
The fall of the Republic

Today in America it is the year in Rome fifty eight years before Christ. We are here. The mob is on the streets, which the courts decline to put down, courts and legal processes of the Republic politicized and defunct, carrying out political vengeance and refusing to enforce law, elections blatantly fraudulent and discredited.

Caesar crossing the Rubicon was the culmination of more Rubicons than you can shake a stick at. Before Caesar crossed the Rubicon, Clodius and Pompey crossed the Pomerium.

And before they crossed the Pomerium, Rome had the grossly dysfunctional courts, the undue process, and the rigged elections, that we have right now.

Soros and Hunter Biden are Clodius. Trump is Pompey, Cato, and Cicero. The Insurrection Act is the Senatus Consultum Ultimum.

When Pompey crossed the Pomerium fifty two years before Christ, he rolled up the useless, cowardly, weak, and undisciplined mob, and enforced order without mucking around with the useless and discredited courts.

But, since Pompey was an idiot, he then stepped down from the job of dictator, expecting normalcy to return. It did not. And everyone else acted like idiots also. Seeing order return, they thought that democracy, legality, and due process had returned, though obviously it had not.

Order seemingly restored by Pompey’s dictatorship and the Senatus Consultum Ultimum, Rome went on a conquest binge, dropping the pretext of self defense, and pissing off all its neighbors. One of its neighbors, the Parthians, revealed that they had been advancing the art and technology of war, while Rome had been quietly regressing. But the Parthians were content to grossly humiliate Rome, and merely returned their borders to where they were legally supposed to be, though there was absolutely nothing to stop them from rolling up the the entire eastern empire, and perhaps Rome itself. They still had and observed the legality that Rome had abandoned.

Eight years later, forty nine years before Christ, massive abuse of the courts and lack of legality forced Caesar to, with extraordinary reluctance, cross the Rubicon, after several years where legality was not in effect, but people still deluded acted as if it was. And finally, belatedly, remarkably belatedly, people after the assassination of Caesar recognized that legality, due process, courts, laws, fair trials, and free elections are finally gone and are not coming back any time soon.

Political violence continues to grow, eventually resulting in total war, immensely destructive civil war carried out by extraordinary and unprecedented measures.

After eighteen years of ever escalating chaos and ever more massive and extraordinary bloodshed, after a civil war that turned total, Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus, made himself dictator, but having learned from Pompey’s error, did not step down from the job expecting normalcy to return.

Legality, due process, free elections, and peaceful transfer of power, once lost, are hard to restore.

But despite the imperium, the swamp went on being swampy, the state religion went on being hostile, legality did not return. And things stayed like that for two and half centuries, till Constantine built a new capital, and made a new religion the state religion.

My hope is that our Pompey will be our Constantine, that we do a fast forward over Rome’s centuries of war and ruin.

1,152 comments The fall of the Republic

Strannik says:

I do not think we will leapfrog over ”Rome’s centuries of war and ruin”. This is the ”Long Emergency” James Kunstler talks about. One can hope that we can fast forwards certain aspects a little bit, but we’ve been living off the social capital of a Christianity in the West that is almost gone, having turned to Heresy and outright Apostasy in the interim.

But of that interregnum there will be much to do for men of action, and I take solace in the fact that there will likely be no Liberals to bedevil mankind with their madness in another 10-20 years, tops.

No, by that time at least I think we’ll be dealing with other men, not effeminates or feminists, just people such as the Muslims and the Chinese and Africans.

Interesting thought, Strannik. With the “useful idiots” replaced by *overt* tyrants, do you think we are simply finding our way around the bad part of the Tytler cycle?

Strannik says:

I think we’re finding our way around the bad part of Tytler’s cycle. Although I am not as deterministic as that great Scotsman was, I think you can undo the cycle if one is powerful enough and prescient enough to look ahead and address the issues diligently. But it is true in most cases people can’t seem to be able to look either backwards or forwards beyond their immediate time and place.

James says:

I don’t buy the prospect of no leftists in 10-20 years. That sounds like Hitler saying that once they kick down the door of the Soviet Union, the entire rotten edifice will come crashing down. It last far longer than his Reich.

In fact, I don’t buy the prospect that leftists are -ever- going away. The misfits of each generation, at the very least, will be drawn to leftism, and the world is far too large to purge — and any such purge would be far too bloody for anybody but a leftist to stomach.

It looks to me at this point like we’re heading for a very long winter of leftism. My recommendation is to hunker down and focus on what is near at hand rather than playing to the national stage. If this election goes the way it looks like it’s going to, we just don’t have any chance of winning by any means other than evolutionary and economic success, and it’s going to take a few generations of hard demographic work to build the core peoples for a Restoration.

The Cominator says:

Leftism in some form will always endure. Some form of envy based leftism is natural. You could even argue that societies need some amounts of it in small doses so they don’t end up resembling say Renaissance Poland.

Utopian Marxism and its bastard offshot utopian progressivism are RELIGIONS not mere envy based leftism, and they can absolutely be eradicated.

European Mutt says:

You mentioned new age leftism to me, and I recalled some new age leftists that I was living with temporarily a few years ago. They had downright ‘traditional’ gender roles (compared of course only to what was going on around them); pleasant girls who knew how to entertain and have an actual conversation, not overtly slutty (although in fact, averagely slutty). And men that were actually medium-to-high T and handy with tools. And long-term relationships resembling marriage with the girl popping out her first baby at 25 and her second at 26. Sometimes the women reminded me of 1930s women.

Made a lot of noises about human rights, justice for the poor etc. and did a lot of drugs but I never had a serious conflict about politics with them or had to hold my tongue. Could joke about almost anything with them.

Is there a way we can seed/engineer a widespread movement like this to suck up people who would otherwise become progressives?

The Cominator says:

Marxist and progressive leftists are evil power seeking totalitarian cults which seek to reduce humanity to bugmen and bug trannies respectively.

New agey type leftists are genuinely not evil and believe in individual freedom to an extent, but they have some romantic notions of a humanity freed from even the more informal hierarchies of corporate structures (I mean I like that for myself too which is why now that I can avoid it I don’t work for anyone else, or in a way that I have to even deal with customers).

To the extent they are “feminist” they are “free love” sex positive feminist. They do not believe in modern feminism because they absolutely believe men and women are different. The women tend to be actually among the feminine and nice girls you will find in American society (but they tend to do a lot of drugs). Its okay among them to like Trump its not that they necessarily like Trump but they hate the other side and don’t listen to the media either… especially if you explain it in old leftist terms like how the other side is a project of global slavery and global war (which is true).

If I were the Emperor or head of the Inquisition or something I would direct them that I consider these type of leftists are harmless and they are not to be touched whereas progs and marxists are to be shown absolutely no mercy.

European Mutt says:

Yes, this concept of yours fits my data near perfectly. I assume this is not reactionary canon and that you came up with it yourself because I have only read it in your comments. But I absolutely agree. Not all leftists cut from the same cloth.

The way you describe it made me realize I was actually a new agey leftist myself when I was young, and this also explains why I turned libertarian in disgust with the progressive left (and luckily found Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Hoppe and Baader at some point, and from that Moldbug and Jim). When I was young I had the very same dream about no hierarchies, no pleasing bosses or customers. Then I discovered I was pretty good at handling all three, so I became more pragmatic. But I have always understood the impulse.

Perhaps they should be treated as a tolerated but non-privileged non-state religion, like Jehovah’s witnesses or something. Their secret is probably that their commandments (no slavery, no war, enjoy and create life, …) cannot be easily holiness-spiralled so the dynamics of progressive leftism don’t happen.

The Cominator says:

Jim you were right that the left is done with complying with SCOTUS orders it doesn’t like.

jim says:

Justification for invoking the Insurrection Act, but a relatively weak justification.

Trump has one such justification, arguably two such justifications, in his pocket. He will shortly have many more. But a stronger justification would be helpful.

The Cominator says:

“Trump is Pompey, Cato, and Cicero.”

Lets hope he is Julius Caesar… Cicero was Rome’s Mitt Romney, a hypocritical snake tounged treacherous cuckservative.

We don’t have a Cato someone who is both fanatically reactionary and fanatically opposed to Trump.

jim says:

Trouble with Julius Caesar was that he cheerfully recognized the collapse of legality and propriety before everyone else did, and expected and intended to replace it with open Kingship.

His adoptive son, Augustus Caesar, had a more palatable solution. Though Caesar’s solution might well have avoided the centuries of troubles.

Karl says:

Why do you think that Caesar’s solution might have avoided centuries of troubles?

My impression is that Augustus and his successors were awfully short of sons which was cause of instability and lots of trouble. Christianty improved fertility, but don’t see what Caesar could have done about it.

jim says:

Yes, shortage of sons was by far the biggest problem.

But we see them casting around for a state religion, and struggling for lack of a decent one. The priests of the old gods were a problem, and emperor worship did not fix the problem. The old gods failed to support virtue, and provided the priests with far too many grounds to meddle in that which is Caesar’s. Which was a pain the butt for Xenophon.

Strannik says:

Mitt Romney is both fanatically reactionary and fanatically opposed to Trump. At one time one might have said the same of Ted Cruz, although I’m not sure now.

Not Tom says:

Mitt Romney is reactionary? Go ahead, explain, I’m dying to hear this one.

Strannik says:

Romney is a fanatical Mormon. Mormonism is inherently reactionary. Therefore, Romney is a reactionary. Now, you may think he operates as a Jacobin, but it’s for reactionary ends using leftist means.

The Cominator says:

Romney is a progressive not a Mormon.

Romney may be Mormon in title, he may have the magic underwear on, but he *practices* the religion of leftism.

Not Tom says:

This is just hilariously stupid. Prove it. When has Mitt Romney ever done anything that doesn’t benefit progressivism?

I’m glad we have people like Jim who understand and teach about entryism. Thinking that someone must be good because they belong to some religion (or any other open-entry group) on paper is a big part of why western conservatives have failed to conserve anything at all.

It’s huge gaping security vulnerabilities like this that make me skeptical of Christianity as a viable state religion. Bring back excommunication already.

jim says:

> It’s huge gaping security vulnerabilities like this that make me skeptical of Christianity as a viable state religion. Bring back excommunication already.

Most of the creeds were designed to keep out various types of entryism.

The current crop of entryists can say “Jesus Jesus” all day long, because they refer to a Jewish community organizer who pointed the way to Obama the lightbringer, who stopped the oceans from rising, brought world peace, and healed the earth.

Article two of the thirty nine articles of the Anglican Church was specifically targeted to keep out Socinians. Would have probably worked had they forced applicants to say the words, but they just stopped testing applicants. The Socinians got control the the Church of England back in 1832, maybe a bit earlier.

The existing security measures are good enough. Christianity has been under entryist attack for two millenia. Christians got quite good at this. Trouble is that we are lax in applying the existing security measures that are theoretically in place.

Not Tom says:

Lack of enforcement of security measures is as much a security vulnerability as not having them in the first place.

Historical performance tells us what Christianity could be, what you want it to be, what it ideally should be, but not what it currently is. Before it can be a viable state religion, every Christian will have to laugh uproariously at “hail fellow Christian” rhetoric the same way every Muslim would laugh uproariously (or maybe just go straight to beheading) at “hail fellow Muslim”.

I see you doing this, and maybe half a dozen other Christians I’ve ever met, but the vast majority are still hopelessly naive. I don’t know what is to be done. Perhaps the laity will grow spines when their priests do; that would certainly be an easier problem to solve, though still an uphill battle.

European Mutt says:

When you unpoz the churches, you are automatically telling people that there is such a thing as a heresy, which needs to be excised. Then it will not seem so bad, indeed necessary to have creeds or other security features.

Unpozzing is the hard part.

jim says:

Nuts. Romney is neither Mormon nor Christian. It is just protective coloration.

Strannik says:

Well, here’s the way I originally envisioned the idea of Romney being a reactionary of sorts. Recall how we discussed Muslims piggybacking on their alliance with the Left for their own ends? What’s to say that Mormons like Romney aren’t thinking along those same lines. If a guy like me can think up some twisted ”game of thrones” Machiavellian shit like that, surely a weasel like Romney can too, right?

Eli says:

I’ve driven the Fresh Pond rotary many times, but never wept there:

neofugue says:

Christians have a tendency to prescribe philosophically positive “Leftism” as philosophically negative “unbelief.” The irony of NeoReaction is that it took a 21st century Atheist Jew to point out a Christian heresy.

If Christians understood Leftism as heresy, not “unbelief,” then they might have been prescient to deal with it like Catharism. Personal “theism” has no greater spiritual significance than “atheism;” belief in God is not an indication of conscience.

TBeholder says:

The irony is even greater: it took a 21st century Atheist Jew to point out a Christian heresy AND be heard.

Chesterton already noted the results separation of Church and State done clumsily: clashing overexcited “secular” movements that cannot be meaningfully negotiated or generally handled in a sensible way, because their advertised premises are fake and they have incentives to keep it this way.
On the other side, it’s not like e.g. helpless Oriental Collectivismâ„¢ meme of the moderates was flailing around without any reason at all. If the hole can be patched only with something careening into “Marx was a China man, Engels a Mongol, and Plymouth was done by Brezhnev’s time traveling operatives”, some water must get through.
Gorbachev said it plainly.
And even the Cathedral’s clients go “it’s totally a Crusade, guys” when they stop cooperating fully and start wrestling for advantages. Sure, the last one has double bottom opening inside the Cathedral’s territory, thanks to the Outer Party as a scapegoat for hire — but it had to be mostly plausible.

jim says:

Mitt Romney is a leftist, and when he was hoping to president, I posted that he would be a bigger disaster than any of the Democratic candidates

Romney supported “arab spring”, which was progressive imperialism which aimed to install progressive Islam over the middle east. It led to disaster, partly because their Mohammedan allies betrayed them, and partly because of American military incapacity..

Mister Grumpy says:

[*deleted for posting demon worship from within the frame that you are a Christian*]

jim says:

Affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, that he is from before the beginning of the world, fully man and fully God, God is three and God is one, because I don’t allow people to post leftism from within the frame that they are Christian unless they can affirm Christianity.

Which they seldom can.

One cannot be at once a Christian and a leftist. The two are mutually exclusive. Anyone who claims to be both has bastardized one or the other (or possibly both) to make them “fit” together. They are incompatible.

jim says:

Observe how the left wing takeover of Anglicanism in the nineteenth century involved moving non Christians (socinians) into the top.

The inability to say certain Christian words would suggest that now it is no longer socinians, but demon worshipers. Or maybe socinianism was an intellectual cover for demon worship from the beginning.

Leon says:

Does anyone here read Miles Mathis’ blog? He claims that this whole election fiasco is staged and Trump was always meant to win, and the Democrats are playing the heel in this “staged event.” According to his theory the covid lockdown and election fraud are all meant to make everyone hate the Democrats WWE style.

I don’t really buy his belief that everything is staged…. but I don’t know what to think at this point. I know the covid lockdown is clearly BS, and the Democrats are corrupt as hell. Is Trump going to cross the Rubicon? The sheer amount of misinformation and conjecture online is confusing as all can be.

jim says:

Things really are grim – but they are not as grim as black pillers say, nor as hopeful as the Qtards say.

Pooch says:

Should we be knocking white pillers?

jim says:

Qtards are a prolific source of misinformation.

Not Tom says:

That’s not white pill, it’s retard pill.

“White pill” is something that tells you not to give up, and to keep fighting, because there’s still hope. But notice how all Qtardery and related phenomena tell you something rather different – that there’s no need to fight because everything’s just fine, better than fine actually, we’ve already won, there’s all this amazing stuff going on behind the scenes, don’t worry that you can’t see it, just sit back and watch.

That’s disinfo.

Strannik says:

I think it’s more staged than most people care to think about. But, it’s also a case of people happening to make the same kind of mistakes over and over, because human nature hasn’t changed that much from the Fall.

TimothyS says:

Miles T Mattis generally writes articles with a contrarian, unorthodox perspective. I wouldn’t always take his commentary on contemporary events at face value, but it shouldn’t be entirely discounted. He is brilliant.
One thing he is exceptionally good at is tracing the genealogy and associations of elite family lines going back hundreds of years. A very unusual genius.

Strannik says:

I read him. He’s brilliant but gets a little carried away at times. Even when he’s flat out wrong though he gets close enough to the mark that whatever he says is at least worth paying attention to.

pyrrhus says:

Pretty much….Miles is really entertaining when he dissects nonsensical historical events,,

European Mutt says:

Is that the guy with the unified field theory?

Only 20% actually voting Republican? And who would be competent enough to stage the election like that? That’s my main problem with conspiratards in general: They assume an actually competent elite that can do stuff that does not backfire all the time and has the coordination to keep its most radical elements under control. All the evidence we have shows that the elite is not that cohesive and is suffering from crippling ideological blindness, so conspiratards are just another type of blackpiller.

He is right about controlled opposition tactics, but not about much else.

Med says:

Aside from the legal path, what other options do you think there are for Trump to cross the Rubicon? I assume appointing Chris Miller as Acting Secretary of DoD was meant to bring home as many troops as possible, but perhaps he has other plans in mind.

jim says:

Insurrection act

He gets to declare it. Does not need congress, does not need the supremes.

pyrrhus says:

But now, based on Sidney’s verified complaint and affidavits, Trump appears to have solid evidence in the form of intercepts that China and Iran used Dominion to tamper with the election…which is all the pretext he needs to invoke the Insurrection Act, if that’s even necessary…Dominion personnel appear to be running for the hills, and the Biden team freaking out over it….

jim says:

Maybe he has.

How do you know he has? Links? Sources? Sydney is not known to be a reliable source. What is in her affidavits?

pyrrhus says:

Sidney is connected with the military and MI through Flynn and states that she has expert testimony based on MI and/or possibly NSA intercepts, which seems highly likely based on Snowden’s revelations…Flynn is definitely on our side…I’m not sure why you consider Sidney unreliable, but the other allegations of the complaint seem right on target..I’d be very surprised, as a former litigator myself, if she could not back up such explosive allegations….

Not Tom says:

Well, I just went over all her exhibits and there’s nothing significant there that we haven’t already seen. The poll worker affidavits are good and there are some individual observations in there that I wasn’t aware of, but zilch on the counterintelligence front. Her big centerpiece is the dude babbling about a Serbian programmer working on ML algorithms that he mistook for (or misrepresented as) relating to elections somehow. It’s true blue Pepe Silva tier nonsense.

And for fuck’s sake stop saying the word “explosive”.

pyrrhus says:

Your characterization of the complaint is way off base, suggesting you know little about law except what you see on TV, and I don’t know how you would describe allegations of treason in any other way…In my experience as a lawyer, I have never heard of such an allegation in any civil lawsuit…

Not Tom says:

I don’t watch TV, Qtard, and practicing lawyers don’t use phrases like “explosive”. Did you actually litigate serious cases or were you some kind of urban corporate back-office lawyer?

What is my characterization of her complaint? I wonder if Qtards have the same vulnerability as other shills. Tell me in your own words why *I* think her complaint is badly designed – feel free to tell me afterward why you believe I’m wrong or misinformed. (Hopefully it’s better than Vox’s copout of “normies wouldn’t understand real evidence”, that’s fine for PR but this is the actual court filing.)

pyrrhus says:

Sidney Powell has an extremely impressive resume, having graduated from UNC at age 19 and from law school 3 years later, with great experience in Appellate work….

Karl says:

Solid evidence is for courts and only matters if the courts still judge according to the law.

Maybe some still do, but I would not bet on it.

jim says:

Solid evidence is for us. And, more importantly, we want to know what Trump knows, in order to figure out what he is up to.

The courts have been dysfunctional for some time. We must judge each for ourselves.

I hope for a good judgment in the supremes, so that Trump has clearly legitimate grounds for the insurrection act. But the courts are not a reliable index to information. If Trump gets a good supreme court judgment, that will be because the supremes are unhappy about being ignored and do not want to be stacked, nothing to do with the strength of his case.

Karl says:

I admit that I also want to know what Trump knows, but that is just curiosity. I do not need to know what he knows.

If solid evidence is for us, than it simply means that every man has to judge for himself. Men are different. Some men will require more evidence than others and some men no evidence at all.

I see Trump as a chance to stop the holiness spiral which will be very beneficial not just for the USA, but for the entire Western civilisation. Hence, the only evidence I’m interested in is whether Trump really wants to stop the madness.

Not Tom says:

If solid evidence is for us, than it simply means that every man has to judge for himself.

No, that is not what that means. That is the progressive standard of evidence: “Your truth.” And not coincidentally, also the Qtard standard of evidence.

Every man should verify evidence to the best of his ability, but every man doesn’t get to choose whatever standard of evidence is appropriate as a pretext for violence or punishment. Not unless you want to take us back to the pre-biblical days of blood feuds and trepanning.

None of us are demanding that Sidney actually win a court case, because the judges tend to be untrustworthy. But we want to see her evidence for ourselves, not simply be told that oh, she’s got evidence, you’ll see! Nor is anyone making an assertive claim that she doesn’t have good evidence; she’s just an unknown quantity who’s thrown up a few red flags.

Edit_XYZ says:

Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit with all exhibits attached:

Have fun verifying.

Karl says:

Of course, there is only one truth, but a man either judges for himself or relies on the judgement of someone else.

Truth is difficult to ascertain. Two mathematicians will agree when something is proven, two judges often will not. One judge might believe a witness, another judge will not – both can give reasons. One man can honestly be convinced that something is proven while another man still has honest doubts.

The law recognizes different standards of proof. Which one do you pick? Why should another man accept your pick? How do you propose to establish consensus about what is proven and what is not?

Not Tom says:

Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit with all exhibits attached:

Have fun verifying.

Exhibit 3 is good stuff, that’s the dozens of affidavits from observers and challengers. This is the traditional fraud we are talking about with tons of evidence. #6 is similar, just one extra complaint, #10 is more of the same. These are all good, not sure why they aren’t aggregated.

Exhibit 5 is the IT contractor, I already watched and commented on her interview a week or two ago, but for anyone who’s late to the party, the affidavit is a good short summary.

#7 has to be tied in with the USPS stuff – it’s alright, just supporting/secondary evidence.

#8 is just the contract, from which she extracts one sentence about replacement keys. Seems pretty weak to me.

#101-103 are regarding the statistical implausibility. Good, although I wish there’d been more – there’s enough evidence to paint a truly shocking picture but the ones she chooses are merely “hmm that looks kinda suspicious”.

There are references to other precedent-setting court cases in some exhibits. I won’t comment on those since I’m interested in the facts, not the law.

So, all this good stuff, then what’s the problem? Exhibit 1 and several of the other exhibits not listed above all focus on the Dominion angle. Half of her entire case seems to be about DVS, and almost all of it is rampant Qtardery.
– The Venezuelan official talks about events from decades ago, refers to Smartmatic (Dominion’s current competitor, and yes I am aware of the Sequoia cutout and technology acquisition) and really doesn’t say much at all about the mechanism of supposed algorithmic fraud.
– A couple of other exhibits are just random strings of coincidences with no apparent narrative: “oh look, someone from China visited Dominion’s web site”. “Hey one of the subdomains says scorecard!” Rubbish.
– Some quasi-insiders saying “well I’m sure the software was used to steal the election” without being able to say exactly how, but spraying a lot of squid ink to cover up that fundamental flaw.
– Texas rejected Dominion, media were warning about Dominion two years ago, etc., all in the “so what” category as far as a judge is concerned, and all things we here have known forever.

The Qtard narrative is dominating the filing, and it’s weak as fuck. A lot of it sounds very complex, and since I’m pretty sure Sidney doesn’t understand the technical aspects, she must be relying on other “experts” to tell her whether or not there’s anything interesting there, and those experts are feeding her disinfo. Being very complex does not make it useful; I actually do understand how the internet works and can easily point out that some of these supposedly suspicious coincidences are not only uninteresting, they’re practically inevitable – show me a web site that hasn’t received some kind of traffic from China at some point in time. As Barnes pointed out, even if the allegations are true, it’s a terrible case because she just can’t prove it.

If she’d thrown out all the Dominion shit that’s pure Qtard, she’d have a bulletproof case. But because she didn’t learn her lesson in PA, she’s going to blow it again. Her Michigan case will be thrown out because it looks like what she’s doing is throwing a bunch of shit against the wall to see if anything sticks. The awful disinfo dilutes the concrete election fraud evidence, and makes it easy for the defense and judge to shrug it all off as a dumb conspiracy theory.

And what might make this even worse is that it could interfere with Trump/Giuliani’s team, because they are probably relying on a lot of the same evidence for the classic fraud case, and it gives an excuse for the court to say “yeah we’ve already seen all of this, go home”.

That is my prediction: Sidney loses because she didn’t separate the wheat from the chaff, again, and Trump/Giuliani get a hard time as a side effect. Fortunately, in Michigan, a court victory seems unnecessary at this point since the adjudicators already refused to certify the result.

Not Tom says:

You know, upon further reflection, I recall that Trump already dropped their case in Michigan, which could be why Sidney is doing this now. It’s probably not even supposed to succeed in court, just generate a lot of publicity, and Trump/Giuliani don’t really mind because they’re relying on the state legislature in MI rather than the court.

If the whole thing is just a publicity stunt, that makes her actions more justified, but one does have to wonder if it’s intended as publicity for Trump and the election fraud or publicity for herself.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

Read exhibit 105

Not Tom says:

Read exhibit 105

I did. That one is possibly the worst of all of them, it’s the one that caused me the biggest “ugh qtard” cringe, and I even referred to it directly e.g. referencing Chinese IP traffic. The fact that you obviously didn’t catch it means that you either only skimmed it yourself, or didn’t understand its content and were bamboozled by the technical-sounding jargon just like she was.

This shit doesn’t play in court; the opposing side gets to bring in their own experts to explain why 105 is totally asinine. It’s not new evidence, either, it’s just a compendium of all the most ridiculous Dominion narratives being shilled on Twitter and the chans. It’s obvious, obvious disinfo.

The Cominator says:

“I did. That one is possibly the worst of all of them, it’s the one that caused me the biggest “ugh qtard” cringe, and I even referred to it directly e.g. referencing Chinese IP traffic. The fact that you obviously didn’t catch it means that you either only skimmed it yourself, or didn’t understand its content and were bamboozled by the technical-sounding jargon just like she was.

This shit doesn’t play in court; the opposing side gets to bring in their own experts to explain why 105 is totally asinine. It’s not new evidence, either, it’s just a compendium of all the most ridiculous Dominion narratives being shilled on Twitter and the chans. It’s obvious, obvious disinfo.”

It depends on if she has additional evidence of it… Sidney is probably crazy like most female lawyers but if shes any good as a lawyer (and she seems to be good at that) they’ll mock court the other side going after that.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

Really? The affidavit of a military intel analyst that the dominion system was wide open to everyone and their idiot cousins is unimportant?
There are other opinions.

You may want to try overcoming whatever butthurt you have over “qtards”.

Not Tom says:

Really? The affidavit of a military intel analyst that the dominion system was wide open to everyone and their idiot cousins is unimportant?

Ah, so you actually didn’t read or understand its content, you just hoped (as she probably hopes) that credentials and insinuations will be sufficient to take it across the finish line. But only the left is permitted that standard; the right has to prove its case.

Here’s another framing: a self-identified spook whom we’ve never heard of has strung together a bunch of mundane coincidences to suggest that Dominion is very suspicious and that their system could have been compromised, without providing any specific or reliable information about Dominion’s specific actions or intent, or how or if the system actually was compromised.

It’s worthless. The one thing we need to on the Dominion front is non-circumstantial evidence: code, system logs, emails, whistleblowers, anything that could tell us how the scam worked and when it occurred. A hundred pieces of circumstantial evidence, a thousand, a million, do not add up to one piece of direct evidence. You know that, I know that, Sidney Powell knows that, the judge and defense lawyers will know that. But because of incompetence on the technological front, someone thought that this “evidence” looked very damning.

That’s how disinfo generally works. It’s like the saying “you can’t con an honest man” – disinfo relies on people wanting to appear to be more knowledgeable or have a stronger position than they actually do. Dominion is just weak; even if it’s true, it’s weak, and a barrel of wine plus a drop of sewage gets you sewage.

onyomi says:

Trump seems committed to not bending the rules more than necessary to stay in office; whether he is committed to bending them however much is necessary to stay in office remains to be seen, but I hope he is, of course.

On the one hand, it might seem as though the less Trump has to bend the rules to stay in office the better for him, not only because lower risk, but because of legitimacy in terms of the old system; on the other, he might ultimately be in a better position the more he has to bend the rules, assuming, of course, he ultimately succeeds. The more he bends the rules and gets away with it the more he will end up holding a position different from that of POTUS c. 1945-2020, which is what seems needed, as opposed to just “old system plus stricter voter ID” (though even such slowing down of the left would be great compared to the alternative).

Probably pulling things off in any form after this degree of media coronation of his opponent may be enough: after all, there will be no getting around the need to put down an antifa rebellion, though the severity of that rebellion probably does depend somewhat on how hard he has to bend the rules to win.

jim says:

Pompey was illegally granted the Senatus Consultum Ultimum, and Caesar even more illegally, but Trump has authority and legal cause to declare the Insurrection act. The Insurrection act has no time limit on it, while the Senatus Consultum Ultimum is supposed to have a time limit.

Karl says:

No, there is no need for Trump to bend any rules to stay in office. Reading the riot act is according to the law as it is written. (I understand you referenece to “rules” as a synonym for “law”).

Rather Trump seems commited to avoid as much bloodshed as possible and minimize risk. If he reads the riot act, part of the public will consider that to be unlawful. That part might resist violently. My guess is that he wants to make that part as small as possible.

Antifa rebellion is not a problem. Problem is secret service, armed forces, and police. They or rather parts of them might rebell and cause a problem.

Theshadowedknight says:

More good news of moves in our favor: The God-Emperor is removing the tentacles of the Deep State from DoD. Sounds like something is afoot.

Not Tom says:

I wonder if this huge military shake-up has something to do with the rumor (or is it confirmed fact now?) that certain higher-ups flat-out lied to Trump and refused to withdraw troops while claiming they were actually doing so.

It would be ironic if the Cathedral’s incontinence – they literally bragged about this – is what allowed Trump to identify and eliminate an entire faction of disloyal fucks.

Korth says:

Not only did the civil servants responsible literally brag about it, libshit bluecheka journo accounts on social media openly LOL’d about their role as enablers too.

The line that used to separate run of the mill libshits from neocons has completely blurred by this point, now most of them are hawks bent on launching endless wars to spread their newfound totalitarian faith. These people would bomb Poland and Hungary in the name of tranny rights without a second thought.

Mike says:

Not seeing how Augustus’ Imperial solution was a disaster until Christianity. I can see how you could argue it was inherently more unstable (similar to the Mandate of Heaven in China) but it was far from an awful system. If Christianity was required in order for Rome to hav viable institutions, how did the Republic ever achieve greatness and then decline in the first place?

