
The Faith

Holy war is coming, as the poz gets ever more extreme, ever faster, and our ruling elite increasingly uses state coercion and the FBI to accomplish political outcomes, coercing fellow members of the political elite for political reasons.

Have to bring a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war.

Deus Vult.

Whites are detribalized, and contrary to the white nationalists, “white” is not a tribal identifier. Whites are wolf to whites. A religion, defining religion broadly to include things like communism and poz, is a synthetic tribe. To win, we need a faith.

With our enemies going further and further into delusion, we have to form a faith on the Truth of Gnon, the Will of God as manifested in the natural order, the Logos manifested in the order of the world, natural law as the will of God. We will, in accordance with the Christianity of about a thousand years ago, interpret Christ as, among other things, the incarnation of the Logos, and thus interpret his words as in accordance with game theory and evolutionary psychology, and divine prophecies as the predictable outcome of cause and effect.

One can deduce ought from is, which is exactly what the Book of Solomon and the copybook headings do, what every reasonable person does in practice.  If one is a strict atheist materialist, then “good” is what game theory and evolutionary psychology tells us that we should desire in our  kin, our friends, and the character of those that we should ally with.  If God created the world then “is” was created by God, and cause and effect a manifestation of the Logos.  And if a Christian, then cause and effect manifested as  wholly man, and that man ended Talmudic legalism, ended the practice of deducing “ought” from some other “ought” taken as given and absolute and then deducing ever sillier and ever more repugnant conclusions from the first “ought”, whether one takes that given “ought” as the “greatest good for the greatest number”, or takes as that given “ought” that one should not boil a goat in its mother’s milk.

The expulsion of the Jews by the Romans illustrates the Divine Logos telling us “The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life” The divine will manifested through entirely natural causes, because the natural order of the universe reflects the will of God. And the spirit of the law, being manifest in cause and effect and manifest in the natural order, needs to be understood with reference to natural law, game theory, and evolutionary psychology. When the Jews obeyed the letter of the law while massively violating the spirit of the law, they were, in accordance with prophecy, expelled from Israel – which reflects the will of God and divine prophecy, but also reflects the fact that if you violate the spirit of the law, you will get into stupid wars with your neighbors, and eventually war with one of your neighbors that happens to be a six hundred pound gorilla. The Jews got into war with Rome not because of corrupt Roman tax collectors, oppressive taxation, harsh Roman law enforcement, and all that, but because they were so scrupulous about avoiding contamination by blood that they wound up getting covered in the wrongfully spilled blood of a Roman cop whom they murdered in the performance of his duty while he was attempting to impartially enforce a just, reasonable, and necessary law that applied to everyone. Which would not have led to war had they not felt so very righteous about it because they were being so faithful to rule about avoiding blood – so faithful to it that they spectacularly disregarded the commandments on coveting, theft, and murder. Attending synagogue while avoiding walking on ground contaminated by chicken blood was so terribly important that they could do anything they liked to accomplish these holy goals, including theft and murder, and their great determination to accomplish these holy goals demonstrated their superior holiness.  And their stubborn self righteousness over this incident eventually and predictably led to the Romans going Roman on them.

In Christianity, the rot set in on women about a thousand years ago, with romance and contractual marriage, with natural law increasingly being tortured to fit church doctrines that were increasingly arbitrary, unreasonable, and out of contact with reality, and with contractual marriage quietly and subtly replacing sacramental marriage, though Christianity only went really progressive on women during the twentieth century. We endorse old style contractual and old style sacramental marriage right now, at least as a moral standard and ritual solemnization, even though we are in no position to enforce it collectively, and after we gain power, start by rolling contractual marriage back to the late eighteenth century, while celebrating sacramental marriage at least symbolically, and eventually go all the way back to sacramental marriage.  We approve of and support husbands and fathers unilaterally enforcing it, even though such enforcement is highly illegal and subject to social disapproval, and we will have our marriage ceremonies proclaim it.

Evolutionary psychology and game theory implies that the family law of the Old Temple Hebrews and the first Millenium Christian Church was entirely correct, and the eighteenth century Christian position on family, war, identity, and the establishment of religion was quite good.

Pozzed Christianity, which dumps on fathers on father’s day and tells us we are Homer Simpson, and which thinks that Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is far more important that a bunch of priests having gay sex in a great big pile, because the priests were all consenting adults, is not Christian.

Chaos is coming.  Chaos is already here, and will get a lot worse.  Eventually order will be restored through Caesarism, that being the cycle of history.  I hope this happens soon, with Holy American Emperor Trump, but if it does not happen soon, it will happen eventually, possibly after a century of blood and ruin.

When it starts happening, and I hope it is beginning now, we should catch that tide and sail it to victory.

Revolutionary movements never get anywhere without backing from a substantial faction of the elite. So what section of the elite is going to back us?

Warriors need priests, and priests need warriors. We are always ruled by priests or warriors, so they tend to struggle for power, priests destroying the military, instead of sustaining it and giving it cohesion. The recent stupid wars where the military fought for no sane, useful, or achievable purpose, with one hand tied behind its back, were attacks by the priesthood on the military, as was insourcing logistics, putting camp followers in military uniforms.

To explain these stupid wars, people say they were fought for Israel, but if fought for Israel, would have been fought to win, rather than lose. If fought for Israel, we would not have women in the military, Israel would not have women in the military, we would not have kicked Israel out of Gaza, and logistic workers would not be wearing warrior uniforms.

We are priests who believe warriors should rule (using the term “priesthood” to mean any knowledge faction that internally coordinates its story in order to give the story more effect and in order to gain power, analogously to using the term “religion” to include communism and poz.)  We are therefore in a good position to catch the coming tide.

The time of Ceasarism approaches. Caesar, Napoleon, or Augustus will need priests who say and believe his rule under God is right, because God said so, because one stationary bandit is better than mobile banditry, and because one King three thousand miles away is better than a thousand kings three miles away.

1,436 comments The Faith

alf says:

All good and mighty, but you ignore the more pressing issue, namely that this is the second time we almost break the thousand-comment barrier just before you write a new post.

2019 is boring says:

Well, all we need to do is to stop telling the shills, feds, heretics, kooks, and retards to GTFO – then every thread will reach at least 3,000 comments.

Corvinus says:

So why don’t you adhere to your own advice?

Regardless, on this fine 4th of July, most normies are resolute. Holy war? No. The Alt Right has too many intellectual holes in it to be a sustained influence. You have the homo crowd with Jack Donovan and Milo, the gamma crew led by Vox Day, and the rest in between. Best wishes finding a Caesar in that motley bunch.

Starman says:


At least you’re upfront about who you are.

alf says:

If they just copy our memes, they’ll be fine.

2019 is boring says:

For those not in the know, Corvinus is a low-IQ leftist who has difficulty grasping double negatives, and sometimes even has difficulty grasping single negatives.

The fact that the wars were stupid, fought stupidly and were permeated by stupidity shared by Israel and the Israeli government doesn’t automatically mean that they weren’t fought for at least in part for Israel.
Decision-making by committee means gathering a coalition of usually stupid people who pool their stupid voices and drown out the tiny or nonexistent minorities of smart people on the committee. This necessarily means bartering for those voices.
Anyone who wants to rule by committee in modern America needs to barter for the voices of stupid Jews. It’s easy to purchase these voices with stupidly-worded pro-Israel rhetoric. Power leaks from the modern state and it is readily seized by Jews, who turned out to be better at priestly bullshit than Puritans. The Jews have adopted and internalized the puritan memetics, indeed Moldbug considered Reform Judaism a protestant sect, and have necessarily internalized prog stupidity. Their innate ability for twisting the letter of the law until it no longer resembles anything close to the original intention of the law gives them outsized power in the modern empire of lies.
Also, when pointing out that even secular and poz-compliant Jews have an affinity towards Israel, it’s not to imply that they’re secretly flag-waving nationalists. In my experience, they tend to have a bullshit patriotism similar to Brits getting all dewy-eyed about the NHS and abolishing slavery. To these people, Israeli patriotism means celebrating Israeli achievements in democracy, feminism and turning Tel Aviv into an open-air gay disco.
For my part, I have no problem with wars for Israel, insofar as they’re fought rationally and honestly – i. e. the rationale is “we are defending our Judean satrapy from local savages at the behest of our loyal servant, the Satrap of Judea Bibi Netanyahu.” That’s how a God Emperor would justify a war against barbarians.

BC says:

> Power leaks from the modern state and it is readily seized by Jews, who turned out to be better at priestly bullshit than Puritans.

Does the FBI pay you write this dribble? Jews are being purged from power everywhere in the west.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy says:

Can I see some evidence for this purge of Jews, please.

shaman says:

If America were controlled by techies from Unit 8200, would the Inner Party aka the Democrat Party become so vehemently hostile to Israel and no Jew with minimal ethnic identification — as opposed to those Reform aka Protestant Jews you mentioned above — can identify with it? The Democrat Party is the Palestinian Party, and the American State Department is the Palestinian State Department. At this rate, Jews won’t stay for long within the Coalition of the Colored.

kawaii_kike says:

I guess Jews as a privileged class were always just a cudgel to hammer whites into guilty compliance but as white demographics decline and the holy spiraling descends into further insanity, Jews will eventually get jettisoned. But until progressives finally give kikes the boot, Jews are just getting replaced by more progressive Jews and slowly losing power. Maybe people get too focused on the Jews as a separate entity, when in actuality they’re just masters of pedaling progressivism. Centuries of societal infiltration and in-grouping made them the perfect soldiers of leftism.

If Democrats are ditching Jews for the Coalition of the Colored then why does AIPAC still have such a large influence in Congress?

And if most of the wars fought in the Middle East have been for Saudi Arabia rather than Israel then what does the US gain from a potential war with Iran?
I don’t understand the Middle East at all, all our interference has ever done has created more terrorists, do our actions in the Middle East have any practical goal or is it purely progressive insanity? What did the US gain from the destruction of Iraq, Libya, and the attempted destruction of Syria?
Also Netanyahu lied to Congress about their being weapons in Iraq, so was the Iraq War fought for both Israel and Saudi Arabia?

Preemptive disclaimer: I’m not a shill, I just don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of history like everyone else here.

jim says:

> If Democrats are ditching Jews for the Coalition of the Colored then why does AIPAC still have such a large influence in Congress?

Women in the Israeli military, the resistance to moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, and Jews being ethnically cleansed out of Gaza suggests that AIPAC has very little influence in Congress.

The way the wind blows, Israel is very soon going to be deemed a fascist apartheid state. Zionism will be defined as hatred, and the supposed distinction between zionism will fade away, soon thereafter followed by the distinction between Zionism and being biologically Jewish.

Not Tom says:

Maybe people get too focused on the Jews as a separate entity, when in actuality they’re just masters of pedaling progressivism.

Exactly; they assimilated into the WASP political class, just as they assimilated into most other groupings of cognitive elite.

If Democrats are ditching Jews for the Coalition of the Colored then why does AIPAC still have such a large influence in Congress?

Democrats boycotted the last AIPAC conference. AIPAC does still have influence with Republicans, which doesn’t support the “Jews pushing poz” narrative, but rather the “Jews pooling their resources to do damage control” narrative.

And if most of the wars fought in the Middle East have been for Saudi Arabia rather than Israel then what does the US gain from a potential war with Iran?

Why does it have to be a foreign entity? Is it so hard to believe that domestic interests – like a Blue Empire that wants to kill Red Empire soldiers, and a Red Empire that wants excuses to expand the military-industrial complex – could converge on this policy?

And desert hellholes are great places to get into forever-wars, thanks to locals being incapable of adopting American norms (too low IQ, too different religion) and the Red Empire being incapable of colonial rule. They’re just easy targets; it wouldn’t work so well with Russia or some Central American hellhole.

jim says:

> If Democrats are ditching Jews for the Coalition of the Colored then why does AIPAC still have such a large influence in Congress?

It does not have influence any more.

> And if most of the wars fought in the Middle East have been for Saudi Arabia rather than Israel then what does the US gain from a potential war with Iran?

Iran is primarily Saudi Arabia’s enemy, not Israel’s enemy. Iran versus Saudi is shia versus sunni.

2019 is boring says:

But until progressives finally give kikes the boot, Jews are just getting replaced by more progressive Jews and slowly losing power.

Jews are unfortunately way too comfortable with agitation on behalf of subhumans against whites, but as Cthulhu swims ever leftward, more and more Jewish men, especially the spergy ones, and especially the ones who are mischlings to begin with, will find it emotionally and logically untenable to cling to Cathedral Orthodoxy, and will switch sides. Jews — particularly mischling spergs — are vastly overrepresented in Reaction, and even exert disproportionate influence on the explicitly antisemitic alt-right.

#MeToo was the first domino to fall in the ineluctable chain leading more and more leftist Jewish men to re-think their own leftism.

Cordell says:

Jews over-represented in Reaction? Could be, but that’s the first I’ve heard of it; do you have evidence? Offhand I can only think of Lawrence Auster, Moldbug (half?) and, if you count him, Stephen Miller.

jim says:

Moldbug all by himself constitutes over-representation in the reaction. Jewish blood is inherently priestly, and Jews are inherently over-represented in all knowledge factions. Including, indeed especially, in knowledge factions like the Trots, who are even more anti semitic than the Nazis.

shaman says:


“Oh look, Jim’s high-level Mossad handlers are having a conversation among themselves. How have I stumbled into this ZOG-blog…? Anyway, fellow Concerned Comrades, listen up: Jeremy Corbyn should be the British Prime Minister. Although the Zio-Capitalists are still grabbing this country by its balls, I see some positive signs. Labour is slowly but surely becoming the party of oppressed proletarian POCs, and this is as it should be. Acid attacks in London, after all, are committed by spoiled Englishmen. Those punks! We need Corbyn to curb-in (heh!) the fucking kikes who currently rule over us with an iron fist, so that, by Allah’s will, we will make all manifestations of heterosexuality completely illegal both de jure and de facto, and also ban pizza. Corbyn 2022: Make Britain Pre-Industrial Again.”

Don’t Use Your Real Name Online says:

Every time I read this I think it’s hillarious

Not Tom says:

Rather than waste our time gathering evidence that you’ll summarily dismiss or ignore before returning to inane ranting, why don’t you tell us what evidence would be sufficient to convince you?

Apparently the meteoric rises of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are not sufficient; nor are the eviction of DWS, the seething hatred of DiFi, the indifference or history toward Jews from the Hispanics who are taking over the party, or the actual results of the 2016 and 2018 primaries. So what do you need to see: a literal memo from Hillary saying “no Jews allowed”?

Frederick Algernon says:

From my perspective, Jews being ostracized for being Jewish would suffice. Not the wrong kind of Jewish, but just Jewish, in the same way that white males are being ostracized for only their whiteness.

I can save you some time and effort; Jews aren’t being ostracized. They are just suffering blowback from being an illegitimately protected class for 7+ decades. And my sympathy for them can be measured in Stanley Nickles.

Not Tom says:

I’ve seen no one arguing that Jews are being pogrommed because Jewish, only refuting the nonsense claim that they have absolute power over the U.S. government and that everything that USG does is all for Israel or for Jews who support Israel.

To disprove that assertion, it isn’t necessary to demonstrate cause and effect; the observable inability of Jews to retain their positions of power, block enemies from power, and advance Israel’s legitimate interests should be sufficient. If said group ever had said power, it is rapidly waning and has nearly disappeared.

All protected classes in the USA other than “American” are illegitimately protected, but that’s a separate concern.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy says:

Claiming that Jews have absolute power over USG and that all of USG’s actions are for Israel is indeed a nonsense claim, but what I claimed is that Jews have SOME power over the USG, and SOME US actions are due to pro-Israeli influence, at least in part.

We already know that Israel is a red empire satrapy. It’s not unheard of historically for satrapies of declining empires to wag and manipulate the center, especially if that center is already weak. Blue empire satrapies such as Kosovo and Palestine do the same thing.

As for the Jewish purge, we can accept that they’re making prog orthodoxy incompatible with traditional Judaism, but that shouldn’t stop reform Jews from reforming even further. As has been said before on this blog, Jews are very capable of convincing themselves that black is white with enough talmudic interpretation. I’m pretty sure there’s a reform rabbi out there who can find scriptural justification for cutting your dick off and transitioning from nudnik to yenta.

Finally, advancing Israel’s legitimate interest would be something that a genuine ZOG may do, but we don’t see that happening. What we can witness is influence-peddling by stupid (reform-protestant) Jews to advance what they stupidly consider to be Israel’s legitimate interests, such as democratizing Israel’s Muslim neighbors.

Not Tom says:

what I claimed is that Jews have SOME power over the USG, and SOME US actions are due to pro-Israeli influence, at least in part.

That’s a significant backing-off of your original claim. Smells like motte-and-bailey to me.

I have absolutely no doubt that there are ethnically-Jewish progressives who have deluded themselves into believing that bringing the Light of Democracy to Israel’s neighbors is good for both Israel and Israel’s neighbors. Do you want to explain how this differs substantively from the lily-white progressives who demanded universal suffrage in Rhodesia and South Africa, who shriek in horror at “autocratic” Russia and China, who are very concerned that sodomy is still illegal in most of the Arab world, and who are equally as enthusiastic as the Jewish progressives about sending our best warriors off to die in mortal combat with sand people?

If this behavior only or primarily occurs in Jewish progressives, and also other progressives, but not other Jews, then the problem is progressives, not Jews, and definitely not Israel.

jim says:

> Claiming that Jews have absolute power over USG and that all of USG’s actions are for Israel is indeed a nonsense claim, but what I claimed is that Jews have SOME power over the USG, and SOME US actions are due to pro-Israeli influence, at least in part.

Unfalsifiable claim, Motte and Bailey claim. Everyone has some influence over USG, including us. Indeed, the problem with the USG is that power has been dispersed into thousands of little bite sized pieces, making it hard to do anything, and resulting in anarcho tyranny – where easy things like imprisoning good middle class husbands get done, and hard things like imprisoning vicious criminals after their umpteenth savage random unprovoked attack on someone who was minding his own business do not get done.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy says:

Decision-making by committee means gathering a coalition of usually stupid people who pool their stupid voices and drown out the tiny or nonexistent minorities of smart people on the committee. This necessarily means bartering for those voices.
Anyone who wants to rule by committee in modern America needs to barter for the voices of stupid Jews. It’s easy to purchase these voices with stupidly-worded pro-Israel rhetoric. Power leaks from the modern state and it is readily seized by Jews, who turned out to be better at priestly bullshit than Puritans.

That’s what I originally said.

Jews have SOME power over the USG, and SOME US actions are due to pro-Israeli influence, at least in part.

That’s the restatement. We can discuss the proportion of power held by groups, and I maintain that organized Jewry holds more power within the USG and Cathedral than organized NRx or many other factions.
But from what I can gather, we need to define “Jew” more closely before proceeding, specifically to see whether ethnic Jews who don’t practice Judaism or practice pozzed Judaism are counted as Jews.

A final note, it’s good to keep in mind that the Jewish faith is highly mutable for reasons that Jim himself has specified elsewhere. Indeed, this is what made them susceptible to rapid and thorough Cathedral assimilation in the first place. Jewish rejection of traditional Judaism doesn’t invalidate “jewing” as a group survival strategy- they’ve reinvented themselves many times before.

The Cominator says:

Israel’s influence is probably far far weaker then Saudi Arabia’s.

The Saudis ought to have been wiped out man woman and child after 9/11. But they avoided any reprisal until Trump got the new crown prince to at least arrest most of the people involved and kick them out of the government.

Robert Mueller also created the BS dancing Israelis story to muddy the waters that they and the FBI leadership in DC (possibly under orders possibly not) were solely responsible.

2019 is boring says:

we need to define “Jew” more closely before proceeding, specifically to see whether ethnic Jews who don’t practice Judaism or practice pozzed Judaism are counted as Jews.

There are biological Jews who don’t subscribe to either Progressivism or Judaism – e.g. various converts to Christianity, who are often right-wing. According to Jim, biological Jewishness is not a problem (at least not a significant one), and intermarriage between whites and Jews not a problem at all. Racial purity is not one of Jim’s priorities.

It is true that abstracted Jewish science differs from creatively-engineering Aryan science, but ideally they should not compete for supremacy within the same location, but complement each other: Israel being the center of Jewish science, and the Anglosphere and North-Western Europe being the centers of Aryan science.

Fearing racial pollution from Ashkenazi Jews makes even less sense than fearing racial pollution from East Asians, whose inborn thinking is more dissimilar to that of whites. Numbers also play a role, in that — counting, of course, the Chinese — there are over a billion of East Asians, while there aren’t a whole lot of Jews. Biologically assimilating some Jews is not a problem, and the results are often spectacular.

When the state religion stop being leftism, many Jews will adapt to the new status quo. Those who won’t adapt to it should take the flight to Israel.

According to Jim, biological Jewishness is not a problem (at least not a significant one), and intermarriage between whites and Jews not a problem at all. Racial purity is not one of Jim’s priorities.

I’m gonna have to disagree with Jim on this, then. Each sub-population of humans is such for a reason. I find a good way to think about race and subracial group differences in behavior is to keep in mind Hegel’s maxim that “if it exists, it is reasonable”, which is to say, there’s a reason for it. Chesterton’s fence, for example, is a special case of this dictum.
Therefore, if the distinction “Jew” persists, it has informational content pertaining to behavior, given that 85% of the entire human genome influences the brain.
Therefore, when we say “Jew”, if we are to have a grouping describing a behavior, it will by necessity include most biological Jews, regardless of their religion. While a Jew’s behavior will be different based on whether he practices prog-atheism, prog-reform Judaism or trad-Orthodox Judaism, all behavioral Jews will demonstrate recognizable behavioral patterns which we may term “jewing”. Some Jews will fall behind due to insufficient “jewing” and probably cease being Jews by explicitly assimilating into host populations (eg. Andrew Klavan)- indeed, this process of shaving away the insufficiently judeo-behaved probably created the behavioral Jew as we know him today. Others will invent a new variation of “jewing” which will fall in the broad pattern, but put a new spin on it, (eg. frankfurt school postmodernists developing Talmudic bullshit philosophy).

Understand that this can be said for any ethnic or racial group – they have general behavioral patterns and will exhibit those general patterns regardless of faith. Coming from the Balkans, I have direct experience with genetically similar people of various faiths acting more or less in the same manner as each other, with tiny differences (which generate narcissism).

Frederick Algernon says:

“if it exists, it is reasonable”

And yet here you sit, typing away.

Just once, I want my team to not consist of hamfisted cretins.

I have some serious reservations about jews, but until more intelligent allies show up, I’m just going to sit in silence about the JQ. Indeed, JBJM is far more interesting and informative than any of my hail fellow fags.

2019 is boring says:


Nobody denies the HBD aspects of Ashkenazi ethno-genesis and ethno-continuity or that Judaism selects for “Jewishness.”

The claim is much simpler: Ashkenazi Jews, who are genetically 40% European and 60% Levantine, and who have been selected for abstract intelligence and similar marketplace-dominant traits, are not unassimilable (or, to be more precise, their assimilation is not genetically deleterious), in the way blacks and browns are.

An Englishman should prefer an Englishwoman, but it’s not obvious that taking an Ashkenazi wife would be bad, nor — speaking of the Balkans — is it obvious that an Ashkenazi wife would make for a worse genetic influence on one’s progeny than an Albanian wife.

Jim’s argument is not that Jews are exactly identical to North-Western Europeans, indeed an absurd and retarded contention that no on here makes. Rather, it is that breeding with them is just not very horrible, certainly not as horrible as breeding with blacks and browns.

Jews are not an abstraction (just as whites aren’t, which Greg Johnson’s White Nationalist Manifesto explicitly admits): actual real-world Jews are what should be considered, and actual real-world Jews, according to the prevailing position here, are not as incompatible with Western Civilization as some on the alt-right present them.

To argue against this position, explain why it is genetically (not culturally) worse for an Englishman to breed with an Ashkenazi woman than with an Albanian woman.

2019 is boring says:


(eg. frankfurt school postmodernists developing Talmudic bullshit philosophy).

As opposed to… French Post-Structuralism and German Idealism?

(I mean, you have a point, but non-empirical rationalist bullshit is certainly not the prerogative of Jews, even if Jews do excel at it)

2019 is boring says:

Nicholas can reasonably argue that Jewish behavior tends to be “low trust” compared to the behavior of Hajnal Line whites, but is Jewish behavior less trustworthy than the behavior of whites from outside the Hajnal Line?

One can say that, due to the IQ gap, when a Greek (average IQ in Greece: 92) or an Albanian (average IQ in Albania: 90) screws you over, you lose 50$, but when a Yekke screws you over, you lose 5,000$. Okay, but the point still stands.

Not Tom says:

Therefore, if the distinction “Jew” persists, it has informational content pertaining to behavior

Half of your post is a useless strawman trying to prove that “Jews exist”. Do you think you’re on prog-twitter arguing with soyfaced pantifags and aggro-trannies claiming “race isn’t real?” No one here is race denialist; race realism is a central tenet of reaction.

Therefore, when we say “Jew”, if we are to have a grouping describing a behavior, it will by necessity include most biological Jews, regardless of their religion.

Yes, we know that. Where you go off the rails is in trying to characterize that behavior. While most would describe it as occasionally nitpicky, abrasive, mildly neurotic, prone to over-abstraction, less chivalrous, etc., you characterize it as being power-mad and parasitic with an incurable hatred of white Christians, which are symptoms of progressivism, not Judaism or Jewishness.

I’ll also point out that this line of reasoning is entirely incompatible with your earlier argument that Jews are perfect chameleons who can convince themselves of anything and thus blend into any group. You’re contradicting yourself. Are Jews always gonna Jew, or are Jews infinitely malleable and constantly reinventing themselves? Which is it?

By the way: if by “group survival strategy” you’re talking about something similar to “ethnic genetic interests”, then there is no such thing.

“No one here is race denialist; race realism is a central tenet of reaction.”

Khm. I need to add that there is the complexity that you can see who is black, who is Asian, but you cannot really see who is racially Jewish. Jared Kushner does not look like that known caricature. If he would tell you he is a white gentile, you would believe him. He looks like one. This makes Jews a fairly fuzzy group in the racial sense.

Now this might not be a big issue in the US, as it seems to be that American Jews are proud of their identity. They are telling everybody they are Jews. And they tend to not have much outmarriage. However over here in Central Europe things are murkier, sometimes it seems everybody smart has a Jewish grandparent somewhere. Or two.

For this reason, I tend to not see Jews racially. Because yes, race is ancestry, not looks, but but it is looks you see, not ancestry. And if you cannot determine who is racially Jewish by looking at them, you cannot really work with the racial model, that is how I think. Even surnames don’t help, Shekelburgstein might be a good joke, but names can be changed, or the opposite, someone could have a white gentile mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and so on and yet still have that kind of name. Which is hard to distinguish from German names anyway. So I tend to see Jews on a culture/identity level: Jews are those who identify as Jews. Everything else is just hopelessly fuzzy.

Not Tom says:

Now this might not be a big issue in the US, as it seems to be that American Jews are proud of their identity. They are telling everybody they are Jews. And they tend to not have much outmarriage.

This is, generally speaking, not correct. “Jewish pride” is a combination of flight-from-white (to quote Steve Sailer) and over-generalizing based on a small number of loudmouthed progressives and assorted gnats like Little Bennie Shapiro. But the larger error, and the one I feel compelled to correct, is the false claim about low outmarriage rates.

Per La Wik: Jewish outmarriage is 58%, including Orthodox. For liberal Jews, it’s a massive 71%.

A recent Pew poll, which nowhere mentions the word “Jew” so I assume they simply lumped Jews into White, considers college-educated Asian intermarriage to be “highest” at 39%, with less education corresponding to much lower and declining intermarriage. If we dig deeper into other polls, we find specific Asian ethnicities, e.g. Filipino and Japanese, to be quite high, approaching even 40-45%, but still not at Jewish levels. Hispanic browns hover around 25%, with blacks about half of that, except for black-man-white-woman couples which are probably only near 25% because of being relentlessly hyped by globohomo.

The one group consistently lowest in intermarriage rates is Indians, with both men and women around 10-12%. And from personal experience, having lived in areas with depressingly-high Indian populations, I can confirm it’s extremely rare to see Indians of either sex paired up with a different race.

Objectively, Jews have the highest outmarriage rate of any ethnic/racial group in the USA, and that’s important because negative ethnocentrism would be characterized by a much lower outmarriage rate. Jews may have higher positive ethnocentrism, but unlike NE, PE has not been shown to be biological in origin, it is a learned behavior. As far as the PE goes – “Jewish pride” – I don’t find myself exposed to that nearly as often as black pride, gay pride, La Raza solidarity, etc. Maybe Jewish cohesion looks excessive to some whites, because Jews look white and they are comparing to white liberal ethnomasochism.

Not Tom says:

Hmm, I just noticed that my outbound links are highlighted like hyperlinks, but don’t actually point anywhere, so perhaps they are being stripped out. Here were my citations – hopefully this post doesn’t get flagged as potential spam:

[1] Wikipedia – Interfaith Marriage in Judaism:
[2] Pew – Trends and Patterns in Intermarriage:
[3] By the Numbers: Dating, Marriage and Race in Asian America:

Frederick Algernon says:

I’m having a hard time seeing how one jew being replaced by another is “jews losing power.” They aren’t losing power in entertainment, pornography, universities, think tanks, or the civil rights industry. These are all high status, disproportionately powerful cultural fields.

At the risk of landing on the wrong side of the JBJM, i think it is a bit of a red herring to point at lefty anger at Israel and declare that the Jews Did Nothing Wrong. I don’t feel like finding my naughty data hard drive, but IIRC the US has the highest percentage of Jewery. Europe used to, and they still have a lot. Additionally, many of the powerful jews in the Levant are of primarily Russian and European-by-American background. There are many instances of Israeli intelligence biting the hand that feeds, from the declaration of their colony as a country through the Arab wars into the global spread of terror and into the GWoT. There is a special relationship between the US and Israel. That terminology is a quote from every president from Truman forward IIRC. This, in my mind, establishes some very deep links between Jews in the Homeland and jews in my homeland.

More to the point of this post, i don’t think it is antisemitic to say that when founding a government, a religion, a nation, or a bridge club, one should be wary of jewish entryism. This doesn’t necessarily mean non-inclusion should be codified, but the twentieth century shows us that jews, when acting in concert, wield an outsize level of influence in proportion to their numbers. They have socially evolved some pretty high power memetic tendencies for moving in, through, and around cultures and societies.

I am not advocating jews be blamed for all problems, but it would be willful ignorance to ignore or dismiss the cultural culpability of powerful jews in literally every atrocity of the 20th century (i have not done a deep dive on this claim and am open to correction, but i would wager a goy foreskin on some of the best agents the SSR sent to east asia being Chosen carefully).

It is a very tricky problem; some of the smartest people i know are apolitical jews. Some of the worst people ive studied are jewish midwit powerplayers. It is hard to found a sound method for dealing with jews. In an interesting way, the white westerners have the same trouble with jews that Israeli jews have with Druze: so effective, so hard to detect, so little known about what goes on behind closed doors.

Because i am pretty sure i have invited a sho’ah on my head, i will state my position clearly:

Jews that can conspire are a risk factor when forming any kind of group.

Jews have a well documented history of adept social manipulation.

Jews are a powerful force to be reckoned with.

2019 is boring says:

Pretty sure that Jim himself has said many of these very things. The problem with Jews is unilateral in-grouping: Jews demanding whites to accept them, without in turn accepting whites into the fold of Jewry. Therefore, strongly-identified ethnocentric Jews, or Jews who are otherwise demonstrably incompatible with non-Jewish societies, should simply be in Israel.

On the memetic level, though, the neocons did not innovate anything; their worldview is fully derived from gentile ideologies, and is hardly distinguishable from Protestantism gone amok.

Jews who seek to hold statal or quasi-statal jobs within a white country should be viewed with suspicion, and should be required to officially renounce Judaism and/or Progressivism and to sincerely convert to the country’s official state religion, e.g. Restoration Anglicanism. And, from time to time, they’ll undergo checks to verify that their conversion to the official state religion perseveres. This, I believe, is Jim’s position.

jim says:

> I’m having a hard time seeing how one jew being replaced by another is “jews losing power.” They aren’t losing power in entertainment, pornography, universities, think tanks, or the civil rights industry. These are all high status, disproportionately powerful cultural fields.

If in order to avoid being replaced by another Jew, they have to oppose moving the embassy to Jerusalem, support the expulsion of the Jews from numerous places, Gaza among them, and their porns have to depict women being utterly horrified and repulsed by rape and rapists, are they not losing power?

Frederick Algernon says:

My claim relies on one jew being interchangeable from another jew. This presupposes that jews are all cut from the same cloth. This is is a weak point in my argument, but not an invalidation of the argument.

The question then becomes: are jews interchangeable specifically in positions of power?

I assert yes.

Therefore: no, they are not losing power.

If jews are like whites (endlessly and needlessly diverse in interpretation) then I’m wrong.

If jews are like minorities (endlessly and intentionally changeable/maliable/ductile) then I’m right.

I’ve been wrong before, many times.

I’ve been right a lot.

My mind is open, but i am nervous.

jim says:

> My claim relies on one jew being interchangeable from another jew.

Two Jews, three factions.

Theshadowedknight says:

As Jim says, for now, the replacements for the Jews are other Jews. For now. Once “Israel is an apartheid state,” “Free Palestine,” types get replaced on the left, the tune of their replacements will be suspiciously similar to certain famous German political rhetoric. Jew or not, once you get left of, “Israel deserves to exist,” it does not matter what your ethnicity, lefter means “Gas the kikes, race war now,” territory.

Not Tom says:

I’m pretty sure the shoahs are for actual shills who make no other contributions besides “Jim needs to dedicate 100% of his time to fedposting on the JQ”. It’s the explicitly Marxist position that’s a red flag. I don’t see you doing that; however, I do think you are factually incorrect on a couple of points, namely:

1. That Jews are mainly being replaced by other Jews. Sometimes they are, but the POC ascendency is the real threat. Historically it was often Talented Tenth half-blacks, but today it’s increasingly Indians with a bit of Chinese. Look at the number of wealthy woke corporations with Indian CEOs.

2. That the relationship between the US and Israel is unique or notable. US also has a “special relationship” with UK, which President Trump explicitly affirmed; yet we don’t hear about unsavory English influence, even though London is ten times more pozzed than Tel Aviv. There are definitely some odd things about Israel, like their violation of the nuclear NPT, but I’m comfortable accepting that every U.S. protectorate is going to do some backdoor dealing and influence-peddling, and actual rivals (namely, China and Russia) will try to screw us over explicitly.

Aside from that, I don’t think anything here is too controversial in these circles. Jews do tend to get over-represented in the political elite (why they do is up for debate) and are, at present, disproportionately Democrat/progressive. It may be anti-semitic to say that Jews should be regarded with extra suspicion, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong, it means that the label is used as a cudgel for rational behavior like “Islamophobia”, “homophobia” or “racism”.

But at the end of the day, if we believe that elite white gentiles can be converted to a new state religion, then I see no reason why elite Jews can’t also. The ones who refuse to convert will be excluded from power, or in extreme cases given helicopter rides.

2019 is boring says:

My claim relies on one jew being interchangeable from another jew.

Well, there’s the flaw. There are several Jewish “types,” and moreover, Jewry has churned out lots of total outliers throughout the ages. Now, it is true that outliers are exactly that — outliers — but the cognitive elite is not composed of all that many people to begin with, and it’s probably possible to find a few decent Jews to replace the badly behaved ones.

This, however, is beyond the bigger point: those Jews who are truly incompatible with white society should be separated from white society (ideally, in a completely peaceful manner). Ah, if only there was a country where they could go… wait, I think there is one. Incidentally, this country attracts the most furious and fanatical condemnation issued by progs, including progs who dress as nazis. Hmmm.

The Cominator says:

[blockquote]Even given all of this there’s still a significant role for not exactly Israeli interest but for men who want to signal that they support Israel. The Office of Special Plans run by Wolfowitz and Feith and the neocons in the press all sold Iraq not because it’s in the interest of Israel exactly but because they want to show that they’re loyal to Israel without actually leaving for Israel – no skin in the game. In other words, the Iraq war might not have been in Israeli interest but these guys who pushed it did it because they were convinced that it was.[/blockquote]

I see these people while they certainly existed as more of the matador cape phenomenon.

I was on a “free speech” forum some time after 9/11. These people were constantly mentioned by the same kind of people who constantly talked about the dancing Israelis… all the while maintaining that the FBI leadership and muslims dindu nuffin.

We know now that the dancing Israelis was lie straight from Robert Mueller (he couldn’t let the Saudis or the FBI take all the blame so the waters had to be muddied)… so the fact that the shills and dupes pushing “dancing Israelis” also talked about Wolfowitz and co constantly tends to make me think it was the same kind of bullshit.

Steve Johnson says:

I see these people while they certainly existed as more of the matador cape phenomenon.

You’re arguing by assumption.

I’m asserting that there’s no single reason for why USG does anything – it’s a vector summation of a bunch of forces that if it goes over some threshold and causes activation.

By saying asserting that there’s a matador / cape you’re assuming that there’s a single actor using other actors as a distraction – that there is a matador.

The Cominator says:

You’re arguing by assumption.

I’m asserting that there’s no single reason for why USG does anything – it’s a vector summation of a bunch of forces that if it goes over some threshold and causes activation.

By saying asserting that there’s a matador / cape you’re assuming that there’s a single actor using other actors as a distraction – that there is a matador.

I don’t think there is any one secret king but I think there is a secret politburo and my understanding from discussing it with Jim (the discussion on Academia, Star Wars, and the Dear Colleague Letter) is he believes there is a sort of secret politburo. We believe this because the media seems to be fairly well coordinated in whatever stupid narrative its pushing.

The Cathedral press started agitating for an invasion of Iraq in a coordinated manner long before an invasion of Iraq actually happened.

Jim if you disagree with any of this (I don’t think you do) I’m sorry.

The Cominator says:

Forgive me messing up on not putting quotes or blockquotes I have a bad headache and its making me fucking retarded… I’m used to posting where I can edit things (like for years and years) so I’m used to editing my posts after the fact.

While most would describe it as occasionally nitpicky, abrasive, mildly neurotic, prone to over-abstraction, less chivalrous, etc., you characterize it as being power-mad and parasitic with an incurable hatred of white Christians,

That is not my stated or argued position. It is not even the stated position of Kevin MacDonald. This is the stated position of obvious morons and limited hangout types. I merely pointed out that there’s an identifiable behavior pattern of Jews. This behavior, I’ll grant corresponds to being nitpicky, abrasive, neurotic, over-abstracted and unchivalrous (I’d add servile and duplicitous).

I’ll also point out that this line of reasoning is entirely incompatible with your earlier argument that Jews are perfect chameleons who can convince themselves of anything and thus blend into any group. You’re contradicting yourself. Are Jews always gonna Jew, or are Jews infinitely malleable and constantly reinventing themselves?

1. I did not argue that Jews are perfect chameleons. If they were perfect chameleons, there would be no discussion of the JQ whatsoever. However, we have the parenthesis memes and endless discussions on Jews. What Jews do is modify the tenets of Judaism to be accepted into the general umbrage of the dominant faith of the society they inhabit – they invent Reform Judaism to be accepted by progressivism. Crypsis is an interesting concept of MacDonald’s but I don’t think the Jews are successful at pulling it off, even if they are attempting it. A Jew discovered while pretending to not be a Jew is at greater danger than a Jew who successfully convinces you (and himself) that Judaism isn’t incompatible with your society’s dominant ideology and faith.
2. Yes it is very much possible for both to co-occur if we accept that Jews aren’t chameleons but rather seeking to exist as Jews within a dominant order. Jews will modify Judaism and jewing to the dominant order while still maintaining the general jewish behavioral pattern. There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, and not one is bigger than 2 or smaller than 1. Something similar is at play here. There is a large amount of workable memeplexes which satisfy the requirements of the jewish behavioral pattern and they can all be practiced for the benefit of Jews in the context of various societal orders.

is it obvious that an Ashkenazi wife would make for a worse genetic influence on one’s progeny than an Albanian wife.

Depends. If I want my sons to have a warrior spirit, I’m willing to pay the price in potential IQ lost if it means my sons will be Skenderbeg reborn. On a related note, IQ above 130 is a bloody liability in my experience, and probably has no effect on economic performance above 110 or some number in that vicinity – which would explain why the IQ-income correlation is 0.6 – relatively weak.

Just joking, of course. I would never in a billion years take an Albanian wife, but I’ll be happy to take many Albanian war brides once SHTF.

jim says:

> That is not my stated or argued position.

It is not clear what your stated or argued position is.

Not Tom says:

It is not even the stated position of Kevin MacDonald.

Yes it is. Just because he writes better, uses more citations and hides behind metaphor and insinuation, doesn’t make his position on Jews substantively different from Louis Farrakhan’s.

I did not argue that Jews are perfect chameleons […] What Jews do is modify the tenets of Judaism to be accepted into the general umbrage of the dominant faith of the society they inhabit

I’m seeing a pattern here. Like a good little leftist, you want to hold us to absolute textual literalism, while you redefine various terms to your liking. We need to cut Kevin McDonald some slack, because he didn’t literally say that Jews hate whitey. We need to cut you some slack, because you didn’t literally use the phrase “perfect chameleons”.

We know what he means, we know what you meant, and I’m pretty sure everyone here knows what I meant otherwise they would have called me out or asked for clarification as they generally do. You’re advancing two contradictory ideas, that Jews change themselves to assimilate and yet cannot be changed by assimilation.

they invent Reform Judaism to be accepted by progressivism

It was invented to convert Jews to mainline Protestantism. This agenda isn’t even hidden; it’s openly advocated by Jews for Jesus, J-street, etc.

But in your fevered delusions, Jews bleeding off into Protestantism is just more evidence of Jewish ethnocentrism and general deviousness.

IQ above 130 is a bloody liability in my experience

Sounds totes legit. After all, what have 130+ IQ men ever done for the world?

Sounds totes legit. After all, what have 130+ IQ men ever done for the world?

How many children did Sir Isaac Newton have? How many children did Leonardo Da Vinci have? How many living descendants does Nikola Tesla have?

Being an extreme neural outlier makes your reproductive success less likely than it normally would be. Without a big ole patriarchy designed to bring young virgins your way, you’re facing genetic death, and even then it’s tough.
There’s an argument for the existence of genius, but it involves group level natural selection, and judging from the unkind words spoken about Kevin MacDonald, I don’t think you guys will appreciate it.

But in your fevered delusions, Jews bleeding off into Protestantism is just more evidence of Jewish ethnocentrism and general deviousness.

Right. Now I’m sensing a pattern. It’s like there’s a manual for dealing with deranged cartoon hakenkreuzers who come in rambling about how the Jews control everything, have perfect crypsis and want to shoah the white man and you’re just flipping through it, putting words in my mouth and then accusing me of backing off of arguments and practicing literalism when I say I didn’t say shit I didn’t say.

It is not clear what your stated or argued position is.

That the wars in the Middle East were at least in part due to Jewish and Israeli influence, that the decision to wage them was reached by consensus and that Jews were part of that consensus and that therefore claiming the wars were not for Israel is at the least an incomplete statement. The insanity and stupidity inherent in how those wars were waged do not falsify the claim that they were fought at least in part for Israel.

jim says:

That the wars in the middle east were lost, run forever, and are unreasonably expensive is not due to Jewish influence – and to the extent that Jews were involved, those Jews responsible for stupid war losing strategies, stupid military objectives, stupid victory conditions, and stupid exit conditions, hate Israel, hate Orthodox Jews, hate Jewish nationalists, and want Jews ethnically cleansed from Jerusalem the way they were ethnically cleansed from Gaza and Iraq.

The outrage over moving the embassy to Jerusalem is because the objective of ethnically cleansing Jews from Jerusalem is rather high on their list of priorities and getting higher.

jim says:

We need a society in which Dads queue up to marry their virgin daughters to Isaac Newton, and are mighty comfortable with their slightly suspect daughters becoming one of his numerous concubines.

The Cominator says:

That the wars in the Middle East were at least in part due to Jewish and Israeli influence, that the decision to wage them was reached by consensus and that Jews were part of that consensus and that therefore claiming the wars were not for Israel is at the least an incomplete statement. The insanity and stupidity inherent in how those wars were waged do not falsify the claim that they were fought at least in part for Israel.

Both of the Gulf Wars were fought by Bush Presidents. If the Bush family is on any foreign payroll its on that of the Saudis. The Saudis should probably have been exterminated man, woman and child after 9/11, certainly the Saudi form of Islam (Islam is bad but the Saudi form is worse) should have been wiped out and certainly Bin Laden’s and the hijackers families should have been killed.

The fact that Saudi Arabia was treated so gently suggest despite deserving genocide for what it did tells me Israel was a minor factor.

Steve Johnson says:

The fact that Saudi Arabia was treated so gently suggest despite deserving genocide for what it did tells me Israel was a minor factor.

Only if you model USG as a unified actor.

When USG acts it doesn’t do things for *a* reason it does things for lots and lots of reasons – reasons that motivate all the people who have input in steering the leviathan.

Given that after 9/11 some foreign actor was going to be attacked the motivations as I see them were as follows:

Bush family rules out KSA as a target – KSA funds the Bushes and the Clintons, KSA is paid off with all the right people, they buy American military hardware so they quietly pay off defense contractors and indirectly pay off congressmen with mil hardware manufacturing in their districts, etc. A full cost accounting of USG writes off KSA as a liability and slaughters them but USG is unowned so KSA can bribe men who have enough influence to protect it even when imposing costs on USG that are much greater than their benefits.

The prog-hive mind – they accepted that some military action was going to be needed to prevent a stronger reaction from potential competitors – hedging against the remote risk of some military officer taking power somehow (electorally or otherwise) by waving the bloody shirt and saying “they did nothing about this”. Once that was the consensus the key part became making sure that warrior rule was never used anywhere so they set out to undermine through their agents in Red Gov – at the high level they’d acquiesce if the justification was about bringing priestly rule to the Arab world with proper liberal attitudes (which would solve all the problems of the Arab world – because those problems are (of course) caused by insufficient progressivism).

Neither of these forces sets an actual target – they just rule out methods and one target. Actually picking the target is again a compromise – Bush himself probably thought Iraq was pretty good because there was lingering anti-Iraq propaganda from the first Gulf War and personal feelings from the attempt on his father’s life.

Even given all of this there’s still a significant role for not exactly Israeli interest but for men who want to signal that they support Israel. The Office of Special Plans run by Wolfowitz and Feith and the neocons in the press all sold Iraq not because it’s in the interest of Israel exactly but because they want to show that they’re loyal to Israel without actually leaving for Israel – no skin in the game. In other words, the Iraq war might not have been in Israeli interest but these guys who pushed it did it because they were convinced that it was.

Not Tom says:

How many children did Sir Isaac Newton have? How many children did Leonardo Da Vinci have? How many living descendants does Nikola Tesla have?

Congratulations, you’ve discovered that freakishly smart men tend not to have a lot of kids, while simultaneously being responsible for the vast majority of innovation. A fact that nearly everyone on the planet already knows.

You also stupidly attribute their lack of fertility to their intelligence, and not their freakishness. High-IQ groups like the Japanese and Ashkenazis didn’t have any problems with fertility before progressivism came along. If you put a bunch of 130 IQ men and women of similar background together in the same room, and don’t fill their heads with suicide memes, they’ll have no trouble pairing off.

This is all irrelevant anyway because you’re talking about outliers whose descendants would regress toward the mean anyway – not eugenic fertility. Mating with a member of a race or tribe that has higher average IQ actually does raise the average for yours; mating with someone in your own tribe who has way higher IQ than any of their siblings or ancestors, not so likely. That’s why American negroes have an average IQ of 85, but Talented Tenth families eventually regress back to TNB.

and practicing literalism when I say I didn’t say shit I didn’t say.

As Jim has already pointed out, you keep using motte-and-bailey tactics or just shifting the goalposts. You are also now using Marxist DARVO tactics. You are doing this in a community full of people who are wise to these tactics. You are an idiot.

The Cominator says:

As Jim has already pointed out, you keep using motte-and-bailey tactics or just shifting the goalposts. You are also now using Marxist DARVO tactics. You are doing this in a community full of people who are wise to these tactics. You are an idiot.

On the contrary I judge him to be far brighter then a typical shill… hes a shill but hes a higher level one. He shows some genuine understanding of how we think and some genuine adaptation. CR just either couldn’t or wasn’t allowed to do this, no matter how badly Jim and the rest of us would beat his ass he’d come back with exactly the same shit in very slightly different words.

Low fertility among outlying high IQ is indeed something the priesthood of a restoration society should do something about, maybe if they have enough children some of them don’t regress to the mean and some don’t regress to the mean even now.

Proven scientific and engineering geniuses should get legit harems (young attractive females who get caught having leftist views will be auctioned off as bound concubines, basically non hereditary slaves, the geniuses could each be given 10 of the most attractive of these maybe they should also be screened for IQ) and a state subsidized staff to raise all their children?

Not Tom says:

maybe if they [high IQ] have enough children some of them don’t regress to the mean

I’m not so sure about this. It is indeed self-evident that environment can select for intelligence over time – that’s why some groups have higher IQ than other groups. However, when 100-IQ parents produce a 130-IQ child, we don’t really know what causes that; we know that IQ is 80-90% heritable but have no idea what the other 10-20% is.

The Law of Truly Large Numbers implies that we will definitely see some instances of unusually smart parents with at least one unusually smart child. The numbers are large enough that we might even see it for 3 or 4 generations – but that those subsequent generations could have been just as likely to come from 100-IQ parents as 130-IQ parents. It’s possible that there are some real heritable IQ gains in there, but I don’t think it’s been adequately studied.

Of course I personally like the idea of a mandatory harem. But in the interests of maximizing social good, I think capitalism does a fine job of routing resources (and therefore fertility) to the more intelligent, when not subverted by dysgenic laws and IQ shredders.

The Cominator says:

Of course I personally like the idea of a mandatory harem. But in the interests of maximizing social good, I think capitalism does a fine job of routing resources (and therefore fertility) to the more intelligent, when not subverted by dysgenic laws and IQ shredders.

The shill is right in raising the point that generally speaking it fails high iq outliers (even when they get rich, Newton got rich), when you’re right you’re right.

Surely this is worth an experiment in eugenic breeding to produce more scientific geniuses? we should aim to have each of them father at least 50 children.

For normies even rich normies I would not allow harems, every honest man needs a wife. Allowing harems outside of that will cause a shortage (you want to screw someone else we’ll have very affordable brothels available for that). But truly top scientists and engineers we need to find out how to create them, breeding education genetic engineering whatever but we need more of them.

shaman says:

But truly top scientists and engineers we need to find out how to create them

Need to encourage breeding among people from high IQ backgrounds. A family in which the average IQ is 120 is more likely to produce a genius than a family in which the average IQ is 100. The cognitive elite needs to be imbued with pro-natalism, and to live under conditions conducive to pro-natalism.

Not Tom says:

The shill is right in raising the point that generally speaking it fails high iq outliers (even when they get rich, Newton got rich), when you’re right you’re right.

I don’t think it does, at least not in the way that he is implying and you are tacitly accepting.

Capitalism optimizes for the average, not the outliers. However: higher average, higher outliers. There are many more geniuses to be found in America’s 300 million than there are in India’s billion.

Since we don’t yet understand why geniuses exist, I personally am wary of advocating for large-scale social experiments with uncertain outcomes, especially since the random mutations that cause high intellect also tend to come with other deleterious mutations. I’m simply being small-“c” conservative here; since we don’t have proof that genius-level individual IQ is heritable (as opposed to population-level average IQ, which definitely is heritable), I don’t think we should try to mess with nature. What we should do is try to map the genome of as many high-IQ individuals as possible and start using modern tools like GWAS to understand more about why they’re so smart.

And if we want to have more Isaac Newtons in future generations, focus on a breeding strategy that incrementally raises the average IQ, and focus on institutional support for geniuses – keep women, Marxists and mediocre intellects out of universities, reinstate IQ testing for employment screening, ramp up the R&D/think-tank divisions where geniuses can work without much supervision or budget restriction.

Ron says:

@The cominator

Re: harems for smart guys

Unnecessary. As others have pointed out, women gravitate to high status. When we have laws that crucify normal men for getting in fist fights or socially destroying an engineer who lands a spacecraft on a comet but made the terrible sin of wearing a shirt with pictures of naked women on it, then the women will be disgusted with the nerds and the nerds will have zero confidence, which will guarantee that no one will want to fuck them.

Which leaves the thugs and sociopaths

When instead the nerds have decided it is better to be dead than a coward, they will do mma, agitate for laws in favor of their interests, tell the priests and busybodies to fuck off, look forwards to fixing traitors and thugs; and generally behave like men, then I believe the women will naturally gravitate to them.

But this requires the virtues of integrity and courage, both qualities require faith in Gnon and the fear of Gnon’s anger if they fail to give it their all. Otherwise they will rationalize their cowardice and dishonesty as courage and integrity, and we are back to the same mess.

My take

If you put a bunch of 130 IQ men and women of similar background together in the same room, and don’t fill their heads with suicide memes, they’ll have no trouble pairing off.

I can agree with this. However, you’d have to isolate them, and especially the women from the general Butt Nakeds of the world, and more specifically, from general Butt Naked’s low IQ but similarly violent cousin. This requires patriarchy. Absent patriarchy, the violent thugs push the IQ 130+ nerds out of the way and steal all the women. Even with patriarchy, you have to police the culture for for toxic memes. Basically, if you want smart guys to get laid, either they or society as a whole has to jump through a whole bunch of hoops. From this perspective, IQ is a liability if you value survival and propagation of your genes.

The Office of Special Plans run by Wolfowitz and Feith and the neocons in the press all sold Iraq not because it’s in the interest of Israel exactly but because they want to show that they’re loyal to Israel without actually leaving for Israel – no skin in the game. In other words, the Iraq war might not have been in Israeli interest but these guys who pushed it did it because they were convinced that it was.

This guy gets it.

As Jim has already pointed out, you keep using motte-and-bailey tactics or just shifting the goalposts. You are also now using Marxist DARVO tactics. You are doing this in a community full of people who are wise to these tactics. You are an idiot.

My point straight out of the gate was “nonzero Jewish influence towards the Iraq war”, rather than “ZOG invaded Iraq to kill sainted Saddam Hussein”, which are the words you’re trying to put in my mouth. Read my original comment again and you’ll see. Better yet, read or skim the articles in my linked profile, and you’ll see that I’m very much a minority of one on counter-currents opposing this idea of “ZOG controls everything”.

Now, where I’m open to changing my mind is the definition of a Jew and what Judaism means to Jews. Jim argues, not without a degree of truth that for a Jew to attain power in the Blue Empire, he has to decouple himself from historical Judaism and the self-aware Jewish community – in essence he has to LARP as an atheist gentile or better yet, become an anational atheist. I don’t fully agree with this view, as I’ve said before, but I’m willing to entertain it. If this is true, then ferreting out ethnic Jews where they try to LARP as atheist gentiles is good because it paints them with a laser and their fellow Cathedral members smell blood in the water, unless that Jew goes even harder left – by putting a guy in triple parentheses, we’re provoking strife within the Cathedral and accelerating the left singularity.
After this discussion, I’m willing to entertain the idea that the panic over the triple parenthesis meme came not from Jews being found out for being Jews, but being reminded that they are Jews and that they can’t really stop being Jews while they are trying to LARP as anational atheists. Reminding Lenny of his cousin Schlomo with the curls cramps Lenny’s style.
Hopefully, Lenny decides “than let me be Jewish” and he returns to being a religious Jew (and Israel).

On the contrary I judge him to be far brighter then a typical shill… hes a shill but hes a higher level one. He shows some genuine understanding of how we think and some genuine adaptation.

Lemme just put an alternative hypothesis out there. I’m a guy who’s been lurking around the blog since last Christmas. I’ve read much of the older posts, and I’m about 70-80% on board with Jimism, with most of my disagreements stemming from my skepticism of anything anglo and his misguided faith in the red empire. I even understand the alarm bells going off about possible shills and federasts (better 100 good faith actors excluded than a single fed accepted).

2019 is boring says:

by putting a guy in triple parentheses, we’re provoking strife within the Cathedral and accelerating the left singularity.

Accelerating the leftist singularity may or may not be good, but that is neither the objective of NRx nor its praxis, so who exactly is “we” here? Accelerating the leftist singularity may perhaps be a goal for 4chan trolls, and indeed, 4chan trolls do serve their own role in this regard. Presumably, you self-identify as a White Nationalist, and I’m not sure that White Nationalists are broadly even aware of the Jimist concept of Leftist Singularity. Are they aware of it?

After this discussion, I’m willing to entertain the idea that the panic over the triple parenthesis meme came not from Jews being found out for being Jews, but being reminded that they are Jews and that they can’t really stop being Jews while they are trying to LARP as anational atheists. Reminding Lenny of his cousin Schlomo with the curls cramps Lenny’s style.

Hopefully, Lenny decides “than let me be Jewish” and he returns to being a religious Jew (and Israel).

Sounds to me that you have something against Lenny. Now, if Lenny stands for a Blue-Check Marked pozzed shitlib Jew, then sure, getting rid of him one way or another is a worthy goal – albeit I’m not so sure that the echoes meme is as effective as advertised.

But if Lenny happens to be a simple Jew who gets along well with whites, actually sees himself as white, is usually perceived as white by non-Jews, and does not consciously or unconsciously promote anything anti-white, then it’s not obvious that convincing him to make aliyah by constantly shoving Uncle Shlomo in his face is a worthy goal.

Abusing Cathedral Jews in funny and creative ways is fine, just as abusing Cathedral Anglo-Saxon Protestants in fun and creative ways is fine. But we don’t share the unstated premise that ordinary Jews are a harmful influence. You seem to be fixated with ordinary Jews using crypsis to harm white society, but are you sure that ordinary Jews — in contrast to Prominent Leftist Jews — actually harm white society?

Not Tom says:

My point straight out of the gate was “nonzero Jewish influence towards the Iraq war”, rather than “ZOG invaded Iraq to kill sainted Saddam Hussein”

Your point straight out of the gate was as follows:

I have no problem with wars for Israel, insofar as they’re fought rationally and honestly – i. e. the rationale is “we are defending our Judean satrapy from local savages at the behest of our loyal servant, the Satrap of Judea Bibi Netanyahu.”

Now perhaps the issue here is that you’re not lying on purpose, but just don’t really know what you believe and are prone to vacillating unintentionally between extreme and more moderate positions. Nevertheless, it looks like motte-and-bailey, so if you don’t want to be labeled a shill, stop doing that.

If this is true, then ferreting out ethnic Jews where they try to LARP as atheist gentiles is good because it paints them with a laser and their fellow Cathedral members smell blood in the water, unless that Jew goes even harder left – by putting a guy in triple parentheses, we’re provoking strife within the Cathedral and accelerating the left singularity.

And here’s the motte and bailey again. “We agree that these so-called Jews are either larping as mainline Protestants or actual mainline Protestants, so… we should totally call them out for having Jewish ancestry because it will make the Cathedral suspicious!”

There is nothing realistic or sane about this induction. It’s either deliberate manipulation or fridge logic.

I’m willing to entertain the idea that the panic over the triple parenthesis meme came not from Jews being found out for being Jews, but being reminded that they are Jews and that they can’t really stop being Jews while they are trying to LARP as anational atheists.

Yeah, that, or they were reminded of the kind of people who are obsessed with discovering and branding Jews, including half- and quarter-Jews, attaching racial signifiers to everything they do, and periodically sending them pictures of ovens and showers. You know, the kind of people whom their organization fought a major war against and won.

Personally, I think they goofed and Streisanded the meme by having such thin skins about it, but you’re being rather transparently dishonest here when you claim that the only explanations all have to do with Jews’ deep inner emotional turmoil over being found out and not straightforward facts about the WNs who largely perpetuate it.

Do you really not get that the Cathedral is highly adapted toward this style of activism? It does absolutely nothing to put reactionaries in power, because it will get painted as low-status behavior and generally is the behavior of low-status proles; and it rallies the troops on the left by giving a face to the invisible enemy. “Accelerationism” is definitely a concept that’s been discussed in some reactionary communities, but so far as I know, the only people who actually agree that it’s sound strategy are alt-rightists.

Hopefully, Lenny decides “than let me be Jewish” and he returns to being a religious Jew (and Israel).

And there, once again, is the bailey. We’ve gone from “Israel might have had some minor influence in the Iraq war” to “Everyone with Jewish heritage living in the USA needs to convert to Orthodox Judaism and move to Israel”. If they’re perfectly fine with Jimism, tough luck.

Accelerating the leftist singularity may or may not be good, but that is neither the objective of NRx nor its praxis.

While I’m keeping an open mind with regard to the possibility and desirability of a Trump coup as described by Jim, my default position is that the USG is an entity of pure evil which has to disappear if sanity is to prevail. Acceleration is a good idea towards that end. I interpreted “Become worthy, then rule” right out of the gate to mean “become antifragile to SHTF, then rule”. Maybe I’m wrong in this regard.

Presumably, you self-identify as a White Nationalist.

Not really. One of the luxuries of being European is that you have an actual nation to belong to, so I don’t even have to think of myself as “white”.

You seem to be fixated with ordinary Jews using crypsis to harm white society, but are you sure that ordinary Jews — in contrast to Prominent Leftist Jews — actually harm white society?

Not really. Lenny from my example is a Paul Wolfowitz/Rod Rosenstein type sleazebag who’s more dangerous than say, a white Cathedral leftist due to the unique Jewish psychological and behavioral profile.

We agree that these so-called Jews are either larping as mainline Protestants or actual mainline Protestants, so… we should totally call them out for having Jewish ancestry because it will make the Cathedral suspicious!”

Reminding LARPers of who they really are is a good way of disrupting their RP. Make Lenny feel like a Jew and he might go further left or choose to defect from the Cathedral and convert to Judaism.

And there, once again, is the bailey. We’ve gone from “Israel might have had some minor influence in the Iraq war” to “Everyone with Jewish heritage living in the USA needs to convert to Orthodox Judaism and move to Israel”. If they’re perfectly fine with Jimism, tough luck.

The first is a truth claim (it is), the second a prescriptive statement (we should). They’re not mutually exclusive, nor related to each other and the second is not a moderated version of the first.

Yeah, that, or they were reminded of the kind of people who are obsessed with discovering and branding Jews, including half- and quarter-Jews, attaching racial signifiers to everything they do, and periodically sending them pictures of ovens and showers. You know, the kind of people whom their organization fought a major war against and won.

May I direct you to read “Technology, Communism and the Brown Scare” by a certain gentleman called Mencius Moldbug (actually a Jew, but don’t tell anyone). It would appear that regardless of the activities of Nazis, real or imagined, the Cathedral is going to burn Hitler in effigy as part of its hierophanic mysteries. Hence the ‘nudda shoah’ of memetic lore.

Do you really not get that the Cathedral is highly adapted toward this style of activism? It does absolutely nothing to put reactionaries in power, because it will get painted as low-status behavior and generally is the behavior of low-status proles;

Not in the current system. Under my interpretation of “Become worthy, then rule”, which is “become antifragile to SHTF, then rule”, it doesn’t really matter whether the Cathedral considers me and my prole friends high or low status. We are willing to accept a low place in society for the duration of the Cathedral’s remaining life (my estimation, until 2024). When the Cathedral goes, me and my low status proles suddenly have bargaining power through our superior asabiyyah, which is partially generated through negative ethnocentrism (scapegoating outsiders).
Besides, you can dodge the most punishing aspect of low status, which is the circumscription of access to high-quality sexual partners by imbibing the lore of Heartiste, Jim, Aidan MacLear et al and becoming the local alpha or someone close to him.

Not Tom says:

I interpreted “Become worthy, then rule” right out of the gate to mean “become antifragile to SHTF, then rule”. Maybe I’m wrong in this regard.

Antifragility is a nonsense idea popularized mainly by NN Taleb. His original intended application was to financial markets, which idea was BTFO by smarter guys who pointed out, bluntly, that his strategy amounted to buying the volatility index, which would have terrible returns over almost any historical window, to which he replied with some embarrassing handwaving about profits already being priced into that index (but not other indices, somehow), to which the smarter guys explained that he had then pivoted to arbitrage, which most traders wouldn’t have the resources to do even if they could find such opportunities, which they generally can’t.

Then either he or his followers, apparently realizing that this concept was never going to gain traction in the financial community because it sucked, decided it was better as some sort of rhetorical device, which depending on who you ask and the context in which they’re using it can mean any of the following: robustness, redundancy, defensibility, financial independence, territorial independence, diversification, and probably a dozen or so other ideas, none of which have anything to do with Taleb’s original theory.

So no, “worthy” is not “antifragile”, not only because “antifragile” is rhetorical nonsense, but also because “worthiness” doesn’t mean any of the things that antifragile is normally employed to mean, and it’s hard to imagine such a grave misinterpretation of Moldbug and NRx ideas happening accidentally.

Worthiness is Jim’s “memetic sovereignty”. It’s being free of Cathedral ideas – not free of Cathedral influence, because no one can be completely free of Cathedral influence until the Reaction actually happens. It is, to a limited extent, putting those ideas into practice, as with Game and Mannerbunds and so on, as proof of capability to rule.

What worthiness is definitely not is engaging in activist activities against the Cathedral. NRx is very explicitly passivist. You imply seizing power rather than merely accepting it, and suspiciously leave out the formal step of relinquishing it.

Not really. Lenny from my example is a Paul Wolfowitz/Rod Rosenstein type sleazebag who’s more dangerous than say, a white Cathedral leftist due to the unique Jewish psychological and behavioral profile.

Motte and bailey again. You just can’t help yourself. You said:

After this discussion, I’m willing to entertain the idea that the panic over the triple parenthesis meme came not from Jews being found out for being Jews, but being reminded that they are Jews and that they can’t really stop being Jews while they are trying to LARP as anational atheists. Reminding Lenny of his cousin Schlomo with the curls cramps Lenny’s style.

Thus casting Lenny as a typical secular Jew, essentially any ethnic Jew who doesn’t practice Judaism. Lenny is not the category of “ethnically-Jewish blue-check sleazebag”, because that not only contradicts your previously-stated position, it’s a subcategory that we don’t agree exists or is relevant as a subcategory of simply “blue-check sleazebag”. This is both motte and bailey, and arguing from fake consensus.

Reminding LARPers of who they really are is a good way of disrupting their RP.

They aren’t larping. You’re the one referring to it as larping, and I think it’s acceptable as a rhetorical device, but you can’t make valid logical inferences from rhetorical devices. You aren’t disrupting anything; they know they’re ethnically Jewish, and they know they’re progressives, and incessantly pointing out the former doesn’t scare them, it just paints you and anyone foolish enough to hang out with you as a target.

It would appear that regardless of the activities of Nazis, real or imagined, the Cathedral is going to burn Hitler in effigy as part of its hierophanic mysteries.

Correct, which Moldbug and Jim use to mean that you should never accept the progressive frame, and which wignats take to mean you should straight-up adorn yourself in swastikas and spend every waking second Naming the Jew. See the difference?

When the Cathedral goes, me and my low status proles suddenly have bargaining power through our superior asabiyyah, which is partially generated through negative ethnocentrism (scapegoating outsiders).

This is trying to cloak wignattery in the verbiage of reaction. Reactionaries are already high status, which is why the media avoids giving them any attention. Coups are elite against elite. Revolutions are proles against elite, and are inherently left-shifting.

Post-reaction, most proles are still going to be proles, but they’ll be able to have social lives like proles did in the 1800s, with stable families and safe streets in addition to modern technology. That is what Reaction offers to proles, and it’s all Reaction can offer to proles, because if it offers actual status in the priesthood in exchange for political support, then it’s no longer Reaction, it’s Leninism.

The Cominator says:

Post-reaction, most proles are still going to be proles, but they’ll be able to have social lives like proles did in the 1800s, with stable families and safe streets in addition to modern technology. That is what Reaction offers to proles, and it’s all Reaction can offer to proles, because if it offers actual status in the priesthood in exchange for political support, then it’s no longer Reaction, it’s Leninism.

Proles who side with us if it comes to war… will likely also get a share of the property of leftists who become part of the Final Solution to the Leftist Problem. It will be a huge mistake to NOT eliminate all the leftists if we get a chance to do so.

“ethnically-jewish blue check sleaze bag” … it’s a subcategory that we don’t agree exists or is relevant as a subcategory of simply “blue-check sleazebag”

If we identify “blue check sleazebags” as a coherent, cohesive group who are our enemies, we should use every opportunity to disrupt their cohesion. Think of it as negative asabiyyah psych ops. In the past 3 years, we’ve seen a typically neurotic response to the triple parenthesis thing. More neurosis = cathedral makes more exploitable mistakes. You can call it active activism, but I’m liable to shitpost on twitter regardless.

As for antifragility, I can only say that I read NN Taleb’s Antifragile cover to cover and from my understanding, antifragility is not robustness or defensibility, whereas redundancy, financial independence, territorial independence, diversification etc. are aspects of antifragility. An antifragile thing has little to lose and much to gain from uncertainty, stress and chaos – eg. Reaction is antifragile to SHTF, the Cathedral isn’t. The Amish are antifragile to SHTF, Coca Cola isn’t. Similarly, the broader alt-lite proved itself fragile to Charlottesville and the resultant Cathedral response as a stress (completely routed), the wignats were robust (followers intransigent) while NRx antifragile (Cathedral showed its hand, center collapsed, more people got it).
If the concept is unclear, I’m willing to give Taleb and his crew the benefit of the doubt and give it time to become clearer. Logically, I’d expect that there are things that gain from disorder. I can’t address the objections from finance because I’m not a finance guy.

What worthiness is definitely not is engaging in activist activities against the Cathedral. NRx is very explicitly passivist. You imply seizing power rather than merely accepting it, and suspiciously leave out the formal step of relinquishing it.

I imply first SHTF, then (and only then) homesteading the resulting chaos, in the case that Jim is wrong about a Trump self-coup. But I get it, you don’t understand or accept antifragility. And any prole who serves in my peaceful and nonviolent männerbund whose primary and formal purposes are physical self-improvement and field trips in nature will get that which is his right – a chance to marry an obedient virgin wife and full dominion over her, a chance to honestly build a home and be useful to his sovereign, and a chance to have children and grandchildren. I don’t mention relinquishing power because I’m a monarchist and a traditionalist and not a neocameralist (Moldbug goofed big time on that one). If indeed SHTF and I successfully homestead part of the chaos, then I intend to be king, or at the very least marquis, as my great-great-grandfather once was.

Reactionaries are already high status,

I think we’re gonna have to define high status before we proceed here, friend, and also establish whether status under USG is the same thing as status under Reaction.

Regarding the whole motte and bailey Jew stuff, I’m officially and formally backing away from that argument. Nothing more to be gained, no truths to be reached, until we can agree what constitutes a Jew, and the various degrees of jewiness in secular, shitlib and orthodox Jews. My frame of thinking is always first and foremost biological, looking for survival behaviors as exhibited by various peoples. However, if your conception of Kevin MacDonald’s theories is “honky Farrakhan”, yeah, I guess we can’t agree on Jews and their behavior.

jim says:

They are not purging Jews as Jews, just as the commies generally did not murder Jews as Jews. But they are implementing criteria for sufficient holiness that are increasingly difficult for a Jew who thinks of himself as Jewish to fulfill. Similarly, the Khmer Rouge did not think of themselves as murdering everyone with glasses, but anyone who wore glasses tended to get murdered.

Rollory says:

And yet a lot of the people implementing those criteria happen to be Jewish, and Jewishness is disproportionately overrepresented among groups and social movements tending toward the corruption and dissolution of healthy society, while being disproportionately underrepresented among those attempting to resist those trends.

Is this an opportunistic infection? A correlation with some other underlying cause?

Really, if they’d just stop trying to tell me what I am or am not allowed to think and say, and stop trying to redefine everything to be all about them, I’d stop caring about them. As long as they keep doing those things – which they really should stop doing, today, this instant – I’m not going to lift a finger to stop the swastikas, and I’m not going to take any anti-anti-semite arguments particularly seriously. Even if it’s just a surface problem and not an underlying cause, clearing it out of the way will clarify matters.

Not Tom says:

Ancestrally-Jewish elite are, by your own admission, advancing ideas and enacting policies that run counter to ethnically-Jewish interests; and by virtue of this, you’ve arrived at the conclusion that the problem is Jews.

This makes exactly as much sense as “White Privilege” and “White Supremacy” being the reason why WASP elites are continually acting against the interests of white gentiles. If only we could put the browns in power once and for all, both Jews and white gentiles would reap the benefits!

Rollory says:

“Ancestrally-Jewish elite are, by your own admission, advancing ideas and enacting policies that run counter to ethnically-Jewish interests;”

I said no such thing. You are a dishonest liar; thank you for self-identifying.

2019 is boring says:

You wrote:

Jewishness is disproportionately overrepresented among groups and social movements tending toward the corruption and dissolution of healthy society, while being disproportionately underrepresented among those attempting to resist those trends.

Are Jews not embedded within said society? When the oxygen we all breathe gets thoroughly pozzed, don’t Jews asphyxiate on it just as much as goyim? When leftism is high-status, are Jews not quite susceptible indeed to embracing it – and, evidently, ending up with below replacement level TFR?

Even if leftism were 100% Judaic in origin, it’s hardly deniable that the elite Jews have drunk their own kool aid, got high on their own supply. This is, moreover, implicit in all “the parasite undermines its host” arguments, because it is not in the interests of the parasite to bleed its host’s veins dry, and in this case, there’s not even a sharp demarcation between the “parasite” and the “host” – Jews have assimilated into the WASP elite, and have intermarried into it.

So, yeah, leftist Jews are undermining their own ethnic interests, and you are perfectly cognizant of that.

Not Tom says:

Your words:

And yet a lot of the people implementing those criteria happen to be Jewish

“those criteria” being criteria Jim had just previously identified as being hostile, whether intentional or not, to Jews. That’s the precise contextual meaning of “those criteria” here. It’s not in any way ambiguous.

You don’t get to call other people liars for quoting you accurately. Either you’re a shill, or can’t sort out your own ideas.

jim says:

That is exactly what you said. You don’t get to call people liars when you shift your position, your shift gets called out, and you want to shift back.

You are engaging in Motte and Bailey argument shifting, and were called out for retreating to the Motte. And, having retreated to the Motte, you now call someone a liar for calling out your retreat to the Motte and your attempt to re-occupy the Bailey.

The Motte being that Jews have some influence and pursue their individual interests, and the Bailey being that Jews rule, and Jews are one entity.

Motte and bailey (MAB) is a combination of bait-and-switch and equivocation in which someone switches between a “motte” (an easy-to-defend and often common-sense statement, such as “Jews are overrepresented in positions of influence”) and a “bailey” (Zionist Occupation Government) in order to defend a viewpoint. Someone will argue the easy-to-defend position (motte) temporarily, to ward off critics, while the less-defensible position (bailey) remains the desired belief, yet is never actually defended.

In short: instead of defending a weak position (the “bailey”), the arguer retreats to a strong position (the “motte”), while acting as though the positions are equivalent. When the motte has been accepted (or found impenetrable) by an opponent, the arguer continues to believe (and perhaps promote) the bailey.

You are a liar for disowning your own position.

Rollory says:

There is no fucking way that is what I said.

I remarked on an observable characteristic regarding Jewish activity, asked a question regarding how it might be reconciled with your claim, and noted my own behavior in response to that observable characteristic. Not Tom promptly aggressively jumped on that, declared I said something that I did not, and ran off in a direction that had nothing to do with my question. There’s a lot more I could say about his behavior but the plain facts are evident to a disinterested observer. At no point have I or will I retreat from the plain statements in my original comment. Nothing in what Not Tom has said relates to what I wrote in plain English.

If you want to make yourself part of that circus of dishonesty, that is entirely your problem.

jim says:

> There is no fucking way that is what I said.


What you said is slippery, evasive, and shifting, which is the essence of Motte and Bailey. When the Bailey comes under attack, you retreat to the Motte and say you never were in the Bailey. In the next comment, you ignore your interlocutors previous attack on the Bailey, reoccupy the Bailey, and deny ever retreating from the Bailey.

So in one comment, you complain that we lie when we attribute the Bailey position to you, and in your next comment you complain that we lie when we attribute the Motte position to you.

Friendly Fred says:

Warrior-type rulers are very likely to be brutal, impulsively cruel people but are preferable to priest-type rulers because they aren’t inclined to fill the social atmosphere with rainbow-flag-type bullshit?

If you’re an ordinary guy you might unexpectedly have your life smashed to pieces or slowly sucked away (by unpayable taxes as during the late Roman Empire) by a warrior-type ruler because he wants your stuff, but on the other hand you can reasonably expect to get and stay married?

Gilberto Carlos says:

A Warrior-king needs his band of warriors.
He can’t go around killing warriors just because he thinks it’s fun, otherwise, his warriors may sense their impending doom and he loses his warriors or gains a few stabs.

A Priest-king however, can send his warrior to die, and can always convince his warriors that their death is good, and those other guys are sinners who deserve to die.

Friendly Fred says:

The warrior-king’s warriors might abuse ordinary people for fun, though — although maybe this would be the exception rather than the rule.

It’s abuse by the Mafia (warriors) vs. abuse by Human Resources (priests) I guess. Maybe the former tends to be extreme but rare, the latter a constant low-level humiliation.

(What’s gotten me worrying about potential warrior-abusiveness to ordinary people is reading the first 70 pages of the Autobiography of Solomon Maimon, who describes growing up in 18th Century Poland and everyone’s terror when Prince Radziwill decides to take one of his drunken excursions through his domains.)

Samuel Skinner says:

It happened in England as well during the middle ages. My understanding is having underlings beat up commoners is more a case of the center being too weak to police its subordinates (since the crown prefers people give it money).

You do get dickishness from monarchs, but it is usually not personal. More having soldiers go into churches and smash collection boxes to get money. Or sell peasants into slavery to get money. Or loot and plunder to get money.

Bob says:

My understanding of freehold is shallow. I like one king 3k miles away instead of 3k kings right here. But what about all the lords in between? The king doesn’t have time to make my life hard, neither does the duke, but the local baron might and probably the local knights too. Maybe it’s still better than 3k kings close by, but I wonder if there’s any way around it.

The Cominator says:

Lords and knights rarely brutalized their OWN commoners. Brutalizing your own commoners unless they are rebelling is just stupid… but during wars and civil wars it of course would happen on other peoples land.

Mike says:

Just make sure all free men have the right to be armed. Also make hand-to-hand combat and other basic combat skills a mandatory part of a boy’s education. Some idiot aristocrat will think twice about arbitrarily brutalizing some rando if there is the fear in the back of his head mr normie might bash his teeth in instead.

Of course, all men would have the right to defend their person and property. I think that’s what’s meant by freehold right? I don’t come here that often so forgive me if I misunderstood something.

Sher Singh says:

Sikh Youth of 18 months practicing swordsman ship.

Qumielhan says:

Not true. The same Radziwill princely family was infamous for leasing their holdings over to literel Jews, who proceeded to Jew the shit out of peasants. The peasants would rebel against being robbed and exploited, inevitably starting a small local Shoah, and inevitably the big R would ride himself with his princely retinue and proceed to kill, maim and torture his human resources by impalement, dismemberment and… eh… how is it called in English when you impale a man on a hook and leave him there to die for several days? In-hook-ment?
For the insufferable crime of refusing to pay arbitrary extortionist taxes to literal aliens because the big dude in a funny coat 300km away leased you.
This happened like every decade.

Fuck barons and princes. I’d rather have a couple thousand kings in 3km radius so long as I get my hands on some fireworks too. Each a king in his domain.

The Cominator says:

I don’t want a literal hereditary aristocracy either but the slave state of renaissance Poland is hardly a good example of a functioning one.

England prior to the Victorian era and Prussia were better functioning warrior ruled societies.

Bob says:

I hope someone knows (with at least a semblance of a bibliography) how Poland got a slave state and England didn’t.

The Cominator says:

I only know that is how things developed in Poland, Hungary and Russia but no I’m not quite sure why in detail the tendency was for the peasants to lose all of their customary rights and become slaves in all but name.

calov says:

Because in the east there weren’t enough peasants to work the land so it became necessary to keep them from moving around. Or so I’ve read.

Friendly Fred says:

Qumielhan, wouldn’t that have been the situation no matter who was leasing and then subletting the land? This scenario seems to support a general wariness about rule-by-landowners (regardless of whether or not these were originally warriors).

I think that Maimon more or less says what you say about the situation there, by the way; he’s not being untruthful, as far as I can tell. He finds the whole situation repulsive. I guess he’s a typical pro-bourgeois enlightenment guy, politically.

Peasants were getting taxed into homelessness all over the Roman Empire — in Gaul homeless peasants aggregated into robber-armies called “Baugadae” or something like that, which were wiped out when the authorities got around to it, kind of like the Polish situation you describe, so it seems to be a general problem.

I’m inclined to think that history is just a horrorshow. Rule by pettifogging non-ideological lawyers may be the best that can be hoped for. Make Politics Boring Again. (I’m thinking of 18th Century Britain — and dissenting, somewhat ignorantly — merely on the basis of the picture presented by a few novels — from the view, expressed by Cominator immediately below, that this was a “warror ruled” society.)

Mike in Boston says:

Lords and knights rarely brutalized their OWN commoners. Brutalizing your own commoners unless they are rebelling is just stupid

Maybe that was true in some places, but (just as the example I am most familiar with) periods of the history of Galicia were basically this, all the time. The szlachta’s argument, I suppose, might have been that absent said brutalization, the commoners were liable to revolt; give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile.

Another reason to brutalize commoners is, of course, that it’s good fun and though the other nobles might cluck disapprovingly, they won’t do anything about it until, like the countess Bathory, you start chopping up the odd noble as well.

Friendly Fred’s objection should not be dismissed. I never found Moldbug’s Fnargl convincing. Maybe, as another Mike suggests below, the key distinction is whether the commoners are armed.

The warrior-king’s warriors -are- the ordinary people. Imagine a Mafia where all the local business owners are part of the mob, and all the employees at those businesses are potential knee-breaking talent.

Samuel Skinner says:

Overproduction of warriors results in invading other countries to give the warriors work. Overproduction of priests results in priests invading other occupations to give the priests work.

Warriors will smash your stuff if they are mobile bandits (late roman empire, emperors had a short life span so not worth bothering about the long term). They can still screw over people for shits and giggles but historically the amount of damage they do isn’t too high (since otherwise they get invaded and conquered by other warriors).

Also, priests can be impulsive and cruel but the tend to outsource the murder and bloodshed instead of lead by example. This is not an improvement.

Vxxc says:

I wouldn’t worry about over-warrioring.

In America by 2017 there were 120 guns per 100 people.
Over-warrioring won’t get far.

Observe- drunks with guns. You loot-we shoot.

We are also very federated politically by necessity and nature.
That means disorders like order is contained.

In any case over-warrioring is not our problem.
Over-Priesting by a pozzed suicidal cult of Progress is our problem.

Javier says:

Genghis Khan crushed his enemies mercilessly but also promoted based on merit over birthright, and his empire was so safe you could walk from end to end without fear of bandits.

vxxc says:

Exactly. The Mongols bought order.
So did Tamerlane.

So did the Romans.
Our problem is chaos.
Order is our solution.

Octavian says:


Friendly Fred says:

But 18th century Massachusetts and England were very orderly and not especially warlord-ish. Don’t we want things to be like that, plus dentistry?

Theshadowedknight says:

Order is imposed by force. A good warrior takes his share so that his share is the most he can possibly get, and encourages growth that his share might also grow. The Laffer maximum of taxation, his blessings on those that are loyal and his wrath on those who are not. A warrior has to deal with the world as it is, not how he would like it to be. A priest can invent all sorts of mad rationalizations to ignore reality. The natural law is that man is ruled by warriors who receive their power and authority from God.

As Jim says, if God literally declared Man was to be ruled by Kings then that is why it was written, but if the prescription was written by those seeking the understanding of the natural law in guise of God, then still Kings rule Man. Jesus Christ, the messiah and the ruler of all mankind is the King of Kings, not the Priest of Priests or the Rabbi of Rabbis. The ancient and wise men wrote that because that is what they could see.

In addition, those advances in medicine and technology were largely driven by the excess children of the warrior elite finding other ways to retain their status. If you want those things, you need to incentivise a system where those types reproduce.

Frederick Algernon says:

18th Century New England was also fraught with Indian Wars in the West and holiness spirals in the East. Every time some punk priest would show up and decide the resonant evil was too high, there would be clerical purges and forced mass exoduses.

In short, some of “us” may want that type of order, but i certainly don’t want to be a part of a society that is susceptible to random purity events like OK deals with tornadoes.

Vxxc says:

New England had 3 wars with French/Indians in 17th-18th century;
King Williams War
Queen Anne’s War
French Indian wars

Plus Pontiacs war 1763.

Don’t forget (Indian) King Philips War 1675-76 that laid waste half of New England.

Plus many Indian skirmishes- not too dissimilar with what we’ve been going through with Diversity, Jihad.
Yes we’ve been here before.
New England made this SAME mistake before and didn’t learn until King Philips war about coexist.
Note we’re still here.

King Philips war BTW was like 9/11 x 91 BTW.
Hopefully it won’t take as much.
If it does we’ll make it.
But will we learn?
Learning requires Pozzed Prog Priesthood be replaced.
(Cough cue new priests cough cough).

Javier says:

That was also a society where men were expected to go armed at all times and duels to the death were common.

The Cominator says:

Remember the previous conversations on bullies. Remember how actual school elite alpha chads generally had exactly zero interests in bullying people and when they actually had chance to interact with people of lesser status they would normally be pretty nice. The only people who normally got bullied by them were people who just joined the football team who would get hazed to see if they could hack it.

So why would warrior type rulers in general bully their own subjects, especially why would they bully them in peacetime? If we presume warrior type rulers to think and act a lot like school alpha jocks they will do zero bullying of people outside their own caste and horrifically haze people who decide to take OCS…

When your status is way above people beating them into the ground for no reason is not going to make you look better to anyone. It definitely does not make you look better among Anglo and related peoples.

Now feudal countries with a lot of intercine wars (which is NOT my model of warrior rule that is more an example of when warrior rule breaks down) had a lot of brutalization of other people’s peasants.

Frederick Algernon says:

Strong agree at the end; it is the breakdown of the Warrior Code that leads to the brutalization of civilian populations. Those football chads you speak of were perfectly capable of brutality; it was the rigorous control and guidance exerted by the coaching staff that forged the chad identity fags fear and love.

IME it was all the guys who went out for freshman football that got cut or gave up who became the most recalcitrant brutalizers after highschool. There is a lesson in there, and one that doesn’t just apply to the Warrior Class. What to do in those cases where we take in promising candidates, train them up, then either have to cut them or they lose their faith? Historically, it is always members of the Upper Class that inspire the downfall of said class. This was leftwardly formalized as the “vanguard” of the proletariat who were, in practice, rarely if ever members of the proletariat. The Koanics and CRs of the world are a grave threat to order, but i think this may be a “post-” problem. Still, it may be worth considering…

Anonymous 2 says:

Remember the previous conversations on bullies. Remember how actual school elite alpha chads generally had exactly zero interests in bullying people and when they actually had chance to interact with people of lesser status they would normally be pretty nice. The only people who normally got bullied by them were people who just joined the football team who would get hazed to see if they could hack it.

I didn’t see that discussion, but it seems fairly clear to me that bullying is just the social hierarchy sorting itself out right when puberty hits and mating opportunities need to be decided. However, the modern version is enacted in an unnatural lord-of-the-flies/prison environment (among other things), which is probably bad.

(And once that is over and done with, we get to hear the weaklings at the bottom ranting endlessly about it for the rest of their lives.)

Yeah, any commenter who actually hangs out with real guys in real life knows that people who like brutalizing others for fun get excluded from the male hierarchy if not relentlessly bullied. If gaining status requires participation in the male hierarchy, you don’t get many sadists in power.

“Bullying” at early ages is about sorting out the hierarchy, and once the hierarchy is solidified around high school or so, bullying stops.

The Cominator says:

Even in middle school when bullying is at its height the top chads at the time don’t do it.

Hope this comment goes through… I’ve made a lot of replies to another post and they keep not going through.

2019 is boring says:

To all who missed it, the epic post and subsequent awesome conversation about bullying was here.

Frederick Algernon says:

Thanks for linking direct. It really was a stellar thread. Feel like someone should screencap it and post it on /fit/.

Anonymous 2 says:

Good thread, I certainly agree that homosexuals are social poison and need to be bullied out of it.

Come to think of it, is there any society prior to ours which has gone as far downhill as ours in this respect? “Pride month”, etc. They are certainly pushing our faces in it. Revolutionary Russia under Lenin had the same tendencies but as far as I know that stopped at slutting up women.

Not Tom says:

Warrior-type rulers are very likely to be brutal, impulsively cruel people

Not really. Do you know people in your life who are impulsively cruel? Do they tend to be fit, confident, and successful with women? Or do they tend to be losers themselves?

When you think of the phrase “likely to torture small animals”, does the image in your mind come up as chad warrior alpha… or pimply-faced unhygienic nerdraging basement-dwelling omega?

What kind of person do we generally see shooting up schools or offices?

Warriors don’t get to be clan leaders by being brutal and cruel to their own clan. At least not outside of Africa. Brutal and cruel – deliberately, not impulsively – to people who threaten the clan, absolutely.

Frederick Algernon says:

You’ve encapsulated a lot of my reaction to Other Fred’s post. It rubbed me wrong. This idea of a consensus that warriors by nature are bullies. It doesn’t jive with my anecdotal experience of Warrior types. They tend to be Sheep Dogs; brutal in response, but compassionate in motivation. I typed this in another comment, but bullies are the guys cut from the squad, not the leaders of the squad. The only reason one would call the captain of the sportsball team a bully is because they secretly want to fuck them over, or get buttfucked by them. Bullies are losers seeking agency in a different crowd than the one they were naturally assigned to.

Not Tom says:

I would even take it one step further and argue that bullying and being a bully are not the same thing in substance, just as writing is not being a writer and playing field football is not being a football player.

Chads/warriors may bully – strategically and in the interests of group cohesion. On the other hand, “a bully” is someone who does so compulsively, or even pathologically. That still may ultimately produce a social good, as I’ve argued before – but separately from that, warrior chiefs are not bullies, they may simply occasionally perform the same function.

Post-rectification of names, bully/bullying may be declared an anti-concept, as it’s used simultaneously to mean tough love, social norming, status maximizing, establishing hierarchy and pointless sociopathic cruelty. Most of those things are pro-social.

Vxxc says:

Yes. The exact model now is sheep dog.
That’s taught.
That’s memed.

We’re sheep dogs (cops more than soldiers).
We protect the herd.
From enemies (wolves).

Yes we must guard against inner wolf.
But that’s not our problem. Our actual problem isn’t even the wolves.
It’s The Judas Goat Priesthood.,+sheep+and+wolves+meme&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS810US810&hl=en-US&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDp9HZiY7jAhWIbs0KHbrGAi4Q_AUoAXoECA0QAQ&biw=320&bih=526&dpr=2#imgrc=l1ZpqNK-svqfuM

*I have some issues with this as we’re primates but I’ve learned it sounds pedantic so I’ve learned to nod at it. Good of the group, etc.

explicit_implication says:

I read “Judas Priest Goathood”

info says:

Those who torture small animals should be preemptively watched and shot should they consider violent crime. Rids us of serial killers.

The Cominator says:

Why bother watching them just kill them.

info says:

In the interest of maintaining overall standard of justice.

Frederick Algernon says:

Meh. I used to feel this way. Then i traveled to a region that wasn’t soft and suburban. Excessive cruelty is one thing, but anthropomorphizing animals is pure lefty BS. Granola crowd is more concerned about rescuing pitbulls than it is about human babies. There is a difference between agrarian life and Ed Kemper, to be sure, but that distinction is lost on people who have never slaughtered their food.

2019 is boring says:

anthropomorphizing animals is pure lefty BS. Granola crowd is more concerned about rescuing pitbulls than it is about human babies.

Exactly so.

Torturing furry mammals (dogs, cats, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, etc.) is indeed the domain of unsavory characters, but torturing insects and bugs to death using ever more creative techniques is helluva fun, and as for birds, well, pigeons — while they should not be outright tortured — definitely deserve to have their stupid gay-ass invasive nests destroyed and scattered to the winds, and shooting chickens with air rifles is lulzy as fuck.

Cockadoodl… *puff*

Leftists hate hunting and even fishing, because they are cat ladies in male forms (or actual cat ladies) who are allergic to anything reminiscent of testosterone. I don’t particularly mind legislation against needlessly torturing furry mammals — slaying pitbulls in a great magnificent pitbullcide is not, to be clear, needless torture: they deserve death just as surely as Feminist sluts deserve rape — but I should be allowed to shoot wandering chickens for no reason other than my own amusement.

“Animals” is really the wrong word. It is natural to feel empathy for entities that have been evolutionarily molded to arouse one’s mammalian nurture instincts; seeing them suffer should, under normal circumstances, trigger one’s mirror neurons and amygdalae and sheeeit. Thus, people who torture puppies and kittens and bunnies are probably capable of greater monstrosities. In contrast, it is not natural to feel empathy for food, and even less natural to feel empathy for disturbing and disgusting creatures such as insects.

About reptiles, I am lukewarm. It’s more of a practical thing: the dangerous ones should be killed swiftly, the non-dangerous should just be relocated far away from humans.

You’d much rather that your son play with setting ants on fire just to watch them burn than that he play with dolls.

Zach says:

Japan had a cool TV show. It was more or less an insect no holds barred tournament. I was amused. On YouTube somewhere…

Feed pit bull mommies and feminists to pit bulls. Livestream the feeding frenzies online for profit.

Thots will think twice about thotting if pit bull feeding frenzies are an acceptable and public means of thot patrol.

Not Tom says:

What are you talking about?
1. This has nothing to do with the conversation.
2. Pit bulls need to be exterminated, not glorified in public spectacles.
3. Women don’t have special receptors for ironic punishments. Their fathers and husbands can punish them just fine, without killing them.
4. This is exactly the kind of low-status grotesquerie that makes wignats low-status; unnecessary, gratuitous Africa-tier violence.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy says:

Why are you affirming the Cathedral’s ideas on status? Gratuitous violence is FUN to watch and practice and I’m not gonna shoehorn my aesthetic sensibilities into some Harvard faggot’s idea of what propriety and high status are.

Nicholas R. Jeelvy says:

And furthermore, why should pitbulls be exterminated? Dogs are either tools or weapons (individual dogs are sometimes friends) and as such morally neutral. I’m pretty sure that pit bulls will have a function as weapons of war in the hands of state and private actors even in Reactionary America. The key problem here is female “ownership” of dogs. Some breeds are annoying, ill-behaved and yappy when “owned” by females, others are downright dangerous but the core problem is that women are not fit to own and control the behavior of animals, especially quasi-military animals such as pit bulls and Rottweilers. This makes the pit bull question a subset of the woman question which requires a woman question solution.
A chimp with a machine gun is a serious danger, but the problem isn’t the existence of the machine gun – rather, the out-of-control chimp and the society which allows it to brandish machine guns.

Not Tom says:

And furthermore, why should pitbulls be exterminated?

Because they’re stupid and violent. Smart and rationally violent is fine, stupid and compulsively violent should live somewhere else. It applies to humans and it applies to dogs.

Female ownership of anything is obviously a problem, but don’t extrapolate from “pit bulls” to “all dogs” and tell us that we are the ones adopting Cathedral ideas.

Not “you” as in Jim and his commenters, friend, but YOU, as in Not Tom. Also, I find it amusing that you believe that ‘rationally violent’ is in any way meaningfully distinguishable from ‘irrationally violent’ at the biological level. Even if there is such a distinction, it is better to have someone who relishes violence at the helm, rather than some grass-eater who cannot kill his own food.

shaman says:

Pitbulls are often owned by thugs, baboons, and other low-trust characters. One can say that literal pitbulls tend to belong to metaphorical ones. They absolutely deserve extermination, and so do their owners.

Not Tom says:

Not “you” as in Jim and his commenters, friend, but YOU, as in Not Tom

Good try on the Personalize and Polarize. Didn’t quite work out for you, did it? That’s because unlike you, I don’t claim to speak for others unless they’ve already made their opinions clear.

Like a typical wignat, you glorify violence for its own sake. That is not the reactionary position. Violence is a mechanism, not a goal.

quarty says:

> My frame of thinking is always first and foremost biological, looking for survival behaviors

If it was, you would know what irrational violence means wrt game theory and mammal psychology. Pit bulls are designed to exploit the advantage to be had when a fight is inevitable by attacking first and without warning, so when babby pulls pit bull’s tail, pit bull bites babby’s face off.

info says:

I had in mind puppies and kittens. Rather than ants and lizards.

shaman says:

In that case, I agree – rotten apples.

Friendly Fred says:

I agree with your general psychological point, ~Tom.

I think that I acknowledged above that impulsive cruelty probably wasn’t normal — cases of it are recorded precisely because of its shock-value, as with horror-crime-stories in the news today.

Still, I’m not sure that rule-by-warriors is the thing to aspire to (nor I am sure that it isn’t the thing to aspire to) — for, isn’t the following train of thought generally correct?:

Warrior-rule was established when barbarian invaders seized land and divided it up among themselves; their land-owning descendants aren’t necessarily warrior-type people at all. So everything’s carnage and chaos when the original warlike people are running things, and then when things settle down you don’t have really have rule by warriors any more. Just rule by landlords, who may or may not be decent people. Then I guess the king tries establish control over the landlords by instituting a system of laws, and after a while you have rule by pettifogging lawyers, and then people start having and creating nice things.

Not Tom says:

That’s still rule by warriors. Order requires uncontested control over land and resources; property can only be secured by force or the threat of force.

But warriors are too few in number and too unskilled at micromanagement to maintain order themselves; they need priests for that. The difference between “carnage and chaos” tribal Africa warrior-rule and “cradle of civilization” Greco-Roman warrior rule is the priesthood.

Rule by pettifogging lawyers implies overproduction of priests, or priestly rule. At that point, the weight of the system retards innovation. That is why warriors must ultimately rule the priesthood: to enforce limited entry (no overproduction) and discourage holiness competition.

“Rule by landlords” is more or less the optimal phase, except the landlords are actually warriors securing their land, not merchants. Merchants lease the land in exchange for the security provided by warriors, security being a necessary but not sufficient condition for trade and innovation (also need order, provided by priests).

Friendly Fred says:

That makes sense.

In TOM JONES (mid 18th Century), Squire Weston’s in charge of his county or whatever it’s called; he’s a decent guy who acts as “Justice of the Peace” — sometimes, though the lawyer who works for him has to say, “No, you’re not allowed to do that,” and the Squire says, “Oh … all right, then I won’t.”

But in BLEAK HOUSE (mid 19th Century), of course, the lawyers are completely out of control.

Cordell says:

The author of Tom Jones was himself a justice of the peace, and so the portayal of the scrupulous Squire Western isn’t surprising. One hopes it was accurate.

>Warrior-type rulers are very likely to be brutal, impulsively cruel people

WTF no. Caesar, Pinochet or Franco used some calculated cruelty, but were by no means monsters. Remember the story of Caesar and the pirates? For a fictional account of how ideal warrior rule looks like, I recommend Jerry Pournelle’s Falkenberg-series.

The Mafia were a bunch of dumb peasants from the most backwards ass end of Italy, hence clannish, not individualistic, and they had a good run in America because Anglo policemen had no idea how to deal with criminals who are clannish, not individualistic, and thus will not betray each other. Who simply don’t do Prisoner’s Dilemmas, partially because the occasional one who would be willing is sleeping with the fish. This combination of clannish criminals vs. individualistic policemen is a stupidly effective trick on the side of criminals, but other than that, they were just dumb peasants who would have been crushed in every other situation and definitely not warrior level men.

>implying italians were dumb
>implying mafia was dumb
>implying the mafiosi aren’t warrior
>implying the police are warriors

god damn you rodent half breed synagogue dwelling judeo masonic lovecraftian nrx trash

you do know it was calabrians and not russians right? you’d know that if you knew and read all the posts your types were deleting the last 3 years. have some respect kid. this ain’t fake news. your boy miller plagiarizes off our guy too. you all are not as smart as you think you are.

you all are not as smart as you think you are

world salad does not make one smart

is this some gay talmudic lodge discussion on these parts? of course it is.

men actually educated on prominent cultures and their history- men who don’t just espouse anglo government generated memes- these do not hold the same ideas you do

uneducated yet overly wordy half breed talmudic lodge scum who thinks they needs to wear sun tan lotion in say, provence, like you all? par for the course.

do any of you golf? no, you all just read lovecraft and jewish trance auto writing rambling.

2019 is boring says:

is this some gay talmudic lodge discussion on these parts?

Your writing style is remarkably characteristic of actual homosexuals. This is not even intended as an insult; it is merely a casual observation that your writing exhibits a kind of “flamboyance” that I can hardly imagine a straight man using.

Reminder that faggots will be removed.

The Cominator says:

>implying italians were dumb
>implying mafia was dumb
>implying the mafiosi aren’t warrior
>implying the police are warriors

I have never said such, though I would argue that the modern America mafia are far from warriors.

The actual Sicilian Mafia which used to be willing to storm jails with machine guns and such certainly were warriors though.

Not Tom says:

do any of you golf?

Love it. He doesn’t ask if anyone is into bodybuilding, powerlifting, boxing, MMA, football, rugby, hockey, spartan runs, paintball, trap shooting, or any other highly competitive and physically demanding activity that takes years of intense training and/or exceptional teamwork.

No, the sport of the true Renaissance Man is whacking a tiny little ball around in between cart rides and beer chugs. Why? Presumably because it’s stereotypically white gentile, even though most white guys don’t actually golf, and the stereotype was largely promoted by Jewish bugmen who were way more racially exclusive with their own clubs than any of the white gentile clubs ever were.

I’ve got nothing against golf – as a hobby. But it’s pretty funny to read it in the context of “do you even golf bruh”. I’m with 2019 on this one.

[…] Source: Jim […]

vxxc says:


Thank you.

This is it exactly.

Thank you all.

May I humbly suggest going forth and preaching.

I can’t emphasize enough how much being a FATHER will sell with warriors.
Its tough to make this gig work with the best of women.
Too much strain and fear for them.
Of course at will marriage sucks for all of us.

Here is your God, go forth and preach.
You’ll be filling a vacuum.
That makes it easier.

Frederick Algernon says:

The more i think about your proposition, the more i like it. Where do you suggest “we” go preach? I do my bit in my area, but it is a dangerous game telling vets and cops how to better believe what they already basically believe.

Vxxc says:

Tell them we need a world where men can form families safely.
Not a state that holds Fathers as enemies.
That men need a better social contract than divorce, child support, visitation rights.

You may also point out the administrative state by openly flouting the Presidents authority violates the same oath we took, that we upheld no matter what deranged abuse of ROE and trials, investigations, abuse, open and rampant corruption; despite all we remained true to the Constitution*.
That those who have not – if they will not learn from our example must be forced to bow not to us, not to the sword but to their own sworn and too easily forsworn oaths.

*The Constitution; you cannot ask them to forswear.
There is no replacement either.
Mind you just crushing the Administrative state traitors destroys the Cathedrals actual powers of law and force. After that academe and media are defenseless (and probably broken in will) mop up.

vxxc says:

Here’s your target audience giving a class on Red Dot sights.
(M68 CCO aka Aimpoint).

Just watch how he explains it.

That’s how you should explain the Faith.
We want families. Here’s how they break us up, here’s our solution: marriage contract enforced.

We want a country. Here’s some details they may not discern- such as asylum (which they know of) being granted by the courts to women of THE ENTIRE WORLD if they claim flight from domestic violence.
Ahem. That they may not know.
That’s basically the entire Southern Hemisphere.
And their kids.

Notice again the delivery: this is a highly skilled person, very detail oriented. “He knows his shit.”
He doesn’t know-or care-about IQ.
Or Carlyle. Or Moldbug.

He cares about his marriage, his kids.
He wants his country back.

If the language of the marketplace was good enough for Socrates* then its good enough for all.

*Socrates was so feared in war none would face him in single combat.
Of course he fought as Athenian infantry.
They all did.

Frederick Algernon says:

Excellent. Thanks for the response. The next time you get some R&R we should go camping.

Vxxc says:


Isaac says:

The American Reactionaries can’t even get a citizenship question added to their census. What an absolute joke your Emperor has been. Not even his supreme court justices are capable of polishing that turd. Bring on the leftist singularity, at least those radical anti-civilizational out-of-control priests have some vestige of self-respect. The right is simply content to be stomped into oblivion. Good riddance to them.

The Cominator says:

You scared shill?

Roberts is compromised this is not new, and Roberts left the door open to it being done personally by Trump’s EO which is in fact what he will end up doing.

Not Tom says:

Do you mean American Conservatives? As in yesterday’s liberals? The people who reactionaries either mock, pity, or ignore?

“Reactionaries aren’t doing democracy right!” ‘kay.

The Cominator says:

“So what section of the elite is going to back us?”

There are some names I think we have, that have read Moldbug and probably read you. But you’ve asked me not to mention them by name.

One of them is a former navy seal right wing billionaire who founded a mercenary company. I’m almost damn sure he is with us.

vxxc says:

On Elite backing.

Can’t help but note elites good at seeing where the wind blows and adjusting sails accordingly.

Whatever they may have to say and have HR say to avoid Eye of Sauron.

But we can start with Thiel.
And we can certainly add Tucker Carlson.
Then there’s Steve King.
Lindsay Graham sure got on the Trump Train.

We shouldn’t think its all just weathervane and self serving.
Lindsey Graham sure seems to like having his balls back.
Is it possible others miss their balls?
Dislike groveling to SJWs?
Would like to be sure that marriage contract until death does us part is upheld?

oh so another goy uhhhhhh prince who drinks the kikewater and loves it supposedly reads this shit? that is embarrassing for erik. but hey goys who fancy themselves princes like erik end up sucking masonic jew frankfurt cock like peter. right you half breeds! right!

guess who reads me?
guess who plagiarized me?
guess who plagiarizes us?

surely you as intellects would understand a plagiarist has no standing in the priestly class and yet that’s where you nrx synagogue head bobbing idiots have placed your cheat, inbred samo stephen miller.

your notions of who the priests are is shit
because you anoint shit priests

your notions of who the warriors are is mostly shit because you’re all nerds who can’t see and read fucking lovecraft and anoint him a superior.

but you’re all judeo masonic prot idiots, half breeds, and blind. your interpretations of anything are fucked from the start.

keep propping up shit priests you blind jewish dweebs. none of you are priestly. you all look up to miller, who plagiarizes off me.

fuck nrx you are all stupid. no, none of you will be allowed a harem to further breed the “priestly” judaism. your guys’ thought process is cancer because you all drink from the poison fountain. all your thoughts are bogged down in talmudic autism.

you’re all half breed losers like beale and koanic

you can’t even be honest about it as you shit on confused mixed race people.

i know the guy that trains seals in coronado. the masonic synagogue killed his kid. or was that some black magik black ops dark arts at the borderline bar in november 2018? what do you all know? you’re all nerds who don’t know shit.

but keep ripping me off.

surfs up

The Cominator says:

i know the guy that trains seals in coronado. the masonic synagogue killed his kid. or was that some black magik black ops dark arts at the borderline bar in november 2018? what do you all know? you’re all nerds who don’t know shit.

Kookniac or some other schizo?

shaman says:

Even though your mouth has breathed on “Frankfurter Würstchen,” you should stay for entertainment value.

Theshadowedknight says:

Is this the written equivalent of an acid trip?

shaman says:

Pretty much. Looks like hyper-verbalized failed information regulation, combined with literally gay humorous effect. Neuro-diversity!

Not Tom says:

I’m almost curious what he thinks we’re plagiarizing, and who is plagiarizing it. Claims to have some association with Vox Day, but Theo doesn’t allow such basketcases in his cadre, and the kind of people who like to write out his name in full as though it’s some kind of magical incantation are usually SJWs.

Not Kookanic. Give the guy some credit, he’s a much higher quality of crazy. Much better writing skills.

explicit_implication says:

what’s wrong with Lovecraft? What storied would you prefer we read? BAP homoerotica?

Octavian says:

Great article, Jim.

One of your best, and very timely. A lot of troops are getting tired of being down in the dumps and weary of living in the spirit of ’16’s afterglow.

It is nice to reenergize and move forward.

This is a time of metapolitical warfare and the value of good morale is difficult to overestimate.

The Cominator says:

I’ll never tire of the afterglow of 2016 AND 2015, getting the nomination was something I expected to be a lot harder. The Cathedral before 2016 at least tried to appear to be fair… and if they had even kept up appearances 2016 wouldn’t have been close.

They get down in the dumps because they listen to glownagger fedposting and blackpilling, also bitching by neets who somehow thought Trump was just going to give them money or something as if he wanted them to act like illegals and naggers (hence Yanggang).

What always bothers me is how they don’t recognize shilling immediately. I’m a sperg and I can spot 99% of shills right away.

We are winning this war and people are getting spooked because the enemy keeps running desperate kamikaze attacks.

Anonymous 2 says:

bitching by neets who somehow thought Trump was just going to give them money or something as if he wanted them to act like illegals and naggers (hence Yanggang).

Trump did strangle some of the money supply to the hundred-headed hydra of leftist organizations, but as far as I know he hasn’t tried to any rightwing orgs or NGOs. If so, I consider that a major mistake. (And please don’t fund existing Republican poz; it won’t help.)

The underlying problem of UBI is that whites currently pay but don’t get a lot out of it. Consider Obamacare: marginal whites get skyrocketing insurance costs, while the growing welfare Crowd of Color gets an even comfier deal.

Support for Yang is probably just coping behavior, given that Trump has not been able to help that segment of his supporters in any significant way. (Which I consider worse, since unrestricted and even encouraged migrant flow will also destroy America in a couple of decades. Politically it might be sooner than that.)

