Archive for the ‘party politics’ Category

The strange acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

It looks like Kyle is about to be acquitted, probably on all counts, including the count of carrying a gun while seventeen. Bizarrely, Kyle is being acquitted merely because it is glaringly obvious that he is a hero and straight shooter who was defending himself against vicious savage subhuman trash trying to murder him.

Huber and Jump Kick Man attack

Huber and Jump Kick Man attack

Gaige Grosskreutz attempts to murder Kyle

Gaige Grosskreutz attempts to murder Kylie

Why did this extraordinary miscarriage of justice, allowing a politically incorrect man to walk free merely because obviously innocent, happen?

Well, watching the prosecutors, they seemed to have drunk their own koolaide. The fix was not put in, because no one thought the fix was needed. White supremacist slaughters unarmed peaceful protestors peacefully protesting. Simple. Open and shut case.

So they failed to fix the evidence, the jury, the judge, and the defense lawyers.

I am just not seeing the “Oh $%!#, its hopeless” behavior until it is suddenly revealed that it is hopeless.

Their questioning of McGinnis only makes sense if they thought that Kyle ambushed Rosenbaum, rather than Rosenbaum ambushing Kyle, and expected the evidence to show that, even though everyone in the world saw Rosenbaum attack Kyle, as he had attacked so many other people.

Elections and voting

Friday, September 10th, 2021

Democracy died on 2020-11-04, so I have been paying no attention to elections, electoral integrity laws, and all that.

But, due to normalcy bias, lots of people have:

In the run up before the 2020-11-03 election, the Democrats massively escalated all their regular routine fraud, sufficient to deal with a massive Trump landslide.

But instead of a massive Trump landslide, they got a colossal Trump landslide, so in the early hours of the morning of 2020-11-04, halted the counting, and proceed with hasty, panicked, and incompetent last minute fraud. Which last minute fraud was only applied to the federal election results, with the result that a lot of states went Republican at the state level.

And, theoretically, the states control the election process. So those freshly minted Republicans think they are onto a good thing. So, a bunch of election integrity laws.

Also, a whole lot of laws against critical race theory.

The laws on critical race theory appear to be having absolutely no effect. Law has ceased to matter. The laws on election integrity are likely to be similarly ignored. Only Republican scrutineers backed by physical violence are likely to have a significant effect on election outcomes. To attain a fair and honest electoral outcome, Republicans would need to deploy the methods that Julius Caesar and the NSDAP used attain a fair and honest electoral outcome. Such methods are likely to produce a fair election only once.

But it looks like the Republicans are going to try another ride on this merry go round. It will may well be their last ride. I count my survival prospects much better than theirs.

Election fraud hearings

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

I normally do not comment on current events, because in the long run, they seldom matter. What is important is the long term direction, which can only be seen by looking backwards, usually a very long way backwards.

But, today, a crisis point comes that will make a great difference.

If Pence carries out his promise to hear the evidence of election fraud, if he is able to carry out his promise to hear the evidence of election fraud, it is likely that the left will respond violently with the quiet or direct backing of the deep state.

At which point, if Trump proclaims the insurrection act, we will probably win. If he fails to proclaim the insurrection act, we will probably lose, and it will be profoundly unsafe to dispute the supposed consensus that election fraud did not significantly affect the election outcome, and that we still have democratic elections and judicial due process as normal.

If we win this one, it is not over, it is only beginning. It is merely Pompey crossing Pomerium, the start of the $%!% becoming obvious. Trump will still be facing a hostile deep state, a hostile civil service, an a hostile judiciary, and Harvard will still rule the provinces of the American empire. But Trump will be in a far better position to deal with them, and we will be in a far better position to deal with them.

If we lose, the way forward is an underground counter society built on blockchain technology, with Jitsi, bitcoin, and namecoin as unsatisfactory prototypes that show the way forward. We will need to first adequately fix the namefag problem, in order to genuinely fix the currency traceability problem.

If we win this one, eventually Trump, or the next member of his dynasty, is going to need to do something about the hostile state religion, and above ground operations in preparation for this have potential for success.

Although this day is critical, the outcome, regardless of what happens today, will likely not be apparent till January 21. The deep state wants everything to seem normal till they inaugurate Biden. Maybe they will succeed, but likely the ride will be rougher than they planned.

As I predicted, Trump wins, Democrats steal

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Trump has correctly announced he has won, and the Democrats are stealing it.

Currently on you tube. Make a copy, because likely to disappear.


“We won’t stand for it” “We Did Win This Election,” “This Is A Major Fraud On Our Nation”

Trump’s victory was well beyond the margin of fraud, but as I have stated many times, there is no margin of fraud.

There is, however, a margin of plausible deniability, and this fraud is beyond the margin of plausible deniability.

Well, Trump goes to the supremes. And we shall see what happens.

The best outcome that might happen is: Trump wins in the supremes. The supremes are ignored. Trump reads the insurrection act. The generals disobey him. At some point, if all goes as well as it could, he calls out the militia.

