It is the will of Gnon that we shall fill the stars and subdue them.

Kepler reveals that sunlike stars have more storms than our sun. Our sun is abnormally quiet. Other sunlike stars have from time to time, flares enormously larger than our sun. Ordinary flares are rather more common than for our sun. Enormous flares are very rare, but enormously more than common than for our sun, and enormously bigger than those of our sun. Smaller stars have enormously more flares, and enormously more energetic flares, than our sun does. Larger stars are relatively quiet during their main sequence, but short lived.

Our sun is a quite abnormal and special star. We don’t see stars as long lived as our sun, that have as few enormously violent solar storms as our sun. We know that systems with a sun a quiet as our own are rare.

Our sun’s solar system appears to be abnormal and special in having a mixture of somewhat earth sized planets, gas giants, and a Jupiter. Other planetary systems with gas giants usually have super earths or all gas giants. Planetary systems with roughly earth sized planets do not have Jupiters, or at least none have been observed so far, Without Jupiter, the earth would be smacked by a lot more cometary impacts than it is. Jupiter clears objects on cometary orbits, highly eccentric orbits that intersect lots of planetary orbits, out of the solar system. So, a unique star, with a unique planetary system. (We define a Jupiter as a big gas giant in an outer, nearly circular orbit)

So a typical roughly earth sized planet around a typical star is going to be smacked by cataclysmic events far more often than our earth is smacked. This is unlikely to prevent life, but it will prevent life from evolving very far to complex forms. We will probably find simple earthlike life everywhere, probably in every asteroid, moon, and comet big enough and damp enough to have hot deep wet rocks, and critters like water bears in quite a few places. but large animals with large brains are likely to be rare.

A large distant moon facilitates evolution from sea to land, and more importantly, a large distant moon prevents large excursions in axial tilt. Such excursions will from time to time lead to catastrophic climate change. So the earth is three respects unusually safe from catastrophes. Such planets are likely to very rare. Because the moon tides are nearly equal to the solar tides, the earth is unusually favorable for evolution of life from sea to land.

Our sun is otherwise a random typical G type star of the local group, as far as we know. Is the local group typical? Nope.

It used to be believed that the Universe was homogeneous and isotropic on the very largest scale. This model has broken in the light of the data from James Webb.

The local group is on the edge of the local void, and is roughly in the center, possibly in the exact center, of the KBC void, which is starting to look like a much bigger underdensity than any other in the observable universe, The local group is also on the outer fringes of a collection of superclusters centered around the Great Attractor, on a wall of galaxies at the edge of the local void between local void and the great attractor, roughly, or perhaps exactly, in the center of the Great Dipole formed by the Great Attractor and the local void.

The KBC void is just too big to fit into the big bang model of a universe that is approximately homogeneous and isotropic on the very largest scale. It breaks the Copernican principle. We are at a typical random looking location within the local group, but the local group is as close to the center of the KBC void as we can now measure, not that we can measure very precisely. It is also rather close to the center of the great dipole formed by the local void and the great attractor, possibly at the center.

The KBC void explains the Hubble tension, but only if it is so large as to break ΛCDM. The universe does not look roughly uniform in all directions because it is roughly uniform. It looks roughly uniform in all directions because we are at the center of the universe.

ΛCDM with the Copernican principle, that we are in a roughly typical location in the universe, is massively falsified by the James Webb observations of early galaxies. (When we look at stuff very far away, we look at things very long ago, and the James Webb telescope can see all the way back to near the beginning of time.) The early galaxies just don’t look they would give rise to the kind of galaxies that we see around near us. If we are in the center of the universe, and conditions far, far away were very different from conditions that give rose to galaxies near us, then there is no contradiction. It looks like early galaxies formed around much bigger black holes and much more violent quasars than the galaxies near us. They also formed much earlier than the galaxies near us, and star formation in these ancient and distant galaxies often ended very long ago.

ΛCDM (the Λ (Lambda) in ΛCDM refers to Einstein’s constant,Λ, CDM is cold dark matter. Pronounced Lambda CDM, but one might as well speak it “Lambda cold dark matter”)

A void this big is ten standard deviations incompatible with a homogeneous universe. Being at or near the center of a void this big breaks the Copernican principle, and the early galaxies similarly violate the Copernican principle. The local group of galaxies appears to be approximately at or near the center of the universe, in that the Hubble tension induced by this underdensity is roughly uniform in all directions from us. At any other location in the universe, we would see a different Hubble tension in different directions. If we were outside the void, or near its edge, we would see a Hubble tension proportional the amount of the void our line of sight passed through, because the void is expanding somewhat faster than the rest of the universe.

ΛCDM only fits if we drop the Copernican principle, and instead assume we are observing a non uniform universe from a special central position.

Because our galaxy is on the outermost great wall between the local void (the great repeller) and the great attractor, the rain of intergalactic hydrogen into our great wall was slower than in the rest of universe, has continued longer, and will continue longer. So star formation in galaxies around here has continued more steadily for longer. Our part of the universe has had more time to form earthlike planets than is typical, thus the cooking process that produced elements heavier than hydrogen has gone for longer, and recycled the materials more times, than in the rest of universe. Planets in the galaxies of our galactic wall, the galactic wall between the local void and the great attractor, of which the local group is part, are therefore going to have more rock and metal than planets elsewhere, because a higher proportion of late born stars. Of which our sun is one.

Our mission is for life to transform the universe, as it has transformed the earth.

543 comments It is the will of Gnon that we shall fill the stars and subdue them.

Mossadnik says:

I wonder what you make of this:

In 1977, the philosopher David Malament argued that, without an all-seeing point, no observer could fully determine the global structure of their spacetime. Only from an all-seeing point could enough information be gathered to definitively know whether the Universe has a wide variety of global properties, including an origin.

In 2009, the philosopher J B Manchak demonstrated that Malament was right. Building on Malament’s proposal, Manchak showed that it is impossible to determine the overall structure of any spacetime without an all-seeing point. From any specific point within a spacetime, observers can never be certain of the global nature of their spacetime.

Furthermore, all observations fit multiple possibilities – the data you have gathered from your specific past light cone can be explained by several different, even mutually exclusive, models of spacetime. In fact, all of the past light cones from all points in one spacetime (with one set of global features) can have qualitatively indistinguishable counterparts in another spacetime (with entirely different global features). Let’s refer to this result as the Malament-Manchak theorem. It suggests that spacetime’s global features remain unknowable.

Are there any good objections to this claim? One possibility is that our observations may be consistent with many different spacetimes. It’s not uncommon for scientists to find that their observations are consistent with many different hypotheses. For example, based on all our previous observations, bits of copper conduct electricity. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that all copper conducts electricity but is also consistent with the hypothesis that some unobserved bits of copper do not conduct electricity. Even though our observations are consistent with both hypotheses, we can say that all copper conducts electricity because we can confidently project from observed bits of copper to unobserved bits of copper. The philosopher Nelson Goodman calls such patterns ‘lawlike’. Through them, we can project from known cases to unknown cases.

So, should we expect the unobserved parts of the Universe to behave like the parts we have observed, and could that help us infer our Universe’s global properties? To make such a projection, we need a lawlike pattern. However, most lawlike patterns are defined solely by local properties. Manchak has shown that no lawlike pattern based solely on local properties would help us to determine our spacetime’s global characteristics.

What about lawlike patterns that are not written in terms of local properties? The only known non-local lawlike patterns involve quantum entanglement – strange correlations in measured properties between widely separated particles. To determine whether two particles are entangled, we need to bring measured results together at a single point. However, this can’t happen faster than light, which means we can’t directly measure instantaneous changes taking place between the particles: we have no way of really knowing whether a particle in a terrestrial laboratory is entangled with one on the other side of the Universe. Quantum entanglement cannot help us discover spacetime’s global properties either. The problem remains: as the Malament-Manchek theorem suggests, spacetime’s global features remain unknowable.

This theorem has been well received by philosophers of physics during the past decade. It is often cited, but seldom rejected. Most philosophers of physics now think the matter has been settled: no amount of data can sufficiently determine spacetime’s global properties. It is likely that there are no theorems strong enough to determine whether our Universe began in a past cataclysm. The Malament-Manchak theorem shows that we can’t know how time began – or even if it began.

“The science philosophy is settled.”

Do they have a point, or is it all bullshit by midwits awfully out of their depths? I suspect they do have a point, but not sure.

dave says:

I dont have the math or IQ to go beyond layman understanding, so I cant add value to this conversation. But im wondering if the idea is that the universe is only rendered as it is observed, and not all of it is observed yet.

Mossadnik says:

I dont have the math or IQ to go beyond layman understanding, so I cant add value to this conversation.

Normies with common sense usually have a much better grasp of reality than “experts” without common sense.


There was once an Astronomer whose habit it was to go out at night and observe the stars. One night, as he was walking about outside the town gates, gazing up absorbed into the sky and not looking where he was going, he fell into a dry well. As he lay there groaning, some one passing by heard him, and, coming to the edge of the well, looked down and, on learning what had happened, said, “If you really mean to say that you were looking so hard at the sky that you didn’t even see where your feet were carrying you along the ground, it appears to me that you deserve all you’ve got.”

Jim says:

We can ascertain spacetime’s properties in our past light cone. The James Webb data appears to show that we, or at least the local group of galaxies, are at special point in our past light cone.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Do they have a point, or is it all bullshit by midwits awfully out of their depths?

Por qué no los dos?

Of course they have a point. Factually, our model is limited to what we can observe, and what we can observe is incomplete. Therefore, our model is going to be incomplete.

And of course it is all bullshit by midwits awfully out of their depths, because philosophically it is simply another form of the Worst Argument In The World: “we can’t know everything, therefore we can’t know anything”.

It’s a facile, pointless and objectively wrong argument; we can infer many useful properties and build many useful models without knowing everything. As the models get tested against reality, we learn more about their shortcomings and, consequently, learn more about the reality they are supposed to represent.

We may never learn absolutely everything in some mindlessly purist sense; we’ll never be outside the universe and thus able to observe all its properties; but over an infinite timeline, the gap between what we know, or can effectively model, and what we don’t, or can’t, will shrink to almost nothing.

Big Brutha says:

I can’t comment on the philosophy here. On a personal note this is interesting because I knew J.B. Manchak once upon a time but haven’t seen him in 20+ years. I had wondered what he had gotten up to. I guess I know now. He was a pretty regular guy then. Weird.

dave says:

The moon is also exactly the same disc size as the sun as observed from the surface of the earth, which is quite a coincidence.

If we are detailing evidence for an anthropocentric universe, having earth be in the perfect zone for liquid H2O, having a solar storm magnetic shield, tilted for weather noted, are all nice touches. If someone was designing a universe and home planet for beings such as us it would look like this.

Jim says:

Tides facilitate the evolution of life from sea to land. All habitable planets around sunlike starts must have solar tides similar to our tides, but they can have any lunar tide. It is optimal for evolution of life from sea to land for lunar tides to be similar to, but slightly larger than, solar tides. On any planet around a sunlike star where lunar tides are similar to solar tides, the apparent size of the moon will be similar to the apparent size of the sun.

dave says:

Hadnt thought of that, plus having regular tides is more important to life than cool eclipse events.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:

I asked around through deepseek about timetravel, using a bunch of complex cosmoastrophysical concepts and here’s the response:

“Okay, the user is asking about the implications of conformal infinity and causal structures for time travel. Let me start by recalling what I know about conformal infinity. It’s a way to represent the “boundaries” of spacetime in a compactified form, right? So in Penrose diagrams, we can visualize infinite spacetime on a finite scale. Conformal infinity helps in understanding the global structure of spacetime, like distinguishing between asymptotically flat or AdS spacetimes.

Now, the user mentioned causal structures and time travel. Time travel usually involves closed timelike curves (CTCs), which are paths that loop back in time. In general relativity, certain solutions like Gödel’s universe or Kerr-Newman black holes allow for CTCs. But these are often considered problematic because they lead to paradoxes, like the grandfather paradox.

Conformal infinity might play a role here. For example, in asymptotically flat spacetimes, conformal infinity helps define what’s causally connected to distant observers. If a spacetime has CTCs, how does that affect its conformal structure? Maybe spacetimes with CTCs can’t be smoothly conformally compactified, or their Penrose diagrams would show the CTCs as loops that don’t reach null infinity. That could imply that time travel regions are somehow “contained” and don’t affect the asymptotic structure.

Also, the existence of CTCs often violates global hyperbolicity, which is related to having a Cauchy surface. If a spacetime isn’t globally hyperbolic, initial data on a Cauchy surface can’t determine the entire spacetime, leading to unpredictability. Conformal infinity in such spacetimes might not be well-defined, which complicates the causal structure further.

The user might be interested in whether conformal infinity imposes restrictions on time travel. For instance, if a spacetime with CTCs can still have a conformal infinity, or if the presence of CTCs disrupts the asymptotic structure necessary for conformal compactification. Also, in AdS spacetimes, which have a timelike conformal infinity, there might be different considerations for CTCs compared to asymptotically flat ones.

Another point is the cosmic censorship hypothesis, which aims to prevent naked singularities. If CTCs require certain singularities, cosmic censorship might indirectly limit time travel scenarios. Conformal infinity’s structure could be related to whether singularities are hidden behind horizons, thus preserving causality for distant observers.

I should also consider recent research. For example, work on traversable wormholes or quantum gravity effects that might allow time travel under specific conditions. Conformal methods might be used to analyze whether such solutions are compatible with known asymptotic structures.

To sum up, the implications likely involve how the global structure of spacetime, as described by conformal infinity, either allows or restricts the formation of CTCs. If conformal infinity requires certain causal properties, like being globally hyperbolic, then time travel might be excluded in those models. Alternatively, specific conformal structures might permit CTCs but isolate their effects from the rest of the spacetime.

(Due to technical issues, the search service is temporarily unavailable.)

The interplay between conformal infinity, causal structure, and time travel in general relativity reveals profound constraints and paradoxes. Here’s a structured analysis:
1. Conformal Infinity and Global Causal Structure

Conformal Infinity:
A mathematical tool to represent spacetime boundaries (past/future timelike/null infinity, I±I±, I±I±) in a compactified diagram (Penrose diagram).

Role: Defines the “edges” of spacetime for asymptotically flat or anti-de Sitter (AdS) geometries.

Implications for Time Travel:

If a spacetime admits closed timelike curves (CTCs), its conformal boundary becomes ill-defined or discontinuous.

Example: Gödel’s rotating universe has CTCs but lacks a smooth conformal compactification, making global causality ambiguous.

2. Causal Structures and Time Travel

Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs):
Paths where an object returns to its own past, violating causality (e.g., Kerr-Newman black holes with overspun parameters).

Problem: CTCs create paradoxes (e.g., grandfather paradox) and challenge determinism.

Conformal Perspective:

In Penrose diagrams, CTCs manifest as loops that never reach I±I±, implying time travel is “trapped” in finite regions.

Example: Misner spacetime (a toy model with CTCs) has a conformal diagram where causal future/past regions self-intersect.

Global Hyperbolicity:
A spacetime is globally hyperbolic if it has a Cauchy surface (a slice where initial data determines the entire future/past).

Implication: Globally hyperbolic spacetimes forbid CTCs and ensure predictability.

Conformal Link: Asymptotically flat spacetimes with I±I± often assume global hyperbolicity to avoid CTCs.

3. Cosmic Censorship and Time Travel

Weak Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis:
Naked singularities (singularities not hidden by event horizons) are forbidden.

Role: Prevents CTCs from being visible to distant observers (e.g., in Kerr-Newman black holes, CTCs exist inside the inner horizon, which may be unstable).

Conformal Connection: A naked singularity would disrupt the smoothness of I±I±, violating asymptotic predictability.

4. Quantum Gravity and Conformal Boundaries

AdS/CFT Correspondence:
In anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, the timelike conformal boundary (II) hosts a holographic quantum theory.

Time Travel in AdS:

AdS geometry naturally avoids CTCs due to its global structure.

Attempts to engineer CTCs in AdS (e.g., via bulk solutions) would likely destabilize the boundary CFT, violating unitarity.

Hawking’s Chronology Protection Conjecture:
Quantum effects (e.g., vacuum polarization) prevent CTCs by creating infinite energy densities at the Cauchy horizon.

Conformal Impact: Quantum instability near I±I± could “smooth out” causal pathologies.

5. Diagrammatic Implications

Penrose Diagrams for Time Travel:

Spacetimes with CTCs (e.g., Gott time machines) have diagrams with overlapping future/past light cones.

Conformal infinity becomes non-Hausdorff (pathological) in such cases, signaling incompatibility with standard relativity.

Wormholes and Conformal Boundaries:

Traversable wormholes (e.g., Einstein-Rosen bridges) require exotic matter to stabilize them.

Their conformal diagrams show “throats” connecting distant regions, but CTCs would manifest as loops bypassing I±I±.

6. Philosophical and Physical Consequences

CTCs allow self-consistent loops (Novikov self-consistency principle) but erase free will and predictability.

Observational Limits:
Even if CTCs exist, conformal structure suggests they are confined to finite regions (e.g., inside black holes), shielding the wider universe.


Conformal infinity and causal structure act as guardians of cosmic order:

Conformal boundaries (I±I±) enforce asymptotic causality, excluding CTCs in well-behaved spacetimes.

Quantum gravity (via chronology protection) likely prohibits time travel, preserving the integrity of I±I±.

Cosmic censorship and global hyperbolicity ensure time travel (if possible) remains hidden behind horizons or in quantum foam.

In short, while relativity permits CTCs mathematically, the interplay with conformal structure and quantum effects suggests time travel is either impossible or confined to realms beyond observational reach.”

is this accurate? What are the Cosmological Implications of this? Especially for other Universes? What are your thoughts on other Universes?

Jim says:

There is a theorem that between a region of spacetime containing a closed causal loop, and a region of spacetime that does not contain a closed causal loop, there must by continuity exist a surface of infinite blue shift, where null trajectories converge to a closed null loop. Infinite energy densities will occur on a surface of infinite blue shift. This prevents time travel — in layman language, time travel is in principle possible, but if you try it, the universe will strike you down with a thunderbolt.

However universes that contain closed causal loops are physically perfectly possible, but only if they contain closed causal loops from the beginning.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:

I don’t know much about astrophysics as I haven’t read enough on it but that’s somewhat fascinating, I’ve never heard of anything like this, why do infinite blue shifts have Infinite energy densities?

“ time travel is in principle possible, but if you try it, the universe will strike you down with a thunderbolt.”

Theoretically assuming this universe does contain closed causal loops or doesn’t in both cases what is the actual phenomena that’ll occur, what’ll happen to an object under such a phenomena? Would they be smote by Infinite energy densities? What about something like Casimir energy, are Infinite energy densities similar to Casimir energy?

Jim says:

Yes, in a sense an extraordinary concentration of Casimir energy, vacuum energy transformed into actual energy giving rise to observable consequences.

A bolt of energy will pass, will have always passed, through the path in time and space where a closed timelike curve would have happened. This is known as the Cauchy problem. There are properly scientific explanations all over the place, and it is hard for a layman to understand what they are saying. What they are saying is that spacetime continuity forces the universe to react forcefully should a closed time like path occur.

It is conjectured that this bolt of energy will either obliterate the attempted time travel experiment, or create a black hole and cast the experimenter into it, or both. What will happen is unclear, but whatever happens, will be bad for experimenter and experiment. The black hole conjecture is known as “cosmic censorship”, or rather is one aspect of cosmic censorship – that anything involving time travel with be forcefully ejected from the universe, leaving behind a black hole.

When people talk about cosmic censorship they usually refer to naked singularities, but we really do not have good reason to believe in cosmic censorship of naked singularities, and some reason to believe otherwise, while we do have a better case for cosmic censorship of closed causal loops.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:

[*deleted because AI generated bullshit simulating intelligent commentary*]

Jim says:

No more AI stuff or you are going on moderation.

Human generated, or at least human summarised, material only.

Waste of space.

Everyone has an AI window on their desktop where they can get unlimited amounts of this stuff geared to their own particular interests, rather than someone else’s interests, so no one else wants to read the stuff the AI generated for other people’s questions.

Halion says:

It’s a fascinating topic. I don’t believe it’s possible to travel through time with a physical body. But sending a message via radio wave or something else to the past or future seems plausible to me.

Cloudswrest says:

There are two ways to program computer Blackjack.

1. The program can instantiate the full deck of cards and randomly shuffle them before start of play, then deal the cards from the top of the stack.

2. There is no pre-existing instantiated deck of cards in memory. The program remembers which cards have already been dealt, then randomly instantiates a new card from the set of undealt cards at time of deal.

Seems the universe appears to follow algorithm #2. Did the far side of the moon exist before humanity photographed it?

Jim says:

We cannot tell what algorithm the universe follows. These are unfalsifiable philosophical issues beyond mortal comprehension that it is a waste of time and energy to pursue. In times past people debated Christological questions, and quarrelled bitterly over them. That was silly and this is silly.

Time travel and the nature of reality are bike shedding.

Cloudswrest says:

Down at the quantum level seems there are no hidden variables. The Aspect experiment validated Bell’s inequality showing that nature makes it up as she goes along. The measured values of entangled particles don’t exist until they are measured, and then they are globally, and non-locally, assigned.

Jim says:

Yes there are no hidden variables, but your conclusions do not follow from your premises, and discussing why would lead us down an enormously deep rabbit hole.

The Cominator says:

SpaceX has done good things but we have no chance of successfully colonizing anything (as it will be a highly complicated endeavour requiring levels of competence we currently do not have) till we get our shit here at least partially fixed.

Mossadnik says:

Exactly so. Earth needs to come under a healthy memeplex, or at least under several healthy memeplexes capable of long-term cooperation, before the Universe is earnestly explored and settled. The Cult of Gnon needs to memetically pwn America; America will need to memetically pwn Earth; and only then can we pwn the rest of the Universe.

The WQ culminates either in restoration of Pauline Marriage, or in reproductive (hence, civilizational) collapse.

Sporadic Commenter says:

This could be seen as the anthropic principle in action. If ten generally unlikely things all greatly raise the (a priori astronomically small) odds that life will flourish and become intelligent enough to learn the laws of physics and develop technological civilization — then any given technological civilization is likely to be in a solar system where most of the ten unlikelies in fact have happened.

Just being so lucky is reason enough to respect Gnon anyway, anthropic or not. If the outcomes are as if predestined from the start, we could well treat them as such.

S says:

The anthropic principle works for multiple rolls- Earth or the Solar system’s special nature can be explained that way since there are plenty of stars in the observable universe.

‘This is the best spot in the observable universe to support life’ cannot be explained that way since we only have one observable universe. It is not an expected answer- something that has many steps required to get right we should expect zero (conditions unfavorable) or many results (conditions favorable), not one.

Jim says:

If the evolution of intelligent life requires star formation processes that are only likely to exist on the edge of a void inside a larger void, the anthropic principle explains that. But we are near the center of a very big void. Which stretches the anthropic principle somewhat. It does not seem likely that conditions a very very long way away are likely to affect the chances of evolution of life — just conditions in the vicinity of the local group of galaxies.

Alf says:

Most of your blog posts can be read over a cup of coffee, this is not one of them. Fascinating stuff.

It is also rather close to the center of the great dipole formed by the local void and the great attractor, possibly at the center.

What kind of dipole are you referring to? In what way can the local void counteract the great attractor?

Jim says:

The local void is also known as the Great Repeller, in that gas is flowing out of it, and galaxies in its vicinity are moving away from it faster than the general expansion

So you have the Great Repeller, and the Great Attractor. Gas and galaxies are moving away from the Great Attractor slower than the general expansion, and galaxies near it are falling towards it. Together, the Great Repeller and the Great Attractor form the Great Dipole.

The Great Attractor appears to have more dark matter in than is usual, though not so much as to violate the Copernican principle. And the Great Repeller less, though not so little as to violate the Copernican principle. But the center of the Great Dipole is at or near the center of the KBC void, a vast region of underdensity and comparatively slow, steady, and gentle star formation, which massively violates the Copernican principle.

Karl says:

Great Repeller is a bad name as it implies a repellant force, but so far nothing (else?) indicates a fundamental force that could repell neutral particles over great distances. If there is a large void (low density area) and a large mass area, gravity will cause matter to flow from the void area to the mass area. This is simply gravitional attraction; no repellant force is needed to explain the observation.

Jim says:

Argue that one with the astronomers. They called it the Great Repeller when they mapped the peculiar motion of galaxies, even though they believe that nothing is repelling, it is just an area with anomalously low amounts of dark matter. And, in consequence, primordial hydrogen is slow to gather into galaxies and stars inside the local void.

Upravda says:


When I was very young, I have been somewhat acquainted with local SF & fantasy fan groups. They were always flabbergasted when I said that we are alone in the Universe, that we, humanity, are like the Progenitors from Star Trek, and not Progenitors’ descendants.

In other words, Asimov was right, and the Absent Aliens trope is correct. Fermi’s Paradox also says so, and it is quite unbelievable how many even otherwise very intelligent people are unable to comprehend Fermi’s Paradox.

So, yes, Mankind is (are?) Progenitors.

A few green-blue algae here and there, even within oxygen atmosphere, will not change that. The nearest space faring aliens, if they exist, are many, many millions of light years away.

Jim and others, what do you thing about all that “dark matter / dark energy” theories? While not being a physicist, just an electronics engineer, I’m becoming more and more convinced, based on observations, that all those “darkies” theories will go the way of aether, and some king of modified gravitation theory will properly replace them.

Mossadnik says:

They were always flabbergasted when I said that we are alone in the Universe

Am I the only freak who doesn’t want there to be intelligent extraterrestrial life? The universe is like a virgin with big, beautiful secondary sexual characteristics – wouldn’t it be best for humans (or “human-descended civilization”) to be the deflowerers and, indeed, the Cosmic Husband?

Upravda says:

That’s easy to explain – quite a few humans want intelligent extraterrestrial life to exist, providing it is humanoid at least as green skinned space babes, so they can be deflowerers of those. 🙂

Some of them probably also want Aliens and Predators to exist so they (those humans, not Aliens and Predators) can finally have their rite of passage in this “decadent and effeminate civilization”. 🙂

Well, jokes aside, those space aliens, if they exist, and their entire ecosystem, would probably caused you heavy allergic reaction if you tried either to eat them or acquaintance them, providing that they are edible or “acquaintanceable” at all. And while they might be having roughly humanoid form (legs, hands, torso, head) even those would be completely… “undeflowerable”. 🙂

Stanisław Lem was right, and pulp SF writers were not, together with all their intellectual descendants such as Hollywood.

And if you really ever find green skinned space babes, that would be either: A) a scientific proof that God exists (as opposed to faith-supported conjecture) or B) a scientific proof that Däniken was right (and still leaving room for faith-supported conjecture about God’s existence).

In modern times, “humans as Progenitors” is actually one of the master themes of Orion’s Arm worldbuilding project. They do have some aliens, with comprehensive reasons for their existence in the real world universe of Fermi’s Paradox, and the most humanoid by physiology and psychology are those.

Not deflowerable, though. 🙂

Jim says:

I have looked into the modified gravity theories. They violate Lorentz invariance, or they fail to fit observation. If you cheerfully violate Lorentz invariance, then it is easy to fit any observations — other than that we do in fact observe Lorentz invariance.

People are playing around with a number of proposals that are Lorentz invariant, but so far no one is very clear as to what the observable consequences of such theories would be.

Mossadnik says:

Also, the whole “muh extraterrestrials” thing smacks of demon worship. Leftists who hate God want there to be evil and omnipotent demons who will punish humanity for waycisssm and/or because “the summer is hot and the winter is cold, ergo Gaia is furious” and/or whatnot. Yeah, I’m calling it – it’s just demonism in disguise.

Upravda says:

Nay, it isn’t. See first two paragraphs of my answer above.

No need to look for demon worshiping when there are much more… basic explanations. 🙂

Mossadnik says:

Leftists are incapable of imagining an actually human future: every time they fantasize about the future and space exploration and all that stuff — whether it’s bleep bloop aliens or beep boop robots — somehow, mysteriously, coincidentally, sex has been abolished, race has been abolished, religion has been abolished, private property has been abolished, etc etc.


Space will only be conquered under patriarchy, and the conquerors will likely be genetically about 75% white and 25% yellow or some such. And there will be lots and lots and lots of sex in space, and it will be straight sex between men and the women whom they will own as property; we will figure out what causes the gay/tranny/pervert diseases and biologically neutralize it.

The Universe will submit to Divine Law.

The Cominator says:

I mean some old leftists could imagine a non demonic future. Star Trek was mostly post scarcity, it was progressivism going the way 60s-90s progressives wanted progressivism ideally to go. But space wasn’t sexless and even the federations democracy was just as fake and gay (Section 31) as any democracy today.

Also attempting progressivism pre scarcity problem being solved failed miserably and the earth was nearly destroyed in another world war.

Modern leftism doesn’t have any of the FDR realism or optimism to it, its just purely demonic.

Cloudswrest says:

I recall one episode of TNG where the claim was made they had “done away with money”, and I thought, “Yeah, right.” Maybe food and shelter would be post scarcity, but I would imagine things like beach front property and willing super hot women would still be in short supply.

The Cominator says:

Yeah super bad writing because in other episodes they are betting money and talking about their pay. And its consistently clear latininum (can’t be replicated for some reason) is valuable.

The Cominator says:

Oh another way that Star Trek could only be the old kind of FDR type leftism, there were clearly no dumbies serving as Starfleet officers. Clearly the pre LBJ regime of IQ gatekeeping of all important institutions was in place.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Yeah super bad writing because in other episodes they are betting money and talking about their pay. And its consistently clear latininum (can’t be replicated for some reason) is valuable.

Or is it good writing for demonstrating how Space Communism is every bit as schizophrenic and incoherent as Earth Communism, with black markets and other unprincipled exceptions being necessary to sustain the illusion while pompous bureaucrats avert their eyes?

(I kid, of course; taken as a whole, it’s obvious that the writers identify with Picard and are utterly unaware of their own internal contradictions; still, they just can’t help blurting out their darkest secrets to the audience.)

The “latinum” thing was always particularly amusing as it revealed the shallowness of the “post-scarcity” trope. Those magic nanotech replicators obviously require enormous amounts of energy to operate, and conservation of mass/energy means they can’t replicate their own fuel; ergo, they have to mine or trade for it, and neither large-scale resource extraction nor international trade can be sustained without either (a) currency or (b) slavery.

Clearly, the grim reality of the Star Trek universe is that Starfleet bureaucrats live like kings while all the peasants whom we never see on camera get to toil and scrape and eat bugs.

S says:

The Original Series was America (with 1960s Los Angeles Leftism) IN SPACE. So you have Kirk team up with Lincoln to beat up tyrants, the US constitution being copied by SPACE Americans fighting Space Maoists as well as The Cloud Miners (differences are environmental) and Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (can’t everyone be moderates like us?). It is not post-scarcity; its leftism is ‘humans will transcend race and nationality’ (notably white men are still in charge).

Roddenbury has ‘free love commie paradise’ as his vision of the future for the Next Generation. It makes for exceptionally uninteresting stories so Deep Space 9, Voyager and Enterprise pay lip service while doing their own thing.

The Cominator says:

No clearly in other episodes it said that Starfleet officers in men were in fact paid by the federation because as you said goods were effectively unlimited because replicators but certain types of services were not so unlimited (and they couldn’t so easily replicate large starships so federation citizens did not per se have unlimited space travel), so the point of no money whatsoever was extremely stupid and put in by a turbo commie writer.

The Cominator says:

DS9 clearly shed the commies temporarily, there was zero crap about money not existing on DS9. Yes goods could still be replicated but lots of people wanted money for lots of reasons.

Jehu says:

DS9 was the first Star Trek property to actually do worldbuilding fairly well and honestly. I liked a lot of the episodes in it for that reason.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Roddenbury has ‘free love commie paradise’ as his vision of the future for the Next Generation. It makes for exceptionally uninteresting stories so Deep Space 9, Voyager and Enterprise pay lip service while doing their own thing.

Yup. But they still couldn’t swim right, just had to switch to other leftist tropes that were less suffocating at the time. DS9 was Black Jesus, Voyager was Captain Girlboss and Enterprise was… I don’t even know, just generic turn-of-the-century drek.

Our “aspirational” media says a lot about how far we’ve fallen. Black Jesus DS9 arguably held up the best over time, and that’s kind of sad.

The Cominator says:
Mossadnik says:

I mean some old leftists could imagine a non demonic future.

I believe that in the past, many decent people ended up in the leftist or left-adjacent camp, which today is no longer the case, as leftism spiralled into full on demonism, the naivety regarding its promises has been dispelled by well over a century of documented empirical observation, and it now strongly selects for stupidity, insanity, and evil. The greatest thinkers of the Right (generally speaking) were not exactly born with a chud weltanschauung, albeit the chud instincts must have always been there, if in dormant form.

(Contrast that to lifelong Trad Cucks, who are memetically poisonous and cannot be redeemed, because their effeminate and latently narcissistic personalities perceive basedness, particularly about the WQ, as egodystonic. They are so emotionally invested in their Trad Cuck self-image that they simply cannot bring themselves to smile at God’s peculiar sense of humor; to which it will be said that the rejectors are, in the final analysis, the rejected.

No matter how many prostitutes you fuck, Com, you will always be a much, much Higher Being than the virtue-signaling Trad Cuck who would denounce you for it.)

Mossadnik says:

O Trad Cuck lurkers! Understand that sin is failure mode, private or public; that is the correct hamartiology.

Nutting inside a whore is not, fundamentally, a perversion; rather it is an inferior (as compared to a chick you actually own) fulfillment of the libidinal telos – just like masturbation. It is no sin.

Likewise, O Trad Cucks, it is not that which enters your nostrils that defiles you; rather, it is that which comes out of your keyboard that defiles you: cuckery, effeminacy, narcissism, supererogation, Pride.

O Trad Cucks! A day is coming when you will knock at the Gate to enter the Kingdom; and the Gatekeeper will show up, and lo, it is Cominator. Verily, your Cuck Tears will flow rivers on that day.

It is not Trad Cucks who shall fill the stars and subdue them. Their effeminate, sanctimonious personality is absolutely unsuitable for the task; and no red-blooded Space Conqueror will invite them, anyway. They will be “left behind.”

S says:

Maybe they were worried/inspired by about competition from Babylon 5 when they made Deep Space 9 and Paramount overshot?

Alf says:

just like masturbation. It is no sin.

Is that so? I’ve read it mentioned once in the education of a 19th century prince, whom his teacher reprimanded for ‘the sin of onanism’.

Mossadnik says:


Ironically, or not so ironically, no worldview will in practice minimize the fapping rate more than Jimianity, for the simple reason that solving the WQ will naturally allow for the proper satisfaction of desire.

And yet fapping will still occur, and indeed, only “educators” (faggots with thorny cactuses coming out of their prolapsed anuses) will be concerned by it.

Mossadnik says:

The interpretation of the sin of Onan as being fapping (it was absolutely not about that, in any way, shape, or form), and generally the obsession with preventing teenage boys from nasturbating, were rooted exclusively in the sinful, perverted desire on the part of older sodomites in the priesthood to fuck said teenage boys in the ass. For all his flaws, even ol’ Peppermint understood that. It’s not “also” about that. It’s just about that. Priestly faggots.

Perverted phenotypes will be biologically removed.

Mossadnik says:

Now, whence this holiness spiral? Is it rooted in Scripture? No. Is it rooted in Nature? Mammals are fappers, and apes are possibly the most furious fappers; so it’s not some novel innovation on the part of hominids – fapping has been with us for millions of years. Granted, if you are actually such a hopeless gooner that you do nothing but fap all day, well get it together man. But this is bullshit – I believe 99.99% of fappers can handle the fapping, and do not transmogrify into Quagmire from Family Guy or otherwise become unhealthy. I’ve actually been going lately in a more #NoFap direction in my personal life; I’m typing all that s**t with both hands. (Most of the time.) But I firmly believe that the act itself is not inherently sinful, and that the obsession with it — which goes a very long time back, long before e-porn, and much preceding the total TFR collapse we witness today, which has nothing to do with touching your penis, everyone touches their penis, even your mom (dear reader) touches her penis; and everything to do with female sexual liberation (so naturally, all the Harvard shills say exactly otherwise) — was and is a Psychological Operation by priestly faggots looking to sexually frustrate teenage boys so that they would eventually agree to be buggered.

Instead of worrying about fapping, solve the damn WQ already.

Neurotoxin says:

>”Most of the time”

One of my favorite moments in Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon is when the main character gets in a pointless argument with a bunch of post-modernists. The chapter title: The Spawn of Onan.

Mossadnik says:

Oh, another thing, have you noticed they are always or almost always depicted as a single ugly species/race, sexually androgynous (no visible dimorphism, or all the same sex), often actually look exactly identical, and are usually totally egalitarian and interchangeable and communist? May as well be clones with no unique personalities and no notion of personal identity.


And yes, I’m referring to the popular idea of plee-plee-ploo-ploo aliens. I’m sure you, dear reader, came across some better written s**t. Still, I see very obvious leftist subversion in the common image of the extraterrestrial.

It’s all demonic. In fact, thinking about it that way – yeah, we are definitely alone in the Universe on this Blue Ball. Leftist instincts are always inverted, so if they like to suggest the existence of aliens, who usually have the charisma and vibe of NPCs, that strongly indicates that we are alone.