The Cominator says:

But as far as I know he hasn’t tried to any rightwing orgs or NGOs

They’d legally be required to become left wing progressives if he did that.

Dubya was theoretically all for this remember with his “faith based” government aid. All the churches who took the money quickly became pozzed.

Anonymous 2 says:

Just because GWB failed doesn’t mean it’s impossible you know.

The Cominator says:

Dubya being the subversive idiot son of his evil Cathedral glownagger boss father probably intended for it to fail but it cannot succeed with anything like the current US government.

Take the Cathedral’s money and you will preach the Cathedral’s religion.

Ron says:

Can you give an example of this sort of thing working?

The Cominator says:

Other then a few things the Reagan CIA did to churches and anticommunist organizations in South America (and thus outside of direct Federal supervision) to fight communism in the 1980s there are no examples since the 1960s.

If you take Fedzilla/Cathedral money you come under their control and become pozzed. Trump was wise not to try to do this.

Jehu says:

If you want to fund a right wing organization as a president, without hamstringing them, you get them to sue some agency of the federal government. They probably have lots of legitimate suits honestly. Then you order said agency to settle generously. You can also make policy that way via consent decrees.

The Cominator says:

You need a very good reason as to why you have “standing” if you sue the feds.

jim says:

Obamacare revealed that Obama had absolutely no intention of giving free healthcare, or any healthcare to white males, married men, or private sector employees, and I guarantee that Yang has absolutely no intention of giving free money to white males married men, or private sector employees.

vxxc says:

^ yes to this ^

Concerned Crusader says:

I’m sorry what? In what universe? Big tech is hiring dozens of executives from the Israeli NSA equivalent as we speak. I’m genuinely curious where these purges are happening outside of small spiraling left wing movements.

Not Tom says:

Really? As we speak? And here I thought one of the common complaints from people seeking entry into tech companies is that they have convoluted application and interview processes and take weeks or months to make hiring decisions.

But it turns out all you need to do in other to be hired in literal seconds is be part of the “Israeli NSA equivalent”. By the way, could you remind us who exactly they are, in case anyone wants to leverage this awesome shortcut?

shaman says:

That dipshit means Unit 8200 of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate, which is not actually the NSA’s Israeli equivalent, but it does resemble the DoD’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) – a slightly closer Israeli equivalent to the NSA would be its National Security Council, but that’s not very precise either.

These shills are full of shit, and it’s simply beautiful — albeit it’s not in the least bit surprising — how good Jim is at triggering them into revealing themselves. Just say a few words about Israel that aren’t denunciatory enough, and they’ll twist themselves into knots expressing utter woe about Israel’s dastardly misdeeds.

EH says:

A shill replying to a shill to bitch about “shills”., which the actual shills define as anybody daring to doubt their BS about jews being exiled from their rightful place as our elite.

shaman says:

The actual shills are always those who push the FBI’s narrative about Jews using evil mind control rays to make young women misbehave, because young women are chaste and angelic, and are only corrupted by the wicked Jews’ slithery serpentine whispers.

The actual shills are telling us that the Mann Act of 1910 was right and proper, and how dare some oppressive Jewish shitlords not prostrate themselves to its vast and profound wisdom – wow just wow, bigot.

The actual shills are telling us that white men need to out-group each other because of sinister pixels, that white men deserve to be anally gang-raped in jail by burly niggers for offenses related to sinister pixels, because we all know that young whores are chaste and angelic – the Social Purity Movement said so, therefore it must be true.

Your inflated budget won’t make into the latter half of this century.

The Cominator says:

Shill entryists do not discuss the woman question ever in detail so do not mention the Mann act or any such thing, their scripts aren’t written for that.

They just accuse you of being a jew for bringing up the woman question at all and insist all women problems are the fault of the jews and that the women dindu nuffin.

Now as to your other point

We should certainly role back the clock on the woman question, but some of the things you and Jim advocate (I disagree with some and not all) are what Spandrell would label a jihad complete problem not merely coup complete.

Ie a jihad complete problem is something so taboo to modern sensibilities that even a dictator who tried to do it would be overthrown almost immediately.

I would restore most of paterfamilias rights, beatings are allowed severe injury isn’t without specific extreme provocations

I would declare that father’s have a right to arrange marriages for girls between 14 and 20. No marriage by abduction by that age, if a girl is deflowered the father has the option to shotgun marriage but the father does not have to shotgun marriage the girl.

After 20 marriage by abduction becomes a thing, any honest single man has the right to claim any girl with one exception

Women after 20 CAN become whores and they’ll have an indenture contract for their support for such time. A man can claim a whore but he needs to buyout her contract to do so.

Divorce is banned with a VERY few exceptions like the man being exiled for crimes but not killed or one of the spouses being in a long term coma.

I think such can be imposed with merely coup complete powers with some grumbling from white knights… going ANY further (at least without waiting a few years for people to get used to the new more patriarchal society) will be a jihad complete problem.

kawaii_kike says:

What’s considered going further?

jim says:

Consider the overnight change on sodomy, and tranny story hour, and sex changes for children a few years old.

Going all the way back to old testament family law is not a much bigger change than going all the way back to 1950s law. Indeed, most people would find it hard to tell the difference, except for a handful still under the delusion that we still have 1950s family law.

It will be like blowing through a shit test. Instead of the threatened drama, you get delightful absence of drama.

Theshadowedknight says:

Jim is correct here. Sodomogamy is–I believe–completely unprecedented in human history, yet it went from unacceptable in liberal Massachusetts to mandatory nationwide in less than a decade.

Truth Teller says:

You’re a psychopath.

alf says:

Psychopathy is an anti-concept. Its really just a synonym for ‘asshole’, with pseud-scientific connotations.

When a woman calls you a psychopath, it’s a compliment and she’ll have sex with you.

When a man calls you a psychopath, he is outgrouping you. The pseudo-scientific definition of psychopathy is ‘one who lacks empathy’, which translated means ‘one who gets dehumanized’.

So, let us formalize your insult, and say you call Jim an asshole. Is Jim an asshole? At times, I”m sure. But I have a looming suspicion he is friendlier than one might suspect.

2019 is boring says:

Making male status higher than female status — i.e., the wife sacrifices herself for her husband, the husband does not sacrifice himself for his wife (like in chess: the Queen protects the King); men speak to women, women don’t speak to men unless and until spoken to by them; when a man and a woman go opposite each other, it is the woman, not the man, who steps out of the way — is the grand paradigm shift that must happen at some point after the restoration.

As long as that is fixed in our minds, whether it will occur post coup or post Jihad is not really an issue. We must adopt social technology that works. Making male status higher than female status works. Gentlemanism, i.e. Courtly Love, does not work, and has been pozzed for the past millennium.

No, the “warm and fuzzy” feelings that some people (white knights, including all Trad-Cons, and some Trad-Con entryists into Reaction) have for gentlemanism don’t matter in the slightest. East Asians have always known that the wife sacrifices herself for the husband, and this social technology is drastically more stable than gentlemanism. We tried gentlemanism and ended up with Puritanism-Feminism. Gas the Trad-Cons, Status War Now.

vxxc says:

Don’t worry.

No one would confuse you for Traditional.
My guess is Antifa got boring before “neoreaction” and soon enough migrate from East Asian fusion cuisine fad to maybe Islam or something….

But “Trad-Cons are infiltrating Reaction” is Hilarious.
Try: Prog raised soyboys who balk at chopping dick off have raised the Flag of NeoReaction, attracted by the flattery to their Intellect.

Well enough, we need some Jacobin viciousness on the Right. It works. It also appeals to the young – through ego and the newly rediscovered masculinity.

Franco, Pinochet, Mannerheim- those are actual Reactionaries. Tsar Nicholas I. None of them would have advocated gassing the Traditional Conservatives.

Even to get laid. A subject that takes up a depressing amount of time here, but any struggle is always a slog…

shaman says:

Look, someone with an IQ of 100 said something.

shaman says:

Okay, I’ll give that WOT-poster the nice debunking he deserves, which hopefully will serve as a warning to any other Tard-Cons (not a typo) here to be meek and humble in the presence of their cognitive and ideological superiors.

No one would confuse you for Traditional.

No one would confuse you for a Neo-Reactionary.

Someone whose pasts are 70% spam irrelevant to the discussion and 30% hardly intelligible sub-mental effluvium of “ORGANIZE! DO SOMETHING! TAKE ACTION NOW IMMEDIATELY! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!” will never belong anywhere near a priesthood and anywhere near NRx. Remind me again what your contributions here are? That’s right – a big fat nothingburger. Boy, you’ve been squirting so much diarrhea here, it may as well be fed right back to you. Open your mouth!

Hey, this reminds me of something. You wrote on Spandrell’s blog:

None of you have actual jobs or work experience do you?

Maybe you should explain why you think that no one in NRx has jobs or work experience. Because it looks to me that if anyone here is a useless defective loser who can’t even string two coherent chains of thought together, that’s exactly you, Vxxcuck.

My guess is Antifa got boring before “neoreaction”

I was involved in NRx quite early on, actually. Again: What have you contributed during these past few years of incessant spamming? Do I really need to show everyone here that you’re partly responsible for the abominable catastrophe that happened at Xenosystems? Because I can do that easily, you know. Beep-bop tick-tock stick a plug in your anus and put a lock on your cock, because your excretions are distracting us from intelligent and interesting debate.

But “Trad-Cons are infiltrating Reaction” is Hilarious.

You are madly butthurt because it hits home and hits hard, right? Your “type” of commenter, the incorrigible abysmal-IQ spammer of “DO SOMETHING! x 1,000” just never seems to find the door out of NRx communities, where you stick out like sore, purulent thumbs. Someone really needs to show you where it’s at, entryist.

Try: Prog raised soyboys who balk at chopping dick off have raised the Flag of NeoReaction, attracted by the flattery to their Intellect.

Translation from the Universal Language of Tards, known as Drooled Retardese: “I don’t belong, I never contribute anything, I constantly spam the blog with irrelevant shit, I can’t write like a normal person, and I’m envious as fuck of everyone else’s intellect.” Do try to conceal your inferiority complex better when you’re twisting reality on its head, you Tard-Con-Artist.

None of them would have advocated gassing the Traditional Conservatives.

Poor, poor Vxxcuck: His fee-fees were offended by the suggestion that Tard-Con blue-pillers like himself need to be physically removed from NRx for being demonic white knight entryists. Oh dear, someone bring him a tissue! Better yet: Someone bring him a fake parachute and drop him “like a sack full of stones” off a jet.

Are you gonna cry now? Haha, fuck off.

Even to get laid.

You’ve admitted a number of times to being totally childless, haven’t you? And — to use an understatement — you’re not very young, now, are you, Mr. Grey-Haired Lardass Veteran? Lol. Perhaps you should stop telling fathers (as some of us, possibly even myself, are) about “getting laid” and so on – you are a failure at life and a complete wreck, and you should really be meek and humble around the good posters here, mkay?

Meek. And humble.


Not Tom says:

You would think that they’d use their evil mind control rays to make everyone Jewish, but apparently the rays only have one setting: Mainline Protestant.

Curious, that.

Also curious how despite being infested with Jewish shills, restorationism has largely remained untainted by leftist memes, while the lunatic fringe of the alt-right, through the power of the mighty swastika, is now advocating for UBI, street thuggery, abortion, voting for Democrats, unilateral disarmament, anti-porn/anti-prostitution crackdowns, and wifing up whores.

If only I could see the connection… think, man, think!

The Cominator says:

To be fair we should support eugenic (early term) abortion.

kawaii_kike says:

Abortion is still murder no matter how early. If we’re going to murder in the name of eugenics then we might as well just do it at any age. I certainly hope abortion is outlawed in the Restoration.

jim says:

If we make abortion the right of the woman’s husband or father to choose, we will select against adultery and immorality in women, and criminality in men, and will likely get far fewer abortions. The typical abortion is not the rape victim, it is the wife keeping her options open in case Jeremy Meeks gives her a booty call, and does not kick her out at two in the morning.

Anonymous 2 says:

restorationism has largely remained untainted by leftist memes, while the lunatic fringe of the alt-right … If only I could see the connection… think, man, think!

It means … restorationism is even weaker and farther out of the spotlight than the lunatic fringe of the alt-right?

Well, that’s probably a good thing at this point. Imagine how things would be if They got really interested in this blog, for instance.

jim says:

While we are untainted by alt right lefties, the alt right meme warriors are massively influenced by us. I am quite satisfied with our mass influence, which we exercise very indirectly, because trying to get mass influence directly would lead to us being corrupted and dumbed down, and quite satisfied with our elite friends in high places They are relatively powerless within the Trump administration, with hostile and disloyal Trump opponents above them in the administration, but I suspect that this might well change, and if even if it does not change, it is a toe in the door.

Things suck, and we are losing, in that the leftist holiness spiral daily reaches ever new heights of madness, but we have considerably more than zero traction. We have a lot more traction than I expected years ago.

Karl says:

Since demographics are at present against us, it is advantageous that the leftist holiness spiral reaches daily now heights. New heights of holiness are forcing things to a point. The present situation cannot last.

We still have the strenght to fight. So it is better, if ever new heights of holiness force confrontation sooner rather than later

The Cominator says:

Things suck, and we are losing, in that the leftist holiness spiral daily reaches ever new heights of madness, but we have considerably more than zero traction. We have a lot more traction than I expected years ago.

In 2014-2015 before the God-Emperor declared himself we were losing.

Now we are on the verge of total victory, its been a longer harder memetic war then most of us would have liked but we are winning and should continue to win because the enemy is increasingly stupid, insane and incompetent.

Their plans to regain institutional power will thus be insane stupid and incompetent. They’d be totally dead already if not for that traitor asshole Sessions, hes the only reason Trump even needs a second term to finish off the Cathedral for good.

Not Tom says:

It means … restorationism is even weaker and farther out of the spotlight than the lunatic fringe of the alt-right?

Either you’re saying that strength equals infiltration, which doesn’t make sense, or that the Cathedral/globohomo is so powerful that anything coming under its watchful gaze is immediately assimilated, which does make sense but doesn’t appear to be true, because we can see the failed attempts.

Cathedral failed utterly at disrupting/assimilating the chans, to the point where there were serious efforts to just shut it all down. NRx anti-infiltration techniques appear to me to have some lineage going back to the chans; they don’t really have a name, but clearly evolved to defend against cointelpro and similar top-down infiltration methods.

Mass influence is hard to measure and not strictly necessary at this point, but it seems to be happening anyway. Alt-right, neomasculinity, evopsych and academic heterodoxy, anarcho-fascism, and Trumpism itself in many ways – all derive important memes from the reaction memeplex. It’s analogous to the plethora of competing leftist ideologies that all essentially derive from Marxism.

Anonymous 2 says:

Either you’re saying that strength equals infiltration, which doesn’t make sense, or that the Cathedral/globohomo is so powerful that anything coming under its watchful gaze is immediately assimilated, which does make sense but doesn’t appear to be true, because we can see the failed attempts.

It seems rather evident that, post-2016, the alt-right was infiltrated, divided, attacked, no-platformed, doxed and basically bullied into irrelevance. (Still some mopping up going on, I should add.)

Not Tom says:

It seems rather evident that, post-2016, the alt-right was infiltrated, divided, attacked, no-platformed, doxed and basically bullied into irrelevance. (Still some mopping up going on, I should add.)

Sure… and you extrapolated from that into reaction being weaker and less-relevant. That’s one possible explanation, but not the most likely one, for reasons just outlined.

Anonymous 2 says:

Sure… and you extrapolated from that into reaction being weaker and less-relevant. That’s one possible explanation, but not the most likely one

What I wrote was not quite that (“even weaker and farther out of the spotlight than the lunatic fringe of the alt-right”). I obviously interpret what’s going on somewhat differently, but I wouldn’t mind if you’re right.

2019 is boring says:

It means … restorationism is even weaker and farther out of the spotlight than the lunatic fringe of the alt-right?

No, it means that the alt-right, including the folks at the My Posting Career Forum, do not possess what Bryce Laliberte (back when his madness was still under control) defined as “memetic sovereignty,” i.e. an independent ideological framework that allows one to produce memes untainted by outside influences.

This is not surprising: alt-righters of mediocre intelligence are all on board 19th century Puritanism — the precursor of 20th century Feminism — and have even, in their never-ending quest to counter-signal Libertarianism, adopted many Marxist viewpoints. This is not a post-2016 problem. I came to the scene in 2012, and that’s what they were like back then too.

In 2017, it even looked like Reaction had been taken over by these people, but fortunately, we have managed to bullycide the malefactors one after the other, and will continue to bullycide such individuals mercilessly. Those who foolishly and uselessly stand in the way will be obliterated also.

The important thing is to maintain memetic sovereignty: we can and do shift the Overton Window, because our memeplex is independent of all other memeplexes. What the entryists and malefactors do is attempt to subjugate our memeplex to those of others, e.g. to alt-rightism. Not gonna happen: we are now able to accurately identify this behavior, and we now know where to draw the lines between our memeplex and other ones.

Our memetic sovereignty allows us to critically examine all the steaming piles of horsehit around us, and to adopt exclusively those memes that we deem to be beneficial to our purposes.

The Cominator says:

Abortion is still murder no matter how early

This is a stupid papist meme and lie straight from that awful shitlib pope john paul ii. Just because this idiocy has infected the right doesn’t mean I accept it or we should. Abortion under us will also be husband and father’s right to choose.

Not Tom says:

Indeed. When I mentioned abortion as being an indicator of infiltration, I was referring to the persistent alt-right meme that free, unrestricted female-choice abortion is good and great because it keeps black fertility down. Fertility part being somewhat true, but still ridiculous because of the explosive dysgenic effect of upper castes of all races aborting because expensive/hypergamy and lower castes birthing for gibs.

Male-choice abortion would be eugenic. I try not to have an opinion on the soul/murder question, but there eventually needs to be a self-consistent explanation for why killing in utero is OK but ex-utero is not. Children being the absolute property of their fathers until able to work is one such explanation, but that implies legal infanticide as well.

Frederick Algernon says:

Spoken like a man with no children.

Abortion is murder and I spit on Catholics.

You can use theistic ontology to logically get where sensible intuition naturally takes you, two undeniable points: 1) mitigating consequences never creates a better entity 2) pre-born babies are unmistakably alive to your natural senses when you see/feel/hear their beating hearts.

It is rarely logical to let passion guide ideology, but I have become incapable of seeing both sides in this issue.

…it may be their tiny fingers. So blindly articulate. If one has no children, then they have no license to register an opinion on abortion.

2019 is boring says:

Husband-decided pre birth or post birth filicide for some categories of genetic mutants, or for the rotten fruits of extramarital affairs or rape (no practical difference in this context), should be legal. Likewise when the mother’s life is legitimately endangered by the pregnancy.

Jim’s position about bastardicide is a tough swallow, but I’m glad that at least someone has the testicular fortitude to voice it, if only to add spice to this boring 2019.

The Cominator says:

My position on abortion and murder is that its not really murder early because of lack of brain activity and definite lack of higher level brain activity.

Jim’s bastarcide position is not necessary and not something we should speak of the optics are horrible and it isn’t needed… given that Jim doesn’t like the Victorians it is rather strange. Bastards were generally far better off in the 18th century and before (when generally they got fostered by distant relatives or childless couples ala Moll Flanders, and btw male nobles in the middle ages mostly got fostered by distant relatives when they became teen because parental tenderness was held to be an impediment to the intense training required to become a knight) then in the 19th century (when they were treated more like Oliver Twist).

Eugenic early abortion and solving the woman question will make any mistreatment of bastards quite unnecessary. There will be so few actually born.

The Cominator says:

The shills do not actually mention the women question in any detail other then to say that anyone who brings it up is a jew and that females dindu nuffin but if they did it was because of the jews.

To be fair women are targetted with social engineering mind control rays, but its more a glownagger thing then a jewish thing.

The Cominator says:

Actual shills rarely mention the woman question and certainly don’t discuss policy details like the Mann Act. They merely say that women dindu nuffin and if they did then it was evil jewish mind control rays.

Now to be fair women are subject to evil social engineering mind control rays of which are more effective against them then they are with men, I think its more a glownagger thing then a jew thing.

I’ve submitted a reply to this a couple time and I don’t even get the normal my comment is awaiting moderation what gives…

The Cominator says:

Actual shills rarely mention the woman question and certainly don’t discuss policy details like the Mann Act. They merely say that women dindu nuffin and if they did then it was evil jewish mind control rays.

Now to be fair women are subject to evil social engineering mind control rays of which are more effective against them then they are with men, I think its more a glownagger thing then a jew thing.

replies to this shaman comment seem to keep getting auto rejected, trying on opera VPN browser now…

The Cominator says:

My response to this comment keeps not getting processed… maybe this short statement will but your filter seems to be autospamming me here…

The Cominator says:

Okay I tried to say in response to this comment by Shaman, I didn’t even get “awaiting moderation” it just didn’t post and this happened multiple times…

The actual shills are always those who push the FBI’s narrative about Jews using evil mind control rays to make young women misbehave, because young women are chaste and angelic, and are only corrupted by the wicked Jews’ slithery serpentine whispers.

That shills here generally refuse to discuss the women question, and if they do discuss it is to tell us we are jews for bringing it up. And that women dindu nuffin but if they did it was the result of jewish mind control rays.

Then I said that there were media mind control rays but it probably has more to do more with glownagger social engineering then jews.

The Cominator says:

Okay I tried to say in response to this comment by Shaman, I didn’t even get “awaiting moderation” it just didn’t post…

The actual shills are always those who push the FBI’s narrative about Jews using evil mind control rays to make young women misbehave, because young women are chaste and angelic, and are only corrupted by the wicked Jews’ slithery serpentine whispers.

That shills here generally refuse to discuss the women question, and if they do discuss it is to tell us we are jews for bringing it up. And that women dindu nuffin but if they did it was the result of jewish mind control rays.

Then I said that there were media mind control rays but it probably has more to do more with glownagger social engineering then jews.

jim says:

Your comment was misidentified as spam, and the filter was so certain it was spam, it did not put it into the moderation queue, but the spam pile.

If you don’t get “waiting moderation” you have been auto spammed, and I will fail to notice.

I found six of your posts in the spam pile. Not sure what happened.

The Cominator says:

I keep trying to respond to Shaman’s comment about FBI shills and women…

It doesn’t say awaiting moderation it justs fails to post.

The Cominator says:

And I even tried emailing it to myself copying from my phone and doing it and also posting it in response to other comments and its like it gets filtered out automatically…

jim says:

Found a bunch of your comments in spam – fixed, at least temporarily

jim says:

Fixed – I was off in the boondocks with barely usable internet, which was why I was slow to fix it.

shaman says:

One day hopefully Israel will no longer be the pozzed Puritan-Feminist hellhole it currently is, and on that day Kidon Unit’s Dancers (lol) will be oopsing and oh-noing Blue Knights out of windows and roofs all across the world, for vengeance and for fun. Memeing Israel into a Jimist country may be a worthwhile project, though it’ll take some time – 20 years? Someone should write a book, or something.

The Cominator says:

The actual shills are always those who push the FBI’s narrative about Jews using evil mind control rays to make young women misbehave, because young women are chaste and angelic, and are only corrupted by the wicked Jews’ slithery serpentine whispers.

I can’t seem to reply to the original post where you said this and have it go through.

Left wing shills here seem to avoid the woman question other then to say that we are jews for bringing it up and that women dindu nuffin but if they did it was jewish mind control rays. They certainly don’t discuss details like the Mann act.

Now women are subject to a lot of cultural and media mind control rays but as we don’t believe that the Elders of Zion control the media but rather believe that the Cathedral’s pozzed glownaggers control the media… so we don’t consider these mind control rays overly jewish in nature.

shaman says:

Well, I’ll correct myself: Unit 8200 is somewhat similar to INSCOM’s various brigades, some of which do work for the NSA. Be that as it may, these geeky nerd virgins are far from the super-spies that our resident Concerned Comrades make of them. They’re just skilled techies whose IDF service granted them expertise that is in high demand in civilian life.

shaman says:

Yes, and the CIA. FBI, and NSA (who are paying you to write this) are extremely worried about that. It’s been all over their shillsites for a reason, like everything else Israel-related. Do try to conceal your hate-boner better.

Alas, “big tech” is not in control. The priests are in control. Thus when you write:

small spiraling left wing movements.

You fail to recognize that these people are in power, not merchants and not warriors, not the Military-Industrial Complex.

We are always ruled by warriors or priests, and currently we are ruled by memetically Puritan priests who support the Age of Consent legislation of 1900, support the abolition of coverture, support the criminalization of prostitution, and support the Mann Act of 1910, all in accordance with the Society for the Suppression of Vice and the Social Purity Movement of the 19th century.

Friendly Fred says:

Hey, this is another topic connected by a very fragile filament to the one you address, but since my thought-groove of the hour is Rule by Non-Ideological (non “memetically Puritan”) Lawyers is Best, it occurred to me that the Mitnagdim vs. Hasidim strife might be understood as a struggle between Non-Ideological pettifogging lawyers and Ideological (Puritan-type) pettifogging lawyers. What do you think?

shaman says:

the Mitnagdim vs. Hasidim strife might be understood as a struggle between Non-Ideological pettifogging lawyers and Ideological (Puritan-type) pettifogging lawyers.

I’m inclined to agree.

Mitnagdim take Phariseeism to its logical conclusion: full pettifogging rabbinic legalism all the time, and pretty much nothing else really matters. Love it or hate it, that’s standard Pharisaic Judaism.

Hasidim, without discarding the legalistic tradition, have embraced some heretical mysticism to “enliven” the religion, and in the process made themselves much dumber and more superstitious.

However, I wouldn’t say that Hasidic mysticism is memetically Puritan. It is memetically Gnostic.

Ideally, the Nazis would have won WWII without committing a Holocaust, and right-wing Nazi-allied Zionists would have established an explicitly racialist German-speaking Ashkenazi Judeo-Christian Monarchy, retconned Ashkenazi history to be “We have always been white Judeo-Christians,” thus officially declaring Ashkenazim to be members of both the white race and Christendom, and consequently announced that non-Jewish whites should be perfectly eligible for aliyah, since they are racial blood brothers. Then Israel would be white Occidental, rather than brown Afro-Oriental; scientific and technological progress would be highly prioritized, rather than the appeasement of either black-bearded parasites or pozzed faggofeminists.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Friendly Fred says:

I like Bokharans, though (they have a lot of shoe-repair and barber shops here) — they’re gentle and masculine at the same time. And aren’t the Yemenite girls very sexy?

2019 is boring says:

None of that matters. The advancement of high-quality civilization is at stake, and equalizing humans and sandniggers is detrimental thereto. Anyone who supports equalizing the civilized races and the hardly-civilized or non-civilized races is by definition a leftist.

B was not able to admit that his dark cousins are his natural inferiors. With Eli, the situation was different – Eli openly accepted that North Africans and Yemenites and Central Asians and Ethiopians are his natural inferiors, because Eli is generally more grounded in reality than B; and the reality is that Ashkenazim as an ethnicity are capable of scientifically and technologically advancing civilization, while Mizrahim — at least the worse kinds of them — cannot, and are also uncivilized, to varying degrees depending on the specific sub-group, in their interpersonal behavior.

2019 is boring says:

Ultimately, the primary beef is with the North-African Mizrahi group. I don’t care how “tasty” their food is (typical leftist pro-Turd World argument); they behave like baboons, and those who don’t behave like baboons usually possess high levels of European-Jewish admixture. To tell an Ashkenazi Jew that he is of the same ethnicity as these Moroccan Monkeymen is a grave insult to the Ashkenazi, and will remain a grave insult regardless of any elucidation of the flaws of Ashkenazim.

See, I don’t dispute that Bukharians and Gruzinim are skilled craftsmen, or that Yemenite chicks tend to be DTF; nor do I dispute that some other Mizrahi groups can behave relatively decently. These are simply not arguments for being considered as belonging to the same ethnicity as Ashkenazim, when the behavioral, temperamental, and cognitive differences are so striking.

Kofiko says:

Look, B can close his eyes and fantasize about alternative realities all he wants, but the fact is that it’s Mizrahi Jews who are responsible for most of the crime in Israel. As even Rabbi Kahane admitted:

The overwhelming majority of the criminals, prostitutes, drug pushers and drug addicts are Sephardic Jews.

I.e. Mizrahi Jews. They make for Israel’s underclass and lower working class, and most of Israel’s prison population. Sure, they are abetted by Arabs, Slavs, and various shades of nigger, but the reality is that it’s they who commit the crime, not Ashkenazim. This is not intended to idealize the Ashkenazim, who possess their own set of flaws, but underclass bullshit (and general baboonery) ain’t one of ’em.

Eli says:

I can’t speak much for B, but my impression of his views on the subject is more nuanced. He is not someone with love for plain ol’ Nigs, but will always be in solidarity with whoever is a Jew — esp, a religiously observant Jew. The passage from R. Kahane that you quoted seems to be quite of the same opinion. Everything there is being blamed on the secular European Jewry/socialists, which has been B’s point also.

Likely, there is great truth to it. Maybe taking away their communal religion and ways was the trigger for criminality. On the other hand, modernity *in itself* brings about the kinds of pressure, temptations and freedom that had never been available to any Turd Worlder before.

Tangentially, I have a problem with so many people (you and R. Kahane etc etc) wrapping up all so-called “Sephardim” into that term.

Let’s be clear here: true Sephardim are white and civilized. The only true Sephardim come from some areas in N Africa/France, Turkey, and Netherlands.

Everyone else should be bunched up together as “Mizrahi” — including most of the Moroccans. Mizrahi is not an ethnic, but rather a loose category, for those not interested in distinguishing between Teimanim, Moroccans, Persians, and Caucasians, Iraqi etc Jews.

Moroccans are more interesting in that most of them are actually native Berbers that were Judaized. Some probably can trace their Judaization all the way to the era of Carthage (Kir’yat Khadashet — ie “New City”

Be it as it may, Sephardic Jews ended up in Morocco after their expulsion from Sephard (Spain). Some of them intermixed with the local Berber Jews, but some were completely unaffected.

Why I personally know some. One is a fully white guy who is studying to be a medical doctor (former math major). Another, a girl. She looks very white, but she told me that her father looks very Moroccan. So, probably, a mixture in the latter case.

I also knew a bunch of Sephardim from Latin America (Venezuela). Not brilliant, but quite normal, above average guys. And look as white as any white guy. Certainly, not like regular Latinos.

Eli says:

@Kofiko: sorry, I see that you mentioned that they’re Mizrahi.

Jim, could you please approve my previous reply?

jim says:

Obviously white Christians should have solidarity with black Christians, and we do, and Ashkenazi Jews should have solidarity with black Jews. But everyone knows, even though no one is allowed to say, that black Christians should attend church in black churches, and white Christians should attend church in white churches, and in practice, that is what we do. Mingling will do to the Jews what Hitler failed to do.

It is a similar problem to the problem that Churches need to be both national and universal. The also need to be both ethnic and universal.

Well if Christ can be both wholly man and wholly God, the church can be both ethnic and universal, and in practice we see totally segregated congregations, with the black congregation of the denomination nonetheless getting along fine with the complete separate white congregation of that denomination.

shaman says:

Yeah, exactly. Historically there existed a group of European Jews, including Ashkenazim, Sepharadim, Italkim, Romaniotes, some French communities, etc., who were obviously civilized and human, and those of their descendants who didn’t inter-breed with darkies are still, to this very day, civilized and human. To dispel unnecessary ambiguities, it’s better to simply refer to them as “European Jews.”

B, however, was asked: “What would happen to Israel if its demographics leaned way more heavily in the Moroccan and Ethiopian direction?” And he refused to actually answer, dismissing that as a silly counterfactual. It’s not silly: Some Jewish groups can’t properly integrate into advanced civilization, and — surprise, surprise — it’s precisely those who are descended from proselytized Berbers, Arabians, Caucasus Mountains folks, and East Africans. (Lord have mercy if the Pashtuns, Igbos, and Lembas are also introduced one day)

Sure, like R. Kahane, B blames everything on the spiritual corruption emitted by Ashkenazim. This is no different than saying that African Americans misbehave solely because they are’t raised as pious Christians. Now, can strict old-school Christianity substantially civilize African Americans? Probably, yes. They would be better off going to Church. But fundamentally, at the end of the day, niggers will always be niggers, and don’t fit into human civilization, certainly not as the equals of humans.

Despite being the largest or second largest ethnicity, Moroccans never seem to produce competent leaders of their own kin; both religiously and politically, they are invariably led by Ashkenazim, Iraqis, and Persians. As for the Ethiopians, they just had a massive chimp out after the fashion of Black Lives Matter; J wrote about it:

America in full has arrived here. Blacks are protesting police violence. A White policeman has killed a Black youth and the Black community is burning down cars and shops all over the country. The Black was an Ethiopian “Jew”, 18 years old, imported six years ago, drop-out from school who was being entertained in a local violent youth club by two social workers. They went outside for a cigarette in the nearby park and they had a fight and stone-throwing. A policeman passed by and tried to separate them, feared for the children and then for his life and shot him.

It was a big and irreparable mistake by the Iraqi Chief Rabbi to declare these Ethiopian highland natives – descendants of the Jewish tribe of Dan. Now they are here in mass and coming more, filling the special schools for retarded and occupying armies of social workers. Only the religious section of the Israeli population tries to avoid letting them into their schools and yeshives, silently subverting Israel’s liberal laws. Why the religious are able to recognize that the Ethiopians are not our people, while the secular religion-less majority is powerless and paralyzed? I lost my religion when scientific studies confirmed that praying has no effect on the outcome, it is just magical rituals, and the Talmud is a collection of ancient magical nonsense. Yet, yet, the believers are the only people here acting sanely. We the rest who think ourselves rational, are sick.

Again, B and R. Kahane would say, “It’s because the Ashkenazim spiritually corrupted them.” Yes, and no. It’s true that Ashkenazi secularization has removed the Africans’ social technology, thus reduced them to total dysfunction. But it’s simply not possible to have Sub-Saharan Africans as equals in one’s civilization without there being regular chimp outs, both individual and collective. Religious piety can curb the worst excesses of their misbehavior, but they’re still going to be incompatible.

Point being, all these groups cannot possibly be considered as members of the same ethnicity, because they evidently aren’t. European Jews (those who have not interbred) and proselytized Berbers are distinct – are not, and should not be, “equal.” Some measure of European Jewish supremacy vis-a-vis the baboon Jews is in order.

shaman says:

Well, on the other hand, even modern Israel has its own splendid and spectacular “black market” of true dissidence against the Cathedral, the kind you just don’t find among American Trad-Cons (including those who now call themselves reactionaries) who adhere to the Social Purity Movement’s ideology. This is not necessarily unique to Israel, as testosteronic thought-crimes can be found virtually everywhere outside the morally-panicked Anglosphere, but Jews’ high-IQ makes the thought-crimes all the more potent. Israel should embrace Jimianity and NRx and pull off brilliant psyops against the Puritan-Feminist West; maybe one day that’ll happen.

The Virgin PIA (Puritan Intelligence Agency) versus the Chad Jimossad it is, then.

Wartime News says:

Faiths now:

1. Dalai Lama claims ‘Europe is for Europeans’ and migrants should be sent back

2. Pope Francis offered a scathing assessment of Donald Trump’s immigration policies, stating that he would tell the US President to his face that his southern border wall and family separation policies were ‘cruel.’

3. Muslims Tell Europe: “One Day All This Will Be Ours”

The Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, nominated by Pope Francis in February, just declared that “Muslim believers know very well that their fertility is such today, that they call it… the Great Replacement. They tell you in a very calm, very positive way: One day all this, all this will be ours…”.

shaman says:

Muslims Tell Europe: “One Day All This Will Be Ours”

How’s that news?

It would be real news if the Mohammedans said, “We should not be conquering Europe – let’s head back to our Asian and African homelands.”

The paladin is the best of both warriors and priests.

Being a priest, he tames the callousness of the warrior instinct and fights for what is right, not just his own benefit.

Being a warrior, he reminds priests that holiness must be tempered by righteousness, and that men must face reality in order to overcome it.

It is a right and just calling for any man of noble spirit to discipline both the spirit and the flesh, and to both fight an pray for his fellow man.

Frederick Algernon says:

Do you have any historical examples to sight that don’t include Magic: the Gathering references?

BC says:

Aztec priest kings were pretty vile creatures. It’s not a good combo.

When the first Sumerian kings overthrew the original priestly cast that created Sumerian civilization, the first they did was appoint families members to be high priest and high priestess, but they didn’t take the title of high priest for themselves.

Theshadowedknight says:

Priest king is a terrible combination, but paladins/templars are useful as a bridge between priests and warriors. Think of Jim, if you want an example of a warrior priest. Unlike so many of the other priestly bloggers and commenters, he does not strike me as a man who needs to get stuffed in a locker. He can swing a big idea just as easily as he can swing a big sword, so he gets respect on both sides.

Frontier says:

Warrior priests are a real thing. Worth studying.

Besides being Warrior Priests, Templars became such powerful international merchants that the French king had to kill them off in a surprise decapitation strike to get out of debt to them and seize their assets.

The Teutonic Knights carved out and ruled their own Monastic State from the Pagan Germans, ruling for centuries before their leader said fuck celibacy and became a Prot and had sons to pass his Duchy of Prussia on to. Not an accident that Prussia was the center to unite Germany.

Buddhism has a lot of warrior monks. In the unification of Japan, the greatest challenge for the warlords wasn’t the other warlords, but the Buddhists, because Priests have greater cooperation across territory. Nobunaga tried using force and burning them alive in their temples.

Tokugawa, who was the smarter and eventually came out on top, first fought his own Buddhists over his right to tax them, but soon found himself in a civil war against half his vassals. Realized he needed religion on his side to win, so made peace and brought them into the state with privileges in administering the census and collecting revenues.

vxxc says:

Worth emulation and not just study.

If the Junkers had been able to thwart Hitler [they were at the center of July 20th and other conspiracies] there might be an actual East Prussia today.

Ron says:

Warrior priests are just priests looking for a fight

Still priests. With all the same problems as the usual kind, maybe worse bc they will know they can kick ass and will be more inclined to show their holiness via bloodshed

Jim nailed it. You need priests for asabiyah, that’s it. Putting them in power is asking for chaos

This is why the King could not act as a priest, and the priests were forbidden to sit on the throne. There was a reason God wanted it that way.

If you want an example of modern warrior priests I invite you to check out Soviet Commisars and their effect on the Russian war effort against the Finns. Specifically the way the Commisars would literally shoot anyone that advocated a strategy other than “march straight up into the Finns machine gun positions and die”

Friendly Fred says:

Somewhere on this page, our host writes (in response to a query of mine regarding the meanings of “warrior” and “priest”):

“A priest is a priest because he coordinates with other priests to obtain and use power through stories and ideas, and a warrior a warrior because he coordinates with other warriors to obtain and use power by hurting people and breaking their toys.”

If I understand him correctly, then, he holds that priests and warriors have the same end in view: “power.” Only the means that they employ to obtain this end differ — priests use “stories and ideas” while warriors simply “kick ass,” as you put it.

But if this is so, then as soon as a priest starts “kicking ass” he’s simply a warrior.

If our host would modify his statement so as to allow that priests and warriors have somewhat different goals (a priest perhaps thinking of the power that he seeks as devoted to the realization of his favorite Big Idea, a warrior perhaps thinking of the power that he seeks as devoted to the well-being of his Team), then we might speak meaningfully of warrior-priests and priestly warriors.

jim says:

Warrior priests are only disastrous when holiness spiraling

Unfortunately, if priests on top, usually holiness spiraling

2019 is boring says:

Stalin had both priestly and warrior characteristics.

Zach says:

My Paladin in Diablo 2 rekt face – and, I could tank anything. Does that count?

vxxc says:

Speaking of the enemy faith – Good Intel from Andrew The Apostate wanna be Sullivan. Two parts:

1. Dems offer of national suicide via open borders isn’t a best seller.
Andrew doesn’t like being called KKK.

2. LTGBQ etc is rapidly losing support in its previous biggest cohort of teens.

Samuel Skinner says:

“2. LTGBQ etc is rapidly losing support in its previous biggest cohort of teens.”

Is this because more teens are minorities (and the brainwashing is less effective on stupid people), average IQ has dropped (ditto) or exposure to degeneracy leading to the appropriate response (virulent hatred).

vxxc says:

Exposure to reality changes the callow mind.
Any mind.

As the campus marches into reality it’s meeting resistance [and revulsion].

Be there with alternative.

Ron says:

Maybe one of the factors are it’s bc all the people who more susceptible to that propaganda had fewer children than those who weren’t. Like a bacteria that develops resistance to a poison.

Vxxc says:
vxxc says:

Someone else is getting and spreading the red pill religion.

What’s interesting about this blog: it’s where Codevilla and others put the Flight 93 election. American Greatness came up in 2016. One of the writers is Michael Anton aka Publius Decius Mus-flight 93 election.

Vxxc says:

Is this your Polish long lost sister?

“Corporate America, said to be represented by Republicans, supports modern woman’s right to choose infanticide, to send the daughter they decide not to murder to day care from six weeks to six years old, at which point she is enrolled in public school where Planned Parenthood can begin explaining to her the intricacies of anal sex and the importance of sterilizing oneself for the sake of career. It’s the beauty of the free market, said the Koch brothers. Hooray! Capitalism crushed the patriarchy, said the libertarians.

No more.

A family-first political movement must begin by rejecting the losing stances of its Republican predecessors. This means rejecting the sexual and economic sides of the feminist proposition. Of course, we should raise daughters who regard Cardi B as unworthy of imitation. This is obvious enough. But in addition, if we care more about our families than we do about disposable income, we should raise our daughters to prioritize family, not finances.

The nation needs virtuous wives and mothers, not wage slaves and managers. This probably means you rethink sending your daughters to college, where life is light on learning and heavy on hooking up. Or at least that you take more care in choosing one. She probably would be better served learning to read, write, and think on her own. This certainly means advising your daughters to avoid debt. Few things make women more unmarriageable than a lifetime of loan repayment.

This absolutely means that your wife (not a Guatemalan nanny, a state employee, or a TV) raises your kids. Her absence hurts your children over the long run, even if her paycheck feels good in the short term.

Above all, we must remind ourselves that degeneracy is not an inevitable way of life unless we are passive. We don’t have to be atomized or demoralized. Our daughters don’t have to be sterile. Our sons don’t have to be suicidal. We just need to recover our will to live.”

vxxc says:


Good news for those who would take up the Cloth of Faith:
You’re not alone.

Bad news: you have competition.

vxxc says:

The Family Business.
That is the military is increasingly coming from the same families.

The same pool often is Law Enforcement.

Now this means something. History answers how this ends.

“Overwhelmingly, researchers found that most young soldiers were influenced by their families to join…..But leaders have warned that the military is becoming a family business, with the vast majority of new accessions carrying on a family tradition.”

Starman says:

That’s definitely true for my family.

Vxxc says:

(Yes I’m posting a lot. Got Religion you see).

And a political idea: Closed Borders.
They won’t compromise?
Open Borders is their platform?
Then we run on Closed Borders.

Interestingly I received an email from a GOP Senator Candidate that gave me the idea. I’m seldom such a dick, but it’s time.


My point- we run on Closed Borders. Catchy and best answer.

A dialogue with NJ Senatorial Candidate Hirsh.

“I’m ready to help President Trump Drain the Swamp, but I need your help.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT to show the socialist left and FakeNews Media how quickly we’re gaining momentum before 11:59 PM on June 30th.
Thank you,
Hirsh Singh
Republican for U.S. Senate
For the People


Go shit in another country’s streets.  I dislike Booker but he’s one of ours. 

I’ll pay for your plane ticket to Calcutta.   Otherwise trouble me no more.  


I’m Jersey born Mr._____We can do a lot more for Jersey replacing Booker.  So instead of a plane ticket to a foreign land could you just help me win. 

But no. 


When you change your mind – ask for a sign. 

Have a great day.


$10 bucks for each testicle.
$20 total. 

I appreciate the extra 20 cents.  Your advice is noted – will evaluate.  

Thank you.


Vxxc says:

Closed Borders.

They run on open, we demand CLOSED.

It works.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Deleted, as usual, for telling me what I “really” think. No, that is not what I really think.

Try telling us what you think about the Jewish problem, instead of telling us what I think about the Jewish problem.

alf says:

CR what are you doing here man, go learn an instrument.

alf says:
Frederick Algernon says:

No one on the internet:

CR: …and so i am leaving forever. Goodbye.

*posts again next day*

alf says:


ten says:

Which makes me think he is not a scriptbot on a payroll. Makes me think he is kkkrazy.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

>[*Deleted for evasiveness*]

jim says:

So tell us: Is the Bible invalid as evidence that capitalism is ancient because it is Jewish?

Or is that if I invoke the bible to show that capitalism is ancient this shows that I am Jewish?

Or is it that all the rules on sex and sexual conduct that we had up to the early nineteenth century are Jewish? Perhaps because they are associated with that horribly Jewish old book?

Or is it that you think that saying “Joo, Joo, Joo”, shows you are not a commie, but a reactionary?

You are a commie.

If “Joo, Joo, Joo” is a response to some argument I have made, tell us which argument it is that you are responding to.

I allow ad hominems on this blog – but they have to relevant to some factual issue in dispute, and you have to actually state the factual issue in dispute and link it to the ad hominem.

You can call me a Jew, or call old testament sexual morality Jewish, or call capitalism Jewish, but you have to actually respond to a specific actual argument that someone actually made. I am not going to allow floating ad hominems that fail to actually engage an argument.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

For once the host decided to simply pretend no comment was made, rather than make a big gay fuss about having deleted one, then go on to respond to his caricature of it.

That’s progress, I guess.

jim says:

Rather, telling people that the same comment was made, and deleted yet again for the same reason, is a waste of reader bandwidth.

Further, I have not silently deleted any comments from you for quite a while that I can recall. Are you referring to a comment you made, or to a comment made by someone else on your same team working under your boss?

Starman says:

@Communist Revolutionary

Since you had a hard time answering essay-type RedPill questions on women, commentators on this thread have now provided multiple choice WRP questions. Perhaps these should be easier to answer!

jim says:

The problem with CR, and all the other shills (who may well be working from the same office, they seem to be aware of the contents of each other’s comments that got moderated before anyone saw them) is that they are unresponsive. CR will not take the test, because he would either fail it, or commit thought crime, and the same applies to a greater or lesser extent to anything that actually responds to anything that is actually said on this blog.

I keep nagging him to respond, but he simply never does.

I am silently deleting a huge amount of spam that consists of “responses” to reaction, reaction as imagined by transexualized transracialized soyboy social justice warriors, who spam without even bothering with CR’s “hail fellow white male heterosexual reactionary” cover story.

I am sparing you no end of spam, all of which says “Ïf you are not a transexualized transracialized socialist soyboy, you must be Jewish. Trump is Jewish. Nationalism is Jewish. Heterosexuality is Jewish. Capitalism is Jewish. Property is Jewish. Family is Jewish. God is Jewish.”, badly imitating antisemitism as progressives imagine it to be, which antisemitism bears no more resemblance to antisemitism than reaction as progressives imagine it to be resembles reaction, or the red pill as imagined by blue pillers resembles the red pill.

Not Tom says:

I am silently deleting a huge amount of spam that consists of “responses” to reaction

And we are eternally grateful for it. No community survives very long without a committed executive.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*Deleted for all the usual reasons*]

jim says:

If you cannot tell us your position on the red pill, let us see if you can tell us what the red pill is. If you cannot, you are answerable to social justice warriors supervising your entryism.

Explain to us why King Solomon’s good woman is not practicing capitalism, and why King Solomon is not commending capitalism. “Jewish” is not an answer. It obvious that you are not a genuine anti semite. You are pretending to be what social justice warriors imagine anti semites to be.

Anyone who uses the “Pedophilia” unironically is normalizing Drag Queen Story hour. Comments to the effect that I am a pervert, that I am jewish, that reactionaries are perverts, etc, will be silently deleted. Blue pillers support the sale of living babies much wanted by their fathers as baby meat. Blue pillers support the the transexualization of nine year old boys. Blue pillers support the destruction of families. Blue pillers rip children from their fathers. Blue pillers turn a blind eye to the murder of children. Any time someone uses the word “Pedophilia” unironically he endorses Drag Queen Story Hour. Blue pillers hate the family and destroy families. Blue pilllers reject God, reject Christ, and will burn in hell for their vile, disgusting, and abominable, crimes. You guys are vile disgusting filth and you project your foul and vile perversion onto us. Social Justice Warriors always project.

You are not a genuine anti semite, and you are some kind of disgusting sexual deviant, so I will not allow you pull the änti semite card to excuse your failure to respond on Biblical records of capitalism, nor projecting your own filth onto us to excuse your failure to respond on the women question.

And I am not going to allow you to drag the name of antisemitism through the mud with your very mangled attempts to pretend to be an anti semite.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on economics.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on economic history, the origins of capitalism.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the red pill.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the sale of baby meat.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the nature of women. “Jewish”is not an answer to any of these questions. Whenever I ask you a question, your response is that answering the question would somehow contaminate you with Jewishness – which is not a response that would make sense to someone that actually was an anti semite.

And when did you last have sex with a fertile age living human female?

The Cominator says:

Jim I am getting autosp@mmed again…

Please delete all the comments where I merely complain about autosp@m I only need one to go through so you can fix the problem but after that there is no need for the comments section to be cluttered up with them.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

You were asked to respond to some or all the following questions in a way that acknowledged our beliefs.

You spent several screens of effort posting which consisted of explaining why it was beneath your dignity to answer those questions, telling me those questions were Jewish, though the questions were in the style of my Aryan ancestors, and your rant was in the style of Marxism and Talmudic Judaism, and telling us what our beliefs are on those questions, which tale of what we believed has not the faintest resemblance to our frequently, forcefully, and plainly stated beliefs.

One of the many questions you talked about, but failed to reply to, was “when did you last have sex with a fertile age human female.” I am tired of being lectured about how strong empowered women are wise and virtuous by filthy disgusting transexualized soyboy sexual deviants who diddle children at Drag Queen Story hour and never work out.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on economics. “I don’t care about biblical Israel” is not an answer. We care, and you should care, about what economic systems have worked in the past. The Old Testament proves that Early Iron Age First Temple Israel was capitalist, and the New Testament proves that Rome and Second Temple Israel at the time of Jesus was capitalist. Answer: Was King Solomon’s Israel capitalist? If not, why not?
Respond to the questions you have been asked on economic history, the origins of capitalism. You spent two screenfuls of effort posting talking around the question and explaining why asking it or answering it was Jewish.

I notice you show a curious inability to use the words “Bible”, “Old Testament” and “New Testament” Are you frightened that the words might cause you to catch fire, as Angela Dorothea Merkel was frightened that the German flag might burn her with its patriotic radiation? Let us see if you can use those words.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the red pill. You responded with three screenfuls of text telling us we believe. Supposedly we believe in blue pill account of women, but for some odd reason do stupid things that if, the blue pill was true, would be unlikely to result in sex or family, and supposedly we believe in blue pill morality, but we are just wicked people who fail sell baby meat or hand our children over to sexual deviants.

I am curious to see if speaking our catechism, or even mentioning our shibboleths, if only to tell us point by point where the catechism is false, will set you on fire, as Angela Merkel seemed to fear that the German flag might burn her.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the sale of baby meat. “I am in favor of restricting all commerce” is an evasion not an answer. It does not matter, does not make a difference if the party planners assign baby meat to researchers who are in need of living human tissue that was part of a living body a few moments previously accordance with socialist goals, rather than Planned parenthood selling living just born babies for cash on the barrelhead to researchers who are in need of living human tissue that was part of a living body a few moments previously. I am sick of being lectured on morality by evil subhumans who are indignant that I fail to put my children and my women in their power.

It seems that anyone who uses the word “”pedophile” unironically not only supports drag queen story hour, he supports the dissection of living human babies wanted by their fathers.

Respond to the questions you have been asked on the nature of women. “Jewish”is not an answer to any of these questions. Whenever I ask you a question, your response is that answering the question would somehow contaminate you with Jewishness – which is not a response that would make sense to someone that actually was an anti semite. And though my questions are very much in the style of the works of my Scottish ancestors and their Aryan ancestors, and your replies are very much in the style of Marxism and the Jewish Talmud, you keep telling me that asking these questions proves that I am Jewish. Your writing is culturally Jewish, your evasiveness and chutzpah is biologically Jewish, and your anti semitism is transparently fake. You don’t know, or will not acknowledge, how real antisemites think and speak, instead emulating what social justice warriors think anti semitism is.

I won’t ask you for the Reactionary account of the Jewish Question, for we already have far too much talk about it, and it matters far less than capitalism, markets, marriage, property, family, and God, but it is obvious that if I were to ask, you would not be able to respond to that one either.

However, your inability to use the words “Bible”, “Old Testament”, “New Testament” leads me to ask you, in the confident expectation that you believe that answering would cause you to catch fire: “What is the reactionary position on the relationship between Gnon, the Logos, God as represented in the New Testament, and God as represented in the Old Testament?”

And when did you last have sex with a fertile age living human female?

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Unresponsive and repetitious.

If you want your comments to go through, answer one of the questions – and don’t tell us that we think and tell us that we think and say that has no resemblance to what we actually think and say.

If King Solomon’s Israel was not capitalist, what made it not capitalist? You keep telling me that the Enlightenment made property sacrosanct and all that, but that the story of Nathan’s vineyard was such a big deal in first temple Israel shows that the rights of capitalists to their property was, in the eyes of people of first Temple Israel, backed by God – in which case the enlightenment was an attack on capital. Revolutionary France murdered capitalists, confiscated the property of capitalists, and enslaved capitalists. That is your enlightenment right there. Discuss the evidence.

You endlessly repeat:

modern capitalism (the arrangement in which private property is sacrosanct and the law exists to preserve property rights, above and beyond any right of rulers to rule) dates from the Enlightenment.

But that is a lie. The enlightenment was and is a vicious, savage, and destructive attack on capitalism and on the God who ordained it, an attack that destroyed the economy of Revolutionary France and has since then destroyed economies over and over again. Respond to the evidence presented on the King Solomon, and on the French Maximum. Repeating this outrageous and absurd lie over and over and over and over is not an answer. Respond to evidence. The God of First Temple Israel was interpreted as commanding capitalism, the God of “Reason” interpreted as forbidding it.

What is Gnon, Christ, the logos, and the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? Can you even use the words without bursting into flames? It seems like you have a serious allergy to Christ, to Jesus as the incarnation of the Logos as wholly man. Prove you don’t have such an allergy. If you are not deeply influenced by Judaism despite your poorly emulated antisemitism, why the allergy?

You not only disagree with us, you cannot even talk about the matters on which you disagree, as if the thoughts might cause you to catch fire, and the words might cause lightning from heaven to strike you.

How do we depict the nature of women “All Women Are Like That”, and if women are not like that, what are they like?

What is your position on the selling (or planned socialist donation) of live babies wanted by their fathers and unwanted by their mothers to be taken apart for research purposes?

Mister Grumpus says:

Hey. I’m really appreciating this (to me profound) concept of how there can be topics, keywords or subjects, that we can’t even talk about, can’t even acknowledge or repeat for argument’s sake, even to argue against, because we’re afraid that doing so might cause us to “catch fire.”

Even from behind the best sock-account skin-suit that money can buy.

It’s like a super-power for judging people.

(Rhetorical: “How does this apply to me?”)

And no, I haven’t had sex with a fertile-age female in forever, and I know that reveals very un-well things about me.

“And do you avoid sitting with this fact and consciously addressing it as a problem to be acted upon and solved? Because you’re afraid you’ll catch fire if you do?”

Shit how did you do that?


Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Yet another lengthy effort post deleted for being repetitious and unresponsive.

Answer the questions.

We replied to your previous claims. Respond to the evidence presented, rather than blandly continuing as if your claims were uncontroversial.

vxxc says:

O/T BUT: Our POTUS is straight up Gangster.
Just walk into North Korea and make a Deal.

The 7th floor must be leaping out the windows.

Buford T Injustice says:

“straight up gangster”. Which is exactly why things are getting done.

[…] on the coming holy war: The Faith. Alf calls it […]

Friendly Fred says:

Does the “Warriors” in “Warriors should rule” refer to people of a certain personality-type? If so, how can this personality-type be summed up?

The same with “Priests” — if this word, in “Priests shouldn’t rule”, refers to people of a certain personality-type, how can this personality-type be summed up?

(Plato’s contemplative vs. spirited [status-focused] vs. appetitive [fun-focused] scheme doesn’t help us to distinguish the warrior-personality from the priestly one if — as seems to be the case — Progressive pundits as well as business-lords mainly want status.)

Jim’s class system is a heuristic when it comes to personality type and rather more concrete when it comes to what these classes do and how they use power.

It’s more useful to reason backwards from observed experience and notice that manly men who use violence for a living have a personality type and nerdy men who derive truth for a living have a personality type.

“Priests shouldn’t rule” isn’t about assigning people a caste based on a test when they’re children and telling them “do this”, it’s saying that a class of men that acts in a certain way shouldn’t have influence in how violent men keep order in their lands. The fact that the elements of society that handle the truth attract an inborn personality type is almost incidental.

Buford T Injustice says:

Spot on regarding the rapid and downward delusional spiral of the other side. I think though that rebooting the Christianity of 1000 years ago or propagating Christianity of any kind in the future is just as delusional. We have evolved out of Christianity. Dragging it around in the future will only generate the very same problems we see today because the heart of Christianity is slavery, therefore humans will always cast it off. A famous person once said something about not being able to solve problems with the same thinking that created them. We are swimming in the consequences of Christianity. Why would anyone want to keep going down that road?

Samuel Skinner says:

Islam is explicitly ‘submission to Allah’. No evidence of Muslims casting it off. People cast of Christianity as a power play but this is an inherent problem with any sort of social arrangement involving humans. There is no system of belief or social order that can solve that short of extermination of the human race by superior machine life.

Buford T Injustice says:

Would disagree with your characterizing the casting off of Christianity as a “power play”. I would describe it as honesty.

Franklin Fortinbras says:

Great blog post. But a disappointing comments discussion.

Sure, we’re all very smart, and we can see certain things:
1) There are different subgroups of Jews, with somewhat different beliefs, interests, etc.
2) Some progressives have dared to question Israel’s apartheid policies
3) Increasing political power for POCs will, over time, be increasingly problematic for Jews with white skin

But these three points are NOT evidence that:
a) Jews are being purged from power
b) AIPAC has no influence on Congress
c) Jewish power is a non-issue

Jewish power is one of the most salient aspects of American society. And it is still the great unmentionable. Mention the Jewishness of top American political donors, journalists, media moguls, financiers, etc., and risk your livelihood and social standing.

Jews are the intellectual and financial core of anti-whiteness. The fact that they will ultimately suffer too from the POC resentment they have stoked does not change the basic facts or power dynamics.

White Christians are the most maligned group these days, under siege from the law, the culture, the government, etc. This is what Jews craved, intended, planned, and executed.

When Jews are openly criticized for from the highest bully pulpits of the culture, for the crime of NOT being Christians, then we can talk about how Jews have no power. Until then, claims that Jewish power is non-existent are premature at best, but more likely dishonest.

Many of you posters are effectively suggesting that Jewish power disintegrated almost instantaneously. From so absolute that mentioning it was FORBIDDEN, to, suddenly, so insignificant the mentioning it is POINTLESS. That doesn’t pass the smell test.

The Cominator says:

Jewish power isn’t truly Jewish.

Cathedral Jews want open border for Israel, don’t have kids and don’t marry each other.

Truly ethnocentric and religious Jews in the US generally support Trump (not out of love so much as they know Trump isn’t their enemy and that the left is their enemy). Double standard shill Jews like Ben Shapiro are odd exceptions.

Nazi larpers are government shills and their position on the jewish issue is a government shill position and an albatross around the neck of the far right.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Jews are the intellectual and financial core of anti-whiteness. ”

That isn’t a sign of power. If Jews had power they wouldn’t pay a dime for anti-whiteness. Power means other people pay for things you desire.

The problem with intellectual power is you could say the same thing about the USSR up until Stalin purged them all and it turned out Jewish power was a paper tiger.

The best way to judge ‘who has power’ is to look at who women are going for.

Not Tom says:

The best way to judge ‘who has power’ is to look at who women are going for.

Well, hell. I don’t want to pour gasoline on this fire, but:

Only caveat is, Jews tend to be very small sample sizes in these stats (n=89).

2019 is boring says:

The best way to judge ‘who has power’ is to look at who women are going for.

Rubbish. The male status hierarchy is very unlike the female status hierarchy. Women wet their pussies for musicians and bikers, which should not imply that musicians and bikers are in control of society.

Samuel Skinner says:

People want sex. If you don’t get women wet, this is usually because you can’t you don’t have the power to ignore the rules in ways to gets their interests.

2019 is boring says:

Professors and bureaucrats and scientists (among others) don’t usually get pussies wet.

To conclude from this that professors and bureaucrats and scientists are powerless, or less powerful than musicians and bikers and tattoo artists, is utterly idiotic. Female status hierarchy corresponds to ape perception of power, not human male actual real-world power. Thus when you write:

The best way to judge ‘who has power’ is to look at who women are going for.

You ignore Jim’s often repeated point about Feynman, which really applies to any rich and famous (or otherwise successful) man who is high-status among men, who wields power over men, but who is evidently not high status-among women.

CEOs can usually get laid, but when a lowlife drug-dealing gangster is around, they are shit out of luck. It’s not because lowlife drug-dealing gangsters have more power than CEOs.

CEOs can usually get laid, but when a lowlife drug-dealing gangster is around, they are shit out of luck. It’s not because lowlife drug-dealing gangsters have more power than CEOs.

Do CEOs really have more power than gangsters? I am reminded of Nassim Taleb claiming that he could get into a fight with any CEO of a major company and this would be good for him (raise his profile as an author) and bad for the CEO (hurt his reputation). A gangster who punches out Jeff Bezos has little to use and much to gain, but if Bezos punches a guy, he has everything to lose.

To be able to punch people with only good consequences, or mostly good consequences is probably a kind of power in of itself.

alf says:

Despite Nassim’s boasting, he will mostly be ignored when picking a fight with any CEO of a major company, showing Nassim is not that important, hurting his reputation.

As a more general rule, no one is completely antifragile, least of all Nassim, who for the sale of his books depends on the goodwill of the NY Times, thus has the necessary CRIMESTOP in place. A while ago there was a spat on twitter that exactly demonstrated Nassim’s CRIMESTOP, I think it involved Stevel Sailer and IQ.

Steve Johnson says:

He still goes off about IQ.

I think it’s one quarter crimestop, one half wounded ethnic pride that his group isn’t shown as high IQ and one quarter him seeing an opportunity to raise his profile by saying what a bunch of people desperately want to hear – some kind of fancy sounding justification for why IQ is bunk instead of the screeching about cultural bias that no one really believes.

Nassim made himself look like an absolute fool with that tweetstorm. I cannot bring up his other, valid points, or even point out that he was right about IQ’s weak correlation to success without looking like I support a moron.

Anounder says:

Stop bringing up Taleb. He’s for all intents and purposes a progressive who hates on Whitey. Him being ashamed of his heritage enough to LARP as a Greco-Roman doesn’t change that.

Anounder says:

You might as well say some ghetto rat has more power than George Soros from being low-IQ enough to chimpout and get shot.

Anounder says:

It’s been known since the Mycenaean Greeks that a man’s skill, his brilliance, his light, isn’t determined by a woman. It was also known that indeed, wastrels and cowards could draw in a beautiful woman’s interest (see Paris and Helen).

The notion that a woman’s attitude towards a man is the end all of a man’s place in society is really just feminist twaddle combined with “nerd culture.” Which considering how feminized modern society is makes that unsurprising.

>go to every living statesman, military man, bussinesman, craftsman, or man of sciences and letters, and contemplate the opinions and values of all dead ones too, and if you find a single one who respects or ever respected “bad boys” call up the Guinness World Records because you’ve found something truly extraordinary that they’ll be interested in. The only types of people who have ever respected such characters are women, homosexuals…

Not Tom says:

Some progressives have dared to question Israel’s apartheid policies

Suspicious wording that sounds like a Progressive saying what he thinks a Nazi would probably say.

Mention the Jewishness of top American political donors, journalists, media moguls, financiers, etc., and risk your livelihood and social standing.

See above. Marxist frame.

I’m still sort of new here, but I don’t recognize the name. Anyone else tell me if this is a regular contributor and I’m being overly paranoid, or if this is what I think it is?

alf says:

If it talks like a shill, walks like a shill, smells like a shill…

jim says:

Franklin Fortinbras. is a new guy, and obvious enemy infiltrator posing as “hail fellow nazi, our host is insufficiently nazi. Must be an agent of the Zionist Occupation Government”.

But the reference to “Apartheid policies” reveals him to be commie, not a nazi. I love apartheid policies and totally support them. And so do real Nazis. They are the only way that racially different groups can live together peacefully. The alternative is Detroit at best, terror and mass murder at worst. Real Nazis think that Israel should have apartheid policies, and so should we.

jim says:

You are unresponsive.

These things are exactly evidence that Jews are losing power, that AIPAC is increasingly powerless and afraid, and you slide between admitting it and denying it, refusing to be pinned down.

Franklin Fortinbras says:

The heterogeneity of Jewish positions on various issues is not evidence of powerlessness.

Jewish propagandists are masters of the Hegelian dialectic. And powerful people often have policy debates among them. Is Bibi Netanyahu powerful? Yes. Is George Soros powerful? Yes. Does their disagreement on some issues mean that White Christians are gaining power at Jewish expense. No. Are some of the BDS types Jewish? Yep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself has talked about her Jewish roots.

Do various shills, government or otherwise, like to hang the albatross of anti-semitism around the necks of their Christian enemies? Of course. Because it’s the most powerful “hate speech” accusation one can make. Why? Because of Jewish power.

Is noticing Jewish power evidence of Nazism? No. Is the desire to shush discussions of Jewish power evidence of Jewish power? Yes.

The Cominator says:

You sound too much like a government type white nationalist shill but one generally more intelligent then most of them so lets put you through the usual challenge to prove you aren’t.

Spit out some redpill truths about women, discuss the timeline of where women get wrong, discuss why the sex pill outranks the race pill.

Starman says:


Surprise, surprise! Franklin FortinFED fails to answer your RedPill test!

It really has a 100% hit rate against fed entryists.

BC says:

We’ve had this debate already. Jews are the Red Cape, the not the Matador. Go back to your paymasters and tell them you’ve failed, shill.

Franklin Fortinbras says:

I am not a government shill nor a Jewish shill nor a liberal shill trying to discredit the alt right. I am just a guy, an unpaid guy, posting on a blog that I often read and enjoy. I am a White Christian who sees obvious evidence of Jewish power all around me. I swear to God that I have no paymasters and that I am no shill.

I agree that Jewish power IS often discussed on this blog. I appreciate and enjoy the fact that Jim and many of his commenters ARE willing to break taboos and discuss Jewish power.

As I mentioned above, I disagree with many of the comments to this blog post, which seem to suggest that Jewish power is a non-issue or a small issue or not worth discussing because there’s disagreement among Jews or because Jews too will be eaten by the progressive push they’ve played such a part in promoting.

I’ve read this blog and the comments a lot. But I can’t say that I feel clear on how “we’ve had this debate already.” I for one am not sure what we’ve concluded.

I don’t disagree with you that Jews may be the Red Cape and not the Matador. I think that’s very interesting and quite likely. As we’ve seen throughout history, Jews are often scapegoated, which is useful for the Matador.

Who the Matador is, is for me the biggest question as I try to figure out the real power dynamics of this world. And I’m not clear, from this blog or anything else I read, who the Matador is and what evidence supports various theories of who the Matador is. If you can please direct me anywhere, I will happily go do some reading.

Samuel Skinner says:

The situation occurred in 1789

French Revolution – Jewish Emancipation
Jews proceed to screw over peasants
Napoleon comes to power
Issue brought up in Imperial Council
Napoleon calls Grand Sanhedrin
Effusive praise for liberator and protector of Jewish people; Jews promise to be good citizens of the Patre
The next year Napoleon bans Jews from lending money and annuls all debts to Jews

Jewish power is a coup complete problem. This doesn’t mean that a monarch will solve the issue (since monarchs have shown a willingness to screw over people for fun) but it does mean it isn’t a productive topic.

The traditional method is Jews are considered a distinct community and required to police their members with collective punishment levied on the community if things get out of hand (ex- Jewish lightening leading to fines). It is the standard method of dealing with populations of non-hostile outsiders.

Grand Inquisitor Bob says:

I am not a reactionary either. I am just a normal guy, a hired gun perhaps, trying to find out which side, prog/con or reactionary, will hold power when I come into my birthright. I will then hitch my car to that particular train and ride it gracefully to glory. I am inherently lazy, a natural beneficiary of progressivism, and have a tendency to side with progressives in their fight against those people above who are holding us down, for the Glory of Rome, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, la reconquista de las terras perdidas, under Gnon almighty, second-most-holy, who has seen fit, in his wisdom, that his successor, and usurper, and lord of all high places, shall finally walk this Earth.

… posting on a blog that I often read and enjoy. I am a White Christian …

You sound like an alt-righter, an infidel, Mr Fortinbras, and your thought crimes will be legion. Clearly you are on the wrong side of history. Surely you know that this blog is simply a net: a catch-all for people like yourself who stray too far from the path. Could you really be so simple as to think yourself safe?

You know how this ends, Mr Fortinbras.

calov says:

It ends with Fortinbras entering Denmark with an army, only to find that the Royal house of Denmark has already slaughtered itself.

jim says:

> I am not a government shill nor a Jewish shill nor a liberal shill trying to discredit the alt right. I am just a guy, an unpaid guy, posting on a blog that I often read and enjoy. I am a White Christian

If you were a white Christian, you would not refer to “Israeli Apartheid” as if that was a bad thing.

If you were a white Christian, you would know what you believed, instead of being evasively impossible to pin down.

Your evasiveness and shiftiness reveals that you are not genuinely presenting your true beliefs. If you actually believed X, you would tell us “X is true”. CR instead tells us that we believe that X is true (usually that we believe Marxism is true) without telling us what he believes is true, and you tell us … well it far from clear what you are telling us because you use Motte and Bailey arguments, and mix the language and frame of progressive antisemitism with the language and frame of right wing antisemitism. Your explanation of why Jews are bad is internally inconsistent and incoherent, mixing fragments of Trotskyist anti semitism with fragments of nazi anti semitism, without committing yourself to either one.

If someone genuinely believed Jews are bad, he would have a clearer and more consistent idea as to why they were bad.

The Cominator says:

I posted another question to this mr not a shill (though he seems to have a bit better script then the usual) challenging him that if he was not a shill to expound on the woman question a bit since we’ve found 100% that fed shills pulling a more anti-semitic then thou act cannot speak any redpill truths on women.

It didn’t go through… but it did get “awaiting moderation” this time.

jim says:

Mueller substantially caused 9/11, in that the FBI policy was to ignore Muslim terrorists even if the terrorists got right in their faces, and find white Christian terrorists regardless of whether they existed or not.

To distract attention from this massive misconduct, resulting in massive disaster, the FBI and Mueller found the Dancing Israelis (who were not in fact dancing). In this incident, Mueller and FBI were the matador, and the Dancing Israelis the cape.

Similarly when people blame the Jews for the forever war in Afghanistan. What do Jews care about Afghanistan?

simplyconnected says:

Who the Matador is, is for me the biggest question as I try to figure out the real power dynamics of this world.

That is an important question that I wish our host could address some time. He claims that it’s a holiness spiral, and there is certainly very strong evidence for it.
He has also claimed that feminism was stopped in its tracks around WWII, suggesting power to change public perception very quickly.

Moldbug claims that power ends at professors and journalists. Supposedly they are independent, and hold the power to change public opinion, surely, but with a long time delay (~1 generation). But this would be incompatible with stopping feminism in its tracks very quickly in time for WWII.

I do often wonder if there is something else above a loosely coordinating, but reinforcing (and recently spiraling out of control), group of professors and journalists.
Both Moldbug and Cochran claim there isn’t, if I understood them correctly.

Not Tom says:

The question implies the answer: American elites planned for WWII ahead of time. This is consistent with the narrative of America provoking the Japanese. They were ready ahead of time.

Separately, Moldbug asserts that the Harvard-NYT brahminate can exert control over even the various branches of government, given time, but doesn’t say that state and priesthood can’t already share common interests at certain times and act in concert. The US had already just fought a previous war, which increased both its economic and military strength as well as the cultural spread of progressivism. It’s possible that all of the actors involved all wanted the same thing and knew what had to be done to achieve it.

Sending commoners off to war is usually an easy sell with priestly aristocracies.

jim says:

> He claims that it’s a holiness spiral, and there is certainly very strong evidence for it.

> He has also claimed that feminism was stopped in its tracks around WWII, suggesting power to change public perception very quickly.

Reading the climategate files, we see both diffuse and concentrated power. On the one hand, there is widespread hostility to whiteness, industrial civilization, technological civilization, science, and the scientific method. On the other hand, Mann can issue commands and everyone snaps to and does it. He tells them “the story we are going to tell is X” and bang, they cook up evidence for X and anyone who finds evidence for not X loses tenure.

Mann’s concentrated power is made possible by broad and diffuse support for the destruction of science, the scientific method, technology, industry, and Western civilization.

Reading the Climategate files, we see both a priesthood and a pope. The pope can turn the priesthood on a dime, but only so long as he is following the general tendency of the priesthood.

I conjecture that before 1933 there was a papal memo “Hey, we don’t want the white working class eating our lunch, so lets focus on women, slaves, and darkies”

Then in 1933 there was a papal memo: “Hey, the commies and Nazis are eating our lunch, and we are going to need men and manliness for the coming war, so its time to end feminism and focus on socialism.

Then, after the war, socialism had failed catastrophically, so there was in 1949 a papal memo that said “Darkies, not socialism”. Then they could not go any further on darkies, so the holiness spiral started going on women, whereupon a papal memo went out in 1963, “OK, feminism is restarting, so we had better put ourselves in front of it.”

But whether a would be pope can get away with a papal memo depends on the way the wind blows.

It is obvious that doctrine can turn on a dime, changing abruptly in 1933, 1949, and 1963 as suddenly as someone turning off a tap. But the Pope, in order to be a Pope, has to consult the Bishops. Mann could not have exercised the power he exercised if his fellows had not been generally on board with the destruction of science, the scientific method, technology, industry, and industrial civilization. The Climategate emails give us the inside look on how this works.

That a priesthood coordinates its story implies that somewhere, sometime a memo is issued “Our Story is now X” and the entire priesthood of the America hegemony, including every tenured academic in the entire western world, uniformly and in lock step gets on board with X and forgets that yesterday they believed Y.

That is what makes them a priesthood. But before the memo is issued, there needs to be a lot of consultation within the priesthood.

If the process was entirely diffuse, if these abrupt U turn memos could not happen, then they would not constitute a priesthood.

But if the process was entirely concentrated, if the Pope had total power, they would not be suffering from a holiness spiral.

simplyconnected says:

But in that case, does it not beg the question of who (if anyone) has influence over the climate-change pope?.
If such power to influence the climate-change pope existed, one would imagine it would’ve been seized. Perhaps through funding agencies, gifts?.

Diffuse power seems, as Moldbug puts it, much harder to dislodge. Where as concentrated power would appear considerably simpler to influence. It’s hard to imagine a lack of groups interested in acquiring that power.

I have no group in mind, I simply observe that diffuse power would seem to fit the holiness spiral hypothesis better. Whereas concentrated power would seem more likely to be externally influenced. Could some group not somehow acquire the power to compel Mann to issue a memo?

I’ve had this question about, as you put it, diffuse and concentrated power, bouncing in my head for some time.

The Cominator says:

Reading the Climategate files, we see both a priesthood and a pope. The pope can turn the priesthood on a dime, but only so long as he is following the general tendency of the priesthood.

So in essence… no way to get rid of the priesthood without a lot of helicopter rides.

whereupon a papal memo went out in 1963, “OK, feminism is restarting, so we had better put ourselves in front of it.”

It did not spontaneously restart and then they rode it… THEY restarted it. All the early feminists second wave feminists were jewish female CIA agents. Betty Friedan was on the payroll before she wrote the Feminine Mystique not after.

Its purpose was obviously to create a problem where none existed, from the wikipedia page on The Feminine Mystique… a Letter to Editor in McCall’s, one woman wrote “All this time I thought I was happy, and a nice person. Now I discover I’ve been miserable and some sort of monster in disguise—now out of disguise. How awful!”. That was exactly the point of the book and all its follow ups… it was quite a deliberate mindfuck.

My theory is that most of the Right Wing CIA agents (Allen Dulles boys who also did Iran and Guatemala) were involved in the Bay of Pigs and they got purged afterwords and the leadership that was left over included a lot of commies leftover from WWII. With Dulles and the Right Wingers out of the way they decided to restart feminism.

simplyconnected says:

Perhaps this is the key:

The pope can turn the priesthood on a dime, but only so long as he is following the general tendency of the priesthood,

So perhaps the climate change pope can decide on tactical questions, but not necessarily influence the general direction.

I think it’s human nature to look for ultimate causes. When confronted with a large self-reinforcing holiness spiraling group, most people will ask themselves who is directing them. Arguing that no one is takes some work.

Not Tom says:

Tactical vs. strategic is a good, if crude, first-order approximation.

Imagine standing in hurricane winds, holding a big rubber ball. You can throw the ball in the same direction as the wind, and it will go in a perfectly straight line; or you can throw it at an oblique angle to the wind, and it will sort of go in the direction you intended, more or less, but curving away significantly. Or, you can try throwing it directly against the wind, and enjoy the sensation of having it come back and smack you in the face.

Your throwing arm is your concentrated power; the wind is diffuse power.

Hillary Clinton and George Soros and Michael Mann can use their concentrated power to move their empires leftward very quickly. They can do weird pivots like geoengineering or instigating World War III, with rather unpredictable consequences that somehow yield more leftism. But none of them could repeal the 19th or declare global warming a hoax, even if they wanted to. They’d only manage to destroy themselves. You can probably even imagine what would happen: same thing that happens with every apostate, starting with hit pieces, social media dogpiling, revoking security clearances and academic credentials, and eventually being barred from public life.

simplyconnected says:

Your throwing arm is your concentrated power; the wind is diffuse power.

If I understood you, the real power to set the direction lies ultimately in the general priesthood’s soft power (the wind).
And so what can at first appear to be a 180 degree turn, like stopping feminism in its tracks in time for WWII is, in a wider context, a change of tactics in the larger battle to destroy western civilization.

Not Tom says:

As I see it, yes. Feminism wasn’t reversed in WWII, only momentarily diverted toward other kinds of “progress” especially central planning and federalization. At no point did Cthulhu ever stop swimming left, he just did some zigzagging and bobbing up and down.

Ironically, as part of the “unpredictable yet invariably farther left” consequences, the temporary cessation of feminism in order to identify and send masculine men off to die in foreign wars, both during and after WWII, may have helped catalyze the massive decline in T levels and coincident rise of infantilized soy culture, gender-bending and retard-wave feminism.

Bob says:

>may have helped catalyze the massive decline in T levels

I’m not so sure about this, because Sweden and Norway didn’t suffer massive loses in either world wars, but (at least Sweden I guess) are very feminist. Russia did suffer massive loses, but is less feminist. Maybe I’m not grasping your argument.

Not Tom says:

I’m not so sure about this, because Sweden and Norway didn’t suffer massive loses in either world wars

Sweden has been cuck country for a long time, though. The theory I’ve heard is that Swedish T levels entered a downward spiral all the way back when Vikings went out to conquer and didn’t come back. I don’t know about Norway, I’m not even sure if they have the same problem, but if so then it might simply be emigration and not war.

Of course these are just educated guesses. Scandinavia is a huge outlier in many ways, and has for a long time been a leading rather than lagging indicator of the progressive eschaton.

shaman says:

Universities are the Matador. If one professor goes against the flow, it may be career suicide. But if all professors in tandem make a U-turn, culture abruptly switches. During the first half of the 20th century, the Intelligence and Defense establishments could substantially influence the professoriat. Today, the glowniggers have been reduced to trolling campaigns on the internet (FBI is having a blast), while there is no one above the professoriat able to order it to change memes. The top Brahmins have their own memetic sovereignty, and coordinate their memes among themselves.

The internet has given us an opportunity to subvert the universities. But now, unsurprisingly, everyone is getting banned – the Cathedral fights back to maintain its memetic hegemony.

The Cominator says:

How do they control the glownaggers and how do the glownaggers control the media? That is what I don’t know.

jim says:

The New York Times controls the media, and the media controls the glownaggers.

As to who controls the New York Times, we lack the equivalent of the ClimateGate files, but if we had them, pretty sure they would be full of friendly chats with a senior government employee and a senior Harvard employee.

The ability to turn on a dime implies a far higher level of central command than is admitted, but at the same time, the central command has to issue central commands that are acceptable to synod, and continuously consults with a broader synod.

We do, however, have the infamous “Dear Colleague” letter.

The origins of the Dear Colleague letter were a campaign by low level feminists to invent a rape crisis in the Universities. After this campaign had been going on for some time, central authority issued a directive to all of academia to treat the rape crisis as real, and to find and punish an adequate number of affluent white male rapists, and academia fell into line overnight, every single academic everywhere, some however, such as the university of Virginia, with rather less enthusiasm than they ostensibly proclaimed.

So with the rape crisis, we saw both dispersed bottom up agitation by the glownaggers, and abrupt central command, abruptly obeyed.

Similarly with gays – diffuse agitation, followed by official command, followed by officially unofficial authorization for diffuse gays to beat the crap out of those lagging in obedience to central command.

The Cominator says:

So the command and control is a lot like the Soviet communist party prior to Stalin becoming dictator for real in 1937.

jim says:

Exactly so.

Frederick Algernon says:

I do not disagree with what has been said thus far, but I do feel it is a bit… structural. As if someone is meticulously planning it all. In my experience, that is not the case. Rather, thought leaders use memetic transfer to inculcate an environment of passive indoctrination.

I’ve had the “benefit” of attending the, arguably, most woke University in NAmerica, which has served to turn me into a far more racist, antisemetic-by-default individual than I ever desired or thought possible. “Poz” is not an abstraction for me.

These two-bit commissars are the most inept, boring group of mostly-whites you would ever encounter. They have no plan. They have no script. They are unfettered priests, imbued with a level of righteous indignation coupled with a profound constructive blindness that boggles the mind. The 2016 Waterloo made manifest this situation for me. Blind rage is their oxygen. If they get a whiff of top-down organization they fall apart.

Point being: they are in their element when society is chaos. They thrive on midwit whites and woke muds. They have the power of suggestion. They build their syllabuses around confusion. Their lesson plans are a study in unrestrained emotionality. And they terrify the old guard. They need not formally Glow; they are 3rd stage cultural Marxism embodied.

More narrow point being: they do not need to be emailed. They are perfectly capable of destroying thought by default. This is not to say there isn’t some Mastermind trying to pull strings, rather the Academe is an unregulated entity fully capable of wrecking society with no top down guidance.

jim says:

> They have no plan. They have no script. They are unfettered priests, imbued with a level of righteous indignation coupled with a profound constructive blindness that boggles the mind.

If unfettered and unplanned, they could not turn on a dime in unison. Time after time, we see them turning on a dime in perfect unison over the entire USG hegemony.

A priest has to have a priesthood, and the priesthood has to have priestly discipline. They have priestly discipline, and have demonstrated it time after time after time. I first saw how the world really worked when every tenured academic everywhere changed their line on the Khmer Rouge a few days after New Years Day 1979 and every tenured academic everywhere, including supposed libertarian academics, supposed conservative academics, and supposed anarcho capitalist academics, forgot that their academy had previously espoused a radically different line. It was as abrupt, uniform, and absurd as the much ridiculed communist switches on Hitler.

Digging back through history, I found many such switches, the oldest that I detected being the Great Zimbabwe being abruptly reassigned to from ancient Hebrew goldminers to recent blacks in 1906, evidence for its recentness being “discovered” after the abrupt and uniform switch, but evidence for its ancient and middle eastern character being instantly and uniformly forgotten in 1906.

The Cominator says:

And the power to give orders is solely a matter of informal prestige? So the ultimate authority over the media is some department head at Harvard, Yale or Georgetown?

jim says:

The roots of the power to give orders is not informal prestige, but something rather hidden and centralized – this was very obvious in the “Dear Colleague” letter.

Similarly, when animal fats were deemed wicked, the guy deeming them wicked was not able to deem them wicked by having prestige, but rather gained immense prestige by demonstrating he had the power to give orders and have them obeyed. But why he was able to give orders and impose obedience is not apparent.

If it was informal prestige we would know where the line changes on the Khmer Rouge and on Lamarck came from. The new line on Lamarck just mysteriously and suddenly appeared in a textbook and everyone instantly fell into line, knowing that what was in textbooks is backed by power, just as what is in the New York Times is backed by power, but there no information as to where it came from before it was suddenly and mysteriously in a textbook. If informal prestige there would be citations of the prestigious person, who would gain prestige by being cited, and the new doctrine would rely on the authority of his prestige. How the new line on the Khmer Rouge was communicated to everyone remains unclear.

Not Tom says:

If unfettered and unplanned, they could not turn on a dime in unison. Time after time, we see them turning on a dime in perfect unison over the entire USG hegemony.

A priest has to have a priesthood, and the priesthood has to have priestly discipline.

Does this require central command, or only Schelling points?

For example, we see extremely obvious coordination of narratives in the mainstream media all the time: Trayvon Martin, the coining of “fake news”, the sudden re-emergence of Emmett Till stories, the abrupt pivot from “Russian collusion” to “Russian meddling” and “obstruction of justice”, and so on.

But these narratives can be explained without central command, for example:
– Access journalism; unnamed party officials who don’t have real power, but who act in their party’s interests by offering internal rumors and leaks in exchange for one-sided coverage.
– Rote plagiarism; journalists are useless and lazy and simply copy whatever they read in the New York Times or Washington Post. In some cases literally copy exact phrases.
– Acting in professional solidarity, as with screaming about “learn to code” tweets which was in their interest, but also as with CNN defending Andy Ngo and advocating (weakly) to unmask Antifa, which may not be entirely in their interests and appears to contradict CNN’s earlier positions.

I see obvious and clear coordination, like you do, but I’m not sure that there’s a hidden hand. I’m not sure that there isn’t a hidden hand, either, but Occam’s Razor leads me to believe in opportunistic and spontaneous coordination with a generous helping of voluntary obsequiousness (toadying, imitation, etc.).

I’d more readily believe that it is possible to impose centralized control, that once in a while somebody actually does so and that Trump could do so with a successful coup, but that most of what we see is not centrally-directed, even a lot of the stuff that might seem centrally-directed.

Friendly Fred says:

I want to understand your view of things — is it that

(1) there are hidden top message-originators who are motivated solely by raw power-lust but count as “priests” because they strive for power through the dissemination of “stories and ideas” … and

(2) there are ALSO true earnest believers, who are followers and servants (including all of the people who shop at the Food Coop and adjunct-teach Women’s Studies courses and so forth) who want to devote themselves to realizing the Big Idea?

So: cynical secret top guys devoid of conviction manipulate lower-level true believers by disseminating ever-changing Messages?

(I infer a denial that the top guys are themselves true believers from the assertion that the top guys keep altering the Message — true believers wouldn’t keep altering the Message.)

The Cominator says:

My thoughts exactly there is some secret executive authority that can give orders… but it doesn’t seem like anybody has any hard evidence on who it is but yet it seems to be able to enforce some level of obedience and is able to not merely control the media but is able to order that Disney ruin its Star Wars franchise and have Disney obey despite it costing Disney billions.

Not Tom says:

…able to enforce some level of obedience and is able to not merely control the media but is able to order that Disney ruin its Star Wars franchise and have Disney obey despite it costing Disney billions.

But if you look carefully, you can see the rot setting in gradually over a much longer period of time. Frozen is an overtly feminist movie. Arguably, so was Brave. John Carter was just bizarre. Going back even further, Chicken Little was highly suspicious given its timing. Hell, even The Little Mermaid was basically a paean to thottery, beta-orbiting and cucked fathers. With relatively few exceptions, from about the 1970s onward (maybe earlier?), Disney movies presented male heroes with strong beta attributes, and men with alpha attributes as villains, even if they didn’t outright demonize men.

More recently: Marvel, which Disney acquired, was already long on the social justice bandwagon, and we know the virus is contagious. Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson are still getting work. The Force Awakens was released a year before the 2016 election, the time of “peak SJW” when progressives everywhere believed themselves to be on the verge of total victory, and movies with budgets that size take years to produce, so most of the script was probably written in 2012 or earlier.

This doesn’t look like secret instructions to me, it looks like a holiness spiral. A perfect storm of a company with moderate progressive leanings, hooking up with other companies already speaking in tongues, and cooking up products at the apex of cultural hysteria that actually sold pretty damn well at the time, with serious backlash only arriving after they’d put the propaganda pedal to the metal.

And now they’re in the position of “managing the decline”. The average executive at the average progressive-leaning company is terrified that any form of heresy whatsoever, such as Google sponsoring CPAC or Twitter banning a few Antifa accounts, will end their careers and possibly destroy their companies with negative headlines and mass boycotts. And they may not be wrong.

These actors are definitely not acting alone, but they report to dozens or hundreds of bosses, not one boss, and many are seriously afraid of their own employees.

jim says:

> This doesn’t look like secret instructions to me, it looks like a holiness spiral. A perfect storm of a company with moderate progressive leanings, hooking up with other companies already speaking in tongues, and cooking up products at the apex of cultural hysteria that actually sold pretty damn well at the time, with serious backlash only arriving after they’d put the propaganda pedal to the metal.

That does not show secret instructions. But what does show secret instructions is that Kathleen was not fired.

Lets consider Reagan’s famous bear commercial. To this day no one in academia can acknowledge that it said what is said, that it showed what it showed. They were outraged by it, and to this day are outraged by it, and to this day are unable to say what outraged them, attributing to it a message consistent with the official doctrine of the day that the Soviet Union was wealthy and successful.

They might believe that socialism was economically successful for political reasons. But they cannot remember anyone saying that communisms economic failure, not its success, made it dangerous, that communism could not produce, and therefore had to grab other people’s stuff through unlimited willingness to expend unlimited conscript cannon fodder.

That they cannot remember that the infamous Reagan bear commercial said what it said, that history got rewritten right in front of us and stays rewritten, shows terror and compulsion.

They might sincerely interpret communism as economically successful – but that they are unable to recollect Reagan saying it was not economically successful, that communism had to conquer or die, had to consume and destroy other people’s wealth, and had to recklessly expend the lives of its subjects in order to grab more of other people’s money, indicates crimestop – and crimestop indicates some rather more direct compulsion than merely being out of fashion and having eyes rolled at you.

They might sincerely believe Reagan to be wrong, but they cannot sincerely believe Reagan did not say said. It it is classic Orwellian doublethink and doublespeak. Not only can they not dissent, they cannot notice that Reagan dissented. Supposedly Reagan agreed that communism was doing great and everyone loved it, but he just hated it because he was hateful and wanted people to suffer.

And every single academic everywhere in the entire USG hegemony remembers that as Reagan’s position, and continues to remember Reagan that way today, and will not acknowledge anything Reagan ever said different. If you quote Reagan saying something different, you are relying on primary sources, and you should be relying on peer reviewed sources that tell us what Reagan said, rather than being such an ignorant prole as to you yourself quote Reagan without getting the quotes peer reviewed. We cannot rely on Reagan telling us what Reagan says, only on peer reviewed academics and people in the official press telling us what Reagan says. Because if you start quoting primary sources, you are apt to quote crimethoughts.

jim says:

The little mermaid made money. Frozen made money, and the feminism was not too bad, did not totally spoil the movie. But they just killed off star wars. You would think that losing billions would make them think.

Characters like James Bond were made impossible long ago. Characters like Indiana Jones and Han Solo became impossible more recently. Characters like that are worth money and they killed them off.

Even Vox Day is not willing to revive them. He can depict the confederate flag, he can depict hate speech law as oppressive, he can depict antifascism as fascism,

On the question of explicit coordination in the media: the JournoList scaldal. (Note the spelling, with an “o.”)

Some quotes from this private discussion forum of journalists:

On the story of Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright, who said “God damn America”:

“…we all have to do what we can to kill ABC [for reporting that story] and this idiocy in whatever venues we have. This isn’t about defending Obama. This is about how the [mainstream media] kills any chance of discourse that actually serves the people”.

Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated “If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists”.

Ackerman was also quoted as saying, “find a right winger’s [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear.”

And Tucker Carlson, who was involved in some of the reporting on JournoList, wrote:

“Again and again, we discovered members of Journolist working to coordinate talking points on behalf of Democratic politicians, principally Barack Obama.”

Neurotoxin says:

Another example is the the word “homophobe.” I remember when this suddenly becme a word, some time in the 1990s. I think it may have been during the Matthew Shepard story.

One day that word did not exist. The next day it was everywhere in the media. I mean literally, the next 24-hour period. It was obviously coordinated. It was like living in Orwell’s 1984. That was when I first realized there is significant explicit coordination in the media, that it’s not only the left’s natural herd-think at work.

alf says:

Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated “If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists”.

Ackerman was also quoted as saying, “find a right winger’s [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear.”

Say what you want about journo-leftists, but these guys get it.

Neurotoxin says:

Say what you want about journo-leftists, but these guys get it.

Yeah. They’re evil, obviously. It’s striking how clear-headed they are in the furtherance of evil.

They’re not “fundamentally nice people who just get carried away sometimes” or any crap like that.

Cloudswrest says:

“If unfettered and unplanned, they could not turn on a dime in unison”

Are you sure they’re not just doing this:

jim says:

> > “If unfettered and unplanned, they could not turn on a dime in unison”

> Are you sure they’re not just doing this

No resemblance.

The best examples were the U turn on Khmer Rouge Cambodia, and the U turn on Lamarck.

Difference is that the fish in the school of fish are not in uniform denial about turning. The fish are acting like humans who are hip with the latest fashion, who are apt to loudly announce that fashion has changed and is changing, and they are changing with it. Each fish is conspicuously turning, to announce to other fish that they should turn, as a human fashionista conspicuously reminds us that her clothes are new.

With fashionistas and a school of fish, we can see peer to peer coordination right in front of our eyes. When every single tenured academic in the entire western hegemony changes line in unison, any peer to peer coordination, if any happens, is completely concealed.

eternal anglo says:

Good point Cloudswrest. Another analogy would be the way the entire audience quiets down very quickly and simultaneously just before the concert starts, even though nobody knows who initiated the quieting down. Once the quieting down begins, to speak up would be rude; and once the Cathedral consensus takes a new path, to dissent would be heretical and bring (non-centralized) punishment.

Not Tom says:

On the question of explicit coordination in the media: the JournoList scaldal.

That was a big one, indeed.

I think most of us, maybe all of us, agree that there is coordination, often explicit. The part that some of us are skeptical of is centralized top-down coordination, e.g. some CIA or State Department office calling the shots. And my personal opinion is that even if such a thing exists, it’s a mistake to imagine its influence everywhere we see a coordinated narrative, as it sets us up for failure when we get control of that entity and realize it’s not as powerful as we thought.

For a restoration to fully succeed, all progressives – or very nearly all – need to be either sincerely converted or frozen out of power and influence. That’s a whole lot of people.

The Cominator says:

For a restoration to fully succeed, all progressives – or very nearly all – need to be either sincerely converted or frozen out of power and influence. That’s a whole lot of people.

At least as far as male progressives go we should just kill them, every one with virtually no exceptions.

A restoration should include a real Final Solution to the Leftist Problem.

jim says:

> I think most of us, maybe all of us, agree that there is coordination, often explicit. The part that some of us are skeptical of is centralized top-down coordination, e.g. some CIA or State Department office calling the shots

ClimateGate revealed centralized top down coordination, though no CIA or State Department office was visibly calling the shots. “Dear Colleague” was centralized top down coordination, with a top civil servant very visibly calling the shots, and high academic administrators visibly recalcitrant but visibly terrorized.

Without centralized coordination, backed by centralized state funding and centralized state violence, how do you get ever single academic everywhere in the entire USG Hegemony saying one thing on Monday, and the opposite thing on Sunday? That sort of thing does not happen in China or Russia any more, and when it did happen, no one doubted centralized top down coordination.

Consider the debate on whether the Soviet Union was wealthy, successful, and peace loving, or poor, broke, getting broker, dangerous, threatening, weak and getting weaker, and aggressive. Outside of Academia, a lot of people, the entire right except for cuckservatives and rinos, were pushing the model that socialists steal other people’s money. Then the money runs out and they steal other people’s lives, hurling unlimited amounts of conscript cannon fodder into the machine guns in order that they conquer more people and steal more money, that the Soviet Union was dangerous and aggressive because it was weak and getting weaker. Ronald Reagan’s primary campaign was all about that meme. Without central coordination, you would expect to find one advocate for Reagan’s position in one university in one country of the Western Hegemony.

Not Tom says:

masters of the Hegelian dialectic

The problem with Hegelian dialectic isn’t Hegelian dialectic but the application of Hegelian dialectic outside the philosophy discipline, i.e. its application to history, i.e. the Marxist theory of history.

Is noticing Jewish power evidence of Nazism? No.

Which would be a valid point, if anyone here was actually making accusations of Nazism.

Friendly Fred says:

The real problem with Hegelian dialectic is that nobody can remember — if in fact anyone ever knew, which is doubtful — what “dialectic” means.

Not Tom says:

Yes, that’s true, and it’s mainly because of Marx.

Dialectic is just the use of logical arguments – generally deductive ones that are both valid and sound – to reach a conclusion deemed true. Hegelian dialectic was (is) a specific form of a dialectic – thesis-antithesis-synthesis – that Hegel proposed for resolving contradictions between valid but contradictory arguments, for example because they reasoned from metaphysical claims or other incomplete/subjective premises. From what I understand, Hegel intended this as a simple tool, not a silver bullet or totalizing ideology.

Marx’s “dialectical materialism” was the abomination that tried to rewrite the definition of dialectic and smuggle it into historical analysis as class struggle, thus releasing into mainstream academia the unstoppable memetic parasite that we all know and love.

Hegelian dialectic does have a faint whiff of Talmudic legalism – what I believe Jim referred to earlier as deducing “ought” from some other “ought” taken as given and absolute, so I can sort of understand the tortured logic of our shill friend here. But unlike Talmudic legalism and unlike Marxism, Hegelian dialectic doesn’t have anything to say about which arguments to look at, and most elite Jews (and other progressive elites) don’t even practice anything like Hegelian dialectic, they infer in one direction and one direction only. In fact, the people most likely to be using some form of Hegelian dialectic are Buckley conservatives and “centrists”, who are more useless than harmful.

I know I’m responding to a bantzy quip here with spergtastic exposition, and not sure how valuable it is to be discussing progressive or proto-progressive shibboleths here, but figured it was worth mentioning because this is the kind of crap they try to confuse you with.

Friendly Fred says:

Thanks, ~Tom. In Plato-translations, the character Socrates uses the word a lot — he seems to mean something like “thinking things through.” So then in Hegel you get this World-Spirit guy thinking things through, and world-history is kind of a by-product of that thought-process. (?) In Plato, it’s assumed that you think things through with your friends — hence “dialogues” — but Hegel’s Mr. World-Spirit doesn’t have any friends so he just talks to himself. (?)

Not Tom says:

So then in Hegel you get this World-Spirit guy thinking things through, and world-history is kind of a by-product of that thought-process. (?)

The Weltgeist. Many different interpretations and translations. One thing is clear, though: he definitely meant something different from the Zeitgeist that figures so prominently in progressive historicism, because he referred to that separately.

I believe that by Weltgeist he meant something analogous to our Gnon – not necessarily a physical or even spiritual entity, but an abstraction of the natural order. Though I can’t deny that it was used much later on to justify all manner of historicism and Mother Gaia baloney. If we’re very unlucky, the same thing could happen with Gnon, but I think the explicit memetic ties to the Old Testament God will help to prevent that.

calov says:

My understanding is that Hegel was trying to present a philosophical version of Christianity and was part of a stream in German philosophy and theology after the enlightenment that tried to rescue Christianity for the post -enlightenment world. Other obvious examples of this tradition in Germany would be Kant and Schleiermacher. Hegel’s idea about “Spirit” coming to know itself in matter through the out working of history has certain parallels to the incarnation, even if they are heretical when judged by the standard of Nicene orthodoxy. And for Hegel this process of Spirit coming to self-knowledge in the material world has an end-point analogous to the Christian eschaton, return of Christ and paradise. So Marxism very much is a mutation of Christianity, as Moldbug recognized. But it is easy to argue that all ideologies in the modern West are Christian heresies.

2019 is boring says:

Insightful comment, thanks.

jim says:

> Which would be a valid point, if anyone here was actually making accusations of Nazism.

It appears to me that the shill is pretending to be a Nazi (“hail fellow Nazis, I am purer than you”), but obviously is not, because he keeps making left wing denunciations of Israel, rather than Nazi denunciations of the Jews.

He wants us to denounce him as a Nazi, thereby demonstrating we are tools of the evil Zionist Occupation Government.

Jews should have a Jewish Nation, and we should have an American nation. We are oppressed by “the Ïnternational Community”, and Jews are oppressed by “the International Community” Nazis did not murder Jews because of nationalism or racism, but, like the Soviets, because of socialism. The only thing wrong with Nazism is leftism, and we are exercising substantial influence over American Nazis, neoNazis, and ironic Nazis causing them to reject Nazi leftism.

Poochman says:

Sorry for the stupid question but how did the Nazis murder Jews because of socialism instead of ethno-nationalism?

The Cominator says:

They did it because of a combination but socialism was the driving force for the murders.

The driving force for most Nazi mass murders (with the possible exception of the murder of all upper class men in Poland… while that sounds socialist it was more driven by Nazi Herrenvolk thinking) was that they couldn’t feed everyone.

The reason they couldn’t feed everyone was because they socialized agriculture making the state the sole legal monopoly customer for farmers who they underpaid, and in the occupied territories non German farmers were screwed even worse. Slavic farmers also didn’t have secure property rights their lands could be confiscated at any time.

So food production fell massively and decisions had to be made.

In addition it was left wing Nazis like Goebbels, Ley and Bormann who were the most fanatically anti-semitic and who convinced Hitler that Anglo-American hostility to the Reich was solely the product of Jewish mind control rays.

Mike says:

Eh, wasn’t it more so due to the most left-wing Nazis believing Jews were their capitalist oppressors, just like with Trostsky and the Kulaks? Unless it’s just due to my government hiding information from me, I recall 0 examples of mass famine in Nazi Germany, at least in Germany proper, not the occupied territories.

In regards to Slavs, Poles and others, I’m more at a loss for the full explanation. My gut says it was just the inevitable result of the Nazi’s fundamentally priestly, utopian worldview.

jim says:

There was hunger in Nazi Germany, and they responded by being selective about whom they fed. They starved the Greeks, who were as Nazi as they were. There was a serious shortage of food even for entirely Aryan Germans. Not exactly mass famine, but Venezuela is not exactly mass famine either. Peaceful and cooperative non German territories got starved. Regular Aryan Germans were hungry. Nazi Germany had the standard usual crisis of socialists running out of other people’s money.

The Nazi crimes were the standard usual crimes of socialism, in response to the standard usual crisis of socialism, and it is a commie lie that they were crimes of nationalism.

Cloudswrest says:

Was this the case before the war? I don’t recall reading anything along these lines in peacetime Nazi Germany.

jim says:

It takes a while to run out of other people’s money, but peacetime Germany was already suffering the usual social shortages and disruptions of socialism. Though not yet suffering breadlines and all that, the writing was on the wall.

jim says:

Same reasons as all socialists engage in mass murder.

jim says:

> The heterogeneity of Jewish positions on various issues is not evidence of powerlessness.

That Jews get brutally screwed over whenever Jewish interests are contrary to the Poz is evidence of powerlessness.

That the Democrats piss all over AIPAC and smack AIPAC around with impunity is evidence of powerlessness.

Jewish positions are not just “heterogeneous”. Jews that hope to get anywhere have to adopt position hostile to Jews and Jewish interests, for example supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews.

Doug Smythe says:

Enough about joos already! They didn’t invent Liberalism, Feminism, the Cathedral system, or any of the other fonts of our misery. They saw that there was an opening and took advantage knowing they wouldn’t be stopped. That’s all.

vxxc says:


These are our problems.
They took advantage, sure.
Their just being Hofjude.

Doug Smythe says:

Re: the serious items of discussion above: Can’t go back to non-modern warrior rule or Biblical patriarchy, and most here wouldn’t want to. Warrior rule/Biblical patriarchy= overwhelming predominance of agriculture and animal husbandry w/some pockets of severely hampered capitalist activity conducted by Vaisyas despised and held down by both Brahmin and Kshatriya, and as a result plotting to usurp power for themselves as soon as they are in a position to. No you’re not going into space anytime soon under this system. Buyer beware.

All of this in any case is mere academic idling at a time when our people are in the process of being delivered into slavery and indeed stand in danger of outright extinction. Urgent existential imperative of our time is to save the State, which means seizing State apparatus, smashing the Left (by physical extermination, if need be), deleting Liberalism, and replacing Liberalism with new operating system that will be functionally equivalent (i.e. capable of running industrial capitalist society as we know it) but without the fatal defects. Functionally equivalent that means preserving most of existing legal system, absent which neither the State nor the economy would last into the new year- and yes this means there will still be Republican political forms, broad civic equality, democratic-type avenues of civic participation. Women will be subordinate, but for the most part this subordination will be informal, following voluntarily as a natural consequence of men and women being liberated to follow their respective natures once again. Don’t look forward to formal restoration at law of the full complement of patriarchal rights though, it’s not going to happen and can’t, since incompatible with sovereignty of modern State, and if it *could* happen- you wouldn’t like it. (To name just one thing: if your property is a true patrimony, you can’t just jet to market and sell it just like that). Restoration life will be pretty much what it is now, but without being ruled and constantly terrorized and existentially threatened by Leftists and Leftism.

Samuel Skinner says:

To get what we want (not be genocided, civilization not collapsing) the following policies have to occur

-elimination of welfare
-expulsion of hostile foreign populations
-elimination of anti-discrimination laws
-elimination of no-fault divorce
-elimination of the college system

I have no idea how you think that will be accomplished while simultaneously maintaining
“Republican political forms, broad civic equality, democratic-type avenues of civic participation”.

Vxxc says:

War is your answer.
Holy War in fact.

Certainly meets broad participation criteria.

Buford T Injustice says:

Its been said that it took 2 world wars and the Spanish flu to solve the unemployment problem of that era and its various social ills.

info says:

-elimination of no-fault divorce

Also eradicate the duluth model:

shaman says:

I ignored this till now. Perhaps I shouldn’t have?

Can’t go back to non-modern warrior rule or Biblical patriarchy

In a single sentence you’ve expressed explicit opposition to both Reaction 101 on Women and Reaction 101 on Warriors and Priests. Amazing.

overwhelming predominance of agriculture and animal husbandry w/some pockets of severely hampered capitalist activity conducted by Vaisyas despised and held down by both Brahmin and Kshatriya, and as a result plotting to usurp power for themselves as soon as they are in a position to. No you’re not going into space anytime soon under this system. Buyer beware.

Marxist history: The mercantile capitalists were the ones who abolished the Kings, and if the Kings ever return to power, the mercantile capitalists will always secretly plot to dethrone them. CR could not have said it better.

Urgent existential imperative of our time is to save the State

[How Do You Do Fellow Dissidents?]

preserving most of existing legal system

That’s as far from NRx as a position can be. Literally the 180 degrees opposite stance to everything we’ve been spending years upon years advocating for. Preserving the modern legal system? Oh my God, you really are on the FBI’s payroll, aren’t you?

Republican political forms, broad civic equality, democratic-type avenues of civic participation.

[How Do You Do Fellow Dissidents?]

Women will be subordinate, but for the most part this subordination will be informal, following voluntarily as a natural consequence of men and women being liberated to follow their respective natures once again. Don’t look forward to formal restoration at law of the full complement of patriarchal rights though, it’s not going to happen and can’t, since incompatible with sovereignty of modern State, and if it *could* happen- you wouldn’t like it.

There ya have it: The Blue Pilled tradcon program in a nutshell. You are selling us the same ol’ detestable 1950’s progressivism as if that’s the reactionary program, even though it has been repetitiously, tediously, and vehemently explained that this is pure cancer, that this is, as Jim would say, a “society smashing, civilization destroying” kind of poison. What ever made you think that we are pozzed leftist progressives here?

People probably ignored this till now because your two long paragraphs read as a wall of text, especially the second paragraph. This should definitely have received greater attention, fed shill.

jim says:

Doug Smythe:

> > Can’t go back to non-modern warrior rule or Biblical patriarchy


> In a single sentence you’ve expressed explicit opposition to both Reaction 101 on Women and Reaction 101 on Warriors and Priests. Amazing.

Return to Warrior rule is absolutely inevitable, because the history cycles between warriors and priests over and over. The time for Caesar or Napoleon fast approaches. If we are very lucky, a Cromwell, a Pinochet, or a Sulla.

Return to Biblical patriarchy is absolutely inevitable, if only because people that fail to practice it go extinct. The future belongs to those that show up. We return to Biblical patrariarchy, or we vanish from history, replaced by those who have returned to Biblical patriarchy.

shaman says:

(To name just one thing: if your property is a true patrimony, you can’t just jet to market and sell it just like that).

Retarded beyond belief.

Did property-owners in previous patriarchal societies never sell their property on the market? Oh, right: Being a leftist entryist shill, possibly posting from within the same office as CR, or from a similar office across the pond, and reading from a similar script, you think that capitalism is recent and markets are recent, thus, in your attempt to concern troll us, you are telling us: “You don’t want to return back to Biblical patriarchy, because then you won’t be able to sell stuff on the market.” Complete lunacy, and a very dumb lie, disproved by all of known human history.

