The color revolution playbook

September 11th, 2020

I have been reading the color revolution playbook. It is phrased in politically correct lies, so this is a translation.

  • A powerful elite faction backing the color revolution
  • Lawfare to protect criminal acts by that elite faction and their mobs
  • Loud denunciation of the sovereign
  • Tight discipline and strong organization of the color revolutionaries
  • Much noise that the election result gave an outcome different from that which it appeared to give.
  • Massive astroturf on the streets
  • Providing cover for treasonous elements in the sovereign’s coercive forces to remove the sovereign.
  • If the traitors are defeated by the loyalists, the US air force bombs the &%@# out of the offending loyalist forces.

The reason that the treasonous elements of the coercive apparatus succeeded in past color revolutions was the threat or actuality of US air force bombing. This may not be available in this attempt at color revolution. Nonetheless, it would be advisable for Trump to ready anti air capability in the vicinity of the Whitehouse for the election outcome dispute, as he readied counter snipers for a Maidan massacre in Lafayette Park.

Under Obama, the US air force dropped thirty thousand tons of explosives on loyalist elements in Libya. It is likely that similar orders will be given after the November election, though whether they are likely to be obeyed is another question. They will be less likely to be obeyed if there are loyalist anti air capabilities in the vicinity of the Whitehouse.

You will notice that an election is a critical part of this playbook, so previous efforts at color revolution in the US were aborted when they ran into headwinds. They are planning to go at it for real come November, as disputing an election outcome is the best time for color revolution. The BLM riots are dress rehearsal, training and organizational drill. If the planned attempt following the November election fails, they are likely to give up. The rejection of the election outcome come November will be their make it or break it window.

Due to Trump’s arrests and internal incohesion in the left, the tight discipline and strong organization part does not seem to be working out too well. They are overrun with IQ 100 wiggers, who claim superior holiness on the basis of critical race theory.

Loud denunciations are having diminishing effect, and the mainstream media is discrediting itself, which will limit the effect of loud announcements that Dems won the election, and that Trump is criminally failing to acknowledge Democrat election victory.

in the event of competing delegations that claim to be electors of each state the house and senate have to authorize the electoral college presented by the states. The senate is unlikely to approve obviously fake delegations, and the house is unlikely to approve the real ones, leading to an electoral college with numerous states missing, and whose legitimacy no one accepts, or to two competing electoral colleges. The plan is to launch civil war at that point, with warm ups and trials of strength for the civil war well in advance.

The shots heard around the world.

August 30th, 2020

The cold civil war is turning hot.

What always happens is that authorities take sides. And different authorities are taking different sides. As things get hotter, expect mass arrests of normies in blue state cities.

I do not expect high altitude bombing of cities and mass artillery barrages until 2024 or so, but escalation has been happening steadily, dramatic escalation just happened, and escalation will continue. Vox Day has long predicted 2033, but I have for decades predicted 2024-2026. Things seem to be happening on my schedule, maybe faster, looks to me we are now ahead of Vox Day’s schedule.

In the sixties they came to Detroit to burn people’s homes, destroy their businesses, and drive them out. And now they have come to middle America in flyover country. Kenosha is small town America in center of flyover country. We are out of places to run to. If we retreat to cabins in the woods and do business by videoconference, they will come to us when the shops in Kenosha are cleaned out.

Fortunately for us, the war has started with clean cut boy scout Kyle Rittenhouse versus evil Jewish hardcore felon Joseph Rosenbaum.

As he leaves the group of militiamen guarding the car lot, a group of antifa pursue him with deadly weapons and attack him.

All of those that attacked him have criminal records, in particular Joseph Rosenbaum.

Kyle shot three of his attackers, two of them fatally, one will be one armed for life.

We could not have started the civil war on a better opening: We are the good guys, who will protect you, they are the bad guys who intend to burn your homes and businesses and kill you if you resist. This is way better optics than starting it over tearing down statues and desecrating churches.

As individuals, we can retreat to cabins in the wilderness and work by video conferencing, if Musk gets his internet in space working. But cities matter for organizing collective violence. If we abandon all the cities, we will find ourselves in same boat as South African farmers.

Any solution has to be “Here is how to end the war victoriously and quickly”, or, more realistically, “Here is how we can make peace once the combatants have been exhausted and the logistic base of one side or both sides has been destroyed or exhausted.”

We have passed the point where a handful of executions could stop the left singularity from getting lefter. Any compromise peace that allows the left to keep getting lefter will collapse. Any solution is going to require a significant number of major enemy figures being permanently removed from circulation.

And as the war escalates (or if the left is temporarily victorious, as the left singularity goes ever lefter) the number of figures whose removal is required to end the left singularity will increase.

Fortunately for us, the civil war has not started with antifa versus fascists, but antifa versus normie boy scout types.

Shoot me” says Joseph Rosenbaum to militia.

Since they don’t shoot him, he later attacks a militiaman with a deadly weapon. Shots heard around the world ensue.

The left is not agreement capable. They cannot make peace.

If we win, which will likely require killing several hundred, perhaps several thousand, of them -(obviously killing two of them was not sufficient) we will impose peace. If they win, they will impose war. It will go on, and on, and on, like the great communist democides, killing millions, perhaps as with the seven kill stele, killing everyone, as each leftist tortures other leftists to death for insufficient leftism, till the land is utterly emptied.

Law is only possible if there is order and peace. Peace requires victory Order requires victory. Victory requires war.

Victory in war requires a leader. We will lose if the boogaloo happens without a clear national leader. The time approaches for Trump to step up the job of commander in chief.

I hope he is waiting because he plans to restore order close to the elections, giving our quarreling enemies the rope they need to hang themselves.

Trump rescued the McCloskey’s and brought them the RNC convention.

He brought Nick Sandmann to the RNC convention, and presumably would have rescued him if he was charged.

Trump needs heroes and has been rescuing the heroes he needs. He will rescue the kid who defended life and property against Antifa and the BLM

The red meat at the Republican National Convention: The left hates you and hates me, intends to destroy our lives. Hates regular normies who work for a living, obey the law, and just want the authorities to let them be. Biden is in the pocket of the left, or too “sleepy” to control them, and Kamala Harris is the left. She hates us, and when she is president, will destroy us.

Kenosha was the first shots. There will be more shots. Violence will escalate until one side wins and one side loses. That is how large scale violence works, that is the nature of war, that is why you cannot have half war and half peace, cannot have “mostly peaceful protests”, except that they are rendered peaceful by being crushed.

Violence will always escalate, until someone wins, and someone loses. That is the nature of violence.

If the side that chants “Death to America” wins, legacy Americans will be exterminated not long thereafter.

We will win, or we will die.

Yes, but ideas usually do rule

August 24th, 2020

This is a reply to “Ideas never rule“.

Ideas never rule, in that it is always a human backside on the throne. Ideas always rule, because no man rules alone, so he has to maintain cooperation over a group of men considerably larger than close kin can supply.

Men rule, but how do they rule?

Through guns, ideas, and fashion. Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion more powerful than ideas.

Aidan contrasts Napoleon, man of action, with Maximilien Robespierre. But Robespierre had no title, no legal authority. Rather ideas ruled, and were personified as “Robespierre”, their most notable advocate, after they cut off Robespierre’s head. Infogalactic describes him as “a French lawyer and politician, and one of the best-known and most influential figures of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.” Notice the complete lack of any job titles or executive authority in that description.