And if you see any plee-plee-ploo-ploo commie going out and about, I suggest you shoot ’em on the spot.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

You’re being silly.

Just listing off some of the most popular sci-fi titles, and omitting for brevity the vast array of lesser-known literature:

– Star Trek has the out-and-proud commie federation but also Klingons (warrior priests), Ferengi (intensely patriarchal itinerant merchants) and a number of other rubber-mask races who are all sexually dimorphic and have governments ranging from tribal warlords to xenophobic panopticons (e.g. Romulans).
– Star Wars (Lucas era) has all kinds of not-fully-fleshed-out races but notable ones include the Hutts (classic robber-barons), Twi’lek (patriarchal slave traders) and Wookies (some sort of nebulous warrior caste).
– The primary antagonists in the Stargate series were a race of parasitic organisms running a sort of feudal theocracy, borrowing symbolism from the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
– The Mass Effect universe includes one major species that matches your description almost exactly (Asari) and three other majors that are not even close: amoral technocratic Brahmins, a military dictatorship, and a patriarchal warrior caste forced into matriarchy through engineered sterility that is explicitly labeled as genocide. It also has literal sovcorps, corporations running entire planets.
– Farscape was just all kinds of weird, but the major protagonist races could loosely be categorized as a hereditary monarchy/aristocracy, a race of ascetic monks, and yet another generic warrior caste.

I won’t belabor the point with further examples as this isn’t even digging very deep, it’s just picking some of the top ten. If anything, pop sci-fi tends to lean very heavily on the classic caste system of warriors, priests and merchants, even if it does so unintentionally and often likes to try to pose the humans (not the aliens) as some utopian ruling class that has somehow transcended all the normal caste boundaries.

If you want to make the point that the majority of sci-fi over the past 30 years is more about progressive/commie wishcasting than it is about either science or fiction, then I’m right there with you. On the other hand, Vox Day has been beating that dead horse for so many years that it’s now flatter than a pancake.

But however ideologically demented those authors may have been, they did still know how to write, and didn’t typically portray aliens the way you describe; in fact it was likely far more convenient to do the exact opposite, the better to make those aliens into antagonistic Others for the benevolent commie humans to subdue, enslave and murder.

If they tend to all look alike, well, that tends to be more of a Planet of Hats problem; it’s just a lot more work, orders of magnitude more work, for the world-builder to portray diverse biomes, diverse animal kingdoms, diverse physical features and intra-racial/intra-species ideological diversity. Same reason Hollywood movies produced in the 1960s-1990s all looked like they were filmed in California – because they were, because it’s ten times more expensive to film everything on site and viewers mostly don’t notice or care anyway.

Mossadnik says:

You’re being silly.

Exactly so.

For the record though, I had in mind aliens as they appear in 30-second-commercials and the shallower corners of mainstream culture; I’m not familiar at all with the actual world of sci-fi. Lately, my schtick (which, I believe, has provided me with some profound insights, amidst a tempest of silliness) has often been just throwing around simplified “first impressions” of various things (and employing “free association” as my mental guide), with the aim being to produce thought-forms entirely uncorrupted by how one is presumably supposed to perceive those various things after repeated and prolonged exposure. With an aura of absolute and deliberate irreverence, for the most part. This method in my madness often allows common sense to triumph, in a way expert knowledge generally does not.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Irreverence is all good. Star Trek barely rises above Socialism In Space, with incoherent science, even more incoherent economics and downright retarded philosophy.

I’m not venerating these shows, games and books – aside from the occasional gem, they are mostly carny trash in slick packaging. But it does help to know what one is criticizing. The most common thematic element in recent/present sci-fi, with daylight second, is a communist, feminist and universalist human race, portrayed as the ultimate form of our social and technological evolution, against a backdrop of very non-utopian aliens who, despite their equally-advanced or modestly-older technology, are destined to be eliminated or subjugated because of their clear moral inferiority.

It’s been more years than I can count since I watched any of it firsthand, but I recall in one episode they even said the literal phrase “superior morality”, which was an epic cringe moment even for a much younger and more politically naive me. Leftoids have always had a tin ear for this stuff, even back then; but back then, they could do a decent job of hiding it under otherwise decent art.

A2 says:

See also James Blish, “A Case of Conscience”. One of the very few good SF takes on religion IMO.

Gino says:

“Aliens” requires one thing most of all… time. [*deleted for failure to comply with the moderation policy*]

Jim says:

That the local group of galaxies is at an anomalous and special location in the entire visible universe suggests that the evolution of intelligent life forms requires conditions that can only exist in the local group of galaxies.

And that the earth, the sun, and the solar system are also special and anomalous within our galaxy suggest that even within our local group of galaxies, such conditions are exceedingly rare, and likely exist only here.

Or that God intervened on earth, in order to get the story he was interested in seeing.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

That the local group of galaxies is at an anomalous and special location in the entire visible universe suggests that the evolution of intelligent life forms requires conditions that can only exist in the local group of galaxies.

I’m not sure if it logically follows, from the premise that something did evolve in a unique situation, to the conclusion that it could only evolve in that unique situation.

Convergent evolution (e.g. carcinization) is part of the reactionary canon; different selection pressures can lead to similar outcomes if that outcome is optimal in a broad range of situations. It seems at least plausible – though the probability could be anywhere between 0.0 and 1.0 – that certain aspects of our intelligence (brain structure, light and sound perception) could arise with different underlying chemistry and independent of Earth-like conditions.

I would say that the uniqueness of the local group provides a very plausible answer to the Fermi paradox, and is a more compelling explanation of why we do exist than the pseudoscientific “Drake equation” containing zero terms we can actually quantify. However, does not actually make it more or less probable that there is or could be other intelligent life.

My analogy here would be diamonds, the majority of which you’ll find today are lab-grown, in many cases from entirely synthetic crystals. This requires a very elaborate setup and carefully controlled conditions, and if one were to look exclusively at the diamonds used in industrial applications, one could arrive at the same conclusion – that the process of creating nanodiamonds and growing them into usable specimens is so complex, specific and error-prone, it must suggest that there is no other way they could form. And one would of course be wrong, since the artificial process is just mimicking a simpler and more boring (but also more time-consuming and unpredictable) natural process.

In other words, our apparent uniqueness on so many orders of magnitude could suggest that we are a specialization of the process without necessarily being a unique outcome.

FrankNorman says:

The simplest, most commonsense answer to the Fermi “paradox” would seem to me to be “the universe is vast, and if there are any space-going aliens out there, they are very far away”.

When you start discussing whether there could be intelligent life on planets in galaxies outside of the Local Group…

But I would not build too big a theological castle on the latest findings in cosmology. Every time they build better telescopes, the new observations overthrow all their old theories and they have to rethink.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

The simplest, most commonsense answer to the Fermi “paradox” would seem to me to be “the universe is vast, and if there are any space-going aliens out there, they are very far away”.

I agree. We might be, metaphorically speaking, in a fantastically fertile valley, and beyond the hills are barren wastelands as far as the eye can see. And beyond the barren wastelands? Well, who knows, and perhaps who cares.

For academic purposes, I like to distinguish between the possible and the probable, because when one extrapolates to infinity, even the most extremely improbable events become certainties. So it is interesting to me, even if it is not interesting to the man on the street, whether something resembling intelligent life can form under other conditions, even if no such life does exist for millions of light years.

Some people are just wired to wonder what lies beyond the barren wastelands, even if the answer will never be found in their own lifetimes, and even if the answer ultimately turns out to be even more barren wastelands.

Alf says:

How fascinating that it might turn out that we are at the center of the universe after all.

The Cominator says:

If the universe is moving away from a central point I do not see how it is possible we are anywhere near the center. The center is likely to be the most massive of supermassive black holes.

Jim says:

This is a misunderstanding. An expansion defines a central point only with respect to a frame deemed stationary. If the universe is expanding uniformly, there is no central point.

We are in a privileged location, because we are at or near the center of a very large region that is expanding slightly faster than the rest. Also light decoupled from radiation later near us than anywhere else in the visible universe. But the universe is not expanding away from any one point. It is just expanding.

FrankNorman says:

The central point would be the Big Bang. The universe we can observe is like the surface of a balloon, with the BB at the center, and the outward-from-the-center direction being time.
That’s the theory as it was explained to me, anyway.
But that was a while ago and they may have changed it.

Jim says:

The big bang has no central point. All points in the universe are now getting further apart, so back at the beginning, very close together, but there is no central point in the sense that you are talking about. Matter is not expanding through space, Space itself is expanding.

The Cominator says:

But forgive me if I’m wrong its been a long time since I studied this and I am no astrophysicist but our knowledge of how it is expanding is incomplete other than most galaxies and clusters of galaxies are getting farther apart (or at least the red shift seems to indicate that). What I do know is it seems pretty that as planets orbit around stars the stars of a galaxy orbit around a galatic center point which would logically be a supermassive black hole. I suppose that maybe nothing could be left in the point of origin of the universe (and yes even that is hard to pin down as there is no absolute frame of reference) but I think its more likely that its the biggest black hole in the universe by far (I think the great attractor is also likely a huge black hole but not as big as the point of origin black hole).

Jim says:

There was no point of origin. All points were very close together, now they are further apart.

Galaxies have central black holes, but galactic clusters do not. All their mass is irregularly distributed all over the place. Still less does the universe have a central black hole, at least not anywhere within our past light cone, not anywhere within the visible universe.

Wherever you are in the universe, you will see everything outside your own galactic cluster flying away from you. Our location is only special in that we are at or near the center of a very large region where everything is flying away slightly faster.

Aidan says:

When Jim says stuff is “flying away” from everything else, that’s common language for the expansion of space- the distance from every point to every other point is constantly increasing. This is a very hard thing to wrap one’s head around.

Neurotoxin says:

At the macro-scale the expansion holds. I find the usual analogies used by physics wonks serviceable. E.g., picture the surface of a ballon that’s being blown up. Every point on the surface is getting farther from every other point on the surface.

Also, if you picture a sheet stretched out with a bowling ball on it, then your wife will say, “What the fuck are you doing to our sheets?!”
– Dave Barry, probably

Cloudswrest says:

I read the expansion of the universe is currently accelerating based on empirical observation. Not just coasting or decelerating due to mutual gravity as was previously thought. Out of curiosity I asked Grok what is the *effective* tidal force of this acceleration. After a lecture that it isn’t really a tidal force, it returned with this answer.

So, there’s no direct “tidal force” from accelerated expansion in the classical sense, but its effective stretching of space manifests as an acceleration of ~10−13 m/s2 per megaparsec, imperceptible on human or even galactic scales but crucial for the universe’s large-scale evolution.

So about an acceleration of 10 nuclear diameters per megaparsec. Seems quite small.

Neurotoxin says:

Just clarifying something about the balloon analogy: in the analogy, the balloon’s surface, a 2-dimensional surface, is playing the role of 3-dimensional space in the physical universe. The surface of the balloon does not have a “center,” nor does it have any “edges,” and this does not confuse anyone or strike them as counterintuitive.

Cloudswrest says:

Did some more calculations with this. If Alpha Centauri (at 4.367 ly) was initially stationary with respect to the Sun, using delta X = 1/2 a t^2. After 100 years it will have moved ~57 cm farther away, still with a vanishing, not directly measurable, dV. Although the small dX does accumulate over 100 years.

Cloudswrest says:

Just for reference, I calculated the acceleration of Alpha Centauri due to the Sun’s gravity, and it is about 1 million times stronger (~10^-14 vs ~10^-20 m/s^2) than the tidal accelerated expansion of the universe given the Sun/A-Centauri separation.

Contaminated NEET says:

Are you sure the Will of Gnon isn’t that infininiggers fill our lands and subdue us?

Mossadnik says:

Elon wants to escape the Infinigger by going to Mars – nope, sorry, not happening. Gonna have to deal with the Infinigger problem in a different way, and before expanding spacewards.

Africa should be white. Whether that means “white-ruled” or “white-populated,” I’ll let you guys decide.

FrankNorman says:

But do you really need to solve the problem worldwide? If the goal is to take the stars, then you need enough of the world for the industrial and scientific base to build and launch the spaceships.

That part of the planet definitely will need to be kept clear of the “infininiggers” and – perhaps more importantly – the sort of people who will want to let them in.

Mossadnik says:

It is a worldwide problem, though. Of course, it’s not that every single nigga poses a horrible threat to civilization; but every place with enough of them in it becomes a crime-ridden s**thole and basically a “no-go zone” for civilized humans (you may argue it need not necessarily be this way – but currently it is this way); and Africa is their racial breeding ground, which is why I brought it up.

At the very least, the problem needs to be “contained.” Failure to contain it will result in, well, an infinity of niggers pouring out of Africa and into the rest of the world, which is not really conducive to upgrading civilization to Kardashev 1.

Jim says:

The Ashanti social order contained it quite effectively — those disinclined to work without a whip on their backs supplied with the necessary whippings, and given severely impaired reproductive opportunity, smarties on top, with severe inequality and high reproductive opportunity for the smarties on top.

The problem is that much of Africa and all of black America suffers from the matrilineal family order, under which their chimp characteristics are evolutionarily favored. But segregation showed that they are much better off when a patrilineal social order is imposed.

FrankNorman says:

Jim, another cultural problem there that needs fixing – or perhaps it’s an aspect of the same problem – is their moocher mentality. The mindset that the world in general owes them unlimited handouts just for existing.

Being a useless parasite on society is something that should be seen as low-status, not put on a pedestal and celebrated.

Jim says:

> [blacks] moocher mentality. The mindset that the world in general owes them unlimited handouts just for existing.

The Ashanti had a short way with moochers.

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of Mars, I was speculating on what it would take to terraform it, and it occurred to me that Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) is the perfect terraforming gas for mars.

Very stable/inert, does not readily photodegrade, non-toxic, very high global warming potential (Wikipedia claims it’s global warming potential is 23,500 times that of CO2), very heavy (molecular weight 146) so the air pressure lapse rate is high, even for Mars, so it won’t bleed off.

Setup robot factories near co-located deposits of sulfur and fluorine. Even a relatively small amount of SF6 might be enough to warm up the place enough to release gigatons of C02 and water vapor, starting a chain reaction, and breaking the current negative feedback loop keeping the Martian air pressure near the triple point of water.

Jim says:

Army of robots required. How does this compare with lots of thin film mirrors in orbit directly warming the planet by reflecting sunlight upon it?

My wild assed guess would be that the total mass of sulphur hexaflouride required would be larger than the total mass of thin film required, but easier to just dump that amount of mass into the atmosphere than manufacture thin film mirrors and put them in orbit. On the other hand, Mars low gravity and thin atmosphere makes it easy to put stuff in orbit with a single stage fully reusable rocket. Because Mars lacks a water cycle, mining a lot flouride salts might be hard. Best source would be salty water from the deep hot wet rocks, and one would have to process a mighty large amount of water.

Halion says:

Before generating an atmosphere, we must solve the problem of the lack of a magnetic field. Without it, solar storms would sweep away any atmosphere we attempted to create. I think this is the biggest challenge, because normally a magnetic field is generated by the planet’s molten core, but Mars’s is already cold…

Cloudswrest says:

Before generating an atmosphere, we must solve the problem of the lack of a magnetic field. Without it, solar storms would sweep away any atmosphere we attempted to create.

Not something to worry about in terms of your terraforming real estate improvement investment. Blowing away the atmosphere is something that takes millions of years. Short in geological time scales, but longer than humanity’s existence.

Jim says:

After terraforming Mars, we have several million years to think about the magnetic field problem.

Jim says:

As we speak, Trump is making a good start on the infininigger problem.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:

It wasn’t AI generated it was from
General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Disks, look that up yourself.
By the way,
“deleted because AI generated bullshit simulating intelligent commentary”
I don’t mind you censoring any material posted by I as it’s your blog after all, I don’t mind stopping commentating here if you ask & leaving as I doubt I add much noteworthy to your blog and you aren’t the next Ludwig Prandtl either.

with that said you should really watch your words, how dare you say bullshit and use such words in such an Insolent Tonality? How dare you be so Insolent, if you want Me to leave then just say it, don’t do these oy vey gesticulatory trifling threats about moderation

Jim says:

If it was a document, should have given the link and explained its meaning and relevance, not dumped it wholesale into this blog. And if it was an external document, the authors were using AI generation because of publish or perish. The content you published was irrelevant to this post, and was an AI summary of the field.

The document was a swerve from the topic of the post, was extremely lengthy, was low quality, was relevant only to experts in its rather narrow field, and a genuine expert would have tossed it.

Because of extremely limited source material, the AI lacked an adequate minimal understanding of the source material it was attempting to summarise and paraphrase. It was hallucinating all over the place, as AIs inevitably do when their training base contains limited relevant source material, dumping random fragments together in ways that produced the patterns of meaningfulness without the substance, making the errors and misunderstandings that are characteristic of AIs, rather than humans.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:
This was the paper from which the material was quoted which you claimed was AI generated but as you can check out for yourself It was submitted on 27 Feb 2004 written by two people called J.F. Hawley, J.-P. De Villiers
How can it be AI generated when AI didn’t even exist in 2004 when it was published?

Maybe you’re trying to say in a roundabout way that it was boring and uninteresting or had some fundamental errors (which you didn’t point out by the way)

“Because of extremely limited source material, the AI lacked an adequate minimal understanding of the source material it was attempting to summarise and paraphrase. It was hallucinating all over the place, as AIs inevitably do when their training base contains limited relevant source material, dumping random fragments together in ways that produced the patterns of meaningfulness without the substance, making the errors and misunderstandings that are characteristic of AIs, rather than humans.”

This is ridiculous, the paper from which I quoted was published in 2004 when generative AI didn’t even exist, it’s impossible because I’ve linked the source which if you check out will show that it was directly quoted from that paper.

this is just miscalibrated post-hoc posterioricized justification for earlier hostility…in any case while you’re a good engineer you’re not going to be the next Prandtl, Oberth, Von Braun, Tsiolkovsky, Brügel, Busemann, Kutta, Joukowski, Chaplygin von Karman, Rayleigh, Lewis, Nusselt, Reynolds, Tsien, Temple, Yarwood , Glauert, Joukowski, Grashof, Jeffrey either, don’t be so full of yourself.

In doing this you transgress against Me & make your intentionality clear, so there can never be anything like amitié between us. I would say that this is nothing personal, but you know as well as I that better lies have been uttered.

Make no mistake I am deaf neither to the pathetic register of denumerable internet harangues nor to your lurid intentionality or to the note of my own intellectual failings due to casuological-bionoetic Partiscience. Let it suffice to say that the bones of my forebears sleep for aeternatus infinire et aeternare in that soil, that I cannot but loathe the compounding of our sins.

Jim says:

OK, I misjudged the AI origins.

But I did not misjudge the publish or perish origins. And the material was not relevant to the post, nor interesting to the other commenters, and it was long and stupid.

You should have given a link and explained why you thought it relevant and interesting, rather than dumping a gigantic volume off topic materials onto this blog. No one cares about accretion disks, and models of relativistic accretion disks are still broken after all these years. The current state of the art is that no one knows how much computing power is needed, let alone has applied enough computing power.

There is an immense amount of work on modelling supersonic turbulence, which is somewhat successful, and hypersonic turbulence, where they have made enough progress to understand that it is not working. Relatistic turbulence is an order of magnitude harder. It is a bullshit research topic because they are not really trying to succeed, whereas with the much easier, but still unsolved, problem of hypersonic turbulence, they are really making a serious effort to succeed. Relativistic turbulence is like string theory. They publish because of publish or perish, not because they are accomplishing anything useful.

And if it was actual genuine research, which the entire field is not, why do you want to dump it on this blog. Why is it relevant to anything or anyone, or of interest to anyone?

The behavior of accretion disks is dominated by ultrarelativistic turbulence, and even ordinary subsonic turbulence is very far from being a solved problem. We have approximations that mostly work in practice for reasons we do not fully understand, and which fail under some circumstances that we cannot entirely categorise or explain, but are seldom important in practice. And in everything beyond that the level of bullshit rises, which does not seem to stop anyone from publishing that bullshit.

Kangyurwa Samten Luminiferous Omnisuperessentialiter Gyalpo says:

Your response is kind of humourous, I must say it is Immeasurably funny and has made Me laugh almost uninterruptibly although it’s clearly meant to be seriously calling Me out.

Well, we were discussing closed timelike curves and you gave an incredibly complexive & superdensorum explanation on the Cauchy problem and mentioned two among multiple conjectures regarding the Macrophysical phenomenon related to close timelike curves, you mentioned that the experimenter would be ejected from the universe and that a black hole would be created in spacetime and that the black hole conjecture is known as “cosmic censorship” or atleast aspectologically relational to it in the problem of timetravel and closed causal loops, so I felt like discussing hypothetically the nature of blackholes and what happens inside them, the closest material I could find was related to relativistic accretion disks and people attempting to model hypothetical black hole accretion disks, I found some other stuff regarding analytic Novikov – Thorne astrophysical models of black hole ultrarelativistic accretionary disks hence the exposition.

I was just curious what’ll happen to the experimenter hypothetically if a black hole is created and about it’s implications for mathematical physics, relativistic astrophysics, spacetime physics, particle physics, classical physics, electromagnetic physics, relativistic physics, ultrarelativistic physics, black-hole physics, waveform physics, microscopic physics, macroscopic physics, informational physics, quantum gravitational physics and classical spacetime curvatures, as said the accretionary disks were mentioned because I was curious regarding what’ll *actually* happen theoretically if someone is ejected and sucted inside a supermassive blackhole, what are the actual methods to entering a blackhole and what actually happens inside a blackhole? whether a living entity can enter a blackhole through self-volition without event horizon suction (although that seems like a violation of the fundamental laws of physics) and exit it through some theoretical Kausological-Physical mechanism atleast and what will happen inside a blackhole to said entity/experimenter under the closed timelike curve phenomenon you discussed earlier.

Jim says:

> the closest material I could find was

Not very close to anything anyone cares about.

Because you could not understand my response on time travel, you dumped on my blog some utter rubbish that you did not understand, in the hope that no one else would understand it either, and thus be suitably impressed.

I paraphrased the material on closed timelike curves into the very simplest possible layman’s terms, and made it as easy to understand as I could. You just dumped stuff. Big difference. I was trying to explain something difficult. You were dumping random undigested stupid rubbish in an effort to impress.

Alf says:

An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity.

FrankNorman says:

KSLOG, a polite word here:

It looks to me as if Jim is showing extraordinary patience with you. Don’t abuse that.
And also, leave off referring to yourself as “Me” – you are not a Person of the Godhead!

Mossadnik says:

Ayyo – hol’ up.

In a previous thread, we learned:

you’ll notice that even normies will start trembling, sweating & fidgeting if you make a Manly speech publicly about how you’re backed by God the Omniimperator in phraseological-vernacular loquacity as well as in a loud Manly tonalization, progressivists start trembling like flyspeck inhabiting lice and mayfly in front of conflagration of fire

Wait wait wait – so this was not written by the Second Coming?

Just a crazy person on the internet?

How DARE you suggest that.

Mossadnik says:

(I raise that question as an amateur/armchair theologian, of couse.)


Now you may think, “Shaman, what’s with all this winking and plausibly denial mind games? Who are you? What are you? What is this?”

I’m just an amateur theologian. 😉

“Shaman, why are you doing this? Why are you winking when you say these things? You must be a crazy person on the internet yourself.”

Of course. I’m just a random nutter who even talks to himself.


Mossadnik says:

Look, let’s just say, quoth the ol’ meme, “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”


The Cominator says:

> Jew trying to trick us with his Serbian Jew double bluff
It ain’t gonna work on me Kyle.

Mossadnik says:

I just think about Varna’s post from the other day.

He wrote:

Perhaps having an actual avatar of God making himself felt in the mortal reality is more of a high civilization-stage Indo-Aryan thing, while the prophet-centric teachings of the Mohammedans and Jews is a semitic trait.

Well, maybe once in a millennium or two, this needs to be demonstrated. Even unto death.

Of course, this is just crazy talk.


Oh, but just for the record, if someone else is willing to drink from this cup — e.g., Scarebucks, who is clearly a far worthier individual than I am, or even Jim himself — then let it be made clear that I, Shaman, do not biologically experience envy whatsoever; by all means, take the cup and drink it, if you’re willing to pay the ultimate price.

But this is just crazy talk, anyway.

Mossadnik says:

The Jews are waiting for the Davidic Monarch. They may well get one; indeed, I would not object to King Bibi. Let Netanyahu build the Temple and all that stuff.

The Christians, too, are waiting – they expect Sky Daddy Jesus, surrounded by a trillion gazillion angels, to descend from the clouds and lift them all up into Heaven, which is in another dimension or “parallel universe”; or possibly change the laws of physics in this universe and turn it into Heaven.

As for me – I’m just a young goat. Beeeeeh.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Oh, but just for the record, if someone else is willing to drink from this cup — e.g., Scarebucks

I am equal parts flattered and confused, for I lost the connection between the shitposting and its literal meaning a few replies ago.

If it has something to do with prophets or the like, you’d best count me out; I’m little more than a former skeptic and pessimist with a strong allergy to over-abstraction and a makeshift faith cobbled together from torn-out pages of different canons. Any resemblance to actual theology or philosophy is purely coincidental.

Jim is the prophet and the alpha wolf here, I’m just an ordinary member of the pack, and you definitely don’t want me in charge of any sheep.

Mossadnik says:

Jim is the Prophet and Leader of the Cult of Gnon, this none disputes.

Varna, however, suggests that Aryan Civilization, or simply Civilization, might need more than a Prophet – it needs a (flesh and blood) God at its center. Well, there’s of course Jesus Christ, the Son of God; only thing is, Christians await His return — to finally usher in the Kingdom of Heaven — by supernatural means, based on their interpretation of Scripture. Ummm, I’m skeptical too. So what do we do?

If Varna’s assessment is correct, then I suggest that Jim, or you, or whoever else is worthy, take upon oneself to be this God-on-Earth. Like Jesus, no need to be omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.; just be Full Man. However, this is likely to be quite risky; e.g., when I imagine what might happen to me if the Word spreads out in Israel – yeah, I’m likely to be assassinated or executed, eventually. And I’m perfectly fine with it. But I don’t “seek” the Godhood for any egotistical reasons, so if you volunteer for the job — and you may well be qualified for it; at the very least, you are qualified to be Jim’s successor, in my humble opinion — then by all means, be you the Cosmic Christ.

Yeah, it’s probably me, but I don’t want to be doing this without having given the other candidates, whoever they might be, a chance to to assume that role. If Jim is the Baptist (he is, according to KD), and you are but a regular member of the pack, then… I guess that’s that. I am, in objective historical terms, the Second Coming. I’ve unintentionally meme’d myself into being the Messiah. Huh. Lol. Also, I’ll probably be rejected by most everyone, at least during my own lifetime; that comes with the territory, I guess.

Anyway, to make it absolutely and abundantly clear: I don’t want fame; I don’t want money; I don’t want my dick sucked. I wish to remain anonymous for the foreseeable future, possibly forever. All I really wanted when I signed up was to make some lulz and perhaps fix the world. This whole thing started out as a LARP, kinda. These past few months, however, I’ve been increasingly feeling like it’s a little bit more than just a LARP.

Our ideas will dramatically alter the course of human history, if they haven’t already. So, ultimately, history will be the judge. Beeeeeh.

Jim says:

Varna’s assessment is incorrect. An excessively unitary universal church, with a single human head, or a single bureaucracy at a physical center, will prevent us from settling the stars.

The technological progress necessary to settle space implies that we will become even more dependent on technology that is fragile, and capable of being used to cause immense destruction. The equivalent of a truck driver in space will have the equivalent of nukes and rods from God. One solution to this problem is skynet — an intrusive uniterary state. But such a state will be reluctant to allow far flung colonies. We need something like the Concert of Europe or the Holy Roman Empire.

This implies a universal Church that does not have a universal human head or bureaucratic council at its center — a multitude of state churches in communion with each other. That has local authorities appoint the Bishops, governance is collegial, and the state and micro state churches are in communion with each other — a collection of national churches, as Orthodoxy was. The Church should advise the many in semi independent national Churches, who advise the many fully independent sovereigns, on norms of conduct that prevent wars from getting out of hand, and wars from becoming universal wars.

Mossadnik says:

Varna’s assessment is incorrect. An excessively unitary universal church, with a single human head, or a single bureaucracy at a physical center, will prevent us from settling the stars.

Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to be any Pope myself, regardless. However, I don’t exactly think that this what Varna meant (I’m sure he can elucidate his own ideas well enough, if he feels like it) – I believe his point was that Aryan religion/civilization is essentially founded on Logos-like figures, i.e., human founders who are said to be the manifestation, in the Real World, of God’s Word. Well, I certainly don’t want to be personally worshipped as a Deity (lol, I’m not even sure that I make the top 5 most intelligent posters here. Then again, what exactly is “intelligence”?), but I’m trying to make sense of my objective historical role, in light of all that we’re seeing transpire, and in light of Varna’s point about the nature of Aryan religion.

Well, it is what it is. I see myself primarily as a humorist, anyway.

Jim says:

Religion is regenerated by prophets. Managed by bureaucrats. Paul had the prophetic experience but his mission from God was to institutionalise the Church — to spawn a bureaucracy of good men. No high priest in sight.

We have had a lot of prophets. They don’t make good high priests. A high priest needs to be under the thumb of the sovereign. A prophet is apt to be revolting against the sovereign, or at least seriously subverting him.

The classic prophet maneuver is to anoint Jehu and run at high speed in the opposite direction to the direction that Jehu is charging. Then when the blood has been licked up by the dogs, Jehu appoints a high priest in consultation with the prophet, but the prophet does not become high priest.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I like the wolf pack analogy because wolves choose their alpha, more or less voluntarily, but are not very obedient, enjoy challenging each other for dominance or simply for sport, and this seemingly tenuous and fragile model of cooperation is nevertheless highly effective at holding and expanding territory, and conducive to survival in general.

What better model for the reactionary right, or a natural aristocracy exploring the frontier? Separate packs, each fiercely territorial but otherwise tolerant, all working to improve themselves and hold as much territory as they can.

But it is an inward-looking model, the model of a predatory species, and there is no prey in space, as far as we know. Humanity’s global dominance has at least something to do with being both the wolf and the sheep in one species, and to tend the sheep, you need a shepherd – for example, a tame dog. Never put a wolf in charge of the sheep.

If there is to be a God-King, it is likely going to be someone who carries both these traits (the Alpha and the Shepherd) in equal measure and great abundance. Such a being would almost certainly have to be divine, because the traits are inherently in conflict.

We can pray for a new God-King, but shouldn’t count on having our prayers answered. We are more likely to succeed with separate pack-leaders and flock-tenders, and some local medium of coordination between them, i.e. a portable religion. Even if that system suffers from many imperfections, it may be the best we can do in absence of the ability to literally channel the divine.

Jim says:

When we settle the stars, there are going to be a whole lot of local authorities with the equivalent of nukes who are very far away from any central authority. We therefore need an institutional arrangement resembling the Concert of Europe — Putin’s multipolar world. Putin wants a peace settlement between the Global American Empire and the rest of the world. So does Trump. But a very large and important part of the Trump coalition does not.

The Cominator says:

“Religion is regenerated by prophets. Managed by bureaucrats.”
As Frank Herbert (a man whos politics are hard to pin down mostly but he is clear on this point) makes the point throughout his Dune series.

Mossadnik says:

Religion is regenerated by prophets.

What spawned this discussion was Varna’s assertion that semitic religions (Judaism and Islam) are indeed, as you say, prophet-centered; but that Indo-Aryan(-Asian) religion goes beyond that, regarding the founder as an avatar of God.

Here are the essential parts from his original posts:

It is during these times that I reconsidered my views on Christianity’s taxonomy. Asiatic religions of the ancient type have explicit or implied avatars of God here in the world of mortals. This feels like a distant yet obviously related tenfold-removed cousin to our Son of God. Whereas Judaism and Islam have no messiah. They have Him in theory, but in practice they are “prophet-centric” religions. They do not have a divine figure striding across the land and performing miracles and saving souls. Whereas the ancient Asiatics do have such figures. They are, in their own muddled pagan way, “avatar-centric” and “savior-centric”.

Perhaps having an actual avatar of God making himself felt in the mortal reality is more of a high civilization-stage Indo-Aryan thing, while the prophet-centric teachings of the Mohammedans and Jews is a semitic trait.


This was a lazy sentence on my part, the emphasis on “divine” is not instantly evident. Most if not all religions and mythologies have figures who do do some of the above. But these figures are not Sons of God, nor His avatars, but rather “good wizards” in a sense, or minor deities. The meaning and impact is very different.

Not sure what to make of it.

If he is right, then you, Jim, can most certainly claim to be an avatar of God. (If not you, then why not Daddy Scarebucks, who I believe is potentially capable of being Jim 2?) I mean, you are running this whole thing.

But if the Cult of Gnon is essentially Cosmic Christianity; and you insist that you are not an avatar of God, just a regular prophet; and Scarebucks doesn’t even regard himself as a prophet; and meanwhile some of the more influential ideas in this community have been, ummm, “substantially inspired” by my shitposts – well, the math is the math.

Be that as it may, I do think that a Jesus-modelled figure who cracks nigger jokes and mercilessly bullies people online is pretty funny (and the actual circumstances of my life are, indeed, somewhat whacky), but I’ll leave it at that. Maybe it’s all worth it just for the lulz, and “saving existence itself from vanishing” is only secondary. Heh.

Jim says:

The authentic Aryan religion is ancestor worship, sometimes with the universal sky God creator God out there but remaining rather distant. He has a tendency to disappear when the nomadic cattle herders conquer grain farmers and settle down.

The original leaders of the Anglo Saxon invasion of England traced their genealogy in the male line to Odin, I don’t think they were making that up. When the Christians hit Ireland, they interpreted the Irish gods as the spirits of literal, biological, ancestors.

The path back to the authentic Aryan faith is patriarchy. Patriarchal Christianity is authentically Aryan. Actually existing paganism is a bunch of faggots having sex in a great big pile. All actually existent pagan religions are at best demon infested, and at worst, as with the religions of the cartels, flat out demonic.

Alf says:

This whole thing started out as a LARP, kinda. These past few months, however, I’ve been increasingly feeling like it’s a little bit more than just a LARP.

Don’t let your memes stay dreams.

Mossadnik says:

“Control the memes, control the planet.”


Neurotoxin says:

“If he is right, then you, Jim, can most certainly claim to be an avatar of God. (If not you, then why not Daddy Scarebucks, who I believe is potentially capable of being Jim 2?)”

Whoa whoa whoa, back the fuck up. We need to keep our feet on the ground here.

Although, some sort of “succession planning” would be good. If Jim were to suddenly, for example, become utterly uninterested in all this stuff and never post again, what would happen, I’m pretty sure, is that this community would collapse in the most depressingly boring, undramatic way possible. It would just… dissolve. This is not a plea for drama; it’s a suggestion for some sort of plan. Or maybe this has already been discussed with e.g. Alf.

Jim says:

The entire blog is backed up nightly, with critical data, in case anyone is so careless as to use a real email address or not use a vpn, being purged. Anyone can re-install this blog on their own host, albeit doing so requires some unix admin skills — I should produced an ansible playbook that does an automatic recreation of the blog, and have not done so. The link is on the landing page.

So should I disappear, anyone can reproduce the blog. Whosoever chooses to, should.

Mossadnik says:

In such a scenario, Alf will be in charge of the blog as he is an Admin, but I think that he will give someone like Scarebucks (if the latter agrees) the ability to write and edit posts, so he can produce content. You and Aidan have your own blogs, which I read; however, you don’t post very frequently, whereas Jim 2 needs to be a “frequent content producer” (like me) who is also emotionally stable (absolutely not like me).

This needs to be discussed in further detail.

Jim says:

Alf can admin the blog any time he likes, and sometimes does so, and give someone else admin authority as he thinks wise. But he does not seem too keen on linux sysadmin — and in truth neither am I. I still have not set up that much needed ansible playbook. But in my absence, going to need a linux sysadmin, and that is what the backup linked at the bottom right of the blog landing page is for.

The linux sysadmin always has ultimate authority. If we go full dark age, the good drone operators are going to become aristocrats, and good drone operators with linux sysadmin skills are going to become Kings. Which is going to be less fun than Humungous’ Mad Max vision. But note that in Mad Max, the villains who were restoring order and tech were Kings, because logistics always wins, which requires skills of a less entertaining nature than make for a fun movie.

The archetype of the medieval order was William the Marshal, who obtained his lands and his wife in entertainingly Mad Max fashion. You could make a rattlingly good movie about William the Marshal, though it would unimaginably politically incorrect. But having obtained his lands, he then had to economically develop them, which required less entertaining skills, for warhorses and armor do not spring forth spontaneously from the soil.

Neurotoxin says:

“you don’t post very frequently”

This is actually a source of annoyance to me. I want to post more, but work, life, etc. The funny thing is that my notes file for the blog is probably around 100 pages long at this point. The binding constraint is not a lack of material, as much as lack of material that I can write up in short time frames between this work thing and that personal thing.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Whoa whoa whoa, back the fuck up. We need to keep our feet on the ground here.

