yous for his service) can only see that first layer of irony, that inability to imagine a past morning without a breakfast. But any mulatto, any female, any 56%er can figure that part out. The hard part, the real challange (one I face as a midwit) is being able to adopt foreign priors and work forward from their.

Here’s a relevant example: Star-happa accuses us of being “Mediocre pseudo-academic”s (in my case, probaly accurate), but it’s not any actual failure of qualification, is it? We have stellar, honest-to-God academics here, and he is oftentimes forced to acknowledge that they are indeed smart and well spoken and capable, but it never changes the tenor of his invective. So we see that the “mediocre” and “pseudo” aspects are the projection, and the “intellectual” is the insult. Which is fine, in fact it is more than fine. Mutt-man forgets that one of the deep memes here is “tanks on harvard yard” which is not figurative.

Starman fails the Breakfast Test because he can only work from the priors he has. He cannot understand that an intellectual might hate intellectuals just as much, or even more, than he can/does. He can only bucket at a general level, so the Intellectual Bucket is just bad people, rather Enemy in the Friend/Enemy distinction. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as we would be well on our way to Restoration if Comrade Starman found a way to Liquidate the Skoolaks. But where it does fall down, where this elected position does cause unneeded angst and friction, is that in nigger-like fashion, Starman cannot but see academics, pseudo or mediocre or otherwise, as a threat. So he uses the label as a pejorative, but he isn’t spending any time with leftists, he doesn’t move in leftist circles, he only ever encounters right wing, extremist, or “free radical” academics, and he only sees “Academic Enemies.”

To turn the gun on us (or them, being academics), can Star-latto fairly make the claim that we do not try to work from his, or his likewise positioned allies, priors? Naw nigga. In fact we spend far too much time spelling things out, watering things down, masticating tough concepts so that babby trigger puller doesn’t throw a fit and go rejoin the faggot military/police/etc. And indeed, this is our job. This what priests are supposed to do. And, make no mistake, “we” are priests here. Of course there ara paladins, warrior poets, armed merchants, and others. But the majority of this place is aimed at and perpetuated by techno-priests, wordcel acolytes (yes, hello), and those “free radicalss ” searching for a place to be after being redpilled or excommunicated.

Final note after the word vomit: I’m inclined to agree with the position he is megaphoning, but I am pretty sure that is because I can’t into bitcoin at an intellectual level, so of course I prefer doubloons. But I also think warfare should be fought with muskets, sabers, cannonade, and marching campaigns.

Dr. Faust says:

I assumed the grug meme was the chart meme displaying how really stupid and really smart people tend to come to the same conclusions and midwits in the middle. I’m safe on that front.

I’m completely retarded, have a cone shaped head, and can’t read. I’m also ugly, have no friends, never had a girlfriend. I don’t own any guns but have a fancy collection of samurai swords which I like to pose with while imagining I’m fighting off hordes of monsters.

Pax Imperialis says:

I guess it’s time to point out again that gold has a liquidity problem. It becomes quickly impractical to trade in less than 1 gram quantities. This is why silver and lesser metals were used, but now you run into the problems of coinage which becomes a heavier version of fiat.

What currency needs is enough scarcity such that it’s valuable, while not so much scarcity that you can still easily trade it. That said, gold as a storage of value is still viable.

Fake says:

What about goldbacks? goldback dot com

1/200th of an ounce is sandwiched between clear polymer. I’ve handled them; they are tear-proof and much more durable than the dollar. It should be simple to make 1/500th of an ounce.

Preventing counterfeit is the same as fiat, I think.

jim says:

Gold depends on the social technology of order and property rights. Which is going down first, electricity and the internet later.

When Roman Empire in the west fell, people stopped using silver and gold. When bronze age civilization fell, stopped using bronze, silver and gold. When they started using money again after the fall of bronze age civilization, it was promises to deliver sheep, goats, cows, and virgins. Cannot eat nor impregnate gold. It is just a symbol, just as bitcoin is just a symbol.

Gold is only useful as money because light, durable, and transportable over distance, unlike apples. If you want to purchase some eggs from the man next door, and he cannot transfer gold over distance either, he will probably prefer apples rather than gold. Which is what happened in the fall of Bronze Age civilization, and the fall of the Roman Empire in the west.

The Cominator says:

I thought gold and silver coins were still used in what is popularly referred to as the dark ages? Gold not as much among people who weren’t among the victorious Germanics though as gold was (being the more valuable denomination) more likely to be stolen.

Bronze age collapse idk and I’m not sure anyone does.

jim says:

The money economy over much of the west disappeared until some time after 1000AD. People just did not use money. They used barter and service.

Aidan says:

Gold armbands were used in the dark ages; gold coins from Roman times were melted down into a form that you had to cut somebody’s arm off to take when it was moved around. Instead of moving around a big chest of coins, gold was on the wrists and arms of warriors, indicating a social order in which gold was likely to be stolen unless attached secure as could be to big violent men.

alf says:
Carte Blanche says:

This is actually very funny as satire. Too bad it wasn’t written as satire.

Starman says:

Carte Blanche

“This is actually very funny as satire. Too bad it wasn’t written as satire.”

What is the grug post referring to?

Carte Blanche says:

It’s not exactly complex. Stripped of the silly caveman affect, it literally says:

“White Europeans should use a gold standard because BTC/LN is a Jewish conspiracy and they’ll take all your money once you’re dependent on the system. We’re going to use Russia’s technology instead because they’re enemies of the Jews in the current proxy war.”

Nearly all of which is flat-out fantasy:
– Crypto is primarily White and Asian, Jews hardly have a presence
– The few Jews that are in crypto are openly hostile to the Trotskyites, and vice versa
– Those gold doobloons are entirely fictional, what is on offer is just a highly centralized fiat exchange pegged to gold
– Modern Greece is a twisted, craven, cowardly power-bottom country full of losers and slackers who don’t deserve to be called white and would never in a million years voluntarily stop sucking at the GAE teat and side with Russia, unless and until the GAE actually collapses and the teat tries up

The “grug” affect is just a riff on the older anti-midwit 3-panel memes (Grug on left, Wojak in middle, Chad on right) making the point that working-class people of average IQ tend to come to the same conclusions as the very high IQ, with the one-sigma band using their limited intelligence to rationalize dumb things.

So like I said, it would be very funny satire if “grug” was an analogy for a stupid caveman, but in this case “grug” is supposed to be a reference to good instincts and low cunning and that conclusion is heavily reinforced by the other posts in his feed.

Incidentally, you’ve misinterpreted alf. His “stone age” comment was not a reference to grug, it was a reference to metallic currencies being a quintessentially stone-age technology by modern standards, for reasons Jim has already elaborated on at considerable length.

Starman says:

@Carte Blanche


What’s up mediocre scribbler!

Walls-of-text are not a substitute for intelligence.
The grug post uses the jews and gold doubloons as examples, but it’s not about the jews and gold doubloons.

I’m glad that I ignore people like you on financial matters.

Red says:

>I’m glad that I ignore people like you on financial matters.

If you’d listened to Jim and bought bitcoin at 16k you’d have doubled your money.

jim says:

> If you’d listened to Jim and bought bitcoin at 16k you’d have doubled your money.

The rise is just barely beginning, because the US$ continues to fail as an international currency, and the various proposed replacements are just not going to fly – at least non unless each sovereign involved starts giving his bureaucrats and bankers long distance swimming lessons in the Pacific.

You have seen nothing yet.

Carte Blanche says:

You were guaranteed to reply that way regardless of what I wrote, because you are in attack mode, and having slipped the leash some time ago, there is no one to bring you to heel. I reply not to persuade you, but to nail you up for onlookers to gawk at.

Anyone here can look up his profile, see his pattern of posting and deduce his opinions. They clearly are what was stated above. He isn’t an intellectual and doesn’t write with great subtlety or nuance, he isn’t a riddle wrapped in an enigma. There isn’t anything deeper. There’s no there there.

I have to quote this from you, as well:

who actually thinks your grug post is referring to literal 16th Century gold doubloons

That you interpret it that way is just tits. I even spelled it the same way he did, “doobloons”, to communicate agreement and understanding on that particular meme (a lousy meme, but a meme nevertheless). It went right over your head. This despite the fact that I have already written two long-form posts explaining exactly what I believe the proposed gold standard to be, so it would have been easy to look up if in any way ambiguous.

In fact that’s the general pattern I see here whether you’re replying to me, Alf, Kunning, or anyone else. We make a point, you make a big show of failing to understand common English idioms and come up with a nonsensically literal strawman interpretation, and then accuse us of confusing the literal with the figurative.

Tell us, then, O wise man, what lesson we must learn, supposing that any of us is worthy to receive your great wisdom? What answer would have been a passing grade to this clever, clever test?

I hope you have a very persuasive answer, because until now I’ve mostly left you alone despite your monomania, but I’m with Red on this one; you’ve assimilated a shill meme – hardly surprising given your constant uncontrolled exposure to fed-infested social media – and been rendered incapable of recognizing it as a shill meme, and are now playing the role of a cancer cell attacking the host as it rightly rejects the meme. You offer nothing; you don’t even know what a “wall of text” is.

Tangentially, since your one issue is space colonization, how do you propose that interplanetary commerce is going to work without a blockchain? The SWIFT network? Huge cargo ships full of heavy metals? This, I gotta see.

FrankNorman says:

I doubt you’ll have a just-in-time space shipping economy for a good long while, if ever. The expense of moving stuff will likely mean that every planet mostly makes its own stuff.

So you will be trading with other people on the same planet, almost entirely.

TheDividualist says:

@Starman, no, it is about whether you are more worried about fraud or about force.

If more worried about fraud, as in your case, then you want tangible assets with inherent value to you (note that gold is a bad example, rather bullets, dried meat etc.) and you can prevent fraud simply by saying no to any trade/investment offer that does not come from a source you really trust.

Just about everybody else here is more worried about force, because the government has big guns. Since you cannot outgun the government, you have to outsmart it. You have to hide your wealth, hide your transactions, become something like a smuggler. This means you want assets that do not look valuable to the government. Unfortunately, that usually also means they have no inherent, tangible value, are rather, heh, “social constructs” that can be vulnerable to fraud.

Starman says:


”Since you cannot outgun the government”

The USG is running out of ammo, and is afraid of getting injured.

”you have to outsmart it

LOL, you voluntarily took the mRNA booster, and believed in the made-up coronahoax deaths invented out-of-thin-air by that very same government.

And still, none of the midwit vermin commentators here will call you out on this.

Starman says:

So is anybody here going to call out TheDividualist for believing in made-up coronahoax deaths and voluntarily taking an mRNA clotshot booster?

alf says:

Starman, does it make you feel like a big man singling out a semi-alcoholic, semi-depressed, divorced middle aged man? We have warned dividualist about the vax multiple times, not as his bullies, but as his friends.

As for calling everyone else in this comment section vermin or midwits… What can I say. A community is greater than the sum of its individuals. As much as I think Jim in particular has a talent where many of his comments could be stand-alone posts, they never exist in a vacuum. Comments uplift one another, build a shared identity, invite for better comments. I immensely appreciate commenters here, both those regular and irregular, most of whom are any but what you call them.

Be wise, Starman. You have friends here. But keep shitting on them, and you won’t.

Kunning Drueger says:

He has been called out, multiple times. further still, I have personally shit on a number of his posts because I found them on entertaining and diversionary. but that’s just my opinion bro. In reality, my opinion and your opinion have equal weight, are entirely dependent upon the intellectual patronage network we have developed with our contributions.

there is almost no daylight between your position and my position when it comes to vaxxies. If anything, I think you are too soft. but whatever the case, It is not everyone’s job to hang the Scarlet letter on Dividualist every time he posts, not unless he starts saying things that deny his admitted mistake, or portray it as something different than what it was: a terrible failure of judgment that will have far-reaching consequences.

And now we’ve reached a point where you are massively deflecting. The fact of the matter is, your post was funny and valuable while your defense thereof has been foolish and a failure.

Starman says:


TheDividualist is an anonymous handle that admitted to believing in coronahoax fanfiction and willingly took the mRNA clotshots, and even the booster! That broke trust. BROKE TRUST.

There is no such thing as “friendship between anonymous handles.” Friendship is a long, long face-to-face thing. This not a community, it’s just guys with anonymous handles hanging around.

Cosmonaut Krikalev would’ve found your low bar of friendship to be very shocking.

jim says:

No it did not. You are breaking Trust.

Hesiod says:

I have family I almost lost due to covid worship and trust in the state cult. A few years later, they are a lot more willing to listen to me when I talk about certain things I learned on this blog. Some need to touch a hot stove and feel pain before they can concede.

Though a part still smarts from the shit I took from them, I forgive them as I hope our Heavenly Father forgives me. Let us all endeavor to have charity for prodigal sons.

alf says:

There is no such thing as “friendship between anonymous handles.” Friendship is a long, long face-to-face thing. This not a community, it’s just guys with anonymous handles hanging around.

I have, in real life, a group of friends I am very grateful for. We go back decades, we shoot the shit, we’ve stuck through it all, despite some obvious differences in opinions. Some of them even got vaxxed. I know, how dare I still hang with them!

I know very well what friendship means, and what it does not. You, Starman, do not sound to me as a man who does. You shout and shout, and when offered a hand of camaraderie, you slap it aside and shout some more.

Starman says:


“I know very well what friendship means, and what it does not. You, Starman, do not sound to me as a man who does. You shout and shout, and when offered a hand of camaraderie, you slap it aside and shout some more.”

“Yes, let’s be friends with an anonymous handle…”

Cosmonaut Krikalev would’ve been laughing at this level of naivete.

TheDividualist says:


>and believed in the made-up coronahoax deaths invented out-of-thin-air by that very same government.

Which exact government? Putin’s Russia made a vaxx called Sputnik. China went on an insane Zero Covid policy.

Western governments tricked them into doing this?

Corona as a purely Western government myth is an obviously false story because if it was so, Putin and Xi would have been laughing and doing nothing.

S says:

‘Which exact government? Putin’s Russia made a vaxx called Sputnik. China went on an insane Zero Covid policy.

Western governments tricked them into doing this?

Corona as a purely Western government myth is an obviously false story because if it was so, Putin and Xi would have been laughing and doing nothing.’

You could say the same thing about overpopulation. Under orthodox marxism, people are an unalloyed good because labor is the root of all value, but the Chinese were talked into family planning and the one child policy.

I have to emphasize this because overpopulation is obviously a scam- if you run low on food, people stop having children and if everyone else is adopting the policies, the winning move is to keep having children and ethnically replace them. The Chinese could have pulled that off and insured the majority of the worlds population were Han. Instead they went with fashion because it gave them power to screw each other over.

You are making the same mistake I made- there has to be competent people somewhere. I made this mistake with Bitcoin- if crypto is the future, surely some nation would be willing to seize the opportunity for total control of the world economy. I was wrong- crypto displaces civil servants, so they shit up their own nations rather then risk power leak out of their fingers in any amount.

Starman says:



The grug tribe post went completely over your head. And you’re one of the best commentators on Jim’s Blog.

You actually thought it was a reference to a “stone age scenario,” just because it has the name “grug” in it. I don’t expect the mass of mediocre pseudo-academics that infest this comment section to get it.

People in kalogerosstilitis’s follows, however, do get what the post is pointing to.

Kalo is a former Greek military officer, who also served as a mercenary in the Central African Republic.

alf says:

The grug tribe post went completely over your head.

As I had already commented on gab, the discussion was about state failure, not state enforcement.

Kalo came into the discussion assuming state enforcement — that the state shuts off electricity, shuts off internet. That is a fair argument to make, but not the one we are making. We are not predicting sudden zombie apocalypse. We are predicting rising disorder, increasing breakdowns left and right.

We predict that the state cannot successfully suppress the grid, not for lack of wanting, but for lack of cohesion.

Kalo is a former Greek military officer, who also served as a mercenary in the Central African Republic.

While you know much less about me. Personally, I take that as a win.

S says:

If the Jews controlled crypto, the Daily Stormer would be dead.

Starman says:


“If the Jews controlled crypto, the Daily Stormer would be dead.” [FAILS “BREAKFAST TEST” FOR ACADEMICS]”

Another midwit academic caught.

It used jews as an example, but the point of the grug post wasn’t about the jews.

S says:

There is a beam in your eye. The Stormer wasn’t banned for anti-semitism, but for making fun of a fat women.

I used Jew because you implied it, but the Stormer is at war with every different faction of America’s death cult; if any of them had the power to kill it, they would have.

There certainly are other factions in the world who could give it a go, but the Chinese don’t want to control bitcoin- they banned it, remember? Also, there is little evidence the Chinese give a shit about the private lives of foreigners in foreign countries.

Red says:

Hating Jews that much makes you stupid. Elon Musk believes Crypto is the future and would very much like to make it a reality with the X app.

Starman says:


“Hating Jews that much makes you stupid. Elon Musk believes Crypto is the future and would very much like to make it a reality with the X app.” [FAILS “BREAKFAST TEST” FOR ACADEMICS]”

Another midwit academic caught.

It used jews as an example, but the point of the grug post wasn’t about the jews.

Elon Musk would understand, hence the X app.

Red says:

The dimwit story mentioned that the long noses were going to steal his crypto. So he should keep gold, so the Jews can stealing that as they did in the US and Russia.

Starman, you’ve role around here was that of an guarddog or an immune response. You added very little but you were always quick to attack when dangerous elements appeared. Today you spend your time attacking the body you used to guard and you’ve become a cancer upon it.

Your posts don’t invite debate, or learning, rather they’re designed to harm and destroy the people who generally like you. You are like a pittbull who’s decided that his family is now a threat and you are lashing out like a mindless animal while the people who care about you look on in horror at what you’ve become.

BobtheBuilder says:

I’ll take a crack at it.
The argument seems to be that if you don’t have something on your immediate person when society breaks down, you don’t actually own it. Therefore, gold and physical assets like ammo are better than bitcoin, which can be hacked, stolen, or fail to process in a world without electricity.

However, gold and ammo can be stolen from you, especially as you try to move. The Jim position is that you should have gold and ammo for immediate needs, and bitcoin for “flee to civilization” needs.

You may say that a bitcoin civilization invites corrupt thieves to steal your bitcoin via scams or government force. And yet, gold and assets are easier to steal than bitcoins, even if you stuff the gold under your bed or something. Any idiot thug can break into your house to look for gold, but it requires l337 h4xx0rs to crack your bitcoin wallet, which are harder to find. If your claim is that “idiot thugs can beat you up for your password” that applies to the location of your physical assets as well. So don’t draw attention to yourself.

jim says:

> Therefore, gold and physical assets like ammo are better than bitcoin, which can be hacked, stolen, or fail to process in a world without electricity.

If we go all the way to the stone age, nothing but physical assets. But what is going to happen is that those parts of the world that still have a genuine market economy will have military capability, and the stone age savages will not, and you will need to buy stuff from those parts of the world that still have a market economy. Which may well require going there on foot and by dugout canoe with your master secret in your head (brain wallet) Where you can buy stuff that will make you king in your stone age tribe, assuming you survive the journey to return there.

I have designed my wallet to use random grammatically correct but meaningless english sentences, rather than random english words, for exactly that scenario.

Fidelis says:

If your claim is that “idiot thugs can beat you up for your password” that applies to the location of your physical assets as well. So don’t draw attention to yourself.

All the more reason to practice tribal politics while the stakes are low. If you can reach cooperation in the atmosphere we have now, it will only be stronger when all parties need cooperation to survive.

Fidelis says:

Something tells me musk understands while you do not.

Red says:

Money was invented to SIMPLIFY trade. To make it easier for normies to use than barter.

If your currency is more complex than barter, then it sucks as a currency.
Barter is less prone to fraud than esoteric made-up jargon.

Debt was the original form of currency which was settled up once a year in whatever goods were available, with the basis of the system being a universal commodity like Irish Slave girls, sheep, or what not and the system of debts was indexed in that commodity. So you might be owed 5 slave girls, but you want Olive Oil or the man only has olive oil, so the man who owed you the debt would pay what 5 slave girls worth of Olive was worth. We went ages without currency because it really wasn’t necessary.

Gold is quite a bit more complex than barter or debt promises, as it has to be mined, transported long distances, and coined and it’s coined in so many different weights and purities. All activities that cost quite a lot of something that was handled for thousands of years with debt contracts. And even then when it was exchanged, you had to know the value of each sort of coinage.

What made Gold valuable was it’s use in paying professional solders. Gold was easier to transport than war booty. States instituted gold and silver currencies because it was method of control over the military forces and to make taxation of the merchants easier. Without gold and silver currencies they had to pay warriors in land and bitches(as they returned to doing in the middle ages), which tended to lead to pretty independent minded warriors who might be adapt to rebel. States always had trouble handling tax payments in kind, taxing in gold and silver made it easier to extract more form the populace.

While there is are major economic advantage to coinage, it comes at the cost of the state taking more from you and giving you less in reward while controlling you because they control the coinage supply.

Crypto is more complex because it’s trying to be 100% trusted currency without the state control. This is difficult but it should result in a massive increase economic efficiency and more importantly shedding the parasitism of the bureaucracies from the a lot of the economy if it works. It’s still not clear if it will.

Roger Williams says:

[*deleted for ignorance and idiocy unworthy of rebuttal*]

jim says:

No one here is dumb enough to accept that argument, and I don’t want space wasted on rebutting it.

Kunning Druegger says:

A few years back, Shaman or one of his alts or someone else posted a master list, a whacking huge list, of instances where dumb sluts at a terrifyingly young age were “caught” doing dumb slut things, and of course men had to be punished for it, because of course angels in female form cannot be bad without some man introducing the badness.

I admit I have not gone looking yet (memory does not serve here, it was some time between 2018-2020 IIRC, but I could be way off), and if someone else wishes to dig it up, that’d be great… but who knows if the links are still viable. I think it would be worthwhile to have a big ol’ list of instances of female misbehavior at terrifyingly young ages, but it could also include female misbehavior at any age because… bitches misbehave when men don’t enforce the rules. So maybe a list broken down into types of misbehavior? Whatever the method, henceforth I see no reason, not a single reason to A) make the argument that there is female misbehavior B) tolerate anyone in this sphere publicly taking exception to the RPWQ. If you’d like to believe, in the kingdom of your home, in the confines of your heart, that your pretty little princess cannot be a cock mongling cum dumpster, you go right ahead. But even the merest utterance of this obvious falsity puts one in an even worse category than an enemy shill, that being a Traitor.

I know JimBOT is a dream for a far future getting ever further out of reach, but The Great List of Female Misbehavior would be one of the tools it could use to engage with shills/traitors/fools as it protects bandwidth and mitigates incursions.

Red says:

This case is ground zero on why every 13-14 year old girl needs to be married off.

About 30 years ago when things were not as overwhelming blue pilled, I was told a story about a 14 year retarded girl who lined up every boy in the neighborhood from 12 to 16 to run a train on her in someone’s basement every weekend. When the adults caught wind of what was going on, the whole thing was quieted up but there was never any talk of charging the boys for her behavior because she “consented”.

How quickly we’ve gone from sex is good as long as there consent, to men are at fault for every mistake a woman makes. The second proposition is true, since we all suffer the consequences for women’s bad behavior but we do so without the power to modify their behavior. Being at fault for something you can’t effect is insanity.

Jehu says:

I don’t think every girl needs to be married off at 13 or 14, but a lot of them do. And some probably need to be married off or betrothed earlier than that. The age at which a girl starts to show difficult to manage levels of sexual interest in boys varies a lot. Some races have a lower average age for that and not having a father regularly present seems to lower the average age regardless of the race.

Guy says:

Starman’s “grugs” are the Chinaman.

Starman your posting and debate style is the reason people don’t know what you’re talking about. Not because that post was some sort of clever test for anything.

Now please accuse me of not knowing Musk’s orbital lift capacity

Kunning Druegger says:

Red says:

“Starman, you’ve role around here was that of an guarddog or an immune response. […] Today you spend your time attacking the body you used to guard and you’ve become a cancer upon it. […] Your posts don’t invite debate, or learning, rather they’re designed to harm and destroy the people who generally like you.”

I agree with this assessment, though I balk at calling him the “nigger of the dog world,” so maybe he’s more like a Belgian Malinois? Whatever the case, he’s getting dragged as he should be for stepping on his own dick, but maybe we can learn something from this unfortunate circumstance? I have been spending a lot of time on Elon’s Playground, and it has yielded some real, tangible benefits for me, but it also means I spend less time here, which is sad because this place is Home, but I do feel like I am posting way less dumb shit here. Starman has gone over to Gab as his turf, but comes back here for some reason (his stated reasons are indistinguishable from a teenage girl railing against the parents that do everything for her, so I don’t buy it). I keep coming back because there is no other place to get the info and exchanges, but I also feel a deep and abiding loyalty to Jim and Jimianity. Others, like the Faggot Ghost, can’t keep away because he got so thoroughly owned his whole digital existence is kaput until he can best us in word battle, or admit he was being a giga faggot and work back to redemption. Anonymous Fake comes back because the TOS of his contract job stipulate that he must.

This is mostly emotive psycho babble, but I cannot help but say that Starman is being a complete faggot, shitting on his own guys, pretending he is better, and disregarding that Jim’s Blog made him the shitlord he is today.

Bad form, Starman. You’re a paladin whether you admit it, or like it, or not. It is incumbent on all of us to take the tools and concepts Jim has given us and work to build God’s reborn kingdom. Humble yourself and have some self respect bro. We aren’t the enemy.

alf says:

Bad form, Starman. You’re a paladin whether you admit it, or like it, or not. It is incumbent on all of us to take the tools and concepts Jim has given us and work to build God’s reborn kingdom. Humble yourself and have some self respect bro. We aren’t the enemy.

I was waiting to see if Starman would post before saying anything, but this summarizes my feelings also.

Starman, I see the value in what you do. You are great at burning bridges with enemies. But right now you are burning bridges with friends. Even if you disagree with Jim on one topic, hell, even if Jim turns out to be wrong — do you really need to immediately make a mean-spirited meme calling Jim a Jew? Is that how friends treat friends?

I want to be your friend, but you make it very hard for anyone to be your friend.

Red says:

Well said KD.

Starman. You’re a paladin whether you admit it, or like it, or not. It is incumbent on all of us to take the tools and concepts Jim has given us and work to build God’s reborn kingdom. Humble yourself and have some self respect bro. We aren’t the enemy.

Indeed. I’ve always liked Starman even when he put me through the WQ test a couple of times and even claimed I was still a shill after I talked about woman liking rape. You have to appreciate a good guard dog working to keep the pack safe even if it doesn’t feel great being attacked as a shill.

His faith in the Star Prophet has been vindicated many times while I’ve been more a doubting Thomas on Elon. I became a true believer in the Holy Star Prophet through Starman and It’s pained me when he started attacking the people who shared his faith.

Full confession, I’ve been a doubting Thomas on crypto too, but I see what’s going with Russia I think it’s coming together as a replacement for the dollar with trade.

Kunning Drueger says:

It really is a tragedy, and it is not isolated to our tiny corner of the internet. when dissidents and guerillas cannot hit their real enemy, they inevitably start hitting anyone close by and then coming up with ex post facto rationalizations for why they were the actual enemy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Off topic

Here is MacGregor discussing the War in Ukraine. If you watch the whole conversation, you will note a (in my opinion) stunning overlap with Jim’s assessments and causalities.

Here is Mearsheimer laying out his case that there is no chance of a meaningful peace agreement, and that Russia will win, but not decisively.

These videos are interesting in part because Mearsheimer lays out a structural case that is incredibly hard to contend with without resorting to Appeals to Authority, Appeals to Secret Information, Ad Hominem, or any of the other feminized, negrolized, or mongrelized tactics so popular these days. he stays at the 30K foot level, and he keeps within the realm of the general. Given his track record, he should be listened to. MacGregor on the other hand wanders, though with a purpose, from the 1990s to the present, meandering over the years and even hearkening back to the 1940s, 1800s, and 1700s, to drive at a very different point that still ends up on the same page.

Mearsheimer makes a classical Reddit Post (back when it was /b/’s nerdy brother, before it became Regime Approved shill central) while MacGregor makes a Jim Blog post. You can quibble with the particulars, but I nonetheless think this is fascinating across a spectrum of observations. Firstly, these men, and others, are being completely ignored by Elite in Power. Mearsheimer states that, in his entire career, he has never once been contacted by the Agency, DoD, State, or any official organ, for consultation. This makes sense to us here, as we know that there is a State Religion, and it has absolutely no use for realists or intelligent white male Americans outside of pogroms. Similarly, MacGregor has demonstrated that he was far to effective and competent to be allowed into the upper echelon.

So we are on track for the Rhyme of History in that voices were raised but ignored (many such cases). As well, we see academics and warriors alike treading ever closer to the dark red pills of the Dissident Right/Alt Right/The Guys That Are Right/Etc. I wonder if either man could articulate female misbehavior, or how they would answer a RPWQ. They are far too socially adjusted to start pulling spaghetti out of their pockets on camera (…right?), but MacGregor in particular gets dangerously close to dropping actual red pills. He’s rather tame (relatively speaking) on American media, but he does a lot of interviews with very small accounts/channels, particularly in Europe, and he goes much further than Trump and right next to Putin in Naming the Adversary.

In the world of stand up comedy, it is a well known phenomenon that multiple comedians can come up with nearly identical jokes and not be stealing from each other. This is because human minds are pattern recognizers, and people laugh at similar things. What are the chances that actual academics and retired warriors could land on Jimian Restoration ex nihilo?

jim says:

> Here is Mearsheimer laying out his case that there is no chance of a meaningful peace agreement, and that Russia will win, but not decisively.

Mearsheimer is wrong.

If no peace agreement, the war goes on, and on, and on, and on, till one side does win decisively. Possibly because no Ukrainians remain alive.

That is what “no peace” means.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is an issue of arbitrary scope. Who won, the Liberals or the Monarchists? Pretty decisive victory for the Liberals, many would say. I’d say the jury is still out, and cold hard logic says “The Communists, of course!” In the case of the Falklands, the British won… Right? In the case of Iraq, America won… Right? North Korea v. South Korea? Vietnam v. China? It’s trivial to array the the parameters such that many conflicts that could be called decisive by most are easily defended as ongoing or undecided.

My interpretation of Mearsheimer’s position is that there will be a regime change in Kiev but not in Moscow. But I’m also of the opinion that the War, the real war, will not end even if/when there’s a decisive conclusion to the Russo-Ukrainian War; if Moscow prevails, the GAE opens up a new front(s) elsewhere, and if “Kyiv” prevails the War will get ever closer to Moscow.

jim says:

For the war to end, there has to be regime change in Kiev resulting in a Ukraine that makes peace. Or regime change in Moscow with peace, a rainbow flag over the great Cathedral, and the gay pride parade.

If no peace, everyone in the Ukraine dies, or everyone in Russia dies. That is what war is.

Peace is an arrangement for coexistence between sovereigns. If no peace, then war.

War ends with a peace deal or a surrender. Or annihilation. If no peace deal, one side or the other surrenders or is annihilated.

Kunning Drueger says:

I cannot find anything wrong with the structure you have laid out, nonetheless, I choose to perceive a more variegated spectrum of the state of war. but I don’t think this actually puts us at odds, it’s just different size lenses for the microscope, or telescope. and the more that I think about it, while you’re interpretive framework is very cumbersome for me to wield, It actually portrays the continuity of existence far more accurately than the typical historiography of arbitrarily dividing things into eras and periods.

thus, we can view the last 300 years as a ceaseless war between the forces of order and the forces of chaos, and that is obviously extendable even further back into time. Of course, for mere mortals trapped within the confines of their existence, it is handy to be able to delineate between, say, the first Indochina war, the Algerian Civil War, and a Liberian Civil War, but in reality they are all battles in the larger war between order and chaos. I keep thinking about it while I write this, and the appeal continues to grow. fascinating.

jim says:

These unending wars of which you speak were conducted within limits.

Limits that are now being overstepped. Once a limit has been overstepped, either new limits are put in place by agreement, or one side is defeated, and what is now permissible as a result of limits being removed, is done to them, and they dare not do it back to the enemy.

The limit against nukes is still in place. The limit against Nato assets directly engaging Russian assets is being rapidly eroded, but the regime is showing signs of nervousness about eroding it further. There are no limits inside Ukraine, and to restore limits, or create new limits in place of the old, have to have a peace agreement.

Normality bias treats the limits as facts of nature, that they will return by themselves without anyone doing anything different from what led to them being overstepped in the first place. This presupposition is false. If no peace, war. If war fought by horrifying means, it will continue to be fought by horrifying means until there is a peace agreement, or one side is utterly defeated, and unwilling or unable to resist the horrifying means applied by the other side.

Mr.P says:

Excellent overview by MacGregor. Thanks for the link. Pretty much sums it up. Fuckin’ Brits.

Red says:

The way it looks now Russia will slowly roll over Ukraine as NATO shell supply trickles to a tiny stream. Even tossing in more NATO ground forces is unlikely to make a difference as Russian artillery doesn’t care if the troops piss yellow and cry blue tears, or bleed Red White and Blue, all shall die under the onslaught of the big guns.

The only game changers NATO has left is it’s air forces and tactical nukes.

Kunning Drueger says:

Don’t forget the Great Occidental Meat Shield. I don’t think State/NGO/Nonprofit egregore will take defeat lightly, so I expect the Polish-Lithuanian Tardwealth to follow the same path the foolish-krainians did.

Flower Power says:

Time and again… the West fucked up UA’s own chance by not throwing in all the hardware on day one… those faggots that got appointed all over the White House, Military, Congress and Media since elections could have (tf they weren’t so busy pedo’ing “aka: adopting” babies, tranny twerking, rotten dick parade flashing, stealing luggage, peddling all the pointlessly evil national and global Agendas, and gobbling cum)… could have swamped UA in weapons for even the civilians to use, not money beyond subsistence needs, but weapons, and agents to train them asap via Skype. But no, they slow rolled and pussyfoot ramped that shit in, ultimate sign of wishy washy weakness, after much of the damage was already done. They thought they were playing Putin dry, but he already got the bomb drop on their infra and arms while they were still playing tranny story hour in the White House. And the faggots Sunak, Trudeau, whoever the fuck they got in Germany, and the rest, didn’t help either.

Could have won it, but lost. At least UA had real men willing to fight when given arms… ahem, Azov et al. Can’t say that about the West’s Pols. Sad for those UA guys to have lost so much.

Now yes, the only way to win is to roll in ground forces and airpower under some type of guises of “protecting the civilians of UA, preserving the remaining countryland of UA against defenseless takeover”. (Even the UN are pussies on those memes these days, atrocities are fine with them now.) And even if they roll, they squandered any remaining rhetorical argument at pushing Putin’s invaders back across the UN border. So they’d be left camping the west bank of Dneper for next 40 years, Berlin style.

Whatever happened to the world’s assassins… they were a thriving thing back in the day, turning assholes into daisies on a regular basis. Perhaps the world needs a return to flower power 🙂

Flower Power says:

Not saying either RU or West is right, or are any less evil rulers and regimes to rule over you… others can debate that.
Only that the West fucked up and lost, again, when it could have perhaps won if it took a higher approach to things.
Anyway, The WEF style Globohomos, and Chinese raw totalitarian, and CBDC digi-control models, are the bigger threats to freedom of both RU, the West, and everyone else. With pockets of Islam Caliphate rising to screw those lands as well.

There needs to be a new counterforce model discovered and applied that will win against all those who are using power to oppress freedom for all humanity.

Your Uncle Bob says:

So much payload. Why do women misbehave?

Kunning Drueger says:

100% agree… but for some reason, and I think this is because of the other website I have been hanging out on, I think he is actually being honest with his position, and all of the GAE payload is merely the baggage that comes from getting info from tainted sources. but I am far too often the advocate for people who are actually not good. either way, the shill test is always a good idea, if only for the hilarity that ensues when a normie runs up against crime stop.

jim says:

If Flower Power is not a shill, but a dupe of shills, he will disagree with the red pill answer, but be able to notice that there is a red pill answer. If a shill, will be unable to notice the existence of the red pill answer, because he is being paid to shill and would lose his job.

Red says:

Whatever happened to the world’s assassins… they were a thriving thing back in the day, turning assholes into daisies on a regular basis. Perhaps the world needs a return to flower power 🙂

The inching towards fed posting right off the bat is a good indication of a shill. The endless wall of text while committing no thought crimes as well.

Flower Power says:

[*deleted, because you gave a stupid answer, and you gave a stupid answer because the truth is a thought crime*]

jim says:

If you don’t think the glaringly obvious answer is the right one, explain why the obvious answer is not the right one.

If you don’t think the obvious answer is the right answer, explain why.

sigh says:


jim says:

You say I am censoring, and I say I am moderating shills sent by the government to shut down conversations by derailing them with noise.

You can prove I am censoring by disagreeing with the thought crime position by arguing against it, rather than by pretending that no one anywhere ever could possibly ever think such thoughts and say such things.

You could easily prove I am censoring, not moderating. You don’t have to agree with the Christian affirmation, the truth about Soros, female misconduct, and all that. But, to prove I am censoring, you need to respond with a response that notices that I do think those things, that a great many people do think those things.

Red says:

Off topic, but more corruption by our judges:

The only odd thing is the media reporting the pay for play scheme for a leftist judge.

Sotomayor, whose annual salary this year is $285,400, is not alone in earning money by writing books. Such income is exempt from the court’s $30,000 restriction on outside yearly pay. But none of the justices has as forcefully leveraged publicly sponsored travel to boost book sales as has Sotomayor, according to emails and other records reviewed by the AP.

someDude says:

They won’t tell us if his ex-wife is living-in with another man that is not the father of her kids

Damn, but Jim is right. Nature gives women immense power.

Dharmicreality says:

This is why we need to re-establish Manu’s laws especially with respect to women and Varnashrama. Blue pilled Hindutva is still better than unadulterated Globohomo but surely it is sliding left over time.

Western Taliban says:

Not more than it gives you.

Notice that the man had no problem walking up to the house and taking his kids, he wins. At that point he could have done anything he wanted and there was nothing that could have stopped him, he could have raped her, killed her, everything.

He is not suffering because of the woman, he is suffering because of the men in government and its mercenaries. In truth, the woman is not a real problem for the man, the man solved that real quick. The problem is the government that insists on attacking, subduing and destroying him. This is not a war between men and women, as women cannot wage the war and they want to lose it anyway. This is a war between a group of men who want to enforce a certain ideological tyranny on other men and have no quarrel doing it at gunpoint.

I imagine in your country some 100 years ago the police would have told the woman she is a stupid whore and told her to shut the fuck up, that she was lucky her husband didn’t go any further. The current public “servants” of Jabalpur all deserve a “nine clan execution”, or whatever was the equivalent in India instead of your neighbor country.

someDude says:

A woman’s power is that she can get other men to fight you on behalf of her sexual imperative while giving them nothing. In this case, the other men are from the government. The point is she can get other men to coerce you into putting up with her misconduct. Thats her power

Dharmicreality says:

That is an artificially propped up power. By the State which has made ownership of women illegal.

True as Jim observes, even Emperors with life and death authority over his subjects had women trouble and even in a patriarchy women wield significant influence but it is strongly controlled by male authority and white knighting for an owned woman would be illegal and dangerous.

someDude says:

But how do you call it artificial when it seems to happen again and again historically at places far away from each other across cultures?

Do you call the power of a judge artificial because he relies on the police to do his bidding with regard to arrests?

Dharmicreality says:

I am not sure. What are the historical examples you have in mind of a State officially punishing fathers for exercising their ownership over children and husbands over wives. Seems a relatively modern phenomenon and definitely a result of feminism.

someDude says:

Sorry, I should have clarified. I wanted to say that the problem of women being difficult and causing enormous social and political problems by stoking conflict between men is an old one. And this power is not artificial.

Note our own Legendary scriptural stories in this regard. Mohini robs the Asuras of their share of the nectar with her feminine wiles. Note the case of Bhasmasura. Note also the case of Tillotama who got the invincible brothers Sunda and Upasunda to murder each other. Is this not female power in it’s own right?

Dharmicreality says:

True but the ability of women to cause trouble is greatly magnified by the insane state religion and is greatly subdued in a patriarchal society.

Women’s present social super weapons are not inherent powers but provided by the State religion.

Dharmicreality says:

Do you call the power of a judge artificial because he relies on the police to do his bidding with regard to arrests?

I would say yes. Ultimately power flows from the end of a gun and if the police have guns and decide to ignore the judge, very little the judge can do.

Everything rests on respect of authority propped up by the State. And State power ultimately is its ability for organized collective violence. Both against enemies and against its own people.

someDude says:

The police very rarely decide to ignore the judge. When do they ignore a judge, it is because of a countermanding order from a judge higher up the chain of command. How often does it happen that the police refuse to obey the judge’s order? As often as my hand tool breaks down.

Dharmicreality says:

But in practice police do often ignore judges’ warrants. If not out of mala fides, purely out of inefficiency. How many warrants are executed on time as per the directions of the judge? The system breaks down regularly in our country.

The point is the judge’s power is dependent on the ability and willingness of the state’s executive arm to enforce.

Moreover if an individual judge exercising his legitimate power goes against the state religion he will be overruled higher up.

In reality it is the state religion that lays down the law. Judges and lawyers are mere cogs in the wheel. Some more enthusiastic than others true, but all subjects of the ruling ideology.

Western Taliban says:

A woman’s power is that she can get other men to fight you on behalf of her sexual imperative while giving them nothing.

This is a misrepresentation of what is happening in reality.

Men in the top echelons want to turn you gay, they want to subdue you and squash you like a bug, making sure that you are turned into an obedient NPC they can exploit. Denying you access and ability to family, reproduction and your rightful place as a patriarch keeps you weak, demoralized, apathetic, controlled.

So this men use women as their agents, using their complaints and a narrative as an excuse to destroy you. They do it this way because this men are in truth weak and their means are subversion and low cunning. They need to present a false image and a false consensus towards the mass of men because direct challenge would see them squashed like bugs.

When this whore went to the police she was not a “woman”, but a government agent cooperating with the men in government to destroy her husband.

If this woman would have not gone to the police, but instead to random men and tried to convince them to fight her husband “on behalf of her sexual imperative” they would have laughed at her on the streets.

So no, she cannot get other men to coerce you into putting up with her misconduct. What she can do is act as a government agent and cooperate with the government to destroy you. That’s not her power, that’s the government’s power and scheme, she’s just a convenient client.

You see the same situation between businesses and workers in Europe all the time, and at the end of the day the workers are not having their lives improved at all unless they are fake workers who literally get direct paychecks by the government. Being a “worker” doesn’t give you magic powers of democracy that can make the business bulge, but if you ask an NPC retard about it they’ll swear that it does and that if you go down the street and demonstrate with a group of people the magic fairy of democracy will share her magic dust and things will magically get better, which is why they do it all the time and it’s their knee-jerk reaction, they are absolute retards getting duped. And you’re getting duped here with the woman thing.

notglowing says:

Denying you access and ability to family, reproduction and your rightful place as a patriarch keeps you weak, demoralized, apathetic, controlled.

In reality the king is only king of his country when the husband is the patriarch of his family.

The people at the top push feminism out of cultlike religious fervour, not because of a calculated ploy to stay in power. Making men gay has never served the aristocracy. In fact, the aristocracy does not exist anymore.

So this men use women as their agents, using their complaints and a narrative as an excuse to destroy you.

They’re not using them as agents. They’re as much subject to the whims of women as you are.

And women do not act this way because they’re instructed, they act this way because they are women and require control.
Yes, it is ultimately the fault of the government, because the government will not let men take charge of their women and their house, but that’s not all you’re saying.

If this woman would have not gone to the police, but instead to random men and tried to convince them to fight her husband “on behalf of her sexual imperative” they would have laughed at her on the streets.

Evidence shows that in fact, there are quite a lot of men willing to simp and act as white knights to women. Many cases of women pitting men against each other this way; however it’s true that it wouldn’t be a problem without the government.
But the woman isn’t an agent of the state, the state is the one acting on her behalf.
Plenty of women got emperors killed in conspiracies due to jealousy or personal interest. They were certainly not agents of power. They used their inherent power as women.

The government gains nothing from doing this, except destroy the life of another man, which they hate, but they don’t hate him because he’s a threat to power, they hate him because of their absurd beliefs.

Destroying the lives of random men like this doesn’t benefit anyone except indirectly by creating another bureaucracy, with many salaried employees, to deal with it.
This is no calculation. Nor is it good for Power in the end. Feudalism worked just fine for a millennium without needing to emasculate men.

notglowing says:

of another man, which they hate,

* of another man, who they hate,

SJ says:

I believe it is intentional and a conspiracy, see the Duluth model. Quite intentional and deliberate. They want men weak and operating in a matriarchy, as now the men have nothing to fight for or defend and their are no tribes because their are no families. Look at what happened when the Bundy tribe got into with the government in Oregon. The government arrested one of their patriarchs, they showed up with guns, they just let him go and said, “my bad guys”.

Now what do they gain by posting this story? I don’t know if this story is even true. Back in the eighties they supposedly found a fall guy to push the marital rape will get you put in prison story, but I also can not find evidence that the fall guy actually exists. I just see the stories. The point of this story is to push the narrative in India that the children are not the property of the father, but the mother who selects the father based on her sexual whims.

Now sure here in the West most men have adopted the feminine imperative because the insane prog demon worship religion tells them that this is what good men do. Good men support the feminine imperative and they deny their own masculine imperative. Holy good men mentally castrate themselves, and become subservient to women, who will them reward them as this is how sex is handed out.

Of course it’s all insane as we know but the narrative works on most men. I can testify it worked on me as a child and it was quite the struggle to discard my blue pill programming and accept reality. To worship God/gnon means we love his reality as he created it, and we do not seek to replace it with our own insane and false reality that we claim exists purely through the power of subjective belief. Unfortunately we live in one of the most insane times to be alive.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, the real problem is the insane state religion and the holiness spiraling around the insanity. The social superweapons of women are not natural in a sane society.

Sometimes we need to get back to the basics.

The only reason why white knighting is popular is because of the artificial high status of whores and the illegality of ownership of women by men under the current state religion. Make women property and low status again and white knighting dangerous and illegal and the problem would disappear overnight

someDude says:

To doubt that the story is true —-> Man, that blew my mind. You’re right, this could just be narrative pushing. I guess we got to see the vernacular papers in Jabalpur to verify.

I just assumed that the woman was slutting it up with another dude and the father naturally assumed that the children were in physical danger and did the Jimian thing by taking the kids into protective custody.

But to doubt that the story is true —> Man, thats like opening a portal to another mind space.

Thanks SJ

Western Taliban says:

The people at the top push feminism out of cultlike religious fervour, not because of a calculated ploy to stay in power. Making men gay has never served the aristocracy. In fact, the aristocracy does not exist anymore.

Their cultlike religious fervour is born from a calculated ploy to stay and acquire power. They defect on you to steal and subject you.

They’re not using them as agents. They’re as much subject to the whims of women as you are.

Absolutely and obviously wrong and false. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden have a longer list of rape victims than you have of acquaintances.

Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are not and have never been at the whims of women. You are because you have their boot on your throat, or if you are willing to break the law maybe not.

Plenty of women got emperors killed in conspiracies due to jealousy or personal interest. They were certainly not agents of power. They used their inherent power as women.

Every time there is a woman involved in the conspiracy or acquiring the throne, there is a group of men without direct claim to that power using her in their conspiracy or as a puppet to control in the throne, 100% of the time. You’re just wrong.

Destroying the lives of random men like this doesn’t benefit anyone except indirectly by creating another bureaucracy, with many salaried employees, to deal with it.
This is no calculation. Nor is it good for Power in the end. Feudalism worked just fine for a millennium without needing to emasculate men.

Feudalism is run by warriors, not priests. You have not yet understood who rules you and how they do it, or you’re simply very foreign to the way of warriors so you don’t understand the difference. Of course warriors are happy with straight challenges and rules for power, while priests are not.

Evidence shows that in fact, there are quite a lot of men willing to simp and act as white knights to women.

You’re obviously a beta and have never out-alpha’d anyone in these matters. Anyone alpha enough, strong enough and bellicose enough IRL here will understand exactly what I mean and how you are wrong.

The truth is that the white knights who are willing to simp for women do it like vultures fly over soon to be carrion. They smell the weakness and determine there’s opportunity. A man who openly and brazenly hits a woman will curiously find every other men looking the other direction or enjoying the spectacle. A man who is scared, embarrassed and self-conscious about even looking at a woman will act hysterical and get himself jumped.

The chad openly abusing woman vs the virgin “how can she slap?”

There are a lot of weak faggots willing to simp for women, there are no real challengers willing to do anything for women unless they already own them. And the government owns the woman, makes her its agent and uses her to destroy you. Women today are government property, you’re just confused about what is going on around you.

someDude says:

@Western Taliban, Certainly you make fair points. Let me refine my views

When I say women can get other men to fight on her behalf, obviously she can’t get just about anybody to fight on her behalf. But more often than not, if she is young enough, she can get someone to fight on behalf of her imperative depending on the power of the Man she is trying to screw over.

My friend related to me the story of one of the laborers on his farm who is suicidal because the woman is having an affair with a police official who has forbidden the man from divorcing her (or going public with the affair) under threat of imprisonment or worse, divorce still being a public stigma. Only his close friends at work and his employer (my friend). The state is not directly involved here. It need not have been a police official. It could have been the local gangster as well. Basically any man more powerful than her husband who would desire her, the feminine imperative being to keep looking for an upgrade.

This IS female power.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, but you are confusing social super weapons provided by the State religion with inherent power of women.

In a sane Patriarchy women’s ability to cause trouble will be limited to individual men, and ideally quickly suppressed by her owner, with the support of the State.

It is purely because women have “freedom” from ownership that such issues crop up.

Dharmicreality says:

In other words, what I am saying is that even when the State is not directly involved, because Marriage 1.0 i.e. ownership of women is illegal under our present state religion, female misbehavior is uncontrolled and female shit tests tend to become nuclear, because passing shit tests is illegal and tends to be dangerous.

Western Taliban says:

The active agent in this story is the police official, not the woman. He straight up walked up to the place and stole the woman. It might “benefit” her feminine imperative, but it is not her power. And the police officer is fucking her, he made her his, it’s not like he is being manipulated and at risk for no return.

Of course if you touch a woman who is property of a strong man you are going to suffer dire consequences, or if a strong man just takes a liking to your woman you have a problem. But the active agent is always the other man.

The laborer needs to learn how to speak with the hierarchy on top of the police official and present himself as a respectable man, the problem would be solved. He needs to walk right up to one of his superiors who is known to be decent and tell him that the police official disappears from his life or he will make him disappear, and demonstrate willingness. If you are strong, you are respected, if you are weak you are walked over, rule of life. Isn’t this more like so in a place like India today?

Western Taliban says:

I’ll clarify I’m not denying women have influence over men, they of course do. Mother over sons, wives over husbands, you will care for them even if you don’t want to, it’s just natural. But it’s a degree and it’s subtle, it holds little substance on its own, and it mostly makes their own lives easier. A hot young woman can become rich overnight by fucking the right man, never lift a finger in her life, reproduce, have everything at her reach. For a man to do the same… difficult, gargantuan task.

But that’s different to the angle that is previously being discussed.

someDude says:

Right, as I mentioned, the median woman is far more powerful than the median man. This particular woman (being a laborer’s wife, poverty and all) is not all that hot. She is just young and the police official is a middle aged guy maybe 20-25 years her senior.

The angle I pointed to is just one aspect. Yes, the state uses women against men, but somewhere along the line, her imperative is getting fulfilled at the expense of the male’s

someDude says:

This is the first time I have heard a story like this. So it’s very likely that the woman is very enthusiastically participating in cuckolding her husband. If the official made a move and the woman said no, that would have been the end of that. It’s also possible that the woman made a move the way some chick taking a bath in King Solomon’s pool where he could see her naked.

So I would say that both the police official and the woman are agents. The point of female power is that the median woman is far more powerful than the median male. Note that I am not using the word “average”

Police departments in India, like police depts everywhere look after their own. The more corrupt the individual, they harder they rally around to protect him from outsiders as it demonstrates loyalty to the dept. I’m not sure what options this laborer has (apart from taking the police official with him in his bid for suicide), being poor and low down the social hierarchy as he already is.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I recall Machiavelli saying that a sovereign must never allow men to steal other men’s wives, regardless of rank, because when you steal a man’s wife, he isn’t afraid to die because he has nothing to live for except revenge.

someDude says:

India would be a much improved place if wronged Indian men lived for nothing. but revenge.

The option almost everyone chooses is suicide. But then this might be information bias. Should any man take revenge against someone higher up, the media will be directed by the government to make sure that news never gets out for fear of encouraging copy cat actions.

Carte Blanche says:

To be fair, I think female subversion and male white-knighting are two sides of the same coin, largely inseparable from one another and forming a positive feedback loop.

Women will always try to play “let’s you and him fight” whenever there are two or more men around, and insecure low-status fedora-tipping males will always fall for it, every single time. That is one reason why men have their own status hierarchy and, in a proper patriarchy, impose that male hierarchy on women. If the white knights are seen by all other men as dorks and losers, then the women in turn have no practical power, but if a highly bureaucratized governing body is full of these dorks and losers, then white-knighting becomes institutionalized and women suddenly have superweapons.

In other words, it likely did not start out as a big conspiracy, it was just Whigs being Whigs. Weak government -> female emancipation -> weak body politic -> female suffrage -> feminism.

If the elite are still relatively masculine, then removing enforcement will make feminism disappear overnight. Which it did, in the 1910s and again in the 1940s. But not sure if removing enforcement today would achieve the same thing, because the elite today are much more effeminate. It’s no longer sufficient to simply remove existing enforcement; feminine primacy is too entrenched. We need nothing less than our own Australia Moment where all the unowned women are told to find a husband in the next 24 hours or else they’ll be assigned one by the state, with coverture being reinstated the next day.

Vendat Tunicam says:

It is an organized conspiracy. That feminism evaporated overnight just prior to both world wars is proof of this. That proto-feminism (women’s suffrage) evaporated just before the civil war is proof of this. The elite didn’t just wake up and find their balls to fight the wars only to lose them immediately afterwards, it was and is a conspiracy of whigs (and progressives and bureaucrats and professors and commies etc).

Vendat Tunicam says:

Look at the timeline for voting and divorce and property rights, feminism is obviously turned on and off like faucet. When you turn a faucet on the water comes out slowly and then suddenly all at once, whereas when you turn off the faucet it seems to be going full bore right up until it drips to a stop. When you see how rapidly suffrage and property rights came on after Seneca Falls and then how rapidly it stopped (in some places it even got rolled back) so that the Yankee Caliphate could conquer the South you see an invisible hand turning a faucet on and off. The suffragettes who wouldn’t take no for an answer shut up and cheer for abolition and genocide.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Whig Peace Plan: feminism, homosex, and nigger-worship.
The Whig War Plan: white patriarchy until the threat is eliminated.

After almost eighty years on the Peace Plan, the War Plan has been completely lost and forgotten. What are the Whigs going to do, ask Jim to please give us a decade of white patriarchy so we can then enjoy another eighty years of buttsex?

jim says:

War is the father of us all. A dramatic change in policy is in the cards.

Their tactic when switching back to white Patriarchy has always been a dictator with a different eschaton in their pocket (FDR and Lincoln). I don’t have a different eschaton in my pocket. My plan has always been power the system down, then turn it on again and restore to factory settings.

dharmicreality says:

I have a feeling that the rot is now too far deep for any switching on or off of patriarchy at will.

The present Prog religion mindset is to die (along with the world around them) rather than to win because Patriarchy evil bad white racist and intolerable.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I have to agree with dharmic. Reversing two centuries of dysgenic fertility is not like flipping a switch. There must be another Dark Age before there can be another Renaissance, because all that genetic dead wood isn’t going to remove itself. We cannot save Rome, but we might be able to carve ourselves a little Venice out of the chaos.

Islam seems to trap nations in a permanent Dark Age, but that problem can and has been solved by growing the new civilization in climate zones where an “inshallah” attitude quickly leads to starvation.

Handi says:

I volunteer to be the Jimstate Inquisitor who boils alive any public servant, priest, or journalist that says “abduction” or “kidnapping” about a father, of his own children.

someDude says:

Since we are fantasizing anyway, I propose inquisitors in both civilizations (Hindu and Western) set up an exchange program to study the finer points of how the other side deals with problematic civil servants such as these.

For instance, what temperature are you planning to heat the oil in which you propose to boil these villains? Will the event be pay per view or free to air public broadcasting?

It’s fine details like these hat set the professionals apart from the amateurs

Starman says:

This is the “Trump NFT” of Jim’s Blog posts.

simplyconnected says:

Whatever it is, it’s falsifiable. So we shall see.

Starman says:

It’s not a statement or a prediction.

It’s a sales pitch.

Fidelis says:

“I don’t know what any of this means, therefore it’s bad.”

Why don’t you tell us how btc, lightning, and nostr all works, in as many or as few words as you can manage, so that we know you are at least smart enough to criticize anything about it.

Failure to do so will be taken as admission that you are a dimwit, do not understand what anyone is saying, and found the best response was schreeching like a nigger instead.

Starman says:


“Why don’t you tell us how btc, lightning, and nostr all works,”

For the same reason I don’t tell you how mRNA boosters, reverse mortgages and astrology works.

By the way, thanks for failing Kalogerosstilitis’s grug test. Now enjoy your mRNA booster shots.

Fidelis says:

For the same reason I don’t tell you how mRNA boosters, reverse mortgages and astrology works

Because you don’t understand them at all?

enjoy your mRNA booster shots

Pureblood R1b chad here to repopulate. How about you stop talking about things you are incapable of understanding.

Starman says:


“How about you stop talking about things you are incapable of understanding.”

Kalogerosstilitis and I don’t know anything about how mRNA boosters work, or how the covid flu virus works.

So how did we two dummies manage to ignore the coronahoax and avoid the clotshots?

Fidelis says:

So how did we two dummies manage to ignore the coronahoax and avoid the clotshots?

The exact same way most of the niggers did?

Dr. Faust says:

Have you tried not being a faggot?

Kunning Drueger says:

Confirmed for screeching nigger. Is there a single chinko-merican that doesn’t worship nigger cock?

…why yes there is. Big shout out to Pax for literally carrying Team Happa on his back.

Pax Imperialis says:


Nah, I’m a creature of the national security state. I think the question you’ll find more pertinent is: “is there a single national security state creature that doesn’t worship nigger tranny cock?”

Officially no, unofficially… there’s hopefully fertile grounds for a repeat of feminism’s mysterious disappearing act in the 30s replete with destruction of all of today’s state sanctified demons… although admittedly, I’ve been swinging back and forth between cautious hope and absolute despair over the prospects.

>Big shout out to Pax for literally carrying Team Happa on his back.

Ok, now I’m (ironically) horrified you think I’m reenacting my ancient Anglo heritage’s propensity for carrying people.

On a side note, it just kinda dawned on me that Perfidious Albion clearly had the lighter basket. Perhaps the White Man’s Burden was always an Albion PSYOP to trick America into actually trying to uplift barbarians rather than rule them such. If true, jokes on the Perfidious, they fell for their own PSYOP as well.

Anyways, enough of my snarking. Starman is reminding me of VoxDay. Their hearts are in the right place, but something went off the rails. Possibly a long time ago. On it’s own, not a tremendous problem. We all go off the rails on occasion to a minor degree here or there, but that they lack the humility to recognize such possibility has lead them to further derailment rather than cautious rerailment. I am sympathetic, but at the same time I’ve mostly stopped closely checking in on what they have to say. I still occasionally do. A pity in the same way one might mostly ignore the clearly intelligent, but crazy, rantings of that one uncle at Thanksgiving feast. (I’m aware I might be that “uncle” on occasion). Regardless, there should still be an open seat at the table for them because at the end of the day they’re people and not communists…

All that said, and my sympathies stated, @Starman, you’re starting to get dangerously close to devolving into a rabid dog like a certain supposed Sikh poster.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In other news, of the fifty safest cities in America, almost half are leafy bedroom suburbs within commuting distance of Harvard. Why are all liberal cities crime-infested shitholes except the one that started it all? Gov. Abbott should drop off the next 100,000 border-crossers there, and tell them that wherever they see an “All are welcome” or “No one is illegal” sign, that’s their new home.