As for Napoleon, man of action: Napoleon, man of action, lost his army in Russia because of logistics, and logistics failed because the “Continental System” was ideology over economics. Napoleon, man of action, got himself into a holy war with the Spanish people over religious issues. Napoleon, man of action, chose to converge Christianity to the Cult of Reason, and the Spanish did not feel like being converged.

You could say that under Napoleon ideas ruled considerably less than they had when Robespierre was “influential”, because there was a human backside on the throne, whereas when Robespierre was “influential”, the throne was empty. But ideas ruled Napoleon, caused him great losses in Spain, and destroyed him in Russia.

And what of America today? Does Trump rule, or Harvard rule?

Mostly Harvard. And Harvard would not put its backside within ten feet of the throne. Harvard rules ideas, and ideas rule America. Do men rule Harvard – obviously, but they rule facelessly, through secret peer review, much as Puritans ruled in the time of Barebone’s parliament.

And what of Russia today?

Putin rules. And Putin, like Napoleon, like Cromwell, like Caesar, is a warrior. But he is also a priest. His background is the secret police, the inquisition, who are warrior priests.

When he causes weapons to be created that can deny the US airsea superiority over Russia, the warrior is thinking and acting. But his major concern is not America’s airsea advantage, but Russia’s spiritual security. He is building magnificent weapons, and magnificent Cathedrals – the one as much to resist American power as the other.

Putin knows you need a State Religion to beat a State Religion. Soviet Russia collapsed because Stalin killed all the true believers in communism, so Putin is reviving Russia’s old State Religion. Putin rules, but he knows how Harvard rules. Harvard rules by manipulating language and ideas.

Does Putin believe in Russian Orthodoxy any more than he believed in communism? Or does he think both of them are glue to hold society and state together, and Russian Orthodoxy is better glue?

Maybe, maybe not, but it is easier to believe in Russian Orthodoxy, for its important claims are not of this world, and not subject to falsification by the facts of this world, while cult of reason was embarrassingly unreasonable.

Whether Putin believes or not, white people are once again building magnificent Cathedrals, after centuries of abandonment and desecration. There is an idea, made manifest in steel and glass, and that idea rules, denying Harvard the power to rule.

So, do men or ideas rule? When the ideas are useful, true, beautiful, and good, hard to tell the difference. When the ideas are evil, stupid, and apt to destroy ruler and ruled, easy to tell the difference. Ideas are ruling us today. A black mob burning, looting, and smashing is not black men ruling, but white men bowing. And what are they bowing to? They bow to an idea: “Black Lives Matter”. A chimp would look at that and see black men ruling, but the chimp would be wrong.

In Putin’s Russia, men bow before the altar.

War is coming

August 23rd, 2020

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed.

This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and large scale military violence, rather than the consensus of the elite, became the principal method for resolving political disputes) but we can hope. With luck and courage, the death spasms of the American Republic may be over in a considerably shorter time.

Because of the incohesive nature of a left singularity, a civil war ensuing from a left singularity frequently has a swift and decisive outcome. Leftists start wars unwisely, because the war is started by the leftmost to grab power within the left from those slightly less left than themselves, without much concern, or even interest, in how to end the war victoriously. Conversely, we cannot win a war without an all powerful imperator, so everyone on our side has to impatiently await Trump’s command and refrain from doing anything that would screw up his optics. Trump is aware of what is happening, and has a past record of playing threedee chess while his opponents are playing checkers (as with the Deep State efforts to attain war with Russia over Syria) so, while Trump’s zigzags are frequently disturbing and disappointing, we have no alternative but to trust what he is up to. Who else is there?

Trump appeared to have capitulated to the Cathedral on Syria, and appeared to be escalating the war on Syria and heading into war with Russia as they had long intended and demanded, but when the dust settled, he had the oil, he had peace with Russia and Syria, and the Cathedral’s proxies in Syria had bullets in their heads. Similarly, the much delayed wall, now being built under assorted emergency powers using funds that Congress refused to authorize. The power of the president grows, as Trump enthusiastically milks Obama precedents – except that this time around, it is actually president using those precedents, rather than an army of nameless bureaucrats.

After the election, many states will report a delayed result. The final result that they eventually report is likely to reflect a great deal of political violence during the remarkably prolonged counting process. A quick and decisive result is likely to reflect quick and decisive state violence.

If Trump wins, Democrats do not intend to respect the result. “Not my president”. They did not respect the result last time, and even less will they respect it this time.

I have predicted a Trump autocoup for a long time, and it has not happened, but we are with increasing speed approaching a situation where there will be a Trump autocoup, or Trump dies. Whichever happens, the trend to political disputes within the elite being resolved by violence will accelerate. The Democrats crossed the Rubicon with Sheriff Joe. If the left can resolve political disputes by arresting its political opponents, why not the right? If the right cannot, then very soon the insufficiently left will find that they cannot either. If we do not have civil war between Progressivism and National Capitalism this year, we will have it between different strands of Progressivism shortly thereafter.

A lot of normies hope and expect that Democrat victory, obtained by whatever means, will result in the restoration of normality. This is unlikely. The Clinton crime family could rule the Democrats. Who can rule the Democrats today? Kamala Harris? Like Biden himself, she is a transitional figure, chosen for her incapacity to govern, by shadowy people who hope to govern, by rather too many shadowy people with rather too many agendas. If the Democrats win, chaos and violence will escalate. Observe the current condition of the blue states: lockdown and blood in the streets. If Trump wins, it will not necessarily diminish – it took Augustus Caesar a long time to impose some sort of order on the Roman Government, and Trump has not got as much time as Augustus Caesar had. The job will have to be finished by his successor, if it is ever finished.

Everyone outside a rapidly shrinking Overton window is apt to called a Russian agent. If democrats regain control of the security apparatus, these “Russian agents” are going to be arrested. The deep state hopes to rule, but the deep state is far from being in agreement as to who shall rule the deep state.

The Democrats response to the China Flu emergency was and is “never let an emergency go to waste”, hence the odd response of emptying the hospitals and locking people sick with China Flu in old people’s homes, resulting in astonishingly high death rate in New York State, among others. Lockdown is a blue state thing, and a blue municipality thing, with a wildly inconsistent patchwork of lockdowns on the Democrat Republican divide. In some places, school attendance is mandatory, while right next door school attendance is forbidden. The high death rate in Democrat states reflects “never let an emergency go to waste”, while the substantially lower death rate, and often radically lower death rate, in Republican states reflects a somewhat relevant and rational approach to dealing with a public health problem. If the Democrats win, expect no end of similar emergencies. The Democrats intend to immanentize the eschaton through emergency. It is a path that allows them to move along without any underlying agreement on what the eschaton is going to look like or any single authority that is attempting to impose one eschaton rather than another. Should the Democrats win, expect an unending stream of emergencies backed by startling violence. New York State cannot stop one man who walks along the subway smashing stuff, but can arrest you with the greatest of ease for opposing him, or for violating China Flu emergency, even though New York has long since reached herd immunity. New York State, now suffering white flight and elite flight as Detroit did, fleeing rapidly escalating political violence, as everything becomes political. If the Democrats win, everywhere will be New York State, and there will be no place to flee to.

