
The shots heard around the world.

The cold civil war is turning hot. What always happens is that authorities take sides. And different authorities are taking different sides. As things get hotter, expect mass arrests of normies in blue state cities. I do not expect high altitude bombing of cities and mass artillery barrages until 2024 or so, but escalation has been happening steadily, dramatic escalation just happened, and escalation will continue. Vox Day has long …


Yes, but ideas usually do rule

This is a reply to “Ideas never rule“. Ideas never rule, in that it is always a human backside on the throne. Ideas always rule, because no man rules alone, so he has to maintain cooperation over a group of men considerably larger than close kin can supply. Men rule, but how do they rule? Through guns, ideas, and fashion. Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion more powerful …


War is coming

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed. This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and large scale military violence, rather than the consensus of the elite, became the principal method …


The three magic words

Civilization is collapsing, the revolutionary political crisis is approaching, but, worse than that Heartiste has stopped posting on game, and Roosh has turned tradcuck. So even though I have sworn this is not going to be a game blog, and my life has demonstrated times without number that no end of men are better qualified to post on game than I am, I guess I will have to step into …


State of the left singularity

Preamble, to get those not yet darkly enlightened up to speed Leftism is entropy in the apparatus of state. Leftists ally with far against near, in the struggle within the state. The driving force of leftism is a holiness spiral. The state is a synthetic tribe, so the state always has, furtively or openly, a state religion, so leftists struggle for power by endlessly adding new, ever holier, stuff to …


The left vision of the Eschaton

The left want to immanentize the eschaton. How exactly? What will the immanent eschaton be like? This is to them a minor detail that can be dealt with after they have swept away the old order, like the Khmer Rouge plan for revolutionizing and radically increasing rice production. The Khmer Rouge had, unlike our left, a vague glimmering of plan: They would revolutionize and radically increase rice production on the …


I told Scott Alexander

I told him, your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends. A few hours ago, he shut down his blog, Slate Star Codex, because the New York Times came after him. Every year I have lived, it has been getting crazier, faster and faster. If Trump fails to become Caesar Augustus, Scott Alexander will not very long afterwards be killed by those he regards as his friends, …


Color Revolution

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many …


Status and violence

Observe that everywhere throughout the American hegemony, it is cool and hip to protest the murder of George Floyd. Enormous crowds are protesting in Germany, in Australia, in Amsterdam. Suddenly no one remembers Wu Flu. Look for the dog that did not bark: They are not protesting in Russia and China. People behind the shield of Russian and Chinese nukes are laughing as virtue signallers in the US get their …


Praise the Holy StarProphet!

Americans back in space on an American rocket, launched by Musk, who was protected from Nasa by Trump. The reason he can successfully launch stuff from the Nasa launch pad, is that he could launch stuff from a pad where the Range Safety Officer is Space Force, rather than Nasa, a pad that gets blown up from time to time. The space suits they are wearing have Nasa logos, but …