Government Healthcare and the deficit

Healthcare in the US is extraordinarily, ludicrously, bad. It is also absurdly, extraordinarily, ludicrously expensive, both for any individual who is not part of an official victim group, and for the government. The government deficit is about two trillion dollars, and is unsustainable. Economic collapse and hyperinflation looms.

The cost of healthcare to the government is about equal to the deficit. Comparing US (corrupt civil service and judiciary) health care spending with Singapore (honest civil service and judiciary) health care spending we may conclude that almost all of that is waste, fraud, and corruption. Fix waste, fraud, and corruption in healthcare, and you fix the deficit. Fix it in healthcare and defence, and you are running a huge surplus, plus you get a military that would not be defeated by superior Russian logistic capability. Fix it in Healthcare, defence, and education …

US government education is the world’s most expensive child minding service.

One of the big benefits of living in Mexico is genuinely private healthcare. Healthcare in Mexico is better quality and price for the individual than the US. Singaporean healthcare is, of course, way higher quality than Mexican healthcare, let alone American.

US government spending on healthcare is twenty percent of GDP, one fifth of GDP, to provide very bad healthcare that is very expensive for individuals. Singaporean healthcare is one sixtieth of GDP. Singapore has the most honest judiciary and civil service in the world, while the Global American Empire has severe and rapidly increasing corruption, visible in the astonishing wealth of its ever more numerous and ever wealthier political elites. Every president except Trump left the presidency vastly wealthier than when he arrived, and the same thing happens all the way down.

A lot of countries provide “free” healthcare. Which is unsustainable, and inevitably turns into mass murder, as in Canada and England. American healthcare has not yet turned into mass murder, but is unsustainable. Financial collapse and hyperinflation looms. You could provide free healthcare if you had an honest and competent civil service like that of Singapore to provide it, but governments that provide “free healthcare” do so out of evil ideology whose adherents increasingly worship demons, so I am unaware of any government has yet provided free healthcare without providing murder instead. The Philippines has a “free” healthcare system, but it tends to kidnap poor people who patronise it and demand that their kin come up with enormous sums of money to get them back. Which is better than practising mass murder, but does not sound much like “free”. You can ransom your kinfolk out of the “free” Filipino medical system, whereas in most of the west, they just murder them. It is a Pareto improvement, but overall, free healthcare in the Philippines is not cheap even if you are on a western salary. You will pay less and get higher quality care in private. For ordinary Filipinos, free healthcare is apt to be far too expensive. Because “free” in the Philippines is expensive, sometimes very expensive, just as American health insurance does not insure, the Philippines have avoided mass murder on the scale of Canada, England, and similar western countries.

The US healthcare system has not yet turned murderous, but no government can sustain this level of healthcare expenditure indefinitely. The cost to government has to be radically reduced, either by mass murder like that of England, or by some better method. Unfortunately a morally better method than mass murder requires a morally better government, which is difficult.

The level of government meddling in Singaporean health care is considerably less than in most countries, but it is not radically less. Singaporean health system is not all that less governmental than healthcare systems in other countries, and not all that radically different from the way it is organised in other countries. It is just that it works and other countries do not. Indeed lots of countries have been copying the outward forms of Singaporean healthcare, while strangely unable to copy the inward substance. Cargo Cult imitation.

You can make a good case based on Singapore for a substantial reduction in government intervention in healthcare, but the level of government in healthcare in Singapore is not all that much less. The big difference is not that it is arguably smaller, but that it actually works. Similarly, Russia.

However it is worth studying what government medical interventions are absent in Singapore, and present in most other countries. In most cases, the primary purpose of such interventions is to enrich people in Washington and Harvard, particularly, but far from exclusively, the Medical-Industrial complex.

The Christian faith in the Philippines is dying, but still strong. It is likely this is the reason that free healthcare in the Philippines is so expensive. The faith prevented them from resorting to murder on the scale that most western free healthcare systems have deployed. Being reluctant to make “free” murderous, they made it expensive, which is a Pareto improvement.

72 comments Government Healthcare and the deficit

Travis says:

“The US healthcare system has not yet turned murderous, ”

The hell it hasn’t. During the birdemic hospitals were paid bounties for use of remdesivir (kills kidneys) and use of ventilators which killed 90% of those “patients” they were used on. Doctors recommending treatments that worked were sanctioned, de-licensed and silenced.

Jim says:

Well, it has not turned murderous on the British scale, where if you are a pensioner it is dangerous to show up at the emergency room.

Pax Imperialis says:

Ahh… Jim, you’re already walking back your stance. It was poorly worded to begin with. Haven’t you seen all those TikTok videos of dumb hospital whores shaking their asses during Covid while mocking those using “horse dewormer”? What about the medical community’s shunning and eventual removal of the J&J vaccine which was based on more proven technology (which still didn’t work but was less likely to kill you) in favor of completely unproven mRNA? Btw why is it that many of the biggest promoters of untested medical technologies were the same people advocating for population reduction? We all know the reasons why, and those are just a few recent examples.

I have a good buddy who found out the school nurse were telling his very pre-purberty daughter in private that it was time to go to the hospital to get HPV vaccine without parental knowledge nor consent. He and his wife are set to have another baby soon and the hospital is trying to force them to have the baby treated with ceftriaxone as a precaution against STI being transferred from the mother… even though she tested negative in state mandated testing.

>Well, it has not turned murderous on the British scale

Maybe, maybe not. Such statistics are hard to come by because everyone is lying in the statistics. We do know for certain that the American system is sexually mutilating far more than the British system, chances are they are also murdering far more as well. We just do it differently than the British. Whereas their system neglects their undesirables to death, our system mal-practices to death in order to transfer wealth.

Jim says:

The infamous Liverpool pathway is rather more drastic and swift than “neglect”. Mere neglect might result in undesirables hanging around the hospital for too long.

Pax Imperialis says:

The “undesirables” are hanging around the hospital for too long… well that’s if they survive long enough to get there.