The normies want normal to return, but the Democrats do not intend normal. They intend an immanent eschaton. The Democrat program is Portland and New York State. Since this is violently unpopular, they have little use for continuing the pretense of democracy, though doubtless for a very long time to come, everything that will be done will be done in the name of democracy if the Democrats win, and in the name of the Republic if Trump wins.

I hope that this gets quietly sorted out by a bunch of arrests for election tampering the day after the election, but have made preparations for the case that it goes all the way to the Seven Kill Stele.

The three magic words

August 7th, 2020

Civilization is collapsing, the revolutionary political crisis is approaching, but, worse than that Heartiste has stopped posting on game, and Roosh has turned tradcuck. So even though I have sworn this is not going to be a game blog, and my life has demonstrated times without number that no end of men are better qualified to post on game than I am, I guess I will have to step into the gap, at least a little bit.

The three magic words are not “I love you”

The three magic words are “You are mine”.

Every now and then I grab my woman while she is doing something and start groping her, and she protests indignantly and sometimes struggles a bit, but she loves it. And sometimes when I do so, I say “Mine”, or “You are mine”.

Men want to own women, and women want to be owned by manly men, but no one gets what they want. Instead we spin plates, while she waits for the next booty call from someone more manly than ourselves.

When a chick says “I love you”, it is always a shit test. She wants to see if she can control you by making you tell her you love her on demand. If she can, you have failed the shit test, she will not remember you exist, and will look all the way through you. You should tell her you love her unpredictably and considerably less often than she tells you she loves you.

If you regularly fail at shit tests, she will scarcely remember your name. It will be like one of those names she had to remember in order to pass a history test, and this is an important and frequent shit test.

This is commandment One and Five in Heartiste’s Sixteen Commandments of Poon. Though I would give it several months between when she says “I love you” and you eventually getting around to saying it, and I say “I love you” back about one third of the time that she says “I love you”.

I have followed the Sixteen Commandments of Poon both instinctively, and through long and painful experience, long before Heartiste started blogging, and they are the greatest short summary of that small part of game that can be put into readily intelligible words.

Game, however is more readily intelligible if we understand it through the lens of Evolutionary Game Theory, which should be understood as a materialistic account of the spiritual truths of the first part of the Book of Genesis, Evolutionary Game theory being, for higher animals, primarily evolutionary psychology, evolutionary psychology being in large part the application of game theory in the context of natural selection, the moral consequences of material and effective causation, the Logos.

Evolutionary Game theory is an account in terms of material and effective causation, in terms of chance and necessity, the Book of Genesis tells us something about how the consequences of Evolutionary Game Theory are the Will of Gnon.

The ancestral environment of the higher races of man was the interior of the Eurasian land mass, and this is where successive waves of more advanced humans came from, the most recent such wave being the Aryans, who emerged from somewhere near the Caspian sea, equipped with bronze weapons, small horses (the horse had not yet been bred the capacity to carry a man on its back) and chariots, with their homes and possessions in carts. This is an environment where extreme seasonal differences made it necessary to accumulate capital and maintain technology. You cannot survive there without stuff and considerable thought and preparation for the next season. Thus not only were they under higher selection for forethought, industriousness, scientific thought, and smarts (hence the bronze weapons) they were under higher selection for successful family formation. Mars is a harsher environment, and will be a stronger filter.

A single women cannot effectively own stuff, particularly in the ancestral environment where being able to defend stuff is a very large part of being able to own it, and are maladapted to possessing property except on behalf of an alpha male. Hence the common pattern in a divorce where the wife expects the last guy who gave her a booty call, who is way handsomer and more charismatic than her husband, to marry her, but no more booty calls are forthcoming, then her husband gets a new woman way younger than she is, wherupon she pisses away her share of the family assets and wrecks the lives of her children. Mars will not succeed with a system that allows assets to get into weak hands.

For the higher races to reproduce, have to prevent women from continuing to cruise for a higher alpha all their fertile years. If not allowed to cruise, property of the first male they have sex with, and compelled to honor and obey.

For about the cost of two dates, you can have a hooker, and it is not an adequate substitute. Hookers are only a marginal improvement over masturbation. What progressives offer men, a rotating series of hookups, is just not what most men want, as revealed by men’s actions.

Yes, a harem is better than just one wife, but a changing rotation of whores is not a harem. The point of having more than one woman is having more than one woman. If I sleep with several women that is really great. If one of them sleeps with another man that is really bad and I will certainly dump her, probably beat her, and might well kill her. I will be very angry and sad for a very long time.

Roosh eventually discovered the downside of spinning plates and serial hookups.

Look at the typical male polyamorist. He is psychologically scarred and mentally crippled for life. Having a bunch of whores rather than owning a woman, or better, owning two women, just really sucks brutally. Those guys are traumatized for life.

It unmans men, as if every day a bully beat them up, and they could do nothing about the daily humiliation but suck it up. Just look at what it does to men. It would be kinder to cut their balls off, which is pretty much what progressives are planning to do to us.

The typical male polyamorist looks as if a fat blue haired feminist has been beating him up every day – indeed, he would probably love it if a fat blue haired feminist beat him up every day.

Whores are a marginal improvement on beating off to anime, and hookups a marginal improvement on whores. When men are reduced to such desperate straights, it totally crashes their testosterone and they buy an anime cuddle pillow and weep bitter tears upon it.

We are maladapted to watching the decline from the pool.

Roosh took the wrong redpill from realizing that banging sloots becomes unfufilling after a while. He wants a 50s family life as men generally do, but needs to realize its impossible without a restoration of some degree of de jure patriarchal authority.A convincing claim to be backed by the supreme alpha, and a plausible willingness to carry out his will on adultery, adultery as defined in the Old Testament, serves as a substitute for de jure backing of patriarchal authority.

The Old Testament prescribes the death penalty for a man who sleeps with someone else’s wife or betrothed, and the death penalty for the woman if she consented. And who gets to carry out that penalty?

Well, that is not defined. In the time of judges, Israel was somewhat anarchic, so presumably the husband and his family and friends. In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon assumes that system, though he implies some regulatory restraints, so that continued to be the system under King Solomon.

That is the best system, because the state or the official priesthood monopolizing the killing of adulterers emasculates the husband, and thus makes adultery more likely.

We should be wise as serpents, and I fear that Roosh has lost focus on the wisdom of serpents.

Roosh now advocates not using game to find a wife because women that need game and PUA tactics to catch will most likely not make for loyal Christian wives.

Once, however you meet a woman, it is game on. If he suggests otherwise he is absolutely wrong.

It is always game on. There is no rest for men. We are always on stage. We can only be ourselves when there are no women around.

I have a serious disagreement with him about wise behavior in a fallen world. In a fallen world, we should be as wise, and preferably wiser, than the minions of Satan, as well as cooperating more successfully.

Most of the minions of Satan are fools and liars, and should not be listened to, but Heartiste speaks the truth. Roosh feels, correctly, that the wisdom of Heartiste and himself is apt to be used for evil and destruction, that it facilitates choices that are unwise for oneself, and damaging to others, but that is a choice that each of us must make for ourselves. Good people must be armed with the same or better knowledge than bad people. When Jesus told his followers to get swords, he meant sharp swords, and not to draw them lightly, but have them at the ready to be drawn.

