
The spike protein is cytotoxic

We have seen a holiness spiral on China flu.

Initial medical treatment was catastrophic, resulting in a huge number of iatrogenic deaths. Which of course cast doubt on priestlyness of the medical profession. The resulting conflict was not at first left right aligned, but every conflict gets assimilated to the left right conflict, and the left naturally took the priestly side, forcibly suppressing effective low tech treatments for China flu, from chicken soup to hydroxychloroquine and zinc, while forcefully promoting inadequately tested and inappropriate high tech treatments.

And, once it became a left right issue, the left started holiness spiraling on it, taking it to ever greater and ever more evil and insane extremes, just as “lets not beat up gays” became Drag Queen Story Hour.

And, surprise surprise, vaccines based on genetic engineering generating the spike protein are disastrously inappropriate. It is a big catastrophe, and may well be a bigger disaster than the China Flu itself, because China Flu only killed people who had one foot on the grave and were wobbling on the edge, while the vaccine is killing healthy people. It attacks the brain, the heart, and circulatory system.

We anecdotally hear of large number of adverse outcomes, friends, friends of friends, contractors, random people, sometimes very serious outcomes from the vaccine. But we don’t know how many, because the number is suppressed. Whenever we hear someone telling us of a serious adverse outcome, we find that this outcome was never acknowledged or recorded.

This is the reverse poster girl principle. The poster girl principle is that if the poster girl, for example Marie Curie and Emmett Till, is fake, the event depicted, rather than being widespread, is utterly nonexistent. There are no great female scientists and there were no lynching’s of blacks for offenses that were trivial, or offenses of which they were plausibly innocent. In all of American history, not one lynching that would be suitable for a poster boy.

The poster girl principle is that if poster girl fake, no such cases.

The reverse poster girl principle is that if they are suppressing cases, there are a mighty lot of such cases.

During the China Flu epidemic (which is now over, we are hitting herd immunity among susceptible subpopulations in most of the world) there were considerable excess deaths, though it is difficult to distinguish iatrogenic excess deaths from excess deaths caused by disease. It has been a long time since we had a flu epidemic with such a large number of excess deaths, though flu epidemics with a roughly comparable number of excess deaths, fewer excess deaths but not all that much fewer, are fairly common.

The number of deaths attributed to China Flu is, nonetheless bogus. Deaths “with virus” are treated as if “of” the virus. If the common cold were treated this way, it would be the most lethal disease in history. Excess death figures indicate a much smaller number of deaths, though still quite a lot of deaths. Some portion of the excess, perhaps most of it, is, however, iatrogenic death. And it is impossible to rule out all of it being iatrogenic death. There are quite a lot of excess deaths most flu seasons. We don’t know if, without mass iatrogenic deaths, the impact of China Flu would have been similar to recent flu seasons.

Any death is apt to be attributed to China Flu, if there is the slightest excuse for doing so. There is enormous reluctance to attribute a death to the vaccine, even if it is perfectly obvious that the vaccine killed someone.

One vaccine works by injecting you with a virus genetically engineered to be incapable of reproducing inside the human body, which nonetheless produces a lot of spike protein. So your immune system learns to attack the spike protein and to attack infected cells producing it.

The other vaccine, the RNA vaccine simply causes your cells to produce spike protein by injecting you with alien RNA, but without a virus for the vaccine to target, it is doubtful that it can have much effect on the course of the infection. It can make the infection less damaging by prepping your immune system to attack the spike protein – assuming you survive getting a whole lot of spike protein in the first place. RNA technology is a really cool bleeding edge biotechnology, but you don’t want to be on the bleeding edge of really cool biotechnology any more than you would want to be a test pilot on one of Musk’s rocket prototypes.

The China Flu vaccines resemble the space plane projects, in that they decorate dumb ideas with the appearance, but not the substance, of high technology. What we have here is genuinely cool bleeding edge technology, but used more for decoration and display than because it is appropriate, or even particularly relevant to the problem.

China flu is another flu, closely related to a thousand other flues that have afflicted us in the past and will afflict us in the future. Why are we not using the older vaccine technology (which also kills people, but I never heard of horrible consequences on this scale with previous flu vaccines)?

The initial China Flu crisis was not a disease crisis, but a crisis of using high technology for magic and status, rather than using it in a practical, pragmatic, and reality based manner, causing a massive number of iatrogenic deaths. The vaccine is more of the same – science and technology being used as decoration for magical priestly incantations rather than because it provides capabilities particularly relevant to the problem at hand.

The relevant cool high tech solution would have been to genetically engineer a variant of the China flu virus that has same antigens as the original, but was knackered in some way, bearing the same relationship to China Flu as the vaccinia virus bears to Smallpox. The mRNA cellular reprogramming vaccine is the irrelevant use of an irrelevant high technology. Cool high tech, but irrelevant and dangerous, used for magical, rather practical, reasons.

It would have been highly effective to knacker the China flu virus by deleting portions of the spike protein that antibodies tend not to target, rendering it non functional, since removal of any part of the protein is apt to render the whole protein non functional, and then cheerfully infect everyone with that virus, which without the key weapon in its armory for entering cells, would be incapable of spreading. That would be just as much impressive magic high tech, and would actually achieve the desired result. They instead used mRNA based reprogramming for much the same reasons as they keep putting wings on rockets.

The priests are stomping all over the scientists and engineers:

Luigi and Derrick worked together to be the first to describe mRNA-based reprogramming in a pathbreaking paper in Cell Stem Cell, titled Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA. The work was named one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs of 2010 by the journal Science, as well as one of the top ten medical breakthroughs of the year by TIME magazine. Luigi Warren is the President and CEO of Cellular Reprogramming, Inc, a biotechnology firm based on the biotechnology that he founded.

Twitter had him delete his post on the toxicity of people vaccinated by the technology that he developed, for “spreading misinformation”. The problem being that people who have no great understanding of his work grabbing it and running with it, and then sitting in judgment over the actual scientists and engineers. Much as caused the Challenger disaster. What he said is not that important. What is important is who decides what may be said. Some demon worshiper decides he knows more about the technology than Luigi because he is holier than Luigi.

What we are seeing is not a epidemic. We are seeing the decline of science and technology, and its replacement by priestly magic rituals dressed in the robes of science. That is what killed a lot of people during our usual flu season, and may well be killing a lot of people right now.

The mRNA vaccine is another space shuttle. Wings on rockets are useful for some purposes, around mach ten to fifteen, like China’s anti carrier missiles, but for re-entry from orbit, they are like giving a fish a bicycle.

It was simply idiotic from the beginning to use wings to accomplish re-entry and landing from orbit and it was simply idiotic from the beginning to use Luigi’s mRNA based cellular reprogramming for a vaccine. It is a way cool technology that in the right hands could do wonderful things, but vaccination is not among those things. Our science and technology is being run by people like the moron who censored Luigi for “spreading misinformation”.

They made a vaccine using mRNA cellular reprogramming for much the same reasons as they put wings on an orbital vehicle.

1,186 comments The spike protein is cytotoxic

Robert says:

I have suspected from the beginning that many deaths were caused by drugs/respirators. People walked into hospital saying they felt bad, put on drugs/respirator, dead. If they never walked into the hospital they would have survived. I’ve been trying to find out where the Corona deaths occured to no avail. Seems to me that in a true pandemic many deaths would occur outside hospitals. To me if overwhelming majority died in hospital, not a true pandemic.

Rick says:

I know a guy who didn’t get treatment for COVID and died from it. Oxygen is what people with COVID need and he didn’t get any and died of asphyxiation. Of course he’d just barley survived cancer the year before. I think he would have survived having been given the proper drugs and been put on oxygen right away.

Karl says:

Rick, I don’t understand your point. People can get oxygen without artificial respiration. Simply give them a mask connected to an oxygen supply and let them breath pure oxygen instead of air.

Rick says:

Correct, which is what should have happened with this guy I knew. Instead the doctors told him to go home and go to the emergency room if he felt very ill. He stared feeling much better the day before he didn’t wake up, which is common with COVID. COVID has this nasty happen of destroying the bloods ability to carry oxygen without inducing the normal noticeable difficulty breathing until the lungs have been seriously damaged by asphyxiation. Often people will finally fight off the infection only to die of asphyxiation related damaged just days later. It’s a nasty flu.

People in high risk groups should be put on drugs and oxygen masks right away, but once doctors stopped killing people with respirators they started killing people by not treating high risk COVID cases appropriately.

Robert says:

Interesting. I guess question in my mind is, in a parallel universe with all conditions the same except for no “medical system” would there be more or less total deaths. Sadly we will never know.

Green Fields says:

Would you say that, in terms of safety, the best vaccine is Novavax > J&J > everything else, at least in the USA? I might have to get vaccinated for work / family, and if I must do so, I want to get the most prudent choice.

Are any of the vaccines available in other countries (India, Russia, etc) the traditional kind (ie, an inert virus)?

Karl says:

Sinopharm and Sinovac have developed conventinal vaccines, but they have only emergency use apporoval in China. You might be able to get such a vaccination during a holiday in China, but whether that would satisfy any legal requirement to get vaccinated in the USA or Europe is doubtful

PrinzEugen says:

Meanwhile in Chile, they’re having lockdowns with 50%+ vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine.

I’m glad I got the Pfizer vaccine, but you guys feel free to have whatever vaccine you want, or none at all. Just don’t expect the rest of us to wear masks to protect you from yourselves, because we won’t!

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“I suck cocks for a living and you can quote me on that.”

– PrinzEugen

jim says:

Novavax is a new technology, but it should work in theory, while mRNA cellular reprogramming is just a stupid idea for a vaccine.

What they do is create fake viruses from fragments of the live virus. Similar technology to using killed viruses, except you know that they are 100% dead, and have not been denatured in the killing process. If the spike protein remains attached to the fake virus, unlikely to do harm, and likely to be an effective vaccine.

This is a modernized and improved version of the very old dead virus technology. So likely to be no worse for you than the old dead virus technology.

The big problem with the dead virus technology is that the immune system, not being stupid, tends to ignore dead viruses “Not my job. Call trash removal”. So they mix in with the dead viruses harmful materials that cause damage similar to real viruses. If the materials were not bad for you, would not work. But they have been doing that for many decades, and one more is not going to make things that much worse.

Rick says:

I’ve been having mild tinnitus since the J&J vaccine and I’m having my hearing tested soon as my doctor thinks I have hearing loss. My cardio training went to shit after it (elevated heartrate, have to quit much earlier) but it seems to be slowly recovering. My father also got the J&J about 6 weeks ago and I found out recently he’s having dizzy spells and the doctors have him on a heart monitor for the next month.

I really regret getting the injection. The J&J stuff sounded safe enough at the time and my job was pushing hard for it. I got the shot about 2 weeks before the study on the damage the spike protean causes came out. If I had it to do over again, I’d bribe someone to put me into the database and give me the card.

jim says:

That is roughly what I am hearing. A very high prevalence of serious side effects, which no one will officially acknowledge. All anecotal of course, because actually attempting to collect genuine statistics will get you deplatformed, demonetized, cancelled, and quite possibly beaten up or killed.

The Cominator says:

Never trust anything from Johnson and Johnson they are (even independent of the influence of the Cathedral) kind of a comically evil company in real life…

Family Guy can be either really good or really bad (mostly really bad anymore and sometimes aggressively leftist, but the aggressive leftism is probably necessary so Seth MacFarlane can make redpilled jokes as well), but I certainly agree with them on J&J.

Dave says:

My wife took the J&J shot and was incapacitated for a day or two with flu-like symptoms. She said, “That just shows it’s working, you should get it too!” Uh, no thanks.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>My wife took the J&J shot

Which is to say you didn’t, and she is aware of your position on the matter?

Expect more shittests in the future after failing this one.

Karl says:

China is developing (or has developed – depending on what you accept as completion) conventional China flu vaccines. That is another sign that China is not ruled by the cathedral.

To my surprise Russia didn’t develop a conventional vaccine, but also chose a virus to produce spike protein. Worse is, they are using it widely inside Russia. I had hoped that progressive priests were not all that powerful in Russia, but apperently they are.

Arakawa says:

No one in Russia wants the vaccine. The progressive priests forgot the “brainwash the population to line up for the jab” part. Anecdotal reports that the vaxx centres were already empty in February-March and the personnel would grumble if someone showed up because it meant they would waste a tray just for a handful of doses. Aside from the 10-15% that did have it, everyone has their own approach to the coof from “take the same OTC antiviral I take for everything” to “find a doctor who’s willing to try latest unconventional therapy” to “move to a tent in the woods where there’s fresh air, chop some firewood and drink plenty of vodka”.

onyomi says:

The big question for me that I still don’t feel I have a good handle on, is whether there’s any likely scenario in which being vaccinated turns out to have been worse than just encountering the virus in nature, as I’m not going to stop shaking hands or visiting crowded parties for the rest of my life in hopes of forever avoiding what will presumably become an endemic part of the background viral environment (or maybe it just totally goes away? If I hadn’t caught swine flu back in the day might I be totally safe from it now?).

Since some young people who presumably wouldn’t have died of covid have died of the vaccine, it suggests there are some dangers of vaccination that don’t exist with simply catching the disease. Then again, 1 in 100,000 young people who catch the disease naturally might die, so if 1 in 300,000 young people die of the vaccine that might still not be worsening of the odds.

In the case of the spike protein, for example, yes, it may be harmful, but doesn’t the natural virus itself have the spike protein (along with others), as would, presumably, any inactivated whole version of it as well? That is, there’s no scenario of remaining unexposed to the covid spike protein other than simply never being exposed to the virus or a vaccine? Or is one getting a lot more spike protein when vaccinated, perhaps especially with the mRNA vaccines, than one might with a natural infection?

As where I live the Sinovac whole virus vaccine is available, I am considering getting it as at least it’s old tech and, to my mind, seems it would more nearly mimic a mild case of the virus in nature (again, I assume I’m not going to be able to totally avoid the virus since I don’t want to wear a mask the rest of my life and wash my hands every five minutes). But every time Facebook urges me to adopt a special badge to show I’m holy I think twice.

jim says:

> if 1 in 300,000 young people die of the vaccine that might still not be worsening of the odds.

If it was one in three hundred thousand, we would not be running into random friends and acquaintances with serious sequelae.

On the anecdotal evidence, and all we have is anecdotal evidence, it appears that serious vaccination sequelae in formerly young healthy people are far more common than serious China Flu sequelae in formerly young healthy people

Karl says:

By now we have more than anecdotal evidence as offical sources admit that there are possibly some harmful effects, e.g. a rather high number of myocardits in teenagers (several times the average of past years).

Of course, the offical line is that we do not know that these case have anything to do with prior vaccination, but if you look you can see some effects even in official data.

jim says:

If China Flu had caused unusual levels of myocarditis in teenagers, we would be hearing about it twenty four hours a day seven days a week for the next sixty years, with heart rending cases portrayed on television and the movies.

Karl says:

If levels of myocarditis contniue to rise, we soon will be hearing 24/7 that a late effect of China flu is myocarditis.

PrinzEugen says:

Here were I live, we all got vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and we are 100% fine. Staying in bed with a high fever for a whole day is the worst side effect I have heard of (it happened to me after both shots). 2 days after that, I was as good as new.

I had COVID too previously, believe me when I say that chocolate tasting like sweetened plastic is far scarier than any vaccine.

jim says:

So, the worst side effect you heard of is, by coincidence, the one that happened to you.

Which would suggest that people are afraid to discuss their side effects.

Two days in bed with fever is not a normal reaction to vaccination. It is not even a normal reaction to fever. I don’t spend a day or two in bed when I get the flu.

So you are telling me that you got it in the nads but everyone else is fine. I am hearing that not everyone else is fine.

The Cominator says:

> Fednat style name taken from WWII German battleship (taken from an obscure Austrian general).

> Shilling for mRNA vax.

> Claims where he lives EVERYONE got vaccinated and EVERYONE is fine

You aren’t fooling anyone you fucking shill.

PrinzEugen says:

FYI, Prince Eugene of Savoy is the one who liberated the region in which I live from the Ottoman yoke. That’s were I got the name from.

Pooch says:

My personal anecdotal evidence of my blue tribe family/friends is that reported side effects were mild, except one elderly woman unexpectedly had serious heart attack like symptoms (I believe the diagnosis was “broken heart syndrome” which can be fatal) about 2 weeks post 2nd dose and had to go to the ICU for several days and it was unknown if she would survive for the first 48 hours.
She has since recovered but it was quite bad.

I did not ask many people about their side effects, but of the few people I did ask it certainly makes sense that they would lie about them.

Pooch says:

Also, the hospital never gave a reason for her experiencing “broken heart syndrome” so it’s unknown if the vaccine caused it or not in a delayed fashion 2 weeks later. She’s older and drinks a lot so maybe there were underlying causes, it’s hard to say.

The Cominator says:

Has there ever been any proof of life for Tiffany Dover?

Pooch says:

I don’t think so.

Encelad says:

If you look at her social media, everything seems to indicate she is either dead or otherwise incapacitated.
She has a Facebook account and an Instagram account in which she posted regularly, and both of them have their activity abruptly stopped the day she got the shot, six months from now. They are not set on private mode or anything, just abandoned. With tens of thousands of messages from random people asking for news and ignored.

The Cominator says:

I.e. no proof of life because she is either dead or in a coma barely clinging to “life”.

Leon says:

Everyone I know from work, family or friends who have taken one of the vaccines all say they got very sick afterwards. So far no one had said anything about long term consequences. What really bugs me is so many of them knew covid was highly overrated, the masks and social distancing was bull shit, but then a ton of them immediately went and got the vaccines.

Kgaard says:

Yeah that has been exactly my experience too.

Guy says:

I talked endless shit about covid being fake, now I’m”vaccinated” too. Maybe some of them are in the same boat as me, unless you know they’re just cowards….

Starman says:


“I had COVID too previously, believe me when I say that chocolate tasting like sweetened plastic is far scarier than any vaccine.”

Another office worker word-smith putting out another bullshit COVID panic story.

Weird how my social class (military, police, veterans) just got the sniffles. That as a veteran employed at a plant, neither me nor my co-workers have any COVID panic stories. We just got the sniffles, it just came and went.

The Cominator says:

Nah hes a shill of some kind… even blue areas are getting some vacc resistance from unlikely sources. Prog young women mindlessly are taking the vax but the more new agey animal rights types leftists do not trust it at all.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I’m part of the professional class, now, but former military, and it was just the sniffles for me, too. I had had a cold a few weeks before I tested positive for the Wu Flu that was worse than my experience with covid. I was exhausted, but that meant I just slept 10 hours instead of 8 for a few days and I was back on my feet. Now everyone I know that took the Vax had to take a day or two off because they were so wrecked by it, even though if they has tested positive for covid they were able to work through it. From my n~=20 sample, the Vax is way worse than the Wu Flu. I’m not getting it, because my natural immunity is better than the Vax, and it will not have the side effect of turning my circulatory system into swiss cheese.

Guy says:

The difference in class experience with COVID night be due to toughness as you suggest. I think it’s likely that the working class people got a cold and a positive test and figured”well I guess that’s covid”. The upper class, or aspirants, likely got a cold AND a panic attack PLUS a very strong desire to be interesting and part of something and therefore had a very different story to tell at the end.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s not really a difference of ‘toughness’, but a difference of epistemology.

INDY says:

Know a professional caught it early, late march/april 2020. He had to take some xanax to calm himself down. Vaxxed

Anabaptists all caught it early. Jan/Feb 2020. No freak out. No vax

Rick says:

In the case of the spike protein, for example, yes, it may be harmful, but doesn’t the natural virus itself have the spike protein (along with others), as would, presumably, any inactivated whole version of it as well? That is, there’s no scenario of remaining unexposed to the covid spike protein other than simply never being exposed to the virus or a vaccine? Or is one getting a lot more spike protein when vaccinated, perhaps especially with the mRNA vaccines, than one might with a natural infection?

The worst reactions to the vaccine seems to be with people who already had COVID and the I’ve heard repeatedly that the second shot almost killed such people. So the fewer times you subject your body to cytotoxic spike protean the better.

As far as the dosage of spike protean goes, if you’re young and healthy and not fat or diabetic then the wu flu is unlikely to last long enough to release a ton of spike proteins.

With the mRNA vaccines you get the full spectrum injection of the spike portions twice along with the immune system going crazy trying to find the infected cells producing the spike proteins. This can lead to the immune system attack healthy cells. Lots of people have bleed out from this sort of damage.

onyomi says:

I’m considering whether to get one of the whole virus Chinese vaccines or else take my chances; in the latter case I estimate a 50% probability I’ll catch covid in the wild sometime within the next few years. Question is, would the whole, inactivated virus-plus adjuvant potentially cause as much, or more spike protein exposure as compared with the natural infection, given I’m not in a high-risk demographic?

Johnny Caustic says:

One hypothesis is that having the spike protein presented on the surface of your muscle cells, as happens with the mRNA vaccines, creates the possibility that your immune system will start to recognize your muscle cells as foreign invaders, and that this is a cause of the damage to the vascular system and heart seen in vaccine victims. Whereas if you actually get COVID, the immune system finds the spike protein attached to the virus, not to your muscle cells.

Rick says:

I think this is unlikely. There are extra deaths form the immune system attacking random cells looking for the virus but you see that with normal vaccines as well.

I think it far more likely it’s the quantity of spike proteins introduced. These proteins kill cells and the vaccines makes it’s way into the blood stream where these spike proteins spread. If you’re healthy enough to fight off COVID quickly the virus won’t have a chance to reproduce enough to reach the same level of spike proteins as the vaccines produce.

Thus giving a vaccine to someone who would normally kick the crap out of COVID say a teenager or young adult you’ve effectively given them the same sort of damage a bad case of COVID would do to an older adult.

If at all I am forced to get a vaccine I’ll choose the traditional vaccine Covaxin which I’m sure is much safer than the mRNA vaccine by all accounts.

simplyconnected says:

It might not work in the US. Indian students injected with covaxin or sputnik were asked to reinject with US-approved ones to re-enter school.

Leon says:

Is the Johnson one, being not an mRna but a viral vector instead, still the relatively safest vaccine?

Arakawa says:

Perhaps it would be if it wasn’t manufactured by crooks. But even that aside it’s still not a conventional vaccine. It’s still meant to hijack your cells to produce spike protein, it just uses a genetically-modified virus rather than an abomination of cationic lipids and antifreeze. As things stand, the “which vaccine is safest” discussions are like asking if Romney would be a better president than Biden.

jim says:

Less dangerous than mRNA, At least the entirely real virus gives the immune system what it is looking for.

Aryaman says:

There are scam nasal and oral vaccines coming out and if you must and then if you can, I would wait for those. They sound like a scam and therefore likely to be safe unless they screwed something else up. And maybe there’s something else you can take beforehand to further damage the intended pharmacology (perhaps vitamin c or something, as you could with amphetamines).

Could maybe even enroll in a trial for one of these scams.

simplyconnected says:

It attacks the brain, the heart, and circulatory system.

Also the testes and ovaries. Reproductive problems may be a big deal with the injected in the future.

Safe & Effective says:

One of the few remaining Europeans playing European football for their European country suffers cardiac arrest during Euro ’21:

Bilge_Pump says:

Idk why people want to watch BLACKS play with balls. Super boring, might as well watch animals kill each other on national geographic, more intense.

onyomi says:

I think perhaps the most galling aspect of all this is that, by all accounts, the class of people most likely responsible for this happening in the first place are also the class of people massively empowered and enriched by it. I am uncertain whether this is just the incentive structure of political power playing out at a grander scale than ever before or if our particular elite just happen to especially good at failing up.

Pooch says:

Our evil, unvirtuous elite are gaming the state religion for their own benefit. It’s no coincidence that open borders simultaneously satisfies the holiness requirements of the priesthood while also providing cheap slave labor for the MegaCorp and transnationals that the elite are heavily invested in.

Likewise, it’s no surprise that infinite distribution of vaccines satisfies the holiness spiraling medical priesthood whilst also, with such amazing coincidence, provides an endless revenue stream for the Biotech oligopoly, which the elite are heavily invested in.

Inquiring Mind says:

President Trump was the power house behind getting vaccines. He bet everything on vaccines.

You would think that if the vaccines had bad side effects, the MSM would be shouting this from the roof tops that “Trump’s vaccines are killing us”?

No, the MSM-enabled Left is proclaiming they are for vaccines after they were against them or after telling us that a vaccine will never happen and we would have to be on lockdowns for years. They are just trying to retcon history to deny Mr. Trump any credit. Think of the October Surprise of delaying release of the news of the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine until after the election.

Take Jon Stewart (please!) and his riff on Colbert’s program. He starts out saying that there is “someone not getting proper credit for getting us out the of the COVID pandemic” and you are just waiting that he blurts out “Trump”, but no, the payoff is when he says “scientists”, much to the relief of Colbert. He then follows this with “of course, scientists also got us into this pandemic”, making Colbert cringe, with Colbert coming back with a retort, “When did you start working for (Senator) Ron Johnson?”

Vaccines are good, vaccines are powerful, dude-bros shrug off vaccine side effects and it is girls and girly men complaining, vaccines are Trump’s great legacy.

Maybe everything doesn’t have a political dimension and the bad effects of vaccines are being suppressed?

Is Jim now saying that Trump was cucked?

The Cominator says:

Trump wanted some pretext to go back to normal, demonizing him over this isn’t a priority now that hes gone.

Rick says:

Trump’s losing more support over his failure to stand up for the American political prisoners from the Reichstag event than the vaccines. Even Putin’s trolling the Cathedral over it while Trump won’t say boo about it. I see people slamming him on The_Donald for it.

Of course Trump has good reason not to say anything, but it is an act of cowardice and people don’t respect cowards.

Rick says:

Reichstag fire event*

Pooch says:

Trump knows he could be right there next to them. He is trying to bargain with the elites.

Rick says:

>He is trying to bargain with the elites.

Then he’s a fool as well as a coward.

Pooch says:

A full head-on scorched earth attack against the establishment likely ends up with him in a jail cell and a martyr. He is attacking them around the edges where he can (McConnell, Liz Cheney, etc) while still supporting other swamp rat elites like McCarthy and Rubio. he’s probably more valuable to us out of jail than in it because he has no clear successor. I will reserve judgement for now, but it is not looking like a promising strategy. I guess we will see. He’s supposedly restarting rallies soon.

Rick says:

You might well be right. Guess we’ll find out.

Pooch says:

Trump foolishly tried to get the quick political victory by claiming credit for the swiftness of the vaccines.

Rick says:

Just more proof that merchants can’t rule. Trump would have made one hell of a commerce minister though.

Pooch says:

Yes. What he did with the economy in only 4 years was nothing short of brilliant.

The Cominator says:

Good foreign minister too with all countries that aren’t prog homostans.

redpurplepurple says:

prog homostans are vassal states of the USG empire. if Trump was foreign minister whoever appointed him would see to it that all prog homostans everywhere would vanish from the face of the earth.

C4ssidy says:

Had covid induced myocarditis badly in early 2020. Late twenties. Took about one year to get back to normal. Gradual exercise many months after recovery is effective , but immediate exercise (especially weight training , running etc) with a post-viral inflamed heart is a very bad idea, can lead to several extra months of recovery if not a risk of immediate death. The damage is often not visible on standard ECG just as covid lung damage is often not visible in normal methods to gauge pneumonia such as x-rays, which is a reason health services were very confused last year, and turning so many people away when they ought to have been monitored

Covid induced heart damage especially in young and fit people matches anecdotes of my co-workers, and if that is not enough, there was one famous wrestler with it who dropped after being too quick to go back to lifting weights

It sounds like the vaccine is triggering similar inflammatory responses. But again, arguing in their defense: the typical methods which they normally use to assess heart and lung damage, being inappropriate for covid, are also likely to be inappropriate for the vaccine. Would be slow for them to understand the link between cause and effect even in a world without such intense political pressure and censorship

The Original OC says:

You claim the covid causes mysterious invisible damage to young people.

If that were the case, we would all know disabled young people, and young people would know disabled young people, and so young people would fear covid like the plague.

But I don’t know any disabled young people, and nor does anyone I know.

Young people do not care about covid at all except that leftists want to signal that they have had the vaccine, but they do not care if the vaccine is protective or not.

c4ssidy says:

17 year old friend from Sweden still “out of breath” after several months

Random guy from Oxford knew a guy with something similar

One young Bulgarian woman claimed to have her grandmother die from COVID, and having caught it herself, is having a hard time with intense fatigue

Yes, I could be making up everything, but that’s the thing, you ought to have heard of at least one young person getting messed by this, because I have seen a few

It probably does not cause harm in a very significant number of people, and either way the cure is worse than the disease. I embraced it before and after, and to this day I carry a fake disability lanyard rather than use masks at Tesco or in museums. Humanity is supposed to have the birth rates to eat through war and disease (and benefit from their selection effects), so I hate the idea of shutting down borders and society to protect what is mostly a class of old people who are essentially traitors anyway. This at times has made me rage. When I saw old women in my street clapping for NHS, I wanted to swerve into them with my car and run them over in a line. I have intense hatred for the NHS and every measure in place against COVID. Therefore not a shill

jim says:

Not what I am seeing.

Take the shill test:

C4ssidy says:

Being impregnated (“rape”) by alpha genetics, khal drago style, is a win from the standpoint of evolutionary biology, and women do not really complain about it happening. But if a low status male make makes an unsuccessful/uncool seduction move (the lack of status mainly flowing from the fact that he was unsuccessful and unskilled ) , will become remembered as rape or attempted rape in hindsight, just as the inverse is true: high status rape becomes remembered as consentful in hindsight. So paradoxically most real “rape” (in the sense of a woman squirming, crying and saying “no” and trying to push the man away) does not get reported at all , while most reported “rape” is false

There is a subreddit called covidlonghaulers. A small fraction of the population, a subset visible on there, have reported strange symptoms, often debilitating, but with a pattern to them. The concept of long covid was unknown to almost everyone back in early 2020, and often dismissed by healthcare workers who had no good framework to separate real cases from typical anxiety attacks which normally occupies a lot of their time

The vaccines are apparently inflaming the heart. If the vaccine reactions are very similar to covid reactions which have been posted about since early 2020, good argument that both are real, since what incentive would a shill writing in early 2020 have to match symptoms of people taking the vaccine in mid 2021?

I take no pleasure linking cucks but let me pick an example. Sorting by “top” and “all time”, since I’m unsure how to easily go backwards to a specific date, I find a 148d old post :

8 month recovery with chest pain, lack of energy, presumably brain fog; overlaps fairly well with my anecdote.

There are endless posts like these in the archives, and not really any dogma for the medical response. People talk a lot about vitamins. Something which I suspect is helpful is huge amounts of sunlight, and perhaps sunlight is part of the explanation for why people in other lifestyles are not seeing any cases of long covid around them

Starman says:


Your RedPill answer looks legit, but let’s raise the RedPill on Women testing to Fight Club level.

Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?
[A] No, because an AoC of 16-18 is just perfect.
[B] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young White women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control our women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before we get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.
[C] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.
[D] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.
[E] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious property. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

jim says:

The shill test works not because shills answer in any particular way, but because they evade the premise of the question, refusing to engage with view that women behave differently to men, and behave differently in ways that make emancipation unworkable.

C4ssidy directly engaged a female behavior which implies that rape, sexual harassment, and abduction need to be defined with reference to the consent of the father, not consent of the woman, stepped on what would be a thought crime for any progressive, and a land mine for anyone with HR looking over his shoulder.

C4ssidy says:

Women have very different physical development rates. Jim puts hip development mostly complete at 16. Some girls look fully developed at 12, but there is likewise a tiny tail-end which will look concerningly slim until 25. It is not a huge deal to allow for mate-guarding daughters until early twenties so long as there are controls for failure (shotgun marriage) . Aristocratic men will often have slower-developing daughters along with plentiful resources available to mate-guard, the inverse is the case for poor men (faster development and less resources available for guarding) , and in this case there is no obvious limit, perhaps nine, as it becomes statistically ~0 that a girl is mostly ready for pregnancy at around that age, yet it is also the age in which bad behaviour starts, and the age in which sex begins not to be permanently damaging, so while not an ideal age for marriage it is still preferable if the other alternative is inevitable fornication, and certainly in the event of actual fornication a shotgun marriage should take place

Women breeding in late thirties is about as unsafe statistically as breeding in young teens, so the arguments focused on physical development are not super strong. Likewise it is harder to teach a “mentally developed” woman to cook and clean than a younger one. The mental development approach is something I always see pushed by old shieldsmaidens or bluepillers anyway, but I don’t think it holds up considering the basic and natural tasks which we want women doing. The shieldmaidens always seem to encourage young women to fornicate while seething against the men who take a jimian approach to marriage, and can be essentially regarded as demonic, with their own interests

I find it interesting that Muhammad waited until nine before penetrating – waited until the age which while painful, would avoid permanent damage. Muhammad would have been surrounded by vile barbarians. Would they have attempted to covet and sieze Aisha if they thought that the marriage was not consummated? In addition, from what we know about nine year olds, Aisha herself would have become a flight/cuckoldry risk once she turned nine, forcing him to either consummate or to provide an extreme father-like level of guarding which may have been impractical for the same reason it may have been impractical for Aisha’s real parents. There are similarities between Muhammad’s situation and the situation in theoretical poor and deprived areas, even if ideally we’d like to see most families have the resources to guard their daughters for at least a few years in order to encourage somewhat healthier reproduction

Ultimately the underlying goal to everything is tribal game theory – maxing the birth rates and minimising societal destruction. That is what makes us want young marriage. It is practical and physical factors which give us a limit in the other direction. [C] would therefore be the closest answer. Should I make a page on the GCHQ internal wiki so that everyone can skip straight to it in the future? Despite rumours of glow-in-the-dark-niggers passing shill tests after Biden elected, I don’t think they could get this advanced this quickly without internal chaos. I also think it is great either way to introduce glowies to Jimian doctrine and we can even invite them over for certain by dropping silly words such as “Pontrilas”. Sodomites clearly have something contagious to them considering how such a large number of them relative to the average population were abused as children, and they even have an internal somewhat blatant culture of “recruiting” young men (which for them is often euphemistic language for underaged boys) , the big implication being that the Old Testament method of executing them was actually an antibody response to spreadable behaviour which grows and eventually destroys a host society, when it is allowed to do so. Trannies mostly transition for sexual thrills rather than because they are genuinely internally feminine, though the research on this subject has become highly suppressed. Both Blacks and women have hundreds of genetic differences down to the brain-scan level, and “Jayman’s blog” is the best source I know which lists the raw science behind these questions. The relative bad behavioural characteristics of various ethnic groups, which is substantially genetic, is apparent while traveling through different areas and noticing litter in the street, locks on vending machines, and even amount of potholes on the road (ethnic groups commit more crime even accounting for income, including more white-collar crime, meaning the more ethnic your local council is, the more corruption, and you end up with places such as California with with a combination of ultra-high taxes but broken roads, and there are areas of London with the same pattern). This has reached a point which Jim has described as “good schools” becoming a ephemism for “a place where my kids will not be beaten up by blacks”. Black children mature a few years faster than white children, and combined with higher levels of aggression they tend to rule the playground, and this is in addition to the fact that punishing blacks is hard because the disparate impact in discipline is assumed by highly “educated” administrators to stem from racism rather than innate genetic differences, just as it is harder to arrest blacks when they commit a crime as an adult, for the same reasons, so it produces a bizarre world where black people are allowed to misbehave, allowed to get away with things which a white would quickly be disciplined or arrested for. God is one God, but three persons, and the three are one, and Christ is simultaneously fully divine and fully human.

My claim is that a small percentage of young people, but a decently large total number, have suffered a somewhat mysterious but debilitating inflammatory reaction to covid which makes it different to some degree from the flu. Corroborating evidence exists in form of one linked subreddit and one other commenter on here with another anecdote who presumably has a different writing style and has talked about other things, suggesting different people, though substantial evidence will only exist once Jim and the other skeptics hear at least one trustworthy anecdote irl. I bet on a long-covid anecdote eventually being heard by Jim. I offer 50 ada up-front , doubled back to me if a believable irl anecdote is heard, three month timer, relying purely on honesty of the other party. If not, I can at least submit my comment into the record under the merely-personal bet that it is likely to eventually be corroborated irl by something substantial in a reasonable time

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You come off like you’re trying really hard to weasel your way around the subject without explicitly failing it at the same time.

The ‘little girl pill’ in particular (id est, that thirteen year olds cruise for dick and or can also look hot [id est, can have developed ‘secondary sexual characteristics’]) seems a lot harder for many folks to digest than ‘make women property again’ in general does.

jim says:

I though his answer was pretty good, did not sound at all like weaseling to me, but I would like to see how he does on the little girl pill.

jim says:

Again, passed shill test with flying colors.

> My claim is that a small percentage of young people, but a decently large total number, have suffered a somewhat mysterious but debilitating inflammatory reaction to covid which makes it different to some degree from the flu.

Which syndrome seems similar to that caused by the vaccine. Except the syndrome caused by Wu Flu is so rare that its reality is still subject to dispute, while the syndrome caused by the vaccine is so common that a massive censorship operation is rolling out.

Assuming, as seem likely, that the vax syndrome is caused by spike protein, it is unsurprising that Wu Flu would cause it also.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s mainly my instincts pinging some passages as being overly defensive of an incommensurate frame (eg, ‘of course high status aristocratic men such as myself will defend their pure daughters from any man who tries to marry them, so they can be free to ride the cock carousel on the side, it is not a huge deal you know?’).

I think a not insignificant factor in the ‘shill test’ dynamic though actually, is pride. If someone interprets a shill test as a personal attack (which on one level, it is), he may so often respond to it like a personal attack… which is to deny the frame of your attacker. Which is usually appropriate in many contexts, but is highly inappropriate in the context of affirming ingroup shibboleths, and can make one come off as functionally indistinguishable with someone religiously opposed to your own faith.

Starman says:


“My claim is that a small percentage of young people, but a decently large total number”

“but a decently large total number”
A bullshit and dishonest claim, revealed by the fact that only people with college degrees and paper pushers claim these invisible lung damage that only people with college degrees and paper pushing can see.

Meanwhile, not one single healthy person with a real job in the military, police, grocery store, factory assembly lines, farms, garbage men… even in their 50s, acquaintances of my social class, report any invisible nasty “neurological” problems or zombie lungs. It was just sniffles and an occasional fever.

Starman says:


“It’s mainly my instincts pinging some passages as being overly defensive of an incommensurate frame “

C4ssidy answered the AoC question correctly, but he surrounded it with a disgusting mewling Gamma Wall-of-Text.

Say whatever you want about Vox Day, but the limpwristed Gamma Nerd really is a stereotype.

jim says:

I thought his wall of text was pretty good.

The point of the shill test is not the answer, but whether the suspected shill can engage our ideas, and C4ssidy proceeded to engage them in depth. You may well think excessive depth, but if accused of insufficient engagement, deep engagement is a good reply.

People can believe all sorts of stupid things without being shills, and shills claim to believe all sorts of stupid things. You cannot tell a shill by his belief system, but a shill has his interaction with dangerous ideas subject to supervision and restriction. C4ssidy, very obviously, is not subject to such restraint, and his wall of text made it over-the-top obvious he was subject to no such restraint.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, you don’t make shibboleths thinking it’s for making shilling impossible, but so that you can cross off low effort shilling with an even lower effort filter.

The standard method used by the polygon to shut down a discourse is ‘open borders’; id est, drowning it in volumes of static produced by bots (irrespective of if they are made of meat or metal).

The Original OC says:

I believe C4ssidy is a sophisticated dupe.

He has come here to tell us that covid19 is very dangerous to healthy young men, something I don’t even hear from leftists, don’t hear from anyone; he justified this claim with appeal to facts and arguments I don’t hear from leftists, don’t hear from anyone.

Even if a restorationist held this view for some obscure private reason, unclear why he would come to this blog and comment for the first time to push specifically this view onto its comment readers.

Starman says:


“Random guy from Oxford knew a guy with something similar”

A shithead prog priest from prog temple says he knew another shithead prog priest with invisible neurologimical/lung damage that only shithead prog priests can see.

“8 month recovery with chest pain, lack of energy, presumably brain fog; overlaps fairly well with my anecdote.

There are endless posts like these in the archives,”

Your anecdotes are fake and gay, just like the fake Chinese videos. And those posts are hoaxes.

“not really any dogma for the medical response.”

Bullshit, you lying limpwrist. It’s very obvious that your posts are nothing but virtue signaling for your social class while none of your social class’s claims of the virus has effected my social class. Your bullshit claims of 8 month recovery for brain fog, chest pain for twenty year olds mysteriously fail to show up in my social class, but shows up with your friends at Oxford University.

So lets see, your social class claims that COVID19 can:
Detect social class.
Read clocks.
Can tell if people are standing or sitting at a restaurant.
Can tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Can tell the difference between Muslims and Christians.
And can read the protest signs at a gathering.

Still waiting on you answering my AoC RedPill on Women question.

Rick says:

>Bullshit, you lying limpwrist.

Starman, shut up.

C4ssidy passed the shill test and it’s time for you stop being a bitch.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Hey steve, thanks for covering for dave for me, see you at the water cooler after my shift!

Starman says:


“C4ssidy passed the shill test and it’s time for you stop being a bitch.”

Office faggot comes to the rescue of another office faggot.

The only bitch here is the one who “works” at the air-conditioned office. Leave the office, throw your degree in the trash and get a job at the grocery store packing shelves. And if you think you’re brave enough, join a police unit or a military unit somewhere.

My patience for you people went away between Nov 4, 2020 and Jan 6, 2021.

Your fake stories about 17 year olds getting invisible COVID19 perma-lung damage is making me sick, pun intended.

Rick says:

>Office faggot comes to the rescue of another office faggot.

The only person acting like a faggot around here is you. We all remember your melt down after your beloved military decided to side with the election stealers. While everyone else had a rough time you broken down like a woman, blaming everyone else for the failure of your class. To this day you continue acting like a woman.

Rick says:

>Hey steve, thanks for covering for dave for me, see you at the water cooler after my shift!

You will never be a real woman.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

ur mom will never be a real woman lmao gottem

Guy says:

It’s more likely any “long covid” people just are randos with health problems being given a name. I thought at one point maybe they would do some poisoning to help cement the narrative, like maybe the vaping illness was tied in somehow, or some sort of industrial poisoning…. But no, nothing different happened than any other year except for the murders of the elderly and sick in hospitals and nursing homes.

TBeholder says:

Speshul clubs are not as trustworthy as pre-existing social media. Invites tumblrinas and their retarded contests of misery.

Anyway, how are we going to tell apart heart, blood and lungs problems, especially when they easily throw complications at each other? For that matter, there was a copypasta with hypothesis of Wu Flu messing up red cells, early on.

It doesn’t need to be anything unique: even common flu can have complications, especially if there are pre-existing problems. Normally “there are no healthy people, just under-diagnosed” principle applies, unless it’s a great big panic thing, that is.
I can only think of one external factor that makes wild differences: air conditioning. Do you breathe fresh air from window, or stale air cooled/warmed by AC?

Anyhow, my own case was quite annoying, but that’s because temperature won’t drop back like in a proper flu, it’s just either hot or really hot. That’s all. Despite not being a very healthy and well-exercised dude lately.
I used to move a lot, however, with and without stimulants more interesting than a little cup of coffee in the morning (Eleuterococcus group). So between actual breathable air and non-pathetic endurance, should my oxygen consumption spike like from warm-ups, but not for a short while… it will be very annoying. But asthmatics and people with arrhythmia may croak just from this little.

The Original OC says:

“There is a subreddit called covidlonghaulers. A small fraction of the population, a subset visible on there, have reported strange symptoms, often debilitating, but with a pattern to them.”

Female, middle aged, bored at work, not necessarily ever diagnosed as covid.

Such patterns reported for decades with any and no cause.

alf says:

I have, through two acquintances, heard a similar story. Young otherwise healthy people with week- if not monthlong lasting health issues after covid. One neurological problems, one breath problems. Don’t know the patients, but I trust the acquintances enough to report fair.

Karl says:

Isn’t it normal that someone who recovers from pneumonia needs a few weeks, perhaps even months, before they can run long distances again?

So if some people are unlucky and get pneumonia from COVID-19 I’d expect them to have a health problem for weeks. Although I’d also expect them to make a full recovery eventually

Starman says:


“ One neurological problems, one breath problems. Don’t know the patients, but I trust the acquintances enough to report fair.”

“Neurological problems,” seriously?
I call bullshit. I have zero acquaintances who have any of those problems with COVID. Just the sniffles. Of course, none of my acquaintances are lawyers or wear a suit to work or participated in Tik Tok Nurse dances.

I suspect priestly virtue signaling is happening instead.

alf says:

Yes yes very tough.

Not that I disagree. I asked for updates on healing, and in one case, don’t remember if it’s the neurological or respiratory complaints case, I was told that ‘her symptoms disappeared after receiving the vaccine.’

Starman says:


A virus that mysteriously does great invisible damage among 20 year olds in Universities, Colleges, and office blocks…
but somehow mysteriously fails to do those things among 20 year olds in military and police units, and mysteriously fails to do those things to 40 and 50 year old veterans or 50 year olds in grocery stores, power plants and factories.

TBeholder says:

IMO the above division is close enough to “those who after walking around a football field 3 times will look like a bunch of beached fishes, vs. those who will be mildly warmed up”.

Dave says:

I asked a dozen of my Dad’s visiting nurses if they’d had Covid. Only one said yes — in March 2020 she told an elderly woman to “breathe deeply” while tending a wound on her forehead. The old lady went into high fever that evening and died days later, while the nurse, a 49-year-old white woman with type-A blood, about 15 pounds over ideal weight, had a painful, bloody cough for a few weeks, and her chest still felt tight several months later.

My aunt and her husband, both age 70, slender, with type-O blood, got Covid more recently and described it as a “mild flu”.

This may be less true of bacteria, but viruses are extremely ageist, racist, sexist, weightist, blood-typist, and many other -ists, and straight white cis-men are somehow to blame for it.

Starman says:


“Had covid induced myocarditis badly in early 2020. Late twenties. Took about one year to get back to normal.”

Bullshit. Why is it that your soft-handed social class has these panic stories but my social class just had the simple sniffles from COVID19?

I’m pretty certain that viruses don’t know what social class is…
Just like viruses don’t discriminate based on politics or what time it is.

Guy says:

I knew covid was fake before they were even trying to make it a big deal. It was just well positioned enough on the news page below the impeachment news to make me realize that they were planning on bumping it up soon. I told my girlfriend that neither of us will know anybody who knows anybody who died of this thing that wasn’t already on death’s door to begin with, and I was right. I also correctly called that the mainstream media would come around to the lab to leak theory and Jon Stewart last night proved that part of it correct, the high priest has spoken. I’m only really commenting now because I want there to be a record somewhere of me saying that the media is going to come around to “Biden stole the election with China’s help”. Even if it’s an anonymous comment. They’re going to get there monetary reset, China will get its sphere of influence, and maybe we’ll get our country back. I don’t know if this Cassidy fella is just lying or had some other issue that they called covid, but I have to imagine he’s lying because nobody that naive would be reading and commenting on Jim’s blog.

Hell the day Kobe Bryant “died” you could see everything coming. Got a lot of eyes on the TV that day….

Rick says:

I’m only really commenting now because I want there to be a record somewhere of me saying that the media is going to come around to “Biden stole the election with China’s help”. Even if it’s an anonymous comment. They’re going to get there monetary reset, China will get its sphere of influence, and maybe we’ll get our country back.

LOL, that will never happen short of a military coup. And based on the proposed diminished military budget everyone who spoke up against CRT in the military is about to lose their jobs, so the only sort of coup we would see would be a Stalin taking power.

The “COVID came from a Chinese lab” vs “COVID was invented by Donald Trump racism” memes the media is currently fighting about is the war faction fighting the peace faction within the Cathedral. The war faction wants war with China and peace faction wants more pay offs from China.

The war party has the advantage that yes is came from a lab and yes it’s almost certainty a weaponized virus, but all the evidence points towards the cathedral paying to have it weaponized. I’m sure they were disappointed it wasn’t as deadly as they hoped it would be.

Pooch says:

I don’t really care about it being in a lab except for the scenario where the Cathedral planned it to leak from China from the very start and did not just take advantage of a random crisis. I’m skeptical that a global conspiracy could be pulled off that way but it is amazing how coordinated the Cathedral organs colasced around the narrative as if they had prepared ahead of time. I remember getting Democrat party spam emails with all kinds of covid stuff very early (March I believe) as if the email campaign was waiting and ready to go.

Rick says:

The exact details of who released or if it was a accidently released probably won’t ever be known. But there was a shitload of American money paying for gain of function research on COVID in that lab and the Chinese were playing games with those faked COVID death videos.

Guy says:

It’s not that the lab leak theory is true, just that it’s going to be the narrative and always was planned to be. The reality is basically what Jim said in his post, it’s a normal flu year plus a psyop and murders. I’m not saying we get the country back because Trump wins, we get the country back because the empire dies, or is humbled and starts dying faster, once the war with China goes south. They don’t need to reinstate trump, just acknowledge the irregularities and make sure China gets the blame, maybe Biden steps down/dies conveniently at the same time so he can join Gates and Fauci with the scapegoats. Then the right will want war with China for all the usual reasons plus election interference, the left for covid and embarrassing them plus whatever the multinationals come up with between now and then.

The media does 180s all the time, the Iraq war is a recent enough example. They can just get new anchors once the ideas they were used to push are no longer useful. They don’t necessarily say outloud the messages they want to send, last year the message was that blacks and Jewish pedos were burning down cities and that the law had their back. They didn’t say that explicitly, they just showed the carnage and ran cover for the criminals. They could have just showed nothing, talked about global warming or covid. They don’t cover big things all the time. We are the target of the propaganda just as much as the people who actually believe the lies on their face.

c4ssidy says:

The soft-handed social class tend to be the ones with asthma, hay fever, eczema, sensitive eyes, and allergies of all kinds; compared to people who grew up on farms and in the dirt

Anecdotally the people with COVID damage seem often to be “sensitive” people that have hyperactive immune responses in other areas

Starman says:


Nice try faggot. But viruses don’t read social class. Viruses can’t tell between a Boon Lives Matter shirt and a MAGA hat. And viruses don’t read clocks or avoid people who sit down at a table.

For example, a real plague, Black Death, did not distinguish social class. It struck the priestly class and peasants alike, it struck warriors and artisans.

Here, with the COVID hoax, only the priestly class are claiming healthy twenty year olds are getting invisible lung damage that only they can see.

Meanwhile, people who have real jobs, including those in their 50s just get the sniffles that came and went.

Rick says:

Karl of Market Ticker thinks that there’s a level of cross immunity from other COVID viruses which is why most kids are not even mildly phased with COVID since kids are passing around COVID and other viruses all day long. If your Tcells recognizes parts of the virus as something to attack then your cases of COVID is very likely to be mild since the body will respond faster.

If some sorts of people are finding COVID as not a big deal, while others are having bad cases, the sort of environmental exposure to other COVID viruses might be the reason.

For instance, I haven’t heard of a single k-12 teacher with a bad case of the Wu Flu. Teachers pickup the same viruses their kids pick up.

Rick says:

So I just went and took a look at teachers who died from covid. There’s been more than a few but every last one was a giant sack lard, probably with diabetes, people who are by far the mostly group of people to die from COVID.

Karl says:

Is it really the case that the covid patients in hospitals are mostly the soft-handed class where you live?

Where I live in Germany non-European immigrants are way overrepresent amongst covid cases in hospitals.

Maybe that is because darker skin leads to vitamin D deficieny in winter and rainy spring season in Germany, but these patients certainly have no white-collar jobs.

Aidan says:

Most diseases rebuke those who stray from GNON’s path. If a 17 year old with the body of a sixty year old man, who has not touched the earth with his bare flesh in years, gets irreversible heart damage from the flu, well, justice was served.

If you regularly exercise, your body is used to running on low oxygen, and the low oxygen caused by minor blood damage will not stress the organs out very much. Having covid felt like the aftereffects of moderate exercise, but plenty of people cannot handle moderate exercise. To somebody who does not exercise, maybe that does resemble severe illness.

Pooch says:

Thinning of the herd. God wills it.

Rick says:

It sounds like the vaccine is triggering similar inflammatory responses.

Myocarditis from the vaccine makes a lot of sense. I had insanely high heartrates not long after the vaccine and eventually stopped trying to exercise. 2 and 1/2 months later I’m starting to get back into basic cardio but I’ve been generally trying not to strain. I think I’ll lower those levels even further. I’ll also stay away from weight training for a few months.

redpurplepurple says:

If China Flu had caused unusual levels of myocarditis in teenagers [or young adults], we would be hearing about it twenty four hours a day seven days a week for the next sixty years, with heart rending cases portrayed on television and the movies.

Nils says:

I realized this was 150% nonsense from the getgo when I noticed that I had not after a year of “pandemic” seen a single “wash your hand sign” except the normal for emploees one. social distancing bullshit everywhere, not a single fucking “don’t touch your face, wash your hand sign” anywhere I looked. I don’t know what that means, but maybe literally no one in business believed it or gave a fuck about it, or our society is beyond the point of being able to do basic flu season shit. I don’t think about it because the answer is ugly one way or another. My kindergarten had better flu season propaganda then our entire country by a mile.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Are you kidding? There was hand sanitizer everywhere, and it was all they could talk about. Wash your hands, disinfect surfaces, don’t shake hands if you are sick, etc. Even when it was well known it was airborne transmission and not caught from surfaces. Really basic shit, to the point that it disturbs the hell out of me that it was not the standard. If a real disease comes in its going to wipe those nasty fuckers off the map. Who does not know to wash their hands after they use the bathroom or after they cough in them? Apparently a lot more people than I thought.

Nils says:

Handsanitizer does not work, and I don’t know about everywhere but here nobody put wash your hand signs up or mentioned it. I traveled a few states, not once did i see anything other then the six foot idiocy. Airborne transmission of any corona virus is doubtful. Spanish influenza was manifestly and probably not airborne. But the germ theory idiots stuck their heads in their asses sometime in the thirties and have been chucking out good empirical testing for being contrary to their theology since then. Most forms of viral infection rely on toxic human metabolites to allow infection. Tiny particles don’t have sufficient contaminants or viral load to do squat. Washing hands and surfaces matters massively, and healthy people which we don’t have don’t get sick, six foot was horseshit nonsense, uv dollar bill cleaners would have done far more and that’s not saying much.

Rick says:

>Airborne transmission of any corona virus is doubtful.

Airborne transmission was proven at multiple meatpacking plants. As was the unlessens of any sort of masks besides N95s, because everyone got COVID with any sort of mask besides N95s at very long distances from each other.

nils says:

Airborne transmission proofs revolve around pointing at people who had massive physical contact with shared materials, in a population with endemic viral material, and making the dumb case that it is airborne, all early studies of airborne pathogens done with humans showed no transmission, scientists are now to stupid to know how the fuck some mexican meetpacker caught what they think might be covid. That no one points out that shared environment leads to immunocompromised group and expression of viral material is pathetic, every one has had physical contact with the virus in the microbiome of their life, airborne contact does not cause infection and never has short of macroscopic spittle. They want masks, vitamins and sunshine work, masks dont. The airborne science is horseshit spread by midwits.

TBeholder says:

Masks don’t prevent infection OF the wearer. Unless they are NBC grade, that is gas masks.
Cloth masks make infection BY the wearer less likely, since less of aerosol spreads less far. Especially by infected but still asymptomatic wearer who doesn’t blast away all that much of viral load in the first place. If used correctly.
But this “correct use” part clearly wasn’t given high priority. I remember seeing only one photo of a poster on this in the whole China Bat Flu Apocalypse time.

Starman says:

I think I could make a rough guess of people’s social class in this comment section by whether their “COVID stories” are panicked or just a report of the flu.

People who work with their hands or who are military and police report that their COVID was a flu.

The Cominator says:

I was the OG covid skeptic and im too autistic and uncoordinated to work with my hands.

Starman says:


To your credit, you were the first to question the COVID19 hysteria. I waited until the “people dropping dead in the street” failed to materialize in the US, revealing that the Chinese videos were staged.

I notice that wordsmiths, lawyers, office worker types in this comment section will produce panic stories of COVID (C4ssidy and rick), but mysteriously nobody in my family (military and police) and plant workers where I work produced panic stories of COVID. They just got the sniffles and COVID came and went.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am a professional class type, and anyone saying it was that bad are fill of it. We were put on remote work for the past year and change, and people who got the Wu Flu were able to keep working. Only the Vax did enough damage to knock them out of commission. It was a bad flu, but I have had worse, and I was able to work through it, as was everyone else. The Vax is the real threat, not the Wu Flu.

jim says:

Putting someone on a respirator when he is capable of breathing unassisted and merely needs more oxygen, is murder.

It was initially driven by the fact that respirators are high status priestly magic and bring the hospital more money, while any nurse can put an oxygen mask on a patient at her own discretion, and anyone can buy an oxygen regulator and put it on himself, but pretty soon it came to be driven, as in New York, by the desire for the biggest possible emergency, and they needed as many dead bodies as possible for the emergency. The more people they killed, the holier they were.

Looks to me that without the ventilators, probably just another bad flu season.

Aryaman says:

Thing is the way to convince people the vaccine is a good idea is very simple. A high-powered, blinded study on three groups {vaccine, adjuvant, true placebo}, tracking everyone in the study methodically reporting weekly: all-cause mortality, clinical presentation of symptomatic coronavirus, and other adverse events with all records made available for audit to anyone willing to pay. No throwing out data, just labeling relevant facts and people can throw out what they want for their own purposes. The fact this is not done is evidence it cannot be done, or that people doing this are not smart enough to realize it ought to be done in which case I am disinclined to buy whatever they are selling. Either way.

The simplest effective argument I have made in real life is that 104 flus are not normal. I know off hand, without even soliciting, 4-5 women that developed 104-105 fevers. That isn’t healthy, it isn’t normal, it doesn’t happen. Not with any other vaccine and not in healthy normal people. Hyperpyrexia works into the differential diagnosis of brain damage, not a flu shot.

One consideration is that the vaccine merely masks presentation of symptoms in people who are shedding a lot of virus, so much so they would normally be symptomatic. That inverts the normal selective pressures where more transmissible pathogens are less deadly. And could be a factory for mutations that could plausibly be a problem for the unvaccinated as a result of vaccinated supershedders going out and about rather than staying home. The number of such supershedders going out and about is bound to be a lot more if the vaccine stops presentation of symptoms, which it looks like it does. Of course good reason to think “variants” and “mutations” will not be a problem, but I don’t think we have ever so comprehensively or so manically vaccinated billions of people in the span of months with a non-dead virus that does not in fact effectively prevent infection.

On BBC it is reported of some 42 “Delta variant” deaths within 28 days of infection, 29 percent had the 2nd dose at least 14 days prior and at least 16 percent had the 1st dose at least 21 days prior. The remaining 55 percent were “unvaccinated” but also include recently vaccinated people. Now, over this period about 50 percent of people may have been vaccinated at least once. Elsewhere we know that of “breakthrough cases”, most involve new variants which is not the case for unvaccinated cases. Together suggests a steep decline in vaccine efficacy from ancestor Spike to variant Spike, to the point that you could barely see any difference between vaccine prevalence in the population and the Delta variant deaths.

But that’s not how it should be. Variants are extremely similar to one another and the now extinct ancestor from which the prefusion Spikes in the vaccine are derived. In fact even the old SARS virus confers very substantive cross-immunity. So the “immunity” conferred by these vaccines could be extremely brittle, but not so brittle that it doesn’t first create the conditions for incubating many more potent mutations, which more potent mutations would usually have been an evolutionary dead end.

Karl says:

Those who are doubting the official message that vaccination will save people from covid-doom, will also doubt any high-powered, blinded study.

Aryaman says:

Actually I have noticed the complete absence of any simple argument as to why one should get the vaccine, in the form of a cost-benefit analysis that can be approximated on the back of an envelope with reference to well-designed, blinded trials conducted under a uniform regimen reporting metrics that would require active fraud to fudge, like all-cause mortality. Something like this might not convince me, but only because I don’t think the people involved in all this are very smart, but unlike anything they have actually presented it would actually be a convincing argument provided it is high-powered enough (and there is no reason it couldn’t be high-powered enough, with the enormous resources they are wasting on this whole thing).

suones says:

Actually I have noticed the complete absence of any simple argument as to why anyone should get theany vaccine,…


The vaccines that work, that have been proven to work, have mostly done their job, of eradicating smallpox, polio, etc. The rest is all mired in pilpul that passes for “SCIENCE!” today. I’m optimistic on vaccines, but not on the current “peer-review” charade’s ability to generate results.

Pooch says:

1/6 was a complete and utter honeypot operation. More than we actually thought…

Rick says:

This had Reichstag fire written all over it. But they did a shit poor job of it. Almost no damage, only death was a cop murdering an unarmed women, etc. They’re going to run with it because that’s all the have. Federal run “Q” terrorists attacks will probably be thing shortly.

I’m loving watching Putin needle American reporters with the completely unamerican way the 1/6 peaceful protestors are being treated.

jim says:

At the summit, Biden’s handlers, using Biden as a ventriloquists puppet, may well tell Putin how dreadfully he oppresses the opposition, but Putin has way better legal grounds, and is suppressing the opposition with far more care for facts and legality, than US does.

Putin is going into this summit to demand the Westphalian peace of equals, and there is a powerful USG faction that wants to give him the Westphalian peace of equals. But I doubt that the USG is agreement capable. What I do not know is whether the various handlers yanking Biden’s strings in very different directions will result in this lack of agreement capability being visible in the summit itself.

Rick says:

The tucker segment on it is quite good as well:

Mike says:

Dang, in the original thread I really did think the riot was the genuine rage of the unheard. Alas, it seems the feds may have played a role after all. To be honest I can’t bring myself to be that mad, if the insurrection was meant to make Trump voters persona non grata, well, they already were by that point with how much they’d been demonized over the 4-5 years prior. I guess the main thing that pisses me off is that if this is true it means that there was a planned, not spontaneous, coup of Trump.

redpurplepurple says:

> the genuine rage of the unheard

Mike says:

Lmao, I know that’s libtard language, that’s why I said it. Reminds me of how just as the Capital riot was happening right-wingers on Twitter were spamming this image in threads, was hilarious.

Mountain says:

Do you think the obsessive and unending hate Vox Day has for Boomers is a type of holiness spiraling?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, boomers are a fucking plague. They spent their children’s inheritance on their own stupid vanities, and in doing so have irrevocably weakened this iteration of Western Civilization. However, Gen X sat around and was “too cool to care” about the problems. If anything, it is Vox Day’s attempt at salvaging his generations utter failure to matter or make an impact. Gen X are a bunch of oxygen thieves that did nothing and were nothing, as evidenced by their absence in politics. It goes Silent, Boomer, Millenial, and almost entirely skips Gen X. Whatever the faults of the Millenials and Zoomers, at least they were the fashionable nihilists that Gen X are.

The Cominator says:

The worst generation ever whatever generation was in power during the progressive era… I don’t know if they have a name.

Imagine actually supporting an income tax and woman’s rights when you were free of the problem. The boomers have nothing on those fags.

Vox is somewhat right to hate Boomers but he won’t give the devil their due and say for instance that Boomer era music is better than anything that came after it (though not as good as Silent Gener music which is ironically for the name probably the best musical era in history).

Pooch says:

Every generation has been worse than the previous for centuries, as is symptomatic of declining civilization.

The Cominator says:

No… the progressive era generation was the worst in history… it just got unusually cursed with how universally bad its elite was.

suones says:

“Lost Generation.”[1]

Fought for Jews/Reds, feminism, “equality” and destruction of the family. I mean literally fought, with guns and planes and bombs. There hasn’t been a more concentrated dose of evil injected into society before or since. I consider Woodrow Wilson to have been more evil than FDR by at least an order of magnitude. FDR was more or less set in his path (of evil). Wilson’s generation had the option to stay out of it all, and actively chose evil. (I include Theodore Roosevelt and Coolidge as co-accused with Wilson).


The Cominator says:

FDR at least played ww2 well for the united states and was massively successful at least on electrifying rural areas (real infrastructure) wilson did far far more evil with NOTHING positive to go with it.

The Cominator says:

TR despite some positive things was part of the problem, Coolidge and Harding were not.

The Cominator says:

The lost generation were the victims of the older progs who set policy…

Anon says:

I think that the progressives were older than the lost generation. The “lost generation” comprises FDR, Hitler and the like. They were not in charge of things during WW1 and immediately afterwards when the world order started going to shit. In fact their politics was largely reactionary to those events (in the traditional psychoanalytic sense). Some reacted by becoming disgusting reds. Some reacted by inventing a weird sort of ethnic organization system inspired by reds. This means that the lost generation did produce most of the really culpable american communists, the sort of people responsible for the rise of the Soviet Union and the communist bloodshed in Germany, but the people you are calling bad (Wilson and the progressives) are actually a generation before that.

Every historical “generation” has a kernel of evil in it, because American mass democracy is the main topic of the theory of generations as originated by Strauss and Howe, and American mass democracy is largely a tool to advance evil. (To me, evil and the leftist project are the same thing). The kernel of evil of each generation is well-defined because groups of people who share historical circumstances (birth cohorts) will have similar historical significance, automatically.

Each of these groups have virtues, of course, but the vices stick out:

Pre-Lost/Progressive Generation – Created womens’ suffrage in the west. Ceded the colonial frame, instead favoring what is now called “white supremacy” and dooming white Africans and Asians. Destroyed the Boer state. Arguable inventors of “gay.” Created the inflationary economy, ruining banking for the foreseeable future. Instigated the first world war, and all that means (jealousy of national excellence as casus belli, broke Westphalian sovereignty, created ww2, introduced tactics designed to starve civilians to death to white-on-white wars).

Lost Generation – Comprises virtually every communist of the original seed. These people created the Soviet Union and NPR, and radicalized Hitler with their disgusting attempt to permanently destroy Germany in 1919. Enough said.

Greatest Generation – Fought in the second world war. Believed themselves heroes for delivering half of Europe to the red terror. Ongoing lovers of communism (through figures like Eisenhower, FDR, and Kennedy). Was the main support for the postwar de-facto single party state in the US. (I think this stretched from FDR to the Nixon inauguration).

Boomers – Woodstock. Narcissism. Infantilism. People now recognize that the Vietnam war was a bad scene, but it’s insane that these people thought it was normal to murder their commanding officers. Some of the worst parents, wives, and husbands of the modern era. Arguably invented “youth culture” and definitely popularized “gay”. First AGP trannies in the west.

Gen X – The Last Psychiatrist called these people “the dumbest pack of narcissists to ever be born,” and I think he’s right. The target audience of most television. The generational cohort responsible for most 21st century bluepilling about women. (Overall, the most bluepilling cohorts are the progs and the lost gen, but by 2000 these guys were mostly dead.) Historically forgettable, will literally never hold influential positions because they cannot stand up to the boomers.

Millenials – Fuck these freaks. 36YO millenial women are the main drivers behind modern race-communism, rape-terror, the brown scare and the pedo panic. Inventors of LGBTQ as something everybody must participate in. Second wave of AGP trannies in the west, this time much bigger.

