
Where we go from here

Electoral politics is dead, though its corpse will continue to be paraded about for a considerable time. It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite, and creating a virtuous elite is a project that requires a virtuous King, and a few generations.

I hoped and prayed that Trump would retain power – either as president, or as leader of the resistance, and I lost several bets that he would. Also my investments were to some extent premised on him retaining power.

On the other hand, I have also been making preparation for a more complete disappearance, and so far, it looks like that may not be needed for a while.

I have for decades predicted war, democide, or genocide around 2026 or so, and have never shifted in that prediction. On the whole, things seem to be moving as expected, at about the rate expected. Trump retaining power might have eventually caused me to change that prediction, but a lot more would have had to happen following him retaining power for me to change that prediction. It took Augustus Caesar a decade or so after becoming dictator to sort things out in Rome, and he had death squads and an army at his back. Had Trump successfully performed the coup or started the civil war that I expected, it would have been only the small beginning of what is needed to reverse the decline.

When a holiness spiral goes this far, it takes a lot to stop it. And the further it goes, the more it takes. And even after it is stopped, you still have a big problem, as Sulla had a big problem, and Augustus Caesar continued to have big problems, because you have a degenerate elite, as Russia had after communism collapsed.

I am not necessarily predicting armed conflict in 2026 or so to be the end of our troubles – it could well be the beginning of the end of our troubles, but it could be the beginning of even greater unpleasantness to come, the start of a long dark age for the white race, which is likely to be a long dark age for all races.

Trump is delusionally attempting to appease his enemies. He should be running away. A Trump restoration could only happen after the pattern of the Rwandan genocide, when the exiles returned to conquer a grotesquely dysfunctional and murderous government. And, on January the sixth, Trump revealed himself as not the man for that. He could still become the man for that, but every time he opens his mouth, this looks less and less likely.

In the near future, we can expect the deep state to struggle with the radical left for power. (The Republican party will lose all relevance) Everyone, including the radical left expects the deep state to win and restore normality, but this is normalcy bias. The establishment left lacks cohesion, so each member of the establishment left will try to make his own deal with the radical left at the expense of the rest of the establishment left.

We are now in a situation paralleling the overthrow of Czar and the overthrow of King Louis the sixteenth. The deep state expected to continue governing Russia and France, without the inconvenience of a King bothering them, but was soon in for a big surprise.

Everyone in the deep state thinks that with the democratically elected president out of the way, they will be running the country, but there are far too many of them, they are all going to cut a deal with the radical left, and they are all going to find themselves with the short end of the stick in their deals.

Eventually the leftism spiral will be ended by a Napoleon or a Stalin. If we are lucky a Cromwell. Then leftism will slowly empty out for lack of new applecarts to knock over. At which point an alternative religion will gain mass traction. And that new religion will need to ready itself for eventually becoming the state religion, as progressivism is now the state religion.

The time for electoral politics is over, and the time for an alternative mass religion is not yet. It will likely take quite some time before our enemies have finished destroying each other, so what do we do in preparation for our enemies to destroy each other?

We preserve the truth of Gnon in preparation for the day where it is possible to compete with the state religion, which will become possible only after it empties out of genuine zeal and faith, which is not going to happen until a Stalin restrains it from knocking over any more applecarts, or all applecarts are utterly destroyed.

The time for an advocacy movement is not yet. We are an analysis movement – Trumpism was an advocacy movement, and I had high hopes, but it was crushed, and anything slightly resembling it will be crushed harder.

The time for advocacy will be when leftism empties out, which is not going to happen with applecarts falling over everywhere.

Our key issue is patriarchy, and each of us should promote it at the individual level, by being alpha in our interactions with women, and by telling our women that this is God’s will, and by approving or disapproving of individual associates according to whether their conduct undermines or supports their family and our own.

Some time ago I was at a party, and my host had failed his wife’s shit test, and was angry and despondent. I said “Why don’t you just tell her to do it your way”, to which he despondently replied that it was over and settled. “It is done”. He is blue pilled, and I doubt a lecture on Game, Game Theory, Evolutionary Game Theory, and Evolutionary Psychology would have gone down well, even had I been sober enough to give it, and he sober enough to understand it, which we probably were not. So I just said “A man should be King under his own roof”, and moved on, letting the matter drop. A few minutes thereafter, he passed the shit test with flying colors, his wife eager to please. Perhaps it was that I simply simply rejected the false and evil morality that was poisoning his will and this gave him the strength to do what was right. The left pretends that everyone agrees with their anger and lies, and people believe it, believe that everyone agrees, because no public doubt is permitted, but if one man does what is right, good, and true, and will say to his friends that it is right, good, and true, people that are hurting from the conflict between leftism and reality can feel it in their hearts.

The state has so many evil laws, that it is generally unable to enforce them against those who live according to the will of Gnon, and are confident in the righteousness of so doing.

Leftism is getting brittle, because the ever greater gap between leftist doctrine and people’s lived experience is hurting people. But the child who cries the that emperor has no clothes is not going to cause leftism to fall over as long as fresh applecarts remain for leftism to knock over. It is not public advocacy time yet.

We also need to address the namefag problem and the destruction of the market economy using cryptographic means. Bitcoin was huge step in the direction of fixing the market economy, making possible transactions that are increasingly obstructed by laws and regulation.

There were many attempts on cypherpunks to address the increasing dysfunction of money and accounting. They failed until Satoshi created bitcoin. Digital gold failed because the government simply seized the backing. Bitcoin was successful, but it is a prototype that is prematurely being used as the final system.

We need to build the technology for a semi underground market economy and name system. Satoshi’s blockchain, namecoin’s blockchain, and the Jitsi name system are prototypes for what is needed.

Nothing that matters has changed in social technology, with the big and important exception of double entry accounting and corporate form that it made possible.

I expect that the blockchain and triple entry cryptographically signed accounting will also make an advance in social technology possible, changes that the ICO prefigures, but right now our problems are with social technology that has not advanced since the time of Greece and Rome. Building the things that make new social technologies possible are a step towards the recovery of old social technologies.

When the time is ripe, we will need to reboot systems that are very old, and have been broken. At the same time, while waiting for the conditions that will make a reboot possible, we need to work on the social technologies of the future. Which is corporations as sidechains on the blockchain, for these technologies will make it possible to preserve truth, technology, and the market economic order through what may be well be a very long dark age.

We preserver reality, truth, and respect for Gnon, and attempt to preserve the market economy underground.

We are in an environment that is not only hostile to the vast majority of men having sex, and hostile to all men having children, but also hostile to the market economy. Vox Day’s corporate cancer is devouring the market economy. Corporations are being repurposed from producing value to producing holiness.

We are now using white designed but East Asian built cpus, because corporate cancer has devoured our fabs, and are likely to soon be using Chinese designed CPUs. People are starting to use the Exynos SoC, which is a Samsung design built in a Samsung fab for a Samsung built and designed CPU, and the Media Tec chips, which are designed and built in Taiwan. If I was building a home security system today, it would be running on Taiwanese designed and built CPUs and SoCs.

White people lost the fabs to corporate cancer, and are starting to lose the software, chip design and chip architecture. To resist this trend while the very holy progressives are still in charge of the state religion, we need separation of information and state – which is part of the same program as the faith of Gnon, for the faith of Gnon requires us to protect the truth from a state and state religion that is hostile to truth.

While our ultimate goal is a state and state religion that enforces truth and truthfulness, as Charles the Second’s men at arms protected the Royal Society from Puritan attempts to forcibly deplatform them, for the duration our goal is agorist, to build social media platforms, economic platforms and market platforms that are not state controlled, as the Royal Society existed underground during puritan rule as the Invisible College. Agorism has no answer to large scale organized violence, and neither did the Invisible College, but after the Restoration, the Invisible College became the state sponsored Royal Society.

I may be blogging less for a while, because I am working on the design document of a very large project, and a very small foundation stone of actual software for that project.

1,155 comments Where we go from here

Ogopogo says:

Nice post, Jim.

Humble Acolyte says:

Do you suppose Bitcoin is long-term fixable through the normal course of Core development? If not, then through a hard fork? Or will it take a new coin?

jim says:

Bitcoin is totally fixable.

Trouble is, the miners have the power, and represent a concentrated interest block that has the wrong incentives for reform. For example, anything that improves bitcoins ability to handle large numbers of transactions has the short term effect of diminishing their revenue.

And moving from proof of work to proof of stake ends the miners. Ends mining revenues.

Humble Acolyte says:

I don’t see what miners could do if Core developers eventually decided to cut them out. It’s not as if they can threaten to stop mining the proof of stake chain. Some companies that run exchanges also run mines, so I guess those could boycott a proof of stake fork.

But it doesn’t seem like miners have much leverage over the devs themselves. Core devs will tend to be big holders / early adopters, so their incentives are in the right place and they can’t really be bought off. Maybe there is a distant risk of miner-funded entryist developers, but they aren’t getting the commit bit anytime soon. There’s also the risk of violence / intimidation, but at least some Core devs are anons.

I worry more that Core devs will reject proof of stake out of complacency, or because of its associations with gay Ethereum. “Bitcoin maximalism” is a bit of an orthodoxy on some technical points–attitudes towards proof of stake negative / skeptical among that group. E.g. the article on Bitcoin wiki says “Proof of Stake alone is considered to an unworkable consensus mechanism.”

jim says:

> E.g. the article on Bitcoin wiki says “Proof of Stake alone is considered to an unworkable consensus mechanism.”

The mechanisms I have seen proposed are indeed unworkable, and too clever by half, but seems to me that my solution should work.

I was struggling for a long time, when I was thinking in terms of the blockchain. Every solution just got more complicated till it broke. But the blockchain has inherent scaling problems, which are linked to the same problems as make proof of stake difficult. The solution to blockchain scaling problems is the blockdag, and when figuring out how to do consensus on the blockdag in a way that does not allow the peers to scam the clients, the solution to all three problems just seemed obvious. Proof of stake on the blockdag is a lot cleaner and more direct than proof of work on the blockdag. Or at least my solution seems to me a lot cleaner and more direct than the proof of work blockdag algorithms I have seen. But, on the other hand, I have yet to run a test to see how fast convergence to consensus happens. Seems to me it should happen fast, but maybe I am being unduly optimistic.

Joe says:

Ethereum has only about 2% of its market cap staked. It is not a good comparison for Jim’s coin because with Jim’s coin the stake is based on unspent transaction outputs and hence 100% of the market cap is staked at all times.

The participation rate for Ethereum hovers mostly around 99% for staked coins. There are penalties for those who stake but fail to vote in a timely manner and incentives for voting so we would expect this rate to be high.

jim says:

Jimcoin does not yet exist, and will not be called jimcoin.

But, apart from those minor details, you got it right.

This structure means we lose bitcoins pseudonymity, since the blockdag inherently records the peer through which the client injected the transaction, but bitcoin’s pseudonymity does not work anyway – you need other measures to make your pseudonymity effective such as the lightning network done right, on transaction architecture correctly designed to support it.

The peers do not exactly vote. Rather, when a peer injects a block of transactions from his clients into the blockdag, his selection of a peer to exchange information with, and which peer comes first in the resulting two peer block, is a vote on the total order of all transactions.

Joe says:

For the prospective PoS blockdag coin, will transactions be cryptographically tied to peers?

jim says:

Merkle tree immutably proves which peer injected which transaction, but transactions generally originate from clients of peers. A client could inject a transaction by bitmessage, rendering himself totally untraceable to the peer, but blockchain analysis demonstrates this does not in fact do much good, since the blockchain shows the money flow.

Anonymity on the blockchain can be done (Monaro, Zcash), but it worsens the scaling problem, and the crisis of scaling is upon us.

We need to accomplish pseudonymity by other means – such as a lightning network done right.

A lightning network done right is equivalent to full reserve correspondence banking, which mingles many small frequent transactions off blockchain into a few large infrequent transactions on the blockchain. And done right, it should mean that every throwaway identity can be a full reserve correspondence bank, and no one except his immediate counterparties knows about it.

Joe says:

What stops a well-connected and high-bandwidth peer from publishing the transaction of a smaller peer and taking some of his transaction ordering power?

jim says:

Each block usually links not to the previous block, but to two previous blocks. In principle can be more than two, but my current design is at most two, because three blocks is a lot more complicated. And each of those blocks link to two more.

In the course of gossiping blocks and transactions around, the blockdag gossips a consensus on total order.

A peer could defect during a gossip event, and make use of the information without producing the jointly signed block that a gossip event should produce, but this would be apparent to the other peer, who probably would not talk to him any more.

Aborting a gossip event is not a Byzantine failure, but using the information obtained from an incomplete gossip event is indicative of Byzantine defection, and lots of other Byzantine defections are possible.

In Practical Byzantine Fault tolerant consensus, a small number of Byzantine failures have no effect. It takes coordinated Byzantine failure of one third or more of the weight of stake to change the outcome.

My consensus algorithm, however, is probabilistic, so a small amount of Byzantine failure will have a small but nonzero effect, and coordinated Byzantine defection by one third or more will have a controlling effect. Most Byzantine failures leave an immutable record in the blockdag of all honest peers, so peers that engage in Byzantine failure can get blackballed, and those failures that do not leave an immutable record, nonetheless are visible to the peer interacting with the peer that engages in Byzantine failure. If honest peers decline to create gossip events with peers that engage in Byzantine failure, the amount of Byzantine defection should remain small.

If the gossip event does produce a jointly signed block, then the total history of all the gossip events that both peers participated in, and the total history of the peers that each peer gossiped with, gets locked into the hash of that block. Byzantine failures generally get immutably recorded.

The generals problem is that you have a bunch of generals communicating by unreliable messenger, and some of the messages get lost, and they want to agree on a consensus that they all attack or all retreat, for if some attack and some retreat, the result is likely to be bad.

The Byzantine Generals problem is that not only could messages be unreliable, but also the generals: During the last days of Byzantium, generals tended to be more interested in grabbing the throne than in winning battles, so a general might send one general a message that he was retreating, and everyone agreed that retreat was in order, and another general a message that he was attacking, and everyone agreed that attack was in order, so that a large part of the army would get slaughtered, making it easier for him to grab the throne.

So Byzantine defection involves sending information to one peer that is inconsistent with the information you sent to another peer.

And, since everything is signed, and the merkle dag renders everything immutable, each peer can analyze the blockdag to detect past Byzantine defections. Which will not stop them from having undesirable effects, but should keep the number of Byzantine defectors down.

Getting back to your question: Suppose one peer produces a history in which he introduced a transaction, and another peer produces a history in which he introduced that transaction.

The general rule is that when the total consensus is constructed, the first block in the total order wins. So if one peer has gossiped around the transactions a bit, he will be first in total order.

Which means that a peer might want to manipulate the consensus on total order to put himself first.

But if he was correctly performing gossip transactions, and learned of those transactions through a gossip interaction, the blockdag will not put him first, since order is depth first.

And, if he was incorrectly performing gossip transactions, well, he could put himself first, but the blockdag will show he was incorrectly performing gossip transactions.

If he aborts the gossip interaction after learning useful information, the blockdag will not show this, but the other peer will know. If a peer only performs gossip interactions with other peers that correctly perform the protocol, it usually be the first in the total order to introduce these transactions, even if other peers that it does not directly interact with perform incorrectly.

If it is serious money, the client whose money it is might do something about it, by injecting another transaction spending that unspent transaction output.

So yes, it is a potential problem. But chances are it will not be a big problem, and if it is a problem, there are things that could be done about it.

No algorithm will work if there is a substantial amount of defection from the algorithm. It can be proven that one third coordinated defection can beat any consensus algorithm. The important thing is that a small amount of defection cannot produce large benefits to the defector, that the incentives are against defection.

Joe says:

What is a two peer block?

(The voting mechanism I was considering had each block linking back to a few previous blocks with the order of links determining the voting preference, but each block would be created by a single peer only meaning there would be no two-way exchange of information when creating a block.)

Joe says:

when a peer injects a block of transactions from his clients into the blockdag, his selection of a peer to exchange information with, and which peer comes first in the resulting two peer block, is a vote on the total order of all transactions

Should not the two blocks that the new block links back to, and the order of the links, be the vote on the total order of transactions?

Ace says:

>A man should be King under his own roof

Wise words.

BaboonTycoon says:

>In the near future, we can expect the deep state to struggle with the radical left for power

I don’t see it. Radical left has no resources or capacity to organize without support of deep state. No reason to think that foreigners would pick up the bill. No one in deep state has any incentive to defect and join them except in attempt to use cancel tactics against personal enemies, which only work if rest of deep state allows them to. The “struggle” would be akin to a stray dog barking in demand that it be let indoors outside the home of a deaf person.

I wish for something to happen as much as anyone and perhaps I overestimate their intelligence, but this grift has been running longer than I’ve been alive.

jim says:

> No one in deep state has any incentive to defect and join them except in attempt to use cancel tactics against personal enemies

Of which each person in the deep state has a large supply.

The historical precedent is that normalcy bias always leads to the deep state expecting that they will continue to rule, and they don’t.

Maybe it will be different this time around, but I am inclined to bet on things continuing to unfold on the same pattern as all the previous times around.

yewotm8 says:

You are thinking that deep state stooges are content in their current position, that their faction has “won” against the Trumpists, and therefore they no longer need to use the radical left as a weapon. This does appear true in the short term, but eventually they will see opportunities to attack each other. And they will be financing/directing/publicly supporting antifa in order to seize such opportunities.

How long this period of contentedness will last is difficult to judge. I think we can look at which direction the virus nonsense heads to give us a good idea of how much is left on the clock. If virus hysteria ramps up even higher, not much time. If it cools off, much more time. It will be a strong indicator of the consensus among them regarding whether or not it is acceptable to continue knocking over applecarts at such a rate. There must be many of them who wish to stop with the senseless ritual in order to enjoy simpler things again, and so would seek to “defeat” the virus as soon as possible, rather than continue on the current path.

Pooch says:

The early signs I’m seeing now is they wish to back off on covid hysteria. Alot of cities are announcing indoor dining can re-open for instance. And high priest Fauci himself said cases seem to leveling off (or something similar).

Ace says:

The order went out to restore normality at least for now. They’ve been banning Antifa groups off of twitter and even places like Seattle are promising to actually enforce the law against Antifa.

Pooch says:

Biden also said recently, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic”, which seems to imply no more aggressive lockdowns.

Ace says:

They’re still worried about a military coup, which is influencing them to not completely fuck the country up, yet. Have to get the military good and purged first. They really do want normality to return so they can continue looting. We’ll see the pressure really ramp up with Trump’s impeachment trial. They absolutely need either the Republicans or Trump himself to say the election wasn’t rigged in order to establish legitimacy.

Trump’s going to die either way in the end but maybe he can find some balls and tell the truth at the trial.

Pooch says:

Yes that’s true. I guess the Trump show isn’t quite over yet.

Ace says:

Based on Trump’s current behavior, I’d say he’ll cave after making a deal with them, which of course the Dems won’t honor.

Pooch says:

Probably why they put off the trial for so long so they can negotiate with Trump. And what if Trump refuses to acquiesce? What is the significance to that (besides just pissing them off)?

Ace says:

If you’re going to die, best not to die like a coward. One can become a Martyr that way. No one reveres a dead coward.

I’m pretty sure the delay is to give the FBI time to force the GOP to falsely confess the election wasn’t rigged and to force them to vote to impeach. They may also get some rioters to similarly falsely confess. DC runs on blackmail and one does not get to be a Senator without something they can use to maximum effect. Of course republican who votes to impeach is going to end up not winning shit in 2022 which will make a good excuse for the massive nation wide fraud the Dems will push in 2022.

Dems: The GOP lost everywhere because republicans didn’t vote for them because they were upset about impeachment!

Med says:

I searched for “JimCoin” on CoinMarketCap and nothing showed up. I’ll try again in the morning.

jim says:

JimCoin is not going to show up any time soon. (And it will not be called Jimcoin)

First thing needed is a replacement of QUIC (which is TCP/SSL) that creates a secure connection network between two Zooko identities, and I don’t have that, and will not have it for a while.

To attack and replace the existing cryptocurrency exchanges, and to act as a powerbase from which to attack social media, and to eventually attack and replace the stock exchanges, a crypto currency needs to support namecoins. Which Jitsi and namecoin already do great, but they fail to do anything about TCP, which means in practice they are not challenges to TCP/SSL, nor Cloudfare DDoS protection, and thus not challenges to the existing name systems (registered corporations, the CAs, and DNS)

We need to start with a strike against TCP/SSL/CAs/DNS, because going to need that in order to go after the big money. The big money being ICOs and exchanges.

Any organization that has a certificate authority in its pocket can perform a man in the middle attack on an SSL connection, but that is just the moral justification for replacing SSL/CA/DNS. The big reason for replacing TCP/SSL/CA/DNS system because there is money in it. A great deal of money.

The trouble with an ICO (initial coin offering), is that the issuer has no obligation to do anything other than take the money and run. We are moving to an economy where much of the value is in “goodwill”, “goodwill” being names with reputations and relationships. The blockchain (or blockdag, since blockdags theoretically have better scaling than blockchains) could be used to render this value liquid in IPOs by having both names and money on the blockchain.

Atomic transactions between blockchains, plus names on the blockchain with money, a replacement for TCP/SSL/CAs/DNS could support sovereign corporations on the blockchain, so that an ICO could be an IPO (Initial Public Offering). If the blockchain is a name service as well as a money service, it could give the investors ownership of the name. The owners of examplecorp shares get to designate board.examplecorp, and the board gets to designate the public key of CEO@examplecorp from time to time, thus rendering the value of a name potentially liquid.

If a name is controlled by a Schnorr signature over an elliptic field of prime order, such as Ristretto25519, the secret key can be a distributed threshold key generated by John Canny and Stephen Sorkin’s Practical Large-scale Distributed Key Generation, and the resulting signature is just like any signature controlled by a single person, but it is controlled by a secret that distributed over a large number of people such that a majority of those people have to cooperate to sign something. If we use Schnorr signatures and Ristretto25519, we get the capacity for groups of people to form corporate entities without having to put any additional cleverness into the blockchain. (Though we would have put a lot of additional cleverness and a lot of work into the systems for signing things. My current code and current UI only allows stuff to be signed by a single entity with a single secret.)

Cryptocurrency exchanges are run by crooks, and are full of crooks each trying to scam all the other crooks.

If you don’t know who the pigeon is, you are the pigeon.

A healthy cryptocurrency market needs to leave the cryptocurrency exchanges behind, replacing them with atomic blockchain transactions between separate blockchains. The Cryptocurrency exchanges are dangerously centralized, and linked to a corruptly regulated finance and accounting system, which corruption we saw with Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown and the Mortgage backed Security market from 2005 November to 2007, and saw with MF Global. Jon Corzine did worse than embezzle client funds. He embezzled client funds legally.

Demand for crypto currencies is driven in substantial part by the fact that recent regulations have cheerfully set aside laws on fiduciary duty that are millenia old. The exchanges cheerfully adhere to such regulations as they find dangerously convenient, while taking advantage of cryptocurrency to avoid those regulations that they find inconvenient.

The banks, the stock exchanges, and the big accounting firms are regulated agencies whose regulators are in their pocket. The crypto currency exchanges are semi regulated, taking advantage of regulations written for those who have regulators in their pocket.

The cryptocurrency market needs to get rid of exchanges, starting with cryptocurrency exchanges, and proceeding eventually to get rid of stock exchanges.

An exchange exists to provide an escrow that faithfully observes its fiduciary duty. And there have been a great many recent examples of such entities getting up to no good, and in the case of the mortgage backed security market, up to no good with enormous amounts of money.

A cryptocurrency with a name system could eat their lunch, greatly enriching its founders in the process.

Thus, secure and efficient communication between Zooko identities comes first, and then cryptocoins on top of that.

I would be doing cryptocoins first if my model was to create yet another altcoin and get rich quick selling it on the cryptocurrency exchanges like everyone else, but I want to destroy them and eat their lunch, not get some of their leavings. I want it all. They are bad people, and most of the CAs are bad people.

The Cominator says:

Why would you want to attack and replace the stock exchanges?

Joe says:


Contaminated NEET says:

Whoa. Now that is ambition. I love it!

Ryan says:

What about decentralized exchanges that run on smart contracts, like Uniswap? I know it’s limited to tokens issued to a single Layer 1 (Ethereum), but they can do a lot. I don’t see the advantage in each SovCorp having a different blockchain.

A fork of Ethereum with a secure net protocol and zero-knowledge privacy built in could have legs.

jim says:

A lot of things could have legs.

I see a new world opening up, like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes he stared at the Pacific – and all his men looked at each other with a wild surmise, silent, upon a peak in Darien.

The blockchain is a computer tool to mediate human consensus. It makes new forms of large scale cooperation possible, that we have not yet imagined or experienced.

Scriptless scripts, which require the use of Schnorr signatures over group of prime order, and the blockdag, have possibilities as yet unplumbed. Any crypto currency not using Schnorr signatures is obsolete, and needs to change.

The Cominator says:

I would repeat my question about the stock exchanges, they seem to be one of the few things in the Western World that still functions and in fact (since commissions have disappeared) one of the few things that functions better than it did in the past?

What is your objection to them, or do you just want share prices to be denominated in crypto?

jim says:

The stock exchanges trading in shares and share options are in themselves working quite well, but publicly traded companies are required to follow Sox accounting, which means that everyone is flying blind.

The foundation of the corporate fom is double entry accounting, and Sox is termites in the foundations.

Pooch says:

Not for long. They are threatening to de-list companies that don’t meet diversity requirements on their boards.

The Cominator says:

As much as I normally hate diversity you don’t want cohesion on a board since the board is supposed to be the watchdog for shareholders and they aren’t really supposed to be each others best friends. Putting someone on boards who screws up cohesion might be a good thing. When boards and senior management can trust and cooperate each other they tend to rob shareholders.

You really want people on a board to dislike and distrust each other.

Pooch says:

Affirmative Action is never a good thing.

jim says:

Observed behavior is that the board seves the shareholders if they are big shareholders or in the pocket of a big shareholder.

Diversities are there to rob the company blind and destroy it, not because they are not white males, but because they are not shareholders.

The Cominator says:

Jim quite correct but the worst situation is if they are not a big shareholder (or effectively under the control of them, I’ve unfortunately seen companies where a big shareholder it was a hedge fund did not actually look after the board or the senior management despite horrible behaviour) and they are a cohesive gang.

Its better (when the board is not so effectively under shareholder control) if they don’t trust each other very much.

suones says:

👏👏👏 “You don’t want most of it, you want all of it!” A man after my taste, as always.

Mike in Boston says:

Jim, thank you for sketching this out.

First thing needed is a replacement of QUIC (which is TCP/SSL)

In my estimation a big problem with TCP is that it is conducive to the leftist mob mounting DDOS attacks, and that the infrastructure needed to combat those attacks is necessarily centralized and therefore subject to state and quasi-state pressure. Are you thinking primarily of this, or of other problems?

About replacements for TCP, you may have already considered and/or decided against these, but on the off chance you are not already familiar with them, you might like to look into using UDP with fountain codes in general and maybe specifically this page on Raptor codes and RFC 6330.

jim says:

I don’t see the relevance of Raptor codes to DDoS restance.

Seems to me that for DDoS resistance, you need an adjustable pow handshake as the initial step of the connection handshake.

So how would you implement DDoS resistance?

Mike in Boston says:

I don’t see the relevance of Raptor codes to DDoS resistance.

Sorry I was unclear! Neither do I. I wish I knew how to implement DDoS resistance, but I don’t. I was just thinking that on an unreliable channel prone to deletions (like UDP), Raptor codes are appealing because you need fewer retransmissions.

for DDoS resistance, you need an adjustable pow handshake as the initial step of the connection handshake.

I had not worked that out on my own, but it seems abundantly clear now that you have said so. That happens with a lot of things you write and makes me grateful for your posts.

Anonymous 2 says:

I’m not an expert, and I think the first problem to consider is to get the overall architecture right, but for a server perhaps you could require an expensive one-sided computation a la bcrypt to connect (over UDP), and blacklist IPs or clients that fail this test for a day or so. The challenge would have to be provided out of band to minimize server work. (Perhaps even as a TXT record in DNS?)

Depending on if the sessions are long-lived, you could add some extra bells and whistles, like having everyone switch IP/port every now and then, and blacklist those who got through but still seem iffy. Or just to shed traffic.

Cloudflare uses (on the HTTP level) browser fingerprinting and a drawn-out captcha procedure.

I suppose you will additionally have to be ready to handle multi-Gbps garbage traffic to resist DDoS.

Jerking Off says:

Perfect resistance to DDOS can be achieved by turning off the Internet.

The Internet, as everyone knows, is a portal to Hell. We will close the portal.

This achieves the following concrete objectives:

1. DDOS becomes impossible.
2. Big Tech summarily destroyed.
3. Payment processors annihilated; mass return to cash, a.k.a. real money.
4. Local economies become viable again.
5. Electronic surveillance becomes several orders of magnitude more costly and difficult.
6. Propaganda regime cut at the knees, reduced back to television, if that.
7. People go outside, know their neighbors’ names.
8. The Mark of the Beast will once more be a distant prophecy, with no practical technological substrate which to undergird it.
9. Alex Jones gets a well-deserved sabbatical-vacation from nearly three decades of being right about everything.
10. Local radio and local newspapers become viable businesses once more.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

Vote for me in 2024.

jim says:


alf says:

An argument against the internet and the evils of technology can be made. From a distance seems like the Amish are making that argument fairly well.

If you have to choose between your kids sitting on social media all day versus them playing in the garden all day, the choice seems obvious.

But the internet in itself is not bad. It is powerful, can be used for good or bad. Internet has been a saving experience for me. And if you enjoy the things you do, you’ll naturally avoid social media, because most people on there are unhappy and you’ll feel them drag you down. That’s been my experience at least.

At the end of the day, the Amish will be steamrolled by any opposition that uses tanks instead of horses. And so it will be with internet-people versus non-internet people.

jim says:

Alf, pretty sure I lost my bet with you. I was expecting the situation to limp along for a fair bit longer, but present circumstances look none too promising.

alf says:

Yes I meant to ask. Strictly speaking you can wait four more years, but yea… I don’t mind taking the W as is 🙃 I’ll shoot a mail.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>6. Propaganda regime cut at the knees, reduced back to television, if that.

The internet in fact was a major factor in fragmenting the nigh univocality of the previous propaganda regime, made possible through the innovation of central broadcasting media.

Everything that has happened since has been efforts to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak, and cooption of the most popular platform providers (eg, ‘social media’ sites) has gone far in putting band-aids back over the fissures, but never the less, they happened in the first place. Exempli gratia, this blog you just posted than in now being phenomena that exist.

BaboonTycoon says:

So I have very little knowledge of crypto and blockchain concepts, but I’ve spent the day studying them as they are the future probably regardless of the reactionary movement and it certainly is a more productive endeavor than continuing to listen to pundits. I’m still having a difficult time processing what you meant by this post, jim, but from what I gather, you’re proposing essentially a decentralized, automated public name registry system that essentially functions as a stock exchange using blockchain/blockDAG to record transactions. Is this correct?

I can certainly see the advantage if so, but can only see it solving one of many problems faced by startups run by our guys.

jim says:

It is not only our startups that are facing these problems.

It’s every business everywhere in the american hegemony.

BaboonTycoon says:

Of course, I was simply referring to the extra problems we may have on top of that, such as being unable to obtain credit because of ideologically opposed lenders. If Trump can’t even hold his bank accounts, that has dark portents for the rest of us.

It is good to have a public trading system separate from NASDAQ and NYSE’s gay requirements for a company to be listed, but what incentives do the actual investors have for using this? I would expect the relative lack of curation to make investors consider such a system overall more risky, especially considering the type of company that would need to use such a system over a regular stock exchange.

jim says:

A lot of money has been raised in ICOs, because Sox has killed off IPOs.

They don’t have an alternative.

And triple entry accounting is way more credible than Sox accounting.

(Triple entry accounting is double entry accounting with signed and blockchained immutable journals.)

If people invest in crypto ICOs, they will be a lot more willing to invest in crypto IPOs.

A corporation on the blockchain needs both proofs of stake and triple entry accounting, though triple entry accounting can wait.

I have asked you before some examples of why SOX sucks, I wanted to compare it to European accounting standards. I was thinking, what can be so hard, if you can track the numbers in the books back to invoices issued by your vendors or yourself, the tax man will not really find many angles to screw you. The main issue with that is that numbers trackable back to invoices suck at providing information for actually managing the business. They are purely a tax man shield. So the internal information is provided by management accounting, management reporting etc.

Anyway, taking this hint I went googling for SOX and IPOs. Hm. Apparently it isn’t really about accounting in the sense I would use that word. Apparently it means a lot of internal audits, including things like HR audits, not strictly accounting ones, and one site says the cost of internal audits, the internal cost of compliance is on the avereage $800K a year for a company of 1-3 “unique locations”, whatever that means. Throw in external costs and it means a small company going public is looking at $1M compliance costs a year. Is that the main issue?

jim says:

That is what is stopping IPOs.

But it is not the main issue.

The main issue is that SOX is increasingly detached from reality, making fraud legal and truth illegal.

In place of accountants tracking the movement of value and the creation of value, accountants are conducting holy talmudic rituals before people are permitted to move or create value.

Which holy rituals are not only expensive, inconvenient, and disruptive, but fail to track the creation and movement of value. Not only is the accounting that goes into having an IPO expensive and inconvenient, it also fails to accurately report the value created by business or the movement of value between entities.

The background of SOX is Enron. Enron was in the business of buying stuff on credit, and selling it for cash, while losing money on each deal. Its accounts were technically truthful, but misleading, reporting a massive but nonexistent profit.

A bunch of accounting students went over its books with a fine tooth comb, reported what it was up to, all the people it was buying stuff from started demanding cash on the barrelhead, and Enron vanished in a puff of smoke.

Which is accounting working as designed. Enron’s books were accurate but misleading. Because it kept accurate books misleadingly captioned, it got caught.

So we got a law that was theoretically intended to stop accountants from getting creative. But the actual effect of the law was to turn accountants into holy priests, which has the effect that they are being less and less and less accountants.

Sox was a major contributing factor to MF Global and the Great Mortgage Minority Meltdown. In the aftermath of the Great Mortgage Minority Meltdown, it turned out that no one knew who had the rights to foreclose on which houses, that the records of who owned what rights over what houses just had not in fact been kept. Similarly in the liquidation of MF Global. The books that exposed Enron just are not being kept any more, except management keeps them privately and semi illegally.

The holy rituals are the internal audits? But I would like to have something like a raw example instead of your analysis, because I would be curious to compare it with EU practice. I have found a software called

Hm. A risk heatmap, with an impact/likelihood graph. That actually looks like something useful, like a software company thinking “What is the likelihood and possible impact if our competitors implement this sexy, much-awaited feature before we do?” But that is not accounting and really weird why it would have anything to do with accounting regulation compliance.

Yet they describe the workstream as operations audit -> risk oversight -> compliance -> SOX.

Pooch says:

It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite, and creating a virtuous elite is a project that requires a virtuous King, and a few generations.

Moldbug seems to think that when the time comes, a new elite faction will be able to cooperate enough to assist the future monarch take power. Did Stalin, Napoleon, and Cromwell have a faction of the elite helping them this way? Or did they take power simply by themselves and the army?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Either a General Suharto in a few years, using an existing organization, or a Corporal Adolf in a few decades, building his own organization.

Those are the ideal scenarios of course.

The Cominator says:

Hitler had massive elite support and sympathy from the beginning. Not all of them supported Hitler but the entire German elite en masse hated the communists and hated the Republic.

jim says:

This is a commie myth. The commies want to play down the equalist and left wing character of National Socialism.

The German Chamber of manufacturers did not see any difference between the commies and the Nazis. As Orwell observed, anyone who thought there was much difference between the commies and the Nazis was a commie or a Nazi.

Elite support for Nazis was small, and was roughly equal to elite support for commies. Members of the elite double crossed each other by backing commies or Nazis or both simultaneously. They hated the Republic because it empowered commies and Nazis.

The Cominator says:

I didn’t say he had the support of ALL the elite but there was a very strong pro Nazi elite faction going back to the early 1920s.

Hitler had leftist sympathies on many (but not all) issues but Hitler politically very much tried to appear somehow both ultra left wing and ultra right wing at the same time. He would assure the SA he was ultra left wing and the old monarchist elites and german farmers he was ultra right wing…

This is even inherent in the name of the Nazi party… the National Socialist German Workers Party…

The OC says:

The Nazis did not believe in joint stock companies, but they did believe in human inequality, including within nations and races.

The Nazis did not strongly believe in ownership, but did believe in hierarchy meaning both power and responsibility, something that is can only be achieved by ownership even if it be called something else.

I would not lump them with communists. Though their practical effect on incumbent business owners was indeed similar, and with some of the negative consequences for all of society.

The Cominator says:

The Nazis were vague about most points of economics as some nazis were far left and some nazis were far right and Hitler early on tried to appeal to both, Hitler early on had to back the former but as his position became stronger he shifted policy back to the latter (which he personally sympathized with). They did not abolish stock companies but they weakened shareholders and forced companies to follow the leader principle… which tended to not be good if the leader wasn’t a shareholder.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed, but this also is not a contradiction, of the fact that the good corporal did so build an organization.

As has been observed in the past, one of Hitler’s greatest assets was the ability to have a hitlerist be put in charge of every club, association, and organization in the land.

And where did all of that manpower come from? From how every bernd who felt like he wanted to do something for the Fatherland had a clear obvious pathway for realizing that desire to contribute; sign up with The Party.

Trump’s great problem – perhaps his greatest problem – is that he didn’t have that. There was no ‘Republican Guard’ an isolated but patriotic amerikaner could sign up with, and from which Trump could draw personnel to take responsibility over things. All he could draw on were people that already existed in the previous system; and naturally, the selection criteria for existence in those systems would not select for the kind of folk someone like Trump could count on.

jim says:

Yes, Trump desperately needed what Hitler had. Trump needed an army of deplorables. He needed to mobilize and organize the people who showed up at his rallies to do more than mere electoral politics.

He had sign up sheets, but the sign up sheets were a dead end to being called on for contributions and door knocking. A waste of time and money. He went along with a policy of keeping those people away from where they were actually needed.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Looking back, I think Trump himself is to blame for this. I’d like to draw some other conclusion like “the system wouldn’t let him”, but at some point I ended up on one of his distribution lists – no idea how or why – and got hundreds of messages with nothing but sleazy donation soliciting. This wasn’t some unknown grifter trying to make money off of Trump’s movement, it was the real thing, sent from and linking to his evergreen campaign site.

The thing I noticed about the solicitations back then was the cringe and scummy tone, implying that forking over $20 would make you a member of some exclusive club and give you exclusive access. But the thing I really notice about them now is what’s missing: where’s the recruiting? Where are the job opportunities? Where are the volunteer opportunities? Where’s the referral program? Where the hell did he think he was going to get personnel from, if not the millions of supporters who ended up on that distribution list?

I have messages here about an “Election Defense Fund”. What good was money going to do? Where are the messages asking for lawyers and ex-cops and citizen journalists and so on, before the election when it might have mattered? And I know people who went to his rallies and they don’t recall any of this type of recruitment there either.

Which leaves us with one of three very uncomfortable conclusions:

1. He was never serious, not at any time during the last 4 years, or he was some kind of plant. (I still find this extremely hard to believe, but it’s a plausible and logically-consistent explanation that’s also hard to disprove.)

2. He knew the fix was in for the 2020 election, but didn’t care, and just wanted to milk the election year for all the donations he could squeeze out.

3. He knew the fix was in for the 2020 election, and honestly believed that grossly outmoded fundraising and advertising models were going to save the day – after he himself defeated those models in 2016.

These are all very black-pilled perspectives, but none of the other explanations that I’ve seen can adequately account for the fact that he never made any serious attempt to recruit from the gigantic Trumpist talent pool available to him. It defies reason, and it means things were never quite as they appeared.

suones says:

A very valid point. I remember the euphoria of 2016, when Trump had set up a website where people could upload resumes in the expectation of serving/volunteering in the incoming administration. Roosh and co were even recommending people to sign up for it and make a difference. It came to naught and the website and data were somehow “lost” later. That should’ve been a massive red flag. Hindsight is 20/20.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All subjects of the polygon are conditioned from birth to follow the kabuki theater; shall we call it ‘normacy’, even?

It really is a neat trick. Any of those whose instincts might tell them that things are not quite right are allowed – nay, encouraged even! – to ‘do something about it’… and the forms of those ‘somethings’ they are encouraged to do are, of course, only those things that can never actually pose a threat to our synagogites, that do not actually produce power.

Thus, canalizing, as far as it goes, any incipient forces of order into fruitless surrogate activities, managed by the ranks of professional loserdom.

Like the metaphor goes, the giant elephant that grew up tied to a post, can never quite seem to realize it could simply pull it out of the ground.

As has been evinced, even folk like Trump, who one might think should be able to get it, even if only through the force of circumstance, are not wholly unblinkered by those old ruts, worn into the back of the mind.

Pooch says:

Trump thought he could take over the GOP as an outsider, merely by popular support, and its existing members and power structure would become loyal to him. He spent a large amount of effort appeasing the GOP establishment over four years and really thought, irrationally, they would come to his aid at the end and fight for him.

Instead, they fled the field like the Scottish nobles turning on William Wallace against the King.

I really don’t see how he could have been successful unless he built his own party from the ground up like the Nazi party. What he was attempting would be the equivalent of Hitler joining a mainstream party instead of starting his own.

The Cominator says:

Jim and I like talking about Sulla the man who did what Trump could and would not.

Now on Sulla’s grave he requested the epitaph read “No better friend, no worse enemy”. Ie Sulla rewarded his friends and punished his enemies.

Trump’s policies were good, his economic thinking was good, his charisma was good… but he did not reward his friends and punish his enemies he often did the opposite.

The original sins were not forcing Paul Ryan out as speaker (and demanding he furthermore be blacklisted from any future lobbying jobs) and allowing Flynn’s enemies to railroad him.

You cannot build up a faction that way when people think its more profitable to be your enemy (or at best a fake friend) than your friend.

Pooch says:

Yes I agree. In hindsight, what he really needed was a hostile takeover of the GOP, beginning with an aggressive purge of all Never-Trumpers instead of trying to win them over by “proving” he wasn’t so bad.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Should be an object lesson for votefags and people who advocate “infiltrating” progressive-controlled organizations. Never mind trying to influence from an entry-level or middle-management position, even if you make it to the very top you’ll just be quarantined, ignored and stabbed in the back.

And if starting a new party is effectively impossible (Tweetmerica is not Weimar Germany), and taking over a major party is effectively impossible, then there never was and never will be any solution based on voting or democracy. And that means Yarvin is right, we are better off with everyone knowing that America is a one-party state, because that will allow normalfags to start imagining non-democratic solutions, and more importantly, allow emerging Cromwell- and Stalin-like figures to acknowledge that since they clearly have no viable enemies to their right, their real enemies must be to their left.

Joe says:

Trump took all of the goodwill that came from the Democrats stealing the election and pissed it up against the wall over about six weeks.

[…] Source: Jim […]

J.W. says:

Great post. I disagree, however, with your statement that “Trumpism … was destroyed.” I voted for Trump twice and have no regrets, but Trumpism wasn’t destroyed so much as it was neglected and even sabotaged by Trump himself.

Nobody forced Trump to let Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell take the lead in 2017. Nobody forced Trump, who supposedly loved to tell people “You’re fired!,” to retain hundreds if not thousands of Obama holdovers who undercut him at every opportunity. Nobody forced Trump to surround himself with grifters and mediocrities. Nobody forced Trump to go golfing while Stacey Abrams & Co. were openly plotting to steal the election.

Trumpism is alive and well, as we saw on Jan. 6. Trumpism just needs a much more competent version of Trump.

Pooch says:

Trumpism is alive and well, as we saw on Jan. 6. Trumpism just needs a much more competent version of Trump.

The time for politics is over. We need a Napoleon or a Stalin to put a stop to leftism using lethal violence with legitimate authority behind him. Trump couldn’t do that, so we wait for someone who can.

J.W. says:

That doesn’t make any sense. How would a Napoleon or Stalin have “legitimate authority” if not via politics — i.e., via popular support of a huge segment of the country?

It’s not even clear that we need a Napoleon or Stalin with a huge army. Every third person in a group these days is an informant. It seems like this is a time for lone wolves.

Ace says:

Heh, you still thinks that Popular Sovereignty is a real thing. If Popular Sovereignty was real, Joe Biden would be sitting a jail cell right now. Power comes the “Barrel of a Gun” and group cohesion from Religion and belief.

J.W. says:

Everyone in the country knew the Dems were going to cheat and Trump went golfing instead of working to stop it. I don’t understand why so many people are black pilling because of Trump’s incompetence, which we all knew about from the beginning.

Regardless, if the Deep State has even half as much power as you seem to believe, there will never be a Napoleon or Stalin because he’ll be deplatformed and then disappeared before anyone knows who he is.

What we need are dozens of neighborhood Napoleons and Stalins.

Ace says:

The deep state doesn’t have cohesion. They were able to cohere around expelling the Proles and getting rid of Trump but with that threat largely gone, they’ll focus on fighting each other now. One of those Generals who just helped install Harris as President might soon before the person taking over someday. Such in the nature of things.

You’re arguing that the leaderless right could take up people power and overthrow the government, a ludicrous idea. Every peasant revolt in history failed save one in China where things had become very bad indeed. One needs elites and an army to win a war and the right has neither. Building one while the FBI and every other organ of state power is looking for such organization forming is nuts. The Deep state doesn’t agree on much, but what they do agree on is crushing the proles and any sign of prole power.

Both Napoleon and Stalin helped bring their radical factions into power and later took over the state when things getting more and more insane. Such people are by nature on the inside of the Deep state/leftist factions.

Everyone in the country knew the Dems were going to cheat and Trump went golfing instead of working to stop it. I don’t understand why so many people are black pilling because of Trump’s incompetence, which we all knew about from the beginning.

Trump relied on the courts dispensing justice and the DOJ to stop it. They failed to do so because both sided with the coup. Even Cesar died from normality bias when he failed to have armed men by his side in the Senate.

J.W. says:

You contradict yourself in almost every sentence, so I have no idea what you’re arguing or proposing.

The Deep State conspired against Trump but somehow a Napoleon or Stalin might slip through unnoticed? We need an army but if we try to organize we’ll be doomed by informants? We can’t rely on politics or elections but we need to “bring [our] radical factions into power”?

American conservatives are armed to the teeth and just overran the U.S. Capitol without weapons. Imagine what they could do in Sacramento or Albany or Lansing or Springfield.

Enough with the doom and gloom. Leftists are a bunch of unarmed, weak degenerates who only have power over people who surrender. We’re not a bunch of unarmed Venezuelans.

Ace says:

Imagine what they could do in Sacramento or Albany or Lansing or Springfield.

They’d be gunned down by automatic weapons fire. The right is not the left and such mob actions just result in dead rightists or the Reichstag fire type event that was the storming of the capital.

You glow in the dark.

@Starman, time for the Shill test for this guy.

Pooch says:

American conservatives are armed to the teeth and just overran the U.S. Capitol without weapons. Imagine what they could do in Sacramento or Albany or Lansing or Springfield.

And imagine the entire US military/security state using maximum violence to put it down in an hour or two. See Ruby Ridge and the Waco Seige. Violence is not an option for us right now because we have no institutional support. None. So we wait for a Napoleon or Stalin to emerge (someone in the military right now) to put a stop to the insanity and we align with them when the time presents itself.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I believe it is you who is contradicting yourself, and out of contact with reality.

“American conservatives” “overran” the Capitol “without weapons” because they were allowed to do so. Several of them actually did have weapons, and in any case the police made no effort to stop them. 2-3 weeks of postmortem analysis converges pretty strongly on the whole episode being a false flag, or at least a deliberate trap.

A Stalin would, in fact, rise through the ranks unnoticed, because Stalin was a street thug, which is why several have pointed out that our version of a Stalin would likely have an Antifa background. A Napoleon would bide his time until ready to mount a full-scale assault, which is exactly the opposite of Trump and so many “American Conservatives” running off their mouths, issuing stern warnings to the left, rambling various formulations of “this time they’ve gone too far”, crying or cracking lame jokes about hypocrisy, and pointing to the vast array of guns that they’d never even dream of using without very clear and unambiguous instructions from a legitimate authority figure.

To say “leftists are unarmed” requires you to assume that “leftists” are merely the assorted rabble of Antifa and BLM, and not the actual ruling government that controls the FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, thousands of local sheriffs and police commissioners and DAs, and apparently the National Guard and most of the armed forces. It makes no difference if the individual officers hate their masters as long as they’re still willing to follow their orders, and it has now been conclusively shown that yes, they are. Plus, even the rabble is increasingly arming up, as late 2020 saw a number of cop killings and literal executions of Trump supporters on the street.

I think that in 10 or 20 years from now, looking back from a historical perspective, we will be saying that empty bluster killed the Amerikaner as a class. An entire class of individuals who have never had the balls to actually take power, and if a few of them did have the balls then they were too politically ignorant and strategically incompetent to use them properly, but despite having no balls and no strategy, just could not shut the hell up with their advocacy and drawing genocidal anger from the left.

Try to imagine yourself as a slave owner presiding over some 100 slaves, and about half a dozen nincompoops always seem to be trying to foment rebellion, telling the others that they’re unappreciated, working too hard, ruled over by degenerate aliens. Well, it’s true, but so what? From the point of view of the slave, it’s not right, it’s not fair, it’s not just. And from the point of view of the master, there’s nothing worse than an uppity slave, and it’s best to deal with them post-haste, preferably by making an example of them for any others inclined to be uppity.

We are subjects, not citizens. Certainly much better off than prototypical slaves, but with about the same amount of political power. It is the lot of the peasant to occasionally live under corrupt, degenerate and tyrannical regimes. There may not be a lot of good options for him, but indulging in delusions of grandeur has got to be one of the worst options.

jim says:

Popular support for the communists was insignificant.

The Kadets were roughly equivalent to moderate Democrats and could not wiin a fair election. You think the commies could?

C4ssidy says:

If I am following, Namefagcoin and cryptocorporations are also a slippery slope towards having a number of one’s assets, employment history and trades publicly checkable, at least what one chooses to show. Replaces and upgrades both financial and social credit checks. Easy system to catch on universally, particularly in areas where trust is scarce

Ousia says:

The “Radical Left” (Antifa, BLM) has no mind of its own.
They are the equivalent of mangy stray dogs, only powerful in great numbers and coordinated by the “Establishment Left” (the Bureaucracy, Corporations, the Media, Hollywood).
Every single one of their “leaders” is on the Establishment payroll and highly replaceable, and they will be replaced just like when radical leftists start talking in negative terms about, say, the state of Israel.

What may happen, though, is that some people in the bottom rung of the Establishment Left will use ever crazier leftism holy points to try to snatch positions from their superiors, Cultural Revolution-style. And maybe snatch the control of the Radical Left from them and unleash them to their advantage.

Were Marat and the Enragés on Establishment payroll? You are thinking in the right direction that everything is directed by elites, but you are wrong in thinking everything is directed by *those* elites. In an unstable, dysfunctional state every firebrand speaker or writer who can sic an angry mob on whomever he wants to *becomes* one of the elites, one of the power players.

Remember the very basic thing that Leftists crave power not for Leftists in general but personally for themselves. They are an infighty bunch. So powerful servants often break free from their masters. The Cathedral itself is nothing but a bunch of propagandists, like journalists and educators, who broke free from serving Roosevelt when he died and decided to just serve themselves, becoming the deep state because they are telling the career civil servants what to do. Similarly, rabble-rousers easily break free from control too, why would they obey orders when they can just get their bosses be attacked by an angry mob? Sort of think like Bane in the Batman movie.

Ousia says:

Marat was not the equivalent of a drug-addled Antifa or a 75 IQ jogger; he was a smart, ambitious, wealthy man (wealthy enough to fund his own periodical) with friends in high places such as the Royal Academy artist Angelica Kauffman, and patrons such as the Marquis de l’Aubespine.
His modern equivalent would be a blue-check journo with an Ivy League education and a trust fund. He was a “bottom rung of the Establishment Left”, following my own comment.

Your comment is completely right, though. Mine simply wanted to emphasize the three categories of leftists; the top rung of the Establishment Left (high-rank politicians and woke capital businessmen), the bottom rung (minor politicians, journos, HR people), and the mindless hordes of the “Radical Left” (Antifa, BLM)

Mister Grumpus says:

The MAGA’s had their Charlottesville. IRL is through. If Trump had to lose “electorally”, and then “legally” as well, all the way through the GOP and the Supreme Court, then best that he did so in the most public, brutal and unfair way imaginable.

“So it’s like that is it?”

We weren’t supposed to see the rot so soon and so quickly. Can you even remember 2015? Legitimacy shred successful, straight through the Supreme Court. Maybe that’s all we could have ever gotten from him. Let him be a martyr to this revelation. It’s a lot.

Now Jim shows de way out. No grifts left. Fall back, stay out of sight, keep your mouths shut electronically, let them eat each other, and get to work on these foundations of the next age, understanding why they — and only they — can possibly work.

Between Jim’s IT skills and BAP’s pectoral muscles, we (if you’ll allow a “we”) are the only ones left showing a light at the end of the tunnel. That’s big. Even Alex Jones threw in the towel.

To be 30 years younger and 30 points smarter. Sigh. But what else is new.

“the radical left expects the deep state to win” – I don’t understand this part, Jim. Are they sort of pessimistic these days, not triumphant? For them, the deep state is the puppet of capitalists. That is textbook Marxist theory. So are they thinking cool, the fascists are defeated, but now it is gonna be a hard fight against the capitalists and their deep state puppets now?

jim says:

More or less.

My back of envelope analysis on the deep state vs. the radleft. The deep state are those who have power, influence. The radleft are those who do not, but have another kind of power at their hands, street violence. The deepstaters might live in guarded communities, but not in an entirely hermetic bubble, any NYT editor going out to lunch from work can be attacked. This is why they have to make their personal deals.

For the deep state, power comes from pushing change. Change – opposed change – is only possible via power, push for change and if you succeed, you automatically get power. For example, push for some kind of change in carbon emissions.

This is when a third player, megacorp comes into the picture. If pushing for less carbon emissions means they have to install very costly filters, they will not like it. If pushing for less carbon emissions means they can sell a bunch of green products to the government, they will like that. If it was only the deep state vs. megacorp, they could have a chance for bribing them into the kinds of changes they like.

The radleft generally does not want that, they tend to hate megacorp and tend to prevent such deals. But they hate megacorp less than they hate the white working class.

The net outcome is that the radleft and the deep state will generally team up against megacorp, and megacorp will suffer, but they will also team up with the deep state and the megacorp all three together against the white working class, who will suffer more.

Just about the only thing the white working class and their sympathizers can do is to maybe try to drive a wedge between the radleft and megacorp, with the deepstaters kind of paralyzed in the middle. Sadly even this would not help much, it would merely result in occasionally distracting the radleft-deepstate team from kicking the white working class into kicking megacorp a bit more often.

Mister Grumpus says:

The radleft can call you racist on the internet so that HR finds it on Google.

They can call you homophonic for having your kids in a private school that Still Bitterly Refuses to facilitate progressively mandatory anal sex experience awareness programs.

They can look up your license number, ambush you at the grocery store parking lot and ask you on Twitter-can why you said “nigger” once, or else hand over $500 right now and maybe they won’t come back next month. I remember some negroes doing that during the BLM panic of 2020 and their Karen victims having absolute terror conniptions.

It’s street violence, but 21st century style that won’t get them arrested, because the cops can’t confront them either. Badge numbers.

We’ll need burkas.

