Author: Jim


Vaccination safety

Some of my commenters have been arguing that vaccinations are dangerous. So I have been looking into it. I am not going to present the evidence, just my interpretation of the evidence. Autism presents at about the same age as kids get a bunch of shots, so by shear coincidence it will frequently happen that …


Trump against the spooks

Some of the spy agencies are loyal the red empire, some to the blue. I have reason to believe that Five Eyes and No Such Agency are loyal to the red empire, but it is mighty hard to tell, because, hey, they are secret. However the people that have been overthrowing regimes are totally blue …


Trump denounces the press

“You are fake news” Trump is able to take on the mass media because he has is own non state power base. He is the Batman’s Bruce Wayne. But the elephant in the living room is Academia. He has small plans to take on Academia over global warming pseudo science and reluctance to subject vaccines …



The Dark Enlightenment is simply the scientific method applied to politics, society, and religion – resulting in a big pile of highly unpopular bad news, that people are different from each other, that races are different from each other, and that the sexes are different from each other being a major part of that bad …


Replacing Obamacare

The major problem with the American healthcare system is that it has no prices, making it a completely non market system.  It also has a massive redistribution from whites to nonwhites, which wealth redistribution system disrupts the provision of healthcare.  What tends to happen is a hospital treats a hundred illegal immigrants for morbid obesity, …


Against Liberty

Liberty allows and encourages the highest human flourishing. But when your enemies seek your destruction, it is time for liberty to go. The time approaches for the warrior ethic, wherein the highest good is to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women. It takes two …


Why nation building fails

Because they are not building nations, but hotels for transnational progressives That is the explanation of why Assad is supposedly a very very bad man. Because he refused to let a bunch of people with prior experience in being paid by the international community for dashing around the world raising female self esteem, stopping the …