Red says:

Why would Abbott do that to his masters? Abbott is overseeing the transition of Texas from a Red State a Blue state and he’s doing a bang up job at it.

Mr.P says:

“… and he’s doing a bang up job at it.”

Indisputable. And a few friends outside the fetid crime-overrun Texas metropoli are noticing.

Starman says:

Notice that all the midwit nerd commentators here will attack me, but will not attack TheDividualist, who actually unironically believes in coronahoax deaths, and voluntarily took the mRNA clotshots and even the booster.

Kunning Drueger says:

You are not going to escape the bullycide You have requested by trying to find a whipping boy. quit being a fucking woman.

alf says:

Stop lying.

Look at the comments when Dividualist announced he had taken the shots.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’m sorry for your loss

Kunning Drueger says:

I am not allow

Doom says:

Your post was a statement which amounts to a character attack against Jim

The dividualists post was a good faith response to your argument.

You’re not even comparing apples with apples!

And furthermore, you think that thedividualist who, while he clearly has made mistakes, at least posts in good faith, is a more warranted target than yourself?

You attack Jim for being a “bad character”, and thedividualist, and wonder why people are attacking you for being a bad character?

Galatians 6, buddy.
A man reaps what he sows.

Kunning Drueger says:

Starman says:

“There is no such thing as “friendship between anonymous handles.” Friendship is a long, long face-to-face thing. This not a community, it’s just guys with anonymous handles hanging around.”

Blackpill, enemy script, divide & conquer tactics.

Of course, OF COURSE, an online dialogue between pseudonymous and anonymous people is no replacement for face-to-face human interaction. that being understood, the realities of our time dictate that we must act in risky ways under uncertain circumstances. we must have faith in strangers, and we must treat friends and family as enemy agents. but notice how Starman is one of the more vocal people who has attacked me for encouraging any type of IRL interaction. Of course, we run the risk of dealing with glowniggers, but we are fast approaching a point where we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. so I have absolutely no time or consideration for cryhard faggots who say “anyone who advocates for traditional network building is a FED” one minute, then the very next proclaiming that “anyone who is not connected in a traditional network is not connected at all.”

If someone can clarify how this isn’t a bunch of shill nigger hogwash, I’m all ears. As it stands, Starnigger is an enemy shill. I’m not saying he’s compromised in the same way that Pooch (RIP) is, but this point, he’s just friendly fire.

What’s the equivalent of the shill test for friends that have decided to make themselves enemies? I assume his paper tiger ego is thoroughly incapable of humbling himself, but let’s say he realizes he’s being a jackass and wants to change that. wat do?

SJ says:

Neglected children will turn to getting negative attention rather than no attention. This unfortunately results in adults who do not know how to get positive attention and who do not know how to self validate. Self validation is a skill that can and should be learned, if they are willing.

Adam says:

The guy needs to get on TRT like yesterday and start working a barbell. This is all just female drama at this point.

jim says:


Carte Blanche says:

I don’t see why we shouldn’t take him at his word. His Gab profile shows 35,000 posts over a 4-year period, which nets to just under 25 per day. That covers only the posting, not the consumption. I’d count that as a bona fide addiction, proof of how continuous exposure to unmoderated social media with positive feedback loops will eventually rot your brain, turning you into a mindless zombie chasing the next upboat-cum-dopamine-hit.

When he says he’s not looking for friends, I believe him. There’s a distinct “notice me senpai” vibe, but that’s a slightly different thing, and the Star Prophet is never going to notice him, hence glomming onto whomever else seems sort of alpha.

Which in and of itself would be beneath notice and was beneath notice until he decided to try a variant of the chess cheating scam, in which you replay the opponent’s moves to a computer and then replay the computer’s moves to the opponent, and in so doing has created an unwanted conduit between this blog and the social media filth that is supposed to be moderated away.

You could call it shilling, in a limited sense, because shilling is unresponsiveness and passing messages between entities is unresponsive. But it is not shilling with intent to shill, simply anti-social and self-destructive behavior driven by addiction, downregulation and harmful incentives. In practice, may not be much better; he is no more likely to back down than a meth addict is to go cold turkey, and we aren’t in any position to stage an intervention.

Trained animals have been known to revert to feral states and have to be put down. C’est la vie.

simplyconnected says:

Starman says:

This not a community, it’s just guys with anonymous handles hanging around.

And yet, how many people can one openly talk to about these issues. In my case one friend and one family member. A loose community where one can speak honestly is, in some aspects, better than lots of friends with whom you can’t speak your mind.

Doom says:

Let’s play devils advocate for Starmans position.
He has specific requirements for friendship, likely, some type of protection, be it financial or physical. It isn’t that he is a shill, per se, but has that very typical western feminine mindset, wherein if a person would not gift you the benefits of the defect/ cooperate pairing, they are not your friend.

Despite having been moderated by Jim previously, I consider him a friend. In the sense that he calls me out on my shit without worrying about my precious ego.

He doesn’t do it to harm me, he does it to BENEFIT me. That is co-operate co-operate right there.

You too, KD. I respect your position and I will always co-operate with you in the sense that I will not argue with you in bad faith. If you tell me I have misinterpreted you, I will believe and give you the benefit of the doubt.

That, to me, is what “friendship” is. We are not destroying each other, not competing against each other for dominance.

As far as how to do a shill test, hmm. I think you are correct in your interpretation too. Look for the obvious contradictions in mindset. People who claim that their point of view is superior based on zero evidence are invariably emotional children.

For example, a socialist viewpoint – we need a social safety net – without the corresponding social controls to ensure everyone contributes their fair share.

“We need universal healthcare BUT people do not have any obligation to pay into the system or look after their own health”

That’s what I consider a shill viewpoint. Demand for benefit without cost.

jim says:

> I consider a shill viewpoint.

The standard meaning of “shill” is someone who pretends to be a third party, who is in fact spruiking for the salesman or the con man, because he is paid to do so. Which are the shills I call out.

On this blog, we get of course primarily government sponsored shills, but I get a few investment scams. Lots of non government shills go after gold bugs and naive crypto investors who do not understand crypto. Have been known to turn up here, though it is uncommon. Last one was spruiking for FX, a few days back.

Doom says:

I know that, I meant in the context of how one can identify an actual shill.

I think a fairly well established viewpoint here is that there is no free ride. People who argue against the possibility of a free ride are clearly going to be shills – crypto scammers are definitely the type that want a free ride.

EG, I think your perspective on crypto is pretty utilitarian – the desire for a private, uninflatable currency base. Anyone who is against that is clearly a shill.

Mayflower Sperg says:

For non-Aussie readers:

spruik, pronounced “sprook”, verb, informal, Australian

speak in public, especially to advertise a show.
“men who spruik outside striptease joints”

promote or publicize.
“the company forked out $15 million to spruik its digital revolution”

Carte Blanche says:

A test is useful or interesting to the extent that it makes accurate predictions about the testee.

Jimian/Shamanic shill tests predict, with strikingly high accuracy and precision, how any given account will reply to many dozens of related questions. Most importantly they predict responsiveness – an account that fails one of the tests is invariably incapable of honest engagement and will always “assume the sale”, attempting to debate from the frame that we already agree with the premises that we clearly do not agree with.

Tests that are only descriptive and do not attempt to make falsifiable predictions have no meaning and no utility. Quizmaster Homer understands the form of a test, but not its function:

Quizmaster Homer can regurgitate a useful test as designed by others, but cannot craft his own test, nor evaluate the validity or usefulness of a new test, without outside help.

On the rare occasion that Quizmaster Homer takes the quiz himself, he will be unpleasantly surprised.

Pete says:

So why are insurance companies leaving Florida? Virtue signaling because of anti-trans laws or what?

“Earlier this week, Farmers also announced they were cutting back business in California due to record-breaking inflation, severe weather events, and reconstruction costs.” I can see leaving CA due to an anti-business environment but is something else going on in FL?

SJ says:

Massive fraud from roofing companies.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I did not know this specifically, but I believe it.

Immigration has been a body blow to construction in several ways. Drives down wages for white Amerikaner males obviously, but also drives down quality. Workmanship first, but materials as well to meet the price point demands of buyers who positively want to see you employ illegals. You’d think people would pay for quality over time, but house flippers don’t have that time horizon. The flipping/investment side of the housing market selects for cheapest at the moment, even while invasion levels of immigration and the FIREization of the housing market inflates prices overall.

I’ve seen plastic trim that degrades in a couple years, I’ve seen outside drains that need dug up because somebody used heavy duty cardboard. Roofing isn’t that bed yet where I am, but probably it’s coming some day.

Adam says:

I have been in commercial and residential construction in central and south Florida for about 20 years. It is kind of what I imagine a gold rush is like. If I could change a few things for the better I would:

– Remove women from the equation. They drive most purchasing and can never make a decision, as well as make bad decisions.

– Get rid of the immigrants

– Toss the contracting exams, permits and inspections out the window.

Just from a contractors perspective that would be a good start. There are other problems mostly the FIRE economy but that’s another subject.

Carte Blanche says:

Construction fraud, vehicle fraud, medical fraud… Florida might be the worst state in the country for all types of fraud.

Karl Denninger likes to rant about this once every few weeks; here’s a recent one:

Totally understandable that insurers don’t want anything to do with Florida, not virtue signaling and not a conspiracy – at least, not a conspiracy by the insurers, they’re among the victims in this particular instance.

The Cominator says:

> Florida is the only state with massive construction fraud
LOL no. Florida has a lot of people who like to ripoff insurance companies though… there are people who hope for car accidents here so they can call Attorney Dan Newlin who doesn’t seem to ever fail to get less 500 thousand dollars (I assume he just payoffs everyone).

Red says:

So the legal system is completely corrupt? Shocking how that happens in state filled with Spics.

The Cominator says:

Its more corrupt than most of the country as far as allowing everyone to ripoff insurance companies which may finally be coming home to roost now, its less corrupt in other ways. You’re not going to get railroaded in Florida for shooting a violent criminal who is attacking you. The state wasn’t encouraging people to be murdered at the hospitals. When money for infrastructure is spent here… some of the infrastructure does eventually get built. It’s not that they don’t steal a lot of it but they don’t steal all of it (in MA where I came from they stole all of it).

Florida I would say is in most ways less corrupt, but everyone figured fuck the insurance companies for decades (and I understand the sentiment as insurance companies are fucking quasi state parasites) and its coming home to roost now.

Cloudswrest says:
Mayflower Sperg says:

I was told today that Putin’s not a liberal because he signed a law that your sex is either male or female and you can’t legally change it. “You mean it was possible to do that in Russia?” “Sure, a friend of mine did it before that law passed, and he’s totally a man now!”

A large percentage of young Russians who speak English totally believe in LGBT+. They`re not just pretending so they can keep their Youtube channels. I seriously wonder if my future children should not learn English, to isolate them from this poison.

Fidelis says:

Russia has always had the problem of lacking memetic sovereignty. Back in the day, the Franks were the ones spreading the most pozz over europe, and the Russian upper castes ate it up.

C4ssidy says:

I think the model here is that those English-speaking Russians are going to rapidly and spontaneously mutate away from those beliefs as they realise it isn’t giving them easy access to state-delegated power. This seems to be a process that happens in just a handful of years. I assume Putin’s sanity reforms extend to direct political and state-connected jobs relatively quickly, but super curious if and when it starts affecting who is permitted into the top universities

Yul Bornhold says:

I don’t understand crypto, nostr, lightning network etc. but I can perhaps ask a meaningful question.

What does it mean to be a net peon rather than a netizen? If the GAE is unable to stop crypto, wouldn’t their most sound strategy be to launch their own anti-privacy crypto? They wouldn’t be able to print money, which would be a serious blow, but at least the peasants’ financial activities wouldn’t become opaque to state eyes.

S says:

No. If the US government was coherent enough to produce a viable crypto, it would be coherent enough to not produce inflation.

No other country in the world pulled it off despite ‘dethroning the dollar as the world’s reserve currency’ being a massive geopolitical prize.

Jehu says:

I’m pretty sure you need to have MAD capability on the existing reserve currency holder to be able to dethrone them and become the new reserve currency holder, in addition, of course to being more sane in your financial and governmental policies (that part isn’t hard, it’s the MAD part that’s hard). Japan I think if it nuked it up big time might be able to become a conventional reserve currency holder that wasn’t a cryptocurrency, but I don’t think China or Russia or India could manage it, even though all 3 of them can do the MAD thing.

Fidelis says:

Yen and Euro and Pound are reserve currencies; central banks all over have stocks of these notes to backstop their even worse fiat system. The USD is just the biggest and the “best” of this group. The odd duck out of the big relatively stable economies to not be a large reserve asset, to my knowledge, is the RMB. Likely due to a mix of political distrust and the fairly recent rise of CPC as a world power.

The problem isn’t MAD, it’s scale and network effect. USD used to control the most commodities and had the biggest network. JPY cannot dethrone the USD, even if it kicked out all the GAE parasites, because they do not have a large enough commodity network.

jim says:

Metcalf’s law. Everyone wants to transact in the money that everyone else is transacting in.

People came to use the US$, because after world war II, the industrial powerhouse of the world. Today China is the industrial powerhouse of the world.

But a great many people are transacting in emirati dirham, the Dubai currency, because of lower regulatory obstacles and lower regulatory risks. Bitcoin has even lower regulatory obstacles and risks.

Karl says:

These lower regulatory obstacles are not a property of emirati dirham, but of a payment system set up in Dubai.

Any bank in the West offers accounts in foreign currency, but emirati dirham in a German bank account don’t enable a businessman in Western Europe to pay his Russian counterpart.

jim says:

For eight centuries, empires have from time to time issued paper money – or wooden money in the case of the Kings of England.

It seldom lasts all that long because the issuer sooner or later does a great job of dethroning themselves.

jim says:

If you are using arby, it is way easy to use, a lot easier than a credit card and bank account. But they have all your information and are doubtless cheerfully selling it, just as the bank does, and if they go down, you have lost the money in your arby wallet, just as if the bank freezes your account, or complies with a government order to confiscate it.
This makes you a net peon.

If you are using c-lightning, it is a royal pain in the ass to set it up and use safely, but you are in control of your own money, which makes you a netizen.

Truth says:

People here tried to tell you [*what sounds too much like much government sponsored shill script about Bitcoin and lightning*]

jim says:

You give no indication of comprehending anything about bitcoin or lightning, and every indication of being government sponsored. To demonstrate knowledge about bitcoin, demonstrate comprehension of any of the common and valid crticisms made by knowledgeable people in the crypto community. Among them myself. Frequently. To demonstrate you are not a government shill, commit a thought crime, or critique a thought crime in ways that acknowledges the thought crime’s existence.

Crime says:

Go ahead “Jim”, commit a thought crime, many thought crimes, show us what u got…

jim says:

Oh come on. I have committed numberless thought crimes. Most notably on the third rail of thought crimes, the woman problem.

Carte Blanche says:

What’s really baffling to me in this case, and the reason I’m on Shill Red Alert, is that your entire post was a critique of the current state of Bitcoin, Lightning, etc. Hardly any of it was “Bitcoin Maximalist” rhetoric, it was mostly explaining why Bitcoin is not quite ready for universal adoption.

The only part of the post expressing unreserved optimism was the title. Which leads me to believe that these spammers and shills, including the privacy-coin shill and the dumb goldbug on Gab, didn’t bother reading past the title.

I wonder how many shills you could flush out by putting arbitrary titles having nothing to do with the content on certain random posts. Obviously not a good practice quality-wise, but it’s great at identifying who actually reads vs. who is just looking for their own soapbox.

Kunning Drueger says:

> I wonder how many shills you could flush out by putting arbitrary titles having nothing to do with the content on certain random posts.

I think I recommended something like this a while back. You are correct and that it would bring down the general quality, but it could also be like calling down artillery on your own position. I think I also proposed the use of some kind of signal to all the regulars to either not engage, or to play along with blue pilled takes or obvious bad takes to assist in shill identification and pacification.

I cannot recall when this was, and I can’t do a deep dive right now.

cub says:

Lmao, “third rail” my ass. Kanye would still be a billionaire if he had launched a crusade against bitches and hoes instead.

[*hail fellow reactionary, you should unite with us shills*]

jim says:

The influencer Andrew Tate made millions in part because he was willing to do what you suggest Kanye should have done.

Despite being awfully careful with his words (namefags always lie) was imprisoned on trumped up charges, and the entire media enthusiastically reported him as a rapist and human trafficker.

And I would be imprisoned on charges of raping little girls if you could find me. His thought crimes are nothing compared to mine. He was trying very hard to get as close as possible to the third rail without actually touching it. But the third rail is expanding, he was retroactively deemed to have touched it, for words that were safe when he said them, but are now unsayable. Words he is now frantically attempting to walk away from.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for spreading mud on the waters*]

cub says:

I didn’t say Kanye should have done that (instead), but I wouldn’t have minded if he did. And I’m not trying to “find you”- why bother with shill tests if you’re going to ignore their results?

Tate was arrested for being more influential and convincing than Kanye, not just for the content of his messages. They don’t just arrest anyone that commits wrongthink, they only go after those that have the largest reach. You’re surely already aware of this, otherwise you wouldn’t have needed to sell your old domain.

jim says:

I am not ignoring the results. You attempted to pass the shill test by giving us the standard hail fellow reactionary spiel on women and Jews. You are unable to pass the shill test. You supposedly hate niggers because magical, women because wonderful, and Jews because smart and successful.

cub says:

For someone who so hates being misquoted and misinterpreted, you sure have no problem doing it to others. I believe I’ve told you this before.

Monogamy and female ownership is necessary for a functioning civilization. Niggers are less human than whites. And you know where I stand on the tribe.

I’d like to participate in the discussion now, if you don’t mind.

jim says:

You said you “showed that my post from 2015 was invalid.” Pretty sure you did not show it. Have a go.

You are not a shill, but like a shill, your arguments are not made in good faith.

Like a flat earth shill, your evidence seems to come from alien brain wave broadcasts, and then you have completely confidence that this evidence decisively proves you right, substituting confidence and insults for explanation and actual evidence.

I have taken you off moderation, but if you present any more ungrounded mystery “evidence”, going straight back on moderation.

Look at the Ukraine Greatest Counter Offensive. Obviously planned by someone in Washington without any military experience or a glimmering of contact with reality. There is no conspiracy of brilliant master minds. There is a fractious and quarrelling cabal of conspiracies run by evil stupid ignorant fanatics. All the smart evil fanatics have been purged or in their nineties. Soros is ninety three. Kagan is a fool. Hillary Clinton is a fool.

cub says:

Your post in question from 2015 was about the inappropriate exclusion of the ultra-high IQ from “elite” professions such as engineers, lawyers, physicians, etc. I stated that those positions are not truly elite, in part because they are subject to the ones who are doing the excluding in the first place.

GAE does not appear to value the lives of Ukrainians, in fact it seems borderline genocidal towards them, so I’d say the “counter-offensive” is doing its job.

I’m just not convinced that those at the top actually believe what they preach. These are people who profess a love of democracy while rigging elections. Hopefully your Bumbling Fools Theory of the Elites is accurate, but underestimating the enemy could cause us to become dangerously complacent.

jim says:

> I stated that those positions are not truly elite, in part because they are subject to the ones who are doing the excluding in the first place


Not what that post was about, though it discussed that at length as supporting evidence and as a grievance. What that post was about was that we are ruled by a stupid elite that is rapidly getting stupider: Hillary Clinton being exhibit A

The problem is that they are excluding the smart from their own underlings, a lot more than they are excluding them from science and engineering, which was for a long time the last refuge of smarties. And when they retire or die, are replaced by idiots. Naturally an evil person hires evil people to help him do evil, and is a lot more worried about smart evil underlings on the inside than smart engineers on the outside. So he hires idiot underlings, and in due course he dies or retires and they replace him.

It is an inherent problem with evil non hereditary conspiracies, which evil Jewish conspiracies escape by being unstable and short lived, but we tend to be ruled by long lived conspiracies. Indeed, every ruling elite is in a sense a conspiracy, but a virtuous ruling elite can handle a great deal of sunlight, hence it is somewhat misleading to call them a conspiracy, even though in a sense they are.

Aristocratic elites escape this problem by bequeathing positions to their sons. But true believing conspiracies tend to be non hereditary, so long lived true believing conspiracies wind up in the hands of evil idiots.

Lets take a look at the Biden conspiracy. Incompetent irresponsible idiots. One of Hunter Biden’s minions, who got thousands when his boss got millions, was thrown to the wolves while in possession of a pile of inside information, an act of incompetence similar to losing the laptop while high on cocaine. He is now testifying to congress.

It seems that Hunter Biden robbed an Indian reservation. Since feather Indians are pretty high on the victim hierarchy, someone had to take the fall, and the minion that they chose to be sacrificed was on the inside while Vice President Biden was shaking down Chinese and Ukrainian companies. Incompetent idiots all the way to the top. Read the Clinton emails. And the Ukrainian greatest counter offensive has Kagan’s fingerprints all over it.

cub says:

“Naturally an evil person hires evil people to help him do evil, and is a lot more worried about smart evil underlings on the inside than smart engineers on the outside.”

Wouldn’t a shared belief system make someone LESS likely to threaten their superior? Wouldn’t they be more invested in the stability and success of their organization as a whole, beyond mere self-interest?

“It is an inherent problem with evil non hereditary conspiracies, which evil Jewish conspiracies escape by being unstable and short lived, but we tend to be ruled by long lived conspiracies.”

…such as what? How can a conspiracy be long-lived if the smart people are constantly being replaced by idiots? Wouldn’t they be out-competed by more competent people?

“Aristocratic elites escape this problem by bequeathing positions to their sons. But true believing conspiracies tend to be non hereditary, so long lived true believing conspiracies wind up in the hands of evil idiots.”

Hunter’s wealth and influence are bequeathed by his father, and he does not appear to be a true believer of anything except hedonism, so if anything his idiocy refutes your theory.

jim says:

> Wouldn’t a shared belief system make someone LESS likely to threaten their superior

Indeed it does. But the powerful Jewish conspiracies are woke assimilated, and so hate Jews and Israel more than anyone. And woke is a never ending power struggle, as each woke adherent gets to be holier than all of the other, so not an effective protection against potentially dangerous subordinates.

> How can a conspiracy be long-lived if the smart people are constantly being replaced by idiots?

It can last for generations. That is mighty long as conspiracies go.

> Wouldn’t they be out-competed by more competent people?

If you are in power, you can shut down competition. We cannot have a church or a youth group or a club that they perceive as a potential threat.

> he does not appear to be a true believer of anything

He may or may not be a true believer in woke, but plausibly claims to be an adherent, and everything he does is compatible with that claim.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why is Hunter Biden still in the news? Why do federal prosecutors and the mainstream media continue to investigate his crimes? The fact that the people in charge are letting Hunter feel the heat implies that they want his dad out of the White House, though they’d push harder if they wanted Kamala to take his place. What’s the plan?

jim says:


Bribery is the basic and primary impeachable offense, and everyone has known for decades that he is on the take. We knew he was guilty of all this stuff back in the Obama whitehouse. There is nothing new here. why now?

The man is obviously dying – he is on his way out one way or the other. Could be that no one can be bothered running cover for him any more.

But suppose Biden is removed or keels over before the Democratic party nomination – as seems increasingly likely. Well, Joe Manchin has high hopes. His position on the Ukraine is World War III now, and while we are at it, China also.

could be that the war faction wants to replace Biden with Manchin. Could be the postpone-world-war-III-till-we-can-build-more-weapons-faster faction wants to replace him with RFK-Jr. Could be both. Could be just chaos.

Tyrone says:

[*moronic advice on picking up chicks deleted*]

Kunning Drueger says:

Get your shit together, Tyrone.

Enormous Lol says:

The only “Enormous Move” that is coming up for Bitcoin is straight into the dumpster of history.

Mark my words… Bitcoin, in its present “never change” rhetoric form, will be out of the top-10 within the next ten years.

Don’t believe me? Archive this post and check back 10 years from now.

Bitcoin is dead walking.

jim says:

Bitcoin is in never change form?

Your comment reveals deep and utter ignorance of all crypto currencies.

Bitcoin is conservative indeed, but introduced contracts on the blockchain, and more importantly, introduced schnorr signatures enabling scriptless scripts, making possible many enormous improvements to the lightning protocol (which we have been slow to take advantage of, but they are coming along)

Bitcoin is certainly slow to introduce “improvements” that fail to accomplish their goal. If it aint broken, don’t fix it.

The lightning network plus bitpay makes it the not only the least regulated payments platform, but the fastest. Who else has a lightning network?

Your comment reveals deep and utter ignorance of bitcoin.

Look at all the dexs with all that supposedly cool ethereum stuff. The lightning network could interoperate with anything that uses schnorr signatures and has a lightning network, so if any other currency set up a lightning network, they could have fast decentralised atomic exchanges between their currency and bitcoin. The conversion channels would form an exchange with ask and sell bids. And yet they have not. Bitcoin is the tech leader. People create elaborate and complicated dexs because they don’t actually want them to be too distributed, just as Ethereum does not want to use recursive snarks for what they are potentially capable of. If you want to maximise the value of your altcoin, don’t give it a dex, give it lightning, enable RGB contracts to own your money on the base layer and the lightning layer, and set up a system for distributing the information identifying the intercurrency lightning channels with the lowest offer and the highest bid. Use the RBG layer as a connection between the bitcoin network and your network.

The next step in crypto currencies is “recursive snarks” (which terminology I do not like, because they are indeed recursive, but are not exactly recursive snarks) Ethereum is unable to implement them properly, for to implement them properly, would have to let go of power, and ethereum is not a crypto currency, but an officially unofficial federal government financial institution.

Bitcoin will be late to implement them, because it will let some altcoins shake the bugs out. But I am confident it will implement them in due course, because scaling is broken.. Bitcoin is the technology leader, and always has been. Ethereum was first with recursive snarks, but then found it did not dare use them correctly. I expect that Bitcoin will follow the footsteps of an altcoin that implements recursive snarks in the most obvious, direct, and simple fashion.

Bitcoin An Enormous Lol says:

Unfortunately those goings on don’t seem as if they will result in addressing some of the realworld necessities that real people have with real money…

So let us postulate and review some requisite capabilities of a proper minimalistic cash money coin currency that can begin to meet people’s realworld needs…

Note these are likely not Bitcoin/Lightnings “goals” (anymore, as they are on record declining to meet some of these elements), but are those of some yet to be developed coins that will compete well against BTC-LN…

1) At least 1 Billion users transacting twice a week ~= 3.5kTPS, 2B@3/wk ~= 10kTPS, 3B@2/wk ~= 10kTPS, etc.
2) Coin Privacy… covering what today are called sender, receiver, and amount, but also should not have any reference to time. Such a pure balance ledger db enables true Fungibility, and ends Colored Coins, Censorship, Spyveillance, Datamining, CBDC, 1984, etc.
3) TX to offline recipients, send to address period, not to something that must be online to receive or manage or negotiate or KEX the receipt of it. Besides both or all parties hardly being online at the same time all the time, online subjects both parties to Network Analysis thus physical location datamining, offline does not.
4) Finality under 10 minutes, no alterable indeterminate state, no longer or unbounded pendency waits, no RBF or other games.
5) L1 only… all account balances fully available all the time, not locked up in side contracts, shims, features, grift schemes, Corporations, etc.
6) Bounded growth of the dataset to no more than that needed to contain the number of account address structures, ie 8 Billion user accounts at say 8kB per struct <~= 60TiB today. If you're growing unbounded per TX, you might eventually exceed physical or bandwidth limits, do not take that risk. Be a pure balance ledger db, not a TX history store.
7) Capped maximum supply, known emission curve, laws of hard Economics.
8) Ability to include an optional arbitrary small data field in the signed TX that is size limited to say 1kB, that rolls off the network's storage buffer after say no more than 180 days, thus allowing for 3rd party interop and expansion, short messaging, and public broadcast (either encrypted, or as plaintext, or as anon via new keys, as desired), but within a size cap and expiry that cannot blow out bandwidth or storage. Thought crimes require this sole feature, and Satoshi included a form of it too, knowingly or not.
9) Fees, if any, that are forever low enough to not inhibit the receiving of a day's wages, nor the spending of them on a simple meal.
10) PoW, ASIC hard, CPU easy, volunteer, at least until any other proofs or lack thereof become well gamed and universally accepted by the entire space as being much better.
11) Post Quantum Modern Crypto.
12) DEX compatible.
13) TLS over the wire, works with various VPN's, Overlay Networks, Radio… unstoppable.
14) Consider some form of Human community based anti-Sybil possibility, or node and designs that are immune to Sybil gaming.
15) Fair Launch, no Premine, no Preissuance, etc.
16) A proper minimalistic cash money coin currency… no Smart Contracts, DAO, Governance, Foundation, DeFi, NFT, ICO, Platforms, etc.

Some key points why no one is doing these is not that they are not possible, but that, re numbers 15 and 16…

a1) They're trying to be more features than bandwidth (network, and compute node) can support at scale.
a2) They're trying to be more features than modeling the future outcome of the coin against its own protocol and usage meltdown can predict.
a3) They're trying to be more features than any hope of secure programming can support.

b) The entire space has turned evil and seeks to bake their own Control ("Governance, etc") and Greed ("Foundation, etc") for themselves into all their new coin projects.

The altruism of Anon Satoshi needs to return to the coin space before any real coin will be developed.

So I tend to agree with "Enormous Lol's" wager, because the Bitcoin people are still refusing to address these things… nor do they have any plans to do so, else they would do it today, or at least affirm it is their plan and proffer planned tech to do so solidly on their implementation roadmap as continuing toward actualizing the "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" of their titled meme paper, which is a title that they now clearly hold only in titular fashion.

Yes, Bitcoin, in current tech form and the mentality of its cores, is likely dead within about 10 years.
Some other "Satoshi" or anonymous team will come along that does these minimalistic things, in that timeframe, with new competing coins.
And the world will then ditch Bitcoin and LN, and adopt the new plainly superior coin.

Also interesting may be that some form of ledger db or consensus could now be used to authenticate serialized fixed nominal denominations of tokens, reopening the debate again for some form of passing those around, if it would help a coin to meet the list above. It is unclear if, post Bitcoin, any new thinking on that has been done.

jim says:

> Note these are likely not Bitcoin/Lightnings “goals” (anymore, as they are on record declining to meet some of these elements)


They are refusing to address these needs because existing technology does not support them and until very recently no one had the foggiest idea of how to support them, and everyone who claimed otherwise was a scammer.

To support them, need a crypto currency built on recursive snarks. And thus an infinitely shardable and subshardable public broadcast channel. Which technology has recently available, but no one is yet effectively using them yet.

Bitcoin is on the record as attempting to deal with these needs as best can be done with the existing technology: Layer two, the lightning network, and layer three, RGB contracts. Which third layer will incorporate recursive snarks eventually, making possible a recursive snark public broadcast channel that is an infinitely shardable shard of the bitcoin base layer. Which makes possible your list of requirements. Which were until recently impossible to be simultaneously satisfied.

We now, in principle, know how to bring the necessary technologies to bitcoin, through layer three. Lighting wallets have ownership claims secured on the blockchain. Using recursive snarks, create a fungible RGB currency in secure contracts on layer one and layer two.

An RGB contract is a narrowly shared shard representing an ownership claim against bitcoin. With recursive snarks, can be made into a very widely shared claim with a shardable reliable broadcast channel. Assuming recursive snarks are done right, which is hard.

The way a crypto currency with all the necessary properties would work is that there will be a small number of big high tech providers operating lightning nodes, and your wallet will give you an ownership claim against their ownership claim against base layer bitcoin. giving you a rapidly transferable ownership claim. In the normal case, when all providers are up and running, you have a wallet with one provider, and someone else has a wallet with another provider, and when you pay him, your big provider moves money over the lightning network to his big provider, diminishing the payer’s ownership claim against his provider’s ownership claim against base layer bitcoin, and increasing the payee’s big provider’s ownership claim against base layer bitcoin, and the payees ownership claim against their big provider’s ownership claim.

If a provider goes down, all the layer three wallets whose money is claims against that provider eventually form a consensus on a new provider, who can then recover the money that wound up dumped on layer one. This will take quite a while, but it will not happen very often. If your provider goes down and stays down, the data in your wallet, plus your master secret, will enable you to transfer your ownership claim to the new provider.

> 5) L1 only

This is stupidity and ignorance for the sake of stupidity and ignorance. You need additional layers to provide qualities that contradict the necessary properties of lower layers. Your list of requirements cannot be satisfied in a single layer, because it contains technologically incompatible demands.

> 10) PoW, ASIC hard

Asic hard does not work. Proof of work inherently has the problems we are now suffering. When your currency gets as big as bitcoin, people will build specialised hardware to prove work, resulting in centralisation. We need better things than proof of work, which are now being developed. You falsely condemn Bitcoin for failure to embrace new technologies, while arbitrarily ruling out the use of new technologies. Any scammer can easily whip up an asic hard pow, which is why they love to talk about it. Asic hard is not asic hard. It is just asic hard against asics you can get off the shelf at a reasonable price. Also, proof of work is easy to implement, so scammers go with what is easy, rather than attempting a real solution to the problem, which is hard. People are now making genuine efforts to make something better than proof of work, and it is doable, particularly with recursive snarks, but all altcoins that claim to have done it are scams or self delusion. Doing it right is hard. Avalanche proof of consensus works, but is prone to various failure modes, and to avoid these failure modes they have epicycles on their epicycles. Avalanche is not going to work in a splinternet world, but it works for now, because everyone running Avalanche is on the American splinter of splinternet. Avalanche’s epicycles would fall off if, as is likely, the big use of crypto currency comes to be transactions between the Russian hegemony, the Chinese hegemony, and Global American Empire. But, with recursive snarks, we have alternatives to proof of work more robust than Avalanche.

> 11) Post Quantum Modern Crypto.

Post Quantum Crypo is a scam. Quantum computing is impossible with known physical technologies. It will require a fundamental breakthrough involving new and as yet unknown properties of new materials, new material physics, fabricated in new ways, which no one has any idea how to accomplish. No one yet has the faintest idea of what the physical and material basis of a quantum computer could possibly be. Ninety nine percent of people who use that buzzword have no idea what it means, which ignorance attracts scammers like dogshit attracts flies. No one understands quantum mechanics, and scammers love to draw people into what they do not understand. If someone says “quantum”, grab your wallet with one hand and your weapon with the other.

12) DEX compatible.

I though you said “everything L1”. A dex is a higher layer. And I thought you said “no contracts”. A dex is a second layer built on contracts in the base layer.

The trouble is that most dexs are not distributed exchanges, but unofficially official branches of the unofficially official branch of the federal government that is Ethereum. “Dex compatible” is code for “compatible with the regulatory authority of the state” Dexs need to be compatible with bitcoin, not the other way around, which is perfectly doable, thanks to bitcoin contracts, and/or the lightning layer, and/or RGB but they don’t want to, because the regulatory state would not like it.

Dexes were a great idea, but an immense army of scammers have set up camp, because scammers love what people do not understand. Not all Dex’s are scams, nor always the regulatory state in drag, but most of them are. It was a difficult idea, and financially successful, so immediately a swarm of scammers moved in, plus the regulatory state in drag had already set up camp in Ethereum, and almost all Dexs are ethereum based..

A genuine Dex, like a genuine alternative to proof of work, is hard to understand and hard to implement. And so, scammers. Scammers like “Dex” for the same reason as they like “quantum”, and the regulatory state was there first, because Ethereum is the regulatory state in drag.

If you want support for exchange of your altcoin or contract, put up a lightning network and interface it to RGB.

The Mehs says:

> They are refusing to address these needs because existing technology does not support them

Bullshit. Both Monero and Zcash are rudimentarily private first gen, [*shuitting down this debate*]

jim says:

You are not capable of holding this discussion. Very few people are.

I and a great many very smart people have been thinking very hard about the problems with crypto currency that you raise and discussing them at great length from the very beginning. You don’t understand the answers.

The reason Bitcoin is not addressing them is not arrogant self satisfaction. It is because they are very hard problems, and each solution for one problem has terrible trade offs for the others. The bitcoin community has been working on these problems literally from the very first day. Monero scales far worse than Bitcoin, and Zcash’s scaling was so unbearably bad that it instantly turned from a privacy coin into a scamcoin, because they had to sacrifice privacy for performance.

Recursive snarks are a scalable solution that does not have these terrible tradeoffs, but they are new, and no one has implemented them properly yet. (And the first coins that claim to properly implement them will probably be scamcoins that, like Zcash, took a few short cuts.)

Lightning is giving us a whole lot of scalability and privacy. Bur most people cannot safely setup or run a real lightning wallet. Which can be considerably mitigated and will be mitigated, but mitigating that problem it is hard also. As a result, most people wind up using custodial wallets. Which is a really bad situation. And running a real lightning wallet is never going to be safe or easy, though it can be made a whole lot safer and easier.

Obviously we need a system with the scalability, privacy, and near instant settlement of lightning. but everyone can use a real wallet, unlike lightning. And that can only be accomplished by new technologies that a short time ago were just a gleam in someone’s eye. Because no end of altcoins and scamcoins claim to solve these problems you think they are easy. Everything is easy if you don’t understand how to do it.

Most of the altcoins that claim to address the problems are scams. Some are honest efforts, whose founders realised their solutions had terrible tradeoffs, but thought the price acceptable. Monero is one of very few, but Monero, in addition to scaling enormously worse than Bitcoin, is incapable of the scaling solutions that Bitcoin is capable of – incapable of lightning.

Carte Blanche says:

Don’t believe me? Archive this post and check back 10 years from now.

Your predictions only matter if you matter. A million anons making a million predictions tells us nothing of interest even if some of them end up being correct – Texas Sharpshooter fallacy.

Choosing a ten-year horizon and “in its current form” weasel words guarantees that no one ever will or ever could hold you to your claims. Consequently, this isn’t a prediction at all, it’s wishful thinking coated in impotent bluster that would embarrass any man with functioning testicles.

If you’re so sure of yourself, make a real bet with real exit conditions; Jim has been known to take them. To make things really interesting, you should stake your own claim in BTC (meaning if you lose, you pay out in BTC, which you say will be worthless, thus very easy for you to afford, in 10 years) and get Jim’s stake in gold or fiat or whatever shitcoin you think is going to the moon between now and then.

embeveraged commuter says:

So for a regular dude who isn’t a high priority CIA target and isn’t storing millions, do you advocate for learning to set up the C-lightning wallet, fanless mini-pcs and so on in the short run?, or would it be good enough to just use edge wallet or something to stash bitcoins for the future while waiting for better tech to become accessible?

Surely if that level of protection gets compromised, that would be the end of consumer use of crypto anyway?

jim says:

Edge wallets are fine. Way better than bank accounts. Not everyone has to be a netizen, and a netizen does not have to use his netizen capabilities all the time.

And, under current circumstances, need to have numerous peon identities. For which activities, edge wallets are exactly what one needs.

Don’t keep life changing amounts of money in an edge wallet.

Tomas DePietro says:

This block is “reaction”… reactionary, to *revolutions* started by others over time. That is why here supports BTC_LN, which is slowly approaching its own legacy sunset up against new revolutionaries that intend to, and most likely will, dethrone it. I don’t know when, but like others have said, maybe in about 10 years. I think that any coin that offers the two things that BTC_LN dont truly offer, privacy and direct p2p high txrate without intermediary systems in the way of the original p2p usage models, will win in the long term. Reading notes on this blog have convinced that now is time to dedicate all time and effort supporting any such coins that are out there developing. Really looking forward to how privacy coins will advance in the space of memethought and then into adoption and usage 🙂

jim says:

No coins that I am aware of out there.

Avalanche consensus is fast and cheap, but it just cannot handle bifurcation problems, which do not happen on the Global American Empire splinter of splinternet, but are going to be a killer for a truly international coin.

And, of course, we absolutely have to have recursive snarks implemented properly (pretty much the opposite of the way they are implemented on ethernet) both to secure privacy, and for unlimited scaling, since unlimited sharding of the public broadcast channel is almost trivial with recursive snarks.

Monaro secures privacy by dumping a whole lot of meaningless chaff on the blockchain, thus defeating blockchain analysis. This bloats the public broadcast channel. A system based on recursive snarks should not put that information to analyse on the public broadcast channel in the first place,

Recursive snarks also allow a multitude of wonderful alternatives to proof of work, because not everyone has to themselves verify the proof, they just verify the zk-snark that proves that someone has proved it.

Not Monero says:

Monero’s “privacy” isn’t good enough. There are papers and posts covering realworld privacy attacks on XMR. But the XMR maxi shills keep dodging them instead of admitting the truth. “Can Monero be traced?” Yes it can.

Zcash’s privacy, in shielded mode, is a bit better. But ZEC is a bit behind on todays zk models, and is slow in part as a result.

And both would have to get much faster to handle demand for realworld TX rates.

Both XMR and ZEC will likely be replaced.

That is when the privacy coin fun and win starts 🙂

jim says:

Monero leaks quite a bit of information. But it is hard to trace. Not bullet proof, but it makes thing plenty difficult for the adversary.

There is a lot of room for improvement. But let us not be blackpilled about existing currencies.

Zcash privacy is better in theory, but due the high cost of its zk, you don’t get a large enough anonymity set, so it is something of a scam.

HoardingMonero says:

>Monero leaks quite bit of information

The only information monero leaks is the ring signature members. Currently, your enote (ie, a “utxo” in Monero vocabulary) is hidden among 15 other random enotes (ie, utxos) picked from Monero’s blockchain. So, whenever someone checks a Monero transaction, he is looking at your true spend, one among the 16 enotes that are visible in the transaction.

With Seraphis upgrade (coming in a year), this ring size is slated to be increased to 128. So, your true enote will be hidden among 127 other decoys.

However, recently, on MoneroKon 2023 (conference held in Prague), one of wunderkind Monero cryptographers revealed a way to do “Zcash-style” Full Membership Proofs (FMP), within Monero protocol.

Contrasted with Zcash’s “moon math”, Monero’s FMP will be relying on bulletproofs zero-knowledge primitive. Which is a much better well-known and tested way to do zero-knowledge proofs.

With the decoys eliminated from Monero’s protocol, Monero won’t be leaking any information to passive observers of its blockchain; as its amounts within a transaction are already encrypted with zero-knowledge proofs and are invisible, and its addresses are, again, encrypted with Stealth Addressing scheme.

Here’s the related MoneroKon ’23 talk:

The Cominator says:

Government/Cathedral admits that society has been ruined. Won’t blame feminism and (to a lesser extent) diversity. I’m sure whatever they do will be totally fake and gay and won’t touch on any sacred cows. The one thing they could do without committing any thoughtcrimes is ban any and all online dating apps. They won’t even do that though.

Pax Imperialis says:

There’s a possible rollback on pornography beginning. It’s hard to tell if this, in the long run, will simply be seen as temporal peasantry grumbling, or the beginning of a general trend of full state backed reversal.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What government policy concerning pornography might be “rolled back”? I thought porn was completely unregulated, except that all participants must be over 18.

surprise says:

You’re talking to a Puritan who can’t pass the RPWQ on porn.

The Cominator says:

Who are you to slander an established poster in good standing out of the blue noob?

Kunning Drueger says:

Links or GTFO faggot.

Pax Imperialis says:

It was pretty much an open secret that online porn is massively targeted at young boys (soft porn even more so). While federal law strictly prohibits the distribution of obscene matter to minors, federal law stopped being enforced quite some time ago and online pornography companies were given blank checks.

The “rollback,” if there is one, begun in 2016 with 16 states and counting having declared porn a public health crisis. In more recent years, several states have passed laws requiring age verification on porn sites. Pornhub blocked access to several states. On its own, this looks like random noise, but in conjunction with recent semi rollbacks on abortion and trannyism creates a possible trend. When looking at the 1920s-1940s, the rollback on feminism was slow and then all at once. Thinking there would be a rollback on feminism in 1930 America by ~1941 would be seen as crazy, but small signs of it beginning started appearing in early ~1930 (see the Hays Code). Something similar might be brewing in the US.

Again, I want to reiterate it may take some time to know if this is an actual trend or just a temporal blimp of peasant grumbling.

It is likely impossible to completely ban porn, and I’m not advocating that. It existed in my grandfather’s time and far before. It is very possible to extremely limit access young boys have to pornography. A 12 year old having access is probably far from healthy. Growing up, the most my father had access to was the occasional illicitly obtained playboy magazine. Growing up, what I had access to… well let’s just say a certain image board on dial-up internet connection. What the kids have access to today is professionally made websites like Pornhub with a million free high speed Wifi hotspots.

Limited access to porn on the internet can be done without identity requirements. One measure could be a law that pornographic website requires a small BTC deposit for access (not a payment) that would be returned after say a few hours. For the same reason parents generally don’t give their kids the credit card, they wouldn’t be giving them BTC wallets. Can kids find ways of circumventing such a system… sure, but the goal isn’t elimination but extreme limitation.

AI search engines could be employed to hunt down pornographic websites and automatically set up redirects to third party BTC deposit websites. Filtering out the porn is going to be extremely easy. What I think the real difficulty will reside in, is the removal of soft porn from mainstream culture. That requires a far heavier social involvement rather than crafty technical solutions.

The Cominator says:

The age verification is a trojan horse to bring in online id verification for all web activity. Yes NSA mostly has that in their metadata but it’s complicated to get… they want ordinary federal goons to be able to track everything you do.

notglowing says:

This is my issue with it.
In practice, all this legislation does is tie up any site that might host NSFW content into being forced to comply with draconian regulations, forcing them to collect official ID of all their users.
Data which, in the case of porn sites especially, could be used as blackmail potentially.
In the case of sites with mixed used where politics is discussed (ie reddit) it’s even more of a problem. A site like 4chan might well become entirely illegal.

For any site with user generated content, complying with these “child safety laws” even if they are not trying to be a porn site, means monitoring all their content and spending time and effort to comb through it.

This is an insane overreach which is sure to destroy any independent social media in due time.

Red says:

It is likely impossible to completely ban porn, and I’m not advocating that. It existed in my grandfather’s time and far before. It is very possible to extremely limit access young boys have to pornography. A 12 year old having access is probably far from healthy. Growing up, the most my father had access to was the occasional illicitly obtained playboy magazine. Growing up, what I had access to… well let’s just say a certain image board on dial-up internet connection. What the kids have access to today is professionally made websites like Pornhub with a million free high speed Wifi hotspots.

So? Porn is a minor vice. The lets ban porn is just another McChristain effort to ignore the elephant in the room: Their daughters are sluts and their sons are told lies about the nature of women. My local McChristain Church teaches that women want protectors so all the young men are being taught to white knight for them. The number of women those young men will bang is zero.

The other day on twitter some McChristain Influencer was bragging about how some 18 year old chick DMed saying that because of him she’s going to save herself from marriage. This is the sort of guy urging Christian to be strong and resist having sex for sex outside of marriage is evil! I called him a heretic for not telling her to go to father and demand that he find her a suitable young man to marry. She should be married and pumping out Christian babies as God commands.

Porn producers and Kikes(I repeat myself) should be arrested and tortured to death on live TV for distorting the mating dance, but porn itself shouldn’t be banned. The idea that it wires men wrong is stupid. The thing that’s wiring men wrong is the total lack of access to virginal wives and the endless lies about the mating dance. Sure if there was no porn there would be more violence from sexless young men, but why would we want that? What we should want is restoring Coverture and giving those young men wives and with that the minor evils that come from porn and hookers largely goes away.

Pax Imperialis says:

should be arrested and tortured to death on live TV for distorting the mating dance
The idea that it wires men wrong is stupid.
and endless lies about the mating dance

The current porn is distorting the mating dance, but definitely not by wiring men wrong, but it’s definitely helping spread endless lies about the mating dance which men internalize as mental models, which is totally different from wiring men wrong!! 🙃 Red, all those lies are ultimately wiring in the brain that take hold because of squishy brain chemicals.

So let’s say we kill off all the current porn producers via televised torture. This is totally different from an effective ban! 🙃 People respond well to power, and you’re proposing the ultimate display of power. The type of power reserved for things we agree to ban.

You’re having an emotional reaction to the subject matter and going all over the place.

So? Porn is a minor vice. The lets ban porn is just another McChristain effort to ignore the elephant in the room

Yes a minor vice, and so I suggested a modest policy of limiting access of porn by young children (very much a coup complete objective). That isn’t some drastic or crazy measure. This is the historical Western standard. This can be done without ID requirements and so government attempt to use ID requirements are suspect. All the people trying to put porn in school libraries are obvious groomers. The same way the people targeting (soft and hard) porn to children on the internet are obvious groomers. Some wish to distort the mating dance because they are pederasts, some because they are progressives, some because they are subversive, some because they are GAIA whoreshippers, etc. Funny how those groups all ‘coincidentally’ blend into each other.

Subversive elements of society have always gravitated toward the porn industry. It’s inherently pushing against social norms and attacking them and distorting them. You can’t have porn without it being subversive. That’s something you want to quarantine, but is too troublesome to completely eradicate because, as we’ve pointed out, it’s a minor vice.

Sure if there was no porn there would be more violence from sexless young men, but why would we want that?

On an individual level, such violence is bad, but on a group level, I think Fukuyama’s end of history is worse. We should tolerate a certain type of violence at a low intensity. War is the father and king of all, and war is ultimately about mate securing under selection pressure. I think this should be preserved in civilization in the same way the Greeks and Romans tried preserving man’s wildness in their cities. This can be done at the same time coverture is restored.

Red says:

The current porn is distorting the mating dance, but definitely not by wiring men wrong, but it’s definitely helping spread endless lies about the mating dance which men internalize as mental models, which is totally different from wiring men wrong!! 🙃 Red, all those lies are ultimately wiring in the brain that take hold because of squishy brain chemicals.

Again, I don’t see the point of banning the material. I guess you want SWAT raids when someone has a copy of backdoor sluts 5 on their hard drive. There’s going to be plenty of bad info out there, but I don’t see the point of banning it.

Yes a minor vice, and so I suggested a modest policy of limiting access of porn by young children (very much a coup complete objective). That isn’t some drastic or crazy measure. This is the historical Western standard. This can be done without ID requirements and so government attempt to use ID requirements are suspect.

Internet access in general needs to be channeled through the father of the family though a system of father authorized devices linked to his phone. That’s an easier to implement standard then yet another shitty government program to protect the children that you are proposing. Adult IDs law quickly become licenses to use the internet laws.

You’re having an emotional reaction to the subject matter and going all over the place.

You’re the one falling for McChristain misdirection. OMG porn is destroying young men! Ignore that your daughters are sluts and that McChristains are failing to even attempt to mate up their youngins.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I guess you want SWAT raids

Where did I say that? Where did I even suggest banning it? My position is that modest government policy could go a long ways towards extremely limiting what young boys can easily get access to, but you’re insistent on arguing against a straw man that you’ve falsely construed to be my position. Meanwhile, what you’ve proposed is far from modest. You want bodies of porn producers floating in the San Francisco bay, and while I’m sympathetic, it is far beyond what what most would consider modest policy.

Internet access in general needs to be channeled through the father of the family though a system of father authorized devices linked to his phone.

Sure, and how many fathers are technically capable of setting up such a system on their own? More likely, going to need businesses to step in to provide the capabilities… but businesses always answer to the government, so ultimately you’re going to need friendly government policy. This is a coup complete problem. Without ownership of the government, such a business would be destroyed for supposedly infringing on your kid’s (really the state’s kids) “right” to be groomed.

>yet another shitty government program

Government programs do not need be shitty. You’ve embraced the libertarian mindset that all government programs are shitty. A mindset that has manifested due to an overbearing and hostile government that wants your dead and humiliated. A virtuous government does not want you dead and humiliated. A virtuous government is likely to have good government programs.

>Adult IDs law quickly become licenses to use the internet laws.

Again, not what I’ve proposed.

>You’re the one falling for McChristain misdirection. OMG porn is destroying young men! Ignore that your daughters are sluts and that McChristains are failing to even attempt to mate up their youngins.

Porn is aiding in the destruction of young men by easing them into complacency in regards to their failure to own women, AND slut permissiveness is destroying young men by facilitating in their failure to own women. Some McChristain misdirection works by taking a truth and using it as misdirection to ignore another greater pressing truth, but again, I’m not talking about young men but young boys who really shouldn’t have unfettered access to porn during their development.

You are presuming I’ve fallen for misdirection while ignoring what I’ve said.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s easy for a sovereign to shower people in riches; all you need to do is take less money from them and provide more security of property to them.

Which historically happens to be found a highly risible proposition for certain interesting reasons.

A well meaning special interest project and a covertly hostile special interest project can have a lot of differences, but there is one thing they can all have in common; no matter what the special interest is, it involves the creation of a new Bureau to administer it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

It would be awesome if by some magic you could make all porn and video games disappear. After two weeks incels would get so bored and horny that any female age 8 to 48 who stepped outside without an armed male escort would be immediately stripped and gang-raped, and patriarchy would be restored.

Is that why Islam’s been losing its vigor lately? Too much porn and not enough gang-rape?

Red says:

> My position is that modest government policy could go a long ways towards extremely limiting what young boys can easily get access to,

Again porn is cut rate low quality prostitution. The biggest problem with isn’t the vice, it’s the lies about the mating dance that pr0n produces are paid by outside forces to produce. Porn that actually displays the mating dances is extremely popular and is typical removed from porn sites.

Meanwhile, what you’ve proposed is far from modest. You want bodies of porn producers floating in the San Francisco bay, and while I’m sympathetic, it is far beyond what what most would consider modest policy.

It’s a very modest policy. You punish people pushing evil. No man, no problem.

The Nazis burned gay and tranny porn and rightfully so, but it would have been far better to publicly burn the producers of that porn as a warning to others. A plan of massive government control is much more expensive to create and enforce while killing the evil kikes doing the damage is easy and cheap.

A virtuous government is likely to have good government programs.

Programs that control children need to start with the father. A program that limits parts of the web to a father’s desecration and monitoring is fine. One that tries to stop children in general isn’t because it doesn’t fallow the natural order.

Porn is aiding in the destruction of young men by easing them into complacency in regards to their failure to own women, AND slut permissiveness is destroying young men by facilitating in their failure to own women. Some McChristain misdirection works by taking a truth and using it as misdirection to ignore another greater pressing truth, but again, I’m not talking about young men but young boys who really shouldn’t have unfettered access to porn during their development.

You’re arguing the McChristain position. Yes pr0n isn’t good for kids, but the solution is to teach boys the mating dance and get them started on getting laid.

When I look at my friends the ones who did well with women had fathers who taught them the mating dance. Those who did poorly never learned it and some of them never used porn due to religious conviction. All that mattered was if they learned the mating dance or not.

You’ve also been arguing that porn makes men docile when they’re not getting laid but Rome’s own fall shows that cheap prostitution and slaves girls filled a similar nitch with their Incils leading to a population of men who lives their life away not doing much of anything. Porn is just a cheap rate shitty version of this same behavior pattern.

Men need to be shown the mating dances and given the opportunity to own a woman.

Pax Imperialis says:

Again porn is cut rate low quality prostitution.

This is a completely wrong way of viewing it. Prostitution is a decentralized tangible act, thus making it next to impossible to push false narratives through. Buying a woman, even temporally, is playacting ownership. Indeed there are dangers and pitfalls of playacting, yet I know many men who have bought prostitutes, none of them are faggots, many of whom eventually found a woman they could own for real even if it was the local stripper that required massively physical shit tests. Porn is media, theater, a thought and an idea. That makes porn significantly easier to warp towards falsehoods, and porn is always attempting to push the boundary, on average, far more than the typical john.

Just as Gnostic heresy has always proliferated in the “thought” industries rather than the “material” industries, porn is prone to Gnosticism in a way that prostitution isn’t. So when you say:

it’s the lies about the mating dance that pr0n produces are paid by outside forces to produce.

you’re failing to realize that those lies are inseparable from the spirit of porn in the first place. You’re failing to realize that those lies mostly do not come from “outside” forces but from within. Gnosticism has always been an inside force that flourishes when people are no longer bound to the material realities.

A plan of massive government control is much more expensive to create and enforce

Not what I proposed. In fact, we had more or less the same idea in spirit and if you’d stop reacting with immediate hostility, you would have seen that. As you’ve pointed out:

Internet access in general needs to be channeled through the father of the family though a system of father authorized devices linked to his phone.

Which is mighty similar to what I proposed:

One measure could be a law that pornographic website requires a small BTC deposit for access (not a payment) that would be returned after say a few hours. For the same reason parents generally don’t give their kids the credit card, they wouldn’t be giving them BTC wallets.

The difference being that the control is based on the father’s anonymous BTC wallet rather than a singular device. Another difference being that a friendly government is supplementing the system of patriarchal control by using it’s power to prevent bad actors from actively trying to subvert the patriarch’s control. Under your system, should a hostile force try to subvert the efficacy of the authorized devices linked to the father’s phone, or even worse a hostile government supporting it, what is the recourse? At that point, might as well not have internet in the first place, a proposition similar to avoiding the outside world. Do you not see how a friendly government is a prerequisite to strong, widespread patriarchy?

Our difference lies in how we believe control to be achieved. I do not believe such a system would be possible without a friendly government, which is not the same as asking for massive government control. The Hayes Codes were not the result of massive government control being as they were a self imposed social agreement, but they were certainly the result of a friendly patriarchal government reminding Hollywood which side of their bread is buttered. Without the Hayes Codes and a friendly government, nearly all media has devolved into an orgy porgy of pornography. You can’t even watch the Superbowl these days without seeing a recreation of the Whore of Babylon, just like you can’t even walk on the streets of major American cities without stepping through drug addict street shitters. Vices do have externalities, and while government for the most part shouldn’t ban vices, it certainly has to deal with the fallout, and to some degree limit the extent of.

Sure, you can advocate the state killing to handle the problem, and there is a legitimate debate to be had as I’m sure TC would be familiar with, and I would be happy to have it with you, but you have not been legitimately debating with me because you’ve been arguing against a McChristian caricature that you’ve falsely construed as my positions. They are not the same positions. You’ve allowed your righteous anger towards McChristians to at times devolve into wrath. Get a damn hold of yourself.

Red says:

> Buying a woman, even temporally, is playacting ownership.

Not really. The more professional the hooker the closer it is to a bad porn experience where there’s limited mating dance and no ownership. You skip the mating dance entirely in most cases. Going down on hookers is the fucking norm in the US. The relationship between John’s and most hookers is more like simping with actual release at the end, but only in a condom.

In 3ed world nations where you actually buy a woman over night that’s much closer to ownership, but that’s almost never practiced in the US outside of men who toss drugs at the girls or who pay out enormous sums to have them overnight(2k min).

You can and will get shit tested by hookers but only with girls you attempt to own. Where you can practice things with prostitutes is when you go off script: Aggressive, forcing them to do things they initially resist, act in a manner manner. Actually trying to own a hooker however requires a level of shit test passing that’s nuclear level.

Pax you seem to have limited experience with a lot things you like talk about at great length.

Pax Imperialis says:

Not really. The more professional the hooker the closer it is to a bad porn experience where there’s limited mating dance and no ownership. You skip the mating dance entirely in most cases. Going down on hookers is the fucking norm in the US. The relationship between John’s and most hookers is more like simping with actual release at the end, but only in a condom.

During the occupation of Japan for several decades, during the Korean war and a good several decades after, and during the Vietnam war servicemen would pay for exclusivity contracts with the whores such that they would be, presumably, the only John the whore would be servicing. Often, the whore would get pregnant by her “exclusive” John, by “accident,” and the John would surprisingly, more often than one would think, completely buy her out with marrying her. Many times the John would not and the child be put up for adoption. This is why many Hapa’s came into existence back when miscegenation was still a major taboo on both sides of the equation.