If the supremes buckle, we are in trouble.

If Trump wins in the supreme court, he will initially attempt to enforce the outcome with loyalist cops. He may win with loyalist cops, but the militia are likely to be needed.

Pay no attention to the blackpillers who will say there are no loyalist cops. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated he has plenty of loyalist cops, and they have the advantage of unity of command. But things are likely to escalate from there.

In the color revolution script, the threat or actuality of US air force bombing is applied against loyalist elements of the state apparatus of coercion. In the US itself, this command may not be obeyed, which may put color revolutionary forces at a severe disadvantage.


Friday, October 30th, 2020

If a tree falls in the forest, and media fail to report it, did it make a sound?

If Trump gets a landslide vote, and the media fail to report it, did he win?

Early voting is, predictably, a Trump landslide, and the media are failing to report it.

This is the color revolution script – which is usually based on electoral victory being declared by the media for the Cathedral preferred candidate, followed by the physical removal of the man who won the election.

Color revolution requires and is based on tight discipline and central command – which America’s enemies conspicuously lack. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are place holders whose replacement is not yet agreed.

It also requires the threat, and sometimes the actuality, of bombing by the US air force. Which orders are not guaranteed to be obeyed.

The riots will be theater, as the voting is theater. The real action is going on behind the scenes. Trump is lawyering up. I hope he is arming up.

If Trump lives through this election, he will be Caesar Augustus, whether he likes it or not. He probably will not like it. His faith is old type progressivism, as it was back in the days when it still sometimes sported a thin veneer of patriotism and Christianity.

If he lives through this election, his first order of business will be taking control of the public service, starting with the instruments of coercion, the FBI and DoJ. Sherk has laid out a game plan for the president to take control of the presidency. Most of document reads like a boring cuckservative wish list, but buried here and there deep within the document are blocks of C4. Buried deep inside a not very exciting document, and padded with pious blandness, a proposal for a Trump autocoup against the permanent government: section four of “Government that serves the people”.

Trump, while his enemies are distracted by election noise, is moving to implement section four, in his Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service, a document as deliberately bland and boring as Sherk’s document. With strangely swift obedience, the Office of Personnel and Management issued Instructions on Implementing Schedule F, a marginally less boring document. But while the content of the document is not terribly exciting, the fact that it came out with lightning speed indicates that its superficially bland contents are several large packets of C4 hurled in the general direction of the federal bureaucracy.

Well, that is like Biden’s laptop. Will it have effect?

If “Instructions on Implementing Schedule F” take effect, the ensuring fire under the FBI’s chairs is going to ensure that Biden’s laptop will take effect.

Since it seems that some of my readers are still getting their reality from the mainstream media, a short recap on Biden’s laptop:

Joe Biden’s family used Hunter Biden and Jim Biden as go between to collect bribes from foreign leaders.

Unfortunately for them Hunter Biden is not really the man you want for matters requiring discretion and prudence. He is crackhead who uploaded pornographic images of himself and his niece onto Pornhub. He water damaged his laptop, took it to a repairshop in person, and then forgot about it (probably too high on crack) It eventually became the property of the repairman, who found no end of interesting stuff, including the details of the Biden family’s dealings with foreign governments and images of Hunter Biden having fun with crack and naked women, among them some of the images that wound up on Pornhub.

The deal with China is that while Vice President Joe Biden was negotiating a trade deal with China, a deal which turned out to be strangely bad for America and good for China, the Biden family, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, cut a deal with a Chinese agent who was at the time under surveillance, wherein they each got ten million. Then the Bidens cut Tony Bobulinsky out of the deal. Pissed by this illegal act, he ratted them out to the FBI, who of course ignored him.

He then went on television (Fox News Exclusive Conversation with Hunter’s Ex-associate) and confirmed many of the hottest Hunter Biden emails, plus he told us of his meetings with Vice President Joe Biden on the business, plus, he has a huge pile of business records, currently in the possession of Fox News.

Now Fox News is mighty cucked these days, so depending on which party comes out on top in the coup, those documents and Bobulinsky himself might disappear – much as the Trump landslide is being disappeared.

The real election platform

Monday, September 21st, 2020

The 2016 Republican Platform consisted of what little red meat still remained within the Overton Window – the biggest chunk of red meat being to prohibit transporting minor “children” over state lines for abortions without the consent of their parents – which is not all that red, and which, of course, they ignored, and instead funded Planned Parenthood, an organization that not only transports minor daughters over state lines for late term abortions without the consent of their parents, but sells the resulting corpses, treating them as meat, rather than dead babies.

In 2020, could not have a platform, because everything is outside the ever narrowing Overton Window.

So they dog whistled their platform.

The republican party platform is unpublishable, because it is leftism with all the unprincipled exceptions that make normal life, a normal market economy, normal jobs, a normal home, and a normal family, just barely possible.

Which is why it is unpublishable.