It took multiple phone calls and a hour and a half just for the ambulance to show up in Chester. Ambulances are averaging 40 minutes. The nurses are quitting the the practices are closing down.

Ryan says:

In corrupt capitalist America, they push you to get unnecessary and harmful drugs and surgeries because they can charge you and make money, ideally making you a lifelong sickly customer who is on 10 types of expensive pills.

In corrupt socialist Canada, they give whatever the flowchart says to give you. The flowchart is determined largely by bribes from pharma. Now they can also put you down like an old dog to save money for more important things like diversity officers.

ayyylmao says:

The common theme is corruption, where corruption is defined as people and systems working to a purpose other than positive health outcomes. And both “capitalism” and “socialism” (loosely defined) tend to result in 1-3 state or quasi-state mega-systems. We need something new that enforces organizational diversity.

Jehu says:

Pretty much every single-payer system rations by passive aggression. The ones that have corruption mediating their service queues are the least inhuman. I have a friend stuck in the VA queue to get his hip replaced. I’m pretty sure they’re hoping he’ll die before he finishes jumping through all the hoops. Being able to pay a few thousand as a bribe to get him taken care of properly would be a Godsend. What I can’t figure out is why the English like their system. Do they really prefer being delayed/denied by passive aggression and hoop jumping to fee for service?

Jim says:

The passive aggression is irritating, but not lethally dangerous. What is dangerous is if you are so sick that their rules require that they have to take you in. Or if their rules require that they take you in, regardless of whether it is necessary or not. Since they cannot in fact take in everyone that the proforma rules require them to take in, the excess gets murdered.

Jehu says:

More than irritating if you need a hip and knee replacement. With my friend it’s basically bone grinding on bone and I can see how much he suffers despite a good college try at keeping a stoic exterior. The really sad thing is that he wants to work, pay taxes and so forth. Fixing him would probably be a solid investment of funds. The VA also gets super punitive with you if you try going to other health care providers. In that way they’re actually nastier than most single payer systems, who kinda prefer that you do.

someDude says:

Chronic Kinglessness as Jim used to put it. No one in charge. So no cares fixing him up would be a solid investment

Travis says:

Karl Deninger has been banging on this topic for 25 years……

JustAnotherGuy says:

There’s a lot of ruin in a nation Jim. I’m going to side with the ‘nothing ever happens’ dudes on the economy. Things can get worse, much worse. Even if it costs 1000 USD to buy a cup of coffee people will still go on with their normalcy bias.

Assume the economy collapses around 2026, and hyper inflation by 2026 or 2027. What really changes? I don’t think they will defund the healthcare, education, workers-who-don’t-produce-anything-of-value-complex regardless of the realities on the ground. Probably a lot of spastic uhh ‘accidents’ like all the guys falling out of windows in Russia. But I don’t think anyone is gonna get their piece of the pie taken away even when things get dire.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Off-topic, twitter is still doing shadowbans. Aedan’s old posts on x are unsearchable unless you manually go back to them by scrolling. There’s also a rate limit on searching twitter now which doesn’t differentiate between any user (so basically every account on there is on a rate limit). You will have to keep entering the same search result until you get over the rate limit.

Jim says:

Nothing will happen until the the dissolution of the monasteries, because we have a corrupt and wicked priesthood sucking up all the gravy, you just have to remove that priesthood, and no attempt to leave them in place while stinting their gravy is going to get very far.

Henry the Eighth wanted to dissolve the monasteries, while leaving Roman Catholicism in place exactly as it was, since all he was worried about was all the gravy they were sucking up. This did not work out too well, because to dissolve the monasteries, he needed a counter force of genuine and sincere Christians, and those Christians had other ideas. And thus, England became protestant.

RFK Junior wants genuine science, and will be industriously digging up the dirt on academia. But you cannot actually have genuine science except you have a brand of genuine Christianity which provides moral backing for genuine science. Trump also has a bunch of genuine Christians in his cabinet, so there is a path to getting there. We are not yet on that path. But if you want to fix the deficit, lawfare, and all that stuff, you have to remove the enemy faith that wants all that stuff. That is the only path to where Trump and his cabinet wants to go, as Protestantism was the only path to get Henry the eighth to where he wanted to go, however much he did not like it.

alf says:

What made Henry the eight such a powerful king was that he understood the power of priesthood. The man wrote an actual book responding to, and condemning Luther. It is very hard to imagine any modern leader doing that kind of thing, Trump is unfortunately no exception.

One wonders how today’s neoreactionaries are coping with the subject. Guys like Spandrell and Yarvin have decidedly broke away from Christianity as the necessary driving force. Musk too, seems more in their camp than in ours.

Jim says:

You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. Henry the eighth initially preferred the wrong faith, but he knew what faiths are and do. Trump did not know, and shows no signs of learning, though under the circumstances I hope he may have figured it out. Moldbug does not. Musk seems to have figured it out intellectually, but has not yet converted in his heart. He seems to think that truth and reason will suffice, but that is hard on mortals. You need the ground under your feet, and you cannot intellectually justify not falling through it all the way down, which is the self created hole that philosophy fell into. Musk thinks he is a speciesist. Why should we be speciesists and who exactly is of our species? He accepts the frame of our enemies. How can he justify another?

Bouncer says:

If one sees the different races as different species, then one could be speciesist and no problem. But Darwin could have done so in his day and yet didn’t, and by now it is unlikely to be possible at all, so it must be by faith (even if one calls it something else.

Small whitepill: I made a statement in front of a female coworker a few days ago and she started up with the “that’s racist” program, but I shut her down by stating “oh grow up” and her mouth quite literally snapped shut. Complete with an audible “click” as her teeth closed. Women will be a pushover once the old leftist faith is weakened enough.

ayyylmao says:

Musk is a self-admitted sperg with an unusually high mental flexibility and is slowly converting. He’ll be there within 2 years.

