Archive for the ‘party politics’ Category


Monday, December 23rd, 2019


This Witch Hunt must end NOW with a trial in the Senate, or let her default & lose.

Trump wants a trial in the Senate at which Democrats get to call witnesses, Trump gets to cross examine their witnesses and Trump gets to call witnesses, and they get to cross examine his witnesses.

During which he gets to put on the greatest show on earth, unlike the ratings killing impeachment investigation.

The Democrats want a trial in the Senate during which they continue their aimless, endless, boring, and fruitless fishing expedition for something, anything, everything, to pin on Trump, but Trump does not get to call witnesses or cross examine their witnesses.

The cucked Republicans want it all to end now, before Trump gets to hang out all the Uniparty and Deep State dirty linen in the Senate.

I have been expecting and predicting a color revolution attempt, but that Nancy is sitting on the articles of impeachment indicates that this is off the table, at least for now. Maybe not until 2026, when revolution will be riper. But if it is off the table, the tiger she is riding is going to get even more difficult and fractious.

Nancy Pelosi is using the Republican desire to avoid letting it all hang out as leverage to continue the forever investigation of Trump, which has been running since he nominated in 2016, but agreement is unlikely. She cannot even find agreement within the Democrats. Making deals is hard, and it is now becoming impossible, since there is no one to make a deal with. The only possible resolution of the impasse is to drop the whole hot potato into Judge Robert’s lap, and if neither side is offering that, neither side wants the impasse to end.

But both Trump and the tiger Nancy is riding do want the impasse to end. So, expect the unexpected. But probably not the most dramatic outcome of them all, color revolution.

Draining the Swamp

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Trump made three big promises. To bring the jobs back, to build the wall, and to drain the swamp.

Bringing the jobs back was effective almost immediately. He reversed a bunch of Obama presidential orders that had shutdown coal fields, oil wells, and pipelines, or prevented new ones from opening, and they immediately opened and started hiring at the stroke of his pen. Overnight, or rather over three months, America ceased to be a major energy importer and became a major energy exporter. It was a radical and abrupt turnaround. Bringing back the factories took a little longer than reopening the mines, because they can move a factory to China, but they cannot move a mine to China, but the factories have come back and are continuing to return. Instead of the great centralization, we now have the great decentralization, with white males moving back into flyover country.

Building the wall took longer, but now its going up, and a mighty impressive wall it is.

It is depressingly late, and a good deal later than I expected and predicted, but it is very much the wall he promised at election rallies.

Very shortly after Trump was elected, he took action against legal immigration by a multitude of presidential orders. I heard great screams of pain from employers importing H1Bs, and much whining from dot Indian chicks that I talked to the airport. Lately the Dems have acknowledged what is happening and joined in the whining, though it goes against their narrative “weak, weak, weak, weaker, weaker, weaker”.

And now, finally, draining the swamp:

The biggest and most important swamp draining operation was not investigating Democratic Party corruption, but rescuing warriors under attack by the most holy priesthood of Obama appointees in the military, who were seeking to break up the bands of brothers that so frightened them. The cucks in top military brass were and are after Eddie Gallagher because he was a right wing Christian. The prosecution kept changing its mind about what war crimes he had committed. When one war crime did not work, they would come up with another. When war crimes did not work, their reaction was the same as when Mueller found that the Russians were probably the only foreign power that did not interfere in the 2016 US election. They wanted to get him on something, anything, everything. The pursuit of Gallagher was priests getting antsi because they smelled a warrior priest, a paladin, of an enemy religion. If one thing did not work, they would try another thing. I don’t care whether Gallagher was guilty of war crimes, and as the case dragged on, it became increasingly obvious that the prosecution cared even less than I do.

Trump cannot drain the Democratic party swamp unless he has a military that will back him against a color revolution. The Democrats are planning to react to arrest of Democrats with the arrest of Republicans. In the Eric Ciaramella testimony, the Democrats were feeling out how much backing they have in the Department of Defense for color revolution, and the answer was, quite a lot. Impeachment can only work if they first arrest the president, his family, assorted members of his administration, and then threaten to arrest, or actually arrest, enough Republicans in the Senate – color revolution. The soldiers will only obey orders to enforce the constitution against color revolution if they think Trump has their back, and is able to have their back.