Hard to tell what the people at the Republican National Convention think, hard to tell what the the popular opinion on these issues is, for speaking stuff that was bland mainstream Republicanism a few years ago, will now get you fired, cancelled, demonetized, deplatformed, and very possibly beaten up or killed.

The Democrats hear their own voice, one microphone, a thousand loudspeakers, and think it is the voice of the people.

But if we restore those unprincipled exceptions, the only way to restore stability is to make them not unprincipled exceptions, but honor rightly due to nation, Gnon, family, and ancestors:

At the Republican convention, the Republicans kept uttering the name of Jesus Christ, something that Democrats have great difficulty doing respectfully. And I have found on my blog, the name of Jesus Christ is a good shill detector. Bad people, not all of them but most of them, seem to be worried that if they speak his name respectfully, they might burst into flames. It seems oddly and strangely effective in sorting the enemies of civilization from the defenders of civilization. When entryists took over the Church of England in the early eighteen hundreds, they had to concoct a formula where they could say the name, and mean something different.

When the left is out of power, they will probably recollect that formula, but for the moment, they seem to have forgotten it.

Albeit today, checking people to see if they can speak red pill truths about women, or even acknowledge what you said when you spoke or implied a red pill truth about women, is a far more effective test. It never fails. And no one at the republican convention could speak a red pill truth about women, at least not in public, not at the Republican National Convention. But if Trump must guard his tongue in public, we know what he says and thinks in private. And sometimes, when he utters blue pill pieties in public, he makes a little joke, that he is required to say that in public.

When being politically correct ceases to mean supporting chaos, demons, and Antichrist, and instead means supporting civilization instead of Chaos, God instead of demons, Jesus Christ instead of Antichrist, then people will discover that their principles are not what they thought they were, and forget that their principles were ever different.

The unmentionable and unspeakable Republican platform is:

  • The wall. An end to extraordinary legal, educational and welfare privilege for illegal immigrants.
  • Tax cuts: Was there ever an unpopular tax cut? Was there ever a tax cut that adversely affected the economy?
  • The coronavirus is a much-overhyped problem. Its not that dangerous and will soon burn itself out. States should reopen their economies as rapidly as possible. This does not seem make any very noticeable or easily detectable difference to the total number of deaths. Masking is useless and theatrical, if not outright counterproductive. As Trump sarcastically announces whenever called on Masks: “This is a peaceful protest. Science shows that china flu is not spread by peaceful protest.”
  • The country is gripped by a surge of crime and lawlessness as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement and its criticism of police. Police misconduct, such as that in the George Floyd case, should be punished. But the priority now should be to stop crime by empowering police.
  • Voting is a privilege. States should have wide latitude to regulate that privilege in such a way as to minimize voting fraud, which is rife among Black Americans and new immigrant communities. The federal government needs to prevent Democrats from abusing the U.S. Postal Service to enable fraud by their voters.
  • Anti-Black racism has ceased to be an important problem in American life, if it ever was a problem. At this point, the people most likely to be targets of adverse discrimination are whites, Christians, and Asian university applicants.
  • Climate change is a much-overhyped problem. It’s probably not happening. If it is happening, it’s not worth worrying about. If it’s worth worrying about, it’s certainly not worth paying trillions of dollars to amend. To the extent it is real, it will be dealt with in the fullness of time by the technologies of tomorrow. Regulations to protect the environment unnecessarily impede economic growth, and are usually implemented to demonstrate the holiness of those implementing them and destroy the enemies of those implementing, rather than implemented to actually protect the environment.
  • Trade war rather shooting war, and trade wars are to be resolved by trade deals. Peace through strength, and peace through the shared pursuit of prosperity
  • The American empire is the anti American empire. It is outdated, and unfair to American and Americans. Peripheral, unprofitable, and chronically hostile states of the American Empire need to be abandoned or thrown out. America still needs partners and alliances, but the days of NATO and the World Trade Organization are over. Peace on the basis of theoretical Westphalian equality, though whether states like Australia are provinces of the American Empire or Westphalian equals will be left delicately ambiguous. If the European Union continues its anti American policies, they can be an independent rival Westphalian equal – if they have the military capability for genuine independence, which they don’t, and if they are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to attain Westphalian equality, which they are not. If America acts decisively, allies will have to follow whether they like it or not—as they will have to follow U.S. policy on Iran.
  • Individuals should make their own best deals in the health care and health insurance market with minimal government supervision. Those who pay more should get more. Those who cannot pay must rely on Medicaid, accept charity, or go without. The effect of this is likely to a massive fall in the cost of healthcare. Hospitals should face truth in advertising laws, and be forbidden to engage in surprise billing and ambush billing. Drug prices are far too expensive, and are artificially inflated for Americans by regulator burden, a regulatory burden astonishingly profitable for those regulated, and astonishingly expensive for those supposedly protected by these regulations.

The left vision of the Eschaton

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

The left want to immanentize the eschaton. How exactly? What will the immanent eschaton be like?