Gen Z – My generation. Addled and wireheaded internet monsters. The women are utterly impossible, incredibly rude, raised by tumblr and twitter. People say the dumbest things because unlike previous generations their communication is never mediated by anybody smart. The main appeal of things like tiktok is to allow sweet retardation to spread to anybody who wants it. Many will not successfully reproduce because Gen Z has no social skills.

Gen Alpha – Little kids. Who knows what evil is in store for these boys and girls?

Did I miss anything? Am I insane?

Kgaard says:

Good list. I think the potential weakness is that evil involves a choice at some point along the way. The devil approaches you and offers you a deal, and you take it. If you never got that offer, and if you weren’t a natural psychopath, you are probably just a regular person.

I am Gen X … I think back to my high school class and all I remember are a) good people in various forms, b) some psychopaths and c) probably some proto-wokesters who were invisible at the time.

I agree with your knock that Gen X swallowed industrial quantities of blue-pills about women (Friends, Sex in the City etc) … but we didn’t KNOW any better. We didn’t find out til later.

jim says:

> Good list. I think the potential weakness is that evil involves a choice at some point along the way. The devil approaches you and offers you a deal, and you take it.

The wickeness that you address are the complicated evils, which are more dangerous to the social order because subtle and difficult to address. They all amount to gaming the mechanisms for maintaining social order to create disorder.

My weaknesses are the old fashioned ones: Lust, gluttony and wrath. If the devil ever offered me anything more complicated, I must have become bored and tuned him out. The wickedness that you are addressing is more complicated stuff.

I have had a very hard time with all of them. Wrath has led to some close calls with violent death and some rather narrow escapes from being convicted for extremely serious crimes, but everyone I violently harmed needed it, lust has given me a sex life that was disturbing, which led to me becoming very tired of the game of players and bitches, and gluttony nearly killed me, which led to me discovering the the reactionary solution for obesity. I still struggle with my weight, but it is in the healthy range, and all the women in my sphere tell me I am too skinny so that they will have an excuse for feeding me. Takes continual effort and struggle to keep it in the healthy range.

We need more societal violence. People do bad things, thing for which there is ample justification for lethal response, and expect that nothing will happen. People have come at me with a weapon, and been genuinely astonished when I responded with a weapon – not astonished when I produced the weapon, but astonished when I used it even though they were giving every indication of imminent use of their weapon. The monopolization of violence by police is counterproductive, because when seconds count, police are minutes away. Most people rightly and wisely avoid situations that might lead to violence, which I should do and frequently fail to do, but they avoid so much as to encourage other people to create such situations in the expectation that this will cause other people to retreat, and those people become genuinely outraged and indignant when someone fails to retreat. We need more societal deterrence against people creating such situations, and less societal deterrence against people responding violently to those that create situations that might lead to violence. If someone puts up graffiti is a public space, chances are he and his gang are intimidating other users of that public space, so to suppress violence in public spaces, treat tagging as violence, and don’t treat violence as violence.

“Gentle Giant” Michael Brown, who randomly threatened and assaulted people every few minutes every day, was absolutely and genuinely astonished to find that trying to take away a police officers gun was a seriously bad idea. The problem was not that he was killed, but that he was able to survive to eighteen while behaving in the way that he routinely behaved. He should have died when he threatened the tobacco store clerk in an unrelated incident that happened a few minutes before he got into a completely pointless and unnecessary dispute with the cops. He seems to have assumed that because he had not committed any crime that the police were aware of at that moment, there was no way the cop would pull the trigger.

The correct way to treat cops is with the respect that is due from one alpha male to another alpha male, the mutual submission characteristic of eighteenth century gentlemen – who could get remarkably ungentle when submission turned out to be insufficiently mutual. Gentle Giant Michael Brown was accustomed to demanding the submission of the fearful to the strong and violent, and was genuinely indignant when a cop failed to give him what he regarded as his rightful due. Such people need killing, and in a healthy society, would be hanged in the highly unlikely event that they survived long enough to meet the hangman.

The eighteenth century got it right. You read that a hungry man got hanged for stealing a loaf of bread, and fail to read that him stealing a loaf of bread led to one person being killed and two people being seriously injured, but they did not prosecute the violence because too hard to sort out. That is the way we need to handle social violence. We need to come down hard on behavior that is likely to lead to violence, and give up on trying to sort out who is at fault in the ensuing violence. Like rape and sexual harassment as defined by progressives, it is impossible to sort out. One thing leads to another, and even if you are right there, it is hard to figure out what is defense and what is attack. When things hit the fan, the distinction fades away. Rules against weapons are stupid, because anything can be a lethal weapon in the hands of a man willing to use it. Rules against escalation are stupid, because hard to know what is escalation, and what is wise and urgently necessary precaution, and usually impossible to sort out after the fact. We should therefore go easy on prosecuting violence, and instead penalize conduct likely to result in violence.

Rules against escalation fail because bad people will game the rules by going right up to the limits, and then it is ambiguous whether they went over the limit and the other guy was trying to protect himself and those around him, or they were just barely inside the limit, and the other guy went over the limit. Michael Brown, Trevor Reed, and the American newsmen at today’s Biden/Putin summit thought they were (just barely) inside the limit, and were genuinely astonished when cops thought otherwise. People who are not cops are hit the same problem, hit by the same problem people, all the time, far more often than cops are.

To ensure the safety of Putin, Russian security needed to restrict the movement of people in his vicinity. American journalists declined to be restricted, and became outraged and violent when security restrained them regardless of their high priestly opinions on this matter.

Michael Brown should have been killed by tobacco store security before he ever got in an altercation with cops. Trevor Reed would not be facing nine years in jail if his friends had sent him to bed when he got drunk, or if someone else at the party had knocked him down and kept on knocking him down till he stayed down. He should have gone to sleep on the floor when he started having difficulties, or better, headed to the couch while he was still able to make it to the couch unassisted. And those American newsmen need a few broken faces, broken arms, and broken legs, to educate them in courtesy. Journalists are a particularly bad problem, arrogant, obnoxious, dangerous, and evil. They always go right up to they think is the limit, which is apt to rather further than what I think is the limit.

Trevor Reed got very drunk. Someone at the party called the cops. We don’t know why that other party goer called the cops, but we can make a pretty good guess from Trevor Reed’s subsequent misbehavior in the cop car. Trevor Reed misbehaved in ways that he probably drunkenly thought were just barely short of the initiation of violence, and the American Embassy and American mass media argues were short of the initiation of violence, but if I had been driving that car, I certainly would have thought them the initiation of violence, and now he is out of circulation for nine years – as tends to happen to drunks in Russia who make trouble.

Police could have, and should have, avoided this situation by handcuffing him on sight, throwing him into the back of the paddy wagon like a sack of oats, put him in a prison cell to sober up, and released him in the morning. But instead they tried treating him with respect, dignity and courtesy, the mutual submission of alpha males, which treatment he failed to reciprocate.

The Cominator says:

“but it’s insane that these people thought it was normal to murder their commanding officers”

Its absolutely right to murder your commanding officers if they are an obvious fuckup and you are sure. It should not be done casually and of course it can’t be officially sanctioned but it needs to be done sometimes.

Field Marshal Haig certainly should have had a “riding accident”.

Re: Cominator says:

You don’t seem to get the slippery slope nature of this question.

The risk of bad commanders continuing to do their jobs without being murdered by their underlings is far, far outweighed by the risk of even once allowing such a murder to transpire.

For a right-winger this is no question at all. The idea that enlisted men could possibly have anything worthwhile to say about who gets to be their officers is 20th century in origin. Enlisted corps choosing their officers was a hallmark of communist militaries in Spain and throughout the red bloc before they got their shit together militarily.

Are you a communist?

I’m the anon above btw.

jim says:

Obviously we should not officially tolerate troops killing their commander.

On the other hand, reflect on the coup that saved Chile from becoming a full on totalitarian state.

Allende appointed Pinochet, who plausibly passed as a good progressive. Pinochet was far too wobbly to do what was needed.

The junior officers informed him at the last minute that the coup was rolling (because he would probably have ratted them out if informed any earlier) and presented him with a piece of paper to sign ordering the coup.

He declined. He was respectfully told “failure to sign would undermine the discipline and unity of the armed forces”, which to me sounds like “sign or die”. He signed. His behavior in the following hours indicates he heard it the same way I interpret it.

And Chile was saved. The junior officers were at all times appropriately respectful towards Pinochet, but twice they came very close to not being very respectful at all.

Pooch says:

I am seeing a subset of Gen-Z white males, ala the Fuentes followers/groypers, growing up with spine that I have not seen in my lifetime. Would not surprise me if Caesar comes from this generation.

The Cominator says:

“The risk of bad commanders continuing to do their jobs without being murdered by their underlings is far, far outweighed by the risk of even once allowing such a murder to transpire.”

You don’t ALLOW it, but the idea that idiotic leaders shouldn’t be quietly deposed of by their subordinates sometimes is a particular kind of thinking that all derives from papist “intellectuals”, I’m not a papist and I don’t think much of their “intellectuals”. Sometimes it just fucking has to be done.

No I’m not a communist I’m pragmatic. Nicholas II of Russia should have been murdered by the royal family long before he was murdered by the Bolsheviks for being a retard. Field Marshal Haig should have had a “riding accident”.

Re: Cominator & Jim says:

Is it also proper for slaves to kill their masters and for prisoners to kill their wardens? This is another case where a superior by law does something meany mean that the large party of dysgenic trash under his command does not like. In fact, many historical slave masters and wardens (including almost all present day prison wardens) are idiots.

Kill your commanders because you think they are stupid (by the way, this is impossible to effectively hide) and when you are a commander someone will kill you because he thinks you are mean.

Having a solid hierarchy, even with an idiot somewhere unpleasant in it, is much better than breaking the hierarchy to get rid of one idiot. In fact, with the former you can have a military (WW1 was a massive success overall for the United Kingdom’s mislead goals) and with the former it is nigh impossible (Vietnam). Disagreeing with this basic and extensively evidenced thesis does not make you a protestant – it makes you ignorant. And if your grounds for disagreeing are other than ignorance, it makes you a communist. The fact I think this doesn’t make me a catholic, either – Unqualified Reservations says as much.

Hell, if somebody had killed Haig and gotten away with it, the resulting cascade could easily have ended with a red communist UK. These things happen!

About Pinochet – it comes as no surprise to me that a military force led by communist senior officers would inspire a communist ethos in junior officers. But communism is a fail state and anything goes when you’re already in the pits of hell.

P.S. When I think of what a “pragmatic” person would do, the first thing that comes to mind is that he would go through history deciding which events should have gone differently and how.

jim says:

> Is it also proper for slaves to kill their masters and for prisoners to kill their wardens?

Prisoners deserve low status, and slaves usually deserve low status. Warriors deserve high status.

The submission of a warrior to his commander should be all the way to death, but not all the way to dishonor. If the junior officers in Chile had wobbled because Pinochet wobbled, they would have submitted all the way to dishonor.

The submission of a prisoner to his warder and a slave to his master should be all the way to death, for prisoners and slaves are seldom granted, and seldom deserve, honor.

Lutheran says:

When the Catholic church was deeply corrupt in the 16th century, Martin Luther did the right thing to do if you hate the military organization you are in – which includes hating your commander. He left and started his own military organization, which recruited disgruntled members of his original corps and eventually waged a war against it.

If you are in Luther’s position, do as he did. Complain if that’s realistically possible, and if not heeded, leave. Start your own thing. More accurately, join the new thing – if somebody competent enough to see the need for it and start it was in your original organization, he will have left already and started his own group. If nobody competent enough to run a counter-operation has started one yet, then you are probably wrong about the imagined incompetence and should just shut the fuck up and follow orders.

The Chilean coup was actually a situation like this. Every coup begins with a paramilitary organization made of military members. Once this particular paramilitary group got big enough, they decided to tel Pinochet “join or die.” I feel that this and fragging are completely non-analogous.

I imagine (no confirmation) that among the rank and file of the US military there are more people who want to kill COs for dumbass or even leftist reasons than due to “incompetence.” Luckily fragging is no longer so big of an issue as it was in Vietnam.

P.S. I wrote both posts starting with “Re:” and I am “Anon.”

jim says:

Luther was a priest, and disobeyed while still part of the priesthood – he fled only when he would other wise have suffered imprisonment, and possibly torture and death.

Priests war with memes. Warriors war with guns. Nailing the Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints’ Church was the priestly equivalent of fragging your commanding officer.

Re: Jim's latest says:

The people who fragged their COs in Vietnam and the people who might have killed FM Haig were not warriors. They were soldiers. Not every fighting man is a knight; there is not even a shred of pretense, let alone evidence, that any CO in Vietnam was ever fragged over honor. Furthermore, I don’t think Haig fucked with anybody’s honor either. These are enlisted men – a class of people traditionally considered at parity with slaves and prisoners – and in WW1 and Vietnam they were literally drafted slaves.

I’m Anon

jim says:

I know that some of them were fragged over honor.

The Cominator says:

And WW1 was certainly not a great success for Britain, Flanders was the graveyard of the British empire.

Anon signs off says:

It does not make sense to say Luther’s 95 theses were akin to killing his CO. For something to be like murder, it really had ought to be murder. The theses were Luther’s justification for his desertion. That is the correct thing to do: desert before your honor is compromised. Make clear why you deserted. Then come back with your own crew. Anybody who thinks it’s better to freak out and try to murder a superior should grow some brains and some balls.

I’ll rephrase what I said earlier: if you kill your commander over honor, then when you’re commander, your junior will kill you over gender identity.

However, this is a mostly moot issue as any sufficiently disciplined military body will find and destroy likely mutineers before their disgruntlement matures into treachery.

That’s all I can say on the topic. Hopefully it is clear I am not a shill or a fed. I am astounded and somewhat pleased that in a sense I stand “to the right of Jim” on this issue.

jim says:

> It does not make sense to say Luther’s 95 theses were akin to killing his CO. For something to be like murder, it really had ought to be murder.

Compare what the Church did to apostates, with what they did to murderers.

An attack on the official church by a priest of the official church should result in slavery or death. Heresy within the Church should have consequences – and if the heresy is that the heretic is holier than the hierarchy, consequences starting with exclusion from state and quasi state institutions, and going up to slavery or death.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The junior officers that brought Pinochet around to the right decision were officers, not troopers.

A fellow officer is a peer, even if he may be under your command, or lower in rank, and as such you can question like peers. On the other hand, you should absolutely not tolerate demotistic barbarism like enlisted mercenaries fragging commissioned heads of the outfit in any case less than something like treason or sedition, and in such cases there very well likely would be other officers seeing the same thing and giving the order anyways.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Fragging a bad CO is just like regicide of a bad king. Regicide is bad, but if the result is an improvement in the kingdom and the establishment of a new royal line and stability wins out, then its the Divine Right being passed from an unworthy king to a worthy one. You do not celebrate the regicide, and you do not celebrate fragging. It happens, and like something else dirty and unpleasant, you avoid mentioning it.

Just like killing a child molester when the local bugger tries to break into a little boy’s room. He gets shot, and nothing further needs to be said. No in depth details of how the queer ended up where he did or what he was doing. You do not make a great hue and cry and ruin the boy’s reputation. You keep an eye on him to make sure he was not damaged by the experience, but otherwise pretend it never happened.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I missed what Jim said, but I would agree that, officially speaking, fragging is unacceptable. Unofficially, it occasionally happens and we need to make sure that if it needed to happen, then we turn and look the other way.

The Cominator says:

Very good post Wulfgar. Its not something we like to talk about and it shouldn’t be officially condoned but its got to be done sometimes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Fragging a bad CO is just like regicide of a bad king. Regicide is bad, but if the result is an improvement in the kingdom and the establishment of a new royal line and stability wins out, then its the Divine Right being passed from an unworthy king to a worthy one.

Your rationale implicitly grants what is being explicitly denied; the man who establishes a new dynasty over the dead body of an unworthy pretender (retrochronically) is a man who already had (natural) nobility in the first place, a leader of men.

Restorations don’t come from the barracks, and you shouldn’t expect them too. It wasn’t Private Gadaffi who elevated Libya out of chaos, but Colonel Gadaffi.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>“Gentle Giant” Michael Brown, who randomly threatened and assaulted people every few minutes every day, was absolutely and genuinely astonished to find that trying to take away a police officers gun was a seriously bad idea. The problem was not that he was killed, but that he was able to survive to eighteen while behaving in the way that he routinely behaved. He should have died when he threatened the tobacco store clerk in an unrelated incident that happened a few minutes before he got into a completely pointless and unnecessary dispute with the cops. He seems to have assumed that because he had not committed any crime that the police were aware of at that moment, there was no way the cop would pull the trigger.

State preachers on broadcast send the increasingly loud message that melanin enhanced gentlemen are to be afforded the privilege of deference by nominal enforcers of the state; that the state’s merely written laws do not apply to them like they apply to it’s lesser legacy subjects.

Which all but guarantees a conflict any and every time one comes into contact with the other.

suones says:

>Fragging a bad CO is just like regicide of a bad king. Regicide is bad, but if the result is an improvement in the kingdom and the establishment of a new royal line and stability wins out, then its the Divine Right being passed from an unworthy king to a worthy one.

Your rationale implicitly grants what is being explicitly denied; the man who establishes a new dynasty over the dead body of an unworthy pretender (retrochronically) is a man who already had (natural) nobility in the first place, a leader of men.

Not to put too fine a point on this, but this is exactly the correct interpretation. Fragging of an officer/warrior by a prole/soldier is an unforgivable crime and a ghastly sin. Fragging of an officer by another officer/warrior/gentleman is an unforgivable crime and a ghastly sin unless:

1. They had a duel, or
2. The fragger group goes on to take command itself and wins the King’s approval through victory in battle, indicating GNON’s approval.

Fragging as an activity is locally a source of higher entropy, and as such is a tool of chaos and must be punished severely. If the local higher entropy is then channelised into larger lower entropy, i.e. higher order, it can be said to have been a mysterious working of GNON.

Pinochet’s officers get a pass because they installed a much better regime. Vietnam War American fraggers don’t get a pass because they made an already chaotic situation more chaotic. Insubordination is not a crime, only if you go all the way to a coup and then succeed.

The Cominator says:

“Not to put too fine a point on this, but this is exactly the correct interpretation. Fragging of an officer/warrior by a prole/soldier is an unforgivable crime and a ghastly sin.”

The people who keep saying this have never and will never be in combat. And yes if fragging happens generally someone who is in on it (though it may not be an officer if its a lieutenant that is fragged but an NCO) will end up taking temporary command.

As I said the most common cause of fragging (which nearly happens in the movie Platoon to an officer who was mostly a puppet of the experienced sergeant, and would have happened in Band of Brothers to a petty martinet) was incompetence with the officers technical duties ie reading maps and coordinates. Sobel messing up his maps on a training exercise convinced the company NCOs to threaten mutiny (at a time where they could face very serious charges for that) but if Sobel were in the field he just would have been shot/fragged even in WWII. In Platoon Barnes despite kind of thinking Wolfe deserved to be fragged for calling in on an artillery strike on the wrong position (which was their units position) reluctantly saves him from fragging because he doesn’t want to have to potentially deal with a more meddlesome lieutenant.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, as Com said, most of you are a bunch of priests trying to set rules for the warrior class. That is not how this goes. As far as the distinction between an officer and a enlisted man, there is a significantly higher quality of man in the enlisted side than the commissioned. Warrant officers are usually the best, but that is by design.

If it comes to a fragging, then if the non-commissioned officers in the unit go along with it, it was probably desperately needed. If not, probably not so much. If your NCO’s decide you need to be shot, you are a mess of an officer. If they cannot work with you and you are untrainable as an officer, you deserve to be shot. Let the platoon sergeant or company first sergeant take over and run things until a more competent officer gets assigned.

Also, fragging in Vietnam was not a warrior being smoked by soldiers. It was probably priests being killed by soldiers for masquerading as a warrior. Getting officers from college is a terrible idea. Officers should be drawn from the upper classes, but the upper classes of the military or martial elite. Getting some jumped up college kid who looks down on his enlisted men and refuses to learn from them is probably what drove most of the fragging. College for military men should be a military college where you practice military skills under the supervision of experienced officers and NCO’s, not fucking Harvard.

The Cominator says:

I think a lot of people here seemed to think most fraggings happened because a nigger soldier was going nigger, or because the men didn’t want to fight at all.

That did happen sometimes, but in probably less than 10% of cases with fragging (although in terms of not wanting to fight, idiotic WW1 style frontal assaults on superior enemy positions could sometimes lead to fraggings, its not that the men didn’t want to fight period but getting their lives thrown away in such a stupid manner in a war the government wasn’t really trying to win…).

suones says:

I apologise for my priestly intrusions. For the US Army I fully support unlimited fragging.

PS: Also, Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Real Women can have Penises, Men can have Periods Too.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Also, fragging in Vietnam was not a warrior being smoked by soldiers. It was probably priests being killed by soldiers for masquerading as a warrior. Getting officers from college is a terrible idea. Officers should be drawn from the upper classes, but the upper classes of the military or martial elite. Getting some jumped up college kid who looks down on his enlisted men and refuses to learn from them is probably what drove most of the fragging. College for military men should be a military college where you practice military skills under the supervision of experienced officers and NCO’s, not fucking Harvard.

Once again the implicit point comes out from behind the explicit denials. The real problem in the first place is a ‘knowledge faction’ attempting to arrogate for itself a position as ‘universal clearing house’ for any one who wants any position any where in society, including especially the military. The fact that any ‘degree’ at all is the qualifying mark, as long as it’s a ‘bachelors’ or so on, irrespective of any actual relevance, is one of the most informative details; the most desired point above all is simply to have control of indoctrination over folk.

It’s normies trying to deal with niggerdeath by looking for ‘good schools’, because they can’t actually talk about options that include dealing with the niggerdeath itself. Or like normiecons thinking they can deal with leftist abominations by more cleverly designed voting systems, instead of questioning the very premise of decision making by mass consensus in the first place. Instead of starting at that point first you instead speak of ‘lets have an officially unofficial rule to kill our leaders’. It’s a bit late to be worrying about the quality of your pilot when you’re already buckled up and rolling down the runway. Probably should think more about the selection mechanisms a bit further up the chain. Much better alignment of externalities, side effects, and unintended consequences there.

The Cominator says:

Most were fragged over incompetence my father was in Vietnam (not a grunt) most officers who got fragged were incompetents who messed up maps and coordinates routinely. It was not generally because their men didn’t want to fight.

jim says:

While incompetence was a factor, the general reason for discontent was the realization that they had been ordered to lose the war by traitors at home, and since they could not frag the traitors at home, they were apt to frag those near at hand.

The Cominator says:

That was a big part of it too but even when it came to angry drugged out black conscripts competent officers were very rarely fragged. My father was there late and what he heard in most cases it was officers who messed up their maps and especially (as portrayed in the movie Platoon, yes Oliver Stone is something of an old style leftist but he was a guy who was also actually there) artillery coordinates with the Lieutenant who Barnes had to prevent from being fragged (he saved the officer because the Lieutenant deferred to him).

The Cominator says:

Another good cultural depiction is (no matter if you consider the series pozzed or not) is in band of brothers.

Captain Sobel wasn’t fragged but its clear he would have been if he was sent into the field. He was removed from command when the company NCOs resigned en masse (and in the WW2 army they were risking serious charges for this) rather than serve under Sobel.

They didn’t do it because he was a petty almost sadistic Martinet they didn’t like and a jew (though that didn’t help) but because he messed up his maps on a training exercise and it was clear he was retarded at it and his incompetence would probably get them all killed.

The Cominator says:

In the field it has to be done sometimes…

Karl says:

So fragging happend in US army in Vietnam. Are there any reports of fragging happeing at other times or other armies?

As far as I know, it happened in some of the Muslim SS divisions to some German officers. I also read that some political officers and commisars were fraged by subordinates in repubclican armies of the Spanish civil war.

That fact that reports of fragging are so rare, indicates that there is something seriouly wrong with any army where it happens.

The Cominator says:

It happened in WW2 but it probably happened less and was less talked about. In WW1 and earlier wars units were on detached service far less often.

Pooch says:

If you think the boomers are bad, wait until you see the millennials get into power. The Zoomer conservatives, many never having experienced a functional America with Trump as their first voting age president, are the first generation showing some signs of life.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The sound of GenX was grunge music; a fleeting moment in time where, the social superstructures of society’s adaptive religio theretofore had been more or less completely destroyed, but the coming forms of psychotic demon worship had not yet fully stepped into the vacuum either, leaving a kind of aimless ennui.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The greatest contribution that Gen X made to music was when Kurt Cobain splattered his head across his wall.

The Cominator says:

No that faggot killing himself at the height of his popularity prevented a much needed backlash over just how awful on how grunge was…

Now things are really really awful musically, the last popular song that I can think of that was even passable was Sweet But Psycho (which is at least catchy).

The Cominator says:

Grrrr I’m writing too fast, I mean a backlash against just how awful grunge was.

Music would have then possibly corrected itself to be slightly less awful (though popular music has been generally downhill since its height in the late 50s and early 60s).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I called it their sound, not a contribution.

alf says:

I, for one, thought they were pretty good. To my mind the sound of grunge is the predecessor of nu-metal, which is a guilty pleasure of mine. I’m still amazed that Limb Bizkit of all bands made one of the best albums out there.

The Cominator says:

“To my mind the sound of grunge is the predecessor of nu-metal”

Which is all the more reason why they were terrible.

Aidan says:

You and I, being Americans, dont like nu-metal because it has a status association with trashy wiggers. One who grew up in Europe is immune from those cultural associations and can listen to it for what it is.

suones says:

Can confirm. Nu-metal was big here too. Most of [my cohort] remember it fondly and enjoy it from time to time.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
ten says:

I’m not even ashamed anymore for thinking linkin parks first album is an absolute masterpiece.

Guy says:

I’ve only been reading Vox for about a year regularly, before that just got snippets. I think he is real smart, seems like he’d be pleasant to deal with if you liked his writing, has a lot of valuable things to say, and is driven by pure hatred for those he blames for jailing his dad. I think he is in some way compromised by an intelligence agency that is using him to push certain things at certain times, for example he went way longer on Q than his reasonable given his intelligence.

He seems like he’s mostly concerned with accelerationism. Might literally be a Russian spy which is a funny thing to say given how hysterical the left has been about that for so long now.

The Cominator says:

Vox should realize his father went full retard and brought it on himself… not that the US government doesn’t suck but what happened to him was predictable.

He declared very publically as a sort of high profile guy that he was a sovereign citizen and he didn’t have to pay taxes. The government doesn’t like things like that… he should have sort of very quietly evaded taxes and used “consultants”.

ten says:

As far as i can tell, VD is strategically intentionally deceptive, and i will never trust any such man under any circumstances.

But he does do good stuff too.

I think this principled proponence of deception is what led him wide as fuck astray concerning q etc. And it is also what makes him have a core of followers who are extremely markedly dumber than him, even though i think he is also markedly dumber than he thinks and claims.

My principal test of what i think of a man is whether i would like to have him as a neighbour, and i really wouldn’t want VD that close.

Anonymous Fake says:

Jim was right about migration being away from New York and California now, but a generation ago the opposite was true. Everyone wanted to get rich by getting educated and moving to those places to work in FIRE or computer science, without knowing that the cost of living was manipulated. And younger people still in K-12 who want to play cryptocurrency speculator or NFT collector or whatever want money now, not after 4-5 years of college and then a 3 year MBA or law degree. Things are different now.

White collar professionalism is in a depression. It needs a bailout just for people who grew up without the internet and without cost of living awareness who chose the wrong career, but for all the right reasons on paper. The rise of Woke is mostly just a consequence of educated professionals being the nouveau poore and conservatives being nasty towards them for no reason, turning away a lot of good people who should have been allies to conservatives.

The fact that establishment conservatives cheered public schooling and bashed liberals learning to home school at the worst COVID months says everything. The world order needs to change as soon as the best people of the older order are compensated fairly for being harmed through no fault of their own. But conservatives are only trying to conserve liberalism at this point.

jim says:

> Jim was right about migration being away from New York and California now, but a generation ago the opposite was true. Everyone wanted to get rich by getting educated and moving to those places to work in FIRE or computer science,

I went to Silicon Valley. I got moderately wealthy. No one who went to silicon valley got rich by getting educated. Everyone who got rich, went to Silicon valley before there was any education in computer science. Those who got rich by working in silicon learned their art through apprenticeship, not university. Every transistor everywhere is made by an engineer who worked under an engineer an engineer who worked under an engineer an engineer who worked under an engineer an engineer who worked under an engineer an engineer who … who worked under Shockley, the father of all semiconductor devices. Bill Gates dropped out. You know Musk’s views on university education, which resemble my own.

A computer science graduate fresh from university is trained in priesting, not engineering. If he knows engineering, he taught himself.

> without knowing that the cost of living was manipulated.

Cost of living in cities not manipulated, and everyone knows what it is. Living in big cities is inherently and naturally expensive, because maintaining and operating a big city consumes a lot of resources. Transport is harder, food has to be brought in from far away, trash and sewage has to be removed to far away. Room of any kind is expensive, because lots of people in a small space. When you say “manipulated” you are making an argument that country people, who are disproportionately white Americans, should be forced to subsidize city people, who are disproportionately immigrants brought in to live on crime, welfare, and voting Democrat.

> White collar professionalism is in a depression.

Gross oversupply of priests. It is time for the dissolution of the monasteries. They need to get real jobs – such as walmart greeter, ditch digger, coffee shop barista, and pizza delivery, which is all most of them are good for.

There are plenty of good white collar jobs for people who can actually do white collar work. What we have is a gigantic oversupply of remarkably stupid and ignorant graduates with advanced degrees and impressive accreditation.

Originally, universities were for the purpose of training priests for the state religion, and they only trained as many as the state religion actually needed to stand in pulpits and conduct rituals. They still are solely for the purpose of training priests. Nothing changed, except that they used political power to expand to vastly larger than needed. Which became, in order to find jobs for the boys, accreditation and the injection of priests into every activity. The only thing professors teach is being a professor.

The problem is that Havard graduates used to be ignorant, but very smart, because the entrance tests were IQ tests, and because they tended to be children of the elite, which used be smart. Now they are ignorant, and stupid.

On seeing this video, I asked my cleaning lady the same question. She passed. Most Harvard students failed.

> The fact that establishment conservatives cheered public schooling and bashed liberals learning to home school

And, as usual, you drift off into your strange parallel universe. Home schooling is a conservative idea. Conservatives rightly ridiculed the China Flu crackdown, and rightly celebrated the fact that it led to kids being home schooled.

Future posts from your strange parallel universe will be deleted. Make an effort to post from observed reality.

Guy says:

I could get onboard with AFs plan to bailout people with no skills who wasted money on college. You have to go get the money yourself from the guidance counselors and teachers (or parents) that lied to you though, no government transfers.

In all seriousness it’s amazing someone could be so pathetic as to sit around and whine about how they fell for college. I’m a middle manager at a successful company after dropping out of college, learned everything on the job. You stay late and learn as much as you can in your time off if you want to be successful, anyone whose boy retardation can do it. It’s hard to believe anyone this pathetic is real. I have more respect for Antifa, at least some if them go out and commit violent acts when they’re frustrated

Leon says:

To be fair, for the last few decades high school students were told by friends, family and, of course, the education complex to go to college after high school. Granted, a lot of people chose incredibly stupid degrees. But they were taught to “follow their heart” and any “degree is better than no degree.” Stupid they believed that, absolutely. But that is all anyone ever told them. Plus, even people with degrees in real subjects such as law, computer science, etc and not feminism or basket weaving still struggle in the modern job market. Decades ago only 10% of the American population got a degree. Roughly only the same amount needs a degree. Everybody else is getting scammed and in debt for no reason.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Why would you use things fake and gay like degrees in law or computer science as examples of ‘real degrees’?

Leon says:

Once upon a time those were real degrees. Even stem is bs now, with green cards, stem for women, stem for lgbt whatever, stem for blacks, etc. There are no degrees not infested with wokeness in the west.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Maybe law, since lawyering is a priest-like profession (which we have bloated hordes of), and ‘going to college’ is euphemism for priestly in-doctrination; but those grafts which were called ‘computer science’ had little to no relation with computers or spheres of scientia that may relate to them from the beginning.

Anonymous 2 says:

Given how all of Trump’s conservative SC choices turned out, it rather seems like law is poz central. As befits a modern priestly occupation, I should add.

suones says:

Computer science, alongside the Hacker ethic (Minsky-Sussman-Stallman axis) is definitely a priestly enterprise. The unique thing about it is that it is a unique priesthood in itself, as different from the Cathedral as from the Church. Thus it is a target of attack by Prog priests.

Law, OTOH, is pretty firmly linked with religion. So much so that the Sanskrit word for righteousness, “Dharma,” is commonly confused in English as “religion,” or “law,” depending upon context. The ultimate source of “Law” is Divine, and to deny that and try to institute some “secular” law is only to invite the power of demons.

suones says:

“but Hammurabi”

Hammurabi’s code is explicitly based on Divine Law, and Hammurabi invokes his gods’ blessings at every turn. To make a “secular” code based on Hammurabi’s code without invoking the protection of Hammurabi’s gods is a straightforward recipe for demonic capture.

jim says:

British law was functional as long as Anglicanism was the state religion, and the King was both head of the state religion and lex animus, the sole source of law (remember the colonists complaint that he had denied assent to vitally needed laws. Back in those days, the constitution was indeed living).

jim says:

Originally, the professors that taught those subjects and degrees were recruited from outside academia. Over time, the original influence of those original professors faded, and the subject matter gradually drifted from practice to priestliness.

Starman says:


“On seeing this video, I asked my cleaning lady the same question. She passed. Most Harvard students failed.”

This fills me with glee that “our” garbage ruling class cannot pass simple astronomy questions. Imagine them trying to exert their politics and police power over self sufficient Mars settlements, only to get confused during the long 26 months between Mars/Earth Synods where physical control of Mars from Earth is physically impossible with current and foreseeable technology.

Anonymous Fake says:

Stupid people do not rule, have never ruled, and will never rule. If you see a stupid person, he is a puppet. Look elsewhere!

jim says:

On the contrary, stupid people do quite frequently rule.

The evil genius supervillain does not trust smart evil subordinates, because he and they are evil. So he hires evil stupid subordinates. Eventually he keels over, and one of his subordinates selected for stupidity takes the wheel. He, in turn, hires subordinates even more evil and more stupid than himself.

Because the smart evil overlord is doing evil things, he cannot trust his subordinates, so has to be much smarter than them.

The topmost levels of our elite are held together by blackmail and murder. To get anywhere, you have to participate in disgusting and shocking crimes, so that the others will know you dare not rat them out. An elite held together by blackmail and murder inevitably promotes people for being dumb as a post.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted because an analysis and description of power works by someone who has evidently been very far from power all his days*]

Fake Anonymous says:

[*deleted for being full of information about matters of which you know nothing*]

Fake Anonymous says:

[*deleted for being full of information about matters of which you know nothing*]

hourglassSOMERO says:


Our enemies are in fact stupid.
I have spoken face-to-face with their spies, whom I could clearly see were weak-minded imbeciles. Naturally, we must conclude that those who employ as spies weak-minded imbeciles are weak-minded imbeciles. If our enemies were smart, would not do that.

Our enemies continue to wield State Power because, beginning shortly after kindergarten, they ruthlessly identify, monitor, and purge our would-be leaders. Also, institutional inertia.

hourglassSOMERO says:

Expanding on this comment:

(I do not attend a private school.)

Aidan says:

Look as much as you want, you will not find anything. There are simply no candidates anywhere. The only two options are that the rulers are completely occluded, completely “underground” to the extent that they do not participate in public life at all, or that the rulers are dumb and getting dumber.

The prior explanation is unlikely, for two reasons. The first is that there is no historical mechanism for them to have taken control. We can trace open power until the end of WWII, and then power in the west suddenly becomes occluded, and we get the sense that the people supposedly in charge are not really running things themselves. FDR ruled the country like a king; Truman was obviously ruled by somebody. Problem is, there was no time or means for one microphone to be linked up to a thousand megaphones by a shadowy cabal. What actually happened was that the bureaucracy set up and empowered by FDR was staffed by a ready-made elite, an open and public cabal of leftist, socialist academics from Ivy League universities. This new priestly ruling class solidified its power and wealth through the foundations and by creating NGOs, a process which Reactionary Future’s book explains in precise historiographic detail.

The second reason is that if the stupid are puppets of the smart, who are totally hidden, why have the puppets been getting stupider and stupider? There is no incentive at all for them to be doing that. It would not even occur to a smart puppetmaster.

And I lied, there’s a third reason. The arc of history from 1945 to present does not at all line up with the incentives of any possible team that is “winning”. If the cabal of puppetmasters is having its plans foiled, how and by whom? And if they are achieving their goals, those goals would have to be ludicrously esoteric, matching none of the goals of any coordinated group that we know of.

So we’re left with the latter. The elite are dumb and getting dumber. FDR’s evil cabal of priests was smart. But they start letting dumb people in, because dumb people are better at mindlessly repeating the slogans. Our elites getting progressively more retarded is consistent with history. It slots right in. And do not argue that the elite are actually smart. I cannot find smart people anywhere who are connected in any way to the University and the State.

I once dated the daughter of a top guy at a top NGO. I would try to talk to this prospective father-in-law, who was considered abnormally intelligent, about history, in which we both shared an interest, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Whenever I attempted to address something in complexity or depth, his reply would be totally unrelated to the point I was making. He literally could not understand what I was saying, indicating that this supposed genius elite had an IQ outside the 30-point communications gap, and probably well below 115.

The only people I have met irl who are actually smarter than me tend to be total dropouts living on the margins of society, or do menial and uninteresting work to support their high-IQ hobbies. You either have no interaction with the elite, or you are not smart enough yourself to tell that they are stupid.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted because stupid*]

Fake Anonymous says:

[*deleted for all the usual reasons*]

Anonymous 2 says:

Never ever let the outer party into the inner party.

The Cominator says:

The ruling elite is definitely occulted at the highest level, the media narrative is set by a very secret small group (or perhaps even one man) and we do not know exactly who these people are. It is not school of fish coordination because that is impossible among theoretically seperate organizations that theoretically compete against each other. Whoever controls the media narrative are the occulted rulers.

Pooch says:

You couldn’t be more wrong. We have rule by 10000 bureaucratic elite who all simultaneously take credit when something goes right and all simultaneously avoid blame when something goes wrong. No one is calling the shots and everyone is calling the shots. The media narrative is set by the priestly class, and surprise surprise the ideas that win are the ones that increase the power of the bureaucratic state. I know it’s an easier mental model to think there is some evil puppetmaster at the top pulling the strings, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It is why 1 man rule is the only solution.

The Cominator says:

I see too many narratives that turn in unison to not believe there is a command and control.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is command and control. And there is more than one command and control.

That is why demotist command and control converges upon the lowest common denominator memes as schelling points.

Oog en Hand says:

Haunebu, dark fleet, Neuschwabenland.

There is a reason Antarctica is walled off….

Starman says:

@Oog en Hand

I’m not talking about Antarctica.

suones says:


Gross oversupply of priests. It is time for the dissolution of the monasteries. They need to get real jobs – such as walmart greeter, ditch digger, coffee shop barista, and pizza delivery, which is all most of them are good for.

There are plenty of good white collar jobs for people who can actually do white collar work. What we have is a gigantic oversupply of remarkably stupid and ignorant graduates with advanced degrees and impressive accreditation.

Straight outta Mao. Or maybe this is Khmer bleu? Would you also consider wearing spectacles a sign of “priestly oversupply?”

On seeing this video, I asked my cleaning lady the same question. She passed. Most Harvard students failed.

Two of the three Harvardites featured in the video were affirmative actioned fools, and the one remaining was probably in due to corruption. The talented tenth of Harvardites is good, very good. Underestimating Leftist priests’ capabilities is a fatal mistake. Your cleaning lady is certainly much, much more clever than mine. Dare I say she’s college material;)?

jim says:

> The talented tenth of Harvardites is good, very good

Look at the stuff Harvard is reading, watching, writing and producing.

The majority are not very bright, and the talented tenth lacks influence and power.

Selection for smarts has been declining since 1875, and the reading level of their output and input has been falling since then as the sophomoric fog level of their output and input rises.

If they had smart people, or rather if they allowed their smarties to do anything that mattered, we would see better than the official geniuses Aaron Hillel Swartz and Krugman.

There are objective ways to measure reading level. It has been dropping. Partly this is that great writers write for the masses, and we rightly imitate them. But partly it is that no great writers write for an elite community of smarties any more, because there is no longer an elite community of smarties.

You can tell the difference between someone who writes simply out of desire for simplicity and clarity, and someone who writes simply because he is simple minded, and the products of Harvard lack the desire or the capacity for simplicity and clarity. They write simply, because simple minded. Reading level is obfuscated by fog level. Subtract the fog, and Harvard documents would drop through the floor.

> Your cleaning lady is certainly much, much more clever than mine. Dare I say she’s college material;)?

Try the test on your cleaning lady: Why are summers warmer than winters, what makes summer and winter happen?

If she answers that the sun is lower or the days are shorter, ask her why.

Tell me the result.

A regular ordinary peasant in the field can see what is causing it, except he is apt to take the geocentric view – what happens when you ask a normie is that they give the geocentric answer, then half way through they realize that the geocentric account is incorrect, and reach the correct answer after a geocentric stumble or two. They don’t know the correct answer, they figure it out on the spot. The Harvard students not only had not learned it, more importantly they were incapable of figuring it out.

Contaminated NEET says:

>more importantly they were incapable of figuring it out.

They just don’t think they need to figure it out, because they already know everything. The Harvard diploma proves it. Why bother thinking something out when a piece of paper certifies your first thought as correct?

Aryaman says:

> The Harvard students not only had not learned it, more importantly they were incapable of figuring it out.

Their answer also implies they don’t know or didn’t think it relevant that it was not summer in Australia at the time of their graduation.

Aidan says:

He is probably not smart enough to look at what Harvard is reading, writing, watching, and producing, and see it for the inane drivel it is. I think his non-responsiveness to you, Jim, is a result of poor reading comprehension. My read on him is that he admires the intelligence of the midwit elite, and strives to be like them, but his aspirations were frustrated.

It is immediately obvious to me when a very smart man is using clear and concise language to explain complex things, but probably not very obvious to him. He probably considers the fog to be a sign of greater intellect.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Khmer Blues” FTW +1! Where have you been all my life?

Contaminated NEET says:

>Conservatives rightly ridiculed the China Flu crackdown, and rightly celebrated the fact that it led to kids being home schooled.

Wanting the schools reopened ASAP was the default conservative position. I saw them, politicians and professional blatherers both, constantly calling for it all over the idiot box. Conservatives are natural losers, so it’s no surprise they have no clue what side their bread is buttered on. “Please, please, put our children back in your Leftist brainwashing prisons!” The teachers’ unions liked long closures for obvious reasons, so they reflexively took took the opposite side. Plus, they don’t grok that the great institutions of American life are now their enemies’.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for stupendous stupidity*]

If I’m stupid, then you should tell me why. I’m willing to bet you can’t win a fair debate with me. Double dog dare you.

jim says:

As proof of the evils of capitalism, and proof of a sinister plot by our evil overlords, against the poor oppressed masses living on crime, the FIRE economy, and welfare, you pointed to the fact that housing is vastly more expensive in the big city than in the countryside. This, you declared, was obviously artificial and needs to be remedied.

Why, you demanded I explain, is housing so much more expensive?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for opacity*]

jim says:

Your original account of the cost of housing was too stupid to rebutted, and your new account too opaque.

Ron says:

I just realized what is happening here

You are not have an argument based on either dialectic or rhetoric. Or about any of the particular subjects that the back and forth between you happens to refer to at any moment.

What’s happening is that you are having an argument on status.

You already proved your status through many posts and intelligent observations. Those posts and observations are what gave you credibility among your readers.

AF’s actions are the actions of a high status male, but he never actually earned that status. ie, a high status male can demand an explanation from a low status male, regardless of whether the situation warrants such an explanation. A command is given and must be obeyed, if for no other reason than to reinforce the hierarchy

Secondly, it is the job of the lower status to figure out the commands of the higher status. When AF gives a totally idiotic and off the point answer, it isn’t his responsibility to give an simple and clear answer, he expects *you* to be able to “understand” his bullshit, at least well enough to parrot it back.

When you delete whatever he writes and substitute a terse response you are holding onto your higher status (and earned) frame. His repeated attempts at bullshit, arent an attempt to be understood or to gain understanding, but an attempt to get you to act in a manner of the lower status to the higher status.

What AF is actually doing is a form of theft. An attempt to gain a higher degree of status that he did not earn, through the means of causing you to act as tho he is higher status.

Fake Anonymous says:

[*deleted for absurd improbability*]

Aidan says:

White collar professionalism is on the decline because for every competent straight white male employee who adds value to the company, the company is forced to hire three fags, women, and darkies who are not worth their salaries. Typically, the only competent white men I know in this field are sometimes astonishingly credentialed, but mostly hired through personal connections, human trust being more important than a slip of paper.

I was personally screwed over by this, because my parents assured me that you could walk into an office with a college degree and get a decent job, but that is just not how it works, and I dont bitch about it on the internet because I’m not a little fag.

Big cities are expensive to live in substantially because subhumans artificially constrict supply of real estate. Half of any given city is a violent no go zone, and half of the tenants in livable areas are in rent controlled apartments. Then any business looking to sell basic amenities of life is taxed out the dick to feed, clothe, house, police, and incarcerate, itanic hordes of human garbage

Yul Bornhold says:

You and Jim have previously discussed whether ideas rule.

Ideas precede authority. Ideas constantly compete, subject to the rules of the meme-ecosystem. Ideas can’t *do* anything outside of democratic/mob spasms. It is rulers who rule but rulers need followers.

A sufficiently popular idea presents the ruler, or an aspiring ruler, with an opportunity to gain new support. Problem with the right (not cuckservatives) is that we’ve been unable to translate priestly devotion to ideas into a warrior’s devotion to the generalissimo. Moldbug, Jim, Aidan, BAP, Zero HP, Covfefe, zoomer Fuentes, etc. exert an intellectual influence but do not command a following. I mention Fuentes because he’s not anon.

Unlike progressivism, Roman Christianity did not flourish through the continual support of the state. It still got big enough that Constantine switched over not long after Diocletian’s final widespread persecution. Progressivism is symbiotic to the democratic state. Imperial Rome, in contrast, treated Christianity as a dangerous outside element. Can make an obvious analogy with our position. Interestingly enough, Christianity didn’t save Rome.

All this to say: there are legions of classically librul, colorblind whites who get pretty upset when they figure out they’re the subject of discrimination. When they complain about this and get the “you’re racist” response, a good number of them find their way over to our side. When the priests amass enough followers, then will the warlords come.

jim says:

In the 1930s, the alternative to the progressive left that was always full of hatred against whites and males, was the nationalist left, Nazism, national socialism. National socialism failed in the same way socialism always fails. Once they ran out of other people’s money they attempted to allocate scarce resources administratively, and utter chaos ensued. Administrative allocation of resources works on the family scale, the platoon scale, sort of mostly works on the company scale, but fails to scale, and collapses into chaos when you are trying to provide logistics for more than a thousand warriors. The US army needs to contract logistics out to Amazon and Ebay. For heavy artillery logistics, SpaceX. Logistics in within the army on base and on the march should not receive military uniforms, military honors, and military ranks, but be classified as camp followers. If one man in the army does not fight, pretty soon no men in the army fight.

We saw that Trump’s national capitalism had immense appeal. We have achieved intellectual and cultural dominance within the right. There are no end of shills disputing our dominion, but the only real opposition is Islam. The shills are fake state sponsored right. Our economic program is National Capitalism, but our program is primarily patriarchy, or, rather than patriarchy, rule of the husband. Women should be entirely subject to their father’s authority, but married off as soon as they start causing problems and getting hysterical if restrained from unsupervised access to nonkin males, which is often disturbingly and inconveniently early. The marriage ritual should feature giving away the bride: “who giveth this woman to this man”, or mock abduction or real abduction, and, once married off, entirely subject their husbands. When their husband dies, they should be subject to their eldest son, who should treat them with honor and respect, but when push comes to shove, should have the final say.

Under current circumstances, love is war, love is a battlefield, all is fair in love and war, and war is hell. This is tragic for both men and women, and severely impairs reproduction and destroys families and fatherhood. The destruction of fatherhood prevents boys from growing up as men, which greatly worsens our black problem and causes our wigger problem.

We are the opposition, and if a Cromwell comes to power, he will find, after he cracks down on those lefter than himself, that he has a use for us, as Cromwell found he had a use for Monck.

Pooch says:

Moldbug wrote a good post about this idea dynamic. Essentially, he argues, their shitty ideas win, and our ideas lose, because we are out of power and have no sovereignty. But who holds sovereignty? The marketplace of Harvard and the NYT are backed with the full authority of the bureaucratic state, a key difference between us and Rome. The terrible ideas that increase the power of the bureaucracy always win, no matter how stupid. Constantine had no bureaucracy. To make Christianity go from out of power to in-power he simply made it so. We cannot do the same until we have a Constantine.

Aidan says:

No, ideas do not precede authority. Before man had speech, he had leaders. Before man walked on two legs, he waged war. Charlemagne built an empire, and only then was crowned emperor by the Pope. The bard eulogizes the great king. The priest preaches about saints who have lived and died long ago. The intellectual is not the puppeteer of the warrior. The warrior is the puppeteer. His sword pulls the priests pen along. Marx did not write for the future, he wrote about the past, about the French Revolution and Napoleon. The great and terrible deeds inspired the evil priest.

The warrior brings in the priest after he has conquered, to defend the bloody deeds that already made him the authority. Saying that authority comes from ideas has always been priestly cope

jim says:

No man rules alone.

Cohesion comes from ideas. Regimes without cohesion always self destruct soon enough. In this sense, ideas always rule.

In one sense, King Alfred’s sword made England one and made his version of Christianity the state religion of England.

But people had been waving their swords around for centuries after Rome withdrew from England, and had only succeeded in chopping England into ever smaller pieces. King Alfred defeated the pagans, because the pagan leaders kept murdering each other. Unification was the culmination of a multigenerational family project by an extended family of Christians. Mostly, the pagan leaders died of fratricide, not of King Alfred.

Aidan says:

Well, yes. Cohesion comes from ideas, I agree. Once a man comes to power, he needs ideas to maintain cohesion. We can look at a man who inherited power, and the ideas were there before him, but the violence is even older. King Alfred’s authority to wield the sword came from Hengist and Horsa, who conquered England for glory and riches, while the ideas that bound the Anglo-Saxon elite together came along considerably later.

Taking power, which is what I was specifically talking about, and especially in a right-wing way, does not need ideas and rarely involves them. The “band of brothers” warrior loyalty sufficiently coheres an army to capture a state, though it does not cohere it in peacetime.

jim says:

Armies find it easy to capture states, hard to keep them.

jim says:

Did Hengis and Horsa take power? They conquered, but their conquest dropped England from anarchy into deeper anarchy.

The Cominator says:

English history after the fall of Rome and before the rise of Alfred is fragmentary and spotty.

It is known that the Saxons invaded and pushed the native (and it seems curiously for that time Saxons adhered to themselves as something of a herrenvolk over the native Brits, as supposedly they did not take the women or at least if they did their children by native women remained slaves) Brits into Cornwall and Scotland but the Saxon kingdoms (and later Norse kingdoms) could not effectively cooperate with each other beyond this though I believe the Saxons became Christian slightly before Alfred.

jim says:

If you check out the early Christian saints, Alfred’s parents and grandparents hit up Rome and the court of the Holy Roman Empire, brought home Orthodox Christianity. When a warlord visits a King’s court, he is looking for pointers, and when he visits the King’s high priest (Alfred got anointed by the Holy Roman Emperor’s Pope) he is probably still looking for pointers.

Alfred’s biography, written under his supervision by his pet historians, records him anointed as future King while still a child. History of the Vatican records it slightly differently. Anointed as consul – an honor however that was the title under which the Caesars ruled in the name of the Republic, which Alfred may have loosely translated into something more intelligible to his English speaking audience. Close enough. Clearly religion and politics was on the mind of the visitors, the emperor, and the Pope.

Christianity returned to England via Christian rulers modeling their rule on foreign Christian rulers.

Dave says:

I like to think that Aidan is right. That the media and academia parrot whatever lies are handed down to them, and that one day they will announce that General Bonebreaker won the 2020 election with 538 electoral votes and that all government bureaucrats and welfare recipients have voluntarily given up their sinecures “for the good of the country”. If any TV reporter deviates by one word from his prepared script, a hydraulic clamp will slowly crush his ankle into useless gristle.

The more ridiculous the lies, the more impressed I shall be by the regime’s ability to impose them on unwilling journalists. But alas, Jim is probably right, and such a regime would not hold together very long even if it could somehow seize power.

The Original OC says:

The correlation of forces consists of will to fight and ability to fight.

If you assume will exists then ability is decisive, but that is circular reasoning. Plenty of armies with the ability have lacked the will to fight. Plenty of people have joined armies fighting against their interests.

Priestly power can be co-opted by warrior power, by threats, but warrior power can also be co-opted by priestly power, by misdirection.

ERTZ says:


I’m shocked how openly corrupt leftists are on your side of the Atlantic.
Book deals at least tried to keep up appearances.
But this is just brazen.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pomo art is something anyone can do regardless of talent, so it’s time honored method of laundering money.

The Cominator says:

“I’m shocked how openly corrupt leftists are on your side of the Atlantic.”

Been obvious at least since 2008 where have you been? Hunter judging from his private conduct probably isn’t all that much of a leftist just a degenerate amoral crook who is tied into the leftist elite social network via puppet Biden.

Hardcore degenerates (other than fags) actually rarely believe in leftism though.

Rick says:

When Jim said he’d personal “bribed” a judge years ago, I didn’t believe it was possible. Now I wonder if I run into trouble who I should call in order to bribe the judge. America is so corrupt and fucked up that corrupt officials looks better to me than the woke ones who won’t probably take a bribe while they enforce their Demonspawn Religion on us.

jim says:

Not personally. Through a “““consultant”””.

“““Consultants””” are courtiers and bagmen to the political and priestly classes.

They “consult” part time and briefly. They court full time.

Pooch says:

I imagine if you hire the right lawyer they can bribe the judge for you as they are probably good buddies.

Whitespace says:

That’s one thing I learned in 2018. Law is to a large extent about politics. The least expensive lawyer drew me a flow chart which would have resulted me being locked up even now. Another lawyer went after the prosecutor’s corruption. He ended up being sanctioned by the law society.

The lawyer who eventually won my case chose the judge (a classmate), had the prosecutor changed got the serious charges dropped and me put out on bail. None of that involved invoking any article of the legal code. Only politics.

There’s a scene in Raymond Chandler’s “The Long Goodbye” where a cop says,
“Hey check out this guy. He thinks the law is what’s written in the law books.”

suones says:

Long history of this. Lizzie Borden (1892!) hired the former Governor of Massachussets as her lawyer, who manipulated hearing by a court where the Judge was one that he himself had appointed (as governor), with predictable results.

suones says:

A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the Judge.

— an American quote.

I sometimes wonder where Americans get this sense of “honesty” when their “republic” has been corrupt af since as far back as I can discern. As far as I can tell bribery was a big thing even in the time of Jackson. In fact, what you call “bribe” is actually a response to a non-functional bureaucratic system incompatible with popular concepts of fairness and justice.

linker says:

You can not call someone a shill, after they passed the hardest shill test which you only gave to them when they passed your first shill test. He passed both tests and then went on to type a 5000 word essay about black people destroying society. Not a shill. Maybe the Oxford comment was dumb but you guys sperged the fuck out about it.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for insane detachment from reality*]

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You give a right wing rationale for a left wing position, I respond, you ignore my response, and come out with another rationale scarcely different from the first.

This is not a conversation, respond to my response.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

The shill test is not someone’s willingness to agree with our positions. There is no correct answer. In this it is the reverse of the Demon Worshipper test, which is a collection of ancient Christian positions that have long demonstrated effectiveness in weeding out those who pretend to agree with Christianity, while inwardly rejecting it. Demon Worshiper test is a bunch of words and positions that gives demon worshipers the feeling that they might catch on fire were they to say them, even as a lie.

The shill test is: Can the suspected shill even acknowledge his interloctor’s thought crime, not whether he will agree with his interlocutor, while the Demon Worshiper test demands that the suspected heretic or demon worshiper agrees with various ancient Christian doctrines.

It his ability to acknowledge other people’s thought crimes – to respond to thought crimes his interlocutor is saying, even if to argue against them.

Hard to tell if you are a shill, because you don’t respond to anything that I say.

Starman says:

C4ssidy is not a shill, but neither is Curtis Yarvin… and I deeply despise their social class, the gamma Wall-O-Texts, and the wimpy promotion of bullshit COVID stories of healthy 17 year olds at Oxford (and only at places like Oxford) getting invisible lung damage that only wordsmiths can see.

My deep disgust over the wordsmiths was made complete at the end of 2020. And I note that others here came to similar conclusions.

Severian says:

Non Western news source

“12 Taiwanese die after getting AstraZeneca shot over past 3 days”
” reports have started to pour in of recipients dying after returning home from their injection. As of Thursday (June 17), health departments in eight cities and counties have reported 12 sudden deaths following AZ jabs”

jim says:

You cannot get the truth from Western news sources.

TBeholder says:

FDA could be doing it just for friends in Gilead, a mere business-as-usual graft. But the Big Pharma is far from untouchable for The Press, pet “scientists” or not. An average yellow press hound will happily chase and maul absolutely anyone, and his boss likewise will score clicks for any sort of prey.
Doctors were on both sides, too. Moments like the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons suing FDA for withholding HCQ donated by drug manufacturers, obviously, could be blown up into an utterly savage thing.
So the clusterfuck with HCQ was supported simply to not let a good crisis (and at the right time) go to waste, IMO. “Orange Man Bad, so here’s your China Bat Flu Apocalypse!”. After this everyone involved was committed and willing to double down, as usual.

Releasing a vaccine with a toxic part of the shell is… impressive. Unfortunately, that’s not an anomaly, that’s a milestone. Standards degrade, satire dies a little bit every day, and Taleb’s “patient died, but his cholesterol level is successfully lowered” mockery is this much closer to reality.

Both of these ugly messes falls under Carlyle’s prayer for cessation of all shams. Without demand for propaganda of sham democracy or produce sham doctors vetted as anything other than future doctors, any sane Powers That Be would be highly motivated to stop either problem long before it got this far, if only out of self-preservation.

onyomi says:

I don’t understand why some are suggesting it’s a bad thing that Jon Stewart was able to say what he did in front of Colbert. Your enemies being forced to adopt your talking points is called “winning,” even if they don’t give you credit, which they never do.

Most important of all, imo, was not even the lab leak hypothesis itself, but rather how he prefaced it: “science has done a lot to mitigate this terrible tragedy… which was most likely caused by science.” He’s straight up saying the great high priests of the new medical expert-ocracy caused the very problem we’re now supposed to be grateful to them for trying to fix. I don’t see how that is good for the Klaus Schwab’s of the world, who clearly want to keep the hygiene fear and expert-worship going long enough to slide climate lockdowns, etc. into their place and further immiserate the heritage populations of the West.

HappyDaze says:

Enemies adopting your positions is winning?

You mean like how the left started off saying “it’s no big deal, hug a chinaman today” and a month later the right was saying “it’s no big deal” and still is today?

Yeah, somebody’s winning here, for sure.

Pooch says:

Shut the fuck up you fucking shill.

Guy says:

They never should have been”our” talking points, they’re lies and COVID is fake/gay. It’s like the right saying “democrats are the real racists/sexists”, you’re accepting there was a pandemic and it was bad.

The high priest here is Jon Stewart, he is declaring this as acceptable discourse. The right’s desire to have the media say “you were right all along” will lead them to the slaughter.

alf says:

The right’s desire to have the media say “you were right all along” will lead them to the slaughter.

Exactly. It’s playing into the kayfabe that journalists set the narrative, while the truth is that a journalist is pretty much a blogger, and usually a bad one at that.

It’s neither good nor bad news that Stewart is coming out for the wuhan lab theory. It’s more like, ‘good for them I guess’ news.

redpurplepurple says:

> Most important of all, imo, was not even the lab leak hypothesis itself, but rather how he prefaced it: “science has done a lot to mitigate this terrible tragedy… which was most likely caused by science.” He’s straight up saying the great high priests of the new medical expert-ocracy caused the very problem we’re now supposed to be grateful to them for trying to fix.

my dear and faithful brother in reaction: if you are suggesting that the conflict between “science has done” and “caused by science” is gonna throw our enemies into disarray… i’m afraid you’re mistaken.

stewart is telling the audience that chinese science = bad and Cathedral science = good.

it’s the “our vs their” way of talking:
“our blessed homeland” vs “their barbarous wasteland”
“our benevolent president” vs “their autocratic tyrant”
“our responsible leaders” vs “their self-serving oligarchy”
“our wonderful religion” vs “their primitive superstitions”
“our great priests” vs “their ignorant shamans”
“our heroic champions” vs “their brutish scoundrels”

kinda related: a cool meme I saw a while back

suones says:

Hilarious! Reminded me of the “I’m firm, you’re obstinate, he’s pigheaded” formulation. You’ve hit the nail on the head. “Science” means different things to a Leftist, just as all words mean different things. And since they’re lying, and know that they’re lying, it is impossible to “trap” them in a logical contradiction — but tradcucks keep trying nonetheless.

onyomi says:

Wuhan lab had funding from Fauci et al.

If this were a market, I’d describe a lot of reactionaries as “perma-bears.” We have truth on our side.

Guy says:

This isn’t the first fake disease that Fauci has been involved with, look at AIDS. It doesn’t matter if he funded a lab somewhere to do weapons research in this situation because…… There is no bio weapon that was released on the population.

Everyone expressing glee that they can finally say we were right because China is responsible for the virus is, I’m sorry, an idiot on the same level as all the coronabros last year. It’s a similar level bait and switch to them putting Caitlyn Jenner up for the Republican governorship. At least with that one the only ones dumb enough to fall for it were already lost already, Sean hannity level thinkers.

onyomi says:

What are you talking about? There is a bad virus going around. It’s killed people I know and sickened many others. It probably came from a US-funded lab in China doing “gain-of-function” research not to create a bioweapon because doing “gain-of-function” research was a high-status way for people who like studying viruses to get grant money with the ostensible goal of studying something that might be a problem.

Like Bill Gates’s geoengineering ideas might, it was a solution to a hypothetical non-problem that ended up causing the problem (or a version of it) it was supposed to solve. Stewart is right. Science helped alleviate a problem caused by science. The lab leak theory is not beneficial to US science priests because it impeaches the whole way science gets done right now and virology in general.

The only people it benefits are anyone hoping for a war with China, which include a few of our enemies, but not the main contingent, and arguably the drug companies, if people are more likely to get vaccinated against a lab-leak virus than a natural virus. So do some people have a motivation to push that now? Sure. Does it mean it’s not true? No. More importantly, just because some powerful people have a motivation to push an idea doesn’t mean the worst powerful people (currently the hygieneocracy+climate change “you’ll own nothing and be happy” crew) are empowered by it. They were better served by a narrative of heroic science saving us from a natural disaster caused by poor hygiene at a meat market.

onyomi says:

The above is not to claim that leftists investigated a problem honestly and finally arrived at the right answer. Clearly, they avoided arriving at this answer as long as it might have helped Trump or got them called racist:

Once those issues were off the table, acknowledging the truth may have been better for the goal of getting everyone vaccinated and onboard with the new social credit system. However, it still massively undercuts the liberal science/expert worship narrative. Of course, lately it may seem like they can just “point-deer-make-horse”–that they don’t need plausibility anymore now that they’ve got power, but I think taking a torch to “expert” credibility in the eyes of conservative normies, as the media have already taken a torch to their crediblity, will be long-run beneficial to us because they cut closer to the heart of the problem, which is Harvard et al.

Guy says:

Unfortunately for your argument you start off by saying that you know people that it killed and that it sickened many others, I find it hard to believe that you believe that so I have to assume you’re just a liar. I know a lot of people and I don’t know a single person who had anything out of the ordinary happen last year healthwise other than some old people (that I heard about secondhand, mind you) that were put on ventilators and murdered when they had a typical case of pneumonia. I live in the Northeast and interact with hundreds of people on a typical day as part of my work.

If people’s grandparents died because they left them in a nursing home and didn’t visit them for a year I don’t count that as knowing somebody who died of a bio weapon.

The elite are going to be served by a global monetary reset and eventually by a global government and global currency. The dollar is on its last legs, the coming economic shocks to the world will require a war if only to kill off a bunch of people while keeping those in power in place. The whole left right domestic politics bickering is a facade and everyone knows it. The “left” didn’t seize power, the regime just pulled the mask off is all. They no longer try to pretend that they need the consent of the government in the United States. The Left-Right paradigm does not really mean anything when it comes to the global financial elites they don’t think of things in that way, that’s for public consumption, they are in charge.

HappyDaze says:

“China flu is another flu, closely related to a thousand other flues that have afflicted us in the past”

Stop lying.

No flu ever produces ground-glass opacity evenly spread through the lungs all at once. This has literally never happened before with any disease on record. Every single doctor who looked at covid patients when it was getting started had the reaction “wow, I have never seen this before”.

Covid is a vascular system disease, targeting hemoglobin (thus producing the lung symptoms when the blood passes through the alveoli), for which respiratory infection is just one means of acquiring it, and attacks organs throughout the body as a result of being transmitted by the blood. No flu ever has behaved this way. Nothing even related to the flu has behaved this way. Covid is not the flu.

Covid death rates are consistently about ten times worse than the flu. Which is still pretty low; low enough that the innumerate say, oh, it’s nothing. But it’s the difference between one in a million and one in ten million, as compared to one in a thousand. It’s still ten times higher. And yes, it absolutely is ten times higher; you can try lying about that if you want to but the excuses for claiming the numbers are inflated are never systematically anywhere near the order of magnitude required, although they look convincing to the innumerate, because the innumerate do not understand the difference between a thousand and a million.

The evidence that covid was engineered in the Wuhan lab is just confirmation of what was experimentally visible by any small-town GP. It is not the flu, it is not related to the flu, and you are a liar.

jim says:

Every flu is different, and every flu is the same. The excess death rate from China Flu, absent massive iatrogenic murder as in New York, was not all that much worse than the 2018 flu season. As a general rule, conservative Republican run states suffered a not very unusual flu season excess death rate, while Democratic states right next door suffered a major excess death rate.

China flu is a political campaign, not a disease. Its lethality is strangely dependent on which political jurisdiction you are in.

> Covid death rates are consistently about ten times worse than the flu.

No they are not. Excess death rates are all over the place, and frequently similar to a few flu seasons back.

If we calculated deaths from the common cold the way we calculated China flu deaths, it would be the most lethal disease in history. Look at excess death rates, not “Covid” death rates. And look at excess death rates in states that were not engaged in mass murder for political purposes.

The excess death rate in New York was wildly inconsistent with the excess death rate in Texas. Deaths from disease do not follow political boundaries. Politicide follows political boundaries.