But now, finally, at long last, at long long last, the much promised, much delayed, swamp draining operation against the Democrats:

November 15, 2019

The Honorable Ken A. Blanco
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
Department of Treasury
Dear Director Blanco:

The Senate Finance Committee and Homeland Security and Govemmental Affairs Committee are conducting an investigation into potentially improper actions by the Obama administration with respect to Burisma Holdings (Btuisma) and Ukraine. As discussed in our November 6, 2019, letter to the State Department, while then-Vice President Biden was in office, his son, Hunter, worked for Burisma and “would be paid as much as $50,000 per month.” At the time, Burisma and its owner were under investigation by Ukraine and U.K. authorities. According to a report, in 2016, then-Vice President Biden threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless the Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating Burisma was fired, which he eventually was. In addition, Burisma’s consulting firm, Blue Star Strategies, used Hunter Biden’s board membership to gain access to Obama administration officials at the State Department and potentially influence matters before government of?cials on behalf of Burisma. The Committees have jurisdiction over the taxpayer-funded operations of the State Department and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

To assist the Committees in the examination of these matters, we are requesting a copy of all Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and related documents that have been filed regarding the following individuals or entities:
. Hunter Biden;
. Devon Archer;
. Christopher Heinz;
. Karen Tramontano;
. Sally Painter;
. Burisma Holdings;
. Rosemont Seneca Partners;
. Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC;
. Rosemont Capital;
. Bohai Harvest RST; and
. Blue Star Strategies.

Please provide these documents no later than December 5, 2019. Thank you for your prompt attention.


Charles E. Grassley
Chairman Committee on Finance

Ron Johnson
Chairman Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

In two weeks, Horowitz releases the report on illegal spying on the Trump campaign.

OK, swamp not being drained yet. And the barbed wire entanglements along the border in the 2018 election were not a wall either. But they were an indication of the will and capability to build a wall. Firing the Secretary of the Navy was an indication of the will and capability to resist color revolution, and ordering production of documents is a indication of intent to do something with those documents.

Sixteen more years

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

Trump when addressing the masses does not explicitly cover the issues covered in this blog, but when addressing the shale conference, addressing the merchant elite, he touched on them:

He tells the shale industry that they should run shale because the merchant class should have the property rights they need to do the day to day running of the ordinary stuff: “you make this country run”..

Trump hopes to continue ruling beyond 2024: “Sixteen more years”

The way the wind blows, looks increasingly possible. Trump anticipates that his opponents are going to resort to violence, and is confident that once open violence is on the table, he wins. His opponents are making a big mistake.

The left increasingly doubt that they can win 2020, so are determined to remove the president. They know that attempting to remove the president by following precedent and the constitutional process of impeachment would be a disaster for them, so left’s plan for impeachment is color revolution: escalating defiance of the rules until they finally impeach Trump in an irregular fashion contrary to the constitution. But this only maintains the appearance of legality and precedent if Republicans go along with it.

The color revolution script is “he is weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling, he is falling, falling, falling, falling, he has fallen”. And if he has already fallen no need to hold a merely formal impeachment. Trump is countering the color revolution script by talking up unity and greatness, and by and large, most of the cuckservatives are reluctantly falling into line.

Color revolutions are apt to turn into genocidal holy war when the other side does not play along with the script. The “he has fallen” announcement is apt to be made in flagrant defiance of reality, as happened in Syria. Actual fighting then ensues between the new “government” and the “fallen” government. Not that I am betting on civil war before the 2020 election, but the Democrats are on a path where they either fail, or proceed to civil war. Likely they will accept failing this time, whereupon the older smarter whiter Democrats lose power to the crazies, who complain that the saner Democrats stabbed the crazier Democrats in the back, as of course they will have done if we are to postpone Civil War II till after 2020.

If they go with impeachment according to the rules and precedent, will totally blow up in their faces. If they back off from impeachment, the left will devour them. If they follow the color revolution script to the bitter end, irregular impeachment proceedings followed by premature proclamation of decisive victory and irregular impeachment, then Civil War II in place of the 2020 election.

