party politics

Trump Unbowed

The early headlines are extremely interesting.

Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd – USA today

Donald Trump is escorted from stage after pops heard during pennsylvania rally

NBC News:
Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his rally

Associated press:
Trump has been escorted off the stage by secret service after loud noises ring out in the crowd.

CNN Politics
Secret Service rushes Trump off state after he falls at rally.

That the press and the government immediately applied uniform messaging indicates the messaging had been prepared in advance for the possibility that the assassination would fail — but was not prepared in advance for the possibility that the attempted assassination would lightly injure Trump.

The prepared messaging was appropriate for a complete fail, but hilariously inappropriate for Trump lightly injured.

The headlines look like they were prepared in advance of the attempted assassination for the case that the assassin missed. But the assassin did not entirely miss — he got a grazing hit on the president’s head. The early headlines were strangely bloodless, resulting in the headlines being strikingly inappropriate for the event, a tell tale sign of being prepared in advance. Particularly “falls at rally”. Trump ducked as the firing continued. He did not fall.

The assassin shot from a rooftop. Why did the secret service not have a man on each of the rooftops? There were not very many of them.

The secret service killed the assassin, but this was after Trump had been hustled away. Why kill the assassin, except to shut his mouth permanently?

830 comments Trump Unbowed

Oskar says:
jim says:

Obvious inside job. Looks like they had two sets of headlines prepared in advance.

Observe the headlines appearing that were prepared for the case the assassination failed and no bullets came anywhere near Trump and the podium, and then very shortly thereafter hastily modified for the actual case that Trump was hit, but not seriously injured.

simplyconnected says:

This guy, which I’m sure you’ve all seen already, claims their group of friends were telling police and SS about a man with a rifle climbing to a rooftop, but the rally continued. Another confirmation of a sloppy operation.

Pax Imperialis says:

Why kill the assassin?

Imagine you’re just a grunt on the ground, you hear shots fired. You see the shooter. Obviously you shoot him.

Of course that doesn’t remove the potential that was part of the planing if there was any. They certainly didn’t seem to consider the shooter’s get away plan.

The Cominator says:

Like with oswald the plotters didnt want him to talk…

Pax Imperialis says:

Hey, I’m just trying to point out the typical grunt is all too happy to return fire, he has spent his entire life training for this moment and now he gets to get some. No need to brief him or convince him to kill the assassin or be a part of any plot. It’s even probably safer that way, less loose ends.

The Cominator says:

Incompetent CIA plot they killed the shooter and made sure he had an open rooftop but picked some antifa idiot drug addict rather than an ex marine sharpshooter like Oswald who knew what he was doing.

Anyway total leftist death now. If you’re not part of the final solution (to leftism) you’re part of the problem.

DH says:

Leftism selects for 3 things: stupidity (low IQ), insanity (low reality testing), and evil (low virtue). Now it’s dumb soyjaks, increasingly trashy and demon-possessed ones, who work in the media, work in the spy agencies, and (most obviously) participate in Antifa terrorism. So the media reporting was dumb, the assassination plot was dumb, and the shooter was dumb. Just horribly botched from beginning to end. Leftism is its own punishment.

I assume it is the radical faction attempting to stop Thermidor, attempting to stop defection within the ruling class by assassinating the defectors’ presidential candidate, signaling escalation and willingness to fight holy civil war immediately. First they convicted him so they can Epstein him, then opted to speed things up and assassinate him the old fashioned way – but with everyone involved being an idiot and a failure.

Neurotoxin says:

Leftism selects for 3 things: stupidity (low IQ), insanity (low reality testing), and evil… So the media reporting was dumb, the assassination plot was dumb, and the shooter was dumb. Just horribly botched from beginning to end. Leftism is its own punishment.

It’s so hard to hire good help these days!

skippy says:

“Incompetent CIA plot they killed the shooter and made sure he had an open rooftop but picked some antifa idiot drug addict rather than an ex marine sharpshooter like Oswald who knew what he was doing.”

My exact thought except “chose” -> “best they could get”. At least it wasn’t an Indian trigger-puller!

L says:

[*deleted because I do not approve of jumping the gun on facts not yet in unless clearly presented as speculation, or speculation based on evidence that is not yet all in*]

jim says:

When the facts came in on the people who attempted to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, they were so exactly the people that the alt right expected, that it was as if God was writing the script to prove to everyone what the alt right already knew.

I expect that when the facts come in on the people who attempted to murder Trump, they will tell the same story as the attempted murder of Kyle Rittenhouse told, only even more so. We shall see.

L says:

Here is the photo of the perp, from a well-known rightoid:

Like I said, white male. There are millions more like him.

jim says:

The photos of the people who attempted to murder Kyle looked roughly as white and male as this man — who in any case may well be the patsy, not the assassin.

But, supposing he is the assassin, when his bio actually comes out, it will likely have a marked resemblance to that of those who attempted to murder Kyle.

Mayflower Sperg says:

We finally got some photos of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-yo alleged assassin with a seriously deformed face. When I see a photo gallery of such hideous cretins, I have to read the accompanying article to find out if they’re Antifa or pedophiles. Did their mothers drink paint thinner while pregnant?

Neurotoxin says:

Info on the shooter:

State voter records show that Crooks was a registered Republican and the upcoming November 5 election would have been the first time Crooks had been old enough to vote in a presidential race.

However, when he was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote.

Fidelis says:

God be with us all.

Hesiod says:

Amen. Thank you, Heavenly Father.

That picture harkens back to iconic WW2 photos. Team Baldrick’s Cunning Plan B to Epstein Trump in the open gave Trump heroic tier publicity.

God confounds the wicked with their own sin.

Neurotoxin says:

Hot takes:

Was 2/3 through a cup of coffee when I saw the story. Threw out the rest of the cup, the adrenalin surge was more than enough. Had to go for a walk to let it run off. As someone at FQ said, we’re in an era in which we’re living through decades of normal historical time in weeks.

Why does the left care this much about Trump? They largely thwarted him in his first term; what stops them from just doing that again if he gets a second term?

This suggests that they actually have to an extent started to believe their own propaganda: TrUmp iS a DanGeRoUs Nazi fAscisT nAzi!!! Seriously, what specific outcomes do they fear if he gets back to the White House?

Maybe they’ve realized that their politicized persecution of him gives him carte blanche to go after them if he’s re-elected. In a 2016 debate he told Hillary Clinton “You’d be in jail” if he won the White House, but it was just rhetoric. He never went after her or any other Dems; it would have crossed a dangerous line in US politics and it would have given the left a huge propaganda win in terms of “He’s a dangerous dictator!” agitprop. But now that line has been crossed. And since they crossed it first they can’t (convincingly) use that propaganda if he starts prosecuting them.

This hit attempt suggests that there actually is a “margin of fraud” in elections, much to my surprise. If establishment leftists knew they could just fraud their way to the White House, they wouldn’t need to bother with this.

Hesiod says:

Trump’s bloodied cheek is for all to see. The Bible, as Jim reminds us, is pretty clear on his further obligations.

Hesiod says:

Speaking of too much coffee and adrenalin, that did not come out as I’d hope. Forgive me, lads, young and old, for the potential poetic fumble.

DH says:

Yeah, got you. When someone slaps you on the cheek, turn the other (you have only one other cheek; you don’t have endless cheeks). But when the shooting starts or is about to start, when the bullets are flying or are about to fly, then you go Old Testament – eye for an eye, bullet for a bullet. You can forgive a little humiliation, though you need not do so endlessly; but you must not forgive someone spilling your blood. Retribution is sanctified and demanded by GNON.

FrankNorman says:

Anyone who thinks seriously about it can understand the difference between an insult and an attempt on your life.

Jesus did not say not to defend yourself if someone is trying to kill you.

Hesiod says:

This save is much appreciated, Brother.

alf says:

A bloodied cheek is pretty poetic, really.

Hesiod says:

My error was not going further and potentially leaving the reader dwelling exclusively on “turn the other cheek”, which the MSM in full Hippy Jesus mode today explained means bend over and spread both cheeks.

Trump’s bloodied cheek symbolizes he has done his duty as a Christian to seek the peaceful resolution if possible and practical. I was taught the meek as in the meek shall inherit the earth are those who own weapons and know how to use them well, but endeavor to be peaceful neighbors.

Trump can now fire at will and only the perfidious can criticize him for doing so.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I suspect disagreement between factions that wants Trump in to simultaneously stall the decline and take the blame for it, and factions that want to immanetize the eschaton today rather than tomorrow – and that the chain of command for settling such disagreements has broken down, so everyone starting to settle them in their own ways.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To wit; as the default ‘placeholder’ figurehead for party unity it’s fair to say most of the establishment gerontocrats were hitched to the wagon of Biden’s handlers; but since the Biden Wagon has just spectacularly ditched itself (been spectacularly ditched) and is currently flipping end over end down the hill into the gully, all the nomeklatura involved have also taken huge hits to their status by association with the devalidation.

Which in the viper pits that is a leftist organization can be fatal, but more importantly, it means the organization of the inner party is cracking up – the ‘respected voices’ kaint git no respek no mo – and so nothing to keep the herd of young and dumber and browner cats on track.

Everyone now feels the license to faithfully observe the articles of faith even more faithful than their neighbor.

Neurotoxin says:

It certainly indicates Thermidor doesn’t have its hands on the reins.

Contaminated NEET says:

I’ve been saying it since I first saw the term used here: Thermidor never had a chance.

Me says:

That’s always the problem with propaganda – you end up believing your own bullshit.

Hesiod says:

>Why did the secret service not have a man on each of the rooftops?

SS director since ’22.

The Cominator says:

Nah not her there was a more immediate SS security chief in charge of deploying the SS agents. That person is the most immediate and obvious traitor.

jim says:

Well, reading Kimberly_Cheatle’s career, looks like she was appointed to not protect Trump. But we probably will not know what really went down until Trump is president, assuming he survives to be president.

jim says:

Kimberly Cheadle ordered stand down and cooperation with FBI on Mar a Lago raid, closed investigation into erased SS Jan 6 texts, and couldn’t find who dropped the coke.

Inside job.

Neurotoxin says:

So much for the question of whether soft power is still adequate.

L says:
jim says:

You already posted that photo. I don’t allow excessive repetition. Letting it through twice.

As I said, unconvinced. When his bio comes out, if it comes out, and if he is the killer rather than the patsy, I expect it will have a marked resemblance to that of the men who tried to murder Kyle Rittenhouse.

nils says:

photo was memory holed dead link

Neurotoxin says:

You missed the point. Soft power is no longer effective, so the left has to move to hard power.

Neurotoxin says:

In fact, here’s Jim yesterday:

“We now see soft power fail internally… When it [the left] burned the credibility of the mythmakers, there very shortly followed the necessity to use hard power externally. When it burned the credibility of the journalists, there very shortly followed the necessity to use hard power internally. What is up next?”

A prescient remark, in light of the last few hours.

L says:

[*deleted for insanity*]

jim says:

I am not going to allow you to call up down and black white, because that is just trolling intended to waste space by provoking a reaction.

When the government attempts to arrange for the murder of its political opponents, this is not soft power.

It is completely obvious that the media, the white house, and Kimberly Cheadle intended that Trump’s head would explode live on video in high resolution. Their goal was to physically destroy his head on live TV, to shatter his skull and plaster the internet with celebratory 4K videos. Don’t forget that. That is not soft power, that is as hard as it gets.

And here is Barron watching it, whom I now dub Augustus Caesar Barron Trump.

I think Trump’s normality bias has likely been cured, but if it has not, Barron is definitely awake to the new normal.

L says:

By what means was the shooter, assuming identity is correct, motivated to act against his own genetic and ethnic interests?

jim says:

I presume the shooter was told by staff at the White House, the Open Society Foundation, and the New York times that he would get ten million dollars and a private island in the Bahamas, and was not told he would get a bullet in the brain. If someone is doing this on his own initiative he is not going to conveniently find a convenient ladder going up a building conveniently overlooking Trump’s podium, and conveniently unoccupied by the secret service.

I also presume that his ethnic interests are the destruction of the white race, and that he has no genetic interests, being one sort of sexual deviant or another. As I said, probably similar bio as the subhumans who tried to murder Kyle.

Jehu says:

My guess is the shooter was either very stupid or estimated that he didn’t have much time left to live. Stage 4 diagnosis maybe? It would seem that anyone paying attention knows that presidential assassins die before anyone can question them.

jim says:

My bet is very stupid. The left is falling apart.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Antifags don’t grow on trees, they are selected from people who fit the profile and managed thereafter. His ‘community organizer’ was given orders to give him orders. “We need to act to save democracy and stop orange hitler”. Like any other state employee, they don’t do anything without committee approval first.

Why has mega cheeto hitler not had *literally anyone* take shots at him at any point in all of time up to now, in spite of the fact that he is mega cheeto hitler and regularly appears in public in front of massive crowds in wide open spaces innumerable times over the years? Because the only people who own guns who *would* want to take a shot are all people who work for the state.

It was as much an act of ‘soft power’ as a captain overseeing crew on a boat is ‘soft power’.

Mister Grumpus says:

They’re all stochastically “working towards the Fuhrer”, if you will, like planets orbiting the sun while themselves feeling weightless.

I’ve had some exposure lately to mainstream TV news and print media, after years of blissful isolation. It’s like a psychotic break. A parallel universe. The average person — especially boomers who grew up trusting The Machine with their whole hearts — gets sucked into the Orange Hitler frame forever, like a Toyota Tercel with three wheels and no gas in it getting sucked into a black hole. No natural resistance at all.

Media control. Narrative control. Once again, we’re getting nuclear war if we can’t get anonymity, freedom of speech, freedom of censorship and freedom of transaction via crypto wizardry.

skippy says:

If your guy is so smart, why is he dead?

Elite Human Capital aren’t sending their best

L says:

The concept of sacrificing a pawn eludes you? He was always going to die, he just happened to get unlucky with his shot first.

skippy says:

Rittenhouse did fine. Skill issue.

L says:

Trump happened to get lucky in that he turned his head at the exact right moment. Otherwise his skull would have been splattered on live tv.

[*trolling deleted*] leftists are in such total command that Trump’s own security team will gleefully betray him to his death [*trolling deleted*]

jim says:

The Republican convention at which Trump chose his VP had additional (non secret service) security, indicating that Trump no longer trusts the secret service, and is not forced to trust them. So even if the Secret Service is one hundred percent full of people who intend to kill him, they will now not be able to survive doing so.

On the available evidence, my interpretation of events is that Kimberly Cheatle is, under instructions from the White House staff and elements of the media, trying to kill Trump and his family, but does not have too many assets in the rest of the secret service. That if the rest of the secret service catch her, they will kill her, so she has to arrange it cautiously and deniably — that this attempt exposed her hand, and she will find it very difficult to pull it off again.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If they were in total command killing him wouldn’t even be necessary.

skippy says:

“Trump happened to get lucky in that he turned his head at the exact right moment. Otherwise his skull would have been splattered on live tv.”

The shooter fired five or eight (reports seem to disagree) shots from a prone position directly in front of a standing target at a distance of about 150 yards and missed all of them.

Plenty of amateur marksmen are better shots than that. Plenty of random gun-toting right wingers have taken out perps in harder situations than that with no preparation at all.

Skill issue. EHC doesn’t have the best.

Dharmicreality says:

Modi expresses deep concern over the attack on his friend Trump.

Also didn’t miss the chance to lecture back at the GAE: violence has no place in politics:

Modi should have added that he was worried about the state of “America’s democracy.”

Cloudswrest says:
Jehu says:

Trump is not a warrior, he is a merchant. But here in this picture, he definitely looks like a warrior. Warriors see this, and would follow him, if he would but lead. What was it that Gibson put into the mouth of William Wallace—men don’t follow titles, they follow courage. Has God arranged for Trump to be baptized in blood? Damn I don’t know. God’s ways are far beyond my own, but I am getting more familiar with His sense of humor.

Tech Priest says:

If someone’s hastily writing a headline, and is anti-Trump, they might hesitate to report on apparent blood, until receiving further confirmation, as they don’t want to jump to hasty conclusions that if reported on might benefit Trump politically.

The sounds and Trump being whisked away are the most obvious observable facts, which they don’t need any further confirmation to confidently report.

So, the headlines are weak evidence at best. That being said, some investigation into how the security hole came to exist and how the would-be assassin was able to find it while the secret service apparently did not would be appropriate.

jim says:

The sound was considerably less observable than the blood. Omitting the blood has to be headlines prepared in advance.

Tech Priest says:

I watched a video after the fact (so, might have been manipulated I suppose, but if so make the case), sounds were obvious in the video (as you might expect, gunshots are notoriously loud), might have been unsure about the blood if not specifically looking for it.

But, in fact, I wasn’t specifically proposing that the headline writer, or whoever the headline writer was getting information from, didn’t see the blood. What I was suggesting is that, even if they did see the blood, they

a) wouldn’t be 100% sure that he did get hit and was bloody as a result, instead of some other reason for red stuff
b) would be very reluctant to dramatize the event in a way would benefit Trump.

And, honestly, I’m backing off from the first claim (a) here, as the second (b) is the most important.

These are likely the same sort of people as the one starting “Let’s go Brandon”.

This isn’t a matter of them doing rational calculation, but reflexively shading everything they say in a way that would be anti-Trump in the moment, even if it will obviously backfire. So they downplay what happened in the hasty initial report and fix it later when it becomes obviously embarrassing.

jim says:

You are saying that there is a universal instinctive soft power bias, that everyone says the same thing because they all agree.

But to get this kind of uniformity, there has to be some advance discussion on what they are agreeing. And this is revealed by sudden back peddling.

They went with the headline they had prepared for the event the assassination failed, and then checked with higher authority “this is going to backfire?”. And higher authority said “oops, we have to do a limited hangout”. If they had been acting on their own initiative and own bias, they would have come up with the second headline first.

Tech Priest says:

I made no specific claim about the motivations for this behaviour. It might be that they think they are going to get cancelled if they say something that in the moment appears to benefit Trump, and ends up actually doing so, but not if they say something that in the moment appears anti-Trump, even if it does benefit Trump, so act according to those incentives.

Uniformity of headlines is a good point provided that they are independent rather than copying from each other. Even if so, two could could be coincidence.

jim says:

DC Draino reports instructions were given to the media to play down the assassination. “Don’t say assassination” “Don’t say targeting Trump” “Don’t say gunshots” “No need for a serious face”

But the interesting question is when were these instructions given? Trump was shot and wounded live on television, and these instructions were followed from the beginning. So they had to have been prepared and distributed before he was shot. Notice that these instructions completely fail to mention blood. So they have to have been prepared before the incident — presumably two sets of instructions, one for a successful assassination, one for an unsuccessful assassination, and the case that Trump was lightly injured was not considered. The instant the assassination attempt happened, every journalist everywhere got his marching orders that had been prepared for the failed assassination case. Which marching orders naturally neglected to mention blood.

yewotm8 says:

I mentioned it before in the comments of the last post, but I doubt that that media creatures watch Trump live, even the ones who are supposed to be writing stories on the event in question. They might even not be allowed to do so for fear they might hear something true. If they are allowed, it probably scares and enrages them to watch a rally like that with all the bravado and cheering crowds. Besides, it’s not really important that they hear what he says, they’re just gonna make up some bullshit anyway.

So they really would not have known there was blood or gunshots. To them, it would all be rumours floating on the internet until they saw a clip of the event, which would take a while to reach them. The assassination attempt wasn’t front page news on most of the sites until they started calling it that, as an “incident at the rally” wasn’t that big of a deal.

I doubt the veracity of that post you linked and don’t think it’s necessary in order for the newsjews to all converge on a single line that doesn’t make Trump look good, as Tech Priest said. Certainly nobody would want to risk being the first to call it an assassination attempt, even if they knew it was.

jim says:

We know they coordinate. We see it all the time, and from time to time, coordination messages leak.

How can it be “rumors floating on the internet”, “incident at the rally” when it was livestreamed. They were trying to gaslight us into not believing our eyes.

And notice how long it took for the holdouts to call it an assassination attempt — what we saw was a power struggle taking place over a considerable time as to whether to gaslight us, or do a limited hang out.

A power struggle implies a coordination process.

yewotm8 says:

Coordination yes, premeditation no. Speaking of the media, not the secret service, who clearly left open enough of a gap in security for a guy to stroll up with a ladder and rifle and take a shot from 500 ft.

I just don’t think that the level of preparedness you speak of is required for us to see what we saw. The journalist class is so uniform that they would act like that even with no centralized direction. I think it’s clear they didn’t know it was going to happen, as it took them a long time to even see the clips of it happening which they would need in order to realize that there’s no point gaslighting.

I watched it live, and checked the legacy media repeatedly afterward to see how they’d spin it. It took them 20 minutes to even mention it.

jim says:

And yet their gaslighting attempt could only have been attempted by someone who had not seen the clip.

I know they prepare these lies considerably in advance, discuss internally which of many possible lies to roll with, and when the decision is made to roll with one particular lie then that lie is broadcast to all the journalists, as in Journo-List.

So yes, ordinary journalists did not get instructions on what message to carry until after the attempt failed, but the message was prepared for each possible outcome, well in advance, probably weeks in advance, of the attempt.

yewotm8 says:

I hit submit too early, but my point was that their response time was so slow, especially considering how obvious it was to anybody who saw the footage, that they couldn’t have known ahead of time. They wouldn’t have taken 20-30 minutes to put out their “Trump is scared of loud noises and leaves rally” article, and wouldn’t have taken an hour to publish that somebody shot him.

Tech Priest says:

I assume that those leaked “instructions”, if real at all, were posted after the fact to one of the group chats “Me” mentioned by someone with no actual authority, just “helping” by uselessly reminding the group chat of their well established norms (see “Again all this is just a reminder, I know we all know”). The point would be, not to provide information, but increase their own status by the implicit threat to try to cancel anyone stepping out of line.

It’s hard to have consequentialist norms in a low-forgiveness community (“don’t do what will actually benefit Trump”), because consequences are hard to predict, which is why such groups end up with deontological norms (“don’t do what seems pro-Trump in the moment, regardless of actual consequences”).

Everything is shaded towards immediate anti-Trump sentiment, even private conversation, since that’s what the norm is. So, no mentioning blood even privately.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I suggest new rules:

(1) All deaths of Democrats shall henceforth be reported as suicides regardless of circumstances.

(2) All deaths of reporters who violate this rule shall also be reported as suicides.

Perhaps I’m too strict, and Democrats should also be allowed to die of accidents, the more bizarre and implausible the better, and of Covid.

Hesiod says:

Covid as the cause works best. We can be magnanimous about it too by declaring “gee, looks like Covid was very deadly, after all.”

Me says:

They get instructions from a central source immediately after the event, they don’t need to know in advance.
The source says to downplay it and under no circumstances say assassination attempt, so they make up some random BS like “loud noises” or “trump…falls at rally” (real headline). Sec def condemns “violence” and calls it an “incident”, never assassination attempt, clearly coordinated messaging.

jim says:

> They get instructions from a central source immediately after the event, they don’t need to know in advance.

But the instructions were prepared at the central source before the incident, because they don’t say “blood”. In fact the instructions are very generic — the people preparing these instructions had no idea how the assassination would go down, they just knew there would be an attempted assassination. Presumably they prepared instructions for several outcomes, but light injuries and a fist pump was not one of the outcomes that they had prepared instructions for.

We are seeing coordinated messaging that was obviously coordinated before the attempted assassination. The coordination failed to anticipate the case that Trump was lightly injured. The coordination was caught completely flat footed by a bleeding Trump pumping his fist.

The prepared messaging was appropriate for a complete fail, but hilariously inappropriate for Trump being lightly injured.

Anon says:

I have to say , the instructions sent seem like a generic media boilerplate and could have been sent while the event happing, but the blood is a critical key that show it was coordibated before, because the instruction would say something about the blood if sent during the event.
Man this whole thing seem like divine intervention.

Me says:

When the goal is to downplay it, they’re not going to say blood, for the same reason they aren’t saying assassination, the lack of it isn’t the dog that didn’t bark.

The messaging is inappropriate even for a complete fail – trying to sell an assassination attempt as him falling on stage is patently ridiculous, but they are, in fact, sending their best.

After all, who do you believe, them or your lying eyes? No mention of blood means there was no blood, no mention of assassination attempt means there was no assassination attempt, only double hitler would say otherwise! In fact, why are you talking about this, when you should be talking about j6 where orange man killed 6 million police officers! Also, ACAB.

It’s patently obvious they want him dead and a leftist faction “taking matters into its own hands” is their goal in the first place, so it can’t be traced back to them in any way, because they are extremely paranoid.

simplyconnected says:

[…] no mention of assassination attempt means there was no assassination attempt […]

It’s astounding. I see leftists on twitter currently falling into two camps: 1) there was no assassination attempt, or 2) it’s a shame the shooter missed.

Hesiod says:

Biden urges us to not speculate and let the government tell us all we need to know.

alf says:

spoiler alert to the investigation: he was definitely a lone gunsman and there’s no point whatsover to speculate about connections with powerful people.

simplyconnected says:

They get instructions from a central source immediately after the event, they don’t need to know in advance.

Who could possibly call CNN, BBC, MSNBC, NYT, AP, Reuters, all within 15min and explain to them how to write their stories, all before any of them press “publish”, which they did very shortly after the event. There is simply no time for the orders to happen before the event.

simplyconnected says:

I see what you are saying: the media themselves connect to some place to get their orders, instead of someone telling them all within a few minutes, all successfully before they hit “publish”. That’s possible.

Me says:

They coordinate in group chats. This was revealed during gamergate.

It’s not like they were all in person at the rally, so someone has to tell them what to publish, thus the “information gathering” and the marching orders come from the same place, it’s not something separate they have to do.

Neurotoxin says:

They coordinate in group chats. This was revealed during gamergate.

Also, going back further in time, the “Journo-list” revelations.

simplyconnected says:

Well, the Ministry of Truth could just send a group email to CNN, BBC, MSNBC, NYT, AP, Reuters, all at the same time, right after the event. The talking points get delivered and talking-point-compliant stories are written.

Perhaps it’s as simple as that. Seems a bit risky and error-prone, whereas advance talking points gets the job done without fail. However, what Me suggests seems possible.

Neurotoxin says:

They’re now starting to use the phrase “assassination attempt.”

Neurotoxin says:

How CNN Reported On 7 Famous Assassinations

Caesar injured in group hug.

Anonymous Fake says:

You didn’t show my comment about abortion. [*deleted*]

jim says:

state rights.

Standard shill operation to create right holiness spiral. Social justice warriors always project. The right is precisely those people resistant to holiness spirals

Anonymous Fake says:

Vermont is 0.2% of the population. There is absolutely no way for there to be any meaningful restrictions on abortion when tiny liberal states can clearly set the standard for everyone else. Claiming “states’ rights” here is snarky and fake and gay and intended to be a mockery of actual respect for states’ rights. It is beneath me.

Holiness spiraling doesn’t apply to abortion because it is a “yes or no” issue with no gray areas. Unborn babies are either protected or they are not. The correct way to end any stupid attempt at “holiness spiraling” abortion is to simply take the Christian view of abortion as always intrinsically disordered, but Trump was such a dumb cuck he wouldn’t do that. And for some reason the left just revived his watered down campaign with this murder attempt.

Shills never push the right closer to the Church.

jim says:

> tiny liberal states can clearly set the standard for everyone else

Our enemies are in the position to shred the rules whenever they find them momentarily inconvenient. We are not. If we attack state rights on abortion, the result will not be abortion prohibited, but sexual transition mandatory.

> Shills never push the right closer to the Church.

Shills routinely and regularly push the right closer to the cucked faggot globohomo converged Church.

Anonymous Fake says:

States’ rights are a temporal issue and abortion is a moral issue. Always put moral issues first and you’ll have God on your side. But in this clownish case, we’re not even talking about states’ rights, but a caricature of them with liberal fake states that wouldn’t even exist without imperial influence. And we would be liars to play along with this “point deer make horse” game. We will win power by standing with truth.

The Church does not teach error. Priests do, but no one is perfect. This is a case where it is always best to aim for a “possibly something” over a “definitely nothing”. Evil requires intent and free will.

jim says:

> States’ rights are a temporal issue and abortion is a moral issue.

The question is “Who is Caesar? Who has rightful jurisdiction?”

If every Caesar is entitled to right every wrong everywhere, then it is war. We are commanded “Peace on Earth to all men of goodwill” You guys want the right at war with the right. This is the US government fostering “frozen conflicts” everywhere.

Anonymous Fake says:

Frozen conflicts and holiness spirals are made by putting the good against the perfect [*deleted*]

jim says:

No they are not. They are demonic evil at work. Hatred of all that is good, all that is beautiful, hatred of life itself, and love of death. In the Dark Enlightenment, and genuine Christianity, we do not give credence to the rhetoric of demons, be they real or metaphorical.

That best is enemy of the good enough is an unrelated problem. Good people can genuinely differ about what is reasonably achievable and how it should be achieved, but this is not what we see in holiness spirals and frozen conflicts.

The Cominator says:

> The Catholic Church does not teach error
1. Perpetual virginity of Mary
2. Papal infallibility
3. Clerical celibacy
4. Literal transubstantiation
5. That the Papacy went back to St. Peter
6. Covenant of works
Need I go on…

The Cominator says:

Nobody here likes women voting and we know voting is only sporadically relevant to the outcome but on the occasions when voting is relevant to the outcome the abortion issue has proven to be a massive loser if there is any attempt to restrict it before around 15 weeks. You just want leftists to win even fair elections.

The Catholic Church and the Jesuits are behind and within the leftist cult. Within the exoteric outer doctrines of both leftism and catholicism is the inner doctrine mystery babylonian religion of snake and ishtar worship of the Jesuits. Even if that wasn’t true America was originally supposed to be a protestant country. America’s original sins were the following
1. Not picking our own cotton
2. Becoming a republic instead of a monarchy
3. Allowing the immigration of large numbers of Roman Catholics and people other than Anglo Saxons (German Protestants were okay and could have fit in eventually all the others should have been told to fuckoff)

Oscar C. says:

About your last point, it reminds me of the Amerika blogger, who always says that the Irish doomed the US.

If you expand so much as the US, that kind of massive migration problems are always going to be there, because you need a steady influx of new settlers, and your favourite ones might not always be available. Note how the famous migration quotas were passed in the 1920s, when the expansion period had ended.

Regarding the idea of a virtuous protestantism vs a supposedly leftist Catholic Church, I think that considering the sorry state of Anglicans, Lutherans etc (at least here in Europe), I don’t think that assumption can hold anymore.

jim says:

> If you expand so much as the US, that kind of massive migration problems are always going to be there

If we had the fertility rate we had during the 1950s, would double every generation. If we had the fertility rate we had when had coverture, would triple every generation. No immigration required. Instead colonialism and space settlement will be required.

Fidelis says:

The Irish were brought over to:

– politically bully those not progressive enough by swarming them with foreigners in their neighborhood
– weaken the middle class by diluting the labor pool as industrialization and the modern wage-labor system was starting off
– serve as grunts in the civil war

Massive success.

Contaminated NEET says:

The Irish still think they’re part of the great coalition of oppressed peoples finally rising up and sticking it to the White man. They cherish the idea that they were colonized, discriminated against, and only recently re-classified as “White,” and they burn for revenge. They won’t see that their alliance is one-way and they’re just another kind of blue-eyed devil until it’s far too late for them. And us.

jim says:

Observe what is currently happening in Ireland. Irish in Ireland are now starting to realise that their one way alliance is about to kill them all.

Irish in America are still a bit slow on the uptake.

Contaminated NEET says:

There have been some heartening incidents in Ireland recently, but it’s just a few powerless losers acting out before inevitably losing even harder. They’ll just get taxed more to pay to repair the damage they’ve done, and then even more Africans will be brought in to punish them for resisting. The bureaucracy, the education system, the courts, the media are all extremely pro-immigration and anti-White. Sinn Fein, the terrorist-supporting extremist champions of Irish nationalism, go on and on about how Ireland owes everything it has to random Africans because they’re fellow victims of colonialism.

jim says:

Sin Fein will perish with those whose genocide it is organising. Those who wake up from normality bias will survive — At some point things bottom out with us alive and our enemies dead, because the left always devours itself.

Albeit in Szechuan province, only sixteen thousand survived of three million.

In the worst case outcome, the population of the Global American Empire declines to less than a million or so by famine and mass murder, the economy goes back to hunter gatherer, and expats reconquer it.

Calvin says:

I lean less towards “inside job” and more towards “the secret service is another dei branch being hit with a competency crisis”. If you watch the videos you can visibly see Trump’s female bodyguards fumbling around and generally being useless.

Pax Imperialis says:

There’s nothing preventing both to be true, in fact most evidence points to it.

On the DEI side.

Long before the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday night such focused a harsh light on the Secret Service, the presidential security agency was already facing difficult questions about its capability, training, recruitment and emphasis on diversity.

Secret Service agents reportedly were even circulating a petition raising questions about their management a few weeks ago.

On the inside job.

A “source familiar with Trump’s security detail” previously told The Federalist that Trump’s “detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.”

Mister Grumpus says:

A stochastically inside job, how about.

Ash says:

Maybe he was a democrat.. his aim “too far left” wingwing!”

The Cominator says:

Victoria Nuland one of the people involved in the assassination attempt, “nasty surprise”.

The Cominator says:

Surprised no one finds this interesting…

Humungus says:

Humungus found it interesting and reposted it on another forum.

Humungus is a man of few words, but thank you.

Fidelis says:

Just not much to comment on. I don’t mean to assume consensus, but I believe most here understand this was an assassination plot, and if so, of course a critter like icky vicky would have caught wind.

The Cominator says:

I think knowing who is involved is potentially important…

Fidelis says:

I’m grateful you shared, and not downplaying anything. I’m just expressing that there isn’t much further to comment on with this specific thread, as an explanation for why there wasn’t discussion generated.

Me says:

The video shows SS agents confirming shooter’s down before standing Trump up, it wasn’t after he was hustled away.