These days, when it still happens, it’s usually in countries where the US government is willing to pretend to be blind. Many service members, even today, have secondary families in the Philippians that they send monthly checks to, and US Mil typically only prosecutes it when the service member egregiously pisses someone off. Adultery is chargeable in the UCMJ. I’ve got an uncle who, by the book, would have been charged a dozen times for having multiple families everyone knew about, but he was a damn fine officer so… well he retired on full benefits. He even was involved in black market smuggling of PX goods. That too, did not result in any UCMJ action, only being passed over for promotion once… a 1 year delay.

In 3ed world nations where you actually buy a woman over night that’s much closer to ownership

On the historical scale, this was the norm. That it was relegated to 3rd world nations is a very modern mid 20th century Western development.

that’s almost never practiced in the US outside of men who toss drugs at the girls or who pay out enormous sums to have them overnight(2k min).

It’s not practiced inside the US because taming whores takes a lot of “domestic violence,” and the US government is constantly sniffing around for “domestic violence” to prosecute. While women who are actually beaten mysteriously don’t report to the government, men don’t think in those terms because they are extremely responsive to hierarchy. If the hierarchy says don’t beat women, most men are likely to be fearful of beating women, and thus less likely to get involved with women who require beating to be ownable, which in most cases, even outside of the specifics of prostitution, going to result in many unowned women and lonely men.

tl;dr, it’s not practiced in the US only because the federal government is the 900 pound gorilla preventing it. Prior to the US government interfering, such practices were common, i.e many of the marriages in the 1800s to early 1900s Wild West were with women of questionable origins…

You can and will get shit tested by hookers but only with girls you attempt to own.

Attempting to own whores is the natural impulse, but

Actually trying to own a hooker however requires a level of shit test passing that’s nuclear level.

is highly illegal.

Pax you seem to have limited experience with a lot things you like talk about at great length.

You are mistaking my historical, long term perspective for ignorance of the “current year.” I have fleeting interest in talking in terms of the “current year,” in relation to questions of the spirit, as it’s both neither truth nor eternal, but I can indeed speak in “current year” if you insist. What you say of modern examples of prostitution is true, that OnlyFans/VTubers/Twitch simping is vacant of ownership playacting and that porn an ever lesser shadow. That, to my shameful admittance, the Instagram whore right outside US Military bases charging 2K for diner, sex not included (and may not even happen), is indeed not playacting ownership for the John… but none of that is the norm. Not according to men just a couple of decades older than me, not according to my grandfather and his father and their peers, not according to the ancient texts of the Romans and Greeks who would purchase prostitutes from the brothels, not according to the ancient texts of the Orient that describe the very same.

Indeed, I have no experience in many things on the historical scale simply because I wasn’t alive 50, 100, 200, […] 1000 years ago, but I can certainly repeat what wiser men who were alive back then said, and I’m interested in their truths that carry the weight of eternity.

But this is all besides the point I made. Porn is an idea and fantasy in it’s totality, easily malleable in accordance to the current day propaganda. Completely devoid of physical experience. It’s the porn addicts on Discord and Twitter that are chopping their dicks off and pretending to be women. I see no whoremongerers doing the same. That was my initial point on how the dangers of porn are unique in comparison to prostitution and why they are not comparable.

Red says:

>You are mistaking my historical, long term perspective for ignorance of the “current year.” I have fleeting interest in talking in terms of the “current year,”

Pax you’re been making nothing but current year arguments on porn. I’ve already pointed out that porn that actually shows the mating dance, which is in high demand mysteriously disappears from porn sites.

Both current year porn and current prostitution is really fucked up thanks to the GAE. Again, hookers are better, but over hookers don’t help the issue much more than porn. Rome went down the drain fucking hookers and slave girls all the way to the bottom. The lack virgin obedient wives for men who do their part is the problem.

Your concern for men you claim porn turned men into post op trannies is “touching”, but the reality is that’s the mentally ill crowd who should be put back into mental institutions ASAP.

Pax Imperialis says:

Red, I did not want to do this, but my tolerance has its limits. This goes beyond simple miscommunication. You’ve been arguing like a woman, constantly shifting goalposts and putting words into my mouth.

Pax you’re been making nothing but current year arguments on porn.

My argument is rooted in Patriarchy. This is far from current year. Patriarchs should have control of their children’s upbringing and that means extremely limiting access to porn. Indeed, I was not explicit in my position, as it was largely between the lines, and it appears to have initially tripped you up:

It is likely impossible to completely ban porn, and I’m not advocating that.
It is very possible to extremely limit access young boys [i.e. young children] have to pornography.
Limited access to porn on the internet can be done without identity requirements.
BTC deposit for access (not a payment)
reason parents [i.e Patriarchs because matriarchs don’t do discipline outside of male authority] generally don’t give their kids [and not just young boys but young girls as well] the credit card, they wouldn’t be giving them BTC wallets.
Can kids find ways of circumventing such a system… sure, but the goal isn’t elimination but extreme limitation.

The patriarchs of ancient Greece valued control over appetite and eros. They did not condition their children with debauchery. They did not ply their kids with pornographic pottery/fresco/literature (like the late Romans did) nor take them to the whorehouses. They conditioned them with Spartan conditions and Stoicism. As I later pointed out:

limiting access of porn by young children […] is the historical Western standard.

Your immediate reaction was to decry banning porn:

The lets ban porn is just another McChristain effort to ignore the elephant in the room: Their daughters are sluts and their sons are told lies about the nature of women. My local McChristain Church teaches that women want protectors so all the young men are being taught to white knight for them. The number of women those young men will bang is zero.

Nowhere did I advocate banning porn, yet that’s where you immediately tried to take the conversation multiple times. Then you went off ranting about other McChristain and kike misdeeds. You’re so subsumed by wrath at other people tangentially related to the topic at hand that you can’t hear what I’ve been saying.

I followed up by pointing out you were not being conversation capable:

You’re having an emotional reaction to the subject matter and going all over the place.

and again you go off ranting again about banning porn and then push the envelope even further by claiming I want to people hurt for indulging in a minor vice. No where did I advocate SWAT kicking down doors over a minor vice, or anything even approaching that. At this point I can no longer pass this off as simply ‘miscommunication.’

Again, I don’t see the point of banning the material. I guess you want SWAT raids when someone has a copy of backdoor sluts 5 on their hard drive.

and then you halariously ended up agreeing with me without realizing it:

Internet access in general needs to be channeled through the father of the family

but rather than recognizing the point of agreement, you go off accusing me of:

falling for McChristain misdirection. OMG porn is destroying young men! Ignore that your daughters are sluts and that McChristains are failing to even attempt to mate up their youngins.

I was talking about young kids and you goal post shifted to grown ass adults. You also know I’ve made many, many posts about how America is practically a Babylonian whorehouse. Full of universities where sacred prostitution takes place. I’m not ignoring these problems. Hypocritically, you complain of misdirection when you’ve been doing misdirection this entire time.

We then started talking about the nature of porn and prostitution, on this topic you’ve been more capable of conversation, but have still resorted to personal attacks rather than the actual idea.

Pax you seem to have limited experience with a lot things you like talk about at great length.

Well, I too can also play that game, ‘Red, with all your knee jerking fear and loathing of a hypothetical porn ban (which I never suggested), do you have an out of control porn addiction you’d like to confess to?’ I don’t want to play that game of character destruction because we are not enemies, but you’ve more than once have gone there, and as I’ve said before, my tolerance has limits. Regardless, back on topic…

My point being that porn is inherently an idea, not an act of physical participation, a problem that has become extreme with the advent of film and editing technology, which opens it up to subversions of demonic qualities far easier than decentralized prostitution. That is not to say state sponsored centralized prostitution isn’t a problem. It’s a major problem, as Hesiod noted it results in a society of docile men, not so different from what we see today with our state sponsored pornified whore society.

…the sensual magic of the sacred whores ‘mellowed the behavior of men.’

State sponsored whoring is panem et circenses. It’s theater which is really to say, whoring with pornographic qualities. Thus it’s easier to push state narratives than with simple decentralized prostitution.

However, state sponsored prostitution is extremely abnormal in the West on the historical time scale. Mostly appearing in late Rome’s brothels and today’s universities. The historical norm of prostitution in the West is playacting ownership as seen during the military occupations of various Asian countries. Mail order brides from Asia and Eastern Europe were a thing until very recently.

I can agree with you on this:

Both current year porn and current prostitution is really fucked up thanks to the GAE.

but the past 20 centuries of porn was also fucked up and promoting falsehoods. The Sumerian religion was basically smut and their pornified society revolved around it. The few pornographic Greek pottery was only about 1.5%, but of that 1.5% much of it was satyrs faggotry/bestiality with an even smaller fraction being outright faggorty. The Greeks, by their own accounts, hated faggotry which points to said pottery being done by subversive elements. Roman porn was mostly relegated to the whorehouses, and what survived often portrayed orgies with occasional faggotry, a depiction far removed from the mating dance. So when you talk of:

porn that actually shows the mating dance

What you are doing is observing a bygone era of vanilla porn from the 1940s to 1990s and mistaking it for the norm. It could only exist because of immense social pressure along with a friendly government that did its best to keep a tight lid on faggotry in general. Today, we have allowed gross appetites to run amok no different from the Greek’s ritual madness of bacchus.

Your concern for men you claim porn turned men into post op trannies is “touching”, but the reality is that’s the mentally ill crowd who should be put back into mental institutions ASAP.

Trannyism is simply metastasized faggotry, and faggotry is mainly spread via grooming. This isn’t a natural mental illness issue when 50% of Gen Z report being other than heterosexual. This is a severe grooming issue of which porn has been a major tool. This isn’t simply a problem of stuffing a few people into mental institutions, but a problem of needing complete overhaul of public decency.

Ron says:

Prohibitions only go so far.

If you want boys to stop wanking off to porn, give them something worth living for

Every boy must have land, a horse, a gun, and a wife. All of which are his and his alone. If he has that, he will be invested in developing his land, riding his horse, training with his gun and making babies with his wife. He will also be invested in keeping on good terms with his father and brothers since he has a lot to lose.

Modern boys have nothing so they have nothing to lose. Which would make them dangerous, except since marriage 2.0 is gay marriage, and property is also gay marriage, they have nothing to gain either.

Ron says:

Go to 2:30

Notice how at the end of it he obeys his fathers command to tell tribal enemies to fuck off without hesitation. And immediately pulls out his pistol to make it clear someone will die if he isnt taken seriously.

The boy in that scene is not going to be wanking off. Ever.

The Cominator says:

“There’s a possible rollback on pornography beginning. ”

Absolutely won’t help and will make things worse as it will create more desperate men and more simping. Banning all online dating apps would actually help a little if women had to actually go out to meet guys to fuck it would MARGINALLY (note I’m only saying marginally) improve things.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is definitely a coup complete thing, but how would you feel about a sex-segregated internet? Too Muslim? I honestly think a lot of downstream-of-WQ problems would be solved, and discussion of the WQ would be much easier, more widespread, and more useful.

The Cominator says:

How would you implement it without a centralized internet ID system and even then bitches would be sneaking on phones and computers to see the male internet. Marrying 80-90% of women off between 14 and 16 and sending the rest off to brothels would fix everything.

S says:

I don’t think there are enough women with technical skills to maintain women’s internet.

The Cominator says:

Nor would we want them to be as I imagine in our system that educating women beyond very basic literacy and arithmetic would be forbidden to all but their husbands. We want women in general to view males as superior.

Ron says:

I really, really hope you get a literal harem of fertile women that you own and make a lot of babies with and that you live a long long time to become a great grandfather.

Because that would just be awesome

Mayflower Sperg says:

To get a taste of what an all-female internet would look like, check out “Female Dating Strategy” on Reddit. Take it in small doses because you can feel your brain cells dying in agony as you read such idiocy.

SJ says:

This is an inversion. Banning pornography would massively help men as now if they want to get off it’s harder so they are more likely to go out and meet the women who are out meeting men. Women are out meeting men IRL but they are meeting the same men, the players, and going on booty call lists. That’s fine for them for awhile as women love being on booty call lists.

The problem with online dating is that ugly garbage trash women and single moms use it. Men should only use online dating to build confidence and pre selection with the garbage trash women who use online dating.

Also ban all pornography it turns men into crypto trannies and saps their vital energies so they don’t even try.

Carte Blanche says:

Banning pornography would massively help men as now if they want to get off it’s harder so they are more likely to go out and meet the women who are out meeting men

Confusing cause and effect. Men turn to porn and hookers because they have already tried and failed to attract those women. The women “IRL” and the women “online” are the same women, all fighting over the same 3% of men.

Have you ever, even once, met a man who has a serious porn problem and who was previously successful at dating or pickups? If it were as you say, with porn suppressing male instincts, then such examples would exist, just as examples abound of drug addicts who used to have normal lives before their addiction. But they don’t exist with porn. Porn is the yin to anime’s yang, idealized sex and idealized romance, which men only immerse themselves in after they’ve given up.

You’re too quick to blame ordinary men for the problems society inflicted on them, and to blame the system itself on the system’s externalities. Banning porn isn’t going to surface a magical wave of masculinity; at best it’s going to be a big joke with an immediate black market popping up like alcohol prohibition, at worst it might push a lot of these incels – who are essentially self-medicating today – toward suicide or random violence.

turns men into crypto trannies

No. Seriously, this is retarded.

Handi says:

>No. Seriously, this is retarded.

It’s not retarded. The male erotic drive is made to be focused externally onto an object (a woman). There’s a feedback loop in the dance back and forth, she has passive and diminishing input leading up to it, including during the act, but the apotheosis occurs when he dominates her and completely removes her input from the equation.

Turning this erotic force inward upon oneself is disordered to begin with. Okay, so a man needs a release if society obliterates licit channels to reliably acquire one’s own woman. But then you add external stimulus and that makes it even worse. It creates a one-way channel where *his* input diminishes and the computer screen is leading him erotically.

As to how strongly this effects men in their interactions with women, I’m sure it varies. But there’s a very clear mechanism for how it can condition men to be more passive and more relenting.

The Cominator says:

I’ve had periods where I used porn A LOT in my life NEVER NOT ONCE did I ever think I was really a woman.

Handi says:

Me too, but that’s not my point.

Now, SJ would probably accuse my grandma of being a tranny so I’m not going to put words into his mouth. Maybe he meant what you’re saying. But when I read “crypto-tranny” I take that to mean men who don’t ideate over getting fucked like a woman yet have conditioned themselves into an essentially feminine mindset. Much like women on the other hand who want to larp as strong and independent, play contact sports and assert themselves in the office.

Maybe you’ll say that that framing is overstated and it should just be called feminization instead of invoking trannyism. But it’s not retarded, it makes sense.

Handi says:

To clarify, my claim is that the form of experiencing pornography is separate from the content. So a man might watch heterosexual pornography and think nothing of it due to the content, while unintentionally conditioning his mind through a feminized experience.

Hence the term “crypto-tranny” makes a lot of sense to me. And I find this notion revolting which is one of the reasons I quit watching porn.

The Cominator says:

There is an argument to be made that porn can turn you into a cuck but I don’t buy any argument it can turn you into a tranny. You need to be insane 1st to be a tranny and porn cannot make you insane.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

The very practical reason why porn makes you gay is that the climax of every scene is a male member ejaculating.
Just on purely logistical terms, if you’re in a position to perceive that happening in a real sexual encounter, then there’s another man present.

The only porn that could hypothetically be harmless is a woman pleasuring herself, but even then why aren’t you joining in!

It’s not that porn simulates a sexual situation: it’s that your brain thinks it’s in a *bad* sexual situation. By definition you’re just the cuck wanking in the corner while others do things. This is not solved by VR-style ‘point of view’ camera angles.

Incidentally perverts who want to dress as women and have access to female changing rooms don’t really think they’re women either.

jim says:

Enemy porn.

In the porn that normal people want to see, the male member is where it should be. But someone is manipulating what porn is available, just as they are manipulating the romance stories in non porn.

Aryaman says:

Porn is enemy porn. Who pays for its production, hosting, and network bandwidth? Not the ads no one ever clicks on, ostensibly paid for by companies that almost certainly do not exist, or if they exist profitably make their own money.

If porn was profitable, it would not be so centralized as it is. Someone is paying for it without the expectation of profit, or selling to its producers hosting and bandwidth for well below what you or I could buy the same.

Much like YouTube. Which is not profitable, so much so that Google does not bother telling you what its ad revenues cost (some of which, maybe most of which, ad revenues are payoffs). And to the extent YouTube is sometimes presented as profitable, is profitable because Google can bully providers of bandwidth and distribution to host it for a cheap price you and I cannot get. And so, the accounting should reflect a “bullying rents” and a loss on YouTube rather than netting them together.

Advertisement revenue on Twitter is down by 50 percent. Some of this is a tortious interference from ADL and SPLC organizing a boycott against the likes of GM and Ford and other normal companies advertising on Twitter. But I noticed that the ads I see on Twitter ever since Musk bought it have been much more relevant and interesting, more related to real products real people buy, rather than aimless nonsequiturs my eyes glaze over. Those nonsequitur ads were obviously payoffs which disappeared after Musk bought it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Theoretically there is a huge 3dpd porn market, and theoretically millions of men who consume it.

You will hardly ever meet such men though.

In communities and spaces online with sections for sharing sexy material, it is all but always illustrated or animated artistic material. And more specifically artistic material made by Japanese artists and or people imitating Japanese styles. Because surprisingly men care about beauty, and that is one of if not the only modern ‘cultural center’ still extant that is producing beauty.

Or to put in other words, as bad as the proverbial /d/ can get, the proverbial /gif/ is a crack in reality leaking out daemonic warp energy from another dimension. And the few times you will ever cross a man that does share such material in such places, they are always some form of cracked, even relative to the average of all others in the same space.

Cloudswrest says:

Not porn per se, but R-rated pinup, the Twitter site @zazzma_ is full of photos of attractive curvy women. It is also subject to both a:

Search ban.
Search suggestion ban.

You can’t find it even if you type the exact name in the Twitter search bar. You can only go to it if you put it in the URL, i.e.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Confusing cause and effect.

SJ is not, and neither are you. There’s bi directional causality going on. People ape people. It’s how we learn. Sometimes we do it with conscious intent, most of the time it’s subliminal. Most boys’ these days are consuming large amounts of porn on the internet. The brain is wired to respond to sexual stimulation with surges of dopamine. Boys watching porn from a young age are training their nervous system to expect reward without the involvement of a girl. They turn into men who aren’t even interested in using hookers, content to jack off in front of a computer.

Yes, there are men who turn to porn after they’ve failed, but nearly all men fail before they succeed. Turning to porn is hijacking the process of getting up and trying again. It’s making a problem worse by reinforcing the problem. You end up with a far more docile male population.

>at worst it might push a lot of these incels – who are essentially self-medicating today – toward suicide or random violence.

In the past, unattached young men would become bandits in the mountains raiding and pillaging the cities. In other times, they would be organized into large armies of conquest that would slaughter foreign men and take their women. Considering how vile Western governments have become, it’s probably a net positive. This was in spite of historic wide spread prostitution in most civilizations which leads me to believe porn is far more insidious than buying sex. Both are dysfunctional, but one actually requires getting physically and socially comfortable with women, something which is increasingly rare among young men today.

You’re generally wrong about why men turn to hookers. There’s an awful lot of married men or men in relationships. It’s usually to satisfy an immediate urge while away from the wife/girlfriend be it due to physical distance or relationship troubles. Other times it’s to feel a thrill of doing something illicit. I wouldn’t say in general these are failed men.

The Cominator says:

Mannerbunds of violent men cannot organize in a semi totalitarian electronic surveillance state. In time the state may break down to the point the surveillance cannot be maintained but we aren’t there yet.

Men who are unsuccessful with women turn to hookers because they can get sex I guess the pitfall for men like that is there is often very little desire to put any effort into normal women’s bullshit ever again unless they have something happens which massively raises their social status… even if you want kids you kinda can impregnate them if you want and they very often are open to the idea of potentially becoming the girlfriend/wife of a regular. I speak from experience that many take it raw with no birth control.

Men who are successful with women (I imagine) turn to hookers because hookers tend to be superior in a lot of ways to the vast majority of women and are not all the evil scheming drug addict ice queen cunts everyone thinks they are.

Pax Imperialis says:

There are limits to what totalitarian electronic surveillance states can manage. Having to prevent 1% of the male population from organizing revolts is possible with precise concentrated force, but what of 5%? 10%? 50%? At some point that surveillance state starts to run into severe trouble.

At some point, to maintain order, it requires widespread application of force. Extensive boots on the ground with orders to shoot on sight. Easy to do if the security apparatus feels like they are killing the other, but if they ever had sympathy for the people they are supposed to kill. This is how regimes collapse suddenly. The Russians, on multiple occasions, found out the military wasn’t willing to drive in the tanks… well they were but the guns were pointed in the wrong direction.

The American regime hasn’t had to resort to such measures yet because the sexless male population just isn’t rowdy enough to require extensive boots on the ground.

Anyways, that is all besides the topic of hookers.

In the past, men would marry hookers… well they still do. ‘Insert meme about Marines marrying the local stripper/juicy girl/bar girl/etc.’ This was viable up until around the 1980s when the government was willing to turn a blind eye towards the force required by the husband to make those marriages stable. These days it’s well understood that the regime will try to fuck you, so most men never bother. Sure, a woman that actually is getting beaten doesn’t report while the woman that isn’t getting beaten does report domestic violence… but men respond to regime power far more than women.

I suspect maybe, had you been a 20 year old guy during the 1970s, you’d have successfully married such a woman. I believe you can do better though today. Much of Eastern Europe is fertile grounds for wife hunting. So is Asia. If you’ve got the coin for whore mongering, you’ve got the coin for wife buying overseas.

>evil scheming drug addict ice queen cunts everyone thinks they are.

I don’t think that’s how people view them. Pretty sure it’s mainly disgust at the prospect of inserting one’s dick into the same hole a thousand other men deposited into. I still remember one of my mentors, an absolute Chad with all sorts of women trying to seduce him, failing to settle down because, in his words, wanting a wife with a ‘clean uterus.’

The Cominator says:

Most men hate the regime now but without the ability to organize not much other passive resistance can happen. Need elite defection.

The Cominator says:

Isn’t that something they tell guys in the marines and army… in general don’t get married but especially don’t marry the stripper you’ve fucked a few times.

Ron says:

If actual ownership existed than they would be encouraging the men to marry the stripper.

But no actual ownership exists, so they have to warn their men.

The Cominator says:

Banning porn even if it was effectively done (which it won’t be) would just create more simping. You are very very bluepilled. Men use’porn a lot when they aren’t getting laid.

Carte Blanche says:

Porn is the symptom, not the cause. If “rollback” means “ban” (and what else could it mean?) then you can no more fix sexual marketplace dysfunction with a porn ban than you can fix depression and despair with an alcohol ban.

The good stuff is on page 47:

“Design the built environment to support social connection.” Translation: Pack ever more people into ever smaller spaces and force them into communal spaces by removing private facilities.

“Establish and scale community connection programs”: Dump lots of money into NGOs

“Invest in local institutions that bring people together”: Dump lots of money into NGOs

“Advance policies that minimize harm from disconnection”: Expand government surveillance

“Establish cross-departmental leadership across all levels of government”: Expand federal control over local government, and also dump lots of money into NGOs

“Train health care providers”: Dump lots of money into the hideously bloated medical bureaucracy

“Assess and support patients”: Medicalize inceldom and despair, promote red-flag laws and assorted anarcho-tyranny

“Expand public health surveillance and interventions”: Looks like they said the quiet part out loud

I could go on, that’s just the first 3 out of 6 planks, but I assume everybody gets the point. It’s just progressives doing the usual thing that progressives do: find a problem that they caused, redefine it as a problem that just happened on its own, pretend to step in heroically to solve the problem with an implementation that will vastly enrich them and their friends while exacerbating the actual problem.

Same shit, different day. Unfathomably evil and yet also totally normal and routine for clown world.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Even if GAE was not the ultimate most evil state of all of recorded history of wickedness and depravity, it would not work to ban porn. The Romans tried something of the sort to try and force men to get married, and it did not work. The problem is women making it nearly impossible for the average man to get laid, and the average man not being able to own a woman and thus checking out. Men will find a workaround for the porn ban, find workarounds for mandatory marriage, find workarounds for anything that the GAE can do that does not involve fucking and impregnating women in whom those men have ownership.

If GAE wants White men to man its armies and maintain its technology, it has to get them women. Nothing else is going to work, and will probably backfire and make things worse. The last thing that they need right now is a bunch of angry, horny, restive men at home stirring up trouble.

notglowing says:

Porn can be harmful to your life, men who lean too much into such an addiction end up being depressed and unable to do things in general.

But the idea that this is what’s preventing men from finding girls seems really absurd to me.

Because it has the absurd implication that the issue with men not fucking women is that they’re simply not desperate enough. That’s just an inversion of reality. There are far too many desperate men.

To make an extreme example, if something akin to a sexbot was invented, it could spell doom for the birthrate, which would be an a problem.

However, it would also reduce the power of women and their position in the dating market as the arbiters of sex very significantly. They are terrified of it, in fact. Talking about how it would get men used to seeing women as “objects”, as they really should.

Not that we have the technology to do it. But as a mental experiment it shows what pornography would do in its “ultimate” form.

Cloudswrest says:

RFK Jr. posted a tweet thread a few days ago essentially denouncing the expansion of the Ukrainian war. Basically using all the arguments we expound here.

Nearly 60K likes, 1.2M views, and a positive ratio. But what I find interesting in the responses is it appears to have unleashed hordes of bots and shills, metaphorical chimpanzees flinging poo at him. Very few counter arguments addressing his statements. Just insults, calumny, etc.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for irrelevance*]

jim says:

A script without real connection to the topics of this blog, or to the post to which it purportedly replies.

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic
Here is an interview with a Western volunteer that fought for Ukraine:

You don’t need to watch the whole thing, in the first 3 minutes it becomes very clear that the dude is a weirdo. I’m not going to link any other videos, they are relatively easy to find, but what is much harder to find is an interview with a foreign volunteer in Ukraine where the guy is not some complete loser or weirdo or social reject. I assume that there are some squared away individuals fighting for Ukraine that hail from the west. I have seen footage of volunteers that sound like they know what they’re doing in action scenarios, but I’ve also seen plenty of footage of just incompetent and strange guys.

I bring this up because one thing that we have discussed is how unlikely we feel that people are going to want to fight and die for gay rights, or the great progressive social experiment in general. I think this assessment is largely correct in terms of normies, and so the GAE will always have to use some kind of subterfuge or deceit to get normals of the sheepdog persuasion to carry water for them. But it is also the case that the human population, due to various factors, has ballooned to an unprecedented level. I don’t really believe in the progressive concept of overpopulation, but the removal of all evolutionary factors in terms of human fitness does have consequences. So in all of our calculations and prognostications, it would probably be wise to remember that there is a substantial amount of freaks and losers out there that are in between BioLeninist genetic rejects and normal people. Maybe we call this the Reddit Factor.

Cloudswrest says:

but the removal of all evolutionary factors in terms of human fitness does have consequences.

Mutation meltdown. Mouse utopia! We need to get to Mars ASAP. Just replace “Titan” with “Mars” in Gattaca.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What was the point of that movie? That it’s morally acceptable to conceal a heart defect so you can fly in space and endanger the whole mission? Because discrimination is bad or something?

Cloudswrest says:

Indeed. I rooted for the purported antagonists.

Jehu says:

Notice how much more functional society was in that movie than what we see today. Clean streets, low crime, functional running water and electricity. It almost seems like the artist unintentionally sent the message that you can have western civilization and all its collaterals OR you can have no discrimination. The artist focuses on trying to show how the protagonist and others are hurt by this discriminatory regime, ignoring the fundamental theorem of reaction that every social order will suck for somebody, the only real questions are how many it sucks for, how bad, and who…whom. And the artist ‘loads the dice’, by making the protagonist able to perform beyond his expected capabilities, which most of the time, he wouldn’t be able to. But notice how the places depicted have functionalities levels we haven’t seen in the US since the 1950s.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Hollywood tells us fascism is bad by creating fictional fascist dystopias that look a lot better than the anarcho-tyranny we live under today. Robocop’s Detroit in 2019 was better than the real Detroit in 2019, and The Lego Movie looked like a great world to live in, aside from Lord Business planning to Kraggle everyone.

Jehu says:

Tyranny straight is way better than anarcho-tyranny. Paul would never say these magistrates beareth not the sword in vain, as he did of the Romans in the book of the same name.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Anti-discrimination is their religion. I once read (well, started and dropped) a sympathetic treatment of Typhoid Mary. She was discriminated against! She later had trouble finding employment in the food service industry! Didn’t you hear, I said the magic word, DISCRIMINATION!

That discrimination might be good and desirable is unthinkable to them. Discrimination = bad.

If the spiral isn’t halted the day will come where they start to admit openly that discrimination has root causes in reality, yet still denounce it. You must hire the pedarast to teach, you must hire the black yoof to babysit, not because they’re harmless as currently claimed, but because the danger makes it more holy not less. But so far they’re avoiding saying that quiet part out loud, so they must believe any discrimination is a priori meritless. And because crimestop prevents them from modelling their opposition mentally, they just assume any viewer or reader will agree.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for being more racist than thou while still unable to tell us about the Blinken-Nuland-Kagan-Soros plot for another brother war, and Soros’s role in it*]

jim says:

The payload being that no matter what concerns neo reaction and the alt right raises, those issues are all wrong because insufficiently racist. It is the equivalent of flat earth shills butting into threads on the jab and Covid.

I am not going to let you tell us how racist you are and that we are not racist enough, and that if we were real racists would be implementing some thoroughly leftist program and would toss all the alt right and neoreactionary issues overboard, if you cannot tell us about Blinken, Nuland, Kagan, and Soros.

dharmicreality says:

Despite your best efforts, you will never be a true reactionary. Your false moustache and beard worn in a pathetic effort to make you look manly only makes you look more ridiculous as the musty old glue wears off. You imagine yourself in the battlefield thundering over your scared and defeated foes, but every effort to make your voice sound hoarse and manly only enhances the feminine screeching behind it. You imagine yourself amidst manly, muscular men watching the flies hover over the rotting flesh of your slain enemies, but wait… wait is that smell? Surely not the rotting corpse of your foes, but your stale unwashed underwear left unattended for three days because you don’t have a wife to wash it, and your mom hasn’t yet returned from one of her usual jaunts. Sighing deeply, you log in to your computer, and type in to begin your duty as your Shaniqua supervisor has sent you an SMS asking why you haven’t logged in yet.

dharmicreality says:

Not 100% satisfied. Requires some fine tuning.

Here an edited version:

Despite your best efforts, you will never be a true reactionary. Your false moustache and beard worn in a pathetic effort to make you look macho only makes you look more ridiculous as the musty old glue has worn off and the false whiskers fall limp over one side of your mouth. You imagine yourself in the battlefield thundering over your scared and defeated foes, but every effort to make your voice sound hoarse and manly only enhances the high-pitched Karenesque screeching behind it. You imagine yourself as the leader of strong, muscular warriors watching the flies hover over the odorous rotting flesh of your slain enemies, but wait… what is that smell after all? Surely not the rotting corpse of your foes, but your stale, stained unwashed underwear left unattended for three days because you don’t have a wife to wash it, and your mom hasn’t yet returned from one of her usual jaunts. Sighing deeply, you log in to your computer, and type in to begin your duty as your Shaniqua supervisor has sent you a message telling you it’s 10 am and why haven’t you logged in yet.

Red says:

I could tell just by looking at the guy that he’s a redditor.

Pax Imperialis says:

Even the competent ones are weird, although a very familiar weird. Check out this guy. He thinks he’s fighting against imperialism without realizing he’s fighting for GAE imperialism. Cognitive dissonance is strong with this one. He thinks GAE imposing pederast parades is ludicrous propaganda.

Such men are not overly unusual. I remember at MuhREEN OCS, a White guy Dropped on Request (DOR’ed) after banana war history was covered at… fucking hell… not Bobo hall, dats dem fiiiine dining and cake eating place… I can’t remember. Too much dozing off with a mouth full of cough drops during lectures… wait, I fucking got it, Yeckel Hall. Anyways, he dropped because he didn’t want to be supporting imperialism… fuck, at least in banana wars America got something tangible. Dem banana’s be good eatings.

I do recommend checking out his other videos though like this one:

Absolutely insane. America has much experience fighting in tunnels from WW2 Pacific front and Vietnam but none of it seems to show in training as if the training was designed by some bureaucrat in DC. In fact if probably was some bureaucrat in DC.

>how unlikely we feel that people are going to want to fight and die for gay rights

Very few are willing to go out of their way to fight and die for gay pederast rights, so you’re right, but still under estimating how many people are willing to potentially fight for 3 square meals, a roof above their head, and (even if false) a sense of brotherhood. While the homosexuals are in command, people will grumble and bitch about it behind closed doors, but so long as the paychecks are incoming, the rank and file will go to surprising lengths to maintaining a sense of normality. All bets are off in the event of no chow.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Every single pro-gaytokraine voice in popular discourse today is retarded – by which we mean when they open their mouths, retardation is what comes out.

The closest thing there is to a thoughtful pro-gaytokraine voice is literally just some random guy who used to make videogame youtubes. Every single official voice, from four star generals on down, is literally more retarded than a random youtuber.

The structure of the incumbent occupation has been selecting against ‘eliteness’ since a long ago, and at this point, no such kinds can be counted amongst their ranks any longer. Young Caesar, and many of his future fellows, are all languishing on the Outside now.

Pax Imperialis says:

some random guy who used to make videogame youtubes

Perun? Allegedly he’s producing content for decision makers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That’s both funny and also completely believable.

*honk honk*

Encelad says:

Are they really that incompetent?
This scandal just appeared on mainstream media. Allegedly, US military staff has been sending sensitive email to random people in Mali for YEARS, just because they typed dot ml instead of dot mil.
I know that Snaniqua and company and blah blah blah.. But it looks just too unbelievable to me.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

You don’t have to watch very much “Battlestar Galactica” to realise that having government, especially military, computers connected to wide area networks of any kind but especially the open internet, is a TERRIBLE idea.

The author’s probably some kind of conservative, but seems to be speaking quite similarly to all you NRx faggots. What he misses is that Zog doesn’t really care about competence: hurting whites is the goal, not the means.

SJ says:

Apologies for not replying to my rather short hurried comment about banning pornography. I’m quite busy lately but have some time to expand on why. I have many sons and I teach them lessons so they will grow to be kick ass winners, so this is basically a small part of a lesson I just gave the two older ones but it explains why the rest of the normies would benefit greatly from banning pornography.

Part of human nature is that we will take the easy way to get things done. We will do what saves calories. You can see normies do this when they don’t think but simply memorize and repeat, because thinking burns a lot of calories and it’s hard. In the past this wasn’t such a big deal because the environment was so harsh that if you didn’t work hard and try you would just die.

For example the furnace that heats your home. Nobody is going to freeze to death anymore because they didn’t chop and stack firewood, yet my parents have told me stories about chopping and stacking firewood during their youths. If you didn’t take time, the effort, and suffer to chop and stack firewood and keep the wood stove burning during the winter then you would die during the winter. Now if we are a little chilly we just go push a button and turn the heat up a few degrees.

As life has gotten easier and easier people forget and they are no longer thankful for the ease. No one in their prayers is saying, Heavenly Father thank you for the furnace so I don’t have to chop and stack firewood. They just take it for granted. Now we have a new invention that is similar. Now we have instant, endless hardcore pornography at a moments touch. In the past if you wanted that sexual stimulation you had to go out and try. You had to ask out many women, woo them, and get them naked. If you wanted the kind of variety and hotness you get from the indoor furnace, wait I mean instant hardcore pornography, you would have too dedicate your life to fcking sluts like a common slut fcker. It would be hard, but now with technology you can get this sexual stimulation very easily.

This is the main way pornography is fcking up normie men. It’s too easy while the alternative is difficult and you will suffer doing it. Removing this ease will result in men being forced to go out and ask women out and try if they want that sexual stimulation. Think of it this way;

Hard times make strong men
Strong men make good times
Good times make weak men <—— we are here
Weak men make hard times

Hard times are coming, because men are weak, because the environment is like the nigger environment and everything is too easy. We are going back to mud huts because you aren't going to freeze to death in the winter and you aren't going to become incredibly sexually frustrated if you don't go out and sarge on your local sluts five times a week.

Red says:

This is the main way pornography is fcking up normie men. It’s too easy while the alternative is difficult and you will suffer doing it. Removing this ease will result in men being forced to go out and ask women out and try if they want that sexual stimulation. Think of it this way;

Doesn’t work. Such men will just hire hookers instead. Hookers are better than porn, but it still bad for men because they’re failing to achieve ownership of a woman. This is what happen with the decline of Rome and it’s happening to us as well.

Showing the mating dance and getting young boys started on that dance is the solution along with providing them virgin wives to marry and own.

Not wanting your boys to use porn is good but you need to train them how to get laid and far more importantly, secure virgin brides for them. Parents should be spending a great deal of time effort providing a situation where their children can marry well by finding them mates.

SJ says:

I am doing both of those things but I do believe that young men should voluntarily cease watching pornography and force themselves to do what is uncomfortable and start taking time several times a week to go sarge on women. I have spoken to a great deal of young men during the time I spent at the red pill and in the manosphere, may they RIP, and I do believe that the easy alternative is very alluring to the difficult and uncomfortable process of sarging. Also a great many boys are becoming addicted to pornography at very young ages. Being an older man I was blessed with not having the Internet during my formative years otherwise it’s likely I would have been one of the pornography addicted young men.

Since pornography isn’t banned I take steps to ensure my boys do not have access to hardcore porn yet boys will be boys and, example, my eleven year old has discovered he can search for bobbies and it isn’t blocked. Thus he can go look at pictures of boobs, as young men are want to do. Nothing wrong with that and I encourage their masculinity, and I discuss with them why they should avoid hardcore pornography. It’s too easy and you have to make yourself uncomfortable in order to grow.

Red says:

I am doing both of those things but I do believe that young men should voluntarily cease watching pornography and force themselves to do what is uncomfortable and start taking time several times a week to go sarge on women. I have spoken to a great deal of young men during the time I spent at the red pill and in the manosphere, may they RIP, and I do believe that the easy alternative is very alluring to the difficult and uncomfortable process of sarging. Also a great many boys are becoming addicted to pornography at very young ages. Being an older man I was blessed with not having the Internet during my formative years otherwise it’s likely I would have been one of the pornography addicted young men.

I’m sure the Romans urged their young men similarly, to the same failed results.

For successful mating, you need an environment were most men, not just Mr. 1 in 32 or men who are well trained at game can own a woman. Only fathers working together can create that environment. The problem isn’t young men and their vices like porn, the problem is their fathers failing to secure brides for them.

I’m reminded of the story of a religious young man who discovered he could get laid at Asian Message Parlors. His parents demanded he stop his “evil” behavior and he being caught between getting his God given desires met, even if poorly with hookers and his parents condemning him as evil unless he stopped, went on a shooting rampage at such a parlor. Clearly a sub-optimal outcome.

Now lets roll the clock back 150 years to a more red pilled age. What would a father do if he found that his son was fucking hookers? He’d go look for a young girl for him to marry and then work to setup them up together socially by working with the girl’s father. Fathers have to lead the way by working with other fathers to secure wives for their boys.

Dharmicreality says:

I have great respect for both commenters here, but I tend to agree with Red. We cannot blame young men today for being demoralized and blue pilled about sex because that is the environment they have grown up in.

In a sane patriarchy boys and girls would be married off at a young age and there would arise no necessity for meeting their sexual desires unnaturally. All dysgenic sex including porn and hookers would be relegated as low status and to the lowest realms of society.

The entire problem is our insane State religion that promotes blue pilled ideas (with the predictable lack of pussy) and wrong expectations which results in men not getting pussy, frustration and dysgenic sexual activities.

Restoration of early arranged marriage between families led by their respective patriarchs is the answer. Ideally hitting puberty should be the indicator for marriage.

SJ says:

Men are responsible for everything in their own lives and must be. It isn’t blaming it is simply recognizing where the responsibility resides. Sure we can talk about how things should be or what other people, fathers in this case, should be doing to make our easy lives even easier. But they aren’t and they didn’t. So we have to accept reality as it is and work from that starting point.

Prayer is a good way to get yourself operating from the actual reality and point you are at. Take time every day to thank Heavenly Father for what you have. Here in the West we have such incredible abundance it is mind boggling. Thank God for what you have so you know where you are and now you can make decisions from where you actually are and stop thinking about how someone else should be finding you a virgin wife. You aren’t getting a virgin wife. Don’t forget the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, but in India we had proper arranged marriages just a generation back and in my grandfather’s generation they got married at 15 or even younger. And my grandfather’s generation had minimum 4 to 5 kids. Within a generation we have seen how the blue pill does the damage.

So I have a kind of memory for that stuff. Maybe in the west you have lost it earlier.

If the social technology goes, you will have men struggle to become patriarchs. Yes, it is possible as you say, but in a hostile environment you’re always swimming against the tide and only the more alpha men will win out. Amidst teaching boys to be men, we also have to work to create the social order that allows men to be men and not make it dangerous or illegal.

Red says:

Amidst teaching boys to be men, we also have to work to create the social order that allows men to be men and not make it dangerous or illegal.


SJ says:

in a hostile environment you’re always swimming against the tide and only the more alpha men will win out.

Hard times create strong men.

Adam says:

>Hard times create strong men.

Jim refuted this once when I said it. It was a while ago and I can’t remember his response exactly. Something like hard times do not create virtue and wisdom, does not create an aristocracy.

I agree with the meme though, at least in part.

Red says:

Hard times allows outside conquest where the men who created the hard times for themselves are removed from the planet. Their women will survive, but they less so.

In very rare cases do hard men from the existing civilization take over and revitalize it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pardon the Hegelian verbage, but from where I stand it seems a synthesis of the Red & SJ positions is probably the most correct. Men are responsible for 100% of their lives. this isn’t fair, but life isn’t fair. The cathedral has a raid society such that it is illegal, and almost impossible, for men to live healthy, effective, virile, and productive lives. so even if a man takes 100% responsibility, that is no guarantee of a good outcome. we want men to have higher sex drives, we want them to have more sex, and we want more incidences of intercourse to result in offspring. Pornography is a dirty and disgusting thing, but it is also unavoidably alluring due to the way we have evolved. I don’t think banning it from the top down is going to really work, but I also have no problem with pornographers, kikes or otherwise, having a harder time shilling their poison. Com and others have made salient points about how bans Will only force an expansion of black markets, And it is trivial to circumvent any kind of digital ban due to the nature of ad revenue being the primary motivation for keeping websites online. It is a sticky wicket (lol, gross) however you look at it. this situation further reifies Jim’s position that most of the proposed solutions and measures are merely window dressing because they are downstream from the WQ.

to my way of thinking, there really is only one strategic goal we should work towards, And that is the reinstatement of coverture. How we go about that, how we get from Sodom and Gomorrah to a city on a hill is going to require a lot of different efforts, A lot of A/B testing, and a lot of trial and error. another aspect of this situation is that, like anything having to do with demography, quick fixes are in most cases impossible. Of course, it would be very helpful to have a strategic and purposeful bloodletting, a clearing of the decks if you will, but even that would only set the stage for an operation that would take, at the bare minimum 20 years, one generation, but most likely 40 or 60. If we use that template as the strategy (population growth of Friends, population reduction of Enemies) within the frame of working towards Coverture, we can then look at pornography bans and ask ourselves ” does this move us closer to the goal, further from the goal, or no effect either way?”

we have set it here 100 times, but it remains the case that whoever figures out how to provide virgin wives for worthy men will literally own the future.

Carte Blanche says:

young men should voluntarily cease watching pornography and force themselves to do what is uncomfortable and start taking time several times a week to go sarge on women.

Rather than fisk all the points I’m inclined to dispute, allow me to highlight this common ground.

Porn is at best a vice, certainly not any healthier than boozing it up or binging on junk food. If you can persuade, cajole, shame, or use whatever else is in your social tool kit to motivate friends and family to ditch the porn and keep working on their game, then that it as good (or better) than motivating them to lift weight, eat properly, and so on.

The central issue is that they must want to improve. It is their own genuine desire that will create the discipline necessary for that. You cannot create virtue by banning vice; they will simply route around the ban or find another vice, which has been proven by countless attempts to ban various vices. But if you’re willing to take the harder path, personal path, and actually work toward changing their outlook, investing some of your own personal time in their success, then you may change their lives for the better. Social connections and personal experiences can change people’s minds, albeit not too often; ham-handed laws can only change their public behavior and testimony.

If I were a tyrannical king and simply wanted to eliminate the vice without any care as to whether it would create virtue, I wouldn’t try to ban it, I would simply tax and regulate the hell out of it and create fear and shaming campaigns like they did with tobacco. Making goods and services hard to obtain is the only thing our sprawling bureaucracy is really good at. Of course, if I were a tyrannical king, I’d consider such an initiative enormously wasteful in terms of opportunity cost; even if it “worked”, the same economic and social capital would be much better directed toward reviving broken social technologies like marriage/coverture, apprenticeships and fraternities; or removing far more harmful vices like romance novels, temple prostitution and online simp-squeezing.

Red says:

That’s a great point. In all the talk about normal porn, we neglected the Black hole that is Only Fans. That’s corrupted and entire generation of men and woman.

Kunning Drueger says:

at first this seemed tangential, but the more that I think about it, I think it actually has ramifications for this discussion:

does anyone remember the creepypasta Normal Porn For Normal People? any zoomers or Johnny come latelys to the internet will look this up and be completely nonplussed. given the heinous levels of debauchery and filth that we just take for granted, as a creepypasta, it is nothing very special. but you have to understand that when it came out, when it first started circulating the boards, It was quite possibly one of the most unnerving because it just felt so real, like it felt like something that was actually going on. I distinctly remember hearing quite often in that time that things were bad, badder, getting worse, that everybody was numb and nobody was going to lift a finger to fix all the problems, and the youth were lost, etc etc etc. now, I can’t really calculate what I would be willing to throw on the fire just to get society to mentally reconfigure back to the 2010 through 2012 era. It is not that it would make anything better, It would just mean there was a higher subsection of the populace who would be willing to throw off the facade of normalcy and stand up and say “holy shit, whatever this is I’m not going along with it.”

I fully expect us to look back in a few years (some of us. lol) and wish for the halcyon days of 2022, when things were calm and people were reasonable and it still seemed like there was a chance things could get better lol.

Adam says:

>Parents should be spending a great deal of time effort providing a situation where their children can marry well by finding them mates.

Yes but try and tell them that, they have been doing the opposite at least since the boomers.

I had a girlfriend once, she was 14 I was 17. Our families were longtime church and family friends. Pretty girl, great body and a virgin. I would drive an hour to see her once a week. At some point her father asked me not to put my arm around her anymore, and all that. He was very serious about his (gay liberal) Christianity. We sort of drifted apart after that, but she was already sold on marrying me. I regret it now but at the time I was impatient and already had a lot of girlfriends so I just moved on to the next one.

Both our parents should have got us hitched right then. I was already working full time as a carpenter. That’s a decision that practically makes itself. That would have required minimal guidance from the parents. But later on I married a whore, and the virgin became one herself. What a shame.

The Cominator says:

America hasn’t had good times in decades except for briefly during Trump’s 1st three years… hard times have failed to create strong men.

SJ says:

Times are still incredibly good and incredibly easy it’s just that the easy times make lots of men think that everything should be as easy as it is to get a cabinet full of spices or a stove/oven that you can just turn on and off.

jim says:

If you are unable to reproduce, times are not good, not easy.

alf says:

That’s the kicker is it. It’s weird times like that. Compared to many or even all historical times, material wise, we have it good — plenty of food, tools and household appliances to go around.

But then you try to start a family, and the amount of hurdles to overcome is ridiculous. Finding and snatching up a suitable wife is essentially illegal, and when you have kids, the authorities are breathing in your neck to snatch them away first chance they get (and they usually do — is it fair to say kids spend more time in schools than with their family?).

Western Taliban says:

First, the government and its associate class bombards you from different sources with the notion that you should not have children until you are old and ready to die, because young age is to be spent loitering and drugging yourself. In fact it’s preferable to be a faggot and live a life of drug fueled orgies to sanity and family.

If you try to have a relationship with the opposite sex you’ll be forced to obfuscate the whole matter as if they are not the opposite sex, that the opposite sex is in truth the same as you, but you are also a man so you’re obviously bad and your natural instincts and inclinations are bad, you’re below the angelic women and you need to be put through a wringer.

Then, when you have misspent your youth with fruitless and degrading activities you should definitely not have children, least you change the weather and kill everyone. If you were quite the bad unperson to have children, remember that at the very least of course you must follow every single government guideline on how to raise them and educate them, you obviously don’t want unvaxxed, unscienced, CIS children.

The government is quite literally obsessed with preventing people from starting families and supplementing the demographic need with infinity niggers. And when the infinity niggers try to murder you when you try to get to your car to go work they’ll blame you and “society”, which is you, because they are never “society”, it’s just you. And if you happened to have children you really must send them to school to be abused by the progeny of the infinity niggers, but that’s also ok because they are your children so they are also evil, you must accept it.

You also have to be a slave corporate drone that takes all and any amount of inhuman psychological torture and abuse. If you try to start a business everything is a problem, everything is a hurdle, you must do this and you must do that and every single thing is there just to prevent you.

I really don’t understand how most men go through their lives pretending their government doesn’t hate them and wants to kill them, I don’t know what else any of this could mean. They work very hard at making everyone else as miserable as possible.

Jehu says:

I suspect the reason they pretend that the government doesn’t hate them is that consciously recognizing this is a serious weight on the mind. It is saying ‘Nice Doggie’ while looking for a big enough rock. That’s hard on the mind over time. I can relate as I’m looking for a damned big rock.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

That’s an interesting point. Most of us assume the truth of “hard times create strong men, etc.” but it’s probably not the case at all.

If you are unable to reproduce, times are not good, not easy, but they FEEL good and FEEL easy, albeit with a vague sense of foreboding and so on.
A similar phenomenon exists in personal finances. When you can’t afford, and never will afford, to buy a house, that results in a monthly outgoing that’s slightly less than it would be if you could. For one thing you’re neither saving up for a deposit nor investing on improving/maintaining the home. As a result, the ability to consume is increased so, perversely, you may look and feel wealthier.

It’s quite possible the cycle of “good times = weak men, etc.” doesn’t apply to the 21st century in the West.

Otherwise, it’s hard to explain why such dismal times, extending out for so long, with no end in sight, are emphatically not creating strong men, regardless of how you define ‘strong’.
On the contrary, year after year the average Joe is fatter, stupider, more timid and less curious, while the excesses of the worst degenerate factions in society only ever get more and more sick and destructive.

Even a crude racialist analysis fails to explain things. Not only are good strong intelligent white people in decline, the negro too is seeing falling birth rates, greater dysfunction and a general sense of nihilistic futility.

Before you pretend to be a Chrisssteeeean, this has nothing to do with the Nietzschean Death Of God: for the ignorant masses, that’s made no difference at all. It’s not that they’re all Dawkins-esque rationalists now: no, they still believe ‘there must be something’ and they’re about as rational with respect to that individual (yet universal in its conformity) belief as they ever were with respect to the church.

jim says:

> It’s quite possible the cycle of “good times = weak men, etc.” doesn’t apply to the 21st century in the West.

Does not apply as long as our enemies are in power, control the culture, and prevent women from becoming property again. But the hard times referred to are hard because no one is power, and war prevails.

A diverse state cannot fight wars, because nothing to fight for.

A state that imposes affirmative action cannot fight wars for lack of the capability to manufacture ammunition, develop new technologies, or remember past technologies.

A state that emancipates women cannot fight wars for lack of sons and lack of manly men.

That is what “Hard times make strong men” means.

The winner who restores order will be someone willing to propertize women and throw gays off high buildings.

He will also respect and protect the property rights and personal safety of taxpayers and camp followers, especially merchants, for logistics and technology decides wars. Hitler and Napoleon lost in Russia through logistic failure. Price control is what defeated them.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I’m not being deliberately oppositional simply because I don’t like you personally: your ideas are often interesting and this is one of them.

OK, you say a diverse state cannot fight wars. That’s just not true. A mentally ill transvestite in a dog mask with grafted on ovaries on the outside and a penchant for sniffing creosote is perfectly capable of [*priestly contempt for warriors deleted*]

jim says:

Read some stories from the front line, or watch the Wagner movie. By denigrating warriors you implicitly admit what you explicitly deny. The Globohomo state cannot do it. That is why they have to rely on pagan Nazis in the Ukraine.

Yul Bornhold says:


The Globohomo state cannot do it. That is why they have to rely on pagan Nazis in the Ukraine.

There are a number of GAE mercenaries/volunteers in the Ukraine. Often, these are men who worked in NATO militaries. I imagine they’re cuckservative in disposition; not exactly warrior mindset.

Here’s one:

Ron says:

The most effective warrior is the one who is fighting to protect his property rights to his own land (house) and his own wife and his own tree

This is why Almighty God did not want warriors who had spent less than a year with the above.

Those warriors who never had a wife, land or tree were also inspired because they understood that Almighty God wanted them to spend at least year enjoying that when they got it. This was incentive for them to survive the coming conflict and know what they were fighting for.

Warriors who are denied land, wife and tree are demented and will either run from battle or kill indiscriminately, that is they are slaves and since they effectively have nothing, and will be easily controlled by the State, meaning the Priesthood, leading to an inevitable holiness spiral.

Warriors that have land wife and tree will be loathe to go to was bc they have too much to lose, as such the State and thus Priest power is limited. But when they go to war they will be terrifying to opponents since they have much to lose.

Kunning Drueger says:

this is a pile of lies studded with desiccated truths like dried cranberries in a moldy and rotten scone. It is no different than when somebody on a heavy dose of psychogenics that are in the moment acting as a stimulant babbling about all the things they think they see. It is composed of words, and there are even coherent thoughts, but each point is unrelated to the previous, and the overarching message is just black pill bullshit.

I am no genius, and in the time that I’ve been here, my opinion of my intellect has dropped significantly. but I do think I’ve gotten better at making coherent arguments and being entertaining with the word. If this account is actually just one person, then I am almost moved to pity at how awful it must feel to have spent so much time and so many words, yet show no progress whatsoever.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

You ‘agree’ with me while changing my meaning.

Mayflower Sperg says:

When poor people’s biggest health problem is obesity, life is still set to easy mode. In really hard times, you can buy a nine-year-old virgin bride from a starving single mother for a bag of potatoes.

Red says:

That obesity is mostly from eating low quality food because the good stuff is way too expensive to afford and men don’t have wives to cook the good stuff for them. Look at what Japan pays for food and look at how skinny they are.

Vendat Tunicam says:

That’s a huge lie progressives tell. People are fat because they eat convenience foods, fast foods, food that comes in a plastic bag or plastic container. In America you can buy fresh produce very cheaply, cheap cuts of beef, pork and chicken, eggs and cheese in bulk for next to nothing, if the bread and crackers are eating up your budget flour and yeast will cost you about 1/4 or less than premade bread and crackers. For dessert homemade ice cream is work to shake but simple and cheap to make.

Poor people can save themselves tons of money by making big batches of soup, chili, bacon beans and rice. Eating like thay won’t make you fat. It’s when you eat chips, twinkies and premade microwaveables that you get fat.

jim says:

If you are of significant Aryan descent, rice will make you fat. Aryans do not thrive on a diet heavy in carbs.

Our ancestors lived on milk, fermented milk, and meat. And there is something very wrong with American milk and dairy products, as one discovers when eating dairy products from most other places.

Carte Blanche says:

This is true, and also true that it is still possible to eat a healthy (Aryan-friendly) diet on less than $5 a day. Maybe $10 with recent inflation.

Breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, refined sugars and all other manner of fast carbs make people fat because they’re non-nutritive and non-satiating, making it almost impossible to eat a satisfying meal without massively overeating. The resulting insulin spike means double trouble as you get hungrier, faster; adding in refined seed oils as per the Standard American Diet makes it a triple threat.

The average Amerifat grazes for 18 hours a day, like cattle, constantly snacking on chips, cookies, cakes, candies, and then when meal time finally comes along it’s hot dogs and hamburgers slathered in ketchup and potatoes drenched in peanut oil. No wonder they’re fat and malnourished at the same time.

But there are great “budget” choices in any of the healthy categories:
– Chicken thighs, eggs, livers and gizzards
– Beef short ribs, bottom round, 80/20 chuck, livers, kidneys and oxtail
– Bacon, pork ribs (St Louis), pork shoulder, pork belly or loin chops (the latter being very cheap, but too lean)
– Some fresh fish, like tilapia or grouper
– Most canned fish, including tuna in olive oil or herring
– Any soft cheese, just avoid the hard dry cheeses and fake processed cheese

And that’s enough variety as it is, although if eating vegetables makes one feel better about oneself then one can add in some broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers or spinach for pennies extra.

Certainly if you want to eat the very highest quality – grass-fed ribeye steaks, lamb loin chops, sugar- and preservative-free uncured bacon, king salmon fillets, pasture-raised chicken and ostrich eggs, duck quarters and so on – then it’s going to get pricey. Eating “great” is expensive, but eating “well” is very affordable even for those living below what we laughably call the poverty line.

The poor eat poorly not because they are poor, but because they are more susceptible to bad habits, deceptive marketing and evil government propaganda like the Food Pyramid. They need both the carrot and the stick to do better.

Adam says:

I agree with what you are saying and would like to add that the medical priesthood needs to hang for a lot of the obesity problems. Prescription drugs are not a solution for 99% of problems and the average American is on a truck load, even kids.

Testosterone and activity will help overcome a lot of diet related problems and fat problems. If your test levels are good you can pretty much eat anything so long as your caloric intake is reasonable.

The body is always trying to find homeostasis. Changing that set point is hard, and the thing that changes it the most is daily physical activity. You can’t lose weight sitting at a desk unless you are on drugs. Sitting at a desk or at home on the couch is not stimulating, you are always going to want to snack. Physical labor is hard but stimulating. And it will change what you want to eat, with a little help.

As with the porn/women discussion, other than a rare heroic effort by the individual it is a coup complete problem. Since forever with every update to progressivism, men have gotten nerfed, and women and minorities got buffed.

The testosterone levels gotta go up, way up. We need an even bigger alpha than Trump. We need a Trump that is read for a holy war, ready to hang a hundred thousand intellectuals.

jim says:

> They need both the carrot and the stick to do better.

In the Meiji restoration, they noticed that Japanese were alarmingly weedy compared to the British, researched the matter, and discovered that diet had a whole lot to do with it. They did not use the stick, just the carrot. They made healthy eating conspicuously high status. Worked. Those Buddhist entryists had been making meat unholy. Meiji made Buddhism low status, and meat and milk high status.

They did not promote the carnivore diet, which is inappropriate for people of the Japanese race, but a diet with adequate meat, fish, eggs, and, for children, milk.

Red says:

>But there are great “budget” choices in any of the healthy categories:

That would require them to know how to cook. Does any child from a single mother lead family learn how to cook anything but garbage?

If you want well cooked meals consistently, you need wives cooking them. Otherwise it’s garbage convince foods. And I haven’t found a woman recently that knows how to cook. Hell they take pride in not knowing.

Carte Blanche says:

If you want well cooked meals consistently, you need wives cooking them.

This is a common misconception. In fact, unmarried men tend to be better at feeding themselves than feral women. Every spinster is either fat or frail, whereas at least some (though certainly not all) single men are in good shape. Lots get into bodybuilding and start taking food very seriously as late as their 30s, 40s or even 50s.

Peasant men are the primary consumers of literal junk food, for sure. Chips and Cheetos don’t fly off the shelves because women buy them. But what women do buy is a lot of is food that is practically junk but marketed as trendy and high status: soy milk, zero-fat yogurt, virtue-signaling ice cream, expensive pastries, anything with the phrase “plant-based”, etc. Or they’ll go to a restaurant and order a “pasta bowl”, or a fancy “salad” that’s full of croutons or tortilla chips and slathered in sugary dressing.

A single woman’s kitchen, as the Rime of the Ancient Mariner would put it, is “water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink”.