BaboonTycoon says:

Yes, that was another part of my assessment. The radleft absolutely is stupid, and its capacity to commit violence is largely in the hands of low IQ black thugs, who are nigh worshipped by the whites involved at the behest of deep state. As it is racist to not let said low IQ blacks be in charge, radleft will continue to neuter its own capacity to do anything without deep state. And deep state will continue this psyop and misdirect any aggression towards itself. Even with Obama in power, these idiots were convinced of “systemic oppression” and “implicit biases.” Their anger will continue to revolve around ordinary white people and Trump rather than anyone with actual power.

orochijes says:

Is Monero or other “privacy coins” a step in the right direction?

redpurplepurple says:

The Rooster Prophet has elsewhere answered this question: No.

jim says:

Monero very good step, but does not scale. As a coin becomes successful and hits scaling problems, fewer people are peers and more people are clients. And Monero client wallets are not a step in the right direction.

Monero scales worse than bitcoin, and was designed on the premise that everyone is a peer. But if you have serious money in Monero, you are probably keeping it in a hardware client wallet.

Crypto currency is eating the world financial system, so our most urgent priority is a cryptocurrency that seven billion people can use to buy a lollipop. And we have to think about privacy that seven billion people can use.

But a Monero hardware client wallet that injects Monero transactions through your Monero peer works.

A Texan says:

Too bad the feds destroyed the Liberty Dollar. Nice coins and some nice looking currency. Of course, most people are too stupid to realize the money system is the biggest issue working against them after taxation.

The Ducking Man says:

Hi Jim,

I know this is off-topic but please hear me out. I don’t know anywhere else I can find more logical audience than here.

Basically as new father I’m wondering should I follow the vaccination schedule or not.

I see the schedule and they are planning 7 shots in month-2 which I find disturbing. My son had his Hepatitis B shot (right after birth) and BCG last week, each shot will be followed by intense crying for no reason for 4 days and hard time sleeping at night.

Seeing how much he was in pain after single I’m not sure if his body can handle multiple shots at once.

Lynyrd says:

You don’t know me from Adam, so feel free to ignore. I live in a circle of trad red-pilled Christian large families. Lots and lots of children. I also work with data for a living and have no illusions about sample size. BUT you can spot the children who get the full list of shots. Most families pick and choose based on anecdotal evidence of safety, moral convictions with regard to aborted fetal cells used in production, and risk of the ailment. Most also delay the mmr, if they get it, because it makes void autistic when they get it as babies. Well, maybe it does. Who knows. We get tetanus and a full mmr, but don’t start the mmr until they are speaking English, for instance. Good data is just not our there for vaccines, and it seems like a lot of money people have their thumbs on the scale. There is definitely something wrong with the tonnage of shots, based on my anecdotal observations. At least limit it to one per visit, skip the ones for ailments your baby is unlikely to get, and wait a couple years on the mmr.

Theshadowedknight says:

Vox pointed out that in Europe, the American vaccine schedule would look to be mad. They do them later and more spread out, from what he said. I would look into how Europe and Asia do their vaccinations, to compare them. Pick the safest countries, i.e not Germany or China, and see how their doctors do things.

jim says:

It is clear that we are over vaccinating.

When vaccines came in against smallpox and polio, it was right to cut a few corners in manufacturing the vaccine, right to pressure or compel everyone to get vaccinated.

But every state program tends to grow, and grow, and grow, and become counterproductive. And we have now reached the point where vaccination has become radically counterproductive, is killing old people and harming children.

The Ducking Man says:

Thanks Jim for the platform.

I’m now convinced that I should be cautious against vaccine.

I’ll make huge spacing between shots and decline optional vaccines like flu vaccine.

GNH says:

I shall tell you what I did for my sons:

Refused Hep B on day one. No shot until month 12 which was DTaP except I requested DT without P. MMR at 24 months. No boosters. No other shots. Two shots total. I would have included polio if I lived in a country where cases were still extant.

I consider vaccinations proven tech (see polio and tb), but research does not support CDC schedule and you can see divergent opinion across countries.

It’s rather obvious now with coronahoax that these institutions are political and subject to moneypower, but I will admit this was not obvious to me when my first son was born 12 years ago. Rather, like you, something was off to me about frequency so quickly after birth which led to my skepticism and eventual refusal to follow the guidelines.

I wish I had had a group of men that I trusted back then for council, but the one bit of data that sealed it for me was seeing the difference in vax schedule in other countries. If nothing else this ought to dent the imprimatur upon which your pediatrician is pushing the CDC moneypower accelerated vax schedule and allow you to comfortably follow a different path.

INDY says:

With a new son tomorrow, would you do it the same way again

GNH says:

Funny that you ask as I have a girl due early April.

Yes, I will do it the same way.

To be a little more specific, I will get the Tenivac DT and the ProQuad MMR.

I can’t say that I remember if these were the same manufactures as the first few time, but I just took a look at the ingredients list and they look up to snuff.

Mike in Boston says:

I wish I could remember all the details, but with each of my three kids we spaced the shots out dramatically. There were a couple of shots that, exceptionally, we let be given together (for reasons that the pediatrician, who was on our side, proposed at the time, like I think one of them not eliciting too much immune response) but for the vast majority we waited at least two weeks, usually more like a month, in between shots. The MMR and varicella (chickenpox) shots we delayed until the kids were over three. I explained to the pediatrician that I didn’t believe there had been any studies done to validate giving kids so many shots at once, and he concurred that in his opinion, the schedule had been concocted for dysfunctional people who rarely got their kids to the doctor. If your pediatrician is not willing to work with you on this, get a different one.

clovis says:

I have a young relative who has peanut and nut allergies that will kill him if he accidentally eats any peanuts or most other nuts. I’m pretty certain that this came from vaccinations. I think maybe if you wait until they are a little older some of the possible negative side effects can be avoided.

znd9AlkkmM65cYUQkDBZ says:

I’ve been thinking a long time about the raspberry pi ($35 base model) as a sort of federated system of infrastructure. I have used them myself for years. Freedom Box ( system on top of raspberry pi is along those lines for less technical folks. Voice chat. Self-hosted blogging and websites. Tiny RSS Reader. Search. Matrix Synapse for encrypted texting and emailing. Self-hosted email exposed as TOR service. Wiki. Libre office online for shared document editing. Self-hosted, patriarchy-managed Mastodon as social network. Self-hosted nextcloud for video conferencing, file sharing.

suones says:

Not really, no, The vectors of Leftist attack now include DDoS protection (which is essential for any public-facing device, and even DNS, which is fundamental to self-hosting. Even if you manage to score a static IP and configure all your communication to use that, it still leaves you vulnerable to your ISP.

Anything that happened to the Daily Stormer can and absolutely will happen to you, if you manage to gain any traction. If you don not plan on gaining any e-notoriety/traction, a standard wordpress blog/Yahoo mail may suffice.

The problem with “encrypted” communication is not that the “encryption” will be broken, but rather that your group will be infiltrated by agents provocateurs who will post “bomb making” recipes, and your whole group will be imprisoned, or worse, as a result.

I have some faith in Tor, as anything that must resist Chinese hackers must also necessarily resist FiveEyes, but that isn’t a given.

jim says:

DDoS is one of the reasons why any fix must start not with a crypto coin, but with a replacement for TCP.

To fix the economic order, have to fix corporate cancer. Any corporate entity that resists this is going to come under DDoS.

Inquiring Mind says:

Can someone shed any light on this?

Scott Adams (yeah, yeah, but stay with on this) was chipper as he ever was right after the 2021 New Year, telling his listeners about “The Revenge of the Nerds” and how “Trump just won the election.”

Short version of the story 1) Scott claimed that there were witnesses to computer logs showing Mr. Trump’s vote totals counting down and 2) there was no prompt “debunking” of the claims from the Left. In the manner of the courtroom saying “Untruthful in one thing, untrustworthy in every thing” he was assuring his YouTube listeners that if not the legendary Kraken, that his was a serious deal.

His YouTube chat from 3 days ago has him assuring his audience “Not by any means a transparent election procedurally, all of the the claims of fraud have been ‘debunked'” in some manner or another.

What happened to “Trump just won”? If Mr. Adams was going to change his opinion, and if he falls short of being persuasive, and he considers himself a genius of persuasion, what changed? I would have been reassured the Scott Adams was “legit” was if he said, “Remember how I told you about Trump just won the election? It turns out that, and you don’t have to agree with me on this, the claim of computer logs where Trump’s vote totals counted downward has been debunked.”

Now I know that Mr. Adams has a high opinion of himself in the opinion of many around here, but I gotta know, and I don’t want to sit through 20 hours of his v-blog posts on YouTube to find out. Has there been any response, a credible “debunking” or note, to the claim of President Trump’s vote totals counting downward? Or has the claim of downward trending vote tallies gone down the Memory Hole?


Pooch says:

Scott Adams is a name fag. Nothing’s been debunked. Scott Adams is changing his tune so he doesn’t get canceled. Speaking about evidence of fraud is no longer in the Overton Window and doing so is likely to get you canceled.

Ace says:

Correct. Though with election fraud you’re likely to lose your job, revenue streams and then Antifa will show up at your front door if you continue to speak the truth. With a legitimate government, nothing is more dangerous than telling the truth about it’s lack of legitimacy.

Ace says:

*illegitimate government

Inquiring Mind says:

So I guess I will regard that as a Kent Brockman,

“One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new insect overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.”

Ace says:

We’ll see a real test of this shortly when the GOP votes to impeach Trump for incitement based on saying there was election fraud. The GOP will be finished a political party, but they’ll get to keep on living for now. Trump might even say he was lying in a lame attempt to save his life.

Prince Charming says:

Adams has been almost right from the start prefacing all his shows and articles with something like: “I am being blackmailed to disavow Trump, so in no way you should take the following presentation to be in support of Trump (wink wink, nudge nudge)”. Later, he started mentioning that since he added the disclaimer, the death threats stopped. Teachable moment. Sincerity apparently wasn’t required. It’s his creative way of dealing with the namefag problem, while also teaching people about the namefag problem at the same time.

Which is now handy, because unlike us idiots who were pro-Trump until the very end, Scott over there has it on video that he has been disavowing Trump every day since 2015.

Perhaps under this new regime, he judges he has to start sounding more sincere, and you will have to learn to listen for the implied meaning, or “read between the lines”, as they used to say during the Soviet times.

Submilator says:

Considering current events, every married man will be getting big “shit tests”, from wives over next month.

Random women in their social circle will be “shit testing” stronger men in their community, too.

Not sure why this is. Just feel that. In my balls.

Podium of Peace says:

@Jim, You keep mentioning Joseph Stalin as if he were a good guy.

Wasn’t he one of the Jews that helped genocide 66 million Christians in Russia?

jim says:

Yes, but he stopped the genocide. He ended the holiness spiral that was heading into Pol Pot territory.

The Cominator says:

Also he was not a jew, anyone who thinks Stalin was a jew is crazier than those who believe in unironic lizard people and at least as crazy as those who believe the moon landing was fake.

Heh, when Khrushchev took a dump on Stalin in his not-so-secret Secret Speech, Georgia halfway revolted and Georgian truck drivers had put Stalin pictures on their windshields. “Good or bad, ourguy!” Despite that Stalin became far more a Russian nationalist than a Georgian nationalist. Nevermind. “Ourguy!”

Podium of Peace says:

[*deleted for florid insanity*]

Joseph Stalin was a bad man indeed, by right wing standards. But I guess, when Leftism is so far gone, barring a miracle only a fellow Leftist with a sufficient personally loyal following and ruthlessness can halt the spiral at some point. The longer the spiral goes on, the worse the “Stalin” will be. That Stalin murdered left-wingers who were further left of him does not mean that Stalin himself was not left wing or evil. He was just less insane than those to his Left.

That is why Jim wanted the spiral to end soon, either by a civil war or through a strong leader, relatively less left wing than Stalin (somebody like Cromwell).

Ace says:

Stalin’s an interesting figure. He’s said to have told Mao not kill his best farmers, which means he probably learned from the mass murder of the Kulaks and the resulting famine.

stan says:

Since we are talking IT here…, can anybody give me an advice? I would like to get into IT. What programming language or technology or other skills should I learn? What is currently in demand? Or will be in demand soon? And is well-paid.

I don’t know whether a good answer to that really exists. The first question is understanding the deep essential logic of a profession vs. its accidental recent technological features. Essence vs. accident, you really do need these Aristotelean concepts. There are people out there who really can just follow tutorials on building some PHP-SQL-Angular.js website i.e. the accidental features, and can infer the deep logic, the essence of the profession from it. And there are other people who if they try that they will only ever be monkeys randomly doing stuff they do not understand. These people do need formal instruction in the deep logic, essence of things. Are your pattern recognition skills good enough to recognize the essence behind the accidentals?

A much better question is what could you do wherever you live that someone from Bangalore cannot do much cheaper remotely? Beyond the IQ advantage, which white people on the average have but I don’t know if you do personally have over the best people in Bangalore, there is a cultural advantage in understanding what people want and how in your location.

I can tell you this: I know two construction companies in Vienna, Austria, who even have the same main customer, and yet they do not speak the same language, do not use the same words for the same concepts, documents, processes! So even someone local or more or less local who even has experience in local construction industry has a problem talking with them about their software requirements. He can still misunderstand requirements. Someone from Bangalore would be utterly hopeless at it. This is cultural advantage.

Quite similarly, the aesthetics of a website, if a customer just says “make it simple, classy and elegant”, mean different things in Denmark and in Greece! If the web designer is not local, the customer has to define things exactly and he does not like that, or even cannot do that because he lacks that knowledge, hence local advantage.

So you start locally. Figure out requirements nobody who is not there would understand. Look up what kinds of technologies are used for something like that.

Snowdensjacket says:

Start with Java, or anything. This isn’t that hard. Yes happens, at some point, and at every other point it’s just no. Noz all the way down.

The real problems aren’t can you not go write up a fun story where at some point someone says yes. But are you smart enough, and then do you care enough to do it?

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

The short answer is: Java for stuffy corporate crud, Python for research positions, C++ for any serious systems work.

The right answer is: it makes very little difference, because a few weeks or months of familiarity with one tool of a trade does not equal proficiency or talent at that trade. You may as well ask which brushes and paints you should pick up to become a renowned artist, or what power tools you should buy to become a master carpenter.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to learn a new skill or trade; millions of people do so every day. However, the questions people usually ask and should ask at the beginner stage are “where can I learn about this?” and “what are some beginner-level projects I could try out?”, not “how do I min-max this to get the most job offers and the highest pay.” The latter is a question for experts who already understand the trade. You almost never hear beginners asking this question about other trades, either – for some reason IT/programming is a magnet for them, which is probably why this exact question has been banned on most of their forums and Q&A sites.

If you’d asked “what language is easiest for beginners to learn”, that would be more relevant to your situation and maybe elicit a few good answers.

stan says:

not “how do I min-max this to get the most job offers and the highest pay.”

Thank you for the answer. I believe trying to get max benefit for min effort is a natural and necessary attribute of a good engineer.

I worked part time as an Oracle programmer when I was a student. I know what the IT jobs are about. I believe I am smart enough to learn anything. I just don’t want to waste time on some technology that is going out of fashion. And I hope to jump on a popular bandwagon.

Does anybody know which corporate IT system is now trendy? I know SAP used to be hot years ago. But what is now?

qwerty says:

jim, what do you think of Moldbug’s Bitzion proposal?

jim says:

You cannot be a sovereign corporation unless you’re a corporation.

And you are not a corporation unless you have proof of stake.

And there are major political and technological obstacles against any of the existing major crypto currencies becoming proof of stake.

ericevans says:

>I hoped and prayed that Trump would retain power

Who do you pray to, serious question? Do you get on your knees?
Or is just a throwaway phrase you guys use?

jim says:

On my knees.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for posting from a Christian frame*]

jim says:

I find it as hard to believe you to be a Christian as I find it hard to believe you are a right winger.

Snowdensjacket says:

Don’t worry their are Christians left, though the only one I know is my own brother. Can two make a tribe?

I turned him from progism when his wife was going to leave him and he was distraught. I told him, “when she gets home throw her down and fuck her”. He looked at me with that horrible confusion of crime stop. But he did. He did.

Well we might not agree to give you all our apples but, alas the world is still incoming. We still have to heal from it. Theirs still a chance yet!

Just ask, what does the chance mean?


Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Yes, I’m sure your brother’s reaction was “Fuck my wife? That’s just crazy enough to work!” and then his marriage was saved. Most husbands and in particular most Christian husbands would never even think about the possibility of fucking their wives, were it not for helpful siblings and buddies like yourself.

Your little story has all the credibility of a Woke 8-Year-Old tweet.

I also observe that you are trying to affect a tone that is folksy, aloof, arrogant and gen-Z memespeak all at the same time, a tone that is very off-putting and obviously inauthentic. People notice these things. What you’re doing is the textual equivalent of speaking with a horribly fake foreign accent.

yewotm8 says:

I read nothing from his posts but absolute mockery. He is trying to make fun of us.

Bilge_Pump says:

“I also observe that you are trying to affect a tone that is folksy, aloof, arrogant and gen-Z memespeak all at the same time,”

Good observations. I would speculate that he is not a native English speaker, else he would know how hollow his verbiage is.

ericevans says:


jim says:

Take the affirmation, and then I will discuss faith with you.

ericevans says:

Are you aware of the many people (including most all jews who believe that Yahshua is a messiah AND the son of God) that are known mostly as Messianic Hebrews.

Millions of them. Tend to be hardcore rightists, keep the laws of God, all the good stuff.

But they don’t believe Yahshua (Jesus) is God, or that there is a trinity, because of scriptures, rather than roman proclamations, when they hijacked the faith, banned sabbath, killed sabbath-keepers etc.

I just wondered if you are aware of them? And why you cling to a failed model? The roman empire died long ago, it ain’t coming back. Christianity is cucked to hell. Good, it’s false.

You can’t be ignorant of the unitarian view, yet you act like a scalded cat every time someone mentions it. WHy? Are you afraid of truth, are yoi afraid that scriptures don’t show a line of evidence for trinity? Are you working for Rome?

What is it?

jim says:

Not seeing these Messianic Hebrews. Not aware of them. Maybe they exist but are lying low.

What I do see is is Unitarians and Socinians, who tend to be very bad people.

The Unitarian Church is composed of evil people who predate on other people’s children and destroy other people’s lives. They celebrate drag queen story hour in place of Christmas.

My problem on this blog is Christian entryists, people who say “hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou, and you are not Christian enough, and by the way Christianity rightly understood points the way to progressivism and Marxism, which is a superior version of what Jesus was ignorantly groping towards.”

If these Messianic Hebrews do not call themselves Christians, I am fine with them, just as I am fine with old type Hindus and blood and soil Buddhists. Blood and soil Buddhism is good for Burma and Thailand, and old type Hinduism is good for India.

But people who call themselves Christian, and are not, are bad people who have been doing very bad things for two millennia.

ericevans says:

That’s cool then, as I am not christian, but a messianic Hebrew. A very cursory websearch will show anyone that it is a real thing, with millions of faithful families. We are strict at adhering to scriptures, strict at keeping out traditions, so we go down like a tonne of bricks in mainstream organised religions, whether christian or judaism or muslims.

I think most are lying low, some are on twitter and other platforms, but are largely ignored or attacked by christians especially. Messianic Hebrews see what is coming down the road, and warn about it, I write a lot, and am very active online. Mostly a futile effort for now, but I will be victorious, we will be victorious. I will become very well-known in due course. Men, like those who frequent this blog, are likely to rally behind me, the enemy will hate me, but will be unable to stop me.

In the early days of my faith, a few years back, I used to call myself a christian, before I realised it was full of tradition and was entirely cucked. Now I call myself a servant of God, grafted in to Israel through the blood of His son and messiah Yahshua (Romans 11). But Messianic Hebrew is more concise.

Do you mind if I post in my own name and include a link to my messianic website in future? It is important, to win the battle ahead, that we don’t cower behind online anonymity, I fear only God, not any men. So, my name is Gary Morgan, and I live in a village in Devon, England, called Sparkwell. I will share my website in future posts, if allowed. Any Feds want to risk a visit here, they are very welcome.

For a flavour of my thoughts, as you guys focus on the women issue, here is something I wrote about women in my nation a few years ago.

It affirms that women should be tightly controlled by men, either father, brothers, or husbands, and marriage is permissible as soon as a woman becomes fertile. Get them breeding and content with a strong man, who rules his home under God’s rules, and women will be happy and useful.

Levi and Simeon were real men of faith, their deception of the men of Schecem, who defiled their virgin sister Dinah, was counted as righteousness by God, because God hates the man who defiles a virgin (if the virgin is not complicit, see Deuteronomy 22 for the rules).

‘Three days later, while they were still in pain, two of Jacob’s sons (Dinah’s brothers Simeon and Levi) took their swords, went into the unsuspecting city, and slaughtered every male.’

We need to defend our women, on pain on death, from Jeremy Meeks. And we need to punish the women for whoredom too, if they whore it around before marriage, and the husband finds out they are not a virgin, as no bleeding when the hymen is broken and so no cloth of virginity, the woman must be stoned to death, outside the door of her father, to shame the father for his lack of control, and to put the evil whoredom out of the nation. (Deuteronomy 22:13-20).

These are the ways of God and the ways of messianic Hebrews, and these are the ways to defeat the enemy. We do not add to, nor subtract from, the laws God gave to Moses. No holiness spiralling allowed, nor any backsliding into sin, sin being transgression of God’s laws.

We defeat the enemy by obeying God, and getting Him on our side as He promises (Deut 28 and Leviticus 26, blessings sections), with Him blessing a nation, an obedient faithful nation, the enemy is powerless. We may have to give our life to defeat the enemy, but our faith allows us to do this with the promise of eternal victory. We do not fear men, full stop. We delight in the fear of God, and in His eternal promises.

If this sort of faith and rule of law is attractive to readers here, I will continue to comment. If it isn’t, you’re on your own, and doomed. There is no need to re-invent the wheel in matters of faith, just use the wheel given to us to stay on the narrow path.

clovis says:

“We defeat the enemy by obeying God and getting him on our side as He promises (Deut. 28 and Leviticus 26)”

You’ve completely misunderstood the Bible. You receive favor from God only if you keep the Law with no failure or intermission. “For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who does not abide in all the things written in the book of the law and do them.” Now it is evident that no man is justified before God by the law; for “He who through faith is righteous shall live.” But the law does not rest on faith, for “He who does them shall live by them.” Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree”–that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Gal. 3:10-15

If you accomplish the law, you receive God’s favor through it. But Paul makes it clear that no one receives God’s favor that way. It is only received through faith in Christ.

The process is faith in God, belief in His resurrected son, baptism. That’s the justification phase, wholly dependent on faith, everyone baptised is a sinner, and most are ignorant at that point of the laws of God.

Jesus did redeem us from the curse of the law (said curse being death, as no one could keep them). How did he do that? He fulfilled the new covenant, Jeremiah 31:31-33, through his blood, so that the laws could be written in our hearts, and we got the holy spirit also through his blood, to teach us and to help us defeat the devil. 1 John 3:

Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears,a we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is. 3And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.

4Everyone who practices sin practices lawlessness as well. Indeed, sin is lawlessness. 5But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin. 6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.

7Little children,d let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous.e 8The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil.

9Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10By this the children of God are distinguished from the children of the devil: Anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

I was not addressing the point you raise at all though in my comment, i was addressing God’s promises to a nation, and of course there are also curses for the nations that turn away from Him (like England has).

For national victory, eternal victory, the nation MUST obey God’s laws, as Deut 28 and Leviticus 26 make clear. If you want to be a part of a nation that ignores God’s laws, wholesale, go live in America, or UK, or France, or China…or any of them these days. See how you like it.

A few chapters to read that utterly smash the idea that God’s laws are somehow optional: Ezekiel 18, the two I already quoted above, Hebrews 6 & 10, 1st John Chapters 2-4, 2 Thes 2. Or go and read the ‘Righteousness’ section at my site.

All are crystal clear, as was Jesus, that only the righteous enter the kingdom. I will give one of his quotes to close:

‘Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’

23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’’

Only he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.

Give me an amen to the Lord’s words brother, and go in peace and onward to righteous victory. Otherwise, don’t bother me again, thanks.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

You write a whole lot of Hat, but not a whole lot on how your Cowboy goes out to rope cattle.

You choose how to run your ranch, God just gives us His rules, and tells us what we will get through obedience or disobedience.

Go find a few men who want to obey Him (including you of course), get some land, make a covenant with God, and go and conquer canaan. It’s not complicated.

Except, you won’t find the few men, currently, and you can’t be arsed to obey His laws yourself.

So, sort yourself out cowboy, cos them’s the rules.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

But of course, that is what someone who wants to be cagey about the payload he wants to deliver would say wouldn’t it? Long on thumping what you call The Law, short on elucidation of what exactly you mean that to entail.

See? What im saying is in this dovetail there’s been a whole lot of “greetings fellow rightist, i see that you’re pretty holy; i daresay im pretty holy myself; in fact, i daresay im even holier than you are.” But you know im just reserving judgement until I see the real payloads start dropping. What does Gary Morgan’s faith look like, walking, talking, and acting out in the wild? By their fruits you shall know them, as im sure you know.

>short on elucidation of what exactly you mean that to entail.

See Malachi 4:4, that is the law. The only aspects that no longer apply are sin offerings (as Jesus paid the price once and for all) and certain temple-specific laws.

As Jesus told us, not a jot nor tittle of the law shall pass til heaven and earth have passed and everything has been fulfilled.

You can read my very long story at my website, my tests of faith, how I live, what I do, my beliefs, that is my ministry. I do not want to regurgitate all of that here, it’s a very long story. Go read it, if you want. I spend c. 30-40 hours a week working on my ministry, I took the Nazarite vow, I devoted my life to God.

You can safely assume that every law of God that applies to me, I obey, and that nothing whatsoever is added to the law by me. I can do this through the blood of christ, through the holy spirit, through my faith, it is not difficult, it is easy. As scriptures tells us:

‘By this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God and keep His commandments. 3For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome, 4because everyone born of God overcomes the world.’

Now, you and your kind may find it very difficult, and therefore may dislike the fact that I find it not burdensome. You may not believe me, even though scriptures tells you it is easy. It is very easy, piece of cake.

Tough shit, I d not give a fuck what you think, you’re a constantinian, I am a messianic Hebrew. I am not here for you, I hate you, rome is dead and cucked, has been for fucking ages. Rome is for boy abusers.

I am here for guys like Alf and Pooch, who need a priest to follow, a man with no fear, who knows 100% he is protected by God, and will be victorious over the enemy.

jim says:

> See Malachi 4:4, that is the law. The only aspects that no longer apply are sin offerings (as Jesus paid the price once and for all) and certain temple-specific laws.


The legalism problem started long before the time of Jesus, started in second temple times.

Legalism led to bad conduct, and the crucifixion swept aside the letter of the ever elaborated law for the spirit of the law.

Consider for example the rules on contamination by blood. Legalistic and pointless.

We see all references to people being contaminated by blood in first temple times are obviously references to spiritual and metaphorical blood, the kind that Lady Macbeth was trying unsuccessfully to wash off. For example “Their blood is on their own heads”, “covered in blood”.

But shortly after the time of Jesus, the Jews were reluctant to walk on someone else’s ground in sandaled feet because he had spilled the blood of chickens upon it. They rioted, the Roman cops came out to quell the riot, and they got themselves covered in the blood of a Roman cop who was attempting to enforce a necessary and right Roman law on property rights impartially on Jews and Greeks alike.

And because the Jews were so damned self righteous about this incident, it eventually led to war with Rome and the exile.

It was divinely prophesied that they would get exiled when the failed to follow God’s commandments, and when they were so very legalistically scrupulous about the blood of a chicken spilled on ground they claimed as a right of way, they were violating the commandments on coveting, theft, and murder, using the letter of the law to kill the spirit. Whited Sepulchers. So the spirit of the law returned in person to reprimand their legalism.

They continued to holiness spiral legalism, and got exiled. The letter of the law leads to death.

Messianic Hebrews just follow scriptures Jim, and the law, the spirit of the law, as best we can in these pagan times. No judaistic fence laws, nothing added, nothing taken away, precisely as God and Jesus commanded.

if you think that’s nuts, that’s your prerogative, but that’s our way.

I dgaf what the jews did in rome 2,000 years ago, they always had invented traditions, fence laws, and they still do, they still serve their father the devil, as they did then. They are not my people.

However, I am not a judaist, as I said, nothing like it. A friend told me he thought he had broken the sabbath because he bought a homeless man a meal in a cafe, I told him not to be stupid, that’s exactly what Jesus showed us we can do on a sabbath, when it is lawful to do good. But we don’t ignore the sabbath, we remember it, as commanded, because it is made for man, and because rest is good for us.

jim says:

Malachi is scripture, but he was the last of the second temple prophets. The Christian judgment on the law is that at some ill defined point not very long after the ten commandments the law became unacceptably legalistic – the Dark Enlightenment says holiness spiraled.

Seems to me the law as interpreted and applied in the time of King Solomon was pretty good, but gradually became worse and worse, being whited sepulchers in the time of Jesus. Which is not that long after Malachi. And was war not long after that.

You agree that the law as interpreted and applied by modern Jews is legalistic nonsense.

So when did the rot set in, and did it set in abruptly, or slowly and imperceptibly over millenia, and then faster and faster?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Not really asking for a memoir friend, rather, noting that, since we’re all friends here, right? we can usually skip the whole personal puffing up process, and go strait to the fruits, right?

You’re posting here, so clearly there are things you ostensibly want people to hear you talk about, points you want to impress, right? If we say The Law is important, you won’t find anyone here who disagrees with those words; but what is it exactly that is evoked in this or that man’s mind by those words? If you don’t have anything more to say besides the standing on ceremony itself, that gap is never bridged.

Indeed, a lack of clear bridge over that gap often specifically being what is desired by the subversive, to cloak their intentions.

If I post something here, naturally it would be because I want to talk about something that relates to where im putting it. It could be a small aside, or a large dissertation, but the main point is that all of it will usually be something intended to have implications on praxis. That is to say, any one particular moment being a teachable moment on how Divine Law may apply in that moment. That is what i mean when i say ‘what does the faith look like out in the wild’, those payloads that reveal themselves when rubber meets the road, in each and any and all instances.

clovis says:

@Gary Morgan

“As Jesus told us, not a jot nor tittle of the law shall pass til heaven and earth have passed and everything has been fulfilled.”

Yes, and as Jesus told us, the Law has been fulfilled. “It is finished.” “Christ is the end of the Law that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.” (Rom. 10) “Through the Law I died to the Law that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, and the life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Gal. 2:19-20)

It would be impossible for us to die to the law unless the law had been brought to an end–but it has in the death of Christ. A Christian dies with Christ to the law and receives a new life.

Besides this, if as you say, everything except sin offerings are still in force, you are still not keeping the law. There is still the necessity of the incense, thank offerings, peace offerings. There needs to be a temple and a priesthood, there needs to be the holy anointing oil. You are breaking all those laws.

Not to mention the reality that you still get angry, have lustful thoughts, and sin with your lips, and thereby break the Law (Matt 5-6). The Law is spiritual and must be fulfilled not only outwardly but in the heart. You who are trying to be justified by the law are alienated from Christ. But your attitude toward the law is symptomatic of having the wrong God, since you deny that Jesus was with the Father in the beginning (John 1).

jim says:

No one can actually keep second temple law, absent the particular social and political organization of the time of the second temple.

So you immediately have to face the reality that any specific legalistic formulation of the law is particular to a particular time and place, and indeed a particular race and ethnicity – so regardless of theology, the Christian formulation (spirit of the law) is the only one that is practical.

clovis says:

@ Gary
But we don’t ignore the sabbath, we remember it, as commanded, because it is made for man, and because rest is good for us.

Colossians 2:16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

Ebionites (Greek: Ἐβιωναῖοι, Ebionaioi, derived from Hebrew אביונים‎ ebyonim, ebionim, meaning ‘the poor’ or ‘poor ones’) as a term refers to a Jewish Christian sect who were vegetarians, viewed poverty as holy, believed in ritual ablutions, and rejected animal sacrifices.[1] They existed during the early centuries of the Common Era.[2] The Ebionites embracing an adoptionist christology, thus understanding Jesus of Nazareth as a mere man who, by virtue of his righteousness, was chosen by God to be the last true prophet who heralds the coming Kingdom of God on Earth. A majority of the Ebionites rejected as heresies the proto-orthodox Christian beliefs in Jesus’s divinity and virgin birth.[3] They maintained that Jesus was the natural son of Joseph and Mary who became the Messiah because he obeyed the Jewish law.[1]

Accordingly, the Ebionites insisted on the necessity of following the Written Law of Moses alone (without the Oral Law); used one, some or all of the Jewish–Christian gospels, such as the Gospel of the Ebionites, as additional scripture to the Hebrew Bible; and revered James the Just as an exemplar of righteousness and the true successor to Jesus (rather than Peter), while rejecting Paul as a false apostle and an apostate from the Law.[4][5][6]


[*deleted because lengthy and off topic*]

So, I will address your points, knowing that you will never agree with me, because God doesn’t want you to see truth, He wants you to burn, and you will. But for babes in faith, I will answer.

[*deleted because lengthy and off topic*]

jim says:

It is not the will of God that just about everyone burns.

It is the will of Gnon that we will fill the stars and subdue them.

And wearing tassels and giving money to far away strangers who live in places you could not find on a map is not going to have that effect. The law as interpreted by your faith, fails to give effect to the clear intent of the law.

[*deleted because lengthy and off topic*]

jim says:

These laws that you advocate are quite obviously particular to a particular place, time, and social organization, a time long past and a place vanished, and fail to address the issues that this blog is about.

The spirit of the law is universal to all places and times, and in each place and time must be given effect by sovereign, society, church, and family, in ways particular to that place and time.


No, we are not all friends here.[rest deleted]

jim says:

Sorry Gary, my blog is not the place for lengthy tracts from a hostile religion.

You are posting far too much, and the material is off topic.

The will of Gnon is that all races, but particularly the white race shall reproduce in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

And to reproduce in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, women need to be compelled to stick with the first man they have sex with, and he with her. Which means the female sexual and reproductive services have to be male property.

Other aspects of the will of Gnon are considerably less important in these times, and I am very sure that it is not the will of Gnon that you give a large amount of money to strangers in far away places that you could not find on a map. Charity begins at home, and a good man is man who does right to friends and family.

You are posting voluminously claims about the will of Gnon that are off topic and unlikely to be believed here. Or anywhere. And most of your claims about the will of Gnon are clearly false. I would debate them if significant numbers of people believed them, but most of your claims have no traction, no widespread support, thus are a waste of space to discuss on this blog.

The Cominator says:

At least up until a certain age I would strongly argue the girls father should be able to veto the girls first lover as an unsuitable husband. Some men want virgin girls but plenty just wouldn’t care very much particularly if the girl is very attractive.

I was simply answering questions from others, including you.

You’ll allow christians, muslims, hindus, judaist, but not messianic hebrews.

So be it.

jim says:

Hindus and Muslims have been commenting on topic.

They have not been posting lengthy evangelical tracts.

Your blog is renowned for massive off-topic threads.

I will comment occasionally, with a Messianic Hebrew viewpoint, when appropriate. Fee free to silently delete them, if you do that a few times, I won’t waste any more time, like the fucking hour I did today answering people’s questions, which you wouldn’t let through. Incredible. Silently delete this one if you want. You are leading these men to their deaths. You will answer for it. At my hand. Mark my words.

jim says:

> Your blog is renowned for massive off-topic threads.

Is it?

I think it generally keeps to topic, and when it does not I crack down

Give me some examples of off topic threads – they don’t come to my mind. Perhaps I ignored them.

The issue of the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law was decisively dealt with by Paul, who was confronted with the problem of institutionalizing the Church for the ages among the gentiles.

You are ditching the book of John, and the entire rest of the New Testament that follows John. Common sense and the verdict of history is that this is a really bad idea. There is a pile of law in the old testament, such as tassels, that is transparently silly when transplanted to a different place and time, and a pile of law, such as the laws on blood contamination, that are clearly intended as a particular material way, particular to a particular place and time, of materially honoring a universal spiritual law. People in the old testament were clearly not much worried about literally getting contaminated by literal material blood, but rather by spiritual and metaphorical blood, the blood that Lady Macbeth was unsuccessfully trying to wash off with material water, the blood that the Jews copiously spilled in a foolish and wicked effort to avoid minute and microscopic contamination by material chicken blood.

And there is a pile of personal hygiene laws and public health laws that relate to the public health problems, the diseases and sources of contamination, that they had then, which are different from the ones we have now. Do you observe old testament law on contamination of building interiors by mold, or do you grab a bottle of Windex mold spray?

No one in practice observes Old Testament law, because much of it is just too silly in a different time and place.

Mike in Boston says:

The spirit of the law is universal to all places and times, and in each place and time must be given effect by sovereign, society, church, and family, in ways particular to that place and time.

Exactly so. And this is how, on the one hand, Saint Vincent of Lerins tells us “All possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all,” and on the other hand, Saint Ambrose fasted on Saturdays when in Rome, but not when at home in Milan, leading to the proper context for understanding the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

alf says:

I think Gary Morgan is Glosoli with yet another pseudonym.

You jelly that Jim’s popular in all the ways you are not, Gary? It’s ok. Your site looks nice.

chickawk says:

Look, glosoli is back yet again.

i says:

“Consider for example the rules on contamination by blood. Legalistic and pointless.”

Outside of the Talmud. The Mosaic Law was meant for ritual purity to render the Israelite fit to dwell in the presence of the Glory of God in the Tabernacle:

It is also a form of infectious disease control of course.

It Symbolically provides an Island of Order in a Sea of Chaos by establishing and keeping boundaries:

Watch this video by Jonathan Pageau. It provides good explanation for this.

This lays the ground work for the coming of the Logos in the Flesh.

Max says:

I must warn you not too put too much trust/assets into btc.
Crypto chains themselves are amazing technologies.

But by themselves it’s just glorified accounting ledger.
Without being backed by real power they are just toys/manipulation and speculation instruments

Btc very likely just another honey trap which will spring shut sooner or later. Along and inline with great financial reset plans

Don’t play speculation money game against big power and money
You will lose.

Invest in yourself, your family and your community

jim says:

> Don’t play speculation money game against big power and money

> You will lose.

I have been playing the speculation game against big power and money all my life and mostly winning. Big power and money has superior ability to predict outcomes because they control outcomes. Except when they do not. And with crypto currency, it is apparent that they do not.

And when they are unable to control outcomes, which is frequently, they lie and cheat and get away with it, as with the Mortgage Backed Security market from 2005 November to 2007. But though they can cheat and get away with it, they cannot cheat without being noticed. It was striking that in Mortgage Backed Security market from 2005 November to 2007, the speculators were for the most part not cheated, because we knew what was going on. And active investors, people who controlled their own money, were for the most part not cheated. The victims were not speculators or active investors, but those who had an agent hired by an agent hired by an agent controlling their money. Their agents turned a blind eye to the lying and cheating that everyone knew was happening, but no one could speak of, but no one else did. Everyone spoke as if nothing fraudulent was happening, but remarkably few people acted as if nothing fraudulent was happening.

There is a great deal of fraud and cheating going on the crypto currency exchanges, and the solution to that is to swiftly move the secrets controlling value to your own hardware.

Which again, just about everyone does.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for being commie crap*]

Snowdensjacket says:

Why don’t you just allow my comment for posterity Jim?

I did learn a great deal from following you for a long time. And if you’re right, and I do wish you’re so, I do, allow it in my space. I’ll think about it *if you’re right*

Their is nothing else left. But my gnon, libertardians. No matter what, you’ll go to your death bed clinging to the prog. You just can’t let it go can you?

Jim, praise gnon. Hear his bells among nations as they sing in one voice at night. Praise unto you! Thank you! You have taught me so much! A true patriarch among men! A man who passes his knowledge to the youth, yet I’m an old man now in my forties. A very old man I am. Thank you for all you have done. Praise unto you my wife and my children know your name.

My wife tells me, “did Jim make a new post”?

Alas, but rejoice!

jim says:

I am not allowing your comments, because they do not sound sincere to me – you are posting stuff from the frame that you are a Christian lecturing us on Christianity, and it does not sound Christian, and posting stuff from the frame that you are on our side, and agree with our politics, and it does not sound like you are on our side and agree with our politics.

I welcome debate with those who disagree with me. I don’t welcome “hail fellow peasant” rhetorical manipulative tactics.

Trotsky, a failed urban Jewish money lender, told the peasants he was a fellow peasant and on their side. And proceeded to murder vast numbers of peasants.

I welcome debate and disagreement, but you are not debating, but rather trying to engage in emotional manipulation and pressure, particularly in your “hail fellow Christian posts”, which seem to me to be influenced by literal or metaphorical demons.

You are trying to shame people into agreeing with your position, rather than laying out evidence and argument.

Thus for example, calling Alex crazy presupposes that everyone knows that crypto currency is not an effective countermeasure against power. I welcome informed debate on this issue, but mere confident assertion is just going to be silently deleted.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

What makes you one of the founders of the red pill? I was following the founders from the beginning.

You use our shibboleths in ways that suggest a failure to understand their meaning and the theory behind them. And you use commie shibboleths correctly.

I can speak commie, I can speak Christian, I can speak red pill, and I can speak dark enlightenment. You speak Christian poorly, Red pill strangely, Dark Enlightenment very strangely, and commie just fine.

suones says:

I sometimes wonder who exactly was (or were) the founder(s) of the Red Pill. NRx theory largely rests on Moldbug, but I know he was not “the” founder, so to speak. Neither was Roissy the ur-PUA, in fact he may have been inspired to start a blog by Roosh, who, in turn, was after, or a contemporary of, Strauss. I sometimes feel that what we now call the “Red Pill” is a fundamentally different beast from what we (or at least I) used to call the Red Pill back in Roosh’s glory days.

It started with the nature of women, that I know from personal experience and by lurking on teh interwebs, but when did the whole thing come together, and who was the one who did it? Who brought Roissy and Kevin MacDonald and Anglin on the same page? And how the fuck did the Jew Moldbug get wrapped up in this lol? (I think Yarvin ponders this too!)

jim says:

For a long time there were a bunch of blogs and videos on how to seduce women. De Angelo was the first to rediscover some understanding, but he was still full of crap. Then Mystery.

Neil Strauss published a book summarizing the wisdom of numberless anon’s

But the people posting did not understand why what they were doing worked. Their prescriptions worked, but seemingly made no sense. The breakthrough was the integration of Game, Game Theory, Evolutionary Game Theory, and Evolutionary Psychology. To which I credit Roissy, minion of Satan, who, unlike his master, speaks truth. But the understanding and integration started well before Roissy. Roosh was aware of the integration early on, but failed to focus on it.

My contribution is to place Game Theory and Evolutionary in a moral frame, and lately in a divinely ordained moral frame, and apply this frame to Game. Players and bitches is defect/defect equilibrium, and in the modern world you are always starting out in defect/defect equilibrium. Marriage 1.0 is cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. The only way to start out cooperate/cooperate equilibrium is to acquire a wife from a patriarch with whom your patriarch is in cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, which is not possible in the modern world.

So you have to be a player, and have to tame a bitch.

The Cominator says:

Kevin Macdonald is not part of the redpill in fact anyone who brings him up you can probably assume is not redpilled.

Kevin Macdonald’s basically list every bad thing he can find a jewish person ever did and concludes its all the jews and also that leftism is some jewish evolutionary strategy.

He ignores many things… above all that progressive jews don’t marry jews and don’t reproduce when they do.

Ace says:

I agree it was Roissy brought it all together. He was a very insightful and witty writer who wasn’t selling anything besides the truth. His commenters were also amazing. It took the left a long time to censor people like Roissy back then. Today they’re gone in a flash and we’re mostly left with people trying to make a buck off of horny young men.

Pooch says:

Also Rollo Tomassi’s book Rational Male and his blog, and the Red Pill subreddit. The Red Pill subreddit was the first I saw using the term “Red Pill” to describe female sexual nature.

jim says:

Red pill subreddit has, of course, been destroyed, and is dead under progressive shills.

The red pill is massively politically incorrect, and in the Gnon compliant form, even more politically incorrect.

Cementmixer says:

I don’t quite understand why you claim red pill reddit is “destroyed” when I still see politically incorrect content there under quarantine. What is the difference between the old red pill reddit and now?

jim says:

Possibly your idea of politically incorrect content may differ from my own. Quote or link a recent sample.

Cementmixer says:

“Look For Compliance from Women, Not Indicators of Attraction”

“Why Players Get Laid”

“Enjoy Your Turn”

One difference I see between the red pill reddit and your version is the ownership of women by patriarchs, but I don’t think even the old reddit had that kind of content having always been a congregation of players.

I’m also interested in how exactly the shills are attacking the red pill reddit, would be interesting if I could see those methods at play once I know them

jim says:

The quarantine requires an email address, and I expect that that email address is promptly added to our enemies monitoring list with a red flag attached. Looks like a honeypot.

Post some samples of the honey.

Pooch says:

I haven’t been to the TRP subreddit in years but I noticed some sidebar material posts disappeared as time went on. I don’t remember which ones or why. There still seemed to be good content on there as of a few years ago even if most of the focus was plate spinning and being a player.

Pooch says:

If I had to guess, the Cathedral has mostly no problem in men engaging in sexual defect/defect with women, but converting to a cooperate/cooperate dynamic via Jimian patriarchal ownership is going to get you targeted for shilling.

yewotm8 says:

You can create a reddit account without typing a real email address into the box. The address does not need to be verified or receive an email successfully. I make an account every so often to shitpost, with a username something like 234u2i34i23uuih234 and an email something like The email address I post with on your blog also does not exist, and I think it would be silly for me to use a real one.

yewotm8 says:

Also it appears the email address verification is only required if using “new” reddit. If you replace “www” in the link with “old”, email is not asked for, and you can view without signing in to an account at all.

jim says:

Pale pink rather than red.

Neglects to inform the player that the non compliant women are looking for a man who can and will successfully demand compliance.

Neglects to inform the player that the compliant women are going to give you a tough shit test sooner or later. If you are looking for women who will not shit test you, you will be looking for a mighty long time.

clovis says:

Someone said it took them a long time to censor Roissy. I think that’s probably because they didn’t understand him, and I continue to think that the reason why Jim isn’t censored is because they don’t understand Jim.


Could be. Liberalism is based on the idea that human nature is “good” or at least can be shaped into being something “good”. Thus, to the liberal, bigots make special exceptions to this universal rule. People are “good”, excepts blacks, except women, except gays. That is the worldview they expect.

When they do not get it, they are really confused. “Are you telling me you are not trying to be a good person?” No, in the way you would mean it, I am not. “WTF.”

jim says:

I am a good person. Liberals are bad people.

Thus, for example, the Global Warmism conspiracy revealed in the climategate files was motivated by the desire to harm people so that they could sell Carbon Indulgences. The more pain and suffering inflicted by the priesthood on the laity, the more that Papal Indulgences are in demand. Drag Queen story hour is motivated by the desire to have sex with small boys.

Liberal goodness consists of having ever better intentions to help far away strangers, as justification for causing harm to people close to them.

Ace says:

Could be. Liberalism is based on the idea that human nature is “good” or at least can be shaped into being something “good”. Thus, to the liberal, bigots make special exceptions to this universal rule. People are “good”, excepts blacks, except women, except gays. That is the worldview they expect.

You’re accepting what liberals say while ignoring what they actually do. They want mercy for hardened criminals murdering people while people exercising self defense, they want put to death like Kyle Ritterhouse.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Liberals are evil people who pretend to be good.

Jim, Ace

There is the evil liberals on top, and there is a lot of naive deluded people on the bottom who are duped by them. When arguing online or occasionally cautiously IRL, I tend to meet the second type. Who seem to be really dumb enough to believe letting hardened criminals out of prison will work out because if you are nice to people they will be nice in return and not commit crimes anymore, or more like they are simply irresponsible enough to not think about consequences, because for virtue-signalling, good intentions suffice.

Although they are rapidly turning into willfully malicious, because the circle of people they consider “Nazis” is rapidly increasing, so it is rapidly turning into actually wanting the hardened criminal to hurt people.

But I remember a lot of arguments with the second type in the near past where it was really like a bunch of irresponsible idiots not recognizing or not caring the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I mean they seemed to be really living the illusion. For example SlateStarCodex commenters in its heyday. Grew up in the suburbian bubble where no one was violent, and generally played nice with people, they seemed to be really thinking that is just how all human nature works and “bigots” are just making a special exemption for certain groups.

The near-far model is pretty good. Human nature means most people most of the time were entirely okay with hurting the far. Naive idiots do not recognize it. They think people are basically good in the sense neither wanting to hurt near nor far. And then when their near people are hurting th far, or even just hurting them back, they notice it, because it happens near, and condemn it, because it does not live up to their moral standards. They think only those people near are such amoral to hurt the far, the far must be nice people who are just defending themselves, so they block efforts of the near to hurt the far, and thus end up helping the far to hurt the near. As the near are more and more desperate to defend themselves, thus more and more desperate to hurt the far, naive idiots consider the near more and more vicious, eventually spiralling into considering all the near Nazi kulaks and killing them all.

Top liberals are evil, but many low ranking ones, many everyday people are simply just this deluded, they think people are good enough to not want to hurt the far and that is the accepted moral standard, they notice the near hurting the far or being engaged in mutual hurt because it is happening near, they think the near is evil but the far is normal i.e. not wanting to hurt their own far, and thus they turn against the near.

This is what I meant liberals will not understand discussions like here, because I think our basic model is accepting normal people are okay with hurting the far. For a liberal, the idea of racist bigotry means assuming white people are never okay with hurting the far, nor the near, nor anyone, but black people are okay with hurting the far. But because this is not our view, they do not understand it.

The top libs are clearly evil, very much like how Jim described, but I do not get into debates with the top. I get into debates with everyday people deluded by the top libs.

jim says:

There is a remarkably good correlation between someone caring deeply about far away strangers in places he could not find on a map, and that person being willing to casually harm friends and family.

Leftism is cheap virtue signaling. Which correlates closely with failure to perform expensive virtues.

Leftists tend to be personally and individually dangerous, untrustworthy, and treacherous, because they adhere to a concept of virtue that you can be a good person, while being a bad person to friends and family.

When the Pope was taxed on priests in the Vatican having sex with each other in a great big pile, he replied “Global Warming”. Leftism is, in practice, excuses for bad conduct.

When Scott Alexander’s social circle double crossed each other in the events leading to Kathy Forth’s suicide, it was because one needs to be sympathetic and understanding to traumatized and disturbed women.

And Kathy Forth was plenty traumatized and disturbed. But she was traumatized and disturbed not by rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, but by the fact that having hit the wall, she was no longer getting any rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. She needed a spanking. She wanted a spanking. She told us so in her suicide letter. And instead Scott Alexander and friends enabled her wicked and destructive conduct at the expense of each other.

The Cominator says:

Progs and commies are evil people from top to bottom.

New agey type leftists are often genuinely good people with naive delusions. And you can often educate them into not believing said delusions anymore.


“Which correlates closely with failure to perform expensive virtues.”

Yes, absolutely. Sins of ommission: cowardice, laziness, not doing the hard and good thing. It is different from sins of commission: conscious malice. Wait. Am I defending libs now? I did not even intend that, my point was that someone who thinks human nature is so that people do not even want to harm the far will not understand these discussions. How did I end up defending libs?

I think I have frame this sub-discussion entirely wrongly and it made it unproductive. I framed it as libs, and libs means really everybody from Soros and Harris down to any of their voters. That was stupid.

So for example in their case there is really a case of duper and duped. I looked up Ace’s reference and it seems to have been Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón + Soros of whom David Cole wrote he did not tell his voters that he is gonna do this. They got duped.

But yet, this is not really what I meant. George Gascón is obviously evil and his voters are obviously lowbrow fools, I meant the idealist type I have met on SSC.

Again, I just did not frame this subdiscussion properly. The “idealists” around Scott Alexander committed a sin of ommission, of lazy cowardice, not a sin of commission, willing malice. The Pope did.

This is not the right frame and I must apologize for creating an unproductive subdiscussion. There are really multiple different categories of people, not just “libs”.

jim says:

> I meant the idealist type I have met on SSC.

Personal experience: The idealism you meet in SSC, when you meet it in real life people, those people are unreliable, and apt to do bad things.

These “idealists” subscribe to a concept of virtue that enables them to be extremely virtuous without the potential inconvenience of doing right to friends, family, employers, employees, or customers.

The “effective altruists” neglected to inquire whether the money they were quite genuinely sending to Africa was helping people or killing people.

The most infamous example of this was “We are the world, we are the children”, where they funded the cattle trucks that the government that created the famine was using to ship people to death camps.

The effective altruist movement signaled virtue by sending money to Africa, but they displayed a total lack of interest in whether their money was actually doing good. Which means that when you actually interact with an “effective altruist” who is quite genuinely sending money to Africa, he is likely to knife you in the back.

Yul Bornhold says:

Jim, do you have a link to Kathy Forth’s suicide letter?

Obviously, wanting to be spanked is female desire to submit but progs refuse to believe the obvious, so they pass it off as a ‘kink’ – totally cool and acceptable – but with no mechanism.

“Some women, for absolutely no reason, want a sexual experience of being physically forced to submit but we must not interpret this to mean that women want to be physically forced into submission!”

The blue pill Victorians would have said that these women were ‘fallen’ or corrupted by evil men, which at least provides a mechanism. The progressive view on sexuality reminds me of the progressive view on evolution. There’s a vast spectrum of different sexualities and races but without any reason. None are different in any meaningful manner.

The Cominator says:

The extreme submission fantasies (not that women in the past didn’t have them but they weren’t as common or as extreme) so common in many modern women is a direct result of progressive society indoctrinating women (and women are on the surface more malleable because of their herd instinct) contrary to their natures and setting up a reinforcing social structure contrary to their natures.

Atavistic Morality says:


You should make an article containing and further exploring the ontology of leftist ethics explained in these few posts of yours. This is the kind of wisdom I come for and everyone should be reading, simply amazing. Never ceases to amaze me the ease with which you put into simple words many of my instinctual thoughts and perfectly describe leftism. I dare say, if you wrote a book on the subject or a compilation of your philosophical gold nuggets it’d be history important grade.

It’d definitely be a book every child should read before reaching the age of 12 to avoid huge huge trouble in their lives, meaning of life stuff, or at least, get through life successfully.

jsd says:

I would also like to see a post on leftist ethics. How much can you trust someone who is a leftist? What if they have a seemingly normal family life and basic decency? Is there a certain threshold of leftism that negates all of that? Can a true blue prog be trusted in any capacity? This is an urgent issue for many of us…

jim says:

The thing is, leftists tend not to have a normal family.

I know, Jim. This is not new, even Rousseau, who was leftist but hated the cosmopolitan philosophes, said that those Frenchmen who were overly worried about the suffering of the Tartars used it as an excuse to not care about their neighbors. And the pattern was the same as today, loving the far was strangely about loving far thugs, not decent people far away. The Tartars spent centuries “harvesting the steppe”, selling kidnapped Slav slaves to Ottomans, which is where the word slave comes from, and no one cared in France, but when the Tzar got fed up and tore them a new one, suddenly the philosophes got worried about all that cruelty and inhumanity. WTF. The real joke is that the Tzars methods worked so well at making the Tartars docile that now there are Russian writers arguing they are a good example today, of how Muslims and Christians can live “together” in peace – but let’s not get into that now, because “together” actually means “under the thumb of Christians” etc. etc.

So it is known. Still, what I am talking about exists, and is big. You know how this argument is going on for centuries, leftists talk about some big utopia where everybody will voluntarily work for the common good and conservatives say it is not compatible with human nature. And yes of course it is merely propaganda for knocking over applecarts, and when they win the workers do not find themselves voluntarily working for the common good, but they find themselves enserfed to harsh masters. Yet, this language is basically the common language of modernity, this propaganda is sort of the basis of the public language of modernity, one bunch of people claiming they have good intentions and another bunch of people saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This is the language libs speak, even if it is just propaganda.