Dharmicreality says:

Andrew Anglin thinks this is a fake assassination attempt set up by Mossad to make Trump “the Jewish choice candidate” popular and win the election and support Israel in its war in Gaza and against Iran.

Another “Grand Jewish plan”.

Hesiod says:

Yeah, read this over on Unz earlier. Anglin may be giving Trump the mean-girl treatment because this means Kanye West won’t be president.

Encelad says:

The bullet hit him and just miraculously didn’t kill him. How can people believe it’s fake?

DH says:

How can people believe it’s fake?

Part of reality bias is believing that the globohomos (and those under their spell) in 2024 are omnipotent and can successfully engineer whatever event they like, however they like it. And part of sobering up is the recognition that leftists just aren’t competent anymore, haven’t quite been competent for a while, have been self-selecting for stupidity (among other things), and can no longer even pull off successful psyops. Some people imagine the string pullers as all-powerful geniuses, when the stark reality is that they’re a bunch of idiots, each generation thereof more stupid than the preceding ones, and increasingly possessed by demons, leading to erratic and irrational behavior, and total incompetence. Nothing about this event — planning or outcome — is even remotely surprising. “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” They aren’t O’Briens; they are total trash, and thinking otherwise usually stems from normality bias and from falling for GAE’s delusional self-aggrandizement.

DH says:

Err, meant normality bias in the first sentence. But now that I think about it, “reality bias” is a good phrase. It’s like the counter to normality bias, where official normality doesn’t match observable reality.

Tech Priest says:

I could imagine fake blood being applied – perhaps even an actual wound – between when Trump ducks and when he gets up again. Not high probability, but does not require supreme capability, only unlikely collusion between Trump and secret service.

The Cominator says:

> Would any federal agency at a higher level play along with a hoax to help Trump out politically
Not in any possible universe.

Tech Priest says:

That’s why it’s low probability.

That being said, I find Miles Mathis’ theory that the left’s actions are part of a plot to get popular support for a fascist takeover looking less insane all the time. “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice”.

Yul Bornhold says:

We have a photograph of the bullet, taken, I believe, by a media photographer. Theoretically possible to fake, but in that case the media would be both pretending Trump was shot and acting like he wasn’t shot and just fell down because there was a loud noise, which is obviously insane.

skippy says:

He seems to be struggling to come up with some theory whereby they aren’t just dumb and falling apart, and basically conceding that there is no comprehensible narrative, and also that many of them appear to be dumb, and their organization falling apart, but he doesn’t want to draw the ultimate conclusion.

Cloudswrest says:

The header photograph above speaks of divine intervention! A bloodied trump, defiantly shaking his fist, with the American flag in the background. It’s right up there with the Iwo Jima image.

alf says:

Could be very lucky, but it really does have the hallmarks of divine intervention doesn’t it.

Adam says:

It’s like a video game or a movie. Don Wick.

Pax Imperialis says:

The media coordination absolutely shows behind the scene coordination. It also show that coordination has become exponentially stupid. Planning doesn’t extend to what ifs, anything beyond the next day, or anything obviously matching reality. This must be among the quickest the narrative has collapsed. Faster than even ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful’. The rate of narrative collapse has been accelerating, and as others have pointed out the regime’s soft power has been replaced by attempts at hard power.

I disagree with Jim about “shills”, 70 years ago they were all powerful controllers of nearly all non-official information channels. 40 years ago they were still able to infiltrate nearly every perceivable right (and left) wing group in the US. Now they are obvious Fed glowies that get called out on nearly every mostly free platform. Even mentally retired boomers on facebook can recognize Fedposting these days.

Jim contends that they are still able to pass off as the ‘stupid right’. They don’t. They use decades old caricatures of the right that have long since passed on into memes no one takes seriously anymore. FBI attempts to entrap the right produces nearly nothing. All they do is produce noise in an attempt to drown out signal. That’s no longer shilling anymore, that’s practically jamming and signal warfare.

The shift to attempts at hard power has been a long ways coming, and it’s precisely because of narrative (and shilling) collapse that the regime has resorted to it. Shilling, much like propaganda, still sees the target as some form of regime subject if unruly and needing to be shackled back into the the proper regime. Signal warfare, de-platforming, and cancel culture are all on the spectrum of seeing the target more as the enemy rather than subjects.

There’s no end of democrats claiming the assassination attempt has “no place” in the US and is “shocking” and “horrific”. No one believes the lip service. The leftist masses openly wanted to see Trump’s brains fly out, and the “elite” left has been for years trying to strip Trump of all his resources and security. There’s no sincerity in their denials, and it reeks of going through the motions. The narrative is collapsing because everyone is moving to a war footing, and war is less about convincing the enemy about anything and more about convincing your people to fight.

The late Soviet Union’s official narrative collapse led to war, tanks on the streets and shooting. The more the official narrative collapses, the closer the situation is to war. The question is, how much war?

jim says:

> The narrative is collapsing because everyone is moving to a war footing, and war is less about convincing the enemy about anything and more about convincing your people to fight.

> The late Soviet Union’s official narrative collapse led to war, tanks on the streets and shooting. The more the official narrative collapses, the closer the situation is to war. The question is, how much war?

I could see Barron thinking. “We have to kill them, or they are going to kill us”.

What is Trump thinking?

He realised he was under fire sooner than anyone else, except for one chick that realised at the same instant he did. He and a chick behind him hit the dirt at the same moment, while everyone around them continued to be placid and confused.

When I next see his face he is scared and distressed, though this may be more a result of secret service piling on him than being shot at. Then he masters himself, masters the secret service, tells the secret service to let him communicate with his supporters, and puts on his warrior face.

Does he know it is war? I am not sure. But more and more people do know it is war. First mover advantage ensues. When war is coming, it is advantageous to strike hard and fast. We are crippled by lack of a war leader. But so are our enemies. Sooner or later, one side or the other is going to have a leader who says “war it is”.

Interestingly, the Ukrainians all seem to assume that this is a government operation — one that they are in favour of. War cures normality bias.

Mister Grumpus says:

What kind of Ukrainians?

jim says:

Obvously all Ukrainians posting on social media are pro Zelensky and pro war, or about to become dead.

Mister Grumpus says:

They called Trump “Romanov” on live TV during his inauguration parade in 2016 (or I’ve lost my mind and merely dreamed it).

Trump has ~10 years left anyway, but if he can’t figure out a way to (both actually and) “officially” win this thing, and then actually enforce the law somehow, his kids and grandkids are obviously next.

All obvious now, and now we know he gets it. What on earth to do next?

alf says:

but does he get it?

Honestly asking and not knowing the answer. Obviously more and more people are getting it. But let him prove he gets it before we put words in his mouth.

jim says:

I read Barrons face during the attempted assassination as showing he gets it.

Trump’s fist pump would suggest he gets it, but he could just be playing to the crowd

Contaminated NEET says:

Of course Trump doesn’t get it. He’s too old and too rich to change his worldview dramatically. He’s a good showman and he’s quick on his feet, but he is the quintessential Boomer.

Barron is an autistic blank canvas. It’s easy to project what you want to see onto his neutral expression. The Paul Altreides memes are fun, but he’s obviously nothing and he will never amount to anything.

We will drown, and nobody will save us.

The Cominator says:

“Barron is an autistic blank canvas. It’s easy to project what you want to see onto his neutral expression. The Paul Altreides memes are fun, but he’s obviously nothing and he will never amount to anything.”

With autism you can develop SOME social skills but you hit a plateau eventually where you can progress no further. Baron has a near genius IQ though so perhaps his autism social skills plateau is much higher than my mere high midwit autist plateau. A genius autist social plateau may go all the way up to being at least somewhat charismatic.

DH says:

Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Milosevic says:

This is looking likely.

Neurotoxin says:

I’m calling it. Contaminated NEET is not one of us, but a (paid or freelance) black pill/demoralization shill.

Slink away, you sad little cunt.

Milosevic says:

C NEET is one of the best commenters on here. I think his analysis of the situation is spot on. Where do you disagree with him and why?

Neurotoxin says:

Where do you disagree with him and why?

I demand that you come up with a counterargument to “GGGAAAAAHHHH, WE’RE DOOOOOOOMED!!!”

Oh, okay.

Pax Imperialis says:

Contaminated NEET is one of us*. His failures are the same as some of my failures, and I suspect similar to many of the failures of those on the right.

It is easy to give into despair. There are no easy solutions to our predicament, and a great deal of regime energy is spent ensuring that. Even if we turn back the tide, restoring civilization is a momentousness task that can make any normal man feel small and insignificant. The rational mind says this is true.

Great men of history are great because their force of personality magnetically draws in men, makes huge problems seemingly inconsequential, and finds there’s no ‘tide’ to turn back, that all resistance is suddenly and mysteriously gone… that’s if the great man knows where to go. Trump didn’t the first time, and by sheer luck he’ll be alive for a potential second time. This naturally creates doubts, and doubts without hope led to despair.

We should recognize that historically, great men can arise more frequently, and more readily as the social structures which keep men in line break down. That is happening with rapidity as the regime has attacked and demeaned the good, the beautiful, and the just. We can expect more great men to arise should Trump not make it… most poetic would be a particular son who would have millions of loyal followers. This should be a source of hope, and one that those on the C NEET (intellectual) right overlook, because after all what are intellectuals? They are not Great men, they are priests, and so Great men are mysterious and distant.

*Obviously not all of ‘us’ have given into despair, even if we can feel it from time to time, nor have ‘we’ made it central to our online personas, but such reality is true to such wide swaths of the smart right it would be mistaken to dismiss it as not part of ‘us’. I’m not saying it’s right, not even saying it shouldn’t be suppressed, but it’s hard to disown it all the same (even if it should be).

Of course this all comes off as very sympathetic to Contaminated NEET, because it is, and I can’t help but suspect I’m projecting my own situation onto his pseudonym of despair. With my current legal predicament, I’m practically ‘Contaminated’ according to the DEI bureaucracy, yet I remain on government payroll for the foreseeable future doing nothing like a “NEET’. It’s hilarious in a way, multiple officers have said I’d never be in this situation had a war been going on. Is this what Monck experienced during his two year imprisonment? I can only wonder.

Neurotoxin says:

Pax, here’s the difference. We all have our down moments, I’m sure.

But NEET is “the sinner who loves his sin.” He doesn’t regret it, he doesn’t try to do better, backslide, and try again.

He fucking WALLOWS in it.

Neurotoxin says:

In contrast to NEET, there’s Karl, who has emerged from the bog of despair over the last year or two. He’s more clear-pilled now. Yes, Karl, that has been noticed!

Far be it from me to deny the threat of the left. (The one thing NEET ever said that I liked was his observations on what a well-adapted memeplex it is, in its strongest form.) It is The Enemy of human life. But it’s not invincible. That’s just ridiculous.

We must focus on all four relevant factors: Our strengths, our weaknesses, our enemy’s strengths, our enemy’s weaknesses.

DH says:

It’s reasonable to be gloomy if you’re absolutely certain that you’re doomed, that “we will drown, and nobody will save us,” but how can one be so certain of such a thing? Black Swan events do happen, they’re becoming increasingly frequent, and as Jim says: expect the unexpected. Total blackpilling doesn’t make much sense on an epistemological level, and is usually more of an emotional state.

jim says:

Warriors follow courage. Trump now has an army he can summon in an instant. Will he realise this?

DH says:

I’ll add to my previous comment: the Kali Yuga is not forever. Whether you call leftism “a biological failure mode hijacked and weaponized by parasitic and ultimately fatal memes,” or call it “demonic evil,” it is not a stable condition – it either leads to the Great Filter (everything is dead and destroyed) or it is defeated. Looking at the empty universe, one might conclude that we stand no better chance at passing the filter than everybody else out there, but there’s a first time for everything, and the prospect of failure shouldn’t deter one from at least trying, for the alternative is death and destruction.

Contaminated NEET says:

It all depends on who “us” is. If it’s believers in Trump, then of course I’m not. The man is a proven loser who, at his core, believes in the system and craves its approval more than anything.

I know White American Boomers – TV hit them like smallpox hit the Indians, and Trump is a typical case. They believe that they personally ended segregation and liberated women from domestic slavery because they watched it on TV, and these are among their proudest achievements.

It’s depressing to see people here, at the bleeding edge of far-right weirdo thought, still put any faith at all in the Orange Man. I see the best and freest minds on the Right falling for the same con game twice in a row. A Trump win is entirely possible; if the deep state can get its shit together, putting him in is the smartest thing they could do. It’ll help with the idiotic wars they have planned, it’ll tag the Right with responsibility for the accelerating and increasingly obvious decline and fall of the GAE, and it won’t threaten them or their plans at all because Trump is old, lazy, easily controlled, and has a terminal case of normality bias. Thankfully they’re probably not disciplined enough to pull it off.

jim says:

> A Trump win is entirely possible; if the deep state can get its shit together, putting him in is the smartest thing they could do.

Victoria Nuland is the deep state, and she does not think so. The thought of Trump throws her into demented frothing at the mouth homicidal screaming rage.

> It’ll help with the idiotic wars they have planned

Trump is the peacemaker. No new wars on his watch, and old wars were wound down or ended.

His big error was trying to make a deal with those with whom no deal can be made. It becomes obvious that he must kill them, or they will kill him and his family. Has he figured that out? Pretty sure Barron has figured that out.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Trump is the peacemaker.

Easy. Just start the wars without him. Give him a fait accompli, and tell him he can either be strong or weak. Hell, a lot of the wars they want have already started, they just don’t have as much direct American involvement as the “adults in the room” would like. It will be child’s play to arrange a false flag attack or Pearl-Harbor-style LIHOP to show Trump a lure he can’t help but bite. From there, nature takes its course, things escalate as they always do, and within a year we march into Moscow and try Putler for warcrimes, Israel finally solves the PQ, Iran holds its first Pride Parade, and China signs treaties for a new Century of Humiliation. Obviously none of these are going to happen, but our rulers think they’re all doable. And necessary.

>Victoria Nuland is the deep state, and she does not think so.

Yep. ‘Cause Vicky Noodleman is dumb. Well, she’s world-class at bureaucratic maneuvering, favor-banking, schmoozing, resume-building, nepotism, etc. War, strategy, geopolitics? Not so impressive. It’s the Great Game played by Peggy Hill. Anyway, a second Trump Presidency would be a godsend to her, but she can’t see it, and even if she can, she can’t restrain her farther-Left moral superiors. So I doubt it’ll happen.

jim says:

> > Trump is the peacemaker.

> Easy. Just start the wars without him.

They were working on that his entire first term. Failed, and failed worse and worse as he got wise to them. It is these failures that reduce Nuland to hysterical rage.

jim says:

> > Victoria Nuland is the deep state, and she does not think so.

> Yep. ‘Cause Vicky Noodleman is dumb.

Dumb or not, she knows a lot more about the deep state than you do. And she says that Trump was an intolerable catastrophe for the deep state last time around. It seems improbable that he will be better for the deep state this time around.

When these guys talk about RussiaRussiaRussia, they mean they were upset because they wanted war with Russia and Trump would not let them. When they talk about escalation dominance, they mean they want nuclear war with Russia and Trump definitely would not let them.

Contaminated NEET says:

Trump’s term wasn’t an intolerable catastrophe for the deep state, it felt like an intolerable catastrophe to them because it was the clearest possible announcement by large numbers of their adoring slaves and subjects that we don’t actually adore or respect them nearly as much as they deserve to be adored and respected. It also meant that a crass low-class braggart was theoretically in charge of them. It all felt very very bad, but what actually happened? Were any of them tried for their crimes? Did any of them even lose their positions? Were any major policies actually implemented that they vehemently opposed? Trump talked about fighting the deep state, and then he gave them cabinet posts, listened to their wormtongue advice, and was perennially shocked when they betrayed him.

Vicky is confusing her feelings with objective reality and making poor judgments because she racks disciprine. Or maybe she has so much disciprine that she can lie convincingly to an interviewer about her true opinions.

jim says:

> Trump’s term wasn’t an intolerable catastrophe for the deep state, it felt like an intolerable catastrophe to them because it was the clearest possible announcement by large numbers of their adoring slaves and subjects that we don’t actually adore or respect them nearly as much as they deserve to be adored and respected. It also meant that a crass low-class braggart was theoretically in charge of them. It all felt very very bad, but what actually happened?

What upsets Victoria Nuland is what did not happen. They did not get their way. The president “interfered” with foreign policy, which she views as outrageous and treasonous meddling.

> Were any major policies actually implemented that they vehemently opposed?

Wars were wound down in ways that they vehemently opposed. A number of policies, starting new wars and escalating old ones, were not implemented. They want escalation dominance — meaning that they think if the US goes hard and fast towards nuclear war, Russia will capitulate. They are not getting their way right now, even though they are getting their way a whole lot more than they did under Trump.

Alfred says:

Happy 2021.

Fidelis says:

I am not in the camp that they can fully genocide the paleskins, and a sincere attempt will — in the long run, as generations turn — probably do the Amerikaaner some good. Bring on the fractal chaos of total breakdown, let the best win.

alf says:

Of course Trump doesn’t get it. He’s too old and too rich to change his worldview dramatically. He’s a good showman and he’s quick on his feet, but he is the quintessential Boomer.

Here’s my take on the “will he step up or not” question, both for Trump and those public figures following in his wake.

Warriors need priests, priests need warriors. But as Rollo Tomassi used to say in his saner days, central to the power dynamic is who needs who more.

Who needs who more?

Trump needs us more than we need him. Which is not to say we don’t need him if we want to avoid a possible dark age / world war 3 / whatnot, just that I am much more positive about my chances of survival without him than I am about his chances of survival without us. We are anonymous. If we have learnt one thing about the left, it is that they always go after the lowest hanging fruit. We have made ourselves very high hanging fruit.

I’ve been preparing for shit to hit the fan for years now, am still preparing. I’ll be fine, my family will be fine. Will Trump be fine? Will his family be fine? Will the public warror figures following in his footsteps be fine? I don’t know. I strongly suspect they are walking on far thinner ice than me.

So my general attitude is that I am just not that interested in hypothesizing whether or not Trump (or Barron or Musk) is stepping up his game. I want him to prove it first.

Hesiod says:

Musk tonight pledged 45M per month to Trump’s war chest. Curious to see what further alliances come to light in the next few days and weeks.

CNN’s smarty aunt nigger Van Jones tonight opined Vance as VP signals Trump is not negotiation-friendly “to the world”, an interesting phrase which I took to mean the globalist elite.

Last but not least I saw tonight Melania bow her head and cross herself when the announcer said Trump will be the next president as he took the stage at the convention. ’bout brought a tear to my eye, I’m such an old softie.

DH says:

This event looks like a divine “warning shot.” Suggesting that the next shot, or the shot after that, will not be a warning.

If he believes in God, he should see where this is going.

simplyconnected says:

They called Trump “Romanov” on live TV during his inauguration parade in 2016 (or I’ve lost my mind and merely dreamed it).

I remember it too.

Pax Imperialis says:

Of course the video is gone

Mister Grumpus says:

Chris Matthews. Right. Yes that was him. Thank you. I’m not crazy.

BTW: [Wikipedia… early life…] Huh. OK. I presumed not but had to check anyway. Can’t be too careful these days.

Yul Bornhold says:

Your argument for pre-prepared headlines is that they don’t mention blood. They also don’t mention bullets, gunshots, assassins, Trump’s defiant bravery or the two spectator casualties. They minimize *everything.* If you saw nothing but those headlines, you would think Trump panicked at an unexpected loud noise. The CNN headline’s phrasing implies he feebly fell over in a Biden senior citizen moment.

The media has been begging a lone wolf to assassinate the orange menace for years. One of the big rags (I forget which) just ran another Trump-as-Hitler photoshop as its cover. The editors and writers of the media have 100% percent discussed what headlines they’d run in the event of an assassination or an attempted assassination. Since they’re hostile, they must have decided in advance to downplay any failed attacks as much as possible, to prevent sympathy.

Stupid as it is, they were literally pretending he wasn’t shot. How could they say “He wasn’t shot but suddenly he started bleeding all over his face. No reason. Just another random event in a random universe.”?

NBC News:
Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his rally. Visible blood on his face.

At that point, they’d have to admit he was shot and they were trying to paper over that. They’ve already pivoted to “Actually, this is Trump’s fault for letting the genie of extremism out of the bottle,” which, come to think of it, is probably also a line premeditated for use in the event of an assassination. The important thing is that they skipped directly from “something happened” to “Trump at fault” without a news cycle of “public enemy #1 victim of assassination attempt.”

jim says:

> Your argument for pre-prepared headlines is that they don’t mention blood. They also don’t mention bullets, gunshots, assassins, Trump’s defiant bravery or the two spectator casualties. They minimize *everything.*

The difference is that almost every American saw blood immediately. And, seeing blood, made the denial and gaslighting absurd and outrageous. Thus the order to deny and gaslight would not have been given had it been decided on after they attempted to kill him. The denial had to be prepared in advance for the possibility of a failure less spectacular and dramatic..

Yul Bornhold says:

I do think this absurd lockstep narrative was prepared in advance. It’s just that the media, which has been begging for assassination for years, has naturally also been pondering what headlines to run. There’s nothing that necessitates an outside element preparing the headlines for the media, as opposed to the media preparing the headlines in-house.

“Hey, Don Lemon, what should we do if a gunman fails to take out Trump?”

“Ummm… run a Harvey Milk special?”

As an aside, if Biden was involved in the assassination, his inner circle must be sweating over the possibility of him unwittingly spilling the beans, like the time he boasted about building the most extensive voter fraud organization in history. This isn’t intended to dismiss the possibility. For some reason, he really is involved in the decision loop.

jim says:

Also, Biden continued to stick to the same narrative even after retreat and limited hangout was under way. So same authority making the decision for all.

And Biden was perceived as threatening that Trump would be assassinated a week ago.

The Cominator says:

For various reasons I do not think Biden is directly involved. Biden himself is non compos mentis and Lady Macbeth and Hunter’s immediate concern is fighting their own party grandees who want them out.

This was the upper level’s of the Democratic party (minus Biden who they want out) working through their glownigger pets. Victoria Nuland was aware of it which means Hillary was involved.

jim says:

It would seem crazy to involve Biden, but lady MacBeth needs his signature on something from time to time. Plus, they are crazy.

The rules for the secret service are that every tall building in the vicinity should be sealed and secured, and ever line of sight roof has a secret service man on top of it.

Instead of being sealed and secured, a strangely convenient ladder was placed.

It is absolutely obvious that the shooter had help from an inside hand.

The Cominator says:

I’m just saying Lady Macbeth and Hunter’s immediate concern now is not Trump Trump is a further out concern.

DH says:

Interestingly, “Biden” (the faction currently in the WH) now said, “It’s time to cool it down.” He seems to be pathetically begging for the flames to not spread so quickly.

They are afraid – probably from someone to their left. If your leftism is of the BLM-Antifa-Hamas type, you might want to assassinate Biden for similar reasons as to assassinating Trump, if not even more so, and for other reasons too.

Leftist singularity.

Hesiod says:

Just watched the Oval Office speech. The narrative is the assassination attempt on Trump was the right finally getting a bit of political violence aimed at them after spending years terrorizing the country themselves. Examples: J6, Whitmer kidnapping plot, Pelosi’s husband being attacked by his not-rentboy, and some others.

Biden stated differences have to be settled at the ballot box, or battle box as he said several times, which I read as let us steal the election and we might let you live. I may be wrong because translating authentic frontier gibberish can be difficult.

DH says:

It could be that. In that case, Biden is not just threatening Trump, but also the Thermidorean faction that appears to support him. If I were them, I’d start watching my back tenfold.

Mister Grumpus says:

Holy shit a ladder too?

jim says:

When the assassin showed up, a remarkably convenient ladder was waiting for him.

So far, we have no information about what this ladder was doing there. Whose ladder is it? Who placed it there? When was it placed there?

Fidelis says:

I’ve seen multiple videos now of people testifying that they alerted the police and nearby SS agents of the gunman. Loudly and frantically, and he was left alone. I’ve also seen camera footage of the gunman taken from the crowd, before and while the shots were fired.

This was not mere incompetence, zero doubt. Probably what happened was like Uvalde, some grunts notice gunman, radio in, told to stand down, told to ignore it, ‘not a problem’.

An interesting question is, if SS is compromised, who is keeping Trump and his family alive from here on out. Does he hire private security? If so, who? If he does, will they attempt to kill his security and him together?

Now that we have hit ‘and then they kill each other’, one must wonder at what speed this escalates. Was this a plot in the works for days, or weeks? What timespan will the next plot be on?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The country of America is full of men who would zealously serve Trump and kill in his name, if he would but bid them to his side.

If Trump were cunning, he would organize cadres of ‘personal assistants’ drawn from the Republican Guard Clubs formed in every state, who all just coincidentally happened to armed, and coincidentally all happen to have fun on weekends shooting at the range and practicing other combat sports together. And coincidentally, such men can also be used to fill innumerable vacancies in staff positions that just coincidentally happened to have opened up in all sorts of state organs.

If he were wise, he would have been doing this nine years ago.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Give me a call. I’ll do it for free.”

DH says:

Hey there, silently lurking members of the Rationalist community and Musk folks. Are you listening?

With all due respect to recent AI developments, the only “singularity” I am afraid of… is the leftist singularity. And you should too, guys. You should too.

Tech Priest says:

Current AIs are neither particularly smart nor particularly agentic. But, both aspects are being worked on and if/when a very smart and very agentic AI is developed we are in trouble.

Meanwhile politics is getting a little crazy but the worst likely outcome of that is a nuclear war which probably kills like 90% of humanity at most. Still less bad.

Pax Imperialis says:

Not enough nukes to kill 90% of humanity. Estimates of worst case nuclear war during peak stockpiles, a series of exchanges of tens of thousands of nukes, kills around 1.7 billion if my memory serves me correctly. Stockpiles have been drastically reduced to the few thousands, of which there are serious concerns about functionality.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If this nuclear war stops global welfare spending for a few years, three billion niggers could starve to death. But I don’t exactly regard them as “humanity” — same genus, different species.

If the nukes themselves fail for lack of maintenance, much of their effect can still be achieved by bombing the infrastructure that serves the big cities where half the world’s hominids live.

Varna says:

The greatest reduction of nukes happened under the reign of evil tyrant Putin
Lower than in 1965 now, not to mention the 1985 peak.

Rune Denmark says:

The secret Service by all accounts were rather incompetent. The videos are quite damaging, showing middle aged females bumbling clueless around. The SS is DEI-infected,and the (female) director has a target of 30% women.

There was a screw up, but is there any reason to assume malice, when incompetence seems to be quite sufficient explanation?

It’s the competence crisis people have been speaking of.

Pax Imperialis says:

>but is there any reason to assume malice

Besides how the democrats have been trying to strip Trump of SS, deny resources and personnel, constantly pump out completely untrue propaganda about how Trump is worse than Hitler and suggesting someone should do something. On top of the lawfare and espionage and trying to put him in jail where he’d likely be murdered. On top of them reportedly having their own plan to coup him in 2020 as a contingency plan. What could all this possibly be except malice.

Yes, this is all at the same time as the competency crisis.

Pax Imperialis says:

The competency crisis was itself born out of malice… a hatred for ‘whiteness’ that quickly took form of a hatred for anything beautiful, good, and just.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Competence crisis’ is a euphemism that is deliberately toothless, *for* states of affairs that result from actions that arise out of malice.

Neurotoxin says:

> is there any reason to assume malice

Come on. Everyone knows that you don’t allow an uncontrolled rooftop with a line of sight to a potential target. I’m not in security and I know that. Your freakin’ grandmother knows that.

The “mere incompetence” notion relies on no one in Trump’s Secret Service detail knowing that. No, it was an inside job. At a minimum, several key people in Trump’s Secret Service detail were in on a plot to kill him. Trump has to figure out who they were and get rid of them.

jim says:

I am better than some at sensing lies, and sensing truths unspoken.

Cheatle, the DEI head of the secret service was asked “what was your reaction to these events. She replied “Shock …”

And instantly I knew that she was not shocked, that she had been expecting these events.

When someone says they were shocked, and they actually were shocked, there is body language and micro flashes of facial expressions that say “well I was caught off guard, and was momentarily confused, and slow to react appropriately, but then I figured it out and then I was fine, and acted wisely and rightly, if a little bit slower than I should have.” There is certain amount of non verbal apology for being blindsided.

Her body language and micro expressions were different. They were try hard saying “No I was not expecting this. Really definitely not expecting it. Trust me. Honest Injun. Cross my heart and hope to die. Really Really. Would I lie? Of course you should believe what a senior civil servant tells you, and if you fail to believe I am going to have you deplatformed, cancelled, and demonetized. Believe me. Believe me. You had better believe me or else something bad is going to happen to you.”

If someone says shocked, and they actually were shocked, it is an apology for screwing up and being surprised. This was a denial of guilt, indicating mens rea. If you are not guilty, you would not answer a neutral question with a not guilty plea. The interviewer did not ask her whether she was guilty or not, but she heard his question as “How do you plea”.

The Cominator says:

She was shocked ala the casa blanca police chief that gambling was allowed in this establishment

Mister Grumpus says:

If this Cheatle bitch hasn’t committed suicide yet just to escape the bone-crushing guilt and shame of this, or at the very least just quit and moved into contrite self-seclusion for the time being, then that’s all I need to fucking know. Give me fucking break.

Rune Denmark says:

I noticed that most, if not all, the SS people at the Trump assassination attempt wore sunglasses (one of the women spent a remarkable time adjusting hers), whereas none of the SS agents in the 1981 assassination attempt on Reagan wore sunglasses.

Not sure what to make of that, just something i fell over.

Pax Imperialis says:

Now that Musk is a high profile political figure and firmly on “the wrong side of history”, looks like we’re due for some major Musk Derangement Syndrome. Fascinating how detachment from visible reality can be so strong.

Musk really should consider investing in a lot more personal security.

Sher Singh says:

Interestingly, out-of-wedlock birthrates in East Asia are so low that if you calculated fertility only by legitimate births, Japan would be ahead of most of Europe and South Korea wouldn’t look that bad either

Enemy article, but still interesting factoid.

Emancipating women means treating female consent as more meaningful than women treat female consent.

Still gold.


someDude says:

How is your comment related to Pax Imperialis’ comment?

DH says:

The poo totally missed the loo and landed elsewhere.

alf says:

Slightly related: I read this fascinating piece on David Gerard. What struck me in the article as well as in your link is that both men have ‘hater’ as very prominent part of their personality. At one point in the David Gerard article the author posts a pie chart of Gerard’s favorite subreddits, and literally 80% of his comments are posted in hate- subreddits (‘buttcoin’, ‘sneerclub’ etc). It fascinates me how some men obsess over things they hate to the point where it becomes their entire personality.

Hesiod says:

Kobe Bryant along with a snake puppet teach kids to give into sin:

“Dark musings” give you strength and power, you see.

alf says:

Hah, me going through the video thinking ‘surely they’ll balance this out with positive thinking?’

Pax Imperialis says:

Of course the snake isn’t just any snake, it’s a Mamba, a highly highly venomous snake from Africa. The symbolism is just too much to pretend it’s unintentional.

Handi says:

Niggers act like animals: “Quelle racism!”

Grah, we finna go inna Beas’ Mow’: “Aha, a role model for kids!”

[…] inevitable, because I do think that Trump’s death was at least on the table yesterday (which Jim’s Blog demonstrated by the strange headlines immediately after the shooting), even if actual death wasn’t the […]

dharmicreality says:

Sitting from thousands of miles away, I will say the obvious again. For all his faults, his normality bias, boomerism etc, no other leader other than Trump has energized and united the Amerikaner in the manner he has done and I don’t see any other option but Trump to take on the role of Caesar if he wants to survive. In 2020 he failed, but another chance has presented itself in 2024.

Back in 2019/20 Jim predicted that events would overtake Trump and he would either be forced to don the role of Caesar and cross the Rubicon or he would be Epsteined. All those predictions were on spot, but the image of 2024 Trump pumping his fists in defiance at the attempt on his life is a clear sign that Providence has provided another chance to the man. It is also a sign that the Left has faltered and failed to stop him in his tracks despite their best efforts.

Karl says:

Let’s hope we have seen the Left’s best efforts to stop him. I fear we have not. Why should the Left give up now? If they don’t give up, they’ll try again and keep escalating.

Dharmicreality says:

The left’s competency seems to be eroding by the day as they have failed to stop Trump by constant intense propaganda, lawfare and now attempted assassination.

Neurotoxin says:

I just want to to say to these people, “Why not consider the option of just not being floridly evil?” Seriously. Do they even realize that that actually is one of their options?

DH says:

Their left-brains are just rationalizing as they go along, while their right-brains are dysfunctional, evil, and demon possessed. Calling them out on their hypocrisy for crying out in pain as they furiously collapse civilization is pointless, because in their minds they have already rationalized their evil as “good intentions” and “good behavior.”

If you want to look deep deep down into the minds of leftists (and a few other non-leftist minds, but mostly it’s leftist minds), read this. Dare to stare into the abyss, just don’t get sucked in.

Neurotoxin says:

That looks interesting. I fondly recall trying to get through some Stirner when I was in my 20s. Having been told what a superhardcoreultraradical anarchist individualist he was, I found him disappointingly boring and never got through much of The Ego and His Own.

jim says:

Long ago I attempted to read Stirner also. Boring. Regime approved dissent, just as regime approved comedians are not funny.

dharmicreality says:

I just want to to say to these people, “Why not consider the option of just not being floridly evil?”

Because they sincerely believe that they are the virtuous ones and not floridly evil and that Trump is floridly evil and that they are saving democracy and ensuring world peace by eliminating him.

Sounds highly cynical to anyone without a damaged brain, but Leftists are sincerely cynical in their beliefs.

Oskar says:

“The secret service killed the assassin, but this was after Trump had been hustled away.”

That is false — they evidently waited for clearance:

“Are we good? Shooter is down… Are we good to move? We’re clear… Let’s move”

Jamesthe1st says:

Trump wins again this time a judge had thrown out the classified documents cases against him

Mayflower Sperg says:

Off-topic question: Why are Israel’s Orthodox Jews so determined not to join the IDF? Do they not see the State of Israel as their country? Do they think Hamas will give them a better deal? Do they not want their sons deflowered by army sluts? Do they think that if they hand over their sons, their daughters will be next?