You have to bang them, or they are not going to stick around. If a man and woman spend more than a week together without banging, they are going break up, unless the woman is literally kept locked in by her father between suitor visits. Plus you want very much to bang them. Same night lays are difficult (though if in an international tourist spot where you can plausibly claim that you have to go to the airport tomorrow afternoon, less difficult) but second week lays are also difficult.

There is no substantial distinction between the fast seduction arsenal, and the seduction at all arsenal. A sword cuts the same whether wielded for good or evil.

The prohibition against adultery is against sleeping with other men’s wives and betrothed, and the prohibition against fornication is against disrupting other people’s families and other men’s patriarchal authority. Since marriage as traditionally understood has long been illegal, and the family court and child protective services are rapidly moving towards making family illegal, there is not much likelihood of committing adultery or fornication these days.

Listen to Heartiste, but, as Roosh discovered, there are better lives than watching the decline. Heartiste speaks the truth, and an important truth, and everything he says is true and important, and unlike most of Satan’s servants should be listened to with attention, but when he truthfully tells you that that watching the decline from poolside is the easiest way, and the better way is hard and dangerous, and likely to end in terrible failure, he is telling a truth that serves his master.

The redpill must always outrank everything… Otherwise you are preaching something other than truth, and Roosh is now preaching something subtly different from the truth. The Old Testament celebrates physical desire. There is just no mention of this chaste eros stuff. Sexual love and sexual desire are inseparable. That is what makes them sexual.

Roosh suggests that you search for a good woman. Wrong! Women are blown where the winds take them. All women are like that. A good woman is good because she is subject to the authority of a good man. All woman are naturally bad unless under the authority of a good man. There are no unicorns. No Women Are Like That. (You should however search for a woman with a low count, and a count of zero is infinitely preferable, for otherwise she is likely to forever carry a torch for the bad boy who got away, regarding you as a regrettable and inferior temporary substitute.) All women are good when nestled securely under the thumb of right patriarchal authority. The late eighteenth century, early nineteenth century Australian authorities had seemingly complete success in turning whores into wives, by making their husbands strong.

You cannot make a housewife out of a ho in our current environment, because she will see you as weak compared to numerous pimps she has been with. However late eighteenth, early nineteenth century Australia had swift and total success in making ho’s into wives. When the elite shotgun married them off, they reacted as if abducted from the weaker tribe into the stronger tribe, and completely internalized the values of the stronger tribe – which required and expected respectable female behavior. Female virtue is more easily obtained if you are more manly than anyone she has been with previously and a bit scary than by searching for it. Of course, in today’s environment, you don’t have backing from your tribe, you have hostility from your tribe. This makes things far more difficult than in late eighteenth century Australia, but not impossibly so. You have backing from God.

Evolutionary psychology predicts that women want the semen of men who are successful with women, while also wanting to hang with men who will protect them and look after them, because such a man is likely to look after his children. The female fantasy, expressed in a number of films, is a loving husband whom they do not have sex with, and a parade of alpha male cads whom they do. This is the equivalent of the male harem fantasy, except that the harem is serial rather than parallel. Most women do not however attempt this, expecting the obvious reaction, just as males are frequently a little nervous about asking a girl for a threesome with her sister.

A propensity to beat her and treat her as easily replaceable is indication that she is easily replaceable, hence indication of success with other women. Actual infidelity is also evidence of success with other women. Thus evolutionary psychology predicts that women will like an alpha asshole with a touch of beta provider – will like someone who looks after her and protects her, but also beats her, treats her as easily replaceable, and sleeps with other women.

It is the nature of women to think of their man before they think of themselves. If she thinks of you after she thinks of herself, then she still carries a torch for the bad boy who got away.

Sex is not a reciprocal activity. Men conquer, woman surrender, but men perform and woman choose.

The mating dance has not been accurately depicted in media since the sixties. (Though it is still accurately depicted in Communist Chinese media, but the Chinese are too alien, too different.)

If you don’t perform the mating dance correctly, will get nowhere fast. The dance is complimentary but asymmetric.

Women want to be commanded, want to serve, want to surrender, want to be valuable to a strong man, want to make him a sandwich, want to bear him children and warm his bed. But they want a strong man, preferably in a strong tribe, and their perception of strength is primitive compared to that of males. And they will never stop testing you for strength.

This is why, when you are trying to get a chicks attention, it never helps to do something nice for her, even to rescue her from danger. Rescuing the damsel in distress is a trope for male viewers. In books and movies targeted at women, the male love interest never rescues the damsel, he endangers her. Negs work, asking her to do something for you works, commanding her works. Stuff that a man would find ridiculous or insulting, and would either make him angry or make him laugh at your pretensions, works.

Negs work astonishingly well, even if so lacking in wit that they are actually insults and would make a man bristle up.

I have actually rescued a chick from danger in real life, with entirely predictable results. Protecting people registers with men as strength, but not with women as strength. Endangering people, innocent people, including the woman herself, registers as strength. I know this from my personal life experience. If you doubt me, check out the love interests in books written by women for women. All women are like that.

Women like men who frighten them. If you don’t kill a man, but beat him, he’ll resent you and wait until his chance to strike back. If you don’t kill a woman, but beat her, she’ll get “Stockholm syndrome” and be pretty loyal

A man needs to own a woman, he needs a house, and land and children. A man that does not own a woman breaks, and a rotating collection of sluts is not ownership.

If she is free to suspend cooperation at any time, men are disinclined to invest in her and her children. You pump and dump, so that if you are lucky, you dump her before she dumps you. You spin the plates to avoid being spun. There is always someone more alpha than you are. You pump and dump because it hurts less that way. Evolution shaped you that way, evolution makes it hurt, so that you would not waste time looking after a chick that becomes pregnant with Jeremy Meeks’s demon spawn. Evolution has planted the knowledge in you that investing in a woman you do not own is a bad investment.

You don’t plant trees on land you don’t own, and if you don’t have some land and plant some trees for your grandkids, it hurts.

Roissy truthfully tells us how to operate in defect/defect equilibrium with women. But the point is to achieve cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

My wife, after making me my morning coffee, “jokingly” threatened to charge me with rape, domestic violence, and all that. Just friendly joking ha ha. She observed that this would make her rich, which made it not very funny at all. I “jokingly” quoted the Old Testament, and “jokingly” pointed at the ocean. (Implying that if she called the cops on us she might go for a very long swim.) Haha. Just having fun. We laughed. I laughed for real, because when I pointed at the ocean, I passed her shit test, and she loved me for passing her shit test. Alpha male backed by the supreme alpha male. She points at alpha cop, I point at alpha God. She points at my assets, I point at the ocean.

That is how you reach cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Let us imagine two mafia guys. Cops put each one in separate cells, and tell them.

“If neither of you rat the other out, we will punish you for carrying a gun without a carry permit and stuff. If you rat your pal out, and your pal fails to rat you out, you get off free, your pal takes all the blame, and gets the electric chair. If both of you rat each other out, we will let you off with forty years in prison. If you don’t rat your pal out, and your pal rats you out, you get the electric chair.”

