Duterte has been arrested by the ICC.
Duterte was Mayor of Davao in the Philippines. He was Trump 1.0 before Trump came down the escalator, and I supported him back when he was Mayor of Davao. Every decent person in Davao supported him. Only very wicked people opposed him. He made Davao from a third word hell hole to safe and prosperous, and then went on to become President of the Philippines, in which he had limited success for the same reasons and in the same way as Trump 1.0 had limited success as president of America.
The ICC has wanted to arrest him ever since he was Mayor of Davao. And now it has.
I normally ignore the news of the day, because its meaning seldom becomes apparent for years or centuries after the event. But this event indicates that the Global American Empire in Exile has rather more power than I thought. And at the same time in Syria, the long running Global American Empire effort to genocide the Alawites and the Syrian Christians has finally started to be implemented.
Right now everyone, including Trump, is wholly focused on events in the Ukraine and Romania, which are still in play. But the Philippines just got taken off the board. Which is not good news for the Ukraine and Romania. Nor is the Syrian genocide.
Elements of the Global American Empire have been trying to expend the Philippines against China the way the Ukraine has been expended against Russia, and trying to genocide the Alawites, ever since Obama was elected. And now it begins. The push to expend the Filipinos against China comes from the same people who have long been pushing to arrest Duterte and exterminate the Alawites.
The US has been sponsoring terror groups to obstruct China’s efforts to create trade routes to resources that are secure from US interdiction.
Trump is on board with confronting China, and breaking its efforts to create trade routes to resources that are secure from interdiction, but he wants a deal with China, not a war. The Global American Empire in Exile wants a war, and he who controls the Philippines, controls whether there will be war.
I have been relocating my assets to locations less likely to be nuked in the event of World War Three. Philippines not looking so good. The ICC is much the same as USAID — a power center of the Global American Empire dangerously autonomous from Washington.
The big split in Davao, back when Duterte was Mayor, was personally evil people versus personally good people. The demographic that opposed Duterte were people who had no real family or friends because they would do the dirty on everyone. You see the same split in the US today. The people who oppose Trump are single or have broken families. They are the people you cannot invite to Thanksgiving dinner, because they would disrupt it. This is consistent with the “Spiteful Mutants hypothesis” of Edward Dutton, Michael A. Woodley, and Matthew Sarraf.
Global American Empire in Exile control of the Philippines will disrupt Trump’s efforts to cut a deal with China in the same way that Global American Empire in Exile control of the Ukraine is disrupting his efforts to cut a deal with Russia. And they will not act rationally, will not worry about World War Three, because spiteful. They will start World War Three in the same way, and for the same reasons, as they will disrupt Thanksgiving dinner.
In good news the process of the dissolution of the monasteries begins.
Does Duterte and Bolsonaro, Imran Khan from Pakistan, and Georgescu all suffer from normalcy Bias? There is a lot of money and power at stake.
Trump we know has learned. Milei should have his head on a swivel. Meantime Infowars reporters are being murdered.
So the longer term outlook hasn’t changed at all, trump or not trump. The US is just a cancer whose objective is to conquer and destroy the world. The whole world will either embrace coca-cola, brawndo, disney and trannyism or be destroyed.
I also think its unlikely the GAE in exile can hold power in the Phillipines against the interest of both an in power Trump AND the government in China now at the same time. They can pull little stunts like this when Trump and Xi are focused on other things but they can’t hold it against both powers. However Xi has been quite willing to back globohomo against MAGA for his own advantage before so…
I know this is just a clever pretext, but holy s**t this is cucked and effeminate. America will be finally liberated, or more precisely exorcised, when you can simply do what’s right — such as ripping asunder satanic priesthoods and expelling hostile foreigners — without having to employ such gay rhetoric to justify your actions. Perhaps if FELLOW BAGELS had thicker skins, or thicker crusts as it were, there would be significantly less “antisemitism” to “tackle.”
Anyway, excellent news. This is a cool timeline.
Gotta come up with a pious progressive sounding reason to attack them initially and one that divides the left and even certain bad actors on the right… makes it look good. Just like Henry VIII’s royal commission on the monasteries were to look into corruption and irreligious living in the monasteries initially.
If it follows the pattern of Henry VIII Harvard will not be till later in the process (though it will be under disciplinary measures) many smaller colleges will be dissolved first. I expect MIT and Caltech to survive the whole process in some form
The universities are also facing the demographic Enrollment Cliff in addition to their many current and impending Trump problems. Many will close, the survivors will have to behave themselves.
It is golden.