We probably will not have Civil War II in place of the 2020 election, but everywhere around the American Hegemony, elite civility is collapsing, and they are playing with tactics that bring us closer to civil war. in many places in the American hegemony the elite are maneuvering to start arresting each other, everywhere political events are deviating further and further from established precedent and established legality. It seems too soon for Civil War II before the 2020 election, but the path to that is on the table. If I was in Trump’s shoes, I would aim to delay Civil War II till after 2020, but events are out of control. The saner Democrats need to get their crazies in line, and are so far not doing so, because no enemies to the left, no friends to the right. Irregular impeachment, if followed all the way to “he has fallen” would result in Civil War II considerably sooner than I expect. They have to capitulate by giving him the regular impeachment process in accord with precedent and the constitution, or just put impeachment on the back burner, and get on with normal legislative business like passing the the new trade deal, whereupon they get torn apart by their crazies.

The ideal outcome would be a short and not very bloody Civil War II, followed by a purge of the presidency and the military. But a purge will have limited effectiveness so long as we have no replacement for our current state religion, which will continue to exercise religious power even if it temporarily suffers major losses of presidential power. A nastier civil war and a more effective purge will create a smoking crater where the current state religion used to be. A gentler solution would be that progressivism falls apart, as communism did, when movement towards ever lefter is off the table, and falls apart internally rather than being converted into a smoking crater, and then we install a more stable state religion based on the ancient traditions of the west. Sulla did the smoking crater solution, but the smoking crater remained. Suharto did the smoking crater solution, but he had an existing state religion ready to roll.

Because Trump has few people, a smoking crater this soon would be a problem.

The crisis

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

I have predicted from past trends that 2020 will probably be the last democratic election, and the proverbial hits the fan around 2026. (Though chances are that we will still be holding elections for a very long time to come, as the Roman Empire did, and the Queen still rides in a stagecoach to open Parliament.)

The current impeachment crisis is that Social Justice Warriors always project. When Trump investigates Democratic crimes, they perceive him as committing the crimes that he investigates.

It looks as though the 2020 election is going to be decided by which side puts the other side’s leading candidates in jail, which is not all that democratic and is on trend for the end of democracy very soon.

In Britain, the remainers are planning to imprison the British Prime minister. So far he has not done anything towards getting the remainers imprisoned, but he is calling them traitors, and what do you with traitors who are attempting to overthrow the government and the constitution and are acting in service to a hostile foreign power?

The remainer plan is that the permanent government imprisons the merely temporary government. Might work.

The Democrat plan is insane, since the constitution puts the impeachment process squarely with the merely temporary government, who are starting to realize that they are next in line for prison after Trump.

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present.

Judgement in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgement and punishment, according to law.

If they follow that process, impeachment in the House followed by an actual trial in the Senate, the trial will be a disaster for them. All the Democrat dirty linen gets aired in the trial, the public will be outraged by the blatant attempt to steal the election, and the inevitable acquittal renders Trump bulletproof. Attempts to steal the election will continue despite the acquittal, and those attempts will blatantly be treason and insurrection, justifying and necessitating a crackdown that will render the election irrelevant, even if public outrage did not guarantee a landslide.

So when reality sinks in on the Democrats, if it ever does, their plan is going to mutate to raising a mob to interrupt the trial, raise the mob by allowing them to knock over the liquor stores and the supermarkets, and then lead the mob to the Senate where the permanent government is supposed to piously announce it is helpless before the power of the mighty and justly enraged mob, and let the mob grab the Republicans. The democrat rump in the Senate would then impeach the president. This plan is only marginally saner than their current plan.

If, as is likely, the impeachment trial in the Senate winds up nailing Democrats, the Democrats will likely boycott the hearings and go out to raise a mob, but I doubt that their mob will follow them from the liquor stores to the Senate. They will find themselves with a bunch of ngo employees and students sent by their professors for course credit, plus some homeless there for the free food, which, as with “Occupy Wall Street” fails to make a mob capable of occupying anything in the face of three determined rentacops.