The prisoner would be much better off if he was sure that the mafia would kill the rat.

In a prisoner’s dilemma, you want and need external enforcement. It is in a woman’s individual biological self interest to be in a situation where if she runs off with the wedding singer, she gets dragged back on a leash and beaten, and the wedding singer gets beaten to death, just as it is in the prisoner’s individual self interest to be a member of an organization that will kill him should he rat on the other prisoner.

Women are unable to reproduce, because they have an abundance of choice, and no way of irrevocably escaping choice. So they love a man who can deny them choice. Trouble with Roissy’s framing is that he correctly says that women love bad men, and correctly concludes you should be bad, but fails to notice that a good man can be strong enough to take away a woman’s unwanted freedom.

Female behavior that appears wicked, foolish, and self destructive to a man is entirely intelligible when we realize that the proud independent rapidly aging overweight barista with one hundred thousand dollars in college and credit card debt is unlikely to have children, and is likely to die alone and be eaten by her numerous cats, but if abducted by Islamic State and sold on the auction block naked and in chains would probably have seven children and twenty five grandchildren, and would die surrounded by loving family.

If a man is defeated, conquered and subdued, perhaps because his tribe and country is conquered and subdued, he is unlikely to reproduce. If a woman is defeated, conquered and subdued, she has escaped from defect/defect equilibrium, escaped from prisoner’s dilemma, and also been transferred from weak men and a weak tribe to strong men and a strong tribe, and is therefore likely to be highly successful in reproducing. As a result, women have no country, no tribe, and no ingroup. When they are daughters, they have their father’s tribe, when wives, their husband’s tribe. A woman without a father or a husband is a stateless person, and if a state piously declares her to be a citizen, the state is deluding itself, or deluding its actual citizens in order to commit treason against them.

Thus female behavior that is seemingly wicked, self destructive, and crazy, makes sense when looked at through the lens of Evolutionary Game Theory.

Betas think they will be happiest if they have what alpha males have, happiest with a rotating series of sterile girlfriends, but if this was truly male nature it would be inconsistent with Darwin’s sexual selection. It is inconsistent with the fact that when men have all the power and women are powerless, fertility is high and whores nonexistent, and inconsistent with what I see in front of my nose.

Beta males think they want what alpha males have, but the men that women see as alphas rapidly discover that what women are giving them is not what they want, it represents the victory of the selfish female defect/defect strategy over the selfish male defect/defect strategy. Every pimp is a cuck.

I was at a party and I was talking about women to a blue pilled normie, who is, predictably, raising two boys who are not his own, their actual father, predictably, being in jail, and the normie, predictably, being childless.

I attempted to start a conversation about our past misadventures with women. He fearfully remarked “Women don’t like that” – meaning women don’t like men talking about their past women and he did not want to upset his girlfriend.

To which I replied: “Women love what they hate.” His girlfriend supposedly likes nice guys like himself, but somehow during a protracted fit of absent mindedness wound up bearing two sons to a violent stoner with no job who spends all his mysteriously acquired money on drugs.

When she was with the violent stoner, she had a job and he did not, while now she is with the nice guy, he has a job and she does not. I never saw her hug him, or look at him admiringly, at the party, even though he was by far the most handsome man at the party, and except for myself the most intelligent. Handsome, wealthy, intelligent, kind, and he predictably gets another man’s leavings. Women like dangerous men, or men who plausibly seem dangerous, and she likes most of all a man who can plausibly appear to seem dangerous to herself. Escaping from defect/defect into cooperate/defect is no escape. Your mission is to escape into cooperate/cooperate and to live in accordance with the will of Gnon.

But there is no escape from shit tests. Mohammed had a large harem, absolute power, and it clear he had a hard time. This is a chronic problem with large harems, and empires frequently die of it, as the Turkish empire did and the Chinese empires often did. Genghis Khan had no women problems, and neither did his sons, but his grandsons were lesser men than he. Women will find a way to shit test you.

State of the left singularity

July 24th, 2020

Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed

Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state.

The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to the state religion, and eliminating the unprincipled exceptions and theological inconsistencies that made earlier forms of the state religion workable and practical.

Thus leftism goes ever lefter. And the more disordered the state becomes, the faster it goes left, and more left it becomes the more disordered it becomes.

Every day the left gets lefter.

As we approach the left singularity, as the left goes faster and faster leftwards, tidal forces increase, with the left most part of the left moving left faster than the not so left part of the left, the leftmost become increasingly dangerous to the not quite so left.

The radical left is purging the less radical left, purging the Haidt / Mounck / Pinker axis. They probably will not purge Biden, since more and more often, he no longer knows where he is, what year it is, and fails to recognize family, but Pelosi is headed for removal soon enough, finding it increasingly difficult to control the radicals, and increasingly making self destructive concessions to them.

These fractures within the left eventually result in the left singularity being halted short of infinite leftism, as sooner or later, someone important decides “Yes, I do have enemies to the left and I have no choice but do whatever it takes to stop them.”

To merely stabilize movement ever leftwards, ever faster, it has to become as dangerous to be too far left as it is to be too far right. That, merely stabilizing the left wing singularity to current levels, as Stalin and Cromwell did, is a quite drastic measure, and the more dangerous it has become to be too far right, the more dangerous it has to become to be too far left, and the more drastic a measure it is. Cromwell’s measures were drastic, but non lethal. Stalin’s measures were drastic and massively lethal and nothing less could have saved Russia. Once they started killing rightists, it could only be stabilized by killing leftists.

England having been stabilized non lethally, Charles the Second could then restore normality by merely massively purging the state Church, executing a handful of people, and encouraging large numbers of clerics to get out of England. Unfortunately many of them went to America, where they founded Harvard, and have been plotting to take over the world since then.

Harvard was the Vatican, the official state Church of New England, thus the left has organizational continuity and continuity of personnel all the way back to the Christian state church of ancient times. Today, as when Emperor Constantine founded Constantinople, you cannot get a job in the state and quasi state apparatus, unless you have passed catechisms administered by the seminaries of the state religion, but while the catechisms of Constantine’s Church concerned unfalsifiable claims about the next world, today’s catechisms contain ever growing falsifiable and false claims about this world,

And today, the priesthood is extending this demand to everyone, thus namefags must always lie. Including Yarvin, now that he is no longer Moldbug.

And now, the meat of the post, where we are today

Drag Queens having government sponsored and government approved sex on the floor of the public library with nine year old boys. The books in the library they performed sexual acts on the floor have been purged of all thought crime, and the library needs a coat of paint.

Schools pressuring students to transsexualize.

A school curriculum of hatred against white people, reading, writing, and arithmetic being white privilege. Quiet in the classroom being white privilege.

Arrest quotas on blacks that enable them to swagger down the street because they can beat up white people with impunity and not get charged or arrested, but white people will be arrested for defending themselves.

Ever increasing violence and intimidation against anyone insufficiently left wing.

Collapse of marriage and family.

Courtship and dating can no longer be plausibly or interestingly depicted in movies, books and dance videos. the destruction of Star Wars and the self destruction of Marvel Comics. Han Soylo. The mating dance can no longer be realistically or entertainingly depicted. Dance videos can no longer depict men acting male and women acting female.

