Archive for July, 2017

Trump taking power – slowly.

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

I predicted that by now he would have power, which prediction failed to come true. But neither is he defeated. He is moving along. He recently reduced US support for terror and genocide in Syria, turning off the Jordan supply line for terror and mass murder directed at Christians and Alawites. He honors businessmen who advance technology, instead of honoring businesses who appoint childless women to jobs for which they are entirely unqualified.

One of his huge problems is lack of Trumpists with Washington qualifications, as illustrated by the fact that for a long time he has had a press secretary and White House Communications director who hate him, think him stupid and evil, and have been gunning for a coup against him.

Personnel are policy, and the White House policy was that Trump was evil, dangerous, and needed to be overthrown and killed. Hence the mainstream press’s frequently accurate depiction of chaos in the White House.

So he eventually had them “move on to pursue new opportunities” and has now appointed a loyalist who is smart and able but has no particular connections or experience in “communications”.

What he needs is an institutional funnel, an anti university, for providing him with loyalists with relevant training. No such thing exists, because until now, any Trump like thinking was automatic and total disqualification for any such jobs. Personnel are policy, and Harvard gets to control the personnel. And the policy is that Trump has got to go.

Anyone with relevant and appropriate qualifications is probably an unappeasably hostile enemy of Trump

King David had his mighty men. Pinochet was conscripted into the coup by the junior officers almost at gunpoint, and hauled off from his grandchildren to the still smoking presidential palace. Trump is rather isolated in a hostile Washington. Needs to bring in an occupation force hostile to Washington, has not been doing so.

Appointing a loyalist communications director is a good start. Needs to bring in anti Washington Trump loyalists who have the attitude that they are a hostile occupation force who have come to seize the Washington establishment’s land and women, that they are there to drain the swamp, and the locals, everyone with supposedly relevant qualifications, are swamp critters who depend on the swamp ecology, who are unlikely to appreciate their beloved swamp being drained.

He needs to bring in loyalists who can themselves bring more loyalists from outside the swamp. If you are going to drain the swamp, cannot rely on swamp critters.

Peak Oil

Friday, July 21st, 2017

If you discover more than ten years of reserves, politicians are apt to take it away from you.

So for the last hundred years or so, the world has only had ten years worth of proven oil reserves left and has been about to run out in ten years or so. In fact the world has only had about ten years of anything left for the past hundred years or so.

King Hubbert created a composite, mega-decline curve that predicted U.S. crude oil production would peak in the 1965-70 time period. But, of course, it did not decline. So his prediction was retroactively relabelled “Lower 48 states Oil Production”. Which retrodiction was true – for a while. Retrodictions always are. See global warming for example.

Well, for some time US oil production in the lower 48 states has been increasing. So it was re-relabelled “Lower 48 states conventional oil Production” The new story was that fracking has intolerable environmental and financial costs, so is not a practical replacement for old type oil production.

When Trump stopped the government from funding and organizing people to protest fracking, the intolerable environmental costs mysteriously vanished in a puff of smoke, and when Trump made it easier to get permission to frack, so did a large part the economic costs, with the result that US frackers are now giving the Saudis a hard time.

For a given technology, and a given price, a given oilfield or group of oilfields does indeed follow a Hubberd Curve, and you can use the curve to estimate what the real reserves are. (They are usually enormously greater than the official reserves.)

Although science has been stagnating since Harvard got the upper hand over the Royal Society, technology that makes money continues to advance. We have a problem with new blue sky technologies. No one in the west is developing new technologies any more, just polishing up existing profitable technologies. We are not getting any replacement for chip patterning using one hundred and ninety three nanometer excimer laser lithography, just ever more minute improvements in excimer laser lithography, with the result that Moore’s law has run out of puff. People keep talking about ten nanometer, but it is just not going anywhere. They keep saying they will use both one ninety and ten. If ten was working, would not use one ninety. If they were talking ninety nanometer, rather than ten, then I would be impressed. If someone could make money out of supersonic jets, we would get better and better supersonics, but instead, planes are slowing down, not speeding up. But people could make money out of drilling and stimulating oil fields, so drilling and oilfield stimulation got better and better, and continues to improve.