The Democrats are talking about having the Washington police arrest the people around Trump. If they try it, and it works, then they will arrest Trump – which is approximately the British remainer plan.

What are the crimes for which those around Trump are to be arrested? The Democrats are kind of vague on that, but what they all amount to is obeying Trump (when they do, which is not often) If those orders are illegal, then the remedy is impeaching the man who gave the orders, not arresting people for obeying the president. Arresting members of the permanent government for obeying the merely temporary government is an obvious violation of presidential privilege. And they cannot impeach him – at least not constitutionally, though they seem inclined to make up their own process, call it impeachment and read it into the constitution. They are already denying the need for a Senate supermajority.

If Trump gets “impeached” and arrested (or more likely arrested then retroactively impeached) the irregularity of the process is going to make it dangerous to allow him to live, for a power struggle will ensue, pursued by means even more irregular, and one side or the other will want to spring him, by means even more irregular still, so that they can wrap themselves in a dead constitution and in legality that no one except Trump has been complying with for nearly a decade now. And so the other side will very likely kill him, on charges of conspiring with the side that wants to spring him. And then it is off to the races.

What I hope for is that at some point in the process, Trump has his people do dawn raids on the Democrats, ending the matter (and rendering the election largely irrelevant). But Trump has not got people, so this could get sticky. The FBI, the state department, even the DOJ (despite Barr) has been dragging its feet on the crimes of the Democrats.

I hope that it is then announced, as Augustus announced, that the dead constitution has been miraculously resurrected and legality strictly observed, and everyone will believe it, as they believed Augustus, and today believe so many things that are contradicted by the facts in their faces.

Draining the swamp

Saturday, September 28th, 2019
“Bring the jobs back” Done
“Build the wall” Started
“Drain the swamp” Starting

Trump, because Biden is the most electable Democratic Party candidate, drew attention to the fact that Biden used taxpayer money to shut off the light on his families corruption. So, naturally they accuse Trump of doing what Biden did, and are now attempting to impeach him for it – which draws further attention to what Biden, and other Democrats, and the assorted ngos closely connected to the Democrats and the State Department, got up to.

What triggered this is that the new administration in Ukraine is now in a position to shine the light on the dirty deeds of the previous administration, which looted the place in conjunction with assorted American carryonbaggers.

Trump called the new Ukraine administration up to shine the light on the dirty deeds involving the Clintons, Obama, Victoria Nuland, Vice President Biden, and the roots of the Mueller investigation.

Naturally the very holy panicked, and proceeded with the worst possible response:

Their response is an effort to protect their self delusions of moral superiority and competence. It is not a response directed at external reality, but at protecting their internal delusions.

Trump’s real crime is of course insufficient wokeness, which is illegal in the current year, and getting more illegal every day, but pegging the charge on the Ukraine was to hang it on the worst possible peg. Visualize an impeachment hearing featuring a large cast of ngo carryonbaggers with Clinton, Obama, and Biden connections, caught like deer in the headlights.

One of the many hurtful effects of a state religion that requires you to disbelieve in what is seen, rather than merely believe in what is unseen, is that it drives the adherents mad and makes them stupid.

We are required to disbelieve in things things that get right in our face, such as female misconduct in the workplace, disbelieve things that expose us and our children to substantial physical danger like the black problem, and to believe in things that lose buckets of money, as illustrated by the destruction of the Star Wars franchise that Disney paid four billion for.

Notoriously, social justice warriors always project. If they are doing something bad, they will accuse other people of what they are doing – thereby alerting you to what they are up to. If they are caught doing something bad, they will accuse twice as loudly, even if it is absolutely obvious to everyone else that they are doing something bad, often with bad results for themselves. Their projection is primarily to defend themselves from becoming aware of their own conduct, not to deflect accusations.

They are, of course, going after Trump for insufficient wokeness, and if they ever return to power, will imprison him, imprison his family, then the Republican party, and then kill them. But they are going after Trump on the Ukraine connection to protect the color revolutionist self image as bringing freedom and democracy to the oppressed masses, when in fact they are just knocking over apple carts to grab some apples. It is the worst possible strategy for protecting their image in the eyes of public, but they are trying to protect it in their own eyes.