The Harvardian priesthood has become so satanic that anything to the spiritual right of progressive atheism might as well be Christianity, yes, that includes “reformed” Jews (but curiously not Muslims). Perhaps it’s because you are an Israeli Jew and detached from American academic discourse, but they hate Jews these days often for the same principled reasons they hate Christians. Yes, it is cucked that the administration uses Jews as a proxy to deal with the enemies of Christians, but for now it is working. When it stops working, likely to change strategy to ensue it keeps working which means explicitly protecting Christians.
>Invading Syria to help a persecuted minority sounds to me like breaking the peace of Westphalia.
The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off. That peace was broken long ago in ‘our’ attempt to overthrow the rightful ruler of Syria, Assad. These murderous gangs going house to house murdering Christians are ‘our’ thugs. This mess is ‘ours’ whether we like it or not. ‘We’ own it, and the new administration must recognize that since we own it, we must do the only decent thing we can do. Disband the genocidal militias ‘we’ created and send them to hell. Restore Assad either directly or by his spiritual successor. ‘We’ owe it to the Syrian Christians, the few that remain, much in the same way ‘we’ owe it to Derek Chauvin and every American who stood against crime and was ruined for it.
The reality is that the new regime is cucking on both for similar reasons. It is pragmatically afraid to taking on too many battles against the deep state at once, but I’d point out timidity at this stage of the game leads to no where good. We are at war both at home and abroad, and it is a total war. This isn’t a fight that can be waged only on one front. It must be fought everywhere, and the Trump teams seems to realize this with how they are dealing with EU and NATO, but again, they do so with timidity.
Just because one owes a debt, does not mean one can pay it.
And you can’t put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline, no matter how much gas is in the can.
These latest stunts in Syria and the Philippines should be demonstrating rather decisively that any attempts to intervene are likely to not only fail, but backfire spectacularly, since the GAE-IE is in control of the territory and that means logistics and communications.
Well, yes, but how? You seem to be advocating some sort of Leroy Jenkins maneuver and that is not going to solve anything.
Our people are only going to be able to fix this by cutting off their C3I and logistics. Which may be difficult – although not necessarily impossible – if their C3I and logistics are not actually located in the USA. That said, I will bet they rely heavily on some sort of resources that are in the USA or controlled by its legitimate government, so if Musk’s boys can find the connections, maybe there is a sliver of hope.
I don’t think it is a question of courage, I think it is a question of knowledge. If you don’t know precisely where the enemy’s infrastructure is, or if you know where it is but don’t know how to get to it, then the only alternative is a brutal war of attrition, which we would almost certainly lose because their supply lines are much closer and more secure. If our people knew exactly which arteries to cut to cripple the Empire In Exile, they probably would, and perhaps eventually will. But in the meantime, no sense in demanding action before anyone is ready to act.
The pentagon overthrew Assad and now Syria is under control of “al qaeda” or “isis” or whatever is the current name for those arabs on the pentagon’s payroll. On the other hand, Trump is supposed to have authority over the pentagon, so all he needs to do is give the proper orders. Same thing with regards to ukraine. Trump said he would end the war in one day, and he can do something like that by giving the proper orders to the pentagon and getting all arms supplies to the ukronazis cut, to begin with.
Of course I’m oversimplifying things a bit, but I think the general idea is correct.
Rather than talking about what ‘we’ (i.e. USG) ought to do, it would be better if Trump sanctioned or at least condoned young men forming barbarian warbands to occupy bloody chunks of the third world. Indigenous Muslim populations to be brutally driven out, like their Palestinian cousins. Erik Prince could organize the first expedition and inspire those who come after. I know this sounds like a really far-out fantasy but we have a sickness of the soul in the first world, a feebleness, a learned helplessness, a long groaning under the longhouse. Send out the young men–not to teach brown girls how to put the condom on the banana–but to conquer and rule. Don’t trust Syria to the ossified organs of the GAE. Let the youth win it with their own blood and remember that they are strong.
So is the world calling bullshit on me or not? Last post I was ackshully-posting about how low-trust power structures require centralization, because these people don’t trust each other to not fuck them over if they can’t show up in each others’ faces at odd times and make sure things are going according to plan.
So what the heck is this, then? How is GAE In Exile organizing itself? Is the brain center in DC-Boston still, but it somehow keeps the Embassies accountable? How? What might this be?
Good question, to which the answer is not apparent. What is apparent is that it is not all that organised, but far from being entirely helpless.
In the post I suggested Davos and Vancouver, but it is noticeable that when the Global American Empire installs a ruler in Africa and South East Asia, the new ruler usually has a strong physical association with locations near Harvard University. But this may merely mean that a power center in Davos has Harvard vet the people it installs.