Physical resources are effectively infinite, in that physical limits to growth are unlikely to be a significant problem in the reasonably foreseeable future. The problem is social decay.

Why we need the double standard.

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Chastity should be imposed on women, not men. A key that opens many locks is an awesome key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is a crappy lock.

The problem is that women are hypergamous, while men are polygynous. A man wants to possess many women, while a woman wants to be possessed by the best possible man. Which means that if we let nature take its course, a few men will have most of the women. Notice surveys in which many women report having boyfriends, and considerably fewer men report having girlfriends, even though we would expect the lying to go in the opposite direction.

Of course each of the top male’s many girlfriends will be causing much drama, as each seeks to get a higher position in his booty call list, with the result that they keep shifting from one alpha male to the next. So though they are only sleeping with one male at a time, they have numerous male orbiters, and are continually shifting from one male to the next to get a better deal. The male defects by being a jerk, by never being available, by never providing resources, the female defects by dumping him. So though in this system women do not particularly want to be serially monogamous, defect/defect equilibrium means that in practice they are serially monogamous.

Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. Therefore we should guard eggs, not sperm. What this means is that it only needs a small number of badboys to render a very large number of women unmarriageable. Thus curtailing male badboy behavior is not going to succeed. And if we restrain prosocial well behaved upper class men from being badboys, the girls are going to get their kicks with Jeremy Meeks and Muslim rapeugees. Restraining male behavior results in upper class women fucking men low IQ men who live on towel folding jobs, petty burglary, drug dealing, and sponging off their numerous high IQ high socioeconomic status girlfriend, men whose careers are not going to be adversely affected by a few rape charges, underage sex charges, child support orders, and domestic violence restraint orders. The lawyerette does not fuck her fellow lawyers, she does not fuck judges, she fucks Jeremy Meeks. If we let upper class men be badboys, if we stopped afflicting judges with rape charges, underage sex charges, child support orders, and domestic violence restraining orders, at least she would be fucking judges.

The problem is that law and society strengthens shit tests against well behaved, respectable, affluent men, but has limited success in strengthening shit tests against Jeremy Meeks. She fucks men against whom rape charges, underage sex charges, child support orders, and domestic violence restraining orders have limited effect, because they can pass her shit tests, and you, even if you have a nicer car and a nicer hotel room than Jeremy Meeks, cannot. Plus the police and the courts just don’t seem to be pursuing rape charges against rapeugees, perhaps because of disparate impact.

All these laws have the effect of holding men responsible for female bad behavior. It is a lot more effective to hold women responsible for male bad behavior, because women, not men are the gate keepers to sex, romance, and reproduction. If you stop some men from behaving badly, women will just find men you cannot or dare not deter.

The problem is that we need to guard what is precious, guard eggs, not sperm. We need to restrain female sexual behavior, not male sexual behavior.

First, we need to change the social order so that the lawyerette fucks the judge instead of Jeremy Meeks. Then we can address the much harder problem of preventing her from fucking either one.

Nazis are virgins

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

I am not disowning my fellow alt rightists who happen to be nazis. I am inviting them to become better friends and allies than they already are by discarding their blue pill illusions about women – by becoming even more evil than they already are.

Progs tell me that Andrew Anglin is the leading force for Nazism in the America, and have forced him to flee to Nigeria, where the locals do not see anything odd, evil, surprising, or unusual, about a white advocating for the interests of whites, or the interests of those whites ethnically similar to himself. Doesn’t everyone do that? Nigerians are too busy hating Nigerians who are a different breed of black to themselves to worry about whites.

My problem with Andrew Angelin is that if he is the leading force, progs don’t have much to worry about. This a man who thinks that twelve year old girls would be pure and chaste if it was not for evil males preying upon them.

He tells us that the problems we have with women are due to evil Jewish mind rays. If it was not for those damned Jews, women would never give us such tough shit tests. This is the sort of thinking that led to Hitler having only moderate success in raising the German birthrate.