Tell them to provide you with a more sophisticated script, soy-tard.

>Warrior rule/Biblical patriarchy= overwhelming predominance of agriculture and animal husbandry

I think you are confusing correlation with causation, Doug. The reason I really like Medieval Venice is that they effectively had a modern capitalist society without any of the modern ideologies having been invented. The Serenissima was ruled by warrior-trader nobiles and this was the role of women:

Rather it is the other way around: most old societies tended towards warrior rule and strong patriarchy and capitalist ones simply produced so much wealth and with that leisure time to study, that an intellectual/priestly class could emerge and usurp power. Intellectuals/priests are always vulnerable to their finances, and the surplus a capitalist society produces ends up financing the very intellectuals who undermine it. So the sad thing is that capitalists tend to sell intellectuals rope to hang them and also the warriors with. This short-sighted tendency needs to be countered by ruling warriors. Ruling warriors do not in itself make capitalism dysfunctional, the reason you mostly see warriors ruling over backwards peasants is simply that in that kind of society nobody is really wealthy enough to sell intellectuals that kind of rope.

Medieval Venice helps us compare the kinds of modern political stuff that came from modern, bad ideologies, vs. the kind of political stuff you need to run a sophisticated, rich urban capitalist society that is modern in that particular sense, that they aren’t peasants with dung on the boots.

Doug Smythe says:

For starters: revive idea of citizenship as understood by Founding Fathers: Voting citizen= somebody who can and will bear arms on behalf the Republic and does something to prove it. Warrior-citizen. Also pays taxes. No contribution of arms and money to the State=no say in its affairs.

Doug Smythe says:

Elimination of college system: only thing stopping this from being done under existing system is failure of will induced by Liberal ideology.

Doug Smythe says:

Also study and adopt practices of motorcycle clubs. Citizen has to go through a prospect period and is admitted to membership in the State only if the other members think he adds value. Can blackball at will.

Vxxc says:

^yes to all ^

Friendly Fred says:

Yeah, but like Sam S says just above, that stuff’s only possible following (most pleasant scenario) some kind of coup.

I agree with you about subordination of women having to be voluntary — in other words, they accept the new (old) deal. Nobody wants to make women do stuff they don’t want to do. It’s really unpleasant when women are mad at you.

I envision employers and voting-supervision officials amiably chuckling when women apply for jobs or show up to vote — no need for new laws, just establish a new de facto state of affairs.

Friendly Fred says:

Just stop enforcing anti-discrimination laws; everything will get sorted out very quickly. There would have to be a public announcement, I guess: “anti-discrimination laws will no longer be enforced.”

jim says:

> I agree with you about subordination of women having to be voluntary

Women don’t accept, and don’t like, voluntary subordination. The prefer involuntary subordination. This is demonstrated every time you pass a shit test.

Example: I want to go some place and want my girl to accompany me.

She refuses.

I pick her up, toss her over my shoulders and carry her off against her will. She loves it.

Doug Smythe says:

Yes, and that example superbly illustrates what I meant. It’s voluntary to the extent that they know very well what they’re trying to provoke with the shit test: dominance. They want to be subjugated against their will. And without Feminist ideology constantly hectoring them and trying to convince them they don’t want what they want, and trying to convince men that they don’t want to give it to them (and creating risks for those who do), everybody follows their nature, and everybody gets what they really want. Things fall into place without the State having to do all *that* much (of course there would still have to be laws against female defection e.g. prohibition of no-fault divorce and so on).

The Cominator says:

Doug very well put. The state did not do too much in 18th century England because there wasn’t even a police force.

Bob says:

I wonder if the end of coverture, or its lack of enforcement, was what started the society-wide s$^! tests that we call feminism. In other words, since women weren’t being dominated at home by their men, who were backed by the gov, the women started testing them, aiming to get dominated again, by asking for political power. But the fashion of the day indicated to men that they should humor the women, leading to their greater calls for dominance, ie more feminism.

And here we are, our women staring expectantly at us, demanding the right to kill our children, the power to take our stuff and imprison us at a whim, etc. Seeing no reaction from us, they watch us hopefully as they invite men who certainly will dominate them.

Am I off the mark?

jim says:

Exactly right. Wives escalate shit tests until you are forced to pass.

Oak says:

This is one thing that makes modern dating very difficult. Remote communication with smartphones (unavoidable) does not allow for the passing of these types of shit tests. For example, I think the hatred of voluntary subordination is often the the motive behind random and sudden ghosting, especially when she’s already been seeing the guy with no issues for a while. Of course she may be on the next shiny cock on the carousel, but in many cases I think her hindbrain wants the man to come and physically take her. Same with flaking at the last minute (‘come and get me, tee hee’). The flaking excuse is always either completely ridiculous or positively incendiary.

Explicitly consenting to anything which may lead to sex is unnatural for a woman. But consenting remotely in writing just goes against any innate feminine ideal of courtship and the shit-tests they need to compensate for this are usually unpassable remotely, or require even greater risk to status and reputaion than in-person shit tests.

It’s really unpleasant when women are mad at you.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Grow a spine, and a fucking pair.

Friendly Fred says:

I usually leave the room when they’re mad at me, because it’s so unpleasant.

alf says:

For me it was never so bad that I left the room, but I do know what you’re talking about.

Nowadays, when women are mad at me, I feel my temperature dropping below zero and very quickly become an ice-cold asshole. This solves almost every situation with angry women.


vxxc says:

Attack on anti-christian movie themed by leftist collective Cinema America.

“These kids can draw these huge crowds, get sponsors, charge nothing, and propagate leftist thinking under the radar. It has drawn the attention of the right wing in Italy, which is more than a wing now. It’s sort of the main building.”

More the main bldg. Indeed.

vxxc says:

NORK meet in context.

Trump will make a deal with anyone who has power.

Remember that.

Now lets get it.

John Travis says:

Christians will always lose because they’re inherently unintelligent people who, as a result, will always be led by charismatic but incompetent leaders — or competent but non-religious sociopaths. And, as Christians descend into barbarism in order to retain power, secular society will grow and the outcasts will further destroy themselves.

You can see this in the religious right currently, we are on the road to removing Christian ideology from society as a whole and the panic has been setting in from the right inwards for decades. Rather than adapt and exist, the extreme right, such as those in this comment section, are willingly outlasting themselves from general society and guaranteeing the destruction of their ideologies.

Not Tom says:

Progressivism is Christianity 2.0. The leaders and follows of Christianity 1.0 are like the stubborn luddites who refuse to upgrade from Windows XP – sometimes for very good reasons like Windows 10 being a steaming pile of garbage that won’t run any of their important software – but nevertheless using a product that is obsolete, low-status and full of unpatched attack vectors.

Reaction is aspiring to be Christianity 3.0, where we put back the features of Christianity 1.0 that everyone actually liked (e.g. patriarchy, monarchy, free association), give it Christianity 2.0’s cool new-age look and feel (Gnon, evopsych, bits and pieces of Enlightenment philosophy) while discarding its awful base code, and fixing all the bugs users reported (excessive meekness, holiness competition, entryism) and putting in actual tests so they don’t break again.

It’s still Christianity at an essential level. We can’t go back to the old version and I think most of us wouldn’t want to, but we can put together a very solid upgrade and include little easter eggs for the nostalgic.

jim says:

> Christians will always lose because they’re inherently unintelligent people


As Poz gets ever more insane, it is increasingly an indication of stupidity. As a result, people who adhere to old type Christian or Old Type Mormon beliefs tend to be markedly more intelligent than the pozzed.

For example Dawkins is a tremendously smart guy. But as the poz became ever more severe, his books became ever more stupid, ignorant, and irritating.

The poz is like the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge started off being socially and culturally dominated by PhDs from French universities, but towards the end, could not count, because anyone smart enough to count had been murdered.

Look at Aaron Hillel Swartz, official genius. Pretty sure the patriarch of Duck Dynasty is smarter than Aaron Hillel Swartz.

It used to be true, when Dawkins was young man, that his crowd was mighty smart. But as they have come to be required to believe ever dumber things, they have become ever dumber.

Zach says:

…and Pinker.

Mister Grumpus says:

I would love to learn more (truth) about how the Khmer Rouge got started.

jim says:

The Khmer Rouge was created as a puppet communist movement by the Vietnamese army after it had occupied a large part of Cambodia. After the Khmer Rouge took Phnom Penh, they cut their puppet strings, and announced that their communism was way purer than Vietnamese communism.

The Vietnamese did not like that, but did not do anything about it until the Khmer Rouge self destructed in a holiness spiral.

Mister Grumpus says:

Were the Vietnamese occupying lots of (western?) Cambodia in order to keep their Ho Chi Minh road going? Or were they there for some entirely different original reason?

Mister Grumpus says:

I meant eastern Cambodia. The side bordering Vietnam. I’m also retarded.

Frederick Algernon says:

I’m directionally impaired as well lol.

Generally yes. They were soft occupying it (mostly dense rainforest and undulating hills; very hard to formally occupy). SOP for commies is to identify and amplify and social justice movement to have a ally patchwork network. Contrary to common knowledge the US did not lose the Vietnam war; congress hamstrung the military and cut off the aid to the South, the North walked over them. When the North “won” the were ill prepared for what they were claiming to want to do. They had been receiving support from both Russia and China, but the Bear only cared about frustrating the Eagle and the Dragon had learned from the Shrimp how it could turn communist neighbors into de facto colonies. The Vietnamese were very aware of this and knew that China was the existential threat. While there are definitely Vietnamese commies, they were nationalists first. They very quickly went about setting their house in order. By the time they got their shit together enough to project, the Khmer Rouge was the first thing they went after. It is a sad turn of history IMO that the West supported these assholes against Vietnam largely because of sour grapes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Who’s “The Shrimp” again?

Frederick Algernon says:

Korea. “The shrimp between two whales.”

jim says:

I assume for the Ho Chi Minh road. But that is just conjecture.

Frederick Algernon says:

Jim, can you point me in the right direction of archives/documents/etc detailing western intellectual support for the Khmer Rouge pre-genocide?

alf says:
Doug Smythe says:

^^Such support would have been muted due to Western intellectuals already overwhelmingly supporting Viet Cong because of the war.

Doug Smythe says:

oops almost forgot about the Chomsky affair

Frederick Algernon says:

wow. Fascinating stuff. Thank you for the link.

Friendly Fred says:

Christianity’s freaking awesome — Song of Roland, Cathedrals, insanely intense Renaissance paintings, American hillbilly gospel …

Vxxc says:

Christianity is losing because the Priests must be educated, and the seminaries are pozzed.

Also Christians aren’t fighting, because their leaders are pozzed.

Need some new leaders.

If tomorrow any catholic prelate deposed (and preferably beheaded) Francis and proclaimed DEUS VULT most of the worlds Catholics and all the ones that matter would follow.

Vxxc says:

The problem is decent men became too civilized and law abiding
When the laws betrayed them they had no compass to guide them.
Truly all our leaders and elites top to middle betrayed us.

The answer is to fight.

The Cominator says:

Catholicism is absolutely terrible as a reactionary religion because it is international. The king needs to be able to have the high priest executed at any time.

Grand Inquisitor Bob says:

What is Vox Day doing?

The inescapable historical fact is that Muslims have FAR more in common with Christians than Jews do.

alf says:

I keep messing up thread responses…

Ben Shapiro on Jesus:

what do I think he was historically? I think he was a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who tried to lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.

That’s interesting, seems like the exact opposite of Jim’s interpretation of Jesus, namely that Jews were looking for a thousand and one ways for a holy revolt against the Romans, while Jesus simply said ‘give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.’

jim says:

The inescapable historical fact is that Jews are disinclined to fly airliners into tall buildings.

Because of Vox Day’s great accomplishments in the war with social justice converged capital, I am disinclined to attack him publicly. But palling up with Muslims never works.

2019 is boring says:

What is Vox Day doing?

Using his half-wit brain (or Mediocre Midwit Mind) to jump the shark and reach, as is incredibly typical among his caliber of thinkers, an overly simplistic conclusion: “Since Muslims accept Jesus and Jews don’t, it follows that we are closer to Muslims.”

That otherwise Christianity and Judaism have so much more in common, theology-wise, goes unnoticed by Bald Beale’s Beta Butt-Boys and Gay Gamma Goons. Yeah, I’m being insultive, because the more I’m exposed to this individual, the more it’s obvious to me that his entire “thing” is weak sauce at best; as has been noted, all his good ideas are not original, and all his original ideas are not good.

Yes, Jim is also right that in the war against SJWs, he has contributed his part. But would things be significantly different if he didn’t exist? The jury is still out on that hypothetical question, though in the meanwhile, he keeps saying and doing retarded things.

ten says:

There is a certain breed of commenters, best caught young because the bad habit should grow away reasonably quickly, that will always pretend to be a neutral observer and judge to their own genius. They will latch onto little things they think to be incontrovertible proof of the superiority of their mind but miss huge things that puts their mind in the rough ballpark of others.

Koanic, who I greatly like as a phenomenon but some of whos ideas are insane, is one such person, and vox is an ugly, uncharismatic, boring version.

It is worth noting how preposterously insane this particular piece of mind vomit from vox is. He is not trustworthy, something is seriously wrong with him.

shaman says:

VD is a chronic wanker noise-maker. Seldom noise is beneficial, but usually it’s just annoying. People like that should be on mute, until the moment — once every other year or so — that they do something interesting and worthy of attention. VD is also not red-pilled on women.

Another person who fits the description of “latch onto little things they think to be incontrovertible proof of the superiority of their mind but miss huge things that puts their mind in the rough ballpark of others” would be Anonymous Conservative. His version of the r/K theory has some, albeit probably minimal, explanatory power; yet there he is, misapplying it to all situations imaginable, making it into a Grand Theory of Everything. (Jonathan Haidt has a somewhat better grasp of liberal vs. conservative respective psychologies, but it’s also far from perfect)

There are a whole lot of such individuals on the fringe blogosphere, truly a perennial problem. It’s best to just respond with “Hmmm, interesting” to whatever they have to say, and then move on to more intellectually rigorous places.

In this piece, titled “Ben Shapiro on Jesus Christ,” one would expect to find inflammatory statements, e.g. Tzoah Rotachat and so forth; instead, all Shapiro — and, to be clear, I have no sympathy for him or for “intellectuals” with similar agendas — says is that he Jesus was a revolutionary Jewish zealot… yeah, where’s the big shock in there? I did not, in fact, fall off my chair. Shapiro is wrong, but he did not say anything particularly outrageous. VD is whining like a little baby, as usual.

alf says:

I admire Vox Day’s output. I think he gets disproportionate attention because he entered the spotlights, unlike most of us, and he does not get it because of his bravery, but because of his ego. But I don’t mind that so much. He has serious character flaws, as demonstrated by his hissy fit when Andrew Torba one-upped him by creating Gab. He is more of an entertainer than an intellectual, although he would probably be insulted by that characterization. One can see the similarities between Vox Day and Koanic.

At the end of the day, I have no problems with Vox Day. I mean, I look at this cover and I think to myself: well yeah if that is how you unironically see yourself then obviously you are duping some people, including yourself. That picture just makes me smirk.

Samuel Skinner says:

“(Jonathan Haidt has a somewhat better grasp of liberal vs. conservative respective psychologies, but it’s also far from perfect)”

Haidt was purged from his own organization; he no longer runs Heterodox Academy and the new guy (an Indian) proceed to retroactively eliminate the comment section.

Say what you will about Anonymous Conservative but ‘liberals are a disease and the cure is suffering and/or death’ offers a degree of protection against such outcomes.

Not Tom says:

Haidt was purged from his own organization; he no longer runs Heterodox Academy and the new guy (an Indian) proceed to retroactively eliminate the comment section.

I hadn’t heard about that. Sad news. Do we know what precisely happened?

Does this Indian show any signs of worthiness, or is he about what we’d expect?

Samuel Skinner says:

I don’t know. I’m not the brightest bulb in the shed, so I was following it to see what academics thought, found they weren’t very illuminating, left and when I went back to their site a couple months later found Haidt and the comment section were gone.

Looking at the website’s staff listing I got the ethnicity wrong (the editor is middle eastern, not Indian) or there has been turnover since I last checked (possible since all of the individuals who were in charge at the start are gone).

I have no idea who is in charge; it has 3 directors (one male) and 1 executive director.

Zach says:

I prefer VD on video, and I believe he comes across much better in that realm. I also believe VD has adopted a pseudo cult of personality to push his ventures on his blog.

Even he can’t act like the person on his blog in front of the camera because most would feel foolish and silly. He is no exception. For VD getting in front of a camera is a kind of self censorship instead of the other way around. At least it seems that way in practice.

heh – so yeah, I agree. I find him very irritating, but I quite like that he is around. And lulz at being a game designer of any value. Ya, suuuuuuure…

Not Tom says:

To be fair, Ben Shapiro is an irritating and embarrassing sellout who won’t stop attacking everyone to his right, so I can completely understand why Vox finds him so infuriating, especially given their history.

I’m far more worried about the “well, I’m certainly skeptical, but let’s hear him out anyway, wink wink” amplification of sentient alien moon-men coverup theories. I usually just chuckle and ignore the troofer stories but they seem to be increasing in both frequency and craziness. Sometimes I wonder if they’re actually elaborate point-deer-make-horse tests.

It’s a love-hate relationship. On the one hand, excellent historical and economic analysis and unique achievements in the culture war; on the other hand, alien moon-men.

shaman says:

One need not register at Metabunk or at the International Skeptics Forum to realize that UFOlogy of all shades and hues is moronic nonsense, and that those who insists that “the troof is out there” are either schizophrenics, con-artists, malicious trolls, or paid controlled opposition deceivers. UFOlogy is one of the most basic sanity tests: if one sincerely falls for that specific brand of hoax, one cannot be trusted to exercise judgement on any other issue.

(Hey, I was fascinated with UFOlogy myself… at the age of 13, which doesn’t count)

That VD is promoting the Ayy LMAO stuff, so stale that even the real shills shy away from bringing it up nowadays, only goes to show that his reality testing — while not as disastrous as that of some other deluded charlatans — has some major deficiencies. Either that, or an even less charitable interpretation.

It’s all fun and games when you wear the red sponge of a clown for a nose, and your audience knows that comedy, and nothing else, is what you’re up to. But if you put on the airs of a serious intellectual, and your audience worships you as their guru, and then you come out with “We know the moon landing was fake, because ALIENS,” it’s kinda heartless, in a way – it’s deceiving the very people who most closely admire you. It’s absolutely fine for Anglin to occasionally promote weird and factually-dubious stuff, because he doesn’t pretend to be a serious thinker. VD, however, acts like he’s not joking at all, and that’s a problem.

VD is a loose cannon firing in all directions, right or (as is increasingly often) wrong, and once he loses relevance completely, he’ll probably disgracefully try to bring down the entire alt-right with him. That’s why I advise to treat such people with the good old fashioned:

“Hmm, cool, k bye.”

The Cominator says:

Hating on the Nevertrumper controlled op manlet is one of Teddy Spaghetti’s good points.

alf says:

Ben Shapiro on Jesus:

what do I think he was historically? I think he was a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who tried to lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.

That’s interesting, seems like the exact opposite of Jim’s interpretation of Jesus, namely that Jews were looking for a thousand and one ways for a holy revolt against the Romans, while Jesus simply said ‘give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.’

jim says:

The social context of the Jesus’s admonition to “walk the extra mile”, was that Roman soldiers, whose packs were heavy, were apt to conscript a random civilian to carry their pack for a mile.

Projecting their own disastrous choices onto their enemies is very Jewish.

Friendly Fred says:

On the question of what exactly being a priest or a warrior amounts to, perhaps —

(1) A priestly person is someone who wants to play out a role defined by a picture of the world as governed by Purpose/s.
(2) A lordly person is someone who wants high status within the world as it obviously is.
(3) A combative person is someone who likes to fight.

Someone can be priestly, lordly, and combative.

We might use the word “warrior” on its own to refer to someone who is lordly and combative without being especially priestly. Someone who is all three might be called a “warrior-priest” or “priestly warrior”.

jim says:

Not the way I am using these words.

A priest is no priest without a priesthood, and a warrior no warrior without a band of brothers.

A priest is a priest because he coordinates with other priests to obtain and use power through stories and ideas, and a warrior a warrior because he coordinates with other warriors to obtain and use power by hurting people and breaking their toys.

A priest has doctrine, and a warrior has discipline and chain of command.

Sometimes you get groups of people who use both methods, for example the warrior monks of the crusades, or the Icelandic Godar.

A Paladin is a leading warrior who is also an advocate for a cause – thus he is using both methods. If his advocacy is subject to priestly discipline as his fighting is subject to military discipline, then he is a priest warrior. The Godar were defeated by Christianity because they lacked priestly discipline – indeed, towards the end, lacked discipline.

Friendly Fred says:

Thanks. It might help others as well as me if you’d frequently include that third paragraph (“A priest is a priest because … and a warrior a warrior because ….”) in your essays, if only parenthetically or as a footnote.

Regarding your last paragraph — you DON’T want rule by Paladins, just rule by basic warriors, with this rule being supported by priests through their stories, stories explaining why rule by basic warriors is good and other forms of rule are bad … is that correct?

Suppose Trump started saying, “Look, the natural way for human beings to live is X, Y, Z, so that’s the way we’re going to start living.” (In other words, started advocating for Natural Law.) Would that make him a Paladin? Would that be good?

Starman says:

Cæsar Augustus was Coup-Complete. Constantine was Jihad-Complete.

BC says:

Hey, how does the left control the press and why have all attempts to create a real right wing news network failed?

Anonymous Fake says:

The press is urban and personal. It isn’t about neutral, anonymous information distribution like blogging. It’s about street intrigue and charisma, sensation and prestige. Technocrats need not apply.

Cities are leftist because leftists love the population density for sexual reasons. It means more sexual opportunities. For anything else, and for people disgusted by this, there are subdivisions for conservatives far away from the mob and the VIP’s whose time is too valuable for commuting.

Over time, the urban mob and VIP’s become the same class, that of neoliberal elites. The press is in principle the former talking to the latter, and distant commuter conservatives don’t matter.

jim says:

News is a priestly function. Priests skew massively left. We are the only knowledge faction with memetic sovereignty, thus the only faction that could create a news network.

Bob says:

Someone correct me if wrong.

The Left has influenced the religion, or been the religion, for the US since before national newspapers were a thing around the turn of the century.

Sometime a hundred years ago you have an institution form that influences public opinion on a national scale. Naturally, it attracts the leftist priests of the day, who are already coordinating to spread the same, leftist message.

If we had a right-wing religion in the US, it was gone before JP Morgan’s newspapers got big, so the leftists had no competition spreading throughout any and all newspapers, then the radios, and then tv.

I think Fox was started to appeal to baby-boomers, but even if it was meant to be hard right, the only journalists, reporters, talking heads, etc available were leftists. So now it is firmly left and leans a little to the right.

A right wing news network would be constantly making statements that were heresy to the prevailing religion, so it would not have any sponsors for its ads. Its policies would probably be ruled by the HR department, so any right-wing executives would be fighting the federal gov on how to organize any personnel, making it impossible to get the personnel to spout heresy.

I’m sure there’s many more reasons, but those are what I can think of now.

jim says:

If HR concluded that James Damore’s memo was violence against women, pretty sure HR would conclude that actual right wing news would be violence against women.

Not Tom says:

The official press isn’t controlled by the left, it controls the left and largely is the left. The New York Times doesn’t print articles, it issues marching orders, like “85% of the X business is white men. It’s time to change that” meaning “comrades, start firing up those protests and lawsuits!” Then the downstream, non-prestige media like Daily Beast and Yahoo News dumb it down further for the lumpenproles. It’s not strictly hierarchical and is clumsily coordinated, but nevertheless is coordinated as 98% of journos don’t have an original thought and simply copy the prestige media.

As to why right-wing news fails:
1. RW entrepreneurs are mostly conservative or libertarian, meaning they’ve absorbed most of the progressive memeplex, believe against interest that journalism should be objective fact-reporting and narrative-free, and are generally vulnerable to all sorts of entryism.
2. Personnel is policy, and very few right-wingers are applying for journalism jobs. Worse when you consider the urban areas media companies are located in.
3. Once established, they become subject to the same threat vectors as other businesses; can’t stray too far from the narrative or else they’ll be censored, boycotted, throttled, banned, delisted, de-banked, and generally crushed.

I would imagine that a successful right-wing “news” network would have to be formalist in nature. Acknowledge its actual function as a memetic amplifier, have a hierarchical structure and respond to explicit commands. Sounds like a coup-complete problem; might be able to create it in secret, but paid advertising would be a no-go, and launching it publicly would require powerful backing.

Then again, since progressivism has ruled since mass broadcasting technology was invented, maybe we just don’t know what a successful right-wing media would look like. Maybe it would be completely alien to western sensibilities. Maybe the “form” of progressive journalism is inherently incompatible with reactionary ideas. Maybe the RNN already exists and merely needs to be formalized and scaled up when the time comes.

The Cominator says:

The official press isn’t controlled by the left, it controls the left and largely is the left.

1. There is an ultimate level of authority above the press control likely a few “popes” in Harvard and Georgetown. Pravda told people what the Soviet Union party line was, but the decision as to what the partwasn’t made in the offices of Pravda.

2. The prestige outlets (and some other less prestigious ones like CNN) are obviously under the direct control of some coordinating outfit… most likely some black budget off the books CIA office which it seems like Trump can’t get rid of.

Not Tom says:

You may be right. This type of thing certainly isn’t beyond the USG’s capabilities, and USG is certainly not above doing it, as we saw with the Office of War Information.

Nevertheless, it seems just a little too convenient. The right tends to project its understanding of power on the left, but left-wing power is different from right-wing power (mostly diffuse vs. mostly concentrated). I think it’s naive to believe that if Trump could only find this mysterious office and replace its personnel, everything would be fixed overnight; more likely, power flows from the Ivy League, the NGOs, wealthy donors and owners, and increasingly, woke corporations and advertisers, and of course the media itself.

There may be government involvement – in fact I’m pretty sure that there is – but the entire system is a closed feedback loop. Injecting negative feedback into a single node (such as some part of the government that’s connected) could eventually transform the system, but it would have to be significant and continuous, and the process would be very slow. There may be faster ways of dealing with it, such as the Putin method.

The Cominator says:

Also Operation Mockingbird.

Frederick Algernon says:

Incisive, as usual, in your analysis. I agree.

On a related topic, i think i disagree, but not in a 0 sum way. Formalist News Network would be a coup-complete entity or a well kept secret. The News Network could just be a headline+hyperlink pushing app that sends hand picked and/or generated headlines of the most prevalent words in a series of articles, blog posts, transcripts, etc. I am not a bitherder, but i wonder how hard it would be to run up the algos for pouring over a fore mentioned material looking for programmed words + phrases then passes the results to another algo that tags them with a headline and finally off to a push service.

The app would be a ghost; download through FDroid or have a mobile site on the shallow web that iCuck users can access through safari, installs then leaves no icon or anything to change settings, just the push message functionality. If the user clicks on the link their preferred browser would do the look up, maybe to a different server than the push one (i understand very little of this, which im sure is obvious).

The idea would be that user gets a headline like: “S400 35% of all headlines/subtitles/loglines”

They click the link and get a list of all the articles, blogposts, etc that are chatting up the S400, This is a very simple concept and would need complexity to get to a place where it is valuable. But i think there may be a nugget of worthwhile thought in the idea. Cut out humans from the process EXCEPT for the very important part teaching some aspect of The Machine what to look for + what to link together.

Does any of this make sense, or should i go back to my books?

Friendly Fred says:

What books? Just finished the Fagles translation of the Aeneid — wow, intense. Better than reading V for Vendetta stoned.

Frederick Algernon says:

I’ve been on a 20th century wave of late, leavened with my usual colonial fare:

The Ethics of Redistribution by Bertrand de Jouvenel

The Pattern of War by Lt.Gen. Sir Francis Tuker

A Savage War of Peace by Alistair Horne

Relentless Strike by Sean Naylor

Blind Man’s Bluff by Sherri Sontag and Christopher Drew

Three New Deals by Wolfgang Schivelbusch

The Devil’s Chessboard by David Talbot

↑↑May and June↑↑

Smart and Sexy by Roderick Kaine

48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

The Bell Curve by Murray and Herrnstein

Intellectuals and Race by Thomas Sowell

Intellectuals and Society by Thomas Sowell

Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

The Second World Wars by Victor Hanson

The Allies Strike Back by James Holland

Odd Man Out by Richard Thornton

A Case for Rhodesia by ?????

The Farmer at War by Trevor Grundy and Bernard Miller

↑↑December to May↑↑

In addition, I’ve been going over Jim’s massive backlog and doing a half ass’d job of reading assigned class work trash. I also read a lot of white papers, grey papers, and news articles. I recommend everything here except Devil’s Chessboard. What a load of crap that book is.

I was going to add a few sentences about each one because I know this is a huge claim, but I read a lot and this is already a wall of text. Nonetheless, I’d love to discuss any book on this list.

…I know I should read more classics, I just don’t have the time.

jim says:

Go ahead: Tell us a little bit about the each of the best on that list.

As the world has become ever lefter, as democide, mass murder, and civil war approaches, things that seemed complex have become simpler. Perhaps you can explain what some of these books say in the new and terrible light that now shines.

Frederick Algernon says:

Jouvenel is a fucking god. I bought two others of his but picked the smallest thinking i could handle it. I was wrong. Should be required reading. There are portions of this book that are very amenable to cutting and analyzing for the express purpose of dismantling socialist moral crusaders. Finished but needs a reread.

Tuker is a gem i found thanks to Holland who i will discuss later ITP. basically, he was the guy that was right that everyone ignored during the Africa campaign. There is some pie in the sky peacenick shit, but that is present in almost evry man’s work that had to send boys off to die in WWII. Highly recommend. He ties in very well with a PDF i found called Modern Warfare. The author escapes me ATM.

Horne is a funny one, because he is mentioned in Holland and Hanson briefly (early proto-SAS lad) but he gained his name solely on the Algerian conflagration. IMO he is the definitive analyst of the Algerian civil war. I read him piecemeal for 3 different classes over the last 4 semesters. Highly recommend.

Naylor’s relentless strike reads more like an amalgam of blurbs than a complete tome, but by looking at JSOC as a holistic entity (event, even), he sheds light on what SoF actually is and what it means. Two things to look for in the book and study elsewhere: the Army of Northern Virginia and the way JSOC interacted with the glowy jews. Among many other topics, those two enticed me the most in regards to wanting to dig deeper. Also, he inadvertently debunks a lot of conspiracy theory surrounding SoF, like mis-attributing the CIA as being the malefactors behind psyops (look up the PS3 + missle gudance chip saga… a completely fabricated meme).

Bilind Man’s Bluff is pure pleasure for those who find engineering, maritime effort, and spycraft intereesting. From diesel sub mischief to Glomar to cable taps, just a solid, blue collar read on What Actually Happened. Highly recommend for water flavored bros.

Three New Deals should be required reading. It is, at the same time, massively informative in terms of epochal frame (dehistorization is the buzzword in modern higher Ed) as well as just damn informative interms of how the eschaton can be both an actual thing and a mirage used to motivate society. It is a bit dry, but i really enjoyed it. The introduction is a sort of standalone piece and available online IIRC.

Devils Chessboard is shit. I quit out on my read through and just used the index to look up interesting stories. If you want to see the Completely Wrong interpretation of events, this is the book for you. Spoiler alert; Dulles (Allen, not John F.) wasn’t a fan of jews.

Smart and Sexy was above my pay grade. Ata tries to dumb it down for science normies like me, but he fails. Genetics cant be dumbed down. Nonetheless, i recommend you but it even if biology is not your thing. Supporting allies is a good thing and for all his autistic tendencies, Atavisionary is a good man and OG as fuck.

48 Laws is also a technical “haven’t finished” but that is because i am jumping around due to its piecemeal construction. It is a bookshelf must-have. So elegant in its construction.

Bell Curve is almost a meme at this point. If you watch some of the available vids on YouTube of Murray talking, he calls out people like me (those ill equipped to understand the fundamentals of what he and Herrnstein were trying to say). The takeaway for me was their thoughts on the divisive nature of higher ed being a mill for the upper class. The race reality layered in is always a plus, but i don’t need brainy bois using highfalutin math to explain that the world needs ditch diggers just as much as it needs luminaries. Another bookshelf must-have. (according to the author(s), there are three way to read this book; i picked option 2 and after i graduate and get a job i will do option 3.)

Sowell is just a good writer. I get what Lord C is saying about his never Trumpism being a stain on his reputation, but i don’t care. The man’s use of sources combined with his (stealing this) abusive dependent clauses makes him a titan of thought. His biggest crime was being born too early. If he were half his age he would be here posting with us. Maybe i have too many stars in my eyes, but Sowell is a gem.

I was over playing my hand; im only a portion of the way through Intellectuals and Society. But it is very good and i can’t wait until i have the time to finish.

BRaWL is a collection of essays edited to be a book. It is the best redpill i have found for converting intelligent scholars into the “differential diagnoses” camp. Well sourced, well written, easy to digest, easy to extend. This book turns conservicucks and libretariatards into thinking men. It was the first book i read by him after i watched a bunch of archival youtube footage of him and i reread it this winter/spring because i wanted to crawl his citations. Definite must read + bookshelf must-have.

This was my first VDH outside of youtube and i was not disappointed at all. What a titan this man is. He isn’t perfect, but his cold, analytical style is unparalleled in terms of WWII history. He blends theme and fact seamlessly, and backs his shit up with table data. If you think you know WWII, read this book and see how your perspective stacks up. I am looking forward to taking the 10 part free online course based on this book.

I found Holland through a comment on HN. His first in the series, The Rise of Germany 1939-1941 hooked me immediately. He uses a very modern style of personal account + archival data to paint a picture of WWII that is unique IMO. I recommend you read his books + VDH + Ambrose at the same time.

Odd Man Out is hard to review. It is excellent, readable, and timeless. It has some pretty drastic implications for this blogspace in particular, so if you want to hear my perspective, read it then ask me. It is an absolute must read. It will make CR infinitely more interesting ( i suggest you also dive into George Kennan, maybe start with Hawk & Dove).

A case for Rhodesia is a PDF i “found.” It is a barebones breakdown of what was at stake in that brief dream of a state. If you can’t find it i can email it to you.

The Farmer at War is another must read. It is narrow in scope and enslaved to its era in terms of prose and point, but the ramifications of its message are timeless, particularly in times of rising tides. Though it may be brash, i think shamman and Vxxc need to read this one, relating to prior conversations. Also, hidden in the subtext is the recipe for the perfect wife. Have fun finding it. 😉

I found some of these books by trawling Moldbug, some from this blog, some from HN comments, and some from university classes. They represent (mostly) my tax return expenditure as well as the cheaper options on my Amazon wishlist (which currently stands at ~1200$ worth of books). I bought ~25 books with my tax return and have gotten through a few of them, so hopefully by the end of this year i will have read more.

…and to actually answer My Lord’s question, if you want to read for expediency:

>Farmer at War
>Relentless Strike
>Odd Man Out
>Bell Curve
>48 Laws
>Savage War
>Pattern of War

BC says:

Guess the script writers have decided to be overly verbose based on Moldbug’s example. I wonder if they’ve realized why Moldbug wrote in that manner. Probably not.

Frederick Algernon says:

I’m having a hard time parsing your response. It feels like you’re calling me a shill.

Are you calling me a shill?

Frederick Algernon says:

Jim, also, i gotta say, you are a blogger in my experience, but reading your writing on Chomsky… holy shit. Well done. I’m genuinely sorry the academe missed out on you. really stellar scholarship. I’m not trying to blow smoke; there is this palpable sense of academic frustration that i find very engaging.

The Cominator says:

FA has his flaws as do we all but I’ve never once thought he was a shill. The usual script here is “How do we fellow hate group members, I’ve noticed that you followers of (((Moldbug))) don’t hate jews enough and want to continue “jewish” capitalism”.

The Cominator says:

I was very disappointed that Sowell signed the Nevertrump letter I thought he was an extremely “based black man” before that.

Not Tom says:

I don’t think it’s possible to install an iPhone or Android app that’s not discoverable – that would basically be a virus. But I understand the general idea of what you’re going for. It’s Twitter hashtags for the open web.

Personally, I’m interested in memetic machine learning – identification of memes in different types of content, and classification according to some scheme, possibly “right” vs. “left” for starters. There are all kinds of crude techniques humans already use, that we already use in this comment section, e.g. recognition of Russell conjugates and other identifying markers to perceive a Progressive or Reactionary frame. ML is at or near the point of being able to do this in some fashion. Woke corporations are using it to identify “toxic comments” – poorly – but I believe that is because their training data sucks, because leaving their own echo chamber is traumatizing, so they test on retarded disposable YouTube comments instead of the Daily Stormer and 8chan.

Anyway, I still don’t think this constitutes a “news network”, but for the application you’re talking about, meme-granularity would be far superior to exact-phrase extraction. The latter is too easy to game and abuse, as we see happening all the time on Twitter.

Frederick Algernon says:

So… let’s do it. Just an app that sends push notifications about trends in Media (your explanations sounded way smarter). And, as to the virus parallel… why not? Is it that bad if it is a virus you tacitly invite? Could be an interesting way to get functionality on your iDevice while maintaining plausible deniability.

What are the important moving parts? A global crawler (coding and testing), a central server for the collection and composition of the crawlers raw data (Jim? feel like hosting a weird science experiment?), a push system (complete underpants gnome logic, i know, but Resources has been running since 2015 so…), and a beta test group (this blogfam). Is it really that far fetched + what else are we doing anyways?

Not Tom says:

Not really a question of “why not” make a virus but the fact that it’s extremely hard to break the device’s security, especially in a way that’s not going to get patched. I also don’t really see the point of trying to hide the app from the very person who installed it. Even if you could “ghost” the app, the code is still somewhere and would still be recoverable in a forensic analysis.

I wouldn’t say it’s far-fetched, but I would say that it’s either a full-time job for one person or a significant crowdsourced effort. The ML is obviously the hardest part, as it requires a ton of computing resources and is stretching the limits of what the tech can currently do. But crawling large parts of the internet is no trivial task either. The database/push system/app are really the only easy parts.

Frederick Algernon says:

If this is too tedious an ask, please tell me. What about we just kind of walk through it on paper, as it were, kind of how Conway et al did with Game of Life on graph paper before they ever actually built a compute program?

For the purposes of the exercise, and in no way asserting that these components are optimal or even necessary, here is what we are trying to build:

> Web crawler
• limited territory for it to crawl specifically (looking at all content)
•• handful of MSM
•• handful of Twitter feeds
•• handful of blogs
• limited territory for it to crawl generally (looking at some content for patterns)
•• Chan boards
•• subreddits
•• comment sections

> Meme Learning Machine
(Totally out of my depth here)
• start with some simple rules for sorting Left from Right
• progress to subcategorization

> Storage Database
• maybe the TPB model of multiple redundant mirrors?

> Push system
• human administered at first; a trustworthy bro(s) looks at the output of the MLM and selects juicy bits

> App
• minimalist
• feature light to reduce maintenance and bugs
• well named to seem like a fitness tracker or something inconspicuous

jim says:

Yacy is an open source distributed search engine for publishing, but the hard problem is the sybil attack, the problem that Google refers to a a link farm – a bunch of fake sites that link to each other to give each other fake reputation. Not clear how Yacy addresses the sybil attack.

Similarly, systems for giving people reputation for supplying goods are subject to sybil attack with fake customers. Big problem with Dark Web sites that attempt to do an ebay on Tor. Distributed systems tend to be subject to sybil attacks.

Resolving the sybil attack is a problem of partitioning the graph to see if a group of nodes well connected to each other are, considered as a single node, well connected to rest of the network. Page rank and analogous measures are a measure of connection to the graph as a whole, and the sybil attack is faking good connection to the graph as a whole by creating a seemingly large subgraph that is well connected to itself.

Considering the sybil attack as a graph theory problem, we have some ranking criterion that is in some sense or some part a measure of connection to the graph as a whole, and we want to exclude relatively isolated large subgraphs from having inappropriately high rank.

Not Tom says:

I thought maybe this was getting off-topic and didn’t want to annoy Jim, but since he’s replied, I’ll take it as a temporary endorsement.

Database is trivial. You’ve got Mongo, Cassandra, Ignite, Cockroach, neo, all kinds of open-source solutions that scale. Push is also trivial – use the corresponding APIs on various devices.

Crawling is a solved problem in theory, though actual implementations can be challenging and prone to abuse. That piece isn’t terribly difficult to build; however, it requires constant maintenance, anti-abuse, bug-fixes, etc.

I have to emphasize that “meme NLP” is an entirely unsolved problem; unsolved even in theory. My assumption is that it’s solvable, but I’m not even aware of white papers on it, and even though I have pretty good general knowledge about these things, it would probably take me weeks or months just to understand the white paper even if one existed. It’s one of those problem spaces that requires not only high intelligence but also a lot of experience. That’s why it’s currently more of a wild idea than an actual goal I’m working toward right now.

It’s not just picking out key words and phrases. If you want that, get yourself an RSS reader and add some filters. Or follow people on Gab or Twitter. Memes are different. “Women ruin everything” is a meme, “repeal the 19th” is a different but related meme, “women’s suffrage was a mistake” is basically the same as previous meme while sharing none of the exact words, and “women are innocent victims” is a totally unrelated and opposite meme that does have a word in common. The machine doesn’t actually understand the meaning behind any of these sentences, and has to try to tie them together based on other signals like who is posting, who is replying and whether or not they appear to agree (the latter – sentiment analysis – is itself a difficult problem). If it scanned shaman’s posts, it would have to understand that several of the memes are actually opposite memes that are being ridiculed and are similar but not identical to memes used in progressive discourse. Etc. Difficult problem even when the data is high quality and does not have noise intentionally injected by enemies.

If you just want a glorified search engine with a trending section, that’s probably not very hard to build. It’s just also, in my opinion, not that interesting. It took me 20 minutes to download an RSS reader and add a couple dozen interesting blogs, and that’s probably giving me higher-quality results than any keyword-extraction system would.

Don’t mistake any of this for saying you’re wrong to ask the question. You should ask. Nothing’s more annoying than someone with a million ideas and no drive or ambition. But I think I may have underplayed this and made it sound simpler or more obvious than it really is. You’d need a team of very smart researchers and engineers and a decent amount of powerful hardware – all while flying under globohomo’s radar. It’s totally possible, but perhaps not within the means of a single working schlub or even several of them working in their spare time, unless you’re willing to wait years.

The Cominator says:

To avoid entryism Reactionary News would have to be honest and explicit about its political agenda (at least to a point) and have for lack of a better word commissars dedicated to enforcing that agenda.

Above all the network should be open that it endorses redpill and reactionary policies on women since this seems to screen out all entryists.

jim says:

Notice that the red pill on women is absolutely effective, but left entryists keep using our position on capitalism and Jews to pass as one of us and converge us to Marxism, communism, cultural Marxism, and progressivism.

Convergence totally worked on Christianity, and is somewhat effective on Islam. They point to a hostile outgroup, for example Randians and explain that communism is a purer form of reaction that your form of reaction and say:

“you are swallowing the Randian position on property rights, by your insufficiently reactionary position in that you fail to endorse confiscating everything at gunpoint, forcing everyone to work for the state at gunpoint, and rounding everyone up to live in giant Soviet style Le Corbusier housing projects”

To converge Christians, they explain that if you doubt that women attending spending their fertile years on booty calls is God calling those women to a season of singleness, and anyone who doubts that this is a good idea is a pedophile rapist wife beating child abuser. Obviously women are virtuous, and anyone who doubts that the women are the stronger vessel, wiser and more virtuous than men, supports rape and wife beating.

And, of course, they are absolutely right. I do support rape and wife beating, and regularly point out that the female attitude to rape and wife beating is … complicated. We have to coerce them, because if we fail to coerce them, they will find men who are man enough to coerce them.

But because we have the hard core Old Testament position on women, and identify Gnon with the God of the Old Testament, rather than the progressive community organizer Jesus, or the gnostic satan, there is no outgroup the left can invoke to converge us. Just as they could not converge Randians by talking about property, but could converge Randians by talking about the right to adultery and sodomy, they can converge us by talking about property, conscription, and taxes, but cannot converge us by talking about women.

The only way to claim to be a reactionary on women would be to actually say reactionary things about women, while they can, and routinely do, say slippery ambiguous Motte and Bailey commie things about Jews, Israel, land, property, welfare, taxes, wars, and giant terrifying brutalist housing projects and say that what they are saying is actually reactionary.

But if speaking on women, no way to sound reactionary without actually saying reactionary things, just as if speaking on property rights, no way to sound Randian without actually saying randian things. We are harder core than the PUAs, for the PUAs advocate men individually acting as if women are what they are and unicorns do not exist, while we advocate a state, church, and social order that acts as if women are what they are and unicorns do not exist.

The Cominator says:

I don’t quite have the old testament position I’m happy with the 18th century English position or pre ww2 japanese position.

kawaii_kike says:

I mostly like the Old Testament position, part of me thinks the 18th century English position would be too soft on modern women. But on the other hand, I think fathers should have enough time to arrange a marriage for their daughters without having them abducted.

jim says:

Lets debate the Old Testament first Temple position:

Death penalty for adultery, where adultery means sex with with a married or betrothed women, not a married man. Offended husband gives effect to the death penalty and can remit it, but is disgraced by remitting it.

Realistically, state and society is unlikely to discover adultery unless there are some dead bodies an offended husband wishes to explain. If state and society is the primary complainant, something suspicious is going on and official reality is likely discrepant with observable reality.

Wife stealing of an unmarried, unbetrothed woman is fine, or a very minor offense. Death penalty for letting her go afterwards. Death penalty if you steal her while not really being in a position to make her your wife.

Death penalty for female sexual choice. She has to ask her father or guardian to arrange a husband for her, but he is obligated to do so, and likely to take her preferences into consideration. Obviously she is likely to conspire with her abductor, and such conspiracy is retroactively legitimized by marriage, but if no marriage, death.

Social obligation for the patriarch to ensure sexual gratification and reproductive sex for all women in his care – either he marries them off, or sleeps with them himself.

Marriage, including marriage by abduction, of women of any age however young is permissible, but if your very young wife is not yet showing secondary sexual characteristics, you are not supposed to live together or spend time together – effectively the same as betrothed, except that betrothed is taken care of by a member of her family, normally her father, while an unreasonably young wife is taken care of by a member of your family living apart.

Death penalty for disobedient children, but this requires both parents and the judge to agree the child is stubbornly disobedient.

What is wrong with any of this?

Are there some other features of Old Testament First Temple family law that you do not like?

The Cominator says:

I don’t think there is any need for it to warrant death while modern women massively piss me off you don’t need to kill a bad wife or slutty teen girl you just need to hit her, beatings and public whippings and humiliation should be enough. We’re not semites and death penalty for such things is going to be massively unpopular and likely lead to quick abolition of the whole system. I also prefer arranged marriage to marriage by abduction, abduction should be after a certain age if the father fails to arrange a marriage.

More pre feminist European and prewar Japanese way, not the semite way with the proviso that any advocacy for emancipating women or egalitarianism stated in public means death or at least exile.

BC says:

Cheating wives were regually killed by husbands in the US until the 70s. Husbands would typically plead not guilty by reason of insanity and generally let go.

The Cominator says:

Do you have statistics on this? Temporary insanity acquittals have to my knowledge generally been rare, its considered a very difficult defense strategy now, was it different then under such circumstances?

I could endorse death for a girl trying to pass off a bastard adultery spawn as her husbands child but not merely for adultery.

jim says:

> I don’t think there is any need for it to warrant death.

I find your position personally life threatening, since your position implies a society in which I might have to furtively dispose of dead bodies without anyone being able to find them. For a man to allow a man who slept with his life to live will destroy that man.

Just as the prog position on women attacks my ability to have sex, wife, family and children, the Cominator position threatens me with imprisonment or execution.

These are visceral and deeply personal matters. Death for sexual misconduct can never be the state butting in, for if the state butts in it will fail horribly in its purported objective. It should be the state butting out of matters that are none of its damned business.

The Cominator says:

I wouldn’t have the state butt in unless you actually killed anyone or if you asked that your wife be humiliated and whipped in public for severe misconduct.

You could not generally legally kill your wife in 18th century England unless she tried to kill you.

jim says:

If they actually enforced that law, which I doubt, they were terribly wrong to do so and deserve death for doing so.

If I open my bedroom door, and someone is in bed with my wife, someone will die and it does not matter what the law says. What should the state do then?

The state needs to think very carefully about laws that are apt to be difficult to enforce, likely to face deadly resistance, and have debatable social value.

Discussions of how the state should treat adultery seem to presuppose the husband is going to say “Yes dear, I guess I should put the sheets in the washing.

alf says:

If I can’t kill my wife, she was never my property in the first place.

kawaii_kike says:

The state shouldn’t be regulating how a man disciplines his adulterous wife. Forbidding the death penalty for adultery violates the principle of Freehold. I think in some circumstances we should go beyond 18th century England and go to the Old Testament.

Doug Smythe says:

The idea of lawful marriage by abduction in any general sense (except perhaps for untouchables that nobody wants to/is allowed to marry anyways) is one that is *absolutely* inconsistent with civilized patriarchy. Look into the actual practice of this sort of thing and what you you’ll find isn’t a civil law permitting it, but something more like informal laws and customs of war regulating the extent to which the owner of the stolen property can respond by waging war in response to the act of war- namely in the form of a feud between rival and Kingless Islamic goatfuckers in the hills. Any civilized people has no choice to but to proscribe the practice altogether.

Doug Smythe says:

Also the patriarchal rights of private individuals are best secured not in a Monarchy but in a Republic (not the totalitarian Cathedral-dominated pseudo-Republic we live in). Since a Republic is a relatively egalitarian union of patriarchs, if properly set up the public power has no more business meddling in the private affairs of a citizen than your business partners do in yours. Whereas a King is liable to conclude that everyone in the realm is under his patriarchal protection and to over-rule your patriarchal rights accordingly, because he can.

BC says:

>The idea of lawful marriage by abduction in any general sense (except perhaps for untouchables that nobody wants to/is allowed to marry anyways) is one that is *absolutely* inconsistent with civilized patriarchy.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was made in 1954, which involved kidnapping women for wives and was a big hit.

BC says:

>Do you have statistics on this? Temporary insanity acquittals have to my knowledge generally been rare, its considered a very difficult defense strategy now, was it different then under such circumstances?

Popular culture said they were common, which means they we either common, or women thought they were so seldom cheated and thus were seldom shot. Getting actual numbers after the progressives have “fixed” them is almost impossible.

Doug Smythe says:

>Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was made in 1954, which involved kidnapping women for wives and was a big hit.

In which (recalling from very fuzzy distant memory) a warband was formed to execute a death sentence on the brothers, w/a last-minute settlement being reached when the fathers agreed that their honour would be satisfied if they could force the brothers to legally marry the girls at gunpoint. Although fictitious, good example of what I was talking about when I said that bridal abduction is regulated by informal laws and customs of war which inform the treaty that concludes the war.

ten says:

If a woman is abducted and bedded by a man, goatfucker or otherwise, and you attempt to regulate this with the power of the state you will run into problems. If the daughters bedlife is under her father’s authority, any bedding without the fathers explicit approval makes up such an abduction, and they will occur quite frequently.

If a daughter and a boyfriend necessarily want to circumvent a dissapproving father, an arranged abduction makes it possible, disallowing the father to kill the abductor as long as he does right by the daughter.

Perhaps not a default perspective here. There will always be a lot of partner matching outside of strictly patriarchal control unless genders are sharia style separated, and controlling this by allowing it as long as it results in marriage and death if it does not should lead to less bullshit overall than trying to enforce the fathers authority in all occasions.

The Cominator says:

If they actually enforced that law, which I doubt, they were terribly wrong to do so and deserve death for doing so.

If I open my bedroom door, and someone is in bed with my wife, someone will die and it does not matter what the law says. What should the state do then?

I don’t think you are quite thinking through the implications of this.

With the exception of Old Testament Israeli its only been Arab societies, Sicilians and various other clannish livestock fucker societies that have de jure allowed this (no it wasn’t legal in 18th century England) and such societies are plagued with blood feuds and mafiosi for reasons that should be obvious. You openly kill your wife because of such her family isn’t going to be happy if denied any chance of justice they are going to want revenge. This can and WILL escalate to the blood feud if you allow such things de jure…

Now killing some guy fucking your wife in your OWN bed… yeah I could allow an exception there since its a kind of home invasion.

jim says:

> (no it wasn’t legal in 18th century England)

Pretty sure it was de facto legal in 1950s USA.

I think you massively under estimate the extent of private law enforcement. I live, much of the time, in an exurban semi rural whiteopia, which is very civilized. I leave my doors unlocked. One of the reasons it is very civilized is that wrongdoers are apt to disappear, and no one inquires where they went.

Eighteenth century English law enforcement was primarily private. You are projecting 21st century meddlesome policing onto them.

In adultery cases, it seems to have been fairly common for the wife to be hauled off to some place where the husband paid for her to privately imprisoned indefinitely, and of course far more common for the husband to privately imprison the wife within his own house.

Since this stuff was legal, or at least courts hearing cases of adultery showed no inclination to object, well then, though it was indeed illegal to kill adulterers, one one wonders how vigorously that law was enforced.

It is true that civilized societies did not impose the death penalty for adultery, and privately imposing it was illegal – but within living memory they did not try very hard to actually prevent private imposition of the death penalty.

Today we see an obvious relationship between actually suppressing “domestic violence” and social collapse.

Looks to me that suppressing “domestic violence” is not a requirement of civilization, but a failure mode, leading to social decay and social collapse. That is certainly what has been happening in recent decades. Need to make the ultimate form of domestic violence legal.

Yes, suppressing private killing of adulterers has ancient roots, but recent events show that suppressing “domestic violence” grotesquely undermines civilization.

The Cominator says:

Also the patriarchal rights of private individuals are best secured not in a Monarchy but in a Republic

Republics politicize the whole population the franchise expands and they collapse way too quickly. They are in general plagued with an exceptionally high level of social entropy.

Yes they can work for a time in small homogeneous states but history has generally been dominated by societies ruled by one man for a reason. Rome and America rose to great power status as Republics true but they did not last long as Republics once great power status was achieved.

Not Tom says:

If a woman is abducted and bedded by a man, goatfucker or otherwise, and you attempt to regulate this with the power of the state you will run into problems

My understanding is that Jim is calling for a sort of deregulation: if this ends in a shotgun wedding, fine, no one needs to die. However, the abductor did steal the father’s very valuable property and if the father does not approve, he is entitled to justice without state white-knighting.

The Cominator says:

I explicitly plan to allow domestic violence, I just have some defined extreme limits to them. I would also allow dueling by consent and there should be great social disgrace to an adulterer who does not come to duel he is called out.

But I would not allow things that history and experience prove will provoke blood feuds and furthermore that Europeans have generally not allowed in their history de jure (now de facto you could often get away with killing a man who took your wife in adultery under your own roof and maybe that should be allowed, if not under your own roof generally you could not).

The Romans of the Republic did allow it de jure but it quickly came to be prohitbited de facto (along with ANY ability whatsoever for husbands to discipline their wives) because the wife’s family would consider any such actions an insult to their family honor and such. If the Paterfamilias laws had perhaps only allowed for reasonable discipline maybe this would not have developed.

I only plan to disallow murder and extreme obvious abuse (but in cases of extreme misconduct you can apply for public floggings that would go beyond what was allowed in a normal beating and humiliation). I really think this should be enough.

It would certainly give men far far more rights then they have now and have in centuries. I wouldn’t take my reservations about going full Old Testament personally.

jim says:

> But I would not allow things that history and experience prove will provoke blood feuds

Not seeing wars or blood feuds provoked by killing adulterers. Do you have some examples?

What I see is a widespread disinclination to acknowledge or notice the killing of adulterers. No one has an incentive to make a fuss about the matter or admit or remember that anything happened. The adulterers vanish and the adultery unhappens
A war or feud around a killing of adulterers would lead to everyone recollecting and recounting the events leading to the troubles over and over again – which never happens.

It is like a soap opera where the actor is fired, and but onscreen nothing happens to his character. His character simply never appears nor is mentioned ever again, and none of the other characters notice the absence or remember the character.

Adultery is undeniably apt to lead to dead bodies. It seems to me that past societies dealt with this by sweeping the bodies under the rug, rather than by vigorously protecting the rights of adulterer to commit adultery, though of course, hard to produce evidence of what is under rugs one way or the other way.

This, however, runs contrary to formalism. Deviating from formalism leads to various forms of corruption and the not-getting-the-joke problem, when the next generation mistakes pretense for reality.

Inevitably there is always going to be a lot of killing of adulterers.

If killing adulterers is a problem that needs to be suppressed, we should expect to see lots of cases of conflict resulting from failure to suppress killing of adulterers, and lots of famous trials where people who killed adulterers were punished.

If, however, killing adulterers is a good solution, and the application of this solution tends to be quietly and politely ignored and forgotten, we should expect to see neither punishments for killing adulterers, not troubles resulting from unpunished killings of adulterers.

Not Tom says:

Unsure. Preventing blood feuds is good. However, appeasement is not. Making it priority #1 to prevent blood feuds means that families have incentive to threaten blood feuds in order to get their way. The least civilized win by default. There may be better ways to prevent blood feuds than abrogating property rights.

And that’s what this looks like to me – confusion over women as agents (albeit irrational ones) vs. women as property. If a man mutilates your cow, then he must be punished, even if you also destroy the cow. If he burns down your home, and cannot afford to make you whole again, then either debt or death. If he deflowers your daughter or adulterates your wife – an irreplaceable possession, now decimated in value and possibly needing to be destroyed like the cow – then he cannot possibly ever make you whole again, so death or slavery, unless both parties agree retroactively that it was actually an exchange of property and not vandalism.

Of course there does need to be a sharp line between kidnapping/adultery and fornication. If said father or husband can be shown to have been persistently negligent in protecting his property, then the daughter/wife can be considered feral. Similar to how Castle doctrine does not apply to invited guests, and nor can you kill squatters for occupying land you abandoned 10 years ago. Punishment only for those men who clearly knew that the property belonged to someone else, and stole it anyway.

This probably diverges from Jim’s position on marriage by abduction, though. I think there does have to be some age where women can no longer be considered property of their fathers, and are simply unclaimed property; a 47-year old daughter being “kidnapped” makes no sense whatsoever. But also abducting a 4-year-old as future wife doesn’t make any more sense to me than stealing the father’s cow and promising to take good care of it afterward and calling that squaresies.

Doug Smythe says:

Realistically you could:

-Revive defense of provocation. If you catch your faithless wife and her lover in the act in your home and kill one or both on the spot, you can enter this as defense at your trial and if you’re successful either go scot-free or serve a few years convicted of a lesser degree of criminal homicide.

-Domestic chastisement: Principle of don’t ask don’t tell/if nobody sees it nobody gets in trouble. Slaps and spankings administered behind closed doors and that leave no mark or injury OK; if domestic row spills out into public view to the point of disturbing peace, or creates social scandal due to wife going out w/black eyes, then cops might have to intervene. For a long time (until ca. 1980s) this is exactly how it was done.

-Vengeance: You can challenge the guy you think cucked you to single combat but he’s under no obligation to take you up on it, and if he refuses and you attack him anyways then that’s assault or homicide depending on outcome. Otherwise you have no recourse except to press charges and/or sue him civilly.

shaman says:

This really brings us back to the public database idea. It should be possible to know the ownership status of any given woman, as well as her ownership history. Thus it won’t be possible for a married woman to trick innocent men into her bedroom – needs to be an App they can check that where it would say “Married.”

I see no point in kidnapping girls younger than 7; that’s the age that the mythical Helen of Troy was said to be when Theseus abducted her, according to Hellanicus of Lesbos.

(Needless to say, Theseus was a Jewish pedophile, and was running child sex trafficking rings right inside the basements of various plakous parlors in ancient Athens. It is rumored that Jeffrey Epstein is a descendant of his, but I need to consult with Bigfoot to verify this one – let’s not spread spurious allegations, shall we? At any rate, we’ve ascertained that the CIA dates to before Jesus Christ, so #PlakousGate must ipso facto be legit)

Cominator’s position makes sense if you have an abundance mentality, like if the sex ratio were 1:4 or 1:10. Would I be pissed off if one of the ten females (“wives,” “concubines,” same-same) in my harem cucked me? Meh, only slightly so. Things are obviously very different under scarcity mentality, when the sex ratio is 1:1. Changing the sex ratio from 1:1 to something more favorable to our penises will go a long way toward obsoleting lethal fury against adulterers. But as things stand, Jim’s position makes more sense.

Women are apt to elope since age 14 or so, so there should be an incentive for fathers to marry their daughters off around that time (or earlier). I suggest financial sanctions.

Vxxc says:

Jim is right about rural America still leaves doors unlocked, and why this is safe.

I support the police but they’re in the way.

Shotgun marriages; Fathers assert your natural fierceness and all will improve, much will be well.
More and more all will be well.

Of course we men have a lot of backlogged heavy lifting to do.

Dave says:

“One of the reasons [my semi rural whiteopia] is very civilized is that wrongdoers are apt to disappear, and no one inquires where they went.”

I was going to comment on a different blog about how easy it is to dispose of bodies in rural areas, but what about cars and cellphones that constantly report their GPS coordinates to satellites and cellphone towers? If they show that Jeremy Meeks stopped at your house for two hours shortly before he mysteriously disappeared, what will you say to the cops? And what did you do with his car?

jim says:

You have a hard enough time getting cops to get off their asses when you are complaining about a crime. Cops prefer donuts to solving crimes. Once again, I remind you of the story of the Green River killer.

Dave says:

The cops didn’t have a GPS track ending at Gary Ridgeway’s house; they had to chase down leads, which is hard, thankless work.

If you’re a racist white redneck and the missing are SJWs or persons of color, putting you in prison becomes a national priority. You’re as likely as James Fields to get a fair trial, so shoot, shovel, and shut up.

Then don a hoodie to hide your white face and leave their car in a bad neighborhood where, if it isn’t stolen and chopped, the cops will assume the disappearance was gang-related. Their cellphones should be taken to a non-incriminating location, dropped into a foil bag, taken somewhere else, and tossed in a dumpster.

alf says:

You know you’re onto something good if looking under the bed for entryists is as easy as shooting ducks in a barrel, and lately it has been a bit like shooting ducks in a barrel.

Steve Johnson says:

Just as they could not converge Randians by talking about property, but could converge Randians by talking about the right to adultery and sodomy

Not too hard to do when Rand put paeans to adultery in all of her novels.

Frederick Algernon says:

Maybe we should adopt a policy of non-response to newcomers until they answer the WRP question. This means we would all have to wait to respond which is no small ask, but i hate seeing these possible shills get called out by Comminator and Rocket but never answering. A non-answer is an answer, but i think we all might enjoy watching fedposters attempt to Hail.

The Cominator says:

The male feminist is immunized against all dangers, one may call him a commie, faggot, shill, bugman, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a feminist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: ‘I’ve been found out.

Vxxc says:

Happy Independence Day.

On this Day I wish to Proclaim my Independence from acronyms unless I am being paid to suffer them.

Can someone tell me the WRP question so I can answer?
I will answer honestly I assure you.

Thank you, and Gnon Bless America.

Frederick Algernon says:


You’ve more than answered it ITT and elsewhere.

Grand Inquisitor Bob says:

The chemical weapons genie is out of the bottle.

A left-wing agitator using the artwork and a pseudonym associated with a Rolling Stone and Playboy journalist has made serious threats to use muriatic acid for attacks conservatives at the upcoming Demand Free Speech rally on July 6 in Washington DC, according to Big League Politics.

Ngo, a journalist and editor at Quillette, was covering a Portland Antifa rally when he was beaten and soaked in liquids which police believe contained quick-drying cement.

Though earlier reports identified the substance as liquid Sarin, the spokesman said it hadn’t been identified.

SJWs always project.

Wartime News says:

Report: 35,000 MORE Africans on way to US via South America

A report from the Center for Immigration Studies indicates another 35,000 African migrants are on their way to the United States.

“They have some level of understanding of what a sanctuary city is. ‘If we can get to one of those they won’t mess with us; They won’t get us out,’”

“A lot of these guys obviously do not qualify for asylum,” Holton says. “When they talk to me, they don’t have a problem telling me it’s for economic benefits, to get a better job, to have a better life.”

The report comes on the heels of waves of Africans coming to the US via Mexico.


Christian Leaders Say Deportations Would Jeopardize Their Churches

“[Whether in] Catholicism, evangelicalism, mainline denominations, if you’re a follower of Christ, you want to embrace the immigrants.”

“Mass deportation of current immigrants would do nothing less than cripple American Christianity for generations to come,” says Samuel Rodriguez, who prayed at President Trump’s inauguration. “If you deport the immigrants, you are deporting the future of Christianity.”

Wartime News says:

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is back to his commitment for more immigration and amnesty for whatever number of illegal immigrants are unlawfully present.

The estimated illegal alien population ranges from 11 to 30 million.

Graham has teamed up with one of the most hardcore amnesty proponents and his one-time ally, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)…


SUPPORT for white South African farmers has arrived from unexpected quarters after Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini rejected President Cyril Ramaphosa’s plans to expropriate land without compensation.

Saying he wished to form a partnership with AfriForum, the Pretoria-based organisation fighting to save farming land and draw attention to the murder of white farmers, King Zwelithini said the Zulu nation needed food security.

Davilan says:

You claim the alleged shills are leftists pretending to be Nazis because they attack Jews for socialist reasons (because they’re rich), rather than nationalist reasons, as a real Nazi supposedly would. Yet you also claim that the actual Nazis kilked the Jews for socialist reasons. What gives?

Leftists think Nazis are on the right. I find it hard to believe that a leftist would imitate a Nazi by attacking the Jews for socialist rather than nationalist reasons. It seems more likely that they are actual Nazis if what you say about the original Nazis hating the Jews for their wealth is true.

2019 is boring says:

Limited hangout shills tell you what they believe you want to hear, in order to misdirect from issues that they would rather you not touch.

Thus, in order to prevent you from noticing that young women have dripping wet pussies and are desperately cruising for rape by alpha males in the middle of the night, that women go into porn and prostitution because they are feral and not because of hook-nosed villains, that legislation punishing men for female misbehavior is wrong today and was wrong in 1890 when they raised the AoC from 10-12 to 16-18, that indeed a 12-year-old slut who goes out drinking and clubbing at night wearing panties and bra and nothing else totally deserves to be married-by-abduction, that female sexuality sets in at disturbingly young ages, that paying women for sex is normal male behavior, that being sexually interested in women with secondary sexual characteristics and keeping their nudes is normal male behavior, that every man would bang every single fertile female if he could minus immediate family and only cucks and cat-ladies would whine about it, that “sex trafficking” of all kinds is female misbehavior rather than male misbehavior, that Puritan-Feminists introduced the Mann Act of 1910 since “Women misbehave because sinful men make them misbehave” (which has since transformed to “Women misbehave because Shlomo Shekelberg makes them misbehave”), and so forth, they tell you that you need to spend 80% of your time talking about the JQ directly, and the other 20% of your time talking about the JQ indirectly.

If you blame Cultural Marxism on Jews, you have a point. If you blame the WQ on the JQ, you don’t have a point – you are a shill of this or that USG department, who wants to agitate the public to support the FBI’s war against men and male sexuality, you are being funded by suspicious sources, your friends are Flat Earthers and Nazi-Vegan-Pagans and 9/11 Troofers, and your girlfriend is a ball-busting dominatrix who doesn’t allow you to inspect other women’s boobs and puts you in a chastity belt while having sex with other men in front of you.

“Pedophilia” is an anticoncept. Gay sex is a problem regardless of age, it’s a problem whether it is between “two consenting adults” or when older faggots rape a 10-year-old boy. Sodomy should be punished by death, and age has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Whereas, aside from thirsty loli-fans on 4chan, men are not interested in prepubescent girls, it is indeed a sick aberration. Prepubescent girls are interested in men. Men are, however, interested in females who exhibit secondary sexual characteristics, and pursuing them (with money or otherwise), and keeping their nudes, is perfectly normal. Ideally, the pursuit should result in marriage, and fathers should arrange marriages. But abductions are sometimes indispensable.


Anyway… what were you saying?

yewotm8 says:

You vastly underestimate the effects of propaganda. I place full blame on white men for failing on feminism, immigration, socialism, and everything else that “nazis” blame jews for. You can go to any internet community that’s wise to the JQ and see the same viewpoint: jews cannot be to blame for convincing us to harm ourselves, ultimately we are responsible.

However we’d be doing a lot better without cultural Marxist propaganda (which although you say yourself should be blamed on jews, I wouldn’t agree 100%) and a media controlled by a hostile, parasitic group who have a vested interest in feminizing their host’s population. Even if not responsible for feminism, jews still benefit from a sexual polarity reversal among whites, have the means to encourage it, and take full advantage of those means. A white man who is convinced he is doing good for mankind by letting his daughter be “liberated” is not nearly as morally flawed as the cultural Marxist who tells him to do so while knowing full well that he weakens the civilization.

The argument should not be “are jews to blame” but instead “would we be better off without them”. Anybody paying attention, especially to the jews’ degenerate proclivities, hypocritical tendencies, and urge to paint themselves as victims to garner sympathy is going to say yes to the latter question.

I also don’t understand where you are getting the idea that such blue-pilled ideas on sexual relations and faggotry can be ascribed to “nazis” either. You can stroll over to the Daily Stormer right now and hear Anglin talk about how we should be putting women in cages because they are incapable of making their own decisions. Economics and the competence of Trump are basically the only differences between this site and that one. Every “real nazi” is going to more or less agree with the reactionary viewpoint on the sexes.

The Cominator says:

We would be generally better off if Jews could not have state or quasi state jobs (although God-Emperor Trump should obviously sign a decree of dispensation for Stephen Miller that allows him to have any such job including Imperial Chancellor), but it generally hasn’t gone that well in history for countries that have expelled or killed all their jews. Bad things happen when you get rid of talented market dominant minorities. You just need to keep their talents within their proper channels.

alf says:

Every “real nazi” is going to more or less agree with the reactionary viewpoint on the sexes.

Anglin roleplays a nazi because he likes attention. Real nazism is dead, has been dead since 1945.

Not Tom says:

You vastly underestimate the effects of propaganda.

Oh yes, Jim and his commentariat and the reactionary movement in general are all extremely well-known for their dismissiveness of propaganda. Doesn’t exist! Memes? What are those?

Seriously, did you do any research at all, or did Mechanical Turk just send you a deep-link to this exact thread?

…and a media controlled by a hostile, parasitic group who have a vested interest in feminizing their host’s population. Even if not responsible for feminism, jews still benefit from a sexual polarity reversal among whites…

You casually throw this claim in as if it requires no evidence, or is even an already agreed-upon premise. Aside from Jews being over-represented in the media (the motte), where is your evidence for any of the rest of this nonsense (the bailey)?

cultural Marxist who tells him to do so while knowing full well that he weakens the civilization

Virtually nobody does anything he does “knowing that he weakens the civilization”. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, all believed they would be ushering in a glorious new age. Also curious how this sentence does not identify any specific actor, yet clearly blames only the males of whichever group is implied.

I also don’t understand where you are getting the idea that such blue-pilled ideas on sexual relations and faggotry can be ascribed to “nazis” either.

Ignoring what was actually said (that it comes from Marxists pretending to be Nazis) and substituting what you wish we had said (that it comes from Actual Nazis).

Even the Jewish posters here are considerably more sympathetic to Actual Nazis than Marxist fake-Nazis.

shaman says:

a hostile, parasitic group who have a vested interest in feminizing their host’s population. Even if not responsible for feminism, jews still benefit from a sexual polarity reversal among whites, have the means to encourage it, and take full advantage of those means.

[citation needed]

A white man who is convinced he is doing good for mankind by letting his daughter be “liberated” is not nearly as morally flawed as the cultural Marxist who tells him to do so while knowing full well that he weakens the civilization.

Hmmm, whites are unthinking idiots who do whatever some Jewish talking head on television tells them. Gotcha.

Hey yewotm8, why don’t you explain how 19th Puritanism created the situation we are in? If you’re as redpilled about the WQ as you claim, let’s see your account of how Puritanism-derived Feminism sprung to the scene.

The argument should not be “are jews to blame” but instead “would we be better off without them”. Anybody paying attention, especially to the jews’ degenerate proclivities, hypocritical tendencies, and urge to paint themselves as victims to garner sympathy is going to say yes to the latter question.

I.e., argument from false consensus.

It is not the consensus that society would be better off without Jews. It is an argument that you can make if you’re so inclined, and then you’ll have to address the counter-arguments; but it’s not something that everyone agrees about.

I also don’t understand where you are getting the idea that such blue-pilled ideas on sexual relations and faggotry can be ascribed to “nazis” either.

The comment you are responding to has not used the word “Nazis” even once. Consider not using strawman arguments. More to the point, all White Nationalists (0.1 and 0.2 alike), as near to all of them as makes no difference, are bluepilled about the WQ. Not one of them subscribes to Reaction 101 on Women.

Zach says:

I’m aware that one is assumed fagged if one is attracted to little boys. But might it be conceivable some (rare) people might not be gay who are attracted to any pair of hands on their junk they can get away with? For example, what if a straight male is so hard up for poon, he dangles it around young kids in hopes to get a few feels. No anal. No blow. But harm could follow for the little guys. Or is your position (the position?) that no harm will follow?

I don’t know jack on this topic but I always found it very odd that Men seem to turn gay in prison. Or at least act as if they were gay, thus my example above. Anybody that knows fuck all in this area give me a run down.

2019 is boring says:

Not really comparable to prison homosexuality. I mean, maybe if you were locked for years in a facility with nothing but prepubescent girls in it, you would become a temporary “straight pedophile,” but that is not a real situation now, is it? As it is, men don’t dig prepubescent girls – the girls dig men, because sometimes their sex drive sets in shortly after adrenarche at 8 or so.

People who go after prepubescent boys are invariably gays, and should be thoroughly eliminated on the biological level – not because the boys are prepubescent, but because all faggotry, “consenting adults” or otherwise, is a serious social problem. Incels don’t magically become gay, just as incels don’t magically become necrophiles; it never happens, as near to never as makes no difference.

No straight man would ever go after boys, whether pre-pubescent or post-pubescent. Actual kiddie-diddler are gay, and even have a distinct physiognomy (high or steepled palate, left-handed, attached earlobes, misshapen ears). It’s a Gay Problem.

2019 is boring says:

What I’m saying is, the guy who gets prepubescent boys to give him a handjob (not even going for anything more serious) is definitely a distinct biological type – as part of my journeys in the weird and wonderful place called the internet, I’ve encountered some of these gaydophile entities who claim to not even desire any anal with boys, they literally just want to caress and hug them, in a creepy, almost-platonic way. Think about the memes with Joe Biden, except it’s not a meme.

Of course, you would naturally assume, “This is just a cynical lie, they are really looking for anal penetrative sex,” and while that is sometimes the case indeed, that’s not always so – some of them sincerely prefer diddling for diddling’s sake, as is evidenced e.g. by the kind of behavior they were busted for by the police. Michael Jackson, for instance, could easily have sodomized all of those boys in his mansion, but he actually preferred playing Uncle Touchy, and mostly contented himself just with mutual handjobs.

Anyway, no heterosexual man on Earth is like that. They are effeminate gays with a not uncommon predilection. They are indistinguishable from the regular Gay Problem, and there is no point differentiating them from the “adult-oriented” gays.

Samuel Skinner says:

“Yet you also claim that the actual Nazis kilked the Jews for socialist reasons. What gives? ”

The killings are in 1941; there were 7 years prior where the Nazis acted differently.

“I find it hard to believe that a leftist would imitate a Nazi by attacking the Jews for socialist rather than nationalist reasons.”

Leftists have power and so don’t bother themselves with learning conservative arguments, much less those further to the right. It requires explicit recitation of thought crime which they shy away from (since learning about thought crime gets other leftists to purge you).

Not Tom says:

“Greetings Fellow Reactionaries, and might I mention that your true enemies are not Progressive and Marxist academics but actually evil Nazis and White Supremacists!”

Subtext: Hmm, it seems our Jew-baiting has failed. It must be because there are too many Jews already. I know! Let’s try Nazi-baiting! It works on the other Jews!

Remind me of incompetent tinkerers, desperately trying to fix complicated gadgets that they don’t really understand. What if I tighten this screw? Nope, nothing. What if I loosen that bolt? Dang, now it just makes a weird grinding sound. How about if I whack it with a hammer? Oops, now it’s causing nearby dogs to howl in pain and spraying some kind of corrosive liquid. Weeellllp, looks like my work here is done!

alf says:

It looks incompetent here because most of the variables are controlled, so a deviation from the variables sticks out like a sore thumb. But of course, give it a few centuries and/or a less controlled environment, and suddenly entryism does not seem so incompetent.

Not Tom says:

There’s no denying the success of entryism – though Whig liberalism was almost tailor-made to be co-opted, and nearly every political faction today descends from Whig liberalism.

We’ll see if the claims about memetic sovereignty hold true. The entry attempts are way more embarrassing here than e.g. Unz Review, which is now about 80% communist.

Vxxc says:

Can someone tell me the WRP question so I can answer?
I will answer honestly I assure you.

Thank you, and Gnon Bless America.

shaman says:

Instead of asking you a WRP question as we do to suspected entryists, you should answer the following easy quiz.

1. Your 12-year-old daughter goes out at night to dance and drink with older men, wearing a bra, bikini, and absolutely nothing else.

A) It is her body and therefore it is her choice, douchebag.

B) This is female misbehavior, not male misbehavior. She needs to be beaten with a stick, and promptly married off to someone willing and able to take care of her.

C) Horrible, horrible child abuse. I’m personally going to beat the shit out of all the Jewish pedophiles who dare to lay their filthy hands on my innocent, blameless princess.

D) Horrible, horrible child abuse. I’m going to call the cops, so they will catch those dangerous predators she’s drinking and dancing with, and put them in jail, where they surely belong.

2. Your son is an autistic incel perma-virgin. He arranged a meeting with a young-looking whore to finally lose his virginity and feel like a real man.

A) OMG! OMG! OMG! This is sex trafficking, and possibly child sex trafficking. Pizzagate is real. I’m contacting the FBI, right now!

B) Ummm, hello? Shitlord much? They are not “whores,” they are poor and oppressed sex workers, and Orange Cheeto Man Bligrod Blormf is not doing nearly enough to make their lives easier, because he’s a misogynist and a sexist.

C) A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. This should be as legal as buying milk at the grocery store. None of the state’s business.

D) Why would he need to do that? A guy just needs to be nice, respectful, compliant, agreeable, and a good listener, and then all chicks everywhere will instantly flock to him.

3. TFR has collapsed.

A) It collapsed because during the 19th century, a worldview best described as Puritanism-Feminism gained prominence throughout the Anglo-American sphere, and proceeded to destroy marriage, reproduction, and sex. We need to bring back coverture.

B) It’s because of Jewish pornography. Do you know who owns the porn studios? If only we gas these crass Heebs, our TFR will immediately skyrocket from 1.8 to 8.1. By the way, I just reported Jim, who is a Jewish pedophile, to the FBI, for possessing Child Abuse Images of 15-year-olds giving their boyfriends blowjobs.

C) Fuck you, bigoted racist Christian breeder. Sterility and infertility are good things, because the world is overpopulated and this is causing Global Warming. Gaia weeps! Rather, we need to accept more immigrants and refugees from the Third World, who will all work in the Hi-Tech sector and so on. Diversity = Strength.

D) My IQ is low, so I don’t even know what TFR is. You guys should stop using such complex terminology, so that those of us who aren’t 180 IQ geniuses will also be able to participate. Also, I’m gay.

Frederick Algernon says:

You know, if you tailor the answer options to be free of sarcasm, add a few misdirecting
questions as well as a diagnostic battery, you got yourself a legit survey here.

I might play around with it. If you feel like it, I’d appreciate more legit questions; I can build the misdirects and answers.

jim says:

That would have great entertainment value, and in some circumstances actual use. Tune it so that entryists delusively think that the wrong answer will pass.

Starman says:

This is the God of WRP questions!

Doug Smythe says:

1 (b) is obviously the best answer, but no human male with intact patriarchal instincts who has thought about it is going to seriously disagree with 1 (D) except over point of contention concerning who gets to do the enforcement as per discussion of private vengeance above.

2 (c) is obvious best answer but should have stopped at “a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do”. People tend to like absolutely decriminalized hooking a lot less when the hooker is tramping up and down the street in *their* neighbourhood, leaving needles and used condoms on sidewalk, bringing with along with her the gangsters who pimp her and the johns who inevitably proposition respectably owned women in the area, etc.

2019 is boring says:

no human male with intact patriarchal instincts who has thought about it is going to seriously disagree with 1 (D)


1 (D) is the worst option. Calling the cops on men because your scantily-clad slut daughter misbehaves shows both extreme blue-pilledness and utter disloyalty to whatever mannerbund you may be a part of. If you fail to control your daughter, e.g. by beating her with a stick, then she is ruined exactly because you lack patriarchal instincts and/or lack patriarchal authority.

These men whom she seduced did not spoil your appropriately guarded property, because your property was not appropriately guarded, nor would calling the cops to imprison them fix or alleviate the problem in any way. It is Puritanism-Feminism that spoiled your property by depriving you of patriarchal authority, and the men whom she seduced are merely an inevitable consequence of that, not a cause.

Doug Smythe says:


If you correct her, and she sneaks out the window anyways, or does so as consequence of not being corrected, whatever the case may be in the eyes of the men who seduce her, all other men, and your own, you=cuck and either have to respond with private enforcement or, where the Sovereign power won’t allow that, call the cops. The idea that unguarded property of any type is up for grabs is just ridiculous.

Doug Smythe says:

>utter disloyalty to whatever mannerbund you may be a part of.

In most any Maennerbund, violating another member’s women esp. children automatically triggers expulsion with or without severe beating/execution limited only by their ability to get away with it. Consult policies of Mafia and motorcycle clubs which are characteristic in this respect.

2019 is boring says:

You are using words in a non-reactionary way: “the men who seduce her,” “violating another’s children.”

When you say that a scantily clad 12-year-old thot who goes at night to parties with older men is being seduced and violated, rather than being a seductress, you are repeating the Blue Pill on women.

The problem is that the man who deflowered her let her go. Should not have let her go. But, since that happened, the solution is beating her up for her sexual misbehavior, promptly followed by marrying her off to whoever is willing to take her.

In a reactionary state, the police won’t be white-knighting on behalf of thots, so 1 (D) will not be possible.

Doug Smythe says:

To be clear, what’s being violated is the honour of the household, and its male head. A more precise use of language might be to say molesting somebody’s women (and thereby violating the family honour) and is what I plant to say in the future.

Second, unless the girl crept on top of the guy in his sleep and rode him like a pony w/out him waking up, then he had to do actively do something out of his own volition- and since the natural order of seduction is that the man initiates and the woman yields that’s exactly what the law is going to assume (and does assume) happened. Another thing about the law is that it won’t (and doesn’t) excuse any sort of crime on grounds the offender was somehow obliged to do something just because the opportunity presented itself- and if he has that little self-control he belongs in jail or a rubber-room anyways.

shaman says:

The current law is insane and blue pilled, presupposing a whole lot of damned lies to be self-evidently true, for example that women misbehave because men make them misbehave.

A woman who goes to parties at night dancing and drinking is going to get fucked, is cruising for alpha male dick, and is apt to find it. And women are the gatekeepers of sex, not men, therefore the problem would naturally be (and in fact is) female misbehavior, not male misbehavior.

If men were the gatekeepers of sex, or if the sexes were equally likely to sexually misbehave, you could blame badly behaved men for seducing 12-year-olds thots at parties. Since the sexes are not equally like to sexually misbehave, and it’s women who are the gatekeepers of sex, the problem is female misbehavior, and the solution is restraining females.

Modern sex-crime legislation is straight out of Satan’s fire-breathing mouth, and the people defending it are wittingly or unwittingly doing the Devil’s work. Come the restoration, sex-crime legislation will be diametrically reverse to the current one.

jim says:


I don’t know who that chicks father was.’

This talk of Maennerbund presupposes women under control, chaste women, women who are never in the presence of any man who is not connected to their father somehow, part of their father’s Maennerbund. Such are as rare as unicorns. You cannot stop teen chicks from wandering off unless you have authority to chain them to the wall and beat them like a rug. The kind of relationships you conceive of cannot exist without a whole lot drastic coercion against women.

Women are only chaste when under the authority of a husband they perceive as alpha. Or when restrained by continual supervision backed by immediate physical coercion.

2019 is boring says:

An unbetrothed virgin who goes around seducing various men should either be married off to the man who deflowered her (classic shotgun marriage), or to anyone else willing to take her. The man who deflowered her should not have let her go, letting her go being the crime, not the deflowerment.

That she seduced those men shows that her father could not, or would not, control her. It is indeed mighty hard to control sexually misbehaving women, which necessitates either extreme coercion or very young marriage. Someone’s gonna be fucking her come what may, so it better be a husband, or a soon-to-be husband.

An unbetrothed non-virgin is indeed up for grabs.

Calling the cops on men due to your own daughter’s sexual misbehavior marks you as a blue-pilled traitor. Boomerconism is a disease of the mind.

Doug Smythe says:

The deflowering is an open-and-shut case of a crime, criminal in itself and on the face of it.The man who deflowered her should have asked Dad for permission to marry her, married her, and then deflowered her, in that order. He most certainly had no right to do it in the reverse order and without asking Dad, any more than he has a right to come uninvited into somebody’s home and help himself to the contents of the liquor cabinet- even though the front door was unlocked and he left behind a check for the amount of the sticker price. Maybe Dad already promised her to somebody else, wanted to save her for somebody better, or planned to have her take vows of some sort; whatever the case may be, it’s his property, he owns it, and he and he alone has the right to dispose of it. Only exception I can think of is if he formally disavows the girl first (in which case she really is up for grabs, just like trash on the curb, and for the same reason).

Also calling the cops on somebody is a reasonable and just thing to do when you’ve been wronged and have no other recourse. You should of course never call the cops on a brother in your Maennerbund, but that’s why the Bund has internal procedures for dealing with this sort of thing and is severely defective (and doomed to disintegrate) if it doesn’t.

2019 is boring says:

The man who deflowered her should have asked Dad for permission to marry her, married her, and then deflowered her, in that order.


It is unreasonable to expect men under the circumstances described to behave that way. What you suggest applies to daughters firmly and tightly under control. Does not apply to thots who run away at night and go to parties with alcohol.

Doug Smythe says:

For that matter just to be clear you should never go to the cops even if the offender is a member of a rival Maennerbund that is entitled to respect, but in that case you go to war.

2019 is boring says:

When a man and a fertile age woman are together in the same room with a horizontal surface for more than half a minute, pull out the shotgun.

Don’t call the cops, and come the restoration, the cops won’t respond to such a call.

Not Tom says:

I am one who advocates the property-centric view of women, but you ask too much. It’s the equivalent of saying a man should be able to leave his cherry-red Aston Martin on the side of the road, with the doors unlocked and keys in the ignition, in a dusky or lower-class part of town, and be entitled to invoke the might of the state against the first random joyrider who was unlucky enough to get caught.

Sure, a 12-year-old daughter is a difficult thing to control. But if instead of slutting it up with 20-year-olds, she goes out and gets a tattoo, or goes out and shoots up heroin, do you blame the tattoo artist or the drug dealer? That’s just stupid. What you’ve just learned is that your 12-year-old is a slave to her desires, completely incapable of making rational or even sane decisions, and needs to be either physically restrained or transferred to a new owner who’s willing and able to satisfy her appetite and keep her under control.

Men (and women) who own female cats and dogs, and don’t specifically intend to breed more of them, will generally spay them, because if they don’t, there is a very real risk of them having to dispose of several kittens or puppies. Obviously, we want our own progeny to reproduce, but the biological rules remain the same: you can’t blame random males for the behavior of a female in heat.

Doug Smythe says:

>It’s the equivalent of saying a man should be able to leave his cherry-red Aston Martin on the side of the road, with the doors unlocked and keys in the ignition, in a dusky or lower-class part of town, and be entitled to invoke the might of the state against the first random joyrider who was unlucky enough to get caught.

However, he *is* in fact entitled to do so, and as a corollary of the State’s prohibition on private prosecution. At best the cops could refuse to spend a lot of time on the case, but if they do catch him it goes before a judge and if he’s found guilty/pleads guilty the most the judge can do is take the circumstances into account in the sentencing where there’s judicial discretion in this area.

jim says:

> It’s the equivalent of saying a man should be able to leave his cherry-red Aston Martin on the side of the road, with the doors unlocked and keys in the ignition

Not the equivalent, because the car does not cruise parties with its keys hanging half way out of its top.

Not the equivalent, because I am allowed to lock up my car.

If a chicken gets loose, and hangs out in the forest, is the whole world supposed to keep that chicken safe?

shaman says:

Women, like cars, lack moral agency.

Women, unlike cars, can run away at night and commit sexual immorality. Doug’s solution is making the whole country safe for scantily clad 12-year-old thots, since “men should have self control.” It is insane, demonic, unreasonable, and indicative of a total lack of familiarity with drunken private party life as it actually transpires, and, even more generally, lack of familiarity with seduction as it actually transpires.

It is not the random guy at the party who is violating the family’s honor. It is the sexually misbehaving slutty uncontrollable daughter who runs away at night wearing a bra, a bikini, and absolutely nothing else, who is violating her family’s honor. Any female with substantially developed secondary sexual characteristic is apt to score. Fertile females will always score. Thus it’s they who need to be restrained.

Not Tom says:

However, he *is* in fact entitled to [invoke state violence against a random joyrider of the Aston Martin he left unlocked with the keys in the ignition on Monroe St in Baltimore], and as a corollary of the State’s prohibition on private prosecution.

First of all, you’re factually wrong; after 2-3 days in most states it would be considered an abandoned vehicle, which means the former owner could actually be charged. Joyriding is already no more than a misdemeanor, and many states require “intent to deprive the owner of the use of” the vehicle even for that, which would be impossible to prove with an abandoned vehicle. Finally, if it was left on private property, many (most?) states even have a process to gain legal title to the vehicle after a time. You’re wrong on nearly every count here.

But even if right, it would still be grotesque legalism. The owner was clearly negligent, and possibly even trying to deliberately attract and provoke the nearby talent. You are promoting the idea that the letter of the law is also the spirit of the law and therefore should dictate public morality, which is nonsense backward boomercon thinking.

This isn’t a forum for lawyers where we’re discussing what your current legal options are to solve some problem; we’re discussing how society should be structured based on the laws of nature. And “finders keepers” is one of the most basic laws of nature. If you abandon your property, others can take it. If you leave your personal property on public land, conspicuously, making no attempt to secure it and indeed even going out of your way to leave it unsecured and all but posted up a big “FREE” sign, then you’ve abandoned that property.

Not Tom says:

Not the equivalent, because I am allowed to lock up my car.

Fair enough, but we agree (I think?) that in a sane civilization you’d also be allowed to lock up your daughter.

Both are acts of abandonment, but in Puritan world you are forced to commit one of them.

We seem to be vacillating between what is and what should be. If we’re dealing with what is, then these questions get a lot more complicated because the state explicitly forbids the correct response to any of the original questions.

Doug Smythe says:

In all ages and races of Man family honour is deemed to have been violated, and in an especially grave way, when a male engages in sexual activity with a female of the family without specific formal authorization to do so by the head of household. *Both* parties involved are usually held to account when this happens. The involvement of the male will be taken as an act of war in the strong sense (the involvement of the female, as a form of petty treason in her collaboration), and the head of household *has* to respond in order to avoid being branded as a coward and losing his honour, which has social consequences at least roughly equivalent to those of being doxxed for crimethink now.

Doug Smythe says:

>we’re discussing how society should be structured based on the laws of nature.

Any such discussion is limited to what is objectively possible based on empirical knowledge. No matter the ifs and or buts it’s a matter of stubborn fact anywhere you go on this planet at any time (including clown world) if you have unauthorized sex with an owned female you do so at the risk of having to explain yourself to male relatives armed with baseball bats or guns, or cops and courts acting on their behalf, all of them unikely to find the answer that it was their fault for having let her run loose to be very convincing. Yes this raises legal questions that go far beyond the law office, since they are questions of the most fundamental sort. Is there such a thing as an unowned woman? If so, how do you tell? Can the head of household punish trespass personally, or does he have to appeal to public authority?

jim says:

> it’s a matter of stubborn fact anywhere you go on this planet at any time (including clown world) if you have unauthorized sex with an owned female


Its a matter of stubborn fact that keeping women under control has always been a huge problem, and it has very seldom been the case that a society has managed to keep one hundred percent of them under control.

And when it did keep one hundred percent of them under control, it was through allowing, or at least quietly tolerating, marriage by abduction, or the authorities shotgun marrying unowned women on sight, or some mixture of both of these remedies.

Women are going to cruise for dick. There is no stopping them. Female sexuality is like a volcanic eruption. The best we can do is make it so that if they find some dick, it is then difficult for them to keep on cruising for an upgrade. We can also put pressure on fathers that if their daughters get caught cruising for dick, the father is in trouble, but if he shotgun marries his daughter at an early age, not in trouble.

There is also the huge “but I am in love” problem. Daughter gets the hots for someone wildly unsuitable, typically a random stony broke thug, or a not very successful musician, also stony broke and nearly homeless with a drug problem and a huge supply of groupies. Dad hastily marries her off to someone who is able and willing to take care of her and her children. But she is still “in love” – meaning she still perceives the musician as more alpha than her husband. To fix this problem, we have to have social rules that create the appearance to women that men who are high status in the male hierarchy are high status in female eyes. Thus it has to be as dangerous for the stony broke musician to insult or disrespect the man who is high status in the male hierarchy, and as safe for the man who is high status in the male hierarchy to insult or disrespect the musician, as today it is dangerous for a white man to insult or disrespect a black man or an illegal immigrant, or a Christian a Muslim, and as it is today as safe for a black man to insult or disrespect a white man, or a Muslim a Christian. Notice how many women had the hots for Beau Brummel, the Marquis de Sade, or Lord Byron when they were fleeing their creditors.

Men who are unsuitable to be husbands have to be publicly treated in ways that lower their status in female eyes.

eternal anglo says:

Is love an anticoncept, lumping together two unlike emotions to imply a symmetry between the sexes that does not exist?

Love is an old word, and I am unaware of any languages (though my knowledge is very limited) which have different words for male and female love. Am I being paranoid, or is the bluepill ancient and pernicious?

shaman says:

Rollo Tomassi’s oft-repeated dictum, “Men are the true romantics,” used in the context of women being intrinsically unable to appreciate and reciprocate men’s romantic sacrifices, since “Hypergamy doesn’t care,” suggests that men’s love corresponds to the Japanese ai, while women’s love corresponds to the Japanese koi.

Sadly, then, you are correct: love is an anticoncept.

shaman says:

If the femosolipsism hypothesis has any merit, it may invalidate the notion that women are capable of the kind of self-sacrificial “love” that men do. Then again, and speaking of the Japs, their women were not unacquainted with self-sacrifice unto death, so perhaps things aren’t as grim as they appear. But grim they are.

Friendly Fred says:

Eternal Anglo — yes, it seems to me to be a sad fact that women simply can’t love us in the way that at least the weak-willed among us would like to be loved … I’m at first inclined to think that among women an appreciating-his-unique-existence kind of attitude can be found only in the mother-son relationship — but then I reflect that even mothers seem devoid of the sort of heart-melting delight in their sons’ personal being that fathers feel when contemplating their daughters’ personal being.

jim says:

Yes, but a man who loves his son is not going to find his keys, wash him in the shower, and make him coffee the way he likes it.

Women, all women, are much better than men in some ways, and much worse than men in other ways. Don’t blame a saw for not being a hammer. Women were shaped on a different anvil for a different purpose.

Not Tom says:

If the femosolipsism hypothesis has any merit, it may invalidate the notion that women are capable of the kind of self-sacrificial “love” that men do.

Heartiste liked to point out that women do sacrifice themselves this way, but only for men they perceive as truly alpha, which mostly does not include husbands. The behavior almost resembles a soldier sacrificing for his king, although the emotional cocktail is surely totally different.

[Doug Smythe]: The man who deflowered her should have asked Dad for permission to marry her, married her, and then deflowered her, in that order.

Again you erase responsibility for the woman and project it onto the man. If daughter thinks that father might approve of her choice, she should bring up the subject herself and he could then arrange a marriage.

But we are presuming father disapproves. This is therefore the male hierarchy asserting itself. If Mr. super stud can get into daughter’s pants despite the best efforts of father to prevent it, then super stud is more alpha than the father. This isn’t theft of property, it’s right of conquest. Father may not like it, but it’s his fault for not using a bigger stick.

It’s only theft to me if she’s an infant or toddler kidnapped from under her father’s roof. If deflowered by a father’s friend who promised to keep her out of trouble, that’s a different sort of infraction, a breach of trust or breach of contract. I don’t know if the state should be involved, because it stands to reason that no one would ever deal with or trust that man again, so there’s no incentive for a man to do such a thing, nor do there appear to be a lot of historical instances of men doing such things (though I’m sure it happened sometimes).

You want Victorian-era sexual prudishness, where men are all supposed to act like betas until after marriage. That’s not sustainable – it clearly wasn’t sustainable because it didn’t last very long. Old Testament law, on the other hand, lasted thousands of years.

Friendly Fred says:

“Yes, but a man who loves his son is not going to find his keys, wash him in the shower, and make him coffee the way he likes it” (host).

Heh heh — well, it’s been years since I’ve washed my son in the shower, but I still frequently find his keys and fix up his meals in fairly minute detail for him. And I think that I used to find his mom’s keys too, and also my first wife’s keys.

2019 is boring says:

A sovereign who is a warrior among warriors, not a priest among priests, has no interest in having his warriors and tax payers imprisoned, maimed, or killed because of thots’ sexual misbehavior. He has an interest in preventing thotery, and the solution to thotery would make the Taliban blush.

The sovereign would support shotgun marrying the sexually misbehaving daughter and the man who deflowered her – and he would not support any depredation against any other men.

jim says:

Who owns the fish in the sea, the deer in the woods, or the twelve year old cruising for alpha?

If a woman is acting unowned, she is unowned. If she is cruising for alpha, unowned. The solution is to ensure that unowned women wind up owned by someone, rather than cruising for someone even more alpha till their youth and fertility run out.

Doug Smythe says:

If we’re to ever restore full legal ownership, we’re going to need a more stringent legal test than “if she acts unowned she is unowned”. I can’t see how in practice the test could be anything other than what the relevant legal registry shows. (In fact, in a Restored order it should be legally impossible for a woman to be unowned).

I was going to propose that someone accused of trespass against ownership rights over a female could invoke a defense of indiscipline (or whatever one would call it) in order to qualify for diminished responsibility inasmuch as the defense could show that it was because of negligence on the part of the owner that the girl was able to run loose and get some guy in trouble. However, this would be hard to square away with Restored patriarchy in that it would require the State to give itself the power to second-guess parental/marital discipline in the home, much as social-services does now.

jim says:

If we’re to ever restore full legal ownership, we’re going to need a more stringent legal test than “if she acts unowned she is unowned”.

No we are not.

A more stringent test would be a database linking female ID to patriarchal ID. And what are we going to do with such a database?

An unescorted woman, under circumstances where being unescorted is suspicious, is going to be carded by security, the barkeep, the hotel front desk or police. And, if carded, the man responsible for her is going to learn she has been carded. And if he is unhappy that she is in that place at that hour, she is going to be hauled home on a leash by a cop, or she will be detained by hotel security, possibly chained to a pole in the lost and found room, until he comes to pick her up.

We are not going to use the database to throw me in jail because a twelve year old girl at my party mislaid her clothes while I was drunk. “More stringent” is only going to work if it is more stringent on women.

“More stringent” presupposes that you can readily find out what male is responsible for a female’s conduct, and that there is always some male who is exercising firm and effective control over that conduct, control backed by family, church, society and state.

And, frequently, there is not going to be any male exercising that authority, even if church, society, and state are willing to back that male. For example, who is going to supervise fatherless demonspawn?

In which case the female (possibly twelve years old and drunk very late at night at a party where the host is even drunker and asleep) needs to be acquired by an alpha male able and willing to keep her in line. The crime was not banging her like a drum. The crime was allowing her to leave afterwards.

Not Tom says:

If we’re to ever restore full legal ownership, we’re going to need a more stringent legal test than “if she acts unowned she is unowned”.

Why? All sorts of laws today are based on the “reasonable person test”, and they work reasonably well. We can apply the same criteria here: would a reasonable person assume she is abandoned or unowned? If she’s 4 years old and in her father’s living room, definitely not. If she’s wearing a tube top, miniskirt and lipstick, is unaccompanied and grinding her ass against the pelvises of men she met six minutes ago, definitely yes.

I do like the idea of a register, perhaps backed by biometrics and crypto for the modern age. It would make the system run much more smoothly, but it is not essential.

eternal anglo says:

What about internet access? Will it be necessary to prevent daughters or wives from communicating secretly with alphas by smartphone, sending them nudes and so on? If so, how will a patriarch do this?

jim says:

Today’s social media offers attention whoring thots male validation that they are way higher status and more valuable than any male likely to stick around with them, but will not show you that Warmists have been predicting catastrophe in ten years time for thirty years. Your facebook and twitter accounts get banned or shadowbanned.

So, attention whoring on facebook and twitter gets banned or shadowbanned, validating attention whores gets banned or shadowbanned.

Today, you need a google account, it is almost an Internet driving license, and it is very hard to get a google account that is not linked to your job, from which google can get you fired.

(The loophole is that you can buy a bunch of sim cards in some country that allows sim cards to be purchased without proof of ID, then a phone with no google account (new phone) or the google account deleted, factory reset the phone, create a new google account under a new phone number, use it for a bit to create profile that is mysteriously unlinked to any other profile that has substantial connection to yourself, disconnect the phone from the internet, delete the google account from the phone, power the phone down, factory reset the phone, install a new sim card, create another google account, rinse and repeat)

After we win, google search on global warming will show the true history of the scare campaign, you will not get shadowbanned for linking to it, but chicks will not be able to get social media accounts except through the social media account of the male in authority over them, and he will be able to see their feed – and turn it off.

Doug Smythe says:

I think that in the old times a reasonable person could assume that a prostitute turning tricks on the street is for all practical purposes unowned, I suppose on grounds that she was widowed/orphaned, had been disavowed (not sure if I’m using this term right; to be clear I mean kicked out her family and thus released from obligations towards it), or that her family was shameless and thus has no honour to defend, or so on.

Doug Smythe says:

>And, frequently, there is not going to be any male exercising that authority, even if church, society, and state are willing to back that male. For example, who is going to supervise fatherless demonspawn?

Now that I think of it, prostitution serves as a natural sociological solution to many of these problems. The fatherless hellspawn, or the one that is incorrigible and disgraces the family again and again until they finally tell her GTFO, becomes a prostitute with no social status (=unowned). She can behave as badly as she wants, and guys can take advantage, all without violating anyone’s honour, and without any fear of reprisal. Everybody wins.

jim says:

> prostitution serves as a natural sociological solution to many of these problems

No. The man the whore could have married had she not been ruined loses.

Plus, she demonstrates the possibility of a free and empowered woman, living a glamorous lifestyle. Likely she is an actress, and a role model for eight year old girls as someone who gets amazing amounts of attention, and is therefore high status in the female lizard brain. All actresses, as near to all of them as makes no difference, are whores – just that some of them are very expensive whores.

Plus, a lucrative career option for women should their marriage go south, encouraging them to behave in ways likely to result in their marriage going south. Plus, a whole lot of whoring is chicks from intact upper class families engaged in an endless search for someone more alpha than their current pimp, usually meaning someone more brutal, stupid, criminal, and violent than their current pimp. Most whores are in it for the pimps, rather than the cash.

Late eighteenth century Australia was one hundred percent successful in turning thots – all of them, every single one – into good wives with chaste bourgeous middle class wife values. We should emulate their example. We will continue to produce movies with female characters, but the character will, like Lucy in “I love Lucy”, be played by a wife with her husband present on the set, and any scenes requiring physical affection will be with a character played by her husband, or will be faked under her husband’s supervision.

Doug Smythe says:

Not to pre-judge this Jim, but the 100% success rate seems impressive enough to be suspicious. Could it be possible (not saying certain) that some John Howard or Elizabeth Fry-type figure pre-selected only THOTS they thought reformable for the brides-for-settlers programme? Because the moral reformers of the time unlike today were often careful to make the distinction between offenders capable of being reformed and the refractory or incorrigible.

jim says:

Initially, when women arrived on the shores of Port Jackson, it was spring break in Cancun, and the authorities were paralyzed, disoriented, and confused.

And then they cracked down hard, marrying or assigning every female who arrived, often within hours of the ship reaching the shore. This simply worked. The women massively shit tested the authorities, obstreperously resisting, but when the authorities manned up and passed the shit test, no further problems. Until in the early nineteenth century, the Victorians started worrying about women being sexually exploited by predatory males. Then whoring resumed.

Before crackdown, spring break in Cancun. After they started worrying about women being sexually exploited, whoring. But when the crackdown was in effect, zero whoring, no recorded incidents of wives or concubines shacking up with a male other than the one to which she was assigned, no recorded incidents of prostitution. Maybe there were unrecorded incidents, or incidents recorded in a way that obscures embarrassing facts, but these guys kept records of enforcement and punishment, and female immorality disappears from the records when they had a policy of swiftly making sure every female was answerable to one male, usually married to that male, and backing that male’s authority. Faced with strong and unbending male authority, women appear to have internalized the values commanded.

The Cominator says:

No. The man the whore could have married had she not been ruined loses.

We will have a slight excess of women at all times because the Jeremy Meeks and male leftists of the world be either exiled to penal colonies or executed.

Plus, she demonstrates the possibility of a free and empowered woman, living a glamorous lifestyle. Likely she is an actress, and a role model for eight year old girls as someone who gets amazing amounts of attention, and is therefore high status in the female lizard brain. All actresses, as near to all of them as makes no difference, are whores – just that some of them are very expensive whores.

We will not allow street prostitution we will allow brothels. I don’t think non-prostitutes will generally be in the business of entering brothels and in most cases their supervising males probably wouldn’t allow them to. So their influence on women will be rather slight because while respectable women will know of them vaguely (and know that they have competition for their husbands attention) they will not see them.

jim says:

Sure we will allow brothels – but we will create a massive shortage of staff. Eggs are precious, sperm is cheap. Therefore female sexuality needs to be subject to strong social control, male sexuality does not.

Not Tom says:

We will not allow street prostitution we will allow brothels.

Makes sense to me. Doug says “a prostitute turning tricks on the street is for all practical purposes unowned”. I say that all prostitutes would be owned, and in fact still are owned, either by a brothel (past) or by a pimp or the state itself (present). For without a male owner to threaten violence, what is the incentive for any john to actually pay? Whomever enforces payment is the de facto owner.

It should be possible for prostitution to exist, but be a very unpleasant and low-status profession. It has been that way in the distant past, and it’s almost like a kind of orphanage, a place for women with no husbands and no families and who are too messed up for anyone else to want to take in. Female prostitutes can have the same status as male Uber drivers. Wives will remain faithful just to avoid that fate.

The Cominator says:

Women innately hate prostitution (it was women voters who banned it remember) and prostitutes (unless its them doing it) so you won’t have to worry about it being high status with women.

The only thing that makes it high status is occasionally you will get a rich and powerful man who marries one (barring an Augustan style law forbidding such which for various reasons I would not be inclined to issue such a law).

jim says:

> Women innately hate prostitution

No they do not.

Women’s attitude to prostitution is complex. It is a shit test. Women tend to grant prostitutes high status. Men innately view prostitutes as low status and dirty. Sex with a whore is one step above jerking off to porn, and not a very large step. Women tend to view pimps as high status and attractive. Men view them as defeated and humiliated.

We need to impose male perceptions of prostitution on women, which can be done by showing whores and pimps mistreated with impunity in the media.

The Cominator says:

It WAS women voters that banned it. And that was a pattern that reoccurred elsewhere in the world so why do you think otherwise?

jim says:

You cannot take anything women do or say related to sex at face value.

The Cominator says:

Of course not but I’m talking about something they did, when they got the vote prostitution was quickly banned in nearly every country (Germany being a notable exception) whereas before it was legal almost everywhere.

Not Tom says:

It WAS women voters that banned [prostitution].

But they didn’t ban it – not really. They banned men from soliciting prostitution, in effect banning formalized prostitution, making themselves the informal gatekeepers of the profession and transferring the public stigma of prostitution from the [female] prostitutes to the [male] johns.

They turned prostitution into another shit test; it’s absolutely still there if you know where to look, but you have to break the law in order to access it.

BC says:

>Of course not but I’m talking about something they did, when they got the vote prostitution was quickly banned in nearly every country (Germany being a notable exception) whereas before it was legal almost everywhere.

It was banned when the Cathedral decided to ban it, just as they decided to ban booze in the 20s. Women make great sheep for progressive causes.

The Cominator says:

Without women’s suffrage they never had the strength to get it through. This doesn’t detract from your sheep argument but lets say that the Cathedral was never able to convince men (other then extreme puritans ala Mass Bay colony and the Rule of the Major Generals period under Cromwell) to outlaw it.

jim says:

> human male with intact patriarchal instincts who has thought about it is going to seriously disagree with 1 (D)


I threw a party some time ago, I do not have full control of who turns up. A twelve or eleven year old girl shows up presumably because somehow connected to a friend of a friend. My girlfriend sort of knows who she is. I am unaware that her father is not present. I don’t know if she has a father. I get drunk and go to sleep. In the morning she was still there, wearing substantially fewer clothes. You want to arrest me and beat me up? I was drunk. Everyone was having a good time. I kind of assumed that someone else was keeping her in line, and was cutting her some slack.