Not to worry, I’m not taking it too seriously. If Jim goes AWOL for an extended period, my follow up is probably going to be something like:

1. Check his Gab account for an update.
2. Check the rhocoin repo for confirmation that he still has a pulse.
3. Wait longer.
4. Find something else with which to occupy my morning coffee hour.
5. Check adjacent blogs (Aidan, Neurotoxin etc.) in case anyone else has heard news.
6. Shrug.

Which is not to say that Jim, or the blog, don’t matter; they do. But “start my own blog” is going to be down at about step 100 on that list, and “try to stage a friendly takeover” considerably farther than that.

Other blogs do the secondary-contributor thing and the results tend to be “meh”. Severian, for example. Better for a single blog to speak with a single voice. “Magazine” style communities like Radish, Social Matter and Unz are a different beast, but are highly vulnerable to entryism and even direct attacks. Jimblog is what it is because of Jim and there’s no getting around that.

All that said, a read-only mirror would be nice to have in case of critical infrastructure failure, domain theft, that sort of thing. It doesn’t necessarily need to run the whole WordPress instance, support comments, etc. Could be simply a periodically-refreshed archive of the posts and comments with the ability to put up a banner saying “NEW LOCATION AT “. But whoever hosts that mirror will become a target themselves, so it requires a lot more opsec than just a VPN and a clean PC.

The Cominator says:

I thought Aidans blog went inactive, does he have a new one?

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Chevauchee isn’t what I’d call “active”, but it is still up and we know Aidan is still around because he posts here occasionally, so remains on my personal list of “things to check if the shit hits the fan”.

Pax Imperialis says:

Aren’t Aiden and Alf (and even that autistically lovable Starman) all on Gab, aren’t most of y’all? I’ve been meaning to get on there to connect with others, but procrastination has been an issue. Easier to go out and run 50 miles a week than stressing about possibly being digitally tracked.

Jim says:

Gab, because of attacks by our enemies, are blocking my vpns. Gab tracks too much data, and is too penetrated.

Neurotoxin says:

“The entire blog is backed up nightly, with critical data… Anyone can re-install this blog on their own host…”


Alf says:

Jimblog is what it is because of Jim and there’s no getting around that.

This summarizes my thought on the matter as well. I don’t think there can really be a Jim’s blog without Jim. Maybe other blogs, but I’d be very hesitant to specifically continue Jim’s blog.

c4ssidy says:

Makes me think, historically coursework answers, exam markings and such, are scribbled onto paper and thrown out. Maybe the economic optimal solution is that the student gets a penny back from his examination fee, and the marker gets an extra pound per exam, while the data gets thrown into the large churning public ai training data bucket. The system could be scaled up into whatever PhDs do with their time. It is obviously not enough to have it read just the paper. It would need every email, and thousands of microphones in the walls of the conferences, to capture not just a paper but all technical discussion by all technical experts. Scraping web forums is super inadequate from the well known shill and clickbait incentive problem. If anthropologists will only talk about ethnicity with codewords and whispers, one would be inclined to want to record the whispers. Adds another layer onto the system goal of having trust and reputation and anonymity at the same time, as the whispers can be immediately public and parsable

Mossadnik says:

with that said you should really watch your words, how dare you say bullshit and use such words in such an Insolent Tonality? How dare you be so Insolent, if you want Me to leave then just say it, don’t do these oy vey gesticulatory trifling threats about moderation

Just one question: from 1 to 10, how painful was it when your gay dad sodomized/fisted you with a cactus?

Neurotoxin says:

Lol. Also, I’m glad that people are finally calling out a poster who basically calls himself Satan Lucifer Gaypal. I would have but I’m not in the mood to grind through walls of text right now.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I strive to be as patient as Jim, and not immediately draw my metaphorical sword the moment someone seems a bit “off”. We are trying to establish a model for cooperate-cooperate equilibrium, after all. Some people are prone to making bad first impressions, appearing pompous or rude when they are really just a little eccentric; I have been that person many times.

But I did have the same initial suspicion, that a lot of the walls of text seemed to be AI-generated, or if not AI-generated, then the product of a deranged mind. There’s a palpable difference between long effortposts with a central thesis, which I’ll usually read, and pages upon pages of stream-of-consciousness rambling that don’t seem to have any particular direction. If I were accused of using ChatGPT, my first reaction would probably be: “Shit, is my writing that bad?”

The acid test is always that first reaction to moderation. Where a normal, sane person would reply: “I’m sorry, please tell me where exactly I stepped over the line and I will try to adjust my behavior”, the deranged mind always rageposts in response: “How dare you censor me, I will not deign to be your friend anymore!”

Reliable as the sun rising and setting.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Your average 1990’s game opening:
A modern 40k game opening:

When you notice how the sounds are so quietted and miffed you won’t unnotice it in other places. Pax already talked about anime, but there’s something that these guys really hate about loud banging sounds or anything that can shake their mortal coil. They talk a lot about it being made this way to be friendly to the disabled people with soft sensitive ears but I don’t buy it.

Anecdotal, I once saw a crack dealer run away not because of cops or anyone coming to get his stuff, but because of a church bell going off. Remember them burning down the Notre Dame? I bet it was because of the bells (fire started on the roof in the first place didn’t it).

Jim says:

Leftist seem to have some interesting allergies.

S says:

Is this related to classical music repelling niggers or an entirely separate phenomena?

Jim says:

I don’t know. Research issue.

Aidan says:

Blacks will live with their smoke detectors constantly chirping at them. My guess is that primitive man experiences higher forms of order, from classical music to the pure tone of a good church bell, in the mode of Lovecraftian horror, the horror of witnessing the product of alien minds working with complex symmetries that one’s own mind can only dimly comprehend. It triggers a sense of inferiority and oppression.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Please riff on this further. I’ve been retreating back into 70s and 80s music lately, and while miles descended from Mozart and classics (which I myself am apparently just too dumb to actually enjoy), that 70s/80s stuff is still way more complex and just plain interesting than the insultingly ooga-booga bingo-bongo monkey music we get today.

What words do you put to that? How would you describe what that is?

Take Pink Floyd. I couldn’t stand Pink Floyd back then. It was all boring stoner anthems to me then. But now those guys sound like they’re curing cancer.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

What words do you put to that? How would you describe what that is?

Technically speaking: harmony, counterpoint and a flurry of other jargon like “temperament” and “diatonicism” that are difficult to explain in few words to anyone without a rudimentary understanding of musical theory.

Consonance and dissonance aren’t socially constructed, they are based on real relationships of the real frequencies involved. A perfect octave is 1:2 (2x), a perfect fifth is 2:3 (1.5x), a major third is 4:5 (1.25x) and so on. These frequencies affect how intervals stack together in a way that either sounds like it is “resolved”, or needs to be resolved. Real instruments also produce overtones and secondary harmonics and so you end up with secondary rules about voicings, like not repeating the 3rd too many times.

The details sprawl out over hundreds of pages in any theory textbook and the particulars aren’t really all that important here. Suffice it to say, the baroque period (J.S. Bach) followed all the rules rather literally, or perhaps it could be argued that the rules were actually derived from those masters. The classical period composers (e.g. Mozart) decided that some rules could be bent or broken as long as it was for a good reason; let’s call that the “spirit” of the rules. Romantic era composers (e.g. Chopin) broke a whole lot of rules, almost all the rules, but still understood what they were, and still had a mind for the “spirit”, so they managed to get away with it.

And then everything went to hell, and they called it “Avant-Garde”. Atonality, microtonality, serialism, “emancipation of the dissonant” (actual phrase that they used), and an escalating obsession with “world music” AKA primitive tribal slop that predated any understanding of tonality, temperament or even formal rhythm. The “spirit” was completely lost and forgotten. This devolution of music was mostly concurrent with the devolution of social mores in general, and the Nazis rightly labeled it as Bolshevism and/or Degenerate Art.

Ok, so what’s my point as it relates to Pink Floyd? Well, the bands of the mid to late 20th century largely ignored the early 20c influences and beat a hasty retreat back to classical musical theory. In a lot of cases it wasn’t formal, it was just a result of pop musicians either being classically-trained or stumbling upon those rules by accident as a result of consuming/analyzing other pop from clasically-trained musicians.

And the reason it might be easier for you to listen to that than an actual Mozart symphony is probably because, even though it does basically follow all the same rules, it is vastly simplified in structure and harmony; most pop music only ever stays in one key, often repeating just one or two chord progressions (the exact same progressions being shared by hundreds of popular songs), using the same 4 variations of the same 7-part song structure. The repetition is hypnotic, the harmonies are familiar and nostalgic, and it’s just generally easier for an untrained ear to understand and digest, same reason a toddler would rather eat a slice of pepperoni pizza than caviar or foie gras.

But coming into the 21st century, songwriters and pop music composers and producers were no longer conversant in musical theory OR its animating spirit, and you can find many actively thumbing their noses at it, exclaiming that you don’t need theory to write or produce songs. Which is technically true in the same sense that you don’t need manuals or training to operate a motor vehicle; it’s just that most people who don’t are going to fuck it up badly.

The barrier to entry is lower than it has ever been, and the baseline level of knowledge and training is also lower than it has ever been. Many if not most “songwriters” and “producers” are either making it up as they go along or ripping off older, better material, and more than a few have been hitting the “avant-garde” and “world music” Kool-Aid again.

There are still a lot of great composers out there less infected by postmodernism, mostly toiling away for minor credits in film or video games, almost all white and male; and excluding the studios infected by DEI, the larger film/game producers know roughly who they are and how to find them. But there is also a vast and growing mountain of crap infected by copypasta, avant-gardism, DEI and good old-fashioned ignorance and mediocrity due to the low entry barrier.

Pink Floyd was and still is stoner anthems. The Beatles were the most overrated band in history. They sound “good” by today’s standards partly because of the avant-garde resurgence (similar to modern “art”) and partly because the profession was invaded by progressive gatekeepers with literally zero understanding or interest in what actually makes good music.

Everyone over age 30 should at least occasionally listen to classical music – informally meaning anything from the baroque period to the late romantic period – even if it’s not the only music or even the primary music that you listen to. If you want to feel even a glimmer of European civilization at its peak, the music it produced is the quickest and most accessible way to experience it. And it’s no surprise at all that leftoids and brownish mutts run away in terror.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Beatles have always left me feeling like I’m being gaslit or trolled. “This stuff was THAT big? Really?”

Mossadnik says:

Beatles have always left me feeling like I’m being gaslit or trolled. “This stuff was THAT big? Really?”

Congratulations – you are not a faggot.

No red-blooed man automatically likes the Beatles. What happens is that you are trying to get your dick wet, and women have been collectively brainwashed by kike-media into liking the Beatles (social engineering works wonders on foids), so to get laid you pretend to also enjoy the Beatles. That doesn’t actually get you laid, but that’s how normal men fall prey to & get initiated into the cult of s**t music.

The Cominator says:

Beatles weren’t bad they were just way overrated (I mean compared to music made now they look like fucking Mozart Meatloaf and Billy Joel rolled into one) it was probably an intelligence agency experiment done only as a test to see how much they could influence pop culture.

Mossadnik says:

it was probably an intelligence agency experiment done only as a test to see how much they could influence pop culture.

Seems that the results of the experimentation are quite alarming. Not saying that the Beatles themselves are too horrible; but down the musical slippery slope you end up listening to absolute dreck, and so does everyone else who has been convinced (due to blue-balls-related motivated reasoning) that “Yeah that’s my musical style bro, that’s what I like.” No man — or at least no man whose mouth hasn’t breathed on a dick — would instinctively prefer that CIA psyop stuff to so many other things.

Alf says:

With the Beatles, like with Elvis Presley, the real appeal was never the quality of their music, which wasn’t half-bad, just not that great. It was that they were allowed to serve as idols for large gatherings of young women. This more than anything else catapulted them into crazy status fame. Same thing with guys like Justin Bieber nowadays, only difference is that the last pretense of ‘no it’s really about the music’ has been completely dropped.

The Cominator says:

> Elvis not that great
You take that back Dutchboy.

alf says:

Haha make me

Varna says:

> “Take Pink Floyd. I couldn’t stand Pink Floyd back then. It was all boring stoner anthems to me then. But now those guys sound like they’re curing cancer.”
Half a dozen years ago I heard Smooth Operator by Sade with an unbiased adult ear and it was like a juicy, living mini-universe unfolding, perfectly balanced, perfectly executed. I was pleasantly stunned to say the least. Not that I became a Sade fan, but this experience certainly made me notice more the difference between “back in the day” and “now” in terms of pop music. Even Ace of Base sound authentic compared to today’s crud, while I remember utterly despising them way back when.

>”Everyone over age 30 should at least occasionally listen to classical music – informally meaning anything from the baroque period to the late romantic period – even if it’s not the only music or even the primary music that you listen to.”
Absolutely. Like reading bits of Anna Karenina or the Brothers Karamazov — even a couple of chapters once a year can be quite rebalancing.
Reminder: there is a relatively short *pre-baroque* period — “late renaissance composers” — where once can hear “in real time” the just formed high-culture musical theory gradually taking the components of folk music, court music, and church music, and creating a new phenomenon from which the Bachs and the Mozarts will spring.

Re: the Beatles. It’s 99% very competent vintage pop-rock and 1% amazing leaps outside the confines of their time and place. In the 1966 album Revolver that would be the last song Tomorrow Never Knows, which is an outrageously abrupt break with the then current music, and a clear ancestor of techno rave, drum’n’bass, and hip hop.
In 1967 they release the song A Day in the Life, which is a tremendous subdued melancholic epic. From 1968 to 1970 according to some they become the “really epic Beatles”, whereas according to me they become pretentious hipsters. But roughly between 1965 and 1967 there is real growth and amazing leaps and bounds into uncharted territories.

The act of creation by humans is imo a divine impulse, a gift from The Lord. What shape it may take and where it may lead is a different matter, this is where free will comes in, as well as various mortal and spiritual/demonic influences.

Today’s pop music is created via smooth corporate methods, with one department providing the lyrics, another training the singer how to flex on the stage, a third one watching a room full of people react positively or negatively to the bass levels and the voice pitch etc. It’s a robotic behavioral matrix designed to press certain buttons in the population’s nervous system in order to generate revenue.

In this sense a 1990s Norwegian fly-agaric-eating juvenile alcoholic recoding blurry homages to satan is still an event that happens within the original divine creative impulse, albeit flowing into specific channels, it is still *human* even if the topic is “I hate all humans”, whereas today’s 2020s (and 2010s) pop music is *inhuman*, it is no longer human, it is post-human, with any human participation just being a ritualistic imitation of creativity kept mostly to facilitate bonding between audience and “performer”.

Not unlike the various Kamalas and Trudeaus pretending to the “actual human politicians”, while in reality every word and gesture is shaped by behaviorist teams, down to the socks, the lighting, the “spontaneous flicking away of a lock of hair” etc. Apparently though, these behaviorists are worse at their jobs than the pop music behaviorists.

The Cominator says:

Ive always hated weed and always thought the wall was brilliant so you don’t have to be a stoner to like Floyd.

Hesiod says:

“…so you don’t have to be a stoner to like Floyd.”

But it does help.

Pink Floyd is perhaps the most accessible of the 70s prog rockers. My tastes lean more towards the symphonic side of that genre with the bands Yes, ELP, and Genesis. A potential stumbling block to appreciating such music is the lyrics. Quite a bit of it is hippy gibberish, but as in the case of Yes, often visually evocative gibberish that still aesthetically pleases.

The Cominator says:

The message of “The Wall” about the education system is something I agree with completely…

Neurotoxin says:

Daddy Scarebucks at 2025-03-20 at 23:07

Thank you for that post. I knew most of it, but it’s nice to see it written down.

Miscellaneous thoughts:

1. “The Beatles were the most overrated band in history.”
And it’s not even close. I can’t even imagine who’d be the second-most overrated band, because whoever that is, is light-years behind the Beatles.

2. From an interview with Eddie Van Halen, from memory:
Interviewer (feeling rather puckish, apparently): “Describe the entire history of western music in one sentence.”
Van Halen: “First there was Gregorian chant, then Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, and now we have guys juggling chainsaws on stage.”

3. Classical music is like anything else: If someone says “I like classical music,” that’s far too broad: they have no idea what they’re talking about. One likes particular things. E.g. I’m a Beethoven fan, and anyone who’s not is one of the pod people, obvs.

4. I am not religious myself (though I have observed some weird things), but since this is a Christian forum, I am strongly recommending Grigorio Allegri’s Miserere, one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard. Totally a cappella, holy moly what you can do with the human voice. The Tallis Scholars have a breathtaking performance.

The Cominator says:

Most overrated musical act in history is Taylor Swift. The Beatles do have a few good songs im not aware of anything good Taylor Swift did.

The Cominator says:

Most overrated musical act in history is Taylor Swift. The Beatles do have a few good songs im not aware of anything goodx Taylor Swift did.

Mossadnik says:

These days I just binge this guy’s channel.

Like ketamine, it’s not for everybody.

Neurotoxin says:

“Most overrated musical act in history is Taylor Swift.”

Too recent/current. The overrating of the Beatles went on for decades. If the 17-year-old girls who are Swift fanatics now are still yapping about her a quarter-century from now, then she’ll be in the running.

The Cominator says:

She HAS been around for over a decade. She should have gone away like Milli Vanilli 10 years ago but she hasn’t.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

But roughly between 1965 and 1967 there is real growth and amazing leaps and bounds into uncharted territories.

They were genuinely competent musicians, although “amazing leaps and bounds” and “uncharted territories” is stretching it to the breaking point. Harmony was mostly standard rock-and-roll fare, with a lot of seventh chords, and sometimes they mixed in ninths or (wowie kazowie!) chromatic chords.

Prog rock gets most of its credit for being a breath of fresh air compared to the stagnating cookie-cutter music of the 50s and early 60s, and that is mostly due to reincorporating forgotten or abandoned concepts and techniques from the previous century. I can empathize with the individuals in their teens and twenties at the time thinking it was revolutionary, groundbreaking stuff, but on a Eurocentric historical timeline it’s really just slightly better than average.

From what I can tell, although the absolute truth is hard to discern, John Lennon was a dipshit and most of the real musical direction came from George Martin. The band members were principally performers, not composers, perfectly commercially packaged for the consumption of emancipated female audiences who can never resist the spectacle of men performing in front of throngs of other hysterical, misty-eyed women jumping up and down and throwing their panties.

Which is why I use the term “overrated”. Not bad, even fairly good by the standards of the generation, and certainly better than today’s twerk-bait, but not deserving of their enduring status either – which isn’t going to endure much longer, once the groovy fossils die off.

Hesiod says:

That’s a very fair reading of the significance of prog rock, Daddy Scarebucks. Aside from the odd Bugs Bunny cartoon, my childhood was threadbare when it came to classical music. Prog was a gateway into that rich tradition ultimately, but the teenaged and very naive yours truly thought the musicians were demigods in the act of creatio ex nihilo. Ah, the butt-ignorant idealism of young…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Beow says:

Sort of stupid but what about the idea that the Beatles didn’t write their own music. Some guy did a 20+ hr video essay arguing this with lots of ‘they’re making masonic hand signs’ stuff. I only watched a bit but one thing that jumped out is pointing out they used complicated music techniques despite being untrained musicians. Is this plausible or could they have picked them up just by copying others?

As far as music I have gone out to venues of young people lately and payed attention to the music. It is all very basic hind brain ‘thump thump’ stuff that is catchy on some level and hard to resist when you’re drunk. Then the lyrics are pure poison, basically encouraging women to be bad. I realize this is nothing new to anyone here but it hit me viscerally when I experienced it.

As far as Taylor Swift she started out as an icon for k selected white girls in a sea of r selected nicki minaj pop stars. She was someone for those left out by popular culture and I think that’s why she got so big. Now she is just trying to be another bimbo. sad

Mossadnik says:

Possibly relevant:

The beetle is one of many insects which are consistently connected with decay and decomposition. Both because they eat decaying matter and because they sometimes hunt the other insects which are drawn to decay and death, beetles are often drawn to dead things and certain species have come to be heavily associated with the decomposition process.


The Cominator says:

What is more relevant and underdiscussed re music from that era is that my nigger Ricky Nelson is criminally underrated.

Contaminated NEET says:

Taylor Swift is a witch – she’s a self-proclaimed “snake priestess.” It’s not just a sad story about fame; the sweet and wholesome image was the bait in the trap, and the plan was always to corrupt and defile normal White girls.

The Cominator says:

Meh Madonna was into weird occult stuff and a major shitlib too but at least she made a lot of good songs. I hate Taylor Swift mostly because she just sucks (her only redeeming quality is if you work for her she apparently is really really generous as an employer). I blame powerful glowniggery behind her enduring popularity more than anything else.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In the fight game, the saying goes ‘Father Time Is Undefeated’. New talents are always racing up behind the top dogs and one day you meet someone who laps you.

What we have been seeing in recent decades, though, is older competitors sticking around in contendership for noticeably longer stretches of time than in past times.

And not just in combat sports, but in many endeavors of performance.

The short of it is the average quality of human capital dropped off a cliff within the last 30 years.

The normal course of things in the pop industry is a rotating conveyor belt of starlets having their moment and passing on. Execs are stuck with Swift to this day not because of how great she was, but because of how much worse all the alternatives were; there was noone good enough to replace her regardless of how ‘past it’ she got.

The Cominator says:

Nah it’s because globohomo wants pozzed music now. Nobody with talent in making music was promoted… Basically since the 90s (and the 90s was mostly crap too).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Nah it’s because globohomo wants pozzed music

I don’t disagree. I think both are true.

To shoehorn an analogy, it’s like ‘the only thing [the likes of Musk] does is give money to people who actually do the thing and the only reason [they] have money is because the government gives it to them’ theory. Were it that simple, they’d use figureheads far more copacetic for their interests to be the figurehead for achievements.

Of course they do exactly try that, and frequently have at that; and like with Concord, falls flat.

Effective baddoing needs kernels of good too.

Cloudswrest says:

Re: Taylor Swift

Now she is just trying to be another bimbo. sad

This seems to happen to most starlets. I’ll contrast Swift with Milie Cyrus. Swift started much higher up on the SMV “food chain”, and as such, has taken a much longer time to “go bimbo”. In contrast, Cyrus, while initially somewhat cute, got tatted up and went slutty rather quickly. Like being a discount product on pop whoredom. BTW, Madonna is the archetype of this.

Cloudswrest says:

Much better aesthetics than almost all other pop videos out there. Tall, White, comely, natural scenery, no background darkies.

Cloudswrest says:

No obvious homos, trannies, queers, gyrating sweaty negros, “Chippendale” style background dancers, visible tats, etc.

The Cominator says:

Madonna did what you call bimbo stuff almost right away (the only nice song by all those standards of no pozzed anything in her videos she did was the very 1950sesque True Blue) was a horrible witch and shitlib etc. but at least her music is good and in fact it was pretty consistently good. Swift has no good songs that I know of, not one. There is powerful glowniggery behind her popularity.

Alf says:

No obvious homos, trannies, queers, gyrating sweaty negros, “Chippendale” style background dancers, visible tats, etc.

But, notice the theme of the song. “Oh no I was pumped and dumped by a badboy. I regret nothing.”

Mossadnik says:

Upon hearing “A badboy will pump and dump you! He will tell you lies and then leave you! You will be used and abused!” women instantly need to change their panties. Which is precisely why it’s a rather popular theme in the music industry – HAIL SATAN 666!

The Cominator says:

Bonus panty changing points, the badboy got her pregnant and now she can’t get in touch with him.

Reed says:

Globalists have decimated, and continue to decimate, the former natural global enthusiasm and independence. Particularly that of the White Race, which they see as the last standing obstacle to attaining Global Ruling Power of the Class Of The Elite Few. The Natural Power, Intelligience, and Rebellious Revolutionary Forward Drive, of the White Race, had to be shut down. So they infested all the White Regions with Infiniggers and anti-White political-religion aka Islam and Marxism. This is basic Cloward-Piven strategy with additional Elite Globalist sick twists.
A decimated White Race cannot build rockets, thus cannot build ex-Earth civilizations.
Therefore the White Race must kill all the Globalists, and all among the White Race who supported the Globalists Plan aka News Media, and Leftist Politicians.
However, since the White Race has been decimated, it no longer has sufficient killing power, aka organization skills.
So the White Race must first Rally, to restore itself and its skills, to then kill, but being demoralized, it lacks such motivation, organization, and mass memeing rhetoric.

Other than the remaining factory/farmer class, some segments of the fighting military, and some computer nerds, SpaceX is the last bastion and hangout of what made the White Race. Given that they are now actively trying to take over and kill SpaceX/Tesla, it is clear the Globo Elite intention is to not allow them or anyone to progeny White Human DNA into space, unless it is Globo Elite DNA to continue suppression of any White DNA that tags along in the cargo holds.

The White Race will likely need to hold a successful Revolution before it can go ex-Earth. And it must be held before rocket building knowledge gets disappeared in a raging struggle session. This means, the sooner the better.

Contaminated NEET says:

“‘We were a great people once,’ he went on. ‘But that was yesterday, the day before yesterday. Now we are a topic in ancient history.'”

Zach says:

Been doing deep dives around consciousness. I’m starting to err in the direction below. Kastrup (a philosopher) seems eerily similar. Same for Langan.

I sometimes wonder how much we actually know?

Jim says:

Old problem, solved long ago.

To get your feet on the ground, you have to take a leap of faith. The acid of scepticism leaves you floating helplessly in the void. Apples are real, my hands are real, my shoes are real, my eyes are real.

This skepticism nonsense is instantly dissolved when you are walking along a path in the woods and bang your head on a low hanging tree branch. The impact direct hits your brain and mind. You see stars, which you instantly know are not stars but the force of the impact overflowing the normal sensory channels and hitting every channel at once, bypassing the normal analysis and processing. You know that you are real, the impact is real, and the thing that just impacted you is real.

You must believe, or else reality with thump you till you do. Argumentum ad baculum.

The retina of your eyes is a directly exposed to light surface of the brain. The light hitting your brain in a controlled way is every bit as real as the impact of tree branch hitting your brain in an uncontrolled way.

And from the reality of the impact implying (by leap of faith) the reality of the branch you just hit, the reality of all else follows. The color red is real, as a property of particular red objects, as a property of each cherry that you pop in your mouth, and the number three is real, as particular collections of three objects. It all follows from the conversion experience that a skeptic should experience as a result of not paying attention to his surroundings and banging his head against a low tree branch.

The tree branch is not socially constructed. It is solid, and sticks into the path. And if it is real, well the color red is an abstraction, maybe the color red is in some sense socially constructed, but the red of the cherry that you just ate is as real as that branch of the tree. The red of the cherry and threeness of a bunch of three cherries is as real as the solidity of that tree branch.

All this skepticism is just selective application of the stupidist argument in the world — that because we cannot know everything, we cannot know anything. It is all selective stupidity. Easy to indulge while sitting in a chair watching you tube videos, but if you experience actual reality, it will thump sense into you.

Animus says:

Is the person that you just imagined hitting their head real?
Perhaps they are as real to you as you are to God.

Jim says:

Sure he is. That person is me. I was actually physically, in real life, walking along an animal trail in the wilderness, paying attention to the ground, and external reality banged my head.

Handi says:

Jim walks into a bar. Ouch!

If a tree falls in the middle of the woods, and it crushes a solipsist, does he make a sound?

How many leftoids does it take to screw in a light bulb? One to hold the bulb, and another to take the group in a holiness spiral…

Why did the shill cross the road?

Hail fellow Jaywalkers! Zio Faggot Spooks Clinton and

Gates paint their Zio Cuckwalks at every street corner

to constrain our Freedom of Movement. We need to

reassert our Male Virility by crossing the road at will and

going the Extra Mile like our Bible tells us!

Aidan says:

We know that reality is real because we can observe the insane, for whom cause and effect are disconnected. A woman can think little green men are trying to stab her, but her sincerely experienced illusions do not end in her bleeding on the floor.
It is insane to me that people will take the existence of altered states in which the brain does not accurately model reality as evidence that reality is an illusion. It implies the precise opposite- that we are usually pretty damn good at modeling reality. The map is not the terrain, but it’s a really good map.

Mossadnik says:

Excellent comment.

You understood Gnon’s Gospel perfectly.

Mossadnik says:

If reality is an illusion, there is no point observing it – you cannot derive the Will of God therefrom. Hence, thought-forms such as “Just make up your own reality” and “It was real… in my mind.” Indeed, if reality isn’t real, then God’s Will can never be deciphered at all. This demonism is particularly epistemologically appealing to foids and foid-like males, because reality often conflicts with le feefees, and foid philosophy is “feelz before realz.”

If reality is real, then your reading this text, right now, means that you are evidently inside a chud-friendly timeline, which should cure anyone of atheism.

Animus says:

Shill test:
Women are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival. If women are emancipated, Miss Average will waste her youth, her beauty, and her fertility fucking Mister One in Thirty, thus a people, a race, a nation, a faith, or an empire that emancipates women will perish for lack of families, leading to lack of sons. Men have to impose stable monogamy on women with a stick.

The biggest problem with Gnon-worship is that we share the power of creation with God. Perhaps it’s the forbidden knowledge of good and evil, or perhaps Varna was correct in an earlier comment to say that it is a gift, or perhaps both- but we possess it nonetheless.
Gnon-worship, if taken to its logical conclusion, means living entirely within the realm of God’s ideas (meaning the reality that we share) and neglecting our own capacity for creation. Hence, “based” meaning essentially “based in reality”. This may have been the ethical course of action thousands of years ago but, like a child who gradually develops their own ideas and free will distinct from their parents, I think we were meant to gradually defy Gnon more and more as we “mature” as children of God.
We have long begun taking natural selection, arguably the most iron-clad of Gnon’s laws, into our own hands. Every government ever instituted defies several of the Ten Commandments (a simple, childish list of no-no’s if ever there was one). Obviously not all disobedience is justified- the strain of Satanism known as leftism smacks of ignorant, bratty teenage rebellion which we later come to regret as adults. Other forms of disobedience are more ethically muddled- all sexual fetishes including LGBT are direct byproducts of the ability to ideate, as they include everything beyond the Gnon imperative of “sex for the sole purpose of reproduction”. This is why creative types are more likely to be gay.
To extend the parent/child analogy, divinely inspired messages will be appropriate for humanity’s maturity level. The teachings of Christ and Buddha- empathy, selflessness, charity- are akin to the rules of a grade-school classroom, or perhaps a mother; the teachings of people like Trump and Hitler (I doubt God neglects the opportunity to use His most effective messengers) have more of the real-talk that you would expect from a father or a high school coach.
At any rate, the key question regarding insanity is whether and to what degree we are meant to use our creative potential to create and experience our own realities, from the basest form of ideation (“Grug pretend her butthole is pussy instead”), through the fictions that humans weave today, going further and further until the likely future where we eventually upload our consciousnesses, or collective consciousness, into an artificial universe to experience it the way God is currently experiencing our universe (a universe of His own creation) but on an adjacent layer of reality. Doing this would likely necessitate induced amnesia, breaking cause and effect but only from our perspective within the new reality, not knowing where we came from or what our purpose is. Perhaps our God has the same problem, suspecting but not really being able to prove that He was also created by some ultimate Source. Maybe that’s why we’re here- to become collectively psychotic and forge our own path. No parent wants their child to be a carbon copy of themselves.
OR, maybe we’re here just to worship Gnon and follow all the rules forever… but permanently denying our innate creative ability would likely be more disrespectful to God than any insane act of misguided creation could ever be.

Mossadnik says:

You are gay.

Mossadnik says:

There is no preventing the biological neutralization of faggotry and the removal of your phenotype from the human biomass. We will find the biological cause of the disease, and then we will permanently cure the disease. Meanwhile, this post is all the evidence everyone needs for why no faggots should ever be allowed anywhere near a priesthood, ever.

Mossadnik says:


There will no be homosexuality in the future.

You have been Cosmically Rejected.

Mossadnik says:

Wait, the original was correct.

Anyway, fuck off.

Mossadnik says:

You can write a million more posts, and it will not change the reality that God Hates Fags. Instead of being so gay, volunteer for gay-correction experiments. Or just kill yourself; in fact, that would be better.

Animus says:

I like girls too. Thanks for reading.

Mossadnik says:

You are not a Nietzschean.

Pseudo-Chrysostom is a Nietzschean.

You are a homosexual.

Mossadnik says:

We will find the biological cause of your disease, and then we will neutralize it. And the more you post, the more determined I will be to bring it up, again and again and again.

When faggots ROPE, God smiles.

Mossadnik says:

I really, sincerely, deeply, and passionately hate your phenotype. You will not make it to the next century. You will be biologically removed, one way or another.

Satan urinated into your bloodstream.

Psalm 58:10:

“The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.”

But your blood is full of AIDS, so you’ll just be incinerated instead.

Jim says:

> – all sexual fetishes including LGBT are direct byproducts of the ability to ideate, as they include everything beyond the Gnon imperative of “sex for the sole purpose of reproduction”. This is why creative types are more likely to be gay.

For humans, sex is also instituted to maintain the marital bond. So husbands and wives are required to keep at it regardless of reproductive prospects.

Mossadnik says:

You are gay, and your entire post is homosexual subversion.

Again: We will find what is causing it, and then we will devise a scientific and permanent cure. Keep your poopdick in the closet, and you might survive. But we all know that you will keep trying to subvert civilization, as you’ve been doing for millennia, which is why Total Faggot Death will have to be implemented.

Poofs off roofs.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I have to concur that only a faggot could ever unironically utter the phrase “sex for the sole purpose of reproduction”. As if it’s a chore, oy vey, we have to do it again, and my back hurts, but fine, just lube up lie down and think of England.

Difficult as it may be for a homo to understand, healthy adult heterosexual couples fuck because it’s fun and feels great, with children being the highly beneficial side effect. It’s good and it’s good for you. Infertile couples don’t lose their sex drives. Non-reproductive sex isn’t against God’s law, it’s specifically sodomy that’s the abomination and it’s spelled out in black-letter law.

Mossadnik says:


Gay sex, zoo sex, and incest are forbidden, and coincidentally, they (and the inclinations that lead to them) all compromise reproductive fitness, and lead to diseases.

Sex between husband and wife is in line with the natural libidinal telos, whether or not it leads to conception.

Animus says:

Pair bonding and sexual pleasure are both psychochemical evolutionary adaptations to encourage sex. Sex developed via natural selection in primitive organisms as a way to facilitate and encourage reproduction, and then those chemical reactions developed in turn to facilitate and encourage sex, and then sexual fetishes developed to facilitate and encourage those chemical reactions. Even though fetishes reduce the percentage of sexual activity that allows reproduction, if they sufficiently compensate by increasing the total amount of sexual activity, then they would be Gnon-approved even in the case of disadvantageous individual side-effects, for the same reason that male peacocks have feathers that weigh them down.

Jim says:

> Pair bonding and sexual pleasure are both psychochemical evolutionary adaptations to encourage sex.


Human ancestors primarily ate meat. Including wolves and big cats. Stable isotope ratios in the bones show that Homo Erectus was the apex predator, the top of the food chain.

But only males hunted. So females and offspring had to be fed by the mighty hunter. So, pair bonding, to enable women and children to be fed.

Pair bonding and sexual pleasure are to enable women to be helpmeet for man. Outside of the pair bond, it is wicked and self destructive behavior for women, and women who engage in it should, like gays, be thrown from high buildings or something similarly terrifying and status lowering.

Animus says:

Both of those things are widespread in the animal kingdom and existed long before homo erectus. No pun intended.

Jim says:

Pair bonding is widespread in the animal kingdom, mostly in birds. Generally uses mechanisms other than sex.

For humans, pair bonding uses sex. Therefore Gnon commands the husband to service his wives, and forbids more wives than he can adequately service, and wives are commanded to service their husbands, and no one else.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Gay sex is a palliative for wifelessness, a plague that will be mostly cured when Jimianity is imposed upon the female sex. Fetishes of every sort quietly disappear when a man plugs his wife on a regular basis, and then re-spawn when the love-making stops. A lot of straight men turn gay because they cannot stand being incels.

The Cominator says:

“Gay sex is a palliative for wifelessness”
Don’t confuse faggotry with porn. Porn is a palliative for sexlessness faggotry is a perversion that happens somehow but sexlessness is not enough.

Mossadnik says:

Gay sex is a palliative for wifelessness

It’s obvious that Animus is not Prison Gay like the sexually frustrated incels, but is a fag’s fag, whose demonic weltanschauung derives from his fundamentally aberrant nature. The phenotype itself is deeply flawed; everything else follows therefrom.

Prison Gay can be forgiven, if you “Go, and sin no more.” (Which should not be a problem after coverture is restored.) But legit faggotry requires a cure, and until we have a biological method of preventing it, that cure shall be splattering faggots via cordless bungee in the public square. Turnin’ fruits into salad.

The Cominator says:

Prison homosexuality shouldn’t be tolerated either, we’ve seen the fruits of any tolerance for homosexuality. You get caught you get thrown from a rooftop or at least you get put in mandatory conversion therapy (but real conversion therapy not fake overly religious kinds ones where you don’t leave faggot camp till you show you can fuck hookers).