Starman says:


Viruses don’t follow political boundaries, and they don’t distinguish between those with degrees and offices vs those who are military/police and factory workers.

The Cominator says:

The proper right wing position on blaming China for WuFlu is that

1) China deliberately whipped up hysteria over WuFlu through theatrical lockdowns all the while leaving their international airport in Wuhan open.

2) China was almost certainly in direct contact with Democratic party luminaries over this, probably through their spies which seem to be embedded with many West Coast Democrats.

3) To the extent this variant of the flu was a lab leak, it was not a bioweapon because not lethal enough to be one… but China used its agents and collaborated with the Democratic party to somehow maintain the narrative blaming Trump.

It was a slightly worse possibly lab leaked flu, but the real China virus was them plotting to spread lockdowns throughout the world and that they deliberately plotted with Democrats to do so.

Karl says:

If you think that peace of Westphalia is a good idea then

1) the Chinese can be as hysterial in China as they like and it is not their job to prevent people from leaving China. If a country does not want people to enter, it is that other country’s job to to close its own airports.

2) Chinese can be in contact with anyone they like. In the spirt of Westphalia, treason is culpable, but a foreign power being in ontact with traitors is not. ( In all fairness, I’ll grant that you consistently argue that all progressive traitors in the USA should be killed – which is OK according to the peace of Westphalia)

3) interfering in domestic policy is indeed against peace of Westphalia, but really there is no country like the USA chearfully interfering in domestic policy of other countries.

So you have choice here. Either there is no peace of Westphalia and there should be none, because the Chinese (like so many other countries are not American and progressive enough) – then the Chinese are not bound by the peace of Westphalia – or there should be peace of Westphalia and then the USA should stop interfering in Chinese matters.

I think the peace of Westphala is the proper right wing position. It is very progressive to tell other nations what they should do in their own cities to their own people.

The Cominator says:

The peace of Westphalia is a good idea but you are purity spiraling the peace of Westphalia with this tortuous interpretation. Part of the peace of Westphalia is that other rulers are not supposed to back sects against the ruler too, and that is exactly what China did here.

I do not favor war with China because we would lose and they have nukes, but we should absolutely have Xi whacked.

Karl says:

Well, if you argue to have Xi whacked (while he is head of China) your idea of the peace of Westphalia is rather strange.

So whacking a foreign head of state is OK with peace of Westphalia?

A foreign nation locking down their own cities and leaving their own airports open is a violation of peace of Westphalia?

There is not much peace in your interpretaion of the peace of Westphalia

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Biological war, interfering in the internal political processes, and backing factions isn’t okay. America does some of this and should stop, but China also did this. It is not acceptable, and they need to be punished rather firmly for it. Ideally we would nuke Wuhan out of existence to prevent the release of more BS4 materials, but we cannot do that. Assassination of Xi in a manner where it is totally obvious and totally deniable is an acceptable alternative.

The Cominator says:

And yes, the US does too much faction backing and meddling because its permanent government does not respect the peace of Westphalia.

But Trump generally did respect Westphalian principles and Xi backed the Democrats against him anyway because

1) They apparently care about accomodative trade policy more than whether the Cathedral forments trouble in Hong Kong and Uigur land.

2) Xi seems to be something of an actual Marxist for the 1st time since Mao (another reason he should go)… who would favor the Democrats.

By doing this the Chinese (and more Xi specifically) caused us a lot of damage.

Pooch says:

I’m willing to grant you that if Xi did in fact collaborate with the Democrats.

How are you so sure the CCP collaborated with the Democrats, planning out a global strategy 8 months ahead of time in order to steal the election from Trump?

A global conspiracy on that level may be a bridge too far for me, but based on the preparedness of the Democrat party/Cathedral organs for the panic narrative strangely early (DNC email blast campaigns with Covid graphics seemingly ready to go), I am not ruling it out.

Pooch says:

Leaving the international airport open is suspicious but I wouldn’t say that’s definitive evidence.

The Cominator says:

Its all very plausible when you take into account that the FBI etc. doesn’t touch Democrats for foreign treason ever.

The Democrats clearly knew about it in advance (trading activity) and they have a lot of contact with China via West Coast spies.

The lockdown theatrics and lockdown dem governor theatrics only real make sense in this context (though I suspect only a few knew the whole thing).

The Democrats aren’t smart enough to plan this on their own, all their smart people were/are geriatrics now. China could plan it for them though.

Pooch says:

Could be the reason they narrative switched from calling Trump a racist for shutting down travel from China (they wanted it to get in and spread) to quickly blaming Trump for it spreading once it was in the country.

On the other hand, the Cathedral doing complete 180s on narratives is nothing new either.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Given how much close contact goes on between the left and China, I find it more unlikely that it wasn’t planned. Doesn’t even need to be pre-planned. “Oh, hey, a rogue experimental virus got out. If you hype it up, you can whip up a panic and crash the US economy. We can get rid of Trump that way, and you can solidify your hold. Sound good?” Just coordinating messaging when a fortuitous event occurs is all that would be needed.

The chink bastards have killed millions of my countrymen through irresponsibly releasing a virus and then kicking off a panic to benefit themselves. The lockdowns and the response has almost certainly killed more than the actual virus, and will continue to do so due to the vaccine, but they started it. I would like to see them pay for it. Glassing a major city in retaliation sounds nice, but it would be hard to deny. Maybe have an accidental bioweapon release in China. “Oh, bummer, better lock everything down. Best of luck lol.” That would be retaliation in kind, and weird diseases are a dime a dozen in China, so it’s easily deniable. By the time it burns through their people, it will have mutated to a less severe form if designed properly, so its of little risk.

The Cominator says:

Retaliating against the leadership appeals more to me…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would agree with you. Letting the leadership hide behind bodies of their civilians means they can do it all over again without paying a personal price. Executing the guy in charge sends a message to the next guy in charge not to repeat his predecessor’s mistakes.

The Cominator says:

In my view it is a “reprisal” for him having caused hysteria and scheming with the Democratic party. Yes he needs to die for that.

The Cominator says:

“Assassination of Xi in a manner where it is totally obvious and totally deniable”

Yes exactly lol. Totally obvious but totally deniable…

suones says:

Jim’s concept of the Peace of Westphalia is only workable as a global jihad-complete problem. In reality, Anglos will not permit peace even for their own brothers, leave alone Chinese. US right wing circles alternate between rapturous idiocy and delusions of grandeur. I think Woodrow Wilson permanently broke them.

The problem, as I see it, is that there is no current state of Peace of Westphalia. Proof of this is that the Chinese actively collaborated with Molochites to directly affect the global hegemon in a stark violation of any international “peace.” On these grounds, Cominator is justified in demanding revenge. I don’t know if “whacking” Xi is going too far, but something must be done — similar conundrum (although less serious) as Austria vs Serbia in the events leading to WWI.

If the Chinese leadership wants the Peace of Westphalia, they should have stuck to a policy of non-interference, which they did not. Neither does the Molochite Empire want any such peace.

Jim wants peace, but he is far, far, away from power.

Dave says:

If China glasses the Ivy League universities and the entire DC metro area, I would say that all is forgiven. Wouldn’t you agree?

Pooch says:

I pray based China led by based Xi invades America and destroys our evil occupying regime but I doubt we will be that lucky.

The Cominator says:

Xi is not all that based because he shows many signs of actual Marxist sympathies…

I’d pray for Putin but not Xi… if Xi were Deng I’d feel differently.

suones says:

Xi is not all that based because he shows many signs of actual Marxist sympathies…

Fuck this. Chicom Left is “Leftist,” sure, but it is less debased than J-Left, and much, much less debased than Prog-Left. This is like opposing Stalin because he’s “Marxist” while Trotsky is rapidly consolidating power, except that Progs are literally worse than Trotskyites.

Would Chicoms be an improvement over the glorious God Emperor? Of course not. But you’re not living in the glorious country that used to be called “USA” anymore. As an occupied people, the least you can do is not help your overlords while they face a deadly war of their own making.[1]

[1] I think such opinions were expressed by isolationists before WWI, and Lindbergh and others before WWII, all falling on deaf ears. But there hasn’t been an evil war that Americans have not supported for more than a hundred years, so I’m not very hopeful this time either.

May your god preserve you and your own and give your offspring their rightful due. If there had been more like you before WWI, we would indeed be living in a very different world today.

The Cominator says:

Deng, Jiang and Hu did not show any real signs of Marxist sympathies, I don’t even know why all the Marxist stuff wasn’t formerly abolished…

The problem with Xi is I see a lot of sort of Marxist gradualism…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Xi has marxist sympathies in that he is trying to reignite the religious fervor marxism inspired, but presumably without all the marxist policy parts, in order to fill the gap for China’s state religion. But he has found it difficult – and indeed perhaps impossible – to preach in the name of marxism without bringing in more marxist policy prescriptions along for the ride too.

jim says:

Xi needs a functional state religion. And does not have one.

Marxism is leftism, and without a holiness spiral, dies. If, like Stalin, you stop Marxism from going Khmer Rouge, destroying everything and killing everyone, it empties out, and Xi Thought has emptied out.

Needs to claim the mandate of heaven. Han Confucianism worked quite well, though the previous variant of Confucianism succumbed to a holiness spiral similar to that of the Pharisees. Needs to address the woman problem, for which Confucianism has a solution.

Into the vacuum left by nominally Marxist Xi Thought, progressives creep.

The Cominator says:

Any amount of genuine Marxist thought is demonic poison. Xi reintroduced poison into a society that Deng and the army cleaned it out of. Because he took the poison he plotted with the Democrats in America… Xi is a focus of Marxist evil independent of the Cathedral… they are not the same and maybe they can even be made to fight each other but both are sources of evil.

This is also why I can never have any sympathy for fednats (wigger nationalists) or Hitler. Their thinking no matter how much they deny it is massively contaminated by Marxism.

They are of their father the devil and all that…

jim says:

Xi reintroduced the poison, which he hoped he could limit and control, because he saw the faith was dying.

But to prevent the faith from dying, will require dangerous and uncontrollable amounts of the poison. And now, the faith is still dying, and the same time, he is having big troubles limiting and controlling the poison.

Like Constantine, needs a new faith. Or a very old faith. And, like Constantine, a new capital.

The Cominator says:

China had been coasting along pretty well on the faith’s corpse… i dont see why you would reintroduce the poison.

jim says:

Not coasting along well on the faith’s corpse at all. Widespread cynicism is undermining the regime. Culturally, looks like Brezhnevian Marxism, even though economically sane and economically thriving, unlike Brezhnevian Marxism

The Cominator says:

There was no indication that despite the lack of faith that the regime (which before Xi reintroduced the poison was doing a damn good job) was even weakening. Cynicism alone won’t bring down a regime that is doing well.

jim says:

Cynicism routinely and regularly brings down regimes.

redpurplepurple says:

> Stop lying.
ya know, it really aint a good idea to begin with a conclusion unless you are writing down some math equation or somethin’.

No flu ever produces ground-glass opacity evenly spread through the lungs all at once.

now exactly what does that have to do with the lethality of wuflu… COVID-19 [1] either
– kills several orders of magnitude more people than an ordinary flu or
– not

Every single doctor who…

really now. every single doctor?
we have a sayin’ ’round these parts: “one microphone, a thousand loudspeakers”.

Covid is a vascular system disease, targeting hemoglobin (thus producing the lung symptoms when the blood passes through the alveoli), for which respiratory infection is just one means of acquiring it, and attacks organs throughout the body as a result of being transmitted by the blood.

bah. medical jargon tossed around to “show” that your smart. not worthy of commentary. (’cause if ya were actually smart, ya wouldn’t be shrieking about chinavirus now wouldya.)

No flu ever has behaved this way. Nothing even related to the flu has behaved this way. Covid is not the flu.

ya know, usually if i’d see someone act clueless like this i’d be all like “ok who wants to tell him”. and then i’d step back and let someone else haveatcha. but i felt like this time this is too funny to ignore.

all that medical jargon y were usin’ earlier, and ya still don’t know about SARS-COV-1 and SARS-COV-2.

remaining nonsense skipped over…

[1] its also vewwy stwwange that i dont hear normies saying “COVID-19”, now that we’re in 2021. it’s always “coronavirus” or “covid” or whatever. how curious…
🤔 🧐 🤔 🧐 🤔 🧐
the cognitive dissonance is eating y’all [2] alive isn’t it?
😛 😜 🤣 😛 😜 🤣 😛 😜 🤣

[2] “y’all” is a category that includes “HappyDaze”, his overlords, his political faction…

😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈

redpurplepurple says:

The evidence that covid was engineered in the Wuhan lab is just confirmation of what was experimentally visible by any small-town GP. It is not the flu, it is not related to the flu, and you are a liar.

wait, whaaat!?!?!?!??”
and here i was thinking you wrote all that stuff because you were really upset and concerned ❤️❤️❤️ that we were spreading misinformation!!1!
seems i was wrong about that. 💔💔💔

y’all, check. it. out! 😂
this is who got sent out to manage the narrative shift.

but Okkk, Very Serious (TM) question now: How are we losing to these people? Are they sending us fools to fool us into underestimating them or what?

Pooch says:

So the corrupt Georgia sec of state is starting to change his tune a bit with the fraud. I’m getting the feeling something is going to happen with these audits. At some point the Elites are doing to have to respond with violence to shut them down.

The Cominator says:

In Arizona the fraud was possibly traditional and small, in Georgia it was definitely industrial and massive.

Pooch says:

The problem for them is they have banked their entire narrative on the election was perfect there was zero fraud and anyone who believes there was any fraud, no matter how small is an insane domestic terrorist.

jim says:

Not a problem for them.

If they can cheerfully ignore the existing evidence of effective treatments for China Flu, cheerfully ignore the evidence that current climate is part of the worlds two half centuries old slow drift towards a milder and more pleasant climate more favorable to humans, cheerfully ignore thirty thousand or so vaccination deaths, they can cheerfully ignore some blatantly stuffed ballot boxes.

We have an enormous and extremely rigorous system for ensuring that official treatments are safe and effective. If it can be cheerfully thrown in the rubbish bin with people dying as a result all over the place, what chance for voting?

If thirty thousand vaccine deaths and millions of extremely serious long term sequelae are no problem, a few hundred thousand fraudulent ballots are no problem.

People are rightly frightened to discuss adverse outcomes. I can see the fear.

Nils says:

Religion is powerful stuff, they don’t teach reality at school that’s for sure.

Pooch says:

There appears to be some local Arizona and Georgia elites, or at least aspiring elites, who are trying to get to the bottom of the fraud. What happens when they find the fraud? It’s anybody’s guess, but the Cathedral is not acting like it will be no problem for them.

jim says:

Normality bias.

People who think that normality continues will, if they get to the bottom of the fraud, die. No man, no problem.

And those who live will develop a profound lack of curiosity about those who are somehow, strangely, no longer around.

Everything is totally normal. Totally normal. Totally normal Totally normal. Indeed things are so totally normal that one might think that people are terrified to call out abnormality.

Initially, everyone believed that everything was totally normal because of normality bias. They genuinely took for granted that things were normal, because naturally, normal is what you take for normal.

But increasingly I am seeing people claiming normality in a way that suggests that they think they might be killed if they doubt it, which hints that at some level, they have noticed abnormality.

Rick says:

There appears to be some local Arizona and Georgia elites, or at least aspiring elites, who are trying to get to the bottom of the fraud. What happens when they find the fraud? It’s anybody’s guess, but the Cathedral is not acting like it will be no problem for them.

Will they find any smoking guns? If I was Republican leader who wanted to get rid of Trump but keep his voters, I’d want to hold a complete audit in an area where the fraud had already been cleaned up. Then when only limited discrepancies GOP voters will vote in the next election for them when they promise to fix this very small amount of fraud that happened.

As it stands currently 30-50% of Republicans are likely to not to vote next election because what’s the point? The solution to fraud, is to produce your own fraud as the later days of the Roman republic showed.

Pooch says:

That doesn’t appear to be what’s happening. There are smoking guns everywhere. The DOJ is threatening to shut it down because they know there are smoking guns everywhere but the Arizona state senate is telling them to fuck off. Likewise in Georgia.

jim says:

Of course there are smoking guns everywhere. But pretty soon no one will notice them any more, because bad things are going to happen to anyone who notices them.

There are also smoking guns everywhere about the role of mass murder in inflating China flu statistics.

It is a rerun of what happened with rape, sexual harassment, and women in the workplace. Pretty soon people were agreeing with orthodoxy with such enthusiasm as to reveal that at some level they knew it was a lie.

Pretty soon we are going to see agreement on the big lie so total as to reveal guilty knowledge that it is a lie.

If it is necessary to kill one or two men to secure such agreement, they will kill one or two men. If necessary to kill ten or twenty, they will kill ten or twenty. If necessary to kill twenty or thirty thousand – well that is roughly how man they already killed by abandoning normal safety processes with the vaccine, and silencing anyone who called out what was happening. If necessary to kill twenty or thirty million …

And after they have killed a hundred million or so, the survivors will totally agree that everything is normal.

Pooch says:

Yes I am waiting to see what bad things will happen to the auditors, but strangely nothing has happened to them

Rick says:

That doesn’t appear to be what’s happening. There are smoking guns everywhere. The DOJ is threatening to shut it down because they know there are smoking guns everywhere but the Arizona state senate is telling them to fuck off. Likewise in Georgia.

I’ve seen one on tape smoking gun: The video from Atlanta were they send the observers home with a ruse, pulled out 4 hidden boxes and ran them through multiple times.

That should have been enough right there. Everyone’s ignored it, because anyone who talks about it gets canceled and maybe, dead. Anything that approaches the level of a smoking gun in Arizona will get the same treatment. The GOP will promise election reform over small items, while ignoring obvious fraud.

Consider how the wind will be taken out of everyone’s sales when if the audit comes back with almost nothing.

Remember when everyone on the left was screaming for Barr’s head while he did everything possible to lose Trump the election? They’re quite capable of doing the same with audits.

Pooch says:

Yes I could certainly see that happening too after the DOJ threatens them with 20 year sentences of “voter intimidation”.

Rick says:

Yes I could certainly see that happening too after the DOJ threatens them with 20 year sentences of “voter intimidation”.

The DOJ prosecuting the people auditing a vote would be admitting the election was rigged. As such, it’s a hollow threat mostly designed for kabuki theater.

I think the biggest blind spot with NRx is not examining our mistakes. We thought Pence was on our side. He wasn’t. We thought Barr was on our side, he wasn’t. We thought Trump had the balls to cross the Rubicon, he didn’t. We continually misjudge people and make poor predictions because of it.

Our foes are far more devious than we give them credit for.

jim says:

> The DOJ prosecuting the people auditing a vote would be admitting the election was rigged

They do admit the election was rigged, in that sense. Similarly, they admit that almost all rape charges are lack of rape charges, that women are disastrous in most work places, and that they are murdering tens of thousands people with China Flu vaccine, in that sense of “admit”.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Who is this “we”, kemosabe?

Karl says:

Is this just your social circle of smart people where fear is visible or this true for the general population?

If people fear this suggests an enormous awarness that surprises me. I had expected people to fear only after they overcome their normality bias.

If anyone fears to discuss adverse effects of the vaccine, I’d expect him to decline vaccination. Granted someone might get vaccinated and discover only thereafter that he has reason not to discuss sequelae, but my impression is that most people want to get vaccinated

jim says:

Everyone believes the vaccine is OK, but they are aware that doubting that the vaccine is OK can get you into trouble.

Which are mutually contradictory beliefs.

People know, and do not know, something is up.

Mister Grumpus says:

This. Again. +1.

This model, of how people are quite understandably evolved to not notice those true and “obvious” things, the noticing of which can get them into deep trouble with other people, and that this goes on all the time.

And then further, how we automatically and very “naturally” love and make excuses for whatever and whoever can hurt us with impunity, while making much sound and fury and protestations of hatred toward what safely and feebly cannot.

This is the “exit visa” from the conspiracy-sphere, and even from anti-semitism for that matter. If Jews were so fucking smart IRL they’d be assigning Jim in every sociology department in the Anglosphere, but nooooo. (Or did they once?). And Palestinians would be making excuses for them, not the other way around.

What makes this stuff so naughty? Why don’t I get it yet?

Why doesn’t even Anglin go here FFS?

Alex Jones and David Icke and whoever can’t go here either. But psychopathic reptile people living under the Bilderburg Hotel, no fucking problem.

I’m still not black belt with this yet, obviously, or I wouldn’t still be so confused about that. Your comments welcome as ever.

Mister Grumpus says:

Was Orwell trying to tell me? He invented the terms “thoughtcrime” and “crimestop” after all, but I didn’t get it.

I read 1984 as “what happens after the commies win”, and not “how the commies win in the first place.”

Did Orwell not get it, or was he a simply a facefag, so he had to hide that stage/level of his understanding?

Gedeon says:

“Everyone believes the vaccine is OK”

If you were not a pathetic water bag who lived outside and away from the community which you criticize and did not have to synthesize an American’s living experience you would know this is patently false.

All you have to formulate this statement of not-fact is your cathedral silo of propaganda and corresponding anon commenters.

In any case, hello traveler! You will be embarrassingly wrong again.

Starman says:


“In any case, hello traveler! You will be embarrassingly wrong again.”

Will it be as embarrassingly wrong as your statements on orbital rocketships?

Leon says:

Out of curiosity, has anyone heard the rumors that people who have gotten vaccinated have been taking anti parasitic medication or the anti covid medication and not gotten any of the vaccine side affects?

Anonymous 2 says:

Instructive example of the poisonous influence of the ‘gamma’ (I hope I got the term right) named Matthew Butterick on the Racket project. Butterick appears to be some sort of volunteer teacher who attached himself to the project at some earlier stage. For brevity I shall call him Gamma.

1. Project leader is annoyed and has some hard words, including to a certain volunteer.

2. Gamma starts crying in public and flounces off in a dramatic fashion, severing all ties, etc.

3. Mistake 1: Gamma whines and wails in public for a long time. After a while, project leader tries to make up.

4. Mistake 2: Of course this is insufficient. After further wailing and whining, project leader issues a more formal apology.

5. As might be expected, apologizing is taken as a sign of weakness and Gamma now starts whining and wailing even louder for project leader to get kicked off the project. More in sorrow than in anger, of course, but he is supported by many lurkers in email, and they do have a code of conduct which now must be applied.

In short, a textbook example of how these things are done.

baka says:

In my family and close environment, it is normal to be reluctant to get vaccinated if you are young. Although the propaganda is quite active in talking about something else.

A bit off topic, but can the “hiring” of “secretaries”, “maids” and “nannies” from poor Asian and Latin American countries be an alternative to the whip? At least in countries where people are thrown back into their shit hole without sufficient reason to stay? This is sufficient reason to serve well and be a decent wife, I think. Plus, various bonuses, such as the correct female upbringing and the practical lack of feminism in the head, which makes the girl much more pleasant. And if you do not like something, if the maid spoils your dinner, you can always use your “whip” and find someone more suitable for you. You are in control, not the daddy state.

Of the shortcomings – it will be unrealistic to drag someone under 18.

The Ducking Man says:

Women from all status and origin always shit test, and the consequences of not passing the shit test will be paid very dearly.

In my personal experience, men will have A LOT harder time passing the shit test if the woman is from different background and class.

Let’s say I am the alpha accountant in the office, my best bet is the pretty intern who can appreciate my alpha status and see the staffs are moving under my order. 18 y.o. from backwater village at best only seeing me walking bank account because in her eyes alpha mlale carry timber not crunching number.

Pooch says:

That makes a lot of sense.

The Ducking Man says:

Just speaking from experience.

It took me 2 years being together for my wife start appreciating my quality and having less drama. My wife is only slightly lower class and different ethnic (same country, different island origin).

All women are like that. Shit tests diminish over time if you keep passing them, escalate over time if you keep failing them. It takes a while for a woman to feel secure in the strength of her man.

jim says:

I spend my life behind a desk tapping a keyboard, but I am also genuinely capable of violence and potentially dangerous, and I pretend to be a lot more dangerous than I am.

It works.

C4ssidy says:

Inventor of mRNA vaccines in recently linked video ( provides an additional and reliable anecdote for long covid. Robert Malone claims to have experienced months of symptoms, the one he mentions here specifically is brain fog

Aidan says:

What people have been taking umbrage to is your attitude. It may be possible that covid triggers long term health problems in a tiny minority of people. But fear of vanishingly unlikely contingencies is a sign of weakness and femininity.

What if any normal illness can trigger chronic problems that were always hiding under the surface? But nobody would attribute the onset of chronic health problems to the regular flu. A doctor wouldn’t even think of it. Sounds to me like people are blaming the scary new virus for health problems they were about to develop anyway. It is not viruses a man should be worried about, he should be concerned with the power of his own body to fight them off.

a dude says:

C4ssidy has been nothing but polite. Why’s it so hard to believe that a virus designed in a lab to infect humans is considerably more dangerous than the flu?

Sure, if you’re young and healthy you’ll probably be fine (as I was), though C4ssidy himself apparently fit this description and still suffered.

My father developed blood clots due to covid and nearly died. It was a horrific experience. Had he been treated early with HCQ + Zinc and/or blood thinners, he likely would have been fine, but the flu doesn’t require such treatment.

Another long-covid example is Dr Drew, who was a downplayer at the start. See this video:

Suffice to say he’s changed his tune.

What distinguishes us from the left is that we actually care about the truth. It hurts our credibility if we ignore the dangers of covid, despite it being a political tool wielded by the oligarchs and all that.

Starman says:

@a dude

Throw your degree in the trash, leave the air conditioned office, and get a real job.

Rick says:

Everyone should be like Starman, working under a Shaniqua in an assembly line.

Starman says:


These bullshit “long COVID among twenty year olds” stories are strangely absent among people who work with their hands, police, military, factory workers, and grocery store workers (shouldn’t grocery store workers who contact tons of strangers have such stories? No grocery store worker in my social circle has those stories. No military and police in my family circle has such long COVID stories. It just came and went just like flu).

Perhaps you can explain in detail how a virus can detect social class, and while you’re at it, explain in detail how a virus can tell the difference between a MAGA hat and a BLM t-shirt as well.

Rick says:

Partial immunity due to exposure to plenty of COVID viruses. The lower classes tend to encounter a lot more viruses during their jobs due to less sanitary working conditions.

Same reason that dairy workers were barley touched by small pox but city dwellers died in droves.

Though based on current knowledge treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and steroids and oxygen should be enough to prevent death, though US doctors are not openly proscribing Ivermectin for it.

Where I live Pharmacies were ordered to stop Hydroxychloroquine fulfilling orders for Hydroxychloroquine to stop doctors from proscribing it, thus you couldn’t get it for high risk people.

Recall that COVID was well on it’s way to killing Trump until he got access to REGN-COV2, something they’re certainty not giving out to regular people. The left’s original goal was to kill as many people as possible with COVID and today it’s to leave people with the option of getting the vaccine or get almost no treatment for COVID.

As far as injuries from COVID goes, a friend of mine works a major high status hospital and he’s described the on going problems people area experiencing by bad cases of COVID last year most in their 20s and 30s. COVID harms the blood’s ability to carry oxygen which in turns harms every major organ in the body. The people who experienced bad cases are a utter mess, though as he noted almost everyone with a bad case of COVID is really fat.

jim says:

Fat impairs oxygen flow to your internal organs. Your immune response to China flu impedes oxygen absorption from the lungs.

The two together are apt to result in cascading organ failure, particularly if some of your organs are a bit dicey to start with – as one organ fails it causes other organs to fail, which in turn causes the first failing organ to fail even worse.

INDY says:

“Recall that COVID was well on it’s way to killing Trump”

I don’t recall that

Duh dude says:

Look up hormesis. It is your answer. It’s the same reason why long time elementary school teachers and nurses rarely get colds and the flu. They’ve been exposed to all the strains for decades and are constantly swimming in huge viral loads that would flatten any other mere mortal. Their immune systems are the ninja masters of this world.

jim says:

This presupposes that priestly jobs are upper class, and non priestly jobs, which are often considerably better paid and often have considerably better prospects, are lower class.

Due to the massive oversupply of stupid people, even those trained at the highest status universities, trained only in priesting, and not much else, tends to be less and less true. Finding that somehow, tasks that require smart people can somehow strangely no longer be done, business outsources to someone who can actually do it. And the people that can do it get paid, while Shaniqua from Harvard finds herself serving coffee, though human resources is apt to insist that while serving coffee she gets a job title, but not necessarily a salary, job security, nor actual duties, commensurate with her immense status.

Because machines have obsoleted assembly line jobs and pick and shovel jobs, good jobs require highly skilled smart people with initiative and independence. Businesses are under pressure from human resources to put Shaniqua from Harvard in charge of those people – with the result that Intel can no longer build semi conductor fabs, and Nasa’s SLS rocket is built around space shuttle era parts that they no longer have the technology to replace once they are used up.

This tends to result in business outsourcing stuff to the gig economy – which works for software, but cannot work for semiconductors, nuclear reactors, nuclear bombs, and rocket engines.

Rick says:

> This presupposes that priestly jobs are upper class, and non priestly jobs, which are often considerably better paid and often have considerably better prospects, are lower class.

No I was mocking Starman who admitted he has to put up with Shaniqua as an overseer in his job while he runs around telling people to quit their jobs and be like him.

We don’t shit on warriors or Starman’s case worker class people around here, but he’s endlessly shitting on other classes of workers, so I’m giving him the same shit back.

Starman says:


I only started shitting on your soft handed class when you and C4ssidy were spewing lies and made up stories about brain fog and invisible lung damage that mysteriously only occurs among Oxford graduates and The Law Partners @ Bullshit & Bullshit Law Firm™️, but somehow doesn’t happen to grocery store workers who contact many strangers and doesn’t happen to military and police personnel.

” Starman who admitted he has to put up with Shaniqua as an overseer”

I said nothing other than I’m a military veteran, I have investments, and that my family is military and police. You made up that story about me, which is as fake as you and C4ssidy’s phony COVID stories.

jim says:

Starman, reasonable people can disagree about the severity of China Flu. Even if it is indeed no worse than other bad flues, other bad flues were often mighty bad. We just did not make as much fuss about them.

Because buried in a cloud of lies and mass murder, it is never going to be easy to ascertain whether it was significantly worse than previous bad flu years, and honest people can sincerely and legitimately disagree without calling each other names.

suones says:

We don’t shit on warriors or Starman’s case worker class people around here,…

Speak for yourself. Warriors choosing evil have been the cause of, and are still a major factor in, evil priests succeeding. Same for proles instinctively choosing evil over good. Starman is an exception. I personally know of several exceptions, warrior, priest and prole. But the officer class badly needs the bayonet, and generals await their helicopters.

suones says:


…reasonable people can disagree about the severity of China Flu.

I see no disagreement here. People with poor constitutions are vulnerable to Terrible Disease #1346[1]. People with strong constitutions are likely to work in sectors involving physical work, and are also likely to be or have been in the Army at some point[2]. This is an obvious truth, self-evident in medicine upto the early twentieth century.

Both Starman and Rick agree on the issue. Devolving into class warfare (Hi uncle Karl!) is useless.

[1] Tuberculosis remains a big killer in my country. We all have exposure to the germ, yet only a very small fraction develop the disease.
[2] Of course, there are also people who identify with priests, but are very hard to kill by man or disease regardless.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Can’t have your cake and eat it too friend – responsibility and authority go hand in hand; if you want to validate the claim of priests as the highest caste in authority, then naturally they also bear the responsibility; if you want to claim that warriors are naturally responsible for priests defecting, then likewise you grant that it is naturally meet and right for (pure) priests to be a sub-ordinate class to warriors after all.

The Cominator says:

Priestly rule has never worked outside of China…

suones says:

I seem to have not made myself clearer previously.

I’m not advocating for priestly rule. Brahmins (in the Moldbug sense) are incapable of detecting and self-regulating their failure mode — holiness spiralling — and and priestly institution will set about degenerating absent regular mild purges. Priestly rule is a recipe for disaster. This is the reason why Dharma forbids Brahmins from organising or otherwise seeking temporal power, which has served us very well as avoiding any single point of failure protects against militant as well as ideological attack. Brahmins are, by definition, memetically sovereign though, and that is a unique trait. They are thus at once capable of spiritual action, while equally vulnerable to demonic possession. Training and fail-safes (purges) are paramount.

The caste that has a self-limiting failure mode is warrior. Warriors/Kshatriya are apt to bicker and backstab — one would say politics is in their blood. Their failure mode is civil war, which, by definition, has a conclusion. The survivor of the war forms the new regime. Hopefully, the war is short and intense, with little collateral damage and no attrition. In the worst case, it can drag on until both parties simply exhaust resources. To fight a total war requires priestly motivation.

As such, the caste fit to rule is Warrior. Not every single Warrior, ofc, but only the very best — who is crowned King, and who holds sway over all in his Kingdom, crucially including the High Priest. The King serves at the pleasure of Heaven, and the High Priest serves at the pleasure of the King. If the High Priest one day decides he is holier than the King, he is liable to get his head lopped off. That keeps the priestly holiness-spiralling at bay. Priests are perforce subordinate to (a) warrior.

That said, warriors rarely possess memetic sovereignty. To abandon warriors to their own devices will soon lead to the type of polyarchy that Jim is so fond of recounting — where Hindu Kings are apt to murder each other rather than the Companyman, or pagan Kings were apt to kill each other rather than fight Alfred the Great. To keep warriors, by nature rebellious and prone to seeing slights to honour as a matter of life and death, united under a powerful banner, we absolutely need a forceful State Religion. A religion so powerful that excommunication is seen as a fate worse than death. Death may make a martyr of a rebel warrior (increase in status), but excommunication will make him a bitch — that is what every warrior innately fears. This has to be provided by priests, of course. A chaplain in every company, who serves as a complement to the unit commander, not a competitor. A Brahmin to blow the sacred conch before the troops march to war.

Now for the solution to today’s corrupt castes.

1. Proles, lacking memetic sovereignty completely, and possessing no higher thought process, will not even notice when we replace Adharma with Dharma. They might vaguely remember a time when male anal masturbation was a holy sacrament, but would be apt to laugh it off. Only a very small fraction of smart proles (having priestly tendencies) will realise what is happening, and that fraction will be decimated and assimilated into the new order. We may institute a humiliating/painful conversion procedure, like having to personally execute heretics.

2. Vaishyas, lacking memetic sovereignty, will scarcely realise that Dharma is now in force. Instead of bowing to debased Molochite priests, they will reflexively bow to Dharmic priests. Their taxes and fines, instead of going to fuel world degeneracy, will instead power the King’s Armies as they conquer the stars. Again, any Vaishyas with true-believeritis/priestly tendencies will be purged. The remainder would only notice that their possessions have suddenly become much more secure and random threats of extortion have dissipated.

3. Warriors present a difficult conundrum. They are strong willed, and serving Evil for long will have decayed their moral compass. We may have to wage holy war against them, and execute any survivors. Lower level soldiers, who are actually proles with guns, will be the easiest to convert to the side of Dharma. Highest level Generals will have to be considered beyond redemption and helicoptered. Officer class (true warrior) will have to face a dramatic lowering of status, and a possible purge. This fact worries me. We surely have a lot of soldiers, and quite a few officers (especially at junior levels), but severely lack Generals. Is not a single modern General a closeted Sulla or even Cromwell?

4. Evil priests (the whole lot of them) will have to be summarily purged, I fear. Sparing even one is taking too big a chance. They do the same to us — priestly children bear the brunt of demonic attacks until they incorporate the demon within them. Which purge wouldn’t be a problem overall, as the vast reduction in numbers of evil priests, coupled with a robust demand for Dharmic priests, will increase our own status considerably. Which is why we’re doing this amirite lol?

I should probably make an article out of this.

Anonymous Fake says:

The problem is one of morality, not class. Immoral people send their children to school because they do not love them and they only want free babysitting. Moral people want their children to perform well in school and earn a career based on objective meritocracy, and if this didn’t exist wouldn’t force their children to go to school. I knew how to read and write and perform basic math before ever going to school. I hated school.

I was forced into school so I’m going to side with Shaniqua. She deserves as much of a Harvard career as Karen, Nguyen, Rakeem, Todd, etc as a fair reward for her work. I’m not on the side of the “gig economy” simply because it fails to communicate to students early enough but only sneers at them after they graduate and get screwed through no fault of their own. It isn’t conservative at all. Entrepreneurs want to hoard information while institutions are meant to distribute information. I want to distribute information that helps people earn a wage that can support a family.

I would be sympathetic to entrepreneurs if students were explicitly told their school work didn’t matter, and that they could leave at any time after massing a merit exam, and if they were told of every job opening for private sector entrepreneurs before graduating. But I don’t see this so I’m going to keep on presting until I do.

jim says:

> Moral people want their children to perform well in school and earn a career based on objective meritocracy,

As more and more people have to deal with ignorant stupid graduates from our most prestigious institutions, the myth that schools are meritocratic is exposed. They have been less and less meritocratic since 1875, and are now systematically promoting women and docile morons who can parrot what they are told to parrot, over smart people who display a dangerous understanding of what they are parroting.

Older graduates of the ivies are genuinely smart people. Recent graduates – it looks like the moderately smart midwit can sneak through, but the genuinely smart are systematically excluded. Perhaps the professors sense a potential for heresy, perhaps it is just that evil people are frightened of smart people, and with good reason.

> She deserves as much of a Harvard career as Karen, Nguyen, Rakeem, Todd, etc as a fair reward for her work.

Work has no value, and deserves no reward. The creation of value, which usually requires a lot of hard work, as well as intelligence, wisdom, luck, initiative, enterprise, good judgment, capital, and resources, deserves reward.

Anyone who thinks he deserves reward merely for working, is never going to do any work that produces any value, unless he is chained the bench and the overseer is standing over him with a whip. And the overseer is likely to more expensive than any value the prisoner might produce. The only reason for setting up such an arrangement would be to morally redeem that worthless and wicked person so that he might eventually come to produce value without expensive oversight by someone more valuable than himself. Otherwise, ship the wigger off tho those parts of Africa that are not worth controlling, to be eaten.

The Cominator says:

The merchants don’t control the propaganda machine.

Virtus says:

> business outsourcing stuff to the gig economy – which works for software, but cannot work for semiconductors, nuclear reactors, nuclear bombs, and rocket engines.

I could make my own speculation on reasons this is true, but I am interested in your perspective. Why is this so?

jim says:

To build a rocket engine, you need all the people in the same place at the same time, and you need them to stick around.

Fabs have been outsourcing everything they can in forms usable by the gig economy, but the core that cannot be outsourced is mighty big and getting bigger, and even the components that can be outsourced are still rather large.

The Cominator says:

Covid may have been a slightly more dangerous flu like illness in its very early period (emphasis on SLIGHTLY) it is not anymore.

onyomi says:

Why is it less dangerous now than it was originally? Mutation? Herd immunity?

The Cominator says:

Unnatural frankenvirus is unstable.

onyomi says:

You mean it’s mutated to become less dangerous.

onyomi says:

This is thing I don’t get: Jim is saying IF there were all kinds of nasty cardiovascular sequelae from naturally acquired covid, sometimes even in young people, then we would have heard it blared all over the news every day. But we DID hear that for much of last year. I couldn’t count the number of news stories appearing in my social media feeds prior to availability of any vaccines with titles like “He was young and healthy. He thought he’d recovered. Then he had a stroke.” Some may reply, “but I hear more personal anecdotes about bad vaccine reactions than I ever heard about ‘long covid’,” but I also know a lot more people who’ve been vaccinated than who’ve had covid and recovered.

As was Jim’s initial take, I think most people will survive either way. The vaccine, in most cases, seems to amount to intentionally giving someone a mild case of the thing, so it’s not surprising that the worst vaccine side effects seem to be similar to the sorts of side effects covid itself causes. I’m not ruling out that the vaccines, maybe especially the “bleeding edge” mRNA vaccines are MORE risky for certain categories of people, probably especially the very young, but it also doesn’t seem to be true that no one was getting serious after effects of natural covid but they are getting it from the vaccines.

And again, of my acquaintances, only maybe 5% claim to have had covid, whereas something like 75% of the adults claim to have been vaccinated, often with ostentatious facebook frames and the like, so even if, e.g. 5% of those who catch covid naturally have a really bad time of it with lasting ill effects and only 1% of the vaccinated experience lasting ill effects, I would still expect to hear more vaccine complaints than virus complaints (though, it is true that vaccine side effects are coded low status and covid side effects are coded more high status today, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some covid patients are playing up their suffering, while some of my vaccinated acquaintances are playing down theirs).

I’m still debating getting the Chinese whole virus vaccine, as it will make my life logistically easier, and I expect I’ll probably get exposed to the virus in the wild at some point anyway and I’d rather keep my sense of smell intact. I convinced my wife to get that one rather than the mRNA, as she was champing at the bit to get vaccinated and I figured the whole virus was at least less likely to cause problems for e.g. her ovaries than the mRNA.

Of course, I hate the notion of “vaccine passports,” etc. and have done everything I can at my work place to push back against mandatory vaccination policies and the like, but that is a separate issue to whether some of the older-type vaccines may not be a good bet in terms of risk-reward.

Rick says:

This is thing I don’t get: Jim is saying IF there were all kinds of nasty cardiovascular sequelae from naturally acquired covid, sometimes even in young people, then we would have heard it blared all over the news every day. But we DID hear that for much of last year. I couldn’t count the number of news stories appearing in my social media feeds prior to availability of any vaccines with titles like “He was young and healthy. He thought he’d recovered. Then he had a stroke.” Some may reply, “but I hear more personal anecdotes about bad vaccine reactions than I ever heard about ‘long covid’,” but I also know a lot more people who’ve been vaccinated than who’ve had covid and recovered

I’m also confused by the push back here. COVID attacks the blood and the circulatory system. Such attacks causes problems like heart attacks, strokes, etc. Hell it was thought crime to mention that COVID was possibly a blood disease on twitter or YouTube until recently. Medical Doctors were getting canceled over saying it. There was a NYC Doctor who talked about COVID every week on a Youtube podcast who got canceled when he kept on insisting that COVID was blood disease rather than a lung disease. He was banned from Youtube and removed from his position for speaking out.

Now that we know what COVID is and they’re no longer banning information about it’s nature people here are now insisting that COVID doesn’t do any sort of longer term health damage and I don’t get why. Yes there’s probably a good chunk of the population where COVID19 wasn’t a big deal because people who have lots of exposure to lots of COVID viruses probably beat COVID easy. Or they were young and healthy enough that it didn’t cause that much harm with a light case. People who didn’t have that sort of immunity and people carrying too much weight often got nailed pretty hard by it.

Taking vaccine based on the spike proteins is a bad idea due to the damage caused by those proteins. The mRNA ones are even worse because there’s no virus for the immune system to attack and they make you take 2 doses of that toxic shit.

Starman says:


”I’m also confused by the push back here.”

Because you are spewing made-up lies and fantasy about a flu virus that mysteriously only inflicts Black Plague style calamity on university graduates and law partners.

onyomi says:

Also killed an old black lady I knew since childhood. Not a university graduate. Not at all young, but not suffering cancer, diabetes, etc. at the time either.

Starman says:


Get a real job.

Rick says:

>Because you are spewing made-up lies and fantasy about a flu virus that mysteriously only inflicts Black Plague style calamity on university graduates and law partners.

Oh Starman, you’re always calling others liars while lying about what they actually said. You remind me a hysterical woman.

Starman says:


” Oh Starman, you’re always calling others liars while lying about what they actually said. You remind me a hysterical woman.”

You make up lies about a flu virus that mysteriously can detect one’s social class… meanwhile, real deadly plagues like Black Plague and Small Pox did not distinguish social class among their victims, whether that victim was a princess or a peasant.

jim says:

Starman has a point, albeit one that needs to be expressed with more light and less heat.

“China Flu” tends to target the upper classes, because the lower classes have more cross immunity to related flues, but, more importantly, because demonstrating that China Flu is a really really serious disease, and lining up for high power high priestly medical treatments is high status, and high power high priestly medicine is apt to kill one.

Should I get the flu, I have an oxygen mask, ivermectine for five days, fluvoxamine for 14 days. and, perhaps more importantly, I will be steering clear of medical facilities that are subject to major incentives to rack up the China Flu body count.

Guy says:

Rick DID ask us above to “recall” Trump’s near death experience with COVID, as though the response would be: “oh damn that’s right!”

If your knowledge of COVID deaths is as reality based as your take on Trump’s pre election infection, than Starman is probably right about you.

onyomi says:

I don’t think it’s even true that covid hit the upper classes harder. I think it hit the Hispanic working crews and black neighborhoods quite badly. They are, moreover, probably undercounted, because incentivized to avoid contact with “the system.”

My father reported speaking to a leader of a mostly-black organization he knows, and he reported a shocking number of deaths among their (older, but mostly working class or poorer) membership.

If we’re talking about blue collar whites, it may indeed be they were hit less hard than big city whites, but they also tend to live in areas of lower population density.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It hits people who are overweight and have low Vitamin D pretty hard, and that is a common combination in the black and latin populations. Not surprising they would get whacked by it harder than whites. The Zelenko protocol would have saved a lot of those people but it was unacceptable because Trump mentioned it. Ironic is cruel.

Rick says:

Ironically the people most resistant to taking the vaccines are blacks and Hispanics and will suffer the least harm from it. I read about a trader joes were all the white employees were not wearing masks and all the black employees were. Someone asked the management about it and they explained people without the masks hadn’t been vaccinated.

Not wearing a mask is getting turned into a new mark of holiness as work based vaccine passports go into effect but it’s conflicting their their other marks of holiness like being dark skinned.

Rick says:

Correction: the people who have been vaccinated don’t have to wear a mask.

My workplace released a memo today stating that everyone had to hand in their vaccination cards to HR or have to wear a mask in the office. They’re insanely pushing people who had COVID to get vaccinated.

jim says:

There is mounting anecdotal evidence that the more times you are hit with spike protein, the more likely you are to suffer long lasting bad effects from it, that people previously exposed to China Flu are at greatest risk from the vaccine.

Aidan says:

I did not mean attitude towards us but attitude towards the virus. Health starts with you, making your body strong enough to weather infection. If covid was developed as a bioweapon, it is not a very good one, and probably leaked before it was finished. Very hard to make a virus both very contagious and very dangerous. It goes against nature.

hourglassSOMERO says:

PSA: Vaccines with adverse effects that will neither be publicly acknowledged nor investigated are the perfect cover for political assassinations.

The Cominator says:

They are going to have a harder time imposing mandatory vaccines now that Florida won their lawsuit against the CDC.

hourglassSOMERO says:

I do not share your optimism. I am terrified.

The Ducking Man says:

Still waiting for the vaccine passport being mandatory.

Whoever is perpetrating covid hoax is delusional, thinking that suddenly humanity is capable consolidating medical records.

jim says:

It will never be made mandatory.

But you will find that all sorts of things become increasingly inconvenient without a vaccine passport.

Mountain says:

Why will it never be made mandatory?

An offbeat answer is that when you make a pact with the Devil you have to agree to it voluntarily. In other words, it’s some kind of spiritual law.

jim says:

Yes, the Cathedral is big on “voluntary” compliance with lies, acts of evil, and acts of self destruction.

The Cominator says:

How long do you think certain states (as long as you never ever leave them) like especially Florida will remain free zones.

Pooch says:

Until the military and police are purged of white males. And it’s not necessarily states. I’ve found it’s more at the county level. I found a Trump county in a blue state to move to with Trump 2024 flags everywhere. It is red tribe territory. No one there is paying attention to vaccination/mask/cathedral propaganda including the police.

Pooch says:

Here I imagine it would go down the shitter as demographic change from white to non-white happens.

Mike in Boston says:

Until the military and police are purged of white males.

They don’t need to purge all the white males. Just the wokesters. Granted this may be less true at lower ranks, but among white male service members I interact with I find astonishingly many true believers in the SJW creed.

Pooch says:

Well I am guessing you are in a blue state. Blue state/county whites are going to be a lot more woke than red state whites. Because this is ultimately a white on white conflict, we are probably going to see a split.

Pooch says:

So to clarify, until the military is purged of conservative Christian white males.

Bilge_Pump says:

“among white male service members I interact with I find astonishingly many true believers in the SJW creed.” Among the younger troops I’ve met many who are literal Communists. I’ve even met a Captain who was in possession of a copy of literally Das Kapital, although she wasn’t aware of its significance, being an uneducated black female. I’ve also met Q believers.

Rick says:

They don’t need to purge all the white males. Just the wokesters. Granted this may be less true at lower ranks, but among white male service members I interact with I find astonishingly many true believers in the SJW creed.

People need a religion and worshiping Demons is a pretty cohesive sort of religion. Not good for the people worshiping the Demons but it took the Bronze age collapse to stamp that sort of religion out in the west.

But the old lessons have been forgotten by our priests and the Demons walk among us again.

Karl says:

Maybe not in the USA, but Germany (both east and west) has had mandatory vaccination for the general population, e.g. against pox.

As there is precendence, there is not much keeping the EU or the German government from making any other vaccine mandatory

Fred says:

So why is this virus’s spike protein so much more cytotoxic than every other virus’s spike protein? What’s different about this particular spike protein? What about other viruses (eg. NL63) that bind to ACE2, are their spike proteins cytotoxic too?

Aidan says:

As far as I can tell, it is about quantity. There’s nothing special about this spike protein, all spike proteins do minor damage to cells, but the genetic engineering vaccines produce it in obscenely large quantities, enough to turn something mildly toxic into something dangerously toxic. Although, I consider it somewhat more likely that the danger from the spike protein is immune system damage. Body works on feedback loops. Spike protein tells the body to start firing the big guns, but there is no signal (dead viruses) that tells the body to stop firing the guns. Immune responses always cause damage to the body; if they didn’t, they couldn’t kill invasive organisms. Think of it like getting injected with something you are allergic to, that everybody is allergic to.

Erich M Schwarz says:

I hate to be Ackshually Guy on the Internet, but scientific accuracy requires that I do so this time. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is likely to be *qualitatively worse* than even the spike proteins of its close relatives, because it appears (through magic lucky coincidence? or gain-of-function engineering? China *pinky swears* it’s not engineering) to have a ‘superantigen’ sequence that even its closest relatives don’t have:

Superantigens are bad things to have promiscuously expressed from cells in your own body. Which is what an mRNA vaccine does. Whoops.

onyomi says:

Off topic, but it’s clear among other bad things China has done recently, that Xi Jinping’s drying to drive crypto, including mining etc. out of China in order to pave the way for their “digital yuan.” On the one hand, this is obviously tanking prices, but one could make a case it’s long-term bullish for crypto in that it won’t be controlled by China to the same degree it arguably could be if a large percentage of the world’s mining infrastructure were to remain within its borders.

On the other hand, I can see why it’s long-term bearish in that e.g. El Salvador or even several El Salvador’s embracing crypto doesn’t make up for the loss of value in the Chinese market. Also, given how crummy the West has become at running anything, maybe having e.g. top mining farms within the easy reach of Canada and the US is even worse than having them within the reach of China.

On yet another (third?) hand, the US seems increasingly bad at actually doing anything that requires competence, so maybe miners are, after all, better off located within borders ruled by the evil but incompetent, as opposed to the evil and (quasi-)competent rulership of the CCP?

Fred says:

I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing for months about China’s periodic cryptocurrency crackdowns – getting the mining pool more globally distributed is definitely a good thing in the long run. Having so much mining power concentrated in one country is a bad thing.

Countries with cheap hydropower (eg. Canada, Norway) are the obvious places to go. Also, being cold will reduce their cooling costs.

Noname says:

@Jim, Glad to see you finally get it. But, if the libs want themselves injected with Covid/HIV spike proteins, you wont change their minds. Pearls before swine. You’re wrong about the source still. NIAID has a colocate at the Dietrich biolab. Their was a leak in Jul 2019. Start there.

notglowing says:

What do you think about Cormac McCarthy? I enjoy his writing.
Are there any other good living authors?

suones says:

Amor Towles – A Gentleman in Moscow

Fredx100 says:

He writes often as one would speak. You read and read and get lulled as if you were down at the fillin station drinking a coke with Goober. Then suddenly he writes something you don’t even understand and you have to look it up in the dictionary. He does it to me all the time.

I think Suttree was my favorite.

Bilge_Pump says:

There’s a good bar in my town named after one of his books. Their ramen is fucking delicious. And my dad likes him a lot. Personally I haven’t given a shit about fiction lately but he seems to be taking a lot of inspiration from William Faulkner. I used to read David Foster Wallace and other postmodern fiction a lot, until I realized how poisonous it is (he ended up killing himself for instance).

simplyconnected says:

They are getting more and more brazen:
Reuters: Fact-check vaccine is not cytotoxic

Pooch says:

Haha are they reading Jim’s blog?

simplyconnected says:

Most mainstream place I saw the term (cytotoxic) was on Bret Weinstein’s podcast on the topic, they may be responding to that.

Rick says:


>Bret Weinstein, who is identified in the video as an evolutionary biologist, is the one who says the spike protein in the vaccines “is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic.”

>Dr. Robert Malone, identified in the video as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, said he sent “manuscripts” months ago to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration claiming the spike protein posed a health risk. “And their determination was that they didn’t think that that was sufficient documentation of the risk that the spike was biologically active,” he said.

>The third person in the video is identified as “serial entrepreneur” Steve Kirsch, who said he is an engineer. He cited a claim by Canadian viral immunologist Byram Bridle that the vaccine doesn’t stay in the shoulder, where it’s injected, but “goes throughout your entire body, it goes to your brain to your heart.”

jim says:

By amazing coincidence, the introduction of the vaccine has been accompanied by a huge rise in mystery unexplained deaths that, of course, have absolutely no relation the the vaccine.

By an amazing coincidence, huge rise in mysterious deaths

Note that this mystery death surge, has killed more people than any recent flu season, and yet, strangely, no one is talking about it.

Suddenly utterly unprecedented numbers of people are dying of “symptoms, signs, and abnormal laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified”

The red line is flu, not including flu deaths classified as China Flu. The blue line is what everyone is piously refusing to notice.

Funny thing that. A curious lack of curiosity.

Joe says:

The patients are in charge of the nut house.

fubar.n.wass says:

Can you post a link to data behind this graph?

I tried rummaging around the CDC website.

simplyconnected says:

Are they going to do a 180 on the vacccs as they did with the lab-leak theory?
WSJ: Are covid vaccines riskier than advertised

This, and the lab-leak admission (plus recently getting Peter Daszak out of the UN investigation commission), seem to happen unprompted.
This was a surprise. Perhaps it’s related to the Chinese defector.

Pooch says:

The MIC has wanted war with China since Obama. Now that Trump is gone, it is acceptable to be anti-China (and not be called a Trump supporter). Woke capital still wants peace in China so they can continue have them making their cheap crap. We will see what faction wins.

jim says:

The military don’t want war with China. I see reports that the Chinese will win easily and our forces in the region will get slaughtered. They are stepping on the brakes as hard as they can. The faction that wants war with China is not accurately described as “the military industrial complex”.

Support for war with China comes from a priestly faction – ngos, not ncos. Anyone pushing war with China has ngo or academic affiliations, not business or military affiliations.

Pooch says:

This does not match up with what they are saying. The highest ranking officer of the military Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, who personally ordered the military buildup of DC after 1/6, is underestimating the capability of China while at the same time saying they are a serious threat. His word carries great weight. The Middle East conflict is no longer profitable for all the retired generals sitting on the boards of every Defense contractor.

jim says:

If he was talking up war with China, would have focused on the fact that the Chinese are right now building the capability to land a large force in Taiwan:

What he said was:

“I think China has a ways to go to develop the actual no-kidding capability to conduct military operations to seize through military means the entire island of Taiwan if they wanted to do that,” Gen. Milley said.

The four-star general declined to provide details on the basis of his assessment in a public hearing but said the probability of a military attack on Taiwan is low. “There is no reason [for China] to do it militarily. So I think right now it is probably low — in the immediate near-term future,” Gen. Milley said.

Well they do have a way to go. But that is where they are going.

He also said

“China is clearly an increasingly capable strategic competitor and we need to keep our relationship at competition, not conflict.”

Which is the opposite of the military industrial complex talking up war with China.

China now has acquired the capability to deny the US air and sea access to Taiwan and to swiftly obliterate US air bases and carriers in the region, and, having acquired that necessary capability, has now started building the capability to land a large force on Taiwan.

China first focused on building nukes and rockets. Their nukes are still rather unsatisfactory, but even unsatisfactory nukes will suffice. Then they focused on the capability to win a land war in and near China. They have the best artillery. American artillery is crap, and foreign governments only buy American artillery as a form of tribute. Then they focused on the capability to win an air sea war near China. And now …

If they intended to continue the status quo, would be improving their nukes. That is not what they are focusing on.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I lack faith in Chinese quality control, but they can get around that by mass production. If they have a working method to deny the air and sea near China to foreign forces, then American power there is drawing to an end. Its only a matter of when. However, it is not terribly surprising that the political elite might want to wage a war that the martial elite knows is unwinnable. That’s practically a prerequisite for a failing empire.

Thoughts on Caesar showing up after a harrowing military defeat? That could be the sort of thing to piss of the military and the citizens enough to accept a military coup. Especially if Caesar manages to successfully withdraw and salvage his troops.

jim says:


But losing a war is a bad start for Caesar.

Pooch says:

If Caesar deploys white males instead of diversity against East Asians, my money is on the white males.

Rick says:

If Caesar deploys white males instead of diversity against East Asians, my money is on the white males.

I’m more worried they’ll feed the few remaining white males in the military into a meat grinder to get rid of them, like WW1 Allied governments did.

The biggest problem is logistically fighting over in east Asia is unlikely to be viable after the Chinese get done wiping out all our bases and ships in the area with their missile forces.

jim says:

Chinese will have local air superiority, and they have better and longer range artillery. Without air power and long range artillery, cannot do much about their long range artillery.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I doubt anything short of a nuclear response will secure victory in China. Even white men’s notorious skill at war is blunted by the fact that they have no security in their women and children. Escalating to nukes is not out of the question for our insane ruling class, but it is a stretch. I think any fight is guaranteed to end in a humiliating loss.

Caesar’s “victory” will not be an actual win over China. I was thinking more of a successful fighting retreat. Chesty Puller is still famous among the Marines for fighting out of a bad spot and saving his men. Being the man who saw the writing on the wall and got his men out safely is a big deal for the men on the ground. If you get your men out of a scrape, especially if you are in it with them, they will look at you like you walk on water.

The Cominator says:

A Caesar coming from a lost war is more likely to be some alienated eccentric nut like Hitler who wakes up in a field hospital to learn how fake and gay it all was (but probably without accurate understanding of why it was fake and gay) and swear revenges.

pyrrhus says:

War against China sounds an awful lot like the Syracuse Expedition that finished off Athens….

jim says:

If I was in Chinese shoes, would make sure I had a fleet capable of massive amphibious landings (which they do not have, but are getting started on), then take Penghu, a big cluster of islands in artillery range of Taiwan.

If this seizure is de-facto conceded, work on Taiwan politically – Taiwanese in Taiwan but in China’s pocket, of which there are a plentiful supply, will then be able to exert leverage by telling anyone who gets in their way that the writing is on the wall, and that this obstruction will be remembered. Were I in China’s shoes, would aim to use the fleet politically, rather than militarily.

If this seizure is violently counter attacked by artillery from the main Taiwanese island, which can easily be done, then massive amphibious landing of ground troops to silence that artillery, under cover of artillery from Penghu island.

The Cathedral is likely to station a whole bunch of white troops to protect artillery on the main Taiwanese island – who will be there to die, rather than to win. The Cathedral regards them as a liability, and their deaths will brown the army, and provide excuse for broader war with China. The war faction in the Cathedral thinks they can conquer China with brown troops, and that the eradication of white soldiers will result in the remaining white minority supporting a brown army that is hostile to them.

They plan a rerun of World War I, when they got rid of armies that were still dominated by and loyal to aristocrats. Now they plan to get rid of an army that is still dominated by whites.

Because the Cathedral will need time to station white forces to die, it is likely that they will not contest the seizure of Penghu initially, but will then contest it once the army that they fear is stationed in its future grave.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Contested amphibious assaults are like unicorns; the successful ones weren’t really contested, and the contested ones weren’t really successful.

Operation overlord succeeded since the Americans and British successfully bamboozled OKW into assuming that the landings would happen at Calais, leaving the Normandy regions almost empty. Even then though, small garrisons in places like the Omaha sector inflicted terrible tolls.

MacArthur in the pacific dealt with the problem in a similar manner – by not dealing with it. Most defended islands were simply skipped over and blockaded to starve out. Whereas when a physical presence was needed for other reasons (like airfields in range of Japan), landing sectors were turned into moonscapes first, in which case any sort of ships which could make landings would do.

If there was any specialized equipment that might actually provide some real strategic utility, it would be things like mulberry harbors; cheap floating modules that can be easily lashed together and replaced for making instant docks, floating runways, or artillery platforms.

jim says:

China has the capability to create a moonscaped landing sector. They will have air superiority and coastal Taiwan is within range of the AR3.

They also have amphibious tanks. I conjecture that the tanks would emerge from the sea after the final barrage, and the troops would follow.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The main thing is that on a tactical level, an actual contested beach landing (or river crossing) against a prepared enemy is basically untenable; a suicide mission for the attackers, and a turkey shoot for the defenders, gifted with a target rich environment full of enemies severely restricted in their ability to maneuver or fight back.

Wholesale destruction of Taiwan would be easier in military terms than capturing it and or it’s people by those same means. Capture through other means, of course, is another matter.

Rick says:

The main thing is that on a tactical level, an actual contested beach landing (or river crossing) against a prepared enemy is basically untenable; a suicide mission for the attackers, and a turkey shoot for the defenders, gifted with a target rich environment full of enemies severely restricted in their ability to maneuver or fight back.

I’m not sure this is true. The biggest problem at D-day was the ineffective air and naval gunfire support, along with none of the tanks making it to shore due to rough weather.

D-Day should have spearheaded by the Marines who actually knew how to call in and range battleship gunfire right onto the beach defense. The Army kept them out of the fight because they’d managed to make the army look bad in a few fights in WW1 and Ike and Brady would have rather lost the invasion than let that happen again.

The Cominator says:

The marines were a comparatively very small force then and nearly all in the Pacific there was just no way they were pulling them out in late 1943 so they could land in late 1944 the logistical problems would have been awful and the Navy would have been furious that they were getting some of the few assets they had in the Pacific (which got like 20% of US war production) pulled out just as they started winning.

Bradley (who was a complete piece of shit contrary to how he is generally portrayed) probably felt that way but if D-Day failed it was Ike’s ass so I doubt he agreed.

Rick says:

The marines were a comparatively very small force then and nearly all in the Pacific there was just no way they were pulling them out in late 1943 so they could land in late 1944 the logistical problems would have been awful and the Navy would have been furious that they were getting some of the few assets they had in the Pacific (which got like 20% of US war production) pulled out just as they started winning.

There was a decent sized Marine pathfinding force sitting in boats off shore during D-DAY. Ike and Bradly wouldn’t let them land. The job they’d been trained for was to hit the ground in the first wave and direct naval gunfire onto targets. Instead all the gunfire missed and it wasn’t until destroyers came in close to attack targets with the Mark I eyeball that the beach defenses crumbled. ​

Bradley (who was a complete piece of shit contrary to how he is generally portrayed) probably felt that way but if D-Day failed it was Ike’s ass so I doubt he agreed.

Agreed, though any close reading of history showed that Bradly was an idiot picked for his loyalty to FDR and his one ability to suck up to whoever he’s was with at the moment while talking shit behind their backs like a woman.

Mister Grumpus says:

Guys stop. Anglin called Taiwan much more believably.

It’s all about Strong Horsing. Xi just has to show that he can mess up Taiwan at any time, and that the US can’t or won’t help them because Asians are racists or whatever.

Use one of his shitty aircraft carriers for Mach 7 target practice on YouTube so everyone gets the picture. Maybe smuggle in some negroes from Lagos into Taipei in a submarine and TicToc them wailing and jiving as they’re arrested for shoplifting, or some shit. Look Harvard look, how could they do this, renegade Taiwan is white supremacy.

And then meanwhile, show that Big China is bringing back der volk. He can switch his guys over to Han clothes and whatnot. On a dime. Come with us if you want to live.

And then the Taiwanese will beg for it, and start spitting on their traitorous occupiers. Save us Fuhrer Xi, save us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The biggest problems at D-day would be angels dancing on a pinhead in comparison to the biggest problems they might’ve had in trying for landings at Calais rather than Normandy.

suones says:

The biggest problem at D-day was the ineffective air and naval gunfire support, along with none of the tanks making it to shore due to rough weather.

D-Day should have spearheaded by the Marines who actually knew how to call in and range battleship gunfire right onto the beach defense. The Army kept them out of the fight because they’d managed to make the army look bad in a few fights in WW1 and Ike and Brady would have rather lost the invasion than let that happen again.

This is hilarious. The real real problem at D-Day was that US soldiers were fighting the wrong enemy, and the force was partially aware of it, especially the more effective units and even generals (Patton stated as much on the record). US forces were selected for ideological complicance, not effectiveness. The more competent the soldiers, the more likely they were to decide that fighting their brothers was not worth getting their grandsons’ dicks cut off.

This is why Patton was neutralised/sidelined, and the later part of the war was waged under the secret commnist Eisenhower (who popularised the “military-industrial complex” — Warrior-Merchant alliance a la Xenophon, as an enemy rather than friend) and ideologically pliant Bradley.

suones says:

The more competent the soldiers, the more likely they were to decide that fighting their brothers was not worth[1] getting their grandsons’ dicks cut off[2].


The Cominator says:

“This is hilarious. The real real problem at D-Day was that US soldiers were fighting the wrong enemy, and the force was partially aware of it, especially the more effective units and even generals”

Suones its weird that you keep saying that there was any movement among US soldiers in WWII to simp for Nazi Germany based on muh ideology, no there wasn’t. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and Hitler then followed this up by foolishly declaring war. This kind of hand wringing only started after the war. WWII had no good side (maybe Finland) the good guys lost in WORLD WAR ONE. After that the world system of Democracies and socialist dictatorships took over.

And yes Hitler could have avoided full scale war by not declaring because Roosevelt previously could not even engineer US entry into the war against Germany after a U-Boat had sunk the USS Reuben James.

suones says:

Maybe this is d/t my Asian focus, but the primary result of WWI was decapitation of Christian Third Rome and its handover to Jewish Communists, while the primary result of the War with Japan/WWII was the handover of the Heavenly Empire of China in Manchukuo to Communist Mao. The existence of “PRC” is a shit test for Japan. US support and Armed Forces were instrumental in both outcomes.

Hitler was blinded by his racial hubris, and made the foolish decision to not closely integrate with the honourable warriors of the Empire while expecting his racial kin in Britain and USA to stop being degenerates — which turned out badly for him, of course. Rolling up USSR from East and West together with Japan, and dividing up Asian natural resources would have enabled them to pursue the war to a stalemate if not outright victory.