Alrenous had a good point that the fossils of old power grabs stay in the public discourse, in the public mind:

“These centuries have seen innumerable self-serving political campaigns, waged and won using ever advancing sophistry. These politicians are seen as heroes by their duped victims, as they embody an ideal sophistication to aspire to, and each victorious manipulative lie is seen as a worthy ideal.

The truth is what it is, but a lie can be designed for marketability; to go down easy and smooth, to fit existing misconceptions. Each new avaricious politician sees a much easier path in expanding old lies rather than attempting to fight them.

The result is that by now, the average voter’s head is stuffed to bursting with the fossils of past power grabs. Almost everything they say or do that has any political relevance whatsoever is the echo of some dead politician’s clarion call to serve his interests over their own.”

All I am saying libs do not understand discussions outside this lingo, outside the language centered around the fossils of the propaganda of past power grabs.

Another thing. Since Katy Forth was mentioned, I have re-read her suicide letter. I am not sure I understand it, it is full of hamstering of the highest grade, the hamster running on IV meth and IQ-boosters, the bolts and nuts coming off the hamster wheel. But my impression is that some PUA’s have a tendency to do “hit and run dominance” instead of owning women and that was the core issue. “If I cannot have my body, nobody will have it.” The issue is more like nobody was having it and keeping, rather the “hit and run dominance” was that they treated her body as public property instead of homesteading and owning her.

jim says:

She fantasized about becoming someone’s property.

All her life she banged men out of her league. Of course the highest alpha a chick can bang is higher than the highest alpha who would stick around. And then she hit the wall, and no one who she considered in her league would bang her.

So she started making false charges of rape and sexual harassment at all and sundry – females misbehave as a generic shit test, to smoke the alpha out of the woodwork. In the ancestral environment, the reaction would have been “Whose woman is this”. And upon identifying someone arguably in authority over this misbehaving woman, he would be told to take care of the problem.

In the ancestral environment, intolerable misconduct and causing a nuisance to men was a way of getting rid of unwanted freedom – and it is clear her freedom was unwanted.

Neurotoxin says:

In the ancestral environment, the reaction would have been “Whose woman is this”.

Who bitch this is? Who bitch this is?

Snowdensjacket says:

Jim, four years ago I was banned for starting an obvious truth. Women do as they are told.

Women do as they are told. Truth that no lies, no tales, no things will ever change. Women, obey. Women do as they are told. Want a woman to obey? Tell. Magic.

jim says:

No they don’t.

I hear an incel speaking.

Women always shit test you.

And that shit test is apt to be disobeying you on something important in ways stupid and self destructive.

Which is why no startup with mixed sex founders ever succeeds.

They want to lose. They want to be made to obey. Which is why they are apt to disobey when it is vitally important that they do the obviously correct thing.

But they don’t obey easily, because they are looking, and continue to look, for a man who can make them obey. And they will disobey you on something where it is obviously important for their own good that they obey you because they are looking for a man who will command them to do what they know they should do, and are looking for a man who can make that command stick.

jsd says:

Left voters are half the population and human nature is strong. There are plenty who have a family that is apparently normal. At least without any gross obvious dysfunction. In the same hypocritical way they live in all white suburbs they also have traditional family structures

clovis says:

At any rate the left that has generational wealth seems to know how to maintain a traditional family, at least outwardly, probably because they understand you can’t maintain generational wealth and power without it.

Pooch says:

Even the big exchanges? The big US exchanges are regulated by USG, which is a big problem, but I didn’t think fraud was a problem. What about the big Chinese exchanges?

jim says:

The big exchanges are not likely to do a Mount Gox tomorrow morning, so they are reasonably safe to purchase crypto currency.

But they are scamming people who attempt to speculate in crypto currency, by falsifying history and prices.

Starman says:


“The big exchanges are not likely to do a Mount Gox tomorrow morning, so they are reasonably safe to purchase crypto currency.”

I’m setting up my bitcoin wallet for just-in-case. So I’ll try the big exchanges. My cryptocurrency knowledge isn’t very good, so I’m mostly listening here in the comment section and also to my close friends who are familiar with it.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

People have been saying this about cryptocurrencies since a full BTC cost $1. What makes your humdrum analysis any more intelligent or timely than theirs?

alex says:

What trustworthy exchange (without KYC) is there to buy Monero with BTC/USDT?

Snowdensjacket says:

[*Deleted as state propaganda*]

jim says:

I don’t think you are a literal shill in the sense that someone is paying you to say this stuff, though I am not altogether sure that you are not. Likely you are echoing what you have heard shills say.

Alex was asking a reasonable and realistic question, which deserves a reasonable and realistic answer. KYC and exchange fraud can readily be avoided, and is being avoided on a mass scale by hundreds of millions of people. Probably by most of the commenters posting.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

There is much to criticize about existing crypto currency, and I welcome informed debate by people who understand crypto currency, economics, money, and incentives.

Not going to discuss crypto currency with you.

Joe says:

Bisq software currently works well for amounts from about 0.005 BTC to its maximum of 2 BTC. If you have more than 2 BTC then do multiple transactions. I have seen someone trade 75 BTC over the space of a few days there.

Fees are 0.1% for market makers and 0.7% for takers, plus the BTC block mining fee. Smaller trades will incur a higher % fee, because the mining fee is fixed, and because there is a minimum trading fee. If you trade a lot you can get around 50% discount by using their colored BTC token, called BSQ.

The software uses TOR for connecting to both with Bisq peers and with BTC nodes. It works on Windows, Debian, Fedora, and some other platforms. Debian works well.

Risks are backdoors and software bugs. There have been both in the past but as of v1.5.4 it is rather well behaved. In the case of a recent bug some people had deposits locked up but got them back in all cases. A hack of a vulnerability in April 2020 cost 3 BTC and 4000 XMR but the victims were apparently repaid from the board.

Assuming the software is honest, the way it works is:
1. the maker publishes his deposit (for monero sellers) or deposit + exchange amount (for monero buyers) as a BTC transaction
2. the taker publishes his deposit or deposit + exchange amount (seller or buyer respectively)
3. the maker + taker publish a 2 of 2 multisig with combined exchange + 2 * deposit
4. the monero seller (either maker or taker) sends the monero and provides proof
5. the multisig pays out the deposit + exchange to the monero seller and the deposit to the monero buyer

Because of the way the transactions are programmed (the multisig has a 1 week timelock spend to a board-controlled arbitration account if both parties disagree in a dispute) and because of the governance and high fees they rake in, you should get your money back if something goes wrong wrong. My take on governance is that 0.8% of every exchange is a very fat goose that no sane person would kill, but I could be wrong.

Monero exchanage is low risk because spends can be proven with the address, amount, transaction hash (txid) and transaction private key (txkey). The worst that can happen is that your funds will be locked up for a week and this is apparently rare. I have not had a dispute in a few tens of transactions.

USD exchange is higher risk and account ageing restrictions reflect this.

The single point that a government might attack is the board, or the developer. This could affect transactions that go to arbitration, or could force a backdoor. Use the usual precaution of not having too much BTC held with the software or in any one place. There is the option of using the Bisq included wallet or an external wallet. This mitigates software risk considerably.

suones says:

How do you buy BTC for USD? Once you link your USD account to the software, isn’t KYC as good as done? Govt can trace your BTC to the linked KYC-compliant USD account, can’t it?

jim says:

There are a multitude of ways of unlinking your BTC. Trading them for XMR was just discussed in the comments.

And, of course, it is increasingly possible to buy BTC from friends, family, and friends of friends.

And there are ways of buying BTC from strangers without KYC.

Trouble is that every time you spend some BTC, your change is relinked, and when you spend unlinked with linked, they both get linked, and you have more linked change.

There are wallets that help you track the linkage, or you can track it manually. You should do both. Always use coin control.

Since bitcoin is heavily criminalized at your location, I would recommend Specter desktop with a hardware wallet. You should also run a full peer in a dedicated machine for specter to use. From time to time, backup a full copy of the blockchain onto a USB drive. If you have a substantial amount of crypto currency, specter desktop, full peer, and hardware wallet is the way to go, but start playing around with just a software wallet.

clovis says:

Isn’t it too late to even consider this if you haven’t already purchased bitcoin?

jim says:


Not following your reasoning?

clovis says:

Because I never bought bitcoin because by the time I heard about everyone making money on it I figured it was too late. And when I read the discussion above I wouldn’t have enough confidence to buy it and assume that I would know how to keep myself anonymous and not just end up losing the money.

jim says:

Back when one BTC was worth a dollar, everyone figured it was too late.

Cryptocurrency will replace fiat currency. It will not necessarily be Bitcoin that replaces it, for Bitcoin is hitting its scaling limits hard, but it is still very early days for crypto currency.

And, of course, the crypto currency market is full of scams and scammers and crypto currencies fluctuate wildly.

Bet on the lightning network. I have been, and continue to be, extremely critical of the lightning network, but if they get their act together, a lightning network done right could eat the world financial system.

clovis says:

thanks, I could use financial advice

alex says:

Thank you for this post, this is exactly what I was looking for. My mistake was to assume that I was confined to the traditional centralized exchanges just because BTC and XMR don’t share a blockchain.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for posting from a Christian frame*]

jim says:

That is not Christianity.

Snowdensjacket says:

I haven’t made many posts for a great many years. Since I was one of the founders of the red pill that I lost since I’m a simple man.

And I’m a simple man. I’ll just go back to my life with my patriarchy I made in my life I made and laugh and dance with my children. I’m not even sure how to share how simple it is. Yet I do try.

jim says:

You are not one of the founders of the red pill, and the man you depict yourself as being would not use words like “dialectic”.

I am silently deleting your comments, because you are arguing not from facts or evidence, but from who you supposedly are.

You don’t sound like the person you supposedly are, and even if you were that person (what makes you one of the founders of the red pill), I don’t want that form of debate on my blog.

Snowdensjacket says:

I understand. During my time when I was very active online I reached the conclusion that only rhetoric works. I’m reaching the conclusion that it doesn’t work at all. I don’t know what works. Dialectic? You can’t reason someone out of a belief they were never reasoned into. Leadership? I don’t want followers I want a king in every house.

I think our biggest beef is usury and money working for you. I think men need to turn away from this sterility, as money is sterile even if you fool yourself into thinking somehow you’ve created a way for money to work for you, and turn to something fertile. More of something sterile won’t make it fertile. Even more of it?

Men need to build real wealth and hold on to it. To protect it. This is illegal now so all men must become outlaws. And all men must become kings.

jim says:

Allowing this through because it is an important debate.

You are giving us the commie version of the Christian ban on usury. Though you are probably not a communist, you have been reading the writings

When the Christians declared money to be sterile they were not banning profit. They were banning profit made by exploiting the short time preference of foolish people.

The rule is that you cannot charge interest against the person, only against productive property. So instead of investing in other people’s weakness, you invest in other people’s strength. You can make an interest bearing loan against cattle, for the cattle produce more cattle. You can make an interest bearing loan against a house, because a house produces shelter. The house is not sterile. You can make an interest bearing loan for business expansion. You cannot make an interest bearing loan against tomorrow’s paycheck so that the borrower can party today.

I am preparing, but have not entirely finished, a post on usury:

Snowdensjacket says:

I’ll read this tomorrow, when I can give it the attention required

Ace says:

Heh, they’re going to make it illegal to for anyone to publish anything that might make the public believe that elections are rigged:

Jim isn’t wrong, elections are all going to be rigged now in every state at every level. Voting is over even in the Redest of Red States.

I think it is a good time to talk priorities. Jim, one characteristic of your worldview is that I think you seem to say that the woman question has absolutel No. 1 priority, because it is equivalent to the eugenic fertility or white fertility question, and that has absolute No.1 priority. And thus it has a higher priority than the race question, immigration question, capitalism/socialism question gay question and so on. Correct so far?

Everything is now going towards the shitter in the US and as a consequence in the empire as well. Jim, let’s take this hypothetical question, suppose a supernatural force asks you to choose one of them and he will magically fix it, and I think you would choose the woman / eugenic-white fertility question. He just magics white women to be submissive and only to white men so they pop out five kids each. Meanwhile, the economy is still going towards Venezula, immigration will still be much higher, thus “race relations” kinds of problems will still increase, I mean basically crime, gays still gonna be triumpant and so on.

Yet, I think you would choose this rather than any of the alternatives, like the supernatural force stopping immigration, or making all blacks infertile, or making all blacks docile, or moving the economy towards 19th century capitalism, or banning the gay. Correct?

If yes, I woul dlike to ask exactly why?

This is not a purely theoretical / hypothetical question. It is practical: all those other countries who still have a shred of sovereignty left and a shred of basedness left, which compromises should they take and which not? Thinking Poland/Hungary but also others. Suppose the Cathedral forces them to legalize gaymarriage, give quota scholarships to gypsies and liberate women even more. Sounds like to me you would recommend them to fight the latest and make a compromise in the first two if they have to. So this is what I am trying to figure out with this hypothetical question. Basically: what is the hill to die on for them and why is it the woman / fertility question.

I’d like to exclude one aspect: the WQ is No. 1 because it is the hardest. Yes, it is the hardest, but that is not what it makes it No. 1.

It is the hardest, because you can be redpilled about women if you are just chasing sloots, you can even be redpilled about women when married, but here is the real solar plexus punch: how is a man gonna be redpilled about his mother? Calling a mans mother a whore is a fighting word. Thinking women are sloots when uncontrolled and then thinking well his mother was back then in the sixties, seventies not very much controlled, is something a man really does NOT want to think about. It is really the ultimate crimethink, which draws the hardest attempts to hamster a crimestop, because it is not a crimethink that liberals labelled so but something very, very deep and old. A man really does absolutely not want to think about his mother in the framework that she was maybe a plate spun by alphas. He will use every possible excuse to avoid thinking so.

Which results in making it very hard to think redpilled about women.

But that is not this difficulty that makes the WQ the No. 1 but its relationship with (eugenic) fertility, so the big question is why (eugenic) fertility is No. 1.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

My mother married when she was quite young, so I’m reasonably confident that she was not a whore. If yours went to college and then married well into her twenties, then I’m sorry to say she may have been a whore at one point. But whoredom is generally for unowned women, and once she was married, and probably some time beforehand, I assume she became owned and stopped being a whore.

Surely you must be able to imagine your dad, or someone’s dad, chasing pussy, so why not the converse? Your parents had to fuck in order for you to be born. That means both of them had sexual desires.

You’re commanded to honor thy mother and father, but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to think rationally about them. And if you can’t think rationally about your parents, whose sex lives are in many cases over and done with, how are you possibly going to think rationally about your wife, who might be weighing your masculinity against other men right now, or your daughter who’s in her sexual prime and getting tingles from drug dealers and broke musicians?

We’ve heard all these excuses before. You have to deal with it at some point, every man has to deal with it, otherwise civilization dies a quick and fiery death.

Ace says:

Calling a mans mother a whore is a fighting word. Thinking women are sloots when uncontrolled and then thinking well his mother was back then in the sixties, seventies not very much controlled, is something a man really does NOT want to think about. It is really the ultimate crimethink, which draws the hardest attempts to hamster a crimestop, because it is not a crimethink that liberals labelled so but something very, very deep and old. A man really does absolutely not want to think about his mother in the framework that she was maybe a plate spun by alphas. He will use every possible excuse to avoid thinking so.

I’ve never found this hard. Growing up I watched plenty of cheating by mothers of my friends and I saw how unhappy my mother was with my father acting like a beta bitch. Did she cheat on him? No idea. At some point when I was 11 or so my mother spontaneously decided to put my father in charge and deferred to him on the basis of her Christian faith. She was much happier after that. My dad still failed shit tests but there were fewer of them with the proper roles backing him up.

Today she’s pretty influenced by this women are equal to men sort of propaganda and gets very upset when I say things like that’s women’s work, but her actual relationship with my father is very traditional, as is my sister’s relationship with her husband. Women need alpha men to own them and with those alpha men owning them in the now illegal marriage 1.0 slutting around is much less of an issue.

A bigger issues for families that I saw as a kid and even more so today is the boys being shunted asides to promote the girls. A good friend of mine watched his parents pay for and push his sister all the way through a PHD program. She’s now a childless PHD holding bitter women who’s child bearing years are over. It’s high status to push girls into sluthood and gene shredding directions and Christen families do it by the bucket load while leaving their sons without the proper pushes to make them into strong men.

Leon says:

That is a massive issue in the west as well. Families just give up on sons at a young age or try to turn them into girls. In turn they pump up the egos of girls and try to turn them into boys. And everyone is clueless where all these tranny wannabes, soy boys, feminazis and other assorted freaks come from.

Oscar C. says:

Paradoxically enough, in the coming deregulated sexual marketplace, categories such as “whore” will become less and less strong, and therefore less difficult to accept.

“Yes, my mother fucked around when young, so what?”

It is like homosexuality, almost nobody bats an eyelid in the West about it.

People, particularly those online, are way less naive now. The have seen it all. I doubt some normal kid living in Middle America in the 1970s knew about fisting or orgies or the like.

I think you reactionaries underestimate the resilience of ‘clownworld’. People adapt to almost everything given enough time.

jim says:

We have had many clownworld episodes in many times and places over the last few thousand years.

It has not been at all resilient.

suones says:

This is the acid test — if a society cucks on everything *but* women, it will survive. All other red pills are bound to follow the QdF. Conversely, if a society is seemingly “red-pilled” on everything but the QdF, it is bound to follow the highway to destruction.


John C. Calhoun says:


Seems like Indian (Hindi) media is also getting pozzed and becoming more left winged with feminism. I was a bit shocked tbh but guess the foreign funded NGOs and western educated Indians are make a big impact “to spread their knowledge”.

I was watching Indian Idol today and they did a profile on a female pilot and how she was such a huge model for female empowerment. They also have this coffee commercial where the mother asks her daughter, “so you have been married for 3yrs any news? The daughter replies back saying “ya I’m such a strong independent women and I founded a startup”.

suones says:

Dear John,

Hindi media has been pozzed from the start, i.e., 1947. Feminism has been alive in India since the 1930s at least. Its spread in the middle class has been astonishingly slow, if anything, to the great chagrin of various NGOs. Even the “Hindi” language is a Leftist creation, just as “Urdu” language is a Baphometan mirage. Old liberals consider the language as “Hindi/Urdu,” but not the newer Progs.

Big leadership in Indian prog movements is taken by adharmi Brahmins (of course), of whom “Pandit” Jawaharlal Nehru was a shining example. Prog Hindus are called “secular” in India.

I was watching Indian Idol today…

You’re a braver soul than I, my friend. 😂

All TV, most movies, and even the commercials are pozzed. Our media march ten years behind Harvard, so right now we’re seeing Feminism, but sodomites and tranners aren’t far behind. But we have two silver linings: 1) the vast majority of Indian women have proven extremely resistant to feminism, for some reason. Even direct transfer of money to women by Govt mostly results in the man of the house getting hold of the money and managing it as he sees fit, and media attempts to “expose” it only result in non-co-operation by the alleged “victim” wife, and 2) Feminism is the first line of Leftist attack; if that is defeated, the whole “Leftist Revolution” thing never happens.

Am I hopeful? No. There is never hope in the proles, who are only slightly better than animals, and Indian elite fertility is rapidly declining. But I can’t help but fight. Modi is merely a speed-bump on the Leftist journey in the long term. But Moloch will have to face Sri Kalki avatar at some point, and I believe that Dharma will prevail.

jim says:

To fix fertility, the magical supernatural force would have to install patriarchy. Patriarchs and their manly sons would in due course, perhaps generations, fix all the other problems.

There is an very strong correlation between failure to protect private male ownership of female sexuality, and failure to protect private property in land. Every home needs a wife and a garden. If no wife, no interest in a home and garden, and politics will create a landless, fatherless mob, living in little boxes, and elites will use that mob to destroy each other.

clovis says:

Jim, have you done any thinking about why Jacob was a quiet man and hung around the tents and his mother, and Esau who was manly as hell, and yet God chose Jacob? Also Jacob grasped his brother’s heel in the womb and behaved in every way like a beta. And yet by the end of the story Jacob has sort of become manly in that he has four wives and is able to manage a huge household. But the point of the story seems to be that God did not choose the alpha, but the weaker man. And that seems to be a recurring theme throughout the Bible.

RedBible says:

Esau in the chapter after selling/despising his birthright, goes and marries women of ANOTHER RACE. The proof of this is that when Issac (his father) needs a woman for marriage, he needs a servant to be sent to another land to find one, since the women in the area are not acceptable.

“Liberal Christians” despise any interpretation that says “Race mixing = Bad”. The fact that there are groups of women that the Anceint Israelites are to not touch/take for themselves, but other groups are fine, suggests that race was a core factor.

But to round it off, I wouldn’t want a race mixed heir, and I don’t think God wants that either based on all the issues that race mixed people have.

suones says:

…the point of the story seems to be that God did not choose the alpha, but the weaker man.

This is another hard teaching of GNON. Civilisation is actually built by beta men. What kind of person do you think invented the telephone or computer or the Internet? Patriarchy and enforced monogamy does not primarily benefit the rootless Alpha — he takes what he wants anyway. Patriarchal structures serve to ensure beta reproduction, that is the driver of society — creating mid-level soldiers, businessmen, farmers, professionals, traders, basically the huge bulk of taxpayers.

A wise man once told me that PUAs tend to be so vitriolic because they’re almost always “reformed betas” — natural alphas have no need for PUA.

When the Supreme Alpha GNON anoints his earthly representative Alpha God-Emperor, it becomes the latter’s duty to ensure beta-male happiness and high fertility. This is the key indicator that made Aryan society different from Semites: every head of a family has absolute power over his land and descendants, and said power is backed up by the Emperor’s soldiers and Apollo’s priests. That’s what makes the Patriarch attractive to women, even though he is simply a good managerial beta.

A society that has many competing alphas prowling around like wolves will turn into a society like, well, wolves — which is fine for a nomadic existence, but miserable and in no way fit to reach the stars, let alone subdue them.

Dharma Shastras teach us a parable where a neophyte is asked to identify which man is the most “holy” from among a self-mortifying ascetic, a wise Brahmin, a great King, a thief and a family man. When the neophyte (obviously) picks the hermit, the Master corrects him and points out that all of the above are actually carried on the shoulders of the family man. The ascetic and Brahmin live on alms, King on taxes, and thief on stolen goods, but all of these are generated by the family man, so he’s the one most holy and most likely to obtain divine favour. This anecdote stuck with me as a beautiful episode to raise the status of beta males, and all of this is of course backed by Sri Vishnu Himself and enforced by His agent the King.

This is not such a hard teaching. One cannot just fit men into two categories, for example, Vox Day uses a five-level hierarchy. And if a natural alpha means someone who would not be squeamish about gutting someone with a knife and might actually enjoy it, then I think most men here are one level lower than that and happy being so, perhaps LARPing alpha for the girls but not really wanting to be that. Because one level lower is indeed the stuff civilization is made of. This does not make one a wimp – that’s what the other three levels are for.

Joe says:


This meme needs to die.

suones says:

Why lol?

Joe says:

Does anyone on this blog support the use of the term God-Emperor?

The Cominator says:

I like the meme but not for Trump anymore…

I could forgive Trump most of his faults, I could even forgive him for losing in the end, but I can’t forgive him fleeing the field in terror on January 6th.

Men should stand by their king, but not if their king won’t stand by them.

Pooch says:

It probably was fools gold to even use the term to begin. In hindsight, Trump was destined to lose.

Jacob, and all of the other patriarchs, were meek men. Many think that meek is the same as weak, but it’s not. This link has a good explanation of the word ‘meek’

Meek men recognise God’s authority, and submit to it. So, Moses was very meek, Abraham too, David, Jesus, all meek. But they were far from weak, they were prepared to die for their faith, and were prepared to trust God with all things. So, Jacob was obedient to his parents, and hence to God, whereas Esau was a rebel, and suffered for it all of his life.

Which is more alpha? The man who can accept divine authority, and his parents’ authority, or the man who chooses to ignore both? Order versus disorder, good versus evil, God versus Satan. Always boils down to that. Only one winner, in the long run.

Worth reading the Book of Jasher, to see how the meek sons of Jacob destroyed dozens of cities using their meekness and faith, amazing stories of strength, fearlessness, blood and guts, and complete trust in God, always massively out-numbered, always assured of victory.

Those are the strengths that last, meekness is invincibility in the face of evil. Progs spontaneously combust when faced with an army of meek men.

clovis says:

The biblical point is not that God likes to choose those who have the moral quality of meekness, but that He likes to choose those who lack natural nobility, strength, or right.

He chooses Jacob, who is a man who likes to hang around the tent with his mother. Admittedly, Jacob eventually develops a much greater sort of bravery than Esau, in that he wrestles with God. But naturally speaking, he is the less manly of the two brothers.

He chooses Isaac, because Isaac is the one born by promise, instead of the firstborn.

He chooses David, despite David being the youngest son and also not as kingly in appearance as his brothers (i.e. not tall).

He chooses Moses, but only after Moses has completely given up on his own natural leadership potential and has surrendered himself to being a shepherd for forty years–that is he has accepted a low status job as his lot in life.

He chooses Gideon, who is, at the start of things, a coward who is so scared to cut down the Asherah pole that he does it at night.

This theme is so pervasive in the Bible that Nietzsche wrote Christianity off as “slave morality.”

“Consider your calling, brethren, not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth, but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.” 1 Cor. 1:26-27

Although I suppose you could argue here that Paul is not saying that God chose the lowborn, foolish, etc. to exercise temporal government, but to participate in eternal life.

Let’s be honest, we don’t know WHY God chooses anyone, because He also chose Saul, and Saul fucked up terribly. We trust in His great plan.

I think David was 100% noble and strong and brave, and alpha, no idea why you think otherwise. His height, what are you on?

>’And Saul commanded his servants, “Find me someone who plays well, and bring him to me.”

18One of the servants answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a mighty man of valor, a warrior, eloquent and handsome, and God is with him.”

Sounds alpha as fuck to me.

But it is a fact, as I said, that the patriarchs were all meek, they totally submitted to God. All other matters, such as Vox’s alpha classification, or Moses’s job, are immaterial, to God.

clovis says:

Yes, David definitely always sounds alpha, but he was the youngest son, therefore not the one who ordinarily ought to be priest and king.

But the point stands that God chooses those who are nothing in themselves. The point is made so often in the bible you have to be blind not to notice it.

God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Rm 4:17

Luke 1:51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.

Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Well reinstalling it is not possible anywhere in the periphery of the empire, but slowing down further slide by e.g. not signing the Istanbul Treaty might be. I can also think of tricks like well if they want equlity of outcome, let’s start with schoolteachers, quota up male schoolteachers from the current 5% up to at least 40%. At least the boys will see a father figure in a role of authority who can make the girls shut up. That cannot hurt…

We had one like that, who was be a harsh classroom “STFU, kids!” dominant type although ligthened it up with humor, I don’t think I have consciously noticed how much the girls adored him but subconsciously I might have.

Seems to me the idea should be to slow it down and play for survival until the American horse learns to sing.

Jerking Off says:

“If no wife, no interest in a home and garden, and politics will create a landless, fatherless mob, living in little boxes…”

That is the global overlords’ stated goal.

Snowdensjacket says:

But this is something we do meekly. This is not something that someone else can fix. If Trunk was still head mom and told everyone on the TV what to do, it still would not fix this. The women would just lay alone when they had alone time and think of the guy who tells her husband what to do.

We fix this. And I don’t know if you mean their is a strong correlation from when men stop protecting private property then they stop protecting the property of fertile wombs but it is clearly the reverse. Women are the wedge issue that create men who do not care about protecting property rights as they have no property rights over the greatest property. The tragedy of the commons began with a beak nosed curly haired man in the seventies telling the boomers on their precious news, “we must do this (women’s ‘liberation’) while Linda Lovelace was in the background. You wouldn’t miss it as the newsmen zoomed in to her face as the goblin spoke.

Once men agreed silently they’d rather have their pornos now, no women could be owned, tragedy of the commons, tragedy of the commons becomes the common norm. You didn’t build that.

7817 says:

Sex and Culture by J.D. Unwin.

This is your answer.

jim says:

Sex and Culture gets the correlation right, but its proposed explanation is blue pilled nonsense.

Successful cultures restrained female sexuality, not male sexuality.

If assets not privately owned, predation, defect defect equilibrium, rules. And female reproductive and sexual services are the biggest assets of them all.

Societies without male ownership of female sexual and reproductive services fail for the same reason as socialist societies, and societies with weak protection of private capital, fail. But even more so, for it is a greater asset than land itself.

7817 says:

I agree with you, but my point is to show how foundational the red pill on women is.

If you don’t get that right, you’ll lose everything else.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

It’s far more foundational than that. Goes right back to the book of Genesis, where Adam and Eve both get kicked out of paradise because Adam couldn’t find his balls and did what Eve told him to do instead of pimp-slapping her.

The knowledge that women have incredibly destructive impulses that must be kept in check by men is very ancient indeed.

7817 says:

There’s a reason the Old Testament doesn’t shit on Judah for using what he thought was a whore after his wife died, and yet says any women who is not a virgin at marriage has brought shame on her father by being a whore in his house, and is therefore subject to the death penalty.

“Successful cultures restrained female sexuality, not male sexuality.” Doesn’t that kind of often go hand in hand, though? If you keep your daughter in the house and chase the boys hanging out near the house away, they will feel kind of restrained too. Not in their persons, unlike the girls, but restrained in the sense that they cannot get what they want without a marriage.

I mean, I get your point, for example, an unmarried Roman man had slaves and slave brothels. But that required on warfare and on legal slavery. A man in the 1600’s England had to marry in order to have sex, the other option was just some very sloppy prostitutes, rare, because only a girl whose father was dead would become a prostitute.

I am not disputing laying the blame on women and the need for locking up women, I am just saying young men will not feel very unrestrained either. The fathers of girls restrain not only the girls to get out of the house but restrain those boys too from getting in. There will be some frustration, they will find it is hard to get sex before getting married, and then they will find it is hard to get sex outside marriage, their polygamic instincts will be restrained.

If every man gets a woman, you have only as much extra women as dead men. And every man who has a woman keeps her away from other men and keeps other men away from her. Patriarchy is certainly no plate-spinning PUA dream. At the very least it requires conquering other people in order to do so… or losing enough men in war to skew the ratio.

jim says:

Sure. But the coercion that prevents unmarried men from getting laid is applied to women, not men.

In a patriarchal society there is no problem screwing unowned women. But unowned women are like unowned land, or unowned cattle – get owned mighty fast.

The net effect is radically different. In a society where land is insecure, no one plants for fear that someone else might harvest. In a society where land is secure, there are watchdogs and fences all over the place.

Those watchdogs and fences are definitely a restraint. And lots of people would like that restraint removed, so that they can hunt and gather. But if the restraint is removed, very soon there is nothing to hunt or gather.

If restraints on men, whores walk the streets in safety. If restraints on women, most women are not allowed to walk the street, and those that are soon find themselves in the custody of someone who will not allow it.

Yes, this is a very good metaphor. In more than one ways, poetically, land has usually been considered female, it is fertile, a man puts seed into it, and life grows out of it.

The traditional Hindu treats the ground he walks on as “mother” or feminine, to be nurtured, controlled, protected against invasion by outsiders in the same way women are to be kept under control and protected from outsiders. Even today Hindu families perform bhoomi puja before constructing houses on land.

It’s no coincidence that the Commie attack against private ownership of land matches ideologically with the Progressive’s attack against private ownership of women i.e. the traditional patriarchy system.

Unrelated, but it just occured to me: so Marija Gimbutas was a feminist but I think correct in the basic facts, Mother Earth worshipping cultures have been conquered by Aryans who worshipped a male Sky God of thunder.

But what I was wondering how the Turkic people with the Tengri religion come in the picture. Who do not as much have a personified sky god but the Everlasting Blue Sky itself as a god. Still it sounds like related.

Were the Tengri-worshipping Turkic an offshoot of the Aryans? They definitely tended to have a lot of blue eyed people.

ten says:

Turkic ethnogenesis lies on the steppe and contains seeds of every race that touches the steppe and ever sent its sons there. By all accounts, the first people to actually dominate the entirety of the eurasian steppe was the aryans, because they got the horses and the good wagons.

Looks like aryans had a skyfather before dominating the steppe, which means it is likely the turks got it from the aryans rather than aryans getting it from other peoples on the steppe.

Snowdensjacket says:

Successful societies not only restrain female sexuality, meaning the females desire to mysteriously end up alone with the closest man with the greatest preselection, but also provide fences that corral the young women into a place where the young eligible intelligent men from good families can meet them.

Those fences have been torn down and horrible fences to control male sexuality put up in their place. Now an eligible man just finishing college can not go to a chaperoned dance to meet a teenage wife, but Jeremy Meeks is waiting outside the high school with a bottle of whiskey to take every man’s wife’s virginity before killing himself at fifty.

A good man will be shunned of he waits outside the high school to take a wife. But no one will care if that same good man waits outside the high school to take every other man’s wife’s virginity, high fives, before picking one to keep in secret. As he must be a misogynist to keep her and prevent her from her holy feral ways of tingly feelings.

yewotm8 says:

I’ve picked up women in extremely unorthodox situations in extremely ballsy ways, but I can’t even think about doing something like waiting outside the highschool for them. It’s not something I’d consider easy by any means. That’s a one-in-a-million level of self-assuredness.

Fred says:

Basically: what is the hill to die on for them and why is it the woman / fertility question.

My theory for a long time has been that the source of effective right-wing politics is the WQ. WQ isn’t just essential to effective right-wing politics, it’s actually where effective right-wing politics comes from.

I made a comment (as “Mike”) explaining (not very well) this theory back in February 2016 at Xenosystems.

Pooch says:

The WQ is really the only Q. All other Qs exist when the WQ isn’t properly solved for prolonged periods of time.

qwerty says:

The blogger formerly known as Scott Alexander is now on Substack:

Remember when the New York Times was threatening to doxx him? They still haven’t said whether or not they will do it, just silence. Meanwhile Scott has had to turn his life upside down to put himself into a position where he can afford to let his real name be known. After everything you would think he would be able to see the media for what it is, and the intentions of the New York Times for what they are. Nope! He literally says, “I don’t think anyone at the Times bore me ill will”. He’s giving the people who almost destroyed his life some infinite benefit of the doubt.

Poor fucker just doesn’t get it. Sad.

And when I would start to feel a little sympathy with him, he calls Gavin McInness a violent neo-fascist leader.

Friendly Fedposter says:


Wasn’t Cromwell the man who overthrew the Christian King with the help of Jews that had previously been expelled for performing child sacrifice?

Odd that you would present Cromwell and Stalin as heros while claiming to be pro Christian.

Both of these people helped to destroy Christianity.

The Cominator says:

You don’t know your history very well or what Jim is saying very well.

Stalin and Cromwell kept things in their countries from getting much worse and much more radical.

Also with Stalin in particular Stalin’s tenure as dictator coincided with the greatest amount of Soviet tolerance to the Orthodox church until the Soviet Union fell. Its even said among Russians that Stalin secretly took Orthodox confession in 1941 and secretly converted back to Orthodoxy again. Stalin openly embraced the Orthodox church after Barbarossa and (perhaps recognizing that a lot of Russians hated communism) and would not permit the communist party to touch them again until the day he died.

Friendly Fedposter says:

Cromwell had his rightful Christian King decapitated after a mock trial.

That’s not radical enough for you?

There must have been some reason why they dug up Cromwells rotten Jew loving corpse, hung him up in chains, then dismembered him.

Sounds like he pissed some people off maybe?

suones says:

I can’t speak for Jim, but you seem to have given the material a very shallow reading.

Cromwell was certainly not a good guy at all. Neither was Stalin. Both were parts of a current of Leftist revolution, that destroyed pre-existing civilisation and replaced it by a “rational barbarism.” But Leftist Revolutions never naturally terminate, they go further and further Left as the dead pile up, and ultimately current year Leftists execute last year’s Leftists for insufficient Leftism, till no-one is left. This actually happened in Sichuan China (Seven-Kill-Stele) and very nearly happened in Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

Uncommonly, some Leftist leader gets to power who realises that newer, more holy Leftists are coming for him, and that the current year far Left is actually far, far to the left of he himself. If he possesses the foresight to see this, courage to fight against it (to save his own life), and the wherewithal to actually win, the end result is a halting of the Leftist Revolution (or “holiness spiral”) in its tracks, and the then-currrent level of leftism becomes frozen as the “Establishment Left.”

Cromwell was such a man. An inveterate traitor and regicide himself, he’s not given “positive” reputation here, but he at least put an end to leftist spiralling before it killed off everyone in Britain. It’s kind of like how sickle-cell anaemia protects against malaria, even though both are individually bad. Stalin was a similar personality. He purged Trotskyites and other assorted “Endless Revolution” crazies from the Soviet Union. The so-called “Soviet Deep Freeze” that preserved 50s Communism into the 90s is responsible for today’s Eastern Europe and Russia appearing “conservative” vis-a-vis the continuously degenerating West. The Soviet Deep Freeze was really the Stalin Deep Freeze.

Similarly, Cromwell halted and purged the Endless Revolution crazy Puritans, and preserved some semblance of sanity in his time. All to save his own life, of course, but still. Once a true King assumes the throne, then all may be judged according to their deserts, which Cromwell’s remains did face. Russia still awaits that glorious day.

The Cominator says:

Having fought and won a war against a king who kept trying to raise other armies they had to kill him. Cromwell was right about that.

The only reason anyone was all that upset about Charles death was traditionally a king who lost in such a way would have been just kind of quietly murdered rather than deposed and executed based on some farcical legal theory.

Aussie (you/yours) says:

Australian of the Year – Australia’s highest honour – is awarded to our greatest scientists, artists, athletes, shitlibs and now in the current clown year, a yoga instructor who ten years ago banged her high school teacher:

^ Choice quotes:

“In 2010, Grace was a student at the exclusive St Michael’s Collegiate School in Hobart. She was vulnerable. She had just been hospitalised for anorexia and her mother was about to have a baby. Bester seemed sympathetic.”


“In mid-2010, Bester asked Grace to meet him at the school. He led her to a cupboard in the science block….Bester instructed Grace to go into the cupboard and undress.”

““I was in a state of disbelief and sheer terror, and I thought I can’t run anywhere. I’m trapped.””


“Over the next six months, Bester repeatedly raped Grace at the school, a hotel and a friend’s house.”


“He pleaded guilty to “maintaining a relationship with a young person” and possession of child exploitation material. His court hearing attracted lurid headlines. Some suggested Grace was complicit in the abuse.”

““I couldn’t believe that they’d put that on television and in the newspapers — that it was an affair,” Grace’s mother said. “When a perpetrator is 58 and a victim is 15, that’s not an affair, that’s a clear imbalance of power and it’s a clear case of sexual abuse.””


“Bester was convicted and sentenced to 2 years and 10 months in jail. He was released on parole after serving 19 months.”


In “2015…Bester bragged about his crimes on Facebook. “The majority of men in Australia envy me,” he wrote.


“Grace…started a campaign…”



That’s one hell of a way to make it in Australia.

Jim, I was wondering whether have you finished reading Sanders of the River by Edgar Wallace. What are your thoughts on it?

[…] his latest blogpost, broadly discussing our future following the end of Trump’s term, Jim […]

Pooch says:

Somebody to keep an eye on in the US Military, Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, Michael Flynn’s brother who apparently is to lead US Army Pacific. If he survives the coming military purge, that could be a good proxy that the military isn’t fully under control of the left.

Ace says:

I’ve heard 2 different versions of calling out the national guard. One was Trump requested it before his speech and was denied the other than the capital police requested it and it was denied by the military. I don’t know what the truth is.

What I do know from the videos is the capital police repeatedly resisted for a bit, then backed off letting people through, or they gave up once flanked. Other places they never stopped resisting and the rioters got no where. I also say a guy in a Trump hat, but oddly wearing a mask going up to 3 capital cops in fully military kit talk to them, and they they left the door that Ashli tried to go through and was shot. Just down the stairs next to the door the cops in full military gear outnumbered the rioters 3 to 1.

The whole thing stinks as a setup and who knows if Charles Flynn wasn’t part of it. Leftists have no family loyalty.

Pooch says:

Yeah the whole thing about who finally called in the National Guard and when is murky and apparently the Army initially lied to the press that Flynn’s brother was apart of that meeting. Not sure if it’s significant. Something to take note of perhaps as it may or may not be relevant in the impeachment.

I really don’t know much about Flynn’s brother but he seems to be well liked and vouched for among the Army brass as a true warrior leading men into combat in Iraq/Afghanistan. Hell, at this point I’m fine with a leftist like Cromwell or Napoleon. They can pray to BLM all day, I just want someone that will put a stop to the insanity before it escalates into mass genocide.

clovis says:

Hell, at this point I’m fine with a leftist like Cromwell or Napoleon. They can pray to BLM all day, I just want someone that will put a stop to the insanity before it escalates into mass genocide.

I know what you mean. I’ve been finding myself thinking how nice it would be if Biden and company decided to just go back to slowly boiling us again and pushing homotranny through the media. But of course….when they were doing that before Trump, we all saw that the train was headed to this station. That’s why we voted for Trump, to stop or delay what now seems to be upon us.

Ace says:

So, does the deep state have control? Local republican party groups continue to operate and censor their traitorous representatives and senators without fear of being murdered. If they fail to make an example of someone important, people are unlikely to kowtow to them. I think the real test is test week with the impeachment trial. If that fizzles, they may begin to fall apart.

Pooch says:

Meh I don’t know how important a few rogue state GOPs are to the Cathedral. If they really become a problem, they can just have them banned from social media, de platformed, and de monetized.

Ace says:

The issue is the Deep stated threated to kill people a week ago if they didn’t publicly confirm Biden’s totally legitimate election that had absolutely no fraud at all! A lot of people obeyed their commands but a good chunk did not. No one has died from refusing or even arrested for treason. In poker terms that’s called a bluff. They either have to make good on their threats or soon no one will take them seriously.

This is a major problem with their goal of returning to normalcy. If they don’t start killing people, then some of political elites will speak the truth and then others will follow suit and their power will vanish is a puff smoke. But they also don’t want to murder US politicians because nothing screams things are not normal like the murder of of the losing party’s politicians.

The solution to issue was using Antifa to intimidate people without having to kill them. But since they’re making moves against the left now since Antifa is directly challenging their power, it’s going to be much harder to use them.

jim says:


But I don’t think we are anywhere near the point where the child crying “the emperor has no clothes” will work.

Will not work until leftism hollows out, and will not hollow out until forcibly and violently stopped from getting ever let.

Javier says:

99% of social media attacks are empty threats, but they still work. People haven’t learned.

Pooch says:

Deep stated threated to kill people a week ago

Where are you seeing that?

Karl says:

Nah, republicans are out or power and have no way back to power. So it doesn’t matter at all what some republicans do to other republicans.

The “farmer protests” have turned violent today on Republic Day in India despite the Government’s offer to negotiate and even suspend the Farm Laws for a year and a half. The significance of breaching the “Red Fort” is too clear to be missed.

It seems to me that the radical Left in India is emboldened by the “victory” of Joe Biden and America’s perceived policy changes. Probably a trial run for a color revolution in India to remove the Modi Government?

The Cominator says:

FYI for Ace and others interested in speculation (the Now we are in trouble thread seems to not load consistently and be unable to take new comments entirely) I sold my inseego yesterday (no unfortunately not at the high) and most of my other stonks.

A correction is due especially with the current administration likely to announce more stupid policies… but inflation + low interest rates should keep a bull market going at least in stagflationary terms.

I did not sell my crypto miner because its my plan to hold that and keep rolling over options premiums for a long time.

yewotm8 says:

Jim do you think there is any chance of state intervention when it comes to r/wallstreetbets vs Wall Street itself? Earlier you mentioned that it was unwise to bet against those with power, as even if you won you would not profit.

A big hedge fund firm named Melvin Capital Management took a huge naked short position against Gamestop (GME). Considering nobody was buying physical copies of games in retail stores before lockdowns started happening, this seemed like a low risk bet. But a bunch of autists noticed and decided to pump the share price by a ridiculous factor, and now the hedge fund is facing huge losses should it remain so high.

jim says:

Not really expecting state intervention in favor of Melvin Capital management, though they are pulling strings.

Gedeon says:

GME’s squeeze is not a function of redditards. Chicago is one of my stomping grounds and I have watched Ken Griffin and Citadel closely since ~2004. Back in the 2005-2006 timeframe, Citadel and JP Morgan took over energy bets that went bad for a firm called Amaranth and their de facto takeover of Melvin is the same thing.

In Griffin’s early days he read John Calamos’ book on pricing convertible bonds and started doing convertible bond arbitrage out of his dorm room (Harvard!) with some family money. IIRC, he had a parent who was a heavy in the a Jack Welch GE machine. He married and divorced early. He later married a polished woman who was a tutored by Julian Robertson.

In any case, by 2008 I believe that Griffin had built up a leveraged convertible bond portfolio that was somewhere between $40-60 billion. When Lehman went down, Citadel was one of the parties that was paper insolvent and he made a call to SEC Chair Chris Cox and Citadel was rolled into the hostile takeover of AIG/FNM/FRE which they used to launder taxpayer money through backdated CDS to everyone connected and their dog. What most people aren’t familiar with is how the major market participants have evolved.

Pre-2008, the BSDs were all trading off of “insider information” which was not criminalized until the 1980s. Post-2008, the BSDs are all called quant funds and they make money front-running retail order flow. If you look at most of the retail brokers (Fidelity, Schwabb, Ameritard, Robintard, etc.) and pull their SEC rule 606 filing you will quickly see what I am talking about


Citadel is no doubt driving the market for heavily shorted stocks like GME because they know that vulnerable capital is short. Whether it is the Fed or Melvin’s prime broker(s) colluding with Citadel to out a short seller out of business, that is what is really going on.

This is the same thing that happened to Enron. This is how banks, hedge funds and private equity firms make the real money. An old friend of mine started at Citadel when they first started making a market in options under the two guys who went to Griffin and asked for a mere $10mm of working capital and everything they make money on now is based off of the data they acquire through making markets for everything. My friend was the go-between relationship with the retail brokerages.

The SEC will do nothing because the SEC exists to keep ALL profits in the in-group and Griffin is IN.

I will stop there, but you can see that Griffin has bought some canvases Geffen for a lot of real money and is sitting on a massive portfolio that he has paid above market prices for all over.

His second wife somehow got to bust their prenup, too. Weird.

Gedeon says:

Scroll down to the members area.

All of the seats on almost all exchanges are now owned by a handful of firms. Even if you were to lease a seat from them, they would likely require you to trade through them so they could capture your order flow and the associated exchange rebates.

He is dead now, but I learned a lot about this stuff via Steve Fossett (friend of Branson) as well as people from the original quant firm, Chicago Research and Trading (CRT) which was owned by the Ritchie family of Wheaton, IL. The Ritchies, Fossett and Petterffy all had the same black scholes trading calculators before everyone else.

Side note – if you dig around the internets you will find out that the Ritchie brothers were fighting the muj out of their own pockets before 911 and the CIA/pentagon came in over the top of them after.

suones says:


Thank you for your informative post. I had no idea Citadel Securities is in fact the largest router of orders from both Fidelity and Robinhood (as links shared by you reveal). This absolutely makes it possible for them to be front-running orders from /r/wsb, given that most autists there are using their savings through discount brokers, RH in particular. And if there’s one fact in the stock market, it’s that everything that is possible is being done by someone.

Even if the action was instigated by retailers in the hopes of making bank when Melvin was forced to call its shorts, the real winner here seems to have been Citadel so far. Also noteworthy is that as soon as Citadel got involved, CNBC started running interference for the hedge funds. So much for “unbiased” journalism, but that’s unsurprising in these circles.

Isn’t there is rule that all brokers must route trades directly through stock exchanges? There should be.

The Cominator says:

As far as the GME (which I was not in) and now AMC squeeze (which I am in at around 9 dollars premarket)…

The autist retail are like skirmishers and the shark hedge funds who are squeezing the short hedge funds are like the heavy infantry and cavalry.

Theshadowedknight says:

How does one go about getting in on this, if one had a few hundred dollars to throw in the ring? I’m curious about this. I have seen a pretty decent breakdown of the influences and the positions that cause a short squeeze, but I’m not sure how to get in on it and I’m wondering if it is worth it for a novice.

The Cominator says:

1st thing you need is an online brokerage account.

I plan to be out at 50 dollars a share. You just buy the stock… I have a buddy who is monitoring wallstreetbets and other such places. You want high short interest and a small float.

Pooch says:

I threw a couple shekels on AMC. You really think it’s going to 50?

Pooch says:

Let us know when you think we should get out.

Theshadowedknight says:

Thank you, sir. Is there a good place to look into how to open one of these accounts? I need to learn how to do this pretty quick, before this goes nuts.

Pooch says:

Robinhood. I’m already on ETrade so I’m using them but I hear Robinhood is the best. Also, there are already talks of the SEC getting involved so I wouldn’t bet anything you’re not comfortable in losing.

Theshadowedknight says:

Fair enough. I’m willing to take a risk on a few hundred right now. Nothing that will cripple me if I lose it.

The Cominator says:

I have Ameritrade there is a lot of bitching on stocktwits that apparently they are restricting AMC trading so for this I’d get robinhood.

The Cominator says:

The gamestop squeeze is still ongoing but too risky to touch when that unwinds should shift en masse to AMC.

Theshadowedknight says:

So the smart move is to get on Robinhood and pick up some AMC now, then bail when it hits $50/share? Why do you plan on getting out at $50 compared to what GME is seeing? Too risky, is AMC less shorted?

The Cominator says:

AMC is less shorted (gamestop had naked shorts at 140% of their float) and has a bigger float. Could go to 100 or even 200 but holding over 50 I’ll be a nervous wreck.

Pooch says:
Theshadowedknight says:

One of the more interesting angles on this is that one of the big funds is using this to gut and consume his competitors and is willing to let the little guys make some money doing it. Amazing example of elite using the masses against other elites. More evidence of elite defect-defect equilibrium accelerating.

suones says:


Here’s statement from Ameritrade about restricting…

Wall St does not really want the little guy to win, it seems. It is likely that Ameritard’s trade routers put some back pressure on it. If that is the case, other non-brokers like RH and Fidelicuck are probably next.


There’s your intervention.

jim says:

> Wall St does not really want the little guy to win

Wall Street is defecting on each other.

That the autists got in on this is one such defection.

Pooch says:

@The Cominator

If Robinhood follows suit on sale restriction, then this whole thing is stopped dead, right? I’ll guess we’ll have to monitor that.

The Cominator says:

I was able to buy another 100 shares of amc not sure what the restrictions are probably they are non marginable and options trades aren’t allowed…

That probably will be like putting a finger in a rupture in a dam.

jim says:

It is dangerously late to get in on it unless one has inside information.

The Cominator says:

Gamestop too late to get in on, amc not too late. I got in around 9 in the premarket.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Sure, it’s too late to get in on Gamestop as a pump and dump. But did anyone get a good look at the volatility and option prices?

yewotm8 says:

In hindsight it seems obvious that internet autists are not the main driving force behind the squeeze. Thanks for the explanations in this thread.

Gedeon says:

Sophisticated traders will hire shitposters to pump their positions – both to mark them down to buy at better prices and to bring buyers to create liquidity for exiting.

You have to remember that it is exceptionally hard to exit a large position in a security that 1) doesn’t have much daily volume and/or 2) your position is too much % of the stock’s total market capitalization without hurting yourself.

When a firm like Citadel takes over a book like Melvin’s they can control the liquidation of both portfolios to capture the optimal price exit. The press terminology is an orderly liquidation. So while Melvin was stuck, a firm like Citadel could have been stuck long but with a stronger capital position to hold out or drive the market further their way until the weak hands (Melvin) capitulate to them.

On etrade, Citadel used to own the entire company, but I’m sure they’ve exited while retaining the lion’s share of order flow in the sale terms.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

In other news, im enjoying the absolute cacophony of kvetching GME getting short squeezed is generating, after a rag-tag band of internet anons noticed Citron and Melvin et all going maximum overkike by all-inning on a naked short.

The Cominator says:

I only heard about this a couple days ago but I see why they picked it out big short interest and small float, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot poll now but I wish I heard about it earlier. AMC may be next I have a former coworker who is monitoring the relevant chatroom so I can get in on that score (they also like Nokia but the float is way too big for a short squeeze).

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The meme was floating around /biz/ as far back as a few months ago, but it really grew legs after the WSB colony turned it into a schelling point, and the rest of the gang piled on, and then every weekend warrior with a penny-ante piled on.

The Cominator says:

Looks like blue horseshoe likes AMC… look at the after hours. Score won’t be as big as with gamestop but looks like its squeezable.

BaboonTycoon says:

I have decided to go in on AMC myself
ROI potential is much bigger than with gamestop at this point, and I will lose less if I take a loss. It only just started to get media attention so it’s due for a boost tomorrow.

jim says:

The short bet on Gamestop was arguably unwise, and thus the short squeeze wise. And now people are piling on to the short squeeze.

I think the short bet on AMC wise, thus the short squeeze unwise, and I am not going to pile on to the short squeeze.

Gamestop has a plan to survive its current troubles.

AMC has no plan to survive its current troubles, because it is politically unthinkable to think about what is causing its current troubles.

Gedeon says:

If normies really want to inflict systemic pain on the financial stakeholders, aside from the coordinated strategic debt default, the next best thing is to put silver coins, bars, ingots and jewelry in their hands.

US domestic production is a mere 31.5mm Troy ounces per year or $750mm notional at $25/ozt.

Citadel can borrow from the Federal Reserve at .0005% annualized rate (Effective Fed Funds Rate). That works out to each $1 billion usd costs them $500k/year.

The Hunt brothers’ silver corner failed because they represented a concentrated and single point of failure. The anons can buy physical silver and shut it all down real fast. Nevermind all of the silver required for enrichment. Oak Ridge, TN had massive silver quantities for their magnets in their facility at one time.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I had a feeling someone wouldn’t be able to resist posting about this. It truly epitomizes faux-right-wing young-prole craptivism, “owning the libs”, getting a rush of excitement from winning temporary victories that are completely losing the long game.

The entire gaming industry is in steep decline, which will likely become catastrophic decline under the current regime. GameStop has no real viable business model anymore and must be well on its way to insolvency, if it’s not already there – I didn’t check. So these galaxybrains now own several lots of massively overvalued shares, and each one of them has a powerful incentive to defect on all the others and be the first to sell in order to cash in on what is essentially a modern pyramid scheme. And all of them are now depending on their stated enemies in order to be able to cash in – someone must buy those shares back from them, they’re useless to the average gamer.

Keep in mind that they actually bought the stock. There used to be hacks on the ECN, later replicated on the crypto exchanges, where people would put in massive unfulfillable all-or-nothing bid orders at grossly inflated prices, or sometimes even just limit sell orders at impossible prices, in order to either jack up the average price, and then withdraw their orders as soon as the price settled hire. This was of course ruled illegal by the SEC, it may still happen on some crypto exchanges but not on the ECN. If they had found some new exploit and found a way to just hurt the hedge funds without freezing up their own capital, I might be impressed, but they all. bought. the. stock!

To run a pump-and-dump scheme, you have to be able to dump. Maybe it’s amusing that one or two hedge funds that no one has ever heard of had to cover their short positions, but mostly the people losing their shirts are going to be the ones who bid it up in the first place. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Incidentally, this was not a naked short, those are illegal.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s not a pump and dump, and illegality is whatever people without power do.

Go on with the ‘more aloof than thou’ blanketing doe.

The Cominator says:

Most will get too greedy and get crushed that is why I plan to get out of AMC at 50 or so. But the short funds if not bailed out will be busted…

This isn’t about politics for me, politics for people outside the elite and the military is over, this is a score.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, I could give a fuck less about the politics of Wall Street. This is about getting some cheddar, nothing more. If one fund wants to fuck over some other funds and allows us to make money for helping them do that, then good for them; good for us.

jim says:

AMC is broke which is why it got massively shorted.

It is far from clear that Gamestop is broke.