This is to them a minor detail that can be dealt with after they have swept away the old order, like the Khmer Rouge plan for revolutionizing and radically increasing rice production.

The Khmer Rouge had, unlike our left, a vague glimmering of plan: They would revolutionize and radically increase rice production on the flood plain by centrally planning the flow of flood water over the rice. The narrow selfish self interest of the peasant leads to him making ditching and diking decisions without concern for downstream consequences. Centrally planned rice production would be vastly more productive, assuming an all wise and all knowing planner.

So in practice, they just had stuff torn down, not built – the dikes and canals they commanded went from nowhere in particular to nowhere in particular, and were never finished, or even seriously begun. But the Khmer Rouge did however devote immense energy and effort to the vastly more satisfactory task of destroying the previous infrastructure for producing food. The existing ditches and dykes are wrong. They reflect narrow selfish self interest. Away with them! Later on we will figure out the new ones.

The Khmer Rouge thought they could command a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain into being in an instant. And thought that figuring out a new infrastructure for growing rice on a flood plain was a mere minor boring detail. Not only was the work to create new water flow infrastructure immense, they never had any clear idea of what new infrastructure was to be built.

So what do our leftists intend to destroy?

The left is angry with people like me, because I have a wife, sons, a house, and a garden, while they live in an urban commune with ten people and they beta orbit around some chick who weeps on their shoulder about the men who fuck her but will not take possession of her.

Men want gardens when they have obedient wives. It is the wife and garden combo that fills the left with covetous rage.

Green New Deal, Covid 19, and Black Lives Matter are all efforts to smash my life in the inchoate feeling that they will then have my life.

The riots are left wing females inspiring left wing males to attempt a shit test that they can never pass. Some shit tests, you fail by merely attempting to pass them, and the only pass is to laugh the shit test off. Of course, if you regularly pass shit tests by laughing at them, the chick will find a shit test that you cannot pass by laughing at it, that will force you to man up. Conversely, if you regularly pass shit tests by being ludicrously manly, you will get a shit test that can only be passed by laughing at it.

The Chaz would have been an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the men, had they won, and an effective reproductive strategy in the ancestral environment for the women win or lose.

In the ancestral environment, the warrior chieftain patriarch of the Chaz, had he been victorious, would have assigned the conquered land to his warriors for homes and gardens, and assigned the women to himself and his warriors, and the women would have been set to work gardening and bearing children.

And had he lost, the evil white racists, having proven themselves more alpha than the lefties, would have taken the women of antifa as slaves, and set them to work gardening and bearing children. Either way, in the ancestral environment, the women of antifa would have won, and they would have had the exciting and romantic event of alpha males clashing to see who was more alpha. But in our environment they are instead headed for careers as strong empowered fat lesbian cat ladies of human resources.

If you talk to a woman about factoring a program, her eyes will glaze over, and if you talk to a woman about a positive vision of society, her eyes will glaze over. Her pussy is asking “How does this relate to one alpha male proving he is more alpha than another alpha male?” The only effective way to communicate our vision of society to women is to say “God says do it this way”, whereupon her pussy tells her brain “Top alpha says so, and my alpha says so”.

We are seeing the feminization of left wing discourse. Nature gives women tremendous power, and for successful reproduction, men have to organize and cooperate to disempower them. Because women have so much power, leftist talk is girly talk, hence the loss of interest in any coherent vision of the Immanent Eschaton. Immanentizing the Eschaton is now merely a shit test.

I have a house, a garden, and an obedient wife. When my late wife died, I found that a house and garden without a wife was mighty sad. Might as well live in a closet. Less to keep clean. Now that I have a new wife, I enjoy my house and garden a lot. We are growing veggies. Lettuce, capsicum, potatoes, chilies, eggplant, tomatoes. We have fruit trees. I have a nice view in the morning, and my wife makes me coffee when we wake up.

Leftists, because female power, have no prospect of a wife, a husband, children, a house and garden. Somehow, having a garden is part of being a family unit, and lacking a family unit, people do not want a garden. But they see other people who have what they do not have, and envious people grow angry, bitter, and spiteful. They want to lash out and destroy.

Male leftist’s testicles are telling them that if they destroy enough evil white racists, if they win the battle of Armageddon, they will have the power to command women, and women’s pussies are telling them that after the battle of Armageddon, there will be men worthy of commanding them regardless of who wins and who loses. Of course, if the left wins, they are both wrong. The commissar from Human Resources is going to be a morbidly obese lesbian cat lady, not General Bucknaked.

If we win, we will supply the women of antifa with someone who will look to their pussies like General Bucknaked.


Monday, May 18th, 2020

Flynn was set up to blackmail him into committing perjury against the president of the United States.

The illegal spying started when Trump walked down the escalator and announced he was running for the Republican nomination for president. The setup started when Obama was still president, but was the outgoing administration. Trump had been elected president, but not yet in office.

