AI progress

February 4th, 2023

I have for some time been complaining that progress in many fields peaked around 1972 or so, that many important fields have gone backwards. Last man on the moon 1972, cars and clothes washing machines have been getting crappier. The skyline on big western cities is starting to look less and less like the future, as is the interior of your neighbourhood shopping mall. The highest flying and fastest flying warplane retired in the early eighties.

But there has been a major breakthrough in AI. The methods proposed in “attention is all you need” have been applied to a variety of problems, and are yielding interesting, important, and impressive results.

The breakthrough is that generative techniques can generate endless instances as instantiations of a word, or set of words, and can also recognise a particular instance as an instantiation of a word or words. In other words, handles words as reference to concepts.

This has been the show stopper problem in philosophy, ai, and the philosophy of ai for a long time. That GPT works as well as it does tells us something important about meaning, thought, and words. What it is telling us is not clear, but whatever it is telling us, it is a reply to an issue first raised by Aristotle.

GPT type models can generate an unlimited number of instances corresponding to a concept or set of concepts, and can recognize the goodness of match of a particular instance to concept or set of concepts. Or at least is acting like it can in some important cases, quite a lot of important cases.

What we could do with this tool is take an enormous pile of conversations, and for each entity in the conversation, predict his response to any previous comment.

The question then is, would a generated conversation indicate a sentient response to novel prompts?

One of the things gpt can do is represent a very large body of knowledge, by predicting the response to a query about it from existing similar, but far from identical, queries.

But because it does not understand the information it is representing, the responses suffer from “hallucination” reflecting the fact that its model of the knowledge is not the knowledge, but a model of words about the knowledge, words about words. Sometimes, they superficially sounded very like a correct answer but were utter nonsense.

ChatGPT makes errors because its universe consists of words referring to words. Its errors do not necessarily reveal a lack of consciousness, but rather reveal it does not understand the words refer to real physical things.

When it makes a completely stupid error, and gives a meaningless nonsense response, it sounds very like a sensible and correct response, and you have to think about it a bit before you realise it is utter nonsense and meaningless gibberish.

ChatGPT is very very good at writing code. Not so good at knowing what code to write.

Suppose it had been trained on words referring to words, and on words referring to diagrams, and on diagrams and words referring to twodee and threedee images, and on words, diagrams, two dee and three dee images referring to full motion videos.

From the quality of the performance on words about words, and words about artistic images, one might plausibly hope for true perception. What we now have is quite clearly not conscious. But it has taken an impressively large step in the direction of consciousness. We have an algorithm that successfully handles the long standing central big hard problem in philosophy, AI, and the philosophy of AI, at least in a whole lot of useful, important, and interesting cases.

Quite likely we will find it only handles a subset of interesting cases. That is what happened with every previous AI breakthrough. After a while, people banged into the hard limits that revealed no one at home, that consciousness was being emulated, but not present. People anthropomorphise their pets, because their pet really is conscious. They do not anthropomorphise their Teslas, because the Tesla really is not, and endlessly polishing up the Tesla’s driving algorithms and giving the more computing power and data is not getting them any closer.

But we are not running into hard limits of GPT yet.

Perception is starting to look soluble. Not solved, but definitely looking like a solution may well be merely a matter of polishing up what we now have.

Will, intent, purpose, and desire still conspicuously missing. But they are problems very similar to perception, hard in the same way and for the same reasons perception is hard.

We do not yet have a robot that can take a beer out of a fridge, pop open the can and pour me a drink, or can fold a shirt in a reasonable time. And the way the wind blows, we are likely to get an AI that knows all the knowledge in the world, and can provide meaningful and useful answers about it before we can get a robot that can make me a ham sandwich. But it now starting to look a whole lot more likely that we can get an AI that knows all the knowledge in the world and can provide meaningful and useful answers.

Scale of deaths for flu and jab.

January 16th, 2023

It is just the flu, bro.

Flu is caused by a multitude of different viruses, the common cold is caused by a multitude of different viruses, and some of these overlap.