If this thing goes nuclear, as well it may, I would advise nuking Harvard, Massachussets, Davos, and Vancouver, just to be sure. But I am sure that better targeting information than my guesses is available.
In Russia conspiracy theories often point to England as source of, among other things, moder western left. I thought it might be just a Russian thing, but recently I found a few things like this in English-language Internet:
I wonder if there is at least some truth to this.
Mahmoud Khalil, the Columbia University student facing deportation from the US over allegations he “led activities aligned with Hamas”, held a senior position at the British embassy in Beirut
Jim, this is a comment from your previous post, which I am replying to.
You had stated that, Hindus are very reluctant to address the problem of demon worship within Hinduism. But having thought about it over time, it will be a highly tedious, fruitless as well as unproductive task to try to check each and every deity/tradition in Hinduism for demons, literal or metaphorica and weed them out. It will also piss off a lot of otherwise good Hindus which will play right into the hands of our enemies who want us divided and weak, which Hindu society already is anyway. And our present problems are far more urgent. Besides, most of the old demons are not really relevant any more, since mainstream Hinduism has anyway been converged towards Harvard Progressivism. Now that is the major internal problem at hand apart from our external foes.
My roadmap for the revival of Dharmic religion would simply be to make vedic tradition and Manu Dharma as the basis for society. Restore patriarchy as it was practised by our ancestors and restore the principles of Varnashrama. For that, we need Monarchy – Kshatriya rule – with Brahmins only in an advisory role and each varna following their assigned roles. The Priesthood has to be proactive in keeping out literal and metaphorical demon worshippers out. Science and technology will follow.
How do you think many Christians perceive Jim’s ideas? If you don’t dare enter the temple and call out the strayed, you’re not going to accomplish anything.
Your problems go much further than Harvard Progressivism. Harvard does not force Hindus to defecate publicly. You have demon worshippers. Extensively. And the eternal reluctance of Hindu commenters here to address that demon worship tells me very little is going to change in the near future.
@alf no one is shitting in the streets to propitiate a God or a Demon
He’s saying that based on the shameless disgusting behavior ongoing you have some serious spiritual rot that is not being addressed. What about the current incarnation of your faith leads people to ignore the world around them like this?
You are talking of a downstream problem whose core cannot be tackled without a wholesale restoration of the Vedic religion and tradition, Manu’s laws and headed by a virtuous Monarch.
Under a Vedic Monarch, with appropriate reward/punishment for good and bad behaviour the problem of proles shitting on streets will solve itself.
They are however, celebrating cow shit, cow pee, and a holy river with an alarming resemblance to an open sewer for religious reasons. Which encourages them to shit in the streets.
This is related to the problem that ritual cleanliness is disconnected from actual cleanliness. Legalist religions tend to demon infestation, because ritual virtue is disconnected from actual virtue. Ritual virtue being defined in a way that is maximally convenient for priests, and maximally inconvenient for everyone else.
Which problem goes back a mighty long way. To long before you suffered external defeat.
This is an important point. How and why do priesthoods tend to become more legalistic and detached from physical reality over time? This is too common a failure pattern to blame exclusively on lack of patriarchy, otherwise how would the patriarchy within the priests disintegrate? Where does this weird urge to celebrate sexual ascetics, and eventually worse deviants, come from? This pattern of decay transcends time, space and civilization.
The biggest failure of Hinduism at least was the excessive importance of priests at the expense of warriors, which I conjecture was a result of external defeat leading to the reduction in the status of ruling warriors over an extended period of time vis a vis priests.
A society tolerating mystics and eccentrics within reason is doing this as an investment into itself, because sooner or later issues arise which only non-standard minds may hope to understand and propose workable solutions to.
(concise formulation of this concept credited to Edward Dutton)
Rather it’s when any cretin and his aunt declare themselves mystics or eccentrics, and/or when these social roles become institutionalized and people within specific institutions/groups are *expected* to play outward roles that are bureaucratic interpretations of pervious successful actual mystics and eccentrics, that things tend to get out of hand dangerously and depressingly.
The mystic and eccentric, instead of being authentic mediators between the group social bubble and empirical reality, or deeper reality, become instead roles *within* the social bubble, imitating connections with reality which are make-belief connections with a make-belief reality.
Like we see with The Science of late, The Artist, The Therapist, The Thinker, The Priest and so on. Roles which properly belong to the outer reaches of the social bubble, attempting to interact with glimpses of reality at the borderlands of banal human existence, but which have been coopted by the bubble and who are instead encouraged to go through the motions of socially approved contact with a socially approved simulacrum of reality, getting socially approved results every time.