Women can learn to cook, but are not naturally or instinctively good cooks, and a wife is not a requirement for eating well. In fact, being allowed to cook for me, start to finish, everything from menu planning to pouring the dessert wine, is a privilege reserved for special occasions. Every wife should be useful in the kitchen, but that’s not exactly the same thing; the man is the Head Chef, the woman is the Commis Chef. They are also pretty good at the grocery shopping, which is fundamentally gathering, as long as they’re given clear directions and discipline regarding what to gather, but I would never send one off without instructions.

Some time ago, Jim posted about a woman’s contribution to the home and garden. To recap, they can’t really “direct” either. In the home, they’re drawn to potted plants, various tchotchkes, endless furniture rearrangement; if you are trying to renovate your living room then you need to keep them focused on the things that matter like floors and walls and mobility. And given command of a garden they will plant a dozen inedible flower species and usually fail to control pests and weeds because they are afraid of the heavy equipment needed to “beat back the jungle”, even if it doesn’t require any physical strength (like driving a tractor) but especially if it does (tree trimming, edge and brush work, backpack sprayers, etc.). Maintaining a garden without a wife feels pointless, maybe is pointless, but even with a wife, it is still your garden, not your wife’s. She does not run it, she performs tasks that you delegate, tasks of varying complexity according to her ability.

It’s largely the same in the kitchen. Women lack the physical strength and dexterity to properly handle cast-iron cookware, butcher knives, heavy-duty shears, and so on. In recipes that require precision measurements, need to be supervised so that they actually use correct quantities and timings, otherwise they will want to go by intuition. At least in my own experience, women have some difficulty with “doneness”, they tend toward overcooking, perhaps out of paranoia over safety or squeamishness about “blood” (actually myoglobin). They can get over many of these handicaps, and eventually become great helpers in the kitchen and decent cooks in their own right, but it takes years of coaching. Men do not physically need women to eat properly; it is the other way around.

As a spiritual issue, I’ll be the first to say that it is the same as gardening: healthy eating may feel pointless without a wife, and from a rational perspective may even be pointless. But if you start to feel despair then remember your Heartiste and BAP: you need to have your own mission, your own ambitions, independent of women, or else you’re no man at all. Those ambitions may be religious, martial, mercantile, or even pure vanity; as long as something occupies the center, you’ll be fine. Depend too much on women’s judgment in any area at all and you’ll find yourself kicked out of Eden post-haste.

Red says:

Poor people’s biggest problem is unhappy families. With divorces, baby daddies, drug use, etc. Obesity will kill you, but living unhappy lives filled with misery while being unable to achieve your telos is almost as destructive. Right now Fentanyl is the US #1 killer of young people and people are not taking that stuff because they live in good times.

Kunning Drueger says:

Excellent analysis here. Our worst ailments are spiritual and, as is *always* the case, it is fundamentally the WQ.

Mayflower Sperg says:

All good points, but we won’t reach the “hard times make strong men” stage until people are literally starving and being murdered for the meat on their bones. When you can provide regular meals and the government can’t, you’ll have no trouble finding a wife.

Rome didn’t fall in a day and neither will the West, so we’ll probably all be dead before the cannibal holocaust a.k.a. full socialism arrives.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Why would you want to? Why does that particular ‘advantage’ spring to mind?
Is this just a pedo club or what?

There is no universe in which a nine-year-old is bride material, [*usual grotesque enemy misrepresentations of the red pill deleted. Not what we think, not what we say, not what anyone says*]

jim says:

The problem is that we want all women to marry as virgins. If a woman is under proper male authority, should be married at the age at which which it becomes healthy for her to give birth. But if she is not under proper male authority, not going to make it to that age still virgin. And some girls, quite a lot of girls, start getting frisky very early.

The reason that some nine year olds should be married off is to ensure virgin marriage. All women should under proper male authority to preserve their chastity. If they are not under proper male authority, need to be promptly put under proper male authority as soon as they start getting frisky.

Carte Blanche says:

There is no universe in which a nine-year-old is bride material

Written as if it has not been the norm throughout the world until the 19th century or so. Even La Wik admits it, albeit with the typical SJW spin:

Here’s one with slightly less whitewash:

In many cases, the marriages were arranged when the girls were babies, and in some instances, the marriage actually took place when the princesses were very young girls. They remained home with their families until they reached a suitable age and were then shipped off to their husbands.

It is completely normal for a nine-year-old girl to be either married or betrothed, especially among the aristocracy. That marriage may not be consummated until many years later, but it is legal and binding all the same.

But that’s not the question you asked, is it? Because in your mind, “marriage”, “sex” and “love” are all the same thing, because the only form of “marriage” you understand is gay marriage.

Hell, even The Simpsons understands:
(skip to the 05:00 mark; sorry, not available on youtube.)

APU: It all happened shortly after my eighth birthday.


APU’S MOTHER: Ten goats and an electric fan? You call that a dowry?

MANJULA’S MOTHER: Okay. We will throw in a textile factory, but only because Manjula is getting on in years.

APU’S MOTHER: Then it is agreed. Your third daughter will marry our first son.

You have to be thoroughly pozzed to think that “child marriage” means the same thing as “fictional heterosexual men being sexually attracted to prepubescent girls”.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

You are attempting the repurpose our memes against us, and against men and manliness, by changing the meaning, so that our enemies running our schools can desex nine year olds.

Kunning Drueger says:

this falls into the territory of ” 9-year-olds are mature enough to geld themselves, but 22-year-olds cannot handle a bank loan.” They are totally fine with some terrible mother dressing up prepubescent daughters like sluts, but the thought of a 14-year-old being betrothed to secure property, bloodlines, and confirm that she is untainted on the wedding night is just beyond them. They really do hate beauty and order.

Adam says:

Porn is bread and circus.

I remember reading years ago a study on the fertility problem, and the results showed fertility dropped in proportion to the introduction and availability of the television.

The TV is gay liberal propaganda, and so is porn. The easiest way to become more social, and make something of yourself is to get rid of your TV. You’ll son find all sorts of things to do with your time. The hard part is finding other people who are willing to do the same.

Cloudswrest says:

I stopped watching broadcast TV decades ago. Not so my wife, who mainly watches PBS stuff. On the rare occasions that some regular broadcast TV show catches my attention I usually find the plot so inane that I find it literally equivalent to “Ow, My Balls”, and the hidden social assumptions/propaganda so think that it is unwatchable! I’ve read many similar accounts from other people who, having stopped watching television for awhile, have the exact same experience.

When my in-laws were still alive and would come over they would sit together and watch 60-Minutes and would think it was God’s truth! I would suffer from Fremdschämen.

zero says:

Best technology in the world and all that comes out of it is quisling plots with fag good guys and magic nigger comercials, I dont know how any man can tolerate being in the room with the garbage most women watch.

Mayflower Sperg says:

“All the shows my wife watches on Netflix seem to end with two guys kissing.”

zero says:

Don’t have a wife and the problem is the repetitive dialogue written for four years olds but why did you have to go and make a prediction about the future man, ruined my evening. I dislike show writers enough without that thought lol. thinking about it, it is weird I never get junk mail with race mixing shit, at least the tv can still be turned off, probably won’t be long till some nigger coalburner in a fake mcmansion is selling me Boomer drugs in the mailbox.

Pax Imperialis says:

The TV is gay liberal propaganda

After feminism got rolled backed for WW2, and before it got reintroduced in full by the 1990s, most of what we have on TV today would have been considered porn.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Feminism’s dead. If a white woman complains about anything she’s a Karen, and if a black man harasses a white woman and she stops him, she loses her job.
Example: the recent case of Sarah Comrie:

Feminism is dead. None of the people who should be on her side, are on her side.

When ‘Jim’ talks about feminism he means there’s too much pushback on jews raping children, and that such pushback is left-progressive holiness.
Half the commenters here go along with is uncomfortably and the other 49% enthusiastically agree that it would be a grand fine thing to marry a NINE-YEAR-OLD.

That just leaves the tiny minority of normal, non-perverted people to ram home the point: no matter your clever philosophies and ‘based’ ideologies, touching kids is THE NUMBER ONE THING TO BE STAMPED OUT IN SOCIETY.

jim says:

And now, back to the regular silencing of CR.

Feminism is alive and well in that marriage remains criminalised, and in that women outrank white males, and have comparably rank to gays. They just rank lower than blacks and trannies. The alt right has been joking and memeing for years about women dropping down in the victim hierarchy. For example that land whales rank lower than real whales.

Carte Blanche says:

And now, back to the regular silencing of CR.

Maybe he’ll take the hint and go away this time. Ha ha, just kidding, he’ll never go away until they stop paying him by the word.

You might be a fed-neck if you think that quoting Mein Kampf is clever, edgy, stunning and brave, but advocating a 2000-year-old marital tradition is beyond the pale.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*low effort shilling deleted*]

Oog en Hand says:

On the two central points of this blog, I agree with jim

Yes, ten year old girls act lewd when in the presence of older, often way older men WHO ARE SUFFICIENTLY ATTRACTIVE. That is, Akon, R Kelly, Charlie Chaplin, Herman van Veen, not Joshua Nerdberger. Joshua Nerdberger thinks they are little angels.

Yes, for optimal demography we must take the maxim old enough to menstruate, old enough to impregnate. One episode of Vikings was about a teenager marrying a sexagenarian.

That is why I can attack Jimian Christianity from the right. Polygamy instead of monogamy, theocracy instead of monarchy.

Also, social technology is technology. It shouldn’t be shared with anyone. Therefore, use languages.

Western Taliban says:

enthusiastically agree that it would be a grand fine thing to marry a NINE-YEAR-OLD.

My buddies in Afghanistan and I would enthusiastically agree that it would be a grand fine thing to marry a six year old and fuck her when she is nine.

As a matter of fact, a couple billion people in the world look up to a man who was a Giga Chad that went around conquering shit and did exactly what I just described.

And people of such faith are replacing the French in France (I can’t decide if this is a good thing or not). It looks to me like the cradle robbers just win, while the people who marry 30 year old women all die.

Perhaps what you meant to say is that Muslims don’t go far enough and you have to be an even greater Giga Chad, grooming your future wife and marrying her at 49 when she is 21, just like this American president did: and no one thought strange.

jews raping children

Weinstein had sex with willing adult women, while the government and leftist institutions call parents who don’t want their children groomed by faggots and trannies terrorists.

A2 says:

Banish porn and pornographers. Don’t be a wanker.

This link had a good discussion on the drawbacks of wankerdom to personal and societal accomplishment; do read the comments.

Red says:

It’s weird watching commenters here and else ware repeat McChristain misdirection that first started popping up in the 80s. Even back then it was clear the men and boys using porn was the result of men being unable to get their dick wet. It’s an effect and not the cause of the problem.

Next they’ll be quoting James “women are never at fault” Dobson Focus on the Family’s tracks on the matter. The reason young Jimmy can’t get laid isn’t because he wasn’t taught the mating dance by his father and and women have higher status than men, it’s because he masturbates to dirty pictures.

Sure porn is bad, but not nearly as bad as romance novels and inflated female status that results in massive problems from female misbehavior. Fix the later, and the market for porn goes away as men with empty balls have no need for porn. Attack the matador, not the cape.

Pax Imperialis says:

Most of the romance novels are porn, and while some are not obviously lewd to us men, though many are indeed very obscene, the girls are still very much masturbating to the mental images conjured between the lines.

We have such a warped sense of what is or is not porn that we’ve forgotten the definition of porn, that writings, or the like, produced to elicit sexual arousal is indeed porn. We don’t think of it as porn because of how hardcore and widespread visuals have become, but 200 years ago your great great grandfather would have considered all those romance novels as porn. Not only porn, but subversive porn.

I wasn’t ranting against porn because it’s being used by men who can’t get their dicks wet. Something you’ve continued to pigeonhole my position as. I was ranting against its extreme use as a tool by groomers and other subversive elements including the current government.

I suspect most of the commenters here have the gut feeling that porn has been weaponized against them and has been pushed on their children in order to groom them. That they don’t like porn isn’t to do with McChristian misdirection and everything to do with sensing hostile intent behind the porn.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Worse even than romance novels are Disney movies telling girls they know better than their fathers about love and marriage. If you want grandchildren, don’t let your kids watch any Disney movies made after Walt died.

Red says:

Most of the romance novels are porn, and while some are not obviously lewd to us men, though many are indeed very obscene, the girls are still very much masturbating to the mental images conjured between the lines.

No Shit Sherlock, tell us something we didn’t know. Girls masturbate to fucking everything. They masturbate riding horses, the masturbate to Disney films, they masturbate to Monkey’s fucking each other. You need harsh controls of girls, but the best control of all is get them married ASAP so they get off while making babies. It’s a great idea to make female porn illegal but even better is Coverture so that they can’t get access to it in the first place.

I suspect most of the commenters here have the gut feeling that porn has been weaponized against them and has been pushed on their children in order to groom them. That they don’t like porn isn’t to do with McChristian misdirection and everything to do with sensing hostile intent behind the porn.

The very fact that porn that correctly displays the mating dance disappears from porn sites indicates they sights are controlled by bad people. The idea that you can stop that without getting rid of the bad people first is ridiculous. Maybe you think this a coup complete issue, but you haven’t been very explicit about it.

Again there isn’t a lot of male non faggot demand for porn that lies about the mating dance and most other forms of degeneracy. It has to be pushed for free.

I was ranting against its extreme use as a tool by groomers and other subversive elements including the current government.

Being forced to watch porn is pretty different from someone searching it out. Again the solution isn’t to worry about the porn, rather it’s to give groomer swimming lessons in the Pacific. Ranting about the porn they use rather than the groomers is pure McChristainism. Attacking the cape rather than the Matador.

Chad Boomer says:

Clearly Jim is some type of homosexual serial killer that has murdered at least three wives and encourages others to do the same. He poses as a helper of young men. A father figure, if you will. But, his pathology is much more sinister and is more like a John Gacey persona. Who knows how many graves are under his crawl space.

jim says:


Allowing this through. Because good advertising.

Hesiod says:

I don’t know about all this, but Jim once did shoot a man just for snoring too loud. I’ve still got the scar to prove it. Can’t really hold it against him because chicks dig scars.

Western Taliban says:

Here’s unreleased footage of Jim with well known mass murderer Sam Hyde attempting to kill his wife:

Absolute menace.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t want to sell you this lovely thread of jokes and banter, but that comment section reminded me that I have noticed an uptick in the use of the term “gay” as a minor pejorative, specifically on gun tube. The presenter will call some accessory or attachment gay, or some rule or ATF regulation gay. this is a very minor thing, but it is an important thing, because it denotes a shift back in the proper direction of using anything related to sodomy as being at best silly, in many cases pointless, and most likely destructive or dumb. this ties into where the boomer faggot wanted to insult Jim, knows that we do not take kindly to sodomites, and hoped that the allusion would cause him trouble, but he just had to throw in the gay worship at the end with the stacks of bodies (because obviously anyone who’s got a graveyard under their house is a badass, there’s really no way to parse it otherwise). My point being is that they don’t have a sense of humor, they cannot laugh at themselves, and they can never figure out why anyone would laugh at them because to do so would be to acknowledge all the clown makeup they wear in every situation.

also, I will always see Nick as Jim now, so thanks for that.

Redbible says:

You don’t know the half of it.
Jim is the kind of man that makes fictional characters like Gaston and Mr. Grey seem like limp wristed faggots.
Mr. Grey believes in Safe words. (Even if he does violate said safe word.) Jim thinks that even having a Safe word is cucked and gay.
Gaston has oneitis. Jim doesn’t even have oneitis for his wife, and sleeps with other women while still staying happily married.

To the Ladies:
“Look at your demon lover, now back to Jim. Now back to your demon lover, now back to Jim. Sadly you Demon lover isn’t even half the man Jim is, but with Jimian Christianity, your man (Not demon lover) could be at least half the man Jim is. get Jimian Christianity today.”

Carte Blanche says:

[*deleted for claims not in evidence*]

jim says:

I don’t think Epstein’s whores were victims. I think their johns were victims.

Take the woman question shill test.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The women were victims after they hit the wall and no more powerful men were interested in fucking them. They were victims like Harvey Weinstein’s victims, in that they suddenly discovered that they had been raped right around the time that no one called them up for a casting call anymore. They don’t seem to have made much of an attempt to escape from Epstein’s island, or from his guests. 15 year old virgin gets fucked by powerful, dangerous man is the basis of every Disney princess story out there. I am sure that they were all horrified to learn that Bill Clinton or Prince Andrew wanted to fuck them.

Carte Blanche says:

Well, that was unexpected. Of course the claims were not in evidence, the thread was just jokes and banter.

But fine, if humor is not on the menu tonight, here’s your shill test: female mate choice has not evolved much beyond the chimp stage, where the alpha male is the most aggressive and violent in the group, and since women are hypergamous, they will keep shit-testing men in order to draw out the most aggressive and violent, and compete amongst each other for the top spot in the harem of General Butt Naked / Jeremy Meeks / Mr. One In Thirty. Monogamy is an absolutely necessary conspiracy imposed by men on women in order to achieve cooperate-cooperate equilibrium, whereas any system that leaves women in charge or even gives them free choice will immediately backslide into defect-defect. Many girls hit puberty as early as age nine or ten, and begin flirtatious or even overtly sexual behaviors earlier than that, and once they reach that stage, will crawl over a thousand miles of broken glass to be with their demon lovers, thus the only way to actually achieve something resembling monogamy and eugenic fertility is for women to be property, owned by their fathers until given to their husbands, preferably as soon as they show the first sign of any interest in boys. Marriage requires a woman to honor and obey her husband, reciprocal vows are gay marriage.

Epstein’s girls were self-selected sexually mature but legally underage prostitutes and the entire operation was a honeypot. And the joke I made, or thought I made, was that the girls who washed out of the Epstein Academy of Entrapment because they lacked even the self-control to be decent prostitutes would be sent over to you for proper discipline, which for women already accustomed to nuclear-level shit-testing generally requires frequent and extreme violence, not because they are victims but because they are literally asking for it and will not relent until they get it good and hard.


jim says:

> Of course the claims were not in evidence, the thread was just jokes and banter.

Trouble is that there is so much genuine insanity on the internet, that it is hard to tell jokes from genuine lunacy.

Which is why I always use emojis when saying something untrue.

Carte Blanche says:

I guess no harm done except the loss of a few lulz. If the occasional hair-trigger response is the price we pay to avoid being overrun with shills then I’m happy to pay it. At least the appeals process is quick and direct.

I thought the meaning would be apparent from context, but almost as if on cue, CarJooJooean Restorationist has popped up to remind us why context is no longer a reliable signal. It’s funny how totalizing progressive ideologies end up lumping everything into cartoon heroes and villains; there’s no such thing as a simple rational accounting of what Epstein’s operation was, you have to be either “pro-Epstein” or “anti-Epstein”. Always pro-X or anti-X, never casual indifference toward X or blissful ignorance regarding X.

I’m firmly in the “don’t care” camp. He was a front-man for a state-backed op; big deal. His name is just a metaphor for weaponized prostitution. Looking at it that way, I suppose the joke was a bit off-color, even for Jimblog.

Mea culpa, I hadn’t given much thought to the fed/spook connection. Just amused by the idea of girls being turned away from a well-known brothel for being too slutty and imagining what sort of Taming of the Shrew scenario could result.

Kunning Drueger says:

one of the many annoying little ironies of our time is how rigidly puritanical and endlessly moralizing the crowd of fools who incessantly crow about their opposition to morals actually are.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*matador’s cape*]

jim says:

Love is war. Love is a battlefield. All is fair in love and war.

For men and women to successfully reproduce, men have to conquer women and women have to be conquered. They are looking for a man who can conquer them, and not finding him. Gassing the Jews is not going to help

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Wait, so this community is unironically pro-Epstein? [*deleted*]

jim says:

We are not pro Epstein. We are anti whore.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Well, I think it’s sensible to be on record saying [*all Epstein’s whores, in fact all women everywhere, are innocent angels and the victims of evil men*]

jim says:

You would lose your job if your supervisor suspected you of going along with my reply.

With most shills, it is clear that the supervisor does not read, and indeed is not allowed to read, the material that the shill is required to read. Your comment suggests a change in policy, or a supervisor that is operating under different rules.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Oh those poor girls being fooled and manipulated by Epstein and other Jews into being forced to sleep with rich and powerful men. It must have been terrible for them🙃

Women tend to seek out “highly abusive situations”. We need to provide what they need by plonking them into marriage and restraining them from forever looking for an upgrade till their eggs dry up and their looks fade. The problem was not Epstein providing women with opportunities to misbehave, but women misbehaving.

In 1790s Australia, would have been line up on the dock when they got of the boat and married off.

alf says:

Well, that was unexpected. Of course the claims were not in evidence, the thread was just jokes and banter.

Sometimes it happens. One time I thought it’d be funny to troll-post under another name, but for whatever reason decided to use my alf-mail. Result: Jim freaking out thinking someone hacked not only my mail, but was also posting from my ip address.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I only hope that one day someone will say something half as flattering about me as this comment is to Jim.

alf says:

He can’t keep getting away with it

Calvin says:

I hope one day to earn the privilege of an invitation to his blood drinking ceremonies.

Pax Imperialis says:

John Gacey is likely a good example of neuroplasticity.

Gacy’s father was informed that his son and another boy had been caught sexually fondling a young girl. His father whipped him with a razor strop as punishment.

Heterosexuality got beaten, but

The same year, a family friend would occasionally molest Gacy in his truck. Gacy never told his father, afraid that his father would blame him.

homosex was inadvertently given a blind eye. Funny how wiki makes it very clear Gacey fondled a young girl, but is far more stealthy about him getting raped by a man.

The father beat him when doing masculine tasks rather than encouraging him, and called him a sissy when hiding behind his mother. He should have beaten him when hiding behind his mother and praised/mentored him when doing masculine tasks. The man inverted the reward/punishment system and ended up with a gay serial killer son.

Red says:

The fact that he was touching a much younger girl, who had no tits, isn’t exactly manly. It’s more likely he’d already been impregnated with the fag parasite and was starting to act on it.

I developed early and I was interested in sex by 12 but I never interested in girls who didn’t show signs of breast development.

Pax Imperialis says:

Every source I’ve found says “young girl” and not “younger girl.”

Gacy, between age 10 and 12, was accused of sexually fondling a young girl. I cannot find the exact age of the young girl, but I have little doubt that if the girl was prepubescent and much younger than him it would have been widely reported. Quite possible that the young girl was both around his age, and developing boobs.

I remember in middle school the obese female school councilor giving a very stern lecture to us boys to not pull on the bra straps of the girls because it constituted sexual harassment. Not to poke their boobs and asses. There was only one faggot in my cohort, and he committed suicide.

Kunning Drueger says:

ya gotta love a happy ending.

Aidan says:

It’s likely that his job for the Chicago democrats was disposing of the boywhores they regularly used in order to keep them from talking.

He is a classic case of buttrape turning a boy gay, though it should be noted that there is no obligate homosexuality. He, like most fags, was still attracted to women.

Aidan says:

You should really come to one of the jim meetups, he has a knack for finding the hottest hookers and has a great tract of land to hunt them on after we’re finished.

Cloudswrest says:

Anybody remember the “Hunting for Bambi” paintball hunt hoax that had the media up in arms?

Kunning Drueger says:

off topic

here is the copy /paste of a TGram post ( from Gray Zone ( which is a pro-Wagner channel:

Поистине эпичный момент сбора многотысячного личного состава «Группы Вагнера», перед которым выступил Евгений Пригожин и Дмитрий «Вагнер» Уткин. Можно наблюдать сплочённость коллектива и взаимное уважение от бойцов к командирам и наоборот.

Евгений Пригожин:
— «Приветствую, парни. Рады вас всех приветствовать. С приездом на белорусскую землю. Мы достойно воевали. Вы сделали для России очень много. Сейчас, то, что происходит на фронте (речь идёт о командном аппарате МО РФ) – это позор в котором нам не нужно участвовать. И сейчас нужно дождаться того момента, когда мы сможем проявить себя по полной программе.

Поэтому принято решение, что мы будем находиться здесь, в Белорусии какое-то время. За это время мы из них сделаем, и я это уверен, вторую армию в мире. А если нужно, то вступился за них, если это потребуется. Я хочу всех попросить максимально обратить внимание, что белорусы встретили нас не только как Героев, но и как братьев. Говорят, местные девушки в магазинах шушукаются, что “вагнера” приехали. Поэтому отнесемся к белорусам также по-братски.

Дальше готовимся, повышаем свой уровень и в новый путь – в Африку. Но возможно и вернёмся на войну на Украине, в тот момент, когда будем уверены, что нас не заставят посрамить самих себя и наш опыт. Мы привезли с базы в Молькино флаг, который передадим старшему здесь, в Белоруссии. А также две ленты русского и белорусского флага, чтобы никто не думал, что мы воюем без Флага и без Родины, как некоторых пишут. А теперь я дам слово Командиру, кто дал нам имя “Группы Вагнера”».

Дальше речь начинает командир “Вагнера” Дмитрий Уткин:
— «Да, если кто не знает, я и есть тот самый Вагнер. Большинство из вас знает меня, большинство из вас я знаю лично. Спасибо за проделанную работу. Благодаря этой работе имя “Группы Вагнера” прогремело на весь мир. Всем спасибо! Парни большое вам спасибо! Это не конец, это только начало – самой большой работы в мире, которая будет проведена очень скоро. Ну и WELCOME TO HELL (Добро пожаловать в Ад)».

Here is the “translation” (for a number of reasons, I really don’t trust Google translate, most of it is just paranoia or gut sense, And I don’t have a command of Cyrillic nor do I speak Russian, but somehow these translations seem to be so much shorter than the actual text):

A truly epic moment of the gathering of many thousands of personnel of the Wagner Group, before which Evgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry “Wagner” Utkin spoke. You can observe the cohesion of the team and mutual respect from the fighters to the commanders and vice versa.

Evgeny Prigogine:
“Hello guys. We are glad to welcome you all. With the arrival to the Belarusian land. We fought well. You have done a lot for Russia. Now, what is happening at the front (we are talking about the command apparatus of the RF Ministry of Defense) is a shame in which we do not need to participate. And now we need to wait for the moment when we can prove ourselves in full.

Therefore, it was decided that we would be here in Belarus for some time. During this time we will make of them, and I am sure, the second army in the world. And if necessary, he stood up for them, if necessary. I want to ask everyone to pay maximum attention to the fact that the Belarusians met us not only as Heroes, but also as brothers. They say that local girls in shops whisper that the Wagners have arrived. Therefore, we will also treat the Belarusians in a brotherly way.

Then we prepare, raise our level and set off on a new path – to Africa. But perhaps we will return to the war in Ukraine, at the moment when we are sure that we will not be forced to shame ourselves and our experience. We brought a flag from the base in Molkino, which we will hand over to the senior here in Belarus. And also two ribbons of the Russian and Belarusian flags, so that no one would think that we are fighting without a Flag and without a Motherland, as some people write. And now I will give the floor to the Commander, who gave us the name “Wagner Group”.

Then the speech begins the commander of the “Wagner” Dmitry Utkin:
“Yes, if anyone does not know, I am that very Wagner. Most of you know me, most of you I know personally. Thanks for the work you’ve done. Thanks to this work, the name of the “Wagner Group” thundered throughout the world. Thanks to all! Guys thank you very much! This is not the end, this is just the beginning of the biggest work in the world that will be done very soon. Well, WELCOME TO HELL (Welcome to Hell).”

I share this massive wall of text because I think it is important to document what appears to be happening in “the New West,” specifically Russia, Belarus, and Novorossiya. To me, these seem like embers that can, and should, be kindled into the Flame of Empire. Each of these regions has a different contribution: Russia is the mass, Belarus is the mettle, and Novorossiya is the frontier, similar to England, the 13 colonies, and the Ohio River Valley.

Seeing As I don’t speak Russian, I can only make inferences based on the footage and tone and my sense of the context, so I may be reading into things too much, or just hearing what I want to see. Nonetheless, I still get the sense that we are seeing the beginning of something historical and important. I do believe Putin is a good man, and the right man to save Russia from what the West did to it in the 1990s. but he has not been up to the task of the next step. For whatever reason, he can’t seem to let go of the neoliberal dream of the post historical West. obviously, the neoliberal project is heap big medicine for anyone who went through the university system of the late 20th century. but all the information and evidence, to anyone looking at it with even a shred of objectivity, shows that it was deluded and foolish. I don’t think he is the man to usher in the next era of human civilization. He’s absolutely 10 steps ahead of any other world leader on the main stage at this time, but so is Trump, and we hear no that Trump was not up to the task. neither man is Octavian. in the absence of a perfect option, the only option is the best option for the moment. I don’t think that’s going to be an obvious or traditional leader, rather it will be someone acting in their own self-interest, looking at the short-term, unaware that they are the prime mover of something so much bigger than what they perceive. It is sometimes the case that great things happen for simple or shallow reasons, like someone choosing to stand up purely because they are uncomfortable, not because they are trying to start some great movement.

Prigozhin steals the spotlight, but I think the military commanders of Wagner are a much more interesting potential for mobile banditry in the 21st century. Here’s a video about them:

That’s just a cursory review, but I think it is a good general picture of the men and what they represent, both at a personal and societal level. being an American nationalist at heart, I want to believe there are men like this in our country, but every day that candle burns a little bit lower. I think the generational project of the KGB May go down in history as one of the most successful plots to destroy a society, because it truly feels that there are no righteous, or even potentially righteous elites, just as there are no nascent warlords, just a teeming mass of managerial midwits, two cowardly to take action, not selfish enough to be effective, not cultured enough to be leaders, only capable of following the SOP and sitting obediently in the longhouse waiting for their serving of cantankerous, ran-through, birth-control-poisoned pussy.

jim says:

> I really don’t trust Google translate,

Use Yandex translate.

(Which gives, somewhat to my surprise, essentially the same translation, but the translation is subtly more manly, dignified, and respectful of the past. Sounds more like a military commander, less like a faggot. Seems to have better preserved what must have been the flavor of the original.)

A truly epic moment of the gathering of thousands of personnel of the Wagner Group, which was addressed by Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry “Wagner” Utkin. You can observe the cohesion of the team and mutual respect from the fighters to the commanders and vice versa.

Evgeny Prigozhin:
– “Greetings, guys. We are glad to welcome you all. Welcome to the Belarusian land. We fought with dignity. You have done a lot for Russia. Now, what is happening at the front (we are talking about the command apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) is a disgrace in which we do not need to participate. And now we need to wait for the moment when we will be able to prove ourselves in full.

Therefore, it was decided that we will be here in Belarus for some time. During this time, we will make of them, and I am sure of it, the second army in the world. And if necessary, he stood up for them, if necessary. I want to ask everyone to pay maximum attention to the fact that Belarusians met us not only as Heroes, but also as brothers. They say the local girls in the shops are whispering that “Wagner” has arrived. Therefore, we will also treat Belarusians in a brotherly way.

Then we prepare, raise our level and embark on a new path – to Africa. But perhaps we will return to the war in Ukraine, at the moment when we are sure that we will not be forced to shame ourselves and our experience. We have brought a flag from the base in Molkino, which we will give to the senior here in Belarus. And also two ribbons of the Russian and Belarusian flag, so that no one thinks that we are fighting without a Flag and without a Homeland, as some write. And now I will give the floor to the Commander who gave us the name of the Wagner Group.”

Then the commander of the Wagner Dmitry Utkin begins the speech:
– “Yes, if anyone doesn’t know, I am the same Wagner. Most of you know me, most of you I know personally. Thank you for the work done. Thanks to this work, the name of the “Wagner Group” thundered all over the world. Thank you all! Thank you guys so much! This is not the end, this is just the beginning – the biggest work in the world, which will be carried out very soon. Well, WELCOME TO HELL (Welcome to Hell).”

No Good Men says:


Kunning Drueger says:

What are the chances the Midwits of Foggy Bottom are cooking up a Maine + Lusitania Event for the Black Sea?

A note on this source: this guy is representative of the Boomer/Xer “specialist class” that keeps everything working in the face of the DEI influx and devolution of Society. If you watch his videos, he’s undoubtedly knowledgeable, he has relevant experience, he has a dedicated following and broad enough reach that certain trade, technology, and specialization organizations keep an eye on him, and he’s quite capable of noticing much… but somehow he is never in danger of actually Noticing. So he says something incredibly stupid starting at 03:15, the paraphrase of which is “there’s a huge flow of weapons into Ukraine, but it’s overland and airborne, the maritime channel is negligible.”

If you took this guy and told him about some disaster somewhere that needed supplies, and that the aid was flowing via land, air, and sea from places scattered all over Europe, the Levant, and the globe, and asserted that the lift capacity of the maritime route was negligible, he’d laugh in your face. He’d tell you all about intermodal transport, lift capacity, and energy expenditure. Yet somehow, because the Voices That Speak have proclaimed the maritime component negligible, he parrots the line without a hint of irony or disquiet. It really is fascinating if unsettling to see, and you can see it in his recent catalog of failures & fuckups in American ports & shipping in the last year alone.

Just like the Sheepdog Class that keeps the Cathedral inured from popular unrest and elite dissention, these Thrall Whites the tools of empire and control working because they’d rather tinker and fix than acknowledge the salami slicer coming for them.

Red says:

Just like the Sheepdog Class that keeps the Cathedral inured from popular unrest and elite dissention, these Thrall Whites the tools of empire and control working because they’d rather tinker and fix than acknowledge the salami slicer coming for them.

It sickening, but it has a logic to it. Without elite leadership, impossible to defect without being cut down even sooner.

Red says:

Putin is very likely to back down again. All these events are designed to broaden the war and he’s very carefully trying to limit the war while still bleed NATO white. The only trump card the GAE has is air power and shutting down all trade with Russia.

In war it’s always best to play to your strengths by preventing you for from playing to theirs.

The Cominator says:

Can’t shut down all trade with Russia, they tried that…

Pax Imperialis says:

Wake me up when Putin grows a pair and turns the Black Sea into a shooting gallery. Until then, no Lusitania Event

jim says:

Well, he has said he will turn the Black Sea into a shooting gallery, and the Ukrainians have promised the same. Any ship, including those with third nation flags, is now a target.

Since Russia does a large volume of imports and exports through the Black Sea, this promises to get interesting. Albeit the Ukrainian navy seems to have largely been sunk or captured.

What they do have is anti ship surface and submarine drones, made by the British. And depending for their navigation on US flag drones watching from above. If they succeed in sinking any civilian ships, there are going to be Nato fingerprints all over it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Putin is a standard-issue 1990s liberal. He supports the whole liberal agenda except trannies and overt homosexuality. Every time he does something illiberal, it’s because the Jews left him no other choice. Why don’t they just let Putin into their club? Probably because they need a villain with a square mustache to hold their shaky coalition together.

jim says:

The reason they do not give Putin any choice is that he is a 1990s liberal. Therefore worse than Hitler. RFK Jr is a 2006 liberal. Therefore also worse than Hitler.
Trump believes in National Capitalism, Putin believes in 1990s neoliberal globalist capitalism, but is being forced against his grain to implement national capitalism, but even before this happened there was a fair bit of outrage that he was not implementing the latest and greatest form of capitalism.

I have elsewhere argued that the corporate capitalism of restoration England, starting 1660, was the best form, and all the reforms have been for the worse.

Mayflower Sperg says:

A fascinating first-hand account of crime, poverty, and malnutrition. Read the whole thing:

Red says:

In fact, he told me that he had never once eaten at a table with others in the last 15 years. Eating was for him a solitary vice, something done almost furtively, with no pleasure attached to it and certainly not as a social event. The street was his principal dining room, as well as his trash can: and as far as food was concerned, he was more a hunter-gatherer than a man living in a highly evolved society.

The sad thing is hunter gathers always eat as a group. Sharing food together is a very old mammalian behavior. Pretty interesting article.

Pax Imperialis says:

A food desert is a poor area of a town or city, in which there are few shops selling food, and in which those few offer a restricted range of unhealthy and unnourishing produce at relatively high prices. The huge supermarket chains, unwilling to carry out their social duty, have retreated to prosperous areas, where they can sell profitably to people who do not have to worry about what they spend on what they eat. Particularly lacking in a food desert are fresh comestibles: all food available is processed or precooked, full of salt and the worst kind of fat, and lacking in vital ingredients. The people who live in a food desert, therefore, have no choice but to eat unhealthily. Of course, the real—that is to say, ultimate—cause of food deserts is modern capitalism, the system that created and perpetuates the food deserts. [in context, sarcasm directed at GAE, but GAE still takes said position as reality]

Published Autumn 2002… the more things change the more they stay the same.

‘It’s not the fault of niggers, but capitalism!’
Trying to Eat Healthy in a Food Desert.

Aidan says:

He introduces the idea of the food desert, and then debunks it, going on to correctly observe the subcon and asian groceries in the ghetto that sell fresh food for dirt cheap. He also correctly observes that modern malnutrition is single mothers attempting to starve their bastard children to death to free up time for gangsters to bang them, but blames this on “decline of culture”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The huge supermarket chains, unwilling to carry out their social duty, have retreated to prosperous areas

Their social duty to be robbed and vandalized by swarthy southrons, of course.

Basil says:

Is the transfer of Danone assets to Kadyrov’s relatives a sovereign national capitalism or not yet? [*claim not in evidence deleted. Give us a link*]

jim says:

France and Denmark shut down French and Danish owned businesses in Russia in order to harm Russia and Russians. Putin reopened them under new management. Looks like national capitalism to me. Albeit Putin is an extremely reluctant national capitalist. It is being forced on him from abroad.

Kunning Drueger says:

there is probably already a term for this, but if there isn’t, there should be one for the inverse of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

“Oh, you’re a Christian? Then why aren’t you perfect like Christ?”

“You’re a nationalist, huh? Then why aren’t you dying for your country?”

“So you’re not going to drink alcohol anymore? Then how do you explain all the times prior to now when you drank, hypocrite?”

GAE apologists like Basil the Faggot swallow gallons of DEI cum in between statements regarding the imperfect nature and track record of Putin and the Kremlin. Crab bucket mentality: they’ve resigned themselves to their fate, so they hate anyone trying to escape/survive far more than the fisherman that put them in the bucket.

Carte Blanche says:

The term you’re looking for is tu quoque, maybe with a dash of false dilemma.

Not that any kind of formal argumentation really matters in clown world; the round goes to whomever can shout the loudest, for the longest time.

Kunning Druegger says:

Additionally, whoever gets the bigger laugh can win, and the nature of internet dynamics also means an in-person loss (being shouted down/harassed by a room of adversaries) can be converted into a win (when the clip goes viral). I personally dislike these mechanics and wish formal debate and formalized discourse was the order of the day, but here we are.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Who is this relative?
>looks up name
>it’s Yakub Zakriev
>mfw (topkek.gif) Yakub was White all along

jim says:

Any time Putin does something to protect Russia and Russian interests, Basil finds a way to spin it as anti white.

Trouble is that the Nazis in the former Soviet Union wound up working for the CIA, and when the CIA turned new type communist, performed the necessary intellectual somersaults to stay on the gravy train, with results most evident in Ukraine, where they drag sixteen year old boys, old men, and cripples off the streets and send them to die for a Jewish Globalist.

Just as all CR’s arguments are supposedly right wing reasons for socialism, globohomo, and rule by Harvard, all Basil’s arguments are supposedly right wing reasons for the Global American Empire.

Basil is of course correct that Putin has always wanted a seat at Globohomo’s table, and it shows. But, they did not give it to him, so here we are.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ah… I know Basil spins things as being anti-White/anti-Russian, and I was semi commenting on that, but I was also being a bit more meta than that. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with the meme of Yakub.

Some background

Dr. Faust says:

America’s best hope to produce semiconductors gets “postponed” to 2025. The plant that’s being built in Arizona is apparently a 1:1 copy of the plant in Taiwan.

“We are encountering certain challenges, as there is an insufficient amount of skilled workers with the specialized expertise required for equipment installation in a semiconductor-grade facility,” TSMC Chairman Mark Liu said on a conference call after earnings.

Relevant as this falls in line with Jim’s assessment of tech decay.

dave says:

and have we made any new Tritium yet? We’ve had a lot of laws and policy made that we need more Tritium, but yeah.

Maybe need Musk to get on this and rebuild both Semiconductor capacity, and enriched Uranium production.

Looking more and more like 1973 was peak civilization.

jim says:

When nuclear weapons were first made, they contained a lot of special materials and special components that no one had ever made before, so no one had any idea of how they would degrade over time. And, of course, they have been degrading, and expertise to replace them, for example the foam in which the components of a thermonuclear weapon are embedded, has been lost. Reading the report, I don’t think the people commissioning the new foam knew that they were trying to replace two different kinds of foam. Britain’s nuclear weapons are old, and it is unlikely that they still work. So they have launched a new program to produce brand new, radically redesigned nuclear weapons. Which, of course, will never be tested. A brand new super duper high tech design, with no actual testing ever. Every tech scammer in Britain is flocking like flies to dogshit.

Reading between the lines, I read “We cannot do this stuff any more, so we are going to leap over it and do something way better”

Pax Imperialis says:

jim, jim, jim…. I admit to being a little buzzed, ok very buzzed as degenerates do on a Friday morning, but what else is a downtime, injured, DoD affiliated, guy to do with no work and if the only people he trusts offline are dead?

You’ve focused on inability to manage the supply chain at the level of nuclear weapons, and that’s indeed a problem, but the truth is, there’s an inability to manage even at the stage of reactors, an inability to manage even at the level of uranium mining. The stuff that makes nuclear weapons possible in the first place.

Forget special materials, they can’t even source base materials! At a certain point the core itself has to be replaced and no amount of crafty tech solutions we know of for sure, i.e. lack of testing, can solve that. On the flip side, we can reasonably pray that’s there’s a non-zero chance that Russian nukes don’t work quite as well as they’d hope… maybe instead of thermonuclear they are only Hiroshima level boom… ah well, the Russian apparently can still make exotic nuclear materials, so maybe we can’t reasonably pray. Who know?


For Musk to do what needs to be done, would need to completely overhaul the mining and nuclear industry without bureaucratic interference. While possible with space due to lack of congressional interest if only due to their immense ignorance, not so easily done with mining and power because the special interests are so much more well established.

Kunning Drueger says:

For anyone looking to get into mining, in terms of research and comprehension, here’s an excellent place to start:

Unvarnished truth, nuance & details, sober acceptance of the dictates of reality, and just plain fascinating. This guy is an excellent resource for Thanksgiving Day gun battles with Karen and your gay cousin.

I think Pax is 100% correct.

Pax Imperialis says:

Bear with me, I’m going to quickly take this somewhere potentially more interesting than neurotic self introspection.

>I think Pax is 100% correct.

I cringe when I revisit the drunken word garbage occasionally spewed here, and Western Taliban is uncomfortably close when he says a normal response to matriarchy is:

b) end up a washout retard that does alcohol/drugs all day in a park like a nigger

The best internet forums, being in the spirit of the Roman Forum, are in fact digital parks, whereas traditional parks were inseparable from the forums, they were for all matters the same. My rants, while intelligent enough, I’d claim in pure hubris, to be similar to those of the likes of Diogenes, they’re also like Diogenes in so far the tangential behaviors associated are exhibiting nigger like characteristics. Thankfully, unlike Diogenes, I’m not so detached from standards that I’d masturbate and piss in public like a dog.

It’s informative though, that shills like Anonymous Fake/Carlylean Restorationist haven’t directly gone to personal attacks on my drinking (I might be wrong about this), even as they’re getting flustered by my tame observations on universities, SAT testing (the ‘T’ which always meant test was retconned to be meaningless), participation trophies, and increasingly stupid elites. Overindulgence/addiction is the most easy and base methods of character assassination. The media peddles all of the most vile of slanders and hearsay, yet refuses to fully utilize this is low hanging fruit when attacking public figures. Even when it does to attack those like Matt Gaetz it falls completely flat and no one cares. On it’s own this doesn’t add up.

Intoxication is one of the holy demons of GAE. Why they are perfectly fine with Cocaine in the White House and a million projected dead Americans from fentanyl OD. Why tweaking niggers who commit crimes are promoted as somehow more sympathetic than sober niggers who commit crimes, why Hollyweird drugged up whores are promoted as stunning, talented, and beautiful even as they are taking time off for rehab ‘vacations,’ and why coked up coomer Wall Street managers are portrayed as high status exercisers of absolute masculine bravado living outside the rules and king only to themselves (

They don’t attack intoxication because to do so would be to partly undermine the theological underpinnings of GAE. If 1930s America was Puritan Feminism, post FDR America was 1960’s Orgy Porgy Feminism! Yet Orgy Porgy Feminism has morphed into sexless Orgy Porgy for the masses of men. A strange mixture of Coomer Gaymer Drinkey Porgy disconnected from feminism in totality, and so 1960’s orthodoxy has been unraveling and they ( are terrified. When even inner party MSNBC apparatchik are attempting a partial roll back, this may be a sign of further partial roll back attempts to come. Just as feminism mysteriously disappeared in the 1930s, we may find ourselves in the mists of a similar scheme; however, it’s not the 1930s and there’s significantly more chaff in the leadership class… how the dominoes will fall is currently beyond me but betting against the aging 1960s orthodox apparatchik is likely a good bet.

What I can do is observe possible, partial, and nascent roll backs corrupted with FDR like expansions of government control, well poisoning so to speak:

-Porn (attempts at creating ID requirements, this is an obviously poisoned well)
-Feminism/Masculinity (Attempts to retire ‘toxic masculinity’ and rehabilitate some form of masculinity while overall retain feminism, again a poisoned well)
-Military organization (Patriot Front though I can’t tell if simply a honey pot or national security paramilitary initiative firmly under central control, more well poisoning)
-Transgenderism (overseas Empire has been shutting this down without the usual media attention)
-Industry (Musk hasn’t been broken and humiliated indicating protection, plus Jim points out feeble attempt to restart the nuclear industry on paper by paper)

None of these attempts have so far shown any vigor, but they’re there and given enough of a system shock might find new life. Some think that aircraft carriers at the bottom of the ocean would lead to the collapse of GAE, but this is, due to a definitions shift, potentially a wrong mental model. Overseas GAE was shipped back to continental America, and Texas and California are similarly ruled from DC in the same way Hungary/Poland and France/Germany is ruled from DC. Even if all overseas GAE collapsed, continental America is still very much a GAE empire. Only now restricted to being a land power empire rather than a sea power empire. Land power empires shouldn’t be underestimated, even “progressive” ones.

jim says:

I am well aware of the deleterious effects of porn, which are made considerably worse because it is overwhelmingly created at a financial loss by our enemies to undermine our minds, but it is not an issue of interest for me, because the market for porn is largely because most men cannot get laid, and because the damaging effects of porn are insignificant compared to the damaging effects of romance literature and chick flick movies.

Mayflower Sperg says:

With no navy and no white patriarchy, the USA might continue to exist on paper, but its border with Mexico will be less important than the perpendicular boundaries between the various drug cartels.

Liberals are never wrong, so they’ll react to the loss of empire by oppressing white people even harder and giving even more free stuff to non-white people, while pretending that America’s still a world power and a beacon of justice.

Pax Imperialis says:

From Mining_Atoms:

We are buffoons,while Russia mocks us. While we wring our hands over “Nuclear Waste” and waste billions on Yucca Mountain and Interim Storage drama, Russia has spent the last 30 years developing Fast Neutron Tech. In Russia: Nuclear Waste Is Fuel.

FNR when based on a closed NFC… fuck, that’s not good. That non-zero chance we can reasonably pray about, if based on supply chain related maintenance issues, practically went to zero.

On the flip side, we can reasonably pray that’s there’s a non-zero chance that Russian nukes don’t work quite as well as they’d hope… maybe instead of thermonuclear they are only Hiroshima level boom…

Well, would you look at that. I’m already having to retract statements. I keep track of Russian nuclear industry, but their fast neutron tech was a blind spot that Mining_Atoms helped illuminate for me. Thanks KD, I now know I’ll need to relocated much further away from city and strategic centers.

Pax Imperialis says:

France’s first generation EPR reactor began construction in 2007. It still hasn’t delivered any power and is now 5 times over budget and nearly a decade behind scheduled. If France, a country with one of the largest nuclear industries in the world can’t even build new reactors, Tritium is likely off the table for quite some time.

Aidan says:

When Toyota first opened a plant in the US, the cars came out like shit, despite the US workers following exact spec. Turns out the spec was wrong, and it was human expertise in the Japanese plant that made the cars come out right. A 1:1 copy of a plant means little if the human expertise in making semiconductors isn’t transferred over, by having the key guys in Taiwan apprentice smart young men to them.

Kunning Druegger says:

Toyota was able to diagnose and treat that issue. Something tells me that TSMC won’t be able to and, instead of realizing/admitting there’s a deeper issue, it will go down the “witchcraft” route, both in terms of negress voodoo juju being deployed to correct the humors and evil secret racists/fascists/heretics hiding in the trees and using hate rays to de-calibrate the Eschaton 9000.

Red says:

They’ll have to make a massive list of exceptions for TSMC if they ever want to see a chip come out of that plant and even then it’s doubtful.

jim says:

The plant has been delayed due to “an insufficient supply of skilled workers”

Well, how do you get a skilled worker? You apprentice a smart unskilled worker to a skilled worker. But HR don’t like that. They don’t like hierarchy that elevates the status of skilled people. They don’t mind skilled people getting big money, but they don’t like them getting status, even though the only way for skilled workers to produce more skilled workers is by having status.

Pax Imperialis says:

You apprentice a smart unskilled worker to a skilled worker. But HR don’t like that.

This is true, but I don’t think you’ve accounted enough for just how fallen the American man has become. I wish I could provide more than just anecdotal evidence, but I can’t. From the people I know, both at TSMC and recent grads, people simply don’t wish to work hard enough and are apprenticeship incapable.

They can’t be mentored in the first place because they are either too damn lazy or got their heads so far up their asses that they can’t be mentored. Turns out that giving everyone a participation trophy lead to major entitlement. That and inhibiting the development of actual skill.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why bother, when learning a trade doesn’t get you a virgin wife? At best it gets you a tired, overweight, tattooed 30ish single mother with badly behaved mystery-meat children who’s finally ready to “settle down”.

On the flip side, the Indian medical or technical student doesn’t know anything about game or dating and doesn’t care. He trusts that if he studies hard, graduates with honors, and gets a good job, his parents will find him a wife.

Pax Imperialis says:

Damn, your right. Married Appalachian guys are willing to spend 12 to 16 hours a day deep underground in coal mines so long as they got a wife to go back to at night. Cosmopolitan, university trained, engineers with no marriage prospects have no reason to commit to anything beyond 40 hours a week. Their free time being devoted to gaming or other solitary forms entertainment.

Well… in the previous post I’m still right in a sense. They are truly fallen in regards to lack of purpose.

someDude says:

“On the flip side, the Indian medical or technical student doesn’t know anything about game or dating and doesn’t care. He trusts that if he studies hard, graduates with honors, and gets a good job, his parents will find him a wife”

Not any more.

Gramma lives in a small town. I visit her now and then. Next to her apartment is a college, and some malls, and some clubs and some bars and I’ve seen some stuff. I don’t think a single girl in that college is a virgin. This is in a tier 2 town mind you.

Dharmic/Suones, Whats happening in the small towns around your area? The Metros are obviously doomed.

Dharmicreality says:

Well, there are still traditional families with girls brought up the traditional way (I.e. trained to be a good wife) but increasingly getting very hard to find.

We are behind the curve on Globohomo but not by much.

Jehu says:

I suppose it points to an opportunity for a reactionary employer to forge some alliances with some large homeschool families to provide virgin wives for smart guys of good character and appropriate religion who complete their apprenticeships. Highly illegal I imagine, but I bet you could build something 1973 wouldn’t be ashamed of.

someDude says:

@Dharmic , increasingly hard to find should be read as out of reach for a hard working, pro-social middle class guy that does not belong to the same community as the girl.

@Jehu , what you are proposing cannot be offered by any vaishya run business or any wing of the government. By employer, if you mean mafia or militia/paramilitary group operating outside of the state religion, you are right.

Anonymous Fake says:

Your participation trophy meme is stupid and wrong.[*deleted for circular argument*]

jim says:

That they removed analogies from the Sat is compelling evidence that he is right. Similarly, I checked the geometry section of the MIT entrance exam, and its ceiling was midwit, about 105, It is not capable of distinguishing between midwits and smarties.

Anonymous Fake says:

I’ll just make it even simpler [*advice unlikely to be helpful and likely to undermine red tribe cohesion even further deleted*]

Anonymous Fake says:

How would it ruin cohesion to be [*wiggers*]

jim says:

I have debated your program before. You were unresponsive then and you are unresponsive now.

Pax Imperialis says:

That they removed analogies from the Sat is compelling evidence that he is right.

And added in an essay section which amounts to a test on bullshitting ability…

Not only rewarding midwits, but deceitful lying midwits who, even more annoyingly, aren’t even self aware enough to know they are bullshitting resultingly leading to them lacking any sense of humility or remorse. SAT graders spend less than 2 minutes assessing the ~750 word mental spaghetti meaning they too understand the essay is an exercise in bullshitting.

>participation trophy meme

I quickly lost count as a child how many participation trophies, medals, and ribbons I threw away while involved in competitive sports and chess. That doesn’t even count the number I threw away for being in the top 10 or top 50 (yes, top 50 was a thing) because anything outside of the top 3 might as well be participation. The few times I did feel a real sense of accomplishment was when I outright won a few tournies and got prize money… which the state promptly confiscated because scholastic competitors must remain “professional.” If you want to absolutely emotionally crush a high performer, that’s how you do it.

I grew up with many boys who were destined to be great, many far greater than me, grow despondent and non-competitive because what’s even the point of wining if not only are the losers rewarded just as much, but anything of actual value is forcibly and unjustly taken away from you.

With no real reason to compete anymore, competitive sports and chess became simply a boy’s club, not a bad thing on it’s own, and there were still some damn good memories from that, but it exorbitantly lost cohesion and team spirit.

We look at the newer elites and wonder: “why can’t they cooperate well?” (besides being dumber) The answer may very well lie in the fact that they never had to function as an actual team as youth, for all the “team” activities devolved into fun social clubs.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Pax, you’re not wrong at a merely superficial level, but the boomer in you is underestimating just how much would be fixed by paying people. Adjust for inflation, adjust for cost of living, allow for fedgov taxes taking more than they used to and correct for that, and you’re most of the way there.

Getting rid of HR would get you the rest of the way there. Admittedly that’s harder, probably coup-complete, but it’s still less than half.

And I say this as someone who shares your assessment of new young workers. But really, why should they work like I do, or like my parents or grandparents did, when they’d be paid a fraction for the same effort? “Lying flat” as the chinks call it, while morally deplorable, becomes the rational move.

Admitting there’ll be some breakage, some men who’ve made it too much of a habit and can’t recover, fixing wages changes incentives and gets men trying for it again.

jim says:

> fixing wages changes incentives

Absent obedient wives and children, wages are irrelevant.

Contaminated NEET says:

> morally deplorable

No. Cooperating with people who are actively defecting on you does not make one moral. It makes one a sucker.

someDude says:

“Absent obedient wives and children, wages are irrelevant”


Kunning Drueger says:

“Fixing” wages would be an improvement, though the lack of virgin wives is the underlying, persistent, and primary issue. It’s fascinating nonetheless that they won’t even go after the low hanging fruit of better monetary incentives. They are losing all capacity for strategic reasoning, because the fish rots from the head, and the head is full of HR catlady parasites.

Pax Imperialis says:

how much would be fixed by paying people. […] why should they work like I do, or like my parents or grandparents did, when they’d be paid a fraction for the same effort?

Is quite possibly the most boomer take possible.

Nearly all your ancestors worked hard in good times and in extraordinarily bad times. Unlike the spiritual (it’s a mindset, not an age they will tell you repeatedly) boomers, they did not overly concern themselves with their particular generation making more or less than prior generations. This is because they got married and had children in both good times and extraordinarily bad times. When a man has family he has an ultimate telos. Money can’t fill the void of no telos. Religious fervor and military brotherhood can semi patch over the void, in young men, for a period of time, but patching isn’t filling and it will eventually wear away at the mind and turn them a bit strange.

Except today, we men in the West don’t even have worthy fervent religious causes nor manly militant brotherhoods. Both having been signed a death warrant by atheistic though spiritually bitchy witchy feminists and their cuckolded eunuch man slaves in the Cathedral.

This mess is partly the result of boomers mistaking the telos of family as simply a life style choice and educating future generations in that falsehood. It is partly the fault of the silent generation for being shockingly silent and not whacking some truth into their descendants. It is partly… well smoldering in assigning fault and motionlessness is the spiritual millennial mindset and will get men nowhere. One must ultimately be responsible for their lives and take action.

Aidan says:

Not just that, it is probably thoughtcrime to acknowledge who the key guys are! Nobody wants to tell corporate “this one man’s skills are indispensable and the whole project will collapse without them”. Hell, they cannot even think to themselves that their success is personal and not procedural expertise

Carte Blanche says:

Hell, they cannot even think to themselves that their success is personal and not procedural expertise

Yes, this. It’s the Dilbertization of industry under the watch of MBA-certified “CEOs” with no entrepreneurial experience.

What often starts out as a legitimate need with an informal solution – “we have too many people pulling in different directions, let’s get together and agree on one strategy/process” – can easily be subverted into ISO 9000, CMM, DMAIC, Six Sigma, TQM, “knowledge management” and a thousand other flavors of squid ink costing 10x or 100x as much for compliance as it costs to actually do the real work.

It doesn’t help that these are hard requirements for any government contract, and then become requirements for partnering with any company that does government contracts, and then… etc.

No prospects of a hot virgin wife are definitely a demotivating factor for the average American worker, but even the already-married and low-libido men don’t enjoy being ground down under the corporate equivalent of rectal cancer.

Oversupply of priests, causing feedback loop of induced demand, loss of productivity blamed on non-priests and further overproduction of priests to compensate. Need a dissolution of the monasteries to break the cycle.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the latest from Razorfist:

It is a “status update” on where Disney is at as they HR Catladies run it ever deeper into the ground. I am not going to name names, but I have direct experience with 2 companies, and anecdotal info on at least 3 more, whose sole workable model is to do the same thing Disney is, which is:

-develop massive war chest
-purchase company
-cut corners, bloat the admin, sprawl like mad, reduce wages & hiring standards
-as consequences begin to arrive, purchase competitors outright, trade off of their good reputation even as you destroy what actually made them work

I’ve watched this happen twice, and it’s eerie how, though the were very different industries, the upper management was interchangeable, both phenotypically and teleologically. The anecdotes are the same. The key, to my midwit perspective, is that war chest, the ability to eliminate competition with a buyout. Without that option, these behemoths would collapse in on themselves.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Razorfist makes a good point about the Federal Reserve: No large company ever goes broke as long as the Fed keeps interest rates artificially low, so Disney can get as woke as it wants.

jim says:

The decline of the US$ as an international reserve currency limits the Feds ability to keep interest rates low. If it does not raise and keep on raising interest rates, the international exchange rate of the US$ is going to tank. If it tanks, this will likely accelerate the flight from the dollar, causing it to tank further.

When the tide goes out, you know who has been swimming naked. Though Disney will probably get a federal bailout.

someDude says:

I’d say that the smart guys I’ve worked with and knew closely all knew that their success was personal and not procedural, but only a minority of them were outspoken enough to say it out loud. And those always got sidelined in a hurry. The rest were always “too diplomatic” if I am to put it politely.

Being a smart guy and having a warrior mentality are a mutually exclusive set. A smart guy who can be outspoken is like a high IQ warrior and scares the bejeesus out of HR and management. As for as the state and corporate religion is concerned, a high IQ warrior is like a Kalki or a horseman of the apocalypse.

Contaminated NEET says:

>The Destroyer of Filth

They’re right to be afraid.

Aidan says:

I meant by “their”, not the individual indispensable employees, but “their” as in the company’s success at making advanced technology

someDude says:

@Aidan, Oh, my Bad then.

The reason I interpreted your statement the way I did is, I recalled an article on men imprisoned in Jail for not paying child support in cases where the child was not theirs. Most men in there thought that the system was fair in general and only in their case some mistake was made.