Covid viruses have been around since forever, and some of them, most of them, most of the time, caused something more like a cold than flu

One of these Covid viruses was weaponized with gain of function genetic engineering, and became quite deadly when initially released. But being quite deadly is not really a flu virus’s thing Flu viruses are very fragile, and die quickly, so they want their host to be still walking around doing his normal things, and a variant of the covid virus that does not lay up it’s host in bed is going outcompete a covid variant with more serious effects.

Every flu season, quite a lot of people die. But no one dies of the flu. If someone has one foot in the grave and is wobbling on the edge, flu will give him a little push.

In the very very first days of the Covid virus, it was substantially deadlier than regular flu. As it rapidly evolved back towards what is normal for flu, they gave it a helping hand by murder by ventilator and by seeding old people’s homes with the deadliest forms they could find. But the normies wised up to that and started resisting ventilation, and so they dropped back to just lying with statistics. If you counted everyone who died while he had a cold, including those run over by at truck and so forth, it would be a very deadly disease.

Covid season is an unusually rough flu season, but it is not an extraordinarily rough flu season, except for a bit of a helping hand by iatrogenic mass murder the first time around.

OK, so much for flu season. We are now in jab season. And the increase in death rate is roughly similar to what we were supposed to cower from in terror during covid season, with one huge, terrifying, and very important difference.

Every flu season, the old people’s homes get a whole lot of vacancies. Now it is athletes on playing field, airline pilots at the controls, young people in the prime of life.

And the medical profession piously averts its eyes, revealing that they know what they deny knowing. While you were supposed to turn your life upside down because of a fairly normal flu season, you are not supposed to notice famous athletes dropping dead. The total death rate over all age groups is not hugely higher, in the sense that most people who die are still dying of old age, rather than jab, but the death rate among working age people is hugely higher, in the sense that it is normally very low. It is hugely higher than its normal very low rate. Most young people who die are dying of the jab.

Babylon Bee had an excellent satire on this:

Experts Say They Don’t Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It’s Definitely Not That One Thing

U.S. — Medical experts are absolutely stumped as to what could be causing the recent uptick in healthy, young people everywhere that are suddenly collapsing with heart failure. Despite their uncertainty, experts do feel confident that we can rule out that one thing as the culprit.

“It’s too early to say what could be causing this, but it’s never too early to say what isn’t causing this,” said local expert, Dr. Scott Rufflinger. “This could be caused by anything. But the one thing we know for certain is that it’s definitely not that thing. … We can go ahead and rule that thing out right now because Science just called us on the phone and told us not to discuss it. We always follow Science.

Nazis are commies and commies are nazis

January 10th, 2023

Near as makes no difference.

Notice that Russia’s leaders say that Russia’s goals in the Ukraine include de-nazification and/or de-communization, without really making a distinction between de-nazification and de-communization.

Nazism was radical leftism in its day, and was perceived as radical leftism in its day.

And, predictably, Hitler found himself outflanked on the left within the Nazi party, as Stalin found himself outflanked by Trotsky. So he killed them.

Whereupon Stalin created the third positionists, “fascists” who were even lefter than Hitler, Franco, Mussolini and company. At the start of World War II, the third positionists were revealed to be in Stalin’s pocket.

The third positionist movement has always been in the pay of the left, they are always selling a socialism even more radical than that of Hitler, which was itself more radical than the socialism of Franco and Mussolini.

Here in the US, the equivalent of the Azov brigade call themselves third positionists. They are socialist and hostile to Christianity, still selling what they sold for Stalin, though today they appear to be in the pay of Soros. Russia calls the Azov brigade commies or nazis interchangeably, and that is entirely accurate.

The Azov brigade and today’s third positionists are supposed nationalists who serve Jewish globalists. During world war two, they were in the pocket of internationalist socialism, today, they are in the pocket of post capitalist Jewish globalists.

Hitler’s nazism had the usual faults of socialism, and led to the usual catastrophes of socialism, which bit at the worst possible moment. He ran out of other people’s stuff just when he was invading Russia. But for all that, it was different from communism in important ways. Third positionism is not. Hitler wanted to coopt, rather than exterminate, the merchant class. Third positionists, like Marxists, want to eradicate the merchant class and have the priestly class take their wealth.