Child protective services abducting children from Christian families and selling them to gays.

Hatred of white people and America taught in schools. Second class citizenship for whites.

That pretty girls no longer walk the Embarcadero, that José Inez García Zárate came to San Francisco illegally, lived on crime and welfare, and is still there despite illegal status and numerous arrests for very serious crimes, that Zárate murdered Kathryn Steinle on the Embarcadero because she was white, that he was acquitted because a brown man murdering a white girl.

White flight, whites are now fleeing San Francisco as they fled Detroit.

White flight everywhere. We are running out of places in America to run to. Most white people in America cannot return to the place that they were born and raised because “It has changed”, though if they were to say how it has changed, that would be a thought crime.  The cost of housing soars as we run out of places to flee to

The silicon valley meritocracy exemption has collapsed, and now silicon valley is collapsing because of affirmative action. They now have to practice affirmative action like everyone else. Hot new technology no longer comes out of Silicon Valley.

Abortion as a holy sacrament. They shut down the Churches and the cancer wards, but did not shut down the abortion mills.

The collapse of intelligence in the student intake of Harvard and Yale. They are stupid, because selected for race, sex, and political correctness, not ability as they select for PC rather than smarts.

The inability to plausibly depict the interaction between men and women in recent movies. It started going bad in 1963, and every subsequent movie has gone downhill since then, because the real mating dance is increasingly impossible to depict.

The increasing application of violence, intimidation, and terror against real and suspected Trump voters.

Sanctuary cities with ever escalating privileges for illegals.

Increasingly second class citizenship for white people. There are arrest quotas limiting the arrest of blacks, so a black can attack white people with little risk, while if a white defends himself, he faces grave risk. So blacks swagger down the street and disrupt the workplace.

The pope worshiping naked pagan idols.

White people cannot form a family, because defect/defect equilibrium between men and women, because women have the right to cuck their husbands, so we spin plates and try to dump the chick before she bangs someone even more alphas than ourselves, and cannot afford housing because of white flight (nonwhite people live in houses white people built, and those houses go to ruin), cannot afford healthcare, because the healthcare system is socialized to guarantee the availability of healthcare for people who do not pay, and ever longer educational attendance where students are taught to hate themselves, but not to read and write.

Wealth these days is dispensed and distributed by people on the revolving door between regulators and regulated. America is losing its middle class for much the same reason and in much the same way as Venezuela has lost its middle class. The disappearance of the middle class is a result of the first world becoming third world.

That a man’s obligation to look after his wife and children is legally and socially enforced, and his obligation to love and cherish socially enforced, but a woman has no legal or social obligation to refrain from cucking her husband, and her obligation to honor and obey is not only not socially enforced, but aggressively opposed.

The left vision of the Eschaton

July 9th, 2020

The left want to immanentize the eschaton. How exactly? What will the immanent eschaton be like?

This is to them a minor detail that can be dealt with after they have swept away the old order, like the Khmer Rouge plan for revolutionizing and radically increasing rice production.

The Khmer Rouge had, unlike our left, a vague glimmering of plan: They would revolutionize and radically increase rice production on the flood plain by centrally planning the flow of flood water over the rice. The narrow selfish self interest of the peasant leads to him making ditching and diking decisions without concern for downstream consequences. Centrally planned rice production would be vastly more productive, assuming an all wise and all knowing planner.

So in practice, they just had stuff torn down, not built – the dikes and canals they commanded went from nowhere in particular to nowhere in particular, and were never finished, or even seriously begun. But the Khmer Rouge did however devote immense energy and effort to the vastly more satisfactory task of destroying the previous infrastructure for producing food. The existing ditches and dykes are wrong. They reflect narrow selfish self interest. Away with them! Later on we will figure out the new ones.

The Khmer Rouge thought they could command a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain into being in an instant. And thought that figuring out a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain was a mere minor boring detail. Not only was the work to create new water flow infrastructure immense, they never had any clear idea of what new infrastructure was to be built.

So what do our leftists intend to destroy?

The left is angry with people like me, because I have a wife, sons, a house, and a garden, while they live in an urban commune with ten people and they beta orbit around some chick who weeps on their shoulder about the men who fuck her but will not take possession of her.

Men want gardens when they have obedient wives. It is the wife and garden combo that fills the left with covetous rage.

Green New Deal, Covid 19, and Black Lives Matter are all efforts to smash my life in the inchoate feeling that they will then have my life.

The riots are left wing females inspiring left wing males to attempt a shit test that they can never pass. Some shit tests, you fail by merely attempting to pass them, and the only pass is to laugh the shit test off. Of course, if you regularly pass shit tests by laughing at them, the chick will find a shit test that you cannot pass by laughing at it, that will force you to man up. Conversely, if you regularly pass shit tests by being ludicrously manly, you will get a shit test that can only be passed by laughing at it.

The Chaz would have been an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the men, had they won, and an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the women win or lose.

In the ancestral environment, the warrior chieftain patriarch of the Chaz, had he been victorious, would have assigned the conquered land to his warriors for homes and gardens, and assigned the women to himself and his warriors, and the women would have been set to work gardening and bearing children.

And had he lost, the evil white racists, having proven themselves more alpha than the lefties, would have taken the women of antifa as slaves, and set them to work gardening and bearing children. Either way, in the ancestral environment, the women of antifa would have won, and they would have had the exciting and romantic event of alpha males clashing to see who was more alpha. But in our environment they are instead headed for careers as strong empowered fat lesbian cat ladies of human resources.

If you talk to a woman about factoring a program, her eyes will glaze over, and if you talk to a woman about a positive vision of society, her eyes will glaze over. Her pussy is asking “How does this relate to one alpha male proving he is more alpha than another alpha male?” The only effective way to communicate our vision of society to women is to say “God says do it this way”, whereupon her pussy tells her brain “Top alpha says so, and my alpha says so”.

We are seeing the feminization of left wing discourse. Nature gives women tremendous power, and for successful reproduction, men have to organize and cooperate to disempower them. Because women have so much power, leftist talk is girly talk, hence the loss of interest in any coherent vision of the Immanent Eschaton. Immanentizing the Eschaton is now merely a shit test.

I have a house, a garden, and an obedient wife. When my late wife died, I found that a house and garden without a wife was mighty sad. Might as well live in a closet. Less to keep clean. Now that I have a new wife, I enjoy my house and garden a lot. We are growing veggies. Lettuce, capsicum, potatoes, chilies, eggplant, tomatoes. We have fruit trees. I have a nice view in the morning, and my wife makes me coffee when we wake up.

Leftists, because female power, have no prospect of a wife, a husband, children, a house and garden. Somehow, having a garden is part of being a family unit, and lacking a family unit, people do not want a garden. But they see other people who have what they do not have, and envious people grow angry, bitter, and spiteful. They want to lash out and destroy.

Male leftist’s testicles are telling them that if they destroy enough evil white racists, if they win the battle of Armageddon, they will have the power to command women, and women’s pussies are telling them that after the battle of Armageddon, there will be men worthy of commanding them regardless of who wins and who loses. Of course, if the left wins, they are both wrong. The commissar from Human Resources is going to be a morbidly obese lesbian cat lady, not General Bucknaked.