Biden approved illegal spying on people in the Trump campaign. We now know that in the end, this illegal spying was used to manufacture blackmail material on Flynn, which material, though loosely based on real facts obtained in part by illegal spying, we now know was forged.

We don’t have any proof that Obama ordered this illegal spying, but we do know he was in the loop, we do know he was kept closely informed of the results of this spying.

Since they could not get any dirt on Flynn, they tried to get him to lie to the FBI – which is normally a couple of weeks in jail, but with a cooperative judge, can be forty years in jail. He did not lie, so the record of his conversation with the FBI was altered.

Flynn pled guilty in return for clemency, after being financially ruined by endless legal action – the process is the punishment. After he pled guilty, the prosecution reneged on the deal, and called for the most severe penalty, because he had failed to commit perjury against Trump. They lied about him, then they lied to him.

So, Flynn clean as a whistle (otherwise it would not have been necessary to rewrite the 302 of his conversation with the FBI). The FBI, the DoJ, the Fisa court, and the Mueller investigation up to its neck in criminal acts, and these criminal acts started with illegal spying, which illegal spying came from the top of the Obama administration, with Obama in the loop.

As we move ever leftwards, politics is increasingly played for keepsies, whether it is Charlottesville or the presidency. You all know how social justice warriors behave. They hate everyone, including themselves and each other. They will murder their friends and family if they can get away with it.

If Trump and his family peacefully leave office in 2024, they are going to be arrested and Epsteined, along with many members of his administration and many Republicans. If Trump is so foolish as to peacefully leave office, the next president, or the one after that, will not be so foolish as to peacefully leave office.

As politics gets deadlier, priests will ask warriors for assistance, and sooner or late, I pray sooner, a warrior takes power. Maybe Trump is that warrior. Trump is a merchant, not a warrior, but he has a warrior spirit. When he threw his hat into the ring from that escalator, I knew what he was getting into but he did not know. Now he knows.

Monarchy is the normal system throughout history. Democracy is unstable and short lived, and always winds up going the way it has been going. A Republic requires a virtuous and cooperative ruling elite, which is hard to accomplish. Members of the elite defect by appealing to the masses against fellow members of the elite, and then go right on defecting, and here we are.

Throughout the world we see the deep state using increasingly naked violence to obtain political outcomes. We may continue to call the system we have democracy, but is not democracy today, and it will be less democracy tomorrow.

The next election will be decided by whether the Republicans imprison Democrats, or Democrats imprison Republicans.

Our plan is that when we wind up with warrior rule we then show up and tell the warrior in charge “The officially unofficial state religion of Harvard inherently hates you. You need an officially official state religion that endorses your rule as divinely ordained. When you took power it was time for Caesar, now it is time for Constantine.”

Current news

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

We in Flight 93. The plane is headed directly to the ground. Trump is in the cockpit fighting the hijackers, but even if he wins, that is no guarantee he can pull the plane out of the dive.

I normally don’t pay much attention to the latest political events, nor cover them in this blog, because it is mostly a distraction, intended to confuse and mislead. It is more important to cover the long term trends. The democrats crossed the Rubicon with Sheriff Joe.

However the coup is starting to go critical, and it might make a difference. Judge Roberts is a deep state operative who is connected to the infamous Trump Dossier, in that he is running cover for the Fisa court, hence the Republicans correctly insist he follows precedent by reigning over the impeachment, rather than ruling over the impeachment. We shall see what happens, but even if he puts lipstick on the pig, not going to make a difference the outcome of the Senate trial itself. He will be working with Schiff, openly or furtively, but Schiff’s dog won’t hunt. What might well make a difference is a change in who is providing security during the trial.

Trump plans to call Wheres Hunter, Adam Schiff, and the “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella.

Eric Ciaramella is a low level deep state operative who was involved in the infamous Trump Dossier, which gets mighty close to incriminating Judge Roberts personally. He is part of the FBI coverup of misconduct related to the dossier, and if low level operatives get busted in a Trump self coup, they will probably have no end of dirt on higher ups, thereby likely opening up another Trump supreme appointment.

Attorney General Barr understands what is going on – a holiness spiral that leads to the holy abandoning the rules that make peace possible within the elite.

Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursing a deific end. They are willing to use any means necessary to gain momentary advantage in achieving their end, regardless of collateral consequences and the systemic implications.

He is preparing for a situation of duelling arrest warrants, where each faction in the political elite orders the arrest of the other faction, which was obviously going to happen eventually once they arrested Sheriff Joe, the only question being how long before the proverbial hits the fan. Barr is campaigning like a politician for support among the cops on the beat, and Trump is going after warrior support in ways quite disproportionate to their voting weight.

I don’t expect it to happen soon, though it well might – but it is looming near enough to impact political behavior. If the Durham report is not another greywash, it may well lead to the arrest of low level operatives who will likely finger Judge Roberts, leading to his impeachment. I am still betting on the shooting to start around 2026 or so, but the Democrats eagerness to get this off to the Senate, where it would go down in flames if normality continues, suggests the deep state has or had plans for a big surprise during the Senate trial.