“Pearl Harbour” was only a thing because most American proles actually believed in the “President” at that point, and while they were difficult to mobilise to fight their racial brothers, Roosevelt exploited their distrust of Japanese to make them enter the War for evil. As for “Nazi simping,” Americans were fed lies that the War for Freedom would be continued against Reds. When that didn’t materialise, only then did people start wondering if fighting in WWII had been a mistake — which only Patton was man enough to admit, but a LOT of warriors thought it.

The Cominator says:

Before WW1 monarchy was the main system of government (though Britain’s monarchy lost power with George IV) and the economic system everywhere was extremely capitalist after WW1 it became social democracy with outright communism in some places.

Rick says:

Hitler was blinded by his racial hubris, and made the foolish decision to not closely integrate with the honourable warriors of the Empire while expecting his racial kin in Britain and USA to stop being degenerates — which turned out badly for him, of course.

Hitler was blinded by the typical German foreign relations problem: Germans are too insular to understand how people outside Germany think and react. Happened in WW1 and again with WW2. Germany will never have it’s place in the sun because of it.

Rolling up USSR from East and West together with Japan, and dividing up Asian natural resources would have enabled them to pursue the war to a stalemate if not outright victory.

That would have worked. Also if Japan had only attacked the UK and left the US alone, that also would have worked. But Japan didn’t understand the US and their decisions showed profoundly stupid thinking about probable American reactions to a sneak attack.

“Pearl Harbour” was only a thing because most American proles actually believed in the “President” at that point, and while they were difficult to mobilise to fight their racial brothers, Roosevelt exploited their distrust of Japanese to make them enter the War for evil.

Perl Harbour was a thing because FDR and the Soviets goaded the dumbass Japanese into attacking the US. A better plan would have been ignoring the US and attacking the UK and the Dutch and meeting up with the Germans in Persia. UK would have been effectively forced out of the War and the Soviets would be unable to hold out for too long once Germany had all the oil she needed.

The US public knew they’d been sold a load of shit about WW1 and had no interest in getting involved a war where someone wasn’t attacking them.

As for “Nazi simping,” Americans were fed lies that the War for Freedom would be continued against Reds. When that didn’t materialise, only then did people start wondering if fighting in WWII had been a mistake — which only Patton was man enough to admit, but a LOT of warriors thought it.

Americans were fed a steady diet that the Soviets are our Friends before and during the war. Only after the Soviets enslaved half of Europe (with FDR’s, Truman’s, and Churchill’s secret blessing) did the public turn on them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The idea of water-tight tanks that can simply drive up from the seabed is something i’ve thought about in the past as well. In the grand scheme of things though, im just touching on the fact that the amphibious assault mythos is more or less exactly that.

As most famous examples of offensive troops landings show – such as Guadalcanal, Normandy, or Inchon – the greatest benefit they give is to put troops in where there are no enemies at all.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Meant to go deeper in the stack but w/e.

>China has the capability to create a moonscaped landing sector.

Which is the important part. Everything else is more or less logsitics (including economic capability to create moonscaped battlefields to begin with).

jim says:

A tank is inherently air breathing, though I suppose you could give the capacity to switch to hydrogen peroxide and alcohol, but if you are doing a massive landing, not going to be very secret anyway, so might as well make them only semi submersible rather than fully submersible, with a snorkle and the waves breaking over them.

If you want to insert people furtively, you are going to only be inserting moderate numbers, so divers exiting a submarine with oxygen rebreather masks.

Rick says:

As most famous examples of offensive troops landings show – such as Guadalcanal, Normandy, or Inchon – the greatest benefit they give is to put troops in where there are no enemies at all.

The Germans took Crete despite the allies they knowing everything about the airborne assault ahead of time due to Ultra. The UK had double the troops the Germans landed, and the Creatan civilian population joined in attacking the paratroopers as they came down.

There’s a lot of blame on the UK leadership for losing that fight, but the primary factor was overwhelming German air superiority. UK troops just couldn’t take the endless air attacks and their morale quickly broken.

Smart weapons and drones would make this sort of massive overwhelming advantage even more powerful than it was in WW2.

jim says:

In the recent war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, we saw that air power has become a lot more effective against ground power, due to end guided weapons, If you can land five kilos of explosive on a pocket handkerchief, it works a whole lot better than a hundred kilos on a city block.

In general the most effective munition creates damage on the scale of the area you can target.

We don’t, however, know how effective Chinese air power will be. Turkey has radically changed the art of war. Whether China has assimilated this lesson we do not know. But the Germans were able take Crete without raising a sweat, and the art of war has changed in ways favorable to the method that they used.

China is planning an old style amphibious landing, but then it will turn into an air war, in which they will have air supremacy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That just proves the point; through air superiority, the Germans had the ability to make ‘uncontested landings’, troop insertions into the strategic area through sectors with little to no defenders, whereupon the British order of battle in general collapsed.

jim says:

China will also have air superiority.

We have known for at least sixty years that you cannot make a landing without air superiority, so if you say landings are easy with air superiority, landings are easy.

In the Azerbaijan Armenia war, Azerbaijan cleaned out the trenches and the dug in artillery with air power, and then their troops strolled to their destinations. Wading to their destinations would have been just as easy.

Once Armenia’s anti air capabilities were taken out, everything else fell like a row of dominoes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you can destroy the enemy before you even show up, then you can make your own landings ‘uncontested’, yes. The initial matter that occasioned a comment from the beginning was the notion, probably only mentioned as an afterthought to be sure, that China needed specialized ampibious equipment to conduct a seaborne invasion, when really that would be one of the least important factors of the equasion.

You don’t start thinking about the question of beach landings with the presumption that you will be sending waves of troops against bunkered enemies with crewserved weapons, and that you need landing craft that morph into battlemechs once they hit the beach, or something.

Doing this without PGMs required

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(A fragment of another draft snuck in there somehow, since there’s no edit function so you can just ignore it.)

suones says:

Once Armenia’s anti air capabilities were taken out, everything else fell like a row of dominoes.

Props to the Turks for advancing the state of the military art, but I wonder if it was not just covert American backing and possibly technology. Armenia’s backer, Russia, was only half-hearted and balked at realising that helping Armenia would risk open war with Turkey, thus NATO, that they could ill-afford. I didn’t see cutting edge Russian anti-air tech deployed in Armenia, while I did see the tech in Syria, for example.

Bilge_Pump says:

Googled Milley, this was one of the first results:

Apparently he’s the kind of guy who “passionately defends” critical race theory, or at least doesn’t care if people think he does. Couldn’t bother reading the full article since it’s paywalled.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Any time you here the words ‘fact-check’ a storm of calumnies is sure to follow, since ‘fact-checking’ is the language the synagogue uses for speaking with it’s power to truth.

simplyconnected says:

Indeed all lies. Nowadays reading a “fack-check” makes me suspect even more that the opposite is true.
This particular “fack-check” seems more like “damage-control”, since the video it is trying to counter was going viral before youtube censored it.

Pooch says:

Seems like China is cracking down on miners big time, tanking the whole market. How much of a threat is this to the crypto market in the short term (next 30 days or so)? This couldn’t have happened to me at a worse time as I am in the middle of making a big purchase. Has China done these type of crackdowns in the past, with the market recovering afterwards or is this one unique?

The Cominator says:

Xi wants to ban all crypto but the digital yuan… because he wants a mark of the beast financial system. I don’t think Xi’s Marxist autism will have much long term effect on the price.

jim says:

This one is unique in size, vigor and scale, though hardly unprecedented. It is a problem.

It is an inherent problem with proof of work currencies, which at scale are always vulnerable to state power, and at scale, always threaten the state’s fiat currency.

The Cominator says:

Cramer made a point of publically dumping his, which means his hedge fund buddies plan to buy in if not now then very soon.

The Cominator says:

Jim what is your opinion on this…

I think Xi’s Marxist autism is probably actually bullish for crypto as it will make it clear that Chinese state currency is not a good alternative to the dollar… so crypto’s only real competitor is likely to be commodity currencies.

jim says:

The only real alternative to a fiat currency is a crypto currency that is difficult to suppress with fire and sword. This requires a proof of stake currency where the network addresses of actual beneficial owners of the stake are hard to find, which requires some separation the use of stake in constructing consensus, and beneficial ownership of the stake – we cannot have the actual owner’s wallet directly voting.

Joe says:

It is the coins, not the peers, that are the most important thing. A robust PoS coin with peers voting by coins lodged would let clients change peers even within a round and to have that change applied within the round. This would mean that the network could recover even from an attack that splits the network by more than one third of currently voting coins.

In my design, coins are slow to drop out of the current total coin count (days to weeks as per Bitcoin PoW change) but fast come back in (six rounds after round seen as per Babble). This is because our most likely adversary can split the network or take peers offline relatively easily, but can never create new coins. It is still vulnerable to peers going offline slowly. Clients would need to lodge their coins with new peers if they noticed such a slow attack happening.

jim says:

Have provision for graceful disconnect – a peer should be able to vote that it is abstaining till further notice, and should so vote as part of its shutdown process.

When it announces shutdown of its voting, its vote no longer counts to the quorum.

Attacks will result in large numbers of ungraceful shutdowns.

Also have provision that after an ungraceful shutdown, it takes a short while to reconnect – a peer that shutdown ungracefully should not automatically and easily re-enter the conversation.

Ungraceful shutdown should ding your reliability index, and peers should prefer reliable peers.

An attacker should be able to prevent consensus by taking one third of the peers off the network, but should not be able to force his preferred consensus by so doing.

Another approach is gossip consensus, rather than the Hedera approach that directly models Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus. Each vertex in the dag is a new view of the past of the dag, and each vertex has a different story about the total past sequence of transactions. At each new vertex, each peer throws his weight behind the view of the past that has the largest support, and the dag does not worry about quorums. Rather the end user worries if the consensus that agrees his transaction went through is abnormally small by the standards of recent history. Each new vertex is apt to disagree about the order of the most recent transactions with every other vertex, but agree in about the older transactions.

Joe says:

Have provision for graceful disconnect

Not a bad idea. I will add it in.

Another approach is gossip consensus, rather than the Hedera approach that directly models Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus.

I don’t really want to do a fundamental redesign at this stage. There is already quite a lot of work to do and as you say the project is already behind schedule. If the Hedera approach proves lacking in real world testing then it might be worth considering other approaches.

jim says:

The Hedera approach is amenable to theoretical analysis, and is provably equivalent to Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus, which is well studied.

Consensus algorithms are apt to have surprising, unobvious, and unforeseen behavior. They are harder to understand than they seem.

But weight of IP addresses is likely to fail horribly when it comes subject to unfavorable attention. The Cathedral owns most of the IP addresses. As we head into the regulatory crisis, it is likely that the survivors will be those that can resist such attacks.

Joe says:

But weight of IP addresses is likely to fail horribly when it comes subject to unfavorable attention.

I am using proof of stake.

The Cathedral owns most of the IP addresses.

Does the Cathedral then own most of the bandwidth? If so, it could simply flood the peers with packets that look to the peers’ provider or router like any other normal packets. These would be dropped at the network stack or application level but would still saturate the bandwidth.

More generally, then, how does your ideal networking protocol hold up against any brute force but specific attack, that is, any attack that floods the entire bandwidth of the peers with packets, but spares the rest of the internet?

jim says:

This very much equivalent to simply turning off the internet for people they do not like. Which requires people they do not like to reveal themselves, and them to reveal who is on their shit list, which reveals what puts people on their shit list.

This is not really a protocol level problem, as the problem of operating networked conspiracies in a hostile environment, the problem of security. It is a huge problem, subject to multiple attacks and multiple defenses.

At the same time, my expectation is that everyone who does things that will put them on the Cathedral’s shit list will engage in obfuscation.

My expectation is that they want to dominate the internet, not shut it down, so will prefer to keep the iron fist inside a velvet glove. Which approach has been working for them.

Cypherpunks were expecting them to ban encryption, or ban encryption that does not have official backdoors.

Instead they have been furtively corrupting cryptographic software by inserting subtle and unobvious backdoors. This velvet glove approach works for them. If they inserted official backdoors, we would work around them. Similarly they are not seeking to suppress crypto currency, but rather to make it useful for themselves.

More aggressive attacks will be done deniably, and the more that they are done, the more our enemies reveal information about themselves, and the more we can develop and install appropriate defenses and workarounds.

Many of the cryptographic algorithms that ssh supports have been corrupted.

I turn off all cryptographic algorithms except one by inserting the following lines in the sshd_config file.

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
kexalgorithms curve25519-sha256
pubkeyacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
hostkeyalgorithms ssh-ed25519
hostbasedacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
casignaturealgorithms ssh-ed25519

Sticking this in your config file will cut you off from your server unless you first make sure that your host has a hostkey ssh_host_ed25519_key, and is configured to recognize a client key created with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f keyfile

Joe says:

So they have the choice between unformed and ineffective, and formed and effective, but formed makes them visible and hence vulnerable to our attacks.

Joe says:


I am using the xchacha20 variant for 192-bit nonces.

For streams (e.g. the first TCP-based version): crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_*()

For blocks (e.g. if I go with a UDP-based second version): crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_*().

Is this a problem?

jim says:

Of all ciphers, xchacha20 is the least likely to be contaminated with hidden backdoors by our enemies.

Dave says:

It is an inherent problem with proof of work currencies, which at scale are always vulnerable to state power, and at scale, always threaten the state’s fiat currency.

PoW currencies also threaten states that try to make life a little more comfortable for their poor by subsidizing the cost of electricity. Miners should set up their rigs where electricity is naturally cheap, not where it’s subsidized.

Yul Bornhold says:

Is there any evidence of long term delayed vaccine deaths, i.e. taking the vaccine and dying from it half a year later?

jim says:

vaccine has not been around for long enough to ascertain long term consequences.

With a storm of lies and denial around it, very hard to ascertain short term consequences.

No one is systematically recording adverse outcomes. Anyone trying to report an adverse consequence quickly discovers that this is a very dangerous thing to do.

And if someone is sick after taking it, stays sick, and croaks prematurely, his death was probably multicausal, so you can, for any one death, impossible to assign the cause.

The Ducking Man says:

Literally happened last week in my housing complex. A guy died 12 hours after taking the AZ vaccine, 50-ish y.o.with only known morbidity of high blood pressure. Most people turned veggie for 3-4 days.

Not only people didn’t attribute the death to the vaccine, they shift the blame to the deceased for taking the vaccine despite his (quite common) morbidity. Turning veggie after a drug is also 100% normal phenomenon.

Maybe I am insane for not sharing above opinion.

Whoever is planning the propaganda for vaccine industry deserve noble prize.

Rick says:

Lots of vaccine deaths are being classified as COVID deaths from what I can tell.

jim says:

If you get hit by a high speed vehicle, and bits of you splatter everywhere, and they take one of the bits to hospital, and it tests positive, it is a Covid death.

Aryaman says:


“A builder who died after falling from a 10ft ladder was actually killed by Covid-19, scientists have claimed. The man, who has not been named, suffered lacerations to his forehead and bruises to his face, elbow and left hand after he fell into the yard of an under construction family home. Medics were called and rushed to the building site, in Croatia, and desperately tried to revive him, but he was declared dead at the scene. A test for coronavirus was then carried out, as required by local medical guidelines, and came back positive.”

Builder, 51, who died after falling from a 10ft ladder was actually killed by coronavirus, doctors say:

Dave says:

Maybe a Covid-induced brain fog causes people to walk into traffic, fall off ladders, and resist arrest (cf. George Floyd).

Aryaman says:

Well they tell you what it was.

“Experts today suggested the man may have lost his balance while climbing the rungs, leading to the fall, which would make Covid-19 to blame. They added that going up a ladder while suffering from ARDS was the ‘last place I would want to be’.”

Starman says:

Damn, that invisible COVID brain fog that Oxford students and Harvard writers claim so much about is sooper dooper deadly! Why, the COVID brainfog causes robbery victims to get hit by the robber’s bullets and multiple car pileups!

Karl says:

Not sure whether you question is about general vaccine deaths or specifically about covid vaccine deaths.

If you mean the former, then the answer is yes. People dying half a year later from vaccination is known, e.g. narcolepsy several months after swine flu vaccination

Rick says:

Cassidy was right:

19 athlete year got mild heart inflammation from COVID. Got much worse problems when he took 2 does of the vaccine.

Both COVID and the Vaccines harms your heart.

Guy says:

I guess COVID is real then, damn, if only we just read an article instead of using critical thinking or looking around at the world outside.

Nobody knows anyone credible who knows anyone who actually had COVID. As Jim said, normal to severe flu plus iatogenic murder/elder abuse. What are the chances that a person living in the urban Northeast of the megalopolis, who works in a public facing profession would not know a single person who got oddly sick in the last year? It’s all falsified by the statistics I see in my day to day life. The only people who believe in COVID also take aliens seriously, like the aliens and UFOs on the news today. They’re the sorts who cower at white supremacy and think January 6th was an insurrection.

C4ssidy says:

mRNA-vaccine inventor in the video with Brett Weinstein getting cancelled everywhere is a credible long covid sufferer, also see the experiences of the doctor next to Brett in the latest Joe Rogan, who talks about the utility of ivermectin in treating long covid

Have to keep asking around

Guy says:

Joe Rogan has his CIA handler on the show regularly, Mike Baker?

Brett Weinstein’s name is Brett Weinstein, and he’s a shifty trickster

Starman says:


Fake news.

What you and C4ssidy need, is a real punch in the face. A real physical fight.

Rick says:

I’ve been in quite a few fights in my lifetime(50+), though the frequency got less and less as I got older as people were more and more charged with actual crimes for a fist fight. The last time I got into it was 8 or so years ago a BBQ with a friend who decided he wanted to out alpha me at my own party. But generally I don’t go out of my way looking for trouble and I’m pretty intimidating so I generally don’t need to.

So what am I not getting here? I’ve seen plenty of anecdotal evidence now that bad cases of COVID causes heart inflammation. The vaccines even much more so. Yet the idea that COVID is somewhat bad seems to result in derision around here and I’m not sure why. I’m clearly missing some social que.

Pooch says:

I’ve yet to see any credible evidence, antidotal or otherwise, that China flu is nothing more than the flu for healthy people. Seems to be more credible evidence that the vaccine does in fact harm healthy people.

Rick says:

My working theory on the subject is recent studies indicating that the spike protean itself causes blood and circulatory damage. Vaccines produce a shitload of of spike proteins and cause a lot of harm even in the very healthy people.

Bad cases of COVID results in the production of a lot of spike proteins. The worse you get sick from COVID the more proteins are produced. People get light cases of COVID suffer almost no harm because the viruses are not able to produce enough spike proteins before they’re wiped out. People who have cross immunity are likely to get light cases.

Taking a 2 shot COVID vaccine is like trying to prevent a mild brush fire by napalming the brush.

That seems to fit the facts as I know it.

Guy says:

If it wasn’t for the media nobody would even think there was a bad flu season. The TV showing things is not evidence. What is being doubted is that you have anecdotal evidence, you just have your Facebook feed and a bunch of losers around you.

Now I HAVE heard of a couple people in the past few months dying from blot clots. Might just be normal blood clot deaths, might be the vaccine, thing is the people who told me about the deaths weren’t making the vaccine connection. They just think someone died of a blood clot.

onyomi says:

My working theory is that there are roughly three kinds of natural covid cases:
1. mild/asymptomatic
2. moderate
3. severe (leads to pneumonia, difficulty breathing, etc.)

and two kinds of covid consequence:
A. damage done by the virus.
B. damage done by the immune system’s attempt to fight the virus and related effects on the circulatory system.

People under 18 or so seem overwhelmingly likely to get case type (1) due to strong innate immunity (stimulated also by adequate vitamin D), resulting in little of either A or B.

People over 18 sometimes get case type (1), but also get case types (2) and (3) in proportion to age, metabolic health, etc. (2) results in a little of A and B, (3) results in a lot of A and B.

Vaccination mimics the effect of having had (2) or (3) but without significant possibility of A-type consequences. B-type consequences, however, are still on the table, and possibly more severe with the mRNA vaccines. Thus, for people overwhelmingly likely to get a type (1) case, e.g. almost everyone under 18 or so, the vaccine is more dangerous than doing nothing, because doing nothing they are at little risk of type-A or type-B damage, but getting vaccinated puts them at risk of type-B damage.

For those with some probability of a type 2 or type 3 case, the vaccines MAY be better than doing nothing in that it avoids A-type damage.

Perhaps the ideal vaccine might be an inhalable whole (dead) virus-type, which would most closely mimic the way those with strong innate immunity encounter the particles in nature, allowing them to mount their strong, innocuous defense, but also potentially allowing others to mimic the type (2) or type (3) cases they would have had but without type-A damage (still at risk of type-B) damage. Perhaps this type of vaccination would be less effective, but the whole virus vaccines also seem less effective than the mRNA.

My best current guess of the optimal risk/reward might be: <18 no vaccination, 65 whole virus, >65 mRNA.

Starman says:
Pooch says:

I feel this man’s pain.

Rick says:


Shouldn’t this be directed at you? After all it’s you and your warriors buddies who let them steal the election and inflict endless COVID scam on us. Guess American’s cops and warriors would rather stay safe and suck Tranny dick than do their duty.

suones says:

Guess American’s cops and warriors would rather stay safe and suck Tranny dick than do their duty.

America’s cops and warriors enforce the sucking of Tranny dick worldwide, and have been doing this for more than a century.

The Cominator says:

Priests make up the upper ranks of the military but as for cops… fuck em.

suones says:

Fake: No warrior would promote tranny dick.
Fake and Gay: No TRVE warrior would promote tranny dick.
Hysterically Blind: Those people in uniforms with guns promoting tranny dick over there are not warriors, but priests.

Ulysses Grant? Sherman? Bradley? MacArthur? Eisenhower? Voroshilov? Zhukhov? All priests.

Priests under the Head Priest Eisenhower enforcing niggerism at bayonet point in the USA:

suones says:

IMG tag not supported apparently

Bilge_Pump says:

Got a funny story here. I haven’t been in a fight since I was a teenager, but recently I was body boxing a guy (no headshots or below the belt), and I punched him so hard I broke his arm. Had no idea I could punch that hard. It was some 18 yo negro punk from Memphis TN. Can’t tell you why i was getting into fights with 18yo negroes. I didn’t get in trouble because he and his friends have a no-snitch policy. Gotta have some respect for the guys because they definitely could have fucked me over for a long time.

suones says:

…he and his friends have a no-snitch policy.

You encountered a member of the natural black elite. They instinctively develop rules of engagement becoming of “gentlemen” if left to their own devices. Black society is ideally ruled by a hierarchy of such men, with General Buttnaked at the very top. Blacks having distrust and disrespect for the police is nothing new. They become feral animals only when hopped up on drugs or riled up by Jews agitators.

Given the naturally low IQ of blacks, the level of intelligence required to become a priest capable of building a State Religion is to be found in a very small fraction of people, so black society will be extremely “unequal” with the top 0.001% dominating national discourse. Black warriors, dealing with the naturally high testosterone and aggression, perforce have to be extremely charismatic and brutal to maintain social discipline. Culminating in someone like Bokassa or Gaddafi.

I respect an enemy who does not snitch, something I learned on the playground and have adopted since.

Guy says:

Black people themselves seem to be a target of the BLM op. The part of their culture that recognizes it’s foreign to the nation and therefore does not respect police and government can be admirable if it is actually consistent. Now they’re trying to convince blacks to be good corporate citizens, which seems to speak mostly to the mulattoes and the gay ones. One good thing I can say about blacks in the workplace is they snitch much less, except for the couple who cry racism (and the women, of course).

Rick says:
The Ducking Man says:

If anything it only shows that government are inherently incompetent and apt to do evil in shadows. Even the leftist writer is questioning “why now?”.

Not google’s fault that even big tech need to comply with state law. I never read similar story from other states, so it’s probably just MA telling google to be slimy. Even then google buries the tracking on button.

“It only lives in Settings -> Google -> COVID-19 Exposure Notifications, where you can turn on tracking and report that you have COVID”

suones says:

A big, big attack on Amazon is coming.

Q: At which point do Aryan Vaishyas realise that being woke will not save them?[1]
A: Right after Aryan soldiers realise that fighting for evil in evil wars is not apt to result in good outcomes.[2]

[1] A rhetorical question.
[2] History laughs at that.

Pooch says:

If General Milley ends up being our Stalin (or someone like him), god help us.

The Cominator says:

The generals have been like this since Clinton, the hope for a coup has always been mainly with the Colonels. And most coups in history have been primarily driven by Colonels. Generals tend to be regime loyalists in any system because one bad general can almost singlehandedly orchestrate a coup if the regime is unpopular.

Mike in Boston says:

It should therefore surprise you not at all that, for at least the last ten years, it has been the case that the level of promotion to colonel is where political reliability is first considered. The only non-SJW I know who made full colonel got the promotion as an exception, with the agreement that he would retire very soon thereafter.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think the vetting is so strict but i could be wrong, i had a boss once who was an army reserve colonel who wasn’t a liberal.

suones says:

Political reliability was a concern in the US Army in WWII, so far longer than ten years.

The Cominator says:

Not all that much, Macarthur (though an overrated prima donna) was an absolute shitlord as was Patton.

Rick says:

MacArthur is one of the greatest Heroes of the American Republic. He saved both Korea and Japan from being handed over whole the Communists by Truman. His only major failing was not shooting Truman as a Commie sympathizer and a traitor and flying back to DC as the New President after their meeting in Pacific.

Both Patton and MacArthur were repeatedly sidelined during the war and both had the OSS spying on them and leaking whatever dirt they could find to the press including going as far as stealing Patton’s diary.

Both Patton and Mac kept getting jobs because either the political generals fucked things up or they turned show assignments designed to limit their ability to win into real victories(Patton on Sicily and Mac in the Invasion of the Philippines).

Patton should have been put in charge of Overlord or the invasion of Italy after his string of victories in North Africa and Sicily. Instead Faggot Bradly and Mark Clark, both Political Generals were given the staring roles which they both proceeded to fuck up.

Political control was very strong in the military during WW2 but more subtle.

The Cominator says:

MacArthurs WWII strat was flawed in that he should have agreed with Nimitz sound strategy of going straight for Japan

Inchon was by far the highlight of his career but Nimitz and Spruance were the outstanding commanders of the Pacific in WW2 not MacArthur.

Rick says:

MacArthurs WWII strat was flawed in that he should have agreed with Nimitz sound strategy of going straight for Japan

First I’ve heard of this. With what army and how the fuck would they get any air cover without a nearby land airbase? Successful seaborn invasions when you don’t have air superiority don’t seem to be a thing.

Inchon was by far the highlight of his career but Nimitz and Spruance were the outstanding commanders of the Pacific in WW2 not MacArthur.

I don’t know about Spruance, but it was Nimitz pushing the boneheaded idea of invading Taiwan, which was fortified up the ass while the Philopenas was barley defended and the battle resulted in Japan losing the most of the rest of their fleet and air force in a single go. Mac made the right call there.

Mac fucked up a bunch in the Philopenas but most was the result of Army’s and Navy’s over estimation of the B17 and other American weapons systems. It was considered an amazing Naval bomber before the realties of it’s abilities were show during the war and Mac thought it would easily sink any Japanese invasion fleet. He got caught flat footed at Manila because of it.

The Cominator says:

I don’t mean not getting airbases but the Phillipines should have been bypassed and the forces should have island hopped straight to Japan, Japanese occupation of the Phillipines was strategically inconquestional with it being cutoff with their fleet at the bottom of the Pacific.

Rick says:

The plan was either Taiwan or the Philippines. You really think Taiwan would have gone better than the Philippines? Taiwan was a fucking fortress.

The US needed a large landmass with good ports for the invasion of Japan. So it was either Taiwan or the Philippines.

The Cominator says:

Never heard about Taiwan, Nimitz favored attacking Formosa (looking this up I guess Formosa was Taiwan I never actually knew that) and bypassing the Phillipines.

Probably Taiwan would have been more heavily defended yes but I’m not sure how useful the Phillipines would have been to an invasion of Japan… probably the best idea would have been to turn Okinawa into a giant cramped base.

Cloudswrest says:

Formosa is he Japanese name for Taiwan.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Invading Japan was a terrible idea. A blockade would have been a better idea than landing troops. Without the sea, the Japanese would have starved, and they would not have the raw materials to contest the Navy shelling them until they surrendered. I’m not sure if the PI or Taiwan was a better staging ground, but we had POWs in the PI. From a moral perspective, PI was a better choice. Save the POWs and triumphantly return to where you originally lost.

The Cominator says:

“Invading Japan was a terrible idea.”

My grandfather was one of MacArthur’s officers (note I didn’t know him and my father barely knew him as he died when my father was 6) but my father seemed to recall him saying something to the effect that the Japanese were prettymuch out of any supplies needed to wage war after Okinawa. Like that if we invaded they would have been Banzaing with bayonets and bamboo sticks because they were basically out of ammunition.

Also Honshu was a moonscape, what happened to Dresden happened to nearly every city there (Kyoto was spared, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen for the atomic bomb because they were among the only cities that weren’t leveled by massed incendiary bombs).

suones says:


No offense to anyone. All of us have ancestors who made mistakes that are only evident in hindsight.

The Cominator says:

I’m not taking it personally but the National SOCIALISTS weren’t good guys either, the good German was Kaiser Wilhelm. The Russian revolution was a bad thing but Nicholas II deserved what happened to him for allying with the Democracies against his fellow monarchs. The three Emperor’s league should have been maintained forever to keep the world safe from Democracy.

suones says:

National Socialism was a hell of a lot better than Judeo-Socialism aka Communism or Judeo-Capitalism aka USA financialisation.[1] US lugenpresse were accusing Kaiser Wilhelm of SOCIALISM,[2] of all things, even in the 19th century. It seems to have been a standard slander in USA, so it is no surprise to see it applied to Nazis.

St. Nicholas was not fit to be Tsar, and his impotence doomed Third Rome, I agree. But that doesn’t excuse the Jews who have his blood on their hands, or the numerous American “Christians” who enabled them.

I’m a simple man: I do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and have a healthy suspicion of someone trying to outflank a regime from the right but actually enabling a Leftist victory instead. Anyone that moves the ratchet right is my friend, because to move the ratchet against its leftist peg at all is to break it. I thus supported Trump despite his being a blowhard Vaishya with delusions of grandeur (which I can now safely say) because he was a channel for GNON. I also support Modi despite his regime’s numerous failings for similar reasons.

I do not indulge in competitions for who is the most “right.” I say this as one who’s own individual views are quite far, far, to the right of even the readership here.

Uncle Adolf did nothing wrong, and now amidst his illustrious forefathers he would surely not be ashamed.

[1] Unlike “Socialism” or any such priestly asshattery, “Capitalism” is not really an “-ism” with a Big Book, Prophet or Acolytes. It is simply the application of freedom to the field of business. I’d not go so far as calling “Capitalism” an enemy anti-concept[3], but rather that the opposite of “Socialism” is actually Liberty. (h/t to FA Hayek)
[3] I was wrong. “Capitalism” is indeed an enemy anti-concept, created by Socialists Louis Blanc and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. I will refrain from using this poisonous term myself, and proceed to mock others who do use it un-ironically.

jim says:

> National Socialism was a hell of a lot better than Judeo-Socialism aka Communism or Judeo-Capitalism aka USA financialisation.[1] US lugenpresse were accusing Kaiser Wilhelm of SOCIALISM,[2] of all things, even in the 19th century. It seems to have been a standard slander in USA, so it is no surprise to see it applied to Nazis.

National Socialism went through the usual phases of socialism. Everything worked great till they ran out of other people’s money, whereupon they tried to allocate scarce resources administratively. The usual chaos ensued, then the usual shortage of food.

National socialism was a competing variant of leftism, in which Hitler, after rising to power, found the holiness spiral was going to kill him, and like Cromwell, ended it.

Had he won, he might well have been followed by a Monck or a Beria after his death, but because he lost, the holiness spiral has continued.

Putin has recognized the need for a state religion to counter progressivism, and is running with Christianity. Xi, however, is trying to make do with communism, but without a holiness spiral, it is not working for him – a hollow zombie state religion. He needs a replacement, and is unreceptive.

The Cominator says:

Hitler privately praised the Social Democrats for getting rid of the monarchy this is confirmed in the Table Talks and by Albert Speer, the man was essentially a leftist with racial obsessions ala Woodrow Wilson.

If Heydrich or even Goering (who were not all that sympathetic to the socialist aspects of National Socialism) took over its possible he may have made the 3rd Reich into a truly right wing regime but that is unlikely… Hitler was dead set on starting a war I maintain he just could not possibly win because of his oil situation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

MacArthur was able to get a shot at doing what Patton never got a chance to do, which was invade reds and put paid to them for good.

But of course, unfortunately for history, ‘civilian leadership’ reiterated that it never had any desire to actually fight or win over communism, and promptly put paid to him instead.

suones says:

I find it interesting how you Americans place Douglas MacArthur and George Patton in the same category of “shitlord.” This obstinacy intrigues me. Yes, both were masculine alpha men but that’s where the similarities end.

Patton was his own man, while MacArthur was a Company man, any difficulties he faced were due to intra-Left factional struggle instead of ideilogical disagreement. To wit, he didn’t shoot Truman as a Commie because he himself was a Commie and a sympathiser of degenerates. Being a “shitlord” by today’s standards counts for nothing — Lenin’s Army was extremely shitlord-y by that metric, despite having been the greatest bunch of degenerates assembled on the face of the earth at the time.

It runs in the family. MacArthur’s father was a distinguished warrior in Lincoln’s Army and promoted niggerism through force of Arms, so fighting for the degeneracy du jour was second nature to him. He was instrumental in trying to establish feminism in Japan, for example, and is the source of most of the garbage in the Japanese “Constitution.”

Patton was from a distinguished Free American military family, and the family coulours were gray. He was thus considered highly politically unreliable, and kept away from fighting Germans directly. He also correctly surmised that their real enemies lay in Moscow not Berlin, just as his grandfather had surmised that America’s real enemies sat in Washington DC.

The existence of people like MacArthur — extremely capable military men who fight for degeneracy — in large numbers defies NRx fetishism with “military men.” A non-American example would be the dynamic between Bigeard and Massu — both shitlord-y but Massu was a Gaullist stooge through and through. And of course, Petain vs de Gaulle himself.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We do not fetishize military men, just recognize that the place of the military class is to rule above all others. No matter what, it will be a warrior who replaces the Cathedral, not a priest. Even a priest that tries will necessarily become a warrior if he is to be successful. As such, we look at the military class to determine who is to come, and if he is a Ceasar, a Cromwell, or a Stalin.

Our mistake over the election was assuming that any of the general staff were politically aligned with the right. The recent actions and statements have shown that to be false. The American dictator will not come from the ranks of the generals.

Bilge_Pump says:

“No matter what, it will be a warrior who replaces the Cathedral, not a priest.”

Does NRx still want monarchy? Does this mean that any future king has to be a military guy? Trump def wasn’t a military guy but a lot of NRx was rooting for him. Idk what you guys think about him now, I’ve been out of the loop for a while.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

He was a good man who did good things but ultimately lacked will-to-power, and that is the undoing of any man.

It is said that on Sulla’s epitaph, it is written: ‘no greater friend, no worse enemy’. In this matter, Trump’s background as a businessman is also relevant.

A businessman naturally expects to be able to do business with anyone. In the world of business, a man you are competing with over one thing one day, could be a partner in another venture the next. Therefore, it pays to not be antagonistic and go around burning bridges, to not take competition ‘personally’, since, after all, it is ‘only business’; a good thing even.

To a warrior or priest however, someone crossing them is not, taken as merely a matter of preference or material advantage, but as an *existential threat*. No negotiation is possible with a traitor or heretic, and none ought be given the privilege; if ever men constitutionally of the former clades stay their hands against one they’ve marked as an enemy, it would only be if lack of power to move so openly. They will, in any case, never lift a finger to support them, and likewise will gladly take any opportunity to snipe and undermine around the sidelines, until such a time change in stature allows them to finally move to eliminate them once and for all, no matter how long it takes, never forgetting who turned up and who turned down on their lists.

What should be understood is that the world of business, those nigh divine phenomena we call ‘markets’, are contingencies, dependent of certain states of affairs always and already being the case as a precondition of possibility. One can celebrate competitiveness in business, can be sporting with men in one context that you may compete with in another, because there is only a certain range of behaviors permissible in the first place; only a certain range of *people* that are permissible; only certain ways in which it is *valid* to compete; thus ensuring the result, whatever it may be – beyond the range of mortal prescience it may be – will be eudaimonic.

Rick says:


Well said.

suones says:


We do not fetishize military men, just recognize that the place of the military class is to rule above all others.

This is exactly the fetishism I’m talking about. There is no such thing as a “military class.” What actually exists is a warrior caste, in that it is in one’s nature and one cannot simply learn it. The great epic Mahabharata teaches us that both the good and evil side will have warriors of renown, and a good warrior will have to defeat and kill evil warriors, who might possibly be friends or even family.

No matter what, it will be a warrior who replaces the Cathedral, not a priest.

Warriors generally lack memetic sovereignty and are vulnerable to priestly attack from within. The replacement of the Cathedral will necessarily require a new virtuous State Religion, which inturn will require a new virtuous High Priest presiding over a new virtuous ecclesiarchy. No monarch, howsoever great a warrior, can preserve his lands without a State Religion. Not Ashoka the Great, not Constantine. The rarest of rare warrior who does possess memetic sovereignty is literally God-King tier, and He comes about once in 10,000 years or so — we worship such a God-King even today, in Sri Ramchandra. A plan that requires a God-King to succeed is not a plan in any sense. We should plan on getting a mortal, fallible King to succeed, like Charlemagne or Alfred. If we do get a God-King, it will be only if we prove worthy of Heaven’s blessing first.

jim says:

No one proposes or expects a warrior to found or organize the new state religion. We expect a Stalin, and hope he will be followed by Beria. If we are lucky, a Cromwell followed by Monck.

Second worst case, a Stalin followed by a long period of stagnation, during which, the official religion having hollowed out and died in place, there will be a bunch of counter religions struggling underground.

So no one is fetishizing warriors in the sense that you describe. We want a King and High Priest, not a King who is a high priest. The King needs to choose, and once in a while needs to execute, the high priest, but he should not be the high priest.

Trump did a pretty good job on popularizing national capitalism, but failed to organize a counter religion, still less a counter military, being a showman, rather than a prophet.

If this goes all the way to the Khmer Rouge and year zero, we will reconquer and recolonize a largely empty America from exile communities.

suones says:


To summarise, the Vaishya nature is unfit for rule. You could’ve just referred to your Ancient Aryan texts for that much.

Re: Will to power

The problem with this is that “Will to Power” is basically answering Fortune’s shit-tests with machismo, and as such will lead to her escalating the severity of shit test. A true Will to Power needs to be unlimited and unfettered by considerations of the philosophy of weakness such as being a “Common Man,” who “Rode the Tiger” and “was In The Right Place At The Right Time,” weakness suffered equally by the loser Uncle Adolf and the winner San Fransisco. Nietzsche gets half of this equation correct. The problem with this is that an unfettered Will to Power is extremely vulnerable to the demons of Pride and Doubt, both working opposite each other to sap the bearer’s Will till he is mentally defeated, which quickly leads to physical ruin. Demonic attack is only protected against by enclosing the Will inside a Fortress of GNON — the Slayer of Demons and Preserver of Souls. A demonic attack requires a Religion to defend against, and a priestly counter-attack. This is what Nietzsche misunderstands and goes crazy as a result. The correct way to stare into the Abyss is to do so with GNON at your back — the Abyss stares back, sees GNON looming right behind you, and runs far, far away, tries to escape, but you capture its neck and break it — GNON breaks it through your hand.

Tangentially, this is also the flaw in Lovecraftian characters — their minds are fried by malevolent Old Gods because they try to fight them alone. They don’t realise that there are benevolent Old Gods as well, who give us souls and nurture us, and they are mighty powerful Gods too, so much that the malevolent Old Gods are banished from our world into strange spheres. When facing a malevolent Old God, you call to your Father’s Father, the Old God who feeds your soul, and He will enable you to grasp the demon by its neck and wring it.

jim says:

In the end, he was a merchant, in a job that needed a warrior, and failed to rise to the occasion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Well enough, but you seem to be imputing a reading that I myself have not professed. You can let it stand more by itself, without having to feel like you need to twist things in order to make a ‘rejoinder’ to someone specifically.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The warrior that rises to become king is going to come from the military. Caesar, Stalin, Cromwell, and every other dictator came from military or earned military success. The military is not entirely warriors, but the professional warrior class is entirely military. The victories that he achieves will be military victories. You are drawing a distinction without a difference. What is the difference between Eric Prince and Ceasar before the latter crossed the Rubicon? Nothing; they are both military men.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Also, priestly arguing over definitions is obnoxious and you should be punched in the dick until you stop.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A sign holds little meaning for a man ignorant of the world behind the sign; so you must express that world, as much has already been forgotten, and also because it closes on the good itself.

f6187 says:


“… Will to Power … This is what Nietzsche misunderstands and goes crazy as a result. The correct way to stare into the Abyss is to do so with GNON at your back — the Abyss stares back, sees GNON looming right behind you ….”

This is very astute and fortifying advice, and I thank you for it.

The Cominator says:

Why’d the Cathedral whack McAffee?

jim says:

The mainstream media told you.

“John McAfee, the controversial antivirus software magnate was found dead in a Spanish prison while awaiting extradition”


“In a virtual hearing in Spanish court earlier this month, McAfee argued that the US tax evasion charges against him were politically motivated”

If found dead in a Spanish prison, obviously they were indeed politically motivated.

So, to find out why he was whacked, need to find out what he said in extradition hearing. Which I cannot find anywhere.

Trouble is that if someone is “””controversial””” you can never find out what he is saying or doing that has pissed off power, since for anyone to accurately report what he is saying or doing, even to condemn it, would also piss off power.

Killed for knowing too much. I think they got to his dead man switch.

He expected to be murdered by the government, and then he was murdered.

The Cominator says:

When they whack you its because you know too much, what did he know?

Rick says:

John McAfee likely would be able to embarrass them in court. Political murders are becoming more common and it’s not just the Clinton’s doing the killings these days.

jim says:

Obviously, did not tell people what he knew. Or told the very wrong people.

But at his extradition hearing, would likely have told the court why he expected to be murdered. Which cannot be found anywhere.

The Cominator says:

Here is a video that contains elements of the extradition hearing.

alf says:

McAfee had a long history of crying ‘politically motivated wolf’ whenever his antics would get him into trouble.

alf says:

‘He was too dangerous to be left alive!’ Is what I said when I heard the news. But I thought that ironically. I think he offed himself.

Rick says:

I doubt it, he enjoyed living as the center of attention way too much and this wasn’t their first attempt to shut him up.

alf says:

Maybe, can’t say I know him that well. But he always seemed like a goy version of the wolf of wall street: fun, but I’d trust him about as far as I can throw him.

The Cominator says:

Hes been in jail… and he even explicitly said more than once if I “suicide” myself it ain’t suicide.

He got whacked.

alf says:

Hm well if that’s so the bar for political murder is dropping might quick.

alf says:

And I’ll add that, again, McAfee was the kind of guy who’d say that ‘suicide ain’t suicide’ regardless of whether or not he’d suicide himself. He lived his life as a charismatic bullshitter, forgive me for not immediately martyring him upon his death.

The Cominator says:

You’re too trusting of official information, if there is the slightest suspicious thing you should assume they are lying.

alf says:

Pretty sure I have a lot more experience with charismatic bullshitters than you do.

Atavistic Morality says:

Old friend of Epstein and said this:

>On October 15, 2020, once he was already in jail, McAfee wrote the following message on Twitter about his imprisonment: “I am content in here. I have friends. The food is good. All is well. Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine.”

And the judge who ordered to hold him in custody is a Cathedral guy through and through, besties with the president that brought official progressivism to Spain. He was also going to fly to Turkey of all places when they arrested him.

It’s incredibly suspicious that the guy goes around Cathedral territory unhindered because he wasn’t hiding at all and even twitting his location and whatnot, but the moment he tries to get out he is arrested and then “he commits suicide”. And he was well connected as well.

During coronahoax in Spain he correctly pointed out that “lockdowns” were basically a gulag. I’d be surprised if this wasn’t a political murder.

The Cominator says:

Kim Dotcom is in a lot of danger i think… i suspect what mcaffee knew he knows and he hates the us government even more.

Suspect if he doesn’t go to russia and apply for protection to Putin hes dead soon.

alf says:

OK, reading his twitter can’t say he gave off any suicide-y vibes whatsoever. So I’ll grant, probably off’d.

Guy says:

McAffe was 75 and hilarious, they got him behind bars for years garunteed. If I was him, I could see myself killing myself and fucking with them from beyond the grave. As much as I like him, he doesn’t have anything to take it all down, but his suicide will still help hurt the beast.

jim says:

No one important commits suicide in prison, because prison is normally extremely short on privacy unless they are fine with you being murdered or committing suicide. McAffee said he was going to be murdered, and he was murdered.

They could have put him away forever, but obviously he knew too much.

The Cominator says:

Do you think Kim Dotcom gets whacked soon too?

The Cominator says:

Wonder if he got whacked because of something to do with this… lunatic glowies going to take down the grid and blame Russia?

The Cominator says:

Literally the url now… is this a hack or do they want us to know. Confirm it before they change it…

Pooch says:

LMAO… confirmed. Someone based working at NBC?

The Cominator says:
The Cominator says:

Disappointed looks like anything with a n1272176 works to point to that article… not generally the way websites work but it looks like NBC news works that way.

alf says:

Well this got a laugh out of me. 2019 interview with mcafee. He boasts about donating laptops to US government officials, which were preloaded spyware.
‘Within a week the entire government computer system was under my control.’

Sounds like exaggerated boasting, but in retrospect probably more true than false, and probably explains his suiciding. I don’t think it was so much that he had secret intel as that he was the kind of man to repeatedly kick a hornet’s nest because it pissed him off.

jim says:

No, easy.

Government computing is full of well known zero days. It is protected against internet worms, but once you are inside the firewall, you can do anything.

Their top security stuff is protected against worms running loose on their internal networks, but it is used to scan external data looking for interesting stuff. If you can get a copy of their software for scanning stuff (which is hard, requires an insider who will commit treason) you can find no end of zero day holes in their scanning software, and then circulate some files for them to steal and scan, they scan your file, and, bang, you are right inside their highest security networks.

So now we know why they killed McAffee.

The USG has lost the cybersecurity war for the same reason they could not put a man on the space station, let alone the moon.

Last time I heard the USG had totally penetrated China’s system for monitoring its own citizens, but the Chinese have heard this also and are doing something about it. They are likely to have more success at hardening their systems than the USG has had.

Yul Bornhold says:

The left always describes Russian media as “Russian state run media.” The left is very concerned we’ll forget that the media is part of the state. Western media, in contrast, is part of the Cathedral rather than part of the state and can truthfully assert its independence (from the state.) The western state is itself an arm of the Cathedral, just like the media.

I think “Cathedral Propaganda” is a better term than “mainstream media.” Its innately antagonistic, like “Russian state run media,” and more accurate.

Pooch says:


suones says:

It is a temporal vs ecclesiastical distinction.

“State run” implies subject to temporal control, which is a Bad Thing in USA (and has been for decades). Empire media are subject to ecclesiastical control, which ecclesiarchy is free of State power, and is rather the cart driving the horse of State power. In Russia, the Orthodox ecclesiarchy has been an arm of the Russian State and subject to the Tsar since at least Peter the Great. This is, of course, as it should be, and is intolerable to the Cathedral ecclesiarchy.

Similar to how military-aligned rulers like Saddam, Gaddafi are demonised as “dictators” even if they were leftist.

It’s a caste struggle.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis declares war on the unofficial official religion within Florida.

Too bad hes not violent enough to actually take power in the post election world where if he runs he’ll lose to six gorillion mail in ballots again..

Pooch says:

This guy is doing great things, too bad he can’t be governor in Florida forever. He would almost be more valuable he if could become permanent dictator of Florida instead of running for president. Maybe bottom up is the way to go instead top down via the presidency.

The Cominator says:

Trump should have delegated all administrative and personnel picks to someone like him or Stephen Miller, Trump’s great weakness was administration and personnel.

DeSantis lacks Trump’s charisma and probably his diplomatic negotiating skills, but he (being a typical Ivy league lawyer politician, but one who has seemingly switched sides and turned on his own priestly caste) nails the administrative details. I don’t know how good he is with personnel Trump was bad with picking people, but DeSantis has a much easier task (Florida is full of shitlords) with much less positions to fill.

Pooch says:

I am impressed how he has seemingly eliminated the Broward County fraud machine which gave Bush fits.

Pooch says:

There’s almost a more direct chain of command to violence via the National Guard. Orders from the president routinely get ignored by the JCOS. Governors don’t.

The Cominator says:

Well National guard soldiers are going to need some sense they can win if they are ordered to say take actions which may potentially lead to them fighting the US army.

Which is why I say gas needs to go to 7 dollars, if that happens any red state governor can go don’t worry nobody is going to fight for these assholes.

Pooch says:

Right. It would need to be a confederation of southern states (led by DeSantis) which hopefully encourages mass defections from the regulars.

Starman says:


A credible rival elite in the Southern States would have to have seizing the nukes as a top priority.

Pooch says:

I agree. Biden basically just told us he’d have no problem using them on any rebelling faction.

The Cominator says:

They are bluffing lots of people have to go along to actually execute an emergency war order and if they do it not only them but their families are dead.

Pooch says:

Based on how Milley speaks about whites, not bluffing. They want to genocide white plebs. Only hope would be that the nukes won’t work.

suones says:

They are bluffing lots of people have to go along to actually execute an emergency war order and if they do it not only them but their families are dead.

US Army has a history of never hesitating from a war against their own people. Leftists also generally have a history of making good on their threats, even if ridiculously, comically extreme. If only Lee had realised that Sherman would actually, really, burn down their fields and kill their families! At no point should a rabid dog be assumed to be “bluffing.”

The Cominator says:

The Confederacy was conscripting men in order to bring nigs into the territories so im not all that sympathetic to them.

Guy says:

Oh starman…
I know this isn’t popular here….. But you’ve grasped COVID is fake…. Nukes though? Also fake. Napalmed cities in Japan, complete information blockade out of Japan in the aftermath, never used again despite having the ability and the motive, videos demonstrating tech later admitted to be fake/stop motion/miniatures. I know nobody will believe, but it+space exploration=complete cathedeal domination.

Oppenheimer and Einstein are actors/frontmen.

Macarthur didn’t get the memo.

Guy says:

I look forward to smarter people saying I’m an idiot. My statement is based completely off circumstancial evidence and distrust. Ultimately I just would say that the whole nuclear winter crap isn’t enough to convince me that anyone wouldn’t use a weapon that they had the means and motive to use.

jim says:

You are an idiot.

You are now on moderation for idiocy and wasting space.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Nuclear winter is a leftist myth. Nukes were not used because of fear of MAD, not nuclear winter. An elite terrified that they would be annihilated alongside their enemies held them back, not some misguided concern about the environmental impact.

Rick says:

I look forward to smarter people saying I’m an idiot. My statement is based completely off circumstancial evidence and distrust. Ultimately I just would say that the whole nuclear winter crap isn’t enough to convince me that anyone wouldn’t use a weapon that they had the means and motive to use.

You’re a strange flat earth type shill.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Take Pensacola naval base and you control the nukes in the subs. Even without it you can create havoc with a few nuclear subs without launching any nukes.

The Ducking Man says:

https://www.bitchute/video/42zoKqwZjWyo/ via bitslide

Or you can search “vaccine rage” on bitchute.

Excellent video from Mike Adams linking heavy metal poisoning with societal collapse (and possibly rise of leftism). Knowing little bit of metallurgy 101 I always wondered where the ancients dump their heavy metal, it appears they just dumped it into river which later on into their brain.

The decline of general population intelligence allows evils like Cathedral and marxism to grow. This over time trigger society to collapse.

TL:DR better keep aware of sources of heavy poisoning and in 21st century vaccine is very potent of heavy metal.

jim says:

What is the story with magnets?

If that is real, it indicates massively dangerous amounts of metal in the vaccine.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Apparently the Vax is so magnetic that small metallic objects will stick to the injection point. I thought that was disturbing, but most people insist on viewing it as a harmless curiosity if it gets mentioned at all. More protective stupidity, I assume.

Pooch says:

I think it’s fake. Poisoning the well.

Fred says:

It’s real (my sister actually did it to her friend who got Pfizered), but I don’t think it’s conventional magnetism: non-magnetic alloys like cupronickel will stick as well.

Also, I saw a video where one side of a magnet stuck to someone’s arm, but not the other side of the magnet, which wouldn’t happen with a conventional source of magnetic attraction.

Something weird is definitely going on, but it’s not conventional magnetism.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The simplest explanation for something like that is that the material itself is polarized; put two magnets together, the opposite poles will stick, while the equivalent poles will repel.

Bilge_Pump says:

Hey have you guys heard of Lex Fridman? I think of him as a Joe Rogan but with 30 extra IQ points. AI researcher at MIT. He’s interviewed a bunch of smart / influential people, including Vitalik Buterin, who admittedly I was not aware of before watching this.

Anonymous 2 says:

Friedman seems to be able to book an impressive list of people but the one interview I listened to was pretty terrible. His eminent guest dangled a number of interesting lines of inquiry right before him but Friedman just plodded on with his list of fairly shallow prepareds. Disappointing but perhaps he will get better at it.

onyomi says:

I think most of the NRX-inclined here would agree with me is not the problem that we are ruled by powerful elites (inevitable) but that our current elites suck.

If we were to try to point to what a competent, brave, responsible, reasonable elite looks like as a way to contrast with what we’ve got, whom, if anyone, could we best point to (in power today)? Putin in politics and Elon in private sector?

jim says:

A sovereign needs a virtuous elite around him, a businessman needs a framework of property rights, people who respect those rights, and a sovereign that does something about people that violate those rights or supports the businessman in doing something about those violations.

We don’t have a virtuous elite, not here and not in Russia, which makes the framework for doing business fail.

Without a virtuous elite, a ruler needs to be a pretty mean son of a bitch. And without a secure framework of property rights, a businessman needs to be something of a scammer.

Shutting down the holiness spiral, which destroys virtue, is required before anything else can be done. After that ends, hopefully not in a dark age and without completing the genocide of the white race and the final erasure of western civilization, then we can worry about the other stuff. We can worry about redecorating the house after we put out the fire.

The further the holiness spiral goes, the more blood is required to extinguish it.

The Ducking Man says:

As a non-US citizen my personal hypothesis on current elite mess is that boomer elites created system that separates politics from capability by means of excessive nepotism and entryism.

I’ve seen LOTS of young people rose to power simply because his father/family/distant relative is elite, actual merit be damned.

I’ve also seen lot of entryists in my elite structure, the kind of people who will debate 4 hours to change 1 article, again actual merit be damned.

The fast ladder in society hierarchy exists, and people who actually rose to power via meritocracy gained the power when they are already 5 years into retirement.

Karl says:

Nah, that system was established long before the boomer elites were born. The problem is simply the holiness spiral which at first wasn’t all that bad, but is pretty bad now and is getting worse ever faster.

jim says:


Nepotism is efficient. You bypass HR, and install someone with known abilities whom you can trust.

The problem is that in our society, promotion on “merit” is in practice promotion on holiness and accreditation, which is apt to bear little relationship to ability to get the job done.

The Chinese mandarinate promoted primarily on passing exams, exams which selected for characteristics that were in practice not all that desirable.

Merit is hard to assess. All you can do is give someone a chance, and see the results. And increasingly, in large organizations, results don’t matter and/or are fraudulent.

The Cominator says:

But with our elites the nepotism is more like the state department strongarms crackhead Hunter Biden into foreign corporate board memberships or Mitt Romney is the political connection that makes Bain Capital’s mafia style bust outs legal for them.

The Ducking Man says:

Yes, exactly what I’m seeing right now.

I’m.perfectly fime with nepotism, but putting brain dead relative/political supporter and obviously evil into power is crossing the line.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The problem of bad personnel making bad decisions on personnel is not solved by ‘have personnel concoct a sufficiently advanced extra-personal apparatus whereby personal decision making is rendered irrelevant’, it is solved by Physically Removing bad personnel and replacing them with better ones.

The Cominator says:

Nepotism is more like here… relatives get used as bagmen and get a huge cut.

Pooch says:

10% to the big guy

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’d use my relations as bagmen and give them a cut too.

The most meritorious talent is loyalty; naught else matters without it; indeed, any else so much the worse without it.

ronehjr says:

The problem we are having is first we tried the meritocracy, and now that that the best test takers are in power, they are doing the nepotism.

jim says:

That is the complete reverse of reality.

We had meritocracy in 1875 or so, and it was dismantled because the sons of affluent white male Episcopalians were massively over represented.

Over two centuries ago, academia was profoundly distubed that people who scored well in their tests were from certain social groups, and proceeded to do something quite drastic about it.

They have been dumbing down academic standards for two centuries. Each lowering of standards reflects a step away from selecting the best test takers.

The Ducking Man says:

But that is assuming there are plenty of capable and trusted people to shoose from. Which today is increasingly difficult to come by.

I’ve known 2nd generation owner run the entire company into ground, trusted partner rum away with company’s fortune, and C suit nephew made very fatal mistake.

Trump installed Jared Kushner, and what did trump get in return?

Merit has always been easy to asses because everyone knows who to turn into when there is unsolvable problem and who to delegate actually important part of the department.

Nils says:

No merit has never been easy to asses. As promotion means a different job with different demands and persons to work with. Warriors have always struggled with promoting men to incompetence then not demoting them back to competence. Nepotism is compatible with Christianity. Your meritocratic rhetoric is not even close. If men can’t pick good officers they can’t lead there family and should be replaced.

The Ducking Man says:

My current workplace has a lot of nepotism (very typical in palm oil industry), manager will bring people from his clan to work for him, of course he’ll bring half-decent person with half-decent capability.

I don’t see issue with those kind of nepotism, still normal level of nepotism, it saves time and gives assurance the new hire won’t run away (also very typical in my industry).

But I’m having issue when brain dead son Hunter Biden put into power position then start leaking confidential information to Xi.

Again, my current workplace has a lot nepotism. The owner install his son as CEO, but this son has decorated ahievement both academically and professionally (very ong time consultant in MBB and CEO of some smaller companies), while the owmer’s not so capable duaghter is doing office job.

I’m perfectly happy with my workplace’s nepotism, but my elite keep putting brain dead relative/political supporter into position of power, geez I wonder why my elites were having blunder non-stop.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Then, obviously, you were never arguing against ‘nepotism’ in the first place; you were arguing against leftists, on the grounds that they will tend to promote other leftists.

No argument there, but rectify your names, lest you promote subvertable thinking (wittingly or otherwise).

ronehjr says:

The disagreement i would have with you is that the implication that Trump did not get what he wanted.

Anonymous Fake says:

The problem is that the merit vs nepotism debate always happens assuming that nothing will ever be done for people who went through the previous meritocracy. The debate never goes anywhere because inexplicably the right never figures out how to treat defectors fairly, and in this case the “defectors” are just people who were forced into the old system. Actually, the best students are probably the most under-recognized natural conservatives in society, but they always get stabbed in the back.

No one intelligent wants to be forced into school. Those who were, who performed well, want compensation better than compensation for the dopes who dropped out to lay bricks or weld pipe or practice “entrepreneurship”. The idea that schools are just daycare, and that this is acceptable, is for the lower castes and races.

Meritocracy actually leads to more nepotism, by the way, when there aren’t universal and objective standards. Conservatives always hurt their children with strict grading and liberals get their children all the participation trophies they can. What the liberals do works. I’ve seen it. They couldn’t do it if the federal government nationalized the schools and established an absolutely transparent system of merit. This works for China and Saudi Arabia and anything in between but for some reason “local schools” and “charter schools” remain inexplicably popular for American conservatives.

jim says:

Anyone who actually went through an actual meritocracy has merit, so in a free economy has no difficulty getting a pretty good job. School is not a meritocracy. It is training. Unfortunately it is training for the priesthood, with even reading, writing, and arithmetic increasingly abandoned in favor of purely priestly things. You are taught stupid nonsense.

Those who went through the previous “meritocracy” are not the students, but the academics.

We have far more academics than we need. The older academics are for the most part smart people, who will be able to find useful work. The younger academics are dumb and getting dumber. They have no merit. Nobody needs them, they are no use for anything. They should become hewers of wood and drawers of water, or starve.

A lot of them, reluctant to starve, and feeling useful work is beneath their immense dignity, will instead become criminals. They will get imprisonment, death, or slavery.

Used to be that the very smartest people tended to effortlessly acquire impressive academic accreditation, as I did, in my spare time while spending most of my time partying,playing, and educating myself with material that was actually useful and interesting. This is no longer the case. If someone is really smart, gets excluded on suspicion of heresy – not because he is a heretic, but because the commissar cannot understand his responses, so deems them heretical.

You have been banging this drum for far too long. Future comments by you will be censored for repetitiveness and begging the question.

Accreditation is not merit, and does not deserve reward. It is potentially an indicator of merit. Merit does not deserve reward. Work does not deserve reward. Creating value deserves reward, and merit is an indicator of potential to work competently to create value.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*repetitious and unresponsive*]

jim says:

You liked being at school, and want to turn the whole world into school forever.

If we did that, we would all starve. Someone has to create value, and no one is going to create value, unless they get to keep it, rather than having it re-assigned to someone with more priest points than he has.

Yul Bornhold says:

School is the closest thing to tribe that remains in the west. Hence, great fondness among many for the school life, to which the education is peripheral. Harry Potter most popular myth of the modern age.

Not a coincidence that the root of the Cathedral is the university, whose form incorporates an excessively undemocratic hierarchy and which subsists in large part on tithes and taxes.

I suspect schools, as an institution, benefit from all kind of legal immunities and exemptions. If establishing mannerbund, perhaps it would be profitable to disguise it as a democratic school with no official leadership and new members admitted only by vote of current members.

The Cominator says:

High school is close to tribe and I liked high school (and it was not excessively totalitarian) but I never felt the other stages of school were that way.

Middle school socializing much was suppressed and kids that age are monsters, college I felt atomized stressed out and busy among other people who were atomized stressed out and busy (my college was not excessively leftist in nature at the time but even priestly style electrical engineering courses were not easy ).

Yul Bornhold says:

Particular school experiences vary but the popularity of Harry Potter and its imitators suggests that *as an ideal* people find the school synthetic tribe very appealing.

Same as the fantasy genre suggests people find the idea of being a sword wielding hero more appealing than the reality of being a bugman. Look at Game of Thrones: fictional world suffering from disease, starvation, poverty misrule, where, even if you win, you’re surrounded by traitorous and disloyal cucks, and people find this preferable to their actual lives. No wonder the mainstream left has gone insane.

Leon says:

At Yul and the Cominator:

High school may have bee purposely built into a form of synthetic tribe. There was a book on the subject that got published back in the early 00s, where someone went back and studied the data and concluded around the 80s people went from being all class mates with multiples hobbies to being defined by their roles in high school. Either Z Man or Rotten Chestnuts recently noted the same phenomenon.

Anecdotally, some of my classmates and I noted the same phenomenon back during our high school days. The various “tiers” of students all had the same lunch periods. The honors and preppy kids were in first lunch. Normal students were in second. Druggies, goths, emo kids, the super poor, etc were in the last lunch period.

The Cominator says:

We didn’t have separate lunch periods in mine… at least not that i recall.

Starman says:

@A n o n y m o u s F a k e

“Those who were, who performed well [at wordsmith shop], want compensation better than compensation for the dopes who dropped out to… weld pipe or practice ‘entrepreneurship’.”

Dopes who weld pipe.

More stuff made by dopes who weld pipe.

Contaminated NEET says:

>for some reason “local schools” and “charter schools” remain inexplicably popular for American conservatives.

It’s not inexplicable at all. This is because, for once, “conservatives” actually understand which side their bread is buttered on on this issue. A Federal school system would be the most pozzed, intersectional, radical-Left nightmare you could imagine, and it would have zero accountability to voters. Obviously, local school systems suck. All classroom education sucks. But the local scale gives right-wingers some occasional wins where they can muster overwhelming local superiority, which would be completely impossible with a national system.

>The idea that schools are just daycare, and that this is acceptable, is for the lower castes and races.

Schools are for the lower castes and races, period. Prussian education is deliberately designed to crank out obedient standardized robot-men for use in mass production and mass warfare. Read what its creators and early boosters said about it. True aristocrats hire tutors to teach their children one-on-one or in small groups. Aristocrats of the spirit teach their own children.

>this works for China and Saudi Arabia
1) I’m far from from convinced that it does, and
2) China and Saudi Arabia don’t hate Chinese or Arabs, nor wish to punish them and replace them with trendier races.

I get where you’re coming from on some level. I was a “good student,” growing up, and as you might guess from my handle, it didn’t pay off like they promised me it would. The Devil lies. You have to face the fact that you were lied to and you didn’t actually learn anything worthwhile or develop any valuable skills during your time in obedience school, and all the stupid certificates, diplomas, and credentials you “earned” don’t change that. Yeah, it sucks, but the fact that we were played for suckers at a tender age by people who said they had our best interests at heart doesn’t put anyone else on the hook to make us whole. The bricklayers and pipe welders you still(!) look down on don’t owe you a goddamned thing, and if you want their charity, you’d be wise to speak of them with a little humility.

The Cominator says:

Good post CN you’re actually learning…

Mass public education is up there with civilizational disasters with World War One and female emancipation.

Anonymous bitter cathedral reject does have a narrow good point, if your goal is to get into the elite via Ivy League admissions you want a worthless local school system that gives everyone who can actually read and speak better than Joe Biden straight A’s and lots of meaningless fake merit titles.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s funny because his more labourated rhetoric puts to lie the point he wants to lead people to believe in the first place.

One corner of his mouth says the indoctrination facilities are ‘meritocracies’, while at the same time the other corner of his mouth… elucidates about how fake and gay they are, and that those who rise up through the indocfas are the ones who recognize their fakeness and gayness and consciously lean the hardest into faking and gaying.

The Cominator says:

“elucidates about how fake and gay they are, and that those who rise up through the indocfas are the ones who recognize their fakeness and gayness and consciously lean the hardest into faking and gaying.”

This is the part of his mouth that is telling the truth.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course.

Leon says:

To be fair to him, to admit that everything one was taught was false is a bitter red pill to swallow however necessary. It took me years to get over that, plus 7 years of hard work to pay off my debts. And taking the pill does not remove the social pressure from previous sources oncethought wise. The upper middle class still send their daughters to universities despite even leftwing sources saying universities are not worth a damn. Trades and working after high school rather than going to college is still looked down upon.. The current obsessions with safety, credentials and social standing are a blight on the west.

The Cominator says:

Well Anonymous bitter Cathedral reject is right (on the one side of his mouth) about one thing, can’t generally join the elite without an Ivy League background (even if you’re dumb as shit).

So if you’re dead set on installing whoever it is in the elite… you have to go Ivy. MIT and Caltech (not generally considered Ivy for elite joining purposes) are probably still worth it if you’re a genius and want to meet other geniuses (even despite heavy racial and woman’s quotas the overall average IQ is very very high). Other than that its not worth going.