If we win, we will supply the women of antifa with someone who will look to their pussies like General Bucknaked.

I told Scott Alexander

June 23rd, 2020

I told him, your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends.

A few hours ago, he shut down his blog, Slate Star Codex, because the New York Times came after him.

Every year I have lived, it has been getting crazier, faster and faster. If Trump fails to become Caesar Augustus, Scott Alexander will not very long afterwards be killed by those he regards as his friends, unless rescued by those he regards as his enemies. Reflect on Venezuela. It started in Venezuela with pulling down statues, renaming streets, and revising the curriculum. And pretty soon they were revising the people.

He neglects to name the reporter: “(out of respect for his concerns, I am avoiding giving his name here.)”

Come on Scott. Everyone who works for the New York Times is evil, and you cannot appease them, because they hate everyone, including themselves. Being nice to reporters just gives them more opportunity and incentive to hurt people, starting with whoever is being nice to them. You should have encouraged and enabled your readers to take vengeance, not to maximize utility by protecting the next hundred people this reporter will destroy, but because vengeance is the right thing to do, when authority will not provide justice.

Scott, when a crazy fat woman in your circle of friends started accusing people in your circle of sexual harassment and sexual assault, what did you and your friends do about it? How did being politically correct on that turn out for you and for her? And do friends who respond in that way qualify as friends?

Scott is a smart guy, and a good writer. If he starts blogging with stronger anonymity, using a domain name purchased with bitcoin laundered through Monaro on a cloud computer similarly paid for, he might he able to be more wary about his “friends”, and less hateful to his “enemies”.

Color Revolution

June 7th, 2020

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many times, and they usually end in disaster, unless terminated early by military dictatorship. Since leftism is inherently destructive, going all the way means total self extermination of the group subject to the left singularity. Sometimes they end in the near total disappearance of the population subject to the holiness spiral as with Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured each other to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

But the events of today are a conspicuous new stage in the left singularity, color revolution, which is likely to result in Trump and his family being murdered, or a Trump self coup.

If a left singularity is not halted by strong and harsh dictatorship, with a single man exercising absolute power, it usually ends when the self extermination reaches a point that it profoundly weakens the polity, resulting in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia. But sometimes the foreigners sit back and let it go all the way.

Usually that single man ascended to power by being one of the holiest, as with Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that suddenly no end of his followers have become even holier than his very holy self, and are demanding greater holiness, which superior holiness might well be implemented by them taking power and him losing power, and them picking up the apples from the applecarts knocked over in the process. He is usually a military man, and therefore turns from those who were loyal to him because of shared faith in the holiness of the synthetic faith based tribe, and instead to those who are loyal to him because they were with him in committing organized violence, and who do not care much about the supposedly shared tenets of the holy faith, turns to those who identify primarily with their band of brothers, rather than the people of the very holy faith. When Cromwell set his troops around to make a problem go away, the person causing the problems found the troops had little interest in discussing the Trinity, the Resurrection and the Incarnation. Stalin relied heavily on the far from communist Beria and on Beria’s apolitical gang.

If Trump halts the left singularity that would be great, because, unlike Cromwell and Stalin, not very holy. Unfortunately, unlike Cromwell, not very military. But though a merchant, Trump has a warrior spirit, and great support among the rank and file at the tip of the spear. He is a man they would like to be able to follow.

The recent rioting was a state sponsored color revolution. Antifa funding and delivering piles of bricks, Antifa paying rioters, which is to say the US permanent government paying, either with Soros as a cutout, or directly. The riots were given cover by Democratic blue state governors and the legacy media (but I repeat myself). When the relatively peaceful mob of plains apes passed an Antifa selected target, white Antifa agents would break windows and start fires. The sound of breaking glass attracted the plains apes into the target, as blood in the water attracts sharks. The Antifa agents would move out as the plains apes moved in, to repeat the operation at another target, while police stood around like potted palms.

Trump tweeted about sending in the military to restore order. The Twitter blue checks laughed. “Empty bluster” they said. “He has not got the power”

What did they mean by that? Legally he has the power, by the constitution and by numerous acts of congress. Presidents have done it before, many times, starting with George Washington, and have done it within living memory, as for example the LA Rodney King riots.

What they meant, or what the handlers writing their scripts meant, is that the permanent government would not let him.

The blue checks, or the handlers writing their scripts, expected the permanent government to successfully ignore him, or that Trump would not try it because the permanent government would successfully ignore him and this would likely result in his death.

The color revolution narrative: The color revolution script is “he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling, he is falling, falling, falling, falling, he has fallen”. And if enough people actually believe he has fallen, then belief creates reality, and the State Department gets a bloodless victory. But often “He has fallen” is announced prematurely, resulting in at best a bloodbath, at worst genocidal holy war. Color revolutions are apt to turn into genocidal holy war when the other side does not play along with the script.

When Trump cleared out Layfayette Park, he showed he was not weak. When the military obeyed him, not fallen.

The protesters had peacefully assembled in Layfayette park to peacefully assemble for the redress of grievance, and proceeded to peacefully vandalize the Church where Trump goes on Sundays, peacefully start a fire in it, and peacefully throw peaceful rocks at police.

Trump gave the order, and it was not ignored. Trump marched in triumph into Lafayette Park. And I assumed that would end the matter. I thought, and said, that was the end of that, that the color revolution was over. But they are still trying, not entirely unsuccessfully, to countermand Trump, and are shouting ten times that they are successful for every time that they impede his footsteps a little.

Color revolutions do not stop. It is dangerous to be the first man to stop cheering at a gay wedding, and it is dangerous to be the first man to call a halt to color revolution. Hillary was able to call an end to the color revolution in Libya, but she was probably able to get away with it because the Libyans had sodomized and decapitated a senior State Department official, which made a good stop signal. And today, no one is in charge to call a stop, even if Trump were to have a few senior State Department officials sodomized and decapitated.

The Mueller frame up went on and on, despite repeatedly blowing up in the Democrats faces, and it looks like color revolution in the US may well go on and on. Indeed, the Mueller frame up has still not stopped. They are still pressuring General Flynn to commit perjury against President Trump, though since he has not committed perjury under far more severe pressure, he is certainly not going to under present circumstances. But just as the frame up came unstuck at the beginning, when the Clinton dossier was exposed, the color revolution came unstuck at the beginning, when the troops were deployed and continued to deploy.

The usual color revolution is instigated by Soros and the State Department in a foreign country, and color revolution in the US itself may not necessarily follow the same course. In a foreign country, a color revolution stubbornly persists, and when it is not going too well, it becomes more violent and destructive, more and more unpopular, with the hand of the US government more and more visible, with greater and greater direct US military intervention. The US dropped thirty thousand tons of high explosive on Libya. In the US itself, direct military intervention is unlikely to be available, and were the hand of the US government to become unduly visible, as it inevitably will if color revolution continues, criminal and treason charges might well result.