If there’s something about the IDF that bothers them, let the Orthodox create their own army and show the world what great warriors they are.

Pax Imperialis says:

In theory it’s a religious disagreement with the state of Israel. In practice it’s probably because they’ve gotten too use to being welfare leeches.

Calvin says:

They are, literally, inbred parasites and they don’t want to work or fight. It’s that simple.

JustAnotherGuy says:

There is something called an ‘American Shtetl’ which is basically the poorest american cities populated almost entirely by Hasedic people, who do not work, do not do any jobs, and subsist entirely on welfare and medicaid. The wives in these towns remain unmarried but keep having kids to up the welfare payments, while the men are doing their usual hasedic stuff.

These guys vote for Trump, they have nice architectural buildings, they have strong community bonds and positive TFR, but are they based and redpilled? When the going gets tough, will they rally and fight for the Amerikaner cause? Doesn’t seem like it to me. But it is interesting how they managed to keep their communities majority Hasedic, I remember Jim saying that when child services come after jewish families, the jew naturally cries out anuddah shoah, maybe its the same case here, because I don’t see any warrior spirit emanating from these people at all.

Maybe just like how many plain apes exist from the buckets of free food given to them, probably these ultra orthodox cannot survive in an isolated environment by themselves.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Heh, seems like I got moderated.

jim says:

This is a bug that is afflicting lots of people. I am struggling to fix it.

DH says:

They want nothing to do with the outside world. Israel is the outside world.

Haredi Judaism is a holiness spiraled version of Orthodox Judaism, which is a holiness spiraled version of Rabbinic Judaism, which is a holiness spiraled version of Talmudic Judaism, which is a holiness spiraled version of Pharisaic Judaism.

Pharisee means “set apart, separated.” This, plus 2,000 years of holiness spiraling.

Varna says:

Talmudic prophecy that “six million jews must vanish” before God allows them to reclaim Israel.

Those of them who believe that God judges reality in the human realm uses humans as sense organs, thus think that if enough people believe the six million have vanished, God will be OK with them reclaiming Israel.

They’ve been trying to pull the six million victims thing for over a hundred years.

The modern Zionist is, from the POV of some orthodox jews, trying to swindle God, by building today’s Israel before the divine deal has really come to pass. The modern state of Israel is thus illegitimate from a religious perspective, because the six gorillion did not in fact happen, and the prophecy has not been in fact fulfilled.

Of course, lots of other layers on top of this, with them getting used to leading a welfare lifestyle etc. But the deeper doctrine conflict which no one discusses out loud is mainly this. They know the six gorillion didn’t happen, and thus the time has not come for a divinely legitimate new Israel.

Whereas the zionists believe they’ve pulled it off. The six gorillion is dogma, thus millions believe it, thus God believes it, thus today’s Israel is legit.

Orthodox jews also believe they are superhumans way above the simian goy, and meant to lead the world and use its natural and human resources how they see fit, but the time has not come. Whereas the modern non-orthodox Ashkenazi has impatiently jumped the gun, and believes it’s already time for an Israel state and for them to tikkun olam the fuck out of everybody.

FrankNorman says:

Let’s unpack this a little.

It’s one thing to question whether the total number of Jews killed by the Nazis was anywhere near the Official Big Round Number. Quite another thing to assume that not only is the Official Number fake, but that all of those Orthodox Jews in their holiness-spiralled bubble are fully “in on” the real facts.

And why would the secular-nationalist Zionist Jews give a hoot about some Talmudic “prophecy” anyway? Wanting people to believe in The Six Million is about manipulating people, not about anything to do with God.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Six million is a magic number to talmudics and they’ve been rerunning the ‘six million jews have been killed in XYZ’ talking point for centuries.

jim says:

The point is that the secularists are also fetishizing six million. But by and large, most secularist intellectuals, whether Jewish or not, are not secularists, but demon worshippers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Quite so. Hence the obvious answer to “why would the secular-nationalist Zionist Jews give a hoot about some Talmudic “prophecy” anyway” is that none of the secular are all that ‘secular’ either. These are deep atavistic currents, and it’s the water they all swim in and feel, even in posing as swimming against them.

Ultraorthodox jews don’t join the Israeli national army since in their eyes it’s not actually their nation – they just happen to find it a convenient place to live while awaiting their true New Israel; and in a way the administration agrees with them by deferring to their superior holiness in this matter – or are at least punting the issue for the indefinite time being due to inability to definitively settle it.

As far as the holohoax goes, it’s the Current Year, that’s not something one needs to be ‘in on’ in anything at this point to get a grip on. Everyone in the world, to the extent they even think about it anymore, acts like the ‘official’ narrative is indefensible, and that includes the people taking charge of defending it. You can quibble about whether the mass deaths from starvation and disease were in the hundreds of thousands on the low end to the ones or twos of millions on the upper end, but no matter what the conclusions is, both the magic number and anointment of the events as a ‘uniquely special’ evil (and thus parlayable into an indefinite source of indulgence) rather than historically generic evil do not survive in any case.

FrankNorman says:

Maybe so, but why would the non-religious Jews care about that?

jim says:

I answered that already. “Non religious” is often code for “worshipping Satan”

skippy says:

State of Israel is not a Jewish state according to a strict interpretation of Jewish law (I mean a reasonable strict interpretation not a holiness spiralled interpretation) just as Pakistan is not the Islamic Caliphate. State of Israel is a compromise between Jewish law and 19th century European ideas that have proven functional.

DH says:

just as Pakistan is not the Islamic Caliphate.

And Pakistan is far closer to a Caliphate than Israel is to an Orthodox Jewish state; you don’t have faggot parades and third wave feminism in Pakistan.

Calvin says:

Vance is the VP. Opinions?

Varna says:

Young, energetic, fresh-faced turbo zionist, China hater, married to a dot indian.

What more could one want? Maybe if he had a gay brother who converts to judaism and poses with black boyfriends in star and stripes underwear.

jim says:

JD Vance is assassination insurance. He is also a bridge to thermidor – stop complaining.

I don’t care about his Israel policy. I care about his American policy: JD Vance proposes that the president should directly confront and smash the presidency. He is a civil war VP, which suggests that Trump has decided to become a civil war president.

Karl says:

I don’t understand how any VP can be assassination insurance. If they can murder a President Trump, they can also murder his VP.

I see the VP more as the signaling of an alliance.

skippy says:

Many of the other things are at least understandable, but a high performance white man (USMC and Yale Law) marrying a 4/10 Indian woman is very strange.

Varna says:

It is the most understandable in a way.

She’s two years younger, they met in Yale as students, she was torn between a trad wife trajectory and a globohomo trajectory, the slit-eyed “tiger mom” professor Amy Chua told the swarthy girl to not be stupid and hitch her wagon to an obvious rising star, which she did, giving him three kids.

One asian woman telling another asian woman to choose a rising white man. During this time he was obviously ripe for this and accepted the deal of “supportive wife to have my back while I go forth and conquer”.

In this sense, what happened makes 100% mid-20th century sense, or even Jane Austin era sense.

skippy says:

Marrying because you’re thirsty is not aristocratic behavior.

Doom says:

Haven’t you noticed that hotness in women is inversely correlated with sexual/ marital loyalty?

skippy says:

No not really. If anything, hot women make their choice and stick with it because they can. It’s mid women going through a carousel of mid men hoping to stick with someone out of her league.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pictures of when they were younger shows she was better looking than him. She aged like milk and he like wine (he still needs to lose weight). I wouldn’t go so far as call her a 4. Maybe it’s my location in the DMV, but the average woman is not great…

Upravda says:

In such cases of “turbo-zionism”, as you say, I always wonder is it actually honest, or just a camouflage for the sake of taking the power as easy as possible.

He is a convert to Catholicism, and despite current Argentinian idiot in the charge of the Catholic Church, I can not really imagine any honest Catholic being any kind of zionist, let alone “turbo-zionist”. And he is probably an honest Catholic for the simple reason that there’s absolutely no status gain in modern world for converting to Catholicism.

The real character-test is: Are his children Christian?

The Cominator says:

“He is a convert to Catholicism”
This is the other cause for suspicion of him besides having a poojeeta wife. I mean… why convert to the vile homosexual conspiracy fraud babylonian serpent religion church?

Upravda says:

Well, you, and me, and commentariat on this blog can discuss supposed vile homosexual conspiracy fraud Babylonian serpent religion church.

For the rest of the world, believe it or not, Catholic Church equals dark über-reaction, misogyny, fuj-bekino patriarchy, and All Bad.

So, being a convert to Catholicism (or the Orthodoxy, for that matter) is not a cause for suspicion for 99.98% percent of the mankind.

skippy says:

Agreed it’s weird. His demographic is the most deep protestant in the country; it has no logic other than desire to be part of a bigger, perhaps better funded group.

He also wrote a book demanding fiscal responsibility for the working class but, you know, only white people, under the direction of his Filipino law prof.

The guy just seems to be buffeted around easily. No particular loyalty to his origins despite presently marketing himself to people who wish to see him that way. Seemingly no instinctual in-group preference whatsoever. Of course he must feel he has been more than adequately rewarded, which someone who was born upper middle class may not.

skippy says:

Anglin arranged my thoughts better than I did. He is a “man without a basic identity”. He appears to be a man who is easily groomed. He also appears to have been groomed by people like Amy Chua, who are not friends. Maybe if he had been groomed only by Musk and Thiel, it would be a different story.

This guy gives me a weird feeling. I do not trust him. I don’t wish to blackpill, and I hope it works out.

Pax Imperialis says:

Trump’s VP pick appears to be a very good sign.

The Cominator says:

So what does everything think of Vance, on one hand he is very close to one of us otoh he has a pajeeta wife and thus will be against firm action to solve the pajeet problem.

jim says:

VP counts for nothing until Trump is murdered or serves four more years. The world is likely to be very different in four years.

The Cominator says:

They likely won’t kill Trump to make Vance president…

jim says:

As I said, assassination insurance.

The Cominator says:

He probably changed to Vance as a result of this… before it was likely Youngkin but Youngkin is not assassination insurance being a squishy RINO (which he has to be in Virginia to be fair) and a Ukraine supporter.

BTW speaking of the assassination it appears hell has frozen over and TYT is admitting that the security failures were so catastrophically incompetent sounding that it at least sounds like a plot. This is a leftist Bernie bro channel lol…

S says:

‘A police officer noticed gunman Thomas Crooks acting suspiciously on a roof and reported him nearly 30 minutes before he shot at Donald Trump, according to a new report.

“Channel 11’s Nicole Ford confirmed that Beaver County’s ESU team had eight members at the rally, including snipers and spotters. According to Ford’s sources, one of them noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in and took a picture of the person,” states the report.

Another law enforcement officer saw Crooks on the ground and called in the report with a picture prior to 5:45pm, according to the report.

The grounds were checked for the suspect but he could not be found.’

According to Vox Day the building the sniper fired from was a police watch post for snipers.

This is either going to have a stonewalled investigated or we are going to find out incompetence that makes the Epstein assassination look professional.

Pax Imperialis says:

A good VP can run around the administration doing things the president needs doing but doesn’t really want to be seen doing. It also signals to the base what the president is thinking and what he values. Vance runs with the Theil crowd, so good chance he’s NRx friendly.

Hesiod says:

Well, they’ve got Biden now well trained to say J6 when someone mentions the assassination attempt on Trump:

This fits into the larger MSM narrative brewing today that the failed assassination is just a case of one of the Right’s own going nuts and backfiring instead of the usual case of real people like Pelosi’s husband suffering because we won’t let ourselves be disarmed for the greater good.

L says:

[*deleted for unexplained and unsupported claims*]

jim says:

I have been watching the RNC, and I see the opposite of what you say you see.

So, to defend your perception of the RNC as owned by our enemies, you need to give more concrete specifics and more specific arguments, rather than confidently telling us it is obvious. What I see is owned by Trump, Vance, Tucker, Donald Trump Junior, and Musk. Warriors all and smart people all — or at least as of the attempted assassination, Trump has been projecting a warrior image, making people forget his previous fishing expedition to the bank of the Rubicon.

What I see is total disunion in the Democrats, and total unity and discipline among the Republicans.

What I also see is as of the attempted assassination, the stop Trump movement is collapsing. I interpret this as Thermidor realising “Hey, if the White House staff and the Journo List are going to murder Trump, they are going to murder me.”

No one who matters dares say the obvious under his own name, but I can smell them thinking that a Trump presidency is their best chance at staying alive.

L says:

I seriously need to explain to you why putting a literal black whore with a tattoo on her head on stage to ramble about how the people most hurt by illegal immigration are legal immigrants is not something one would do on the basis of her personal merit or skills as a speaker? That there is one and only one reason one would do such a thing, and that doing such a thing is a symbol of loyalty to the elite? What do you think diversity hires are for in the first? Loyalty tests.

Or, to sum it up with a Chinese aphorism you’re familiar with: “Point whore make speaker.”

jim says:

Who? These people have no power and no influence.

They are just there to neutralise the claims that we are going to liquidate gays, force whores to get married, and put the blacks back to picking cotton. They are just there to help a bunch of straight white males get into power.

And once we fix the electoral system, they will be discarded.

I see a whole lot of engineers who started wearing a dress in order to get jobs. And suddenly, right now, no one is confident that wearing a dress is going to get him a job. I can smell change in the air, right now.

Contaminated NEET says:

>They are just there to help a bunch of straight white males get into power.

Nah, L’s right. These are loser moves. Even if undertaken cynically, they rely on most of the audience failing to “get the joke.” Then sooner or later, the cynics face the true believers, and the latter trounce them because their hearts are pure and they each fight with the strength of ten.

jim says:

> These are loser moves. Even if undertaken cynically,

You suffer from presentism bias. Monck did a whole lot of similar “loser moves”. Which when the dust settled, were proven to have been undertaken cynically.

First you do whatever it takes to prevent the enemy from uniting against one. Then one does whatever it takes to get power. Then, having power, then one reveals what one is going to do with it.

Putting nigger faggot whores on stage is not an indicator of what Trump is going to do with power.

We see the mainstream right united around Trumpism, while the mainstream left is in disarray and fighting each other. But, on the other hand, Trumpism is, as L would point out if he had half a brain, just 1980s leftism, as Putinism is 1990s leftism.

But leftism must get ever lefter, or die. If 1990s leftism wins in Russia, shortly thereafter it will lose. If 1980s leftism wins in America, shortly thereafter it will lose. Deng restored capitalism, and Monck restored throne and Altar. Putin, a 1990s leftist, is two years ahead of us on the path back to throne and altar. I pray he will head back to throne, altar, and freehold, which is needful to restore Russian fertility.

To restore fertility, the King must bow to Christ, the peasant must eat Christ, and the peasant must be King under his small and leaky roof.

Gedeon says:

The elephant in the room is Thiel is a fudge packer. Palantir is an intelligence fusion entity and at least nominally outside of the FOIA and streamlined congressional oversight. Thiel sat next to Trump at the tech CEO sit-down in early 2017. Even Metaberg, also handled by Thiel, is celebrating Trump’s fist-pump.

Thiel holds the sword of Damocles and he is gaaaayyyyy.

jim says:

Not seeing that he holds the sword of Damocles.

Power is that warriors will follow you. Thiel has information. Which is useful if someone wants to sent warriors to whack one target and not another.

Anonymous Fake says:

Nothing truly of the right can stand for winning power through means of deception. Being silent and speaking truth when the time is ready is one thing, but lying is absolutely unacceptable. [*deleted*]

jim says:

Trump et al are not lying. They are sincere 1980s leftists.

But 1980s leftism is an unsustainable position. It must become 2025 leftism, or throne and altar. L predicts it will become 2025 leftism, but I doubt this, and so do 2025 leftists.

Fidelis says:

Did 1930s leftism not last until the ’90s in Russia? I understand that it is not inherently stable, but after a purge the dead faith floats along for quite a long time if left alone. In Rome’s case some centuries. Throne and altar only seems inevitable if you allot for outside armies imposing it on you at swordpoint, or simply replacing you.

jim says:

Yes, 1930s leftism was stabilised by Thermidor murdering Beria, and so lasted until 1990. But 1930s leftism was walking dead at the time of Brezhnev

skippy says:

Unless you count War Communism, the USSR reached peak leftism in the 1920s. It was considerably more leftist under Lenin and his menagerie of committee-successors (before Stalin put the boot in) than it would ever be again.

Pax Imperialis says:

America is still fundamentally WASPy in spirit. Hopefully that translates into Monck restoration and not Beria murder.

Fidelis says:

If the time scales are near the length of a human lifetime, or longer in some cases, the assertion carries little weight. As history spans the only survivors are those that maintain throne and altar, yes I agree. I don’t agree that means we only have left singularity or restoration, we could end up with a living dead 1980s leftism, especially since there’s no other power as was the case for the USSR; well I suppose it depends on how Russia and China manage their succession problems.

L says:

They are just there to neutralise the claims that we are going to liquidate gays, force whores to get married, and put the blacks back to picking cotton. They are just there to help a bunch of straight white males get into power.

There is no one, literally no one, who seriously believes that the RNC has such intentions whose opinion was moved a single inch by this display.

jim says:

My opinion was definitely moved by several miles on this display.

L says:

So, prior to this moment, you were convinced that they were planning to “liquidate gays, force whores to get married, and put the blacks back to picking cotton”? Because that is a rather important qualifier.

jim says:

They don’t consciously intend to liquidate gays, force whores to get married, and put the blacks back to picking cotton, but they are setting in process a situation that will inevitably lead to this result, even though they sincerely deny it. As I said, Trump is a 1980s leftist, but leftism must become ever lefter, or die. There is no stable position but ever lefter, or all the way right.

The options, always and forever, are order, or ever escalating disorder. And as soon as one attempts to reduce intolerable disorder, one is on a path that leads all the way to order.

L says:

Are you following this conversation? Because what I said was that this grotesque creature’s presence [*deleted for lack of specifics and concrete evidence*]

jim says:

Which grotesque creature was that? Because I failed to notice any grotesque creatures.

I am sure that they exist, but I failed to take them seriously, and so just did not see them. Please be more specific and concrete about the evidence that you see that Trump, Musk, Trump Junior, and Tucker are in the pocket of our enemies, because I simply failed to notice. Give me links, and if you are going to give me a tediously lengthy YouTube video, give me a time in that video.

Pax Imperialis says:

Nitpicking here, but I don’t think anyone who would have to manage the workers wants to put the blacks back to work. Really just want them out of the way and gone. Still, they were born here, and there’s some obligation. Ought to appoint some as tribal leaders, assign them Indian like reservations (or Russia’s autonomous zones), carve out a few special economic monopolies, and leave them be so long as they don’t cause trouble.

L says:

No need to search, I am referring to this thing:

It’s very presence is all the evidence one could ever require. It is very obviously not a consequence of that thing’s merit, nor will it move any minds already set against Trump.

jim says:

“Thing”? Amber Rose is a normal weight mother of two, who looks to be about seven eighths white and one eighth black. The only thing that is very wrong with her is that she campaigns against slut shaming and in favour of typical female omnisexuality. (And, as you point out, she shaved her head)

She is there because she is an influencer, thus there on merit — they gave her five minutes, because they wanted her influence over her (mostly black) followers. Since she is an influencer with a lot of followers, she will probably move a lot of minds previously set against Trump.

Since she is a “black” woman (actually high yellow) good for getting black voters, thus complicating Democratic efforts to vote for them. This is part of the Musk vote harvesting plan. The primary value of legitimate vote harvesting is not that you get any significant number of legitimate votes, but that you make it hard for illegitimate vote harvesting to pretend to be legitimate vote harvesting.

Sticking an oar into vote harvesting is not actually an effort to get votes — it is only going to get an absolutely insignificant number of votes, because every black who votes for Trump shows up at the voting booth and votes in person. It is an effort to prep the decks for civil war by making sure that if Democrats steal the election again, it will be obvious to everyone.

Harvesting will only get a few dozen Trump votes, but it will prevent, or render blatantly fraudulent, eighty million Biden votes, thus improving our prospects in Civil War II. And that is why a normal weight mother of two is on stage at the RNC convention.

The Cominator says:

As I often point out sluts (actual sluts) are better than the catlady dyke nuns of progressivism as the former have no superior virtue in any way in fact they are just too proud to fuck any man they can get. The slut at least has a certain amount of humility.

The Cominator says:

“Nitpicking here, but I don’t think anyone who would have to manage the workers wants to put the blacks back to work. Really just want them out of the way and gone. Still, they were born here, and there’s some obligation. Ought to appoint some as tribal leaders, assign them Indian like reservations (or Russia’s autonomous zones), carve out a few special economic monopolies, and leave them be so long as they don’t cause trouble.”

There should be something like the millet system with segregation and a few trade “free cities” where the races are allowed to meet together freely without a lot of special approvals (Florida would probably end up with at least one of theem as central Florida has extremely well behaved blacks who seem to like Trump and who I’m not typically afraid even if see groups of them around).

L says:

[*deleted for disinformation*]

jim says:

That is a grotesquely false account of Amber Rose, and a grotesquely false account of Musk’s ballot harvesting program, which ballot harvest is expected to harvest an insignificant handful of Trump votes, and disrupt the harvest of sixty million Biden votes.

The claim that no blacks are likely to vote for Trump is obviously silly. As a result of lawfare, Trump has had to show up in a bunch of black neighbourhoods, and whenever he does so, he gets the usual huge and enthusiastic turnout, while Biden only ever gets a handful showing up.

Since showing up to vote in person is comparable to showing up to see the candidate in person, it seems likely that in an honest election, the black vote would be in favor of Trump at something like ten to one.

Varna says:

> Ought to appoint some as tribal leaders, assign them Indian like reservations (or Russia’s autonomous zones)

Stalin created a Jewish autonomous oblast in far Siberia back in the day, never got to really fill it with Jews.

Maybe it can be rented out to be filled with other types.

The Cominator says:

The worst thing that can be said about Amber Rose is she adopted a grotesque globohomo style (no doubt in order to get promoted by globohomo initially but she never went back) when naturally her pre globohomo style she was a far better looking girl.

Doom says:

L, what you miss is this.
Overt displays of hard right wing power makes the left double down.

This is the way the slow march works. Your want for purity in signallers is leftist!!!

There is NO swift justice mate. Get some popcorn. The RNC is doing it right, for once.

L says:

Jim: If you’re just going to imagine reasons for diversity hires that exist purely in your head, knock yourself out.

Doom: I am of the left, and I have made exactly zero pretense about that fact since the very first post I made here.

jim says:

> reasons for diversity hires that exist purely in your head,

And all over the internet. If you search “Amber Rose”, up come no end of pages explaining why this slightly black slut with two kids by two absent fathers gets five minutes at an RNC event running for days. She earned that gig fair and square. She is an influencer with considerable influence. She is not a DEI hire. She gets hits. Trump needs black voters, though the internet will not explain why. The actual reason being that Trump and Musk’s plan for countering ballot harvesting needs black voters. Every real black Trump voter can be used to prevent many fake Biden voters.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Every real black Trump voter can be used to prevent many fake Biden voters.

How exactly does this work?

Is your theory that ballot harvesters just cast ballots for every Black person in a district without contacting them, and thus every Black Trump vote risks creating some kind of double vote situation that will be detected? If that’s really how things work, then why aren’t these double-votes detected when Blacks show up to vote Dem and find they’ve already voted?

jim says:

> If that’s really how things work, then why aren’t these double-votes detected when Blacks show up to vote Dem and find they’ve already voted?

What do you think is going to happen when black voter who has already been voted for shows up in person to actually vote?

You think the ever vigilant Democrats running the district are going to leap into action to detect voting fraud?

The Cominator says:

“Is your theory that ballot harvesters just cast ballots for every Black person in a district without contacting them, and thus every Black Trump vote risks creating some kind of double vote situation that will be detected? If that’s really how things work, then why aren’t these double-votes detected when Blacks show up to vote Dem and find they’ve already voted?”

Who says they aren’t but if blacks vote early for Republicans then their names can’t be used.

Humungus says:

“…planning to “liquidate gays, force whores to get married, and put the blacks back to picking cotton”?” etc…

L, which of these groups do you fall into?

Humungus finds this whole back and forth very odd and is confused why your posts continue to plaque his screen.

Also, your writing style is oddly familiar other than taking the opposing view. Humungus suspects you are posting under another name also on this blog.

Humungus liked the Muslim poster better, there was something to learn at least. With L, I feel I’m in some idocracy play.

Humungus cannot be defied!

Contaminated NEET says:

>You think the ever vigilant Democrats running the district are going to leap into action to detect voting fraud?

I do not.

I know when I go to vote (total cuck behavior, but it’s hard to break old habits), the election judge (generally some sweet old Boomer lady volunteer who votes Republican and believes wholeheartedly in the system) looks up my name on a list of the registered voters in the precinct, checks it off so I can’t vote twice. I sign a paper that says I super-duper promise that I am who I say I am but I don’t don’t have to give ID and definitely shouldn’t offer. Then the grandma gives me a ballot which is anonymous and cannot be traced back to me.

I don’t know how things work in corrupt Black big city machine precincts. I assume ballot harvesters cast a whole bunch of votes on behalf of “their” voters and the judges (likely a mix of 92 IQ tribalist Shaniquas and 20-something White commie fanatics) check off the names on their registered voter lists. If one of those voters shows up in person, the judges probably shrug, hand them a ballot, and check off someone else’s name from their roll. I can’t stress enough that this is mere surmise, but it makes sense to me. It’s almost the perfect crime. If that is indeed what happens, then getting Blacks to vote Repub doesn’t do anything to stop nor prove fraud.

jim says:

If one black voter makes a fuss about one vote, it gets ignored because just one vote. If a Maga organiser makes a fuss about suitcase full of votes, well, it is more than just one vote, and the Maga organiser has more resources and incentive to make trouble than some random black man.

Fidelis says:

I think it’s prudent to point out Trump is not the RNC, and he and his people more likely than not did not pick these speakers. This was the RINOs making a show that they want race communism too, please don’t liquidate us.

Contaminated NEET says:

> If a Maga organiser makes a fuss about suitcase full of votes

How does the MAGA organizer even know that his MAGA Blacks got double-voted? The election judge ticked a list and gave the MAGA Black a ballot; if xhe does it even slightly passably, the MAGA Black doesn’t even notice that anything is amiss. And if he does suspect something is wrong, the paper trail proves he got one ballot and cast one vote.

I don’t think I understand the mechanism you’re proposing by which legitimate Black Trump votes either deter or expose fraudulent Black Biden votes. I’ve proposed my theory of how it might work and why it wouldn’t actually work, but it’s just a guess. Heck, I’ve just now thought of a way to make it smoother and more foolproof: you don’t tick the harvested ballots off the voter roll until the in-person voting is over, and then just tick an appropriate number of no-shows. What’s your scenario where legitimate Black Trump votes stop this, Jim?

Karl says:

If Thermidor is indeed realising that we should soon see some secret service personal resigning, being arrested, vanishing or dying. If there is no retaliation against a failed assasination attempt, Thermidor’s chances of survival are poor.

If Thermidor cannot investigate the failed attempt (or simply remove people reasonably suspected of wrongdoing), they have lost and are out of power.

Contaminated NEET says:

Thermidor can’t officially investigate the assassination attempt because that would spread mis-, dis-, and malinformation and get the deplorable cattle all riled up. They are invested in “normalcy”: that’s what defines them; they absolutely cannot break kayfabe. They’re much more afraid of the Amerikaaner awaking than they are of the lefter-than-thou, and so they will lose and be devoured by the lefter-than-thou. It’ll be fun to watch.

Some kind of secret shadow war of disappearances and assassinations is an outside possibility, but I’d be shocked if Thermidor had the balls for it. They’re happy enough to use such tactics sparingly and against the Right, but at a larger scale and against their self-admitted moral superiors? Probably not until it’s far too late for them.

jim says:

Historically what happens is Thermidor catches a rough ride from the lefter-than-thou, and then hires someone far to their right to take care of the problem.

Karl says:

Sulla is an example of Thermidorian who was not to the right of his fellow Thermidorians

The Cominator says:

Sulla was a very unusual case and I’m not sure you can easily define where he was politically (its not quite correct to call him an Optimates because he proscribed some optimates he percieved as crooks and some of the things he did were very popular)… and while he failed to get the Republic to function again in a stable way by merely killing those he saw in the elites as traitors it can be said in his defense that he had no historical data to go on to show it wasn’t possible and it can also be said that he did solve the elite elite corruption problem for a fairly long time (the elite after Sulla were not as blatantly corrupt as they were in the time of the Gracchi brothers even during the civil wars).

Karl says:

My point is that Sulla used dictatorial powers to restore the constitution. I see this as a Thermidorian act.

He then resigned from his dictatorship. Someone to the right of Thermidor would not have resigned and handed power to elected officials.

That’s why I cited him as Thermidorian who did not use someone to right of himself to crush his enemies.

Why did other Themidorians hire someone to the right to kill their enemies to the left?

My guess is that Sulla’s faith differed from later Thermidorians. Later Thermidorian wanted to stop further move to the left because they found further movement presently impractical, inconvenient or costly, but did not consider more progressive positions evil. Sulla judged those to the left of him as evil. He truly believed that the order he had recreated was right and proper for ever.

The Cominator says:

I think Sulla was probably aware it might not work (I hate that his autobiography was lost) but in his opinion (and once again sulla did not have so much historical data to go on as us) trying to restore the republic was probably worth a try (Sulla figured Rome beat everyone else around them so there had to be something good about it).

Cataclysm Reawake says:

If the amount of DEI in the speaker lineup tonight was present in a Disney film or at a Democratic convention, any conservative worth his salt would jeer, sneer, and react with manually-propelled tomatoes. Yet because the spectacle nominally has a (R) slapped on it, suddenly we’re supposed to pretend that inegalitarian nativist Christian values are being upheld.

That’s not even getting into the satanic Sikh prayer to the OnE trUe gOd Wagadoodoo consisting of uppity wailing . The contrast of the humble Lutheran prayer to Christ the King with her cringe wailing immediately reminded me of Yoko Ono mogging Lennon and Chuck Berry. “My god is mightier than your god.”

What in the fuck kind of reactionary party is this?

Varna says:

These are the visuals of a happy flexible meritocratic color-blind free and exciting America as presented by Hollywood between Beverly Hills Cop (1984) and Bad Boys (1995).

Basically the classical Reagan – early Bill Clinton period.

For many people alive today this is peak sane America and this is what they want to “bring back”.

For the modern liberast this is peak nazism and the end of the world.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Demonstrably false. The top 5 highest domestic grossing films in the late 80s and top 5 in the early 90s: Back to the Future, IJ and the Last Crusade, Top Gun, Batman ’89, Crocodile Dundee, Jurassic Park, Lion King, Forrest Gump, Sixth Sense, and Home Alone. They did not have casts that were nearly this S H I T T E D and V A J J E D.

Our memories of the past may be compromised, but unvandalized archaeological artifacts are not.

Varna says:

This is valid info, the underlying premise somewhat shaky. Blurred by anger maybe.

What was super popular back in the day is not necessarily what is used today to weave a vision of sanity for normies to pine for.

2024 is not 1984 or 1994. It may use visuals harking back to elements from real or imagined 1984 and 1994 to create a needed vision for itself today, but 2024 is not 1984 or 1994.

Pax Imperialis says:

No, your original premise had merit, and its message is being lost under knee jerk reaction to specific casting choices (the lack of diversity hires) rather than overall theme.

The highest domestic grossing films of the late 80s and early 90s did have predominately white casts, and the occasional non-white was usually picked for good reason, but that’s besides the point. The spirit of the times and films were a celebrating the concept of 1980’s liberalism.

Forrest Gump is so strongly progressive I don’t understand how it’s being overlooked as some kind of evidence against your argument. That’s not even getting into how massive Star Wars was in that period.

skippy says:

Yep. These were still films with ~all male casts apart from maybe a love interest or a Princess Leia. No Indians or Orientals at all. Often only white people (first Star Wars movie has aliens but no black people). Black/white buddy cop movies were the DEI of their day. RNC visually looks like the leftism of… 5, 10 years ago? Not that you can easily run a political movement excluding entire demographics full of rich and connected people.

Cloudswrest says:

Often only white people (first Star Wars movie has aliens but no black people).

True, but the second one, “The Empire Strikes Back”(1980) had Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams).

Hesiod says:

At least Billy Dee had charisma. Eddie Murphy was genuinely entertaining as well on SNL and his comedy records before becoming a big-time movie star. Those of us who grew up through that were already primed via TV with shows such as Different Strokes, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, etc.

Then there was Conan and Subotai in Conan the Barbarian. Perhaps Carpenter was influenced by that duo when he pared Jack Burton with Wang Chi in Big Trouble in Little China.

Cloudswrest says:

Eddie Murphy on getting an “African Bush Bitch” is a classic.

Pax Imperialis says:

Everyone is way too caught up in casting choices when what’s even more important are the themes. For examples, the Jedi are a priestly caste that have transcended human wants and desires. No longer feel hate or fear. Both anti-human and anti-material. This is leftist gnostic utopian delusion.

What else is from the 80s and 90s? Action warrior women as seen in Aliens and Terminator. Race blind meritocracy in Forrest Gump and Beverly Hills Cop. An anyone can make it optimism, “neurodivergents” included, as seen in Rain Man and Gump. Independent career women in Fatal Attraction and Crocodile Dundee.

There’s nothing demonstrably false about Varna’s initial claim. Today’s progressivism is just so poignant that yesterday’s progressiveness doesn’t register if you don’t know what to look for.

Hesiod says:

>Everyone is way too caught up in casting choices when what’s even more important are the themes.

Excellent observation. We were bombarded on TV with “we are all the same on the inside” constantly. Yeah, a lot of comedy was still based on racial differences, but that perhaps helped the theme that differences were superficial.