The trouble with Nazis is that they leftists stuck in the 1930s, while the rest of the left has moved even further left. And the left was mighty bluepilled back in the 1930s.
Andrew Anglin's loli collection
His truly impressive loli collection suggests to me a man who does not score a whole lot of real life women, though I would guess he does considerably better than Scott Alexander.
[Edit. Photo is fake.

I still say is beliefs about women indicate he has not a whole lot of contact with women, albeit more than the typical male progressive, in that he is on the 1930s blue pill while progressives are on the 2017 blue pill.]

There is a man in urgent need of the red pill.

The trouble with blaming everything on Jews is not that it is unkind to Jews. Unkind to Jews is not my problem. I will let Jews worry about that. The problem with blaming everything on Jews is that it leads to the conclusion that 1930s leftism, leftism before we let the Jews into the left wing club, was just fine. And Andrew Anglin’s truly impressive loli collection is where that thinking gets you.

In fact, things started going bad early in the nineteenth century, when frothing at the mouth biting mad feminism gave us a marriage contract that was enforced on men, but not on women, resulting in the collapse of the family.

And, shortly after that, white man’s burden, with the corresponding attacks on unit cohesion and military discipline, with the result that inferior races started to defeat whites in 1841, and have been defeating us militarily worse and worse ever since.

That is when things went to hell – when marriage was successfully attacked by those holier than thou, when our military was successfully attacked by those holier than thou. Rolling things back to the 1930s is not going to help. We need to roll things back to the 1730s.

Yes, Jews have always been subversive, and they were subversive back in the 1730s also. But I am pretty sure it was not Jews that caused everything except science to turn to shit in the nineteenth century, and it was not Jews that caused science to turn to shit in the twentieth. What happened to science after World War II was plainly the result of Harvard strong arming the Royal Society. Andrew is blaming the flies for the condition of a corpse that has a bullet hole in the head. It is not that I support flies, it is that I oppose being shot in the head.

There is a correlation between flies and corpses, but Nazis have the causation backwards.


Thursday, July 13th, 2017

The holocaust is real, in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew, and made a good start on doing so. The holocaust is fake, in that a pile of myths have been manufactured around it to deceive people about the nature and motivation of the crime.

The point and purpose of the mythmaking is not to exaggerate the crime, but to make the crime as different as possible from the communist mass murders (which probably killed more Jews even though they did not consciously intend to target Jews) and in particular and especially to deny the role of envy and covetousness.

Jews, like kulaks, were murdered because people broke the tenth commandment, the commandment against coveting that which belongs to someone else. If Jews spent one percent as much energy on the tenth commandment as they spend on the prohibition against eating a goat boiled in its mother’s milk, it would be a fairly healthy and sane religion. But instead Jews seem stubbornly suicidal, as for example in their firm support for the Islamization of Europe even as Muslims run them out of Europe, and in their hostility to the crusades, then and now.

The death camp of which we have the most reliable knowledge is Majdanek, which was overrun early while still in operation before the Germans gave any thought to concealing their crimes. Majdanek did not have gas chambers – the alleged gas chambers are delousing chambers, for the “gas chambers” lack doors that can be locked against those inside, and have genuine baths and showers for actually washing people and getting them clean. Poster girl principle: If no gas chambers at Majdanek, no gas chambers anywhere. In this sense, the holocaust as conventionally depicted is a myth. However, it is also clear that everyone sent to Majdanek died quickly – not from gas, but from overwork, lack of food, exposure to the elements, and disease – much as in the communist democides. The only survivors were those that had not been there very long. In this sense, the holocaust is very real.

Estimates of the death toll at Majdanek have varied enormously, by a factor of fifty, which inclines me to doubt all such estimates. One lie, all lies. But it is clear that if people were sent to Majdanek, they died fairly quickly, from which we may conclude that if people were sent to any such camps, they usually died fairly quickly. From which we may conclude that when the Germans rendered an area free from Jews, those Jews were sent to their deaths. The German internal documents show that the Germans had no intention of feeding them enough to keep them alive, and expected them to be dead fairly soon, and the evidence from Majdanek shows that is indeed what happened. Irrespective of whether it was exactly six million Jews, it was every Jew that the Germans managed to get their hands on.

Initially the plan was to deport them all, preferably to Israel. When this plan was frustrated by the allies, the Germans consciously adopted a plan of killing them all.