So it is not so far fetched a claim that smart men themselves do not know that the process is “meh” and that they themselves are the ones that made it work. Not all competent men are secure in their competence.

But you are absolutely right, that HR and middle management would probably burst into flames if they even dared entertain the thought that perhaps the exceptional individual and not the process is to be credited.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Everyone can go on pretending that it’s the process that matters, not the people, until a key engineer is accused of sexual harassment and must be fired. What then?

Contaminated NEET says:

>What then?

Then the company goes into decline, but it takes a while for the rot to become obvious. Before it becomes their problem, the the idiots who caused it retire or go on to bigger and better positions at other companies and repeat the process. Nobody with the power to actually make decisions gives a ghost of a damn where the company will be in five years.

ron says:

@Contaminated NEET

> Nobody with the power to actually make decisions gives a ghost of a damn where the company will be in five years.

Why should they? None of them are allowed to have the one thing that matters, a wife.

Red says:

Thinking this over, i bet SpaceX could get the plant built. Elon’s spent a great deal of time building probably the best high tech construction crew in America for Starship.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In order to bake a cake, one must first invent the universe.

The closer a polity circling the drain gets to going down the tubes, the more and more that a man who wishes to get into the business of any particular finds it necessary to refurnish an increasingly deeper tranche of such aspects of civilization he would theretofore take for granted.

It is, for example, entirely obvious that Musk’s ambitions in space and on Launch Site 1 would be saluted by getting into the business of Our Friend, The Atom; yet the moment he does, the presently metaphorical calls for him to be killed would quickly start turning into literal calls for him to be killed.

Pax Imperialis says:

He’d never get there in the first place under the current regime. His success has been in lightly or pseudo regulated industries, or “holy” industries that the regime was willing to turn a blind eye towards. Today though? Semiconductors are far from “holy.” It’s seen as anti-green and materialistic, energy consuming, icky, low class dirty. Good luck on getting a blank check from the regulators… and that’s not even getting into the aspect of him being a marked man.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the reasons Musk’s activities are tolerated is that, in the incumbent chattering class’s perspective, they don’t expect him to actually succeed.

A serious effort to take civilization up the next step of the Kardishev Scale energetically, on the other hand, would be a major driver providing impetus for success. As dim as they may be, even they can intuitively sense the power behind Our Friend, The Atom – and power is the one thing they fear more than anything.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To wit: they will tolerate and promote ‘green’ technologies over any else precisely because they are powerless and irrelevant.

Mayflower Sperg says:

They also tolerate and subsidize fusion research because they know it’ll never provide abundant, clean, safe energy. Except for a few reactions that require exceedingly rare isotopes and insanely high ignition temperatures, fusion generates most of its energy as fast neutrons that kill every living thing within a large radius and quickly turn your reactor into a pile of brittle, radioactive junk.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yep. The moment a form of techne stops being a powerless irrelevancy, is the moment it stops being ‘green’. You can see this in the growing restiveness over battery and EV development as well; what they expected to be another dead end to trap people in is somehow getting too close to actually being economically viable.

Cloudswrest says:

Kartik on EV sales growth.

Cloudswrest says:

BTW, I read somewhere the Tesla Model Y is the most popular car in the world right now according to sales figures.

Cloudswrest says:

I read recently that vast amounts of relatively easy recoverable Lithium was discovered in and around the Salton Sea in California. How much do you wanna bet Gavin Newsom, et al., get this wasteland declared some sort of protected wilderness?

Feinstein and company got areas in the dessert that were rich in Rare Earth ore declared a protected wilderness.

Cloudswrest says:

California regulator rejects desalination plant despite historic drought … on environmental grounds

And heaven forbid you dump saline into the ocean, despite there being infinite sea water available to pre-dilute it with before dumping.

Ron says:

Elon is protected because Elon is essential in promoting EV. EV is essential bc it is an easy point of control given thst the entire machine is necessarily run by a computer that can be remotely accessed to shut down on State command or told to accidentally run itself directly into a tree.

Its the equivalent of marriage 2.0, you can have a car, until we decide otherwise.

And since it is so easy to implement an otherwise decision, it is easy and cheap to be a priest, which means more priests, which means more competition among priests, which means yet more incentive among the individual priests to “discover” more ways that “thou shalt not sleep with thine neighbors wife” actually means “thou shalt gang bang thine neighbors wife”.

Anything that makes it easy for the State is not good. EVs make it easy for the State.

dave says:

the Manhattan project had to build a whole supply chain from scratch in 2 years. And they did it. We’ve been coasting on that 1940s supply chain ever since and its slowly been disintegrating and is almost gone now. Oak Ridge, Hanford Site, even Portsmouth Ohio were parts of it. and we havent actually tested a real warhead in a real test in years probably.

First thing new Caesar needs to do after the assay of Ft. Knox is to tell generals to grab a random warhead and see if it goes boom.

Kunning Drueger says:

I disagree. Manhattan Project, the Pentagon construction site, and scores of other initiatives and operations revolving around World War II were not fabricated whole cloth. FDR put a number of men in charge of taking command of the entire industrial output and economy and suborning it to his will. The pieces of the FDR war machine were all in place, what he did was take control of them, illegally and unconstitutionally but who cares right, And then use it to prop up Stalin, spread communism, destroy the English and French empires, and make sure all the good Germans died.

I’m not trying to disparage Leslie Groves or any of the others involved in Manhattan Project. but it remains the case that the managerial takeover of the 20th century has coasted for so long because of the hard work of the so-called robber barons of the 19th century.

dave says:

Yeah I think we’re saying the same thing. The instantiation of the Manhattan project supply chain relied on the industrial infrastructure put in place by the robber barons, Rockefeller Oil, Carnegie Steel, Ford Trucks, Edison Electric.

Still, the instantiation of the chain to build the bomb in a short time frame is both proof of how impressive that infrastrucutre was and what we may not have anymore.

And im not even touching how much of that relied on High IQ managerial class that doesnt exist anymore.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yet another persistent failing of the managerial elite: the stubborn yet unfounded insistence that, because a thing has happened before, or been done before, and because they occupy the skinsuit of that thing, they retain the exact capacity to do the thing. This is similar to a middle aged guy thinking he can snowboard or pick up chicks because he did it decades before and, when he dives right in, he is confronted by the fact that he is no longer what he was. I think we may be approaching that shit in the pants/ice water over the head moment for the GAE, or maybe I just hope we are.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Canadian government has declared no limit on the number of Ukrainian refugees to be allowed in. They have already accepted 230,000 and are expected to accept another 800,000 in the near term. As far as migrants go, not a terrible demographic. They are even White. I must admit, there are some genuine silver linings to this dismal state of affairs. Com, if you’re reading this, I mentioned many months ago that Ukrainian pussy would flood the market and recommended you use this to get a wife on discount. It’s quite literally flying to the same continent as you. Don’t let this opportunity fly past you. I’d like to live in a world in which there are many little Coms running around… potentially out of purely selfish fantasy to hopefully give them a bunch of machetes, lock them into a room full of my unarmed political enemies, and pretend to not notice the screams…

Anyways, some Vietnamese guy (@stevennguyen4993), likely US military as well, on YouTube pointed out the obvious to a West Point lecturer that:

Nah, the military was ALWAYS a political body. The statues were removed WAS a political maneuver. Also, we give respects to elected members of the Congress, but they are inherently not part of the chain of command. The military is led by a few elected and appointed civilians, but don’t mistake that for a public-led military.

to which @Justin_Taylor responds:

I’m not claiming it to be “public lead” but congress is still part of the process. They literally approve our budget. There are congressional insights, any soldier can contact their congressman if things in the military are going wrong. Congressional bodies can tell us what to do, we can’t tell them what to do. They might use us in a political capacity as an arm of international relations, but we cannot tell congress what to do or what not to do. This is what apolitical means, it doesn’t matter who is sitting in the particular seat, we only care that it’s the person or people with the authority.

Notice the logical conflict in the two bold sections? To which @stevennguyen4993 responds:

I’m pretty sure “being used for political capacity” means you’re a political arm. The idea of being apolitical is you having no self-interest. But for the military, that is not the case. The DoD FIGHTS for budgets all the time, even if it’s Congress approving it […] but you can’t deem an entity “apolitical” because it acts as if it doesn’t have a head (even though the military DOES have one).

There’s more and you can find the rest of the exchange near the top of the comment section to this video:

It’s pretty insightful into the (official) mindset of modern West Point academia. This dogma of the apolitical military likely can be traced back to FDR. I remember hearing stories from my grandfather, a West Point graduate, that made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that the military was political circa 1940. Sometime after the 1950s, perceptions changed to the notion of apolitical. I can’t quite pin down the decade. This may have been done due to the problem Gen. Macarthur and Gen. Patton created for the FDR establishment. Clausewitz was required reading, and it still is, but somehow many officers don’t seem to make the connection with war being inherently political to that necessitating the military waging those political wars also being political in nature.

Now in the case of Mr. West Point lecturer, he’s a blue tribesman through and through, and so there’s a case to be made that he simply can’t acknowledge certain truths openly, but I’ve also noticed he’s just not as smart as West Point men used to be from his other videos. It may very well be the case he too dumb, but I’ve also noticed an extremely pervasive notion of the apolitical military among red tribesman of all IQ levels with extreme sincerity. I guess propaganda works. Until that is shattered, expect a top military leadership (O7+) that is dominantly blue tribe because red tribe doesn’t even have the decency to lie about red tribe status for purposes of infiltration. They don’t even network politically.

Western Taliban says:

It may very well be the case he too dumb, but I’ve also noticed an extremely pervasive notion of the apolitical military among red tribesman of all IQ levels with extreme sincerity. I guess propaganda works. Until that is shattered, expect a top military leadership (O7+) that is dominantly blue tribe because red tribe doesn’t even have the decency to lie about red tribe status for purposes of infiltration. They don’t even network politically.

This is the reason why I feel no real attachment or affinity of any kind to the “red tribe” or any current “right-wing” faction, except perhaps avowed reactionaries.

I had friends in high school who actually ended up joining the military even though they were going to be serving for faggots and wahmen and fighting for faggotry and feminism, and we all knew. I refused to join under such circumstances, but this people seemed content to ignore the fact. I feel only indifference if not contempt.

If I have a wish and a hope for the future is that someday a new tribe is born, the crimson skull tribe, that proudly feasts on the blood of its enemies and tramples over all, including the “red tribe”. The apolitical “red tribesman” are as deserving of nine clan execution as the most fervent blue tribesman. If you are “apolitical” you’re just a fucking traitor, my bullet for you.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pax, The era you are looking for is the McCarthy era. recall that the popular recollection of the end of the witch hunts is when McCarthy went after the military. The reality is that the military brass, contractors, and consultants were lousy with reds and pinkos that were connected to State Department, and a grand compromise was signed (unofficially) between State & DoD, a relationship that grew out of NSC 68. The Agency brokered the unholy alliance, and much of the wreck in military and foreign policy springs thence.

The Cominator says:

Which agency, redpill me on this I’m not familiar with it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Central Intelligence Agency.

There’re a number of books about this time frame that can help paint a sort of abstract picture if what was happening and how, but I cannot at this moment dig up the titles. Here follows the story I have cobbled together from my own reading, research, and official & unofficial scholarship.

World War 02 was an absolute mess. Looking back it seems like this powerfully united moment in American history, but that’s whig propaganda. In reality, there was almost no sociocultural unity whatsoever. FDR was absolutely loathed by many elites, so much so that he had to build his own elite, and he did so using the Managerial Archetype. Lots of good contemporaneous accounts of this process, particularly Burnham, but in short, he used the New Deal to construct a Managerial Elite, which then displaced the landed elite and mutilated the agronomic cultural identity. The killshot was funneling the seed corn of the interior into NYC and SF (these were the 2 gateways to the war theaters), but much damage and havoc came about from the 1930s, damage that would have been repaired (IMO) if there had been no WW02.

So FDR builds this autocratic structure with himself at the top, his brain trust, and legions of managerial class zealots (lousy with communists, faggot apologists, and women), then gets called home to hell by Satan. In steps Truman. Lately, I have been seeing people on the Right praise the haberdasher, but I personally think he was a dunce, a moron, and an unwitting tool in FDR’s posthumous hand. As the war is drawing to a close, you have Truman and many people in the US thinking it was time to get back to what America was, but the managerial class wants to do the opposite. FDR tried many ways to force America to become the progressive socialist utopia, but largely fails until the War does all the work for him. It rationalized centralization of industry and government as well as titanic expansion of bureaucracy, incorporation of the Civil Rights DNA, and a host of other terrible things that the elites would not have tolerated. So in 1946-47, the managerial class and its elites are standing on the precipice, watching their domain teeter on the brink.

NSC 68 is the key document, not the only one, but its importance cannot be overstated. I am being dramatic because I hate the Managerial Revolution, but in reality there were plenty of academics, managers, bureaucrats, and warriors that were not fully on board with the New Deal, but they went with the program because of the War. As these types started to waver, the brain trust needed a “next war” to get them back on board. Between ’47 and ’51 this struggle for dominance occurred, mostly behind closed doors (prior to WW02, there was substantially more “policy honesty,” like having a War Department instead of a Department of Defense, and a host of other little things; the managerial revolution ushered in the whole “top secret” memeplex, giving these meddlers wide latitude for their machinations) but in public as well, with a number of events being part of it, like the whole MacArthur thing and the Admiral’s Revolt. McCarthy was tilting at windmills, totally unserious in the context of the actual Red Menace, but just as the Cathedral went nuts over Trump’s rise, so too did the elite managers go crazy that anyone was even challenging their shadow regime.

So the actual Reds (State Department), the Liberals (the new Deal organs of governance/policy), and the aging warriors (the upper echelons of military power) basically coordinate (distributed emergence, not evil summit meeting in volcano lair) to institute the regime we know and loathe today, the Cathedral. Allan Foster Dulles was instrumental in this, as were the daughter groups begat by the American Malvern[1], and the dupes like Truman. I beleive this is when the Cathedral took power completely, though obviously the conspiracy is far older, the demons at play being ever present in the American Elite.


Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic

IEW News

Extremely long thread about FPV drones & the RF war effort. Worth the read because it shows, in real time, what Jim was saying last year is happening and how.

Chad Boomer says:

[*Soros shill script on Bitcoin deleted*]

jim says:

Take the Soros shill test. What has Soros been doing in the Blinken-Nuland-Kragan-Soros plot to give us another brother war?

Chad Boomer says:

Soros has been getting his dick sucked by Kunning Druger in between fucking Red in the ass!

Kunning Drueger says:

Noticed with Brother & Senpai, what a wonderful day.

It must gall you that you can’t just spew stupidity like you do on Gab.



Pax Imperialis says:

“Chad Boomer” reveals himself as Alexander Soros, the faggot son of George Soros. Really, look at the linked .jpg, you’ll get a laugh from it.

jim says:

That is hilarious.

Pax Imperialis says:

Alex Soros has fully taken over the fund. A brief look at the shilling operations he has taken keen interest in, and his own faggot adjacent proclivities, your Soros shill test is going to inadvertently, partially become a faggot shill test.

That reminds me… Carlylean Restorationist’s (CR) positions are extremely adjacent to David Rubenstein’s views as expressed on PBS, a former Carter aid and founder of The Carlyle Group. The group is similar to Black Rock, that’s to say GAE but lesser known. So one might wonder, is CR taking his namesake from Thomas Carlyle, or more likely taking it from Mr. Rubenstein.

I’d suppose that you now need to have a David Rubenstein shill test, but with a name like that, it’s bound to end up becoming a National Socialist shill test instead rather than a Rubenstein shill test.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

In other news, is your name from Pax for peace or SuperPACs? Or maybe Pakistanis?

When you say “imperialis”, do you mean the bars of soap that we turned all the kikes into, or do you mean Imperial Tobacco?

So a shill for the tobacco lobby operating in the DNC SuperPAC complex.

Wow what a shill.

(God it’s all so tiresome, this game of call everyone a shill. There are facts to be had here, but the strategy of muddying the waters is very effective…. and may I also say, very jewish.)

Kunning Drueger says:

Lol, I guess the flack means he’s over the target. Be honest, how similar is that picture to your IRL visage?

Carte Blanche says:

very jewish

Joo joo joo, joo. Joo joo? Joo JOO joo joo! Joo joo, joo joo joo jooJooJoo, joo joojoo joo.

It sure didn’t take CR very long to regress from “almost sort of coherent” back to “gibbering turd-flinging baboon with AIDS”.

I wonder if his account is operated in shifts, and the weekend guy is a full sigma lower than whomever we were hearing from a few days earlier.

Mayflower Sperg says:

When I need an abbreviation for “the Western ruling elites who hate white people and want us all dead”, I sometimes say “the Jews”. Of course this Judeo-Bolshevik elite also hates nationalist and Orthodox Jews and wants them all dead, but the latter two have no power outside Israel, so not relevant.

Chad Boomer says:

Cracker please! I look nothing like Alexander. I believe in taking care of myself doing 1,000 crunches everyday. I’m at the office now, working because the younger crowed can’t get it right. I’m wearing a wool three piece suit by Armani, black leather shoes by Allen Edmunds, and a $20K Rolex. Even though I don’t need to, I still work to fit in.

Western Taliban says:

believe in taking care of myself doing 1,000 crunches everyday.

Confirmed faggot, I guess Pax was right.

SJ says:

In the matriarchy incentives are all wrong. Since women are unowned and uncontrolled they are “free” to choose to have sex with anyone anywhere at anytime, and they are all wandering around on their own. The biggest obstacle to sex with a matriarchy slut is simply logistics (after you have decent game). The biggest problem with being a player is keeping your booty call list constantly full and refilling. This means in the matriarchy the incentive is to spend all your free time meeting and picking up women.

Being a player is a big commitment. I used to go out at least five times a week, sometimes every single day, just to meet new girls. Being in the middle of a divorce that rendered me homeless and destitute, with all my funds frozen, removed from my house and all my property, for years made this really easy to do. I had quit my job out of despair and just got a shitty part time job, which was great as I had so much time to pick up women. Since the actual goal is women, not money, and since money doesn’t help, but having a full time job actually hurts, being a “loser” in the matriarchy is actually being a winner.

Now after I met my wife and she moved herself into my room, a room that had a sleeping bag on the floor next to a pile of laundry, one chair, and a suspiciously nice computer, my priorities started to change. Now the change was slow because at first she was just a plate and I was constantly planning on kicking her out. But once I decided to keep her now I started to work, and to work a lot. Fast forward to my mid forties and I had gone from a homeless destitute working part time as a warehouse guy at night to pulling in six figures and growing. If I wanted to make more money, then I would, because my priorities changed.

In the matriarchy men’s incentives are to work as little as possible. In the patriarchy, and I created my own patriarchy illegally and painfully, my incentives are to work sufficiently for my goals and I frequently work sixty hours a week. Progs act as if we just have to give people more money to solve the problems but the economy isn’t money, it’s production, and men have no incentive to produce. If they did their is plenty of opportunity still. Unfortunately we are in the throes of matriarchy so most of the successful young guys I know are either Mormons or Mexicans, who still have remnants of a patriarchy.

We don’t need to fix wages, or just somehow give people more money, what we need to do is get the matriarchal sluts under control so men’s incentive and goal is no longer to work as little as possible. In the matriarchy you actually harm your interests by working. Working hard actually makes your life worse, as all the woman including your future wife are busy fcking the men who are their picking them up which isn’t the guys who are working hard to build a future.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

Zoomer here. Maybe T-Levels are outrageously fucked up, but 5 times a week? Why? Pussy is good, but it’s just not that good, especially assuming these women you’re getting aren’t anything special (either mid, hamplanets, or just no romantic connection).

Being a player seems like way more work than would be worth it unless you’re on some other level of hornt entirely. Men’s incentives in matriarchy are to spend all time getting pussy, but only if you want pussy that much. Most zoomers I know either find some gf (who they cuck to, at least to some degree) or stick with the hub. The players seem to be socially maladjusted to some degree (or they’re just the only men with normal T-levels, not sure).

jim says:

They are men with normal T levels. Which is increasingly rare.

The normal response to matriarchy is to stay in your single mother’s basement all day playing video games and watching anime porn. Both of these depress your testosterone levels, the porn because you are watching a man immensely more manly than you bang someone hotter than any chick you know, which means you are suffering the psychological experience of being cucked. Which is going to %@^& up your mind.

Since in matriarchy, ten percent of the men pop ninety percent of the virgins, the other ninety percent of the men suffer despair, which depresses their testosterone levels and makes them disinclined to work. The ten percent of men that mop up all the pussy are extremely busy and suffering immense stress, because no matter how alpha you are, there is always someone more alpha than you, “she was never yours, it was just your turn”, and so have no time to do any actual work earning a living.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

I suspect you’re right about the stress the alphas are under. Huge number of zoomers who aren’t quite the mom’s-basement-anime-porn-watching dregs, but who also don’t have the desire to looksmaxx their Tinder and go out 5x / week and Game for products of dubious value. It just doesn’t seem worth the effort if you’re gonna get a 4/10 fat slut at best.

Western Taliban says:

Zoomers who aren’t housebroken can just press some buttons on a computer and meet some whore for sex, I’m not surprised he is shocked at the concept of leaving the house five times a week, I myself am. Or maybe it’s an American difference thing? In Europe (including my country and others I’ve lived in) you don’t need to try that hard, at least not me.

I think I’m less than half SJ’s age, and I think he is even younger than you are. The generational difference is so vast that our personal experiences have extremely different contexts even if the substance some times remains the same.

I believe the normal response to matriarchy today is to: a) become a weeb/gamer as you say, b) end up a washout retard that does alcohol/drugs all day in a park like a nigger, c) accept slavery to the matriarchy or d) straight up become a full faggot. You don’t get the druggies or the faggots here, the slaves are the shills.

Personally I went the criminal route, but the actual dangerous one. Kinda funny to go around terrorizing society, but it gets old fast because torturing Havel’s greengrocers and NPCs doesn’t feel so good, at least to me, so I had to do something else. Unfortunately I posses an inherent noblesse oblige that has always made me feel like I should try to make something out of the retards instead of blatantly abusing them. I wish I could do like some people and treat normies like cattle but it just isn’t in me.

alf says:

I’ve known guys who went out many times a week. They all had good game and would walk around like they owned the night. Knowing bouncers and club personnel did not hurt either.

It’s a double-edged sword though. Night life, alcohol and player burnout does not age well.

For me, I would go out… I think tops three times a week? Probably averaging about 1 or 2 times a week. It’s a total numbers game and most nights the numbers are mediocre.

Franklin Porter II says:

[*soros shill script deleted*]

Pax Imperialis says:

the porn because you are watching a man immensely more manly than you bang someone hotter than any chick you know, which means you are suffering the psychological experience of being cucked. Which is going to %@^& up your mind.

I say something similar, in slightly different terms, with a minor coup complete policy suggestion, and it’s like I shook up a hornet nest. Porn is obviously bad stuff for child development, and I get that boys will be boys and will circumvent the best efforts of parents, as boys should, but parents ought not have to live in a society of groomers that is constantly pushing porn, often of the worst kind, on their kids. You, in contrast, receive far less friendly fire than I do, and I suspect it’s to do with my writing style being disturbingly similar to esoteric priesting, yet I’m far from a moralist. Just the most mild degree of perspective indicates America went off the deep end.

Japan, world’s premier purveyor and producer of degeneracies most obscure, enjoys far higher public decency than day to day American family life. Korea, a country with extensive red light districts home to hundreds of thousands of prostitutes, both domestic and foreign, also enjoys far greater public decency than regular American family life. America, where one can see exhibitionist hobo sex in major cities, beneath giant billboard porn ads, to the sound of nigger porn rap booming from passing cars, right outside schools who’s libraries are full of gay smut manuals with pornographic illustrations, has clearly lost any notion of decency, yet bizarrely Americans think Europeans, with their nude beaches, and Asians, with their strange porn and massive red light districts, are somehow disgusting sexual libertines and that America is overly Puritanical (in the enemy definition of the word) when the exact opposite is true.

Carte Blanche says:

It’s not your writing style that’s the issue, it’s the prescription. Many of us may agree about porn being anything from “minor vice” to “spiritual poison”, and I’ve seen no one claiming it’s a healthy habit. But you approach it from a leftist frame: “this thing is bad, so the government should ban it.” Which itself is the product of an older leftist frame: “How can we force people to behave the way we think they should, given a system that is actively hostile toward that behavior?”

Men don’t need to be forced. Don’t need to have their options restricted. Just need to have the crushing constraints on masculinity removed. Put coverture aside for a moment, let’s pretend it’s too radical to get the support of low-T normies; there are still a dozen other policies that would work wonders and gain near-universal support. Eliminating sexual harassment laws and HR oversight. Eliminating no-fault divorce. Legalizing anabolic steroids, de-stigmatizing TRT and making testosterone part of the annual physical exam. Making prostitution itself the crime instead of “soliciting”, and declaring OnlyFans, Instawhore and other e-thot services to be a form of prostitution. And so on. Men want to be men, they don’t want to be dropouts watching porn, but are constantly being browbeaten and henpecked into the simp lifestyle.

Your delivery is fine – well, most of the time, anyway. But on this issue your priorities are all messed up. Banning drugs doesn’t stop drug addiction and banning porn won’t stop porn addiction. All it does is convert a loser element of society into a criminal element, accompanied by black markets and a multibillion dollar annual price tag for the new bureaucracy.

And I’m surprised you would pick Japan, where hopeless “herbivore” men are buying used panties from vending machines, as a counterexample. Japan’s fertility was cratering even before America. Sure, it’s got a degree of public decency, and that tells us porn has very little to do with public decency; it’s simply not filled with niggers and spics and run by homo politicians and priests. But in terms of survival odds it’s not even in the top ten. Bad example.

Korea seems to be doing better but only slightly; I still recall the whole scandal with their female PM a few years back, obviously a very feminized and blue-pilled society by historical standards.

America is the most degenerate of all, because (a) demographics and (b) Imperial Capital. Degenerate porn is a symptom of degenerate people and degenerate culture, not their cause.

S says:

‘looks at wiki’
There are two different sources for 2023 and one of them gives a TFR of .8 for South Korea. Whatever is going on there is worse then Japan.

Pax Imperialis says:

a leftist frame: “this thing is bad, so the government should ban it.”

>it’s the prescription.

Again, and again, I’ve pointed out I’m not arguing for a ban. Why people keep suggesting I favor a ban is beyond me. Children are the property of their fathers. It is the father’s right to determine what his children get exposed to. If he wants to give alcohol/cigarettes/porn to his kid, that is his choice and ONLY his choice, but if some adult stranger is trying to give his kid a minor vice, you know what the actual evil intention is and that is not fine.

I said nothing about what the government should do about the actual content of the porn, its production, or even its distribution to adults. Only on its purposeful distribution to children by others not the father. This is hardly a leftist frame. All I prescribed was to make it illegal to give other people’s children shit the father doesn’t approve of, and to have a friendly government promote the creation of tools for fathers to have greater control. Unstated was my position that government should also provide proper legal recourse for the father to exact recompense against obvious groomers, and to have a pretext to lock up evil.

Today the father is left with a choice, go to the authorities and hope they sort it out, or deal with it privately. Neither are viable because the authorities will protect evil men as well as screw fathers for taking matters into their own hands. My point being that Patriarchy, at a minimum, requires at least tacit support from the government. Turning a blind eye to Patriarchal vigilantism is really just government dispensing its authority to trusted men of good standing. That is what government of the people, by the people entails, and in turn means Patriarchy is a quasi government institution, but that requires a virtuous men in the first place which we do not have today. Patriarchy is not viable for the masses under a hostile government.

>Men don’t need to be forced.

That is a libertarian frame. How’s that working out for you? Virtuous men do not need to be “forced,” but we have very few virtuous men today. Virtuous men come from monarchs who enforced virtue by force. Eventually, the monarch finds he does not need to use nearly as much force as he once did for virtue is semi self propagating. Virtuous men then mistaken their virtuous nature as being innate rather than from monarchical authority. They get rid of the monarchy as they think authority is fake. Over time they lose their virtues and become the fallen elite we have today. On the contrary to your frame, virtuous men do not need to be “forced,” but boys do need to be forced to do the things that make them virtuous men in the first place.

Men want to be men, they don’t want to be dropouts watching porn, but are constantly being browbeaten and henpecked into the simp lifestyle.

That is true of normal men. We now live among men who’ve never had a father figure, never known what it means to have ownership and responsibility and actual freedom, never known anything else but vice and bondage. To them being browbeaten and henpecked is all they’ve known. Low T levels throughout their childhood development has caused permanent structural brain differences that can’t be fixed by raising T levels in adulthood. These are not men. These are permanently crippled and disfigured pseudo eunuchs stuck in adolescence. They compose of ~30% of young “men” today. A minority but a sizable one that will be baggage for generations. Sure, they semi know something is missing similar to how the blind from birth know something is missing, but no amount of intervention can change what was never there to begin with.

Your libertarianism is going to have limited success with eunuchs. The only thing they respond to, like women, is force. Government issued whore wives would have zero chance of success like it did in Australia. Violent criminals, for all their faults, are still recognizably high T men capable of owning whores.

And I’m surprised you would pick Japan [etc]

As you pointed out America is the most degenerate, that is not the typical perception among middle age Americans. Common perception is that Japan is far worse, and it was 10 years ago, but the situation, especially for young American men, has quickly gotten worse and perception is lags behind reality. The point was to serve as comparison of perception vs reality and I was being a bit hyperbolic. I picked Japan and Korea, both among the worst of the worse to really drive home the point that America in comparison is in deep trouble.

Japan’s hopeless “herbivore” men buying used panties is no different from America’s hopeless “incel” men buying ‘gamer girl bath water’ and shelling out huge amounts of money on E-girls. The Japanese VTuber industry quickly found out that America was a far larger market. Your focus on buying used panties is also indicative of outdated perception. Such an act is at least material. American incels are dumping their money on pixels on a computer screen.

You bring up fertility rates, the US is at 1.64 and Japan 1.34. Japan is in the same ballpark as the Italians at 1.24. You might even claim America is marginally better, yet Japan’s birth rate is nearly purely Japanese while the American birth rate is is brought up significantly by recent immigrants, niggers, and spics. The White (non-Hispanic) birth rate is supposedly 1.54, but when looking at legacy Americans… Vermont is the one state that remains the most purely legacy White American, thus harder to fudge the statistics with fake Whites, it’s birth rate is 1.37, indistinguishable from Japan, and if you separate the 7 percent non-White from the stats it falls lower than Japan. It is likely America’s core White demographic has lower birth rates than Japan.

>But in terms of survival odds it’s not even in the top ten. Bad example.

I’d bet Japan has better odds than America. Keep in mind their circumstance of being an American vassal state. In spite of that, they have a more stable government and cultural-racial-demographic than America. They have great potential to rebound without major civil strife. America in contrast…

Red says:

All I prescribed was to make it illegal to give other people’s children shit the father doesn’t approve of, and to have a friendly government promote the creation of tools for fathers to have greater control.

If someone is grooming your child the correct response is to kill them. How is the government going to help with that?

What sort of tools do you want? We already have tools to watch everything that gets put on kids phones.

Pax Imperialis says:

So you want to dispense justice.

In this case by killing a bad guy. The best scenario is that you have both government acceptance and a posse to back you up. Without the first you’ll be seen as a murderer and become a target of a posse yourself. Without the second is just stupid risky and should be avoided unless you really don’t have any other option. Superior numbers with superior firepower is how you get back home alive. If you don’t see how government can help with that…

Let’s say you’re a manly man who don’t need no government involvement. You assemble a band of armed men who approve of your righteous goal to hunt down the bad guy. By dispensing law, your law, you’ve effectively become a governing body, a contradiction in regards to no government involvement; however, you’re now a potentially illegitimate government within a greater governing body.

You’ll either need to make arraignments with the greater governing body which takes you back to the best scenario case, make no arraignment and become an outlaw, or outright conquer the space and become the sole power.

KKK had outright local government backing and, for a long time, tacit federal government blind eye to deal with niggers. It is why they were able to maintain the peace. In that sense they were a government institution that White Southerners could receive help from.

Government involvement is inherent to dispensing justice. It can either kill you, impede you, legitimize you, or outright aid you. Remember how I’ve repeatedly repeated the necessity for a ‘friendly government?’

Let’s get to tools.

Fundamentally, posses are social tools, and men don’t like being tools for bad causes. They’ll want to know you’re not just bullshitting them. This is why legal systems exist. To make sure you’re not just stringing people along to settle petty grudges rather than dispense real justice. Legal systems are social tools, yet only functions well when the spirit of the law is followed rather than legalism’s letter of the law. Meaning one has to often bend the letter of the law to carry out its spirit. Dirty Harry anyone?

This requires socially acceptable pretexts, another social tool. You might ask: ‘What could possibly be a good pretext to get rid of a groomer?’ See, it might be rather difficult catching a groomer in bed with a boy, but it’s much easier and better to catch them offering minor vice, one of their common tactics.

make it illegal to give other people’s children shit the father doesn’t approve of

huh, would you look at that… This is what ‘corruption of minors charges’ used to be understood as. It wasn’t giving alcohol to the minor that was the problem, it was giving alcohol with the intent of raping, yet intent is very hard to prove even if blatantly obvious. Today’s strict legalism wants to charge parent with corruption of minors for providing their kids a few sip of wine, necessitating a plethora of law makers who then bloat the law books, which eventually makes law unwieldy.

It’s possible to restore the spirit of the law in regards to ‘corruption of minors charges,’ but in relation to internet traffic, needs a minor update for dealing with the digital rather than the irl. In essence, new social tools are needed. Nothing major which is why I kept pointing out it was a modest proposal.

Red, I have no doubt you’re a good programmer, but damn it, its made you too formalistic in your thinking. Governing and leading men is the opposite of formula no matter how much the MBA wishes it could be replaced by ‘process.’ It’s a matter of spirit. You’re doing a literal reading of what I and others write, not to say the literal meaning is wrong, but you’re not reading double meaning encased in the spirit of what I and others write. So I’m stuck trying to explain to you the spirit in literal terms. A process that takes thousand of words and appears to go nowhere. It’s like I toss at you a phrase like “Mission First, People Always,” and you have a conniption because the literal meaning does not compute, and then I write thousands of words on the spirit and why it makes sense only for you to not get it because as it turns out, words cannot always encapsulate the totality of meaning hidden in spirit.

Red says:


>So you want to dispense justice.

To your wall of text that’s basically you cock sucking the “all powerful state” I say: Gary Plauché.

To this day the groomers in the school are very careful not to pick strong fathers who might come over and blow their heads for attempts to groom their children. No state program required, just a righteous man who was willing to suffer for punishing evil. This more creates much better deterrence far most than shitty laws do.

Almost all justice is private by nature. What we see from the state today is mostly injustice. Justice comes from men willing to violence those who do evil to their own. While they suffer for dealing righteous justice in an unjust nation, evil people quake at the thought of it happening to them and modify their targets accordingly.

To add to that, the Soviet Union had a program to recruit children to inform on their parents. This went on for a couple decades until a little boy who had his parents sent to the gulag was found beaten to death and tossed down a mine shaft. The Grandfather was unrepentant about what he did to the boy. He was punished by the Soviet Union but all such cases of children informing on their parents stopped.

Pax Imperialis says:

>To your wall of text that’s basically you cock sucking the “all powerful state”
>Almost all justice is private by nature.

No, this is nothing about the “all powerful state.”

What I pointed out was that as soon as you impose rule you’ve become something akin to a very miniature sub-state. That’s all a state is, imposed rule on owned space. You become the miniature government of that space. Governments are naturally suspicious of competition within the same space which necessitate playing the power game and potentially coming to an accord, which I explained at length.

All justice, even if carried out for private purpose, is of government and will result in broader government reactions be it at the local, state, federal, or supranational level. When you scale this up you get things like Wagner’s march for justice. Prigozhin temporarily became a state powerful enough to negotiated at the same table as Putin. Of course Putin did not like this and Prigozhin got “exiled.” Who knows what the actual agreement was.

Governments, as I pointed out, have several options on how to deal with miniature sub-states. They can co-opt them, ‘ignore’ them, or crush them.

>Gary Plauché

Is a near horror story of what happens with an unfriendly government. A friendly government would have sanctioned his action. Contrary to the Soviet example, the American state has doubled down numerous times. Reporting on parents has become pretty frequent in some upper middle class places in the US as well. No gulag though.

>To this day the groomers in the school are very careful not to pick strong fathers…

Most grooming is just preparatory grooming. Schools teaching gender egalitarianism for example sets girls up to sluts and the boys faggots. It largely flies under the radar of normies. Try teaching in a school, it’s pretty easy to be a substitute. You’ll see any number of disturbing shit. The few strong fathers have fled from the schools and are increasingly insular. There’s very few of them which should tell you much about the state of American men.

Carte Blanche says:

Unpacking all the strawmen and logical inconsistencies here would take all day, and I don’t want to keep responding with ever longer walls of text, so I will pick out the top 3.

You want to “make it illegal to give other people’s children shit the father doesn’t approve of”. Have you given any thought to how something like that is going to work? If I’m running a grocery store and a kid wants to buy a soda, does he need a permission slip from his father to prove that he’s allowed to have sugar? It’s already illegal to sell porn to minors – you know that, right? That means either the fathers don’t care or the laws aren’t enforceable, or both.

As I said earlier, if you really want to make porn more difficult to obtain then just tax and regulate it. Play to the bureaucracy’s one and only strength. There’ll be tons of kickbacks, favoritism and other corruption in the industry, but so what? Your goal in the first place was to fuck up the industry, so mission accomplished.

You then argue in one paragraph that the men in question have never had a father figure – whether that means literally fatherless, or simply a weak father with domineering mother, isn’t specified. The former would fly in the face of facts: boys raised by single mothers are more violent, more aggressive, more criminally-inclined, and so on; they got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one. The latter is a more plausible explanation for young men “checking out”, but then the solution is pants-on-head ridiculous: weak fathers beget weak boys because they are terrible role models and worse teachers, not because they failed to adequately restrict porn-viewing.

I can’t even criticize the logic because there isn’t any logic. X is caused by Y, so let’s go after Z. Huh?

And finally there’s the “libertarian” name-calling. Putting aside the absurdity of slapping that label on someone who just said “tax and regulate the industry”, libertarianism is an economic philosophy whose central conceit is the mistaken idea that personal decisions are always based on rational self-interest as opposed to the tribal, religious, emotional or magical modes of thinking under which people typically operate in reality. This then leads to the naive conclusion that systemic, organized defection (“aggression”) in society is an unimportant concern that will sort itself out once the NAP Eschaton is achieved.

Exactly none of that has any relationship to what is going on with men in the sexual marketplace. Men are oversocialized, feminized, taught and forced to respec whamen. The problem is not too much aggression, but too little aggression. It is plainly obvious that men’s natural instincts are being suppressed because despite all this conditioning, People Are Still Having Sex. Take a 16-year-old boy, lock him in a closet with a 16-year-old girl, and they are eventually going to fuck. The problem with libertarianism is that we don’t have biological imperatives toward reason; we do, however, have biological imperatives toward getting laid. Libido can be suppressed, just as hunger can be suppressed, but both come back in full force as soon as the suppressant is taken away. Fathers need to control their daughters, not their sons, and it is not exactly difficult for a grown man to dominate a 12-year-old daughter when there aren’t other men with guns forcing him to stand down.

Porn sucks, but there are a hundred other problems ahead of it in the queue. You’re moralfagging, and coming up with flimsy rationalizations for moralfagging, and we’ve called you out on it. You can get over it or you can keep being salty about it, but either way these incoherent drunk-posts aren’t going to persuade anyone to your side.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If I’m running a grocery store and a kid wants to buy a soda

You obviously know I didn’t mean soda.

>It’s already illegal to sell [and give] porn to minors – you know that, right?

Except it’s not. The definition of porn has been watered down massively. “Soft porn,” which your ancestors would have considered beyond the pale, is massively distributed in the schools, the public square, and even at football games. Much of it being pushed by the state. If even the Super Bowl is pornographic, there might be a problem.

>That means either the fathers don’t care or the laws aren’t enforceable, or both.

I look at society a mere 30 years ago and it was more enforceable, 70 years ago and it was much more enforceable, 400 years ago and there would have been inquisition for public pornographic debauchery. The laws are enforceable but the state chooses not to and fathers can’t do much about it because power has dictated them to be the enemy. The problem isn’t fathers or the laws but the state.

>Your goal in the first place was to fuck up the industry

It wasn’t. The goal is to create legal pretext for removal of bad guys and to shove consumption out of the public view. To aid in creating a social environment conducive for installing Stoic values. The historical Western setup.

>I can’t even criticize the logic because there isn’t any logic. X is caused by Y, so let’s go after Z. Huh?

It was X, Y, Z logic, but a side observation that your view of human nature is wrong, and since we fundamentally disagree on that we have different logic sets. Not an argument on porn but is certainly tangential topic to the problem of porn.

You claim men don’t need to be forced. I’m sure you also believe in “free will” and “individuality.” Fake and gay concepts. Freedom, if such a thing actually exists, comes from being able to exercise ownership, which comes from being virtuous, which is itself is due to being answerable to an absolute moral authority… which means men do have to be forced. The deconstruction of moral authority has cascaded.

>libertarianism is an economic philosophy…

It’s a political philosophy. Go ahead and pretend it isn’t built on top of social liberalism. You’ll be wrong. Noam Chomsky has as much of a claim to libertarianism as Rothbard. Hoppe noticed the problem and went post libertarian. The mistake of libertarianisn goes beyond it’s view of human nature and lies in it’s goal to maximize autonomy and political freedom, and minimize the state. All that serves is to make inferior men and cede power of the state to the enemy. You may not have libertarian economic positions, but you are definitely, at least partly, libertarian philosophically.

>Fathers need to control their daughters, not their sons

Half true, sons require a firm upbringing to be virtuous men. Forced shared adversity and instilled stoicism is what builds warriors. Not freedom. Boys have been overly socialized by women, and completely under socialized by men. Violence is not the marker of masculine energy and vigor. Capability to organize as a tribe is.

>People Are Still Having Sex

True, but what people and at what rates. Over 60 percent of men under 30 are single, and 30% of men in total are incels.

>Take a 16-year-old boy, lock him in a closet with a 16-year-old girl, and they are eventually going to fuck.

And then what, is the boy going to marry the girl and raise children? Probably not. The very idea of patriarchy is foreign to many of these men. That Andrew Tate is famous for stating what was once the obvious means many of the boys today don’t have a clue. That girl will, on average, end up cucking the boy.

>Porn sucks, but there are a hundred other problems ahead of it in the queue.

Every major problem ultimately goes back to sex and reproduction of which porn is adjacent to.

>You’re moralfagging, and coming up with flimsy rationalizations for moralfagging

Every day I become more sympathetic to the Taliban.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pax, it really comes down to this: if an idea starts with “there should be a law…” or “the government should get involved with…” or some other statement of the same flavor, it’s a Whig idea, or an idea with Whiggery Diggory under the hood. It really is that simple.

Completely unrelated, henceforth we should refer to all white progressives as “whiggers.”

Fidelis says:


There should be an Imperial Magisterium dedicated to eradicating the sources, man and idea, from which public pornography flows.

I cannot find the exact wording, but Marquis de Sade was a huge proponent of introducing porn into society with the intention of turning over the old order. Advocated for public sex shows.

It is a problem, it does need eradicating.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t disagree, I just think that A) it’s symptomatic, not causal, and B) the Government should be small, narrowly focused, and overwhelmingly powerful. I’m not a libertarian, and to be honest, the only libertarian I’ll even tolerate for more than 5 minutes is my wife, because libertarianism is the political equivalent of a female fashion accessory. I think the Law should be memorizable, and enforcement schemes should be brutally efficient. So the idea of Porn Laws just seems silly to me. It’s a priesting thing, not a warrior thing.

I agree with much of the content of Pax’ statements, but that doesn’t really change the fact that pornography is way downstream from the actual issue, that being female empowerment. Above, he’s called Coverture a cargo cult. This is completely misguided blue pill faggot shit. So I’m not going to contribute any further to a masturbatory argument about porn lel. Unleash the Inquisitors on the pornographers, by all means, but their just going to come back and say “the issue is slut availability, not kikes with cameras.”

Pax Imperialis says:


What I’m saying about coverture, is that without any dedicated proposed pathways to rebuilding the underlying structures, we are doing the same thing anti-abortionists are doing. Clamoring for a more civilized people’s social technologies that we Americans are currently, on average, too decivilized and primitive to create our selves. That is inherently cargo cultish behavior.

I do agree with coverture, and I also agree with Christian Nationalism, but what I do not see is talk of creating a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy complete with a National Council (Papacy analogue) and High Priest, which is sort of a prerequisite to having an effective state religion. No Christian state religion, no religious program, no restoration of social norms, no coverture.

America’s original coverture practices came from the English, but none of the support structure came alone. It lasted for a good while until the metaphorical cultural logistic chain evaporated and we were left with the memory. Again, very cargo cultish.

America has had 2 centuries of Christian norm and tradition destruction with a side of 1000 heresies blooming and fragmentation of a 1000 schisms… I’m not saying it’s impossible to get a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy in our life times, but good luck on getting coverture in our life times.

If such a programs gets started, coverture will be only for a select few elites for a very long time before it’s deployed for the masses. Likely something to look forward for America’s children’s children.

Do you want to attempt to secure your bloodline by setting up your kids? I’d suggest Russia for that. If Mayflower Sperg is reporting true, they’ve already semi implemented it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

There’s nothing to look forward to for “America’s children’s children” because they won’t exist. When globohomo finally gives up the ghost, America will look like wherever it got its last batch of immigrants from.

I don’t see coverture making a comeback in Russia either, at least not in places I’ve been to. Russian culture looks very much like American culture, minus the feral niggers, rainbow flags, and homos dancing in the streets. Teenagers dress the same, Russian rap sounds like nigger rap, and fat chicks wear T-shirts that say “Strong Independent Woman”. The career-girl problem may even be worse here because many office jobs require fluency in foreign languages, something women are generally better at.

Though I do see quite a few white children playing in the park, which supports Anglin’s claim that if you just remove the Jewish influence, white people will revert to doing what comes naturally.

jim says:

> I don’t see coverture making a comeback in Russia either

They shut down the gay parade, shut down pussy riot. There are significant voices in Russia calling for de-emancipating women.

War is the father of us all. A state with emancipated women cannot fight wars for lack of sons and lack of manly men. Female emancipation being culturally shut down preparatory to the war of Northern Aggression and the second world war shows that some people knew it back then. Do you think they have forgotten it now?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Russia gave Prigozhin just enough ammunition to save its bacon in Ukraine, and I worry that Russia will restore the patriarchy, by timid, hesitant half-measures, just enough to remain a viable country.

My wife wants to move to Belarus because she sees what a chad ❤️Lukashenko❤️ is compared to Putin. I chose Russia instead, reasoning that if Russia falls, Belarus gets color-revolutioned the next day and extradites me back to Biden-land.

Do you think they have forgotten it now?

Yes I do. There were many Americans in the halls of power in 1933 who knew what manliness was and what it was good for. No one alive today and working in the government has any clue.

jim says:

> Russia gave Prigozhin just enough ammunition to save its bacon in Ukraine, and I worry that Russia will restore the patriarchy, by timid, hesitant half-measures, just enough to remain a viable country

Probably. Putin is a 1990s liberal.

Pax Imperialis says:

@Mayflower Sperg

I seem to remember you mentioning Russians seeing their 14 year old daughters getting married being ok? That seems like good conditions for shotgun and arraigned marriages, after which coverture isn’t that far.

No one alive today and working in the government has any clue.

This is partly why I’m disagreeing with Jim on the speed of recovery, if there is one. At least 30% of young White men are likely permanently developmentally retarded, both in terms of cognition and masculinity. Add on the useless minorities and likely 50% of men are simply dead weight for the foreseeable future. They are chocking up resources both inside and outside the government.

Even if the government could be made masculine again, no amount of testosterone replacement therapy is going to fix that 50% of dead weight. They are incapable of ownership.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Russians seeing their 14 year old daughters getting married being ok

I don’t think so anymore, because I’ve not seen one woman with a baby who could plausibly be under 20. Maybe in Chechnya, maybe among the Old Believers, but not in my surroundings.

A2 says:

Are public morals a leftist concept?

Forbidding or deriding low-status behaviour is actually for the benefit of all you losers out there — don’t stay single until you’re an old; don’t get divorced; don’t get fat; don’t be a homo; don’t be a lesbian; don’t smoke weed or gorge yourself on drug candy; don’t sit around pulling your little rod and then nap.

By the way, I do expect Japan didn’t have panty vending machines prior to being occupied by GAE. It’s social HIV that eventually turns into fullblown social AIDS.

Red says:

No one disagreed with the idea that porn bad, any more than we think that binge drinking is good. But it’s the sort of bad shit people do to themselves that more counter productive to make illegal than it’s worth. Pushing it as the source of great evil that’s twisting minds is exactly the bullshit that the McChristains have been pushing for 40+ years now while as cover for the their embrace of women’s lib. You sound like a McChristain when you rant and rave about it.

jim says:

Porn is a problem, a widespread private problem, and our enemies are subtly corrupting the free porn that they make at a loss to make it even more corrupt and perverting than it already is. But Romance literature and chick flicks are a bigger problem.

The inquisition needs to make sure romance literature is imbued with the proper feminine values, and should depict protagonists who behave as women are naturally apt to behave as suffering severe social consequences and not getting their happily ever after. Camelot needs to be done with Lancelot and Guinevere as a tragedy where wicked character flaws result in everyone dying. Porn? Not an issue that I feel like thinking about.

Pax Imperialis says:

>But Romance literature and chick flicks are a bigger problem.

It’s all porn. I cracked open a few of those Romance books from the 19th and 20th century because you have mentioned it more than once. With titles like ‘The Nunnery Tales’ (1866) and ‘The Lustful Turk’ (1828) with female protagonists and many male side characters, the plots should be pretty obvious. I even found a book called ‘Gynecocracy’ (1893).

We men view porn as purely a visual thing communicated by pictures, but for women it is mostly a mental process communicated by words. It is a mistake to make a distinction between porn and Romance literature.

Cloudswrest says:

I remember back in the 1980s, in all the horror flicks, the whores were the first to die. It was cliché! It even goes back at least as far as Bram Stoker’s Dracula where the tart Lucy is the one who gets turned into a vampire and has her head cut off, while Mina, who is virtuous, survives, although she does fall under Dracula’s spell.

Cloudswrest says:

“Dracula” is really a Victorian novel about sex. Although one should note, it was written by a man.

SJ says:

You spend a lot of time meeting women because you are not getting a girlfriend, you are getting plates. Or perhaps you set a goal to get same day lays. You have to meet a lot of women because after you have decent game then it is just a numbers game. Some women are in slut mode where they are mentally cruising for dick, and you need to meet those women in a situation where you can get them alone. I suggest everyone stop this boyfriend/girlfriend nonsense and start dating the red pill way right away. She’s either a plate or she’s a wife, and you marry her.

Now you don’t get a girlfriend because you don’t stop meeting new women. You might have a plate that lasts a long time though. I had a plate that lasted years, sometimes she would get wobbly but she kept coming back to try to make me be her boyfriend. I started seeing her when she was nineteen, or I should say I had a reputation and she invited herself into my booty call list when she was nineteen.

I think all men in the matriarchy who have an interest in women should master becoming the matriarchy man. I had that plate helping me meet new women and new plates, she would buy me gifts all the time, or other stuff such as once one of her orbiters got her concert tickets so she took me to a concert. You also realize women will come approach you and invite themselves into your booty call list brazenly. Including very young women, who you likely are not in the habit of checking IDs with.

One very brazen experience I had was the store manager of Macy’s was aware of my reputation so she had one of her young employees approach be and offer to buy me an all expenses paid skiing vacation with her along with new clothes and a bunch of gifts should I spend that vacation banging this forty year old woman. I told her no thanks, as I had a roster of much younger women I was enjoying. Later I saw the Macy’s manager and she started to cry and babble to me about how sorry she was to have bothered me then she ran away.

You get a different view of women when you are one of the men on the prowl. Women know you are, they can tell, and they will arrange for themselves to be caught by inviting themselves over to your bedroom alone. You also realize that the number one piece of sexual attraction for women is preselection. Because other women find you sexually attractive, other women will find you sexually attractive. It is like a circular feedback loop and the biggest takeaway I would want other men to learn.

Dating the red pill way ensures the woman is following you when you upgrade her from plate. You have the hand and she knows you can and will defect on her and win, because men can play the game past age thirty or thirty five with much younger women. Then you can eventually choose a girl who passes your compliance tests and upgrade her. There is a reason I have a much much younger wife who draws all eyes in every room she walks into, who birthed another child for me only five months ago and yet yesterday was so happy as she just got back down under 100 pounds.

Doom says:

>In the matriarchy men’s incentives are to work as little as possible.
Yup. There are (modern) african cultures where men do absolutely nothing much at all, barely feeding themselves. Women do everything from farming to child rearing, all men have to do is be as sexy as possible.

Similar to lions in a way.

Here’s a question chain no one really ever seems to ask.
What does a male lion do on average? Protect the pride, right?

But the gender birth ratio of lions is 50/50. So if we have a pride of 9 females, 1 male, that means there are 8 other male lions that were born, so where are they?

“I don’t like the patriarchy”, okay, so how many hours a day do you want to work, lady? All of them?

Cloudswrest says:

I noticed this previously, and now people are actually commenting on it. Demon possession etched into one’s face.

Cloudswrest says:

Are there any Ukrainian “Londos” to replace Zelinski?

Hesiod says:

The face worn by the high priestess during Carthaginian sacrifices.

Enormity of Failure says:

[*Soros shill script on bitcoin deleted*]

jim says:

Take the Soros shill test. What has Soros been doing in the (((Blinken-Nuland-Kragan-Soros))) plot to give us another brother war?

nobody says:

nobody has to take soros test bc soros is [*total and complete digression from the shill test deleted*]

jim says:

I asked you a specific question about a very bad thing Soros did.

Your answer amounts to: Soros is a very bad person because he is so much smarter and richer than you us dumb goy cattle. Similarly, no doubt, you hate blacks and women because blacks are magical and women are wonderful.

anybody says:

[*total failure to pass the woman question test and the soros shill test deleted*]
any questions?

jim says:

> any questions?

I asked you what has Soros been doing in the Blinken-Nuland-Kragan-Soros plot to give us another brother war?

And you did not answer.

And since you volunteered for the woman question test without being asked, why are women misbehaving?

Don Jorge Sortinos says:


It is so good to be here in America. It was a long journey. The benefits are muy bueno! The party la Democratica has bought me a new house and car and placed me in a government job making six figures. America, land of opportunity!

nobody says:

worthless printed money printed by filthy jewish faggots, owners of fucking jew owned democrats. get out of usa before it implodes.

someDude says:


Kunning Drueger says:

Two significant items and a modicum of analysis:

– Wagner trainers/advisors/… pathfinders?… are on the Belarus-Poland border doing exercises.

– Honduras is seeming to follow San Salvador in terms of methodology for criminal scum.

Item 01 is interesting, because Wagner has one motivation, regardless of all the bullshit put out there: advance the goals of the Rodina. Sometimes this means supporting the Kremlin, sometimes it means executing people, sometimes it means fighting for 9 months to capture a small town. Most analysts assumed that Wagner would start to accrete on the northern border of Ukraine for bewegenskrieg towards Kiev. The fact that they’re on the Polish border is… troubling and exciting.

Item 02 is a blip, not really a big deal… except that Bukele invoked a piece of forgotten history not long ago. Look at the Honduran flag. Now look back at me. No look at the history of the Americas from 1780-1850. Now back at me. the 5 stars represent the now-Countries of central America that were on a course to replicate the Democratic Republic system of their northern neighbors. Lempira and others wanted to do the same thing as the OG 13 colonies, and this trend was actually widespread, from Bolivar to the other mudbloods that those guacamole niggers idealize. Bukele, put of nowhere for most people, brought the idea up again, and it’s nothing big, not now, but history can get tricky, particularly when one knows about the actual dynamics at play and the “pieces on the board” in terms of demographics. Bukele becoming not-quite-but-kind-of King of Centroamerica gets super interesting if Mexico and Texas are suddenly in play. Not likely, but not impossible. Texas is controlled by a crippled faggot that thinks bussing spics to NYC is some kind of power move.

Red says:

– Wagner trainers/advisors/… pathfinders?… are on the Belarus-Poland border doing exercises.

It’s a warning to Poland about what might happen if they move into Ukraine, which seems to be NATO latest plan.

That’s very positive news about Honduras. If it continues this indicates both weakness in the Gay American Empire and that sanity is returning to areas that might be good bugout locations.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That’s some serious reactionary jiu-jitsu. Latin America exports its entire criminal class to the USA to live on crime, welfare, and voting Democrat, and in exchange they get based white Americans who’ll turn their countries into new Singapores.

White liberals must be overjoyed that we Nazi hate-mongers are leaving their utopia, and all that wonderful vibrant diversity is coming to take our place. Everybody wins!

notglowing says:

How long is GAE going to let Bukele do what he wants?
Let’s hope their troubles in Europe keep them away for long enough. But central America is Uncle Sam’s backyard. I would not be so sure.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s not a simple issue. Flooding the South with the worst Centromerica has to offer was a short term tactic of the Cathedral to swamp rurality and humiliate whites. But that also means the countries being drained are more stable, as they have less trash lying around, and there’s a stronger sense of identity and loyalty those who “stayed.” So the NGO/Nonprofit netherbeast has to work with what they have. Based solely on La Wik and random news articles, the “counter protests” that pop up every time he does something is described as “at least a thousand” or “more than a thousand,” and it is my sense that that’s what the Color Revolution Builders have to work with. The CIA is not what it was, and while the budgets may be bigger on paper, in all likelihood there is not even a fragment of the linguistic, geographic, or socio-cultural command that was needed for the meddling of the 1950-1980s. Further still, even the cigar rollers and banana pickers know about the shady gringos with briefcases of money, so the only real option is probably the college age sluts who call themselves aid workers, volunteers, or whatever performative priesting is popular this week.

He has plenty of local enemies, and I cannot imagine he got this far with poor security and naivety, but there’s always the risk of assassination. They got to Bolsonaro and gutted his will to fight, they will probably try the same with Bukele. But I bet it will be sloppy, and imagine how bad, for the Cathedral, it would be if they tried and failed. That would catapult him to even further heights.

Red says:

Off topic, but given the very successful viral advertising campaign for the Barbie movie, it reminded me of why I hate those dolls so much. Providing baby dolls for young girls to practice being a mother is one of the oldest practices of humanity. Hell give a human baby doll to young female chimp and they behave much the same way that young human girls do, by practice being a mother to the doll.

I grew up when little girls were still given baby dolls as toys but barbie was in the process or replacing them. Barbie dolls were designed to orientate little girls away from being mothers towards to being whores with careers, lots of material goods, random high status men and not create families. Today I see no little girls with baby dolls, even with Christian families. The expected ideal is little girls will grow up to be barbie whores.

Cloudswrest says:

Barbie? Hah! I remember walking through a Target ~30 years ago and literally doing a double take when I saw “Bratz Dolls” for the first time. Overt whore caricatures!!!!! Even more shocking, they turned out to be very popular!

Western Taliban says:

your memory is failing you, Bratz Dolls did not exist 30 years ago. Perhaps it was something else?

ten says:

They were new when girls my age stopped playing with dolls. 25 years ago. Close enough.

Cloudswrest says:

Looking them up on La Wik, they debuted 22 years ago. So that’s close enough.

ErowidHitler says:

Entirely off topic –

I trust the denizens of this blog more than most anywhere else online which is why I ask here.

I’m moderately intelligent but owing to a variety of maladaptations have never gone about learning anything in an active sense – I realise the necessity of now doing so my youth is fading and am liable to end up an unnecessary failure.

Would like to become worthy and useful – financially supersufficent. how do you go about learning and then stick to it.