Mayflower Sperg says:

and she started up with the “that’s racist” program,

Since I don’t have to worry about getting fired, my reaction is to smile and promise to add something sexist or homophobic later.

To “That’s they most racist thing I ever heard!”, I replied, “Thank you,” and meant it. We’re still friends.

It’s easy to explain white supremacy to Russians because they often talk about emigrating. “Have you ever, even once, heard anyone express a desire to move to a Black or Muslim country?” “Uh… Emirates?” Another friend worked in China for six years but hated it and regards the Chinese as disgusting, sub-human creatures.

Rod says:

Zero deficit by getting rid of Corrupt Pols and their ACAB goons…
“Byrd… failed shotgun qualification test, a failed FBI background check for a weapon’s purchase, a 33-day suspension for a lost weapon and referral to Maryland state prosecutors for firing his gun at a stolen car fleeing his neighborhood.”
“I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions are.”

Indiana AG Opens “Human Labor Trafficking” Probe At Tyson Meat Factory
the Tent Partnership for Refugees, an open border aligned nonprofit, funded by a Turkish billionaire who was a mega supporter of Kamala Harris, funneled migrants into factories via a complex network of settlement agencies, staffing agencies, and other nonprofits…

What’s very clear is that migrants did not aimlessly walk across Biden-Harris’ wide-open southern border and then find instant job placements that displaced and replaced blue-collar native-born workers. There is a massive NGO network, internationally and domestically, that channels unvetted migrants from foreign lands into US factories.

Here’s that black privilege people keep saying doesn’t exist…
Illinois Supreme Court overturns actor Jussie Smollett’s 2019 conviction on allegations of staging a racist and homophobic attack against himself.
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) November 21, 2024

Duck and cover.

Rod says:

You need to purge these fucks out of govt…

Just When You Thought Illegal Immigration Couldn’t Get Worse, Biden Does This…

Steve Watson

Not intent with starting a third world war before he leaves office, Joe Biden, or whoever is running Joe Biden, is making it even easier for illegal immigrants to get into and stay in the country.

It’s one last open border hurrah before Trump takes office.

The New York Post reports “The Biden administration is quietly rushing to implement new policies that will loosen restrictions on migrants who entered the US illegally.”

The article further notes that sources indicate the action is “a parting attempt to thwart President-elect Donald Trump’s immigration crackdowns and mass deportations.”

Biden admin quietly loosening immigration policies before Trump takes office — including letting migrants skip ICE check-ins in NYC
— New York Post (@nypost) November 21, 2024

“The outgoing administration intends to launch an ICE Portal app starting in early December in New York City that will allow migrants to bypass in-person check-ins to their local ICE office,” the report further reveals.

So not only is the border wide open for whoever wants to walk across, now even if they are detained, they just get to skip due process and disappear into the big apple.

He’s creating more than the usual mayhem because he hates Trump.

How very “the adults are back” of him.
— Kelkat (@Tweetytweeter63) November 21, 2024

What could possibly go wrong?

This is why outgoing administrations should be treated like fired employees. They should immediately have their passwords and keys revoked, they are handed a box to pack up their crap, and they are escorted from the building.
— Ohms13 (@ohms133) November 21, 2024

Biden clearly isn’t in charge of anything and a bunch of far left extremists are running hog wild.

Burning the place down as he headed out the door will be Biden’s legacy.
— Steve 🏴‍☠️ (@SteveOreno11) November 21, 2024

How many more Americans will die because of this?

This is inarguable truth that the Democrats not only didn’t learn anything from the Laken Riley tragedy, but they also simply didn’t care.
— Belbedere is here (@mrwinplaceshow) November 21, 2024

They don’t give a damn.

After watching the Laken Riley murder trial (RIP) this is the most disgraceful and disturbing thing I’ve read today. The current administration truly doesn’t care about Americans, their safety, or the pain caused by the illegal criminals invading our country.
— Carey (@Americanmom74) November 21, 2024

These parting actions encapsulate Biden’s entire god awful term.

Why is this not surprising. Sabotage the whole system and the world before Trump takes office.
— William douglas (@William53191104) November 21, 2024

They’re going to be progressively more destructive until the bitter end.

The most hateful, spiteful, destructive administration in our history.
— גי דוד – Super Free Man (@DBCWriter) November 21, 2024

Remember the old days when the outgoing Dem staffers just trashed the WH office for the incoming Rep? Biden is starting a war and collapsing our border. The puppet master is po’d.
— Bleu Cheque (@VERBAL_CHANCLA) November 21, 2024

Pax Imperialis says:

Filling the comment section with low effort copy past is obnoxious and stupid. Faggot, at least try to summarize and provide the link at the bottom.

T says:

Yes, slop-poasters are the worst.

Rod says:

Here’s a load of hot gae news about some really gay faggots spending the money you gave them on big faggoty dildos to fuck you with that I don’t expect non-faggots will read let alone understand just how far the depth of joo faggotry hidden behind it really goes.

Rod says:

Warned a lot of faggots in the West for ages that their gay gae pols and the globohomos behind them have been ensuring their gay life is gonna get fucked increasingly harder in the rectum by both commies and muslims and droids over the next decade, nothing seems to wake these faggots up, buy lube, you’re gonna need it…

“We’re incredibly excited to share the next evolution of our systems—NAUT amphibious capabilities with SENTRY kinetic and ISR payloads. This integration on the Ghost Robotics V60 is just one example of the many options available,” Onyx stated in the video’s description.

Varna says:

The Epochtimes is a Falun Gong/CIA operation.

They have solid stuff on internal issues like Covid and other elements of globohomo, but in terms of foreign policy are turbo-rino levels golems.

A2 says:

Not to be forgotten, one modern and progressive way to control costs that authorities seem to like, even enjoy, is the Canadian lethal injection.

Sher Singh says:
Sher Singh says:

He basically compares them to another ATGM & is overall dismissive of their ability to revolutionize war.