The Gamestop short squeeze will very likely work. It happened because the short sellers unwisely went too far in. But if it works, and little people get in on the short squeeze game, we are soon going get a fake short squeeze that is actually a pump and dump. Maybe AMC is that fake short squeeze. I would not know. Maybe The Cominator knows, and maybe he just thinks he knows. I am not an expert, and thus I cannot tell whether The Cominator is an expert.

What I do know is that when you bet against the house, you lose.

Gamestop tells us that the house had a falling out, which does make betting against the house very likely profitable. But if the little guys get in on this, there is a very high risk that the house will sort out their differences, and it is back to pump and dump.

If the shorts on AMC are realistic and reasonable, a short squeeze might be unwise – in which case it is a fake short squeeze, a pump and dump. I don’t know. I wish I had bet on Gamestop early. I am not going to bet on AMC, because I fear I would be betting against the house.

What I do know is that if the Gamestop short squeeze works, there will be pump and dumps around fake short squeezes, and the little people will get burned.

One way of burning people that might happen is that shorters might be allowed to issue unlimited shorts indefinitely, as happened in the London Metals Exchange tin short squeeze, where the shorters bet against the tin miners, and tin miners said to themselves “Screw you, people want tin, we have tin. If we stop delivering tin at these silly prices, this short is going to blow up in your face”, and the tin miners themselves squeezed the short.

Because the tin miners were outsiders, the London Metals exchange just flat out defrauded the short squeezers, relieving the shorters of the obligation to deliver tin at the going prices that an actual tin miner was willing to sell tin to actual tin buyer who needed to tin to build stuff with.

The shorters just delivered unlimited promises to deliver tin, despite the fact that they could not fulfil these promises, and never did fulfil these promises, and actual tin users wound up buying tin from actual tin miners at considerably higher prices, despite the fact that imaginary tin was supposedly being traded at far lower prices on the London Metals Exchange, because the tin miners just would not deliver actual tin to to actual people who use tin at those prices.

The big guys lost, so they just resorted to actual barefaced fraud. A short squeeze depends on the shorters being forced to deliver on their promises.

After the London Metals Exchange short on tin blew up in shorters faces, the courts of England found, in an utterly ludicrous legal finding, that the tin miners should be forced to deliver tin to the London Metals Exchange at London Metals Exchange prices, reversing the burden of delivery in a short. The courts of the countries where the tin miners were the big boys had a different opinion.

People who wanted actual tin from actual tin miners just had to bypass London, because London created a legal reality that tin was more plentiful and cheaper than it actually was.

Theshadowedknight says:

I keep getting emails from Gamestop for deep sales and clearance offers. Moving stores, stuff like that. From what I understand GS isn’t broke, but they are getting there quick.

jim says:

Gamestop is shutting down many stores, and laying off many people. But it has a plan for a profitable continuing, but smaller, business.

I think, and the original short squeezers thought, that Gamestop will survive. The shorters were betting Gamestop is going down. I think they are wrong, and I should have bet on Gamestop, but did not, and now there is far too much bubble in the short squeeze.

AMC very likely is going down. Betting on fundamentals as I do, I would not bet on AMC. Likely the Cominator knows better than I do, but he is playing in shark infested waters.

jim says:

The London Metals Exchange tin squeeze is more relevant to this blog, because the elite switched from relying on inside information, to relying on flat out in your face fraud backed by the courts and the government of England. The price of tin on the London Metals Exchange was officially far lower than the price that actual tin users had to pay to get tin from actual tin miners.

Which has not yet happened in short squeeze conflict over shares.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Exactly. Gamestop might survive, as a much smaller business. Not a $25 billion business.

I do realize I was wrong about one thing though: the stock was probably never driven up by a bunch of reddit nerds, which should have been obvious to me from the start by trading volume. That’s institutional investing, and the reddit antics were just cover for a HLvM assault, which of course the media was only too happy to amplify. Some small hedges were squeezed by much larger hedges, and the usual edgelords fantasized about being the leaders.

Theshadowedknight says:

In response to your edit, I think this is High Low vs High. It looks like one of the big firms saw an opportunity to get its competitors and is using WSB/Robinhood to do it. These aren’t little people getting rich by fucking the system. It is a bunch of rich guys fucking their competitors by using the system, and they need the little guys to do their dirty work. Run in and collect what falls, but get out before the big guys start falling and squish the little guys who got greedy.

The Cominator says:

As I said the chan and reddit boys are scouts and skirmishers the shark hedgies attacking the short hedgies are the heavy infantry and cavalry of the army and everyone gets to loot the enemy…

If they get off the field quick enough before it all gets nuked of course.

AMC concluded a deal to avoid bankruptcy this year before the squeeze began its not in good shape but for a squeeze that doesn’t matter… these are both squeezes and pump and dumps thats why you don’t want to get too greedy and make sure you follow things and come in early.

The Cominator says:

If you want to talk AMC fundamentals they are uncertain right now.

There seems to be a split among the left between those who want to keep the covid bullshit going on forever in order to bring in communism (Cuomo and De Blasio) and the more crooked left who want to end it now that bad orange man is gone (Schumer and the Cali governor seem to be in favor of this). Biden to the extent hes cogent favors the latter and it seems most of the deep state favors the latter but much of the radleft favors the former.

There also seems to be some movement to de woke culture to some extent… one of the very few good things about 2020 is it seems like the Star Wars franchise is going to be salvaged by Jon Favreau who seems to be on course to erasing the terrible sequels.

Whether movies come back depends on them being open widely and somewhat non shitty movies being made ie woke propaganda not being pushed 24/7, in the long term the radleft will win at least until they destroy themselves but in the short term the establishment left and the oligarchs seem stronger.

But I don’t think any of this will be all too relevant to a short term squeeze.

Pooch says:

Yes I see disagreement among the left about continuing covid insanity. The more pragmatic like Cuomo want to end it now that Trump is out, but the more holy than thou priest faction may want to keep it going for fear of losing holiness among the priest class.

Pooch says:

So basically, AMC fundamentals literally depend on the regime’s whim to keep them open or closed via lockdown.

jim says:

In the long run, the left always wins in a holiness spiral until it finally comes down to large scale deadly violence.

And we are now reaching the point where the long run is becoming the short run.

For AMC to survive, Star Wars and such have to survive. Does not seem likely. Pretty sure that if Jon Favreau attempts to revive Star Wars he is going to face the threat or actuality of terrorism charges.

The Cominator says:

Favreau has miraculously righted the ship with Star Wars, yes Mandalorian has too many action girls for our taste but it is genuinely Star Wars and genuinely very good.

They’ve hinted that they are bringing back the Expanded Universe continuity with Grand Admiral Thrawn following a long war with the Imperial Remnant.

The Expanded Universe is quite based in reactionary terms, in it Palpatine though a pure psychopath was also a rational actor who built up the military not because of rebels (he had no rebels early on as he was genuinely popular) but because he knew a massive extragalatic invasion was coming and he had to prepare for total war (he even justified his massive astronomically expensive military build up this way but he told no one the details, only Thrawn and his right hand political man Sate Pestage knew… he did not even tell Vader he probably intended to surprise everyone and come off a hero again).

Pooch says:

Favreau has miraculously righted the ship with Star Wars, yes Mandalorian has too many action girls for our taste but it is genuinely Star Wars and genuinely very good.

Favreau was keep out the blacks, not able to keep out the women of Mandalorian. Although story, script, and production were very good, that last few episodes were essentially unwatchable as it was just a gang of women beating up and killing whole battalions of men. I’m not going to pay to see any Star Wars movies if they are like that.

Pooch says:

able to*

Ace says:

Girl power stuff, even the weaker stuff from the 80s becomes increasingly hard to watch once you’ve been Red Pilled. The worst part of understanding enemy propaganda is being no longer able to enjoy the entertainment that’s contains it.

Pooch says:

Yeah that’s just us though. The blue-pilled masses seemed to not mind it or notice it in Mandalorean and may not mind it or notice it in the theaters.

The Cominator says:

The real trouble with women in combat rolls (where they don’t have to do heavy lifting and forced marches) is not that women are unable to shoot things, they are perfectly able to shoot things sniper is one roll women can function as in combat. Its that they are unable to cooperate effectively…

And the women in the last couple episodes hated each other and had a lot of trouble cooperating, and if the Dark Troopers weren’t about to kill them all would have ended up shooting each other on Moff Gideon’s bridge.

Pooch says:

The problem was the sheer number of them. The one badass girl was fine (Gina Carrano who is actually a Trump supporter in real life and gets shit for it) and looks the roll of a bad ass chick. Then you start adding 2, 3, 4 more 110 pound weakling women to the screen in action rolls and it’s no longer watchable.

jim says:

The Mandalorean started of based: The good guys were a surviving forces of a masculine warrior state religion that was out of power, and the long term arc was going to be that a masculine warrior state religion returns to power, based on adoptive family alliance linking the surviving out of power Jedi, and the surviving out of power followers of The Way.

That arc was aborted, and suddenly kick ass women are all over the place.

The eye of Soros fell upon him.

He is going to discover that all religions, rightly understood, are progressivism.

Pooch says:

It becomes no different than Charlie’s Angels at that point to me.

The Cominator says:

Okay but realize that after the prequels 95% of Star Wars fans who hated the prequels and the woke agenda of the prequels are okay with the Mandalorian…

This even goes for online shitlord communities. Two many action girls at the end of Season 2 aside. All of them put together are not 1/10th as bad as one Rey… the worst most one dimensional women good men bad Mary Sue character ever.

Pooch says:

Yeah ultimately we aren’t even a fraction of their target audience. Like I said, the blue pill masses likely don’t even notice such things. I just looked it up and even Charlie’s Angels was a huge box office hit. I guess this tells us that if the special effects and action sequences are high quality, then people will watch.

Pooch says:

The new Woke Trilogy suffered from both wokeness and unoriginality. The Mandalorian had great and original storytelling from Favreau, so yes to the extent the episodes were able to keep out an absurd number of women from being on screen at the same time (which was most of them save for the last few) it was orders of magnitude better.

jim says:

Great and original story telling because of a great and original plot arc.

Which unthinkably reactionary plot arc has now been aborted.

The plot arc was that the fall of the empire had led to chaos, and the solution was a restoration of the old state religion.

You read it on this blog before you saw it as a story.

New plot arc: The main character meets the debased pos version of the old state religion, and is now converting. New plot arc: Pos version of the old state religion is the true religion, and is not a state religion.

Pooch says:

That arc was aborted, and suddenly kick ass women are all over the place.

Yes this is exactly how it felt.

Bilge_Pump says:

I saw Rogue One in theaters with my parents. I hadn’t watched a Star Wars movie in years, and one of the things I noticed is that the righteous Rebel forces are a diverse cast of aliens and minorities, while the evil Empire is made up almost entirely of white males (excluding some robots and Darth Maul types). Maybe it’s a basic part of Star Wars at this point but I really don’t want to watch it if that’s the case.

The Cominator says:

I’m not familiar with what happened with tin but I am aware of what happened with the Hunt brothers.

But the Hunt Brothers were massively pissing off the entire political spectrum in the US by raising fear the dollar would lose reserve currency status and worse they partnered with a bunch of Middle Eastern oil sheiks who were universally despised at the time (the Saudis did not yet bribe so heavily in DC)…

This is big wall street firms looting other big wall street firms and letting shitposter retail investors loot the battlefield if they do the scouting and skirmishing for them. Many will get crushed but those who come in early and leave early enough will enjoy what they looted from the enemy… so I’m not sure fraud will be authorized.

Blackrock is on the side of the squeezers and they are bigger and more politically influential than those being squeezed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The grifters can get the wokists off the fence and on their side if they can both come up with a way to use the festivities as a pretext for fucking the amerikaner over even more.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
The Cominator says:

Discussion will just move to 4chan /biz and whatever alternate forums 4chan /biz will so designate.

Reddit whenever its anything positive is just a front for channers anyway.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Oh certainly, but that was being used more to show how, the shorting hedgies can (and probably will) try to get their handful of silver covered in exchange for making a deal with the devil. ‘We cant let evil racists freely manipulate the market so we dont have to pay the shorts we owe them’.

The Cominator says:

They are trying to pay bribes and call in favors but Blackrock is more powerful than the short funds and blackrock is on the side doing the squeezing not the side of the shorts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Im willing to bet Blackrock will get their pound of flesh. But im also pretty confident that whatever happens, there will be plenty of intersecting efforts that leave taxpayers holding most of the bag in the end anyways.

Mr.P says:

@Theshadowedknight …

So you don’t have a trading account, have never done this before (so have no idea what the hell you’re doing), likely have barely two nickles to scratch together — but you’re going to make cheddar, a killing, piling into a short squeeze story that’s already plastered all over the MSM? ‘Cause Cominator says so.

Fresh meat.

Sit this one out. You missed it.

Get set up for the next one, or the “come what may.”

The market will still be here for you tomorrow — and the next day.


You’ve got plenty of time to learn painful lessons about how to lose tons of money in a blink of an eye.

The Cominator says:

I said to go in last night and got in at 9ish premarket this will still run for a bit. BlackRock knows what they are doing.

Mr.P says:


Jim’s is now the place on the internet to get minute-by-minute hot stock trading tips from The Cominator.

There really is nothing left to talk about.

The Cominator says:

The war is over and we lost… discussing politics now is futile and depressing…

Certainly making our way while we still can and potentially fleeing is a good topic of discussion.

Theshadowedknight says:

Who the fuck are you? I don’t know you, but I know Cominator, and he has a long history of pretty good calls when everyone was against him. I trust him a lot more than you. Besides that, you missed the point of the post you quoted. Scare tactics, cheap rhetorical tactics, and lame attempts at disqualification. You sound like a shill.

Theshadowedknight says:

Besides, one of the drivers of this is responsible for trading for Robinhood. If Robinhood goes down, you get out because that means the big boys are leaving the field. You don’t want to be out on the field alone when the response comes, and Robinhood is down, which means I was never able to make it in.

I have no money in, but the basic theory of a short squeeze is not rocket science. All I was wondering was how to actually purchase some of the stocks. Since I can’t get in and one of my warning flags went up, I’m not even going to try any further. I’m out before I even made it in, so I lose nothing and learn something. That’s a pretty good ROI.

The Cominator says:

Robin hood is down…

Link? The Ameritrade restrictions seem to effect margin and options trading they aren’t preventing you from buying it you just need cash.

Theshadowedknight says:

No link, just that people are reporting issues getting into Robinhood and it won’t let me in. It seems like a broad attack on the retail investor, which means it’s time to bug out.

The Cominator says:

Ameritrade had login trouble early I know personally someone was able to sign up for robinhood tonight. Probably volume disruption…

jim says:

In a naked short, the short seller sells stocks he borrowed, or stocks he “borrowed” without bothering to tell the party he borrowed from, or stocks that just flat out do not exist, intending to make a purchase of stocks before he has to deliver.

It becomes apparent that an enormous number of Gamestop shares that just flat out do not exist have been sold.

Well, what happens if an enormous number continue to be sold, without actual deliveries?

The events on the London Metals exchange answered that question.

The Cominator says:

They did restrict on robinhood…

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, and as soon as I realized it wasn’t just an overload error, I tapped out. So I never got to get in this, but I see the issue.

Best part about this is the absolute collapse of regime legitimacy. The news is basically screaming, “Won’t anyone think of the billionaire hedge fund managers!” Then changing the rules to keep the poors out of the game. It’s so blatant and crooked and every time they try to explain it it only makes it look worse.

Pooch says:

Can’t buy or sell AMC on Etrade. We’re fucked now Com.

Theshadowedknight says:

Holding keeps them in the jam. If you want to sell, the other retail platforms will let you sell, just not buy.

The Cominator says:

I’m not selling my AMC yet for that reason…

I didn’t bet the farm and got in as low as the 9s so I feel no compulsion…

If you have gamestop though I’d advise you to get the fuck out… AMC could drop 50% in short order but gamestop could drop 90%…

BaboonTycoon says:

RH does not seem to be making a difference. There’s more buy orders than sell orders, apparently. Unfortunately I got in EoD yesterday, so I stand to lose a lot more than Cominator by selling now. I’ll wait and see if I can break even. Prices still seem high for the short volume that’s due tomorrow according to what I’ve been told, so I’m not giving up.

Javier says:

Good rule of thumb– if you are reading about an investment opportunity on the news, it is no longer an investment opportunity.

Also, if you have a job, you are not an investor. Job is an acronym for investors that means ‘Just Over Broke.’ Act accordingly.

jim says:

> Good rule of thumb– if you are reading about an investment opportunity on the news, it is no longer an investment opportunity.

What he said.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Not going to debate you on the value of liquidity.

Friendly Fedposter says:

Caught a whiff of this story: rando Jew run hedge fund tries to short sell Gamestop for fun and profit. Clever goyim on Riddit catch scoop and beat them to the swindle. Jews say oy gevalt to big gov with hat in hand.

Unfortunately for the tax payer, hedge fund will be bailed out at taxpayer expense.

One clever goy converted 55k to over a mill.

Bet they close the loop on this. Don’t expect to see it happen again.

Gamestop is still going to go out of business because they are crap.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

It’s a cool story, it just isn’t the real story. The real story is that very big and extremely evil hedge funds saw that smaller and less evil hedge funds had entered into some risky positions and put the screws to them using retail-investment shills as a front and media PR shills to run a good cover story.

I doubt very much that any retail investor converted $55k to over $1M – would have had to buy at the very bottom and sell at the very top, and having such perfect timing would imply that they were in on the scam and not really a retail investor at all. Certainly I can believe that a number of investors rode the wave to a five-bagger or even ten-bagger, but 20x would not only have required both perfect timing and extreme persistence during the few hours when all of the major retail traders were effectively being DDoSed and couldn’t even process logins, never mind trades.

I would bet that a few hundred or thousand retail investors made huge profits on small bets (say, turning $2k into $10k), a much smaller number made larger bets (perhaps profiting as much as $100-$200k), and the overwhelming majority either already lost money or are going to lose money by buying during or after the squeeze and being greedy. That’s what always happens. You guys are acting like this is some crazy new thing, but I’ve seen hundreds of squeezes and bubbles like this one, the only difference is that some stupid edgelords are taking credit for it and the media is capitalizing on the opportunity to hide the hand of institutional investors whom 15 years ago everyone knew were pulling the strings.

jim says:

> I doubt very much that any retail investor converted $55k to over $1M – would have had to buy at the very bottom and sell at the very top

It is likely that a quite large number of retail investors bought near the bottom. That Gamestop had been shorted excessively became widely known before it rose substantially.

Naked shorting is evil. Big shorters are always politically well connected, or think they are politically well connected (they may be in for a surprise as politics accelerates) and in a big squeeze, are apt to welsh on their bets. In the great London Metal Exchange tin short, they not only welshed on their bets but the short squeezers that were under London jurisdiction were found guilty by the courts.

Big shorts are always politically well connected, because the only way to do a big short is naked, and naked shorts are too dangerous unless you are sufficiently well connected that you can get away with welshing on your bet.

James Thornton says:

Should a man acquire and live in a house before having a wife and children?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The latter is much more essential than the former obviously. But the former makes the latter a lot easier.

Having the ability to say ‘lets go back to my place’ greatly aids in the object of knocking your chick up. But don’t let that stop you from doing it anyways when you can make the chance, and building your nest to support it afterwards.

jim says:

All you need is privacy and a horizontal surface.

Once a chick goes behind closed doors with someone she perceives as alpha, bang will ensue, even if neither of them intend it, and neither of them expect it.

It is like you are on diet, and there is a bag of potato crisps sitting on the couch. Pretty soon that bag will be empty.

The house and garden facilitates a lifestyle where the same thing is less likely to happen all over again. Hence of limited value until a woman is tamed. Maybe my next post is going to be on mate guarding.

Tsymbal says:

About the mate guarding post: please, do it. I am sure it will be insightful and it is a tricky subject.

Pooch says:

It’s not necessary before you acquire the female but you should have your own place rent or own. No room mates if you can help it.

James Thornton says:

I have my own apartment without roommates, and yes it’s definitely easier to get laid like that, and easier to focus while working, plus I just prefer having control over one tiny part of the world instead of sharing and negotiating with a roommate.

I was thinking about Jim’s comment: “If no wife, no interest in a home and garden, and politics will create a landless, fatherless mob, living in little boxes, and elites will use that mob to destroy each other.”

I realized I’m part of the landless mob living in little boxes. And maybe it’d be better to be somewhere more rural, with land and a house, and not having to deal with the vibrancy and noise and crowds of the city, and the sharing of common space and sound with the apartment neighbors. Even if no wife and children.

But then again without a wife and children, not much desire to keep up the place, and not as advantageous to be more socially isolated.

Pooch says:

I’d say getting out of the cities is a good idea regardless, as a BLM mob could spring up at any point which the local authorities are not likely to be interested in putting down. The advantage of being in the cities is access to women but nowadays women who live in cities are likely to have high notch counts and be brainwashed with shitlib ideology plus you’re dealing with dumb covid laws. Not much upside.

If I were a young single man looking for a wife I’d find a nice suburb outside of a city. Going rural into the country may leave you too isolated to find suitable wife prospects. Being in a suburb is a nice balance. Maybe find a girl living with her parents, or through a local church, you’ll have places to take her and also you can go into the city if you need to.

Pooch says:

You don’t necessarily need a house. An apartment in the suburbs is just as suitable.

jim says:

Just as suitable, indeed more suitable, for banging unowned women, but less suitable if you want ownership of the woman.

In defect/defect equilibrium, more useful than a house. But if you think you have successfully brought an end to defect/defect equilibrium, a house is better for keeping it ended.

Pooch says:

Right. A house is going to be required to keep her owned after finding the female to own. Howver, during the female acquisition phase, apartment complexes have some advantages like pools, recreation areas, tennis courts, etc that may come in handy and are just fun ways to meet people. You’ll have the advantage of less upkeep like mowing and raking leaves and such but generally apartment complexes in the suburb still give you decent living space compared to the cramped cities.

If you see yourself living in that area long term even after finding a wife maybe it makes sense to buy a house instead throwing money away on rent. There’s many factors and it comes down to a personal decision I guess and what you like.

James Thornton says:

Thank you.

Snowdensjacket says:

It’s morally illegal to go take very young women under the prog fertility cult everyone belongs too. But they are the easiest women to take. You’ll need good game to tame a feral girl but the reward is a young wife who can bear you many children. Find ways to meet very young women.

The Ducking Man says:

I personally feel conflicted about this.

I bought a house when I was 24 y.o. before being married and moved to work in other locations. Paid the house at 26 y.o.. The house is fairly cheap and my salary is very high so I can take very short mortgage. The house seems perfect at that time: it’s still within metro area and the commute is manageable.

I can tell you this much from experience:

a. Condition and expectation changes. What seems like a perfect house from bachelor point view might feel inadequate after being married. What seems like big house for bachelor suddenly feels cramped for a family with 1 children.

b. If you are young, there is good chance you’ll move around for job. I bought the house is great metro city (most of good jobs are in that city) and suddenly my company transferred me to middle of plantation. I paid off the house only to lived in it a few months.

c. Having mortgage sometimes can become anxiety. It can come suddenly “what if I’m suddenly unemployed” something like that. It’s not pleasant and I don’t plan having another debt in the future.

But then again housing prices tend to move faster than salary increase (though I’m not sure in this Rona time). And fucking is a lot easier in own place (also can confirmed from personal experience)

Snowdensjacket says:

In a patriarchy yes. As her father has ownership over his future children. Now? A house is meaningless, so if it suites you to do so. But it will not help you to learn game. And it is all game. Anyone who tells you looks, money, status, is full of shit. It’s all game, all the rest of it LMS only serves to lessen the shit tests that you have to pass anyway.

Focus on game. To learn it make wins in your life and their are much cheaper wins than home ownership. These wins will give you confidence that you can parlay into action. To start I do, and I do, believe it is best to pick from the trash. Go for single moms and know they are utter trash, they will have no father. Use them to learn game. I have no idea the state of the red pill today, from what I knew it is looking pretty bad. So take it on yourself. Meet many low quality woman and bang, use, test ideas, try out the hardest asshole game you can imagine and double down the next time.

Learn from each interaction. Then when you finally understand that women are wandering sluts, objects, property, who have a personality but who can only react, to you, and to other men, hypoagents, then when you know how to handle your property, take a young one and make babies.

Then buy a house for your children and tell her she’s lucky she gets to live in it.

The Ducking Man says:

The left are now open that the China Flu is only front take down Trump. Now that orange man is gone and dementia biden is in place, China Flu is suddenly gone and lockdown is no more.

But to see by doing this the left/deep state is already losing control on masses as soon as they are in power, it’s hilarious. They immediately make 2 new enemies (A) the useful idiots who genuinely thinks we need constant lockdown and (B) people who were immediately screwed by biden.

I know Jim wrote that holiness spiral will move faster and faster, but I never thought it will spiral this fast. It’s not even a week and they are already losing control.

The Cominator says:

No they are divided on the Rona. There is a faction that wants eternal Rona in order to destroy capitalism and all social cohesion and venues forever outside non approved channels.

Ace says:

That’s my take as well. The cohesion of the deep state collapse as soon as a Military coup didn’t materialize.

Pooch says:

What military coup?

Ace says:

The one they had 25,000 troops at the Capitol to prevent.

Javier says:

Ricky Vaughan has been arrested for shitposting. Media is all fire and brimstone over it. “Election interference” they’re calling it.

That didn’t take long.

Well we are all thought criminals now. Jim readers i think should spare the obvious comments of “bu bu bu the left does it too” and instead merely take heed of the ratchet clicking along.

Cloudswrest says:
c4ssidy says:

Something I hoped for back in 2012 when everyone was expecting transaction fees/time to be soon solved was that I would be able to play any obscure and abandoned old videogame and instantly fill it up with a crowd of people by paying them a few cents each for a 5-10minute round, there would be an open market, and of course one could make his money back by playing other obscure and abandoned games that someone else wanted to fill. I imagined similar arrangements taking place inside virtual worlds generally. People were speculating about building different virtual worlds with the currency directly consisting of real crypto

The point is, there are probably all kinds of ideas, perhaps revolutionary ideas, which would become possible if large scale microtransactions were easy to do, but which have simply never materialized because the tech was not there. Everyone used to expect bitcoin to solve the technical hurdle, it just never manifested. Old forum archives probably have a lot of potential ideas hidden away. The best ones have probably not yet even been discovered. They would have been abandoned as people realized that bitcoin was not going to be fixed. The assumption was that the technical people would have a good incentive to solve it. Interesting that this turned out to not really be the case.

Another idea was a private road, true ancap style, automatically charging each car a couple of pence to go down it. Or consider an ancap bridge or an ancap park or an ancap nature trail

It is would be a great thing if we could buy an icecream with crypto the way we can with Apple Pay and tapping our phone, but the smaller the transactions and higher the volume, the more new ideas which become easily implementable, moreso if these accounts were tied to a social credit identity

If scalable crypto was made, it would only take one park bench on private land with raisable and lowerable spikes to attract a lot of publicity. Impractical to do with bitcoin, while Apple would ban the payment system or the app for interfering with the rights of the homeless, even though it would not exactly be illegal. Don’t get me wrong, I’d like to see illegal activities (tax avoidance) be made easier without the inconvenience and cost of handling physical cash, but there is a broad grey area of ideas which are nothing more than politically incorrect, that I am excited about discovering

The Cominator says:

I like physical cash and the abolition of physical cash will be horrible for freedom…

jim says:

With existing crypto solutions, it would be horrible for freedom.

I intend a future where everyone has on their phone a program that enables to the phone to be used as a debit card that works as swiss numbered bank accounts used to work, and cash consists of plastic coins that contain a chip that contains a secret that was generated by the coin when it was charged with crypto, and can only be banked (added to the balance on your phone) by ripping the tab off the coin.

But that is a long way down the road, and states want a future where:

He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Six hundred and sixty six was the Greco Roman phrase for a very long number.

States are winning – and will continue to win as leftism accelerates. But they are destroying the corporate form in the process, and the economy rests on the corporate form.

This provides opportunity to move shareholding to blockchain and accounting to triple entry accounting in competition with state regulated accounting, which will build a counter society in the shadows, which counter society can take over when leftism collapses as it always does, as the invisible college became the Royal Society.

You will still need a very long number, quite a lot of very long numbers, but they will not be the number of the beast – they will be the numbers of people you have accounts with, and will not all be connected to your tax file number and state assigned identity.

First step: Scaling and proof of stake. Next step, lightning network done right, so that everyone is his own full reserve correspondence bank. Third step, triple entry accounting. Then we have one sovereign corporation. Fourth step, sidechains so that we have many, many, sovereign corporations.

If things go all the way to Pol Pot and Szechuan province, those corporations will have assassin drones and heavily armed flash mobs.

The Cominator says:

I never thought shareholding and trading needed to be moved to the blockchain…

Until what they pulled today. Apparently Robin Hood not only restricted trading in AMC and GME but sold people out of their positions…

If we still had real law that would be the basis for a helluva lawsuit.

Theshadowedknight says:

They sold people out? Ooh, shit. Their position must be weaker than I thought.

The Cominator says:

I saw a screenshot it could have just been people who held it on margin for all I know though (which they are allowed to do).

Theshadowedknight says:

Nope, reporting is more than just margin sales are being sold out. If you have it, and you are up, get the fuck out now.

Theshadowedknight says:

Unless you have a broker that you think you can trust. The big boys consolidated their gains and the cavalry is quitting the field.

jim says:

“Hard to “HODL” if the brokerage sells them out from under you.”

Big naked shorts are always done by people with the power to cheat and lie when things go bad, and the courts will find in their favor and declare the short squeezers to be committing fraud – and these days, probably fraud and terrorism.

It is likely to wind up like the November the fourth election and the London Metals Exchange.

This started out as an off topic thread, but is now converging to topic.

Pooch says:

You’re right. Looks like SEC wants Robinhood customer data now.

Theshadowedknight says:

Precisely. If you got in early enough and the powerful were still fighting it out and got out as soon as buying was restricted, you might be OK. Other than that, you are playing against the house, and the house always wins.

The Cominator says:

Cohen etc must have bribed big to get the trading platform halt.

The rumors are either that high level WH staff called the CEOs of these platforms asking for trading halts or that Yellen herself did this. I would have figured that they would have acted through the intermediaries of the SEC or treasury department.

C4ssidy says:

I downloaded a stock app and it took me several pages of declarations with “nigger” in all fields before I made it in and deposited fifty pounds. I dread to think what it is like for normies who deal with enough volume to declare this stuff. Using crypto and TOR to funnel their predictions seems is surely their God-given right

don’t forget the people in Crimea and Tunisia who cannot use PayPal, stonks, or anything.

In Tunisia, a simple business such as “import clothes” is impossible, as a few wealthy families control the limited number of licenses. The remaining whitish minority watch their homes crumble, occasionally outright burned down by Arab riots. A major component of its strangulation relates to currency controls, and it seems like good crypto

C4ssidy says:

would alleviate their situation to some degree, even before the collapse in the west.

Pooch says:
The Cominator says:

If this were a normal time selling shares people have (outside of a margin call) automatically would be an open and shut lawsuit especially selling them at a loss.

But I suspect such lawsuits will be treated like the lawsuits against Biden’s election theft.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, I have some friends that want to stay in thinking they are going to make money. I fucking warned them. Hard to “HODL” if the brokerage sells them out from under you.

Pooch says:

Com you still holding AMC?

The Cominator says:

I suspect the Biz crowd will try again tommorow using ameritrade (where you can still buy it) and other off robinhood platforms which still allow buying and drive it to 15…

But after that I’m out. I’m willing to risk it falling to 5 or 6.

Pooch says:

Yeah Etrade removed the lock so maybe they’ll try that.

The Cominator says:

Ted Cruz and AOC getting together to bitch about it probably eased up some of the pressure brought on by Cohen’s bought off pet regulators…

I don’t think he can cover his entire position today either at these prices…

So I suspect I’ll be able to get at 14 or 15 with a profit but not what I should have made. Because a lot of the biz crowd is HODLing as tsk says, and thus I should still be able to make a profit (I did not bet the farm and thus can afford a loss) but not the kind of profit I was once looking at.

Cloudswrest says:

They probably never “really” had them to begin with, in the sense of “taking delivery”, in the sense that the naked short seller was not able to deliver. These were “virtual shares” LOL

ten says:

“Six hundred and sixty six was the Greco Roman phrase for a very long number.”

How come? Why is a very long number the number of the name of the beast?

Snowdensjacket says:

Most people are beasts. Goyim. They don’t think and can’t think. They act as they feel. Do as though wilt. Act as you feel. It’s all time preference.

Imagine the ability to think a generation or more ahead.

They wear the mark of the beast, who does as it wilst, as they do it.

But let’s give you a number. Without the number do you do as you will, or still do as you feel? Who even knows.

Ace says:

Jim called it, the FAA revoked Starships permit right before SN9’s test flight because they don’t feel the StarShip is “safe enough”. Guess they need fire those White and Asians guys to make it safe.

The Cominator says:

Wow Biden’s clique is rapidly fucking up everything…

Maybe it will go rapid enough to provoke a coup… what they pulled with the gamestop short squeeze and AMC is very very unpopular and blatantly corrupt (nobody likes hedge funds and everyone liked that a bunch of shitlords were taking them to the cleaners).

I fear that they will use this to rapidly justify removing Biden using him as the scapegoat and installing Cameltoe though.

Pooch says:

Wow it’s only Biden’s first week. Can’t wait to find out what else is in store.

Joe says:

They have no choice. The AOC/Bernie socialists, whose home base also is Reddit, are using the Gamestop event to outleft them.

Ace says:

Coup seems unlikely right now. If the Military purge is ineffective and once economy really starts to bite the families of heavy hitters… then we’ll see. I doubt Obama 2.0 clique will reward the military the way Venezuela did to keep them loyal.

Encelad says:

This week feels really like the leftist holiness spiral is gaining momentum much faster. It is starting to get scary.

clovis says:

Maybe, but it seems like they are tipping their hand so much that they’re liable to wake people up.

Ace says:

Wake up about what? The system has been rigged for decades. We all know it. Why do you think Trump won twice?

What is going is since the deep state has rendered the right powerless and now the left is taking up the same rigging issue that the populist right took up. Their ranks will swell as desperate people who are out of work, unable to feed their families, and young men looking for power and pussy join their ranks. All while the FBI ignores them in favor of chasing the right to death.

clovis says:

I thought that too, but I feel more hopeful today. The USSR ultimately collapsed because nobody believed in the state ideology anymore, not even the party members. And nobody believes the state ideology here either; nobody believes in globohomo, not even the regime. They are playing this very poorly right now by openly acting like a police state. It’s not clear to me that they really have the power to make this work; they were acting afraid of the national guard they called in as a show of force. I know that the Bolsheviks didn’t really have that many people and didn’t have the support of the majority of the country but were able to rule with fear, and it could go the same way here, but is it really certain? I don’t think so. I think the military could still turn against them, or some capable leaders arise to mount a resistance.

jim says:

> I think the military could still turn against them, or some capable leaders arise to mount a resistance.

At this point the historical pattern is that after the sovereign wimps out, the military don’t do anything until far too late.

The left moves vigorously to purge them, and in the end it is a left wing military man, Cromwell or Stalin who ends it.

In Rome they attempted to purge Sulla, and he was not impressed, but he had his own independent power base, the army outside Rome, and his own independent sources of revenue and supply, extorted from the Kings he was subduing. We don’t have a Sulla – and indeed the re-organization of the British army that started after the Crimean was in large part intended to make a Sulla impossible, by centralizing logistics in London. Socialist logistics is militarily ineffective, but protects against the military doing what Cromwell and Sulla did.

Trump was the last thing between us and the deluge, and on January the sixth he wimped out.

We need to follow the tactics of the invisible college, until the leftist spiral is halted by left on left violence, and then wait for leftism to gradually hollow out.

Karl says:

The invisible college is fine, but the more pressing problem is how to avoid the fate of the kulaks.

Neither invisble college nor blockchain would have helped the kulaks.

jim says:

With luck, a Cromwell.

The deep state is getting nervous.

Karl says:

What makes you think that the deep state is getting nervous?

Theshadowedknight says:

They are moving in the open. Blatant moves to show off power are a sign of weakness.

Theshadowedknight says:

To clarify, blatant displays of force are a sign of weakness when you are in power. having to flex your muscle and clench the iron fist shows that things aren’t working. When you are out of power, a show of strength indicates strength.

jim says:

We have walked this path many times before.

Pooch says:

What this mean R7?

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, I’m getting in on this one, motherfucker. Where’s your fucking livestream now? You wanted to shit on all of us, and we called it.

In the immortal words of me: I. TOLD. YOU. SO!

The Cominator says:

Pooch and others still interested, I sold my AMC for 12.50 in the after hours for now…

So I DID end up with a profit despite this crap, just not NEARLY what I should have made. For baboontycoon who bought late and others I’m sorry… I did not suspect this kind of corrupt intervention would come this QUICKLY.

BaboonTycoon says:

Reckon it’s over then? I’m debating whether or not to get out now
The announcement of RH reopening trades tomorrow has me cautiously optimistic, along with the news of the 44m stock dump issued at $13.41 (which wouldn’t cover my losses but would reduce them substantially)

The Cominator says:

I do not know 100%, the government may take its thumb off the scale on this one because its got people on both the far holy left and the right wing remnant raising a stink and its very very unpopular. People loved that a bunch of ordinary internet shitlords were ripping off a bunch of naked short hedge fund echoes.

But even if they do the squeeze is not going to be what it was as they depend on full confidence and consistent momentum… I was expecting 50 to 100 35 at the very lowest. Now you’ll be lucky if you get 20.

BaboonTycoon says:

Yes, I mostly agree. I’m just looking to break even or at least not lose much. If it peaks at $15, I’ll still be in the red, but I can deal with it

Theshadowedknight says:

It’s not even a question. Get out, get out now. The hammer is about to fall, and you don’t want to be under it. If RH is opening stocks, that means the hedge funds, Wall Street, and the White House have given them the all clear, and anyone still in is going to get fucked. No lube, no cuddling, not even a reacharound. Just bend you over a barrel and pipe you until you can’t walk.

BaboonTycoon says:

Webull had blocked things until an hour before close and its only risen since then. Don’t assume that all of these people are acting in concert or else this whole happening wouldn’t have begun in the first place. Make no mistake, we are along for the ride here. WSB and /biz/ are the public faces of something else going on, whatever it may be.

Anyway, the news that RH was reopening was what caused part of the current spike to begin with, and since RH is the platform WSB has been recommending up until today, the retail investors that were following them are going to be able to use it.

Pooch says:

GME up 75% in after hours lmao

BaboonTycoon says:

Kicking myself for missing it. It was crashing seconds before close and I pressed the submit button a second too late

Pooch says:

If you put in a limit you’r broker might allow AH trading for next time.

BaboonTycoon says:

Not sure there will be a next time, I am already sweating bullets over AMC. I’ve been using
TDA and I could have limit bought for AH trading, but it had been crashing by the second and I wanted to see if I could Market buy at the bottom since I didn’t know how low it would get or how quickly it would get there

The Cominator says:

TD A allows you to sell AH just specify extended hours PM and you need to use limits. If you have a standing sell order cancel it 1st.

Pooch says:

You were able to sell in afterhours? It’s going up now I might just hold it and see what happens tomorrow. Don’t worry about it. I only put 1-2% of my holdings on it. I was well aware of the risk, especially after Jim outlined them. Not a big loss for me.

Theshadowedknight says:

I would be careful because of the legal exposure. The SEC is looking to make examples if the reporting is to be believed. Not a good look for Biden for the stock market to go to shit right after he gets in, so whoever is running the show needs to put the little people in their place.

The Cominator says:

I believe they’ll go after normie Trump supporters eventually but its going to be absurd if they bust everyone who shows a profit in AMC or gamestop now especially since this is one of the few issues both extremes agree on…

I’m not an insider…

I’m not a public figure…

WTF are they going to arrest me for if they come after me it’ll be for political charges for some made up bullshit not for this. I’d love to see them try to prosecute me for this in front of a Florida jury.

Ace says:

Your Jury would consist of 8 sheboons and 4 Tryvons.

The Cominator says:

Who would love that I ripped off a bunch of hedge fund echoes up in New York.

Pooch says:

Ha that’s the one time where that would be a favorable jury.

jim says:

In the London Metals Exchange meltdown they went after the assets of British normies who had joined the miners short squeeze on tin, and tried to go after the assets of foreign normies.

But in this meltdown, the deep state is going to run into trouble from the far left, and the far left will probably win, so the risk is less.

In the London Metals Exchange meltdown, the speculators felt that the miners had far too much tin in stock, which they would have to sell eventually, so naked short sold vast amounts of imaginary tin at unreasonably low prices. To which the miners and the makers of tin cans, reasonably enough, responded “Let us see your tin. We want some actual tin. At this price, our stockpiles could do with some more tin.”

And everyone, seeing the speculators in trouble, piled on, just as people piled on to the Gamestop short squeeze.

But selling imaginary tin requires power. And power can rob or imprison people who call out a naked short. And it did.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The narratives are inchoate and still congealing. My favorite Absolutely Current Year one so far though is ‘we need to make outsider trading illegal’.

Pooch says:

If they do make an example it’ll be people with scores who go in on GME early, not us. And likely it’ll be RH users who RH then just turns their customer data over to the feds.

The Cominator says:

When I saw 12.30 in the AH I thought too good to be true after what they did today and bailed and got filled at 12.50…

So I can’t be too unhappy in the scheme of things but I’m pissed that I was cheated out of a really big score. I rarely do long positions less than 10% of my account so I did not bet the farm on AMC but it wasn’t totally insignificant either.

Mr.P says:

Mr. Cominator:

“… not NEARLY what I should have made.”

should have made? — if not for “this crap”?

So a moral universe has suddenly emerged, ya know with laws and shit?

Am I reading that correctly?




The Cominator says:

What are you talking about now…

I meant of course if the government didn’t intervene for these bastards.

Mr.P says:

“… if the government didn’t intervene …”?

didn’t intervenne? — ya know, like stealing a fucking presidential and senate runoff election?

Shocked, shocked I say!

Mr.P says:

Elaboration …

By “if the government didn’t intervene,” you mean the very same government that unleashed corona chan insanity, stole the presidency and senate, still imposes a face-diaper mandate, requires now a positive covid19 test to fly airline-style into and potentially around the U.S., threates muh vaccines, etc.?

That government — you want that governmentto step aside, not interfere, let you reap the harvest of your short-squeeze major score?

jim says:

Naked shorts are, in practice, evil deeds by evil people, and they deserve what they get.

But the state protects them from getting what they deserve.

What has been happening is that the shorters “borrowed” stocks from hodlers, and did not return them, and now the brokers are telling the hodler “sorry, we sold your stocks out from underneath you”.

The vast majority of naked shorting is done by people who are in a position to shaft someone else should the short blow up.

Joe says:

Your contributions to this blog are worthless.

As you predicted, Jim, they’re going after SpaceX, but probably sooner than we all thought. How dare the one company actually advancing science and engineering exist?

Hopefully Musk has sufficient racism to, after he is forced to hire incompetents, completely ignore their attempted contributions to spaceflight and extraterrestrial colonization.

BaboonTycoon says:

This is actually kind of shocking. I had thought the only reason SpaceX was even solvent was because of federal funding, so one would think they’d have already had to deal with such things. I have only seen one Tesla car in the wild in my entire life. I guess Trump really had been keeping it at bay

Ace says:

More like SpaceX is keeping NASA in space. They’re 2/3s the costs of their competitors and those competitors get extra federal funding while their rockets seldom work right.

Snowdensjacket says:

Every other house here has a tesla. They drive too fast in the neighborhood. We’ve got kids playing people need to slow down. I wouldn’t buy one it’s not a good family investment. I got the wife a nice Toyota minivan. Since she’s big with another child I’ve been looking at full size vans but they look poorly made
Still, a suburban looks even worse.

Ace says:

Jim, how the hell did you predict this so well? Right down to the flight range officer.

someDude says:

Far be it from Jim to toot his own Horn or take credit for what he gets right, so I’ll do it for him.

It is Jim’s ability to predict accurately that makes him the leader of the reaction. Without that stellar ability to predict accurately, he would just be another entertaining and articulate writer. It is the combination of accurate prediction, humor, entertaining writing and articulation that makes Jim such a Juggernaut, such a force to reckon with. It’s why, we hungrily read up whatever he writes. It’s why the more we read Jim, the more we want to read him.

The ability to predict is the Key. Everything else flows from that. No one else i know has it. Guys like Scott Adams get one lucky prediction right and we never hear the end of it for 4 years. Jim consistently gets them right and we rarely hear an “I told you so”

The only prediction that Jim got wrong was, the trump Autocoup and all the coup related stuff which many of us thought was too ambitious anyway. But I guess Jim was getting so bored of getting them right so often that he wanted to challenge himself and really push the envelope with that coup business. Like Mel Gibson in Maverick, Jim really wanted to predict something fancy. And I have to say that like Germany in the two world wars he almost won. I would never have predicted the capitol storming.

Pooch says:

To be fair Jim never predicted a Trump autocoup, he only said the time was approaching where he would need to autocoup or lose and that’s exactly what happened.

Ace says:

In the early days of the Trump administration he predicted multiple autocoups, all of which failed to come to pass. He became more careful as time went on. I think the fundamental error of Jim’s predictions with Trump and his administration was mind reading. He read Trump’s and Barr’s minds as though they knew the score and were “our” guys, just as the left read their minds and decided that Trump was reactionary/facists/Nazis. Both predictions were way off.

Since it’s not possible to read people’s minds this is a pretty common problem to fall into, and it’s something I fell into as well. The best you can do with people is observe their actions, and make future predictions based on that and in Trump’s case, he was very far from reactionary. For instance, he failed to ban critical race theory until the last minute despite it’s very broad unpopularity. A reactionary Trump would have banned it day 2 of his administration.

I don’t think it’s possible to accurately to read someone’s mind without personal knowledge of them. Predicting group behavior is quite possible. Predicting what an individual actually believes at their core? Quite a bit harder.

In the end, as much as I hate to say it since I found B to be the most annoying and duplicitous commenter ever to post here, B was right about Trump, he’s a Bozo. I suspect B knew people who’d personally interacted with Trump and understood him.

someDude says:


I would not give B any credit whatsoever. B’s prediction of Trump doing nothing is pure normality bias and nothing else. It’s like predicting in 2000 that the next POTUS would be either a republican or a democrat. Trump is NOT a bozo. He just lost his nerve and faced with the overwhelming power of the Deep state, he blinked. Most men would. David almost always blinks when confronted with Goliath. The one time he does not, we remember it down the ages. You should not shame a man for not measuring up to that one incident that happened thousands of years ago and never after.

A prediction gets more credit if it is unlikely to happen and happens anyway. Predictions of the type B made is just one level of difficulty greater than predicting that the sun is likely to rise in a south easterly direction tomorrow in NYC. No credit for that.

But had the AutoCoup prediction actually materialized, because of the sheer unlikelihood of it, I would have gone out in search of Jim to deliver me salvation and show me the light. That prediction was insanely ambitious. That’s a pure Jim Vs Jim thing. 2017 Jim wanting to go one-up (N-up) on pre-2017 Jim.

f6187 says:

“I would not give B any credit whatsoever. B’s prediction of Trump doing nothing is pure normality bias and nothing else.”

Normality bias is usually correct, but when it’s wrong it is spectacularly wrong.

someDude says:


Just as one should not be congratulated for winning at Russian roulette, getting a prediction right based on normality bias is no big deal. There is no comparison between “B” and Jim.

someDude says:

Pooch, Looky here. This was the first post talking about the Autocoup

There is a lot of Autocoup and coup related stuff in comments sections of several following posts as well

Pooch says:

Oh yeah Jim and others here have been talking about it for years, but I wouldn’t say it was a prediction any of us were willing to bet are lives on that Trump would save us. Jim has been telling us to prepare for all eventualities.

someDude says:

Obviously, no sane predictor will bet 100% on any of his predictions, least of all Jim.

There are two ways to interpret the autocoup prediction

1. More than 50% probability which we disagreed with

2. More than the chance indicated by normality bias, which we all agreed with.

It seemed Jim was really predicting 1. If he predicted 2., hell, that’s barely a prediction. So we went with 1.

But I still have to give it to Jim. The events of jan 6 proved that the probability of a coup was way more than what normality bias would indicate. In fact had Trump not lost his nerve, failing to emulate David from millennia before, we might have had the coup and I might have fainted from disbelief.

Jim did get it wrong, but not by a whole lot. On a very bold prediction, no less.

clovis says:

I apologize in advance for what is probably a stupid question, but can anyone tell me anything about these:

The first one has “blockchain” in the title, so I figured one of you would know something about it and could advise whether it is to be avoided.

Joe says:


Hive is a hard fork of Steem. Steem is a social media blockchain platform in which people can tip for content they liked. Hive also supports digital apps with data held on its blockchain.

The reason given for the fork was the amount of centralization in the Steem coin. Devs and Steem Inc owned something like 70% of the market cap. This wasn’t a problem until TRON bought up the developer stake and allegedly started using it badly.

In my opinion the Hive white paper has more buzzwords and is more hyped than the Steem whitepaper. Any coin calling itself the future of web 3.0 needs details for the autists. Faith must be accompanied by works.

The main difference I can see between the Hive and Steem is that Steem voting power is based on a separate token, so it has what would be Class A and Class B shares in a normal corporate structure, whereas Hive voting power is based on staked Hive coins.

You should follow The Cominator’s advice about management ownership. If the developers jumped ship then a coin will probably die. On the other hand, Hive seems to be supported by its user base so that could be a positive.

I don’t get involved with anything unless I can use it. The One Coin (Bitcoin at the moment) is a hedge against inflation with the added benefit that it does not exist in a physical form that someone can physically take from you. Monero is useful for private transactions and obscuring ownership of Bitcoin. The blockdag, proof of stake, natively lightning network-supporting coin that Jim is proposing aims to replace Bitcoin as the One Coin.

The briefing article says that some apps have moved off Steem and onto Hive. This suggests that the developers of these apps believe that Hive is more useful than Steem.

Since a certain number of transactions on Hive are free, perhaps you could try posting a few comments using it, or interacting with some content producers.

Hive market cap: $57m

Steem market cap: $72m

Hive consensus details

Delegated Proof of Stake. Staked for 13 week periods. Ability to make transactions related to amount staked. Replenish 20% of Resource Credits each 24 hours. You can increase the replenishment level by borrowing Hive Power from another user.

Block producers are chosen by staked coins. Clients can stake their coins with a prospective producer. The top 20 prospects are chosen to make blocks, with any others in line as backups if one of the 20 fails. The top 20 get equal chances to make blocks.

So the right to make blocks depends on your stake, but your stake only says whether you get a seat at the table, whereas once you are at the table you are equal to everyone else at the table. Block making is not in direct proportion to weight of stake. Given the history of the coin they probably did this to limit the impact of large holders.

The white paper does not go into the voting method in detail, nor does it go into the block making schedule in detail. It is not immediately clear whether block production and block signing are two different roles. This lack of detail on what is generally the most complex part of the any proof of stake scheme is not reassuring.

Hive claims to scale but it uses fixed rate blocks in a blockchain. This implies that any scaling must come from the block size.

The original Steem white paper claims 10,000 transactions per second.

Hive uses blockchain, not blockdag. It is not immediately clear how they maintain a blockchain with peers chaining to different peers at three blocks per second while accounting for network delay, nor is it clear how the network decides when a peer has missed its chance to make a block. These are concerns of blockchain only and do not affect blockdag.


More buzzwords. Its main interface is a phone app but it promises censorship resistance. We here know then that this must be a lie.

There is no white paper and no detail at all. The social media listed for it are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Linkedin. We can be pretty sure what will happen the first time one of its users says something the uniparty doesn’t like.

It looks like a horrendous scam. Or maybe a way for thots to milk simps. Either way it is up to no good.

Mister Grumpus says:

This Game Stop thing just has to be some kind of Group Psychology and/or Game Theory teachable moment.

Something about the amateur minting of unauthorized gray market Schelling points. Or something.

Sock it to me.

Gauntlet says:

Read The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon. I was reading it as this thing unfolded. Basically mass delusion/hive mind created by the crowd. Plus all the red pills throughout the book (published in 1895) are refreshing. Talks about women being extremely poor witnesses in court and racial differences in crowds

It also describes the idiocy of democracy and the fall of the aristocracy.

simplyconnected says:

Thanks for the tip, looks very interesting.

Anonymous 2 says:

The US regime now seems to be going after the special forces as well. Unclear why. Are they insufficiently leftist?

For decades the Defense Department has relied on covert and classified special operations troops to kick in doors and raid high-value targets around the world. The department’s Inspector General’s Office now may be taking its first broad look at whether those shadowy strike forces committed war crimes along the way.

Also interesting that Pelosi now wants to deploy Chad-style technicals in the streets. Coming Landcruiser war in America?

Pooch says:

US Special Forces Units are made of the most masculine, red-pilled, Christians in the military and made of 90%+ white males because competency requirements are so high. So yes the most insufficiently leftist units that exist. Germany dissolved their special forces units last year, so I’d expect the left to do the same in the US or just subvert them so bad with women and minorities that they are no longer combat effective.

Theshadowedknight says:

Thank God for that. Looks like He is looking out for us.

Pooch says:

The faster the US military starts losing in military conflicts probably the faster we can get to a Cromwell.

jim says:

Cromwell happened because the Puritans optimized for war against Charles the First. We don’t have a Charles the First. We don’t have a potential Sulla, and we don’t have a Charles the First.

Bilge_Pump says:

Dude I really can’t stomach that idea. If I were to join the military, I couldn’t go in with a losing mindset, or I would get myself and others blown up.

Pooch says:

Don’t join the US military. I certainly do not wish death or injury to the individual men of good will but it is hard to wish military victory for the forces of Globohomo.

Pooch says:

Especially the forces of a regime also simultaneously at war with the Heritage American People.

The Cominator says:

Only join if you think you can make it through the suck up marathon to general and plan on couping.

The Cominator says:

It will not work to long march through the institutions in the bureaucracy or academia, the level of insanity you will have to display to make it in such institutions will drive you to be truly insane.

In the military you might be able to make it though, the ideological conformity required in the military even in insane regimes somehow always seems to be less than in the bureaucracy and the party.

The Waffen SS leadership towards the end of WWII did not have a much more favorable opinion of Hitler then the regular army leadership despite the fact that it was created to be more ideologically reliable than the army, and it had quite a few people involved with the July plot. The military requires some degree of contact with reality to function effectively.

Pooch says:

It’s too late for anyone who hasn’t joined yet but that’s good advice for officers already in.

The Cominator says:

Maybe not, Sepp Dietrich was a pretty ideologically committed Nazi as Nazis were early on (more from the nationalist than socialist side though so never a complete nut) and a personal friend of Hitler, nor was he from an officer class background.

While he did not exactly join the July Plot he sort of knew about it and did nothing because he prettymuch hated both Hitler and the party by 1944.

The military is pozzed but the poz in the military may have limits if the level of insanity asked from them gets too great…

Pooch says:

That’s what I’m hoping too. An unexpected military loss for the regime may be the wake up call (like it was for the Nazis) that they can’t keep on going with it.

Pooch says:

Wake up call that they need*

The Cominator says:

Expect the military to severely lose in the future…

Hopefully it won’t be in a way that will get us nuked.

Pooch says:

Definitely agree with that.

Ace says:

Hopefully it won’t be in a way that will get us nuked.

China could destroy American hard power with the destruction of a single American carrier group. Trump was smart enough to generally keep the Carriers away from the South China sea kill zone. I doubt Obama’s Generals will quite as careful.

The Cominator says:

Biden will do nothing to really challenge China while he is alive… Cameltoe who knows.

Ace says:


You’re assuming unity of command. The US government isn’t agreement capable and is likely becoming less so everyday.