Strannik says:

War could only take the Romans so far. It reminds me of what Bismark once said; ”you can make a throne with bayonets but you cannot sit upon it”.

onyomi says:

居馬上得之,寧可以馬上治之乎?(That which you have attained on horseback, how can you rule it from there?) -Lu Jia, advisor to the founder of the Han Dynasty

jim says:

The imperium was not a disaster. Not bad at all, but Constantine was a substantial improvement.

As for how the Republic achieved greatness and then disaster: Obvious virtue, followed by obvious wickedness. Moral decay. Everyone used to know that.

The benefit of Kingship is that you have someone who can do something about moral decay. Which does not at all guarantee that he will do it, but often enough, he does do it.

Strannik says:

Something that a term-limited politician cannot do even if he wanted to, unless he pulls something like what Napoleon III did. He became President of France for life, then held a vote on him being declared Emperor, and won. A king has a proprietary and sacred interest in seeing the long term health and prosperity of his lands increase, and if they have sons and daughters, he is hopefully able to impart his wisdom to them for the long term common good of a Dynasty’s subjects.

Something happened between Augustus and Constatine. Namely, Diocletian. Perhaps now it is not the right time to discuss him – my attention gets distracted by current events – but at some point I would like to, as he and his achievement was interesting, there is probably a lesson there. Just not the kind of lesson that would be very relevant now.

Aidan MacLear says:

Diocletians reforms were incomprehensible to most Romans at the time, but they set the stage for feudal Europe, for a society that endured almost a thousand years afterwards. The Roman Empire outside of Rome had no government, it was ruled by the personal power of whatever general was appointed to that area, but Diocletian tied the military officials to the land, realizing that the power and influence of Rome itself was over. Did not make much difference in the short term, but made enormous difference after Rome was revealed to be a paper tiger, after the sack, when every roman city began operating as an autonomous kingdom.

Diocletians attempts at economic reform were managerial communism, but he did not have the power to enforce them, so they were ignored. His military reforms stuck, and became extremely important.

The Cominator says:

Some of the communistic crap DID very much have a negative effect, one reason the east survived and the west did not is the eastern emperor Marcian (a VERY underrated figure in history) abolished the command economy.

nils says:

Was it communism or nationalization? I know thats picking, but my read of a lot of the imperial monopolies on trading staples such as oil and grain was that they were substantially cash grabs to balance the treasury, less looting for the commisar and more looting to keep the legions going, an awful economic policy for the long haul but most of it didn’t seem to me like populares

The Cominator says:

Not much different but the edict of prices and binding nonslaves to their professions and formerly free farmers to their land and having the state take over all sorts of industries… well it was a lot like communism without the death camps except it was very hard to enforce. A lot of peasants being bound to higher tax than yield land just ran off to work for barbarian chieftains though.

I’m sure the reasoning wasn’t motivated by leftist egalitarian ideology because I just can’t imagine Diocletian or Constantine thinking that way but the effect on the Roman economy seemed to be more terrible than the civil wars as by the time of Theodosius the empire couldn’t seem to be able to raise more than one field army at a time.

Marcian in the East ended socialism in the Eastern Empire and the Eastern Empire for centuries was known as one of the wealthiest places on earth.

nils says:

Any good sources on Marcian? I have not seen anything detailed about him before

The Cominator says:

The sources are incomplete but its clear the Eastern Empire like the Western was broke and unable to field more than one field army when Marcian got into office. Its clear that when Marcian died that Constantinople was El Dorado and Procopius in his secret history when he is criticizing Justinian complains that before Justinian that the only economic regulation was a prohibition on selling weapons to hostile barbarians.

So its clear that the socialistic laws were abolished by Marcian.

Gestahlt says:

It’s worth noting that Augustus did try to create a state religion, or at least adapt himself into the existing one: the Imperial Cult. However, the unity it provided was superficial. The peoples of the empire were allowed to continue their previous religious practices as long as they also payed homage to the gods of the state, which now included the Genius of Augustus, and, after his death, the fully divine person of Augustus. For most, this changed little, except for the jews who would continually object to the addition of the Imperial figure in their sanctuaries (which would culminate in the destruction of the Second Temple). Had Augustus, like the much (and likely improperly) maligned Caligula tried (and unlike his great-grandson, succeeded) to unify religious practice in toto around the living person of the Emperor, as it was in the East and Egypt, things might have gone differently.

The Cominator says:

Its NEVER been a custom in western europe to go full and unironic living god king.

ten says:

Aryan paganism was a tribe religion, and under it aryan tribes excelled, outcompeted and conquered. Its later inheritors didn’t do so well. Greek and roman paganism were vestigial cults, constantly in flux and being unsuccesfully redesigned to function as state religions. They did not hold degeneracy at bay and in many ways were vessels for degeneracy, for example where aryan high festivals, a few times a year, became a justification for dionysian/bacchanalian cults of partying and whoring all the time.

It takes a while for a high culture to debase itself. Roman paganism was fine when Rome was founded, it generated improvement in its people and its system, but not for long. It wasn’t evolved for such a task, and failed to adapt, so vice and sin increased, but starting from a highly functional point, inertia and functional systems and technology paved the way for the glory of Rome, until not enough of it remained.

Augustus fixed systemic issues and vicious people, but Roman paganism still did not generate iteratively more virtuous men, as it did in its tribal past, it was still headed towards disaster.

The old testament is partially a workbook on how to survive the bronze age collapse, and the roman collapse was similar, and the Christians did better, while roman pagans ate dream fish, cultivated the first LSD from fermented wheat, and banged each other in the ass.

Aidan MacLear says:

Pretty much. Once the most sacred thing in the religion stopped being the family hearth and the family genius, the religion lost its power to enforce patriarchy and good sexual behavior. But the religion had to abandon the tribal hearth as the most sacred thing, because it needed city gods, gods of common worship, to cooperate with other tribes to found the city and effectively wage war. The city gods became much more important and usurped the hearth-religion. It was a great religion for bronze age warlords, not so great for a massive peaceful civilization.

Chad says:

> One of its neighbors, the Parthians, revealed that they had been advancing the art and technology of war, while Rome had been quietly regressing.

Any primary source recommendations to do further reading on the this? Sounds interesting.

jim says:

Plutarch’s book on Crassus, Chapter twenty onwards.

Short of it was that ten thousand light and heavy cavalry destroyed forty thousand Roman soldiers.

The King of the Parthians, alarmed by his general’s spectacular success, executed his best general, perhaps fearing that if he conquered the Eastern Roman Empire his general would become alarmingly independent, so the Parthians went downhill from there. But decadence and decline hit them later and slower than the Romans.

The Cominator says:

The Roman’s up until the time of Belisarius always had trouble with horse archer type armies on open ground. Yes it’s true Trajan beat them bad but he was the exception not the rule.

Icon says:

[*deleted for inability to mention what Soros has been up to*]

jim says:

You talk about Jews doing bad stuff, talk about selective enforcement of laws, and cannot name the Jew who has played the largest role in ensuring that honesty and peacefulness goes to jail, while crimes go unpunished.

Icon says:

[*deleted for inability to tell us what Soros is up to*]

jim says:

You say, correctly, that antifa is run by Jews, and that Jews are preventing their crimes from being prosecuted.

It is primarily one particular Jew.

If you cannot tell us what Soros has done, tell us what we say Soros has done.

Icon says:

neglects to mention the Soros role in antifa’s mysterious immunity from prosecution, and the unprosecuted crimes committed under that immunity

jim says:

Tell us of Soros’s role in the immunity of individual antifa for individual antifa crimes, and I will allow your comments through.

Icon says:

[*deleted for persistent failure to pass the Soros shill test.*]

Icon says:


jim says:

You have to acknowledge our Soros story, tell us what we say it is before you tell us why it is wrong.

This is a test to see if you are under Soros supervision.

If posting under supervision, conversation with you is likely to be unprofitable. If you are under supervision, I am talking back to one megaphone of a thousand megaphones, and the man holding the microphone is not listening.

How did Soros ensure that none of the men who attempted to murder Kyle on video would face any charges?

Icon says:


jim says:

I delete everything you write because your counter narrative is not intended to persuade, inform, or to communicate, but merely to distract us and disrupt our narrative. It is like blaring random noise through a loudspeaker to silence enemy speakers. No real communication is intended.

Icon says:


jim says:

Our narrative is widely known. You know it, and you are trying to push Soros’s counter narrative, which is intended to derail our narrative.

Icon says:


jim says:

What specific thing did Soros in particular do that ensured that the people who attempted to murder Kyle and others would face no charges?

Icon says:

(((Angelina Gabriele))) is the assistant DA that signed the complaint against Rittenhouse and not the others. Two died both of them jews. The black could have been charged with assault but because he is black… The lefty they may have felt sorry for.

Soros could have been involved through phone calls or money but I can’t find anything.

Rather than keep asking me, just tell me because I don’t know. Why can’t you tell me the Soros connection? Are you the Soros shill? To Soros is just another cancerous jew worm. Whenever you search to the bottom of any of societal filth, you find a little jew, blinded by the sudden light like a maggot in a rotting corpse. Soros is one of many maggots.

jim says:

Letting this through, because I want to reply to it, rather than just silence it. It still merely an attempt to derail our narrative, not a genuine narrative.

If you cannot find the Soros connection to the DA – well it is not just our narrative. Our narrative on this matter is in the Washington times, in other places.

That you supposedly cannot find this narrative is not because you do not know it, it is because Soros has instructed you to derail conversations about it.

Icon says:

I see that now Jim. Looks like Soros bankrolled the campaigns of several major city prosecutors and now he owns them. Crime is rampant and it also explains antifa violence.

Not Tom says:

Hell, this stuff has been reported in the legacy media, never mind the center-right knock-offs. Politico, NY Times and LA Times have all reported on it.

If he can’t spare the 5 seconds to google “soros da” but has hours upon hours to insist that he doesn’t know the connection and there probably is no connection, then definitely, unquestionably a shill for Soros.

jim says:

He acknowledged it.

With astonishing delay and reluctance.

I suspect he will go right on derailing our narrative with the Soros counter narrative, but if he has been given a loose enough reign that it is possible to engage in conversation, it may not necessarily resemble talking back to one’s television.

BC says:

It appears the shills are being less tightly controlled that they used to be.

I’ve been seeing similar behavior on reddit. Shills who’d fail basic shill checks(more mild tests on reddit) now pass them in order to spread more misinformation.

Icon says:

Can you locate Soros? Is something else above him?

jim says:

Soros’s wealth derives from the US taxpayer.

His MO is to bet big on worthless third world debt, and if it goes pear shaped, the World Bank bails it out, thus heads he wins, tails the US taxpayer loses.

He expends this money on activities the State Department wants done – subverting foreign governments, so Soros is a laundry for US government funding of subversive activities against other countries.

This is a pretty common role – the Jew as the supposedly humble servant of the powerful. Undoubtedly Hillary thought she was above him, that he was her servant. Perhaps he thought otherwise, and perhaps he is right.

Icon says:


jim says:

You can call Soros a kike all day long, as a Demon worshipper can say “Jesus Jesus Jesus” all day long, but are strangely unable to tell us what he did to ensure that men could attempt to murder Kyle in Kenosha on video, and nothing would happen to them.

someone says:

Hey Jim, I missed that one. Is it more than he just funded the election of the kenosha DA which means that the DA’s simply let antifa do what they want?

jim says:

Soros and others have been perverting the justice system so that political violence (Senator Paul, Kyle in Kenosha) is legal, but political disagreement is illegal. (General Flynn, Roger Stone, Sheriff Joe)

Which is what led to Pompey becoming dictator, and Caesar eventually marching on Rome.

Soros’s people are disproportionately Jewish, but what they have in common is not that they are Jewish, most of them are not Jewish, but that they are of his faction and on his payroll.

jim says:

There is a pile more, but that is the biggie.

Icon says:

Extracted from a Soros interview on Covid:

“This is the crisis of my lifetime,” Soros said. “Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary.”

Revolutionary moment explains massive antifa activity in America and Europe.

But why? Does he just want more money, power, communism? He makes a hobby of devaluing currency to strip nations of political power. Does he mean to genocide Europeans?

Your thoughts Jim?

stan says:

Trump has said he would leave the White House if electors vote for Biden on Dec 14. I am surprised nobody is talking about this here. It means there is only 2 weeks left. Is there enough time to go to Supreme Court and get a decision within 2 weeks?

He would look stupid reading the Insurection Act after Dec 14 with no support from the Supreme Court.

Edit_XYZ says:

Let’s see the link to Trump’s declaration.

Edit_XYZ says:

Here’s a more accurate portrayal of the news conference:

“As to whether or not I can get this apparatus moving this quickly–because time isn’t on our side…,” Trump said. “Everything else is on our side. Facts are on our side.”

A reporter asked Trump if he would concede the presidential election if the electoral college voted for former Vice President Joe Biden on December 14.
“It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud,” he said.

When asked if he would refuse to leave the White House if the electoral college favored Biden, Trump replied, “Certainly, I will, and you know that. But I think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of January, a lot of things.”

Trump did indicate that time is against him. This is worrying.
It makes plain that he was caught by surprise by the vote fraud. No 4D chess there.

He indicated that he will concede if the electoral college elected Biden.
But he also indicated that, for him, the time limit is january 20th, and much can happen until then.

The Electoral College meets on December 14, 2020. However, Congress does not certify the Electoral College vote until January 6, 2021.
Legally – without the insurrection act – Trump has, at most, until january 6.

INDY says:

“It makes plain that he was caught by surprise by the vote fraud.”

It’s possible that he didn’t anticipate certain mechanisms of fraud. If joe schmoe me was not caught by surprise by the levels of fraud, how was President Trump plainly caught by surprise?

Edit_XYZ says:

Trump did anticipate the election fraud.
And he entrusted the DOJ – CISA with the security of said elections.

But the DOJ – CISA utterly betrayed Trump. And this, he did not anticipate.
Chris Krebs, the former director of CISA, was actually shameless enough to say there was no election fraud, after his betrayal. He was fired by Trump for it; cold confort.

The left’s success was coopting the DOJ/FBI/CIA/three letter agencies in betraying Trump. As can be seen by the utter lack of any meaningful investigation of election fraud by these agencies.
The election fraud itself was very blatant and poorly hidden. But this doesn’t matter, if the agencies with the authority to investigate the fraud have no interest in doing so.

So Trump continued with his plan B – lawyers and courts.
Plan B always sucks, is always uncertain. See, for example, this setback:

jim says:

Trump lawyered up for this fraud well in advance, and the cases were prepared in outline, and without the evidence, before the crimes happened.

European Mutt says:

A video was definitely there earlier, I did not watch or save it, might have been unrelated. They replaced it with a video about “Mona Lisa effect” now and updated with the latest tweet.

Was not a declaration, just a private press conference. So the press could just have made it up, like the stuff about Melania wanting to go to Slovenia and similar fake news.

stan says:

So the press could just have made it up

I have just seen it on TV. He said it, he said he would leave. But he also said a lot of things will be happening between now and Jan 20. I feel better now.

European Mutt says:

OK, looks like it was real after all. Not that bad of course, because it does not change his timeline.

Pooch says:
nils says:

And if the electors are not lawfully selected by the state legislatures? He doesn’t need to cuck to false electors because he said he would leave if he was voted out.

onyomi says:

They twisted things to get the headline. One person asks him if he will concede if EC votes for Biden (on Dec. 14th); he doesn’t answer (says, basically, that the EC would be making a big mistake if they did that because this was a fake election). Next person asks, “Will you leave the White House if Joe Biden is inaugurated?” And he says, basically, “yes, of course; you know I would, but a lot can happen between now and January 20th.”

Headline: “Trump will concede if Biden wins EC on Dec. 14th.”

onyomi says:

It’s just a rhetorical tweet, but Scott Adams would probably approve of the reframing:

Paraphrase: “If Biden wants to get to the White House he’ll have to prove his 80 million votes are legitimate” (shifts burden from current mainstream consensus that Trump has to prove a large amount of fraud, otherwise we accept Biden by default).

And yet, the religion that Constantine brought to the Roman empire was not even legitimate Christianity — it was the Roman Empire masquerading as Christianity. It is still like that today: whenever you hear or read the word “Pope” you should mentally translate it to “Caesar”.

clitoral rape says:

Jim, any take on why ancient Egypt collapsed?

jim says:

Same as the rest of the Bronze age civilizations. Moral decay, and failure of the elite to reproduce.

The wrath of Gnon.

The Ducking Man says:

Thanks jim, this is extremely good read.

Pooch says:

So some conflicting info on the Rudy appeal decision today. One seemingly reputable lawyer account saying it reaching SCOTUS after this decision is low, yet the Trump attorney’s don’t seem worried. Not sure who to believe.

Not Tom says:

Will Chamberlain’s comments make sense from a status-quo frame, on the assumption that the now conservative-majority Supreme Court will legalfag its way out of the case. Technically, “legally”, higher courts are only supposed to rule on questions of law, and leave the findings of fact from lower courts intact. So, his conclusion is logical.

Logical, but not necessarily correct. The left has never once respected this legal principle when it conflicts with its own interests, and the recent 5-4 decision in favor of Trump (with Roberts dissenting) suggests that ACB, whatever else she may be, is aware that the Supreme Court itself is at risk if they refuse to take on these cases, and so do the other conservatives. SCOTUS is not currently bound by any higher authority and does not have to legalfag; the liberal majority certainly would not hesitate to step in.

Will would probably also say that it is without precedent for state legislatures to refuse to certify the election result, that they would have no reason to do such a thing, and yet they have done so in Michigan and now Pennsylvania (or at least are signaling that way in PA) in response to the judicial misconduct.

I don’t think anyone can know for certain what’s going to happen. There are just too many variables. In a crisis situation with high stakes, we should expect to see many rules being bent or broken, principles and unprincipled exceptions, shifting loyalties, novel interpretations, unusual strategies, etc. – and we are seeing pretty much all of those things. We know what the outcome needs to be, but no one knows what it will be.

jim says:

> I don’t think anyone can know for certain what’s going to happen. There are just too many variables. In a crisis situation with high stakes, we should expect to see many rules being bent or broken, principles and unprincipled exceptions, shifting loyalties, novel interpretations, unusual strategies, etc. – and we are seeing pretty much all of those things.

This is a replay of the last days of the Roman Republic, after the judicial system stopped going after political violence and instead went after political disagreement, and the elections were all blatantly rigged.

No one was in charge, and no one could predict what would happen, except to expect the unexpected. The chaos went on for a very long time with the ever continuing ever deluded expectation of normalcy being violated in ever greater ways, eventually leading to civil war, then civil wars, culminating in prolonged total civil war, with surprise people being leaders in the civil wars, surprise alliances, and surprise breaking of alliances.

As I said:Today in America it is the year in Rome fifty eight years before Christ.

Expect the unexpected, and do not succumb to normalcy bias. Many good Romans, most of the best Romans, died of normalcy bias. In these times, apt to be fatal.

onyomi says:

I certainly hope Trump gets a favorable decision from SCOTUS, but my current guess is that an unfavorable SCOTUS decision of some kind is more likely than no SCOTUS decision on election matters prior to Jan. 20th. The Supremes are politicians, and refusing to weigh in at all at a time like this makes them look weak and irrelevant.

The Cominator says:

Recent leftist local government defiance of SCOTUS orders they don’t like (with PA vote counting chain of custody and Cuomo defying muh Covid) makes it more likely they back Trump.

SCOTUS will have no authority if Biden gets in.

pyrrhus says:

The Court decision is probably moot….The PA House and Senate have now drafted Resolutions taking back the Legislature’s exclusive Constitutional power over the selection of Electors from the SOS and Governor, finding that the election is disputed due to obvious and serious irregularities, and obviously preparing to name electors itself if necessary…House Resolution is here…

pyrrhus says:

Senator Mastriano appears to be a driving force behind these developments..and has been banned by Twitter…

jim says:

This resolution does not in itself do anything.

It will be ignored.

It is not the resolution we need, which would be to reject the election of electors, and appoint them itself.

We are in deep shit.

Pooch says:

It is a very strong step in that direction though, no?

jim says:

I was thinking more along the lines of rounding up evildoers and killing them, which is how Pompey finally had to sort things out. And as soon as he stopped doing that, chaos resumed.

This looks awfully like no end of very strong steps taken by the Roman Senate, which had absolutely no effect on events.

BC says:

You need Generals to do what Pompey did.

Pooch says:

Jim, so in your opinion, Trump should have already declared the Insurrection Act and that each day he doesn’t do so is furthering that mistake?

onyomi says:

I think Fuentes is right here:

I think a great many Republican legislators are currently in that sort of situation where they know that, if they all charge together, they will probably win, but if some charge and others run, they will all be crushed, starting with those who charged. Or they can flee en masse and maybe live to fight another day (or so they think).

I think this is Pennsylvania legislators saying not what is necessary, which is “CHARGE!!!” but rather “…charge?” It’s not a signal to flee, but it’s not enough to get the job done. It is, however, a testing of the waters that could be a prelude to “CHARGE!!!” depending on how others, including Trump, react to “…charge?”

Besides becoming antifa public enemy number two after Trump, another challenge facing any legislator or judge who’s first to yell “CHARGE!!!” is the almost certain knowledge it will spark, at best, an antifa riot, at worst a civil war. That is a highly predictable reaction to any news that substantively turns things in Trump’s favor. That, also, makes it a scary thing to do, even if assured of success.

I think the key piece of info. we are all lacking right now is the nature of what Trump’s been doing all this time he hasn’t been rallying and otherwise fighting in the court of public opinion. If he’s been gathering allies around him and purging the disloyal so he knows he’ll be relatively safe when he does what has to be done, great. If he’s been planning the details of his asylum arrangement with Monaco, not so great. If he thinks it’s more important to focus on lawfare and the appearance of working within the usual channels for the time being, but is now planning to pivot to focusing on the court of public opinion… okay? Maybe good? I’m not the 4-d chessmaster.

jim says:

> I think this is Pennsylvania legislators saying not what is necessary, which is “CHARGE!!!” but rather “…charge?”

Well, you have to talk about charging before you charge, but the experience of the Roman Republic was that at some point you have to actually charge, and, having charged, fought, and won, you are still in deep shit. People kept prematurely declaring “OK, victory, now let us return to regular legality, law, and democracy – only to discover that what they had returned to was not regular legality, law, and democracy.

BC says:

People have a hard time grasping that once a civic institution gets burned down that it doesn’t return anytime soon. It takes a great deal of effort to create and maintain such institutions and once gone it’s even more effort to recreate it.

We’ve been watching the left burn social capital left and right and the bonfires are growing in size and intensity.

pyrrhus says:

Meanwhile, back at the Judicial branch, further actions on PA certification are enjoined on Constitutional grounds, with a gutsy opinion….

notglowing says:

“I think a great many Republican legislators are currently in that sort of situation where they know that, if they all charge together, they will probably win, but if some charge and others run, they will all be crushed, starting with those who charged.”

Sounds like the Byzantine Generals Problem

Pooch says:

Rudy said on Bannon’s show that the state legislature’s don’t want to be the first to flip electors, but they’ll be the 2nd if they know Trump will win. He thinks either all 4-5 states send election Trump electors or none do. Hopefully the Colonel leads everyone to follow.

pyrrhus says:

Republicans legislators are understandably looking for strength in numbers given the likely penalties from either their base or a hostile Biden administration for backing the wrong side…

peter y connor says:

These Resolutions, and the Senate Resolution is even more strongly worded, must be passed to be effective, followed by naming Trump electors, or no electors…That could, of course, cause a battle of rival electors similar to the election of 1876, to be sorted out by SCOTUS or a civil war…Both of which would be far superior to what we would have otherwise.

Pooch says:

Yes so what likely happens, according to Rudy, if the state legislatures send their own electors is Biden takes the states/Trump to SCOTUS to prevent it. Regardless of the ruling the Dems would still send their fake electors anyway and there would be two electoral collages, assuming SCOTUS rules for Trump. The House would vote for the fake one and Senate the real one, giving Trump victory.

Karl says:

It could be clearer worde, but it does say that the selcetion of electors is in dispute.

So Biden’s electors show up and intend to ignore the resolution. Then Trump can use this resolution and say, no these electors don’t count. There is a resolution that declares a dispote.

What am I missing? Ignoring the resolution does not resolve the dispute.

onyomi says:
The OC says:

Parthia was the stronger faction, as China is today.

But where is Parthia now?


jim says:

That they executed the general who inflicted a decisive defeat on Rome and was in a position to take Rome’s eastern empire tells us why.

The Cominator says:

This is one of the big disadvantages of one man rule (especially of the kind that has prevailed in the East) that the monarch sometimes needs to get rid of anyone who gets too popular and this tends to encourage a certain mediocrity.

In the English style monarchy it was less of a problem as a certain traditional respect for the rights of Englishmen was supposed to restrain the monarch and theoretically the hereditary principle was stricter (in Eastern kingdoms and the Roman Empire after Nero anyone could kind of seize the throne whereas in England only people in the royal family could really seize direct power, though Henry VII was a pseudo exception).

TBeholder says:

This happened in USSR. And not just in Central Committee, but on fairly low levels; A.Zinovyev described it as “anybody who shows a shred of talent won’t be allowed much of a career, including talent in careerism”.
So no, descend into mediocrity and then decrease in standards applies to any rotten hierarchy.

There’s nothing about it that requires one man rule. Also, “one man rule” is a fairy tale, or at best an abstraction. No man can rule alone. If formally he does, this only makes the real ways in and out less visible without making them any less powerful de facto — for one, GIGO and creative interpretation of orders will not disappear in thin air.

Strannik says:

That’s why if someone just pushes and kicks hard enough, the whole rotten structure of the western elites will fall down never to rise again.

michaelpeter says:

This is exactly what will happen, utter collapse.
But what steps in to its place will be worse than before.
That will last just a few years.

Then the real elite will take over for good.

European Mutt says:

The western elites don’t have a one man rule (incompatible with their religion of course), but a similar phenomenon has developed because they are so stupid they fear those who see through their arguments. See James Damore. Or even this ugly hippie chick here who used to be leftist, now is still leftist on anything but immigration and who they are calling a terrorist:

I think on some level they know they are going to die, but they are determined to take us with it.

Publius says:

Imagine if Belisarius had been allowed to win

The OC says:

Parthia didn’t just miss this chance, it became a racially generate backwater for two thousand years.

Strannik says:

The Parthians had basically an oligarchy of seven noble houses, which persisted after the Sassanids took over. Mani was of the Parthian Arsacid royal line, by the way. When Islam began and threatened Sassanid Persia, the Parthian noble clans went over to the Muslims and they overthrew the Persian Empire (some researchers are suggesting now that the Parthians actually all but invented later Islam, and were the root of the later Muslim Ummayad and Abbasid dynasties)

Halion says:

I think they are overestimating the arsacids. They dominated the war on horseback, but they were not jokingly handling siege warfare at the level of the Romans. Not counting the demographic difference and its different forms of organization (Parthia had a system similar to the feudal one, with its advantages and defects). Much more powerful were the Sasanids, with a centralized state, a decent infantry and a good command of siege techniques. But even they could not expel Eastern Rome from the Middle East.

Terraformer says:
onyomi says:

And apparently this comes after a visit to the White House about which they’ve declined to comment?

~loclun-midwyt says:

Apparently as of 5pm Monday this senate has no power, since they have to be certified themselves, and that will be blocked. Something along those lines. They’re under extreme time pressure if that is true.

Also in PA, I just heard a woman on Bannon’s show, who was a witness to fraud and is one of the affidavits. Apparently the AG sent agents to her house to “discuss” voter fraud with her. i.e. intimidate her. Bannon didn’t really ask much more about it, which is weird. He’s also acting unusually blackpilled.

Not Tom says:

Don’t know what you’re trying to say with PA or why you’re being depressive. The news this weekend is actually fairly good.

Yes, the Third Circuit fraud case went nowhere (and I’m sure it will be appealed to SCOTUS anyway) but the constitutional case looks to have succeeded. Decision here:

Essentially affirming that the state legislature does in fact have cause to select its own electors because, regardless of whether or not fraud is proven, the election followed an unconstitutional process.

So we pretty much have MI and PA back, and I wouldn’t be surprised if GA and NV follow. AZ is a bit of a wild card but not technically needed in the EC anyway.

Now, I have no doubt that Democrats will ignore the courts and/or state legislatures and send their own delegations anyway, and there will be competing delegations from these states, and they will threaten the Republican delegations, and so on, such that use of force will be required, but that’s an optimal time to invoke the Insurrection act – if Trump is legally and constitutionally the winner but Democrats are in open rebellion.

This is also exactly when the turning point in Bush v. Gore came about, in terms of timing:

So, chill out for a couple of days, don’t listen to shills, and don’t read too heavily into lower-level court decisions. To me, next week is when the real fun actually starts.

Edit_XYZ says:

Based on his behavior so far, Trump wants to bring the evidence of massive vote fraud in the open. The court of public opinion, so to say.
He has no illusions that the left is either interested in making a deal with him – along the line of ~’we’ll hide the massive fraud fraud in exchange for Biden conceding’.
Indeed, his actions – confronting the left, instead of cucking – enrage the left. Trump knows this. Perhaps that’s the point, in part. It’s hard for the left to hide its agenda in the best of times.
Trump has no illusions about the left being interested, or able in making a deal with him along the lines of ~’you concede and we’ll let you alone’.

Trump pursues a legal strategy with the courts – a major setback just occurred with the Pennsylvania Court of Appeal dismissal (so much for impartial republican appointed judges).
We’ll see about the SCOTUS.
He also pursues a strategy with the legislatures – which goes well with the PA legislature, so far.

The left strives to maintain the appearance of normality until january 20th – it should lead to Biden being elected. But if any setbacks occur, it will not hesitate to blatantly break the rules again. Indeed, it already does do – no FBI/DOJ/etc investigations of note in the election fraud, for example. The mainstream media covering everything up.

Does Trump considers invoking the insurrection act? I think so. He named loyalists in the Pentagon, put the special forces under their direct command, etc.
But, while he may not need the congress or SCOTUS to invoke the act, he does need support – army, three letter agencies; muscle. How much of the three letter agencies will support him? How much of the army? This is what is troubling him.

And the left gets a vote, too. How much support does it have? The FBI, CIA certainly.
It’s quite shocking that the CIA supports Biden, a candidate bought by China. I’m sure that, if elected, his price will increase.
How many of the GOP are ready to cuck? How many of the corrupt ruling class are ready to openly support it, stupidly believing this would be a return to business as usual?

So – we should expect any move Trump makes that could turn the tide in his favor to be followed by massive reaction from the left.
Probably the FBI/DOJ/etc will issue an arrest warrant for him for much less than invoking the insurrection act. If and when that happens, will there be loyalists to protect him, or will he be thrown in jail?
If the GOP suspects the chance of the latter is significant – more than 50% – the GOP, or at least most of the party, will almost certainly abandon Trump.
I think Trump knows this; that’s why I think he will not invoke the insurrection act if he can’t gather enough forces on his side to make clear he will win.