Karl says:

If are a genius and want to meet other geniuses, you might want to try MENSA. As far as I know, they have not yet dumbed down their tests and have no racial quotas

Pooch says:

If you just want to meet other smart people might be best to go the Zuckerberg route and do a year or two to network then drop out.

yewotm8 says:

I did an engineering program at a “nerd” school (with a party school full of bleach blondes a 10 minute walk down the road) and I don’t think even half of the stuff I learned has gone to waste. I still use what I was taught in solid state physics, circuit/signal analysis, and all of the fundamentals that lead up to those in my current line of work. I was forced to take a few psych101 and soc101 bullshit courses, but other than that everything was straight natural science that you need to know in order to actually design anything.

More importantly I met other very smart people who I am now in business with. I can’t say anything about the company without becoming doxable, but I would never have made connections to other hard-working, high IQ, like-minded people without going to university. My business partners are my best friends from school, guys I partied with, went out picking up women with, stayed up all night doing engineering homework with, and so on. Nothing can really replace that in terms of creating trust between each other AND selecting for intelligence. I suppose some other sort of societal mechanism could exist to facilitate these connections in a way that is quicker and cheaper, but I can’t think of one.

That being said, a lot of my classmates had no real reason to be there. Many of them had no critical thinking abilities; they passed because they memorized textbooks and formulas without realizing what they were doing. But some sort of higher education in strictly natural sciences is still beneficial, just not on the scale we are doing right now.

info23 says:

Being victorious on the battlefield is a far better test of meritocracy than written tests whose answers can be regurgitated.

When have any written tests actually properly simulated actually doing the job in question?

It’s better to select commanders on the basis of being good at military simulations than written exams.

suones says:

@Anonymous Fake

I get the point you’re trying to make. There are a lot of dissatisfied, disillusioned priestly-educated folks moping around. I’m willing to engage ideas for conversion and rehabilitation. But you need to make a blog post on your own, with a coherent position.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

It is impossible to have a conversation on any topic if you just ignore your interlocutor’s position.

I and others already responded to your comment above, and you just rattle on as if no one had spoken.

A huge number of Dark Enlightenment blogs have spent a great deal of time and written a great deal of text on the problem of where bad elites come from, which is unsurprising since our elites are wicked, stupid, and lacking in cohesion, so we ask why, and what can be done about it. Playing fields of Eton and all that. You will notice that no one discussed, or even thought about, the classrooms and examination centers of Eton.

If you want to discuss this topic on this blog, you have to address the dark enlightenment position on this problem and this question. If our position is wrong, you have to argue that it is wrong, instead of writing as if that position never occurred to anyone.

You write as if we had never thought about or discussed the problem of elite formation.

It may be that our position is unclear, that there are issues that have not been straightforwardly and simply laid out, but I cannot tell whether you are simply ignoring everything we say, or we have not said it in clear and simple form. You are ignoring everything that was just said in response your earlier comment.

As Starman pointed out, a significant part of the elite that will get us to the stars are “dopes who dropped out to weld pipe”. He linked to videos of value being created. You ignore the creation of value. Academic accreditation has long ignored the creation of value, and is becoming actively hostile to it.

Mountain says:

Jim Stone: Freelance Journalist

This site claims to have inside information from many sources about major world events such as the not-vaccine, Iran and war, Biden and SJWs, etc.

Does anyone else read this site? What is your opinion?

jim says:

He is an idiot.

His heart is in the right place, and the things he is talking about have some basis in reality, but when he tries to make sense of them, he confabulates.

Encelad says:

I have a curious anecdote: among my peers, the ones who least bought into covid hysteria are a couple of friends of mine who are into New Age stuff and “spiritualism”. I am wary of their faith because it basically overlaps with Progressivism. With the important exception though, that they don’t trust official Science. Thus there is this odd situation in which I can freely talk about the insanity of lockdowns et cetera with them, but not with nominally “conservative” people.

Atavistic Morality says:

Nominally conservative people who identify as “conservative” instead of “Christian” are normie neocon cultists who listen to Ben Shapiro and masturbate thinking of “owning the libs” with “facts and logic”. There is no practical difference between this type of person and a literal screeching progressive, they’re both midwit zombies.

At the very least people who are into New Age stuff have enough self-awareness, genuine intelligence and perspective to disregard official progressivism and its popular culture trying to look for something else, something better. Their “faith” overlaps with Progressivism like Christianity in the west increasingly overlaps with Progressivism, it has been converged, but it’s not necessarily genuine belief on their part.

One of the most worthy people I’ve ever met was a self-proclaimed anarchist. And you’d think he’d be a pinko, being Europe and all, but no, he just didn’t trust or have any positive regard of authority as he had known it, and who could blame him? It was a sign of intelligence and awareness after all.

alf says:

Yeah there’s plenty of good folks in the hippy freedom corner. My woman found a private midwife who was like that – she was terrific. No masks, no paranoia with touchy touchy etc. And all about natural birth, unlike many protocol government nazis we were supposed to trust.

Advantages: less edgy than outspoken rightism, can kind of fly in under the radar.
Disadvantages: much more vulnerable to entryism, there’s a reason hippy enclaves almost always fail.

The Cominator says:

New agers increasingly really really hate progressives (they have a different religion) I’ve talked about this, they are weary of big corporations (even if not arms of the state like big tech) and they believe in animal rights and such (and I kind of agree with them on factory animal farming, this is my one concession to any kind of leftism) but they hate our enemies more than they hate us. They also to some degree believe in traditional gender rules though they would reject Jim’s kind of patriarchy. Tulsi Gabbard is more what a new ager type leftist is like.

New age women also tend to be pretty cool (though they tend to use drugs, though not generally in a horribly self destructive fashion), the only Western women I don’t generally hate.

The Cominator says:

I would argue their faith is fundamentally incompatible with progressivism in several ways.

New agers do not have the pretense that they are purely scientific materialist (but they tend to know more of real science then most progressives do, though on a surface level) they consider that there is a world beyond the percieved material and they believe there is some kind of natural law moral order/karma whatever. They know they have a religion progressives deny that their religion is a religion.

Progressives believe that they can ignore gender, New Agers believe gender is real immutable and part of the spiritual as well as material order. They in practice believe to a large degree in traditional gender roles and their women are actually among the most pleasant women that exist in the Western world (even if they call themselves feminists they aren’t feminists the way most feminists are).

Progressives are “humanists”, new agers tend to believe humans are one of infinite incarnations. As such to the extent they are political leftists one of their primary causes is animal rights which progressives being the hypocrites they are don’t care about. If voting mattered any Republican who promised to marginally improve animal conditions in factory farming by agribusinesses they would vote for him en masse.

Progressives believe that experts should rule over the unenlightened unholy masses and trust the media and big institutions, New Agers though weary of big private capital… genuinely do believe in personal freedom and absolutely do not trust big institutions.

This is why I’ve said progressives communists etc get the helicopter, but I’d spare New Age leftists. They wouldn’t be getting state jobs but the Imperial secret police would leave them alone unless they do things like topple 5G towers.

They increasingly don’t like progressives and really really hate what we call the Cathedral. The ones I know think the election was stolen from Trump (who most were leary of but they generally consider the Biden regime worse).

suones says:

“New Age” is half-baked Hinduism, when a man feels his blood call out to the All Father but doesn’t have the ancestral framework to process it. Quite literally in case of Tulsi Gabbard — not of Hindu blood but her mother “converted” to Hinduism (which is impossible).

A lot of Aryans and Aryan-allieds naturally find Semitism spiritually distasteful, and repeatedly turn to occultism to soothe their tormented souls.[1] This is, of course, exploited by Leftists, because demons are attracted to any spiritual resource. The answer, for Western Aryans, is certainly not adopting or fetishising Eastern practices, but rather to invoke their Old Gods ex nihilo.[2] This requires a caliber of priest/paladin that hasn’t been seen since Muhammad awakened Baphomet.

Russian Rodnovery seems like an interesting experiment, but I cannot judge their quality or demonic-infestation level as the primary sources are all in Russian.

[1] With varying quality and success, ranging from somewhat genuine belief-systems like Theosophical Society to outright charlatans like Osho Rajneesh or self-proclaimed “Maharishi” Mahesh Yogi.

[2] Nazis had the right idea but were quickly consumed by demons.

Leon says:

Your work on religious terminology is interesting. Do you have a compilation of your religious vocab elsewhere, possibly a blog?

Why do you extol the All Father when he is not the og godhead of the Germanic deities? It was either Tiwaz or Donner, most likely Tyr/ Tiwaz as his name bears the same etymology as Zeus/ Deus. The theory goes that Wotan and Loki were once the same god, but as the priests and nobility gained power over the Norse people Odin and Loki were split into two figures. The ancient Romans likened Wotan to Mercury (traveling, shapeshifting mystics) and Donner to Jupiter (strong, thunderbolt wielding defenders of heaven and slayers of giants).

What is your views on the mighty Archangels?

Oog en Hand says:

Wotan => Minerva
Loki => Laverna

Learn Old Norse, learn Gothic…

suones says:


I do have a blog (linked in my username) but the religious terminology I use isn’t really “mine.” It is Aryan theology, more ancient than steel, more ancient than Christ, and at par with Ancient Egypt and China.

I specifically avoid reference to Odin/Wodin as he is certainly not the “original” godhead. I refer to the All Father as a catch all term for one’s Father, his father, and the whole line extending back to Manu/Mannus (Sanskrit/German) and His Father who is Devas Pitar/Deus Pater (Sanskrit/Latin). Mentioning lesser gods only generates confusion among people less theologically minded.

I find it interesting that European Aryans have been worshipping something called “Christ” who was allegedly some Semitic Prophet (according to Ishmaelites) or a charlatan (according to his own people the Israelites, who executed him for his crimes), yet they do not worship his Father the desert demon YHWH the Terrible at all! They instead worship “Deus” which is the chief Aryan Father anyway. Have been worshipping “Deus” for much longer than two millenia at any rate. It is very obvious to me that “Aryan Jesus” and His Father “Deus,” together with such Semitic anathema as incarnation, and the “Holy Spirit,” are manifestly different gods than Semitic YHWH the Father of goatherders and hater of delicious bacon.

Despite Jim’s admirable goals to re-establish Old Testament-esque religion, it is worth pointing out that none of the OT gods and liturgy is implemented in Aryan “Christianity” that worships Blonde Jesus the Son of Deus. It is as if Aryans want to (continue to) worship the Son of Zeus but have compromised and worship Heracles in a different form. Constantine might have forced “Christ” onto his flock, but their hearts remain with Heracles.

The creation of “Muscular Christianity” is an example of such a temporal-spiritual mismatch — where Anglos re-created the Gymnasium under a “Christian” banner of “YMCA.[1]” Attacks on Herachrist’s masculinity continue, however.[2] If Jim’s ministry is successful, as we all hope it is, I predict a similar end to it as “Muscular Christianity.” YHWH is now aligned with Moloch.

I have no views on “Archangels” or other Semitic fantasies. I’m fine with them as long as they keep to their own nation (which in Israel they now have a State for).


jim says:

Muscular Christianity is exemplified by Chuck Norris, who is still today an internet saint to whom miracles are attributed.

The trouble with Muscular Christianity is that it tried to have manliness while ducking the woman question and bowing down before women and white knights. Predictably, they got buggered. Today the YMCA is a joke, because of bugger infiltration.

A successful Muscular Christianity needs to have the death penalty for sodomy and humiliating public beatings for white knights. Needs to support and enforce the authority of the husband and the father. Or else its lack of muscularity becomes hilariously apparent.

The Woman Question, rather that gymnastic performance, needs to be front and center.

But the YMCA was successful, as long as they could keep out gays and Jews. Jews dechristianized it and gays took the out the muscularity. But Chuck Norris is still legend. And Trump’s national capitalism was successful.

Those things, YMCA Muscular Christianity and Trump’s National Capitalism, are essential elements of the new old Christianity. But the core of Christianity in this world are the rituals of hatch, match, and dispatch, which have to be the construction of a biological tribe from a synthetic tribe. And a tribe can only have cohesion if it controls its women, and awards women for good conduct and good performance.

The wedding, in which the bride is given away, mock abducted, or really abducted, has to be the key ritual where lay people encounter the faith, rather than the gymnasium.

Muscular Christianity focused on a few fragments of Paul that arguably commend physical manliness, while studiously avoiding a lot of Pauline texts that are considerably more relevant to manliness.

Physical manliness matters, it matters a lot. Fat is a reactionary issue, and so is lifting iron, and a manly religion needs to do the stuff the YMCA did – but other stuff is far more important.

The new old religion needs to have Trump’s national capitalism, YMCA Muscular Christianity physical manliness, but, more importantly, Manosphere worldly manliness (game, frame, and lifting iron), and, more importantly still, Pauline patriarchy.

Himmler was possibly the only influential Nazi who took the Old Gods and his Aryan ancestry seriously. Hitler was half baked and even less interested in embracing his inner Aryan especially after coming to power. (Narrower) Germanic nationalism was the driving force.

c4ssidy says:

We have some academic pushback starting against the vaccines

“”Currently, our estimates show that we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks & benefits on the same order of magnitude.””

c4ssidy says:

Continued (accidentally pressed enter):

The article uses data collected from outside of the US where the political pressure is somewhat lower, and also references other evidence that suggests that past systems which recorded adverse vaccine reactions often severely underestimated the total cases. Fits the Jimian hypothesis pretty well. The deaths are comparable even with the flawed data which is available, let alone Brett’s observations of the potential long term complications from the spike proteins and mRNA carrier particles concentrating inside bone marrow and ovaries

jim says:

The fundamental problem is priestly science, cargo cult science. The form but not the substance of science. They are not medically treating a disease, nor vaccinating against a disease, but practicing magic and worshiping demons.

suones says:

The fundamental problem is priestly science…

All science is priestly science. Science, being an offshoot of philosophy[1], is a priestly endeavour. Just like every sports league only exists under patronage of the King and pays homage to Him and His gods before every game, so does every Royal Society only exist under patronage of the King and His State Religion. If the State Religion is sane and functional, you get the Royal Society. If insane and dysfunctional, US CDC.

[1] Science is simply philosophy of the concrete — accepting only those philosophical axioms that are verified through the crucible of experiment. If this requirement is elided, science becomes “SCIENCE!” which is indistinguishable from pilpul.

Aidan says:

I consider “Science”, capital S, to be an anticoncept. It muddles method and result. (Therefore inherently cargo cult) It used to be called Natural Philosophy, and science was the method of inquiry. Now, Science means the body of theory, the method of inquiry, and its engineering applications, with the result that priestlyness has intruded on the engineering side.

Natural Philosophy is a priestly discipline, but engineering is decidedly not. Applying theories in engineering takes a lot of practice and trial and error. Inventing a new technology or refining one is very far away from priestly science. If you read the history of great inventions, priestly scientists had very little to do with it. The Wright Brothers were not priests. Samuel Colt was not a priest. John Browning was not a priest. Nor was the guy who invented the steam engine. You’re mixing up your caste distinctions because you’ve fallen for the ‘Science’ anticoncept.

jim says:

Science is not an anticoncept. The core of science is the scientific method. That is what makes science different – the social rules that enforce contact between the scientific community and observable reality.

The scientific method has been expressed many times in many different ways over many centuries, but the core and important expression was “The Sceptical Chymist”, because that statement was issued when Charles the Second was restored, and three years later became the Royal Society, its prestige, and thus the prestige of the Scientific method, backed by the Fount of All Honors, and its physical meetings backed by his physical men at arms, privately enforced social rules backed by official status and official violence.

Not an anticoncept, for we need a word for that method, that community, the activity of that community, and the results of that activity.

We also need a word for the debased, fake, and gay imititation of that community and that method, and Richard Feynman gave us a phrase for that: “cargo cult science”.

Cargo cult science, for example Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change, and Covid 19, is nonsense dressed in strangely clean labcoats suspiciously resembling sacerdotal robes, which nonsense is usually a form of demon worship. (Labcoats that are actually used for what labcoats are used for rapidly become damaged – their primary purpose is to protect the wearer and his clothing from damage)

Aidan says:

It is my belief that the word ‘science’ should only refer to that core, the scientific method, which is, yes, the important part. I do not think we need a word “for that method, that community, the activity of that community, and the results of that activity”. Scientists add to the body of knowledge concerning the physical world through experiment and replication of experiment. Artisans are inspired by that knowledge and build good and useful things. Smokeless powder was invented by a scientist, but it was not his business to figure out the proper loadings for rifle cartridges, the proper shape of the cartridge, the optimal barrel construction and lock strength for new rifles using the more powerful powder, and so on. That chemist would probably have done a poor job of it, and thus we dont want a system of names where the priest has authority to take charge of the engineering side of things. Though on the other hand there may be some counterexamples, like Oppenheimer or Von Braun.

Karl says:

I guess most people encounter the word “science” only when someone is try to sell them something and is trying to give that something a priestly blessing.

Not sure we need the word “science” outside of priestly discussions.

Only priests talk about science in general, anyone else will talk about virology, organic chemistry, solid state physics, etc. – about a very narrow part of science that is of particular relevance for a problem at hand.

jim says:

But there quite recently used to be a community with moral norms, social expectations, and social conventions based on that method, the scientific method, which social norms remain in form but not substance, and there still is a body of knowledge structured around that method. Don’t they deserve names?

Karl says:

Well, the body of work is really a plurality with names like physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc. Doesn’t that suffice?

As to the cummunity, I doubt that there was much of a community between, e.g. physicists working on superconductors and biologists studing parasits of penguins. I’d say, for several generations there have been several commnities who have not been interacting much with each other.

The social norms were simply the norms of a Christian society, especially do not lie.

jim says:

> The social norms were simply the norms of a Christian society, especially do not lie.

Not quite.

The scientist was a gentleman, and the gentleman is upright, yet resistant to social pressure. He does not go along to get along.

The scientist relies on primary sources. He does not accept that everyone knows X, or that the experts agree that X is true. He asks. How do they know X. What reason do they have to believe that X is true. The scientist replicates the experiment, and where is impractical to himself replicate, he relies on the report of someone who did it, or replicated it.

This was a firm rejection of the priestly norm of truth by consensus.

Which can easily be misapplied to tear down Chesterton’s fence. If Chesterton’s fence is up, you need to know why it was erected before tearing it down. But if something is believed to be true, you need to know why it is believed to be true.

The Skeptical Chymist holds that relying on the authority of experts, proclaiming that something is true because everyone says it is true, is morally wrong. That is rather stronger than the Christian rule of not lying.

If you honestly say you believe X, but you believe X merely because other people believe X, you are being wicked by proclaiming the truth of something as if you had evidence, when you do not have evidence.

neofugue says:

All science is priestly science as science is not and has never been a purely neutral endeavor. While there is a distinction between good and bad science, and there can be evil men who produce good science, every endeavor ultimately begins from a foundation in God or the Devil.

Which contradicts the lie of the enlightenment that reason is man’s central capacity. Men are fallible, given unto delusion (prelest), error, pride, envy, among other sins. Belief in “reason” independent of priests, sacred texts and tradition is akin to belief in “equality,” it is assumed on the authority of priests, sacred texts and tradition.

A question such as “why one ought to tell the truth in science” is akin to asking, “why should one make music beautiful.” Despite being a non-Christian, Beethoven created beautiful music because he came from a Christian world order, while Schoenberg created monstrosities as such beliefs were no longer present. Science worked because it was based in the Christian religion, and as the last vestiges of Christian social technology disappeared, we have cargo cult science.

Science must always point to the divine, for without God everything becomes of the Devil.

While scientists are engineers, not all science is not attached to the market and thus must derive legitimacy from priestly establishments. Newton, Leibniz, Darwin, Euler, Descartes among others were university-educated brahmins. Gregor Mendel was an ordained monk.

When a society has a good religion, priests put away enemy brahmins. If a scientist makes a claim outside the realm of his observation and against the faith, he is a priest and should be dealt with accordingly. The problem with progressivism is that it makes claims and predictions that are contrary to what is directly observable in nature, and as a result progressive science becomes corrupted.

Aidan says:


“Don’t they deserve names?”

Fair enough- my concern is mainly that the priestly side gets undue authority over the inventors and engineers. It could easily be argued that the word Science acts as a Schelling point to keep group cohesion around the scientific method, but I do not think that worked out so well- the decline of science coincided with the inflation of the word Science.

This is a delicate issue, where I pay excessive attention to semantics, because there have been many times throughout history when a given society was “ripe” for science to take off, but it simply died in the cradle. Charles II’s physical protection of the Royal Society allowed for the wave of scientific discovery now tapering off, but recreating those conditions will be an extremely tricky task.

For example, “Dark Ages” Christianity allowed for substantial advances in empiricism; we can note Charlemagne banning accusations of witchcraft in his Empire’s courts, because rational people just did not believe in it, but eventually the Investiture dispute, papal reform, and the Great Schism created a new priestly consensus hostile to science, which died off by 1300. By 1600, official belief was in witches and magic again.

suones says:

This was a firm rejection of the priestly norm of truth by consensus.

I don’t know which “priestly norm” you’re referring to. It certainly isn’t the Aryan priestly norm. An Aryan Shastri is supposed to defend his theses in front of a sabha (assembly) any time a challenger priest arises and claims him to be at fault. The ritualised demonstration is called “shastrarth” and is supposed to be able to demonstrate (i.e., experimentally prove) the validity of one’s claims in front of a mixed audience (i.e., including priests as well as laymen). It neatly corresponds with the Socratic method (which is obvious in retrospect as both draw on Aryan systems). Priests are supposed to not be in consensus over anything, and challenges and counter-challenges are made continuously[1]. You can draw a straight line from Bacon (the modern proponent of scientific method) and Descartes to Aristotle, the pupil of Plato and hence Socratic.

There is a Sanskrit proverb on the lines of “Evident truth needs no proof,” establishing the supremacy of experimental demonstration over speculation.

[1] Since the way to gain status as an Aryan priest is to be against the ruling head priest, and being able to prove oneself correct, it is natural that this is an unending process. Every Aryan priest dreams of the day when he is able to one-up his guru, and every true guru is secretly overjoyed if a favourite pupil one day surpasses him. This is the basis of Newton’s “shoulders of giants” comment.

suones says:

Inventing a new technology or refining one is very far away from priestly science. If you read the history of great inventions, priestly scientists had very little to do with it. The Wright Brothers were not priests. Samuel Colt was not a priest. John Browning was not a priest. Nor was the guy who invented the steam engine.

This is a very rootless understanding of priestly activities. Every creation is a blessing by some god upon his chosen medium. Every invention the conclusion of a hard penance. So much so that Dharma is indistinguishable from profession — it is literally Dharma for a shoemaker to make excellent shoes, and strive to make shoes more excellent than any that have been seen.[1] Every Aryan is exhorted to become a master at his profession, and such mastery is considered proof of blessing by the patron god.

I wrote a long form article about this years ago, but cannot quote it as it would dox me lol.

Engineering is not only a priestly activity, but it has its own patron gods and worship involving tools of the trade. Of course, it is not exclusively a priestly activity, but a part of it is.

The history of iron and steel production is a colourful account, and reading ancient texts on mathematics and steelmaking alike will provide evidence that the creators were divinely inspired. It only became fashionable with Jewish dominance that crediting Divine Inspiration for one’s work became passe. That we Hindus, the originators of the Iron Age and producers of Wootz Steel and millenia-old corrosion-free ironworks like the Iron Pillar of Delhi, have fallen behind, is due to ancestral curse.

[1] The “hacker ethic” captures this feeling very well, and is one of the few fields that has re-discovered the Aryan way of doing things.

Aidan says:

I understand very well how every profession, and all work, were infused with religious significance and glorified the gods- artisans in particular, for blacksmiths were often seen as wielders of powerful magics. In fact, our understandings are similar. What you call dharma, I call telos, though the world is a kaleidoscope. One source of light and truth, one telos, one God.

But this is beside the point. When I, and most of us here, talk about priests, we are talking about those whose profession is telling stories about reality, and sometimes the personality traits of this type of man. This is regardless of the religious significance of other teloi. In very ancient days, in the Aryan homeland and shortly following the diaspora, the warrior and the priest were the same person, but these roles were separated.

jim says:

Were they the same person? What reason do you have to believe this?

Aidan says:

All claims about ancient Aryan society are based on limited reconstruction from the very oldest sources in the societies they conquered and settled, noting what geographically removed places share in absolute common.

The very oldest laws from places as far removed as Rome, Greece, and India, take for granted that the clan patriarch, who was military leader of his clan in the days before cities, had a duty to perform the religious rites maintaining the gods of the hearth and the grave associated with his family. Even when a clan had declined, and its head sold himself into bondage as a slave, he was granted the right to return to his ancestral property and sanctify his divine ancestors on the required days.

This suggests that before Aryan peoples lived in cities and shared gods in common between their clans, (which became the city-state’s aristocracy) the clan’s patriarch was both the temporal authority and the head priest of the clan’s worship. This view is supported by excavations of Mycenaean palaces; they did not have separate temples, but the throne room of the king also contained the sacred hearth. Obviously, this only works for small societies and not large ones.

jim says:

Well of course the patriarch was high priest of his family. And still is in the more red pilled versions of Christianity.

But in order to make war, you need a coalition of patriarchs. And you need a leader with great authority. We know the original Aryans where fairly anarchic, but they must have had something very like Kings in war, albeit their Kings were merely first among equals. We also know that they had marriages over enormous distances, and during the bronze age they were probably the first to have copper, which does not require long distance trade, and among the first, probably first, to have bronze, which does require trade over enormous distances.

During the fall of bronze age civilization, we see Agamemnon, King of Kings, being bullied by priests.

If you have an army, even if it is only a quarreling coalition of patriarchs, which such information as we have indicates that it was, you are going to have a state religion – well the original Aryans scarcely had a state, but they must have had an official religion of the army. And if the leader of the army was the high priest of the army, that is rather a lot of power, and such information as we have indicates that the leaders of their armies had very little power.

We also know that early city formation was mediated by priests, not Kings. For the patriarchs to gather in one place without killing each other too often, they needed a shared religion. Every city started off as a temple that managed to maintain the peace among its congregation in temple grounds, and that made the temple grounds a good place for trade, so pretty soon tradesmen and merchants set up permanent residence. And the temple, and thus the city was run by priests.

On the other hand, legend tells us that Rome was founded by a King, who gathered men without families – who were probably in large part excess males, which you get a dangerous excess of when there is too much polygyny. But Rome was founded after the collapse of Bronze age civilization, so is late Aryan. Cities during the dark age and recovery from Bronze Age collapse tended to be Kingly, but recollected a system of absolute patriarchs. They also recollected a system of priestly supremacy in law.

Thus the existence of armies, and the Aryan urbanization, indicates a professional priestly class. Which during the very earliest period of Aryan expansion, bronze weapons and chariots, was able to keep the peace not merely on temple grounds, but all the way over thousands of miles between tin mines and copper mines. So we can conclude that there was priestly caste, operating a legal system governing relationships between patriarchs, with religious organization spanning enormous distances, that declared that at least some merchants could not be shaken down.

When priests operate the law without a King on top, their authority is enforced by clan feuding. Two patriarchs quarrel, they call in friends and in laws, pretty soon they are calling in friends and in laws who have relationships with both sides, and come under pressure to settle. A priest shows up to adjudicate, once it is safe to do so, and issues a ruling on his interpretation of ancient customary and divine law.

And to survive that, he wants all the people in the priesthood to have consensus on what divine and customary law is, and so wants a priesthood that spans thousands of miles.

Aidan says:

Well, that is sort of my point. The priest caste became detached from the warrior caste when multiple petty kings needed to cooperate to wage large scale wars over long distances. I have not seen any evidence that the Aryans ruled a stable society stretching over the very large trade routes required to produce bronze; rather, it seems most logical to me that individual clans, already seminomadic pastoralists, found a very natural job as armed guards and escorts of merchants over the extremely long trade routes between copper and tin. Having this role of armed escorts, they were paid in bronze, which required the copper or tin they were escorting to reach its destination safely in order to be forged, discouraging piracy of the merchants they were hired to protect. Also explains why they had chariots, which were invented very far away from the steppe, but then showed up on the steppe shortly after being invented in Egypt. Eventually, all of their armed travels made it clear that the societies they were visiting were easy pickings; and it would only be this stage of coordinated invasion and settlement that the priestly role would be detached in order to foster military cooperation. Once they conquered in a given place, they tended to become more clannish again, the role of communal priests would have declined as the family religion became more important, and then in the process of urbanization which you describe and I agree with, an external temple founded to foster alliance between geographically close clans grew to become a city, where the priestly caste again took precedence over the patriarchal faith.

Coulanges using logic and primary sources describes the exact process of urbanization relying on religion that De Polignac elucidated a century later through meticulous physical evidence, so I am inclined to trust Coulanges’ logic about how and why, even though the when is shaky, given that he did not know very much about the Bronze Age, simply assuming that what we now call Dark Ages Greece was the first wave of Aryan settlement, but this is easily reconciled by the idea that religious centralization and decentralization, and the importance of external versus patriarchal/warrior priests happened multiple times throughout the history of Aryan peoples. But before the Aryan patriarchs united to conquer, they fought against each other, and we have the remnants of what they believed in while they were still fighting each other; that the only gods worth worshipping were the ancestors and the hearth fire, and that the priest who managed this religion, providing clan cohesion, was the same man who led the warriors into battle.

Aidan says:

Well, I did it again and accidentally used a real email. Jim, can you please rectify before my comment gets out of moderation?

linker says:


Playing devil’s advocate, does this debunk your technological decline idea?

“More than 100 years ago, the Titanic was the largest cruise ship on the water. But today, a ship that’s twice as high and twice as wide is the new queen of the sea. With 18 decks and seven “neighborhoods,” Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas is the world’s largest (and newest) cruise ship. In order to fully comprehend the ship’s massive size, we put together this infographic to show how it stacks up against other historic vessels.”

The world’s largest ship since the Titanic was built in 2015. Sails from Florida, no vaccine passport required.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Not all women are like that, I know a friend who said he once met a woman who didn’t go around shittesting people, and who he could trust to work together on a job just like a man.’

linker says:

This is a significant achievement though, not just an anecdote or tiny exception. I am simply playing devil’s advocate, so there is no need to sperg out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That wasn’t playing devil’s advocate, that was sperging out.

‘Does this big ship debunk the idea that instrumental techne has declined in general?’

I guess we are already in space, have working nukes, fission powered cars, and mass transit jets that can travel mach 1 (again), eh?

There can be something useful to say about the matter, but you’re going to need n+1 more levels of nuance to say it.

alf says:

All Women Are Like That, but Not All Technological Decline Is Like That. Some industries have simply not got the memo yet, although no doubt the cruise ship industry has done some catching up in recent covid years.

Such a giant cruise ship is an impressive achievement. It is also a juicy target for grifters and liars and envious priests. Which is why, in general, such massive projects are becoming rarer by the day.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is also literally true that not literally all women are literally like that, but that is blinding yourself (blinding your targets) with nominalist blinkers when looking at an essentialist statement.

It’s not a coincidence that those areas where there has been the most development are generally areas that are closest to depending on the ‘personal choice’ of particular consumers, and or are less contingent upon large scale coordination, such as personal electronics, personal firearms, personal vehicles…

Impressive achievements that require large scale capital and or large scale coordination alike also depend on personal judgement to be good – specifically, the judgement of an lordly patron who would commission it in the first place. Since our present oligocracy has been assiduous in liquidating any prominent men who show signs of aristocracy, impressive developments – be they social, technical, or artistic – are all but non-existent; either no big projects exist, or where they do exist, they are up to no good.

suones says:

…the judgement of an lordly patron who would commission it in the first place.

I remember reading about this as one of the “benefits” of “Capitalism” that an “entrepreneur” no longer had to doff his hat and entertain some “lazy aristocrat” into funding his grand vision. Under “Capitalism,” the tract said, the American “entrepreneur” was freed from the shackles of the British-era feudal finance (East India Company style), and could simply take a loan from a bank to fund his dreams.

I read this around 20 years ago, but the tract was in nineteenth or early twentieth English. I was confused about it, but later I came to see it as transferring power from your local feudal lord (who was personally responsible for ensuring your well-being so that he could extract maximum revenue over multi-generational time-scales) to a faceless “banker” (which was code for Jew) who was a foreigner and would not hesitate to strip-mine your enterprise to fill his coffers. This was one of the factors that hinted to me that “Capitalism” was an enemy concept.

And sure enough, once the ratchet had moved far enough left, the early “Capitalists” went from being lionised as post-feudal GoodGuys to being demonised as evil “robber barons.”

jim says:

> remember reading about this as one of the “benefits” of “Capitalism” that an “entrepreneur” no longer had to doff his hat and entertain some “lazy aristocrat” into funding his grand vision. Under “Capitalism,” the tract said, the American “entrepreneur” was freed from the shackles of the British-era feudal finance (East India Company style), and could simply take a loan from a bank to fund his dreams.

The enemy payload in this version of “capitalism” being that the bankers are the wise industrious productive good guys, and the independently wealthy men who funded the East India Company, who were in large part aristocratic landowners, are the bad guys.

One would have thought that a system where aristocrats have sufficient security of property rights that they are apt to put their assets to the highest and best use is capitalism, and if the highest and best use is often funding some entrepeneur through a joint stock corporation whose shares are traded on the stock exchange, it is corporate capitalism.

But now that the entrepreneur is also a bad guy, that version of “capitalism” is forgotten.

> This was one of the factors that hinted to me that “Capitalism” was an enemy concept.

We need a concept for “not socialist”. If not “capitalism” what would you suggest.

someDude says:

We need a rectification of names.

If they corrupted the word Gay to go from from cheerful to being a homosexual and if they corrupted the word Liberal from someone who supported Liberty to someone who is a sour natured killjoy, they can corrupt any word you call in to replace capitalism.

Rectification of names, Sir! Confucius was a Genius.

jim says:

Capitalism has a quite good definition supplied by its enemies: Private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange.

Which definition however leaves out the important bits -that the owner needs the freedom, the ability, the judgement, and the socially approved duty to apply capital to its highest and best use.

The big innovation of Charles the second was making for-profit corporations not only legal but respectable, and operating them profitably high status, but long before we had corporate capitalism, we had private non corporate capitalism which has been the norm in every civilization of which have record, that was not spiraling down into collapse or struggling up from collapse.

And science has no end of excellent definitions supplied by scientists, most recently the excellent definitions supplied by Feynman, who also supplied a wonderful description and denunciation of cargo cult science, though these days perhaps the term “official science” is more descriptive than “cargo cult science”

Atavistic Morality says:

I’m not convinced by this argument, like you yourself said, “non corporate capitalism” has always been the norm. And when I read some older authors I get the distinct feeling that private ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange has never been called or seen as “capitalism” in the first place, because it simply was the common sense, fair and logical thing, just like there was no “heterosexuality” and “homosexuality”, only normal sane people and sexual perverts/sodomites.

And you’re calling a private business where its legitimate owner gives shares of the possible profits in exchange for capital, the whole John Galt process, corporate capitalism but what we have today and is called corporate capitalism is nothing like that.

If the East Indian Company fucked up you knew the shareholders and CEO’s heads were all going to roll, they were held accountable for every action the corporation engaged in, which is also why it was properly managed and successful. Today a corporation could be engaged in massive ritual genocide and the shareholders will go free.

This is why I found myself very interested in Curt Doolittle’s Propertarianism the first time I heard of it, the concept the word elicits, though it didn’t turn out into what I expected. It’d be nice if we had a word that was fresh and not hackneyed to death by both liberals and socialists for their own degenerate agendas that simply meant what it has always been and is the honorable, fair and prosperous way. Because otherwise every time you try to communicate with another human being and use capitalism and corporate capitalism you get immediately into a muddy ground and its just unpractical and unproductive. All the leftist brainwashing garbage comes out, including “muh consumerism” and the whole enemy narrative, that is deeply implanted into their mind. The academic definition supplied by its enemies is not what they teach people it is, but rather capitalism is everything bad that ever happens to everyone that is a worker.

On the other hand if you say to people that you defend the right to private property and free trade among the people almost everyone agrees with you. Those who don’t are always subhuman garbage who you know immediately are in need of a helicopter ride.

suones says:

We need a concept for “not socialist”. If not “capitalism” what would you suggest.

Something to chew on. From my previous comment[1]:

Unlike “Socialism” or any such priestly asshattery, “Capitalism” is not really an “-ism” with a Big Book, Prophet or Acolytes. It is simply the application of freedom to the field of business. I’d not go so far as calling “Capitalism” an enemy anti-concept, but rather that the opposite of “Socialism” is actually Liberty. (h/t to FA Hayek)

I was wrong. “Capitalism” is indeed an enemy anti-concept, created by Socialists Louis Blanc and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. I will refrain from using this poisonous term myself, and proceed to mock others who do use it un-ironically.

“Capitalism” is the “allopathy” of the woo-peddlers — merely using the word immediately admits the Leftist frame. Socialism/Communism is a false but firm belief[2] that priests can direct the flow of resources fairly and adequately, and perhaps more efficiently, than individual actions summing up over time. This is insanity, and there is no logical answer to it. What we need is a linguistic kill shot to counter “Socialism.”

Good thing that this does not exist in Indian Languages, yet. (“Socialism” in vernacular India means something completely different from Marxism).

[2] Literally the definition of delusion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>After the disbandment of Mandala Command in May 1963, Suharto returned to Jakarta to his post as KOSTRAD (formerly TJADUAD) commander. As evidence of his seniority, he was appointed as deputy head of army advisory board on senior-level promotions (WANDJAKTI) in July 1963. Again showing his penchant for commercial dealings, Suharto used his KOSTRAD command to establish several jajasans which ostensibly functioned to raise funds to cover KOSTRAD’s operational needs. In April 1964, Suharto established Jajasan Darma Putra, which over-time acquired shares in raft of businesses from transportation, banking, and manufacturing sectors (such as Mandala Airlines and Bank Windu Kentjana).

>In August 1964, Suharto authorised KOSTRAD’s intelligence officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Ali Murtopo, to send several officers (including future Armed Forces chief Leonardus Benjamin Moerdani) to spread secret peace-feelers to the Malaysian government. Suharto’s position in KOLAGA also provided him with more sinister commercial opportunity in organizing the smuggling of rubber, timber, and other primary products from North Sumatera to Malaysia using ethnic-Chinese fishermen.

Wikipedia doesn’t have much good to say about the world, but you can always count on it to speak volumes about Modernity.

A prominent man using his position to facilitate valuable activities – thus benefiting himself as well – would be a familiar sight to a man in more civilized times. To a gnostic pharisee in his bureau office however (call him liberalist, socialist, communist, or other synonym), prominent men creating value, through making arrangements between men possible in particular, but also in any way in general, is called ‘corruption’.

For this apparatchik, having arrogated some unspecified authority over some nominally defined subaspect of society, capital should simply be taken (‘given’) wholesale from other folk to furnish (himself) his pet projects (which he is imposing upon them in the first place), as in the view of his faith, doing anything that could be construed as working for means is profaning yourself; for creating value is viewed as at best irrelevant under it’s criterion of holiness – and indeed, getting in the way of creating value, viewed so oft as not being any problem at all.

jim says:

Every mega cruise ship built by that cruise line in that shipyard has been a bit bigger than the last, indicating that that shipyard and that cruise line, have been steadily advancing the state of the art.

And of course, Musk is rapidly advancing the state of the art, but in the Musk case, he is advancing something that had been in widespread obvious decline since we placed a man on the moon.

But the shipyard is making holiness noises to keep the priesthood away. Sooner or later the demon haunted darkness will overrun them too

TSM is advancing the art of building semiconductor chips – by considerably less than advertised, but still advancing significantly. Intel, however, keeps loudly announcing the grand opening of its newest chip fab, but no working chips roll off the lines, and then it quietly closes. Intel died of the same thing the Star Wars franchise died of.

Massively multilayer 3D chips are a revolutionary advance in chip design. Feature sizes are not actually getting significantly smaller, that is approaching the minimum size achievable by Argon Fluorine laser photo lithography, but Toshiba are building chips approaching a hundred layers thick.

So, the art of building ICs is certainly advancing. They are not getting smaller in two dimensions, but they are getting more layers. But we are not seeing a ratchet of technological advance. we see tech being lost. Tech advances, then, like fast neutron reactors, dies, Organizations get overrun by holiness spirals and take their technology to the grave, as NASA did. Not a ratchet any more. Stuff can get lost, and a great deal has been lost.

If that shipyard gets overrun by priests, and it is struggling, chances are that no other shipyard will replace them. The technology of building megaships will be lost. The eye of Soros has fallen upon Musk, disturbed by the distinct whiteness and maleness of his team.

The ratchet of technological advance is not ratcheting, because the ratchet of social decay causes the ratchet of technological advance to slip.

Yes, I am seeing better chips. Produced where they don’t have to flood the team with browns, because yellows are holy enough.

But we have a problem with chips. Moore’s law broke when photolithography ran out of puff, and I am pretty sure that once you have a few hundred layers on a chip, that runs out of puff also.

But previously, every time a technology that had been being applied to give effect to Moore’s law ran out of puff, a new technology came along to replace it. Nothing came along to replace photolithography.

What should have happened was molecular lithography. That is what all the futurists were expecting. It did not happen.

At very small sizes, you don’t need silicon, because in very small conductors, quantum effects give rise to new, strong, nonlinearities. You can make logic gates based on whether there are zero, one, or minus one magnetic flux quanta within a circuit loop. We are very close to the size where that works – if they were actually building seven nanmometer chips, which they are not, they could throw away the silicon, and just use wires embedded in insulator. This gives you enormously fast, ridiculously low power low voltage gates. It is almost within reach. If they were not bulshitting about feature sizes, it would be within reach. But to reach those sizes you would probably need molecular lithography.

Toshiba’s hundred layer chips are limited by the fact that they only have one layer of single crystal silicon, which profoundly limits what can be done. If they could get the feature size down small enough that they could have gates based on magnetic flux, they could forget about the bottom layer, and we would have ics with enormously more power.

Guy says:

What part, if any, does technological decline play in this new alien gambit in the media? By that I mean, is it possible that they’re bluffing, pretending to be denying super advanced craft that can pass as alien when in reality they have jack shit on the horizon?

jim says:

No relationship.

Flying saucers are how stupid people conceptualize angels and demons. People have been seeing, or thinking themselves to be seeing, angels and demons for thousands of years.

Guy says:

Why do you think the media is trying to convince people these are real now? There seems to be an ongoing attempt to push the “alien craft are visiting earth” idea, do you see any motives other than distraction and confusion?

jim says:

Morons talking to morons about moronic stuff. Public discourse goes senile.

suones says:

This can be part of a deliberate strategy. I call it throwing a “turd in the punch bowl” that prevents people from tasting the punch. Eg: 5G->COVID stupidity masking Chinese complicity in COVID.

…discrediting inconvenient truths by surrounding them with obvious and blatant ridiculousness, thus enabling dismissal of the whole thing as a “conspiracy theory,” rendering the truth kernels harmless.

Karl says:

I understand that strategy, but what might be an inconvienient truth that is made toxic by the addition of flying saucers?

Guy says:


Any foreign adversary will see through our UFO cover for any new tech, so that can’t be it. If it’s some sort of groundwork for a future psyop I see that being a risk and mostly unnecessary given the success of COVID. The only thing other than what Jim said about it just being morons that I can see as likely is that they are trying to maintain the illusion of top-secret advanced tech (which doesn’t exist because as Jim said, morons).

To the Stars Academy did have crowdfunding up at one point, so I thought it might just be grifters in the right fields getting together to see what they could get away with. Everyone in the group has impressive sounding titles, but they all are a little say the least. The interview Tom Delong did with Rogan was absurd, the fact that he was not disowned by the group afterwards means either we live in their alternate X-files reality, or there’s at least a huge scam being run.

jim says:

It is just morons talking stupidity to other stupid morons. Means nothing, no significance.

Starman says:


“The eye of Soros has fallen upon Musk, disturbed by the distinct whiteness and maleness of his team.”

The difference between a prophet vs a businessman when it comes to resisting the Eye of Soros.

Starman says:


More differences between a prophet vs a businessman when it comes to resisting the Eye of Soros.

suones says:

*priest vs businessman**

**Brahmin vs Vaishya***

***We all know Elon’s “business” side is not very good, but his priestly shenanigans are glorious!

Starman says:


”We all know Elon’s “business” side is not very good”

I expect such from an ignoramus about spaceflight. Wordsmiths often have trouble understanding it.

Jeff Bezos can’t get it up (to orbit)😁. Meanwhile, Prophet Elon Musk puts the majority of mass into orbit each year and growing.

Wordsmiths get their asses kicked by rocket landings.

suones says:

Likewise I would not expect a buffalo to distinguish words of power or wisdom from trash, but as long as we’re on the same page about SpaceX, it’s fine by me.

But tell me, isn’t it particularly galling for you that a Prophet running a priestly enterprise accomplishes spaceflight while your beloved Air Force/Space Force chooms make the world safe for tranny dick?

Or is Star Prophet Elon an honorary “warrior” according to you? What about his acolytes? Law of gravity? Words. Newton’s Laws? More words. The sheer amount of words needed to be read and interpreted into their basic concepts to make the simplest spaceflight possible is mind boggling. For a prole they’re all just “words,” until all of them come together to make the rocket go whoooosh!

Welding pipes is a necessary element for spaceflight. So is calculating the dimensions of the pipe, deciding materials to be used, and arrangement to be made. All of which require more words lol.

jim says:

Musk argues that most of the potential for improvement comes from building stuff that builds stuff, the final product already being highly optimized. When they were building the Tesla factory, he was sleeping on the worksite.

He whips up a spreadsheet that envisages what is physically possible, and then is right there in person when the spreadsheet hits physical reality. Priests are on the job of developing consensus, prophets of dreaming big dreams. Musk, obviously, is a prophet. He is also an engineer, and he is a hands on engineer.

In this sense, not words, so much as spreadsheets, and he does not stop when the spreadsheet is done.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You really have a hard time preventing your partisan impulse from turning your output into hackery, friend.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I for one do not care how we achieve spaceflight, only that it is achieved. If the Air/Space Farces have to suck miles of tranny dick to distract them while the Star Prophet lifts mankind into the sea beyond the sky, then to paraphrase Marie Antoinette, let them suck dick.

jim says:

Unfortunately they will insist on engineerettes, brown engineers, and gay engineers. A team can succeed with auto gynophilic trannies on the job. With women, gay trannies, and plain gays, the team will fail.

If you are attempting something difficult, one dud on the team, the team will fail, one team fails, the whole project will fail.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Why doesnt the man being tortured just pretend to cooperate with his captors?’

Observing the form of defection transforms the substance of the observer into the substance of the observation.

suones says:

Priest and Prophet

Similar to how a King is a divinely inspired warrior who forges a new path, a Prophet is a divinely inspired priest who forges a new path.

The essential priestly task is to give names to things, and ensuring that those names are universally observed with no ambiguity. A Prophet takes that to a whole new level, and names a Thing which does not yet exist, but is brought into existence by the very act of naming. As priests we all dream of inventing some concept or object that we then get to name — a Prophet actually manages to accomplish that on a grand scale. Muhammad was a Prophet. He was also a merchant by profession and a skilled strategist and politician — but fundamentally a priest. A priest of the evil Baphomet, but still a priest. Same with the Star Prophet. He’s a priest of an as yet occult god, he’s Muhammad while he was still in Mecca. We’re not getting off this planet without Divine help, that’s for sure.

I seek to prevent the extremely valuable NRx observation — “anti-evil-priest” from turning into prole-tier “anti-priest” stupidity. While the West is almost fully conquered, I see this attack vector regularly in my home country — Muslims and Progs alike attack no Hindu so rabidly as the priest, and simultaneously appear to offer an olive branch to non-priestly Hindus. The more eusocial and Dharmic the Hindu priest, the stronger the attack. Once a critical mass of the population defects to the competing evil priesthood, then they are fed to Baphomet/Moloch. Of course, then they can’t do anything about it because they’ve banished their own protective gods and removed their priests. This is what brother @DharmicReality has dubbed “ancestral curse.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I seek to prevent the extremely valuable NRx observation — “anti-evil-priest” from turning into prole-tier “anti-priest” stupidity.

That’s all well and good, something I have done the same myself at times. We can say that every polity that has ever found actual existence in history is a theocratic military dictatorship – they differ merely in effectiveness at being theocratic military dictatorships.

The problem rather is that, all too often, what actually ends up being said in your output is excusing evil priest-likes from responsibility, and attempts to implicate that anyone and everyone else *except* (those) priest-likes have responsibility for contemporary travails. When, of course, they are responsible.

You say you want to distinguish ‘anti-evil-priest’ from ‘anti-priest’, well and good; but when you express ‘anti-evil-priest’, this expression is toothless; you evince extreme reluctance to ever actually put them ‘on-the-hook’ for anything in a non-trivial, consequential manner, and likewise, seem to try to never miss an opportunity to needle and deflect onto some other demographic(s). Almost hebraic if you will, even.

The Cominator says:

Priests have their place but even good priests need their influence curtailed because ruling priests inevitably become evil priests, warriors must rule.

As a dot Indian you are too soft on the idea of a powerful priesthood, we intend a very neutered and almost powerless priesthood.

Starman says:


“Same with the Star Prophet. He’s a priest of an as yet occult god, he’s Muhammad while he was still in Mecca. We’re not getting off this planet without Divine help, that’s for sure.”

It’s eerie how closely Prophet Musk’s ministry resembles Prophet Muhammad’s ministry.

A Prophet can be seen as “king” of priests, but comparing a Prophet to a Pope/Chief Priest is like comparing Prophet Muhammad to the Caliphs who succeeded him.


I support anything and everything that will successfully prevent you from giving us your “Liberty in an unfree world”. Rule by demon trannies is bad, but rule by wagies is worse, and rule by autistic computer engineers is most hellish of all. Death to Jim Donald, Satoshi Nakamoto, and all his ilk.

jim says:

This blog is made possible by the work of Satoshi Nakamoto, who was a very great man.

The world, the communities and forms of social organization, that can counter the power of demon worshiping trannies is being created by the work of Satoshi Nakamoto.

It is the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commandments shall fill the stars and subdue them. Musk has prophesied a multiplanetary species, and Satoshi Nakamoto prophesied forms of organization resistant to an overly intrusive state religion.

I fear that the eye of Soros has fallen on Musk, and is alarmed by the distinct whiteness and maleness of those designing and building rockets. To settle Mars, then the asteroids and the Kuiper belt, and then the interstellar kuiper mass objects, we are probably going to need sovereign crypto corporations, whose shares and books will be sidechains on a blockchain. The space force that briefly protected Musk now has blue haired tranny officers, who consider their highest priority not conquering space, but proving that women are men and men are women.

Our limited observations of small interstellar objects (three so far) are consistent with a mass distribution where mass is nearly logarithmically distributed, the amount of mass in objects in each power of ten mass range being roughly comparable. Which implies that there is enough mass between the stars to make settlement of interstellar space in the solar vicinity feasible, by a very high tech high IQ population with high elite fertility, a stepping stone to the technology and the race that will reach the stars.

For asteroids, we can more accurately estimate the mass distribution, which is e: D^(-2.3) for the range 0.4 km to 5 km, and D^(-4) for 5 km to 40 km, implying that asteroid settlement is likely to be most interesting for quite small communities built around a five kilometer asteroid, implying we are going to need to reinvent manufacturing so that a quite small fab, or a quite small set of fabs, can make anything. For settlement of Mars, we don’t need such drastic miniaturization, but we are still going to need some mighty miniature miniaturization of the production chain. The very limited data for interstellar objects indicates a mass distribution of around D^(-3), which gives us no clue as to the appropriate settlement size.

Mars is a stepping stone to producing the technology, the race, and the culture, capable of settling the abundance of smaller objects, and settling the abundance of smaller objects is a stepping stone to the stars.

Anonymous 2 says:

I’d be interested in terraforming Venus. Convert the atmosphere and just add water — waves hand vaguely — and you have an interesting new Earth-like location with plenty of available power.

jim says:

To terraform Venus, need to cool the place down (orbiting sunshields), add an enormous amount of water, and stash an even more enormous amount of carbon dioxide somewhere so that is in no longer in the atmosphere, perhaps in enormous reservoirs under the newly created ocean). Going to take a thousand years or so.

Venusian Settler says:

Planetary bombardment through comets and asteroids should be able to eject enough atmosphere to both cool down the planet and introduce enough water to make it habitable at once, but refining this process would probably be a prerequisite to being able to colonize any foreign rocky planet in our local universe.

Most interesting question that can emerge with life on Venus once set to earth-like conditions is how does biological life handle long periods of sunlight followed by long periods of darkness in an environment that is much warmer than the poles of planet earth. Almost all species observing a period of hibernation? By avoiding solar shades, you could develop a totally exotic ecosystem.

suones says:

Colonising Venus is going to need far, far superior terraforming technology than we have at present, or is even on the drawing board. The only “plus” on Venus is that the easily accessible huge temperature differences can be harnessed to provide “free” power in vast quantities. Still need to develop CO2 fixation on a massive scale though. For reference, CO2 was fixed naturally on Earth, by photosynthetic organisms, in a timeframe of millions of years.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s a moot point either way since all gravity wells are prisons that hold back interstellar imperium and thus ought be broken up into more manageable chunks praise gnon


if I write a topical reply of equivalent length (yet superior intelligence) will you delete it

jim says:

I will allow a responsive reply – not endless repetition of your position, without showing any awareness of our position nor our replies to you having already said almost exactly the same thing a dozen times already.

You have said the same thing a dozen times, and I and others have replied the same way half a dozen times.

If you say it again, and ignore the replies again, I am going to suppress it.

The Cominator says:

Who is this guy?

someDude says:

Oh, there’s a never ending supply of them. And a never ending supply of where they come from.

He promises “A topical reply of equivalent length and yet superior intelligence” it seems. How fascinating! Erudite and Modest at the same time. How God fit so many wonders into just one package continues to baffle me!


I replied to someDude because he needs it more than you.

Then I wrote a long-ish comment and was struck by a sudden strike of thought.

You say that the success of Bitcoin (and, presumably, of cryptocurrency generally) is a holy mission around which the fate of the world (and perhaps the human species) revolves.


But are you truly so holy? Let’s play out a wonderfully clarifying hypothetical. There is no room for ambiguity here.

I hand you a magic lamp. You rub the lamp and a genie appears. He gives you a big red button and describes what the button does. You may press it or not: the choice is yours and yours alone. You have five minutes to decide. What does the button do? By pressing the button, you instantly nuke the fiat financial system, freeing the world and all its races from the usury world system of literal time-life-force vampirism. Once the smoke clears you will find in its place one universal cryptocurrency with perfect attributes: private, uncontrollable, etc. But there is one catch: all currency cryptocurrencies, including your vast holdings of Bitcoin and others, are wiped from the earth forever, and the new, perfect cryptocurrency starts by evenly distributing the total share of all cryptocoins to each natural person possessing at least a triple-digit IQ.

Do you press the button?

Yes or no.

jim says:

In an instant – in part because I figure that in that environment I would soon have once again the wealth than I have now, and not long after that considerably more wealth.

And so would a great many other people. The economy is being strangled. Lift the noose, and not only could I breath a lot easier, but so could lots of other productive people.


[*left wing economics deleted*]

jim says:

too incoherent to be rebutted.


I did a find-search for “weird” because I remember using that word in my reply to someDude. But it isn’t on the page. Fuck you. War out.

The Cominator says:

Of course.

The Cominator says:

You will never be a real woman. So what do you advocate?

Jim is also obviously not autistic (I am).

Contaminated NEET says:

Are you an MPC man? You sound like one. Is the forum even still up?

The Cominator says:

That site was funny but “pleasureman” was an enormous faggot who doxxed his own members.

Contaminated NEET says:

>but “pleasureman” was an enormous faggot who doxxed his own members.

Really? What a disgrace. He always had to be the coolest guy in the room – did he lose face in some stupid argument and then throw a fit and burn the site down?

The Cominator says:

Not sure what happened but the sites ideology was something akin to slightly more politically incorrect cuckservatism, they did hate the priestly classes but there was too much “nerd bashing” in their hatred of the priestly managers… the bad priests tended to not always nerds but lawyer types.

I occasionally perused the site for the comedy value (they were funny) but the ideology was cucked and being a spergish nerd who was an extreme monarchist reactionary I’m pretty sure pleasureman would eventually banned me and tried to dox me as I’ve heard he had done before. Otherwise I would have loved to debate them on why no you can’t have a democracy without extreme social entropy.

In fact actually reading Hoppe’s Democracy the God that failed (and Hoppe is very close to us) he opened my eyes to another bad thing about Democracy that I had never considered… Democracy gradually erodes time preference among its populations too. It essentially makes its people more and more niggerish as time goes on… this is even without a faggot insane cathedral religion.

Pete says:

MPC is cool but they are civnats there, and they definitely believe in the “just vote harder” premise.

If you try to discuss anything in terms of white people, you’re shouted down as a “wignat.” No, we can’t do anything to help white people specifically. We have to propose policies that help “all Americans,” so we can get nonwhites on our side. No, we can’t separate from nonwhites and carve out a territory for our own people – what a silly idea!

If you point out that voting is now useless due to extensive Democrat fraud, you’re a “faggot blackpiller.”

The Cominator says:

MPC was right to be weary of wignats that is something I generally agree with them on.

Their bigger problems was the reluctance to discuss taking strong measures against women and the reluctance to abolish Democracy.

“If you point out that voting is now useless due to extensive Democrat fraud, you’re a “faggot blackpiller.”

Does the forum still exist?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It still exists, but they went the way of SA and put membership behind a paywall (thus ensuring only glowniggers with taxcuck funded budgets can be the dominant voice).

The level of discourse around 2015 to 17 or so was good, one of the more reliable places on the net in my estimation, but evidently it’s only gotten worse over time.

>If you try to discuss anything in terms of white people, you’re shouted down as a “wignat.” No, we can’t do anything to help white people specifically. We have to propose policies that help “all Americans,” so we can get nonwhites on our side.

Looks like my instincts about the canceriousness of that memeplex were on the money.

Rick says:

Going behind a paywall is always the kiss of death for good discussion on the internet due to the namefag problem.

suones says:

@The Cominator

MPC was right to be weary of wignats that is something I generally agree with them on.

So that’s where you got it lol. It’s an enemy meme. There is no such thing as a “genuine” “wigger” nationalist. They’re all either:

1. Glowniggers sowing distrust — includes the vast majority of online personalities, and meatspace “activists” of the Traditionalist Workers’ Party class.

2. Erudite scholars like Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald. But they’re white nationalists, favouring the term “white” instead of the true term “Aryan” because they’re scared of Jews.

3. Anglin. He’s the last remnant of his type. I find it very hard to disagree with the substance of his posts, especially “White Sharia.”

4. “Whites-only” Marxists aka “Welfare for Whites” proles, who, being proles, aren’t worthy of our attention. They’re just manipulated by State Power to reduce the white movement to absurdity.

jim says:

> Anglin. He’s the last remnant of his type.

Nah, Anglin is not the last remnant. Completely the opposite. He memeticaly dominates the white nationalist movement.

The shills are always congratulating each other on how everyone is totally in agreement with whatever they are shilling, and anyone who doubts them are just insignificant crazies. They loudly announce a false consensus, and announce it the louder the more ridiculous their pretense. It s like the 911 troofers who just confidently announce a dozen ridiculous things, and when you point out that one of those things is absurd, just move right along to announce two dozen more.

suones says:


Going behind a paywall is always the kiss of death for good discussion on the internet due to the namefag problem.

Solving this problem is the Holy Grail of crypto. Bitcoin very imperfectly approaches the solution, Monero goes further.

The Cominator says:

Didn’t get it from MPC. I’ve always liked Jared Taylor but hes never subscribed to that kind of memeplex. Kevin MacDonald is worthless.

Atavistic Morality says:

Maybe put down the trenbolone for a bit because its giving you serious brain damage.

This blog supports rule by a king leading an aristocratic warrior class. And the “autistic computer engineers” are simply providing tools to facilitate that, as they’ve always done.

Also, who are you kidding faggot? You don’t even lift.

Noname says:

I’d recommend reading Chris Langan in Gab or Twitter. 200 IQ, very red pilled, lots of interesting things to write.

Also, anyone claiming to be red pilled and doesn’t mention the chosenites, is pissing on your shoes.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Da JOOOS! are not the problem. They are a symptom of a much larger problem. The primary drivers of leftism have been European white men, especially Anglos. The solution to the Jewish Problem is very simple. On the Day of the Rope or the Day of the Helicopter, we kill all of the leftists. This will kill a lot of Jews, but it is going to kill a lot more whites. Most importantly, it will stop the holiness spiral in its tracks and stop the madness.

jim says:

Well I don’t mention the Jews, not because they are not a problem, but because they are problem that receives far more attention than it merits. We have considerably bigger problems.

One of my sons was being taught holocaustianity when he was quite little, and spontaneously rejected it, not because he had been taught anything about it by his father, but because there had been plenty of far bigger genocides, and because a genocide was happening right at that moment with the quiet support of the Cathedral. He pointed the latter out to his teacher, who reacted as people always react when the righteous commit thought crimes.

He was required to affirm “never again” – that there will be no more genocides because now we are all good holocaustians, to which he responded that is happening again, and everyone is turning a blind eye to it.

If you make the Jews the center of the universe, only evil instead of divine, that is just an inverted form of holocaustianity.

suones says:

If you make the Jews the center of the universe, only evil instead of divine,…

This is a strawman. Chris Langan isn’t making Jews the centre of the universe, good or evil. I aspire to one day become as good a pig farmer as he is. But to get to my peaceful pig farm I’m forced to fight all these demons and hellspawn first. Chris thought he could avoid the fray and retreat to his pigs. Well now Moloch has come for his pigs.

Aidan says:

People who are immoderately antisemetic always claim strawman when people who are appropriately antisemetic characterize their worldview as too Jew-centered. But I’ve never heard a clear elaboration on their position. What are the Jews specifically responsible for? If moderate antisemites, me at least, broadly characterize the Jewish problem as their joining the rush to grab apples from the overturned cart of Western Civ, one among many enemies, why is your position harder on the Jews? What are they doing above and beyond that?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Furthermore, Hitler showed that the much vaunted Jewish power is all flash and no substance. If he was capable of killing so many as a side effect of his stupid socialist economic ideas, how can we seriously fear them? They are degenerate and obnoxious, which is why every country eventually expels them, but that is all. They are small and sad, nomads who betrayed their God and have been punished for their faithlessness for two millenia. The true enemy is the man hiding behind the Jew, using the Jews as cutaways and bagmen for his evil deeds.

Contaminated NEET says:

>What are they doing above and beyond that?

Entertainment. Jews control movies and television, and to a lesser extent books and newspapers, and the messages they embed in them are purest poison. We handed control of our imaginations over to a people that despises us. This was a fatal mistake.

Aidan says:

Yes, jews are notably effective among our enemies and occupy what is in some respects a privileged position on the left. Ashkenazis are descended entirely from priestly stock and selectively bred themselves to be good at dissembling and other priestly activities. Seems like the natural course of events that once the Anglo left opened membership to jews, they’d assume that position. But even though the interests of jews diverge on some points from the interests of the cathedral, jewish-owned media does not side with the jews, it sides with the cathedral. Jewish media does not show jewish girls banging niggas and having mulatto babies like it does white girls, but neither does it show jewish girls submitting to jewish men and having eight little brats in kippahs.

The Original OC says:

Kevin MacDonald gives a quite a few specific examples.

His argument is that Jews are more effective than Europeans at leading social trends because they are better at creating small-ish (~10s) tight-knit movements of highly capable people, and that broad social trends are caused by such initially small, tight-knit movements.

Nazi Party is an example of such a (non-Jewish) movement.

Jews are probably not the original cause of social decay; their influence is a symptom, but causes many specific harms of its own.

Atavistic Morality says:

Kevin MacDonald is a complete fucking retard then.

Jews have taken over Hollywood because they’ve been more than willing to sing the song of progressivism and insert themselves in it with Holocaustianity. And Hitler got as powerful as he did because he initially had the backing of the fading aristocracy. It all comes down from power, the rulers make the culture.

If Jews hated niggers like Walt Disney did, they would have never gotten any ground compared to him.

The Original OC says:

Early Nazis had some powerful guys, which is why they did well. But Nazis weren’t that powerful until the 30s, which shows they were somewhat “real” revolution.

Disney was a powerful guy, but just one guy. Point is you compare “Disney” (some guy) to “the Jews” (multiple semi-aligned cults each consisting of multiple high competence people).

Atavistic Morality says:

No, they were not a somewhat “real” revolution, they would have never gotten anywhere without the support of the fading aristocracy that had a bone to pick with the Weimar Republic and commies. Eventually the monster they created ran out of their control and they even tried to kill him.

My comparison between Disney and the Jews is to illustrate the point that their tribe socialization has nothing to do with them taking over Hollywood. Disney was far more successful than they were and he was only one man, one man who was very anti-progressive. The Jews took over preaching Holocaustianity, feminism and niggers following the preferences of the progressive rulers, hence they got the position bestowed by them.

Mel Gibson is incredibly popular being a red-pilled Christian and everyone loves him still, but he got kicked out by power precisely because of it. There is nothing the Jews in Hollywood could ever do to stop him, but the State Department can and did.

jim says:

> No, they were not a somewhat “real” revolution, they would have never gotten anywhere without the support of the fading aristocracy

I know a bit about German history. The aristocrats and big business saw no significant difference between nazis and commies. To them they were all one big amorphous blob of dangerous radicals, and if radicals fight amongst themselves, signifies nothing, radicals always fight among themselves. Commies kill commies, commies kill nazis, nazis kill commies, pretty soon nazis will kill nazis, why bother to pay attention? And they did not pay attention. As far as they were concerned, nazis were commies and commies were nazis.

Hitler came to power because his radical left revolutionary faction got more votes than the other radical left revolutionary factions, and his stormtroopers made stuffing the ballot boxes difficult.

The alternative to nazism was to restore the divine right monarchy, and the military lacked the balls, and, more importantly, lacked a divine right monarch who was up for the job.

Pooch says:

Eventually the monster they created ran out of their control and they even tried to kill him.

Is this reference to the 20 July plot?

The Cominator says:

One thing reactionaries need to really emphasize is that Stauffenberg the guy who really tried to kill Hitler was fundamentally one of us. An ultra right wing reactionary nationalist and monarchist with no sympathy for leftists and social Democracy (the Catholicism is the only unfortunate feature).

Stauffenberg would fit right in as a commenter here.

Pooch says:

Was he a representation of the German elite/aristocracy at the time? I think Moldbug may have a piece about this but I can’t find it.

The Original OC says:

Early Nazis weren’t a vehicle for German aristocrats. They were created by oddball intellectuals, Russian emigres, and Erich Ludendorff. Their ideology was hostile to aristocrats. Their earliest publications attack aristocratic privileges. For sure they did not come from nowhere and with no serious support – Hitler as the one man founder and driver of the party is a myth – but nor did they come from a group that was already in power. They came from a group that had been out of power under the Kaiserreich, and was very close to being totally destroyed under the Weimar Republic.