I’m 50-50 skeptical in the sense of you’re still going to see tanks, arty, jets etc on the field.

Also, I’d rather have a drone, rifleman & donkey to supplement a platoon vs 3 drones.

However, they can definitely kill you.
They also add a lot of capabilities at a lower financial, training (pilots) & manpower cost.

Jim says:

The article is unduly dismissive of droppers. Droppers in the hands of good man are enormously effective. Droppers in the hands of an ordinary idiot are fairly useless, and mostly they are in the hands of ordinary idiots, but when one is the hands of good man, he is worth a battalion and can accomplish miracles on the battlefield incomprehensible to normies. A good man flying a dropper can kill anyone he can see, and anyone he cannot see, but knows the hiding spot, and he can see everyone.

“don’t expect any grandiose changes to the nature of warfare because of drones”.

When you are up against an actually competent drone operator, the nature of warfare does change.

Fidelis says:

What is your basis for confidence in droppers? The article made the point that the vast majority of video shows dropper kills as finding an enemy not paying attention. There was that event a while ago now that you commented on, when a small group of Russians tactically overtook a fortified position where droppers played a role, but looks to me like that was a very small role. What played a bigger role there was reconnaissance and knowing the patrol patterns, and cleverly understanding how the enemy would react to a feint.

Where are you seeing droppers changing things in a serious way? I see drones as having drastically increased the strategic depth of maneuvering and reconnaissance, but not the strategic depth of “warheads on foreheads”. Looks to me like shotguns still work for the drones trying to drop a payload on you.

S says:

“This is why many of the videos you see of dropper kills are on targets sleeping in a trench or a tank with its hatches open & crew not paying attention. Complacency kills.

I won’t include examples because literally any drone can do this. You can buy the attention that holds & drops cargo on Amazon for like $20. Many are literally basic DJI drones you can get a Walmart.

It’s not easy to hit a target with an FPV drone, especially if they’re moving. According to my buddy over in the 12th Azov, their success rate (kill or wound) with FPVs is something like 20%. They usually miss or go down before they can hit a target.”

For $20, that is insanely effective. I think the writer has a skewed opinion.

Jim says:

> What is your basis for confidence in droppers?

One man and his droppers broke open the way for this entire offensive. The Ukrainians had been building a defence line all across the Donbas front for ten years, and the Russians got through it into less defended ground through Avdeevka.

Jim says:

> Where are you seeing droppers changing things in a serious way?

Drone surveillance makes it impossible to use large scale tank columns. In World War II we saw masses of hundreds of tanks charging into the other column of hundreds of tanks. The Russians had a go at this at the start of the Ukraine war, got slaughtered, and never tried again. The Ukrainians subsequently had their own go, got slaughtered, and never tried again. Tanks are built for this, with massive armor in front and a huge gun to shoot the front of the other tank. This front on front, frontal assault, tank warfare, the warfare for which all the tanks currently in use are built for, just has not been happening.

So what do you do when the enemy has a strong place? If you send men to charge over the wire as in World War I, they are just going to die. You just cannot take places like the Avdeevka Terrikon except by drone warfare.

Fidelis says:

I addressed this event. Looked more like the dropping played a very small role, the smart play was understanding the patrol patterns and making a clever feint. The men would have been cleared by guns if the dropping did not work, as the dropping did not kill all the defenders anyway.

Looks more like small unit tactics strategic depth change to me, where the real change in dynamics of the overall conflict was lighter more mobile anti-tank missiles, and more accurate artillery.

The change in artillery and small arms capable of destroying armor, opened up a niche for small unit tactics and drone plays. The real emphasis however lies on strategic maneuver of the small unit commanders, rather than skillful dropping or fpving. Another tool, not *the* tool.

Jim says:

I watched the video about White. Did not seem like that to me.

White’s men ran up a hill controlled by men behind a low wall at the edge of the top of the hill and in trenches behind the wall, and took it with zero casualties. You just cannot possibly do that unless you have first killed most of the men controlling the hill and terrorised the remainder. And the primary instrument for killing and terrorising was White’s dropper drone. You just cannot do that by feint and stealth. You have to break stealth and then do a run across steep open ground for quite a distance against men behind a wall. A wall from which everything can be seen for miles and everything can be shot for miles. It is a hill. A steep hill and not a small one. The feint was to distract the artillery, not the men on the hill. If there is a man with a rifle behind that wall, no one is going to make it to the top.

This hill had withstood endless conventional attacks, each of which had failed with enormous casualties and loss of equipment. What was the difference this time? One man and his dropper drone.

The world war one experience is that you just cannot take a strong place without enormous casualties. The world war two experience was that you can do it with a column of tanks, but that does not work any more. White took it with a drone. That is a fundamental change in warfare

Also, for a while “Military Summary” was reporting on one particular Russian drone operator, who, from his report, seemed to be individually and personally killing sufficient number of Ukrainians to personally have a significant impact on the war. He also reported a Russian operation involving substantial numbers of men and equipment which he interpreted as aimed at getting one particular Ukrainian drone operator.

Your link says a dropper drone is probably going to miss. But the drone is likely coming in fast and dropping from a few arms length distance just before it zips over your head. Whether it hits depends on the man behind the drone. And if the man behind the drone can hit one man, he can probably hit the next, and the next, and the next, and the one after that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Healthcare was great back when lodge practice was the norm (and when everyone was parcel of such bunds; social superstructure and capital).

The care from having a doctor on retainer beats care by commission every time, especially in terms of prophylactic care. You could always change doctors if you didn’t like it, and you do not have the same negative incentives for failing to cure or prevent issues.

Hiring a doctor on retainer could be expensive for those without means though, which thus became also one of the reasons people would join together in clubs, associations, and mannerbunds – the lodge having a doctor on retainer whose services members could make use of.