Sulla says:

Yeah, but how many do you think he needs? Invoking the Act seems like it could be rationalized as a legal order _so that_ the rights of the people of PA, MI, WI, GA are preserved through the mechanism of… well, what? Insisting that the legislatures select electors consistent with the will of the people before it was perverted?

Ok. Does the GA legislature agree to select the Republican electors for the college? If they do, they will be physically unsafe because the State has its preference, requiring an escalating level of violence. He’d have to all out the local militias to protect the state legislators, which would likely result in shooting between the militia and somebody – cops, maybe, or else Antifa agents. Perhaps I repeat myself.

So I think the real question is: if he were to invoke the Act, under what circumstances would the state legislators send Republican Electors to the College? His personal protections can be assured with just a few hundred loyalist troops.

Edit_XYZ says:

The single biggest advantage the left enjoys the religious fervor of its operatives. Leftist judges have no problem ignoring the laws to give favorable verdicts, etc.
The second biggest, the corrupt and decadent “elite”, which thinks installing Biden will mean a return to the corrupt business as usual, and not to marxist revolution.

The single biggest disadvantage of the right is the lack of any strong creed among its members. Rightist judges will many times dismiss cases, cucking due to fear, corruption or simply because they don’t want to get involved in the game of kings; any favorable verdict they give will be heavily supported by law, etc.

You see how problematic getting an audit is.
Or getting the courts to give some verdicts in accordance with the blatant fraud.
Or getting the state legislatures on Trump’s side. Like herding cats.
Not a single contested state flipped red, so far. And we’re running out of time.

SCOTUS? We don’t even know if Trump’s cases will get there in time; and we don’t know what verdict SCOTUS would give if the cases get there. It may well decide against Trump, due to normalcy bias combined with the usual incentives.
Expecting the SCOTUS to give him THREE STATES – in effect the presidency, is quite a tall order. I don’t think that’s in the cards.
At most, SCOTUS will would give Trump some legitimacy for invoking the insurrection act. At the very most.

In my opinion, at present, Trump’s only chance is invoking the insurrection act.
The easiest way would be to invoke it in order to perform audits of the votes in the contested states – in order to preserve the will of the voters.
But invoking the insurrection act is easy; making it stick, much more difficult.
How many would enforce his declaration, as opposed to pretending they didn’t hear the insurrection act declaration? Much like Barr and the DOJ, who pretends there’s no voter fraud, no crisis, acting as if these are just some placid days at the office?

The Cominator says:

What I never understood is why every non leftist doesn’t want to genocide all the religious adherents at this point…

How can you not be one of them and NOT hate them with a passion.

Edit_XYZ says:

Normalcy bias. They have their families, their careers to occupy them.

I expect most think the left is not so dangerous; just another political party.
The rest know about the left’s penchant for violence; they hesitate to fight it, fearing the consequences for their safety, their families, career.

Very few suspect the carnage that the next iteration of the holiness spiraled left has in mind if it gains power.

BC says:

Very few suspect the carnage that the next iteration of the holiness spiraled left has in mind if it gains power.

I’ve worked hard to warn family of what’s coming, got them armed up, worked out basic escape plans, but people just can’t feel something as real that’s they’ve never witnessed.

Contaminated NEET says:

>I expect most think the left is not so dangerous; just another political party.

It’s much worse than that. Joe Normalfag, in his heart of hearts, truly believes that crazy Leftists are better people than he is. The great NPC masses see the insane far Left the same way that medieval peasants saw religious hermits and mendicant friars: they’re very impractical, and a little crazy, but they’re living a life blessed by God. The peasant isn’t about to give away all his belongings and live on top of a pillar, but he respects the mad holyman who does, and he believes the holyman is living a purer life than he is because the holyman’s faith and will are stronger than his. Similarly, the normalfag isn’t about to quit his job and become an “activist,” but he knows the activists are the good guys, fighting racism and building a more just, equitable, and sustainable world by making sacrifices that the normalfag can’t bring himself to make.

All Westerners have been mainlining Leftist propaganda for our whole lives. Friends, To Kill a Mockingbird, Marvel, Will and Grace – we learn their lessons and we internalize their values.
Jeffrey Dahmer wanted very badly to tell the world that, despite being a serial killer cannibal pervert, he wasn’t a racist.

The Cominator says:

Most people believe Jimmy Carter is a better person in terms of personal conduct than they are.

Most people notice that 99.9% of leftists aren’t like Jimmy Carter.

European Mutt says:

One big factor is association with Hitler and Nazism. Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to the left. Why do you think the Soros shills always sell the hate the (((joos))) narrative?

They engineered school education to ‘killing people the left does not want you to kill = Nazism’ in a way that’s hard to shake.

That’s why Trump is so great, pro-Israeli, not a shred of nazi in him.

The Cominator says:

Absolutely, if it were up to me part of my vastly expanded treason law would include

Section X: Denying that Adolf Hitler was a leftist.

Contaminated NEET says:

>That’s why Trump is so great, pro-Israeli, not a shred of nazi in him.

Yeah, that really worked out well: nobody ever called Trump a Nazi.

Not Tom says:

The left calls him that, although I don’t see their cries of Nazism being very effective.

I can’t honestly say that being pro-Israel has had any reward for Trump; maybe it helped win over some neocons although I doubt it. However, what I think is commendable is that he’s been doing it almost entirely using diplomatic rather than military means, and actually bringing America out of the middle east or at least trying to. His goal is clearly to help create some stability in the region, not by blowing half of it up and installing puppet governments, but by relying on the legitimate governments in most of the regions.

The fact that he’s been able to do that and not lose any face with the pro-Israel warhawks who always seems to be crying for blood, is pretty impressive. Maybe he made enemies of the neocon politicians and pundits, but was able to keep the loyalty of their constituents.

European Mutt says:

Pro-israel is good on two levels:

– It makes crying ‘Nazi, Nazi’ sound ridiculous to normies as you said. Some leftists call Netanyahu a Nazi too, generally with zero effect. They attack Orban for being anti-Semitic (because anti-Soros) and that tends to stick better with normies. But nobody can call Trump an anti-Semite.
– It discredits the narrative that the US does all its wars in the middle east ‘for Israel’.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Indeed, and if we can show that democrats are the real racists, we can become immune to slanderous accusations of not valuing the self-esteem of melanin enhanced folk as well.

European Mutt says:

When you do it ironically it even works. Remember the first Biden debate (I think it was the first) when Trump said “I’m the least racist person here” and people laughed? And then he moved on? This is rhetoric, nothing is absolute.

This isn’t about appeasing the left, it’s about getting through to normies.

European Mutt says:

Until about 2000, and mostly until 2008, Trump did nothing but blend in. Did not hurt him.

What’s the possible advantage of Trump signalling as a Nazi? The few unironic Nazis there are voted for him anyway.

Pooch says:

There are no such thing as Nazis anymore. They went extinct a while ago.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

He didn’t make any effort to counter-signal trappings of mid-twentieth century integralist movements either. Which goes a long way really.

Milksop conservakin who subject themselves to being ‘interviewed’ by the synagogue of satan (‘thanks for having me on today john, im just happy to be here’) fall into this trap all the time; getting pressed into becoming one of the most important parts of the salami slicer cutting out increasingly significant sub-sets of the population of civilized folk by ‘disavowing’ x y or z elements whenever prompted, one day to the next day.

When journalist cutout props tried to prompt Trump to do the same thing – ‘prove to us that you are respectable enough to be a member of the establishment (as defined by us) by disavowing these evil racists’ – Trump said, ‘good people on both sides’. That’s rock solid frame.

Not a perfectly premeditated soul cutting shiv or anything like that, but what it does do is demonstrate good instincts when put on the spot, of never giving the impression that your enemies are the people you need to qualify yourself towards, which is above all the most important part. He demonstrated that in that exchange in the live theater as well; signaling a rejection of their standard for defining a word and replacing it with his own.

One of the most significant features of a shill is that *they can’t actually explain why it is that they dislike what it is they say they dislike*; or when they do start trying to explain, the words they put together would rather curiously imply the opposite impression of whatever it is they ostensibly profess. A soros shill can say ‘hail fellow rightwinger, i also hate jews, in fact i hate them twice as much as you do, for half as much reason’ all day, but can’t actually ‘name the jew’ (ie, soros), nor describe the things he does that would quite rationally lead one to the conclusion that he and others of like ilk should be physically removed from (a europoid) society.

An uncritical reflex of ‘well if someone i know is a shill says he hates X, that must mean i should not be bothered by X’, just means one can get you both coming and going; ‘i wouldnt want my opinions to be associated with low status people; guess ill just have to start signaling something else’.

In most species of dire ape, the feeling of ‘other people might not like this’, and the feeling of ‘i do not like this’, are almost identical, phenomenologically speaking.

European Mutt says:

I interpreted ‘good people on both sides’ as Trump saying that there were genuine alt-righters and Trumpists on one side, alongside Nazi-signalling provocateurs, and genuine naive leftists alongside protesters and rioters on Soros’s payroll.

Meaning, not everyone was ‘good’, but there did exist ‘good’ people on both sides. Actually a bit weak if you ask me, but he can’t really denounce leftists openly, or couldn’t in 2017.

He did not denounce the fake Nazis explicitly either, but he did implicitly, by leaving open who the ‘good’ people are. The media interpreted him as defending Nazis anyway. So he dog-whistled to his followers and the more redpilled normies: ‘Look, I don’t really like those fake and gay provocateurs’. But the media took the bait and went with the Trump = Nazi story. Journos ask these questions all the time, so he probably had an answer prepared and it wasn’t quite on the spot.

In other words, he used Charlottesville to delegitimize “Trump = Nazi” AND the lamestream media at once by baiting them. This goes far beyond frame control.

I don’t care what apes do in this case, Trump is capable of manipulating these ape-like instincts.

‘i wouldnt want my opinions to be associated with low status people; guess ill just have to start signaling something else’

The problem is, there is both an opinion and an aesthetic. The opinion is ‘the leftist elite should be killed’. The aesthetic is swastikas and SS uniforms. In the mind of normies, this opinion is flanked by the aforementioned aesthetic and no end of additional opinions, such as ‘the jews should be gassed’, ‘we should attack Poland’ or ‘Autobahns are great’, whether true or not. And it is tainted by the deathly stigma of ‘loser’, both in a social sense and in the sense of losing WW2.

Divorcing ‘the leftist elite should be killed’ from the other opinions is much easier if you do not signal the aesthetic or any of the other opinions. This deconditions the normies from thinking of them in tandem. Soros wants this conditioning to stay, because then it’s very easy for him to say: ‘I am just funding the brave fighters for our democracy against those backwards Nazis’. And many more people will agree, because Nazis are losers.

Again, is there any advantage in signalling the Nazi memeplex? I truly don’t get it. You seem to be arguing for signalling the Nazi memplex, while using arguments that are only against countersignalling it (openly), which I actually agree with. Don’t signal or countersignal openly.

The Cominator says:

“Divorcing ‘the leftist elite should be killed’ from the other opinions is much easier if you do not signal the aesthetic or any of the other opinions.”

Not just the elite. Its a priesthood of all believers.

Not Tom says:

Eh, Trump was pretty quick to clarify that “good people on both sides” did not include the tiki torch crew, even if we may think that it should have and even if the media refused to air his clarification for two (three?) solid years.

I kind of don’t care, and he absolutely should not have accepted the media’s “prove you’re not a Nazi” frame, but I don’t think Trump actually ever really intentionally signaled in favor of what a cuckservative or moderate might consider to be Nazism or “white supremacy”. The media just always tried to spin it that way, and he correctly refused to accept their framing, so he rather unintentionally and indirectly signaled in their favor.

A big reason not to countersignal is shills; they can pick any target they want, send in their shills, and demand that you disavow the people whom the shills are actually attacking. In a high-trust society, maybe you’d want to clear up the misunderstanding, but when it’s obvious misrepresentation and shilling rather than misunderstanding, not advantageous to try to clear anything up.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>You seem to be arguing for signalling the Nazi memplex, while using arguments that are only against countersignalling it (openly), which I actually agree with.

I was arguing against countersignaling it, and you were countersignaling it, so that’s why i disagreed with you.

Evidently, you also count amongst the population of humans on this earth, given the equivocation of demographic appeal for desired principle(s).

Anyways, you shifted the discussion mid-twentieth century integralist movements, but the real payload i was responding too was attitudes regarding eurasian tribesmen. ‘We can beat the lieberals if we can buy off their coalition of fringes even harder than they do’ is one of the eternal failure-modes that typify late twentieth century center-right types. You’re never going to win that game and be Right at the same time, so framing the point in those terms all but always becomes an exploitable port in one’s ideological firewall.

That the only reward Far would actually get in the end for playing along with Near in the game of leftism to destroy other Near, is also destruction; that there would in fact be no promised reward, destruction also *because* of the promises of reward, is really almost besides the point. It’s about whose more willing to make more outrageous claims than the next guy, and the guy promising ‘reasonably circumspect amounts of plunder with regards to maintaining the structure for production of plunder’ is always gonna lose the pulpit to the guy promising ‘lets get *all* teh plunder’.

A being’s sense of aesthetics is their steering for their course through Being; which can be more or less in coherence with they ways of Being. The pertinence then; if shifting one’s rhetoric in order to be more adaptive with regards to persons less coherent, *you become less so coherent*, as like illustrated in the meme article earlier.

A man of certain extraction, cannot profess himself to be towards the greatest of advantage for some other extraction(s) – ‘what is best for the XYZs’ – without in due course making himself an enemy of other’s of his extraction, as a natural prerequisite of such a cardinality. You could call it the essence of cuckservatism even; even if they wanted to profess natural law, which are the ways of power, which are the ways of God, they can only ever do so through the frame of how it might be beneficial for some other group of folk, never in terms of how they themselves, their own folk can and or should benefit. ‘We know the right way to do things for having nice things, so if rainbow people want nice things, we just have to get them to listen to us and vote for us to rule over them’.

Really that dynamic goes all the way around. In any given society, an alien clade may each and all have their own unique characteristics that may produce unique flavors with regards to the kinds of problems they may cause, eskimos being no exception, and i think it can certainly be an interesting discussion to consider the genesis of those particular characteristics (eg, that for much of history over the past couple millennia, they have existed *on* civilizations, already made and supported by some other folk, and hence, have been disproportionately selected in particular for modes of behavior that tend to become more adaptive in a larger population in general in more advanced levels of civilization; eg, less of that which produces capital, and more of that which depends on, or facilitates the consumption of capital for more particular advantage; eg, leftism-adjacent behaviors), but like there’s simple levels to this that go beyond particular contingencies as well. A europoid could no more expect a semite to exist for his benefit than a chinaman would.

Basically what im saying is im signaling against signaling against signaling against skypes.

European Mutt says:


Absolutely, I agree. Just mentally substitute it.

Not Tom

If he clarified, that was bad tactics, but inconsequential because the media did not pick up on it. I was still getting my news from MSM at the time so this slipped by me.

Your point about shills is exactly what I’m talking about; trying to manufacture the impression that supporting Trump means gassing Jews, giving grounds for attacking this manufactured ‘coalition’. That’s both why you don’t signal and don’t countersignal Nazism.


Good point, I was countersignalling it. Probably a side effect of having to go full taqiyya in about 50% of situations here where I live. ‘Not a shred of nazi in him’ was dumb and you were right to point that out. I stand by my pro-israel comments though. Trump also signalled pro-India, pro-UK etc. and it should be viewed in that context.

the guy promising ‘reasonably circumspect amounts of plunder with regards to maintaining the structure for production of plunder’ is always gonna lose the pulpit to the guy promising ‘lets get *all* teh plunder’.

Of course. That’s the essence of the ‘demagogic’ component of the leftist spiral.

One of my best friends is a Jew (that sounds gay, but how else to put it?), and that redpilled me on Jews, don’t worry. I like him, I like Jews in general (just as I like, say, Koreans), but I fully expect him to betray me whenever his ethnic loyalties are in conflict with mine. But in the medium term, I don’t see how they would be.

Thanks for your comments. I have some plans that require great, flawless rightist rhetoric and this helped me a lot.

Edit_XYZ says:
“Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave interviews to WVW Broadcasting Network today. It was Flynn’s first interview since his pardon.
In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany. 5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary. The CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to reports. (…)”

If true, it could give Trump all the legitimacy he will ever need. But they’re cutting it awfully close.

Pooch says:

Holy shit…5 KIA?? There’s got to be other sources if this is true.

Sulla says:

I have no problem believing this could be true, given the conspiracies we know about, which is not the same thing as believing it is true.

Not Tom says:

You sure do post a lot of Qtard links.

BC says:

Qtards are super annoying.

Edit_XYZ says:

First Sidney Powell is a qtard for you, now Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn.
it doesn’t take much for you to call people qtards.

Especially considering that you expect a DOJ cavalry to save the day.

I see in this very thread you came with wishful thinking such as “So we pretty much have MI and PA back, and I wouldn’t be surprised if GA and NV follow. AZ is a bit of a wild card but not technically needed in the EC anyway.”

Not Tom says:

Now you’re just being dishonest and I’m starting to suspect you of being a shill.

Sidney Powell is not likely part of the disinfo, but she got taken in by it, likely due to a desire for publicity, or put her trust in experts that are disinfo agents.

Flynn is a great guy but he has been completely out of the loop since 2017. You think that mere days after his pardon, suddenly he knows about high-level black ops? And if so then what’s with the “possibly” delta force, wouldn’t he know?

Anyway, I didn’t say Flynn was a Qtard, I said you were linking to a Qtard site, which is obviously true given the all caps “Q WAS RIGHT” link at the bottom.

I’m basing my comments on MI and PA on things that have actually happened and are actually happening. You, on the other end, post an endless stream of links to well-known disinfo sites, snatching up every crumb of wishful thinking imaginable despite us having seen zero evidence that any of it is even partly true. Don’t you think that if this magical server existed, we’d be seeing data dumps and court exhibits by now? What could they possibly have to lose by keeping it a secret?

You’re not exercising any critical thinking whatsoever, just continually redirecting the conversation to Qtardery at every opportunity and screeching at critics.

We need a Qtard shill test. What is our opinion on Q? Why are we skeptical of all things in the general Qanon orbit and why do we say it’s enemy propaganda? You can tell us all you want about how you disagree, but if unsupervised, should be able to explain our position first.

Edit_XYZ says:

I linked to an interview with Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn. You can listen to the recording; you obviously didn’t – you don’t know who came with the server info.
They are far more ‘in the loop’ than us. This goes for Sidney Powell, too.

Also – really, Not Tom? A link at the bottom transforms an interview with Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn into qtard? You are the dishonest one.

“endless stream of links to well-known disinfo sites”
Really? Name one link I posted in this thread that came from a well-known disinfo site.

Your assertion about MI and PA was based on a decision by a Pennsylvania court that was already overturned by the PA Supreme Court.
And how did you ever got ~’MI is ours’ out of that decision?
You attribute wishful thinking to me, Not Tom; you may want to examine your own critical thinking skills.

And yes, qanon propaganda is harmful because it invariably assumes the battle is already won behind the scenes. And all you have to do is ‘enjoy the show’.

Much like your assertion that we “pretty much have MI and PA back, and I wouldn’t be surprised if GA and NV follow.”
Or that a DOJ cavalry is still a serious possibility.
BTW, it’s far more probable that that ‘magical’ server exists despite the public not seeing data from it, than that a DOJ cavalry is incoming – despite total silence from Barr, and total lack of action, 4 weeks after the election.

The Cominator says:

We’re in the fog of war now hard to tell exactly what’s going on don’t bicker about it too much.

Pooch says:

Yeah there’s just a lot of rumors and misinformation going around on both sides. Some of them may or may not turn out to be true but best to just wait until things play out a bit more.

Not Tom says:

Obviously I didn’t watch the whole hour-long video. That’s a gigantic waste of time, it’s literally 100x more inefficient than text. I’ve previously stated that I will not watch random videos, the list of people I’m willing to watch for more than 2 minutes spans less than 5 entries (offhand, I can only think of Styx and Barnes, and I still skip 80-90% of their content).

MI refused to certify the result. How the fuck did you miss that? It was discussed at length here, with the Republicans refusing, then certifying under duress, then un-certifying. Trump dropped the case there because they “already had the relief sought”.

And when did I say anything about a “DOJ Cavalry”? Again you are being completely dishonest. That’s three times you’ve now attributed a position to me that I’ve never claimed to have.

“Creative destruction media” is Qtard, it’s disinfo. There’s “one link”. Previously you’ve linked to RT (English), “anonpatriotq” on Twitter, that “Sic Semper Tyrannis” blog, Gateway Pundit repeatedly, Vox Day’s Qtard posts (not his normal ones, only the silly ones), a bunch of random Twitter accounts, the list goes on. You’re excessively negative about everything that Trump and Trump allies are doing, writing black-pilled posts a thousand words long, only to subsequently go “oh but here’s some good news” and then point to some new non-development in the Qtard magic Dominion server narrative.

Maybe you aren’t a literal shill. But you don’t understand how to weigh evidence, how to apply logic and figure out which facts are important and which are either false, misleading or part of a distraction. It’s people who can’t or won’t filter that cause substantial parts of the right to keep going down these endless rabbit holes and lose out of confusion and disorder.

The Dominion/server case just doesn’t make any goddamn sense, we know how votes were manipulated in the 6 major counties and it did not involve nor require any “algorithms”, and there is very unlikely to be any evidence that votes were manipulated in other counties where Trump won by huge margins. That entire narrative is only even plausible if you completely close your eyes to the county-level results, the printouts from the machines, the limited locales where this software is actually used, and literally everything else about the entire stupid idea. It’s a non-story that keeps trapping good people in its orbit, and whether intentionally or unintentionally you’re doing the same thing here. Just stop already.

Edit_XYZ says:

“MI refused to certify the result. How the fuck did you miss that? It was discussed at length here, with the Republicans refusing, then certifying under duress, then un-certifying. Trump dropped the case there because they “already had the relief sought”.”

You obviously missed the part where, after uncertifying, the results were certified. 3 votes for, one absent.

“And when did I say anything about a “DOJ Cavalry”? Again you are being completely dishonest.”

You prattled about it in Jim’s previous posts, as you well know. For example:
To think you’re calling me dishonest.

“Obviously I didn’t watch the whole hour-long video. That’s a gigantic waste of time, (…)
“Creative destruction media” is Qtard, it’s disinfo. There’s “one link”. Previously you’ve linked to RT (English), “anonpatriotq” (…)”

I see that, for you any site you want to bash is qtard, now. Regardless of the information provided there.
BTW, I asked for links from this thread.

And I see an interview with Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn graduated from being “qtard” to being a waste of time.
Nice critical thinking skils there, Not Tom.

“You’re excessively negative about everything that Trump and Trump allies are doing, writing black-pilled posts a thousand words long, only to subsequently go “oh but here’s some good news” and then point to some new non-development in the Qtard magic Dominion server narrative.”

Not Tom, now I am both blackpilled and a qtard? You do know these are contradictory statements, yes?

“Maybe you aren’t a literal shill. But you don’t understand how to weigh evidence (…)”

You are actually thinking I am interested in your assessment on my thinking skills?
I already told you: You need to look at your own critical thinking skills.

Not Tom says:

You obviously missed the part where, after uncertifying, the results were certified. 3 votes for, one absent.

If true, then yes, I did. When was this and where was it reported?

You prattled about it in Jim’s previous posts, as you well know. For example:
To think you’re calling me dishonest.

I have claimed repeatedly, there and everywhere else, that the DoJ is factional and that some factions, such as the faction that dumped evidence on FBI misconduct and was aggressively fighting Emmett Sullivan to try to drop the Flynn case, are either on Trump’s side or neutral. You’ve misrepresented that as me claiming that they’re actively working for Trump on this election, which misrepresentation I can only assume is on purpose because there’s no logical connection between the two.

It’s still you being dishonest here. You refuse to address what we actually say, and instead address what you imagine we might have meant in some alternate universe.

I see that, for you any site you want to bash is qtard, now. Regardless of the information provided there.

No, those are all confirmed shill sites, except Vox who posts a lot of non-shill stuff that you never mention, only the Q garbage.

BTW, I asked for links from this thread.

And? You don’t make the rules here. Are you saying that you’ve seen the light and realize your error in linking to those other sites, or are you just concocting artificial constraints so you can pretend to be right on some technicality? No, don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical.

And I see an interview with Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn graduated from being “qtard” to being a waste of time.

First of all, Qtardery is a waste of time, there’s no contradiction and no escalation. Second, again you’re trying to win by name-dropping and not looking at evidence. All you’ve proven is that people high up can be tricked, which we already knew. Who are his sources? If they know what happened, why don’t they know any specifics? It has all the hallmarks of third-hand disinfo, we have no idea where it came from or how many mutations it went through. But none of that matters to you, because Flynn! And another Lt Gen! Did you even know who Thomas McInerney was 8 hours ago? Because I sure didn’t.

Not Tom, now I am both blackpilled and a qtard? You do know these are contradictory statements, yes?

No, they aren’t contradictory. I explained, literally in the very post you’re quoting, how the disinfo works. We’ve seen it in action a number of times: discredit any conventional reasons for optimism, insist that everything we’re actually able to see with our own eyes is doom doom doom, there’s no hope in any of that, but there IS hope in this crazy unbelievable thing that none of us can see or verify, but trust us, it’s totally true and it’s going to totally blow this thing wide open! 1800 sealed indictments! 11-D chess! Trust the plan!

That’s disinfo. First demoralize, then use the ensuing weakness and disarray to lead into kookery, and relentlessly attack any serious skepticism. It’s always been a part of the color revolution script. And it’s exactly what you are doing here.

Answer this simple question: if the magical server exists, what useful information could be on it and why hasn’t it been disseminated yet, either in court filings or coordinated leaks? It’s been days – weeks even – since this supposed seizure. So what’s taking so long?

You are actually thinking I am interested in your assessment

No, because I’m back to assuming you’re a shill, and shills are never interested in anyone else’s assessment.

Edit_XYZ says:

“When was this and where was it reported?”
It was reported everywhere. Feel free to use the internet for a few seconds.

“(…) again you’re trying to win by name-dropping”
You are actually accusing me of name-dropping? You already ‘forgot’ what you wrote in your last posts.

“All you’ve proven is that people high up can be tricked, which we already knew. Who are his sources? If they know what happened, why don’t they know any specifics?”
So, according to you, Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn were tricked.
But not you, Not Tom. You’re better connected and smarter than them, yes, Not Tom? And entitled to their sources.

“1800 sealed indictments! 11-D chess! Trust the plan!”
And, according to you, I said this anywhere. Very ‘honest’ of you.

Not Tom, talking to you is obviously a waste of time.

jim says:


Take the shill test:

What is our position on the woman problem and the woman question?

Edit_XYZ says:


My answer:
Every time women are given equal rights to men regarding choice of mate, woman emancipation results, which leads to the destruction of the traditional family and sub-replacement fertility:

Women tend to lose their peak fertile years chasing after alphas and monkey-branching. Only in their 30s, reluctantly, do they try to settle down. They have few, if any, children.

Men lose interest in marriage, because they cannot be patriarchs in their own households, and because of onerous divorce laws. Without wife and children, they tend to lack motivation to achieve more than the strict minimum.

This failure mode took out quite a few civilizations.
It can only be corrected by taking away most of the women’s rights pertaining to the choice of mate, in favor of their families.
Implementing such reforms is a pipe dream at present. But if interesting times arrive, this may change.

I should also add:
Men tend to be attracted by women a few years younger than them, and women, by men a few years older. After a century of sub-replacement fertility, this means there are fewer eligible women than men.
This difficulty is compounded by the fact that, at present, an anomalously large percentage of women are fat and unattractive.
All this means that, all else being equal, women have a greater SMV than men. Which makes such reforms even harder to implement.

I don’t agree with you about lowering the age of consent of women to around 10 years old, though. A minority of girls might be ready to start their sex life at that age; the majority would just be messed up. 15 years is a far better choice.

Not Tom says:

A curious WRP answer that addresses the technical downstream aspects of aggregate fertility without really touching on female sexuality or concepts of alpha. And not only advocates for an Age of Consent but thinks it should be well into the fertile years. Really more of MGTOW position than a reactionary one.

Don’t know how Jim will interpret the answer, but it does little too allay my own suspicions; follows the same broad pattern of answering without quite answering, addressing the speaker directly but somehow always managing to answer very obliquely or misunderstand the question.

Come on, this milquetoast answer is more like what Tim Pool and other center-left moderates say about women; what do we say? What, in particular, does it mean to be a patriarch in one’s own household, and what do you mean by “onerous” divorce laws? What is the red-pilled position on rape?

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom, is any part of ‘I’m not interested in talking to you any longer’ unclear?

Not Tom says:

What if I’m not interested in talking to you, will you stop posting about gay ops?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. You don’t make the rules, newfag.

BC says:

Men tend to be attracted by women a few years younger than them, and women, by men a few years older. After a century of sub-replacement fertility, this means there are fewer eligible women than men.

I agree with Not Tom that this appears to be older stuff from Men’s rights or MGTOW, not reactionary content.

When I was 14 I found women in the 16-28 age to be the most attractive, with around 22-24 being peek attractiveness. At 20, I still preferred the same age ranges and 30+ I still do. My preferences have not changed over the years because evolution shaped them to pick women’s peak fertility periods.

Women do not select based on age, rather by pre-selection and alpha characteristics. Anyone who’s read Roassy or been involved in Neo-Reaction should know that.

Finally the issues with lack of women is one of multiple women hooking up with a limited group of Alpha males, something that we pretty obvious to the Game community almost 15 years ago which modern survey’s continue to confirm at 50% of men are not currently involved in a relationship while only 1/3 of women are not currently involved in a relationship.

INDY says:

Not Tom is not wrong

Edit_XYZ says:


Men are attracted to female beauty and fertility. Women are most beautiful and fertile around 15-15 years old.

Woman are attracted to alpha – aka the man who gets to command in a group, who gets to impose his will on the other members of the group.
Men are most alpha when they have the most resources and power. This is usually around, let’s say, 25-45 years old.

As you see, there is a difference in age.
With sub-replacement fertility, this means that the 15-25 years old women are fewer that the 25-45 years old men.

And yes, at present, the main problem is that most women go after the top alphas, until their 30s.
But even if this problem were resolved, we would not return to the good old days when every man could get a wife, if he was even mediocre.

jim says:

You are giving us the shill story of woman’s nature, a counternarrative not genuinely intended to communicate or persuade, but to shut down our narrative.

Putting you on moderation until you answer the question: What do we say about women’s nature, the woman question, and the woman problem?

What is the narrative to which your narrative is a counternarrative?

I am happy to debate your narrative and ours, but not with an interlocutor who refuses to acknowledge the narrative he attempts to silence and disrupt. Not going to let you argue, unless you acknowledge what you are arguing against.