Hitler perceived the merchant class as doing something important and valuable. Third positionists and Marxists think that wealth just springs forth from the magic dirt, and the evil capitalist overlords just scarfed it all up. This difference proved less important in practice than one might think, as Hitler shut down the creation of wealth by the Merchant class inadvertently, while the Marxists, the Covid worshipers, and the Gaia worshipers destroy it intentionally.

War and Covid

January 1st, 2023

Russian invasion of Ukraine caused an immediate relaxation of the enforcement of Covid worship.

Russian annexation of portions of the Ukraine caused immediate abandonment of enforcement of the jab on international travellers. The signs were still up, the announcements were still coming over the loudspeakers, but no one checked my jab status. At one border I was theoretically tested for infection, but not in fact tested.

This is prep for World War III, as the quiet disappearance of feminism in the Anglo world when Hitler was elected in Germany was preparation for World War II.

When the Soviet Union fell, we got a unipolar world, but the Global American Empire saw itself as a benevolent hegemon that relied on soft power rather than hard power, a self image that was not entirely true, but had substantial elements of truth. The US had immense soft power, and the Soviet Union fell largely because of that soft power.

But the soft power of the US rested on stuff like the Star Wars movies, the first Indiana Jones movie, the Disney Princess movies, jeans, rock and roll, Marvel Comics, and such.

As this soft power was applied increasingly forcefully at the expense of art, entertainment, and story, the Global American Empire came to rely increasingly on direct violence, notably the genocide in the Congo and the destruction of Libya.

The Global American Empire sponsored coups and “revolutions” all over the world, often attaining a bloodless victory, but the bloodlessness of its victories relied on fear – relied on the fact that resistance was apt to be extremely bloody, as in Syria, the Congo, and Libya.

And then the capacity to overthrow regimes, after running into ever more bloody head winds, came unstuck after the Global American Empire installation of a Jewish International Globalist regime in the Ukraine, a regime that, it rapidly became apparent, hates Ukrainians. Since the coup and color revolution in the Ukraine, all color revolutions and Global American Empire coups have failed.

What made that capability come unstuck was that if the regime or the people resisted the coup or the revolution, Russia was likely to assist them. So it was no longer the case that attempted resistance to US regime change would result in terrible and bloody failure.

The Global American Empire therefore even more vigorously sought regime change in Russia. At the same time its military incapacity was becoming increasingly obvious in Afghanistan.

The Global American Empire intended a low level forever war on Russia’s borders, notably in the Ukraine. Russia got sick of this, and went to high level warfare, seeking quick victory. It failed to attain the quick victory, and found itself in a high level war of attrition.

The Global American Empire switched its strategy to high level forever war of attrition. Since official GDP figures showed Global American Empire GDP enormously higher than Russian GDP, they figured that Russia would be rapidly exhausted by the cost of war. They would fight a war of attrition in the Ukraine, and higher GDP would mean the ukes would have much more artillery, much more rockets, much more shells. In war of attrition, the grunts soak up enemy artillery to protect their side’s artillery, and the victor is the one that wins the artillery duels.

This did not work out. Russia seems to be shooting off a lot more shells, and deploying a lot more artillery than the Ukraine, while sustaining the war of attrition is rapidly exhausting Global American Empire military stockpiles. I conclude Global American Empire GDP data is fake and gay, and they have been drinking their own koolaide.

Covid is a bioweapon created to terrorize the subject peoples of the Global American Empire. The intent was that people would gladly submit to totalitarian controls, for fear that the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon would get them.

The Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon turned out to be less awesome than his billing, and the project, while sort of successful, was running into some rough headwinds.

In 1933 when Hitler was elected, first wave feminism in the West softly and silently vanished away, and not a dog barked. Obviously a policy decision was made from on high that they needed manly men to fight wars.

This time around, it looks they have drunk so much of their koolaide that they think they do not need manly men to fight wars, but are still worried about a two front war against their internal population and an external enemy.