Generic systemic entropy, which over time overwhelms any structure. On the political level, there have been various experiments to prevent this from reaching lethal levels, which includes the framework devised by the US founding fathers. On a more broadly institutional level, and existential and spiritual level — this is a mystery which we either find ways to at least partially deal with, or this civilizational cycle also ends. This time with the potential of ending life on the planet above the bacterial level.
There’s even no need for nukes as such to fly. The nuclear reactors, the biological and chemical factories, storage facilities etc., all it takes is for civilization to suffer a teeny-weeny mini-collapse, to wink out for a generation, or even half a generation, and once the crucial infrastructures around the various factories and facilities stop working properly — a sudden plague of terrifying dead zones across the globe.
Jim’s blog is one of the very few places where actual dialogue generates actual concepts which may or may not help us all figure something out, in a world of solipsistic narcissists, hysterics, and psychopaths, who refuse to even admit what the game is and what the stakes are.
Varna said :
“The Science of late, The Artist, The Therapist, The Thinker, The Priest….have been coopted by the bubble and are instead encouraged to go through the motions of socially approved contact with a socially approved simulacrum of reality, getting socially approved results every time.”
Yes. That’s an amazing description.
“On the political level, there have been various experiments to prevent this from reaching lethal levels, which includes the framework devised by the US founding fathers.”
Here I disagree. The so called founding fathers didn’t devise much. I’m not sure what you mean by framework exactly, but the political philosophy of the “founding fathers” was just liberalism, something they didn’t invent. And implementation details like “division of power” were even older.
Furthermore, although the founders of the US government paid lip servive to liberalism they hardly put it in practice. You can take a look at the “powers of congress” section of the constitution. And I think they had some kind of problem with slavery too…
In the same way that women’s capacity for judging inner male character is wholly superficial (and often enough inverse to a man’s actual worth, at least for civilization), normies — including the normie intelligentsia — have trouble telling the one authentic mystic from the other 99 bad actors (and would mostly prefer the bad actors even knowing exactly what they are); with equivalent results.
Leftism thrives on just that state of affairs.
Indeed, leftism is and must necessarily be spiritually effeminate – it follows after the appearance of things, rather than the real substance of things, which, being spiritually Gnostic and temperamentally spiteful, it naturally seeks to destroy; just like the Longhouse and its simps viscerally despise red-blooded men. Ultimately, they hate Truth, for Truth cares absolutely nothing about their colossal egos. Leftism is the Pretty Lies cognitive edifice.
I’ve become an Aesoposter:
A Peacock taunted a Crane with the dullness of her plumage. “Look at my brilliant colours,” said she, “and see how much finer they are than your poor feathers.” “I am not denying,” replied the Crane, “that yours are far gayer than mine; but when it comes to flying I can soar into the clouds, whereas you are confined to the earth like any dunghill cock.”
Open entry.
Same logic as my other reply re: how neighborhoods disintegrate. It is (generally) not individual priests who “go bad”, but rather, some priests are too eager to bring in outsiders, or the institution was designed to be overly inclusive from the get-go.
The priesthood goes bad, not because priests go bad, because it brings in bad priests. The more power and/or influence the church has, the stronger the attraction for bad actors (defectors, demons) and the more likely it becomes that anything other than a completely hermetically sealed system will eventually break down.
The same entropy might also creep in over many generations even with a sealed system, if the apple falls far enough from the tree; but it is a much slower process and theoretically easier to correct if the priesthood is fertile. (Very hard to correct if the particular failure mode is celibacy, and should be obvious why that becomes a negative feedback loop for a closed priesthood.)
If being holy gets one gravy, and it is not that hard to get into the priesthood, you will get no end of priests with clever ways of being extra holy at no personal cost or inconvenience. The doctrine of Maya allows unlimited holiness points in the higher reality, at zero cost in actual reality.
Similarly, the Karen can obtain enormous virtue points by being nasty to whites, males, straights, and the like, and the effective altruist can purchase virtue points at low, low cost, making him much more virtuous than the client whose money he stole, and his family whose thanksgiving he distrupted.
For an example of such cheap virtue, recall the Miss Incredible Hulk Actress gloating that she was going to make fans of the Incredible Hulk IP cry. Similarly, the frequently announced enormously superior virtue of the developers of “Dragon Age, the Vanguard”
This reflects massive over-production of priests, and the infestation of jobs-for-the-priests into every part of the economy. But nothing that libs have come up with provide virtue as cheap as the doctrine of Maya. It seems likely that the doctrine of Maya was preceded by a innumerable now forgotten doctrines that supplied ever greater superior virtue at ever lower cost.