I am guilty because some underage girl at my party stays late and keeps mislaying items of clothing? I did not even notice her until I sobered up in the morning. There were a lot of people there. It is not my job to police what clothes she wears on what occasion. It is her family’s job.

If she does not really have a family, maybe she should be auctioned off. Am I supposed to kick her out of the party? Where to? Who is responsible for getting her home on time? Where is her home? Does she have a home? Not my job, and by the time she should have gone home I was drunk and asleep. This is like PETA telling the chicken farmer he has to let his chickens roam free, and also that the entire world has to be made safe for roaming chickens.

Doug Smythe says:

Obviously you did nothing wrong but would you have been taken by surprise if you had to explain all that to angry and skeptical dad/cops?

jim says:

I would assume the cops are being forced to answer to evil and insane people who in a just society would be executed for theological innovation and apostacy from the state religion – forced to answer to people engaged in holiness spiraling.

The Cominator says:

On a note unrelated to this I know Jim that you’ve complained that the mating dance has never been portrayed all that realistically in movies…

Have you ever seen The Big Easy? Its a movie where (realistically) the whole New Orleans Police Department is crooked, but there is a faction which is unacceptably crooked that is running heroin and murdering people. Ellen Barkin is sent there as an investigating DA, Dennis Quaid (in the less crooked but still crooked faction of the NOPD) literally kidnaps her under false color of authority and drags her to a bbq where his fellow cops treat his as the most alpha man in the world and she falls into line.

I think you would like it.

Ron says:

“This is like PETA telling the chicken farmer he has to let his chickens roam free, and also that the entire world has to be made safe for roaming chickens.”

1. The obligation is impossible to fulfill

2. The very act of attempting to fulfill it makes it worse, ie the chickens will act even crazier bc they are being set free of consequences for bad chicken behavior, thus making it even harder to make the world safe for crazy roaming chickens

Much like the graphite tipped rods of the Chernobyl reactor accelerated the core reaction, the attempt to deal with the problem exacerbated the problem, because there is a lack of understanding about the actual physical reality. That is, just as the engineers of that fateful reactor did not realize that the rods had graphite tips, so too our social engineers do not grasp that women love being dominated.

3. We will be dragged into both new wars (the entire world has to be made safe for roaming chickens), and into emasculating men at home (to make home safe for roaming chickens, who will as I pointed above, roam HARDER to find a male who will own them)

4. As a result our resources will be stretched to breaking, and we will have even fewer resources to work with

5. Many men will go insane. As will many women (all joking aside, there is normal female crazy and holy shit I have to get away from this crazy bitch crazy). Many people will die childless, many more people will be raised in broken homes, subject to the predation of malicious actors.

To conclude:

The conflicting imperatives are impossible, the very act of attempting to reconcile them causes them to become worse.

We will find ourselves in a state of constant war both with each other and with all our neighbors. This will make us odious, and to maintain relations we will have to give more free goodies so other men will not attempt to kill us on sight. Again putting more stress on society

This has to be stopped.

Not Tom says:

Bravo. Don’t know if it’s what you intended, but I like how each set of answers also map to a coherent ideology:

A, B, C -> prog/SJW
C, A, B -> wignat
B, C, A -> rx
D, D, D -> boomercon

Like Fred said – give it a few more questions, a bit of misdirection, and tone down the sarcasm, and you’d have yourself a bona fide ideology test far superior to the Euclidean bull-puckey.

Also it would probably have to be open-ended rather than multiple choice. Something in spook-brain circuitry seems to prevent them from actually speaking the heresy, but they might be able to bypass the crimestop enough to recite letters of the alphabet, subsequently rewriting history afterward to indicate that they didn’t read the questions at all, and simply picked letters at random, and that it was their superior intuition and/or precog abilities which granted them entry.

2019 is boring says:

Okay, my next round will be less sarcastic, and open ended.

Frederick Algernon says:

Disagree on open ended v. multiple choice only in the sense of reproducibility ease; it is in fact the better survey open ended. So, instead of classical MCQs (1 obvious wrong 1 obvious right, 2 non-obvious wrongs), run the spectrum tighter with 3 non-obvious wrongs and 1 less than right. Then the real test is the testtaker explaining why the right answer wasn’t right enough.

Nikolai says:

I see your point with 2. C. I sympathize with the kv incel who just wants to know the touch of a woman and banning harlotry is heretical puritanism, but at the same time we shouldn’t be encouraging whore-mongering and fornication. It’s degenerate, poisons your soul and often comes back to bite you (see Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels).

Vxxc says:

1. C
2. C
3. A

Women’s Rights Problem

Given today and restoration defined here: I chose restoration.

I should mention I’m traditional.
Also no children.
Also my hypothetical son may be celibate on wedding night but he won’t be a Pussy.

Finally TFR can be solved via war old school.
We can certainly kill faster than they breed.

shaman says:

1. C

Wrong answer, trad-con.

2019 is boring says:

More questions (sorry, FA, but the sarcasm is necessary) in a similar vein, to drive home the point.

4. Your co-worker just shared with you that he had fucked a big-boobed slut who’s younger than the AoC.

A) Yep, I’m gonna catch him alone, e.g. in the parking lot after work, and then I’m gonna f**king wreck his child-molesting f**king face. Oh, that motherf**ker will f**king bleed on my f**king dagger to his f**king death, let me tell you. I’m-a f**king split his f**king skull open, for f**king abusing an innocent child.

B) Uhhh, we don’t use such words as “slut” around here, at least not derogatorily.

C) I’m not a real man. I’m a little bitch and a little snitch, a sneaky weaselly disloyal insecure fag-boy, a literal bi-sexual cuckold. So I’m gonna report that to the police and to the boss, in as whiney and lisping a voice as I can muster, because that is The Right Thing To Do. What, do you expect me to in-group pedophiles? Ewww.

D) I’m already on my way to buy him some beer, lol.

5. Your co-worker fucked your own virgin 15-year-old daughter.

A) My God, I am surrounded by sick perverts. We all know and all agree that no man is sexually attracted to females younger than 17. This is the consensus here, right? Right. That’s it, I’m running away to the marshlands, where presumably Bigfoot resides; there, living the hermit lifestyle, I won’t have to contend with all these sick, sick perverts. This is the proper response.

B) Damn, I should have married her off, or should have beaten her with a stick harder. Well, now I’ll do whatever I can to get that co-worker to marry her. My shotgun may prove quite useful in this regard. Otherwise, I’ll get someone else to marry her. And, of course, I’ll beat her with a stick.

C) 911? Yes, I’d like to report child sexual abuse.

D) Umm, did you just refer to her as a “virgin”? How about… NO??? Pffft, Rethuglican Wingnut Alert – in the Current Year we simply don’t consider “virginity” to be a thing anymore, end of story. I’ll let you know that I’ve already bought her a sex toy collection: virbrators, dildos, sybians, the whole bit. Her vagina, her rules! (No, it’s not creepy at all that this is my attitude to my own daughter)

6. A Hollywood girl alleges that, once upon a time, someone in the industry touched her inappropriately.

A) Sorry, but I don’t care about privileged cis-het white girls. I’m a sexually abused mulatto genderqueer escort myself, though I have a veiny cock and hairy testicles. The TERFs are not allowing me to join #MeToo, because they are transphobic bigots. My plight is far worse, you see.

B) The sky has fallen. I cried, and cried, and cried – a river streams on my anime pillow. As Coldplay would say: “Every teardrop is a waterfall.” This is conclusive evidence that we need to re-open Auschwitz. The sanctity of Hollywood girls must not be impinged! Death to Roman Polanski, and death to the kikes.

C) So, you’re saying that an attention-whoring slut feels, or pretends to feel, like she’s been sexually victimized by rich and powerful men? Gee, no one could ever have predicted that such a thing would occur. (Sarcasm)

D) It’s because of — wait for it — capitalism. Come the Glorious Workers’ Revolution, the entertainment industry will collectively belong to the Narod, and then such things will simply be unthinkable.

Vxxc says:

4. Not my problem
5. He’d be too afraid and so would she.
6. All of Hollywood can burn in our fires.

Vxxc says:

Kapernick was adopted and thinks he’s the Chosen.

Gonna be interesting when he runs for his life and Israel won’t take him.
You gotta pass DNA test to emigrate to Israel.

All I want is what Israel’s got.

Friendly Fred says:

There are no cynical secret message-dissemination squads; people are and have always been motivated by desire to realize Big Ideas — and the traditional mindset of let’s-live-in-accordance-with-the-eternal-pattern is just the default-version of this motivating desire. This is as true of powerful important people as it is of small anonymous people.

The monthly or yearly shifting of Messages, the replacement of one by another, is like the development of unforeseen traffic-jams here and there — maybe mathematicians can make sense of it. Meanwhile the general disintegration continues: the single overall persistent Message (to which the shifting ones are only occasional footnotes and commentary) is the imperative, “Destroy!”

I think that even the perpetrators of grotesque 180-degree Message-shifts such as the one following the Hitler-Stalin Pact probably felt that they were suddenly perceiving a detail of the beloved Big Picture that they had been ignoring until now. Okay, maybe Stalin himself was merely a cynical manipulator — maybe not — but he was hardly operating in secrecy. He was the official established Message-emanator, and everyone assumed that he was earnestly in tune with the gods of history.

When guys who had apparently liked the Khmer Rouge yesterday started apparently disliking it today — well, they really did like it yesterday and really did dislike it today — their attitude changed. And nobody changed it for them, with secret messages. The change of attitude went all the way to the top — or bottom — like a shift in traffic-patterns.

Anyway, it’s more fun to assume that people believe what they say. That way you can marvel at the spectacle of the West’s natural disintegration (proceeding in delicate resonance with the ideas that both express and hasten it), as opposed to wondering who’s operating the ingeniously designed disintegration-engine.

I probably misunderstand you …

jim says:

> The monthly or yearly shifting of Messages, the replacement of one by another, is like the development of unforeseen traffic-jams here and there

This fails to describe abrupt U turns carried out all at once in absolute unison with total uniformity, with no public discussion or debate. One day everyone in Academia believes X. The next day everyone believes Y, and no one remembers that anyone ever believed X

No discussion, no sifting of messages. It is creepy and totalitarian.

You cannot talk to an academic about it. He will not in any way acknowledge that anyone anywhere ever thought X, even if he is supposedly a libertarian anarcho capitalist, and yesterday X was totally acceptable and widely taken for granted. X gets erased from Wikipedia, and any mention of X, or any mention that anyone ever thought X, gets deleted from Wikipedia if inserted. Where is the sifting?

If in the Soviet Union you started trying to explain changes in photos, you would be out in the Gulag, and if today you started trying to explain changes in the history books, you would be out of academia. Even if your explanation was politically correct, it would still draw attention to that which you are forbidden to notice.

Even if you wrote “The earlier photograph showing the commissar was in error, and the error happened because Trotskyite wreckers”, you would still be in the gulag double plus quick, for drawing attention to the change in photographs. Academics are not only loyal to the very latest version of the past, they refuse to notice that the past changed. The former might be fashion, or sincere faith in progress, but the latter is terror.

jim says:

> I think that even the perpetrators of grotesque 180-degree Message-shifts such as the one following the Hitler-Stalin Pact probably felt that they were suddenly perceiving a detail of the beloved Big Picture that they had been ignoring until now.

If he feels that, he will not say it, for he will not acknowledge that he and everyone else used to believe something different.

If you twit an academic with some abrupt change in history, he will not only loyally espouse the latest version of history, he will refuse to notice that history has changed. The former might be sincere, but the latter is terror.

If in the Soviet Union you started trying to explain changes in photos, you would be out in the Gulag, and if today you started trying to explain changes in the history books, you would be out of academia. Even if your explanation was politically correct, it would still draw attention to that which you are forbidden to notice.

Even if you wrote “The earlier photograph showing the commissar was in error, and the error happened because Trotskyite wreckers”, you would still be in the gulag double plus quick, for drawing attention to the change in photographs.

Not Tom says:

This actually seems like a worthwhile experiment. What are some good examples of “we have always been at war with Eastasia” type of rewriting? One that I can think of is the constant “revision” of historical climate data, but we already have the Climategate files so no further proof needed there. Another one is the number of illegal immigrants residing in the USA, where the current estimate is completely inconsistent with historical estimates plus annual inflow and deportation estimates, and it’s strange indeed how even rank-and-file progressives are able to immediately un-hear this or hallucinate having a totally different conversation.

Conservative activists are fond of pointing to hypocrisy – of a person or publication espousing one value when shaming enemies and the opposite value when praising allies – but these are simply principles, which Marxists lie about having in the first place. I’d like to see what happens when confronting them with evidence of outright, provable revisionism.

Doug Smythe says:

They usually do this, in my experience, in ways that are extremely difficult to refute even when such attempts aren’t censored or can’t easily be. The preferred way is various novel re-interpretations of existing data that are basically impossible to falsify, at least on their own terms. Example: pseudo-criminological argument that homicide is “caused” by guns- a conclusion reached simply by dismissing any other possible cause as an a priori impossibility and thus excluding any other possible causal variable from the statistical analysis at the outset by theoretical fiat. Unpacking all the illogic in the underlying reasoning is tedious as hell- and in time it takes for you to debunk one lie the Leftist has told a dozen more.

Doug Smythe says:

>I’d like to see what happens when confronting them with evidence of outright, provable revisionism.

Thus the short answer is that you can’t. You’d have to basically be willing to spend a good chunk of/ an entire academic career trying to, and even if they let you it wouldn’t seriously cramp their style since they have MSM on their side giving them free infomercials on request and you don’t.

Doug Smythe says:

Thus to return to the case of guns MSM continues to repeat the gun-grabber revisionist interpretation according to which the 2nd Amendment doesn’t say what it says even though law scholars and historians *have* spent entire careers debunking it.

Doug Smythe says:

Characteristic example of Leftist revisionism:

“The Second Amendment was derived from the English Declaration of Rights of 1689, which included a provision providing that, “Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law.’Malcolm’s thesis is that this created an individual, English right to have arms-that is, it gave individuals the right to keep and bear arms notwithstanding the enactment of any laws to the contrary-and that the American founders accepted this legacy in the Second Amendment. Although this thesis may sound plausible to those uninitiated in English history, it has been severely criticized.The provision was not meant to address whether the government could regulate the possession of arms (everyone accepted that it could) but rather who could do so, crown or Parliament. This is what the phrase “as allowed by law” was all about. Parliament passed laws allowing certain subjects to have specified weapons, and the king was obligedto respect Parliament’s law-making authority in this, as well as other,areas.”

You can certainly refute this, but it wouldn’t be easy- not least of all because some of the propositions are true and what’s false about it is mainly a tissue of falsehoods of omission. The media would still call an NRA gun industry shill who’s probably racist too, and meanwhile the author would long since have moved on to another lie.

Not Tom says:

These aren’t examples of the kind of revisionism we’re talking about, just general progressive pretzel-logic. Pointing that out is boomercon-tier fluff. Calling them illogical or hypocritical is like calling them godless, they don’t care.

What we’re talking about is when the entire establishment formally holds one position, then a year later holds a completely different or even opposite position, and denies ever having held the original position, or rather refusing to talk about the former position at all and tries to erase it from recorded history.

The best-known examples are probably in climate science as noted above. The Official Consensus was Global Cooling, then it was Global Warming, now it is “climate change” – some bizarre amalgam of cooling, warming and extreme weather events. But more importantly than the changing narrative itself, is the fact that no one you ask even remembers that it was Global Cooling, and increasingly refuse to admit that it was ever Global Warming. If cornered, they will usually retreat into flat-out lying, for example claiming that “Global Cooling” didn’t get as much airtime as “Global Warming”, that it wasn’t really consensus back then, that the Real Scientists back then were actually talking about Global Warming but that the media – the same media that we trust is absolutely infallible today – was wildly inaccurate in its 1970s coverage and only reported the Global Cooling studies.

It’s not just illogic, and it’s not just bad history, it’s a specific pattern: consensus, revised consensus, erasure of original consensus. And it definitely has happened, but the only really solid examples I can think of are the ones mentioned above.

jim says:

> I’d like to see what happens when confronting them with evidence of outright, provable revisionism.

Been there, done that, repeatedly. Once with Lamarck, several times with the Khmer Rouge.

They will not only flatly deny that the evidence says what it says, they will flatly refuse to acknowledge that I am saying what I am saying, and like Carlylean Restorationist, attribute to my words a meaning directly contrary to my plain and unambiguous meaning. Every tenured academic, every time.

The Cominator says:

There are certainly a very few exceptions like /ourguy/ Hoppe.

jim says:

> I’d like to see what happens when confronting them with evidence of outright, provable revisionism.

Been there, done that, repeatedly. Once with Lamarck, several times with the Khmer Rouge, once with Reagan’s bear commercial.

They will not only flatly deny that the evidence says what it says, they will usually flatly refuse to acknowledge that I am saying what I am saying, and like Carlylean Restorationist, attribute to my words a meaning directly contrary to my plain and unambiguous meaning. Every tenured academic that I have engaged, every time. Not only can they not hear or see the evidence, they usually cannot hear me. They hallucinate the nearest conversation in which no one commits crimethought.

That is every tenured academic I have engaged, but it is not every tenured academic in the entire USG hegemony. Some academics, faced with such a blatant contradiction in the narrative, will do a Scott Alexander Slate Star Codex, and come up with a clever, convoluted, and complicated story that supports the narrative, and contradicts the facts in some other, more subtle way. But such academics will never engage with crime thinker who might point out that their new and improved narrative is equally full of holes.

Further, the academic who is doing a Slate Star Codex will never acknowledge that the standard narrative is a barefaced lie, and that his new and improved narrative flatly contradicts the standard narrative. He is not going to say “Well the standard story is too stupid a lie, let us come up with something better” If a leftist asserts the standard narrative, he is not going to acknowledge that his new and improved narrative directly and flatly contradicts it. He remains crimestopped on the standard narrative, even when directly contradicting it.

In this sense, ever tenured academic everywhere in the entire USG hegemony.

If the new narrative wins out over the old narrative, and becomes the narrative it then becomes possible for academics to point to old textbooks and say “Ha, ha, what a stupid lie. See, we have free and open debate in academia, in which truth wins.”

But while the matter is still undecided, every tenured academic everywhere in entire USG Hegemony will espouse both narratives, without rejecting one in favor of the other, proclaiming both to be true, or all three to be true, even though each of the narratives contradicts each of the others.

When the old narrative comes under attack, he will argue the new, without admitting the one he is retreating from is false. When all of them come under attack, he will argue all of them, without admitting that any of them are false, or that there is any contradiction between them. Ever tenured academic everywhere in the entire USG hegemony.

A few, a very few academics, will directly and flatly contradict the old narrative in the course of stating their new narrative, and in this sense, in the sense of a few Scott Alexanders and Slate Star Codexes, not every tenured academic everywhere in the entire USG Hegemony all the time. But if both narratives come in play simultaneously, perhaps because someone raises a point that contradicts all of them simultaneously, they will without hesitation affirm all narratives simultaneously without acknowledging any contradiction. In this sense every tenured academic everywhere all the time in the entire USG Hegemony.

Starman says:

I’ve seen the academic responses to Jim on the Usenet discussion groups. They flat out deny them even when Jim showed the actual bibliography change in 1972 for Lamarck.

eternal anglo says:


Starman says:!msg/alt.atheism/m9i8zNeO9f8/a_VrfXPB3SEJ

These discussions were transferred to Google Groups, so there’s going to be a lot of bitrot and broken links (this was from 2005).
Use search terms for “James a Donald” “Darwin” “Lamarck” “alt.atheism”

When Jim brings evidence, the academics flat out ignore the evidence (when a Leftist demands a source, they’re being very dishonest).

eternal anglo says:


Not Tom says:

Ah, good old Lewontin Fallacy. I notice someone else even dropped that bomb several pages down from the post you linked to, and they briefly acknowledged it, tried to rationalize it away, and then forgot that it was ever mentioned, retreating straight back to the actual fallacy and bringing up even further irrelevancies like Jim Crow and social construct theory.

But I see this crimestop in every progressive, not just academics. They literally can’t understand why intra-population differences are of no consequence when discussing population-level differences. There’s even a statistician I know who talks about population differences all the time (statistical definition of “population”), but still falls back on this dross if the conversation ever strays into un-PC territory.

Some just don’t know how to think critically – despite being academics, they aren’t that smart. Others, I think, do know but can’t admit it. I don’t think they’re on literal puppet strings, though, they’re just in thrall to a rigid belief system and also intense social pressure.

Maybe this distinction doesn’t really matter, it’s the same outcome either way.

Not Tom says:

But while the matter is still undecided, every tenured academic everywhere in entire USG Hegemony will espouse both narratives, without rejecting one in favor of the other, proclaiming both to be true, or all three to be true, even though each of the narratives contradicts each of the others.

Yes, the doublethink and triplethink is readily apparent. Race isn’t real/whites are privileged. Men oppress women/brains are not sexually dimorphic/trans brains are different from cis brains.

Would you predict that eventually one narrative will win out and the others be erased from history? It’s hard for me to imagine now, since progressives seem to get so much utility out of maintaining all of the conflicting narratives at the same time.

shaman says:

Okay, since people enjoyed the Red Pill on Women questions so much, here are 8 open ended questions, and 4 more multiple choice questions. These are general ideas, not intended as an official test or anything. The idea is that you can’t adequately answer these questions without saying “pedophile rapist” things, things which are definitely off-script and, indeed, anti-script, if you’re a paid shill. I’ve made the multiple choice part more difficult and challenging this time.

1. We say that the legal changes pertaining to family life and sexuality that occurred in the 19th century have led to the destruction of the family and the destruction of heterosexuality. Explain why this is so.

[Answer: The abolition of coverture spelled the end of patriarchy. When wives are not under their husbands’ authority, that’s the “emancipation of women” in all its ugliness, all the rest being mere footnotes. The household can only have one head, not two heads. For there to be cooperate-cooperate equilibrium, the authority of husbands over their wives must be fully secured. Men love and cherish, women submit and obey. Men are the creative and productive sex, women are the nurturing sex, as evolutionary programming would have it; hence the need for different sexual roles, and for natural hierarchy, since leadership abhors a vacuum, and the household needs a captain and a final arbiter. Men are capable of running households; women are apt to destroy them whenever given a chance. Secondly, raising the AoC from 10-12 to 16-18 has opened the door to zealous witch-hunts against normal men, has elevated the status of young thots, who are officially declared angelic, above the status of men, and has rendered young marriage impossible to implement, because the men are imprisoned. Thirdly, the criminalization of prostitution means that the status of whores, who are considered the victims of wicked men, is higher than that of men – whores are allowed to do as they please, and men must bear the consequences, because “women are naturally chaste and men are naturally sinful.” Thus, for a man to pursue his heterosexual needs is dangerous, and apt to lead to imprisonment. This paved the way for further reductions in the status of men and diminution of the legality of normal male sexuality]

2. What is normal male sexuality? And what is deviance from normal male sexuality?

[Answer: Heterosexual men with healthy testosterone levels are sexually attracted to females who exhibit the biological signs of fertility, aka secondary sexual characteristics, aka curves. Normal male sexuality is the biological drive to procreate with females who possess secondary sexual characteristics, to have coitus with them, and to climax inside of them. Deviancy from normal male sexuality is either the lack of sexual desire towards fertile females, or sexual desire towards anything that isn’t females with curves – for example: men, animals, and little kids]

3. We are often accused of advocating pedophilia. Explain why our positions are not pedophilia.

[Answer: Pedophilia is an anti-concept that lumps together several things that are unlike. Gay men are often attracted to 8-year-old boys, whom they seek to sodomize. Straight men are not normally attracted to 8-year-old girls: the shoe is on the other foot. Sex drive sets in among boys like clockwork at puberty, at age 12 or 13. In contrast, there is great variety among girls: their sex drive can set in as late as 16 or as early as 8. Both cases result in inconveniences; in the latter case, it leads flat-chested neotenous girls to pursue alpha males who want nothing to do with them. Having said all that, it is normal for men to be sexually aroused, as is evidenced by erections, by girls who have commenced developing secondary sexual characteristics. Among white girls, that’s usually at age 12, though here too there’s variety]

4. Our enemies are saying that women younger than 18 are not fit to be married off. Explain a) why they are saying that; b) why they are wrong.

[Answer: Puritans have created an entire culture that infantilizes both men and women, arresting their development and precluding it from proceeding in its natural course. Among other things, the Prussian School System ensures that its prisoners won’t be able to mentally mature until the day of their release. Having done so, the Puritans proceed to argue that marriage prior to 18 is “against the interests of the child,” and sex prior to 16 is “inherently traumatizing.” This is not naturally so, but the result of incessant social engineering. In reality, if their maturation is not prematurely arrested, women — who mature faster than men — can become functional housewives at around 13 or so. Observe how older sisters often exhibit perfectly motherly and nurturing instincts around their younger siblings. Moreover, women are no more fit to make rational sexual choices at 41 than at 11. Only at menopause, when their hormones calm down, do they become “mature.” That precisely is an argument in favor of young marriage: they need to be possessed by owners who can satisfy their needs. As for young sexuality, the volcanic sex drives of hormonal teens cannot be controlled, except with drastic coercion. They’re gonna climb mountains of shattered glass to have sex anyway, so it’s best to make that in a marital context. That would, in fact, minimize whatever trauma that may result]

5. We accuse the FBI of waging a fanatical war against normal male sexuality. Why do we make this accusation?

[Answer: The FBI is invoking six gorillion pretexts to prosecute men for various nonsensical sex crimes. For example, if you happen to possess a video of a woman younger than 18 — be she 11 or 17 — performing a sexual act, the FBI says that this is “child pornography,” and seeks to throw you in jail for it, even if you are younger than 18 yourself. “Child pornography” is sometimes called “sinister pixels,” to mock the very rationale behind its criminalization. And agents of the regular police invest lots of resources in pretending to be teenage girls, just short of 16, to catch men in sting operations. Or take the example of trafficking hysteria, which is nothing but witch-hunts against men for dealing with prostitutes of various ages, prostitutes who are officially considered to be victims. The FBI is going after an infinity of bogus sex-crimes, all of which results in normal heterosexual men being imprisoned for normal male sexuality. And it’s worthy of note that the FBI has an army of paid shills and trolls who go online and engage in various tactics to justify and legitimize what the FBI is doing, scare-mongering the public and intimidating the opposition]

6. We say that PornHub is not responsible for the collapse of the TFR. Why do we say that?

[Answer: The total fertility rate has been in decline since the late 19th century, as has been noted by contemporary writers. It has been in sharp decline since the 1960s, long before online pornography could exert any influence. Obsession with the nefariousness of pornography is a very convenient distraction. The Cathedral wouldn’t particularly mind if heterosexual porn were made illegal, and indeed, there is a Radical Feminist anti-porn faction within it that says that these poor prostitutes are oppressed by wicked oppressive men. Since the problem has been going on for more than a century, it chronologically cannot be the result of PornHub. Going after PornHub is akin to saying, “The problem is the sexual sinfulness of men.” The problem is not the sexual sinfulness of men – every sexually normal man would much rather have a woman by his side, than PornHub on his screen. The problem is unrestrained hypergamy and female sexual choice, leading women to delay or avoid marriage and reproduction in order to get thrilled and drilled on the cock carousel]

7. What is the problem with “Consent Culture”?

[Answer: Moment-to-moment consent is a fiction. Besides the issue of token resistance by women to sex, which token resistance they of course would like to see overcome, sexual intercourse by its natural has the man overpowering the woman, taking anatomical possession of her. Once coitus begins, it should proceed until fulfillment, interruptions being contrary to the mechanism of intercourse. Moreover, consent or “permission” is almost never explicitly given, and women abhor to explicitly verbalize it. Sexual behavior is physical, not verbal, and hardly verbalizable. The man and/or the woman are driven by an overpowering physical urge, which leads to non-verbal sexual escalation all the way to sex, seduction unilateral or bilateral. Men pursue, women give in, right from the initial stage and all the way to the sheets or the nightclub bathroom. Women are reluctant to give consent, and are not psychologically adapted to give consent, nor are men inclined to ask for permission. Women behave in increasingly tempting ways that are likely to lead to sex with alpha males, and men follow their cue-reading instincts to maximize the odds of getting their dicks wet, all of which is non-verbal and pretty much non-verbalizable. Bluntly put, women love and seek out violent rape, and are more likely to explosively climax from it than from sex with boring beta hubby]

8. Your daughter is cutting herself. What is the significance of that?

[Answer: My daughter desperately needs to be owned by an alpha male, by a man whose status is higher than hers, needs someone to take possession of her permanently, and have reproductive sex with her. She is cutting herself because her hypergamous needs are not satisfied, and she wants someone to intervene in order to have those needs satisfied. She is apt to engage in risky sexual behavior, apt to go out at night unsupervised to locations where alpha males can be found, and is likely to fraternize with those alpha males, likely to get inside an alpha male’s car and go to his apartment to get banged like a drum. She is cutting herself because she is sexually desperate for the attention — and for the semen — of men who in the ancestral environment could protect her from predators, provide her with a sense of security by virtue of their own intimidating savagery, and give her attractive and ferocious sons. A woman owned by a beta male cuts herself, a woman owned by a gorilla does not, and so men must know how to play gorillas, and are encouraged to step up their gorilla game whenever their woman cuts herself. If my daughter is cutting herself, it tells me that I need to find her a strong-handed husband immediately, or else she’ll get knocked up by one demon lover from among a long succession of demon lovers]

9. Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –

[—] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.

[—] The Jews make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck blacks and lowlifes. The Jews deliberately intend for dysgenesis to occur, as part of their long-term White Genocide plan.

[—] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.

[—] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.

[xxx] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from the time we were apes in the jungle, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

10. Should the AoC be raised from 16-18 to 21-25?

[—] No, because an AoC of 16-18 is just perfect.

[—] Yes, because that will prevent the Jews from pimping out young white women as prostitutes and porn actresses. The Jews are able to control our women by getting to them young, so just by waiting a few years longer before we get to have sex, we can prevent Jewish corruption from reaching the impressionable minds of college-age women.

[xxx] No, and in fact, there should be no AoC, certainly no AoC higher than 10. Women seek to score alpha male dick from a disturbingly young age, and are apt to succeed when they grow boobs. The solution is young marriage, shotgun marriage, and in some cases marriage-by-abduction.

[—] Yes, because it has been scientifically established that the brain only finally stops developing around age 25 or so, and before one’s brain is fully developed, one is simply incapable of giving genuine consent to sex.

[—] Yes, the AoC is the best tool we conservative fathers currently have to protect our daughters from predatory men. The higher the AoC, the more legal power we fathers have to stop bad men from defiling our daughters and spoiling our precious property. In fact, since women should marry at 30 or so, the AoC should be 30.

11. Should we make pornography illegal?

[xxx] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling.

[—] No, because pornography allows us to learn about various fetishes and alternative sexual practices, and that is valuable knowledge.

[—] Yes, because pornography is how the (((Synagogue of Satan))) destroyed our TFR. Before the advent of pornography, there were fecund marriages and stable families, but then we let in these Semitic parasites, and they singlehandedly turned all our women to porn sluts and all our men to incels. Were it not for Jewish pornographers, we would all have big families, just like we had in Hitler’s Germany. Similarly to Brave New World, the Jews are using our own desires to control us – so it’s more like a Brave JEW World, am I right?

[—] No, but Child Porn should still be illegal, because whenever you look at an image of a child being abused, you are both encouraging the production of more CP, and repeating the original abuse.

[—] No, but we should require all porn actors to wear condoms, in order to protect the actors and actresses from venereal diseases, and to teach the viewers — who are often our own sons — to use contraceptives. Porn is spiritual poison, but it’s not realistic to ban all of it, so we should focus instead on protecting the sex workers — who are often our own daughters in college — from exploitation and bad working conditions.

12. Most effective method for a father to keep his daughter from various sexual troubles and immorality?

[—] Beat the shit out of any man who dares to touch her.

[—] Shoot to death every man who looks at her the wrong way.

[xxx] Marry her young to a husband who’ll take care of her.

[—] Send her to a good school in a low-crime environment.

[—] Trust her wisdom to make the best choices for herself.

Steve Johnson says:

The answer to 12 is the goal not the method and the question asks for a method. A, B, D, and E are all methods – C is a goal unless you’re talking about an alternative social structure where fathers have considerably more power than at present.

Tried to close the unclosed i tag from somewhere above in this comment.

shaman says:

12 (C) is a method in that when she is married off young to a husband who has regular reproductive sex with her, she won’t be inclined to sneak out at night looking for wild adventures – thus it’s a method for trouble-minimization, and a goal in itself, at once. You’re correct about it being a scarcely available method at this point in time, but that’s precisely what Reaction seeks to change; we look forward to “an alternative social structure where fathers have considerably more power than at present.”

kawaii_kike says:

Can I disagree with pornography and prostitution being legal and still be considered a reactionary? I believe that pornography and prostitution are immoral. I don’t support punishing men for participating in them, just the women.

Why would we need prostitution or pornography post restoration? The whole point is making sure that every productive member of society has a wife, why would a man with a wife want or need to fuck whores.

The Cominator says:

Your wife is physically repulsive for example.

kawaii_kike says:

Shouldn’t have fucked up and married an ugly bitch.

The Cominator says:

Sure but maybe she got ugly later and he has money and we don’t allow divorce, moralfagging is more a beta tradcon thing then a reactionary thing.

kawaii_kike says:

Morality is alpha or maybe I’m just a moralfag :/

At least a reactionary America would be closer to Catholic morality than the modern progressive world

The Cominator says:

In the long term I would plan to fold the American rcc into the Orthodox Church, international churches are bad news.

shaman says:

People always seek to better their own lives, as Nature commands them! We need to make it so that women won’t find careers in prostitution and pornography to be improvements, but rather, that they’ll correctly perceive such careers as deterioration. They should have the option available to get married to productive men whose status is higher than theirs, and should be socially pressured to do so, particularly those from upper class backgrounds. Then, any woman who’ll nevertheless choose to hoe-it-up will do so due to a lack of more appealing alternatives, not because “Hey, why not.”

Not Tom says:

There is one thing that bugs me about porn, which is that in many cases it has the distinct appearance of female sexual choice. Camwhoring, instawhoring, etc. allow women to market their sexuality as free agents, profiting without risk.

I’d make porn synonymous with prostitution. If you advertise it, then it means you’re selling it. Running a scam where you advertise a boat and then send the buyer a picture of a boat instead is not better than selling an actual boat, it’s worse. Porn should probably be legal to make and distribute, but not legal to sell for profit.

I admit this could be legally complex and prone to abuse, and maybe there are better ways to make porn a low-status career, but it definitely needs to be low-status – as low as or even lower than prostitution in my opinion – and not something that women can merely dabble in at will.

Not Tom says:

The purpose of having several questions (great ones, by the way) is to get a clear reading on someone’s psychology regarding women – not to demand 100% compliance or GTFO. Entryists will get nearly all of them objectively wrong, or at least more than half wrong.

There is however a profile that I would call “proto-puritan” and progressives would call “benevolent sexism” which tends toward white-knighting and moralizing. Not entryists, but also liable to cause problems, and whom I predict will tend to give the trad-con answer most times.

I don’t know exactly how we’ll use these yet, but I definitely plan to save them for whenever the opportunity arises.

The Cominator says:

There is however a profile that I would call “proto-puritan” and progressives would call “benevolent sexism” which tends toward white-knighting and moralizing.

Neoreaction was never going to win out of sheer numbers so while they may belong somewhere in the more bluepilled part of the Trump coalition, they do not belong here.

Not Tom says:

I mostly agree, although some of them relatively low on the white-knighting spectrum may be persuadable. They should lurk moar.

Also realized that my last paragraph was highly ambiguous. By “save them for whenever the opportunity arises”, I was referring to the quiz questions, not trad-cons.

mtnforge says:

Faith is a very powerful thing.
Funny thing faith, it does not require the approval of others.
It is akin to Consent, and love, sure it is just a word, it is what the word implies. And as in Consent and Love it is something that can not be taken, or coerced, only given.
Faith pulls and guides many thru the worst things imaginable, even when all hope of rescue, or salvation, or victory is gone, Faith has made the impossible possible.

Marx understood faiths inherent power and how important it was it must be taken or destroyed from people, remember he said “Religion is the opiate of the people”

While it may be patently obvious, it must be said. You got to think outside the box of the approved narratives and convention of those socially engineering our Christian civilization into Not Christian civilization and ask, if according to the humanists and revisionists, Faith, Christianity, is so devoid of the great things which are of its creation, why all the efforts and trouble spent to destroy the Christian church and the personal faith of dirt people in the first place?
Obvious again to say, yet it really counts, it is very difficult, nigh impossible, to rule men with Faith. Look to Waco Texas and everything needed to understand how powerful Faith is, where things are heading by those pulling the strings, and what a threat Faith is to the statist-quo. The Clinton’s both Rhodes and Alynski red diaper babies, indoctrinated in Satan’s order out of chaos, ordered the incineration of 75 woman and children, and all who defied and resisted them at Mt. Carmel. They hate all who mey even have a glimmer of Faith within. Why call 64 million who withdrew their consent for her awful regime nothing but a basket of Deplorable’s. Utter contempt for those faithful to their traditions and codes.

What is even a higher threat to the HomoGlobo cabal is you add guns into the equation of dirt people Faith, and hooboy! It is the makings of war to the knife. There is nothing as dangerous than dirt people with Faith, a Rifle, and the will to defend themselves from usurpers, to those usurpers.

I see Faith as such a powerful thing, is in the truth it is all around us. Savings Grace, well it is just that, savings grace, “for such a poor wretch as me”
The crux of prudence and tolerance of us dirt people goes something like this: But there for the Grace of God I dare go. Imagine the courage of our solder’s, to go forth in a hail of steel and lead, defending what matters most, to preserve what needs preserving. How does the Christian Solder of The West come back from the brink of the most beastial savagery?

The contrast of those who have lost or do not know faith is allegory.
People without faith wander thru life with no guiding light or providence, they are our young people addicted to oxycontin and meth, those youngin’s brainwashed by the intelligentsia in our centers of what was learning to turn against Faith, codes, precepts of the Christian West, why so many unwed mom’s with drug babies, why the genocide of abortion and how it creates entire generations of woman who are murderers, who are lost, wanderers too, putty in the hands of the marxian mad hatters, the vast leftist shitholes of murdering and thieving, poverty and ignorance, and why specifically, above all else, we have this rancid corrupt oligarchy doing these terrible deeds and usurpations. They require a world of people just like themselves in order to have power.

To have faith is to have humility. To know the difference too.

I loved Sunday School, and being a Boy Scout. A whole world rich in such grand history, of tales and events, which shaped the world and created an entire race of Freemen. I found weekly organized religious ceremony, without verve, no audacity, it never was inspiring to me, though I love the symbols, the stain glass, the vaulted roofs, I wandered for weeks across England going from church to church, from Sarum to the King Albert Queen Victoria museum casts of Spanish cathedrals, but haven’t been to a regular Sunday go to church meeting in 46 years. But my lovely wife gets much from such meetings. I sit outside in the parking lot in the truck with my rifle though. I protect the flock in my modest way. It is my duty as a Man of The West, to protect and defend, fight for what matters most.
It will not be long I figure till scalawags target these tiny mountain community churches and congregations running through these Appalachian ridges and hollows. What better a target, where Faith runs through these mountain’s and it’s blood?
I have faith I can withstand and triumph if the flock under my guard is attacked, I am always ready, it is part of my personal Faith, it is who I was brought up to be, A Boy Scout is always prepared, a Man of The Christian West is by nature and history a fierce citizen warrior.

Friendly Fred says:

Far out, mtnforge!

I envision you sitting in back of the church protecting the flock not just in a truck with a rifle but on the back of a cyborg-rhinoceros in a mech suit, with a gun like the one that the “Heavy” runs around with in Team Fortress 2.

Doug Smythe says:

My own stab at a questionnaire:

Doug Smythe’s Patriarchy Inventory

For each of the following, indicate whether you agree or disagree.

1. By nature, the mother is responsible for the bulk of the socialization of a child; the father’s job is mainly to provide, defend, and enforce Mom’s strictures.

2. By nature, men don’t want to marry and form families; they would much rather stay footloose and fancy free, and usually have to be cajoled into marriage by their girlfriends.

3. Without the influence of women in their lives, men would live like barbarians in a Hobbesian state of nature, drunk, dirty, disorderly, and violent.

4. You can’t legislate morality, since morality and coercive force are absolutely different and mutually-exclusive things.

5. A real man is all about hustling and making money; a man who likes reading and is interested in philosophy and religion is a useless ivory-tower egghead who can’t make it in the real world and is probably gay.

6.Women are naturally more talkative than men. “Deeds are males, words are females”.

Part II. Pick the answer that best describes your opinion.

I. The age of consent should be: a) 12, b) 21, c) I don’t understand the question- surely the head of household is able to consent to give away his daughter’s hand in marriage, or to disown a son who marries against his wishes?

II. Which of the following type of person most urgently needs to be hanged for treason: a) a gay man/transwoman, b) a lesbian, c) a Nazi.

Part III. Write a brief answer to the questions below.

a) Suicide and homosexuality were historically regarded as two of the very most vile acts. What do they have in common, and why are they so vile?

b) Some social conservatives say that patriarchy has been completely destroyed. Is this possible? Explain.

Doug Smythe says:

Addendum to Part One:

7. Church is for women, who are naturally superstitious whereas men are hard-headed and rational.

shaman says:

I’m having such great fun with these WRP questions, I’d like to issue two more.

1. Briefly, how did the modern Woman Problem develop, and what’s the solution?

[—] It started around 2010 or so, when the SJWs really went nuts with their gender ideology. Some Feminism is okay and tolerable, but they went too far, and that’s when they lost me. We need to restore the status quo which the reigned prior to 2010, and by the way, that shouldn’t be particularly hard: All we need to do is show that these blue-haired Tumblr-dwelling Social Justice Warriors are behaving irrationally, and then the public will naturally support us.

[—] It has been going on since the 1960’s Sexual Revolution, in which disproportionately Jewish theorists, psychologists, and social activists a la the Frankfurt School invented and popularized “Free Love” ideology, it intensified with the proliferation of Second Wave Feminist literature in cultural circles, and it metastasized with the introduction of Internet Pornography which teaches our girls to be dirty and shameless. The solution is extirpating Jewish influence from society root and branch.

[xxx] It has been going on for a thousand years, starting with romance, contractual marriage, and amour courtois, it was catalyzed by King George IV’s failure to divorce Queen Caroline in 1820, and it completely metastasized between mid-19th century and 1910, with Puritan and First Wave Feminist legislation and reforms that declared women holy, chaste, angelic, and more valuable than men. This state of affairs is untenable, a large-scale social dissolution is inevitable; when the re-building commences, we plan to be the priesthood, and eventually restore young, patriarchal, sacramental marriage.

[—] It has been going on for the past 250 years, due to Capitalism’s fundamental incentive structure. It has greatly intensified in the 20th century, when the international bankers and the billionaires, with their sundry Foundations, Think-Tanks, and Non-Profits, have top-down socially engineered society to favor egalitarianism, as they benefit from the entry of women into the workforce and from irresponsible spending, which is primarily done by women. We won’t be able to solve the Woman Problem as long as the 1% rules over us. Therefore, we must agitate the masses to support an anti-capitalist revolution.

[—] There is no “Woman Problem.” Sexist, entitled men seek to keep women down in order to maintain their system of privilege and sexploitation, aka the Patriarchy. Women are not any less talented, intelligent, and capable than men are, but gender equality is detrimental to the interests of the Patriarchy, so it comes up with and mansplains various pseudo-scientific and outright misogynist “studies” to gaslight the public to believe in female inferiority. The solution is dismantling and abolishing the Patriarchy, and while there’s a fairly long way ahead of us, we have made some remarkable progress in some areas.

2. Who benefits from broken male-female relations?

[—] Who says that male-female relations are broken? Get off the internet and get a life, you brat. Everywhere I look, I see happy couples with children. You really need to spend less time on the internet; the world outside is pretty much normal and functional, as it has always been. Most people, including women, are good, and have it good.

[—] C’mon, isn’t that too obvious? The Zionist Occupation Government has created an entire memetic edifice intended to disrupt male-female relations, because that’s what the anti-white, anti-Christian parasite must always do to its pathologically altruistic host. Now you’ll say, “But Jews don’t actually benefit from that.” Well, consider the fable about the scorpion and the frog. They just can’t help themselves: this is a behavior pattern deeply ingrained in their hive-psyche after 2,000 years as a diaspora population. That said, I don’t see much Feminism in Israel, a racist chauvinist apartheid state with a high TFR, so there’s obviously a “One rule for me, another rule for thee” strategy in place. The eternal hypocrites don’t practice what they preach to the goyim, whether it’s Feminism, Multiculturalism, or any other facet of Clown World.

[—] Men benefit from it. Men never had it better than these days, with an endless supply of porn and toxic, unrealistic beauty standards for women. We all know that “involuntary celibacy” is a fiction. Every guy I know has a girlfriend, or can easily get one, and their diligent girlfriends invest way more effort into the relationships than the lazy guys. If you don’t have a girlfriend, you’re probably a closeted homo. Indeed, if anyone has a reason to complain about the current state of affairs, it’s women. Where have all the good men go?

[—] First and foremost, the billionaire capitalist class. The capitalists seek to bring in cheap labor from the Third World, and to justify such an immigration policy, there has to be a severe fertility crisis brewing at home. Therefore, the capitalists have done all in their immense power to make family-formation unfeasible: first they liberated women, then they instituted a culture of leisure and spending tailored to women’s proclivities, and finally they used the cultural organs at their disposal to convince both men and women to become small-soulled bugmen and adopt alternative, childless lifestyles. Pitting men and women against each other in this artificial sex war was par for the course. Having done all that, the TFR expectedly collapsed, people now spend all their money on restaurants and vacations and all manner of consumerism to numb down the pains inflicted by modern bourgeois existence, and so the road is paved for endless immigration of Third Worlders to the West. We need a Strong Leader to put an end to this capitalist insanity.

[xxx] No one really benefits from it. We are trapped in an ever intensifying holiness spiral, approaching a leftist singularity of infinite leftism in finite time, of which one key aspect is worsening male-female relations. The people who provide the brainpower for the holiness spiral, the Brahmins, themselves do no benefit from it, but dissent is dangerous, apt to lead to exile from polite society. The Cathedral’s memeplex is cladistically Puritan, particularly regarding the Woman Problem; not coincidentally, the original Puritans failed to reproduce, and modern Anglosphere leftists likewise fail to reproduce – suggesting that the academia-embedded Brahmins, who are getting ever dumber, have been terrorized, are in the throes of collective psychosis, and that the Cathedral is not behaving rationally or sanely.

Mister Grumpus says:

These really are a great way to express these concepts ever more succinctly.

– not this
– not this
– not this
– this

A great innovation.

All I want is something tight enough that we drop multiple copies at a time onto Harvard from drones piloted from a basement in Alabama somewhere.

Starman says:

These WRP questions are way better than any I posted!

shaman says:

One more, if I may.

What is the father’s role regarding the sex life of his daughter

[—] Believe it or not, the father’s role is to lay back and allow his daughter to experiment with all that life has to offer. He needs to support her and stand by her, and yes, he needs to let her make mistakes and learn from them. Part of growing up is doing silly things, such as inviting a failed rock singer to fuck you up the ass while sucking off his equally failed drummer, and this is going to happen anyway, so no reason to make a big fuss about it. The important thing is to be there for her when she needs you, and to love her unconditionally. Offer her guidance, support her morally, financially, emotionally, and however you can, but otherwise don’t interfere in her day to day life. When she grows up, she will deeply appreciate all that you’ve done for her and given her, and hopefully, when you get old, she will be there for you.

[—] The father’s role is guarding the chastity of his daughter until the time is right for her to marry, which is up to him to decide. The meaning of patriarchy is that the father shall be the sole arbiter of who his daughter has sex with, ergo it follows that no man can be tolerated to molest her without his explicit permission. If someone deflowers your daughter sans your own consent, regardless of his willingness and ability to promptly take possession of her or lack thereof, you are fully entitled to execute him, or use whatever means are available to you to penalize him for spoiling your property. Moreover, even if she has already lost her virginity, you are entitled to penalize anyone else who seduces her.

[—] The father’s role is to keep his daughter chaste until her late teens or early twenties, primarily by intimidating all her actual or potential suitors with very scary-sounding threats of physical and lethal violence. Then, when she reaches adulthood, he should allow her to make a rational, cold-headed decision about whom to date, knowing that he raised her well. Who wouldn’t want to date an 18-year-old virgin, right? (It may also be helpful to imbue her with suspicion towards men, so that she will stay away from trouble) This traditional fatherly function is a surefire way to guarantee that whoever she pairs up with will be a worthy, virtuous, and honest man, rather than some sleazy disgusting jerk.

[xxx] The father’s role is getting his daughter married off to someone who’s in a position to make her his wife; his role is to transfer ownership over his daughter to someone else who can own her and satisfy her urgent sexual needs, preferably someone well-established. If a father fails to marry his daughter off, she is apt to lose her virginity to the local drug dealer. Moreover, crying “Abloo-abloo, someone abducted my teenage daughter, a-boo-hoo-hoo, my teenage daughter eloped” is improper, unreasonable, and utterly blue-pilled. If someone abducted your teenage daughter, it’s because you failed to marry her off, i.e. you did not fulfill your role as a father, possibly because you adhere to a recent Satanic inversion of Christianity.

[—] Excuse me? Father’s role? As a divorced lesbian single-mother, I am deeply offended by the premise behind this question, and refuse to answer it with anything other than a “Fuck you, bigot.”

shaman says:

The gist of that is to differentiate Reaction from Trad-Conism. Simply put, Reactionaries place husbands before fathers, Trad-Cons place fathers before husbands. Sure, ideally, the interests of husbands and fathers should be identical. But in practice, blue-pilled fathers are always going to see it as their role to keep their daughters chaste well past the age when they are apt to elope, so we need to state clearly and unequivocally that if you fail to transfer your ownership over your daughter in time to someone who’s in a position to make her his wife, you absolutely deserve to have someone marry her by abduction, and have no grounds to grumble about it.

When Jim writes,

Wife stealing of an unmarried, unbetrothed woman is fine, or a very minor offense.

He reads the Trad-Cons out of Reaction. There’s a simmering problem of Trad-Con entryists pretending to be Reactionaries and pushing their blue-pilled views inside Reaction. Well, Trad-Cons were blue-pilled in the 19th century, and surely are no less blue-pilled in the 21st. By stating clearly that husbandhood takes precedence over fatherhood when the two clash, that it is more important to provide young girls with husbands, than it is to satisfy daddy’s misguided emotions, Jim rightly and justifiably tells the Trad-Cons to take their insane and demonic bullshit elsewhere.

Thus when we state that the father’s role is to transfer ownership over his daughter to someone who can own her as a wife and, if she shows secondary sexual characteristics, have reproductive sex with her, rather than to mostly-futilely “guard her chastity” until the day when dear daddy finally decides that the time is right for her to marry (fathers are usually unable to determine when the time is right, as they much prefer to ignore the clear signs of their disturbingly young daughters’ sex drives volcanically setting in), we practically oblige the fathers to look for husbands all the sooner, lest the daughter be married by abduction, a distinct possibility in a Reactionary society.

Reactionaries prioritize marriage, Trad-Cons prioritize keeping daughters chaste well past a reasonable age, the two views are incompatible, and Trad-Con entryists should beware of trying to pass off Trad-Conism as Reaction: It isn’t, and we see exactly what you’re trying to do.

The Cominator says:

I do not sympathize with the trad-con view at all but I prefer arranged marriage to abduction because Jeremy Meeks is quite capable of the latter. Marriage should be arranged quickly after a female hits puberty ideally but abduction marriage should be latter if the father fails.

Doug Smythe says:

>Simply put, Reactionaries place husbands before fathers,

This idea is self-contradictory, and should read: Reactionaries place youth before husbands-fathers. In short, just another Leftist ideology, but not the type that gets you money, status and power.

shaman says:

Reactionaries value fertility and reproduction, and do indeed proudly promise young brides, but you are being disingenuous like all Trad-Con entryists.

The interests of husbands and fathers should be identical. If not identical (because father is blue pilled), then husband takes precedence. Marrying off young girls is a priority, while “protecting” their virginity well past reasonable age is a recent demonic innovation rooted in lies about human nature and lies about female nature.

Failure to transfer ownership to a husband in time leads to sexual misbehavior on the part of girls, and should result in marriage through abduction to reinstate order. We are not here to satisfy your blue-pilled notion of “protecting” your daughter from sex. We are here to restore young fertile marriage. If you won’t marry off your daughter to a husband selected by you, she will be married off anyway to a husband not selected by you. Suck it up and do your job of transferring ownership over her in time.

And calling us leftists is ridiculous. You are criticizing us from the demonic Puritan left, not from the right.

Doug Smythe says:

Let me get this straight: under Restoration, men own their women, except when they don’t, and the function of the State will be to oversee the re-distribution of private property (in this case, women) from its rightful owners to those who aren’t its rightful owners, by preventing the rightful owners from resisting when social inferiors who aren’t the rightful owners come to take it by force, and thus enabling said social inferiors to take things that belong to them by force with impunity. Where have I heard this before. Oh right, Socialist ideology. Anarcho-tyranny. Just not the type that gets you tenure, Soros bucks, and a Senate seat.

shaman says:

Sophist analogy.

A father’s ownership over his daughter is practically null and void when she reaches the age of volcanic lust, which can be uncomfortably early or uncomfortably late. Technically he still owns her, in reality nobody owns her – she is going to climb mountains of broken glass to fuck her demon lover. Thus a father should transfer ownership over her to a man selected by himself in advance, so that she will be a virgin on her wedding day.

Reactionary society will obligate her lover her to keep her. If you failed to marry her off in time, you have neglected your fatherly role, so now her deflowerer (or, if she’s been a thot, any man willing and able to own her) is her husband, and you have only yourself to blame for this situation.

Unlike an inanimate object or an intangible asset, a daughter past a certain point is uncontrollable, and apt to cause great trouble to society. “Protecting” her virginity past a reasonable age is wrongful conduct, and wholly impractical. Thus you retain technical ownership, but lose effective ownership. She urgently needs to score, and will do whatever it takes to score, and your failure to acknowledge that stems from demonic heresy. She is going to misbehave, and we are going to stop her misbehavior by doing what you have failed to do – ensuring that she is married.

Husbandhood out-alphas fatherhood. She is going to score, and we seek to make it so that the man who ends up having sex with her will keep her. Thus the real crime is not abducting her, but letting her go. It is better that she has reproductive sex in a marital context, than that she has orgies with a succession of failed musicians and drug dealers.

We are going to stop her misbehavior, which you failed to stop. Past a certain point, you can no longer practically own her. Someone else will own her, and you’re gonna get over it.

The Cominator says:

Maybe families should get a family rank code based on wealth and IQ.

Males without a good enough rank cannot abduct from families of higher rank (at least not without permission from the father) but can from families of equal or lower rank and this will solve the unsuitability problem with abduction.

Doug Smythe says:

Would it not in this case be easier to pass a law requiring Dad to marry off daughter by a certain age, or (even easier) that prevents him from vetoing a marriage proposal after a certain age, than to allow flagrant offenses against the public peace like abduction (something NO urban society under Sovereign law and order is ever going to allow or could allow, no matter what some hillbillies or Semitic/African herdsmen do or once did).

Not Tom says:

You mean like… Age of Consent laws?

jim says:

We will move towards Old Testament rules, which are more in accord with human nature and evolutionary psychology.

The nature of women is to behave in ways that in the ancestral environment got them out of the authority of males who did not give them reproductive sex and under the authority of men that did give them reproductive sex.

The Old Testament tells us that this should happen. It should happen in an orderly fashion, but “orderly” does not mean it is reasonable to attempt to delay it indefinitely, and it has several stories about unreasonable delay, the point being that such delay was wrong and oppressive, and it was reasonable and natural that the women misbehaved.

Sexual choices tend to have very large externalities, therefore it is right for the state, church, and society to interfere. Where institutions fail to result in the orderly transfer of women reaching fertile age, you are going to get feral women and disorderly transfer of women reaching fertile age.

The state, the church, society, and the family should attempt to ensure orderly transfer, but when disorderly transfer happens, as inevitably it frequently will, we should attempt to regularize that transfer, rather than attempting to prevent it in ways that oppose the transfer, and attempt to unreasonably preserve virginity. The point of virginity is that the woman should wind up having sex with one man, not that she should wind up not having sex.

The state should back fathers, not against cads, but against feral daughters who give cads opportunity. It should not support fathers against husbands and potential husbands – should not support the father’s property right against the daughter’s desire to get some action, except to the extent that the daughter is apt to pursue her desires in ways unlikely to lead to marriage.

The big problem with the Rotherham rape fest and all the similar Muslim rape fests of Christian girls, was that the girls, and frequently their mothers, were complicit in all that rape. It was a feral woman problem. The state should have put them under the authority of Christian males.

The big problem with the Rotherham rape fest and all the similar Muslim rape fests of Christian girls, was that the girls, and frequently their mothers, were complicit in all that rape.

I cannot follow you here. As I recall it, they DID try to get justice for the rapes, but the police were ordered to wave off due to political correctness, or they anticipated that they would be ordered to wave off if they did anything.

A bunch of hostile foreigners invaded England and raped its young women.

It’s a pity that England doesn’t have the death penalty.

shaman says:

Yeah, no.

The mothers and the daughters were pretty darn fine with the rapes. Police got wind of all that when various third parties started noticing that jailbaits hang out with Pakis and Afghans and decided to report that.

kawaii_kike says:

If women are attracted to alpha males and don’t mind rape, and actually go out of their way to get raped, then why do women runaway when they’ve been kidnapped? Surely kidnapping a bitch is one of the most alpha methods of asserting dominance and women should be attracted to their kidnapper. The women should be ecstatic that they’re in the possession of an alpha male.

There’s two kidnapping cases in particular that confuse me, the first is the Ariel Castro case. In 2002 Castro kidnapped three teenage girls and kept them in his basement for 10 years. He fucked them and beat them regularly, so they presumably should have been content, but they ran away.

The second case is the Jayme Closs case. The kidnapper, Jake Patterson, kidnapped 13 year old Jayme Closs, after murdering her parents with a shotgun. Jayme eventually escaped. I don’t think Patterson ever had sex with her, so maybe that’s why she ran away.

The Cominator says:

Beating them raping them and locking them in a cage alone will certainly not produce the stockholm syndrome effect.

The situation in Beauty and the Beast is more how Stockholm Syndrome actually works. If you are hiding her in a cage and must keep it secret it not only sucks for her it means you aren’t alpha enough to ward off challengers.

Women are adapted to being carried off as sex slaves by conquerors who openly can take them. But not even the most masochistic of women want to be kept in a literal small cage in a dank basement for years and years.

Neurotoxin says:

The mothers and the daughters were pretty darn fine with the rapes. Police got wind of all that when various third parties started noticing…

Link? I’m not an expert on this episode, so you might be right, but I’m not inclined to take “horny thots” as the null hypothesis in this case.

jim says:

> I’m not inclined to take “horny thots” as the null hypothesis in this case.

Why not? “horny thots” accurately describes workplace sexual harassment happening in front of my eyes and your eyes, and as soon as they started aggressively searching for poster girls, turned out to accurately describe the college rape crisis.

If something happens in every case where you have reliable data, it should be the null hypothesis all cases where there is insufficient data. It is always horny thots. Unless you have compelling evidence that this case is different, you should assume horny thots.

That they are called “grooming gangs” should tip you off. They targeted fatherless girls, who went under their own power into situations where they were likely to be brutally gang raped and kept on going under their own power into situations where they were likely to be brutally gang raped. That someone was “groomed”, and the grooming led to her not just being raped once, but raped repeatedly for many years should tell you that their was female and maternal complicity in these rapes.

“grooming” implies the chick going under her own power into situations likely to result in brutal gang rape, and “years” implies she keeps on going under her own power into situations likely to result in brutal gang rape.

These chicks were looking for male authority and male ownership in all the wrong places, because male authority and male ownership has been destroyed in what used to be the right places.

They only became embittered when male authority failed to exercise ownership, and the alpha male failed to assign ownership to one of his beta male followers, but instead kept on sharing her around like a bottle of beer.

Neurotoxin says:

Looking into it. Finding that evidence is mixed.

Will be back in a bit.

jim says:

The evidence is mixed because female behavior is confusing and opaque, and even more confusing and opaque if you are blue pilled, and because people do not want to see what is in front of their noses.

Dave says:

“kidnapped 13 year old Jayme Closs, after murdering her parents with a shotgun.”

In one such case, they found security footage where he stopped for gas during the getaway and she walked into the mini-mart to buy something. It wasn’t a kidnapping at all but a girl tricking a horny teenager into driving to her state, offing her parents, and taking the blame for it. Of course the prosecutors white-knighted and didn’t charge her.

Neurotoxin says:

That Jayme Closs thing is from Wisconsin.

Looking into this is horrifying. Probably going to do something else and calm down from the anger.


The evidence is mixed because female behavior is confusing and opaque, and even more confusing and opaque if you are blue pilled…

If you’re accusing me of being blue-pilled, I don’t know what to tell you. One of the reasons I hang out here is that it’s the only forum I know of that’s more red-pilled than me, which is refreshing.


Every single “rescued” whore has identical or similar sob-stories.

and Jim:

The evidence is mixed because female behavior is confusing and opaque.

Jim’s statement is true. Shaman’s may be true – I haven’t sampled many rescued whore sob stories – BUT: They can be pushed too far.

The epistemology in these statements would leave us in a position in which no evidence ever counts for anything.

What would be evidence that the girls didn’t want to be raped?

jim says:

> >The evidence is mixed because female behavior is confusing and opaque, and even more confusing and opaque if you are blue pilled.

> If you’re accusing me of being blue-pilled, I don’t know what to tell you.

If you think an eleven year old girl is incapable of deliberately seeking out men who would do terrible things, and tempting them to do terrible things, you are blue pilled. You critiqued some books written for women where the adult female protagonist sought out terrible violence against herself. Chances are that it was in the “Young adult” section.

> What would be evidence that the girls didn’t want to be raped?

Rape is difficult to define or recognize in humans or cats.

Its a shit test. She wants you to pass and she wants you to fail. She wants to win, and she wants to lose.

Asking whether a woman was raped is not really a very useful question, hard to answer, hard to say what it means. If a home invasion leads to sex, we should punish the home invader. If daughter wandering of to an Arianna Grande concert leads to sex we should punish the daughter.

If you ask “was this women really raped?” Or “did this woman want to be raped” your question is unlikely to make much sense, and the answers are unlikely to make much sense. It is not that women want things or don’t want certain things. It is more that they are apt to act in ways that in the ancestral environment, would cause those things to happen or avoid those things happening. Lacking male authority in their lives, they headed towards male authority, and to the lizard brain of a female, violence and cruelty to the weak looks like male authority.

Neurotoxin says:

I’ll offer this:

Trying to escape, and not desisting until her captors beat her so badly that she was lying in a pool of her own blood, would be evidence that she wanted to escape the rapists.

jim says:

> Trying to escape, and not desisting until her captors beat her so badly that she was lying in a pool of her own blood, would be evidence that she wanted to escape the rapists.

Not actually escaping, when she had ample opportunity to do so, would be evidence that she did not want to escape her rapists.

None of these girls were continually locked up for very long. Any of them could have headed down the road and kept right on going for five hundred miles. These girls kept hanging around violence and cruelty, when there was absolutely nothing stopping them from making themselves scarce.

Neurotoxin says:

If you think an eleven year old girl is incapable of deliberately seeking out men who would do terrible things, and tempting them to do terrible things, you are blue pilled.

That’s not exactly what I think, but I’ll be back later. Meanwhile, if the SJW Commissars ever achieve their Orwellian dystopia (God forbid) and charge me with a “Misogynist hate speech” crime, I’ll cite that “you are blue pilled” as part of my defense.

The Cominator says:

As Jim has said the SJWs are going to be burning each other for witchcraft and most of them are really only interested in leftism because its really about knocking things over so they can steal.

Being a rich white guy (who has stuff they want to steal) will be more dangerous to you then your political views. So they will kill me, but they would kill me if I was a Democrat without the right connections…

Oak says:

Not Tom: ‘I realize it’s disturbing to imagine that sweet English girls would be attracted to gross barbarian street shitters, but that’s what happens when the local men are weak and gay. Girls can be attracted to literal apes under the right circumstances.’

Supply and demand. There was also the added convenience of them being a segregated community offering anonymity. If there was a supply of white men offering what they sought, they would prefer them. Hence why white girls only obsess over white serial killers.

I can find many clear cut cases in favor of Jim’s thesis, but all potential evidence against it is ambiguous.

For example, the main poster girl was from a family who ran a local post office. The police ignored her complaints and lost the evidence she submitted. The problem is that it seems that it was her family who went to the police, not her, and she was voluntarily hanging around with her groomers for years, including after being interviewed by the police.

She claims that this is because her groomers threatened her family.

This could indeed mean that she kept going back because the groomers threatened her family.

But it could also mean that she kept going back *because the groomers threatened her family*.

In the end her family decided to move to Spain to avoid the abuse. But why all the way to Spain?

An interview full of contradictions can be found here:

‘He was my knight in shining armor’

‘I went into sexual exploitation without even knowing it.’

‘I wouldn’t do very well in court because I could be aggressive and I wasn’t always helpful.’

The one thing that Jim is incorrect about is that they did not willingly get prostituted out to random asian betas other than to please their main groomer.

jim says:

‘I wouldn’t do very well in court because I could be aggressive and I wasn’t always helpful.’

This sounds like she could not do well in court because she behaves like every women ever when friends and family try to get her away from an abusive lover. And when Mr Nice Guy tries to get her away from an abusive lover, he gets all the flack that the bad boy should be getting in theory, but never is. When Mr Nice Guy attempts a rescue, then she ‘could be aggressive.’

Neurotoxin says:

…girls, who went under their own power into situations where they were likely to be brutally gang raped and kept on going under their own power into situations where they were likely to be brutally gang raped.

If they refused, they were threatened with death. Their parents were threatened with death. They were doused in gasoline and were told they were going to be immolated. They were burned with cigarettes for resisting. They were locked up so they couldn’t escape. They were beaten when they tried unsuccessfully to escape. After one such beating a victim described herself as lying in a pool of her own blood.

shaman says:

Every single “rescued” whore has identical or similar sob-stories. Yet, the incontrovertible fact of the matter is that loose and promiscuous women — especially when their single mother herself fucks a succession of demon lovers — keep coming back for more, even when no or very little compulsion is applied. They are drawn to brutal rape like magnets; consider why it is that girls from intact and functional homes somehow magically succeed to avoid becoming Pakis’ butt-sluts.

jim says:

> If they refused, they were threatened with death. Their parents were threatened with death. They ..


Why did these girls not just wander off to a lover on the other side of town and leave no forwarding address.

Also what is this crap about “parents”? It was “Mother”, not “parents”, because Dad had been evicted by the authorities. When he butted his nose in, authorities came down on him like a ton of bricks for racism, sexism, and so on and so forth, not the Muslims.

Neurotoxin says:

Shaman, Jim,

I’ll keep digging into this. Links would help me out as I do so.

Neurotoxin says:

On evidence being mixed:

On one hand,

“The court heard that the seven men befriended the girls, with some leading them to believe they were their boyfriends, before passing them around to be sexually abused by multiple offenders”

On the other hand,
“They were often sexually abused on mattresses on the floor and locked in rooms so that they couldn’t escape.”

This link also says that one girl “had sex” with 100 men by the time she was 16. No, she didn’t think 100 men were exceptionally alpha and voluntarily wanted to fuck them.

jim says:

> This link also says that one girl “had sex” with 100 men by the time she was 16. No, she didn’t think 100 men were exceptionally alpha and voluntarily wanted to fuck them.

Violence is alpha. Most of those hundred men were quite violent. These girls headed towards the violence and the cruelty, when they could easily have headed away from it.

Neurotoxin says:

In some cases in which the children – 11-year-old girls, for fuck’s sake! – apparently left “voluntarily” with the rapists, it was because they were being threatened, or their families were being threatened, with violence including death, if they didn’t cooperate.

“The perpetrators set about obtaining personal information about the girls and their families—where their parents worked, for example—details that were used to threaten the girls if they tried to withdraw. Windows at family homes were smashed; threats were made to rape mothers and younger sisters. The children came to believe that the only way to keep their families safe was to cooperate.”

“A victim decided to file a complaint with the police. The perpetrators had smashed her parents’ windows and broken her brothers’ legs to stop her from reporting the rapes. Weir took her to the police station, but while there the victim received a text from the perpetrator to say he had her 11-year-old sister with him, and it was “your choice”. This led the victim to believe someone had told the perpetrator she was at the police station, and she decided not to proceed with the complaint.”

jim says:


The Rotherham girls went towards the violence, the threats, and the cruelty, when there was absolutely nothing stopping them from going away from the violence, the threats, and the cruelty.

Neurotoxin says:

Why did these girls not just wander off to a lover on the other side of town and leave no forwarding address.

In one case, it’s expicitly stated that the victim did:

“After eight months in her house of hell [eight months due to other escape attempts failing], I eventually seized my chance and fled. Social services moved me to a different care home, eight miles from Rotherham.”

But they tracked her down again.

It’s horrific, but we shouldn’t avert our eyes from the horror. A bunch of hostile foreigners invaded England and raped its girls. Yes, it makes one’s blood boil to think of it, but we have to pay attention to threats.

jim says:

> > Why did these girls not just wander off to a lover on the other side of town and leave no forwarding address.

> In one case, it’s expicitly stated that the victim did:


That is not what is explicitly stated.

“after eight months” “social services” “moved me” “eight miles”

Eight months? Why not eight hours?

eight miles? Why not eighty miles?

“Moved me”? Why not move herself?

She does not seem to have been trying very energetically to escape.

That does not sound like her trying to escape. That sounds like social services dicking around.

They went towards the people threatening them because they were threatened? Indeed they did, but not in the sense that they, and you, are trying to claim.

You say in shocked tones that one of these whores was eleven, as if all eleven year old girls were sexless angels. Hell, I have seen worse behavior from nine.

shaman says:

Come on. You’re giving way too much weight to the words of sluts and whores. We all agree that Muslims and darkies should fuck out of white countries, but that doesn’t change the girls’ complicity, which now gets retconned to “I was a good girl, didn’t do nothing.” No, they were not good girls.

Not Tom says:

I’d be willing to concede that many of the Rotherham girls got way more than they bargained for – that they went in anticipating a bit of slapping around and rough sex, in line with Anglosphere norms, not being locked up and passed like a doobie from one grotesque subhuman to the next.

But I side with Jim and shaman in my total disbelief that the girls were actually pure and innocent, as opposed to dirty whores from broken families who were just too stupid to realize how badly their adventures would turn out.

To my knowledge, Jim hasn’t explicitly stated that ordinary girls go out seeking the most violent, brutal and horrifying treatment imaginable; only that there is a certain minimum level of domination that must be met by fathers and especially husbands, which if not met will result in girls going off on sexual adventures. Some adventures end badly, but the adventuring happens on purpose.

Okay, one girl escaped and they tracked her down again. How is that different from regular whores who get the brilliant idea to run away from their pimps and keep the money for themselves? Hey there, it’s time for another episode of “bitch, where’s my money!” It’s a far more primitive version of civilization than what most of us are used to, and positively barbaric compared to what reactionaries would like to (re)implement, but it’s basically the norm in low-IQ societies without intact marriage. Feral women and violent men are two sides of the same coin.

alf says:

“Unzipping his jeans, he forced me to give him oral sex. I cried that I didn’t want to and tried to wriggle free, but Ash had grabbed a fistful of my hair and was holding my head tight.

“I pleaded with him to stop, but eventually I went through with it. I thought if I gave him what he wanted, he’d let me go.

“But I was wrong. After that, it was as if I’d given Ash permission to do whatever he wanted, whenever he liked.”

Joanne told how Ash passed her around his friends and brothers Basharat and Bannaras like a rag doll, telling her she “owed” them for all the booze, cigarettes and food they’d bought her.

She explained: “By now, I was spending all my time with Ash and his gang. They barely let me out of their sight and if I didn’t do what they wanted, they beat me.

“Mum had washed her hands of me. One day she took me to social services offices and told them she couldn’t cope with me anymore.

If anything, this completely supports the Jimian view. So this girl says that Ash took complete ownership of her, did whatever he wanted, whenever he liked. And she did so exactly for over a decade?

Broke: it was against her will
Woke: she rather liked it.

The fact that she was in contact with social services at the time, thus having ample opportunity to ‘escape’, shows she had little intention to escape.

jim says:

If a chick is in contact with family and social services, she is in contact with the road. If she does not want to be raped, hit road, start walking. Continue walking for eight hours. During her journey, unless she resolutely avoids eye contact, which she will, she will encounter frequent white knights, some of them with expensive cars and well dressed, whom she will blow off.

Neurotoxin says:

You guys who are saying “why didn’t they just bolt?” are ignoring (at least) two things:

(1) Often they did!

(2) Children don’t have nearly as much autonomy as adults do. Yes, if we want to “just hit the road” then we will. We have money, experience… CARS… some idea about where to go… the ability to find new employment legally… If an 11-year-old girl wants to scram, HOW? Seriously, “Just hit the road”? What is she going to do when she gets hungry, FFS?

Go to the cops? They ignored the appeals for help and in at least one case destroyed records of those appeals (I have a link somewhere, on request). “Social services”-type places? They were either in league with the rapists (put “Karen MacGregor” into a search engine) or helpless to do anything about it.

jim says:

> You guys who are saying “why didn’t they just bolt?” are ignoring (at least) two things:

> (1) Often they did!

Your poster girls for bolting did not bolt: “eight miles” “social services moved me”

It does not take that long to walk a whole lot further than eight miles, and applying to social services is not bolting.

If the poster girl is like that, all of them are like that. Bolting involves moving oneself. They voluntarily went into a dangerous situation with very bad men, chose to remain in that situation after those bad men had demonstrated how bad they were, and were unhelpful when attempts were made to remove them from the situation.

Violence against the weak, and cruelty to the weak, is alpha in the eyes of women. All Women Are Like That. James Bond fights Jaws because the story is largely targeted at males. Sparkly Vampires, on the other hand …. Maui demonstrates how alpha he is by tossing Moana overboard into a vast expanse of deep ocean, and by pissing on her. No hero targeted at males ever acts like that. All heroes targeted at females act like that. Similarly, David Bowie’s character in “The Labyrinth”.

All male heroes targeted at nine year old girls are like that, therefore all nine year old girls are like that. Heroes targeted at eight year old girls, tend to be nicer. Cinderella’s prince is a massively preselected rich and powerful nice guy. Maui, targeted at nine year olds, is an arrogant asshole with a violent and criminal past. David Bowie’s character in “The Labyrinth” (targeted at ten to twelve year old girls) is a literal demon, prefiguring the sparkly vampire genre.

All women are like that. You are not presenting evidence that these girls were unicorns. Rather, the evidence you present indicates that they were like all women, that your poster girls were like all women.

The lesson of Rotherham is not that we need to expel Muslims, though we do need to expel Muslims because a significant Muslim minority always results in low level civil war and nogo areas, frequently escalating into high level civil war, at thirty percent Muslim often resulting in the need to engage in area bombing of cities. The lesson of Rotherham is that white Christian males need to be allowed to be alpha, and that we need to keep women under control.

> (2) Children don’t have nearly as much autonomy as adults do. Yes, if we want to “just hit the road” then we will. We have money, experience… CARS… some idea about where to go… the ability to find new employment legally… If an 11-year-old girl wants to scram, HOW? Seriously, “Just hit the road”? What is she going to do when she gets hungry, FFS?

All of them were old enough that nicely dressed white knights with nice cars keep coming out of the woodwork offering them assistance if they show any signs of distress, or even if they don’t.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “Why did these girls not just wander off to a lover on the other side of town and leave no forwarding address.”

Me “In one case, it’s expicitly stated that the victim did.”

Jim: “Nuts That is not what is explicitly stated.”

What I was thinking of was this:

“After eight months in her house of hell, I eventually seized my chance and fled. Social services moved me to a different care home, eight miles from Rotherham.”

But one day Joanne was told by one of the care workers that a message had been left for her from her ‘Auntie Kaz’.

She said: “I felt a sickening knot of dread tighten in my stomach as I realised it was Karen. She’d found me.

“She’d moved to Sheffield and left me her new number. I ignored it and never rang her – but then one day, she turned up at the home.

Neurotoxin says:

Fuck, when I do a bunch of paragraphs in bold, why do only some of them come out in bold?

Neurotoxin says:

> > “Moved me”? Why not move herself?

> Because she was a kid!

Yet she had no difficulty moving herself into a dangerous situation.

And she continued to not move herself out of a dangerous situation when she was no longer a kid.

> Yeah, YOU can rent an apartment 100 miles away. How the hell is an 11-year-old kid going to do that?

She could walk one hundred miles, and worry about the apartment later. Even adult women seldom think that far ahead.

If social services kept bothering her and her mother where she was, they would go right on bothering her when she was a hundred miles away.

Neurotoxin says:

> > It is not that women want things or don’t want certain things. It is more that they are apt to act in ways that in the ancestral environment, would cause those things to happen or avoid those things happening.

> Of course this is often true, but that doesn’t mean it’s always true.

From the age of ten or so, to menopause, it is always true when an adult alpha male with adult female preselection is in the vicinity.

Neurotoxin says:

During her journey… she will encounter frequent white knights, some of them with expensive cars and well dressed, whom she will blow off.

Twenty-year-old women who have grown up in normal circumstances know this. They know the power of their magic vagina to obtain help, resources, etc. from white knights. 11-year-old girls who have been gang-raped and burned with cigarettes when they tried to resist, and have had other adults who are supposed to be on their side horrifically betray them, don’t know it.

jim says:

> 11-year-old girls who have been gang-raped and burned with cigarettes when they tried to resist, and have had other adults who are supposed to be on their side horrifically betray them, don’t know it

If she starts walking, she will get somewhere. You can walk for three days without water and three weeks without food. You can walk one thousand miles with no food. I have walked seventy miles over rough country with no food, and it was not hard. They did not start walking, and continued to not walk even when they developed boobs and all that with the demonstrated capacity to cause all the blood to run from a man’s brain into his dick. Their behavior after they developed boobs was the same as their behavior before they developed boobs.

And don’t tell us their “parents” were threatened. I don’t see any fathers in these stories being threatened except by police and social services.

Steve Johnson says:

Your poster girls for bolting did not bolt: “eight miles” “social services moved me”

This is a seen / unseen problem – the girls who did effectively bolt wouldn’t get interviewed afterward if they successfully bolted.

Girls who successfully bolted would have been covered up by absolutely *everyone* because they’re fatal to everyone’s story. The social workers / authorities who were working with the Mohamadens would be embarrassed that the girls had to hide from them to get away. The trad cons would be embarrassed that any girls got away because it would imply that the ones that didn’t were at least partially complicit. The girls themselves would be selected from the least trusting of authority so they’re also the least likely to come forward.

jim says:

> > Your poster girls for bolting did not bolt: “eight miles” “social services moved me”

> This is a seen / unseen problem – the girls who did effectively bolt wouldn’t get interviewed afterward if they successfully bolted.

Everyone is looking for a poster girl. The problem was ignored for a long time in large part because the victims make very poor poster girls.

If a girl just up and bolted and showed up homeless one hundred miles from Rotherham, with a terrible tale of why she had to flee, you would never stop hearing about her. Such a girl would be exactly what the tradcons, the white knights, and blue pilled white nationalists hunger and thirst for. Even the feminists would be happy. They are always looking for a rape victim whose family was unhelpful.

Neurotoxin says:

The comments under my name at 2019-07-14 at 03:20 and 2019-07-14 at 03:24 were not totally written by me. Guessing Jim is replying within the comment because the chain of comments is becoming too long to conveniently follow. Could cause confusion, though.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “‘Moved me’? Why not move herself?”

Me: “Because she was a kid!”

Jim: “Yet she had no difficulty moving herself into a dangerous situation.”

No. The rapists came to them where they lived. They didn’t go seeking out rapists!

jim says:

> No. The rapists came to them where they lived. They didn’t go seeking out rapists!

Not true. They went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them. There were no incidents of home invasion, even though violent home invasion is effectively legal in Britain, and in some cases they had to travel very considerable distances to get to the rapists.

Neurotoxin says:

If she starts walking, she will get somewhere. You can walk for three days without water and three weeks without food. You can walk one thousand miles with no food.

I doubt this is true for the average human. I *really* doubt it is true for the average 11-year-old girl. And I *REALLY* doubt that, even if it is true, that that 11-year-old girl knows it.


So this girl says that Ash took complete ownership of her, did whatever he wanted, whenever he liked. And she did so exactly for over a decade?

See comments on the girls being threatened with violence, their families being threatened with violence, and people they appealed to for help being unhelpful at best.

Alf, if she had been drawn into the gang at age 19 – having had a normal life before that – and stayed until she was 21, then sure, it would be just another example of a woman choosing a violent man and then trying for attention and sympathy about it. That was not the situation here.

jim says:


Girls have no difficulty not being around nice guy betas. Somehow the Rotherham chicks – and they were not children – just could not help being around bad guys.

It is notorious that women just somehow cannot help being around bad guys.

If someone they perceived as creepy was creeping on them – someone like Feynman or Bezos, the guy in the corner office of the skyscraper – they would have just gone and kept right on going.

It is not that hard to just go away and worry about where you are going to later, and eleven year old girls (and most of these girls were considerably older and bigger boobed than eleven) do that all the time – trouble is that they are heading away from nice guys towards bad guys, rather than in the other direction, and they never head towards their dad.

I see thirteen year old girls travel four hundred miles to Arlie beach to get laid and eleven year olds forty miles to get laid. The Rotherham chicks somehow could not travel ten miles to avoid getting laid.

jim says:

> if she had been drawn into the gang at age 19 – having had a normal life before that – and stayed until she was 21, then sure, it would be just another example of a woman choosing a violent man and then trying for attention and sympathy about it. That was not the situation here.

If a thirteen year old chick can travel four hundred miles to Arlie Beach to get laid, she can travel forty miles from Rotherham to avoid being laid.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “And don’t tell us their “parents” were threatened.”

They were!


The perpetrators set about obtaining personal information about the girls and their families—where their parents worked, for example—details that were used to threaten the girls if they tried to withdraw. Windows at family homes were smashed; threats were made to rape mothers and younger sisters.

The perpetrators had smashed her parents’ windows and broken her brothers’ legs to stop her from reporting the rapes.

From the official inquiry:

On some occasions child victims went back to perpetrators in the belief that this was the only way their parents and other children in the family would be safe…

The beatings would start, then the threats. “Tell anyone and we’ll hurt your mum. You told us where she lives …”

jim says:

> The perpetrators set about obtaining personal information about the girls and their families

But obviously the girls already had personal information about the bad guys. Think about the implications.

implies that the perpetrators did not have personal information until after the girls came to them, that they lived a long way from the girls, that they were far away strangers, that at the time the girls arrived and the perpetrators place, the perpetrators had no idea where they were from. The perpetrators had not come their place until considerably later – and in most cases never.

“set about obtaining personal information” when obviously the girls already had personal information, implies that they met through the girls stalking them, not them stalking the girls, implies that they met the girls a long way from the girls home, hence likely rather close to the rapists own home.

That they later obtained personal information about the girls implies that they met through the girls stalking them, not them stalking the girls.

The girls knew who they were and where they lived. The bad guys did not, initially, know who the girls were and where they lived.

Bad guys, and guys that plausibly appear bad, are often bothered by chicks showing up out of the blue, often kind of weird chicks. I often say “All women are like that”, but not all women are like the ones that track you down and show up on your doorstep. There is apt to be a catch in what seems like manna from heaven.

And in some case a hell of a long way. The girls strange inability to go away from rapists was not matched by any similar inability to go towards from rapists.

Lets think about how they met. They met under circumstances that did not provide the rapists with personal information about the girls families – which implies the girls were cruising a long way from home – hence cruising to get nailed. And then the girls got nailed, so they were at the rapists place, and the rapists still did not know where the girls lived. The rapists had to obtain personal information later. How come the “grooming gang” did not already have that information in the course of grooming?

It is unlikely that “grooming gangs” groomed with sweet talk and chocolates, for we all know that is not how you get a girl to come to your place. So, chances are, when the girls went to the rapists place, the rapists were hanging out near their own place and acting in much the same way as they acted when the girls failed to leave the rapists’ place.

“Obtained personal information” tells you what was really going on, just as “social services moved me” tells you what was really going on. The chicks stalked them first.

The Cominator says:

The women abducted into Islamic sex slavery were of course badly behaving and at least subconsciously sought it ought sure.

But I do imagine that once enslaved their families certainly were threatened that they better not say anything and the airstrip one police were either useless or would bust families who said anything for Islamaphobia and there were probably some girls who wanted to escape but were told they’d be killed their families etc would be killed and only then fully submitted.

I don’t give the girls a pussy pass for acting badly but you have to recognize that the Islamics were quite capable of practicing savage organized violence and coercion and weren’t hampered at all by the authorities. Women tend to submit to such men as conquerors but it was certainly the failure of the British government that they got to act that way.

Not Tom says:

[Neurotoxin] Children don’t have nearly as much autonomy as adults do.

They. Weren’t. Children. Stop calling them that.

Maybe a small handful were as young as 11, which in some cases is pubescent. The majority were unambiguously old enough to know exactly what they were doing.

No. The rapists came to them where they lived. They didn’t go seeking out rapists!

You’re not listening. How does an 11-year-old English girl get within 500 feet of violent Paki rapists? How do they even know she exists? Her father didn’t take her there. She ran off.

If they were storming into random houses and hauling off girls kicking and screaming, that would have been reported everywhere.

families being threatened with violence

Still not listening. Where are the fathers?

Side note: While Infogalactic is probably a more objective source than Wikipedia, its editorial position is still intensely blue-pilled, and does not acknowledge, like the Old Testament does, that a 12-year-old girl is an adult, not a child. She does not mature emotionally past that point, only physically.

[Cominator] I don’t give the girls a pussy pass for acting badly but you have to recognize that the Islamics were quite capable of practicing savage organized violence and coercion

These two facts can both be true:
1) The Rotherham girls acted with intent; they are not innocent victims.
2) Muslims in significant numbers should not live within 1000 miles of western civilization; nor should Pakis, and especially not Paki Muslims.

Oak says:

The evidence is mixed. But this is a very clear-cut case:

– Repeatedly runs away from large loving family to be with groomer, once for 2 months.

– Wants to have groomer’s child, parents prevent this, gets abortion.

– ‘Around the same time, the violence started. She says she experienced it on an almost daily basis. “I kept going back…’

– ‘Woodhouse finally got away from the man when he was sent to prison in 2001 for a violent offence.’ So desperate was she to get away that she had his child while he was in prison against her parents’ wishes.

I don’t like the Jimian thesis at all. But it also makes me wonder about one of the worse reported cases of the 12 yr old in Oldham abused by 3 separate gangs in 48hrs. Why did she go to a muslim area alone? Why did she get in cars with pakistani men on 2 occasions and follow a pakistani man to his house on another when each time led to abuse? Why did she sit in the final gang of abusers’ house drinking alcohol making no effort to escape?

There was also a youtube video of a girl abused (not in Rotherham) and I couldn’t get through it partly because she kept giggling about things like being made to sleep on the floor and seemed to be trying to rile up the male interviewer. Possibly a psychological coping mechanism, but it was very noticeable.

Neurotoxin says:

Not Tom: “They. Weren’t. Children. Stop calling them that.”

Some of them were certainly children.

jim says:

If she is down to fuck, not a child any more. She is a chick. These chicks were down to fuck. And they were not only down to fuck, they were looking for a bit of the rough stuff.

Neurotoxin says:

Not Tom: “You’re not listening. How does an 11-year-old English girl get within 500 feet of violent Paki rapists?”

Jim: “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

Jim: “the perpetrators did not have personal information until after the girls came to them…”

All this is wrong. The rapists do what predators always do; they went to where the prey was.

From the Wikipedia article

Other girls were targeted at train and bus stations.

Also, some of the rapists were taxi drivers, which put them in an excellent position to screen and hunt girls.

From the independent inquiry by Alexis Jay:

The [Taxi] Licensing Enforcement Officer took the step of formally writing to the Police following the incidents of alleged attempted abductions by drivers, complaining about the Police failure to act. In one incident, a driver accosted a 13-year-old girl. She refused to do what he asked and reported this to her parents who followed the taxi through the town, where they managed to identify the driver and dialled 999 for assistance. According to the Licensing Enforcement Officer, the Police did not attend until later and took no action. In his email to the Police he stated that ‘a simple check would have revealed that the driver had been arrested a week previously in Bradford for a successful kidnapping of a lone female.’

jim says:

> Other girls were targeted at train and bus stations.

> Also, some of the rapists were taxi drivers, which put them in an excellent position to screen and hunt girls.

Targeted far from home, then went far from home to the rapists homes under their own power – and stayed there under their own power.

These are girls behaving badly. What the #$%^& were they doing going off to some paki’s place under their own power? You think that is acceptable behavior?

Everyone knows that if a girl goes to your place, she is down to fuck. They were down to fuck pakis.

When the paki hits on a chick in the train station, far from her home, he is targeting the chick. When the chick goes with him to his home, the chick is targeting the paki. These chicks deserved to be beaten and wanted to be beaten, trouble is that they were finding their beatings in the wrong places.

jim says:

Jim: “the perpetrators did not have personal information until after the girls came to them…”

> All this is wrong. The rapists do what predators always do; they went to where the prey was.

Who is hunting whom at the train station? You cannot tell. And then they head from the train station to the paki’s place. Then you can tell who is hunting whom. Similarly, taxi drivers. This looks more like chicks hunting men than men hunting chicks.

When they meet at the train station, you cannot tell who is hunting, and who is being hunted. When they go from the train station to the paki’s place, then you can tell who is really the hunter, and who is really the hunted.

These chicks were deprived of their fathers by their mothers, by the police, by the schools, and by social services, deprived of male authority in their lives, and were aggressively hunting for male authority in all the wrong places.

Neurotoxin says:

Alao from the inquiry:

One of the local Pakistani women’s groups described how Pakistani-heritage girls were targeted by taxi drivers and on occasion by older men lying in wait outside school gates at dinner times and after school.

jim says:

And then the girl goes with a man who does not know her family, and whose family does not know her, to his place.

Not Tom says:

You see the word “targeted” and think “knocked unconscious, then hauled off in burlap sacks”.

I see the word “targeted” and think “aggressively hit on”, to which the girls may have briefly showed some token resistance and then demonstrated being DTF.

Why are 11 year old girls alone at train stations anyway? Most fathers would be pretty nervous about that, especially in a city with high non-white population.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “I see thirteen year old girls travel four hundred miles to Arlie beach to get laid and eleven year olds forty miles to get laid.”

My attitude toward the 11-year-old one is the same as your attitude toward the statement that the rapists were threatening girls’ families: Simple disbelief.

Oak: “The evidence is mixed. But this is a very clear-cut case…”

Sure. That’s a good example of my statement way above that the evidence is mixed. I’m not arguing that there’s no such thing as a chick who wants an ultra-violent thug. (I post news articles about that on my freakin’ blog, fer Gossake.)

jim says:

If an eleven year old meets someone at a train station and goes with him to his home, she is down to fuck.

If she meets a paki at the train station and goes with him to his home, probably has a pretty good idea that she is heading for a beating, as well as a fuck.

The blue pill story is that these chicks innocently went off with the pakis because they innocently thought the pakis were blue pilled soyboys. Obviously the pakis were not pretending to be blue pilled soyboys. Not seeing any mention of chocolates and roses.

These chicks were beaten, but heading off to the paki’s place, obviously deserved a beating – just not from a paki. And, heading off the the paki’s place, obviously wanted a beating.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “went far from home to the rapists homes under their own power”

See above, from the official inquiry:

“In one incident, a driver accosted a 13-year-old girl. She refused to do what he asked and reported this to her parents who followed the taxi through the town, where they managed to identify the driver and dialled 999 for assistance.”

Jim: “Obviously the pakis were not pretending to be blue pilled soyboys. Not seeing any mention of chocolates and roses.”

They did that at first, sometimes (most times?). There was a certain amount of, “He came on all nice at first, then, once he knew where I lived, etc., told me to blow him and his 100 friends or he’d kill me and break my brother’s legs.”

Not Tom: “Why are 11 year old girls alone at train stations anyway?”

I don’t know, but I can think of reasons other than, “trying to get raped.”

jim says:

Jim: > > “went far from home to the rapists homes under their own power”

See above, from the official inquiry:

“In one incident, a driver accosted a 1

That is not a counter example – the paki did not follow the girl, did not stalk the girl, and the girl was not raped. For lack of following or stalking, in order to get raped, she would have had to follow the paki or stalk the paki. She declined to follow him, failed to stalk him, therefore no rape ensued.

In order to fit the blue pill story that you are telling, you have to find a story where the paki accosted the girl, she blew him off, and further interactions happened because he followed her or he stalked her.

Which you are not providing, therefore never happened, not once, not ever. The girls stalked the pakis, the pakis did not stalk the girls. You provide an example of one girl who did not stalk, but she is also an example of one girl who was not raped, was not stalked, and was not followed. You need to provide an example of a girl who did not follow, did not stalk, who was followed, was stalked, and who was raped.

You say these things happened, but you are not providing examples of them happening. The poster girl you provide, who, unlike most of the other girls, failed to stalk and failed to follow, was not stalked, not followed, and not raped

jim says:

> There was a certain amount of, “He came on all nice at first, then, once he knew where I lived, etc., told me to blow him and his 100 friends or he’d kill me and break my brother’s legs.”


If that ever happened, even once, you would have better poster girls. The inquiry would have better poster girls.

You keep saying “Yes, it happened, here is an example from the inquiry” and then your example is absolutely nothing like the thing that it is supposedly an example of.

The girls stalked the pakis and followed the pakis. The pakis never stalked the girls or followed the girls until after the girls had been servicing them for months.

In the Book of Proverbs, sexual misconduct is primarily the result of lustful women manipulating naive men in order to obtain socially disruptive sex. There are no grooming gangs in the Book of Proverbs. Women sexually manipulate men in order to obtain sex in socially disruptive and damaging ways. Men do not sexuality manipulate women. Though the dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender, as if lustful men were imposing themselves on sexless angels, that is the dance not the reality. The reality is that women and girls are lustfully manipulating men and their social environment to obtain social outcomes that in some ways superficially resemble lustful men imposing themselves on sexless angels. That is what the Book of Proverbs depicts, and that is what I see in front of my nose, and none of the poster girls you have presented are inconsistent with the story told in the Book of Proverbs.

If the Book of Proverbs story was ever untrue, you would have better poster girls.

Show me a poster girl where he met her at the train station or he was a taxi driver, she blew him off rather than stalking him or following him home, and then he followed her or stalked her. For that matter, show me a poster girl where she followed him home, but he gave her roses and chocolates to induce her to follow him home.

Men perform and women choose. The pakis performed in taxis and at train stations, and some chicks chose them – and proceeded to stalk them or follow them home. That is the reality, as accurately depicted in the Book Of Proverbs.

Even though the dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender, the reality is men performing and women choosing. It is always like that and every single one of your poster girls is consistent with the way it always is. Give me a counter example that actually is a counter example. All women are like that. Your poster girls are like that. All your poster girls are like that. The nearest thing you can find is a poster girl that failed to follow him home – but in that case, he declines to follow her home.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “What the #$%^& were they doing going off to some paki’s place under their own power? You think that is acceptable behavior?”

That’s not what they did – not in all cases, anyway. And no, it’s not within a parsec of acceptable behavior.

2019 is boring says:

Neurotoxin, what I said to Nikolai applies here as well: When a chick really doesn’t want to fuck someone, she’ll find endless ways to avoid fucking him. Any incel hanging out here, and even those who aren’t currently incels, will tell you as much.

These 11-year-old skanks and slags took clear action to be at the right place, and at the right time, that sex with the Pakis may happen.

Neurotoxin says:

2019 is boring: “Neurotoxin, what I said to Nikolai applies here as well: When a chick really doesn’t want to fuck someone, she’ll find endless ways to avoid fucking him.”

Sure, in peaceful, well-ordered western societies. Sure, at a frat party on the campus of Princeton. Not in areas that have been taken over by foreign criminal gangs.

jim says:

> Not in areas that have been taken over by foreign criminal gangs.

But these chicks traveled considerable distances from their homes to find areas that had been taken over by foreign criminal gangs. Not seeing any stories of chicks being abducted by the paki next door, or even the paki down the road. I see this a lot – white girls, particularly white girls who have been denied their fathers, somehow winding up in a very bad neighborhood with no plausible explanation of what they are doing there.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

I have provided this, from the official inquiry:

The [Taxi] Licensing Enforcement Officer took the step of formally writing to the Police following the incidents of alleged attempted abductions by drivers… In one incident, a driver accosted a 13-year-old girl. She refused to do what he asked and reported this to her parents… In his email to the Police he [the Taxi Licensing Officer] stated that ‘a simple check would have revealed that the driver had been arrested a week previously in Bradford for a successful kidnapping of a lone female.’

So that’s one attempted rape and one successful kidnapping.

Jim: “That is not a counter example – the paki did not follow the girl, did not stalk the girl, and the girl was not raped.”

Yes it is. Please stop moving the goal posts. You didn’t say anything about “stalking” before. You said “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

I’ve provided three examples of the rapists going to where the prey was; the schools, bus and train stations, and being taxi drivers to gain access to girls.

jim says:

I’ve provided three examples of the rapists going to where the prey was; the schools, bus and train stations, and being taxi drivers to gain access to girls.

No you have not.

If the rapists went to the train station, stuffed the girls into burlap sacks and carried them kicking and screaming back to where the rapists lived, then you could say you have provided examples. If the taxi driver drove her to his place with her screaming, banging on the windows and opening the doors while the car was in rapid motion, then you could say you have provided examples. If the taxi driver drove her to a isolated lane in the countryside …

You cannot have sex at the train station. The chick has to come to your place. Or you have to bring the chick to your place. Possibly in a burlap sack.

So you have to provide examples of the girl getting to the paki rapist’s place by some process other than stalking or following the paki rapists. Such as being stuffed in a burlap sack and carried off.

Rapists going to the train station is not an example. Explain how the girls got from the train station to the rapists place.

If the girls get to the paki rapist’s place from the train station under their own power, the rapists are not going to the train station to get access to girls, the girls are going to the train station to get access to the rapists.

The dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender, but the reality is that men perform and women choose.

It is not enough to say “rape” “rape” “rape” “rape” “rape” “rape” “rape” “rape”. Most of the time, most rapes are the result of women spending a lot of time, energy, and effort to get themselves raped. We need examples of girls arriving at the home of a packi rape gang by some means other than stalking or following the paki rapists, such as being carried there in a burlap sack, and then making a vigorous effort to not remain at the rape house.

We are seeing a conspicuous absence of poster girls making vigorous efforts to leave, and a conspicuous absence of poster girls being dragged there in the face of their brave resistance. You tell us a girl was abducted. Maybe. Exactly how was she abducted? Burlap sack? Or abducted as in “He took her to his place, taking a train then a bus and then walking through crowded streets a considerable distance.”

Given the striking lack of vigorous efforts to leave, I would like to hear some more about these “abductions”. The details are strangely vague.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “The girls stalked the pakis, the pakis did not stalk the girls. You provide an example of one girl who did not stalk, but she is also an example of one girl who was not raped, was not stalked, and was not followed. You need to provide an example of a girl who did not follow, did not stalk, who was followed, was stalked, and who was raped.”

No I don’t. I only need to provide an example of an attempted rape to make my point. Whether the attempt was successful or not is completely irrelevant.

jim says:


You are expanding the definition of rape without limit.

It would only be attempted rape if he drove the taxi to his place with her in it while she was vigorously objecting and trying to exit the taxi. She chose not to go to his place, and surprise surprise, he failed the shit test by not taking her to his place and not even attempting to take her to his place against her purported will. No wonder her pussy dried up!

It is not attempted rape unless the attempt fails because of her forceful and vigorous efforts to escape or to summon help. Otherwise, it is hitting on a chick but failing the ensuing shit test.

One moment rape is throttling a girl unconscious, stuffing her in a burlap sack, tossing her over your shoulders, and dragging her off to your lair, the next it is chicks complaining about men hitting on them but failing the inevitable ensuing shit test.

It is Motte and Bailey rape!

Give us one definition of rape and then stick to it. You don’t get to point the finger at any man a girl retroactively deems creepy and cry “rapist”. If the taxi driver had actually stuffed her in a burlap sack and carried her off to his lair, chances are she would never have made a complaint about him. Chances are she was consciously or unconsciously looking for a taxi driver who would throttle her unconscious, stuff her in a burlap sack, and carry her off to his lair, and was pissed because this one was too weak to do so.

You need to present a poster girl whose behavior contradicts that conjecture. There is a strange lack of such poster girls, suggesting the taxi driver would have passed the test just fine had he employed a burlap sack.

The absence of complaints involving burlap sacks indicates that either paki rapists are so virtuous that they do not employ burlap sacks, or their targets are so lustful that they fail to complain about burlap sacks. The latter possibility seems far likelier, and is consistent with the strange inability to walk away from beatings and gang bangs and keep on walking.

shaman says:

“Attempted rape” is bullshit, and “kidnapping” that doesn’t lead to any sex is bullshit and irrelevant. You are changing the goal posts: We’re talking about how sex does happen, not how it doesn’t happen.

Jim is telling you that whenever the girls rejected the Pakis’ advances, absolutely no sex ensued. This is indeed the fact of the matter, which you have not refuted.

And when sex has occurred, it’s been whenever a young dripping wet slut was eager enough to go to the Paki’s home and spread her holes for him and even for his friends. Thus, none one of them was “raped” against her will – they were all “raped” consensually, i.e., they were horny wet down-to-fuck and therefore voluntarily went to the Pakis’ homes, away from their own homes, for the rough stuff, which they rather enjoyed.

Not Tom says:

Please stop moving the goal posts. You didn’t say anything about “stalking” before. You said “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

How can you claim that “the rapists” came to them when no actual rape occurred? This isn’t Jim moving goalposts, this is you splitting hairs.

We keep asking for one example – literally one – where the actual supposedly non-consensual sex is clearly preceded by a concerted effort by the victim to avoid the sex. And we keep getting examples of either no sex at all, or sex in situations where escape was clearly possible.

Instead of one poster girl for forceful abduction and rape, we have two half-poster girls, one for attempted and failed abduction, and the other for running off and not having sex. One shoe and one sock do not equal footwear, and one “accosting” and one abduction sans sex do not equal premeditated targeted rape.

I realize it’s disturbing to imagine that sweet English girls would be attracted to gross barbarian street shitters, but that’s what happens when the local men are weak and gay. Girls can be attracted to literal apes under the right circumstances.

The Cominator says:

Lets ask about the middle case did the “slaves” who feared to escape when escape should be not too hard plausibly fear immediate death if escape failed.

alf says:

> No I don’t. I only need to provide an example of an attempted rape to make my point. Whether the attempt was successful or not is completely irrelevant.

Cmon this is weak sauce. Of course you need to provide an example of an abduction, that is the whole shtick of your argument: if some of this really happened against girls' will, then there has to be evidence of that.

In your example, the driver asks the girl to come with him, and when she refuses, she is promptly let go. Again, that is evidence against your case, not in favor.

Jim: “But these chicks traveled considerable distances from their homes to find areas that had been taken over by foreign criminal gangs.”

No, they didn’t. That’s what I’m telling you. The rapists hunted them, at bus/train stations, at schools, and by taking jobs as taxi drivers.

Me: “I’ve provided three examples of the rapists going to where the prey was; the schools, bus and train stations, and being taxi drivers to gain access to girls.”

Jim: “No you have not. If the rapists went to the train station, stuffed the girls into burlap sacks and carried them kicking and screaming back to where the rapists lived, then you could say you have provided examples.”

Remember I was responding to: Your statement, “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

jim says:

Jim: “But these chicks traveled considerable distances from their homes to find areas that had been taken over by foreign criminal gangs.”

No, they didn’t. That’s what I’m telling you. The rapists hunted them, at bus/train stations, at schools, and by taking jobs as taxi drivers.

But you cannot rape a girl at a school or train station. You have to get her from the school or train station to your place.

The girls went, went considerable distances, to the rapists places. The girls went to the rapists, the rapists did not come to them. You have provided no counter examples.’ I ask you for counter examples, and you just don’t give them.

Men perform and women choose. The rapists go to train stations to perform, and at the train stations, the women choose.

jim says:

Jim: > > “No you have not. If the rapists went to the train station, stuffed the girls into burlap sacks and carried them kicking and screaming back to where the rapists lived, then you could say you have provided examples.”

> Remember I was responding to: Your statement, “They [the girls] went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them.”

And you responded, and continue to respond, by giving examples of the girls travelling considerable distances to get to the rapists.

The dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender, but men perform, and women choose. What you have described is men going to train stations to perform and women making wicked and repugnant choices, choosing by going considerable distances to places overrun by foreign violent criminal gangs.

The girls went to the rapists. The rapists did not come to them. And each and every one of your examples demonstrates this, each and every poster girl is women choosing – badly, choosing by travelling long distances to get to pakis.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “So you have to provide examples of the girl getting to the paki rapist’s place by some process other than stalking or following the paki rapists.”

There is at least one detailed account of a girl being drawn into a relationship with one of these thugs who acted like a solicitous boyfriend at first. Only later did it change to, “Blow me and my friends or I’ll beat you senseless.”


Joanne Underwood was just 11 years old when she was lured into the vile paedophile ring run by Arshid Hussain…

Joanne told how at 11 years old she fell in love with Arshid Hussain, then 15 and known as Big Ash, as he showered her with sweets and cigarettes.

She explained: “I was just a child but Ash gave me my first swig of booze…

“It felt like Ash and his mates were the only people who wanted to know me. I thought they genuinely cared about me.”

But the one day, things took a sinister turn as Ash led her to an old churchyard.

[He orally raped her; disgusting details elided. Later…]

She said: “Ash brutally raped me in the care home, then pimped me out to the rest of his Asian mates. He even paid off his debts by offering me up for sex.

“If I ever refused, I was beaten and burned with cigarettes.”

That last sentence, as well as the “lying in a pool of my own blood” from above, also responds to your:

“We are seeing a conspicuous absence of poster girls making vigorous efforts to leave… Given the striking lack of vigorous efforts to leave, I would like to hear some more about these ‘abductions’. The details are strangely vague.”

jim says:

> “If I ever refused, I was beaten and burned with cigarettes.”
> That last sentence, as well as the “lying in a pool of my own blood” from above, also responds to your:
> > “We are seeing a conspicuous absence of poster girls making vigorous efforts to leave… Given the striking lack of vigorous efforts to leave, I would like to hear some more about these ‘abductions’. The details are strangely vague.”


If she was beaten and burned with cigarettes, and did not rather like hanging out with a man who might beat her and burn her with cigarettes, why did she not just hit the road, start walking, and keep on walking? It really does not take very long at all to put a considerable distance behind you.

And you are still not giving us any abductions. All your abductions are the chick heading off to where the rapists are, not the rapists coming to where the chick is, nor the rapists dragging her off to a place they can rape her.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “Give us one definition of rape and then stick to it.”

I resent the implication that I’ve been playing definitional games, but whatever. For the purposes of this thread, I’ll define:

Rape is when a girl/woman is coerced into sex, where “coerced” means:

1. Being physically forced to through overwhelming strength,
2. Induced to cooperate through physical torture (e.g., beating, being burned with cigarettes),
3. Being threatened with either of the above,
4. Having family or other people they care about being threatened with any of the above,
5. Being dosed with drugs, including alcohol, so that they assent to things they normally would not assent to.

(By the way, I also believe in the concept of statutory rape, i.e. there are people too young to consent. But that’s not my (main) point in this thread. I’m NOT saying, “They were all enthusiastically consenting, but due to their age, their consent technically doesn’t count.”)

jim says:

None of your examples fit your definition, or if they do, your definition is alarmingly vague and slippery.

A girl is not “forced by overwhelming strength” if she goes a long distance to be isolated in the presence of overwhelming strength, and then keeps on hanging around isolated in the presence of overwhelming strength. In that context, the forcing by overwhelming strength is merely the dance, the performance, the reality is men performing and women choosing.

Neurotoxin says:

Shaman: “Jim is telling you that whenever the girls rejected the Pakis’ advances, absolutely no sex ensued. This is indeed the fact of the matter, which you have not refuted.”

Not Tom: “We keep asking for one example – literally one – where the actual supposedly non-consensual sex is clearly preceded by a concerted effort by the victim to avoid the sex.”

Every time I provide an example, you guys simply ignore it and say that I’ve provided no examples. I provided the example of the girl who was burned with cigarettes if she resisted. Also, tried to escape, and when that failed, was punished by being beaten until she was “lying in a pool of her own blood.” In other words, she was physically tortured into stopping resisting.

This example, with other things I’ve said, just vanished into the aether in this thread. They get memory-holed. Or, they are coldly dismissed as somehow not counting.

jim says:

Every time I provide an example, you guys simply ignore it and say that I’ve provided no examples

None of your examples are examples.

We explain the problem with your example every time, and then you just give us another example with the same problems. Your abductions are not abductions, and your escape attempts are girls sticking like flypaper.

You say “rapists went to the train station where the girls were”. But, in order to be raped, the girls then traveled a considerable distance from the train station to where the pakis were.

You say “when she tried to get away, she was burned with cigarettes”.

If she actually tried to get away, you need to tell us what she did to actually try to get away.

When a girl tries to get away from a beta, she vanishes without trace. If she had actually tried to get away, we would be hearing about what she did to get away, not hearing about the burning with cigarettes.