It is not a debate, unless you acknowledge your interlocutor’s position and attempt to explain why he is wrong, rather than trying to swerve the discussion onto issues that presuppose that you are right.

Not Tom says:

What is this nonsense about age? There’s a scarcity of pussy because nearly 100% of women are waiting for booty calls from fewer than 10% of men, not because there are more “peak alpha” men than there are peak fertility women.

“Resources and power” and “command in a group” is the Vox Day/Molyneux/MRA definition of alpha, not ours. You’ve worded it carefully to make it sound a bit more like ours, but it’s not.

Why can’t Jeff Bezos get prime pussy? Dude’s got plenty of resources and power, commands an entire corporate empire. How does that reconcile?

And yes, men may be attracted to women at any post-pubescent age, but no one asked what the men are doing, we asked what the girls are doing, starting at a much earlier age than 15.

The Cominator says:

“Why can’t Jeff Bezos get prime pussy? Dude’s got plenty of resources and power, commands an entire corporate empire. How does that reconcile?”

In any even slightly more sane society he absolutely could resources + power NORMALLY ARE alpha, but because hes terrified of women raising some kind of legal complaint he acts scared and women’s pussies dry up.

Edit_XYZ says:

Bezos’ ex-wife recently cucked him; left and took billions of dollars. So much for his power.

If his ex-wife were to suddenly expire – due to an unfortunate accident or suicide, of course – I guarantee Bezos would suddenly become a sex-god for numberless beautiful, fertile young women.

BC says:

Bezos’ ex-wife recently cucked him; left and took billions of dollars. So much for his power

Bezos got caught fucking his 50 year old women who was his friend’s wife. If your idea of leadership of groups and resources was correct he would have gotten caught fucking a 22 year old model or beatify contest winner, not some used up old whore and his wife’s reaction wouldn’t have to been to divorce him. I’m not worth billions and I refuse to fuck women past obvious fertility age.

If his ex-wife were to suddenly expire – due to an unfortunate accident or suicide, of course – I guarantee Bezos would suddenly become a sex-god for numberless beautiful, fertile young women.

You would be wrong. Women want to see alpha males perform and quietly ordering an assassination won’t turn other women on. They’d rather fuck the assassin than the man who paid for the assassin.

You’re not a reactionary. Go read Roissy complete archive and come back when you can pass the women test.

Edit_XYZ says:

“What do we say about women’s nature, the woman question, and the woman problem?”

Perhaps you’re referring to the women wanting to be owned by alphas and keep coming up with shit tests to ascertain whether a man is an alpha? That they’ll fuck up themselves and their family/job in order to, unconsciously, get an alpha to punish them for misbehavior?

Or perhaps you’re referring to the mating dance during which the women would put themselves in the position to be ‘raped’? And only consider it rape if they perceive they had sex to a beta?

If it’s something else, you’ll simply have to tell me what you’re referring to, Jim. Obviously, I haven’t lurked on this site enough to read about it.

jim says:


You acknowledged our narrative.

But when you put the counter narrative, you did not acknowledge the narrative that it countered.

Why is fertility in collapse, according to us. Why do we have dysgenic reproduction? Why do most men have blue balls, and if they marry at all marry used up women nearing the end of their fertility who have ridden a hundred cocks of men handsomer, richer, badder, and more charismatic than their husband? If you think our account is incorrect, contradict it explicitly, rather than commenting as if no one ever proposed it.

What is our cure for failure to reproduce, dysgenic reproduction, and most ordinary men suffering blue balls? Would it work? If not, why not?

Icon says:

Females are breeders, period. All this crap about age of consent is designed for population control.

I don’t need a woman to make my coffee or fry my bacon. I need them to breed. And I don’t want to listen to their bullshit either.

When they’re old enough to get the itch, they’ll sneak out like an ally cat in search of Jeremy Meeks to scratch it. So keep a close eye on em.

Females are also easy to brainwash and watch alot of TV, Shitter, and Faceberg. So they think niggers are cool and alpha.

If they wind up in college, good lord. They’ll come out an antifa slut these days banging their jew professor.

jim says:

passes, particularly the bit about age of consent.

If you are a shill, your organization has cut you enough slack to allow you to engage in real discussion and debate.

The Cominator says:

Edits views on the woman question are far far far to the right of what any leftist organizations would allow. The worst you can say about what he says is he is still slightly purple pilled on some issues.

jim says:

OK, let us debate the purple pill.

The purple pill tends to lead to black pill – the black pill being, among other things, that women are wicked, that there is no wife material out there.

Nah, women are wonderful in their proper sphere. The problem is that they are lost and confused. They look for outlaws and raiders because they perceive themselves surrounded by weak men of a weak tribe.

The purple pill does not contradict the shill narrative, merely mentions thing the shills would rather not be mentioned, without directly contradicting it.

Not Tom says:

The worst you can say about what he says is he is still slightly purple pilled on some issues.

I’d say pretty far off, not slightly. Advocates AOC of 15, won’t address rape, thinks money and formal authority naturally equals female attraction (i.e. without a patriarchy to enforce it), says mate scarcity is due to differing age ranges, etc. Never once mentions preselection, evasive on what a patriarchal marriage should be.

Whatever he actually is, I think he posts far too much in general, and far too much kook in particular, considering he hasn’t established his bona fides and at best sort of squeaks past the shill test. We get other purple-pilled sorts here, and they’re generally alright, because they don’t spam and they’re not uppity. Purple pilled people coming to learn about the red pill and making some mistakes along the way, totally fine; purple-pilled people coming to assert their superiority, whether on the WQ or any other topic, very much not fine.

Last thing we need is a bunch of kinda sorta rightists deciding on which direction to take the conversation. Even if zero of them are genuinely entryists, it’s not good for cohesion. All I’ve even been asking for is for him to tone it down a little bit with the Qanon narrative; even kookanic did not react that badly, he just embraced the kook label.

When we say “ok, let’s have an honest discussion about the plausibility of this theory”, we should not expect responses to the effect of “how dare you question [some asserted authority]”, that’s not how we roll here, especially concerning namefags as sources and newfags as conduits.

jim says:

> says mate scarcity is due to differing age ranges, etc

Which is very much the shill counter narrative, and fails to acknowledge the PUA narrative, the Dark Enlightenment narrative, and the Dalrock Christian narrative.

Supposedly the reason most men have blue balls is that all the hot chicks are supposedly banging Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. If only that were true.

Edit_XYZ says:

“Why is fertility in collapse, according to us. Why do we have dysgenic reproduction? Why do most men have blue balls, and if they marry at all marry used up women nearing the end of their fertility who have ridden a hundred cocks of men handsomer, richer, badder, and more charismatic than their husband?”
“Supposedly the reason most men have blue balls is that all the hot chicks are supposedly banging Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. If only that were true.”

Jim, I can only conclude that you skimmed over my previous posts and missed my response.

I already answered why most men have blue balls, as you can see:
“Every time women are given equal rights to men regarding choice of mate, woman emancipation results, which leads to the destruction of the traditional family and sub-replacement fertility:
Women tend to lose their peak fertile years chasing after alphas and monkey-branching. Only in their 30s, reluctantly, do they try to settle down. They have few, if any, children. (…)
This failure mode took out quite a few civilizations.
It can only be corrected by taking away most of the women’s rights pertaining to the choice of mate, in favor of their families.
Implementing such reforms is a pipe dream at present. But if interesting times arrive, this may change.”

As for the age difference between peak SMV women and peak SMV men, this is not the reason most men have blue balls today, as I have previously said:
To be concise, even if reforms are implemented, the families get to choose the mate for the women, and the women cannot chase alphas throughout their 20s any longer, there will still not be enough women for every productive man to marry. This is due to generations of sub-replacement fertility. The situation was reversed when the previous generations had an above-replacement fertility (until ~a century ago).
This problem is compounded by the fact that, at present, an anomalously large percentage of women are fat and unattractive.

jim says:

OK, purple pilled, but no shill.

jim says:

I find this hard to believe.

But that could be normalcy bias on my part.

Or it could be susceptibility to enemy disinformation on your part.

Starman says:

One could try to find the KIA listed by the military, but the US is currently engaged in the Afghan War, various skirmishes in the Middle East, SEALs deployed from submerged submarines, and African missions.

~loclun-midwyt says:

I did notice articles two days ago claiming a senior CIA officer was killed in combat, in Somalia.

Not sure I believe this story though. If true, what is the motivation of each side involved to keep it a secret? I guess CIA don’t want people knowing the Frankfurt location is CIA. And Trump, if he did successfully get the servers, needs time for his tech guys (Baron) to go through and find evidence.

If Trump doesn’t want people knowing yet, why are people supposedly loyal to Trump leaking? There’s obviously so much going on behind the scenes its hard to know anything.

pyrrhus says:

Hard to believe that McInerney, a real warfighter with more than 400 missions, is lying…but we don’t know his sources…

Not Tom says:

I don’t think he’s lying. I think the disinfo is very convincing and well-coordinated.

The people who write these narratives know their targets extremely well. They know their hopes and fears, and perhaps more importantly, know where they’re ignorant and how to stroke their ego. They also know who wants attention.

So they pick someone – someone who is not very well-known but is likely to be considered trustworthy by other people who are well known. Feed them info that will sound plausible to them, usually taking advantage of ignorance in other areas (in this case, ignorance on the specifications, deployment, and competitive landscape of election technology, and quite possibly ignorance of computer technology in general). Make it “explosive” – so that if it IS true, it would be absolutely massive, totally game-changing, and this target would get all kinds of praise and attention if they turn out to be right.

Then, sit back and watch as they relentlessly pressure their friends and allies to pursue it. Occasionally feed them extra little tidbits to keep the narrative alive without actually revealing anything interesting. When the narrative collapses, which it eventually will, the person to take the fall is some nobody, an unknown insider who can be scapegoated easily.

Of course a lot of disinfo bypasses this and goes straight to shilling on chans. But if it’s done professionally, at a high level, this is what it looks like, and can often catch otherwise intelligent and reputable people in the web of lies.

The key indicator is that you never actually see or hear firsthand evidence from any of the people who matter. In fact it’s rarely even secondhand. Usually they heard it from their sources, who are unnamed, who heard it from their sources who are probably enemies or marks.

I will assign one scintilla of credibility to this entire gay op narrative when I see one scintilla of firsthand evidence. None of this friend-of-a-friend, source of a source shit.

The Cominator says:

I’m with BAP at this point I want to nuke China…

The Democrats aren’t smart enough to do this, not anymore. Obviously if they are smart enough to do this the Chinese are helping them.

European Mutt says:

China would make more sense because they tend to be smarter than any leftist at this point, but then this type of psychological manipulation smells uniquely American spook to me. Feminine tactics so to speak.

The Cominator says:

American spooks at this point (ie Brennan) are retards who just repeated muh Russia 1000x times a day for years.

90% its the Chinese helping them plan… it started with this Corona bullshit but it hasn’t stopped.

BC says:

This appears to be China completely subverting America. This is really not good. They’ll be using their intelligence organs to feed the Dems political and military info once war breaks out and they’ll probably send troops.

European Mutt says:

At least if that’s in fact what’s going on they’ll kill all the leftists eventually. Otherwise there will be nothing left to loot in America.

Probably you can say goodbye to your guns though. On the plus side you will be able to smoke in bars again!

Not Tom says:

I wouldn’t necessarily rule out China, but generally their attempts to imitate American culture or American anything else tend to come across as ham-fisted cringe.

While I can’t prove you wrong, I think you’re committing division fallacy. Just because card-carrying Democrats in aggregate are stupid and getting stupider due to holiness spiraling and dysgenic fertility, does not mean there are zero talented people left in their ranks. They would probably like us to believe that, just as Trump has always benefited from the left believing that he’s really stupid. But it doesn’t take an army of geniuses to spread disinfo; only a rather small handful of moderately competent spooks.

Keep in mind that they can brute-force this, they don’t have to get it right the first time. They can just shill endlessly on the chans making random guesses about what might work until one of their stories goes viral, and then, when it’s already in the public eye, start tapping a few middlemen and public figures to see if any of them want the attention or are otherwise susceptible. That takes a lot less intelligence and planning than you might think. After all, our guys on the chans have pulled off the same maneuver successfully with the legacy media, many times; just get one hungry reporter to cover the White Supremacist Hand Sign story and the rest will rush in to get the clicks, and they’ll find some university professor who happens to be strapped for cash to appear on the evening news and say “oh yes, we’ve been studying this phenomenon for a long time”, and then the ADL and SPLC want their cut of the action, and so on.

And all it took was a little shitposting and a lot of patience, no super genius grand plan.

China probably is trying to manipulate outcomes, but I’m not convinced yet that they’re behind either the election fraud or the election disinfo. Mind you, still OK with nuking them because Covid.

European Mutt says:

Thank you for this explanation, I have had similar hunches.

I can’t help admire the left for one thing, and one thing only: How good they are at building secret police, and at how effective and competent they are compared to the rest of their project. How to learn their secret sauce?

Not Tom says:

Their secret sauce isn’t so secret, it just requires state power and a state religion.

Inquisitions work just as well. Unfortunately, we don’t do enough of them when we’re in power. Secret police are a bit of an intrinsically-left thing because they imply lying and entryism; we don’t really need that if we’re in power, we can just tell people the actual rules and enforce them by normal means, being careful not to admit either subversion of the rules OR unlicensed expansion of the rules.

European Mutt says:

The right firmly in power indeed doesn’t need secret police. But Trump in the transition period does, likely Don Jr. will still need it. Just like Putin installing the state religion and actually taking power was probably impossible without the FSB’s help. I don’t know what they did, that’s why I left it out of the description last time, but they did something.

Nowadays Kadyrov in Chechnya has the power to drag people in front of TV cameras and apologize for what they wrote on social media. He also has the power to kill gays and rebels. Grand Inquisitor for Muslims. This is great, but it took Putin 15 years to make it possible.

Maybe Trump’s new 3 letter agency will just have to be fully devout Catholic or whatever state religion he goes for. But they will still have to learn a few tricks from the left probably.

The Cominator says:

The right firmly in power is too tolerant of leftism and sows the seeds of its own destruction… if we win this repression has to be firm and merciless forever. Nits make lice.

Sydney Powell retweeted a tweet mentioning this supposed Frankfurt raid against the CIA. Either she is pure enemy, meant to spread disinfo and derail the real effort, or it is legit, and will see the light of day sooner or later.

Remember, the media neglects to report on things that make them look bad. Who knew that Trump killed the Patriot Act? I did not, until I read it here a year after the fact, because the press simply refuses to cover things that contravene their narrative.

If Trump is to launch an autocoup, he has to dominate the intelligence agencies at some point or another, show them that scheming, information warfare, and assassination is inferior to a bunch of armed commandos kicking a door down with guns blazing, and this seems like a better time than most.

The Cominator says:

Sidney Powell isn’t knowingly an enemy, but she may have been taken in by false information (because there are some retired pro Trump officers who all swear this stuff about the Frankfurt raid is true). It could be true but it could be misinformation… Qtardism seems to take in a lot of people who REALLY should know better…

Yehovah'sMessenger says:

[*deleted for demon worship*]

BC says:

Here comes the FBI to whitewash the fraud. I still say Barr is working against Trump or at least doing nothing to help.

BC says:

Of course I hope I’m wrong. Having an active FBI investigation that’s not a whitewash could be the nail in the coffin for the Dems. But so far, the FBI hasn’t done anying besides work against Trump.

Pooch says:

I assume FBI is enemy until proven otherwise. Have yet to be proven otherwise.

Not Tom says:

Are you talking about their request for the Braynard data, or is this some other new development?

BC says:

Braynard data. The very fact they’re looking into it is useful to give cover to the GOP selecting their own electors so leads me to believe they wouldn’t do it until they planned to whitewash it.

Pooch says:

How stupid does Braynard have to be to give them anything?

Not Tom says:

He is keeping the original data, so at least he’s not completely retarded.

It’s probably a bit hard to refuse a “request” from the FBI, especially if they know who you are.

Not Tom says:

Not election related, but I stumbled on this link as I was browsing other stuff:

If the data are correct, and I have no reason to assume that they aren’t, then I really was completely wrong about this. Ever since May, my rationale that Covid should be taken semi-seriously (though not seriously enough for lockdowns) was based on excess deaths and the need for those to be explained. But apparently, there are no excess deaths in the USA. Masks, lockdowns, social distancing, not one whit of it has mattered a whit.

I don’t really comprehend how some excess deaths could change to no excess deaths, other than the mid-year data was tortured or falsified somehow. But this comes from Johns Hopkins, not a random Twitter account. (From students, to be fair, and of course they were forced to retract, but predictably not on factual grounds, to date there have been no factual challenges).

The implication of this is that it’s not even really more dangerous than the flu; the IFR may technically be higher but it’s primarily killing people who would have died from heart disease anyway.

BC says:

I looked into this a bit Friday. There’s a rebuttal from Johns Hopkins that doesn’t link to any actual numbers disputing the study.

Here’s their response:

The part of about using percentages instead of raw numbers are particularly disingenuous since if you look at the yearly death counts for Americans they increase year after year in the range 12k to 90k, so a percentage of deaths vs population size is by far the better way to look at the data.

There’s a debate as to the total deaths for Americans in 2020 for which I wasn’t able to find a source for. If they’re going to fake a number, it’s going to be the total deaths for Americans in 2020.

Pooch says:

2020…the year everything was fake and gay.

The Cominator says:

The Corona deaths are the fake stat not the # of people who died (yes sure you can fake that but its harder). Do not start arguing the corona death numbers are real again, they never were it was obviously fake and gay from the beginning.

As the old meme said… man shot 33 times in the head dies of coronavirus.

The rights cowardice is its undoing… we had too many cowards who believes in an obviously fake virus threat (even if it was real we should have deemed causalties acceptable losses and gone on with our lives and a normal economy and election) and our leader may be too cowardly to cross the rubicon and seize power. We have some St. Kyles but it seems not enough of them.

BC says:

The Corona deaths are the fake stat not the # of people who died (yes sure you can fake that but its harder).

I don’t think you read the article. The article posted said that the COVID deaths were fake and gay. And is I indicated their rebuttal was fake and gay as well. The only issue is finding a source on total American deaths for 2020, there’s multiple sources for it that don’t agree with each other and frankly after this study they have to fake the total deaths in order to hide that the COVID didn’t increase deaths.

Do not start arguing the corona death numbers are real again, they never were it was obviously fake and gay from the beginning.

A) Don’t tell me what to do and B) read the fucking article before you look like more of an idiot.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, the rebuttal and retraction on that study are sort of like the PA Supreme Court’s ruling today: “well, technically all of that is true, but we don’t like where this is heading, so you’d better drop it”. Lowers the credibility of the profession, raises the credibility of the original claim.

Point is that the “with Covid not from Covid” narrative, while it sounded pretty lame and low class to me, is in retrospect almost entirely true, more true than even many of the people who pushed that hypothesis thought at the time. If it had no effect on excess deaths then it cannot possibly have been responsible for 200k or whatever deaths, except to the extent of cannibalizing other diseases.

jim says:

If you diagnosed everyone who died who had recently been exposed the common cold, as dead from the common cold, you would get the same results as we have been seeing ever since they stopped using ventilators and started using oxygen masks.

The sudden and mysterious decline in deaths from heart attack, cancer and such like would by mysteriously equal and opposite to the sudden increase in deaths from the common cold.

And lo and behold, deaths from China Flu are mysteriously equal to the mysterious decline in deaths from heart attack, cancer and such.

Looks like China Flu is rough, but does not actually kill anyone. Ventilators killed people.

To the extent we have excess deaths at all, probably lockdown related.

The Ducking Man says:

After a while, I’ve been thinking that this fiction flu only exposes many problems that we in reactionary circles don’t want to admit:

a. Most masses are indeed stupid and lazy that they can only rely on mainstream media and globohomo narrative. Merely presenting data is not sufficient.
b. Too many cucks in higher power that rely heavily on stupid masses (see point a.)
c. Globohomo already had too many power over us that truth only valid as long it fits the official narrative.

I’m not blackpilling here, but even if Trump seizes power he will openly face globohomo power that will impose lockdown on entirety of his 2nd term.

jim says:

If Trump is still in office on January twenty first, 2021, it will be because of radical measures that will cut the priesthood of the China Flu demon off at the knees.

onyomi says:

And this is why I’ve become so invested in hoping for Trump victory even as my appraisal of its likelihood diminishes as it becomes clear he won’t likely achieve it without radical measures: I think it will have big ramifications not just for the US, but the world.

Heck, even some non-insignificant number of Japanese seem to really care:

The white pill is that the anti-globalist elite anger around the world must be as near to boiling point as it has ever been after all these lockdowns and extreme measures. Like these French riots: are they really about BLM, or is that just the excuse they are allowed to vent their anger?

My most optimistic scenario is that a shocking Trump victory not only leads to anti-globalist revolt in the US, but around the world, in part because it could shift the zeitgeist in terms of what one is allowed to be angry about.

bc says:

Globohomo already had too many power over us that truth only valid as long it fits the official narrative.

Jack Prosobic said he believed the China Flu was real because of the way the Chinese reacted to it. There was just too much economic damage going on if it wasn’t real. I generally viewed it the same way. The idea that they cooked it up in order to help the Democrats rig the election with mail in ballots wasn’t even on the radar. It seems obvious is hindsight.

Nothing like this has ever happened before in history even in fiction. It’s a monstrous crime that China and the Democrats should share the same fate for. China needs to be destroyed after the Democrats are.

jim says:

China flu was, and is, real in a sense.

It frequently causes impaired oxygen absorption. When they treated that with ventilators, killed a lot of people. If not treated at all, kills nearly as many people. If treated with oxygen mask, no one dies of it, (in the sense that deaths assigned to China flu equal the decline in deaths assigned to cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, etcetera) but it is pretty miserable for a while.

The Ducking Man says:

I already knew from April 2020 that China we were suspiciously too prepared.

CCP knew exactly their margin of error in destroying their own economy, while dragging everyone else’s economy even further. All the chaos just in order CCP to be even higher power than today.

It is indeed monstrous crime that everyone involved in it should be punished and their names deleted from the annals of history.

Sam says:

Alternate possibility- the Chinese were prepared for a bioweapon containment failure and accidentally thought this is what happened to start. That does imply leaving the airport open was an act of Supreme dickishness.

The Cominator says:

China should indeed be destroyed for this but I said it at the time they were damaging their economy in one city only.

I also said nobody else on earth is interested in truth anymore EXCEPT the Japanese and South Koreans (and yes the Russians to some extent) and it was clear from their experience early the virus was hype. I said all other countries should be assumed to be lying for whatever reason… Western European countries like Italy were cathedral satrapies.

ten says:

a. That’s why we need a state religion that tells people what to think – most people are signal repeaters, and that is good so, it is how God made us.

b. Is this something that we in reactionary circles don’t want to admit?

c. Yes cathedral meme control is, or perhaps was, one of the primary problems facing us.

Don’t we admit, point out and focus on these things all the time?

The Cominator says:

“a. Most masses are indeed stupid and lazy that they can only rely on mainstream media and globohomo narrative. Merely presenting data is not sufficient.”

No the problem is not with the MASSES, masses implies working and lower class guys they haven’t been part of the problem since Reagan’s time. Its a problem with women and people of middling intelligence (ie midwits) in cities its not so much the masses. The proles stopped listening a long time ago. They generally wised up on the pandemic quickly too. You need a sane state religion for these people above all. The right it seems mainly needs a state religion because too many of us seem to be materialists and nihilists who live in crippling fear.

“B. Too many cucks in higher power that rely heavily on stupid masses (see point a.)”

This is a question of whether Trump and some other ever believed in the Wuflu hoax or didn’t want to fight that portion of the base that initially bought into it. Trump’s initial comments suggested he wasn’t buying it but he seemed to cuck hard for a while after that… so we’ll never know.

“c. Globohomo already had too many power over us that truth only valid as long it fits the official narrative.”

The problem with Cathedral meme control and total blackout on truth is not so much that anyone believes the official Cathedral narrative (despite some people falling for it on wuflu), nobody except hardcore NPC progs and suburban mask Karens believe cathedral narratives anymore. The problem is good people don’t know who to believe and disinformation nonsense like Qtardery fills the void.

Nicodemus Rex says:

I have relatives in the healthcare system — anecdotally, most doctors seem to know that COVID isn’t increasing all-cause mortality and only “killing” people who would be dead by the end of the year anyways. They also know that properly treated, COVID isn’t any more dangerous than the flu, though of course it is more *severe* and patents often want or need supplemental oxygen, antivirals, etc.

(These observations would be impossible to hide from doctors because of the overwhelming anecdotal / statistical evidence in favor of them.)

Thus, the current narrative that is used to justify Covid hysteria to doctors is something a little more sophisticated — basically fearmongering about an “overwhelmed medical system” that will somehow cause millions of people to die. Of course we don’t even really *need* ICUs that much since we stopped putting people on ventilators (although we still *use* them for every COVID patient due to bureaucracy), and we’re not going to run out of supplemental oxygen or IVs, so …

Not Tom says:

Yes, although the “overwhelmed medical system” was part of the original narrative, and while it did materialize in a few Democrat-controlled cities as a result of shockingly bad policies (New York), for the most part it failed to materialize anywhere else.

And if it failed to materialize for the first wave, going to be even more of a nothingburger for the second wave and third wave and all subsequent waves. They can claim that lockdowns helped to suppress the first wave such that the second wave could actually be worse, but (a) that’s essentially an argument for permanent lockdown and (b) the evidence from lockdown-free areas does not support it.

So there really is no there, there. It’s entirely political and maybe always was. I’m not too sure that China actually planned the whole thing, as they really did appear to suffer a lot of damage themselves, but they sure as shamblin’ shit capitalized on it and used it for political and economic advantage. And that should not go unpunished.

Nicodemus Rex says:

> They can claim that lockdowns helped to suppress the first wave such that the second wave could actually be worse, but (a) that’s essentially an argument for permanent lockdown and (b) the evidence from lockdown-free areas does not support it.

Technically, this is an argument for permanent lockdown until the *vaccine* comes in. This will probably be the chosen narrative if a Biden presidency materializes — permanent lockdown while we “wait for the vaccine”, of course while the left tries to delay vaccine mass production through various bureaucratic hurdles and tries to ensure that competent white men who own small businesses get the vaccine last.

The Cominator says:

“So there really is no there, there. It’s entirely political and maybe always was. I’m not too sure that China actually planned the whole thing, as they really did appear to suffer a lot of damage themselves, but they sure as shamblin’ shit capitalized on it and used it for political and economic advantage. And that should not go unpunished.”

Yes China planned it.

Step 1: Deliberately leak a slightly worse than normal cold virus with flu like symptoms out of lab.

Step 2: Let it spread in one city then act completely retarded and panic people.

Step 3: Coordinate through glowjoggers like Brennan with the Democrats, Democrats initially act likes it nothing and tell people to kiss people in Chinatown and such.

Step 4: Hype things WAY out of proportion in muh Italy (a cathedral satrapy). Send sick people to nursing homes. Use muh Italy to justify complete panic.

Step 5: We need lockdowns which wreck the economy and mail in voting (China almost certainly briefed them they just needed to scale up old fashioned Mayor Daley type election fraud, about the voting machines and such I don’t know)… Trump acts cowardly and falls for it unfortunately.

After all this Trump backtracks a little but not strongly enough and quickly enough, doesn’t lift the emergency order mail in ballots are allowed and we end up in this situation. If everyone on the right had taken the brave course that this was an obvious conspiracy (which it was) we would have won.

I’m feeling bad now China should be punished for this severely… but it probably won’t happen. There is just too much cowardice on the right (I’m not saying I’m going to do anything myself as a face in the crowd so if you want to call me a hypocrite fine). Trump is acting like he won’t cross the Rubicon and the state legislatures seem to be taking their sweet time, the courts seem to even when they do something good immediately reverse… it seems all these people (knowing in the case of the state legislatures they will all lose their jobs if they don’t reverse this) all want to be eaten by the communists last. They are afraid of antifags or whatever pictures the glowjoggers have of them. I personally absolutely don’t care if they kill me, I don’t want to live in their hell world (the one thing I’ll gladly due if they give me a chance to be a Beria and hunt down leftists who are wrong figuring I’m reliable because I hate all leftists I will do it with glee) and I believe your consciousness in some form goes on. I could go to Russia or certain parts of Asia but I’m awkward enough here… as a foreigner I just don’t know.

I’m incredibly disgusted right now…

BC says:

I could go to Russia or certain parts of Asia but I’m awkward enough here… as a foreigner I just don’t know.

You would do fine. Any awkwardness would be chunked up to being from a foreign country. There’s going to be huge opportunities in this chaos that comes if things fall apart, but probably not in America. If the commies take over, it’s time to get out.

Trump is acting like he won’t cross the Rubicon

Right before Caesar crossed the Rubicon he tried to cut a deal with the Senate giving them almost everything they wanted leaving Caesar with just one legion and a governorship. At first the Senate agreed and then they proved themselves to be agreement incapable. Talks fell apart and then Caesar cast his die.

If everyone on the right had taken the brave course that this was an obvious conspiracy (which it was) we would have won.

Hindsight is 20/20. There’s no historical presidence for using a pandemic like COVID to rig an election and control peoples lives. It’s truly something new under the sun.

The Cominator says:

I’m not right about everything the Democrats did not pick Moochelle because why bother if they are going to rig it by however many 10s of millions of votes, I did underestimate their audacity with the mail ins I thought they merely meant to get Trump by ruining the economy. But they scaled up the fraud to what they needed even if it was obvious… Moochelle was probably too independent even if they would have needed less fraud. Beijing Biden and Kameltoe on the other hand will act more like King Theoden to the Cathedral’s wormtoungue than Obama (who at least was sane enough, and even Jarett his handler was sane enough, to want to avoid war with Russia) ever did…

But it wasn’t hindsight with me on the covid, I said look at the South Korean data… one of the few truth oriented countries I just don’t understand why this didn’t sway everyone on the right. This is not me tooting my own horn this is me being incredibly bitter and pissed off… I’m not infallible but that covid was fake and gay was to me as 100% obvious as the sky being blue. And I just don’t see why some of our people fell for it…

Trump is not even acting like Caesar… he is not appearing at rallies he is not even trying to negotiate a deal that will spare him and his family he is just acting despondent. Even if he thinks he can’t seize power he should at least want to go down in the manner of the last Byzantine Emperor… who knowing that all was lost went to the Hagia Sophia addressed donned the uniform of an ordinary soldier (so he would not be taken prisoner) and went off to die with the last of his troops. All I can say is I hope its a stratagem, the one encouraging thing is that Trump has restructured military command so that he and the secdef can more easily give direct orders especially to specops so maybe Trump’s playing dead otherwise is a stratagem. But otherwise I can’t say things look good now… I’d normally want to keep morale up but if the state legislatures and judges all fear that they may be eaten sooner rather than later (and don’t care about their jobs) and Trump is not willing to just call his people to the street and seize power… I don’t see much good that I can see.