Another side effect of a state religion that requires you to believe in absurdities is that those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Every color revolution, at best winds up with carryonbaggers knocking over the apple cart to grab some apples, at worst, in genocide. Despite the frequent and loudly announced claim that western elites are squeaky clean, unlike those terrible third world regimes, we observe that ngos in color revolutions and international assitance projects are generally a cause of corruption, rather than a cure, the aftermath of the Haitian Earthquake being a spectacular example. The ngos did far worse damage than the earthquake did. Since you are always telling big lies, why not tell some big lies that enable you to grab the food out of the mouths of starving people?

Attempting to impeach Trump on this enables Trump to focus everyone on the swampiness of the swamp.

“Well,” said Br’er Fox, “it looks like there’s no water around here to drown you in. I guess I’ll skin you instead.” “Okay, Br’er Fox, no problem,” chattered Br’er Rabbit, “Go ahead and skin me, cut out my eyes, cut off my legs, just don’t throw me into that briar patch!”

Looks like Trump is already reveling in that briar patch.

Breaking Epstein’s hyoid bone

Thursday, August 15th, 2019

To break your hyoid bone in a suicide, you need to tie a rope around your neck and jump off something high enough that there is a drop before the rope tightens, and the rope tightens before your feet hit the ground. And there needs to be a decent drop distance before the rope tightens.

An “Introduction to the Work of a Medical Examiner” by John Miletich and Tia Lindstrom says that the “drop distance needed to break a neck depends on the person’s body mass…the hanged person’s neck breaks when his falling body reaches the end of the rope, rapidly tightens the noose, and wrenches his neck sideways, dislocating or snapping his neck’s axis bone.”

For Epstein to suicide, he would have had to tie the bedsheets around his neck, and then lift his feet of the ground, which can be done, but requires a fair bit of crazed determination and will not break your neck bones. Why would Epstein want to kill himself when he still had the goods on powerful people, and had gotten out of trouble before? Even if he wanted to suicide, he would not have sufficient determination or madness to kill himself that way.

A correctly applied chokehold, where you are behind your victim, your right elbow is at the front of the victim’s neck, your right hand is nestled in your left elbow, and your left hand is gripping your right arm, will not break any neck bones either, but if the victim is struggling effectively, and he gets your feet out from under you, you both wind up rolling around on the ground, then you are likely to break his neck bones. You want to lift the victim of the ground, so that your eyes are protected by his back from an eye gouge, and he has no leverage to get you off balance and get his feet behind your feet.

That Epstein was screaming, and that his hyoid bone was broken, indicates his killer was having a hard time of it. A correctly applied chokehold will instantly silence the victim, incapacitate him in ten seconds, render him unconscious in eighteen seconds, and dead in three minutes, leaving no indications that this was not another convenient suicide.

This post was posted under party politics, this being the way that party politics is conducted these days.

Mueller Testimony

Sunday, July 28th, 2019

A lot of people interpreted the Mueller testimony as Mueller being senile and forgetful.

Did not look like that to me. He was “forgetful” under hostile cross examination:

Looked to me that he was repeatedly caught lying to congress. He was not forgetful, he was changing his story in midstream.

Looked to me that he is used to an environment where lying is mandatory, crimethought forbidden, so you can lie easily and comfortably and no problems ensue, everyone lies to each other and to themselves, everyone is supposed to lie, and was caught like a deer in the headlights when he was required to interact with those so shockingly discourteous as to follow different rules.

When Nunes issues his opening statement Mueller looked to me like a criminal listening to the prosecutor make his opening statement, then, part way through the prosecutor’s indictment, realize that the prosecutor has not yet found the good stuff, and he stands a good chance of beating the rap. Mueller is worried, but he not as worried as he would be if Nunes had the goods on him.

The General Flynn Affair

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

From the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats sincerely believed they had the goods on Trump, that he was guilty of something or other, had to be guilty of something or other, even though they were never clear in their own minds of exactly what. And from the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats did not have the goods on Trump, because anything that they deluded themselves that they had, they leaked ten times over to the press in ten different versions, and it was all nuts.