But of course, the AMA, like any organizations of spiritual bureaucrats, naturally hated this state of affairs; their neighbors having cheap and effective healthcare was a problem, and by moloch they were going to solve it, by ensuring that nobody except who they approved of, by practicing the way they approved of, could practice. The fact that they had to *answer* to people paying them for a service, as if they were some sort of *merchant*, was simply intolerable. No, arbitrary service for arbitrary fees on commission was the only way.

And in this endeavor, their lobbying found ready allies in fellow spiritual bureaucrats in the permanent ‘civil service’. Any excuse for more ‘oversight’ and ‘accreditation’ and ‘supervisory bodies’ is a good excuse. And so, any doctor working on retainer and especially working on retainer for lodges was crushed by lawfare, ending the best healthcare system in modern history. Later, the FDR regime of price controls creating the post-war system of multi-layer corporate-insurance company collusion for provision of healthcare was just a cherry on top by comparison.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(tabs mixed so this was not meant as a reply incidentally)

Jimmy says:

You nailed it. There’s a lot of blame to go around, but the operative force at the very bottom of the ruining of medicine is lawyers. Fixing tort law won’t fix the system, but the system cannot be fixed without fixing tort law.

And it’s not just medicine. Insurance companies make every important decision in every industry now, because in the business world insurance companies are the sovereign. They protect capital.

alf says:

Jim once proposed a dual healthcare system: a free and cheap one run by the state, meant to be shitty, and a market-priced private one, meant to be as good as you pay for. Whatever the answer, a system in which doctors and their customers have first say is infinitely preferable above this lawyer-bureaucrat-insurance mess.

someDude says:

Guys, why is no one talking about the danger of WW3 starting? If that happens, Trump is effectively neutralized regardless of what he has learnt since the last time. This is suddenly looking like the most important issue at the moment

Jim says:

They have fifty six days left to start World War III.

Small wars grow into big wars because one side sees some drastic escalation that will bring them some immediate advantage and the other side reacts. The west has no drastic escalations left that might bring them some immediate advantage. Short of a Nato Kursk style invasion from Estonia or somewhere similar. The west could take or blockade Kalingrad, but that is a symbolic strike. It would really piss the Russians off, but would not bring the west any advantage, so Russia would postpone dealing with that problem until they resolve the Ukraine problem. The west has no escalations left likely to provoke a fast Russian reaction. The Ukrainians tried to bring about a fast reaction by taking Kursk and blowing up the reactor, but failed. Russia won in Kursk by containing the attack, letting it slide and continuing to focus on Donbas.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Blockading Kaliningrad would at least force Moscow into some kind of sealift/airlift act to feed the place and keep their lights on. That would be incredibly costly.

This is interesting, because the public motivation for occupying Kursk was the same thing, to divert Russian resources. And that’s surely what they put in the Powerpoints. But I too believe that what they really wanted was to dynamite the nuclear power plant and give everybody cancer, or to at least have that option later, and if Kaliningrad had a nuclear power plant, we’d have heard about it by now.

Just the fact that Kaliningrad is still sitting there, relatively unmolested even after all this, tells us something. A dog not barking.

“If what you’re saying was true, then…”

ayyylmao says:

The hospitals and insurers are the loadbearing pillars of the evil. If every hospital and insurer were simply legislated out of existence like the Congress legislated the gold clause out of existence in 1933 America would instantly and rapidly begin growing healthier.

The analogy to the gold clause isn’t ideal but it does demonstrate the practical federal power to do nearly anything. All hospitals and insurers are effectively operating in interstate commerce within the reach of the Commerce Clause.

The Cominator says:

Basically yes. Destroy the entire hospital and insurance system in one fell swoop, allow anyone to do surgery if they hang up a “quack doctor” sign and make the actual surgical certification process less onorous and replace non surgeon doctors with AI and you fix the whole system.

ayyylmao says:

Clean slate. Nuke the fucking thing from orbit.

Milosevic says:

Jim have you reconsidered Twitter now it’s under new ownership?

Your presence there would be very interesting.

Bouncer says:

Jim seems to work best with long-form writing. NRx arguments don’t work as well in short form.
To do long-form writing on twitter/X one needs to be certified.
To be certified one must provide them with a credit-card payment and/or an ID.
NRx is full of thought-crime. Thought crime is treated as a far worse thing than real crime.
Prividing twitter/X with evidence of who you really are is suicide, mostly figuratively, but also literally, in the sense of: “When the SWAT team finally broke in, [Jim’s IRL name] had committed suicide with two shots to the back of the head“.

Milosevic says:

I think bypassing Twitter verification is fairly trivial.

Dan says:

X requires email address to read and post X, which can be tosser address.
X features require payment, which can *maybe* be gift visa or crypto visa, both of which might not have been obtained anonymousely.
X should accept crypto directly, one year in advance, even fucking Doge.

ayyylmao says:

You have to come out of the closet eventually. NSA already knows who you are.

Jim says:

The old NSA would have known. The new DEI NSA probably not.

They collect a tremendous amount of data, but some of their analysis software leaked, and it is really bad.

If you don’t know what data you are collecting, you are probably not collecting the data you actually need to collect, or it is getting lost in a pile that is far too big.

Bouncer says:

>”some of their analysis software leaked”
Would you have a link to more info on that? I’m curious to know what they’re up to these days.

Also, feel free to blog about just-war theory and re-use my comment/s earlier. I found the list of points online (from some wannabe do-gooder arguing the opposite, very poorly), and just added in the info.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

NSA knows, but NSA is also overwhelmed by exabytes of data collected for every single other point of interest.

It is always the low hanging fruit that gets picked. The machinery of state only moves when some manager personally points it at something he personally cares about. Something or someone who breaches the waters of notability to float on the surface. First you show up on some journalist’s radar, or the HR department’s radar, and then you get fingered. It’s the voluntary auxiliary thought police that are the real threat. And siloing your identities so that you can’t connect the dots with amateur detective sleuthing is both doable and necessary. The examples of Dread Pirate Roberts and out good friend Andrew Anglin are both demonstrative.