The only time a girl ever complained about me sexually harassing her was I was not guilty of sexually harassing her, and not only not guilty, but when I was doing my damnedest to avoid her (her shit tests being brutal, unpleasant, unpassable, and exposing me to grave legal danger even if I deliberately failed them) and there was absolutely no reason why I should ever run into her by accident. There was no plausible explanation of why we would ever meet again. Then again she runs into me “by accident”.

What had happened was I had hit on her a couple of times, got a shit test that shut me down, but shrugged it off with good style, gave up – and then, me having given up, she started stalking me down, and giving me more and even harsher shit tests. If you fail a shit test, but do so in a way that gives her hope you might pass, she is likely to give you another opportunity to pass. Trouble was that the opportunities she was giving me were distressing, unpleasant, and likely to send me to jail. No way I could pass short of carrying her off to my lair in a sack, and if I attempted to just quietly ignore her and mind my own business, was likely to be charged and convicted with attempting to carry her off to my lair in a sack. When society gives women nuclear weapons, they are apt to use them. Hence the failure of businesses with women in power.

So it is not enough to give us this shit about abduction, burning with cigarettes, pool of her own blood. It is just never true. Or rather it is always true, but the girls are always complicit, and frequently the aggressors, going to astonishing lengths to make it happen. I am a victim of lustful women here and so were those paki rapists. I know how women act. These chicks were not abducted. They went to the rapists, the rapists did not go to them. They were not forced to stay with the rapists, they were impossible to remove from the rapists.

Don’t tell us “she tried to escape and was burned with cigarettes” Given the notorious difficulty of removing women from men who mistreat them, that is no answer to why she failed to escape. Tell us how she tried to escape. If she was burned with cigarettes, sounds like she was not trying very hard. Sounds like she rather liked being with a man who might burn her with cigarettes, and was impossible to remove from that man.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “If she was beaten and burned with cigarettes, and did not rather like hanging out with a man who might beat her and burn her with cigarettes, why did she not just hit the road, start walking, and keep on walking?”

She DID try that, several times, apparently! They beat her bloody!

So, “why did she not just hit the road, start walking, and keep on walking?”

Because she was afraid she’d beaten within an inch of her life, or beaten to death, if they caught her!

Cominator weighs in with common sense:
“did the “slaves” who feared to escape when escape should be not too hard plausibly fear immediate death if escape failed.”


jim says:

Jim: > > “If she was beaten and burned with cigarettes, and did not rather like hanging out with a man who might beat her and burn her with cigarettes, why did she not just hit the road, start walking, and keep on walking?”

> She DID try that, several times, apparently! They beat her bloody!


She did not try that, not even once, because it only takes a few minutes to put enough distance behind you that people cannot find you. If they found her, it is because she wanted to be found. If they had signalled beta, they would have been mysteriously unable to find her.

quarty says:

> 1. Being physically forced to through overwhelming strength,
Thus all men are rapists
> 3. Being threatened with either of the above,
…and if you threaten to control your woman, and later bone her, you’re a rapist
> 4. Having family or other people they care about being threatened with any of the above,
if you insult her family, instead of threatening her, you’re still a rapist
> 5. Being dosed with drugs, including alcohol, so that they assent to things they normally would not assent to.
Can I charge a ho with rape for giving me weed and then spreading her legs?

shaman says:


Cigarette Girl was a lustful lascivious slut with a dripping wet pussy heatedly cruising for rough sex with Pakis, who tenaciously followed her Playboy Ash to whatever place he told her to go with him, and — according to her own account — eagerly anticipated drinking alcohol with him and his friends.

You are completely insane if you don’t see what the rest of us do.

If Cigarette Girl is your poster girl, despite her following Badboy Ash to a place where they could hang out in privacy and inebriation, then this conclusively proves that the “chaste girls groomed by predatory rapists” narrative is totally, completely, 100% false, all of it, and every single aspect of it. It is a Blue Pilled narrative rooted in lies about female nature, lies as transparently false as lies can be.

Oak says:
Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “you responded, and continue to respond, by giving examples of the girls travelling considerable distances to get to the rapists.”

No I haven’t. What are you even talking about? Please quote me saying this, or stop asserting it.

Jim: “The girls went to the rapists, the rapists did not come to them. You have provided no counter examples.’ I ask you for counter examples, and you just don’t give them.”

Why do you keep saying this? I’ve mentioned many times that the rapists hunted them, at bus/train stations, at schools, and by taking jobs as taxi drivers.

Also, they would come by the orphanage/social services/whatever places where the girls were and drive off with them. If the guy at the front desk told them to stop, they just threatened him. Oh, and the girls went “willingly”… if you’re willing to say that “Come with me or I’ll burn you with cigarettes, break your brother’s legs, etc.” is “willingly.”

jim says:

Jim: > > “The girls went to the rapists, the rapists did not come to them. You have provided no counter examples.’ I ask you for counter examples, and you just don’t give them.”

> Why do you keep saying this? I’ve mentioned many times that the rapists hunted them, at bus/train stations


This would be a response if you provided evidence of the rapists dragging them from the station to the paki’s place, or following them from the station to the girls place, But since the girls went to the rapists place, it directly contradicts the blue pill interpretation.

Is evidence that the girls were hanging out at the station to find paki rapists, as depicted by King Solomon, not evidence that the paki rapists were hanging out at station to find girls.

Before you present stuff that you think supports your story, ask yourself what story King Solomon would interpret it as supporting.

jim says:

Why do you keep saying this? I’ve mentioned many times that the rapists hunted them, at bus/train stations, at schools.

It is absolutely obvious that the girls were at the station looking for rapists, the rapists were not at the station to look for girls, so let us inquire about rapists at the school gates.

Notice that no one suggests that they were hitting on English girls at the school gates. Supposedly Pakis were predating only on Paki girls.

But this only makes sense if they already had some social connection with the girls. Which implies that they had some legitimate reason to be at the gates.

Which implies that the Paki schoolgirld, corrupted by England, were seducing paki men.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “If she was beaten and burned with cigarettes, and did not rather like hanging out with a man who might beat her and burn her with cigarettes, why did she not just hit the road, start walking, and keep on walking?”

We’ve already done this one. Because she was tortured, threatened with more torture, her family was threatened, etc.

Jim: “Your abductions are not abductions, and your escape attempts are girls sticking like flypaper.”

In one case, a girl tried to escape through a window but was physically dragged back in by her ankle.

She was then beaten badly.

By the way, in some cases – including the foregoing one, IIRC – a main captor was a woman, so your (outrageous) theory that girls would stick around for alpha thug cock doesn’t even make sense on its own terms.

Why would she hang out with the female captor when she could just go to where the thugs lived and hang out there?

jim says:

> In one case, a girl tried to escape through a window but was physically dragged back in by her ankle.

> She was then beaten badly.


As as explanation of why she failed to flee in the next couple of hours, plausible. As an explanation of why she failed to flee in the next couple of years, fails the giggle test.

Ask yourself how the court of King Solomon would have responded to the evidence that you present. They would have interpreted your evidence as evidence of lustful women corrupting men.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “it only takes a few minutes to put enough distance behind you that people cannot find you.”

We’ve already done this one too. BTW, it’s even riskier than I realized at first because many rapists were taxi drivers, so were in an excellent position to cruise the streets looking for runaways.

Shaman: “according to her own account — eagerly anticipated drinking alcohol with him and his friends.”

At first, sure.

“If Cigarette Girl is your poster girl, despite her following Badboy Ash to a place where they could hang out in privacy…”

Again, at first, sure. But why accept her statements that it was voluntary when he was still acting normal, but not accept her statements that she tried to escape after he said, “Have sex with my 100 friends or I’ll torture you”?

jim says:

This is not a reply.

Do try to make an argument or provide evidence, rather than emitting random blue pill shibboleths and then assuming blue pill buttons have been pressed.

You emit facts that are not evidence of the blue pill account, and, without evidence, argument, or any explanation, presuppose that these facts should some how be force fitted into the blue pill story, even though they don’t actually fit.

If Pakis hit on them at the station, then lured them into a lonely spot with chocolates and roses, then raped them, and the girls were not expecting the rape, and not manipulating the Pakis into raping, we would expect a lot more complaints of the form “He raped me”, and considerably fewer complaints of the form “He raped me, and then went on raping me for the next five years”.

jim says:

> why accept her statements that it was voluntary when he was still acting normal, but not accept her statements that she tried to escape after he said, “Have sex with my 100 friends or I’ll torture you”?

because she could have easily escaped, and instead hung around for years.

jim says:

> We’ve already done this one too. BTW, it’s even riskier than I realized at first because many rapists were taxi drivers, so were in an excellent position to cruise the streets looking for runaways.


You have not provided one example of a taxi driver abducting even a girl who voluntarily got into his taxi, except as blue pillers define abduction. The idea that taxi drivers were jumping into the street and hauling unaccompanied girls into their taxis is insane. If it happened you would have evidence of it happening. She would be the poster girl I I keep asking you to provide, who is mysteriously nowhere to be found.

If they were hunting girls in the manner you depict, would have happened. If it happened, would be evidence. No evidence, therefore not happening, therefore the girls were hunting packis to rape them, packi rapists were not hunting girls to rape.

It was unaccompanied girls jumping into their taxis. If an unaccompanied girl gets into a taxi, there is going to be a considerable chance that she winds up banging the taxi driver. We should not allow unaccompanied women and girls to catch taxis, any more that we allow taxis to catch unaccompanied girls in the manner that you imagine.

Your story presupposes that unaccompanied girls hopping into taxis is a perfectly normal thing that happens in a perfectly normal healthy society and there is nothing suspicious, abnormal, or immoral about it. I don’t think so. It is madness, evil, and degeneracy. Pretty sure that back when I was in Dubai they did not allow that sort of thing, and would assume that if it happened, sex would quite likely ensue.

You assume that women are likely to cooperate in suppressing the behavior we want to suppress. I do not share your assumption. This is why we are talking at cross purposes.

None of your evidence is evidence, because you are assuming it is self evident that girls would not want this behavior, that I agree, that everyone agrees, that girls do not want this behavior, when it is absolutely obvious that they do want this behavior, or if they do not want it, are for some strange reason massively unhelpful in our attempts to prevent it.


Neurotoxin says:

From the inquiry:

We read the files of ten boys who were groomed and abused by the lone male prosecuted and sentenced in 2007, and a further seven files of boys/young men who were his alleged victims. Following the trial, children’s social care considered only two of the ten victims to meet the threshold for social care, although many had been raped…

Try to explain that away as the well-known female desire for alpha thug cock.

jim says:

Like everything you post on this issue, I fail to see the relevance.

You sound as if you think you are making an argument, and sometimes you say you have made an argument, but I don’t see any arguments nor any evidence.

If you think that this is somehow relevant to something, you need to explain what it is relevant to and how it is relevant.

I have absolutely no idea what your point is, nor how gay behaviour could conceivably be relevant to straight behaviour.

Did the gays have some connection to the straights? Seems highly improbable, and if there was some connection you have to provide evidence for it, and, after providing that evidence, explain how it makes gay behaviour evidence of straight behaviour.

shaman says:

Again, at first, sure. But why accept her statements that it was voluntary when he was still acting normal, but not accept her statements that she tried to escape after he said, “Have sex with my 100 friends or I’ll torture you”?

1. Because she did not make any serious attempt to escape for years, or she would have disappeared out of sight, since walking away and keeping on walking is easy enough;

2. And because she had already indicated that she was interested in Ash’s crew and looked froward to getting drunk with them, which usually shortly precedes wild orgies (she was a dirty slut);

3. And because she voluntarily enthusiastically followed him, possibly together with his friends, to a place where she could have sex with him, and with them, and drink alcohol with him, and with them, in privacy;

4. And because it’s the same old story that every “rescued” girl, especially after social services sell her on the Blue Pill victimization account of what happened, tells – in order to cover the glaringly obvious fact that she’s been a horny wet thot.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “It is absolutely obvious that the girls were at the station looking for rapists”

You and I have very different notions of “absolutely obvious.”

Jim: “Do try to make an argument or provide evidence”

I don’t know what I can do, other citing, and in many cases quoting, the documentary evidence.

Jim: “because she could have easily escaped”

We’ve done this one.

Jim: “You have not provided one example of a taxi driver abducting even a girl who voluntarily got into his taxi, except as blue pillers define abduction.”

There was the taxi driver who was arrested for a “successful kidnapping.” I don’t know any more about that incident. However, the main issue here is rape. The “successful kidnapping” and the unsuccessful attempted kidnapping are relevant because he was obviously attempting to kidnap them to rape them. He wasn’t doing it to get a fourth person to round out a bridge game.

“The idea that taxi drivers were jumping into the street and hauling unaccompanied girls into their taxis is insane. If it happened you would have evidence of it happening.”

Indeed, I know of no such incident in which they were “jumping into the street and hauling unaccompanied girls into their taxis.”

jim says:

Jim: > > “Do try to make an argument or provide evidence”

> I don’t know what I can do, other citing, and in many cases quoting, the documentary evidence.

The documentary evidence you present at best fails to support your claims, and in many cases directly contradicts your claims.

I have asked you to provide the logical steps, the process of reasoning, which leads you to draw conclusions from the documentary evidence, but you simply refuse to explain the thread of logic that connects your evidence to your conclusions.

Pretend I was born in Dubai – Assume you are talking to a man from Dubai who thinks that if an unaccompanied fertile age woman gets into a taxi with a male driver, they both should be arrested and charged with a sex crime (which was the way things were in Dubai back when I was there) who thinks that it is absolutely obvious that if an unaccompanied fertile age woman gets into a taxi with a male driver, chances are she is hoping for some action, and they both should be thrown in the slammer for obvious naughty intentions irrespective of whether any naughty actions ensued.

Then explain to that man from Dubai the logic that enables you to draw the conclusions you draw from the evidence you present, because not only do I not agree with the conclusions you draw, it is utterly inexplicable and incomprehensible to me what leads you to draw those conclusions. Not only do they not support your conclusions, I cannot fathom why you might imagine that they support your conclusions.

I cannot understand why you think this evidence might persuade anyone who is not obstinately and stubbornly determined to believe in the chastity and purity of young English women regardless of evidence.

Explain how the evidence you present supports the conclusions that you draw. I just don’t see any thread of logic, and you refuse to provide a thread of logic connecting your evidence to your conclusions.

jim says:

> There was the taxi driver who was arrested for a “successful kidnapping.”

And then you make up some crazy and logically impossible fantasy about what supposed must have happened – and this internally inconsistent fantasy, not the “successful kidnapping.” is your evidence.

It is an odd thing to be charged with. What did he kidnap her for if not to have sex with her? If he did not have sex with her, not successful kidnapping – and probably not kidnapping at all. Probably some chick hitting him a shit test, which he flunked out by failure to kidnap her.

There was a chick stalking me who kept telling people that I was stalking her – I was doing my damnedest to avoid her, because her shit tests were utterly unpassable, and her sexual fantasies were likely to send me to jail for supposedly fulfilling them. So, my natural assumption is that he successfully kidnapped that chick the way I was successfully kidnapping my stalker despite my determined efforts to avoid her.

Maybe that is not what happened. I don’t know what happened. But I do know that your fantasy about some pure English girl being forced, to her great surprise, to have sex did not happen, because you just gave as your poster girl, your killer evidence, your decisive argument, a girl to whom it did not happen.

Your evidence is not evidence of a girl being forced to have sex, because somehow she did not have sex – despite somehow winding up in circumstances where violent sex was highly probable, which circumstances these girls seem to somehow find themselves in with great regularity.

jim says:

Jim: > > “It is absolutely obvious that the girls were at the station looking for rapists”

> You and I have very different notions of “absolutely obvious.”

I have explained why it is absolutely obvious that the girls were at the station looking for rapists. You have failed to explain why it is supposedly obvious that the rapists were at the station looking for girls.

Criticize my explanation, or provide your explanation. Better, do both. Talk to the strangely foreign man from Dubai, who not only fails to share your presuppositions, but is entirely unaware of them.

I have explained to you my process of reasoning, laying my presuppositions on the table in the process. You failed to explain your process of reasoning, and your presuppositions remain utterly mysterious to me.

I was born in a social environment where, as in Dubai, everyone took for granted that girls were apt to go looking for bad events and bad people, which social presupposition was somewhat countered by the blue pill and progressive propaganda offensive at school and university, but in due course my birth beliefs were amply confirmed by the misbehavior of women. If you act like you might rape girls, girls will go out of their way to give you the opportunity to do so, and you will sometimes have to grab your younger female kin and haul them back from “innocently” wandering off into circumstances were strange men might rape them. So that is where I am coming from, and it sure looks like that was where the Rotherham girls were going to.

Where are you coming from? I just cannot make any sense out what you are saying.

Neurotoxin says:

Shaman: “Because she did not make any serious attempt to escape for years”

Jim and I have done this one (at excruciating length); see above.

“or she would have disappeared out of sight, since walking away and keeping on walking is easy enough”

Done it.

(Alf, if you’re reading this, I briefly responded to your last post at the end.)

Well, kids, it’s been real, but we’re just going in circles now and I’ve already spent too much time on this. See you in another thread some time.

jim says:

> Jim and I have done this one (at excruciating length); see above.

No. I have done it at excruciating length. You have remained stubbornly oblivious and obstinately refused to respond.

If there was one girl once who once made a serious escape attempt, she would be the poster girl. You have no poster girls. What you have instead of poster girls is a pile of trash sluts offering unconvincing and improbable excuses for sticking around with their abusive lovers for years.

So, she tried to escape through the window and was dragged back by her foot. Did they keep holding onto her foot for the next several years?

They did not pull her leg. You are pulling my leg.

Not Tom says:

Now you’re just playing the usual entryist game of attributing arguments to people who never made those arguments. If you aren’t an entryist, you’re acting like one.

The goal of a reactionary state, in terms of sexual relations, is to ensure that as many fertile females as possible end up in healthy monogamous relationships. The preferred mechanism of this is restricting female hypergamy, allowing the male hierarchy to assert itself, and making certain uncivilized edge cases – General Butt Naked – as low-status as possible. And all the state has to do to facilitate this, 99% of the time, is stay the hell out of the way.

There’s no “redistribution” here. Your teenage daughter eloped with a guy you didn’t like. Tough titties, loserdad – should’ve found her a husband sooner. It’s only a crime if he abandons her.

Crying “anarcho-tyranny” when absolutely nothing of the sort is happening just makes it look like you’re regurgitating memes you don’t understand.

Doug Smythe says:

“Tough titties loserdad”- but what if poor old loserdad has a few carloads of sons, brothers, cousins, and allies with him, all armed w/guns and baseball bats. Because the possibility is a corollary of the type of Kingless social and political environment under which bridal abduction happens.

jim says:

> what if poor old loserdad has a few carloads of sons, brothers, cousins, and allies with him

He does not need a few carloads of sons to beat his daughter, and attempting to beat up the evil males causing his daughter to misbehave is unlikely to result in the expected or intended results.

Resisting the propensity of women to get laid just results in more violent, irregular, and immoral sexuality, not less.

This is the same story as we are seeing with sexual harassment and rape. All sexual harassment complaints and almost all rape complaints are actually complaints about lack of rape and lack of sexual harassment. The Rotherham girls found Muslims to rape them because they could not find Christians to rape them.

Seeing bad sexual activity, we declare women to be the innocent victims, and escalate our actions against men. It is not working. It is consistently and spectacularly not working.

If you check out the stories of the Rotherham girls, yes, they were raped and beaten and all that, but they don’t seem to have been trying terribly hard to avoid being raped and beaten. If you don’t give women the male authority and sex that they need, they are going to find it in bad places, and dad having a carload of sons and allies will just cause them to search in worse and further places.

Not Tom says:

Who said anything about Kingless? Monarchs are essential for civilization. All of this is happening under the direct authority and blessing of the king.

I’d hope that loserdad’s male relatives and friends aren’t retarded enough to take vengeance on muh evil daughter-seducer, and would instead tell him to stop being such a damn retard. But if it’s a whole family of violent retards, then absolutely the king needs to intervene at that point and keep the violent retards far away from civilized society.

Doug Smythe says:

Further thought on the question makes me realize that the shotgun marriage and the successful bridal abduction rest on the same principle: namely that, other things equal, the affront to the father’s honour is deemed to be remedied, and the war of families concluded, once the girl and her lover/abductor are married and a bride price paid or other restitution made where applicable.

However, there would still be the matter of offense against the honour of the Sovereign for breach of the King’s peace in case of outright abduction.

Also problem of high-caste girl eloping w/being abducted by lo-caste guy. I’m sure most of you would have a severe problem with your daughter or sister being taken by Tyrone- and the reason you’d have it is because your social status would take an enormous hit at least in your eyes. Under the ancient laws of the Hindus the girl, guy, and offspring automatically become untouchables w/no status in such a case.

Another problem is what happens if Dad had already promised her to somebody else. Basic principles of justice would dictate that the upstart owes Dad some money in damages and possibly lots of it.

jim says:

Biblical rule: No abduction of married or bethrothed.

You will notice that among all the sex and marriage conflicts reported by the Old Testament, it does not contain a single example of the scenario so beloved of blue pillers: the family of X “rescuing” their daughter from the family of Y.

When King David’s daughter Tamar is raped by her half brother Amnon, she complains that this is immoral because he is her half brother, because it occurred contrary to the patriarchal authority of her father and King, and because Amnon let her go afterwards.

Steve Johnson says:

Another problem is what happens if Dad had already promised her to somebody else. Basic principles of justice would dictate that the upstart owes Dad some money in damages and possibly lots of it.

Nope – not in the father’s or daughter’s interest to enforce that. He’s going to impoverish the husband of his daughter and father of his grandchildren?

Doug Smythe says:

>You will notice that among all the sex and marriage conflicts reported by the Old Testament, it does not contain a single example of the scenario so beloved of blue pillers: the family of X “rescuing” their daughter from the family from the family of Y.

From what I’ve been able to gather doing cursory reading on the subject one of the reasons bridal abduction works is because the family typically doesn’t *want* to take her back once abducted b/c once deflowered will be unmarriageable and in any case disgraced (this is alluded to in Deuteronomical provision forbidding abductor from ever putting girl away).

jim says:

That is the blue pill reason.

The red pill reason is that if a daughter is abducted by X, and you “rescue” her, there is a remarkably high likelihood that she will subsequently be abducted by Y.

Steve Johnson says:

From Herodotus’ Histories:

Hitherto the injuries on either side had been mere acts of common violence; but in what followed the Persians consider that the Greeks were greatly to blame, since before any attack had been made on Europe, they led an army into Asia. Now as for the carrying off of women, it is the deed, they say, of a rogue: but to make a stir about such as are carried off, argues a man a fool. Men of sense care nothing for such women, since it is plain that without their own consent they would never be forced away. The Asiatics, when the Greeks ran off with their women, never troubled themselves about the matter; but the Greeks, for the sake of a single Lacedaemonian girl, collected a vast armament, invaded Asia, and destroyed the kingdom of Priam. Henceforth they ever looked upon the Greeks as their open enemies. For Asia, with all the various tribes of barbarians that inhabit it, is regarded by the Persians as their own; but Europe and the Greek race they look on as distinct and separate.

Not Tom says:

I’m sure most of you would have a severe problem with your daughter or sister being taken by Tyrone

Yes, but in a reactionary state, Tyrone wouldn’t live within a hundred miles of my daughter. Failed musicians and actors will be low status, so she is unlikely to elope with them, and they are also are unlikely to be the types to kidnap her at gunpoint.

Outlaw bikers are a small risk, but honestly there aren’t that many of them and most of them aren’t really that bad – and still aren’t the types to kidnap small children in the middle of the night with a burlap sack. If daddy doesn’t want daughter hooking up with outlaw bikers, marry her off before she has that chance.

Bob says:

>conflicts reported by the Old Testament, it does not contain a single example of the scenario so beloved of blue pillers: the family of X “rescuing” their daughter from the family of Y.

Maybe I’m not understanding it correctly, but Genesis 34 appears to be a story about Jacob’s daughter being upducted, the abductor wanting to marry her, but the brothers conspiring to fight her abductor for “defiling” her.

jim says:

I stand corrected

shaman says:

Just so we are clear about what the Bible says:

Exodus 16-17:

16 And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.

17 If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.

Deuteronomy 28-29:

28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

Does the Bible say anything about killing the man, Doug? No, the Bible doesn’t mention execution at all in this very specific context. What Doug advocates is a recent distortion of both common sense and historically precedented practice, and as is usually the case with recent distortions, its origin is some abominable reinterpretation of the Bible intended to make it say what it doesn’t say and imply what it doesn’t imply.

You can be as militantly atheist as Richard Dawkins and still subscribe to the view that what the Bible says here makes perfect sense, while recent demonic distortions of the Bible make no sense and don’t belong in Reaction.

Friendly Fred says:

Wizardseer, the people whom you call “trad-cons”, who emphasize fatherhood rather than husbandness and imagine a way of doing things in which a father retains control over his daughter until he finds a man who seems to him to be entirely right for her, even if she’s 22 by the time he finds the right one for her, and until then keeps other men away from her by threatening them with violence and punishing them if they get too close —

these people assume that young females will have a lot of freedom to move around in public places and chat with young men in the corners of rooms (not necessarily unseen, but at least unheard by others situated several feet away, and thus able to make “let’s meet at eight on the corner” arrangements with them) at parties or shops and so forth.

So, given this assumption — do you share it? — the question becomes, Is it best for the family and for the girl (two distinct sub-questions, and of course the father WILL want what he deems best for the girl) to make her wait until age 22 as opposed to giving her much earlier to someone who may be inferior?

It seems uncharitable to call the “make her wait” answer “demonic”. “Make her wait” may be a foolish (in its social consequences) and unkind (to her) response, but hardly demonic!

It’s not demonic, for it affirms a principle of order — supremacy of the father as such — and orderliness is the opposite of pandemonium.

shaman says:

Waiting till she’s 22 to find her a husband — while keeping her a virgin — is extremely difficult, a strategy so prone to failure as not be worth attempting.

It is the idea that it’s not extremely difficult and not totally prone to failure that is of demonic origin (I use demonic in the “Demons Real or Metaphorical” sense, of course), the same demonic origin behind the blue-pill in general. The blue-pill is a steaming pile of lies about human nature and female nature, and lies are of the Devil, hailing directly from Gehenna.

When you write:

until then keeps other men away from her by threatening them with violence and punishing them if they get too close

You make it sound like a mighty implausible scenario is actually plausible and practicable and doable. It isn’t, and to maintain otherwise is to lie, either to other people or to oneself or both. Furthermore, you make an undesirable scenario — treating the daughter as innately chaste, and men as innately sinful — sound like it’s desirable. It isn’t.

So to answer your question: It is better to marry her off when she reaches the point in her development when elopement or “It just happened” become a high likelihood (if not prior to that point), which can happen relatively early or relatively late, as there’s great variety among women when it comes to sex-drive onset. The husband is imperfect? No one’s perfect, and promising her a billionaire prince rock-star is wrong anyway.

The only alternative is chaining her to a wall in the basement kicking and screaming, and a horny woman burning with lust will find a way to cheat that, too.

shaman says:

By the way, why would there be any need to wait till she’s 22 in the first place? (Answer: Puritanism and Feminism and nothing else) In a functional society, she could find at 16 as many high-quality suitors as at 22, if not more so. It makes zero sense to wait these six additional years, and all the excuses to do sound awfully similar to arguments that the Social Purity Movement would concoct.

Waiting till 22 is neither desirable nor practical, it doesn’t benefit the girl, nor does it benefit her potential husband. Puritans are indeed very good at coming up with endless clever excuses why reproductive sex should be postponed as much as possible. Hey, how about not postponing reproductive sex?

Friendly Fred says:

This is from the Wiki “Western European marriage patterns”:

“In Yorkshire in the 14th and 15th centuries, the age range for most brides was between 18 and 22 years and the age of the grooms was similar; rural Yorkshire women tended to marry in their late teens to early twenties while their urban counterparts married in their early to middle twenties.”

— from which we are to conclude that fathers are unreasonably bossy and their daughters perennially exasperated?

quarty says:

> ages of grooms was similar
that sounds really weird, because women always like older men

shaman says:

And older men are also in a better position to own wives, for example 17-year-old Romeo and 13-year-old Juliet, who should have married, and could have married; evidently, the problem of blue-pilled parents was familiar enough to Shakespeare that he used it for social commentary.

Friendly Fred says:

But even if marrying 18-22 was only true of females (let’s say that they married men who were often several years older), still … that’s what was going on in Yorkshire way back in the Olden Days. So fathers must have been threatening to beat guys with sticks if they came too close to their daughters, right? Or maybe the girls were just fucking around the way they do today, but using pig-intestine condoms and morning-after witch-poison and doing infanticides instead of abortions? Probably, come to think of it.

The Cominator says:

How reliable are these statistics?

In pre-modern life female puberty set in slightly later then today for whatever reason but to my knowledge average age of marriage was 16-18. Generally arranged and not by abduction/elopement.

Or maybe the girls were just fucking around the way they do today, but using pig-intestine condoms and morning-after witch-poison and doing infanticides instead of abortions? Probably, come to think of it.

Certainly some did (strict purdah has never been the custom in Northern and Western Europe and its not really all that suitable for us) but it was not very common in the era before modern feminism because unmarried girls were rare and to the extent they existed it was because the female population tended to outnumber the male population.

Women becoming professional prostitutes on the other hand was very common up until it was banned by the force of the female vote.

jim says:

> It’s not demonic, for it affirms a principle of order

It rests on the demonic blue pill story that women really don’t like sex, and evil men compel and pressure them into having sex. Which is of demonic origin. Old and New Testaments have a different view.

The dance is pursuit and predation, conquest and surrender, but the prey wants to be caught by a wolf sufficiently fast, she wants to be conquered by a man strong enough to conquer her against her strong resistance. It is a dance, it is not real predation. The story that it is real predation, that women need protection to remain virgins, that women need protection from rape and sexual harassment, rather than restraint to prevent them from seeking out rape and sexual harassment, that they need protection from sex to remain virgins, rather than detention and restraint to remain virgins, is of demonic origin. Old Testament tells us that if you keep your daughter virgin for an unreasonable time, you are mistreating her, not protecting her. “Protection” is a gnostic and demonic heresy.

The order the father is maintaining is in practice difficult to maintain without drastic coercion directed at his daughter. Unreasonable coercion to keep a woman virgin for an unreasonable time is depicted as wrongful conduct in the old testament, and the story that drastic coercion is unnecessary is a demonic lie, which creates disorder, not order.

This is related to the sexual-harassment-in-the-workplace problem. Women seldom, as far as I can tell never, complain about actual sexual harassment. They use the superweapon of sexual harassment charges to shit test alpha males, to drive beta males employees and customers out of the business, and to pretend to one alpha male that they have preselection from another alpha male. All sexual harassment charges are bogus, not because sexual harassment never happens (I well know it happens, having done some myself) but because women invariably use them for purposes other than preventing sexual harassment. They rather like sexual harassment, they really like shit testing alpha males a lot, and they dislike having beta male employees and customers around the workplace. All women are like that. All sexual harassment charges are like that.

Dad protecting his virgin daughter from evil male predators has very similar results to Human Resources “preventing” sexual harassment, which results, whether from Human Resources or Dad, are indeed demonic.

Friendly Fred says:

Okay. I like the “dance” image, Magister.

Wizardseer, I think that about five years ago you suggested that given current girls-roaming-free conditions that individual fathers are really powerless to overcome it would be reasonable for a father to tell his daughter, “I want three grandchildren from you — that’s my only demand.” (In other words, no pressure about marriage as opposed to a series of boyfriends — you just want those grandchildren.) If that was you — do you still hold by this?

shaman says:

I don’t recollect something like that; it doesn’t sound like a thing that I’d write. It’s obviously better to have 3 grandchildren than fewer, but ideally, preferably they should all be from the same husband and grow up in the same household, rather than from 3 different men in several different households. Also obviously, better to have more than that.

shaman says:

(I do vaguely remember a similar idea, so maybe I did say something similar)

Doug Smythe says:

>What Doug advocates is a recent distortion of both common sense and historically precedented practice, and as is usually the case with recent distortions.

What I advocate is legal remedies that PREVENT people from getting killed. You’ll note that Deuteronomy imposes a huge fine and permanent civil disabilities on the offender.

Doug Smythe says:

Neither of those laws say that bridal abduction is OK.

quarty says:

Deut explicitly says it is okay, he gets to keep her if he can pay 50 shekels. Exodus says if the father diasgrees and they’ve had sex he has to forfeit her and pay as much as her dowry would have been. Those rules are a lot more father-affirming than what we have now. Most marriages now are by abduction, the man and woman moving in together without consulting her father.

shaman says:

Most marriages now have been emptied of meaning, indeed have been empty of meaning for over a century, because husbands are not allowed to effectively own wives due to state intervention.

First they said that fathers are more alpha than husbands. Then they said that the government is more alpha than both husbands and fathers.

We are going to reverse that completely: Husbands will be more alpha than fathers, and both will be more alpha than the government. Trad-Cons want (or say that they want) to revert Stage 2 Melanoma back to Stage 1 Melanoma. We want to cure it completely.

Anyone who objects to husbands out-alphaing fathers, and both out-alphaing the government, is not a Reactionary.

quarty says:

Of course. The oldest people I know met without her family knowing, but unlike the let’s you and him fight thing, which happens IRL and everyone around gets scared and wants guy to take crazy girl home, the alternative at least could be shown on film, in The Godfather, Michael asks the father of a girl, in his evil backwards mafia way, to let him marry her. My point was that people were arguing for something there isn’t really much cultural memory of against a feminist strawman.

2019 is boring says:

Every time you express yourself about the WP, cuckermint, there is damage and ruin and confusion. For example, your writing “Most marriages now are by abduction” gave Doug the false impression that NRx shares the Blue Pill frame.

No, there is no legal marriage by abduction now, and moreover, there is no legal marriage at all now. To say that we currently have marriage by abduction demonstrates a lack of understanding of what MBA is, even though it has been precisely, repeatedly, lucidly, vividly, vehemently (and some more adverbs apply) explained at very great length and in excruciating and tedious detail.

When you post hardly-intelligible spam about other topics, that can be tolerated — for example, I actually enjoyed your “I would eat fish and chips with CR” bit — but when you talk about the WP, there is only cost, and no benefit. To insult you, one can tell you to only write about weed and video games, but objectively, you can contribute some entertainment value by writing about some other subjects, too. You really have to stay away from the WP, though.

In this post, Jim writes: “The family law of the Old Temple Hebrews and the first Millenium Christian Church was entirely correct.” We are going to restore both the lost social technology herein referenced, and the memeplex that enables it. Which means that your Modernist Musings about anything WP-related have to go.

When you stop posting Modernist Musings about the WP, you will cease being cuckermint and will once again become peppermint.

quarty says:

Doug misinterpreted a passage of Deut saying the king shouldn’t try to get too much horses or wives or golds. Surely Fnargl wants horses wives and golds and doesn’t want to read the Bible all day, but he actually wants the long term Laffer maximum or horses, wives, and golds, and the Bible has a lot of relevant things to say about how to get that. Okay, build the memeplex.

I know my contribution is pretty much if a working class degenerate could speak what would it sound like. Me and my chaverim will be the first to register our claims with the reactionary state, which is far more plausible than social security, but the only reason to register now is maybe if you can’t tell HR you’re lesbians and need healthcare for your domestic partner if you’re lucky enough to have benefits. Eventually the government is going to figure out how to apply divorce to us anyway.

After expressing unawareness of penguins, and mentioning (ig)noble savageism from Tully for completeness, Aquinas concludes that marriage is a natural office, which he pretty much has to from Gen 2:25, in which the KJV committee uses the phrase cleaves to, there, in 34:3 about Shechem and Dinah, and where Jesus quotes Gen 2:25 saying what God has joined let no man separate.

As for abduction, in the Roman Twelve Tablets if a woman lives with a man for a year she’s his and my chaver who’s depressed because his gf ran away to destroy herself should have chained her to the kitchen sink and will be able to after the day all pigs would die or at least stop being pigs.

I get that using words in non-standard ways without saying so isn’t helpful but there’s something to be said for marriage by abduction in what my chaverim are up to, though it shouldn’t have been said during the most interesting debate of 2019. It’s not as good as what the KJV committee had in their personal lives but it’s what we have. What my chaverim need is to knock their gfs up more and start acting like they’re married by abduction. It isn’t all wishful thinking, some of them have the right idea.

shaman says:

Okay, build the memeplex.

Phew, finally some successful transmission.

Anyway, marriage by abduction is not a great theological innovation. Every man on Earth who is not a cuckold faggot understands that when your friend and a “female companion” are alone together, and she is not owned by any man who can provide her with reproductive sex, then your friend is her natural owner, and as you say, Matthew 19:6 applies.

The Progressive State does not recognize any ownership of men over women, which means that marriage has been abolished and dead for quite a while, but the Reactionary state will – this can be likened to an application of formalism to boyfriend-girlfriend dynamics, if you stubbornly insist on using modern (degenerate) terminology. And that will be a good thing, contrary to Doug’s blue pilled white knight concern trolling.

As Jim wrote in the previous thread:

The sacrament of marriage, performed by the husband, not the priest, consists of taking the brides hand and placing the ring on it. “With this ring I thee wed”.

The story of the wise and foolish virgins implies a marriage ceremony with mock abduction, followed by a big party at which the new husband is the big alpha male.

Glad that 2019, boring as it is, has nonetheless been made a useful year.

quarty says:

Sempai, last time we had a debate I came away with a visceral awareness that Matt Groening hates me and a bunch of stuff to go study, so I have to take your pessimism seriously, but from what I’m looking at right now, you make it sound worse than it is. Sure there are sluts who bring trash into their kid’s house, but there are also guys who are happily boyfriended to a beautiful woman and have a good family.

The men in between need to know that their responsibility isn’t to her, or to her family though it’s good optics to visit the graves of her ancestors and pray that they watch over his family, but to God. The white knight state came from men like me virtue signaling about how we don’t need to use a stick for domestic discipline instead of being respectful of their less fortunate neighbors. Yes, every man who practices female husbandry has to use the many forms of coersion feminists have catalogued, was there a word on the shelf for boyfriendhoods with more coersion than is usually politely talked about? The men with a slut ex who has their kid need the pigs to get lazy about white knighting so they can be a family.

Anyway, all these traddad posts and no one posted the real traddad slogan, “what are your intentions regarding my daughter”.

shaman says:

all these traddad posts and no one posted the real traddad slogan, “what are your intentions regarding my daughter”.

Since all men are attracted to females with secondary sexual characteristics, which begin manifesting around age 12 or so, it should be automatically assumed that their intention is to jump her bones, bang her like a drum, and fuck her brains out.

And she is going crawl nine hundred miles over broken glass to put herself in exactly those situations most likely to lead to sex with a long succession of demon lovers. Which is why all those healthy normal heterosexual men are irrelevant and there is no point discussing them, as the real problem is that the chicken is roaming free, and violently resists attempts to restrict her movement, not that the world isn’t safe for chickens to roam free.

you make it sound worse than it is.

It is even worse than I make it sound: Each generation has fewer intact families, and more incels and whores. Men have lost control over women, both collectively and individually, which is why you are using anti-concepts such as “boyfriends,” “girlfriends” and “dating” rather than (respectively) “fornicators,” fornicatresses,” and “fucking.” You are using lying words popularized by lying fornicatressses. It’s the rectification of names once again.

The problem with fornication is that at every moment the fertile female can decide to switch to a more alpha fornicator, as her hypergamous sexuality dictates, since her present fornicator does not own her; and since official marriage has been gutted of all meaning, and with a divorce rate of 40%-50%, modern official “marriage” is essentially fornication, even when ostensibly permanent. As Jim wrote:

contractual marriage died in the seventies, and sacramental marriage has been played down for a thousand years.

Now, sure, you still need to behave as if the Restoration has already occurred; thus you are right when you say:

What my chaverim need is to knock their gfs up more and start acting like they’re married by abduction.

But the reality is that marriage is dead, all marriage now being glorified fornication, and by normalizing anti-concepts such as “boyfriend,” “girlfriend,” and “dating,” you are giving justification for the pigs to white knight on behalf of sluts. Reaction wants marriage, not fornication, to be enforced by State, Church, and Society, and recognized by God, State, man, and family. Private enforcement is a necessary substitute, but liable to fail – we want genuine enforcement, genuine social tech to back up husbands.

shaman says:

Premarital sex that promptly leads to marriage is fine, sex in the context of betrothal is fine. That’s all part of the mating dance.

In contrast, when the entire society is full of unowned women and Jeremy Meeks, when a legion of thots fornicate with a few cads, when there is an overabundance of whores, and extreme shortage of virgin brides, when the percentage of men hanging out and rubbing one out in mom’s basement keeps steeply rising, when pumping and dumping of virgins is tolerated, and serial monogamy is tolerated, when you can’t shoot dead the adulterer who fucks your wife and/or your adulterous wife, when men’s natural attraction to fertile females is vilified and used to lock ’em up, and homosexuals’ unnatural attraction to prepubescent boys is legitimized and celebrated, when 9-year-old boys are brought in for diddling at the local library’s Drag Queen Story Hour, when rampant frivorce-rape results in beta ex-husbands’ children suffering unfortunate accidents because slut-mom had been granted custody, when the meat of boiled-alive babies wanted by their fathers is either sold to the highest bidder or socialistically redistributed to laboratories for research purposes, then truly you are living in Sodom and Gomorrah in which unsurprisingly the average TFR is below replacement level and military age male Sub-Saharan Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white pussy are going to conquer you.

“Boyfriend,” “girlfriend,” and “dating” are from Satan. If the Progressive State is compelling us to fornicate, because marriage is illegal and unimplementable, then we should at least be honest about what we are: Fornicators. Perhaps involuntarily so, so maybe instead of using “boyfriend,” you should use the neologism “inforn,” as in “involuntary fornicator.” Your chaverim should definitely knock up their fornicatresses, but Reaction wants to go much further than that.

Not Tom says:

No, Jim is the one advocating legal remedies preventing death: It is illegal for you to assault or kill a man because he married your daughter against your wishes. He out-alpha’ed you, get over it.

shaman says:

A reliable test for sniffing out white knights.

You walk the sidewalk with your wife or girlfriend, when she and another man stumble into each other. The man keeps walking, but she looks at you like a poor puppy and says, “Ouch.”

A) I’m going to follow that man and beat the shit out of him for stumbling into her.

B) I’m going to follow that man and demand that he apologize to her for stumbling into her. If he refuses, I’ll beat the shit out of him.

C) When we get home, I’ll tell her what a bad, bad man he must be, and I’ll take it upon myself to compensate her for her painful experience by being double extra super-plus nice.

D) She stumbled into him to create a “Let you and him fight” shit test. When we get home I’ll punish her for it, possibly with a stick, and warn her not to play with fire ever again.

E) My autism is so debilitating that I possess no means of analyzing this situation.

Not God says:

F – She’s a fucking idiot whom I would never have hooked up with in the first place.

Not Tom says:

Wrong answer. All Women Are Like That.

Not God says:



Starman says:

@Not God

Shill detected.

Not God says:

You have been preaching neoreaction to your circle of friends for a few months and are just starting to gain traction. One day one of your friends shows you an article on neoreaction published by the New York Times. The headline says:

A) NRx allows violence against women, but that’s ok because the more credible the threat, the less likely it is to be used

B) NRx calls for marrying off of young women, but that’s ok because it actually works out better for them socially

C) NRx undefines the word “rape”, but that’s ok because it means a higher rate of marriage and fewer unwanted children

D) Violent pedophilic rape cult calls for an end to democracy

The Cominator says:

Top kek. It would say D. and you aren’t a shill.

Not Tom says:

Oh no, we’d better change all of our positions because the propaganda arm of Moloch might say mean things about us!

I am concerned! Aren’t you concerned? Everyone, throw away your Old Testaments and start reading Marx and Foucault, right now!

(P.S. isn’t it interesting how the establishment media, in actual fact, says nothing at all about NRx, yet is positively obsessed with the blue- and purple-pilled alt-right? Makes you think…)

The Cominator says:

They also try not to cover the chans too much (despite the chans now being overrun with shills and glownaggers). Some of the Cathedral’s top people know that neoreaction and the memes of the (non-shill) meme warriors are like the Nietzchean abyss. If their followers stare into it, it will stare back at them.

So they don’t want the ideas publicized at all, they want the opposition to be bluepilled nazis who are all feds and shills anyway. The only hit pieces I’ve seen on NRx was something in National Cuckview once.

Not Tom says:

Just so. If the New York Times ever does write a hit piece on Neoreaction, one thing I can virtually guarantee it won’t contain is hyperlinks. They will tell their followers how to feel about it, in oblique terms, but under no circumstances will they convey the substance or even attempt to summarize it.

Not God says:

[*deleted for obscurity*]

jim says:

You reply to clear sarcasm with opaque sarcasm. State your position in such a way that we can understand what your position is.

Not God says:

State your position in such a way that we can understand what your position is.

I’m out. Good luck guys.

Steve Johnson says:

P.S. isn’t it interesting how the establishment media, in actual fact, says nothing at all about NRx, yet is positively obsessed with the blue- and purple-pilled alt-right? Makes you think…

Analogy time – Charles Murray is closer to the mainstream than Greg Cochran and gets much worse treatment – in fact Greg Cochran gets mostly ignored.

It’s a shit test, but delayed punishment doesn’t work on women. Playfully dismissing the test is the best you can do in a modern social context.

That being said, you only get the “lets you and him fight” when your girl is insecure about your dominance over other men. Which you should be demonstrating regularly, just not on her terms.

alf says:

> she looks at you like a poor puppy and says, “Ouch.”

‘lol don’t be a drama queen.’

Soft D) (“You’ve got eyes, hon, use ’em.”) to E) to F) as in probably did not notice or if yes did not care. I don’t think if shit tests like that ever happened to me, but me not noticing them because usually lost in thoughts might be an automatic pass, dunno. My discussions with wife usually look like: “…were you listening to what I said?” “I was looking at this book/screen, not you, so what do you think?” “Well it’s important. Remember that guy who wanted to buy our old washing machine last week?” “I don’t.” “He didn’t call back, but whatever…” seriously, either shit tests don’t happen to me or they go like a mile under my radar.

vxxc says:

Poland is exempting the young under 26 from income tax.

That’s a reactionary government putting something material on the table.

Income taxes are Prog and Neoliberal looting.

We need to offer something to the young other than a very long term maybe of sacred marriage and paterfamilias.

The IRA, Taliban, Hizbollah and others succeeded because they immediately materially improved the commons lot with functioning courts and social services.

What does reaction offer?

jim says:

It is stupid to offer people free money. The left will always outbid us.

We offer wives, sons, and dignity. When I was in Cuba three decades ago, I noticed Cubans walked small and were afraid all the time. Today, white males in the US walk small and are afraid all the time. We will make them unafraid.

Not Tom says:

Poland’s government isn’t reactionary, it’s maybe vaguely paleoconservative.

I’ve noticed you tend to label anything that opposes the worst excesses of modern progressivism as reactionary. That’s the leftist definition of reactionary, not ours. Reaction doesn’t seek to “immediately materially improve the common lot”; it seeks to cure the disease, not pump the patient full of heroin to dull the pain.

If you want quick fixes that feel like “doing something”, are popular with adolescents and the lower classes and don’t solve the underlying problems, then by all means support Conservatives, because they’ve got tons of those. Reaction is actually a movement for the elite and middle classes, explicitly eschewing HLvM. Playing at democracy is pandering to the low, which is poison for right-wing movements.

We’ll get power, one way or another – just not in the way you imagine it happening.

Vxxc says:

Less taxes =/ free money.

And you have to GET POWER to offer anything.
Never mind take us to the old testament.

Not to mention letting the young eat as opposed to feeding the Cathedral is harm to our enemies.

Poland wants more young Poles.
So it lets them get to 85K zloty before taxing them under the age of 26.

Because you’re not offering anything.
Poland is….

Doug Smythe says:

>And you have to GET POWER to offer anything.
Never mind take us to the old testament.

Yes- figuring out how to defeat the across-the-board failure of will on the part of our people is more important than all the other questions put together. As Trotsky said: “even the barricades are more important than morality”.

vxxc says:

Yes- a complete failure of will.

The best or even the decent lack all indeed any conviction.
A conviction you kill for, you suffer for, you die for.

Of course action like manual labor is seen as low status.
Also its hard and dangerous.

Vxxc says:

…action is low status unless you’re a criminal.

Embrace the crime then.

You’ll damn sure get more chicks.

shaman says:

What Reaction seeks is not ideological purity, but ideological clarity. It must be able to accurately determine what is in and what is out.

There is a big problem of entryism right now. The entryists employ two consecutive tricks:

1. “Reaction, properly understood, is [not Reaction].”

2. “Welp, you see, my worldview is truly more right-wing than Reaction.”

Take CR for example. He started out by pretending that Reaction, properly understood, is Communism. When he was called out on that, he quickly switched to “I am more right-wing than Reaction.”

Nazis are a similar case. They start with “Greetings fellow Reactionaries, gas the kikes – 1488.” When it’s explained to them that they are patently not Reactionaries, they claim to be to the right of Reaction, despite being kilometers to its left.

Trad-Cons are the same old story. They try to pass off their unique brand of “Traditional Conservatism” as Reaction. When confronted about employing this tactic, they move on to “Trad-Conism is to the right of Reaction.”

Reaction can tolerate some dissent from those to its left. (In this context, right-wing stands for natural order, left-wing stands for unnatural disorder) We are not looking for 100% ideological purity. However, what should emphatically not be tolerated is dishonesty and unclarity about it. If you are to the left of Reaction, say so explicitly. Those who admit to being more left-wing than Reaction are allowed both to contribute whatever they can contribute and to argue their respective worldviews, provided they don’t repetitiously spam their lies, evil, and madness, and don’t use disingenuous argumentation tactics, as is common among madmen, dumbasses, and paid shills.

Those who falsely claim to advocate Reaction when they really advocate Communism, Nazism, Troofism, Progressivism, or Trad-Conism, and who later switch to “I am actually more right-wing than Reaction,” are being disingenuous. That is classic entryism.

The Cominator says:

Yes I dissent on a couple of issues I think slavery will fuck up the labor market because history shows it. I think you need SOME very small limitations on paterfamilias. But I don’t try to introduce any socialist or Cathedral memes into the reactionary memeplex when I am dissenting. I point out that there are actual severe economic drawbacks to chattel slavery and that societies where killing wives for adultery is legal or tolerated by the law tend to also be plagued by clannism and blood feuds. If the guilty pair are caught in the act in your own house… maybe an exception can be made.

CR wasn’t thinking he had a script to follow and we could tell he wasn’t allowed to deviate from that script.

Trad-Cons are the same old story. They try to pass off their unique brand of “Traditional Conservatism” as Reaction. When confronted about employing this tactic, they move on to “Trad-Conism is to the right of Reaction.”

Trad-cons are essentially feminine in their thinking, when their views are demonstrated as unworkable their defense tends to be muh moralfagging and muh feels. They aren’t script shills but they just aren’t really thinking either.

BC says:

>that societies where killing wives for adultery is legal or tolerated by the law tend to also be plagued by clannism and blood feuds.

You haven’t presented any evidence of this assertion beyond hand waving.

Clans on the other hand are a more primitive evolutionary system re-invoked when civilization collapses as a way to protect people from the collapse of order. They’re created and maintained by cousin marriage. Ban cousin marriage and the system goes away as demonstrated in middle ages Europe.

The Cominator says:

Siciliy, certain places in India, Muslim societies and various Central Asian livestock fuckers have historically either had legal murder of adulterers or total judicial tolerance for it.

They are also all clannish blood feud societies. Statisical evidence on such things is probably impossible to get I just note the type of societies where that law exists.

It DID exist by law in the Roman Republic (where the term Paterfamilias came from) but probably in order that blood feuds not occur it was not carried out. And by the late Roman Republic wives were almost as bad as modern American wives… which leads me to believe that the custom got to the point that any attempt to discipline a bad wife got taken as some kind of insult to the wife’s family… even if they knew the bitch deserved it.

China also had a Roman paterfamilias law and maybe it was carried out there in practice (and China was a civilized society for centuries) and maybe it wasn’t I just don’t know enough about how the paterfamilias system in China worked in practice.

Ban cousin marriage and the system goes away as demonstrated in middle ages Europe.

Agreed with ban on cousin marriage. All those societies above also generally practice cousin marriage except I think Sicily.

BC says:

>It DID exist by law in the Roman Republic (where the term Paterfamilias came from) but probably in order that blood feuds not occur it was not carried out.

From reading the Wikipedia description of it you seem to be repeating the standard progressive lie: Yes it existed legally, but it didn’t really happen. This is typically for progressive re-writing of history. You’re going to need actual evidence instead of progressive history to make a compelling case.

>And by the late Roman Republic wives were almost as bad as modern American wives… which leads me to believe that the custom got to the point that any attempt to discipline a bad wife got taken as some kind of insult to the wife’s family… even if they knew the bitch deserved it.

No it’s evidence that men were failing their shittests and women ran Rome, which has been widely noted. It took a patriarchal religion like Christianity to stop the rot.

The Cominator says:

You are making an argument against me that contradicts itself.

If Paterfamilias killings of bad wives were a regular occurence then women would not have been running amok and ruining Rome (which you conceded that they were). But yet you argue that Paterfamilias disciplinary powers against wives WERE exercised despite this. BOTH cannot be true. That wives were running amok tells me Paterfamilias disciplinary powers were for some reason not exercised.

The most likely reason Paterfamilias disciplinary powers against wives were not exercised is because the men FEARED to exercise them. The most likely reason the men FEARED to exercise them even though legally entitled to was they fear extralegal reprisals ie from the wifes family.

jim says:

You are mangling together Roman societies and Roman culture that were centuries apart. Absolute power for the husband was early Republic. The Augustan rules on marriage made the husband a guest in wife’s household, retaining in superficial form ancient Roman institutions that had long been thoroughly gutted in actual practice.

By the time of the Graachi, we start to see “strong empowered women” and all that.

The husband had absolute power in cum manu. But at the time all this immorality was occurring, marriage was either sine manu, or people were shacking up irregularly and calling it marriage.

Cum Manu was dead as stone by the time of Christ, but the Christian marriage ritual is based on Marriage cum manu, suggesting that the Christians were reviving socially what they were not allowed to enforce legally.

The Cominator says:

Clearly reading late literature from the Republic the wives were running amok and acting terribly as far back as the time of the Gracchi long before the Augustan marriage laws.

Paterfamilias authority may very well have been exercised under the kings and maybe the early Republic but by the time Rome became a great power it was not exercised against wives at least in actual practice.

jim says:

> it was not exercised against wives at least in actual practice.

It was not legally available to be exercised against wives.

Rome had several distinct forms of marriage. And, if married sine manu, you were screwed.

Marriage sine manu was a shit test that the Romans failed.

The Cominator says:

Okay you edited your post as I was writing mine and we agree about the time of the Gracchi and that women were acting very badly in practice…

But DE JURE the Paterfamilias still had absolute power all the way through the Republic. But it wasn’t exercised in practice even if it existed in law. I have my theory as to why.

The Cominator says:

Okay between Patriacians the norm was a strict form of marriage (It was called confareito or something) but literature suggests patrician wives in such marriages were not any better.

info says:

Romans had many of their daughters killed by exposure. Whilst christians having no abortions and saving the unwanted children of romans had an abundance of women.(From book Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark). This ensured the triumph of christianity through sex ratio alone.

And the demographic demise of pagan rome.

Not Tom says:

Siciliy, certain places in India, Muslim societies and various Central Asian livestock fuckers have historically either had legal murder of adulterers or total judicial tolerance for it.

All tend to be rather low-IQ and low-functioning areas. African societies that don’t permit this also have clannishness and blood feuds.

We should at least consider the possibility that the common denominator for tribal warfare is low intelligence and weak/incompetent governance, and that their handling of adultery isn’t the central issue per se. It could even be that harsh punishments for adultery were an important part of the evolutionary process leading to high intelligence and cooperate-cooperate equilibrium in the first place.

shaman says:

Despite our disagreements, I respect you, as you have integrity; you are not an entryist, and anyone who accuses you of entryism is wrong.

You are right about their feminine thinking. Their “worldview,” such as it is, is merely a thinly disguised collection of rationalizations for blue-pilled emotions. They instinctively feel that women in general are angelic, and that women of their own family are outright godesses. They don’t think – they emote like a bunch of girly girls.

Then again, maybe in real life they are less blue-pilled than they like to pretend on the internet. According to Jim, some white knights talk a big talk on the internet, but fail to act according to their own stated white knight positions in real life. For example, some claim that relationships between adult men and teenage women greatly disturb them, yet, if I understand Jim correctly, in real life these people don’t actually respond so hysterically when they witness such relationships in front of them. They claim to be deeply bothered by such horrendous “pedophilia,” but it doesn’t bother them at all when they actually see it.

(So perhaps Doug is a reasonable person in real life, but due to his emotions, he feels compelled to advocate his blue-pilled demonic heresy over here)

Be that as it may, Reaction must rigidly maintain its memetic sovereignty, and the blue-pill must always be regarded as enemy number one. The WP is the most urgent issue, and there has to be perfect clarity about what went wrong and what Reaction wants to do about it. For us to have memetic sovereignty, need to accurately diagnose cases of ideological entryism, especially of the blue-pill variety.

The Cominator says:

I wonder where they see these NAWALT angels that give them such an impression…

The closest things to NAWALT angels that I’ve known well one was a textbook case of BPD who destroyed herself (this was despite getting married she was not unowned and her husband was not a pussy and but she probably was unable to feel happy and owned without a severe beating… and it wasn’t that she was stupid white women with IQs over 120 are very rare…) the other while the most sweet selfless girl you ever met and for many years as honorable as any guy about keeping her word once given was also prone to impulsive stupid self destructive behaviour (that and while she didn’t destroy herself changed into a more typical American bitch years later…).

I just can’t comprehend how meeting and dealing with actual women they could hold to the Victorian Angel idea… the two women I mentioned above were very angelic in some ways far more so then other women but also horribly flawed.

Anonymous says:

>I wonder where they see these NAWALT angels that give them such an impression…

From Illimitable Men, I’ve heard the idea that it was bluepilled mens’ doting, caring mothers that caused them to expect women being like that, while men who grew up with neglectful or crazy mothers can handle women better as they already know what to expect from them.

Zach says:

Doug pwnz. Echo chambers suck. If there is disagreement, could hardly do better than Doug IMO. Similarly, tends not turn a place into an Amish knitting circle of girly drama.

2019 is boring says:

And yet, he devotes his blog to sniping and griping about NRx.

Not Tom says:

The single-minded obsession with the left-right axis or even the Euclidean “compass” is part of the problem. The most literal, faithful interpretation of left vs. right is revolutionaries vs. royalists, but of course that says nothing about the WQ, race realism, etc.

Reaction is reaction. Maybe there are ideologies out there that are “to the right” of it, using any of the thousand and one definitions of “right” that are in circulation today, but it’s irrelevant if the definitions of left and right are themselves corrupted by centuries of progressive social engineering and holiness spiraling. It would be like trying to have our discussions about sex relations using the word “gender” as defined by progressive gender theory. Reaction is what it is, and if you think you’re on the right of it, then good for you, find some other community that meets with your approval.

Anyone asserting that reaction isn’t far-enough right is infringing on the memetic sovereignty that’s been discussed prior; it’s an attempt to subordinate the tenets of reaction, themselves based on natural order, to some unnatural and exploitable higher-order abstract principle.

2019 is boring says:

You’re probably in the top 5 most intelligent posters here; I’d appreciate hearing your take (if you have one) on Carlyle’s Great Man Theory of History, i.e.,

Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here. They were the leaders of men, these great ones; the modellers, patterns, and in a wide sense creators, of whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain; all things that we see standing accomplished in the world are properly the outer material result, the practical realization and embodiment, of Thoughts that dwelt in the Great Men sent into the world: the soul of the whole world’s history, it may justly be considered, were the history of these.

Anyone else who has an opinion in invited to share it.

Friendly Fred says:

Carlyle liked to work himself up into a mental froth. I spent about a month trying to extract a coherent system of concepts from Sartor Resartus and failed. I like how he tried to make use of Milton’s image-system (Chaos and Old Night, the road laid down over them), itself drawn from Hesiod — but he didn’t put any effort into using these images consistently, which was annoying. And it’s the same sort of thing in the other 4 Carlyle books (including the one you mention) I redd. One ends up thinking, “What gives this guy the right to dominate my time this way?’

Oh, sorry, you weren’t asking about Carlyle, you were asking about the Great Man Theory of History. Well, all of the Great Men that Carlyle spends chapters on were boring people that you wouldn’t want to hang out with. “Thoughts that dwelt in the Great Men sent into the world” — what crap — we’ve got a Great Man sort of person as president right now; do Thoughts “dwell” in him?

2019 is boring says:

Interesting. Perhaps we should differentiate between Great Warrior-Leaders and Great Priest-Thinkers. Such a differentiation would still be in line with the GMToH, while being nuanced enough to allow us to categorize individuals like Alexander the Great as the former and individuals like Karl Marx (may he roast in Hell) as the latter.

2019 is boring says:

Btw, is Carlyle a really dipshit?

Not Tom says:

I regret to say that I haven’t read all of the NRx recommended Carlyle material; I know of the Great Man theory, and have read lots of fragments of Carlyle quoted by Moldbug, so I’ll attempt a response, but keep in mind it may be colored by a lack of context.

The empirical evidence for Great Man theory is the Pareto Principle. I’m not sure if it’s been discussed here before, but once you know what a Pareto distribution looks like (“long tail”, or 80/20 rule), you start to see them literally everywhere. It’s not actually an 80/20 rule but a square-root law, so for example if your company has 10,000 employees, roughly 100 of them or only 1% are responsible for about half of the innovation. And among those 100, roughly 10 of them accomplish more than the other 90.

More empirical evidence rests with the fact that historical geniuses are usually not one-hit wonders. Newton made tons of discoveries, Einstein made tons of theories and proofs, Da Vinci made tons of inventions, Monet painted tons of great works. The output of geniuses isn’t just greater than the output of normals, it’s exponentially greater. I’ve heard it said that IQ, despite having a normal distribution, works more like a logarithmic scale, with each +SD corresponding to exponentially greater “processing power” – don’t know if that’s been proven, but it would explain an awful lot.

Carlyle’s claim that all history is the history of these great men is probably poetic license. If we want to analyze and nitpick and be a bit spergy about it, it’s probably more like 80% of history, or to be even more spergy, it’s a fractal hierarchy. Which doesn’t really change the prescription at all: if we want to continue innovating as a species, we have to set up and maintain the conditions necessary for great men to be born and flourish, because average people, despite being totally necessary for civilization, don’t relatively innovate or produce all that much.

As you can probably tell, my mind tends toward the naturalistic and materialistic, so when claims are made about spirits and souls and so on, I have to translate back and forth to material observations. If you wanted a purely spiritual take on it, I’m probably the wrong guy to ask.

2019 is boring says:

Thanks, high-quality post.

Nikolai says:

Jim, what’s your interpretation of the rape of Dinah in Genesis 34? I can’t find any Patristic commentary on it, but the way I read it, it appears to back up Doug’s view that it’s improper to take a girl’s virginity without her father’s permission, even if you’re sincerely committed to marrying her. And that Simeon and Levi had a right to be angry, though killing every man in the city was a disproportionate and wrathful response.

There’s no mention of Dinah being punished for it, in stark contrast to when Judah found out about Tamar’s harlotry and was about to have her burned to death.

shaman says:

I’m inclined to say that norms regulating in-group behavior do not apply to relations with out-groups, which explains the discrepancy between what Exodus 22 and Deuteronomy 22 prescribe and what Genesis 34 describes. But I’ll wait for Jim’s take to make up my mind.

jim says:

“And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully”

Indicating that this behavior was a violation of social norms prevailing.

You will notice at no time does anyone consider “rescuing” their sister. Shechem allowed their sister to wander back, which he should not have done, and then subsequently decides to ask the clan of Jacob to send her back.

The problem was that they did not want a foreigner to marry their sister, thereby entering into a clan alliance with foreigners, rather than that they did not want someone who abducted their sister to keep her.

On the one hand, the Old Testament commends their ethnocentrism, but they way they gave effect to it is not endorsed.

Notice that the sister was wandering off in a way that put her at risk of being abducted by outsiders. The position that the sons of Jacob took implies that if she had been abducted by one of their own people, no big problem. Or rather that was what they said. They were upset that she was “defiled”- but the absence of a rescue expedition would imply that the defilement consisted of her wandering back.

Random4829438 says:

Genesis 34:26 NKJV

“26 And they killed Hamor and Shechem his son with the edge of the sword, and took Dinah from Shechem’s house, and went out. ”

She was still at Shechem’s house, and they did rescue her.

Where are you getting the idea Shechem allowed her to wander back, and that they didn’t rescue her?

jim says:

I stand corrected.

I misread.

This is indeed an example of the Blue Pill Scenario.

Nikolai says:

That the sons of Israel, Old Testament Patriarchs just three generations from Abraham, are bluepilled white knights strikes me as an unreasonably stringent definition of red pilled. It seems entirely natural that fathers and brothers take offense to men improperly courting the women of their family. Whether in Biblical times or 2019. Shortly after my ex and I broke up, her father tried to pressure her into getting me arrested.

Marriages should follow the blueprint Isaac and Rebekah. When Abraham’s servant meets Rebekah at the well, he doesn’t just kidnap her and drag her to Isaac. The servant meets her family, gets the permission of her brother and father, gives them gifts, and then takes her to be Isaac’s wife. That’s how it should be done. I don’t understand why this is such a contentious point.

jim says:

> That the sons of Israel, Old Testament Patriarchs just three generations from Abraham, are bluepilled white knights

The bible covers a lot of times and a lot of cultures. Abraham lived for a time in an Egypt that was decadent and sexually emancipated, similar to the modern era, perhaps worse. Recollect Abraham telling his wife to sleep with the Pharaoh.

First Temple Israel was wonderfully red pilled. I say, revive the family law and sexual laws of First Temple Israel and first millenium Christianity. I don’t say “revive the family law of the patriarchs”

During the rape of Tamar, Tamar accuses of her rapist half brother Amnon of Egyptian values. We don’t want to revive the values of a collapsing and decadent civilization. We don’t want to revive Abraham going along with Egyptian values. We don’t even want to revive the values of the early Moses, rather the values of Moses after the ten commandments.

quarty says:

The rescue mission is condemned, “in their anger they slew a man”, not the whole village, so it’s still wrong to take her back if they only would have had to kill Shechem. Sometimes people misinterpret the Bible as only stories of good behavior or morality play stories of bad behavior, but this is condemned.

Meanwhile, today’s Dinah’s who go out to see the daughters of the land would be so lucky to meet a Shechem. The male status hierarchy would have been more visible then.

quarty says:

Simeon and Levi made Jacob stink among the inhabitants of the land. Chapter 49 says they they were cruel and says how they’re going to be cursed for it.

Dinah isn’t really mentioned much later. A more interesting story is Rahab the Harlot, what if the king of Jericho had been prepared to tell his soldiers to take one for the team and rape the information out of her instead of asking her nicely? A lot of women who sleep with White men are apparently being told by those men to shill against White people.

Anyway John Lennon had a song about how he’s going to kill a woman who leaves him, making lots of girls swoon because women want to hear their man is willing to use deadly force to defend his family. Then he became a house-husband to his second wife, and today’s male rock stars are pathetic.

Nikolai says:

I never really liked the Beatles, what song are you referring to?

Cuddlepie says:

Run For Your Life.

shaman says:

While we’re at it, Judges 21:16-23 does not condemn marriage by abduction, and tacitly endorses it.

16 Then the elders of the congregation said, How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing the women are destroyed out of Benjamin?

17 And they said, There must be an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel.

18 Howbeit we may not give them wives of our daughters: for the children of Israel have sworn, saying, Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin.

19 Then they said, Behold, there is a feast of the Lord in Shiloh yearly in a place which is on the north side of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.

20 Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards;

21 And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

22 And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favourable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty.

23 And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of them that danced, whom they caught: and they went and returned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in them.

Some may rejoin that this is merely Kingless behavior, but God doesn’t take issue with the actions undertaken, as reproduction is more vital to His interests than an orderly transfer of ownership over daughters. Marriage by abduction is sometimes indispensable, according to the OT.

Doug Smythe says:

Not gonna go on about this forever as I’ve got to get back to work tomorrow, but note the following instruction: “And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favourable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty.”

In other words, when carloads of Shilohs show up with guns and baseball bats, here’s how you’re going to talk them down.

2019 is boring says:

Do you understand the context of “for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty”? (Not, you absolutely don’t understand the context) It is that the Israelites took an oath before God not to give their daughters to the Benjaminites because of the Gibeah affair and subsequent civil war, as described in Judges 19-20, not that fathers and brothers in general cannot tolerate marriage by abduction.

As is typical of Conservadaddies whenever they quote the Bible, you take a verse that explicitly contradicts your argument and present as affirming your argument. This verse unequivocally confirms that, under normal circumstances, fathers and brothers do in fact tolerate marriage by abduction.

Friendly Fred says:

Am I wrong in suspecting that a major issue of contention here arises from this situation?:

Nice 22 year old programmer: “Yes, sir, I had sex with your obviously pubescent 14 year old daughter, who definitely wanted it, and now I’m going to marry her, so don’t kill me.”
Dad: “Sorry, I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
Nice 22 year old programmer: “Police! Help!”
Policeman: “Sorry, Dad, you gotta let him marry her now instead of killing him; that’s the law.”
Dad: “Shit. Okay.”

Friendly Fred says:

I mean that the Dads of the world worry that Reactionary Law will put them in this situation, where their Dad-Authority is overruled by the Power of the State …

and the Dads are likely to protest, “Hey, isn’t this a lot like the Progressive State forcing me to send my daughter to a high school where she’s trained to become a career-girl?”

So do you respond, “Yes, but only in the sense that the State is imposing its will upon you with regard to your daughter; the difference is that the Progressive State is forcing something bad upon you with regard to your daughter, while the Reactionary State will be forcing something good upon you with regard to her”?

shaman says:

Forbidding fathers from unlawfully killing their daughters’ husbands is quite far from Draconian State Oppression.

What blue-pillers fear is that evil men will ruin their innately chaste angelic princesses. The red-pill is that girls are sexually uncontrollable, will crawl a hundred miles over broken glass to get banged like drums by alpha males, and therefore need to be under the authority of men who can provide them with reproductive sex.

Friendly Fred says:

Okay, so does this scenario work?:

Dad: “Get the fuck away from my daughter, you scumbag punk!”
Joey: “Hey man, she’s like 14 and has boobs and everything — lighten up!”
Cindy: “Yeah, dad, why you don’t lighten up? We’re just talking!”
Dad: “We’ll discuss this later, Cindy. As for you, punk, fuck off or I put my fist through your face, and if I ever see you around my daughter again you’re gonna die.”
[Later …]
Dad: “Okay, Cindy, you’ve got three choices — Archibald the computer programmer, Seymour the electrical engineer, or staying chained to the basement wall until I come up with a couple of new names for your consideration.”
Cindy: “But I love Joey!”
Dad: “Sorry — no scumbag punk’s gonna marry my daughter. Archibald or Seymour or the wall — which is it?”

BC says:

The fact that Joey had private access to Cindy sealed the deal. Proper response to get them hitched, because they’ve probably already fucked.

The reason male chaperones were so common in the past is to prevent City from hooking up with Joey. Hell I used to have to chaperone my sister around when starting around 11 or so. I didn’t understand why and my parents probably couldn’t have explained it but they were continuing a very old practice deigned to safeguard my sister’s virginity.

shaman says:

The fact that Joey had private access to Cindy sealed the deal. Proper response to get them hitched, because they’ve probably already fucked.

Exactly so.

The Cominator says:

The fact that Joey had private access to Cindy sealed the deal. Proper response to get them hitched, because they’ve probably already fucked.

Here is where I disagree shaman, if Joey is unsuitable (lets say not a total criminal or something like that but hes a local band musician with a menial day job) and Cindy is hot you’ll probably be able to find some more suitable guy to have her even if they already fucked. Then if Cindy sneaks out at night on her new husband to bang Joey her new husband can beat the shit out of her and have Joey whipped in public square while a mob tosses rotten fruit at him and she’ll realize her new husband is more alpha because he can beat the shit out of her and have Joey whipped and mocked in public, and hell maybe Joey will learn to make something of himself so he can actually get a hot wife.

There is no need to have any of them killed in this case or to have Cindy marry her unsuitable boyfriend, just some severe coercion and beatings and public humiliation. Pitiless severity should be reserved for real criminals and shitlibs…

So while I don’t favor age of consent laws marriage by abduction should only be after a certain age. If the father can’t get Cindy married off by 20 despite hotness Joey can have her and the father shouldn’t be able to stop it.

BC says:

>Here is where I disagree shaman, if Joey is unsuitable (lets say not a total criminal or something like that but hes a local band musician with a menial day job) and Cindy is hot you’ll probably be able to find some more suitable guy to have her even if they already fucked.

Once they’ve fucked you have to kill Joey to make her somewhat suitable for marriage. Otherwise she will fuck him again. The very act of a man lowering himself to marry used goods makes him less alpha.

The Cominator says:

Joey may very well have to be shipped in public square and Cindy beaten with a stick. In 95% of cases anyway that should be enough.

Not Tom says:

Dad: “We’ll discuss this later, Cindy. As for you, punk, fuck off or I put my fist through your face, and if I ever see you around my daughter again you’re gonna die.”

This is exactly the demonic blue-pill white-knighting behavior everyone here is saying needs to disappear in order for civilization to be restored. So yes, any father who makes these threats and would actually follow up on them is a disgrace and a danger to his kin and tribe. He’s threatening to kill a member of his own tribe because of his own failure to marry her off when she was showing signs of sexual behavior.

It is nothing like the state forcing her into public “education”. In that scenario, the state is intruding on kin relations and actively compelling behavior. In the bridal-abduction scenario, the state is simply saying that killing a man because you’re really angry he scored with your daughter is still murder, just like stealing from the grocery store because you’re really hungry is still theft. Civilized men control their emotions and act rationally. A judge might be lenient, for example if the man’s name was Tyrone, but murder is murder.

From a property-law point of view, I’d argue that a girl who ceases to be a virgin also immediately ceases to be the property of her father. Regardless of whether or not he permitted or intended it, the fact is that he can no longer control her sexuality, and since being a “property owner” implies control over said property, he is de facto not her owner. She can then either be unowned (disastrous) or formally – de jure – transferred to her lover as a new wife.

Note that the above does not imply that a girl automatically remains property of her father until losing her virginity. A 30-year-old unmarried female virgin, were such a thing to exist, is clearly the property of no one.

2019 is boring says:

It’s funny how the Conservadaddies always bring up Tyrone to argue against intra-ethnic marriage among civilized people. It should be known as a formal fallacy… Argumentum ad Tyronum.

The Cominator says:

Tyrone (lets say Tyrone is an honest man, because Jeremy Meeks who wasn’t will just either be hanged or condemned to penal servitude in exile) isn’t going to be allowed in a good neighborhood in a reactionary society except maybe as a clearly low status servant.

There may well be a few good upper class higher IQ blacks in good neighborhoods but that isn’t a huge problem.

Friendly Fred says:

That’s why I called him “Joey”. He’s an Italian from Staten Island — his great-grandparents are from Calabria, not Sicily. There aren’t any working class WASPS in NYC, so I couldn’t call him “Billy Joe” — I did the best I could.

2019 is boring says:

The comment about Conservadaddies was not directed at you – you can still probably be redeemed. Once you grok our priorities, you’ll be on our side, as there’s no substantial emotional impediment in your case (presumably), unlike in the case of real, hopeless Conservadaddies whose psychological effeminacy vis-a-vis female family members knows no bounds.

Ron says:

That’s bc ethnocentrism is a legitimate reason to drive a potential mate for your child off.

I think I understand FF, he is not advocating the death penalty for our young Joseph. Instead he is asking if Dad has the right to throw Cindy in the basement and tell young Joseph to get off his lawn.

I think that depends on the age of Cindy. If she is below majority yes. If above, no.

Now the question becomes, is there such a state of free agency for women and if so under what circumstances?

Friendly Fred says:

I guess I should have spelled it out explicitly or somehow made it obvious, without ruining the flow of the exchange, that Cindy has not had sex with Joey. In fact, she’s a virgin. A footnote to this effect would have fucked up the flow, but I thought that it was obvious.

The whole point of the exchange is to set up a situation where Dad AGREES with you guys about marrying his daughter off young — I was making sure you were okay with Dad not letting bad boys near her before then.

As soon as Dad realizes that she wants to have sex he marries her off. That’s the point. I thought that you’d approve of him.

Now I’m kind of mystified. Dad can’t keep a scumbag away from his virgin daughter before marrying her off at age 14?

You’re on Joey’s side, not Dad’s here? Remember, Cindy IS A VIRGIN — this is stipulated.

2019 is boring says:

I was making sure you were okay with Dad not letting bad boys near her before then… Dad can’t keep a scumbag away from his virgin daughter before marrying her off at age 14?

Misdiagnosis of the problem. Joey is not seducing her. She is seducing him. Joey’s sexuality, Italian as it is, is still manageable. Her sexuality is completely unmanageable. Eggs precious, sperm cheap; women gatekeepers of sex, not men. Thus no point going on about Joey. Go on about the sexual misdeeds of the young temptress who has a propensity to disappear out of sight to the company of Chads, and who flirts with boys right next to her dad.

Friendly Fred says:

What does it matter who’s seducing whom? Dad wants to keep her from having sex until she’s married; to do this, he might have to (politely, okay) ward off local boys — and I’m granting that he should now get her married as soon as possible, which is why he gives her the Archibald-Seymour-wall choice.

shaman says:

What does it matter who’s seducing whom?

It matters very much whom you depict as responsible for the situation and whom you depicted as not responsible for it. In your scenario, Cindy is a cute, shy, and innocent-presenting girl who didn’t do nothing, while Joey is solely responsible for the flirting that ensued from their encounter. This is not how things work in real life, not the actual observed behavior of the mating dance.

When girls run off to party behind dad’s back, or openly flirt with boys right in front of dad, it’s because they have already become — to put it, again, vehemently — dirty sluts who take hot cum loads up the ass, take facial cum shots into the mouth by an orgy circle in the club’s bathroom stall at 3 A.M., and gush their vaginal fluids like the Niagara Falls all over a long succession of alpha male Chads.

The scenario you described is movie-like, not realistic. It’s like it has been taken off a romantic comedy or something. In real life, girls run off and get banged by drums behind dad’s back, and to prevent that, need to arrest the girls, rather than trying to arrest all the men in the world.

he might have to (politely, okay) ward off local boys

No, he absolutely does not need to ward off local boys. He needs to beat his daughter with a stick for sneaking out of sight to engage in “unspecified” activities that happen to involve an exchange of fluids. Local men, or (as is too often the case) distant men, are not the problem. Her crawling nine miles over broken glass to fraternize with alpha male Chads at the night party is the problem.

The scenario you describe is not taken from reality, and it is not realistic because it misdiagnoses the source of sexual misconduct. Sexual activity does in fact occur, but your scenario, instead of acknowledging that, and instead of acknowledging the daughter’s prior misbehavior that has led to the sexual activity taking place, presents daddy as “warding off local boys” as if that is the issue. That is not the issue.

jim says:

> What does it matter who’s seducing whom?

We need to control women. You want to control men. That is a displacement activity from failing the shit test that women have hit us with.

You are failing the test. Cindy’s dad is failing the test.

Cloudswrest says:

>> What does it matter who’s seducing whom?

> We need to control women. You want to control men. That is a displacement activity from failing the shit test that women have hit us with.

> You are failing the test. Cindy’s dad is failing the test.

See this timeless essay by Dalrock.

Cloudswrest says:

> > What does it matter who’s seducing whom?

> We need to control women. You want to control men. That is a displacement activity from failing the shit test that women have hit us with.

See this timeless essay by Dalrock

Not Tom says:

I guess I should have spelled it out explicitly or somehow made it obvious, without ruining the flow of the exchange, that Cindy has not had sex with Joey.

I had assumed otherwise, so my previous replies can be considered in that context.

This scenario seems very unlikely if she is really still a virgin. For one thing, I don’t understand how Cindy arrived at the father’s front door, with Joey. If she sneaks off in the middle of the night, she’s going to come back alone; and if they were in a public place and making out in a corner, the father really has no right to tell Joey where he can and can’t go – it’s not his property.

I’m going to assume the latter – that dad caught them flirting in a public place – because the other possibility doesn’t make sense. Also going to assume that she decided she was “in love” 10 minutes after meeting him, because otherwise the father would have to have ignored a long pattern of misbehavior. In that scenario, the appropriate response is to apologize to Joey for the misunderstanding, take Cindy home immediately, reintroduce her to Mr. Stick, and then have the marriage conversation.

Ron says:

@Friendly Fred

What if I told you a terrible truth? That if Archibald had the backing of the community and the will to impose it on Cindy, that she would eventually “fall out of Love” with Joey and fall “into love” with Archibald?

Is it always true? Maybe not. But from reading and listening and observing I think it more likely true than not. I’d defer to the more experienced men here on that topic.

Women are far colder and ruthless in certain ways then we men are. This is bc they are far weaker in nearly every way and they know it. A strong secure man won’t keep pounding his enemy into the ground, a weak insecure man will not stop until his enemy and all his enemies relatives die screaming. The weak man has no other option.

It is as hard for a woman to love a man she perceives as weak in the same way that Any of us would have a hard time loving woman whose physical appearance is grotesque. It can be done but it is difficult.

Similarly it is as easy for a woman to love a man who is ruthless and strong as it would be for any of us to love a woman who is physically beautiful and graceful.

Joey was driven off, therefore Joey is weak

Archibald has the backing of his community and fsther. This is an aspect of preselection which is like crack cocaine to women

Archibald will be allowed to beat her with a stick if she proves recalcitrant, and as her husband there is no concept of rape, which means he can exert his force over her to physically compel her to his will. If he can manage to keep his insecurity in check and gets good advice he can have a pretty good chance in impressing her with his power and strength. Again, not everything to women, they like the physical far far more than they let on, but it is quite a lot. Maybe even enough for happiness.

Doug Smythe says:

@Friendly Fred: It is *exactly* that. Indeed, as someone else pointed out several posts above legal bridal abduction is what we have already under Feminist rule where the father has no say whatsoever and if his daughter goes with Tyrone not only is there nothing he can even legitimately say let alone do about it, but Tyrone isn’t even obliged to marry her and then give the old man a few bucks in order to make it right.

Ron says:


If I had read your comment before posting I wouldn’t have posted. Spot on.

shaman says:

as someone else pointed out several posts above

The person who made that claim is cuckermint, who never gets the WP right, and has been curb stomped for that reason.

legal bridal abduction is what we have already


We don’t have legal bride abduction, and we don’t have legal marriage at all. Legal bride abduction means that the abducter is not allowed to let the unbetrothed virgin who jumped his bones go – he has to marry her. The crime is not abducting her, but setting her free. We don’t have anything remotely similar.

Today marriage is illegal throughout the West, and certainly marriage by abduction; all women are now completely liberated to fuck as many Chads as they desire. That is the very opposite of legal bridal abduction, the very opposite of marrying unbetrothed virgins who sexually misbehave by independently taking ownership of them.

if his daughter goes with Tyrone

There won’t be Tyrone in a Reactionary society, and definitely not marriage to Tyrone. Anyone bringing Tyrone is being disingenuous, is projecting current issues on post-Restoration society.

isn’t even obliged to marry her and then give the old man a few bucks in order to make it right.

Exactly the problem.

kawaii_kike says:

>”There won’t be Tyrone in a Reactionary society, and definitely not marriage to Tyrone. Anyone bringing Tyrone is being disingenuous, is projecting current issues on post-Restoration society.”

What do you mean by this? Are you saying that in a proper Reactionary society, there won’t be any blacks or Italians and that only Anglo-Saxons will be allowed?

The Cominator says:

A reactionary society will be in general an apartheid society. The vast majority of blacks or at least young black males won’t be allowed in good white neighborhoods, a few outstanding wealthy high iq blacks who are exempted. You can of course choose to live in mixed neighborhoods which will be allowed but I don’t imagine many whites would do so.

I don’t know where this stuff about Italians is coming from.

kawaii_kike says:

I guess I’m naive, but I didn’t realize the racial policies that would take place in a reactionary society. I feel like the racial policies of reaction should be discussed more or maybe these are just seen as a given by everyone else. As a black, I’m worried that I would be grouped in with other blacks and minorities.

Also as a side note, I’m confused on the reactionary stance of morality, I am a true believer in God and believe that God has declared prostitution, pornography, and fornication as immoral and therefore, these acts should not be allowed. I guess that’s considered “moralfagging” to harp on these issues. But reaction seems to be concerned more with utility than morality, which is confusing because reaction also seems to be intertwined with biblical precedent.

The stuff about Italians comes from the hypotheticals discussed by Friendly Fred and 2019 is boring, in which they use stereotypical Italian names to discuss the woman question.

I don’t consider myself an entryist but I do disagree on some aspects of reaction that conflict with Catholic morality. I don’t think I’ve portrayed my dissent disingenuously.

The Cominator says:

I guess I’m naive, but I didn’t realize the racial policies that would take place in a reactionary society.

Forced integration is a failure and we plan to end it. We’ve never really felt the need to discuss the details as much as discussing race too much draws entryists and feds and most of us agree on general principles, the woman question is far more complicated and less discussed elsewhere in detail (and so complicated by lies) that it is discussed here far more.

I’m worried that I would be grouped in with other blacks and minorities.

I’m opposed to killing or confiscating property of any US citizens strictly on account of race and most of us are as well, so you don’t need to worry on that account. But we are going to let the pre civil rights de facto segregation reassert itself by following the Jared Taylor program basically.

Of course minorities who fight for the left wil be dealt with… But personally I hate white shitlibs far far far more then minority ones and if it were up to me they’d get far less mercy.

Also as a side note, I’m confused on the reactionary stance of morality, I am a true believer in God and believe that God has declared prostitution, pornography, and fornication as immoral and therefore, these acts should not be allowed. I guess that’s considered “moralfagging” to harp on these issues. But reaction seems to be concerned more with utility than morality

Structuring society on moralfagging in ways that oppose human nature doesn’t work. Its hard enough to keep people from organizing into warring tribes to smash and grab their neighbors stuff. We aim to ruthlessly optimize society for civilized efficiency.

Christendom permitted prostituion for centuries for similar reasons and so should we. I’m actually confused by Jim’s seeming reluctance to go with the pure reactionary position on prostitution that the state should do absolutely nothing to prevent it besides keeping it off the streets of good neighborhoods.

The monarchy cannot be a Catholic one because of the principle of national sovereignity and warrior/monarchial supremacy over priests. The Papacy (in addition to being generally corrupt and run by our enemies) is not compatible with this. Jim has agreed that in the long term a reactionary state should plan to fold all American Catholic Churches into the Orthodox Church (which works great as a reactionary church).

In addition if you are stubbornly Catholic St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas both argued that prostitution needs to be legal.

jim says:

> Also as a side note, I’m confused on the reactionary stance of morality, I am a true believer in God and believe that God has declared prostitution, pornography, and fornication as immoral and therefore, these acts should not be allowed

I don’t believe you. I think you hate Christianity and hate Christ.

And the reason I think that is that in your list of sexual sins, you left out the sin of adultery, the sin of women sleeping with one man, and then sleeping with another man, which is the only sexual sin that God and Bible directly and unambiguously call out, which sin has today been elevated into a sacred human right, a right so sacred as to totally trump all other human rights.

You focused only on sins that men are apt to commit, but which are barely mentioned in the bible, and ignored sins that women commit massively, disruptively, and hurtfully, and which totally dominate and control our society.

It is absolutely obvious that biblical family law and sexual law is profoundly reactionary, unimaginably reactionary by modern standards, and that reactionaries unambiguously intend to institute something that is a whole lot closer to biblical law.

If you were not inclined to spit on Christ and Christianity, the problem of adultery, of women sleeping with one man after another and then very belatedly getting married, and then likely continuing to sleep with one man after another, would be at the top of your list.

My interpretation of the situation is that a massive crackdown on female sexuality is urgently needed, that the house is burning down around us, but that the crackdown on male sexuality has gone to insanely over the top extreme, and needs to be relaxed quite a bit. Now we could argue whether it needs to be relaxed or tightened up, but debating that while ignoring the house burning down around us is anti christian.

Whenever I hear someone telling me that Christianity, rightly understood, is progressivism, and if we disagree with progressivism, we are being unchristian, it is usually someone who thinks that “piss Christ” was great art and Global Warming is the great moral challenge of our time.

Now if you had said

“I am a Christian, and we have to crack down on women speaking in Church, women engaging in serial monogamy, women cutting their hair short, women wearing that which pertaineth to a man, expel sodomites, bumboys, and effeminates – and also we have to do something about prostitutes and pornstars”

then I would believe you might be a Christian.

But you don’t want to crack down on prostitutes and pornstars, you want to crack down on men looking at porn stars. Therefore, not a Christian. Anyone who gives a leftist account of Christian sexual morality should not be allowed to get away with putting on moral airs while he arranges for nine year old boys to be sodomized, castrated, and transexualized. If someone actually is Christian, and actually concerned with Christian sexual morality, will be primarily concerned about the discrepancy between Christian sexual morality, and the sexual morality of the recent one hundred and fifty years.

shaman says:

KK(K) wrote:

Why call it “genital mutilation” when genital improvement is more accurate. Circumcision is the complete opposite from mutilation and should be considered genital enhancement. Not only does it keep the genitals more hygienic but it also reduces sexual urges.

Lust is a vice that many people struggle with, so if removing the foreskin helps people resist temptation and saves them from the fires of Hell, then so be it.

Circumcision is a gift and a virtue. If you could look past your obsession with sexual gratification then you would be able to see circumcision for the gift that it truly is. I support male and female circumcision. It reduces sexual urges and thus makes the world a less sinful place.

This is not Christianity, but a recent demonic Puritan mockery thereof, which in light of the African “plot twist” probably stems from actual demonic voices screaming in KK’s ear.

Doug Smythe says:

@kawaii_kike “Tyrone”= shorthand for lower-class Black guy w/criminal tendencies that White women increasingly get mixed up with. The reference I made was based on a true local story which happened when I was growing up, in which there was almost a race riot in this part of town where a lot of Italians and also a lot Blacks lived. An Italian high-school girl and a Black guy were discovered to have been having a secret tryst. Her male relatives were not impressed and relations between the two communities quickly soured in a dangerous way. My personal stance on the race question, based in part on this story, is that part of any future social settlement keeping the peace and overall good relations between the races will have to involve a ban on mixed marriages.

kawaii_kike says:

Jim, you are attributing malicious intent where there is none and you are slandering me. I love Christ and love Christianity.

The Bible very clearly denounces fornicators. The reason I left out adultery on my list of sexual sins is because it was already talked about in great detail by you and others. The list of sexual sins I brought up were sins that I thought were being ignored by reaction.

>“I am a Christian, and we have to crack down on women speaking in Church, women engaging in serial monogamy, women cutting their hair short, women wearing that which pertaineth to a man, expel sodomites, bumboys, and effeminates – and also we have to do something about prostitutes and pornstars”

I agree with the entirety of the above statement, I do want to crack down on pornstars, prostitutes, and adulteresses with extreme prejudice. If burning, beating, and public flogging is what it takes to control misbehaving women then I welcome it with open arms.

But I see your point that female sexuality is the predominant and far more pressing issue and me focusing on male sexuality is kind of nitpicking.

Sex outside of marriage is a sin and I want to reduce sin as much as possible and if circumcision reduces sexual urges then this helps control the volcanic sex drives of women and is good, not Puritan mockery.

Not Tom says:

I feel like the racial policies of reaction should be discussed more or maybe these are just seen as a given by everyone else. As a black, I’m worried that I would be grouped in with other blacks and minorities.

If there is a consensus, it’s probably de facto voluntary segregation and not Jim Crow segregation, but this would probably vary by state/region depending on crime. Some would be Jim Crow, others would be Jared Taylor, none would be allowed to have a Civil Rights Act or Fair Housing Act.

“Tyrone” is shorthand for the thuggish underclass. I don’t know any middle-class blacks named Tyrone. Middle-class blacks adopt Anglo names. In the hypothetical reactionary state, if you chose to live in or near a predominantly-white community – let’s say it’s a Taylor state and the community has vetted you and decided that you’re one of the few who will fit in – then I would expect that you, and/or your kids, would still face a lot of suspicion and resistance to interracial relationships.

But that’s not Reaction, that’s reality. If you look at polls today, most people still don’t really approve of interracial dating, and that’s despite 50 years of non-stop bombardment of IR propaganda in media, entertainment and advertising. Tribalism isn’t going away.

If I were you, I’d take comfort in the fact that black people in America did way better back in the segregated 1920s-1950s than they did in the desegregated post-1960s period. They did way better in nearly every dimension: higher income, lower crime, more families. You imagine yourself being forced to live in a Chicago slum, but under reactionary rule it would be more like one of the historical Black Wall Streets, because we would actually put all of the unmanageable criminals in prison, or just execute them, and of the people remaining, most would be happily married.

shaman says:

To filter out the wignats and other unsympathetic characters while still embracing ethno-nationalism, blogger Handle cleverly defined the NRx position as “Multi-Zionism,” i.e., every ethnicity should emulate the founders of Israel: establish ethno-states for everyone!

Now, we here aren’t fond of the “One Drop Rule,” so someone who’s 1/8 black and 7/8 white may be categorized as simply white; thus Alexander Pushkin should really be counted as a Russian, not a “Russian-Cameroonian” or something like that. It really depends on the compatibility level, while also taking the regression to the mean phenomenon into account.

Tyrone is an archetype; he is Bixnoodus Americanus. A nigger’s nigger. Hey, I’m unabashedly supportive of holocausting those who can’t function at all within civilization – one central reason I support the legalization of all drugs is to kill niggers and other inferior specimens.

Now if you say, “I’m an Oreo Cookie: black on the outside, white on the inside,” and if you can get your typically African superstitious proclivities under control, then AFAIC you don’t count as a nigger, just a normie-compatible black person, and come the Restoration, you will be given your own plot of land, preferably far away from these wypipo crackers genetically engineered by Yakub (I know, I know, you’re Catholic, not Nation of Islam – it’s a joke), and maybe even some slaves from your own kin:


Woke: “I’m black myself and I’d like to avail myself of some black slaves, thank you very much.”

(Cominator objects to chattel slavery, so you see, we’re not monolithic)

Point is, Tyrone is not a synonym for all blacks, just those blacks who’ll likely end up on the wrong side of the heroin needle when all drugs are legalized, and after the harsh selection for basic competence, the tiny black remnant (of which you may well be a member) shall be given its own territories separate from whites, where you will be free to run things your own way, as long as you don’t create too many negative externalities for other races and ethnic groups.

We won’t insist on racial purity as a state policy (no need to explicitly ban interracial marriage), but immigration to whites zones — i.e., most of the country under our rule — will be greatly restricted to whites and to those compatible with white society, which naturally excludes the vast overwhelming majority of blacks. On the private level, most white fathers will be rather reluctant to give their daughters away to BASED black gentlemen, but if you’re really outstanding, who knows. But why not stick with your own race? Get yourself a nice black lady with thicc heavy booty and all that, and be merry with her.

Obviously the races should remain separate, and moreover, different ethnic groups should practice intra-ethnic breeding rather than inter-ethnic breeding, but things are flexible and fluid enough to allow for some exceptions to the general rule. As I said, a “One Drop Rule” is not needed much, but the restoration of families and the establishment of “Multi-Zionism” entail fragmentation along racial and ethnic lines, not — needless to say — intermixing.

Let’s get serious, there will probably occur a race war, though hopefully whites will win it rather swiftly, and blacks wise enough to stay out of it will be rewarded by not being holocausted: This is incredibly generous, considering all the demonic suffering that you inflict on whites on a daily basis. (Same applies to other groups dumb enough to fight a race war against whites) You’ll be offered to go back to Africa with some compensation, or to live in a separate black territory in America, or — if you’re really decent — to live among whitey, though your status will not be “equal” to that of those officially categorized as whites. #Sorry #NotSorry

The nigger is kinda like an archetype itself, in that some niggers are as pale as snow, i.e. all races produce the “Spiritual Physiognomy” (to borrow a Spenglerian term from Aidan McLear) of the nigger, though some races and ethnicities are on average more nigger-like than others. Simply put, those who are very dumb and very aggressive will not exist in a Reactionary society, or perhaps will exist as low-status slaves; free people won’t marry into them, and I advocate mass sterilization of niggers from all races.

The primary enemy is not blacks, indeed, the primary enemy is not any specific ethnic group, but a hostile memeplex. Blacks and browns are racially incompatible with white civilization, but need not necessarily be ideological adversaries; as Steve Sailer often says, “That’s what different countries are for.”

To further console you, lemme note that browns are much more likely to be outright political enemies than blacks, one reason being that blacks have such a low average IQ that a coherent weltanschauung is quite beyond their cognitive purview. But it’s not merely IQ, obviously; the African nature is essentially devoid of abstract concerns, such as ideology, in sharp contrast to e.g. brown Semitic Mohammedans, and also in contrast to spics. No offense intended, but blacks really are fundamentally different from the rest of humanity, and are more like a type of unreasoning — ergo apolitical — animal (this is true both of Sub-Saharan Africans and of Aborigines, despite them being two altogether different races). So you see m8, that may actually play to your favor, ironically.

Tl;dr: Broad separation by territory (there will naturally be exceptions), cooperation with those willing to cooperate, and absolute genocide of those unwilling to cooperate.

shaman says:

Reaction 101 on the WP is that marriage has been highly illegal for a long while, ever since men lost property rights over women, hence defect-defect equilibrium, plummeting reproduction, and dysgenesis.

For marriage to be legal again, need to restore property rights over women. Sexually misbehaving girls need to be owned by men who can give them reproductive sex, need to be under the legal authority of husbands who can fuck their brains out, hence husbandhood out-alphas fatherhood. If you deflower an unbetrothed virgin, need to keep her. A non-virgin slut is up for grabs to whoever is willing to take her.

There is nothing remotely similar to that in the West, and hasn’t been for a long while. Coverture is now strictly illegal, whereas divorce on demand is both legal and encouraged. That is the problem, and anyone suggesting or implying otherwise has no grasp of Reaction 101 on the WP.

Friendly Fred says:

I’m not going to get irritated … not … not … geez, I DO NOT WANT TO GET “mirrored” — DON’T MIRROR ME, BRO!

But I kind of feel as though fathers are getting their balls cut off here, kind of the way the way fathers are getting their balls cut off now in the real Progressive world.

2019 is boring says:

Your narrative does not correspond to how things work in real life. If a daughter is openly flirting with someone next to dad, it should be assumed that she has already hopped on the cock carousel, and is looking for her next upgrade thereon. It should be assumed that a dick, or rather several dicks, have already jizzed their nuts out inside her cunt and the other two orifices. It should be assumed that she opened her big teenage mouth and gulped in a bunch of facial cumloads.

Joey is not the problem, and blaming it on him is blue-pilled as f**k. If you don’t like greasy wops and dagos, that’s perfectly fine, indeed spaghetti doesn’t mix very well with biscuits or whatever – what is not fine is the assumption that he is seducing her, rather than vice versa. And if she is seducing him, then “I’ll beat you up and kill you, punk” is sheer idiocy; dad should beat his daughter up, and then promptly marry her off, perhaps to one of his incel-in-denial friends.

Friendly Fred says:

Okay, Joey’s not the problem and Dad shouldn’t be rude to him. He should just pull Cindy away from Joey and marry her off as quickly as possible. CINDY IS A VIRGIN.

(I like NYC Italians, by the way. I just needed a name suggesting a group that would be likelier than WASPS to include guys that Dad wouldn’t want Cindy to have sex with.)

The Cominator says:

You gotta marry her off before Billy Joel abducts her.

shaman says:


No, she really isn’t, and adding a line to the original story saying “Cindy is a virgin” would be lying.

If she were as innocuous and innocent as your scenario depicts, she would not be sexually flirting with Joey in front of dad. But of course she is flirting with him: She wants to jump his bones, and has probably already jumped the bones of a few men before him.

And no, re-writing the story to present her as more innocent will not make the story more realistic, but just the opposite, will only make the situation even more absurd, i.e. will make the story even less realistic: Young girls have volcanic sex drives, so of course she will be flirting with him. This is natural.

What is not natural is dad trying to keep her a virgin past reasonable age, instead of marrying her off, or allowing someone else (e.g. Joey) to take her.

Friendly Fred says:

I thought of her as a virgin when I wrote the scenario, so it isn’t lying to assert afterwards that she’s a virgin — lying involves intent to deceive and there’s no intent to deceive. I assumed that people would assume she’s a virgin because her age is explicitly given as 14 and I assumed that most people would assume, as I do, that regardless of the volcanic character of the average 14 year old girl’s sex-drive she’s overwhelmingly likely to be a virgin (she probably masturbates a lot.)

“What is not natural is dad trying to keep her a virgin past reasonable age, instead of marrying her off, or allowing someone else (e.g. Joey) to take her.” — I have him telling her that she has to choose Archibald or Seymour or stay chained to the basement wall until he comes up with a couple of new names for her consideration, so his intending to marry her off quickly is explicitly written into the story.

The Cominator says:

14 y/o virginity is possible even if she is the flirtatious type, at 16 not so much.

jim says:

The presumption that Cindy is a virgin, and that it is Joey that is endangering her virginity, is what is wrong with this scenario.

Cindy is endangering her virginity – and was likely popped at nine.

Ron says:

Don’t forget to follow the Bible and allow the father to collect a years worth of salary for a middle class male as a fine, provided the father can prove she was a virgin before she banged her (current) One True Love

jim says:


The progressive state demands that you send your daughter out of sight.

We don’t

Enormous difference.

Your daughters is going to wander off anyway, but under our state you will be able to have her hauled back on a leash by the cops and beat her with a stick.

This is absolutely nothing remotely like the progressive state.

The Cominator says:

Will we even have professional standing police outside of major cities? I always had imagined we generally would not.

I thought we would have justices of the peace (unpaid gentlemen, and it should be restricted to rich men only not low class status seekers, who work part time) but true police only in large cities.

jim says:

Cops, hotel security, mall security, the officer of the militia: the general concept is that the authority of husbands and fathers to use force will be backed by society and the state, who will physically support them in the use of force on erring daughters, but when there is a conflict between husband and father over the daughter, the state and society will normally back the husband.

On the role of cops: Private security gets ultimately backed by the militia, but state force is not routinely involved in day to day stuff. But when serious push comes to serious shove, state force shows up to make sure that the good guys win.

Most use of force needs to privatized, partly because socialism fails, partly because males who are high status in the male hierarchy need to be able to use force, so that upper class virgins stop “falling in love” with Jeremy Meeks.

But the state is the ultimate arbiter of force, and will kick ass from time to time – less frequently than at present, but still, when push comes to shove.

The problem is always not so much force – any man can can coerce any women, and women rather like it. The problem is that you cannot find your daughter. She is away in some vaguely specified place doing something vaguely specified. So we need a rule that hotels and such like card women – not for age, but for being unaccompanied, to make sure they are authorized to be unaccompanied, or that the male accompanying them has authority to do so.

When I was a young man, there were a whole lot of places where unaccompanied women were not permitted to go, and where the males accompanying women would be asked about their connection to those women. We are going to set things back to the way I remember them being, and that is what I meant by “The cops hauling your daughter back on a leash”

The Cominator says:

On the role of cops: Private security gets ultimately backed by the militia, but state force is not routinely involved in day to day stuff. But when serious push comes to serious shove, state force shows up to make sure that the good guys win.

Yes there will of course be a militia (of which all able bodied men not suspected of disloyalty should be nominally a part of) but I don’t think small towns should have many paid government employees at all. I’d also get rid of “speed limits” so that eliminates the “need” for most small town cops.

Most local government employees to the extent they need to exist at all should be replaced with unpaid gentlemen volunteer employees. Justices of the peace (the only permanent day to day government “law enforcement” outside of the cities) in particular will be open only to men already of independent means. In the event of serious disturbances the state can of course mobilize the militia or the standing army (and there should of course be an Imperial Secret Police tasked with finding and disappearing active shitlibs, communists, feminists, anti-monarchists etc.).

Cities realistically will have to retain professional police departments.

Doug Smythe says:

Many hick towns here in Canada have traditionally managed to get along w/no police force at all and continue to. RCMP or provincial cops are called in when a serious crime happens but otherwise no State presence whatsoever. You could do whatever you like in these towns as long as it doesn’t seriously bother anybody (ex. open carry in a country where that’s severely forbidden by law, ride bob-street-legal dirt bikes on streets and do it without wearing a helmet, etc. etc.).

Doug Smythe says:

correction: should read “non-street-legal dirt bikes”

2019 is boring says:

Most cops these days are utter degenerates. The average pig is made from the same cloth as Philip Brailsford and his ilk.

There are entire departments that need not exist.

All modern sex-crime legislation will be scraped. “He is punished for fucking a 11-year-old escort” and “He is punished for possessing an erotic video of a 11-year-old chick masturbating to a squirting orgasm with her toothbrush” will be completely incomprehensible notions, suggestions so bizarre and alien that no person will recognize them as anything other than nightmarish, dystopian gibberish. (Let the cucks get triggered! Let the “pedo” accusations rain on me! I want the white knights to finally, finally, finally GTFO and never return)

What just happened to Donald Trump’s old-time friend (and what may very possibly happen soon enough to the God-Emperor himself), Jeffrey Epstein, will be literally mentally impossible to process; what is right now happening all over the Anglosphere and Western Europe with these “child sex trafficking” hysterical witch-hunts will be remembered as a quaint burst of full-on florid howling-at-the-moon frothing-at-the-mouth psycho-psychopolitical madness. The new sex-related legislation will be in line with recent discussions here. If you really want to stop 11-year-olds from selling their thinly-haired pussies as escorts, then punish them for doing it, beat them with a heavy stick for doing it.

Drugs should be considered low status, unbecoming of gentlemen, but legal – the police has no business regulating the drugs market. Let subhumans destroy themselves as they see fit; let St. Darwin do his job. (I feel less strongly about this issue, though)

info says:

I presume that you read voxday article and the comments. But jeff is a key player in the c

info says:

Cabal. And his interrogation will lead to the real demons that like to murder and torture.

shaman says:

I don’t read VD or his comments, and I would much rather rely on Jim for political prognostication than on Qanon and similar crazy stuff.

quarty says:

The real crime is espionage. Make the enemy live up to his own rules just clouds the issue and confuses people.

shaman says:

The real crime is that Nikolai (who admires you) keeps asking you questions and you rudely refuse to answer them, because you’re a piece of shit. Stop spamming our discussion of the WP, you little faggot, or you’ll receive a bullycide ten times worse than the previous one, and ten times worse than what Kookanic received.

Talk about issues you’re more familiar with, such as how that bisexual guy at the gym stole your girlfriend, and how your poor reality testing made you conclude from that awful cucksperience that Jim should be violently murdered for being a “pedophile.”

Not Tom says:

what is right now happening all over the Anglosphere and Western Europe with these “child sex trafficking” hysterical witch-hunts will be remembered as a quaint burst of full-on florid howling-at-the-moon frothing-at-the-mouth psycho-psychopolitical madness

Literal satanic panic. The purple-pillers are positively elated by the Epstein news. They finally caught Muh Jewish Pedos! Justice has been done! Hollywood Pedos are next! All of you terrible black-pillers were worried that Trump wouldn’t put Epstein in prison (a concern expressed by no one, ever; the blackpillers were worried that Trump wouldn’t put Hillary in prison, or Obama, or the Awan brothers, or…), but he actually went and did it! The madman!

It’s just like the satanic panic of the 1980s, not because it’s blaming Satan (who does exist, either in reality or metaphorically), but because the behavior it insists is satanic is either boring cheesy occultism or sexual mores that were completely ordinary from the time of the Old Testament up to about 60 years ago.

From what I’m reading in MSM, these weren’t even 11-year-old sluts; the youngest they found was 14, or approximately peak female fertility.

My optimistic hope is that Epstein already agreed behind closed doors to give up the dirt on various power players to Team Trump, and the arrest is just political theater for his blue-pilled base. A plea bargain provides political cover so that they appear to be adversaries and not old boys palling around trading secrets.

The Cominator says:

Where I disagree with you (and shaman) on the satanic panic thing is that while I don’t see heterosexual sex with postpubescents (which as far as I know is what Epstein was involved with, nothing as of yet more sinister) as something that should be a crime much of the pizzagate stuff implied many things far far worse that indeed definitely should be crimes.

Now maybe it was a clever hoax concocted by some of ours to kneecap Hillary shortly before the election (coordinated with the Comey dump) but Podesta was clearly using code in his emails and there were indeed things way way off about David Brock’s boyfriends’ pizza place…

2019 is boring says:

much of the pizzagate stuff implied many things far far worse that indeed definitely should be crimes.

Pizzagate, beyond typical screeching pedo-hysteria, implied cannibalism and necrophilia in underground basements and similar stuff. These things are already crimes. But pizzagate itself is a hoax, whatever the intention behind it.

but Podesta was clearly using code in his emails and there were indeed things way way off about David Brock’s boyfriends’ pizza place…

I dispute 95%-100% of the materials provided by pizzagate (and a solid 100% of its supposed “implications”), but I don’t dispute the general idea that there are some legitimately weird, creepy people among shitlibs. Problem is, autistics are bad at telling that edgy humor is sometimes just that: edgy humor, so they are bad at telling which individuals are truly creepy, and which ones only LARP for shits and giggles.