Aidan says:

If you want to experience the awesome power of a motorcycle that flies down the road at 150mph, you have to follow the laws of nature, both in building and operating the machine. The immense power and freedom of this state exists within rigid adherence to the laws of physics. If you fail to obey the laws of nature, you end up a bloody lump of meat on the side of the road.

Calvin says:

In fairness to Kastrup, he does clearly say reality is real, and external to our particular consciousness. He just believes that it’s made of the same stuff as our consciousness, like how everything in a dream world is made of your particular mind. Basic monistic idealism.

Pax Imperialis says:

First ~30 seconds. ‘Consciousness does not exist in your head, it exists in the quantum field.’

Me thinking, but obviously that ‘quantum field’ exists because of the matter in your head…

I hate shit like this that overthinks and then ventures into idea space far outside observable reality.

Mossadnik says:


Mossadnik says:

Consciousness (or, if you will, the noosphere) is an aspect and attribute of the observable universe. In other words: through biological consciousness, particularly human consciousness, God makes Himself conscious; we are all particles of the Divinity, observing itself.

Mossadnik says:

“Reality is real” may sound like a silly tautology; it is however a profound statement. In a sense, to accept the realness of reality is to love God; it is, one can say, God being reconciled with Himself (at long last), after billions of years of Cold Darkness.

Mossadnik says:

What prevents so, so many people from accepting this simple and obvious gospel is, fundamentally, ego – or the sin of Pride. According to leftists/Gnostics/solipsistic narcissists (including, by the way, many a trad tard), if reality might reflect badly on one’s self-image, so much worse for reality. The ego must be preserved at all costs! Even if it means killing everyone and destroying everything. Such is the root of many sins, aka failure modes.

Mossadnik says:

Thus I say: Don’t let your ego (or Pride) be a barrier between you and God. If to love God you need to kill your ego, then kill your ego.

Micah 6:8: “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”

Leftists cannot remove the barrier (which is their Pride); cannot accept that reality is real; cannot love God. SAD!

Mossadnik says:

Link related:

Alf says:

If the Nicaean creed could say ‘God from God, light from light, true God from true God’, something like ‘reality is real’ fits right in.

Cloudswrest says:

In other words: through biological consciousness, particularly human consciousness, God makes Himself conscious; we are all particles of the Divinity, observing itself.

Yep, we’re all God’s surveillance drones. Sleep is when all your daily memories and experiences are uploaded to the overmind so as not to risk data loss due to one’s eventual demise. Unfortunately, these backups aren’t available for download.

Jim says:

It is apparent that mitchondria, cloroplasts, and tubulin have quantum states that maintain coherence over time and distance that is quite unreasonably far and long in a warm wet environment.

Tubulin is the muscles of the cell. Tubulins carry out purposeful actions — where is the nervous system to coordinate and command those operations?

Mitochondria in the neurons gather in ordered and organised groups. Obviously they are communicating, and communicating fast with high bandwidth, but how are they communicating? Probably in the same way tubulins are communicating.

The quantum fields he talks about is an oddity of the state of matter of tubulins (and of something in chloroplasts and mitochondria, but it is plausible that the tubulins are primary.)

Fidelis says:

Is there anywhere I can find writing on this written in a way that is clear and not just academic word vomit? I want to understand more rigorously what exactly is being talked about with these very vague claims of quantum fields and such. For example, lets say I have all the equipment and capital to build new equipment should it be necessary, how would I prove or falsify these claims of quantum fields quantum “harmonization” or whatever is producing these cellular level events.

Jim says:

> Is there anywhere I can find writing on this written in a way that is clear and not just academic word vomit?

No, all bullshit artists bullshitting, because this is a topic that no one understands. Much like hypersonic turbulence and ultrarelativistic turbulence, also sewers of bogus bullshit.

Consciousness is mysterious. Quantum mechanics is mysterious. So people suspected that the two are somehow connected. And then we observe that tubulins, which have a strange capability to mysteriously handle information, also display strange quantum effects at scales that should not be possible in a warm wet environment. Which is a hint that they are indeed connected.

And anyone who claims to know or understand more than that is just bluffing you with pseudo scientific bullshit, and if his bullshit does not make sense to you, that is because it makes no sense.

If you understand the Copenhagen interpretation and the many worlds interpretation as deliberately minimal and deliberately incomplete interpretations, then they are both clearly true, both true simultaneously. If you start reading more into them, then you are lost in very deep waters, pushing your way into a very deep rabbit hole with no known bottom and no end.

In the game of minecraft, the world is instantiated when the player observes it, or might observe it, and the rest of the world does not yet exist as a model in the computer’s memory. Well it exists partially. There are many levels of instantiation, but the final state of instantiation, into data structures representing blocks and monsters, is driven by the stuff coming in sight of the player, and this final stage instantiation drives various levels of partial instantiation.

I suspect that the universe works like this. That God observes some people, and they are instantiated, and then what they observe, including observing other people observing things, also gets instantiated. But this is faith, not science. It is empirically unfalsifiable. It is theology, not science. And when someone tells you that science says something that sounds somewhat similar, that also is theology. Most of the time, heretical or demonic theology.

The Copenhagen interpretation is a neutral and deliberately incomplete, because deliberately minimal, philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics. But, being deliberately incomplete, people keep extending it in ways far from neutral. Don’t do that, and don’t listen to people who do that.

The many worlds interpretation is another neutral and minimal philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics. They both serve their purpose quite well, and they are neutral, in that you can draw the same conclusions from either one. But people want to draw conclusions beyond what they can give, and keep extending them in ways that serve no useful purpose except bamboozling the gullible and ignorant.

“Schrodinger’s cat” is a thought experiment that asks “what happens if there are multiple independent observers?” — which neither model can answer. If God is the one final observer, then no problem. And if you refrain from asking questions that neither model can address, no problem either.

Fidelis says:

And then we observe that tubulins, which have a strange capability to mysteriously handle information, also display strange quantum effects at scales that should not be possible in a warm wet environment.

How would anyone go about observing this for themselves? Assume equipment is no barrier, how do I concretely reproduce this, so that I might observe it. We are dealing with things at scales that are not suited for naked observation. Therefore you have to know what you are observing with to make any sense at all of the observation.

Jim says:

All that you can observe is that tubulins are doing two mysterious things. Which is not terribly helpful.

I have myself done the two slit experiment. Mystery enough for me. That way lies theology, and theology is an unprofitable pursuit.

Cloudswrest says:

I posted something about superadiance in microtubules in the below post. I can’t seem to directly link to comments anymore.

Jim says:

Your comment is here

Fidelis says:

All that you can observe is that tubulins are doing two mysterious things. Which is not terribly helpful.

Where would I find a description of the setup making these observations?

I can’t even ask appropriate questions about the mystery without knowing what the window I’m viewing out of is doing.

I don’t mean to ask you for intricate details, but any leads to help avoid too much wading in vomit or perish.

Mystery enough for me. That way lies theology, and theology is an unprofitable pursuit.

The mystery is probably some weird framing of the questions we are asking when querying reality. We have to ask better questions in order to get results that are less mysterious. There are undeniably paradoxes everywhere, but symmetries everywhere as well. We’ve probably collectively walked down a path where we’ve brushed up against some way of describing reality, but not fully grasped what we’re trying to describe, so we get these feelings of mystery instead of feelings of wonder or even a feeling of common everyday experience.

Jim says:

> The mystery is probably some weird framing of the questions we are asking when querying reality. We have to ask better questions in order to get results that are less mysterious

As Richard Feyman said ““I think I can safely say that nobody really understands quantum mechanics,”

If he does not get it, you will not either. And the behavior of tubulins is even more mysterious than usual.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The quantum fields he talks about is an oddity of the state of matter of tubulins

Well sure, there is quantum or possibly other spooky things going on we don’t understand, but that’s besides the point that he is wrong to say ‘consciousness is not in the body, it’s in the quantum field’.

That’s as wrong as saying, ‘information is not on the hard drive, it’s in the magnetic field’. It might be right in the sense that one reads the information based on the magnetic field, but it’s wrong in ignoring the fact the magnetic field exists because of the material that constitutes the hard drive in the first place.

Then again, physics has a hard time distinguishing between fields and particles… so claiming consciousness to be a product of one but not the other becomes a tautological expression of ignorance rather than any revelation.

Upravda says:

Seems to me I started quite a passionate Star Trek / general SF discussion.

Regarding Start Trek being this and that… First, at the end of the Eighties, I watched TNG, after being just barely exposed to TOS via first two Star Trek movies. It was obvious back then to me and us as kiddos:

1. Writers really managed to get communism “working”, but only thanks to post-scarcity society and technology, without any gulags, and Pol Pot’s killing fields. Replicators, anyone? It is difficult to imagine significant class differences with replicators, and much easier to imagine some sort of “classless society”.

2. Aside from working communism, characters were weirdos, and civilization (Federation) had something, many things actually, simply “off”, event perverted. Those features we recognize today clearly as woke and progressivism.

3. Movies, those two at least, had much more normal settings.

Then I watched TOS and I liked it more because it lacked all those proto-woke and proto-progressive features, featuring only post-scarcity communism. And “men were men, and women wore less.” 🙂

However, it is somewhat customary for science fiction writers to be (proto)woke and progressive, and for many of those “progressive in the Sixties, reactionary today” I do not have the slightest doubt that they would be continuing to develop their progressiveness en par to the requirements of the modern age, if only they still lived.

For some reason, ordinary atheist were much more reasonable as science fiction writers. For example, Clarke become quite insufferable with his latest works as opposed to, say, Lem, who simply stayed Lem. Or, of modern-day writers, Alastair Reynolds was actually quite good, despite heavy Mary Sue syndrome, until started mentioning terms like “his husband” and such in later works.

I do not recall any science fiction writer who’s works could be classified as written from religious point of view. Can anyone?

The Cominator says:

“I do not recall any science fiction writer who’s works could be classified as written from religious point of view. Can anyone?”

There have been a disproportionate amount of Mormon science fiction writers.

FrankNorman says:

The stuffy old dogmatic Atheist that AC Clarke became in his old age was not someone who could ever have written stories like The Nine Billion Names of God, or The Wall of Darkness or even The Other Tiger.

That early creativity, that sense of wonder at the limitless possibilities of existence, was gone.

Niiiidriveevof says:

CS Lewis, Gene Wolfe, RA Lafferty, Anthony Boucher, Walter M Miller Jr, Madeleine L’Engle

Varna says:

“The Taking”, by Dean Koontz. “Breathless” perhaps even more so. Also his older books “The Bad Place”, “Sole Survivor” and “Midnight”.

Fairly new stuff, about decadent psychopathic elites using nanobots to create sex-slaves is his Jane Hawk series. Older thing about institutions being full of NPCs and psychotic maniacs is “Dark Rivers of the Heart”. On the question of evil being real and not a social construct: “What the Night Knows”.

In terms of actual Christian space opera — can’t think of any right now. Possibly the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons.

Upravda says:

Thanks everyone for suggestions. Orson Scott Card, Walter Miller, Gene Wolfe, and Dan Simmons are translated into Croatian and/or Serbian.

But… I’ve read the entire Simmons a few years ago, and… well, back then it did not strike me as written from a particularly religious points of view, but now when you mentioned it, there might be a discreet undercurrent of some Christian religiosity. Yes, yes, there are immediately visible tropes such as “good friar – bad bishop”, but those are visible in Anglo (and other!) literature and oral tradition since at least Robin Hood, without being considered particularly religious. And Simmons has a Palestinian action hero, and Jewish wise hero as main characters, go figure.

So I wonder were just those authors religious, or did they somehow translate their religiosity into writings? I guess I’ll find out soon. All three seems like a worthy read.

And, regarding those Mormons… are they nuts, loonies or just a little bit weird fellas? There are very few of them in Croatia, and they would probably be regarded as nutcases like Jehova’s Witnesses if there was no Krešimir Ćosić, tremendously respectable man and athlete in his days (he passed away in ’95.) He was convert to Mormonism, and the translator of Mormon holy books to Croatian. Because of him, Mormons are not regarded as nutcases here.

However, the only artwork featuring Mormons for which there are some chances of being read, seen, or heard outside of the Anglosphere are Zane Grey’s Riders of the Purple Sage and… that other novel I’m lazy to find the original English title, it is something like “By Rainbow’s Trail”. Mormons in those books are not described in flattering light, although the main heroine, Jane Withersteen, and a few sidekicks are good guys or girls. On the other hand, Mormon elders are actually bad guys, not ordinary folks, in common with older “good friar – bad bishop” tropes I’ve mentionied.

So, what the Jimian neoreaction thinks about Mormons?

Jim says:

Mormons are non Christian heretics, very nice heretics we can and should live with. The mainline Mormon churches have been under the same pressure as the Christian churches and are being assimilated to postChristian woke. The remnant who have preserved patriarchy have for the most part preserved polygamy, and demonstrate the problems with polygamy.

Similarly overseas Russian Orthodoxy is fairly woke, though it has the great strength that it is answerable to a bureaucracy of monks shielded by Putin’s nukes. Russian Orthodoxy is the only mainstream Christian Church that is still Christian.

If your sovereign does not have his own nukes, you cannot have your own religion. You will be assimilated.

The Cominator says:

Mormonism would be great (nice people, and they do a very good job in raising good women I’ve only met a couple Mormon girls but very very nice wifey material girls) if it weren’t being very very aggressively targeted by the poz and ever since the Mormons bent the knee on the polygamy issue (rightly so) they’ve very desperately wanted to be accepted as good Americans and the way they advertise the good virtues of their religion is being nice (as noted in the South Park episode about Mormons, they kind of are really like that). So despite the fact that Mormonism in most of its tenets is almost something of an explicitly alt right christian heresy (many many lines about how darker races are less than the better people in gods eyes who are “white and delightsum”, many lines about how women are supposed to serve men) its slowly being pozzed, they also taught that the Roman Catholic Church was a great and abominable church in the end times. I find “Deznat” Mormons on twatter pretty interesting and I follow a couple (the one problem is they also tend to think the Mormon church should bring back polygamy).

The Cominator says:

As late as 90s they were making official statements on family that sounded Jimian although watered down a bit for normies.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I wouldn’t say passionate, it’s just a more accessible topic for many than dark-energy astronomy.

I think it’s a misconception that they made communism “work” due to futuristic technology and its concomitant post-scarcity economics. That is what leftists like to believe, and encapsulate in memes like “FALC” in a futile attempt to breathe new life into the dead ideology.

The writers actually made communism “work” the same way Stalin made communism work and Xi Jinping is making communism work, via an ever-growing category of unprincipled exceptions that are retroactively declared to be the Party’s will all along, with ruthless crushing of any dissent from the farther-left.

While this does “work” in the sense of preventing far worse democide and rescuing the civilization in question from the left-singularity and from the brink of extinction in general, it is inherently far too unstable to sustain an imperial power, never mind a frontier-minded spacefaring civilization.

Re: religiously-oriented sci-fi, there are plenty of religious writers and others have already listed examples, but it’s not likely to show up explicitly because excessive moralizing makes for bad, boring literature regardless of the morality. It’s why the books from Banks are readable, despite their flawed premises, while the books from Scalzi are not. Banks told us “this is how it is” and let us make up our own minds on whether it is utopian or dystopian, while Scalzi jams his morality in our faces with girlbosses and other totems of wokeness whose virtues are extolled by the narrator.

It’s OK to have an aesop, but readers and viewers want swashbuckling heroes, dastardly villains and hot trophy women, not sermons on how to live their own insignificant lives. Crusaders In Space sounds like a fantastic idea, thematically, and I’m almost positive it’s already been done somewhere, but if the Crusaders are openly Christian then readers and viewers are going to say it’s too on-the-nose.

notglowing says:

Tolkien wrote an epic that was intentionally Christian and yet wasn’t allegorical nor did it contain literal Christianity. In fact while there is a God and (arguably) angels in the story, no character engages in religious rituals.
I quite like the way The Lord Of The Rings works, I think adding explicitly Christian elements to such a story would feel inappropriate. It’s hard to articulate exactly why but it feels like it cheapens Christianity and the epic at the same time.

This is different for *historical* fiction set in *our world* of course.

Hesiod says:

“Crusaders In Space sounds like a fantastic idea, thematically, and I’m almost positive it’s already been done somewhere…”

Poul Anderson’s The High Crusade deals with a medieval English lord obtaining a space craft that ultimately leads to an interstellar crusade.

The Cominator says:

Um 40k… and many other such cases. Generally any empire in sci fi waging a holy war in space (except in 40k I guess though the Imperium isn’t exactly good but there enemies tend to be worse) tends to be the bad guys though.

Hesiod says:

Anderson heavily influenced Moorcock who in turn heavily influenced Warhammer.

The Cominator says:

BTW new leftist tactic they appear to be working toward is preaching an “abundance” agenda…

Abundance seems to me that they want to pay lip service to going back to FDR leftism (the form of leftism which was actually successful in building stuff and better living through technology) but the problem of course is they are lying and to the extent some of them think they are telling the truth they absolutely are not willing to accept the inequalities actually present in FDR leftism. FDR leftism wanted to advance science build useful megaprojects (it was always damn good at this) give everyone a good living (and from the 1950s on till the mid 60s it did a pretty good job with a few market oriented tweaks under Eisenhower) but it absolutely did not want to give everyone an equal place in the social hierarchy. It had a pretty rigid IQ caste system, it was explicity more antifeminist than any other form of leftism I can think of almost from its inception.

There is some danger if they can market this well enough….

Jim says:

The nearest thing to robots capable of dealing with the real world is Tesla vehicles. Musk wants to give humanoid robots similar capability — which is considerably harder, and Tesla autonomous mode is clearly less capable than a human or a horse. But it is close enough to be useful. And, of course, the first thing the left wants to do is to destroy Tesla for being white, male, and efficient. The modern left is not serious about abundance. If they win, we will be reduced to peasants scratching at the ground with digging sticks and harrows made of wood and stones, while our carbon overlords fly their private jets to international conferences to lecture the peasants on their carbon emissions.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“while our carbon overlords fly their private jets to international conferences to lecture the peasants on their carbon emissions.”

Considering how well Boeing is doing under enlightened carbon rule, I think they’ll be going on hot air balloon rides instead.

S says:

It won’t work Com; people in the modern world have plenty of access to consumer goods and basics (quality varying of course).

The purchases people worry about are homes in areas free from crime (and education which works out to the same thing) and healthcare. There is no technological solution to the former and making housing cheaper and more accessible makes the situation worse. Healthcare falls apart with mass immigration since giving help to immigrants first is more holy then helping the native population.

Jim says:

Singapore has the best healthcare in the world, and spends only a few percent of what the US spends.

US healthcare is stupendously bad, and no one notices because Canadian health care, featuring “voluntary” euthenasia for six month old children, is enormously worse, and the British health care system is a war crime against the native population.

The solution to the housing problem is to keep the niggers from destroying neighbourhoods. If you need healthcare in Canada, do it yourself or fly to Mexico. If you have the money, fly to Singapore. If middle income, Thailand etcetera.

Alf says:

If you need healthcare […] do it yourself

Underrated solution for many afflictions. If a hospital can be avoided, should be avoided.

The Cominator says:

I agreed already it won’t work especially since its just a rebranding they aren’t serious about.

S says:

I meant work as in marketing. You can spin up propaganda with AI now (Star Wars – Return of North Korea) but leftists have to show what people want. Mostly or entirely monoracial, clean, normal- they need to copy 1950s aesthetics and that repels them like the cross. They can mouth the word abundance, but anything beyond that breaks down the same way asking them where food is from before it is in the store.

The Cominator says:

The problem the modern left has is only very old boomers pay any attention to legacy news. To convince anyone else they have to go on a long form podcast and that format is not as conducive to stupid people peddling bullshit.

Adam says:

Jim, I don’t know if you have seen this, and apologies if already posted here. But it looks like Trump might be beginning to go after the university priesthood.

This is an excerpt from a paywalled NYT article.

Why Trump’s Ultimatum to Columbia Could Upend Higher Education

A demand for the university’s administration to place the Middle Eastern studies department under receivership could signal a broader crackdown across the United States.
It was an obscure, 44-word demand toward the end of the Trump administration’s ultimatum to Columbia University this month ordering a dramatic overhaul of admissions and disciplinary rules. But it could prove to have consequences for colleges and universities nationwide.
With $400 million in canceled government grants and contracts on the line, federal officials ordered Columbia’s administration to place the university’s Middle Eastern studies department under academic receivership for at least five years.
Typically, a receivership is handled internally. University administrators can take the rare step of imposing the measure when a department descends into chaos. It is viewed as a last-resort solution to extended periods of internal strife and dysfunction.
This time is different. The call for a receivership is coming from outside the university — and directly from the White House. And it arrives at a moment when dozens of other colleges and universities are facing federal inquiries and fear a fate similar to Columbia’s.

“It is one small department in one university,” said Sheldon Pollock, a retired former chair of the Middle Eastern studies department at Columbia. “But it will reverberate across the entire country.”

Jim says:

> “It is one small department in one university,” said Sheldon Pollock, a retired former chair of the Middle Eastern studies department at Columbia. “But it will reverberate across the entire country.”

Small steps, tiny steps. But is a reconnaissance in force for tanks in Harvard.

Meanwhile we shall see how the campaign against Tesla goes when attacks on dealerships have become a federalised crime, and the Department of Justice follows the money.

Aenon938 says:

Micah F Lee of TorProject fame was always a smarmy little faggot leftist.
Now he’s heading up Leftist terrorism actions with the corrupt funding he milked from Tor Project USG+NGOs.

Tor was created by the US Gov, for the MIL/CIA/NSA/State, not for you.
Tor onions are not anonymous.
Tor refuses to deploy chaff countermeasures.
Tor is corrupt and still refuses to address Network Analysis and Sybil.
Tor’s staff pay themselves huge sums, while doing nothing to fix legacy tor protocol design.
Tor defrauded its NFT buyer/launderer for $4M ETH.
Tor’s Director married to NSA spook.
Tor Project staffed with questionable people.
Tor Project censors all critique of Tor Project and tor protocol off its forums and lists.

Their cunning plan to crash Tesla’s stock through a color revolution could trigger a federal investigation into market manipulation (an SEC violation) and conspiracy to commit economic harm. It could also open the door to lawsuits from Tesla for tortious interference with business, as well as defamation or libel.

The nonprofits working behind the scenes to crash Tesla’s stock violate the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under IRS rules, prohibiting engaging in coordinated political or commercial attacks outside their stated mission. This means the federal government could strip them of their tax-exempt status.

Jim says:

White listing you because I have long known that Tor is in the hands of our enemies, and most of the intervening onion layers are run by the national security agency. And reporting on the extent of penetration of our cryptographic infrastructure is a thought crime.

Aenon938 says:

Tor Project should have been forked far away from well over a decade ago. The tor protocol is still waiting for anons to take over fixes and future development.

The Cominator says:
Anon says:

There was also a large rally for aoc and bernie in Tempe.
Seem like holiness spiral continue in the left where are no sign to stop it.
So where to go from here.
It worrisome that trump still pay lip service to the judiciary, and the judiciary still has the will to try to stop him.

Mossadnik says:


The biggest problem with Gnon-worship is that we share the power of creation with God. Perhaps it’s the forbidden knowledge of good and evil, or perhaps Varna was correct in an earlier comment to say that it is a gift, or perhaps both- but we possess it nonetheless.

Not entirely wrong (deceptive first paragraph), however: 1. our purpose is to mold reality in accordance with God’s will, not against it; 2. we determine God’s will by observing His reality – hence, GNON.

Gnon-worship, if taken to its logical conclusion, means living entirely within the realm of God’s ideas (meaning the reality that we share) and neglecting our own capacity for creation.

“Our own capacity” is within the realm of God’s Manifest Reality, not outside of it. We (or, rather, some of us) have been given liberty by God; but we are never independent of God or outside of Him. Samsara is Nirvana. Your Gnosticism is showing.

Hence, “based” meaning essentially “based in reality”. This may have been the ethical course of action thousands of years ago

Not just “ethical.” Objectively correct, then and now. (Also, 2 Peter 3:8: “…one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”) We determine what is or is not morally right by observing God’s Reality, accepting that Reality is Real, and thus loving God. You hate God, because you were born a faggot (or raped by gay dad).

but, like a child who gradually develops their own ideas and free will distinct from their parents, I think we were meant to gradually defy Gnon more and more as we “mature” as children of God.

Nope. When you defy Gnon, objective reality punishes you. Hence, Jimianity came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill the Law. A healthy memeplex… accompanied by healthy social technologies… to conquer the universe. That, in short, is the plan.

We have long begun taking natural selection, arguably the most iron-clad of Gnon’s laws, into our own hands.

Yes, and we should continue doing that – in a healthy, rather than unhealthy, direction. Which we determine by — you guessed it — observing God’s Reality. Also by listening to God’s Messengers, or Avatars. The Darkly Enlightened are Cosmic Ophthalmologists, restoring (spiritual) eyesight to the (spiritually) blind, by directing the focus outwards, that is, into God’s Reality. A Gay Gnostic full of himself, full of dicks in the ass, and full of Pride, just wouldn’t get it.

Every government ever instituted defies several of the Ten Commandments (a simple, childish list of no-no’s if ever there was one).

Excellent list, the Ten Commandments. Naturally, a sodomite with worms in his semen-diarrhea wouldn’t like it.

Obviously not all disobedience is justified- the strain of Satanism known as leftism smacks of ignorant, bratty teenage rebellion which we later come to regret as adults.

Disobedience is never justified, and whenever it is attempted, it results in annihilation. Which, presumably, is what you seek. You would rather see the world destroyed, and die in the process, than admit that there is something fundamentally wrong and diseased with you. Pride.

Other forms of disobedience are more ethically muddled- all sexual fetishes including LGBT are direct byproducts of the ability to ideate

The telos of libido is clear (it is heterosexual); and it is not “fetishes” or “LGBT.” However, some fetishes may be fine and harmless, albeit they are still abnormal; but faggotry, in particular, is absolutely not fine and not harmless; being directly, diametrically opposed to the telos of sexuality. And we all witness, in reality, the results — or fruits (heh) — of faggotry. No thanks.

Oh, and how do we determine the telos of libido? By observing reality, you faggot.

as they include everything beyond the Gnon imperative of “sex for the sole purpose of reproduction”.

Nah, this is demonic-Catholic (same thing) subversion. The telos of libido is fulfilled whether or not reproduction proceeds, provided it is in line with GNON’s Law, as Manifest in Reality. Obviously, being pronatalist, reproduction is advocated, at least for the worthy. But conception is not required in order to fulfill the telos.

This is why creative types are more likely to be gay.

No, that is absolutely not “why,” you gay gnostic. Rather, it is likely due to a divergent brain structure. Your “ability to ideate” is neither the cause of your creativity nor the result thereof – your creativity, such as it is, is not rooted in superior access to “the realm of ideas,” but in a cognitively-temperamentally divergent approach to aesthetics. You’re just biologically perverted, for whatever reason.

To extend the parent/child analogy, divinely inspired messages will be appropriate for humanity’s maturity level. The teachings of Christ and Buddha- empathy, selflessness, charity- are akin to the rules of a grade-school classroom, or perhaps a mother;

Divine Law, which is the ultimate Teaching, says “poofs off roofs.” It derives from Reality; from Gnon. Nothing feminine about it; it is absolutely and perfectly masculine. Christ and Buddha were both chuds.

the teachings of people like Trump and Hitler (I doubt God neglects the opportunity to use His most effective messengers) have more of the real-talk that you would expect from a father or a high school coach.

Yeah, nice try.

At any rate, the key question regarding insanity is whether and to what degree we are meant to use our creative potential to create and experience our own realities, from the basest form of ideation (“Grug pretend her butthole is pussy instead”), through the fictions that humans weave today, going further and further until the likely future where we eventually upload our consciousnesses, or collective consciousness, into an artificial universe to experience it the way God is currently experiencing our universe (a universe of His own creation) but on an adjacent layer of reality. Doing this would likely necessitate induced amnesia, breaking cause and effect but only from our perspective within the new reality, not knowing where we came from or what our purpose is. Perhaps our God has the same problem, suspecting but not really being able to prove that He was also created by some ultimate Source. Maybe that’s why we’re here- to become collectively psychotic and forge our own path. No parent wants their child to be a carbon copy of themselves.

Alternatively – we do absolutely none of that retarded and likely impossible Gnostic “Let’s become a computer program” s**t, and instead just eliminate God-haters and God-hatred (which is not strictly speaking a philosophy, but a temperament) out of the gene pool and out of the meme pool. Yeah, that’s a much better idea.

Read the text quoted here. This right here — murdering all humans and fully disconnecting forever from God — is precisely why The Gay Must Go. Pride is Satan’s Sin.

OR, maybe we’re here just to worship Gnon and follow all the rules forever…

Disobedience results in punishment. Well, faggots are often masochists, so that doesn’t deter you. But faggotry itself is inverted to Divine Will, which seeks to save humanity from the punishment. God loves humanity. And (therefore) God hates fags.

It is the affront to your Ego, or Pride, that prevents you from accepting that you are diseased.

but permanently denying our innate creative ability would likely be more disrespectful to God than any insane act of misguided creation could ever be.

We can only create with God’s Will (as it is manifest in reality); never against it. Your sodomite rebellion cannot succeed. You will fall, Satan. Verily, you already have fallen.

…if they sufficiently compensate by increasing the total amount of sexual activity…

The telos of libido is not any type of sexual activity. It is specifically between Man and Woman, that is Adam and Eve, that is Husband and Wife.

Get out of the Garden.

Animus says:

> our purpose is to mold reality in accordance with God’s will, not against it;
> Yes, and we should continue doing that – in a healthy, rather than unhealthy, direction. Which we determine by — you guessed it — observing God’s Reality.
> your creativity, such as it is, is not rooted in superior access to “the realm of ideas,” but in a cognitively-temperamentally divergent approach to aesthetics. You’re just biologically perverted, for whatever reason.

Why would God need us to do the things He wants done? His will is for us to decide for ourselves.
If God wanted us to be NPCs, he would have made us NPCs.

> but we are never independent of God or outside of Him.

Correct, that is the fallacy of atheism.

> We determine what is or is not morally right by observing God’s Reality, accepting that Reality is Real, and thus loving God.
> Disobedience is never justified

This is the theological equivalent of being a mama’s boy. Would you want your children to be reliant on you forever? Always doing exactly what you say?

> you were born a faggot (or raped by gay dad).

Nobody is born a faggot- fetishes develop in early childhood. Approximately half of all gay men were raped as children, which explains their sexual preference. [*gay propaganda deleted. Not going to debate this disgusting stuff*]

> Christ and Buddha were both chuds.

But neither of them advocated for poofs off roofs.

> eliminate God-haters and God-hatred (which is not strictly speaking a philosophy, but a temperament) out of the gene pool and out of the meme pool.

Did you move out of your parents’ house because you hated them?

> We can only create with God’s Will

We ARE God’s will. Our will is an extension of His own.

Jim says:

> Why would God need us to do the things He wants done? His will is for us to decide for ourselves.

The avian speciality is flight. Flight is hard. The human speciality is extended large scale cooperation, which is harder.

He could have made a universe in which birds can just float up by the power of their will like superman, and extended cooperation is automatic, but that would have been a very boring universe.

I was a video game designer. I made my own worlds. And they were mighty harsh. Harsh worlds are more fun, the most famous example being the original “Doom”. Are you going to play “My Little Pony” or play “Doom”? God seems to also like irony.

> This is the theological equivalent of being a mama’s boy. Would you want your children to be reliant on you forever? Always doing exactly what you say?

Nuts. God gave us some heavy lifting to do. It is the theological equivalent of being your father’s son. Female parenting behavior is centered around ensuring infants survive. Male parenting behavior is centered around ensuring boys become men. Hence “God the father”. He did not make the “My little pony” universe.

> > Christ and Buddha were both chuds.

> But neither of them advocated for poofs off roofs.

You have been listening to postChristian preachers assimilated to woke. Christ advocated adherence to the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is poofs off roofs. Paul was operating in the Roman Empire, where poofs off roofs was not allowed, but he said they should be excluded from the congregation.

Back when Christian civilisation was Christian, and Kings claimed to rule under God, death penalty for poofs:

In England from 1533 to the start of the nineteenth century.

the offenders being hereof convict[ed] by verdict confession or outlawry, shall suffer such pains of death, and losses and penalties of their good chattels debts lands tenements and hereditaments, as felons be accustomed to do, according to the Order of the Common Laws of this Realm;

My interpretation of the spirit of the law seems to have been the usual throughout the last two millennia. Throughout most of Christian rule, the offense was dealt with by ecclesiastical courts, rather than the King’s courts.

Animus says:

Jim, if you won’t debate “disgusting stuff” then how do you expect to properly make the case against it? The disgusting stuff would stand intellectually unopposed.

> I was a video game designer. I made my own worlds. And they were mighty harsh. Harsh worlds are more fun, the most famous example being the original “Doom”. Are you going to play “My Little Pony” or play “Doom”? God seems to also like irony.

The difficulty of a game’s main objective, if it has one, can be radically different from that of side-quests or player created goals like speedruns. Players are welcome to engage with a game at any difficulty level they deem appropriate.

> Nuts. God gave us some heavy lifting to do. It is the theological equivalent of being your father’s son. Female parenting behavior is centered around ensuring infants survive. Male parenting behavior is centered around ensuring boys become men. Hence “God the father”. He did not make the “My little pony” universe.

Maybe he did, and we just haven’t gotten there yet. Keep in mind that Equestria is a racially-stratified hereditary monarchy that can defend against magical threats with large-scale cooperation (teh magic of friendship), and Doom is a demonic, anarchic hellscape where you experience lonesome bloody death, over and over.
Which sounds like the distant past? Which sounds like the ideal future? Just saying.

> You have been listening to postChristian preachers assimilated to woke. Christ advocated adherence to the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is poofs off roofs. Paul was operating in the Roman Empire, where poofs off roofs was not allowed, but he said they should be excluded from the congregation.

If a prophet does not endorse an action, and his society does not allow that action, but the prophet’s fallible human followers decide to later commit the action in the prophet’s name, then it sounds to me that the followers have non-religious reasons for wanting to do that thing and are merely using their religion as an excuse.

Jim says:

> Jim, if you won’t debate “disgusting stuff” then how do you expect to properly make the case against it?

The position being pushed on the Ukraine is “Ukraine is a democracy being invaded by an authoritarian state.” The position being pushed on gay sex is “Everyone likes gay sex”. That most people do not like gay sex does not need to be explained. That the Ukraine is a brutal totalitarian terror state created by American aggression, aggression that Russians reasonably view as an existential threat, does need to be explained.

Gays have the irritating and disgusting habit of pushing their shit everywhere. No one likes gay shit, no one believes gay shit, there is no intellectual case to be made. Gays just make the case because they like shit. Normal people don’t like shit. It gets endlessly pushed everywhere, and falls as flat as the flat earther stuff. It does not need refutation because normies instinctively disbelieve and avert their eyes.

There are similarly a whole lot of Ukraine shills. We had one Ukraine shill who could pass the moderation test, and we debated him. He fell silent, and no one since then has attempted to make the case. So that debate was profitable. But a gay is not going to fall silent, even though his argument is stupid, insulting, and no one believes it.

> The difficulty of a game’s main objective, if it has one, can be radically different from that of side-quests or player created goals like speedruns. Players are welcome to engage with a game at any difficulty level they deem appropriate.

Well God, however, decided to go with something more like Doom, which does not have frivolous side quests, and in doom, player created goals like a speed run is just Doom on hard.

> > You have been listening to postChristian preachers assimilated to woke. Christ advocated adherence to the spirit of the law, and the spirit of the law is poofs off roofs. Paul was operating in the Roman Empire, where poofs off roofs was not allowed, but he said they should be excluded from the congregation.

> If a prophet does not endorse an action, and his society does not allow that action, but the prophet’s fallible human followers decide to later commit the action in the prophet’s name, then it sounds to me that the followers have non-religious reasons for wanting to do that thing and are merely using their religion as an excuse.

Well earlier prophets who could do poofs off roofs, did do poofs off roofs, and when Christianity achieved power, promptly set to do it again. This is the healthy instinctive reaction to gay stuff, and has divine endorsement in the Old Testament.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Albeit we do their rather severe incest rules differently because of our different extended family structure. The reaction to poofs is instinctive, and the reaction to incest is also instinctive, but for incest, the instinct depends on the social arrangements for raising children, which are different for us.

Animus says:

> It gets endlessly pushed everywhere, and falls as flat as the flat earther stuff. It does not need refutation because normies instinctively disbelieve and avert their eyes.

Gen Z is significantly gayer than previous generations. Clearly the gay agenda is producing results.

[*deleted because I am not going allow discussion of this disgusting stuff on my blog. Normal people are averse to this stuff and don’t want to see it*]

Jim says:

> Gen Z is significantly gayer than previous generations

Because it is being pushed by the schools. The voice of authority is pumping your disgusting $#!% on kids. It is violently unpopular. Observe the gamer reaction to it being pushed in video games.

Video games that push this $#!% die, and if it is pushed on this blog, the blog will die.

The healthy, normal, righteous, and instinctive reaction to this $#!% is to throw the purveyors from the roofs of high buildings.

Animus says:

Nothing in that post was disgusting. You are straw-manning arguments that you can’t, or won’t, address properly. You are not qualified to lead an intellectual movement, much less a religious one.