It is apparent that the Global American Empire is cultivating the Patriotic Front the way it cultivated the Azov brigade, probably for the same purpose – killing as many goyim as possible. This prefigures a retreat on many issues. Unfortunately free and fair elections and the restoration of the family do not seem to be on the table.

Probably free and fair elections would be on the table if a candidate was prepared to use organized violence to secure an honest election. They are worried about a two front war, and are prepared to retreat on the home front.

They have retreated on Covid. What else might they retreat on if pressed? They are cultivating and funding the Patriot Front, which is full of very good people but under the thumb of very evil people. They tolerate the memes of the Patriot Front, which were formerly thought crimes, and are still officially thought crimes “neo nazi hate group”. Unfortunately the Patriot Front is only memeing the stuff that the shills are allowed to say – they can complain about Jews, blacks, and women, but cannot point to the problems caused by Jews, blacks, sodomites, and women who push their way into the male sphere looking for a spanking that they never receive.

If someone is in the Patriot Front, that does not mean he is a shill or an entryist, but it does mean he is under the influence of shill memes and is dangerously accepting of shills and entryists.

And when I say dangerous, I mean danger of physical death, as so many members of the Azov Brigade have died for a Jewish Globalist. Holy war is coming, and failure to watch for enemy entryists will get you killed.

The shape of our enemy

December 11th, 2022

The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk.

Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child sexual exploitation material on twitter, which would lead one to expect he is a pederast.

Further, all faggots are pederasts and all straights are “paedophiles” for a straight is attracted to youth and indications of fertility, regardless of chronological age, thus attracted to all fertile age females, regardless of chronological age, while faggots find breasts repulsive and youth attractive, thus are attracted to men and to children below fertile age regardless of the sex of the child. Which does not necessarily prove that they acting on that attraction, but Yoel Roth considered accusations of grooming “unsafe”, while somehow considering grooming to be safe.

As head of Trust and Safety, he not only suppressed information on the dangers of the jab, and the truth about Global Warming, but also suppressed information on the dangers of child sexual transition. Child sexual transition is very much in the interests of pederasts.

The current epidemic of gender confusion in schools reflects the interests of pederasts running them. Marriage was destroyed in large part so that professors could get pussy. Now childhood is being destroyed so that faggots can get ass.

The priest cannot say “groomer” and the churches are vanishing.

December 7th, 2022

Christianity is an evangelical religion, but it was always transmitted primarily biologically. People went to the church their dad went to, because their dad went to that Church. Christians outbred, rather than converted, the pagans.

And now, that has stopped. Few baptisms, few intact families in the pews. And so the Churches are emptying out, with a diminishing congregation of old people, and very few children. Every year, the church gets a bit emptier. In the mainstream churches, biological replacement is not happening.

The first church to vanish was the congregationalists. When a Church capitulates to modernity, it loses biological transmission of faith and starts to disappear.

The Anglican Church started its disappearing act when it abolished marriage, replacing a mating procedure appropriate for oogamous organisms, with a symmetric procedure, that could only make sense if vertebrates were isogamous.

Anisogamy is fundamental to Christianity. God is the father. He is not the mother. The Church is the bride of Christ, and Christ the bridegroom. The bible does not speak to women. It speaks to men about women.

The core interaction of the Church with the laity is to hatch, match, and dispatch. And when you have a symmetric mating ceremony for an oogamous organism, then you have a lie, point deer make horse, at the core of the interaction between priesthood and laity.

All happy families are alike. They all work the same way. They are all quietly biblical and quietly eighteenth century. Women, children, and dogs need a master, and if they do not have one, get tense and difficult. Masterless dogs and women bark a lot, and the children howl a lot. The home that is not securely ruled by its father is disturbingly full of angry noise.

The stern and severely unequal biblical prescription works, and everything goes smoothly without drama. Anything that deviates from this, you get trouble and drama. There are a thousand ways to do it horribly wrong, and one way to do it right. If a progressive has a happy family, it is because he is quietly making a highly illegal unprincipled exception for his family.

Every happy family is living the truth, the biblical truth, and those who lie necessarily and unavoidably attack those who live the truth.