During the House hearings, they were fishing for support among the brass. I am inclined to believe that what happened is that they found support among the brass, hence the desire to get impeachment done in a hurry, rather than continue milking it forever, but after the last minute the brass discovered that they lacked support among the praetorians, and changed their minds, hence the desire to stall.

A less dramatic and conspiratorial explanation is that Judge Roberts is in their pocket, and the Clinton precedent denies him the power to rig the trial, so they want to ditch the Clinton precedent in any way that they can. They are arguing about how the trial should be conducted so that the conduct of the trial gets thrown into Judge Robert’s lap.

The trial, assuming it is not interrupted by a change in security at the Senate and the arrest of key people in the Trump administration, is likely to sink the narrative, and, more importantly, get Judge Roberts out of a position where he could give constitutional color to a coup. If the Durham report opens with an arrest of deep staters, they are likely to attempt to respond by arresting Trump and his administration. We are likely to get dueling arrest warrants, and we don’t want Judge Roberts in a position where he has judicial authority over Trump while we have duelling arrest warrants.

The obvious risk is that the deep state, instead of sitting on its ass waiting for Barr and Durham to launch arrest warrants against the deep state, pre-emptively arrests all key personnel suspected of loyalty to Trump during the Senate trial and replaces Senate security, whereupon Judge Roberts issues a ruling that this is completely normal and entirely legal. I think that was their plan during the house hearings, though I think that Trump and Barr have forestalled this plan by securing praetorian support.

If the deep state do sit on their ass, we are not going to get the Durham report until after the trial.

We have known since 2012 that the deeps state has been acting illegally. If they continue to get away with acting illegally, the hijackers are still in the cockpit and are still flying the plane into the ground. Removal from the cockpit will manifest as a storm of arrests. Which is likely to result in duelling arrest warrants.

If Barr arrests the deep state without himself being arrested, they are going to sing like canaries, giving Trump autocratic power, because he will be able to purge the government and the Democratic party.

The conservative projection is that Trump leaves power in 2024, when his second term runs out, that the Republic continues as normal

I think it more likely he will leave power to prison, or become Caesar Augustus and bequeath the role of Imperator to Don Junior.

Once the elite started using direct state coercion on each other, it became inevitable that we will eventually get Bonapartist government. The only question is how soon, and how much bloodshed?

What I hope for is that after the Senate Trial, then the Durham report opens with a sudden storm of arrests, and Trump gets coronated as Caesar Augustus in 2020. What I fear is more likely is increasing use of violence and coercion by the elite with inconclusive and indecisive outcomes, eventually leading to full scale war around 2026 or so, possibly involving nuclear weapons, followed, after years, decades, or centuries, by a Stalin restoring order.

Let us pray that Trump Senior becomes Caesar Augustus, and Trump Junior becomes Emperor Constantine.

Creeping coup

Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

Doing illegal acts and getting away with it due to state power is a creeping coup. If one side in a struggle for state power can do illegal things, and the other side cannot, the illegal things eventually escalate till the political leadership of side that cannot commit crimes flees the country or goes into hiding. We are in hiding, and people in the military with dangerous ideas get prosecuted for war crimes. People associated with the Trump campaign get charged with obscure and incomprehensible crimes that everyone unknowingly commits, while Democrats stuff ballot boxes and collect bribes with complete immunity. Jon Corzine (Democratic party privilege, not Jewish privilege) got off for robbing investors, and the banks were forced to make the people he robbed whole.

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Thus, for example, the normalization of homosexuality. The gays were allowed to commit violence against those that disagreed with the normalization of homosexuality, the courts and police winked at the violence, and suddenly everyone agreed that homosexuality was just the cats whiskers. And now, antifa and illegal immigrant violence against white people, as for example the Kate Steinle case.

The only real crime that anyone connected to the Trump campaign has been convicted of is stretching the truth on a mortgage application. But during the great minority mortgage meltdown, every white speculator, starting in 2005 November when every white speculator realized that the bubble was going to burst, unloaded overpriced housing onto blacks and Hispanics, usually Hispanics with no income, no job, and no assets, often a drunk cat eating wetback pulled out of the gutter from outside Home Depot with a bottle of whiskey, and the loan officer, usually a loan officer working directly or indirectly for Countrywide Bank, created a pile of lies that the drunk could not read and signed with his mark. None of the people who created these highly creative loan applications were prosecuted, because the banks, and especially Countrywide Bank, were doing the very holy work of moving minorities into green leafy overwhelmingly white suburbs.