Jim says:

I was disgusted.

There has been a similar discussion of the poofter message being inserted in video games. The developers say it was done tastefully, and that is sort of true, but the games do not sell. Your sense of what is disgusting is off.

Take a look at the infamous tranny scene in “the veilguard”. You probably do not see anything disgusting, but obviously most of the audience does.

And, in any case, you were just belabouring the point you had already made. I allowed your message through, I just did not allow you to say it over and over again.

That scene in “the veilguard” had a huge impact on game sales, and the developers find this mysterious, inexplicable, and unbelievable.

We live in a society that is vigorously attempting to train people to not have the disgust reflex to disgusting things. Havel’s greengrocer says he is not disgusted by the tranny scene. He probably believes he is not disgusted. But he somehow does not buy the game. Similarly the man jaw epidemic in video games. The people in charge cannot see anything about this content that would drive the audience away — or if they can see, cannot say it out loud.

The content you are putting on this blog is repulsive. I want to engage in rational debate of your points, but I just do not want to repel people.

Mossadnik says:

Gen Z is significantly gayer than previous generations. Clearly the gay agenda is producing results

Exactly so, faggot – the gay agenda is definitely producing results: civilization is collapsing.

Look, life is not fair. Sucks for you – but I don’t care. Sodomites must die, so that society can live. “Peaceful coexistence” with your kind has been attempted by many different societies; it always ends as Sodom and Gomorrah ended, because you just can’t control your subversion of healthy social technology. As your posting here very aptly demonstrates.


The Galli, those priests of the goddess Cybebe, used a donkey to carry their luggage when they went around begging for alms. When their donkey finally died, overcome by work and the whip, they stripped his hide and made themselves some tambourines. When someone asked them what they had done with their darling donkey, the priests replied, ‘He thought that once he died he would get some rest, but he keeps on getting beaten just the same!’

But you are altogether useless while alive (you’re not “creative”; you’re disgusting); and your organs are not even fit for harvesting.

The woodchipper goes *krrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaa*.

The Cominator says:

Zoomers have a big problem in that you have female choice but yet women and men don’t really interact normally the way they did in the past. Maybe they do in school but outside of meeting women in school there is no real easy way to even meet women anymore… combined with faggot propaganda this causes a lot of bad effects.

Zoomer girls are not very open to be approached offline normally and they don’t have the icebreaker hack that young millenial (and I assume Xer Boomer and WWIIer women) of overwhelmingly being smokers in their young and pretty years, girls were generally inclined to be somewhat sociable to guys who did the old movie thing and held up fire in front of their face.

Neurotoxin says:

Gen Z is significantly gayer than previous generations. Clearly the gay agenda is producing results

They’re saying they’re homo/bi because those are protected classes, legally and in other ways. It protects them because e.g. if they’re accused of being “racist” they can then go on a counteroffensive by accusing the accuser of being a “homophobe,” etc. It also moves them to the front of the line for hiring, promotions, etc. Aside from the fact that this is simply obvious, there are the stats that show that “homosexual” men are MORE likely to sire an out-of-wedlock baby than straight men. And similarly for “lesbians”:

Anyone can claim to be gay on a survey, social media profile, or a hiring application.

“Peaceful coexistence” with your kind has been attempted by many different societies; it always ends as Sodom and Gomorrah ended, because you just can’t control your subversion of healthy social technology.

It’s unbelievable that they refuse to stay out of everyone’s face. Just shut up and be gay in the privacy of your own Park Slope apartment. Nnnnnnnnnnnope. “We’re going to take over schools and convert your kids.” They won’t voluntarily stop this crap; they’ll have to be forced to stop it.

Mossadnik says:

They won’t voluntarily stop this crap; they’ll have to be forced to stop it.

Exactly so.

If they were not so full of Pride, they would realize, “I am a mutant, my instincts are inverse to how they should be – let’s see what I can do to still be a positive member of society, and not subvert it in service of my objectively perverted sexuality.”

But they are full of Pride. Duh.

*Krrrrrrrrraaaaaaa* hehehehehe

Mossadnik says:

Well God, however, decided to go with something more like Doom


This reminds me of this great Nick Land classic:

All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)

Well, that’s a little bit too blackpilled for my tastes; but faggots should read and re-read it, time and again, until the message finally sinks in. And then they should grab… le rope… and end it.

God objectively hates fags.

Animus says:

> Take a look at the infamous tranny scene in “the veilguard”. You probably do not see anything disgusting, but obviously most of the audience does.

From what I’ve seen of the game, it’s more nonsensical and preachy than disgusting. People weren’t recoiling in disgust, they were laughing at it. If that pronoun shit was instead inserted more organically into, for example, a magical or futuristic sci-fi setting where people could actually change their gender, how would that be a problem?

> They’re saying they’re homo/bi because those are protected classes, legally and in other ways.

Mostly untrue. The combination of (often forced) acceptance of LGBT in tandem with easy access to internet porn (the Internet being an ideosphere which allows greater escape into man-made “realities”) has had a very real effect on people’s sexual preferences. They aren’t just pretending.

> If they were not so full of Pride, they would realize, “I am a mutant, my instincts are inverse to how they should be – let’s see what I can do to still be a positive member of society, and not subvert it in service of my objectively perverted sexuality.”

You are correct, the gay community in America is an embarrassment full of sinful and prideful people. But that is a cultural problem that is not inherent to LGBT. Your impression of queers is based on the most obnoxious ones, just as an atheist’s impression of evangelicals is based on the most hypocritical bible-thumpers.

> [Nick Land quote]

Gnon made the world Doom-like, humanity made it Equestria-like. There are two possibilities:
– Gnon wants us to make advanced societies that are less Doom-like
– Gnon wants Doom and we are disobeying him
Which is it?

> God objectively hates fags.

If God really hated something, it wouldn’t exist.

Jim says:

> > Take a look at the infamous tranny scene in “the veilguard”. You probably do not see anything disgusting, but obviously most of the audience does.

> From what I’ve seen of the game,

That is precisely my point. Your disgust reflex has atrophied from continually doing and saying disgusting things. What you see is not a reliable indicator of what everyone else sees.

> If that pronoun shit was instead inserted more organically into, for example, a magical or futuristic sci-fi

The veilgard is a magical sci fi setting. The tranny character is a demon, and traditionally demons can change their sex and routinely do. It is medieval canon that they can, being part of the medieval depiction of how evil and disgusting demons are. Demons flipping their sex at will is totally canonical in fantasy. It is that we are supposed to see this as not deceptive, manipulative, and disgusting, that grossly violates canon, and which fails disastrously. It has been canon since the Epic of Gilgamesh. The point, in original canon, is that this is icky. And what do you know? It still is icky even if everyone is forced to pretend otherwise.

Demonic sexual fluidity was silently omitted from canon a very long time to avoid offending perverts, and then “the veilguard” brought it back into canon, only this time as a good thing and oppressed minority.

> Mostly untrue. The combination of (often forced) acceptance of LGBT in tandem with easy access to internet porn (the Internet being an ideosphere which allows greater escape into man-made “realities”) has had a very real effect on people’s sexual preferences. They aren’t just pretending.

It is completely obvious among software engineers that unserious pretence is the majority. Hence Fred Flintstone in a dress. He goes to work in a dress for the same reason that in other times he would have worn a tie to work.

> Gnon made the world Doom-like, humanity made it Equestria-like.

And as a result, civilisation is collapsing. The judgement of Gnon is apparent.

Nuclear fire, rockets, and advanced medicine are part of our telos. Female emancipation, the abolition of national borders, racial integration, gay sex, abortion, and all the rest are rebellion against Gnon, and as a result America was losing rockets and rocketry until Musk came along, is losing advanced medicine, and we may soon discover that it has also lost nuclear fire. American medicine is ineffectual, dreadful, dangerous, and has been rapidly and steadily getting worse. It is clear that Britain’s nukes do not work any more, and far from clear that American nukes still work.

Mossadnik says:

Your impression of queers is based on the most obnoxious ones

You should really stop telling people what they believe and why they believe it. My position on the Faggot Question (which is TFD) derives from real-life observation/interaction and from the behavior of faggots in my own country. What I see with my own eyes accords perfectly well with what the Biblical authors observed; and I independently reached their conclusions.

If God really hated something, it wouldn’t exist.


Proverbs 6:

16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Psalm 11:

5 The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.


God really hates you.

Animus says:

I didn’t pay much attention to Veilguard so I’ll concede that stuff.

> And as a result, civilisation is collapsing. The judgement of Gnon is apparent.

No, civilization is collapsing because demons are being unleashed on the world (a la Doom) and female ethics are dragging us back into violent anarchy (a la Doom).
It’s not collapsing because of a benevolent hereditary monarchy that defeats bad guys with the power of cooperation and goodwill. That’s what WE (not Gnon) made in the past, and it worked pretty well for a while.

> Nuclear fire, rockets, and advanced medicine are part of our telos. Female emancipation, the abolition of national borders, racial integration, gay sex, abortion, and all the rest are rebellion against Gnon

It is not as clear-cut as you seem to imply. Would a nuclear holocaust be part of our telos? Is aborting nigger fetuses a “rebellion against Gnon”?
Horrific things can happen when you ignore God’s will, but they can also happen when you claim to be acting on behalf of it.

> My position on the Faggot Question (which is TFD) derives from real-life observation/interaction and from the behavior of faggots in my own country.

Their behavior is disgusting primarily because of their ethnicity, not because of their sexual preference. Look at the kind of degenerate garbage for straight people they push in Western countries.

> [Old Testament shit]

Take your outdated desert book and shove it, jewboy. This isn’t kindergarten.

Jim says:

> Would a nuclear holocaust be part of our telos

The capability for nuclear holocaust is part of our telos. The capacity for the threat is part of our telos. Actually getting into a situation where the threat must be carried out is failure of extended cooperation, and extended cooperation is the primary telos of humans.

Similarly, all real men train for street fighting, but try to avoid street fighting. But being able to fight, and able to kill people with one’s bare hands or a variety of weapons is an absolutely essential part of manhood. One gtves one’s sons such training. Back in the old days, schools taught boys to shoot rifles. When we settle space, the techny that enables us to settle space will give the equivalent of an affluent head of a substantial household the capability to rain nuclear fire or equivalent on his enemies.

> outdated desert book

Not outdated. It preserves ancient and excellent social technology that we have lost and must recover.

Mossadnik says:

Their behavior is disgusting primarily because of their ethnicity, not because of their sexual preference.

I don’t recall being repeatedly sexually harassed by straight Jews.

I’m just not sure you understand how much red-blooded men (of all ethnicities, or at least, of all ethnicities with a survival instinct) deeply desire that your entire phenotype, and all specimens thereof, be wiped out fully and permanently, and preferably in a hilarious manner too. Once the Left is out of power – it’s a global poofocide. You earned it fair and square, with memetically poisonous subversion that goes millennia back.

You can have a thriving, prosperous, and healthy civilization, or you can have faggots; you certainly can’t have both.

Animus says:

> extended cooperation is the primary telos of humans.

That sounds an awful lot like globalist communism. How can you oppose that if you believe this?
The correct refutation of communism is the same as the refutation of trannies- nice in theory, but we simply don’t have the capability, and current attempts tend to end with disastrous results.
I’d also like to repeat my earlier question about whether your telos for humans is equivalent to that of all other living creatures, or if humans are special somehow.

> I don’t recall being repeatedly sexually harassed by straight Jews.

Your past trauma does not constitute an argument.

Mossadnik says:

I don’t recall being repeatedly sexually harassed by straight Jews.

Your past trauma does not constitute an argument.

I found it pathetic, for the most part.

The point is that, in this case, the issue is not ethnic – the issue is that you fags are fundamentally satanic.

Everyone pretends to tolerate you, because we have to. Once we don’t have to, we won’t.

Animus says:

> the issue is that you fags are fundamentally satanic. Everyone pretends to tolerate you, because we have to. Once we don’t have to, we won’t.

How ironic that a member of the tribe would say this.

Mossadnik says:

How ironic that a member of the tribe would say this.

I’m in favor of non-Jews expelling 100% of Jews to Israel. (Those Jews who will be left alive after the Great Comination.) After all, I am… le Messiah… hehehehe.

Also, I’m in favor of physically removing all faggots from Earth.

FrankNorman says:

>That sounds an awful lot like globalist communism. How can you oppose that if you believe this?

Communism is based on coercion, not cooperation. The Party isn’t even nice to its own members, it constantly seeks to purge them.

>The correct refutation of communism is the same as the refutation of trannies- nice in theory, but we simply don’t have the capability, and current attempts tend to end with disastrous results.

For the Communist Party, those that survive the internal power-struggles can get to live it rich, and be big and in charge, for decades. Not so good for everyone else. But they all think that When The Revolution Comes, they will personally get to be one of the Kommissars, rather than one of the corpses in a ditch.
Meanwhile, what’s the selling-point for trannies?

>I’d also like to repeat my earlier question about whether your telos for humans is equivalent to that of all other living creatures, or if humans are special somehow

Humans are special.

Anonymous says:

Animus said:

The correct refutation of communism is the same as the refutation of trannies- nice in theory, but we simply don’t have the capability, and current attempts tend to end with disastrous results.

Why are trannies and commies nice in theory?

Animus says:

When you turn on godmode in a video game, you get virtually infinite items and can change your avatar at will. Sometimes a game even lets you do this without cheating or modding.
The error a commie/tranny makes, which stems from their hubris, is to prematurely attempt to activate godmode.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

When you turn on godmode in a video game, you get virtually infinite items and can change your avatar at will. Sometimes a game even lets you do this without cheating or modding.

And real life doesn’t have god mode, cheat codes or debug consoles, so what the hell is your point?

If your goal was to turn us all into cheerleaders for poofs off roofs, mission accomplished. As recently as a week ago I’d have called myself a moderate, but you’ve got all the subtlety of a sack of cement.

I’d say that you can’t take a hint, but we’re way past hints. There is not a single individual here who agrees with your premise that communism and trannyism and other forms of leftist/gnostic utopianism are just swell in theory and it’s just a shame that they don’t work in practice, yet. That is simply not our position, and never was.

After all this back and forth, you still think or act as though we’re a bunch of stupid toothless bumpkins who are desperate for compromises that accept the gaylib frame but forestall its logical conclusions. We are all much smarter than you, we all understand that immutable means immutable and that those who persist in their claims of mutability are either broken, evil or both. We aren’t interested in compromises that will temporarily frustrate the efforts of gnostic leftists to immanentize the eschaton while keeping their ideology alive; we aim to crush them utterly, if not permanently then at least for many generations.

Reality is real. Full stop.

Animus says:

The left wants to prematurely tear down Chesterton’s fence without knowing why it’s there.
You want to leave it up forever.
I say that both of you are wrong because I believe in genuine human progress.

Jim says:

> The left wants to prematurely tear down Chesterton’s fence without knowing why it’s there.
> You want to leave it up forever.

Because we know why it was there. We need to rebuild Chesterton’s fences, so that men can achieve families again, and can make progress in science, technology, and industry again.

Cars have turned to crap, washing machines have turned to crap. Toilets and showers have turned to crap. Houses can no longer be built. If you are old enough to remember how things used to be, it is very irritating. Let alone the woman problem, which is the most grievous of them all.

Neurotoxin says:

>”They’re saying they’re homo/bi because those are protected classes, legally and in other ways.”

>> “Mostly untrue… They aren’t just pretending.”

You’re just ignoring what I wrote. No point in continuing.

Animus says:

> You’re just ignoring what I wrote. No point in continuing.

You’re right, I should have elaborated.
The study you posted says that LGBT teens are more likely to get pregnant. My hypothesis is that LGBT is largely caused by childhood exposure to internet porn, which has objectively increased in the past decade or two and would also be a causative factor for teen pregnancy, hence the correlation between the two. But why would gay teens have straight sex? Because they’re stupid horny teenagers (especially if they’re porn addicts) and they’re trying to figure out who they are. In most aspects of psychology, including sexuality, there is a negative correlation between age and fluidity.
Your hypothesis is that they are lying about their sexuality, not just on surveys, but to the rest of society, and hence socially signaling sexual interest to the gender that they aren’t actually interested in, and signaling lack of interest in the gender that they ARE actually interested in… all in order to gain nebulous social advantages and MAYBE a promotion years down the road. I do not find that feasible.

Jim says:

> Your hypothesis is that they are lying about their sexuality, not just on surveys, but to the rest of society, and hence socially signaling sexual interest to the gender

The engineer who looks like Fred Flintstone in a dress is not signaling sexual interest to anyone.

If someone is actually gay, it is always going to be painfully obvious. If it is not painfully obvious, he is just ticking a box for Human Resources.

As for those people who actually are signalling gay to all of society — they are sexually disordered, and will fuck anything of either sex from babies to land whales to grandmothers.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Why would God need us to do the things He wants done?

Who says God “needs” anything? That has no relation to anything we’ve said, you simply conjured it out of thin air. He simply is, and his creation simply is. It is not for us to divine his intent, we can only infer our own purpose based on the cosmic role we appear to have been assigned, the role of subduing the wilds, filling the void and imposing order on chaos.

His will is for us to decide for ourselves.

Is it now? The sounds more like the word of Satan than the word of God.

Nobody is born a faggot- fetishes develop in early childhood.

Buggery is not a “fetish”. Fetishes are additive to an otherwise healthy sex drive; people and couples with fetishes can still have children and carry on normal sexual relations, they just happen to include other weird shit having to do with elbows or feet or whatnot. Buggery is subtractive; homosexuals are, with incredibly rare exceptions, incapable of forming or maintaining any kind of healthy sexual relationship with a woman, no matter how kinky she is, and incapable of caring for children. They are repelled by boobs, and repelled by infants and the idea of infants.

Your continued labeling of it as a mere “fetish” is yet another attempt to sneak your conclusions into the premises. Not going to fly.

We ARE God’s will. Our will is an extension of His own.

No. The entire universe is God’s will, or a particular expression of God’s will. We are, at best, mere instruments or representations of his will. Being “extensions” of a divine will does not give us any say in the immutable laws of the universe, any more so than your pinky finger, clearly an extension of your will, has any say in your own DNA.

Players are welcome to engage with a game at any difficulty level they deem appropriate.

Not in competitive play or netplay, they aren’t, which is the only form of play that in any way resembles older forms of gaming and reality in general. Even your average tabletop gaming group is working within a specific framework with specific rules; you don’t get to roll the die and claim your 6 was actually a 24.

I have no problem with people escaping into video games, it’s at least no worse than escaping into porn or alcohol or opioids, but these “open-world” games are not a metaphor for reality. You don’t get to choose your own rules or your preferred difficulty in a game of chess or go; the best you can do is try to choose an opponent at your level, and in real life, you often don’t even get to do that.

The real-life equivalent to “easy mode” is parasitism, coasting off the hard work and accomplishments of others while contributing nothing. We are done with that. Individual parasites might well survive for years to come but systemic parasitism is being dismantled and individual hosts are rapidly building up immunity. Your days are numbered.

large-scale cooperation (teh magic of friendship)

Yes, very clever, you very clever boy. Typical leftoid thinking, in which simply saying something exists or works effectively precludes the need for actually building that thing or making it work. It’s magic, and you just have to believe in it.

An orgy of male-on-male anal fisting is not large-scale cooperation, it’s just shit-flinging nihilism.

Animus says:

> It is not for us to divine his intent, we can only infer our own purpose based on the cosmic role we appear to have been assigned, the role of subduing the wilds, filling the void and imposing order on chaos.

Correct. And what can we infer from the fact that some guys want to fuck anything that moves? What is their purpose?

[*deleted for being excessive and disgusting repetition of the point you made immediately above*]

> Not in competitive play or netplay, they aren’t, which is the only form of play that in any way resembles older forms of gaming and reality in general. Even your average tabletop gaming group is working within a specific framework with specific rules; you don’t get to roll the die and claim your 6 was actually a 24.

Your D&D sessions must be extremely boring.

[*deleted for unresponsively misinterpreting the point that you are responding to. Which would lead to your interlocutor just repeating his actual point and the conversation going in circles*]

Jim says:

> And what can we infer from the fact that some guys want to fuck anything that moves?

That some people suffer disturbing brain malfunctions.

Malfunction, failure, delusion, disease, and death, are indeed natural, but we are not supposed to embrace them. Hence the disgust reflex.

We observe that despite the great contributions many Jews have made to science, and the fact that they have done some significant things in engineering, Orthodox Jews have made zero contributions to science and engineering, presumably because they believe that they can litigate God, and therefore attempt to litigate reality.

Leftists believe that they can make up reality, which has a severe adverse affect on science and engineering, as for example the Challenger disaster, and Boeing’s loss of the capability to build planes.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Your D&D sessions must be extremely boring.

Your D&D sessions must be extremely boring.

I’ve played a lot of tabletop RPG sessions in my life. I’ve been at tables where the enemies’ stats are all prepped beforehand and the GM rolls the dice in the middle of the table in front of everyone, and I’ve been at tables where the GM rolls behind a screen, fudges dice at will, and makes up or alters stats freely in the middle of an encounter to tell the story he has in mind (the players will go along with this, but believe me, they will figure out what’s going on). The former seems more restrictive, but generally it’s a more satisfying, fun, and yes, even creative experience. The players’ choices actually mean something, and everyone, even the GM, has to react and adapt to the unexpected.

I suppose there’s a place for free-form, mother-may-I style RPG gaming, but if that’s what you’re after, why do you even bother with stats and dice? It certainly doesn’t make you more creative, whatever you might think.

Really, this is a microcosm of your whole dispute. Working within forms, boundaries, and rules actually enhances creativity, to a point. Breaking all rules and transgressing all barriers just gives you a bland, meaningless muck. See Arnold Schoenberg, Jackson Pollack, and really, just about all the fine arts for the last hundred years.

Animus says:

> Really, this is a microcosm of your whole dispute. Working within forms, boundaries, and rules actually enhances creativity, to a point.

The rules of our universe are the laws of physics, biology, etc. Just as in D&D, there is a happy medium between excessive following of unstrict rules (Old Testament laws) and excessively ignoring all rules (filling museums with shit-on-a-canvas).
The trend of human development has been towards greater self-determination. We have become expert D&D players, we know what makes a game fun, so why not bend the rules a bit if we feel like it?
D&D is intended to be a creative exercise, and so is life itself.

Jim says:

I bet no one enjoys D&D with you.

I was a game designer, I know what makes games fun, and I owed more to Doom than Equestria.

Animus says:

I’ve played D&D with a DM that funneled us into his designated storyline before, with little room for creativity or experimentation. It wasn’t nearly as fun as it could have been.

Jim says:

“Funneling” means he was not playing by the rules of his own fictional universe. Which is your position, not ours.

Contaminated NEET says:

>so why not bend the rules a bit if we feel like it?

>I’ve played D&D with a DM that funneled us into his designated storyline before, with little room for creativity or experimentation. It wasn’t nearly as fun as it could have been.

You just answered your own question. That right there is why not. The DM thought, “I feel like bending the rules a bit,” and it ended up making the game worse for everyone. I’ve seen this happen dozens of times.

Animus says:

I am using the GM as a metaphor for God, not for us.
A GM that forces their own “telos” onto the party and denies them their agency is a bad one.

Jim says:

You cannot choose your own telos, because you are what you are. You can fail, but you cannot choose. The problem is not a GM forcing his telos, but a GM forcing his story.

Thus, for example, video game players are totally fine with playing a pagan viking warrior looting and smashing up a Christian monastery, but the same player is not fine playing a Japanese Samurai smashing up a Japanese shrine and killing Japanese monks, and even less would they be fine with playing a Christian crusader smashing up a Christian shrine.

Animus says:

> The problem is not a GM forcing his telos, but a GM forcing his story.

Isn’t the story what defines the purpose of a given character?

Jim says:

No. The story arises from his purpose, and you cannot give your character arbitrary purposes, which is why Martin was unable to finish “Game of Thrones”, why Banks has to set all his stories and characters outside his beloved “Culture”, and why Startrek socialism never worked.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I am using the GM as a metaphor for God, not for us.

God doesn’t bend the rules, though.* He’s not your bad railroady GM forcing His story down our throats, He’s my good GM setting up the scenario and letting us make our choices and deal with the consequences based on how the dice fall.

*I don’t actually believe in God, so you can spare me your clever rejoinder about parting the Red Sea or whatever scriptural miracle you were contemplating. I can use metaphors too, and I’m using “God” to mean the universe and its laws, or as we say around here, “Gnon.”

Jim says:

Separation of the red sea is physically unreasonable. But the literal Hebrew wording translated as “red sea” is “sea of reeds” — implying a large body of shallow water, in which these phenomena are quite likely.

Related to this, when skirmishers fought chariots. which happened a lot during the Bronze Age collapse, they preferred land on which wheeled vehicles were at a disadvantage, such as marshland. If Pharaoh was pursuing, and his enemy retreating, his enemy gets the choice of where to fight.

Jim says:

Neet, for a big white pill:

Companies are folding on DEI.

You should have taken notes and sent them to Robby Starbuck. Unobtrusively put your phone on record.

Corporations are terrified of Robby Starbuck. Because he is backed by power, and the people bombing Tesla are no longer backed by power. Corporations don’t want Act Blue bombing them, but even less do they want Robby Starbuck talking about them.

@Contaminated NEET

Once I had a M.A.G.U.S. session (improved D&D in the Hungarian language) when the DM mercilessly killed the whole team. The first goal was to get a thing from a castle. The DM designed the whole plotline on the idea that we will simply ask for it, and be given it, and things will develop from there. We were idiots who thought the only way is to try to steal it. My character was beaten to death by the local blacksmith with a door as a weapon. That was the DM’s way of saying “you are really stupid”.

I think I learned something that day. I was around 17 maybe.

Animus says:

> No. The story arises from his purpose, and you cannot give your character arbitrary purposes, which is why Martin was unable to finish “Game of Thrones”, why Banks has to set all his stories and characters outside his beloved “Culture”, and why Startrek socialism never worked.

The writers of Star Trek weren’t imagining the outcome of every episode when they envisioned their characters and their universe. They just tried to make them interesting. Can you imagine how boring it would be if every character tried to do the same thing in every episode? You have to let the characters express themselves properly, even if it’s not something you envisioned at first.

> God doesn’t bend the rules, though.*

I was talking about when the players do something unorthodox (such as in Dividualist’s example) and the GM rolls with it, instead of just saying “no” or trivializing it like a bad GM would.

> He’s my good GM setting up the scenario and letting us make our choices and deal with the consequences based on how the dice fall.

If the consequences are “sodomy is detrimental to society for these reasons” then that’s a good GM because it’s a logical consequence of player choice. If the consequences are “if you’re gay then we’ll kill you and you’ll burn in hell” then that’s a bad GM because it’s arbitrary and undermines the player agency that we were promised.

Jim says:

> The writers of Star Trek weren’t imagining the outcome of every episode when they envisioned their characters and their universe. They just tried to make them interesting

You are being unresponsive. Waste of space.

Your original claim is that we could imagine a progressive world into real existence, thanks to our technological advances. Turns out you cannot even imagine it into fiction with fictional magic or fictional tech.

Animus says:

The players can perhaps decide to kill each other for being gay, but if the justification for it is “the GM wants us to breed as much as possible” then they are denying their own agency and missing the point of the game.

Jim says:

Your agency does not extend to creating a new telos. It merely extends to failing at your telos.

Animus says:

> Your original claim is that we could imagine a progressive world into real existence, thanks to our technological advances. Turns out you cannot even imagine it into fiction with fictional magic or fictional tech.

Our advances have already reduced starvation, homelessness, and the need for manual labor, and our fictions are becoming more and more detailed and immersive. The direction of human progress is undeniable. Would it make you feel better if the simulation was a service from a private company?

> Your agency does not extend to creating a new telos. It merely extends to failing at your telos.

I have asked you several times what exactly you believe our telos is and how it differs from that of other animals. Since you seem to know what God wants from us, you clearly must have an answer. So what is it?

Jim says:

All that good stuff is part of our telos. Progressivism is contrary to our telos. Which is why gays are so dysfunctional, and why writers cannot depict a story set in their utopia, or write heroes who are morally aligned with the values that they espouse.

Jim says:

> I have asked you several times what exactly you believe our telos is and how it differs from that of other animals.

And I answered several times. You are being unresponsive.

as I said before, the telos of (most) birds differs from that most other animals in that a bird should fly, which is hard. The telos of humans differs from that of other animals in that humans should accomplish large scale extended cooperation. Which is harder.

As with other animals, the primary telos of a woman is childbearing, and in consequence childless women suffer depression and social dysfunction. An important part of the telos of a man is to be capable of being a warrior, but, since our telos is cooperation, to avoid actually needing to give effect to that capability.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Would it make you feel better if the simulation was a service from a private company?

Once again demonstrating he has no idea where he is, and has no idea what we think and no interest in finding out. Just flinging shit randomly because hey, it works on libertarians and tradcucks.

Animus says:

> All that good stuff is part of our telos.
> The telos of humans differs from that of other animals in that humans should accomplish large scale extended cooperation.

Leftists want all that stuff too, so it sounds like you both share the same general idea of what our telos is. The difference being: you are running away from Doom-past, and progressives are running towards Equestria-future. Demon-killers did not give us all that stuff- the creative ones did. Of course it’s useful to keep our demon-killing abilities sharp, but to what end? We’re going to keep killing and killing and becoming more and more powerful forever and ever?
Leftists may be ignorant prideful morons, but at least they have a positive vision for the future. We may have made a wrong turn a few hundred years ago, but you don’t seem to want us to turn off of the road at all.

Jim says:

> Leftists want all that stuff too,

No they don’t. Or what they mean by that stuff is the complete opposite of what we mean by that stuff. What they actually mean is envy and spite.

Trotsky tells the peasant “Hail, fellow peasant (I may sound and look like an urban failed Jewish moneylender, but actually I am a fellow peasant) You have only one cow, and this is the fault of Wall Street, which assigned your neighbor two cows. The kulak with two cows is a tool of wall street. Strike a blow against Wall Street. Kill his cows.”

Because Trotsky hates the peasants, and wants them fighting each other so that he can destroy them.

Observe Diversity Equity and Inclusion in practice. It divides the room into oppressors and oppressed, and empowers the oppressed to wreak vengeance upon the oppressors. The gays and blacks think they are being empowered, but it is the priesthood of woke that is being empowered, and they hate everyone and intend to destroy everyone. The left is driven by envy and spite, and therefore hate everyone, including themselves, and seek to destroy everyone. They want to spite God by erasing existence itself.

Recall the Snow Brown actress pissing on animated Snow White. If she hates Snow White the princess, the animated movie, and the fans of the animated movie that much, what does she love? She hates everything, and just wants to make the fans of the Intellectual Property cry. Observe Black Lives Matter burning down the shops. Observe Act Blue bombing Tesla. Observe PETA killing any cute animal it can get its hands on. The left just hates everyone and everything. PETA hates animals, Bernie hates the working class, the postmodernists hate beauty, and they all hate existence itself. Look at any commissar of Human Resources lecturing her victims on diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is just seething with hatred. These are not people who want what we want.

Recollect the Khmer Rouge destroying the rice irrigation system — supposedly so that they could build a wonderfully better socialist irrigation system, but they never showed any real interest in thinking through what the wonderful socialist irrigation system would be, other than that it would be wonderful, let alone actually building it. They commanded the peasants to dig some ditches and build some dykes, but they were rather random ditches and dikes, which failed to do anything useful. Their big idea was that central planning of water flow would produce better results than each peasant and each group of peasants controlling the flow of water in their own particular interests and the interests of each little group, but they never really bothered to think up a central plan for water flow, or acquire the knowledge or skills necessary for such a plan to be any good, or even produce a wild assed guestimate of what it would consist of.

Contaminated NEET says:

>If the consequences are “sodomy is detrimental to society for these reasons” then that’s a good GM because it’s a logical consequence of player choice. If the consequences are “if you’re gay then we’ll kill you and you’ll burn in hell” then that’s a bad GM because it’s arbitrary and undermines the player agency that we were promised.

You’re almost there. I agree that the consequences begin at “sodomy is detrimental to society” for a whole host of reasons. Gnon is not going to stop you from sticking your dick in an anus, he’s just going to make you eat those consequences. But it doesn’t stop there. The other “players,” if they’re wise, are likely to add more consequences on top of that to keep you from messing up their society. Maybe they make up some rule like, “if you’re gay then we’ll kill you and you’ll burn in hell.” They can do that. Just about every civilization has done that to some extent through all of history. Gnon’s not going to stop them either. He’s going to reward them by sparing their society the cohesion-destroying, disease-spreading, culture-perverting, fertility-cratering consequences of tolerating you. That’s not the arbitrary oppression you experience it as; it’s the rules of the game and the fair results of playing smartly or stupidly.

Jim says:

> If the consequences are “sodomy is detrimental to society for these reasons” then that’s a good GM because it’s a logical consequence of player choice. If the consequences are “if you’re gay then we’ll kill you and you’ll burn in hell”

That is why it is our job to kill you, not the GM’s. Similarly, it is the player’s job to kill the dragon — our job to expel social entropy. To create a society where men can thrive. A good GM has rules such that the players might win, or the dragon might win.

Contaminated NEET says:

>You should have taken notes and sent them to Robby Starbuck. Unobtrusively put your phone on record.

Not a bad idea, but I work for a government agency. I expect them to be impervious to anything Robby Starbuck can bring.

In any event, there will plenty more opportunities: next year, the year after that, and so on until the eventual and inevitable fall of the USA, may it come sooner rather than later.

Jim says:

> I work for a government agency. I expect them to be impervious to anything Robby Starbuck can bring.

If you were working for a federal government agency, there would be an executive order and Doge, so I presume you are working for a blue state agency. Also known as “The Resistance”. If working for a red state agency, I think Robby Starbuck could apply a lot of pressure.

Right now some of the Democrats are running up the white flag and abandoning ship, but most of them are doubling down. The left must always get ever lefter, ever faster, or die.

But ever lefter, ever faster, means civil war, a war in which they will have the weaker hand.

Well, the CEO is not going to fire the commissar of HR, because you do not have a CEO. You have “the resistance”. Be prepared to skip out a high speed when conscription looms.

The left is not settling in for a long Brhezenevian rule. Things are likely to get interesting.

Mossadnik says:

Why would God need us to do the things He wants done?

Who cares why?

Have you not read,

Isaiah 55:8:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

Also read the book of Job. We don’t know why God’s Law is X rather than Y. We can decipher that it is X rather than Y by observing reality. The “why” of it is a mystery, probably by design.

His will is for us to decide for ourselves.


Jeremiah 5:22:

Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?

This is not, in fact, a geography lesson.

You don’t get to make your own rules in contravention of His Rule. Whenever a society attempts that, e.g., due to leftism, it is punished by Gnon, like Sodom and Gomorrah. It really is as simple as that. As I wrote in another thread, in a separate (but related) context – you either abolish female mate choice or you die. “Why?” Because.

Christ and Buddha were both chuds.

But neither of them advocated for poofs off roofs.

They called attention to God’s Reality; the latter most certainly advocates it.

Sodomism just is not in accordance with Divine Law, not more than any other perversion or sin or failure mode. Look around you. A bunch of incels fapping to gay porn; TFR below replacement level.

Can you really not see what’s coming? Yeah, that’s what happens when humanity is Tempted by Serpents like you.

Not this time.

Mossadnik says:

God seems to also like irony.

In the beginning was the Troll,
And the Troll was with God,
And the Troll was God.

Mossadnik says:

(For the record, I don’t actually think that I’m God. I’m an Israeli shitpoaster. But – im kvar, az kvar. Let’s make this timeline hilarious. )

Mossadnik says:

(Again, to make it absolutely clear: I’m a heavily tattooed divorced incel stoner with a strange life and a strange personality. Developing any kind of “cult of personality” around me as an individual would be utterly insane. Just consider my ideas, that’s all. Please.)

Mossadnik says:

The Jews will assassinate me anyway; but I don’t want them to have the excuse, “He claimed to be God” or “He was a messianic pretender – a false messiah.” Nope. I’m just shaman the shitpoaster.

Now, if I’m a bad person, the Jews probably should get rid of me. But if I’m a good person, then the Jews might accrue some, ummm, bad karma for doing so.


Mossadnik says:

Listen, fellow Heebs.

The Jewish religion is really a mixture of some good stuff (the social tech isn’t bad; and obviously the OT is great, albeit the Talmud isn’t great) and absolutely horrible stuff (the entire superstitious and legalistic outlook – halachism; following and endlessly reinterpreting the letter of the Law, while disregarding the spirit of the Law). E.g., you know the infant genital mutilation thing? Yeah, that belongs to the latter category. It’s not actually a good thing to mutilate the genitals of helpless kids. Likewise, the rest of the religion is ‘tarded, and quite demonic too.

But some of you are genuinely good people. And you may ask, “But how can we tell the spirit of the Law from the letter thereof?” Well, for that you need to observe reality and then also preferably use your brain to analyze what you are seeing, nigga. Alas, most Jews refuse to do either.

“Oy vey! 2,000 years of exile! Muh pogroms! Muh antisemitism! Muh six gorillion holocaust!” – yeah, and why does it keep happening again and again? Hmmm? But it is your Jewish Ego/Pride that prevents you from admitting to the truth.

