Category: war


Nukes loom.

From 1990 to 2010 or so, Russia was a province of the Global American Empire. Global American Empire rule was disastrous, incompetent, corrupt, and a nightmare of ruin, oppression and tyranny for ordinary Russians. In 2010 or so, Russia shrugged off Global American Empire rule, and the Global American Empire promptly set to with the standard treatment of rebellious provinces, attempting to color revolution. The color revolution was very badly …


The Ukraine army begins to crumble.

I usually do not report the news of the day — it is impossible to understand the daily events except from the perspective of years. If one pays too much attention to the news of the morning, one is overwhelmed by meaningless noise. But today, a big change. Today the Russians took a bunch of villages without much of a fight, and a bunch of prisoners without a fight. Little …


Fall of the Global American Empire

When Trump took power in 2016 the Global American Empire was dangerously over extended, due to all the ever more brutal, bloody, horrifying, and terrible color revolutions of the Obama presidency, particularly Syria. Trump the president cut deals for quiet, orderly, dignified and very gradual retreat on all fronts. The two most important being that Nato on Russia’s borders would quietly fade, and that the Taliban would quietly take power …


A possible path to survival

Thermidor is last year leftism overthrowing current year leftism. But because leftists have no enemies to the left, no friends to the right, this is a fragile and unstable arrangement, short of bringing in a dictator for life who is a last year leftist. Thermidor, as an oligarchic group, is incapable of defending itself against enemies to the left. Although it is in the interest of the group as a …


The end of empire

Britain was a sea power and sea empire, the US an airsea empire. And it has just suffered a defeat from Yemen, following the awesomely incompetent flight from Afghanistan. Global American Empire ships now have to sail around the horn of Africa. Not a good look for the unipower. All countries lie about GDP and CPI, though some lie a lot more extravagantly than others. Flying into the airport and …


State of the Ukraine war.

The ISW (State Department) position is that if America sticks its head up its ass hard enough, the problem will go away. And on past performance, that is what America is going to do. The ISW, which is the voice of the State Department, complains that A Ukraine strong enough to deter and defeat any future Russian aggression with an economy strong enough to prosper without large amounts of foreign …


The enemy are afraid

The neocons write (hat tip Simplicius) that America is an idea, and that idea is at risk of being lost, and that if the idea falls, America will fall. They attribute this, of course, to Russian disinfo and Russian influence, not to them silencing freedom of speech, rigging elections, and forcing woke down everyone’s throat, but this is just point deer make horse. They can see the deer and they …


Ukraine war is over. The killing and dying may continue for some time

War is a test of will and capability. The test has been performed, and the result is apparent, and now is apparent to everyone. The Global American Empire GDP is fake and gay, created by fraudulently manipulating cpi figures, and consisting of the magic paper wealth of the FIRE economy of the blue state megalopoli. Russian production of drones and shells is many times greater than the entire production of …


Time for Kings

The time of Republics has ended. The time of Kings approaches. It is said that comes the hour, comes the man. We shall see. The hour is near, and yet the man is nowhere in sight. The technology and tactics of warfare are rapidly changing, and no one has quite figured it out yet. The meaning of war itself is changing, and its future shape has not yet been revealed. …


Not time for war with Islam

Since the war in the Ukraine is not going too well, the faction currently in the saddle in the Global American Empire is looking for war with Islam. For a long time the ruling faction has been seeking to converge Islam, and to this end, because they have had considerable success in converging the official faith of Iran, pursued an accommodation policy to Iran. Biden and the generals have now …