The speculators unloaded overpriced houses onto people who could not pay, because people who could not pay were unworried about the price, even if they were sufficiently sober to know what the price was and what they were signing, but were nonetheless able to borrow, because if they were not able to borrow, it would constitute redlining. Beverly Hills Bank was destroyed by the regulators for its racist reluctance to make such loans, for its insistence that borrowers should be able to pay mortgages (redlining) but when the bad loans blew up, no one was punished, everyone was bailed out. Angelo Mozillo, the biggest villain in the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown got a slap on the wrist for billions of dollars in losses on completely fraudulent mortgages and general failure to keep legally required records of who owned what, and who owed what, while Trump adviser Paul Manafort gets severely punished for a bit of creativity on one small mortgage application, which mortgage did not go bad.

Normally if a borrower is able and willing to pay on time, no one cares exactly what was written on the mortgage application, which tends to be filled out by the loan officer with whatever it is supposed to say pro forma, without too much consideration for the underlying reality for those details that are not all that relevant to the borrowers ability and willingness to pay. There are too many boxes, and they just routinely tick them all without examining them too carefully. But the details that are relevant to ability and willingness to pay, those they are supposed to be take seriously, and for white people, they do take them seriously.

Conveniently, the white speculators unloading overpriced houses had no written connection or direct financial relationship to the borrower or the loan officer, and no part in preparing the loan application, though the (usually white) speculator usually gave the (always black or Hispanic) borrower something under the table, and the (usually Hispanic) real estate agent usually gave the (frequently Hispanic) loan officer something under the table.

By 2006, every speculator with skin in the game, every speculator willing and able to pay a mortgage, which speculators were almost always white, had unloaded onto people who were borrowing against their race, not their assets. Then in 2007, the whole house of cards came tumbling down, because the white people had stopped playing the game and left the table, and everyone who had fraudulently set pen to paper was very holy, or of a protected race, and usually both, and so none of them were punished, except for Angelo Mozillo, who got a slap on the wrist for all the innumerable wrongdoings of innumerable loan officers directly or indirectly in his employ.

When the bubble burst there was frantic search for scapegoats who were not race hustlers. They eventually decided to blame the derivatives market, even though everyone knew the problem was dodgy loans. That precisely no one was prosecuted for signing a dodgy mortgage application, even though all mortgage applications are so tediously lengthy that you could probably find something dodgy on most of them, suggests that every single white speculator who was underwater unloaded before the bubble burst. In 2006 January it appeared to me that every white speculator was unloading and most of them had unloaded by the end of 2005 November. That the derivatives market was, in significant and substantial part, managed by Jews suggests that Jewish privilege is dropping to the bottom of the list of privileged people, with dot Indians way ahead of them.

If there had been any white speculators with under water mortgages still around when the bubble burst, they would today be remembered great outrage. Whites skedaddled when it became obvious how it was going to end. Only those protected by racial privilege kept on partying to the end. White speculators got out in 2005 November. Everyone who was still partying the bubble in 2007 as if it was still 2005 was protected by racial privilege or Democratic party membership from adverse consequences.

The bank did not lose any money, or even suffer any late payments, on Paul Manafort’s loan, nor was it ever likely that they would. Every loan officer everywhere is apt to routinely tick all those boring overly numerous boxes. During the great minority mortgage meltdown, they massively falsified the ability and willingness to pay of borrowers who were usually obviously unable and unwilling to pay, and sometimes had no idea what they were signing, pissing away unimaginably huge amounts of money, yet no borrowers and no loan officers were ever prosecuted, while Paul Manafort gets the book thrown at him for one trivial detail on a loan application – which implies that Mueller’s lawyers went over every document of everyone connected to the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb. If someone went over every document that you signed, often documents with far too many pages detailing lots of boring complicated routine requirements that no one actually cares about or pays much attention to, how would you fare? The stack of documents you signed in a mortgage application is several inches thick. Did you carefully read all of them? What did your loan officer write on those documents that you signed and never read?

The loan officer wrote on your stack of documents the same thing he wrote on a thousand similar six inch deep stacks of documents. Was everything he wrote applicable to your loan? You did not read them, but it looks like Mueller’s lawyers read everything signed at any time by anyone involved in the Trump campaign.

After FDR the merely elected government lost power to the permanent government, the president lost power to the presidency and, starting around 2008, the permanent government lost power to the deep state. And the deep state is apt to send cops to the doors of its enemies, while the Democrats merely sends a mob of blacks, who are less dangerous.

The legislature has long ceded the boring tasks of legislating to the permanent government, the judiciary and the lobbyists, the latter faction reaching its ill fated and ludicrous extreme in the Transpacific Partnership, where skyscrapers full of high paid lawyers in New York wrote pallet loads of planned legislation and regulation to be applied world wide to govern the minutiae of daily life and economic activity in far off places of which they knew nothing and cared less, whose pallet loads of dense obscure legalese and bureaucratese could all be summarized in five words: “everything now belongs to us”, the ultimate absurdist end point of lobbyist written legislation. Mostly they wanted to confiscate value created in flyover country, which is what got Trump’s goat, but disrupting the value creation being done on the other side of the planet in the Australian outback would have been collateral damage, since this colossal pile of freshly minted onerous regulation would have been trans pacific.