The Republic has been dead for a long time, and its corpse starting to stink, but Trump needs to restore the American Republic the way Augustus restored the Roman Republic. Augustus probably believed he was restoring the Republic, and I expect that Trump will believe it also. Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice. And they are going to continue, until Trump loses or he wins. If he loses, he and his family will likely die. If he wins, he and his family will likely rule for generations. And he has not won, he is indeed weak, so long as those who perverted the course of justice against him and set American cities on fire are not in prison, and are still in his administration. They will continue with investigation, except that they lost interest and ran with Wu Flu to shut down normal America. And when the opportunity to have riots happened, they lost interest in Wu Flu. But they are going to keep on going with all of these, throwing one thing after another at the wall to see what sticks, until they are stopped. As long as they can commit criminal acts unpunished, and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished, their unlawful acts are going to get bigger, and happen more and more frequently. They will continue on color revolution, as they are continuing on Wu Flu and the Mueller investigation, and if none of these pan out, and it looks like none of them are going to pan out, they will start another thing.

Status and violence

June 3rd, 2020

Observe that everywhere throughout the American hegemony, it is cool and hip to protest the murder of George Floyd. Enormous crowds are protesting in Germany, in Australia, in Amsterdam. Suddenly no one remembers Wu Flu.

Look for the dog that did not bark: They are not protesting in Russia and China. People behind the shield of Russian and Chinese nukes are laughing as virtue signallers in the US get their windows smashed in. When the mob can smash your windows in while police stand around like potted palms, then it is cool and high status to join the mob that could smash windows in. Even if you are not smashing windows in, you could, therefore cool, powerful, and high status.
[evp_embed_video url=”/videos/virtue_signal.mp4″]
I can see that violence works. If they can sic a mob on certain speakers, and the mob can break things and hurt people with impunity, then the speakers who instigate the mob are high status, and the people being beaten and chased are low status. I see this work over and over again. The left started using the mob for deniable violence in the early 1600s. It worked then, it works now.

If I were to speak at Berkeley, I would be beaten, and those doing the beating would suffer no consequences. Therefore I am low status. If someone attempts to practice the scientific method at Berkeley, he will be beaten and will lose tenure, therefore the scientific method is low status and peer review is high status. If Trump had gone to church without first having the press beaten and kicked out of the park like stray dogs creating a nuisance, would have been stoned, with stones provided by the peaceful non violent press that is merely doing its job, while the press who are merely doing their job heroically put the heroic peaceful non violent stone throwing protesters on television. That is where status comes from. From the rocks thrown at Attorney General Barr, and the bombs that landed on Syria and Libya. They manipulate people with status, but the status comes from rocks and fires, and when rocks and fires are met with shields and batons, they escalate to fire and steel.

If Trump cannot visit Lafayette Park because peaceful non violent protesters would throw rocks at him, as they threw rocks at Attorney General Barr, Trump is low status. If non violent peaceful protesters organized and instigated by the peaceful non violent press who is merely doing its job can vandalize Trump’s Church with impunity, Trump’s congregation and his God is low status.

If the peaceful non violent protesters and the peaceful non violent press who is merely doing its job gets chased out of the park with blows and kicks like stray dogs who are creating a nuisance, then Trump his high status. Watch.

When Barr dispersed the mob that threw stones at him, Barr was high status, and thus Trump was high status. When pastor and Bishop of Saint John’s praised the mob that defaced their church, and started a fire in it, they were low status, like the helpless and terrified virtue signalers in the video above, and thus Father, Son, and Holy Spirit low status. When they praised the mob that defaced their church and started a fire in it, they joined the mob that spat on Christ.

Being civilized people, we prefer not to notice what the house of status is built on. The Cathedral manipulates with status carrots and status sticks, but when that does not work, high altitude area bombing, as recently in Libya and Syria. Syria was color revolutioned, and when color revolution failed, bombed, because Assad followed the letter of Cathedral law, protecting minorities and affirmative actioning women to exactly equal numbers and status in Academia, but failed to have a majority cat lady Academia. Assad protected minorities – but protected Christians and Churches, as if Christians and Churches qualified as a minority. He was not supposed to stop affirmative action at mere equality, and was not supposed to protect all minorities. The press merely doing its job was shocked and outraged when Putin stopped Pussy Riot, aka Soros, from vandalizing and obscenely desecrating Russian Orthodox cathedrals, and were shocked and outraged by brutal repression when Assad brutally repressed Church burnings, lynching of Christians, and rape of Christians.

Why was the scientific method high status from 1663 to 1944?

Ostensibly, because King Charles the Second, doing his job as the fount of all honors, mortal and divine, declared it to be high status, making the invisible college into the Royal Society, following his policy of making prosocial productive activities high status, and antisocial destructive activities low status. The Puritans did not like the scientific method, preferring truth by consensus, just as today we get truth by peer review in place of truth based on empirical evidence obtained by the scientific method, and sent the mob around to the Royal Society to break them up, as their ideological descendants deal today with anyone who attempts to practice the scientific method at Berkeley. King Charles the Second’s men, wearing steel, and with steel in their hands, took care of that mob, and then the scientific method was high status.

The invisible college had to be invisible, because the mob would have beaten them up for practicing the scientific method. Therefore low status. When the Royal Society were protected by the steel of King Charles the Second, and the Puritans not protected, then they and their method were high status. When Charles the First’s Bishops were beaten up by the mob, then Charles the First’s official Church was low status, his Bishops were low status and he was low status, so he lost power. When Charles the Second’s Bishops and scientists were protected from the mob, and Puritan preachers unprotected from the mob, then the scientific method, his scientists, his Bishops, and he himself was high status, and held onto power.

If Trump’s Attorney General can have people who throw rocks at him chased out of the park like stray dogs for creating a nuisance, then Trump is high status, and will hold onto power, as Charles the Second did.

You cannot throw rocks at Trump’s Attorney General, and you could not throw rocks and Charles the Second’s Bishops nor his scientists. That is where status comes from. Power comes from status, the power to control status comes from rocks, and the power to control rocks comes from steel. Russian Orthodox is high status in Russia because Pussy Riot, aka Soros, cannot vandalize Cathedrals. Christianity is low status in America because they can. Christianity is low status because the pastor and Bishop of the Church that Trump attends have to suck it up when the mob vandalizes their Church, and praise the mob. Praising God is low status, because it is dangerous. Since we are all civilized men, just as the peaceful press is merely doing its job reporting peaceful protests, we support and praise the mob smashing our windows because status, rather than because violence, being civilized men, as we are all civilized men, and civilized men respond to status, rather than violence, but the status comes from violence. We are not actually all that civilized. We are still risen killer apes, and not very far risen.

Everyone knows in their heart that the blue state governors are complicit in burning down their own cities, that the police who still have the time and energy to arrest abortion protesters are complicit in burning down their own police stations. And this makes them high status, and Trump low status. “See, we can destroy our own cities, and Trump cannot stop us. He is weak, weak, weak, getting weaker, weaker, weaker”. That path ends in color revolution, with the color revolutionaries seizing power, then with Trump being killed, then his family killed, and eventually, my children killed. Trump would be arrested by those blue state cops who were strangely unable to arrest those burning down their own police station, with the enthusiastic support of the pastor and Bishop of Saint John’s church who were unable to criticize those setting fire to their own church.

Attorney General Barr clearing out Lafayette Park under the authority of President Trump after the peacefully protesting mob peacefully threw rocks at him, and having the press that is merely doing their job beaten like stray dogs merely chasing chickens, is the first step on a path that, if walked to the end, brings us to a better place.