We really need divine intervention at this point…

BC says:

But it wasn’t hindsight with me on the covid, I said look at the South Korean data… one of the few truth oriented countries I just don’t understand why this didn’t sway everyone on the right. This is not me tooting my own horn this is me being incredibly bitter and pissed off… I’m not infallible but that covid was fake and gay was to me as 100% obvious as the sky being blue. And I just don’t see why some of our people fell for it…

Because South Korea was treating like real threat by giving everyone KN95s masks and doing contact tracing. Only Japan really failed to take it very seriously and did fine.

The connection with fixing the election wasn’t clear. It looked like a pandemic that Trump would handle fine and then win reelection in an overwhelming manner, which he did.

I had thought that either the DOJ or Trump’s own guys would bust of the fraud operations to prevent the steal but apparently the group Trump setup to handle it was compromised from the start. I wonder if Barr was the guy in charge of it?

Trump is not even acting like Caesar… he is not appearing at rallies he is not even trying to negotiate a deal that will spare him and his family he is just acting despondent.

Trump is not Caesar. He’s being put into the same sort of box Caesar was in.

All of Trump’s life he’s played the winds of chaos, looked weak, and waited for his foes to make a mistake and then countered attacked. I don’t think he plans it as much as he has good instincts for it.

I don’t know if he’ll come up short this time but frankly there’s nothing left to do because hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Edit_XYZ says:


I also watched Trump’s recent interview – originally aired on Fox.
If Trump is not playing dead, in order to encourage his opponents to make a mistake, then Trump is not a man that can become Caesar.

Trump seems to put his faith in the courts and legislatures – when the courts proved themselves almost entirely politicized, on the democrats’ side, and the republicans, with very few exceptions, either are very silent, or are heavily cucking.
Trump complains he cannot get to the Supreme Court. Wow – it seems we know the position the SC decided to adopt.

There is not a hint that Trump thinks about invoking the insurrection act, or that he still has confidence this situation will go his way in the end.

Frankly, the impression Trump made was of a naive reformer, who failed to consolidate power in his first term, thinking his popularity with the masses will be enough, and is now desperate.
Who is getting chewed up by the establishment: the means being the election fraud, with the present acquiescence of the FBI/DOJ/CIA/etc.

If Trump loses power and Biden’s handlers get it, the leftist revolution will go full stream ahead. But the left’s weakness at present is the lack of enforcers; it would need to leverage its institutional power in order to get muscle, and only after seriously start with the killing fields.
This could have provided the opportunity to at least resist it in much of the USA.

But if, as you say, China is the mastermind behind the election fraud, as the culmination of an elaborate and highly aggressive covert attack using COVID-19 and mail-in ballots…
Well, USA could have survived for a while under Biden, if no external enemies of note existed.
But with an enemy as powerful, skilled and aggressive as China proves itself to be, which has Biden as a puppet, the USA is done. No buts or ifs.

jim says:

The moral decay and agreement incapacity are, however strikingly similar.

As for the Marian reforms – that is just a professional army. Today, all armies are professional. I don’t think that is a key difference.

Not Tom says:

Meh, you can interpret it like that, but it’s equally possible that China acted opportunistically and only let it leak from Wuhan after they realized what it was and where it was.

Some malice is premeditated, but most is opportunistic. Opportunism is the parsimonious explanation, requires fewer variables and fewer implausibilities, and in any case has pretty much the same outcome. The only difference is how bad it makes you feel and how angry you get, and you seem determined to frame everything in the worst possible light.

I don’t see Trump or really any normies doing what you’re doing. Lot of folks think China is responsible and China should pay, but the idea that they created and distributed the virus all as part of a year-long hail-mary plan to manipulate the 2020 US election is slightly less plausible than the idea that a Dominion server in Germany has incontrovertible proof of a global algorithmic election fraud system.

I know that abnormal is the new normal, and increasingly so, but I still advocate going up the ladder. First assume isolated error; if the evidence is beyond the threshold for error, assume incompetence; if it can’t be explained by incompetence, then corruption; if not corruption, then collusion, and only if collusion still cannot explain it, then maybe a premeditated large-scale conspiracy.

I’ve seen more than enough evidence to place China’s behavior with Covid somewhere between corruption and collusion, but as for conspiracy, there’s not a lot of evidence.

The Cominator says:

China executed the steps too flawlessly for this to not be planned and the virus wasn’t that lethal just in its initial phase kind of a scary cold… if it were a lab leak they didnt plan china would have had to act different in case a truly deadly bioweapon is unleashed.

Not Tom says:

China executed the steps too flawlessly for this to not be planned

As a generality, that’s pretty much a circular argument. Be specific: what could not have been achieved without extensive planning and large-scale coordination?

(as opposed to, say, more general advice from on high of “hey, don’t try too hard to stop this from escaping China, just make sure it doesn’t affect US too badly”)

The Cominator says:

1st of all for China to act the way they did they needed to know the virus wasn’t really all that deadly.

If it was like the virus from The Stand they would have had a real lockdown (or we’d all be dead now). If they didn’t know what they were dealing with would also have not kept the airport open in order that la truly bad virus would not have come to China.

Also the steps were like a perfect panic creating psyop in general… not the Democrats usual transparent bullshit (I could see through it but it seems so many couldn’t including Scott Adams who is right more often than almost anyone). So clearly this was planned by smart people in China who gave the plan to the Democrats… and not the Democrats themselves.

Not Tom says:

You’re not being specific, you’re coming up with different paraphrasings for “it was too perfect”.

What part of any of that rules out opportunistic corruption or possibly opportunistic collusion?

The Cominator says:

As I said clearly they knew the virus wasn’t that bad… or else they would have had to really contain it when they could have not pretend contain it to panic everyone but let it out of China.

Not Tom says:

Doesn’t demonstrate prior planning, only opportunistic deceit. Premeditation narrative is inconsistent with early news coming out of China which actually played down the threat – remember, Trump and the right were paying attention before the establishment, which at first downplayed it or cast it as xenophobia.

Additionally, China may have taken the same steps even if they thought the virus was very serious. No particular reason I can see that it would have changed their decisions.

European Mutt says:

Most likely scenario in my opinion: China noticed China flu (natural phenomenon, not from a lab), locked the region down because initially no idea what to do, realized they could send it to Europe and US to destroy their economies and buy up their facilities for cheap. This was probably still what they were thinking in the ‘Go to Chinatown or you’re racist’ phase, when they used their network in the Democratic party*. Same with lockdowns in the beginning. Only later did they realize that wait a second they can use that to legitimize mail-in ballot fraud. Then they went all in on it.

Maybe China should be able choose between taking all the American leftists or war with America.

* Even if Chinese spooks were truly not involved, there surely are a lot more Hunter Bidens than we know of. And think about it, lockdown is not a policy today’s Democrats would come up with on their own. It looks like something vaguely out of FDR’s playbook. Sweden as a leftist apostate never made sense to me, makes more sense for them to be simply pure Harvardist leftism while others where chinfluenced.

jim says:

Yes, likely this is a replay of the Kaiser sending Lenin to Russia in a sealed train with crate of gold as if he was barrel of smallpox contaminated clothing.

Sam says:

“Maybe China should be able choose between taking all the American leftists or war with America.”

And give the PRC free organs to sell?

The Ducking Man says:

After it’s going on for a while it seems like China miscalculated their margin or error.

The China Flu has become irrefutable excuse for foreign companies to finally leave china (Samsung, even Foxconn leaves).

I even read that CCP has money issue, that they are scamming foreign investors.

Javier says:

Market Ticker proved the same thing by looking at Social Security payouts.

Since it’s all senior citizens, any abnormal death spikes should show up as a dip in payouts. So either everyone who died of covid is still cashing SS checks or there’s no pandemic.

Fëanor says:

This is, frankly, a more hopeful analysis than the situation deserves. Not all republics are Rome. Trump is not Caesar, or Pompey, or Sulla, because those men and their actions were products of a very specific time and place, in which individual oligarchs commanded effectively private armies loyal in practice to them personally. This was a result of the Marian reforms, history’s most famous experiment in anarcho-capitalism, which predictably turned into anarcho-piratism very quickly beyond the Italian metropole and eventually within it as well. The Roman Republic did not fall because of any natural decay process of republics, or even because of a left singularity, though it was headed there (and did not exactly stop heading there with Augustus). It fell because it did not directly command the loyalty of its own armies, an eventual inevitability for any republic much larger than a single polis, but this had already been formally the case for sixty years before Caesar crossed the Rubicon.

When Trump personally commands a substantial portion of the US Army, with whom he has just returned from a years-long foreign campaign, and whom he pays out of his own pocket, then we can begin comparing him to Julius Caesar.

In fact there is a time in Roman history which compares to our present moment, but it is much later. The late Republic did not have a Cathedral, a deep state, a dangerously universalist state religion, uncontrolled immigration (a consequence of the universalism), religiously motivated revisionism and iconoclasm, or many of the other hallmarks of our present left singularity. The late Empire did.

The year in Rome is not 58 BC, but 408 AD. Trump is Stilicho, Biden is Honorius, and barbarians are already sacking their way across the empire with the full support of a significant portion of the state. Like Stilicho, Trump is about to be deprived of his legitimate authority and regular troops, and will be left only with his federati (in Trump’s case, the informal militia, the Proud Boys and such). Had Stilicho marched on Ravenna with his remaining men to depose Honorius and purge the deep state, he probably would have succeeded, and might well have saved the empire, at least for a while. What exactly he would have been saving is another matter; that Europe was going to come under Germanic rule was probably an inevitability by that point, but the centuries of darkness and war between then and Charlemagne might well have been shortened or avoided.

The Cominator says:

The Republic had an extreme leftist movement (as opposed to a right wing populist movement that is represented well by the 1st Gracchi brother and Julius Caesar, this distinction must be made because even Sulla enacted some right wing populist things in regards to land for vets and curtailing publicani and making debtors compound interest become “simple” interest) that started with the SECOND Gracchi brother. Marius was never really a strong backer before his mind went (all Marius actually cared about was military affairs) but Cinna the guy who controlled Marius when he was a senile figurehead ala Biden was. The leftist movement was mostly wiped out by Sulla who killed anyone in the Senatorial and Equite classes who he thought ever showed any sympathy with it.

The Senatorial class was the Republic’s deep state.

The Empire didn’t really have a deep state either it had an all too politically active military from the time Commodus was murdered onwards (the military was only occasionally politically active before this, and mostly when there wasn’t a clear legal emperor like when Nero fell… Nero had executed all his relatives within the Imperial family so there would be no clear successor). It rarely led to civil war before this point and when it did they ussually were resolved with a skirmish and didn’t last long.

Mister Grumpus says:


> “And finally, belatedly, remarkably belatedly, people after the assassination of Caesar recognized that legality, due process, courts, laws, fair trials, and free elections are finally gone and are not coming back any time soon.”

Please comment everyone:

How could Romans have figured out what was happening any faster than we can?

Rome didn’t have Twitter or blogs. They didn’t even have electricity, newspapers, printing or paper. But yet I also imagine they weren’t as distracted by the trivial, and were busier with the day to day right in front of them. Surely “the capitol” felt much farther away than DC feels to us.

What they definitely didn’t have was a way to anonymously publish words that would appear before a million eyes the very next minute. Jim commented here years ago that the Trump election in 2016 was made possible by anonymous internet speech.

Was there a Roman Qanon?

Was there any kind of “Roman media” beyond government proclamations and regular person-to-person gossip? And what does that mean?

The Cominator says:

Rome though it had an empire was entirely theoretically centered on one city, and in the city among the non political classes Caesar was almost universally wildly popular (he was mostly popular in Italy and the Western provinces besides Gaul, in the East Pompey was better known if not exactly loved) even if even some among the nonpolitical class had misgivings about Caesar potentially becoming king. Rome theoretically only existed within the sacred boundary of the city.

The assassins failed to kill Marc Antony who wasted no time in working the Roman mob up into a frenzy at Caesar’s funeral and seizing control the way Trump should be seizing control.

It was clear when Antony seized control without even marching in an army that nobody gave a fuck about the Republic anymore outside the Senatorial classes, who were mainly interested in a Republic so they could make themselves incredibly rich by being very corrupt proconsuls.

Mister Grumpus says:

How did normal Roman people even know who Julius Caesar was?

Could they read? Read what?

Would a “controlled media” herald person come out to the town square with a bullhorn now and then and let everyone know how great Caesar was doing against those low down good for nothing Gaul savages?

The Cominator says:

1) Caesar was extremely popular as Consul even if he was mostly acting as an agent of Pompey and Crassus (he was at that time the junior partner in the triumvariate). He got through a lot of right wing populist things via strongarm tactics including a law saying Latifundia had to hire a certain amount of nonslaves.

2) Caesar while campaigning in Gaul regularly sent back money to Rome to be distributed among citizens (this is probably what most pissed off the Senatorial class and alienated his old friend Pompey as Caesar was obviously outright buying massive popularity, and it wasn’t even electioneering as poorer citizens in Rome while they could vote their votes were weighted with a complicated system based on your wealth that made the poorer voters matter a lot less so this aroused massive suspicion).

3) Caesar subdued the Gauls, while you may think of them as minor celtic tribes who were no threat to Rome the Romans didn’t think of them that way. The Gauls had sacked and DESTROYED Rome in its history before.

The Cominator says:

Caesar was also feared by the Senatorial class in a way Pompey never was for another reason, Caesar came from a genuinely high aristocratic patrician bloodline. He was descended from Rome’s kings and supposedly from the gods. Pompey’s family were upstart foreigners who bought citizenship though the Optimates disdained this they were more relaxed about such a man having temporary absolute power… his family was not one to beget a line of kings. Caesar’s was (Sulla’s was as well but Sulla was a tradcon at heart and he was semi aligned with the Optimates).

Ron says:

I think you answered your own question

After Corinth, anyone who did not live directly in Rome, or didnt have at least three or four legions under his command, simply didnt matter.

At the end of the day, towns and cities outside Rome were probably a great deal more concerned with not being seen in rebellion against Rome than about who was “right”. Unless by “right” you mean whose armies are probably going to win.

Mister Grumpus says:

“It was clear when Antony seized control without even marching in an army that nobody gave a fuck about the Republic anymore outside the Senatorial classes, who were mainly interested in a Republic so they could make themselves incredibly rich by being very corrupt proconsuls.”

Boy does that ring a bell. Well hinted, good sir.

jim says:

The people who mattered met regularly in the Senate and popular assembly. Romans had a lot of physical gatherings. And yet the people who mattered were mighty slow to realize that the $#!% had hit the fan and there was no going back.

Icon says:

Of course the assumption here is that Shitter, Blogs, Faceberg, and other occupied media outlets are of any use, they are not.

A man who knows nothing is far better off than a man who is immersed in propaganda.

Back then they got there most trusted news by word of mouth through social circles which are nonexistent today. We socialize by computer.

And lets not forget our foray in “multiculturalism”. Also a failing of Rome. There can be only one for a nation’s strength is within its customs.

We are being directed by design into revolution. One, to remove White Culture, namely The Constitution and our rights, and Two for fun and profit.

The Cominator says:

The constitution is dead and the government has been wearing it as a skinsuit for a very long time. It started killing it during the Wilson era and it was totally dead and being used as a skinsuit by the FDR era. The federal government was originally supposed to standardize weights and measures, deliver the mail, provide a legal basis for hunting down outlaws who crossed state lines (but not with standing federal police) and conduct diplomacy and war.

The 1st amendment is the only part of it thats still respected.

Icon says:

Maybe dead, maybe a skin suit. But, it’s my skin suit and I’m keeping it.

All case precedent finds its foundation in The Constitution. And we are conditioned to believe that what is written in plain English doesn’t really mean what it says until some shyster says so.

If I said it once, I said it 6 Gorillion times: The Constitution is real in my mind. Anyone claiming it isn’t, can explain why we always return to it’s words when arguing our case.

Government may claim the power to tax is the power to destroy. But, you have a foundation to dispute that claim. I’m not giving it up.

The Cominator says:

The only thing in it for us is the 1st amendment but that will be another dead skinsuit before long. The 2nd amendment is useful as an ethos in some states but the courts don’t protect it… they certainly don’t protect you against unlawful search and seizure…

“All case precedent finds its foundation in The Constitution. And we are conditioned to believe that what is written in plain English doesn’t really mean what it says until some shyster says so.”

This paragraph sounds suspiciously like something a fucking lawyer would say if were trying to bash lawyers to fit in. Case law and precedent isn’t the constitution its what the fucking judges make up.

“If I said it once, I said it 6 Gorillion times: The Constitution is real in my mind. Anyone claiming it isn’t, can explain why we always return to it’s words when arguing our case.”

Do you also believe in the Easter Bunny, Chupacabra and the effectiveness of lockdowns?

Icon says:

That’s fine. But, tell me how you would make an argument for any of your rights as a human without The Constitution and its Amendments.

What do you propose we replace it with?

The Cominator says:

You cannot really make an arguments for rights without appealing to some kind of religious argument.

If you are referencing the fallen material world alone there are no rights there is only power. Your rights exists so long as they are defended, if they are not defended you will be robbed killed and maybe eaten. Natural rights are nonsense on stilts.

Icon says:

From a visceral standpoint alone your rights only exist as far as you can project your individual force through violence.

A nation requires a social contract, otherwise it will cease to exist. The Constitution is that contract.

When it is gone, so is our nation. Perhaps it is dead in the minds of many and certainly usurped by many.

Nations don’t go from a constitution to an enlightened king. They go into tyranny every time. We don’t need another V.I. Lenin, another Pol Pot, or worse.

Rights exist. I am living on this Earth with everyone else. I want my family to prosper and my people to prosper.

Is it the narrative of this blog that rights are not real, that you only deserve what you can take by force?

jim says:

> Nations don’t go from a constitution to an enlightened king. They go into tyranny every time. We don’t need another V.I. Lenin, another Pol Pot, or worse.

We need a Sulla, a Cromwell, or a Stalin, or else we are going to get a Pol Pot, a Trotsky or a Zhang Xianzhong

jim says:

> Is it the narrative of this blog that rights are not real, that you only deserve what you can take by force?

That is a shill question. You propose false alternatives, both of which presuppose that the argument has not been made.

Rights exist by natural law, and natural law is the will of Gnon made manifest in the material world.

The constitution only lived when it was codification of divine law for a particular place and time, a codification of God given rights. As the faith and the divine authority that gave it life was excluded from power and died, it died.

It died of a hostile judiciary, which was hostile because they were priests of a hostile faith.

We need a new codification, which cannot come till we get a new priesthood in place. Purge Harvard, or flatten it and build a new Harvard. If we have a new priesthood in place, then we can codify again.

Before we make a start on Harvard, have to close the courts.

You don’t have a constitution, unless you have adherents to the faith that gives it life in power.

Close the courts, then fix Harvard, then we can re-codify. Once the courts fell from the limp hands of Christians into the hands of socinians, they soon fell into the more vigorous hands of demon worshipers.

Karl says:

No, a nation does not require a contract. A nation requires common ancestors, a common culture, a common language, and a common faith.

If you say that a nation requires a constituation, please explain why you think that Germany not a nation in, e.g., 962?

Icon says:


When I wrote social contract, I meant broadly an agreement between leadership and tribal members. It can be expressed or implied and not necessarily in writing.

Once broken, trust is broken. The nation can no longer stand until trust is restored.

With the election fraud, we are at that moment.

Karl says:

Replace it with faith in the holy Trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The constitution is a poor substitute for the Bible, especially as the constitution can be amended according to the whims of fashion and has been amended so many times that it is unclear why one version should be superior to any other.

jim says:

The phrase God given rights comes to mind.

Judges are priests. Close the courts, and ensure that under the Insurrection Act, adherents and priests of old type Christianity are performing the job formerly done by judges and lawyers.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>rights as a human

Lol fag mind-pozzed by fag enlightenment memes.

Not Tom says:

All case precedent finds its foundation in The Constitution.

100% false. American jurisprudence and “constitutional law” has virtually no relationship with the written Constitution. For example, the two issues plaguing the Trump election cases right now are the concepts of standing and laches. Why don’t you go ahead and point us to where those are defined in the Constitution?

You can’t. They don’t exist. Courts just invented them out of thin air in the 20th century. In Pennsylvania, Trump sued on the basis of actual violations of the written constitution and his case was dismissed by the state Supreme Court based on a doctrine that is not written anywhere in any Constitution (or legislation, for that matter).

The Constitution is real in my mind. Anyone claiming it isn’t, can explain why we always return to it’s words when arguing our case.

It’s unclear what you mean by “real”. Of course it’s real, it simply has no magical powers. And the answer to your question is simple: because it’s the only tool most people have, whether it’s effective or not (and it usually isn’t).

If you give me nothing but a Philips screw and a flathead screwdriver, I am going to try to make that work, even though it’s clearly the wrong tool for the job. But judges don’t actually decide cases on Constitutional grounds, they decide on a combination of precedent (most of which has nothing to do with the written Constitution), partisanship (for any political case) and general ideological grounds (like “disparate impact” cases).

Private citizens aren’t formally allowed to petition their lords for redress, and aren’t formally allowed to pursue court cases on sympathetic grounds. And in any case the majority of jurisprudence is civil law which doesn’t deal with constitutional issues at all, it’s all torts and contracts.

To the extent that “The Constitution” ever had any perceived power, it was because it was mostly aligned with the lowercase “constitution”, the English common law and generally accepted set of legal principles. Moldbug explained the difference forever ago. But writing down a “Constitution” doesn’t actually bind the constitution in any way. In fact, English common law got this right before American written law got it wrong, with the highest principle of English law being that no parliament can bind any future parliament; whoever has the power gets to wield that power.

You try to do stupid and impossible things like subordinate real power to a document, and you just end up with unpredictable side effects like power being concentrated in the judiciary via the (completely unconstitutional!) doctrine of Judicial Review. The plebs can keep believing that it has power, or should have power, but that only works if all parties agree to it, i.e. in front of a favorable judge.

Icon says:

Nicely written. I’ll stipulate that The Constitution as well as all statutes and case precedent is merely window dressing and a thin veil standing between us and annihilation. Nevertheless, it is there.

A judge can sit in the seat of power and decide our fate. Over him is another judge another court, etc…

Even your faith in God cannot save you from the mischief of evil men who lord it over you. Not on this earth anyway.

Words are twisted, insane mental gymnastics performed so men of power assert their will.

But, if all I have is a phillips screwdriver, I’m not giving it up until I get a better tool.

Not Tom says:

But, if all I have is a phillips screwdriver, I’m not giving it up until I get a better tool.

To strain the analogy a little further: the hardware store is right across the street. You can keep on fussing and stripping and swearing, or you can go buy the right tool for a few dollars.

In jurisprudence, the hardware store is the past, and the right tool is executive rule with a state religion – or at least something resembling English common law. To be fair, it’s going to cost more than a few dollars, but we also have a lot more than one screw.

Mister Grumpus says:

“A man who knows nothing is far better off than a man who is immersed in propaganda.”

All right that’s it you’re full of shit. If not for NrX blogs and Twitter shitposting I would have no idea at all what the hell is going on. No context no understanding.

Icon says:

So you would rather be lied to than be at peace.

How do you know that anything you read is real beyond what you see outside your own senses.

If there’s one thing I learned from DJTrump is that the media has been leading us down the garden path for quite some time.

And this is not the first election fraud. Check out the curious case of Landslide Lyndon.

pyrrhus says:

News was spread by word of mouth/gossip, which is surprisingly effective even today, as I can personally attest..It’s still a major factor today, notably in China..People back then didn’t have a lot of ways to divert themselves, and gossiping about the rich and famous was one, as reflected in some of Shakespeare’s dialogue…

Arakawa says:

Caesar had ‘De Bello Gallico’ which can be thought of as a cross between National Geographic and the Trump Twitter account, and intended to maintain his political image in Rome while he was off to war for multiple years at a time. Wherein Caesar wanders the exotic wilds of Gaul with his army, alternately describing and defeating enemies and horrors strange and exotic, some of which are of doubtful existence. Most tales are simple and to the point, so it’s still used in fancy high school Latin classes for students who can’t manage more literary Latin. It was clearly intended for the literate and semi-literate people to read the stories and retell them to all the non-literate plebs and cement the image of Caesar, omni-competent manly general who does not afraid of anything.

So Caesar at least had a basic mass media at his disposal. Wikipedia called it an ‘innovative’ way to reach the plebs, I suppose just like it’s innovative for Trump to have a Twitter account that isn’t filtered by a PR agency of blue check marks….

The Cominator says:

Channers watching the Arizona hearing are apparently saying the server raid in Germany is real…

Feeling better if so.

The Cominator says:

I still find it really really really really hard to believe…

But feeling better if so.

Pooch says:

The whole story of the shootout seems like bogus. Apparently the Lt or whoever that put out the rumor cited a Military Intelligence unit in the raid which would never happen because MI units are never involved in combat missions.

Pooch says:

bogus qtardery*

The Cominator says:

I haven’t watched the hearings live myself…

What exactly is and isn’t being asserted about the Frankfurt server.

So it was seized but there was no shootout?

Pooch says:

No confirmation anything was seized. Still just a rumor.

Pooch says:

Only thing confirmed was the machines were sending packets to Frankfurt, Germany.

Not Tom says:

Problem for me is that it doesn’t really make sense that anyone would set it up that way on purpose. Why Germany, and where (as in which entity or organization)? Even if there was some kind of digital manipulation, and I’m not even close to suggesting there was, a server in Germany is just an unnecessary and frankly fragile element; it adds nothing in terms of security or capabilities. It just sounds like Q bait designed to sound really sinister to techno-illiterates, especially considering that Dominion systems were not even being used in the disputed counties and that non-disputed counties voted heavily pro-Trump.

There are more uninteresting explanations than sinister explanations. For instance, maybe they used an NTP pool or CDN and for some reason that pointed to a German server. Or maybe it’s some passive traffic like analytics or heartbeats. We really need to see the traffic to determine if it was interesting.

Purported traffic to Germany doesn’t in and of itself prove the server seizure narrative because the server seizure narrative emerged after the “packets to Germany” became known, and was probably based on that very information. The only thing that would make that narrative plausible is data or inferences from the server itself that were not available or provable beforehand; if those don’t exist, then the server is either fake and gay or it’s real but useless.

If the magic server is real then I want to hear what they found on the magic server. Until then I remain entirely skeptical.

Pooch says:

The theory put out there is that there was an algorithm running on the external server that would flip enough Trump votes to Biden spread across all the Dominion counties in the state so that Biden would win the election. Trump had such a massive amount of votes that the mass mail in dumps were needed in addition to the Dominion fraud according to that hypothesis.

There is lots of evidence of Dominion flipping votes from Biden to Trump and never to Trump from supposed “glitches” but we don’t have any evidence is was done in an organized manner across a network. So if the server seizure was real than that should verify that theory.

Pooch says:

from Trump to Biden*

Not Tom says:

I hear you, but from a technical standpoint it just doesn’t really make a lot of sense. First of all, even if an “algorithm” was running on some server in Germany, the source code wouldn’t be on the server, and while it is not impossible to decompile and analyze executable code, it’s generally a fool’s errand trying to figure out what it actually does. There are many stories of companies losing their original source code, and it’s generally cheaper to rewrite the entire system than to try to patch the old one.

An “algorithm” running on a foreign server would imply RPCs or something like that – that is, the machines themselves are not self-contained and don’t have all the code they need to run. I don’t recall seeing this mentioned in any of the Dominion info exhibited by Sidney, and it runs counter to other things that we do know, such as software updates being deployed to the machines before and after elections. It’s strange to say that the fraud was committed through some RPC but also that there were suspicious updates to voting machines; while it’s not impossible that both contributed to fraud (i.e. the pre-election update could have introduced this RPC), it’s unlikely and a strange idea. There’s also no way a software update alone could have added internet connectivity, the machines would have to have already been designed with the right hardware.

This RPC would also make the machines horrendously slow. Maybe they were slow, but it hasn’t been reported. “Phoning home” over many hops to Europe is just silly; why wouldn’t they run it in the USA, or at least some place sort of close like Canada?

We’re very thin on facts and thick on speculation. Even the evidence that packets were sent to Germany is kind of sketchy, being derived from some external analysis tool, not logs from either endpoint. Assuming the packets really existed, they could have been some idiot connecting to the same wifi network, analytics traffic, debug info… we don’t know, because we don’t know what the packets supposedly were.

Most importantly to me is that none of this is new information. After days, or even weeks of escalation of this narrative, the big bombshell is packet traffic that we’ve known about since the beginning. At best we can say it seems a little suspicious and should be investigated, but unfortunately does not prove or support any of the speculation that’s come about since then.

Coincidences can and do occur in networked systems like this. I can recall two instances from memory where US traffic ended up being redirected to European servers. One was when somebody had pushed a configuration update, but made a typo, such that what was supposed to be an EU datacenter actually ended up as a replica in a US cluster, which caused tons of traffic to flow back and forth and nearly DoSed the entire internet connection. In another instance, there was an outage in one US datacenter and maintenance in another, and what was left couldn’t handle all the NA traffic, so a bunch of it spilled over into Europe.

I’m not saying any of this explains the “Germany packet” that we’re told exists, or even slightly resembles that situation, just that we know far too little to draw any meaningful conclusions and the people who say this 2-week-old discovery is “proof” of anything important are helping to spread disinfo, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

pdimov says:

My current understanding is that vote switching with Dominion software is done in a low tech manner that does not involve any algorithms running on servers in Germany. Namely, the schema (which numbers are Biden’s and which are Trump’s) is not part of the transferred data, it’s kept on the sending and on the receiving machines. So you can trivially replace the schema on the receiving end before entering data, thereby switching the votes.

And I’m pretty sure there’s a manual override as well that lets you later say wait, we entered the wrong data and switched the votes by mistake, switch them again. This can also be used to rig the result, and explains how Trump magically lost votes (with Biden gaining the same amount) during the live updates.

Not Tom says:

Pretty sure it’s even more low tech than that:

1. Stop count so you know how many more votes you need, and kick out observers. (multiple affidavits)

2. Print out a few thousand minty-fresh ballots or harvest them before election (observers saw “mail-in” ballots with no creases)

3. Fill in names of people unlikely to vote because they’re dead, out of state, etc. Or, if you’re in Detroit, just skip this step. (found in many audits)

4. Insert an unscannable ballot at the bottom of the batch to force an exception; then, instead of cancelling and redoing the batch, keep rescanning the same ballots to count them five or six times (the tabulators do not prevent duplication)

5. Repeat as necessary to achieve desired outcome. (seen as multiple spikes in counting)

6. Destroy the evidence: burn the envelopes, refuse to allow any signature audits (openly admitted). Use megaphone to assert that mail votes are totally safe, election fraud doesn’t exist, anyone who thinks it exists is a sour grapes conspiracy nut, and the AP “called” the election already.