When Moldbug on his blog mentioned his parents forbade him TV and gave the reasons why, a chill struck me because TV was my prime babysitter growing up. First thing you do after waking up? Turn on the TV. Last thing before going to sleep? Turn it off.

S says:

The Jedi being a priestly caste is from the Phantom Menace (1999). The video ‘What If… The Phantom Menace came out in 1987?’ highlights the changes over those 12 years; leftist acceleration (14 year old girl flirting with 25 year old) and writing ability (No Qi Gon or Jar Jar).

Pax Imperialis says:

>The Jedi being a priestly caste is from the Phantom Menace

No, it was like that in the original trilogy. Leftism must swim left, which is why it’s more obvious in the prequel trilogy and morbid in the sequel trilogy.

Check out Yoda calling anger, fear, and aggression the dark side of the force. The force is only used for knowledge and defense, never for attack. This is a priestly inversion of the warrior.

Here they invert victory and defeat. It’s similar to that certain leftist mindset that ‘when you kill the enemy they win’.

Sure, the priestly aspect isn’t that strong in the original trilogy, and you have to really know what to look for to recognize it, but at the same time you can easily notice how the Jedi got increasingly priestly with each movie because of the thematic groundwork that got laid down.

Hesiod says:

Between the time Lucas made the OG Star Wars and the rise of Empire, that money Lucas left lying around got sucked up by the original Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers, both of which had pilot episodes released to the theater before the TV shows launched. Indeed, action figures from all three got mixed up when we lads played.

Recently watched both pilots and was struck most by Buck Rogers, a direct influence on Star Wars. Not only does it have the evil space princess Ardala in a costume that makes the Slave Leia one look Muslim, in the opening credits, we see our hero Buck spending his centuries in suspended animation dreaming about a great variety of pussy.

The BG pilot is better quality in terms of effects, pretty much identical to the original Star Wars before Lucas started editing. But Buck Rogers was more fun and more fitting for an MST3K treatment.

The Cominator says:

The pre Disney Star Wars was based and redpilled, the Jedi in the late Republic are a gay priesthood serving corrupt politicians and that was the point.

Palps and Plagueis actually have a discussion where Plagueis says he actually has tremendous respect for the ancient Jedi which actually ruled the republic as warriors but zero respect for the modern Jedi who serve a corrupt Senate which was the most contemptible thing about them of all. That they were also kind of Zen monks was bad but not as bad as that.

skippy says:

The early Jedi are warrior monks. The first thing we learn about Obi Wan and “Anakin” (as he becomes) is that they fought together in a war.

In the prequels, they become even more warrior-like, the extent of self-parody, charging into battle without even a formation as, essentially, super-tanks with laser swords that are immune the bullets. They are old, as Cominator points out, now organized as some kind of bureaucratic government intel agency, rather than a bunch of wandering mystics as they were in the original movies (which was itself a riip-off of 50s and 60s Japanese samurai movies).

I’m not sure there’s a big point to be made here except that George Lucas isn’t that smart. Lucas is a regime man, married to a black woman, but not a very thoughtful one. Probably just attaching to power and money. Could he have made it as a director, even an “independent” director, otherwise?

Pax Imperialis says:

These are the visuals of a happy flexible meritocratic color-blind free and exciting America as presented by Hollywood

>Demonstrably false.
>Forrest Gump

Sher Singh says:

Not meant to be done by a woman, but she’s been Trump’s lawyer for a decade so w/e

Doom says:

Starting with a ritual is high church, even if wrong church, it boils the frog.

We high church now.

Milosevic says:


Apparently the snipers were prevented by DHS lawyers from killing the shooter before he fired.

jim says:

Prince has made a living providing security. He, in this video, claims a DHS lawyer told an SS sniper that he was not allowed to shoot a man with a rifle pointed at the president.

If so, we may conclude, unsurprisingly, that SS gunmen were loyalists, but DHS lawyers intended and set up the murder of president Trump.

Karl says:

It is not very loyalist for an SS sniper to wait until the man with the rifle has fired some bullets at the president. If so, we may conclude that SS gunmen were loyal to the DHS lawyers

yewotm8 says:

We don’t know what he was being told. Prince is saying that he thinks it was a lawyer worried about rules of engagement, but I thought it was way more sinister. His boss could have been in his ear telling him that the would-be assassin was a friendly, don’t mind him at all. Cheatle herself has said that the “sniper hotel” was turned into a staging area for local police for the purposes of the rally, which would make that much more believable. How could the bad guy possibly be on the roof of the copshop itself?

Mister Grumpus says:

Every Freemason, gangster and genocidal psycho knows how to conspire out loud towards deeply sinister shit, but in plausibly deniable code.

“Take care of it.”
“Liquidated as a class.”
“The legacy of white privilege.”
“A map that seems pizza related.”

Pax Imperialis says:

My favorite: “abolish” the “social construct”

L says:

And yet the gunman prioritized obedience to the lawyers over their supposed charge’s life. Lol.

someDude says:

On loyalty, here’s a question. Say the SS gunman shot the assassin on sight knowing he was not one of the security detail. The DHS lawyers go after the SS gunman. What would trump then do? Protect the SS gunman? Or let him rot to die? Or make some ineffectual noises?

Trump will not get loyalty from anyone unless he is ready to treat the entire DHS legal team as if they tried to personally murder him. Loyalty is a two way street.

Jamesthe1st says:

Thermiador is happening Microsoft just cut its DEI team and said it is no longer integral to its business.

C4ssidy says:

Articles like this in a mainstream paper seemed unthinkable in previous year: and I noticed the absence of five feet tall female agents at his next public appearance (RNC)

DH says:

Thermidor stands a good chance. It appears that the mainstream media, while sticking to Orange Man Bad, is no longer treating him as Literally Hitler. Either the left is altogether getting cold feed (“guys, are we really in ideal conditions to win a civil war?”), or Muskidor errr Thermidor now has influence on the mainstream media. Their scripts have taken on a different tune. Also watch out for Netanyahu’s speech on July 24 – if he goes nuclear on the Democrats (in lieu of impartiality), sign that Thermidor might be ascendant.

Neurotoxin says:

A lot of popular discourse about the attempted assassination is phrased in terms of it getting support for Trump because “It makes him a martyr” or whatever.

I agree that the murder attempt is politically important, but not (mainly) for that reason.

The main reason is that it shows the nature of the Left. You can’t unsee the fact that they tried to kill him.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yes, and notice how Elon could immediately and publicly fall into line after this was wordlessly communicated by the assassination attempt.

“These people will kill him, and then they’ll kill me, and then my kids, and now Trump gets it and I know he gets it. And you plebes out there can get it too, without having to say anything to each other, if you want.”

The game theory of all this is just fascinating. Less censorship on Twitter doesn’t just mean there’s more for me to see, but more importantly, more Shelling points for me to presume that others have seen as well. Because Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself, etc.

Neurotoxin says:

>game theory, Shelling points

Yes, hugely important. It’s not just that we know that the left are a bunch of murderous psychotics. And it’s not just that a lot of other people now know it. It’s the fact that (basically) everyone now knows that everyone else knows it; it’s game-theoretic common knowledge.

Pax Imperialis says:

Kill his kids? Groomers would never pass up the opportunity to trans his kids. Elon is now leaving California for that reason.

Cloudswrest says:

Bullet track analysis/simulation graphic slowmo with Trump speaking.

Cloudswrest says:
Mister Grumpus says:

Criticism please:

What I “feel” MUST be different about this particular leftward runaway crisis is that, internet censorship aside (paging Dr. Vaughn) there’s STILL 100X more information about it, in real time as it’s actually happening, than there must have been during any other such crisis in history.

From this blog here, to Covfefe Anon, to whoever, did any such crisis before enjoy such blow-by-blow perspective and clarity, at this level?

I’m not saying we’re in the clear — there’s plenty more bullets with Trump’s name on them, and eventually perhaps one or two with mine — but it doesn’t take a historical genius anymore to connect the dots and map-fit the present day to 10-20 past left singularities. There’s a lot of smart people out here who understand what’s happening. They may be scared shitless of talking about it publicly, but still, there are ways of communicating the basics of this subject with plausible deniability (paging Dr. Carlson, etc).

Can you even imagine the original Thermidorians, or Mensheviks, or etcetera, with a Jim’s blog to help them comprehend what’s happening, and therefore what they have to do, just to survive?

alf says:

Yes, totally, absolutely. A leftist singularity needs to build up pressure, and it seems very much like places such as these act as pressure release valves.

To what extent (and with which speed!) mere ideas such as the ones presented by Jim can change the course of society remains to be seen. But something is definitely happening. One cannot publicly make ten out of ten correct predictions and not expect it to have any effect.

The Cominator says:

Alright my thoughts on the Vance pick in context of elite splitting up

There are three main factions in the elite

1. Leftists (the ruling faction)
2. MAGA reactionaries who want to return to 1980s leftism (the few who genuinely and totally support Trump)
3. The neoreactionary (more of Yarvin’s kind than Jims) futurists

The leftist have furthermore split into the radical and thermidorians over the utter catastrophe of the war and Ukraine and just how ruinous Biden’s radical policies have been.

Vance was picked because it brought with it the full financial backing of Musk and Thiel and because the leftists will be terrified to kill Trump to put neoreactionaries who are much enamoured of Yarvin and BAP’s ideas in power. The fact that Musk and Thiel are now fully supporting Trump in exchange for putting a NRx type in power means that Musk and Thiel have decided that leftism and leftists just have to go and that they are divided and weak right now and that by acting decisively they can get into power and do it.

alf says:

So the guy who was a never-Trumper in 2016 is connected to the silicon/futurists in 2024? That’s quite a development.

The Cominator says:

I do not entirely trust Vance because past Nevertrumpism, poojeeta wife and papist conversion but I do like what he represents.

I also like that he recommended that Trump should just fire every federal employee in a management position and if the courts ruled against it he should Andrew Jackson them (since his people would be the ones controlling the guns until he complied).

StJtMS says:

It’s a big red flag that [*deleted because non sequitur*]

jim says:

Explain why it is a big red flag.

StJtMS says:

The comment was intended as a general opinion on the choice of JD Vance as Trump’s VP. I thought that was relevant to the thread but apologies if not.

JD Vance’s policy views on the middle east line up with those of the neocons (i.e., more support for Israel especially as relates to Gaza, and more US pushback and agitation toward Iran.)

I’m not saying Iran should be our next “greatest ally”, just expressing that the neocon agenda (i.e., forever wars for Israel) is not good for America. Therefore Vance’s hawkish stance toward Iran is a worrisome datapoint regarding Vance as VP.

We’ve spent enough blood and treasure on wars for Israel. And war with Iran—for which Vance seems to be agitating–will not serve the interests of ordinary Americans.

jim says:

> JD Vance’s policy views on the middle east line up with those of the neocons (i.e., more support for Israel especially as relates to Gaza, and more US pushback and agitation toward Iran.

Do they?

Let us have a link to something he actually said, rather than something the usual Soros shills have said that he said.

The only thing I know that he has said on Iran is that if Iran strikes at Us forces in the Middle East, the US should not strike Iran within its own territory.

What the only thing I know that he has said on China is that the US cannot win a war with China because our military industrial complex is dependent on Chinese dual use technologies.

The Cominator says:

Vance opposes a war with Russia and Iran is currently something close to an ally of Russia do you think the Russians would tolerate America doing full scale invasion of Iran even if we were capable of such a thing now… which we probably aren’t.

jim says:

JD Vance’s points on foreign policy always circle back to the fact that the elite have destroyed our capability to fight a war, because they thought it was more important to destroy the white working class. He says America lives in a very threatening world, needs to be strong, and America is weak, because it systematically destroyed white working class jobs.

So the usual shills quote him saying that nation X is a threat, and leave out the context that there is not much we can do about nation X until we restore the white working class.

I can summarise everything he has said on foreign policy as “Nation X is a threat, China is a bigger threat, and we cannot afford a conflict with China because our military industrial complex depends on Chinese dual use technologies.”

anonymous mouse says:

Trump 2024 is a lock because of his organic popularity + Jewish billionaire money behind him + Democratic incohesion. His presidency will get us 4 years of escalation in the Middle East (but minimal progress on immigration and no change to the administrative state). Orange Hitler’s disastrous hyperzionism will lead to a realignment in which support for genocidal interventionism in the Middle East will become extremely unpopular among Democrats. Vance 2028 will lose for two reasons: 1. he is a chubby charisma vacuum, 2. woke will essentially not exist anymore, so no more wind in the sails of the “dissident right”. In that same election I will vote blue.

Hesiod says:

“In that same election I will vote blue.”

That might be Ye’s big year after all.

Jamesthe1st says:

Lmao, “I will vote blue.” You are faggot.

S says:

That isn’t possible. The US is losing to Yemen, a country in the middle of a civil war.

For the US to be able to project power, there has to be internal change. Thermidor requires Trump to collide with the administrative state- otherwise there are no soldiers or material for the military.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Jewish billionaire money behind him

More like Silicon billionaire money behind him. Musk and Thiel carry on the spirit of a resurgent Anglo American elite.

Ok, the rest of what you say is so disconnected from reality… are you trolling us?

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, and the left has been having nightmares about it ever since. From a 2022 Vanity Fair article:

“So there’s this guy Curtis Yarvin, who has written about some of these things,” Vance said. Murphy chortled knowingly. “So one [option] is to basically accept that this entire thing is going to fall in on itself,” Vance went on. “And so the task of conservatives right now is to preserve as much as can be preserved,” waiting for the “inevitable collapse” of the current order.

He said he thought this was pessimistic. “I tend to think that we should seize the institutions of the left,” he said. “And turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program, a de-woke-ification program.”

“I think Trump is going to run again in 2024,” he said. “I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”

“And when the courts stop you,” he went on, “stand before the country, and say—” he quoted Andrew Jackson, giving a challenge to the entire constitutional order—“the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.”

This is a description, essentially, of a coup.

“We are in a late republican period,” Vance said later, evoking the common New Right view of America as Rome awaiting its Caesar. “If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.”

alf says:

Big if true!

Pax Imperialis says:

I had made some previous comments about Vance being NRx friendly that didn’t seem to register until I posted the link. I was sort of scratching my head at why there was so much negativity.

I’m sort of surprised this wasn’t known. The article was sort of a big deal among the Yarvin crowd, and Yarvin has more or less confirmed the validity. It would appear his strategy at seducing the elites has paid off more than any of us could’ve imagined, yet at the same time all the early indicators were there.

Remember when Fox News pundits started to use the term the Cathedral? I don’t believe they ever explained to their general audience where that term came from. I don’t even think the Fox News higher ups exactly knew what they were talking about. It was definitely a signal to those in the know. And what are news pundits if anything but the more public facing elites? Yarvin and wider NRx clearly seduced them, so it’s logical to conclude elites behind closed doors have been seduced as well.

jim says:

> I’m sort of surprised this wasn’t known.

Wickipedia calls him a neoreactionary, and when I hear him speak at the RNC, seems about right. Hard to tell, because he was plugging Trumpism, not neoreaction, and Trump, with one bloodied cheek, has instructed Republicans to turn the other, but somehow think I hear the sound of a marine looking forward to the next cheek.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Wickipedia calls him a neoreactionary

Huh, so it does. It didn’t in the recent past, and a quick look at both Wayback Machine and the edit history shows it was added probably on July 16. The day right after being selected by Trump. It looks like leftists are in panic mode based on the edit history.

The man truly is assassination insurance.

alf says:

I totally missed it. Honestly too early to blow the trumpets, but having a neoreactionary-sympathetic vice-president in the white house…. That would be amazing. Very interesting.

jim says:

Oh wow: Good stuff:

Vance showed up, wearing a suit and bright red tie, looking relaxed for a person who was about to give a speech to hundreds of people who viewed him as possibly a last great hope in saving the American nation from global corporatist subjugation. He’d shot up in the polls and at that moment was second in his primary, helped by regular invitations from Carlson.

I asked how he was feeling about the speech. He looked impish. “I think I’ve got a good topic,” he said. “I’m going to talk about college.”

What he meant was that he was about to give a genuinely thunderous speech, titled “The Universities Are the Enemy.” People immediately pointed out that it was a variation on something that Richard Nixon said to Henry Kissinger on White House tapes back in 1972. Vance denounced elite colleges as enemies of the American people; he has long proposed cutting off their federal funding and seizing their endowments. The speech was later linked in alarmed op-eds to “anti-intellectual” movements that had attacked institutions of learning. But that doesn’t quite reckon with what an apocalyptic message he was offering. Because Vance and this New Right cohort, who are mostly so, so highly educated and well-read that their big problem often seems to be that they’re just too nerdy to be an effective force in mass politics, are not anti-intellectual. Vance is an intellectual himself, even if he’s not currently playing one on TV. But he thinks that our universities are full of people who have a structural, self-serving, and financial interest in coloring American culture as racist and evil. And he is ready to go to extraordinary lengths to fight them.

Fire federal employees, and seize university endowments.

Trump wants to make a deal with the enemy, and is immensely saddened that no deal is possible. He has finally realised that the regime will murder him if it can. JD Vance never thought the enemy was agreement capable, concludes war is inevitable, and to win it, we must destroy the enemy.

Trump is a 1980s leftist. If he gets his way, he will be Cromwell, Napoleon, and Stalin. If JD Vance gets his way, he will be Monck, Deng, and Beria.

Trump is a merchant, and wants to make a deal, but sees no deal on offer. Vance is a warrior, and sees the inevitable drift to war internal and external.

Jehu says:

Dissolution of the monasteries part 2. That’s definitely over the correct target. I hear that Mitt Romney hates him too, which is a good sign.

Hesiod says:

Ashamed I knew very little about Vance leading up to the announcement, but as you allude, he appears to upset all the right people. Saw some REEE-ing over the pick on The Donald which is perhaps due to the place being a shill magnet.

Thank you, Jim and frens, for the excellent analysis as events unfold. Our Heavenly Father certainly blesses me with this online fellowship, and I pray He blesses you all in return. In Jesus Christ’s Name, amen.

DH says:

3. The neoreactionary (more of Yarvin’s kind than Jims) futurists

To win the coming civil war, and to fix fertility, need Jim’s variety of NRx. You (Cominator) are right about the the Final Solution to the Leftist Problem. You write:

Musk and Thiel have decided that leftism and leftists just have to go

Yarvin, however, believes that they are good people, and that bloodshed should be avoided and will be avoided. He misunderstands human nature, he relies too heavily on magic technology to magically restore order, and he only likes BAP’s aesthetics rather than his actual ideas.

Correct me if I’m missing something.

jim says:


War is easy, peace is hard, as falling off a cliff is easy, and climbing a cliff is hard. Extended cooperation requires continual effort and good social technology, which must be continually maintained. Social entropy has to be continually expelled. Ghettos, prisons, slavery, and the noose are a society’s sewers, and a palace without a sewer will soon smell bad.

To recover, need to restore elite virtue. This is going to require radical measures. A wicked, corrupt, and demon worshipping elite is unlikely to go quietly. Or even stay in place quietly, for struggles within the evil elite over the loot are going to get out of hand.

dharmicreality says:

Why is this “L” treated as a genuine commenter?

So obvious that he is trolling, roleplaying a comic-book supervillian that he fondly imagines to be a Leftist elite: “har har har, our goal is to genocide all you white folk and replace you with slaves/robots” not something a real Leftist would ever say out explicitly even if that would be the result of further spiralling Leftism.

Certainly a genuine Leftist would genuinely think he is doing whites a favour by genociding them (again not a word a Leftist would explicitly use) and crying in pain and despair as he “forced to” do so for the “greater common Good” and for the sake of ‘democracy, equality, inclusivity and our values’. Also robots and AI are racist and proof of white supremacy (taken from stolen tech from Shaniqua in Africa), so whites should be purged from STEM and robots and AI should be handed over to engineerette Shaniqua and Engineer Jamal to make them more inclusive, accessible and humane.

I know true Leftists from real life. True Leftists from 2024 would not engage on this blog. They would deem it irredeemably foul/unclean even to engage with the evil racist Christian white supremacists here. If any Leftist has genuinely engaged on this blog, he would be deemed unclean/contaminated and on a list.

alf says:

Because, like with all shills and trolls, it’s fun and informative. When it stops being either, he will no doubt be treated accordingly.

dharmicreality says:

No doubt Jim will grow weary of his repetitiveness eventually.

someDude says:

Jim’s patience is legendary and is whispered about in dark alleys during the late hours of the night. I’m getting pretty sick of our resident Sikh transwarrior.

Sher Singh says:

You’re literally a Delhi brahmin or something lmfao.
You would never say this to a Sardar Irl.

You’re angry at me because protesters in the West treat your flag like a cloth.
You treat it like a rock/dick/idol/object of worship.

Why’s that my problem?

jim says:

Our problem is that you posture as a warrior, when you are not, and your Khalsa is not a holy army because not an army. Big hats and small medieval weapons.

SomeDude is not posturing as a warrior. And neither am I though I am pretty sure my weapons are bigger than your weapons.

FrankNorman says:

Imagine a world in which the Sikh “Khalsa” was an actual serious militia which the Indian government did not try to disarm, because attempting to do that would be to start a fight that they (the Indian government) could not be sure of actually winning.

Sher Singh might mentally live in that world, but physically, he’s in our world, where the Indian government leaves the Sikhs alone for the opposite reason: they are no real threat at all.

someDude says:

The Indian government does not leave the Sikhs alone. Like the rest of us serfs, they too are not allowed to be armed in any meaningful way, i.e. with guns and pistols.

They are allowed to carry around rusted daggers called Kirpans which is the source of our trans-warrior’s boasting. Still, our trans-warrior is most likely not a Sikh. Possibly a New York Jew as Jim calls it, possibly born to Sikh immigrant parents in the west and never set foot outside of western lands. Definitely a shill

Sher Singh says:

Gandhi also called the Kirpan a rusted dagger before being shot.
The brahmin is the spiritual sickness.

His tendencies were described in the Ambatta sutra as well.
A tendency to lie, cheat, and subvert Dharma towards nigger worship.

The brahmin is an enemy of Dharma.


someDude says:

Gaand Maraa, Madarchod!

Pax Imperialis says:

He calls you a brahmin like it’s some sort of insult.

someDude says:

Brahmins are rumoured to be soft, weak and cowardly and he’s playing to that.

Sher Singh says:

Brahmin holiness spiraling about vegetables is why Endia sucks.

Pax Imperialis says:

Nearly all the alternatives are visibly worse. Brahmin holiness spiraling is a spiritual sickness which can be fixed with a king. Modi could be a king. Subhumans with congenital defects, not so much.

L says:

[*empty boasting deleted again*]

jim says:

I often say that I live as far from power as I can get without treading water, but the social distance between you and power is even larger than the physical distance between me and power.

The reason power has been &#@&!^* up worse and worse is that it is further and further out of contact with reality.

L says:

So much for non-censorship, lol.

Anyway, since apparently passing your shill test isn’t actually enough to talk around here, I’ll just leave you to your coping. Bye.

jim says:

I allowed your trolling. I did not allow content free trolling.

You are further from power than I am. If our rulers could identify you, they would crush you like a bug.

Dharmicreality says:

By definition no leftist ever passes a shill test let alone acknowledge it.

Your leftist role playing was unconvincing. Try again, this time with more moral frothing at the mouth outrage and a tinge of batshit-crazy along with a dash of holier-than-thou posturing while religiously avoiding thought crime.

Handi says:

Not sure why you would bring up wood joinery but good riddance faggot. You made a nice ammo dump for some guys who were bored enough to humor your pretenses. Like a disheveled whore leaving an army camp, announcing your exit at this point isn’t going to save any face.

Humungus says:

I agree with what you wrote, and you wrote it well.

Have you considered that “L” is someone’s evil doppleganger and this is just a thought exercise?

“L’s” writing style is familiar, but just the opposite viewpoint of another commenter here. I wont spoil the surprise.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Thought about the fact that it was a bullet instead of an FPV drone. Were they scared of copy cats from drone bombings? Or there wasn’t even a drone training department because doodle ops is stuck ever since getting DEI’d in the wools with shit?

embeveraged commuter says:

Their M.O. Is pretty set in stone. Find a retard online, claim to be a big figure in whatever his ideology is and you need him to do a shooting, give him about $1,500 for a gun and approximate instructions.

The Christchurch guy claimed to have been contacted by the new order of knights templar or similar, a copycat not long after even called out his forum glowie. I think there were reports of the Russian theater shooters being promised bitcoin, and of this being a general problem in islamic eastern europe, where the village idiot gets convinced by the internet to go jihad.

Even after giving the retard exact instructions to buy and set up a big prebuilt drone, there’s still binding it to your controller and goggles, making the payload, training to use it, replacing parts lost in the process. There is likely not much overlap between people capable of doing that and people who can be swayed by glowies online.

Sher Singh says:

Found out Bain, Baines & Vance are the same.

W Punjabi Jatts Latinize it Vance
East does Bains

Fucking hell lol.

What’re they known for?
Among Punjab it’s money oriented Barons.

Sher Singh says:

[*transwarrior posturing deleted*]

jim says:

Vance was a marine who served in Iraq. What have you done? Worn a big hat and a small medieval weapon?

Sher Singh says:

Fuck Yarvin and Vance.

I want General Mattis as President.

jim says:

General Mattis is a neocon and color revolutionary. General Mattis resigned from the Trump administration because he wanted to conquer Syria and eradicate the Alawites, and Trump did not.

Mattis was fired for making war without presidential permission.

Pax Imperialis says:

Neocon!? He might be a little too red even for them.

There was so much conflict between Trump and Mattis that I don’t think his resignation can solely be put on Syria. He was trying to undermine the president on just about everything and rumor has it that he was an insubordinate jerk.

Alfred says:

It’s also rumored he’s a closet case, I think.

Fidelis says:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

Vanguard (Soros) and BlackRock are among the largest holders in Austin Private Wealth LLC

jim says:

Well well well

If a Soros hit, then a Blinken hit.

skippy says:

“Vanguard (Soros)”

Can you explain this? Vanguard is owned by the investors in its products and it provides mainly (exclusively?) passive index trackers. Word “Vanguard” doesn’t appear on Soros wiki nor “Soros” on Vanguard wiki.

Vanguard and Blackrock are among the largest holders of every company because they are the largest providers of passive index trackers to pension funds. This, however, is completely non-discretionary investment.

jim says:

Vanguard and Blackrock are not passive index trackers, in that their supposed index funds actively involve themselves in management.

skippy says:

This article suggests they tend to vote against ESG proposals more often than active investors do, and that their voting patterns have significantly reduced the number of ESG resolutions passed.

While Vanguard isn’t immune from social trends, I don’t see any evidence for the claim that it is controled by Soros, or a weaker version of that claim that it’s a particularly ‘converged’ institution. The Vanguard model and theory, at least, is one of the least amenable to political manipulations (turning investment into a machine with little/no discretionary input – of course this has other potential problems).

I find it strange how index funds are lumped in with hedge funds (which can be fully opaque and surely do have political motives, at least sometimes). Soros is a hedge fund manager.

The Cominator says:

Blackrock is a front for the US government probably the leftist CIA faction… trillions of dollars after the bailouts. We have stealth government ownership of most (almost all) major corporations ie stealth communism. Am not so sure what Vanguard is but I’m quite sure Blackrock=government.

Humungus says:

Humungus is perplexed at you bringing up Blackrock when it is run by three people, the tribe of which you are partial to. This is bordering on a canard Cominator.

Off topic, but what are your thoughts on Barabbas?

Would you say you are an Anti-Barabbas-ite or something else?

The Cominator says:

I think blackrock is only managed by them but the people who run it (ie mandate that it impose DEI on companies and such) are hidden probably glowniggers though the Jews in it are probably all in favor of this too… but like Soros their money and power is not really their own.

Humungus says:

Cut the hypocritical bullshit.

You know who runs Blackrock and you know what you’ve wrote.

The Cominator says:

Not sure how I have offended the lord of the waste but we’ve been over the JQ before and my view and Jim’s view is jewish power is a mirage that is meant to obscure the real power and jews are really the same middlemen to the truly powerful they have been since the middle ages.

Blackrock is the major shareholder in every corporation not because of its jewish managers but because they represent people higher up in the government. You are welcome to disagree but I’m not sure why my view on this offends you. I mention blackrock because it is a way of obscuring that our government is practicing communism…

skippy says:

BlackRock and Vanguard are major shareholders *primarily* because of the popularity of index/passive investing which *does not give discretion which companies to boost to the asset manager*. It also yields very little fees to the asset manager. Also Vanguard, unlike BlackRock, does not make a profit – when it gains new customers all increased management revenue above actual management expenses is returned as reduced fees.

I am not saying that finance is never used for political ends but this particular vector is not one of them. BlackRock, unlike Vanguard, also does prop trading (e.g. their famous buying up of single family homes to rent) but this is not why they are such a large holder in most companies.

The Cominator says:

Blackrock suddenly had trillions after the bailouts and they aren’t passive investors given that they press DEI and other political ends… obvious government front is obvious.

skippy says:

BlackRock manages trillions, but these are deposits owed to clients. The company’s own assets are reported by wiki as $100bn, so BlackRock’s proprietary trading arm is about 1% the size of its (principally index fund) asset management arm.

I am not doubting that $100bn is a lot of money and that it can be used to influence things, but the real scale of that influence is not quite what many seem to believe.

Fidelis says:

Considering one of the larger catalysts of Thermidor seems to be the realization that jews are just as pale as the Appalachian chuds that die for Israel, and therefore on the same chopping block, there is an implication that they are not just middle managers. The zio bros are a major contender and in fact are more likely than not the main bulk of what we are calling Thermidor.

jim says:

This is not incompatible with Jews being servants and middle managers. Historically what happens when the $#!% hits the fan and things go pear shaped is that the Jews get thrown to the wolves by their masters. So if I was in their shoes, would be looking around for options.

skippy says:

Neither BlackRock nor State Street has any “ideological” commitment to passive investment, so they should be regarded with greater suspicion. That is one reason I blinked at the claim that Vanguard specifically is run by Soros.

However, in practice, a lot of the BlackRock and State Street AUM is invested in passive funds where the investment manager has little or no discretion where to put the money. It’s true they have some discretion to vote (although increasingly investors in such funds are demanding pass-through voting). If BlackRock and State Street did not offer these products, they would be much smaller companies.

Vanguard is to some extent a terminal Faustian financial concept whereby capital is supposed to somehow optimize itself; nonetheless, I think Vangaurd is conceptually a friend. Certainly a world in which most money is invested by opaque funds charging large fees that go to insiders whether the fund performs or not – the world that used to exist – would have been much easier to Converge.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The polygon using converged ‘private’ companies as a deniable wrapper for enforcing the state religion and other aspects of regime policy is standard operating procedure. Everything down to your local dogcatcher is on the agenda, let alone anything within spitting distance of powersources (preaching men, fighting men, monetary men).

This sudden bout of running interference for the good name of tools for the incumbent underlordship is puzzling, especially for someone supposedly more disposed against eurasian tribesmen than most. Perhaps, like our good friend Pooch before, personages who doth luminesce quite brightly in the dark payed you a personal visit?

skippy says:

Jim has written before that they can lie because in power, we cannot lie because out of power. I am not suggesting Fidelis is intentionally lying, but to believe that Vanguard and BlackRock holdings reflect primarily or at all discretionary choices by their managers is to state an ignorance of how financial markets work.

Furthermore, if he had simply written “BlackRock (Fink)” then I could see where he is coming from, even if he is not correct. BlackRock manages a lot of assets via passive trackers because this is what the market demands, but it is an activist investor by nature and Fink is a bad man who has done bad things. Also, Fink is actually substantially in control of BlackRock.

As far as I can tell, Vanguard has no association with George Soros, and the philosophy of passive investing substantially created and promoted by Vanguard has enormously frustrated the plans of activist investors. The founder of Vanguard appears to be a gentile white man, and it has no profit-making shareholders. To claim that Vanguard is a tool of Soros is an extaordinary claim, that seems to be based on nothing but lumping together a variety of famous names that happen to be associated with markets.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>the philosophy of passive investing substantially created and promoted by Vanguard has enormously frustrated the plans of activist investors. The founder of Vanguard appears to be a gentile white man, and it has no profit-making shareholders.

Fair enough. But: the founder of vanguard retired nearly three decades ago, so, that is a somewhat inane point. Organizations created to ostensibly accomplish some valuable purpose dying of cancer as the tumorous corpses spasm in a parody of life from the movements of parasites writhing under the skin as they feast on the decrepit remains of its flesh is exactly the matter at hand. On that note, The Vanguard Group, Inc.’s new CEO is Salim Ramji, a polygon seminary produced jeet, who, just coincidentally, worked at Blackrock before walking through the revolving door to this job. Their chief investment officer is a mulatto literally working for the federal government at the same time he works at the fund, and not even in the euphemistic sense of beings a catspaw from the same social class as everyone else in Georgetown, but literally working in the regulatory state and federal reserve system, which is also just typical. Their corporate website literally has a diversity index on their management, they put this on their own pages in pride of place. ‘Who We Are’ and ‘What We Do’ is pretty unambiguous here.

Humungus says:

Good find. Can we get the list of board members and major shareholders?

I’m getting a 404 error from their site on board members.

News articles are claiming it was a “clerical error” and also say Bush is involved in this company.

Multi-million dollar clerical errors…?

Neurotoxin says:

Yeah the arguments above about the details of investment funds are a distraction. What specific individual wanted that put option?

Neurotoxin says:

Austin Private Wealth LLC now says, at the top of its home page, that this was a mistake – not that there wasn’t a put option, but that its size was accidentally misreported by a factor of 10,000:

“The correct holding amount was 12 contracts, or 1,200 shares — not 12 million shares, as was filed in error.”

Humungus says:

Has anyone brought up bullet streak picture yet?


I say it is fake. That it is Photoshopped.

Any Physics experts in here that can explain how to capture a random bullet flying at high speed without a synchronized shutter can produce a photo with this much color clarity and why a photographer would set their shutter speed that fast just to photograph a guy standing in place.

Link to photo…

Humungus says:

No one wants to take on this challenge? Such an obviously fake photograph.

