Category: war


The feminized police force and army

1. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre there were women in uniform among those police responding. This was absurd, outrageous, despicable, shocking, and immoral. We should not expose women to danger – and because you cannot treat women differently to men, no police were exposed to danger. 2. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre police of both sexes hid some distance away for three hours while the shooter …


The Summoner’s tale

Chaucer depicts three priests:  The Friar, the Summoner, and the Pardoner.  All of the them are corrupt and avaricious.  The Summoner and the Pardoner are low testosterone gays, and the Pardoner is a predatory pedophile gay.  The Friar has seduced many women, and been forced, therefore, to pay dowries to get them married off. The Moldbug canon is that the professors rule, with the mass media as the mid-level priesthood.  …


Spiritual Security

Putin coined the useful and important concept of “spiritual security”, as a part of national security. All states have a state religion. If your state religion is controlled by a hostile state, you are toast. That is spiritual insecurity. The official state religion of most states is progressivism, and their progressivism is controlled by the NGOs, which are controlled by the US State Department, which is controlled by Harvard in …


On successful revolution

One of those who must not be named wrote: Old Martin had a secret protector Who happened to be an Elector Wycliffe did heresy flaunt His sponsor was named John of Gaunt King quickly pulled out ahead With helpful support from the Reds Women’s Studies got a small donation From the generous Ford Foundation BLM gets away with their rancor As tools of a prominent banker The Big lend a …

party politics

Trump and Israel

On the one hand, Trump says, or implies, that he is going to pursue America’s interests, not Israel’s.  On the other hand, he says and implies that he does not care deeply for the poor long suffering victimized saintly Palestinians. Thus the mainstream media contradicts itself on his AIPAC speech (his speech to a bunch of powerful Zionist Jews)  He got a subdued response, they laughed at him, and they …


Anarcho tyranny in the Chicago riots

Police in Chicago were set up to take a kayfabe fall, to be the bad guys, and lose. The plan was that at a pre-arranged signal, multiple mobs would simultaneously rush the podium, and nail Trump, thereby solving the Trump problem. Police would be unable to prevent this, having been disarmed, forbidden to use effective force and set up to be legally at fault in any lawsuit. What really happened …


The Cathedral triumphantly announces victory in the streets

The Daily Beast: MAKE AMERICA RAGE AGAIN Protesters Scare Trump Out of Chicago The Riverfront Times in Saint Louis The activists in this town are battle-hardened and ready to go. They’ve had a lot of fights in the last year or so, and that’s only primed them to take on bigger ones. It really makes you wonder what Trump was thinking. Well, a short time ago, Trump’s rally in Saint …


Ethnic cleansing in Ferguson

Not all houses in Ferguson have dropped to a small fraction of 2014 prices, some substantial areas are holding value, but houses in large parts of the Ferguson zip code have dropped far far below the cost of building, or even maintaining, the house. If the ad says “located close to shopping”, it usually means that whites have been forced to abandon their homes to blacks by black violence.   The …


Leftism, suicide, autogenocide, and cosmocide.

If all men are created equal then it logically follows that all white males must die, because they keep emitting evil thought rays that cause blacks and women to underperform, blacks to commit crimes, and render women incapable of agency.  If you believe all men are created equal, you are going to pursue the goal of the death of all white males regardless of whether you are Jewish or not. …


Fall of Aleppo reveals that asymmetric warfare is bunkum

In war, the stronger party prevails. Asymmetric warfare only works when the weaker party has political protection.  Perhaps like the Taliban, the weaker party is fighting soldiers required to operate as heavily armed nursemaids.  Perhaps like Mao after the long march or the communists in Greece, the weaker party is launching raids from across a border that the stronger party is reluctant to cross. The usual scenario where asymmetric warfare …