Thus the Church that has a symmetric mating ceremony, suitable only for isogamous organisms, is going to wind up preaching that the husband and father is Homer Simpson. So it is not necessarily a good idea to take your wife and kids to Church to hear that you are Homer Simpson. And so, the faith fails to propagate biologically.

The earthly function of the priesthood is to construct a consensus on good conduct so that everyone is on the same playing field playing by the same rules, and the earthly function of the Church is to provide a community within which it is easier and safer to attain cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

For contracts, this works to some extent. If you are looking for building contractors, it safer to find them in the congregation. For marriage and family, this is failing to work. If you looking for a wife or husband, a son in law or a daughter in law, Churches are not a safer place to find them, because the Church has adopted a position fundamentally hostile to happy families and to what used to be called marriage. And so, the faith fails to propagate biologically.

The Churches are emptying.

And the symptom of the emptying is the lack of children and baptisms. You just do not see families in church.

I attempt to control my wife’s social environment so that the women in her environment are good influences – that the social environment is such that a woman may not be permanently on the prowl for an upgrade.

Patriarchs take their families to church for the social environment – for the backing of God and man to maintain good behavior in wife and children, and also to obtain virgin wives for sons, and suitable husbands for daughters.

If the Church is not providing that environment, families stop showing up, and when families stop showing up, the church goes into steady decline and disappears.

Excess mortality by country

November 8th, 2022

Source: Igor Chudov, data

Countries with a low jab rate have low excess mortality, countries with a high jab rate have high excess mortality. That the mortality keeps going up with boosts indicates that they damage is cumulative. You don’t heal up – or the time required to heal up is considerably longer than the time between boosts. Since the jab modifies DNA, and was, contrary to what was claimed, designed to modify your dna, to the extent that it modifies your dna, the damage is permanent.

Death, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Each jab gives everyone some circulatory damage, some heart damage, some reproductive system damage, some immune system damage, and some brain damage. If someone already has a problem, for example diabetics typically have heart and circulatory damage, they are likely to die of heart attack. If gay, already have a lot of immune system damage, likely to die of aids like cancer or opportunistic infection. And everyone gets a bit stupider, some of them a lot stupider.

Deaths up ten or twenty percent, fertility down thirty or forty percent. The effect of widespread stupidity is not yet obvious. Well, it is becoming obvious to me, but there is no statistical evidence, only my subjective impression. Suddenly programmers cannot program. Instead of debugging their programs, they are deprogramming their bugs. I was listening in on a video conference, and people were announcing that stuff just could not be done.

Over time, programmers tend to wind up working on tasks that are at the edge of their ability, dumb programmers produce simple solutions to simple problems, smart programmers produce clever solutions to hard problems. Suddenly a whole lot of programmers are finding that what they are working on is beyond their ability.

He votes, counts for nothing

November 7th, 2022

He who counts, counts for everything.

Voting is over. Elections are over. The Republic is over.

The time of Republics has passed, for a republic requires a virtuous elite, yet undermines elite virtue. Thus Republics are always short lived, and their endings dreadful.

The time has come once again for a King appointed by God, and for an army to march to holy war under the banners of Christ.

Excess deaths

November 5th, 2022

Deaths are up. Up far more than they were during Covid. And very few of those excess deaths are people dying with covid.

And the largest part of the excess deaths is heart attacks – often in young people.

When the jab was introduced, a very large number of jabbed people were diagnosed with myocarditis – heart inflammation.

We now know that everyone jabbed without exception shows a rise in the cardiac enzymes indicative of heart damage, it is just that in most people the rise is not enough for a diagnosis of myocarditis. Particularly as diagnosing myocarditis immediately following the jab is going to get a doctor in trouble.

And official truth was “it is mild, they will probably get better, and we will follow up to make sure they are getting better”

Did they follow up? Not hearing any information about the results of that follow up.

We do not know if the heart changes caused by the jab are temporary or permanent. But the fact that attempting to research that question will get you cancelled, deplatformed, demonetized, and cause the loss of your medical license would suggest that they are permanent and irreversible. The fact that this follow up somehow never happens, or if it ever does happen the information is somehow never revealed would suggest that the heart damage is permanent and irreversible.