Aren’t we here to expose fakery? We’ve said elections are fake. Are we going to vote for Trump now because of these photos? Are we that easy to manipulate? Like a little child?

Humungus will not be manipulated! Vote however it pleases you.

Hesiod says:

What do you suppose is the purpose of faking such a picture?

Hesiod says:

I mean, we already had the wounded but defiant Trump image. Are you saying this other pic is taking things too over-the-top?

Humungus says:

I writing that the photo is fake. The white line is a modification of the photo done later. I base this on bullet velocity, shutter speed required to capture said bullet, standard photography practices for subject in place, synchronizing methods for high speed filming, and source of photo.

We have a photo that many are accepting as real simply because they see it. Photos like this can easily be faked. I could modify this photo myself and put in as many lines as you would like.

Hesiod says:

You know who else is saying the photo or even the entire situation is fake? Certain members of Conservative Inc who are balls-deep state.

Forgive me if I err in this caution, but someone who gives similar arguments around the same time he accuses a long-standing member of this community of practicing joojoo needs to do a bit better.

Humungus says:

“…Certain members of Conservative Inc who are balls-deep state…” etc

Humungus is part of deep state? Here to track down your hidden guzzoline perhaps?

Interesting theory. Please continue…

Humungus has looked at ballistics table, and reviewed photography practices, and the simple math needed to solve this. But, he wants all of you to check for yourselves.

I say it was done with a photo editor on a computer. Much easier to do that way.

Humungus finds it interesting you let “L” shit all over this blog and the Muslim before him, yet you seem to be thunderstruck by the possibility this photo is a fake.

jim says:

There are pretty good arguments being made that it was a fake, perhaps a photographer just wants to cash in, so pulled up Gimp.

I am not thunderstruck. I am open minded.

As for the argument that a professional hit would have succeeded. Our enemies are idiots. Remember how badly the Obama birth certificate was photoshopped. I have done a whole lot of documents in Gimp, and each of them was done way better than that.

As for the argument that such a conspiracy involves far too many, our enemies are prone to involving far too many people, because power is distributed in far too many small bite sized pieces, and as a result, their conspiracies leak. They are unworried by leaky conspiracies, because they have the press, the FBI, and the DOJ. If we get actually useful replacements for the TLAs, a huge number of people are going to jail.

A financialized economy is a lie. What really happens in a financialized economy is that wealth does not come from creating value, like fracking, the cybertruck, and Musk’s rockets, but from politics. The wealthy are judges, senior civil servants such as Fauci, and politicians like Biden. If I was in the shoes of Trump and Vance, I would ask for some advice and manpower from a clean economy like Singapore, and then put our entire financialized elite in prison for life plus four hundred years. Since this would require putting ninety percent of our judges in prison for life plus four hundred years, this will require military tribunals. Our rulers are not only corrupt, they are carelessly and incompetently corrupt, because backed by the FBI and DOJ.

Hesiod says:

Again, what is your ultimate point? Let’s assume for the sake of discussion that it has been photoshopped. What now? What comes next?

As to your actual allegiance, I have not a clue. Seemed rather odd to see someone here singing the same tune as the deep state, though.

Humungus says:


“…what is your ultimate point?”

Already stated above.

“…What comes next?”

Not Humungus’ problem yet. Not until the complete collapse of civilization. Already made my plans clear.

I would like you to understand the stakes of what is about to unfold. For that, you need to see truth. When Trump/Vance gets installed, this country may go to war in the Middle East. Some of you will be drafted and maybe 10 years from now, sit in a VA hospital waiting for your physical therapy session for a missing leg.

Don’t take it personal.


A very detailed response, thank you. I will take some time to think about your point of view.

jim says:

> When Trump/Vance gets installed, this country may go to war in the Middle East.

We have been around this before. They told us Trump would take us to war, instead, he brought peace and prosperity. Back when Vance was a shitlib, he criticized Trump on the grounds that Trump would take us to war.

The faction that wants war is the imperial faction, that gets rich shaking down the provinces: The keptocrats.

The peace faction are those, like Musk, Vance, and Trump, who acquired their wealth honestly.

Trump believes in peace through strength. Peace through strength goes down a whole lot smoother if you are not interested in resuming the 1990s looting of Russia.

Hesiod says:

Ok, let’s see if I understand:

The picture of the passing bullet is fake, which means people are being tricked into voting for the Bad Orange Man who, at the bidding of his j00 masters, will send Anglin’s audience to limb-loss doom, much like the tragic protagonist in the commie propaganda movie Johnny Got His Gun.

Am I doing it right?

Contaminated NEET says:


That sounds plausible. It’s what I would do if I were a sinister shadowy puppet-master.

Humungus says:

You’re jumping ahead. At this point, I want to establish if the photo is real.

This picture could be easily created with Photoshop more easily than catching a random bullet on film.

The motive for creating fake photos can be speculated on by someone else later. I’m only interested in a Physics and Probability explanation of this.

Hesiod says:

Just saw this over on AC’s site. Alleges some photographers knew ahead of time to be prepped for the moment.

Humungus says:

I read that. If we assume the photographer was in on it, he would set the shutter fast, 1/8000 but would still need to synchronize it with the rifle being fired. And a lot of practice.

Making this type of assumption would require a skilled photographer experienced in taking bullet pictures because there was only one chance to get it right. But on the other hand, they hired an incompetent marksman?

Vendat Tunicam says:

He is not trying to take a picture of the bullet, but rather Trump getting his brains blown out. They wanted a trophy. “See what we did to your leader you filthy MAGAts? You’re next!” It doesn’t matter if he gets it exactly when the bullet hits Trump, he just has to get him as he is falling down but before SS jumps on the body.

But God is on our side, not there’s. Trump’s emphatic style of speaking saved his life.

Pete says:

Yes and by Tuesday morning latest, all shitlibs would have been posting pictures of themselves wearing T-shirts with a pic of Trump’s head going “back and to the left,” or drinking coffee out of mugs showing Trump’s head exploding.

And they would have big, smug, triumphant shit-eating grins on their faces while doing it. Which is why I don’t care if some of them are getting fired now.

jim says:

Given obvious indications of strangely setup ladder, why not a strangely setup camera?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Your future depends on firings becoming rather more literal.

Adam says:

Yes let the streets run red with the blood of the scribes.

Mister Grumpus says:

If that photo is for real then I’m terrified. If that streak in the picture is about a foot long, and an AR’s muzzle speed is 3300 ft/sec, then that would imply a frame exposure time of 1/3000th if a second, and a frame rate even faster than that.

So 99% it’s fake, or 1% someone actually had a super-speed slow-motion camera out there, with a zillion gigabytes of disk space in it, for one singular and obvious reason. I’m as conspiratorial as hell and even I can’t buy that.

jim says:

Why not? Ladder was setup for this event, why not a camera?

Humungus says:

“Why not?”

Because you would have to include the cameraman in the conspiratorial plot. Something we can’t prove yet.

The more people involved in the conspiracy, the more likely someone will talk later.

A conspiracy this deep as suggested would hire a professional sniper to do the job.

It would be very easy to just use a computer to edit the photograph. Much cheaper. A photo like this has monetary value.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The kinds of people who take pictures for state newspapers are much more ‘politically reliable’ – but also unlikely to be any good in a gunfight. And vice versa; which is our so-called “EHC’s” whole problem.

Mister Grumpus says:

“A conspiracy this deep as suggested would hire a professional sniper to do the job.”

Hang on, Mungus. I posit that the dead White patsy with the pre-blanked social media is actually a requirement. If no one ever figured out who did it, then more people would suspect the government.

Likewise, if some FBI people wanted to kidnap the governor of Michigan, they could just go out and do that, but that wasn’t the point. The point is get some enemies to do it, or to almost do it, and then “catch” THEM.

This also helps to explain why it was a rifle attack and not a drone attack.

Finally, note how an AR was used for this. A hunting rifle would have worked so much better, but no, they wanted to “catch” an AR in the act instead.

It’s all so crazy. They can’t just kill somebody and sneak off into the night. They also have to take a selfie and publicly cry out in pain while doing it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Super-slow-motion cameras are very big, expensive and weird looking. Very conspicuous. They don’t look like regular cameras at all. There are YouTube channels about them, which is why I think I know anything about them at all.

jim says:

OK, that is convincing evidence it is a photoshop — in that we should have photos of the camera that took the bullet photo, as we have photos of the photographer who took the iconic photo of trump rallying the crowd under the flag.

FrankNorman says:

I’m dubious all round. If I had done such a photo-edit, I think I’d have made the streak from the bullet look more obviously in line with Trump’s ear.

Cloudswrest says:

3300 ft/second is muzzle velocity. At 150 yards it’s down to about 2600 ft/sec.
1/2000 sec shutter speed does not seem unheard of on a bright sunny day. A consumer Canon EOS 5D has a max shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second. Frame rate is irrelevant. It’s a probabilistic event, like Trump turning his head at just the right moment.

Fake says:

The photo didn’t show the bullet, right? It showed the air displacement from the supersonic bullet, right? So that air displacement will hang around for longer than the 2600fps object.

Humungus says:

“…It’s a probabilistic event…”

Your math looks right.

This is the answer I was waiting for.

Can anyone calculate the probability of this without using a strobe to synchronize the camera shutter to the rifle firing? Just blind luck.

Cloudswrest says:

The probability of a bullet being in the frame is the shutter period, say 0.5 ms, divided by the frame period (say 1/120) = 8.333 ms.

0.5/8.333 = 6% chance.

Mister Grumpus says:

007 or the Smarter Every Day goy from Alabama might pull this off after a week of dry run’s, but not the Fupa Karen Krew, no. Not a fucking chance.

Humungus says:


Thank you for the discussion.

Humungus has read all your replies and will meditate on them for a time.

MuskFan says:

Shill Test: Women are are happiest when they are property of alpha males

Who’s reading for President Camel Toe!

Yul Bornhold says:

Some leftoid faction (I don’t know who) is really trying to run the failing… failing… failed script on Biden. It’s hilarious because we get repeated “leaks” to the media that “doddering Biden faces inevitably of stepping down–he’ll be gone soon!” and then an hour later the old man or one of his cronies will vehemently deny it. The absolute best result would be if we ended up with the Left running two candidates against each other in the general but that’s too optimistic.

Neurotoxin says:

It has accelerated in the last two or three days.

Washington Post today:

Obama tells allies Biden’s path to winning reelection has greatly diminished

The former president, hugely influential in the party, has told associates that Biden’s path to victory has significantly shrunk.

Former president Barack Obama has told allies in recent days that President Biden’s path to victory has greatly diminished and he thinks the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, according to multiple people briefed on his thinking.

MuskFan says:

Sounds like he’s really going to be out soon. The DNC is basically refusing to hold the convention until he drops out. President Camel Toe awaits us.

Neurotoxin says:

Another item: In the last 36 hours or so we’ve gotten more rumors from inside the Dem camp that Biden is going to drop out of the race by the end of this Sunday. The Biden camp denies this. So here’s my read: The predictions/rumors that he’ll drop out by Sunday are actually a threat to him (actually his wife) that if he doesn’t drop out by Sunday, something bad will happen. Old crimes of his will suddenly be discovered by the media, or there will be a tragic accident with the dosage of one of his medications, etc.

The “rumors” about Sunday are actually a deadline.

The specific date also makes this hypothesis easily falsifiable. If Biden hasn’t dropped out of the race by Sunday night, and if there isn’t some startling piece of bad news for him by say Tuesday, then my guess is wrong.

Dharmicreality says:

Yeah, I am guessing that “Covid” will do its job if Biden doesn’t step down.

Mister Grumpus says:

If Biden dies of “Covid” in that hospital, watch them cremate his ass and scatter the ashes over Chesapeake Bay from a black helicopter 30 minutes later.

Epstein didn’t kill himself, and Biden didn’t have Covid.

I’m 98% sure that Trump was supposed to die, obviously, but only SO THAT they could use another thinly-red-hat-adjacent patsy with wiped social media to “kill” Biden next, or at least get shot to death 30 times right next to it happening. (Sirhan Sirhan all over again, etc. Just ask RFK Junior!)

Jim’s right. It’s not that assassinating public figures is that hard, especially with all the drone stuff today, but rather that anyone smart enough to not get lost on the way, show up on time and pull it off is automatically suspicious to them of being disbelieving or disloyal.

Compare this to South Africa today. All Afrikaners should have been dead as fried chicken by now, but their enemies with absolute power just can’t get anyone with some brains to show up IRL and finish the job. It’s just psychos and dumbasses sending emails to each other.

Encelad says:

Neurotoxin’s guessing was right.

Yul Bornhold says:

“President Biden is failing… failing… anyway, as I was saying, President Harris is…”

“Wait. Say that again. I think I missed a step.”

The media is strangely incurious about Biden making the announcement only on his personal account (which he doesn’t personally run) and not on his officials. The media hasn’t noticed that the announcement didn’t sync with official White House website or campaign website. The media has been indifferent to the lack of a Biden video or even a photograph.

They seem to have skipped the “failed” stage of “failing… failing… failed” and that’s odd. Whoever ran the coup seems to have done a rushed and botched job, like the incompetent headsmen who can’t quite get the head off its spine.

someDude says:

Neuro, Neuro, Neuro!

All hail the Oracle

jim says:

Biden “drops out” by suddenly disappearing at Neurotoxin’s deadline.

The time between “falling falling falling” and actual violence is getting shorter.

Neurotoxin says:

Man, I step away from the Net for a few days and eventful stuff happens!

Neurotoxin says:

“All hail the Oracle”

Aw, shucks! Now subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll tell you what hot stocks to buy! Just $12.95/month!

someDude says:

Don’t forget that the analysis regarding the stock picks comes with sophisticated political humor

Neurotoxin says:

Thanks. God knows, Clown World provides plenty of comedic material.

someDude says:

For the unsophisticated plebs, yes. But the bourgeoisie demands sophisticated and subtle humor that will pass right over the heads of the plebs.

Hesiod says:

The Oracle section of 2112 is now in your honor.

Some interesting conjecture here (I’m not Sundance either):

Neurotoxin says:

Rush reference, sweet!

The link is interesting. It’s implied that they hit him in the face with a lead pipe and told him, “You’re dead unless you confirm that you’re not campaigning.” Hmm.

jim says:

Exactly on the schedule predicted by Neurotoxin, Biden suffers “undisclosed medical emergency

Which doubtless much resembles Trumps disclosed medical emergency.

I would guess that they planned to murder Trump and “retire” Biden, and the murder of Trump having missed, are going right along with the Biden retirement, and will very shortly attempt to do something about Trump.

What they want is a uniparty Republican and a uniparty Democrat, and the uniparty Democrat can win the election without the fraud reaching hilarious and embarrassing levels.

Neurotoxin says:

It’s obvious that they’re covering up his severe incapacitation or even death. I’m trying to figure out what they have to gain by covering it up. The only thing I can think of is this: They want “Biden” to do some politically unpopular stuff – pardons of criminal Dems, Executive Order that makes saying the word “border” a capital crime, whatever – so they can have those things without politically damaging Harris. But if that’s true, why haven’t they been doing that? (Or have they, and I just haven’t noticed?)

jim says:

Watching Donald Trump Junior discuss the assassination. He suggested that the results of the investigation of secret service failure have not only already been written up, but were written up before the attempted assassination. (Lone assassin fall guy, local cop fall guy.)

He suggests that after an eighteen month, fifty million dollar investigation, a report will be issued that was written hours before the bullet was fired.

His guest then implies the media were and are in on it — which is what in the above post I concluded from the news headlines.

Fidelis says:

This whole incident was so inconspicuously planned, it makes me wonder if the intention was to not just remove Trump, but make it clear that it was people — with names and addresses, *ahem* — that have pull over various alphabet agencies are willing and able to kill opposition in broad daylight.

notglowing says:

Did you mean to write “conspicuously planned”?

yewotm8 says:

I’ve been thinking about this, and unless they’re unfathomably stupid, I don’t believe Crooks was the real shooter. The guy who took the shot that barely missed Trump (or even all of the shots) could have just as easily been in the building beneath Crooks. I have no proof of this but it just seems much more likely. Why would they go to all this trouble/risk of setting up the assassination then rely on that kid to land the shot instead of a professional? They can’t be that dumb.

Maybe I just don’t want to accept how dumb they are.

jim says:

It was an easy shot, and the shooter would have nailed Trump had he not moved his head at exactly the wrong moment. So, likely Crooks was the real shooter. A professional shooting at that exact moment would have missed for exactly that reason.

It is also the same pattern as the fall guy for the attempted assassination of Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, so likely organised by the same people for the same reasons.

someDude says:

If they keep getting away with more and more blatant stuff, then what’s the problem with getting dumber and dumber? Being subtle requires effort and consumes resources.

Mister Grumpus says:

So in that case the Schoolbook Repository and the Grassy Knoll would have been the rooftop and the interior of the same fucking building, respectively. I’m some kind of speechless, but I’m not sure which kind. It’s the dumbest evil plan I’ve ever heard of.

skippy says:

“Why would they go to all this trouble/risk of setting up the assassination then rely on that kid to land the shot instead of a professional?”

The problem with using a professional shooter is not the absence of professional shooters but finding someone reliable and what to do with the shooter before/after.

A professional shooter is usually someone smart with plenty to lose and many armed friends. What is in it for him to get involved in a plot like this? Also, how do you identify a reliable such shooter without risking him reporting your plot – a report that is likely to be taken much more serious than a report from a groomed 18 year old patsy.

They are using disposable people who suck, because that is the best they can get given their other constraints.

Pete says:

Only a complete loser with nothing going on in his life or very mentally ill would take the job.

Because he either understands he won’t live through it, or he’s dumb/crazy enough to believe his FBI handler when the handler says “I’ll help you escape afterwards.”

Aidan says:

Some leftist dork who happens to have practice with guns is really the best -reliable- talent they could get. The mob hitmen who shoot people like Seth Rich aren’t going to pull off a high profile political assassination because they know they aren’t going to get away with it. These hits rely on a strange disinterest from police investigators to work- you can’t headshot the president on live tv and expect to walk away. And they don’t trust an exmil sniper to not be a fan of Trump. Like Jim said, a hundred yards isn’t a hard shot.

The shooter may have been suicidal or just young and dumb enough to believe that if access was granted to him, egress would be granted as well and he’d be up fifty bitcoin and a plane ticket to the tropics.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A professional would know better than to take a job to kill Trump. Even if foolish enough to accept, would have put a round center mass rather than going for the risky but spectacular headshot. Probably also would have been running at least a 30 caliber round to make sure that body armor would not be an issue. This reeks of amateur looking to make a statement. Using an AR-15 to headshot Trump was the goal so they could rub it in our faces. Oft evil will, will evil mar.

The Cominator says:

Trump probably has a bullet proof vest so they were instructed to go for the head.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It would not matter if he was using a more serious cartridge. A standard FMJ .308, for example, will make even Level IV plates an iffy proposition, and that’s before you get the good stuff like AP rounds. Trump would have been wearing Level III soft armor at most, and .308 would have gone through it like tissue paper. They did not choose an AR-10, because they wanted the AR-15 to be the murder weapon. They wanted the optics of his head exploding after being shot with an AR-15. That is also why they had the high-speed camera set up that caught the bullet in flight.

Mister Grumpus says:

Lots of “bravery”, “loyalty” and “warrior” talk at the RNC tonight. I wish Donald had his 2016 wits and energy with him, but we can’t miss the vocabulary.

Maybe it’s intentional. Maybe it’s only appropriate to turn down the hype after their hope was nearly murdered and self-admittedly “shouldn’t be here”. Maybe everyone in the crowd knows what’s coming and tonight is our last chance to quietly reflect, reminisce and pray among friends.

alf says:

Grumpus I am still manually approving your comments. Have you tried logging in as a user?

Pax Imperialis says:

alf, off topic, but is your website down temporarily or do you plan on getting it back up?

alf says:

Yeah that’s totally on me. I’ll get it up somewhere down the road.

jim says:

There is another thing you missed: The emphasis on family — which is preparation for hereditary monarchy. Though no doubt their rationale is additional assassination insurance rather than monarchy.

But if you are using patrilineal family as assassination insurance, that is a threat: “If you kill me, you are going to get civil war followed by hereditary monarchy.”

Cloudswrest says:

Speaking of the Trump family, although I haven’t been watching a lot, one person I haven’t seen any of this time around is Ivanka! Or blessedly, her oleaginous husband.

Neurotoxin says:

There is another thing you missed: The emphasis on family — which is preparation for hereditary monarchy.

Whoa whoa whoa Jim, you’re on Musk time again. Obviously democracy ended a long time ago, and obviously it will explicitly end sooner or later, but not yet. Right now, out there in Normie land, “hereditary monarchy” is not even a thinkable thought, let alone something that a politician could say, even as a dog whistle.

Dharmicreality says:

But the Overton window seems to have moved considerably Right in the last year or so and seems that hereditary monarchy isn’t all *that* far off the table.

Neurotoxin says:

I agree with notglowing below, who says that – at the moment – it’s positioned such that advocating it (to Normies) would get you not so much cancelled as laughed at.

Of course monarchy is coming sooner or later, and hereditary monarchy at the same time or soon after, since it solves the entryism problem.

Since the US thinks of itself as “That nation that righteously overthrew monarchy,” of course it won’t be called that. It will called, uh, a Strong Executive Model with Patrilineal Transfer of Power, or something.

jim says:

The founding fathers were in favour of a strong executive.

Of course the history of America is that strong executive being progressively white anted, and then a president seizes power, the most recent such seizure being FDR.

JFK was murdered by the presidency, and following this successful assassination the presidency has grown ever more powerful, and the president ever less powerful.

To fix this problem, a strong president is going to need more than four years. More than eight years. Took Augustus Caesar twelve years to bring order to the government of Rome, and he had busy death squads.

notglowing says:

Hereditary monarchy is at a level in the overton window where talking about it will not even get you cancelled, it will simply get you laughed at.

The Cominator says:

You don’t get to a republic (ie an oligarchy) to a monarchy without a Caesar (a successful and popular dictator in between) to either found the new ruling dynasty himself or have an avenging successor do so.

Mister Grumpus says:

Peter wasn’t trying to be a Pope, and the first king of a dynasty is never understood seen as a king at the time.

The Cominator says:

The Papacy was founded by Gregory VII in the 11th century and was always fake and gay and had nothing to with Christ or Peter. It has a lot to do with the woman in Purple and Scarlet of Revealations…

Jehu says:

It’s an easier sell to conservatives in heavily Blue states. I tell them—hey, do you really want the will of THESE people to prevail?

Mister Grumpus says:

Tucker already redefined “democracy” on live TV as a leader, the nation’s bravest MAN, ruling and serving his people while ALSO giving a fuck about their lives, hopes and desires, after noting how hardly any “elected” officials do anymore, nor implicitly have to.

He also nodded to how “God is among us” and that Trump has caught 31 flavors of repression, right up to getting fucking shot in broad daylight (with the assistance of the Secret Service no less, and nothing is more “The Government” than the Secret Service), none of which has anything to do with winning or not winning votes. In fact he didn’t mention “votes” at all. He and Hulk Hogan were speaking right past that subject entirely, silently acknowledging that we’re well past “votes” mattering. Just ask the left and they’ll explain that if “we” allow people to choose their President AND Presidency then they’ll choose wrong, so they must be stopped.

(Did Trump raise his fist and chant “Vote vote vote!”?)

There’s nothing less “Our Democracy” than that. The overton window is moving faster than our collective vocabulary to see, notice, think and talk about these things. Normalcy bias is being overrun by events.

This was going to happen eventually. The ruling left’s “legitimacy” now depends on the “votes” of women, homos, parasites and dumbasses, none of whom deserve any interfering or extractive power over the productive fraction of society, the people who each of us NEEDS to survive. Children without fathers aren’t “liberated”. They’re in DANGER. We can all smell that, and we can smell the looming PERSONAL peril of letting this “Our Democracy” thing go on for much longer.

Fred says:

OT (@FistedFoucault confirmed as leftist shill):

Oy vey goy, being a prog is ok if you’re fat and poor!

That home depot cashier lady should have been fired for being a fat fuck, let alone her repulsive opinions, for which she should be fed into a plastic shredder alongisde Karlin-tier useless eater FBF.

DH says:

As the soyjak redditors are fond of saying, “Freedom of speech is no freedom from consequences.”

Fidelis says:

It was obvious he was either very dumb or compromised ages ago when he wrote something like “Turbo-America” and used all of L’s talking points about how the GAE is eternal and inevitable.

anonymous mouse says:

It’s obviously cruel to get a minimum wage worker fired for making a stupid comment. If she was a politician or journo, whatever, but this kind of thing is clearly wrong.

LibsofTikTok is a woman. Publicly shaming random nobodies for meaningless off-color offensive comments is feminine, gay, and “longhoused”.

Dharmicreality says:

> minimum wage worker

In a theocracy with open entry priesthood every lowly prole aspires to be a priest or at least makes priestly noises in public to prove his or her holiness from time to time.

This stupid prole woman made some feeble priestly noises about wishing Trump dead that she thought would be regime approved and would get some likes on social media… Normally this would have been overlooked, but obviously the political winds are changing even for normies.

This is why in any sane society proles should be generally discouraged from making priestly noises in public and proles making excessive priestly noises in public should get a friendly inquisitorial visit.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, she is a volunteer commisar for the regime, and she is a useful object lesson. How many people on the right have had to stay silent or risk having their lives turned upside down? Now it is the leftists’s turn to fear the consequences of saying the wrong thing.

These people want you dead, your country destroyed, your women and children raped, and they think it is funny. They wanted to throw you in jail for not wearing a mask or take your kids for not poisoning them with the demon vaxx. Making them fear the consequences of all that is a good start. If you do not have the stomach for punishing our enemies, you might want to step away. This is going to get worse.

Jamesthe1st says:

Whoever is gay and countersignalling this I guarantee will start crying when the deportations start.

Neurotoxin says:

“this kind of thing is clearly wrong.”

No. When the enemy shoots at you, you must shoot back.

The Cominator says:

The leftist started this war under the childish delusion they would cancel everyone else and nobody would cancel them. Against Peter Navarro, Scott Atlas, Alex Jones and 1000s of other they put this theory into effect. They have sowed the wind and now they will reap the whirlwind.

skippy says:

If there is any argument for magnanimity it is to be magnanimous after having clearly won. The first resistors need to be completely destroyed.

Hesiod says:

Sen. Hawley says, “Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel.”

Mister Grumpus says:

I want to effort-post about this, but all anyone here needs to do is listen to Tucker’s speech from the other day and note the blinking neon reactionary “coding”, as the speech coders will put it. (Go ahead, play it for yourself, and chime in with what you notice too.)

Did he even mention “votes” at all? This isn’t election talk. This is war talk.

“Of course [the Butler, PA crowd] didn’t run away, because Trump’s courage gave them heart. That’s what a leader does.”

“The leader is the bravest man, period.”

“A husband’s duty is to his family, an officer’s duty is to his men and a leader’s duty is to his people.”

(Watch the chicks eat this up, BTW.)

And then finally, a blatant and convincing reframe of (the last 50 years of) “democracy” as completely illegitimate, because no one in charge gives a shit about what the actual citizens want.

“JD Vance’s views on these questions most closely match Trump’s and the voters’, so he’s the vice president. There you go! Actual ‘democracy’.”

And then closing with a call to God:

“And you’re thinking ‘Wait a minute. This doesn’t look like ‘politics’ at all. This is something else. What the heck is it?'”

You can’t miss it. You just can’t. I was amazed.

“And now I think it’s going to be OK somehow. I really do.”

jim says:

One may summarise Tucker’s speech

At the Butler rally, Trump was appointed King by Divine Providence.

Trump is King by the Grace of God. He is King now. The elections and all that are just America’s way of formalising it and holding a coronation.

In the language of the Dark Enlightenment, warriors follow courage, so warriors will follow him. In the language of faith, Divine Providence has given us a King.

Hesiod says:

Exactly. Tucker gave the modern equivalent of Uryens’ speech when he knights the young Arthur in the Boorman Excalibur:

Mister Grumpus says:

Well synopsized. It was some real Constantine-sees-the-cross type shit.

Anonymous Fake says:

Trump is king by stupid and random luck. He has not honored God in the least.

jim says:

God saved him and appointed him King because he was worthy. And he proved his worth by thinking of his followers first, and they proved their worth by thinking of him and each other first.

He is worthy because he took the risk of standing up to assure his followers that his injury was minor, and his followers are worthy because instead of fleeing, they were pointing at the assassin and seeking to discover if Trump was OK.

The Cominator says:

Neither have you papist leftist demoralization shill.

Alfred says:

Let us all know when you give God leave to use Trump as an instrument of His will.

skippy says:

Science is about the reproducible and controlable, and science shows us that God has made laws for reproducible and controlable universe that appear to be constant. He cannot change and cannot lie.

God speaks to us through the un-reproducible, the un-controlable.

DH says:

“And you’re thinking ‘Wait a minute. This doesn’t look like ‘politics’ at all. This is something else. What the heck is it?’”

That’s what it sounds like when someone sheds his normality bias.

“And there are weeks when decades happen.”

Mister Grumpus says:

2024 RNC was essentially a bunch of normies getting remedial classes in calling things by their rightful names and declaring bankruptcy on bullshit.

“The leader is the bravest man. Period. It’s a law of NATURE.” –Tucker Carlson

It releases a lot of energy, confessing your “sins” and laying down your burdens like that.

Twitter ran a TV news frame showing all the “prominent” Republicans who didn’t even show up. Bushes, Romneys, Cheneys, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, all forgotten now. Their world has vanished like a fart in a tornado.

Mister Gumpus says:

I’m kind’a playing dumb here, but also kind’a not. I’m not getting any smarter, and I’ve never been as happy as I have been lately, after learning damn good and well how dumb I’ve been, all my life, about so many things. So here goes nothing:

Why can’t the Bidens just accept some loot and quit the race? Why on earth are they hanging on? Don’t they know their own party will kill them off if they don’t? What the heck is going on?

Don’t they get it? Don’t they see what we see? Or do they truly and genuinely perceive themselves as flawless, righteous, anointed and infinitely deserving? It’s not just an act?

Is it because none of these motherfuckers trust each other not to backstab them on the way out? Because “no deal is possible”, even between them, now that the “honorable” villains have quit the stage, leaving behind no one but crooks and psychos?

Someone explained to me that Vladimir Putin was special, and chosen by the oligarchs to be President of Russia after Yeltsin, because he was the only guy they believed wouldn’t break all his promises and immediately screw them over after attaining power. The Dem’s need someone like that now.

Will the Bidens have to hide out in the Trump Tower luxury basement for a while? How crazy will this get?

jim says:

> Don’t they get it? Don’t they see what we see? Or do they truly and genuinely perceive themselves as flawless, righteous, anointed and infinitely deserving? It’s not just an act.

Yes they see what we see, and yes they they truly and genuinely perceive themselves as flawless, righteous, anointed and infinitely deserving.

Hence the saying social justice warriors always project. Their moral sensibilities are conveniently disconnected from external and empirical reality. They believe that accusing you of whatever they are doing renders you guilty and themselves spotlessly innocent of whatever they are doing. That the confident and bombastic tone of righteousness is all there is to righteousness, that there is no connection to external reality because there is no external reality.

Similarly, effective altruists believe that they are being being highly effective in curing malaria, feeding the hungry, and so on and so forth, without any need for potentially inconvenient measures how much food how many hungry people received. Indeed, actually feeding the hungry is wastefully ineffective altruism. The hungry will just eat it. Their altruism is wonderfully more effective than that.

If one is being effectively altruistic to far away strangers located in places one could not find on a map, one is conveniently insulated from any potentially inconvenient feedback on how effective one’s altruism actually is.

The Cominator says:

Lady Macbeth doesn’t understand what her party is whining about why don’t they just steal it again plausibility be damned (and she doesn’t seem to realize Musk and Thiel and the GOP under the control of the Trump family plan to make that difficult) and if she quits she wants billions. Joe is non compos mentis and he was stupid before that. Hunter realizes the gravy train dries up as soon as his dad leaves office.
> there is no connection to external reality because there is no external reality.
Yes this too.

Also they don’t think the Democrats can just have the vegetable whacked but they almost certainly can. Just give him the wrong medication.

Hesiod says:

“Stupid and random luck” as our resident shill so succinctly put it further down is the uncaused cause for the snake cult. So, there is nothing but the strive for power which is just another hunger to satiate. Can you get a beast easily away from its feed?

The Cominator says:

Talk of Hillary replacing Biden if they do that… it means they needed her to ah remove Biden from the ticket the way Hillary removes people.

Mister Grumpus says:

Does the Biden team have ANYONE who knows about the Bolsheviks versus the Mensheviks, and how it worked out for the Mensheviks?

We have Jack Posobiec (as suspicious a character as he might be) working this topic out in cleartext on Alex Jones, but do any of THEM know this story? I mean come on, man!

Gedeon says:

There’s a contest between the legacy usury PTB (“BIMO” = banking, industrial, military, oil = NY, London, Tokyo, Jerusalem) vs the digital communists (WEF)/BRICS/Tel Aviv) over who will dominate the full integration of digital globalization.

My read, four years on from 2020, beginning with the immediate failure of the BBB bankruptcy reorganization in 2021, is that a Trump inauguration would have collapsed the U.S. and world into chaos via WEF having done the groundwork to launch a second American Revolution on the social fulcrum of saint Floyd. General Soleimani was freshly turned into garden fertilizer and he was a single point of failure in WEF’s industrial coercive capability. Disagree or not, BIMO maintains industrial military dominance. I have refrained from commenting on this for several years now because time will have to bear this out.