Disney was very successful throughout his lifetime. His company was converged after his death, because he was just one man, and it’s impossible to stop public companies being converged. Jews in Hollywood were using it to promote their goals during Disney’s lifetime and before(e.g. to promote the USSR) and they’re still allowed to celebrate that and are not destroyed for it. They had and have their own agenda which they are able to carry on through multiple generations and across multiple institutions because they are a large group and not an individual.

Atavistic Morality says:

This conversation is getting stale, one side claims something someone else says otherwise, history is both fake and gay.

In any case the point is that Hitler didn’t rise from a vacuum of magical workers getting together and starting a revolution, a bunch of randoms working together in a tight knit group do not magically achieve things this is Marxist propaganda. It wasn’t true in the French Revolution, it wasn’t in the American Revolution, it wasn’t in Russia, it wasn’t in Germany, it never is anywhere. Whether you posit he won among the leftists elites the most support or that he was helped by unhappy elites, the point is elite involvement.

And you keep being entirely irresponsive to what I’m telling you about entertainment. Jews took over Hollywood because they were in agreement with peddling the propaganda of the progressive elites with feminism, niggers and Holocaustianity. Disney is simply being used as an example of one man overpowering the industry when the progressive elites weren’t so entrenched. The Jews didn’t win over Disney over time because they were better than Disney at doing Hollywood because they were a bunch of tight-knit kikes but because Disney hated niggers and they didn’t, and with time progressive elites further took power. This is why it’s now converged, because converged by power of course. To further illustrate the point, the common man loves Mel Gibson because he is better than the tight-knit kikes at doing Hollywood, but he is being suppressed by power so he can’t compete. But regardless of how much criticism and censoring he gets from power, guy comes from out of nowhere with giga thought crime The Passion of the Christ or something of the sort and destroys all of them, because if it was an organic market he wins. One man wins against the tight knit Jews.

Jews have never achieved anything because they were a tight knit tribe but because they’ve always sucked up to power, they’ve always done it. They are not “highly capable” in the first place, if they were a “highly capable” tight knit people they wouldn’t have been getting blown the fuck out for millennia by everyone around them.

jim says:

> Whether you posit he won among the leftists elites the most support or that he was helped by unhappy elites, the point is elite involvement.

Of course. There is always elite involvement. And it is always a faction of the elite making claiming to represent the masses oppressed by the elite.

The commie myth is that Hitler was an Aristocratic and/or Capitalist plot. Not so, Nazism was, as always, priests seeking to disable warriors and rob merchants in the name of the masses. Big business viewed this very much the way the bakers, farmers, and business owners, the actual bourgeoisie, viewed the French revolution. They knew they were going to be robbed, and were not sure what to do about it. The conservative parties were, like the Republicans, cucked.

Priests always strike at their enemy’s capacity to coordinate and cooperate.

Nazism was not a capitalist plot against the proles. Nazism and Marxism were competing priestly plots against merchants and aristocrats.

The Original OC says:

The truth is somewhat between the commie myth and the “incumbent always wins” Moldbug myth: small minorities can topple great states if and only if they are small minorities with high competence, high commitment, and high cohesion.

This happens to states for the same reason tiny startups frequently clear large companies out of their markets: size gives diseconomy of scale and incumbency gradually replaces the genius founders with office politicians.

The Original OC says:

I do not fully buy the idea that the Nazis were just another demagogue movement, because it assumes internal factors were the only ones in German politics. They weren’t, because Germany was a disarmed state surrounded by powerful adversaries.

British and Americans did not care about the idea of foreign invasion, because they thought they were inviolable and with some good justification. As a result, UK and US politics at the time was driven almost only by internal considerations.

Many Germans, on the other hand, really did want to strengthen their state – elites from all factions – because 1920s Germany was weak as hell. The Nazis rode demagoguery to power, and then started doing a lot of useful and socially beneficial stuff, probably because they knew that providing better governance than their neighbors was the only way they stood a chance to survive as a state, the state being a prerequisite for the party.

suones says:

My position on Israelites is not any harder than that on their half-brothers the Ishmaelites. They all have their homelands now, and should live there as they see fit.

This is the minimum acceptable position. Any crimes of the past are now only historical speculation.

They have to go back.

Aidan says:

My position is the position of my medieval forebears; the Jews can stay, but they will be excluded from the state and high status positions, and will be punished communally if they make trouble. The problem with communities of minorities in an Empire is that they tend to protect and cover for each other when one member starts doing evil things. The troublemaker needs to either be given up to justice by his fellows in the community, or the community as a whole will be subject to punishment.

Islam, on the other hand, should be exterminated root and branch. In medieval times, and even through the Peace of Westphalia, military action against muslim nations did not require a declaration of war, because muslims are always at war with you anyway. This will likely be a task for future generations, because whites are wolf to whites; need a powerful and stable West to eradicate Islam without some other white nation stabbing you in the back. Maybe China will do it for us, once our fag empire loses its capacity to protect muslims, because it is on the bloody border of Islam and cannot escape it.

Rick says:

Since they’re going to drop the Arizona audit any time now, I’ll reiterate that A) it’s going to be a northing burger and B) it was always designed to be a nothing burger after they cleaned up the faked ballots with the first “audit”. It’s just the method the GOP selected to get people to continue to vote for them while dumping Trump. All the signs from shitheads like Barr, Romney, Pence, indicate that that’s the play while the normal shitheads in the left give good Kabuki theater about it.

Secondly, they probably believe that this sort of steal was a one time deal to get rid of Trump and things will return to normal now. The big test of this idea is next year’s midterm primaries.

Pooch says:

Not the sense I get. The Arizona state legislature is pretty based. Bannon seems confident it’s going to uncover all kinds of stuff and just a matter what will be done about the fraud after the audit is completed. He regularly has Arizona state legislators and other plugged in people on his show.

jim says:

We are still in the phase equivalent to making King Louis and Tsar Nicholas constitutional monarchs.

And while everyone was expecting normality to return, the power struggle within the left turned increasing lethal, with the result that those elements of the left that had not intention or expectation that normality would return came out on top.

Pooch says:

Any reason why the elites decided not to politically prosecute Trump? Because he’s playing nice with the GOP establishment perhaps? His rally was rather tame. Not much screeching about it from regime state propaganda.

Rick says:

I think they’ll eventually prosecute him, probably shortly after the midterm election fraud when/if the hard left takes over.

Right now their play is throwing his supporters, friends, and employees in jail. A man who can’t protect him own is very weak and it’s deeply emasculating. I think Rudy will end up behind bars soon enough.

They are concerned about making Trump a martyr. Our foes are often smarter than we give them credit for.

Pooch says:

That could be it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Right now their play is throwing his supporters, friends, and employees in jail.

That’s always been the play. It’s how shills take over the discourse in unaligned spaces as well. You leave the most visible figures largely alone – because those are easy schelling points for large-scale coordinated push back – while systematically rolling up little guys, until one day those bigger figures notice – too often too late – that they are standing on empty legs, that everyone else in the auditorium is shills shilling shills – and that’s when they move in for the kill openly; to thunderous applause, of course.

Rick says:

That’s exactly how Reddit and twitter were purged for anyone to the right of Chairman Obama.

Pooch says:

Could be a reason why large right-wing accounts like BAP and Nick Fuentes have not been banned on Twitter yet.

suones says:

Our foes are often smarter than we give them credit for.

This is what I emphasise whenever the “stupidity” of our present “elites” comes up. Not until Shaniqua is completely in power can we ever make the fatal mistake of under-estimating the ability of Molochite priests. The “average” stupidity of the affirmative-actioned Harvard dunce is not indicative of the capability of the graduate of 30 years ago who’s in some faceless organisation plotting evil.

EH says:

Trump isn’t being prosecuted because he was kafaybe. The whole thing was a psy-op from the get-go. But no one wants to believe they’ve been played.

It could be he was a knowing participant. He didn’t do much for his supporters, he rallied and unified the the left more than any of their own leaders by far. Likely he was sold a story of factions within the deep state, a believable story tailored just for him, with plenty of corroboration from different people he had known for years, and had no reason to think were responding to a common influence. Maybe he got a little too into his role toward the end and thought he could act as his own man, but then they yanked his leash. No doubt he has a gift for fooling himself first, but it’s clear he wasn’t ever planning on doing anything but a bit of pro-forma rearguard action.

jim says:

Trump is not being immediately being prosecuted for the same reasons as King Louis and Tzar Nicholas were not immediately prosecuted.

Before can say “Trump is not being prosecuted”, give it a little while.

Anonymous Fake says:

Out of curiosity, what was the most red pilled media in the 1990’s before anyone was on the internet? I trusted The Economist and The Wall Street Journal the most then, when the establishment conservatives were perceived as the most respectable people and leftism was for dropout plumbers, welders, factory workers, basically union thugs who deserved to be replaced by immigrants and largely were.

Things are different now. I suspect things were different then, too, but I have no source that would suggest otherwise. All I know is that the National Review has never been any damn good.

I was just reading the most conservative media in the front of the library back then. I’m thinking the real stuff was kept in the back next to the dirty magazines.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The age of broadcast was also an age of progroid domination; ergo, the most red-pilled media in the age of broadcast by definition would not be found without going out of your way to find it. In which case, it is more about paying attention to particular figures, and seeing what outfits at the time would publish particular figures at the time, such as Sam Francis or Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, Instauration, Chronicles, et cetera).

>when the establishment conservatives were perceived as the most respectable people and leftism was for dropout plumbers, welders, factory workers, basically union thugs who deserved to be replaced by immigrants and largely were.

What fantasy world do you live in?

Guy says:

Jim Goad? Back then everything wasn’t necessarily overtly political and the most redpilled people weren’t really writing about national politics.

Also, the tradesmen who were into union politics that you call leftist are a far cry from the soulless garbage that come out of universities. I’m struggling to conceive of the personality of and lifestory of someone who ends up with your positions. Your comments are uncanny. It is difficult to imagine your failure would not cause you to rethink your position, there must be some reason you hold onto your belief that you made the right choices despite so decisively demonstrating to yourself that you didn’t. What kind of person complains about leftism while claiming he deserves more money because he went to school and it’s not fair?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*repetitious and unresponsive*]

jim says:

I feel your pain. I sympathize, all of us have been hurt by the same forces as are hurting you, but you are blaming the wrong people. You are blaming the victims of those who have hurt you, and defending the power, the wealth, the arrogance, and the capability to inflict harm and suffering of those who have hurt you.

And most of this stuff has been argued before. For example you claimed before that school performance causes people to buy real estate near good schools, and I replied before that “good schools” is code for “places where my kids will not be beaten up by niggers, and my wife raped by niggers” And you talked about trickle down economics before, and I replied that everyone followed Reagan’s tax policies, and continues to follow them to this day, because Reagan demonstrated that taxes on the rich and the middle class were far, far, far above the laffer limit.

You are not responding to those arguments.

By repeating yourself, and thus provoking other people to repeat themselves, you waste bandwidth. So censoring you.

Education is a ponzi scheme. The only thing professors teach, the only thing they can teach, is how to be professor. And thus, because they feel for their students, because they feel for people like you, they want more professorships so that they can find jobs for people like you, which requires more kids to attend school for longer.

You are a victim of this ponzi scheme.

Anonymous Fake says:

> For example you claimed before that school performance causes people to buy real estate near good schools, and I replied before that “good schools” is code for “places where my kids will not be beaten up by niggers, and my wife raped by niggers” And you talked about trickle down economics before, and I replied that everyone followed Reagan’s tax policies, and continues to follow them to this day, because Reagan demonstrated that taxes on the rich and the middle class were far, far, far above the laffer limit.

> You are not responding to those arguments.

The problem is that it is so utterly low in status in the real world to complain about the blacks, and high in status to have absolutely docile children whose presence is coincidentally repulsive to blacks. This is the state of the culture. The catch is, I suspect in retrospect that there were red pill people around then, and they encouraged integration just to troll white flight money into the town from the cities, but this doesn’t matter now and it didn’t do anything for the education true believers completely clueless about race. So there’s no room for real world race realism, and if Jared Taylor can’t pull it off no one can.

But what can be done is school reform and that’s what I’ve been trying to encourage among the right. Local schooling always means strict standards for the right and participation trophies for the left, by nature, and this is how they perform entryism on institutions, by showing off their rigged credentials. They couldn’t do this with universal standards. Shill tests always end up becoming false opposition meant to raise the shill tester’s status, not effectively filtering out any leftists at all. The alternative paths are random selection of workers and universal meritocracy, because the rules of the game we’re in now favor the left.

Now as for defending trickle down economics, that is defending the indefensible from a moral perspective. The rich are motivated to become rich for all the wrong reasons and they threaten the careers of Christians who question these reasons. Confiscating their capital (or at least plausibly threatening to do so) so they won’t become abusive to working families is morally right even if not economically optimal according to Laffer curves or some other ‘spergery. Economics is mostly fake anyway as I’ve mentioned with cost of living rigging and fraudulent mass migrations that never would happen if accurate pricing was enforced across regions.

Hard work and good character used to define the corporate elite. As I mentioned before, globalist competitiveness is a lot higher now and becoming an elite involves more cheating than talent now, so over time just as with Ivy League schools that used to train priests the institution became less religious and eventually completely atheist, the opposite of its original state. For some reason the right can see this happen to academia, but corporate culture is still a blind spot.

jim says:

> there were red pill people around then, and they encouraged integration just to troll white flight money into the town


Integration has always targeted groups and communities suspected of being redpilled with the intent of lowering their status by getting them and their children beaten up and their wives raped, destroying the wealth they have built in real estate, forcing them to abandon their homes and gardens. Thus the destruction of Detroit was accompanied by the demonization of the white man on the car assembly line as Archie Bunker.

They burned Detroit and drove out its people, drove out the people who built it, in order to make it low status to complain about the blacks.

> But what can be done is school reform and that’s what I’ve been trying to encourage among the right.

Schools are inherently priestly institutions, and your proposed school reforms are all more power for the priesthood, more centralization for the priesthood, and more Harvard authority over the priesthood.

We need to burn it down and replace it with enforceable apprenticeship. All your proposed reforms are confiscating power over children from their parents and giving that power to priests in the big cities, and confiscating wealth from people in the countryside, and giving it to people living off the big city economy of the finance, welfare, education, crime, insurance, and real estate sectors.

Now as for defending trickle down economics, that is defending the indefensible from a moral perspective. The rich are motivated to become rich for all the wrong reasons and they threaten the careers of Christians who question these reasons.

As your rightism is actually leftism, your Christianity is actually demon worship.

Christians get rich by creating value, and a Good Christian, like the Good Woman in King Solomon’s Proverbs, and the Good Servant in Christ’s parable, creates value and capital.

Exhorbitant taxes on the wealthy are not motivated by the need of the government to confiscate value, but the need of the envious to destroy value. It is not that they want what other people have, it is that they want other people to not have it. Income tax is a violation of the final commandment, motivated not by the need to fund the state, but by hatred and envy.

Once again I tell the story of the little girl and pringles:

One child opened a container of pringles, and started to take out one pringle. The little girl screamed like it was the end of the world, like she was being eaten by tigers. She charged him with a full body tackle, even though he was bigger than her, and grabbed the container of pringles from him, resulting in pringles flying everywhere, screaming continuously.

If she wanted a pringle, she could have waited a couple of seconds, held out her hand, and he would have given her a pringle. Or waited a couple of seconds more for him to put down the container of pringles, and then picked it up. She wanted him to not have a pringle because at that exact moment she did not have one.

Some time later she complained that another child was being unfair and greedy because he was hogging the ball and not sharing. But by that time he had stopped playing with the ball, and it was just lying around on the floor. Nothing was stopping her from picking it up. She was unhappy because the other child had had fun with the ball. Which seemed to her terribly unfair and deserving of punishment, or at least reprimand.

That little girl is who wants income tax. The point and purpose of Income Tax is not to obtain revenue, but to destroy it.

If a ruler taxes income, he finds he has allowed his overly mighty servants to destroy revenue.

You, Anonymous Fake, had your life destroyed by the Education system, and instead of seeking your life back, and seeking vengeance on those that wronged you, seek rather that those whose lives were not destroyed by the education system should get their lives destroyed also. You hate those that were not destroyed, and seek that they should suffer.

You feel yourself, not wronged by those that harmed you, but wronged by those who avoid or manage to recover from the harm that you suffered, like the little girl who felt herself wronged by the little boy eating a pringle, and the little boy having fun with a ball.

Yul Bornhold says:

What do you mean by enforceable apprenticeship? The state enforcing or the guild/master? Enforced how?

jim says:

In the normal case, enforced by father and master. If the father changes his mind, he has to pay compensation to the master. If he does not pay the master, he is in trouble with the guild. If he does not pay the guild, in trouble with the state.

If the boy runs away from both guild and father, the state returns him to his father and expects the father to sort things out.

Pooch says:

Exhorbitant taxes on the wealthy are not motivated by the need of the government to confiscate value

It has been exposed that the elite pay very taxes as they don’t really have any taxable income. The borrow infinite dollars against their assets. The tax system is designed to extract wealth from those who do actually create value and do have taxable income, the middle classes.

Pooch says:

Very little taxes*

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for the usual absurdity of Marxism*]

jim says:

We had this debate with CR, and we are not going to have it again.

We have already discussed Marxism You are not adding anything new by confidently repeating absurdities that I have already addressed.

If you make a relevant response to my article, I will allow it through. If you just confidently repeat Marxist claims already discussed and rebutted at considerable length, I am going to silently delete you the way I silently delete all the others.

I have been letting you through because you seem to be genuinely evil and insane, rather that working of someone else’s script, but this crap is just boring old fashioned Marxism, which is a dead horse that needs no further flogging.

Those lies were threadbare and worn out six score years ago. That bird will not fly, that dog will not hunt. Not only are you casting seed on stones, the seed has been dead for over a century. Further discussion is unlikely to be profitable. It has been unprofitable for over a century.

Anonymous Fake says:

It’s more like being upset that the top 10% of men claim the top 40% of women, leaving behind the crazies and sluts, not a case of hogging a ball or pringles or a limo or other trivial materialistic trinkets, etc. The response to this, the Jeremy Meeks phenomenon, further makes things worse for the formerly solidly respectable middle class salary man, once the most prized of all mates in leaner times. Now both the rich and poor are more respected than the blue pilled beta male, but this can be fixed by confiscating the wealth the rich earned through bad motivations, and giving it to the poor so they have an incentive to switch mating strategies to being providers too, not thugs. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

All of this is morally right and the fact that it would increase the sexual value of nerds like us is either just a coincidence or a good sign that we’re the moral people. We don’t care if the Laffer curve says it means less utility overall, if that means less consumerism and more family life. We are the right.

I don’t see anyone getting rich by working a job and creating value. I see wealth as a result of speculation, exploitation, bad communications of pricing information, usury, etc, and even if all of this could be fixed the motivations of the rich (sex/drugs/power) are never good. Actually good uses of wealth, like flying cars so suburban red voters can get key administrative careers in the important blue cities hundreds of miles away, mysteriously never happen. Like, fusion power.

It’s as if quality has to be determined first before quantity, and truth before power. This used to be taken for granted.

jim says:

> It’s more like being upset that the top 10% of men claim the top 40% of women, leaving behind the crazies and sluts, not a case of hogging a ball or pringles or a limo or other trivial materialistic trinkets, etc.

You have never been close enough to a woman to see how they act sexually.

The really rich, for example Bezos, fail to get pussy.

It is not a tiny minority of crazies waiting for Jeremy Meeks next booty call. All women are like that. All women are waiting for their next booty call until their eggs dry up and their looks fade.

When we see a rich person getting pussy, for example Donald Trump, he does not get pussy merely by being rich. He has to do the kind of stuff I have to do – but which Jeremy Meeks can do better than either of us, because Jeremy Meeks has no assets for the government to confiscate.

If the wealthy had any influence on the culture and the social order, they would manipulate the social order in ways that got them hot fresh young virgin pussy. Since quite obviously the rich are not getting hot fresh young virgin pussy, they cannot possibly be the source of the corruption and debasement. The rich and red pilled are doing what I do, and having a little more success in doing, because they have the resources to stage stuff, and they can afford an entourage (which comes in mighty handy for picking up chicks) The rich and blue pilled are having a really bad time. No one is getting what they want.

If there was one woman on the entire planet who was as you imagine woman to be, she would have found her way to Bezos’s office when she was hot, young, and virgin.

If you are in a prison cell doing life for rape, murder, and cannibalism, hot chicks will find a way to your cell. All Women Are Like That.

If you own a skyscraper, and you are in the corner office on top of the skyscraper, hot chicks are not going to find their way to your corner office. No Women Are Like That.

No hot chicks found their way to Bezos’s corner office, and hot chicks did not find their way to Trump’s corner office, rather, he set up an elaborate apparatus to manipulate them into going along with minions who brought them there, doing on an incomparably grander scale what I have done on a considerably humbler scale.

No Woman Are Like That. Not one woman in the entire world.

No women are like that, and anyone who thinks that some women like that exist is a lonely loser living in his mother’s basement masturbating to anime.

alf says:

nerds like us

Could you be any more ‘hello fellow white men’?

Noticing you try very hard to use our shibboleths. Which is somewhat impressive. But this whole cutting and pasting together our words to push leftwing ideas gives off a very Frankensteinish feel.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Now both the rich and poor are more respected than the blue pilled beta male, but this can be fixed by confiscating the wealth the rich earned through bad motivations, and giving it to the poor so they have an incentive to switch mating strategies to being providers too, not thugs. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

You are literally insane. You lack sanity. Sanity is a coin of which you are impoverished. The degree of sanity which you possess is insufficient in comparison with other men. How else can i go on…

The Cominator says:

If you hopelessly suck with women you should have read my how to fuck strippers for non chads.

jim says:

Better to be a chad and not hopelessly suck with women.

Women are not that hard when you realize that contrary to what is continuously depicted in the media, women are not men, and realize that the courtship dance depicted in the media is wildly and disturbingly unrealistic.

If you have performed the real courtship dance, and then see the media courtship dance, it is as disturbing and revolting as a drag queen. Women seem to lap up the media courtship dance, but in real life, will not perform it.

Pooch says:

Women are not that hard when you realize that contrary to what is continuously depicted in the media, women are not men, and realize that the courtship dance depicted in the media is wildly and disturbingly unrealistic.

This was my exact experience. As my father gave me no good advice with women when I was young, I tried to emulate what men were doing on sit coms when it came to dating with predictably disastrous results.

If you hopelessly suck with women you should have read my how to fuck strippers for non chads.

If you hopelessly suck with women you should be reading Heartsie cover to cover. Can get it in paper form I believe on Amazon.

The Cominator says:

A blind man cant be a sniper nor a fighter pilot…

I do not have it in me to larp as a fake bad guy.

Pooch says:

I do not have it in me to larp as a fake bad guy

Not necessary. You just have to larp as a man, which is not a larp at all. Women crave masculinity.

The Cominator says:

PUA fails for me in clownworld, hell even its practicioners who used to be good reported things lately are on nightmare mood. Roosh before he went religious said things were getting hard…

I got sick of it and i like my alternative that is easy and works.

jim says:

My alternative is mighty hard, but it works better.

Pooch says:

Old school PUA-style leaving the house with the goal of cold approaching X amount of women is a grind and not recommended. In today’s world easier to hit the dating apps and social media and approach women who you see in your day-to-day life if the opportunity arises.

Roosh, although he has made valuable contributions, honestly was and is not fully red-pilled on women which is why he doesn’t own a woman now.

jim says:

Blue pilled Christianity will tell you that God does not want you to own a woman.

But Gnon definitely does want you to own a woman.

Pooch says:

Roosh said things were getting hard because he was doing solo cold approach game (no longer had a crew of single men), which is very hard and has always been very hard (but not impossible).

jim says:

Solo approach game is simply contrary to nature. Women are forever looking for a strong man in a strong tribe. (Albeit you can create the plausible appearance of a strong man in a strong tribe over social media, and then she shows up for a solo meeting.)

Just do social media of yourself in another identity (don’t attach an identify vulnerable to state power to your social media face) throwing a party, and being seen has the host and big man at the party.

Alpha males are naturally inclined to treat the host as the big guy, so will cheerfully be props.

You have to be alpha male of the group if you are hitting on a woman by herself, or else in a group of men hitting on a group of women.

suones says:

Roosh is in pain because he resists his blood too hard. Even now, if he wishes to give up material comforts provided by the West in exchange for family, he can start by learning Farsi, accepting Baphomet, moving to Iran and sharing in Baphomet’s female blessings. I have no doubt Baphomet will provide him with four wives and a dozen kids, for that is the one real gift that Baphomet gives that YHWH doesn’t. But he has to LARP as a YHWHegian, so he shares in the sad fate of all men who worship him. Iranians will even give him a scientific job in a university or research institute if he proves loyal.

A man who dishonours his father deserves no peace. Roosh needs to remember that.

suones says:

flying cars so suburban red voters can get key administrative careers in the important blue cities hundreds of miles away, mysteriously never happen.

Watching the Klein AirCar test flight gave me a strange spiritual satisfaction like the time I saw SpaceX rockets land vertically on their tails, “like God and Henry Ford intended[1].” The Klein craft is quite obviously a car that can fly, rather than a driveable plane. I would’ve expected something like this to come out of America with its sparse population and great distances to be covered, but the test is in Slovakia of all places.

Anonymous Fake is right that it will never get regulatory approval as a car. Aircraft “regulation” exists to strangle the aeroplane industry and prevent any innovation from happening, in the guise of “safety.” Witness how “regulation” was unable to prevent obvious stupidity from Boeing that actually got people killed.

[1] Apologies to Jerry Pournelle.

jim says:

We had the flying car sixty years ago, and the people who got it then got grandfathered in.

They have what is legally their original plane, though every part has been replaced many times, and fly it on their original license. But now they are dying off.

alf says:

Com maybe there’s a cute girl out there right now, lurking Jim’s blog, thinking to herself: omg Cominator knows so much about history, I’d wish he knew as much about my body… ^_~

Pooch says:

Alf you laugh but I’ve noticed there are supposedly based RW Twitter female accounts doing just that. Wherever there is a male space with alpha males, women strangely find themselves around there trying to smoke them out.

The Cominator says:

Alf there are no women on the internet.

jim says:

There are no women here.

But there are women on tinder, on facebook, lots of places. You want to pull a woman over the internet, you go where they go. Women are always posting the female role in the mating dance, so you post the male role in the mating dance.

Pooch says:

There’s plenty on RW twitter. One broad even got together with a large anon RW account and they live together now.

The Cominator says:

The one thing I do on twatter (an enemy site and unlike facebook is not tied to any RL friends) is PM BAP who is sort of an old purely online friend.

If I end up with a permanent woman it will either be due to meeting a foreign girl or doing what Lou Pai did…

alf says:

Every male endeavor on the internet attracts women, even world of warcraft. Quality may vary of course.

As for this blog… Walls of argumentative texts probably don’t attract too many women. Maybe a few autistic ones? That’d be perfect for you Com! Almost a shame we are so stringent about anonymity…

Pooch says:

As for this blog… Walls of argumentative texts probably don’t attract too many women. Maybe a few autistic ones? That’d be perfect for you Com! Almost a shame we are so stringent about anonymity…

Yeah text forums like this are not a good tool for women to gauge who the alpha is. Social Media is perfect for them as they can instantly see who has the most followers, likes, etc. Decently attractive women emulate BAP-isms, post with his book, and sniff all around his twitter without even knowing what he looks like which is pretty funny. Just the fact that he has a cult following gets them wet.

Atavistic Morality says:

omg Cominator knows so much about history, I’d wish he knew as much about my body… ^_~

The thought of a *censored*man in his 30s or 40s writing this is hilarious. Very enjoy, much worth, I kinda miss the old school 4chan shitposting.

The Cominator says:

Well if any commenter came here and claimed to be a woman I definitely would tell her “Tits or GTFO”!

yewotm8 says:

>but this can be fixed by confiscating the wealth the rich earned through bad motivations, and giving it to the poor so they have an incentive to switch mating strategies to being providers too, not thugs. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

I honestly thought this was a caricature of the kind of posts you make. Then I scrolled back up and saw your name. Absolutely mind blowing.

suones says:

I was online in the 90s. Usenet was already an old thing by that time. Everything which Jim posts here was discussed on Usenet, with people using real names and real e-mail addresses. “Red-pill” was not a thing because the ‘net was extremely redpilled. Such 4chanisms as “There are no women on the Internet” or “Hitler did nothing wrong” predate social media.

Mainstream lugenpresse has been cucked for as long as I can remember, definitely the 90s and possibly the 80s. 80s give a different impression due to the Reagan/Thatcher axis developing in the west, but that was only a local maximum of good in an otherwise evil time. Just like 2016.

Cloudswrest says:

I remember when AOL came online. It was the beginning of the end.

Rick says:

I lived in LA during the aftermath of the LA riots. After the riots Mexicans mass deported the nignogs out of LA with violence and areas of LA that had previously been no go zones were safe to actually visit. Not a peep about this ethnic cleansing from the liberal and conservative papers. The LA Times finally ran a story on it in 2005, almost 20 years after the process was complete and they still fucking lied about what I witnessed with my own eyes.

Name fags never speak the truth. Not then, not now.

Green Fields says:

>when the establishment conservatives were perceived as the most respectable people and leftism was for dropout plumbers, welders, factory workers, basically union thugs who deserved to be replaced by immigrants and largely were.

Ya gotta be McKiddin me

Anonymous Fake says:

[*repetitious and unresponsive*]

Noname says:

@suones, Horse rancher actually. But, even were he a pig farmer, that is a useful occupation if you can get over the stench. And you’re correct, the center of his universe is Metaphysics.

Vaccine Plan says:

In order to keep my place at college I am going forward with the vaccine plan suggested by some users here. I have selected a pharmacy operated by two Persian women, one of whom administers the hosts herself. I will go tomorrow evening to receive the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. I will tip the woman $500 before she administers the injection. The pharmacy looks like it’s not making much money so my donation will hopefully be welcome.

I’m a bit nervous and wondering if anybody has any advice on what I need to do to make the plan work out well for me. Do I need to give a more generous tip?

onyomi says:

No tips, but do let us know how it goes. Thanks.

Rick says:

Best I can recommend is watch the The Barbarian Invasions (2003) and make sure you don’t actually get the shot.

Pooch says:

That should be enough. Be confident like you’ve bribed people before and it’s no big deal.

Pooch says:

Oh and pull the money out and show it discreetly as you offer to bribe her. You want them looking at the green so they know you are serious.

Karl says:

Bribery is an art, like seduction. So the advice that can be given by writing is very limited, but I’d suggest to make it very clear what the tip is for and that you expect a certification of vaccination for it. How you phrase it depends on your style and circumstances.

If unsure, I’d first offer the tip for the possibility to inject myself without anyone present. If that is declined, you might have to clarify that you want only the certification of vaccination, but not the vaccination

Contaminated NEET says:

White supremacist bioterrorists bribe public health officials to deliberately spread COVID!

You’re playing with fire here, guys. If you’re going to commit a crime, don’t talk about it in a public forum first. So far, the vaccine bribe plan has all been hypothetical, but this is getting concrete and and actionable.

Please do not confirm in writing if you do go through with it.

Vaccine Plan says:

I took this advice and decided to tread the straight and narrow path. I will not disclose my vaccine status to my school and I will submit to twice monthly covid testing.

jim says:

Complying with legality is normality bias. Most affluent, respectable, moderately successful people that I know massively and seriously break the law all the time.

Contaminated NEET says:

Sure, but do they discuss it in writing in public?

Karl says:

Are you aware that these commenters are all anonymous?

Are you aware that most comments here and allmost all of Jim’s writings are crimes, depending on your jurisdiction worse crimes than bribery?

I understand your point about playing with fire, but we are doing it in room that is already burning.

The Cominator says:

Even in times of mass purges you are far more likely to go down because someone personally wanted you to go down then for actual crimes.

In Soviet purges most were purged not because they hated the system because nearly everyone hated the system, but because someone with some influence hated you and wanted something you had. The exception was the 1937 purge when Stalin finally in full control of the state directed Beria (who said all sorts of anti-communist anti-revolutionary things during his career and made no great secret of it and rather than being purged was protected by Stalin and used by him as Stalin knew he had no problems with killing communists) to purge nearly all the true believing Marxists.

Rightists kill their enemies, but leftist kill their friends.

Pooch says:

That’s not that bad. Maybe you’ll meet some based friends doing the same thing.

Javier says:

I would go the path of printing your own vaccination card–there’s plenty of examples online and you can easily create your own with some cardstock and a printer. You could even laminate it. Cost less than $500 anyway. If they actually try to verify the record you can just shrug and say, “Hospitals always screwing up, what can you do?” Zero real chance of that though. The school just wants you to go through the motions for them so they can mark their checkboxes and be in compliance. They don’t *really* care about the disease.

The Cominator says:

Bah we’re not talking about deleting Cathedral grandees in minecraft. In anarcho tyranny everyone constantly breaks the law because its impossible not to.

Contaminated NEET says:

>In anarcho tyranny everyone constantly breaks the law because its impossible not to.

The tyranny portion of anarcho-tyranny is right here, right now. Enemies are reading your words, looking for a crime so they can lock you up and shut jim up. Don’t do their job for them.

alf says:

It’s the recurring debate of courage versus stupidity.

To in the face of danger have a straight back and say ‘fuck you I’ma do the right thing’ is pretty inspiring. When I see others doing that, motivates me to do the same thing. Makes me feel less alone, less black pilled.

At the same time, if publicly announcing that you’ll do the right thing gets you arrested or whatnot, as for instance happened with businesses who resisted lockdown on instagram, kind of stupid.

Where the line is, hard to say. The idea of this place is guaranteed anonymity, which makes saying the right thing a lot easier, even if it blatantly breaks the law (and much has been said here that breaks the law). But some reservation is never a bad idea.

jim says:

Do what is needful but keep your ass covered.

I have the nigh miraculous ability to speak to police. The cop on your beat is likely to be on your side, and you want him to feel that the crime you have just committed is totally justified, but you obviously cannot tell him “I committed that crime and it was totally justified”. He will arrest you in an instant. But I allow him to infer that, so that he will feel even less motivated than he usually is – and the cop on the beat is alarmingly unmotivated to arrest criminals in the first place. No end of paperwork is likely to ensue, even if he arrests some dumb thug, and considerably more paperwork if the criminal is someone who can afford a good lawyer, and possibly pull strings.

But most people, if they so much as tell a cop the time of day, will wind up being convicted of every unsolved crime in the neighborhood, so perhaps I should not be giving this advice, as few people will be able to give effect to it successfully.

But here is some advice that is likely to be more useful, and less likely to get you imprisone”

It is hard to get arrested unless someone is individually and personally motivated to have you arrested.

The man that gets arrested, and frequently executed, in a left singularity, is someone that some leftist was motivated to have arrested, which usually bears little relationship to thought crimes or even concrete acts of rebellion. The man who gets arrested is usually someone who is close to the leftist who wants him arrested. Being close to leftists is dangerous at the best of times, and likely to get a lot more dangerous soon.

The Khmer Rouge killed about a third of the Khmer population. But they killed near all of the Khmer Rouge, and for the most part those people were tortured to death over several days, while the ordinary victim was killed relatively quickly.

The Cominator says:

Yes i made basically the same comment about leftist purges, to quote a bad movie “they live to settle scores and they have a lot of scores to settle”. But most people should not talk to cops, cops tend to be dumb thugs who exist to ruin your day. They are lazy most of the time but they have quotas and times when they are trying to fill them.

jim says:

Thinking of the cop as a dumb thug, which is to say someone lower in social class than yourself, is going to get you arrested during an interaction with him, even if you are in fact as innocent as the day as long. You should treat him as a fellow alpha male.

Obvious, most cops are not the sharpest chisel in the box, and it is inadvisable to use long words when talking to them. But long words should not be relevant to the conversation.

Chris Rock produced a public service video for niggas “How to not get your ass kicked by police”, which depicted niggas doing dumb nigga stuff in their interaction with police, resulting in cops beating the crap out of them.

As an affluent white intellectual, you are unlikely to do any of the stupid stuff Chris Rock depicted, and thus unlikely to get the crap beaten out of you, but you are likely to do other stupid stuff that is likely to get you arrested and convicted, regardless of innocence. The converse behavior is likely to get you off, regardless of guilt. I think I could do a similar video “How not to get arrested”, for affluent white intellectuals, depicting upper class intellectuals doing stuff very different from that done by dumb niggas, but equally stupid.

The fact that I am a great deal smarter than any cop I am likely to meet does not cause me to look down upon him.

The Cominator says:

I look down on them because they are (in 4chan parlance) the tranny jannies of the regime.

The Cominator says:

I very very very much try to avoid interactions with state agents and have so far never been arrested but were I’m being questioned on suspicion of a blue collar crime (if it were a white collar financial crime or some national security “crime” it would be different, I don’t like fbi fags or glowniggers either but their average intelligence level is much higher than that of normal cops even if they are more likely to be true believers in progressive insanity)…

Isn’t the best thing to do is shutup and just say “lawyer”.

Pooch says:

Don’t talk to feds or fbi ever as they are extremists but beat cops like Jim said can be talked to if you are treating them with respect as a fellow alpha male. There’s a ton that work out at my gym and they are just normal alphas who are friendly enough if you are asking for a spot or advice on technique.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you live in a city then [s]you get what you deserve[/s]cops you might encounter are products of the city machine.

If you live away from cities, then your neighbors are the cops you encounter.

Pooch says:

If you live away from cities, then your neighbors are the cops you encounter.

Well said. If you live in the right community, ie not a shitlib metropolis, you know the cops by name and ask them how their day is going when you see them.

Noname says:

It’s probably possible to talk your way out of a situation as Jim says. But, keep in mind they would not be talking to you in the first place unless they thought you knew something or did something.

Not all of them are the same either. Some adhere to ideology, some are pension hunters, others are just lazy civil servants. Keep in mind they are lied to all day by real criminals and it doesn’t take a genius to sniff out a lie.

If you have any preconceptions or fear or just the nervous type, they might sniff that out. Your tone of voice, a quick side glance, poor choice of words could betray you.

Be confident, maintain eye contact, and answer directly and move on. Don’t give too much information.

If you’re actually in the cold room being questioned, you’re a suspect and you’re not going to talk your way out of anything. Say you want a lawyer and sign nothing and don’t unburden yourself on the jailhouse snitch.

Read the Ried Technique if you want to learn more about interrogation techniques.

Aidan says:


No. If you say “lawyer”, the cop thinks “guilty”, and “I have to do paperwork now” and will haul you in, and maybe throw every charge he can get away with at you. If you talk to the cops and manage to charm em, they think “he’s a good guy”. Cops sniff out guilt and fear. If you feel totally justified in your actions, -without confessing to anything-, their gut instincts will tell them “innocent”.

Pooch says:

There should be a distinction between federal and local law enforcement. The proper response to the FBI should probably be lawyer.

Karl says:

Cops have very different incentives than state prosecutors. What Jim say about interaction with cops is one thing, but there are crimes where you deal directly with the state prosecution, e.g. posting stuff on the web.

In such cases the facts are clear, and the only question is whether is its punishable or not. State prosecutors love such cases if they can show their holiness by prosecuting rightists. Usally they will finethe person (if they can stick a name to crime without much work). Most people will rather pay the fine than to fight the case through 2 or evern 3 instances.

So for example, if some simple mind in Germany posts on facebook that Merkel’s opening of the border brought crime and terror to Germany, the prosecutor will work on it and prosecute the case no matter what the simple mind or their defence says.

Most simple minds won’t spend the money to hear the constitutional courts on this

The Cominator says:

Even if they start prosecuting people for web posting in and of itself in the US (Rick Vaughn is really the only case of a guy they went after just for that, and if they start purging people they are more likely going to go after leftist redditors for insufficient leftism) you’re not going to be dealing with local beat cops but feds and glowies. The US attorneys are not going to have much of a difference in belief or agenda or even background from them.

FBIfags tend to be lawfags too.

Javier says:

As the saying goes “locks are for the honest,” so too do I say Laws are for the honest.

The most common attitude I get from real-life police is “if you commit a crime please for the love of god do it where we don’t see you and don’t tell anyone.” They know crime happens non-stop and they know their actions barely put a dent in it, and they don’t cry over dead hookers and crackheads. The Wire is a very accurate show, no one wants to catch a body, but if no one saw it it didn’t happen. Rape becomes assault, theft becomes vandalism, murder becomes missing person, etc. Most crimes are either really easy or impossible to solve, cops naturally gravitate to the former so you can get away with a lot by making yourself one of the hard cases.

Much of it comes from misconceptions of how prosecution works. There are basically only two ways to get convicted of a crime: eye witness or confession. That’s it. All other evidence is gathered in an attempt to secure these. All that CSI bullshit of gathering 1000 pieces of circumstantial evidence to trap people in a inescapable web of proof is just too hard most of the time and too risky. You run into the OJ problem where the guy is dead to rights in every way possible yet he just maintains that iron-willed frame of never confessing and bam, he walks. Recall the Zodiac killer was interrogated by police several times. He just never confessed. No prosecutor even wants to risk that outcome, they are expected to have a 100% success rate. You can spend your whole day working on one dead hooker or go after the guy who’s an idiot and already admitting to shooting a hooker, and if you can pin more than one body on him even better! It’s all numbers to the brass.

That’s why the old advice is still the best: STFU. Never talk to cops. Just don’t. Most people cannot avoid self-incriminating. Even if the cops have no intention to prosecute you, coming up empty makes them look bad so if they can charge you with some random dumb shit they will. The feds love “lying during interrogation” or whatever crap they charged Flynn with. Works every time. Just saying you had toast for breakfast when you really had waffles to a fed is a ‘crime.’

In the case of a forum like this a prosecutor may show you the statement and show some IP link they have to you or an email address. Then they will lean on you with all the bad things they can do to you and hope you confess. Don’t. Just SHUT UP. Most of what they say is a lie or a bluff and they can’t do shit. If you just keep your damn mouth shut you’ll be fine. Or at least you won’t make it any worse; talking to police NEVER helps.

Aidan says:

No, not never. If you are interrogated at the police station, that is the time to keep quiet, but most of the time, the cops will accost you in public, suspecting you of a crime that recently happened nearby, or they will knock on your door without a warrant looking to “talk to you”, if you are already suspected of something, and that is the time to apply your charm and frame and avoid charges.

Getting charged with political crimes is a different story, but in that case there is nothing you can do to help yourself. Any situation where an individual officer’s decisions could help you avoid arrest or charges, you want to talk to them. I’ve seen B&E and burglary reduced to mere trespassing in this way, and not in a plea deal, but before charges were ever filed.

Javier says:

Maybe you’re the exception, maybe you only thought you talked your way out of something and you were never really in trouble. Either way, better off saying nothing.

I am not Jim, I will not charm the cops. If they knock on my door, sorry, I have nothing to say, close the door. Shit just opening your door can allow them to peek inside and drum up PC for a warrant.

I have a strict script I follow for traffic stops where avoiding saying anything at all is impossible (as a kid I got several tickets but it’s always worked since I started using it), but only because I scrupulously avoid admitting any wrongdoing.

In the case of downgrading charges, that’s just standard cop statistical fuckery. They probably had a quota, decided the guy wasn’t a real danger, so they downgraded the charge to avoid the hassle. That’s playing with fire no matter how you look at it, could have easily gone another way esp. if an actual prosecutor heard about it (cops don’t bring charges and neither do property owners.)

You’re right about political crimes but it still holds that talking won’t help you, only make it worse. No need to do their job for them, make them work for their dinner. Sometimes they may decide the meal isn’t worth it.

Guy says:

Having some denial of wrongdoing based script for traffic stops is unnecessary and counterproductive. I’ve been pulled over dozens of times for speeding, a couple times pulled over when obviously alcohol impaired and/or after having smoked marijuana and in a car smelling of it. I talked to the officer like a fellow man and they’ve always told me to go home, this stop never happened. If just a speeding thing, a warning.

Now in the conversation when ive been drinking I might have mentioned my cousin on the force. When asked if I would pass a breathalyzer I once said, I certainly hope so otherwise I’m fucked. No test of any kind was given.

They fuck you if they think you’re a jerk. Acting all sovereign citizen or talking about your rights is what they don’t like. If you want to go to court over a speeding ticket then I guess you can do the whole shut your mouth thing, but that means you don’t value your time very high.

Aidan says:

I find that Jim’s advice is personally true, but it’s almost as hard for me to put it into words as it is for him. I have dodged some pretty serious charges just by talking to the cops. Unable to afford a good lawyer in my youth, I have charmed prosecutors, public defenders, and judges into getting me sweet plea deals in the rare cases I have been charged, charged with far more minor offenses than I could have been. And I personally know people who have gotten out of far, far more serious crimes through the same skills. Also, if you ever end up in jail awaiting trial, be on your best behavior and try to make friends with all the cops you encounter during the process. They are certainly reporting back about who is good and who is trouble.

I think it is all about frame. Like Jim has said before, you treat the cops with the cheerful politeness of an eighteenth century gentleman, politeness that is enforced by the potential of violence between two alpha males. Do not protest your innocence or confess your guilt. You must act like what you were doing was completely normal, good, and natural, while also holding the frame that it is completely normal and good that the cops have some concern about your behavior. Treat it like a business meeting or something; a serious situation, that deserves to be taken seriously, but not divorced from a little levity and human connection. My father was very good at dealing with the police, even though he is not very alpha and not very dangerous, and I learned by imitating him, so if you have some charisma it shouldn’t be too hard to pull off.

I act as if the cops and I are on the same side, and I very subtly imply that we are part of the same tribe. The cops will usually question you, and that is the time to throw a little small talk in. “What do you do for a living?” turns into a reply where I mention wanting to get out of the city to start a family, and so on. There is a video I often see circulated entitled “do not talk to the cops” where some law professor tells you how to avoid incriminating yourself by maintaining dead silence around police, but this is the worst advice imaginable, because it assumes rule of law, when in reality whether you get charged or not is up to the very human cops. If you immediately start off by pleading the fifth, you will get every charge on the books thrown at you, simply for being a pain in the ass. Men of the same tribe do not act like that around each other, and you need the cops to see you as a member of the ingroup and not the outgroup.

Rick says:

I’ve loving watching the left steal the NYC election.

Pooch says:

LOL…I was just about to post that. They aren’t even trying to hide it now. It’s a shame for NYC because Adams is actually sort of based when it comes to black crime.

The Cominator says:

Lol they apparently threw these fake votes out…

Rick says:

Did they throw out the fake votes or Adam’s votes? How could you tell difference? The first part of the steal is get the vote totals so you know how many votes you need to remove or add to win.

Pooch says:

Yeah, as the least left candidate, they are trying to steal away from Adams, not for him.

Javier says:

Presumably as a trial run for all elections going forward, all the ballots were fake. 100% mail-in/electronic + “ranked choice” makes recounts effectively impossible–typical NYC election worker is an 85 IQ fat black woman, they can barely count to 10 let alone 100,000. Election machine simply selects candidate and outputs a plausible vote total.

They got caught so they’re calling it a “mistake” which everyone knows is a lie, shit if the media is admitting it you know the problem is 100x worse than they say.

The ongoing battle between the Indian government and Twitter just got hotter. Twitter now booked under the stringent POCSO Act (Indian child sexual harassment laws) by the Delhi police:

It may be recalled that Twitter has been experimenting with “Trumping” BJP leaders and censoring “right wing” accounts in India.

Rick says:

Does the right have Militia’s in India? If so they need to beat up twitter employees in the street much as Antifa does to Republicans in America.

Unfortunately no. The few Hindu right wing militia groups in India are scattered and lacking cohesion and subject to as much official suppression as the right wing in the US. Occasionally they get in the news for some “violence” or the other.

Alas the establishment Right in India is as cucked as the Empire counterparts.

Rick says:

You better get that shit inorder. The proud boys formed far too late to save the American Republic.

someDude says:


Recently, in the Indian province of Bengal, a bitter old hag won the election and the aftermath of that victory was that over the next two days, her Goons targeted and killed Right wingers in the double digits,

Q. And what did the Indian right do in retaliation?
Ans. P. Diddly Squat!

American Right: Looks Tough, is Soft
Indian Right: Looks Pathetic, IS Pathetic

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Indian right to act anytime soon. In all probability, the Indian Right came to an End sometime between 1818 and 1849. What they have passing for the right is just downright pathetic.

suones says:

This is a fair assessment of the present situation. Blackpilled, but fair. I have argued before that there actually is no real “right” wing, as in Dharmic wing, in Indian politics. There are only various groups of Leftists, some crazier than others, fighting for the scraps of faded glory. The least Leftist leader was probably Subhash Chandra Bose, who was disappeared in 1945, and he too was a Leftist of the Mussolini-stripe.

That said, even a single step to the right is better than two steps to the left. I never countersignal bhakts. The Demon of Doubt must be cast aside if Victoy is to be obtained[1]. Har Har Modi!

[1] While watching out for the Demon of Pride, of course.

someDude says:

Should some of us start looking into an Indian version of Islam whereby we can declare the Arabs, Turks and Persians all to be apostate and that Allah granted the Indians and only the Indians the right to Mid East Oil?

Seeing that Hinduism is dead in the water, what is our plan B?

We need a new religion as spandrell says. What’s your plan? if there is a plan!

The Cominator says:

Isn’t that basically what Sikhism is?

suones says:

OG Sikhism (Nanakshahi) is a Hindu movement worshipping god “Akal” (Timeless) in an organised way, possibly to get over the Muslim increase in status of “Monotheism.”

It transformed in the time of Mughal Emperor Jahangir into a major religious movement involving both Hindus, and, to Jahangir’s surprise, Muslims too. This proved irksome to more fundamentalist Muslim rulers who proceeded to purge Sikhs as heretics.

This state of affairs continued till Guru Gobind Singh when the Muslim purge finally concluded and the lineage of Gurus was replaced by the Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib, the eternal “guru.”

The zenith of Sikhism as a political force came with the East India Company, which sponsored Maharaja Ranjeet Singh against Muslim and Hindu Rajput alike. Since then, Sikhs have broadly divided into two streams — one which considers itself Hindu and the other which is resolutely anti-Hindu. The former group has been slowly losing ground to the anti-Hindu brigade which has found powerful allies in Muslim Pakistan and Prog Canada. Dubbed “Khalistani,[1]” Sikhs were responsible for innovating the first plane bombing in modern times, the Air India 182 “Kanishka” bombing, whose conspirators were sheltered by Anglos in Canada, and still are.[2] Khalistani Sikhism is a Prog-approved religion, and Sikhs adhering to that belief are the “chosen immigrants” in Canada like Muslims in Germany.

[1] “Khalistan” representing a “Sikh homeland” on the pattern of Pakistan that can openly become Baphomet’s/Pakistan’s bitch.

yewotm8 says:

Sikhs in Canada must be very good at hiding their support then. I grew up in an area that was majority Sikh and never heard a good word about Khalistani independence from any of them. I have no doubt progs in Canada are butt-buddies with them, indeed one of them leads the proggiest political party here.

suones says:

Support for “Khalistan” has dropped considerably over the decades, so much so that the Chief Minister of Punjab (India) refused to meet the Canadian Defence Minister, a Sikh, when he visited his native village. This is what a reduction in status looks like.

The problem is not “Sikhs in Canada support Khalistan.” It’s that 1) Sikhs are the “chosen minority” in Canada, serving as the tip of the prog dildo (like the NDP), and 2) Khalistani Sikhs are sponsored by progs as an anti-India tool in association with Pakistan. The heyday of Khalistan terrorism included them perpetrating some dastardly act or another every week, and culminated in two Sikh guards assassinating India’s Prime Minister Smt Indira Gandhi (a woman and party I despise, but killing her was wrong).

someDude says:

Sikhism is tolerant of Non-Sikhs. That’s not what we want in the new religion to replace Hinduism.

Besides, the sikhs are like 2% of India’s population. Clearly it did not catch on. Let’s just call Sikhism, New religion 1.0 and try to make New Religion 2.0

suones says:

Seeing that Hinduism is dead in the water, what is our plan B?

There is no “our” plan, as you’ve evidently choked on the blackpill. I’m sticking to Plan A, which is establishment of Ram Rajya. All enemies shall be routed, and their women brought back to the true faith. For every Bengal there is a Gujarat, for every Maharashtra there is a UP. Plan A is, necessarily, a muti-generational endeavour, which is why I do not put much stock in dead-ends like Vajpayee, Modi, or Yogi. But Shri Ram will prevail in the end[1].

[1] This is what I mean by having an unfettered Will to Power. You actively have to 100% believe in Victory for it to have any chance of happening. No hedging is possible with Adharma.

I agree. But another reason why I disagree with someDude on a new religion to replace Hinduism. Why bother? If we cannot protect our millenia old Dharmic culture and traditions which contain invaluable truths of the cosmos and reality, what is there left to fight for? We might as well surrender entirely to Baphomet / Moloch.

someDude says:

Okay, let’s keep those invaluable truths of the cosmos and reality into the new religion. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. But how about the following?

1. Bring back the formal system of excommunication from the Faith. Prog hindus to be excommunicated as outcastes

2. No more of all that all religions are equal bullshit. A formal announcement that We are the best and it is our job to aggressively spread the Dharma or atleast kick out all evil doers and non believers from the sacred Land.

3. None of that vasudeva kutumbakam Bullshit either.

But can Hinduism the way it is today do it? I don’t think so. We have to first figure out a way to excommunicate the Hindu Progs. I just don’t see that happening. We really need a new religion that is the Child of Hinduism but has learnt from Islam

suones says:

someDude anna, our points 1, 2, and 3 are obviously included in Ram Rajya. I’ve proposed some safeguards on those lines.

1: Excommunication will not work without making the heretics low-status. In the current scenario, being a prog Hindu is high status, enforced by the courts (primarily) and by Govt (reluctantly). I’ve planned something about this, but will reveal only if Shri Ram grants me power.

2: There is no hedging possible with Adharma. Sparing Adharma from total destruction is a crime and a grave sin against Dharma.

3: The Devil can cite scripture for his purpose. This is simply cherry picking a line from Scripture and pretending it means something when it does not. This is why I advise commoners to refrain from studying Vedas/Upanishads etc and focus in Bhakti to Shri Ram instead. “All united in Brahman” is not the same as “all men are created equal.” Absent proper exegesis, any Scripture can be spiralled into ridiculousness.

Practice is better than theory. I practice in daily life what I preach here or elsewhere. I take every opportunity to guide the genuinely curious, and to put upstarts in their proper place. Ma Saraswati has blessed me with logic and rhetoric and I make full use of it on the side of Dharma. Sometimes my friends and i joke about starting a Hindu cult movement, in a half-serious way. But we have to make ourselves ready to withstand the inevitable attacks first, and not repeat the mistakes of Swami Vivekananda.

jim says:

> and not repeat the mistakes of Swami Vivekananda.

What mistakes do you have in mind?

He seems to me to have been converging Hinduism to poz and to have been an agent of Harvard. Harvard paid him substantial amounts of money. Harvard was then, as now, a religious institution. What is a hindu Swami doing on the payroll of a non Hindu religion?

Aryaman says:

Unfortunately there is little in old type Hindu scripture that is palpably of use to center a religion around. What we tangibly have is the inheritance of a body of rituals through pretty unworthy priests, which are only tenuously connected to the historical religious program. Frankly must have been this way since at least well before the last reports of Damascus steel production in the late 18th century, but that production itself the last dying remnant of technology from a more vital civilization, that had a fuller religion. It is pretty likely there has been a serviceably unadulterated transmission of the vedas from this era and from before this era, as evidenced by exactness of the match between what is produced by disparate groups but apt to lose that soon too, if nothing is done.

Until and unless you get a king that can properly marshal the old religion into something that is palpably of use, may be better off with the King James Bible and Book of Common Prayer, which probably closer evokes the spirit and meaning of the more worldly aspects of what old type Hinduism conveyed to modern anglophone Indians than translated and misinterpreted fragments of what we have.

Certainly, I still meditate – or try to meditate – on the Gayatri mantra every day, but not lost on me that I should keep in mind the lord’s prayer as well. What I am saying of course has little resemblance to the form of missionary Christianity that has actually developed in India.

But the problem here really is just that the people who have not emancipated themselves from obligation to father, husband, god, country, etc. are not very smart whereas those who have are.

suones says:


and not repeat the mistakes of Swami Vivekananda.

What mistakes do you have in mind?

He seems to me to have been converging Hinduism to poz and to have been an agent of Harvard. Harvard paid him substantial amounts of money. Harvard was then, as now, a religious institution. What is a hindu Swami doing on the payroll of a non Hindu religion?

Haha you seem to have enumerated the very things I mentioned as “mistakes.” I indeed meant avoiding the capture of any renaissance by Harvard. I’m especially critical of Swamiji’s attendance of and involvement in the whole “World Parliament of Religions” crap.

someDude says:

Suones Bhai, You are permitting the perfect to be the enemy of the Good

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Taking already existing structures and running with them is the good.

Positing an unrealized but abstractly ideal novelization presumed to perfectly solve the issue is…

someDude says:


I see your point, but I’m really desperate, mate. And I have no idea what to do. Spandrell’s new religion thing speaks to me.

What I really want is the Bitch of Bengal to laundry all my soldier’s clothes all day long until she collapses of exhaustion. New Religion 2.0 appeared to promise that

Desperate times call for desperate measures and this is getting pychologically unbearable.

jim says:

Calling it religion 2.0 is a poor marketing move, and also apt to weaken its hold on ancient social technology.

Much better to call it Pauline Orthodox Christianity. Russian Orthodoxy is headed our way. We then say not that we got there first, but that Paul got there first.

I believe Twitter is merely testing the waters for a full-blown social media attack on “right wing” in India around the time of the Indian General Elections in 2024.

They are clearly planning to “Trump” Narendra Modi.

Noname says:

The High Priest of Covid has decreed the season of the Delta variant. Soon we shale be compelled to receive the holy sacrament of SARS/HIV serum again.

Covid, a scam from its inception, a festering boil on the ass of humanity. So that if one could lance it and drain the putrid puss, at the bottom of the wound, there you would find Anthony Fauci.

The Cominator says:

Who else is celebrating that Cosby is being freed, roasties finally BTFO!

Atavistic Morality says:

Vox is whining about it, this guy is so cucked on women and is also a Qanon retard, sometimes I can’t tell what side is he on.

The Cominator says:

Looking at his site even his normally slavishly loyal base of commenters are against him on this, Cosby was railroaded for reasons similar to why Malcolm X was murdered. But worse Cosby tried to buy part of the mainstream media and obviously he did not get an okay…

And out of the woodwork comes Gloria Allred…

Rick says:

Reading Sundance’s comments is pretty good as well. Looks like the Red Pill is firmly taking root in the few remaining people’s that are called “conservatives”.

Pooch says:

It’s kind of hilarious that Vox is exactly what he ridicules, a Q-Anon boomer.

Caltech Dreams says:

Yeah I’m not sure to what extent his alpha game was all bluff. Fencing bear is an art historian yet apparently Vox said women should only be mothers and helpmeets. He even went after the pagans for viking rape. Somehow they arent useful against the “pedo-jews.” Even though Cerno and Roosh are supposedly red pilled on the rape question. Sounds pretty inconsistent if not entirely suspect.

Rick says:

On that note:

>“After punching me several times, he then flipped me back onto my stomach and began choking me with hair,” she said, according to The Athletic. “I lost consciousness again.”

>When she later was found to be shaking and crying, he tried to calm her and told her she was safe, she reportedly said in her declaration.

If you’re going to act like General Butt Naked, you have to play the role to hilt.
Trevor Bauer is going to end up in jail because he decided to beta out during their second encounter.

jim says:

I did something somewhat similar – betaed out and got arrested. I allowed her beauty to unman me. I was never charged, but of all the illegal acts that I have committed, that was the only one that got me taken in to the cop shop.

suones says:

‘Roid Rage, not General Buttnaked. The General never loses frame because he’s not playing a role — it really is him, 100% of the time.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Roid rage is Cathedral propaganda against masculinity. It does not exist. Testosterone makes men smarter and more emotionally stable. Some men are just assholes, and the Cathedral uses this to punish and degrade all of us.

suones says:

Only half true. The crucial factor with our ancestors with high testosterone is also high self control. Dharma shastras relate the story of the great warrior Karna (son of Surya/Apollo) who, as a child, was bitten by a scorpion but didn’t flinch for fear of waking up his guru. When his guru finally woke up and saw Karna’s leg badly swollen and the boy in great pain, he immediately realised that this boy is of high birth.

General Buttnaked is the Anti-Aryan archetype: high testosterone/aggressiveness and near zero self control at all times.

An Aryan with very high testosterone should also have very high self-control. Think about the man able to give a controlled beating all night long, or one who can man a machine gun turret for 48 hours straight.

Low-birth proles have naturally poorer self control — and lower testosterone also so it doesn’t usually cause problems. Giving this category of person exogenous steroids boosts his aggressiveness temporarily, which he is unable to channelise, and when the boost subsides he returns to his original prole/beta frame. This is ‘roid rage.

alf says:

But injected testosterone also lowers fertility, so it seems roids are not the way to go.

Cloudswrest says:

This reads like romance novel bullshit.

jim says:

Because almost all rape complaints are (apart from “my boyfriend caught on”) really “I thought he was alpha and he was not” rape complaints tend to sound like Romance novel.

Cloudswrest says:
Pooch says:

Pretty good long form Yarvin podcast if anyone is interested. They hit on CRT and a bunch of history.

The host is terrible and stutters but Yarvin’s mic skills have improved I’ve noticed.

restitutor_orbis says:

Yesterday the Daily Mail ran a scary headline: “Almost 42,000 more Americans could die if half of all unvaccinated adults contract Indian ‘Delta’ Covid variant!”

The article went on to explain that 70 million Americans are unvaccinated and “just 15%” plan on getting the shot. Therefore 50% will get Delta, and 42,000 will die. That’s based on official NHS data about the fatality of Delta so far.

42000 / 35 000 000 = .0012 = 0.12%

Meanwhile, at, “CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.” The table on the page shows that in 2012-2013, the flu infected 34 million Americans and caused 43,000 deaths.

DELTA: 35 million infected, 42,000 deaths
FLU: 34 million infected, 43,000 deaths

This is inarguable data straight from the sources – Delta is mathematically the flu. I’ve shared this with various normies and their reaction has been either refusal to accep the facts, or to say that means we should keep masking and lockdowns for flu, too.

Pooch says:

At this point any one who still buys into corona hoax isn’t going to simply change their minds with facts and logic. It’s purely ideological.

Wally says:

Except of course that it looks like Delta is more, not less, deadly to vaccinated patients. More deadly by a large factor. Oops!

jim says:

What appears to be happening is that the spike protein is a cumulative toxin, and every additional dose you get increases the likelihood of serious consequences.

They adjusted the dosage so that two doses would not have serious consequences for most people – which means they adjusted the dosage so it is not very effective in stopping the virus. And if you then get the virus anyway, you then get a third dose, which means dosed by an amount of spike protein that is likely to do serious and lasting harm. Because if it was not likely to do serious and lasting harm, they would have used a higher vaccine dose.

Aryaman says:

Hard to tell how effective or ineffective the vaccines are at preventing the virus from killing the people it was going to kill, since the people it was going to kill so very few. I assume they cannot get their manipulation straight between holiness spiraling about the deadliness of the new variant and holiness spiraling about the efficacy of their vaccine program, though I suspect the effect is adjusting cases up and deaths down; though in Scotland cases really are up and deaths really are down.

I follow your logic on the dosing but not sure that is what is happening here. Maybe. More likely they really do not even understand how to standardize dosing in the case of their mRNA vaccines, not to mention the absence of adjuvants. The meaning of “dose” is pretty well-understood for old school vaccines. But I suspect they do not really understand the antigenic loading of the mRNA shots, which itself may vary with exact administration of the shot and other idiosyncrasies.

For example, between late January and early April they seemed to have no idea how cold the mRNA needed to be kept, for how long it could be kept in slightly warmer environment. And since then have quite dramatically increased the maximum temperature from well below freezing to noticeably above freezing. Tells you at the least they had no idea well into rollout how stable the mRNA was. Or tells you they wanted to reduce the effective dosage on the fly accomplished by letting the vials warm a bit and sit a bit warmer for a bit longer. Or they had to do this because logistics of the cold storage supply chain were not good enough to satisfy broad just-in-time supply absent good profit motive.

For example, between late January and early March they seemed to have no idea how many doses were available per vial. Originally 5 then suddenly 6. Or maybe 4 then 5. Tells you they had no idea what constituted appropriate dose. Or tells you they wanted to reduce effective dose on the fly. Or they had to do this because logistics of production and development and expiration were not good enough to satisfy broad just-in-time supply absent good profit motive.

Midwit journalists like Nate Silver cheerily reported and but now have forgotten on and bout these little debates, as if such fundamental questions of dosing and stability would be or should plausibly have been subject to such whimsical experimentation. Without realizing that the parameters being modified could not but have affected the pharmacology and toxicology of what they were injecting.

suones says:

Except of course that it looks like Delta is more, not less, deadly to vaccinated patients. More deadly by a large factor. Oops!

Except that Indians vaccinated with Indian vaccines have mostly shrugged off the strain (very low infection rates compared to exposed population, very high recovery rates for vaccinated even with extensive co-morbidities and old age). Perhaps your vaccines are not really all that protective?

I was surprised at the efficacy and near-zero adverse effects of Covishield, which is a derivative of Oxford/AZ formula. Covaxin, the conventional vaccine, is on another safety level entirely. Notably, neither vaccine is approved in the USA.

jim says:

> Perhaps your vaccines are not really all that protective?

They are not effective. As I said, same problem as putting wings on a orbital vehicle for re-entry from orbit. It is the decline of science and technology. The guy who invented the technology gets silenced for spreading “misinformation” about it. (Meaning accurate information about its actual characteristics and capabilities.)

The RNA vaccine is only effective at causing immunity at dosages likely to kill the vaccinated. To avoid die off spectacularly greater than even that caused by iatrogenic misconduct in the response to China flu, they had to dial it down to dosages ineffectual in causing immunity.

There are no end of cool and important things that could be done with RNA reprogramming, but instead it is being used as high status prop for ineffectual priestly rites by demon worshiping priests.

The real reason they put wings on the space shuttle is because the wings made it look cool and high tech, while they were losing the capability to do stuff that was genuinely cool and actually high tech, and that is the real reason for using RNA cellular reprogramming for a vaccine.

The actually useful RNA/DNA technology for vaccines is to create by genetic engineering live viruses that cannot cause significant harm, but which induce cross immunity to the original virus, as the original vaccine, cowpox, the vaccinia virus, immunized against smallpox.

They should have created a live, but nackered, version of China Flu and infected everyone with it, they same way that long ago they successfully infected everyone with the live vaccinia virus, completely exterminating the smallpox virus.

suones says:

They should have created a live, but nackered, version of China Flu and infected everyone with it, they same way that long ago they successfully infected everyone with the vaccinia virus, completely exterminating the smallpox virus.

Covaxin, a killed/deactivated virus vaccine is close in mechanism of action to the highly successful polio vaccine. No wonder the medical priesthood is extremely hostile to this vaccine in particular.