Why doesn’t celebrating cow shit and cow pee encourage them to shit in the living room of their own homes?
Alf, for some reason I am unable to click “Reply” to your comment.
There is no reluctance on our part, just that the task is so enormous and not worth the trouble because of more urgent, important existential issues at hand.
Further, restoring the status of Vedic tradition and Manu’s laws by itself is likely to remove a whole lot of demon worship in one fell swoop without necessarily dealing with each and every single issue independently. We cannot afford do extensive surgery at the moment as the patient is already weak.
The “spiritual rot” you speak of was caused by the external defeat which led to demoralization of Hindus over centuries, the Hindu priesthood becoming lethargic and the present Harvard Progressivism has led to further decline.
The spiritual rot set in long before external defeat
Whatever the cause of the rot, the answer does not lie in performing surgery at the moment but by restoring the Vedic religion and tradition along with Manu’s laws.
Doing the surgery you suggest without a Monarchy and Vedic restoration will end up dividing Hindu society into a thousand little sects and ultimately lead to our genocide/destruction by the desert cult.
I think you are a genuinely good poster but I think the amount of violence that would be needed to get Indians to make good conduct would be beyond Hitlerian. The first Vedic monarch would not be able to be virtuous he would have to be an absolute monster to fix India if its even possible…
Its not just the street shitting its that Indians have very subtle forms of antisocial behavior that with any normal people don’t rise to the level of illegality or even if they are crimes don’t normally need to be treated with extreme harshness (most rich people do a little stuff that borders on white collar crime at some point, only Indians as a group systemically seek out dementia patients and try to scare them into giving up personal details by posing as authority figures and such you fuckers call my father multiple times a day it really pisses me off)… thats why I’ve always said that in the hypothetical I was a total autocrat (I’m too autistic but lets say my security forces were so loyal it didn’t matter how impolitic I was) the one race I would just have to expel en masse that I could not make a decent country with them living in it in any way is Indians. Even niggers can be rendered amiable and docile if you execute the troublemakers and make it plain that no such conduct will be tolerated but what the fuck can you do with people who quite legally get in the management of other peoples companies and fire everyone who isn’t Indian. Its not like its nepotism for a couple close friends or nepotism in companies they owned and founded everyone does that nobody has a big problem with it. But coming to a foreign country in a company you didn’t create and weaseling your way in and firing everybody. NOBODY else including jews does that shit.
And as for imposing good conduct, here is a story of an Indian who offered to even pay for his fellows to act with good conduct and they came back with a mod and beat him to death for it.
If the evil priesthood is reined in and good Monarch takes over the reigns, the proles will naturally fall into line with the good behaviour expected of them. I don’t think the Indian race is exceptional in this regard and asking me to admit it is basically asking me to admit that we are beyond redemption, which I cannot admit.
The reason Hitler couldn’t fully rein in the priesthood is because he didn’t have an alternative State Religion. National Socialism is not a State Religion.
The scamming and other anti-social behaviour of Indians is a result of evil priests ruling over us for far too long. The state you describe is not the natural state of a traditional Vedic civilization but of a highly dysfunctional modern one.
I absolutely agree its no natural state but I’m famous here for believing there is no real alternative to really eradicating the left for more than a generation beyond not just destroying their institutions but you then need to eradicate the remaining believers physically.
The absolutely monstorous atrocities I think it would take to fix India I think would make Pol Pot look like a philanthropist… I exagerrate there a bit but not too much. To fix it successfully I imagine the first monarch would have to be considered a monster for the ages the virtuous rule as anyone would understand it would have to be for his successor.
I don’t think so. Indians are apt to comply with social pressure. The trouble is that the social pressures they are experience are in the wrong directions. It is whites that are the most stubborn and intransigent race. Every other race is considerably more malleable and easily shaped.
As an Indian, I have personally been scammed by my fellow Indians, and been helpless to prevent it even when I knew I was being scammed (it does happen in certain circumstances). I know the feeling and it enrages me as much as it does you. The kind of behaviour you speak of is extremely problematic, especially because it kills social cohesion and trust.
I think a true Monarchy with a warrior king solves these social issues, first by removing the evil priests who justify all kinds of prole “activism” to challenge the ruling warriors, and then when the Monarch starts applying the law as it should be. Reducing the evil-doers to an extremely low status also helps. Eradicating bad behaviour with punishment and rewarding good behaviour. No priestly interference allowed, except to grant divine authority to the Monarch’s command.