In any case, I believe the 2020 DNC ticket was a negotiated ticket with BIMO selecting their guy in Delaware (Inc. state for globalism in U.S. – English chancery law). WEF put in Harris and got to staff a lot of key cabinet positions, knowing the Biden was already senile and would not serve out his full term. I think it was 2022 when CNN started publicizing the Hunter laptop and strong move started to pressure Biden out of office was launched. We now know that Hunter has been sitting in on his old man’s meetings to the chagrin of the cabinet and staffers, so this means Hunter has appropriate clearances already. Kushner and Ivanka both needed to become special POTUS advisors to get their clearances. Ergo, the reason Hunter will not face any prosecution for all of his foreign activities is that he was doing them as an intelligence asset and covered by blanket immunity. This also squares the ex-intel signed letter sanitizing the laptop news as Russian disinfo. The only crime they’ve stuck to Hunter is lying on a 4473 about drug use to purchase a cowboy gun, a crime that is unconstitutional on its face. This is a weak federal crime.

Given the recent full court press to force Biden out of the race, I believe BIMO learned in 2020 that they cannot logistically defeat the vote rigging machine of WEF. From technology, to meatspace ballot stuffers and counters to media top cover, they simply cannot determine outcomes in a straight up race anymore. So the strategy that they have embraced is to stand up Biden past the convention and make it logistically impossible for WEF to install a viable candidate with neither time to campaign nor even time to print up and distribute the physical ballots for fixing the election votes.

Hesiod says:
Dharmicreality says:

I don’t follow the Indian media’s coverage of the West much, but Arnab, India’s most prominent mainstream right wing journalist recently blasted “liberal extremism” in America and their downplaying Trump’s assassination attempt

Just watch a few minutes into the video to get the gist. No need to watch the full show.

It appears that a significant section of the non-globohomo Indian mainstream right wing media has betted solidly on Trump returning to the White House, though of course for outward appearance we maintain neutrality in the internal affairs of another country.

Also there are some articles about how Modi prefers dealing with Trump as a republican president, the personal equation between Modi and Trump being quite good, and maybe that is the reason why India continues disregarding the GAE’s incessant warnings in respect of India-Russia relationships.

The Cominator says:

Off topic a bit and I know most of you have families and probably don’t go out much but as far as Overton window, and shifts and normal psychology… has anyone noticed that women are a LOT nicer and friendlier lately as if it was two decades ago (and there are more attractive ones out in public too suddenly though the shift there is not as dramatic as their manner)…

It started right after the retarded I choose the bear shit meme got replaced by the sloppy blowjob girl meme. I swear nothing about me has improved suddenly…

Hesiod says:

Have noticed cleavage is back in style with a vengeance for the younger lasses. O glorious days…

The Cominator says:

Yes the dress is less mannish too suddenly some are even wearing skirts again… but the most dramatic change they seem way way way nicer lately… in a way I haven’t seen since raves were a big thing a couple decades ago like someone just flicked a switch. The whole don’t look at me or talk to me at all unless you’re the gigachad attitude just seems to have vanished. And it all started right around the time the sloppy blowjob meme girl (aka Hawk Tuah) went viral… was this some glownigger social engineering, do even women sense that clownworld is in its twilight.

Its a very welcome development and I’m absolutely not complaining but I’m just wondering what is going on. I know militant 3rd wave feminism was a psyop and I know there were a whole bunch of bad memes that went around when it started… but is it just me or does it seem like someone just turned it off. And how did they do it… was it really just promoting the sloppy blowjob meme girl…

Hesiod says:

So, you’re saying our Com is back in the saddle again?

Well done, lad.

The Cominator says:

No improvement on my part I swear…

Aidan says:

Political violence, chaos, instability, makes women horny

Jehu says:

That’s probably true. You can also learn a lot about what’s going on in people’s gut by looking at what is low quality but nevertheless genuinely popular in literature.

Pax Imperialis says:

Joe ‘I will win it’ Biden

18 hours later, Joe ‘Stand Down’ Biden

Hesiod says:
notglowing says:

Biden is out.
Honestly, not good.
Among other things, it shows they haven’t actually given up on winning 2024.
They would’ve let Biden continue otherwise. They put all their efforts into ousting him.

The Cominator says:

The optimistic appraisal is that it is to prevent a downballot massacre of the Democratic party (which was apparently what Chunk Yogurt was told).

Pax Imperialis says:

Who doesn’t vote downballot these days?

The Cominator says:

Its also good news in one way… even if they rig it I just can’t imagine a worse leader than Biden was except for Pol Pot. May he die and reap his “reward” from the allmighty soon…

Karl says:

Biden wasn’t able to do much leading. I doubt his replacement will be allowed to lead in any meaningful way.

It’s rule by committee, probably not even by one committe, but rather by a fairly large number of committees that are at odds with each other.

Pol Pot was in power. Biden wasn’t and his replacement won’t be.

The Cominator says:

Generally most presidents will try to at least slow down some bad ideas from the presidency as even Obama did… Biden to the extent he could act was no lets do this left wing bad idea but twice as much as suggested. Lets not leave a couple border stations wide open LEAVE IT ALL open.

Alfred says:

I wouldn’t be so sure. If the candidate is Harris, and it seems like he just endorsed her, she is one of the only people who could do worse than Dementia Joe. She has negative charisma.

notglowing says:

That piece of information came after my post. If it’s Kamala, it might really be worse for them than Biden, though switching the candidate last minute, all bets are off.
Trump couldn’t have legitimately lost against Biden.
Though, that might not matter either way.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think Musk would give Trump 45 million a month if he thought another 2020 vote fraud operation was inevitable.

Mister Grumpus says:

What choice does he have? Nobody non-Han is going to Mars with The Cackler on top for any longer than a week or two.

BTW, the naggy whiny bitch voice really was a requirement for her, wasn’t it? She’d never have made it this far without it?

Mister Grumpus says:

Well at least Old Joe escaped with his life. I’m convinced that both he and Trump were supposed to die, and then it would be Kamala vs “Haley” or some other lose-lose drain-circling shit like that.

So now it’s all about racism racism racism. Can they “racist” the negroes and soccer moms back into line (and print enough votes for Manuel and Carlos)? If they can’t then this will break the word “racism” and the poisonous legacy of Karen Privilege forever. Like Jim always says, even hitting the breaks on that shit for just 6 months and the shark drowns for generations.

Can they rally enough decent-IQ whites to arrange the 2024 steal? For that ditzy whiny bitch, in a depression and on the brink of nuclear war? Can they find enough people to choose poverty and risk mass death over being called “racist” for a day? We’ll see.

Mister Grumpus says:

Or they ice Kamala and Hag-Newsome swoop in and save the day. Who knows.

(If that actually happens then you guys can each buy me a drink in the camps as we commiserate and laugh at them not even making enough Zyklon B without their shit blue-screening.)

notglowing says:

It would be a dumb idea of Gavin Newsom to accept a candidacy.
It may be good for democrats’ chances in November but he knows that if he loses against Trump his career is over, and Trump’s chances still look good.

The Cominator says:

The Democrats being the way they are just cannot bypass a wahmin of color for a white guy just on a delegate vote.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Trump Unbowed” –> “Biden Bowed”

Calvin says:

Based on the way that this was announced on Twitter rather than with a press conference and the evident surprise of Biden’s own staff (his campaign manager was on tv saying this wouldn’t happen just this morning) I think there’s a decent chance the president just got couped by a theater kid intern.

The Cominator says:

Nah they just convinced Jill she (forget the old child molestor) was getting whacked if she didn’t get out.

Contaminated NEET says:

Possible. And hilarious.

DH says:

I can imagine them giving him a little delirious anesthesia as covid treatment, writing all the letters and signing them in his name, persuading ahem ahem the PR team to go along, and when ol’ Joe wakes up, he’ll be told that his condition has surely worsened and that he made those decisions all by himself yesterday. Afterwards he will permanently disappear from public view, so that he won’t accidentally blurt out “the funny thing is… I don’t even remember doing it.” It’s a very simple conspiracy that even the Democrat retards can pull off.

Nah, a bunch of Satan-worshipping psychopaths would never do such a thing.

DH says:

Perhaps a theater kid intern who had a random little chat with the higher ups.

Mister Grumpus says:

Wake me up when we get proof-of-life on the guy.

L says:

Just popping by for a quick “I told you so”:

L says:
2024-07-03 at 19:32
Here’s a funny prediction for y’all, which from what I’m hearing has a decent chance of happening. Biden is removed for having outlived his usefulness, Kamala is given the nomination, and your first black female president not only crushes Trump but wins historical vote totals and then doubles immigration. Every virgin rightoid here continues to cope and seethe as, once again, leftist chads notch up another irrefutable victory, proving that history is always with us.

jim says:

God has given us a King. Which does not guarantee Trump will act in a Kingly manner when Kamala gets one hundred and twenty million votes at three in the morning after all voting centres have been locked down and Republican scrutineers expelled.

On the other hand, if Trump received advice to make Vance Vice President, he has undoubtedly also received advice on what to do when Kamala gets a hundred and twenty million votes at three in the morning.

Contaminated NEET says:

Couldn’t stay away, huh? Doesn’t that tell you something? You’re supposedly hanging out with Bill Gates, the Trilateral Commission, and the Elders of Zion, toppling governments and chewing on sacrificed children’s raw adrenal glands, but you keep coming back to chat with the rightoid losers.

Gman says:

Biden posts ‘his’ resignation via tweet, with a signature that’s at odds with all the other documents he’s signed recently. No press conference, no video, no audio, no updates. He has no events today, nothing for the rest of the week, no one knows where he is.

Dude may legit be dead.

jim says:

I expected Biden to be murdered in the first few months of 2020. I was wrong — or, if not altogether wrong, on Musk time.

Karl says:

Why did you expect Biden to be murdered? He was quite willing to do what he is told by the presidency. How could the presidency benefit from replacing one puppet by a different puppet?

jim says:

The presidency is many, it is the beast with seven heads, or one of its paws. The heads quarrel.

Karl says:

Yes, of course the heads quarrel, but Biden wasn’t a head of the beast, only a figure head. When the quarrel gets serious a figure head might be killed to send a message or as collateral damage, but the members of the presidency are not yet killing each other.

Jim says:

> a figure head might be killed to send a message or as collateral damage, but the members of the presidency are not yet killing each other.

Expect the unexpected.

Violence is not escalating nearly as fast as I predicted, but it is escalating, and change is happening faster.

For a very long time, not sure how long, I predicted war and genocide internal and/or external, in 2025 or about.

Then twelve years ago amended that to 2026.

I may well need to amend it further, but so far still looks like 2026.

But as we approach crisis, things get increasingly unpredictable. If at three am following the election, Hillary Clinton locks down the counting centers, throws out the Republican scrutineers, and discovers one hundred and twenty million Hillary votes, and Trump does what a King should do, then we will be fine.

If Trump calls in the lawyers, auto genocide in 2026 or so.

But likely events will happen before November the fourth that render both of the above scenarios irrelevant.

Calvin says:

His boomer-brained normalcy bias suggests he is very unlikely to do the kingly thing. He is literally planning to attack Kamala from the left on crime:

We are far more likely to sleepwalk in WWIII than be saved by him at this point.

Incidentally, Jim, can you un-moderate me?

jim says:

You are not on moderation. WordPress is doing something bad that I do not understand.

Try logging in as described in “Moderation broken”

jim says:

Political campaigning from left or right is now irrelevant and meaningless. That he is planning to attack Kamala from the left does not indicate whether or not he thinks it relevant and meaningful.

The Cominator says:

Shills will bitch about Trump doing this but he isn’t wrong.

The Democratic approach to nigger crime is to let it rage until it becomes a problem for rich Democrats and then start just kind of arresting niggers at random and forcing them into plea deals which include jail regardless of whether they are the criminal niggers until the crime goes down enough for them to take credit for it.

The Republican approach as I see in Florida is to arrest the actual nigger criminals. I’m not really afraid of niggers in Florida even in groups because overwhelmingly the dangerous criminal niggers here don’t last long. Yes frontier justice helps too.

Calvin says:

That he is planning to attack Kamala from the left does not indicate whether or not he thinks it relevant and meaningful.

It indicates that he surrounds himself with people who do, which indicates he has not learned his lesson about personnel. Which indicates he will not do what needs doing when the election is fortified.

simplyconnected says:

But likely events will happen before November the fourth that render both of the above scenarios irrelevant.

Something could definitely happen.

Did Biden make the decision to deploy nuclear bombers in Romania? Two B-52H Stratofortress aircraft arrived at Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base yesterday. This is the first time US nuclear bombers have operated in Romania.

Obviously it wouldn’t have been Biden making the decision.

FrankNorman says:

BUFFs are not necessarily nuclear-armed, though of course they can be.
Mostly they get used for carpet-bombing with conventional munitions.

But in either case, to try to use them against Russia would be to send them on a one-way mission.

simplyconnected says:

I have to mention where I got this from:

When you’re having a coup or other forms of internal palace unrest, you position your strategic forces closer to the enemy/enemies, so they don’t get any funny ideas.

This naturally brings the world a bit closer to ending as those enemies also elevate their own nuclear postures.

He is also the one who first pointed out that the snap elections we saw recently were in European nuclear powers, and only in European nuclear powers.

Karl says:

Ah yes, something unexpected and dumb, like they fake Biden’s resignation letter, Biden protests and they kill him to prevent an accusation for forging a letter.

Mister Grumpus says:

The chances that the surprises have now stopped until November are exactly zero.

Dharmicreality says:

Speaking of Monarchy and the Overton window here’s an actual mainstream Indian media portal in 2024, reimagining Modi, Putin, Trump, Macron and Johnson as monarchs (obviously using AI):


Ps archive link doesn’t work so I posted the original url.

Dharmicreality says:

Original source seems to be a Redditor. I imagine a right winger.

Pete says:

Somewhere below, Cominator posted “I don’t think Musk would give Trump 45 million a month if he thought another 2020 vote fraud operation was inevitable.”

And it got me thinking: Musk is now utterly committed. If Trump doesn’t win, Musk will be lucky to ONLY have his companies and bank accounts taken from him and be deported. He might actually be imprisoned or killed.

Trump I hope, understands this calculus as well. If he fails to purge the government this time, he’ll be walking out of the White House directly into a prison cell along with his cabinet and anyone in the government/military who obeyed his orders. Probably his family too.

“When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” If Trump’s mind is not fully concentrated by now, there is simply no hope for him.

Calvin says:

From the way he acts so far, I fail to see any good reason to suppose he has really learned his lesson about the necessity of purges and surrounding himself with the right people.

jim says:

Vance and Don Junior are the right people.

Ivanka and her husband are the wrong people.

I see the right people moving in and the wrong people moving out.

jim says:

What I see him failing to do, which he should be doing, is lining up the Christian nationalists for a holy civil war.

Instead, exemplifying his merchant character, he is extending the olive branch to his enemies.

His enemies are unlikely to respond graciously.

So does he then fold as he did in 2020, or do what is necessary.

When his enemies tried to kill him, he said “fight, fight, fight”, not “vote, vote, vote”.

Calvin says:

And when he had the chance to elaborate, he went with yet another bog-standard call for unity with people who hate him and want nothing more than to kill him. This indicates to me that he has good immediate instincts if directly under fire, but give his conscious mind any time to consider it and he will back out. Not good for the prospects of him doing what needs to be done.

jim says:

I have been googling to see what responses to his call for unity are promoted by the official search engines.

The response is a rejection couched in language that would imply that the only way to save democracy from the Trumphitler is to assassinate him successfully this time around. They make it absolutely clear that no concessions short of cutting his own throat with a rusty razor blade will suffice.

“he has shown no willingness to listen to or compromise with those who disagree with him.”

What do you call sidelining the Christian nationalists, telling the state campaigns to go quiet on abortion, and putting a camwhore on the RNC stage?

It appears that nothing short of a pledge to open borders, to sexually mutilate and sodomise every schoolchild, and to support and endorse the imprisonment of everyone to the right of Pol Pot, including himself, would constitute unity.

Calvin says:

> They make it absolutely clear that no concessions short of cutting his own throat with a rusty razor blade will suffice.

Yes, but they made that clear before and he failed to notice or act on it. Men in their eighties have a very difficult time assimilating new information or changing their ways. This is why I am worried.

jim says:

Imprisonment and murder is apt to catch one’s attention even if one is one’s seventies.

Calvin says:

I have yet to see any evidence that it has actually done so. Has Trump even said anything about the secret service’s betrayal yet?

jim says:

If I was in his shoes, would not say anything in public either. When I am likely to commit lethal acts, I go stone faced and stone voiced.

We do not know what he is thinking. Yes, there is no evidence that it has made him think. Other than the appointment of Vance.

jim says:

Don junior is not saying that Cheatle was involved in the attempted murder of his father, but he is systematically drawing attention to evidence that makes it obvious that Cheatle was involved in this attempted murder.

Obviously Don Junior is thinking what everyone is thinking, what we on this blog are thinking. So if he is thinking it, chances are his dad is thinking it.

Gedeon says:

Just my 2c, but Vance has a fake CV and is another lab grown politico.

Trump was on the right path with General Flynn in 2016, but abandoned him as soon as words started being exchanged, pre-fight phase. I donated to Trump up to 2020 and not a cent this time.

Hit the gas; maybe Harris will be matched to Abrams and this can all accelerate for worse and for better, until death do us part.

jim says:

> Just my 2c, but Vance has a fake CV and is another lab grown politico.

Anyone who appears under his own name is either faking something, or is an enemy intent on our deaths and the destruction of all that we care about, all that is good, or true, or beautiful.

Why would anyone fake being neoreactionary? The only point of faking being neoreactionary is to spread disinformation and the black pill on the alt right. Has Vance been spreading disinformation and the black pill on the alt right?

It seems far more likely that he is really neoreactionary and is faking Rino mainstream cuckservative, than that he is really Rino mainstream cuckservative, and faking neoreactionary.

skippy says:

“Just my 2c, but Vance has a fake CV and is another lab grown politico.”

Reluctantly I agree. Vance’s CV does not read like that of a highly sophisticated infiltrator. It reads like that of an unsophisticated but disproportionately intelligent man being hired by his enemies to front a controlled opposition. A controlled opposition very far to the right, admittedly, and forcing them to do such a move is already a victory of sorts, but nonetheless controlled.

Appointing Vance preusmably the price for Thermidor’s support of Trump. He is going to back Israel in exchange for being presented domestically as merely bad and smelly, but not inherently illegitimate. Unclear what Trump’s own outlook is.

Contaminated NEET says:

>in exchange for

Now there’s a joke. Give me what I want now, and I promise I’ll give you what you want later. Maybe. If it still makes sense for me. Which it almost certainly won’t. Is this a deal that a “great dealmaker” would make?

Calvin says:

Oh, and I am logged in as described but my comments are still getting stuck in moderation.

jim says:

I just changed something which I had hoped might cure the problem, but it looks like it is not cured.

Blindly changing one more thing. Cannot reproduce this problem locally. Looks like the only way to actually get started on curing it is to set up a new full server.

The Cominator says:

While there are things I don’t trust about Vance what Vance represents… among other things it is him saying he no longer trusts the old guard GOP to ever support me other than via fear of being primaried. So Vance is a good indication he has learned that he can’t really make a deal with his enemies he just has to kill them.

Also remember Musk is in with Trump and Musk himself has tweeted Sulla memes. Which perhaps indicates that Musk naively thinks the Republic can be restored (or at least that an attempt to do it must be made and fail before Americans will really accept a monarchy long term) but also that no deal with the left is possible and that the left must be annihilated first.

Mister Grumpus says:

No one with a name and a face can be honest in public about any of this. Coded esoterics is the most direct anyone can be.

Buying Twitter and opening it up some is the most plausibly deniable that Musk could manage. He can’t say what he really thinks, but he at least can make it easier for others to say similar things.

Fidelis says:

What I see him failing to do, which he should be doing, is lining up the Christian nationalists for a holy civil war.

At this point, what is stopping them from lining themselves up, crowning Trump, and then taking things in their own hands? I don’t mean just the small guys, but men like Vance, Elon, etc. A common pattern is when one has a weak King, instead of getting rid of him and dealing with the ensuing chaos, you take power and then ask politely for a rubber stamp. We often harp on Trump for being too eager to look for a deal, but it’s too little mentioned how the warriors underneath him refuse to helicopter him into the seat like Pinochet.

jim says:

Sounds like a good strategy.

It seems obvious that Kamala’s real vote, vote in the sense of voters physically showing up to vote in person, is around six percent. It seems likely, however, she will get a mystery hundred million votes at three in the morning. At which point Republican scrutineers are going to have to be backed by men with guns to ensure the voting process is carried out in an auditable manner. (rendering the outcome of the vote irrelevant)

If 2020 all over again, have to promptly do something different this time around. If no will to do something different this time round, I expect democide 2026 or so.

Contaminated NEET says:

>At which point Republican scrutineers are going to have to be backed by men with guns to ensure the voting process is carried out in an auditable manner.

It is completely obvious that Trump doesn’t have the stomach for this. Worse, it is completely obvious that the American Right as a whole does not have the stomach for this. That is an attempted coup; that is the end of democracy; that is not “who we are.” It would not be the start of Civil War II, and it certainly would not be a successful coup. It would be Jan 6 times a million: January 6,000,000.

They’ve announced loudly and proudly that their plan is to win “too big to rig.” Of course, there’s no such thing, particularly when the press belong to the enemy. The Dems can invent as many votes as they need, and no judge will hear the case, and every respectable news source will confirm that they are legit.

Trump’s chance is that the Left pulls its punches because the sinister shadowy puppet masters want him in to facilitate the idiotic wars they have planned.

jim says:

> It is completely obvious that Trump doesn’t have the stomach for this. Worse, it is completely obvious that the American Right as a whole does not have the stomach for this.

The persistent demands on Trump and Vance that they commit to unconditionally accepting the results of the election reflect a suspicion that Trump, Vance, and the right, do have the stomach for this.

The right rank and file does have the stomach for this, but in 2020 and 2022, did not have the leadership. Will it have the leadership this time?

> Trump’s chance is that the Left pulls its punches because the sinister shadowy puppet masters want him in to facilitate the idiotic wars they have planned.

Or to organise a dignified and orderly retreat from the wars they are have started and are losing.

The Cominator says:

Trump does not actually seem to lack physical courage under fire (which surprised me honestly) but he seems to lack the intellectual courage needed to proclaim and wage civil war if need be…

Humungus says:

“Trump Unbowed”

What is meant by unbowed?

Before, you wrote elections are rigged so don’t vote. In fact, you became upset at the prospect someone might vote. Trump has not been appointed yet and someone else could be appointed instead. I write appointed because that’s what happens, but go ahead and vote.

I’ve still not seen any proof that the Trump white line photo is not a photoshop. The red circle shows it’s been tampered with. Photographing bullets in flight requires timing equipment and experience. It’s fake.

Gedeon says:

I would take Trump seriously if he put Erik Prince in ANY official staff position. Prince might not finish, but I think he is the only observable candidate who can spawn the Sulla archetype.

alf says:

There is no world in which you can convince me that picking a veep who hangs with Curtis Yarvin isn’t a big step forward.

Fidelis says:

He might actually be imprisoned or killed.

He claimed that he had to increase security in response to a higher frequency of attempts on his life.

Neurotoxin says:

The left is in frantic state over their propaganda instrument being captured by their enemy.

Importantly: This could be relevant for their ability to get away with stealing the election. In 2020 Twitter was part of The Megaphone saying, “You did not just see an election being stolen,” with dissenting voices silenced. What will happen this time?

DH says:

That Obama can order the assassination of Musk, but Musk can’t order the assassination of Obama, tells you that capitalists don’t rule. You are always ruled by warriors or priests, never by merchants. And now that Musk (a mere businessman, therefore inherently low status and unworthy of true holiness, which is the prerogative of priests) has explicitly made known his intention to defeat woke, he is not unlikely to face an assassination attempt by Obama.

To defeat your enemies, you need to have a stronger military, a stronger religion, or ideally both. Just being a wildly successful entrepreneur and the richest man in the world won’t suffice, albeit it’s a good starting point, particularly if you build very useful stuff that the regime is dependent on. However, at this late stage of the holiness spiral — the purely demonic stage — the regime would rather lose its valuable assets than suffer even the tiniest diminution in its holiness, which is now its overriding concern. “There is no going backwards, only forwards,” arriving at the eschaton.

Musk may not be a Christian nationalist, but he needs the Christian nationalists if he is serious about defeating woke. “I will buy Twitter and use it to restore the good ol’ fashioned leftism of 2010” is not, on its own, a sustainable strategy (it might serve as a preliminary step, but there have to be many more steps); an insolent multi-billionaire shall not be permitted to pop in and revolutionize the state religion, even if he only intends to push it backwards a couple of decades, certainly if he seeks to abolish it altogether.

If he wants to revolutionize the state religion, needs an army and a faith. Trump can arrange for the former, though there is currently uncertainty regarding his willingness to actually do so; for the latter, someone should send him a link to Jim’s blog.

Neurotoxin says:

This is 100% correct, of course. But here’s why I have hope for Musk: I think that he has serious protection from a military faction. I suspect that otherwise he’d already be dead.

Gedeon says:
Calvin says:

So, Kamala just did a black woman thing and admitted that the Biden on her phone is a recording:

I think I’m getting on board the “Biden is literally dead” train.

Mister Grumpus says:

This is all so incompetent and fake. I’m speechless. November isn’t for months. It’s all going down. Fucking all of it.

jim says:

Biden is the Obama muppet, Kamala the Clinton muppet.

Yet another friend of Clinton has died in a surprising manner.

Mister Grumpus says:

Epstein hung himself.

Biden died in seclusion of sudden acute Covid stroke despite being vaccinated 5 times and was buried at sea at midnight to protect the living.

No one could have predicted this.

The worst part is that racists said it would happen.

Defund the police.

Police state now.

Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill all unbelievers.

The Cominator says:

If the leftists really really supported a total defunding of the police and I mean ALL the police I’d support them…

Fidelis says:

I thought it was the other way around. Hence the chicongo nig telling him to step down rather earlier than everyone else in the democrat cabal.

DH says:

Not sure about literally dead just yet, but they probably added scopolamine to his medications for a few days, strangely coinciding with “his” decision to drop out and his disappearance. Once he finally recuperates from the artificially-induced amnestic delirium (and returns to his regular neurodegenerative dementia), he won’t have any recollection of ever signing or even seeing any of those papers; such an episode of acute memory loss and confusion will then serve as further proof that “he” made the right choice.

He will never be subjected to any inquisitive interviews, that’s for sure.

jim says:

You over estimate the competence, intelligence, and sanity of our overlords.

More likely they hit him on the head with a hammer. Anything more clever than that is beyond the capability of the people who photoshopped Obama’s birth certificate.

It is completely obvious that the FBI and Cheatle set up this assassination — Simplicius the thinker summarises the latest evidence, but it was obvious very shortly after the attempt. These guys are just dumb thugs. They can only pull stuff off by telling everyone to shut up and not believe their lying eyes.

Mister Grumpus says:

In a life-and-death no-trust situation like this, when everyone around you is lying, scheming and backstabbing left and right, hammers are about the only technology you can count on. “Give me the fucking hammer and I’ll do it myself,” someone says. (And not me BTW, because to even be in the room for that means the Death Of Stalin kill train leads to me next. Just Run Forrest Run, you guys. You must be “this” psycho to ride this ride.)

And here we see why only a warrior faith survives.

When even the Secret Service is taking people out — or it’s indifference and incompetence is indistinguishable from that — then who’s left to organize and risk anything at all, and why?

It’s fascinating, trying to comprehend politics without a single institution left that kinda sorta still does what is says on the tin.

“This doesn’t FEEL like politics, as I know it. This is something else.” —Tucker Carlson

jim says:

To my surprise, Biden seems to have shown up again.

Aidan says:

Seems like somebody really did drug him up and get him to concede, or otherwise kidnapped him and made a few threats

Nunya says:

AC has links suggesting Biden’s Oval Office video is a deep fake. Focusing closely on Biden’s left pinky finger from 3:00 to 5:30 seems to confirm.

Watching that magic pinky shrink and grow is near vertigo inducing…

Coup in progress?

notglowing says:
Is he dead? Was he dead to begin with? Did they kill him? So many questions.

notglowing says:

BREAKING: A verified source has informed the Global Press team that Joe Biden is currently in hospice care and is unlikely to survive the night.

Neurotoxin says:

The Harris flub is fucking hilarious. They can’t even get a person competent enough to say “I had a phone call with Biden” without botching it. Weekend at Bernie’s is even funnier in real life than in the movies.

Mister Grumpus says:

And the corn-syrupy hyper-fakeness of her delivery was just shocking and repulsive. Nightmare Steven King class stuff.

“You’re not going ANYWHERE, Joe!”

Real point deer make horse type shit, now that I think of it. When all they have left is the people who can stand pretending that this bitch isn’t turbo-fake and fucking dangerous, then what?

The Cominator says:

Eh I don’t like the fact she can speak more coherently suddenly and that Amazon just pulled her expose they definitely plan to try to cheat her in. Fuck Jeff Bezos why can’t that cunt join Elon in switching sides. He definitely has to die if we take over.

DH says:

they definitely plan to try to cheat her in

Yep, here come the fake and gay polls all over again. But this time around, with normies increasingly disillusioned, they will need a far more effective hoax than merely the polls. If they are serious about this, which they probably are, then psyops galore are expected.

In the grip of leftist madness, all false flags are on the table.

Neurotoxin says:

Say more about the Harris expose? Author?

Oskar says:

The most satisfying five minutes from today’s House Oversight Committee hearing: Pat Fallon’s smackdown of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

Neurotoxin says:

Cheatle has resigned, per Fox News.

Pete says:

White woman comes up against real accountability for the first time, 2024 (colorized).

Mister Grumpus says:

Oh no. She has to take another overpaid job for something else she sucks at and fucks up from the inside. Oh no. And a $5M advance for a book that never sells. Oh no. How will she ever live with herself now?

notglowing says:

JUST IN: Elon Musk says his son is “dead” thanks to the woke mind virus after he was put on puberty blockers, says he vowed to “destroy the woke mind virus after that.”


“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys… This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on.”

“There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide…”

“My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus.”

“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that… and we are making some progress.”

Hesiod says:

According to his book Witness, it took the birth of his son and the subsequent urge to protect and nurture him to shock Whittaker Chamber into forsaking his Communistic allegiance. Familial bonds, as we have seen, have been a primary target for corruption for ages. Hopefully, this is evidence of Musk’s commitment to fight, fight, fight.

The Cominator says:

Thought Whitaker Chambers was a homosexual… didn’t know he was a switch hitter.

Hesiod says:

Impression I got was Chambers was bi during his college and commie days. His conversion to Christianity meant going straight, but the reality of that I know not.

The Cominator says:

Bisexual guys are worse than faggots they give straight women faggot diseases. I mean if he switched permanently and didn’t have anything good but bisexual men really should be thrown off rooftops the second they are detected.

Hesiod says:

Just remembered Chambers’ father was a big fag who initially tried to do the family thing but wound up moving out to live with his buttbuddy, abandoning wife and children.

alf says:

Unpopular opinion: Elon should not have publicly vented like that. Not because he’s wrong about the woke mind virus, but because it’s his fault too. His daughter posted the obvious response on threads: ‘dad, you were never there.’ And it’s obvious he wasn’t.

Pax Imperialis says:

Absent fathers typically don’t result in tranny sons, and there’s a big difference between absent and outright missing. Boys can excuse a father who is working and away from home, especially if their mother reveres his father’s work. They may even grow to semi-mythologize that father figure as a result, and that does wonders for nurturing an Empire’s future higher level bureaucratic caste. Paternal presence can be transmitted through the mother. More on that later.

Boys completely without a father figure usually end up as undisciplined criminal shits provided they don’t get sorted out by someone else like the military or a really good mentor. Something really stinks in the Musk situation. Really fucking stinks, getting a tranny is so outside the historical norm for this type of situation that it really is more indicative of the times rather than Musk’s absent fatherhood skills. And I’m suspecting this isn’t a case of absent father so much as a spiteful, vengeful, wretched witch of a mother destroying her son to hurt her former husband. There are many such cases of that today and historical.

On a personal anecdote about a certain caste. My paternal great grandfather was sent to boarding school very early and for a long period of time. He hardly knew his father. Ended up graduating from West Point and had a pretty successful career. He was reportedly an emotionally cold and distant man. He did the same with my grandfather who also was sent to boarding school and later graduated from West Point with a pretty successful career. He too was fairly emotionally cold and distant. This type of upbringing doesn’t perhaps create the best husband or father, but it does well to create the right type of man for liquidating problems with a level headed, compartmentalized, and efficient calculus. These are the men who formulated and understood the principles of MAD, and did not end the world.

The current cohort of young civil servants are scarily emotional. Talking with them I noticed a horrifying ease at which they flew into nearly psychotic rages. A demonic tantrum over not getting what they wanted. At the time it was in regards to Putin and Russia. If the nukes fly it’ll be their fault. Of course many of these creatures grew up in “loving” household with helicopter parents who managed their boys all the way into and past college.

Maybe it’s genetics, maybe it’s upbringing, maybe both, but having a distant, but sort of mythic father figure, seems to have been common among certain parts of the Anglo (and WASP) elite upper-middle-class, and is what I suspect largely facilitated good imperial management, or what the British called a stiff upper lip (it’s just Stoicism repackaged). I’m theorizing, but boarding schools and virtuous wives allowed manly virtue to be transmitted to the next generation of men without requiring the father present. It also prevented development of overly emotional mentality. Fathers were freed up to administer the empire far from home for long periods of time. Boys, in order to become close to their fathers, would chase after the almost myth they had, and they would do it by going into civil/military service.

Of course it could be mostly genetics. My father was much more present in my life than his father was in his upbringing, and I still came out unusually emotionally cold and distant.

Encelad says:

Fake polls showing Haris leading will likely start to appear soon, in order to pave the way for the steal.
What ‘s Trump’s entourage plan to avoid the rigging this time? I haven’t heard anything this matter. Do they have a plan at all?

The Cominator says:

My theory is it depended on using Elon bucks to payoff the Ruby Freemans to not steal it or even reverse steal it… which is why I feel very very bad right now.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Using Elon Bucks to buy midwesterners with guns would be a lot more ‘cost effective’.

someDude says:

Don’t know any gay guys who did not bang atleast one woman. Sometimes I wonder if homosexuality is just an evolutionary tactic to get emotionally and physically close to a woman, with her guard down because the dude is gay, be her BFF, and when she is vulnerable, which happens when an alpha drops her lower in helis booty call list, to slide into her.