European Mutt says:

Cameltoe will have as much real power as Biden but she will probably run her mouth more and do more damage that way… Under her I can seriously see Israel and/or SA flipping to Russian empire, they’ve already made preparations for just that.

jim says:

Trouble is that Biden will not notice, and Cameltoe will not care, what elements of the presidency are getting up to.

We will not get into war with Russia or China or both because someone decides to do so, but because numerous people decide that Russia and China are unholy, and thus the more aggressively one acts towards them, the holier one is, and no end of people have little fragments of power that enable them to act aggressively.

We were drifting rudderless into war under Obama. The same will happen now, only more so.

The Cominator says:

China like Saudi bribes heavily throughout the us government. Russia doesn’t have the money to bribe heavily.

Karl says:

No, Germany did not dissolve their special forces. Only one company of the special forces (KSK) was dissolved, but the force still exists.

Bilge_Pump says:

From what I understand Germany didn’t “dissolve their special forces”, they dissolved one unit.

Now, it certainly doesn’t look good, as the Defense Ministry was threatening to dissolve the entire KSK, because they were listening to “extreme-right rock music ” at a party. (I’d like to get a hold of that shit btw, I have a certain affinity for extreme music).

Leon says:

I too would like to know what that music is. If anybody figures it out please post the playlist.

Ace says:

I think we’re fast approaching the point that the books you ordered from Amazon is going to be grounds to fire you.

European Mutt says:

I assume they are talking about “Rechtsrock” (“right-wing rock”) bands that came up in the mid-80s in West Germany. They were immediately called Nazis of course because they used Nazi symbolism. Lyrics were usually about being right-wing skinheads, soccer hooligans, alcohol, partying, general patriotism, some shock stuff, relatively tame politically i.e. no Holocaust glorification or whatever you’d think proper Nazis would actually sing about.


Störkraft had one of their albums banned from sale (put on the “index” as they call it in Germany) ironically not for being “Nazis” but for gory lyrics. I think they also banned some Cannibal Corpse albums for the same reason, around the same time AFAIK.

Böhse Onkelz (they got more apolitical as time went on):

By far the most based of all the bands with the “Rechtsrock” label is actually Landser who I never listened to; they sound like Andrew Anglin in musical form (unlike pretty much all other bands who are as I said rather tame):

In the mid-90s and early some Neo-Nazi organizations that were heavily infiltrated by spooks (specifically those who were transferred over from East Germany famous for their Nazi false flags) started passing around CDs by various Rechtsrock bands on schoolyards. This led to a second moral panic about how the youth is supposedly being corrupted by Neo-Nazism. But the only band that was ever really popular was Onkelz and listening to them was basically an act of rebellion and had zero to do with one’s actual politics. It pissed off the stuffy leftist/cuck establishment though which was cool even back then.

because they were listening to “extreme-right rock music ” at a party.

So that is at least it. Still the same moral panic/holiness spiral against “Nazis”. Probably nowadays the definition is even much broader.

Bonus: A band whose lyrics could be described as .. crypto-NRx, in 2003 no less:

Hope that is what you are looking for, was fun to go back in time a little bit.

Bilge_Pump says:

Thanks for the info, really cool. I wish my Deutsch was better, unfortunately I spent too much time lifting weights and playing video games in high school and not enough time studying.

Bilge_Pump says:

“Ballade von den fickenden Chinesen” lol I wonder what that means

The Cominator says:

If you want good non pozzed music made in the last twenty years check out Blackmore’s Night.

suones says:

I wonder why “technicals” have become so associated with Africa. Weren’t they innovated in Ireland?

Anonymous 2 says:

As far as I know, technicals caught the public imagination in the Chad-Libya war and appear to have been popular in the region ever since. And I suppose it makes a kind of sense in that setting.

Anonymous 2 says:

Including that Landcruisers are hardy and reasonably common, and if they break everyone knows how to fix them. No need for expensive specialists and loads of spare parts at the depot.

jim says:

Military innovation happens when you have a war. Technicals work. Particularly when combined with good communication. You can produce a flash force at any location rather suddenly.

Chariots fell to skirmishers with iron or iron tipped javelins. Skirmishers fell to cavalry. Technicals are to tanks as cavalry are to chariots.

Current warfare negates tanks and mobile artillery with small dispersed groups of soldiers armed with anti tank weapons, the equivalent of fast running skirmishers negating chariots. Small dispersed groups of soldiers are vulnerable to technicals.

suones says:

Thank you for the explanation. This implies that regardless of origins, “technicals” are simply a new-ish class of weapon that otherwise conventional militaries would also benefit from.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Slapping a crew served weapon onto the back of a pickup is an inherently high return on low investment technique, which is why they are ubiquitous in low development forces, and why even highly developed militaries like Russia have made ‘standardized’ ‘technicals’.

Firepower and mobility are premiums in mechanized warfare, and a technical can provide you both at a low cost. There’s no infantry problem that can’t be solved with an automatic grenade launcher, no tank problem that can’t be solved with a recoilless rifle, and very few problems in general that can’t be solved with an automatic cannon.

suones says:

…even highly developed militaries like Russia have made ‘standardized’ ‘technicals’.

Interesting! Russians have had improvised mobile gun platforms for at least a century (tachanka).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I would surmise that weapons in the four bore or two bore size class, capable of firing shells with explosive payloads, will become more common as standard loadouts for groundpounders in the future, such as the American XM29 or XM109, or the Chinese QLU-11.

There’s a reason why weapons with explosive ordnance are often called ‘noob tubes’ in FPS games, and why such implements are frequently nerfed to hilariously incongruent degrees in comparison to capabilities of real life counterparts; it’s because it is hilariously easy to take out opponents with HE in comparison with using bullets alone. And beyond that fact, it also expands the easy ‘engagement envelope’ of targets by an infantryman as well, such as defensive emplacements, or light skinned vehicles, as the case may be.

Pooch says:

So the entire US stock market is tanking it seems. Does it even make sense to hold any US stock at this point?

The Cominator says:

I sold most of mine last friday but hold some… I’m not dumping my MARA anytime soon because the options are a great deal.

My EXROF (a canuckistan stonk) is something I’m just HODLing… every time I’ve traded out of it I’ve regretted it.

I bought back into my BNGO (note this is a pseudo biotech and you need to know your shit to play them otherwise stay away, but this one is not a drugmaker it makes a machine that does structural dna analysis… note structural it does not do the code base pair by base pair there is another company that makes that machine but that company has a market cap of over 50 billion already) when it went into the 9s and bounced right back above 10. Its actually slightly up today too…

I will by my inseego back eventually.

The Cominator says:

Errrr correction I sold them this Monday not the past Friday.

jim says:

No, but the US$ is going to tank eventually.

Every company knows it will be devoured by corporate cancer. The US$ is starting to rot at the head, but it will not collapse for quite some time.

The provinces of the empire will be less affected by the madness. It makes sense to hold foreign stocks.

In the medium run the FTSE BRIC 50 and the MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA are likely to be stable stores of value.

Bitcoin will continue to appreciate, but there is significant risk that it collapses under the blood diamonds attack, or its lightning network gets central bank converged. Bitcoin is high volatility, high reward, and high risk.

I have said many negative things about the lightning network, but it is a good way to invest in bitcoin. It is vulnerable to the central banking attack, and is arguably falling to that attack. I am, as you all know, far from happy about the state of cryptocurrency, but it is the only alternative.

I recommend moving from US stocks to the US$, and from the US$ to Bitcoin, the FTSE BRIC 50, and the MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA

Bitcoin is hitting its scaling limit, ten transactions per second, hard. The Bitcoin lightning network provides a way around that scaling limit, but has hidden centralization under the hood, and as a result is spontaneously going through the evolution that gave us marginal reserve banking and wildcat banking, leading to bank crises and central banking, leading to state control of the currency. But it should work for a while.

Launder your bitcoin through a mixer, or several different mixers, and spend them through the lightning network. Invest in overseas stocks through official US channels, the US state will be onto you if you invest through unofficial channels. All movement of the US$ between countries is illegal under under a multitude of vague, selectively enforced, and unpredictably enforced, laws. Every time you order a Chinese built CPU on Ebay you are committing seven federal offenses with a seven year penalty.

Eventually US based investment funds in the BRICs are going to fail also, not because the BRICs fail, but because corporate cancer will be result in the US based investment fund being looted. As that time approaches, crypto currency and crypto paper wallets. And as that time approaches, just don’t pay your taxes, because the IRS and the entire US government will be in chaos, so that any tax enforcement will randomly punish the innocent and the guilty with equal probability.

The Cominator says:

Do you have any specific foreign stocks you like that I can buy on US exchanges…

I have one I very much like but I don’t like the country in its right now (Canada) much more than I like the US.

Pooch says:

By definition you can’t buy foreign stocks on US exchanges right?

The Cominator says:

Many foreign stocks have foreign equivalent securities, they tend to have long tickers but often you can get them.

The Cominator says:

For instance here is a list of Japanese stocks you can buy on US exchanges, note as far as I know these are always non optionable and non marginable…

jim says:

I am options trading a little on US companies, but the bulk of my money is in real estate and boring old EFT index funds.

I would love to invest in Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co. Ltd, because it seems likely to me that China is about to brush aside US CPUs and motherboard system chips, which are being devoured by corporate cancer. There is huge upside potential there, but I cannot see a way to legally do that through official US channels. Perhaps you can.

I also predict that Musk will have grave trouble getting rocket tests approved unless the objective of the test is not Mars, but proving that all white technology and science was stolen from subsaharan African females.

The Cominator says:

I have a suggestion but I cannot confirm it 100%.

It sounds like certain US brokers provide access to the Hong Kong exchange, the Hong Kong exchange probably has foreign equivalent securities for companies in Mainland China.

If you know anyone in Hong Kong (I do not but I bet you do) I would have them look into this. You can probably (I’d give it a 60% chance) buy the stock on the Hong Kong exchange through Charles Schwab or something.

Mike in Boston says:

the Hong Kong exchange probably has foreign equivalent securities for companies in Mainland China

The facility you are thinking of is the “HKEX-Connect”, described here. It allows some, but not all “A shares” traded on the mainland to be purchased in Hong Kong using CNY.

As far as I know, Schwab allows access “H shares” listed in Hong Kong through their “Global Account”. However, Schwab’s support for trades on foreign exchanges is pretty bad and their pricing sucks.

For U.S. investors, the best choice I know of to trade either Hong Kong “H shares” or Shanghai “A shares” available through HKEX-Connect is Interactive Brokers.

Unfortunately this does not help with Rockchip, which trades in Shanghai and is not on the current HKEX-Connect list (CSV file), so is therefore available only to domestic Chinese investors and to “Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors”, hedge funds and other big money.

suones says:

@TheCominator and @Mike

Thank you for this detailed explanation. I was not aware of the “aloofness” of the Hong Kong exchange from Shanghai.

…available only to domestic Chinese investors and to “Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors”, hedge funds and other big money.

It seems we retailers trade in a different universe than the (((big guys))).

The Cominator says:

Jim BTW if you find out you can do this I’d like to know the answer too…

But even if the US sucks at making chips I can’t imagine the Japanese are going to lose their technological edge on this to China anytime soon?

suones says:

I’m not Jim, but there is no Japanese technological edge in chips (in general), and has not been for a long time, if ever. Neither in design, integration, nor fabrication. All cutting-edge design stuff at present is Anglo-American, some European; while fabrication is now in Taiwan (specifically TSMC) and with Samsung lagging behind. Intel remains the only worthwhile near-cutting-edge non-Asian fab, and that is lagging severely for >5 years now. Integration is dominated by Apple (in dollar terms) and mainland Chinese firms like Rockchip or Taiwanese MediaTek (per volume), with Samsung playing second in both segments.

Japan used to be big in LCD panels, don’t know how much that held up as the latest rage is OLED where I see LG dominating.

Pooch says:

What about AMD? Aren’t they starting to beat Intel now?

jim says:

I have a substantial investment in AMD, and have a long options position in AMD.

But they have corporate cancer also, and it will kill them eventually just as it killed Intel.

suones says:

Dear Pooch,

What about AMD? Aren’t they starting to beat Intel now?

I’ve been buying AMD (products) since before they were cool (again). But AMD is a fabless Anglo-American design firm, fabbing is dependent on European/Middle Eastern “Global Foundries” (actually AMD’s divested German fabs), and now on Taiwanese TSMC (same as Apple). As such it shares the structural vulnerabilities of Intel, and also has the risk of not owning its own fabs if things go south between USA and Taiwan/China. An early example is how Apple’s booking of TSMC’s entire first 5nm chip run has already reduced market opportunity for AMD (and NVIDIA, to some extent).

That said, I remain bullish on US tech stocks, not limited to FAANG. AMD might not be a wonder-stock, but the broad US-tech arc has yet to hit its peak for a long time. This might be an emotional decision on my part, or it may just be my canny assessment of Apple M1 and beyond. We’ll see.

Pooch says:

You mentioned Samsung and Media Tek in your post. I was thinking about how to invest in them. Is that the same problem as investing Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics?

jim says:

I don’t know how to invest in any of them through official channels. We are increasingly finding ourselves in the same capital movement restrictions as third world countries with dodgy banking and finance systems. Your money is trapped in a conflagration.

suones says:

…same capital movement restrictions as third world countries with dodgy banking and finance systems. Your money is trapped in a conflagration.

Accurately describes my situation lol.

That aside, we Indians can move relatively large amounts of money out easily (upto $250K/year), but the compliance and regulations are so onerous that it only makes sense for amounts in that range. Retailers can forget about it. As for the really huge transactions, most of them are laundered through Dubai using the “hawala” network. Us honest retailers can’t use that either. Our money is destined to remain trapped in a conflagration.

Snowdensjacket says:


Caught in.

Gnon how dare you, catch me in a conflagration. How dare you

The Cominator says:

Samsung’s OTC foreign equivalent security in the US trades under the ticker SSNLF.

It looks like its thinly traded on the pink sheets though… you might get killed on the spread. I can give you more information when I look at it during market hours.

jim says:

Not keen on Samsung. Less upside than Rockchip – though it still better than US stocks under current circumstances.

Pooch says:

I also predict that Musk will have grave trouble getting rocket tests approved unless the objective of the test is not Mars, but proving that all white technology and science was stolen from subsaharan African females.

Yeah the fact that they are fucking with Musk so quickly, the whole market is dropping, and the Gamespot/Robinhood thing is making me extremely skiddish to hold any type of investment in a US company without insider knowledge. It seems like corporate cancer is metastasizing quickly and the elites are not interested in actually doing any type of economic activity besides continue looting the middle class.

Thanks for the advice. If the US Dollar is not going to collapse for a while does it make sense to keep a holding in US Dollar Index Fund as a hedge against deflation at least until it fully crashes or is that too risky?

Pooch says:

Actually now that I think of it what about just shorting the whole SP500 to as a hedge?

The Cominator says:

That effectively would be being long the dollar vs dollar denominated assets. Most of the time a very bad idea.

jim says:

The US dollar index appreciates within the US when the US$ appreciates against other currencies.

And depreciates when the US$ depreciates against other currencies.

I predict the US$ is going to take a big dive against all other currencies – probably not any time soon, but it might well be soon. Big long tail risk. No significant upside, big possible downside.

nils says:

Is it possible for non approved dollars to be simply denied entry into the Federal State? Why cant bank sheets which are already recorded just be blacklisted? paper cash might be a different story but why should the US not deny convertibility of dollars into US assets just like it did US dollars into Gold to DeGaulle? Is a split currency possible with electronic fiat?(I understand that this would F*** trade up democratically 🙂 also is it possible that the fear of the market overwhelms command and control for the fcc etc. and the solid frontiers of finance law become a hyper permeable wasteland? Ugly is always special in its own way, I guess, and the next decade is as we know looking real ugly. Fascinated to find out just how antifragile we are not, whimper or boom its gonna be a hell of a ride.

Pooch says:


Do you mean the FTSE BRIC 50 Index?

jim says:

Yes, typo, I meant BRIC 50

Joe says:

lightning network provides a way around that scaling limit, but has hidden centralization under the hood

Segwit (BIP-0141) allows for chaining of unsigned transactions without messing around with SIGHASH_NOINPUT (BIP-0118) or similar flags. Along with the previously introduced OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY (BIP-0068) it should make decentralized payment channels possible.

Segregated witness fixes the problem of transaction malleability fundamentally, which enables the building of unconfirmed transaction dependency chains in a trust-free manner.

Two parties, Alice and Bob, may agree to send certain amount of Bitcoin to a 2-of-2 multisig output (the “funding transaction”). Without signing the funding transaction, they may create another transaction, time-locked in the future, spending the 2-of-2 multisig output to third account(s) (the “spending transaction”). Alice and Bob will sign the spending transaction and exchange the signatures. After examining the signatures, they will sign and commit the funding transaction to the blockchain. Without further action, the spending transaction will be confirmed after the lock-time and release the funding according to the original contract. It also retains the flexibility of revoking the original contract before the lock-time, by another spending transaction with shorter lock-time, but only with mutual-agreement of both parties.

The lightning network described in the paper is a little more complicated than this example, but is still achievable with just these two things, chained unsigned transactions and relative timelocks.

jim says:

Things get rather trickier when you want a full circle transaction. Ann pays Bob to pay Carol to pay Dave to pay Faye to pay Gavin, and Gavin should close the circle by sending a receipt to Ann.

You want the whole circle to succeed for everyone, or fail for everyone, and you want it to definitely succeed, or definitely fail, in a relatively short time.

Using anonymous multi-hop locks constructed with Schnorr signatures over an elliptic curve of prime order, you can do it. It is far from apparent that this is what the Bitcoin Lightning Network is doing. Rather, they rely on half hidden central authority, with the result that they are recapitulating the evolution of correspondence banking into marginal reserve banking and thence into central banking and fiat money.

This is related to triple entry accounting and to insider check kiting.

Mike says:


The current drop, other than the retail insanity, is nothing compared to how fast it tanked when Corona first came in March. This is nothing.

Gedeon says:

[*Deleted for misinformation*]

jim says:

I am not going to argue with you about debt, deflation, and double entry accounting.

Mlsk says:

Irish Savant’s blog seems to have been… blocked by Blogger.

European Mutt says:

Now it’s as good a time to ask as any: What is the deal with the Great Reset? Jim you mentioned that you consider it a religion, but I haven’t seen anybody except degenerate leftist politicians (definitely not the bureaucracy!) could actually treat it as one. What is the appeal? Just the fact that it seems to offer a way out of the corner they’ve painted themselves in (to people who don’t understand economics or real sociology)? And the inane technobabble? Leftist radicals as far as I know are none too impressed with it, meaning the “Great Reset Religion” would lose automatically in the holiness competition with regular radical progism.

My interpretation of the whole thing is that it’s a move to yet more socialism (as would have happened anyway), under the guise of corporate capitalism, reframing politics in terms of market-economic concepts in ways that make no sense (Hogwash like “There is widespread demand for sustainable development, but no supply”) and a Chinese-style surveillance state (but executed much more incompetently, so I’m not worried). Horrible marketing, horrible optics, pretty much guarantees both left- and right-wing backlash. Probably good for us if it actually turns out to not be a nothingburger, because it could get us to a Stalin or Cromwell faster. But my bet is on nothingburger.

Am I missing something?

They can’t be in too much a hurry to implement their “plan”, they only did a brief virtual session where they talked about nothing of significance and their next physical meeting is only in summer. Plus Joseph Stealin’/Xiden/Zho Bai-Den now at least relaxing Covid restrictions (just hoping that will spill over quickly to our neck of the woods). How are you going to explain to the people that a “reset” is needed when everything is largely back to “normal”? Especially since normies are getting redpilled in record numbers at the moment…

Debt reset I see as a red herring because the bankers wouldn’t be very happy with that. If you put in a Soviet-style dole system afterwards bankers would be out of work so that is dead on arrival. And a debt jubilee where you afterwards own your home, car etc. free and clear would actually maybe be a good idea which pretty much guarantees they won’t do it.

jim says:

> What is the deal with the Great Reset? Jim you mentioned that you consider it a religion, but I haven’t seen anybody except degenerate leftist politicians (definitely not the bureaucracy!) could actually treat it as one.

Yet another nut cult, largely derived from progressivism, but committing heresies that progressives do not much care about yet.

Doomsday is indeed approaching, I too am a doomster, but the real doomsday is the same doomsday approaching in the same way as it has approached many, many, times before.

Pooch says:

Seems to be what the oligarchs are envisioning to loot us further out of our property and assets to consolidate their power even more. What they don’t understand is the Bolsheviks and bioleninists are coming soon and don’t give a crap about any of that.

Mister Grumpus says:

The upper tiers of Euro society still haven’t met Shaniqua yet.

jim says:

Color revolution agent, powerbase is 100% US Hegemony, Soros owned ngos and academies, and presidential backing from the incoming US administration. No real powerbase in Russia.

Without armed US intervention in Russia, unlikely to amount to much.

The US is unlikely to make a conscious collective decision to invade Russia, but it lacks the cohesion to choose war or peace, so individual elements within the administration may well make warlike moves, recapitulating the events that led to the entirely unplanned and unintended World War I.

The color revolutionaries have immense confidence that action girl Shaniqua will make short work out of the horde of Russian mooks.

clovis says:

Why do they want everyone to take this vaccine so badly, when it is pretty obvious that Covid is not serious enough to require a vaccine? I’ve been trying to figure this out. Is the vaccine supposed to kill or sterilize a lot of people so that they can get the world population down to manageable levels so they can roll out life extension technology without being murdered by the peasants? Or is there a less weird explanation?

jim says:

Holiness spiral, and the big vaccine lobby.

Vaccine lobby is extremely powerful.

clovis says:

Nothing more malicious than that it enriches big pharma?

Pooch says:

I don’t think they are capable of cooperating enough to do something that malicious but they aren’t capable of doing actual science at this point so still likely the vaccine ends up having unintended malicious consequences.

Pooch says:


qwerty says:

Holiness spiral, plus a way for the bureaucratic systems to save face for absolutely fucking up the COVID response. They’re saying “oh, look, we have a vaccine, we start going back to normal now!”, to positively spin the admission they will inevitably have to make that the coronavirus is now endemic and will never be eradicated even though if America had a halfway competent government the virus would have been history 10, 11, maybe 12 months ago. To have X% of the population vaccinated is an easy, numerical target they can hit now, and once they hit it they can convince themselves that they did their job, they saved the day, even though vaccine or no vaccine the damage has been done, and the real target they should have hit (complete eradication by spring 2020, and that’s being generous) had never even been properly aimed at.

European Mutt says:

Eradication using the flawed PCR test (the Drosten test kit used in US and Europe and pushed by the WHO/China) was always pure fantasy. Even the inefficient lockdowns in NZ eventually led to eradication because they used tests that actually worked. But if you are detecting all sorts of unrelated viruses or DNA fragments as false positives you are flying blind. There is actually an insane holiness-spiraling group in Germany that wants a command-economy-style lockdown (close near to all factories) to eradicate Covid (ZeroCovid/NoCovid), problem is those are mostly the same people who are behind the PCR test, meaning their plan is destined to fail and looks much like Pol Pot’s plan to rebuild the irrigation systems. All of them are of course Very Nice People.

The whole thing screams incompetence to me. And a pathological inability to admit mistakes (this is the explanation I use with normies: “When have you seen a politician admit a mistake?”). Nothing was planned at all. And yes the vaccine is just a pathetic “exit strategy” and they are even screwing that up. At the current rate most countries except US/UK/Israel/that one Arab country will have reached their vaccination goals by 2024 at the earliest.

clovis says:

If covid had been eradicated they would not have been able to steal the election with mail in ballots. Besides, since when do we shut down an entire country to eradicate the flu? Or did you mean the borders should have been closed earlier?

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The natural course of viruses is to mutate into their own vaccines.

High morbidity in fact is bad for the long term survival of a virus, since it would be killing hosts that could be going around spreading it instead.

Something that comes to mind each time one hears ‘we have discovered a new highly contagious xyz strain of covid’.

Sars-cov-2 was simply yet another thread in the braid of rhinoviruses that has reached back beyond the days of mammals, that have been with us since the seas receded… and of course with this, our solipsistic managerialists have reached new acmes of self-serving terminological inflation, through redefining seasonal colds into a ‘pandemic’; an eternal pandemic, for the eternal revolution.

A law is an extension of that which creates it; just so, in societies of men, it is men that rule, not his laws; the extent to which a law rules, is the extent to which a man rules through it.

And just so, in an environment of popular governance, there is naught that is done except by pretext. Which is to say, ‘rule by law’ is rule by lie. The lies exist to hide the men ruling; indeed, where lies do not exist, they must become invented even. The men *cannot* be seen as ruling, lest they be cut down by the selfsame pretext they themselves have used to cut down their neighbors, who came before them. An environment that selects for such men, who might rule through lie; such forms of power, that can be more occulted than others.

In such an environment, the most efficient, most elegant, most effective means of rulership, of accomplishing objectives, are constitutionally precluded (pun intended). A sovereign cannot simply, say, there will be such-and-such, a pretext must be confabulated first, which is hoped will incidentally also entail the such-and-such which was desired in the first place. Such which, of course, also entails all manner of externalities, side-effects, and unintended (‘unintended’) consequences.

Snowdensjacket says:

The lie must be invented as the man can not act when he knows he’s being ruled by another man. Hence Jesus the Christ, son of God, the man he can be ruled by while believing he still rules himself. Were he to be told the truth of his rule? He just becomes inert until another man comes along to sell him a new lie.

The evacuated need it. Imagine their panic if they no longer had it? Would they start to think? I say give them faith in a better world and tell them to follow Christ as best they can down the straight and narrow. Buy more stuff isn’t working out so well, build stuff is better. Better still be the king of your own world, and right now, just because you decided it.

How to make that world? Well one small step at a time I suppose.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Replace ‘the man’ with ‘I’, and I daresay an accurate statement has been made.

Snowdensjacket says:

I am already the king of my house. But a king alone, with no allies. Potential allies say ask my wife, wife says will you fuck me? Not going to go far if I’m fucking my potential allies wives, but if I can fuck their wives, then they aren’t very good allies.

The “elite” are very weak. Fuck their wives, and their wives destroy them from within. You don’t even have to as I’m an imposter to the true sex obsessed alpha, and not sex obsessed at all. But if they know you could, then they destroy their husbands. Out of hatred that he didn’t control her. A well deserved hate.

One of my saddest days was the day after I had spent a time, of my precious life, courting a valuable man. One day we meet, not planned, so Mrs is their playing her part for me. He looks at me and says, “I don’t mean to interfere with your mistress”

I told him no, that’s my wife. She played her part.

He then had a mental breakdown and I’m just counting the days until he kills himself. As this is what happens next. It always does.

I still have not met his wife, yet we both knew, if I did, we both knew what would happen.

The “elite” are no such thing. Do not deny their faith, they are true believers in baal. Mouth their words and watch as they sin and destroy themselves through that sin. A man is commanded to lead his wife.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You spend a lot of words on painting pictures you call yourself, but not a whole lot on talking about anything.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Let us discuss usury.

Mr.P says:

Tom Luongo has been spot-on about the Davos Crowd and dialed-in about the renewal of Color Revolution in Russia! Russia! Russia!

jim says:

A thread had to be deleted because it leaked too much information.

Restoring some of that thread:

Alexei Navalny is a Cathedral asset in Russia, who has no electoral support, no russian powerbase.

He has a US powerbase, and Washington seems to be moving with increasing vigor to install him in Russia, which can only be done by US military.

There were pretty big riots going on in Russia related with Navalniy with something like 3000 people arrested, NPR is talking favorably about him and anarchists are marching in the streets in support of him. My thinking is that our enemies want the civilized world to burn, and Putin seems to be holding Russia together, albeit by not very pleasant means, but still. If we get rid of Putin like we did with Saddam Hussain, how do we know that we won’t get another lawless hellhole?

My bullshit sensor is going off, who is Navalniy, is he some lefty trouble maker or is he legit?

Mr.P says:

Tom Luongo has been spot-on about the Davos Crowd and dialed-in about the renewal of Color Revolution in Russia! Russia! Russia!

Unapprove | Reply | Quick Edit | Ed

jim says:

Color revolution agent, powerbase is 100% US Hegemony, Soros owned ngos and academies, and presidential backing from the incoming US administration. No real powerbase in Russia.

Without armed US intervention in Russia, unlikely to amount to much.

The US is unlikely to make a conscious collective decision to invade Russia, but it lacks the cohesion to choose war or peace, so individual elements within the administration may well make warlike moves, recapitulating the events that led to the entirely unplanned and unintended World War I.

The color revolutionaries have immense confidence that action girl Shaniqua will make short work out of the horde of Russian mooks.

jim says:

No big riots – Cathedral invention.

But they will believe their own story and is possible that some of the more insane elements will attempt to do something to “protect” the rioters.

It is a long tail risk, but if something like that does not happen this time, and it probably will not, it will happen next time.

Cloudswrest says:
Ace says:

So after they execute Trump, will Q-Anon turn into a new Martyr religion?

I’m starting to see the first hard power justification to arrest Trump. If they don’t arrest him soon he’ll be running half the country and giving orders to GOP governors from the shadow white house atMar-a-Lago. That appears to be a real possibility though one unlikely to stand up to the air force being used against the GOP states. Cutting off oil and gas production is so quickly wasn’t a wise move by the Koopas in DC.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

He understood you just fine. He did not agree.

Pooch says:

Do the GOP governors care about Trump? Haven’t seen any of them mention him. The press seems to not even be mentioning Trump anymore, spending all its energy to attack Marjorie Taylor Greene now. Trump is no longer the right most public figure for them to attack.

Ace says:

The GOP is quietly approaching Trump for election help for 2022, the fact that electoral politics is over will probably hit the political elites last. Most of the GOP base have already accepted that it’s gone though they hope it can be brought back.

The attacks on Greene are a compliance test for the GOP. If the GOP publicly gives in to Dems will continue issuing orders and be publicly obeyed by the GOP. This of course will result in the quickening death of the GOP. The Democrats are working towards ending the GOP but in a manner so that the velvet glove isn’t seen removed from the Iron fist of power. They’ve already had issues with this, with much fewer than expected GOP senators backed the Dems on impeachment and those who have backed them are looking weaker for it. As the Democrats program to crush Red areas economically intensifies, those GOP traitors are in deep shit.

The GOP governors are going to need leaders as the Democrats work endless to destroy the economy in Red states. Trump sitting at the “Whitehouse” in Florida is a pretty obvious person to rally around. I’ve heard nothing about Trump exercising any formal or informal power, but I have seen deep staters worried about Trump running a shadow government with GOP states soon to start ignoring federal orders that are detrimental to their states. When you have a fraudulent installed government, people naturally stop obeying the law and force only gets you so far.

Again, I very much doubt anything besides the military crushing the Red states will result from this but we’re already seeing signs that the deep state isn’t going to be able to rule effectively and will lead the nation from one disaster to another. This however does increase the likelihood that Trump will be arrested in order to forestall this threat to the deep states power.

Pooch says:

The attacks on Greene are a compliance test for the GOP. If the GOP publicly gives in to Dems will continue issuing orders and be publicly obeyed by the GOP. This of course will result in the quickening death of the GOP.

Greene is an interesting case. She is further to the right than Trump and thus better for us and if she is not removed from Congress this is evidence that electoral politics is not dead.

If electoral politics is not dead in Congress, there is a path, as slim as it may be, to victory for a hard right faction to take power, legally, over the legislative branch and impeach whoever the President/VP is.

The Cominator says:

Electoral politics is dead on a state level…

Its possible however unlikely the Republicans get the house but that probably won’t matter much.

Pooch says:

Not in every state, just the states with big city fraud machines (which is a lot of them). Sounds crazy, but if Trump spends all his time rallying to primary practically every establishment GOP and replace them with a Majorie Greene-like candidate he probably could do it. The House is doable but the Senate would be hard to prevent Georgia-like Senate race fraud but not completely impossible. This is essentially the position the NSDAP was in before the 1930 election.

jim says:

The NSDAP (Nazi party as it was known before it finally won) was prepared to use methods that Trump chickened out of using.

If Trump had used those methods, if he had started preparation for using those methods years in advance, he would have won.

The NSDAP problem was that they were excluded from power by illegitimate means, albeit those means had a better veneer of legality than the means used to exclude Trumpism from power. And, from the beginning, they were willing to do what was needed to deal with a democracy that was self destructing.

Democracy in Germany was not killed by the Nazis. It died trying to keep the Nazis from winning fair and square. The Nazis thought they were resurrecting it, and initially endeavored to do so. I had hoped that the same might well happen in the US.

Pooch says:

Candidates like Majorie Greene seem to be well aware of the situation.

Pooch says:

Do you think if, from this point on, the America First coalition of candidates, using Majorie Greene as the example, could succeed being full prepared to use NSDAP tactics?

If Majorie Greene is not removed from Congress, it might be possible.

jim says:

No people.

The NSDAP had teams of young men who had built cohesion in street fighting.

For Trump to win, needed men who had built cohesion in Afghanistan.

The Trump administration was flailing from the beginning, which many people attributed to incompetence and inexperience, but in fact it was a result of enemy action from within.

And the Biden administration flailing worse and is even more afflicted by enemy action than the Trump administration, because incapable of acknowledging enemies as enemies, no enemies to the left.

This reflects the continuing and accelerating collapse of elite cohesion, which in England started in 1832 as a result of the earlier successful entryism of Socinians into the education system and Church of England. If the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, the election of 1832 was lost in the sermons of Eton, and in America, the war of Northern Aggression began in the sermons of Harvard.

This collapse initially took a different form in America, as a conflict between the states, rather than within the capital. But now we do not have any elite cohesion anywhere, so our situation is more analogous to England’s.

The situation needs a president who has people, as Hitler had people. Young men who developed cohesion in street combat or warfare, since unfortunately our schools have emasculated team sports.

If you have elite schools, the sons of elite should only have to compete with other sons of the elite. Then you get active participation in mock combat by members of the elite, which generates small group elite cohesion, which can be used, as in the military, to construct large group cohesion. Putting blacks into sports (at which they tend to be naturally better than whites) closed off this avenue to build elite cohesion. Cheering for a team full of big blacks who are chronologically the same age as oneself, but biologically three years older, culturally alien, and too stupid to understand complex English sentences builds elite incohesion.

The war in the vendee was made possible by congregational cohesion – teams of people who regularly attended the same Church and participated in the same rituals. We lack an equivalent.

Pooch says:

The NSDAP had teams of young men who had built cohesion in street fighting.

Proud Boys. To my surprise, seemed to be more than enough to take control of the streets of DC overwhelming the police and Antifa while the election was in dispute. Likely, quite a few Afghan/Iraq vets among their ranks.

From what I hear now, they have fed infiltration problems among the leadership and are likely to be cracked down on hard. Not sure how they can be used going forward, but it seems the beginnings of a paramilitary is there if given competent leadership by The Party.

jim says:

Yes, Trump needed to build and reach out to the Proud Boys. Failed to do so.

And needed to recruit them into his administration, needed to recruit a street fighting team as a team into an administration team. Because people who can rely on each other matter more than people with experience and skills.

Theshadowedknight says:

I think you underestimate the amount of time that cohesion would take to form. In boot camp it happens within weeks, and we have had years of screaming and abuse from the left. After just a few fights, the right would cohere into local mannerbunds. Once you have the local men organized, the leaders, all of whom frequent similar online spaces, would begin to cohere as part of national organization schemes. With competent leadership, using Antifa as a guide, you could have a nationwide network of street thugs within a couple of months.

jim says:

I think you meant to say “overestimate”.

But without cohesion, nothing can be done.

The NSDAP did not win in street battles, but by having a shadow administration full of teams that had formed cohesion in street battles and in real war. They won in the street battles the way Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.

In the long run, we are going to need an education system that builds small scale elite cohesion in team sports, and large scale elite cohesion in a uniform state religion, but in the short run, what the Proud Boys have is a lot better than nothing at all, which is what our enemies have, as is suddenly revealed by the chaos of the Biden administration.

But, for Proud Boy cohesion to be an instrument to take power, the shadow government cannot be a bunch of GOP fund raisers using the Proud Boys. It would have to be a shadow government of teams of people who are Proud Boys, whose team cohesion derives directly from Proud Boy team cohesion.

You can’t do $#!% without a cohesive elite, and right now it is suddenly revealed that no one has a cohesive elite. We thought our enemies had a cohesive elite in the inner party and the deep state, but they do not.

Theshadowedknight says:

Jim, you are correct. I meant to say either that you underestimate how easily cohesion forms or that you overestimate the time needed, and just mashed it together.

The right, possibly the populist wing of the GOP or a new party, could get men in the streets in six months. After that, you have another six months of punching leftists in the face, possibly even police. That puts them in place to get selected for runs in 2022, giving them a year to cause havoc and beat ass. Then in 2022 you pull a bunch of the remaining leaders into the new GOP and start grooming them for leadership. Run operations through the 2024 elections, including doing whatever is necessary to ensure that the right is in control of as much of the voting as possible.

Then the election. They throw your observers out? Your street gangs show up and kick down the doors; throw this out. Judge makes a bad ruling? Let him enforce it. Media screams? Beat them up and harass them at home until they learn to keep their mouths shut. Police arrest your men? Ambush a couple patrols and strip them naked except for the vest. Humiliate them until they give up.

Of course this will never happen because the right has no leaders and no balls. But as a thought experiment, it’s interesting. Remember, the right is more authoritarian and more organized as a general rule. They are not the degenerate rabble of scumbags that makes up Antifa, so they would fall in line much faster.

jim says:

The right leadership has no balls, and has no balls because no cohesion. They cannot trust each other to have each other’s backs.

A Proud Boy leadership, electoral team and shadow government would have balls.

Pooch says:

Of course this will never happen because the right has no leaders and no balls. But as a thought experiment, it’s interesting. Remember, the right is more authoritarian and more organized as a general rule. They are not the degenerate rabble of scumbags that makes up Antifa, so they would fall in line much faster.

No, the elected right has no balls. The GOP “right” as it stands today selects for cucks and cowards. Men of virtue are screened out. It is an interesting thought experiment. As we’ve seen with the Trump, the president is just a figure head and really doesn’t have much power. The main power is in the legistrative branch. Oh you want to cheat and steal the presidential election? That’s fine we’ll autoimpeach whoever you try to install.

Even though they won by mass fraud, the GOP controlled every lever of power from state legislatures all the way up to Pence himself. It’s interesting to think what would happen if instead of GOP cowards controlling all these positions, it was Proud Boys/America First candidates.

Pooch says:

Police arrest your men? Ambush a couple patrols and strip them naked except for the vest. Humiliate them until they give up.

The mob showed us (and continue to show us in Italy) that the police are easily bribed.

Theshadowedknight says:

Fair enough, I should have specified that this is talking about how the political right can relatively quickly size power. Yes, it is really only the leadership that is spineless and neutered, but this isn’t going to start without leadership from the right. In order to organize in such a rapid fashion it would require that the leadership on the right be willing to shit in the punch bowl at these DC parties. They won’t, so any resistance/militia elite will take significantly longer to develop.

The rest of the right is clearly not a bunch of cowards. We see the Proud Boys willing to own the streets, and even the moral courage of the right is far greater in the common man than in his leaders. In order to direct and develop that bravery, however, they would need to politicians to back them, and that isn’t going to happen.

Theshadowedknight says:

The police are part of the old regime. Better to make them bleed. You want to replace them with more politically reliable forces, anyway. Better to hurt the credibility of the regime by attacking and humiliating its organs of force.

Pooch says:

Yeah good point. Likely to force a few defections that way too when they see which way the wind is blowing.

Ace says:

You want to replace them with more politically reliable forces, anyway. Better to hurt the credibility of the regime by attacking and humiliating its organs of force.

Interestingly I saw a tweet about a bunch of FBI agents who got themselves killed during a no nock raid for some sort of child porn case. Half the commenters were happy about their deaths and they referred to them by various Soviet secret police names. No love lost of the cops on the right these days.

Joe says:

the sons of elite should only have to compete with other sons of the elite

Bulls***. An elite that only competes with itself becomes stagnant and degenerate, as every “elite” person that exists today is. I see no “elites” engaging in street battles with diversity and police. The “elites” that we see around us are cowards to a man, and will cuck out again, and again, and again, abandoning their supporters time after time, until someone who is not of the elite forces them to act.

I have seen what counts as “elite” today, and I am not impressed.

Furthermore, to someone from the outside, this post sounds like just another “f*** you, I got mine” boomerism, dressed up in a fancy veneer of beautiful words and eloquent phrases.

team full of big blacks

Of course. That the elite should not turn into an inbred and degenerate bunch of mock-combat rule-sticklers does not conversely mean that they should have to share a playing field with animals.

the shadow government cannot be a bunch of GOP fund raisers using the Proud Boys. It would have to be a shadow government of teams of people who are Proud Boys

The right leadership has no balls, and has no balls because no cohesion. They cannot trust each other to have each other’s backs.

A Proud Boy leadership, electoral team and shadow government would have balls.


jim says:

Plenty of elite in the Proud Boys. Just using other identities.

Joe says:

Elite is character, not birthright, and every king in every line of kings has an ancestor who was just a man but who did what had to be done when the time came and everyone else turned away.

Joe says:

Plenty of elite in the Proud Boys. Just using other identities.

They lost.

jim says:

Proud Boys won, in the sense that they only conceded to the cops because cops were legitimate authority, and made short work of antifa when the cops stood back.

Joe says:


jim says:

Electoral politics died on 2020 November the fourth. On 2021 January the sixth, Trump chickened out of doing what would be necessary to resurrect it.

Karl says:

If you phrase it that way, I’m almost glad Trump cucked.

Good thing that electoral policts is dead.

qwerty says:

>If they don’t arrest him soon he’ll be running half the country and giving orders to GOP governors from the shadow white house atMar-a-Lago.

Lol. Nobody wants to take orders from a loser. It’s over, please go to drug rehab for your copium addiction.

Ace says:

I was quoting a deep stater worried about Trump, you dickless shill. And what they’re looking at is the overwhelming number of Trump supporters who still support him. He’d make a good figurehead/rallying point, which is why he’s likely to be arrested and executed.

suones says:

Shilling an artistic creation I liked. If any Americans like it, please buy it (no affiliation of mine, I just really liked it and posted a short review on my blog).

clovis says:

lol I saw this on Anglin’s website

suones says:

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.

Recently I was thinking a lot about aesthetics as a political weapon. Well, I really fucking don’t want things like this to become rightist aesthetics. I would want rather something like this: even though it has no political message at all and the poor composer would probably be horrified learning that “Nazis” like his stuff, but that kind of aesthethics carries IMHO very much the right kind of message.

Ace says:

Trump’s going to argue about election fraud at his impeach trial. He appears to have not caved in:

I don’t know if this is good or bad for us, but it shows he still has balls.

yewotm8 says:

Maybe he still thinks elections are a thing and that he can run in and win an election at a later date.

European Mutt says:

The way he tweeted before the 6th that’s unlikely. At least once he tweeted something like “Republicans will never win an election again” (I don’t remember the exact phrasing). He can’t be more normalcy-biased now, can he? Unless he’s deluding himself but then I have no sympathy for him.

Pooch says:

He clearly thinks he can still be some sort of power broker for the GOP to win the House in the midterms which indicates normalcy bias. Not sure if he actually plans on running in 2024 though.

Pooch says:

It’s good if only because he can talk directly to these GOP cuck Senators and make them realize they literally have no future in elections and no future in this country period until they realize we are in a war. If and when they crucify Trump for speaking the truth that only makes the case stronger. If a pro-America faction of the elite (like Hawley/Cruz) can emerge from this we might have a chance at stopping the holiness spiral sooner rather than later.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:


jim says:

Again, poor advice to Trump and the Trumpist movement.

I would debate it if I felt it came from an unwise Trumpist, but I think it comes from someone who wants and wanted Trumpism to lose, and wants Trump to act like a good loser in a fair election.

I silently delete your stock market posts because you claim to have made a killing selling shorts, but obviously have never done any options trading and have never attempted to open an options account.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Believe what you will about my attitude toward Trump, it no longer matters. But I am very curious why you believe this about me on the financial side. Obviously, posting screenshots or details from my portfolio would be self-doxing, and would be easy to fake anyway, so feel free to ask me any questions you like.

I’ve been trading stocks since the early 2000s and options since 2006-7 or so, and lost my own shirt in the crisis of 2008, at which time I was mostly using the very naive stupid strategy of just buying long options and occasional straddles as pure speculative bets. I learned from my mistakes, which is the only reason I even care to post on this subject – because I see people having the exact same kinds of discussions and making the same kinds of mistakes as I saw on the old finance message boards in the 2008 era. I’ve introduced well over a dozen peers offline to options trading and showed them how to use it mainly for safe hedges and occasional passive income generation (same as what Cominator does, more or less).

Normally you engage with people before silently deleting their posts, so I must have hit a nerve. I really can’t imagine why, when I was telling people to take up short positions at GME $300+ and others were talking about “buying the dip” at $200, and I warned people off the AMC bet when others were shilling it. I’ve been right about everything so far, have I not? If not, could you please tell me where you think I erred, or gave poor advice intended to hurt people?

jim says:

You claimed to have profitably ridden a short down. You cannot make a profit riding a short down, unless it is naked. You don’t sound like an experienced and wealthy stock trader, and naked shorting is reserved for the few. Your posts do not sound like the voice of one of those few.

You assume new, and mutually inconsistent, identities at the drop of a hat, without bothering to research the background and style of those identities. You don’t sound like a Trumpist, and you don’t sound like an options trader.

Well I don’t sound like an options trader either, but I am not authorized to short naked, and would never short naked anyway, not being an insider.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

At no point did I ever claim to have shorted the stock. I never short stocks


jim says:

You have so many different versions of who you are that you cannot keep them all straight.

And in the material I deleted, you were doing an ludicrously bad job of pretending to be an options trader.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:


jim says:

We are both accurately and correctly reporting the current state of Trumpism, but while it is depressing to me, your are only pretending to be depressed, and recommend Trumpist tactics that would depress me even more.

Friendly Fedposter says:


jim says:

Had I received this suggestion from an ally that I believed wanted our cause to win, I would reply doubting the wisdom of it.

But I suspect that the foolish and suicidal nature of the suggestion reflects ill intent, so not interested in discussing it.

The Cominator says:

Jim there is early stage chatter on biz and WSB about buying silver, since we’re in for stagflation at best under Biden and Cameltoe (and potentially much worse) and its still early on the silver thing what do you think of buying the PSLV etf on Monday? How quickly will government/central bank fuckery come… it will come eventually but maybe not before the price goes up a lot already.

I don’t like futures because the leverage is murder and you have to be perfect right on the timing so I don’t have a futures account…

Pooch says:

Be careful. Silver could just be a shill pump scheme (like dodgecoin) for the hedge funds to get people off GME. They’ve refused to cash out of their shorts of GME and accept their losses so the GME squeeze is still very much in play. Or silver might be a legit play I don’t know.

The Cominator says:

The thing with these rushes is you want to be early not late, I was too late to gamestop and I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole at current prices.

What I want to know is how quickly Jim thinks Cathedral fuckery will come to try to hold down the silver price if there is a stampede into it… which I think there will be.

Pooch says:

I might buy the dip of GME if it drops to 200 for a share or two. Everything else seems like a distraction. The shorters are still naked and The Redditors are trying to fuck them as much as possible by continuing to hodl.

Pooch says:

I don’t see a huge crash of GME unless ppl are forced to sell en masse. It’s a game of chicken at this point because all the hodlers can see the shorters can’t cover unless the short percentage drops significantly. The hedge funds are trying to out wait them.

jim says:

We are still waiting, decades later, for the London Metals Exchange to deliver all that tin that they shorted.

Pooch says:

Yes same thing likely to happen here.

Pooch says:

The only difference I see though, is the Hedge funds may actually try to deliver on their shorts but only after using manipulation tactics through the brokerages (disabling the buy button) to crash the price. They did that Thursday when RH halted buying and it crashed to 110. Some of them convienantly cashed out at that point but then when the halt was lifted people bought it up again up to 300 which I don’t think the hedge funds were expecting.

jim says:

Crypto currency is eating the financial system.

The news on silver, therefore, is likely a shill pump scheme.

The Cominator says:

Between holy solar subsidies and extreme stagflation (I mean before they progress to full blown communism) to a degree the dollar’s reserve status is in jeopardy…

You don’t think thats bullish for commodities in general and precious metals in particular.

Pooch says:

Dollar won’t lose reserve status until US military starts losing battles or countries like Hungry/Poland start leaving NATO and flip to Russian protection.

The Cominator says:

That could be next week with these morons…

Mike in Boston says:

It would take real skill for USG to lose Poland. The Poles over a certain age irrationally hate Russians. The ones under that age are unreasonably woke.

I hold out more hope that Hungary will fend off Globohomo. Orban, more so than even Putin, seems to understand the need for a strong organization with a deep bench.

Pooch says:

As the dollar drops, Jim is saying invest in Bitcoin. Crypto is the currency of the future when the collapse hits. Not precious metals.

The Cominator says:

Yes but crypto is like Highlander, in the end there can be only one. And we don’t know what it is…

Jim wants to work on the one and I will eagerly invest in the one when Jim unveils what he thinks it is… but for now I like the barbarous relics and particularly the more shorted barbarous relic.

Ace says:

With Crypto there might end up being multiple currencies. One for a long term value store(something like bitcoin) and something fast for everyday transactions that’s less trustworthy. The thing I fear is we get stuck with Bitcoin as it currently stands the same way we’re still stuck with email and it’s endless spam.

jim says:

It is a big project – bitcoin was minimalist, and the missing bits are hurting, and though they could be added on, as security and anti spam was ad hoc added to email, the result will be messy and problematic – the bitcoin lightning network, which essential for anonymity that scales, being messy, ad hoc, and problematic.

For a long time bitcoin was just a cryptic command line. I, at least, have a BIPs UI. Which is kind of hard to shoe horn into the Bitcoin design, though people have now done it.

I have a BIPs wallet, sort of, but you cannot actually do anything with it. I have a consensus algorithm, though it is pre alpha, only very preliminary, and I have what intend to be the foundation – Zooko name system, at least in alpha. But a Zooko name system is useless without a chat system, and none of these big projects are going to get financed without a crypto currency. Which I do not have, though I have a few bits and pieces. I have a small amount of code and UI, and mighty big design document.

The primary advantage of the design is scalability. A peer network of home computers can do six thousand transactions per second, VISA scale. But that is no advantage until people *are* doing six thousand transactions per second. The second advantage of the design is that you message people with money, rather than communicating over an enemy owned network and then sending cash to an account number. So when you send the money, that signs the linked messages to the recipient, and when he accepts the money, that signs his messages that you have linked then (which until then are mutable and deniable). The messages remain private, but the that money was transferred between crypto coins is as public as bitcoin, and in a sense, even more public, since the peer, though not the actual party holding the secret, is identified on the blockdag) – but the fix for that is a lightning network done right.

This is intended to support triple entry accounting and the corporate form on the network. Regular state created corporations are dying of corporate cancer, and the ICOs and dearth of IPOs reveal a huge unmet demand for an alternative. And the alternative I intend is sovereign corporations.

Which will require a bunch of features that are only worth adding when the currency is actually useful as currency and social platform.

Any currency that is truly proof of stake is already a sovereign corporation, but there is a lot of corporate functionality that is unavailable to it without triple entry accounting. Which is going to come in last, after money, chat, and cross chain transactions. A true corporation needs accounts, so that the CEO can be held responsible to the board, and the board to the shareholders. And after the currency becomes a true corporation, after there is one true sovereign corporation, then there will be many true sovereign corporations.

At some point, probably a year or so, it will be in a state where I can invite other people to help me work on it. But it still will only be a marginally useful prototype system. But then Bitcoin still is a prototype system. This is designed to be functional as complete world economy and chat system.

Crypto currency is taking over the financial system, but it is blocked by a bitcoin network that can only do ten transactions per second. That, right now, is the killer obstacle that is keeping fiat money in existence and preventing crypto currency from taking over.

The reason why IPOs have gone away is not just that Sarbanes Oxley accounting is expensive, it is that people are increasingly disinclined to believe Sarbanes Oxley accounts.

Ace says:

At some point, probably a year or so, it will be in a state where I can invite other people to help me work on it. But it still will only be a marginally useful prototype system. But then Bitcoin still is a prototype system. This is designed to functional as world economy and chat system.

I’d be keen to help when you get to that point, but I’m probably way below your level. The difference between an average programmer and a good programmer is quite large. I’ve generally been rated as a very good programmer but it’s mostly because I swim in and out of small ponds with a pretty broad skill set, I’ve seldom done something very in-depth and larger than a 6 month project.

I might as well study up on existing crypto implementations along with the rest of the extra studying I’m doing. With the US going the way it is, I need to build some extra skills for getting a job outside the country. My long term job prospects and future retirement plans no longer seem secure.

Pooch says:

With or without Jim’s project, crypto and blockchain is good tech to get into anyway job prospect wise. Plenty of job openings if you know it. Chase is about to release or already has a crypto wallet and many of the banks/investment corps are following suit. I’m planning on going that route too and I hope to contribute to Jim’s tech when the time comes.

Mister Grumpus says:

I for one am excited and encouraged by the intellectual asymmetry at work here. I can’t throw or tackle myself, but when my home football team takes the field and is clearly stronger and faster than the other, I get all oh-goodie-goodie-goodie.

This crypto stuff is wrecking shit left and right and the people in charge can’t even spell it.

Can you imagine anyone smart enough to make a real contribution to this… crypto stuff… being willing to work on the other side of it, to undermine it? Who entry’s this field without dropping out because his colleagues/proto-victims can’t stand him?

Zuckerberg himself wrote, ages ago, about how the very best programmers can only tolerate working with the very best programmers. They’d rather go live in a Burmese Wifi teepee than have to explain what they’re doing to Shaniqua, no matter what she’s paying.

Mister Grumpus says:

You know my competency in these matters (minimal), but just philosophically, watch out for the perfect being the enemy of the good enough.

Notice how Bitcoin, as minimalist as it is, has done its job of getting this whole crypto thing off the ground in the minds of the public. Someone incredibly far-seeing knew he had to get something good enough out the dot when he did, and did so. You gotta kick the ball out first.

So don’t give yourself any grief if you find you need to release a feature set, sooner, that’s only a sub-set of what you really think it should be, if it gets the ball further down-field, and crucially brings the people down-field along with it. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow after all.

jim says:

On this, Satoshi was right and I was wrong. It was vitally important to get a prototype out there that worked, regardless of design flaws, regardless of any problems that were going to bite when it succeeded. He was correct to not let the good be the enemy of the goodenough.

But today, the world is tilting to going full crypto currency, and is being stopped by the issues that I foresaw at the time.

What is triple entry accounting and how could that be implemented on top of a currency system i.e. payment system, when tracking payments is just single-entry accounting?

That is, when a laptop retailer company bought ten laptops, they might book nine of them into Trade Goods as they gonna sell them and book one into Fixed Assets because they will use them in the office. This is sort of what makes double-entry accounting what it is, I mean, one aspect of it, it is not the whole of it of curse. And the payment processor, like the bank, has no idea about this and should have no idea about this, because this is a business secret.

jim says:

Triple entry accounting means that journal entries consist of items digitally signed by the two entities that they represent movement of value between, and rendered immutable by a blockdag, with that blockdag being maintained by, and known only to, the people whose books are affected by the journal entry. Book totals are calculated on the fly, rather than at the end of each accounting period.

I said, and Moldbug said, that proof of stake currency is a corporation, and it is, but a corporation cannot operate without books and journals so that the board can hold the CEO accountable, and the shareholders the board accountable. The corporation is built on top of double entry bookkeeping.

And double entry book keeping is dying the way science and Christianity died, for the same reasons.

The objective is to move corporations off state sponsored identity, and onto blockdag identity, so that not only the currency blockdag is a sovereign corporation, but we have many, many sovereign corporations – which does not mean that the entirety of their books is going to be visible to everyone.