Even so, considering how much doom and gloom regarding Oxford/AZ vaccine I saw, its Indian implementation in Covishield has proven remarkably safe and effective. This leads me to suspect there is some problem in vaccine manufacture in Europe/USA.

jim says:

> This leads me to suspect there is some problem in vaccine manufacture in Europe/USA.

It the same problem as the space shuttle. The SLS rocket depends on ancient parts from the space shuttle program, because they just cannot make that stuff any more.

Some technologies continue to advance, but some are disappearing, and every so often some critical capability just goes away, and everything that depends on that capability goes down.

Aryaman says:

I believe what is happening in Scotland settles the question on the “Delta” variant. They try to manipulate these numbers in various ways so it is never an apples-apples comparison, but are not coordinated or intelligent about their manipulations so still okay to infer. Cases there are at all-time highs, and deaths have barely moved. 70 percent of the population has had at least one dose, more than 50 percent both. Proof vaccine working? Clearly there is a ton of “transmission”. Proof it stops death? Well, 30 percent of an all-time high should still cause plenty of notable death. Most likely explanation is that what was a pretty bad flu has mutated into literally the cold, as was apt to happen.

Alternatively possible that vaccine stops virus from killing the people it might have killed, and not just 70 percent but 98 percent of the people it might have killed have been vaccinated.

whizzo says:

Crops gonna fail this year, or very low yields. Same in other parts of the world too, Brazil, Argentina etc.

Famine, to follow the vaccine-induced plague.

Xi rattling his sabre today, rumors of wars.

Itz happening.

jim says:


Xi is not rattling his saber. His plan “non violent” takeover of Taiwan, backed by the threat of violence.

Taiwan is not a program of world conquest.

Famine is not going to happen. There are shortages of everything caused by runaway expansion of the money supply – we face a threat of inflation, not hunger. But even if we get severe inflation, it will be a long way short of Weimar levels for a long time. High levels of inflation are just a way of getting rid of a national debt that has become excessive.

Of course, having shrugged off the debt, and shrugged off social security obligations, if they still cannot balance the budget due to anarcho tyranny, things are going to go down hill from there, but it is a long way downhill before you get to Weimar.

The plan is to get rid of the national debt and get rid of their financial obligations to old and disproportionately white people, and then, they think, they will balance the budget. Though I think it will take a Stalin or a Cromwell to deal with that problem.

Mountain says:

Widespread famine is always a part of communist takeovers. For example with Mao and Stalin. The United States is now being taken over by communists. Why do you believe there will not be famine in the United States?

jim says:

The famines happen about after price control of food, which always winds up screwing the farmers.

No price controls on food yet, and our leftism is not holiness spiraling on feeding the hungry.

The Cominator says:

Yes inflation and even economic contraction alone rarely causes famine.

suones says:

Famine, to follow the vaccine-induced plague.

Don’t worry. Shri Indra the god of thunder has blessed us with an early and plentiful monsoon, and we’ll produce enough surplus food that you can buy it from us cheap. Similarly in 2020 when we had such a gargantuan yield that Govt literally had to give away food to people by the cartload (which was the reason there was no hunger/starvation despite massive COVID-related disruption).

I see trucks laden with grain standing in line to be unloaded, I see vegetable markets overflowing, and I realise that the gods bless us still, and I say a silent prayer.

Basil says:

It seems to me that the best thing to do in our time is to create your own community / movement / church. First, it makes it possible to find a large number of guys with similar views, who in the future can become your comrades in arms. Secondly, you will become part of the tribe, which is good in protecting your own interests. Thirdly, in the most catastrophic scenario, you can escape and not dissolve. The nobles and officers who escaped from Russia disappeared into the European nations, while the collectively migrated Old Believers retained their identity.

On the other hand, the stealth factor is lost and the chances that Satan will set his minions on you increases. But if you disguise yourself as something inconspicuous (eco\permacultural settlements, organizing festivals, literally the larping of the Middle Ages, whatever) everything should be fine.

jim says:

Every group, every business, every Church, every open source project, every political party, gets targeted by state backed entryists. As soon as they get a toe inside, they use state power to get the whole camel inside.

Your community movement is not going to stay red pilled unless it acts decisively against entryists, and if you act decisively against entryists, is going to get Wacoed.

The Invisible College had good reason to be invisible.

Basil says:

The camel can go to the desert and survive. In any case, he will be able to provide at least some resistance to the forces of evil. Yes, it’s a risky game, but it’s better than walking on roads that lead to 100% failure.

Either way, you need to hide your apple cart. Some degree of conspiracy would not hurt.

Pooch says:

Apple carts are not going to stop getting knocked over until it becomes dangerous to those who are doing the knocking over. Best you can do is find an apple cart somewhere that is going to be knocked over last or even better, no one knows is even an apple cart.

suones says:

Best you can do is find an apple cart somewhere that is going to be knocked over last or even better, no one knows is even an apple cart.

We Hindus have been individually pursuing this strategy for a thousand years. It is viable, sure, but only while fertility remains higher than the rate of attrition. This is not a long term solution. As our elite fertility declines we’re reaching the end of the viability of this strategy. For europoids with fertility already at sub-replacement levels this is a death sentence.

EH says:

The biggest potential apple-cart-overturning opportunity I’ve found is the use of civil RICO laws against most large organizations.

EH says:

Jim, did you mean to leave me under moderation? No reply needed.

jim says:

At one point you were plausibly suspected of shilling, and then you passed the shill test with flying colors. I cannot recall, but I conjecture that I put you under moderation when plausibly suspected, and failed to take you out when you passed.

Upon being reminded, I removed you from moderation.

jim says:

What do you mean “potential”?

Happens a lot.

EH says:

Civil RICO in most states can be brought by anyone against anyone *chargeable* (not indicted, charged, or convicted) with any of a wide variety of crimes, including any that are specified as qualifying in any other state or federal law. These include not only the classics such as wire fraud (already applies to nearly anything) and all the violent crimes, drug crimes (including having dealer tenants), harboring aliens etc… but filing a false document, abuse of the elderly or disabled (which includes financial coercion), conspiracy to commit any of those crimes, and on and on – just listing the qualifying code sections goes on for many pages. In some states it can be brought by individuals against government agencies, e.g. I’m looking at one against a corrupt worker’s comp. board and the associated insurance companies.

Civil RICO has triple damages on top of punitive damages, but also specifies that any property obtained in part through the proceeds or used in the crimes is subject to forfeiture, which potentially includes not only real estate and corporate equity but also intellectual property such as Uber’s app, iOS, Windows, domain names … anything that can be owned. For that, one has to get a prosecutor to sign off, but I believe it’s “in rem”, that is, the property itself is sued, rather than the owner, giving the owner fewer rights. Any associated loans which were secured by the property are still the former owner’s problem, the lender’s rights are extinguished, too. I’m not certain, but I believe individuals can get a share of the loot through “qui tam”.

Apartment complex landlords, for instance, have standard leases drafted by their trade associations which amount to conspiracy to defraud the public. They billed for all sorts of pseudo-utilities such as “amenities” that were not available during the lockdowns, which is theft. Any company with a regular practice of over-billing, even $25/mo. is open to RICO suits. The whole medical industry is begging to be sacked and plundered via RICO.

Of course, these have been *authorized* rackets in the past, not legally, but by corruption, but the question is: have the racketeers been keeping current with their bribes? And will ALL the judges and DAs stay bought, or will they realize that they and their people can get a lot more by overturning the big apple carts in finance, insurance, real estate and medicine?

Basil says:

Why shouldn’t there be polygamy in restored Christianity? Scripture explicitly says, “For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. ” It also says about marriage “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh.” From this it can be learned that if one wife has a child, then the second wife (who cannot have children) is also his mother and this will be saved. It is also known that there are more girls than boys. We also know that not every man can take care of his wife and children. How could God, in his wisdom, allow the road to heaven to be closed for millions of good women? God hates divorce, not strong large families. We must do his will.

Yes, some good Christian men won’t get wives. For a while. This is necessary so that we do not forget to carry the Word of God to all the nations of the world, as Christ told us.

The ban on polygamy is only for priests.

neofugue says:

Tradition of the Church over the last 2000 years.

Akin to divorce, polygamy was given as a concession only because of the hardness of the hearts of the Jews, but was never God’s will from the beginning.

jim says:

> The Orthodox aren’t interested in reactionaries redefining Orthodoxy to further temporal goals.

I notice the sudden enthusiasm for celebrating married saints. Seems like the Orthodox are interested, and the more interested the further they are from the power of the Cathedral.

Yul Bornhold says:

Jim, you seem to have edited your response on top of my comment.

jim says:

My apologies. I hit the wrong key and failed to notice.

Basil says:

St. Valentine’s Day is much more popular than the Orthodox analogue – the day of Peter and Fevronia. Moreover, these people lived most of their lives in monasteries and died childless. The only advantage is that it is a holiday of married people, and not of all “lovers”.

jim says:

The day of Peter and Fevronia becoming a big deal is quite recent – it is clear what direction Russian Orthodoxy is heading. It is headed in our direction.

Basil says:

Yes, judging by the way God created man and woman, monogamy was the original plan. But then God changed his mind, because it turned out that the Jews cannot follow this and fornication is spreading on the earth, and divorce is constantly abused. In our time, people not only constantly sin for fornication and get divorced ten times, but also stopped fulfilling “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” and have long ceased to bring Christ to the lost. It follows from this that we live in even greater sin than the Old Testament Jews.

Of course, a monogamous marriage is ideal. But we are very far from ideal. The fact that fornication in modern Christians is far less questionable than polygamy is as much heresy as women pastors or approval of “gay marriage”.

suones says:

There is no way to argue this from a “Christian” frame.

From an Aryan frame, polygamy is never prohibited. Rather, it is considered to reduce social status. It is allowed, even encouraged, in some specific cases, eg for rehabilitation of young widows (a man can marry his brother’s widow and adopt her children, for example) or as a response to female infertility (which Aryans suffer more as we usually marry later). But it is still considered a desperate measure, that is justified only by a desperate need.

Basil says:

And how would the Aryans of the chariot era relate to our reality? If an Aryan from that time would have ended up in our time, what would have confused him more – the normalization of whore / fagot / betrayal, the celebration of infanticide, the self-castration of men through watching anime / porn / prostitution / hormonal therapy, the self-sterilization of women through school / “education” / career / carousel, parents who send their children to schools to learn the latest atlas of “genders” or patriarchs with multiple wives?

The formula “one wife and X-concubines”, which is quite often encountered among the Aryan peoples, is not a form of polygamy? Is there any difference other than the inheritance aspect?

suones says:

Ten Thousand Aryans of the chariot era, transplanted into modern society, would be able to conquer the world within their lifetime. “Modern” tools and knowledge is not so difficult that a smart man couldn’t master them within a few decades.

As for polygamy, yes, concubinage isn’t polygamy — the resultant offspring have no patrimony (unless adopted). Inheritance is the major issue with polygamy as practiced by Semites — every Muslim ruler is permanently threatened by a war of succession, and no dynasty is ever truly stable. Spiritual monogamy with male primogeniture is the correct way.

That said, if there is a problem of too many women around, patriarchs may take multiple wives — Dharma does not prohibit it, only discourage it. Even Shri Ramchandra’s father had multiple wives (which resulted in the sort of palace intrigues over succession that are to be expected, and a whole lot of drama that ultimately cost him his life).

suones says:
Basil says:

This is very interesting, but I doubt that Europeans with realistic attitudes have any alternatives to Christianity. If we exclude from the option the deal with Baphomet. The return of pre-Christian beliefs in working order to the European expanses is quite a fantastic scenario. We certainly shouldn’t get rid of the working pagan practices that have entered Christian practice, as some Protestants have done. But Christianity should be our main support.

And the Bible clearly states that fornication is sinful. Bypassing the problem of extra women without multiplying fornication is possible only by establishing polygamy. If the only practical difference between polygamy and monogamy with concubines is inheritance, we can solve this problem with the help of law. The Bible does not indicate how a father should make a material testament. I only found “If a man have two wives, one beloved, and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated: Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hath, that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn: But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his. ” It speaks directly about the principle primogeniture.

The first and subsequent wives (or rather their children) should have different rights to inherited property. Also, this will be some natural limitation for polygamy – girls will be more willing to become first wives, because this way their status will be higher, and their children receive most of the inheritance, and more importantly, fathers of girls will want the same.

jim says:

> And the Bible clearly states that fornication is sinful.

But what is fornication? The meaning of the words have been changed underneath us by our enemies.

The words adultery and fornication need to be understood in the context of the final commandment. If surplus single women, the result is not fornication, but harlotry. Old type meaning of whore was not primarily a woman who received money for sex, but a rather a woman who engaged in what is now euphemistically called dating, in which the money is apt to be flowing in the opposite direction.

When the Australian authorities addressed the problem of sex on the beach in the late eighteenth, early nineteenth century, they did not use the word “fornication”.

Fornication is a woman under the proper authority of her patriarch having sex with a man behind his back. If surplus unowned women, not fornication.

The core problem that the bible seeks to address is tying people down. If one party or both parties have the option to move on, long term cooperation is difficult, and we get defect/defect equilibrium, which is unpleasant, and impedes reproduction.

A problem with polygyny is it gives the man the option of neglecting his old wife, and his children by the old wife – allowing something close to divorce at male whim. Privileging the first wife, and the children of the first wife, prevents that problem.

If a man has that option, it will poison relationships with all of his wives, and result in women seeking careers in place of children and booty calls in place of marriage.

You will notice I am using the language of game, game theory, and evolutionary game theory. The problem is that the Old Christian words have been changed underneath us, making them not very useful. We can only restore their old meanings after internalization of the corresponding game theory and evolutionary game theory meanings are widely internalized.

To try and revive old meanings of words that have been destroyed by the Cathedral, while the Cathedral still has total power over all mass media, is pointless. To rectify names, going to need new names, and then explain and interpret biblical use of the old names in the context of the new, thus, when we have power, the new names will lead to a restoration of old meanings for the old words. Right now, not going to lead to the restoration of old meanings.

The old solution to the problem of unowned women was to make them extremely low status and to give them little protection against arbitrary violence, which violence was apt to be applied to enforce ownership. Or state and Church would intervene to marry them off. Or lock them up in a nunnery.

Basil says:

Do we not use words in a specific way to change their meaning according to how we use the word? If we talk about fornication in the old sense, gradually the old understanding of fornication will begin to return. At least in our inner circle. If we leave it, the enemies will continue to use it as they please, continuing to further poison Christianity with their bitter poison. In addition, fundamentalist rhetoric on this issue will find more supporters than rhetoric in terms of the Game.

If sex outside of marriage is considered acceptable, we certainly cannot create an environment conducive to achieving goals. We can have widespread sex outside of marriage, we can have strong traditional families, but we cannot have both.

If we exclude the option of polygamy, how can the problem of extramarital affairs and extra women be solved? And there will be a lot of extra women, especially when moving out of our situation. There are clearly more single experienced women 25+ than those who want to take one of them as their first and only wife. Stray dogs are unhappy and constantly create problems. Also, I don’t really understand why polygamy should spoil relationships. A man who can have many women has a high status, a man who has alternatives has a high status, a man with a large number of children has a high status, a man on whom more people depend on has a high status, and a man who is attached to his only wife has a low status. Women tend to be unhappy and ruin relationships if they question the status of the man they sleep with. If we add to the status of men, we will also increase the woman’s satisfaction with marriage.

And I’m also wondering if surrogacy is acceptable? Let’s say the wife gave birth to her husband two children, but to avoid pregnancy problems for the wife (she has poor health, he doesn’t want to risk her beauty, it doesn’t matter) and to diversify her offspring thanks to genius material (to increase their chances of success, to experiment with the appearance of children or other) other women, the husband decides to hire an outside woman – is this a violation of the balance necessary for effective cooperation or not?

suones says:

And I’m also wondering if surrogacy is acceptable? Let’s say the wife gave birth to her husband two children, but to avoid pregnancy problems for the wife (she has poor health, he doesn’t want to risk her beauty, it doesn’t matter) and to diversify her offspring thanks to genius material (to increase their chances of success, to experiment with the appearance of children or other) other women, the husband decides to hire an outside woman – is this a violation of the balance necessary for effective cooperation or not?

“Surrogacy” is an anti concept. In case a wife is unable to satisfy the reproductive needs of the patriarch, Dharma practically commands him to take another wife. Thinking about “risking her beauty” is gay. It’s like owning an expensive car but never driving it. What’s the point of “owning” it then lol? Just like an old sofa becomes more comfortable when deshaped (because it gets deshaped to more exactly fit your body), similarly childbearing makes the woman more desirable to her man, on an emotional level. Any fresh pussy cravings can be satisfied with a visit to whores from time to time. Rich people can keep full time concubines.

Basil says:

Perhaps I am thinking like a boy, but I have never seen a woman become more beautiful after the third child. Which sometimes happens after the first or second. But the more a woman gives birth, the faster she ages or turns into a bedside table. It’s just a careless attitude towards one’s own things. A woman is not only an incubator, but also a decorative animal trained in various tricks, which pleases her husband with her appearance and her service.

If the inability to give birth to a sufficient number of children is a reason to take a second wife, I want to ask about the incentives that will prevent the husband from driving his old wife out into the cold.

suones says:

After a certain time a man needs a bedside table that can make coffee according to his taste and doesn’t throw galactic shit tests. Of course, they never stop shit testing, but it becomes more of a playful formality.

…a decorative animal trained in various tricks, which pleases her husband with her appearance and her service.

That’s an odalisque, not a wife. Marrying an odalisque is apt to end badly. Just ask any of Liz Taylor’s husbands.

…incentives that will prevent the husband from driving his old wife out into the cold.

Dharma. It is your duty to take care of your parents, house, hearth, slaves, wife, animals, and children. Dereliction of any of that duty will encumber your soul with grave sin that will burn your soul in hell for a hell of a long time. Over the long term, Dharma enforces itself. In the short term, you will lose social status among your peers and family. If the bad behaviour continues, you family elders are bound to curtail your adharmic activities. Failing that, your cohort of gentlemen will see to it that your family pays the price. Failing all that, if the matter is still out of hand, the God-King will declare your entire clan as degenerates and purge you all. Failing that, GNON will purge the King.

jim says:

> If sex outside of marriage is considered acceptable, we certainly cannot create an environment conducive to achieving goals. We can have widespread sex outside of marriage, we can have strong traditional families, but we cannot have both.

Gender neutral language alert. If you use gender neutral language, you wind up speaking the enemy’s lies. Not only would an old testament Hebrew find your words incomprehensible, and if hecomprehended them, find them wicked, a late eighteenth century officer in Australia would find your words strange and disturbing.

You are trying to say Christian things from within the frame of people who hate you, hate marriage, hate Christianity, and hate Christ.

You are discussing the Christian position, the red pilled position, and the evolutionary game theoretic position, from within the frame of demon worshiping blue pilled people who reject evolution from the neck up.

The enemy has poisoned the language to prevent us from thinking thoughts that are dangerous to him.

You are using words that make important parts of the problems that you are trying to talk about and think about unsayable and unthinkable.

Basil says:

I understand what you mean, but there is a problem. A man who takes someone else’s daughter or wife without the approval of the owner violates property rights. This is a crime for which punishment is provided. Of course, extramarital sex between women and men is different crimes with different punishments.

If a man and a woman are unmarried, they must get married. If a man sleeps with another man’s wife, this is an even greater grave sin.

Rick says:

>I understand what you mean, but there is a problem. A man who takes someone else’s daughter or wife without the approval of the owner violates property rights. This is a crime for which punishment is provided. Of course, extramarital sex between women and men is different crimes with different punishments.

Conflating someone taking a unbetrothed daughter and married women is a mistake. Very different cases. The later is a death penalty offense. The former is corrected with a shotgun marriage.

>If we exclude the option of polygamy, how can the problem of extramarital affairs and extra women be solved?

As we’ve been solving the issue for millennia: mistresses. A mistresses and their children are low status and shouldn’t be allowed at all if there’s a shortage of women. That’s the traditional and time tested solution.

>Also, I don’t really understand why polygamy should spoil relationships.

Women fight endlessly with each other when both are married to the same man as they both jockey for status for themselves and their children. Creates divisions between the children. Islam proved that a half brothers are more dangerous to their siblings than any sort of external foes. The history of Islamic elites is one endless stream of fratricide and family murders.

alf says:

To my mind, if polygamy were really the way to go, men and women wouldn’t be born in 50/50 ratios.

Which is not to say I couldn’t imagine situations where polygamy is feasible. But most of those situations sound apocalyptic, like 90% of men dying.

The thing with owning multiple women is that it is similar to owning multiple slaves; the power dynamic must really be in your favor to pull that off. Most of the time, it is not. American slave owners overestimated their ability to own slaves, and to this day it bites them in the ass.

Similarly, culturally accepted polygamy tends to overestimate men’s ability to own multiple women. You get envious men, you get testy women, and the required power dynamic is very unstable.

Which is not to say monogamy is perfect. But it’s fair. The deviation from monogamy are exactly that: deviations, thus a healthy sense of taboo keeps them in order. For intance, the nature of a mistress is that what happens between you and her is a secret: you do not introduce her to your family, you do not boast about her. Thus there is a much healthier power dynamic.

Pooch says:

Polygamy doesn’t scale. Every man who doesn’t have a woman loses motivation to contribute to civilization.

suones says:


Polygamy doesn’t scale. Every man who doesn’t have a woman loses motivation to contribute to civilization.

You’ve got it backwards. The intention is that men who don’t contribute to civilisation do not get married, don’t reproduce. To be eligible for a wife, a man has to demonstrate his worth: a Brahmin has to complete his education and become a teacher/priest, a Kshatriya has to complete a tour of duty in the military, a Vaishya has to become a taxpayer, and a Shudra has to master his ancestral trade and become an independent artisan. Failing all of that, a man can join a liege lord and become a labourer, where that lord will then arrange a marriage for him. A parasite gets no wife. Since a number of men are naturally parasites, they should be bred out of the gene pool anyway.

This will lead to a problem of excess women. The King and liege lords are the guardians of all excess unowned women, and Dharma commands them to marry them off to deserving underlings/soldiers/labourers. “Mass wedding” ceremonies where unowned girls are married off to bachelors are still a thing in India, and Dharma assures the benefactor of huge spiritual rewards for this. Not to mention temporal rewards by earning the eternal loyalty of a family.

If excess women remain still, the King/Lord is obliged to marry them. This usually happens in the aftermath of major wars where a lot of young men get killed and young widows abound, many childless. Polygamy among non-consanguinous close relations is Dharmic, in that situation (like a man marrying his brother’s widow and adopting his children).

alf says:

To be eligible for a wife, a man has to demonstrate his worth: a Brahmin has to complete his education and become a teacher/priest, a Kshatriya has to complete a tour of duty in the military, a Vaishya has to become a taxpayer, and a Shudra has to master his ancestral trade and become an independent artisan. Failing all of that, a man can join a liege lord and become a labourer, where that lord will then arrange a marriage for him. A parasite gets no wife.

Sounds excessively complicated. I don’t need no state system allowing me a wife, even if that way it promises me more than one wife. I just want to woo a woman, ask her father permission to marry her, and that’s that.

If someone were to ask me for my daughter’s hand, and he already has a wife, that man better be the second coming of Jesus, otherwise, no ball.

jim says:

> Sounds excessively complicated. I don’t need no state system allowing me a wife,

You do however need a state system that will return her if she gets “lost”. (The Japanese ie system. Worked great.)

Roman system in the old Republic was that if a patriarch killed some random person belonging to a different patriarch, the other patriarch would get upset about it, and call in the priests (lawyers) who were backed by militia. But if a patriarch killed someone in his own family, even someone great, powerful, and politically important, no one’s business but his own.

The latter seems excessive. Economically independent adult male children should be emancipated from their fathers to facilitate reproduction. The later Roman Republic also had a problem where father retained rights over the wife, and wife had rights against the husband. This bad. Woman need to become wholly the property of their husband, and wholly cease to be property of their fathers.

To be backed by the state, you should need to be able to support a wife.

And for the wife to want to stick around without getting lost, people who are higher status in the state system have to be able to get away with violence against people who are not. The state should protect people it needs, and not protect worthless people it does not need, and who are likely to cause problems.

alf says:

@Suones But I see you acknowledge that polygamy is not the status quo in a different comment —

From an Aryan frame, polygamy is never prohibited. Rather, it is considered to reduce social status. It is allowed, even encouraged, in some specific cases, eg for rehabilitation of young widows (a man can marry his brother’s widow and adopt her children, for example) or as a response to female infertility (which Aryans suffer more as we usually marry later). But it is still considered a desperate measure, that is justified only by a desperate need.

So there’s really not that much disagreement.

The Cominator says:

Polygamy has not worked well for the Islamic world, what has been found by experience to fail should not be tried regardless of how pretty an intellectual argument can be made for it.

By their fruits you shall know them applies to all things.

Basil says:

We cannot know for sure what caused the problems of Muslims. Possibly tolerance for incest. Or the legal system. Or the decline of the Middle East trade routes after European geographical discoveries.

In any case, speaking of the fruits, migrants from the Middle East and Muslim Africa are taking over technologically and intellectually superior Europe without a fight. If this is the merit of polygamy, then it is not so bad.

The Cominator says:

What allows them to take over is the leftist authorities allow them to act almost as a herrenvolk in Europe. Eastern Europe where this is not allowed and they are treated as demi niggers does not have this problem, even Russia with its large Islamic population doesn’t have this problem.

Basil says:

In Eastern Europe, fertility rates are below production levels. Nationalism will not help if your country is overwhelmed by feminism. And nationalism will end if feminism doesn’t end. The countries of Eastern Europe (from Estonia in the north to Bulgaria in the south) are the world leaders in depopulation. It is only a matter of time before Africans are invited to these countries.

If we talk about Russia, over the past hundred years the share of Muslims in the population of Russia has been constantly growing and continues to grow (internal birth rate of Muslim regions + to migration from Central Asia). The Slavic population is constantly decreasing (low birth rate + outflow to Europe). This is not a success story.

suones says:

Polygamy has not worked well for the Islamic world,…

The problem with Ishmaelites is not polygamy (which has solved its purpose of increasing elite male fertility extremely well), it is divorce. This is the Semitic poison that stops a family laying down roots, and originates in Judaism (of course), but is very common across Arabs too.

The concept of “divorce” has no counterpart in Aryan thought. It is as ridiculous and contradictory a concept as “gay sex.” Easier divorce == faster social breakdown. Each son likely to kill his father and other siblings. Dharma considers marriage as an indissoluble union of souls, preserved through multiple incarnations of the body. Marriage happens before any of us are born, we just have to find our soul-mate (hah![1]) to consummate the relationship.

This is not an indictment against polygamy, of course. But marriage is irreversible, mono- or poly-. No second thoughts allowed.

[1] Soul-mate: Another Aryan concept that has broad cultural currency despite marriage having been entirely debased by Semites. Blood is thicker than Church water.

suones says:


If we talk about Russia, over the past hundred years the share of Muslims in the population of Russia has been constantly growing and continues to grow (internal birth rate of Muslim regions + to migration from Central Asia). The Slavic population is constantly decreasing (low birth rate + outflow to Europe). This is not a success story.

This is the price Rus must pay for the deal that the witch Olga made with a Semitic demon where she sold the souls of “her” flock to Him in exchange for vengeance for her husband and temporal success for her line. Literally the definition of ancestral curse[1].

[1] Credit for coining this apt phrase goes to brother DharmicReality.

Contaminated NEET says:

Suones, have you ever laid out your worldview in detail in a long effortpost or series of effortposts? I’d be interested in reading a summary of your thought, and I think a lot of others would also, because you reliably come up with novel insights.

suones says:

No I have not made a comprehensive post about this. It is simply too broad to cover in a blog. If I start such an endeavour I will have to write a great tome to be able to do it justice.

However, I keep getting surprised that these things seem so strange and unique. None of this is my original thought — I only regurgitate the wisdom of ancients as applied to current situations. Do Western Aryans remember nothing of their civilisation?

neofugue says:

> If we talk about Russia, over the past hundred years the share of Muslims in the population of Russia has been constantly growing and continues to grow…the Slavic population is constantly decreasing

Restoring patriarchy is not within Putin’s ability at the moment as the Russian elite is still heavily leftist as a result of Communist baggage. Feminism was a product of the Communist revolution, initiated by Kerensky and fully implemented by Lenin. In order for Russia to fix its birth rate, Putin will need to bring enough of the Russian elite towards Christianity that they will be willing to take the hit from the resulting cold and more likely hot holy war with the United States. As of now, the current Russian elite would overthrow Putin if Russia was subjected to an economic holy war.

The vast majority of Russia is still Slavic and is in a far better place demographically than the United States. Rightists ought to have patience for broad political changes.

neofugue says:

> This is the price Rus must pay for the deal that the witch Olga made with a Semitic demon…

It would be one thing to blaspheme Christ and the saints of the Church if India were a reactionary Hindu state with a moral Hindu elite, but India is not a reactionary Hindu state with a moral Hindu elite, India is a degenerate liberal democracy with the same fundamental problems as any other degenerate liberal democracy.

No matter how much blasphemy or “hello fellow aryan” is vomited on this blog, all of the Hindu gods are demons, and will always be considered demons. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shambhu are all demons, and no matter how much blasphemers may attribute all the evils of Communism to Christianity, Russia suffered under Communism for only a century, while India has been subjugated under Islam for far longer, until the British conquered them.

One must have self-awareness before spewing blasphemy, although that is not an attribute of one who worships demons.

jim says:

Brahma is late vedic, thus only appears in the Aryan pantheon when it was obviously succumbing to demons.

If you want to revive the original Aryan tradition, Brahma is nowhere to be found.

If you go all the way back to the Aryans who conquered India, you will find a very familiar pantheon. Indira is obviously Thor and Zeus. The religion of the chariot driving Aryans that conquered India is the old familiar Norse, Greek, and Roman religion.

Which old and familiar religion is interpreted in terms of the household religion of the patriarch’s fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers, as the ancestors of all the Aryan peoples, and the physical location of those ancestors in their earthly existence was attributed by the Icelanders to roughly the location that we now know the Aryan peoples came from. Each Aryan household worshiped its dead patriarchs, and those patriarchs are ultimately descended from Thor etcetera in his earthly existence. The priesthood kept peace between the patriarchs by coordinating the worship of very distant ancestors, that many patriarchal households tended to have in common, Thor etcetera being the among most prominent common ancestors.

Suones religion is as much a replacement religion of the original Aryan religion as Christianity is, and the trouble is that his faith comes more from the South Indian peoples the Aryans conquered (bunch of demon worshipers) than it comes from the original Aryans.

This old Aryan religion does not have a creator God. The world existed indefinitely long before its gods, for its gods are merely deified fathers of fathers of fathers, than many patriarchs and households tended to have in common.

This old religion was replaced as a result of the decline of strong patriarchs.

Among those replacements was worship of the Creator. And worship of the creator incarnated as Christ turned out to be rather good at winning wars.

The trouble with religions that worship the creator God is the tension between God as a person, and God as the ground of being. Which tension is expressed as the humanity and divinity of Christ.

This tension makes religions of the creator vulnerable to both legalism and demons. Christ resolves, or at least personifies, this tension, making Christianity resistant to legalism and ritualism, and startlingly potent against demons.

After a few centuries of strong patriarchy, I hope that our descendants will honor us, and the creator both. Should we succeed, we are ancestors and in this sense the pre christian and pre Hindu Aryan religion will be restored. And that is the only genuine restoration it can have. Having no continuous line of deified patriarchs directly connecting us to Thor et al, any modern paganism is necessarily fake and gay. The common worship of Thor et-al only worked in a society where each family worshiped its own particular and distinct ancestors.

The ancestral Aryan religion is ancestor worship:

The absolutism of Filmer, the traditionalism of Maistre, the radical corporatism of the Third Reich, were once united in the person of the Aryan House Father, standing astride his dominion, exercising his unimpeachable will, and seeing above it none but the line of fathers in his family sepulchre, those fathers who animate his very being, who form the unbreakable chain of which he is but a link, and whom he will one day join in the hereafter. Each family has its religion, its gods, its priesthood. But, large scale cooperation between patriarchs requires a larger scale religion, so, a priesthood representing the worship of more distant ancestors.

This faith, however, suffered military defeat before faiths that had better coordination because they worshiped the incarnation of the creator, so could build larger and stronger synthetic tribes through adoption by God than the natural tribes, particularly after families in those natural tribes lost the connection to their ancestral gods through their deified fathers.

The ancient Aryan religion only worked because when the priesthood invoked Thor, the congregation was actually biologically descended from the real Thor in the male line.

suones says:



Feels good, man.

suones says:


Brahma is late vedic, thus only appears in the Aryan pantheon when it was obviously succumbing to demons.

If you want to revive the original Aryan tradition, Brahma is nowhere to be found.

It is true Brahma et al are not Bronze Age/Rigvedic gods. The chief god is the Father Dyaus/Devas Pitar, whose name sounds suspiciously similar to Deus Pater, who is the Lord of Prithvi Mata, and ultimate Father of all creation.

Brahma is the Father of the current common ancestor of Indian Aryans, i.e. Shri Manu, who was responsible for preserving us through the Deluge (just like Noah preserved his people). Post-diluvian Aryans spread out to the far corners of the earth and independently developed various pantheons. It is wrong to pit Perun and Indra as different gods, and different to Thor, just as Jupiter and Zeus represent the same concept. Perun is as much an Aryan god of Rus as Vishnu is of India.

Aryan tradition is not the worship of a specific god, but rather worship of Fatherhood in general, and one’s Father in partiular. To prevent this from spiralling into ridiculousness, Dharma commands worship of at least seven generations of male progenitors. Any gods I worship are only “legitimate” for me as far as they were part of my Father’s pantheon, and his Father’s for him. The rest of the millions of gods might, for me, as well not exist. We know this, the patron gods know this, and each god looks out for his children. They are prone to in-fighting, being gods, but just like the Samrat quells infighting among his chiefs, so does Shri Vishnu quell infighting among the gods. Failing that, they are handed over to Shri Shambhu and his consort for consumption.

This old Aryan religion does not have a creator God. The world existed indefinitely long before its gods,…

This is technically correct, but incomplete. The universe as we know it is eternal, having neither beginning nor end. As such there is no single Act of Creation, nor a “Creator” god. But everything in the universe is mortal, having been created once, and thus liable to eventual destruction. Devas Pitar is an embodiment of the Sky/Universe (ancient work “aakash,” meaning sky, comprises stars, galaxies, etc.), and all creation is the result of His natural inclinations. The entities which actually carried out creation are the gods that we worship. So our Creator god is Brahma. These gods have exceedingly long lifespans, being nigh immortal, but having being created themselves, are liable for destruction in the far, far, future. Creation is considered to have got going when Devas Pitar was separated from His consort Prithvi Mata (Mother Earth) by Indra. Post Rigvedic exegesis interprets this event as Devas taking form himself and presenting as Indra — both are Lords of Thunder, for example, with their characteristic weapons being Thunderbolts. A similar postdiluvian metamorphosis transformed Devas into Zeus in Greek, for example.

The trouble with religions that worship the creator God is the tension between God as a person, and God as the ground of being. Which tension is expressed as the humanity and divinity of Christ.

This tension makes religions of the creator vulnerable to both legalism and demons. Christ resolves, or at least personifies, this tension, making Christianity resistant to legalism and ritualism, and startlingly potent against demons.

The simultaneous humanity and divinity of Christ, Son of Deus sounds suspiciously similar to Aryan incarnation of Devas into Indra, or Shri Vishnu into Shri Ramchandra, even using the same word — “incarnation,” as Latin. Shri Ramchandra is at once the son of Maharaja Dashratha, was born of Mata Kaushalya and died by immersion into the holy Saryu river, while simultaneously being Shri Vishnu, immortal and beyond time and space, the Divine of divines.

You see “Christianity” being stripped of legalism and ritualism — I see Semitism being stripped of pilpul and Pharisee-ism. The end result is a transformation of a Semitic prophet (according to Ishmaelites) or charlatan (according to YHWHegians who executed him for his crimes and castigate him even today) into what I variously call “Blonde Jesus” or “Aryan Jesus” the Son of Deus (not YHWH), together with such Semitic anathema as incarnation, “Holy Spirit” and “Trinity.” This latter memeplex is the creation of an Aryan mythos based on a Semitic seed. Henry VIII in England and Peter the Great in Russia removed the last vestiges of internationalism and re-created essentially Aryan tribal gods in the form of National Churches.

Having no continuous line of deified patriarchs directly connecting us to Thor et al, any modern paganism is necessarily fake and gay.

Unnecessarily blackpilled. Having the blood of Thor is what counts. Unlike legalistic religions, every Aryan carries his gods within himself. Cut open Goliath’s heart, and you will find Dagon. It starts with honouring your father and mother. Enforcement of eusocial rules serves as a sacrifice to the Old Gods and will shortly awaken them. “Modern” “paganism” is cucked by definition since it acts as a foil for whatever social establishment exists — regardless of the establishment being eu- or anti-social. “Pagan” itself is a blanket term commandeered by Jews/Philosemites to target their opponents. The Latin meaning of the term is benign. (Similar to how “villain” has metamorphosed from French to English).

…were once united in the person of the Aryan House Father, standing astride his dominion, exercising his unimpeachable will, and seeing above it none but the line of fathers in his family sepulchre, those fathers who animate his very being, who form the unbreakable chain of which he is but a link, and whom he will one day join in the hereafter. Each family has its religion, its gods, its priesthood.

Come now. You just described me personally. Let’s not pretend this is an impossible goal. A jihad-complete goal, sure, but not impossible. It will only take seven generations. Kudos for understanding the concept of Aryan priesthood so well too. Even though you don’t consider yourself a Prophet, I hope and pray that if a time comes when you are tested, may your gods bestow strength upon you to embrace your destiny.

jim says:

> > Having no continuous line of deified patriarchs directly connecting us to Thor et al, any modern paganism is necessarily fake and gay.

> Unnecessarily blackpilled.

Just look at modern white pagans attempting to revive the old Aryan religion. Fake and gay. It is not working.

The worship of Thor and the rest was necessarily rooted in the family rituals commemorating one’s father, his father, your father’s grand father, your grandfather’s grandfather – and if you went back far enough, your family was descended from someone now part of the pantheon, though often merely in the female line.

Without those roots, fake and gay.

> Even though you don’t consider yourself a Prophet.

That time may come, but I hope it does not, for if I am summoned to that role, things will be bad indeed.

And even things do get that bad, if I am summoned, it will only be because Lord is hard up for candidates. The job I am actually hoping for, and probably better qualified for, is Grand Inquisitor, though it will probably be called military intelligence, rather than the Inquisition. The pay is better, and the survival prospects considerably better. The time for a prophet is not yet, and should that time come, I hope someone better qualified is summoned.

i says:

Monotheism. That is the worship of the All-Father alone was the predecessor for all religions on this planet:

All the more primitive tribes of North America. Australia and even Africa have their one eternal God that is above every other “God”. And coincidentally the Pastoral Nomads are more likely to retain this Monotheism.

Just like the Mongols worshipped “Heaven” or “Tengri”.

Most commonly the “All-Father” but occasionally “All-Mother”. Nonetheless this being that is worshipped is eternal without beginning or end.

This God cannot be bribed. This God demands high moral rectitude. And there is sadness that this God has departed from fellowship with Man.

Its the more socially complex societies that have more Gods. That could have this transactional relationship.
“I do this favor and you do me a favor” relationship.

The Original OC says:

“The worship of Thor and the rest was necessarily rooted in the family rituals commemorating one’s father, his father, your father’s grand father, your grandfather’s grandfather – and if you went back far enough, your family was descended from someone now part of the pantheon, though often merely in the female line.”

Implying that worship of the nation is the closest modern possibility to the Old Gods. In the same style, nationalisms tend to select certain real heroes from the past to personify all the sons’ ancestors.

neofugue says:

> Just look at modern white pagans attempting to revive the old Aryan religion. Fake and gay. It is not working.

It is not working because the West has severed its pagan roots to the point where there is no defined Western Pagan doctrine, authority or morality, all of which is necessary in a stable religion. Paganism survives in India, and as such any clear structure for Western Paganism must originate from the Hinduism, a foreign and distant religion, which defeats one purpose of Paganism as a national or racial religion.

Suones is using the same tactics as the Progressives, only he is a Pagan entryist and not a Progressive entryist. Ascribing to the red pill on women is akin to ascribing to the idea that human sacrifice is evil, it is not an indication of one being a moral person but rather that one is not insane.

When Progressives attack Christianity, they begin by decrying Christ as “racist, sexist and homophobic” while claiming Christ is “tolerant and supportive of equality and sodomy,” at which point they enter to destroy the church. Suones claims that Christianity is in his words a “Semitic” religion, poisoning the well by associating Christianity with modern Judaism to mark Christianity as a foreign religion, while claiming that Christ is in reality an “Aryan Jesus who masks the old gods.” As Christ tells us not to throw pearls at swine I will not bother with Suones’ blasphemies, but Christianity believes in one God, all others being demons in disguise, and that the world has a beginning and an end, with the faithful looking for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Christ was the fulfillment of God’s promise to Eve that one day the Son of Man would conquer death, and that he would descend from the line of David.

Suones lies about Peter I and the Holy Synod, which rearranged church administration but did not change the doctrine, foreign relations or practice of the church. One can ascertain this from reading Holy Synod Procurator Konstantin Pobedonostsev.

There is no “blonde Aryan Jesus,” Jesus Christ has historically been portrayed as of the Jewish people. Aryan Jesus is a Jesuit invention, as all historical icons portray Christ as a descendant of David:

This is out of place, but censoring enemies of the state religion is part of the task of maintaining a faith. The reason Russia fell to Communism was that it was not brutal enough in killing and destroying liberals, marxists, and foreigners. If Suones were to spew his blasphemy to the Russian people as a “hello fellow Aryan” he ought to be sent back, if not to India then Siberia. If this blog wishes for Christianity to be restored, it must keep Pagans and their ilk in check.

As a reminder the purpose of the Creed, recited in Slavonic at each liturgy, was to stop Pagan entryism:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father; by whom all things were made:

Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man;

And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried;

And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;

And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;

And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end.

And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets;

And we believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.

We look for the Resurrection of the dead,

And the Life of the age to come. Amen.

suones says:

I doubt that Europeans with realistic attitudes have any alternatives to Christianity. If we exclude from the option the deal with Baphomet.

This is an argument from pragmatism. Which is fine in itself, although I disagree with it.

But Christianity should be our main support.

This, however, is a moral judgement that absolutely does not derive, can not derive, from the argument above. Why should worship of a desert god be your main support? As I mentioned elsewhere, europoids actually worship someone called “Christ” who is the son of Deus, not a Jewish carpenter who claimed to be the son of YHWH, who YHWHegians executed for his crimes. Considered together with such Semitic anathemata as incarnation, “Holy Ghost,” and the “Trinity,” it’s as if the people wanted to (continue to) worship Deus pater despite Constantine’s shenanigans, and have found a way to (continue to) worship Herachrist, the Son of ZeusDeus. I only seek to remove the fig leaf of Semitic affiliation.

Oog en Hand says:

It should be Dharma to learn Gothic, Old Norse and Old Slavonic.Don’t waste time to debate people who do not take the Language Pill.

Muslims and Orthodox Jews can afford to be purple pilled because the Cathedral doesn’t understand Hebrew and Arabic.That is why the Cathedral tolerates them as flunkies/shock troops against groups who must take the blue pill good and hard.

suones says:

A Brahmin who does not know Sanskrit is no Brahmin at all. Dharma commands a priest to be a master of the language of Scripture.

So yes, I concur with your opinion, and rather like your “Language Pill” coinage.

The problem with applying this to Rus is that Old Slavonic is a derivative language created by foreign agents to impose their Semitic frame on an Aryan people. We Hindus have experienced the same, but by our Fathers’ blessings and our relatively high priestly population we have managed to maintain records, and even rediscover some thought to be lost. Rus has not been so lucky.

Cyril and Methodious have completely purged Rus of any mention of pre-Semitic Scripture or even culture. It is as bad as if we Hindus had to learn about our history from books written by Ibn Battuta. I find it impossible to believe that either there were no priests in Rus at all (extensive temples and idols exist), or that they didn’t manage to write anything down (stone carving was a penchant with ancients). I suspect the priests got converted/purged and the records, as far as they existed, were subjected to Year Zero treatment so beloved of Semites.

Unless some major archaeological discovery digs out the Russian equivalent of Brahmi or Futhark, I expect study of Church Slavonic would only constrict the mind. Slavonic today is a tool of the Semite, just as Latin has become. Fortunately for Latin (and Greek), the original, non-Semitic splendour is well-preserved. Not so for Slavonic.

neofugue says:

> Cyril and Methodious have completely purged Rus of any mention of pre-Semitic Scripture or even culture. It is as bad as if we Hindus had to learn about our history from books written by Ibn Battuta. I find it impossible to believe that either there were no priests in Rus at all (extensive temples and idols exist), or that they didn’t manage to write anything down (stone carving was a penchant with ancients). I suspect the priests got converted/purged and the records, as far as they existed, were subjected to Year Zero treatment so beloved of Semites.


neofugue says:

In all seriousness, language is an essential element of faith, and no matter how many modernists attempt to subvert the church, Old Slavonic will always be part of what it means to be Russian Orthodox, and will always be the language of prayer for the services and the clergy.

A more important element, however, is the calendar, “Anno Domini” and “Before Christ.” While the Western Christians gave away the Gregorian calendar, Orthodoxy retains the Julian calendar for worship services.

suones says:


> Cyril and Methodious have completely purged Rus of any mention of pre-Semitic Scripture or even culture. It is as bad as if we Hindus had to learn about our history from books written by Ibn Battuta. I find it impossible to believe that either there were no priests in Rus at all (extensive temples and idols exist), or that they didn’t manage to write anything down (stone carving was a penchant with ancients). I suspect the priests got converted/purged and the records, as far as they existed, were subjected to Year Zero treatment so beloved of Semites.


I mentioned it in the next paragraph. A priestly acolyte of Rus has to personally master Old Slavonic, and study ancient carvings and scriptures by himself. This is in contrast to Latin, for example, where excellent resources exist both for learning the language and non-Church literature in that language.

Old Slavonic will always be part of what it means to be Russian Orthodox, and will always be the language of prayer for the services and the clergy.

Perun typed this through your hand. I wholeheartedly agree. 🙂

While the Western Christians gave away the Gregorian calendar, Orthodoxy retains the Julian calendar for worship services.

Westerns gave away their patrimony to Pope Gregory, while the Easterns retain loyalty to Pontifex maximus Julius Caesar. I strongly suspect Russian conversion to semitism to have been a political move from the beginning, and the later schism was bound to develop sooner or later. The Old Gods never left Rus, they’re merely in camouflage[1].

[1] Example: Is this the mother of “god” or the sister of Perun?

neofugue says:

> The Old Gods never left Rus, they’re merely in camouflage[1]

Nice try, Pagan.

Ognyena Maria is a product of failed Pagan entryism into Christianity, and we know this because no records exist of her before Christianity became powerful in Russia. Ognyena Maria is no more relevant than Astrology, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. I am a Gemini, by the way.

One can object stating that the Christians destroyed the Pagan texts, but then that is the fundamental problem with modern Western Paganism, that the only connection Europeans have to their pagan roots is its conflict with the victorious Christians. Paganism in Europe is dead and literally forgotten, and thus Paganism must be imported from India, as demonstrated by this blog’s comments section.

neofugue says:

Just a clarification on language. Russian services are in Old Slavonic because Saints Cyril and Methodius wanted the Rus peoples to be able to understand the liturgy. Thus, while it is an important part of tradition the church requires only its clergy to master it. While most Russians ought to learn phrases such as Gospodi pomilui (Lord have mercy) it is not a requirement for private prayer. The services being in Slavonic is a tradition, not law.

Basil says:

If you disagree, what are the visible alternatives?

suones says:

I can only specluate, but here goes:

A son of Rus should leave all “realistic” expectations aside. We’re not facing elections, we’re not in a reality TV show. What matters is the moral right. It is morally wrong to worship strange, foreign demons, regardless of the amount of temporal success they promise, because no Kingdom is worth your soul. Also, being demons and immortal, they will eventually fuck up your kingdom too.

If I was a son of Rus I would investigate what they call “Rodnovery.” The movement has every hallmark of having been a Commie/Stalin ruse to counter (then-) conservative Orthodox Church[1], but its effects are surprisingly benign. It could be the awakening of an Old God, even if started “ironically” by Stalin. Unfortunately (for me, not Rus), their primary sources are all in Russian so I can’t judge their level of demonic infestation[2]. Maybe you can.

[1] Interesting name — as Semitism is the opposite of orthodoxy. The namegivers had some chutzpah!

[2] An example: I’m always on the lookout for signs of fracture in Baphomet’s armour, and a very renowned person mentioned the “Mulhid” movement that is supposedly rejecting Baphomet in Pakistan. Must be good, right? Nope. I can understand Urdu well enough that I immediately realised it’s a Molochite front, bringing Atheism(+) to Baphomet. I immediately ran far, far away. I’m very clear on this — in the fight between Boko Haram and Moloch, even though both demons are enemies of mine, yet every blow struck by Boko Haram is a blow against Moloch, which is the far more dangerous enemy. We can work out an entente with an Ishmaelite Caliph[3], but there is no negotiating with Moloch.

[3] The main problem with Ishmaelites is that, lacking a Dharmic succession mechanism, they are not agreement capable — which Jim observes as their being unable to Stop making war. A strong Caliphate with a well-established dynasty solves that problem and transforms Ishmaelites into a frighteningly powerful force (given their very high fertility — a genuine Blessing of Baphomet). Of course their cousins and rivals the Israelites can’t have that, so the new Caliphate was destroyed (by goy slaves) like the old one.

suones says:

*speculate lol

Basil says:

I’ll take a look, but without much hope. From a distance it looks pretty left and modern. This group does not seem to be gaining strength naturally – through the birth of new children. On the plus side, some nationalists and antisemites are clearly hiding in the ranks and I’m lying if I say that some elements of the pagan aesthetics don’t appeal to me.

neofugue says:

> This group does not seem to be gaining strength naturally – through the birth of new children

The idea of a mythical trad fairyland where Leftism does not exist is one of the many temptations of the demons. What one will find is that every group in a western liberal democracy is poisoned, and that the world that you seek is not found but built. Slavic Native Faith is one of the many cults that formed in the “wild 90s,” as my Ukrainian friend put it, and will not give you what you seek.

This evening I recently had dinner with my priest and a couple friends from my parish, among the subjects that came up my priest mentioned a colleague who had seven children, all four of his sons priests and all three of his daughters married to priests. He did this by remaining under the radar and out of sight. If you seek a community of like-minded moral people, you must build it yourself, not look for it from other people.

Contaminated NEET says:

Suones: why “Moloch”? Carthage is so long and so thoroughly gone that we only remember her people’s name as a synonym for slave. Their old god is deader than dead.

For that matter, what exactly do you mean by Moloch? Is he progressivism? The Enlightenment? Hubristic self-worship? The poz? The quantophrenics’ and Taylorists’ relentless drive to hammer the world into a more “rational” shape? I feel like I know him when I see him, but when I try to put it into words, it falls apart, so I maybe I don’t really get it.

Baphomet and YHWH are pretty self-explanatory, but I need some elaboration on Moloch.

jim says:

The worship of Moloch is alive and well, notably in abortion as a holy sacrament (stunning and brave) and the transexualization of one’s own children (stunning and brave)

Moloch is also the type specimen of a demonic memeplex, in that the worship of Moloch, like progressivism, replicated at the expense of its adherents’ replication.

The Cominator says:

Moloch/Baal was the God the Phoenicians sacrificed their children to by burning them alive its mentioned enough in the bible.

Apparently… The Romans as much as they hated the Carthraginians and as cruel as they were by modern standards, never really totally bought into the idea that they burned children to the extent they did until they overran their territory in the 2nd Punic wars. Apparently seeing the mounds of burnt bones 1st hand left such an impression of horror and revulsion on the Roman soldiers that Rome not only afterwords totally banned human sacrifice forever (which they RARELY did themselves) but became almost Wilsonian about imposing this ban on everyone around them.

The Cominator says:

Moloch/Baal is associated with the globohomo part of the Cathedral religion because of the common trend of parents making their kids gay or trans as a child sacrifice ie Munchasen by proxy and the abortion of healthy children.

The Cominator says:

Not that simple, Cohesion can make the weak strong. The post apocalyptic barbarous world does not have any cohesion beyond neighborhood street gang warlords. Gary Oldmans character not only imagines a more docile christian populace but forming some of them into a cohesive Christian army.

The progressives invert many things… but that part was not a simple inversion.

neofugue says:


You are right about the clip, my issue with it was more that Oldman’s character only mentioned faith in controlling weak people and not unifying his own elite faction. Cynicism is a virus, in order for a man like himself to use faith as a weapon he must genuinely believe in it even if his faith is not entirely internally consistent.

neofugue says:

Moloch and Baal were the gods of the Canaanites remembered for their association with human sacrifices and temple prostitution, thus serve as good analogies to the nameless demons of secular Progressivism. The Carthaginians used to slaughter their children with goats and lambs, burying their bones and ashes in sacred urns. Towards the end of the Carthaginian empire, the Carthaginian elite ran out of children to slay and thus would kidnap peasant children to sacrifice. In addition, the Carthaginians used to practice temple prostitution to the goddess Astarte, where the elite would send their young virgins to be ritually defiled by foreigners who would pay elaborate sums of money to the associated temples. Since said practices are formally indiscernible from those of the Progressives worshiping the Equality demon, referring to Progressives as Molochites is effective rhetoric.

neofugue says:

> Semitic

> Semitism

Christianity is an entirely different tradition than Talmudic Judaism, the latter of which formed centuries after Christ’s death and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Modern Judaism is an ethnic cult originating from the minuscule percentage of historical Jews that did not die out or convert to Christianity.

Calling Christianity “Semitic” or “Semitism” is poisoning the well, a dishonest attempt at conflating a 2000-year-old tradition with an ethnic group having a historical reputation of subversion against Christian nations and peoples. This deception must be called out, although this is to be expected of those who worship the demon brahma, demon vishnu, and demon shiva.

> to be expected of those who worship the demon brahma, demon vishnu, and demon shiva.

LOL you sound just like a recent Missionary convert from Hinduism. Your poor comprehension of suones (who actually argues *in favour* of restoring Christianity to its patriarchial, masculine Aryan roots) is hilarious.

Semites see demons everywhere. It seems you are also one of those spiritually subordinated to the Semitic demons.

neofugue says:

> Your poor comprehension of suones (who actually argues *in favour* of restoring Christianity to its patriarchial, masculine Aryan roots)

Meanwhile, Suones:

> If I was a son of Rus I would investigate what they call “Rodnovery.”

Telling Russians to LARP as 90s Hippie Pagans is not “restoring Christianity to its patriarchal, masculine Aryan roots.” Nor is poisoning the well with “DA JOOS, DA JOOS, DA JOOS.”

suones says:


Some context, please.

…europoids actually worship someone called “Christ” who is the son of Deus, not a Jewish carpenter who claimed to be the son of YHWH, who YHWHegians executed for his crimes. Considered together with such Semitic anathemata as incarnation, “Holy Ghost,” and the “Trinity,” it’s as if the people wanted to (continue to) worship Deus pater despite Constantine’s shenanigans, and have found a way to (continue to) worship Herachrist, the Son of ZeusDeus. I only seek to remove the fig leaf of Semitic affiliation.

Aryan/Blonde Jesus owes nothing to Judaism. If he was a Jew then I’m the Queen of England.

The kind of Philosemitic Christcuck I hate is not hypothetical: he exists in large numbers in USA (particularly Republican Party affiliated, but common in both parties) and in somewhat decreasing quantities in Europe and Russia too. Notable examples include the Pope (obviously) and the Patriarchs of most Established Churches. The very term “Holocaustianity” was invented to mock this contingent.

…poisoning the well with “DA JOOS, DA JOOS, DA JOOS.”

Mentioning the killing of Tsar Nicholas and decapitation of Third Rome is poisoning the well? What hellish well is this anyway?

Oog en Hand says:

Talmudic Judaism is red-pilled about power and politics, and therefore entirely different trom Christianity. It may be in the wrong hands, but is a weapon. Christianity is not a weapon, at least not in the hands of these who really believe its ethical precepts. Cornelius van Til identified the Christian nature of many Molochite ideas about e.g. racism and genocide.

jim says:

> Christianity is not a weapon, at least not in the hands of these who really believe its ethical precepts.

Not a weapon?

King Alfred created England with it, and Charles the Hammer and Charles the Great created Europe.

Those guys knew a good weapon when they saw it.

Today Putin successfully wields that weapon to defend the independence of Russia, while India, despite having nuked, cannot maintain its independence.

I believe in the precepts of Christianity. For the good guys to defeat the bad guys, they have successfully cohere and cooperate.

neofugue says:

Referring to Christianity as “Semitism” presupposes that Christianity is the product of Jewish Talmudism and is responsible for the killing of the Tsar and the destruction of Germany, which is as absurd as Communist Revolutionary presupposing everyone agrees with true Christianity being Marxism or women as angels who do no wrong.

It is a dishonest attempt at evangelizing Paganism by associating Christianity with Leftism and an enemy tribe, while obfuscating the fundamental need for a “national” Paganism adopting Hindu doctrine. All of the Hindu blasphemy against Christ is foreign Indian nonsense, yet piously claims to be the trve aryan faith.

Christ was a descendant of David, the King of the Jews, God’s fulfillment of the promise to Eve that the Son of Man would conquer Death. All of the events of the Old Testament prefigure Christ, and the actions of the church follow from this tradition.

Modern Judaism forms after the destruction of the temple in 70AD and the formation of the diaspora with the development of the Talmud, where we find non-Biblical demons such as Lilith. Most of the Jews either died out or converted to Christianity, which is why Ashkenazi Jews descend from roughly 380 people 800 years ago. Aryan Jesus was a Jesuit invention, like Japanese Jesus, Mestizo Jesus and Black Jesus.

There is no “Aryan Jesus” in Orthodox Christianity:

The Cominator says:

“Not a weapon”

There was even a movie made in the very age of poz (2010) that recognized it as a great memetic weapon.

In “The Book of Eli” the “bad” guy in the post apocalyptic wasteland was looking for what is as far as he knows the last bible (I think its absurd that if any books survive that the bible would be that hard to find). He clearly thought he could use the bible to go from being a mere barbarian waste warlord to being something more like a real king. He does not per se believe in the bible but he openly states at one point that he can use the good word as a weapon to corral the weak and the desperate.

The movie isn’t that good but the premise is sound.

neofugue says:

> Christianity is not a weapon

The Russians conquered the Golden Horde, converted thirty percent of its population to Orthodoxy, and became one of the great powers of Europe.

> at least not in the hands of these who really believe its ethical precepts. Cornelius van Til identified the Christian nature of many Molochite ideas about e.g. racism and genocide

Progressivism is evil incarnate. the inversion of Christianity. Note the opposite of “progress” is the ancien regime, the family, God, King and country. This line of thought has been refuted countless times by numerous people far more distinguished than myself.

jim says:

Old type Christianity was divine sanction of Ancient Regime. And that has long been the norm for Christianity.

The Cominator says:

Here’s the clip… the movie isn’t that good but the “bad” guy in the movie is based and knows that he can’t base large scale social cohesion on force of arms alone. If he wants to be more than a petty warlord needs to strike at people’s minds with something more powerful than guns.

The Cominator says:

Sorry to spam post at this point but I think its important to analyze certain aspects of Cathedral propaganda carefully…

The good progressive looks at Gary Oldman’s character and goes he is a purely evil man trying to use evil religion to control people.

The smart reactionary realizes that in a world that has fallen to brutal barbarism that he is a ruthless man who has done many bad things, as of course anyone who came out on top in a state of anarchy would have to do, with a clever plan to bring it back to order and civilization.

Even when the progressives can recognize reality they invert good and evil.

neofugue says:

The problem with the clip is that it takes place within the Progressive narrative that religion is a tool to control the weak, when in reality it is a tool to control the strong. Faith is not about controlling the weak, as the weak follow whatever the strong tells them whether God or the Devil, but rather controlling the strong, as the strong can only be brought to submission under the power of ideas, the power of faith.

Rick says:

>The problem with the clip is that it takes place within the Progressive narrative that religion is a tool to control the weak, when in reality it is a tool to control the strong. Faith is not about controlling the weak, as the weak follow whatever the strong tells them whether God or the Devil, but rather controlling the strong, as the strong can only be brought to submission under the power of ideas, the power of faith.

Even the weak need ideas to follow. No man wants to admit he’s weak and afraid of the powerful, instead they obey the powerful because religion told them to obey them. Thus cohesion is achieved with the strong and the weak, because both believe in the same ideas.

The book Eli while a crappy film was a tale about the evil warriors trying to control religion while the magical priests where the people who should be in charge. It’s the world’s oldest conflict but told by only from the priest’s perspective.

suones says:


Referring to Christianity as “Semitism” presupposes that Christianity is the product of Jewish Talmudism and is responsible for the killing of the Tsar and the destruction of Germany, which is as absurd…

What confusion of the mind produced this sentence I cannot imagine. 😕

Killing of Tsar and decapitation of Third Rome = Marxism, which is an offshoot of Judaism, and literally committed by Jews.

Philosemitic Christianity = Christ as the handmaiden of Jews and Christians must protect and serve chosenites (this is literally what millions believe).

Talmudism = Post Christian consolidation of Judaism into an organised faith worshipping YHWH and considering Yeshua to have been a charlatan who is boiling in a vat of excrement in Hell for eternity.

Semitism = Catch all term for religions and gods originating in Semitic lands. By definition include Israelite and Ishmaelite branches, which are most powerful today. Other Semitic faiths are extinct or survive in minuscule numbers. Philosemitic Christianty worships YHWH, idolises those[1] who consider Yeshua to have been a charlatan who is boiling in a vat of excrement in Hell. It is the retarded half-brother of Semitism.

Aryan Christianity = Acknowledging that Jews unfairly executed Christ, who was the Son of Deus anyway, and is portrayed in a curiously non-Semitic way, together with such Semitic anathema as incarnation, “Holy Ghost,” and “Trinity.”

Christ was a descendant of David, the King of the Jews, God’s fulfillment of the promise to Eve that the Son of Man would conquer Death. All of the events of the Old Testament prefigure Christ, and the actions of the church follow from this tradition.

There is no “Aryan Jesus” in Orthodox Christianity:

You are no son of Aryas. Enjoy the fruits of YHWH, for they are richly deserved.

[1] Talmud view on Yeshua:

neofugue says:

> Aryan Christianity = Acknowledging that Jews unfairly executed Christ, who was the Son of Deus anyway, and is portrayed in a curiously non-Semitic way, together with such Semitic anathema as incarnation, “Holy Ghost,” and “Trinity.”

Anathema to all the above, straight out of the mouths of the demons. Just like the Progressives, demon-worshiping Pagans piously claim true Christianity is Paganism, just as demon-worshiping Progressives claim that true Christianity is Jesus the community organizer. No Christian in the history of Christianity believed any of this demonic nonsense, and any fool who falls for this evil could not even recite the creed, let alone any one of Jim’s anti-Prog tests.

> Semitism = Catch all term for religions and gods originating in Semitic lands.

Which conflates Christians and Christianity with the post-Christian Jews and Talmudism, an old line of attack against Christianity. “Semitism” is not a neutral descriptor it is anti-Christian rhetoric which must be called out. John Hagee and his group of Jew-worshiping Evangelicals are a relatively small fraction of Christians, yet Pagans pretend as if this government-sponsored cult is significant.

> You are no son of Aryas.

You got me. With your Aryan might of words, I have decided to follow trve Christianity by joining Slavic Native Faith. Hail Vishnu!

At least I’m not a brown person LARPing as a white man.

neofugue says:

In addendum, “Semitism” is a rhetorical attack on the catholicity of the Church. Christ was the King of the Jews because God promised that the Son of Man would come from the Jews, not because of the Jews being the holiest but the worst of peoples. Christianity may have had its roots in Judaea, but the church has always been a multi-ethnic enterprise; Saint Ephrem was of the Syriac Fathers, Augustine and Jerome were of the Latin Fathers, Basil was one of the Cappadocian fathers, and all of the Ecumenical Councils were convened by the Roman Emperor.

If Christianity is “Semitism” then Islam is “Qurayshism” or “Arabism” given that the latter does not originate from the “Semitic” lands but from the lands of the Quraysh, with Muhammad being of the Hashemite clan. “Abrahamism” would be a more accurate term given that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim Abraham as their own, but calling Christianity “Abrahamic” lacks the rhetorical effect of “Semitic.”

info says:


“Aryan Christianity = Acknowledging that Jews unfairly executed Christ, who was the Son of Deus anyway, and is portrayed in a curiously non-Semitic way, together with such Semitic anathema as incarnation, “Holy Ghost,” and “Trinity.””

Actually wrong. Because the Trinity is in all the Tanakh:

Starting with the LORD who rained down fire and brimstone from the LORD out of the Heavens.

And identified with the Angel of the LORD who appeared in the burning Bush to Moses. Who led Israel in a pillar of Fire and Cloud.

And appeared in Holy Glory above the Ark of the Covenant that the Israelites built by divine instruction.

And the “Aryan” incarnation of Jesus Christ was already prophesized before the coming of the Messiah in the (Book of Isaiah 9:6). There is plenty of other prophecies in that respect.

info says:


“Semites see demons everywhere. It seems you are also one of those spiritually subordinated to the Semitic demons.”

Everywhere missionaries encounter Men in contact with the spirit realm as mediums, Shamans and having true supernatural contact with their respective Gods.

A contest between Christ through the holy spirit and the Spirits in question breaks out. All the Spirits so far hate and fear Jesus Christ. None love him

But in every case the powers of the Spirits were nullified and broken. And Christ is always victorious.

Leon says:

I don’t get the whole “aryans marry later” crap. Back during the 50s, people married their high school sweethearts, and even sometimes married in high school. Prior to that, they married in their early teens. Same with Europe, people married in their teens prior to the Victorian era. Aryans didn’t use to marry later. You even acknowledge marrying later causes fertility problems, something I have witnessed amongst many highly educated, well mannered and well paid couples. It is a stupid sexual plan amongst aryans to wait so long while the world outbreaks and passes then by, and it is not something they did in ancient times when life was tough.

Basil says:

Even in ancient blessed times, more advanced peoples and estates entered into marriage and gave birth to children somewhat later than the proles and negros. Our time has just made the problem worse.

suones says:

Aryans marrying later has been a historical fact and bane. Even Shri Ramchandra the God-King only ever had one wife and two sons. The direct reason for that has been Aryan women having higher social status than Semitic women. I would like to change that, but that is something even Augustus failed at, so I prefer to target lower-hanging fruit first.

Leon says:

Again, royal families made sure, aside from times of decadence and when cultures and empires were coming to an end, to marry their children off early in life. The married ages were always political, but they were done early. No Christmas cakes. When a “higher people” turn blue pulled it is the end for that people. If arayans really are just naturally blue pilled, and I do not believe that, and just naturally fail the Jim/ red pill/ woman test then as per the rules of God or evolution they don’t deserve to live. Arayan women are fucking around in their teens and twenties same as all other women. Hell, surveys have shown that college educated women are more likely to rack up the notch count than non college educated women, so it stands to reason Arayan women are thus more likely to fucking around than.