Sher Singh says:

Twitter & Substack are both gay & purple pilled.

We should all just be linking to Jim’s blog.

Why does Jim need to comment on every retard rambling?

Dan says:

Government Healthcare, much like most of government anything, never works. This is simply due to the fact that there is no longer free-market competition, no free-customer choice among that innovative competition, and the Govt becomes the ultimately violent negotiator and buyer of all resorts which strips innovation down to the most common low denominator and drives invlation and waste through subsidy which the market knows its coordinated high bids will always be paid.

Though I can’t force anyone in the market to publish prices,
I would call for them to do so, and I would start
up my own hospital that does, because I know that
I can beat them and attract throngs of customers.

The Govt should drop regulation, insurance mandates, licensing, subsidy, taxes, etc in order to make that possible.

Regarding quackery and bad surgeons… the consumer public will step in to fill that void by supplying rating and review models. The industry will also establish some degree of self-regulated trade organizations.

Nothing is ever free.
Things only work when you take personal responsibility and do the work necessary to build, maintain, and use good things.

Dan says:

Re Russia’s War of Opportunity

First I must state that I like RU people and country
and as such still think that it has all of its
original post-1989 potential, both internal and
external, still ahead of it. It is a vast beautiful
and rich nation. And even Putin is worthy of some
good admiration for his accomplishments to improve
some domestic things wholly inside Russia. Nor should
anybody go to war with RU across RU’s borders, caveat
Ukraine for the moment.

The USA is also still GAE and GAY as FUCK. But we
must remember, that for all the valid bitching and
facting about that… that before the USA went there,
someone else was, and that after the USA, someone
else will be. And then everyone will complain about
that one. Unfortunately GAE and GAY are not one and
done infections, they keep getting passed around
like GAIDS throughout history.

Let me attempt summary of external situation…

1989… USSR fell, wall fell, Berlin rejoined,
Satellites fell out. Putin had feels to join EuroWest
in various ways. US/UK/Euro relatively open types
like Kissinger liked to at least listen to those new
feels to see where they could go. US/UK/Euro
Messianics/Neocons/Hawks/GloboHomos/Jews didn’t,
perhaps because that was too “Euro” centric outcome
for their liking. So they gave Putin a verbal and
summary note on “No NATO Bigger” which he was later
the fool to believe, there was never any gold standard
formal written pact signed by everyone. Putin didn’t
give much reaction to this minor GeoPolitical loss
because it was more of a tabling than permanent hard
no, it carried no loss, and he was more busy trying
to handle keeping Russia from falling further apart

Then 1993 onward, the Satellites weighed their own
options and said “Fuck no we not going back to that
RU-ComSoc now Oligarch BS” and thus all chose and
fell into EU/NATO. Putin straight up lost this round
of GeoPolitical game and got very bent about it, but
they weren’t his countries anymore to begin with…
the USSR was over.

Then 2008, Ukraine and EuroWestNATO started getting
real friendly and flirting with each other. Putin
again got his panties in a bunch over this external
international development that wasn’t of purview in
his borders anymore. He kept whining about buffer
zones, but lots of countries of world hate each other
right next door, so absent any real threats, his
paranoia beginning to show.

Then 2014, Yanukoyvich got voted out, by hook or by
crook, but that is the way of Domestic and International
GeoPolitics… all is fair game except for initiation
of formal cross border armies in warfare. Both the
West and Putin were fucking around in Maidan, but
again UA outside the border purview of Russia.
Ultimately Ukraine’s populace rose up in mass protest,
by hook or crook, and settled the matter firmly
signalling their desire to align with EuroWest.
Putin really got completely butthurt over this…
Putin the Irredentalist and wannabe future Tsar,
lost his last remaining potential path the old Tsar’s
throne… the “Kievan Rus”… lost to the happenstance
of geopolitical winds of change as has been blowing
through all of Human history.

But he still saw one last Hail Mary path to grab
some small chunks to rule over… the UA Donbas and
even the three other UA regions that “spoke Russian”
and liked to do Russian culture shit. However, except
for the “separatist” violence below, they never went
through any process nor even just stood up on their
own and said “We declare Independence from UA and
will be joining RU”. (People’s of world should declare
more often anyways, instead of subjugating themselves
to the whichever blob has become the unjust ruling
tyrant enslaver over them).

From 2014 through Feb2022…

Putin first broke International Law by violating and
stealing Georgia with his armed forces.

Then Putin again broke International Law and violated
and stole Crimea with his armed forces.

But he still wasn’t a tough enough criminal to violate
and take Ukraine, so meanwhile he kept building new
weapons and stockpiles and training and selling
energy for money and gold… all in preparation for
breaking the Law again. Furthermore, Putin now became
publicly known to be funding his proxy fighters the
Ukranian “separatists” inside SouthEast Ukraine…
against Ukraine itself within Ukraine’s borders…
so this was yet another crime by Putin (his money
and weapons crossed into UA to assault UA and bypassing
Declaration of Independence, but his formal armies
didn’t yet cross in). But like Maidan and countless
other proxy squabbles throughout history, most
countries never bother to initiate war over it, too
risky and damaging, so they (UA) just fight in their
own lands (UA) to kill or purge the skirmish/colour
proxy out (of UA) and be done with it.

Then Jan2022, Putin spent a month writing himself
into delusion of his storybook manifesto, then
formally broke all norms of International Law and
Borders by launching his official armies into war
against UA across the borders of UA.

SINCE WWII, SINCE 1990, 2008, 2014, 2022… EVER…
not ever even ANY threats or even signals to do so

War is violence, war between countries has thus been
always and only defined as the moment of Crossing
Borders in violence. 2014 was NOT the “Cause” of
the Ukraine War. Putin’s Irredentalist Tsarism,
delusions, and paranoia was the cause of the Ukraine
War which he committed the moment he invaded Ukraine.