The currency is shares in a corporation, and to function properly that corporation will have to keep books, though initially we will just do stuff ad hoc. But that corporation will not be keeping everyone’s books, just its own. It will have, however, provide the software and infrastructure for each sovereign corporation to keep its own books in a similar manner.

jim says:

When a transaction occurs between two parties, a portion of both of their journal entries blockdags is placed under a cryptographic lock, and their books should only be summed up to the locked entry. When the lock is released, their books can be summed past that entry, and portion of each party’s books that relates to transactions to each other are in agreement, and the journal entries related to that book heading have the same hash for both parties up to the next lock, guaranteeing consistency for the books of dispersed and separate entities, reducing, though not eliminating, the role of trust in bookeeping. The mechanism only works for entities with a continuing relationship to each other. Cash transactions are one off.

Triple entry accounting does nothing to stop people from defecting on a relationship, hence is largely irrelevant to cashlike payments, but it does mean that in a continuing financial relationship, defection becomes visible to the counterparty almost immediately, rather than a week or a month after the end of an accounting period.

Enron’s scam was in large part dependent on the large gaps between accounting periods.


>I said, and Moldbug said, that proof of stake currency is a corporation

I hope you don’t mean it in the sense that the currency is one corporation, that would dystopian, the Soviet economic model taken to the maximum.

>with that blockdag being maintained by, and known only to, the people whose books are affected by the journal entry

OK that sounds more like a lot of little corporations, every transaction or every customer-vendor relation triggering a new corporation.

Or more like it sounds like the currency itself is a corporation because it has shareholders, but the transactions create corporations in the sense of accounting entities.

So the idea of one corporation ruling the global market as far as payments go sounds still dystopian to me. Is it part of your design plan to make it easy to fork the coin, to set up a lot of competing coins?

There is a fundamental difference between a corporation and a government, that which difference the idea of the sovereign corporation kind of muddles. Corporations are for creating goods, and competition makes creating goods more efficient. According to Hoppe, governments are for creating bads, and competition in government makes it more efficient at creating bads. This is another way of putting the stationary vs. roving bandit problem. We can see this both at the national competition for government, democracy or civil war, and international competition for government, war and cathedralism, all are pretty efficient at producing bads.

This corporation is for producing goods, sovereign or not sovereign. Therefore, there should be competition to make it more efficient at that.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

Hoppe has done a lot of good for libertarianism, but his account of government is ahistorical. Throughout most of recorded history, governments can and did run “crown corporations” at a profit and were often quite good at it.

There is no magic that makes governments create bad. It is revolutionary government that it as at fault – democracy and democracy-adjacent systems, not government in general.

Governments create bad, because everybody creates bad, the idea is to find the least bad. Everybody creates bad in the sense that tribes just love to attack, defeat, kill, loot and enslave neighboring tribes. That is the state of nature, not man against man, but tribe against tribe.

The way kingdoms emerge – just look at the Franks – is the idea of snowballing. A terminology taken from Paradox grand strategy games. If you defeat the neighboring tribe but treat them relatively decently and manage to add their troops to yours, you have a bigger army and more easily defeat other tribes, add them to your troops etc. Eventually the expansion stops because someone else was snowballing his own empire farther away, but you still need your troops because the other king or emperor covets your throne, meaning you have to treat them decently, else they defect.

So intertribal violence emerges into something less bad. But good government is still based on the idea that no one can afford to piss of his own troops too much. The instinct to kill, loot and enslave is still there, just much limited by rational self-interest.

This is the sort of thing I talk about when I call human nature bad. War is the father of all in the sense of the primitive war, of killing, looting and enslaving the neighboring tribe is the father of all, and then everything else, everything civilized is sort of game theory built upon that.

Pooch says:
The Cominator says:

If citadel owns silver and the government seems to determined to bail them out based on bribes then maybe they’ll let the silver price rise… at least for a while.

Pooch says:

If it’s just a pump and dump gotta make sure you time it right.

The Cominator says:

Not just a pump and dump, commodities do better in times of stagflation than anything else does. And if the dollar losses reserve status precious metals will do extremely well…

But temporarily the government can create “dumps” by various means of fuckery… though it probably will still trend up.

Mister Grumpus says:

My best guess is that this Gamestop thing, and wherever it goes next, will be dressed up as anti-semitic MAGA wrecker-kulaks ganging up to crash the economy for Shaniqua somehow. Dog scratches, fleas most affected.

The fact that it’s even on the news at all is giving me the willies.

I’m still a tinfoiler at heart. A frenzy of thrashing retards, and I’m still looking for the super-villain master plan that ties it all together. I tire even myself.

suones says:

That didn’t take long…

Myanmar military takes control of country after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Burmese military are, or at least used to be, Chinese clients. So this is probably China flexing against the Atlantic Empire. The “official” narrative, which for years has been that Daw Suu Kyi is enabling Muslim genocide, is now in a state of flux, where it is simultaneously being alleged that it were the Army that were the real genocidaires all along. It’ll take some time to get resolved.

Yet, this is a sign of China considering the Atlantic Empire weak at the fringes. US now has to succeed at color-revolution in Thailand before it goes Chinese too.

jim says:

Thailand has its own state religion, which seems quite healthy. It has a long tradition of paying nominal tribute the empire while remaining de-facto quietly independent.

The Chinese hegemony seems more inclined to let them be, than the American hegemony, which wants to impose its own state religion.

So if the US pushes too hard for color revolution, Thailand needs to switch teams.

I kind of fail to see how a state that is okay with selling underage “ladyboys” to gay Western tourists could have a healthy state religion. It flat out violates the third Buddhist moral precept, to refrain from sexual misconduct. If the state religion had any strength, they would ban it in a second.

It also does not say good things about the state of masculinity there. Any normal man should be reaching for his knife when he thinks about rich foreigners fucking local boys.

jim says:

Oddly, no shortage of masculinity in Thailand. The ladyboys have failed out of the male social system.

ten says:

The traditional east asian solution to buggery is that they keep it under the carpet and proceed unmolested. Because of sex tourism, the thai carpet is very large and has entire blocks dedicated to whoredom and sodomy – but outside those blocks you don’t see much of it. Their solution seems to be working still.

And thai people who thoroughly enjoy this compartmentalized degeneracy don’t seem to want to expand or deterritorialize the compartments. It doesn’t make sense to me, but thailand has had a frothing brothel for an underbelly for ages before western and middle eastern sex tourism, and they have been doing markedly ok anyway, despite their proximity to way smarter chinese and various colonial enterprises. It’s a weird case.

The Cominator says:

This is the reactionary solution to degeneracy, compartmentalize it away from the rest of society. Need to keep gays away from young boys though.

Underage was a poor choice of words on my side. What I meant is that I have gays on the record bragging they fuck *pre-puberty* boys in Thailand.

jim says:

They fuck underage bastards in Thailand. Fucking a man’s son would likely be fatal. It is not fatal here, and if you object, your children will likely be seized by child protective services and you will probably lose your house.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Much truth in what you wrote and that I deleted, but I deleted it anyway, for it is written from the frame that you are successful with women and family, and, just as you don’t sound Christian, or even very familiar with Christianity, you don’t sound very familiar with game.

I will not ask you to pass the Starman test, for I know you would pass. You obviously do not have a human resources department breathing down your neck. You are not shilling for a paycheck.

But your game related material is as bullshit as your crypto currency related material. Suones knows Hinduism, and he knows India. Post about what you know, from the frame of the person you actually are.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Expertise in game should not be claimed, but demonstrated. You cannot actually demonstrate game over the internet, and it is primarily non verbal anyway, but one can give sound analysis of interactions.

Suppose your wife is out with the girls. You video call her, supposedly to say hello, see her, and see what she is up to, actually to make sure that the girls are doing something innocent. She does not pick up. You call her again. No pickup. She is late returning home, later than she indicated she would be.

What then?

Cloudswrest says:

*Starman* test. I’m dying, LOL.

c4ssidy says:

I had very good success recently by dragging a girl out of a public place in front of a crowed of stunned onlookers, holding her thin wrist . She is thin and light and short, and it was like handling a child. Despite her genuinely trying hard as possible to dig her heels into the ground, it is surely even more fun for her than it was for me. The world would be such a better place if schools taught young men to be like this from the start. A 20 year old me would never have dreamed it possible to forcibly evict someone from a public area with zero legal consequences and nothing but adoration from the target , but here we are, and I know it’s all about the birth rates and not for fun, and there is always some risk, but the journey is pretty damn fun. Makes me almost wish that I had more excuses for dragging. I wish I knew how to treat women earlier but count my blessings for discovering Jim, because some men never do

Ace says:


It’s amazing what you can get away with when you do it with confidence and conviction.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

Right answer, sort of, but I somehow I just don’t believe you. If you had actually done that stuff in real life, you would not describe it like that. You describe marital game the way progressives imagine it playing out.

In real life a woman is not “terrified” of a strong man, but happily nestles under his thumb, secured by his authority. That he might, under certain circumstances, drop her in the ocean, makes her feel safe, not frightened.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

That is quite sound advice on game, and not advice that someone under the supervision of an HR department could have given.

But it does not sound quite the way it would sound from someone who had actually lived it.

Aidan MacLear says:

Catamitism is a form of quarantine or containment strategy when the gay becomes endemic to a society. The biggest problem with buggery is that it erodes male cohesion, so many societies develop a special caste of boy for fags to fuck, with homosexuality becoming taboo outside of that containment zone. Thailand is intolerant of homosexuality between adult males- if you are a fag, you are socially expected to get your dick chopped off and live as a ladyboy. It does not solve endemic faggotry, but it keeps it away from power centers and institutions.

ten says:

Didn’t read this before replying above, you see it as i see it, but you made more sense of it.

suones says:

You good folks explained it before I could. Old world “acceptance” of buggery is akin to our “acceptance” of malaria — it’s a natural phenomenon that can’t be eradicated completely. The solution is to keep mosquitoes/sodomites out of positions of power and virtue.

Indian buggers/tranners are expected to chop off their penises (they call it “nirvana” no less) and live with feminine mannerisms as a separate “hijra” caste. Thus we have had little or no problem with these for around 4000 years. Some hijras may be very accomplished indeed, but they remain hijras.

Pooch says:

This tweet seems to conflict that, that it was Aung San getting too close with CCP not the military.

European Mutt says:

The “official” narrative, which for years has been that Daw Suu Kyi is enabling Muslim genocide

They used to love her in 2007 when they instigated the first color revolution. One color revolution is seldom enough…

Does anybody know a little bit about the country and tell me whether it’s likely she won through fraud (I would guess yes, just because nowadays there is probably not a single country with honest elections left, maybe Switzerland)? In that case their military has more integrity than the “Leader of the Free World”. Fun times we live in.

Friendly Fedposter says:

I could actually answer your questions on Thailand elections and history and causes. Because I keep track of them and have Thai connections.

But I wont. Because Jim would just delete it and write a smart ass remark.

jim says:

I suspect you would be giving us the Official Cathedral history of Thai elections and causes.

What matters in Thailand is not elections, but that the military and the state religion have some life in them. “Elections and causes” are a Cathedral frame of events in Thailand.

jim says:

What has happened is that Trump made a real effort to work through the system, which has collapsed, and turned into a fleece the GPO voter operation.

Which fleece the GPO voter operating is bringing in unprecedented amounts of money – which money is entirely useless.

Trump got a surprising number of good people in good posts, but nothing much was accomplished, no real power, each of them faced the same obstacles as Trump himself faced, and now their actions, such as they were are being swiftly undone.

Trump had normalcy bias, and his people had worse normalcy bias – people aware of the actual situation were excluded and bypassed.

Since they were operating in the wrong reality, unable to accomplish much.

This was not initially a scam, it was the real thing, but it has turned into a scam.

Trumpism was real, but running into a roadblock due to normalcy bias, is now a scam. Trump’s political operation is now being run in a way that indicates its operatives have given up hope of accomplishing anything.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Biden declaiming ‘force can never be used to overturn an election’ in response to the events in Myanmar (while rejoining it with the fun his handlers got up to in december of course), is a perfect expression of a degenerate priestly class declaring it’s own supremacy.

If you stuff the ballot, and people say the ‘votes’ are meaningless, and that you are a bad man for rigging such a farce in the first place, you may merely reply, ‘elections can never be overturned by force’. Priestly power over warrior (or merchant) power.

Westerner says:

Jim, so everything you talk about with the accelerating shift leftward towards an inevitable collapse or a halt by a Cromwell or a Stalin seems to be constantly repeated throughout history and you seem to predict that this will be the case in the United States. The United States, however, is a very heterogeneous nation with a fairly weak central government and while the Cathedral is clearly far to the left, it seems that more and more people are deviating from the mainstream way of thinking. With a populous so well-armed, divided, and seemingly not scared to fight, as seem by the storming of the Capitol, is it not more likely to see extreme balkanization and division instead of a true leftist takeover? What are your thoughts on the matter?

jim says:

Cannot fight without a leader.

Not seeing any strong local leaders.

Gedeon says:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism”

Nothing above offers any actual comfort, but these things take time, fester and if the cathedral was all-powerful Donald J. Trump would have never been POTUS even for a season.

As the current situation stands, the optimist scenario is that POTUS Trump signed a “PEAD” before leaving office and he litigates Navarro’s report and the election receipts beginning next week. This is one plausible explanation for the absurd utilization of executive orders issued by the titular head of a party that at least nominally controls every branch of our federal government. It would also better explain the militarization of DC under Trump’s admin when the DC National Guard is subordinate to the POTUS. It would also explain the extreme effort to silence anyone who dares to speak a whisper about the fraudulent election outcome.

jim says:

What I am seeing is total disarray in the Trump camp, and equally total disarray in the Biden camp. We should not be looking for clever plans in either place.

Karl says:

Even if they overcome disarray, there is still normalcy bias to overcome. Long way to go

Ace says:

Nothing above offers any actual comfort, but these things take time, fester and if the cathedral was all-powerful Donald J. Trump would have never been POTUS even for a season.

The Cathedral drank their own cool-aid in 2016 and were surprised by the results. They spent the next 4 years making sure Trump could barley do anything while rigging the 2018 and 2020 elections to the moon.

The cathedral is ruling poorly because their cohesion is gone and the only thing that united them for a short while was removing Trump from the Whitehouse. Now they’re stuck with half the population knowing that elections are rigged and the wheels are really starting to come off the car.

Because they’re a stupid and degenerate elite, their default response to people knowing the score is massive oppression, hoping that they can sweep it back under the rug. Very dumb idea if you want people to buy into a shared delusion about elections being free and fair. Baring that, genocide is on the table with Trump likely the first victim of their reign of terror.

It would also better explain the militarization of DC under Trump’s admin when the DC National Guard is subordinate to the POTUS.

If the DC national guard answered to Republicans who are officially in power then Trump wouldn’t have had to pull up regular army troops to stop the BLM/Antifa siege of the Whitehouse.

Snowdensjacket says:

Cannot lead with men who think, but aren’t I the best one? And will not follow. Because they can not trust a man who says I’m better than you. Even though all evidence will show that he should, because he can not trust that the better man will not take his wife. He could try to grant women, but women are disinclined to follow a chosen follower when they could fight for the boss.

More explicit ownership of women is necessary first and that must be built. We can’t move forward without building, and most men won’t build due to the tragedy of the commons. So build slowly, where you can use the tragedy of the commons to teach the tragedy, and build in your own tribe, because their is no other way.

onyomi says:

But Americans seemingly are scared to fight? Else why would they have allowed… pretty much all of 2020 to happen? The grievances of the US colonists were extremely minor in comparison to what white Americans mostly meekly accepted in 2020.

Ace says:

The capital wasn’t stormed. Storming would imply people with guns charged in took it. Group set on violence turned a protest into a riot while the capitol police strangely kept giving way to the rioters who had BLM sorts at the front of the mob. It has the appearance of being Reichstag fire event to give full justification to turn the full power of the state on half the country.

Epstein's Suicide Note says:

I wouldn’t even call it a riot. More like a spontaneous act of trespass. A riot implies people getting hurt or at least substantial property destruction. Was a single vase broken?

Pooch says:

See Ruby Ridge and Waco seige what happens to well-armed peasants who fight back with no elite backing and no legitimate authority.

Leon says:

To be fair, Ruby Ridge and Waco were performed back when American whites still had faith in their government and the government was still competent.

Pooch says:

Fair point. Perhaps an example of that is the 2 FBI agents being killed in what seemed to be a routine raid of a single suspect.

Ace says:

Ruby Ridge was going to end with barrel bombs from FBI helicopters as other such sieges had ended in that area. The only reason it didn’t was some non cathedral media showed up and started filming the helicopters being loaded. The FBI then backed down.

Bombing buildings with helicopters is pretty damn easy and I doubt the FBI’s lost the ability to do it. Future such sieges are likely to involve drone strikes.

Joe says:

Do you have any evidence at all for this? An eyewitness account with relevant details would suffice, or the usual “cop who at the end of his career realized he was on the wrong team” book, if there are no photos or videos.

Or if you are the eyewitness then give your account.

Dave says:

As I recall, Waco and Ruby Ridge ended with a couple of rednecks packing a Ryder truck with ANFO and blowing up a federal building. Before crushing the peasants, the government needs to outlaw trucks, fertilizer, and fuel oil. The Amish shall grow food for us and deliver it to our cities on horsecart.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A platoon of 50 men is more powerful than a million individuals, because the individuals can be defeated in detail.

Ace says:

Elon’s been meeting with the Turkish government. I wonder if he’s considering moving Starship development there? Turkey’s likely to do well in a post US hegemon world.

Theshadowedknight says:

I’m not sure it is wise to trust the Turks, but they have their own drone industry because the West does not want to sell to them. That could be a source of valuable engineering experience. Turkey wouldn’t be the worst place to end up for Musk, especially as it is aligning more with Russia.

Pooch says:

Can’t imagine the Cathedral being too fond of that relationship.

The Cominator says:

Turkey is not a good place of refuge

1) Turdogan is a Muslim and has replaced based Kemalism with Shitlam.

2) Everyone hates him, hes betrayed and double crossed every other country he has dealt with including other Muslim countries (how Muslim).

It could be attacked by anyone at any time…

jim says:

Erdogan will not trust anyone who does not convert to his brand of Islam with plausible sincerity to work on high tech in Turkey.

Islam has a surprising number of damn good engineers. Like India, lot of racial diversity. The ones that come to America seem to be better than the dot Indians, who are generally second raters. India had good mathematics and good steel when Europe was in a dark age. They were conquered by handful of British due to British racial superiority and Indian social decay. At the time that they were conquered the Indians were roughly at the same level of technology as the British.

Islam is profoundly inimical to science and technology, but Erdogan is doing OK because his engineers are in good contact with the west.

suones says:

A more recent, and apt, comparison would be to Late Dr Gerard Bull, one of my personal heroes, and the inventor of the space cannon. He was hounded out of Canada, USA, Belgium, later took refuge in Saddam’s Iraq (till recently a US satellite), all for a chance of making his dream a reality.

He was murdered, probably by Mossad, who felt threatened by Saddam possessing a cannon of such immense power.

Elon will do well to ponder this before attempting to move to Turkey.

Think about it: a cannon that could shoot satellites into orbit. Along with VTOL transport rockets and moon-bases, orbital cannons are part of the trifecta of golden age science fiction. Dr Bull got very near to one of those goals, Elon is now very near a second one.

jim says:

And, should he persist, very near to meeting the fate of Dr Gerard Bull.

But there is an important difference now, in that the USG military is now much weaker, and the Saddams correspondingly stronger.

Mister Grumpus says:

Wait. How can SpaceX get any US-gov business if they’re developing Starship outside the US? If ITAR means they can’t hire non-citizens inside the US then how could they employ non-citizens in foreign countries?

Who’s the stupid one here, Elon or me?

The Cali-Florida Falcon’s are design-frozen and thus relatively Shaniqua-proof. Good for them. Let’s all stop and salute Elon’s instincts to get those done and dusted before the 2021 Brown Wave. Fucking genius. No one from Pretoria thinks time is his friend.

But does a smart risk-taker with low normalcy bias now perceive that the Starship is hopeless as a product for US-gov anyway, because Where’s Shaniqua?

And if that’s the case, and if Elon refuses to lose, then maybe he has no choice left but to call out “fuck it” and take the Starship Show to wherever on earth he’s allowed to keep it alive. Dreams are dreams, man.

This sounds crazy but also makes perfect sense, at the same time.

Come to think of it, Afrikaners know how to diaspora, don’t they? Loyalty to their magic dirt got them nothing but grief. Elon didn’t come to the US because he likes country music, and he won’t stick around just for McRib sandwiches either.

jim says:

Musk has tweeted that he is not going to get to Mars under the regulatory regime that started immediately after Trump cucked out. On the twenty eighth of January, exactly one week after the inauguration by the deep state of the president elected by the official media, they discovered that no rocket test that has the objective of getting to Mars is safe. Rocket tests that have the objective of proving that all science and technology was stolen from black African females will of course be permitted.

Space X testing is on hold, and is likely to remain on hold for a considerable time.

I see no alternative but to decamp to the fringes of the Russian or Chinese hegemonies. And if Musk is not suffering from normalcy bias, he is going to see what I see.

Jim says:

Hey Jim. Since you were the first person to engage with Satoshi I’m curious about your thoughts regarding Craig Wright and his attempts to steal the Bitcoin name and Satoshi’s legacy? This guy is causing havoc, threatening the Devs, putting up bounties for contact details of people that speak out against him. I’m sure your aware of his presence, he wants us all to think he is Satoshi. This guy is now sending out letters of demand for people to remove the white paper from their site. This charlatan needs to be stopped before he causes more damage. Your thoughts?

jim says:

We all know what should be done with enemy agents who are wreaking havoc in meatspace.

notglowing says:

I’m amazed that Wright is still around causing havoc after all these years.
No one likes him, no one believes him, he’s just a clown who causes problems to everybody.

Catholic Sheepdog says:

Jim what’s your take on the Patrick Byrne essays over on

Gedeon says:


jim says:

Excessively cryptic. Explain your reasoning with sufficient detail that people can follow if persuaded, and disagree if unpersuaded.

Ace says:

First public indication of the military purges underway:

Necessary to get rid of the oversight before the rank and file are purged.

Ace says:

The last post in the chain is the purge section.

notglowing says:

It seems that the Italian government crisis concluded with the President, Mattarella, nominating the new Prime Minister after Conte was kicked out.

He chose Mario Draghi, who you might know as the European Central Bank president for the entirety of the last decade. His signature is on every Euro bill.

He’s an EU establishment insider, and was likely nominated by Mattarella for that reason. Mattarella doesn’t like anti-EU sentiments in Italy, and decided to nominate him instead of doing the alternative which was to redo elections.

So Draghi is going to be in charge of the executive now, despite not really being voted into the position by anyone, and he will almost certainly go with EU policies and follow “austerity”, so higher taxes, along with cuts to government programs, which will make most people unhappy.

Considering he was specifically the ECB president, I have to wonder what kinds of policies he might implement against cryptocurrencies, though it seems they have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

European Mutt says:

I agree he’ll push “austerity” and piss off the left and the right equally. High tax rates in an inflationary/stagflationary environment just add insult to injury. Although most Italians like the Greeks don’t pay all of their taxes which is a good thing (plus some of them are supposed to pay off two stationary bandits, and one looks rather more reasonable than the other). The real idiots holding the bag are the Germans who just agreed to “corona bonds” but are seriously debating a debt ceiling right now. Instead they should just suspend all taxes and bail out all small businesses with 100% of last year’s revenue until they have Greek levels of debt. Eurozone default only a matter of when, not if.

I’m somewhat hopeful for Italy, they were never really brainwashed out of their history and Mussolini was way more based than Hitler but they need a good leader for the street (Salvini is too much of a Trump figure, time for politicians is over).

I expect cryptos in the EU to be heavily regulated on paper within maybe 1 or 2 years. They have to try to delay Euro collapse. Probably EU-based exchanges will be forced out of the market when that regulation hits, but crackdowns on miners or private wallets will probably only happen in countries like Germany or Sweden that actually enforce all the insane EU laws, probably not in Bulgaria or Portugal. They may try in Italy but it will be too ungovernable by that time, they aren’t succeeding in enforcing lockdowns/curfews right now.

jim says:

Regulation of crypto currency cannot work. The only way to make regulation work is to ban all encrypted communication – which they might well do, but encrypted communication is deeply embedded in the internet.

What they have done is backdoor every major usage of encrypted communication, in particular SSL, which is the biggie, but SSH is mighty big, and it is fine.

Lots of countries ban vpns that are not backdoored, and ban tor. But there are thriving workarounds. Or, as in Venezuela and Cuba they just shut down the internet, and bust people who set up their own internet using point to point wireless. It can be done, but requires startlingly drastic measures. The great firewall of China leaks mightily.

As soon as they take countermeasures against encrypted communication, people take counter counter measures. It is an arms race that they might be able to win, but the level of coercion, disruption, and technological competence required may well be beyond the capability of a decadent and self destructing elite.

Gedeon says:

[deleted for lack of understanding of cryptography and blockchains]

jim says:

I had from the beginning, and continue to have, strong reservations about bitcoin, and I welcome debate on the topic with those that know what they are talking about.

Cryptography empowers the defender against the attacker. Moving property rights to the blockchain is a mighty fortress, which Satoshi understood better than I. (Though when it comes to scaling and privacy, I think events have shown my argument had truth.)

Prince Charming says:

Jim, would you please explain what you envision this survivor mode of crypto may look like, what use cases you see as unbannable? My understanding is that that crypto exists at the pleasure of the respective governments, and there is hope that they will tolerate full access to institutional users, and retail will need to comply with KYC and the various snitch laws that banks and payment processors need to abide by.

If the government decrees that crypto = terrorism financing, and the news starts printing stories of terrorist enablers being detained for possessing computer programs that could perhaps be somehow used to handle crypto, I cannot see how that will not restrict the usage to all but the most hardcore users, all but HODLing in memory or steganographic paper wallets. No-one will be buying lollipops. That the government will be able to circumvent the technical measures is a foregone conclusion; they only need to break confidentiality, and they only need to catch you once. You on the other hand — and all the devs of all your tools — need to maintain 100% opsec, forever.

I don’t believe that tech you cite will solve the problem of either availability or confidentiality. Tor was developed by the US intelligence community to (a) facilitate clandestine communication and (b) asymmetrically allow the Five Eyes traffic analysis capability (because they have full intake, and because they run many if not most of the exit nodes), while denying it to lesser adversaries. Clandestine Internet access is again the Cathedral sponsoring color revolutions, such as when during the Arab Spring Internet shutdowns, French volunteers who just happened to be in possession of rackfuls of modems started offering free dial-up access. SSH has seen its share of security disasters, notoriously when Debian devs in 2006 opted to use the PID, and only the PID, as the random seed to generate SSH keys (CVE-2008-0166), making all newly provisioned SSH servers on Debian and Ubuntu for two years until 2008 as secure as telnet. The Cathedral will be able to degrade availability, and doxx most users within a few years’ timeframe at most, even without doing any new social engineering attacks on any devs.

jim says:

> That the government will be able to circumvent the technical measures is a foregone conclusion; they only need to break confidentiality, and they only need to catch you once.

Governments of China, Iran, etc, are not successfully circumventing technical measures. Governments of Cuba and Venezuela succeed only by denying their people technology. Cannot send encrypted messages if you cannot send messages except from a cop shop with cop standing over you.

The means that are in practice required to “circumvent technical measures” are startlingly drastic.

Prince Charming says:

Venezuela, Cuba, Iran are not Five Eyes countries. China is doing great with respect to their goals, i.e. preventing sedition, making degeneracy low status, and preserving their ability to stem foreign propaganda.

We live in a surveillance state where the state does a full intake on all electronic comms, globally, and when something pops up, they parallel-construct a story about a random traffic stop, or that your ex grassed you up. But also, the ex may have grassed you up, you being a terrorist and stuff. The reason we do not have Internet cafes with police and ID card requirement is that the Five Eyes states already have a full visibility into your personal Internet connection.

If I understand your vision correctly, Jim, in the near future we will have computing devices, Internet, electricity, and encryption. But the surveillance tech is scaled back to way before Snowden’s time, and the state loses interest in prosecuting “money laundering” and “financing terrorism”.

jim says:

> China is doing great with respect to their goals, i.e. preventing sedition, making degeneracy low status, and preserving their ability to stem foreign propaganda.

They are not doing a great job in preventing people from using cryptocurrency and so on and so forth.

Snowdensjacket says:

I am a craftsman not a software engineer, though one of my brothers is, and another a chemist. Let us say you succeed, and have temporary control. How will you turn this temporary win into a kingship? Or if not you, another man? A fat nerd. Well, if you want to pirate among the world of the pirates, I will not hold this against you. But it only harms thy, for you to pretend it is otherwise, or to pretend a bit coin is going to beat a chickens egg.

My son can eat the chickens egg.

jim says:

I have no intention of keeping control. It would not work as money if I did. Power must lie with the people that have the money. Initially the founders will have all of it, but it would do them no good if all of it, or even a large proportion of it, remained in their hands.

C4ssidy says:

Since it may not be obvious to everyone – buy an initial stash of Jimcoin and then sell no more than half of it per power of ten. This gives you a good balance of revenue over the next 10-20 years while still allowing you to finish as a millionaire

notglowing says:

There’s also the fact that western democracies move slow and have to follow procedures in order to enact laws.
Financial regulations are easy for them to introduce, but Cryptocurrency is not just a financial asset, it’s also a technology.
And disrupting a technology, and preventing it from being used, requires much much more invasive and difficult to pass and enforce laws compared to financial regulations.
Methods to preserve once privacy such as VPNs are already very common in the west for other reasons.
And there would be opposition from multiple sides to legislation that tries to intrude even further into people’s privacy.
The legislators are at a big disadvantage with all the technology and infrastructure that has been freely developed in the past decade or two.

Bitcoin can currently run without even using an internet connection, just receiving signals from a satellite.
And when it does require a connection, it requires very little and inconspicuous traffic to receive blocks.
Not hard to remain stealthy.

jim says:

> There’s also the fact that western democracies move slow and have to follow procedures in order to enact laws.

Laws have ceased to matter. There is only power. Everything is illegal, it is just that the laws are erratically and selectively enforced.

Every time you buy a Rasberry Pi clone from China, you are breaking several laws on money transfer that could in theory get you seven years each. You will not get seven years, but the money might disappear in transit.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

I deleted about twenty of your posts all for much the same reasons.

You don’t seem to be a literal shill in the sense of having a human resources department scrutinizing your output for productivity and potential thought crimes, but you do sound like an entryist.

You purport to be old type right wing Christian, but you sound commie, not Christian, and not right wing.

The working class is not pissed off for lack of bread. They are pissed off for lack of pussy, lack of fathers, and lack of sons – and it looks to me that our prog elite wants to redirect their wrath against the rich, lest it be directed against the Human Resources Department and Child Protective Services, so the elite is turning commie, and the commies are supporting the prog elite.

Do you claim to be Christian? If so, give me the short affirmation: Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

Snowdensjacket says:

Yet I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to help men understand that patriarchy is a choice, we do indeed pay for the sins of our fathers, and for our sons to succeed we must choose patriarchy. And that to understand this choice a man should go learn game, that he may control his wife, and teach his sons while leading his daughters.

I have aligned my short term goals for my family with the further eroding of property rights, not because I do not belive in property rights, but because the lack of property rights over the most valuable property, fertile young women, is and will be suffering the tragedy of the commons through at least my children’s lives and likely my grand children. Hence property rights will continue to erode, the apple carts will be knocked over, crypto currency as it stands is only a man standing on an apple cart yelling help me push this apple cart to the market. Before it is pushed over.

I do hope you can succeed in making a cart that can’t be pushed over. I spent a lot of time trying to make men who can and will own the greatest property, but, alas Jim. I failed. Now I will raise boys who can own, and raise women to be owned. A new woman in only a few months.

But those apple carts? It looks to me that they are going to be pushed over. If I want them to or not. The men needed to carry that cart are men we need to raise right now, as the apple’s fall, and the next harvest fails because of it. That harvest will fail, the apple cart will be knocked over, and the men who would carry it will watch, and know what it means, and know what we need to do to be able to move their apple cart to their market.

I know of no other way forward. Though I do wish your plan well, and may it succeed, the world will rejoice.

jim says:

> Bitcoin can currently run without even using an internet connection, just receiving signals from a satellite.
And when it does require a connection, it requires very little and inconspicuous traffic to receive blocks.
> Not hard to remain stealthy.

The point of vulnerability is not the peers, but the miners. Fortunately very few in our elite know what a miner is or what he does, and those few that do know probably have bitcoin.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for lack of understanding of crypto currency*]

Saul Goldfarb says:

Jim, I have a few 10ks of cash to spare but I don’t know much about investing. I heard you made good money in the 2007 crash through use of forbidden knowledge. That the people given risky loans wouldn’t repay because they hadn’t the talent to earn that kind of money.

Am wondering what kinds of stocks are safe because naturally stable resources and what kinds are safe because the elite will protect them from collapsing. Amazon, for example, seems to have entwined itself within the System, motivating the system to protect it. Weapons industries like Northropp Grummann seem pretty safe, because even if diversity makes their products useless (*especially* if diversity makes their products useless?), the military will continue to buy in large amounts.

Any thoughts?

jim says:

My advice is that in the current environment, preserve capital against surprising political developments is the issue. Buy bitcoin, and convert to Monaro of Zcash.

I should look into MimbleWimble. They have some very smart techies, better than Bitcoin or Monaro, but I know less about it than I should.

Diversity from bitcoin, rather than convert it all. There is a high likelihood that bitcoin will eat the world financial system, appreciating to about $300 per mBTC ($300 000 per BTC). There is also a high likelihood it will be attacked with the blood diamonds attack to prevent it from eating the world financial system, and go right down.

The most urgent cryptographic task is to create a cryptocurrency resistant to the blood diamonds attack. It has not happened, but there is a high likelihood it will.

But it is going to be harder to take your BTC away from you than your bank accounts, your shares, and your real estate. The blood diamonds attack has not been launched because very few of our enemies can understand it.

Collapse of the US$ is a real possibility, though not for at least five years, and perhaps considerably longer. Investing in US companies has increasing political risk – observe what happened to Marvel Comics and Intel. I am diversifying out of the US.

The Ducking Man says:

Jim, I understand your support for BTC, but do you have alternative investment other than BTC in Long Term (+10 years)?.

My country ban BTC and some people actually went to jail for it.

I have small real estate, but if the nut jobs in davos actually succeeded I don’t think classic investment like having real estate or business will be safe.

Karl says:


The Ducking Man says:

Already have a few gold in possession.

Issue is gold price today is very expensive. Price today in my area is $65/oz, I used to buy it $35/oz in 2019.

Also selling gold can be tricky business. Normally people don’t just buy gold from regular people like me, and gold merchant haggles when buying gold.

Though Gold is very solid collateral when borrowing money, for liquidity purpose I personally find gold a bit bit impractical.

jim says:

Today, crypto currency is better than gold. In crisis and collapse, gold has in the past served well.

If you invest in land, cattle, and houses, the land produces crops, the cattle produce more cattle, and the houses produce shelter, while gold produces nothing.

Which assumes a social order exists where you can hang on to the product of land, cattle, and houses, and for much of history this has not been case.

Anglo Saxons have enjoyed the fruits of productive property since the thirteenth century, but over the world as a whole, it is usually only a century or two between it all blowing up.

Eight centuries of order would suggest that productive property is safe, but things tend to explode during a holiness spiral, and they tend to explode during the last days of democracy.

However, crypto currency is less stealable than gold, and easier and safer to transport, so I think that during this cycle, crypto currency will be what you need, rather than gold.

People buy gold as insurance against social collapse. Now they are buying bitcoin, Monaro, and Zcash.

Today you can buy stuff with bitcoin, particularly international internet stuff. You cannot buy that stuff with gold.

Karl says:

No, I cannot buy international internet stuff with gold, but at present I can exchange gold for whatever currency is needed to buy international internet stuff.

In past collapse gold could be converted into whatver currency was then needed. Why should the present collapse be different in this respect?

You may argue that gold might become illegal, but that simply makes converting gold into any other currency more difficult and more expensive. Anyway, in some places crypto currency is already illegal, while gold is not.

jim says:

> No, I cannot buy international internet stuff with gold, but at present I can exchange gold for whatever currency is needed to buy international internet stuff.

Increasingly, an increasing number of people cannot buy international internet stuff with government currency. International transactions tend to unpredictably go astray.

A Filipina maid sends money to her home country so her family can dig a well, the money disappears in transit, and the Filipino bank account connected to her paypal account gets frozen.

International capital movements are increasingly obstructed. Americans are blocked from investing in Samsung, even though it is theoretically legal and theoretically traded on American stock exchanges, somehow it is not. I cannot invest in Rockchip. I cannot invest in …

Anonymous 2 says:

The current FATF-driven banking regime is quite annoying and must be delendam. (An initiative originated with Obama, of course.)

Banks are, briefly put, useless to customers by now. I’ll elide the full rant, but by all means replace the banking system too.

Karl says:

My remark was about gold as a store of value, not gold as a medium of exchange.

Crypto currency is a better means of exchange than gold. Even government currency is a better means of exchange than gold. That doesn’t make it a good store of value.

Snowdensjacket says:

Real wealth. Many children, smart and educated in the religion of your choosing, passed through their mother, your wife. Your patriarchal wife. Money should be used to create actual wealth, that will exist even when money means nothing.

What is worth more? Five tracts of town homes to rent? Or five children who love and obey, and worship your God, with the knowlege of creation nurtured within them?

Hey why not get both? But understand what wealth is and know thy enemies.

onyomi says:

Sorry if this is remedial, but what is the blood diamonds attack?

Cloudswrest says:


jim says:

Not remedial at all. Insufficient discussion of it.

For a long time, people used uncut diamonds as money, because you can take it through airports. A lot Jews supposedly in the diamond business were actually in the money changing business.

The “international community” did not like certain groups buying weapons, so they demonetized and deplatformed them. So those groups used uncut diamonds.

I suppose that many of these groups were very bad people, but among the groups that were cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized, were the Tutsi in the Congo, whose sin was to resist a genocide, a genocide that was being carried out by army of the Congo with air support and artillery support from “the international community”

So, some diamonds were deemed “blood diamonds”, and diamonds ceased to be fungible, because if some mysterious stranger showed up with a bag full of mysterious diamonds in his pockets, they were “blood diamonds”. A whole lot Jewish diamond merchants went out of business.

For something to be useful as money, it has to be fungible.

A currency has to be fungible. And a cryptocurrency needs privacy, not so much to protect its users (there does not seem to be a lot of demand for privacy) but to protect its fungibility.

Lack of privacy is likely to lead to the blood diamonds attack, where governments declare a long and ever growing list of bitcoins to be tainted, and twist the arms of the miners to exclude transactions in those bitcoins, with the result bitcoins cease to be fungible and thus cease to be money, as uncut diamonds ceased to be money.

Bitcoin is vulnerable to the one third attack. If one third of miners exclude “tainted” bitcoins and refuse to add to a chain ending in a block containing “tainted” bitcoins, other miners have an incentive to exclude “tainted” bitcoins also, to improve the prospects that their block becomes part of the longest chain.

Bitcoin miners operate in big expensive facilities that are fixed in place, hence vulnerable to coercion. The great advantage of proof of stake is that stake resides in secrets, secrets that can pass through airports without difficulty. Thus the consensus mechanism of a proof of stake currency is resistant to coercion.

If some coins are deemed tainted, this reduces the usefulness and usability of the currency for everyone, for taint is apt to spread unpredictably.

(This has been called the ten percent attack, but it does not actually work until rather more than ten percent join the attack. One third, however will suffice. Calling it the blood diamonds attack is more accurate. The blood diamonds attack put a lot of people out of business, for they were really in the money changer business, rather than the jewelry business.)

Blockchain analysis is a big problem, though scaling is rapidly becoming a bigger problem.

Monaro and other privacy currencies solve the privacy problem by padding the blockchain with chaff, to defeat blockchain analysis, but this greatly worsens the scaling problem. If Bitcoin comes under the blood diamonds attack, Monaro will be the next big crypto currency, but Monaro has an even worse scaling problem than Bitcoin.

Cloudswrest says:

Indeed. It occurred to me a long time ago that Bitcoins could become tainted and/or blacklisted and hence, not really fungible. BTW, did you coin the term “Blood Diamond Attack” for this?

jim says:

My term, because history matters, and it is not the ten percent attack. Ten percent will not work.

History also shows that any attack on fungibility is a deadly attack on the currency itself.

Pooch says:

How could bitcoins become “tainted”? They exist only in the context of a UTXO, right? So in actuality wouldn’t this in actuality a list of addresses that are “tainted” and thus blacklisted?

Pooch says:

So in actuality wouldn’t this be a list of addresses that are “tainted” and thus blacklisted?*

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

‘Bad people doing bad things are using bitcoins to do them.’

As easy as that.

Jsd says:

Being completely new to this, which wallet should I get? What percent of liquid savings turn into crypto?

jim says:

A substantial and increasing portion. Not all of them. Crypto currency is insurance against catastrophe, and catastrophe, though looming, is not imminent.

Bitcoin, Monaro, and Zcash. Run your bitcoin through mixers and the lightning network. If you have substantial savings, need a hardware wallet. Use a hardware wallet supported by a good crypto software wallet, for example a Bitcoin core wallet with no money in it connected to a software anonymity client wallet with little money in it connected to a hardware client with substantial money in it.

Prince Charming says:

When the heavy industries in Britain and France were nationalised, the share holders were given fair value for their paper. Whereas current US paper holders are much more likely to get the $GME treatment.

jim says:

You miss the point.

When Intel was repurposed from producing chips to producing superior holiness, no compensation for shareholders.

When Star Wars was repurposed from entertainment to moral uplift, no compensation for shareholders.

When, half way through, the Mandalorean had its plot arc changed …

Prince Charming says:

@Goldfarb’s thesis is that even as Northrop Grumman retools for superior holiness, the military will keep shovelling money at them. Which is plausible, but doesn’t mean that the shareholder will see any of it.

If giving someone money could somehow guarantee share of future profits, buying sluts drinks at the bar would be a cunning move.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Wikipedia is, in certain ways, a less conscious capitulation of the polygon’s thought-complex; which can make for some inadvertent profundity (or profound amusement) at times for one who knows what there is to know.

In particular, every now and then one’s eyes may cross over certain passages that, for all their perfunctory understatement, can unfurl into gigantic canvases, where ghostly outlines of a whole other world become illustrated.

As an example, if you were to read an article on, say, TOPAZ reactors, one could glance over this little gem, very emblematic in tone, and very quickly moved past:

>The first thermionic converter reactors were discussed by scientists at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) in 1957. Following the visit of Soviet scientists to LASL in 1958, they carried out tests on TI systems in 1961, initially developing the single cell ENISY reactor (also known as TOPAZ-II).

Now, hold on just a minute there. In the world most people know, is this not *the height of the cold war*? Were the United States and the Soviet Union not mortal enemies, locked in a struggle over the soul of the world, poised over a knifes edge of catastrophe? Was this not the same time the *red scare* was ‘paralyzing’ the populace? Would not anyone think that having *soviet personnel* in *one of the most important development sites in the nation* not risk *strategically significant information* becoming known to teh reds? As, it obviously in fact *did*?

(The answer of course was that for men like FDR, Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins – indeed, the whig establishment ruling America in general at the time – it was not the *soviets* that they actually viewed as real enemies – indeed, they viewed them as *fellow travelers* even – it was ‘republicans’, ‘red staters’, that is to say, *their own more right countrymen*, and anyone that reminded them of them anywhere else around the world, that they viewed as *their real enemies*, who they went to sleep at night thinking about how to destroy.)


That was the thought that i was reminded by, when on a more recent random wikiwalk for some unrelated issue, i found myself on the ‘automobile safety’ page, and espied another gem, inspirational in it’s banality.

>The autonomous car is expected to be safer than existing vehicles, by eliminating the single most dangerous element – the driver. The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School claims that “Some ninety percent of motor vehicle crashes are caused at least in part by human error”.

There’s a special kind of thoughtless myopia inherent in statements like this. ‘Nintey per cent of crashes are caused by human error’, because evidently all the parts that *don’t* involve operation are also the least important.

What statistics like this really show is that capability at command and control is by far the most significant factor in such a matter as accident incidence (just as one might expect in any matter in general). Where one may have an algorithm XYZ in the charge of a vehicle, one may then also find that ‘some ninety percent of vehicle crashes are caused at least in part by algorithm XYZ error’.

This same myopia, perhaps archetypical of bluetribesmen, that thinks of any problem involving the intelligent operation of something as obviable merely by replacing a carboniferous machine operating it, that it superficially associates with problems of operation, with something else (such as a siliceous machine), such that it no longer has any prior emotional association with the new operator (ie, the invidious spite they instinctually feel for their neighbors is blind to it), looks with the same superficiality at most everything else in life. It perceives mere association, but has no perception of the underlying realities that give rise to association in the first place, that are needed to be met in any case, and will be present in any case.

‘We’ve got some social problems right now (that i may or may not be causing myself in the first place), and the king is in charge of society; therefore, if we get rid of kings, then we will never have any social problems!’

Suppose one notes many problems arising in association with proper operation of module A, in manner B, at time C. Where one were to devise a mechanism to handle it’s operation in the stead of a more meaty operator, what has taken place is not an obviation of the possibility of ‘operator error’, in any absolute sense, but rather, what you have done is replaced *one operator with another operator*.

And if the problem of operating module A, in manner B, at time C, is a *hard* problem, then use of operators with less world formation capacity will oft be for the worse.

Soviet design philosophy in the late cold war was largely dominated by this trend, minimizing any ‘human element’ through automation to any extent possible (or extents impossible, as it happened). Fighter pilots meant to be mere stick actuators, nuclear sub crewmen meant to be mere console jockeys, and so on.

By incidental comparison, submariners in Admiral Rickover’s navy were expected to handle near every single detail of the operation of their boats. Great deals of ‘inefficient’ redundancy was the order of the day.

Many different crewmen trained to do a same job. Many different crewmen trained to do each other’s jobs. Three or four ancillary widgets where one or two primaries would do. Almost no automation at all in reactor design, any aspect of operation that could be controlled by a crewman, was.

As it happened, the soviet underseas fleet was persistently dogged with break downs, accidents, and catastrophes. Meanwhile, the good admiral Rickover’s nuclear force had not a single issue in over 50 years of continuous operation.

At the end of the day, it came down to a question of what could produce higher quality operators. The soviet operators – be it the ones made of carbon, or steel, or silicon – hardly understood anything about how their boats operated; and so every time something outside of the ordinary happened, there was no way to stop it from becoming even more ‘extra-ordinary’. Whereas, the american operators understood all *but* everything about how their boats operated; and so whenever things outside of the ordinary happened, they were capable of acting intelligently to set things right – that they even knew what right was. Objects sought to be achieved irrespective of the contingencies of circumstance; and hence capable of adapting to the contingencies of circumstance.


The former, as distinct from the latter, is of course what one could expect from commie-minded beings, congenital leftists, insecure solipsists, and other synonyms. Their model of others is mirrors reflecting the self; and so of course, they think of others as the same sort of worthless creature other parts of themselves think of themselves. Thus thereby the feeling: that the accomplished don’t ‘deserve’ their accomplishments; that the rich don’t ‘deserve’ their riches; that the high status don’t ‘deserve’ their status. That power is easy, not hard.

‘They’re not better than me, they’re just the same as me: worthless.’

And thus thereby their frustrated desire for power – the only thing that animates them in their otherwise joyless existence – becomes sublimated; ‘if i can not have power, then no one can!’, ‘if i can not be trusted, then no one can!’.

Bureaucracy, but no one with authority; protocol, but no one with responsibility; Hammurabi’s code, but no Hammurabi.

King Computer does not evoke the same instinctual spite that King Co-Ethnic does. Kafkaesque rube goldberg machines of procedural sclerosis preferred to anyone looking like they are *in charge of anything*.

Selling out fellows to alien kings has of course always and already been the province of der ewige whig throughout the ages. Future leftists however may find themselves with the chance to sell each other out to things not even humanoid at all – all the more directly satisfying their impulsive thanatos. Handwringers have often peddled fever dreams of ‘AI uprisings’ killing people. Rather, bluechecks would jump to support instantiating the creatus that would *promise* to kill their neighbors.


A basic problem many certain sorts of singularitan fetishists have is that, being children of our present modernity, they look at issues from this gay and bluepilled leftist frame – which is peddled to them from the academies they attend, the journalists they read, the networks they tune in to – rather than a more basado y rojopastillo frame.

They don’t see what they advocate for as replacing an operator for something with another operator, which would imply that the object is to replace bad operators with better operators, which would be bigoted and discriminatory and prejudicial (or to the extent they do think of it, they of course think of replacing their compatriots first instead).

Rather, they see it as replacing one operator with *no operators at all*, which is very democratic and egalitarian and other curse words.

They are unwilling – or unable – to truly acknowledge what it is that is truly sought to be done; and because of that of course efforts by such men are doomed to failure – or non-sapient trial and error with many bodybags along the way, at best.

suones says:

There’s a special kind of thoughtless myopia inherent in statements like this. ‘Nintey per cent of crashes are caused by human error’, because evidently all the parts that *don’t* involve operation are also the least important.

There’s a special kind of egalitarian blindness that reduces, must reduce, individuals of varying temperament and capacity to “humans.” Once you posit that all men are created equal, you must admit that all men are equally good drivers, and that driving is, or should be, a fundamental right.

But that’s observably not the case. Most “men” are actually NPCs (or goyim, to use the correct term), and lack the aptitude to operate any heavy machinery without being a hazard to themselves (which is fine) or others (which is not fine). I can’t see why they must be allowed to pollute roads and destroy the flow of traffic through rampant idiocy. This is the genesis of the Soviet system: trying to replace the “intelligence” of the goy actually at the wheel (hah!) by a golem driven by the superior intelligence of its designer. Said golem is supposed to operate the machine better than its goy (former) operator. Which actually does happen in a lot of cases. Every single mechanical or industrial automation has brought forth stupid arguments about how a “machine” cannot replace the je ne sais quoi of a goy human operator. Cue John Henry…

Of course, to prevent this idiocy from arising the Soviets would have to admit that all men are not equivalent drivers, and only some deserve to hold a licence to kill drive. But that’s sacrilege! Or was that not Soviets but Americans?

PS: Programming a “computer” is a deeply spiritual task of great import, akin to creating a golem. The creator binds a part of his soul to the machine to bring it to life. A golem is better than ten soldiers, and ten golems better than an Army of men. A golem will never, ever betray the creator under any circumstances that the creator has allowed, and will fight God Himself on behalf of the creator. This is why some can instinctively pick up programming, while others, especially goyim, find it inscrutable. Warhammer 40K puts a lampshade on it, but only Jewry has the correct spiritual framework, currently, to deal with this.

PPS: This knowledge falls under the category of “Yantra”-vidya, which is of supreme importance and power in the current age, though neglected by spiritual Hindus. We have a spiritual framework to deal with this, but it has fallen into disrepair and superstition.

PPPS: Countries like Germany are de-jure egalitarian, but they make driving tests so tough that they become IQ-tests instead, so end up with de-facto orderly streets (at least for Europoids who actually have to take the tests, unlike peaceful African children fleeing the war in Syria).

Arakawa says:

> This is why some can instinctively pick up programming, while others, especially goyim, find it inscrutable. Warhammer 40K puts a lampshade on it, but only Jewry has the correct spiritual framework, currently, to deal with this.

Please define ‘deal with this’. I’m not opposed to the idea that writing a complex successful program is not the same as doing it well (as seen with the many abominations of UNIX). But for your remark to be convincing you’ll need to show some of the data points you’re working from.

When I think of attempts to establish ‘correct spiritual framework’ for programming I primarily think of Edsger Dijkstra. Not spiritual enough, of course. But what’s a better example?

Ace says:

Programming is engineering. Religious thinking about engineering problems indicates someone who doesn’t have the brains to understand reality and engineering well enough to solve them. Stupid people should not be engineers.

jim says:

Exactly so.

f6187 says:

Dijkstra’s formulation of the principles of formal correctness is indeed an engineering technique, but it also has a religious sensibility, with a moral imperative to align the mind to the logos of programming, and manifested in Dijkstra’s practice as an apostle, writing his holy epistles by hand and distributing them to the disciples by way of photocopied /samizdat/ in the 1980s.

jim says:

There are religious frames that facilitate engineering, and religious frames that destroy it.

There are also supposedly atheist frames that destroy it.

suones says:


I couldn’t have put it better myself. Creating a golem is a spiritual activity, whether you think about it in those terms or not. Warhammer 40K takes it to an extreme, and yet it makes sense (tech-priests-Omnissiah).

jim says:

> only Jewry has the correct spiritual framework, currently, to deal with this.

On the contrary. Orthodox Jews quite spectacularly underperform in science, technology, engineering, and software engineering, and their underperformance is worst when applying esoteric theory to practice.

Even atheist Jews are weak in applied science, and Orthodox Jews are a total washout. No orthodox Jew has ever given us a technological advance. Not one.

Their theorizing is good, but loses connection to practice.

A Jew can’t do $#!% unless he is an atheist or Christian raised atheist or Christian.

Muslim engineers are weak in an analogous but subtly different way, and always have to outsource a major part of the task to non Muslims. It is more that they have no theory, rather than that they cannot connect theory to practice.

Of major modern day religions, only Christians, and far from all Christians, have the correct spiritual framework. Maybe Hindus do OK, but dot Indians on H1Bs underperform.

Greek pagans did OK so long as their faith embraced the unity of soul and body, so long as their afterlife was conducted in the grave, so long as each household’s Gods were its fathers, still incarnate in their graves.

Christians do OK, so long as they embrace the trinity and celebrate its contradiction. God is three and God is one.

The connection between faith and engineering competence is strange and surprising, but obvious and glaring.

I conjecture that the underlying problem is that to have theory at all, and to connect theory to practice, you have to resolve the mind body problem, which requires a leap of faith. And, having leaped, if you are going to apply theory, you need to land with both feet on the ground. And a lot of faiths demand you leap, but to place where you don’t have your feet on the ground.

clovis says:

I have a book on my shelf that I never finished reading: “The Savior of Science” by Stanley Jaki. He was a Catholic priest and the book purports to explain why science emerged in the Christian west and nowhere else, if I remember correctly. You might actually read the book and find something valuable in it, or you might have read it already.

clovis says:

From the back cover: “In ‘The Savior of Science’ Jaki…illumines one of the best kept secrets of science history–the role theology has historically played in fruitful scientific development. The volume begins by portraying a most-neglected…facet of cultural history–the invariable stillbirths of science in great ancient cultures…Greece, China, India, and the early Muslim empire. This overview provides the background for the first major thesis of the book: belief in Christ…secured for science its only viable birth in a period beginning in the high middle ages.”

Arakawa says:

Thank you.

I don’t like everything about this blog but I certainly do like coming here to learn some things that contradict official reality but don’t contradict the evidence of my two eyes. Saying that Jewish programmers make the most spiritual programs contradicted the evidence of my two eyes.

Programming benefits from Christianity the same as mathematics, by cultivating the sense that a good program is based on objective true beautiful simple forms and that making programs conform to those forms pleases God, therefore worth doing even when slapping together a big ball of mud and foisting it on the poor sob that maintains it after you would advance your Earthly career faster.

The stuff about splitting off a bit of your soul to make a golem that fights God for you doesn’t seem to provide that benefit. What it seems to result in is endless Spectre Meltdown errors in Intel processors and OpenAI neural networks that produce coherent grammatically correct writing with no point to it.

suones says:

Of major modern day religions, only Christians, and far from all Christians, have the correct spiritual framework.

I would consider this statement true if by “Christian” you actually meant “Jimian Christian” which is a rather specific form of Christianity with few current adherents (but much broader spread in the past). Which is why I pay obeisance to your religion and your god.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for posting from a Christian frame*]

jim says:

take the affirmation

Snowdensjacket says:


European Mutt says:

Thank you for this comment.

