The plan for Wu Flu bears a striking resemblance to the plan for a Green New Deal. If sufficient human sacrifices are not made, dire natural disaster will ensue. Now that they have the Wu Flu disaster, seem to have lost interest in the Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change of Doom disaster. Some time ago Iran, noticing that Wu Flu is over, ended their lockdown. The media of course reports Doom. …
Flynn was set up to blackmail him into committing perjury against the president of the United States. The illegal spying started when Trump walked down the escalator and announced he was running for the Republican nomination for president. The setup started when Obama was still president, but was the outgoing administration. Trump had been elected president, but not yet in office. Biden approved illegal spying on people in the Trump …
Wu Flu is off topic, but the holiness and lies surrounding Wu Flu is on topic. What South Korea did is the application of Germ Theory to control a pandemic. What we are doing is the application of Germ Theory to justify the same agenda as Green New Deal and anti capitalism was proposed to justify. What South Korea did, worked, and did not require the shutdown of society and …
Fill the stars and subdue them
Will of Gnon is that if we act in accordance with his law, we will fill the universe and subdue it. We plan to relegalize marriage, as marriage was from the Old Testament to 1820, which will result in above replacement fertility, elite fertility, and eugenic fertility, with elite children marrying younger and having more grandchildren. Therefore, colonialism and space. Musk plans to build many big re-usable rockets. With NASA …
Wu Flu, manufactured crisis, real deaths.
Wu Flu is off topic for this blog. But the corruption of science is on topic. Hostile and treasonous elite conduct is on topic. And we are seeing no end of both in the Wu Flu crisis. The big question is: Is Wu Flu just yet another new flu, worse than most, less bad than some, with a death rate around 0.1% or less, or is it something considerably more …
The Logos has risen
On Easter Sunday we recollect the victory of Christ. Most times, people at Easter reflect on resurrection as as the promise of the next world, but this is the Dark Enlightenment. Let us reflect on the victory of Logos. A man can be killed, even an idea can be killed, but the truth will not stay dead. Our officially unofficial State Religion of progressivism is hostile to truth and at …
The Cathedral and the Holiness Spiral
“The Cathedral” was the hacker metalepsis for centralized authority, which Moldbug appropriated to describe the rule of the most holy unofficially official state religion of progressivism. A real life Cathedral is not run by a single CEO, but by a synod of bishops, and “The Cathedral” is the Beast with Seven Heads, several conspiracies struggling with each other for power and status, each composed of several individuals struggling with each …
War with China
In December Biden proposed that if elected he will go to war with China: “I am not proposing war with China, but …” He proposes to use the air force and navy to prevent China from oppressing dissidents, which presupposes US Navy and air force engaging and defeating the Chinese air force in the South China sea and over China. And, in the unlikely event that the US Navy and …
Off Topic: SARS-CoV-2 public service announcement
Wash your hands before touching your face. Soap and water not only removes the virus, but kills it. Disinfectant works, but is unnecessary. The virus survives for a day or two on glass, steel (such a doorknobs) and plastic (such as supermarket wrappings) Windex spray kills and removes the virus. Clean everything that has been exposed to outsiders. Windex spray is more convenient than soap and water for doorknobs and …
“World Order†against America
Trump has not yet built the wall, though it is starting, and has protected the most critical border areas. He has made little progress on draining the swamp. Some of the key swamp critters have “resignedâ€, and then been given immensely well paid sinecures by the Democrats and their pet media, but Democrats, for example Schumer and the Biden family, continue to commit shockingly illegal acts with impunity, while Trump …