This is another reason why I just don’t believe the server BS. It’s simply an unnecessary component to the fraud. We know how the heist was done and we have proof. There is no sane reason to dilute an airtight provable case with unprovable kookery.

Pooch says:

All of the above. They cheated in every conceivable way, but yes the fat DMV lady city machine fraud is the easiest to prove. I mean they literally forcefully removed Republican watchers out of the count rooms and blocked the windows with paper, all caught on video. How more obvious can you get than that.

pdimov says:

+1 to “all of the above”, more than one type of fraud was in play.

If I had to guess I’d say that the server in Germany was the machine where the logs were kept. (If you write voting software you will definitely want to log everything somewhere off-site in case you need to defend yourself.)

Why Germany? Well, it was just hosted in a (public) data center somewhere, in Europe so it was outside US jurisdiction.

jim says:

Repeating at the top, for all those that came in late

Social security shows no excess deaths from China Flu, except for mass murder by Cuomo over a period of two months. Who died, not of China flu, but of ventilators, having been deliberately infected by China Flu for an excuse to put them on ventilators.

The deaths from China Flu, by an amazing coincidence, are exactly equal to the decline in deaths from heart disease, cancer, etc, the decline in deaths from the disease of old age.

It is just yet another new flu, bros.

European Mutt says:

In summer they announced the same thing in Germany. No excess deaths. (page is German but labels should be obvious, maybe someone can archive it I can’t get beyond the captcha on

Less people died in 2020 than when the flu hit badly in 2018.

Doesn’t convince leftists though and will not convince leftists in the US because it was all supposedly thanks to the lockdowns. And they are now trying via peer-review to only get studies through that prove there supposedly were excess deaths after all.

But this is very very normie-compatible, even for people who nominally hate Trump. ‘Germany–US, no difference.’ Will spread this far and wide.

jim says:

Social security bypasses the peer review barrier. If peer review finds excess deaths, and Social security keeps paying out, something is fishy.

The Cominator says:

Something is fishy but people could be using the SS #s of dead people for scams… bet if you reapply for the # of a dead person the government pays you… I know illegals can all easily get socials.

Gedeon says:


jim says:

Inside information about the quarrels of demon worshipers fighting each other is as off topic as it can get. Why should anyone care? Why should I want to know who these people are?

Edit_XYZ says:

At the Arizona hearing, it was only confirmed data was transmitted to Frankfurt, but not that Trump’s men have the server.

Also, the Arizona governor (a republican) and secretary of state certified the results of the election during the hearing. A political spit in the face from them to Trump. As unsubtle as one can get.
There is no way Trump will win this in the courts or with the legislatures; this much is clear at this point to anyone paying attention.

Lt General Thomas McInerney (retired) talks the insurrection act:

In my view, there are only 2 options:
-gen. McInerney lied about the server, or at least vastly embellished what he heard from former colleagues, in order to bolster Trump’s position;
-Trump wants to unveil this server when he declares the insurrection act. The optimistic option.

In any other case, Trump’s team would have talked about the server at the Arizona hearing.

Pooch says:

There is no way Trump will win this in the courts or with the legislatures;

The state legislatures are absolutely still in play. The fact they even had a hearing today indicates that.

The Cominator says:

They look to be all talk and no action BUT agreeing that there was massive fraud and then doing nothing looks even worse for them… so likely they will do something.

Pooch says:

Ehhh that video just shows some bitch’s face and a male voice. That could be anyone.

Not Tom says:

Trump wants to unveil this server when he declares the insurrection act

Vanishingly unlikely.

Most people won’t understand a thing about the technical details, and the people who would, such as myself, would need time to look over the evidence to understand its significance. If Trump had something like that and wanted to use it to declare an insurrection, he’d dump it into the courts and the public domain first – as is what he’s doing with every single other bit of fraud evidence. What possible benefit could there be to announcing that the information exists but refusing to release it until it no long matters? Because once he’s declared an insurrection, no one cares about a server anymore.

If no one on Trump’s team wants to talk about the magic server, probably bullshit. Trump doesn’t operate that way, releasing oblique and speculative evidence through retired and out-of-the-loop proxies; he tweets, or he coordinates an official leak.

You’re doing the shill routine again. “Oh it’s impossible for Trump to win courts or legislatures, doom doom doom, our only real hope is the magic server!” Like fucking clockwork.

jim says:

It is impossible for Trump to win through courts or legislatures, because the legislatures will be ignored, even if he wins in the legislatures. They are being ignored right now. It is impossible for him to win through the courts, because even if he wins in the supreme court, as he very likely will, it will be ignored as it is being ignored right now.

He is going to have to go to the insurrection act, and likely civil war. But he needs as many victories as he can get before he goes there.

And if he wins through the magic server, it will be in the form of early morning raids by death squads.

Not Tom says:

We have to distinguish between not winning battles in SCOTUS and/or the Electoral College, vs. not winning the war as a direct result of those battles. You’ve said yourself that a victory in either or both of those venues would improve legitimacy of an Insurrection Act invocation, and we are just at the beginning of that process.

Election challenges (contests) officially start after results are certified. There is in fact quite a lot of time for those to happen, and states sending competing delegations means that the House will certify the Democrat delegations, Senate will certify the Republican ones, and Senate legally wins. Will they respect the law in that case? Almost certainly not, but easier to call in the cavalry for a few hundred electors than the entire deep state.

I’m annoyed with everything that’s happened so far, but, having had some time to reflect and read up on past elections, not really all that surprised. This is far from over. We should at least wait two weeks, but technically the challenges can go all the way up until inauguration, and have successfully done so in the past.

Yes, I know, normalcy bias, I’m not suggesting that Trump will squeak out a victory without having to flex any muscle. Just, be patient. Each week is better than the previous week. Last week, legislatures wouldn’t even talk about this stuff, and the week before, fewer than half of Americans were acknowledging fraud (now it’s more like 70%). I’m watching the overall trajectory and I think, if you ignore all the noise, it’s trending in our direction.

Will probably still end in violence and war, but the question is how much violence and how long a war.

Pooch says:

It’s looking more unlikely any of his cases will reach SCOTUS, he even said so himself. However, he may still win in the state legislatures which will likely force a SCOTUS ruling on the validity of state legislatures choosing their own electors. Those wins would be nice to have for legitimacy purposes before invoking the Insurrection Act.

Mister Grumpus says:

“… because the legislatures will be ignored.”

Remedial question: Ignored by whom?

jim says:

By the civil service, by the multitude of bureaucrats that actually give effect to election results.

At some point they will need to have guns pointed at them.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s just so sad and humiliating. You think you’re being a nice guy, giving fair breaks to everybody, go to sleep in Mayberry, and then wake up in Planet if the Apes. Weak men make hard times.

Edit_XYZ says:

I agree, the server story’s probability declined significantly after the hearing in Arizona. Still, hope springs eternal.

The courts and the legislatures look flimsier than ever.
Trump’s team arranged for the hearings before the legislatures because the courts wouldn’t listen to their cases.
As for the legislatures – for example, did you know the Michigan legislature declined to conduct a hearing? How about the silence of the vast majority of the republicans, the cucking or the outright treachery of ones such as the Arizona governor?

I listened to a recent interview with Trump – from Fox. He did not sound like a man confident of victory. Complaining that he can’t get a case before the Supreme Court., etc
It was a real blackpill.

The best chance Trump still has is the insurrection act. With or without the server, with as many people as he could get. Throw the dice.
They’ll throw him in prison anyway, for invented charges, even if he doesn’t play this last card. Him and his family. He has nothing to lose.

onyomi says:

“How about the silence of the vast majority of the republicans, the cucking or the outright treachery of ones such as the Arizona governor?”

This is the thing I just can’t fathom. If you’re a Republican you know a big percentage of your voters are also Trump supporters. I can understand why you might not be brave enough to go out on a limb for him, but I can’t understand why you’d be lining up to stab him in the back. Do you really expect voters to reward you for it? In some cases (Georgia) they may be trying to hide another crime, but in all (of course, it’s not out of the question a lot of state officials are compromised in multiple states)?

Pooch says:

“How about the silence of the vast majority of the republicans, the cucking or the outright treachery of ones such as the Arizona governor?”

Only the Sec of States and Governors are cucking. The State Legislatures are listening to the evidence. They may or may not cuck in the future but the fact they are even holding public hearings is a positive.

Do you really expect voters to reward you for it?

Normalcy bias. Voting no longer matters. All elections in the US can be rigged on command by the Democratic city machines now.

My guess is the governors, Ducey and Kemp, made background deals with Democratic leaders to guarantee their reelection in return for fast tracking the certification. Our political class is corrupt. This is nothing new.

The Cominator says:

Michigan state legislature is cucking.

Pooch says:

They are apparently having a meeting with Trump attorneys tomorrow, but not an open hearing.

Edit_XYZ says:


It’s not only that voting no longer matters, and the republicans are buying their reelections from the democrats.

Arizona governor Douglas Anthony Ducey Jr. certified the election results DURING the Arizona hearing. Not a dew days before or after, which he could easily have done.
He wanted to be insulting to Trump, to publicly spit in the face of “Orange Man”. And he succeeded.

These “republicans” are ideologically aligned with the marxist democrats, and despise Trump.

Not Tom says:

My guess is the governors, Ducey and Kemp, made background deals with Democratic leaders

We know for certain that’s what happened with Raffensperger, so it would hardly be a surprise to find other crypto-never-Trumpers. If Trump does invoke Insurrection act, I hope Kemp goes on the list; not entirely sure with Ducey.

They really think they can return to the days of establishment Republican politics. Insane fantasy.

Still, it’s hard to overstate the amount of lawfare and intimidation Democrats did prior to the election. Hindsight is always 20/20, but I don’t think Trump was aggressive enough in countering it when he had the chance. He did file a few suits, but his legal team was garbage – some of them have even started representing the traitor Republicans and some Democrats. Always personnel problems, fucking always.

Pooch says:

Kemp and Ducey are definitely both going on the list. Trump is tweet storming hard against them both today, all but calling them traitors. He won’t forget.

Theshadowedknight says:

People I know from AZ are telling me that Ducey is planning on another lockdown. Three weeks. That is the entire holiday shopping season gone for small retailers and local businesses. Thats game over for the economy there if he pulls it off. I suggested maybe a lynching was in order if that is true.

Pooch says:

It seems Kristi Noem and Desantis are the only governors in the country that openly oppose any form of lockdown.

Icon says:

I’m on board. No need to convince me covid is a scam. Masks, distancing, shutdowns all a scam. I was on board with this concept back in early March.

And now that the vote has been denied, what’s the solution?

Do you wait for the thing to collapse and hope to break off a piece? Do you cut fence, run to another country. Sit back and enjoy the donkey show? Or morph into Alex Jones and invest in a megaphone and 8 Pack Power Stack.

Our whole country has turned into a three ring circus with its citizenry the dancing bears. Yes, the world is watching and they’re laughing their asses off in between shivering in fear of what a nuclear armed nation of crazies might do next.

Icon says:

My last comment wound up in the wrong place somehow. I was trying to respond to Jim’s Covid/SS thread.

jim says:

Three solutions:

Fast. Win a civil war.

Slow. Wait for a Cromwell or a Stalin to end leftism getting ever lefter, and then wait for leftism to hollow out and die.

Slowest. Make sure that you and your children survive when everyone else kills each other, then re-occupy the ruins.

Icon says:

In that case, I’ll bet on DJTrump in lieu of a future unknown. But, he’ll have to drop the hammer.

Until then, I’ll stand at ease.

onyomi says:

Highly unlikely but (grimly) hilarious outcome: Biden, whom everyone assumed was senile, compromised, checked out, and easily controllable, is the new Stalin.

jim says:

The deep state thinks it can control the radicals. But, since the radicals are united by their faith, and the deep state is disunited by corruption, the deep state will find itself in the same situation as it found itself when it overthrew the Czar.

Javier says:

It does seem to be the typical republican behavior to attack your own side for the crime of fighting the enemy. Blah blah ‘democratic norms’ blah ‘principles’ etc. etc. whatever justifies cowardice.

Making deals with democrats is a devil’s bargain but some people just can’t help themselves. “Sure you betrayed us 99 times but I have a good feeling about #100.”

Have to clear out the unreliable types. The Tea Party almost gained full control of the right once we can do it again with Trump.

The Cominator says:

For the left its a war of annihilation since rightism of course can’t exist in their utopia.

If you do not have in mind that the end goal needs to be the a war of total annihilation against the progressive religion (and its cousins such as Marxism) ala the war against the Cathars you will always make these kinds of mistakes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Posting this up top for the new guys.

Tall me teacher’s pet I guess, but Jim’s phrase on Gab today is crystal:

“Holy war is coming, and the very holy are much too holy to accept surrender.”

Neurotoxin is reading the same handwriting:

“We cannot surrender – even if we wanted to – because if we do they will genocide us.”

I wonder why more aren’t voicing this “out loud” on Twitter, or OANN or Newsmax, or wherever, but I think Moldbug even had it right back in the good old days: To sound the alarm against historical patterns of left wing violence is to “incite hatred” today:

“Your fear makes you scary.”

What a status test! Does your fear qualify you for privilege and protection, or derision and punishment?

stan says:

Holy war might be coming but it’s not there (in the US) yet. The left spiral is not spinnig fast enough. To get to required rpm’s you need an impetus such as a huge economic crisis. Once you, Americans, are far enough in the green new deal implementation, then holy war.

Not Tom says:


James says:

It’s not popular in these parts, but I’m somewhat inclined to agree. I have a suspicion that things aren’t bad enough yet. We have recent memories of much better times, but the reality is that people will tolerate a lot before taking any serious risks to themselves. Furthermore, the white democratic old guard is still around for a few more years, and they do act as a moderating force.

I’m personally into being prepared for every eventuality, but not making particularly strong predictions. I’ve seen very smart people be very wrong again and again. I’m just trying to make sure, personally, that being wrong doesn’t make me dead, and that I can grow my personal power and my network regardless of broader political and economic circumstances.

Not Tom says:

He, and now you, are missing the point: holy war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not.

It doesn’t matter if things aren’t “aren’t bad enough” because the people having those things done to them are not the ones declaring and waging war. They can roll over and pray for a quick death, but they will be casualties of the holy war regardless.

onyomi says:

Is my impression that Trump hasn’t left the White House in weeks correct, and if so, any thoughts on why? Even more concerned than usual about assassination attempts? Worried if he leaves deep state operatives will dig up all the nice land mines he buried in the lawn and change the locks?

stan says:

Doesn’t he go golfing? He went once at least.

onyomi says:

That was soon after the election. I mean in the past two weeks or so.

onyomi says:

Oh, apparently he went golfing again over Thanksgiving, but that was still close to home in nearby VA. So it’s not so extreme as not leaving the White House at all, but he also seems not to be making in-person appearances outside the White House, nor travelling around the country, though he’s slated to rally in Georgia on Saturday (postponed from this past Saturday, I believe?). Guess it’s all part of the bigger question of how he’s using his time lately… could just be focused on staying on top of all the legal challenges, or something else.

Pooch says:

Interesting…Lin Wood is calling for the military to conduct a new election if the state legislatures and courts fail.

~loclun-midwyt says:

Now Dominion are apparently moving evidence against court orders. Seems things are heating up, insurrection act can’t be far away (I hope).

How will the insurrection act work in practice? Does Trump pull out an envelope from his pocket at the rally and read the order to the people? A statement from the White House? A Tweet? Or will the military just roll up and start making arrests?

Pooch says:

I don’t think anyone knows except Jim.

Not Tom says:

This looks to have been relatively unmolested by SJWs as yet:

The bottom line is that the Insurrection Act has been invoked many times, most recently under the elder Bush – so it’s really not a fringe idea, nor does it immediately trigger civil war.

It just gives the President wide-ranging powers to do many things that would ordinarily be unconstitutional – not that constitutionality matters much anymore, so it’s more like a rhetorical pretext. And it’s different every time; there’s no set process for dealing with an insurrection, and this one is unlike many others in the past, so it’s really impossible to predict how it would play out.

Dawn raids on election officials and counting offices seems like a good start, though. In terms of public legitimacy, the refusal to allow signature verification is just a really obvious indicator of criminal activity, there’s no way to frame it so normalfags would perceive it as orange Hitler.

I’d love to see them lock up a lot of the partisan judges, spooks, and benefactors, but I don’t think he will, even if he does invoke the Act. Unfortunately.

restitutor_orbis says:
has a lot of the details on the Insurrection Act.

The law is very thin about what Trump can and cannot do.

jim says:

Not thin at all: The words, and the ample precedents, are that he can do anything. The insurrection act is fundamentally a legalization of what Lincoln did.

The insurrection act rests on Article Four of the United States constitution.

Section 4 The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Lincoln proceeded to administratively arrest people all over the place, without bothering with application of the legislature or executive, and hold them in administrative detention in military prisons for years, and the latest version of the insurrection act, like all of it predecessors, which have been invoked many times, proceeds to legalize what Lincoln did – doing it unilaterally, without application of the legislature or the executive.

Theshadowedknight says:

What is legal? What limits Trump must abide by with the Insurrection Act? No limits. If men with guns arrest judges without guns, that is legal. What legal limits has the King? The reach of his armed men. Insurrection Act is “Break glass and remove King in case of emergency.”

Once this is all over, Trump will amend the Insurrection Act to make anything he did retroactively legal for next time.

restitutor_orbis says:

From the point of view of a lawyer (which I am), the law *is* thin. There are few statutes and very few court cases.

You are correct that works in the President’s favor. The point of the article is that Trump can commandeer every able-bodied man in the US tomorrow should he so choose.

We agree on the fundamentals, I’m just clarifying what I mean when I say the “law is thin”. I don’t mean weak, I mean, there’s not many statues, regulations, or cases about it.

pyrrhus says:

So Ike invoked the Insurrection Act to enforce integration in Little Rock…what a travesty…

suones says:

What’s the travesty? That the IA was invoked to destroy segregation or that it was invoked by Eisenhower?

I find it surprising that American Brahmins seem so ignorant of their history. Eisenhower successfully 1) sidelined Patton, 2) won WWII for the Soviet Union (and got the Soviet Medal to prove it), and 3) firmly established East Germany through acts of omission (like allowing Soviets to take Berlin) and commission (as Governor of occupied West Germany). And that’s only his military career.

He got into politics, specifically Republican politics, as a proxy candidate to use his “war hero” charisma to push for global war against Taft’s sane, isolationist agenda. The man established NATO, handed China to the Communists while maintaining Taiwan, established democracy and freedom by creating “South Vietnam,” precipitated a hated coup in Iran (that became a driver for the Iraniana’s souring on the USA). His vaunted “anti-communism” was in full show when the Soviet-backed Nasser expropriated the Suez Canal company and Eisenhower refused to allow his nominal allies’ military occupation, but when the Soviet Union thumbed its nose at NATO and invaded Hungary he did nothing (because it was most probably orchestrated by a rival wing of US spooks). The Bay of Pigs fucked up “invasion” was his idiocy, even though Kennedy got the “credit” for that.

Domestically, he neutralised attempts to undo the “New Deal,” and kept McCarthy out of power, thus keeping Communist traitors well entrenched. I emphasise, he could only have done this as a Republican, as an enemy from within.

Oh yeah, about “military-industrial complex” — this is a meme to rile peasants up against the Kshatriya-Vaishya alliance that built America. The Soviet Union couldn’t have engineered a better linguistic kill shot (or maybe they did). “Soldier-bourgeois alliance” (eg, the Whites in Russia), didn’t have the American ring to it that “military-industrial complex” did. And the idiot peasants lapped it all up, of course. Still do.

All in all, he was either a neocon hawk or a Communist (but I repeat myself). The only people daring enough to speak this truth were the John Birch Society.

The Cominator says:

China went communist before the Eisenhower administration.

I agree with the Bircher’s on most things but the “Ike was a communist” I just don’t agree. Ike just was not paranoid enough about communists. The idea that he won WWII for the Soviet Union… well the Soviets were doing most of the fighting what exactly was he supposed to do. As far as racing to Berlin or something he did approve Market Garden which was supposed to get us quickly to Berlin… it failed not because Ike was trying to lose but because someone allied intelligence (and if there were real communists it was probably there) missed the fact that there were multiple SS panzer divisions in Holland (the German troops in Holland were supposed to be mostly “old men and young boys”).

But Ike was the one who came up with MAD and built our nuclear arsenal. Given the lack of ground troops in the West vs the Soviets it probably was the best idea… though terribly risky.

The most communist suspicious thing he ever did was how he acted during the Suez affair.

pyrrhus says:
Not Tom says:

Smells like more disinfo. I see photos of trucks, but the photos do not show where the trucks are. If they were really taken at one of the ballot stations then that’s a rookie mistake for whomever took the snaps.

Bilge_Pump says:

Vox Day does seem to be susceptible to what you call qtardery. I remember a post he did about a month ago, speculating that Hunter Biden died of a crack overdose :

On the other hand, it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to think courts media etc are actively preventing any hard evidence of voter fraud from becoming publicly known. This would fit with their MO of letting communists and feral minorities burn and loot stuff while punishing decent people.

Personally, I don’t need any more evidence of the perfidy of the left. I’ve seen enough.

jim says:

> I’d love to see them lock up a lot of the partisan judges, spooks, and benefactors, but I don’t think he will, even if he does invoke the Act. Unfortunately.

That was Pompey’s big mistake.

Which big mistake eventually forced Caesar to cross the Rubicon.

Edit_XYZ says:
Sidney Powell: The witnesses’ have been threatened. One witness she knows of got beaten up and is in the hospital.

This, coupled with the present hearings presenting ample evidence of massive election fraud and with the FBI/DOJ’s inaction, is more than enough justification for invoking the insurrection act, at least in order to get armed men to the ballots and voting machines, followed by a proper audit.

Will Trump do it or wait for an illusory Supreme Court ruling, or a deal with the democrats that will never happen?

Pooch says:

Listening to the witnesses in Michigan and it is truly horrifying what they are describing in Detroit.

Not Tom says:

Here’s something interesting – we already knew about Amistad’s work and the FBI supposedly requesting their data (no doubt in order to discredit it somehow), but check out the Zuckerberg allegations below the fold:

If those allegations are true, then so much for Zuck being neutral or reluctant in his Cathedral faith. I had hoped he was another Havel’s Greengrocer, but if he really did pump $400 million into the election fraud, then he absolutely isn’t.

BC says:

Zuck is Havel’s Greengrocer and when his master demanded money to help rig the election he gave as commanded. As Trump turned off the spigots of goverment money the left had to shake down the oligarch class hard.

BC says:

However, such behavior will warrant his death. Either his commie masters will kill him or someone on the right will.

European Mutt says:

Don’t think Zuck is a pure Havel’s greengrocer. Social media and the left have a symbiotic relationship. Observe that all the data protection laws–in the EU and in California, ostensibly anti-Facebook and anti-Google, did not hurt these companies at all, in fact they protected them from competition. It’s kabuki theater (probably orchestrated by lawyers of those companies) while the left kills industry and small business for real.

They are as complicit as Soros now at this point (at least Zuck and Dorsey), and that’s why they deserve to die (after being questioned, possibly under torture). Google is maybe somewhat less guilty, but not by much. The founders of Google were truly Havel’s greengrocers (and were wise to get out), maybe also Bill Gates, but not those that are currently at the helm.

The left will kill tech nerds first, but they will spare Zuck until about the point they kill Soros too.

The Cominator says:

Google way way more guilty than Zuck. Zuck hates parting with money… no way he did it willingly.

Not Tom says:

We’ve been learning the ugly truth about an awful lot of people lately. Perhaps he did what he did for selfish rather than ideological reasons, but I’m not going to assume he was coerced.

Theshadowedknight says:

It was a while back, but I remember Zuck making a little noise about not wanting to censor, then a bunch of negative articles and that movie about him came out. I can’t remember what the order was, but if it was in the order I remember, then it was a warning. “Nice company, it’d be a shame if a judge gave it to someone else.” After that he buckled. It wasn’t just coercion, it was a shakedown. “Do what we say or you will lose everything.” Possibly something to take into account. Either we kill him or deport him to Israel, but when this is all finished we definitely shouldn’t let him stay in the USA.

European Mutt says:

Zuck cut deals with a non-agreement-capable party. As did Soros.

Google is much closer with the spooks (because more attractive for them, more relevant data) but Youtube doesn’t censor as much as Facebook, although that depends on the country to an extent. On the other hand google search censorship is brutal and has crippled the search engine. Duckduckgo now actually has better and more relevant results on almost any topic.

The Cominator says:

Barr may have been better than Sessions but obviously he is not our friend.

Starman says:

Barr admits that the DOJ isn’t looking for electoral fraud evidence and that it’s up to local entities to do top down audits.

“He said people were confusing the use of the federal criminal justice system with allegations that should be made in civil lawsuits. He said such a remedy for those complaints would be a top-down audit conducted by state or local officials, not the U.S. Justice Department.”

jim says:

Barr says the DOJ does not have evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change election results – because the DOJ is not looking for evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the election results. Not our job he says.

Stefan says:

Bar saved some pedo biggies in Washington from prosecution, what would you expect:
see some old news here:

Pooch says:

Wow what a piece of shit.

Starman says:

The military has private misgivings about Biden’s links to China.

BC says:

Links? Hunter’s probably selling out every advanced tech we have to China as we type. Probably not a lot to sell considering how advanced the Chinese have become.

Starman says:

It was a quote attributed to Chuck Grassley.

“His [Hunter and Joe Biden] financial dealings with China makes him a threat to National Security. The military has said privately ‘There CAN NOT be a President Biden.’”

Take it with a grain of salt. It’s consistent with the opinions of other military personnel in my social circle.

BC says:

I’m happy to hear that.

Pooch says:


The Cominator says:

I hope that doesn’t mean its okay if they whack Biden and install Kameltoe immediately…

pyrrhus says:

China loaned $400 million to Dominion, and so effectively controls the entire corporate group….Quite an operation, we have to admit, to kneecap the nuisance that the USA represented…

Edit_XYZ says:

If this is confirmed, the military will not be happy at all about it.

On the other hand, the CIA/FBI/etc seem so far gone, I doubt they care.

Not Tom says:

Not confirmed, seems to be refuted, appears maybe to be accidental misinformation rather than disinfo. There are comments and explanations in the Vox thread where this undoubtedly came from.

(Side note, I follow him too, but is it really necessary to rebroadcast everything he says about the election over here? We can all read his stuff directly if we want to know what he’s saying. Like the Gateway Pundit whom he himself is rebroadcasting, he doesn’t do any verification whatsoever; it really adds a ton of noise to the conversation here. Keep Jim blog and Vox blog separate, please.)

Not Tom says:

Everyone’s showing their true colors. Guess I was wrong about Barr. Either a traitor or a coward, and at this point it doesn’t really matter which one.

BC says:

Barr’s a traitor as I’ve been claiming for months. Barr shutdown the Mueller inquisition and maybe he gathered up actual loyalist forces when Trump pushed him enough but Mueller was mostly played out by the time Barr stepped in. He also talked the talked, but then again so did Sessions. The only time he actually did anything was when Trump pushed him very hard and even then he did it half heatedly.

I think Trump had Barr setup an operation that was suppose to stop the fraud and they instead did nothing. The FBI and GA SOS are going to release white washing of election fraud shortly.

pyrrhus says:

Barr was and is a Swamp creature…If Trump expected anything different, he was nuts…

Pooch says:

Barr appointed Durham as special counsel Oct. 19th. What is this about?

BC says:

Likely to stop the release of information.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, if you want something not investigated, Durham is the best guy to not do it.

Icon says:

Barr has always been a Trojan Horse. Always there to say “oh that’s terrible” while doing nothing.

Today DJTrump tweets whistle blower evidence. I want to see Trump do the biggest whistle blow in history. Declassify all the dirty laundry back to Kennedy and beyond.

Mister Grumpus says:

OK wise guy. How could Trump actually do that?

He could say and tweet all kinds of things, but extracting that information from the CIA, or J Edgar Hoover’s tomb, or wherever the hell it actually is, would take raging gunfights and hundreds of those Counterstrike peel-and-stick wall-busting bomb things.

So tell us right now. How could Trump actually release that information?

Charles G Wilson says:

It begins…

It needs to start out as just a discussion, a thought that is placed into the public’s mind. I’m glad a group called for it. now let’s see more.

onyomi says:
Pooch says:

The hold a new election thing is retarded. We already had one and Trump won.

Aidan MacLear says:

An election held under supervision of US troops, like a Parliament held under supervision of General Monck’s troops, will return the result we want.

The Cominator says:

Sure it would but the problem is if Trump reads the insurrection act and crosses the Rubicon its a big mistake to not dispatch his three possible Democrat successors to their infernal reward.

The 1st thing you do in a coup is eliminate all competing potential heads of state/government. The three need to go on the 1st day.

Edit_XYZ says:

What Trump desperately needs, if he invokes the insurrection act, is legitimacy. The soldiers, especially, must think they support the legitimate president, which legally won the election. Despite what all media, state, and generals will say.

Meaning, killing one’s opponents is out.

Not Tom says:

Soldiers exist to kill one’s opponents. Legitimacy regards who gives the orders and who chooses the opponents.

What you’re saying makes no sense at all. Or it’s spin, framing a just war as partisan revenge (i.e. how the left thinks and therefore imagines the right).

Edit_XYZ says:

First, Trump must convince the soldiers to fight for him. At present, that’s his major problem.
And if what Trump says, from the start no less, even hints as being partisan revenge or dictatorial dictates, a lot of soldiers will believe their generals, media, deep state, and will not follow him.

Only after the soldiers accept him as legitimate authority, as opposed to the generals, the democrats and most of the GOP, and the media, can Trump give the order to kill his political opponents. If such orders are heavily justified.

Thinking that it’s a good idea for Trump to start by giving the order to murder his political enemies as usurpers, part of a self-declared just war, is simply a puerile revenge fantasy.

BC says:

First, Trump must convince the soldiers to fight for him.

That’s already done. Happened when Trump freed Eddie Gallagher.

At present, that’s his major problem.
And if what Trump says, from the start no less, even hints as being partisan revenge or dictatorial dictates, a lot of soldiers will believe their generals, media, deep state, and will not follow him.

Support your assertion or you’re just another shill.

Edit_XYZ says:


You really want to believe Trump has the army behind him – or, at least, the vast majority of the army. And you don’t like someone to question this assertion.

But, if so, why didn’t Trump invoke the insurrection act today, in the speech I already linked to?:

This speech makes it plain Trump knows what’s at stake for him and his family if he surrenders.
Yet Trump didn’t invoke the insurrection act. He tested the waters ~’what will be the reaction to this speech unequivocally listing the election fraud and the decision not to surrender?’
BC, you don’t test the waters if you’re sure you have the support you need. More than necessary, really, if the army is behind you.