For a long time I did not understand why relatively smart people, engineers and software engineers, mathematicians etc. could ever embrace straight-up non-heretical progressivism. Heretics like Scott Alexander I could understand why they became this way, but I’ve never been able to reconcile how you could be a sincere prog and technically/mathematically competent (though rarely excellent) at the same time. Basically if such a person displayed the blatant disregard for reality characteristic for progs in his day job he couldn’t get anything done.

Now it finally makes sense. These people go for tech not because they find it interesting or because it tickles their brains but because they quite simply, consciously or not, hate humans and seek to replace them with tech or bureaucracy or “systems”. A profoundly sad thought, but that also explains why so many progs talk so enthusiastically about tech they so obviously do not understand at all. For example this crap I see even software engineers repeat about AI writing code; if AI could do that (everyone who actually has a clue says it will not in the foreseeable future), why could it not obsolete the compiler too while it’s at it? (Same thing with automated language translation where Jim is one of the few sane voices on the topic.)

There is this talking point about “leftism” (progism) being a death cult, but until now the true meaning of that has not clicked. It’s not necessarily about killing, it’s much broader than that.

Also the more I discover about progressivism the more I realize how alien it is to my own mind (and I do think there is a genetic component, but I’m not sure how much of an impact that has). I used to be a leftist but that was because I was truly naive and innocent about some things and not religiously deluded, so reality could redpill me unhindered. I hope my kids will inherit the immunity to the mind virus.

Bilge_Pump says:

I have a funny story for you all.

Before I begin I’ll have to provide a bit of personal info. I haven’t had a job since last April. I will have one soon if things go according to plan, but last year a combination of Coroneconomy and fat horny boss girl getting flustered because I wasn’t flirting back got me fired. I have been living in my parent’s house for over a year.

Recently I got into a argument with my Dad over politics ; he is a normie liberal boomer. He calls himself a libertarian because he has a bunch of military buddies he wants to get along with. Anyway, he thinks I’m a white supreem nazi nazi nazi. Recently the argument got particularly heated, and I said “If you’re a nigger who wants to destroy the country because you think it’s white supremacist or whatever, I hate you”, at which point he gave me 5 seconds to recant and apologize or else he would call the police (because I said nigger). I called him a cuck, and he called the police to have me evicted.

I waited outside for the police. They showed up, and as they were walking up asked me what was going on. I told them exactly what I said, including the word nigger. A few seconds later, the cop says “Sucks that you don’t have a job man. If you ever want to pick up a badge…”

To be fair to my dad, yes I need to get out of his house. I’m living on money I’ve saved up so I’m not 100%bum status but he’s totally justified in wanting me to gtfo, and as I said, that should happen here in a few days.

ten says:

Man i feel bad for you but the badge part is hilarious. My dad is part loser and part jerk but at least he is as based as they come, would fit into the comments here like a glove.

Ace says:

Matthew 15:4
For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

If you father tells you to leave, you should leave. Having the cops involved a family dispute is gay. Every man should be a king under his own roof and a king cannot be disrespected and still be king.

Life in America is getting worse and families need to band together, not break apart.

>“Sucks that you don’t have a job man. If you ever want to pick up a badge…”

“That happened”.

I don’t have a great relationship with my parents because my parents endless favored girls over boys but I still honor them.

Pooch says:

Yes this is good advice which I have failed to live by in the past. I’m in a similar boat with my father as well as he refuses to give up his legacy media brainwashing and honestly I’d take the advice and just become a cop if I was in his shoes. It’s better than joining the military these days.

Joe says:

For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Ephesians 6:1

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

(Emphasis mine.)

Ephesians 6:4

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

This is a two way street. You cannot dishonor a father or mother who already brings dishonor on himself or herself. You need to bring him or her back to God.

Life in America is getting worse and families need to band together, not break apart.

Families need to band together under God.

Ace says:

>This is a two way street. You cannot dishonor a father or mother who already brings dishonor on himself or herself. You need to bring him or her back to God.

This is a lie. It doesn’t say honor your father and mother as long as they believe. It says honor thy father and they mother, period. GNON commands we honor those who gave us life, their personal beliefs and behavior not withstanding as evidenced by both the New and Old Testament. Don’t read modern progressive beliefs about burning your families down for not having the right ideology into Christianity.

Joe says:

How do I honor a father who does not honor himself?

Ace says:

You’re a progressive or a Muslim. Christens have never been commanded to disown family relations because one family member doesn’t believe. I only see such destructive ideology from Progressivism and Islam.

Joe says:

You’re a progressive or a Muslim.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Wholly man and wholly God, God is three and God is one.

Christens have never been commanded to disown family relations because one family member doesn’t believe.

I said honor, not fail to disown. Notwithstanding this, Jesus disagrees with you.

Matthew 18:15-17

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

The effort one must go to with one’s brother far exceeds the effort one must go to with any other person, but it is not infinite. This reflects the will of Gnon.

I only see such destructive ideology from Progressivism and Islam.

Moses disagrees with you.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Ace says:

The effort one must go to with one’s brother far exceeds the effort one must go to with any other person, but it is not infinite. This reflects the will of Gnon.

Brother as in fellow believer. What’s robbed you of the ability to read and understand context?

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

Yes a father may kill a rebellious son who’s rejected his father’s lawful authority. The son may not kill the father as you seem to be insisting on. Neither situation applies with your idea of stopping honoring thy father and thy mother if they don’t believe as you do.

Your inability to read basic scripture indicates your either a stupid or pretending to be stupid, either way it’s a very convincing.

This is the sort of evil you’re calling moral and righteous:

Joe says:

We are perhaps at a misunderstanding. I believe that a state is evil that inserts itself into family matters.

In my post here I outlined what happened in my own family. Police involvement was in the other direction to that of your article. I knew that police involvement in family matters was bad even before I became born again. It does not depend on Christianity but rather an understanding of the true role of police in the current year.

Brother as in fellow believer. What’s robbed you of the ability to read and understand context?

Sure, why not. Let’s try again from a different angle.

Matthew 18:8-9

Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

If you should pluck out your own eye, or cut off your own hand or foot, to keep yourself from sin, then surely you must be allowed to wall yourself off from a person, even one who is family, if that person drives you to sin. In this case, let the wall be one built of faith, that may be scaled by faith, so that no one who is faithful shall be kept out.

I am trying to keep to God in the face of a cancer that is eating everything. No measure is too harsh. In this case, the measure is keeping my distance from those who would drive me to sin. It is fully reversible should we reach an understanding about what God wishes us to do, as I hope that we do.

The son may not kill the father as you seem to be insisting on.

I did not say that nor imply it.

Neither situation applies with your idea of stopping honoring thy father and thy mother if they don’t believe as you do.

You didn’t answer my question. It was not rhetorical, I genuinely wanted to know if you had a good answer.

How do I honor a father who does not honor himself?

Your inability to read basic scripture indicates your either a stupid or pretending to be stupid, either way it’s a very convincing.

This is fruitless. If you want to lecture me about the scripture of my own religion then say the words, accept Jesus Christ, and convert, otherwise stay quiet.

Pooch says:

How do I honor a father who does not honor himself?

Respect him and do not curse him (even if he is wrong). Christ requires this of his followers. Our fathers did at least something right and bring us into this life which account for something and they should be honored and commended for it. This is something I personally have failed to do.

Ace says:

>How do I honor a father who does not honor himself?

By honoring your father. He doesn’t have to choose to accept your honor if he feels undeserving and you don’t have to be under his roof if you feel unable to do your duty to your parents.

But it seems to be me you’ve judge him inferior to you and thus you’ve decided to abandoned the commandment to honor him. You now use your limited contact with him to berate him, instead of you living as man according to God’s law to show him the way as Christianity commands.

There is no scriptural reference, and no condition under GNON’s law that would gives you licensees to not honor your father and mother. Your claiming such puts you in rebellion against GNON.

I follow GNON’s law and that law states honor thy father and thy mother because they gave you life and every good and successful religion in history requires such behavior from their children towards their parents. This is GNON’s will and you should follow it if you believe as you claim.

Joe says:


Respect him and do not curse him (even if he is wrong).

Thank you.

Ace says:

Respect him and do not curse him (even if he is wrong). Christ requires this of his followers. Our fathers did at least something right and bring us into this life which account for something and they should be honored and commended for it. This is something I personally have failed to do.

I failed to do it for many years as well. I even challenged my father by calling his profession worthless and I was disappointed when he failed to get violent about it. I had far more respect for other fathers who kept discipline and order with a stick, who struck first and asked questions later while my father failed to keep discipline and order at all.

When my always angry and upset mother finally decided to see my father the alpha male of the family, even if by all accounts he’s a weak man she became much happier almost over night. Things just felt natural to her and the rest of the family and the anger and conflict faded from family life. The natural order had been restored to the family and all prospered for it.

Later in life I realized that finding that natural order was necessary for good life and I started honoring my father and mother despite never having heard of GNON and being quite dismissive of Christianity at the time.

Almost everything they taught me growing up was bullshit or lies that made life more difficult, as they were deep in the Christian but still progressive system. I learned almost nothing from them but my own life improved when I accepted GNON’s law to honor them.

Pooch says:

I suspect GNON manifests this with children who maintain good relationships with their parents experience more reproductive success themselves than children who don’t, as the grandparents will be involved in raising the grandchildren. The long human lifespan beyond child rearing years seems to imply this.

suones says:

Dear Bilge_Pump,

I feel sorry for your predicament, but filial piety demands that you obey your father. Even if he is a “libtard” boomer opposed to your “correct” views. Especially if he is a libtard boomer.

I speak only for myself, and not any broader “reactionary movement,” but dharma commands obedience to your father first and foremost, even if he is opposed to virtue, the King, whatever.

If your father leads you into hell itself, it is your duty to follow him. You may advise him as to the folly of his actions, but you must obey him nonetheless.

As for the “badge,” I say join the police if you can. It’s a good job. Better than most.

Sorry for the direct comment, but I see too many cases of reactionaries “rebelling” against parents in favour of some abstract virtue, but that is really Leftism. Rebelling against one’s parents is the first betrayal taught by Leftism. One must be watchful.

alf says:

If your father leads you into hell itself, it is your duty to follow him.

What, no, that’s dumb. If your father leads you into hell, you tell him that’s stupid and you get out.

someDude says:


Suones comment should clue you in to why the Hindus always lose. It’s almost like they never heard the principles of reciprocity. Almost like they never heard of about generational contracts. Or even Game theory. Good Lord! Even Lord Rama would lose to Ravana with this sort of Rabble in his intelligentsia.

suones says:

It’s almost like they never heard the principles of reciprocity. Almost like they never heard of about generational contracts. Or even Game theory.

Relationship with one’s forefathers as a contract😱

This is simply evil. Patria potestas, the absolute right of a father, is the basis of Aryan society. A lord is like a father unto his tenants, the King is like a father unto his lords, and the Heavenly Father is like a father unto the King. But the basic unit is the Father in a household. Who has the power of life and death over his sons (and everyone else within his household).

Even Lord Rama would lose to Ravana with this sort of Rabble in his intelligentsia.

You mean the same Crown Prince Sri Ramchandra who left his capital to live for 14 years in the forest (which began the tragedy of the main tale of the Ramayana) due to his father’s completely unjustified command? And that when advised by the sophist intellectual Sri Jabali as to the folly of this decision, he berated him severely for his sophistry in trying to lead Sri Ram astray from the path of dharma. This episode of Sri Ram charitra is particularly “problematic” for Hindu progs. Dharma >> Sophistry. Your simile was either ignorant or sophist. Probably the latter.

someDude says:

Brother Suones! Riddle me this.

Your Dad suddenly finds Jesus and declares that Lord Rama and all the other Gods are demons and Jesus is the only path to salvation and demands that you obey him as his son and convert to Xtianity and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Whatchoo gonna do? Take your own advice to obey your dad and follow him to hell and thus convert to Xtianity and turn your back on Lord Rama? OR stay loyal to our old Gods.

Now, who’s the sophist here?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


I don’t actually disagree with you here mind, just pointing out that whataboutisms like this are a classic sophistical tactic. (Sophistications don’t necessarily need to be *wrong*, of course.)

jim says:

Whether it is a valid tactic depends on the whataboutism, and what it is a response to.

In this case, a valid tactic. Suones is deliberately misunderstanding Christianity, also ignorant of it, to argue it commands stupid things.

someDude is attempting to explain Christianity to him, which requires whatabouts.

suones says:


I’m under no illusions of understanding (Jim-style) Christianity. Please enlighten us as to how the above discussion between knowledgeable Christians quoting scripture, Ace and Joe, is to be resolved.

Patria potestas is an impossible concept for Arabs to grasp, whose very relationships are in the form of “social contracts,” and disloyalty to fathers, even outright treason is not only tolerated but actively encouraged in pursuit of power. No wonder the religion of the sons of Ishmael has great difficulty achieving co-operation beyond fleeting alliances of convenience.

What does Jimian Christianity have to say about it?

Ace says:

I’m under no illusions of understanding (Jim-style) Christianity. Please enlighten us as to how the above discussion between knowledgeable Christians quoting scripture, Ace and Joe, is to be resolved.

Joe’s not a knowledgeable Christian as evidenced by trying to use one part of scripture to overturn a repeated commandment by inference, a common progressive debate tactic. I’m extremely hostile to this behavior since it’s the primary tactic used to remove Paul’s command of explicit Christian Patriarchy.

I make no claim to be a Christian, just a sperg who read his bible while being raised a Christian. I follow the Cult of Gnon because the natural order works. Old school Christianity and Gnon are broadly in agreement and as such there’s is a lot of wisdom in the bible. But the bible is just a tool to create and maintain the natural order and understanding why such things are commanded by it is more important than the text itself. Tradition is the guide light by which we walk.

What Joe wanted and I what I didn’t grasp, was someone to tell him how to honor his father when his father is weak and pozed. Pooch handled that.

Patria potestas is an impossible concept for Arabs to grasp, whose very relationships are in the form of “social contracts,” and disloyalty to fathers, even outright treason is not only tolerated but actively encouraged in pursuit of power. No wonder the religion of the sons of Ishmael has great difficulty achieving co-operation beyond fleeting alliances of convenience.

Islam is proof positive the Romans got it right when they limited marriage to a single wife. There’s no decent way to build strong family units when a father has too many children to spend the time to instruct them properly.

jim says:

> I make no claim to be a Christian, just a sperg who read his bible while being raised a Christian. I follow the Cult of Gnon because the natural order works. Old school Christianity and Gnon are broadly in agreement and as such there’s is a lot of wisdom in the bible. But the bible is just a tool to create and maintain the natural order and understanding why such things are commanded by it is more important than the text itself. Tradition is the guide light by which we walk.

Tradition is Chesteron’s fence. Old tradition shows compliance to Gnon by the fact that the society that adhered to it survived, while so many others did not.

But framing this as compliance to Gnon puts you in a tribe with a supreme alpha at the top. Which facilitates extended cooperation better than game theory does. The supreme alpha commands the game theoretic strategy which leads to optimal collective outcomes.

Turn the other cheek (you only have two cheeks) and walk the extra mile (but not unlimited extra miles) is the tit for tat strategy modified for a world of imperfect information and lack of clarity on what constitutes defection, for in a world of imperfect information you need one tit for two tats, or else errors and misjudgments result in tit for tat becoming defect/defect equilibrium.

When scientists observing wolves coined the term “alpha male” they thought that the biggest and toughest wolf was the alpha. Then when we got gene tracing, they discovered that the alpha male was the father or grandfather, and the alpha female the mother or grandmother. If wolves could speak, they would probably tell you that God commanded them to honor their father and their mother. A wolf pack is not a voluntary association. It is a family or an extended family. Getting cooperation in voluntary associations is hard.

And we have observed how divorce at female whim leads to defect/defect equilibrium between men and women resulting in failure to reproduce successfully.

Joe says:


Please enlighten us as to how the above discussion between knowledgeable Christians quoting scripture, Ace and Joe, is to be resolved.

In Christianity, in a case with real disagreement, by comparing their fruits. The person whose version of Christianity is closer to reality will come out ahead over a long period of time.

In the case where the disagreement is the result of one of the people being a faggot, and continuing to be a faggot long after the matter is resolved, by the other person telling him to kill himself until he goes away and kills himself, although given the high quality of discourse expected on this blog it would probably suffice to say it once then stand back and wait for it to be done.


Joe’s not a knowledgeable Christian as evidenced by trying to use one part of scripture to overturn a repeated commandment by inference, a common progressive debate tactic.

Kill yourself faggot.

suones says:

@someDude bhai,

Your Dad suddenly finds Jesus and declares that Lord Rama and all the other Gods are demons and Jesus is the only path to salvation and demands that you obey him as his son and convert to Xtianity and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Absolutely follow my dad. Religion is not worth giving up blood over. It’s like a sports team, in that case. Blood is thicker than Ganges water. But then my father does command my absolute loyalty, and I would willingly suffer death or damnation for him. I realise that many fathers are not like that, and I pity that many have not known fatherly guidance. I think my father knew this, and indirectly hinted several times as to the correct way to raise sons. This line of thought and belief ultimately leads to the old gods, however, so that’s that. The pantheon starts with one’s forefathers.

If a father is up to something extremely horrible and repulsive (like Alf mentioned), and family elders refuse to put a stop to his activities, the only honourable option would be to cut family ties and leave home for good.

This is also why I don’t begrudge Christian converts. I will work out something for the multi-ethnic Empire that Bharat is. My problem with Christians in India is that they are almost universally prog-puppets. I was under the impression that they were like this everywhere, but in reactionary circles I found many pockets where a different, better Christ is worshipped, like here. Christianity in India can absolutely be made to work by ordaining the Indian Orthodox Church as THE Church that all Christians must follow on pain of expulsion. Same with every other nation — National Churches for everyone.

Dharma shastras teach us the parable of Sri Kartikeya and Sri Ganesha, both sons of Sri Shambhu the Destroyer. Once the sons had a competition to see which could circumnavigate the world faster. Sri Kartikeya immediately departed at high speed on his fast peacock ride. While Sri Ganesha merely cicumnavigated his seated parents astride his slow mouse ride, and thus finished before Sri Kartikeya. Sri Ganesha was declared the winner of the contest. Moral being: If the entire world is on one side and parents on the other, Dharma commands one choose the side of parents.

Ace says:

My problem with Christians in India is that they are almost universally prog-puppets. I was under the impression that they were like this everywhere, but in reactionary circles I found many pockets where a different, better Christ is worshipped, like here.

Prog-puppets is a good description. My parents are friends with missionaries who worked undercover as English teachers in China for many years, converting many Chinese to Christianity. But from my own experience with this couple they seem more like progressives in Christian clothing, or Prog-Puppets as you put it. They finally fled China a few years ago as Chinese national socialism started ramping up, which put their lives in danger.

someDude says:


Alf’s option sounds sensible. Bias must always be towards father. But if something horrible, leave home and cut ties.

It’s blanket obedience to father that I am opposing to you on.

jim says:

No cutting ties.

Kin are always kin.

But when a son grows up, it is time for him to steer his own course, while honoring his father and mother irrespective of whether they “deserve” it or not.

When it is time for a son to get married, needs to be King of his own household.

When a grown son visits his Dad’s household, he should treat him as Dad. When Dad visits his son’s household, his son should still treat him as Dad, but Dad should not act like Dad, but like an honored guest. Who can be asked to leave.

suones says:


When a grown son visits his Dad’s household, he should treat him as Dad. When Dad visits his son’s household, his son should still treat him as Dad, but Dad should not act like Dad, but like an honored guest. Who can be asked to leave.

Patria potestas extends to the Emperor and even to Sri Vishnu himself. When an Emperor visits a subject’s home, even if it be a mud hut, he is supposed to be under protection of the lord of the house, who might actually be just a poor hermit, and dharma commands the Emperor to honour his host. The same principle applies even if Sri Vishnu, for example, takes an avatar and visits a subject’s home. Dharma shastras abound with tales where disrespecting an apparently lowly host caused grave evil to befall Kings and even gods.

This dovetailed very strongly with the GNON-ical explanation given by you, that when the Supreme Alpha on Earth backs up the Alpha of the house, the other members of the household (especially women) become more loyal towards the Alpha of their house, who in turn rewards the Supreme Alpha with his loyalty, the chain extending up to the Supreme Alpha in the Sky in a co-operate-co-operate equilibrium.

It cannot be co-incidence that a rational analysis from first principles agrees so strongly with recommendations of an ancient Chesterton’s Fence.

Ace says:

I feel sorry for your predicament, but filial piety demands that you obey your father.

I don’t see it that way. If you live under your father’s roof you need to obey him or leave. But once you are a man, you make your own choices. Our tradition is that we honor our fathers and our mothers and are obedient to them while under their own roofs, but otherwise we make our choices and choose our own paths. If we lived in a more clan like situation then the patriarch would be obeyed in almost all things, but we’re currently not doing clans. As civilizations collapse, clans become the norm and I expect them to become common in America.

suones says:

If you live under your father’s roof you need to obey him or leave.

This is the clearest statement of patria potestas. A father has absolute power (of life and death) within his household. A son who is too big for his britches should stake out his own household/kingdom. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as for example Philip of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great who did stake out his own (immensely larger) kingdom. 👍

Americans aren’t currently doing clans because the immense area and sparse population enables people to live in small groups, especially once the Indian (feather, not dot) threat subsided. But you’ll have to do clans once the Indians (cartels, not H1Bs) return in force. Or you’ll die out. Aryans were victorious due to superior organisation compared to barbarians, which superior organisation starts with the family, then progresses to clan, and finally nation. No father, no family, no nation.

Theshadowedknight says:

That isn’t true at all. A traitor is the lowest form of enemy, and a traitor to his family is the lowest form of treason. Siding with niggers in the ghetto against your own son in your own house is treason against the blood.

Ace says:

All too common today. My own father showered my sisters with resources while left the boys high and dry. The progressive holiness points meant more to my father than his male line continuing and prospering. I’ve seen this in many families growing up.

My father lucked that my sister opted for a traditional marriage and a big family after finding an alphamale to marry, but other families have highly educated and bitter cat ladies for daughters. Several families will have no grandchildren because of it.

Drinking the poison that harms your own offspring is a great sin.

Snowdensjacket says:

The son does pay the sins of the father.

No matter what we say, gnon has his say.

So we understand.

May your sons be strong men, one of whom I would allow to marry my daughter.

The Cominator says:

Filial piety is complex… but I do think keeping faith should have to go both ways.

someDude says:

Absolutely agree. It goes both ways. Generational contract, reciprocity and all that.

Happy to see that our future chief executioner is a man of such nuance. For this, you get first dibs on who to execute and the manner of his/her execution.

Joe says:

If your father leads you into hell itself, it is your duty to follow him. You may advise him as to the folly of his actions, but you must obey him nonetheless.

Utterly stupid and contrary to God’s intent. Again I will quote St Paul, with emphasis so that you cannot misunderstand it.

Ephesians 6:1

Children, obey your parents in the Lord

suones says:

I will not respond to appeals to Christian scripture, as there are many here who know those.

But anyone who sides with “God/King/Priest” against his own father is a vile traitor on earth and a sinner in the eyes of heaven. Even if the father is manifestly evil, it is the duty of the son to protect him from the folly of his ways, by example as well as coercion, if need be. Banishment of a child is the father’s right, and must be respected as well.

But what if a father worships Moloch and wants to sacrifice his son, you ask? How do you know the father is not Abraham binding Isaac instead?

Joe says:

Because the sacrifice would be done at the altar of the Lord, not in front of a grotesque idol.

The Cominator says:

There are limits to a man’s duty to his parents as there are limits to a man’s duty to his king.

Trump fleeing the field on the 6th ended our duty to him, you do not have to fight for a coward king even if I’ll be grateful for three good years and avoiding war with Russia.

You do not have to keep faith with a father that keeps none with you, nor follow him into madness.

suones says:

There are limits to a man’s duty to his parents as there are limits to a man’s duty to his king.

Death absolves one of all obligations.

Trump never deserved your duty. However hard we may have memed him as God-Emperor, he didn’t have what it takes in 2016 and doesn’t have it now.

A mad father must not be “followed into madness” but rather followed to bring out of madness, or die trying.

alf says:

If your father’s madness brought you debt, a useless degree, many wasted years and friendzones, the only healthy recourse is to break. There are limits to a son’s loyalty, and mine was far crossed. I tried to talk my father out of madness, only made things worse.

Once you go your own way, or let us say, follow the path of gnon and are rewarded for it, you can perhaps mend a few things. Always healthier to mend things from a strong position.

suones says:

You mentioned a father indulging in unspeakable evil, and in that case I agree that breaking off would be the only feasible option. No point in spilling good blood after bad.

someDude says:

I’m sorry, but obedience to parents is a generational contract. Once any generation defects on the previous generation, then they no longer have the privilege of the cooperation of the succeeding generation.

Defect on your dad, lose the cooperation of you Son. This knowledge will also serve to keep you in line. To counsel unquestioning obedience to a father who disobeyed his own father in flagrant ways in cooperation with an enemy ideology is either plain Dumb or just evil. I hope this is just temporary insanity on your part.

If my king chooses to collaborate with the invading Mohammedans against his Dharmic Rival, I as a soldeir no longer have an obligation to obey my king. I will defect and desert at the first available opportunity.

Joe says:

A father calling the police on his son is the epitomy of boomer retardedness. The first time my father threatened this I started walking out the door and he backed down. The second my mother threatened it I walked out the door and never returned. Two cheeks, then walk.

Now I preach Jimian Christianity to them, and they listen, because if they do not they will never hear from me again. Now, more than ever, facing the prospect of a collapse and dark age, there is no place in the life of any Christian for anyone who does not accept the message of Jesus Christ as it was accepted at the start of the last dark age.

Aidan MacLear says:

Dude, I am probably more in favor of occasionally chimping out than most people here but you need to learn some self control. If your fat girl boss is hitting on you, flirt back. If you and your dad disagree, learn to have civil disagreements. Your dad is more like a heroin addict, high on “1965”, than an actual enemy. Blood counts for more than ideology.

I know that living in the modern world blows donkey dick for a virile hot blooded young man who doesn’t own a woman. You need to find an outlet for it, most likely involving physical courage.

Pooch says:

most likely involving physical courage

No outlet like that exists for the right. If it did, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Ace says:

There’s always a life of crime.

Karl says:

Try martial arts. The experience of puching someone in the face and being punched in face makes it easier to keep civil discourse civil and to be effectively uncivil as soon as circumstances require it.

Not true. There are plenty of manly things you can do that help you feel and be better. Most are mere simulations of the things your ancestors did, and won’t fix your problems, or lead to any kind of social change, but “Bilge Pump” would be much happier and better-adjusted if he played a contact sport, had male friends, lifted weights, went hiking or hunting, and so on, over today’s default male hobbies of netflix, xbox, and pot.

He gets sincerely angry when a fat and ugly girl hits on him because he takes it as an insult to his status, it sounds to him like “I’m only worthy of fat and ugly chicks”, but it hurts him because it must be true, that his status is low enough to only pull fat and ugly chicks, and he needs to fix that.

The Cominator says:

If he has any money and is outside lockdown land find a good looking stripper and one who let’s you fuck her preferably at no cost above regular dances… the last part is critical even if you can afford it.

This is not quite a girlfriend but you feel a lot better.

Yul Bornhold says:

Can high adrenaline activities like riding motorcycle fill the role of contact sport or are those separate categories?

Prince Charming says:

Contact sport builds skill & character. Whereas bikers tend to be bad boys because of survivorship bias. If you have grit, biking is great and enjoyable, and will give you opportunities to pass shit-tests. Or, if you’re a weak pussy impostor, fail shit-tests:

Dean Hodes gets run off the road

Ace says:

You’re better off being a drug dealer than a biker. Death rate is lower and the pussy is younger, easier, and better looking.

Deep State and the Cathedral sponsored globohomo agents like Greta Thunberg strikes at India’s sovereignty once again:

And Indian Government is also fighting back against Twitter’s refusal to block incendiary Separatists’ accounts:

suones says:

I guess this puts paid to any illusions we (by which I mean I) may have had about the side we seem to have anonymously picked. If Rihanna and Greta are on the opposing side, we’re absolutely on the right side! 😂

(Note that Right != Winning, as Prithviraj Chauhan and countless others found out).

This also hardens my resolve against the so-called “farmer” traitors beseiging the national capital. I was willing to give them the benefit of doubt, considering them sons of the soil with some grievances. Not anymore.

When they refused to negotiate in good faith with a government that backwards on the farm laws by offering to suspend them for one and a half years, I knew that they had the support and blessings of Deep State and Cathedral for fomenting trouble. But I predicted this kind of thing on my earlier blog post ( and only surprised that this escalation happened so soon after Biden’s “victory”.

suones says:

Yes you did predict this. And I did not expect it to occur so soon. You were right.

Not really a bold prediction though. It fits well with the pattern of Democratic governments in power in the US. I’m also expecting increasingly shrill cries of “evil Hindu supremacy destroying religious freedom in India” and the US Congress passing resolutions against this government.

You can absolutely count on them supporting Muslims against Hindus, because they always support the thugs, because the more applecarts of power or stability they overturn, the more chances they get to pick up apples of power or status. Or their clients do. More like that way.

This was true already in the 18th century when the French Enlightenment was worried about the Tzar being really hard on the Tartars, but not worried about how the Tartars spent centuries harvesting the steppe i.e enslaving and selling Slavs.

Lama Ole Nydahl, the only Western Buddhist who is not a gay lib LARPer but a man to be taken seriously as a man, who is at least half-based, had said about the Yugo wars that Bill Clinton was entirely in the wrong to bomb the Serbs.

First, he said, you never ever ever should support Muslims against anyone else. Because they always end up making more and more trouble in the long run, you do not get peace ever by supporting Muslims. Ole was kind of naive, he did not understand the goal is not peace.

Second, the brutal tactics used by Milosevic, he said, were necessary and unavoidable when fighting against a guerilla war. It is the peasants who work peacefully during the day are who go shooting during the night. So you have to lock them in camps during the day, either that or you lose, no third choice.

suones says:

Milosevic did nothing wrong.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It was fast because it doesn’t even need to ‘come from the top’; with Trump out of the way, every tranzi middle manager in every ‘NGO’ pseudopod everwhere felt emboldened again, looked around and saw every other tranzi thinking the same thing, and ‘the band got back together again’.

someDude says:


Please don’t call them farmers. They are not. Call it a middleman protest or a professional activist protest. The Indian RW really needs a crash course on the rectification of names. Had the boot been on the other foot, the left ummah would never have referred to them as farmers even if they were. Ever hear of Joe the Plumber?

Why is the RW in every country so uniformly Dumb? In a war of stupid Vs Evil, Evil wins every single time

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A leftie wouldn’t call them farmers even if they were, and a rightist wouldn’t call someone else leaning right dumb even if they were.

Which is not to say aspersions as to the intelligence of other parties may not be involved of course, but rather the way in which they are conducted; someone who is actually a part of a given identity will not tar themselves with the same brush they are using to tar an other with.

someDude says:

I’m sorry, but to refer to professional activists, NGO employees and middle men as farmers is just plain dumb and plays right into the left’s narrative. Why would you hobble yourself intentionally? Either they are faking it, or they are dumb. Let’s hear a third option.

What is clear to me is that, there was a small farmers’ protest at the very beginning, which could have been resolved by dialogue and indeed it appeared as though they were coming round to some kind of compromise, however it became clear very quickly that the radical Left along with their international sponsors (the Cathedral) had taken over and subverted the protests to doom the dialogue to failure.

Not everything by the Cathedral is a well planned and smoothly organized conspiracy. They are opportunists looking to stoke a small fire into a raging destructive inferno and in this case, the timing was excellent, because the radical Left all over the world had got a big boost following Trump’s ouster from the White House..

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>to refer to professional activists, NGO employees and middle men as farmers is just plain dumb and plays right into the left’s narrative.

Yes; and also, not what i was speaking too.

someDude says:

I posit that there are no actual farmers in the protest. And even if they make some income farming, majority of income came from but not limited monopolies granted by the APMC, professional activism and union work. Don’t concede an inch to your enemies

suones says:

Please don’t call them farmers.

Good call. Even as I placed “farmers” in scare-quotes and added “so-called” in front, it is indeed foolish to refer to them as farmers. India has millions of farmers (not counting indirect beneficiaries of the farm economy), none of who are represented in the movement (I myself live in farm heartland).

Why is the RW in every country so uniformly Dumb? In a war of stupid Vs Evil, Evil wins every single time.

A telling issue. It is because we RW folks lack an Academy of our own where we can freely discuss our half-baked thoughts and hone them into linguistic kill-shots. Any ostensibly right-wing platform quickly gets tarred as “Nazi” or worse and rapidly shut down. RW masses are decapitated, so to speak. This makes “Dumb RW” a self-reinforcing fallacy.

A silver lining is that Indian farmers have nothing to do with this movement, and it is transparently a foreign plot. Much hilarity ensues when discussing their latest antics around a bonfire.

someDude says:

Glad to see you find it hilarious. I somehow only see negatives. Every time the supposedly RW media idiots at republic et. al. call them farmers, I feel like taking the cricket bat to the TV. Something in me dies.

At least they seem to have woken up now after the Cathedral sponsored conspiracy with agents like Greta Thunberg leaked and a criminal complaint has been filed in respect of the “toolkit”.

The Canada backed Khalistani link is established.

And I feel that this expose will harden the government’s stand.

suones says:

Chill dude.

“RW TV” is jokers (Arnab has some good bites sometimes). Zee News is cuck central. Talk to real farmers. I do so every day.

But yes, there is now no hope of this dying down on its own, as US State mouthpieces have opened up (and their purses have opened up also). Modi will face a real test.

Except Arnab Goswami to *some* extent, who actually dares to challenge the existing Leftist narrative and actually takes up Hindu causes (like the murder of the Sadhus in Maharashtra) most of the Indian “right wing” media are blue-pilled Nationalists or what I might call “Liberal patriots”. While they appear to be genuine in their nationalism and indeed challenge the Prog narrative on issues that concern India’s immediate security concerns and sovereignity, they are misconceived in almost every other right-wing issue.

Among TV channels, I would classify NDTV as the major Prog voice in India. Times Now falls into the blue-pilled Nationalist bracket.

suones says:


The byline on the WaPo hitpiece:

Niha Masih
Niha Masih is an India-based correspondent for The Washington Post based in New Delhi. Before joining The Post in 2019, she reported on politics, conflict and religious fundamentalism in India for Hindustan Times and New Delhi Television (NDTV).

NDTV is the leading “secular” (Hindu prog) media outlet, while Hindustan Times is a centre-left publication.

“Masih” surname means “Christ” in Semitish, and strongly implies the author’s Chrestian convictions, which are indistinguishable from prog convictions. Which is obvious from a Hindu perspective. I pointed this out as many commenters here found it strange that the “Holy Trinity” in India comprises Marx, the Son of Marx (Lenin?), and Mao. Christianity is an arm of the prog machine, and Chrestians hand in glove with progs. The one traitor that WaPo found to pen this horseshit is a female Chrestian, quelle surprise !

Regarding “based Chrestianity:” Video or it didn’t happen.

I’m deeply worried about the growing boldness and audacity of radical Leftists in India (not so worried about the “old” Left – the Congress and the traditional Left who seem to be a spent force and trying desperately to stay relevant).

We need an Enabling Act well before 2024 at this rate.

Joe says:


Do we call your Lord Ram a faggot?

suones says:

No, you don’t. But you also probably don’t follow Chrestos the Jewish Community Organiser who agitated the Jews so much that they were expelled from Rome (cf Suetonius). Jim has claimed the moniker of “Christianity” for his version of based Semitic religion, and Cominator etc want exclusively National Churches to be powerful. Both of these ideas I can get behind, so I had to invent a new word that covers both prog-entryists into Christianity, as well as Evangelicals/Catholics engaged on a global Holy Crusade for sodomy and trannerism.

I liked Jim’s formulation of them following not “Jesus Christ the Logos” but rather Jesus the Community Organiser who paved the way for Obama the Lightbringer, and given that Suetonius mentioned “Chrestos,” “Chrestian” seemed a good moniker to me.

As for hurling abuse and slander at the old gods, this is par for the course for Chrestian missionaries and their fellow travellers. This is how they get converts now that organised violence is beyond their capacity. The based national Churches of Jim and Cominator are nowhere to be seen near me, except for a tiny fragment (Indian Orthodox Church of St Thomas). Internationalist Catholic/Evangelical propaganda is all around and indistinguishable from prog propaganda, up to and including the Pope himself. “Niha Masih” is an example of the above.

Joe says:


jim says:

> you also probably don’t follow Chrestos the Jewish Community Organiser who agitated the Jews so much that they were expelled from Rome (cf Suetonius).

You are mangling together two distinct events:

The Jews unreasonably elaborated the letter of the law, to evade the spirit and intent of the law. And, violating the spirit of the law, they mightily pissed off their neighbors. And eventually pissed off the six hundred pound gorilla with a short temper.

The events of Suetonias wrote happened later, and did not primarily involve Jews.

The Old Testament law commands respectful behavior concerning blood. But this seems to have been interpreted by first temple Jews as primarily symbolic, rather than literal. In the first testament period talk about people “covered in blood” in contexts where it is obviously not literal blood, but the blood that lady Macbeth was unsuccessfully trying to wash off with literal water.

This law, like most of them, became elaborated, and taken to ever greater lengths in ever more absurd demonstrations of superior holiness.

In one of their synagogues, the Jews found access to their synagogue cramped, and entered their synagogue over someone else’s land. He killed some birds on his land, contaminating the entrance way with blood.

Indignant about being forced to walk over ground contaminated with blood in sandaled feet, the Jews rioted against the Greeks. Romans came out to restore order, a high ranking Roman cop was killed. So to avoid walking on ground contaminated with chicken blood, the Jews covered themselves in the blood of a Roman doing his duty to protect the peace and to protect everyone’s property rights.

So their superior holiness about chicken blood did not inconvenience them in spilling human blood.

And because the Jews were so self righteous about the incident, one thing led to another thing, which eventually led to the Jews being expelled from Israel.

We don’t know much about the troubles with the Chrestians.

suones says:

I’m not mixing up anything. “Chrestian” is simply a neologism to differentiate “Christian” (as defined by you, Jim) from the Cathodoxelical Prog Machine, so that Jimian Christians (or Cominator-style National Churches) may not feel offended.

And since Cathodoxelicals have become holier than Christ and left him far behind, it is as well that I name their god “Chrestos,” who most definitely was a Jewish community organiser lol. Vox Day calls a similar deity “Judeo Christ.”

someDude says:

There is no need to disrespect Christianity and Christians on this Forum regardless of your private views on this topic. They do not disrespect Lord Rama and so there is no need for you to lump people here with Christian Missionaries in India.

And God knows I am no fan of what the missionaries are up to in India. But over here, please be civil as a sign of respect to Jim if no one else. Please Don’t cross this line again. I beg you.

jim says:

Not feeling terribly respectful about a Pope who invokes Global Warming as the great moral crisis of our time when people complain about priests in the Vatican having sex with each other in a great big pile.

Not all individuals nor organizations that purport to be Christian deserve respect.

A lot of them are hostile entryists, whose intent, now largely accomplished, is to gut Christianity and wear it as a skin suit.

Leftism guts respected institutions, wears their skins, and demands respect.

someDude says:

If it does not bother you, then I hold my peace.

Suones really wants whites to go back to their old Gods like Toutatis, Belenos, Jupiter, Zeus, Apollo, Saturn, Pluto, Janus, Mars, Aphrodite, Thor, Odin etc etc. And to be honest, so do I. But I just don’t see how that is practical. A religion and way of life, lost once is lost for ever. And these have been lost for so long.

You may have to start over. But you can’t go back to it. And being a staunch Polytheist, Suones is partial to the old Gods, so he does not seem to be able to accept that they can’t come back.

jim says:

Yes, and he is wrong. In the time of Alfred, the leadership of the pagans kept killing each other.

But he argues in a reasonably civilized way, so I am disinclined to shut him up.

7817 says:

“Not all individuals nor organizations that purport to be Christian deserve respect.”

This is most if not all church leadership in the United States now, from the old mainline denominations to the Baptists and other low church groups previously thought to be secure. Their leadership has sold them out pretty much across the board. Anytime you see church leadership crying about what happened January 6th you can see church leadership that is converged.

suones says:

There is no need to disrespect Christianity and Christians on this Forum regardless of your private views on this topic. They do not disrespect Lord Rama and so there is no need for you to lump people here with Christian Missionaries in India.

That’s why I’ve resorted to using Chrestian/Chrestos terminology extensively. Christ belongs to Jim.

WaPo’s Niha Masih is absolutely a Chrestian traitor and a prime example of the kind of cancer I’m referring to regarding “Christians in India.”

That said, I have no private views on the subject. I hold any Internationalist Church to be an arm of the Prog machine, and feel no obligation of respect towards, for example, the Pope, or various sympathisers in other wicked Churches. Any “Christian” claiming to be holier than Christ is my enemy, and his fellow travellers and defenders are my enemies too. Vox Day calls them “Churchians,” and there are a lot of them. All enemies.

clovis says:

You are aware that Hindooism and Buddhism and Lamaism and all the Eastern religions have been used by leftists and hippies to tear down traditional western values lo these sixty years?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be fair, things like ‘buddhism’ as presented by the spectacle to folk in Europe or America, is exactly as Buddhist as the ‘christianity’ presented by the spectacle to folk in India or China is Christian.

clovis says:

Yeah, that was my point.

suones says:

Absolutely. That’s why I want National Gods for each nation, rather than a “universal” faith. Internationalist Buddhism is as retarded as Internationalist Christianity. “Hinduism” or “Indianism” is a different beast, because there is no way to “convert” into it — you can only be born Hindu, and worship the gods of your forefathers. As such, any new-age “Hindu” movement is full of shit, as were the Beatles, Osho “disciples” etc. They are Prog-puppets whose target was weakening Established Christianity using any means available.

jim says:

History shows us that national religions are the way to go. But for whites, should be Orthodox Christianity, which handled the balance between being universal, and having a national variant in each nation, fairly well.

Things came unstuck when the Pope seized Kingly power, and promptly started retooling Orthodoxy for the purposes of Caesar. The Great Schism was a direct and immediate result of the Holy Roman Emperor withdrawing from Rome, and the Pope promptly stepping into his shoes and grabbing whatever was up for grabs. Before that, the orthodoxy of the Holy Roman Emperor and its many diverse Kingdoms got along fine with the Orthodoxy of Byzantium.

someDude says:


No such thing as internationalist Buddhism. Source?

suones says:


Behold! Cancer put into words:

Choice quotes:

Younger Buddhists are often more fired by social action than mysticism.
Distinctions between monks and lay people does not fit in with modern society
deep conservatism…Westerners love Tibetans, but we notice the baggage.
The emerging western Buddhist world is essentially non-denominational.
…western Buddhism is driven by students’ needs as much as teachers’ wishes.
Buddhist mindfulness practices are being applied to everything from mental health treatments to eating out, and we’re now seeing a “mindfulness boom”.
Buddhist influence on western culture is strong in the arts, social action, environmentalism, psychotherapy and practitioners’ lives.
Westerners can definitely do Buddhism, and are its future. (😂)
Scandals and anguished life stories show that, even for people who prize celibacy, sex doesn’t go away. 😂😂
A growing movement (as Julian Baggini has discussed) wishes to strip Buddhism of “superstitious” elements such as karma and rebirth to distil a secular Buddhism that’s compatible with science. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Pooch says:

India needs to ban all American social media companies and build their own like China did.

Not just social media but also OTT content providers like Netflix who are whoring Prog propaganda in most of their content. In fact the Indian government is mulling laws to rein in social media

Pooch says:

It’s a good step but ultimately they will need them to be replaced with their own platforms.

C4ssidy says:

On the subject of Covid: 4chan is occasionally bringing up the concept of leaky vaccines, with the example of Marek’s disease among chickens. The idea is that vaccines which inhibit symptoms without halting propagation end up changing the selection pressure on the virus . In the case of chickens, after several decades of leaky vaccines, unvaccinated chickens now have a close to 100% mortality rate. While I mostly associate vaccine-fear with conspiracy, I have seen no good rebuttal of the example of Marek’s disease, and medical authorities seem to just be ignoring the idea. My guess for an explanation is that doomering is simply politically unfavourable considering the timescales involved (decades). Alternatively they expect to produce a non-leaky vaccine in a reasonable timescale, but most of the current ones I hear about sound leaky

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You appear to be using the term ‘conspiracy’ in pejorative sense, which is perhaps somewhat understandable, since our synagogites have expended considerable energy over intervening decades on the task of conditioning people to associate the idea with unbellyfeels.

‘Haha, what kind of idiot would think that people ever coordinate over things for mutual advantage; everyone knows that groups dont exist, and things just happen for no reason, or because the Moral Arc of History makes them happen.’

c4ssidy says:

Conspiracy is rightly associated with unbellyfeels because they are typically believed in by people who do not understand basic logical and scientific fallacies. For example, the Bell’s palsy story is widely circulated, yet I do not see any of the people circulating the story asking themselves “how does this compared with the number we would expect by chance”? If they are incapable of understanding basic scientific methodology, one can dismiss their argument without looking into the details, and this tends to be the case with the majority of what we call conspiracy theories

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Conspiracy is how the world works. What you are speaking of rather is special cases of flim-flamery (which one may or may not be spreading as disinfo in the first place), which are equivocated with the term (‘conspiracy’), so that when we start talking about how the world works, you conflate the special case with the natural kind in general; thus, successfully putting unconscious blinkers on any cattle liable to discussing how the world works.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Conspiracy is how the world works. What you are speaking of rather is special cases of flim-flamery (which one may or may not be spreading themselves as disinfo in the first place), which are equivocated with the term (‘conspiracy’), so that when we start talking about how the world works, you conflate the special case with the natural kind in general; thus, successfully putting unconscious blinkers on any cattle liable to discussing how the world works.

c4ssidy says:

I’ve spoke to plenty of wignats on social media etc. The fallacies they get up to are not spoken shills, not CIA trying to taint the water, even though I accept that these activities sometimes take place. They are real existent low IQ people living in real trailers. Or schizophrenics living with parents and incapable of working. The stereotype with regards to conspiracies is the general rule, and so are their world-models and beliefs. It’s not a special case

The Cominator says:

The problem with the way people think about conspiracies is they don’t or are not capable of “game theorying” how the real conspiracy would and could work. SINCERE wignats tend to not be tall enough for that ride and lacking intellectual capacity reduce the correct sense that something is wrong and some kind of organized dark force is screwing them to “ITS DA JOOS”.

Real grand conspiracies tend to be compartimentalized and work on an “open secret” model… the goals are admitted publically somewhere and they are technically “legal”. Its generally not clandestine meetings to discuss black letter felonies though sometimes that is a part of what the Cathedral does (antifa, falsifying virus deaths etc).

jim says:

When I see that stuff, it usually is shills on the payroll supervised by human resources trying to taint the water.

Because it works, it frequently get retransmitted by people who are not shills on the payroll, but in the great majority of cases, you can detect that the poster’s identity is known to a human resources department and his boss, and that the posts are being monitored by human resources and his boss.

If for example, the guy worried about vast Jewish conspiracies is worried about the Rothschilds, rather than George Soros and Victoria Nuland, then his stuff is coming from an office whose supervisors are ultimately answerable to George Soros and Victoria Nuland.

Not every single one is a shill on the payroll, but the vast majority of them are, and the remainder would shut up if the shills stopped telling them lies.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Once again i reiterate: you conflate special case that you speak of, with the natural kind in general that i speak of.

Conspiracy is what makes the world go round. Conspiracy is what the business of civilization looks like. When men get together to do things, they are conspiring. Com Spirare. Together in spirit. Combined breath. Many with one single breath.

The ‘official’ view of how the business of civilization takes place is that everyone in every position everywhere in society are just individuals acting at random, and things ‘just happen to happen’.

On the contrary of course, things happen because agents cause them (they do not necessarily need to be *humanoid* agents, of course). If there are certain states of affairs that you dislike, then that means there are certain agents that you dislike.

Society is a phenomena that is caused by people. Things like wealth or poverty don’t ‘just happen’, they are caused *by people*. Things like war or crime or strife don’t ‘just happen’, they are caused *by people*. Things like feminism or immivasion or communism don’t ‘just happen’, they are caused *by people*. The idea of ‘things just happen to happen’ is an idea spread *by people*. Such sorts of people who might happen to prefer that you do not notice that they are in fact people who exist – in minecraft -, and that they have addresses – in minecraft -, and that if there happen to be particular trends in society that are troublesome to you, you can solve them by paying those people responsible for them a visit – in minecraft.

Cynewulf11 says:

Your definition of “conspiracy” is far too broad and takes in all forms of co-operative activity. The word is only used (except facetiously) to describe criminal or quasi-criminal activity.

jim says:

The issue is furtive cooperative activity. One thousand loud speakers supposedly representing independent voices that are all attached to one microphone.

Simultaneous coordinated action, as with the recent shutdown of the Gamestop short squeeze, by supposedly independent and autonomous actors.

Joe says:

For example, the Bell’s palsy story is widely circulated, yet I do not see any of the people circulating the story asking themselves “how does this compared with the number we would expect by chance”?

The report had 44,000 people divided around equally into two groups of 22,000, of which none of the placebo group and four of the vaccine group developed Bell’s Palsy.

Did you run the proper statistical test yourself? Which test did you use? What was the p-value? Using the common cut-off of 0.05, was the result due to chance?

(Disclaimer: I have run the statistical test and I am looking for someone smarter than the usual Reddit midwits to discuss this subject with.)

The Ducking Man says:

The chicken’s lack of diverse feed, lack of space, lack of exercise, lack of sunlight, lack of genetic diversity are 100% not related to the disease.

European Mutt says:

There is now this German doctor/medical entrepreneur who developed his own vaccine. Typical German engineer/tinkerer type, this thing looks legit to me. Was covered in MSM but they already purged some of it. Apparently high efficacy (about the same as Moderna and Sputnik), much easier to manufacture and much lower risk of side effects than vector or mRNA vaccines. It uses recombinant antigens, just virus proteins directly if I understood it right. Big pharma hates it and the guy is well aware of that.

He is currently being sued by the German vaccine authority for supposedly having conducted his trials illegally, official clinical trails are of course denied to him and lots of people are thinking he’s going to get Epsteined. He intends to make the vax open source, hopefully he either flees to Russia soon or at least manages to publish the thing before he gets suicided.

Someone should make a meme out of this either way. Him getting Epsteined would be a mighty sad (he’s a good guy, a naive but non-cuck conservative) but it would show normies that comparing Russia and the West is no longer about “whataboutism”.

This is a business where Jimcoin would already come in handy, both the social media and the cryptocorp aspect.

Here are the trial results, very encouraging:
Blog post for German readers: ( does an OK job on it; this may already contain the recipe, maybe some of the medical pros can weigh in here)

suones says:

Welcome to the third world. Reminds me of the case of Late Dr Subhash Mukhopadhaya[1], an independent inventor of in-vitro fertilisation, who was driven by the bureaucratic swamp into depression and ultimately suicide. I used to think such was not the case in “developed countries.” Oh well.


Encelad says:

More on military purges: black head of the pentagon already turned his eyes into investigating “”white supremacists”” among the officers’ ranks

Ace says:

Since the officers ranks are already pozed to tell hell, he probably means white men in general.

James Thornton says:

Here it is:

Licensing and registration for all gunowners, guns, and ammunition. To get a license you must pass a psych eval and get expensive insurance. License can be revoked by “red flags”. Bans .50 cal and larger calibers.

Pooch says:

That won’t pass until the Democrats remove the fillibuster.

Ace says:

There’s real danger of triggering a prole rebellion with widespread gun grabbing. Such things are always prelude to genocide and people know it. A peasants rebellion is very unlikely to win, but it’s an opportunity for rightwing leader to build a real rebellion with elite support. Hard to say how that would work out. Things might mighty bad for the left if the military refuses to put it down, which is why they’re waiting for the military purge before they push it home.

The failure of a peasants rebellion would give them causes belli for genocide. Something they plan anyways but it would accelerate the time schedule.

The Cominator says:

“There’s real danger of triggering a prole rebellion with widespread gun grabbing. Such things are always prelude to genocide and people know it. A peasants rebellion is very unlikely to win, but it’s an opportunity for rightwing leader to build a real rebellion with elite support. Hard to say how that would work out. Things might mighty bad for the left if the military refuses to put it down, which is why they’re waiting for the military purge before they push it home.”

Peasant rebellions have won (without any elite support) to my knowledge only in China and the Ukraine (NOT Russia proper) in history… but the US is more similar to them then either small European countries or Russia so who knows if they do manage to trigger a prole rebellion it might win…

The Cominator says:

Though should be emphasized that the causalties in those rebellions in China and the one in the Ukraine where the peasants actually won were extremely bad, like almost as bad as what would have happened if they lost.

Pooch says:

Likely right. If they are able to grab guns with an ideological loyal military backing it up we are getting close to the singularity.

However, as things stand now, call me crazy, but I see a window of opportunity for the right to seize power legally, after the aggressive primarying of establishment Republicans if they are prepared to use tactics the NSDAP used after the 1928 elections as I argued down thread.

The one thing the failure of the Trump presidency did was Red Pill a massive amount of people, including many people that found this blog. The inheritors of the GOP are going to be people like Majorie Greene who are fully aware of the situation and willing to use rough tactics if need be. Matt Gaetz mentioned the trucks were physically prevented from dropping midnight ballots in 2018 to steal the election from De Santis and hinted that this is the solution moving forward and the fact that Greene wasn’t removed is a slight white-pill.

The Cominator says:

The holiness spiral could be halted if the technocratic/corrupt left and far left infighting gets bad enough and then some lucky things happen…

But its not likely.

Pooch says:

The large tech companies pseudo-have this already with their massive campuses. It’s basically expanding the idea to a entire town to attract the Tech oligarchs to open shop there, likely flooding it with H1Bs.

Thales says:

You’ve never read a dystopian cyberpunk novel?

The Cominator says:

I’ve read cyberpunk galore but cyberpunk is not the left’s vision of dystopia.

suones says:

Company towns. Again.

Of course, these company towns won’t be allowed to be better than govt towns in any material way, and will have to follow the same insane regulations as every other town. Then everyone will wonder why this experiment failed and Marxists will quickly move “corporation town” to the ash heap of history as an idea that has been “tried and failed.”

Any pseudo-sovereign entity run by merchants is going to eventually just be taken over by the state if it works well and abandoned if it fails. The East India Company lasted the longest, because it had a massive army.

Cadfael says:

Interesting read:

It appears that Trump was betrayed by everybody. Even the white house was a Byzantine generals situation. The field was not prepared, even a little bit, for an autocoup. Although Trump is a tactical genius, he was in sore need of someone, like Bannon, who could plot out strategy for the election and aftermath. Likely a fatal error.

simplyconnected says:

That is one depressing read.

Theshadowedknight says:

Very. It shows that we need another leader and continuing to follow Trump is folly. He was not prepared, nor even temperamentally suited to what needed to be done. Unless a war occurs and resistance congeals around him, we have to find a new elite. Lucky for us that the current elite is so pathetic.

Pooch says:

100% correct. Everything about that story indicates weakness all around. Forget about January 6th, the election was lost after Trump failed to go with the Flynn option (and the fact that Flynn had to basically sneak past security for access is ridiculous and absurd).

Trump absolutely eliminated himself from being the leader we need even if he stays out of jail, but I’m not going to totally throw him under the bus. He sacrificed everything to fight the Cathedral (Redpilling a massive portion of the country in the process) and I still think it’s important to use his legend as a rallying cry for the future resistance.

Ace says:

Trump’s likely to make a good martyr, but personally I don’t really get how martyrs work.

Pooch says:

I’m not either but it probably has something to do with building cohesion of future followers as they can rally around the story of the martyr.

ten says:

If MAGA doesn’t follow trump anymore there won’t be any point to romanoving him. After jan 6 i don’t understand anyone willing to tie their neck to Trumps.