OK, no gas chambers, but the Jews still wound up dead. Which brings me to the diary of Ann Frank, which like the gas chambers is fake but true. It is clear that the diary of Ann Frank is a forgery, in that it was not written by Ann Frank. It is clear that the story of Ann Frank is not a forgery, in that Ann Frank lived and was murdered much as depicted.

Of all the Jews murdered by the Nazis, the Jew to be specially humanized just happens to be single, female, and did not have major possessions to confiscate. So that her murder is pure discrimination, and absolutely nothing to do with envy and covetousness. The choice of Anne Frank as poster girl rather than someone more typical profoundly and dangerously misleads us about the nature and causes of mass murder.

Undue focus on the deaths of six million Jews, when communism murdered a hundred and sixty million, is unfair and is driving us insane, driving us towards the murder of billions, for it is not discrimination that kills, but covetousness, wanting what is someone else’s, and the Diary of Ann Frank is inexorably linked to a narrative justifying and endorsing envy and covetousness, a narrative that white males do not deserve their stuff but somehow grabbed it before single women and people of color could, that husbands and fathers should be expelled from their homes and separated from their children, that those who work and pay taxes are the real welfare queens whose resistance to demands that they lose their undeserved privilege is racism and sexism.

Killing Jews and taking their stuff is a really bad idea, and even ejecting them to Israel and taking their stuff is also a really bad idea, because taking their stuff means that it will be ruined rather than sold to someone competent to use it productively. A desire to take their stuff reveals a motivation of envy and covetousness. The Nazis murdered a lot of Jews, not necessarily six million, but something like six million, though probably not by means of gas chambers.

But they did so for the same reasons that the communists murdered vastly more people, and considerably more Jews. They did so out of envy and covetousness. Holocaustianity is a religion that the real sin is “racism”, from which it follows that one group having more nice things than another group is evidence of a crime. Stronger and stronger methods are then applied to correct this crime, but strangely, nothing will correct it except murdering all those wicked people whose wickedness is proven by their continued possession of nice things. The murderers do not start out intending mass murder. They expect that after correcting this regrettable injustice, everyone will happily be brothers, but they get frustrated when this terrible injustice proves strangely difficult to correct.

The same dynamic will likely play out in Israel. If progressivism rather than Judaism continues to be the state religion of Israel, Israel will likely finish doing to Ashkenazim Jews what Germany began doing. For Ashkenazim to survive, they have to re-activate the tenth commandment, and to re-activate the tenth commandment, they have to let go of Holocaustianity, which needs to recede to its proper place in history, one rather small mass murder among the many enormous mass murders of the twentieth century.

Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Remember how Github went social justice?

Well elections have consequences

“Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate.

Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are more into politely conforming to the official religion and emitting all the right social signals. Thus the holiness spiral with mandarins tends to be <the current generation>, while the holiness spiral with social justice warriors rolls a lot faster, tending to be <the current year>

“Coraline” claims to be a good programmer by the objective standard of high lines of code contributed, high bugs fixed, high features added, low bugs caused. This is plausible because autogynophiles tend to be good programmers, combining the male propensity for strong and rigid logic, with the female propensity for conformity, obedience, and rule following. Effeminate gay male to female transexuals, on the other hand, combine the female incapacity to do logic, with an extreme form of the male propensity to break the rules and defy authority, showing up for work infrequently, late, and stoned.

But “Coraline” was not hired as a good engineer, but as a social justice warrior that other engineers could respect and take seriously, as a political commissar that could understand what the engineers were actually doing. It was hired by its female non engineer boss, to impose social justice on its fellow engineers.

In restrospect, should have stuck to engineering, for women will never perceive a male to female transexual as genuinely female, and thus, never perceive it as genuinely deserving of their own immensely high social status, thus always in their hearts perceive it as a low status male (redundant, I know, because males are always and automatically low status – observe how the guy in the corner office gets interrupted by his female staff and does not get laid) thus denying it the power and authority that a political commissar needs to be effective, needs to do its political job.