Am hearing of a whole lot people suddenly dropping dead of heart disease.

I see a strange reluctance to connect the big rise in cardiac deaths in young people, with the big rise in myocarditis in young people, which extraordinary levels of myocarditis usually immediately follow the jab. If someone talks about excess deaths and says “heart disease” he is strangely not going to mention myocarditis.

And, of course, fertility is down. And a large part of this drop in fertility is miscarriage. Miscarriages are up. Way up. If miscarriages are up, we would expect children born sick, injured, and physically and mentally defective to be up. Anecdote is that births of seriously and permanently ill children have risen massively. And miscarriage, like myocarditis, is another sequel of the jab. Pregnant women are apt to lose their babies when jabbed.

I now increasingly suspect that the jab was created first, in order to kill people and stop them from having children, then Covid was created to give governments an excuse for jabbing people.

If the intention was not to kill people and abort their children, if these were unfortunate and unexpected results, I would expect a little bit more curiosity about these phenomena.

The poverty of the billionaire ruling elite.

October 29th, 2022

Musk is immensely rich because he creates capital.

Nancy Pelosi, and the entire FIRE economy, are immensely wealthy because they help themselves to capital that other people create.

We have a criminal and stupid ruling elite.

And no matter how much money such people have, they remain poor. Their yachts sit in the marina. They own nice mansions that were built by people of wealth and taste, but lacking taste, do not live in those mansions, They own them as status symbols, and live in trash places. They own them because other people judged them magnificent, not because they can tell the difference. When they buy a yacht, it is not to sail it to beautiful and interesting places, but to have a higher mast sitting in the marina than the mast of the other billionaire’s yacht that is sitting in the marina.

Nancy Pelosi’s beard called in a forty year old male whore, who beat him up.

And so we got to see photos of where Nancy Pelosi’s beard lives and where the whore lives.

The whore lives in trailer that is as filthy, ugly, and garbage strewn as you would imagine. I know nice people who live in nice trailers. Trailers near other nice trailers. One look at this whore’s trailer, you know he is drug addled whore who is likely to attack you and rob you.

The beard lives on billionaires row, in a “mansion”. Which is to say a house considerably bigger than any of my houses, and doubtless worth thousands or tens of thousands as much, also considerably uglier, with an entrance way far inferior to any of my houses, a garden far inferior to the gardens of any of my houses, a view far inferior to the view from any of my houses, in a crime infested neighborhood (“Billionaire’s row”) where if you leave something in your car and the car unlocked, it is going to walk, unlike any of the neighborhoods of any of my houses.

One of my houses is surrounded by a horde of McMansions. There are a lot of things I do not like about those McMansions. But each and every one of them looks nicer and has a nicer entrance way than the beard’s mansion. The beard’s mansion is to nice mansions, as the whore’s trailer is to nice trailers.

These are trashy people, everything around them turns to trash. They turn everything they touch into trash, whether a mansion or a trailer. Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and the beard’s whore are all alike.

Nancy Pelosi, her beard, and her beard’s whore all all the same quality of person. They are all trash, and in a civilized society they would be confined to a ghetto for human trash, a ghetto serving the same function as the town dump for household trash, so that civilized people can pretend that trash does not exist, and do not suffer the crime that follows human trash around like flies and cockroaches.

You wonder why modern buildings are ugly? Ugliness and physical degradation follows corruption and sexual deviation. It is like evil in the old fantasy games. You can tell the bad guys just by looking at them and their surroundings.

A living creature maintains its own order by increasing the entropy of other systems. The lion eats the deer and turns it into poop. A healthy society has to continually fight social entropy, which means it has to continually dump social entropy outside of itself. And that is what ghettos are for. They serve the same function as a sewer. A palace without a sewer will soon start to stink. The ugliness of the modern world is due to a lack of sewers for human sewage. It all started when the Victorians allowed Florence Nightingale and her ilk back into polite society. A palace needs a sewer, and civilization needs ghettos. And it needs to keep human sewage from escaping those ghettos.