The problem presently is that, all kinds of bad behaviour is not only unpunished, but practically encouraged by the evil priesthood.
Bad behaviour of proles is always a problem that arises out of an evil priesthood and the bad behaviour, however obnoxious, can be eradicated by eliminating the evil priesthood, root and branch.
@cominator, Perhaps even a Dharmic monarch is no solution for us. But we won’t know until we try it. It certainly ain’t happening in a democracy. I’m with Dharmic here. A few fines here and there, a few jail terms, a few hundred hours of community service, bit of violence, and the rest will all fall in line.
You shoot one bird out of a 100 birds sitting in a tree, the tree will have no birds sitting on it.
Perhaps, as a race, we are incapable of escaping the democracy trap and we are stuck in this defect-defect trap for ever. But that’s another topic.
@cominator, the point is not that the urinating Pajeets beat the pro-social Driver to death. The point is that nothing happened to the Pajeets. I’d have those fuckers stepped on by an elephant or shot off a cannon on pay per view.
The point is not that they fired everyone in the company that wasn’t Indian. The point is nobody imposed a cost on them for that sort of anti-social ingroup behavior. Go to a place where such things are imposed, i.e Dubai and the Pajeets just fall in line.
India has gone too long in its history without a purge of it’s traitors. Maybe the guy who fixes this will have to be a monster. But seeing the Indians in Dubai, I don’t think so.
Knowing how legalism develops, it seems likely your problems started with creative and overly elaborate interpretation of phrases snatched from the Law of Manu in much the same way as the rabbis replaced the ten commandments with an enormous structure based on a single phrase whose meaning became irrelevant not long after it was written.
Legalism and detachment from reality become issues when priests start making and interpreting laws affecting society as a whole. Which tells me that something went wrong somewhere with warrior rule long ago in India which greatly diminished the status of warriors and put priests above them in the pecking order.
My conjecture is that external defeat could certainly have triggered this spiritual rot. Kali Yuga certainty began with the decline of Kshatriyas and Brahmins seeking the worldly power wielded hitherto by warriors.
Priest on top and scientific decline sets in shortly after fragmentation of the Gupta empire. External defeat did not ensue for centuries.
With the decline of central power, kings, kinglets, and warlords become more dependent on the consensus of right conduct to avoid Hobbes’ state of war against all. Priests mediate this consensus, and are apt to game it to put priests on top, coveting that which is Caesar’s.
The core tenets of Advaita Vedanta are priests on top, and reality is not real. There is the rot.
It conveniently detaches holiness from being a good person in one’s conduct to friends, family, kin, allies, employers, employees, and customers. Sounds familiar. It sounds like “effective altruism”. The “effective altruist” is a good person because he is doing good to people he does not know, whose language he does not speak, in lands he could not find on a map. That the most efficient way of doing good, the effective altruist rationally deduces. Which spares Sam Bankman-Fried the inconvenience of managing his clients money as agreed, and allows him to manage it in his interests, at the expense of their interests. Honoring agreements being ineffective altruism.
@dharmic @jim , it possible that the rot set in during the gupta period. There is at least one Hindu nationalist commentator (now banned from all social media and the internet) who had the same view. The seeds of decline are sowed during the peak.
The same commentator also pointed out that Hinduism used to be a proselytising religion before the time of the Guptas. Something happened during that time that it ceased to proselytise.
Good point on the Guptas, Jim
Proselytisation is not a direct indicator of religious decadence. Detachment of holiness from ordinary everyday virtue is a direct indicator.
The sovereign needs to recruit the priesthood on the Pauline criteria.
The most important job of the Sovereign is to be the fount of all honors, mortal and divine — to set the rules for status competition such that prosocial conduct elevates one’s status. And to quell people who game the status competition. Religious theories that relieve the holy man of the inconvenience of actually being holy are one way of gaming the status competition.
It is the block quote. It makes it so only the far left side of the reply button works (about half way between the capital R and the side).
Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the click spot for reply is off, in some comments.
Had to ask Grok what was going on as the news is all incoherent and uninformative.
So it would seem anti-Duterte factions are in control in the Philippines right now.
Personally, I think any government that turns over a national to a foreign agency, for domestic actions/activityis committing treason against the nation.
Nah not always. If I were Trump I would be planning to hand over Victoria Nuland and a lot of people around her to the Russians as a token that we are serious about making up for the past and establishing an alliance and I would be planning to setup a Nuremberg 2.0 type thing for Fauci and those around him in order to circumvent his pardon.
Indeed, which is why I said “domestic activity”. Fucking around with another country is not domestic activity, and it’s certainly reasonable for them to request an extradition.