Really, if you want to find folks whose psychology is altogether twisted, as in “insane-in-the-membrane, crazy-in-the-coconut” twisted, among members of the Cathedral, then instead of wasting time with various politicians and their associates — who are usually shallow, uninteresting, boring people — go look up the ardent abortion enthusiasts, those wide-eyed women who are so, so excited about “terminating pregnancies.” Bureaucrats and apparatchiks may have edgy humor, and hang around some other people with edgy humor, but if you want to see genuine Moloch worship, observe the pro-abortion activists.


The Cominator says:

Pizzagate, beyond typical screeching pedo-hysteria, implied cannibalism and necrophilia in underground basements and similar stuff. These things are already crimes. But pizzagate itself is a hoax, whatever the intention behind it.

Not totally unreasonable to think that the Podestas and some others in the DC elite have to be initiated in a mutual blackmail cult that involves doing something so horrible that they could never “plea deal” out and rat. BTW I DO NOT think Epstein was part of that, I think Epstein was CIA (whiich is how he got his money and his sweetheart deal) and his island was a more traditional honeypot.

If they have to rape and kill a kid to get initiated that would do it and it would not surprise me about these people at all.

2019 is boring says:

I dunno. I prefer falsifiable claims over unfalsifiable ones, and “X is involved in a secret blackmail cult” is not particularly falsifiable.

Is there any indication that the KGB was running something similar to that asserted by pizzagate? (Meaning, not regular honeypots, but initiation rites involving cannibalism and necrophilia)

The Cominator says:

Is there any indication that the KGB was running something similar to that asserted by pizzagate? (Meaning, not regular honeypots, but initiation rites involving cannibalism and necrophilia)

In the Yagoda and Yezhov days before Stalin and Beria purged the early Bolsheviks (who were mostly composed of insane sadistic psychopaths) the NKVD certainly routinely raped and killed and tortured people with almost no legal pretexts of any kind.

But it wasn’t really a blackmail cult.

Post Beria the KGB was the most rational organ in the Soviet government by far and I’m not sure if Beria really was the sadistic psycho his enemies claimed him to be given that when he took over the NKVD he cracked down quite ruthlessly on random unauthorized rapes killings and tortures (because Beria was never a leftist of any kind).

So at least since 1937 I would have to say no… but the Cathedral is far more insane then the Soviet government post 1937 and that reflects a leadership that is far more evil and insane.

Friendly Fred says:

“under our state you will be able to have her hauled back …” —

So you’re okay with the Dad-Joey-Cindy scenario, right, Teacher? Because that’s what Dad does to Cindy, basically, without the cops’ help.

What do you mean by “nuts”, by the way. Is that like, “What you’re saying is insane,” or is it more of an irritated, “Oh, bullshit!”?

2019 is boring says:

What do you mean by “nuts”, by the way. Is that like, “What you’re saying is insane,” or is it more of an irritated, “Oh, bullshit!”?

“Nuts” means the former, and is often used in the context of someone saying something crazy and passing it off as normal, e.g., “Women are dislike aggressive men, and flock after nice guys,” a blue-pilled line that boomercons had used to say before the Manosphere happened.

jim says:

> So you’re okay with the Dad-Joey-Cindy scenario, right, Teacher? Because that’s what Dad does to Cindy, basically, without the cops’ help.

No I am totally not OK with Dad-Joey-Scenario, which is completely and radically different in ways that I have explained repeatedly and at length, that everyone has explained to you vehemently and at length.

The scenario I endorse is that Hotel security chains Cindy in the lady’s room for Dad to collect, because she is cruising for Joey and likely cruising for an upgrade to Joey, or the cops crash the midnight beach party on Arlie Beach where Cindy is partying with Joey and numerous friends of Joey, some of whom she rather suspects of being more alpha than Joey, in her underwear. The cops toss her in the cop car, and every other unescorted or improperly escorted female in the cop car, and take her home to dad. Or, more likely, they notice that she is four hundred miles from home, with no local address (for the chicks on Arlie beach are generally four hundred miles from home with no local address) and tell Dad to come to the cop shop to collect her.

Now as the cops or Arlie beach park security start checking the girls escorts, Joey may then protest, “Hey, I am her fiancee, and we are going to get married.”

To which the cops might then reply. “OK, we have a JP and chaplain at the cop shop in the morning. You can marry her in her cell.” But if Joey had abducted Cindy and then married her, she would be properly escorted, and there would be no problem.

If Joey had abducted her and then married her and was effectively asserting his marital rights over her, she probably would not be partying at midnight on Arlie Beach.

And if she was partying at midnight on Arlie Beach with Joey, Joey would probably not feel inclined to marry her at the cop shop in the morning, because he would be inclined to suspect that tomorrow night, she would be partying on Arlie beach with someone else.

Friendly Fred says:

“… that I have explained repeatedly and at length, that everyone has explained to you vehemently and at length.” Sorry, Everyone. I still don’t get the picture. I’m looking for a picture or set of pictures that have a real-world feel to them — not pictures involving hotel security and midnight beaches but pictures involving Staten Island backyard barbecues or street corners between the home and the supermarket.

Presumably even in Reactionary Land Cindy will be allowed to go to the supermarket to buy orange juice, and maybe Dad’s returning from the gym at the same time and runs into talking to Joey on the corner.

Okay, so I shouldn’t have had Dad be so rude to Joey. Dad should just politely say, “Excuse us, Joey,” and lead Cindy into the house and give her the same Archibald-or-Seymour-or-wall choice that I had him give her? Assume that she’s a virgin and Dad knows that she is and is only now focusing on her need for sex.

Not Tom says:

I’m looking for a picture or set of pictures that have a real-world feel to them

Okay, but you’ve presented us with a scenario that is already unrealistic. Specifically what events preceded this potential confrontation between Dad, Cindy and Joey?

Scenario 1: They’re in Dad’s living room. Makes no sense at all. How did Joey get in the house? Is Dad allowing Cindy to organize house parties, to which failed musicians and outlaw bikers are invited? The degree of paternal neglect required to get to this point is staggering, and Joey would probably be a better husband and father than Dad.

Scenario 2: They’re at Dad’s front door. Why did Cindy bring him there? Either it is completely normal for her to bring guys home, hence already a slut, or it is some insane over-the-top shit test for Dad that could only happen if relations between Dad and Cindy were already in terrible shape, such as Dad trying to “guard” her for way too long. If the latter, they don’t really want to get married, because if they did, they would have actually gotten married, not showed up at Dad’s doorstep as a provocation. She’s not in love, he’s not going to marry her, and she’s just doing it to piss off Daddy and clearly needs either a real husband or more affection from Mr. Stick.

Scenario 3: They’re in some location other than the father’s home. Is Joey just some random guy she met 10 minutes ago and they’re already at second base? If so, she’s a total slut and possibly nympho, and it makes no sense that Dad didn’t see the signs years ago. Or is Joey some guy she already knew fairly well – perhaps they’re at Dad’s friend’s house and he’s their son – in which case, why the hell does Dad keep taking Cindy to hang out with Joey?

Scenario 4: Jim’s vision of the future comes to pass, and unescorted women are locked up until the father can come pick them up. Despite only having met her yesterday, in South Beach, Miami, during spring break, Joey resolved in the 20 minutes they were grinding (just before authorities busted up the party) that she is a perfect 10, the only woman he’ll ever love, and he is now anxiously awaiting the chaplain while he and Cindy stare longingly at each other from opposite sides of the cell door. The father his driven all the way from Minnesota and wants to take her back, but Joey insists that he really wants to marry her.

In this last contrived, outlandish, ridiculous scenario: assuming Cindy was not already betrothed to another man, then Joey’s rights take precedence over the father’s. But in reality, this scenario is never going to happen, because any father who let his daughter cross several state lines to party during spring break is actually going to tell Joey, “thank you for taking her off my hands, she was driving me crazy”. Case closed.

jim says:

> Scenario 4: Jim’s vision of the future comes to pass, and unescorted women are locked up until the father can come pick them up.

In 1970, seven years after the start of second wave feminism, it was still the case that unescorted women were not allowed to go some places, and suspicious escorts were apt to be asked questions by authority figures, and in socially conservative countries on the periphery of the USG hegemony there are still today establishments with signs forbidding unescorted women, so my scenario is considerably less drastic than the desired end goal: All the way back to first temple Israel rules, and first Millenium Christian rules.

If my scenario seems unthinkably radical, reflect that Obama’s 2008 position on gays now seems unthinkably radical.

Not Tom says:

It wasn’t my intention to portray your prescription as outlandish or unthinkable – only that it would be outlandish and ridiculous for Fred’s hypothetical scenario to occur in such an environment.

Cloudswrest says:

“In 1970, seven years after the start of second wave feminism, it was still the case that unescorted women were not allowed to go some places, and suspicious escorts were apt to be asked questions by authority figures”

My mom’s uncle owned a “roadside community” of four cabins in the outskirts of the Washington DC area in the 1930s. This was sort of the precursor of motels. My mom says that he did not allow couples with local addresses to rent a cabin. Only couples from far away (presumably married travelers) could rent. I guess this was one of his heuristics.

jim says:

The idea that the problem is some male you can actually find is unrealistic. Pubescent daughters have a propensity for getting out of sight.

Friendly Fred says:

Cindy’s talking to Joey at Dad’s backyard barbecue on Staten Island — Joey wandered in off the street with Carmine and Tony.

2019 is boring says:

Boisterous extroverted Rocco should ideally have his own female company, and won’t be sniffing around WASP and mischling communities, eh.

But when the daughter flirts with Rocco in front of loserdad, the misbehavior and subsequent punishment should be hers; she is uncontrollable and is going after Rocco for the same reason that teenage British skanks and slags go after Pakis – women always go after the man most likely to violently rape them. It’s time for dad to transfer ownership, presently.

Friendly Fred says:

So is the problem with my scenario just that Dad’s so rude to Joey? What if he just says, “Excuse us, Joey,” and leads Cindy (whom he knows to be a virgin) into the house and gives her the Archibald-or-Seymour-or-wall choice?

jim says:

> So is the problem with my scenario just that Dad’s so rude to Joey?

The problem with your scenario is that the chick says to two alpha males “let’s you and him fight”, and then they do, instead of Cindy getting a spanking.

The problem with your scenario is that Dad, and the entire society, and the entire male status hierarchy, is failing Cindy’s shit test. So Cindy wanders off out of sight loserDad, and finds someone who passes her shit tests.

Not Tom says:

Restating my question from above: do Cindy and Joey have some preexisting relationship? If so, it’s far too late for Dad to be intervening. On the other hand, if Cindy is so horny that she’s getting ready to jump random strangers who walk in off the street into her dad’s backyard, then Dad is completely out to lunch, has been ignoring all kinds of signs up until now, and the odds of Cindy actually still being a virgin are slim to nil.

But more importantly, this scenario is also unrealistic, because if Joey is just a random guy who was walking down the street and smelled BBQ, then Dad can’t possibly know that there’s anything wrong with him – I mean unless he’s literally homeless, looks homeless and smells homeless, but at that point we’re just concocting ever more absurd scenarios to try to prove that the rule must be invalid because the rule has imaginary exceptions, which is redolent of leftist subversion.

I’m not calling you a leftist or accusing you of subversion, by the way, just explaining how the meme infection works and how you can cure yourself. Ask yourself if any of these scenarios of yours are realistic; ask yourself what prior events must have taken place in order to make them realistic.

Anyway, Dad does have the right to tell people he doesn’t know and who weren’t invited to get off his property. So he can tell Joey to get lost, but if he doesn’t immediately take her to see Mr. Stick afterward, then it’s just going to happen again.

Vxxc says:

Cameron Boyce; that last pic and the unspecified medical condition;

The Poz.


Mathias says:

“Deus Vult” was a battle cry called out by crusaders at the declaration of the First Crusade in 1095.

Lots of commenters talking online about “Deus Vult” and Holy War, but how many have seen actual combat?

I remember the day Andrija the invincible collapsed for the first time, the warrior of warriors whom we’d never seen without his shell: around Vitez, one morning like all the others in a village like all the others, when tensions were at their height with the Muslims

a warm morning, a little misty, a munitions transport going north, a few kilometres from Travnik the deadly beauty one fine morning with a smell of spring, with Sergeant Mile and Vlaho the crazy driver at the steering wheel

I don’t remember why we stopped near that building, probably because there was a corpse on the threshold, an old man, an entire cartridge clip in his head and chest, machine-gunned from quite close up and his dog too, a Croatian house, the door was open, a smell of incense wafted out as from a church, a dark interior and wood furniture, shutters closed they must have been shot at night, the guy and his mutt, why had he opened his door

why had he gone out, Mile signed to us, a trembling orangey light was coming from a room in the back, a tiny fire, something’s burning, all three of us move towards it, Vlaho remains behind to watch the entrance, a big bedroom with candles everywhere, dozens of candles still lit and on the double bed an old lady stretched out her hands on her chest a black or dark-grey dress her eyes closed and I don’t understand

Andrija takes off his helmet as a sign of respect, he takes off his helmet sighs and mumbles something, Mile and I imitate him without understanding, all three of us are in the process of watching over an old woman who doesn’t know she’s a widow, that her husband who lit all these candles for her was shot with his dog on his doorstep by unknown men or neighbours, she has heard nothing, on her deathbed, not the machine-gun volleys outside, not the footsteps in her house, not the laughter of those who jammed that large crucifix straight upright into the middle of her stomach, its absurd shadow is dancing on the wall next to the lowered faces of Andrija and Mile, bare-headed

and it’s Vlaho’s voice that wakes us up, u kurac, he has just entered the room, fuck, what the hell are you doing here, are we going yes or no, he glances crazily at the grandmother at her desecrated body, I put my helmet back on, Mile puts his helmet on, and we leave like robots not saying a word we climb into the Jeep Andrija sits down next to me he remains silent his eyes gazing into space the tears are beginning to flow onto his cheeks he gently wipes them away with his sleeve, he doesn’t sob he looks at the countryside the houses the trees I watch him he cries like a silent fountain without hiding it, why, he’s seen lots of corpses, young, old, male, female, burnt black, cut into pieces, machine-gunned, naked, dressed or even undressed by an explosion, why this one

Andrija will die a few weeks later, he’ll have time to avenge his own tears, to cauterise his tears in the flames, to ravage enemy bodies in turn, houses, families, exulting with Ajax son of Telamon, with Ulysses in the ruins of Troy, Andrija the furious was avenging that unknown grandmother he never mentioned again, I still have in my mind’s eye the shadow of Christ on the flowered wallpaper, in the gleam of the candles, nothing had been disturbed, no vengeful inscription on the walls, nothing, it was a strange miracle this crucifix stuck God knows how into the flesh of this old woman

Andrija upset without showing it by this sign, Sergeant Mile didn’t say anything either, Eduardo Rózsa cracked too one day, and Millán-Astray, and Achilles son of Peleus, one day one fine day when nothing prepared you for it, and I too, I cracked, fissured like a clay wall slowly drying, in Venice it was a collapse followed by ghostly wandering through the hallways of the Zone, you die many times and today in this train all the names in this secret suitcase draw me to the bottom like the cinderblock attached to the legs of a prisoner thrown into the Tiber or the Danube, in the middle of middle-class Emilia, a train where the travellers are all sitting nicely, a car of passengers ignoring each other, pretending not to see the fate they share, these shared kilometres entrusted to the Great Conductor friend of model railways of halberds and of the end of the world, some facing forward and others with their back to their destination, like me, their gaze turned to the rear, to black night, to Milan the departure station:

Millán-Astray Franco’s friend, the thin one-eyed one-armed general the Legionary responsible for splendid massacres in Morocco had a guilty passion for decapitation, he liked to slit the darkie’s throat with a bayonet, that was his weakness, not to say his hobby, in 1920 he founded the Spanish Foreign Legion, after a stay in Sidi Bel Abbès with the French who are always proud of their military cunning, a natural colonial mutual aid, the French Legionnaires made a great impression on Millán who was neither one-eyed nor one-armed at the time, just obsessed, fascinated with death, Millán formed his Legion in Morocco for Spain to which the poor, the hoodlums, the banished from all over Europe rushed, and he welcomed them singing them hymns—

the Spanish Legionaries whom I came across in Iraq looked like young newlyweds dressed for their weddings, they sang while they marched quickly, soy el novio de la muerte, to their nuptials like those of their ancestors in Africa, to whom Millán said you are dead, full of lice, vulgar, you are dead and you owe this new life to death, you will live again by giving death, as good fiancés you will serve, pay court to the Reaper with passion, hand Lady Death the scythe, sharpen it buff it polish it brandish it in her place in Morocco first then after the beginning of Franco’s anti-Red crusade on the very soil of the homeland, in Andalusia, in Madrid then on the Ebro in the last great offensive, in Morocco against the bloody Berbers tamers of mares, in the military disasters of the Spanish protectorate that allowed the ephemeral creation of the first independent republic in Africa, the natives’ Republic of the Rif, the republic of Abd el-Krim el-Khattabi whose creased, yellowed bank bills you can still find at the second-hand stores in Tétouan

Abd el-Krim the hero, the gravedigger of Spaniards was on the point of losing Melilla after the disaster of the Battle of Annual in July 1921 where 10,000 poorly armed, malnourished Spanish soldiers perished, without leaders and without discipline, one of the most resounding military blunders after the Somme and the Chemin des Dames, which would make the liberal monarchy of Alfonso XIII the Roman exile tremble: did he know, in his room in the Grand Hotel on the Piazza Esedra, with his collection of slippers and his princely visits, that his enemy of the time, the Berber cadi with the ponies, had found asylum in Cairo, at the court of King Farouk the anglophile:

I picture him smoking a hookah by the Nile, for years, until, one day in 1956, the new king of independent Morocco suggested he return home—he refuses, maybe because he likes Nasser and Tahia Kezem too much, or maybe because he prefers to have his blood sucked by Cairo mosquitoes rather than by a Sharifian king, he dies without ever seeing his country again or holding a weapon, aside from a 9-millimetre Campo Giro picked up from the mutilated corpse of General Silvestre, commander of the Rif Army, the buffalo-horn-plated butt of which, smooth and scratchless, bears the arms of Alfonso XIII sent into exile by the defeat of his general and his brand-new pistol

Silvestre the murdered with the undiscoverable scattered body, replaced by the brothers Franco Bahamonde and Juan Yagüe, eagles with poetic names, and their elder brother Millán-Astray with the absent eye, to whom his legionaries offered pretty wicker baskets garnished with decapitated Berber heads, to his great delight, just as before him, around 1840, Lucien de Montagnac, a colonel who was also one-armed, the pacifier of Algeria, staved off colonial boredom by decapitating Arabs like artichokes—

I suddenly see Henryk Ross’s photo of the Łódź ghetto, a crate full of men’s heads next to another larger one where the headless bodies are piled up, that would have delighted Astray the one-eyed or Montagnac the ill-tempered, admirers of the samurais with the slender swords and of those saints who carried their own decapitated heads: long after his wars, Millán-Astray the bird of prey translated the Japanese Bushidō into Spanish, code of honour and of honourable death, of decapitation of the conquered soldier, law of the friend who slices your neck and thus saves you from suffering, just as the French revolutionaries adopted the guillotine for its democratic painless aspect, a king’s death for everyone, the leader’s rolling in a basket, whereas before the Revolution decapitation was reserved for nobles, with commoners dying in spectacular torments, drawn and quartered or burnt for the most part, if they survived questioning—

in Damascus not long ago they hanged opponents from immense streetlights on the Square of the Abbasids, from the raised basket used in Paris to trim trees

I remember one day a hanged man who had stayed up too long ended up being decapitated from his body and fell his head rolled between the cars provoking an accident which caused one more death, an innocent little girl, probably just as innocent as the guy whose shoulderless face had frightened the driver, also innocent, just as there are lots of innocent men among the killers in the suitcase, as many as there are among the victims, murderers rapists throat-slitters ritual decapitators who learned to handle their knives on lambs or sheep, then Zeus did the rest, in Algeria my Islamists were the world champions of decapitation, in Bosnia the mujahideen killed their prisoners in the same way, the way you bleed an animal, and my own entrance to the Boulevard Mortier bore the sign of seven monks’ heads abandoned in a ditch

I can’t escape decapitation, these faces pursue me, up to Rome and Caravaggio with his head of Goliath David’s fist closed in the bloody hair or in the so-refined Palazzo Barberini Judith with her sword in Holofernes’s throat, the blood gushes so nicely, the beautiful widow looks both disgusted and resigned as she severs the carotid artery, the servant holds the bag that will surround the damp relic its eyes wide open, its hair sticky, a somber image among the religious scenes, the Saints Jerome, the portraits of bishops become popes, the innocent girls wild Judith neatly beheads the Babylonian general, to save her people in the same way Salome obtained the head of the Baptist, beheaded in his cell by a brutal guard, with a thick knife, as shown by Caravaggio, again, on the immense canvas in the cathedral of the Order of the Knights of St John in Malta, summer of 1608, when the order was incorporated, a year after arriving in the impregnable island, forty years after the Ottoman siege when Jean de Valette shot Turkish heads out of his cannons like cannonballs, to frighten the enemy

Michelangelo Merisi di Caravaggio the Milanese would have liked to die beheaded, he died ill on a beach in Argentario, facing the grey sea that he had never painted, or that he had always painted, in the dark immensities where the bodies of beautiful boys and saints are born, of murderers prostitutes soldiers disguised as saints, Caravaggio great master of darkness and decapitation

Friendly Fred says:

That ain’t actual combat. THIS is actual combat:

“Lunging she kills a pair of massive Trojans, Butes and Orsilochus. Butes, his back turned, she stabs between the helmet and breastplate, just where the horseman’s neck shines bare and the shield on his left arm dangles down, off guard. And fleeing Orsilochus now as the Trojan drives her round in a huge ring, Camilla tricks him, wheeling inside him, quick, the pursuer now the pursued as she rears above him — praying, begging for mercy — her battle-axe smashes down, blow after blow through armor, bone, splitting his skull, warm brains from the wound go splashing down his face.” (Aeneid, trans. Fagles, Book 11.)

Vxxc says:

You can’t explain combat.

Let ‘em learn.

Train them if they’ll listen.
Keep the best of the litter from getting killed first combat.
The good especially best do die young.

I plan on knocking the wind out of two of them up front if shit happens.
Cuz its best they make it longer.

Make peace with the heads.
Yes you can.
Stare at em, tell them it was war and ignore them.

I had to make peace with no head (50 cal).
You can make peace to a face.
Like always a coin toss.

No I still don’t like reviewing the movie.
Stop doing the rerun.
That doesn’t work.

Rest of you pay attention.
You never had a choice.
The enemy chose our extinction.
We choose to live.

Anonymous 2 says:

The genre where the fragile mind of the effete intellectual or academic thrust into war is damaged beyond repair, has been rather popular. But men are normally pretty well constructed to do violence without our minds shattering.

Vxxc says:

Yeah but its bothering him so I tried to tell him how to put down the bag of bricks.

Also not to try and explain combat.
Let em learn.

I didn’t bring up effete intellectuals.
Yes its a Trope.
Give them a shovel and a rifle and yes they’ll adapt well enough.
As you can gather eventually it takes a toll.
In some ways the 90s Balkans wars (that he’s referring) were worse than what the Middle East has gone through.

Vxxc says:

The woman question is descending into too much depth.
One wonders if the intent is traps for our host or others…

Is she blood or marriage?

NO. = not your problem
YES= your problem. We see nothing.
No one talks to the authorities.

NJ state motto applies; nobody saw nothing.

shaman says:

You’re not going to tell us which issues to discuss and which not.

When you say:

The woman question is descending into too much depth.

What you really mean is: “I am constantly out of my depth. I have nothing relevant to say about this issue, being the childless old white knight loser that I am. So guys, why don’t you stop talking about the WP, swallow my blue pilled ideology already, and start talking instead about such wise and profound ideas as ORGANIZE! ATTACK! ACTION! ATTACK! GO! ORGANIZE! ATTACK! DO SOMETHING! AHHHHHH!”

You’ve spammed your irrelevant walls of text all over Nick Land’s blog. You were tolerated to do so here, but now you apparently decided to reveal your true colors: An ideological enemy who is neither intelligent enough to be here, nor red-pilled enough to support us from the outside. Literally, 100% useless.

You fucked up.

Reminder that you think that this kind of thinking represents a sound, healthy worldview:

Horrible, horrible child abuse. I’m personally going to beat the shit out of all the Jewish pedophiles who dare to lay their filthy hands on my innocent, blameless princess.

This is actually the option that you chose, blue-piller. Then you said:

I should mention I’m traditional.
Also no children.
Also my hypothetical son may be celibate on wedding night…

Finally TFR can be solved via war old school.
We can certainly kill faster than they breed.

This is not the first time you spread the blue-pill here. Previously, I let it go. Not this time, celibate cuck. You are a childless white knight who wants to beat Jim (a father and grandfather) up because your hypothetical daughter is going misbehave, as you said very explicitly by choosing option 1 (C).

Do you think that your childlessness and celibacy are related to your blue-pilled views, perhaps? Yeah, no need to guess too long: You are a childless incel, and while normally that would not be grounds for abuse, you will indeed receive abuse because you are a blue-pilled white knight faggot entryist. Newsflash: All women everywhere are deeply repulsed by men like you, and in your guts you know damn well that you don’t deserve the love of women, hence indeed you won’t receive it.

You’ll die childless and celibate, as all white knights deserve. Now take your effluvia elsewhere, Tard-Con, or things will escalate – BEAUTIFULLY.

Doug Smythe says:

The idea of a holiness spiral is to get money, status, and power by angling for the strictest possible interpretation of a socially *dominant* ideology. Holiness-spiraling behaviour within a socially proscribed ideology not only doesn’t work, but accomplishes the opposite. You might call it a “degradation spiral”. Example: “Everybody is blue pilled except for me”. What’s the definition of red pill? “The red pill means talking about underage girls as much possible”. And so the logic of the degradation spiral, instead of leading to the heights of status, leads instead to the subterranean depths of revocation of civil status and imprisonment, but for good measure total loss of status in the social world of status-less people behind bars as well once they check your paperwork and find out what you’re there for.

shaman says:

Your ideology has been rejected, so now it’s back to Sophist Analogies.

No, it is not a “holiness spiral” to clarify what Neoreaction is, and what it is not. I don’t give a damn what anonymous people on the internet think of me, otherwise I wouldn’t change a handle every few months or so; this is a purely ideological battle here, in which there is a right side (NRx) and a wrong side (various entryist ideologies), and I want to make sure that the good guys win. From time to time, that requires me, and some others here, to bullycide the bad guys. It has to happen, or the blog will descend to 100% entryism 100% of the time.

As for:

“Everybody is blue pilled except for me”.

I never said or implied that. There are plenty of absolutely red-pilled commenters here. Indeed, most of the good ones are. In fact, Jim is probably more red-pilled than me: His positions often enough go further than mine. So if this is your “take down,” nope, not applicable. Try something else.

“The red pill means talking about underage girls as much possible”.

Jim can talk about whatever the heck he wants on his blog. You’re not going to tell Jim what to talk about on his own blog. No, he will tell you what comments are allowed, and what comments are not allowed, and “muh poor innocent chaste angelic girls” is… Yeah, you get it: It doesn’t belong here.

The realization that you are Blue Pilled hits hard, but understand this: Nobody cares about your emotions. In a few months, after the inevitable happens, people are going to marvel at the high (and ever rising) quality of the discussions here, marvel at this community’s ability to attract ever more intelligent and based people, and marvel at the clarity which the NRx worldview is going to achieve; the current whining of blue-pillers will surely be a thing of the past.

leads instead to the subterranean depths of revocation of civil status and imprisonment, but for good measure total loss of status in the social world of status-less people behind bars as well once they check your paperwork and find out what you’re there for.

Yeah yeah, I’ll “lose status” be “behind bars.” In reality, you have no idea how highly regarded my reputation is among my peers and how successful my dissemination of NRx views has been, though I have no intention of disclosing anything about it right now (maybe later) – some things really do speak for themselves, and ’nuff said.

You basically just called me a criminal child molester who belongs in prison simply for speaking views that are the consensus in NRx, just as your predecessors called Jim that precisely for that reason precisely. Yet, Jim is here and has been for years, and I am here and have been for years, and if you continue calling people criminal child molesters, you won’t be here.

Doug Smythe says:

>So if this is your “take down,” nope, not applicable. Try something else.

Okay then- your recent spazzpoasts confirm what I though pretty much the second I read you for the time: You are a typical Puritan, but not the successful kind:

-appoints himself supreme arbiter of a doctrine, w/no mandate from any hierarchy anybody can discern.

-thinks the correct interpretation of doctrine is grotesque hyper-extension of precept with autistic indifference to social consequences.

-thinks said interpretation over-rules human nature.

-seems to know exactly what the Sovereign must do, presumes to dictate exacting minutiae of law and policy to his Prince.

-thinks he’s arrived at some specific rule or set of rules applicable in all times and places, regardless of local customs, needs or other particularities.

-thinks he’s a priest, but doesn’t understand difference between priest and intellectual.

-no respect for anything or anybody, total lack of class (insulting a combat veteran)

-hopes to turn juniors against seniors, subvert the rights of the head of family.

-dreams of restoring Biblical law and society outside of Biblical times, and thus agrees that the people have to right to live Kinglessly if they feel like it, and vote in democratic elections. (Deuteronomy 17: 14-20

alf says:

There is very little, if any difference at all between priests and intellectuals.

shaman says:

The interesting thing about Sir Tard-Cuck is that, in very plain language, he has already distanced and disassociated himself from NRx here. Thus, he is a Tard-Cuck entryist into NRx according to his own blog, yet he keeps desperately trying to peddle the Blue Pill here, and to disingenuously pretend that everyone agrees with the Blue Pill.

He had some nasty things to say about Jim and NRx at that link.

alf says:

What blog and what link and how do you know all this stuff

shaman says:

The link is in the word “here” in my comment, which should appear in blue. Here’s an archived version, in case he wants to delete the evidence:

You have commented on his blog yourself, actually, and argued with him about his Blue Pilled position. Doug has been insulting Jim and NRx for some time, yet he accuses me of disrespect, lol.

Truth is, I respect those who deserve it. Tard-Cucks don’t deserve it.

shaman says:

The link is in the word “here” in my comment, which should appear in blue.

You have commented on his blog yourself, actually, and argued with him about his Blue Pilled position. Doug has been insulting Jim and NRx for some time, yet he accuses me of disrespect. *face-palm*

Truth is, I respect those who deserve it. The Blue Pilled don’t deserve it.

Not Tom says:

Very interesting; I notice that even on his own blog he’s fond of the Appeal to [Legal] Consequences argument. “Maybe all of these things are true, but they aren’t popular and saying them to the wrong people could get you locked up, so stop saying them!”

I’m not sure if it’s deliberate sophistry, or an actual inability to firewall the snowballing progressive legalism from anthropology and morality. Dissidents of all stripes need to maintain a kind of cognitive barrier between the actual truth and the official truth, and his seems… leaky.

Anyway, Muslims and many Indians morally approve of young brides and arranged marriages, yet you don’t see them being locked up. At least in the USA, it is not illegal to simply advocate for laws or revocation of laws. We are law-abiding; we don’t pass around sinister pixels or abduct 12-year-old girls to marry, we merely assert, with evidence, that those laws are unjust and inhumane.

alf says:


alf says:


Doug Smythe says:

As I see it, the diff is that:

-priest has care over the community at large (performs rituals, administers sacraments, settles disputes, sundry other tasks according to the religion in question). Intellectual has care only over his students if he teaches, or nobody except his family.

-Priest is appointed by a superior, intellectual need not be.

-Priest generally not in the business of interpreting doctrine, intellectual always is no matter how tight the restraints on his interpretive fiat (even if he’s a propagandist working from a script he’ll still present it as original work).

Doug Smythe says:


alf says:

Then, what was Martin Luther?

Seems to me ‘intellectual’ is just the 20th century version of what used to be called a ‘priest’, just as ‘ideology’ has replaced ‘religion’. Same thing, different branding.

Doug Smythe says:

But ideology in the modern sense entirely centred around the State, in traditional religion the political is either a matter of detail, or indifference.

jim says:


In traditional religion, and the traditional state, the King rules under God, the Holy Roman Emperor appoints the Pope, and the King appoints the Archbishop. Missionaries are an instrument of state influence, and armies are an instrument of missionary influence.

jim says:

> priest has care over the community at large (performs rituals, administers sacraments, settles disputes, sundry other tasks according to the religion in question). Intellectual has care only over his students if he teaches, or nobody except his family.

This surely describes professors, Judges, and mainstream media personalities better than it discribes priests of the Catholic Church, making professors far more priests than some guy with a backwards collar.

> Priest is appointed by a superior, intellectual need not be.

Again, professors, judges, and members of the mainstream media always appointed by their superiors.

> Priest generally not in the business of interpreting doctrine, intellectual always is no matter how tight the restraints on his interpretive fiat (even if he’s a propagandist working from a script he’ll still present it as original work)

The central shtick of a priesthood is that you hear the same story from multiple seemingly independent sources, though really you are only hearing it from one source.

When a propagandist is working from a script and presents it as his own original and independent work, he is just escalating what priests do by lying about what he is doing. He is priesting, not intellectualizing, and he is lying about it.

A priesthood composed of good people doing good work will tell the truth about what they are doing. The rightful priesthood will tell the truth about what they are doing and how they are organized

Doug Smythe says:

Yes, but I mean that in traditional religion Church jurisidiction is over the soul; King or other political authority is jurisdiction over worldly goods. Church technically isn’t supposed to directly meddle in politics (although it sometimes does so anyways), but formally insists only that the Sovereign power not exceed the bounds of Divine and natural law. Contrast w/Cathedral which doesn’t do anything else than prescribe the exact formal specifications to which State organization must conform (“constitutional government”) and dictate every detail of the State’s actions in every matter from top to bottom.

shaman says:

You are now lying through your teeth, having been debunked completely.

You are a typical Puritan


appoints himself supreme arbiter of a doctrine, w/no mandate from any hierarchy anybody can discern.

I never appointed anyone to anything. I present my views, and the views that NRx in general holds. Jim has made his position amply clear, and everyone else made their position amply clear. Provide an instance of me appointing anyone to anything, or shut up.

thinks the correct interpretation of doctrine is grotesque hyper-extension of precept with autistic indifference to social consequences.

The position of everyone here who is not a Tard-Cuck or other kind of entryist has been made abundantly clear to you, repeatedly, and vehemently. It is not a fringe position here. It is the consensus, as affirmed by Jim and by everyone else who is not some kind of entryist. Read Reaction 101 on Women, and explain in what way I deviate from it. In fact, my position is somewhat milder, but not a whole lot milder, than some things that Jim says.

thinks said interpretation over-rules human nature.

Typical projection. The Tard-Cuck Blue Piller position that women are always chaste, men always sinful, is not in line human nature. The Blue Pilled lie that women can be easily controlled is absolutely in contradiction of human nature. Thus you are lying about NRx, accusing it of your own flaw. Our position, that women are prone to sexual misbehavior from an early age, is an accurate assessment of human nature; and our position that girls past a certain age cannot be effectively, practically owned by their fathers, is likewise an acurate reflection of human nature.

seems to know exactly what the Sovereign must do, presumes to dictate exacting minutiae of law and policy to his Prince.

No idea what you’re on about. Express yourself in a non-sophist way, so people can understand better what lies you’re trying to spin and what projection you’re trying to pull off.

thinks he’s arrived at some specific rule or set of rules applicable in all times and places, regardless of local customs, needs or other particularities.


thinks he’s a priest, but doesn’t understand difference between priest and intellectual.

We seek to be the priesthood come the restoration, and that requires a whole lot of intellectual heavy lifting. That’s what we are doing here.

no respect for anything or anybody, total lack of class (insulting a combat veteran)

Insulting idiotic people back is definitely allowed, and creative insults that have substance are always allowed. Hey, everyone disagrees with you: So do you keep class by going on and on and on about the innate chastity of women?

hopes to turn juniors against seniors, subvert the rights of the head of family.

Normally, when husband and father clash over daughter, husband is backed up. This is the Reactionary position, which Jim has explained repetitiously, and others (including myself) have also explained repetitiously. Your obstinacy is not a good trait.

dreams of restoring Biblical law and society outside of Biblical times

Proving, once again, that you are ignorant of NRx on a fundamental level.

You’ve been thoroughly PWNED, ideologically speaking. Pack it up, and accept that you lost. By keeping up the Blue Bill spamfests, you make yourself less and less wanted here. Take note.

Nikolai says:

The points Doug dissents from Jim on are bastardicide and marriage by abduction.

“I present my views, and the views that NRx in general holds.”

Surely NRx is more than just Jim’s blog. If ‘NRx’ refers to the loosely organized network of blogs and publications that call themselves reactionary and link to one another, I don’t think you’re accurately presenting the consensus of NRx.

I’m fairly certain that if you were to ask the opinion of reactionary blogs and their commenters (Ryan Landry, Mark Citadel, Free Northener, Yuray, Nick Land, Nick B Steves, Bonald, PT Carlo, Perilloux, Zero HP Lovecraft, Spandrell etc. etc.) they’d overwhelmingly side with Doug on those points of contention.

The Cominator says:

Wrong, I DISSENT from him on bastardcide and I was by far the most energetic and fanatical dissenter on that issue. I said it was monstrous AND unnecessary and argued a lot on this point.

I also mostly dissent on marriage by abduction. Saying that some details need to be worked out…

But I did not bring bluepill bullshit into my dissents. In fact one of my objections to marriage by abduction was that in many ways it would be female choice by other means rather then pro eugenics and pro social.

Doug has been bringing in tradcuck memes that is the problem not his dissents.

jim says:

> In fact one of my objections to marriage by abduction was that in many ways it would be female choice by other means.

Yes, indeed it would. We need to allow females to choose an owner who will provide them with reproductive sex, if a suitable owner does not get organized for them in a more orderly and prosocial manner. What we need to prevent is females choosing to endlessly cruise for higher grade semen than the semen they are currently getting.

jim says:

> I’m fairly certain that if you were to ask the opinion of reactionary blogs and their commenters (Ryan Landry, Mark Citadel, Free Northener, Yuray, Nick Land, Nick B Steves, Bonald, PT Carlo, Perilloux, Zero HP Lovecraft, Spandrell etc. etc.) they’d overwhelmingly side with Doug on those points of contention.

Argument by fake consensus.

The only guy I see there likely to disagree is Nick B Steves of Socialist Matter, who seems to have left the movement and gone silent partly over sex, but mostly over Capitalism, Trump, Human Biological Diversity, Monarchism, Family, putting gays back in the closet, and all that. He decided that everyone else was far too egregiously extreme about just about everything. The Socialist Matter website, like so many websites and software projects that allow Social Justice Warriors in, broke and never got fixed. Social Justice Warriors like to get control of technology, but they cannot modify it, maintain it, or fix it when it breaks. Social Justice Warriors breaking other people’s technology is analogous to socialists running out of other people’s money. As breadlines are to socialism, bitrot is to Social Justice. Not that that is necessarily how the Socialist Matter Website broke, I am just guessing, but that is the pattern.

Nick B Steves is not talking to reactionaries any more. Some of the others, notably Spandrell, still are talking. Ask Spandrell about Jim’s views on women (As expressed by me in one of my many posts on the topic, not your version of them.) Ask him what he thinks of one of my more egregious posts.

alf says:

I used to get some hestia traffic, now I get no traffic from them, from which I gather the whole Social Matter as ‘official NRx’ is officially dead. We should learn from their mistakes, not repeat them.

jim says:

Socialist Matter died because they let entryists in. I don’t think the entryists deliberately killed it. They wanted to converge reaction, and killing Socialist Matter was contrary to that goal, but they were neither highly motivated to keep it alive, nor competent to keep it alive.

The women question is a good acid test for entryism. Entryists cannot even acknowledge that the red pill says what it says. Not only can they not commit thoughtcrime, they cannot even acknowledge that you are committing thoughtcrime.

The Cominator says:

they cannot even acknowledge that you are committing thoughtcrime.

You are a great simplifier of leftist though.

They cannot even acknowledge that the WRP is possible for anyone to concieve of… For the religion of progressive equality it is like some evil fantasy God whos name cannot be spoken.

shaman says:

By the way Cominator, Jim has already stated regarding the monopolization of pussy by Jeremy Meeks:

Harem formation, whether the result of female control of sex, or a few powerful men controlling sex, has a detrimental effect on the rapidly diminishing number of men in the society. Without access to pussy, they are disinclined to work or fight in defense of order, peace, and their society. Instead they hang out in mom’s basement.

Monogamy and chastity can be understood as socialism in pussy, the seizure of the means of reproduction by beta males.

The King is worried that men do not seem keen on working, paying taxes, or soldiering. So he price controls pussy down to something ordinary men can pay. Bride price shall be low or zero, women shall obey their husbands, not their fathers or their own whims. Price control causes a shortage, as always, so the King and the high priest introduce rationing. Only one pussy per customer.

As long as the sex ratio is 1:1, that is exactly the right prescription: the Virginariat seizing the means of reproduction from the Chadeoisie and redistributing them more or less equally to create a Heaven on Earth of Pussocialism.

Dave says:

“The King is worried that men do not seem keen on working, paying taxes, or soldiering.”

Not a problem as long as food can be harvested with combines, money can be printed to buy goods made in China, and wars can be fought by black female drone pilots in Des Moines dropping bombs on tribesmen in Afghanistan.

jim says:

Socialism always runs out of other people’s money. If you are very lucky it then collapses, but what usually happens is that it starts murdering millions. And then conscripts the survivors and hurls them in human wave attacks against the machine gun emplacements of governments who have allowed their taxpayers to retain some property that the socialists want, having destroyed all the property within their power.

US technological superiority is collapsing as a result of social justice warrior induced bitrot. There are no black female drone pilots, because they crash their drones. The US navy is increasingly unable to sail out of port without running into things because of captainesses.

Not Tom says:

I’m pretty sure Dave was joking. Pretty sure. It’s hard to tell these days.

Regarding this:

I’m fairly certain that if you were to ask the opinion of reactionary blogs and their commenters (Ryan Landry, Mark Citadel, Free Northener, Yuray, Nick Land, Nick B Steves, Bonald, PT Carlo, Perilloux, Zero HP Lovecraft, Spandrell etc. etc.) they’d overwhelmingly side with Doug on those points of contention.

I don’t follow all of those guys, but am amused by the suggestion that Mark Yuray, Spandrell, or Zero HP Lovecraft would dispense blue pills. Some of them do tend to talk less about the WRP in particular, preferring to opine on matters of government, economics, male sociology or just random cryptic memes, but instead of telling us that you’re “fairly certain” they disagree with Jim, how about actually finding a single instance of that happening?

You’ve also conspicuously omitted Aidan MacLear, Alf, and anyone else who demonstrably agrees with Jim on most of these issues. I wonder why that is.

NRx is clearly not a perfectly homogeneous community (yet), but where there is disagreement, it tends to be regarding priorities, specific policy prescriptions, and occasionally strategy; bikeshed issues, not dramatic rifts over the core tenets, of which WRP is one.

pdimov says:

>I used to get some hestia traffic, now I get no traffic from them, from which I gather the whole Social Matter as ‘official NRx’ is officially dead.

It’s dead.

Nikolai says:

“I gather the whole Social Matter as ‘official NRx’ is officially dead”

It is my understanding that the guys at Hestia decided to focus more on irl stuff and less on writing essays and making podcasts. Much like how since Moldbug stopped writing at UR he managed to get Peter Thiel on our side. Or maybe that’s just a massive cope for them not being able to keep their website running.

On Nick B Steves, I really don’t see any of the things you complain about Jim. He was one of the first writers I was following when I initially got into NRx. I’ve listened to countless podcasts of his, read many of his articles and regularly browsed his twitter. Out of all the Catholic reactionaries I read, he was the most influential in my conversion. Never saw anything blue pilled.

A guy who appears regularly on TRS podcasts isn’t blue pilled on race, a Catholic patriarch who homeschools 8 kids isn’t blue pilled on women or family and I’ve never seen him say anything bad about Trump. Do you have any examples of him saying anything blue pilled?

“but instead of telling us that you’re “fairly certain” they disagree with Jim, how about actually finding a single instance of that happening?”

Sure, here’s a short thread of Mark Yuray disagreeing with Jim on whether or not white girls are attracted to muslims.

If they disagree on this, I can imagine them disagreeing on marriage by abduction. Not that they disagree on women in general of course. As for the rest, most of the bloggers I named are devout Christians who I don’t think would support the tacit acceptance of inconvenient children ‘mysteriously disappearing’.

jim says:

> It is my understanding that the guys at Hestia decided to focus more on irl stuff and less on writing essays and making podcasts.

This fails to explain the fact that the Socialist Matter website broke and stayed broken.

We know what Moldbug is doing now. If the Hestia guys are focusing on irl matters, what are they doing?

Looks to me that anyone who has trouble swallowing the red pill, has trouble swallowing reaction. If you don’t want to change the fact that the superior races are failing to reproduce and will disappear, if you don’t want to change the fact that marriage and family is broken, what changes do you have in mind?

If you are only planning “realistic” changes to marriage and the family, you only planning “realistic” political change. And “realistic” conservatism got us on flight 93 heading straight to the ground.

> Sure, here’s a short thread of Mark Yuray disagreeing with Jim

And what is Mark Yuray doing now? What did he ever do?

In order to have families and children, men and woman have to cooperated. In a game of prisoner’s dilemma with few iterations, the outcome is defect/defect. And your people and your civilization vanish.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

There are a lot of shills in the reactionary movement, working from scripts under the supervision of our enemies and in the pay of our enemies.

Looks mighty like you are one of them. If you want your comments to appear, take the test I asked you to take, answer some of the questions I asked.

The catechism is not going to weed out all enemy infiltrators, but it is a good start. Can you accurately state and respond to our beliefs, even if only enough to say you don’t share them and explain why you disagree?

So far, all enemy infiltrators act as if saying the catechism, even if only to explain their disagreement with it, will have an effect similar to holy water on a vampire. You will burst into flame and turn into dust.

It is like Angela Dorothea Merkel shrinking fearfully away from the German flag, like a vampire fearing sunlight, as though the flag was emitting a powerful radiation to destroy German evildoers.

pdimov says:

>We know what Moldbug is doing now.

Moldbug left Tlon. I hope he starts writing again.

Dave says:

Or doing a shimmy dance every time the national anthem is played. How is it possible for a person with such nerves to remain standing?

Nikolai says:

“If you don’t want to change the fact that the superior races are failing to reproduce and will disappear, if you don’t want to change the fact that marriage and family is broken, what changes do you have in mind?”

I’m absolutely certain that the people at Hestia want to change those facts. Nick B Steves in particular is changing those facts by having 8 white children and iirc Landry said he had 3+. Patriarchs with large families are obviously committed to restoring marriage and family.

“And what is Mark Yuray doing now?”

Don’t know. Perhaps writing under a different pseudonym, perhaps working on irl stuff, perhaps sitting at home drinking beer and watching anime.

“What did he ever do?”

He wrote excellent reactionary essays, same as you.

“In order to have families and children, men and woman have to cooperated. In a game of prisoner’s dilemma with few iterations, the outcome is defect/defect. And your people and your civilization vanish.”

Completely agree. I just think said cooperation can be accomplished without kidnapping.

jim says:

> I’m absolutely certain that the people at Hestia want to change those facts

There are no people at Hestia any more. It died under the control of entryists. And if they wanted to change those facts, would have stated the red pill facts and asserted the moral truths implied by those facts.

> Nick B Steves in particular is changing those facts by having 8 white children

Nick B Steves uses the word “pedophilia” unironically, which implies he will permit those white children to be seated on the laps of drag queens at Drag Queen Story our. He is unlikely to have white grandchildren.

> > “What did Mark Yuray ever do?”

> He wrote excellent reactionary essays, same as you.

Did he. As I recall it, he always dodged anything disturbing or dangerous, same as Slate Star Codex and Jordan Peterson. Link me to one of his “excellent essays”

jim says:

> > “In order to have families and children, men and woman have to cooperate. In a game of prisoner’s dilemma with few iterations, the outcome is defect/defect. And your people and your civilization vanish.”

> Completely agree. I just think said cooperation can be accomplished without kidnapping.

Can it now? Maybe. Perhaps. Explain how you are going to accomplish it.

You are like the man who says he does not want killing fields and slave labor camps and does not want to murder everyone with glasses, but he does want free medical care for all.

And then he gets British National health, which does not have killing fields and slave labor camps, but there is something horribly wrong with the free medical care for all. If you have a toothache and want it fixed without waiting in agony for the tooth to fall out, you had better fly out to some place that does not have free dentistry, and if you are an old man with a chest infection that is giving you some difficulty breathing, you are likely to find that your local hospital is behind on its quota for murdering old people, and instead of getting the seven day course of antibiotics that would have cured your chest infection, you get massive doses of tranquilizers, a bed, and no food and no water.

So he then says “Oops. That is not quite what I wanted. But all we need to do to fix this is to punish dentists more severely for wrecking the plan, and no I am not walking the path that leads to murdering everyone with glasses, and the old folk were costing too much anyway.”

So tell us, how is your society going to handle a fertile age woman who finds that no man who meets her lengthy list of requirements and passes her shit tests gives her more than a two am booty call followed by being kicked out of bed first thing in the morning, and who when she does encounter a man meets her lengthy list of requirements, and does not kick her out before he brews his morning coffee, promptly gives him a shit test that he is bound to fail?

What is your end plan to fixing that problem?

We are punishing and compelling men in an ever more draconian fashion, and it is failing, and every day fails worse. Any solution is going to involve some punishment and compulsion of women.

So, you are totally in favor of fixing the problem provided women always get off scott free and never suffer any adverse consequences for foolish and wicked condcuct?

So, under your plan, when do we compel women, and who compels them?

shaman says:

I just think said cooperation can be accomplished without kidnapping.

Drastic coercive measures are required to stop girls from crawling nine hundred miles over broken glass to get banked like drums by alpha male Chads. A father who fails to take such drastic measures, and fails to marry off his daughter in time, should absolutely expect her to get married by abduction. A Blue Pilled father who seeks to (and believes that he can) keep his daughter a virgin forever or for an unreasonably long time is an abusive and Satanic father, at war with human nature and female nature.

Due to the disturbing prevalence of Blue Pilled thinking in society, of fathers considering their “little princess” to be innately chaste and angelic, the inevitable result is that MBA will be a commonplace and unexceptional phenomenon; fathers will be made to understand that it’s in their interest that their horny daughters be under the ownership and authority of men who can provide them with reproductive sex, and Blue Pillers will be severely beaten in public and have their lying tongues cut off, and will be rendered extremely low status.

MBA, like shotgun marriage, is without the father’s consent and quite likely without the girl’s consent. As always, the best way to avoid MBA and shotgun marriage is to arrange marriage in advance; and it’s feasible enough to look for signs of sexual misbehavior in one’s daughter and to immediately respond to such signs by introducing her to her future husband, i.e. betrothal.

shaman says:


Moldbug left Tlon. I hope he starts writing again.

Agreed; I want Moldbug, Land, Boetel, and Dampier to fully reemerge.


He wrote excellent reactionary essays, same as you.

Nope. His writings were entertaining, but he didn’t do any heavy intellectual lifting.

Doug Smythe says:

>the inevitable result is that MBA will be a commonplace and unexceptional phenomenon; fathers will be made to understand that it’s in their interest that their horny daughters be under the ownership and authority of men who can provide them with reproductive sex, and Blue Pillers will be severely beaten in public and have their lying tongues cut off, and will be rendered extremely low status.

You sure seem to know exactly what the new regime will do. Are you going to be the Sovereign?

shaman says:

You sure seem to know exactly what the new regime will do. Are you going to be the Sovereign?

I understand that it hurts that the last 10,000 years confirm our account of marriage, not yours. You’ll get over it, though. In the meanwhile, you really shouldn’t try to stir disruption here; we’re trying to coordinate our memeplex (as a priesthood ought to do), and your attempts to subjugate our memetic sovereignty to Trad-Conism are a bit annoying.

You came here to concern troll. That failed – now move on. Perhaps you can resurrect Hestia Society and be their leader? I’m sure they’ll agree that reactionary ideas are totally impractical, unless those ideas involve liquidating the bourgeoisie.

alf says:

You sure seem to know exactly what the new regime will do. Are you going to be the Sovereign?

This is such an entryist giveaway. Concern troll, exactly.

pdimov says:

>As I recall it, he always dodged anything disturbing or dangerous

Wasn’t this the whole point of Social Matter? To carefully spread reactionary memes without triggering an immune response. Essays you could share on Facebook under your real name.

jim says:

Unfortunately, this in practice amounted to not spreading reactionary memes, particularly towards the end, recapitulating the failure of conservatism, ending in assimilation to progressivism.

The “careful spreading” tactic is the tactic of entryism, and it works, but you have to keep iron discipline, exercised by fanatical burning true believers, over your entryists, or else they assimilate to the group targeted for entry, and you get reverse entryism, which is what happened to Social Matter. Instead of successfully practicing entryism, which is perfectly sound and highly effective strategy, they were entered.

It is hard to enforce iron discipline unless you are funded, and your entryists well rewarded, thus entryism is a tactic more likely to be effective for our enemies than for us.

It was not a stupid idea, but hard to pull off without strict discipline and a strong cadre burning with the faith.

If Socialist Matter was practicing entryism, they should have been talking to the enemy, saying “Hail fellow progressive”, and giving them reactionary ideas, disguised as progressive ideas. Unfortunately, Socialist Matter were talking to us, saying “Hail fellow reactionary”, and giving us progressive ideas, disguised as reactionary ideas. Entryism resulted in reverse entryism. It is a well known risk and failure mode of entryism, and the only solution is true believers with strong authority and tight supervision over the entryists. You really have to pay them, and pay them well.

In the beginning, Social Matter was genuinely attempting to pursue an entryist strategy against the left. In the end, not.

Nikolai says:

“Nick B Steves uses the word “pedophilia” unironically, which implies he will permit those white children to be seated on the laps of drag queens at Drag Queen Story our. He is unlikely to have white grandchildren.”

Absolutely nuts. Nick B Steves homeschools all his kids. He doesn’t even let them in a public school and you think he’d let them attend drag queen story hour? He’ll likely have more white grandchildren than this entire comment section combined.

“As I recall it, he always dodged anything disturbing or dangerous, same as Slate Star Codex and Jordan Peterson. Link me to one of his “excellent essays””

Social Matter is down, so all his best work is lost to the ether. In particular he wrote some great stuff on right wing activism vs passivism, on ethno-nationalism’s leftist tendencies, on geo-politics and American-Russian relations and even a couple good articles on women. I distinctly recall in one article Yuray wrote about women and prostitution there was a bluepiller in the comments and Yuray completely bullycided him. He went as far as saying that, come the restoration, he’d have women’s schools bombed to rubble. Would Jordan Peterson say anything like that?

“So tell us, how is your society going to handle a fertile age woman who finds that no man who meets her lengthy list of requirements and passes her shit tests gives her more than a two am booty call followed by being kicked out of bed first thing in the morning, and who when she does encounter a man meets her lengthy list of requirements, and does not kick her out before he brews his morning coffee, promptly gives him a shit test that he is bound to fail?”

First do everything possible to prevent a woman from getting herself in that situation. Restore Patriarchal property rights, make women are property of their fathers in much the same way that children are property of their parents. Keep them under control as much as you can, marry them off around 15 or 16 (yes yes shaman, if she starts younger than marry her off at that age). Forbid unaccompanied women from going to places where seduction is likely to occur (bars, hotels, beach parties etc). If she fornicates with some guy, father should be strongly encouraged, but not required, to shotgun marry the two, as Exodus prescribes.

If all that fails and she ends up in the situation you describe, her dad should put her in a home for wayward girls to instill some discipline and hope some guy is willing to settle for used goods. If no such man comes forward after a while, there’s always sisterhood. If she’s improperly disposed to religious life, then unfortunately, she’ll probably end up in a brothel.

“So, you are totally in favor of fixing the problem provided women always get off scott free and never suffer any adverse consequences for foolish and wicked condcuct?”

You attribute to me a position 500 miles to my left or imply that my position will lead inexorably to something 500 miles to my left. This is not the first time you have done so. And you do the same thing to Nick B Steves, Mark Yuray and kawaii kike. You will likely do the same thing to Neurotoxin for claiming that Rotherham rape gangs threatening to kill the girl’s parents and siblings prevented said girls from leaving.

I will reiterate my actual position: Patriarchy literally means rule by fathers. State, society and Church should back up the father’s rights over his household in general and women in particular. Kidnapping a woman is a violation of the father’s rights. Maybe I’d make an exception for a woman who’s living far from home sleeping in the same guys bed every night, in which case she’s essentially already married to him and they should make it official instead of living in sin, even if the girl stubbornly refuses.

But marriages should generally be done after the fashion of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham’s servant does not abduct Rebekah after meeting her at the well. He gives her gifts, meets her family, negotiates her marriage with her father and brother, they come to an acceptable arrangement, he gives her family gifts and takes her off to Isaac. Orderly and amicable transfer of property. That’s how it should be done.

jim says:

> Social Matter is down, so all his best work is lost to the ether.

That no one, least of all Nick B Steves himself, bothered to keep his “best work” around, suggests it lacked anything of interest or substance. His work has vanished like an idle wind.

> > “So tell us, how is your society going to handle a fertile age woman who finds that no man who meets her lengthy list of requirements and passes her shit tests gives her more than a two am booty call followed by being kicked out of bed first thing in the morning, and who when she does encounter a man meets her lengthy list of requirements, and he does not kick her out before he brews his morning coffee, promptly gives him a shit test that he is bound to fail?”

> First do everything possible to prevent a woman from getting herself in that situation.

Conspicuously lacking from your response was: “Force her to accept a suitable husband under threat of being forced to marry to some suitable man whether she accepted him or not him or not”: Conspicuously lacking from your response was the line up on the docks of late eighteenth century Australia, where a woman had to consent to one of the potential husbands available, or get assigned as servant and concubine. Conspicuously lacking from your response was the solution of Genesis 38:24: Burn her alive.

Now burning her alive does strike me as a bit excessive, but it is clear that the entire bible from beginning to end does not accept a woman screwing around and prompt and drastic coercion to assign her to one man, is the normal solution.

You propose that when a woman insists on getting her way sexually, she always gets her way. But it is a shit test. The woman does not actually want to get her way, and wants a man strong enough to subdue her. If she can get her way, she will insist upon getting her way, but will not be happy.

Not Tom says:

First do everything possible to prevent a woman from getting herself in that situation. Restore Patriarchal property rights, make women are property of their fathers in much the same way that children are property of their parents. Keep them under control as much as you can, marry them off around 15 or 16 (yes yes shaman, if she starts younger than marry her off at that age). Forbid unaccompanied women from going to places where seduction is likely to occur (bars, hotels, beach parties etc).


But marriages should generally be done after the fashion of Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham’s servant does not abduct Rebekah after meeting her at the well. He gives her gifts, meets her family, negotiates her marriage with her father and brother, they come to an acceptable arrangement, he gives her family gifts and takes her off to Isaac. Orderly and amicable transfer of property. That’s how it should be done.

Your position on sex relations resembles the Marxist position on trade relations: just assume everybody will cooperate, everybody will work hard, and then, utopia.

Obviously, if daughter is reasonably well-behaved and father marries her off early enough, then the transfer can be orderly and no abduction need take place (nor will take place).

But we are asking you about failsafes, and you are stubbornly ignoring the question. What happens when father is blue-pilled, or worse, prone to white-knighting? What happens when daughter is simply out-of-control, and violently resists attempts to keep her away from bars and beach parties, and starts doing this at age 12, when according to your system most fathers would not have made preparations to marry them off? What happens when she’s very plain, and father doesn’t have suitors knocking at his door with marriage proposals, and is simply unable to marry her off as soon as he’d like?

Where do these situations lead, in your ideal system? She’ll end up in a nunnery, apparently – a nunnery with electrified fences. Or a brothel. But this is extremely suboptimal, because many of them could have ended up with husbands. Also similar to the Marxist frame in that individuals who don’t behave 100% ideally are wreckers who need to disappear, and when private enforcement inevitably breaks down (because of blue-pilled fathers) then you need active enforcement by the state. Essentially the state will have to… er… abduct the misbehaving girls, and put them in nunneries or brothels.

In any case, this is not in accordance with nature, either, because forcing prospective husbands to supplicate in this way inevitably casts them as betas in the female eye, inferior to the father, implying that there might be better men out there (because after all, her father is already one). It can’t be enforced, and what can’t continue, won’t continue.

shaman says:

Absolutely nuts. Nick B Steves homeschools all his kids. He doesn’t even let them in a public school and you think he’d let them attend drag queen story hour? He’ll likely have more white grandchildren than this entire comment section combined.

You weren’t involved in 2014-2015, or you would’ve known about the Justine (Justin) Tunney affair, in which Michael Anissimov — himself an utter degenerate, but whatever — said that trannies need to be formally excluded from NRx, while Nick B. Steves most vehemently disagreed with that; apparently Justine Tunney is our ally and we need to embrace “her.”

Why did NBS call for an inclusion of a literal transsexual into NRx, Nikolai? Today, that sounds unbelievable to you (because someone, ahem, bullycided all the gay weirdos out of NRx 0.2, which there were many, believe me), yet that was the deal. Sure, Mike went into a typical disproportionate melt-down over it, but NBS was absolutely wrong, and not coincidentally, he had supporters among the same people who would later establish Socialist Matter and similar cul-de-sac projects.

Do we agree, Nikolai, that fuck-ups like Justin Tunney don’t belong in this movement? Yes, if you are honest, you will admit that you 100% agree. Then perhaps you should ask NBS why he wanted to embrace Tranny Tunney.

I distinctly recall in one article Yuray wrote about women and prostitution there was a bluepiller in the comments and Yuray completely bullycided him.

The only things I “distinctly” remember from Yuray’s writings are an article in which he explained that alcohol-drinking is absolutely essential to human civilization (that may be right, though it’s pretty funny given his Slavic background), and him going on an 8chan thread and explaining that listening to music on one’s headphones while outside is the worst, most degenerate and anti-social way to experience music, totally unbefitting of true reactionaries. Yeah, Yuray acted like a lolcow, though perhaps not extremely so. Anyway, you really shouldn’t pretend that someone like Yuray is in the same league as Jim.

Social Matter is down

These guys claim that they’ve “taken NRx off-line,” yet one is left wondering whether or not their actions are rather premature and ill-conceived.

shaman says:

Hey Nikolai, would you believe me if I told you that NBS actually went on Jim’s blog — as well as everywhere — to advocate for the inclusion of transsexuals?

Who wrote the first comment in that thread, and what was the content of that, hmm? Read the rest of NBS’ pro-trans comments on that post – and then tell me again if you find it unbelievable that NBS would allow his kids on Tranny Story Hour.

Social Matter? Transsexual Matter!

shaman says:

NBS on the inclusion of Tranny Tunney and trannies in general into NRx:

I know I know about the he she thing. But I’ll tell ya, when a tranny is passing, it is really hard to say “he”. It’s in the brain: the brain says lady (not very attractive lady but lady). Plus it hurts their feelings when ya do, and in certain social situations there’s just no reason to do that.

I’m not gonna be dogmatic on that one, so long as we all agree this is really a dude.

Very important not to hurt a transsexual’s feelings. NBS’ brain says that these are ladies. Sure, reality itself has Austin Powers’ take: “That’s a man, baby,” but NBS is telling us that hurting the feelings of fake-fanny tranny entryists is wrong, because, you know… it’s hurtful lol.

Tunney is, I agree, a he, but it does hurt his feelings when you say so.

And that is wrong, because we need to appeal to such people. To paraphrase someone who said something:

“I think there is a resurgence of cis-bigotry in NRx because at this point in time NRx has not yet learned how to be trans-inclusive. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. NRx is not going to be the monolithic movement it once was in the last decade. Catholic shitposters are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for NRx to make. It is now going into a trans-inclusive mode and Catholic shitposters will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, NRx will not survive.”

Tunney actually does have social relations with a smattering of (otherwise actual) neoreactionaries. Met him meself at a social gathering last Friday (in case that wasn’t known), bummed a smoke.

Since NBS literally met with a tranny for a bit of smoking and chatting, again I ask: Would he make the effort to prevent his children from attending Drag Queen Story Hour at the local library? Maybe they’ve already attended – who even knows.

NRx has not yet learned how to be trans-inclusive…

Anonymous says:

>(because someone, ahem, bullycided all the gay weirdos out of NRx 0.2, which there were many, believe me)

Is that where Nydwracu went?

shaman says:

He quit because of trolling perpetrated by some other people. In retrospect, many of the original NRx thinkers left very little useful material to work with or at least to enjoy, so scarcely anyone even remembers them today. Other than his introduction of Fnord into official NRx lexicon, what are his contributions?

jim says:

There is an official NRx lexicon?

There should be. But I have not seen it.

shaman says:

Perhaps I should not have referenced an “official lexicon,” but rather the “familiar set of NRx shibboleths,” though in practice that’s the same thing. “Fnord” is a Discordian meme that Nydwracu, Nick Land, and Scott Alexander popularized within NRx, and for a time everyone was familiar with the concept, similarly to e.g. Gnon, DROM, Cathedral.

If we define fnords as words (or phrases) intended as cognito-emotional blockers, designed to prevent rational evaluation of the text in which they appear by subconsciously generating feelings of uneasiness, then arguably mainstream articles about the Online Incel Community are the most striking examples of fnord-riddled verbiage, with a whopping average of approximately 30% of the content in these articles being fnords.

You’re not supposed to gain new information; you’re supposed to get a feeling that something is terribly wrong, with a “takeaway” that can be distilled simply as “INCEL COMMUNITY BAD.”

The concept of Non-Player Characters is pertinent here, in that these individuals’ speech — or, indeed, script — over-relies on the usage of fnords, and one’s ability to “see the fnords” allows one to realize that the NPC’s speech consists of little more than repetition of political mantras, with next to no informational processing working in the background, i.e., Orwell’s thoughtless DUCKSPEAK.

The phenomenon is not, however, confined to shitlib reporting on internet bogeymen; much of what circulates on the alt-right, including the notorious Qanon, is duck-spoken fnords – see for example the generic spam-like non sequitur comment down thread by xlibris, which comment amounts to some 85% fnord-text intended to scare-monger the audience into hating Jeffrey Epstein and Jewish “pedophiles”; the alt-right equivalent of ORANGE MAN BAD seems to be SEMITIC MAN BAD, or a common variant, SEMITIC MAN PEDO.

Here’s xlibris’ comment stripped of non-fnord text, a wall-of-text of his fnords:

Jeffrey Epstein’s lair On the roof sits #Moloch the owl Canaanite god of child sacrifice Island the walls were built #soundproof an external #locking #bar “appears intended to lock people in” Jeffrey Epstein had children tortured & murdered Epstein KNEW he was alluding to child sacrifice monstrosity a serial killer twisted pedosadist international child trafficker

When approximately 85% of a text is fnords, you’re dealing with a propaganda-posting NPC. Pure duckspeak. Kudos to Nydwracu for introducing this notion into NRx.

Anyway, you are right: There should be an official NRx lexicon (or list of useful concepts; and then there should be another list of anti-concepts); compiling one may be an interesting project indeed. I’ll see what I can do, when I have the time.

Not Tom says:

There is an official NRx lexicon?

Well, Social[ist] Matter had one…

Maybe it’s time to recreate and improve upon it. On the other hand, doesn’t that make it easier for entryists to fake their way in?

Not Tom says:

Here’s xlibris’ comment stripped of non-fnord text, a wall-of-text of his fnords:

There’s also an interesting pattern in what you classify as non-fnord text: “workers say”, “an engineer says”, “I’ve no idea if”, “but make no mistake”, “so he’s either”, “or merely a”.

Anonymous attributions and pseudo-deductions, both intended to give weight to the fnords by suggesting they’re either logic- or evidence-based, rather than wild speculation. Between the fnords and what I’ll call fnord-amplifiers, there’s no actual content.

Not sure if I totally agree with your classification, though. For example, “had children tortured & murdered” is a pretty explicit allegation, not a vague trigger-word. I understand fnords as being devoid of meaning on their own; “bigot”, “racism”, “harm”, “authoritarian”, etc.

2019 is boring says:

Maybe it’s time to recreate and improve upon it. On the other hand, doesn’t that make it easier for entryists to fake their way in?

That’s true, but the same critique can all the more so be made against the WRP questions: An entryist who finds them can just copy and paste the correct answers with a few minor word alterations, and thereby sneak in. (But this refers to independent entryists; paid and supervised shills probably won’t pull that off, since it’s a forbidden deviation from their scripts) Generally I wouldn’t worry about it: We need to clearly state what we believe, and not being a secret cult, it follows that our enemies will be exposed to the finer points of our worldview – no avoiding that.

I tend to believe that the objective truth is strongly and demonstrably on our side, so someone intelligent enough to actually grasp our thoughtcrimes is not unlikely to embrace them, if only secretly. Idiots probably can’t really understand what our thoughtcrimes even are, thus no need to worry about entryism from them — they just need to be bullycided — whereas a truly intelligent person, even if he sets out to study our worldview in order to harm us, is likely to eventually see the light.

jim says:

> > Maybe it’s time to recreate and improve upon it. On the other hand, doesn’t that make it easier for entryists to fake their way in?

> That’s true, but the same critique can all the more so be made against the WRP questions: An entryist who finds them can just copy and paste the correct answers with a few minor word alterations, and thereby sneak in

Nah, they cannot.

They can cheerfully lie without hesitation, but saying our words triggers their crimestop module and shuts them down.

It is like holy water on a vampire or a demon being burned by touching the bible. Remember Angela Merkel shrinking from the German flag.

The devil can quote scripture to his purpose, and they will be able to quote fragments, but only by surrounding them with an obviously false context and attributing to the fragment an obviously false meaning, surrounding the very short fragment by a massive wall of text giving it a false meaning and context. The wall of text is not so much to deceive and persuade us, as to deceive and persuade their crimestop module.

Crimestop is crippling, and no end of things can trigger it.

Nikolai says:

Not Tom: you conspicuously ignore the part where I mention homes for wayward girls, a solution Jim has often explicitly endorsed. I’ll make it abundantly clear, if a girl misbehaves at an early age, try to marry her off to the guy she misbehaved with, if he’s an unacceptable husband, the father should try to marry her off at a discount to a suitable man.

If a girl is found somewhere she shouldn’t be and doing something she shouldn’t be doing, cops bring her back to her father. If her dad is bluepilled or simply can’t control her then the 3rd or 4th time she’s found misbehaving, the cops should just take her straight to the home for wayward girls. Any guy willing to kidnap her would be willing to take possession of her at the home and marry her there legitimately.

If she’s plain looking, then obviously will have to settle for a lesser husband, supply and demand (was this supposed to be a gotcha?). Pretty sure Rebekah saw Isaac as alpha even though he didn’t kidnap her. As was the case with most arranged marriages. My solution is more or less what was done in Christendom for centuries and centuries, seems to have worked pretty well until the 1800s or so. I suppose you could tell me that Medieval Christians were secretly marxists, but it’d be a rather laughable position.

Nikolai says:

Shaman: If you wanted to discredit NBS, you probably shouldn’t have linked to a post where Jim, the most right wing man on the internet, explicitly endorses, quotes and links to NBS’ position.

A key qualifier in Nick’s statement is “in certain situations” meaning that it’s unnecessary to offend a tranny in cases where the tranny is apt to cause a scene or get you fired. In the current year and in 2014, dealing with degenerates is unavoidable. Especially if you’re in a blue state. Even Jim has admitted to having gay friends and had that whole episode where a tranny cooked him dinner and offered Jim her(?) virginity. I was good friends in high school with a gay jew, we shared a lot of banter, I frequently make jokes about killing all the fags and stuff like that. Would not let that guy babysit my children. I think Nick shares a similar position to the tranny. That he’d share a cigarette with him doesn’t mean he’d take his kids to drag queen story time.

Trannies obviously don’t belong in the inner party. Nick’s strategy has always been a thousand ticks on the beast. The beast is the Cathedral and a tick is any sort of dissident thinker that drives people away from full blown leftism. His position is that even if other ticks are degenerate doxxers (Forney) or wrong about certain issues (the entire alt-right on women) we should still let them do their thing as the goal is to overcome the Cathedral rather than help it by swatting away rival ticks.

I don’t have the time to look into the whole Justin/Justine fiasco, since Jim sided with Nick I trust that his position was fine. The comments on that post look like minor and amicable squabbling over politeness while they agreeing on the main points. Social matter has, of course, repeatedly condemned drag queen story hour. Ryan Landry did a whole episode of Weimerica weekly about it.

Not Tom says:

Not Tom: you conspicuously ignore the part where I mention homes for wayward girls

No, I conspicuously reiterated and addressed that part as a nunnery and eventually brothel. What is the point of lying to me about what I literally just said?

a solution Jim has often explicitly endorsed

…as an option for actual wayward girls. Strays, or girls put there by their fathers.

I’ll make it abundantly clear, if a girl misbehaves at an early age, try to marry her off to the guy she misbehaved with

That’s MBA and/or shotgun marriage, but it’s not try, it’s require.

if he’s an unacceptable husband, the father should try to marry her off at a discount to a suitable man.

We reject your definitions of “unacceptable” and “suitable” as being exclusively determined by the father. Stop smuggling those in.

If her dad is bluepilled or simply can’t control her then the 3rd or 4th time she’s found misbehaving, the cops should just take her straight to the home for wayward girls.

And there it is, exactly where I said you’d end up. Instead of private abduction by future husband, which most girls are happy with, we’ll have state abduction by the police, which emasculates both men and embarrasses the whole family. Socialism. No thanks.

shaman says:


Nick B. Steves, who sees no enemies to his left, and no friends to his right, had brought in legions of SJWs and outright retards into NRx, and subsequently failed to disassociate from them. Thus all his projects have gone down the drain. We should learn from this experience and not repeat his mistakes.

Nikolai says:

Obvious difference between a home for wayward girls and a nunnery. The point of the former is to salvage used goods, the point of the latter is to house religious sisters. A man can waltz into the former and claim a wife, whereas a man cannot violate a sister’s vow of celibacy.

Obvious difference between a shotgun marriage and MBA. Shotgun marriage is the father making the fornicator marry his daughter (who do you think is pointing the shotgun at whom?) In an MBA the fornicator steals the daughter from the father.

This post is entitled The Faith, let’s see what The Faith says on the matter. Exodus 22:17 states that it’s up to the father to decide whether or not his daughter marries the guy she fornicated with. 1 Corinthians 7:36-38 implies that it’s solely up to the father whether or not his daughter gets married and Paul encourages the father to keep his daughter unmarried unless she strongly desires to be wed.

St. Basil the Great, Church Father, Holy Hierarch, Doctor of the Church, writes in letter 199 XXII “Men who keep women carried off by violence, if they carried them off when betrothed to other men, must not be received before removal of the women and their restoration to those to whom they were first contracted, whether they wish to receive them, or to separate from them. In the case of a girl who has been taken when not betrothed, she ought first to be removed, and restored to her own people, and handed over to the will of her own people whether parents, or brothers, or any one having authority over her. If they choose to give her up, the cohabitation may stand; but, if they refuse, no violence should be used.

In the case of a man having a wife by seduction, be it secret or by violence, he must be held guilty of fornication. The punishment of fornicators is fixed at four years. In the first year they must be expelled from prayer, and weep at the door of the church; in the second they may be received to sermon; in the third to penance; in the fourth to standing with the people, while they are withheld from the oblation. Finally, they may be admitted to the communion of the good gift.”

There’s a reason it’s called a patriarchy and not a fornicatorarchy. I suppose you could tell me that Scripture, Tradition and the Communion of Saints are Marxist and that Sts. Moses, Paul and Basil were all bluepilled cucks. At which point I’d tell you to repent and believe in the Gospel.

Btw you might wanna check out Nick Land’s twitter if you want more examples of established neoreactionaries dissenting from the Jimian position.

jim says:

> Shotgun marriage is the father making the fornicator marry his daughter

In context, it should be clear that it is marriage against the will of either party – the girl wants to continue partying, and if children ensue her family will somehow take care of things, and the guy might well want to continue partying, while the family wants him stuck with responsibility for their daughter and grandchildren, and their daughter stuck with him. If she does not want to get married and very likely she does not want to get married, this indicates she will likely continue partying and eventually stick her family with an absolutely fatherless child.

Meanwhile, regardless of the will of the daughter, the family of the daughter, or the will of he man who banged her, the state wants to enforce its “one pussy per customer” rule. He will pop fewer balloons if he has the full time job of taking care of one chick. Having to look after her, and her looking after him, is going to cramp his style a bit. So the state wants them to damn well marry even if the whole damn lot disagree.

Maybe everyone involved is in favor of partying forever, but the state knows that when it comes to partying, the men it relies on to pay taxes and fight wars are apt to be the losers.

jim says:

> Exodus 22:17 states that it’s up to the father to decide whether or not his daughter marries the guy she fornicated with.

If his daughter is abducted, and he refuses marriage, well, OK, he gets his way, but, according to Exodus 22:17 he is being wrong, extreme, and unreasonable.

Presumably there are some cases where it is going to be a lot more wrong to refuse than other cases. Sex is messy, and it is hard to lay down hard and fast rules – but the rule of 22:17 is that it is not the father’s choice, except when it is.

Not Tom says:

Obvious difference between a home for wayward girls and a nunnery.

Tedious and irrelevant to this conversation.

Obvious difference between a shotgun marriage and MBA. Shotgun marriage is the father making the fornicator marry his daughter (who do you think is pointing the shotgun at whom?)

Tedious and wrong. You pulled that definition out of thin air. It certainly didn’t come from Jim, who specifically said upthread:

[Jim:] And, to prevent marriage by elopement from turning into the cock carousel, shotgun marriage without the consent of the father or the wife

If it can happen without the consent of the father, it’s not ipso facto performed by the father.

Exodus 22:17

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. We’ve already seen dozens of Old Testament endorsements of MBA upthread.

There’s a reason it’s called a patriarchy and not a fornicatorarchy.

Marriage isn’t fornication, and patriarchy doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s rule by men, not rule by fathers.

I suppose you could tell me that Scripture, Tradition and the Communion of Saints are Marxist and that Sts. Moses, Paul and Basil were all bluepilled cucks.

No, but I’ll tell you that you are one.

At which point I’d tell you to repent and believe in the Gospel.

Jim is the Gospel.

Nikolai says:

“Tedious and wrong. You pulled that definition out of thin air.”

This is the standard definition of a shotgun marriage, moron. Google image search “shotgun marriage”. Every photo is a bride and groom with the bride’s father pointing a shotgun at the groom. Exactly what I described.

“Marriage isn’t fornication, and patriarchy doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s rule by men, not rule by fathers.”

Fornication is sex outside of marriage. Kidnapping is not a wedding. See St. Basil on the subject and see how Shechem tries to arrange a marriage for him and Dinah after defiling her. Implying that, even in Old Testament times, kidnapping and fornication does not constitute a marriage.

Also ‘Patri’ literally means ‘father’ and ‘archy’ means ‘rule by’. Where do you think the word patriarchy comes from? “Patriarchy from Greek patriarkhia, from patriarkhÄ“s ‘ruling father’” You’re trying to tell me that ‘rule by fathers’ doesn’t really mean rule by fathers?

“Jim is the Gospel.”

Did this sound clever in your head? This is just the right wing equivalent of cringe fedora tipping. Sorry bro, I’m gonna have to go with Jesus Christ over Foghorn Leghorn.

jim says:

> Every photo is a bride and groom with the bride’s father pointing a shotgun at the groom. Exactly what I described.

Blue pill propaganda. It fails to reflect the reality that it is women, not men, who are resisting and delaying marriage. The problem is that when a man settles down with a woman, he is fine with keeping her, though he may want to fuck other women as well, but women are apt to be permanently on the prowl.

The problem is never or rarely getting men to get married. The problem is forcing women to accept marriage, forcing them to make their choice once and forever. They don’t wanna. They want drama, conquest, then more drama and reconquest by a new conqueror. Observe romance sequels.

As I am always saying, Chastity and Monogamy were invented when a band of ape men killed the males of another band of ape men, killed their mothers, killed their children, and took their fertile age females for themselves. Women have never been on board with chastity and monogamy. They want the alpha male to kill all the other males and rape all the other males’ women. Female sexuality is disruptive to male cohesion, as you can see in any workplace.

jim says:

You favor a satanic inversion of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ as interpreted by gnostics and progressives, not the Jesus Christ of the Christian tradition.

First Millenium Christianity supported Old Testament marriage, where the wife was given completely from the power of her birth family to her husband family, as Tamar, Genesis 38 was.

You say that patriarchy is authority of fathers, but in the Old and New Testaments, power over the wife corresponds to Roman cum Manu marriage, where power over the wife goes completely, absolutely, and irrevocably to the husband. And thus the husband is in his wife’s eyes, alpha.

Further, you have one case of the Jews objecting to marriage by abduction – and no end of cases of them practicing marriage by abduction. One case of them objecting does not make marriage by abduction wrong, any more than Abraham engaging in wife sharing makes wife sharing right. You should not invoke Genesis for moral examples, nor Exodus until the ten commandments.

The idea of religion as a detailed and coherent divinely imposed morality does not really show up in Bible until the Axial age when we get divinely backed lawgivers, does not really show up until Moses gets the ten commandments. The bible does not take any very specific position on moral questions until Moses gets the ten commandments.

What seems to have happened is that towards the end of the Bronze Age, civilization was falling apart, and people started thinking about how to hold it together, much as we are today as our civilization falls apart. Then after things fell apart, those putting things together again called upon God, and you got the Axial age.

Calling upon God, however, led to the error of deducing ought from ought – phariseeism, the trolly problem, and the Jewish obsession with cheese crumbs. So, in the Christian age, we were told to ditch the letter of the law.

And this time around, we call on Gnon, uniting the old and new Testaments.

Not Tom says:

This is the standard definition of a shotgun marriage, moron.


Also ‘Patri’ literally means ‘father’ and ‘archy’ means ‘rule by’.

First you argue that we need to use the “standard” (actually progressive) definition, and then literally two paragraphs down you argue that we need to not use the standard definition. Top marks.

Kidnapping is not a wedding.

And abduction is not kidnapping, because no kids are involved.

Sorry bro, I’m gonna have to go with Jesus Christ over Foghorn Leghorn.

Indeed. The great thing – for you – about Jesus Christ is that he isn’t around to tell any of us what he really meant, so you can freely employ all sorts of heretical interpretations in your Argumentum ad Jesusum..

At least until you get called out on it, which has happened several times already.

And don’t call me “bro” unless you’ve got the guns to prove it.

Doug Smythe says:

>unless those ideas involve liquidating the bourgeoisie.

Nah that would be *your* department. Communists wanted to take the assets of the bourgeois by force; you want to take their women by force. The common denominator is that you want to take what doesn’t belong to you, and want to bring down all law and order to accomplish it. You would likewise Kulak the middle class people if they resisted, only you’d call them blue-pilled instead of reactionaries. Carry on w/the memeplexing though, Lenin and Mao got results maybe you will be able to too.

shaman says:

Your horny 13-year-old daughter who runs off at night wearing underwear is no longer owned by you.

shaman says:

Okay, since you’re so fond of analogies, think about it this way: You technically own a slave, but in practice that slave does whatever the heck he wants, running all over town and spreading mischief and mayhem, and you can’t seem to gain control over him; is it not 100% natural that someone will take matters into his own hands and do whatever is necessary to stop your slave’s misbehavior?

Same applies to the aforementioned horny 13-year-old daughter who runs off at night wearing a bikini and nothing else: Technically you own her, practically she needs someone to fuck her brains out and is going to cause chaos until she gets her sexual needs satisfied, and since (being Blue Pilled) you have failed to marry her off, someone is going to take matters into his own hands and get her MbA.

No use crying “abloo-abloo” about it: If your property uncontrollably destructively misbehaves when technically under your ownership, that misbehaving destructive property will be transferred to someone who is capable of managing it rightfully.

It’s not even remotely reminiscent of Communism, because we’re not toppling an apple cart and redistributing the apples; we’re putting a stop an outbreak of eruptive volcanic forces threatening to consume our town, in light of the (former) volcano owner’s rank incompetence in managing the situation. Yes, conservadaddy, you used to own a volcano, but since you couldn’t and wouldn’t get it under control, we did – after having taken over it and by managing it properly. Deal with it.

shaman says:

The Blue Pill equals female sexual misbehavior, infanticide of children wanted by their father at the hands of slut-mom’s new drug-dealing boyfriend, cannibalization of baby meat and intact fetal cadavers, 9-year-old boys diddled at Crossdresser Story Hour, and killjoyhood.

jim says:

> thinks he’s arrived at some specific rule or set of rules applicable in all times and places, regardless of local customs, needs or other particularities.

All women are like that. Human nature is unchanging. State law, Christian doctrine, and social enforcement needs to reflect that unchanging and universal nature, the nature of woman as accurately depicted by the red pill.

> dreams of restoring Biblical law and society outside of Biblical times

The family law and sex law of First Temple Israel and First Millenium Christianity reflected the universal and unchanging nature of women. Blue pill Christianity, as a result of holiness spiraling, instituted new, stupid, and ever more destructive laws, and to justify these spiteful, evil, hateful, and increasingly demonic laws had to indoctrinated everyone with an entirely deluded account of female nature.

Doug Smythe says:

>All women are like that. Human nature is unchanging. State law, Christian doctrine, and social enforcement needs to reflect that unchanging and universal nature, the nature of woman as accurately depicted by the red pill.

There’s varying methods throughout history of doing that though, and the methods have to be compatible with other core customs and practices. In our case private enforcement will have to be adjusted according to the Sovereign power’s insistence on a public monopoly on justice and law enforcement, since in the West this has been regarded as the very essence of State sovereignty and will likely continue to be.

The Cominator says:

As Jim has pointed out up until the progressive era in the early 1900s the west had a very cheerful attitude toward pro social private violence.

Doug Smythe says:

Depends what kind of violence. Well into the 20th c. they’d still let guys have a fight if nobody pulled out a gun. Immediate community would supervise fight to make sure. No they wouldn’t let you kidnap anybody though, and won’t in any foreseeable future, barring some kind of Mad Max scenario in which the goodmen of the town would simply re-found the State and that would be the end of that.

The Cominator says:

Depends what kind of violence. Well into the 20th c. they’d still let guys have a fight if nobody pulled out a gun. Immediate community would supervise fight to make sure. No they wouldn’t let you kidnap anybody though, and won’t in any foreseeable future, barring some kind of Mad Max scenario in which the goodmen of the town would simply re-found the State and that would be the end of that.

I agree but you are moving the goalposts from what you said above (which i did not agree with).

The Western tradition was that the state had a monopoly (or at least had to sanction) ORGANIZED violence but was quite willing to allow pro-social private violence and that most “law enforcement” was merely the state blessing people protecting their own lives and property. Saying otherwise is progressive history. And bringing in bluepill anticoncepts and history is what gets you in trouble here not merely disagreeing.

I dissent from Jim on a lot of particulars in terms of marriage laws… we want to go into the same direction but differ on a lot of details. I don’t bring in bluepill history and anticoncepts when I disagree.

The Cominator says:

Things I have disagreed with Jim on.

1. I’m against chattel slavery on a permanent basis (rather then a temporary solution to what to do with all the shitlibs after a civil war)… I think bringing that one back is a horrible idea. Slavery in the long term is not good the economy… not only does it act as a huge subsidy for existing slaveholders but as a huge tax on free laborers. Its historically not been good for economies that practiced it, the North economically massively outperformed the South and Prussia/Germany outperformed Russia in the 19th century.

Rome mostly stopped advancing in non-military technology after the Punic wars when they acquired masses of slaves… it also created the whole Populares-Optimate conflict.

Conclusion is that it is best if the king bans chattel slavery. Left wing women after the civil war can be sold as non-hereditary bound concubines… but they cannot be allowed to work outside their masters home.

2. I’m all for general incorporation (Jim seems to be against it or undecided with severe reservations). The greatest economic growth in history was in the 19th century, after general incorporation but before the progressive regulatory state.

Yes it was a mistake to get rid of enforcable apprenticeship and I agree 100% with Jim on bringing it back but I think general incorporation is absolutely fantastic.

3. Punishment for adultery/how severely you can discipline women and children under normal circumstances… I think if you send your wife and kids to the emergency room without very clear severe provacation something should be done. I think you should be able to have adulteress and such publically humilated and whipped more severely then normally would be allowed… but I’m against quite allowing death for it.

4. I have resevations about marriage by abduction at younger ages without the father’s consent. Particulary if the father is intelligent and respectable or wealthy and the boy is stupid and not really suitable. I’m not sure about how the details of this should be handled.

5. Strong strongly opposed to bastardcide, if the kid likes to torture small animals or start fires that is a different matter.

6. On most issues I tend to be more moderate and humane then Jim… but not this one.

I think that all male leftists should be helicopter rided should it come to civil war and we win, EVERY LAST ONE. Male leftists are vermin and the best way to eradicate the leftist memeplex is to eradicate leftists. Jim has suggested we won’t need to do many helicopter rides. This is the mistake the right always makes… wipe them out I say.

Male leftists unlike bastards are not innocent, why should we spare a single one of them.

jim says:

> 4. I have reservations about marriage by abduction at younger ages without the father’s consent. Particulary if the father is intelligent and respectable or wealthy and the boy is stupid and not really suitable. I’m not sure about how the details of this should be handled.

Here is one way we could give effect to it: For husband rights to trump and supercede father rights, you have to hold an actual marriage ceremony before God, man, and family.

For the state to back husband rights against father rights, the state has to register and record your marriage: It has to be held before, God, man, family and the state.

We have contractual and sacramental marriage, still have it in form though contractual marriage died in the seventies, and sacramental marriage has been played down for a thousand years. Ideally a marriage shold be both contractual and sacramental: The bride says “I do”, and the groom says “with this ring I the wed” Contractual marriage is subject to the natural law of contract. Sacramental marriage subject to the Revelatory law of God.

The state might forbid sacramental only marriages, unilateral marriage, and refuse to recognize and enforce husband rights in that case, unless the bride is plausibly badly behaved, (As, for example, she was detained while partying unescorted or improperly escorted, or went behind closed doors with a man) the father ineffectual at controlling her, and the husband has demonstrable capability to take care of a wife. (As, for example, two years of tax returns, or successful completion of an apprenticeship.)

There was an interesting blackmail case in the eighteenth century where a man was blackmailed for a very large sum of money and state secrets because he allowed another man’s wife to enter his hotel room and close the door behind her, and no end of shotgun marriages for similar reasons.

Everyone knows that if a girl goes to your place “for a cup of coffee”, or to see your etchings, she is down to fuck. In reactionary America, the state will know what everyone knows, and sacramental marriage, not necessarily accompanied by contractual marriage, should ensue.

shaman says:

Doug is not merely disagreeing with Jim; he is actively concern trolling, in similar fashion to CR: “You cannot do X, because people won’t let you.”

Yes, we can do X, and we will, and the people will be meme’d into supporting our program.

The Cominator says:

There is some difference between coup-complete and jihad complete problems.

Some of what Jim wants to do I would grudgingly agree are more “jihad complete” then “coup-complete”.

Allowing arranged marriages for 16 year old girls is coup complete, allowing marriage by abduction for badly behaving 12 year old girls… jihad complete. I’m not saying you couldn’t eventually bring society around but don’t try to do it anytime soon even if you win the war. Wait for a generation after at least.

jim says:

> allowing marriage by abduction for badly behaving 12 year old girls… jihad complete.


It is vastly easier to allow marriage by abduction for badly behaved twelve year old girls than to get parents to put their terrified children on the laps of drag queens, for one is in accordance with human nature, and the nature of the people doing it, and the other contrary to human nature.

If authority stops forbidding marriage by abduction of badly behaved girls (the crime being letting them go afterwards) it will happen. And who will care?

Compared to the radical overnight social changes that keep being forced down our throats every couple of years, marriage by abduction is nothing at all.

We allow the murder of babies against the will of the father immediately after they are born, and no one blinks. You think they are going to blink at marriage by abduction?

alf says:

I think that all male leftists should be helicopter rided should it come to civil war and we win, EVERY LAST ONE. Male leftists are vermin and the best way to eradicate the leftist memeplex is to eradicate leftists. Jim has suggested we won’t need to do many helicopter rides. This is the mistake the right always makes… wipe them out I say.

That is radical… I wouldn’t have the heart. I have a few leftist friends, and although I occasionally mock them, I wouldn’t want to see them dead.

Reserve the helicopter rides for the worst, I say.

The Cominator says:

I have ONE who I would very much like to spare (I think if I can get him to move out of Boston he’ll eventually listen) but we need to be realistic about what it will take to really eradicate their memeplex… the bioleninist/free shit memeplex has a formidable appeal. Eradicating it in such a way that it never recovers will require ruthless measures.

shaman says:

In 2008, Obama was against Gay Marriage.

In 2019, 8-year-old children are are brought to Drag Queen Story Hour, and are themselves genitally and hormonally disfigured into trannies.

It’s pretty obvious that “the people” derive their sense of morality from the priesthood. If the priesthood decided that incestuous necrophilia, bestial necrophilia, bestial coprophagia, and so on, was in vogue, then it would be in vogue.

Sure, independent minded intelligent people may notice that something is amiss when the fancy restaurant’s menu starts containing a meal called “Human Baby Meat” (it tastes just like chicken). But the NPCs will not notice anything, and the NPCs set the tone in accordance with the latest psyop and the latest official or unofficial script issued from the Cathedral.

“Come on shaman, you don’t really believe your own nonsense” – and yet, the fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood sells baby meat and toddlers are undergoing “sex change” surgeries and put on hormone blockers. Contrary to CR and Doug, the individualistic, atomized citizenry is not going to do shit without prompting from above, by an elite faction.

If abortion is not murder, if Abortion is BEAUTIFUL, then why not eat a fetus? And why not have sex with an intact fetal cadaver? If your father or your dog died, would you not pay him your last respects by shoving some of his bones into your anus, after consuming some of the surrounding flesh? Why are you recoiling in horror and revulsion, bigot? Isn’t morbidity erotic? Did not Ted Bundy have a point?

“ABORTION IS BEAUTIFUL!” – Planned Parenthood

Yes indeed friends, abortion is beautiful, says a woman who underwent it:

My abortion was a beautiful physical, emotional, and spiritual experience. The world throws so much hate my way, judging my decision, but I know in my deepest heart of hearts that what I did was right and natural. My abortion has made me a better, happier person, and I know that when I decide to have a family someday, the experience will be even more joyous because of my abortion.

But wait, there’s more; a different website quotes a would-be abortionist as saying:

I am a young woman in my final year of medical school, training to be a kick-ass feminist doctor. I am fiercely committed to reproductive rights. Since my first year of school, I have been assisting with abortions as well as providing opportunities for other future doctors to learn this important skill. I believe abortion is a beautiful and powerful thing. I find anti-choice rhetoric to be predictable, hollow, and fraudulent. I am always willing to engage in respectful, evidence-based debate which does not need to evoke god or morality or misogyny or pseudo-science to prove a point.

If Jim and We his Sycophants were not such pseudo-scientific misogynistic moralistic Bible-thumpers, we too would realize that abortion is beautiful. It is an aesthetically pleasing, appealing thing for sure. Watching a fetus sliced to shreds is as psychologically comforting and elating as looking at the Sistine Chapel. It’s just beautiful.

Truth is, “the people” can be convinced of absolutely anything. Moreover, they are so emotionally numb that they don’t really need much convincing to keep quiet – prolefeed is incredibly effective. Honestly, Cominator – compared with the grotesques of the current year, would not even you accept literally everything on Jim’s list — bastardicide, marriage by abduction, en masse enslavement of feral niggers, spics, and towelheads, the whole bit — just to have something different than Globohomo Morality up in the air?

Doug Smythe says:

>progressive history. […] bluepill history and anticoncepts.


jim says:

Blue pill history: Fake history taught in schools. Gets rewritten at alarmingly frequent intervals. Projects the latest weirdness back in time, creating a Fred Flintstone version of the past. Except when there is something about the present that they now intend to destroy, in which case it only happened yesterday. Examples: They still cannot acknowledge that Regency England had a regent that was not appointed by Parliament, but by God, so they either deny he was ever Regent, imply that parliament appointed him, or both simultaneously. The Great Zimabwe.

Anticoncept: Orwellian newspeak. Words coined to shut down crimethought, prevent noticing, and just plain lie. An anticoncept makes things that alike different, and things that are different alike. Examples “Pedophilia”, “racism”, “psychopath”, “sweatshop”, “self harm”.

pdimov says:

“I think that all male leftists should be helicopter rided should it come to civil war and we win, EVERY LAST ONE.”

Have you thought about the inefficiency of helicopter rides? If you wanted to kill ALL, why would you use helicopter rides?

Killing ALL is leftist (fun and games until ALL expands to include you); right-wing coups kill only the minimum necessary. Hence helicopter rides. Eliminate only the worst, the rest fall in line.

The Cominator says:

Have you thought about the inefficiency of helicopter rides? If you wanted to kill ALL, why would you use helicopter rides?

Useful euphemistic phrase is euphemistic…

Doug Smythe says:

>Projects the latest weirdness back in time, creating a Fred Flintstone version of the past. Except when there is something about the present that they now intend to destroy, in which case it only happened yesterday.

“History is the struggle of women and minorities for a seat at the table of [field] from which they were unjustly excluded”

And *at the same time*:

“Women and minorities have always exercised prominent roles in [field]”

And finally:

“The struggle for inclusion and social justice isn’t even close to being won”.

quarty says:

> No they wouldn’t let you kidnap anybody though,
there’s a miserable slut with a kid she regularly endangers and a man who wants nothing more than to be a family. This is what I don’t get about the whole sluts and kids without fathers are great thing, it just doesn’t work out. What if Dinah had come back pregnant, what would have happened to Shechem’s baby?

Not Tom says:

“History is the struggle of women and minorities for a seat at the table of [field] from which they were unjustly excluded”

And *at the same time*:

“Women and minorities have always exercised prominent roles in [field]”

And finally:

“The struggle for inclusion and social justice isn’t even close to being won”.

Very good. But can you take a step farther than criticizing only the latest bleeding-edge SJW insanity?

Circa 1925:

“Prostitution is a form of slavery. Women are promiscuous and immoral because men force them.”

At the same time:

“Women have always been strong and independent. Flappers and petting parties today are just like the Gibson Girls 30 years ago.”

And finally:

“Property requirements for voting are a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise women, and we still have a long way to go toward true equality.”

Doug Smythe says:

>Very good. But can you take a step farther than criticizing only the latest bleeding-edge SJW insanity?

Sure can. The following was the prototype for all such revisionism:

Late 18th c. British North America

“History is the process whereby Reason enlightens men about the injustice of submitting to despots who tax and legislate without their consent, and the struggle for Liberty and the Rights of Man against taxation without representation, etc.”

“Amongst the Anglo-Saxons the power of legislation and taxation have always been vested in the subject.”

“Now we’ve abolished monarchy, and yet the struggle for democracy is far from complete”.

shaman says:

Another thing:

The idea of a holiness spiral is to get money, status, and power by angling for the strictest possible interpretation of a socially *dominant* ideology. Holiness-spiraling behaviour within a socially proscribed ideology not only doesn’t work, but accomplishes the opposite.

Tard-Cuckism has been wholesale rejected, you utter ideological loser; it is Neo-Reaction that is on the rise, and your bitter whining about it only makes our triumphs all the more delicious. Deal with it: Tard-Cuckism is a pile of blue pilled demonic lies, and unsurprisingly, Tard-Cuckism is as dead as an ideology can be. NRx, however, is only growing stronger.

Not Tom says:

What’s the definition of red pill? “The red pill means talking about underage girls as much possible”.

What most people are saying when they talk about “underage” girls is that there’s no real difference between age 12 and 18, and some girls mature even earlier. It’s not an obsession with age, but rather what Moldbug would call “anti-spin”, an attempt to coax other people out of their obsession with age.

A ten-year-old boy does not go cruising for anal penetration, and we can test this empirically by studying the unrestricted behavior of ten-year-old boys around other boys of his own age and older heterosexual men. On the other hand, most 12-year-old girls do go cruising for vaginal penetration, and we can test this empirically by studying the unrestricted behavior of 12-year-old girls around 12-year-old boys, 18-year-old boys, 50-year-old men, horses, large dogs, cars with stick shifts, and certain kinds of vegetable produce. And this is no different from the behavior of 18-year-old girls, except that 18-year-old girls have a much easier time attracting men of any age because their secondary sex characteristics are more fully developed.

The only reason why “underage” girls are important is because AoC laws and Puritan sexual mores declare that girls of a young age cannot have sex drives, which leads to the inevitable conclusion that men manipulate and force them, and if 12-year-old girls are completely innocent, then why not 18? Why not 45? Why not all women are completely innocent, and all men are disgusting creeps whose sexuality needs to be criminalized? That is the real holiness spiral, and there is no point in pretending that it is theoretical or hypothetical because that is exactly the trajectory that feminism has followed, right up to the #MeToo movement in which 70-year-old slags claim that rich men preyed on them 30 years ago in order to get cash settlements or just petty revenge.

What reactionaries want is for men to recognize that girls have a sex drive whenever they show signs of having a sex drive, which can be earlier than a lot of men – including their fathers – expect. We want men to be legally able to treat girls as girls and women as women. And unfortunately it seems that this needs repeating fairly often, because tradcons/boomercons/alt-lite keep stumbling in here and whining about “muh underage girls”.

AoC laws, and the long-term effect they’ve had on public morality, are rocket fuel for feminism. They plant the idea that some girls who commit indecent acts only did so because of evil men, and it is a very slippery slope indeed from “some” to “all”. Curing the patient requires killing the disease, not merely managing the symptoms.

Doug Smythe says:

AoC laws enjoy runaway popularity w/ the common man, and with very good reason: the common man, having been strictly forbidden by the State from using violence or the threat of it to keep the chastity of his women intact (it does not matter who is cruising for what; everyone including the old man already knew that teenagers have sexual desires, which isn’t some kind of enormous recent scientific discovery), has an absolutely and incontrovertibly rightful expectation that the State will use violence or the threat of it on his behalf in this area- and even the Liberal State is not yet disordered enough to totally disdain to do so, which would be a fundamental injustice even by Liberal standards. So the stopgap solution was AoC- which *of course* is premised on blue-pilled assumptions, because as of right now *any* legislative solution to any social problem must be premised on blue-pilled assumptions or at least compatible with them in order to avoid being vetoed by the Cathedral. It would be a grave injustice to take this last crumb away from the middle class without restoring patriarchal rights first; to talk about doing the former in advance of doing the latter is to put the cart before the horse, and moreover in a way guaranteed to give people the wrong idea.

The Cominator says:

AoC laws do not give suitable men 1st crack, quite the opposite.

Doug Smythe says:

But they’re better than nothing, not least of all for a reason I forgot to mention: they comprise some the very last vestiges of formal acknowledgment that teenage girls aren’t strong independent warriors who alone know what’s good for them, since it’s their body their choice. These judicial proceedings in fact represent law working the way Nature intended it to in that they are a contest between men in which what the female at the centre of the controversy wants and thinks is explicitly deemed completely irrelevant at the outset, on the grounds that said female lacks the faculty of judgment and that therefore *it does not matter what she thinks*. If anything, I for one want to see *more* laws like this not less, laws that would cover every stage of the life course from cradle to grave.

jim says:

> But they’re better than nothing


These “pedophilia” proceedings presuppose that men are responsible for the bad conduct of women. They consist of men doing counterproductive, cruel, evil, stupid, and destructive things because there is a real problem that they cannot address, or even acknowledge.

These proceedings are evil, destructive, and conducted by evil men for evil motives, that motive being to perpetuate, not solve, the problem. They are not better than nothing, because they not merely distract from the problem of misbehaving girls, they punish random males who are vaguely in the general vicinity of misbehaving girls, giving misbehaving girls superweapons to facilitate their continuing misbehavior.

Further, being in possession of superweapons makes it harder for the girl to accomplish what she is unconsciously trying to accomplish, harder for her to find an owner, because she will use those superweapons to shit test any male who might take possession of her.

Look at Mastodon: Mastodon exists because of censorship of cartoon depictions of females deemed under age – though most of the females depicted have boobs large enough to make excellent pillows, and highly effective flotation devices if lost at sea.

Then the progressives took over Mastodon, and used it to push cartoon depictions of small boys being transexualized. After all, if one cartoon depiction of an “underage” girl with boobs large enough to rescue someone lost at sea, same thing as a cartoon depiction of a small boy being sex changed, right? Thus we see “pedophilia” being used to push gay sex and sex changes for small boys to straights.

The Mastodon that is pushing transexualization of nine year old boys to straights using the concept of “pedophiia” the same Mastodon as is attempting to deplatform Gab for allowing racism.

Not Tom says:

teenage girls aren’t strong independent warriors who alone know what’s good for them, since it’s their body their choice

Okay, now this is just straight-up entryism, trying to present a false dilemma between progressivism and blue-pilled trad-conservatism. It’s bullshit. Stop it.

The Cominator says:

Further, being in possession of superweapons makes it harder for the girl to accomplish what she is unconsciously trying to accomplish, harder for her to find an owner, because she will use those superweapons to shit test any male who might take possession of her.

And this is the real problem with sex crime laws, that a woman is subconsciously tempted to use legal superweapons to test which male is strong enough to overcome them (after all the chief or king of the tribe could), being the slaves of ancient instincts. Or consciously tempted to use them for her own destructive or self destructive purposes.

Age of consent laws set below 14 aren’t so bad in this respect because its rare women are so uncontrollable or troublesome before this age (it happens but very rare) but they REALLY REALLY shouldn’t be higher then 14.

Not Tom says:

AoC laws preceded “domestic violence” hysteria and no-fault divorce, not the other way around. Your conclusion is incorrect because your chronology is impossible.

The AoC was as low as 7 years old in some regions of the USA at certain times. The assertion that raising the AoC was a popular move at the time it was raised requires evidence, because in more recent history, raising the AoC has been an extremely unpopular move, such as about 10 years ago when they did it in Canada. Even with horribly blue-pilled assumptions, 14 years old was a common AoC until the early 21st century, and 12 years old was common not long before that – and it is not in evidence that common people demanded even that lower AoC, rather than having it imposed on them like the Mann Act and Civil Rights Act.

The “common man” tends to accept and internalize whatever the laws happen to be at the time, and yet raising the AoC is consistently unpopular. The facts, to the extent that we have any facts, indicate the opposite of what you claim.

It’s far more likely that raising AoC was popular with the same sorts of women who also advocated prohibition of alcohol and other stupid “vice” laws.

jim says:

> AoC laws enjoy runaway popularity w/ the common man

Observed behavior is that the common man, seeing conspicuous age differences in real life, does not react in practice as he piously proclaim he would. It is doublethink and crimestop. Once in a while you get negative reactions from the common woman, but that is very obviously just sour grapes – the chronic female belief that men can be and should be shamed into desiring women past fertile age.

In my sixties I was living with a chick who regularly got carded in the pub and was frequently mistaken for being school age. No negative reaction from males. One negative reaction from a woman who asked how old she was, and suggested that she appeared to be fourteen. I replied sternly: “She is old enough to get pregnant, and I am young enough to father children”, and the topic was instantly dropped.

When I was a young man, a very]long time ago, I had one negative interaction over this issue with police, who were entirely polite and apologetic, and explained they had to investigate because “an old woman complained”. No one actually wants to enforce these laws in real life against men escorting fertile age women.

The reactionary doctrine that fertile age is what matters is simply unchallengeable. It is so obviously true that no one questions it in real life, if it is stated.

People theoretically support age of consent laws in the same doublethink crimestop way they support the rest of the progressive agenda. No one wants to enforce these laws against real life people unless they have some other reason for wanting to get the target male. They are only going after Epstein because they hope to get him to compose on Trump.

Not Tom says:

Observed behavior is that the common man, seeing conspicuous age differences in real life, does not react in practice as he piously proclaim he would.

I am reminded of a former acquaintance, a white man’s white man with a typical white guy name and typical white guy hobbies like TV and football, not a ladykiller by any means but generally getting a decent amount of play. I never actually saw him with any girl more than a few years his junior, but one of his slogans was: if there’s grass on the field, play ball. Always stated in that half-joking tone suggesting “officially it’s a joke, but…”.

In my college days, the unwritten rule/taboo for dating age gaps was “half your age plus five years”, implying it is perfectly normal for 18-year-olds to bone 14-year-olds, and 25-year-olds to bone 17-year-olds. Definitely prudish by biblical standards, but still far looser than the norms that guys pretend to have when they think that older women or FBI agents are listening in, and technically in violation of current AoC laws. Also, there were variations; in some circles it was half plus three, so 18/12 or 25/15 would be fine.

I can think of many more stories like this, some quite a bit juicier, but will have to withhold them to avoid leaving too many breadcrumbs for griefers to follow. The salient point is that it’s all terribly ordinary and most guys know it. In practice, AoC violations are pretty much only ever an issue when either (a) the mother finds out and goes mental, or (b) it’s dirt that can be used against a political enemy like Roy Moore.

To be honest, I have to wonder if some of these screechers are not only incel, but have never even been part of a normal male social group. Guys who had male friends in high school or early college must surely know all of this already.

Vxxc says:

Wrong on all points.

Uh – lay off the drugs before posting.

shaman says:

Translation from your native tongue (Drooled Retardese): “I have no response, I am indeed by my own admission a childless white knight faggot, so I’ll come up with a non-entertaining insult and call it a day.”

Isn’t it peculiar how blue-pillers are always, invariably, total failures at everything? Like, don’t people just realize eventually that blue-pilled thoughts flow from cognitively impaired brains, and conclude that such people should just be ignored? Maybe they do realize that and do conclude that. 🙂

shaman says:

By the way, why do you press Enter after every sentence, Tard-Cuck? Half of the people here don’t read your comments for that very reason. Seems that you are not intelligent enough to use either readable sentence structure, or proper paragraph structure. It all sounds like:




That’s how your posts read, and everyone who’s honest will confirm this accurate impression. The funniest of all is when you respond to yourself, thus creating entire threads of Verbal Vomit. It reads like:




This, and nothing else, is your “contribution” to all the NRx communities that ever accepted you. People don’t read your posts. I have a feeling that Jim only reads, like, 50% of your posts from beginning to end – and responds to perhaps 5%.