OTOH strategical wisdom is increasingly out the window, replaced by screeching vindictiveness, so they will go after him regardless.

bomag says:

Major problem: backstabbers like Cipollone are up and down the ranks, and they are well fed.

It’s the comic book paradox: the good guys are raising families and working useful jobs; the bad guys are ensconced full time in DC coming up with even more damaging plans.

Pooch says:

Trump had terrible opsec. Entryists were constantly bragging about it to the press.

Snowdensjacket says:

So passive. Build, create, nurture, understand what wealth is, and create a tribe that can band. Our elite are morons, incredible morons, yet they have the power in the system people choose to be a part of. Hence we have to be a part of a different system, hence we have to build the different system. Hence we have to build, create and nurture it.

No one else is doing to do this for you.

jim says:

Building a tribe is very hard, and takes a long time.

I have more confidence in our ability to build sovereign corporations.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

We know what happens next. Check your history books. We have been around this road many times before. The people of a collapsing civilization are incapable of building tribes, and outside tribes are incapable of conquering the ruins so long as they remain tribal. You need superstructures bigger than tribes.

The Cominator says:

Need a new patriarchal religion to build a new tribe under the current circumstances or a “restored” old faith.

jim says:

My practical experience is that divine support is mighty helpful. So a religion that provided it has legs.

Dave says:

You often express hope that a Cromwell or Stalin will impose order from within. Is there no possibility that a Napoleon or Mullah Omar might impose order from without?

suones says:


If one successfully imposed order from without, that would be William of Orange. Also, the entire “Man in the High Castle” schtick is basically this.

Snowdensjacket says:

The religious technology to build super tribes has failed due to entropy. Most of the elite have already fallen back to the tribal or even the familial level. While the plebs are still atomized.

Now people are trying to fall back to rebuilding a social or religious tribe but this will fail. You can not attach multiple tribes that do not exist. Entropy and leftism, baal worship, feelings based morality, whatever you want to call it have destroyed the basic building blocks already.

So to build it back we have to start at the beginning and try better to defend against the attackers we have seen, that we know. Hence, build, and the only thing left to build is the tribe, from the family. Passing on knowledge is an issue, as always, so solve it. Think.

Heck it is always tribal. It always has been. You claim we build a super tribe? You are already working for the enemy. Heck your super tribe already contains complete idiocy from star prophet dimwits.

If we want? What? What do we want?

How about we just define that first?

Define it and perhaps I’ll just leave here for good.

jim says:

> The religious technology to build super tribes has failed due to entropy. Most of the elite have already fallen back to the tribal or even the familial level. While the plebs are still atomized.

Almost true, but elite families are in some ways in worse shape than pleb families. Their sons are doing better the plebs, but their daughters are doing worse.

> Now people are trying to fall back to rebuilding a social or religious tribe but this will fail.

In social decay and social collapse, it is the only thing that works. It is always how people wind up rebuilding. It has worked before, many times, and will work again – eventually – for some religion – for some super tribe. Not necessarily the one I want. Could well wind up being some variant of Islam, which would be a disaster.

Anonymous says:

>no one is going to do this for you

The script is different but the intent is the same.

“Go and do something that our army of agents is on high alert for and can use to clamp down on you even harder.”

Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

Pooch says:

If there ever was a case study on why you don’t ever rely on merchants to lead, this is it. The amount of tactical errors by Trump exposed in this article are astounding. Even so, he was presented with the plan to cross the Rubicon by his general, lied and said he would do it and then ghosted his general after the fact. Pathetic.

alf says:

Per usual, the best helmsmen are on shore, or in this case, on the internet saying how they’d have done a better job.

Which is not to say Trump’s failure was in a sense very stupid. So close, yet so far. Trump didn’t ‘get’ it, even after four years in office. But a coup was just too much to ask. Trump just wanted to be successful and popular, was that really so much to ask? These days, yes. But can’t blame him. It’s a tragic story, not pathetic.

Atavistic Morality says:

There’s a really good life lesson I’ve learnt from it, or rather I’ve solidified in my mind: when you do something do it for personal reasons and/or personal benefit, because it’s the only thing that is real and you can count on.

Otherwise all you get is contempt, envy, backstabbers and a public execution. Now I truly understand why kings have usually been the way they’ve been, it really explains everything, because sure as hell it isn’t worth it to become king to help others and they sure as hell don’t deserve it.

Even “fighting for your country” or any of this stuff, if there isn’t a tangible benefit to you or a personal satisfaction don’t even bother unless you’re looking for self-destruction. Like those poor folk that went to fight WWII for “their people” or “their country” and now niggers piss on their graves while their descendants turn their backs on them.

Karl says:

Ultimately you need religion to fill “personal reasons” and “personal benefit” with meaning.

Men raise their sons for “personal reasons” and arguably “personal benefit”. What about helping nephews or third grade cousins? What about abiding to a contract that is no longer beneficial? Do you advise to break it the moment you think it is profitable to do so?

My guess is that this “fighting for your country” stuff was historically done by the masses for the personal benefit of not being court martialled.

Atavistic Morality says:

What about abiding to a contract that is no longer beneficial? Do you advise to break it the moment you think it is profitable to do so?

That depends on what you truly believe. If you think you ought to abide to the contract even though it’s no longer financially beneficial for your own ethical reasons, do it, if you don’t, don’t. It’s about what you believe, not what others believe.

I’m not advocating for nihilism, sociopath egoism or anything of the sort, in practice it’s actually the opposite. When people follow their own true heart they’re often much more benevolent than when they follow social cues. Hardened criminals in personal situations are more merciful than social zombies, like those who are “just following orders”.

My guess is that this “fighting for your country” stuff was historically done by the masses for the personal benefit of not being court martialled.

Some maybe, if they were drafted, but it does not look like that for many cases. It’s a popular topic, here’s movies, TV shows, books and just about everything where the human drama of war is explored and people falling for “muh freedoms” are abound. But it’s true there are also those who are realistic about it and take it in stride, good for them if that is the case.

You talk about finding meaning with religion, but what I’m talking about is actually religion. Whether it’s written or not, whether is personal or not, spirituality is spirituality. When people in Christian countries find themselves they often say they find God, because Christianity is the traditional religion and it’s expressed within those parameters. But in other places they give different answers to explain the same feeling, things such as finding your own path.

Christians believe that God made man in his own image, but in my perspective it seems many take the message very literally instead of understanding its deep meaning. It’s a reference to the self, to the soul, to the conscience, to the capacity for free will and reason, the body is just a husk.

If Trump did it because he wanted, for himself, for his own beliefs, his own reasons, then it’s fine. But if he did it just to help others, for attention, for fame… what did he achieve? There’s a life lesson to be learned right there.

Pooch says:

I’ve solidified in my mind: when you do something do it for personal reasons and/or personal benefit, because it’s the only thing that is real and you can count on.

Youth is a factor here I think. Young hungry men (and pussy-hungry) are often the conquerers in history looking to do something epic for purely personal benefit. They have not much to lose and a lot to gain. Trump was just content to put the cherry on top on already a successful life.

Anonymous 2 says:

Then have a look at this too:

“… The handshake between business and labor [unions] was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election — an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. …”

Ace says:

Leftists can’t help but brag even when that bragging is about stealing an election.

bomag says:

Agree. And now these “democracy” protectors can steamroll us with executive orders and other fiat legislation by the bureaucracy; plus the 51-50 votes of the Supreme Soviet.

Snowdensjacket says:

[*deleted for lack of understanding of capitalism, markets, rockets, and crypto currency*]

Prince Charming says:

i just don’t see it; how is this not “keep you enemies closer”? Either Trump was gonna have military support, or not. Obviously, Trump had some kind of a plan that involved a massive propaganda campaign (unprecedented success; they’re low-key admitting now that the election was stolen “and why that is a good thing”) and a military coup (looked promising but ultimately a failure). it was never going to turn on some legal pilpul by a bitch who cannot spellcheck her own legal filings. What they were suggesting was a military coup, but with logistics that couldn’t possibly work.

It’s a greek tragedy, complete with Cipollone and his chorus as the voice of reality. I think it would work well as an SNL skit. Reading between the lines, they’re the enemy camp negotiators, and they’re pushing Trump hard, and for example the distinction between the National Guard and the DHS is a veiled reminder that the 25th amendment exists.

Pooch says:

Shill test for this faggot, please.

Prince Charming says:

At ease, fellow faggot.

I passed the test[1] while you were licking your wounds and lying[2] about what happened at the Capitol sightseeing trip.


Joe says:

Hello fellow white nationalist reactionary. You look new here! How many times have you haled hortler today?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Successful deeds are accomplished by bands of men.

Successful bands of men need a history of working together.

This history does not need by necessity to be in the same particular matter(s) as whatever matter they may be presently engaged in.

Indeed, for great matters of impact, it very often isn’t; for such is the nature of such deeds, to not avail themselves easily to ‘reproduction’, in more controlled circumstances.

Starman says:

Can you do me a favor, Jim?

Can you delete all my comments (if you’re wondering why, blame Baby Boomers who are unable to understand that sending their Driver’s License photocopies to Parler is a stupid idea. Curtis Yarvin is right to call these people “bum rebels”).

jim says:

You have a lot of comments, and those comments have a lot of replies. I will get onto it if you insist, but would rather not.

What is the problem? Starman is your real life name?

Pooch says:

The biggest vulnerability I see is the ips. Jim if you get raided, we are all kinda fucked if they get the ip data.

Pooch says:

And emails

Prince Charming says:

Great opsec, guys. Now the Shaniquas at the NSA really won’t be able to find out who you are. Gravatar uses unsalted MD5 hashes of the e-mail as IDs, so I pray you boomer faggots don’t use e-mails that can be linked to your other identities.

jim says:

These days everyone tries to make sure that their domain name and email name is not to connected to their real life name.

I was recently giving away * addresses, and if anyone wants an * address, they can have one

Prince Charming says:

Bragging rights made a lot of sense in the time before the Capitol sightseeing trip, but with the currently begun denazification campaign, how is forwarding sendpizza at reaction dot la -> director at fbi dot gov not painting a big juicy target on your back?

And if you are compromised, which keeping in mind the history of WordPress security advisories equates to if you are targeted by some rando hacker. It’s best to assume that everything one does on this website is publi, especially if it’s stored in the database long-term.

pdimov says:

NSA is not the attacker in a realistic threat model; they already have all the data. The concern is more about (1) journalists of the sort described in,
(2) people who know you, (3) people (private actors, not three letter agencies) who can hack Jim and retrieve the DB.

jim says:

The DB is regularly purged of IPs, but it is not purged of emails. I assume that everyone is using an email that is fake or disconnected from their vulnerable identity.

If you have been using emails connected to an identity that can be attacked, let me know and I will purge it when I fix Starman’s comments.

It makes my life easier if you always use the same fake email. When you change your fake email, your identicon changes, I have to white list you, and your comment will not appear until whitelisted or greylisted.

The Cominator says:

I’m pretty sure everyone knows I’m a right wing nut anyway because I’ve never really hid it but if you want you can erase all records of my email and I’ll use the (not accurate) one here from now on…

The Cominator says:

Check moderation…

I’m using my normal email now once you respond jim I’ll switch over to the other “email” of mine.

jim says:

OK, will purge that email soon.

Pooch says:

I’m using a fake email now but I might have used a non-fake email years ago when I first start posting. I also used the name “Poochman”. Would appreciate if you removed all emails for those accounts.

Pooch says:

Thanks Jim.

The OC says:

“The DB is regularly purged of IPs, but it is not purged of emails. I assume that everyone is using an email that is fake or disconnected from their vulnerable identity.

“If you have been using emails connected to an identity that can be attacked, let me know and I will purge it when I fix Starman’s comments.”

Might be a good idea to purge all emails more than ~3 years old. People were less paranoid in the past.

Mr.P says:

Another idea …

If a given username is associated with two or more email addresses, db-update all email address values to match the most-recently used email address.

The Cominator says:

The update of such should not be automatic. Part of the reason Jim requires email is to make sure posters are who they say they are.

Mr.P says:


I imagined the update as a one-time “purge,” not automatic going forward.

Prince Charming says:

If you give me a list of e-mails and a list of terrorist websites that use Gravatar for comment avatars, it is trivial to check if any comment on those websites was submitted using any of those e-mails, and to provide a nice printout of the comments. I can do it in an afternoon, for about $1 per website in AWS credits.

The strength of NSA is that they already have the full-intake data, they already have a nice point-and-click interface to your personal file, and they have procedures for sharing somewhat degraded version of that data and of that interface, often with people and organisations you would not think could possibly have access.

They most definitely do not have your written signed confession, unless you give it to them. Poasting thoughtcrimes under a known alias amounts to just that. Do not give it to them.

jim says:

Not all aliases are known.

I know a little bit about the limitations of NSA surveillance.

What they could potentially do is immense. What they actually manage to pull off is startlingly less.

99% of what they have is the result of mail hosts sharing data with them, and people backing up their stuff to the cloud in the clear. They are so overwhelmed with the low hanging fruit, that they are not routinely going after the high hanging fruit.

They were the super duper super smart guys. Now they are more like the DMV.

pdimov says:

As I said, the threat I see, in practical terms, would be your coworker tipping off a journalist “person X posts on blog dot jim under the alias Y and on blog dot somewhere else under the alias Z”. No e-mails are needed here, just a cross check of the comments for similarity. A matching gravatar would help and there’s no need to even reverse-engineer an e-mail from it, although it would help as corroboration.

Mister Grumpus says:

Maybe convert the emails in JimDB to whopper hashes of their all-caps versions, or something.

Pooch says:

Yeah good idea. Most are using fake/untraceable emails, but a few unfortunate fools might have forgot that rule, including myself years ago when I first found this blog.

Theshadowedknight says:

I’m guilty of that. I need to swap over to a proton mail account. Just another thing on my long list.

jim says:

I clean the ips regularly

Starman says:

The issue isn’t this website. It’s another website with a much older connection. I advise others here to do a security check of all their connections across the Internet.

jim says:

How about I change your name and email in the logs. I don’t want to lose your valuable contributions.

As I said, I purge the IPs regularly.

Starman says:

Starman, hmmm. Purveyor of the multiple choice Redpill on Women question. But I must give credit to “Shaman” for actually inventing the very effective multiple choice Redpill on Women question!

Ace says:

Welcome Starman.

May the Star Prophet triumph over his enemies in the FAA and the leftist hordes and bring humanity to the Stars.

Joe says:

Starman has to delete his comment history in case he gets called to HR. How ironic.

pdimov says:

Comments here should really be ephemeral. Autodelete the whole lot after a few months.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ‘web log’ medium is what you could call an ‘extended’ medium.

That is to say, the ‘experience’, or the ‘whole of the work’, is not merely whatever post heading a page is, but everything else that also added in ‘replies’.

pdimov says:

Sure. Pragmatism is a thing too though. If something (leaving comments up) helps your enemy more than it helps you, you shouldn’t do it, however much sense it makes in the abstract.

yewotm8 says:

Then the names and all identities attached to the posts themselves can be deleted. The contents of the posts can remain, all posted by “Anonymous”.

Dave says:

I gave up and stopped using 4chan because everyone being “Anonymous” makes it impossible to carry on or follow a conversation.

Karl says:

No, pdimov, comments here should not be ephemeral because the topics of discussion are not epemeral.

Prince Charming says:

Don’t think. If you think, don’t speak. If you speak, don’t write. If you write, don’t post. If you post, don’t sign. If you sign, don’t be surprised.

But if you don’t discourse, your clique becomes sclerotic and your memes become inchoate, like the USSR dissent was. If you remove discourse history, you start every discussion anew, every day is a day zero, your tradition becomes oral tradition. Deleting old comments is no different than burning old books.

I’ve been thinking, people keep asking me to retake the shill test (which I passed–twice–with flying colors); does WordPress have flares, like *shilltest passed*, *christian credo affirmed*, *FBI got to him and now he’s a confidential informant*?

pdimov says:

That’s simply not what happens in practice. Having the old discussion archived and available does not at all prevent having the same discussion over and over. As Texas Arcane used to say, sapiens never learns.

c4ssidy says:

The best way to learn the truth of about about almost any subject is to use google to search through the blog, including all comments. It is hard to think of any educational resource which could be worse to loose. I need this website for my descendants. What exactly is there to fear, anyway? You should have all listened to Jim and obtained multiple passports. You should be prepped to see the signs and leave the country before any leftist singularity actually happens

Prince Charming says:

We know people tend to read the backlog, because comments keep popping up in old threads, and referring old posts, often expressly stating that the commenter has been reading the backlog.

Anonymous 2 says:

The purge of the armed forces begin under the leadership of historical defense secretary Lloyd Austin.

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told top Pentagon leaders Wednesday that he will direct a military-wide stand down to address extremism within the ranks [specifically including ‘white supremacism’], according to his top spokesman.

Austin wants all military units to take an operational pause to discuss extremism as he works to grasp the full scope of the issue and better address the longstanding problem, John Kirby, the Pentagon’s chief spokesman, told reporters Wednesday. The pauses are expected to occur within the next 60 days, but Austin has yet to determine how the stand downs are to be completed, Kirby said. …

Ace says:

Sounds like the FBI’s using the NSA database on every member of the military. It’s going to be a very large purge.

Anonymous 2 says:

I suppose first of all they don’t expect anything bad to happen during these stand downs.

The Cominator says:

No what I think they probably will do is create political officer ranks.

Ace says:

I thought they’ve had those since Obama?

Joe says:

>black is capitalized

Not looking good.

Cementmixer says:

What kind of phone would be safest or should I say least dangerous to use, regarding brand / model / ROM etc?

Guidance in this regard or general advice in smartphone OPSEC would be appreciated

jim says:

All smartphones are insecure, one less one does something extraordinary and inconvenient, like running an android emulation on a regular computer. Use smartphones only for an innocuous identity.

Ace says:

Does that go for encrypted chatting apps as well, like Telegraph or Signal? I mean I’m not going to plan a revolution via a chat app, but communication with people I know and trust seems necessary for survival.

Pooch says:

Good rule of thumb is to communicate with the assumption that everything You write could be seen by someone if they really wanted to.

Pooch says:

If you really need secure comms best to do what real criminals do and get burner phones.

Ace says:

It always surprises me how easy it to get burner phones in the US, but then again, pretty much every black criminal in the country would be in jail if the government outlawed them and enforced it.

jim says:

Signal is good.

Chatting on Signal is fine. Hail the star prophet.

Whatsapp groups are still end to end encrypted, but the metadata is shared with facebook, and thus with hordes of your enemies.

Telegram works just as well as Signal if everyone always selects end to end encryption. Which not everyone will, and even if you do, other people are going to leak stuff, and the metadata identifies who they are leaking about. And that some stuff on Telegram is encrypted and some stuff is not is a red flag that encourages interest in the encrypted groups, and interest in the unencrypted communications of people who are chatting in a group that has lot of encryption.

jim says:

Huawei phones running EMUI 11 with the dual space P30 emulator should in theory be safe, so long as you using apps that are not running in the Google compatible emulated space. You will doubtless be spied on by the Chinese, but not the Americans (except when running apps in the dual space, where you will probably be spied on by both. The emulated phone has no gps, unless you fake a GPS – which faked GPS is apt to show you remarkably immobile.)

The Cominator says:

In the US I think Huawei anything is banned (which is why until it got to 20/she i had a lot of inseego stock), the Chinese can’t bribe big enough to make the American glow in the darks want to give their surveillance up

jsd says:

What danger would someone who had used their phone and other unsecure methods for shitposting, browsing sites like this, etc be in? Would they be on a list? To what extent have glowies been tracking this? When would the hammer come down?

Pooch says:

They are only just starting to go after the big shit posters (see Ricky Vaughn). It’s going to be some time until they get around to the little guys (they need to get their Domestic Terrorist enabling act through Congress first), but I would start cleaning up any public shitposts that can be linked to your real identity in any way which may require nuking some of your accounts if necessary.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Anyone’s real biggest security risk is bad habits.

Eg, posting material that doxes yourself, or posting material in one identity that connects to another identity, which identity contains material that links to another identity, which identity contains material that links to your personal identity, and so on like that, which people can do regardless of how ‘leaky’ or how ‘secure’ the communication medium they use is.

pdimov says:

>To what extent have glowies been tracking this?

Fullest possible. You can bet they have everything in triplicate. But they still launder it through plausible channels (mostly out of habit) such as “independent investigative journalists” so maintaining some superficial degree of secrecy still helps. For now.

>When would the hammer come down?

Soon. See e.g.

“The legislation says any interactive computer service provider—that means social media giants, small blogs, podcast hosting services, app stores, consumer review platforms, independent political forums, crowdfunding and Patreon-style sites, dating apps, newsletter services, and much more—will lose Section 230 protections if they fail to report any known user activity that might be deemed “suspicious.”

“Suspicious” content is defined as any post, private message, comment, tag, transaction, or “any other user-generated content or transmission” that government officials later determine “commits, facilitates, incites, promotes, or otherwise assists the commission of a major crime.” Major crimes are defined as anything involving violence, domestic, or international terrorism, or a “serious drug offense.”

For each suspicious post, services must submit a Suspicious Transmission Activity Report (STAR) within 30 days, providing the user’s name, location, and other identifying information, as well as any relevant metadata.

Those submitting the user surveillance reports would henceforth be barred from talking about or even acknowledging the existence of them. STARs would also be exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.”

Ace says:


So they’d basically just be legalizing the system that already exists. The biggest effect of that bill would be the offshoring of pretty much every even mildly destining service. Russian server farms are going to be making bank.

This is going to work the same way it worked in the Soviet Union: If you come to their attention, they’ll find something to charge you with. If not, cops will be burred under an avalanche of crap that they can’t possibly process and cops by nature are lazy.

The real danger is the NSA database being handed over leftists looking for apple carts to be knocked over. But I think long before we get there leftist will be roaming around just stealing from anyone who has nice stuff. Why would Sheniqa go to all the trouble of using a database when you can drive down to a nice house rob and murder the people who live there? If they White/Asian, Hispanic, they’re obviously guilty.

jim says:

There are, or recently used to be, some mighty smart people in the NSA.

But Shaniqua is taking over.

If the bitcoin lightning network is fixed (and some things have been improved lately) bitcoin is going to topple the world financial system, or make a good start on doing so, and most of our enemies will not understand what is happening, even though bitcoin and the bitcoin lightning network are alarmingly vulnerable to state action. That state action, however would have to be a lot more subtle and sophisticated than the bitcoin doomsters are able to understand.

I just searched for the term “Shaniqua” and I wonder if the term “Shaniqua” originated from the stage name of this WWE black female wrester?

Ace says:

Pretty unlikely. Black wrestlers are not popular and female wrestlers even less so. I doubt anyone remembers her.

Shaniqua is one of those many black names that are spelled/misspelled 30 different ways by niggers with IQs lower than goldfish. Anyone who’s dealt with such a fat black negresses instantly knows what a Shaniqua is. It’s sort of hard to explain unless you experienced coming into contact with one. I’m sure 4chan coined the phrase and it stuck immediately because everyone who’s ever run into a Shaniqua instantly knows it.

suones says:

“Top 60 ghetto black names” was part of a funny series of $ethnic memes in YouTube’s early days. I couldn’t find the original video, but this seems a re-up or copy from 2011:

Also hilarious: Top 60 Jewish Ghetto names:

and Top 45 Indian names:

All are from ~2009 except the original ghetto black video.

pdimov says:

The NSA database is already accessible to pretty much everyone, but it’s still inadmissible in court unless some antiquated procedures are followed. I suppose the end result of this will be that they’ll just claim to have received a STAR now.

Ace says:

That’s my point, they’re already using the NSA database for everything and have been for years now. This bill is just to legalize what they’re already doing. That the tips don’t fall under FOI requests gives them cart blanch to manufacture them whenever they need them.

Prince Charming says:

Have people forgot about Parallel Construction?

The FBI routinely manufacture false witnesses, ostensibly to protect true witnesses, have done since time immemorial. When the NSA came in town with the goodies, they started manufacturing false witnesses with the excuse that while the evidence is not allowed in court, it is too good to pass upon.

pdimov says:

We haven’t. With some practice you could see the parallel constructions in the news articles. A practice dating back to at least “local psychic calls police, tells them she saw this and that.”

But if they already could do everything they wanted, they wouldn’t be pushing for this law.

And that’s only half of it. The other half is that anyone with a blog that allows comments would be liable.

RedBible says:

I think pdimov may have just hit one of the main points of this on the head with “The other half is that anyone with a blog that allows comments would be liable.”

This would defacto turn every blog into having to adhere to the same rules and controls as social media, which is to say, everything we are saying here would now be unspeakable on the internet. And why? because if you fail to “bend the knee” to removing “Trumpist style terrorism” from you blog, it will cost you everything.

If they can make trumpism count as terrorism, then all wrong think will count as terrorism.

Pooch says:

Interesting. Leftists use social media to plan crimes all the time, I’m guessing they’ll be exempt.

The latest trend of Leftists plotting crime seems to be preparing a “toolkit” for orchestrating and directing “spontaneous” protests as evidenced by the one shared by Greta Thornberg (misspelling intended) on Twitter:

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I never use my phone for anything except passive browsing and personal contacts, so the question is more or less a moot point as far as i am concerned.

Ace says:

How is Gnon pronounced?

jim says:

Good question. I pronounce it an almost, but not quite, silent G. Sounds like “non”, but my mouth and tongue move a little differently. There is something at the start of the “non”, though it is not quite a G. My tongue flicks to the roof of my mouth, whereas with “non”, it merely flicks to the gums of my front teeth. Bigger tongue movement involving more of the tongue.

When speaking to women, or in mixed company, just say “God”. Women have no genuine interest in abstractions.


I absolutely disagree that absolute obedience of father by son is commanded by Hindu Dharma. On the other hand, the story of HIranyakashipu and Prahalad clearly shows that a son has no duty to follow his father to hell and indeed it is adharmic if a son does so. Prahalada clearly disobeyed his father by refusing to acknowledge him as greater than Lord Vishnu himself. So clearly there are limits.

Also in Ramayana, Lord Rama honoured his father Dasaratha, who was a dharmic soul and who had given a rash boon to his wife Kaikeyi and Rama sought to honour his father by keeping the promise. If the promise had entailed the destruction of Ayodhya or the Solar dynasty, Lord Rama would never have fulfilled such a promise, but rather found a way to save his father’s honour and at the same time disobey him. The fact is, Dasaratha’s boon to Kaikeyi was not adharmic, in the sense that the decision to anoint Bharatha as the crown prince was not adharmic or destructive and in fact Lord Rama considered his brothers to be a part of Himself. In fact, such a drama was ordained by the Lord himself, to freely pursue and destroy the adharmic Ravana.

I take the postion that if your father commands you to do adharma and which would result in bad karma towards your ancestors, family or clan, you have a duty not to obey him and in fact oppose him if attempts such destruction. If a father commands his son not to have any children or even convert to another religion, that is a grave sin against your ancestors, because the continuance of your lineage is a duty to your ancestors and breaking that by either not having children or converting to a different religion directly affects your ancestors who are, in fact, as per Hindu belief reborn as your own descendants. In fact, I would argue that such a family with such an adharmic father might be bearing the curse of the ancestors. In that case, the best duty that a son can perform is to honour his father, but not obey him and in fact, take steps to lead his father back to dharma. That is the best duty and the only duty.

A drunk father cannot command the absolute obedience of his son, but dharma commands that any father should be honoured by his son and a son’s duty is to protect his father from his own adharma, even by force if necessary.

suones says:

Discussion of dharma and adharma at your blog:

I would like to see a reactionary Christian perspective here from some learned person(s).

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

All your posts on religion and morality are deleted, or paused, until you reveal what your religion is.

Give us the short affirmation.

You keep posting from the frame that you are a Christian, and the rest of us are insufficiently Christian, and I am not going to allow that frame from someone who does not sound like a Christian and is unable to take the affirmation.

Suones has told us at length what his religion is (old type Hindu) and has a blog that describes his position at length. He is openly hostile to Christianity, but is a friendly and well behaved adversary who speaks truth as he sees it. His people were on the losing end of a military war with old type Christians, and are now suffering cultural domination by new post Christian “Christians”, so a certain amount of aggravation is entirely understandable and forgivable. His posts on religion and morality are enlightening and informative. Yours are not.

Your purported position is internally inconsistent, decorated with shibboleths you do not quite get correct.

Snowdensjacket says:

I do get them correct. You don’t understand what the correct form is.

My religion? I follow Gnon. Raised Baptist, convert to the LDS, where I attend. I would tell you an LDS meme, but you would fail to understand. Joseph Smith is my families prophet, after the prophecy of, well, me. The Christ is our Lord and our Savior, may we be saved.

Judge me by my fruits.

Hence my eternal sorrow, that with all my sins, I still can not turn one man, not even one man. Not even one.

Tried to convert women, only found they wanted to follow; me.

I very much did enjoy our old banter before the interet was ruined over at Rollos. And yes, with all my gifts, I use them, the linguist, me? Nothing. I made no patriarchs.I failed. My sons though, may I live long enough! I’m an old father.

I’m not a good man and will surely burn in hell, more. May my children not.

jim says:

Well, I don’t have test to detect genuine LDS, because genuine LDS is not Christian (though a lot more Christian than today’s progressive so called Christianity), the short affirmation is irrelevant. But you do sound plausibly LDS.

I am now allowing through your comments on faith and morality.

I will still suppress your comments on crypto currency and game. Yes, proof of work sucks and I have said so frequently, but I am not going to have people telling me that it sucks who do not understand why Satoshi went with proof of work.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

I am not going to debate you on markets, game, capitalism, or crypto currency. I welcome informed debate on these topics.

jim says:

Deleted because you criticized Christianity without identifying yourself as LDS.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A pretty neat trick innit?

‘This sucks, how can i shitpost about Christian sounding things without being called out on not being Christian?’

‘Wait, i know, call myself a (((messianic hebrew))) or ”’mormon”’ instead!’

jim says:

Yes, smells mighty funny.

And the interesting thing is that someone who smells funny on Christianity smells funny on no end of other things as well.

These guys want to post on the relationship between men and women when they are full of shit, and want to post on cryptocurrency when they plainly know nothing about it except the orthodox line.

Snowdensjacket says:


jim says:

deleted because I am not interested in discussing crypto currency with people who know nothing about it.

I am eager to chat about crypto currency with people who know the difference between a prime group and a nonprime group, know why we should be using Schnorr signatures over a prime group, or at least understand Byzantine faults, Byzantine defection, immutable append only data structures, and Byzantine fault tolerant consensus.

I will cheerfully hand out investment advice to people who don’t know any of that, but understand why crypto currency has value. (Money is indeed a bubble, but it is a bubble that does not burst.)

Cloudswrest says:

” (Money is indeed a bubble, but it is a bubble that does not burst.)”

You’re channeling Moldbug here! I.e. is “Bubble Theory of Money”. He’s not wrong.

Joe says:


I would like to see a reactionary Christian perspective here from some learned person(s).

I do not claim to be learned. Here is a story and my personal interpretation of it.

The Israelite king Saul refused God’s commandment to utterly destroy everything of the Amalekites. This lost him favor in the eyes of God. Then, after David killed the Philistine Goliath, Saul persecuted David and tried to kill him. David refused to kill Saul when he had a chance to.

Saul’s son Jonathan tried to stop his father in his folly but was not successful. In a later battle with the Philistines, Saul and every one of his sons except one was killed, along with a good portion of the Israelite army. David became king of Israel having never once betrayed his king.

In my opinion, Jonathan should have used all possible means, including force, to correct his father. Even an action that might have led to Jonathan’s own death would have been reasonable. Jonathan ended up dying anyway but if his death saved more of his brothers then it would have been worth it. The king also might have stopped when continuing would require that he kill his own son.

See 1 Samuel verses 15-31 for the full story.


In that case, the best duty that a son can perform is to honour his father, but not obey him and in fact, take steps to lead his father back to dharma.

The commandment to honor one’s parents is unconditional. The commandment to obey them is not.

[…] A comment I wrote on Jim’s blog, in response to a debate on whether a son is required by Dharma to absolute obedience of his father’s commands, which I think is worth publishing as its own entry (edited for clarity): […]

C4ssidy says:

In Russia, even physical drug dealers now use Bitcoin and TOR. The chemist or grower buries a large stash in the forest. Diggers take from the stash and bury somewhere in the city. The buying/selling is done using Bitcoin and encryption, and even the chain of command rarely has to physically meet. People normally get caught just by being noticed digging up a delivery

It’s still heavily censored in their media since discussion of the process is considered a form of promotion. But they are clearly having a hard time cracking down on this. Their response is mainly just to increase the penalties for possession of small amounts

But it feels like the cat is out of the bag at this point. Even if they banned all official exchanges, I predict that druggies would continue to use a form of crypto, and use then use that to trade in-person for cash, gold , or furniture, or anything. The drug addict is always going to need his fix

And the slow strangulation of crypto is, similar to evolution, going to allow them to evolve decentralised systems which would have been unlikely to come up otherwise

I also sometimes even wonder how willing foreign governments are to block crypto, considering their potential around sanctions. Seeing tourists tapping cards/phones to buy an ice cream in places where MasterCard/visa are banned would seem like an enjoyable victory over the west

jim says:

This process will be great facilitated when the lightning network makes instant and truly private transaction broad available. You will be able to pay on the street in a brief meeting.

The Ducking Man says:

It’s almost 1 year anniversary since my government announce lockdown. I live in company’s plantation area so lockdown imposed by company is even worse than in city. I feel like living in prequel of 1984.

Seeing plantation every single day without nothing else to do or any vacation for whole year is driving me insane. And not to mention suffering created by this lockdown.

My wife had very terrible child bearing (eventually we had to do operation) because we are only allowed doctor visit on 3rd month and 8th month pregnancy. At 8th month everything is already too late “there is something wrong with the pregnancy, but it’s too late to do anything by now”.

It’s driving me insane the bosses can go on vacations, eat out on city restaurant, posting it on facebook, go back without quarantine, and then put on innocent faces.

Buying necessities in city has become luxury that I have to be VERY grateful about it.

For everyone here, I’ve lived the dystopia myself. It makes lose appreciation of life. Oppose the lockdown while you still can, this bulshit has run for too long.

Sorry Jim, I’m ranting here, I need to vent this is out my system.

Pooch says:

Are you in India?

I think probably not. There’s been gradual relaxation of lockdown here since July-August 2020. Now it’s almost back to normal in most parts. Still physical distancing norms and mask wearing remain in place on paper but compliance is noticeably decreasing by the day.

Most state governments here appear keen to restore normalcy.

The Ducking Man says:

No, I live in SE Asia with Palm Oil.

Pooch says:

Sorry to hear that. Why would they make lockdown so strict in non-US hegemony?

The Ducking Man says:

Short answer is money. long answer is government mandates 2 weeks cancelling operation if there is “case resurgence”. This can mean massive layoff or bonus for the year gone.

For other plantation you might be fine, but for palm oil can be very devastating. Palm Oil never rest, they need to be nurtured and harvested like a clock, 2 weeks late means the crop is already rotten and unusable. The planation is very big and cannot be harvested in 1 day.

Operation team usually need 4 months to recover from 5 days Lebaran holiday, imagine what happens with 2 weeks no operation.

Frankly speaking it does not matter who is direct control of who, when globohomo MSM has reached the very fabric of reality. With tried formula of “record breaking case”, “we have reached 1 million case, is it the end?”.

Everyone freakout, the doctors freakout (after what happened to my wife, I have zero trust to doctor), the social media freakout, and government finally freakout.

Speaking against the corona deadliness is punishable by jail time (1 celebrity actually went to jail), it has become holiness spiral on it’s own that I don’t see any Stalin or Cromwell to put the doctor association and MSM into jail for starting the mass hysteria.

Karl says:

Did the doctor association start the mass hysteria where you live? It sure didn’t in Germany and I’m not aware of any place it did.

Karl says:

Did the doctor association start the mass hysteria where you live? It sure didn’t in Germany and I’m not aware of any place it did.

The Ducking Man says:

Let’s just say I live in 4th populous country in the world.

It was the doctor association IDI who started this whole hysteria. I can list out sins they have committed so far:

1. Doxxing the health minister in March 2020 for he said “it’s just a flu, it will heal itself” (literally what he said).
2. Doxxing and putting a celebrity to jail for basically saying “you are over-reacting, we don’t need PCR test for every mother on childbirth”. He was sentenced 1 year jail time.
3. The committee member appear regularly on MSM channel propagating WHO fearmongering of rona (despite lacking expertise in virology).
4. Early on they promoted deadly ventilator, only very recently hospital start noticing that it’s bad advice and choose oxygen mask instead.

Seeing high profile doctors showering in money makes me convinced that pharmacy is just business for them same way politician thinks promise is just business.

Karl says:

Doxxing a health minister? What do you mean? “Doxxing” is the Internet-based practice of researching and publicly broadcasting private or identifying information (especially personally identifying information) about an individual or organization. I assume that it was public information from the beginning who the health minister is.

European Mutt says:

How many “true believers” are there where you live? I would imagine most are only complying because they don’t want their livelihood destroyed but are there also snitches and Karens who do it for the sake of their own perverse satisfaction? Like they do in the west?

European Mutt says:

Maybe Lukashenko was right about the IMF going around and offering poor countries aid if they implemented lockdown measures. He’s a bit of an idiot/loose cannon but it’s not implausible on its face.

f6187 says:

The saga of Thomas Cochrane, “Craziest Sea Captain in History” Guerilla warfare at sea, replete with literal false-flags and other devious tactics. On the one hand “Never mind maneuvers, always go at them”; on the other hand, maneuvers. Respect authority when possible, become authority when necessary. They should teach history like this in school, in dramatic newsreel fashion. Boys and girls would appreciate it.

[…] Electoral politics is dead, though its corpse will continue to be paraded about for a considerable time. It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite, and creating a virtuous elite is a project that requires a virtuous King, and a few generations. […]

Mike says:

Continuing in a sense the discussion with R7 on the state of the US military, here is a former US Army officer laying out his view of their situation in September 2020 (before the great Biden purge it is undergoing now).

“The State Of The US Military w/ American Ostrakon”

Bonus video (which I actually watched, have not gotten through the other one yet). The same two discuss the recent TIME article where the elites chortle about how they “fortified” the election. This video was really entertaining.

“The Media Takes A Victory Lap w/ American Ostrakon”

Theshadowedknight says:

That matches up pretty well with my estimation of the military. Of course after the purge it will look different, but he has the general gist of it. He was probably a pretty good officer. Maybe a little more formal than I would prefer, but I’m a murderer and assassin at heart, and the pageantry of the military doesn’t do much for me. Ultimately I think his point that if the military has to save the US the US doesn’t really exist anymore is a good one.

Ace says:

Looks like Elon’s pumping bitcoin to the moon. Good time to buy in, or should I wait to see if the government attacks it? The climate change monkeys are out in full force attacking crypto now.

jim says:

Bitcoin is hitting its scaling limit hard, but the lightning network has had a few patches, that should ease the scaling pressure a bit. So bitcoin is likely to rise further.

But its scaling limit looks like three and half transactions per second. Visa is thousands of transactions per second.

Blockdag can to around six thousand transactions per second on an ordinary good home internet connection, though you would need a lot more than an ordinary home disk system – An eight disk raid six system of eight terabyte drives could do it.

Gedeon says:

[*deleted for gross ignorance*]

jim says:

Moving ownership of gold without moving the gold is the problem right now with gold, and always was the big problem with gold.

A very very big problem, always was a very big problem. Getting bigger as elites become less trustworthy and their time horizons contract.

This is the problem that crypto currency solves.

Karl says:


The problem is not limited to gold. It also affects shares and other securities. Usually people do not hold secutities directly. They merely have an account at a bank or some other financial instituation which is supposed to hold the shares, bonds or whatever. So people usually have only a claim to these securities.

Maybe the bank has these securities, maybe it will be able to buy them as needed, maybe not. The situation is not that different from a claim against a bank to have some gold delivered.

jim says:

Which problem bit a whole lot of people in the Gamestop drama.

What happened was that Gamestop intended to raise more money by diluting its shares. So a bunch of wealthy and powerful scammers decided to dilute it advance – the massive short sales were a scam against the company and its shareholders.

Pooch says:

300k upside

jim says:


Also a substantial downside, but the upside has a long way to go.

Jerking Off says:

Why are you always speaking of the year 2026? Did you derive this year from some occult source?

jim says:

It was just a wild assed guess I made decades ago, observing the way the wind blew, and things seem to be developing roughly on schedule, so I see no reason to adjust it.

I saw Communism in Russia about to fall, a few years in advance, and then it fell roughly on schedule. This led me to look at what was happening in America. I looked around America, and I saw, not the trends that prefigured the fall of communism, which was what I was hoping to see, but the trends that prefigured World War I and the Russian Revolution.

Ace says:

If I recall correctly, you said between 2020 and 2030 originally and settled on 2026 as a medium point, which continues to be on track.

I wasn’t a big believer in the idea until Obama purged the US military officer core without a peep from Moldbug’s so called Red Empire. Before that point, any civil war would have been short and very bloody for the left. Now… it’s really starting to feel a lot like Russia in the teens but with a leftwing that’s both Marxist and Nationalist Socialist, with whites playing the role of the Jews.

Pooch says:

I wonder if the fight of the Republican Party has anything to do with the timeline. There is a revolt coming from the state GOPs who still are openly pro-Trump. Although we are close, I don’t think we have officially transitioned to the One Party Total State yet until it is illegal for a pro-Trump candidate to hold office. There are certain states that electoral politics still lives.

The Cominator says:

The GOP voters are pro Trump, but I thought the state legislatures would consider their own interest and nominate Trump electors… they did not.

The GOP is to weak to fight anything, no electoral politics is basically dead… though some governors will restrain the worst aspects of it for a while.

Pooch says:

GOPe still held the leadership roles in all those state legislatures it seems.

Surprsingly, State and County GOPs are moving to censure establishment Republicans all over the country, including the leadership chair of the Michigan state legislature. It’s a tiny white pill and maybe an indication the cucks will be thrown out of the state legislatures and local governments. What this ultimately means at a high level for the country I don’t know.

The Cominator says:

Not Tom (I think it was him) though he doesn’t post here anymore had a good comment about this…

He said the GOP was sort of structured as a grift, that promotion within the party hierarchy was basically rated according to your ability to fundraise. So the people running it are basically top grifters… not people you can go to war with at all.

Pooch says:

Yes they all need to be thrown out. There are indications they are going to be thrown out. Wyoming State and County GOPs are seething at Liz Cheney. She’s not going to win no matter how much money she raises.

Pooch says:

Especially if any of the Trumps go to campaign against her. Don Jr already said he’s going. The only thing that would save her is fraud.

Ace says:

Fraud and Dems voting for her. I don’t think she’ll be removed at the ballot box.

Pooch says:

It will be a good test. There’s no sheboon fraud machines in the state. If the regime is able to rig elections in Wyoming than they can rig elections truly anywhere and electoral politics is thoroughly dead.

Ace says:

There’s nothing to test. It already happened in Alaska in 2010:

Massive fraud and Dems voting for her. The GOP machine will do the rigging themselves. The GOP rigs elections too there just less likely to get away with in areas that wouldn’t have already gone massively for republicans.

Pooch says:

Interesting. Fraud was defeated in Florida though by DeSantis. They stopped the ballot trucks. So it can be done. The key is stopping it in real time with force if need be. Once it’s commited, it’s too late. I’m not convinced Liz Cheney has that in a thoroughly red state like Wyoming especially with state and county GOPs now openly hostile to her.

The Cominator says:

“Interesting. Fraud was defeated in Florida though by DeSantis.”

Enough of it to keep the state for Trump but probably not ALL of the fraud… Trump won Florida by 3%. I estimate Trump’s popularity (given that he was favored in my experience among unusual groups like young unowned women and a good amount of black men, and nearly all the Florida hispanics) edge was probably much higher than that though I have heard Orlando and some parts of Florida were pure Orange Man bad.

Pooch says:

Yeah I’m sure some fraud still got through. Plenty of actual shitlib voters in SE Florida though.

The Cominator says:

I think the biggest fraud operation in Florida this time around was probably in Tampa, it just wasn’t enough to flip the state.

DeSantis was on top of the usual fraud operation in Broward and it was utterly shut down, Tampa has a real bulldyke piece of work mayor who for instance just threatened to identify and prosecute maskless niggerball fans at the niggerbowl and there was some unusual activity in Tampa… but they couldn’t continue it into the night all votes in Florida must be counted by midnight.

This despite the facts that all localities are under an order that they can take no action to enforce mask mandates (private property owners can and federal facilities can).

The Cominator says:

My post was disjointed because I expanded on the fraud…

The last paragraph is solely in reference to how crazy the government in Tampa apparently is (but is held back by the state) that the mayor is threatening to prosecute maskless niggerball fans based on camera identifications…

Despite the fact there is a state order preventing localities from taking any enforcement actions in regards to mask mandates.

Pooch says:

Utterly insane if LE actually follows through with that.

Ace says:

>Although we are close, I don’t think we have officially transitioned to the One Party Total State yet until it is illegal for a pro-Trump candidate to hold office. There are certain states that electoral politics still lives.

Here’s my guess of how things will proceed politically:
The elites are desperately trying restore normality which means they don’t purge the GOP overtly. They’re hoping this show trial in the Senate will help in this return to normality. Once it doesn’t they’ll go after pro-Trump candidates probably with trumped up charges by the FBI. After normality doesn’t return, they’ll decide the GOP has been tainted and destroy the party utterly in 2022. Once that fails to restore normality, Trump and his top supporters will be on the literal chopping block. All this is assuming another more leftwing faction doesn’t overthrow the government which seems increasingly likely to happen in the coming years.

It’s only been 3 weeks since the Biden/Harris Junta was installed. The acceleration is only beginning.

A big inflection point will be gun registration followed by compensation. There’s going to be a lot of grass roots resistance to it which will have a strong possibility of attracting elite support and thus actual civil war.

Ace says:


Pooch says:

There’s going to be a lot of grass roots resistance to it which will have a strong possibility of attracting elite support and thus actual civil war.

That’s a good timeline although I am seeing that grass roots resistance already in the state and local GOPs right now. They see the gun confiscation bill on the table. I guess we will see if any sort of momentum can come from that.

Ace says:

I’m talking about resistance as in ATF agents end up big pile by the side of the road after trying raid someone. Fed raids are run on the idea that they won’t be hit from behind while attacking someone’s home.

Note I’m not encouraging this, it’s simply the sort of thing that’s likely to happen when people are faced with the reality that letting them take the guns away will result in genocide a few years later. Peasants revolts don’t work, but allowing yourself to be disarmed is likely to result in you being murdered anyways, so a decent percentage of the population will choose to fight now and die rather than not fight and die later.

The kulak’s made the mistake of letting themselves be disarmed but once it was clear how the winds were blowing they slaughtered their own flocks and destroyed their own farms because if they were going to die, they were going to try and take out as many of the commies as they could. I rather doubt people in Rural red areas have any doubts about what the Left and the American government intended to do to them.

Talk talk style resistance in an age of hard power isn’t terrible useful, and I’m not finding the the sort of local talk talk style revolts against the system encouraging, because it’s all been tried before. What would have been encouraging is the Arizona Senate doing something about Maricopa county ignoring vote audit orders. Instead they just voted to do nothing about it.

Pooch says:

Ah ok yeah. The best we could hope for would be local Sheriffs willing to arrest ATF agents like that MO city. That would give peasants at least a shroud of legitimacy to fight back but then again they could just fly in helicopters and barrel bomb the entire town.

That AZ vote is a big blackpill.

The Cominator says:

What AZ vote?

Pooch says:

I don’t know if it’s really all that unexpected but it seemed like the one place where someone might have gotten arrested.

Pooch says:

Newton CTY, MO declares gun laws null, authorizes Sheriff to arrest federal agents.

Genocide is not going to work when the local sheriff directs the police to arrest feds. This where a nice and purged military would be needed to back them up.

jim says:

If we retain some states, this provides a leadership for civil war. Genocide is becoming a significant possibility. Not likely, I think, but a possibility that we need to prepare for. I had expected to lose all political leadership in all states, but this is not yet entirely happening.

The war in the Vendee began when the political leadership of Paris, having cleaned out the farms near Paris, started going further afield to get food. I don’t expect a similar food crisis, but expect disarmament in blue states to be followed by unpleasant events, increasing resistance to disarmament in red states, in which case civil war may well ensue as they attempt to disarm red states. But if they neutralize all political leadership everywhere, which is on the cards, resistance may well be impractical.

The peasants in the Vendee created political leadership around churches and congregations. We lack any similar institutions.

Recall that Paul Revere had the church bells rung to announce that the British were coming to take their guns. We have a shortage of church bells.

Ace says:

I had expected to lose all political leadership in all states, but this is not yet entirely happening.

It’s likely that they are waiting on the military purge. Someone at the last minute realized that the actual warriors were not on their side. Hence the need to purge them first.

Pooch says:

Looks like Trump directed his lawyers to cuck out. Nothing about fraud just gay constitutional process.

Ace says:

It’s just as likely the lawyers refused to argue that line. The threats from the left for anyone arguing such things is quite overwhelming and lawyers by nature are cowards and shits.

Pooch says:

Yes exactly right.

The Cominator says:

It seems non leftists lawyers especially so… Giuliani (I don’t blame him for what happened at all, nor is muh hair running a good explanation) seems almost the only exception…

Pooch says:

After reading that Bynes article, it sounds like Guilani convinced Trump to cuck out the Flynn’s military option. In hindsight, I don’t know if Rudy served him well as his number 2 man when it’s all said and done.

Pooch says:

Cuck out of*

The Cominator says:

Not sure you can trust any one article even if they think they know…

And from what I’ve read of Flynn’s military option it probably wasn’t the best way either.

The very 1st thing you wanted to do if you planned to actively involve the military (rather than just hold them back) is to use specops to eliminate the potential other heads of state.

These kinds of things are not done in a nice legal political way, the law in these kind of things is rule 303…

Trump’s best option would have been holding back the military plus careful direction of his mob and paramilitaries. But he failed to even hold back the military…

Pooch says:

Rudy went on TV after then and criticized Sidney Powell and Flynn after that meeting which was telling.

Flynn’s option was a detailed plan authorizing the use of force. Rudy’s plan was to continue arguing in the rigged court system to try to get someone to hear the evidence.

It’s fairly obvious which plan suffered from normalcy bias and which one did not.

Pooch says:

It’s possible though that Trump knew the military leadership (Flynn wanted to use the National Guard I believe) was going to disobey his orders as commander in chief under any circumstance, in which case it’s really moot because the Flynn option was never an option at all. I guess we’ll never know how serious Trump was at exploring that option.

Prince Charming says:

The Flynn/Powell plan, as relayed by Byrne, was an unworkably complex coup, where the plotters inexplicably pretended it was going to work out because of an Executive Order that Trump wrote himself two years prior, when it still looked like written laws and pseudo-laws may still matter in 2020.

They were, allegedly, going to have the National Guard do a recount of paper ballots. That’s a coup-complete multi-day operation involving thousands of people, which relies on literacy, discipline, and political reliability of the least elite and most Democrat part of the armed forces.

Some judge in Hawaii would immediately order the guardsmen to stand down. It would be shut down quicker than any of the travel ban orders, the ones that had a much more clearcut constitutional legitimacy behind them.

But what was the unworkable plan supposed to achieve?

On day 3 of the illegal coup-complete recount, 6,000,000 white vans with 6,000,000 newly found ballots each would appear at the recount places, Biden would have been declared a winner, and the National Guard would go home, where they will be promptly arraigned for participating in a coup.

jim says:

Trump has no end of people who fail to hear what some judge in hawaii is saying, as was repeatedly demonstrated during the deportations issue.

Plus, had he gone ahead with the Flynn plan, all available Hawaiian judges would hide under their beds.

Judges do not give orders that they suspect that men with guns might ignore.

Pooch says:

Soldiers take orders from their commanding officer not some judge. It was only unworkable to the point that Trump’s orders as commander in chief wouldn’t be followed.

Pooch says:

But yeah he seemed like one of the few to openly fight the fraud.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


>But if they already could do everything they wanted, they wouldn’t be pushing for this law.

The figleaves are necessary for the sake of the baizuo’s self-esteem.

Everyone who is anyone can sense, if not consciously, then at least on a visceral, limbic level, which way the winds of power blow, which most will instinctively fall in line with.

But even such an execrable creature as the baizuo will still feel humiliated if it acknowledges that the only reason it is going along with something is because of the force of power itself – most especially to itself.

A figleaf allows him to rationalize his capitulation to deerhorses backed by power, as his own ‘voluntary’ decisions ‘independently’ arrived at through the power of his own ‘reason’. It *must* have the rationalization, however fantastically transparent it may be, or else, so often, the cognitive dissonance can no longer be staved off from collapsing.

As a general rule, subversions need to be ‘met half way’ to be most successfully gotten away with. There can be contingent incentives in going along with the lies in of themselves, of course; but not every mark can be counted on going along with the lie, not every mark can be counted on to go along with the same energy. Thus the figleaf, the excuse that allows flunkies, functionaries, and other useful idiots necessary to keep the wheels on the con rolling, to do what the power wants them to do anyways.

And thus also, why the ultimate *abandonment* of figleaves represent a crucial turning point in the death-cycle of kakistocracies. Why exploding figleaves and simply obliging conscious acknowledgement of the underlying dynamics at play, can be such powerful operations of rhetoric.

pdimov says:


The interesting thing is that both the bai and the zuo are hypocritical. Power in western countries pretends to be powerless because rule of law, human rights and democracy, and the left pretends to be powerless because resistons.

The combined amount of hypocrisy is too much even for the whyte man, so something is going to give.

Ace says:

The figleaves are necessary for the sake of the baizuo’s self-esteem.

Everyone who is anyone can sense, if not consciously, then at least on a visceral, limbic level, which way the winds of power blow, which most will instinctively fall in line with.

But even such an execrable creature as the baizuo will still feel humiliated if it acknowledges that the only reason it is going along with something is because of the force of power itself – most especially to itself.

A figleaf allows him to rationalize his capitulation to deerhorses backed by power, as his own ‘voluntary’ decisions ‘independently’ arrived at through the power of his own ‘reason’. It *must* have the rationalization, however fantastically transparent it may be, or else, so often, the cognitive dissonance can no longer be staved off from collapsing.

Holyshit…. No wonder I’ve been pissing people off my entire life. I find the fig leaves annoying and I point them out for being lies. People would typically have 3 reactions: Pretend I didn’t say anything, agree but tell me to be quiet, and intentionally miss understanding what I said. Along with those reactions has always come a bit of anger and shame.

The Cominator says:

As a sperg I’m the same way, I learned to mock the figleaves instead in school (back before leftism decided humor was the enemy and that laughing in non approved ways was evidence of thoughtcrime and such) rather than take them on directly but otherwise in the same boat.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>as his own ‘voluntary’ decisions ‘independently’ arrived at through the power of his own ‘reason’

To elaborate on this point a little further, he wants to be able to say it is done because, either this, or that it is done because he holds fealty to who is asking, or that it is done because he is being well compensated for it in other ways. (An obvious mapping presents itself.)

Since a major point of liberalism in the first place is to dissolve all bonds of honor and loyalty between men in general, and your neighborivals in particular (since such things afford the possibility of more potent organizations, which infidels instigating such would not be able to compete with or subside in), that one is not an option for the rationalizations. As for the latter, though the *desire* for appropriating (other’s) capital for oneself is a frequently deployed attractor in progroid rhetoric, very few actually do reap desserts in such manner, and very many are in fact targets and collateral damage of such enmiseration in the first place, so that is not really an option either.

Thus leaving the former more or less alone as a pretext for power – and also again an expression of how ‘the modern state’ is typified by it’s domination by a fallen priestly caste.

Friendly Fedposter says:

[*deleted for government sponsored misinformation*]

[…] From Jim’s Blog: […]

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