The Cominator says:

The legal process is not yet exhausted and Trump needs to get more normie conservatives ready for the idea…

Pooch says:

Lin Wood’s high energy rally today was all but a call to arms. We are getting there slowly but surely.

BC says:


You really want to believe Trump has the army behind him – or, at least, the vast majority of the army. And you don’t like someone to question this assertion.

But, if so, why didn’t Trump invoke the insurrection act today, in the speech I already linked to?:

Because Caesar didn’t cross the Rubicon until all peaceful methods had been pursued.

The Cominator says:

LOL if you kill your enemies they win.

You are virtually guaranteed success in a coup if you can take out the alternate possible heads of state and make it known that it happened… then its your loyalists with unity of command vs a disunited and demoralized mass.

The July plot would have almost 100% succeeded if Hitler and maybe Goering were actually dead (Himmler was probably in on the July plot but in a plausibly deniable way, also he NEVER would have been accepted as head of state).

Edit_XYZ says:

You can try a decapitation strike if the army – or at least the tip of the spear part of it – is rock solid on your part.

You seem to say a few loyal soldiers are enough. And they are, for the assassination. But not for gaining command afterward. Yours would be a desperation strategy.

I think Trump didn’t invoke the insurrection act yet because he’s worried he doesn’t have enough muscle.
It’s pretty clear by now he understands what will happen to him and his family if he were to lose power.

Also, Biden is not his actual opponent. He’s a front for the power centers that oppose Trump.
I agree, though, that him disappearing will confuse the enemy command and control system. Shadowy power centers don’t get to directly command the muscle.

Not Tom says:

I think Trump didn’t invoke the insurrection act yet because he’s worried he doesn’t have enough muscle.

Of course he is worried about it; nearly everyone who declares war is worried they might lose, except maybe low-functioning Muslims and Africans who are incapable of the self-awareness required to worry. Very few wars are ever won as quickly and decisively as you seem to believe that Trump needs to be certain of before making a move. For that, you’re just another cuckservative and/or shill, pushing a slightly different twist on the same old “he is weak, he is falling, he has fallen” narrative.

I’ve come to see Trump’s major problem as excessive optimism. He is clearly a huge optimist and that allows him to keep fighting long after anyone else would have given up. But every coin has two sides, and if you look at his entire political career, every mistake he’s ever made, it all comes from being too optimistic. “Maybe I can replace Flynn; maybe Sessions is just a little slow; maybe Rosenstein is a consummate professional; maybe the GOPe will pass the legislation I want; maybe the Federalist Society guys are okay; maybe the Russia thing will blow over once they realize it’s bullshit; maybe they’ll report on Biden’s corruption; maybe we’ve got the election process locked down enough; maybe the media will back down when they realize no one believes them; maybe the courts will look at our evidence; maybe the state legislatures will declare fraud”, and it just goes on.

Optimism like this is kind of what makes Trump Trump, and the thing is, he often does find that one golden opportunity amidst the avalanche of evil, incompetence and betrayal, but it means that he is going to keep pursuing certain avenues long after most of us have concluded that it is hopeless. If you sat Trump and Jim in a room, I think the former would spend a long time telling the latter not to worry, everything is fine.

Unfortunately this optimism means that if he does cross the rubicon, it’s going to be at the last possible minute. But it would honestly not surprise me if he doesn’t; his irrational optimism will tell him that maybe all the rhetoric is just bluster, maybe they don’t really intend to jail him, and certainly don’t intend to kill his family and supporters, maybe he can come back in 4 years… etc. We all believe this to be absurd, and we say Trump “knows” this as well, but you really do have to factor in that optimism bias.

I think he may only fight if his back is truly up against the wall. Not just in imminent danger of probably being put up against the wall soon, but actually right there, right now, one day before inauguration and they’re standing outside with pitchforks and torches (or machine guns), and then he will act, and hopefully it will not be too late.

It’s kind of a black pill, but like I said, his absurd optimism often turns out to be the correct course of action, and even if it’s not, it’s still more believable than your nonsense about the troops being disloyal or against him. If he said “go” today, he’d win by the end of the week, but he just doesn’t want to do it that way, because it just goes against his nature. “Fortunately” (for America, not for him), the Cathedral is entirely out of control and almost certainly will get his back up against the wall while he still has the power to strike back. We’ll see.

The Cominator says:

Trump is too optimistic about people and too trusting. That is his problem, he would be better served by being a LOT more paranoid.

onyomi says:

Suddenly I’m looking back at all the histories of all the “paranoid” kings who eventually led “cruel and unnecessary” purges of intellectuals and wondering: maybe they weren’t so paranoid after all?

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

The extreme optimism you attribute to Trump would be nothing more than foolishness.
Nobody who gets to president of the USA is that foolish. Nobody.

And you make the claim that Trump is this foolish in order to not to look at the MAIN PROBLEM in such volatile situations: who has the muscle.
~He doesn’t invoke the insurrection act because he’s so foolishly optimist, not because he’s frantically counting heads, trying to get more muscle.

You’re also awfully quick to throw labels such as shrill and cuckservative when your emotional comfort zone is threatened by arguments you don’t want to look at.
To think you said I am emotionally incontinent.

INDY says:

You come on here out of nowhere and post shill comments and facebook links. Don’t clutch your pearls when he calls a spade a spade.

Edit_XYZ says:


Yes, I did post a facebook link with a 45 minute Trump speech, about the election fraud.
But, to read your comment, that’s a triviality, yes, INDY? Shrill comments.
You’re grasping at straws.

Not Tom says:

The extreme optimism you attribute to Trump would be nothing more than foolishness.

I explained exactly why it’s not (necessarily), but as usual, you’re either incapable of comprehending or prohibited by policy.

Nobody who gets to president of the USA is that foolish

The vast majority of American presidents and political figures in general are incredibly foolish, little more than a stage act for the permanent government. Trump is the first in a long time to be anything other than a proxy, and you’d have to be insanely optimistic to believe you can reform the US government. Most of us would rather scrap it and start over.

And you make the claim that Trump is this foolish in order to not to look at the MAIN PROBLEM in such volatile situations: who has the muscle.

A question that has been debated at length here on many occasions but which you, again, predictably, refuse to acknowledge. The warriors are on Trump’s side; the effete generals (“perfumed princes”) are not.

I don’t care if you technically passed a shill test, I’m going to keep treating you like a faggot shill until you stop acting like one. So far, all you’ve done and continue to do is persistently try to create a false dilemma between despair and kookery, and give the superficial appearance of conversation while really continuing an endless monologue. Respectful treatment is reserved for people who add value, in the form of insight, humor, or morale.

jim says:

Icon still sounds like a shill, but he is giving a better simulation of a human than the usual npc shills, so I keep him around to see what the shills are up to.

Yes, black pilling and random kook misinfo.

Notoriously, entryists sometimes defect to the group that they are entering, and operate as triple agents, working for both sides and against both sides, as Obama’s mother did, working for and against the Soviets. So they are kept on a very tight leash, to prevent them from engaging in conversations that might result in them defecting. Icon’s leash seems to have been somewhat loosened.

The original OC says:

You made it very explicit what shills need to do to not be banned, and banned a lot of shills who didn’t do it, so this was inevitable.

Mister Grumpus says:

Let us all pause and hat tip their very smart memeing of martial law being the alternative to Civil War, as opposed to civil war in itself. That wasn’t an accident.

It’s just like “You can’t be against Antifa because the word “Antifa” just means “anti-fascist”, and you’re not anti-anti-fascism, are you?”

Brain-scrambling Talmudic demons they!

So, hats off to those guys for linguistically pinning “civil war” on the other guys. The heavyweights are rising to the top.

The Cominator says:

The cathedral is now making up a BS story about Trump selling pardons proving to Trump that they intend to legally persecute him, legally intend to persecute anyone connected to him whether he pardons them or not and that they are not agreement capable.

This is the biggest whitepill I’ve seen… they’ve just forced Trump to cross the Rubicon. Deus Vult we will win.

The Cominator says:

This is the equivalent of the senate refusing Caesar a single legion province and then attacking a tribune.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Isnt this exact thing what made Caesar invade rome? conviction post consulship?

The Cominator says:

It was clear what Caesar’s enemies intended when they refused him command of a lesser province.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please comment on why they couldn’t bring themselves to let him have just some little province somewhere to be the boss of and let the stand-off play itself out peacefully.

I can guess just by analogy — knowing nothing of Roman history at all but only projecting our present situation onto them — and guess that they just knew that the people were with him, and not with them, but paradoxically also just couldn’t imagine that they could possibly lose. Normalcy bias. If they just said the magic words and pushed the magic papers around, they’d magically win and Julius would magically “go away”.

That I can do, but I’m completely faking it. If anyone can fill in a little from actual historical competence, I’ll appreciate it.

BC says:

The Roman Senate wasn’t agreement capable and want Ceasar dead for the threatening their corruption. Just as they say with Trump, it’s not enough just to defeat him, they must also destroy him so another Trump never rises again.

Here’s a simplified version of it:

Shorter if you want to get to the negotiations:

jim says:

Exactly so.

This has been replayed many times before, with the best documented, most famous, and perhaps the original play being Rome.

We are getting Rome/Pompey, and expecting Rome/Caesar.

Pooch says:

Why do you think he’s more like Pompey? Caesars popularity with the plebs seems remarkably similar to Trump’s popularity with the deplorables.

jim says:

Pompey was initially somewhat pleb aligned.

Was (illegally) summoned by the Senate to restore order (which disorder was a symptom of the corruption and moral decay of the elite). Pompey then got in bed with decadent and corrupt elite, which was a really bad idea. These were not the aristocrats of the Old Republic.

The Cominator says:

Pompey started out as a semi independent general (he raised a private army because his father was immensely rich) aligned with Sulla which would make him a psuedo Optimate when he started out (though Sulla was not a pure optimate in his policies at all he was an “optimate” because Sulla’s enemies used Marius as a figurehead).

Then when Sulla died Pompey became temporarily a staunch Populares. Then when he became jealous of Caesar (who was originally a much much juniour partner to him) he became an optimate again…

The elite of Rome feared a powerful and popular Caesar more than a powerful and popular Pompey because Caesar actually was a descendent of Romulus and Remus and theoretically of the Gods. Pompey’s family were rich Italians who had recently bought Roman citizenship and their way into the Senate, they looked down on him in some ways as an upstart but they didn’t think he could establish a dynasty because he didn’t have the blood.

The Cominator says:

I really should have more comments on this, lets celebrate…

The Democrats and derp state just made it absolutely 100% crystal clear that Trump MUST cross. Even if he is too cowardly he now MUST fight.

jim says:

Our enemies, the enemies of all Americans, lack the internal discipline and cohesion to hold back. As the State Department under Hillary and Obama drifted rudderless towards great power war with Russia, they are drifting rudderless into civil war – a war, which being premature, we are likely to win.

Comes the hour, comes the man. Trump does not want this and is trying to avoid it, but the tide of history has him in its grasp.

It starts to look as if for him and his family to survive, he has to summon the unorganized militia and organize them under the authority of the Insurrection Act.

Mister Grumpus says:

Well the idea is to scare off all of his remaining people, but no one can issue me a “pardon” from the left singularity punishment machine that the next guy won’t tear up and eat in front of me.

“I can try to dance and cajole and charm my way out of this… or just shoot him.”

Pooch says:

How read up on Roman history is Trump? He’s smart. He must know the similarities of his and Casear’s.

The Cominator says:

He doesn’t need to know the history to know that they’ve just absolutely 100% forced him to cross… with the amount of cucking about overturning this fraud and Trump making cucky noises (prior to this) about leaving office if legal options fail.

Trump now HAS TO fight with force if lawfare fails.

Gentlemen this is a miracle…

BC says:

Indeed it is.

Be of good cheer, we shall have war.

Pooch says:

Only seeing it on CNN as of now. If it starts being megaphoned on the rest of the Cathedral outlets, Trump will know they are serious about it.

The Cominator says:

Trump knows they are serious about it already I guarantee you.

This is a miracle!

European Mutt says:

It is megaphoned at least here. A few weeks ago they also ‘predicted’ Trump would give out pardons as did CNN I believe.

Late 2020 lamestream media is a parody of early 2020 lamestream media. They now ‘predict’ stuff (which they imagine as priests makes them sound wise and mighty), which inevitably fails to materialize and then lie about what happened. They lack even the capacity for spin now.

jim says:

They should shut up about planned terror until after they have won and their enemies are disarmed.

The Cominator says:

This isn’t even really someone on the left this is mental case Rick Wilson who is not really a leftist just a RINO who grifts who may have huge mental problems or larps at it convincingly I’m not sure.

BC says:

Rick Wilson is saying the quiet part out loud trying to be eaten last.
Great propaganda for our side.

Mister Grumpus says:

Lincoln Project is one of those phenomena that I can’t get my head around there being even one single person who’s genuinely enthusiastic about it. It’s like the “Marvin and the Chipmunks the Movie” of politics. Someone paid money to go see that?

Which is dangerous for me, because I’m begging for a Sun Tzu ass kicking. I think “Nawwww there’s no one who actually believes that”, but it do.

I know I know the Jewish connection and trying to skin-suit and out-Pharisee what they shallowly perceive to be American principles, but Rick Wilson isn’t Jewish, so what the hell?

Anyone who can help me understand who these people are, and what they believe about themselves, along any particular “coordinate space”, do help me out.

BC says:

Lincoln Project is one of those phenomena that I can’t get my head around there being even one single person who’s genuinely enthusiastic about it. It’s like the “Marvin and the Chipmunks the Movie” of politics. Someone paid money to go see that?

It’s a grifter operation by GOP grifters who backed the wrong side when Trump came to power. Dems paid for it and the girfted a shit out of the Dems in 2020 for no gains.

Anyone who can help me understand who these people are, and what they believe about themselves, along any particular “coordinate space”, do help me out.

They’re traitors to the GOP but for having been part of the GOP they know their heads are on the chopping block by leftists. So they’re screaming what the leftists are saying quietly in order to out holy them in an attempt to save their own necks. Won’t work, but it’s natural for them to try it.

Icon says:

In the end, you may conclude that a person could spend a lifetime wringing their hands like a circle of learned elders at a botched brit milah.

Only to arrive at the reality of life is to quickly acquire a willing breeding receptacle before the clock runs out.

If it don’t make white babies, it don’t make sense.

Not Tom says:

What does this have to do with anything? Starting to sound scripted again.

Yeah, sure, making babies is great, and we aren’t talking about that right now. Don’t derail.

jim says:

It is blackpilling – that we have to survive the fall of white civilization. It may well come to that, but it has not yet come to that. Trump has the Sulla option in his pocket and the Lincoln precedent. The Eastern Roman Empire had a pretty good run, and I have plans for sovereign corporations based on proof of stake blockchains, which may well make it possible for science and technology to survive political decay.

If Trump fails to take the Sulla option, my plan is to implement sovereign corporations while hoping for a Cromwell or a Stalin and or the Eastern Roman Empire.

Edit_XYZ says:

Jim, the plans are the easy part.
To actually bring into being such sovereign corporations, you need resources and power. A lot of both.

Not Tom says:

I assume you must be using a definition of “sovereign corporation” that is different from Moldbug’s, unless you have a large pirate army you’ve been keeping a secret all this time.

jim says:

More like an ICO, but with proof of stake, rather than proof of work.

Eventually sovereign corporations will have their own assassin drones and close ground support drones, but that will not be for a long time, or even very important when it eventually happens. Rather, the important thing is to replace the USG as root node for the currency, the name system, the identity system, and the official truth system.

Korth says:

@Jim The real breakthrough in crypto will be for intelligent contract-based corporations to be able to issue shares that collectively grant or withhold executive control over the treasury’s various payment operations. This solves much of the problem of trust between members of clandestine organizations that up until now have relied on some omerta / honor among thieves system. I suppose something like that is the focus of your work?

jim says:

Exactly so. Shares (currency of the corporation) have to control the corporation.

Proof of stake, rather than proof of work. Power has to be located in client wallets, (preferably hardware client wallets, but you have to get significant interest in the software wallet before a major hardware wallet will provide support), but exercised by peers, after the model of the corporations with shareholders, board, and company director. The shares choose the board, and the board the director.

Not Tom says:

you have to get significant interest in the software wallet before a major hardware wallet will provide support

Ledger has apps for some pretty obscure assets. Surely you can get more traction than Stratis or QRL…

suones says:

USG is already on the threat of crypto wallets: [Is the US Banning Crypto Wallets?]

Icon says:

Pointing out that if a nation can’t win the political game, propaganda game, or immigration game, they can’t stop people from breeding.

Outbreeding them is how you win because they cheat at everything else.

Now is the perfect time. Cold months. Covid furlough. It may seem pessimistic, but if you don’t have an army to command, free speech or a right to vote, that is your best course of action: make baby.

jim says:

We cannot outbreed them because marriage 1.0 is illegal, and child protective services are apt to snatch children from their biological fathers on absurdly slender excuses in order to protect them from the toxic masculinity caused by the influence of straight males.

In order to outbreed them, we have to restore the social order under which white people have rapid population growth and eugenic fertility.

If you were a white supremacist, and believed in white supremacy, or even knew your history, you would know that a few hundred white men can effect the conquest of vast empires of browns. This led to massive miscegenation in Mexico, but not in the areas formerly ruled by the Inca Empire, which are still very white. I will worry about our race going extinct when there are no politically unified settlements of whites numbering more than a thousand.

jim says:

Whites are wolf to whites.

In the worst case outcome, there will be rather few wolves in a sea of sheep. So long as some whites survive somewhere, we will be back some time in the future. The problem that will face us is making sure our descendants are around for that future.

suones says:

@Aidan Maclear

If you were a white supremacist, and believed in white supremacy, or even knew your history, you would know that a few hundred white men can effect the conquest of vast empires of browns.

This apparent paradox is because most “white supremacists” aren’t really “white supremacists” at all. The mere term “white supremacy” itself is a muddling of reality.

Every race, including Aryan, has its Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. What you mean is that Aryan warriors and priests (that is, Kshatriyas and Brahmins) can conquer vast empires, and Aryan Vaishyas can develop great prosperity there subsequently. What most “white supremacists” mean, however, is that, being part of the same race as the conquerors entitles them to the fruits of their labours. It’s essentially “whites only” Marxism. They’re not really “white” supremacists because they’re aware they’re Shudras and incapable of conquering or running any empires, brown or otherwise, but want to feel superior and equal to their betters in society by basking in reflected glory.

I will worry about our race going extinct when there are no politically unified settlements of whites numbering more than a thousand.

The only reason any Shudras exist at all is because a strong labour force is needed to build any civilization, which started with the first settled villages. Shudras all know this in their hearts. Some feel content with all the material comforts that society provides them, while others feel resentful of the hand that feeds them. It is these latter that are vastly represented in the “white supremacy” loser crowd (apart from straight-up shills, that is). If Aryans get reduced to roving bands (like our forefathers), then the Shudras will cease to exist at all. That’s what they’re afraid of, hence their focus on breeding (which they are admittedly very good at). Total fertility doesn’t matter at all. It’s elite fertility that counts, and that is going down everywhere.

jim says:

> What most “white supremacists” mean, however, is that, being part of the same race as the conquerors entitles them to the fruits of their labours. It’s essentially “whites only” Marxism

Exactly so: Nazis are National Socialists, and socialism in Germany caused the usual socialist famine.

suones says:


Whites are wolf to whites.

Herd behaviour is a characteristic of lower animals. The higher the animal, the more individualistic it gets. Co-operation among the enlightened can only take place under strict conditions of mutual benefit that are rigidly enforced, hence the need for monarchy.

In the absence of good leadership you end up with each of us going crazy, but in his own individualistic way, and ending up like Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg.

So long as some whites survive somewhere, we will be back some time in the future.

You are a bigger optimist than I. You ignore the presence of Yellow Wolves. White wolves aren’t the only game in town. Consider Singapore. The “country” was founded by Hindus (from the mythical “Singhpur” — Abode of Lions), and successfully resisted the Islamification of, for example, Java and Malaya, only to lose to Chinese. Now, of course, the only “Hindu” facet of Singapore is its name. All “Indians” living there are either inveterate Shudras or rootless Vaishyas.

Of course, you may think the Chinese may spare some of you, and it would be natural to expect that. But they won’t.

jim says:

> In the absence of good leadership you end up with each of us going crazy, but in his own individualistic way, and ending up like Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg.

Who repeatedly launched attacks on the Chinese while outnumbered ten to one, with massively inferior military equipment, and repeatedly defeated them, inflicting to ten to one casualties on them.

He conquered a state on the periphery of China, and could have conquered an empire on the periphery of China, His big mistake was when he attacked whites.

If there are so few whites left that we no longer get in each others hair, the Chinese will find themselves in deep shit.

History is that whites are the apex predator.

suones says:

It’s a grifter operation by GOP grifters…

This might be a misunderestimating 😉 of their motivations. It reduces their thought process to “I like money,” a very Marxist thing to do. A grifter who is actually after money will behave much like a capitalist. These are ideologically motivated, not financially motivated, similar to Woke Capital. Failure to grasp this has led to many a downfall.

Of course, if you ask me I’ll tell you they are ackchually spiritually motivated because inner demons and all, but I’m a rightist outlier.

bjorn says:

In a regime where the state religion is wokeness and sinecures for the woke Elect are generous, a grifter who is actually after money will preach wokeness as loudly as the most sincere acolyte.

I’m not denying there exists a difference, but it’s more subtle than you’re saying.

Not Tom says:

It’s not so far-fetched in the context of the GOP. You have to understand how they operate: promotions and political appointments within the party are quite literally based on fundraising. You want to be Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader or on one of the various Committees, you’d better bring in lots of money.

So it’s a combination of status grift – they really like being in politics and getting invited to the cocktail parties – and financial grift, because the two are tied together.

Democrats select almost entirely for ideology now, and to a lesser extent “minority” characteristics, which means they have, or used to have, much higher internal cohesion and very predictable policies.

suones says:

It’s not so far-fetched in the context of the GOP. You have to understand how they operate: promotions and political appointments within the party are quite literally based on fundraising. You want to be Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader or on one of the various Committees, you’d better bring in lots of money.

This seems idiotic, but then kind of strangely appropriate considering a capitalistic mindset. More money == more support.

Democrats select almost entirely for ideology now, and to a lesser extent “minority” characteristics, which means they have, or used to have, much higher internal cohesion and very predictable policies.

I was under the impression GOP was similar, and not a party composed entirely of grifters. Handily explains their abject failure against Democrats. Mammon is far, far too weak to fight Moloch.

Thank you for the explanation.

Actually my take is that there can never be “pure” ideologically motivated Leftism, because Leftism being adharmic, will attract all the adharmic folk into its fold, so there will be all kinds of conmen, financial fraudsters, murderers, thugs, the morally depraved, the corrupt, the personally greedy and so on.

The Cominator says:

“so there will be all kinds of conmen, financial fraudsters”

This is all of politics…

“murderers, thugs, the morally depraved”

The political right needs more thugs and murderers not less.

A Honest Indian says:

Isn’t it the dissident position that the entire modern political system I.e Democracy is Leftist oriented and swimming left with increasing velocity?

The Cominator says:

“Isn’t it the dissident position that the entire modern political system I.e Democracy is Leftist oriented and swimming left with increasing velocity?”

Yes but… the problem with the left is less the grifters and more the true believers.

The right has a bigger grifter problem, because grifters cannot fight true believers effectively.

Are there any “true” believers though? From my own understanding of Jim’s writings, Leftism is without essence, and Leftists trying to out-holy each other in a race to avoid being executed for being insufficiently Left and not out of any true conviction? But within this scheme, there seems to be plenty of room for all kinds of crime, provided those are not deemed to be against Leftism itself.

European Mutt says:

Leftism has no essence, but people are dealing with this fact in different ways.

Some people imagine it has an essence and follow their delusion about what it is (‘principled’ people)*. Others role-play at being this type of leftist (some politicians). Some are simply grifters or criminals (social media CEOs and black Dem voters). And yet others take ‘equality’ completely seriously and try to effect it by any means necessary (leftist spergs). Some are opportunists and passive careerists. There are many more groups.

*They are the most tragic cases because in a sane society they would be a huge asset, extremely effective inquisitors. And yet right now they perpetrate the race to the left and in the end always lose out.

Gedeon says:


jim says:

Deleted because uninformative.

You don’t actually have any information on the Lincoln Project, but lack of information never stops you.

The international media, including their lapdogs in India, are openly talking about Trump preparing to leave the White House come January.

I know this is false propaganda, but bereft of rumours and speculations, what exactly is the situation? Hard to get any reliable information with all this censorship, except from NRx and dissident sources.

Time seems to be running out. Hope Trump will play his trump card soon (pardon the poor pun).

Pooch says:

Trump is showing no signs of backing down. State legislatures are holding fraud hearings and seem to be indicating they will consider overruling the Biden electors. Time is running out though, Decemeber 14th is a hard deadline to select the electors. Ultimately, as Jim has said many times, it will be come down to Trump invoking the Insurrection Act and crushing the enemy with military force. He hopes to build up legal wins before he reaches that point though and likely will only do it at the last possible resort.

Pooch says:

Watch/listen to Bannon War Room on youtube. I’ve found they have the closest ear to the changing situation as it happens.

A Honest Indian says:

Thanks. Good to know that Trump is still fighting this out. Will see the YouTube channel you’ve mentioned.

Edit_XYZ says:

Statement by Trump.
It’s a long argument for why the insurrection act is needed, without invoking it.

Not Tom says:

Does anyone really still care about words and speeches? Serious question.

We’ve moved well beyond the point where any negotiation is possible, and well beyond the point where the troops really need any serious rallying. The only word that matters now is “go”.

BC says:

Nope. Everyone I know is waiting for the Supreme Court or the go word.

Pooch says:

Yes. This statement (haven’t listened to the whole thing) sounds like surrender will never be an option hence Insurrection Act, if that is the last option to him, will be invoked. This is good for morale.

BC says:

It’s a really excellent speech.

Pooch says:

Particularly the part when he said “Biden cannot be president”. I’m more confidant he will cross no matter what happens when last week I still had doubts if he lost in the courts and legislatures. This speech was necessary when we hadn’t seen him speak in public about the fraud for a quite a while.

jim says:

When Trump in this video talks of all future elections, he is making the case for proclamation of the Insurrection act.

Which does not prove he is going to proclaim it, but when someone’s back is to the wall, unwise to bet that he is bluffing.

And it is never wise to bet that Trump is bluffing. He often lies that something is in the bag, when it is not in the bag, but when he says he will do such and such – well, sometimes, like Musk, it turns out rather belated, but he does do X eventually. And now there is very little time remaining for delay – though we may well see disturbing delay anyway.

I am reminded of the conversation on Twitter between Trump and the Ayatolla.

Trump threatens the Ayatollah on Twitter. Ayatollah replies on Twitter “You can’t do anything”

Trump does not reply on Twitter, but he replies in another way.

That is Trump.

Pooch says:

Unwise to bet against Trump in general. He may still lose in the end, but if one has bet against Trump up until this point one has likely lost quite a bit of money.

pyrrhus says:

Trump’s speech all but declares insurrection and him remaining in office…He’s laying out reforms that will take years to fully imp[ement….

Not Tom says:

It is a good speech, I just don’t exactly understand who it’s aimed at.

His voters and allies know there was massive fraud; don’t need convincing. Democrats and Never Trumpers either don’t care or are incapable of responding rationally. And the squishy middle are unlikely to get off their asses in any event.

Maybe it’s for the GOP itself, to try to put some pressure on them? Or I guess maybe to help keep up the spirits of his voters. To me it doesn’t show that we’re any closer to Insurrection Act – or any further away, for that matter. Facts on the ground haven’t changed.

jim says:

In this speech, Trum is raising the stakes.

It sounds like it is aimed at the military to justify the proclamation of the Insurrection act. The GOP is rapidly becoming irrelevant.

Trump is not talking about winning the elections in the courts. He is talking about reforming the election system in the states – which is something he is empowered to do under the insurrection act. “We have to go to paper”, not “I won the paper votes”.

Trump is raising the stakes to matters where the Insurrection Act is the appropriate, and precedented, remedy. It has been previously used remove obstacles to blacks voting. Using it to ensure paper ballots and real id would be legally similar to past uses.

Mister Grumpus says:

See? Voting rights. I guessed weeks ago that the showdown would be over voting rights, or at least that’s what it would say printed on the box.

jim says:

Looks like it.

I hope for him to announce the map to the destination on Saturday, but Trump being Trump, may keep it close to his chest.

But the destination looks like paper voting and photo id. I expect him to announce the destination.

Mister Grumpus says:

Don’t forget the purple ink for our thumbs.

Maybe an optional complimentary Covid vaccine too, like for dessert.

As an extra bonus, how about some Pakistani “United Nations Election Observer” doofuses standing around. Why the hell not at this point?

Good enough for Iraqis? Good enough for us.

Make them cry out in pain about that, and how only a dictator who must die die DIE RIGHT NOW!!! would do such a thing.

“You know what, Betty? I don’t trust these people anymore. They don’t seem to like us at all.”

pyrrhus says:

Don’t forget the armed US Marshall in every precinct, and the necessity of initialing and photographing every paper ballot to create a permanent record…

Western Grey says:

I see this speech as effectively completing the paperwork in terms of laying out the reasoning for invoking the Insurrection Act. When invoked, people won’t have the mental bandwidth for the justification, only for action, so he’s putting this out now. I expect the Act to be invoked exactly one week from this speech because all certifications will have been made by then, but prior to the electoral college meeting on the 14th.
I don’t really see it as a warning since their lack of capability to form an agreement means that they wouldn’t hear a warning. I checked one notorious MSM publication, and whilst they reported the speech, they clearly didn’t understand it, and just ran a standard propaganda treatment that did not involve any analysis.

Mister Grumpus says:

We can’t all be spergs, and be glad that we’re not, because that’s a screwed up world to live in.

People need “permission” to comprehend and believe what they experience and see in real life. Thus leadership.

Edit_XYZ says:

Looking at the video again, I notice Trump is in front of a green screen.
If he is in hiding, then the situation must be close to becoming kinetic.

Pooch says:

Isn’t he in the White House?

Not Tom says:

It’s not a green screen, this dude’s a kook. You can even see minor shifts in the camera angle and subtle changes in the background if you jump around the video.

This was the same silliness we were hearing when Trump had Covid, “omg he’s using a green screen must be dying”, Tim Pool at the time explained how that was all retarded.

BC says:

Youtube version:

Icon says:

Ok, I watched the video end-to-end. I don’t read anything into it other than DJTrump is determined to pursue legal, court based, remedies.

It looks to be filmed in the oval office at night. You can see that its dark out the window. No green-screen. That does sound Qanon though. Why would he run to ground? Biden is probably hiding in a spider hole afraid of the cold.

DJTrump needs to fire Barr and get wartime consigliere. Start rounding these fraudsters up. Put em in a cold room for awhile, they’ll crack like an egg.