It was always obvious that all this stuff was self delusion, wishful thinking, and motivated reasoning, usually reasoning so highly motivated as to be Trump derangement syndrome. It was obvious from the beginning that they were evil plotters who could not get their evil plot together because driven mad by Trump.

General Flynn hired defense lawyers that were completely in the pocket of Trumps enemies, completely in the pocket of Mueller, completely in the pocket of those prosecuting him. He pled guilty to lying to the FBI, which is the universal all purpose charge of which anyone who talks the FBI is guilty. If they ask you questions for eighty hours, you are bound to say something that that plausibly can be interpreted as contradicting something else, so anyone who talks the FBI for long enough is guilty of lying to the FBI. He then got a plea deal in which this terrible crime would be excused, because he was such a cooperative witness.  They talk to you until you say something that can plausibly be argued contradicts something else you said, then they demand you tell them what they want to hear.  This is a closed loop that leads to madness, because it is guaranteed to produce confirmation of delusions.

Which plea deal makes sense only if the FBI and the Democrats believed he had the goods on Trump and he had agreed to give them the goods on Trump. And also makes sense only if he believed that the presidency, the traitors, had the power, and the mere president did not have the power. And similarly, hiring “defense” lawyers that were completely in the pocket of Mueller and the prosecution lawyers only makes sense if the presidency, the traitors, have the power, and the mere president does not have the power.

His lawyers were radical leftist traitors attempting to overthrow the elected government of the United States, the prosecutors were radical leftist traitors attempting to overthrow the elected government of the United States, and Mueller is a radical leftist traitor attempting attempting to overthrow the government of the United States with a long history of abusing the power of the FBI to persecute real and imagined rightists, while turning a blind eye to the crimes of leftists. There was no daylight between Flynn’s defense team, and Mueller’s prosecution team, they were all in each other’s pockets, they were all one big happy family. And it only makes sense for them to be all one big happy family if they were all after Trump, they all believed Flynn had the goods on Trump, and they all believed that Flynn had given them the goods on Trump.

The Mueller investigation consisted of going after everyone connected to Trump, concocting crimes for them, and demanding that they sing on Trump to be excused these crimes. And, often enough, when put under sufficient pressure, they did sing on Trump but the tales they came up with never had any substance, always wild assed speculation, bare faced lies, sheer nonsense, or just hints that pointed Mueller’s team to go after someone else, anyone else. Trouble with putting people under pressure is if you apply too much pressure, they are going to tell you what you want to hear, but it is not necessarily going to be anything likely to stand up in court.

Eventually, belatedly, very belatedly, the light dawned, that Flynn had not given them the goods on Trump, that he did not have the goods on Trump. This had always been obvious to me from the transparent insanity of all the leaks telling us that Flynn had the goods on Trump, but it had not been obvious to all the transparently insane people leaking how Flynn’s testimony nailed Trump.

So the defenseprosecution team, defense and prosecution being a single team that was after Trump, not Flynn, decided that Flynn had broken his plea deal, and they would hang him out to dry. Whereupon Flynn, to Trump’s delight, fired his “defense” lawyers, who were trying to lock him up and throw away the key, being driven mad with rage by the failure of Flynn to nail Trump. Flynn then got a Trumpist defense lawyer who was, and is, determined to expose the crimes of the Mueller investigation and nail Mueller’s hide to the wall. Flynn’s choice of defense lawyer only makes sense if the president has the power, and the presidency, the traitors, do not have the power.

So this looks like a creeping coup, and a creeping countercoup, with Trump countercoup successful. Going after Flynn is an act of pointless self destructive vindictiveness, an act of madness. They just want to lash out and hurt people for no sane reason. Punishing Flynn does not help them – it just makes it more obvious that the investigation of Trump was criminal, and used criminal methods. And if their attempt to punish Flynn fails, as it looks like it will fail, it also makes it more obvious that they lost, that they are defeated, that they are out of power. If they can punish Flynn, they are still in power. If they cannot, not in power. And now, whether they are in power or not is about to be put to the test. If they cannot punish Flynn, no one will fear them any more, and if no one fears them any more, everything falls apart for the traitors.