If you’re going to post endless walls of text, at least say something smart or entertaining. But nah, you’re here to tell us about your blue-pilled worldview, and about how Jim is dangerous sexual predator because your hypothetical daughter is a big whore, and how people here should opt for celibacy and childlessness like “traditional” (lol, no) white knights like you.

You are not “traditional.” No old loser with 0 children is “traditional.” You are a demonic blue-piller who is constantly out of his depth. You are a serial spammer of Nutty Nonsense. You’re boring, and lame, and your condition IRL reflects your character precisely: Achieved nothing, loveless, childless, and mentally handicapped.

Does it feel good, or bad, knowing that you’ll die leaving absolutely no legacy behind you? Does it feel good, or bad, being a childless old loser? Does it feel good, or bad, being unable to even think like a real human?

You scare no one here with your “HURR DURR, I’M GONNA BEAT UP MEN WHO TALK TO MY NON-EXISTENT DAUGHTER.” You’re not going to beat anyone up, and you’ll never have children at all. Stop wasting everyone’s time with your Tard-Cuck LARPing.

Vxxc says:



You’re headed for the looney bin, rehab or jail.
Be sure to share your views on no age of consent.

Its true I don’t want to talk much about women, I want to talk about war- Holy war. As part of the bargain we get stable marriage.
We can safely form families.

How many kids have you had again? BTW?
Since this seems to be important.
That’s a woman’s not man’s Victory you know.
Men don’t win by children.
Women do.

Its also true I like to break up my thoughts into separate sentences.

Finally; you don’t let anything go here.
Jim does.

Shan’t engage further.

Shan’t be engaging further.

shaman says:

You’re headed for the looney bin, rehab or jail.
Be sure to share your views on no age of consent.

Believe me, I’ve been here before you, and will be here long after you.

Abolition of the AoC is the NRx consensus. You are not familiar with NRx ideology, you don’t even have enough oxygenated brain cells to grasp it anyway, and you all you ever do is spam the blog with the same old boring “ATTACK! ACTION! ORGANIZE! START DOING! GO GO GO!” and so on and so forth.

Have you ever had an original idea in your entire pointless life?

Men don’t win by children.

Cringe and blue-pilled. The future belongs to those who show up. By your own admission, you have left no descendants to show up – LOSER.

Finally; you don’t let anything go here.
Jim does.

Of course. Now stop spamming his blog with blue pilled lies, and stop telling us how you’re going to beat evil men up for talking to your non-existent daughter. If you continue spamming the blue-pill, there is a fair chance that you’ll have your sweaty butt kicked out of here by the entire community and, of course, by the host.

Shan’t be engaging further.

This is the priesthood. You will submit to your intellectuals and ideological superiors, or they will bullycide you. These are the rules, Tard-Cuck.

>Abolition of the AoC is the NRx consensus.

Yes. But I would also say, low AOC is far less harmful than high AOC.

14 like in half of Europe is OK because most parents are able to keep 14 year old daughters out of night clubs and parties. Curfew at 21:00 and so on. Most parents are able to treat a 14 as still very much like a child with those kinds of rules. At 16 it is harder, at 17 it is very hard. (In the current system!) They demand to go out, to dance, and party. Loudly. And they want sex. Especially after drinking, which is solvable if older girls are buying or simply a busy bar has no time for carding them. They seduce guys in night clubs. Do those guys deserve prison? Don’t think so. Should they card the girls? Nothing would destroy a romantic mood faster than going “Your papers, please!”.

There is also the thing called Fast/Slow Life History Strategy. It is fascinating causal link between a lot of apparently different but correlated things. Basically folks who had a stressful childhood do stuff faster. Not only they are likely to have high time preferences, be impulsive, but also in the physical sense, get to puberty faster, and look older than their age. In our school puberty tended to be 12-13. But it can be as early as 9 and as late as 15. And I think the theory checks out, it is always those kids from the super highly functional rich and well educated families who look like children at 15. Both girls and guys. Meanwhile, you go to some thrashy area, and you see 13 years old boys pretty much looking like mini-men and the girls mini-women.

I should add: the speed of Life History Strategy is *correlated* with childhood stress, and the usual nurture-only social scientists tend to assume it is caused by it. However it is entirely possible it is genetic, have impulsive genes, age faster, while your parents’ impulsive genetics make your childhood stressful. Kinda like that study that showed that it is not getting spanked as a child that leads to bad life outcomes, rather it is having the kind of genetics you get from parents who are most likely to often spank their children does. Kids with impulsive genetics kids misbehave, parents with impulsive genetics spank them.

Anyway, the point is, with a nice not stressful childhood and/or nice genetics, girls don’t have puberty and look fuckworthy much earlier than 14. And men who fuck pre-puberty children do deserve prison. Hence while AoC is generally the bad approach, 14 is in practice not too harmful.

2019 is boring says:

I don’t get it. If you accept that:

1. There is great variety among girls, some getting horny at 15, others at 9;
2. You accept that horny girls, whatever their age, are going to seek out to get laid, and will often enough succeed;

Then what sense is there is in having any AoC higher than, say, 8? An AoC of 14 would make some sense if we lived in a world where no girls sexually misbehave prior to 14, no girls are fuckable prior to 14, or if it were totally feasible to firmly and tightly control all girls younger than 14.

Since, so it seems, you accept that this is not at all the case, what logic is there in punishing men for the sexual proclivities of girls younger than 14? The girls are still going to get banged, but now your prison is filled with members of your in-group, overwhelmingly warriors, workers, and taxpayers who aren’t priestly and nerdy enough to reason themselves into celibacy.

I can accept an AoC of 8, but anything higher simply allows girls to sexually misbehave while placing the blame on men. There is also a slippery slope issue, in that, first they introduced relatively sensible AoC laws, but as always happens with Progressive legislation (and make no mistake, AoC has always been fundamentally Progressive), it rapidly degenerated to the unspeakable Lovecraftian abomination of unreasonably high AoC such as 18 in some American states.

Thus, sure, lower is better than higher, but abolishing it altogether in favor of other methods to deal with the problem — such as those discussed at very great and tedious length in this thread — is far better.

>An AoC of 14 would make some sense if we lived in a world where no girls sexually misbehave prior to 14

My point is that their parents usually succeed to control them prior 14.

>what logic is there in punishing men for the sexual proclivities of girls younger than 14?

None at all, this is why I accept the abolition consensus. My point was that it is less bad, does not do much harm, because it rarely happens. When it does happen, it is still bad to punish the man for it.

>The girls are still going to get banged, but now your prison is filled with members of your in-group, overwhelmingly warriors, workers, and taxpayers

Not really. My reasoning is that puberty at 9 happens in trashy circles. My in-group is middle-class who don’t mingle much with trashy people (not that much white trash is left in Europe, except the UK, anyway) and I don’t really care much for trashy men. More importantly, in trashy circles a lot of law-breaking goes unreported and unpunished. It is in middle-class circles where charges are typically pressed and their daughters do not reach puberty much earlier than 14.

>Thus, sure, lower is better than higher, but abolishing it altogether in favor of other methods to deal with the problem — such as those discussed at very great and tedious length in this thread — is far better.

Yes, that is why I accept the abolition consensus.

>Not really. My reasoning is that puberty at 9 happens in trashy circles. My in-group is middle-class who don’t mingle much with trashy people (not that much white trash is left in Europe, except the UK, anyway) and I don’t really care much for trashy men. More importantly, in trashy circles a lot of law-breaking goes unreported and unpunished. It is in middle-class circles where charges are typically pressed and their daughters do not reach puberty much earlier than 14.

I should probably expand on this. In 14 AoC countries gypsy girls regularly live with a man at 12. But who cares? Certainly not the police. They have more important shit to do. The girls parents don’t push them. Their culture is that they are happy to get grandchildren from 12 years old daughters. Likely something similar with the ahola snackbar types. Who cares? Hardly any white trash left over here. How much white trash is left in the US anyway? Not much I think. Parents of the kind who would care and would push charges are also parents of the kind whose daughters have their puberty not much before 14.

info says:


Early puberty is caused by Fatherlessness in most cases.

jim says:

Not talking about early puberty.

I am talking about all nine year old girls.

Trashy behavior of children is today a worse problem for the upper class and the elite than it is for the working class, because the center of the disease is Harvard.

>There is also a slippery slope issue, in that, first they introduced relatively sensible AoC laws, but as always happens with Progressive legislation (and make no mistake, AoC has always been fundamentally Progressive), it rapidly degenerated to the unspeakable Lovecraftian abomination of unreasonably high AoC such as 18 in some American states.

Now this is an actually good argument. My point was that me living in typically 14 AoC countries and this was fairly stable for a long time, for me it is not really a high priority to fix this. If you live in a 18 place, better to go full reactionary on it and abolish the whole thing. And the argument that it is something prone to attract holiness spirals and the AoC increases rapidly whenever it does is very good. It is entirely possible that while it was stable here at 14 for a long time, the Epstein news or some other news will launch a spiral and we too get 16 or 18.

So I understand and accept your point: do not ignore the danger of Prog rules that seem on the whole fairly harmless because you got a fairly moderate version of them, because they can at any time launch a spiral and implement a far more extreme version of them. Point well taken.

shaman says:

Its also true I like to break up my thoughts into separate sentences.

No, Tard-Cuck, that is absolutely NOT what you are doing.

In a now deleted, but very excellent comment, Jim explained what complex sentence structure and complex paragraph structure are, and how to tell if a comment is merely a wall-of-text written by a retard, or something more sophisticated. Jim explained that when people make up paragraphs at random, one has to read the text in order to tell that the writer is an idiot. But when there is simply a wall of text, or in your case, all lines are separated from each other completely, it is possible to tell that the writer is an idiot without reading a single word of his.

Thus when you post, and then respond to yourself, and then again respond to yourself:




It is possible to tell that the writer (you) is an utter absolute idiot, without reading anything at all, as indeed I suspect many people don’t pay much attention to your disjointed irrelevant walls of text. And, voila, you really are an idiot who has never had an interesting or original thought in his entire life, who is a Serial Spammer of Nutty Nonsense, who is not even familiar with NRx on the most basic level, and who is a Blue Piller dumbass.

Not God says:

I am noting that shaman answered all parts of vxxc’s post except for this one:

One wonders if the intent is traps for our host or others…

I refer specifically to Jim’s comment here, which I will quote in full:

Don’t expound unless you have more than one passport, with good separation between the identities on the passports, and good separation between your posting identity and any of the passport identities, because the details might connect to your true identity.

How do you think they kept the truth about women secret for two hundred years when the truth was well known before then, and in front of everyone’s noses the whole time?

Notice that Roosh is the only Middle Easterner banned from Britain. They fear the truth more than they fear terrorists who drive trucks into nativity scenes.

Heartiste, who was always more politically aware than Roosh, kept his true identity somewhat undercover.

(Emphasis mine)

Friendly Fred says:

Suppose Dad and 14 year old virgin Cindy are walking home from Key Food with groceries, and 16-year old Billy Joe, leaning against the wall of the JUUL/bong store next to Jimmy Bob, says, “Hey, cutie, can I get to know you?”

Now, of course Cindy and Billy Joe don’t go to the same school, because this is Reactionary USA 2035 and girls go to girls-only schools and only through their 15th year. But Cindy has seen Billy Joe lounging there before and knows that he’s a neighborhood kid. She smiles over at him and says, “You wish!”

Jimmy Bob calls over, “I got some for you better than what he has, doll-face!”

Cindy calls back — over her shoulder now — “Keep dreaming, loser!”

Okay, so I agree that Dad shouldn’t let Cindy out of the house unaccompanied by either him or her huge older brother again until she’s married. And let’s assume that he’s going to marry her off very quickly.

But should Dad just ignore Billy Joe and Jimmy Bob? Even though they’re blatantly disrespecting his not-yet-transferred ownership of Cindy?

If he doesn’t let her out of the house at all until she’s married, in order to avoid this kind of humiliating situation, isn’t he letting Billy Joe and Jimmy Bob dictate what he allows or doesn’t allow his own daughter to do?

The Cominator says:

Why would the average woman go to school at all beyond basic literacy and arithmetic?

Dave says:

Cooking, sewing, and at least one musical instrument, so she can demonstrate to potential husbands that she’s not clumsy, lazy, or stupid.

The Cominator says:

The state should not be involved with such.

vxxc says:

There should be a complete separation of Church and State.
No state involved at all.

Can already be done under Establishment clause of the 1st.
Its always been religion.
Can be bludgeoned in with all the abuse.
Can be incentivized by the end of property taxes- all politics is local.
Christie was NJ governor on property (school) taxes.
Can raise the youth with debt wipeout- legal default / bankruptcy.
Can then raze the schools – burn their tormentors.
Burn the schools. They have defiled our churches/ we burn theirs.
Nothing says new power rises like the local seat of power in flames.

*as for education that can be private, and the Internet makes it possible for all to be home schooled for a decade.
Mass education 19th century solution. Its 2019.
Its 2019. Burn Baby Burn.

The Cominator says:

Reaction 101 there is always a state religion.

jim says:

> There should be a complete separation of Church and State.
> No state involved at all.


There never has been separation of Church and State, and there never will be separation of Church and State. It is always a lie to cover the Church takeover of State.

Separation has always failed, and will always fail. Easier to abolish the state, than to separate Church from State. The Godar did a good job of nearly abolishing the state, in favor of the Temple, but no one has ever abolished the state religion, and no one ever will.

Vxxc says:
pedofied says:

@ shaman

You don’t want to miss the Nrx Pedo Pride Parade, which will take place in San Francisco, on Sunday morning, June 28, 2019 at 10:30am.

Be sure to arrive on time, and bring plenty of pedo spirit. The parade will kick off from the Embarcadero, then travel down Market Street before finishing up at the Civic Center.

Nrx Pedo Pride will feature over 20 community-run spaces, including music stages, community events, a pedo garden and a pedo Youth space

A picture says a thousand prides.

Share your best moment of pedo pride on Instagram and go into the running to win a $500 misterb&b travel to Thailand voucher!

Not Tom says:

Back when I was a lad, we called these “raves”.

pedofied says:

@ shaman

Typo, apologies, that should read:

the NRx Pedo Pride Parade

San Francisco, Sunday morning, June 28, 2019 at 10:30am

Featuring an NRx pedo Youth Space!

You don’t want to miss it!

2019 is boring says:

Featuring an NRx pedo Youth Space!

The reason you write “an NRx” rather than “a NRx” is that, in your mind, it is pronounced as an acronym (En-Ar-Ex), instead of Neoreaction or Neoreactionary. This is a clue as to you being from outside our secret pedo-rapist club. Are you the guy who wrote the homosexual fan fiction about me, which I didn’t bother reading?

vxxc says:

Srsly we already have Priests that rape kids.

We don’t need more.

We also have plenty of delusional psychotics, don’t need more.

Even tards can figure that out.

We also don’t need holiness spirals – again saturated market, the Left owns it.

We don’t need the gay agenda state law #7: repeal all age of consent laws.
Society can get pedophilia from the Left.
Doesn’t need it from The Right.

*now in my view that was never what Jim was saying, or I wouldn’t be here.
In my humble practical view he’s saying that feral daughters and women are the Fathers and Families problem. The state should not be involved except to support Fathers. This was practice at least into 80s you know. Could quickly become practice again.

kawaii_kike says:

AoC laws criminalize male sexuality and puts innocent men in prison. The state will support fathers and husbands, but the rights of the husband supersede that of the father. Women start craving cock at a young age, so either the father chains his 12 year old in the basement or she’ll sneak out and get fucked. The solution to this is to marry women off early.

I think you’re a bit delusional, multiple people have explained the reactionary position and explained the purpose of lowering the AoC. The red pill can be hard to swallow. By calling shaman a pedo for informing you of the proper Nrx canon, you are essentially calling everyone else here a pedophile as well.

Also, women in biblical times got married way before 18, and it was completely normal before progressives fucked society.

jim says:

The concept of pedophilia is an anti concept – intended to make gay sexual attraction to prepubescent boys equivalent to the normal male attraction to fertile age females, constructed to normalize gay sex and gays recruiting small boys for sex change operations.

Age of consent laws are a displacement activity – having made consent central, the results were so horrifying that we made ever escalating categories of people incapable of consent. The actual solution is to abolish consent as legally significant. If someone contracts to exchange a load of wheat for a load of iron, the state decides that there are no end of externalities that supposedly justify intervening in that contract, but obvious and terrible externalities to sexual decisions, sexual decisions often made while in the grip of irresistible irrational internal forces, are never deemed grounds for intervening in sexual decisions.

Consent should not matter, and female consent particularly should not matter, because female consent is opaque, and most opaque to the woman herself. In the vast majority of cases where a woman was no kidding raped for real, she was not trying very hard to avoid being raped for real, and in the vast majority of cases where a woman is raped for real, she fails to complain about it. In the great majority of cases where a woman complains about real rape, it is because the would be rapist chickened out at the last minute, indicating not alpha, or was interrupted, indicating less alpha than whoever interrupted him.

Not Tom says:

How is it possible that there have been literally dozens of posts and replies on this topic from Jim over the past month or two, including conversations that you yourself participated in, and you’ve apparently absorbed nothing at all from any of them?

How can you read what Jim is saying, not obliquely but clearly spelled out in multiple posts and replies about pedophilia being an anti-concept and women becoming sexually active at very young ages and husbands’ rights taking precedence over fathers’ rights, and infer that “was never what Jim was saying”?

How are you able to read his plain words over and over again and hallucinate a completely different position that is very nearly the exact opposite of the stated position?

I try to avoid getting overly personal in these debates, but in this case I’m just blown away. Apparently you’re managing to do completely by accident what academy progressives train themselves for years to do on purpose. It’s like some freakish Chinese Room experiment.

Starman says:

@Not Tom

In the most important FBI entryist attempt – the Pee Pee Dossier – the FBI’s devotion to the bluepill caused them to fail to blackmail the RedPilled President Trump.

The Cominator says:

The pee pee dossier was so bad everyone on the Chans was convinced briefly (based on some tweets) that a channer had sold the bullshit to Rick Wilson who finally managed to get buzzfeed to publish it. That anyone besides Rick Wilson (and ESPECIALLY deranged anti Trumper cuck republican) ever took seriously that Trump hired hookers to piss in the hotel bed Obama stayed in… we just couldn’t fathom it.

You’ve been memed into believing that “pedophile” is a sexual orientation, that there are a lot of adult men out there who want to exclusively bang prepubescent girls and try very hard to make it happen.

Sometimes men fuck 8yo girls, for the same reason that cowboys with no women around fuck livestock and men in prison fuck other men. If your cowboys have wives, they’re not fucking their mares.

If you stop men from wifing up girls shortly after said girls get absurdly horny (think about how badly you wanted to fuck when you were 14, and then realize a girl that age is -even hornier-) then by the time AoC hits, the girl is already unmarriageable, having gone through ten criminals and the family dog before a law-abiding man’s legally allowed to fuck her.

Friendly Fred says:

In Reactionary USA 2035 —

There’s going to be a period of at least several months and very likely a couple of years between the onset of Cindy’s adolescence and Dad’s finding of a satisfactory husband for her. No real Dad is going chain his Cindy to the basement wall during those months or even couple of years. Even if Cindy is always accompanied by Dad or older brother when she goes out to the store or for a morning walk or whatever, there will be plenty of occasions on which she is able to exchange pleasantries with men whom she finds attractive and who find her attractive.

I grant that Dad’s goal of preventing Cindy (WHO IS A VIRGIN, WHOSE SATISFACTORY MATE IS BEING DILIGENTLY SOUGHT BY DAD BUT HAS NOT YET BEEN FOUND) from have sex with these men will be primarily and most effectively served through Dad’s chastening of Cindy rather than through his rebuking of these men. But is Dad not permitted to rebuke men who flirt with Cindy (even when, as may frequently be the case, she clearly invites their flirtation), when these men through their flirtation with her evidently express disrespect for the authority over her that he has not yet transferred to the husband whom he has not yet found for her but is diligently seeking?

Suppose he says, “Stop talking to my daughter” (no threatens, no insults) and they persist in doing so — aren’t they now guilty of harassing him? Aren’t they behaving like people who not only continue leaning against your parked car, but also rest their drinks atop it, even after you’ve asked them not to do so?

jim says:

> But is Dad not permitted to rebuke men who flirt with Cindy

No white male ever flirts with a woman under the authority of a plausibly alpha male who is present. Never happens. Ever.

This is like feminists worrying about a virtuous traditional wife being violently abused by a patriarchal husband. They have been looking or a poster girl for two centuries. Have not found one.

The problem is always that Cindy wanders off on some plausible excuse, but somehow persistently wanders into sketchy places full of sketchy people which her plausible excuse, which she perhaps believes, gives her no reason to wander into. Or the host, who might be expected to prevent misconduct, gets drunk and falls asleep, and kinfolk, who might be expected to prevent misconduct, go home, and she for some inexplicable reason does not go home with them. Or she wants to wander off and see the sights, and has been specifically forbidden to visit certain places, which have no sights to see, and has definitely said that she has no intention of visiting those places, but somehow goes there anyway.

Friendly Fred says:

I’m inclined to agree that if Cindy is always accompanied by Dad or by Dad’s trustworthy adult male representative when she goes outside then it’s highly unlikely that any serious trouble will arise, but my impression now is that being the father of an unmarried adolescent daughter in Reactionary USA 2035 would be extremely demanding, stressful work because (if I understand you correctly) if she succeeds in wandering off then any man to whom she presents herself is allowed to take possession of her.

For how long, in Reactionary USA 2035, is Dad allowed to prevent unmarried Cindy from “wandering off” (in which case, if I understand you correctly, his ownership of her would be automatically transferred to the first man she has sex with)? Is he permitted to retain physical control over her (preventing her from wandering off) only until she’s 14? 16? 21? 49?

jim says:

In reactionary America, he will be entitled to retain physical control over her until early twenties, in accordance with the Old Testament position that you are supposed to find a husband for fertile age women under your authority in reasonable time, and if you don’t, you are being neglectful and abusive.

However, in reactionary America, her wandering off at any fertile or near fertile age is likely to result in shotgun marriage, not only without the consent of her father, but not necessarily with her consent either.

shaman says:

extremely demanding, stressful work because (if I understand you correctly) if she succeeds in wandering off then any man to whom she presents herself is allowed to take possession of her.

That the man who deflowers her would take possession of her is not a problem. The problem is exactly when the man who deflowers her does not take possession of her. The crime is not abduction of unbetrothed virgins, but letting them go. It is not “extremely demanding, stressful work” when the father wants to transfer ownership over her to someone else.

Sure, ideally, the father should arrange the marriage before she is apt to wander off, should introduce her to her future husband. But failure to do so should naturally result in her being taken possession of by a man who can provide her with reproductive sex, and and that is a good thing. You’re still stuck in the “How do I prevent her from having sex” frame. That is not not the NRx frame. The NRx frame is making sure that the man who deflowers her, will own her, or if she has been a dirty slutty thot, then that she will cease being a dirty slutty thot by having someone finally take permanent possession of her. Cindy is apt to wander off and sexually misbehave from a young age, drastic coercion is needed to prevent that, and it is better to either marry her off, or allow her to be owned by Joey, which is not “extremely demanding, stressful work.”

Is he permitted to retain physical control over her

He is permitted to use drastic coercion to prevent her from sexually misbehaving, he is permitted to beat her with a stick, but it is wrongful and outright Satanic — as per e.g. Paul’s understanding of Satan — conduct to prevent a horny girl from getting some action for an unreasonably long time, thus he should marry her off, or let Joey take her. I’m really not sure why this is such a complex idea. It is the father’s role to transfer ownership, and he should want to transfer ownership, thus he should want to marry her off, or failing that, should be very glad someone wants to own her.

Judges 19:1-4 may be relevant:

1 And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite sojourning on the side of mount Ephraim, who took to him a concubine out of Bethlehemjudah.

2 And his concubine played the whore against him, and went away from him unto her father’s house to Bethlehemjudah, and was there four whole months.

3 And her husband arose, and went after her, to speak friendly unto her, and to bring her again, having his servant with him, and a couple of asses: and she brought him into her father’s house: and when the father of the damsel saw him, he rejoiced to meet him.

4 And his father in law, the damsel’s father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

Do you understand? The fathers of sexually misbehaving women want — WANT — them to be owned by someone who can provide them with reproductive sex. Transfer of ownership is in the father’s interest. Joey should own Cindy, and Cindy’s father should rejoice in that. This situation is not “stressful” at all. Is is the absolute complete opposite of stressful.

Trying to keep Cindy a virgin forever or for too long is doing Satan’s work. That is indeed “extremely demanding, stressful work,” which the father has no reason to do, and should be condemned by Church and society if he does so. After we restore marriage, fathers will gladly want to transfer ownership. They will often do so by arranging marriage, but often enough, there will be shotgun marriage, or marriage by abduction.

shaman says:

Just so you understand how much Dad should be glad that Cindy, who — contrary to your assertions — is clearly not a virgin, has someone willing to own her, here is the rest of the description in Judges 19:

5 And it came to pass on the fourth day, when they arose early in the morning, that he rose up to depart: and the damsel’s father said unto his son in law, Comfort thine heart with a morsel of bread, and afterward go your way.

6 And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the damsel’s father had said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thine heart be merry.

7 And when the man rose up to depart, his father in law urged him: therefore he lodged there again.

8 And he arose early in the morning on the fifth day to depart; and the damsel’s father said, Comfort thine heart, I pray thee. And they tarried until afternoon, and they did eat both of them.

9 And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel’s father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

Thus, to re-state for the millionth time this position, also in line with what Jim wrote above: a daughter whose sexual misbehavior is not extreme will be owned by her father until her early twenties, at which point his ownership of her will officially, formally be nullified.

But girls are often totally sexually uncontrollable, liable to crawl nine hundred miles over broken glass to get banged like drums by a long succession of demon lovers, thus it’s in the father’s interest to get Cindy married off to, taken permanent possession of by, Joey, with whom presumably she has already had sex in various positions several times, although dad is probably not aware of such an activity taking place.

If Cindy were not interested in sex, if Cindy were as chaste as a (legit) nun, then Joey — who is not a feral nigger coon — would not be hitting on her right next to her father, and would not actually non-kidding rape her. It just never happens in real life as it happens in these Blue Pilled imaginary scenarios. Joey does not pose a risk to her virginity, and claiming that her virginity is endangered by Joey betrays a lack of understanding of male-female dynamics.

Cindy evidently is very much interested in sex, has either already had sex a number of times with several men or will shortly get in on the action, and thus should be owned by someone who can provide her with reproductive sex. If she got herself deflowered only by Joey, then it should be Joey. And if she behaved like it’s spring break in Cancun, then it should be any man willing and able to own her – if Joey is interested, then all the better; her father should wholeheartedly rejoice.

We are not discussing a daughter who does not misbehave, for if she did not misbehave, there would simply be nothing to discuss here: She would not be wandering off to hang out with sketchy people.

We are discussing a daughter who is prone to sexual misbehavior, who is prone to wander off to hang out with sketchy people, and who therefore should be owned by someone who can provide her with reproductive sex; and if Joey is willing to keep her as his wife, then her father should welcome and invite Joey to his house for a great feast with various sorts of delicious foods, and make his heart merry, as Judges 19 depicts.

shaman says:


14-year-old Cindy’s Blue Pilled father failed to marry her off, so consequently she wanders off to hang out at places where she should not hang out. That she is flirting with Joey right in front of her father is the result of her being a huge slut, who has already fucked an impressive bunch of dudes, most likely Joey being the latest upgrade in her wild adventure of branch swinging from one alpha male’s dick to another’s.

If still a virgin, her father should beat her up (and has no issue at all with Joey), and should promptly set her up with a groom selected by himself for a marriage arranged by himself. Lots of men — alpha and beta alike — would take a 14-year-old chick as a wife, especially if her boobs are nice, which they often are. But her abusive father wants to “protect” his little princess’ virginity for an unreasonably long time, which is why she is prone to wander off when he isn’t around, and will resist kicking and screaming being chained to a wall in the basement – she craves sex. Since her father needs to beat her with a stick every so often, why not get her married and be done with it already?

This conversation now sounds repetitious, not because the matter is complicated, but exactly because it is simple, if only one is honestly willing to address the reactionary frame, rather than fantasizing instead about some alternative Blue Pill frames. Address the reactionary frame.

shaman says:

An even shorter tl;dr:

In Reactionary America, if you fail to promptly marry off your horny daughter in a relatively orderly fashion, she will be married anyway without your or even her consent. So, if you seek to avoid that, don’t fail to marry off your horny daughter soon after she shows signs of being horny. And since (unfortunately) fathers are often quite Blue Pilled and deluded about those signs, we’re gonna have many shotgun marriages and marriages by abduction, backing up husband against wife, and if need be, backing up husband against father, for it is husbands who should always be the ultimate alphas in the eyes of women.

Not Tom says:

my impression now is that being the father of an unmarried adolescent daughter in Reactionary USA 2035 would be extremely demanding, stressful work

Nobody said that parenting is easy. But as a father, which outcome would you prefer for your daughter: (a) marriage at a young age to the first guy she seduces – with or without her consent, or (b) a long string of one-night stands or serial LTRs from age 13 to 35, fading into cat-lady spinsterhood or maybe a passionless childless marriage to beta hubby?

Those are your options for a girl who is prone to sexual misbehavior and immune to discipline. You make it sound like ordinary fathers would be horrified by option (a), but in fact most fathers are extremely happy about option (a) as long as the marriage is intra-tribal.

The “none of the above” option only applies to daughters who either never sexually misbehave (rare) or respond positively to paternal discipline at the first signs of misbehavior, long before any LYHF scenarios can take shape.

Vxxc says:

Deleted for stubbornly re-asking a question that has already been answered times without number.

jim says:

You have refused to accept any of my previous answers as meaning what they plain as day say, so if I answer again, I expect you to refuse to understand my reply again. Waste of reader bandwidth.

Pedophilia is an anticoncept, and I will not answer a question that frames me as accepting this anticoncept, that frames this anticoncept as accepted my me and everyone else.

You are going to have to ask questions that address the position I have explained over and over and over again. If you want to discuss my position with me, you don’t have to accept my frame, but you are going to have to accept that I have that frame, not your frame.

Every time you ask, you ask in a frame that normalizes gays having sex with small boys and insist that we accept, that I accept that frame, that everyone accepts that frame. We do not accept your frame.

Vxxc says:


shaman says:

You’re an imbecile, a blue-piller, and your reading comprehension and idea comprehension are both demonstrably low (verging on non-existence), because your IQ is abysmally low compared to the average in NRx communities. It appears that you are legitimately brain damaged, as people with a brain damage often communicate in short, disjointed, non-complicated sentences, exactly as you do.

Fuck off.

Vxxc says:


jim says:

We have already discussed each of the matters you raise. Repeatedly. My position, our position, is entirely clear.

Pedophilia is an anticoncept because sex between a fertile age woman and a fertile age man is different from gay sex with nine year old boys, and because the supply and demand situation for sex between forty year old men and nine year old girls is the reverse of the supply and demand situation for sex between forty year old men and nine year old boys.

Every nine year old girl, all of them, fantasizes about being alone with a forty year old alpha male and totally in his power – Half the Disney princess movies are this trope, and the other half have a teenage girl protagonist who is an insert character for nine year old girls, hanging out in private with with an older male who is drawn as only moderately older than the teenage protagonist but is performing the social role of a forty year old male. “Cinderella” is a preselection fantasy. Ask any woman who was nine years old when “the Labrynth” came out whether she had the hots for David Bowie.

In contrast, precisely zero nine year old males have analogous fantasies. Batman and Robin are all about Robin using Batman’s cool toys to whack bad guys, not about Robin being alone with Batman while Batman shows how alpha he is. When an adult male hero has a nine year old male sidekick, it is all about the sidekick having adult adventures. He is never socializing with the hero in private.

While the standard nine year old female fantasy does not involve actual sex, just the alpha male being totally able to jump her bones, it is nonetheless vastly more common for a nine year old girl to creep into bed with a drunk and sleeping alpha male with adult female preselection, than for an adult male to creep into bed with a sleeping nine year old girl.

And this is what makes “pedophilia” an anti concept, that it makes things that are different alike, that it defines gay sex with nine year old boys as normal, and the normal male attraction to fertile age women as abnormal. Ninety nine percent of the material being suppressed as pedophilic is cartoons of young women with gigantic breasts, while huge amounts of romance literature targeted at nine year old girls freely circulates, and the state sponsors transexual events where children are encouraged to sit on the laps of trannies and pushes sex change to nine year old boys.

Vxxc says:

You have my actual email Jim here if you wish to communicate directly.

jim says:

I don’t wish to communicate with anyone who keeps trying to push his frame on me. I will not accept your frame, which normalizes gay sex with nine year old boys.

Address the man who wrote “pedophilia is an anticoncept”. Not some other man.

Starman says:


You picked the white knight answer instead of the correct RedPill answer in the easiest of test questions, multiple choice.

White knights are vermin, and come the restoration, they will not dare interfere with the husband’s ownership of his woman.

2019 is boring says:

>spends a few years spamming Jim’s blog
>isn’t familiar with Jim’s stance on AOC and “pedophilia”

Is actually quite similar to:

>spends a few years spamming Jim’s blog
>still doesn’t understand what NRx is even about

What a joke you are.

I’m curious, what’s Jim’s opinion on the Epstein arrest? Barr and co. squeezing a lower level Democrat, bog-standard Cathedral moralism about those poor little whores bamboozled into having sex with powerful men or something else entirely?

The Cominator says:

The Epstein arrest was by the SDNY, it WAS an attempt to frame Trump because it was combined with a similar attempt to get Barr to recuse himself (at which point Epstein would have been offered a sweetheart deal to compose on Trump).

Barr has however refused to recuse himself except from the review of what the labor secretary did years ago.

BC says:

The Epstein arrest was by the SDNY, it WAS an attempt to frame Trump because it was combined with a similar attempt to get Barr to recuse himself (at which point Epstein would have been offered a sweetheart deal to compose on Trump).

It’s certainly not a well coordinated attempt. The DNCs social messaging agents didn’t have scripts prepped, google is having to play catch up scrubbing Epstein connections to Bill Clinton, etc. It may well be an act of desperation.

The Cominator says:

The coordination problems are due to the increasing incompetence of the Cathedral, if the people in charge of getting Nixon in the 70s were in charge of getting Trump… they probably would have gotten Trump.

But it really failed when Barr said I’m not recusing myself. Now not only can they not frame Trump they now have to deal with a real investigation into the links between prominent Democrats and Epstein.

Epstein btw was a glownagger… a honeypot asset during the time likely of all people… Robert Mueller. I don’t normally like Anne Coulter because she is a blackpilling cat lady attention whore most of the time but she broke down Epstein’s glownaggery pretty well.

Starman says:

And the Cathedral’s devotion to the bluepill is hampering their coordination against Trump in the Epstein case,

The Cominator says:

What has really fucked them was they thought Barr was going to recuse himself and maybe he let them think this so they would reopen the case…

But Barr fucked them over, he only recused themself from the review of why Accosta gave Epstein a sweetheart deal (Mueller/Bush Sr./Brennan) and that he has decided should be personally overseen by Trump himself.

info says:


He is just a tip of the iceberg. He is a lead to other actual real monsters.

jim says:

Epstein was in the business of gathering blackmail material on the rich and powerful. The Democrats think he must have blackmail material on Trump, but for some reason is not sharing it, and they are going to cut his toes off if he does not give them what he does not have.

The Cominator says:

That was sort of what the original plan was but it depended on Barr recusing himself. Barr has not recused himself except into the narrow question of why Epstein was let off so easily (it was because he was a CIA agent or FBI informant following orders) and that investigation is going to be conducted by Trump himself according to Barr (which really means Stephen Miller will be doing it but that is just as good).

The Cominator says:

The great thing about this is with Barr NOT recusing himself from the criminal investigation (thus thwarting any plans to frame Trump) and Barr’s narrow recusal from the Accosta matter being directed to the White House itself to investigate means Stephen Miller is going to personally be getting all that blackmail material.

Chizkiyahu says:

“pedophilia” is an anti-concept – Jim

Yes, and this conforms 100 percent with the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud which covers almost all of the orders of Moed, Nashim, Nezikin and Kodashim. Zeraim and Taharos are represented by only one tractate each, Berachos and Niddah respectively.

Talmud law permits sexual intercourse between adults and children. This doctrine is contained in a number of Mishnahs. Before we examine them, however, it is necessary that the reader be familiar with the word kethubah.

According to the Soncino Talmud Glossary:

KETHUBAH (Lit., ‘a written [document]’); (a) The minimum settlement for a virgin child (three years or younger) is two hundred zuz

When a grown-up man has had intercourse with a little girl (3 years or younger) it is nothing, as if one puts the finger into the eye OR when a girl is accidentally injured by a piece of wood (which breaks the hymen) then their kethubah is also 200 zuz (in other words, the toddler will receive a payment of 200 zuz)

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11b

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 57-58

The Cominator says:

Nobody here wants to have sex with prepubescents and especially not ones that young you fed shill.

What we want is women married off shortly after puberty.

info says:

@The Cominator

A solid basis in Scripture and natural law prevents any justification that is evident in:

“Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kethuboth 11b”

The successors of the Pharisees have corrupted their ways thoroughly.

Zarnubius says:

“Arvo can now construct ring signatures on Azimuth points, thanks to ~littel-ponnys. Anonymous but verified chat, polls and discussion are all possible.

What does this mean? One way to think about it: everyone at a party gets a USB drive with a key on it. The key gets them into a chat where you know everyone else was at the party, but you don’t know who’s who.

There’s lots of interesting unexplored territory here. Verified anonymity doesn’t really exist anywhere else”

Correct me if I am wrong, but Moldbug wrote about this same idea. See:

“For example, suppose someone managed to set up an external site which could verify the identity and rank of military personnel, but keep it anonymous. The result would be an uncensored forum in which soldiers and sailors could speak honestly about their feelings and concerns.

If this platform was scalable enough to hold an actual democratic election in which only military personnel could vote, it’s quite possible that the outcome of this ballot would have a rather definitive effect on the course of Washcorp. For producing truth, justice and competent government, elections are not much. For organizing large numbers of otherwise independent actors for concerted collective action, let’s face it—they’re the shizzle.

However, this strategy is impractical at present and may never be practical. It is best reserved for the back, back burner. I mention it only because I can imagine very hypothetical situations under which it might work.”

Starman says:

The term “pedophilia” was invented in the 1920’s 1930’s and took off after WWII.

The Cathedral, after its victory, proceeded to normalize gay assaults on six year old boys by conflating such weird anal boy sex with normal sex between fertile men and fertile women.

In the Epstein case, advantage goes to the RedPill team, the bluepill team is at a disadvantage.

Starman says:

Now contrast the anti-concept “pedophilia” with a real concept, “pederast.”

Pederasts are homosexual men who anally fuck six year old boys.

The Cominator says:

There probably are very very rare men attracted to prepubescent girls but they are outnumbered by gays attracted to prepubescent boys 1000 to 1.

info says:

(Mark 9:42) for all men/women who abuse prepubescent children especially.

shaman says:

No, it says nothing like that. What a retarded, non-Christian exegesis have you.

Mark 9:42 clearly refers both to new converts to Christianity and to young members of the Church, who — due to the weakness or infancy of their faith — are prone to fall back unto their former erroneous ways, or to lose their still-underdeveloped faith and turn to apostasy. So Mark’s Jesus tells us to take special precautions not to cause newcomers and initiates to turn away from God’s path, which is likened to making them stumble.

42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Only a faggot would think that this is about sex with prepubescents – that’s where a faggot’s mind is, naturally. No, this is about protecting those whose belief does not yet rest on solid foundations from error, whether it’s because they are recent converts or because they are literally young and have not yet acquired sufficient religious training.

I am sickened when people read into the Bible things that are plainly not there. Whatever your intentions are, it is Satanic and disgusting.

info says:

“42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”

Why not a multiple meaning including condemnation of actual child abuse?

Isaiah 7:14 is an example of a double meaning. Fulfilled both at his lifetime and predicting the messiah.

jim says:


You are reading the bible as transliterated by progressives into twenty first century progressivism.

shaman says:

Today’s question is all about malicious caricatures and misidentification.

We are going to abolish the AoC. Why?

[—] NRx hates women, and wants them to suffer from rape. We know that young women and young girls are not really interested in sex, and don’t really enjoy sex, especially not brutal sex, so NRx wants to maximize their pain by inflicting totally unwanted rape and child abuse on them. We are sadistic psychopaths, and our entire ideology is a novel and innovative rationalization of our sadistic psychopathy. There is nothing we enjoy more than fantasizing about little girls, tearful rivers streaming down their cheeks, sitting psychologically broken in a dark corner and suffering from all the rape and abuse which we’re going to foist on them against their will, mwahahaha.

[—] NRx is a movement of heterosexual pedophiles, who are sexually attracted to prepubescent girls. Since girls with no boobs, no ass, no waist-to-hip ratio that indicates fertility, and no other secondary sexual characteristics give us raging boners, we want to legalize sex with them, so that we can have sex with them. Since all we ever thing about is sex with girls aged 8-9, we have formulated and articulated an ad hoc worldview to justify and normalize sexual relations of adult men (i.e. ourselves) and little girls with no grass on the field and no bleeding down there.

[—] NRx is a liberal, libertarian, and libertine ideology that generally wants to give everyone sexual freedom to do whatever the heck they want. Thus we are part of an LGBTP coalition that includes homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, pedophiles, and also other fetish communities such as bestiality, necrophilia, BDSM, scat, and so on. Absolute sexual liberalism is part and parcel of NRx; we provide a political home for all perverts everywhere, and we welcome solidarity withing the deviance rainbow.

[xxx] NRx realizes that the AoC punishes men for normal male sexuality, and allows girls to sexually misbehave. Every man with normal T-levels would bang every fertile female if he could (minus immediate family), and pathologizing and penalizing that is contrary to human nature and inimical to healthy heterosexuality. As for prepubescent girls, men are not attracted to them, but they are attracted to alpha males with adult female preselection, and the AoC, based on Puritan-Feminist lies, grants them destructive liberty to cowgirl-ride drunk and asleep men to “a happy awakening, followed by a big surprise,” while placing the blame for their misbehavior on men.

[—] NRx, my dearest fellows, is simply a run-of-the-mill movement of Southern NRA-affiliated eschatological religious nutjobs and whackjobs such as myself (hallelujah), and all of us here unanimously strictly adhere to Young Earth Creationism and other forms of evolution-denying televangelism, and yes friends, we do occasionally lynch atheists and bomb abortion clinics for the Everlasting Glory of Jesus Christ – deal with it, liberals. Due to our blind fanatical stupid evil religious zealotry and bigotry, we want the entire world to go Biblical, and the Bible says nothing about either “age” or “consent.” Being a hillbilly hick, I even married my own barely-legal cousin when she was several months pregnant with our son, Hank. How do you do, fellow Rethuglicans?

kawaii_kike says:

The part about bombing abortion clinics for the Everlasting Glory of Jesus Christ is tempting.

shaman says:

I know, that’s why I put it there. Emotionally, I can strongly relate to devout pious Christians who’d explode these fetus-slaughterhouses in a neo-crusade to stop infanticide. But this is not what NRx advocates, and moreover, the issue of Christian terrorists is routinely exaggerated by the Shit-Stream Media and the FBI, and so a clueless leftist entryist might genuinely think that, being “right-wing extremists,” that’s what we stand for.

The Cominator says:

I don’t see how society can survive without at least de facto tolerance of early term abortion. Very late term abortions are indeed murder and bastarcide is murder (and I was the leading opponent of this with Jim) but Jim is right that we cannot allow too many fatherless children around. We should also not allow severely disable children either… so early term abortions is the best way for this.

Nobody was all that opposed to early term abortions until JP II decided he wanted Mexicans to outbreed Anglos and opposition to abortion by the Catholic Church must be considered hypocritical, they used to run places that were almost close to death camps for bastard children (as recently as the 1950s) and the Catholic Church acts as an arm of the Democratic party.

I will not derive my moral code from such an institution.

kawaii_kike says:

John Paul II just wanted to stop the slaughter of the innocent, not overrun Anglos with hordes of Mexicans. The Church has always condemned abortion, but the church’s stance on early term abortion developed over time because theologians were unsure when the fetus was imbued with a soul.
Abortion, even early term abortion is already murder, so it seems arbitrary to draw the line at bastardcide.

Can you elaborate on Catholic run “death camps for bastard children”?

The Cominator says:

Lookup “Angel hospitals” “Duplessis orphans”.

Also Jim I’m getting filtered again, please let this go through…

1st trimester abortions should remain legal should be able to pickup defects… And they cannot survive outside the body. This compromise satisfies me more then anything else.

The Cominator says:

Lets see if my comments go through now.

Lookup “Angel hospitals” and the Duplessis orphans for examples of what the rec did.

Early abortion obviously is better then late term abortion and far far better then killing actual kids which should be done only to sadistic psychopaths who like to torture animals and the like. Maybe it’s not completely morally satisfying to some but it is the best of bad choices in this fallen world. Certainly higher level of brain activity in 14 months.

jim says:

There is no large moral difference, and no large difference in instinctive gut reaction, to abortion at four months and infanticide at fourteen months. You think there is because you are told there is. “just a group of parasitic cells”. Trouble is that modern ultrasound shows that remarkably soon he is a lot more than a group of parasitic cells.

We either ban abortion, or allow infanticide. There is no coherent moral position between these two. There is no morally appealing solution that allows abortion and does not allow infanticide. If we restricted abortion to very early abortion, that would be morally appealing, but the trouble is that very early abortion does not cover the cases we care about – bastards and defectives. It tends to be primarily used by a woman trying to keep her options open for a booty call for Jeremy Meeks. By the time we know we have a good reason to abort, it is sixteen weeks already.

I favor allowing infanticide and abortion of defectives and of non kin of the man supporting, caring for, and supervising the woman, and the execution of older children in accordance with biblical rules – both parents agree, and the judge agrees the child is guilty of stubborn disobedience and disrespect.

Saying that abortion is morally easy, and infanticide horrifying, is just accepting the progressive morality of moloch. It is a demonic lie, which leads to the sale of living babies wanted by their fathers as baby meat.

Doug Smythe says:

Homicide = homicide at any stage of the biological life course from the moment cell division starts until the moment it stops. Generally an injustice for either the Sovereign or the subject to kill until the person being killed has done something to deserve it. Then have at them with whatever force and means you deem necessary.

shaman says:

Generally an injustice for either the Sovereign or the subject to kill until the person being killed has done something to deserve it. Then have at them with whatever force and means you deem necessary.

Interesting; up-thread you falsely accused me (and by extension others here who espouse similar positions) of the following:

seems to know exactly what the Sovereign must do, presumes to dictate exacting minutiae of law and policy to his Prince.

Quite hypocritical, isn’t it? You are telling us that the Sovereign will ban all abortions and infanticide 100%, and then in the same breath tell us that holding the common-sense and historically precedented view that stopping girls from endlessly upgrading up the cock carousel by forcing them to marry — by shotgun or by abduction — amounts to “dictation of law and policy.”

Always a sophist, always a hypocrite.

Doug Smythe says:

To be clear, I maintain that it is ultimately the business of the Sovereign or whoever has the power of the sword and his/theirs alone to determine punishments. Priesthood can legitimately draw attention to acts that are inherently wrong and ought to be punished, intellectuals can (if asked to) weigh in on questions of what should be forbidden or required as a matter of State policy; but it’s presumptuous and meddlesome for them to try to come up with schedules of punishments.

Doug Smythe says:

^^these remarks apply to Restoration not “democracy” where anybody has the right to say anything unless they don’t.

Mike says:

As much as I have enjoyed reading your blog in the past Doug, I will admit you sound overly technical describing how the sovereign and/or natural law should line up with x, when we are simply trying to reason with the very concept of x existing in this world in the first place.

Ie, this isn’t really a time for minutiae when 99% of humanity isn’t even considering the possibility of these things existing, and even people who are considering it (us) are still trying to grapple with what these concepts would look like in the real world. Now is not (yet) the time to describe how the fully developed system would work, because it simply isn’t there.

Doug Smythe says:

Fair critique, been thinking it myself actually

shaman says:

I favor allowing infanticide and abortion of defectives and of non kin of the man supporting, caring for, and supervising the woman,

Jim, on this issue I take a slightly milder position than yours. If the child was born out of wedlock to a father who made himself scarce, then sure, it’s a demonspawn, and should be drowned in a sack.

However, today it is common for women to divorce their beta husbands (perfectly productive citizens) and take their children with them, and then marry someone else; under such circumstances, I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to allow the new guy to arrange an “unfortunate accident” to the beta husband’s children. These are kids who may be wanted by their biological father, and moreover, they are not demonic.

That can also apply to widows with children who re-marry. Should the state turn a blind eye when the new guy decides to pull off a Houdini and make the dead man’s children — poof — disappear forever? Not sure.

These objections aside, I guess I can go along with legal infanticide of non-kin children till perhaps age 6 or so. But allowing some “new guy” to kill a non-demonic older child fathered by a beta male is too much even for my cold and callous heart.

jim says:

> However, today it is common for women to divorce their beta husbands (perfectly productive citizens) and take their children with them

Children taken from their father by a fertile age mother have a high chance of suffering an unfortunate accident. We absolutely should forbid this behavior, and fathers that allow it should be disgraced and punished.

When a fertile age woman ditches her husband, she believes in her heart that his sperm is no good, and if she gets impregnated by someone she feels is much more alpha than her former husband, very bad things are apt to happen to his children. Female authority over children of her former husband is blue pillers conniving at infanticide.

When a woman is widowed, she does not normally regard her former husband as beta, and there is no problem.

This is one of the greatest crimes of blue pillers. After the restoration, those who preach the blue pill should be beaten through the streets. Anyone who uses the word “pedophile” unironically is normalizing drag queen story hour, and anyone who supports female authority over the children her former husband is normalizing infanticide. The blue pill is Moloch worship.

shaman says:

Agreed 100%. The people spreading hysteria about “pedophilia” should be left with broken spines and hemorrhaging brains.

A woman who ditched her husband should have no authority over his children, and no access to his pockets. Such women should wander the streets barefoot in the cold rain, spitted on by onlookers.

Also, when we revive long-lost social technologies that back up husbands, re-institute coverture, and re-legalize domestic discipline and “marital rape,” a whole lot of women will suddenly find their beta husbands quite attractive.

alf says:

I was looking at Dutch abortion statistics and was pretty shocked to find out that fifteen percent of all babies are aborted. So very conservatively, at least one out of ten women has committed infanticide. How red pilled is that. God damn women.

shaman says:

While we’re at it, even actual bastards born out of wedlock to fathers who made themselves scarce should probably be spared once they reach their early twenties – by that age they should have their own house, a job, and not be in too close a proximity to slut-mom’s new dude, so there is no justification killing them merely for existing.

But, to be clear, I agree that demonspawn younger than 22 or so, and particularly those aged 6 and younger, should not receive much legal protection – they are a needless burden on everyone around them, and nobody would be inclined to ask too many uncomfortable questions when they suddenly stop showing up.

Nikolai says:

“Nobody was all that opposed to early term abortions until JP II ”

I have no idea where you got this from, the Church has been against abortion since the first century. See the Didache and the Apocalypse according to Peter.

“I will not derive my moral code from such an institution.”

t. literal freemason

The Cominator says:

Christianity was against infanticide (INCLUDING bastardcide) which the Romans widely practiced from the beginning and I am against infanticide including bastardcide, you don’t hear much about abortion for or against in history until the 19th century when it was generally outlawed in most of the US as part of the social purity movement.

But it took a lot of activism to get people to equate late and early term abortions and JP II the pope who made open borders and socialist economics part of church doctrine was definitely the driving force. Obviously it was because he wanted to flood America with low IQ Catholic Mexicans and Central Americans. The Vatican is ENTIRELY a political entity and essentially always has been since nothing in scripture or history justifies the Ultramonatist post Gregorian Papacy. When they claim to care about the poor and downtrodden of the world they lie, just as Marxists do.

shaman says:

I don’t actually endorse the Catholic position — duh, I support bastardicide, and support abortion in cases of 1. vile mutants, 2. adultery (i.e. when a married or betrothed woman with a wet pussy gets “seduced” or “raped” by her demon lover), and 3. legit danger to mom’s life — but “life begins at conception” is an intellectually consistent and defensible stance, whereas “life begins with brain waves” is a stance as perforated as Swiss cheese.

Obviously, the problem with modern fetus slaughterhouses is that it’s not the woman’s owner who orders the abortion, but the woman who orders it, usually against the child’s biological father’s will; she wants to be available for Jeremy Meeks. Thus, it’s altogether anti-social and dysgenic, yet Tard-Cucks scarcely recognize this reality. The Blue Pill is Moloch worship.

The Cominator says:

I cannot support bastardcide unless the kid is the type who tortures small animals or starts fires (in which case you have a true and obvious bad/evil seed) its monstorous, early term abortion is the least bad option we have in the fallen world… bastardcide was a barbaric practice early Christendom banned.

Under our system we will not have many bastards anyway and most bastards that there are will be upper class men seeding lower class women, and such will not generally be demonseeds at all.

shaman says:

Like Jim, I’m principally opposed to “utilitarianism,” the worldview of suicide.

A so-called utilitarian says, “If I’m supposedly brain dead, but there is a chance of 0.001% to bring my mind back to life, you should disregard that chance, and donate my organs to some other people. Likewise, if one of my loved ones is in such a situation, you should disregard the 0.001% chance to save him or her, and donate his or her organs to some other people.”


Your life should be more valuable to you than 7 billion other people, and the lives of people you love should likewise be more valuable to you than 7 billion other people.

“Organ donation” is being used to justify murder in the hospitals, and furthermore, it rests on scientific lies about the real odds of restoring someone who is ostensibly “brain dead.” That is the legacy and true apotheosis of Utilitarianism: Letting a living person die in order to use his body parts to help someone else, in order to maximize the statistical odds of “saving a life.” Murder justified in the name of statistics, justified by adherence to an abstract principle.

And then, of course, you end up unplugging your own mother to save a random thug wounded during an armed robbery.

Utilitarianism is Thanatos worship or Tezcatlipoca worship, and every value-system telling you that 7 billion people should be more important and emotionally significant to you than yourself and your loved ones is Thanatos worship or Tezcatlipoca worship. If you don’t value yourself and your loved one above 7 billion other people, you have embraced a suicidal meme that even the Judeo-Christiano-Islamic Satan would not tell you to embrace, because good ol’ Satan is at least reasonable.

Sorry for going off topic, but that had to be said.

Nikolai says:

“you don’t hear much about abortion for or against in history until the 19th century”

For the same reason you don’t hear much about gay marriage or drag queens. It was simply unthinkable at the time and wasn’t even conceivable to be up for discussion.

“But it took a lot of activism to get people to equate late and early term abortions”

Precisely the opposite. It took a lot of activism to get people to distinguish between early term and late term. In old documents you never read people talking about the difference between an abortion the day after conception and abortion the day before birth. It was all considered abortion. Abortionists knew they couldn’t completely legalize baby killing, so they told people in the first few months it’s just a clump of cells, unfortunately it worked.

If you want to blame a pope for trying to turn the Church into another NGO, it’s obviously St. Paul VI not St. JP II. Socialists notoriously hated St. JP II, the KGB was likely behind his assassination attempt. Blame open borders on the 1965 immigration act, not the Vatican. And whatever you’re smoking please send me two of them.

The Cominator says:

JP II long endorsement of open borders on the Vatican website he also denounces racism and xenophobia and this wasn’t the 1st time he endorsed open borders either, and this was back when at least some Democrats favored a wall and mass deportations… so I would say they are at least partially to blame and JP II is why.

Blaming the Vatican II guy would be if I cared about the Catholic Church’s liturgy or any of that shit which I don’t at all, I only care about the church as a political actor.

And for that reason I want Francis to be Pope forever, he has destroyed the Church’s political soft power. JP II would have been able to sabotage Trump’s election, Francis could not because even cuck centrist Catholic voters consider him a radical leftist who they won’t listen to.

JP II was just as big a shitlib as Francis but he hid it better, his problem with the Soviet bloc was that they followed the relative sane Stalinist form of communism, and JP II was a Cathedral Trotskyist.

BC says:

Jim, Nazism = Socialism is spreading:

Really interesting video.

UnrequitedLARP says:


jim says:


It is a test. And you refuse to take the test.

The reason we are asking you about the red pill is because entryists cannot express those thought crimes, or even acknowledge other people committing those thought crimes, for fear that their supervisor might suspect them of entertaining crimethought.

We are asking you to do something that a paid and supervised shill would have great difficulty doing. He would probably have to apply to his boss, and his boss would have to apply to his boss, but someone who is independently commenting would have no trouble doing it.

Take it. Not letting anything you say through that is a pile of excuses for refusing to take tests that separate paid and supervised shills from genuinely independent anonymous commenters.

Since you are commenting under a pseudonym you have no reason to fear, unless you are under supervision, no reason to fear unless your supervisor is likely to check your work.

If not under supervision, then you might not agree with our opinions, but you could respond in a way that accurately acknowledges those opinions.

Even if you thought they were evil lies, if you were an independent commenter rather than a paid and supervised shill, you could, and would, accurately state and describe those evil lies for the purpose of rebutting them.

Alternate Cominatr says:

It seems that the autospam filter hates me again… don’t even put my comments through because there is too bullshit where I was just trying to inform you of the problem but please fix.

anon77 says:

The police in Oslo are looking for an African migrant who killed a Chihuahua in connection with a robbery, Nettavisen reports.

In the Facebook group Dyrehjelperne (The Animal Helpers), the owner of the dog describes how a “Somali man in his 35-40s” violently attacked the little Chihuahua in the park at St. Hanshaugen in Oslo.

She tells Nettavisen that her boyfriend was out walking the dog, named Leah, on Tuesday afternoon when he was robbed by the man.

“Leah yapped and he kicked her in the head so hard that she flew into the air. Then he went after her and kicked her again”, says the heart broken dog owner Rubi.

The dog later died of its injuries – a broken neck and a skull fracture, in an animal clinic. A taxi driver had then refused to let the dying animal into his car.

shaman says:

Two more short, simple, lighthearted WRP questions to cheer us up.

1. Horny females are apt to be sexually involved with brutal rapists. Why?

A) Are they? Seems to me that women stay away from brutal rapists and invariably go after successful, socially savvy, popular, respectable men who abide the law and can sustain big families. I can guarantee and assure you that the nice ladies at my Church don’t even know what “spanking” is.

B) By perfectly Darwinian processes, women have been evolutionarily programmed to always seek out the fiercest most badass alpha male (hypergamy), according to their own mate-selection standards, which have not changed since we were all naked apes in the jungle. Brutal rapists are the closest approximation to the ideal alpha male as perceived by female apes in the jungle.

C) Women want nothing to do with brutal rapists, but the latter keep predating on the former and forcing them — entirely against their will — to have sex. That’s why they are called “brutal rapists,” right? The Feminists are correct: We are living in a rape culture, and despite our best efforts to stamp out this phenomenon, it’s still a veritable danger for women. Women refrain from going out at night and refrain from dressing provocatively for that very reason! Women would rather die than be sexually dominated by brutes.

D) White women have been brainwashed by the Jew’s Talmudvision and Hymiewood to like brutal rapists. By nature, white women prefer good and honorable men (such as myself, by the way), but because our culture has been contaminated by der ewige Khazar Hazard, they now pursue men who are likely to beat and sexually abuse them. Were it not for these pesky Jews, I’d finally manage to get lai… err, I mean, women would get ‘gina tingles for nice guys.

E) This question triggered my fibromyalgia-induced PTSD so hard that my problem glasses fell off my pouty face and into Mr. Whiskers’ wet food bowl; now my face, similarly to my yeasty vagina, smells like fish. How do I even start unpacking this unsolicited dumpster-fire shit-show of a micro-atrocity? First of all, for your information, “women” are a social construct, not a biological classification. Hey, uhh, douche-canoe, have you even read Judith Butler? Pffft. Second of all, I…

2. Reaction spends a lot of time coordinating its memes about the Woman Question. Why?

A) Because the WQ is the most urgent, and we must get it right if we want to restore young families, want the civilized races to fruitfully reproduce, and want our descendants to conquer the stars.

B) Because we are so full of hubris. How dare we be so conceited and arrogant as to assume that the Sovereign will heed to our counsel? No, the Sovereign will obviously be a High Priest himself, and won’t take any advice whatsoever from us useless intellectuals.

C) Because Jim’s blog is a sophisticated (albeit transparent) Mossad psychological operation intended to distract everyone from the truly important issue: The USS Liberty incident.

D) Because we are midwits with merely VHIQ. If we were 3SD+ geniuses with UHIQ, we would be discussing Qanon, Bigfoot, and how anatomically modern humans are boar-bonobo hybrids.

E) Because, being autistic involuntarily celibate Omega Male virgins trapped in a Grand Masturbatorium, we naturally think about sex all the time. Ultimately, we draw our inspiration from the most sexless person who ever walketh this Earth: Roissy, who has never seen an IRL vagina at all.

(Correct Answers: 1, B; 2, A)

To the first question I would pull an F) NAWALT. Feel free to roll your eyes. But when literally all women in my life prefer the successful, confident, popular man (good alpha, good leader) partially because there is nobody in my circles is anything like a brutal rapist, just how could I honestly agree? My sample may be unrepresentative, but should I just discard my whole life experience? I often claim I am able to tell which woman prefers the brutal rapist just by looking at them. There is just a different glint in the eyes or something like that.

Feel free to test me throwing photos my way, I can tell those girls from “good” girls, good in quotation marks because they still prefer alphas of course, just decent alphas, and they will still cheat with them. What makes them “good” is that they will cheat with the kind of alpha you would more or less respect. The kind of boss you would like to work for. Not the brutal rapist criminal type. Which is not good enough by any normal measure, but we are testing the “does not lust for brutal criminals NAWALT”, not the “pure virginial NAWALT” which would be stupid or the “fucks betas NAWALT” which would be even stupider.

Or running the test from the other way around, I will not do it in public but will send Jim in e-mail a photo of a couple and the man is someone I respect, and just by the photo (eyes and smile) I can see that the woman would only cheat him with a man I would probably respect even more.

Sent to the e-mail address published on

2019 is boring says:

Okay, how about this: For long-term relationships later in life, most women do prefer “successful, confident, popular” men rather than brutal rapists.

But observe the revealed behavior of women down the street. First, they postpone marriage or “settling down” till their 30s or 40s, i.e. they spend their teens, twenties, even early thirties having promiscuous sex with… someone. (And then The Wall hits and they either find themselves a boring beta hubby, or turn into the caretakers of cats) Who, in their most fertile and attractive years, are women having sex with?

Secondly, we are being told that women live in mortal fear of rape, dreadfully terrified of the very prospect.

Well, I see tons of women — from young jailbaits to older MILFs — going out in the middle of the night, dressed in a manner that discloses much more than it conceals, and hanging out at places where drunk horny men apt to grab ’em by the pussy are a fixture. (Needless to say, the women themselves are usually even drunker, and often quite hornier, than those men) Really, this is one of the easier Red Pills, since everyone can see that pretty much everywhere: Women don’t seem to be worried at all about the presence of rapists, and keep coming back to the same ol’ nightclubs where “things just happen,” where they “lose control.”

Sure, the ideal fantasy is not a semi-literate stone-broke Pakistani, but –as female literary pornography graphically depicts — an athletic six foot tall super-alpha billionaire vampire pirate demon king. Yet, strangely enough, women spend their 13-35 period partying with men who resemble Jeremy Meeks more-so than they resemble any CEO.

When a scantily clad woman (with or without a butterfly tattoo), drunk like a sailor, hangs out at 3AM at the bar, what kind of man is she looking for there? In whose apartment will she wake up in the morning after, or who will join her in the bar’s bathroom stall for a quickie? More crucially: What measures does she take to avoid an encounter with a brutal hardcore drug-trafficking convicted felon gangster rapist? None? So if a woman does nothing to avoid brutal rape, and repeatedly puts herself in situations where effectively defending against brutal rape is rather far-fetched, then is she not — as they say — “asking for it”?

Lots of women are like that, the average woman is like that. It’s not that women would like to settle down with a gangster felon. Rather, they would like to never grow old, never settle down, and keep partying forever with more or less sketchy people – the only thing currently stopping women from pulling that off is The Wall, and future anti-aging technologies (whose development, to be sure, I fully and enthusiastically support) may be misused to allow women to party with Jeremy Meeks in their 80s and 90s. Why not?

Another important reason we need a Neo-Reaction.

Div says:

I’ll have proper, not phone internet access on Monday. Will make my case if don’t forget.

The Cominator says:

Lots of women are like that, the average woman is like that. It’s not that women would like to settle down with a gangster felon. Rather, they would like to never grow old, never settle down, and keep partying forever with more or less sketchy people

I think what most women REALLY want to be the favorite wife in a harem of a chad looking successful warlord.

2019 is boring says:

What usually ends up happening is that, unable to secure Jeremy Meeks’ commitment, they get some sort of boyfriend, and then after 3 or 4 years together, shit test him to Hell and back, break up, and go back to taking booty calls from Chad the Cad. Women say that they don’t like it, and perhaps on a deeper level that’s true, but they can’t help themselves: Dissolving relationships (i.e. engaging in serial monogamy) and chasing after demon lovers is ingrained in their sexo-mentality; that is their revealed preference, at least under current anarcho-tyrannical conditions.

We need to make husbands high-status in the eyes of women, indeed higher status than fathers, higher status than cads with big swinging dicks, and higher status than the government, and dis-incentivize the dissolution of marriage. A woman should know that the man who is fucking her is at the zenith of the attractiveness pyramid, at the top of the socio-sexual hierarchy, and that losing him inevitably spells downgrading, not upgrading, and misery, not joy. We either do that, or women will continue featuring in the plate-spinning constellations of disreputable nightclub dwellers.

The Cominator says:

The 1st step is to make men higher status then women generally, especially single men should be higher status then single women.

Doing that alone would solve a lot of the extreme dysfunction where women won’t give single beta males the time of day and end up larping as lesbians.

Jims proposal where unescorted women wouldn’t be allowed in nighstspots (or at least most nightspots there should be some real ugly dives in any city where the unescorted ones go, where men could go to pick them up) anymore would be a good step towards this. Getting them as much as possible out of the workforce would be good too.

2019 is boring says:

Agreed, and the point about unescorted women is particularly relevant:

To prevent Jeremy Meeks from monopolizing all the pussy, we need to formalize ownership by ensuring that the vast majority of women are owned, that owned women will have a dramatically higher status (or “privileges”) than unowned women, that owned women will possess much superior access to the fruits of civilization compared with unowned women, and that, as Jim says, the King and the High Priest will announce:

Only one pussy per customer.

Formalized ownership will allow us to regulate the sexual marketplace, to enshrine monogamy and prevent polygyny.

The Cominator says:

In our system as I see it most of the Jeremy Meeks will be hanged or exiled. And we can artifically depress the status of petty criminals and thugs in the eyes of women anyway. We will bring back punishments in public square and we will bring back the mobs throwing things at criminals for entertainment. We’ll have concerts (and dances afterwards sometimes) to celebrate the community pushing down on these low status criminals.

Every responsible man gets his one pussy but only one pussy per customer is unrealistic. We’ll have a slight excess of women, we will have brothels and a very few rich men will have mistresses (though extramarital relations outside of the whorehouse for people of lesser status will be discouraged to say the least).

Among Isaac Newton style geniuses as I’ve said I want a state sponsored harems for such men (made up of unusually high IQ women… and maybe if such high iq outlier women don’t want to be housewives their whole lives they get a special exemption that they can bear 5 children for the genius each and they are out), I want such men to each have at least 100 children.

2019 is boring says:

“One pussy per customer” refers to formal ownership; the women at the brothel are unowned, thus it does not apply to them.

However, we don’t want too many women to opt for the unowned lifestyle, thus we need to place severe restrictions on the liberties of unowned women; disallowing them at various venues is a good start. As Jim said:

When I was a young man, there were a whole lot of places where unaccompanied women were not permitted to go, and where the males accompanying women would be asked about their connection to those women.

This and other means will ensure that most women would much rather be formally under a man’s authority, or coverture.

2019 is boring says:

And if the sex ratio will one day be 1:10, then a husband will be allowed to possess ten pussies under his ownership.

The Cominator says:

I cannot imagine it will be 1:10 or nearly such, even after WWII in Russia in the areas with the most men who got killed I only thing it ever got as bad as 1:4.

2019 is boring says:

It’s not about killing, though. Once we do away with all notions of democracy and egalitarianism (realistically, only around 2080 or so), we may want to use technology to select the sex of new children, so as to usher in a pussy paradise. Now, we will still need a whole lot of men at that point, so I agree that we should not start with 1:10, but indeed with something like 1:4. But this is really more in the realm of political science fiction – in the meanwhile, we organize society according to 1:1.

2019 is boring says:

In brief, my ideal scenario in 2165 is a sex ratio of anything between 1:4 to 1:10, with a genetically engineered and techno-biologically hyper-augmented ruling elite of men, possessed of an ironclad asabiyyah, with an average IQ ranging anywhere from 130 to 180, presiding over an intergalactic space-faring cosmo-empire and lots of nubile, compliant, lustful chicks to pass the time with, in addition of course to other leisures scarcely imaginable today.

Will anything like that actually transpire? Who knows, but in this dark age of ours, the least we can do is dream – and building the requisite memeplex is surely a step in the right direction.

eternal anglo says:

In hindsight it will be obvious that total victory in the war of the sexes was merely a continuation of the victories of man’s ingenuity over the other apex predators 10k years ago, and over Malthusian limits ~200 years ago. If I am not mistaken, it will be the first time ever in natural history, after two billion years or so, that such a victory has been won.


2019 is boring says:

Will they call us leftists for the revolutionary (i.e. post-agricultural) program of — at long last — fully subduing the big gametes to the small ones? Ah, but in retrospect it will be obvious that we’ve been selected precisely for that. There’s no stopping this 2.5-billion-years-old Golem!

2019 is boring says:

(I haven’t really examined how and when isogamy evolved into anisogamy; perhaps Jim — who studies everything — is familiar with the topic)

jim says:

You need a load of resources to start a new diploid, and you need to travel around to find a gamete that is not closely related, and to travel around, should travel light, without a load of resources. So one gamete has a load of resources, and the other gamete travels around looking for her.

The ancestor of all the animals was a single celled creature that looked like a sperm with a net – it could swim, could catch other single celled creatures, and on catching them, sprayed them with hydrogen peroxide and toxins, then engulfed them after the style of a white blood cell. It had the weapons of a white blood cell, the mobility of a sperm, and a thing that our cells no longer possess for grabbing and catching.

They ganged up for attack and defense, each gang being a single clone line, thus beginning multicellularity in the line from which we are descended. Creatures like that still exist, and still easily switch between operating in gangs, and operating individually. If we view each gang as a single creature (and it acts like a single creature) that creature is isogamous.

2019 is boring says:

Unowned women will course be fair game and up for grabs for anyone and everyone (a woman’s “consent” is wholly irrelevant: Consent does not make sex good, nor lack of consent make it bad), and we will make their life unappealing enough — through both legal and cultural means — that most women will much prefer to be owned.

Not Tom says:

I think what most women REALLY want to be the favorite wife in a harem of a chad looking successful warlord.

Precisely. Better to be #1 on Jeremy Meek’s booty call list than #15. And far better to gain complete exclusivity over Jeremy Meeks, while still being absolutely certain that he could call up any of those other women for booty – not really physically possible, hence shit tests, yet still the ideal in a woman’s mind.

But also better to be #15 on the list than be exclusive to a boring beta who won’t either crush skulls or have his goons crush skulls.

I’m back. So. I concede that if and women grow up in a feral state of nature, no father, no upbringing, driven entirely by hardware-level instincts, they will be lusting for the most brutal criminals. Fortunately, software level interventions like fatherhood, upbringing, culture, shaming and all that happen. Usually. The most important is probably that if the father is present in their lives which usually implies he is a decent fella, they will think alpha men are like their father and will fuck men who are like their father.

Tattooed girls probably had a very bad upbringing and will likely fuck brutal criminals. Are tattoed girls considered average in your circles? In mine no girl ever had tattooes and even men had them rarely. It’s trashy. I am 41 and just from Central Europe, not even very far “east”, certainly closer to Berlin than to Moscow. When 10-12 year ago I lived in England I was seriously put off by the fat yet slutty dressed, drunk, loud, cussing girls in the pub circuit, no desire to fuck them. But even they were not much tattooed. So what is the average? Where? When?

I finally googled Jeremy Meeks. Why is he constantly being used as an example here? @Jim? While he is a criminal, he is also a super handsome fashion model. That is a hell of a confounding variable for determining whether women like criminals! We should be talking about women fucking ugly as hell orcish looking criminals. Single variable analysis. Not confounding the model with traits like unusual levels of good looks. So why Meeks, why not some fat ugly Hispanic criminal from last weeks TV news?

The Cominator says:

Fortunately, software level interventions like fatherhood

Not my experience… Take it from a sperg who is not good at lying or being an asshole (I’m no natural alpha)… Fatherless girls and girls who lost their father early tend to like or at least not be as repulsed by nice responsible guys.

Jim also said at some point that fatherless girls tend to have somewhat less sexual attraction to evil and less repulsion to nice (btw this is another argument against bastardcide for female children anyway).

Tattooed girls probably had a very bad upbringing and will likely fuck brutal criminals.

In American this is literally around 85-90% of women under 35 now. I expected to see less of it in the South but not the case.

I am 41 and just from Central Europe, not even very far “east”, certainly closer to Berlin than to Moscow.

Former communists countries have lesser penetration of evil feminist Cathedral memes.

jim says:

> I concede that if and women grow up in a feral state of nature, no father, no upbringing, driven entirely by hardware-level instincts, they will be lusting for the most brutal criminals.

All women are like that. Some more than others. I don’t think any social intervention is likely to make a huge difference, except for punishing brutal criminals in a public and humiliating manner, and if anything low class women are less bad than high class women. They are certainly way better than lawyerettes, whose attraction for the most brutal criminals is notorious.

They are not attracted to one hundred percent brutal all the way through, but they want the nice guy inside to be difficult to access and well hidden. Standard female fantasy is that romantic interest might well kill her, and often enough the fantasy is that he initially intended to kill her, and killed her father, her brother, etc, but due to events the killing keeps being postponed, and he eventually decides he would never kill her. His soft nice guy inner core is eventually revealed after brutally murdering numerous people. But he never apologizes for treating her with great cruelty and murdering everyone she loved, and if she makes a fuss about that, it is only a shit test. He scolds her and the shit test collapses.

If General Butt Naked gets beaten through the streets and then put in a pillory for people to throw rotten fruit at, that would reduce the problem considerably. Until then, imply you are an adventurer who possibly may have killed people.

anon77 says:

Blood Passover (Ritual human sacrifice)

by Ariel Toaff

Ariel Toaff (born 1942) is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University in Israel, whose work has focused on Jews and their history in Italy.

He came to international prominence with the 2007 publication of the first edition of his controversial book Pasque Di Sangue (Passovers of Blood), in which he claimed historical basis for ritual use of human blood, obtained by murder.

This book courageously faces one of the most controversial topics in the history of the J**s of Europe, one which has always served as a war-horse of anti-Semitism:

the accusation, leveled against the J**s for centuries, of abducting and killing Christian children to use their blood in Jooish Passover rites.

Where Italy is concerned, nearly all the ritual murder trials were held in the north-eastern regions, characterized by large settlements of German-origin J**s (Ashkenazim).

The most famous case of this kind occurred in Trent, Italy, in 1475, as a result of which many local J**s were indicted and sentenced to death for the murder of the boy who was to become known as “Simon of Trent”, and was venerated as a Saint for several centuries, until only a few decades ago.

An unprejudiced rereading of the original trial records, however, together with the records of several other trials, viewed within the overall European context and supplemented by an exact knowledge of the relevant Hebrew texts, throws new light on the ritual and therapeutic significance of blood in Jewish culture, leading the author of the present study to the reluctant conclusion that, particularly where Ashkenazi Jewry was concerned, the “Blood Libel” accusation was often not an invention. …

alf says:

<a href=""Unz wrote something similar. I cannot attest to its veracity, interested in what others think of this.

alf says:
xlibris says:

from James Rusbridger’s twitter

JR @JamesRusbridger
8h8 hours ago

“Jeffrey Epstein’s lair:

On the roof sits #Moloch the owl, the Canaanite god of child sacrifice.

Island workers say the walls were built #soundproof.

An engineer says an external #locking #bar “appears intended to lock people in”

I”ve no idea if Jeffrey Epstein had children tortured & murdered here

But make no mistake, Epstein KNEW he was alluding to child sacrifice when he commissioned this monstrosity.

So he’s either a serial killer, or ‘merely’ a twisted pedosadist and international child trafficker”

quarty says:

The only thing that’s actually been alleged is that he got evil sirens to tempt politicians, by accusing him of all that other stuff you’re smearing his victims, they may be politicians but they’re victims. But try posting that on Twitter and see how fast you get banned.

shaman says:

‘merely’ a twisted pedosadist and international child trafficker”

Thanks for the memo, FBI; now fuck off.

The Cominator says:

Epstein was a glownagger running a honeytrap.

Not Tom says:

There were no children; the youngest was 14, and this is according to the people who want him put away for life. It would be far more effective to say that they were 4, not 14, but they can’t say that, because they have no evidence.

I’ve noticed that the official press does not generally refer to them as children; merely “underage”, which is exactly correct – technically illegal but not very interesting otherwise. “Under the age limit” is like “over the speed limit”, a bland legalistic statement.

It’s the conservatives who are apopletic over the story, branding it as child exploitation or child abuse, huffing and puffing that the official press is not doing enough to demonize the monsters who visited the island and raped these poor innocent little girls.

It must be hard having to choose between evil and stupid. I can’t help sympathizing with the evil.

shaman says:

See, that’s why Neo-Reaction is not “part of the alt-right,” but an alternative to it. The alt-right is just a re-branded version of various previous ideologies, notably White Nationalism and Traditional Conservatism. And, as you’ve pointed out, the media is showering the alt-right with attention — it just can’t get enough of these edgy shocking internet celebrities — whereas very few words are ever spoken about Neo-Reaction, lest some members of the cognitive elite might notice that our thought-crimes have high truth-value and that our counter-narrative is rather compelling.

The alt-retard who screams his lungs out about how Jew Epstein abused all those innocent teenage prostitutes is an enthusiastic follower and promoter of the Cathedral Party Line, essentially criticizing the system for supposedly not being stringent enough in its enforcement of its own rules. As Chesterton (who was Blue Pilled, but still had insightful things to say) famously remarked,

The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types – the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.

Seems that Reactionaries — and only Reactionaries — grasp that point.

Not Tom says:

Offline, I only know a handful of alt-rightists, but many more tradcons, and they’re marching more or less in lockstep on this one. The only difference is, for tradcons it’s “evil pedophile Satan-worshiping liberals” and for alt-rightists it’s “evil pedophile Moloch-worshiping Jews”. Many of them actually think pre-teens were involved; they didn’t read that anywhere, there’s no evidence for it anywhere, nobody has even tried to make that claim, but they’re sure it must have happened – as the most devout shitlib would be keen to say, it “feels true”.

It’s nearly impossible to discuss the situation rationally with squish-righters without being accused of defending Epstein. Oh, he’s guilty, but not of being a dangerous sexual predator abusing little girls for the sick pleasure of perverted 80-year-old men, but rather for being a secret policeman, one of Cthulhu’s top enforcers using dirty tricks and evil laws to ruin the lives of ordinary folks and quash any dissent in the political and corporate ranks.

As for the girls, unless someone can prove to me that Epstein’s goons literally jammed guns in their fathers’ faces while pulling their daughters out of bed at 3 AM, I’m not going to express any sympathy whatsoever, either for them or for their neglectful parents.

The Cominator says:

Its just that we smell blood and I’m fine with hoisting the other side from its own bluepill petard.

The SDNY Dems initiated this Epstein thing with the idea of framing Trump, but Barr refused to roll over on the legal technicalities only recusing himself from the investigation into Accosta’s sweetheart deal (which involved the intel agencies running the honeytrap) which he referred not to justice but to the whitehouse itself… which means all the blackmail information Epstein got is likely to end up in the hands of Stephen Miller.

Not Tom says:

Of course, Epstein worked for the Cathedral and I’m not sad about him being rolled up. But the politically savvy move here is to shake him down for that sweet kompromat, and use it as leverage in the ongoing coup. Is frothing-at-the-mouth blue-pilling really a necessary ingredient?

Many of the politicians and VIPs Epstein honeytrapped could be more useful alive than dead, with Team Trump pulling the strings. The Clintons, of course, should all be hanged.

The Cominator says:

Trump Barr and Stephen Miller will decide what strategy is best, I think they will make a good decision on this as to who to burn and who to blackmail.

alf says:
shaman says:

Hail Karkinos, Avatar of GNON!

(Explanation for newbs: Carcinisation serves as a metaphor for the gradual accumulation and refinement of similar resilient and adaptive social technologies among a diversity of non-dependent civilizations, e.g. patriarchy)

alf says:

… Yes that was exactly what i was going for 😏

shaman says:

*FBI agents monitoring this blog*

Smith: These people are talking in some strange codes. Child sex trafficking?

Jones: No, that’s not it. They have their own memes, or “shibboleths,” and to fit in, we have to learn at least some of them.

Smith. Sure… so what’s up with these dancing crabs?

Jones: “Noisestorm – Crab Rave” is taken as a triumphant Neo-Reactionary track, as crabs represent some sort of convergent evolution that signals… resilience.

Smith: Yeah, they’re not paying me enough for this shit – I’m out.

shaman says:

Okay, an explanation that even lurkers who have only just discovered this blog should be able to understand.

Carcinisation describes the process whereby various types of crustaceans have independently evolved crab-like forms. It is a fun example of convergent evolution, i.e., “The independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineages.” It looks like the crab-form is particularly evolutionarily adaptive.

This is used by us oppressive shitlords to symbolize cultural institutions — or, as we like to call it, “social technologies” — that likewise tend to evolve and proliferate among different civilizations that are independent of each other. For instance, the institution of marriage evolved both in ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, without cultural transmission between them. Put another way, we see that different successful civilizations — indeed, as long as they are successful — tend to develop remarkably similar Chesterton’s Fences.

We consider this process of “cultural carcinisation” to be indicative of GNON’s will: Since groups that independently develop and practice, e.g., capitalism, tend to outlast groups that don’t, thus capitalism is spontaneously selected for among different peoples (and, in turn, provides those peoples with greater survivability), we consider that a clear indication that capitalism is favored by Nature or Nature’s God.

The crab has come to represent GNON’s will.

Dave says:

You want to see a crisis of faith looks like, read this:

So dies a religion with collective salvation, no forgiveness, no God, and no Heaven. People hear what is demanded of them (no meat, no fossil fuels, no vacations, no children), they see what little effect their sacrifices are having, and they fall into profound despair. Oh, how I wish to live on the West Coast before it disappears underwater, says one liberal, unaware that it has already disappeared under a layer of hobo feces.

The Cominator says:

In the latest edition of social engineering cathedral poz against all capitalist logic…

James Bond a character I loved is now a black woman.

This is even worse then what they did to Star Wars or Game of Thrones (at the end of the series).

I reiterate my call that after the war we need a Final Solution to the Leftist Problem.

Friendly Fred says:

Here are two “Traddad/Conservadad” arguments, both taking it for granted that (A) pubescent girls will make an effort to have sex with people with whom their fathers would prefer that they not have sex, and that (B) it’s very hard to determine what counts as involuntary sex, so that it’s a mistake to justify sex-related laws in terms of the voluntary vs. involuntary character of the sex in question.

Argument I (for the conclusion that men who have sex with a girl without her father’s permission ought to be criminally prosecuted):
(1) The fathers of girls usually have a clearer sense than the girls do of what’s best for the girls and for the family as a whole. (2) It will often be best for a girl and for the family as a whole that the girl not have sex with someone with whom she wants to have sex. It follows that (3) fathers will often see that this is the case. Now, (4) the law ought to promote that which is best for individuals and families. So, (5) the law ought to promote decision-making by fathers as to whom their daughters will have sex with. (6) The law can promote this through the criminal prosecution of men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission to these men to have sex with them. So, (7) men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission to these men to have sex with them ought to be criminally prosecuted.

(Note: a separate argument is required for the conclusion that it ought to be legislated that a girl’s father may give permission to a man to have sex with her only by giving her to him in permanent marriage.)

Argument II (for the conclusion that girls ought not to be married without their fathers’ permission, even when they have already have had sex):
(1) The fathers of girls usually have a clearer sense than the girls do of what’s best for the girls and for the family as a whole. (2) It will often be best for a girl and for the family as a whole that the girl not marry someone with whom she has had sex and instead marry someone else later on. It follows that (3) fathers will often see that this is the case. Now, (4) the law ought to promote that which is best for individuals and families. So, (5) the law ought to ensure that fathers decide whom their daughters will marry (even when their daughters have already had sex with someone).

(Note: this second argument assumes a state of affairs in which the law ensures that marriage is permanent.)

(General note: I do not necessarily disapprove of anyone’s sexual practices under current society-wide sexually anarchic conditions; I recognize that as things stand, with everything up for grabs, if you don’t grab it then a worse man will. Of course, I would disapprove of the cruel grabbing of stuff, but I assume that everyone here grabs in a kindly manner.)

The Cominator says:

(6) The law can promote this through the criminal prosecution of men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission to these men to have sex with them.

It can but it really really really shouldn’t.

shaman says:

>instead marry someone else later on


The Cominator says:

Plenty of men will be willing to take a hot non-virgin . I tend to agree with him on father being able to veto marriages up until a certain age though perhaps he should have financial or eugenic grounds on why the boy is unsuitable.

What I cannot endorse is prosecution for men in such cases.

jim says:

> (6) The law can promote this through the criminal prosecution of men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission to these men to have sex with them.


Trying to control men is the wrong approach. It is a displacement activity that avoids the problem to be solved. Women will just wander off out of dad’s sight. It is like telling the farmer to make the world safe for his chickens to roam free. He cannot do that. No one can do it, and trying to do that is avoiding the problem that women have to be under male control.

When someone puts that argument he is saying “I favor women being under male control, except that that is just too horrifying and wicked to be contemplated.”

It is like the pastor saying the husband should lead the wife, but not saying the wife should honor and obey. Dalrock has endless rants on this topic.

Friendly Fred says:

It should be expected that neighboring farmers will return errant chickens to one another rather than taking advantage of holes in fences through which their neighbors’ chickens have wandered. And the girl-shaped chickens in question are very clearly marked — every farmer at least knows which chickens DON’T belong to him. If these girl-shaped chickens aren’t fed by farmers onto whose land they have wandered through holes in fences, they will return through these holes onto the land of the farmer to whom they belong. A law prohibiting the feeding of girl-shaped chickens that aren’t your own will markedly decrease the frequency of such feedings by bad-neighbor farmers.

My Traddad assumption is that men, unlike women, are capable of honoring contracts that they make with one another. It is because men are capable of honoring contracts that contract-violators are prosecuted.

I want a USA 2035 in which one’s 14-year-old daughter can be allowed to go shopping or to an afternoon movie in the neighborhood with a couple of 14 year old friends without the assumption that she’s now up for grabs. Yes, you can’t depend on HER self-control, but you should be able to depend on the self-control of the other men in the neighborhood.

Starman says:

Tradcons are entryists.

Friendly Fred says:

What do you think I’m attempting to “enter”? I’m a 53-year-old twice-divorced, barely-paying-my-bills adjunct; what would I possibly want to “enter” and what would possibly motivate me to “enter”? I don’t imagine myself as joining or deviously undermining or diverting-from-its-true-goals any sort of glorious supervillain-conspiracy; I just like talking to thoughtful people.

Starman says:

One would think a twice divorced man who barely pays his bills (i assume the bills come from feminist courts, not financial incompetence) would know the folly of pedestalizing women.

jim says:

> It should be expected that neighboring farmers will return errant chickens to one another rather than taking advantage of holes in fences through which their neighbors’ chickens have wandered.

The chickens will just travel further afield. I observe them travelling four hundred miles to Arlie beach.

Friendly Fred says:

I observe chickens goofing around with each other at bus stops or in front of delis or alongside playground-fences in parks; I don’t go to beaches or hotels or clubs or even restaurants.

A difference between girls and chickens is that girls often make amusing remarks about various things and have facial expressions; fathers therefore love their daughters and are therefore unwilling to allow a girl-collector’s sack to be closed over a daughter’s head even when she volcanically/chickenishly wandered into that sack.

I agree that we should all recognize the volcanically chickenish nature of girls, despite their amusing remarks and facial expressions. It seems to me, though, that we might also recognize the protectively fatherish nature of men.

The Cominator says:

It seems to me, though, that we might also recognize the protectively fatherish nature of men.

Fathers should be told if they want to protect their daughters they should arrange a suitable match as soon as possible after puberty.

Friendly Fred says:

OF COURSE! I emphatically grant that this is the case.

jim says:

> It should be expected that neighboring farmers will return errant chickens to one another rather than taking advantage of holes in fences through which their neighbors’ chickens have wandered.

The chickens will just travel further afield. I observe them travelling four hundred miles to Arlie beach.

Ron says:

What you want is strange.

If the 14 yo girls are safe at the mall then going to each other’s homes and having sex with each other, would that be OK?

If they are all “in love “ with the same local violent meth dealer, but they are “safe at the mall” would that be OK?

What you want is for human sexuality to simply remake itself into something that has never existed, nor can exist. Someone, I think shaman, put it beautifully “young women have volcanic sex drives”. We cannot simply wish human sexuality to become something else just for our convenience.

Friendly Fred says:

For thousands of years European girls have been allowed to take walks together — note the Phaecians or whatever they’re called in the Odyssey. I want life to be normal, like it was in the 1890s or 1930s or whenever. The whole point is to kill any “violent meth dealer” who violates we-don’t-touch-each-other’s-chickens contracts.

I granted at the outset that girls are volcanic chickens — please reread what I wrote and don’t be pointlessly nasty. If YOU are going to nasty to me, then I’ll just change my screen-name right back to “Aging Loser”. That’ll show you.

You don’t really think that I want a remaking of human sexuality, any more than I really think that you want to shit all over thousands of years of European history in which village girls chatted together at wells and wove garlands out of flowers.

The Cominator says:

For thousands of years European girls have been allowed to take walks together — note the Phaecians or whatever they’re called in the Odyssey. I want life to be normal, like it was in the 1890s or 1930s or whenever. The whole point is to kill any “violent meth dealer” who violates we-don’t-touch-each-other’s-chickens contracts.

Drug dealing will not a viable profession in reactionary society because I imagine we will legalize everything short of fentanyl and the few prohibited substances (like fenanyl which can poison people who don’t even touch it) will have death penalties for all around the way China does.

Jeremy Meeks if not hanged or exiled won’t live near you unless you are either really really poor or really really trying to save money.

So while its quite possible Joey the working class Italian knocks up your daughter in reactionary society, its going to be very unlikely that Jeremy Meeks (including a white equivalent of Jeremy Meeks) or Tyrone does.

Friendly Fred says:

There will always be charming and even brilliant and essentially kind-hearted losers (lazy, socially disfunctional, whatever), and Dad might recognize that Archie is such a person while Seymour is socially competent and a much more likely long-term provider, and so Dad might very much prefer that 14-year old Cindy marry Seymour even if Cindy has already had sex with Archie.

And of course there will always be impressively aggressive large-jawed stupid impulsive cruel deceitful men of impeccably Northwest-European descent whom Dad would very much prefer that Cindy not marry.

Yes, Cindy is a volcanic chicken — Dad’s own (for now) dear little volcanic chicken. Are Dads to stop being Dads? Are we to violate and deform Daddish nature? Wouldn’t that be a DEMONIC project?

The Cominator says:

There will always be charming and even brilliant and essentially kind-hearted losers (lazy, socially disfunctional, whatever), and Dad might recognize that Archie is such a person while Seymour is socially competent and a much more likely long-term provider, and so Dad might very much prefer that 14-year old Cindy marry Seymour even if Cindy has already had sex with Archie.

Yes which is why I think the father ought to have marriage veto up until a certain age whether sex occurred or not, whites aren’t Arabs there will be plenty of men willing to take the non virgins*. Where I differ from you is if father vetoes the marriage it still shouldn’t make Archie a criminal.

But if you don’t arrange it by a certain age she is subject to marriage by abduction and single women past a certain age will be subject to all sort of demeaning sumptuary and lifestyle restrictions and harassment designed to be not too onerous in the objective sense but designed to be particulary vexing to women (I would restrict them to very drab grey clothes and not allow them jewelry).

Dad’s own (for now) dear little volcanic chicken.

Sympathizing with bluepilled traddad delusions about their daughter being some perpetually virginal sweet pre pubescent girl would and has mad for very bad law.

I think you ought to be able to veto an unsuitable marriage, but you ought to see they get married as shortly after puberty as possible. What I say is not ahistorical so I don’t see how it is unnatural.

* Plenty of men downright like real turbosluts, judging from Augustus prohibition of marriages between Senators/Equites and infames women so I don’t think its strictly a modern thing.

Doug Smythe says:

If abortion and industrial birth-control products were outlawed, without other reforms we’ll see the spontaneous return of immediate extreme pressure on everyone involved (at least in the younger age brackets) in cases of sexual delinquency to arrive at a suitable disposition (early marriage, or the girl being made “to study abroad in Europe” for nine or so months, etc.), the way it was done pre-1960s.

The Cominator says:

Impossible to prevent birth control this is a papist-beta tradcon crossover meme that won’t work.

Doug Smythe says:

can’t make the pill in your bathtub

kawaii_kike says:

What’s wrong with abolishing birth control?
The whole point of NRx is to restore patriarchial control and ensure that men can have families. Outlawing birth control reduces female autonomy and enables men to have families.

The Cominator says:

What is wrong with it is men should decide if women are on birth control.

shaman says:

Outlawing contraception won’t completely prevent “birth control,” as there are various other tactics to achieve that, but nonetheless it will significantly minimize it – that’s not a bad idea. Comdoms and pills greatly facilitate female misbehavior.

Doug Smythe says:

Abortion/birth control should be dangerous, highly illegal, and rare. Like hard drugs, illegal handguns, etc. things that will always exist in illicit markets that are nonetheless inaccessible to the average middle-class normie.

2019 is boring says:

Abortion and contraception are not the same thing, and should not be regarded as the same thing. Life does not begin before conception, hence masturbation is not a super holocaust against hundreds of millions of sperm cells.

Starman says:

Doug Smythe continues his entryism…

Doug Smythe says:

lol gay

Doug Smythe says:

>Abortion and contraception are not the same thing, and should not be regarded as the same thing.

They are not the same thing, but both were very expressly devised and pushed to accomplish the same thing, namely facilitate female sexual misbehaviour and de-populate our States.

Not Tom says:

[Abortion and contraception] are not the same thing, but both were very expressly devised and pushed to accomplish the same thing

And? Here are some other things that were designed for the same purpose:
– Abacuses and computers
– Nails and screws
– Email and Facebook
– Swords and atomic bombs
– The electric chair and the boats

Should we therefore treat everything on the left side the same as on the right side?

The Cominator says:

Jim has already stated that birth control and abortion should be husbands and fathers right to choose and I agree except that 3rd trimester abortions should be banned.

Doug Smythe says:

I suppose in light of this and discussion of last week I can say, after having familiarized myself w/developments that took place after I stopped paying attention for several months, definitely not-Reactionary anymore. Much more interested in doing whatever I can towards the immediate goals of the coup and the complete destruction of the Cathedral and its pillars then in pointless Scholastic hair-splitting and the elaboration of frankly hare-brained armchair reform schemes that, to the extent that they can or ever will be implemented, won’t be any time soon regardless of who wins the ongoing civil war between the American people and the anti-nationals. Unfortunately unless something changes real fast it looks like the anti-nationals will win, and civilization painfully slouch into darkness as the Americans are enslaved or killed off- and in that case we’ll have bigger fish to fry than daydreaming about this and that. If the Americans win, then we will lay waste the Cathedral (figuratively or literally as applicable), outlaw its doctrines, and drive its functionaries into the sea (figuratively or literally as applicable). The socially deformative, distorting, and pathogenic influence of Cathedral propaganda having been abolished, everybody will rapidly become normal again, and society free to establish laws, customs and practices suitable to the needs of a modern, well-ordered commercial State as opposed to to a loose confederation of desert tribesmen (as imagined by modern people who aren’t desert tribesmen themselves).

shaman says:

definitely not-Reactionary anymore.

Nobody ever confused you for one, tradcon.

pointless Scholastic hair-splitting

Liar. These discussions elucidate vital principles of the reactionary worldview, without which no Restoration can succeed. You call that “air-splitting” because you don’t like our conclusions, which differ from your Blue Pilled white knight lies.

and the elaboration of frankly hare-brained armchair reform schemes

See, again you are lying. The only harebrained schemes are those of tradcons, whose pathetic loserdom is truly endemic. Your worldview has been wholesale rejected, so now you’re in the business of ankle-biting and concern trolling. Whenever an entryist tells us “stop doing X,” it’s rather conclusive evidence that we must forcefully continue doing X, that we are on the right path. Thus we will continue elucidating the principles of reaction.

a loose confederation of desert tribesmen

You’re talking out of your ass. First Temple law and First Millennium Christian law are not from “desert tribesmen.” Again, whenever an entryist says “stop doing X, it won’t succeed, blah-blah-blah,” it tells us that we are doing something right and should continue doing so – in this case, it’s explaining our precise positions about the Woman Problem, which as a tradcon you have nothing to contribute to.

Doug Smythe says:

Yeah don’t worry about it @shaman I have *no* intention of interfering in your LARPing and talking stupid, it’s one of the few rights a guy really has nowadays.

>First Temple law and First Millennium Christian law are not from “desert tribesmen.”

Maybe they had a hidden industrialized commercial republic down there in ancient Israel, I haven’t checked the archaeological record lately mind you, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t. It could also be possible that Christ revealed a complete civil law system valid for all times and places to His disciples, but my Bible doesn’t record it, only a requirement that Christians obey the will of the temporal Sovereign in civil matters as though the will of God wherever they happen to be.

Are you ever the idiot. I have never read or met anything as stupid in my entire life. You’re a fool Shaman, and also a chump for not monetizing the acumen you have for talking half-baked revisionist nonsense when if you just got with the mainstream Left you’d have an endowed chair at an Ivy by now, instead of doing it for free in the thoughtcrime blogs where a guy *used* to be able to go to get away from all the bullshit that goes in at the University and get a straight answer about things. To each his own I guess; don’t give a fuck actually.

jim says:

> > First Temple law and First Millennium Christian law are not from “desert tribesmen.”

> Maybe they had a hidden industrialized commercial republic down there in ancient Israel,

The nature of women has not changed in a million years. First Temple Israel and First Millenium Christianity faced and solved the very difficult problem of handing female sexuality in cities, which problem we are spectacularly, horrifyingly, and catastrophically failing to solve.

We should not sneer at the social technology of people who survived, when we are heading for extinction.

shaman says:

I have *no* intention of interfering

And yet, you never stop posting here, never stop concern trolling, and never stop ankle biting, like the little bitch you are.

your LARPing and talking stupid

What have Tard-Cucks (tradcons) ever achieved, again? Oh, right: Nothing. This movement has no need of Blue Pilled losers. We are moving the Overton Window. You’re just a whiner.

Maybe they had a hidden industrialized commercial republic down there in ancient Israel, I haven’t checked the archaeological record lately mind you, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t.

Yes, capitalism is ancient, and existed in Solomon’s time. First Temple Jewry were not “desert tribesmen.” You can join your friend CR in denying that, though. Entryists of a feather flock together!

It could also be possible that Christ revealed a complete civil law system valid for all times and places to His disciples

Strawman. Nobody here ever suggested anything remotely similar. But it’s interesting that you’re allergic to the Logos and allergic to Nature or Nature’s God (Gnon), as you seek to interfere in our elucidation of reactionary principles.

Christians obey the will of the temporal Sovereign in civil matters as though the will of God wherever they happen to be.

You’re quoting scripture like the Devil. That you passionately and enthusiastically support the banning of all guns is one thing, but that you justify it with “This is the will of God” is a whole ‘nother level of nuts.

half-baked revisionist nonsense

[Citation Needed]

a straight answer about things.

Jim, myself, and others here have given you abundant straight answers, as straight as you’ll ever get. You’re just butt-mad and triggered that we vehemently disagree with and reject your white knight Blue Pilled frame. Well, I’m glad that I triggered you, and will gladly do so again.

don’t give a fuck actually.

Then GTFO.

shaman says:

Christians obey the will of the temporal Sovereign in civil matters as though the will of God wherever they happen to be.

You are telling us that we must obey the Cathedral in all matters. Not so, and definitely not the will of God. Jesus instructed the Jews not to rebel against the Romans, and Paul instructed his audience to keep the law of the land – which absolutely doesn’t mean that evil laws must never be opposed, or that the earthly Kingdom is always right about all matters. Evil laws issued by an evil authority, such as mandatory trannyism issued by the Cathedral, must be opposed by all means available.

jim says:

> Evil laws issued by an evil authority, such as mandatory trannyism issued by the Cathedral, must be opposed by all means available.

“all means” is a little too sweeping. Warlike means against evil authority are limited by the natural and divine law of war – which requires, among other things, right authority – someone capable of deciding war for everyone or peace for everyone.

If the Trump counter coup and counter counter coup continue to get hotter, then it will indeed be “all means”, including napalm bombardment with heavy artillery. Yes, then we shall force the trannies to get out of the faces of decent people by physical violence, and more importantly, redevelop Harvard and sell it in small lots for housing, offices, and apartment buildings. Until then, all non violent means.

Doug Smythe says:

>Evil laws issued by an evil authority […] must be opposed by all means available.

LOL your behaviour on this forum all makes perfect sense now. Sorry Shaman or OFFICER or whatever the fuck they call you: I am a strictly law abiding citizen myself, and I very much doubt that you’ll be able to goad anyone here into committing crimes more serious than tearing off the tag on the mattress that says “do not remove this tag”. But nice try there Fed.

shaman says:

Lame. (Who said anything about crimes?)

There’s an interesting phenomenon here, in that I literally make the exact same arguments as Jim — or, indeed, more moderate arguments than Jim — but then a bunch of cowardly entryists who really don’t want Jim to put them on Moderation and to delete their waste of reader bandwidth try to single me out, and direct all their tearful venom against me, instead of criticizing Jim directly for his positions. Hey, I’m not complaining: I want you to do this, that’s partly why I’m here.

You will not single me out for advocating precisely what Jim advocates, or milder versions thereof.

I will single you out.

Doug Smythe says:

The really interesting phenomenon is how I’ve been commenting here for >3years and never had any serious trouble with anyone until three weeks ago when I said that NRx should take tactical stances in order to keep the violent extremists away- and lo and behold you show up out of nowhere with all your pissant ad-homs, transparently manipulative attempts to style yourself the holiest Brahmin in all NRx and the one true disciple of Jim, etc.

I’m sure you will continue to single me out, after all it *is* your job as an undercover LEO to try to chase away anybody who might cramp your style in your attempt to meme people here into doing/saying something illegal. Good luck with that though.

shaman says:

You see fed, there are a whole lot of creative and non-illegal ways to oppose evil laws and evil policies (such as the Cathedral’s child tranny stuff and so forth); therefore, by telling us, “The only way to oppose evil laws is by outright committing crimes,” you are the one goading the readers into dark alleys.

I stand by the statement that evil laws issued by an evil authority must be opposed (“opposed” =/= “transgressed”) by all means available.

Inferring from this “Go out and commit crimes!” makes you a fed, not me. There are different methods to avoid compliance with state-mandated Moloch worship short of behavior that lands one in prison. For instance, moving to a different, saner state, as Jim himself has done. Or even just publicly calling to change the law, as we’re doing right here. I’m sure you can think of other opposition methods that don’t involve criminal behavior, but you won’t tell us, because as a fed it’s your job to equate opposition to evil laws with criminality.

I’ve been commenting here for >3years

I’ve been for at least 5, as Friendly Fred can testify.

never had any serious trouble with anyone

You literally devote your blog to telling Jim that he is a horrible, horrible person, and that NRx is egregiously extreme. I’ve already linked to your blog. Need I do so again?

three weeks ago when I said that NRx should take tactical stances in order to keep the violent extremists away

Sure, I never disagreed with that. Who ever promoted violence? Ah, right: You are promoting it, by telling us that the only way to oppose evil laws issued by an evil authority is to commit crimes and go to prison. I certainly never said or implied anything like that.

you show up out of nowhere

Again: Been here long before you, will be here long after you.

with all your pissant ad-homs

You never stop lying and never stop being a hypocrite, do you? Your entire thing right now is ad hominem attacks against anyone who disagrees with the Blue Pill account of female sexuality.

transparently manipulative attempts to style yourself the holiest Brahmin in all NRx

Nuts. All I ever do is state my positions, which are — for the millionth time (!) — less extreme than Jim’s. Yes, apparently I do so quite compellingly, so tradcons like you resent me for it. Well, sucks for you.

the one true disciple of Jim, etc.

Never said or implied that. Look at Jim’s blogroll and look at 90% of this comment section: Lots of true disciples of Jim. I’m nothing special, really, except that I possess the unique capacity to accurately sniff out entryists and kick them out one after the other – which is why they are so butthurt specifically over me.

after all it *is* your job as an undercover LEO to try to chase away anybody who might cramp your style in your attempt to meme people here into doing/saying something illegal.

Okay, you got me: The Mossad sent me here so I can agree with Jim about his positions and point out that Tard-Cucks are entryists who should GTFO, and that given your equation of opposition to the Cathedral with criminality, that you are possibly a federal agent.

shaman says:

Jim, I agree. No need to resort to violent means when there are plenty of non-violent means, such as simply moving somewhere else.

(The comment above was directed solely at federal agent Doug)

Not Tom says:

The really interesting phenomenon is how I’ve been commenting here for >3years and never had any serious trouble with anyone until three weeks ago when I said that NRx should take tactical stances in order to keep the violent extremists away

What are you on about now? People are piling on you here because you keep pooping out smelly blue pills and autistically (or perhaps on purpose) ignoring or reframing everyone’s good-faith attempts to correct them.

I, for one, didn’t even know who you were until about a week ago or whenever precisely you entered this discussion. I certainly haven’t seen anything from you relating to violent extremists. I think you’re vastly overestimating your own notoriety.

I’d estimate a solid third of the conversations here are about weeding out the low-IQ violent idiots, most of whom are actually feds larping as low-IQ violent idiots. In fact I don’t think any other blogger/community does half as good a job at making sure they’re either banned or ridiculed.

shaman says:

I think that we all agree that, to the extent possible, the law should be obeyed. I’ve never suggested or implied criminal action to oppose mandatory child trannyism – not because the law is sacrosanct and “the will of God” (as Doug satanically claims), but because criminal action, and most certainly any sort of violent criminal action, is not nearly the most effective way to do so. You can’t actually oppose the Cathedral from within a dank prison cell, can you?

Doug is just desperately rolling out all the ad hominems at his disposal — no matter how far fetched they are — to divert attention from the fact that this is an ideological issue, and that his ideology has been completely annihilated here. Thus, latching on to a cherry picked half-sentence I made in order to denounce me as a fed, which disingenuous cherry picking actually raises the likelihood that he is one, given his equation of opposition to the Cathedral with violent criminality.

We will continue supporting Jim and opposing tardcon / fed entryists.

jim says:

> I think that we all agree that, to the extent possible, the law should be obeyed.

Not exactly. Rather, one should refrain from open violent disobedience or collective armed disobedience until the time for war arrives. Don’t engage in warlike acts, don’t openly organize for war, at least not without an adequate cover story. If on the other hand inconvenient people causing problems are prone to mysterious disappearance, well, these things happen, no idea why.

The feds always want you to blow up a preschool. Don’t do that. Similarly, don’t cause trannies to disappear. Unless they are bothering your sons. The reason I got on OK with that female pretending to be a male is that her pretense at being male collapsed in the presence of my pretense at being alpha. To the extent she held male identify, she was disgusting.

shaman says:

Doug wrote:

Those who talk about using violence personally also have to be purged, since by doing this you not only automatically pollute yourself into social exclusion by Brahmins (Brahmins by definition don’t bear arms and are typically forbidden by custom from even showing anger or seeing violence w/out feeling polluted) but mark yourself out as somebody born to take orders and not give them i.e. a common soldier or cop.

This goes above all for various keyboard warriors who believe that their crappy little 9 or .45, or AR-15 lookalike, gives them magical powers to individually opt out of Leftist rule. We might even want to consider *tactical* (not sincere or principled) support for assault weapon and handgun bans just to keep this element away and solidify our Brahmin cred.

We have already explained to him that this is not the NRx position, and that he is a total retard. He did not address the refutation. No, instead of addressing the refutation as an intellectually honest person would do, he wrote in this very thread right here:

Abortion/birth control should be dangerous, highly illegal, and rare. Like hard drugs, illegal handguns, etc.

This is a glaring obvious motte and bailey argument, in which he is telling us, on the one hand, that as priests we must disavow all guns completely, and then switches to “Oh, this is just to solidify our Brahmin cred, not sincerely.” But, as per usual, he then goes back to telling us that guns should be “dangerous, highly illegal, and rare.”

So this guy, who devotes his blog to calling Jim and NRx nasty names, who is pushing the Blue Pill every chance he has, and who is telling us to support bans against “assault weapons and handguns,” has the audacity to accuse members of this community of being feds merely for stating that Jim is right about the Woman Question.

