
The Jab

I was expecting a significant rise in the excess death rate among young people. If it is happening, it is less impressive than I was expecting. The claim that the jab is saving lives is not obviously and outrageously stupid. It is not obviously true either. What it is, however, doing, is sodomizing people’s immune systems. It has long been known that the jab does not prevent you from getting …


Bitcoin time

I have been diversifying from Bitcoin to ADA, because I was profoundly unhappy with Bitcoins scalability, and with its implementation of the lightning network, and I recommended that other people do so. This turned out to be a bad idea. The bitcoin lightning network substantially eases the scaling problem for an order of magnitude or two growth, after which scalability is likely to start biting again. The bitcoin lightning network’s …


Gold, crypto currency, and hyperinflation

The fed is printing a pile of money, and what is happening to that money is as obscured and obfuscated as the claims about inflation. We have for some time been seeing shortages of critical products, typically special products with sticky prices. A contractor cannot get his final payment for lack of a three hundred dollar part, and goes bankrupt. These shortages are increasing and we are now starting to …

party politics

Elections and voting

Democracy died on 2020-11-04, so I have been paying no attention to elections, electoral integrity laws, and all that. But, due to normalcy bias, lots of people have: In the run up before the 2020-11-03 election, the Democrats massively escalated all their regular routine fraud, sufficient to deal with a massive Trump landslide. But instead of a massive Trump landslide, they got a colossal Trump landslide, so in the early …


Extent of Clot Shot sequelae

Poster girl principle: If the poster girl for some cause (Emmett Till, Madam Curie) is fake, the cause is fake – we are being pushed to pay attention to something that does not exist. No plausibly innocent negroes were lynched (ever, anywhere in the United States), there are no female scientists. News blackout principle: If some event that is cause for concern and alarm is being suppressed, there is one …


What our enemies revealed in the fall of Kabul

Newt Gingrich: “Sad not a single women’s group on the left is up in arms about Afghanistan.” Of course not. Feminism and female emancipation is merely a shit test, and women love men who pass their shit tests, and hate men who fail them. Reflect on the savage hatred that feminists bear against Greek letter fraternities and rich and famous movie producers who fail to rape them, with their eager …


UK Variants concern VOC technical briefing 17

There is some controversy over what the UK Variants concern VOC technical briefing 17 shows about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Several sources claimed that table five of UK Variants concern VOC technical briefing 17 showed vaccination made you more likely to die of China Flu “Fact checkers” said that table five said no such thing, and indeed when I looked at it, table five was about something totally unrelated. …


Lethality of vaccination

When driving, I got tired of the CD, and turned on the radio, to hear the voice of authority calling on the public to report doctors who doubt the vax, or who prescribe safe and effective drugs for Covid, to the medical malpractice board. This sort of thing makes it difficult to get data.  When you search the internet, nothing comes up except a storm of absurd and outrageous official …


The fall of the Republic

PJ Media correctly observes of the botched and disorderly retreat from Afghanistan: This ensures that the catastrophe, rather than diminishing, has only just begun. It will not end when the last qualified person leaves Kabul but when the U.S. political system has found a constitutional way to clean house. Compare and contrast with the orderly and dignified Soviet retreat from Aghanistan. A constitutional house cleaning is unlikely to be practical, …


Where we are now

A survey of the talking heads talking about the fall of Kabul confirms that our major military objective in Afghanistan was to teach nine year old girls to put a condom on a banana. I am happy about the fall of Kabul, because Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. It is where empires go to die, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that the enemy of your enemy is …