I hope to die in having helped or in helping establish new lacaedaemonia but no reason to not make some money first.

Fidelis says:

I’ve been in your shoes. You already have a focus, a vision to realize, which is the necessary precondition to all of this.

Three words: Perceive. Decide. Act.

You percieve the problem, you have intimate knowledge of your habits and mindspace, enough to decide on potential solutions. Now you take steps you decide on.

Aidan says:

Most people say “learn to code”. If you had the brain of an engineer, you could not help but engineer things, and you would already be one in some respect. Good engineers I know spend their free time building things; it is fun and even an obsession to them.

Many smart men are designed by nature to be “renaissance men” and be broadly capable in a diverse array of skills, but the modern world does not reward this, so many such men appear unpromising. Specialization is for insects, but we live in bugworld. My advice is to find an empty makework email job to make your fake dollars, if you cannot find a way to productively add value. I managed to find a position where broad but relatively shallow knowledge in a certain field combined with raw deductive power lets me do well and do something actually productive.

I don’t stan “the trades” as much as some guys do, but if you go for them, find something that resembles an apprenticeship as much as possible, find a master who runs a small company and sees promise in you. Most of the best tradesmen run small operations, because they hate the red tape and regulations that come with running a big one, and double hate seeing a team of illiterate spics doing slapdash work under their names.

Pax Imperialis says:

Adding on to Aidan,

find something that resembles an apprenticeship as much as possible

Wielding is a good one. Gunsmith was a good one but is increasingly dangerous. Lots of stuff that requires CNC machine operation is also good.

Avoid trucking, you’ll be on your own with little opportunity for family life. Same goes for oil.

>My advice is to find an empty makework email job to make your fake dollars

Many places in America/the West, that’s likely a civilian government job. Best to keep one’s head down in that case. It’s also soul sucking boring. If you can get into private sector recruiting, it pays ~60,000 base plus commissions. Some guys bring in 200,000 per year. Best done in cities like Austin, Huston, Phoenix, Miami. Lots of growth there and low cost of living compared to say LA.

someDude says:

“Most of the best tradesmen run small operations, because they hate the red tape and regulations that come with running a big one, and double hate seeing a team of illiterate spics doing slapdash work under their names.”

Word! I know one with explicitly this viewpoint. Makes a good living. Takes on contracts that require actual brains rather than follow a procedure. Hired a fcouple smart young guys to help. Refuses to expand by hiring midwits to take up midwit level repetitive work just so that he does not have to deal with govt bureaucracies.

Western Taliban says:

> financially supersufficent

Shortest and most effective route to this is sales. Sales is a top three or even top two most valuable skill for money making and always in great demand. The only other two possibly better at this are banking/finance or logistics/organization (i.e. start your own business and make it big), but even these two skills are often dependent on sales, especially the second one, a CEO that can’t sell is garbage. The main problem with those two is that they have a huge barrier entry, especially banking and finance, while also being just about the most difficult skills to execute successfully.

Sales requires nothing special except your own skill, there’s no barrier entry but the ability to do it successfully to some small degree. Since there is no real investment and no excessive requirement you can develop it at your own pace, as long as you are selling enough to eat of course, and comfortably scale. You can just about walk into any business and sell for commission if you are a decent salesman. You can sell complete worthless trash or you can sell Teslas and help Elon Musk reach Mars, it can be as useless or as meaningful as you want it to be, and you’ll always be valued no matter where you go. If you are good you can become 0.1% top earner in society overnight, it almost is “magical”, except you’ll need to learn how to sell for the “magic” to happen of course, so it’s not magic at all because it doesn’t come easy.

In the process of selling stuff to people you also learn a lot about the psychology of people, about life, about different sectors, develop a great network, learn to hold frame and be charismatic, persuade people, communication skills, etc., it’s just all around one of the best things you can ever learn.

Western Taliban says:


alf or jim, please fix this, I fucked up the blockquote.

Anonymous Fake says:

Sales is low status and even if you’re charismatic as hell (and you probably are) you won’t get any women to respect you [*deleted*]

jim says:

Observed female behaviour is that salesmen wade through lots of pussy. Chick forebrains may have absorbed the progressive status hierarchy, but their pussys react to signals of status considerably more ancient. Signaling that stuff is part of the expertise of a successful salesman.

By an interesting coincidence, smart, or evenly moderately competent, people in “low status” positions make enormously more money than you do, you having the high status lawyering (priesting) type degree that does not earn you enough to live in a tiny little box in a big city. Which is why you now have a job shilling. Which probably gets considerably better pay, but does not grant you any status at all.

The ultimate in high status professions being legacy media journalist, who are apt to wind up sleeping on their friend’s couches, because they are paid with the smell of an oil rag.

Kunning Drueger says:

of the overwhelming amount of progressive priestly tripe you post, this has to be the biggest indicator/ red flag. I typically hate the sales guys, but that’s because they make so much money for so little work with the least amount of oversight and, in the case of the females and the gays, always make my job harder because they sell something we do not have or cannot deliver, leaving me holding the bag to explain why operations are the way they are. That being said, the sales guys that are good, the 20 of the 80, are absolute Chads, for all the reasons I said I didn’t like. anyone that has a real job outside of academia knows this, they know that 20% of sales is the business, and 80% of sales are dead weight. I’m guessing you are an associate professor at a public university.

Anonymous Fake says:

Salesmen are bridge builders. Managers are ladder climbers. [*usual wagon load deleted yet again*]

jim says:

> Salesmen are bridge builders. Managers are ladder climbers

Managers live in terror of HR, and fear of legal and accounting. The corporation is losing its cohesion under the impact of ever growing tentacles of the state inserted into corporation.

It is a long slow climb into management, and in the course of climmbing that ladder, one has to give up one’s balls. If a smart, competent, industrious man wants to use his talents to make some money, sales is a quicker route with less personal cost. And because management requires you to give up your balls to Human Resources for safekeeping, managers get very little pussy.

Anonymous Fake says:

Politicians talk to corporate management all the time, never to salesmen. [*deleted*]

jim says:

We have the Clinton emails. They are shakedowns. Does it look as if corporate management has power?

Anonymous Fake says:

Corporate management aggressively promoted sodomy because [*deleted*]

jim says:

Obviously not why they promoted sodomy.

Sodomites tend to turn up for work drunk, stoned, late, and infrequently, as Milo jokes.

Also, if in a position of trust, will plot against you with other sodomites while naked in a great big pile.

Western Taliban says:

When you say these things you let us all know too obviously that you are indeed a Cathedral creature after their own heart.

You, like them, absolutely hate Trump. But Americans love Trump, have always loved Trump, they chose him to be president twice in a row (second time he was robbed) and the man swims and has always swam in pussy.

What’s his favorite thing to say? “I make great deals”.

You can salesman your way to a fucking presidency, look at that.

someDude says:

Off topic, but vegetarianism is also a schelling point in India. If not for this, everything in India will be halal certified in no time. Thats why Hindus simply can’t eat Beef. Religion is the one force that scares the state.

I understand that this schelling point is useless against the Cathedral. We just have to make use of other schelling points against them. Horses for courses

dharmicreality says:

We are in the unenviable position of imminent threat from both the desert cult and the Cathedral. Though the desert cultists are the nearer foe at the moment, we cannot afford to take our eyes away from the Cathedral either.

Blue pilled Hindutva has been doing a decent job battling against the desert cult, but is rather ill-equipped memetically to handle Globohomo. We must hope that our Dharmic right memes spread faster.

Fidelis says:

The buddhists next door don’t have this issue. The christians embedded all over the middle east don’t have this issue. I am not sure why you are attached to this as a shelling point. You’ll probably end up only chicken eating instead, or worse full vegan nonsense.

someDude says:

The Buddhists next door have a Muslim population that is 4% and is not a democracy with an operational coalition of the fringes that muslims can join

The Christians in the middle east are all disappearing at a rather alarming rate.

We won’t go Vegan any time soon. The country is too poor for those sort of Food fads.

The majority of Chicken or goat eating Hindus are eating Halal unless like Sikhs and some Hindu sects they have their own religious meat preparation rules such as Jhatka, which has been explicitly constructed as a schelling point in the sense that something can never simultaneously be Halal and Jhatka.

Fidelis says:

>not a democracy
Hinting at the real issue.

>disappearing at an alarming rate
Because of the same prideflag enemy, survived well enough in rather hostile states for over a millennium. Not ideal, and well persecuted, but they were and are far far more outmanned than you will be for another several hundred years.

>We won’t go Vegan any time soon. The country is too poor for those sort of Food fads.
Poor peasants are not important. You need to worry about the upper class. They will spiral onto veganism and the cthonic devouring mother.

Distinction without much difference, but this is a far more useful coordination point than the starting post made inference to. ‘Vegatarian hindu’ is not a named relgious food preparation rite in the same way.

All this to say I see this as bikeshedding. Wasting energy on focal points thst are trivial compared to the fact you have a ‘coalition of the fringes’ to deal with physically. Europe doesnt have a problem with halal butchers, it has a problem with an imported hostile population supported by an overseeing hostile class. The subcontinent has no issue with halal foods, it has an issue with a native hostile population being supported by a native and foreign supported hostile class. Food preparation is such a trivial thing to put some memetic locus on in comparison.

Sher Singh says:

Um, no because halal is a moving goalpost – it eventually leads to food was never be in contact with non-muslim.

Anyway, religions is real & let people be religious. You get excommunicated for consuming halal – 100% of Hindus & Sikhs in North India say you are no longer one of them after eating beef.

More than 2/3rds want to stop inter-caste marriages.

Found this interesting:

The actual Caste hierarchy in India:

Ashraf Muslims
Christian clergy/rich Christians
Creamy layer Dalits
Pasmanda Muslims
OBC Hindus
UC Hindus (minus Brahmins)


someDude says:

Not disagreeing with you at all

Death to Democracy. Certainly that is the main problem. One day it will end, but we need to survive until that one day arrives.

The issue with Jhatka is that a very small portion of civilizationally aware Hindus do it. If all meat eating Hindus went with Jhatka, there would be no issue.

It’s North India which is mainly vegetarian and it is north India where most muslims are. To me, it is not at all far fetched to imagine that vegetarianism might well have evolved as a working schelling point against Muslims in a way that Jhatka meat could not.

While Halal is not the main issue as you rightly point out, it being a symptom, I would not call it trivial. It is a pivot via which we can convince some of the Elite to Back Hindus by assuring them Hindus are a force that are waiting for a leader to rally around.

Sher Singh says:

Fk convincing elites – we’ll become them.

You’re correct on the veggie to countersignal Muslims.
Indian peasants were never veggie till like 1700s.
Introduction of potato also drove it – was simply not possible b4.

@Jim Of course, partition happened due to Jhatka v Halal.
ਸਿੰਘ were more or less fine joining Pakistan to avoid partitition.

Sikh Jhatka is a rebellion against Mughal authority & Islam.
Aurangzeb had decree’d that any who eat Halal are Muslim.

That only Halal would be allowed in Mughal Raj.
That as the Kalma or Shahada is read over the meat, consumption is a recognition of Islam.

That we will not forcefully convert, but a Muslim cannot apostate. Practice of Dharma is apostasy from Islam & subject to death under Shariat.

Proper Nihang Singh DO NOT eat any meat from a bazaar.
Only meat that’s been killed among them.

As far as promoting Jhatka in modern India one needs to strike a delicate balance. For Sikhs it’s not difficult as eating Halal is grounds for excommunication.

Some of the problems are as follows:

1. Sikh women were veiled till the 90s. The same cults which are pushing vegetarianism among Sikhs are also against the veil. The tfr only fell below replacement after unveiling.

2. Alongside, those “Sikh” cults which are vegetarian are sincere Hindus who also are. For both of them, eating meat is akin to apostasy.

3. Muslims definitely have a monopoly on meat processing & this is India – there’s no free market – your shop or stall/home/family will be burnt by competitors if you try to enter a new market alone

4. Meat/Alcohol is associated with despondency, hedonism, apostasy in Brahmanical culture. Our Hindu friends are completely correct that FOR NOW it may be better to let the mass remain vegetarian.

Why? We simply don’t have the religious infrastructure to absorb & guide that many people memetically – the mass. Sikh groups like Nihang Singhs (more or less one now too) are growing, and have a proper & disciplined way to encourage meat eating as part of a religious practice.


Sher Singh says:

He’s right – without a religiously approved meat source like Sikhs or Shaktas the default position becomes veggie or meat.

Beef from the cow is not even up for discussion – you’ll get lynched lol.
From buffalo Idk, perceptions are changing as the Dalit issue overshadows the Muslim one.

Good thread on which sectors muslims dominate – I’d joke & say this is hindus sending dowry – but snickers.


jim says:

Law of manu has rules for killing animals. Pretty sure it would not be hard to come up with an interpretation that ensures the meat cannot be halal, and some hindus have done exactly that.

Sher Singh says:

Na, expand Jhatka Board (Sikh Khatri & Amul Milk (Sikh Khatri)
Hindus have no problems eating from Sikh hands.

Like I said – the recent floods & problems in the NE = reset.
Mass religion will follow commercial avail in this case.

We must win first then we establish Dharma.
This has always been the way from Raja Sudas of the Bharatas.

There’s enough Hindus now who are Hinduvta but unhappy with BJP that they see eye-eye with ਸਿੰਘ now.

*Advice on tactics that I think highly unlikely to be helpful deleted*]

someDude says:

Halal is a new phenomenon in the west, so I do not expect Christians to have meat preparation rules that explicitly rule out Kosher and Halal.

But do you believe this is something the Occident should look at or is it small potatoes as Fidelis asserts? Taleb feels that in the absence of anything like that, the entire west will end up eating Halal.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

Sher Singh says:

[*absurd bombast deleted*]

Anonymous says:

The problem with Halal is that it is an animal sacrifice to the evil demon they worship. Even When a Hindu eats chicken or goat, the sacrifice is made to the demon, and it gets stronger.
That’s the actual reason to oppose halal.
We must offer the sacrifice to [*a deity that sufficiently resembles globohomo deities*]

Monero and Bitcoin Suck says:

[*crypto currency FUD deleted*]
Does anyone here want to do a real privacy coin,

jim says:

The big problem with crypto privacy coins has always been scaling. They have scaled considerably worse than Bitcoin, and bitcoin’s scaling is insufficient to take over the world.

The solution to both scaling and privacy is recursive snarks (implemented to in true potential, not implemented in the crippled way that ethereum is implementing them to preserve central control) With snarks and starks, we do not need to reveal the transaction inputs.

A snark proves that hash represents data with certain properties, without revealing the data. A snark proves that someone knows a bunch of bits with certain properties, and the property might be that they are bits representing a valid transaction that gives rise to an unspent transaction output. With recursive snarks, the property can be that the inputs to the transaction were valid, and their inputs were valid, all the way back, without anyone needing to remember and evaluate all the transactions all the way back.

That solves scaling. That no one except the parties need to know the inputs to a transaction or the value of an output provides privacy.

Since this technology has become available, every smart guy, myself among them, has been working on a true privacy coin, a coin that is both scalable to far beyond bitcoin, far beyond visa, and completely private. An avalanche is coming, and I fear I will be late to the party.’

I am going to promote this reply into a post, laying out an outline for the design, which I have not seen laid out yet, though quite likely by now it has been somewhere.

Fidelis says:

At some point can you please outline how you plan to facilitate a ‘proof of uptime’ consensus that is resistant to capture and fracture? I see a lot of problems just naively implementing a consensus based on what filecoin has, and I don’t mind laying out my concerns if you think it’s prudent, but I want to see if you already foresaw and addressed these before wasting screen-space on it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Bravo. This is real progress, both in terms of concept, and also the humility to not need to “own” it. Kick starting whatever sharper and hungrier young guys might be out there, for whom a little conceptual “push” like this in the right direction might be all they really need.

Unfair and Hypocritical says:

To not let us see his post, while claiming the sole authority to reply to it… is unfair and hypocritical. [*deleted*]..

jim says:

Posts on crypto currency will not be allowed unless you show some faint knowledge of what you are talking about. You crypto shills are flat earth tier. Should I allow flat earth arguments to be presented on this blog? They can never be rebutted because the flat earther, even if he was allowed to understand the reply, would not be capable of doing so.

All my posts on crypto currency are full of vigorous and informed criticism of Bitcoin, and often enough, Monero. That is what informed criticism looks like. It just goes completely over the heads of the people writing your scripts. You cannot engage with it or respond to it, because you have not the faintest comprehension of it. You guys sound like a flat earther explaining perspective.

Chad Boomer says:

This morning I went to Golds Gym where I spent 20 minutes on the stair master because it works most of the lower body; glutes, quades, etc… Then after a brief stretch, I proceeded to the free-weights where I did 5 sets of 10, 315# squats; then 5 sets of 10, 225# bench press, then the same with deadlifts, followed by 20 minutes in the steam-room where I saw a faggot that looked like Kunning Druger eyeballing at my ass, so when no one was looking I choked him unconscious, then took my limo uptown to the office. I’m working for Goldman Sachs today billing $400 an hour on a merger contract. My $20K Rolex has stopped so I toss it in the trash and plan to pick up a new one later today.

Carte Blanche says:

This is starting to look more like a DoS/forum-sliding attack than a few unorganized shills. Why is this post attracting such an enormous volume of shit, from what must be less than four or five individuals who won’t go away and yet clearly aren’t interested in anyone’s replies to them?

Not sure if WordPress has shadowbans, but this is exactly why the concept exists. Their goal isn’t incitement, or even lulz, it’s simply to destroy trust and generate a huge amount of noise so that everyone is annoyed/on guard and the comments are no longer useful to anyone.

Kunning Druegger says:

Imagine going to a Gold’s Gym and thinking that’s aristocratic.

Pax Imperialis says:

How does it feel being a part Alex Soros’s gay sexual fantasy.

Kunning Drueger says:

I have too many alpha widows and Eskimo brothers for that to really bother me. 😎

someDude says:

He imagines he is trolling us.

jim says:

Chad, you have ceased to be entertaining. You are now going away.

Aidan says:

Note the lack of familiarity with exercise. No self-respecting right wing bodybuilder would touch a stairmaster, let alone before doing heavy sets of squats lol

Pax Imperialis says:

In theory a stairmaster would be great for high intensity training, but easier and more intense to find a set of stairs and sprint up them. Don’t even need a gym.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Occasional anecdotes in cultural observation


“Where is the resistance?” is the common refrain on many lips, both normiecon mugged by reality, and commissars on the lookout for the former.

And the answer is: hounded, scattered, isolated, smoked out, running for their lives.

It is uncommon for collapsing organizations to have internally sourced restorations, and the reason generally speaking is that it is easy to survive organizational collapse if you can prevent everyone else from organizing too; and indeed, one is generally a corollary of the other.

No social circle is too trivial to be converged by assets; no namefag too obscure to be leaned on if they so much as get in smelling distance of anything that could lead to status, power, assabiyah.

Groveling will of course not save you anyways in any case. Note how no amount of abnegation after the fact saves any of these poor saps from deplatformation regardless. Note also the hilarity of a ‘Charlemagne Institute’ that ‘believes’ in ‘saving western civilization’; and by western civilization they mean ‘western values’; and by ‘western values’ they mean destroying western civilization.

the slightest hint of headwinds from even the least of preaching class acolytes will provoke a flurry of caesarean obsequiousness. Zero memetic sovereignty, because zero mercantile sovereignty, because zero military sovereignty, because zero memetic sovereignty. They all sense, in the back of their minds, that if push came to shove, Power would not come down on their side.

Episodes like this, more than anything else, illustrate just how much of a difference forms of social infrastructure not Pwnable by the incumbent theocracy can make. Restorations happening require organization happening; and a real (in the classic sense of ‘valuable’) cypherpunk X application coming out yesterday is something that can go a long way to squaring that circle.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here are some tidbits from the Wikipedia page ( for Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador (this is a hilarious instance of tone deaf Cathedralites listing the strengths because they can only see them as weaknesses):

– After nearly 80 people were killed by criminals during a single weekend in March 2022, Bukele’s government has since arrested over 71,000 people with alleged gang affiliations, leading to accusations of human rights violations being committed by El Salvador’s security forces. However, Bukele’s crackdown on gangs was credited as effectively “decimating” them, resulting in a nearly 60 percent decrease in homicides in 2022.

– Bukele has maintained high approval ratings among Salvadorans throughout his tenure,[5][6] but has been accused of governing in an authoritarian manner.[7][8][9] In February 2020, Bukele was criticized by the opposition for sending soldiers into the Legislative Assembly to encourage the passage of a bill that would fund additional purchases of equipment for the police and armed forces.

– In May 2021, he led a move to fire the attorney general and five supreme court judges of El Salvador, which the United States Department of State and Organization of American States (OAS) denounced as democratic backsliding.[11] Following the approval of bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador in September 2021, protests against Bukele’s government took place. His announcement that he would run for reelection in 2024 led to criticism by constitutional law experts and organizations that presidential reelection violated the country’s constitution.

– Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez was born on 24 July 1981 in San Salvador.[13] He is a son of Armando Bukele Kattán and Olga Ortez de Bukele.[13][14] According to The Times of Israel, Bukele’s paternal grandparents were Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and Bethlehem while his maternal grandmother was Catholic and his maternal grandfather was Greek Orthodox.[15] His father later converted to Islam and became an imam.

– During his mayorship, he provided all adults of Nuevo Cuscatlán over the age of 55 a monthly basket to cover basic nutritional needs.[13] Before Bukele took office, Nuevo Cuscatlán had around 12 homicides per year, but during his three-year term, only one homicide was reported.

– Upon taking office, Bukele reverted the names of two streets in San Salvador: Calle Mayor Roberto D’Aubuisson to Calle San Antonio Abad A La Vía and Boulevard Coronel José Arturo Castellanos to Boulevard Venezuela.[25] Both names were changed by his predecessor, Norman Quijano, during his term, the former being named after Major Roberto D’Aubuisson, who ordered the assassination of Archbishop Óscar Romero in 1980 during the Salvadoran Civil War and founded ARENA in 1981, and the latter being named after Colonel José Castellanos Contreras, who saved 40,000 Jews from the Holocaust in Central Europe by providing them fake Salvadoran passports.[25][26][27] Bukele began his “revitalization” of San Salvador with the relocation of street sellers, a change which was positively received by the public and the media.

– On 10 October 2017, Bukele was expelled from the FMLN, accused by the FMLN Ethics Tribunal of promoting internal division within the party, verbally and physically attacking fellow party member Xóchitl Marchelli, performing defamatory acts against the political party, and heavily attacking and criticizing incumbent FMLN President Salvador Sánchez Cerén. Bukele did not attend the hearing scheduled for 7 October 2017 by the FMLN Ethics Tribunal, arguing that they were biased in favor of the plaintiffs. The FMLN lost 20 municipalities and 8 seats in the Legislative Assembly in the subsequent 2018 legislative election. Some political experts have speculated that the losses were in part due to the expulsion of Bukele from the FMLN.

– Bukele’s Nuevas Ideas won a majority of the seats in the Legislative Assembly in the 2021 legislative elections, and on 1 May 2021, Nuevas Ideas made a coalition with three other political parties, gaining control of two thirds of the legislature. On the same day, the Legislative Assembly voted to remove the five justices of the Supreme Court’s constitutional court and Raúl Melara, El Salvador’s attorney general.[56] The event has been condemned as a self-coup by opposition politicians, accusing Bukele and Nuevas Ideas of committing a power grab.

– Despite being described as an autocrat, a caudillo, an authoritarian, and a strongman, and despite proclaiming himself as the “Dictator of El Salvador”, the “coolest dictator in the world”, and the “Emperor of El Salvador”, by way of irony by the accusations, Bukele has retained a high approval rating throughout his presidency, making him the most popular president in Salvadoran history. He is considered by some journalists to be one of the most domestically popular world leaders and heads of state due to his approval ratings hovering around 87 percent.

I am actually impressed with how expansive and positive the whole page is, and I bet it gets heavily edited if/when Bukelism takes off in Honduras and elsewhere. The positives here are obvious, but the negatives are daunting: El Salvador had to suffer for 3 decades before they were able to tolerate an autocrat. There’s no guarantee it will be the same in North America, but there’s also no guarantee it won’t take far longer/be much worse either. Bukele was able to coordinate to a level that he moved through the 2 major parties, took who he wanted, then abandoned them and caused great damage to them by confounding their criticism. The Left Wing party that kicked him out basically ceased to exist after the next election.

Nothing about Bukele’s journey refutes Elite Theory or Canonical Jimianism. He is clearly an elite, an aristocrat, and he is a merchant that has successfully become a priest. One needs a thorough command of Spanish, but digging into local info sources, I suspect one would find a brain trust of warriors, priests, and merchants, all submitted to the Monarch. This is the sanctified configuration, the Way It Should Be, and requires cooperation, coordination, resources, and time. The Cathedral controls all 4 of those things to varying degrees, and to defeat that control, tools and techniques are required.

Dr. Faust says:

Anyone see the eyeball coin launch? AI Jew is going to pay everyone UBI with it apparently whether they like it or not. Full scale cathedral rollout of eyeball coin across all known media.


Russian-Ukraine war is winding down. Total victory for Russia. USA and Ukr look pathetic. Biden’s foreign policy will be used for decades as something to avoid. All the noise surrounding his other policies can be ignored but isolating the US and EU from the rest of the world will last much longer than him. There’s no denying the explosion porn videos were legit and that Ukraine got pummeled completely. Cheap drones destroyed billions in equipment and thousands of lives. The war will end within a few months or complete escalation to WW3. I’m guessing the blue tribe will stumble blindly into WW3.

jim says:

The Cathedral wanted to get to the Azov sea to cut Russia off from Turkey, Syria, and the Mediterranean. If they cut the land bridge, they figured they could cut the sea bridge, and then Crimea would fall. Shortly followed by Syria. Airsea war is likely, now that victory in Ukraine is out of reach.

At present the Cathedral is having difficulty coming to terms with the fact that the offensive was a catastrophe – they have nowhere gotten a significant distance through the buffer zone to reach the first strong defense line. Their biggest advance was towards the Azov sea in the direction of cutting the Russians in the west off, where they from time to time sit around in a killing field, now named “Bradley Square” because of all the wrecked Bradleys in it, about half way through the buffer zone to the first line of defense, of three lines. Around Bakhmut, they are about a fifth of the way through the buffer zone. Elsewhere it is the same, or they have been pushed far from the buffer zone. It is not exactly world war I, because of defense in depth, but the net effect is similar.

Pushing on Backhmut would make sense if they had any chance of reaching the line of defense because there is only one line of defense there, but it is a long way away, and while you are pushing through to it, you are getting shelled by artillery ensconced in the ruins of Bakhmut. Bakhmut is a very strong point in the buffer zone in front of that line of defense, and trying to get through that buffer zone leads to enormous casualties.

They are likely to pursue the objective of cutting Russia off from Syria in another way, forgetting about Ukraine.

Kunning Drueger says:

If Jim’s analysis is correct, and I think I agree 100%, we should expect Iran to become the new evil adversary that must be defeated through rainbow power. The competing tanker seizures have been blipping up in the news, and I wonder if the GAE has the ability to pivot into that. honestly, if they had any brains at all, they would have ignored Ukraine entirely and focused on Iran. not that they would have been successful there either, for all the reasons they are failing in Ukraine, but it plays more to the strengths of a thalassocracy, least in terms of the battlefield.

Pax Imperialis says:

It would be pure insanity. Iran has already demonstrated they can hit Saudi oil facilities and US Mil is on record of saying it would require nukes to keep the Strait of Hormuz open in the event of a full shooting war. Who would even be the boots on the ground? The Saudis? Are they going to drive a huge armor convoy through Kuwait and Iraq into Iran? On extremely flat desert terrain under constant drone surveillance and missile barrage only to immediately come up against mountainous Iranian entrenched positions?

Fuck no, if Ukraine was hopium on meth, Iran is copium on sufentanil.

Calvin says:

Iran has the significant pluses (from the US perspective) of having no nukes and not much of an airforce. Sufficiently ruthless campaigns of infrastructure bombing could probably neuter any real offensive capability they have. Of course, I doubt the USAF is up for that any more but it’d sure be easier than Russia.

Western Taliban says:

The only reason why Iran has no nukes is because their high priest, despite all the GAE propaganda that Muslims are crazy and deranged, is extremely sober on the matter and is against having recreational McNukes. Iran actually could have nukes in no time, if you give them an excuse that makes it reasonable for any sane person to have nukes they’ll build them quicker than the US can even imagine.

People need to start waking up and realize that this is not the 20th century, the “backwards” people are not “backwards” at all anymore. Our rulers insist they are “backwards” because they aren’t gay and feminist, we know better. It is in fact the West that is increasingly fallen into barbarism and it’s only going to get worse.

Calvin says:

Muslims are deranged and crazy, that’s not GAE propaganda, that’s just a well-known phenomenon that’s been reported by every Christian, Hindu, Zoroastrian, and communist culture that’s ever had the misfortune to have contact with them since Mohammad started robbing his first caravans. ISIS is the logical conclusion of Islam, as demonstrated by how many flocked from across the world to join them. That fact is also supported by the fact that the GAE says exactly the opposite about Islam.

What, if anything, that says about Iran’s technical capabilities I have no idea. Persians are historically a pretty advanced people but otoh the mind-stunting effects of centuries of cousin fucking combined with killing anyone intelligent enough to see through Mohammad’s con job can’t be underestimated. If anything I would expect the Russians to lend them a hand out of spite.

someDude says:

Communist culture?

If there is one group that has shown itself more barbaric, insane, unhinged and deranged than the Mohammedans, it is the communists.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Muslims are not especially dangerous if you know how to deal with them. China and Burma have been genociding Muslims for years without breaking a sweat or being sanctioned by Muslim countries. When Rohingya refugees flee into Bangladesh, the Bangladeshis inject them with contraceptives.

The Muslim talent for breeding like flies creates havoc in liberal democratic welfare states. Not a problem in undemocratic police states, where trouble-makers are quietly eliminated.

someDude says:

What the Chinese and Burmese are doing to Muslims, I would not call it genocide. I would just call it keeping them under control. They just dispose off the trouble makers as a message to the rest who promptly fall in line. A genocide is when there is an actual drop in the percentage of the population of Mohammedans.

The last time this happened was during the Dungan Jihad , where the Muslim population as a percentage of the total population of China actually dropped quite a bit. That was a genocide. What China and Burma are doing now can hardly be called a genocide.

Calvin says:

If there is one group that has shown itself more barbaric, insane, unhinged and deranged than the Mohammedans, it is the communists.

From what I’ve seen of the Central Asian stans that were formerly Soviet vs their Islamic neighbors who weren’t, the Muslim world seems like the one place in the world where the application of communism wrought a genuine improvement.

Kunning Drueger says:

can you qualify your assertion with some evidence? I don’t believe communism has ever been positive or productive. reality, it is merely a case of external patrons propping up communist governments. we see this in Russia with the American socialists and communists making that regime viable And it is the same elsewhere. so I contend that the communism of the -stans was propped up externally. but that is mostly a gut response based on cursory knowledge, and I am fine admitting it if I am wrong, If that is in fact the case

Calvin says:

I look at places like Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, or even those weirdos in Turkmenistan (true story, the current president got the job by being the last one’s dentist) and compare them to Afghanistan on their borders or Pakistan to the south of that and it’s pretty easy to say where I would rather live if I had to pick.

Kunning Drueger says:

okay, that idea of a gut check impulse makes sense to me. personally, I think that the -stans are uniquely suited to dominate the latter half of the 21st century after the current great powers implode and expend all of their wealth on the great GAE War. I think they have a much better chance of correctly answering the WQ, And this is not just because of Islam, though that does play a part. I think these people’s are inherently more war-like than either the Occident or the Orient, though they are markedly less sophisticated about it. I know this probably seems bonkers, but I think there will be a Neo Mongol empire that springs into being.

regardless, I I do think Muslim theocracies are better than any form of communism, though demonstrably inferior to Occidental monarchical forms.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Just as a point of order, Afghanistan today is just as much a product of the hands of gommunism coming down on it as they did the other stans in central asia; only difference is, they regained their sovereignty in the end.

dave says:

In any big fight against Iran, Israel would be our natural proxy. They dont like Iran, they have force projection capability in the area.

Not sure if Israel is willing to be a proxy, and whether SA would let them overfly into the straits.

And the administration is in a pissing contest with Bibi, so they may sit this one out.

Which means we might have to find another sucker to do the bombing or do it ourselves if we can (if we have any missiles left)

Kunning Drueger says:

I’ve never heard of a Jew fighting fair. I cannot imagine a Jewish State going to war with a near peer/peer in a standup fight. They might nuke them, or use an NBC panoply, but they can’t even fight Lebanon successfully. Just as the USM of 1991 is a memory only, so too is the plucky and seasoned IDF of ’67 and 73. The state of Israel has the same black dildo shoved up its metaphorical as as the US and EU. Look at the pattern: they potshot neighbors under GAE cover, then cry foul when they even look like they might hit back. An army with a bunch of faggots and kikettes in uniform is not fighting a war.

The current crop of powerful Jews is demonstrating their capacity to make war right now in Ukraine, and they do it with cat’s paws & propaganda. The metastisized AIPAC is largely responsible for Iraq 2 and GWoT.

Countries with gay pride parades can’t win wars, and it’s starting to look like they can’t even lose them in a traditional way.

jim says:

> Countries with gay pride parades can’t win wars, and it’s starting to look like they can’t even lose them in a traditional way.

I watched an almost unbearable video of elites talking to each other about resolution of the war in Ukraine. Their plan, in the event that military events go south, is total disciplined denial. They will simply march on behind the maximalist agenda – the return of Russian areas to Ukraine, reparations, and war crimes tribunals, as if nothing has happened. Only with NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine. If things go south, plan B is to pursue the maximialist agenda in smaller steps, and with Nato presence. Their idea of a peace agreement is Putin agreeing for Nato to make war on him without him making war on Nato. They figure they can just pursue a maximalist agenda forever, and the worst case outcome is that Russia occupies part of Ukraine while they get to pursue a maximalist agenda in what remains of Ukraine.

Which project is likely to turn into pursuing a maximalist agenda in what remains of Lithuania and Poland.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Whigs don’t know how to lose a war because they haven’t lost one since the English Civil War, and even then they kept New England. The Vietnam War was an American defeat but by then the Whigs were on the Communist side.

Label the enemy Hitler and escalate until he surrenders unconditionally is Plan A, and there is no Plan B.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Not sure if Israel is willing to be a proxy

I’m sure they wouldn’t be. It’s America’s role to fight and die and spend for Israel, not the other way around. I doubt our leaders would have the effrontery even to ask Israel to join a war they dragged us into on Israel’s behalf. They didn’t in Gulf War I, nor the GWoT. Israel is a sovereign nation and it’s got to look out for its own interests, doncha know.

Kunning Drueger says:

>it would be pure insanity

[Kill Bill siren noise over Kamala Harris laughing]

Aidan says:

Not to nitpick, but WWI had defense in depth too, to a significant degree. It wasn’t too hard to take the first line of defenses, but the enemy would have firing tables for their own frontline positions ready to rock. One side would take a trench, and find that trench under accurate artillery fire from the second line of defense. The sophistication of artillery art in WWI was far beyond the level of intelligence and coordination used today, though today the artillery is much more accurate due to computers. The WWI guys with modern stuff would be massively outperforming today.

someDude says:

The long course of human evolution and the load imposed by the survival imperative means that humans will not change unless the alternative is demise. Once survival is assured even for a short time, the best strategy in that environment was to relax during that time so as to conserve energy so as to be better prepared to face the next unexpected threat that came up.

The advent of computers meant that you can perform at the same Level as earlier but with a much lower level of coordination and intelligence. Coordination and intelligence are after all tiring to maintain. Why maintain it at such mental cost? Just relax and conserve energy which will come useful when the next threat unexpectedly turns up.

Sher Singh says:

The long course of human evolution and the load imposed by the survival imperative means that humans will not change unless the alternative is demise. Once survival is assured even for a short time, the best strategy in that environment was to relax during that time so as to conserve energy so as to be better prepared to face the next unexpected threat that came up.

[*deleted for all the same reasons as before*]

dave says:

Massively outperforming IF they had enough shells.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The jews media says that Joe Biden won a free and fair election. They say that Covid vaccines are safe and effective. Why not say that Ukraine has routed the Russian army, regained its prewar territory, and overthrown the Putin regime?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not enough that the American people are cowed by the GAE, but that the rest of the world is, too. They could pretend that Afghanistan did not matter because Afghanistan has no force projection. Russia can project force, so they actually need to beat them or Vladolf Putler is going to kill 7 billion jews and oppress the noble savage and suppress the beautiful, creative LGBTQ+2IA community.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Because securing your own country against LGBT is the same as abolishing LGBT worldwide? I mean, theoretically, if Putin restores white Christian patriarchy and gets Russia’s TFR back into the 4-5 range, Russia could conquer the world, but that would take centuries, long after the last faggot dies of incurable super-AIDS.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Because securing your own country against LGBT is the same as abolishing LGBT worldwide?

To the nominalist, yes.

There is no room for modulation inside the mind of the congenital solipsist. Neither time nor space exists. Being is a frictionless plane where all points intersect. Any ideal that it can ideate must be categorically imperative. An exception to the conceit anywhere damns it everywhere. None can be allowed to escape.

jim says:

The Global American Empire is falling due to decadence.

When Bronze age civilization fell, did take centuries, but they were not overwhelmed by one hostile government, but by a multitude of peoples that still had high fertility, either because they were Aryan’s who still had the old Aryan faith, or because they had something rather similar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Plainly? Yes. If the Russians become a White Christian patriarchy they will use their evil mind rays to make niggers commit vast amounts of violent crime, make women helpless and confine them to the kitchen, kill 8 trillion jews, and make all queer folx die of AIDS and m-pox. The only reason that we still have all these problems today is because of the legacy mind rays of the fascist right wing MAGAts. If the Russians add their mind rays to the mix, then the brave warrior women of Sub-Saharan Africa and the beautiful transwomen will be irreparably injured, the jews will be put in death camps and pogromed, and all of their true achievements will be stolen, again.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fuckin’ell that sounds awesome. May we strive to be what Chinese action movies and leftist faggots say we are.

embeveraged commuter says:

The media is doing much the same for Russia as they are for media. You’re mistaking their little retreats and memory holing of facts for an actual reversal of narrative.

Remember how vaccines were safe and effective,meaning they were better than natural immunity, and vaccine mandates were a crazy conspiracy theory. 1 year later vaccines offered maybe some symptom relief, and you were banned from having a job or buying food if you didn’t take it. They still said the vaccines were ‘safe and effective’ because that’s the non-disprovable part, and they still said mandates were a conspiracy because they weren’t dragging people out of their homes to inject them.

In the ukraine they always say the ukranians are winning. they started by saying Russia had made basically no progress, the ukranians were killing Russians like it was a star wars movie, and biden’s genius sanctions would cause Russian blm pride protests to overthrow Putin and elect Navalny. In a year they will say ukraine won because peter zeihan predicts Russian GDP to go down 50% over the next decade, and that nato still has military dominance because of some wunderwaffen that has never seen actual combat.

Chad Boomer says:

[*not funny*]

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for all the same reasons as before*]

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for all the same reasons as before*]

Pax Imperialis says:

Apparently I’m a moralfag McChristian for being perturbed by this:

2020 is effectively nigger faggot porn. What would someone from 1990 think about 2020?

Here’s the 1967 Super Bowl:

What would someone from 1967 think about 1990? To them, it would have likely been seen as scandalous as well. We can keep turning the clock backwards to see this degradation of Western morals started as far back as 1550 in England. Prior to that, Western society managed to maintain 1000 years of Christian moral standards. They were also, arguably, much more capitalistic as well compared to what ever mutated form of communism we have today. That’s not to say prostitution and other vices didn’t exist, or that heresies didn’t exist, but they were far from the public square, hidden away in obscure brothels, and actively suppressed by the authorities such that it was low status and coverture was high status.

So when I see stuff like:

“there should be a law…” or “the government should get involved with…” or some other statement of the same flavor, it’s a Whig idea

I see an abdication of power due to a libertarian aligned philosophical mindset which itself originated from Whiggism. Anytime you abdicate power you give it to someone else… which in the case of the West are Progressive Whigs. i.e. listening to the enemy tell you to freely hand over power. The Taliban very much has laws enforcing moral standards, they are the government of Afghanistan and are involved with ruling. So no, it’s not a Whig idea, but a natural idea of power to lock down power. This is inherent to any government or any hierarchy.

Some are saying coverture is the solution. On it’s own, this is cargo cultism. If you could magically install coverture today it would fall apart in less than a generation. Without actively suppressing the alternatives into low status it simply cannot work. This necessitates might as proscribed by law which is always some form of government. Ending the whore problem in colonial Australia did not magically spring out of the dirt, it was enforced by a patriarchal government with full legal right backed by might. There needs to be understanding on why coverture died and why active suppression of alternatives failed. As Jim points out, coverture was murdered by the Romance movement. I argue not directly murdered, but as a consequence of the effective dismantlement of active suppression.

A brief overlook of publishing houses in the 1700s to 1900s reveals the Romance movement was largely subversive erotic literature produced by and consumed by male elites from within the British aristocracy. They provided a level of political protection to publishing houses. Monarchies found themselves ill prepared to handle the printing press and had difficulty developing legal pretext for removal of established but subversive aristocrats. Monarchies lost the arms race, and a minority of subversive elites were then able to use new communication technology to outflank the established communication technologies of throne and alter feudalism.

In order to restore coverture you need to solve the printing press problem, which has morphed into the worse TV and radio problem, that has in turn gotten significantly worse as its turned into the internet problem. Hostile AI will only drive the problem even further. It can reduced to calling it the communication problem: Any mode of communication used by power outside the control of hierarchy ends up being used against the established hierarchy.

The Saudis did not sufficiently close off their internet or the education system of their elites. Progressivism is slowly seeping in and they are likely not far from an end of Islamic version of coverture. It’s their lack of what Western leftists would call authoritarianism that is slowly dismantling Saudi Monarchy. Continental Monarchy was well on it’s way to solving the printing press problem and likely to solve the TV/radio problem, but they got murdered in 1918.

My disagreement with allowing porn (really just enemy controlled communication) to freely proliferate is effectively a proxy for my disagreement with allowing any form of communication from proliferating after coup completion. All the doors of open society must be slammed shut and then welded shut with Chinese style Covid era brutality. Again, not a ban for I don’t advocate going door to door in draconian searches and burning people, just as the Chinese aren’t burning the Uyghurs, but transmission would be actively suppressed… although I’m getting increasingly partial to the Taliban’s proscription of throwing people off roof tops.

jim says:

> Apparently I’m a moralfag McChristian for being perturbed by this:

Bored now.

There are no end of perturbing things and our society. Root cause or a major contributor to most of them is the abolition of coverture.

I am not interested in talking about porn or thinking about porn. Lets stop talking about porn and talk about coverture, the family courts, and child protective services.

You are crapping up the comments section with a discussion that is no more interesting than an election between Pence and Biden. (Neither of which could possibly get preselection in any honest primary, but we are long past having honest primaries.)

If I get to be grand inquisitor, Romance literature and the depiction of sexual deviance will be mighty high on my list. What the inquisition does about porn is going to be so low on my list that the issue likely gets kicked downstairs to a minor minion.

Pax Imperialis says:

Let’s talk about coverture. You say Romance literature is the root cause, I observes that Romance literature’s proliferation occurred at the same time monarchy lost ability to actively suppress subversion in the communication channels used by their elites. As soon as that happened, monarchical regime security took a nose dive because everyone could now openly scheme against the monarch. A condition that has plagued the West ever since the printing press and has only accelerated since. This condition is highly tilted to sustained oligarchy since once the king is gone, schemes are dispersed having no central target.

Taking back control would require seizing the means of communication, ideally without brutality. That is a reasonable proposition considering how the traditional Amish and Mennonite communities can function with high levels of communication control, more if only they’d stop sending their kids out of their communities every so often. Although, we don’t have the cohesive homogeneity of the Amish, having divisions similar to Elizabethan England’s Protestant vs. Catholic conflict plus a dozen others, we’d need a massive security apparatus. An American monarchy would be extremely unstable for the first 20 years. Most efforts would be consumed by trying to hold onto power and stabilize regime security. Political program is the top priority before any, in order of increasing importance, social-culture-religious program. We talk a lot about solving the political problem here, so lets optimistically considered this solved with a pending execution.

We can’t just wave a ‘magic’ legal document to bring coverture back. That’s what anti-abortion proponents are doing in the US and it’s failing hard, hence they’re a cargo cult, they haven’t even begun to think about how to make it work or sustainable. It’s similar to what I’m seeing here with a few lackadaisical proclamations that coverture is the fix, without a pathway to get there it’s cargo cultism. The many underlying social/culture/religious technologies that made coverture possible in the first place that we simply don’t have today.

Coverture is a social program to solve problems between men and women, like shotgun marriage, but social programs rests upon cultural traditions and norms (that America has spent the last several centuries destroying) which comes from religious authority, which comes from power. It took the Russians ~10 years to stabilize the new regime and ~30 years to partially install Orthodox Christianity as the new state religion. They’re still not done. Orthodoxy has a clear hierarchical structure that is conducive for the demands of state religions. All successful state religions do. American Christianity simply does not have that. We’d have to create a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy. That’s probably a 10 year project on it’s own. The religious priority is therefore an American version of the Papacy. Only then can you start talking about rolling out new traditions and norms after which you can make legal documents that are really ‘magic.’

We haven’t even begun to think about creating a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy and installing them as the state religion with a permanent council in DC along with a High Priest. I don’t even know where to begin with that one. Optimistically, ~50 years out. Until then, coverture, as nation wide policy, is pie in the sky cargo cult worship of an advanced bygone people. Tell you what Jim, maybe you should aim to be High Priest.

Red says:

We can’t just wave a ‘magic’ legal document to bring coverture back. That’s what anti-abortion proponents are doing in the US and it’s failing hard, hence they’re a cargo cult, they haven’t even begun to think about how to make it work or sustainable. It’s similar to what I’m seeing here with a few lackadaisical proclamations that coverture is the fix, without a pathway to get there it’s cargo cultism. The many underlying social/culture/religious technologies that made coverture possible in the first place that we simply don’t have today.

They’re failing because they don’t have state and the state religion’s backing. Their enforcers are not being told to enforce it and the state religions turns any attempts to enforce into a great moral panic giving the elites cover not to exercise power.

Contrast with the protection the state and the state religion is providing for the faggot pride flag. Hit your break too hard on one when it panted in a public street and you’ll spend more time in jail than a murder would.

jim says:

> We can’t just wave a ‘magic’ legal document to bring coverture back.

Yes we can.

Observe that female emancipation has been culturally turned on and off as abruptly as if someone flicked a light switch.

Turn emancipation off culturally as it has been turned off before, and then we can make a legal document to make reality legal. It is just like passing a fitness test. In fact it is passing a fitness test. The drama will last no longer than any other time you pass a fitness test.

There was a bit of high drama in Australia when they started shotgun marrying the whores, just as there is any time you pass a fitness test, but it went away almost instantly.

Pax Imperialis says:

They’re failing because they don’t have state and the state religion’s backing.

I know, I pointed both out, but the issue of religion is a bit more difficult, as I said:

We’d have to create a Christian Nationalist Patriarchy. That’s probably a 10 year project on it’s own. The religious priority is therefore an American version of the Papacy. Only then can you start talking about rolling out new traditions and norms after which you can make legal documents that are really ‘magic.’

>Yes we can.

The light switch rotted out and the remains are in enemy control. You can’t just flip the switch because first you’ll need to build a new successor state religion, then oust the current one when you take control, and finally build a new switch, a cadre of priests to run around the country proselytizing and telling people it’s all okay. It took 380 years to turn the hostile pagan Rome Christian. While they started from zero and we are not, it’s an example that building a state religion inside a hostile empire takes time. Not hopeless, but lots of work to be done.

The switch could be instantly flipped in Australia because the social infrastructure of the governing body was already there. The switch in 1930s America could be flipped over a decade because the elite cohesively had a change of heart. Wining the war took precedent. The elites today are likely not capable of cohesively having a change of heart on feminism and will need to be comprehensively replaced. You’re looking at a complete reboot of government. I optimistically say 10 years to reorganize Christian Nationalism into a coherent Patriarchy, but getting all the other groups on board (or dealing with them), and creating a new priesthood to run around the country, will take much longer.

I point out it took the Russians ~30 years to implement the new state religion and it’s still in it’s infancy. That was under ideal conditions where the previous hostile state religion committed suicide. Will Harvard commit suicide to make room for Christianity? Or will Harvard have to be physically removed? We are in a worse position than 1990s Russia and that’s going to be reflected in how long it takes to rebuild.

There was a bit of high drama […]

I’m not concerned about gnashing of teeth by women when coup complete. I’m concerned about how long it’s going to take for coup to be organized. From my location, kinda getting overrun by trashy Hispanics, Whites who’ve gone full Taco LARP, and growing number of full head to toe Hijab Muslims from Somalia. This is going to become very volatile.

Kunning Drueger says:

adoption or re-adoption of a state religion requires a massive blood sacrifice. I understand why you think it can’t just happen overnight, that’s my inclination as well. but I think you need to acknowledge, just as I must do daily, that my perceptions and intuitions are completely skewed because I have existed fully in the Whig Bubble, The so-called long piece that has tainted the perceptions and perspectives of pretty much everyone, with the exception of a few Gen. Bucknekkids. Russia has taken so long because they didn’t have a war, and I don’t mean to disregard the second Chechen War, but it was on the shoulders of that conflict that the true restoration of the Russian state began. The longer they went without a war, the slower, the progress and the increase in backsliding. but now that they are at war again, we can see that the re-adoption of orthodoxy is increasing a pace. this is the unfortunate reality of human society: until something truly new and groundbreaking appears (like maybe solar system colonization?), The only mechanism for paradigm shift in the physio spiritual space is war. so of course, if the brezhnevian malaise continues in CONUS, The tendency will be incremental change in the left word direction, Cthulhu swimming ever leftward as we all understand and expect. without a war, there will be no quick change to the state religion. but all the analysis here, as well as every other place with thinking men of substance and goodwill, points to a period of conflict in the near to Middle distance. when the blood starts flowing, religiosity will return to a degree that will make it seem like it never left, because in all honesty it didn’t leave, it has just been suborned to the Whig religion of Progressivism.

jim says:

> The light switch rotted out

Did not rot out. In 1963 emancipation was culturally switched on as suddenly and arbitrarily as it had been switched off. In 1973, the idea that a husband exercising his conjugal rights was “rape” was still so strange and alien that people just did not get it. It was incomprehensible, and our overlords had to keep on explaining to the masses.

Switching emancipation on took far more effort and time than switching it off, because emasculating men takes a whole lot more time and effort than passing a woman’s fitness test.

Adam says:

I assume elites turn the light switch on and off by granting favor to those that can deliver them what they want. I imagine most things are somewhat indirect, in the sense that the elites are not necessarily sitting down and mapping out how to solve the war problem, or this problem or that problem, so much as they are backing those that can offer to solve the problems for them. I don’t know that they need to know or want to know exactly how the sausage is made.

jim says:

Hitler wins the election, first wave feminism is suddenly no more in the USA. Sure looks like elites sitting down around a coffee table and deciding where they are going.

Pax Imperialis says:

I have a hard time seeing female emancipation being culturally switched on and off. American women were still voting in between 1933-1973. The few legacy coverture laws were still being scrubbed off the books between 1920 and 1960, and even during the war there was “moderate” feminist propaganda being produced by the government. It’s closer to a partial, environment induced, moment of sobriety rather than actual abstinence that, on the historical scale, immediately relapsed into full blown addiction. Stealing one of Yarvin’s jokes and refashioning it, the New England cohort decided the solution to radical feminist sexual terrorism was by supporting moderate feminist sexual terrorism, but what’s moderate and radical keeps shifting to more feminism.

I think personality is largely genetic even if it can be radically shaped by environment and experience. I think the forefathers of the New England cohort were a bit sexually deviant in 1500 as are their descendants today. Their policy of female emancipation is mostly a reflection of inherent personality traits allowed to run wild without a king to smack them back into place. Like how Russians and Asians have proclivity towards hard liquor, New England has a proclivity towards sexual anarchy.

Any restoration is likely going to be sourced from dissident elites… who, in America, are largely going to be New England descendants. Restoring sexual order is going to require working against their nature and that’s going to be hard. Or you can try to build a new elite which is going to take a lot of effort as well.

I can concede to the idea that a metaphorical switch could be flipped if we could outright loot a horde of traditional, swamp German, Mennonites, who more or less still practice coverture today, and strategically deploy around the country to do priesting, but I don’t think they’d appreciate being uprooted from their insular communities. I also don’t think it would be good for their people as well.

But back to the New Englanders, sexual deviancy can still be selected for in breeding patterns, above replacement rate, for a long time before something snaps and fertility falls off a cliff. We see that has happened with the elites. As a marker of fitness, not a good sign. I think it’s likely they’re going to be demographically replaced by some sort of German Scott religious hybred group, and if restoration is dependent on full elite replacement, that’s going to take a long time.

jim says:

> immediately relapsed into full blown addiction

On the contrary, the cultural de-emancipation of women soaked deeper and deeper into the culture, rendering the laws on the books increasingly irrelevant and incongruous, all the way to 1963, when the switch was suddenly flicked in the other direction

alf says:

Hitler wins the election, first wave feminism is suddenly no more in the USA.

But in England, although they were able to turn off the switch preceding the first world war, they had a very hard time doing so preceding the second world war. All signs of their appeasement policy pointed toward ‘on the path of degeneracy, no time for war.’ Had to haul in Churchill to do what they couldn’t. And Churchill, owing to his lifelong experience in politics, war and networking, pulled it off.

Where is our Caesar, controlled or uncontrolled today? Who has that kind of experience? Who can build it when everything in the public space is gay and fake, and has been gay and fake for a while?

I am not rejecting the notion that, on a biological level, emancipation can easily be switched off. I am always pleasantly surprised by how men instinctively act towards their woman as if coverture were legal, and obviously how women love that act.

Just saying that to actually accomplish that on a societal scale, within our lifetime — that’s a puzzle with a lot of moving pieces. You need:
– guns. Some kind of army. Loyal soldiers. Where are we to find them? Blackrock? The closest thing we have to a plan is Aidan’s plan, and that is not exactly a shortshot.
– a faith. Jim’s Christianity. Has to be Jim’s Christianity or something else very closely resembling it. The faith outranks the media, but how the faith translates to media is a non-trivial question. Need a dumbed down version for virality.
– money. Or more generally, enough societal functionality for coordination, but if you have adequately solved the money/crypto question, I think you’re in business.

If you have that, you can get started. Hell, once you get going, should be fun. There is a lot to do, ranging from but not restricted to:
– abolition of parliament, restoration or establishment of monarchy. Probably establishment though — are the European monarchical houses still fit for rule? I have my doubts. (But do note how even that almost footnote-like thought has a lot of consequences.)
– proclamation of the nation’s faith: Christianity. Appoint arch bishop and inquisitor.
– dissolution of the universities. Very much looking forward to this one.
– law changes: bring back coverture, death penalty, some other stuff. Get rid of laws strangling business.
– proscriptions.
– go to mars.

The list goes on.

It is not that that list is unattainable, far from it. On a long enough timescale, it is almost inevitable. But on a short timescale I do agree with Pax that we have a damn long way to go.

jim says:

Culture is downstream of power. If power decides to change the culture, poof, the culture changes. Look at Poland and gay. If a radical change in one direction can happen so fast (Poland being brought almost overnight into cultural alignment with Europe and Nato) cultural change in the other direction can happen equally fast.

Start throwing sexually aggressive trannies off high buildings in front of an assembled crowd and cameras rolling, the crowd will be cheering before they hit the ground.

Kunning Drueger says:

A long Alf comment. Nice.

I usually hate panaceas, but I cannot help but point out that a legit war, by which I mean casualties in abundance, long lists of the glorious dead, and a necessity to suspend “global” normality in an effort to have Normal Society “soldier” in, solves easily 75% of your concerns, and ~75% of the unsolved ones. Still a long way to go, but way easier.

For all parties, of course, which is why the Total Normie Death crowd still has juice inside the beltway.

alf says:

[a war] solves easily 75% of your concerns

Heh well ‘war is the father of us all’.

But I don’t want some temporary ruler whose sons will go at each other’s throats the moment dad’s no longer around. I want God’s Kingdom.

Also, forgot to add, but it is interesting to observe how different people go about working towards our general goals. I envy how you, KD, seem to be building (or at least attempting to build) an actual network of Christian gigachads. I on the other hand am instinctively bunkering; it’s not that I don’t try a bit of networking here and there, just that this blend of Neoreaction/Christianity is so alien to most of my countrymen that it takes too much talking for too little result.

alf says:

If power decides to change the culture

It’s not the culture change that I am zero’d in on, it’s the power change. That’s the kicker right.

Power is hard-earned.

Vlad says:


jim says:

Take the shill test.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The basic matter is you make a variety of cogent statements about various things in general, but which are unrelated or merely tangentially related to your preoccupation with men’s choices in spank material in particular. Has not been made clear what if anything you are actually advocating in regards to this matter.

A powersource lying on the table will be picked up by something, absolutely; but what does that have to do with the price of tea in china? Not clear how Z follows from A. The link you presumably assume to be obvious has not been spelled out. You speak of A which is true, but then where does Z come into the picture? It sounds like a non-sequitur.

Heresy is already proscribed in any case. What special dispensation is necessary? Surely you don’t think your interlocutors have been arguing for giving a special pass to communications if they take the form of smut; ie, ‘this is a porn parody so it is except from charges of heresy teehee’. If not that, then what?

dharmicreality says:

I am also having difficulty in unpacking what exactly Pax’s point is. There is a lot of degeneracy around, porn being one of them.

We are all in general agreement on the subject matter. But the point, again and repeated again is that, all the degeneracy that we see in society today is downstream of the main problem that is, unowned women, i.e. female emancipation and an evil State Religion that upholds those ‘values’. Everything else is a symptom of the disease.

You don’t treat the symptoms, you want to treat the underlying disease. Simple as.

We basically need to completely undo female emancipation, make women property again and all the rest will follow, but it is a coup complete problem.

Pax Imperialis says:

The 1500s Monarchical establishment didn’t establish control over communication channels the elite were using. The printing press problem. Back channels undermine the vertical communication of hierarchical command structure, too much and it pushed the king out and transforms elites into horizontal communication oligarchy. No longer up and down but side to side.

With no head, moral authority breaks down in a way that political authority does not. Porn/degeneracy being a symptom but also a nasty positive feedback loop that accelerated traditional moral authority breakdown. Owning (property) women requires a source of positive moral authority because unsurprisingly, men can sympathize with and be influenced by property that can talk. Coverture died first, then marriage, now can’t even monogamously date.

Directional causality stops mattering in the same way the question of the Chicken or the Egg becomes meaningless. Symptom and disease merge aesthetically. Who knows if Z follows from A, but they’re in the same picture smiling happily together, content in the presence of each other. Taliban didn’t concern themselves over which came first, they wiped it all away in one fell aesthetic swoop. Distancing myself from my Americanism, and looking at it objectively, fall of Kabul was beautiful.

But once in power, the question of restoring Monarchical structure ultimately becomes a question of establishing control over communication channels and forcing them to be vertical again rather than horizontal. Removing Harvard is not enough. Removing the ability for communication channels to be weaponized against you in the future is imperative. Future academia likely has to be structured top down in a military fashion if involved in areas other than STEM.

And then there’s the question of state religion, which I think was clear. It too needs to be hierarchical. The lack of hierarchical religion in America to act as a successor state religion precludes coverture being normalized. Creating a Department of Religion that is horizontal in communication channel is bound to result in Puritans running the show, but with 1000 schisms it will be hard putting together anything cohesive under one Patriarch.

>Surely you don’t think your interlocutors have been arguing for giving a special pass to communications if they take the form of smut

Having an ongoing major communication breakdown with Red.