Neurotoxin says:

It makes sense. Also, a man who is homosexual on a conscious level can perform outcome-independence/lack of eagerness for women. The Chateau noted this once.

/pol/watcher says:

Clown fish do this, it’s the sneaky fucker strategy, where weaker males appear as females to avoid fighting for a mate, and sex the females while the males fight.

S says:

Producing bastards in not a viable evolutionary strategy in the pre-modern environment.

Exploiting conditions in a collapse environment is also unlikely because most of the individuals involve die and the winning traits are ones that let you survive the destruction, not growing like a cancer cell.

Hesiod says:

OT (or is it?): Demons present Whoopi Golberg with ‘Key to Hell’ at cannabis event

As the narrator of Dukes of Hazzard would often comment when the eponymous heroes were about to take a disastrous-seeming jump, “Friends, I can’t watch.”

Adam says:

Great game though.

Hesiod says:

I play occasionally to keep in touch with a long-distance relative, and D4 has improved to almost being as good as D3, a game I enjoyed once they fixed the initial loot drop disaster. However, the storyline with Lilith as well as its focus on gear looking like GWAR turn me off. The upcoming expansion looks to be Aztec-themed. All this would be fine if I could play an unironic crusader like in D3 who burns it all down in holy flame. Closest is a sorcerer with a flame-thrower staff. Alas.

Aside from that, Guild Wars 2 and Conan Exiles remain my sole gaming these days. Last year’s foray into BG3 and Pathfinder WOTR was an anomaly urged on by nostalgia. Was fun getting a gold dragon character in Pathfinder, even though the storyline and companions were on the weak side. If the game play is good and I can skip/skim through dialogue and cinematics, I’m happy.

Hesiod says:

My visual ideal is Romantic Realism as elucidated by TOW. Perhaps virtuous pagan at best in terms of being true to my Christian faith, I nevertheless champion the health and vitality inherent in the genre. Cheesecake in moderation can be a fine thing.

jim says:

In your excellent article you contrast the comics code aesthetic with the woke aesthetic.

The comics code aesthetic was, of course, far healthier than the woke aesthetic, but contained subtle poisons, that inevitably developed into the woke aesthetic.

Thus, for example, its prescriptions on sex necessarily depict a world in which emancipated women will never misbehave — where male authority is present, yet strangely unnecessary.

Back when the rot set n, 1820s — 1830s, Thomas Carlyle observed that the old order had put a great deal of effort into chaining up the devil, and now he was being allowed loose. The comics code and Hayes code depicted a world in which the chains on the devil are quite unnecessary. A much sunnier world than Carlyle’s dark and cruel world, where keeping order requires harsh measures.

You correctly observe:

Those heroes were not respectable men; but they were hard men, men who crushed their enemies, saw them driven before them, and enjoyed the lamentations of their women. … Properly motivated, young men could be and should be the most powerful bloc that our movement could mobilize. But if their reward for action is to go from being told “the male gaze is problematic because it’s oppressive” to “the male gaze is problematic because it’s lustful” why bother?

You are addressing what young men are interested in. That is your job.

I have long been checking out what young women are interested in — I have been researching this topic for a very long time. And it is horrifying. If one believes that God created all men and women equal, rather than that God or nature’s God created women to be a help meet for man, then it would be extremely black pilling, and would lead one to conclude that women were very very bad.

The bad news about women is the reason why a society that emancipated women cannot reproduce successfully.

In the morally neutral and deliberately bloodless game theoretic language of the Dark Enlightenment, absent external enforcement, you will not get cooperate cooperate equilibrium on reproduction, but defect defect equilibrium. Reproduction being a prisoners dilemma game with a limited number of rounds.

The comics code and hayes code world is a sunny world. The world of Thomas Carlyle was much darker.

I don’t see in your work female nature accurately portrayed — indeed I don’t see in any work female nature accurately portrayed — obviously writers of eighteenth century and earlier works knew what women were like, and sometimes referenced it — as for example in “the taming of the shrew”, but no one particularly wanted to explain and illustrate it. Without the lens of evolutionary game theory, it is difficult to for males to comprehend.

XXX of Gor books do accurately address the nature of women, but are overly focused on physical restraints. Women are generally not that much into physical restraints. What really gives them the hots is the possibility that their lover might kill them. They are hot for the bad boys. Which John Norman and others found difficult to depict, because he wants to depict them hot for the hero, a problem that old books avoided by having the heroine patriarchally assigned to the hero — King offers a princess for dragon removal, or the hero simply abducted the heroine, or, as in Perseus and Andromeda, both.

This convenient evasion led to the Victorian myth of the sexless women, who only has sex because God, society, and family commands her to. Hard to have a story where the good guy gets the girl,and the sexual character of women is accurately depicted. A problem John Norman resolves with ridiculous amounts of chains, collars, hoods, etc.

Chicks are generally not all that much into physical restraints unless you choke them while restrained and having sex.

Hesiod says:

Lest there be any confusion, that is not my article. My connection to Tree of Woe is solely as a financial contributor to several table-top RPG projects as suggested by Vox Day. Jim, thank you for your critique of it, and I do have some thoughts on John Norman’s Gor as I read up to book 12 or 13 in the series a couple of years ago as I got my greedy mitts on a couple back in the day when I was way too young to understand them. But at the moment, I’m a bit stunned I would be confused with those a lot more productive than me.

Anon says:

Would love more commentaries on 1800s rot and how it started.
Why and who?

jim says:

Major collective conflicts are always between faiths. Marxists like to interpret them as class conflicts, but as discussed in immense detail in “Clarke’s English Society 1688 to 1832” it is always a religious struggle.

You may have considerable difficulty obtaining “Clarke’s English Society 1688 to 1632”. It was pulled and replaced by Clarke’s English Society 1660 to 1832, which is the expurgated version.

anon says:

Should be some PDF links to the original 1688-1632 version here:

jim says:

I meant to write 1688-1832, but wrote 1688-1632 and you copied my error.

anonymous mouse says:

You may have considerable difficulty obtaining “Clarke’s English Society 1688 to 1632”. It was pulled and replaced by Clarke’s English Society 1660 to 1832, which is the expurgated version.

What are the major differences? I have a physical copy of “English Society 1660-1832”.

jim says:

Thomas Carlyle, Froude’s “Bow of Ulysses”

Calvin says:

In my experience one rarely needs to go that far. A willingness to treat their silliness as silly and to impose even mild physical discipline (eg. spanking) is usually more than enough to keep most woman hot and interested.

Also disagree about the physical restraints thing. It’s a rare girl who genuinely doesn’t like the experience of being blindfolded during the act.

Jehu says:

My experience is women prefer to be restrained by your main strength, not by being tied up. They enjoy the reassurance of your strength that they get from the futility of said struggle. I suppose that makes a lot of biological sense.

Varna says:

They enjoy both, if the primal strength is the introductory phase, followed by the more ritualistic tied up games.

It shows them that you don’t *need* to tie them up, that your basic strength is enough, but you later *choose* to do so, to be able to concentrate on this and that with both hands so to speak.

Whereas if things start off with tying up and so on, that’s a more niche thing.

tl;dr – many women may freak out or just be meh if you pull out the cuffs or ropes at the start, but if you first go primal and get a primal response, and only later pull out the cuffs or ropes, to them it will seem a natural and logical continuation, to which they will agree with bombastic enthusiasm.

jim says:

> many women may freak out or just be meh if you pull out the cuffs or ropes at the start,

It is a shit test. They want to be overpowered. They don’t want to be voluntarily tied up. They resist to give you the opportunity to overpower them, and having started, you had better finish what you started, or you are going to be in deep trouble for failing the shit test.

Hesiod says:

>XXX of Gor books do accurately address the nature of women, but are overly focused on physical restraints.

For those who may not know, John Norman, author of the Gor fantasy series, was a professor of philosophy who wrote fiction on the side to put more bread-n-butter on his family’s table. The Gor series started out in the vein of Edgar Rice Burrough’s John Carter. Indeed, Tarl Cabot, the series’ hero, begins as a chivalrous fellow, committed to one woman, a princess of course.

Events later in the series has him dramatically, and to my critical eye, clumsily transform into a merciless pirate who delights in enslaving all women. I remember an early issue of the D&D trade mag Dragon, back when staff and readers would write up mythical and literary figures with game stats, had Tarl listed as lawful evil in alignment at this point while being lawful good at the beginning of the series. Thought this was fair judgement as I made my way through the books recently.

I gave up on the books because the BDSM talk between master and slave took over the plot. I was skimming through entire chapters in hopes the over-arching narrative of the setting might be advanced an inch or two. I’m only slightly exaggerating when I give this example of dialogue:

Man: I am your master.
Woman: You are my master.
Man: You are my slave.
Woman: I am your slave.
Man: It is natural for woman to be slave to man.
Woman: It is natural for woman to be slave to man.
Man: Repeat that last bit a little more enthusiastically or it’s whip time.

Repeat that over and over, and that’s most of a Gor book by around book 10 or so. I distinctly remember being quite dubious that Norman, when I read some Gor as a young lad and the protagonist was another Earth man transported to Gor, actually skipped over describing in any detail a major battle the plot had been leading up to just so he could get the guy back to his flippin slave for more talk.

The Cominator says:

Re your article (you have become a great poster lately) anything other than what you label as dystrophic realism is fine. All of the above should be promoted… we need wholesome art and we need 80s sword and sorcery babes in Red Sonja underwear chainmail too (the 80s had action girls but they didn’t take them seriously it was clearly campy and comedic and I’m okay with that). All of the above united against the evil demonic ugliness for its own sake art…

Hesiod says:

Thanks for the compliment, brother, but not my work but I do agree nigh 100%. This is embarrassing, lol.

Adam says:

Nice. Im actually mid way into a crusader build on D3 right now, waiting for the D4 expansion. I skipped D3 when it came out so this is my first play through it.

I’ll have to look up Guild wars and Conan exiles.

Pax Imperialis says:

Guess the Navy got tired of just crashing warships into each other. Time to up the ante and self-Kamikaze.

for the past two years, in an experiment to determine if such training could be permanently eliminated, the Chief of Naval Aviation Training has selected specific student pilots to forgo T-45C CQ

Encelad says:

I have just discovered that the chief of Naval operations is a female journalist.

Varna says:

BA in journalism and MA in management, the link says. Also a photo there that you can enlarge. Female? Fifty-fifty chance on closer inspection.

Albert says:

Do any of you Navy vets know what a jumboization coordinator is?

Handi says:

When the USO entertains the Navy, many vessels need to have their displacement reconfigured to accommodate Lizzo

The Cominator says:

BTW I recall a few months ago there was some tweet from Alex Soros that sounded very much like a threat against Trump… I think I posted it here somewhere… if someone can find it and link it I’d be happy…

The Cominator says:

Thank you good sir!

Aidan says:

Kamala is one of the biggest leftists in politics. Her positions include banning gas cars and an 80% income tax. Her being appointed as VP was a concession to the nigger communist faction in the deal that allowed the election to be stolen from Trump. Her swift endorsement by the Dems after Biden was forced out and the full blast megaphone hype machine beatifying her these last couple of days is proof that the nigger communist faction is in full control and has no desire to moderate its positions whatsoever, though the typical election cycle pretension of centrism gaslighting is going to continue as usual. If this election is permitted to be stolen, I am on board with Jim’s prediction of autogenocide beginning in ‘26 or ‘27.

jim says:

The uniform rush to deny an assassination attempt and the full blast beatification of Kamala indicates that the nigger communist faction is in full control of the official government media. But we are seeing a lot of indications that the nigger communist faction is making some people in the government nervous.

They need to take action, or rather deliberate inaction when the nigger communist faction wants something done, or they are going to die shortly after Trump and his children die.

If Kamala gets one hundred million votes at three in the morning after Republican scrutineers have been locked out, and the mainstream right does nothing lethal about it, or tries to do something lethal and fails, then it is getting mighty close to time to run for it.

However, there appears to be resistance to a Kamala takeover of the Biden operation — indicating that Biden Kamala ticket was a compromise between deep state factions, one of which has become impatient with Biden stubbornly hanging onto life.

The Cominator says:

The saturated shill attacks (I’ve never seen anything like it before) have died off though…

jim says:

It is obvious that the order went out “No, we positively definitely did not fail at assassinating Trump”.

And then this order was suddenly rescinded and replaced by “Due to amazing Secret Service incompetence, a lone crazed gunman had a go at assassinating Trump”

Mister Grumpus says:

Which “saturated shill attacks” do you mean again?

jim says:

I don’t know what the Cominator was referring to, but I saw a storm of the usual shills out in force denying the assassination attempt, and demonizing Vance and Tucker as deep state Rothschild Jews.

The Cominator says:

Pro Kamala posts…

/pol/watcher says:

Huge push on social media, old media, etc for Kamala. It’s made /pol/ unusable for me, with the sheer number of slide threads. Gook Moot is happy that they are buying 4chan passes though, so the tranny jannies won’t ban for it.

Honestly, the Houthis need to hit Tel Aviv 10x harder so the shills are pre occupied on their home front

Neurotoxin says:

“Huge push on social media, old media, etc for Kamala.”

Yeah, this is what I’m seeing the last two or three days: They’ve abandoned the “Trump is Hitler” thing because Normie now correctly sees that as soliciting murder. So they’re using all the traditional, pre-Trump leftist narratives: “Bad news for Trump in latest poll,” “Trump launches negative hate attack against Harris in unhinged rant,” etc.

The Cominator says:

The shills aren’t in Tel Aviv though the ones which aren’t outright bots are almost certainly mostly poos.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>shills aren’t in Tel Aviv

The Cominator says:

Israel probably has some online shills but no not in Tel Aviv hired from elsewhere. There just aren’t so many cheap Israelis (at least I think) better to hire poos or hire US congressmen.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are plenty of rent-a-jeets providing mass for sundry NGOs, but to say there are no shills in Tel Aviv (or Israel in general) is just being precious lol. The recent pally brouhaha alone whipped up a storm of static from IPs hosted in Tel Aviv, specifically, right in our very own dank corner of the net here.

Aidan says:

There is a decent chance that the Obama camp behind Joe is angry about being pushed out, and it seems to have control over the fraud apparatus. It’s possible that fraud is neglected or performed with lower than usual enthusiasm.

anonymous mouse says:

The uniform rush to deny an assassination attempt

This didn’t happen. Journalists needed FBI to confirm it was an assassination attempt before claiming it was one. This took only a few hours.

jim says:

“Trump falls over frightened by loud noises”

Why do they need to wait for official truth before reporting what they and everyone else can see. Are journalists supposed to be robotic megaphones for power?

They do not need to wait for FBI confirmation. They needed to wait to for the FBI tell them what the new lie would be because the previously prepared lie had been rendered absurd by blood.

Trump obviously did not fall over. He ducked. They lied. They knew they were lying. They needed to wait for permission to call it an assassination attempt.

They were unable to describe what everyone could see: Trump and those around him acting like someone was shooting at him.

anonymous mouse says:

Kamala is one of the biggest leftists in politics. Her positions include banning gas cars and an 80% income tax.

Uh, source? All I remember is she wanted to raise the marginal income tax on the top 1% to from 37% to 39.6%. The “gas car ban” was also a conservative media hoax (those EPA emissions standards were way too stringent though).

Kamala isn’t a “nigger communist”. She belongs to the center of her party, not the vanguard. Dems are ditching woke, so President Harris would be unlikely to be woke. Plus, her record as a prosecutor makes it pretty obvious that she has no sympathy for the “legalize black crime”, “build schools, not prisons” wing of the Democratic Party. She just isn’t that left wing.

Neurotoxin says:

“Dems are ditching woke” [citation required.]

DH says:

Dems are ditching woke

Rather, those not plagued by the leftist triad of stupidity, insanity, and evil, are increasingly ditching the Dems, while those who keep riding on the holiness train are the faction currently in power, dancing to the tune of gay nigger communist Obongo (who reports directly to Satan), who is woke and quite radical.

Neurotoxin says:

Someone in the Less Wrong/Slate Star Codex orbit a few years back noted this about social groups: Once they hit a certain level of insanity the average level of craziness goes up, not down… because the non-crazies leave the group. So often the average level of insanity is described by positive feedback, not negative feedback as one would intuitively expect.

The problem for us is that the crazies control the “voting.”

jim says:

We have been getting increasingly improbable election and poll results for a very long time throughout the entire global American Empire.

They have now become wildly and absurdly improbable.

Neurotoxin says:

Musk’s control of X gives me reasonable optimism that the “No electoral fraud” propaganda won’t sweep the field this time.

But the man had better keep his head down and his security sharp.

TheDividualist says:

Hi Jim!

Remember the “walk one extra mile, not more” discussion? Turns out, the New Testament word for “meek”, πραΰς is best translated as “controlled”, “disciplined”, Xenophon called well-trained warhorses πραΰς

Yes, men who are like well-trained warhorses are likely to inherit the Earth 🙂

Found it here:

BTW it seems the mistranslation already happened at the Greek to Latin level, as the Latin Bible uses “mites”, plural of “mitis”, which is something like “soft, sweet like ripe fruit”.

S says:

It has been mentioned here before- last time I believe it was described as power with restraint.

It is an obvious truth (strong people who don’t prey on each other is the winning combination) but something that needed to be said in the dark times of the early church.

Cloudswrest says:

Doug Casey has a somewhat Jimian essay today linked to by Lew Rockwell. Excerpt below.

Meanwhile, the Democrats, the Jacobins, are desperate to retain control of the apparatus of the State and could find any number of ways to subvert the election. They’ll use the millions of migrants. They’ll make massive use of mail-in ballots. They’ll take full advantage of the electronic voting machines. They undoubtedly have lots of dirty tricks and surprises planned we can’t imagine. They’ll use the full force of the leftist media, academic, and entertainment complexes to propagandize. And don’t forget, the average American is now a leftist. They elected and re-elected Obama, among other things.

They could, God forbid, win. As Yogi Berra said, it ain’t over till it’s over.

International Man: How do you recommend people prepare for the coming chaos?

Doug Casey: The coming chaos will be something very much like a civil war, which is defined as a conflict where two opposing sides attempt to gain control of the same government. Using that definition, the conflict of 1861 to 1865 was not a civil war. It was simply a secession movement.

I think that Ray Dalio, the multi-billionaire, may have put his finger on the way this is going to evolve. Dalio has recently published lots of articles and a book discussing how things are likely to evolve. He’s a rather dry writer, but let me summarize.

He sees countries generally going through six stages, the last one characterized by war, civil war, revolution, or the like. He feels we’re at the very end of stage five and right at the cusp of stage six. I generally concur with his outlook—but lots of people today have a gloomy view on the shape of things to come; that’s nothing new. What’s important here is that Dalio speaks as someone who’s worth $15 billion and is totally immersed in the current system at the Master of the Universe level.

What’s likely to be the catalyst that sets things off? He (correctly, IMO) puts his finger on the bankruptcy of the government, presumably accompanied by the collapse of the debt-based banking system and hyperinflation of the dollar.

What does he suggest we do, now that we’re looking at something like a civil war, with all the trimmings?

Dalio says you have three options. One: pick your side and fight. Two: keep your head down and hide. Three: flee. Everybody has to determine which alternative is best for them.

Trying to hide, especially in today’s world, is not very effective. Your neighbors will ask, to paraphrase that infamous quote from Baby Bush some years ago, “Are you with us or against us?” Don’t be sure that if you choose sides, you’ll necessarily be with the “good guys.”

You might consider following in the footsteps of Rhett Butler in “Gone with the Wind”. Enough said.

DH says:

And don’t forget, the average American is now a leftist. They elected and re-elected Obama, among other things.

The average Christian heterosexual white male in 2024 is not a leftist (though many pretend to be leftists), and you should probably bet on those guys in a war against the coalition of the incompetent.

Can you imagine Kamala Harris as a war leader?

Can you imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been?

Neurotoxin says:

“…the average American is now a leftist. They elected and re-elected Obama…”

Ridiculous. Leftist electoral fraud goes back further than 2020. People have been talking about it for decades. Maybe… MAYBE… he was legitimately elected in 2008, though I doubt it. But in 2012? No way. His first four years were a catastrophe of scandal. Nobody liked him. Hell, he had to do a U-turn on gay marriage just to shore up his own base.

Pete says:

I could definitely see the average American refusing to turn out for Mr. Bain Capital. Romney was almost literally the Monopoly Guy.

Plus the Dems and media had done a pretty good job of putting the entire 2008 market crash at GW Bush’s door.

The Cominator says:

Romney really really sucked the 1st big fraud was the 2018 midterms.

Neurotoxin says:

I think you and Pete are forgetting what a disaster Obama’s first term was.

The Cominator says:

And Bush the younger was still in recent memory and Romney promised the same plus pushing hostility to much Russia for the 1st time. If Newt Gingrich was the nominee the Republicans would have won…

Anon says:

“Dalio says you have three options..”
I would choose 2nd if i can or three if things went too bad.
1st Option depend on who you are going to war with. If trump no
I will only sign with someone like jim or like him. Any leftist no mater how old his leftism is , big NO. They will always stab you in the back eventually even if they win.

anonymous mouse says:

[T]he Democrats, the Jacobins, are desperate to retain control of the apparatus of the State and could find any number of ways to subvert the election

Somebody hasn’t read his Moldbug. The “Democratic Party” electorally represents the permanent government. Which permanent government has control of the apparatus of the state no matter who is in office.

A lot of right-wingers are having a hard time adjusting to the new reality. It’s not 2020 anymore. The “leftist” “media, academic, and entertainment complexes” just aren’t that anti-Trump. I read NPR and the New York Times, and it seems to me that though they would certainly prefer a Dem victory, they are not that bothered by the prospect of Trump winning the election. Everyone’s TDS has been magically cured. (And they really love Vance’s Indian wife for some reason)

The Cominator says:

Lying sack of shit shill they hate Vance and tried to kill Trump.

anonymous mouse says:

I was listening to NPR right after the attempted assassination. The liberal women they had on were blaming Biden’s “dangerous rhetoric” for “inciting violence” against Trump. So not only were they condemning the attack, sending thoughts and prayers to the Trump family etc, they were blaming Trump’s main political opponent. If TDS were still a thing, NPR would have implied that it was somehow Trump’s fault he almost got shot. That didn’t happen.

As for Vance, everyone hates Vance. Even MAGAs hate Vance; he’s hardly a charisma machine. But the New York Times has run multiple articles about how amazing his wife Usha is, like this one which will appear in the August print edition.

My general point is that if you actually sit down and read what the mainstream media has to say, instead of getting your news from the Unz Review, Zerohedge, and assorted schizos on X, you will see that the “regime” is not really afraid of Trump, which puts the lie to all this stuff about “civil war”, “autogenocide” and whatnot.

Hesiod says:

Biden is irrelevant now, so criticizing him is safe and helps build a narrative to support Harris. “Look how much better an african-american black woman of color can be at united the country with matriarchal magic!”

Personally, I’m anxious for the VP choice. Please let it be Buttigieg so I can get a Vote Hag/Fag ’24 campaign button as a souvenir.

anonymous mouse says:

Biden is irrelevant now, so criticizing him is safe and helps build a narrative to support Harris.

Biden wasn’t irrelevant two weeks ago. In any case, the point wasn’t that Biden is evil, but that liberals are too hard on Trump and need to “lower the temperature”. I know that happened last news cycle so it may be hard to remember.

Personally, I’m anxious for the VP choice.

New York Times seems to want Mark Kelly. He’s rather centrist, supposedly has “expertise” in handling the Southern border, has American hero cred from having been an astronaut, plus his straightness, whiteness, and maleness balances out Kamala’s diversity.

Hesiod says:

Of course, NYT wants Kelly. It’s been trumpeting the triumph of Communism for over a century.

The Cominator says:

Its going to be Shapiro if the Democrats have a brain in their head. Kelly had a viscious pitbull who killed another dog or cat (can’t remember) due to his irresponsibility and there was an article about it, PA is more crucial and more within range of cheat than Arizona is.

Pseudo-Chrysotom says:

Isn’t it remarkable how credulous lying leftists are? They actually believe the lies other leftists tell them.

The Cominator says:

“As for Vance, everyone hates Vance. ”
Every shill hates Vance.
“My general point is that if you actually sit down and read what the mainstream media has to say”
Wouldn’t it be good if you watched tons of CNN propaganda. Kek obvious shill is obvious.

When I want to see what the enemy thinks I’ll watch the Young Turks for a bit because despite them being ideologically radleft on some things they dislike laying on the propaganda/current thing too thick and are willing to admit how corrupt the Democratic party is and discuss it frankly (and also the Armenian broad is clearly reaching the point of total disillusionment with the left entirely). I do not have a strong enough mind to watch CNN or MSNBC to analyze the current thing as it changes day to day without going mad. If I have to listen to that propaganda for more than 10 minutes I want to smash my brain with a hammer to stop the feeling of gay mind rape.

anonymous mouse says:

Every shill hates Vance.

Polls say he’s unpopular (the most unpopular VP pick in recent history). This seems intuitively right to me. Vance has zero charisma, and he’s on record as having rather more conservative stances on social issues than the median Trump voter. Whether or not this will matter is up in the air. This doesn’t affect my point about his wife though.

I don’t watch CNN (it’s for hoi polloi), but CNN got new management a year or so ago, which moved it rightwards. That’s why the Trump-Biden debate was so unexpectedly “fair and balanced”.

The Cominator says:

Nobody likes that he has a poojeeta wife (and I don’t like that he converted to Catholicism either) but so what, if he were some kind of deep Jesuit agent they probably would have told him not to convert formally (Jefferson Davis, Tony Blair many such cases). I have a stronger hatred of jeets than most on the far right and hated them before it was cool but the important thing for Trump is that they aren’t going to shoot Trump to make Vance the president and if they did he’d be further right on most issues than he was.

Vance is not a fanatic of unpopular social issues since his basic stance on all those things is that the states should decide.

jim says:

> Polls say he’s unpopular

Polls say Trump gets zero percent in the Bronx.

Remember what happened when Trump held a rally in the Bronx, and the Dems, drinking their own Koolaide, attempted to hold a counter rally at the same time?

jim says:

I do in fact watch enemy media to see what they are up to. It is very irritating when someone just lies to me barefaced, but their lies reveal much.

Yes, I am seeing fewer and fewer genocidaires — in exact proportion as I am seeing fewer and fewer people claiming ginormous stupendous colossal Russian casualties.

The Cominator says:

Which enemy media, The Young Turks is the only enemy outlet I can stand without wanting to claw my eyes and remove my brain for four than 5 minutes.

jim says:

> you will see that the “regime” is not really afraid of Trump, which puts the lie to all this stuff about “civil war”, “autogenocide” and whatnot.

They just tried to kill him. And the entire official media with one voice was in on it.

What we are seeing is that some elements of the regime, horrified by the collapse of the Global American Empire and the looming defeat in the wars it has been starting, are getting Trump nostalgia.

There are however a zillion articles that the Russian economy is going to collapse real soon now and the Russians have suffered a hunded thousand casualties, or four hundred thousand casualties, or a million casualties, or whatever, and those guys still have total Trump derangement syndrome, and intend to kill Trump. And us. And every straight white Christian male. And think they can do it.

Everyone who thinks the Russians have a hundred thousand casualties or more and sanctions and superior western technology are going to work real soon now, still intends to kill us all real soon now.

Backing away from autogenocide is, like backing away from feminism in 1933, a preparation for war. The ones who think that the current regime is going to win its wars intend us next. The ones who are looking for an orderly retreat from the current wars, are willing to postpone exterminating their own population and want to allow Trump to win.

The guys still fighting the culture wars “free abortion up to birth and immediately after birth” “sex change without parental knowledge” assume the Global American Empire has won, and can not only defeat Russia, but Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran combined.

Mr.P says:

> “… the New York Times has run multiple articles about how amazing his wife Usha is, like this one ….”

I skimmed the article closely. You’re right. The NYT piece is glowing and complimentary about Vance’s wife.

DH says:

Interesting development.

Elon Musk has identified himself as a cultural Christian in a new interview.

“While I’m not a particularly religious person, I do believe that the teachings of Jesus are good and wise… I would say I’m probably a cultural Christian,” the Tesla CEO said during a conversation on X with Jordan Peterson today. “There’s tremendous wisdom in turning the other cheek.”

Christian beliefs, Musk argued, “result in the greatest happiness for humanity, considering not just the present, but all future humans… I’m actually a big believer in the principles of Christianity. I think they’re very good.”

Musk went on to note that the collapse of religion is leading to low birth rates that could drastically alter the future of civilisation. “When a culture loses its religion, it starts to become antinatalist and decline in numbers and potentially disappear,” he said. The father of 12 added that Paul Ehrlich, author of the highly influential 1968 book Population Bomb, which argued against having children, was a “genocidal maniac” who had done “great damage to humanity”. “Having a child is a vote for the future,” Musk said. “It’s the most optimistic thing somebody can do.”

Peterson, who wore a jacket decorated with various portraits of the Madonna and child, discussed the competing religious iconography of men and women. Christ, he said, is the West’s sacred image of a man, while the sacred image of a woman is the mother-infant dyad exemplified by the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. “Unless the feminine is conceptualised as the combination of female and infant,” argued Musk, “then the culture has lost its attachment to the traditional sacred images and is probably on its way out.”

During the conservation, Musk did not address whether he believed in God, but noted that he was not a practising Christian. Although he was baptised and brought up Anglican, he explained to Peterson that he experienced a crisis of meaning in early adolescence that prompted him to read the texts of major religions and philosophical movements, but at the time, “none of them really seemed to have answers that resonated.” He found a more satisfying answer in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s message that what matters is asking the right questions — that curiosity itself is more important than finding the answers.

The X owner noted that if his beliefs were a religion, they might be called “the religion of curiosity, the religion of greater enlightenment,” the goal of which is to expand consciousness — a goal that ties in with his work in artificial intelligence.

Musk joins a growing cohort of public figures either converting to Christianity or professing to be cultural Christians. Renowned atheist Richard Dawkins, for example, recently identified as a cultural Christian while others, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, have gone further.

Peterson discussed Dawkins’s stated preference of a society rooted in Christian beliefs as opposed to other belief systems, to which Musk replied: “I do think those are good ones.”

He seems to be going in the right direction, though he isn’t quite there yet.

He needs to be converted to Jimian Christianity.

Mayflower Sperg says:

This November, Musk and his family need to take a vacation to a neutral country, then if Kamala wins, defect to Russia. Thus the Anal Empire immediately loses access to space, and eventually to air and sea as well, as all its technicians are replaced with diversity hires.

If you can’t solve the problem, you can at least quarantine it.

Varna says:

Why Russia. His business outside globohomo land is in China. They have a local equivalent to the Russian “holiday gem” Crimea, but an actual Pacific paradise gem as opposed to a Black Sea sadass stretch of sand with umbrellas, the island of Hainan.

Globohomo kidnaps people out of Thailand or the Maldives and such.

Globohomo cannot kidnap people from Hainan.

DH says:

Why Russia.

Anywhere outside the reach of the Harvard kakistocracy is good, but Musk would probably prefer a Christian country.

jim says:

Russia does not really have a free trade zone like Dubai or the Chinese free trade zones. They have been kind of pussy footing around with free trade zones, but cannot restrain their oligarchs from being oligarchical. But Putin has been playing a long game against the oligarchs, so maybe he is now in position to implement an actual free trade zone.

I wish we had a real free trade zone in a Christian country, but last time I checked, we don’t. And I am alarmed by Dubai wobbling between Old Type Muslim and new type converged Muslim. Second class status for Christians under old type Muslims is a whole lot better than the deal Globohomo has on offer.

Fidelis says:

While we’re on this topic, if you’re a young white guy getting out of the GAE because of failure to cross the Rubicon, and therefore impending auto-genocide, what are the best options?

If you have little savings and only mechanical and blue collar skills, one half of my male friends and family, is there anywhere at all?

If you have decent savings, especially crypto, and software and physical engineering skills, the other half of my friends and family, where do you go?

I’ve been warning the close connections that I have any influence on to be prepared for the event of another steal, because it will more likely than not become deadly, but I’m short on very concrete ‘go to this country and do this’ advice. Yet it seems more prudent by the day.

jim says:

If you have high skills and smarts, there are one thousand and one free trade zones, such has Dubai, hungry for such people.

If mechanical and blue collar skills — well a whole lot of blue collar skills get quite decent pay in lots of places, such as Malaysia. But I have no reliable information on how a skilled white blue collar is going to do in Malaysia. Plus, if you go into a nonwhite place that is part of the Global American Empire, and the Global American Empire shows indications of being about to become very anti white, hard to say if that is a good idea. Diversity plus proximity equals war.

The future is likely to be unpredictable, so on the one hand, you want to get out of the way of catastrophe before everyone else wants to get out of the way, but on the other hand, you don’t want to get out of the way before the shape and location of catastrophe becomes clear.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Travel to another country, walk through the streets and shopping malls, look at the people around you, and ask yourself, “If I settle down here, this is what my grandchildren will look like. Am I OK with that?”

skippy says:

“If mechanical and blue collar skills — well a whole lot of blue collar skills get quite decent pay in lots of places, such as Malaysia. But I have no reliable information on how a skilled white blue collar is going to do in Malaysia. Plus, if you go into a nonwhite place that is part of the Global American Empire, and the Global American Empire shows indications of being about to become very anti white, hard to say if that is a good idea. Diversity plus proximity equals war.”

Generally speaking browns prole masses, even in the GAE, have no problem with whitey. They do not feel threatened by him, since they have the preponderance of numbers and apparent control of the police and military, and quite like to have him around as a walking ATM. Of course propaganda can be deployed, but the Summer of Floyd was much worse in the USA than it was in, for example, Malaysia.

Varna says:

> Musk would probably prefer a Christian country.