He is an entryist on all levels. He knows it, we know it. One has to wonder who is paying him to keep posting here, despite our vehement rejection of all his positions.

Starman says:

@Doug Smythe

You don’t need a republics to have an industrial technological society, tradcon entryist.

Starman says:

@Doug Smythe

Since you failed the Redpill on women test, here’s a RedPill on race test…

Which option is better:
A) Let white patriarchs have whatever rifle and handgun they like.
B) Ban guns. Guns are the problem, not Tyrone Shitavious

shaman says:

It really is amazing, isn’t it? Someone who literally says:

We might even want to consider […] support for assault weapon and handgun bans.

Implying that he is one of us: “Hail fellow reactionaries.” And then, without responding to our objections to his glaringly obvious leftist ideological entryism, goes on to say that possession of handguns should be:

[D]angerous, highly illegal, and rare.

Has the unparalleled chutzpah to tell an entire community that the only way to oppose the Cathedral is violent criminality.

This is Jim’s blog, and Jim should moderate it as he sees fit. That said, if someone showed up on one of the many forums and communities that I used to moderate — no links available, sorry guys — and promoted one fed position after the other, his comments would appear as:

[Deleted for fedposting]

And then he would be IP banned.

Because someone who on the one hand consistently promoted the banning of guns (and told us that he was a “fellow reactionary” while at it), and who on the other hand equated all opposition to the Cathedral with violent criminality, is — more likely than not — being handled. That such a person is also a fanatical Blue Piller kinda leaves few doubts about the matter.

Busted, fed-boy Doug.

NRx does not currently advocate any sort of illegal action against the Cathedral’s pozzed Moloch worshiping tranny minions – later on, it possibly will, but it’s not yet the time, and when it is the time, NRx will probably be completely off-line anyway.

And ideally, it won’t ever be necessary to advocate anything illegally violent, one reason being that after the Restoration, it simply won’t be an illegal deed to physically remove whatever Satanic boy-diddling drag queens and other such infernal demons that remain, to cleanse the grotesque filth out of society.

This, so I believe, is Jim’s position, as stated in a comment above. But currently, prior to the upcoming bloody civil war, and prior to the Restoration, I think we all agree that the law should be obeyed to the extent possible.

And NRx does not support bans against assault weapons and handguns, for any reason. Anyone pulling off a “Greetings fellow dissidents – let’s support bans against handguns” is an obvious leftist entryist, and likely a hostile, malicious, and bloodthirsty federal agent who wants us all dead.

When the chronic Blue Piller Doug tells us that handguns must be exclusively confined to “illicit markets” (his actual words), and that they must be:

inaccessible to the average middle-class normie.

He is promoting a federal agent position, unsuccessfully disguised as a reactionary position.

That’s why he is constantly ankle biting and concern trolling, and why he refuses to GTFO. That’s what feds do – they stay until someone kicks them out and slams the door shut.

Not Tom says:

This is a glaring obvious motte and bailey argument, in which he is telling us, on the one hand, that as priests we must disavow all guns completely, and then switches to “Oh, this is just to solidify our Brahmin cred, not sincerely.” But, as per usual, he then goes back to telling us that guns should be “dangerous, highly illegal, and rare.”

As someone who spends a lot of time around Brahmins, I can confirm that Doug’s account of Brahmins is completely, totally, and beyond any shadow of a doubt, absolutely f***ing asscrackers.

There are a lot of Brahmins who own firearms. Not all, perhaps not even most, but more than enough to completely obliterate the characterization as an anti-gun monolith.

Brahmins aren’t anti-gun. They just don’t want anyone else to own guns, unless it’s someone they control. Just look at their attitude to Redneck Revolt, and their curious silence on gun control after the ICE terrorist made headlines.

Doug Smythe says:

>I’ve already linked to your blog. Need I do so again?

I’d be delighted. The one article you tout is more timely than ever in fact- the main point in writing it was to urge people to consider just how the things they write might sound when read aloud- by YOU that is- to a jury that might not find the epistemological critique of anti-concepts and the like to be a convincing defense, especially after you get through wildly quoting them out of context. You’ve already shown considerable acumen at doing the latter, no doubt through having done it to who knows how many militants and dissidents in your LE career, and thus have unintentionally done the valuable service of letting the public know just what to expect. Cops are really stupid, and also unbelievably easy and fun to troll (since as a cop you have Kshatriya values and take online insults much more seriously than most people would, responding with a wall of spazzpoasts instead of just telling me to fuck off the way an ordinary civilian of whatever caste would). I look forward to many more years of doing it to you while blowing the whistle on you officer Thoughtcrime Dog McGruff!

shaman says:

You should back up your false claims with some kind of evidence. You say that I quoted you out of context: Prove it. The audience enjoys entertaining ad hominems, but if they aren’t in line with anything real, if they’re repetitious, likely to eventually be censored.

By the way, you write:

sound when read aloud- by YOU that is- to a jury that might not find the epistemological critique of anti-concepts and the like to be a convincing defense

Jim has already addressed that here:

You keep telling us that our optics are bad. Funny; seems to me that the optics of being a loser white knight blue piller, who deserves to be beaten through the streets (Jim’s and Cominator’s recommendation, which I merely endorse), and whose slut daughter may have been penetrated by the whole town, is much worse optics.

Why are you telling us to support banning weaponry if you’re not a fed, again? Perhaps you should elaborate on why real reactionaries should support banning rifles and firearms.

shaman says:

By the way, when you write:

I look forward to many more years

Well, now I’m concerned! See, I have no intention wasting years trolling you. If you want to drag this on, despite the inevitable emotional draining that will be inflicted on you, then you’re either a true fed, or insane.

Being constantly told, e.g., that your daughter — assuming you have one, which is a fair assumption, though not a certainty — swallows big swinging dicks from sketchy tattooed strangers at the bar, that your wife has probably participated in “avid” anal orgies with Tyrone before settling down with a low-T beta cuck like you (she’ll never tell you), that generally you talk like a gay and your shit is all retarded, and so on and so forth, is emotionally vexing. Normal people don’t like being ruthlessly insulted by everyone, as you’re going to be.

Go on explaining why all opposition to evil laws is criminal, and why “we” must support banning guns.

Also, Jim writes:

If on the other hand inconvenient people causing problems are prone to mysterious disappearance, well, these things happen, no idea why.

And this applies to cyberspace as well. Lots of people mysteriously disappear from internet communities where they aren’t particularly well appreciated. These things do happen, for some reason.

Anonymix says:

I don’t approve of all your previous bullicides, shaman, but this one rightfully deserves a thorough whacking. Godspeed.

Doug Smythe says:

>We should not sneer at the social technology of people who survived, when we are heading for extinction.

I don’t mean to sneer at their or any other society’s social technology, just that their social technology was developed by their wise men for them and might not be readily exportable to the present. I personally am interested in looking into the immediate past of our own societies for solutions (ex. coverture) that were abandoned only because the Cathedral deemed them immoral, and often only as recently as the 1960s.

shaman says:

Oh look, the tradcon ankle-biter who got the WRP questions wrong keeps posting – MASOCHIST?

I don’t mean to sneer

Jim is telling you that calling the Old Testament Hebrews “desert tribesmen” in the context of discussing their successful social technology is indeed sneering. What you “mean” to do is wholly irrelevant.

might not be readily exportable to the present.

That is not even the actual position which you’ve been repeatedly posting here. What you are saying is that marriage-by-abduction has never worked, and principally cannot work, because loserdads won’t allow it. And we are telling you that it did work just fine, and that it will once again.

I personally am interested in looking into the immediate past of our own societies… as recently as the 1960s.

Yes, and that is why everyone here calls you a bluepiller and an entryist, and tells you to piss the fuck out of here.

Heck, even when you say that you are:

definitely not-Reactionary anymore.

You are lying, because you have never been a reactionary or a neoreactionary or a right-winger of any kind.

Now explain why you consistently support banning our guns, faggot.

Is it because you’re a federal agent who wants Americans to be physically unable to resist the coming war against them?

Or is it because you think that it makes you sound “intelligent” and “sophisticated” that you counter-signal sane positions and embrace totally insane ones?

Or is it because you’re just naturally low-testosterone and weak, hence red-blooded real men scare you shitless, so you urgently seek to emasculate them?

Which one is it?

Starman says:

@Doug Smythe

Aren’t you going to answer my question on the race RedPill? It’s a simple fork in the road question, I wonder why you refuse to answer, entryist.

shaman says:

Agent Smythe, an advocate for gun-grabbing and passionate supporter of the AoC as “better than nothing,” doesn’t answer questions that might veer off his handlers’ script.

Reminder that Jim says:

After the restoration, those who preach the blue pill should be beaten through the streets.

Soyboy Smythe should’ve got the hint, should’ve realized, “Yeah, I guess I don’t really fit in here despite my best efforts at entryism – bye, fellas.” But no, being a fed, he keeps going on and on, even though we’ve made our intention clear to treat Agent Soyboy the way “child molesters” are treated in prison.

He keeps preaching the Blue Pill, and will continue doing so until his lying tongue is cut off – literally or metaphorically.

Doug Smythe says:

Constable Shaman wrote:

[torrent of impotent cop-rage that was even lulzier than I thought it would be]

shaman says:

Like all entryists: You are unresponsive, and hardly even amusing. You need to broaden your repertoire, the way Tyrone broadened your wife’s asshole; if you’re just going to call me a cop in every post, not gonna fly.

Answer the questions we are asking you, faggot.

Doug Smythe says:

OMFG I can’t believe this, you even *sound* like a cop. “Answer the questions”. LOL, make me! Oh wait, you can’t. And even if we were in the interrogation room I’d still say that and dare you to kick my ass, knowing that you wouldn’t (even though you could probably do it easily; physically I’m not very strong, kind of living stereotype of pipe-smoking bow-tie-wearing conservative research-institute kind of guy) . See this is why people don’t respect cops or take them seriously anymore, and why I laugh myself silly at, instead of being offended by, your insults, because they’re ballsless. It would be like taking offense at a circus clown b/c he sprayed with water from his trick lapel. Hey constable, I think I see Antifa laughing at you and directing traffic in your precinct again…

shaman says:

Well, I was going to drop another cool parody diss track, but honestly I don’t even feel like bothering this time around; your situation is not even funny. Sad? Sad.

I humbly hypothesized, regarding your support for gun-grabbing:

Or is it because you think that it makes you sound “intelligent” and “sophisticated” that you counter-signal sane positions and embrace totally insane ones?

Or is it because you’re just naturally low-testosterone and weak, hence red-blooded real men scare you shitless, so you urgently seek to emasculate them?

And now, instead of at least LARPing as an ass-whooping Trad Dad and asking me if I “feel lucky, punk?”, which is what keyboard white knights always do under similar circumstances, you literally come out with:

I’d still say that and dare you to kick my ass, knowing that you wouldn’t (even though you could probably do it easily; physically I’m not very strong, kind of living stereotype of pipe-smoking bow-tie-wearing conservative research-institute kind of guy)

Basically, you confirm my suspicion: You are a natural weakling, physically frail, and what drives you to espouse your Blue-Pilled and leftist positions is actual biological effeminacy. You’re emphatically not a conservative stereotype – you are a leftist academic stereotype, and actually describing yourself as a “Sociologist” should’ve made it obvious in the first place.

You legitimately need to seek psychological and physical help. Hit the gym or something. A healthy mind is often preconditioned on a healthy body – you are mentally ill, because your body is not as it should be.

Curiously, you seem to be really fixated with cops; recall that you said that calling the cops to arrest random men when your slut daughter sexually misbehaves makes instinctive sense to you. So basically, you’re a noodle-armed man, likely manlet, who can be broken as easily as a twig, and therefore expect the Big Scary Goons to protect you and your family from the rest of the world, and your entire ideology, for all its idiosyncrasies, is simply a manifestation of that.

What is this shit? Holy fuck.

Faggot, I’m not a cop, and I’ve spent the last two years advocating for the closure of entire departments of the police. NRx wants to drastically minimize the police’s power and reduce civilian interactions with policemen, although it is opposed to needlessly alienating all policemen, not least because some of them are surely needed for the coup and/or the Restoration.

Civilization needs to be saved from the perniciousness of weak men like you and like your fellow leftist academics. Even if you consider your intentions to be essentially good, they truly aren’t – you are part of the problem, and mentally aberrant, apparently due to some kind of hormonal dysfunction. (I really mean it, and am on record right here saying the exact same thing to others who’ve exhibited the same mental aberration as you do) You confuse your soyboy instincts for fatherly instincts, which is a prevalent phenomenon. Your weltanschauung is cancer, and I’m viscerally averse to it, just as — evidently — you are allergic to mine, perhaps in addition to literal allergies.

I’m actually a bit triggered by your admission of physical weakness, obviously not for the reason you’d expect.

It’s all so tiresome.

You’ve just discredited yourself more than I ever could.

Doug Smythe says:

@shaman You haven’t made fun of my writing style yet.

shaman says:

It’s pretentious, as can be expected from leftist academics, but not so offensive as to merit bullying for it. What is offensive is your weakness and effeminacy; we value the opposite qualities of strength and masculinity (unless you’re a woman), which — contrary to the malicious caricatures depicted by soyboy professors — do not manifest as ostentatious machismo; rather, reflect on the mentality fostered by Bushido, if you will.

You are a living proof of why we need to be ruled by warriors rather than by priests. The priests are white knight blue-pillers who want to grab our guns because they hate red-blooded masculinity and strength, and hate normal male sexuality, hence their incessant attempts to emasculate society and make testosterone illegal. We need a civilization-wide program of wedgies and swirlies – the nerds should obey the jocks, or else.

Not Tom says:

OMFG I can’t believe this, you even *sound* like a cop.

You’ve got a really weird obsession with cops. Phobia, even.

Hmm, now what other groups do we know of that exhibit this trait?

jim says:

People who think crimethoughts don’t worry about cops. They worry about feds.

Doug Smythe says:

Shaman wrote:


I think the term you’re looking for is “smacktard”; somebody who insults somebody else from a distance far enough to avoid getting a swirly from the jocks as punishment for doing it.

2019 is boring says:

Can break you like a twig.

YOU'RE GAY says:

sjws always project; the one (doug) who confessed to being a pussy accuses others of false bravery

nobody likes you here, midwit

2019 is boring says:

The typical blue-piller:

physically I’m not very strong

Every. Single. Time.

These are the kind of effete “men” who regularly get cucked, and who don’t even attempt to control their whorish daughters, so they want to arrest all men, and to grab our guns. I bet his wife is an obese “former” slut who’s several years his senior, and is rarely in the mood (for him, that is).

Is it any wonder that:

We might even want to consider *tactical* (not sincere or principled) support for assault weapon and handgun bans

is followed by:

physically I’m not very strong


There’s certainly a lesson to be learned here.

2019 is boring says:

What is the common denominator in all the following:

But they’re [AoC laws] better than nothing


Can’t go back to non-modern warrior rule or Biblical patriarchy, and most here wouldn’t want to.


We might even want to consider […] support for assault weapon and handgun bans


physically I’m not very strong


A) That’s low-T speaking.
B) That’s a cuck-voice speaking.
C) That’s a leftist infiltrator speaking.
D) All answers are correct.

Frederick Algernon says:


Here’s a question: can lost souls like Doug be rescued by rectifying only one of these problems (head though and ass follows) or are he and the many like him lost causes?

Also, we may have to expand the categorization of entryist models.

– Fed
– Leftists Entryist
– Insane Entryist

– Experimental Entryist

This may overlap both Leftist and Insane, but imagine (taking his self description at face value) some pipe smoking, tweedabound cuckservative professor looking for untapped research fodder trying to mine the reactosphere then getting sucked in.

Doug Smythe says:

@shaman You’re late for work. Get your ass into gear, your jabronis are getting restless.

2019 is boring says:


Here’s a question: can lost souls like Doug be rescued by rectifying only one of these problems (head though and ass follows) or are he and the many like him lost causes?

I’m pessimistic; neuroplasticity applies more to forebrain functions than to hindbrain ones, and someone whose faggotry is as multifaceted as Doug’s most likely has fundamental issues in the very core of his lizard brain – not prone to correction. The only solution is genetic (and, for whatever it’s worth, epigenetic) filtering.

– Experimental Entryist

I can see that; pompous academic cuckservatives writing their theses and doctorates on fringe political movements may actually role-play and get sucked in for a while. What they can’t is blend in, because a lot of politics is pre-verbal, and as mentioned here, they are pre-verbally screwed. I’ll keep that proposed 4th category in mind next time I encounter another white knight in this sphere.


You’re late for work. Get your ass into gear, your jabronis are getting restless.

Like the AIDS-positive chastity-belted cuck you are, you’re just stuck with variations of the same shit. SJWs always say “Trump is orange” and “Trump is cheeto” and so on, and apparently your ANTIFA-tier obsession with cops just won’t give you a rest, so all your insults are pretty much identical.

Doug Smythe says:

Whelp- it looks like my bully isn’t going to show. Perhaps he’s off abducting the daughters of the pres of his local 1% MC for brides while his jabronis break every member of the chapter like twigs. Or not- but what would I know about the world of the super-Kshatriya.

Anyways, I’m starting to understand how the “bullycide” model works.

How Shaman and co. think it works:

“Oh no those super-Kshatriya bullies are scaring me so much the t-blockers in my pocket rattle- I’d better get of here”

How it actually works:

“What exactly am I doing arguing with undercover cops/LARPing mongoloids?”

Anybody actually interested in serious Rightist discussion knows where to find me.

jim says:

Repetitious and unresponsive. Waste of reader bandwidth. Not entertaining.

Moderating you.

The response to “Jim adbucts little girls” has already been given

Respond to that. Continued failure to respond will be censored as unresponsive.

You guys said that already. We replied. Respond to our reply. Continued repetition of the blue pill is unresponsive.

2019 is boring says:

Perhaps he’s off abducting the daughters of the pres of his local 1% MC for brides

Yes, heard it all before, everyone who disagrees with the Blue Pill is a child-molesting predator who randomly abducts 8-year-olds off the street because he is just so evil. Just how many cocks have you slurped today? (Rhetorical; the day isn’t over yet)

his jabronis break every member of the chapter like twigs.

Repetitive and unoriginal.

undercover cops/LARPing mongoloids

Again: You just can’t break the habit of using the same insult over and over and over again, which is a characteristic of both medium-IQ dipshits who write pretentiously (and you are an incorrigible sophist, so the shoe fits exactly) and academic leftists who sincerely think that “GUYS, TRUMP IS ORANGE – HAHAHA” is absolutely genius comedy.

Anybody actually interested in serious Rightist discussion knows where to find me.

At the YMCA, getting “yucky” with the boys, presumably.

Frederick Algernon says:

Taking bets on whether Ladyboy Doug pulls a CR and enters/exits multiple times ITT.

Anonymix says:

He’ll probably come back for more because hardly anyone reads or comments on his blog.

2019 is boring says:

World’s Greatest (Gayest) Daddy claims to seek serious discussion, yet he won’t respond to Jim e.g. here:

The irony is that we are trying to maintain a genuine debate with him about his CR-like positions, but every time he gets intellectually trounced (i.e., every time he says something at all), he immediately switches to concern trolling a la “Oh no, your optics are so bad, you have to fix your optics,” to be shortly followed by the ever hilarious and ever ingenious “You are police officers!”

I’m not particularly fond of VD’s overused “gamma midwit” characterization, but God damn, it hits the nail right on the head with this pathetic, snivelling, dickless sad sack.

shaman says:

“What exactly am I doing arguing with undercover cops/LARPing mongoloids?”

The only one here who thinks that is you, pansy-faced Tard-Cuck. I understand that your torn-apart rectum bleeds from all the pegging that your wife’s Big Black Bisexual Boyfriend has tragicomically inflicted on you, that on a daily basis you are forced to wear an oversized diaper on top the permanently attached BDSM devices, and that your balls are Literally Shaking in the presence of non-geldings, but your miserable condition is not shared by the rest of us.

Out, cuckboi.

Not Tom says:

Moderation notwithstanding, I’m kind of impressed at how in a single thread we were able to break Doug’s huffy and pretentious little “former reactionary, now so totally over you losers” facade and watch him degenerate into prosaic, unfunny and vaguely needy insults revealing a severely damaged ego with weak and pathetic inner monologue.

Bullying works. Those who cannot hold their composure are apt to bring many other problems to the table.

jim says:

He went silent when I put him on moderation. I have not actually moderated anything from him yet.

Not going to stand for that child molester line. We have answered it already, and repetition is tedious. Further, it is projection. The blue pillers talk tough, but if they are frightened to restrain little girls from going to an Ariana Grande concert, how are they going to handle drag queen story hour? Tell us that little girls would never do anything bad at an Ariana Grande concert, therefore would never do anything bad unless physically coerced.

The blue pill is fear and weakness visible. The blue pill is failing a shit test. The strong horse has better optics than the weak horse.

Ron says:

I will redouble my non-nasty efforts

BC says:

I want a USA 2035 in which one’s 14-year-old daughter can be allowed to go shopping or to an afternoon movie in the neighborhood with a couple of 14 year old friends without the assumption that she’s now up for grabs. Yes, you can’t depend on HER self-control, but you should be able to depend on the self-control of the other men in the neighborhood.

When my sister hit 11 years I had to start escorting here around if she need to go somewhere without our parents. I didn’t understand why at the time, but I do now. When the restoration happens, that will be the norm. Male family members will escort virgin women around to keep them from running off.

Bob says:

I’m curious, not concern-trolling or whatever. Did your sister display instinctual behavior to put herself in compromising environments? Mine did.

jim says:

My nieces (high IQ, upper class, elite education, but, like the Rotherham girls, deprived of a father) showed instinctive behavior to head towards dangerous situations at a ridiculously early age. Their grandmother, my mother, seemed far more aware of this than their mother, who was, like the Rotherham mothers, strangely oblivious. When they, considerably later, much later, developed boobs, their mother (upper class, very high IQ, elite education) was also strangely oblivious her latest lover putting the moves on them.

This sounds too much like Saudi Arabia to me and a waste of useful male productivity. The West was able to make do with female chaperones on the basis that older women are envious enough of younger women that they won’t let them do anything funny.

Not Tom says:

(5) the law ought to promote decision-making by fathers as to whom their daughters will have sex with. (6) The law can promote this through the criminal prosecution of men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission to these men to have sex with them

You’ve smuggled in (unintentionally, I’m sure) a hidden premise: that the men who have sex with girls whose fathers have not given permission are the ones responsible for the sex. Since we reject that premise, we reject your argument.

The law can far better promote decision-making by fathers by (a) enthusiastically supporting arranged marriage, which we agree on, and (b) penalizing fathers who fail to uphold their responsibilities, e.g. shotgun marriage.

It’s carrot and stick. You want the carrot, but no stick. You want fathers to be able to waffle indefinitely waiting for the “perfect” husband; to ignore or suppress the daughter’s sexuality, which will lead to domestic strife and public anti-social behavior including fornication. You want there to be no consequences at all for fathers who mistreat their daughters this way, while heaping consequences on men who might have no idea who her father is and aren’t thinking with their brains anyway.

And as Jim has said, a single pin can pop a thousand balloons. Even if your proposal was morally superior (which it’s not, because it makes incorrect assumptions about human nature), the plain truth is that it doesn’t work. In fact it’s even worse than that; it gives an unfair advantage to cads who conceal their real identities in order to pump and dump. Even in small-town rural America, it creates a market for traveling cads. They have the advantage because you’ll end up with a surplus of unescorted women, with law-abiding men who are too afraid to make a move.

What is the point of having a law that doesn’t change social outcomes at all, but does brand a lot of normal men as criminals and makes it easier for actual criminals to profit?

Anonymous says:

(Offtopic) I’m wondering if this guy active in 2016–2017 had criticisms about NRx worth responding to, or if he was just some kind of entryist? I am not capable of summarising his criticisms, so I’ll just leave the link here.

jim says:

“I no longer consider the ideas developed here as reactionary, neoreactionary or otherwise in any shape”

Not an entryist.

If an entryist, would be telling us that he is a reactionary and a neoreactionary, that progressive ideas are reactionary, that reactionary ideas are Jewish, that Trump is an orange Jewish pedophile, and that it is time to organize to blow up a preschool and to alienate the police and the military.

Entryists display an obvious allergic reaction to Trump, to their country’s flag, to the Bible, to God, to the Incarnation,(though they are hip with Jesus as Jewish community organizer and anti Roman Revolutionary) and most of all, to the red pill, which afflicts them like holy water on a vampire.

Doug Smythe says:

He developed his own school of thought, and has a book about it coming out soon (I have no idea when).

2019 is boring says:

RF’s ideology — Neoabsolutism — is remarkably similar to CR’s: Everything should be top-down organized by the despot, and if you disagree then you’re a “liberal”; RF literally argues that Communism is “more right-wing” (i.e., more on the side of Order vs. Disorder) than Libertarianism, for that reason. However, if he now explicitly admits that he isn’t a reactionary or a neoreactionary, then as Jim says, not an entryist, or no longer an entryist.

Not Tom says:

more on the side of Order vs. Disorder

One of the reasons I believe NRx will outlive all of these other fad ideologies is that NRx – generally, and in my experience – avoids this type of rigid binary thinking.

Too many autists out there are frankly obsessed with a left-right axis, and think they’ve achieved brilliance by redefining the extremes: authoritarian vs. libertarian, globalism vs. nationalism, philosemitism vs. anti-semitism, chaos vs. order, Satanism vs. Christianity, feminine vs. masculine, virgins vs. chads, freaks vs. normals, ideologues vs. populists, progress vs. tradition… tedious and boring.

Of course you need a catechism to decide who is in and who is out; but if your catechism can be reduced to a single word, if it’s always some kind of “scale” with no limiting principle, then it’s always going to be vulnerable to both entryism and holiness spirals. Neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament defined themselves on such an axis; they didn’t give ways to be “more biblical” or “more Christian”, those were heretical innovations from much later on.

Effective rule is admitting “this is the way we are” and finding ways to work with that. Humans crave order, but not infinite centralized order.

jim says:

God is Gnon, and the new testament tells us to stop deducing “ought” from “ought”. The faith must acknowledge and teach the nature of man.

2019 is boring says:

In large part I agree, though a caveat is that Left-wing and Right-wing do map to real ideological camps; left-wingers are a natural type, and right-wingers are a natural type – I believe Moldbug takes a similar stance.

You are right that obsessing over it, turning that into some sort of binding axis, using that as an ultimate guide to deduce political positions and general principles, is clearly wrong and liable to result in an excessively abstract worldview – hence the autism of RF.

Not Tom says:

Most definitely: significant group differences in conscientiousness and agreeableness, disgust thresholds, time preference, novelty-seeking, and so on.

The difference between natural left-wingers and natural right-wingers is like the difference between Negroes and White Americans, or Jews and Gentiles: real and important, and significantly biological in origin, but not something you can cleave a single straight line through without leaving a lot of people on the wrong side. Demanding a straight line is what entryists do and can lead to absurd outcomes like Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin being labeled “right” and Vox Day and Moldbug being labeled “left”.

Cuckservatives, for example, are probably natural rightists, but still not welcome in NRx except as a passive audience.

>The difference between natural left-wingers and natural right-wingers is like the difference between Negroes and White Americans, or Jews and Gentiles: real and important, and significantly biological in origin,

That would imply people don’t change their ideologies. They do. They tend to get more conservative as they age. E.g. 20 years ago I used to have my own version of liberalism that, while showing little empathy for losers and generally did not signal compassion, I absolutely did signal “smartassness” by thrashing everything like religion, nationalism, tribalism, any idea not super logical even if empirically true as utter retarded idiocy. To wake up from this was long and difficult. It started with getting a job after the university and realizing in the real life actually finishing a task in time and well even when you don’t really know why your method worked is better than having a perfectly logical and smart opinion about things but not producing…

Besides a significantly large voting block of the Left are not Leftist-minded, they are simply racial-ethnic minorities who are “right-wing” in the sense of tribalism, group cohesion, social order, religion etc. only difference is that they are doing it in favor of their own group and largely against the majority group. If kicked back to their own country, or founding one (thinking Israel) these people transition to being entirely right-wing as a matter of course. I mean, when cuckservatives say Hispanics are natural conservatives they aren’t entirely wrong in the sense that they probably don’t like gays and feminism much, the issue is that their group interests are directly opposed to that of the whites so they gonna vote Dem. Well, I am not sure about this, being Euro, but over here 100% sure it is true about the Turkish minority here and likely other Muslim ones.

Not Tom says:

That would imply people don’t change their ideologies.

It would not imply that, because significantly biological is not exclusively biological. Individuals can change their ideas, as well as their physical bodies and personality traits, with significant effort – but most don’t, and those who do, typically only to a limited degree.

This of course does not account for preference falsification, where NPCs claim to support things they don’t actually support, or even understand. There is a massive amount of this going on, which is why a coup could easily reset the overton window to pre-1950s and maybe pre-20C levels (preference cascade).

They tend to get more conservative as they age.

Aside from individual exceptions as noted above, boomers as a demographic have approximately the exact same ideas they had in the 1960s. They appear “more conservative” not because their ideas have changed, but because the overton window has shifted left.

Some ideas change as incentives change – for example most older people want lower income taxes because they’re earning a wage – but they still expect the government to pay for everything it currently pays for, if not more (e.g. health care), and for the most part haven’t changed their social views at all.

It would be more accurate to say that people become more nostalgic as they age, not more conservative. Significant ideological change requires very strong influences and/or a personal commitment.

Besides a significantly large voting block of the Left are not Leftist-minded, they are simply racial-ethnic minorities who are “right-wing” in the sense of tribalism, group cohesion, social order, religion etc.

Jews are a strange exception here, and I believe Israeli Jews are actually a substantially different demographic from American Jews, e.g. the American cohort includes a ton of literal Communists, Soviet “refugees”, etc. My sample size isn’t huge, but I’ve observed that the more conservative Jews are the ones who emigrated from Europe before or near the very beginning of WWII.

The other leftist voting blocs are very much leftist-minded. Audacious has done impressive research on this. The browns, blacks and even East Asians are all far more socialistic and libertine – high time preference. It’s not just idpol, not just who they vote for, but the actual policies and ideas they support.

jim says:

clarifying my position:

Prisoner’s dilemma with a limited number of iterations leads to defect/defect equilibrium, leading to failure to form families and failure to reproduce. Coercion backed by family, society, Church and State is needed to ensure cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Children need to be raised in one household, and one ship needs one captain, and that captain has to be the man, for the female reaction to househusbands is well known.

Female sexuality is antisocial and dangerous. If women had their way, one male would kill all the others and enslave all the women into his harem. Thus female sexuality needs to be under male control – needs to be under the control of husbands, and under the control of fathers until it is husband time. All women are like that. Female sexuality, not male sexuality, is the big problem. Women disrupt male cooperation.

Women need to be transferred from the authority of fathers to the authority of husbands in a timely manner, and the authority of the husband has to trump the authority of the father. Late transfer and retention of paternal authority is antisocial and a chronic failure mode of societies that have strong patriarchy.

To avoid a population of male virgins dwelling in their mothers basements, need a one pussy per customer rule. Chastity and monogamy are male impositions on women, that need to be imposed with a stick. Monogamy and chastity is men imposing their will on women. Chastity and monogamy are restraints on women, not men, and need to be enforced on women, against women, not against men, hence the double standard. Chastity and Monogamy are intended to give men what they want (virgin, faithful and obedient wives, and to deny women what they want (General Butt Naked, or failing him, Jeremy Meeks). Chastity is rule by husbands over women, and Monogamy is a chance for the regular guy to become a patriarch, giving him an incentive to work, to pay taxes, to fight for order, property, peace, society, tribe, King, and God. Give women half a chance, they will overthrow chastity in no time flat, but that does not lead to the regular male getting more pussy. It leads to Jeremy Meeks getting more pussy.

As history amply demonstrates, anyone who opposes the double standard, opposes chastity and monogamy. Whosoever is supposedly in favor of these rules being supposedly imposed on both women and men, is in practice not in favor of imposing them on women, and since one pin can prick a thousand balloons, attempting to impose them on men has no effect on what we care about, the supply of female virgins. It just means that Jeremy Meeks pops all the balloons, at least until General Butt Naked shows up in town.

And having put the preliminaries that everyone agrees upon, time to address the hard problem; Transfer from fathers to husbands.

To reproduce, husband has to have authority. He cannot be beta to her father. He has to be alpha, and his father in law must treat him as a fellow alpha when in his father in law’s house, and as the big alpha when the father in law is in his son in law’s house.

A chronic failure mode of patriarchal society is delayed marriage, and excessive authority for fathers at the expense of husbands. Therefore, at some point, state, Church, and society, has to start approving of women who blow off dads and submit to husbands – while disapproving fiercely of women who jump onto the cock carousel and engage in endless search for a better quality of cock, and punishing them fiercely

Thus at some point, marriage by elopement. And, to prevent marriage by elopement from turning into the cock carousel, shotgun marriage without the consent of the father or the wife. If you elope, then you marry her or else, and she marries you, or else.

Now on the one hand, we don’t want someone breaking into a father’s home to steal a wife. But we neither do we want a fourteen year old girls wandering Arlie Beach parties at midnight to stay single. So, marriage by abduction for women who engage in sexual misconduct. She is waiting for her next booty call from Jeremy Meeks, then you can steal her.

Well, stealing her sounds rather dangerous, disorderly, anarchic, and socially disruptive. Maybe we should put misbehaving girls in a home for wayward girls, and indeed we should, but the purpose of putting them into a home for wayward girls should be to get them out of a home for wayward girls into the hands of husbands. It does not sound like something the state is likely to do very successfully. Just try letting people do what comes naturally, and start erecting fences when chaos has bad consequences.

OK, if dad puts her into a home for wayward girls, fine, but do we want to make it too easy for dad to preserve her chastity for an unreasonable time?

In late eighteenth century Australia, they would hold a line up, often on the dock within hours of convict women arriving. A bunch of potential husbands approved by the state walked along the dock, and each would place a small gift at the feet of one of the girls. If she picked it up, they were married. And if she did not pick up anyone’s gift, she got assigned regardless. It was that she got assigned regardless that made it work.

Thing is, we have to do something about girls who are off the marriage market because they are waiting for their next booty call from Jeremy Meeks, and it is difficult to see how the state could handle that. Maybe arrest them for fucking Jeremy Meeks (no point in arresting Jeremy Meeks. There will always be another Jeremy Meeks) and then hold a line up outside the prison. But at some point we are going to have to assign or kidnap Jeremy Meeks’ surplus women against their will, or cooperation between men and women to form families and have children collapses.

Obviously we want the father, not the abductor, to do the assigning. But, if the father falls down in his duty, because he is sure his precious pumpkin would never do anything unchaste, and sure that her disinclination to get married till she is pushing forty is entirely due to her innocent distaste for sex, someone else is going to have to do the assigning.

To prevent wholesale defect/defect and general failure form families and to reproduce, you are going to have to do something about the girl who is “in love” with Jeremy Meeks. What do you propose to do?

It is not a small problem you can ignore. It is an enormous, society smashing, civilization destroying, problem that is hurting us very badly. What are you going to do about it? What are you going to do with her?

Obviously we want fathers to take care of the problem, rather than kidnappers or the state. But some fathers will not, or will not take care of it in a timely manner. And we would like the state to take care of it, rather than kidnappers. But a lot of stuff is apt to slip through the state’s fingers. We should follow a general principle that a woman gets stuck with one man one way or another way. Ideally they are introduced by dad, fall in love, dad agrees to give his daughter to the groom, they get married contractually and sacramentally. But when something more disorderly happens, as it inevitably will from time to time, we need to aim for an outcome in which the woman gets stuck with one man. We will then find disorderly things happening far less often. Women love drama, and are always causing drama. If they found that drama invariably resulted in marriage, and not necessarily marriage to the man they would prefer, there would be considerably less drama.

In order that men and women can form families and reproduce, have to prevent sexual misconduct, primarily female sexual misconduct. And preventing female misconduct means that at some point a woman is likely to find that she is compelled to have sex with one man, and forbidden to have sex with any other. And if she is holding out for the next booty call from Jeremy Meeks, has to be compelled to have sex with some guy she does not much like, and forbidden to have sex with Jeremy Meeks. And if Dad will not deal with it because his precious little pumpkin could not possibly be taking booty calls from Jeremy Meeks, someone else is going to have to take care of it, or else sexual chaos resumes. And if a private individual takes care of it effectively and successfully, the state should not get up his nose.

When trad dad attempts to hang on to daughter too long, we should allow the chaos that comes from allowing marriage by elopement. And when trad dad is too weak or negligent to prevent marriage by elopement, we should allow marriage by elopement.

And when marriage by elopement leads to the cock carousel, to women endlessly cruising for a trade up for a more alpha dicking, we should allow marriage by abduction. We need to resolve sexual chaos by sticking a woman with a man, and man with a woman. Any time we can say “You made your bed, you can lie in it”, we do so.

The Cominator says:

Thing is, we have to do something about girls who are off the marriage market because they are waiting for their next booty call from Jeremy Meeks, and it is difficult to see how the state could handle that. Maybe arrest them for fucking Jeremy Meeks, and then hold a line up outside the prison.

You are referring to older women (25+) here.

Easy if unmarried they are subject at any time to marriage by abduction (this is where I have no problem with it) also they all have to report to an auction periodically and are sold to the highest single bidder willing to marry them.

jim says:

> > Thing is, we have to do something about girls who are off the marriage market because they are waiting for their next booty call from Jeremy Meeks, and it is difficult to see how the state could handle that. Maybe arrest them for fucking Jeremy Meeks, and then hold a line up outside the prison.

> You are referring to older women (25+) here.

In a saner society, would be referring to women 25+. In this society I am talking about quite a few girls who are fourteen or so, and the only reason I am not talking about nine year olds is because Jeremy Meeks turns up his nose at them.

You will notice that in societies where late virgin marriage was normal and common, very early marriage was normal and legal. Late virgin marriage cannot exist unless you are able and willing to do something about girls who misbehave early, sometimes very early indeed.

Not Tom says:

Agree with all you’re saying here, Jim, but did you intend for it to be a reply to this particular tangent? It seems more relevant to the Fred/Doug threads. Or maybe you’re politely hinting that we’re veering off topic and I’m autistically ignoring said hint. I can’t tell.

shaman says:

I think that it’s a reply to Nikolai.

>A chronic failure mode of patriarchal society is delayed marriage, and excessive authority for fathers at the expense of husbands.

Bride price, Jim. This is about the fourth good argument for it. When something is a gift, people retain a certain authority over it, like how my wife feels obliged to wear the earrings my mother gifted to her every time we visit. But if you buy something, it is 100% yours.

Other three:

1) Incentives for fathers for raising girls right.

2) Less harsh on women: can play status games with each other.

3) Less harsh on women, incentive to educate in cases when in actually makes sense.

Can’t expect property transfer to work well without price signals.

shaman says:

Not an altogether vile idea, but Trad Dads will easily and inevitably find a way to horribly abuse it: They will set a bride price way too high, legit suitors will make themselves scarce, and then — surprise surprise — the bride will plunge deep into the cock carousel lifestyle. In fact, I can hardly imagine Trad Dads not acting precisely in such a manner, leading exactly to the expected result of rampant thottery.

Acquiring a woman needs to be cheap, and in many cases, without a price at all. Letting the girl go is the real problem.

A high bride price will result in lots of men staying virgins, and the more dad wants to hang on to his precious little pumpkin, the higher the bride price will rise, leading to ever more male virgins in mom’s basement, and ever greater female misbehavior.

Any bride price needs to be low enough, and in many cases, there should be none whatsoever; in fact, a Red-Pilled father would be willing to pay (rather than expecting payment) in order for someone to take his daughter in marriage and permanently keep her, though unfortunately, not too many Red-Pilled fathers these days.

Blue-Pilled fathers will always use any pretext and any method to hang on to their precious little chaste angelic sweet princes, and that’s why civilizations die of infertility. We need to make it unprofitable for trad dad to hang on to daughter, so unprofitable that if he can’t sell her quickly when the time is right, he will much rather pay someone to take her.

pdimov says:

>Bride price, Jim.

It’s interesting how some societies have bride prices (Arabs, gypsies come to mind) while others have the exact opposite (dowry).

Not Tom says:

Moldbug (among many others) advocated for property price, exchange, and taxation to all be tied together. That is, you can appraise your home at whatever price you want; however, you will be taxed on that appraisal, so you don’t want to set it excessively high; and you must also be willing to sell to anyone who can pay it, so you don’t want to set it excessively low.

I don’t know if this would work effectively for bridal prices given the different timescales involved, but I think it could work. Bridal price must be formally posted in advance, not after an abduction has occurred. Abductor has to pay previously-posted price or else the father has an option (not a requirement) to block marriage. But posting a bridal price means taxation, probably heavy taxation, say 10% per year, payable monthly, so if Trad Dad decides his little princess deserves a prince, and posts a $1M price, then he’ll have to fork over $100K per year at around $10K per month.

This would limit extreme pickiness to the wealthiest families who might actually have a real justification for being picky. Middle-class families can’t post obscene prices just because she’s pretty hot. And it doesn’t totally prioritize fathers over husbands, because fathers can’t deny the sale; posting a price means they have to sell to the first person who asks, no bidding wars or other shenanigans, so they’d better be damn sure it’s what they want. More alpha fathers who think they can control their daughters up to a certain age won’t post any price, thus don’t have to sell to anyone, but also don’t get a veto if they lose control, it’s standard MBA for them.

I can imagine some potential negative side effects, though, like lowering eugenic fertility and creating a lot of upper-class thots who know they can slum it up with criminals and naggers and not be forced to marry them because their dads will intervene. That’s an issue with bridal prices in general, though. I don’t know how to fix that. We can prevent fathers from abusing the system because men respond to economic incentives, but if their daughters know their dads will protect them from shotgun marriage, then the whole system is liable to break down into rampant thottery.

So I’m not endorsing this officially, just hypothesizing a system that could partially work by preventing paternal abuse. Maybe someone else knows how to modify it to prevent female abuse.

Nikolai says:

I believe Jim’s lengthy comment was supposed to be a reply to me. I largely agree with everything you said. I’m glad you made a distinction between marriage by elopement and marriage by abduction.

I was very close to eloping at one point. There’s a big difference between a couple who sleeps in the same bed every night for months being forced to marry each other and kidnapping a girl off the street and calling it a marriage. I completely support the former and take St. Basil’s position on the latter.

In light of this entirely reasonable and amicable comment, I’ll politely ignore you calling me a heretical gnostic satanist for taking St. Basil’s position.

I do have one issue though. In college it’s not uncommon for a couple to live together for months or years with no intention of marrying. Suppose the man takes the woman’s virginity and they’ve cohabitated for a few months. Suppose the guy doesn’t want to propose, the girl doesn’t want to marry and the girl’s father wouldn’t want the guy as a son-in-law. I’ve personally seen this scenario play a few times. Ideally, who, if anyone, forces them to marry? The state?

jim says:

> and take St. Basil’s position on the latter.

> calling me a heretical gnostic satanist for taking St. Basil’s position.

What is Saint Basil’s position? Where does he say this? I don’t trust stories that confidently project the blue pill, sodomy, Romance, twenty first century sex change technology, and gay marriage back to the first millenium Christianity.

I see no end of gnostics, satanists, and Marxists, claiming that Jesus said various things he most certainly did not say. What does Saint Basil say?

Saint Basil says: “Marriages entered into without the consent of those in authority are fornications.” But at the same time, he also unambiguously rejects the right of those in authority to keep women virgin indefinitely, having a bet each way.

According to Saint Basil, authority can forbid a particular marriage, but must marry the girl off in a reasonable time.

OK, then, suppose authority fails to do so? According to Saint Basil, that is not legitimate grounds for locking the girl up, in which case, what is going to happen? Seems to me that by rejecting lockup in such case, Basil is implicitly authorizing marriage by elopement when authority fails his proper duty.

The Cominator says:

In college it’s not uncommon for a couple to live together for months or years with no intention of marrying.

Women in college in reactionary society?

2019 is boring says:

Nikolai, when a chick doesn’t want to fuck someone, she’ll find a veritable infinity of creative and novel ways to prevent him from ever being remotely in a position to fuck her.

The difference between marriage by abduction and marriage by elopement is trivial, as female “consent” to sex is altogether fuzzy: When a woman gets fucked / “raped,” in 99% of cases it’s because she noticeably took action to be at the right place, and at the right time, that it may transpire.

Nikolai says:

I think we agree for the most part, so I’m not going to belabor the point much further.

To answer your question, St. Basil writes in letter 199

“XXII … In the case of a girl who has been taken when not betrothed, she ought first to be removed, and restored to her own people, and handed over to the will of her own people whether parents, or brothers, or any one having authority over her. If they choose to give her up, the cohabitation may stand; but, if they refuse, no violence should be used. In the case of a man having a wife by seduction, be it secret or by violence, he must be held guilty of fornication.

The punishment of fornicators is fixed at four years. In the first year they must be expelled from prayer, and weep at the door of the church; in the second they may be received to sermon; in the third to penance; in the fourth to standing with the people, while they are withheld from the oblation. Finally, they may be admitted to the communion of the good gift.”

“XXV. The man who retains as his wife the woman whom he has violated, shall be liable to the penalty of rape, but it shall be lawful for him to have her to wife.

XXVI. Fornication is not wedlock, nor yet the beginning of wedlock. Wherefore it is best, if possible, to put asunder those who are united in fornication. If they are set on cohabitation, let them admit the penalty of fornication. Let them be allowed to live together, lest a worse thing happen.”

“XLII. Marriages contracted without the permission of those in authority, are fornication. If neither father nor master be living the contracting parties are free from blame; just as if the authorities assent to the cohabitation, it assumes the fixity of marriage.”

Javier says:

The question is how to manage this in a modern, pozzed, blue-pilled world.

As a soon-to-be father of a girl, my friend was teasing me, saying I was going to be in for it when she became a teenager and started dating. I pointed out that dating was an aberration and mostly a myth, as the concept of engaging in multiple “serious relationships” for several years before choosing “the one” only exists in movies.

Modern dating consists largely of two things: feral girls trawling for alpha dick, and girls pairing off with the closest convenient boys in their social circle. These pairings are treated as marriages in all but name, as the couple will be feted by the circle and subject to heightened status. Except without the force of law or greater society, these relationships are volatile as the boys are apt to attempt to poach each other’s girls, and the prettier girls are apt to “homey hop” from boy to boy to get as much dick as they can, and the whole thing is disruptive and chaotic. Better to bypass this by choosing a suitor for my daughter and then making it official with marriage.

My friend was pretty scandalized by this idea, and he is a rather conservative, red-pilled guy. Yet he still thinks the idea of trawling for alpha dick as a sacred right of all girls which fathers are forbidden to interfere with. He didn’t seem to think it was possible to choose a suitor for my daughter. I pointed out he had sons, our friends had sons, and any of them would make a fine enough husband for her. Teenage girls really aren’t that picky, and if we put them together things will happen, like hamsters in a cage. If all else fails, she’s just back to the standard option of sending her through the college cock gauntlet anyway.

jim says:

The problem with absolutism, the problem with the despot organizing everything top down, is that no man rules alone.

The King, instead of being undermined by dangerously powerful Lords far from the throne, is undermined by dangerously powerful bureaucrats who bow before him and say “Yes, your majesty”, but then do what they damn well please.

And then when the Tsar is away at the front, they put a mob into the streets and forbid the cops to stop the mob from knocking over the liquor shops. Then they announce there has been a revolution and they are in power. Shortly afterwards, they find that someone lefter than themselves announces there has been a revolution, and they are no longer in power, soon followed by someone lefter still, till a Napoleon or a Stalin ends the madness.

Not an entryist. Entryists try to be popular and generally try to play social status games. RF is an extremely single-minded type who simply only wants to take a very narrow absolutist, de Jouvenelist / Filmerist, no imperium in imperio aspect of NRx and absolutely ignore everything else. These dogmatic-minded, usually somewhat autistic types have neither the desire nor the skill to perform any kind of subterfuge, they are 100% honest. He is simply a man who found a very good hammer and now thinks everything is nails.

eternal anglo says:

There is a great controversy occurring at Spandrell’s twitter about the question of Epstein’s teenage “victims”. It’s not that interesting – mostly just Literally Shaking by people who are terribly terribly shocked by his outrageous disgusting creepy pedophilia – but one response made me do a double take. According to page 6 of this article, which is a study of the English parish of Colyton, the median age of marriage for women between 1647 and 1719 was 27.5, and between 1560 and 1837, the median age of marriage for women never fell below 24. These numbers just do not make sense to me, given what has been discussed on this blog. Why were pre-industrial British women marrying so late? Why – and, indeed, how – were they kept virginal until 27 years of age, or even older?

The Cominator says:

Those stats are not believable and I would ask their methodology and 20+ year old women who aren’t real dykes or frigid ain’t gonna be virgins.

Friendly Fred says:

In Smollett’s Humphrey Clinker (1760s?) it’s jokingly presented as routine for gentlemen to be paying out stipends to multiple lower-class women who have borne them children. So maybe this was in fact happening a lot. Then the same women got married later on? Also, in Fielding’s Tom Jones (1749?) cohabitation seems to be assumed as a normal occurrence — a Jar Jar Binks type sidekick-character was living with a likable slutty woman for an extended period of time. So maybe there was lots of living-together and bastardy (or whatever it’s called).

The Cominator says:

Moll Flanders too. I don’t think the 18th century was quite as Jim thinks of it in terms of sexual relations either.

Pride and prejudice society was probably only ever the upper class (I’m defining the upper class as rich enough to employ full time domestic servants).

jim says:

> Pride and prejudice society was probably only ever the upper class (I’m defining the upper class as rich enough to employ full time domestic servants).

The transportees to Australia were lower class, and the stereotype of a transported woman presupposes that she should have been kept under tight control, and nominally was under tight control, but the tight control was ineffectual or unsuccessful. Looks to me that the rot set in from the upper class downwards. Blackstone remarks on lower class wives being physically imprisoned against their will in their homes, implying that this was not done in the upper class.

If King George the fourth had done that, we probably still would have Kings.

jim says:

Pre industrial women were not allowed “out” Not allowed “out” until the nineteenth century. They were always under the control of family or master. They went from family to apprenticeship in female role jobs, and apprenticeship ended in marriage. Apprenticeship involved restraint on them being “out”. This sometimes resulted in hysteria, like a cat in heat, which makes big trouble when you try to keep it indoors.

The stereotypical scenario for women transported to Australia – I don’t know how well it corresponded to real life, but it is what people at that time imagined as stereotypical – was that a girl under the authority of her master committed a stupid crime for “love” – when she was not supposed to have any opportunity for “”love”. The authorities in Australia were initially shocked, confused, and dismayed, by the astonishingly enthusiastic sexual conduct of the women transported (spring break in Cancun on the shores of Port Jackson) so it seems likely that this stereotype was true of some very substantial proportion of the transported women.

Late virgin marriage happened because women were kept under very tight control. You will notice that just as Disney characters tend to be orphans so that they can have adventures, Jane Austin’s romantic protagonists have weak sick, or absent fathers, and dead or hopelessly weak and incompetent mothers.

Not Tom says:

I’m going to guess that a lot of pre-marital sex was involved, but husbands and fathers were reluctant to cop to it, for the same reason men today don’t cop to fapping or prostitutes. It was considered shameful.

But then there is the LoTLN, which suggests that somewhere, sometime, we should be able to find examples of communities where the median virginal age really is freakishly high, just as we can surely find examples where it is freakishly low. Does not mean that we would be able to reproduce (heh) their experiments, especially with modern communication and mobility tech. We have to look at the patterns, not the outliers.

Church records from the 1550s in England note that a full half of women were showing pregnancies at their own weddings, which suggests that shotgun marriage was the predominant institution, which suggests that fathers were keeping their daughters unmarried for far too long, supports the Jimian hypothesis that even under patriarchy, it’s hard to keep your daughters off the cock.

If she’s pregnant with one man, probably fucked around during her fertile years with quite a few men. By advocating younger marriage than relatively late-marrying England we’re solving a problem specific to Anglos, which is why we advocate OT and 1st millennium marriage norms and not Renaissance ones.

England’s eugenic breeding was all its upper class, who married earlier and married virgin, and thus had far more kids than the working classes. Every Anglo can trace their descent to the nobility whereas if you meet an Eastern Euro, what you hear is “my family were farmers for thousands of years”.

Davilan says:

In Greg Clarke’s book “A Farewell to Alms”, I read that the warrior nobles were failing to replace themselves (largely due to war deaths), and that the wealthy people who were having lots of kids were wealthy commoners in the countryside who got rich through agricultural investment and trade. This would explain why the English ended up being economically successful, rather than hyper-warlike.

The Cominator says:

If she’s pregnant with one man, probably fucked around during her fertile years with quite a few men. By advocating younger marriage than relatively late-marrying England we’re solving a problem specific to Anglos, which is why we advocate OT and 1st millennium marriage norms and not Renaissance ones.

And I still think trying to import the bulk of semitic customs is a bad idea for Anglos though I DO endorse very young marriage and marriage without female consent.

I do believe the pregnancy statistics (and I imagine in some cases pregnancy was a precondition to marriage as some husbands would want proof of fertility) I don’t believe the very late marriage statistics.

England’s eugenic breeding was all its upper class, who married earlier and married virgin, and thus had far more kids than the working classes. Every Anglo can trace their descent to the nobility whereas if you meet an Eastern Euro, what you hear is “my family were farmers for thousands of years”.

Probably true to some degree as bethrothals at birth were common and as such were very early marriages. Jim is correct that Lord Blackstone commented that

Yet the lower rank of people, who were always fond of the old common law, still claim and exert their ancient privilege: and the courts of law will still permit a husband to restrain a wife of her liberty, in the case of any gross misbehaviour.

I imagine how this was done in lower class dwellings though… I can’t imagine most had too many escape proof rooms.

2019 is boring says:

I used to disagree with Jim’s position about psychopathy being an anti-concept, but he actually makes a valid and interesting point, so here’s my own take on psychopathy:

On the biological level, there are indeed people — around 3% of the population — with shrunken amygdalae and inactive mirror neurons, who are incapable of emotionally experiencing any fear, sadness, empathy, or affection, which fundamental emotional hollowness entails needlessly cruel and antisocial behavior, with varying degrees of functionality to temper it. Thus Ted Bundy killing lots of chicks and mutilating their corpses just for fun. Demonspawn are often like that; and surprise surprise, Ted Bundy was indeed a bastard born out of wedlock to a biological father who made himself scarce.

(The Biblical term for such people is “wicked”)

These people usually get both themselves and others in trouble, not merely due to sadism, but because — lacking a fear instinct — they are apt to not worry about dangers which they should be worried about, e.g. eventually getting caught by the police for murdering chicks and mutilating their corpses. A likely example of the high-functioning variety would be Angelo Mozilo.

Since such a personality type is not unlikely to be ruthlessly fiercely masculine, the priestly academic soyboys use the concept of psychopathology to condemn all the masculine traits associated with it, hence “toxic masculinity.” Here’s the thing: While such a neuro-abnormality does predispose one to possessing a masculine character (no touchy-feely among these folks), lots of men are perfectly masculine without having psychopathy, and by categorizing masculine traits as hallmarks of psychopathy, the academics have found another way to lower the status of men in society.

Even if serious clinical psychiatrists do not usually make this mistake, knowing that having some expressions characteristic of pathology X does not necessarily mean that these are the symptoms of X, indeed does not mean that those expressions in themselves are pathological, it is common for feminized leftist academics to conflate antisocial psychopathological traits and prosocial masculine traits, implying that possessing the latter should naturally make you suspect of possessing the former, or perhaps is the same thing as possessing the former.

The etiology of “psychopathy” is real enough – the MRI scans do not lie. But the concept itself is regularly used to demonize men for being men, to demonize high-testosterone behavior and thought-patterns as psychopathological. “Psychopathy” may not have been originally intended as an anti-concept (just as “pedophilia” may not have been originally intended as an anti-concept), but modern leftist academic soyboys have succeeded in turning it into one, and are using it for their misandric purposes.

jim says:

> Since such a personality type is not unlikely to be ruthlessly fiercely masculine

Not seeing this, don’t believe it, and the academic studies purportedly supporting it are blatantly and flagrantly cooked to deliver the predetermined and desired result.

Wicked men are seldom masculine, though women and soyboys may perceive them so. They are weak.

On psychopathy. The deeper issue is that libs assume ethical behavior = empathy. Nope.

Empathy is a tactical ability evolved to be able to predict the opponent’s moves by putting yourself into his shoes. Pretty much every successful military leader since prehistoric times had to have it. While it does lead to sympathetic pain, he could just order all captives to be killed and solve his sympathetic pain by walking away and not looking. Pretty sure mirror neurons did not lead to the evolution of moral sense. Pretty sure Hitl3r had a lot of empathy – how else could he have been such an effective public speaker, he had to have a good idea about what the audience wants to hear.

Nor is empathy not sufficient for moral behavior, nor is it necessary. We normally obey a lot of ethical rules that even when violated would not cause noticeable suffering to any person. E.g. not stealing from corporate inventories. They are insured. The pain gets spread around and it is very very little pain per person. A real psychopath with no empathy is still perfectly capable of behaving ethically, the difference is that to him “don’t torture people to death” is not immediately obvious, but rather he sees the rule the same way as “don’t steal even insured corporate property” – obeys it for the same reasons we obey that one.

Funny how libs don’t notice it is the worst form of ableism, they are not only stigmatizing people without empathy, they are actually denying their humanity, as the ability to make moral choices is pretty much a core part of being human.

Anonymous says:

I think “empathy” may also be an anticoncept. It lumps together cognitive empathy, meaning to know what another person is feeling, and emotional empathy, meaning to actually feel as another person feels. What 2019 says in the previous top level comment about the etiology of “psychopathy”, I think is about a person having the former ability without having the latter.

I think it is a false distinction. The purpose of empathy is to predict what other people will do in a given situation. The reason we need this is that are not so smart, we are not able to simulate someone else’s brain the usual causal-modelling way. We just put ourselves into their shoes, and ask ourselves what we do in his shoes and let our own brain figure out the rest.

So if we want to know if we can entice the opposing military commander into a reckless charge right into the pikes or machine guns, by some trick that makes him angry, by asking ourselves if it would work on us in his shoes, our brain’s decision-making engine needs the same inputs: not only the data, but it needs to feel the same emotions. We need to feel the same anger, in order to be able to judge if it would override our cool-headed tactical ability or not.

Just knowing about other people’s emotions would not be a useful input to this. It would only be useful for an input to causal brain modelling, which does not work, because we are not smart enough, we don’t have so much more computing resources than the other guy. Like how a modern computer can emulate a Gameboy without any problems, but if it is asked to emulate a computer of similar levels of CPU and memory via VMWare or something, and in the meanwhile doing other stuff, that’s not going to work well.

Also, male and female empathy works differently. Male empathy is this tactical ability described above. Female empathy is that stuff that when your 6 months old baby cries, your wife somehow knows he is having ear pain. It is optimized for detecting suffering and its reason, for the purpose of keeping infants, who cannot communicate their problems well, alive. It is more about why someone is feeling something, while male empathy is more about given that someone is feeling something, what is he going to do.

Friendly Fred says:

Men usually have more “female empathy” than women do — at any rate this has almost always been true with regard to the men and women that I’ve known. I’ve come to the conclusion that men are better than women at everything, including finding lost items, cleaning the house, caring for babies, and of course cooking — except for one thing: being cute. Women are better than men at being cute. That’s it.

The Cominator says:

Women are more conscientious when it comes to stupid repetitive tasks (and also more able to tolerate stupid busywork, I’m convinced this is why the American school system gives out so much stupid busywork because men just don’t want to do it) women have a superior ability to read, analyze and manipulate people. A certain low cunning…

Men are not better at baby care because its just the type of repetitive annoying task women are made for that we generally can’t stand.

pdimov says:

IIRC empathy is simply copying another’s facial expression, which then causes the same emotions to be felt.

jim says:

Someone who knows what another person is feeling but does not care is apt to be good at lying, the unreliability part of the qualities attributed to psychopaths. But there is not going to be any correlation with the other virtues and vices attributed to psychopaths, such as courage.

And you cannot really know what another person is feeling and not care. You can feel it, and then switch the feeling off because inconvenient, or unreal, which has much the same consequences as knowing and not caring, but the truly cold blooded empathy attributed to psychopaths does not really exist. It is just demonization and projection.

2019 is boring says:

Emotional empathy alone, without regard to objective reality, leads to disastrous and catastrophic results. But that doesn’t mean that emotional empathy is altogether unnecessary – it means that a good judge of morality only employs emotional empathy in the context of (i.e. on the background of) empiricism and rationality, rather than disregarding empiricism and rationality for Sola Emphatica.

Zarnubius says:

What’s happened to the rest of nrx? Social matter seems to be discontinued, and the site doesn’t work anymore. There isn’t any archive as far as I know, which is a shame since some of the older stuff was good. Also can’t find the earlier ascending the tower podcasts.

Who is left beyond Jim and Spandrell?

NRx is a conspiracy theory bro. It never happened.

jim says:

There is a blogroll of reactionary blogs on this web page.

Socialist matter died of entryism. Swerved left, and disappeared, like a protestant church which puts women and gays in the pulpit, and their church property soon becomes lesbian feminist bookstore, which is soon abandoned and becomes a hangout for homeless people.

They were attempting practice entryism against the left. Did it poorly (It is hard). And, instead of entering, were entered.

Friendly Fred says:

Three Old Testament examples of girls going away from home alone — Rachel goes to the well where Jacob meets her; Moses’s future wife Zipporah goes with six sisters to the well where Moses chases away rude shepherds (Exodus 2:16-17). Also, Jacob’s daughter Dinah fucks around with a Canaanite kid, Shechem, which leads to the kid’s whole village getting wiped out.

Examples from classical literature are all over the place – that’s how girls get fucked by gods. But Odysseus doesn’t fuck the king’s daughter on the island where he gets washed up, when she’s out flower-picking with her friends; the expectation isn’t that girls who go out are up for grabs, but it’s acknowledged that they’re at some risk.

(Yes, I know, they probably WANT to be grabbed by the right grabber, but the grabber still has to grab or there’s no grabbing. Potential grabber’s fear of Dad makes grabbing less likely.)

In the Poetic Edda we have Odin boasting to Thor about his sexual conquests. So girls were getting out. Otherwise the story would make no sense and people wouldn’t enjoy listening to the bard sing it.

Yes, all of this tends to support the proposition that girls are volcanic chickens (Dinah, girls fucked by Greek Gods, girls fucked by Norse gods — three different cultural realms, same idea) but also the proposition that the normal thing has always been for girls to be allowed out of the house. Note that Dinah doesn’t marry Shechem and that the girls fucked by Greek and Norse gods don’t marry those gods. Nor did lower-class English girls fucked by gentlemen marry those gentlemen.

So, while Host-Teacher’s practical proposal MAY be the best way to deal with biopsychic reality (yes, girls are volcanic chickens, just as boys are contract-making pack-wolves), its putting-into-effect would NOT be a return to Good Old Ways; it would be a NEW thing and therefore should perhaps not be called “reactionary”.

Well, we’re not advocating returning to luddite feudal agrarianism either. We’re reactionaries because we’re recognizing that the social technologies of the past were far more in line with reality than those enforced at present and in fact can often be improved on compared to the past.

I’d prefer renaissance marriage norms to today, would prefer 8th century Saxon marriage norms to that, but the best would be technological hyper-patriarchy in which your daughters are microchipped, and the first man to have sex with her would be DNA-matched to a database that produces an automated marriage contract and immediately notifies the authorities to come and enforce said marriage contract with a sacramental marriage that involves the transfer of the encrypted key to the microchip’s DNA data from the father to the new husband.

Friendly Fred says:

I saw your comment on 16 century English marriages above, Mr. Mac — that was part of what I had in mind, thanks. Also Com’s reference to Moll Flanders.

So, if it’s generally known that the first man to have sex with a girl automatically gets to have her, aren’t lower-quality men going to think, “I can just force myself on this girl and she’s mine, kool!”? I recognize that there are degrees and ambiguities involved in determining “force” but let’s say it’s the obese 49 year old janitor with a milky eye and weird stains on broken-zippered chinos and she was always daydreaming about Pewdie-Pie types instead — isn’t that evidence that something is amiss? But even setting that issue aside, isn’t it enough that Dad would prefer that she marry a Pewdie-Pie? Does his 14-year-have to belong to the fat old milky-eyed janitor who managed to catch her in the basement?

I think that this is all being looked at in the 180-degree wrong way. Look at what was actually done by a given people (say, the English) throughout most of their history and then conclude, “That’s what they should be doing today; bring THAT back.” So if in 1550 girls were getting married at 25 knocked up after two previous miscarriages with other guys, so be it. At least most of them stayed married, once married, and lots of them had children.

2019 is boring says:

Women excel at avoiding sex with men they find unattractive; if she seduced and fucked the janitor, it’s because she had the hots for him, regardless of her irrelevant fantasy world.

jim says:

So, if it’s generally known that the first man to have sex with a girl automatically gets to have her, aren’t lower-quality men going to think, “I can just force myself on this girl and she’s mine, kool!”?

To prevent that, you don’t allow girls out.

Girls are apt to ensure that they can be forced by a man they perceive as higher quality, and avoiding contact with men they perceive as lower quality. Ufortunately, their perceptions of quality are crap.

The Cominator says:

My sister was a badly behaved teenage girl not allowing them out is apt to be a joke.

What is wrong with allowing the father to say up to a certain age okay she fornicated and got popped fine I still don’t find that idiot a suitable husband and I will not shotgun marry and will not allow marriage to him, I’m marrying her off to someone she wouldn’t let near her if it were up to her but he is willing to take her makes more money and advising him to beat that smartass willful attitude out of her in a way I’ve never had the heart to.

Having the girl marry her 1st lover is female choice by other means, I seek to eliminate female choice (except as an advisory factor) entirely unless the father fucks up and doesn’t get her married off by the right age.

BC says:

What is wrong with allowing the father to say up to a certain age okay she fornicated and got popped fine I still don’t find that idiot a suitable husband and I will not shotgun marry and will not allow marriage to him, I’m marrying her off to someone she wouldn’t let near her if it were up to her but he is willing to take her makes more money and advising him to beat that smartass willful attitude out of her in a way I’ve never had the heart to.

Because sluts are bad for civilization. Either kill the man she slept with and find her a man willing to take used goods or cast her out. The bible recommends death for such girls, but more likely the father’s just told their daughters to hit the road and never come back.

The Cominator says:

Because sluts are bad for civilization. Either kill the man she slept with and find her a man willing to take used goods or cast her out.

Killing the man she slept with is punishing men, male sexuality is not the problem and punishing men is stupid useless and gives women power.

I’m saying that yes in this case she is young hot and the the father has someone willing to take her.

I want to make sure responsible men get pussy and that women marry good men by having their sexual choices made for them, shotgunning to 1st lover without father’s consent is still de facto allowing women to pick their husbands. I’m not so interested in stone the thot moralfagging, I want the thot forced into sex with a responsible man or failing that to paying responsible customers in a whorehouse.

BC says:

Killing the man she slept with is punishing men, male sexuality is not the problem and punishing men is stupid useless and gives women power.

No, we’re talking about killing a man who took her and didn’t keep her. He either keeps her or he dies and the father picks a match for her.

I want to make sure responsible men get pussy and that women marry good men by having their sexual choices made for them, shotgunning to 1st lover without father’s consent is still de facto allowing women to pick their husbands.

Women have picked their husbands, but only when their own families where not properly policing them. The father failed by not getting her married before that happened. Sex is ownership and the first man who sleeps with her, owns her.

What your advocating a women fooling around until her father picks her official husband, sort of like marriage in upper class France in the 18 century. That didn’t work out well for the French.

jim says:

> What your [the Cominator] advocating is a women fooling around until her father picks her official husband, sort of like marriage in upper class France in the 18 century. That didn’t work out well for the French.

Upper class French marriage was a catastrophically failed social technology, which should, like communism, be treated as a horrifying moral lesson about how evil acts lead to catastrophic outcomes, manifesting divine wrath through cause and effect.

The Cominator says:

Can you elaborate on exactly what went wrong with French marriage if indeed what I’m advocating is much like the French system (I’m ignorant to this but I don’t think monarchical France was all that feminist)?

The French revolution was not exactly caused by women problems and the revolution and Colbertism (socialism) were the big problems with France to my knowledge.

The Cominator says:

Afraid I won’t get a reply but

1) How is my proposal like the French marriage system under the monarchy and what was that like?

2) How did it fail? Also I would ask did it only fail within the strange gilded cage of Versailles?

jim says:

French noblewomen had arranged marriages, at least in theory, but everyone winked at female sexual immorality, and French noblemen were emasculated, effeminate, unmanly, and perverse. I don’t know enough about how things worked to link cause and effect, but for whatever reason virgin marriage and wifely chastity did not seem to be happening.

Seems to me that to ensure virginity and chastity, you need power in the hands of the husband, and you need the husband to be the alpha male at his marriage ceremony, need him to be the alpha male when his father in law visits, and a fellow alpha when he visits his father in law.

To ensure reproduction, need to enforce good behavior. Husbands are far more likely to enforce good behavior on women than fathers. For whatever reason, and I don’t know what was going on, females in France were not behaving well.

The Cominator says:

I would suggest that living in the fake controlled world of Versailles made it hard for most of the upper class to be anything close to alpha (as it was intended to by Louis XIV it was intended to rob them both of their power in their own territories where traditionally they would rule as almost kings themselves, and their pride). The men would tend to feel emasculated the women would all be trying to fuck the king or failing that people very high up and close to the king.

Do you know what the family sizes were like both before and during the Versailles period in France?

jim says:

I don’t have information, but it seems likely that no matter what the rules were for sex, marriage, and women, emasculating the elite is going to result in very bad behavior among wives of the elite, so perhaps we cannot generalize from things going wrong in versailles.

jim says:

> What is wrong with allowing the father to say up to a certain age okay she fornicated and got popped fine I still don’t find that idiot a suitable husband and I will not shotgun marry and will not allow marriage to him,

You are assuming a strong father capable of controlling events, and weak suitor, when events have just demonstrated a weak father incapable of controlling events, whose daughter will soon be slowly moving down Jeremy Meeks booty call list, and a strong suitor.

Under those circumstances “I will not allow that marriage” is apt to be code for “My precious little pumpkin still hopes for a booty call from Jeremy Meeks”.

A reactionary society must go with the flow of human nature, rather than trying to oppose it. Bet on the strong, not the weak. When the strong has an arguably legitimate claim, back strength.

The Trad Dad is in practice just a weakling making excuses for his twelve year old fucking Jeremy Meeks and his nine year old attempting to fuck Jeremy Meeks. If he was strong, would control his daughters rather than demanding that society control Jeremy Meeks. Boastful talk about controlling men is a cover for inability to control women. Weaklings need to lose their daughters to alpha males. Women want the strong to carry them off from the weak. Society and the State should oblige. If State and Society fails to oblige, women will find a way, such as perhaps importing an army of rapeugees.

Not Tom says:

Authorities? Not nearly techno-futuristic enough. After the restoration, X and Y chromosomes will be blockchain tokens and addresses, respectively, and the literal act of copulation will automatically create a permanent indelible public transaction assigning X (the token) to Y. And this technology will be bioengineered, no microchipping required and no way to remove or disable it short of death.

Not Tom says:

And yes, I’m aware that men still have a single X chromosome. Make whatever inferences you’d like from that, they all lead to exciting destinations.

2019 is boring says:

Notice that all your OT examples are from before the First Temple period, and indeed from before Moses laid down the law.

jim says:


Abraham gives his wife to Abimilech. Should we conclude that wife swapping is OK with God, or routinely practiced?

When Tamar, the windowed daughter in law of Judah, becomes pregnant inexplicably Genesis 38, he proposes to burn her alive, this clearly being law and custom at the time, that a widow may not have sex unless authorized by who ever inherited her from her husband. Tamar then shows proof of how she legitimately became pregnant.

Clear implication here is that extremely drastic measures were applied to restrain women from having sex, and that sex by female consent was absolutely prohibited, that it was absolutely forbidden, under the most draconian penalties, for a woman to have sex by her own choice.

Frederick Algernon says:

This is fairly interesting…

shaman says:

Fox News news analyst Ellen Ratner relayed information from Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to Texas businessman Ed Butowsky regarding Seth Rich’s role in transferring emails to Wikileaks, according to an amended lawsuit that I filed this morning on behalf of Mr. Butowsky.


This is not different than:

“Jim’s blog contributor Frederick Algernon relayed information from NRx founder Mencius Moldbug to Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel regarding the gay bathhouse meeting conducted by the secret Mannerbund cult, according to an amended lawsuit that I filed this morning on behalf of Mr. Thiel.”

4chan once again shows no reality testing whatsoever.

The Cominator says:

It depends on what sort of evidence is in the lawsuit, I haven’t reviewed it.

jim says:

We know it is true, because we see the media behaving in the way described every day.

Frederick Algernon says:

If that tiny snippet was the whole document, i’d think you have a point. The list of defendants is pretty expansive, so unless their are defections, i don’t see it going to far. To me, the question is whether any person on that list breaks from the pack OR incontrovertible evidence comes out that Seth Rich was in fact the source of the DNC emails leak.

The Cominator says:

Assange basically confirmed Seth Rich was the DNC leaker.

Scott Adams (Dilbert guy aka persuasion man) who is as close to always right as humans get said he put his level of certainty on that at 99%.

The Cominator says:

Here is the video here of Assange where he pretty much confirms that Seth Rich was his source, as a sperg I suck at reading people but I trust Scott Adams to do it for me in this case.

cloudswrest says:

> as the poz gets ever more extreme

It’s interesting how bat shit crazy they are getting. Case in point, the recent title stripping from Miss Michigan of the Miss World America of Kathy Zhu, barely a day after she won it, after her social media was scoured and past MILK TOAST conservative tweets were found. This is echos of Razib Khan being fired from the NYT a day after he was hired after they discovered he said realtalk, except Kathy Zhu is incomparably prettier!

Here we have an extremely pretty photogenic, accomplished, very young (20), and also non-white, being excommunicated by Leftists. She already had a large Twitter following before this. Leftists are crowing. They obviously have no self awareness. This is another bonanza being dropped into Trump’s lap!

Zach says:

Society abused him, he says. Thoughts?

alf says:

One hour very long.

Not very familiar with Molyneux. He strikes me as an upper class Vox Day.

Zach says:

Yeah it is a little on the long side. I don’t regularly listen to podcasts as I find them to be an epic waste of time. Ditto for long videos. But I listened to most of that one while working.

He’s about as good as can be done on youtube or damn near close to it. Not a guy I’m going to shit on. Reconciling his position on child abuse is interesting to say the least.

He’s not an explosion of insight by any means.

Steve Johnson says:

My thoughts are “go fuck yourself if you think I’m going to listen to a guy talk to a camera for an hour and seven minutes”.

alf says:

Neurotoxin, have you considered the possibility that these women are playing you like a fiddle?

I have plenty of friends who are friendly and share alcohol and cigarettes. But for some strange and mysterious reason, they never attract the attention of girls.

neurotoxin says:


Frederick Algernon says:

Stop. Get help.

Memeing aside, it is my perspective that, instead of opening a new front, you need to sue for a ceasefire, marshal your forces, and either redouble your efforts on better ground or come to grips with the fact that your bolt action rifles (single points of contention) are no match for Maxim guns (countless examples of female bad behavior). You (or someone) made a very salient point in the previous subthread(s): if there were white, christian boys in the business of handing out warranted rapes, these sluts would not have gone fishing in the Paki district. But there aren’t.

From my perspective, you and your opponents have been arguing at cross purposes. Jim et al. are arguing about outcome based on intention. You are arguing on input based on circumstances. You aren’t wrong, not completely. In a better world, unrestrained sluts would go dick fishing and end up with venereal disease from the town drunk or their stepdad. Due to terrible immigration policies, their pool of ne’er-do-wells has expanded to demonic Pajeets. it is a damn shame. But your stubborn reliance on input criteria (unstoppable force) has come to loggerheads with output results (immovable object) and you are only hastening a bullycide which you probably don’t deserve but are definitely going to get.

Objectively assess your disposition; you are trying to defend sluts that have pissed away all familial compassion as well as state sponsorship. At what cost?

Just my 0.02$.

Frederick Algernon: “you need to sue for a ceasefire”

From your lips to God’s ears, dude. I’m trying to extract myself from this thread. But, like Al Pacino in Godfather 3, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”

“you are only hastening a bullycide which you probably don’t deserve but are definitely going to get.”
I’m not sure what this means, so may not be feeling the expected amount of fear.

alf says:

Not what I’m saying. What I’m saying that girls are not willing to mooch of these guys, that even though they are friendly and share alcohol and cigarettes, there are no girls to be found around them within a one mile radius. Which is very strange, because the girl you defend claims that she was lured in because of a friendly Paki sharing alcohol and cigarettes. It is almost as if what she says should not be taken at face value…

jim says:

Alf made a point. Your reply, Neurotoxin, attributed to him the opposite of his point. He said that your story is implausible because girls don’t mooch off the guys they want to fuck, and don’t fuck guys that allow them to mooch. You attributed to him some stupid and insane position that makes no sense. You attributed to him some blue pill blather about girls being gold diggers, or the pakis luring the girls with chocolates and roses, or something equally stupid.

You know I don’t allow that method of argument on my blog.

Please reply to the point Alf made, rather than the point he would have made had he been making some stupid argument that supports your position, not his, some argument he would have made had he presupposed the blue pill account of the chastity and virtue of strong proud independent women.

Girls want to serve the men they want to fuck. They don’t want those men serving them. Alf knows this, and was reminding you of it.

After a man bangs a chick, he wants her to make him a sandwich and get him a beer, and after she has been banged, a girl wants to make him a sandwich and get him a beer. It is part of Darwin’s or God’s plan for the propagation of the human race. Eve was created to be a companion and helpmeet for Adam. Which is why your story of pure English girls being lured by chocolates and roses makes no sense. Alf was explaining why it made no sense, and you had no reply but to attribute to him a position that presupposed that your position does make sense.

Women are wicked, far more wicked than men, in endlessly searching for alpha, sometimes in very bad places, and women are virtuous, far more virtuous than men, in being eager to serve alpha, eager to be a helpmeet and companion.

You are denying both their alarmingly aggressive search for alpha in all the wrong places, and also denying their eagerness to serve and sacrifice for alpha, as Sarah served and obeyed Abraham, even when Abraham was very wrong. And you are unresponsive when other people point out female behavior. You will not disagree, you will not even acknowledge the position of those pointing out female behavior.

Please respond to my position and my arguments, and Alf’s position and Alf’s arguments. I explained my reasoning, Alf explained his reasoning. You neither criticize our reasoning, nor explain your own reasoning.

Alf is writing as if he understands your reasoning, but I am totally at sea. If there is any sense there, it is so alien to me, so far outside my model of the universe, as to be difficult to guess. I am doing my best to put myself in your shoes, I am trying to understand the points you seem to imagine you are making. I just cannot do it, and you are not being helpful.

Neurotoxin says:

Oh my God, I can’t believe you blanked my post.

I was going to exit this thread, but I’ll reply because you seem sincere here:

I am totally at sea. If there is any sense there, it is so alien to me, so far outside my model of the universe, as to be difficult to guess. I am doing my best to put myself in your shoes, I am trying to understand the points you seem to imagine you are making.

OK, once again:

Alf said, “I have plenty of friends who are friendly and share alcohol and cigarettes. But for some strange and mysterious reason, they never attract the attention of girls.”

1. Of course this is normal chick behavior. I wouldn’t dream of arguing otherwise.


2. It is ALSO normal chick behavior to mooch off guys like that without having sex with them. This is the whole reason that PUAs created the dictum that you should never spend money on a girl until after you’ve had sex with her.

Fortuitously-timed survey from about a month ago in which a third of women admit to exactly that!

And that’s the fraction that admit it!

3. Relevance to Alf’s comment: I believe that’s what the Rotherham girl (“poster girl”) was expecting when she first got involved with the guy. She was going to take him for some free stuff, then no sex was going to happen. Then he said, “Blow me or I’ll beat you senseless,” and the situation went way outside her control.

(WHY I think this: Next comment.)

Neurotoxin says:

Point 3 was my original point in the dearly-departed post. I thought I was explicit enough, but since both Alf and Jim understood me to say the opposite of what I said, maybe I wasn’t. Surely the foregoing is, though.

jim says:


There is nothing in the report that suggests the story that you are attributing to the girls. It is not the girl’s story. It is your story, and you have not been telling us what it is until just now. You made up a story, and then mentioned facts mentioned in the report that could be fitted into your story, without, however, telling us the story that you force fitted the facts into.

Observed behavior of females is that they are always diving head first into a situation where an alpha male could rape them. That is every Disney princess movie, and every romance comic that webcomic will download for free on your android phone, and I see it all the time in life, starting at a startlingly early age. When mooching, they never go into a situation where the guy they are mooching from could rape them.

On her account of events, she dived head first into a situation where she could be raped, and chose not to leave that situation, and that is what all girls do all the time. All women are like that.

All women, all the time, unless restrained by authority, head off into situations where they are alone with an alpha male, or are socially isolated with that male (only his minions present, no one connected to her, only to him) and with great regularity, head off into the custody of an alpha male that they do not know. Again, most Disney princess movies, and most romance comics downloaded onto your android phone, chick dives head first into a situation where she is with a powerful dangerous male stranger, and entirely alone and isolated with him, nothing stopping him from doing whatever he pleases with her. And in a significant minority of Disney princess movies and android webcomics, stays with him despite life threatening violence, even though he does absolutely nothing to prevent her from leaving.

It is not so much that girls think about fucking. They don’t think about actual physical sex much at all: What, however, they do think about a lot, just about all the time, is being in a situation where the powerful and dangerous alpha male could do with her whatever he pleases. It is not exactly that they are attracted to rape, as attracted to situations where they could be raped. All women are like that, all the time, and it is absolutely obvious that this is what the Rotherham girls were doing.

It is not that women fantasize about rape, though they do fantasize about rape. But mostly, what women fantasize about is being in a situation where she could be raped. All visually oriented chick lit is this trope, as near to all of it as makes no difference. We see a stream of striking images of chick alone in a strange place with the powerful strange male. She is on a mountain, in the jungle, at sea on a small boat, or in a fortress, either alone with him, or with him and his minions. Strange place, strange man, isolation. If visually oriented male material is mostly women wearing very little, visually oriented female material is girl alone with powerful male stranger, in that stranger’s lair, fortress, or alone in the wilderness. As all men are magnetically attracted to cute girls wearing very little, all women are magnetically attracted to situations where they could be raped. All women all the time. It is an instinctive tropism. All women are like that. Persuade a girl you are powerful, dangerous, and high status, then give her the opportunity to walk into your power, she will walk into your power as if hypnotized. All women, all the time. All women are like that.

It is not that all women have rape fantasies, but that all women all the time have fantasies about being totally vulnerable to rape and totally available to be raped. If men are always thinking about naked women, women are always thinking about being completely in the power of a powerful and dangerous stranger who is burning with desire and prone to violence. It is not the raping that they are fantasizing about, but his power and their powerlessness.

She is not fantasizing about you raping her. She is, however, fantasizing about you being able to rape her. You look at a hot chick, and imagine her without clothes. She looks at a powerful man, and imagines herself his prisoner.

Your response to the absolutely overwhelming evidence of the stereotypical misconduct of the Rotherham girls is to invent some fantasy of pure innocent girls and not tell us what your fantasy is.

Now, finally, you have just shared one such fantasy, and it is transparently silly, unsupported by the evidence. Up till now, you have just been telling us the facts, which facts all point to the Rotherham girls industriously searching for alpha dick, and failing to explain your fantasies. Hence my complaint that your arguments were incomprehensible and irrelevant, were not arguments.

Absolutely none of the girls are telling the story that you attribute to them. You have woven this story in your own mind, and randomly attach to it any data in the report that can be fitted into this story, even though nothing in the report suggests this story, nor are the random decorations you lift from the report likely to suggest your story to the reader. Not one girl says “I went to the paki rapist place expecting a party with free beer and cigs, and was totally shocked to find it was free me.”

So what our conversation consists of is that you tell the reader that the report says X, Y, and Z, and act as it told your story. But you don’t tell the reader what your story is, and X, Y, and Z does nothing to make your reader come up with your story independently. Hence my complaint that your points are total non sequiturs.

Now you are telling us what your story is: Your story is that the chicks went to paki rape central for free beer and free cigarettes, not free paki rapists. And it just is not the girl’s story, and not the report’s story. And if it was the girl’s story, which it is not, it would be entirely unbelievable. Girls don’t do that, ever.

Dave says:

I watched “Cape Fear” in 1991. At the scene where the teenage girl sneaks into the room where the muscular, sadistic, convicted rapist awaits her, and starts sucking his fingers, I blurted out, “Oh come on, this is ridiculous!” Guess I was wrong and Hollywood was right.

jim says:

Here is what happened: Here is what the report and the girls are telling us happened:

The chicks were at the station waiting for someone to hit on them, and persuade them that he was powerful, dangerous, and scary. We know that, because they gave the boys the opportunity to persuade them.

Men conquer and women surrender, but men perform and women choose. The chicks were at the station to give the boys auditions, and we know that is what they were doing at the station because they did give the boys auditions.

Performance succeeded, because white Christians are emasculated, and paki Muslims not emasculated, whereupon the chicks followed the rapists to a suitable place for rape as women always do. All women always. All women are like that.

That is what women always do, and that is what the report and the girls are telling us that they did. Your story is not what the report says, not what the girls say. Your story is inexplicable, arbitrary, and comes from nowhere.

Friendly Fred says:

Girls indeed aren’t, merely as such (as girls), precious treasures to be saved from defilement, but WASP male personality is the best thing ever to have emerged in the history of humanity — even better (because more bizarrely, unpredictably creative while equally honest and trustworthy) than Roman personality — and the essence that contains that personality in potency is indeed defiled by these Muslim immigrant spiders.

Oak says:

Yes, the majority of the value of anglo women resides in their ability to produce anglo men.

As Jim has pointed female emancipation creates an inverse relationship between male status and SMV, as women want violence and cruelty of the most theatrical kind, but ostentatious violence can only be risked by those with little to lose.

WASPS often have higher status and therefore are less prone to violence. But even when they are violent it is calculated, emotionless, goal-directed and highly efficient. A good example is English hooligans who were low status enough to risk engaging in violence, but did so in an anglo way, meeting at a particular place and time to fight with no onlookers and with a rigorous code which included never attacking normal fans (‘scarfers’). In other words, exactly the opposite of what women notice. They want theatrical unecessarily cruel violence, preferably with onlookers and not discluding violence directed at women or men obviously weaker than them.

alf says:

She was going to take him for some free stuff, then no sex was going to happen. Then he said, “Blow me or I’ll beat you senseless,” and the situation went way outside her control.

A Sudden, Mysterious, and Completely Unexpected Turn of Events. Who could have seen that coming!

Me, I’m pretty sure the girl saw it coming. Preeeetty sure she saw it coming from a mile away.

And if not, if she really had NO clue what was happening, if it really SHOCKED her to the core… She would’ve not stayed with him for years. She would’ve cried, would’ve called 911, would’ve done ran away. She would have done anything but suck all the cocks he pointed her towards, yet that is exactly what she did. Your story makes no sense.

Steve Johnson says:

I don’t think there’s too much disconnect between the two sides here.

Model – woman is running her “try to mooch off the guy” script – which we’ve all observed. This script is branching though – she gets the stuff and tries to blow the guy off sweetly (or not sweetly, depending on her personality / mood). There’s a catch though – the blow-off is a shit test albeit one that can only be passed through harsh action.

Here’s where the difference comes in – Hajnal white *men* are different from Paki men – white men have an evolutionarily implanted fear of women. This mental module isn’t due to fear of women directly (which would be insane) but because women are naturally property and men have an (overrideable) disinclination to screw with another man’s property which manifests as ‘fear of women’ – see approach anxiety that PUAs discuss. Pakis otoh, lack that type of fear – if a woman isn’t being guarded by her clan, she’s fair game.

Woman runs a script that would result in no sex with any but the most sociopathic (or men who have worked to overcome their natural inclinations) Western men on Paki men and finds that it results in sex. She’s not really bothered by this – sex is one of the end states of the script and none of the end states are really desired over any of the others.

jim says:

If mooching script, she never goes to your place.

When she goes to your place, she cooks, cleans, goes shopping – it is reverse mooching. You are mooching off her. You are never going to get a chick to go to spot suitable for having sex by offering her chocolates and pizza, let alone beer and cigs.

Steve Johnson says:

Offer beer and cigs, she accepts and follows to an isolated location, press for sex, she refuses (beta bux, alpha fux), Paki blows through it as if that was a shit test, she’s hooked because it was.

After sex, she runs her other script.

jim says:

Does not work. Cannot give her beer and cigs until after she follows to an isolated location.

Steve Johnson says:

A version of this same script that (I’m told) works in big / rich cities is the offer of coke.

Offers woman coke, goes back to his place, consumes coke, tries to leave as a test, guy plows through and fux and she’s happy afterward or doesn’t and she’s happy that she scored free coke.

jim says:

If she goes to your place for coke, will go to your place for any plausible reason or no reason.

Coke is a good excuse, because has to be consumed under the same circumstances as makes sex possible. But pretty much anything that has to be at your place will do the same job.

That is one of the reasons the artist scam works – you supposedly have a pile of artwork at your place to show her. (She is never surprised or disappointed that you don’t.)

Steve Johnson says:

The artist scam works differently – she’s not really motivated to score some art. She goes to a guy’s place to check out his art, she’s going for sex. If it’s coke, she’s going for coke and is open to the idea of sex but only if the guy is dark triad enough to make a strong enough move (having a supply of coke is also a demonstration that the guy is high status in the woman’s view because he deals with criminals and is self-destructive).

As you said, women will mooch off men they don’t want to have sex with but will give to men they do. An offer of coke is an setting up a passable but possibly harsh shit test to break out of the “guy who gives me stuff for my attention” box.

Neurotoxin says:

Why I believe point 3 is the most natural given her statements:

1. The only alternative that I can see is that her ENTIRE account of that part was a lie: That he never gave her anything and she just made up the whole thing.


2. Several of the victims tell that same story – that they were offered free stuff at first, that the men acted like boyfriends, etc.
Actually, IIRC, it wasn’t just “several,” but “many,” as in , this was standard operating procedure for the Pakis.

3. A girl who is making up a lie to make herself look chaste, demure, etc., is not going to include the part about the booze.

The Cominator says:

Stop spamming four fucking replies, you displace better comments on this boring stupid argument about Paki fucking whores.

Neurotoxin says:

Cominator: “Stop spamming four fucking replies”

When I’m too terse they don’t understand me. If you don’t want to read them, then don’t.

– – – – – – – – – –

Jim and Alf are just continuing to torture the corpse of William of Occam, while accusing me of doing that.

Theshadowedknight says:

Assuming that women are lying about sex is one of the easiest and most realistic assumptions ever made. In fact I would argue that given what we know about how women lie about their sexual histories and how their brains are wired to deceive even themselves, it is not an assumption. It is a proven fact that women cannot be trusted to accurately relay the decision-making process prior to a situation where either sex occurred or could have occured.

The Cominator says:

When I’m too terse they don’t understand me. If you don’t want to read them, then don’t.

It shits ups the board with stupid boring bullshit the way CR shit up the board with stupid commie bullshit.

The women went looking for bad men to fuck them and they found them. Now MAYBE some of them later regretted it but got into situations where they really feared trying to escape meant death but that does not seem to be the general rule.

Muslims suck and Muslims should not be allowed to live in civilized societies (and ultimately the religion should not exists at all) but stop spamming about how the women dindu nuffin.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Only a cuck would think America’s problem today is ‘socialism’.

A world that contains fixed odds betting terminals, falling-down-drunk nightclubs open 24/7 and The People Of Walmart requires not socialism, but capitalism.

Socialism is agnostic about the borders. In fact you can’t very well have something like a welfare state without good borders.

Capitalism is not agnostic about it at all: the labour-commodity must be able to move, like all other commodities, otherwise it’s not real capitalism.

jim says:


Your argument is too transparently idiotic and detached from reality to warrant a reply, or even for a reply to be possible.

Capitalism would supply what the customer wants – and a heterogamous species does not want to see isogamic romances and heroes, nor does it want isogamous marriage ceremonies and marriage celebrations. That Soy Wars is gay, romances are gay, music dance videos are gay, heroes are gay, that all marriages today are gay, even if a man is marrying a woman, is not what customers demand.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Unresponsive, and not a response to anything I have said, but a response to what Marxists imagine libertarians to have said.

Reply to me. If you are not explaining why gay crap is being shoved down the customer’s throat, not a reply to me.

No, that is not what libertarians say either. Let alone anything I have said.

At this point I could explain why if the state owns everything, you get capital consumption, and pretty soon the seed corn is all gone, and the socialist regime runs out of other people’s money, and is then apt to collapse or be conquered by outsiders.

But I will not bother, because if I was to explain why state ownership leads to capital consumption, you would ignore my explanation, and come back with another rebuttal of imaginary libertarians explaining why your imaginary libertarians are wrong about capitalism.

If you were willing to have a discussion about capital consumption, that would be great, but not if you are just going to rebut the same imaginary libertarians over and over and over again.

Rebut me. I have written on capital formation in “Throne, Altar, and Freehold” Rebut that, not what Marxists think that libertarians say about capital formation and capital consumption. Better, rebut what I said about gay crap being shoved down the customer’s throat.

jim says:

William of Occam tells us that the girls did what they say they did, for they say they did what girls always do, but that their explanations for doing what they did are unlikely to be true, and unlikely to make sense.

And, surprise surprise, their explanations for doing what they say they did do not make sense.

What the girls say they did does not fit your story – or their explanation, not that there is any resemblance between your story, the girl’s story, or the girls explanation of their supposedly inexplicable behavior.

You and they are concocting post hoc rationalizations for absolutely standard and universal female behavior that I see everywhere all the time. Girls turn towards rape the way men turn towards pretty girls.

The facts are that the rapists did not go to these girls. The girls went to the rapists. That is what the report says, that is what the girls say. The question is, why? Threats of violence? Free beer and cigs?

And the answer is: Girls, unless restrained, always go towards rapists. There is absolutely nothing here that needs explanation. It is just female nature taking its inevitable course. Water goes downhill, and when whites are emasculated, chicks find paki rapists.

jim says:

> When I’m too terse they don’t understand me.

You are not terse: You took umpteen screens to tell us that reason the girls went to the paki rapists was for free beer and cigs, and the reason you rambled all over the place, screen after screen after screen after screen, telling that story, is that told plainly, briefly, and bluntly, it is obvious nonsense. No girl is going to show up at your place for free beer and cigs, or even for chocolates and pizza.

They show up at your place when you convince them you are powerful, scary, and dangerous.

The reason we don’t understand your story is that you don’t tell your story. You talk around your story, you hint at your story, you talk about talking about your story, because if actually said out loud in plain words, fails to pass the giggle test.

You were not terse. You told us random facts from the report without telling us that these facts were supposed to explain why the girls headed off towards the rapists, or how they were supposed to explain why the girls headed off towards the rapists. We were supposed to read your mind about what these random facts signified, as if their supposed significance was self evident, but the reason you would not tell us why these facts were supposedly significant is that their supposed significance was absurd.

Neurotoxin says:

You: “I demand examples!”

Me: “OK, here.”

You: “That’s not an example of what I’m talking about. Provide examples!”

Me: “Yes, it is. Also here’s another example.”

You: “No it’s not! Also, where’s your argument? I demand that you make an argument.”

Me: “The argument is (etc.)”

You: “Hey, stop rambling for screen after screen.”

Cute. This kind of behavior is characteristic of malignant narcissists. Caught.

And… bye.

The Cominator says:

You argue the women dindu nuffin and that it is all the pakis fault.

Jim argues the women are attracted to the evil savage rapey behaviour of the Pakis.

You have failed to show examples of good girls being abducted, what you see is bad girls who willingly go to get whored out.

There are perhaps grey areas of girls who were threatened later on that they bad things would happen to them if they tried to leave. There are no cases of the Paki’s downright kidnapping the girls.

And please understand that my views when it comes to Sunni Muslims (Shias and Sufis aren’t as much of a problem) are as harsh as my views when it comes to leftists but the women as blameness victims narrative is not at all true.

Please consolidate your replies this subject is has been done to death and is boring at this point…

jim says:

> You: “I demand examples!”

> Me: “OK, here.”

You have provided no examples. Your examples make no sense as examples, unless you are reasoning, “X happened, therefore obviously Y must have happened, and Y is an example.” But though it may seem obvious to you that if X happened, Y must have happened, it is not all obvious to me, and you neglect to explain that “therefore Y must have happened, and Y is an example”

You have made no arguments, unless the completely unsupported claim that the chicks went to the rape place for beer and cigs constitutes an argument. You just post random crap that never seems to have any obvious relevance to anything that I can discern, and when I ask you to explain the relevance, you refuse to explain the relevance.

And you post a whole lot of random crap, no end of random crap, then confidently claim it proves something – but there is never the faintest indication of how it supposedly proves it.

> Me: “The argument is (etc.)”

> You: “Hey, stop rambling for screen after screen.”

You took umpteen screens to make the argument that the reason the girls went to the rape place was for beer and cigs, which argument could have been made in one line, instead of umpteen screens.

The trouble is that you post a whole lot on this topic, without actually saying very much. Please try to post complete arguments, but also try to express those arguments concisely.

Frederick Algernon says:

Command HQ is grim. The sun is setting as, off in the distance, the report of cannonade echoes through hill and dale. Lt. Col. Algernon fiddles endlessly with the Jewish made spectacles his wife gifted him Christmas last. She says they make him look refined and well read. He thinks they make him seem a book keeper. Not far away, General Toxin stands on a copse, spyglass to eye, back ramrod straight. He sweeps back and forth, paying no mind the humidity and vermin which are part and parcel high summer in this clime.

Under fading light, the General abruptly snaps closed the farseer and strides back into the tent. Algernon squirrels the spectacles away and straightens his dress coat.


Toxin does not respond, brushing politely past to survey the map spread languidly upon the rough hewn table. Algernon raises his chin and waits.

“The hussars?”

Algernon moves to stand beside him.

“Too little too late, sir. The entrenched infantry made short work of them. Though all reports indicate their sally was a sight to-”

“And the mercenary corps?”

“Broke and ran, I’m afraid. Mohammedans are a much storied force, but I fear they are ill suited to this type of battle…”

“Say your meaning, Algernon. I’ve not time for petticoat niceties.”

“…er, of course, General. The field is lost. Whatever path remains, it is only rearward. It is not that you fought, Sir, ’tis only where you fought. This ground is indefensible. No amount of horse or means or men can hold sand, not in any real way. I am of the opinion that y-”

“I know your opinion, Algernon. What is more, I’m aware of your cousins butchering my men. Pack my belongings and send them to Vienna at first light. What a waste.”

“A waste indeed, sir. But a noble waste. A waste worth, er, wasting, if you take my meaning.”

A casual and dismissive glance askance.

“I do not Algernon. I would be surprised if anyone did.”


With a curt nod, the General spun on his heel, exeunt to a waiting charger, and rode off into an indifferent twilight, leaving behind a mess made for others to put to rights.

jim says:

None of the girls, not a single one, tell the story “I went off to be alone with him and his friends expecting to party with free stuff”

You are making up this story and attributing it to the girls. It is not what they said. It is what you wish they had said, because you are so horrified by what they are actually saying that you refuse to listen to them. If the pakis getting girls with free stuff, it would be chocolates and roses, not beer and cigarettes, and it would not work. The girls would never agree to wander off into a situation where they could be raped.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Deleted for telling us what “some dude” said.

I cannot tell what dude you are referring to, probably because when you tell us what other people say, it is always the opposite of what they said.

Carlylean Restorationist says:


jim says:

Deleted for all the usual reasons.

@jim (fuck deeply embedded comment trees, so going to top level with this)

“That is the blue pill reason.

The red pill reason is that if a daughter is abducted by X, and you “rescue” her, there is a remarkably high likelihood that she will subsequently be abducted by Y.”

Yes. But also notice how traditional cultures tended to justify their red-pilled actions by such blue-pilled logic. We can generally learn a lot from what they did but not what they said. They did whatever worked and said whatever was socially the best thing to say.

So when you are a Pashtu father and your daughter is abducted then socially you save a lot of face by saying “Those outgroup bastards ruined my ingroup precious princess, and disgraced me and you guys, the ingroup tribe. Time for revenge!”. Saying “my precious princess is a whore and I failed to control her” is not very good for him socially.

Liberals didn’t invent deception and self-deception. It was in human nature all along…

When some trad tribe uses willow bark soup for headache and fever for centuries, we can assume it works. When they say it works because it exorcises demons, we should not believe that. That is simply the socially acceptable explanation in their tribe.

I don’t like that Shaman keeps calling Doug an Entryist. His Thermidor record is actually very good. Doug is simply making a honest mistake: believing what traditional people said. This is not a good idea for the above reason. Only trust their actions.

The carloads of sons attacking the abducters are real. Stuff like this really did happen. But that happens not because that is effective for the purpose of keeping traditional sexual morality. It is useful for the father for socially saving face. It is useful for keeping warm ingroup feelings for girls and blaming the outgroup. And so on.

After all if the outgroup gets away with abducting your daughter, they think you are weak and will come back for your cattle and your gold. This is also an important angle. Game theory says you gotta punish them even when you know the girl, too, is at fault. So you will come up with a blue-pilled justification…

jim says:

Your analysis is spot on – acknowledging your daughter is a whore is weak, and attracts bad guys. But this assumes that bad guys are a bigger problem than bad daughters, which is often the case, but far from always the case.

Theshadowedknight says:

Bad daughters are a problem, but you can survive a bad daughter. Bad guys showing up and killing you, your family, and taking all of your shit because you did not control your daughter is a worse problem. Uncontrolled women signal weakness. Perhaps that is the reason for stoning them in the Middle East.

Yes, the daughter might have gotten away, and fucked you. I am such a hard bastard that I will let my daughter be killed. Do not test me. Passing a shit test by executing a woman let’s the rest know you are serious, and let’s the other tribes know that you still have what it takes. Cannot kill the man because that does not work and risks conflict regardless.

Javier says:

Yeah I mean, it reminds me of those stories where a woman is “abducted” for twenty years. You’re like, wow, was she kept in a cage that whole time? Oh, no, she was free to roam the house. Why didn’t she make a run for it? Call the cops? Just dial 911 and leave it off the hook, police will show up.

Well they say she was dominated by male power and threats of violence. Yet I have been reliably informed that it is impossible to control women and that any attempt to do so will provoke them to rebel. Hmm.

If my daughter is going to run off with losers whether I try to control her or not, I may as well try. The worst that will happen is I’ll still fail. I think people say women can’t be controlled so you won’t try. They know full well women can be controlled, but it requires a strong pimp hand.

When I was 16 I got my first girlfriend, who was 14. The image I had from Hollywood was that boys try to pressure girls into sex and this was bad, so I was determined not to pressure her. But hormones won out, and when I did proposition her I found very little actual pressure was required. In fact she was quite enthusiastic about the whole idea, and to this day I’ve never slept with a girl who left bigger wet spots on the bed. Of course, when her dad found out I was branded an evil abuser who tried to manipulate and control her. Whatever. The mom knew better. Years later that girl ended up marrying a Nice Guy, cucked him with someone else’s kids (not mine, thank god), divorced the nice guy, and moved the real dad into the house while the cuck still pays for it. Whew, bullet dodged there. Sorry bro.

I knew another girl who lost her virginity at 14 to a much older man. She was an early bloomer, pretty much looked like a 20 year old, narrow waist, nice curves, huge rack. Her parents took her on vacation and left her alone, so she wandered out on the beach looking for dick. A guy approached her, invited her back to his room, and had sex with her. She never mentioned her age and he didn’t ask. When I asked if she felt “taken advantage of” she laughed, like the whole idea was absurd. She said he was hot and made her wet, and that “all the coolest girls have tons of sex.” That was her impression, whores were cool, she couldn’t wait to take part in the dick buffet.

That girl is a pole dancer now. Literally. Not yet a full on stripper/hooker, but give her time. She doesn’t come from a broken home either, her parents are upper middle class and very well educated, and also very liberal. She posts pictures of herself in whore makeup and clothing, undulating on a greasy pole in front of freaks and degenerates and her dad posts comments like “so proud of u honey!” Wtf. It is not male pressure which makes her act this way, it is a total lack of male pressure which has allowed her to go feral.

jim says:

Lets take a look at fiction directed at females. Download webnovel onto your phone, tell them you want romance, select comics.

In these comics you will get no actual sex, therefore no rape. No nudity, therefore no instances of the exploding clothes trope where the male love interest is overcome by lust and causes the female protagonists clothes to explode away from her in shreds. But what you will get in every single case is that the female protagonist is alone with a powerful and dangerous alpha male, or alone except for his minions, who are implied but seldom shown. What you will get in a large majority of cases the female protagonist heads off into a situation where she is alone with a powerful and dangerous alpha male whom she does not know or only just met, and falls completely and totally into his power. She never actually gets raped, but she goes right into a situation where she could be, and what you get in a large minority of cases is that the female protagonist heads off to be alone with a powerful alpha male whom she knows to be dangerous, whom she usually does not know or only just met, and who beats her, threatens her life, etc, and she makes absolutely no attempt to escape, even though he makes no attempt to prevent her from leaving.

In short, the protagonists behave like the Rotherham girls. All Women Are Like That.

The Cominator says:

Random question Jim…

When Mueller pulled agents off of the 9/11 hijackers and then decided to muddy the waters with the “dancing Israeli” story who exactly was giving him the orders?

I ask because watching parts of the Mueller hearing today I get the impression that Mueller was just a perfectly grey banal bureaucrat (who is now also senile) functionary not someone who ever really made big decisions himself.

Theshadowedknight says:

Consider that that was almost 20 years ago. Mueller could have been perfectly capable then. He could be perfectly capable today and be just playing at the senile old man routine.

The Cominator says:

Well if he is playing at being a senile old fool its because he thinks Trump is or soon will be in total power and nothing could stop it and nothing other then acting pitifully soulless and senile could possibly save his skin.

Theshadowedknight says:

Mueller is as opportunistic and self-interested a political operative as exists. Barr’s appointment signalled that the God-Emperor was not going to give up and roll over, and Mueller took that as a sign he was on the losing side. Now he is covering his as as hard as he can. A sign that our esteemed host is accurate in his assessment of the state of the coup/counter-coup.

Eli says:

Meh. I don’t see that they seriously think that he’ll be in total power. What he and his bureaucrat cronies are doing is standard “cover your ass” performance, because they know that their faction is on the losing end for the next few years and he wants to limit repercussions, because 5 years is a long time to get his ass kicked.

That Trump is on the way to acquiring total, kingly power is doubtful to me. He’s been referring to such insinuations as “joke.” And since he’s the best troll ever, hard to judge.

Likely: he’s going to finish his term, then get re-elected in 2020, and then there will be the 2024 elections, in which loony Democrats are likely to win, permanently.

Frederick Algernon says:

I think peak Clown World would be some string of devastating natural and/or social cataclysms catalyze the invocation of martial law, with the very leftward populace shrilly screaming for his impeachment will suddenly be shrieking for him to save them.

“And as the masses poured out their lamentation, crying and groaning at the woe that had befallen them, the clamor and tumult rose upon the lofted winds, carrying this message to Him.

“And the God Emperor looked upon his people with pity, his countenance ashen but firm. And, in a loud voice, he called out to them and spake the words that all true believers awake with on their lips, work with in their hearts, and gather about themselves when they rest:

…let’s make a deal.”

jim says:

Your error is to envisage a stable left wing end state, the end of history, a steel boot stamping on the human face forever. Pretty soon they are going to be stamping on each other’s faces. Trump is the only thing keeping the slightly less evil, slightly less depraved and slightly less insane left alive. If it was not for Trump, then Scott Alexander, David Packman, and Tim Pool would all be executed for being White male cishet Nazi Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler.

We are bound to get a patriarchal warrior led state in the very near future. The only uncertainty is whether there will be any white people left alive and any technology or industry still working.

Theshadowedknight says:

“Maybe I will never leave office hahaha. Only joking!”

Is not a joke. That is planting a seed in the minds of everyone who hears it. When the alternative to Trump is whoever/whatever four more years of leftward holiness spiral from now produces, all of the sudden people will start talking about how Trump 2024 is the bold step the country needs. Either that, or the increasingly blatant coup attempts will require Trump to suspend elections indefinitely until the plotters can be ousted, which is liable to take the rest of his life, and his son’s life, and then we get Emperor Donald III, long may he reign.

jim says:

Grey banal bureaucrats make decisions collectively by consensus. No one specific bureaucrat is wholly to blame. Mueller was the leading member of a collection of grey banal bureaucrats who do not individually make decisions. No one grey banal bureaucrat made the decision to pull the FBI off the 9/11 hijackers, but he was the guy in charge at the time.

I say this not because I am privy to the inner workings of the FBI, but because I am privy to the inner workings of grey banal bureaucracies that commit monstrous, egregious, and extraordinary evils greyly and banally.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Your comment suggests an explanation for what this post observes, historical divergence between legal and “sacral” rules for rape and sex.

Friendly Fred says:

Here’s a proposal intended to result in the distribution of girls within a few months after their 14th birthdays that might be more widely accepted than the they’re-up-for-grabs proposal: As soon as an unmarried girl hits 14, any unmarried man may file a complaint regarding her unmarried status to the local family-court judge. This judge then announces that a window of 3 months for the filing of associated complaints by unmarried men is now open. If the girl is still unmarried after the expiration of that period, the judge requires that she choose a husband from among those men who filed complaints regarding her unmarried status.

Icon says:

This is an excellent topic to revisit in light of current events and Antifa demographic. I briefly scanned this but will be reading through this later.

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