Kunning Druegger says:

There is no communication breakdown between you and Red, their is a stubborn resistance on your part to contend with the fact that your extensive arguments are simply not compelling. You are doing that Boomer Con thing where you think that if you just cram in enough facts, if you just word your position beautifully enough, you will win over the other side. But that’s not going to happen, for two reasons that I can see.

1) No one (serious and important) disagrees with your assessment of why porn is bad or that it (more precisely, the causal factors it represents by proxy) needs to be addressed. So all of that part of your argumentation is rendered futile after the first time it is deployed, meaning every re-deployment is adding Noise, not Signal. You aren’t just preaching to the choir, you’re singing the same opening line of an old hymn over and over again. This is tiresome.

2) You are working from the priors of a demotist system. You are talking about “laws” fully within the Liberal World Order Frame, by which I mean a rime of populist representation over top a depth of bureaucratic operation. You keep talking about Parties and Laws and Governance with the assumption that a post-Restoration, or Coup Complete, government will very much resemble the systems in place now. Additionally, you assume rollbacks, “retvrns,” and reinstitutions of past models of constitutional democracy. To be very blunt, this feels like building sandcastles in a sandbox.

There is no going back. The only way Out is Through. Of course elements of the past are useful to us, of course old methods can and should be dusted off, reinvigorated, and used properly. But there is no going back, and Jim has articulated very clearly why this is the case. Now, should their be a 7/8ths die off, and the only survivors are us and our guys, I bet we could make a go of running Constitution 2.0 … but why in h*ck would we do that?

I am only speaking for myself here, obviously, but I am a Monarchist, an Authoritarian with White Christian characteristics. I see no need for volumes of law (English Common Law is trash, we could toss out the entire thing and have a better system from square 0), I see no need for lawyers, I see no need for legions of bureaucrats and box checkers and bean counters. I do see the need for Bureaucracy, as that is the extension of power by proxy and is unavoidable for any leader that wishes to lead people in absentia, control lands he doesn’t occupy, and hold down more territory outside of line of sight and vocalization range. But it’s more important to pick the right people, keep overhead and headcount low, and build systems that incorporate what has been learned the hard way over the last ~300 years, and one of those lessons, one of the most important, is to reduce regulation in all things. Each man is the King of his castle, and this is a very important thing that gets glossed over; the King lends a portion of his Agency to his Nobles, his people, when he yields to their autonomy within the confines of Property. Recall that CR thinks he should be allowed to tell the Peasants what food they should eat, to the point that he wants to outlaw Dominoes Pizza and punish Donny Domino, the guy running the pizza shop. He says this is because he cares about the health of the poor peasants, the ones too stupid to care about their own health and welfare. How is your position different from CR’s in terms of the tools you say should be used and the noble motivations? Please don’t explain “porn bad” to me again for the umpteenth time, that’s not the debate, that’s not what this is about. I’d rather hear and try to understand how what your advocating is any different than all the other “there should be a law for people’s own good” initiatives and crusades.

Drunk driving is bad. Innocent people suffer because of the bad choices of lone actors. Law upon law, punishment upon punishment gets levied on the populace in the futile attempt to extirpate this badness and sate “the people’s” desire for “justice.” But drunks keep driving, and now good men who’ve had a few beers and are more than capable of operating a vehicle responsibly get their lives ruined, LEOs humiliate and abuse people with stupid roadside torture rituals, HR Karens & Catladies build careers and fortunes off of this pet issue, and miles of paperwork stream endlessly to and fro, all in futility, on the shoulders of Drunk Driving is Bad.

You and I have so many hills at our disposal. Why you’ve chosen this one to die on, and on the spears of your hard won comrades no less, is utterly perplexing to me.

Pax Imperialis says:

There was communication breakdown. Red kept asserting I wanted to ban porn. I kept pointing out at no point did I ever say that or advocate that. I just want to sweep it into a corner out of sight. In the same way I would not argue for a ban on prostitution, but I definitely don’t want solicitation to be taking place on my front lawn, prostitutes should be swept into brothels out of sight. I’m not even saying it has to be that out of sight, just a couple blocks from the main road would suffice.

To be fair, I did the same to Red. Half of our posts are us talking past each other. At a certain point I got fanatically stubborn.

>You are working from the priors of a demotist system. You are talking about “laws”

I don’t think I’m working from the priors of a demotist system, but I am using their language to describe monarchical systems, which sucks and is an exercise in tedium.

Demotist systems “culturally appropriated” those terms from monarchy. The King did have laws, his law. The King did have parties, his party. The King did have etc. All these things suck because they got democratized. Law came from somewhere. Its origins is from Kings.

Like how our fathers were the government when we were boys. It was his roof and his rule. He was king. His wife the bureaucracy. Imagine if it became the public’s roof and the public’s rule, actually, you don’t need to imagine. Just look at Public Housing with heavy CPS presence. The result is that demotist law isn’t law, rule isn’t rule, etc. “Every man a king” really is a good way of thinking about it, but like how “law” got “culturally appropriated” by leftists, Huey Long used it for socialism.

I keep talking about pretext. A very dirty word today, but pretext is often what Monarchs used to removing pesky aristocracy/bureaucrats that should be removed without looking like a tyrant because that does matter. I think pretext has been given a bad name because it originated from monarchical systems and demotists naturally don’t like that. But here’s another way to think of pretext, think about some of the semi truths your parents told you as a child to obtain obedience. They needed your obedience to take care of you, but you were too young to handle the full truth. That is similar to legal pretext where a semi truth is used to facilitate rule. Like a child, there are things that don’t need to be aired out in the open when rule is administered, but a just cause is still required. That’s all pretext is. The bloating of law by lawyers may have happened due to spiraling on pretext.

Check out my comment here.

My idea of law is based on justice which is inseparable from sovereignty. But sovereigns are inseparable from other sovereigns. They inevitably will be in close proximity to each other on a frequent basis. A power game ensues. Individual sovereigns are what you might call the individual land/business/home owner. Scaled up we get what might be called local government. Scaled up yet further is federal. Because it’s possible to directly answer to one authority directly above you, it’s possible to be co-opted into power hierarchies. That makes Monarchy biased to being a friendly government of sovereigns that is interested in co-opting smaller sovereigns into a formalized hierarchy. That is how the Hapsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire could exist without being a system of constant ethnic conflict indicative of what we see today in multi ethnic democracies.

Democratic government sources it’s legitimacy from “the people.” Every would be sovereign being answerable to many is impossible, that inherently destroys sovereignty. Therefore, democracy is antithetical to sovereignty and the power game is highly biased towards crushing smaller sovereigns rather than co-opting them. This is unlikely to be a friendly government.

jim says:

Not seeing it. Shakespeare’s company was known as the Kings men, because of direct royal control.

In his plays within a play, he depicts Kings directly telling players what key parts of the play should say, and, given his job position and the structure of the theater organization in which he worked, that was likely autobiographical.

If you look at his plays about Kings, there is a central message that the overthrow even of weak, unjust, and arrogant Kings is a very bad thing, for chaos is unleashed, and pressure of circumstances results in the new ruler doing very wicked things. The change in topic matter of his plays coincided with a change of the Royal personnel in charge.

When Kings were in charge, and they were in charge all the way up to George the fourth, they had about as much control over messaging as we see in the legacy media today. But because they were not trying to immanentize the eschaton, it was considerably less obnoxious and intrusive than today.

Vlad says:

It’s more than porn and it’s not related to how we own our women
Jim’s point about romantic literature isn’t the example I’d have chosen but it’ll do. But I don’t see an easy fix. Replace porn with rock and roll but that would lead you down a musical ally jazz swing Elizabethan English country music. Maybe outlaw dancing how much license do we allow any sort of artist remember in their time the most conservative artist today were radicals. Maybe you say no problem we’re puritans once we’re in power we shall have bonfire of all the vanities
But the problem is a civilization that can’t innovate adapt is as doomed as that of one that follows every nigger fad. Those men aristocrats into romance novels also into science theology technology industry etc and those things not morte d Arthur both accelerated us in good ways and bad.
This is why I keep insisting you can’t set up an arbiter like Christ cuckery it needs to be more like church of Gnon. The test of every cultural change must be is it good for our people and the nation and culture they can not survive without. Church of gnon is church of reality unlike Christianity it recognizes hierarchy is fundamental rather than saying maybe we will anoint king if he acknowledges there are higher authorities.

jim says:

> It’s more than porn and it’s not related to how we own our women

It is completely related to how we own our women. Take a look at the art and literature from 1663 to 1820. Not much porn, and little or no romance.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Energy not wasted gaming women and teaching other men how to game women was applied to more productive endeavors. Men dearly loved their wives, but it wasn’t the be-all and end-all of their existence because it didn’t have to be.

jim says:

> You say Romance literature is the root cause,

Not what I said. It is a symptom, not a cause. There was no ban on Romance literature between 1670 and 1820, but there was no romance literature either.

Romance literature is an immensely bigger and more hurtful problem than male oriented porn, but both porn and romance are primarily symptoms of something terribly wrong, and not themselves causal factors.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m not separating (female oriented porn) Romance literature from male oriented porn, nor hard porn from soft porn. It’s all porn from the 1500 perspective. Some Churches today stand by Romance literature as being porn, but they are losing that fight badly.

Speaking of 1500s, that’s the birth of English Socialism. Puritanism started spiraling as well with Levellers, Diggers, and Ranters by the 1600s.

>primarily symptoms of something terribly wrong, and not themselves causal factors

In biological systems there are many examples of bidirectional causation. Symptoms have an awful tendency to positively feedback into causes which feedback into symptoms. Sometimes have to treat both symptom and cause at the same time in order to get the situation under control.

I’m not thinking in:


but ABC…

Breakdown in knowable causality direction pushes towards naive dialecticism and analysis based on aesthetics. Not that far from BAP and Mishima. Maybe I’ve gone a little crazy, but these are crazy times.

Carte Blanche says:

I’m not separating (female oriented porn) Romance literature from male oriented porn

You should be. The gender equality game leads only to dark and evil places.

The male porn-viewer is well aware that what he’s watching is not real. It is not even fantasy. Porn stars look terrible off-screen, and the few who haven’t already hit the wall at 800mph are certainly not wife material. It’s just fap material, visual viagra, a drug to make whacking off a little easier or more fun. Which, yes, can be addictive, but so are lots of other substances.

This is not at all equivalent to what goes on in a woman’s mind when she reads her Harlequin novels. The female protagonist is designed to be a self-insert; the female reader invariably imagines herself in the position, meeting her future husband. It very much colors her expectations and desires and changes her attitude toward real men. It conveys an image of men that a skeptic might claim is “obviously” impossible, but which women by their own words and actions clearly believe is possible: the invincible pirate king who does whatever he wants and can have any woman he wants, yet can’t seem to resist her charms in particular and will bring her power and riches and adventures she can scarcely dream of.

Men don’t actually want porn stars, they want the physical act but in their minds they’re substituting the face of some other girl they know or like. Women form genuine expectations from the fiction they read. The closest analogy in men is not porn, but waifus. The typical Otaku is literally living in a fantasy world and becoming increasingly isolated from and confused by real women. Porn guy doesn’t compare the women he meets to some abstract ideal seen in the porn; Otaku does compare women to the waifu.

I still wouldn’t ban anime, because it’s still just a symptom – these guys retreat to their fantasy worlds because the actual women they meet are a constant disappointment, obese and unfeminine and generally trash, and they either don’t understand plating or just can’t get into that mindset. It’s still very different from rom-com and rom-fantasy, but it’s at least a somewhat apt analogy.

For the record: I did not say you were “a moralfag McChristian”. I said you were moralfagging, and may have compared some of your rationale to that of McChristians (I don’t recall that, but maybe), but that is not the same thing. Within the brotherhood, we criticize the sin, not the sinner. I believe you to be of good character; I just think you took a wrong turn. Our enemies want us in a state of perpetual impotent outrage and subject us to non-stop humiliations for that very reason; don’t be outraged, find the calm but ruthless Machiavellian center that coldly does what must be done when the opportunity arises.

The Cominator says:

“What would someone from 1967 think about 1990?”

The late 60s were a FAR MORE hedonistic time then now. You admitted at one point you were a drunk so are you still a drunk, the booze is starting to impact your thinking…

“My disagreement with allowing porn (really just enemy controlled communication) to freely proliferate is effectively a proxy for my disagreement with allowing any form of communication from proliferating after coup completion. All the doors of open society must be slammed shut and then welded shut with Chinese style Covid era brutality”

No that is some kind of totalitarian state, after the great helicopter ride of all leftists what you basically do is kill any and all leftists priests and intellectuals. Communications networks are pretty open but “ideas” especially among the elite are a quick death penalty matter. Basically you don’t restrict things you kill troublemakers, and anyone in government is briefed on why it’s absolutely necessary to kill troublemakers.

jim says:

> The late 60s were a FAR MORE hedonistic time then now

When emancipation was switched back on in 1963 the sales pitch for men was that you could get laid. Casual sex would now be available. Which men like. But, of course, as men lost status, the proportion of men for whom sex of any kind was available dropped, and has continued to drop. By 1973 this had become apparent, and men were beginning to complain.

The Cominator says:

I mean the social control against casual sex was loosened in the early 60s before the second wave feminism thing came…

jim says:

I don’t think so.

Feminism was switched on in 1963, and they started telling men that this was great for men, because casual sex. And it was. It stopped being great for men rather quickly, and by 1972, 1973, men were noticing. 1967 was peak casual sex, four years after feminism was switched on.

The Cominator says:

I wasn’t there but I always thought of second wave feminism as more of a late 60s if not early 70s start.

The Cominator says:

To clarify I think in the early 60s they did the asian/slav thing… loosen cultural prohibitions against casual sex and control of women by male relatives but without actually elevating female status.

jim says:

Women naturally have more power than men. If forever free to cruise for an upgrade, status will rise.

someDude says:

When you say this, everyone nods. When I say this, I get curbstomped or at the very least receive a wedgie 🙂

Pax Imperialis says:

I wasn’t strictly pointing to sexual hedonism. Between 1967 and 1990 there was nigger emancipation that got so bad Rudy Giuliani, a Republican of all things, managed to claw his way into being the Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Nigger emancipation got put on hold in the 1990s, but as you can see today, is back in full swing with far more radicalism. In the 1960s race riots were shocking and unusual and resulted in military force being employed to restore order. By 1990s, military force was only employed with great hesitance and after major destruction had happened. Today, race riots are frequent and we give them space to freely burn stuff down.

Watch the change in TV from 1967 to 1990. The racial makeup altered a lot. As for the question of sexual behavior, you can look at fertility rates. Based on those, there’s more sexual dysfunction today than there is in 1967.

As for my current status of intoxication. I at least have the decency to announce intoxication when posting, so currently no. Drunk posting is a bit of a personal vice. The shit that comes out of my mouth would get me lynched in “polite” company, or possibly I’m just immensely paranoid, and the people I could trust to keep my secrets are nearly all dead, and drinking only really has value when there’s someone to talk with.

Apologies are in order though for shitting up comment section, though the drunk post was only a minor fraction of not so great posting. Main issue is being unusually and fanatically stubborn, once I dig into a position I find it nearly impossible to leave it. Ethnic trait. Can’t help it much sometimes.

Don Jorge Sortinos says:

Second week on the job as a GS14 in the IRS. I have no idea what to do. I don’t think they want me to do anything. Last week got caught up on my sleep. Any advice. My last job was picking strawberries in California. At least I don’t have to live like a street shitting Indian anymore, right! Or a gay hooker like Kunning Druger.

someDude says:


Dharmicreality says:

Getting a lot of sock puppetry these days. Wish the script writers were a bit more entertaining though. This is cringe level spoofing.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ghost? Again!

Don Jorge Sortinos says:

Chad says to pull yourself up by your bootstraps or he’ll eat your spleen.

Don Jorge Sortinos says:

Three Pakis’ walk into an Indian restaurant ordering chicken tikka masala and naan-bread in a spicy curry. One of them sees Kamala Harris at another table eating a dog and suddenly gets the running shits. Asks the maître d’ where the toilet is and is directed to the street in the back alley where he is surrounded by human feces and maggots. When finished Kunning Druger, a makeshift bathroom attendant, offers him a towel because it’s the only job he can get.

Vlad says:

And all my posts are deleted cuz I honestly don’t know which exact shit move of soros you hate the most lol

jim says:

Tell us Soros’s role in the Blinken Nuland Kagan Soros conspiracy to give us another brother war.

And, while you are at it, tell us what the problem is that ensues if a state, society, tribe, religion, people, empire, or faith emancipates women.

The Cominator says:

This one is kinda true… worthless immigrants do get high level government (and “private” institutions the government controls) jobs.

Don Jorge Sortinos says:

I can get you a job as my assistant GS9 making $90K per annum. But, you’ll have to help me dispose of the occasional dead hooker.

The Cominator says:

Never killed one…

Don Jorge Sortinos says:

Of course you didn’t… Did I say dead hooker? I meant to say meat bag with bones. My bad! HR says I can only hire a black woman. So… put on a lot of QT extra dark and a dress and heels. You’ll answer only to Tanisha Comintator, got that! And bring a large bag of lime from Home Depot, thanks!

jim says:

You are now on moderation for lack of funny. Improve your act.

Your persona is an undesirable recent immigrant. Keep in character, or flesh out a new character.

Pax Imperialis says:

Where I was some years ago, almost everyone from GS-07 to GS-14 was White, male, and close to retirement, or even way past retirement age. USG can’t find nearly enough replacements for core DoD civilian engineering work, and the ones they could find just didn’t want to stick around. While they were good and capable men with tremendous experience, I couldn’t stand the work culture. The rules, the process, the boredom. 7-9k a month couldn’t ameliorate the pain of often doing absolutely nothing because of outside logistic problems. Say some government contractor, often a minority owned business, fucks up and delays the shipment of vital parts by a week. The result was having to sit in a SCIF alone for 15 hours a day that entire week with nothing to do.

I was told it wasn’t always like that, and that they were trying to regain capability to do great things again. I observed that they were still capable of doing great things because the workforce was almost identical to the workforce 30 years ago, minus a few retirements and deaths, but hard to do anything when the minority woman owned business you’re mandated to contract out to delivers electronics that have the negative and positive wiring switched and several hundred thousand dollars of low production electronics go up in smoke as soon as you plug it in. They lost the capability to do stuff because the government killed the supply chain, and the most stupid thing about the whole situation is that higher DoD bureaucracy, the political appointed ones, decided the problem was simply a lack of funding. Of course everyone in the workplace knew what the actual problem was, but that didn’t matter at all.

Kunning Drueger says:

I hate to detract from the relentless pornography conversation, the Ghost-tier shilling, and the pathetic D&C poasting, but I feel compelled to discuss conspiracy theorization and it’s been a while since I’ve made some classic KD Terrible Predictions by the KD Terrible Prediction Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Jim’s Right Metanational Based Conglomerate), so here’s the latest:

I think Shoigu is firing all the good generals to free them up for Wagner, which will expand using Belarusian resources and manpower to sweep down into Ruthenia Proper and block the Neo Polish-Lithuanian Tardmanwealth.

jim says:

That is certainly a possible outcome, but if it comes to pass, I doubt it will be the consequence of conscious intention at the top, but rather the chaos unleashed by the fall of empire.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Porn and whores are controlled by limiting the amount of women who can become whores. Whoring is an ancient profession and it was tolerated by our European forebears even as they shunned it. Something can be immoral and damaging to the individual, but banning it can still create more harm than good to the society. Wives knowing that neglecting their men will send them to spend their money on whores is a good incentive to be a dutiful wife. Seeing whores be socially shunned and excluded is also very informative for young girls; other women will shun you if you are a whore.

Certain aspects of it urgently need to be curtailed, such as onlyfans whores manipulating young men into simulated relationships and then parasitizing them, but banning whores is not the proven method. Marriage by capture would be an effective method, or the modern version of coveture and keeping women isolated and at home. Men who have a fiance or a wife who loves, honors, and obeys them is going to do far more than banning porn will for keeping them from chasing porn whores.

Adam says:

If the elites and the state religion can castrate a nations boys *by getting the parents to do it for them* then the porn issue is not a hard problem to solve. Without elite support it will more or less just go away.

Red says:

Off topic, I’m going to take a break. I hate arguing with good men (Pax and Starman) over stupid shit but I find it hard to restrain myself(Spergs are going to sperg). I’m just making myself hate men I really like so it’s best if I take off.

My life is finally starting to fit into order and I wanted to thank everyone here for the solid knowledge on so many subjects that have both enlightened my mind and helped push in the right direction.

I wanted to thank SJ for his game advice, I’m currently spinning 2 plates thanks to him, even if the spinning isn’t well done as I’d like. You may be a crazy with your talk about every other guy being a tranny, but your game advice is very good. Cheers.

KD, I hope have a scotch and cigar with you at Jim’s blog gatherings/shooting range/camp out when we are able to come to power as the GAE crumbles.

Com, you are a very bright man who should start lifting weights and move on from despair and whoring, you could be so much better than that.

And of course thank you to our Teacher Jim. There’s never anyone like Jim with such a wide verity of knowledge on so many subjects and thought crimes, who can present things in such a understandable manner. Without Jim and his marry band of thought criminals the world would be a very depressing place.

Kunning Drueger says:

Sail strong, brother. I hope you come back, but breaks are good too. You mean a lot to me Red. Thanks for everything, and you’re always welcome on The Compound.

See you on that day.

Kunning Drueger says:
Western Taliban says:

Sensing the weakness of the global faggot empire it seems as if the Muslims are starting to smell blood:

Our ancestors spent centuries fighting Muslims but no one even entertained the idea of burning the Quran. Moderns are absolute vermin with no sense of honor or humility.

But we already know who are the degenerates that gleefully burn sacred and religious texts, as we have suffered the traitors long enough. This people one day will be gone, and the entire world will be glad.

someDude says:

Muslims were never a substantial percentage of the population in any western country and in those days books were hard to come by. How many copies of the Quran would you have found in Vienna in 1683? Those would have been scholarly copies with some aristocrat and would have been extremely expensive to procure and would have been seen as a means to understanding the mindset of the enemy. So out of question to burn something so expensive.

Even so, Historically speaking, apart from Lebanon in the 20th century, has there ever been a case of Islamic-Christian civil war in the west?

I’m wondering if there have been cases of Historical Quran burning in India by Hindu and Sikh opponents either and I come up blank on this. They probably never entertained the idea of burning one, because of the reasons mentioned.

I did not completely understand the point you ate trying to make

jim says:

> Even so, Historically speaking, apart from Lebanon in the 20th century, has there ever been a case of Islamic-Christian civil war in the west?

Meaning “has there ever been been a case of Islamic-Christian civil war in countries with an insignificant population of Muslims.”

Everywhere you have a significant Muslim population, you have low level civil war which from time to time becomes high level civil war, as for example Serbia. There is no country, nor has there ever been, where Muslims and Christians coexist tranquilly.

Well Dubai might be an exception, but that is because all Christians there accept Muslim supremacy, and that you have to keep your Christianity quiet. Nearly all whites resident in Dubai are there in substantial part because they were unhappy with the level of protection provided by Globohomo, and prefer the protection of Islam. Which makes for tranquillity. Everyone knows they are second class to the men protecting them, and refrains from making waves.

someDude says:

Ouch, you’re right, I completely forgot the serbs and Kosovo. So the question to ask is whether either of the groups have burnt the others’ religious texts. And an internet search throws up no results. Now Serbs have inexpensive access to the Quran as the Muslims have inexpensive access to the Orthodox Bible. Yet, no instances of any burning of these texts by either group.

Why would you say this is?

And why is the burning of a religious text of an antithetical religious group seen by Western Taliban as a degenerate act worthy of so much vitriol? Is it a case of riling up the opposing group and making them more cohesive while conferring no cohesive benefit to one’s own group?

Kunning Druegger says:

Muslims have demonstrated that they find it intolerable. Christians, as a whole community, offer up their sons for sodomy. Now, of course there are many Christians who do not, will not, and don’t tolerate this, but in the aggregate, Christianity as the World Dominant Religion is falling. You see high level religious leaders advocating for sodomite veneration. You have those utter cowards in Tennessee paying for the funeral of the mass shooter while the victim’s families were forced to do fundraisers just to get the bodies buried. You have female pastors in rainbow vestments celebrating Planned Parenthood and mocking God from the alter. All of this indicates a religion with no faith.

After global Christianity collapses and the various mustard seeds sprout, you will see (I hope, brother) a reawakening of propriety, dignity, honor, and vengeance. There are bibles left in hotel rooms for niggers, whores, and degenerate riff raff to find. Think about that in terms of the nature of Divinity: the Holy, Infallible Word of Nature’s God, the Creator of all things, Author and Finisher of all life, the Alpha and the Omega… is sitting in a cheap dresser with cigarette burns next to a piss soaked bed waiting for some slattern with semen on her face to “see the light.” This lunacy is paralleled by many, far too many churches bending over backwards to bring Africa niggers “to the faith” while their communities rot from the inside.

I went on a tangent. Burning any holy scripture is a statement of perspective as well as intent. If some Scandi cuck burns a Koran, I find it deceitful, disreputable, and in very poor taste, as not a single Scandinavian is worth a tinker’s dam in current era, they do nothing good, and their whole society needs to go away so their historical/legendary identity can rest in piece and inspire others. If Wulfgar Thundercock, third of his name, King of Appilachistan and Protector of the Midatlantic Reach, Breaker of Thots and Leader of Chads, burns a Koran, then I am putting on my gack and rolling with the homies to the rally point because we are going on Crusade.

This is what the guy on Memri in the link is saying: the Swedish Government needs to have someone knowledgeable explain what’s at stake here, because Islam is a living religion that has plenty of loyal followers who hear, obey, and command deference from Jizyah-cels. Christians, again, in the aggregate, sit idly by while others desecrate their relics, symbols, and holy books, so the act is literally less shocking.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jews and Scandicucks are burning Korans as a provocation to durka durka mohammed jihad and an impotent protest against replacement, respectively. If I start burning Korans, it is because I have kill zones set up on my property and I plan on feeding my trespassers-cum-victims to pigs in order to create a causus belli. Taking the lessons of how to properly commit genocide in a Christian manner from Jim and applying them to mohammedans.

The reason I plan on immediately betraying the mohammedans is because I know they plan on doing the same thing to me. The only way to enforce a cooperate-cooperate equilibrium on Islam is to commit atrocities the first time they get unruly. They have a “mostly peaceful protest” or even a legitimately peaceful protest, and the only responsible move is to kill all of the protesters and their wives and children. They run over little kids at a Christmas market and you have to burn their mosques while they are at prayer. They look at you funny and you beat them to death in the street because they forgot their place and only lethal violence will remind them of that place.

Western Taliban says:

Muslims were never a substantial percentage of the population in any western country and in those days books were hard to come by.

I don’t think you know the history of Europe well enough for this conversation. Just so you know, Istanbul used to be part of Christendom for a very very long time. On the other side of Europe there was a similar situation. This goes on even after the printing press existed and every peasant was reading Luther or something.

They probably never entertained the idea of burning one, because of the reasons mentioned.

No, they didn’t entertain the idea because they were more honorable and humble than moderns, who are complete degenerates.

I did not completely understand the point you ate trying to make

It’s difficult to put into words if you’re looking for an explanation, like trying to teach a blind man about color, I am more surprised you don’t understand it instinctively. Just reflect on the fact that no one respectable and capable of producing advanced civilization has done such things even with the printing press available. Do you also go to graveyards to randomly piss on tombs? I don’t know what to tell you.

When the Ottoman Empire was going on strong they didn’t go around randomly burning churches, setting bibles and monks on fire or putting castles to the sword for no reason. Reflect on your own faith and spirituality and consider the matter.

someDude says:

I understand your point. What I don’t understand is your vitriol. Certainly there is a lot to dislike the progs for and spew vitriol on them. But Quran Burning hardly makes it to the top 10. Its your sense of priorities that is confusing me.

Also, Don’t Mohammedans burn the flags of other countries during protests? For a nationalist, that is as incendiary an act as burning a religious scripture would be to the faithful. For many cultures the MotherLand or the FatherLand is a deity.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The Spaniards burned all of the Aztec and Mayan holy books they could find. They went looking pretty hard to find as many as possible to destroy. Burning the books of demon worshippers is not a modern affectation. If I ever get the chance, the only Korans left in existence would be hidden in Inquisitorial vaults and Islam would be a religion practiced only in hell.

someDude says:

Okay, Sanity restored. Though Jim does not seem to like it. I was wondering if there was some deep esoteric socio-psychological reason Western Taliban was hinting at.

Western Taliban says:

Muslims respect Jesus Christ more than modern Europeans, it’s easier to spit on Jesus Christ in the West that it is in the Middle East.

Books of demons are obviously not holy, but as far as I know the Spaniards didn’t burn “holy books”. They went there and told them directly and to their face that what they worshiped were clearly demons while inside their own city from the very beginning, directly to the emperor and the priests. It is a completely different context. Those very same men never even thought of burning a Quran, even though they spent centuries fighting them off.

If I ever get the chance, the only Korans left in existence would be hidden in Inquisitorial vaults and Islam would be a religion practiced only in hell.

Someone like you will never get a chance, you are not worthy.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Can you say something along the lines of, “Mohammed was a heretic demon worshipper who will burn in hell for his lies?”

jim says:

The “angel” that appeared to Mohammed was demon, whether demons are real or metaphorical, for he represented an inconstant God. Which is why the Muslim world inherently has the problems that it has today and always has had.

This does not necessarily make Mohammedans demon worshipers. It makes them deceived.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It would necessarily make Mohammed himself a demon worshipper. I am not actually interested in whether or not they actually worship demons. Enough of them do for me to damn the lot. I want to know if Western Taliban is using his name semi-ironically, in the fashion of the White Sharia meme, or if he is a mohammedan in actual fact. Asking him to commit a mild blasphemy against the demon prophet of mecca is a shill test I am applying to him.

Western Taliban says:

You’re no one to demand “shill tests”, but even then it’s not an actual shill test, it’s just some degenerate ramble.

But I’ll tell you directly that no, I’m not a Muslim. My ancestors would turn in their graves if I was, I’d rather die. My people have done more to fight Islam than yours several times over, the blood feud is actually real and deeper than anything you can invoke.

You don’t understand the issue because you have no honor and are extremely arrogant. My moniker is a form of respect to a group of men who, albeit my likely enemies in a different time period, have proven themselves. That is already more that can be said for westerners in general. In Anglin’s words: Americans are a bunch of fat worthless losers who do nothing but eat burgers, watch porn and masturbate all day.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is absolutely a shill test. Even taking taqiya into account, it is not the sort of thing a mohammedan could say. That is the whole point of the test. Not saying it does not prove you are one, but saying it would prove you are not.

I save my honor for people worth it. They kill children, so I will not spare theirs. They destroy our holy things and places, so I will not spare theirs. They took our lands, so I will take theirs. If I ever get the chance, I will put Ghengis Khan to shame. He was an honorable man and he still made a desert and called it peace. God willing, I will be able to inflict a similar peace on them.

jim says:

> Americans are a bunch of fat worthless losers who do nothing but eat burgers, watch porn and masturbate all day.

Yes they are, but that is because of the women problem. If women get forever choice if consent is moment to moment, ninety percent of men will lose. So, since reproduction and survival is the most important thing, they adopt the lifestyle of a loser all round.

Jehu says:

I don’t care much for Islam, but a while back I drove by an Islamic center with a squishy rainbow pride flag flying Lutheran church next door. I reflected to my wife and kids that I probably had more in common with the Moslems there than with the Lutherans. To wit, the Moslems and I both agree:

There is a God that demands stuff of us in terms of behavior and I’m not Him.

We all have a serious sin problem that we can’t address without Divine help. And we’re all going to face judgment by that same God absent help for that sin problem.

I don’t believe that those Lutherans believe those two propositions.

I also believe that the Moslems likely have demoted the Lord Jesus Christ far less than the Lutherans have. The Moslems demote Him to a major prophet, on the scale of Elijah or perhaps Moses, whereas the Lutherans demote him lower than a community organizer.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Comparing American Progressive Christianity to mohammedans is hardly a fair comparison. The sand people are inbred and barely above niggers, but they are still the picture of health compared with a GRIDS-and-monkeypox-infected faggot drug addict. Someone can be a piece of shit scumbag and still be less despicable than an even bigger scumbag.

I am not saying we spare the female pastor and start burning korans like retards. I want to burn mohammedan and heretic alike, side-by-side on pyres kindled with pride flags and korans. In minecraft.

Jehu says:

The problem is that right now, if we rated Islam as a ‘Christian denomination’, they’d probably be in the top half in terms of orthodoxy and orthopraxis. That’s a sad state of affairs. I remember when the bottom half included JW’s and Mormons. Now pretty much all of the big denominations are gone or going that way. My view is that Moslems are way down my enemies list. Yeah they’re on it, but they’re way lower than GAE, progressive ‘Christian’ denominations and the like.

Contaminated NEET says:

Islam is 7th Century Scientology and only appropriate for semi-human cousin-fuckers, but it’s still 1000 times better than Progressivism or pozzed-out mainstream Christianity. It also has a slight chance of actually beating the progs, which is more than we can say. Our best plan is to wait until the Lefties destroy themselves along with what’s left of what used to be our civilization, then fight it out in the ruins and rebuild. The muzzies might actually conquer them (and us) if they can resist turning into soyjacks for another generation or two. My money is on the Left, but Islam has a chance.

someDude says:

This is what is bothering me. You are also spewing Vitriol on someone who is ostensibly on your own side over this issue.

Anonymous says:

When the Muslims have no qualms about desecrating holy places and texts of other religions, why do you have these gay hang ups about paying them back in the same coin? You weak faggot.

jim says:

That is one of the many very bad things about Islam. We should not imitate them.

Unless, of course, state of war prevails, which it usually does, and they caused it, which they usually do.

But in general a Christian should show courteous, but not religious, respect, to the sacred totems of other faiths, unless demonic. Peace on earth to all men of good will. There are, on the other hand, ample supply of men of bad will.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

After the past 14 centuries of their misbehavior, their religion is demonic. Allah is a demon of war and rape, and deserves no consideration from Christians unless they happen to live in occupied Christian lands. Then they must keep their head down and render unto Caesar. In Christian lands, we should burn their mosques and expel the believers. They kill little kids at Christmas markets. I will preferentially target GAE and globohomo over mohammedans, but I will not hold my fire if they so much as look at me funny.

alf says:

What is your opinion on the Abassid empire, being how it is regarded as the golden age of Islam and all?

someDude says:

While the Abbassid Caliphate was extant,

1. Muhammad Ghazni attacked and razed to the ground several temples, massacred hindu non combatants in the 100s of thousands, sent untold Booty to Baghdad, had a lot of fun with Rape, slavery etc etc all very proudly recorded in Islamic records of that time

2. Muhammad Ghori did the same about 175 years later

These are the two Successful invaders. There were several more which had their asses handed down to them, but had they won, the results would scarcelay have been different. Whatever they say about the early Golden age of Islam was probably them consuming the social and human capital built up by the Persian Zoroastrians

Thundercock’s point stands

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I have very little trust in Islamic scholarship, and less in progressive scholarship on Islam. In short, my opinion on the so-called golden age of islam is three words: We was kangz.

alf says:

I have very little trust in Islamic scholarship, and less in progressive scholarship on Islam.

Ha, no doubt much truth in that.

TheDividualist says:

There was *Persian* scholarship under Islamic rule which both Arabs and libs like to call “Islamic scholarship”

The man was Persian but living under Arab Muslim rule so he had to use an Arab name

The Persians were a great Aryan-led civilisation, too bad that they got Islamized, but still it took a long time for even Islam to dumb them down. During that time, they had scholarship. Then, not. @alf

Mayflower Sperg says:

If a horde of desert nomads rode into America, routed its diverse military, beheaded every government employee, tossed the gays off rooftops, and told productive people, “Do as you wish, but give us five percent of everything you produce,” America would also enjoy a renaissance that the desert nomads would take credit for, with some justification.

Would this felicitous state of affairs be sustainable long-term? Probably not, but what is?

Aidan says:

Yes, the “great achievements of Islam” were basically just Persians in arab blackface. The Abbasid caliphate was just the Persian empire taking over because Rome was finally gone.

Yul Bornhold says:

I don’t want to burn Qurans. I want to expel all Muslims.

“You can live here just as long as we’re allowed to offend you. That’s what freedom means.”

Diseased boomer mindset.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I want to expel all mohammedans from existence. The abuse is to intimidate them so that genociding them in our countries is easier and dissuades other Islamic countries from trying to back them up. I am not offending them for offending them’s sake. I am offending them because it will make killing them all easier in the long run.

someDude says:

Right, so you would burn a Koran as a rallying point for your own troops as a prelude to War. In a sense it’s like William the conqueror burning the ships after landing in England.

You’re essentially telling your own side that you have burnt the ships and there is no possibility of a deal with the Mohammedans. There is no possibility of you selling them out to the Mohammedans either. It’s like crossing the Rubicon. There is no going back from that act

Mayflower Sperg says:

The message I’m getting here is that Swedes burning Korans is like Ukrainians burning Russian flags, an act of impotent rage that’s not going to get your country back.

Aryaman says:

There is a difference between building cathedrals on the rubbled ruins of their mosques you set ablaze and burning their holy book.

Larry David urinates on Jesus because he is impotent, has no sense of honor or integrity, lacks the vision and providence to actually raze churches to the ground and conquer what is left. This is much the same. The Mughals turned to rubble many Hindu temples and countless Hindu artifacts. Whereas modern feminists write demonic romances of Sita as a whore, and use the judiciary to compel Hindu temples admit women where they were not once allowed.

did any crusader ever anywhere piss on the Quaran?

someDude says:

There is no account of any Hindu warrior either pissing on the Quran or such like. And I was wondering why. Then I ask what would I do if I was in their place. Would I piss on a Quran or burn it publicly as a field commander or a General?

And the answer is, that it will unnecessarily rile up the opposing force and provide them with cohesion that I do not want them to have in addition to making many on my side uncomfortable. The squeeze is not worth the juice.

Higher priority is winning battles by motivating my own side with promses of unlimited Muslim Pussy and giving the defeated Moslem males the choice of conversion to Hinduism, expulsion, live in a ghetto as low status untouchables or death.

Oog en Hand says:

“Promises of unlimited Muslim Pussy”

You understand men.

Western Taliban says:

And yet, Muslims don’t burn Bibles.

You are the petty, powerless and pathetic weak faggot here, just like the Swedes are pathetic weak faggots who burn holy scriptures while losing cities wholesale and the French even more so, and they’re getting replaced by the Muslims.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

19 So it was, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. So Moses’ anger became hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain. 20 Then he took the calf which they had made, burned it in the fire, and ground it to powder; and he scattered it on the water and made the children of Israel drink it.

I am no iconoclast, but I make an exception for Mohammed and his book of lies and all his works. The Koran is no holy scripture. It is an evil book, it leads to evil works, and it has no value except as a warning.

Dharmicreality says:

We Dharmics will always have a difference of opinion on this topic. The desert cultists are implacable foes of dharmic civilization and will be treated as such if we come to power.

The fundamental of their religion is world conquest and domination. Unless you convert and (even after that) admit yourself to a second class slave like existence no peace is possible with the desert cult.

No amount of temporarily allying with them will change their ways. Their rabid universalism is the biggest problem. Far worse and more fundamental than the universalism of Christianity. Jimian Christianity with national churches and capitalism should be incompatible with universalism of any kind.

Snipes says:

Any thoughts on the superconductor paper that just came out?

jim says:

What paper did you have in mind?

There are no end of bullshit and scam papers on using superconductivity to implement quantum computers, but last time I looked into the matter, actually doing it would require novel superconductors with rather remarkable properties that are theoretically possible, but not actually observed in practice.

The problem is that active quantum error correction, which is what most of these papers assume, is not realistic. You need a system where error states are coupled to the thermal environment, which is kept extremely cold, and the energy of the error states is considerably higher than the thermal energy of the ultracold environment, so that the error state is passively forced into the ground (no error) state, while the nonerror states are isolated from the thermal environment. Physically realising this in actual materials is a very hard problem – which a lot of people have been working on, but last I heard, had no actual superconducting material with the required rather weird properties. Therefore, nearly all papers on superconducting quantum computers just assume this problem is magiced away – because otherwise they would not be able to write a paper, and it is publish or perish. Active error correction is just going put classical noise into your qbits unless you can have circuits that extraordinarily free from noise, error, and analog imprecision, astronomically better than anything that has ever been physically realized.

Snipes says:

Sorry, the paper is this one here:

I have no idea about the topic so can’t accurately assess. It seems to be doing the rounds on HN, LW, etc. and some people seem to be cautiously optimistic.

Karl says:

Progress, if the results can be replicated. How much progress depends on how large currents this material can carry. Probably not much carrying capacity so copper won’t be replaced anytime soon.

jim says:

World shaking. But fabricating it into useful devices is likely to be hard. They can only make thin films of it, though their model of how it works would imply bulk material would superconduct as well.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, if it is in fact world shaking can we get an Explanation for Priests, Paladins, Midwits, and Morons who can’t into technology with the adults?

From the Arxiv blurb, it is a superconducting material with Lead Ions in the crystalline structure that deform and reform in a unique way that allows for “fantabulous magik fuckery wot make no sense to me” (SQWs) which is apparently a big deal. Is that the proper interpretation, and if so, what does this mean for, say, cryptocurrency, multiphasic radar arrays, or pocket computing (RaspberryPi desktop or greater)?

c4ssidy says:

‘what would be the consequences of a room temperature superconductor’ is a highschooler science-fair question. We will have infinite power because we will get it from infinite reservoirs like the earth’s core or sahara desert without cost, which means almost everything turns electric, including home heating and vehicles. Second, a lot more stuff is going to float, because the levitation effect as used on Maglevs will no longer cost anything significant to maintain. Third, computering will be done without waste heat, so more power in everything, but with longer batteries

Kunning Drueger says:

You do see how the picture you paint strains credulity, yes?

Mayflower Sperg says:

That’s because all superconductors discovered to date have not only a maximum temperature but a maximum current density (amperes per cm²) above which they stop superconducting.

Maglevs are already a real thing; Japan is presently building one between Tokyo and Osaka. Their big problem is that the track has to be extremely straight, so most of this line is being tunneled through mountains.

C4ssidy says:

What about floating cars and hoverboards and so on, F-zero? You would put it under the roads.

Maglevs are not really a thing, as outside Japan, apparently children of the lower castes will run back and forth inside the train to get it to tilt side to side, so that the maglev gets replaced with old fashioned cable for safety reasons. Cheaper superconductors would give you a more powerful effect and let you build something with versatility to it so that not even joggers could knock it over

jim says:

Nothing much for a considerable time.

But in principle, super conductors allow super fast, super low power computers, they make nuclear fusion considerably less difficult, maglev trains (they levitated a thin film. Levitating a train is likely to be considerably more difficult) extremely compact, powerful, and efficient electric motors and generators, and lossless long distance power tranmission.

The most interesting application of this technology – an enormous leap forward in computing speed and power consumption – will require some method of fabricating very small circuits of this stuff, which no one has any idea how to do, though they are presumably thinking about it.

Pax Imperialis says:

will require some method of fabricating very small circuits of this stuff

Diamond based semiconductor is closer to implementation and that’s still pretty far away.

jim says:

There are some diamond based devices in use for high power applications, which is where diamond is better than silicon, but no use for computing, because large high quality diamond wafers are difficult to accomplish. This stuff superconducts while polycrystalline, due to tunnelling. So possibly you could make circuits that do not require large crystals.

Pax Imperialis says:

The list of promising high temperature superconductors is long. They all failed to materialize. Is it different this time? I’m not holding my breath. The paper is also out of South Korea which raises eyebrows for various reasons.

Diamond wafers are getting bigger fast and there’s growing international competition with big funding. Probably within 10 years to hit consumer computing markets.

jim says:

We do in fact have “high” temperature superconductors – just that “high” is liquid nitrogen temperatures rather than liquid helium.

Liquid nitrogen “high temperature” superconductors have been fabricated into useful forms, but last I heard were not yet in use. They are of the same family as this room temperature superconductor, so if one can be fabricated into a useful material, probably the other can also.

A2 says:

It’s been a topic for computers for a long time

If I recall papers read long ago correctly, the RSFQ-based proposal was projected to go at 100+ GHz, which is nice. Nothing much came of it back then (at least nothing public). But if this works, things would certainly look up.

Cloudswrest says:

There are three sources of loss in an IC.

1. Ohmic losses in conduction paths. Occurs during switching and due to leakage.

2. Switching loss (not due to ohmic loss). During the interval when a gate changes state there is power being drawn. The shorter the switching interval the less power per gate. The more often the switching, more power. This is why power goes up when you raise the clock frequency.

3. Leakage losses. This is due to the geometries being so small that material insulating ability goes to hell and they start to conduct.

Mister Grumpus says:

Well now it’s the “Digital Ruble”. As someone official put it, now there will be three forms of Ruble: cash, bank accounts, and these Digital Ruble things.

My take — given here to provoke your responses and correction — is that this is the Russian state trying to offer people an end-run around much of itself.

So they can control the supply of these DR’s somehow, and operate a “redemption window” somewhere, but otherwise let people “wire” each other DR’s via crypto methods, neither through SWIFT nor a SWIFT knockoff, but just straight up wallet ID to wallet ID, whenever they want.

Will it work? Could it work? I don’t know. But one way to get certain bureaucracies out of the way is to write them out of the loop at the nuts and bolts level, as an alternative to helicoptering them.

The stuffed suits wouldn’t take that lying down, though. And the temptations to fuck it up by adding “oversight” and “safeguards” and KYC to the scheme, man I don’t know.

S says:

It looks like a cargo cult to me- the point of bitcoin is it is hard currency- 21 million are to be made and that’s it. The digital ruble is 1 to 1 convertible with the regular one so it is subject to money printing. So it is giving private citizens the ability to run their own bank accounts with the running costs borne by the state. Only possible advantage I can think of is lower transaction costs for trade, but it is no more a reserve currency then the ruble.

Karl says:

Bank accounts are not cash, merely a claim against a bank. For all their flaws S pointed out these DRs have an advantage over bank accounts.

With DRs no bank accounts are needed, neither for storage of rubles nor for payment transactions. Without deposits the traditional business model of banks is in trouble.

Mister Grumpus says:

My guess is that the DR is just a stablecoin hooked to an “account” full of Rubles somewhere. More Rubles in, more stablecoins minted/released somehow. And also a redemption window of some sort, so people can trade back and forth. Of course the temptation to bullshit how many Rubles are really in there will be just excruciating.

Cloudswrest says:

If true, a potentially huge economic benefit in many fields!

surprise says:

In a controversial move, police officers in Virginia are arguing that they need to force a 17-year-old boy to get an erection to make a case hinging on, of all things, explicit text messages.

It sounds a bit unconventional, but that’s exactly what lawyers are alleging the Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Claiborne Richardson for Manassas City, Va., wants to do — apparently, because the Commonwealth believes it’s the best way to match the teenager’s genitalia to the photos he sent to a 15-year-old girl who was, at least at one point, his girlfriend.

The boy in question, Trey Simms, has already been charged with two felonies — one for possession of child pornography (sexts from his girlfriend) and one for manufacturing child pornography (taking video of himself). If convicted, he will most likely serve a prison sentence and will be permanently placed on the sex offender registry.

While the police have already taken photos of the teen suspect’s penis, as the flaccid does not match the erect, they now want to go even further by making the teen go to the hospital to be injected with a drug to force an erection so that they can adequately determine if the erection in the video matches his.

“He said they took him to a room and took pictures of his genitalia,” the teen’s aunt Stacy Bigley told NBC Washington. “I asked if they’re allowed to do that, and [Trey] said, ‘I tried to refuse,’ which he did, he didn’t want to do it. They told him if he did not they would do it by force.”

It’s very important to ban porn, especially “””child porn”””, amirite fellow right-wingers?

Pax Imperialis says:

1) Private communication is not porn and 2) a 15-year-old girl is not a child.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Broke: arguing over the process
Bespoke: liquidating the processors

Your Uncle Bob says:

Order of operations problem. Come the day we pass the collective shit test, repeal the 19th, restore coverture, and make age of consent synonymous with age of marriage, yes abso-fucking-lutely ban pron and institute the death penalty for child pron (dictionary definition of child, not 18).

Banning it now, without doing anything else, is getting things out of order, and making yourself a useful idiot shock trooper for the Duluth model. Defending it under any and all circumstances is at least enemy memetics, if not direct enemy action. It’s the same people pushing porn and trannyism now who pushed porn and trannyism in Weimar Germany. As then, tolerance gets us nothing except an enemy win. This is not contradictory, the enemy has competing factions and competing idols.

Pax Imperialis says:

Collection of random shit:

-US plans to ramp up 155mm artillery shells to 85,000 a month. A massive 6 fold increase! The catch, by 2028 and nowhere close to Russia’s daily production. Calling it now, it will be over budget and behind schedule. Just how long does GAE think the conflict will last. At the rate Ukrainian brigades are being liquidated…

-Back channel communication claims Russian elites don’t know what victory in Ukraine looks like. All they know is that they must avoid an embarrassing defeat. That is the nature of war, the more costly the war the bigger the payout has to be for domestic satisfaction, especially if you’re wining hard enough for total victory to be on the table. Prediction, Russia takes nearly all of Ukraine with the Poles and Hungarians moving into Western Ukraine to protect ethnic NATO interests. Same back channel communication also claims the Russians would have certainly used a nuke if the Ukrainian counter offensive was successful and endangered Crimea. Lads, we avoided nuclear war. Time to pop the champagne bottles, or in my degenerate case, miller high life.

-Cartels have been using drones and IEDs to great effect against the Mexican military. The government has largely retreated from most of Mexico. With any luck, entire DoD careers will be made out of dealing with this problem.

-The 81 year old Mitch McConnell froze up mid-sentence and have to be escorted away. Brezhnevian decline continues. Btw check out Dianne Feinstein. Good God she’s beyond fuckable age. They’re having to move her around in a wheel chair.

-LeBron James’s son, 18 years old, suffered a cardiac arrest. Totally not the vaccine.

-California is prosecuting several guys who bought $1 million worth of empty soda cans in Arizona and redeemed it for $7.6 million through Cali’s environmental recycling program. Apparently, that constitutes illegal importation. I didn’t realize California was a different country with it’s own customs and border protection. Perhaps conservative states could use similar justifications to embargo liberal states.

-RFK jr. is effectively running a populist Republican campaign minus religion.

-USMC is destroying good men and is likely going to decrease standards because a few recruits died in what was likely incidents of recruit stupidity. Instructors fucking tell people to fucking hydrate. How does someone die on a damn PFT or from extreme heat or during a non-training incident? USMC OCS has historically (unofficially) conducted training events “near” “black flag” conditions and no one died. Command wanted to bring back I.T. to OCS but that plan likely got fucked.

dave says:

the supply chain for 155m shells is single sourced and has several bottlenecks chokepoints. primers in one location single sourced (from PA I think), casings single sourced from quad city., powder in yet another location also single sourced, final assembly at munitions plant in Iowa overseen by a lt. col at the IAAAP (

2028 at the minimum to see any improvement.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Military contracts need to be spread out across as many states as possible to secure votes in Congress. They also tend to favor complex, expensive weapons systems over cheap, simple mass production because the profit margins are higher on a Rolex than a Timex.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Joe Rogan has looked like he’s aged a decade since 2020.

Spiritual vaishya Mike Lindell, like many of his well meaning but unfortunate fellows, has not quite grasped the idea that the lawyer system is not the voice of God’s Own Truth channeled down into creation, but the voice of whatever the incumbent power is. Gives the lawyer system 5 million dollars and socio-political pwnage (far more costly) as a consequence.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

The power of Harvard and Yale was not acquired by academic excellence, but by fire and steel, and can only be challenged by the same.

A2 says:

Dianne Feinstein has been ready for the pillow for a while now. Yet another colourful disgrace, but she (or someone) grimly hangs on.

The Cominator says:

It’s good she’s often absent for senate votes.

Chad Boomer says:

[*not funny*]

How Best To Eradicate Islam? says:

Now that it’s clear to many with a clue that Islam is a scourge upon the Earth that must be removed…
How best to accomplish this?
The Jews won’t do it.
India and USA are unlikely to. But USA might be an influence if they uphold Free Speech.
Europe won’t till is gets much worse.
Seems most peoples and religions won’t do it, not at least till the Islam problem becomes incredibly bigger and oppressive.
So what is the way to start a movement dedicated to purging Islam?
Do we have to start the equivalent of Madrasas… early youth indoctrination teaching centres, sponsoring Christian Jihadis, teaching 1488 Evropa?
Honestly… what are the short and long term solutions to this growing global problem?

jim says:

Not worried about Islam when we, and you, are ruled by woke, which worships demons. We have bigger problems.

How Best says:

Woke does demons, yes of course, terrible disease of mind.
But Islam is based in pagan worship wrapped up in shrouds of the Testaments for cult effect by the unwashed brutal murdering dictator pedo Muhammad.
Woke is a major problem, but just because them laughable Mohammadens get to have four wives, and beat them, doesn’t make Islam right.
Woke is a political fad, it will be gone, at least technically, within this election cycle or two (unfortunately it will live on in meme influence for a decade till the next fad hits).
But Islam is not a joke, is growing for 1400 years, and must be considered an even existential problem given it literally seeks to murder all who are not Muslim (only unread ignorants still claim that is not the case, but it is, direct from the Islamic texts).

Woke will die, or go broke trying. Either way, moot.

Islam will literally kill you. It is a serious problem. And nobody has an answer.

jim says:

> Woke is a political fad, it will be gone

The insanity started in 1820, and has been getting steadily more evil and more insane ever since. Cthulhu swims only left.

Demon worship in state power has only ever been removed with vast amounts of bloodshed. Muslims are not planning to desex my descendants and sodomize them.

> within this election cycle or two

Elections are over. The turnout of Biden voters who physically showed up at the polls in 2020 was comparable to the turnout at his rallies, indistinguishable from zero.

A Republic can only work with a virtuous elite, but republics undermine elite virtue. Hence the cycle of history. Everyone used to know this. Now it is time for Caesar.

Fidelis says:


I know I’ve seen you point out repeatedly the roundheads evacuated to the colonies following their disastrous first takeover of England.

Oog en Hand says:

“Muslims are not planning to desex my descendants and sodomize them.”

O yes, they are…

Luckily, denying Christianity and accepting Islam is enough to escape that fate.

jim says:

As I said, they are not packing Christian kids off to their schools and teaching sodomy to Christian kids when the kids are sent to school.

Your daughter might become the additional wife of a Muslim, but they are not going to become whores, and if your son gets trannified, you can join the crowd tossing the groomer off a high building.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Chinese are having no difficulty dealing with Islam. They hang Communist banners on mosques, sterilize Muslim women, and send Muslim men to camps where they learn to eat pork and drink alcohol. Nor has Russia had any trouble with Islam since the Second Chechen War. Russia then sank the Somalia pirates and bombed the Islamic State out of existence without breaking a sweat.

Fertility is collapsing in every Muslim country except Afghanistan. Woke is winning, turning girls into sluts and boys into slackers. The Taliban say “Help, we’re hungry!”, and Iran says, “Send your daughters to school first.”

States beat tribes every time, unless they’re liberal democracies, which are incapable of anything besides grooming children for a lifetime of anal sex.

China v Islam says:

Muslims actually do approve of sodomizing your children…
[*deleted for presupposing the official line presupposed by the enemy word “pedophile”. It is pederasty that is the problem. Mohammed was pretty keen on breasts.*]
Sterilization works. Banners put them underfoot of another entity. But Muslims are permitted to pork and wine under such circumstances so that does not change their mind from Islam, only makes them worse. Russia did right, but nobody else on the planet will step up and do the same… not even the USA could do in 25 years what Russia did in short time. Fertility… bullshit, they breed like cockroaches and are instructed by both Islam and garbage like CAIR to do so…. now if they ran chemtrails that could work, but again who is going to do that. Making them sluts doesn’t work, just ends up with more babymamas stealing more tax handouts and housing from you and more Muslims, not less Islam.

You don’t want a State or Democracy, you want a Nation that transcends both those scams.

Feminists are insane and need fucked.

jim says:

Yes, but they are not packing Christian kids off to their schools and teaching sodomy to Christian kids when the kids are sent to school.

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s a matter of priorities. We can’t do a thing about the barbarians inside our gates until we deal with the parasites and traitorous leaders who brought them in. If we can take back our civilization, it will be easy enough to handle the muzzies however we see fit. And if we can’t take back our civilization, well, in that case I’ll take Islam over progressivism every day of the week and twice on Fridays.

jim says:

Quite so. The Muslim problem is a result of woke, and a distraction from the problem of woke. After we have dealt with woke, then Crusade time. Starting with Albania. The Muslim minority in Europe and America will be a minor detail.

The Cominator says:

The argument can be made (though it’s much less viable in the age of fast international travel that allows mass rapid migrations) that leftism while worse is a problem that self corrects though not without economic collapse or rivers of blood… whereas you can almost never ever get rid of Islam.

Western Taliban says:

What do you mean you can almost never ever get rid of Islam? If it was impossible to get rid of Islam half of Europe wouldn’t have existed since a long time ago. Of course you can get rid of Islam, Islam is a deficient deal compared to Christianity 1.0, not hard to convert people to Christianity 1.0 and not hard for Christians 1.0 to destroy those who will not welcome Christianity 1.0. We know because that is the history of Europe after all.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The harvard empire itself is the number one sponsor of islamic terrorism around the globe.

Al Qaeda and its 101 splinter groups; Islamic State and its 101 splinter groups; over nine thousands ‘moderate’ muslim terrorist groups; all instigated by glow nigger cutouts.

Mobile islamic banditry simply can’t survive without the life support GAE provides in the first place; mobile islamic banditry is a fruit of GAE eminence.

Neofugue says:

Continuing with the pornography and whoredom discussions; first, one can find the Red Pill in the operatic repertoire.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni, arguably the greatest opera ever written, is a classic example of the Red Pill in high art. It depicts Don Giovanni, a young, arrogant, and licentious nobleman, who abuses and outrages everyone he meets until he encounters something he cannot kill, destroy, dodge, or outwit, ending with his death. In one instance, Don Giovanni chastises the stereotypical beta male Masetto for letting his wife Zerlina leave his supervision.

Another great Mozart opera, Cosi fan tutte, or “All Women are Like That,” is a parody of the idea of “the good woman.” Two young officers, Guglielmo and Ferrando, wage a bet with Don Alfonso, that their women will be eternally faithful. They pretend to be called off to war, and return in disguise to attempt to seduce the other’s lover, with predictable (not to mention hilarious) results. Within two days, both women betray their fiancés, but Don Alfonso tells the men to forgive their women, for “all women are like that,” and both couples marry shortly after.

Don Giovanni features many suggestive moments, in particular “Vedrai Carino,” translation linked here.

Another piece which came to mind is Richard Strauss’ “An die Nacht,” which is a song of a wedding night, translation linked here.

In conclusion, portrayals of sex in fiction are not a problem, because what matters is not the subject of the opera, but the way in which it is portrayed. Don Giovanni contains adult themes and situations, but presents them in ways that advocate patriarchy and proper morals.

On patriarchy, it has been often said that female emancipation can observably be implemented and retracted quickly, but the reason as to why this happens was, in my opinion, not sufficiently explained to Pax:

From Pax Imperialis:

> We can’t just wave a ‘magic’ legal document to bring coverture back. That’s what anti-abortion proponents are doing in the US and it’s failing hard, hence they’re a cargo cult, they haven’t even begun to think about how to make it work or sustainable.

From Jim:

> Observe that female emancipation has been culturally turned on and off as abruptly as if someone flicked a light switch. Turn emancipation off culturally as it has been turned off before, and then we can make a legal document to make reality legal.

Female emancipation can be turned off quickly because the true evil of feminism is neither the whore nor the Prog enforcer, but the parents of daughters, who are nothing more than procurers. Referring to many below, it is often stated that virgins are in short supply. However, the short supply is entirely artificial, kept in place by the age of consent, which prevents men from marrying virgins. Female emancipation can be turned off quickly because by forcing women out of the workforce and out of Western education, parents will lose the incentive to prostitute their daughters and be forced to marry them off instead.