BTW, in spite of all the CIA histrionics, China has the world’s second biggest population of protestants. It was third a decade back, second by now, but not reflected in new statistics. In fact, they started not counting China, or using old data, for some reason. But back in 2017 it still looked real.

Give unto Caesar, do not try to create your own weird cult, and being an urban Christian in China (it’s a mainly urban young white collar phenomenon) is completely fine. And they’re all genuine recent converts, not “hereditary Christians”. Which could be some neocon long-term evangelical trojan horse play that Beijing maybe isn’t handling too well, but on the individual level, if you’re a Christian in China in some mainstream branch and don’t try to subvert your host society, you’re completely fine.

Hesiod says:

Indeed, we as Christian are duty-bound to spread the Good News and attempt to convert, but once we give the Message, it’s a matter of individual freewill forming the local congregations. Christians in, say, India, need to make and maintain their own Indian Christianity that preserves a healthy continuity of their own heritage.

I used to feel guilty when I would read of early Western Christian missionaries and found myself on the side of the natives, as in Japan. This was before I understood the serpentine nature of Jesuits. Perhaps I intuited the skinsuit corruption but couldn’t formulate the words in a rational manner.

Neurotoxin says:

Good news: Local law enforcement’s trust of the FBI has seriously declined, and the Bureau is becoming less competent:

a damning report [on the FBI] …was delivered to the House Judiciary Committee by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts.

The same group gave us the scathing DEI report last year about the FBI’s degraded recruitment standards and coddling of physically unfit, mentally ill, drug-taking or generally useless agents to satisfy diversity requirements at the expense of merit and experience.

I don’t want anyone coming after me, but if someone must try I hope it’s a physically unfit drug addict.

Regarding the Bureau (I’ll call it that to avoid Sauron’s Eye), the report…
1. calls out massive incompetence due to DEI hiring,
2. calls out “narcissistic” culture of arrogance among Bureau agents.

Local law enforcement departments increasingly have stopped trusting and sharing information with the Bureau. This includes:
3. not sharing info with the Bureau due to concerns about its politicization
4. wondering out loud why the Bureau hasn’t gone after BLM and Antifa the way it went after J6ers.

And for good reason, e.g. the report notes that
5. the Bureau has instructors that denigrate Trump and all Republicans in classes,
6. notes the Bureau has used the hiring and security clearance processes to perform political purges.

The Bureau’s politicization is not good, obviously, but that local LEs have noticed it and are objecting and actually becoming less cooperative is.

One [local LE officer] said the FBI’s behavior was “that of a Third World country [and the bureau] should be dismantled and its personnel prosecuted and given long prison sentences.”

Ultimately the whistleblower group says the only way to restore the FBI’s reputation and repair the damage is to force the resignation of Wray as “an extreme measure of last resort.

Fake says:

Remember last summer when the fbi search warranted the 80yo 300lb man to death in utah because he posted online he’d shoot biden? The local cops immediately posted on social media they weren’t consulted and had nothing to do with it. According to the news, the fbi weren’t able to kick in his door, so they tried and failed to break his front window and enter. In the photos, the agents looked exactly like the usss agent who couldn’t holster her gun.

Adam says:

Can someone please elaborate on “a touch of beta”?

I’m at this girls place recently, first date. Great time, lots of chemistry. Lots of laughs. Her pussy absolutely soaked through her jeans. Lots of last minute resistance but I thought no problem we had another date lined up for a couple days later. Not ten minutes after I left she’s calling me and wanted me to come back but it was way late.

Then she cancels the next date with bullshit about family and school. Can’t reschedule, says she’s too scared to jump into a relationship.

Stuff like this keeps happening to me. I get numbers, they say all the things one normally hears before getting a date and the lay. Then they vanish.

I’m kind of at a loss as to what is going on.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Seems obvious what’s going on and I think you know it too.

When opportunity knocked you slammed the door on her.

Adam says:

Shit. You may be right. I thought a second date was pretty automatic. The one thing I had not seen before, is she absolutely could not stop giggling when I would make eye contact with her. To a level that was almost inappropriate and annoying. I just did not feel the urgency in stealing home at the time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Hesiod says:

Nice. It’s unfortunate that several entertainers who I admire for their craft are so awful in real life. Baldwin is such scum but can be a great comedic actor as seen on his multiple SNL appearances.

Hesiod says:

I’m speaking of the pre-Trump appearances on SNL. Baldwin selling his soul that far was painful.

The Cominator says:

Women in general are also really really bad about flaking unless you have some other monetary hold or power over them or you’ve already fucked them and they really liked it. This used to make me VERY VERY angry…

The paradoxical thing is the craziest most poor impulse control chain smoking drug and alchohol problems bpd types of chicks (most of the chicks who liked me over the years tended to be this way) tend to actually be the most reliable about not flaking and keeping their commitments to meet with you at x place at x time. And no I’m not talking about strippers…

Cloudswrest says:

To elaborate on your metaphor, if a professional baseball player had the opportunity to steal home, and he did not take it, he should be cut from the team.

Handi says:

I sympathize deeply with the choice he made in the moment, even though it was manifestly unsuccessful. Leaving and getting summoned back strikes me as a very frustrating loss of frame, so I can see the logic in trying to stick her with waiting for another date since she resisted when he was acting on his own terms.

Basically she’s establishing a precedent that she can throw a spanner into the works of what they both want, and then as soon as she’s ready to stop fucking things up, he has to proceed with what she wants immediately without any acknowledgment that she was obstructive. I am just sick of women being able to impose arbitrary costs and the man is always presumed inept for trying to counter with his own incentive gradient.

So what’s the correct way to hold frame over her belated concession, that doesn’t make one feel like a dog getting yanked around by the leash? I know the solution won’t be rational. Do you just go back to her apartment with a grin and start spanking her?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You go in in the first place.

Handi says:


alf says:

Gotta strike when the iron hot.

alf says:

(Saying this as someone whose been in very similar situations having made very similar mistakes. It’s tough though because ploughing through last minute resistance is not always the prettiest, especially in modern #metoo times and whatnot)

jim says:

Yes, really tough. But it just has to be done.

Adam says:

Yep. Every now and again I have to re-learn a lesson in game that I had learned long ago. In this case I was just not in a rush to get it on, but missed out on the fact that she was. In a sense i took her last minute resistance as legitimate and got in her frame. In my defense, she is 35 years old and a cute 7, and I did not get the feeling she was used to getting attention from guys she was attracted to. So I played it safe.

Hesiod says:

Going into work the next morning dead-tired but with a smile on your face is the price of the game. A young Hesiod almost wasted away foolishly juggling. Not saying I was a pussy-grabbing master, but it seemed once I got one woman, others would start rubbing all up against me. Hard to say no when in one’s prime.

Aidan says:

Once behind closed doors, need to ravish her. If you want to wait for a second date, need to say goodbye at the door. If you go behind closed doors with her and neglect to ravish her, things will get weird in one way or another. Her brain just can’t process that properly- she’ll consider it a rejection, and a cruel one, deep in her bones. The tepid escalation ladder of PUAs is counterproductive, crimestop against what actually happens..

Mayflower Sperg says:

Does the same rule apply if, lacking private space at home, she takes you on a hike through the fields and forests around her village, out of sight and earshot of any houses? I guess I blew that one.

When a reporter asked me what I thought of Russian culture, I said that Russians should all read Anna Karenina again as adults, which must have come off as a total non-sequitur because I lacked the words to explain that, while sex is instinctual, courtship and marriage are cultural, a set of rules and rituals that Russians have completely forgotten and need to re-learn fast before they go extinct.

yewotm8 says:

This is I believe the final redpill on women. Women lose respect for you if you don’t force them when you had the chance. As far as female consent exists, it is given the moment she makes herself alone with you.

The Cominator says:

Definite plan to runup the fraud in corrupt nigger precincts again. The only place near Manhattan where Trump gets spontaneously cheered by the crowd is in Harlem where a lot of the poor blacks remember that under Trump they were actually making money for once… and in my anecdotal experience around half of black guys like Trump. But yet this poll shows him getting 0 black voters.

Hesiod says:

Same organism claimed earlier in the week Trump voters are flocking to Harris because they hate Vance.

The Cominator says:

Imagine thinking black guys are that bothered that Vance made a remark years ago about how much he thinks a bunch of childless old Karens are ruining the country…

Hesiod says:

Echo chambers are bad things, yet a lot of people never venture outside of one. Guilty white libtards have all sorts of bat-guano crazy ideas about coloreds.

The Cominator says:

I can imagine that a bunch of DC suburban ladies who lunch types probably believe this as the worldview of that demographic is more out of touch with reality than anyone else’s but nah the people making this shit up are just making shit up to justify fraud they don’t have to believe it themselves (though of course many do believe at least some of it themselves).

Hesiod says:

How much is doublethink a real phenomenon? What are the psychological costs of having to operate in such a fashion? Orwell depicted the Party as omniscient and omnipotent, or at least the closest you can get to such on Earth, because he had not the faith of his heritage.

Varna says:

Everybody doublethinks all the time, you get it depicted beautifully in the Brothers Karamazov, you get it in every family where the members are pretending to themselves that something that’s happening isn’t really happening and vice versa.

State-enforced or religion-enforced doublethinking is a different game. The Victorians (in the broadest sense) were masters of doublethinking, so in spite of all their titanic achievements they managed to destroy their civilizations in 4 years flat via WWI.

The cost of social doublethinking is the cost of every method based on denying reality and sinking deeper and deeper into solipsism. Entropy and disfunction accumulates slowly, slowly, then fast and catastrophic. The Soviets were also master doublethinkers.

The cost of individual doublethinking manifests externally in toxic relationships and others, and internally in a chronically sick body. A nervous system which constantly tries to react to reality, but is sabotaged by the cortex insisting that the fake reality is in fact happening.

Gradually the gut, the brain, the endocrine system, the heart, the adrenal glands all go out of whack, since they are not getting validating feedback, and instead keep churning in a perpetual crisis mode which the brain pretends isn’t happening, or pretends the cause of the crisis is something else, such as, today, climate change and white extremism etc.

tl; dr: the cost of constant doublethinking both for society and the individual is being increasingly ill and insane. The gulf between actual reality and pretend reality is today filled up by pills and various dopamine addictions.

Life, in the context of this topic, is like driving a car. Any second you may die, but: a) if you let this knowledge overwhelm you, obsess about it, you’ll be a crap driver and bring about what you compulsively fear, b) if you deny what the real stakes are and pretend driving is not a life and death business, you’re a danger to yourself and others.

The healthy way is to accept the stakes, that shit is real, but to keep it in the back of your mind. On top you build your world, you listen to the radio in the car, you hum to music, you talk to passengers, you muse about stuff, you appreciate a sexy chick you see, or a fine natural view, but deep down you remember that shit is real and you may die at any second.

Doublethinking means denying that driving is a life and death business, and pretending that you avoid collision or going in the opposite lane because of say, your virtue, or because it’s fashionable, not because you’ll die if you do it.

If a person stops being able to doublethink, and reality overwhelms them, they are “depressed” or have “anxiety disorders” (OMG, I’ll die any second, I’ll die any second, everybody can kill me at any moment, help, help), and society tries to “help” them by finding a way to hide reality again via drugs or some form of mental and behavior programming.

The choice for the normie is to either live life in doublethink mode, or collapse in agony when the dam against reality bursts.

Competing ideological systems offer specific forms of doublethink which not only separate them from the others, but are also virtue markers – point deer and say trans horse means you’re one of the good guys.

True sociopaths and psychopaths only pretend to believe the bullshit they say to get what they want. Normies doublethink and “honestly” believe what they say, even if it changes every week according to the needs of the personal and individual ideological system they are members of.

The sociopath cynical female coldly manipulates you by her tears and tantrums. The generic normie female does the same, but believes herself utterly in the moment of the performance. In this sense she is “honest”.

Hesiod says:

You took my two-bar riff and made an epic song from it. Well done, sir. I’m a slow thinker, so I need time to chew over things, and you’ve given a bounteous portion.

Varna says:

It was a pleasure, sir

dave says:

statistically meaningless as a poll. Polling is attempt to set fraudulent narrative in preparation for fake voting. propaganda by other means.

The Cominator says:

Basically that is what I said…

dave says:

Well question is if they are building the narrative by being bad at statistics or outright fraudulent polls and numbers… or both.

If fraud, then its very likely that the last couple months of great polling for Trump was also fraudulent and meant to drive Biden out of the race. now a surge of fake polls supports build the Dem resurgence narrative.

The Cominator says:

Nah if the media were ever honest about Biden’s real poll numbers he’d get between 5 and 20%. Biden was viscerally hated almost universally so. The vast majority of people got a lot poorer under him.

I’m sure there was a bumb for Kamala because she wasn’t quite hated man #1 and she was not visibly senile but still she is unpopular and I think nigs know she isn’t one of them but she is a jeet. Everyone hates jeets and certainly niggers hate jeets…

DH says:

Yep. Their propaganda is designed to convince normies that no blacks and no women support Trump, who is “racist and sexist.” Wouldn’t women want a female president? Wouldn’t coloreds want another one of their own as president? A normie can be persuaded of these talking points, whether or not there is any merit to them. If normies believe that blacks and women overwhelmingly support Kamala, the regime will be able to more easily steal the vote and to faster mobilize itself against the dissidents.

Hesiod says:

They really are begging to learn the hard way why faggot is a term for homosexuals:

Hesiod says:

Trump says, “I will create a new Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias. Its mission will be to investigate ALL forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America.”

Adam says:

Let’s hope he uses it to put down Antifa and BLM.

someDude says:

Congratulations, gentlemen! We hope to have the same some day

Mister Grumpus says:

This isn’t my blog but I need to do this:

It was going to be someone like Kamala eventually. This day was coming. The ruling faith demands sincere oaths of belief in obvious untruths, and thus selects for insanity and stupidity, both in its rulers and its general population. That IS a horse, and not a deer, or you will get what an infidel has coming to him.

Autogenocide isn’t a boolean switch. It’s been building for some time now. There’s no clear “before” and “during”. The enniggerfication of the cities, negro immunity and automatic standard income, the shunting of smart people out of positions of authority through “procedural outcomes”, the ever-worsening bitch-player dynamic making high-IQ reproduction less likely, etc. These, the actual “systemic racism” and “stochastic terrorism” — obviously so because you can’t talk about them and stay employed — has been building to a crescendo since, shit I don’t know, like 1800 probably.

George Orwell had the same normalcy delusion (though I must say understandably for someone pre-1960) that Alex Jones has today, that at the very top there’s a ruling cadre of 300-IQ mustache-twisting Bond villains who KNOW it’s all bullshit and just love power. That there just has to be an O’Brien up there somewhere, deftly adjusting the levers and twiddling the dials to keep the boot on all human faces, forever.

Well I don’t buy that anymore. I mean fuck, O’Brien was smart and white, as expired an archetype as King Arthur. Who on earth today, gassing up Kamala Harris, thinks he can keep this machine revving, faster and faster, without getting sucked into it himself somehow?

Will even Barack Obama have grandchildren?

I don’t care what anyone says. Lying is violent. Propaganda is state terror. The instant switch to Worldwide Kamalamania is disheartening, at least for me, because I know how well it works. Game theory is so powerful because it’s hooked to human nature. People believe what they believe everyone else believes.

Go ahead and roast me for blackpilling, but without a fresh new medium of mass communication, resistant to both censors and shills — “freedom of censorship” as Jim’s called it — I just don’t see how this isn’t all going down.

jim says:

My code is just very far from ready.

Pending the code solution, there are three potential ways out of this:

1. The steal depends on the smart fraction, just as running a burger shop depends on the smart fraction. The smart fraction, seeing what is coming, bails.

2. Trump exercises Kingship, and interrupts the sudden three in the morning appearance of one hundred million Kamala Harris votes.

3. External fall of the Global American Empire leads to internal fall, as with the Soviet Empire, with a preference cascade starting at the borders where they retreated from.

Gedeon says:

Per a USSR expat friend of Georgian extraction (Chikvash vili, Bor is), the collapse of the USSR was catalyzed by the “Refusniks” being finally allowed to leave the USSR. I’ve know said friend for almost two decades now and he doesn’t blow smoke.

You can look him up as he has a lot of writing out there from his various blogs and accounts. His CV is real, but you have to learn to speak Boris if you want to understand him because he’s thinking in a dozen languages and has his own lexicon.

I raise this because I’ve diligently watched for a brain drain away from the U.S.. Even the most zealous BRICS (anti-West) fan who will not move his family to Russia or China and lives in PNW. His last hope is that Putin invades the PNW and Alaska, but I think that’s been pushed off by the fail train in the Donetsk.

There are some expats like Steven Segal and Jim Rogers, but I haven’t observed any anecdotal or memetic scale migration away from the U.S., ex-Israel Aliyah, still.

Given current events, I think the U.S. is on schedule for 1945 + saeculum genocidal conflict of the domestic variety and China is on schedule for 1949 + saeculum for a genocidal conflict of the foreign variety.

Hat tip, John Xenakis, again.

Trump gets in, ANTIFA/BLM goes ham on white people. DNC wins, DHS goes ham on white people. In both cases, white people resist and the Constitution gets tested.

Varna says:

After the leftist landslides in England and France, there very well could be an updated mechanism for copycat landslides being declared elsewhere, such as the US, Germany later and so on.

The Soviet block fell the way it did also due to an overwhelmingly convincing alternative outside — Reganist America and Thatcherist Britain. Which, compared to 1980s Soviet drab life, did appear to offer an amazing alternative. Such as presented in the films of the era, already discussed in this thread.

Had it been a world of two or three competing Soviet Unions, equally solipsistic and stagnant, it would have taken either sleepwalking into a world war, or one of them unleashing some idiotic technogenic catastrophe on itself, to break the loop.

Before the western white discovered industrial alchemy, the oriental civilizations, stagnant as they were, could exist for eternity. Once the germanic white did go steampunk, the various Chinas, Japans, Persias, Ottomans and so on, folded.

The other variation from earlier eras is an external barbaric invasion, such as brought down Byzantium and the Central Asian civilizations, and before that caused the Bronze Age collapse.

Before the 21st century those are the conditions, real and hypothetical, for the collapse of a stagnant society:
1) external alternative such as Reagan’s USA;
2) one of the competing civilizations suddenly jumps a quantum level above the rest, as the germanic white did via the industrial revolution and jewish banking magic;
3) sudden appearance of dynamic barbaric hordes;
4) internal catastrophe

Today there is no external “super obviously better alternative”.

Also, unless some power jumps into super duper quantum AI futurism ahead of the rest, no chance of duplicating the western white insane superiority.

Dynamic barbaric hordes do appear to be imported, with a weird dialectic along the lines of “can the West make the newcomers decadent fast enough or will they soon pass a saturation point and just smash everything”.

An internal catastrophe is always likely, and even if it’s not explicitly technogenic at the start, once the systemic failure cascade reaches the relevant fields, it’ll become technogenic soon enough.

However, the “Reaganist alternative” (again in the broadest sense) does exist, it’s just not external, it is internal. Renewal through external influence seems currently very unlike, only collapse through external influences, which is not the same. But renewal through *internal* processes still could happen.

Lastly, history shows us that frequently political figures may be saying and consciously doing one thing, but be fate’s tool in a completely different direction. Europe’s elites planned to have quick victorious wars against each other circa 1914. The commies and nationalist across the continent said “oh shit, they’re really going to destroy each other, now’s our chance!”. They read the writing on the wall much better than the old elites at the time.

Stalin tried to first stabilize the Soviet system, and then prepare it for the mega war which in 1931 he predicted would come in ten years.
What he left behind was a country controlling half of Europe, and on the verge of conquering space.
Later, Gorbachev tried to save this project from stagnation. He instead ‘I accidently it”, but this in turn sowed the seeds for a Putin Russia.

So, while there’s no external competitor currently which can really globohomo the push, history tells us that you never know. You even can’t really tell which actor will become a catalyst for cataclysmic change, no matter his conscious desires and ideology.

Karl says:

Globohomo is decaying fast. In a few years, there will be external alternative that even normies can see.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

>Today there is no external “super obviously better alternative”

Please, I beg you, visit Singapore, visit Tokyo, visit Shenzhen. They’re ahead of the West to a degree that’s hard to fathom if you haven’t been there. That these places are this successful while being pretty fucked up in many other ways shows how dire the situation is here.

I get that people want Christian Nationalism – female emancipation hasn’t been *great* for these places – but have you considered non-ideological meritocratic technocracy? Vote PAP!

jim says:

We have the visible alternative of normal competent non demonic governance, as in Singapore and China.

This is why people want a King. But we don’t have the visible alternative of de-emancipation. Not because it does not exist, but because it is less visible. You can see that Singapore is a superior alternative by looking out the window from ten thousand feet as you fly in to the airport, not to mention you may be flying in at the airport for medical treatment you could not get in the west.

But you cannot look out the window when flying into a country where marriage works and see that marriage works, the way you can see that a city works.

Fidelis says:

Not because it does not exist, but because it is less visible

It doesn’t help that until recently sanctions and war worked, so all the places that held out got fairly wrecked or had to go very far out of their way to make sure it was invisible.

But you cannot look out the window when flying into a country where marriage works and see that marriage works, the way you can see that a city works.

Perhaps not from the plane window, but I disagree it’s invisible naturally. Lots of young children spotted around and a much less tense atmosphere when interacting with the young men.

Varna says:

Confucian gooks are today the premier example on how to run an orderly, non-psychopathic, non-kleptocratic society with non-hijacked institutions.

But they all failed the COVID IQ test in one way or another.

Non-ideological technocracies are easy to hack with mind viruses masquerading as “the science”. Basic non-insane ideology + IQ of 90 sometimes is a better shield against globohomo mind hacking than utilitarian technocracy + 110 IQ.

The only ones that didn’t completely fall for the covid crap in Europe are parts of the Balkans and the Ukraine. Not that it matters about the Ukraine anymore.

Also, to an extent, the red states in the US, where the governors signed decrees protecting the citizens from institutional pressure.

Orderly high IQ gooks fell and fell hard. And while China at least used the old-timey dead virus shot, Singapore and Japan went for the Cthulhu Fhtagn calamari serum.

The Cominator says:

Japan and South Korea (I admire most things about Japan, South Korea has a lot of fucking problems) did not fail the covid test. Xi failed the covid test because dumb Maoist commie living off the good things created by his predecessors Deng, Jiang, and Hu.

Varna says:

Vaccination rate in Korea (basically total)

Shots used in Korea (mostly Cthulhu Fhtagn calamari serum)

Vaccination rate in Japan (basically total)

Shots used in Japan (mostly Cthulhu Fhtagn calamari serum)

In spite of their numerous positive qualities, these people can be quite the naive collectivist autists.

China, possibly due to all the wrong reasons, didn’t inject its population with Cthulhu Fhtagn calamari serum. Maybe just due to classical commie desire to prove independence from imperialist pig-dogs, but the fact remains. Even Russia gave its population basic clot-shots of the Astra and J&J type (Sputnik), although not the mrna stuff. China went full trad instead.

The Cominator says:

Not talking about whether the population was retarded enough to all get vaxxed I’m talking about whether the government did lockdowns.

Pax Imperialis says:

They did

The Cominator says:

Japan and South Korea did not have lockdowns or at least if they did for a very very short time (I won this same argument with coronatarians long ago), they closed schools and mass venues for a while but nothing else. They were more like Sweden on covid than a lot of other places. Of course being Asians very few resisted the vax (the noncoformist in Japan probably being strongly concentrated among the Yakuza and the whores).

/pol/watcher says:

China probably though they were under actual bio weapons attack at the start, so the initial panic is understandable. Once you bring the boot down, it’s hard to retract without justification. Of course, the Chinese used it as a way to eliminate dissidents, and possibly foreign glowies

The Cominator says:

China had insane lockdowns. One reason why I think Xi is far better at politics than policies…

skippy says:

The Japs and Koreans successfully convinced Westerners they had imposed stringent covid measures by imposing stringent barriers to Westerners entering their countries, which had the double advantage of making it harder for Westerners to check what they were doing.

That said Japan had huge voluntary vaccine take-up despite having previously been low key the most anti-vax country in the Western world. All Asians are hypochondriacs ultimately.

Contaminated NEET says:

>All Asians are hypochondriacs ultimately.

Hah! That’s so true.

Karl says:

Only god knows how many of those who had a vaccination passport were actually vaccinated.

jim says:

> Today there is no external “super obviously better alternative”.

Remember Tucker going to Russia to interview Putin and being shocked by the absence of filth, fear, ugliness, poverty, dysfunction, and crime. And then I saw another journo interviewing Tucker and telling him that filth, fear, ugliness, crime, and poverty is the price we pay for freedom.

Dharmicreality says:

It’s funny how the anti-Trump, anti-Vance shills are very quick notice that Vance’s wife is a dot- Indian, but almost everybody doesn’t notice that Kamala Harris is in fact not an “oppressed” black woman, but a half-dot Indian, daughter of a pozzed “privileged” upper caste Hindu woman. The word Kamalam literally means Lotus in Sanskrit. Her mother was a literal caste Hindu (Brahmin) who spat on the face of Hindu tradition by marrying outside her race, religion and caste (typical of elite dysfunction within Hinduism and very fashionable at that time) and her family was part of the Harvard gang way back.

All race traitors disgust me, but in this case it’s clear which race traitor is the bigger threat.

The Cominator says:

They are playing on right wingers strong aversion to the terrible way the Indian diaspora acts (not the oldschool convience store types nobody really hates them if they stay in that lane) and thus playing on fear of right wingers (who are generally paranoid as hell having gone through nothing but betrayals their whole lives) that Trump this time will let more in… While of course trying to maintain that Kamala is black (which trust me in the eyes of American right wingers is far less bad than being a jeet). And of course logically you should worry more about the President being a jeet (which is pure and simple why Vivek couldn’t get nowhere American right wingers feel about jeets about the same way right wing Germans felt about Jews in the 1930s) than the Vice President’s wife.

dharmicreality says:

Seeing the Cathedral mouthpieces in our local media, the deeper narrative seems to be “Kamala Harris is a young, revolutionary outsider and not a swamp creature so more difficult for Trump to target”, “Kamala Harris is the best thing since sliced bread”, “Kamala Harris represents women and poor oppressed people of color” whereas to a section of the alt-right Trump is a Jewish puppet, Vance is a Jewish puppet and how they are more dangerous than Harris.

The dual-channel attacks on Trump seems almost coordinated. Crazy how so-called “white supremacist” Nazi alt-right falls for the Joo-joo-joo bogey every time.

The Cominator says:

Because it absolutely is coordinated.

jim says:

> Crazy how so-called “white supremacist” Nazi alt-right falls for the Joo-joo-joo bogey every time.

All shills all the time. Not one of them can commit a thought crime, not one of them can notice what Soros got up to in the Ukraine — they declare Trump is Jewish, Vance is Jewish, Musk is Jewish, but are strangely unable to notice that Zelensky is Jewish.

Varna says:

Darkly humorous (in hindsight) mainstream headline from 2019 in the sense of “Now that the Ukraine has a jewish govt, what next for the country?”

We all know the answer now.

skippy says:

I am seeing official media try to defend the indefensible on Harris, and I am seeing some on the alt right attacking Vance and even Trump, but I am not seeing anyone on the alt right saying Harris is “better” than Trump (except on accelerationist grounds, where worse is better).

The Cominator says:

“and I am seeing some on the alt right attacking Vance and even Trump”
And these are shills. Massive massive shilling effort now. As one poster on 4chan put it “DNC bought so many (jeets) in the last two days their rape numbers are down”.

cub says:

> Crazy how so-called “white supremacist” Nazi alt-right falls for the Joo-joo-joo bogey every time.

We don’t. The “Trump is a jew” shills serve to both poison discussions among anti-semites, and to encourage the jew-ignorant (e.g. many on this blog) to defend their enslavers. If you’re dumb enough to believe the Tel Aviv shills, that isn’t our fault.

Dharmicreality says:

lol who said I believed the shills about Trump? I was just making an observation about a certain viewpoint echoed widely like a loudspeaker.

Also do you think Andrew Anglin is a shill? He is firmly on the Trump is a Jewish puppet and I’ve seen many echo his sentiments.

cub says:

Trump’s philosemitism is worthy of criticism, but people like Anglin take it to such a detrimental extreme that shills use talking points like his as a fracture point to divide the right.

Though, perhaps we need people like him to show the world what actual anti-semitism looks like, as jews have a tendency to overuse the term.

jim says:

Obviously not a shill.

Dharmicreality says:

It was more a rhetorical question because I know he genuinely believes that Globohomo is headquartered in Tel Aviv and globohomo is subordinate to the advancement of Jewish interests.

Fidelis says:

Com you are definitely projecting a bit here. Grugs think of hindoos as ‘haha poo in loo’ thirdies that need to go back, the other half of the bell curve just plain doesn’t trust them because they never keep their word. In no way are they worse than niggers and I’ve never seen anyone say this.

The Cominator says:

Anyone who was ever in any type of tech or engineering and is any sort of heretic non leftist at all absolutely hates Indians with a passion. Niggers are a dangerous hazard in deep blue areas in some other areas (where I live) I just don’t see niggers as generally all that dangerous unless I go out of my to insult them and try to deliberately provoke a chimpout at all. If I have any sort of non leftist government (and some assurance this won’t likely change overnight) I much rather have niggers around then jeets. Jeets are not physically dangerous but they will ruin any society in large enough numbers. Niggers can do that too but its dependent on higher race leftists deliberately causing trouble on their own they won’t cause trouble. Niggers only became a problem in Rhodesia because of massive leftist financial material and organizational support for a nigger communist rebellion. If Europe and America were right wing monarchies the niggers of Rhodesia would go for thousands and thousands of years as basically a docile less intelligent servant caste and would not cause any problems and the locals wouldn’t even really hate them other than seeing them as a dumber more childlike people. This is not the case with jeets…

dharmicreality says:

The point here is that, Kamala Harris is being projected as an outsider, an “oppressed black woman” who “beat the system of white oppression” and stands for women and coloured people and how she is beating Trump in opinion polls by being so popular among the masses.

Whereas from a mere look at her family background it is clear that she l;iterally belongs to the Cathedral elite and is the very personification of swamp creature if there was one.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A great deal of cryptic impetus behind niggers nigging is decades of being told that other people make them their bitch.

Baizuos are fucked in the head and genuinely can’t relate to the idea that normal people don’t like the implications of the thought that they are getting owned and can’t do anything about it. They actually feel gratification from the idea that they may be victims of something and playing oppression olympics.

The result of course is surly anger, defensiveness, and attempts to sublimate feelings of humiliation through manic actions, which could not have existed before without the help of a full-court press of victimology throughout popular discourse.

Pete says:

Yes many niggers have made “oppositional defiance disorder” toward whites their entire personality.

To the point that if any white person wants or asks them to do ANYTHING, they will always do the opposite, even if it’s a cop pointing a gun at them. It seems getting shot is better than backing down and thus losing face/honor.

someDude says:

You’re definitely not in engineering

Hesiod says:

Forgive me, Jim, if I’m over-linking these days, but here is Putin telling it like it is in very reactionary terms:

The OP’s paraphrasing:

“The West is run by Satanic Pedophiles”

“They’re destroying the institution of family, their cultures & historically identity,

“Pedophilia is now accepted as the norm”

– Vladimir Putin

DH says:

Unlike the Anglo left, which for a long time had been wearing Christianity as a skin suit, the original French left was explicitly unabashedly Satanic right from the beginning, and the modern French left is sharply influenced by (and descended from) the original French left, notwithstanding memetic contagion by Anglos and Jews. France is called “the eldest daughter of the Church,” and the French Revolution was a heretical version of Catholicism going full Satan and sweeping over the country, headed by leftists who openly declared “We worship the devil,” as indeed many modern European leftists, including and especially the French ones, openly declare.

That Olympics ceremony was a mass redpilling event. Normies now see the religious war for what it is. The demons have not yet been exorcised, but they have been revealed.

Oskar says:

> That Olympics ceremony was a mass redpilling event. Normies now see the religious war for what it is. The demons have not yet been exorcised, but they have been revealed.

“…you wake up one day, and this is the opening ceremony for the olympics and suddenly pretty much everyone simply says “nah.””

Why Leftism must move ever leftward…

“…any such movements that succeed and gain power and prestige are, by definition, no longer marginalized and thus, by the rules of the very game that lifted them up, they must now be cast down to make room for those still “marginal.””

Pax Imperialis says:

Related, the Paris Olympic opening ceremony included… well it’s easier to understand if you see:

alf says:

Absolute degeneracy.

alf says:

Except for the part where he claims the West does not interfere with the private lives of its citizens. The West loves to interfere in every part of the lives of its white hetero males.

Dharmicreality says:

Patriarchal Monarchy is the best defence against theocratic totalitarianism.

Hesiod says:

The transition to that part is admittedly awkward, perhaps due to translation. I read it as Putin critiquing the “what two or more consenting adults do in private is their own business” ideal, pointing out that isn’t working out so well for the West to the point of needing outside intervention. Isn’t Russian law currently that fags can screw each other into perdition as they please, but the hammer comes down once anyone else, especially children, gets affected? A back into the closet or else, sort of deal?

Varna says:

Yup, like in China. Legal but tread with care.

Russia did, however, in 2023, outlaw “the international LGBT public movement” and called it a terrorist organization basically. So suck all the cock you want, but put on a lgbt t-shirt and if someone’s in the right mood you’re a member of an international criminal organization.

China has been mopping them up since 2021, deleting accounts, explaining to various organizations that no they’re not going to do pride parades, and perhaps it’s best for everyone if they disband right now. The last mainstream Chinese lgbt org got the hint and disbanded in 2023.

Anonymous Fake says:

Abortion is worse than sodomites adopting and castrating children, which is worse than pedophilia. Pedophilia is shockingly rare, when you think about it. The modern left is even proud of banning child marriage.

Putin is still a good man, though.

Contaminated NEET says:

>The modern left is even proud of banning child marriage.

Sure, but they’re only concerned with the “child marriage” of a young but post-pubescent woman to a slightly older man. That revolts them. They love the idea of a young but post-pubescent boy having a sexual relationship with an older man.

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