And so, you don’t actually deserve a messiah. The person you are waiting for will not arrive. You wait for a King who is also a Rabbi (of Orthodox Judaism), one that the whole world will follow. Lol, nope. It would be far better if you declare Bibi to be the Messiah, honestly. But the magical and mystical Rabbi-King will not actually show up; nor will the hocus pocus Sky Daddy Jesus of the Christians show up. Both of these are nonsense and bullshit.

This is God’s Reality; there is no other (that we actually know of). Natural Law is, well, natural. When it is disregarded, a punishment from Reality ensues. And that’s all there ever was for you to know. But you don’t get it. Sad.

Handi says:

This is why creative types are more likely to be gay.

This is a bald-faced lie. Creative types are NOT more likely to be gay. Creative types tend to be highly intelligent, highly independent, vigorous men who love boobs. Bach had 20 children, Euler had 13. At present this personality type is systematically isolated, interrupted, and smothered, meanwhile faggots get a public budget to pump out endless quantities of psyop slop and never have to stop and worry about securing provision for themselves or a family.

Your so-called “creative gay” typified by the likes of Andy Warhol is a hoax and a mutilation of concepts, properly called subversion. Soiling a perfectly usable canvas with garish blots of primary color is an act of excretion, not creation. You’ll tell us it’s worthy on account of your idols called originality and transgression, but everybody knew this was possible before your fag artists came along and the reason this sensibility was frowned upon until then is that it’s ugly trash, devoid of meaning, dissonant with life. The real technique at play is cultural hijacking via social proof, and it depends on exploiting intergenerational cultural amnesia and the trustful ignorance of youth.

Same story for John Waters, Basquiat, Samuel Delany, or any other example you care to name. The only reason any of this hideous faggotry is remarkable is that it’s all part of a deliberate and coordinated tantrum against God by way of defiling the truth and celebrating anything that mocks beauty. And now Instagram, Deviantart, and Bandcamp are full of sadsack “creative types” cargo-culting your heroes without realizing that it was a malicious psyop against them all along and that without Jewish money cheesing them into the public sphere, nobody will ever care or look twice at their rule-defying excrement.

OR, maybe we’re here just to worship Gnon and follow all the rules forever… but permanently denying our innate creative ability would likely be more disrespectful to God than any insane act of misguided creation could ever be.

Spoken like a useless faggot who never even began to follow the rules to begin with and thus failed to learn the joy of doing things correctly. It’s inexcusable not to learn this lesson given that every legitimate and fruitful avenue of activity on planet Earth follows the same fundamental pattern, whereby adherence to a set of elementary principles immediately coalesces a far more interesting gestalt of possibilities than what’s possible by flexing the creative urge in self-spontaneous isolation, without a group of symmetries transmitting power to external reality. You can use your ass to squat a bar, or you can just shit your pants and roll around in it. The fact that you would view structure and discipline as a prison rather than as a foundation for immeasurably greater freedom reveals that you have literally never once even begun to get gud at any skill whatsoever, to any level, in your entire life. Gnosticism is just arcanely overintellectualized cope over the fact that you’re a waste of human DNA.

Animus says:

God made the rules of the simulation that he created and is currently experiencing through us.
Minecraft has rules, and structure, and some players are better than others… but no two playthroughs are the same. They have different goals and different methods for achieving those goals. A player can even use the engine to make their own games/mods if they get bored of vanilla Minecraft. All of this was intended by the creator.

Handi says:

“Many possible actions are good, therefore all possible actions are good.”

That is not a valid argument. Die.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

God made the rules of the simulation that he created and is currently experiencing through us.

The simulation hypothesis is intellectual wankery for disillusioned liberal atheists looking desperately for something to add meaning to their pointless lives, but terrified that reading an actual holy book would cause them to burst into flames. It’s pure mysticism without any of the ethics, philosophy or social technology – fodder for the “spiritual but not religious” IFLS pricks. It explains nothing that can’t be explained more parsimoniously, and provides no additional insight into that which can’t currently be explained.

Calling it “God’s simulation” is no different from “Jesus the Jewish Community Organizer”. It’s an obvious, simpleminded attempt to attach a subversive and farcical concept to a serious and widely accepted memeplex. Don’t expect that tactic to work here. Here, if you want to make an argument, you have to actually make the argument, not simply assert it and sail through as if we all agree.

If you want to talk about the simulation hypothesis, you’d better explain, first of all, why anyone should care, since we generally don’t; and second, why we ought to even consider the possibility, which is sure to be a fascinating lecture since it’s inherently unfalsifiable.

A player can even use the engine to make their own games/mods if they get bored of vanilla Minecraft. All of this was intended by the creator.

Yes, and “modding” the universe was clearly not intended for us by our creator. We are inside the universe, and you cannot mod a game from inside the game unless it provides an in-game editor.

The universe is closed-source, comes from an unknown engine, doesn’t have an editor, can’t be decompiled, doesn’t support plugins. We can, and must, deduce the rules within the universe and we may even find ways to bend some of them, like discovering a sequence-breaking glitch in a game, but that is not the same as having access to the code or being able to change it.

Your analogies need a lot of work.

The Cominator says:

“Calling it “God’s simulation” is no different from “Jesus the Jewish Community Organizer”. It’s an obvious, simpleminded attempt to attach a subversive and farcical concept to a serious and widely accepted memeplex. Don’t expect that tactic to work here. Here, if you want to make an argument, you have to actually make the argument, not simply assert it and sail through as if we all agree.”

I don’t quite agree here…. God’s simulation implies God exist in a greater and more reality and this is a lesser (and perhaps far harder and more suffering reality) and I find nothing particularly objectionable about that idea… whereas Jesus the Community Organizer is very very clearly an evil Marxist idea from people who hate Christians and want to destroy Christianity.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

God’s simulation implies God exist in a greater and more reality

The word “simulation” adds nothing here, other than a sly hint that the speaker is an aspiring Neo and has figured out how to transcend the programming, escape the Matrix or even bend it to his own will.

Whether we are talking about the Christian God or a materialist Gnon, we live in God’s reality. We can quite easily stake the claim that God exists in some higher order of reality without belittling and attempting to falsify our own.

Animus says:

> The simulation hypothesis is intellectual wankery for disillusioned liberal atheists looking desperately for something to add meaning to their pointless lives, but terrified that reading an actual holy book would cause them to burst into flames. It’s pure mysticism without any of the ethics, philosophy or social technology – fodder for the “spiritual but not religious” IFLS pricks. It explains nothing that can’t be explained more parsimoniously, and provides no additional insight into that which can’t currently be explained.
The ethics, philosophy, and social technology are easy to justify if they produce beneficial results, as many religions have. What’s impossible to justify, and what the “simulation” analogy comes closest to explaining, is how a universe can be created from nothing. It’s one of the most effective refutations to atheism.
You hate it for the same reason you hate queerness, because it’s associated with a bunch of obnoxious leftist retards.

> Yes, and “modding” the universe was clearly not intended for us by our creator. We are inside the universe, and you cannot mod a game from inside the game unless it provides an in-game editor.

We ARE in-game editors. We split atoms. We splice genes. Much human progress is due to our propensity for “playing God”. We may not actually be God, at least not entirely, but we’re as close as it gets on this plane of existence.

People have built Turing-complete computers within Minecraft. My analogy is fine.

Jim says:

> We ARE in-game editors. We split atoms. We splice genes. Much human progress is due to our propensity for “playing God”. We may not actually be God, at least not entirely, but we’re as close as it gets on this plane of existence.

This is the “magic tech makes leftist utopia viable” argument.

But leftist utopia is strangely unable to sustain magic tech, a confrontation that was long brewing with SpaceX, and has now exploded in the streets.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

What’s impossible to justify, and what the “simulation” analogy comes closest to explaining, is how a universe can be created from nothing. It’s one of the most effective refutations to atheism.

It explains no such thing. It either demands an answer for how the creator of the “simulation” came to be, or devolves into useless “turtles all the way down” tautology.

As I already pointed out, it is simply dull-witted secular theology that suffers from all the same epistemological issues as any mainstream religious theology but dispenses with all the tough questions around “ought”, instead jerking off to the “is” and quietly implying that nothing we do really matters because hey, it’s just a sim, bro.

You hate it for the same reason you hate queerness, because it’s associated with a bunch of obnoxious leftist retards.

Don’t tell me what I believe. I hate sodomy and sodomites because they’re filthy, degenerate disease-ridden wreckers of society who systematically destroy male social cohesion and stable male-female pair bonding. Poofs off roofs was wildly popular and extremely prosocial doctrine long before the world had any notion of obnoxious leftist retards.

Like the JQ, I’m willing to make exceptions for people like Peter Thiel, but only if they agree to get back in the closet and stay there.

We ARE in-game editors. We split atoms. We splice genes. Much human progress is due to our propensity for “playing God”.

This is stupid. Splitting atoms and splicing genes are not breaking the rules, they are following the rules.

No one here considers these things to be “playing god”. You are projecting the shitlib caricature of the trad-cuck right on the reactionary right. If you want to make the argument that these things constitute “playing God”, then you need to make that argument, not sneak it into the premises and hope we don’t catch on.

S says:

The simulation hypothesis is not just that it is possible that we are in a simulation, but if simulations are possible, the most likely place for any observer is in a simulation.

Modern gnosticism is modern and gnostic- no surprises there.

The problem is highly detailed simulations good enough to fool people inside require General Artificial Intelligence-‘murder everyone’ is the most likely result which means zero past simulations.

Animus says:

> But leftist utopia is strangely unable to sustain magic tech, a confrontation that was long brewing with SpaceX, and has now exploded in the streets.

That’s because leftists believe in a reality that we are not yet able to manifest. I would love it if we were able to make niggers as competent as whites, but I’m not going to pretend that that’s the way it currently is.

> As I already pointed out, it is simply dull-witted secular theology that suffers from all the same epistemological issues as any mainstream religious theology but dispenses with all the tough questions around “ought”, instead jerking off to the “is” and quietly implying that nothing we do really matters because hey, it’s just a sim, bro.

[*deleted for presupposing that which is to be demonstrated*]

[*deleted for being disgusting and untruthful gay propaganda*]

> This is stupid. Splitting atoms and splicing genes are not breaking the rules, they are following the rules.

So, Gnon says we can unleash nuclear hellfire and create genetic abominations, but we can’t have icky sex? Pretty sure you made that up yourself.
Say what you want about me, but at least I’m not pretending to speak for God.

Jim says:

> So, Gnon says we can unleash nuclear hellfire and create genetic abominations, but we can’t have icky sex?

Yes, that is what Gnon says. The capacity to unleash nuclear hellfire is an increase in our potency, a success of our telos of knowledge and extended cooperation. Icky sex is an abandonment of our telos of survival and reproduction. The social order that created the capability to unleash nuclear hellfire had no tolerance for icky sex, and in view of what we have seen since the state religion has been promoting icky sex, would probably not have been able to accomplish that capability if it had tolerated icky sex.

Toleration of icky sex undermines cooperation, loyalty, and truth speaking between men.

Alf says:

So, Gnon says we can unleash nuclear hellfire and create genetic abominations, but we can’t have icky sex? Pretty sure you made that up yourself.
Say what you want about me, but at least I’m not pretending to speak for God.

Can you tell us what happened to the two angels whom God sent to Sodom? Can you tell us why God did to Sodom what he did, and what the relation is with the epynomous word sodomy?

Neurotoxin says:

>We ARE in-game editors. We split atoms. We splice genes.

We do those things in accordance with the laws of physics. You can’t just wish the laws of physics away. Your definition of being an in-game editor is “doing stuff.”

Varna says:

Re “icky sex” and the inevitable or not collapse afterward.

Every society has foundational sociopolitical structures on which it stands, which helped it get its start.

These initial structures repress many urges and impulses, and some of the functions gained in return include: 1) the ability to not sink into systemic solipsism to the extent of mass collapse, 2) the ability to maintain birth rates and related family and quasi-family structures, 3) the ability to compete on par or outcompete neighboring societies, 4) maintain inner social safety from arbitrary violence, and so on.

When “icky sex” appears, this is to a large extent a “civilizational marker”. What it marks is that the initial social structures, upon which the success momentum of the society in question has been built – these initial social structures have dissolved enough to stop repressing certain impulses and urges. Indeed, maybe they are now encouraged, explicitly or implicitly.

Civilizations, as a rule, do not survive this stage. Once this marker appears widely and visibly, this means that the old momentum is spent, the foundation on which it was built is gone, and only spiraling from now onward awaits the people in question. Thus, to an extent, what a reactionary/traditionalist is saying is “when we see this crap, this means crucial energies have been massively diverted into feeding idiotic euphoric manic lifestyles, instead of maintaining the fundamental structures upon which everything is built”.

Additionally, extreme sexual practices produce extreme rewiring on the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and physiological level of the practitioners, especially the ones who do it often and at the more extreme ends of the spectrum. While in a minority of cases this may produce, if the stars align, some sort of “liberation and soaring into the next level”, for the vast majority of the participants the result is a warping, a traumatizing, a toxic rewiring, a malignant reprogramming, in other words – the producing of spiritual invalids, spiritual cripples. Including, metaphorical or literal demonic possession.

One major function of any systemic grid of ancient foundational social structures is to also act as a collective shield of the population against potential intrusions from the invisible world. Once the foundations waste away, the shield goes down as well.

Thus, while to an extent the “increasing tolerance” of “icky sex” is a *marker* that an unraveling is coming, and the second stage of “celebrating and enforcing” these practices and behaviors is a marker that the unravelling is here and has hit critical velocity, aside from being markers of civilizational decay, these behaviors and practices are in themselves producing populations of spiritual cripples, and allowing, via the orgiastic practices and spiritual states involved, for potential demonic forces to enter the participants more easily.

A dying society is always death-oriented in practice, no matter the surface ideology. The children take the blow, the elderly, the ill and infirm, and after a while any attempt to achieve any goal whatsoever somehow always leads to more death, suffering, and cruelty. Once this stage is achieved, the larger society is already a necro-cult, whatever masks it may wear, and is one shock away from killing itself. One may view these processes as results of “critical levels of systemic entropy” or as “critical levels of demonic infestation” or both.

As far as we know, we are in a unique historical period, in which the whole planet is interconnected, and with instantaneous communication to boot.

On the one hand this global world has the potential to amplify any civilizational catastrophe to mythological levels, on the other – there is hope that the collective planetary “community” of the sane will be able to figure out ways to clear the chasm, unlike all of our predecessors.

But yes. If a man praying quietly in front of a necro facility is arrested for this act, or if little children are encouraged to undergo castration to become themselves, this absolutely means that unravelling has gone into full-blown macro-collapse mode, and the potential demonic infestation levels are no longer hitting rookie numbers.

Jim says:

There have been plenty of recoveries from the left singularity — it only rarely goes all the way to autogenocide. So blackpilling on that was inappropriate. But civilisational decay has nearly always been terminal.

The Hebrews were horrified by the infanticide and incest of the Egyptians, and responded with overbroad and excessively drastic rules on incest, and continued to recollect Egypt as a horror show all the way into the early Kings period. And unlike the other peoples of the Bronze Age collapse, never lost literacy — indeed their is a plausible case that they are responsible for the alphabet, with each character of their writing derived from an Egyptian ideograph that corresponded to a consonant — that they invented the alphabet during their time in Egypt, and retained it in Exodus.

The abrupt cultural switch between first and second wave feminism hints at the capacity to reverse these things — that reversing civilisational decay is not that hard, just seldom done, because it is not an immediate threat the way the left singularity is an immediate threat.

Poofs off roofs

is a good start. But the big problem is to restore marriage by forceful suppression of female hypergamy. This requires a massive system of coercion to suppress hypergamy — which requires a radical lowering of the status of single females. That is a much harder problem, and unless solved, poof off roofs will not accomplish much.

It is a tough job, and the usual way it is accomplished is a period of anarchic violence, when a great deal of abduction takes place. That might be a dangerous way to go about it in a world with nukes. But we are just going to have to do a whole lot of abduction of unowned women, though preferably in a more orderly and civilised way. Again I recommend the Australian model, 1790s to early 1800s. That worked very well.

They held a line up, potential bridegrooms walked down the line, and offered the female of their choice a small gift, if gift accepted, they got married. If no gift, or the female rejected all gifts, she got assigned to concubinage. The husband’s authority was vigorously backed by the full force of the state.

When we start throwing poofs off roofs, the normies will be cheering before they hit the ground. Lineups enforced by coercive concubinage are going to be harder.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

at least I’m not pretending to speak for God.

Could have fooled me, with prior statements like this one:

God made the rules of the simulation that he created and is currently experiencing through us.

We’re past the point where further fisking is going to be productive, but these posts are an effective demonstration of how the homosex phenotype is spiritually femoid, and how arguing with one is essentially like arguing with a girl.

Micro-arguments are spun up on a whim and quickly abandoned, endless loose threads generated, with a distinct undercurrent of “because I said so”-ism with no identifiable principles or prevailing logic other than a me-me-me tone that oscillates between solipsism and narcissism. “Let’s talk about [disgusting thing]”, even though it has absolutely no point, “because it is exciting and fascinating to me.”

The incessant word-vomit superficially resembles an intent to debate, but the only point they’re really trying to prove is “I am [smart, kind, interesting, enlightened] and you are [backward, dull, ignorant, bigoted].” Play along, and you find yourself wading in an oversized kiddie pool, hundreds of miles long but never more than a few feet deep. We converse on matters important to civilization, and they treat it as a casual game and engage with childish play-acting.

And the organism then subsequently labels this as “creativity” and “openness” and expresses “pride”. I doubt it is truly pride; to me it is a wretched and desperate displacement activity. But if it is pride, then it is definitely the sinful kind and needs to be punished accordingly. Treating them as equals only ever drags the entire group down to their level.

Varna says:

Apologies for word-choices that come across as black-pilling or generic doomery. A man can enter life/health situations in which he goes into “dying mode”. His life starts shutting down, his body starts shutting down, his spirit starts shutting down. There is always the possibility, until the very last moment, to turn things around. Many do. The same goes for societies. They too can enter “dying mode” and then turn things around. As can various subsystems.

Black-pilled views are frequently a form of decadence.

Animus says:

> Icky sex is an abandonment of our telos of survival and reproduction.

Your view of human telos appears to be identical to that of all living things including cancer cells. Do you not believe humans have a different purpose from cancer cells? Or have I misunderstood your position?

> We do those things in accordance with the laws of physics. You can’t just wish the laws of physics away. Your definition of being an in-game editor is “doing stuff.”

Perhaps a better analogy would be the D&D discussion above. Our civilization is gradually becoming more like D&D and less like Final Fantasy.
The trend of human development has been towards taking control of things that were previously considered to be exclusively within Gnon’s purview. By “playing God” we are exerting greater influence over the rules of the game. Some rules may indeed be unbreakable, but can we really be sure?

> When “icky sex” appears, this is to a large extent a “civilizational marker”. What it marks is that the initial social structures, upon which the success momentum of the society in question has been built – these initial social structures have dissolved enough to stop repressing certain impulses and urges.

Do you have evidence that homosexuality is more common prior to societal collapse?
And, if it is a marker, that doesn’t demonstrate the mechanism by which it leads to societal collapse. The birthrate issue is caused by feminism, and the racial demographics issue is caused by leftism. What is caused by homosexuality? What will poofs off roofs actually accomplish?
Women’s rights, leftism, and castration of children are all the result of hubris- we think we have a greater control of this reality than we actually do, and thus lose the ability to thrive within it. How does homosexuality fall within that category?

> Micro-arguments are spun up on a whim and quickly abandoned, endless loose threads generated

Show me an argument that I have made and abandoned.

Jim says:

> it is a marker, that doesn’t demonstrate the mechanism by which it leads to societal collapse.

The mechanisms leading to societal collapse have been well known for a very long time: The collapse of elite virtue, leading to the collapse of elite cooperation. As we are seeing right now.

Somehow this very ancient and obviously analysis gets forgotten when decadence sets in, but back in the day everyone knew this and took it for granted.

Of course for the elite to be virtuous, it has to harshly enforce virtue upon itself. Poofs off roofs, adulterers killed, cuckolds expelled from the elite.

Gays undermine social cooperation for the reasons I explained at length in “Gay needs to be suppressed“, and briefly alluded to in “Women and Gays ruin everything“, though the latter post was primarily about women in the workplace.

You cannot have a civilisation, or indeed anything, if you allow gays to push their shit.

Animus says:

Your 2019 post seems to advocate for tolerance for gays that hide their sexuality from the public sphere in the same way that most straight couples do, and death for gays that make their sexuality everybody else’s problem. That sounds fine to me, although deconversion therapy would be better than the death penalty once we figure it out. BAP and his whoremongering might be the right direction for that.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

…tolerance for gays that hide their sexuality from the public sphere in the same way that most straight couples do

“I totally agree with that time you said [thing you didn’t say].”

Every single paragraph, every single sentence that comes out of you is a lie. There is no equivalency between normal sexuality and the “sexuality” of faggots. His position, our position, is that homos must hide their sexuality from the public sphere if they are to be tolerated, while normal, healthy man-and-wife couples have no such requirement.

Now obviously we don’t want people rutting in the streets, but it is completely acceptable for a group of guys to get together over beers and talk about their (female) conquests. It is never acceptable for any of those guys to bring up buggery or the desire for buggery in that conversation. There is no equivalence, no symmetry here.

Get it through your thick skull: we are not simply talking about ending “Pride Parades” and other extreme humiliation rituals, we are talking about excising homosexuality from mainstream consciousness, so that no member of any male social group ever has to worry about any activity being construed as sexual in any way, nor worry about “offending” a homo with some indecent joke.

It’s probably impossible to eradicate the perversion completely, but it will suffice to make it several times more difficult to achieve than it is today for a regular guy to hire a prostitute – which is to say, dangerous and illegal. In a healthy society, prostitution is completely legal (though low status) and sodomy carries the death penalty. “Keep it out of the public sphere” means that it is a criminal act, and your life literally depends on your ability to keep it a secret from everyone.

Animus says:

> we are talking about excising homosexuality from mainstream consciousness, so that no member of any male social group ever has to worry about any activity being construed as sexual in any way, nor worry about “offending” a homo with some indecent joke.

Sorry to crush your dreams, but that will never happen. Homosexuality exists pretty much everywhere humans do (why do you think Africa is full of AIDS?) and even among some animals.

I am fortunate in that I mostly like women and have been able to lead a straight lifestyle- but not all queers are so lucky. You are essentially asking people to remain celibate their entire lives because of childhood trauma, with penalty of death. There is no need to be that extreme if they can keep their perversions out of public life.

Jim says:

> > we are talking about excising homosexuality from mainstream consciousness, so that no member of any male social group ever has to worry about any activity being construed as sexual in any way, nor worry about “offending” a homo with some indecent joke.

> Sorry to crush your dreams, but that will never happen.

About 250 years ago, no one thought there were such things as homosexuals. That has been the norm throughout most of history. Monogamous societies that are serious about suppressing gay, don’t have any that anyone notices. Everyone gets shoved into the normal path, and normality just takes. In China, no one thinks about street crime, and the thought that it might happen just is not part of people’s consciousness. And, similarly, if homosexuality is firmly suppressed, it just vanishes. People don’t think it might happen. They are not aware that such a thing is possible.

I conjecture that what happened is that plenty of people with disordered sexual tendencies existed, but found the only path to getting their rocks off was straight sex. So engaged primarily in straight sex, which tended to normalise them.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I am fortunate in that I mostly like women and have been able to lead a straight lifestyle

Aaaaaand, there it is. He is a fag, for real, and everyone was able to identify it from his faggotty arguments alone before he admitted it. That is a strong point in favor of the Jimian shill identification and classification system.

Mossadnik says:

He already admitted it ITT when he wrote “I like girls too.” Of course he is a faggot.

And if you don’t want to end up like Sodom and Gomorrah, you will have to roof the poofs, all of them. It’s not as crucial as solving the WQ, but Analmus is all the evidence you need that even one fag alive is one fag too many.

It’s not a “joke position.” The fags must disappear, and they will. It’s only a matter of time.

Mossadnik says:

I mean it, sincerely. I’ve expressed in the past some compassion for otherwise unlikeable groups. When it comes to gays, however, my official and consistent position is “not even one.”

Mossadnik says:

“Wait, but what about…”




Just go over this thread. They are biologically incapable of not being subversive against normal sexuality; and ultimately, it is existence itself (reflecting God) that they hate. Also, look at his disingenuous argumentation style.

Not. Even. One.

Mossadnik says:

Perhaps Putin will lead the way. I’m somewhat skeptical, but if he wins in Ukraine (and he likely will), there is a chance he will then have the testicular fortitude to re-institute the death penalty for sodomy. This needs to happen.

Mossadnik says:

Dugin, if you’re lurking here, please go tell the Tsar of all Russia that the whole world expects him to turn the педерасты into fertilizer. That would be no less impressive a feat than crushing Nato, in fact.

The Cominator says:

Fags who also fuck women sometimes are worse than regular fags that is how straight women get gay diseases.

Aidan says:

“We ARE in-game editors. We split atoms. We splice genes. Much human progress is due to our propensity for “playing God”.”

No, we are not. That is playing the game by its rules at the highest level. When you drive a Toyota Corolla at the speed limit down a public street, there is so much leeway between you and the laws of nature that it is easy to pretend that they don’t exist. When you drive a fast car, trying to get a fast time around a racetrack, you need vastly stricter obedience to the laws of nature, because you are close to the limit of them, the limits of acceleration, braking, mechanical grip, the ability of an engine to disperse heat, and so on. Driving at the limit gives you an ironclad respect for natural law, because if you actually violate the laws of physics or drive too fast for your own abilities, you die.

Before you spout off about being a god, being in charge of the simulation, do something manly that has the potential result in your death, and then see how you feel about natural law and following God’s rules.

Cloudswrest says:

I find a lot of speculations on the simulation hypothesis somewhat vanilla. People always assume it’s a simple DAG with a hierarchy. Does it ever occur to anybody there could be portholes, up, down, and sideways between simulations? For example, if some self aware entity evolves in a lower simulation, certainly it’s image could be copied and instantiated in the higher, or perhaps just plumbed through to an avatar. In the movie, “The Thirteenth Floor” the main character moves up and down between a higher, and a lower simulation after discovering he’s IN a simulation.

They talk about existential threats like stopping the simulation. Does it ever occur to anybody it could just be started up again where it left off, even after “billions and billions” of years, or restored to some set point from backup? Or it could be implementing in some self repairing, self maintaining construct like The Krell Machine, sort of it’s own synthetic universe.

Of course, much of the above assumes classical digital logic. If self aware intelligence depends directly on Quantum Mechanics, well then states can’t simply be copied and/or transferred and things may be much more complicated, or even impossible.

Cloudswrest says:

It also occurred to me, if we’re ever able to create AGI, and wish to study it, it might be prudent to have it “locked in” to a completely simulated reality, with no knowledge of, or I/O to the “outside world”, like what ended up to the Moriarty AI character in STTNG. Don’t want to risk it causing trouble, like Satan and the angels rebelling in Heaven.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

You are essentially asking people to remain celibate their entire lives because of childhood trauma, with penalty of death. There is no need to be that extreme if they can keep their perversions out of public life.

If current estimates are to be believed, some 2/3 to 3/4 of men today are incel. You think any of us give half a damn about a tiny minority of perverts, most of whom helped and continue to help orchestrate the conditions leading up to this mass inceldom? We’re not asking, we’re telling.

And that’s before we even get started of your inversion of the term “celibate”. It’s celibate priests who’ve been preying on altar boys. Homosex isn’t any more valid a form of sex than bestiality. It’s a category error to claim that fags denied easy access to their perversion constitutes “celibacy”. If you’re an obligate homo then you’re already celibate, and if you’re an opportunistic homo (AKA “bisexual”) then telling you to forget about the boys has no effect on your ability to reproduce.

There’s no inconsistency in our prescription here, only your willful misinterpretation of the phrase “public life”. You want it to mean rolling things back to the mid-aughts or maybe late nineties, in which you might have to give up Drag Queen Story Hour and roll back Pride Month to a mere one-day Parade, but still get to have gay bars, “gay marriage”, publicly funded AIDS research and all the other forms of humiliation and parasitism that society has been forced to endure on your behalf.

We’re telling you that’s not what it means. “Public life” includes the office, the schools/academies, the youth groups, the restaurants and bars, the social clubs and hunting clubs; in this internet age it is also going to include all forms of social media and indirect communication. There will be no “gay marriage”, no gay bars, no grindr, no discussion of your “husband” or “partner” with your coworkers.

If you can keep it completely private, to the extent no one knows or can reasonably prove that the act has been committed, then fine; it would be a waste of useful resources to run constant surveillance watching for the slightest indication of homosexuality. This isn’t a witch hunt. But know that each and every time you proposition another man, you will be taking a huge risk.

“But that’s not fair”

Life isn’t fair. Welcome to our world, in which a normal heterosexual man can be arrested for “soliciting” a prostitute, or be sued for “sexual harassment” and have his career and personal life destroyed by any woman in whom he shows an interest.

No normie has any genuine sympathy for the plight of fags. The instinctive reaction of every single man upon hearing the “my partner/husband” ice-breaker at work is “oh god, now I have to sit here and pretend to be OK with this.” Once the state terrorism (by HR and legal proxy) ends, and it will end one way or another, the normies will be cheering on the flying lessons.

If you’re smart, you might want to get a head start on the other poofs and relearn the ancient art of keeping your yap shut.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

To preempt any doubts or snide remarks regarding this quote:

If current estimates are to be believed, some 2/3 to 3/4 of men today are incel. You think any of us give half a damn…

The “us” is speaking on behalf of the commentariat, not on behalf of incels. So please spare us all the inevitable “you’re just frustrated” talk, as it was simply a statement about whom we are more likely to sympathize with and whose concerns deserve to be prioritized.

Animus says:

> No, we are not. That is playing the game by its rules at the highest level.

I never claimed that we can destroy this simulation, or break out of it, or do anything that’s fundamentally impossible. I claimed that we can, to some extent, do on our layer of reality what God did on his, due to our shared potential for creativity. You can use whatever analogy you like.
To claim that we need to follow Old Testament law because we can’t break the laws of physics is a motte-and-bailey.

> If current estimates are to be believed, some 2/3 to 3/4 of men today are incel. You think any of us give half a damn about a tiny minority of perverts, most of whom helped and continue to help orchestrate the conditions leading up to this mass inceldom?

Feminism causes inceldom. Inceldom in turn causes men to redirect their creative energies elsewhere. This makes them more likely to be homosexual.
You are attacking a symptom, not a cause.

> If you can keep it completely private, to the extent no one knows or can reasonably prove that the act has been committed, then fine; it would be a waste of useful resources to run constant surveillance watching for the slightest indication of homosexuality. This isn’t a witch hunt. But know that each and every time you proposition another man, you will be taking a huge risk.

Everything you just said also applies to other fetishes that straight people partake in that are more dangerous/disgusting than sodomy. Why aren’t you mad about those?

Jim says:

> Feminism causes inceldom. Inceldom in turn causes men to redirect their creative energies elsewhere. This makes them more likely to be homosexual.

This is true, but gay is also a major influence. That one can no longer depict the mating dance in video games or movies is primarily caused by feminism, but in very substantial part caused by the gay agenda. As is feminism itself. The doctrine that men and women are interchangeable is primarily a gay doctrine, rather than a feminist doctrine.

Female emancipation is a collapse in male male cooperation in the elite, and gay is a far more important force undermining male male cooperation in the elite than feminism — feminism is more an effect than a cause.

S says:

‘Keeping the AI in the box’ was the base point the AI safety people worked from with the doomers being people who thought the AI would talk its ways out of the box. They thought since everyone has seen Terminator no one would do something like build Skynet.

As they say in 40k…
“We are much wiser now.”

Anonymous says:

Everything you just said also applies to other fetishes that straight people partake in that are more dangerous/disgusting than sodomy. Why aren’t you mad about those?

Are those other straight people with fetishes gonna be invested in subverting patriarchy? Then hey, you’re right, we should hate them too.

Neurotoxin says:

Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.

-Francis Bacon

Animus says:

> gay is a far more important force undermining male male cooperation in the elite than feminism

I don’t know about the elite, but my experience has been that forcing a woman into a male space is much more likely to induce conflict and destroy camaraderie, as opposed to one of the men wanting to screw another.

Jim says:

> My experience has been that forcing a woman into a male space is much more likely to induce conflict and destroy camaraderie

You have lived your whole life in a world where it is impossible for men to display love, let alone physical affection, for each other. The destruction was carried out before women were turned loose.

At about the same time as Russia invaded the Ukraine, it introduced a whole bunch of laws and informal cultural changes hostile to gay (culture is downstream of power) and already we are seeing a noticeable recovery in affectionate and caring behavior between males.

They are not doing anything about hypergamy, but a recovery in affectionate behavior between males is a necessary precondition for males acting cooperatively to end hypergamy.

Adam says:

Liberalism confuses imaginative with creative. Creative types spend all their time creating. Imaginative types are narcissists at a minimum, and make up all of leftists, including intellectuals.

Animus says:

Not sure what you mean. Isn’t imagination a prerequisite for creation?

Jim says:

Only if it is moored to the real and doable.

Animus says:

Doesn’t have to be “doable” by our standards. The most important element of a good story is logical cause and effect. The elements of a fictional universe can be far-removed from our own (e.g. talking animals, magic, Wakanda, etc.) but if they are internally consistent and the plot and characters make sense given the context, then there is no problem.

Jim says:

Manifestly there is a problem:

Example Banks culture series. In order to get a good story, he always has to have settings and characters that are not actually part of the culture. He tells us how great the culture is, but is strangely unable to show us.

Example: Game of thrones. Because he really did not like medieval society and mores, George R. R. Martin wandered off track and was unable to finish the story. He deconstructed the heroic and manly medieval moral order, and found he had deconstructed his story.

Example, Star Trek socialism.

You not only cannot have the society progressives want, you cannot even coherently imagine a setting in which it works. Even with magic or technobabble magic science. Progressivism has poisoned fiction. If you go into a shop that has books, and look at the shelves for fantasy and science fiction, it is all chick porn or very old writers. Nothing publishable is being written.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

The most important element of a good story is logical cause and effect.

Subversion, subversion, subversion. Bait and switch.

First you talk about “creation”, as in the real act of creating things in the real world, then try to subtly shift it to an argument about fiction.

Yes, fictional universes can introduce magic and other unreal elements and still be entertaining as long as they follow internally consistent rules and a basic causal narrative. This is in no way related to the claim that we can rewrite the rules of the actual, real, non-fictional universe. Internal consistency in fiction isn’t even an absolute rule, it’s just a guideline for making the stories believable and entertaining.

This was Adam’s point; an “imaginative” person might be aces at dreaming up unreal ideas and unreal situations that have no relevance to the real world, but this says nothing about their “creativity”, which is how much (of value) they actually create, which depends on their real-world knowledge and skills, not their propensity to imagination.

Everyone in every skilled and/or creative profession has had run-ins with the “I have an idea” people, especially women, who always think they have brilliant and original ideas that everyone is out to steal, and that you should be flattered and honored at having been chosen as the grunt who will handle the actual execution, because they’ve already done the hard part of coming up with the idea. These people soon learn the value of their “ideas”.

Anybody and everybody can imagine and ideate. It’s not hard to do. It’s only useful when the ideas are for useful things and the ideator has some ability to actually create them. This doesn’t have to be technological innovation; it can, for example, be music or art, and the same logic applies. Your ability to imagine a symphony or a painting means piss-all unless you can actually compose or paint it.

Ideas are not creations, and fiction is not the real world.

Animus says:

> First you talk about “creation”, as in the real act of creating things in the real world, then try to subtly shift it to an argument about fiction.

Our universe is God’s fiction. It started off as his idea, and then he created it, like an author writes a book. In the beginning was the Word.

Alf says:

Our universe is God’s fiction. It started off as his idea, and then he created it, like an author writes a book. In the beginning was the Word.

Which goes to show how hard it is to turn the idea of a universe into creation. You only have to be God!

Also, when you talk about God, what God are you talking about specifically? Clearly not the God of this ‘outdated desert book’.

Animus says:

It is possible for the same author to write different books for different age groups.

Jim says:

The problem is that no new fantasy and science fiction authors writing fantasy and science fiction that a male is likely to read have appeared on the shelves for some time. Just as political correctness has killed comedy, it has killed science fiction and fantasy.

You cannot realistically model a politically correct society even with magic or pseudo babble magic tech. We are still at our core medieval man, part killer ape, and part angel. And this is not going to be wished away.

Alf says:

It is possible for the same author to write different books for different age groups.

But you weren’t talking about ‘different’ books. You were talking about an ‘outdated’ book. Which is heresy. Your ‘God’ is very different from our God.

Your Uncle Bob says:

It would be difficult to overstate the political gatekeeping involved in deciding who gets a novel published or who gets a gallery show over the last decades.

The solution to the gallery issue is to own one and be the chooser. My wife gets any works displayed by owning the gallery and gets to be the gatekeeper for other “artists”. I just care if the work sells.

BobWhite says:

White-type-culturals were the origin, and will forever continue to be the successful line of Human DNA.

