
Ukraine war is over. The killing and dying may continue for some time

War is a test of will and capability. The test has been performed, and the result is apparent, and now is apparent to everyone. The Global American Empire GDP is fake and gay, created by fraudulently manipulating cpi figures, and consisting of the magic paper wealth of the FIRE economy of the blue state megalopoli. Russian production of drones and shells is many times greater than the entire production of …


Time for Kings

The time of Republics has ended. The time of Kings approaches. It is said that comes the hour, comes the man. We shall see. The hour is near, and yet the man is nowhere in sight. The technology and tactics of warfare are rapidly changing, and no one has quite figured it out yet. The meaning of war itself is changing, and its future shape has not yet been revealed. …


Moderation policy

Comments that employ new email addresses, addresses that have not yet been white listed, have been being silently deleted for some time, because I am being snowed under by shills and cannot spend the time to address each new shill email address individually. This seems be a deliberate plot to make it difficult for new commentators to get whitelisted. Unfortunately it is working. For your new email address to get …


Some bad predictions

I predicted after the election was massively rigged that the deep state would cease to employ the outer party, that the Republicans would not win an election for dogcatcher. Instead they continued to employ the outer party, but massively rigged the primaries, with the Republicans running candidates that outraged, demoralized, dismayed, and horrified the base. With the collapse of the censorship regime, I hear congressmen talking about this dismay and …


Thermidor begins

I have been smelling a Thermidor in the wind for some time, but expected it to begin with the removal, possibly the lethal removal, of some of the people pulling Biden’s strings. This may have happened in a nonlethal fashion, or perhaps they all changed their minds simultaneously. Whatever happened was less visible than I expected. Are all the usual Biden handlers still to be found? Hamas attacked Israel. Suddenly …



According to official statistics, everything is coming up roses. Inflation is way down, unemployment is way down, GDP is way up, and we are doing so much better than under the horrible horrible Trump economy. Looking out the window of the plane from ten thousand feet as it comes in to the airport, you can see that not everything is coming up roses. The Democrats noticed that not everyone seems …


The dissolution of the Monasteries 2.0

I always talk about Charles the Second, who undid a left singularity and built good economic and religious institutions. But I also frequently comment that fixing the problem requires the dissolution of the monasteries, which is a reference to Henry the eighth I normally do not cover the news of the day, but couple of days ago, Trump proposed the dissolution of the monasteries. A future American ruler is likely …


Not time for war with Islam

Since the war in the Ukraine is not going too well, the faction currently in the saddle in the Global American Empire is looking for war with Islam. For a long time the ruling faction has been seeking to converge Islam, and to this end, because they have had considerable success in converging the official faith of Iran, pursued an accommodation policy to Iran. Biden and the generals have now …


The Book of Revelation

Christian evangelicals have a one sided love affair with Israel. They love Israel, and Israel hates them. They misinterpret the Book of Revelations. The Jews have returned to Israel for another chance at redemption, which requires them to come to Jesus. The way the wind blows, they have returned to Israel for another tribulation. If America goes Christian nationalist, then Israel might go Messianic Jew, in which case a less …


Future war

Airsea power is going down. After ever increasing efforts to keep their fleet in Sebastopol, the Russians are finally pulling their fleet back, despite clear and overwhelming airsea dominance over Ukraine. If the Russians are pulling their fleet back from Sebastopol, US airsea bases ringing China are just hostages. Drone warfare has become dominant, and is rapidly becoming more dominant, rendering grunts trudging through mud increasingly irrelevant. In future war …