Two examples:
Hitler – not domestic activity
Franco – domestic activity
Strong GAE control in the most catholic country in Asia does give credence to the jesuit thesis.
Staempfle wrote Mein Kampf.
Oh. I see.
Cominator vindicated once again, re: origins of Nazism. Jim said it’s mutated Lutheranism; Com said it’s mutated Catholicism. (I’m oversimplifying their respective positions, obviously.) Initially, I tended to side with Jim, because Nazism was indeed more popular in Protestant areas than in Catholic areas.
But this explains it on a deep level.
Nazism = Catholicism + early 20th century Teutonic Race Science.
My position on Nazism was a bit more complex than that but I think the Jesuits did much to shepard Hitler into power and were behind organizations like the Thule society and to some degree even later the SS (Himmler openly said the SS was modeled in part on the Jesuits and Hitler called Himmler our Ignatius of Loyola). To make it look good though the Nazis mildly persecuted the Jesuits but it was the kind of persecution where they all survived the war.
The Nazis got their start in Catholic areas, they were more popular in Protestant areas (which were more right wing) after all the other parties to the right of the commies had collapsed even though the Nazis were only right wing relative to the communists.
I grew up liberal. All my friends, neighbors, etc. To me these seem like normal people. Mom cooks dinner dad mows the lawn etc. Very few tattoos or drug problems. They don’t seem evil or perverse. I have been trying to make sense of this for a long time.
Shitlib historian and turbo-fedoraist Richard Carrier sought really hard to prove that Jesus Christ was a myth all along and nothing else. Okay, interesting proposition, might be worth debating. But what could be even more interesting, for our ponerological discussion here, is Carrier’s latest political musings, and what they may end up revealing about the individual conveying them. Epistemology is often born of temperament, after all.
Here’s an example.
Well, what do you think?
Beow – was this written by a good person?
Nobody ever accomplishes anything significant by themselves. Let’s do an experiment. We drop some talented person, naked and alone, into a virgin wilderness (and let’s assume benign), with plenty of natural resources. Do you think they’d ever even make suitable window glass, let alone Starship, or an automobile. Heck, I think 99%+ would be hard pressed to get a fire going.
Do you think Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, … make their contributions to civilization by themselves? All of them had whole organizations working for them.
Yeah, definitely.
My point is that you can have 150+ IQ leftist intellectuals, who may well have some interesting ideas about their fields of expertise – and who are fundamentally spiteful, envious, “whaaa whaaa whaaa why is someone else rich and famous and popular and not ME, life is just so unfair, abloo abloo whaaaaa whaaaaaaaaa!” type people, i.e., wicked people.
High-IQ people with authentic [Great Man] Derangement Syndrome are absolutely never good people.
They are Havel’s green grocer, especially if they flipped from “don’t worry about COVID” to “wear the mask, bigot” overnight without any memory of the former. When the tv stations run specials like “how to spank your wife properly” they won’t remember anything from before except with great difficulty and some embarrassment.
It’s what Lawrence Auster used to call the unprincipled exception. The problem is, sooner or later, the principles must win out and the unprincipled exception will be rectified.
When? These people live in white neighborhoods and have decent families. What will it take to make them follow their supposed principles and put that aside?
I know they are Havel’s greengrocer but they also have a lifetime of indoctrination and see the whole world that way. I can’t judge objectively how bad or morally culpable they are and that is what I’m hung up on.
JewPed, does the author of that article have a nice family? Do people who have those feel like he does?
Nope, he’s a “polyamorist.” Not the cuck type, though; rather, IIRC, he ended up divorced over his serial and self-righteous womanizing. Well, to his credit, and I mean it in all seriousness – at least he is not a faggot.
Sometimes, yes. There is a spectrum with shitlibs (whatever their degree of functionality), from generally innocent Havel’s Greengrocers who can be redeemed, to spiteful mutants who absolutely can’t. If high IQ and suffers [Great Man] Derangement Syndrome, then it’s the latter.
That’s not how the social decay operates. It is an evolutionary (de-evolutionary) ratchet, and trying to conceptualize it on an individual level leads to the same absurd conclusions as it would for any other evolutionary process, like superheroes and supervillains spontaneously gaining telekinetic powers.
The Flanders are “Good Christians” and welcome the Simpsons to the neighborhood and bend over backward to help them at every opportunity. The Simpsons are shiftless losers who don’t maintain their home and cause neighborhood and school disturbances, driving away the best neighbors and making it difficult for others to sell. Eventually the only people the community can attract are single moms, degenerate drunks and assorted drifters, and Springfield is voted as America’s Crud Bucket.