Putin is an Irredentalist Tsarist, a Delusional
unable to analyse that history changed, and dangerously
Paranoid unable to understand that the EuroWest has
NO interest whatsoever in taking Russia. (They would
be guilty and GAY AS FUCK if they did, vs taking up
a 1990 partnership.)

Now the situation is fucked, especially because
Biden’s entire team and Congress and Left are all
mindnumbingly retarded, weak, and GAY.

In the end, don’t go fucking around inside other
people’s countries, and sure as fuck don’t be the
one initiating violence of sending your armies across
other people’s borders.

NO COUNTRY now, except for UA, has any right in this
war between UA and RU, to EVER attack inside RU,
because no other country was attacked in this War
by RU but UA. If any other country first crosses the
RU border or has its army men fire across the RU
border into RU, then they are just as guilty of
initiating a new war as RU is.

I forsee equally likely…

1) Fully diplomatic solution as soon as Trump gets

2) Frozen unrecognized stalemate, which may or may
not ever go to 1 or 3.

3) Other countries from both sides will send forces
to fight in UA… to prevent WWIII all parties will
restrict themselves by declaring that the battle
remains in and for UA or SouthEast, nobody will
invade Russia or any other country, but the fight
in UA to push Russia back out (or to take the regions
or UA itself) will completely flatten the UA or its
regions in the process.

I caveat that, unless 1, the EuroWest and World are
perhaps unlikely to be keen on allowing Putin’s whims
to become a precedent setting dismantlement of
International Law re security protections against
initiating cross-border war. Humanity spent eons
figuring out that the initiation of violence against
someone (who has not first committed violence against
you, which is self-defense)… is NEVER OK. So
unless 1 happens, the tilt is really in the direction
of 3.

Evidence is this week, US then UK now FR, are all
saying UA can strike RU with anything, and that
EuroWest is now gearing up.

Jim says:

You, Dan, are nuts. This is too stupid to be rebutted, and too unrealistic to be discussed.

If the Soviet Union had overthrown the government of Mexico, would you think that the US would have done nothing about it?

An officially unofficial NATO base in Avdeevka was shelling Donbas, because Donbas would not hold the gay parade. The US intervenes all over the world because it claims that some government is oppressing some internal faction, as for example Syria. Why is it just fine for NATO to bomb the hell out of Serbia and invade Syria, and not OK for Russia to invade the Ukraine?

Dan says:


1) The US would be “nuts” to attack inside RU over that.

2) The US would be nuts to attack the RU that is now residing in the former MX, because that RU has by then already formally “overthrown” 0wn3d and populated the former MX with RU’s own defensive weapons, including nukes… the MX is now RU.

So yes, the US would be forced to “do nothing about it”, at least directly.

The US might go gobble up Kyrgistan or something nextdoor to RU, or nextdoor to the former MX like Cuba or Hunduras.

As before, Yanukovich lost the election, but because both the EuroWest and RU, and both sides of the civilian population of UA, and both sides of the Govt factions of UA itself, were all fucking around in that election, there is probably no definitive say on which crook’s hooks really were the most GAY in the UA.

If your “overthrown” does not mean an RU military invasion of MX, but instead means that RU Coloured/Proxied the MX Govt from that JEWESS who runs it now, over into somone who is more pro-RU, then…

3) it is MX who should have shot those Colour/Proxies dead as part of an internal Police action
4) yes, the US, at least as far as International Law goes, would have to just sit the fuck back and sulk over it.

Did US even try to be real friends/partners/allies with MX, such that they could then jointley repel some random agressors Colur/Invasion that then came along at MX?… no.

Did RU threaten to initiate attack on US in or after the process of “overthrowing” MX?… no.

Did the MX separatists Declare Independence?… no.

Did RU invite the MX separatists to move to RU?… no.

Did RU make formal request and negotians for Independance of Separatists, or to take separatists?… no.

Now *would* the US, or any other country for that matter, choose to “do something about that”? Without more detail of situation, I don’t know, even with more, no one knows.

But I do know that once you cancel and remove the ingrained universal unwritten Human agreement that Initiating Violence is guilty… that all Hell will then break loose, both worldwide and locally.

We are getting close to Hell of War these last weeks. In part because allowing GAY/JEW infestation cultivates its underlying Evil and distractions.

I’m happy to chat about specific items. Cheers 🙂

Jim says:

> But I do know that once you cancel and remove the ingrained universal unwritten Human agreement that Initiating Violence is guilty… that all Hell will then break loose, both worldwide and locally.

The US has been intervening all over the world since beginning of the cold war. Was the invasion of Syria not the initiation of violence, as well as a threat to Russian access to warm water via the Bosphorus?

The Donbass wanted to join Russia, and Putin sat on his hands for eight years while they were being shelled.

This war should have been settled two weeks after the Greatest Ukrainian Counter offensive began, which is when it became obvious that the war was lost and there was no point in continuing. With every day that passes, the West’s negotiating position gets worse and worse.

Bouncer says:

Wow Dan, a lot to unpack, but this, this needs rebutting:
>“the initiation of violence against someone (who has not first committed violence against you, which is self-defense)… is NEVER OK”

2. The Odessa massacre indicates unofficial “NGO” government elements of the Ukraine government initiated hostilities, disproving everything else you said, even if point 1 was not in effect.

K1 says:

God the Father has provided the clear, overarching, and forever final, point on this topic…

“You shall not murder. — Ex20:13”
“You shall not murder. — Deut5:17”

Bouncer says:

It is excellent that you agree Ukraine is in the wrong. As surprising as it seems to some, war is not murder, and killing is justified after grievous provocation.