If you want to check to see whether your company’s organization chart corresponds to actual status, pay no attention to mere words, but rather watch who interrupts whom, who speaks over whom. Chances are the women speak over and interrupt their merely male boss. The words of the interruption are invariably courteous, helpful, respectful, friendly, and polite, but the fact that it is an interruption is the opposite of courteous, the opposite of helpful, is disrespectful, unfriendly, hostile, hateful, and impolite. It is a shit test. Fertile age women cannot help shit testing men, just as men cannot help looking at a woman’s boobs. And if she gets away with interrupting and speaking over your boss, he failed the shit test, no matter how superficially friendly, respectful, and polite the words of her interruption are. Conversely, if he regularly and routinely passes her shit tests, she will probably fuck him, no matter how old, bald, fat, and married he is. No action of his, no matter how gross, will ever constitute sexual harrassment.

Yes, if you are a boss who regularly and routinely passes their inevitable shit tests “you can do anything, you can grab them by the pussy.”

“Coraline” was working as an engineer, and was successful as an engineer, and appreciated for its engineering, when Github recruited it as a political commissar:

They wanted to offer me a job. They had just created a team called Community & Safety, charged with making GitHub more safe for marginalized people

Danger Will Robinson!

Its team was one normal male, two male to female transexuals, two colored women, and a normal female manager. Thus, three real engineers, all low status, and three fake engineers, all high status. And it is a real engineer, and a good one. Danger Will Robinson!

“Coraline” found itself socially isolated at Github. Danger Will Robertson!

This was the first instance of what came to be referred to as my “non-empathetic communication style”.

“Coraline” was talking about social justice issues in the direct, logical, unemotional, and factual style of a male, rather than in the socially required female style. The mandarinate found this low class, which is to say masculine, and did not like it. Danger Will Robinson!

when I joined the video call with my manager, it became clear that something was wrong. She went back to the issue of my lack of empathy in communications and collaboration.

“Coraline” was claiming status as a very holy social justice warrior that the mandarinate was reluctant to grant to a white male – and women will always see an autogynophile as a male, no matter what delusions the autogynophile harbors. So all the high status people on his team were reluctant to accept his holiness status, and incapable of perceiving his competent engineer status.
So, perceiving his attempt at female status had failed, he attempts to kill himself and is involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.

It is not people like me who keep using the wrong pronouns who drive people like “Coraline” to suicide. It is people like his manager, who no matter what pronouns they use, keep acting as if they perceive him as what he is – a man wearing a dress who has cut his dick off and grown boobs. The Opalgate incident, when lots of people piled on him calling him a man in a dress, did not make him in the least suicidal. It was the bad review by his boss, which review effectively amounted to “I can still sense the masculinity in your communication style” that caused his suicide attempt.

When the politically correct say “empathic” they actually mean feminine. If his female boss had actually been empathic, would not have driven him to suicide. They wanted someone who was a competent engineer, but who could also pass as a female social justice warrior, not just in carefully posed still photographs, but interactively. And that is not what they got. Indeed, it is never what they get.

He irreversibly mutilated himself to elevate his status to that of a woman, and his status did not in fact rise. Hence, suicide. Calling him a man in a dress did not adversely affect his perception of his own status, because he perceived those using the wrong pronoun as low status. But he perceived the women in his group as high status, they perceived him as a mere male, no matter what pronoun they used, thus, suicide.

In the past several months GitHub has fired at least three transgender engineers

He was fired for being interactively unconvincing as a woman.

and many more cisgender women.

With Trump in power, less need to pretend women are engineerettes.

Prominent people who were trying to effect positive change in the company culture have quit.

Social Justice Warriors have quit, perhaps one step ahead of being fired.

… In a return to its meritocratic roots, the company has decided to move forward with a merit-based stock option program despite criticism from employees who tried to point out its inherent unfairness.

That merit is inherently “unfair” is an implicit admission that women are inferior at activites in the male sphere and coloreds are just inferior.

And the widely publicized results of the open source survey show that the company’s platform is still not appealing to anyone but straight white guys.