The Cominator says:

This was sung by Black People but it reflected a common thing in the 1950s (great song like most popular music from that era).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Weisselberg ‘led to court in handcuffs’; because this bespectacled desk jockey is such a grave physical threat or flight risk? No, because it looks more humiliating than not being marched in handcuffs.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They like to repeat that line over and over again in the news incidentally. You know, just in case anyone was confused about the impressions they’re supposed to get.

With processes like these, who needs convictions?

Shorn says:

Yes, and in my (non-US) country’s news, they showed the clip of the perp walk and made special note of pointing it out. For someone most of us would never have heard of. They concluded the story with the fact that although Trump himself isn’t yet involved, it puts the pressure on Weisselberg to rat Trump out.

neofugue says:

The Synod of Gangra was held in 350 in Galatia, which condemned the Manichaeans and their practices. Its decisions were later ratified by Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council of the Church. The central subjects of the council were to reassert the doctrines of the church against Monophysitism and to further condemn heretical variants of Nestorius and Eutyches.

The fourteen bishops present at the council condemned the views and practices of Eustathius, bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, and his followers. Holiness-spiraling monasticism, they were contemptful of marriage, holding that no married person “had hope with God,” refused to eat animal flesh, refused to pray in the houses of married people, rejected church worship in favor of worship in private conventicles, believed that the rich could not be saved, and encouraged slaves to desert their duties on the pretext of taking up an ascetic life.

Here are some of the canons:

Canon 1:
If any one shall condemn marriage, or abominate and condemn a woman who is a believer and devout, and sleeps with her own husband, as though she could not enter the Kingdom [of heaven] let him be anathema.

Canon 3:
If any one shall teach a slave, under pretext of piety, to despise his master and to run away from his service, and not to serve his own master with good-will and all honor, let him be anathema.

Canon 9:
If any one shall remain virgin, or observe continence, abstaining from marriage because he abhors it, and not on account of the beauty and holiness of virginity itself, let him be anathema.

Canon 14:
If any woman shall forsake her husband, and resolve to depart from him because she abhors marriage, let her be anathema.

Canon 16:
If, under any pretense of piety, any children shall forsake their parents, particularly [if the parents are] believers, and shall withhold becoming reverence from their parents, on the plea that they honor piety more than them, let them be anathema.

Canon 17:
If any woman from pretended asceticism shall cut off her hair, which God gave her as the reminder of her subjection, thus annulling as it were the ordinance of subjection, let her be anathema.

Shorn says:

I’ve already mostly taken the Jimpill on the WQ and LQ, but I’m looking for some clarification on how the Jimpill view fits in with the following:

Women fantasize about being violently raped, and act in a way to maximize the chances of this happening with a high status male. Generally when we here about a rape or sexual assault, like with the #metoo stuff, its because the male failed a shit test at some point after the sex. But what about niggers who are violent and are prone to rape at will? Or the soyboy male feminists that drug or do weird and premeditated rapes? Or even the weird iron rod stuff that goes on with pajeets? How do these scenarios fit in? Are they rape?

Are there two kinds of rape? Rape and “rape”? If we define rape in a more traditional way: as fucking an owned woman. Then what about these college “rape” cases, and the #metoo stuff? Are they rape or not?

Caltech Dreams says:

Rape is effective for and desired by short life strategist women. They are more attractive, tend to want many partners, and don’t want to invest in children. For this very reason, they do not make for good genetic material since they necessarily involve more psychopathic traits. Long-life strategist women are more religious and hence patriarchal, want a monogamous relationship, and a mate that will be a good father to children. The former is not going to stay and make for poor mothers because they don’t really desire children but only sex. This means that they are more likely to use birth control and have abortions which means that they are possibly a genetic dead end. Rape is therefore not universal but most desired by short life strategists which is why it is common for niggers. Soyboys are failed, short-life strategists because they just want sex with multiple partners without children. There just unattractive and undesirable to other short-life strategist women. The rest is SLS women’s power politics when it comes to #metoo. The status variable is dependent on the strategist: more important with SLS, less important with LLS.

The Cominator says:

Women rarely have life strategies, women almost always want to be “feelstronoughts”.

Its precisely the highly functional ice queen career types who turn into old childless cat ladies. The turbosluts (even high IQ ones which do exist) never end up that way.

Caltech Dreams says:

The ice queen career types are SLS. Why do you think there are so many high-functioning psychopaths in the corporate world? They are childless cat ladies because they have passed their expiration date. By LLS I am referring to women who want a patriarch and are worth having children with. Otherwise, you’ll just end up spreading the seed which is how we got to the excess mutational scenario.

The Cominator says:

The high functioning career cat ladies (i mean ones with good careers that pay well) are not short term oriented they are highly conscientious but to the extent they have a life plan they are following a false life plan.

Impulsive stripper gals at the other extreme even the high functioning ones who avoid hard drugs and manage their money well… its very rare they dont have kids (and while they should be on birth control the answer to that question is almost inevitably no they aren’t on it).

Pooch says:

I think BAP shouted you out on his latest BAP-cast episode 80. Mentioned an autist who bangs strippers lmao.

The Cominator says:

Yes he did lol.

The Cominator says:

I think his friend was right that while alphas and omegas (autists etc, though we need to learn the good ways to do it) both have no problems seeing a pro if it suit them maybe average beta males have extreme reservations about doing this and thus even when faced with the inceldom traditionally reserved for omega males only they probably rather try to simp in tge woke cult rather than taking the stripper pill.

Caltech Dreams says:

I am really not sure to what extent corporate cat ladies are just deluded mom material or are high IQ SLS. Simply too many variables involved here. No part of my argument contradicts the prevention of women from receiving false life plans. It would seem those church-attending women that want children would be more conducive for female removal from corporate offices and art history departments. The fact that girls are wanting to get raped by niggers proves that they are dysgenic and to be avoided.

jim says:

They continually see in videos women successfully carrying out the false life plan, and are genuinely puzzled and outraged when what they see all the time somehow fails to work for them.

Women are terribly vulnerable to outside influences. They are told ten times a day that the false life plan works, and they think that they see it working in front of them.

Aidan says:

There are indeed real turbosluts out there, with low standards of alpha, but they are absurdly rare. I estimate the incidence to be 1/100 women. Not surprising that many believe they don’t exist, and I expect that many men can’t tell the difference by fucking them. It seems from my experience that it is caused by paternal incest starting at a very young age. They also tend to dress plain, aren’t attention seekers, and are very down to earth and pleasant to hang out with. They are also the only girls who can truly keep up with me in the sack, which is a shame because they are broken and will never make good wives, unless literally attached to a chain that runs between bedroom, kitchen, and garden.

The Cominator says:

The one i do now was not molested, she surprisingly describes (and this is surprising because its normally fatherless girls or girls with daddy issues who are like that) that she had a very good relationship with her father. Otherwise she fits your profile… shed be near the perfect girl if she wouldn’t compulsively cuck her primary mate.

I think paternal incest especially at very young ages is rare.

Aidan says:

Profound lack of contact with reality. The most attractive women tend to have far fewer partners than girls a tier below them, because the really hot ones can get exactly what women are looking for- ownership by a very alpha man. The men owning them have a tough time really locking them down because the legal and social environment is hostile to it, but the sexual history of really attractive girls is usually a series of long-term relationships. Girls with lots of partners are usually fairly cute, but with flaws that prevent the top males they bang from wanting to own them.

What women claim to want is a function of what views and life strategies are high status in their social circles. The mennonite girl I banged in college was probably your model of an LLS when at home with her family, but within two weeks of her going to school, she put away the modest clothes, bought cheap blouses and short shorts at target, and started banging. All women are like that. There is no environment in human history where what you call SLS leads to genetic success.

Basil says:

Having a series of long-term relationships isn’t as bad as a bunch of partners or “lonely”, but still not very good. I don’t think a man under thirty needs to make such compromises when looking for a wife. The criteria of our distant ancestors were pretty good.

I do not want to say that it is enough to find a young virgin from a good family for the marriage to work well, but by spending your energy on finding a young virgin from a good family, you are investing in the quality of your marriage.

Caltech Dreams says:

You misunderstand me. It is not that patriarchal structuring and monogamy don’t act as checks against SLS like in the Mennonite case. They are solutions to the problem. But you are wrong to say that all women are like that. There are women who are not as status-conscious and want to invest in children as is evidenced by church attendance being historically majority female. There are plenty of women that are just turbosluts that want nigger rape. My point is that those are not the kind of women you want to reproduce with.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

And the point of people around here is that looking at the issue in those terms is like trying to steer a ship by pushing cargo to one side or another, rather than taking hand of the rudder.

jim says:

Women are very conscious of what is high status.

And what is high status in our society is very bad for women.

jim says:

There seem to be a curiously large number of white women suffering injuries from their black boyfriends, and curiously few rape charges against blacks.

Basil says:

White men don’t just want black women. They are too masculine, dumb, suffer from overweight problems, lose their virginity very early and age very quickly.

Leon says:

For the record, white women and black men are one of the least common inter racial pairings. Its promoted by the media because it is so damn rare and is meant to humiliate white men. The most common non white men white women wind up with is actually “hispanics”, although Hispanics is a worthless terminology as it doesn’t really tell anything about a person’s skin color or genetic heritage. The most common inter racial pairings are white men and Asian women, and white men and “hispanic women” (again, for whatever the hell that terminology is worth).

The Cominator says:

“For the record, white women and black men are one of the least common inter racial pairings.”

Yeah that USED TO BE true but given what sheep women are I see a lot more beastiality IRL then in the past.

ten says:

Still true. Not that some women don’t try it, but it’s very hard for them to make it stick, which is why the black men must go last resort real quick and beat the shit out of the women.

jim says:

North East Asians and whites are the higher races. East Asians are sufficiently different from us that there are problems, and among those problems is a rather high rate of mental disturbance among hybrids, but, on the other hand, a rather high rate of kids combining white genes for smartness with East Asian genes for smartness.

Jsd says:

Unless there is something wacky going on in the Southwest, huwhite women do not get with hispanic males. The statistics probably reflect 56%er “white” hispanics getting with darker hispanics. IRL white women mostly get with blacks, although from my ongoing tallying this is in the single digits.

Leon says:

I assumed those statistics either referenced what you pointed out, and/ or whites and “white hispanics” hooking up. Either way, worthless terminology. If memory serves, the percentage for white women hooking up with black men was 4% or some other small percentage.

There was also that famous dating app survey done (OKCupid?) that showed black men were the second least wanted race of men. It also showed white women were the second least popular group of women.

Aidan says:

Women hate sex with beta males and are often traumatized by it, regardless of details, and love sex with alpha males, regardless of details. Getting ravished in public by niggers is traumatic for most women, because the niggers are of low or indeterminate status. Women usually need a little time to determine who is alpha and who is not, but it is not a lot of time unless you are on your own. If there are other men around, that decision will be made quickly.

A woman will wander the streets at night not because she wants to be fucked at knifepoint by a gang, but because she wants to be abducted to the private residence of the gang leader and banged behind closed doors. Drugging and raping women is very rare, but usually “soyboy male feminists” are accused because of a lack of sex, because beta’d out, and the drugs are just a lie.

Pooch says:

What is the deal with Bill Cosby? I haven’t been following much but didn’t he admit to drugging women? If so, I suppose he was much more beta than his perceived high status as an entertainer would seem to indicate.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It was the 70s, and he was trading drugs for sex. “Hey, baby, let’s have a good time. I brought some stuff to have fun.” The first two accusers were full of shit, the third admitted to lying on the stand, and the rest were just women piling on. A relatively red-pilled DA saw through it and agreed not to prosecute, then a whole shitload of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct later, his replacement rigged a conviction with the help of the judge. Both judge and prosecuting DA ran on a platform of, “Get Cosby!”

He wasn’t drugging them into unconsciousness. He was giving them a little something to liven up the party. Also to lower inhibitions. Just like giving a woman a couple drinks, so that, “it just happened!” I don’t know if he is an alpha or not, but I would suspect so. The way he behaved in the trial showed he was pretty determined that he was innocent and refused a plea deal to prove it. I think he was top dog in his day and a bunch of bitter old women tried to drag him down at the end of his life, probably to make sure he could not oppose BLM when that popped up. It has the look of organizing against a potential threat, and has political fingerprints all over it.

The Cominator says:

This zippity zop jello pudding pop Bill Cosby did nothing wrong and metoo roasties are finally BTFO. Even if he did do something wrong you should not cry rape decades later.

Pooch says:

Ah ok that explains perfectly why shitlib white women are going berserk over him walking.

Cloudswrest says:

“… probably to make sure he could not oppose BLM when that popped up.”

Indeed. They’ve accomplished their goal. Prison is pretty much irrelevant now. He’s been publicly and politically neutralized as far as being any sort of political force.

kawaii_kike says:

I doubt women are ever traumatized by nigger rape. A brazen and violent rape is exactly what women perceive as high status. They’re “traumatized” by the fact that the rapists left and refused to stick around.

Rick says:

Women are traumatized by having sex with low status men. The violent sex feels great, but then they feel like shit afterwards. I knew a girl who was kidnapped and raped by drifter for a couple of days. She talked him into letting her go and she went right to the cops. Another girl I knew got herself raped multiple times and never reported any of the rapes to the police. The difference between the cases was their after the sex perception of the rapists.

There was a incel who gunned down a girls parents right in front her and kept her as his concubine for over a month. She had nothing much to say about the sex(likely she loved it) but soured on the guy when it became clear he had to hide her away when friends and family came over to his house. His social status was clearly low. She easily escaped since the incel didn’t really put much effort in restraining her.

kawaii_kike says:

I remember that incel case, the kidnapping of Jayme Closs. It’s always perplexed me. You would think that murdering her parents and raping her would offset the status dings of having to keep her hidden. If women want General Buttnaked then actions like that should have kept her enraptured.

Rick says:

She saw his true social status in relation to other males. That’s why kidnapping a virgin isn’t a viable idea, you need a tribe that will both approve of the kidnapping and give you status for doing the kidnaping to make it work.

kawaii_kike says:

Maintaining ownership of a woman is trickier than I thought.
I thought beatings and violence would be enough.

The Cominator says:

I imagine in clownworld you can only do it via 95% being convincingly psychologically intimidating with 5% real violence.

Since I’m not capable of larping as a low IQ violent thug and don’t have a gang that will treat me like I was the local crime boss and am a sperg anyway… well I use an alternative.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You know, you do not have to play the low IQ thug. I am a high IQ savage and it plays well. If it was not for me being excessively holy about not fucking around, I could have gotten with e few girls from my classes. You do not have to be stupid to be violent. In fact, smarter men are more successful using violence.

Rick says:

Cominator, women like thugs. Not low IQs, not high IQ ones, just thugs. You are white man who’s entire family descends from one victorious conquest after another for thousands of years. Whites are the ultimate warriors in history and you should embrace it your linage. But remember you’re not monkey, so use weapons when you actually need to fight. And make sure to train with those weapons before you have to use them.

Aidan says:

Cominator- Wulfgar and Rick are right. You do not have to larp as a dumb thug. Your heritage as a European is smart men who were very good at war. Embracing your masculine love of violence as a high-IQ man feels incredibly good. You are going to have much more success with women within your IQ communications range anyway, so might as well learn to live with it. Go for smartiepants girls, and get yourself a group of male friends. The main obstacle for spergs socializing beside shyness is verbal diarrhea and ranting.

As for kike, maintaining ownership of a woman involves three things:
-Pass her shit tests
-Don’t show weakness
-Maintain status versus other men
You will rarely need beatings if you nip shit tests in the bud. Shit tests start off small and get bigger and bigger as you fail them. Pass them small, they stay small. I will often manhandle or roughhouse my woman playfully in response to teasing or a minor shit test, and I do not get many big ones because I manage to pass the small ones. Little shit test, playful violence. Huge shit test, big violence. But it almost never comes to the big violence. Not showing weakness doesn’t mean you can’t be tender or loving, it means you don’t spill your doubts, fears, insecurities, or other negative emotions onto your girl. Helps a lot if you can easily deal with your problems yourself. The third thing is where incel bride capture man went wrong (though reading reports it also seems like he betad out. wonder if he was a reader of mine?). Cannot act as if other men, even the state, have power over you, cannot let yourself get mogged in front of your girl. Need a tribe that respects you.

Wulfgar- you are going to need practice dealing with women, even if your self-perception of good status is accurate. Get a girlfriend at least. If you manage it first try, you get a wife, otherwise, sets you up for the next one.

The Cominator says:

“I am a high IQ savage and it plays well. If it was not for me being excessively holy about not fucking around, I could have gotten with e few girls”

Dude I like you but if you’re going to give advice please do so 1st…

I’ve fucked non-stripper girls before too, but since the woke cult really got going its a lot worse.

Aidan… What should I do start barfights? Once you leave school (now way back in Middle School I was in LOTS of fights) unless you are a cartel hitman most violence in clownworld is low IQ dumb shit with the only good that can come of it is the appeal to the female hindbrain? Other than it involves potential legal trouble and doctors bills… neither of which I’m all that into.

jim says:

Bar fights are not the way to go.

Act like a high IQ thug, not a low IQ thug. (of course if the other guy is a bit drunk, and you are completely sober, you win.)

Any woman I do well with absolutely believes I might kill someone, and she is not entirely wrong.

alf says:

unless you are a cartel hitman most violence in clownworld is low IQ dumb shit with the only good that can come of it is the appeal to the female hindbrain?

Chicks love high IQ men. Not all chicks mind you, dumb chicks especially tend to require more thuggish low iq shit than I can give, but I’ve always had a subset of women who were really into me because I was smart.

The Cominator says:

The chicks (except for the usual sub group I’m so fond of, a lot of them like smart guys) who would otherwise like high IQ men are disproportionately demon worshipping woke cultists.

alf says:

No not at all my experience. Yes there’s these political leftist chicks that are really into high iq shitlords, but there’s many more women who are just generally into smart men with interesting opinions.

The Cominator says:

New agey type chicks are sometimes like that (while leftist on some things I’ve said before how they are often the best women overall to be found in clownworld) but I do not know where to find concentrations of them nowadays.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Com, I had one of the woke girls invite me over to her house–alone–to help her “organize.” She’s a headcase, or I might have taken her up on it, but that was my choice. She is damaged goods, but it was still available for me if I had wanted it. I’m going to keep practicing, but being a smart savage works.

alf says:

I do not know where to find concentrations of them nowadays.

Yea that’s the hard part I imagine… I was recently scrolling through a friend’s tinder and man am I glad I don’t have to deal with that sewer.

suones says:

General Buttnaked is a force of nature and does not have an “off” switch. He keeps killing and torturing all the time for any reason or no reason. And even then he as woman problems (which he easily solves by killing and possibly eating her, ofc). You cannot LARP as General Buttnaked without actually being General Buttnaked, which is impossible for any civilised man.

suones says:

Oh, and the real General Buttnaked later gave up his murderous, cannibalistic ways, gave up his patron god, and became a tradcuck Evengelical Christian. I’m not kidding. Sic transit gloria mundi. I wonder if his wife cheats on him.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Women hate sex with beta males and are often traumatized by it, regardless of details, and love sex with alpha males, regardless of details.”

Is there a ‘settle-for-him” trait that activates when a woman is convinced she won’t get anyone better? Seems like there would have to be for woman to be satisfied with the men assigned to them by alpha males. If this is true, part of patriarchy isn’t just to convince a wife that her husband is alpha but also that he is the most alpha she will be allowed to touch.

I know one dumb slut (c. 35 yo) who keeps having children with a beta guy, pretending it’s by accident. How bad of a beta? His wife left him for a woman. Yet the slut, who doesn’t even like the guy, purposefully has children by him. Considering this blog often discusses women who kill their children-by-beta-males, this counter phenomenon deserves consideration.

jim says:

I lack empirical data on this phenomenon, and am not interested in it anyway, because “settle-for-him” only sets in when her youth, beauty, and fertility is running out. Settle-for-him is not going get replacement fertility. Virgin brides will.

The Cominator says:

Is the dumb slut married to a guy who is even more beta than the guy knocking her up?

Is him being the real father a secret that you know somehow but her husband doesn’t.

Yul Bornhold says:

No and no. Suppose she *might* be having someone else’s kids and pretending they’re his mistakes but the children in question seem to mirror both mother and father.

Like Jim, I don’t find women settling on women’s terms useful of itself but, if it can be hacked for civilization purposes, very useful. Dance and, to a greater extent, dance cards which fathers filled out for their daughters, is a probably related hack. Men on the dance card represented all available mates and therefore more desirable. When the chief makes it clear he does not desire woman, she begins to be more attracted to other men, and so on.

The Cominator says:

There are outlier women who are crazy in ways no group theory can account for… nawalts of insanity.

Rick says:

>Are there two kinds of rape? Rape and “rape”? If we define rape in a more traditional way: as fucking an owned woman. Then what about these college “rape” cases, and the #metoo stuff? Are they rape or not?

Rape is a property crime against a Women’s owner. If she’s unowned rape isn’t possible.

>But what about niggers who are violent and are prone to rape at will?

Very few of those violent “rapes” are ever reported to the authorities, unless the women raped happened during a home invasion. Which btw, home invasions almost always involve rape. Which is why men spend so god damn much money to move their families as far away as possible from niggers.

Real rape is more common with people who are more hunter gathers than civilized, IE nignogs and spics. But rape is also very common tactic during level warfare between groups. Of course niggers are prone to rape men as well.

ERTZ says:

Very deep yet short answer: “Everything is about sex and sex is about power.”

Long answer:
What do women want? What makes them horny and want to have sex?
This is the riddle most can’t answer – mostly because the true answer is a taboo, because it hurts too many interests (financial, political, sexual,…) and which is deliberately answered wrongly in our culture by a system of lies, in schools, TV series, movies, media, etc.

Evolutionary Psychology tries to answer the question why we have emotions, seeks to reverse-engineer from the existence of an emotion to it’s function.

What makes a woman horny today must have made her ancestors achieve reproduction more likely.
Activating those cues from the past today is the key to break through her insemination resistance.
There exist multiple and mixed cues, because our species has a long past, many different cues are relevant.
But one single great filter exists:
No matter what a woman does or not does (=feels or not feels as motivation to do sth.), the kids must survive.

Our past was violent (and, beyond superficial appearances, still is and will be), women were mostly just resources without rights,
unprotected women were raped, their kids killed by rival men (for the same reason male lions that take over a pride from a defeated male, and many other mammals similarly, kill the offspring of a defeated male – destroy his genes, make the women fertile again sooner and force the females to invest all their resources in the conqueror’s kids, not those of his predecessor).
Even today stepchildren are 100x as likely to be killed by stepfathers than biological children.
Many men, especially when sexually unsuccessful, feel an urge to kill genetically unrelated children, which, in my opinion, is the motivation for many mass killings, especially school killings, and the unofficial ban in all media to show violence against children, despite general glorification of violence in media (to prevent activating that urge in men).
This is how it works in my opinion:
Life goal for men is to have sex, to reproduce, which is usually achieved by having sex and producing kids.
But this is just a special case of a more general gene-level goal, generalizable as drive to increase the PROPORTION of one’s genes in the future generation – this is usually done by sex, but allows for another option, that enables sex-like, even sex-superior reproduction-like success: REMOVAL of rival genes in the future generation, aka killing.
I think this is a major, widely unknown, motivation of men to engage in warfare – usually, the fact that men are fascinated by war, often eager to engage in it, is explained thus: If victorious, he’ll come back richer and with more status and more likely gets sex.
But the WAR ITSELF could be seen as a sexual act for men:
War is usually fought against rival tribes, distant-dwelling people, who are genetically dissimilar – by killing those other men a man’s own genes can have a higher proportion in the future gene pool – if he kills many enemies and thus rival, different genes, his genetic success can even surpass his success from sex quite easily.
I think this is also the major motivation in school shooters:
A brain module detects socio-sexual defeat and likely future sexual reproductive failure (being a loser) , and activates a mass-killing motivation.
Notice that school and spree killers often don’t kill indiscriminately – they tend to spare certain people – “You treated me nice, don’t come to school tomorrow” – notice that humans have an inbuilt genetic-similarity detector (based on similarity of looks, odor, movement – it’s well-studied that humans can reliably detect genetic dis-/similarity even from just an animated stick model of another person’s movements/limb swinging patterns extracted from a video of walking), which motivates increased trust and altruism for those who are detected as genetically similar (and vice versa: Those that are mistrusted, disliked or bullied tend to be those that are genetically dissimilar) – if a school shooter then kills so that he mostly targets those that are genetically more dissimilar to himself and spares those that are more similar, the proportion of his genes in the future generation may well be higher than if he were just to have had a few kids of his own – especially if he kills many genetic rivals.

From a male perspective killing and having sex is almost the same – if you don’t have sex you may as well be dead and have never lived, if other men have sex with a woman that’s one chance for having your genes/kids making it in evolution killed – your rival’s genes are going to make it, not yours.
By having sex, you literally kill other men genetically, because you have taken a chance for transferring their genes into the next generation from them.
For men, sex and murder are mostly the same thing.
Therefore so much associated with rivalry and violence.

This is the socio-sexual environment women have evolved in.
They had no influence on it, because they are weak and stupid(¹small exception) and were just manhandled.
Women who were attracted to the top killers had their kids survive; women who were not attracted to top killers had their kids
killed and not survive, thus all women today are descendants of the former, and such are their instincts – women are driven to the top killers. To the most powerful men (or those they FEEL (evolved brain module that detects power cues) are such).
Note that not only child killing is relevant, but also resource security (in the past mostly food) – POWERful men not only could secure their kids against getting killed by rival men, but also their food – and could TAKE weaker men’s/families food in times of famine…

So, women are made horny by power. (Kissinger: “Power is the strongest aphrodisiac.”)

Problem: Human power evolved and evolves:

Most ancient and fundamental:
Physical power.
Muscles, being tall, generally large, being a known killer, physically intimidating.
The “gorilla phase” – the big ape alpha secured his harem.
So, hitting the gym will generally increase the odds today for men as well.
Become muscled, tall, intimidating: Women see at once that you can kill other men physically, which increases sexual attractiveness.

Then the mess started, things began being more complex:
As brains grew, we became more of a social species, this brought in POLITICS:
ALLIANCES could overpower the alpha – say, three strong betas could kill the alpha, then share the women.
(Three because in ape close combat, more than three or so attackers would get in the way of each other.)
So, women have inherited some interest for men who are friends with other men who seem quite powerful together, form a strong small gang,
are potentially a bit wary of a loner alpha-type guy who is not backed up by strong allies.
So you should be strong and have strong friends, women find that attractive.

But then TECH got in.
Some say fire was the biggest invention of the past, I say it’s the stick – specifically, the pointy stick, the spear.
It not just opened up the meat locker by hunting large game, but also was a socio-sexual revolution:
Any man, if strong or weak, suddenly had power to kill even the largest alpha male, especially in groups.
Spears enabled being in a safe distance from the target while killing, due to the stick’s length, or by throwing it.
A spear wound was deadly enough, but in a time without antibiotics, even a scratch could kill a man, even when a large alpha
or beta fought much smaller men.
This ended the reign of power of the only physically dominating human alphas and beta alliances, because the spear made all men
somewhat equal in nominal power (later repeated by Mr. Colt).
I think that from this time, some men and women have evolved a dislike, even outrage of alphas, seen as evil bullies, who try to rule and
take all/the best women by force, and enabled some equality, “socialist” moral, emotional tendencies (=leftist outrage against Trump).
Men who tried it, were met with resistance of the group, often deadly.
Now, even more then before,
having “social status”, that is high reputation and a large number of allies/friends, was even more important, and remained so.
So, women like it when a man has a large and extended family, many friends, many allies.

Power evolved further, past equality:
Warlords, perhaps by skill or charisma, were able to command many men, that is, many spears, and killed off smaller groups of
men with spears (and their women’s kids).
So, women like it when a man is a leader of other men – their brain modules seem not to require a warlord cue, being a boss in a
company who commands employees, a rock star who commands a large crowd, or a college lecturer/professor who commands an audience
etc. all work well enough, commanding personal servants, housemaids, cooks, an army of lawyers, liveried chauffeurs works spectacularly well.
Even eating in a fancy restaurant and ordering the waiter around can activate that cue in women’s brains.

Agriculture, farming, domesticated animals, mining and other tech enabled resource hoarding,
some men became rich, directly or by trade.
Successful warlords, who became nobility and kings, saw rivals for power rise from those rich men,
who could, among other things, pay for standing armies, or sabotage rival armies financially.
Long story short, this selected for brain power, but the superficial selector for women’s sexual arousal was being rich.
Even today, the rich are safer from being killed, have more killing power (if they want to execute it directly, which they tend not to
do anymore, instead influencing politics) – rich men can pay body guards, hire assassins, make or break whole countries and
populations; “resource security” is a synonym of being rich.
The whole military, police and legal system greatly favors and basically serves the rich men.
So, women like rich men – as long as they can signal superior (killing) power from being rich (if they fail that, being rich may, indeed often does,
fail making men sexually attractive to most women).

…and rape is about power.
First, being physically being overpowered.
Firstly, this signals physical power and fitness, courage, healthy masculine desire.
Secondly, getting away with raping women socially (during rape and afterwards).
This signals superior social power (social status), because all other men, who should resent another man having sex “illegally”,
are intimidated and remain silent, don’t take public offense, act submissive, the rapist doesn’t face social or legal trouble.

A man so superior is the optimum mating partner for a woman anyway – him raping her means for her at worst being attacked, subdued by overwhelming force,
and then metaphorically not being robbed, but instead having forcefully filled one’s pockets with millions of dollars (that metaphor doesn’t work for men – it’s too
far-fetched for men to fantasize about being ambushed, then forcefully totally subdued into helplessness by a top-attractive woman who then proceeds to force
him to have sex with her – men instead fantasize about being the rapist).

Women also fantasize about rape (by a superior male) because, in a twisted way, they see it AS HAVING POWER THEMSELVES:
After all, a top-quality male, who could have had sex with any other women, was OVERCOME with desire for HER, thus proving
her superior female sexual attractiveness: “I am so super sexy that even the top man of the world could not control himself and had to have
sex with me at once! I am a feminine, sexual goddess! He, the most powerful man, was made weak by me!”

Also understand that (fertile, sexy) women are kind of invulnerable (²Exception), perfectly safe from men at all times, even when raped:
Consider a million dollar in cash, about the size of a shoe box, lying in the middle of the street in a negro ghetto, observed by all, no police in the area.
Is that $1M safe?
Yes. Totally.
Because nobody is going to harm it, it’s not going to be shredded or burned.
Only the OWNER of the money is not safe, and may be attacked, robbed, killed.
Same with women. She may change hands, may get raped, but no man would ever harm her in a major way or kill her (she would lose her sex toy and reproduction vessel value – it would be the same as burning that $1M – men cannot evolve to kill women when they want to, need to, have sex with them).
The men fight over the women, or over the $1M – in the end, the most powerful will win, the woman or the $1M will be in the strongest hands, the woman will receive the best genes from the strongest man, and she and her kids will be protected and provided for best.
No wonder that porn for women, aka romance novels, are endless variations of that basic story structure.

So, yes women want to be raped – but only from the top man.
They usually (unless crazy³) abhor being raped from any other men.
So, yes, women fantasize about being raped, it arouses them, and they kind of really want to be raped – just not from (likely) you.
Note that women today obviously usually can’t have sex with the real top man, and while having sex with lowlier men, they fantasize about having sex with the top
note that the majority of women are masochists to varying degrees, desire sex with some mild bondage/choking/slapping etc. to all the way hard violence and BDSM stuff –
enjoy the feeling of pain, fear, being helpless, being dominated, being powerless etc. – and being raped.


¹, ³
Women are stupid and weak, thus usually were easily dominated by men, treated like reproductive slaves, traded and owned like property without rights.
But women evolved a strategy to have great influence over men, even to force men to do their bidding:
Because men NEED women for sexual pleasure and reproduction, women have two options:
Self-harm and suicide – one reducing her sexual attractiveness, reducing her value as sex toy for men, or even reducing her fertility; the other outright removing a man’s
reproductive option completely.
This strategy was evolved, not invented consciously – so women have a propensity for self-harm (bulimia, skin-cuttings,…) and suicide (usually unsuccessful attempts,
because it’s a strong threat signal already and real suicide would destroy the woman’s genes – so women are known for doing many UNSUCCESSFUL suicide ATTEMPTS (Compared to men, who usually succeed at it at once)).
This integrates with women’s strong instincts for craving for attention – if they feel socially or sexually under-appreciated or under-provided, women feign ills, diseases, accidents, deprivations, create big drama and conflict.
This tendency, and the fact that there was less evolutionary pressure on women than men for being rational, intelligent, knowledgeable, reasonable – because women were the bottleneck in reproduction, and most men had to take any woman they could get – and men had to protect and provide, which requires a much higher level of competence and rationality than merely woman’s absolute minimum requirement for proper instincts to care for babies and toddlers – means that women have much higher rates of mental and emotional instability than men: In short, women are often outright crazy, and still can attract needy men and successfully reproduce, while a crazy man is apt to fail at it.

The the modern environment is evolutionarily novel:
In the ancestral one rape, was likely reproductively successful, if the man could get away with or from it (war, social anonymity ,… ).
Counter-intuitively, modern policing and forensics (DNA testing, etc.) kills raped women:
A rapist experiences a post-orgasmic clearity of mind – his sexual urges momentarily completely gone,
he becomes coldly calculating and rational, suddenly remembers the social implications and the fact that he probably will be found and convicted, fears for his future,
and tries to get rid of the evidence, thus killing her and trying to hide the body (perhaps under the influence of drugs/alcohol which disinhibit him);
without policing/forensics, he probably would just flee and let her live, “as nature intended”.

Rick says:

Rapists who murder women do so because they know they can’t own them. If they could rape them and keep them as Gnon commands there would be very few rape/murders.

Leon says:

Possible. A good chunk of rapists, at least the serial ones, have little self control. The Green River Killer supposedly had an IQ of 85. They rape, kill, then move on to the next lady in a serial killer’s version of the alpha pump and dump.

Rick says:

I think it’s more of a case that if you can’t keep her, then no one can, the same sort of destructive behavior people do towards to most loot people can’t take with them. I did some reading on gang rape + murder during warfare and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of killing fertility age women before it was made effectively illegal to keep what you rape either as a slave or a concubine.

Solo serial killers tend to be brain damaged individuals so they’re really not good examples of normal human behavior.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Rape, or ‘rapine’, is a classical word for stealing stuff. Googles and sandkips assaulting feral women is assault, not rape, because the feral women aren’t owned by anyone.

nils says:

assault means to cause harm, isnt it simply abduction? to move or transfer ownership.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When an invading army engages in rapine, they aren’t just stealing stuff, but also destroying everything else they can’t steal. The destructiveness of property is a distinctifying aspect of rape as compared to other forms of theft.

By and large, the feral southron assaulting a feral woman can’t, in fact, take ownership of her; and in any case, the real problem is not that feral woman might (walk around the wrong side of the tracks in hopes that they) be assaulted, but that it is not gangs of europoid men who are doing the assaulting (and subsequent abducting) of feral women.

Noname says:

Much of what we think we know about female Psychology is a lot of claptrap theory from old men fetishizing about mommy. All theory, no Science.

At the visceral level, all women desire being dominated by authority. That’s the common denominator that crystalizes all their behavior. And the more they act out, the more they desire that father figure in their life.

jim says:

We know female psychology fine.

The original puas collected a mountain of empirical data. Which, knowledge of what we now call the red pill having been lost, was mysterious, contradictory, and counter intuitive.

Then several intellectuals made sense out of this data by placing it in the context of evolutionary game theory and human evolution.

It is not that women desire to be dominated. The shit tests keep on coming. It is that they carnally desire a man that can dominate them. It is a subtle but important difference.

Successful reproduction requires an end to defect/defect equilibrium.

Since there are only a small number of iterations, attaining cooperate/cooperate equilibrium requires coercion. They want a man that can own them.

As I keep saying, the strong empowered overweight barista with a hundred thousand in college and credit card debt is going to die alone and be eaten by her cats, but if abducted by Islamic State and sold on the auction block naked and in chains would probably have seven children and thirty grand children, and die surrounded by a horde of loving family. Women are searching for their ancestral environment of successful reproduction, and not finding it anywhere.

suones says:

…if abducted by Islamic State…

Prog women had a tendency to run off to the Islamic State, get impregnated, then return to claim gibs from betacuck Western States.

If there’s one thing Baphomet does correctly, it is ensuring high elite fertility. Even if the spawn are semi-functional and have no chance of reaching the stars, the future literally belongs to those who show up.

peter8 says:

How many of us are aware of the huge global push toward digital IDs, meaning digital slavery? A very Chinese/commie idea.

This video is worth watching. Every big corporation is in on it, tied to the military, intelligence agencies, govts, the UN, and all other major global players. They are after the kids, and will seek control of their lives, always watching, limiting, harvesting data.

JUst watch the last 5 minutes or so, a brief interview with a guy who is looking to enslave Ethiopia via digital means. Truly horrible, but itz happening.

jim says:

This video is tediously lengthy, and is presented by a woman who represents a different cathedral faction. Skip to the last five minutes. Not all of her information likely to be truthful or grounded in reality.

Extraordinarily evil people who are extraordinarily confident in their holiness. All of them, both the evil people she exposes, and the woman herself.

And Cardano, which I am betting on, is knee deep in these evil people, and is playing ball with them.

However, Cardano is also developing capabilities that can be used for other purposes, because such capabilities can be extrarodinarily lucrative in a world where people want digital currencies so that they can get around governmental obstacles to long distance transactions.

The Original OC says:

Charles Hoskinson twitter account flags his real allegiance pretty clearly. Why do they play ball with him?

jim says:

Charles Hoskinson is a double agent, and no one knows which side a double agent is on, even the double agent himself.

We shall only know when it is done.

Mister Grumpus says:

Is Cardano open source enough for a badboy team to run off with their own fork someday to follow through on those anti-enemy goals, while the goodboy namefag team hangs back and says “Don’t look at me, I don’t even know those guys”?

jim says:

Yes it is open source enough. And not only open source enough, but a Cardano that subverts Cathedral goals could be implemented without forking the blockchain, or without forking it in ways that the current implementation does not provide for.

The namefag team would then cry “We are shocked, shocked. We never expected someone to so cleverly misuse features we designed in to support Cathedral goals.”

I hope for that outcome, which would serve both my social goals and my personal finances, but I am by no means confident that it will happen. It is a very big gamble. I have another plan which is perhaps more likely to work, but will take considerably longer – nowhere near ready, barely started. I am not putting all my eggs in the Cardano basket.

The architecture of Cardano is to give people highly trackable identities.

The architecture of one true crypto currency will be to give people an ample supply of highly trackable identities, but to enable them to avoid leaving tracks between those identities.

Mister Grumpus says:

One can express the challenge of colonizing Mars quite succinctly in terms of tons, calories, kilometers, chemical elements and years. “Simple”.

But I imagine that before the 18th century or so, that succinct expressing was impossible. If someone tried — even if he understood what he was talking about better than anyone — it would still come out like a scattershot of scramble-talk mumbo-jumbo, because he lacked the tight concepts to “cut reality at the joints” with, like F=ma, conservation of energy and Mendeleev’s table of the elements.

Likewise, I’m dismayed (or just lazy) that I can’t understand just what is needed to make the Darkside Weaponized Cardanoglocke a reality. You post about it, I’m sure quite thoughtfully, but to me it’s just one mysterious hocus-pocus proper noun after another. I’m unable to tell the difference between your explanations and crypto-shelf scramble-talk mumbo-jumbo.

Is there hope for me? For someone 30 years younger? Not to contribute but to at least kinda-sorta comprehend what this is about and what’s needed? Is there a “Great Courses” for this stuff? Is a body of settled concepts settling to the bottom of the pan, or are even the IQ500’s still crashing around in a dark funhouse with this stuff? “Oh wait… shit… WHAT?”

I just want to ensure that everyone (all what, all 200 of them?) with the raw ability to help with this has a good idea of how to help. Maybe we’re there already and I just don’t know it (because why would I)?

Oog en Hand says:

Some Sunni consider Shia to be worse than Hindu.
Some Shia consider Sunni to be worse than Hindu.

suones says:

Slight misinterpretation.

In Ishlmaelite culture, “Hindu” is an ethnographic description, and “al-Hindi” is the default surname of anyone from Hindustan regardless of faith (including “Muslims,” to South Asian anti-Hindu converts’ great chagrin).

Old Believers are considered “Kafir,” those who’ve not received the darkness of Baphomet into their hearts. They are to be converted by any means, by proselytising, taxation (jaziya) or threats, as necessary.

Apostates are Murtadd or mulhid, while heretics may be zindiq. This group is one who has accepted Baphomet but subsequently repudiated him — and this is punishable by death. Such people are considered a bigger threat to Baphometanism than Kufr.

Shia and Sunni, in the present day, consider each other apostates hence deserving of death — which sometimes happens eg the execution of Sheikh al Nimr.

The Ducking Man says:

I would upvote you if there is upvote button. For real this is very accurate.

In my personal experience, Murtadd or Zindiq can be applied to person who can read bible and pointing out the inconsistency of Baphomet’s version of patriarchs story (especially the Isaac and Ishmael story). I was excluded from the group immediately.

someDude says:

Not really, Mate! The Shia ayatollah Khameini of Iran recently glorified the Sunni Mughal rule in India.

Oog en Hand says:

Some, SOME…

ERTZ says:

Many of you know that “liberals” have a strong out-group tendency, which is why they often support racial/religious out-groups over their own. But did you know that they also prefer inanimate objects like rocks to their own family members?

Ties in really well with crackpot theories they feel driven to make up like

Another point:
Instinctively, I feel disgust and aggression towards leftists on a pre-rational level-
I hate them even before any analytic thinking.
Same with gays or spiders.
I think this is about survival and sex instincts:
When I try to find out what exactly disgusts me so much about leftists, on an emotional level,
not on a cognitive-analytical one,
I think it’s much about this:
From a tribal perspective, they are more likely to get myself and my in-group killed,
because they not only are merely weak, but accept and glorify weakness.
Now, some guys are weak, can’t do much about it, but this is tolerable if they at least aspire to and respect strength. Not so leftists – their motto seems to be “It’s OK to be weak.”
They even often celebrate effeminancy, incompetence, childish playfulness in adult men, weakness-increasing practices like faggotry and drug-abuse (hippies), abhor gaining strength, competence, military prowess, masculinity. They even hate weapons.

In the ancestral, tribal environment, such men would have invited attack by rival tribes.
Weakness invites, motivates aggression.
Best protection against attack, best guarantee to live safely, is being seen as being strong.
If you have leftist men in your tribe, and rival tribes observe it, they are more likely to attack
you, enslave you, kill you, take your women and your stuff.
I would do the same if I were to see weak neighboring tribes.
Hating leftists may simply be an evolved brain module that prevents oneself from being killed.

A 2nd aspect is that, despite accepting and glorifying weakness,
leftist men still want to mate with women, producing more leftists.
Outrageous enough in itself (imagine a feminine, incompetent weakling demanding mating rights),
in a tribal environment, that means more weaklings, even less tribal strength, even higher chance of being attacked and destroyed by other tribes.
Hating leftists may be an instinct to prevent self-destruction.

Men who simply randomly mutated to feel that way, and kept leftists out of their tribes, one way or another,
should have survived and prospered better than those who tolerated leftists.
Hard to imagine a group of hippies making it in the ancestral environment.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for grotesque disconnection with reality, tedious repetition, and random use of our shibboleths*]

jim says:

You said this already and we replied already.

You propose left wing solutions to the problems created by leftism.

Anonymous Fake says:

You could at least point out the blatant fake science like I did.

jim says:

No you did not. You misused our shibboleths.

You claimed that science was fake in being insufficiently blue pilled, using our shibboleths but inverting their meaning.

onyomi says:

Ryan Faulk had a good video on this somewhere like Bitchute. Basically he suggested there are a certain subset of the population whom we might call “cause-y” people, as in, people who are looking hard for a cause to devote themselves to. These contrast with “normal” people, who are culturally conservative by inclination and “just want to grill,” so to speak. The “normal” people just want the “cause-y” people to leave them alone, not make a cause of fighting the “cause-y” people’s causes.

I think he correctly identifies that, unfortunately, white people include a higher proportion of “cause-y” people than do e.g. blacks and hispanics (not sure about Asians–they may also be quite vulnerable to holiness spirals, maybe even more than whites?). Presumably this is part and parcel of what makes white people more successful than blacks (obsession), but is also very dangerous.

Also unfortunate is the fact that it’s difficult for us “normal” white people to have an alliance with the “normal” black people (a higher proportion of the black population than of the white, most likely!), because for black people being socially conservative, being in-group preferring, being “normal” MEANS voting Democrat. It means voting for the anti-white party. Seemingly that would be the case with Jews now as well–supporting rapid, radical social change is, paradoxically, the traditional Jewish position, at least in America.

This relates to the question of whether a large percentage of the white population, i.e. the “cause-y” people are just, plain bad people and need to be “physically removed,” or if having a percentage of “cause-y” people is an inevitable part of being a high-IQ, high-creativity, independence seeking people and these people are just misguided by evil priesthoods. Certainly, I think that e.g. the high percentage of former Nazis who became Stasi suggest to me that the same people who were passionate Nazis could, indeed, be passionate SJWs today. So, again, the problem is probably with the priesthood and their nefarious doctrines, than with these crazy people, as much as they disgust me.

The Cominator says:

If the cause-y people’s cause includes demon worship then yes they need to be physically removed.

onyomi says:

I do not disagree, but I think the reason it is necessary is not to take cause-y people out of the gene pool so much as to send the signal to all the cause-y people that the current crop of causes are low status.

The Cominator says:

The % of them in the white gene pool should probably be reduced by as much as 80%.

jim says:

There is no leftism gene.

There is, however, a gene for following the state religion, which is likely to be bred back into the population when the state religion backs the marriages of the faithful.

Is there a gene for holiness spiraling? Well, holiness spiraling is a tactic. If it is high status to be holy, and likely to advance one’s career, people are going to find something to be holy about, preferably without the inconvenience of actually doing anything very holy. There are undoubtedly genes for following effective tactics. We don’t want to reduce such genes. We want to reduce the effectiveness of such tactics.

Pooch says:

If it is high status to be holy, and likely to advance one’s career, people are going to find something to be holy about, preferably without the inconvenience of actually doing anything very holy.

And open entry into the priesthood means there is a never ending line of people ready to find something new to be holy about. We need a sane state religion with a closed priesthood.

suones says:

We need a sane state religion with a closed priesthood.

Which spirals back to hereditary Brahminism. There are a shitton of ways to lose Brahmin caste, but only very few to gain it (specifically, being born as a Brahmin’s son, or performing some extrordinary feat of virtue). Limiting the number of Brahmins is the #1 job to prevent holiness spiralling.

The Cominator says:

People who are too mindless about it only cause trouble. They are likely to be an irritant even under a good system and should be kept an extreme minority of the population.

Pooch says:

Moldbug proposes that when regime change finally comes the old regime managers will gladly take a payout to retire in peace just as old Stasi officials are receiving pension payments to this day. The will know the writing is on the wall when the time comes if they are able to maintain their quality of life in peace, ultimately realizing they are not losing much.

However, as Ceasar failed to realize and Augustus did realize, segments of the old unvirtuous elite, will need to be made an example of with overwhelming violence as they will have a lot to lose in land, title, and status when they are finally removed from power.

The Cominator says:

Augustus did not make an example out of a SEGMENT of them, he killed every last one of them.

Pooch says:

My understanding is he killed quite a bit of the patricians equites but not all of them.

Pooch says:

Patricians and equites*

The Cominator says:

All of them with anti-Caesarian or Republican sentiment were killed unless they managed to escape.

They were sometimes spared if they applied for amnesty from exile but if you were known to be anti-Caesarian during the purge and you didn’t escape you died and most didn’t escape. And you were not just allowed to escape they would have bounties out on you.

suones says:


Moldbug proposes that when regime change finally comes the old regime managers will gladly take a payout to retire in peace just as old Stasi officials are receiving pension payments to this day.

Take nothing Moldberg writes at face value. This specific example, ex-Stasi officers receiving pensions, works only because the State Religion followed by Stasi is still in power. Stasi are the “extremists, but they had their hearts in the right place” crowd, like the Baader Meinhof Gang. The litmus test is whether ex-Nazi officers are receiving pensions (hah!). Whatever Uncle Adolf’s boys received, Leftists are going to receive 10x from me.

onyomi says:
jim says:

This video is very wrong.

It gives far too much credit to passionate sincerity. When a cause successfully takes power, the people who were part of that cause get status, privilege, jobs, and are able to beat up, rob, and sometimes murder, people they do not like without consequences.

“cause-y” people do not do bad things out of passionate sincerity. They are passionately sincere because they intend to do bad things.

This is the issue that Christ condemned as “phariseeism”, the early Anglican Church condemned as “preaching supererogation”. In the struggle between the Orthodox and the Donatists, the Donatists started off with enormous and well deserved moral credit, which credit they rapidly dissipated with no end of evil deeds. The Orthodox started off with enormous moral discredit, which credit they gradually restored by the ordinary everyday virtue of a husband, a father, an employee, and a boss. The Emperor was at first reluctant to crush the Donatists, because of conspicuous virtue, eventually crushed them because of intolerable evil.

We have had at least three thousand years of this problem, probably a great deal longer, and have more than enough data to draw conclusions. We have been around this block over and over again. “Cause-y” people are forming a synthetic tribe to take power, status, and wealth, and intend to take power, status, and wealth away from the larger synthetic tribe, of which they are supposedly members, and whose ideals they supposedly support, only even more so.


Charge them with apostacy, enslave them, and send them to cut sugar cane under the whip. Castrate the men.

nils says:

so cancer for religious societies? Who is defecting seems to be a primordial conflict

jim says:

Yes. Cancer for religious societies. Only controllable by the vigorous will to excise that cancer.

Oog en Hand says:

Yes, castrate the men!

suones says:

…“cause-y” people do not do bad things out of passionate sincerity. They are passionately sincere because they intend to do bad things.

They are merely people looking to gain status. Everyone is looking to gain status. Status-seeking is simply human nature and neither good nor evil. You and I are passionately sincere yet we intend to do good things.

If a sane Emperor and sane State Religion, people gain status through eusocial means — Brahmins advance the state of philosophy, Kshatriyas expand the borders of Empire, Vaishyas expand tax revenue, and Shudras provide crafts and products to sate the ever increasing population.

If no Emperor and insane State Religion, clownworld.

The #1 task for a State Religion is to channel the drive for status into a eusocial direction.

onyomi says:

I agree the #1 task for a state religion is to drive status seeking in a eusocial direction and I also don’t think we’re going to be able to get rid of the sort of person who seeks status through holiness nor the need for a state religion.

Nevertheless, I still think there is a distinction to be made between those who are strongly driven to pursue holiness, however their society defines holiness, and those who just don’t care as much, or who have the independence of mind to seek accomplishment in areas they, personally value, rather than having holiness or accomplishment defined for them.

Right now, it would be nice if the state religion would change such that antifa and other enemies of Western civilization could be jailed and terrorized with impunity, while people promoting traditional values were accorded high status and a lot of leeway. But this is only because I find the intolerance of such people to have reached a level in the past few years at which it is becoming overly difficult for people like me to live the sorts of lives my parents and my parents’ parents were able to enjoy, to have the kinds of institutions my parents and my parents’ parents were able to participate in, and so on.

I have in intellectually interested in politics since I was young, but had the culture war stagnated around 90s level I would never have felt urgency to want to be able to beat up anyone. I would not have been passionate and intense about it. Of course, much degeneration had already happened by then in terms of white flight, etc. but perhaps because it was what I grew up accustomed to, the existing workarounds (suburbs, etc.) never seemed inadequate.

I mostly want to be left alone, politically speaking, to do my own thing and practice the sort of Anglo-Saxon values associated with American society at its height. On some level I DO just want to grill (and travel by air without crazy security and hygiene theater and not have my children massively discriminated against in education and employment and not have my group the villain in every pop culture product and…) and only feel very passionately about the people who are disrupting my ability to do so.

onyomi says:

All the above being said, I do feel that I have only been fairly recently radicalized to the point where, rather than e.g. going on the defensive if someone calls me a racist, I feel quite confident in denouncing back with equal moral fervor. I expect I’m not alone in having been so radicalized. Especially encouraging was a recent video in which a Latino gang member is basically smacking antifa with a rosary and calling them abominations. This is encouraging both in terms of the probability that the fastest growing US demographic may be less helpful to the globalists designs on the US than expected and because it’s the right language to use, as opposed to “I just don’t want to see their penis” (uttered by a white woman protesting trans people at a spa or some such).

jim says:

Ordinary people are starting to lose confidence in the holiness of our elites, and tend to be respectful of alternate claims of holiness.

Karl says:

My parents tell me that ordinary peoply have been having a very low and disrespectful opinion of members of parliament in Germany for the last 60 years or so – even of politicians those people have voted for.

So in a way there is nothing new here. What is new as far as I can tell is that the loss of confidence is spreading to physicians, scientists (especially if employed by a university), and high ranking members of the police and the armed forces.

I also note that ordinary people will first start to lose confidence in the competence of elites and only later lose confidence in their holiness.

linker says:

@Caltech Dreams

One of the reasons your posts ring false is that life strategy speed is not descriptive on an individual level. There are lots of high conscientiousness low IQ individuals and vice versa. You can divide races into FLS and SLS based on evolutionary pressures, but not individuals. And intelligence and conscientiousness are not the only traits that describe individuals; there are also the other 4 big 5 traits, mutational load, and religiosity. And that’s not even to mention the innate differences between men and women! If women want to be raped it’s because they are women, not because they are “fast life strategists”, unless you have any evidence that proves otherwise. Not even the fastest life strategy MEN want to be raped.

Caltech Dreams says:

I am not disputing the majority of women having the dark triad desires. It is simply my hypothesis that having children with LLS women will naturally reinforce a return to patriarchy, solve the genius problem, and continue desirable white genotypes.

Basil says:

The monogamy patriarchy worked because the elites to be interested in a large number of loyal and hard-working men from the bottom. Men had to 1) work and 2) protect 3) don’t rebel. For the service, the man received himself a pussy. Automation, economies of scale, and the concentration of capital are turning more and more men into useless consumers. It is a matter of time before most people simply cannot do their jobs better than machines. Ironically, women will be more in demand as workers: nannies, social workers and concubines. 2) The nature of the war has also changed. In the 21st century, drones and viruses will fight, the days of massive armies are over. 3) Also, monogamy was needed to maintain order. But after centuries of self-domestication, a global drop in testosterone, improvements in detection and identification, the transition to electronic money, porn / endless entertainment, this is no longer so important.

Consequently, the elite no longer has the incentive to maintain order and the families of the masses. Moreover, they will destroy family through anti-domestic violence and social support laws to eliminate future clan formation and competition, and reduce the burden on the biosphere. Matriarchy will also be established in the elite, though more informal. Biotechnology to improve offspring will widen the gap between estates, so a rebellion from below will soon become impossible. Unless a crash happens in an hour, your dreams of returning the good old days will remain dreams.

jim says:


The ratchet of social decay is devouring the ratchet of technological advance. Knowledge and skills keep getting lost. The tech ratchet keeps slipping. In many fields, when the old folks retire, stuff mysteriously just stops working. Tech advance continues, but is slowing, while tech loss is accelerating.

It took an old type Christian society to create science and the industrial revolution, and what it created is starting to fall apart.

The masses never mattered, so arguing they matter less now is irrelevant. The problem is that the elite is stupid and wicked, and is getting stupider and wickeder. The elite has been declining in quality since 1875. Look at the stuff they write, and the stuff they read.

The prospects of genetically engineering a superior elite are not very likely when our capacity to genetically engineer an effective vaccine is diminishing. Genetic engineering peaked some time ago, with the first, and the last, creation of a living organism from wholly synthetic DNA assembled into wholly synthetic chromosomes. That was our last man on the moon moment.

For a while it looked as if their was going to be a technological revolution with organs threedee printed from genetically modified cells. That capability is fading fast.

And if we could engineer a smarter elite, they would instead engineer a stupider elite, docile human robots.

Cloudswrest says:

Re: Technology. Never get tired of watching this.

Rick says:

As the Roman empire collapsed weapons tech continued to improve. Musk’s rockets will give the country who owns them ability to claim the highest of the high ground. Though Musk is moving like a man desperate to finish his great work before the US government shuts him down.

And unfortunately the US military is too stupid, lazy and incompetent to realize the advantage that Musk’s Starship will give them. They’ve failed to protect the Holy Star Prophet from the eye of Soros and the DOJ is right now digging through SpaceX’s employee records in order to destroy the unholy White and Asian male engineering teams.

jim says:

It is not their stupidity and laziness.

It is that superior holiness matters more than winning wars.

Which will not change till a Stalin or a Cromwell takes charge, and perhaps not till a Monck takes charge.

FearTheReaper says:

Is China suffering the same technological decline? I can’t help but hold out hope that someone will figure out life extension therapies/drugs/treatments, even if I have to move to Beijing and pay millions

jim says:

China is still behind, but catching up fast. They have a substantial lead in hypersonic missiles and long range artillery. Their computers still suck, but they are promising better computers real soon now. We shall see.

Drugs are most advanced in Russia, and continuing to advance. They have stuff Americans just do not, but I don’t know how the rest of their med tech compares.

The Russian China flu vaccine is only marginally better than America’s (No adjuvants)

Rick says:

>I can’t help but hold out hope that someone will figure out life extension therapies/drugs/treatments, even if I have to move to Beijing and pay millions

Make babies. That’s where human immortality comes from.

Once we’re able to clean up the oxygen damage to cells we’ll be able to live forever, unfortunately that will probably require a good copy of DNA from your youth to use as a template. Until then best to have youngins to carry on your spark of life to the future.

FearTheReaper says:

Of course that’s in the cards, yet at my admittedly youthful age it doesn’t seem much comfort when facing either judgment or nothingness. I’d rather accomplish as much as I can, though I’m aware of the childishness of those thoughts

alf says:

When you’re young, you want to conquer the world.

When you grow older, you realize a pretty wife, some kids, enjoyable work and a few hobbies are really all you need. And interestingly enough, those activities tend to give you actual opportunities to conquer the world, even though that is not primary reason you engage in them.

Rick says:

>so a rebellion from below will soon become impossible.

You’ve clearly never read any history and everything you think you know about history is prog lies. Peasant revolts always fail. In all of recorded history the only peasant revolt that succeeded was in China when China had basically smashed itself apart through chaos and insanity. The elites have nothing to fear from the masses and never have. Elite on elite infighting matters, everyone else is just tools to their ends.

> It is a matter of time before most people simply cannot do their jobs better than machines.

This is true, but it’s mostly true because the quality of workers has been declining and the workers are becoming too stupid and poorly trained to do their jobs. Soon enough the quality of the machines will follow the decline of the people who make them.

nils says:

Something which struck me as important, was the absence of famine causing successful insurrection in premodern(1500s ish) civilization. I do not understand what changed, but malthusian economics were simply not a problem for most lords (loaf keepers, aryan or redskin) in pre modern times. possibly something to do with the expansion of the franchise/patriarchy to all males as opposed to a landed/unlanded distinction which was more severe? was it the expansion of steel(even before powder) which increased the percent of males capable of duking it out in Mar’s hall? Have yet to find a good answer for this famine = burn the state, maybe just a symptom of decline into dark gods and blaming everyone. From biblical egypt to the maya starvation just wasnt that enourmous a problem. today it matters massively for the survival of the state.

Rick says:

Malthus was a quack. During lean times women can’t put on enough body fat to conceive. Human reproduction rates naturally decline during bad times because of this.

>Have yet to find a good answer for this famine = burn the state, maybe just a symptom of decline into dark gods and blaming everyone. From biblical egypt to the maya starvation just wasnt that enourmous a problem. today it matters massively for the survival of the state.

Once we started long distance trading via ships Famine generally wasn’t a deadly issue, you just imported food from another area until conditions improved. Most truly devastating famines are the results of bad governments doing bad things like Socialism. When the reason you’re starving is the government starving you, then the logical thing to do is destroy the government. Which of course doesn’t work until you have some elites leading you. The peasants being starved in revolutionary France were unable to defeat the government that was stealing their grain.

Nils says:

How does declining female fertility make crop failures non events? Food supply is not static or ever growing, populations have gone past food availability since the beginning of time. Malthus might have been a quak but you knew I meant the not enough food part, not every opinion the guy ever had. Evil governments cause terrible famines, so do asteroids and volcanos. Did societies just hang enough people that starvation wasn’t a civilization problem? What was the social technology for making hungry people stfu

Rick says:

>Malthus might have been a quak but you knew I meant the not enough food part, not every opinion the guy ever had.

The not enough food part due to poor people having kids is the core of the Malthusian ideas. He though people went right along having lots of kids while food production levels declined.

>Food supply is not static or ever growing, populations have gone past food availability since the beginning of time.

When food quantiles decline, people have fewer kids. Population stabilizes without too much death and almost none at all when you have ship born trade. Massive die offs from famine are almost always the result governments and warfare, not human reproduction and climate.

Yes there was one volcano event that fucked up worldwide food production during the late Roman empire and possibly another during the still in Africa genetic bottle neck.

Case in point, Viking Greenland. Greenland had declining crop levels over a century as the climate cooled down but the colonies hung with fewer and fewer children born every year. The thing that pushed them into collapse was a Inuit attack on one of the two colonies, which drove the people of the colony into the second one which didn’t have the food to support them. Fighting broke out and everyone starved.

But baring that, it’s likely the colonies would have just continued to decline in size until people decided to move somewhere where the climate didn’t suck so much.

jim says:

The french revolution was not caused by famine. Rather, famine was caused by what caused the french revolution.

The rapidly escalating leftism led to price control, price control led to shortages. The shortages were then applied as justification for further movement left.

Then the real famine set as revolutionary troops from the cities went out and seized the farmer’s food.

Nils says:

Interesting, so we have two different kinds of famines, the natural or accidental type which doesn’t shake up the realm much, and the instigated false flag kind? Would make a lot of sense that there should be two words for the different forms of famine. Now I’m curious if the wicked kind has always been more common then natural events. Were famines in the middle ages often political? Outside of war I mean.

Aidan says:

Famine is always artificial. I cant find a single natural famine in European history that was not caused by war or other artificial factors.

Dominic says:

Lots of market prognosticators say real estate, stocks, bitcoin, all assets are bubbles.

So I’m supposed to hold fiat currency? Feels like at the end of the day that might be worth less, no?

jim says:

Fiat is always the biggest bubble of them all, and never comes down until it does come down.

I think fiat is the worst, real estate is very good, and, of course, you know what I am betting on.

Karl says:

Real estate is good only if you do have secure rights of ownership. Many places you do not have secure rights. In some places, the police will watch a mob burning down your house and arrest you if you try to to stop the mob by force.

When the fiat bubble burst in Venezuela, real estate wasn’t worth much, but it was in Weimar Germany.

The question is what will the the bursting of the fiat bubble look like. Will there still be secure property rights (like in Weimar) or not (like Venezuele, Zimbabwe).

Dominic says:

So I understand much public current key cryptography is vulnerable to quantum computing. How quantum-resistant is crypto? How quantum-resistant can it really be?

jim says:

Quantum computing didn’t work thirty years ago, and has made zero progress since then.

Thirty years ago they claimed to have factored the number fifteen, which was sort of true and sort of untrue.

They have not yet factored the number twenty one.

suones says:

Thirty years ago they claimed to have factored the number fifteen, which was sort of true and sort of untrue.

Schoedinger’s factors. What else did they expect from “quantum” computing lol?

suones says:


Pooch says:

May have answered your own question. It could depend entirely on the demographics of where that house is located.

Karl says:

Demographics will be an important factor, but that is already factored into real estate prices.

I expect that the holiness of the government will matter a great deal. If owning a house that is not CO2-neutral or whatever is unholy, you might find out that that house isn’t a valuable asset at all.

Pooch says:

Not necessarily. Houses in rural white counties are dirt cheap. Houses in exclusive suburban/urban gated communities close to major cities surrounded by niggers on all sides are very expensive. These counties are generally minority white. It’s easy to follow that the rural white county governments will be less holy than the blue counties that the elites live in.

The Cominator says:

So this is to say that areas of the country that suppress left wing riots real estate will be worth something, but areas that do not you should sell your house.

So Florida real estate is good and Wisconsin is not.

Karl says:

Well yes, but the fiat bubble has not yet burst and it remains to be seen what the government of Florida will decide (and be allowed by the federal government to decide) when the fiat bubble bursts.

Pooch says:

State governments are not going to be enforcing property rights. It will be entirely up to the local county sheriffs. There are plenty of based rural/small town near 100% white counties in Wisconsin and urban shitlib/nigger minority white counties in Florida.

The Cominator says:

State governments seem to be in a position to outlaw self defense against rioters, the case against St. Kyle will be crucial.

In Florida because of stand your ground etc property rights will likely be safe for the time being even in heavily black neighborhoods…

Pooch says:

Laws don’t matter. It’s who is enforcing the law. Kyle is being charged by a local communist DA in blue nigger territory. The state is completely irrelevant. A sheriff/DA in red town white USA is not going to do that. The only time the state would matter is if a red governor pardons you. That shouldn’t be something you should be banking on. Recall the drill sgt charged in South Carolina for defending property. South Carolina as a state is just as red as Florida but it’s irrelevant. It’s entirely up to the local police and DA.

The Cominator says:

Florida not even the blue areas had much trouble, I don’t know whether Austin in Texas had trouble.

Atlanta is such a shithole (Sherman didn’t burn it enough) that it probably did have trouble though.

The Cominator says:

Very little actually. Maybe a night or two of rioting that did not dare expand beyond the worst of the shitholes and even then the riots were generally crushed in those areas with legal private violence.

Halion says:

Hi Jim! If I understood correctly and in short, if I was obliged to get a vaccine, it should be Sputnik V or Sinopharm and avoid Pfizer and AstraZeneca at all costs, is that right?

Varna says:

Sputnik V is an adenoviral vector equivalent to Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Good enough for perfectly healthy youths, amplifies preexisting conditions, even latent ones, with everyone else.

Sinopharm and Sinovac are trad dead virus vaccines. Half the world is using them with no problem. Word is China is jabbing their army with their own Sputnik V equivalent (CanSino), while the more fragile civilians get Sinopharm and Sinovac.

Thus, if you’re a youth in perfect health, Sputnik V will likely not cause major problems, but if you’re just a normal adult managing a number of minor issues, better the trad vax by the Chinese. Higher odds of health stuff not suddenly erupting.

Also, after vector vaccines like Sputnik V or Astra Zeneca, there is frequently a period of up to two weeks in which the immune system is depressed and you’ll react WORSE if hit by a virus. So after a jab like that–spend a fortnight away from people, until the immune system bounces back.

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