Let us give reality to the ‘Out of Africa’ bullshit.
We know all that dies off, or is behind, is a failed fork of the DNA line.
The ‘Subcontinent’ ‘Mesopotamians’ ‘Egyptians pyramid’ etc… all known ‘great’ earlies, were nothing but failed spinoffs.
From the White-type-culturals that continue leading proof of work to this very day.
We know that no culture that has failed, has ever come back from failure… descent is permanent, the stronger line ultimately ensures the final end of the weak.
Logically we know such failures must have come from a fallen experimental branch of White-type-culturals.
We ascertain that both the recorded, and archaeological, history… Mesopotamian, and digging up 100k anno before, back till there are no remains to be found… that all this history of civs were failed forks off the White-type-cultural line.
Because DNA, as a line itself, goes back billion of years.
Human Gestation period is 9 months.
Hemispherical springtimes are north latitude events, they are, OMFG I have to find and fuck pussy and reproduce right now.
Birth occur upon the turn of dark winter, where child is protected with family group in cold shelter from predator and thief cult forks.
Northen latitude is White, had no need for Black pigment.
White-type-cultural success got encoded in Northern DNA over millions years of successful urgent birth cycles.
Then it forked, trying to prematurely Venture Capital expand into equatorial latitudes, turned Black, and died off, many many failed civs worth… Mesopotamians, Pyramidals, Sand Tribes, etc…. this happens. Equatorials don’t have springtime urges, they lost one of many survival urges, they also lost IQ due to hot sun and lack of water beating down the brain all day, and slavery and other attempts at non-survival designs beating the rest.
The White-type-culturals kept on going in higher latitudes as their line of success always would.
No, Today’s Humans didn’t ‘Out of Africa’.
The White-type-culturals made free time to make an adventure, a solid exploratory first step at colonizing and terraforming the Equatorial region.
Their fork failed, but their root line still always remains safe and dominant, so they learn prepare and will try again, and succeed.
Thus this is how Mars and the Galaxy will go down.
No current-day Equatorials will ever reach the stars, their End will be cemented when the White-type-culturals leave them behind on Earth.

Jim says:

Allowing this through, though you have not taken the shill test requested in the moderation policy, because this does not seem like a standard much repeated shill script, and because shilling has substantially diminished since Musk couped the inner sanctum of USAID.

Please take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed. Further comments from this email address are likely to be silently deleted or snarkily edited if you do not.

Cut and past.

5 They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival. If women are emancipated, Miss Average will waste her youth, her beauty, and her fertility fucking Mister One in Thirty, thus a people, a race, a nation, a faith, or an empire that emancipates women will perish for lack of families, leading to lack of sons. Men have to impose stable monogamy on women with a stick.

“Boring, but your blog, you’re rules.”

dharmicreality says:

Regarding the discussion above with “Animus”.

This is really the age old, but somewhat subversive debate on free will vs God’s Will/destiny, wherein the entire question is framed wrong and designed to subvert our natural instinct to acknowledge reality and discard the unreal/unnatural. There is no “versus” at all. Free will cannot operate outside of nature or natural law.

The existence of free will does not mean that nature’s laws don’t exist. Man has been given free will to operate within the scope of natural law and also the instinct to judge right from wrong, good from bad, natural from unnatural.

The existence of that very instinct is proof that we can judge based on reality and the observable laws of nature. When that natural instinct is screwed up for whatever reason, man loses his judgment and reason and insanity often is the result, which is what leftists mostly suffer from.

While Jim and I may differ on the specifics of our respective religious beliefs, what brought me to this blog is the fundamental concept of Gnon/Dharma/natural law/Divine Will or whatever you may call it.

Man has intellect, as well as instinct, but the intellect has to be tuned to the instinct based on reality and must not suppress that instinct. The problem is that too much priesting around will result in severance from the reality which arises from priests starting to believe sincerely that their superior intellect can construct an alternate realit yand is a substitute for reality itself.

Animus says:

> The problem is that too much priesting around will result in severance from the reality which arises from priests starting to believe sincerely that their superior intellect can construct an alternate realit yand is a substitute for reality itself.

How do you feel about fiction? We use our intellect to form alternate realities that serve as a way to escape from our existing reality. Too much escapism is a bad thing, but so is too little.

Jim says:

Fiction is known to be fiction. The problem we face is a state religion based on lies, based on empirical claims about this world that are falsifiable and false, based on point deer make horse.

Animus says:

> Fiction is known to be fiction.

What happens if the characters in a story are told they they are characters in a story? Would they react the way you guys are reacting right now?
And what happens if the author gives them the ability to tell their own stories? Would they decline to do so because they NEED the author to tell them what to do?

Jim says:

Your questions are inane and unresponsive. You are defending the postmodern position that we can make up our own society and our own reality, which is manifestly not working.

S says:

Finding out your world is fiction is part of the Myst series (the lost civilization can write books that create new worlds). It pops up in the Justice League episode Legends as well as mainline comics.

Being able to rewrite reality is the plot of Mage: Ascension. It has a bunch of different magic traditions trying to overwrite reality. The strongest is the technocracy which decided that indoor plumbing and not getting eaten by monsters is awesome and managed to get the majority on board to crush everyone else.

Turns out gnosticism only works if it is hidden knowledge- if everyone buys in, it is just another item that gets devoured by social dynamics.

Animus says:

> You are defending the postmodern position that we can make up our own society and our own reality

That is the definition of human progress. We’ve spent thousands of years doing precisely that.
Of course, it doesn’t work if we ignore the underlying reality that we build upon, but I don’t think homosexuality constitutes an existential threat to human civilization in the way that leftism and feminism do. It CAN be dangerous, if it is used as a weapon to exploit people’s sinfulness, but it need not be that way, and it was not like that for millennia.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

That is the definition of human progress.

Your goal is clearly to fling so much shit that we become exhausted from the effort to clean it all up. There is no point in trying to carry on a rational debate with a perverted gnostic entryist.

You talk like a fag, and your shit’s all retarded. Begone shill.

Mossadnik says:

Too much escapism is a bad thing

I see the worms in your digestive tract have crossed the blood-brain barrier and are now nestled and entrenched deep in your cranium.

You previously wrote:

the likely future where we eventually upload our consciousnesses, or collective consciousness, into an artificial universe to experience it the way God is currently experiencing our universe (a universe of His own creation) but on an adjacent layer of reality. Doing this would likely necessitate induced amnesia, breaking cause and effect but only from our perspective within the new reality, not knowing where we came from or what our purpose is. Perhaps our God has the same problem, suspecting but not really being able to prove that He was also created by some ultimate Source. Maybe that’s why we’re here- to become collectively psychotic and forge our own path.

1. None of that s**t is happening.

2. This is the very definition of “too much escapism.”

3. You want to murder all humans, because Satan ejaculated his demon jizz into your bloodstream and gave you spiritual AIDS, which often leads to the biological variety.

You will not, in fact, get to murder all humans.

Faggotry will be biologically abolished, and till then – poofs off roofs. You will only escape this universe by becoming compost.

When you hit the ground it’s like niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeu *crakkkkkk*

Psalm 52:6: “The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him…”

FrankNorman says:

“I see the worms in your digestive tract have crossed the blood-brain barrier and are now nestled and entrenched deep in your cranium.”

That might have happened to him a long time ago, and they are not literally worms, but you might be on the right track: homosexuality is caused by something that can be killed by Ivermectin.

The parasite does not care about human conceptions of right or wrong, it has its own corrupted telos, which is simply to get to infect as many new hosts as possible. But it can use the brain of its host to argue for why it should be allowed to do so.

On this hypothesis it should be possible to kill the poof, but save the human.

Mossadnik says:

If America were not under the satanic priesthood of Harvard, it would be possible to scientifically study the issue and actually find a cure (or preventative measure) for homosexuality.

Tanks – in the yard!

Bix Nudelmann says:

The tables at the school cafeteria and church pews on Sunday morning are the most segregated real estate on earth. When people have a choice, Gnon waves.

So we endure all sorts of poz when we have no choice. On the job, in the neighborhood, etc. But when we have a defensible choice, people avoid it, as revealed by our entertainment choices.

I’m not going out of my way to pay money to see a poz movie or play a poz video game, because I don’t have to. Preferences reveal themselves.

dharmicreality says:

How do you feel about fiction?

Fiction as you call it, doesn’t exist outside of reality or nature’s laws. Even in science fiction and fantasy, the most “imaginary” world created by the most imaginative author is based either respecting existent reality of observable natural law or through a perversion of existing natural law. No genius “created” something out of nothing. And even within the fictional universe, the author has to maintain consistency, otherwise it just plain sucks.

Notice that the best fiction is often that which is based on reality, within the real world, often in real world locations with realistic people, and works in accordance with nature’s laws while fiction depicting a perversion of reality, perversion of nature and inconsistent application of even those rules set by the author often falls flat, ends up being a jumble of inanity and doesn’t inspire anything.

The basis of your entire argument is ridiculous and deserves nothing but contempt.

i says:

Since Space is an extremely harsh environment. And while there is ample resources there needs to be plenty of work to access them. This will likely mean the creation of carrying capacity. And hence the need of economic establishment and other skills especially by men in said environment before marriage as proof of Competence is an optimal way to enable that the Carrying Capacity and Survival skills exists for his family.

This should select for better creation of carrying capacity and survival of offspring. This will likely be similar to the European marriage pattern. This is also by default excludes the second order effects of the historic practices of murdering offspring.

This indicates also that Space is much more K-selective environment. That is designed against the anti-quality post-scarcity environment imagined by Commies enamored by Luxury Socialism. In which fast low quality breeders akin to Bomalians outpace Quality breeders.

This Scarcity which can only be broken by Skill is a significant way to incentivize that said resources are translated into Quality people, services and products.

Mossadnik says:

My message for Eli, Ron, B, and the rest of ya fellow Israelis:

Im kvar, az kvar. 😉

Deca says:

Trump has been getting redpilled by someone, in the area of Founding Fathers type stuff, Taxation is Theft, de-minimus Govt, hard commodity money, tariffs, etc.
He never used to talk about this stuff.
Never used to implement it.
Where is he getting it from?

Jim says:

Trump is getting more red pill than you noticed.

His inauguration speech was based on Cromwell’s address to the long parliament, and he recently Napoleon posted.

He identifies with the Thermidorean leaders of past centuries, the great leaders who put an end to past left singularities. That is the story this blog has been pushing since he came down the escalator.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Assuming that he is in fact getting it from one or more third parties, and hasn’t simply learned himself, it is in our best interests not to discuss in detail any probable or even plausible links between “his” people and “our” people.

Not because it is a “bad look” or anything like that, but because as we’ve seen with Elon Musk, and the kid who got outed at DOGE, they will subsequently be targeted and attacked, and even if the new administration is able to protect them and more committed to doing so, we do not want to bring unnecessary attention and heat onto them.

So let us simply be content to say that Trump spent the last few years boning up on history, and – we hope – has learned from the mistakes of his previous administration and hired a combination of loyalists and competent advisors instead of enemies lying in wait to shank him.

Also, Rod, he hasn’t said “taxation is theft”, and he’s not pushing Libertarianism; this is not ideological at all, it is simply realpolitik, power dynamics. The faith comes later, once it has a void to fill.

The Cominator says:

While Trump being a man of action probably doesn’t read any NRx type stuff himself its well established that Vance, Elon Musk and almost certainly Baron have read Yarvin at least.

Jim says:

Trump’s inauguration speech and Napoleon post implies the analysis in terms of the left singularity and Thermidor. I don’t think Yarvin has been going on about Cromwell, Napoleon, and Stalin.

And that he paraphrases Cromwell and quotes Napoleon indicates that he has done some reading.

Anonymous says:

Neurotoxin said above:

Aside from the fact that this is simply obvious, there are the stats that show that “homosexual” men are MORE likely to sire an out-of-wedlock baby than straight men. And similarly for “lesbians”

This neatly dissolves the recurring question of how humans could have come to evolve homosexual behaviour given the obvious fitness reduction of only wanting to fuck members of your own sex. They don’t want that and never did. The concepts of “homosexual” and “heterosexual” as if they’re symmetrical sexualities, as taught in schools, aren’t natural categories in the first place. That’s the resolution of that question.

Instead there’s sexuality and there’s disordered sexuality, and the latter occurs in various degrees of disorder and dysfunction, some benign and some malignant. The dividing line between benign and malignant is about whether one’s sexual dysfunction drives one to subvert healthier expressions of sexuality.

Neurotoxin says:

“This neatly dissolves the recurring question of how humans could have come to evolve homosexual behaviour given the obvious fitness reduction of only wanting to fuck members of your own sex. They don’t want that and never did.”

This is my current belief.

Aidan says:

Anecdotes I have observed suggest that fags want pussy, most can’t get it, and are sour grapes about it. Faggotry is a sort of mental parasite that latches on to, and eventually consumes, the substrate of normal male sexuality. The behavior of fags resembles the compulsions of self-harm. It does not seem like they are actually enjoying themselves, it seems like they are engaged in a frenzy of self-destruction, and tend to try and destroy everything else they come in contact with too.

Jim says:

Because straight sex has become ever more difficult to accomplish for men, and straight relationships ever more difficult for women, people with disordered or dysfunctional sexual tendencies develop a variety of weird substitutes. In the case of gay and related disorders, this leads to behaviour that systematically undermines and disrupts straight sex and elite cooperation.

We have to seriously crack down on weird substitutes that damage society, and help people with weird, but harmless, substitutes, by making it easier for everyone to live a normal life.

Of course the biggest problem is not gays, but female hypergamy. But females are astonishingly compliant to the social environment, and especially compliant in sexual matters. If authority tells them “go off in private with this man”, off they go. You get problems with hypergamy when trying to accomplish late virgin marriage, whereupon you are going to run into some really serious resistance. Early virgin marriage is going to be a lot easier to accomplish. On the other hand, we notice that societies west of the Hajnal line (late virgin marriage, nuclear families) flourished better than societies east of the Hajnal line, (early virgin marriage, extended families)

i says:


Maybe due to demographics, human preferences and so on in a Monogamous environment like Europe.

The requirement of establishment on the part of Husbands first. Having completed his Apprenticeships and having created adequate carrying capacity for his family. That results in late virgin marriage?

Although according to Grok which I asked according to demographic data for Medieval Europe. What Grok says is that for Artisans in the Cities there is a greater age gap in marriage between Husband and Wife. While in the Rural Areas its more similar and closer.

The current conservative pattern I see is Young Couples marrying either similar or identically aged spouses.

Jim says:

> The requirement of establishment on the part of Husbands first. Having completed his Apprenticeships and having created adequate carrying capacity for his family. That results in late virgin marriage?

Obviously a society that rewards establishment with sex, reproductive opportunity, and someone who will find your slippers for you, is going to get a whole lot more and better establishment done, which would explain the greater success of societies west of the Hajnal line. But it also gets a hellaceous amount of resistance from women.

The variance in the age at which volcanic and disruptive sexual impulses set in is vastly larger for females than males, but the female median and mean age is disruptively early, so what everyone can see, but refuses to see, is a whole lot of alarmingly horny little girls. People have to be allowed to see this and allowed to forcefully restrain it. We are always going to face the problem that societies west of the Hajnal line faced. The solution east of the Hajnal line meant they had a lesser problem, but still a serious and major problem.

We cannot have a reproductively successful society unless we stop girls from doing what they want to do. And stopping them takes some doing. They have startlingly high compliance with authority telling them to have sex with a particular male, low compliance with authority telling them to not have sex.

i says:


True. But does look like said Volcanic impulses are conditional depending on the Man as you have already shown in previous writing. Otherwise there wouldn’t be an issue of women sleeping around existing in conjunction with Dead Bedrooms where Sex in meant to belong. Which is Wedlock.

Otherwise some might ask. If women love sex so much. Why are they loathe to do it with their own Husbands? At least for a portion of Men who married discovered to their chagrin.

Jim says:

> Why are they loathe to do it with their own Husbands?

Failed shit tests. Among those shit tests, the dubcon shit test, which is always going to come up sooner or later. All women are like that. The husbands in question were quite likely hit with the dubcon shit test, and failed it. The bed is cold when you face a dubcon shit test, but the morning after passing a dubcon shit test, the bed is warm.

white bread says:

Agent using the “Animus” nick said

“going further and further until the likely future where we eventually upload our consciousnesses, or collective consciousness, into an artificial universe ”

That’s the kind of insane shit that trannyhumanists like musk and thiel believe isn’t it.

Animus says:

Humans have been immersing themselves in their own fictions for millennia, and gotten better and better at it. Transhumanists have the same problem as trannies and communists- their pride causes them to overestimate their ability to enact their fiction.
They think they are Elon Musk, when they are actually Icarus.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Humans have been immersing themselves in their own fictions for millennia

You really, sincerely do not comprehend the difference between invention and fiction. Incredible.

People who immersed themselves in their own fictions over the past few millennia ended up in the loony bin, or just starving on the street.

Animus says:

How do you feel about novels, film, and video games? Is it okay to ignore the real world for a couple hours, or does that make Gnon angry?

Mossadnik says:

What a drooling ‘tardo.

They all are in the real world, subject to the laws of the real world, established by God.

Mossadnik says:

You can’t escape from this world to the “realm of ideas” since that realm is in this world too – it’s in your brain, y’know, next to the worms from the digestive system. You can fantasize about something (presumably something gay), but once the bullet hits and your brain is splattered all over, UH OH GAME OVER NO MORE IMAGINATION.

Because it’s all in this world.

Jim says:

> or does that make Gnon angry?

You are being deliberately stupid.

Animus says:

> They all are in the real world, subject to the laws of the real world, established by God.
> You can’t escape from this world to the “realm of ideas” since that realm is in this world too

The same would apply to a simulation. There is no fundamental distinction. So what’s the problem?
You can say “well, we know that there is a reality beyond fiction” but humanity’s need for religion seems to indicate that we think the same thing about our universe. Why do Christians seek salvation from this world? Why do Buddhists want to detach themselves from it?

Mossadnik says:

The same would apply to a simulation.

If you believe in that bulls**t, by all means kill yourself for the simulation. (Also, KYS anyway.)

Leave normal humans out of your murder-suicide faggot fantasies.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

The same would apply to a simulation. There is no fundamental distinction.

We’ve been over this already, and your tendency toward rapid-fire, disposable arguments and subsequently circling back to original, already-refuted arguments is diagnostic of a shill.

The reactionary criticism of the Simulation Hypothesis is not that it is implausible, or illogical; it is that it is redundant, unnecessary and tautological. It does not explain anything that more parsimonious theories can’t already explain. All it does it add new, unfalsifiable elements to serve as back doors for the Gnostic heresy.

I can make the claim that gravity is actually the result of invisible and (to our current instruments) undetectable gravity fairies that attach themselves to heavy objects and pull them toward each other; the heavier the object, the more fairies it attracts. This has logical consistency, and certainly could explain gravity, but everyone with an IQ above room temperature is going to agree that it’s plumb stupid.

Simulation Hypotheses claim “credibility” predicated on the logic that if we could create such simulations, we will, and therefore the most likely explanation is that we are already in one. This is pseudoscience. The probability of this occurring can be literally any value including zero, and zero times infinity is zero. Assuming it is above zero is, like so many of your own “arguments”, a form of sneaking the conclusion into the premises. Even if it is a possible event in theory, there may be practical reasons why it cannot occur, e.g. it gets banned, requires more energy than we can produce, or civilization collapses before it can be achieved.

The same logic form is used in the “precautionary principle”, and can be used to justify any unfalsifiable hypothesis. If there’s any chance we’re doing minuscule harm to Gaia, then over time the damage will be irreparable and we must focus all resources into preventing said harm. If aliens exist and can visit, then they must have visited already and abduction stories must be true. If time travel can be invented in the future, it eventually will be, therefore the world must be full of time-travelers influencing our timeline. Any outrageous claim can be “proven” using this kind of logic, including multiple claims that are mutually contradictory.

There’s exactly one way to test the simulation hypothesis: kill yourself, and see if you wake up or respawn from an old save point. Well, what are you waiting for? I certainly have no objection.

Why do Christians seek salvation from this world? Why do Buddhists want to detach themselves from it?

Your questions are disingenuous and have nothing to do with Gnosticism in any of its forms.

Animus says:

> kill yourself
Ooo, Daddy is a scary toughguy on the internet!
It would be kind of cute, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Even if I knew that this was a simulation (which I don’t), I’ve still got unfinished business down here. Even if you know that you can stop playing Minecraft and go back to real life, that doesn’t mean you want to.
The problem is that many people think simulation means “electricity and silicon” whereas I use it to mean “any fiction that can be reified”. The way I see it, there is nothing in the book of Genesis or most other creation myths that contradicts the simulation hypothesis, and it need not be some kind of secular parody of religion.

Mossadnik says:

First, you should indeed kill yourself, faggot.

Furthermore, the point was that there is no escape from this reality into any “simulation.” It’s not happening. And if you want to try (i.e., to die), leave other humans out of it.

But you can’t just leave humanity alone, Satan, which is why you will have to be physically removed, and you will be. This is the Will of God.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

there is nothing in the book of Genesis or most other creation myths that contradicts the simulation hypothesis

Unresponsive yet again. That is not the argument that anyone made, nor anything about “electricity and silicon”.

Even if you know that you can stop playing Minecraft and go back to real life, that doesn’t mean you want to.

Lame excuse. “I can quit crack any time I want, I just don’t want to.” You clearly do not even believe your own words.

Jim says:

When one attempts to use large language models to do actual useful work, they spectacularly and thoroughly fail the Turing test. So uploading is currently far beyond current technology, with no plausible path to get there.

For more than twenty years, we have had the complete wiring diagram of the brain of Caenorhabditis elegans, with three hundred nerve cells with seven thousand connections, each brain exactly the same, and each worm behaving in the exact same way. And for twenty years we have been trying to upload that worm, with precisely zero success.

The retina of the eye is an exposed surface of the brain, with a reasonably simple wiring diagram repeated over and over, which does preliminary data compression and feature extraction. And again, we have been trying to model it for decades, with total lack of success, though this is a vastly simpler problem than the worm.

Possibly consciousness is magical, the breath of God in every cell of every living creature, possibly it involves new physics we do not understand, something special and mysterious about the collapse of the wave function (people have noticed a lot of odd things about quantum mechanical processes in living creatures, which are currently difficult to understand, let alone explain). Possibly it is something simple and obvious that we are missing, but which will in retrospect seem obvious once someone figures it out, like the Wright brothers realising that a flying machine needs three axis control.

Karl says:

When one attempts to use large language models to do actual useful work, they spectacularly and thoroughly fail the Turing test.

Many people are too dumb to do actual useful work with a keyboard, but a chatbot and a dumb person fail differently. The chatbot has a different sort of stupidity.

Basil says:

There will be no significant increase in the birth rate in Afghanistan because Afghanistan has done nothing about TikTok. Villages girls are now taught to be whores via the Internet. Even the Taliban underestimate the threats of modern times.

I am terribly demoralized.

Jim says:

Really? My understanding is that are breeding like flies.

There is no accurate data on the birth rate that I know of, but tourist videos show boys everywhere. It seems like a very young population that is rapidly getting younger. There are boys in the streets, and when a female tourist interviews a female in her family, she has boys up to the wazoo.

The girls can watch TikToc videos, but they cannot meet nonkin males in person, until a nonkin male shows up to talk to dad about marriage.

Little girls are going to fuck unless prevented regardless of TikTok, and if they fuck, going to hypergamy, and if they hypergamy, reproduction will fail.

Conversely, if prevented from fucking until authority tells them “fuck this man”, they will fuck that man, and hypergamy will be rendered comparatively innocuous, TikToc or no TikTok.

Basil says:

Afghanistan is still good, very good and very young compared to everything else, but I see a seed of decline planted. When these girls grow up, they will compare their real husbands to the images they have seen on TikTok all this time, which will affect the dynamics of the marriage.

I see this as a symptom of softening morals. Afghans are ready to accept TikTok, although TikTok does not make their women better wives and mothers, which means they will be ready to accept other “innovations” when the time comes.

Jim says:

> the images they have seen on TikTok all this time, which will affect the dynamics of the marriage.

Women are startlingly obedient, if obedience gets them nailed. If obedience gets them nailed, and hypergamy gets them killed, they will comply, TikTok or no Tiktoc.

Viagra will do a lot more to sustain female good conduct in Afghanistan, than Tiktok will do to undermine it.

Mossadnik says:

When these girls grow up, they will compare their real husbands to the images they have seen on TikTok all this time, which will affect the dynamics of the marriage.

Super duper mega obvious solution: girls should not have smart phones.

When everyone has a smart phone, all humans in the world can communicate with one another, which means that girls are exposed to an INFINITY of literal and metaphorical dicks. Which is not all that conducive to maintaining a patriarchal family structure.

Haredim aren’t too keen on cellphones, and perhaps, at least when it comes to girls, they should be emulated.

Jim says:

> which means that girls are exposed to an INFINITY of literal and metaphorical dicks. Which is not all that conducive to maintaining a patriarchal family structure.

This is true, but as an incel, you are underestimating the truly remarkable female capacity for compliance, if compliance gets them regularly railed. The ancestral environment of successful reproduction was one where they were required to have sex, and they tend to wind up viewing the male with whom they are required to have sex as alpha enough. They are very comfortable in an environment that resembles the ancestral environment of successful reproduction. Notice the great popularity of dubcon in female porn. They will shit test him on it, and if he passes, alpha. A test that the infinity of Tiktoc dicks cannot pass.

Jehu says:

If you have sex with him whenever he dictates, he is by definition higher status than you, which satisfies the Deep Magic of Hypergamy. Artificially raising the status of women through governmental resource transfers to unmarried women is a great blasphemy against God.

Alf says:

My wife, like most women I presume, is on social media.

She once showed me this account of a buff tatted woodcutter guy who split wood in an overly sexual way. Something she’ll share with her friends for fun. But it’s not something I feel intimidated by — the guy on the screen can’t pass shit-tests, he’s a distant 2D figure, contrast to me.

I do dislike social media, not because of the possibilities of hypergamy, but because there’s just a lot of slop on it. Influencer crap and whatnot. Whenever I get angry about it she’ll try and accomodate by reading books instead, but of course most contemporary books are woke so it’s tough satisfying me.

Anonymous Fake says:

New idea. What if all the leftists asking for a “universal basic income” were USAID zombies the entire time who started to feel sentience, and thus guilt? Being paid to be worthless is an improvement on being paid to be worse than worthless.

And if the entire left ecosystem gets kill shotted, and the “free market” capitalists don’t provide them with good paying jobs that can support families, then what? What if a dole and more free time for the mating dance turns out to be the right thing to do?

Jim says:

> And if the entire left ecosystem gets kill shotted, and the “free market” capitalists don’t provide them with good paying jobs that can support families, then what?

They are already incapable of having families, even with great sinecures. To the extent that they have families, their families are already broken and hostile. So no problem. They can sleep on a floormat in Scott’s commune.

Encelad says:

Off Topic.
“Scott” is that Jewish psychiatrist of Slate Star Codex?
He seems to have a very high IQ, how in the hell a respected professional ended up doing “polyamory”, which I guess consists in being an eunuch slave in some dominant male’s harem?
He is a leftist, ok… He has forsaken God, ok .. but still ..

Mossadnik says:

The problem with all of these kikes is that they haven’t received a Soviet-style discipline in their childhoods. Scott should have had the sissy bullied out of him when he was young. That didn’t happen so he grew up into Gnosticism.

“REALITY IS REAL!” *slaaaaaaaap*

Dear Jim, dear gentlemen,

I am sad to report Yarvin is less relevant now than even a normie like Paul Graham. PG proposed the equation that wokeness = progressive ideology + prigs. Yarvin replied that every ideology has prigs, so this does not matter, only progressive ideology does. This is in a very technical and literal sense true, but not true in practice. Some ideologies have more prigs, some less.

And this is a prime example why priests like Yarvin and myself must not have any real power! Any warrior type would know this is false, by instinct!

Briefly, prigs are people who are fanatical about enforcing ant-hill-like conformity.

Any ideology that respects strong, masculine men, knows they are kind of headstrong, independent, and cannot be 100% controlled. This does not only mean right-wing ideology! 1970’s Che Guevara worshipping leftists wanted strong, masculine rebels to overthrow the system. This is why that version of leftism was… romantic. That is why that man ended up on t-shirts.

Masculinity is inherently intertwined with some amount of individualism, maybe that is why niggers call a masculine man sometimes a “cat”, because cats are difficult to herd?

You see, this is why I am not 100% sure what the concept of the alpha male means or whether I am one or not. I am not muscular and I do not act like a criminal to women. But when I park the car and she asks me “Is it allowed to park here?” I reply “Sure, for me. I have a special permit, issued by myself.” That’s just how I think.

This is not to mean that to be masculine, one has to be undisciplined, quite the contrary. But one has to invest the discipline capital into things that actually matter… ignoring the rest. Every masculine man has a bit of a rebel inside him.

(This is why I don’t even argue when Mossadnik or even Jim equates Catholicism with demon worship. Well, given that the current Vatican guys obviously couped Benedict, I can imagine they are capable of any sin. I also agree priestly celibacy is a heresy and one that keeps technology and economic development back: these celibate guys think money is just dirty.

Yet I know better – one does not have to be a Vatican-slave, an Ultra-Montanist, one can be like the Gallican priests who were more loyal to the King, than to the Pope. I am something like that – as a Hungarian nationalist, loyal to King Saint Stephen, I have no other choice but to say Unam friggin’ Sanctam, period. Same for Polish or Italian nationalists. But I do not expect Protestants and Jews to understand this. We can agree to disagree. )

(by celibate, I mean gay. Why would a normal man choose celibacy? I know a man who gave up a well paid bank software dev job to be a lay Catholic theology teacher for little money. He is married with seven kids. He never ever even considered celibate priesthood. )

(I believe warrior-kings do not really care that much about the details of theology and liturgy. So it is okay for priests to follow the Pope on that, while following the King on more, hmmm, political-practical matters. That is what my Gallican-styled Catholicism would be like. )

Mossadnik says:

I believe warrior-kings do not really care that much about the details of theology and liturgy. So it is okay for priests to follow the Pope on that

Every member of the Lavender Mafia goes

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeu *krikkkk*

Mossadnik says:

What do you think total de-sodomization (indispensable) will look like? Vibes? Essays?

Society is either sodomized, or de-sodomized.

To de-sodomize society, will have to launch the Lavenders — all of them, regardless of rank — “like a catapult” into the rocks. If they are angels, let God give them wings to fly. Otherwise, let them be swallowed up by Satan’s yawning rectum, whence they’ve all emerged.

Every. Single. One.

Mossadnik says:

“Shaman, this is too much,” you may think.

No, what is “too much” is that your society has absolutely abysmal TFR and the Lavenders meanwhile are hard at work displacing the indigenous and aging European population with an infinity of NIGGERS from the heart of Africa, because all those military-age nigs are Catholic and waycisssm is… le bad… I’ve had enough of this crap. Looks like I’m more serious about your GOYIM restoration than you are.

You do not de-sodomize society with vibes and essays. Forget Chud Jesus; you need ‘Ars Jesus.


Jim says:

At the time of the Mongol invasions, Europe completely failed to mount a united defence against the common threat, in large part because of power struggles between the Pope and warrior kings, So it is not OK for priests to follow the pope, because the Pope’s theology was basically coveting that which was Caesar’s.

Jim says:

In the conflict between the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire preceding the Mongol invasions, Poland and Hungary backed the Pope. During the Mongol invasions, the Holy Roman Empire declined to back Poland and Hungary, because pissed with them about the conflict with the Pope, and the Pope declined to back Poland and Hungary, because too busy overthrowing other Kingdoms.

Right now today, the Global American Empire is trying to overthrow Hungary, and the Papacy is also trying to overthrow Hungary. Nothing has changed. There is a chronic conflict between nationalism and papism.

Jim says:

Tradcaths say “We have had bad Popes before”. Yes, you have had bad popes and worse popes, and then even worse popes. It has been downhill since the eleventh century. Ever more heretical, ever less Christian. Papal infallibility came in 1870. What Pope has been as bad as your current Pope?

The Cominator says:

Orban is a Calvinist as is Bolsonarno…

TheDividualist says:


Orbán is simply a shopkeeper placeholder until the real King comes.

The Cominator says:

The real king should be a Calvinist too. Hungary was Calvinist before the Jesuitical genocidal 30 years war.

Mossadnik says:

I am something like that – as a Hungarian nationalist, loyal to King Saint Stephen, I have no other choice but to say Unam friggin’ Sanctam, period. Same for Polish or Italian nationalists. But I do not expect Protestants and Jews to understand this. We can agree to disagree. )

Similarly, we are a nation at war, and if I (a heavily tattooed stoner) were to approach random people on the Tayelet, introduce myself as “objectively the redeemer,” and tell them that the correct religion is not Orthodox Judaism but Protestant (Jimian) Christianity – I’d probably get institutionalized, not before receiving some truly nasty looks.

And yet – it is Jimian Christianity. Or at least – the Jimian ideas will have to be copied by whatever Trad-Cath faith you wish to establish. Which will require some heavy theological lifting.

Dude, the TFR in Hungary is 1.52. Your median age is about 43. And both statistics only get worse.

You are lying on your deathbed right now, with the Angel of Death hovering above you. Forget theology. Wake up!

TheDividualist says:

We are on the deathbed and we must change. 100 percent agreement on that , it requires a govt to the right of Orbán. This does not seem possible now.

Jim says:

> I have no other choice but to say Unam friggin’ Sanctam, period. Same for Polish or Italian nationalists.

During the Mongol invasions, this turned out to be an unwise position.

The Cominator says:

And turned out to be very unwise for Franco to lean so strongly on Papism as well.

Alf says:

The one thing that still gets me about roman catholicism is the tfr, especially 19th century / early 20th century. Napkin math shows protestant families about 3-5 children, catholic families 5-8. Doesn’t that make the catholics more gnon-compliant?

Mossadnik says:

That’s why I’m about to become an ultra-super-duper Hassidic Jew any moment now: with a TFR of 12 per kosher cunt, clearly God’s chosen religion is fringe Hassidism. Oy!

Naaaaaaah. That’s an important metric for judging Gnon-compliace, but it’s certainly not the only one.

Jim says:

From 1830 onwards, Anglicanism was Socinian, which is post Christian. Roman Catholicism remained Christian to Vatican two.

So during that period, from 1830 to Vatican two, Roman Catholicism was more gnon compliant.

Mossadnik says:

I believe it’s probably the combination of TFR and scientific-technological advancement that makes for true Gnon-compliance. If you have one, but not the other, it’s kinda problematic. Point is, TFR is a valuable criterion; but there are some others. (Maybe a list of criteria should be enumerated.) Or else you just choose the most fertile religion, even if it’s some oogin’-boogin’ voodoo tribe of Afriniggers. Yeah, I don’t think so.

FrankNorman says:

“The one thing that still gets me about roman catholicism is the tfr, especially 19th century / early 20th century. Napkin math shows protestant families about 3-5 children, catholic families 5-8. Doesn’t that make the catholics more gnon-compliant?”

If you don’t mind the periodic Malthusian mass culling due to crop failure or the like…

Mayflower Sperg says:

The most Gnon-compliant region of the world today is the Central Asian ‘Stans, where Islam keeps women in line and secret-police states keep Islam in line. Imams have a state-issued list of approved topics for their Friday sermons, and “How our government could be more Islamic” is not one of them.

Jim says:

> The most Gnon-compliant region of the world today is the Central Asian ‘Stans, where Islam keeps women in line and secret-police states keep Islam in line.

And this was Anglican Christianity from 1662 (when the Book of Common prayer was re-issued) to sometime around 1800.

With the huge difference that the Anglican interpretation of the Logos directly supported science, and thus indirectly supported technology and industrialisation, while the standard official faith of the stans is fundamentally hostile to science.

Most versions of Protestantism were more Logos centric than Orthodox or Roman Catholicism, hence the superior tech performance of Protestant countries, and Anglicanism from 1662 to about 1800 was the most Logos centric of all them.

As for women, Anglican Coverture was white Sharia. It was a better system, and in many ways harsher, than than the excellent system currently implemented in Afghanistan.

In 1662 the Book of Common Prayer was re-issued. It contained a list of approved sermons, which functioned as a wisdom book, analogous to the Book of Proverbs, Mao’s little Red Book, and all the other similar official books on good conduct, and also told pastors what they were allowed to sermon about.

Sporadic Commenter says:

> 1970’s Che Guevara worshipping leftists wanted strong, masculine rebels to overthrow the system.
> This is why that version of leftism was… romantic. That is why that man ended up on t-shirts.

Che was not masculine in particular. He was a nerd intellectual medical student LARPing as a macho soldier, to the point of eventually getting killed in a firefight. The T shirts extol the LARP image he liked to project.

Leftism is, to use their word, a bourgeois movement that attracts the nerdy (and of course priestly) Nice Boys, such as Pol Pot and his fellow French lycee KR’s, many of whom then liked to LARP as tough guys. It’s easier being a tough guy such as Che or Lon Nol when that means mowing down prisoners with an AK 47. It was also much easier in some places than others to be a soldier in the countryside.