> We have set it here 100 times, but it remains the case that whoever figures out how to provide virgin wives for worthy men will literally own the future

Simple, find the parents from all elite families with daughters under 15 years of age and tell them to have their daughters get engaged to the men of the new regime.

The Cominator says:

In our new regime most of the current elite families (at least their active and older members) are all going to be shot and their children dispossessed and maybe exiled to Northern Alaska where they will never be allowed to leave.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The parents are going to be shot, as well as the sons and the non-virgin daughters. The virgins we can keep. Give them a good fucking and they will imprint on their new masters. Never waste decent pussy if you can avoid it.

The Cominator says:

I dislike the idea of killing children unless necessary and believe that God or the higher forces of the universe will punish the willing shedders of innocent blood… but with the level of (righteous) rage now perhaps its inevitable.

I will say I’m not in favor of killing those of tender years but after that I wash my hands of it and will not try to argue against it beyond that. I would sterilize even the women of these evil families though… I think their bloodlines should die.

Pax Imperialis says:

I regret the whole sordid topic (porn) that I opened up mostly on a tangent to a series of trends that I observed as a weak and pathetic attempt by GAE to rollback female emancipation, but let’s talk directly about female emancipation.

Female emancipation can be turned off quickly because by forcing women out of the workforce and out of Western education

Jim makes the claim female emancipation was turned off for WW2 and wasn’t turned back on until 1963. During that period female workforce participation increased dramatically as well as their participation in higher education. It did not decline but it did continue the long term trend from 1890. Women in that period also increasingly got involved in low level political operations like unions. Many of the initial feminist leadership of the 70s were former union activists. This was in spite of government encouraging women to be stay at home mothers all throughout the post war 40s and 50s. This is all on top of legislative efforts at the state level to fully remove all vestigial remnants of coverture from the law books. An interesting case example is Eisenhower’s likely affair with Captain Kay Summersby, a fully emancipated woman. Clearly, female emancipation was not turned off in the upper echelons of Anglo-American power. I do not see female emancipation being reversed suddenly in that time period.

If you want to force women out of the work force, you’re going to need an army of men dispersed around the country enforcing that ban. I look at the state of Westernized men and see the same observation as Adam:

The ability of even the above average to solve pedestrian logical problems has crashed through the floor. Even in small companies, even in construction, there is an extreme lack of order and uniformity. Guys don’t even talk like guys anymore, they talk like women and fags. Men take to order like a duck takes to water. But finding someone who can give and take orders is very rare.

We don’t have a potential army anywhere large enough. We don’t even have a population that we could reliably draft an army from. We’d have to build an army from ground up and that takes time. In the meantime, coverture would be a practice largely isolated to the new elite that slowly reintroduces it to the native population as part of a recolonization program. Thinking we can simply turn female emancipation off is the same as thinking we will control a centralized governmental system that we’ve looted from out dead enemies after coup complete. We won’t because they’re too busy rotting out the entire command and control structure. If anything, there will be a small imperial core from which we will have to reconquer and recolonize the rest of the country. ‘Civilizing’ the Indians took over a century.

>the parents of daughters, who are nothing more than procurers.

What parents? 40% of all live births are to single mothers, by the time of coup complete, likely much higher. The father is completely out of the picture, and without a man to keep the mother in line, the mother might as well be out of the picture as well. We are not dealing with civilized people, but borderline near savages whose worst tendencies inclined towards outright barbarism are only mitigated by the welfare state and even that is falling apart. Again, going to need an army to deal with that and ultimately conqueror/colonize them. Where is our army? Are we going to mass draft every Amish and Mennonite man in the country?

>parents will lose the incentive to prostitute their daughters and be forced to marry them off instead.

Patriarchy only works because fathers marry off their daughters, if left to mothers, they prostitute their daughters, or worse turn them into trannies. Again, the fathers are out of the picture in a significant proportion of the population and more than half the “family household” population are run by whores. Is the proposal to shove 40% of the female population into the whore houses? Shot gun marry all of them to the suspected fathers? How does that even work when they have children from multiple men? Take their children from them to be raised by the state like what was done to the Indians? None of these solutions look immediately possible country wide post coup.

All I’m pointing out is that turning off female emancipation is likely a multi generational program that will coincide with other problems that are also multi generational. None of this is akin to flipping a switch, even the timeline Jim cites of 1930-1960 is between 1 and 1.5 generations. People are not blank slates and infinitely reprogrammable. GAE programming is pretty much engraved in probably 1/3 of the adult population and they are simply, permanently ‘lost.’ We’ll have to wait for them to die off as we take measure to ensure they don’t pass down their practices.

jim says:

> During that period female workforce participation increased dramatically as well as their participation in higher education

Old type marriage was presented as normative and normal. Female workforce participation increased during the war for obvious reasons, but I find the claim that it increased postwar and prewar surprising and hard to believe. Give us some data.

I suspect your information comes from whig history, which always a lie. Get back to us with data from old sources, or at least data that treats separately what happened between Hitler’s election and mass mobilization for war separately, and treats separately what happened after demobalization to 1963.

What I suspect is that you have read this claim in whig history, which cites another whig history, which cites another whig history, which cites another whig history, which compares female workforce participation in 1939 with female workforce participation at the height of mobilization.

You made the claim. Show me the workforce participation data.

Pax Imperialis says:

Old type marriage was presented as normative and normal.

Perhaps, but it was also being presented at the same time as male authority was being dismantled in the education system (which eventually carried to the home), and career girls were portrayed as a mix between funny but harmless and outright virtuous, lastly, anti marriage college was being promoted.

On the topic of female workforce participation, there’s this link:

Wartime female labor participation rate peaked in 45 at 36.1%, there was an initial drop with demobilization, but afterwards a consistent tick up which by 55 surpased the previous high at 37%. Perhaps you don’t trust U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics or FRED. Fair enough, it’s enemy controlled bureaucracy, and with difficulty in making my case they are the only ones who have those statistics, but when viewed in conjunction of circumstantial evidence there’s good reason to believe the stats were roughly true.

Old films from the 40s-50s point to much skullduggery. The most important is ‘Are You Ready For Marriage? (1950)’

Maintaining Classroom Discipline (1947)
In this instructional film, male authority in the classroom is dismantled. Enforcing discipline via punishment is removed from the tool set and corporal punishment became a thought crime. Using a cane on students isn’t even entertained as a possibility. A major departure from traditional standards. What started in the classroom ended up in the streets. Also, note the coed schooling.

Discovering Individual Differences (1953)
In this instructional film the classroom is fully feminized. Teaching used to be a male profession, the war changed that. Contrary to Whig history that claimed the 1950s were all about crushing the individual, and there being strict rules and discipline, it appears the immediate years of Post War America and the 1950s were a liberalizing period with the direct consequence being the disobedience of the 1960s.

Attitudes toward working women in the 1950s
In this 2020s… I mean 1980s… uh 1960s? 1950s film you can watch the same girl power feminist narrative about how they should have a life and career outside the home. To the extent that marriage is possibly, or likely sacrificed. That maybe career girl can even correct the boss. Sure, she isn’t being taken seriously, but she isn’t exactly discouraged either.

Office Etiquette (1950)
Here’s a film promoting a gender integrated workplace trained in a gender integrated education system (and if you look hard enough, 1:22, it’s also racially integrated). It portrays a woman spending her most fertile years learning to do business as a virtuous path while henpecking men and portraying them as juvenile. See 9:55.

The Trouble With Women (1959)
In this film about the problem of women in the workforce, they go over all the same problems men have today with women in the workforce. Not only are the women in the film causing problems, they are in charge of men. Take note of this being in the aluminum industry, at the time a vital strategic resource for the military aerospace industry. They ultimately laid the blame on the men not being accommodating enough rather than having women in the workforce. My favorite part:

Look Brad, you’ve got a new bearings inspector, who happens to be a woman, you need someone and there isn’t a man available. It seems to me that whether the gal adds up to trouble or not is pretty much up to you

Now that sounds awful similar to: “Look Pax, you’ve got a new supervisor, who happens to be a [insert diversity category], […].” Companies don’t produce and distribute these types of instructional films to the company supervisors unless there really are problems, and it also implies those problems started years before 1959 due to the bureaucratic lag time between recognizing the problem and distributing training material.

Last interesting film I want to bring up is:
Are You Ready For Marriage? (1950)

In it, there are many blue pills. ‘Wait to get married, in fact it’s ideal for women to wait until 25, but 30 and 35 are just as fine as well!’ (9:28) The real kicker is at the end (14:15) where the young couple are convinced to not get married or even get engaged in exchange for being sent to college together, and only to get engaged after they demonstrate being a good couple in school. That’s the exact same crap progressives preach in current day. This is anti-marriage and pro-whore. This is a good opportunity to segue into what was going on in colleges in the 1950s and earlier.


In universities favored by elites in the period, Bard College is a prime example.

On July 1, 1944, Bard became independent of Columbia University, and in September 1944 it admitted its first class of women students. It is well to pause at this point and look at the College carefully, for it is entering a new era of its history. The College had at last acquired the capacity to grow, it was to double in the next four years, from 137 students in 1944 to 293 in 1947. And, although the numbers were to seesaw during the decade of the 1950’s, the College was to be consistently larger thereafter by at least 100 students than it ever had been before the advent of coeducation. The College had become more self-consciously and more militantly “progressive.”

Bard College had close ties to FDR who strong armed industrialists in the 1920s to fund it. Later, the college provided shelter to Marxist European intellectuals during the 1930s, and by the 1950s, it was described as “”the little Red whorehouse on the Hudson” by Walter Winchell, a fairly influential journalist at the time, after his daughter got knocked up there. When you look at many other small universities the elites were sending their daughters in the 1930s to 1950s, you’ll see they too had similar reputations. i.e “The little Red whorehouse on the hill” of Bennington women’s College for instance which opened in 1932.

Or take the Margaret Hall’s Whitfield Papers, an account of her studies at Bryn Mawr in the 1950s. In 1951 she was engaged to a young man who believed higher education was meant to prepare women for marriage (does this sound familiar to the film ‘Are You Ready For Marriage?’). By 1953, during her second year, she wrote, paraphrasing here, that ‘life was so much more than the marriage relationship and that she had the right to cultivate her own garden.’ She soon broke off the engagement and proceeded to engage in the “dating culture.” I think you know what that means. Many other examples. They were clearly teaching female emancipation at these colleges. You can read all the lurid details of college female sexual exploits of the 40s-50s in this link.

There were many “little Red whorehouses” in that period and enrollment remained strong indicating the elites did support the college environment. While the trend of women in American upper education started in the late 1800s, it really kicked off in the 1930s-1950s increasing from 16,642 Bachelor’s degrees given to women in the years 1919-1928, to 48,869 in the years 1929-1938, to 76,954 1939-1948. There was a relative percentile drop in relation to men post war due to the GI bill sending several hundred thousand men to university, but female higher education never declined in absolute numbers, hitting 103,217 in the 1950s. Data in the link:

Again, enemy controlled bureaucracy is providing these statistics, but they seem to check out considering the explosion of feminism in the 1960s lines up with primary accounts of college life, including what my grandfather told me, in the 1930s-50s. Digging through the history of several women’s colleges, many had FDR’s fingerprints all over them. Take Vassar for instance which had a long term relationship with the Roosevelt family into the 1960s.


What I suspect is that you have read this claim in whig history

My grandfather was just commissioning from West Point in the early 50s and I remember his oral history. He showed and explained the falsehoods contained in a bunch of old films from the era full of blue pills. While he largely focused on the false narrative of the war, he did briefly touched upon the falsehoods on women and such. It was all progressive propaganda. It took me a long time to find some on YouTube so I could share. Many I can’t find. Perhaps I’m repeating 1940s and 1950s propaganda when I say:

>During that period female workforce participation increased dramatically as well as their participation in higher education

Yet it was very much the propaganda of the day, so it’s hard to see female emancipation being turned off at the top when it looks like it was being kept on. It certainly didn’t feel like that for my grandfather or for anyone he associated with in the upper middle class… allegedly. It appears progressives concentrated efforts of female emancipation into the college system, and then proceeded to funnel as many people as possible through that system. One of the realities that government statistics do not contain, is just how many young women at the time did in fact go to college or junior college. Many, according to my grandfather, went there just for a couple of years before snagging a guy and dropping out without a degree. Condoms did exist back then, and from what was described, it sounded like sexual chaos in much the same way the 60s to current day is sexual chaos, but a lot less people were going to college in the 40s-50s when compared to the 60s.

The progressives endlessly proclaimed the 50s to be this horrid era of female oppression and use it as a cudgel against traditional values today. I look back at the 50s and see much of the same crap as today, and so I have to wonder: is the narrative of traditional 50s all propaganda cooked up by progressives of the current day? What if the 50s was all just a lie? I know WW2 was a lie so it’s not much of a stretch to be suspicious of the 50s.

jim says:

> On the topic of female workforce participation, there’s this link:


This graph begins in 1948, thus is irrelevant to the issue in dispute.

You need to compare the period before Hitler was elected, with the period after Hitler was elected.

The relevant issue is what happened in 1933, and what happened in 1944.

Which data seems strangely difficult to find. An absence that should make you curious.

Your data does not stand behind your claim.

> In this instructional film, male authority in the classroom is dismantled

Cthulhu always swims left. The claim in question is that he was able to effortlessly and suddenly jump one hell of a long way right on one issue when the need to win a war loomed on the horizon. That culture is downstream of power, that power can effortlessly turn the culture upside down, and not a dog will bark.

Cthulhu was able to move suddenly a long way right on women, because moving left on socialism. With socialism dismantled in 1944 in the US, and in 1949 in Europe, had to start moving left on the old issues.

To dispute the claim that Cthuluhu could switch off emancipation like a light, you need to compare data from before 1933 and after 1963 with data in 1933-1963 period. That Cthulhu was swimming left from 1948 onwards is unsurprising, uninteresting, and irrelevant.

1963 was culturally an abrupt return to 1933 before Hitler was elected. Boyish twiggy strikingly resembled what was being pushed on girls before Hitler was elected, then suddenly after Hitler elected, females got feminine role models. It was as if they brought out a play book written in 1932.

Pax Imperialis says:

>thus is irrelevant to the issue in dispute.

You say 1963 was an abrupt return to 1933. I see all on the same gradual trend line starting as early as 1948 if purely based on female employment rates.

Which data seems strangely difficult to find.

USG wasn’t sticking its bean counters into every single possible countable orifice until the 30s under FDR. They didn’t even count for employed women in the census data until 1890. There are some rough ball figures thrown out as a matter of curiosity in the Monthly Labor Review, but niche numbers like female policewomen in 1919 with figures countable on one hand gives little indication of overall picture.

Data simply doesn’t exist in a consistent yearly form prior to the 1940s. There is decennial census data that include women from 1890 to 1940, but not prior. Yearly data including women starts getting collected in 1940 and ends in 45 and is reported in the ‘Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-50, No. 2’ and points to around a 35% female civilian workforce or a 29% female labor force when including armed forces. Next data point is 48 using the relatively new ‘Current Population Survey (Household Survey)’ which has been used ever since. At no point prior to 1940 did female labor exceed 1940’s number.

Of course raw employment numbers is not the same as labor force participation rate, but when comparing male (85%) to female (32%) participation rates in 48, a 2.6:1 ratio, it roughly matches with the 2.4:1 ratio of men to women in 45. A very dirty and rough approximation. The data appears to show only a small rotation of women out of the work force after WW2, rather it actually got worse in just 3 years.

What was collected on a consistent basis was marriage and divorce rates since 1867. From which the ratio can be calculated.

I see no return to pre-1930 female emancipation agenda. Divorce risk just steadily climbs up until it rockets up with no fault divorce. Since divorce is the ultimate indicator of failure to own, by all signs Cthulhu was swimming left of 1867 with no statistically significant pause. Apparent pauses are mirages created by marriage rate very temporarily dropping faster or dropping at the same rate as the divorce rate. Rest of the data here:

jim says:

> You say 1963 was an abrupt return to 1933. I see all on the same gradual trend line starting as early as 1948 if purely based on female employment rates.

Measure the culture. Fashion models, movies, movie stars, the plot of movies, the role of women depicted to women. Twiggy equals the last of the pre Hitler Gibson girls. Observe poster girls. To 1933 they were trumpeting the wife of the man who discovered radium, and a female pilot. In 1963, suddenly remembered them.

I say 1963 was a return to 1933. The only evidence that would address the issue is to get data that compares what happened in 1933 with what happened in 1963. If you cannot find that data, ask yourself why?

You are looking at the data that has been selectively made available. Why the selectivity?

It is easy to find the cultural data. Strangely difficult to find the employment data. You should ask yourself why.

Also difficult to find the pimp-your-daughters-out data.

The cultural data shows change overnight. Androgynous Gibson girls suddenly replaced by extremely feminine girls, and in 1963, extremely feminine girls suddenly replaced by twiggy. Career girls slutting it up replaced by obedient wives and daughters in the media in 1933, then reversed in 1963,

Gibson girls disappear overnight, Twiggy appears overnight.

The employment data does not show overnight change – employment is not recreated every year like movies and school curricula. But if you want to look at employment data, not going to mean a thing unless you you compare the change in employment data over the thirties with the change in employment data over the sixties. If you see gradual change in the employment data, you should then ask what is causing it. And to know what is causing it in the fifties and sixties, you need to be able to compare it with the thirties and forties. Which you, and I, are strangely unable to do.

jim says:

> I see no return to pre-1930 female emancipation agenda.

If you start the clock at 1948, then today’s environment looks plausibly like a long term trend. If you start the clock at 1930, 1933 looks like 1963. Get some long term perspective.

You are completely out of contact with 1930 reality. Pre 1933 was, like today, collapse of marriage and the family, only with old laws on the books being completely ignored. It was suddenly, abruptly and radically reversed last time, it can be abruptly and radically reversed this time.

I am arguing from what happened when Hitler was elected. You are arguing from 1948. 1948 is irrelevant to what happened in 1933. Your evidence is irrelevant. Your arguments are irrelevant and unresponsive. You have to look at what happened to sex, marriage, family, and reproduction in immediate and direct response to military intent and military actions, and you are refusing to look at the relevant evidence, and presenting an immense wall of text full of completely irrelevant and unrelated evidence.

Evidence against my claim has to cover the period for which I made my claim – that cultural changes occurred abruptly in response to political events. 1963 is arguably an arbitrary date, for there were no external events, the elite was slowly coming to change its mind about what the culture would be. 1933 is not.

We have the media suddenly start presenting marriage to women as as normal, desirable, and important to lock down a good man, as a difficult and status worth accomplishment for women, having presented wives as having a duty of obedience in the media, and only wicked women disobey, or, like Lucy in “I love Lucy”, foolish wives disobeying in little matters foolishly,

Having done that, we just wait a year or two for it to soak in and making de-emancipation legal will go through without a murmer from the masses. The authorities in Australia at the turn of the nineteenth century took ten minutes for the new rules to soak in. Women automatically, easily, quickly and quietly align with power, though they are apt to give it a shit test first.

jim says:

> You say 1963 was an abrupt return to 1933. I see all on the same gradual trend line starting as early as 1948

You are starting your trend in 1948.

Start in 1930.

My claim was a radical reversal in America after Hitler’s election, and this proved that the culture can be turned upside down overnight.

Evidence about what happened starting in 1948 is an unresponsive irrelevant distraction. Cthulhu swims left slowly.

Pax Imperialis says:

And the marriage/divorce I posted data that goes from 1867 to 2012? You’d think a radical reversal in female emancipation would show up in divorce risk. It did not.

jim says:

> You’d think a radical reversal in female emancipation would show up in divorce risk.

It did. Divorce rates rose to 1933, fell thereafter. And then they started rising again, which fits your model of a long term trend, rather than a sudden event, though obviously something happened in 1933.

You presuppose that divorce is a risk for men, and a privilege for women. Which has not always been the case, and because so much hypocrisy around divorce, it is difficult to discern what was actually the case back then from a distance in time. The effective in practice rules seldom reflect the formal rules, and changes in the informal rules are piously denied and take a while for people to discover.

Stability and security of husbands is indicated by fertility trends. Which abruptly reverse in 1933.

Something fundamental happened to the family in 1933, and there was an overnight change in the depiction of women in the media. Suddenly everyone forgot about Amelia Earheart, and images of women suddenly become very female rather than the androgynous and liberated Gibson career girl. And something important happened to the family.

jim says:

> Perhaps, but it was also being presented at the same time as male authority was being dismantled in the education system (which eventually carried to the home.

Yes, Havard was working on a return to 1933 for quite a while.

But the return to 1933 in the broader culture happened abruptly in 1963.

And none of the data you are looking at of gradual change in the period leading to and following 1963 is meaningful unless you compare it with similar data following 1933. Employment data does support gradual change. Cultural data shows abrupt change.

And if looking at indicators that by their nature do not change over night, you need to figure out what is causing them. And to look at that, need to compare employment indicators for 1930s, with similar indicators fifties to sixties. Which is oddly difficult to do.

Neofugue says:

> Jim makes the claim female emancipation was turned off for WW2 and wasn’t turned back on until 1963. During that period female workforce participation increased dramatically as well as their participation in higher education.

Female emancipation was halted for World War Two only as a half-measure, meaning the culture of first-wave feminism was suspended while the structural changes were kept. This is why the birth rate in the United States only rose to 3.2 children/woman, not 5-7 children/woman one would find in Europe before the First World War. When my grandmother went to [X] in the early 1960s, where she met my grandfather, she was expected to obtain her “Mrs.” degree and remain a virgin until marriage. This was not because my grandparents or any of their friends were religious, this was “what was expected.” Also, it is important to recognize America as a vast and diverse country even before Hart-Celler, so what went on for elite post-Christian East Coast Anglo protestants was different from what went on for elites in other areas.

> If you want to force women out of the work force, you’re going to need an army of men dispersed around the country enforcing that ban

It will be necessary for me to recruit, train and deploy an elite secret police division to kill enemies of the state, but heavy-handed overreach will simply not be necessary.

What will happen, and why reversing female emancipation will be relatively instant, is that the emancipated whore will lose all ability to eat. Her bank accounts will be confiscated, she will be forced out of work, and she will lose all her rights. Once the emancipated whore can be beaten/shot/kidnapped without any recourse, she will either find a husband, join a monastery, flee to the ghetto pimp, be married by abduction, or simply starve to death. The secret police will simply kill cops, judges, or other degenerates who oppose these measures by trying to provide security, income, or social support to emancipated whores.

> We don’t have a potential army anywhere large enough. We don’t even have a population that we could reliably draft an army from.

When the HR woman loses her job and all her rights, when men no longer have to deal with whores in the workplace, I expect average testosterone levels to rise by a third within a year.

The Socialists made up less than one percent of the vote in the Duma, yet managed to win the Russian Civil War. Sure, the average nu-male conscript will not be as formidable as the average Russian from 1917, but, with enough training and discipline, will be enough for his nu-male enemy. Also, it is important to understand that brutality does not correlate with manliness, so the beaten man today may seem unimpressive, but with the right training and guidance, can be turned into an effective killer.

> Is the proposal to shove 40% of the female population into the whore houses? Shot gun marry all of them to the suspected fathers? Shot gun marry all of them to the suspected fathers? How does that even work when they have children from multiple men?

The great thing about it is, that it is not up for me to decide.

If we are referring to emancipated whores with offspring, they will either find a place in the new order or starve. Of course, we will give them an option to sell their bastards into slavery, which will make their task of finding a husband easier, but the 20th/21st century single mother is an abomination which must be destroyed by any means necessary.

> Patriarchy only works because fathers marry off their daughters, if left to mothers, they prostitute their daughters, or worse turn them into trannies.

Patriarchy works because carrot, fathers want to serve the state religion, and stick, because fathers want their daughters to be as high status as possible, and being a whore is being low status gutter trash. Patriarchy works because the single mother with her bastard demonspawn will starve as soon as she hits the wall, while the honorable widow is provided charity through her church. The human being is a fallen, corrupt, and sinful creature, but with the right order, violence, and hierarchy, can become closer to God. God commands that those who do evil be destroyed, and that is what we need to make happen.

At the fundamental level, patriarchy works because men are naturally stronger than women, which is why feminism requires the Progressive police state. Once women who do not comply with patriarchy are no longer protected by the Progressive police state, patriarchy will arise automatically.

The Cominator says:

” Is the proposal to shove 40% of the female population into the whore houses”
This would be sort of my proposal, that all women must either be married or be sent to a whore house within a year and they only get out of the whore house if someone marries them. If they are older and unfuckable they can work as a cleaning lady or something but no cushy office job.

Neofugue says:

One year is too lenient, one month is good enough. It needs to be short because we want an immediate implementation of patriarchy. 99% of women only need a week, but it may take a fortnight or so for the news to reach everyone, so one month is just fine.

> If they are older and unfuckable they can work as a cleaning lady or something but no cushy office job.

Traditional women’s jobs such as that of cleaning lady will only be given to married women or widows of the lower castes. If the emancipated whore is older and past the wall she can work as slave labor or starve. Wayward women simply cannot be allowed to work outside the ghetto or slave labor camp, because wayward women are untouchables who cannot be allowed to breath the same air as we do, for if we do so will our wives and daughters.

Jehu says:

A month would probably be enough, but if I were in firm control of entertainment, I’d probably go for a 3 month period. Basically on women’s entertainment I’d promote a fear of being ‘left on the shelf’ and a fear that if she doesn’t act fast, that ‘the better ones will be all picked over by then’. There’s no need to actually SAY this, just depict it in your mass entertainments.

Neofugue says:

Her incentive will be her waking up to a frozen bank account, seized assets, and a missing paycheck. She will not fear being left on the shelf because there will not be a shelf when all is done.

The saints tell us that the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by violence. Christ tells us that he became incarnate not to bring peace, but a sword. The word of God was spread first by the blood of the martyrs spilled by the Pagans and then the blood of the warrior saints fighting victorious over the Pagans.

Patriarchy will likewise be imposed by violence on emancipated whores and their enablers. One month is all she needs, all she deserves, and should she fail to comply, she shall receive her just reward.

Western Taliban says:

Once the emancipated whore can be beaten/shot/kidnapped without any recourse, she will either find a husband, join a monastery, flee to the ghetto pimp, be married by abduction, or simply starve to death. The secret police will simply kill cops, judges, or other degenerates who oppose these measures by trying to provide security, income, or social support to emancipated whores.

I think this is the only sensible approach, everything else that is being said about the matter is highly delusional and questionable.

I’m rather skeptical of tall claims about magical social engineering in which societies are magically turned by magic means into magic utopias that only live inside the head of the social engineer. Every time people play God they fail, any form of socialism fails because central economy can never work, I can’t imagine why the central social engineer will fare any better.

When Jim mentions the disappearance of feminism, the disappearance was obtained with a slight legal touch (perhaps more informal than formal even) and entertainment, nothing about men with shotguns anywhere about it. The slight legal touch and the movies seem to work very well, just like little regulation on the market economy works best.

The problem with feral women is that it’s illegal to do anything about it and they are actively empowered to be feral. The government has an entire power structure pointing a gun at you, stealing your resources, using them to empower the feral women and preventing you from recourse. Niggers, gypsies and other undesirables are the same deal. We need to annihilate every demon (they are not human) that points guns at honest men and empowers wickedness and all will fall in place.

What we truly need is the option to organize and be our own faction and defend our own interests.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In order to stop 1000 people from crossing a border, you do not need to kill 1000 people; you need to kill the first person that crosses, and the other 999 get the message.

Pax Imperialis says:

The border is a long distance and America is huge in square miles. If a person is killed crossing into Texas, but not in California, they simply will cross into California. A persistent border enforcement is required which means a persistent presence, therefore a dispersed army. It need not be large, or kill many, but it needs to be felt.

Likewise the rest of the country would need at least some garrison force to remind people, that yes, they are indeed under the rule of a monarch. Maybe in 10 years when everyone gets the message, they stop testing boundaries and the force and be majorly reduced, but my point is, you need an army at least for stabilization. Even then, I would prefer not to disband the army until the last generation who remembers progressive rule is dead, ideally mostly from old age.

Jehu says:

Hey Jim, I hear tell a nuclear reactor has been built and come online in Georgia (the one in the US) for the first time in like 30 years and a second is supposed to come online next year (same general area). How did this happen? Is this just a little leftover Trump legacy or does it represent some sort of realignment? Or just less effective lawfare against nuclear than usual?

Hesiod says:

AP article on it:

jim says:

Have not looked into. But Musk rejuvenated rockets after near five decades of stagnation and decline.

To my surprise, the reactor works, but it took longer and cost more: “but the cost of the Georgia power plant could discourage utilities from pursuing nuclear power as a path to a carbon-free future.”

Kunning Drueger says:

The article asserts it’s 7 years late, 17 billion over budget. Here’s a normie scientist, an artistic representation of the plant itself in a sense as he’s not a product of the current era rather an echo of a bygone era, explaining the logic of Nuclear Power Plants:

Trump has a massive impact on many things, but I think it’s really reductive to boil it down to him magically making it happen, purely because so much of the process occured well before his presidency. Still, easy to make the argument that only because of Trump did it finally come online, but a president Hillary *might* have kept it alive though as little more than a radioactive money pit.

SLS is in the same category, as is James Webb Space Telescope, I bet a fair few others, and all are echos of a forever receding era.

jim says:

If you are building the nuclear reactor that you built several decades ago, after building a similar reactor several times before, should be getting cheaper and cheaper, and you should be building it faster and faster. Instead, taking longer and longer, and costing more and more.

I was surprised to hear we can still build nuclear reactors. But slower and slower, for more and more money.

White People says:

[*I do not believe you. Pics or it did not happen*]

jim says:

If anything like that ever happened anywhere ever, the media would never stop reminding us about it.

Nope says:

No, Bitcoin is not going to have an “enormous move” up.
In fact, Bitcoin will experience a drastic drop from here, from which
it will never recover, let alone even a fraction of its all time high.
Cryptocurrency meme is fading out fast, urges are being spent
elsewhere, moods of billions and prices are manipulated down by
AI as living costs are being jacked up and extracted by same actors,
Banks and Govts are competing with backed Fiat and CBDC against
billions of sheeple, there will be no more mass new money coming in to move it.
And Bitcoin has scale and other problems that no one trusts to be overcome.
It’s actual hard-to-kill price will rest right down around the price of Gold.
And if crypto meme ever rebirths, Bitcoin will be superceded by then.
My advice would be to sell Bitcoin now while the price is still high.

jim says:

This advice coming from someone who was saying the exact same thing when bitcoin was thirty dollars instead of thirty thousand, for everyone who says this has always been saying it. Nothing you say is new since bitcoin was thirty dollars.

Lightning alleviates the scaling problem. There have been millions of real transactions on the lightning layer, the trend in number of transactions remains exponential, there will be billions, while the number of transactions on the base layer remains capped by intolerable scaling problems. The exponential trend in number of transactions foreshadows an exponential rise in the bitcoin price.

We now have a solution to the scaling and privacy problem. And when a currency that implements the new technology competes with bitcoin – well I hope that bitcoin will integrate the new technology, which is entirely doable, for recursive snarks make side chaining safe and comparatively easy. But if it does not, or is slow to do so, then will be time to jump ship to a new and better crypto currency, which as yet only exists as a gleam in the eye of developers.

Peon says:

[deleted for idiocy*]

jim says:

The proposition that Blockstream owns bitcoin or has much influence over bitcoin development is silly. The proposition that it is managing an evil government plot to rip off bitcoin investors in a pump and dump scheme is too idiotic to be addressed.

The proposition that shills are promoting bitcoin is obviously silly. There is an army of shills promoting scamcoins, among them Blockstream’s scamcoin, and an army of government and scamcoin shills condemning bitcoin for all the faults of the fiat dollar and the scamcoins that they promote.

Ok Jimbo says:

Then why don’t you Your High Excellence In Jimly Idiocy tell us all who AXA Ventures is and who they control and employ. And tell us what actually happened to Gavin and some OG’s who got ousted from Bitcoin. Tell us how real development to continue OG Bitcoin then stopped. Tell us how Bitcoin then stayed neutered. Tell us who actually owns Lightning Labs. Tell us who is on the boards of directors of all these corporations and where they came from.

ps: You don’t have to have hard “influence” to kill something, you just have to succeed at the psyop… claiming it’s your project and that you’re “doing somethings” regardless if that “somethings” actually does nothing, and effectively sit on the project doing nothing actual to address its fatal flaws.

jim says:

Why don’t you tell us what AXA ventures and OG Ventures has to do with bitcoin.

Gavin Andresen was ousted from the project for claiming that Craig Wright was Nakamoto and for creating the fork Bitcoin Cash. Craig Wright was not Nakamoto, and you are going to get booted from any project when you produce a competing fork. Bitcoin cash was a bad idea, that is being promoted by shills. So looks to me that he was booted for good reason. Lightning and segregated witness are better solutions. Craig Wright is a serial scammer, and has been an enemy of the bitcoin community as soon as Bitcoin proved to be a success, so Gavin was booted for disloyalty, hostility, and being palsy with a hostile scammer. Promoting Craig Wright as Nakomoto is part of a scam.

I know who Nakomoto was and what his political and social goals were, and Craig Wright, who probably does not know who Nakomoto was, never having had connection to those circles, has been an enemy of those political and social goals from the beginning. Hence Gavin got the boot for backing Craig Wright’s scam.

Lol says:

You don’t know who Satoshi was, let alone able to prove it.
You don’t know his sociopolitical goals beyond his archive.

Craig Wright is a Jackass Liar Fraud.
May God have Mercy on the lemmings that follow him.
Fuck Craig Wright.

You know who knows who Satoshi is… the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, GCHQ, and also probably the owner of his email services.

Bitcoin is being promoted by shills.

jim says:

The people who promote bitcoin can usually pass the usual shill tests.

The people who attack bitcoin fail them. You just failed them, again. So you guys call everyone a shill, just as the feds call everyone a fed.

Satoshi owned his own email service, and I think it improbable that the CIA, the FBI, and company have any idea who he was.

There are a lot of very grave problems with Bitcoin, which I have raised from the beginning. And very grave problems with Lightning. But none of the shills, nor their scriptwriters, have the foggiest idea what they are. Hence raise irrelevancies and speak in non sequiturs. Not only do you do not understand Bitcoin, you are not allowed to understand the reasoning and motivation behind it.

You are not allowed to notice the very real problems with Bitcoin, because you are not allowed to notice the problems it was created to solve. Which is the tell that reveals you as a shill, opposing Bitcoin because your boss writes your paycheck.

someDude says:

Wait, what? You know who Nakamoto was? Like IRL?

Are you him?

Why Crypto / Bitcoin? says:

Why was cryptocurrency / Bitcoin created?
What purpose was it meant to serve?

jim says:

To transact over the internet without the state getting in the middle and sodomizing your transactions.

War Cunts Hate Bitcoin Love Fiat says:

Here is the world’s biggest anti-Crypto Cunt Queen surrounded by three more of the biggest Warmongers the world has ever seen…

They love their printing press because it funds their wars and lines their filthy corrupt pockets.

They hate Crypto because it defunds them and lets you save your work from their robbery extortion and inflation.

Bitcoin Joke says:

Bitcoin is a joke.
It is now 14 year old.
There is not a single physical merchant within 150km that accept any BTC (incl LN).
There is no national merchant, online or physical, of any significant national name recognition that accept any BTC here.
This is not a question of waiting or laws, everything with BTC is still 100% legal to do here, there actually were merchants, all of them are gone now.
Nobody accept any BTC for anything.
Bitcoin says it is “P2P Electronic Cash”.
No!, BTC is a failure.

jim says:

Satoshi created bitcoin to enable transactions over the internet without an intermediary having power over the parties. That is happening

Face fo face merchants are downstream of that, there are a couple of merchants in the nearest town to me who accept lightning. And it is not a very big town. I find it very hard to believe that there are no merchants within 150 kilometers of you that accept lightning.

But the primary use of bitcoin is not for face to face transactions, and that was not Satoshi’s target, but for international transactions done over the internet, not physical transactions. And I find it completely indispensable for international transactions, particularly since SWIFT started self destructing.

Saying “no national merchants” is true. But, like the legacy media, they are going to be left behind.

Big merchants prefer soft money, for the reasons that Tim May explained. Because they have power and you don’t. So they are going to be the last to reluctantly accept bitcoin. When the dollar stops being useful to anyone for anything.

If no thermidor, the US government is going broke soon. Bitcoin is a bet on fiat money going away. It always does go away eventually.

Paulie says:

[*deleted because not allowing people who are not regulars to comment on crypto currency without demonstrating understanding of it*]

jim says:

All of the problems with bitcoin that you raise are bitcoin hitting scaling limits hard.

So tell us, why a scaling problem, and how can a crypto currency solve that problem? As with all shill tests, this is an open book exam. You can just copy and paste the answer. Albeit this time I am testing for competence, not thought crime. Do you understand the problems you just rattled off, or are you an idiot reciting a script composed by idiots for idiots?

BTC Fail says:

Bitcoin is under such years of malaise and being weak in fights against regulators banks fiats stables etc simply because it DOES NOT have in its current form the functionality of CASH… it does not have the in-actual-USAGE POWER to win.
PERIOD end of story.
When Satoshi died, and after AXA Blockstream and now LN and LQ all took over Bitcoin BTC development, and when the Libertarian AnCap Austrian OG’s all got rich and began ass-sitting instead of public advocacy circuit, Bitcoin ceased its OG CASH development path.
BTC has been reduced to HODL HODL HODL bullshit mindprogramming, and it sucks because even actual physical GOLD has more than 7TPS in the world still today.
Big online merchants used to accept BTC, now NONE of those big sites accept ANY crypto at all. That’s NOT from regulation, it’s still FULLY LEGAL for places to accept whatever they want. 7tps bit everyone in the ass.
People want a SOUND AUSTRIAN coin that functions AS CASH. CASH means PRIVATE as in fully privacy enabled. CASH means direct bidirectional P2P over the protocol. CASH means having your full purchase power available to use and redirect at any time without fee and wihout locking it up in “channels”.
There are only roughly 10 coins today that can serve as CASH.
XMR ZEC BCH are a few of them.
But they have some other issues, mostly unbounded growth of physical storage, that recognition will soon demand a new generation competition of coins to replace them all.
99.99% of coins are nothing more than corrupt power-feeding Fiat Stables CBDCs CorpCOINs InflatoCOINs, or boring untransactably useless Gold.

Please fuck all that and do some real cash coins next.

Your freedom depends on it.

jim says:

Cashlike properties, instant payment, is a hard problem. Lightning works, but the requirement to tie up money in channels means the channels have limited capacity. Large payments over lightning are apt to fail. Small lightning payments, no problem. There is a solution, based on snarks, which has the convenient advantage of sharding the chain, but I have not written it up.

It requires a reputation system, so that a third party can prove that all payments it has signed as going to go through always have gone through. This is tricky, since the third party might issue a million shill payments to itself, all of which go through, so we have to page rank the recipients, which is tricky to do while preserving privacy. However, some recipients will be interested in building their own reputation for delivering goods that have been paid for, so if we have an ebay/amazon reputation system for deliverers of goods and services, the third party can prove that some portion of its payments were used in transactions with entities of high page rank. So if it has guaranteed a large number of payments, and some of those payments were received by entities of high page rank, then the payment is instant, in the sense the recipient knows it will go through.

The third party can generate a recursive snark that verifies its reputation, without trashing privacy, or requiring other people to trash their privacy and without bloating the reliable broadcast channel with information no one cares about, because an ebay/amazon style feedback will have the hash of the payment, and the third party knows which hashes have preimages that contain its signature promising that the payment will go through. So an instant payment is accomplished by providing a snark proving that this payment is guaranteed by a third party that has never defaulted on any payment, and is used to make payments to entities of high page rank. But this requires a decentralized page rank system, whereby anyone can prove page rank. Which is another hard problem.

Although page ranking is an algorithm, all the algorithm does is partition the graph into groups, and compute how close an entity is to a given group. And it is easy to create a shill group, hard to connect it to legitimate group. But a human has to identify the legitimate group. You have to start with some known good entities, and the algorithm will partition the graph – and all, or nearly all the known good entities will be in one group, and that is the legitimate group. So the root of the reputation system is still a human authority. But once the legitimate group is identified, the algorithm should be able to run by itself. Further human intervention should not be needed. So it is doable – but only doable after you have an ecology of legitimate sellers with reputations. Initially it requires a rather central human authority managing the reputation system.

Hard Problem says:

CASH is king.
I’m design agnostic.
Yes, I think ZK protocols may well play a huge role in what succeeds as a cash.
ZK protocols, or something else, may well also end up killing off the
legacy idea that unbounded storing everything is needed… checkpointing,
roll forward database, whatever.
All I suggest is a total survey revisitment and any innovation needed.
Get “blockchain”, “bitcoin”, regulators, foundations, etc,
get all that crap unstuck everything out of people’s heads.

Make CASH.
TPS, privacy, austrian, unstorage.
That’s all that matters in the end.
(BTC is today only austrian)

Maybe that will look like something already out there, maybe BTC is the best anyone can do, maybe not.

But unless it’s CASH, it’s guaranteed it will amount to nothing to all the worlds people in 20 years.
They’ll just fall back to using fiat, cbdc, etc… CASH is the only advantage that will move them off that abuse.

I’d wager 1 BTC out on stake for 20y on that premise, up against todays nominal BTC price newly invested into the leading emergent CASH competitor as observed on the open market at a point 10y from now. IOW, I doubt that coin will be what we know as “BTC” and its layers today. (BTC leaving itself behind by turnstyling itself and its existing UTXO keys into a new CASH protocol is not accepted for this wager… the argument is that todays existing as shillvertised BTC+whatever protocols are not and will not ever be a P2P Electronic CASH for the worlds people.)

“Instant payment”
Get that out of peoples mind too.
People have taken shitloads horrible abuses to get CASH in form of fiat.
Give them digital CASH that does not abuse, and they’d be willing
to trade fiat’s abuse into waiting a bit for some or all tx if need be.
Finality on the screen is more important. No clawbacks, no rbf, go no go.

I encourage everyone to continue writing and publishing and competing new protocols… simply CASH.

Make Cash Great Again.

It will be fun 🙂

jim says:

Only recursive snarks can provide an alternative to an ever growing public broadcast channel (by keeping most of the blockchain private to the participants in the transaction)

Instant payment requires that one party can generate a recursive stark that gives the recipient high assurance that the payment will go through. Which requires a reputation system, a social tech, integrated with cryptographic tech, and a third party with reputation to provide such a guarantee.

BTC Fail says:

[*deleted for using tech terms without understanding*]
So if Lightning-LN was so good then the honest BTC shills
would bolt LN on top of those coins to make them even
“better”, you’d see LN everywhere… obviously LN isn’t really
that hot of a “solution” as what the LN people are claiming,
else lots of coins out there would be using LN. They’re not.
These BTC+LN shills don’t pass the smell test.
[*deleted for being wildly unaware of what is happening in crypto currency*]

jim says:

The reason other crypto currencies don’t have a lightning network is the same as the reason they don’t have BTCpay. Because bitcoin is the only crypto currency that is actually used as money. If you pay a merchant with Monero, he is using a payments service like bitpay that sells the Monero and pays the merchant in dollars. If you pay a merchant in bitcoin, chances are he has a peer on the blockchain running bitcoin core in the basement, is running sparrow wallet on his laptop, and is putting the payment in his bitcoin wallet.

And lightning is unambiguously the most convenient way to pay someone who is actually receiving the payment into his own crypto currency wallet. I am using lightning. Works for me. If another network tried to create a lightning network, it would face the cold start problem No one would want to use their lightning, because no one else is using their lightning. A lightning gateway is not much use without lots of other lightning gateways. Metcalf’s law.

If you are not familiar with Metcalf’s law and the cold start problem, I am going to suppress your reply.

BTC Fail says:

Here’s another macro concept the BTC Maxi’s refuse to admit…

At today’s fixed in stone max txrate of about 7tps,
which is due to their fixed in stone blocksize,
(combined with the fact that no coin can cut below the
min txsize needed for at least 128-bit strength keying),
all of which they’ve all sworn to never change
lest they face as utter lying shilling hypocrites…

That’s 604800 tpd max on their BTC L1,
the planet’s most important layer that people want to use,
Now given coinbase block rewards will effectively go to zero,
that means fee block rewards are the only thing preventing
monied mining attacks… censorship, disruption, 51%, etc.

$10B/yr Global Govt Corp Competitor assault / 365d / 604800 tpd = $45/tx

There will be many many millions more than 605k users per day
for which the “channel” transaction modality of LN simply cannot
fulfill their business, legal, or personal transaction type needs.
Nor will any of them be willing to pay 10% on $450 or 4% on $1125,
they’ll prefer to keep fucking themselves with their CBDC card.

USA Govt alone blows $10B per day on useless shit,
$10B/yr globally is nothing for cooperating vested legacy interests,
$100B/yr would just make their evil smiles grow wider…. $450/tx.

Therefore BTC is simultaneously both successfully disrupted,
and it rejects and prices out 85+% of the worlds population with fees.

A real P2P Electronic Cash is supposed to support humanity, not reject it.

BTC is fake, and dead walking.

So clean your slates, get back to the drawing boards.

jim says:

Yes, if all goes according to plan, when I finally get my currency up and running, it will be unable to compete with bitcoin due to the cold start problem and Metcalf’s law, until the government gets control of bitcoin. At which point everyone who understands crypto currency moves into my currency. However, I am far from being the only man with a plan, and most of these plans are running under very deep cover, so there is a high likelihood that someone will beat me to it or just do a a better job. So far, however, none of the existing altcoins do it right, nor do any of the announced projects plan to do it right.

The algorithms for doing it right have been found, though perhaps I have an edge with my unannounced plan for consensus. But since I am way behind, would be happy if someone beats me to it, for fear I might be late, so I will probably announce that consensus algorithm shortly.

Rindell says:

Every system is subject to the cold start bootstrap “problem”,
especially “distributed” “fair” “p2p” systems that aren’t
backed by corrupt profiteering power rent seekers and centrals.
It’s not really a “problem” though, since
[*deleted for failure to understand the cold start problem*]

jim says:

The cold start problem has been discussed at enormous length elsewhere, and I am not going to discuss it again.

BTC Fail says:

If you’re suggesting that ETFs and Banksters and Regulators are roping up BTC via a massive global governance get registered custody convenience lockup for censorship permissioned etc psyop… that is known.

Just look at all the corrupt Maxi’s that are “up to” cheerleading those ETFs, and [*deleted*]

jim says:

I see a whole lot of maxis cheerleading for EFTs, but I don’t see any maxis begging for regulation of bitcoin. If you think you see it, you probably failed to comprehend what they were talking about. Give me a link that supports your claims.

Noting BTCs Change says:

[*deleted because a criticism of bitcoin based on incomprehension of what bitcoin is up to*]

jim says:

I am not going to explain what is in fact going on, because lots of people are explaining what is going on, and rather fewer are comprehending the explanations, which are difficult to comprehend.

Crypto currency is a hard project. Cypherpunks were working on it long before Satoshi, and the descendants of cypherpunks (the original cypherpunk mailing list was already overrun by shills at the time of Satoshi) have continued to work on it long after Satoshi.

What makes a crypto currency work is difficult for midwits, or even ordinary smarties, to understand, so, in addition to the fog and squid ink issued by enemy shills, there is a whole lot of fog and squid ink issued by well intentioned midwits.

BTC Fail says:

And I want to be clear
as an agnostic who only cares about discovering the best solutions to a CASH that we can with current days bleeding edge novel research…

I’m not bashing you or your design, contrare, I FULLY support you, and everyone else, in competing entries upon the field for Cash. I WANT you to get your systems out there to see what floats.

I’m critiquing the BTC thing and people hard because I do not
see it meeting Cash, and they are in fact now not only hiding
their flaws and incapabilities as Cash, but are now also holding
back competition by political lawfare and psyop means, which
is evil, and is not what crypto was supposed to be.

jim says:

Yes, but your criticism got into technicalities that very few people understand, and you are not one of those people. So I suppressed the comment to maintain the quality of discussion.

BTC Fail says:

[deleted for not displaying sufficient knowledge of the hard problems that need to be solved to implement a crypto currency that solves the defects of existing crypto currencies]

jim says:

I welcome informed discussion of the problem that Satoshi addressed. Unfortunately, there is not much of it.

Your criticism of cryptocurrency opcodes is correct. But you don’t understand why they are a problem, let alone why they are currently needed and what the alternatives could be.

BTC Fail says:

[deleted for being utterly unaware of the enormous amount of brilliant work that has been going on trying to find solutions to these very hard problems, before and since Satoshi.

Henry says:

Good thread mates.

Should be noted that people are lazy and didn’t want
to do the real work needed to earn the real money of
the time… gold. So they accepted fake money and the
abuse that came with it.

Which ultimately led to what we have today, a bunch of
lazy bleating socialist couchsurfing handout welfare faggots
stealing from other people.

Real hard crypto cash fixes a whole lot of today’s faggotry by
making people man up, and making socialist politicans eat a dick.

Lol. But it’s true.

Mike says:


jim says:

If you don’t want your comments deleted and a snarky reply unkindly explaining the reasons for deletion, just pass the shill test against shills under deep state supervision

Kennedy Ramaswami Milei Bitcoin says:

Robert Kennedy Jr, Vivek Ramaswami, and Javier Milei are the only
current Presidential candidates who emit pro Cryptocurrency sounds.

Kennedy goes openly deep on Bitcoin as he does on many things.
Vivek has been on the crypto youtube circuit, so he is grasping
crypto reality, but is still shy to speak broadly in public for it.
Milei openly supports Bitcoin from a Libertarian perspective.

Trump is not a friend of Bitcoin and it’s unlikely that he will flip to support it.
Nor are any other current Presidential candidates anywhere in the world
supporting crypto afaik.

Kennedy on Bitcoin…

Ramaswami on Bitcoin…

Milei on Bitcoin…

Tulsi on Bitcoin…

jim says:

Not seeing any difference on Vivek, Milie, and Trump on bitcoin.

When Milei is asked about bitcoin, he starts talking the theory of money, which is important, interesting and relevant, but is a deflection and evasion.

The question, after all, is about power and money. Who gets the power and the money? He is running away from the question. And so is Vivek. That is one of the many indicators that Vivek and Milei are not who they say they are. They emit pro crypto currency sounds, but I hear what is not said and read what is not written. They are evading like shills.

Trump is who he says he is. Unfortunately what he says he is a deal maker, a very very good deal maker, and it is now Caesar time, for no deal can be made.

Nitup says:

Milei is on video somewhere saying to buy bitcoin. None of the others you mention seem to have said that yet. Though it is an un-nuanced statement for anyone to say. Vivek seems more reform than revol. Milei is more revol than his countries current form. Trump is going to be pretty idle on his tired old throne. Kennedy could become interesting, at least for crypto.

I’ve no idea if a nominally “pro bitcoiner” will win.

Keep stacking your favorite units and check back in 9 months to see what kind of shit is going down 🙂

jim says:

> Milei is on video somewhere saying to buy bitcoin.

Is he now? That would be interesting, for every time I hear him speak, I hear him not saying what a shill and an entryist is unable to say. Can you find that video? Or did he, shill style, say something that would sound to a hodler something vaguely like “buy bitcoin”, while carefully and strangely evading saying “buy bitcoin” to anyone else?

Best Monetary Cryptos says:

Well ok, what do you guys think?

What are the top-3 best long term Monetary cryptocurrencies we could buy right now today?

Excluding Bitcoin-BTC, because that one’s already well discussed.

Best Monetary meaning:

– Sound-money austrian-economics fixed-known-emission hard-cap non-inflating, curve falling below 1% or less in well under 10 years.
– Actually useable, from day one at scale as the network grows, through perpetuity ie 100 years from now, as P2P Electronic Cash, for at least 100s of Millions up to about 1-2 Billion users a couple times a week.
– Privacy-enabled in-protocol, preferably by default, or transferable by users between private and non-private addresses.
– No games… fair launch, no premine, no dev or founder or foundation award or tax.
– No “features”, no capabilities dao governance stables vm’s smart contracts etc… just money, that’s it.
– Preferably, if there are some proofs, ones that look more like hard of-work, than look like soft of-stake.
– If any mining, preferably volunteer based on mutual interest in preserving value, if not, then mining based on fees (and declining subsidy) is still ok.
– Preferably protocol committed and baked-in, a minimalist coin, really no more than bugfixes for the client.

And then,

What are the top-3 best Monetary cryptos that are not yet buyable but are projects in active development… ie with whitepapers and even some initial coders forming or working.

Curious to see what potential candidates are thought to exist out there these days 15 years later 🙂

Free Willy says:

I’ve read some debate on this and you guys can chime in.


Thanks for listening, at least.

jim says:

Not listening to people who can neither speak thought crimes, nor notice that anyone else is speaking thought crimes. If you want your stuff to be seen and addressed on this blog, commit a thoughtcrime, or respond to other people’s thought crimes in a way that reveals what those thought crimes are. Why should anyone listen to you, when you will not listen to us?

I have spoken about the problems with Bitcoin many times.

The very real problems you point out with Bitcoin were immediately pointed out when first Satoshi proposed Bitcoin, Satoshi was aware of them, and many very clever people have been seeking solutions ever since.

But Bitcoin as it is, warts and all, can, and probably will, replace the US dollar as the currency of international transactions. Satoshi figured that warts and all, it would suffice, and it is looking as if he was correct.

Only 220M Crimes Per Year says:


jim says:

I am not going to discuss cryptocurrency with someone who is strangely unable to commit thought crimes, nor notice nor respond to other people’s thought crimmes.

jim says:

One thought crime particularly relevant to the issue of crypto is the collapse of trust and trustworthiness among our elite, which is making international transactions in fiat particularly difficult, and, as we saw in the gamestop shenanigans, adversely affecting many other fiat based transactions.

So if you want a comment on crypto currency to get through, you could, as part of that comment, discuss the thought crimes in my paper on sox accounting.

You can argue against what I said, you can argue that Sox forces accountants to be honest, rather than forcing them to be dishonest, and that it prevents crimes like Enron, rather than enabling crimes like the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown, but your argument has to reveal the positions being disputed.

Or you could just cut and paste a thought crime from that paper where relevant to your discussion of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Is DOOMED says:

Thanks for listening to this rant and prediction 🙂

jim says:

Get yourself whitelisted first. It is easy

DOOMED says:

Can’t because not interested in politics or religions or whatever.
[*payload deleted*]

jim says:

Not interested in women either?

Everyone has to commit thought crimes in order to get their little man wet.

The red pill is our greatest sales tool. (Though the jab comes close) The government is forbidding thoughts one needs to survive and reproduce.

The red pill is a topic everyone thinks about and cares about. Though I really should add to the list thought crimes about the jab. I just don’t have accurate information on what the shills are forbidden to notice people saying about it.

And then there is war in the Ukraine. The Ukraine is running out men, and there is a faction in the government that wants to conscript American whites to die in eastern Europe. No opinions on Soros’ role in getting this war started?

The Cominator says:

Its amazing how effective shill tests are…

Cominator Reply says:

> Its amazing how effective shill tests are…

While normally that would be true, here you have no basis upon which to say that because you cannot see what he said, you are literally prognosticating and predisposing upon a position of which you have no knowledge of… literal proof of ignorance. When I can see what he said, is when I will debate and shill test him, out in public, where I can win, not in cowardice where I can only lose.

jim says:

It does not matter what he said, nor does it matter what he says.

I don’t block people on content, I don’t block people on what they say. You can say anything you like on this blog, (apart from stupid and repetitious insults – clever and entertaining insults are allowed) People of all faiths and political orientations are welcome, unless boring, ignorant, unresponsive, or irrelevant.

The Cominator can see what he cannot say.

I block people on what they cannot say, nor notice anyone else saying, or respond to anyone else saying.
moderation policy

No one gets blocked for what they said.

Bitcoin Etf SCAM EndGame says:


jim says:

Take the shill test and get white listed.

Bitcoin Pathetic Failure says Olin says:


jim says:

You keep endlessly posting this stuff, and I keep endlessly silently deleting it.

If you want it to get through, pass the shill test and get whitelisted. Anyone can pass the test, unless they have a supervisor standing over them.

moderation policy

Miller says:

Jim I casually read coin blogs and see you deleting too many peoples comments on bitcoin a technology.
I seriously doubt the comments you are deleting are false. [*deleted*]

jim says:

You are quite right to doubt that. They are full of entirely valid criticisms of Bitcoin, that urgently deserve discussion.

But it became immediately obvious that they have a supervisor standing over them, and these criticisms come from a script, that they have no comprehension of the criticisms that they are robotically making, that they are incapable of discussing them, and/or are not allowed to discuss them. They have a script, and their supervisor makes sure they stick to it. No discussion with them is possible.

To demonstrate that you can discuss these issues, simply pass the shill test described in the moderation policy Anyone can pass this, regardless of his religious or political beliefs, regardless of what issues he wants to speak about, anyone who is not reading from a script with a supervisor standing over him, can pass this.

And then I will be very happy to discuss these issues, which do indeed need to be discussed.

Support Roger Ver says:

Hello everyone.
I’m writing to ask for the support of you and your extended networks for Roger Ver.
As you may know, Roger was indicted and arrested this weekend by the USA.
Roger is a principled man and does try as hard as anyone else, as any other Voluntaryist, to stick to those principles and do right by that, and in that there is no such wrong.
Roger was singlehandedly one of the literally few biggest players responsible for getting Bitcoin and the infrastructure for Bitcoin seeded across the world in the early years. From radio broadcasts and billboards to conferences and exchanges and massive investments in Bitcoin startups and retailing commerce and genuine coin and coin technology development projects.
Simply put, Roger’s early and ongoing work behind the scenes was formative and indispensible to cryptocurrency. Without Roger crypto would not have moved as far and fast as it has.
This event is also a temporary setback at a moment when, upon the release and public recognition of the truths in his book “Hijacking Bitcoin”, many OG’s and new people alike have now been reforming towards a rebirth and restoration of the original cypherpunk goal and movement of creating a real P2P Electronic Cash, that Satoshi wrote of but was never able to continue the ongoing future development of. This movement is growing quickly, and all options to realizing that goal are now rightly back on the table again, and soon to be in the public discourse again.
Roger is now subject to the extraordinarily persecutive witch trials and indefinite incarceration and torturous ways of the US Govt, and as such he is at severe risk.
Regardless of your position re Roger’s extensive work,
and wherever you think Cryptocurrency needs to go,
Roger’s arrest presents a Human situation now.
Please support Roger Ver.

jim says:

Roger Ver is a non US citizen who renounced his US citizenship a long time ago, thus the tax charges are unjust.

I vigorously disagree with some of Roger Ver’s extensive work. He is something of a crypto currency scammer. Nonetheless, on the side of crypto and crypto currency against the state.

Why They Persecute Roger says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.

Commenters who are not white listed may have their comments unkindly edited or silently and arbitrarily deleted

White listed commenters can say anything they like, and it will immediately appear as is. There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention.

If a commenter comments under a handle and fake email that has not been white listed, I assume it is spam, because it usually is, and do not necessarily read it very carefully. Or at all.*]

Support Roger Ver says:

Hopefully this video, and the larger podcast, will give some food
for thought, and maybe even some Anarcho-Inspiration…

Roger often says something like “Code and Support and
Use whatever you want, engage in free-market competition,
and let the market choose which among them are working
best for Human Freedom in the World.”

It’s time to create and use things that work, privately, uncensorably.

We are not alone in the world.

jim says:

You are now on moderation, because a bunch of obvious shills have been shilling Roger Ver. Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.

Warren's Lols says:

[*Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.7

Commenters who are not white listed may have their comments unkindly edited or silently and arbitrarily deleted

White listed commenters can say anything they like, and it will immediately appear as is. There is no censorship on this blog, just spam prevention.

If a commenter comments under a handle and fake email that has not been white listed, I assume it is spam, because it usually is, and do not necessarily read it very carefully. Or at all.*]

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