The company’s platform is quite appealing to autogynophilic male to female transexuals, who are heavily overrepresented. And the rest cannot code. Ability to code is a pre-requisite for actually finding the company’s platform useful.

for family, for freedom, for country, and for God

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

Trump’s speech contains some alt right memes, but its approach is not a frontal attack on the enlightenment and enlightenment values, but rather to praise and endorse those values in ways that re-interpret them as anti enlightenment values. It is a dog whistle rather than a shout out, but it is a dog whistle not only to the alt right, but to that part of the alt right that does not want to merely roll things back to nineteen sixty (men’s rights movement) nor to nineteen thirty (ironic and unironic nazis) but back all the way to undoing the enlightenment.

Much as Pope Francis piously reinterprets Christianity as celebrating sodomy, abortion, divorce, single motherhood, transvestism, and the destruction of marriage, Trump piously reinterprets progressivism as the victory of distinctively white civilization

At 29:00 in the speech:

Our adversaries, however, are doomed because we will never forget who we are. And if we don’t forget who are, we just can’t be beaten. Americans will never forget. The nations of Europe will never forget. We are the fastest and the greatest community. There is nothing like our community of nations. The world has never known anything like our community of nations.
We write symphonies. We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.
We reward brilliance. We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.
We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success. We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives. And we debate everything. We challenge everything. We seek to know everything so that we can better know ourselves.
And above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom. That is who we are. Those are the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies, and as a civilization.

Much of it sounds like boilerplate progressivism, except that he naughtily included the distinctively white art form of symphonies, the distinctively white activity of innovation and exploration, and naughtily left out that all men are created equal, and that women are equal to me.

When Trump is attacking radical Islam and somehow leaves out explicitly mentioning female equality, not an accident, but rather a significant step towards rolling back several centuries of the “moral arc of history bending towards justice”. Perhaps in the end the progressive steamroller will roll over him as it rolled over Reagan, but he is having a go.

He also said we debate everything, which was a progressive value before they were in power, but swiftly ceased to be a progressive value once they were in power. Free debate is always what the out of power belief system wants, since the out of power belief system is always forbidden from doubting, let alone contradicting, the official belief system. Everyone always wants freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the right to peaceably assemble for themselves, not for their enemies, and it is always the out of power belief system that is denied these things. In practice, you are not only forbidden from doubting that women are equal to men, you are even forbidden from doubting that saturated fats are bad for you, in that researchers who inquire into this topic lose their jobs.   Freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly is always the call of the out of power faction.

When those who theoretically believe in equality will not go into a black majority area, nor accept that when when women, like children, make bad choices those who make the choices should face the costs of those choices, we see the actual truth about equality.

At 11:00 into the speech:

For two centuries, Poland suffered constant and brutal attacks. But while Poland could be invaded and occupied, and its borders even erased from the map, it could never be erased from history or from your hearts. In those dark days, you have lost your land but you never lost your pride. (Applause.)
So it is with true admiration that I can say today, that from the farms and villages of your countryside to the cathedrals and squares of your great cities, Poland lives, Poland prospers, and Poland prevails. (Applause.)
Despite every effort to transform you, oppress you, or destroy you, you endured and overcame.


The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are. (Applause)
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!

15:50  precisely equal billing for commies and nazis.

In 1920, in the Miracle of Vistula, Poland stopped the Soviet army bent on European conquest. (Applause.) Then, 19 years later in 1939, you were invaded yet again, this time by Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east. That’s trouble. That’s tough.
Under a double occupation the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn forest massacre,

In the summer of 1944, the Nazi and Soviet armies were preparing for a terrible and bloody battle right here in Warsaw. Amid that hell on earth, the citizens of Poland rose up to defend their homeland. I am deeply honored to be joined on stage today by veterans and heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: (Chanting.)

Notice the conspicuous lack of extra billing and extra star treatment for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and that Trump accurately depicts the Warsaw uprising as directed as much to prevent Soviet occupation as to defeat German occupation, billing the Soviets as occupiers, not liberators.

The priesthood of the religion of Holocaustism were mightily pissed that he attended the Warsaw Uprising Memorial, but not the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial.  That Trump is obviously philosemitic makes it possible for him to regularly and routinely piss on Holocaustianity.

