Author: Jim


Democracy explained

For something over two hundred years, the anglosphere has moved ever leftwards, ever faster. Ever leftwards policies are baked in to a holiness signaling spiral, and the government elects a new people to vote for these policies that are already baked in. They are not going to change their policies because of the votes of …

party politics

Clinton’s Booby Trap

Hillary wants the alt right to take over the right, to become the Republican party. Which means that the alt right gets all the lovely beltway gravy that the Republicans are getting today – and like the Republicans, gets no power. Like the Republicans, becomes the outer party. The Republican party then becomes the white …


Natsocs are center left

Socialism is left. If Natsocs are not socialist, need a new name. One might argue that socialism is only left if demotic. Socialism on das Führerprinzip is the way every well run corporation works internally. But every well run corporation, as for example Apple under Steve Jobs, works by delegating everything except its core competence …


Civilization and dysgenesis

We may reasonably suppose that the first six civilizations were founded by high IQ peoples. Their homelands are now all occupied by low IQ peoples, as for example Egypt and the Indus Valley. And any smart people currently in the vicinity of the Indus valley are descended from foreign invaders who conquered a low IQ …


Why women are sleeping with chads

The problem is that dads are being emasculated and chads are not being emasculated Men want children, children are hostages against them, the hostages make them weak, so their wives despise them and fuck a black rapper, who fucks their husband’s daughters and beats their husband’s sons. If we preferentially give children to the husband …


On stopping power

Ellifritz studied 1800 actual gunfights. His study produced the seemingly absurd conclusion that the handgun most effective in stopping people, in resolving a gunfight to the shooters satisfaction, was by many reasonable measures the .22, a conclusion he was profoundly reluctant to accept. Now obviously if you do a Mythbuster type experiment, put the gun …


Common Core Explained

tl;dr Problem: If you try to teach children reading, writing, and arithmetic, People of Color will underperform. Thus teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic has disparate impact. Solution: Yo Stop teaching dem dat racist whitey sheeit what ‘chew thinkin’ man? A child who has been educated with common core is a child who cannot do maths, …

party politics

Hillary’s condition

Hillary has been photographed being stabilized by two assistants as she climbs the stairs. This used to be Hollywood’s way of depicting someone as drunk – that he needed assistance to climb stairs without falling over and falling down. Hillary is known to have injured her head by falling down. Hillary has seizures. Seizures are …