Of course, the Simpsons are a vicious caricature of heritage America written by demented shitlibs, but as with so much left-wing creative output, it can be quite insightful as to their own mentality, their own lifestyles, the things they know about themselves but cannot bring themselves to admit out loud, and cope by projecting it on others.
In reality, Ned isn’t a devout Christian, he’s a secular Jew or mainline Protestant obsessed with virtue-signaling his tolerance and general wonderfulness. The Simpsons are probably some black, mestizo or pajeet family who in and of themselves manage to just barely skate above the minimum standard, but quickly attract others who fall far short. The single moms and degenerate drunks are… well, still single moms and degenerate drunks, or other white shitlibs and bugmen who are even less virtuous in reality and even more obsessed with virtue-signaling than Ned. This continues until the Detroitification is complete and the only decent people left are the ones too stupid to leave, or too poor and atomized and powerless to afford to move.
Depending on what raw material you start with, this process can be as short as a few years, or as long as a century; and its speed depends on many other factors like proximity to high-density urban areas, accessibility by public/cheap transit, climate, infrastructure, local and state governments, local customs and dialects, and so on.
But all it takes is one Ned. Once that happens, the entropy has started and will not halt on its own. What you are witnessing is simply counties and neighborhoods in earlier stages of decline. Visit a place like San Francisco or Portland to see what it looks like in between, when unprincipled exceptions start to disappear but the shit has not yet completely hit the fan.
Right now. Billionaire heiresses are being murdered by vagrants while out jogging, fer chrissakes. The shitlib’s “nice family?” The daughter is on hormone blockers waiting to be surgically mutilated and the son has no hope of replicating Dad’s success because he’s a fucking white male, and it’s time for us to step aside. The neighborhood was all-White not too long ago, but now it’s 25% pajeet, and the upscale shopping center is crawling with ghetto nigs. Look around. It’s all rotting under Elua’s false beatific smile.
I too grew up liberal. Still know plenty of liberals.
As long as you keep things superficial, all is fine. They are friendly people. But whenever you dig deeper, or discuss politics, madness always surfaces. Some people instinctively keep the madness somewhat at bay. Others will froth at the mouth. To the extent they froth at the mouth, they will display sin in other facets of their life, which tends not to manifest in unmowed lawns, because keeping up appearances is always important.
Well holy shit 3rd wave feminism is to be rolled back bigly. Candance Owens is a bit nuts but she’s right here… she’s campaigning to get Weinstein (who under me would have probably been shot for leftism but not for fucking actresses, though it would be a hard decision as he did make True Romance) freed.
Speculation by me is that Lana Del Rey in particular (who for whatever perverse reason seemed to genuinely love the fat Jew and I suspect never forgave the blue hollywood tribe for what happened, hence she married some low status zealously MAGA swamp dweller in Louisana) is going to be on fire to provide as much exculpatory evidence as she can.
OT: Footage of troon threatening a street preacher with a gun.
This along with the Tesla arsons and the Zizian murders show the trannies are feisty. Even without federal mandate, Easter probably remains a target for more sodomy-inspired blasphemy this year.
Note that that creature felt completely secure committing a violent crime in broad daylight on camera. It knows that there will be no punishment for it, because it is acting as an unofficial enforcer of the state religion (and it is 100% correct – it will never see the inside of a jail cell for that act). These “people” are far from beaten, here, abroad, or anywhere else.
Being a state crime in a blue state jurisdiction, he will have no problems. Indeed the protected classes never go to jail — notice that some of the illegal immigrants deported by Trump’s men have been arrested over and over again for serious crimes, and were shortly thereafter released to commit some more.
But Trump has just federalised “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests against Tesla, and our attorney general has promised to follow the money. You think they will never see the inside of a jail cell?
>blue state jurisdiction
Even in a red state, he’d be a cause celebre, and the press and the NGOs would rally to his defense. Meanwhile, if the reverse were to happen and a Christian pointed a firearm at a holy eunuch on video, the authorities, blue or red, would move heaven and earth to bring the perpetrator to justice.
>You think they will never see the inside of a jail cell?
I do think that. But I’m open to being surprised.
Is anyone in any state making cause celebre of the Effective Altruism trans terror group?
People don’t pull that stuff in red states, because they know they might die, and if they live, go to prison. Times have changed. They don’t even pull that stuff in blue states any more if it can be construed as federal crime. (Which the trans terror operation is regardless of what state they are in and what state the crime was committed in.)
They let them get away with no end of blue state murders until they nailed a federal officer, and then not a dog barked in their defence.