Meanwhile the presidency auctioned of America’s foreign policy to the highest bidder, cheerfully ignoring the president. Obama was content if the foreign policy establishment gave him some photo ops. Too corrupt to stay bought, they implemented both Israel’s foreign policy, and the “International Community” anti Israeli policy. While their holy belief system was Harvard’s foreign policy, their actual foreign policy was even more erratic and less intelligible, and terrifyingly and bloodily unpredictable. They armed and funded Islamic State, and they bombed Islamic state. They destroyed Libya, and were surprised and confused when they were unable to rule the ruins. Having destroyed Libya’s military, they were unable to believe it when Al Quaeda used conventional war and a conventional military to pursue power and remove American power.

In order to govern, it is necessary for the governing elite to act as one, which requires social cohesion and rules of good conduct, which come from ethnic and religious cohesion. Puritanism arose in a holiness spiral, which rapidly spiraled to post Christianity. A holiness spiral undermines cohesion, and post Christianity drops the the beliefs that made Christendom cohesive and effective. Thus the Puritans lost power in England in 1660, and England became sane, and remained sane for a century and a half. The holiness spiral of the Church of New England escalated more slowly, but is now reaching heights of madness comparable to those of the post Christian Puritans that Cromwell had to crush. The state religion of progressivism is succumbing to madness, rendering it incapable of functioning as the faith of an elite capable of ruling.

This manifests in the increasing use of violence and coercion, police power, and the criminalization of political differences in struggles within the elite. Convicting Sheriff Joe in 2017 crossed the Rubicon, and there are no more sharp lines between “ordinary” political conflict and civil war. If you arrest one political opponent over political differences, why not all of them?

If you arrest one political opponent who is a fellow member of the elite for his political position, eventually it will be all of them.

The design of the founders was that the elite would act as one through the person of the president, and this worked. But the rise of the power of the presidency, and the decline of the power of the president, meant it stopped working, and Harvard’s holy synods of bishops are a poor substitute, as illustrated by the chaos of American foreign policy and the absurdity of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Clinton was famously crooked as a dogs hind leg, but he imposed some order among the Democrats. When Obama became president, their legal immunity resulted in all manner of crimes. Hunter Biden’s legal troubles go all the way back to 2008. The democrats and the deep state have endless crimes that Trump could legally jail them for, but he does not. We all know what the Durham report will show, if it does not continue the pretense. We have known what it could and likely will reveal since 2012, long before Trump got caught up in this. The Horowitz report was a limited hangout, which points towards a full hangout. Chances are that the Durham report will make what everyone has known since 2012 official administration knowledge, that the deep state has been illegally wiretapping the political elite since 2008 and likely earlier.

In 2012 Edward Snowden and Julian Assange revealed that the NSA was illegally spying on Americans. And everyone shrugged their shoulders and said to themselves “Hey, they are not going to care about me, they are going to looking at important people.” And, of course, we now know that they were looking at important people, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and everyone connected to them.

The 9/11 presidential order in 2001 gave them alarmingly broad powers to tap people – which would be not too bad if the president could control that information, but inevitably it slipped from the president’s hands. In 2007 Bush rescinded that order. I conjecture that he realized it was being used against Republicans, and perhaps himself, and expected that when he left office, would be used in that manner a whole lot more, but the rescission was ignored. The actual practice has been illegally escalating ever since, and under Obama, no end of petty partisans in the elite gained the ability to spy on other members of the elite and use that knowledge for nefarious petty partisan purposes. And with the election of Trump, that presidential power inevitably came to be used by the presidency against the president. The trouble with allowing spying on Americans is that it is such a powerful tool that the elite is bound to turn it on each other, with the result that power falls into the hands of the security agencies.

Sooner or later as the elite increasingly relies on coercive means and secret police to resolve policy conflicts, they are bound to start arresting, and shortly thereafter, killing, each other. Either Trump will jail them, or they will jail Trump, and shortly thereafter start jailing each other, then kill Trump and his family, and shortly thereafter, kill each other.

If, in the Durham report, the Trump administration comes to officially know what everyone has known since 2012, that the deep state has been acting illegally, then it is war between the deep state and the Trump administration.

What is holding up the Durham report? Everyone knows what will be in it if it is not yet another cover up. I hope that what is holding it up is the same thing as is holding up Pelosi sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Trump is likely sounding out the praetorians and getting them in place. Everyone is getting ready for what happens when arresting members of the elite over political differences escalates a lot further than it has already escalated.

If Trump imprisons them, the pretense that we are still a Republic will continue to have some plausibility, but Trump will be Caesar, for the arrest of the deep state for illegal acts that everyone knows about but no one admits will give him the power to arrest democrats for everything from notorious ballot box stuffing to equally notorious graft and corruption. If they arrest Trump, the pretense will get a bit thinner, though no doubt everyone will continue to piously believe.