Just-war theory as originally formulated by St. Thomas Aquinas states that to be considered as fought in accordance with God’s will, any war must be:

A. Waged For A Just Cause
The war criteria of “just cause” means that, in some overt way, a nation’s sovereignty is directly threatened. A hostile nation intent on actively pursuing ethnic cleansing of your ethic group, on your border, which is negotiating with a belligerent nuclear-armed opponent for the installation of military bases on your border also definitely ticks that box. Also, American expansion in eastern europe since 1991 is ungodly under Genesis 11:8, which states God deliberately scattered the nations and intended for them to remain thus. Collecting the nations into a single group is therefore ungodly, and how appropriate that the EU building in Brussels is styled after the tower of Babel.

B. Fought By and Against Competent Authority
The aggression against ethnic Russians living in Ukraine was promulgated by the authorities within the Ukranian government (at the gleeful prompting of the Biden government and the Obama government). Multiple people directly involved in burning people alive in Odessa are now ministers under Zelenski.

C. Comparative Justification
Ukraine’s actions are morally wrong according to biblical rules and Russia’s actions bringing the war are morally right – this should be apparent to anyone not blided by one-sided media coverage. There’s a 2016 documentary titled “Ukraine on fire”, which might help clarify Ukraine’s antagonism if you’re one of the people who never heard of the place before 2022.

D. Right Intention
The clearly-stated purpose of the war is to stop Ukraine’s murderous actions and ensure the safety and political freedom of the people of Lugansk and Donbass in the eastern regions of Ukraine. Had Zelenski & Co. not tried to pull a fast one, this would have all been avoided.

E. Last Resort
All other reasonable means of resolving the conflict were seriously tried and exhausted – NATO encouraged Ukraine to negotiate between 2014-2022 only with the intent of rearming Ukraine to continue its vicious policy in the eastern provinces. Boris Johnson instructed Zelenski to not agree to any sort of negotiated peace treaty when fighting began in 2022.

Bouncer says:

Ah, I almost forgot:

F. Probability Of Success
Entering a war is foolish and harmful unless there is a high probability of success. Russia is winning the conflict, Ukraine is inventing whole new categories in the concept of “picking a fight and losing it”.

G. Proportionality Of Results
The positive results of the war’s success must be greater than the losses that will inevitably occur from pursuing the war. Russia will gain stability, peace for ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, and reduced global support for US government warmongering like what led up to the present “crisis”.

H. Right Spirit
All war must be undertaken with reluctance, sobriety and counsel. Those who engage in war must do so with great sorrow. As Psalm 68:30 says: “He has scattered the peoples who delight in war.
Pretty obvious that that neocons and warhawks who encouraged Zelenski were delighted at the thought of millions of deaths, never expecting them to be from their own side.

Jim says:

I need to promote this excellent comment into a blog post.

someDude says:

Echoes with our concept of a Dharma-Yuddha, a war waged to uphold principles of righteousness

Jim says:

Although I said this was too stupid to be rebutted, here is rebuttal.

The war is lost. The west is out of weapons, the Ukraine is out of men. The west has to concede everything, because Russia is systematically eradicating what little remains of the Ukrainian army. And if it does not concede, the killing continues. In the lead up to this war, and during this war, the Ukraine rounded up more than two million men. Most of them are gone. Europe’s armies are now disarmed, because all their stuff has been sent to the Ukraine. The European armies are small. Throw them all in, gone in a year if they are eliminated at roughly similar rate to the rate the Ukrainian army is being eliminated. The west could conscript a whole lot more. But so could Russia. Not to mention if Europe goes into Ukraine, and starts mass conscription, this war will not remain conventional for very long.

The outcome of this war was never in doubt. What repeatedly astonished me, and what I did not predict, nor expect, was that our elites were so utterly out contact with reality that they just kept on going for this long. I kept expecting the Ukrainian army to fold, but it just goes on shrinking and shrinking. If Europe puts troops in, the outcome will not change, just how long it goes for and the number of dead.

Bill Gates is summarily guilty of one count of first degree murder for each and every person worldwide who died of the ChinaVirus or its “vaccine”. This ultra-villain must be brought to justice and given one maximum sentence for each count. He is literally the worst person in the world, worse than Mao and Obama put together.

The Cominator says:

There are 1000s of people who need to be put under MKUltra torture to find out what they knew about covid. This includes every Democrat of high ranking office, their equivalents in European countries, the top ranks of the Chinese CCP (hard to get to I know but this is one circumstance where I’m justified hating a foreign regime and not just the US), anyone connected to ecohealth, every Jesuit on the planet (including Fauci of course), all high ranking public health types in the US, and because of the Jesuit connection also every high ranking Catholic Church leader on the planet especially if they reside in the Vatican.

I would have them all interogatted under torture and then executed. There should be zero mercy for anyone who participated in the covid scam.

Dan says:

Progressivism And The Murder Of A Health Insurance CEO

There Is No Right To A Minimum Wage
One of the most popular economic fallacies of our time is the belief that the absence of a minimum wage would lead to limitless exploitation of employees in the economy.

People being fooled into voting for and giving their power away to Politicians… ALWAYS gets the people fucked in the end, always, every single time, worldwide, without fail, century after millenia, guaranteed.

The world and life was far much better and free before the Progs Marxists and even the Jews rolled up 125 years ago… more or less creating their “modern” politic systems (aka: unneeded bullshit over your life) out of thin air, simply for sake of their own power. Downhill ever since.

And if you in USA, they just put you $625B in more debt already in first two months of the Govt Budget year, that’s $1810 put on your ass in two months, with no benefit to you, and that’s per pop so it’s more like $3000+ on you, lol.

Search: US Debt Clock

You’re bankrupt, just like every other Pol’s Kool-Aid drinking populace in history 🙂

Shut down your Govts, permanently, if you want to live.
There is no alternative.

Jim says:

Cannot shut down the government, or else someone who has not shut down their government will conquer you.

Have to always have a state religion, or someone who does have a state religion will conquer you, albeit is a somewhat more covert and subtle fashion.

Cannot have a state religion with open entry, or it will succumb to a holiness spiral.

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