Chinese engineers are weak at creativity. They have an alarming tendency to dutifully follow and implement specifications literally without regard for what the specifications are intended to achieve. But this should not slow catch up too much, as they are smart, industrious, and dutiful. As general rule, engineers from the periphery of the Han Hegemony, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, are a lot better at tasks that require insight and judgment …
Yarvin’s finance plan
This is a very late response to Neurotoxin’s excellent review of Yarvin on finance. But I don’t care that it is late. The Dark Enlightenment does not need an accurate understanding of the existing finance system until it is time to eat their lunch, which will not be for a few years, and I am writing for the ages, not for this week, this year, this decade, or even this …
Merry Christmas
A merry Christmas to all, and peace on earth to all men of goodwill.
End of pretence of democracy rescheduled to 2024
Shortly after the election was stolen, I predicted that Republicans would never win anything ever again, and that Trump would go to prison, soon to be followed by most of the Republican party. But, it seems that I was running on Musk time.  If you want to know what our enemies are up to, listen to what they accuse us of. Social Justice Warriors always project. Hat tip PJ Media: …
Satanic symbolism at the vatican
The papacy is maintaining a studied ambiguity as to whether they worship God or Satan Outside view of papal reception hall Inside view of papal reception hall Close up inside view This resembles the infamous Socinian ambiguity when they were conducting entryism against the Church of England in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth century, as to whether Christ was God or an enlightened Jewish community organizer who was regrettably less …
The end of gold
Gold has been great insurance against crisis and collapse for five thousand years. Now it ends. The gold bugs are whistling in the dark. Currently there is about ten trillion in gold value held in private hands, about one trillion in crypto currency, primarily bitcoin. So gold still dominates crypto currency by capital value. But volume of crypto currency transactions dominates volume of gold transactions, because it is a lot …
Not the Babylon Bee
Somewhat after the last minute, they have proceeded with the real case against Kyle. A bunch of peaceful protestors peacefully protested by smashing cars and setting buildings on fire. The militia showed up toting guns, Kyle among them, to stop this. The peaceful protesters felt this was extremely provocative. Kyle saw a fire, and unwisely went towards it alone carrying his gun and a fire extinguisher. Ziminski was smashing up …
The strange acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse
It looks like Kyle is about to be acquitted, probably on all counts, including the count of carrying a gun while seventeen. Bizarrely, Kyle is being acquitted merely because it is glaringly obvious that he is a hero and straight shooter who was defending himself against vicious savage subhuman trash trying to murder him. Huber and Jump Kick Man attack Gaige Grosskreutz attempts to murder Kyle Why did this extraordinary …
The radicalism of the new regime.
Namefag Yarvin predicts fifty years of the Brezhnevian stagnation. I predicted that that revolutionary change would ensue as fast as Russia, where the Kadets were in power and then out of power so fast it gave them whiplash. I predicted that the Republicans would never win another election in America, and they just won some, falsifying my prediction. But … This is free money being handed out to friends of …
All FIPS compliant cryptographic libraries are backdoored and in the pocket of our enemies
As are many non FIPS compliant cryptographic libraries. We know from the Snowden leaks that the NSA has spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to make sure that cryptographic implementations have backdoors supplied for the NSA. A good way to make money is to construct a cryptographic library, and, if it gets to be widely used, a mysterious and secretive generous benefactor will show up. To resolve the dragnet …