Then he links the globohomo project to abolish nations, masculinity, and Christianity to defeated communism and the future defeat of Islam:


Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger — one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people. The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.
Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. (Applause.) If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.


I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. So, together, let us all fight like the Poles — for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.
Thank you. God Bless You. God bless the Polish people. God bless our allies. And God bless the United States of America.
Thank you. God bless you. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

Not a dog barked

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

Remember all those mighty and entirely spontaneous protests demanding that the Obama regime do what it quite obviously wanted to do and was quite obviously looking for justifications for doing, protests demanding that the government block every form of energy production in every white country, which obstructions have made the US into an energy importer for sixty years or so.

And, of course, with deep reluctance the Obama regime would invariably yield to the justified and entirely spontaneous and genuine rage of the mighty masses. </sarcasm>

Overnight (well, over the first one hundred and fifty days of the Trump regime), the US has become an energy exporter. Trump would repeal a regulation by executive order, and the next day coal miners would be digging coal, repeal another regulation, and the next day drillers would be pumping oil. One day he makes an executive order, the next day Americans in flyover country are back to work. The next day after that he makes another executive order, and the day after that, more Americans in flyover country are back to work.

You did not hear of this.

Probably because the mighty and justifiable enraged masses strangely failed to spontaneously show up to spontaneously demonstrate their might and spontaneous justified rage. They were always demanding that Obama shut down energy, but somehow, when Trump turns the energy policy of every previous Democratic and cuckservative president for the last sixty years arse over tit, no protests happen.

Funny thing that.

By the way did you know that there is overwhelming support for impeaching Trump? It must be true, I read it in the newspapers. </sarcasm>

Leftism has been a mass movement under both Democratic and cuckservative presidents, been a mass movement since nineteen sixty three. But Donald Trump gets elected, and suddenly and quietly it just is not a mass movement any more. Funny thing that.

Yes, the permanent government is giving Trump a hard time. Trump has not won yet, and maybe the permanent government will win. We are, or recently were, right on the edge of the special counsel impeaching Trump without bothering with that old fashioned two thirds vote in the senate. But Trump has cut off the permanent government at the knees, in that the mighty and justifiably enraged masses are no longer spontaneously demanding whatever the permanent government wants them to spontaneously demand this morning and no longer spontaneously enraged about whatever the permanent government wants them to be spontaneously enrage about this morning.

Reagan talked about defunding the left, Trump has actually made a start on defunding the left. Obviously there is a lot more defunding to be done, but suddenly leftists that do not yet have social justice warrior jobs are no longer expecting that they will get social justice warrior jobs in the very near future as a quid pro quo for the latest protest. That funding for the left has stopped its endless and open ended increase and has actually decreased, even if only by a little, has resulted in leftism as a mass movement vanishing in a puff of smoke.

This has resulted in an intense search for other sources of social justice warrior funding. Thus for example, we see complaints that venture capitalists that control large amounts of other people’s money should be subject to destruction at whim without evidence by social justice warriors. Cheryl tell us: “This is where it has to be fixed – the fact the burden of proof always falls on the person reporting the incident.”

“Fixing” this, of course, will have the effect that Silicon Valley venture capital will wind up funding social justice, rather than technical advance, which we already see happening with Uber, Airbnb, and Apple. Uber and Airbnb are committing social justice suicide. Apple has such deep pockets that it will likely survive, but probably not Airbnb and Uber.

Airbnb is trying to prevent Filipinos and Chinese from being racist. Would have more success preventing water from being wet.

Their power base in Silicon valley derives from appointments made by the Obama regime. Thus for example Cheryl, who is currently shaking down the management of Silicon Valley venture capital firms with sexual harassment allegations for which there is a curious lack of evidence, worked for a Malaysian startup fund funded by the Obama administration and the Malaysian govt. Not a tech person, not a startup person, a political commissar. In the course of accusing a venture capitalist of inappropriate sexual behavior, she depicted herself as engaging in behavior that I find entirely inappropriate in a woman – for example this evil venture capitalist somehow caused her to be alone with him, and, while alone with him in a private flat with a nice bed, somehow caused her to consume very large amounts of scotch. Pretty sure that if sex did not ensue, it is because he fought her off.