State of the Union Speech

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

Trump gave a great speech, in which he re-affirmed his campaign promises, not yet kept, to end the forever war and build the wall,

Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates, and guards.

Meanwhile working class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal immigration

  • reduced jobs
  • lower wages
  • overburdened schools
  • hospitals that are so crowded you can’t get in
  • increased crime
  • and a depleted social safety net

Smugglers use migrant children as human pawns to exploit our laws and gain access to our country.

These memes cheerfully lifted from Heartiste and from the reaction.

And what made this speech even greater is that the Democrats are planning to shoot themselves in the foot by having Stacey Abrams, dim witted fat middle aged black cat lady romance writer with fifty thousand dollars in unpaid taxes, a hundred and seventy thousand dollars in credit card debt, and no substantial assets, deliver the rebuttal. Stacey favors open borders so that our enemies who hate us can invade us, opposes gun rights so that the people coming over the open borders can kill us, opposes voter ID so that they can outvote us, favors late term abortions, and opposes religious liberty because old type Christians are Nazis who need to be punched, like the Covington boys.

Stacey Adams is the new face of the non white non male Democratic Party, which is going to run Kamala Harris for its 2020 candidate.

One of the delights of the State of the Union speech was watching evil ugly wicked witch Nancy Pelosi stare into the headlights of the oncoming truck. Too white for Democrats, too anti white for whites. When Trump renewed his promise, not yet kept, to end the forever war, she sneered, reasonably so because the senate had just voted near unanimously to overrule the president on the forever war. Then, as one of his measures to end the forever war, Trump listed moving the embassy to Jerusalem. She gasped, visibly shocked and distressed.

Moving the embassy means giving up on the project of doing to Muslims in the Middle East what Democrats have done to Christians in the West, and Trump’s statement makes sense from the point of view that the forever war is a crusade to impose progressivism on Muslims, and Trump is not going to impose progressivism on Muslims. He aims to cut a deal with the Taliban whereby they agree not to export terror, and he agrees to let them keep conservative Islam. Putting the embassy move into the context of ending the forever war puts ending the forever war into the context of progressivism losing the middle east to Islam, and to hell with the arc of history.

OK, we elected him to save America for Christians, not to save the Middle East for Muslims, but saving the Middle East for Muslims shows our enemy can bleed.

State of Emergency coming up.

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Trump is readying a state of emergency to build and fund the wall without congressional approval. He has already been building and funding the wall without congressional approval, but a state of emergency would arguably make it legal.

The Democrats are going to scream in pain that this is a dire threat to rule by the permanent government of law and democracy. Which it is.

There are already a thousand and one states of emergency, each of them consuming vast amounts of funds that congress has not appropriated, and each of them granting a vast and lawless army of bureaucrats open ended powers to smash the lives of Americans that they do not much like.

The difference between this coming state of emergency, and the other thousand and one states of emergency, is that all of the others were declared by bureaucrats tossing a declaration of state of emergency into the president’s in tray, from which it went unread and unnoticed to his out tray. The usual bloody battle then ensued for the papers in the out tray, each of which grants a nameless bureaucrat, whose face the president does not recognize, power to act with the full power of the president. The winning bureaucrat then wipes the bloodstains off the declaration, feeds it into the presidential autosigner, then, after getting his wounds treated, hires an army of bureaucrats, forming a new bureau with himself as head to harass Americans all over America and radically disrupt their lives, loves, and plans, even though the original emergency only affected one orchard in South Florida.

This declaration of state of emergency is going to be different from all of the others because it actually references a real emergency, rather than an ant infestation in a South Florida orchard, because actually composed by the actual president, and because actually addressing the kind of threat that the office of president was intended to deal with, rather than functions that properly belong to state and municipal governments.

The Democrats are going to appeal this state of emergency, but unless they openly say “The president should reign but not rule, the permanent government should rule”, the court cannot explain what makes this one different from the other thousand and one states of emergency.

The Democrats are going to tell us this a big step towards them getting helicopter rides to the Pacific, and they are absolutely right, but unable to explain why, or even to think why, because actually thinking through the reasons is crimethink.