Category: party politics

party politics

The crisis

I have predicted from past trends that 2020 will probably be the last democratic election, and the proverbial hits the fan around 2026. (Though chances are that we will still be holding elections for a very long time to come, as the Roman Empire did, and the Queen still rides in a stagecoach to open Parliament.) The current impeachment crisis is that Social Justice Warriors always project. When Trump investigates …


Draining the swamp

“Bring the jobs back” Done “Build the wall” Started “Drain the swamp” Starting Trump, because Biden is the most electable Democratic Party candidate, drew attention to the fact that Biden used taxpayer money to shut off the light on his families corruption. So, naturally they accuse Trump of doing what Biden did, and are now attempting to impeach him for it – which draws further attention to what Biden, and …

party politics

Breaking Epstein’s hyoid bone

To break your hyoid bone in a suicide, you need to tie a rope around your neck and jump off something high enough that there is a drop before the rope tightens, and the rope tightens before your feet hit the ground. And there needs to be a decent drop distance before the rope tightens. An “Introduction to the Work of a Medical Examiner” by John Miletich and Tia Lindstrom …

party politics

Mueller Testimony

A lot of people interpreted the Mueller testimony as Mueller being senile and forgetful. Did not look like that to me. He was “forgetful” under hostile cross examination: Looked to me that he was repeatedly caught lying to congress. He was not forgetful, he was changing his story in midstream. Looked to me that he is used to an environment where lying is mandatory, crimethought forbidden, so you can lie …

party politics

The General Flynn Affair

From the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats sincerely believed they had the goods on Trump, that he was guilty of something or other, had to be guilty of something or other, even though they were never clear in their own minds of exactly what. And from the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats did not have the goods on …

party politics

State of the Union Speech

Trump gave a great speech, in which he re-affirmed his campaign promises, not yet kept, to end the forever war and build the wall, Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates, and guards. Meanwhile working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal immigration reduced jobs lower wages overburdened schools hospitals that are so crowded you can’t get …

party politics

State of Emergency coming up.

Trump is readying a state of emergency to build and fund the wall without congressional approval. He has already been building and funding the wall without congressional approval, but a state of emergency would arguably make it legal. The Democrats are going to scream in pain that this is a dire threat to rule by the permanent government of law and democracy. Which it is. There are already a thousand …

party politics

White pill on the shutdown and wall

The Ann Coulter black pill is that Trump is going to cuck out, and the wall is not going to be built. Nuts! The wall is being built. Trump just wants a fig leaf to make building it legal. Obamacare was never legally passed: House passed one version, Senate passed another version, reconciliation produced a third version, none of them workable, so Obama took legislative, judicial, and fiscal authority into …

party politics

Election outcome

I am disappointed and surprised that we did not see a red wave. But the loss of the house changes little. Trump did not have a majority of Trump Republicans before the election and he now has a slightly larger minority of Trump Republicans. And in any case, the house has had no real power since FDR. With better control of the Senate, Trump can get judges and appointments through …

party politics

The right wins in Brazil

If we are lucky, this will be the last Brazilian election in a very long time. Bolsanaro is more Trump than Trump is. The White House has confirmed that US president Donald Trump called  Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday night to congratulate him on his election victory. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Trump congratulated the president-elect and that “both expressed a strong commitment to work side-by-side to improve the …