Calvin says:

You could call men like Stalin many things, but unmasculine isn’t one of them. Many leftists have fought and won brutal civil wars.

Sporadic Commenter says:

Nobody said Stalin lacked in manliness or that every single leftist without exception is lacking in it.

Looking at the single most brutal Top Leader is not a random sample of what leftist leaders tend to be like. Che (and Pol Pot’s crew) are closer to the standard mold that I described, as are most of the Russian revolutionaries.

Fidelis says:

eventually getting killed in a firefight

Credit where credit is due, this is a sign he was indeed a warrior and not a LARPer. Zelly of the borderland is a coward LARPing as a warrior leader, and I would be very very surprised to hear he died in battle.

Mossadnik says:


Limited Hangout.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I am sad to report Yarvin is less relevant now than even a normie like Paul Graham. PG proposed the equation that wokeness = progressive ideology + prigs. Yarvin replied that every ideology has prigs, so this does not matter, only progressive ideology does.

They’re both namefags, but your interpretation of their arguments is almost the complete inversion of their actual arguments. Yarvin is clearly in the right here.

Paul Graham’s position is the incoherent Thermidorean position: Progressivism is fine, Progressivism is great and moral, it’s only Woke that’s a problem and we wouldn’t have Woke if only Progressives could learn to live with unprincipled exceptions again instead of insisting on strict adherence to the principles. It makes no sense and is unworkable in the long term.

Yarvin says, correctly, that “prigs” always exist, or to cast it more accurately in the red pill frame, “prig” is just a negative label for “woman”, women being always and everywhere the most vocal and enthusiastic enforcers of social conformity. We need women to enforce social conformity, especially on other women. Wokeness is a reflection of what is being enforced; the enforcers are enforcing a demonically evil ideology.

When women call shame to sluts and whores, and immodest women in general, that’s “priggish” and is also prosocial behavior. Despite being unable to speak the whole truth, Yarvin speaks at least part of the truth while Graham is way out in left field, puttering around for an explanation that sounds logical but absolves him of any responsibility.

The Cominator says:

Women shouldn’t have the power to enforce anything even on each other in most cases. Social conformity should be enforced very very lightly except in cases where faggotry or effeminancy of any kind shows and then it should be enforced brutally and mercilessly (bulldike and feminist/shrewish behavior mercilessly crushed as well. Non dykey Tomboydom should be tolerated fine though).

Yarvin is right in this case and has been doing great lately in contrast to the way he disgraced himself during covid (he did say in one interview he was bearish and talking his book to a degree).

The Cominator says:

“When women call shame to sluts and whores, and immodest women in general, that’s “priggish” and is also prosocial behavior. ”
Also not really. Prosocial behavior would be women with long term boyfriends and husband’s bullying single women and calling single women sluts and whores. The problem with a single woman is that she is single.

When women attack sluts and whores they want to keep more women single by keeping other women from either settling or selling it cheap. This is bad for men both ways so not prosocial behavior.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

I never used the word “single” anywhere, that was something you read into it for some reason. In a patriarchy there are no single fertile-age women, nor “boyfriends” long-term or otherwise.

There is no contradiction between women honoring and obeying their husbands and women helping to enforce social norms. The dynamic is not present in whoring but it is very much present in the husband and wife relationship. A good wife doesn’t just sleep or watch Netflix all day, she is going to be out shopping, or walking the dogs, or tending the garden, or taking the children out to some errand or sport, while the husband works.

These are social activities, and as such involve social influencing – far subtler than male supervision, and certainly nothing I’d call “power”, but still relevant to how society operates. Married women are going to be out in public sometimes, they are going to get together, and in a healthy society it’s that very “priggishness” that makes the get-together a book club or ballet recital instead of margaritas and miniskirts.

No one is talking about actually putting women in charge of any of this, because when you put them in charge, you get Eat Pray Slut; but even in a patriarchy, they are the ones who grease the gears, and they are whom Paul Graham is complaining about. Men must set the standards and lead their wives, but they expect that at the level underneath that, the wives will help to support and correct each other.

You wouldn’t want your wife hanging out with tatted whores or feminists, would you? You want her circle of friends to be “proper” girls who don’t go in for that sort of thing, or at least are sufficiently afraid of/trained by their own husbands to make a public show of not going in for that sort of thing. AKA “prigs”.

The Cominator says:

1. Definitely not feminists and feminists tend to be prigs. Do not really see anything positive about priggishness. Women being priggish in a way a husband doesn’t like should have it beaten out of them by their husband. Women who bully other behaviors in women I hate (being fat, humorlessness, leftism etc) tend not to be priggish.
2. We will restore the idea that tats are bad and probably make giving them to women illegal without written permission from her husband however not much we can do about women right now who almost all have them.
3. We would have virtually zero single women ideally yes.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Whatever, all this goes to show that “prig” isn’t a useful anchor for analysis or debate. It’s almost an anti-concept, lumping together a bunch of disparate behaviors and being used to mean “anyone who cares too much about rules and conventions that I don’t think are very important”. You can’t stake any coherent argument on that.

The dictionary definitions can’t even stay consistent on whether a prig is someone who merely observes specific conventions or someone who insists that others do. And as for the conventions themselves, are we talking about formal etiquette like screeching over someone using the wrong fork at the dinner table or reasonable offense at disgusting behaviors like nose picking or spitting in public? Is it virtue signaling, or language or tone policing? Is it refusing to shake hands before a meeting because something something covid… or is it insisting on that handshake, after the other party has clearly declined? Are prigs supposed to be inherently hypocritical, not being virtuous themselves or even following their own rules, or do they just hold everyone including themselves to unreasonably high standards?

It’s a term that can mean almost anything, in any situation. I don’t care about “prigs”. I care about feminists, Karens, white knights, progressives, fags, niggers and other entities who disrupt the social order. We need to just name the things and the people that are causing problems and stop retreating behind Scott Alexanderisms.

(I’m coining the term “Scott Alexanderisms” now, because we need a good shorthand for those long, tedious and incoherent essays that try to criticize the worst excesses of leftism and leftist behavior while still accepting every single one of their underlying moral claims and hiding behind gender-neutral, race-neutral and politically-neutral euphemisms that obscure the real issue. And to my mind, Scott was always the king of those. If anyone can think of a better shorthand, please chip in.)

The Cominator says:

A priggish woman (it seems they are consistently defined as self righteous) is very very similar to what we could call a Karen. No I don’t see anything positive about women generally displaying Karenish behavior… women who display such behavior should have it beaten out of them.

Mossadnik says:

Hosea 6:

2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

2 Peter 3:

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Revelation 22:

12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

By the way, can helicopters and drones and all that flying war stuff be a good substitute for “trillion gazillion angels”? I happen to think so.

But this is all, of course, just good-natured humor.


Mossadnik says:

Jim, this thread is starting to smell like feces.

An intransigent turd refuses to get flushed.

Then again, he gave Jimianity some opportunity to refine itself. But, having established Total Sodomite Death (hmmm, a familiar idea), perhaps it’s time to make sure it finally drowns.

It is unpleasant to talk every day about faggotry and with a faggot.

It’s objectively disgusting; it is disgusting to anyone whose disgust reflex actually works.

Just my opinion.

Animus says:

We’ve established that you hate gays because you were molested. Not so different from a “rape survivor” radical feminist, are you?

Mossadnik says:

Dude… I’m shaman the shitpoaster. I’m just good at observing things. Emotional trauma is not a consideration. I oven-joke every day. But, actually, the line I wrote was a trick (I like being sly and innocent at once!) – I had sought to draw out the responses it did, to demonstrate a point; namely, that you are satanic, and will not address the point I actually made, but rather brag about the fact that in the Current Year gay men can sexually harass straight men and one is not allowed, as is natural and obvious and historically precedented, to kill them for it.

Thanks for playing; now go KYS.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Faggots, not “gays”.

You can’t actually say the words “fag”, “faggot” or “sodomy” or even “homo”, can you? Because those are bad words, and might puncture your socially-constructed simulated reality and imply that faggots are bad people. Went out of your way to say “nigger” a few times to sound like one of us, but the poofters are sacred to you.

How predictable that this ended up at “wah wah homophobe”. So much for being able to keep it out of the public sphere.

Animus says:

I said “sodomy” a few hours ago. Fags rape kids. Better?

Animus says:

Here’s my shill test for the both of you:
What are your thoughts on the Samson 0ption?

Mossadnik says:

You are not in a position to issue any shill tests.

But to answer the question: 1. Not sure that Israel’s nukes actually work; 2. Obviously “destroying the whole world” is not a good idea. Hence, those who seek (or are biologically/phenotypically inclined) to destroy the whole world need to be removed from the world.

Get it?

FrankNorman says:

>What are your thoughts on the Samson 0ption?

Which version of it?
The scenario where if Israel were being overwhelmed in conventional war by its Arab neighbors – most likely Syria and Egypt, it would nuke Cairo and Damascus?

Or the scenario in which Israel were losing against Egypt and Syria, and chose to launch nukes against the capitals of European countries: Rome, Paris, Berlin, Zurich, etc etc “because we die, you all die!”?

The first one is simply what having a nuclear deterrent is all about. Not too different from the nuclear doctrines of France or Russia. “We want to survive, so we will make any attempt to exterminate us waaaay too costly for you”.

The second one, on the other hand? Stupid and evil, a policy of national suicide.

Aidan says:

If I were president, and I told Israel to deal with its own problems without US support, and their PM even so much as breathed the word Samson, I would turn Israel to glass with my own nukes without warning, the very next day. If there is even a 1% chance that a threat of a first strike is serious, it would be my duty as head of state to carry out a first strike against the one making such threats.

Mossadnik says:

How would you respond if our PM so much as breathed the word “Temple”?

Jim says:

The Temple is a huge problem for Jews, because a whole lot of the Talmudic workarounds rely on the Temple being unavailable. Obviously you need to end the symbolic exile by snatching the temple back, but then you are like the dog that caught the car. I don’t think you can do it until you remake your religion into something healthier.

The function of a temple, in the sense of any generic temple of any religion, is priestly organisation. And they then generate religious duties around the temple to get the laity to show up, fund the priesthood, and listen to the official consensus on good conduct as pronounced by the official priesthood.

The temple rituals were in decay, because the Sadducees did not take their religion seriously, and focused excessively on the fund raising side, hence the outrage of Jesus about money changer tables in the temple, and because Israel had been under priest Kings for quite a while, and then under the rule of obviously illegitimate Kings. Illegitimate King, cynical priesthood.

And so you have a mountain of hypocrisy, nonsense, and cow manure about temple practices, which can be conveniently ignored. Until you snatch the temple back, and then it all becomes an issue.

The priests like sacrifice, because they got to eat the sacrifice, and so held onto sacrifice longer than they should have. But then came the money economy, and money changers in the temple, and all that, so back when you had a temple, you had a mountain of hypocrisy and nonsense.

Verbally pronouncing the official consensus on right conduct became less important, and perhaps peripheral, with the rise of literacy. What we got instead was Kingly wisdom books — the Book of Proverbs, Mao’s little red book, the sermons of the Book of Common Prayer, and so on and so forth.

It is obvious that the priestly bureaucracy played a large role in composing the Book of Proverbs, but we can see in the first part of the Book of Proverbs the will and voice of one powerful man, presumably Solomon himself, though some of it sounds distinctly Davidian — presumably Solomon was heavily influenced by his dad. It also appears that the Book of Proverbs immediately became holy enough that the priesthood and subsequent Kings issued added material, rather than revisions.

What I am saying is that any scenario where you seize the temple, you are going to have to think about what to do with it. You are going to have to re-invent the function of the temple. Reinstituting a pile of very old cow manure is not going to work. The Jews are stuck in a religious bind. They need the temple, they want the temple, and they do not want the temple. You want the temple, but you do not want to reactivate an enormous load of cow manure created by generation after generation of long forgotten cynical and corrupt priests. Also priest Kings are a problem, since one of the primary jobs of a King, perhaps the primary job, is hurting people and breaking their toys, so if the King is also the high priest, or, as with the Papal states, the high priest is the King, this is apt to corrupt the religion, as with the mountain of Papal heresies that the Popes introduced ad hoc to address the war or political crisis of the day.

Mossadnik says:

(You don’t actually have to answer that question. In the beginning was the Troll…)

Mossadnik says:

I am… le God… trolololololololo


Mossadnik says:

If I really wanted to make some poor innocents question their sanity, I’d probably add:

“I’m not locked up in here with you. You are locked up in here with me.”

But that might be “going too far.”

Mossadnik says:

Some food-for-thought from Theodor Herzl’s Altneuland:

And all that time Judaism had sunk lower and lower. It was an “elend” in the full sense of the old German word that had meant “out-land,”-the limbo of the banished. Whoever was “elend” was unfortunate; and whoever was an unfortunate sought for himself a nook in “elend.” The Jews had thus fallen always lower, as much by their own fault as by the fault of others. Elend… Golus…Ghetto. Words in different languages for the same thing. Being despised, and finally despising yourself.

And out of those depths they had raised themselves. Jews looked different now simply because they were no longer ashamed of being Jews. It was not only beggars and derelicts and relief applicants who professed Judaism in a suspiciously one-sided solidarity. No! The strong, the free, the successful Jews had returned home, and received more than they gave. Other nations were still grateful to them when they produced some great thing; but the Jewish people asked nothing of its sons except not to be denied. The world is grateful to every great man when he brings it something; only the paternal home thanks the son who brings nothing but himself.

Suddenly, as Friedrich listened to the music and meditated on the thoughts it inspired, the significance of the Temple flashed upon him. In the days of King Soloman, it had been a gorgeous symbol, adorned with gold and precious stones, attesting to the might and the pride of Israel. In the taste of those days, it had been decorated with costly bronze, and paneled with olive, cedar, and cypress,-a joy to the eye of the beholder. Yet, however splendid it might have been, the Jew could not have grieved for it eighteen centuries long. They could not have mourned merely for ruined masonry; that would have been too silly. No, they sighed for an invisible something of which the stones had been a symbol. It had come back to rest in the rebuilt Temple, where stood the home returning sons of Israel who lifted up their souls to the invisible God as their fathers had done upon Mount Moriah.

The words of Solomon glowed with a new vitality:

“The Lord hath said that he would dwell in

the thick darkness. I have surely built

Thee a house of habitation,

A place for Thee to dwell in forever.”

Jews had prayed in many temples, splendid and simple, in all the languages of the Diaspora. The invisible God, the Omnipresent, must have been equally near to them everywhere. Yet only here was the true Temple. Why?

Because only here had the Jews built up a free commonwealth in which they could strive for the loftiest human aims. They had had their own communities in the Ghettoes, to be sure; but there they lived under oppression. In the Judengasse, they had been without honor and without rights; and when they left it, they ceased to be Jews. Freedom and a sense of solidarity were both needed. Only then could the Jews erect a House to the Almighty God Whom children envision thus and wise men so, but who is everywhere present as the Will-to-Good.

Friedrich watched the dignified, clear-eyed people exchanging Sabbath greetings as they left the great house of worship. He turned to David. “You were right-up there on The Mount of Olives-when you told me the name of this place. It is the Temple indeed!”

Some say Herzl was a Prophet, too.

However, the Temple he envisioned was not exactly Talmudic. But history works in mysterious ways.

Freddo Frog says:
Jim says:

I was not aware of this.

I will have to look into this further.

My first impression is that it is just a regular blockchain using snarks for compression. The “Block-producing nodes” see all and verify all. That it is just a technology demonstration, rather than the real thing.

Which is still an enormous advance — it implements recursive snarks, which is what we need to all manner of magical and wonderful capabilities – a blockchain with inherent privacy that could scale to trillions of transactions per second, but it looks to me, and I will have to dig in further, that the “block producing nodes” do not scale. As for the privacy they provide, will have to look into that. It claims to implement technologies that can do wonderful things, but it is not immediately apparent to me that it is using it to do wonderful things, is accomplishing the purposes for which we want that technology.

It says it does wonderful things. I think it is a technology demonstration of a technology that can do wonderful things. That it is an important step towards actually doing those things.

Jim says:

I find the fact that Mina allows you to build a snark in typescript profoundly suspicious.

A Zksnark proving engine does not map all that well to a turing machine. It has to be programmed in a special language, because its native operations are in integers modulo a very large prime, and it does not natively have division operatos, comparison operators, conditional execution, or loops.. Mapping a program in an ordinary programming language to a snark program requires some fairly advanced mathematical and cryptographic skills. It makes programming in assembly look easy.

Take a look at how you program the snark engine the proof systems that are actually in privacy currencies that are actually used. It is major weird.

I suspect Mina is just not doing what it purports to be doing, because you just cannot do that. Those programs are *not* being executed inside a snark nor verified in a snark. There is no way you can compile an arbitrary javascript program into a snark proof generator or a snark verifier.

A snark proof is equivalent to a “non deterministic turing machine”. Which is rather far from being a turing machine.

Looks like yet another cryptocurrency scam, of which we have seen a great number.

That they are using Javascript indicates that they are just lying. It is a centralised system pretending to be a distributed system, and your javascript is being executed on their node.js server, not a snark proof engine. The reason the blockchain is so small is that it merely contains keys for the database engine on their server.

Fidelis says:

I thought they constructed the state they’re proving such that it becomes a sort of virtual Von Neumann machine. The memory is limited and declared when building the VM. So at each point simulating a regular cpu clock, you have hashed the registers, memory, and circuit. This would resemble a turing machine, and the difficulty of getting it into typescript would moreso be careful construction of the ‘compiler’ and DSL to prevent the developer making really costly operations on the limited virtual cpu.

Jim says:

A snark engine just does not map one to one to a Von Neuman machine.
Thus for example, in bulletproofs, you do not have subroutines, you have “gadgets” A gadget is a bit like a subroutine, but not much like a subroutine. There can be no equivalent gadget for an arbitrary javascript subroutine.

Freddo Frog says:

Hypernova looks promising, if their claims are true. They claim a-la-carte instruction execution in a folding scheme, where there is a set of possible instruction functions plus a selector function, and you only pay the cost of the selected instruction plus the selector for each iteration of the virtual machine.

The paper:

Someone appears to have implemented it in Rust:

A possible competitor is Protostar:

Both of these are recent and could not be part of Mina.

Jim says:

I am confident that this is the real thing because it is a tech advance that I have been expecting, and was in fact attempting to work on.

Documentation states that it is not ready to be used for production.

Folding is more powerful than recursive snarks, also faster. You can do stuff by folding that looks a little bit like iteration and subroutines.

Folding accomplishes the same thing as recursive snarks, in that it can produce a concise proof of the validity of the entire blockchain, including stuff that no longer exists, stuff that is known to only the participants, and stuff that is known to only one participant.

This paper claims an advance in folding that makes it equivalent to zero knowledge — I knew it would not be hard to fix folding to make the folds opaque. When folding was developed, I knew that zero knowledge folding was not far away.

This, however, is not a crypto currency. It is a tool that can be used to create an infinitely scalable crypto currency that supports complete privacy and billions of transactions per second.

But actually implementing something using this tool requires a very large amount of very clever work.

Implementations with recursive snarks exist, but they are just too slow and costly. They have been getting faster (Plonky2) but their cost results in centralisation — a rather small number of peers in big data centers produce all the snarks, and everyone else is a client and has no privacy.

I was figuring out ways of considerably reducing the cost and decentralising, which is doable, but the deeper I got into it, the deeper the weeds. Folding is faster.

Verification is quite costly and verbose. The proofs are not succinct. But if most peers are only verifying the verification of the latest block, which proves all previous blocks, this is not a show stopper.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Off topic, but I’m surprised and encouraged by how the normiecon shows and podcasts are focusing upon GAE’s agreement-incapability as the primary obstacle to peace in the Ukraine, and that what Trump really needs to do is knock heads in DC, as opposed to in Moscow.

Fidelis says:

News of the day, so somewhat off topic, but what was a writer for the Atlantic doing in a Trump admin group chat?

The Signal “leak” wasn’t someone listening in uninvited, the journo was invited. Why? Is this some kind of media relations thing, where they wanted the information out to the public, or did some snake add another snake, and then the added snake decided it was better to backstab than go along? Strange details here.

The Cominator says:

Its not a big deal other than it shows that opsec is careless but the narrative on the left is that Hegseth and Tulsi Gabbard (who they want out badly) are responsible when the journo was apparently added because some leftist had control of Mike Waltz account. If not a deliberate leak this makes Mike Waltz the security leaker AND the traitor but the left doesn’t want him out furthering suspicion that Mike Schultz is a traitor. He did publically take full responsibility but looking into him I don’t trust him…

Fidelis says:

If this was a ploy by a leftist faction, so far it seems like an incredibly stupid ploy.

1. Add journo
2. Leak secrets to journo
3. ????
4. Hegseth and Gabbard thrown out by a inclusive and diverse mob, to be replaced with a black transwoman.

I really don’t see why they even bothered, because this wasn’t enough to get anything done, and now they’ve burned their rat. It made more sense as some way of Streisanding their plan to bomb the goat farmers blocking the strait, not an internal political move.

The Cominator says:

I wouldn’t be sad to see Waltz go he is basically a neocon (Rubio is at least doing a very very good job of having totally abandoned them… also seems to be clean as far as drugs reckless spending etc. and as far as I know no hint of homosexual behavior in years) but somehow they are trying to blame Hegseth and Gabbard. Its stupid in that it looks like (but this is a hard one read) the neocons wanted to use it to attack Hegseth and Gabbard (they aren’t bothering attacking Vance anymore because he can’t be fired now and all the anti Vance attacks since the election have backfired horribly) who aren’t the ones responsible.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Gnostics love causing the problems they claim to be the solution for.

Create a catastrophe. Say this is a big problem that needs to be solved. And do whatever you want to do while pointing at the problem, regardless of connexion. And villagers will let you do it. Destroy who you want, promote who you want, implement what you want.

Stab your neighbor in the back and say it’s a big problem how they get stabbed in the back.

Well, yeah. It is.

Jim says:

Mike Waltz screwed up, therefore we must fire Pete Hegseth.

Gnostics live in a universe that does not make sense, a universe without cause and effect, therefore feel no need for their positions to make sense.

Bix Nudelmann says:

It’s so weird, because it’s not like the “leaked” Signal messages were all that racy or included super secret squirrel launch code information. Just some guys making sense to each other. So what?

Adding a Jewish journalist though, I mean come on. Either someone’s breathtakingly dumb, or they were testing/baiting HIS ass.

Are there any other 100+ IQ ways to take it?

dave says:

the other idea being bandied around is that Mike Waltz staff is disloyal to MAGA. I assume thats being taken care of, as said above “they burned their rat”

Dont think its 4d chess. Just normal human backstabbing.

The Cominator says:

Judging by how Pence turned out if his staff is disloyal to MAGA he personally is as well… Trump doesn’t want to appear to be influenced by this but I personally think Mike Waltz is a dead man walking.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

PBS talking head: “Mike Waltz is a friend of mine and we expected him to be a voice of reason in the administration and it’s good that he owned up for inviting the journalist.”
Anchor: “But shouldn’t there be accountability? What does accountability look like in this situation?”
PTH: “I agree Secretary Hegseth should be punished.”

Alf says:

Hopefully the left’s strategy of ‘create problem, appoint scapegoat, try to get him fired through media’ has died since the reinstitution of ‘Big Balls’.

Jim says:

Very appropriate, since big balls is what is needed to stop this strategy.

Neurotoxin says:

Remember from a few threads back the mug shots of antifa thugs? They were ugly, several to the point of being deformed.

Ugly Criminals”
Abstract: Being very attractive reduces a young adult’s propensity for criminal activity and being unattractive increases it. Being very attractive is also positively associated with wages and with adult vocabulary test scores, which implies that beauty may have an impact on human capital formation. The results suggest that a labor market penalty provides a direct incentive for unattractive individuals toward criminal activity. The level of beauty in high school is [negatively] associated with criminal propensity seven to eight years later, which seems to be due to the impact of beauty in high school on human capital formation, although this avenue seems to be effective for females only.

Neurotoxin says:

There’s some delicate political correctness in their attempt at explanation, but no doubt they’re on to something.

Fidelis says:

It’s just a heuristic measure of mutation load, hence association with vocabulary scores. The same genes that coordinate to make your face and head not look like a potato also coordinate to create proper blood vessels and astrocytes to collect and expel the waste material that ferments into criminal impulse in the deformed minds.

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah, that’s the politically incorrect part that they’re avoiding. Or maybe it just didn’t occur to them b/c too outside the Overton Window.

Varna says:

The year is 2030, Animus and Mossadnik holding hands, smiling into the camera, telling the story of the whirlwind romance of their first meeting on a highly specialized zero-gravity ikebana forum.

“And remember you were like — you’re a shill and you ignore my arguments — and I was like — no ur the shill and you fell into my trap!” *Giggles softly, leans in, kisses cheek*

Cheers, boys, cheers. Just keep it to yourselves and don’t adopt kids.

Mossadnik says:

Funny thing, I do suspect it could be /ourguy/ trying to troll me into becoming “le God,” not unlike KD’s comment itself about Jim being the Baptist.

You restore patriarchal marriage (and remove the faggots from your society) – or you die.

Mossadnik says:

Isaiah 13:

1 The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.

2 Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.

3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness.

4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts mustereth the host of the battle.

5 They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.

6 Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.

7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man’s heart shall melt:

8 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.

9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.

13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

14 And it shall be as the chased roe, and as a sheep that no man taketh up: they shall every man turn to his own people, and flee every one into his own land.

15 Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword.

16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.

18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children.

19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.

21 But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.

22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

Mossadnik says:

Listen, stupid goyim niggers.

Before 10.7, I was still trying to live my life like a regular person. But when Reality suddenly became very Real, I decided that, if Jim lets me, I shall show up here, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and do whatever I can to wake you the f**k up before your Reality also becomes very Real.

I hope you don’t actually think that this is all just a big joke. Dude – your civilization is collapsing right now. It objectively is. The Aryan race fails to reproduce. If current trends continue, then even without a Biblical Apocalypse Cataclysm, you will just decline and decline and decline until you disappear. And be eaten by cannibals – yum yum, bon appetite.

You have been warned. If your response is “haha trololololololo,” well, that’s too bad.

I’m not telling you to accept the Wolf from Nu Pogodi as your Lord and Savior. I’m telling you to open up your eyes. That’s all, nigger.

Mossadnik says:

Why will Nikolai the Catholic shill be incinerated? Because when I told him, “Look, society has a fertility and inceldom crisis, and that which cannot continue – will stop.” And what was his response? “Oh, but in my community we have plenty of babies.”

Such people don’t deserve to live

The Cominator says:

You probably shouldn’t incinerate dumb normies for being dumb and pointing to exceptions to disprove generalizations is a sign of 115 or lower iq more than anything… defending the Jesuits otoh that should get you incinerated.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Com, I’ve been following you forever and you had my respect when you called bullshit on Covid-19 so early, but… whatever you’re typing on, I’m quite sure it has a period key (“.”), the use of which makes you easier to understand and look a little less crazy.

Jim says:

He also said that in his community it is normal, and, he claimed, normative, for priests to be married. And failed to notice the correlation — a correlation which would imply that if your church organisation is nonetheless run by celibates and monasteries, you have a problem.

Normies, even smart normies, do not notice such correlations. Especially when they are unpleasant. We should not kill normies for being normies, nor Havel’s Greengrocer for being Havel’s greengrocer.

On the other hand, that cat lady commissar of Human Resources has got to go.

The Cominator says:

Nikolai is Catholic and papist priests can’t get married, orthodox priest can be married prior to becoming a priest but i think cannot get married after.

The Cominator says:

It’s pretty inevitably a sign of midwit or lower if you ever make the argument that generalizations are totally untrue because of rare exceptions. This is different from saying there is a whole subcategory who the generalization doesn’t apply to.

Jim says:

When one claims religion causes effect X, there are usually exceptions to effect X — though I see precisely zero exceptions to the rule that Orthodox Jews, unlike secular Jews, are dead in the water when it comes to science, technology, and engineering.

But with women, it is frequently the case that there are no exceptions. All Women Are Like That, or No Women Are Like That. AWALT or NOWALT, As proven by the fact that every single poster girl smells as funny as those flying saucer photos.

There is nothing funny smelling about Noether’s contribution to physics and mathematics, but that she was a woman does smell funny. As for the rest of them … the far stretch (Madam Curie, etc) is hilarious.

Anonymous Fake says:

Maybe the ultimate temporal truth is that there is no gnon [*deleted*]

Jim says:

If you have a wicked religion, then of course you are going to wind up with the conclusion that God’s creation is wicked and morally meaningless. Your Christianity is going to slip into being Gnosticism, and then, as with Pope Francis, outright demon worship.

But empirically reality is not morally meaningless, so obviously there is something wrong with your religion.

You can reject the morals implied by reality — but that they are morals, and that it our nature to recognise them as so, cannot be denied. All you can do is call people who adhere to such morals “Nazis” or “tools of the Oligarchy”, or “toxic”, or whatever.

Empirically, however indicators of good conduct in ordinary life — such as having intact family — seems highly correlated with being a “Nazi”, “fascist”, “toxic masculinity”, or whatever. The left does stuff like keying Teslas and burning down their own neighbourhoods, the right does not. The right generally have families, the left no families or broken families.

Empirically we see an obvious correlation between accepting natural law, for example: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”, and ordinary everyday good conduct like not creating a scene during thanksgiving dinner.

When you hold thanksgiving dinner, it is advisable to leave out the people suffering hysterics over Trump’s executive order that there are two sexes, male and female, and you are stuck with the one you are born with.

Neurotoxin says:

Varna, that was both funny and disgusting.

Paulson says:
Mossadnik says:

“AI” is such bullshit.

Whenever I’m about to watch some new vid or listen to a new song, nowadays my brain goes automatically “hope it’s not AI, hope it’s not AI, hope it’s not AI,” because I only want to watch/listen to things produced by actual humans, not beep boop robo-slop.

Just wanted to share this rumination with whoever might be reading.

Mossadnik says:

This might sound saccharine, but the world outside is so beautiful – why do these gay, gnostic kikes seek to escape from it into a computer? What is wrong with them? Why not invest resources into curing diseases and prolonging the lifespan instead of all that boring machine “intelligence” crap?

Am I the only one who feels this way or what?

Mossadnik says:

Now contrast the mentality of the “Let’s all become a computer program” [not happening] priesthood with the mentality of Psalm 148:

1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.

3 Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.

4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

5 Let them praise the name of the Lord: for he commanded, and they were created.

6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

7 Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:

8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:

9 Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars:

10 Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl:

11 Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth:

12 Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:

13 Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

14 He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord.

Is it not obvious which is the healthier?

The Proud love themselves, and hate God and His world. Well then – incinerating them can therefore be seen as a form of euthanasia. If you hate the world so much, get out of it, and let those who love the world enjoy it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A temperament that is called ‘gnostic’ is one fundamentally out of joint with Being as such.

Many are nominalistically insensitive to feedback from the world; being neither attracted to adaptive forms nor repelled by maladaptive forms.

Many are perversely chatachretic in aesthetic architecture; parts of them cannot stand the good and the great, the true and the beautiful; they cannot stand the things that lead to these things; and likewise perversely attracted to their abnegation; and they make war on the parts of them that seek to prosper. At the limit, they have no eyes to see any fair thing in Creation; nor in themselves; and above all especially none such in their neighbors; whom are tallied up by the mental calculus of this deportment, producing psychic neutron stars of weight on the scales of sentiment, and thus seen as naught but irredeemable sinners deserving nothing but destruction, for which they linger on this plane only to see it done.

To destroy all that is fair first and above all; because not only is is not fair in one of their eyes, but because it is spoken of as fair, and thus doubly counterfeit; and because it shows them up in their other eye, puts to lie their pretensions, an intolerable point of comparison, and thus triply forfeit.

Mossadnik says:

Very well explained, Saint. Thanks.

and they make war on the parts of them that seek to prosper.

If there is such a healthy kernel somewhere in there within their psyches, is there any known way to make it (rather than the unhealthy, or sinful, parts) grow and triumph? Some leftards do, after all, snap out of it at some point or another throughout their lives.

Or is such a “redemptive” endeavor ultimately a waste of time and energy, and they should just all drown in the Lake of Fire?

Mossadnik says:

Perhaps because I’m not actually literally Jesus, my hunch is “Cominate them all and their grandmothers also.” But I need some feedbeck from non-kikes to balance out my wrathful personality.

Jim says:

Current leftism is primarily spiteful mutants cooperating and co-ordinating to give effect to envy and spite, as is most clearly manifest in woke games, woke movies, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Knocking over someone else’s applecart to grab some apples is undesirable behavior, but it apt to be rational and competent behavior, while current year leftism does not care much about grabbing apples, just stomping other people’s apples. For example the primary objective in “Snow Brown”, “Miss Hulk”, and “the veilguard” was just to vandalise intellectual properties that they hated.

Of course the hysterical reaction to Doge is all about them apples — behavior that is evil but rational. Musk is defunding the left. They rationally and competently do not want to be defunded.

On the other hand, the recent British budget is not about funding the left, but defunding the productive. It is not primarily that they want funds, but that they want no one else to have anything. “You will own nothing, and be happy”, even though they know perfectly well that that means that they themselves will also be impoverished. Similarly, British National Health is about killing off people they do not like, even though it means that they themselves will find it difficult to access decent health care.

Obviously it is better to remove undesirables from the gene pool individually rather than collectively, but a social order where individual selection for quality is effective is unimaginably reactionary by the standards of 1830 onwards.

Obviously the gnon compliant solution is that mutants should die or fail to reproduce, while the healthy do reproduce. Giving effect to the latter part is a hard problem that spiteful mutants are making more difficult. We need to shut down collective action by the spiteful and envious, plus enable reproduction of by the healthy, competent, and sane. We do not have to stand in for God and cominate them all. Individual selection works better than collective selection. Trouble is that groups on the losing end of individual selection are inclined to take collective action to prevent individual selection. Even though bad people are worse at collective action than good people, they are more highly motivated.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If there is such a healthy kernel somewhere in there within their psyches, is there any known way to make it (rather than the unhealthy, or sinful, parts) grow and triumph? Some leftards do, after all, snap out of it at some point or another throughout their lives.

Or is such a “redemptive” endeavor ultimately a waste of time and energy, and they should just all drown in the Lake of Fire?

The long term solution to hostage situations is to shoot the hostage.

‘Send them to God and he will know his own’ is of course the easy way of solving stubborn stains.

As to the question of whether someone has more or less redeeming quality this is naturally a generic question, that may depend on the subject’s particular characteristics. The main point previously being more to sketch the phenomenology of ‘leftist experience’ as it were, the torments of demonic possession, the twists and turns and dissonances when someone is not Right with God. As to the question of what genres characterize our current crop of leftists in particular, Charles The Second’s solution profited 17th century england, but cost 19th century england dearly. Cost the world dearly, at that. It was irresponsible of him to let them leave alive, an act that missed the mark, sin.

He had a big problem with degenerates in need of culling in his day, and we have an even bigger problem with degenerates in our day.

Particular selection involves more generic epistemology by necessity, likewise generic selection is informed by the qualities of more particular subsets thereof. For those teams of men that lack the cognitive horsepower to not fall into one pigeon hole or another the issue is of course insoluble and history is filled with leftovers of those who missed. Wise enough to start civilization and gain predominance for a hot minute, but not quite wise enough to tip the scales on the cycles of dysgenesis started also thereby.

Fidelis says:

I only want to watch/listen to things produced by actual humans

The models we have now, which are not intelligent, are just tools. Anything produced by them can be reasonably said to be made by a human. The problem is most people have little taste, and using a more powerful tool makes this lack of taste and lack of skill very apparent. We are very very far from any man-made device acting independently and wilfully in the world. Even insects appear to make better decisions and have clearer world models than our current attempts.

This current “AI” bubble, when it does finally pop, is going to be a decisive blow to one of the more dangerous leftist strains. They, hating life but loving process, want to turn life into a deterministic process, and have the deterministic process remove them, as they see themselves as a spontaneous and useles uncertainty in a noisy purposeless unkind cold dark universe. “AI” having been definitvely beaten by even very dumb humans, will force them to go ever more mad, and therefore less dangerous, or accept that man does indeed have an irreplicable divine will, and come closer to our side.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

“AI” having been definitvely beaten by even very dumb humans, will force them to go ever more mad, and therefore less dangerous, or accept that man does indeed have an irreplicable divine will, and come closer to our side.

I think we can reliably expect them to always double down. When has an individual leftoid, never mind an entire left-wing institution, ever admitted to being wrong about anything?

It doesn’t follow that increased madness = reduced danger. See “climate change” and “covid”. Peak threat is the nexus of madness and power, and deepening madness only reduces power by exhausting and destroying the entire civilization’s social and biological capital. Accelerationism is not the preferred mechanism for exorcising the progressive demons from power, because the scale on which it must operate is immensely destructive to everything in its orbit.

AI dependency may ultimately be the hill they choose to die on, but we should hope it never gets that far; defunding them before they have a chance is a far safer and more efficient solution. If AI “research” becomes sacralized and receives government funding and academic prestige at the same scale as climate “research”, then life is going to get a whole lot worse, for a whole lot of people, for a very long time. And the closer we get to total AI failure, the louder the screeching will get: “we are on the verge of a major breakthrough, we just need another $10 trillion in government funding!”

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