Some of these cheaters might be reading blogs, getting nervous, willing to turn states evidence to save their skin. Now’s the time to be redeemed.

jim says:

Cut the blackpilling.

Going to paper ballots is not legal court based remedies. If the Insurrection Act is in play, Barr and DoJ will not matter any more.

No one knows what Trump will do, but this is not a speech for winning in the supremes. This is a speech for turning the election systems in the states on their heads.

What he would like from the supremes is an order concerning postal ballots – which will be ignored, providing additional grounds for the Insurrection Act.

Or, as I sometimes call it, the Senatus Consultum Ultimum.

And yes, as you correctly called it, that is the real Oval Office, not a green screen of the Oval Office.

Icon says:

The Insurrection Act was used mostly for rioting. DJTrump had an opportunity to use it during antifa. Why would he use it now? There are no riots at present. Who would he roll tanks on?

This is more like white collar rioting by politicians who wouldn’t offer any physical resistance.

Who benefits from another civil war? How do I benefit? Who’s freedom would I be fighting and dying for? Who should I spare?

On the paper ballots; there’s lots of ways to vote now. And it’s been left up to the states to decide. Paper with ID seems most secure. How do you get around states arguing 10A?

To me, you need to go back to the root of this. The covid scare. Covid has infected us all through our television set and our smartphone. Patient zero is Anthony Fauci. A career civil servant who hasn’t practiced real medicine in over 40 years. You have to get him to confess his lies publicly.

jim says:

> The Insurrection Act was used mostly for rioting.


The insurrection act was used to ensure voting rights for negroes.

Time to use it to ensure voting rights for Republicans.

Icon says:

An Army General would say “who do you want us to arrest?”

How would you answer that?

Not Tom says:

You’re kidding, right? The last 3 weeks have given us as crystal-clear a list of names as we’re ever going to get. Just gather up the last 100 articles in CNN’s politics section and arrest every name that comes up.

When it comes to the swamp, it’s easier to write a whitelist than a blacklist.

The Cominator says:

“Who benefits from another civil war? How do I benefit? Who’s freedom would I be fighting and dying for? Who should I spare?”

Your own freedom, no Democrat should be spared.

“To me, you need to go back to the root of this. The covid scare. Covid has infected us all through our television set and our smartphone. Patient zero is Anthony Fauci. A career civil servant who hasn’t practiced real medicine in over 40 years. You have to get him to confess his lies publicly.”

I called bullshit very early on that far earlier than most but the damage has been done.

BC says:

Why didn’t they censor this speech?

RedBible says:

Can’t censor that which you don’t understand the real meaning of.

To an anti-trump normie, it just looks like more “blah-blah I’ll still win” ‘whining’, so not a threat in the slightest.

Which just adds to the pile of evidence of Jim’s “insanity all the way to the top” theory of the cathedral.

Alternatively, it’s proof of lack of cohesion, for failure to postemptively censor/block it.

simplyconnected says:

Whoever was writing this could at least credit where credit’s due. He even uses “normalcy bias”.

INDY says:

Is the credit important?

Might be better getting the ideas dispersed sans attribution. How many people can read this site?

simplyconnected says:

There are much more important things right now, but yes, credit is important, perhaps our host disagrees.
Not sure who can’t read this site, it doesn’t even have google trackers: it’s hard to find a more privacy-friendly site than this one out there.

jim says:

I steal from the best – so cannot complain too much when others copy my stuff.

I am just too lazy to look up attributions, especially when the source of the idea has been dead for centuries. I try to give a hat tip for current stuff, but by the time I write it up, am apt to have forgotten the exact source.

INDY says:

How many people can read this site? meaning:

How many people can handle the content as written on this site?

INDY says:

And does some guy writing about the President invoking the Insurrection Act need to be linked with this site at the present time?

I am in favor of more eyes on the material presented here.

jim says:

> And does some guy writing about the President invoking the Insurrection Act need to be linked with this site at the present time?

That might not be good for his health.

Not Tom says:

He may legitimately not know where it came from. It’s hard to understate the extent to which this place punches above its weight. Our memes reach far and wide, because they explain things that no other memes can properly explain.

One of the quasi-mainstream pundits, I can’t remember which one, has been using the “cathedral” term quite often. Should he credit Moldbug? I bet he doesn’t even know who Moldbug is.

You can optimize for reach, or you can optimize for credit, and since we can’t monetize or otherwise capitalize on the credit anyway, we should probably be optimizing for reach. Demanding credit is likely to reduce reach, not least of which is due to fear of direct association, as others have stated. Better to maintain plausible deniability even if someone does read this blog, because the more people are using a meme without pointing to here as its source, the easier it becomes for other people to do the same and say “I don’t know who came up with it”. That’s terrible for works of art, but very good for ideas.

simplyconnected says:

One of the quasi-mainstream pundits, I can’t remember which one, has been using the “cathedral” term quite often. Should he credit Moldbug? I bet he doesn’t even know who Moldbug is.

I vaguely recall it may be Tim Pool. I would bet he does know who Moldbug is but might not want to admit it. Not sure it makes practical difference.
Re attribution, hopefully the brave of soul will somehow find his way here.

BC says:

Tim Pool’s never read Moldbug, I doubt he’s done much reading in general. His historical knowledge is awful. One of his guests has read Moldbug and brings up the idea of the Cathedral, which Tim then repeated for a few weeks without really understanding what it means.

Hesiod says:

Greg Gutfeld properly used the term Cathedral on Fox News a few months ago. It drew a knowing smile from one of the babes on his show, IIRC.

Mister Grumpus says:

And Greg almost surely got it from Michael Malice only a day or two earlier. I saw that one.

These face-fagging media types have to understand reality as well as they can in order to catch people’s intrigued interest, thus reading this blog through their scuba gear on Tor through 50 VPN’s, but they must also water it down, sanitize and sugar-coat it on the air well enough to stay out of too much trouble. It’s not an easy job! I’d be out on my ass in a week.

Both Greg and Michael have the libertarian Jew act going for them to a degree, but Kushner and Bibi kinda spoiled that one. In the final analysis I salute them.

Not Tom says:

I think it was Michael Malice, and IIRC I just stumbled across something he’d written on a site hosting someone else I was reading; I still don’t really know who he is.

The point is, it’s better if audiences and authors themselves don’t know the primary source of a meme, as long as it’s being used correctly. The danger, of course, is having it subverted, but they’ll attempt that regardless (like Pepe).

suones says:

You’ve got to understand that the author of that piece is writing under his real name. He was a successful businessman and the owner of the media group operating The Escapist online gaming magazine. Due to certain events he was purged from the industry and removed from the company he created. It’s a bit like Brendan Eich, on a smaller scale.

His political position used to be right-libertarianism, but the actual events of his life Darkly Enlightened him. My politics used to be farther right than his, and still are, but reality has closed the gap quite a lot. Also, I’m anon.

Unlike Moldfag, Macris has never cucked on anything in my knowledge, always wrote under his real name, and is a genuinely high-IQ individual.

I cannot imagine Moldfag writing about Trump and a “Rubicon” now that he is a namefag. So cut Macris some slack.

Would love to read more of you actually. A dissident right view on Indian politics would be great reading. I would love some inspiration as well. 😉

A Honest Indian says:

Left a reply on your blog. Thanks for the explanation.

Bilge_Pump says:

Moldbug wrote about exactly that, Trump and the Rubicon, in his latest substack writing.

Here’s a quote: “So it is not just that, for President Trump to keep his job (and probably his freedom), he would have to cross the Rubicon. He would have to cross five Rubicons, and do it without stopping. He also does not have (a) a map; (b) an army; or (c), of course, a general”

Bilge_Pump says:

Apparently he’s written 2 things since then, I thought it was his latest, also he seems to have a general now, namely Flynn.

suones says:

Yeah haha. The point is that Moldfag was doxed and now he has the courage to write stuff like this but still:

Though I did not put this in writing, not from responsibility but just out of cowardice,

The man knows himself!

Not Tom says:

I find the whole thing with Moldbug/Yarvin kind of sad. It’s not so much that he got doxed or became a namefag, it’s that he became obsolete. People write about what they know, and he knows a whole lot about economics and history and the old Progressive ethos, but not so much about war and warfare, and as we drift headlong into war, whether conventional or holy, his knowledge becomes increasingly irrelevant.

He really wanted Silicon Valley to save us, and for a while, it had the potential. It’s true that the Sergey Brin of 2005 would probably have been a much better President than anyone that any of the political parties have or had on offer – save Trump, who is fundamentally the same archetype, just from a different industry. But Silicon Valley was co-opted, Silicon Valley cucked, now it’s just a more powerful and ideological Wall Street and social media is a more grotesque and low-brow traditional media, right up to the unskippable parade of nauseating ads.

And I think he just can’t admit it. He looks at his neighborhood and sees his neighborhood 20 years ago, as many people do when their neighborhoods are crumbling and let nostalgia and sentiment cloud their vision. He looks at Silicon Valley today and sees only the legacy of 2000 Silicon Valley, not the creature currently inhabiting it. And so he makes poor strategic decisions, imagining that the new revolving door between SV and USG might be a good thing, that the CEOs are just sort of politically unsophisticated, but if we give them the real levers of power, they’d rule benevolently. He can’t see that they’ve become just as rabidly ideological as the rest of the Cathedral.

The irony to me is that Moldbug wrote about this very phenomenon, when he chronicled the decline and fall of academia. He says, and is probably correct, that the ivory tower came crashing down when progressives had the bright idea to connect the academy with the political machine; they forgot the aphorism about a barrel of wine and a cup of sewage. And then he went and made the same mistake with Silicon Valley. Oh, he wanted them to be sovereign, as I’m sure the old progressives wanted the academy to be sovereign, but it was never going to work that way – the fat pipe is not a one-way valve.

And now here we are: the Valley helped fix an election to install Kamala Harris, arguably the worst president-in-waiting America could imagine, and it will break America if allowed to occur, hence war. President Trump says we cannot have a President Biden, but I think what he really means is we cannot have a President Kamala because Biden would not even last a year. Yarvin doesn’t know war, doesn’t believe it could happen, so writes as though this is all just another bump in the road, nothing to get worked up about.

So congratulations, Curtis, we are this close to the technocratic CEO rule that you so idealistically dreamed about. Is it everything you hoped for, or do you regret following the same path as the early 20th century progressives?

Bilge_Pump says:

“So congratulations, Curtis, we are this close to the technocratic CEO rule that you so idealistically dreamed about.”

Not to be a bugbear, but he did write this recently : “”

Here’s a quote : “Protocol transparency means banning secret Internet protocols, at least for monopolies. Governments can tame the platform dragons—tame, not slay, though they will squeal as if being slain—by compelling them to use only free, published network protocols.”

If he wants technoligarchic rule, doesn’t seem to be advocating for it here. You do have a point about the war stuff, Moldbug is definitely a nerd. I don’t think he needs to be shoved into a locker though, he says interesting things.

Not Tom says:

Yes, I saw that. Frankly, his solution sounds bizarre and pointless; most of the big tech companies already use open protocols. In fact they all fight for their pet projects to get into the W3 standards.

Maybe he means they should open up their actual APIs to anyone, but I don’t think he does, as that would basically eliminate any kind of security.

He’s squirming; he knows that the industry he used to back has become monstrous and evil, but still can’t let go, thus advocates these non-solutions, which allows him to discuss the superficial aspects of the problem while ignoring its essence.

suones says:

… technocratic CEO rule…

Is fundamentally impossible, in the nature of things.

Silicon Valley is basically tech-priest central. The wave of Hackers (along the Minsky->Sussman->Stallman axis) or hackers (Backus->Codd->Ritchie/Thompson->Torvalds axis) were/are all observably Brahmins. The founders of Microsoft are Brahmins, and much of the initial team at Apple Computer are also (famously excluding Jobs, of course). NVIDIA, Google, all founded and largely run by tech-priests. And huge numbers still work for FAAGS.

The apparent takeover of SV has largely been a multi-pronged assault: 1) by media Brahmins upon tech-Brahmins, aided by 2) Vaishyas hired by the tech-Brahmins to “manage” their companies, enabled by 3) Shudras in Government. Much of this happened very fast, and I consider the first Obama presidency as the turning point, but the groundwork was already being laid during WBush-II era.

This then leads to such strange incidences as Eric Schmidt firing James Damore from Goolag for pointing out that women don’t really dig computers.

Of course, no surviving tech-priest will admit this, and tech-priest articles of faith are gone or disappearing fast. I already feel nostalgic for:

Shut up and show us the code!
There are no women on the Internet
On the Internet, no-one knows you’re a dog
Don’t be evil
Meritocracy rug at Github
Free speech wing of the Free speech party

This is a fundamentally unique religion/memeplex that is being suppressed by the Prog machine. At one time it appeared that it would triumph (I think 2005 was the high point). But then prog tentacles started infiltrating and destroying. It is really beautifully put by Vox Day in his SJWs series.

I was an optimist back then, but then so were Peter Thiel and Mark Shuttleworth, and I daresay even James 😉 Victory was almost palpable! Then it turned to shit in 2014.

The Cominator says:

You don’t understand our memes entirely…

Brahmins are generally evil and vaisyas are generally good. The government is entirely Brahmin.

The problem is not Vaisyas subverting the Brahmins but quite the other way around.

European Mutt says:

He is using the technically-right Indian definitions. Not Moldbug’s. Although to be fair many techies including CEOs in America are rather priestly and are definitely also Brahmins in Moldbug’s view. The ‘Minsky->Sussman->Stallman axis’, Steve Jobs etc. Torvalds too in his own way (but he sucks as a priest). Many ‘consultants’ and ‘mentors’.

The typical Vaisyas are the programmers in the small C# shops who make custom software for clients.

The Cominator says:

Well literal Brahmin dotheads (95% of them are borderline on hardcore communists) are a big part of the problem with silicon valley…

Not Tom says:

He’s talking about the castes as categories, you’re talking about them as demographics.

There’s nothing wrong with Brahmins as a caste. There’s a great deal wrong with the current American Brahmin caste that runs most government and government-adjacent organizations, and there are problems with priestly rule in general.

European Mutt says:

I disagree that tech CEOs are generally great rulers of a country. Even Moldbug really only called out Steve Jobs by name, and Steve Jobs would have been a good ruler because charismatic, not because techie.

Far too many hackers were left wing even then, especially in open source communities. I mean, Stallman is an excellent example of this tendency:

Much of this happened very fast

No, it just happened from the bottom up. This religion/memeplex was only ever there in Silicon Valley. The articles of faith were at best 10% of a proto-religion. It was outcompeted by progressivism among employees because it was memetically too weak. If your company is 90% progressive, a tech-priest CEO won’t do much good.

jim says:

> Far too many hackers were left wing even then, especially in open source communities. I mean, Stallman is an excellent example of this tendency:

And were swiftly outmaneuvered and purged by those to their left, because no enemies to the left. A fatal error.

A leftist is an enemy to all on his right, and all on his left are enemies to him. Thus a leftist has no friends. Each leftist finds himself alone, thus can be swiftly crushed, and is swiftly crushed, as Stallman was.

European Mutt says:

And even that did not redpill any of them, at least not those in the public eye. Many have not even developed the healthy fear of the left that Havel’s greengrocers have. The only counterexample I can think of is Damore.

Anonymous says:

were still around, except nowawadays its old anime rather than LotR (thiel), 4chins, selfimprovement etc. many went jq – altright – armchair political philosophy and here we are. weaponized autism is our strength.

jim says:

Namefag Yarvin writes:

“So it is not just that, for President Trump to keep his job (and probably his freedom), he would have to cross the Rubicon. He would have to cross five Rubicons, and do it without stopping. He also does not have (a) a map; (b) an army; or (c), of course, a general”

Yarvin over estimates the Rubicons.

Only one Rubicon, the Insurrection Act, which has been crossed many times already, most spectacularly by Lincoln. The latest insurrection act is one of a long succession of acts legalizing all the illegal stuff done by Lincoln.

Also, Trump has a map.

It is far from clear that he has a general.

Pooch says:

It doesn’t look like Lincoln actually technically invoked the Insurrection Act.

jim says:

As I said, retroactive legalization.

simplyconnected says:

Fair enough.

BC says:

And the Republicans cut their own throats:

Unlimited green cards.

Publius says:

No, Republicans, tech will not love you even if you give them unlimited H-1Bs and warm bodies. Simps.

BC says:

No one is going to protect those rat bastards after that.

Not Tom says:

This shit comes straight out of Silicon Valley and big tech; all the Indian CEOs and managers think there should be no caps. China is of course the other vector – and Indian immigrants may even be a distraction here for more Chinese colonization. Shitty consulting companies like Infosys will abuse the hell out of it, but they’re not the lobbyists.

Just in case there was any lingering doubt about why there’s been no serious attempt to regulate big tech and why big tech was so eager to help swing this election. And this was supposedly passed unanimously, so technically Trump can’t even veto it.

Well, not unless he does the same thing he needs to do regarding the election, in which case the legality of a veto becomes pretty irrelevant.

Jehu says:

Yeah honestly monarchy can’t come too soon. I find I’m starting to genuinely hate most of the people of the area I live in, precisely because I loathe being ruled by the people that they elect. It is causing me to actually look forward to a hot civil war, which I find kind of concerning. I would much rather not have to give a damn how they felt.

Pooch says:

Join the club.

The Cominator says:

Trump can veto it they then have to override…

Jehu says:

This late in the year he might be able to pocket veto it, or at least drag it out long enough that they don’t have time to override.

Mister Grumpus says:

Mid-retreat looting, I presume. Why else on earth would they do this now?

The one last thing they can grab on the way out the door, and it’s this? Really?

These nerds thought they could rule the planet with a fair trade organic soy latte and the right Java app, or whatever. Really? How long is that going to last? Will the right Java app keep Shaniqua off their lawn? Am I the dumbass? What am I missing?

Not Tom says:

They honestly expect to be able to return to the old “loyal opposition” routine that establishment Republicans have always preferred.

Suones analogy the other day is essentially apt: Mammon will always play second fiddle to Moloch, and in fact prefers it that way. Trump or “Trumpism” is a movement, but the Republican party is essentially a business, and they’re not picky about who they provide services to, whether it’s Wall Street, Silicon Valley or the Democratic Party.

If you prefer, you can think of it as Orwell’s inner and outer party. GOPe not only represents the outer party, it has no aspirations of becoming the inner party. It was much happier and more content in its former role under the Bushes and Clintons and Obamas than it has ever been in its current role under Trump, and will do anything to go back to those days, even if it comes in the form of empty promises from agreement-incapable ideologues that are almost certain to be broken.

The only way to change this would be a major shake-up in the party membership. Trump would need to take control of not only the soapbox, but also the treasury and personnel.

suones says:

These nerds thought they could rule the planet with a fair trade organic soy latte and the right Java app, or whatever. Really? How long is that going to last? Will the right Java app keep Shaniqua off their lawn?

Do not mock the Machine God, for he is subtle and quick to anger.

And yes, the right Java app will indeed keep $WHATEVER off my lawn, while you get strafed by Amazon drones.[1] A dozen soldiers are no match for the power of a single well-built Java app.

[1]: 😉

Pooch says:

Smoking gun video footage being shown in the Georgia hearing right now showing shaboons pulling out ballots from under tables in the middle of the night after counting supposedly “stopped” and everyone was asked to leave. Wow doesn’t get any more clear that this.

The Cominator says:

“Smoking gun video footage being shown in the Georgia hearing right now showing shaboons pulling out ballots from under tables in the middle of the night after counting supposedly “stopped”

Obviously what they did in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philidelphia too.

BC says:

Betting against Trump is the dumbest thing anyone can do. The left has no answer for this video. It’s fucking amazing.

onyomi says:

Will update in favor of “4D Chessmaster Trump” if this results in substantive guarantee of serious signature verification in GA by the time of his Saturday rally, as it will indicate his decision to postpone it a week, presumably in the belief he could apply the necessary pressure to conduct said rally on a much more victorious note a week later, was correct.

Mister Grumpus says:

Jimminy Crickets is it 100% Shaniquas too? Do we get to break “racism” while we’re at it, like as a bonus? Holy shit.

Not Tom says:

Not that I really need further convincing, but for entertainment purposes, is there a convenient link with timestamp? Not gonna watch the whole hearing.

Pooch says:
Pooch says:
Not Tom says:

Beautiful. I never even imagined the possibility of the fraud being caught red-handed on video. I guess they were either too stupid or too overconfident to turn off the security cameras, or maybe we had a mole in the security team.

They will no doubt move the evidence goalposts again, crying “doctored” and/or “this could mean anything”, but this is 100% riot act worthy if legislatures or courts refuse to act.

Has the traitorous “Republican” governor responded?

Pooch says:

I’m already seeing Democrat shills say this doesn’t prove fraud because the ballots aren’t proven to be fraudulent and no the republican watchers weren’t kicked out blah blah blah. They just read off a script like the robotic shills Jim gets. Any type of red-handed evidence will not matter in the slightest.

It’s unavoidable for the GOP cucks though. Kemp is now saying he wants the SOS to conduct a signature audit.

BC says:

This is the legitimacy we needed. Even if the Supreme Court cucks out(which they appear to be doing) the military won’t with this to justify martial law.

Pooch says:

Yes this is exactly what we needed.

Mister Grumpus says:

Who oh who had the self control to sit on this video until today?

Or rather, who had been sitting on it, all this time, scared shitless of releasing it, but then today finally changed his mind? And why? Finally responding to what… sense or feeling?

One thing — of many — that amazes me about Trump is his balls, and his confidence. He’ll just run flat out toward the end zone, from however far away, and just assume that probably, someone, somewhere, at some point, will throw him something. Why? Because they could see that he was the only one running!

RedBible says:

It’s possible that it was more than just “fear of being slandered for showing fraud” but also a fear of “being racist + sexist” since the video show 4 black women doing the crime. (and the person hoped other evidence would be enough…)

We should not underestimate how much the “don’t be a racist” slogan affects normies…

Mister Grumpus says:

“It’s not illegal if negroes do it, but it is illegal to see them doing it.” Of course it had to end up there. Wow just wow.

This really is a holy war. Jim Was Right.

Mister Grumpus says:

Hold on a second.

Are those really ballots in those hard cases or styrofoam packing pieces?

Wuz we had?

Did I want to see something so much that I chomped down on the turd in the punchbowl?

The Cominator says:

If the timestamp is accurate definitely ballots, it was enough to get Kemp to pseudo uncuck.

Hesiod says:

Some sleuthing through Twitter yielded this:

BC says:

Off topic, but not too long ago I had to do some mandated HR implicit basis training. I’ve generally spent my life avoiding such things since I have a very difficult time not calling out bullshit and lies. The implicit basis tests were ridiculous word association software that’s basically voodoo that I intentionally weighted the direction I figured they’d want. Later I was questioned about the results by the head of HR with a few other people who took similar tests.

It wasn’t a moaist struggle style session, but the head of HR came after me hard for being a white male. I decided to view the encounter like he was a priest of an evil religion and I sprinkled in his desired Shibboleths as I blathered nonsense sentences without ever having to say anything demeaning about myself. He was satisfied and pronounced me holy. The religious frame is amazingly useful, but oh how I hate this fucking bullshit.

onyomi says:

It definitely has the quality of a religious creed.

It’s not uncommon in academia for websites and job ads (which jobs also often require ideological purity tests in the form of “diversity statements) to open with axiomatic statements like, “Diversity and inclusion are essential to academic excellence.” (No citation needed; of course, “diversity and inclusion” here mean not “diversity of ideas” but “fewer white males.”)

Any sane high school teacher, much less an academic peer reviewer worth his salt would flag such a statement, “Plato, Aristotle, Isaac Newton… aren’t examples of academic excellence??” But such “critical thinking” as we are supposedly taught in schools just takes a total vacation for seemingly very smart and hyper-educated people when it comes to such unquestionable articles of faith. Or they keep their mouths shut about it.

The Ducking Man says:

I’ve met a few Harvard graduates, on paper everyone seems super accomplished, super smart, they ooze confidence whenever they speak.

Even more confusing to me that they indeed have “critical thinking” to scrutinize every dollar in my report.

Though at the end of the day, all of them fiddle, hear, and plan like a blind monkey, the very example of biblical fools. They hear and see wisdom but receive it not.

There is definitely something terribly wrong in modern education that I cannot quite put my finger on it.

jim says:

What is wrong with modern education is that they are failing to select for smarts, and therefore, being unable to give them an education, give the students a cargo cult imitation of education.

When I interviewed, I was interviewing programmers, so I had a plentiful supply of coding related questions to separate the smarts from the idiots, but I was just recently reminded that Microsoft would ask candidates questions like “Why are manhole covers round”? and “How would you distinguish left and right if you were talking to over the phone to a foreigner who spoke English well enough, but did not know which was which.”

And anyone who cannot explain the seasons is seriously stupid. That is average IQ stuff.

Does anyone need a reminder on what a cargo cult is?

When stone age people encountered modern goods, they generally came in as a result of a white person with a radio calling in a small plane to deliver supplies. Sometimes on a small airstrip, and sometimes the plane just dropped stuff in very strong small bags onto soft dirt. So the cargo cultists built things that looked to them like radios and small airports, and attempted to call in planes, imitating the superficial appearance of what was done, without real comprehension of what was in fact done. Notice that Arecibo is still seemingly functioning as a science bureaucracy, even though the radio telescope has collapsed and was for some time been in the same condition as the stone age people’s mock radios.

Encelad says:

“Notice that Arecibo is still seemingly functioning as a science bureaucracy, even though the radio telescope has collapsed and was for some time been in the same condition as the stone age people’s mock radios.”

This is a strong statement. Is it a sort of a hyperbole or do you literally mean that they are not capable of understanding what the instruments show anymore, thus the “data” they are taking are wrong and meaningless?

simplyconnected says:

I’m sure you already know this: understanding what the instruments show is many floors below from the sort of mental ability that it takes to do actual science.
At a top place this colleague was placed because wamen, and she was a good student and understood very well what the instruments showed: she was the equivalent of a good lab technician. But all the actual science in the projects came from other, much smarter people. Actual science requires a talent that is very, very rare. If you displace that talent, and put there people who are only kind of smart, the science dies very quickly.

jim says:

I checked a few papers requesting use of the Arecibo telescope, not a statistically significant sample, concluded that they were going to use it as heap big magic juju, not as an instrument for seeing the universe.

Maybe they would not have been granted use, likely at least some of the requests for use would have been actually using it for something useful. I have not done a thorough examination, but the papers I saw wanted the Arecibo telescope as a decoration, not as a source of useful info. They failed to explain how the signals they would pick up would shed light on the questions they were supposedly addressing, how they would recognize what they were supposedly looking for. If one wants to pick up a faint signal, one needs to know how faint and what it would look like.

Example: Exoplanet biosignatures. OK, how will life on distant planets change the radio emissions from that planet, short of someone setting up a television transmission? I don’t think the authors had the faintest idea. What kind of radio signals do earthlike planets with atmospheres emit in their natural condition and how strong are these signals? If the authors knew, I don’t think they cared. Did Earth have a biosignature in the radio spectrum before we set up television stations? If so, what was it and how strong was it? How much spatial resolution do you need to tease out the weak emissions from the planet from the strong emissions from the star? If it is very hard to separate them in the visible spectrum, how will things go in the radio spectrum? Is it physically possible for the Arecibo telescope to detect earth sized exoplanets at all, or any exoplanets at all, let alone biosignatures? I don’t think the authors knew or cared.

They no more knew what to do with a radio telescope than the stone age savages knew how to call in a plane to deliver cargo.

That was an egregious example, but none of the papers requesting use that I glanced at had any idea of what they were supposedly looking for would look like in the Arecibo telescope.

I conjecture that the endless openings and unopenings of Intel’s Fab 42 indicate that when it opens, it is operated the way those papers proposed to operate the Arecibo telescope.

Cloudswrest says:

I was thinking about some of the past and present uber rich philanthropists.

Some advanced science and technology. One often reads stories about how some famous scientist from the past had some rich sponsor. Others seem to just virtue signal by dumping their money into some social sink hole.

Some in the first class:

Howard Hughes (at least until he died): Aviation, medicine film.
Musk: Rockets, cars, tunnel boring, trains (he seems to have technology ADD).
Henry Ford (at least until he died).

Some of these are vilified today.

Two examples of the latter: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg. I remember reading something about Zuckerberg donating some large amount of money to the Newark, NJ school system, as if those organizations don’t get enough government largess to begin with.

Cloudswrest says:

What got me thinking about this was the collapse of Arecibo. There are a number of VLA style radio telescope projects going on around the world. Typical costs were listed around the $1 billion range. These technologies typically provide the highest telescopic resolution available. There’s a lot of unknown out there in the Universe to observe and discover. Funding one of these projects would seem to offer more to humanity then dumping the money into the toilet.

I’m reminding of the current Thirty Meter Telescope (optical) project for Mauna Kea that’s currently on hold due to objections from the “natives” (it’s a “sacred” place). My guess is it’s some scam attempting to get a payoff.

INDY says:

I recall hearing from someone I trust that Booker played Zuckerberg for a fool in that deal

Icon says:

[*deleted for ignorance and irrelevance*]

jim says:

You don’t understand adaptive optics, and I am going to put you back on moderation for talking ignorant $#!% if you keep swerving the topic and talking irrelevant stuff you know not of.

The Cominator says:

I don’t understand adaptive optics either but looks like you need a camera that can take a picture of a mirror and then a computer program is supposed to rectify to a clear image.

So it seems like for adaptive optics to work outside the visual spectrum you need a camera that sense things outside the visual spectrum. This may be possible for infrared and ultraviolet waves but its going to get very hard when you go far outside the visual spectrum.

jim says:

No, it gets easier, much easier, when you go to the radio spectrum, but becomes irrelevant, because at most radio frequencies that the atmosphere is transparent to, the atmosphere distorts the wave front by considerably less than a quarter wavelength.

There is a wide range of frequencies where ionization in the upper atmosphere distorts the wave front by one hell of a lot, but radio astronomers generally do not attempt to correct for that, though they easily could, but rather use frequencies where this is not a problem. The frequencies where it is a problem are too low for radio astronomers to care much about.

And Icon has just successfully shut down discussion about the decline of science.

The Cominator says:

So radio waves are lower frequency higher wavelength so what about higher frequency shorter wavelength ie gamma and cosmic radiation?

jim says:

The higher the frequency and shorter the wavelength, the harder it is to do adaptive optics. The atmosphere blocks the higher UV frequencies, so no one cares, and does not distort the wave fronts of gamma and X rays, so no one cares, not that it is practical to do adaptive optics in the X ray spectrum anyway.

Adaptive optics is a non trivial and useful thing in the visible frequencies. At all other frequencies, it is trivial, or useless, or both. Radio frequencies always trivial, usually useless. If you have a wifi router with a large number of antenna, it is probably doing the equivalent of adaptive optics, that being trivial at wifi frequencies, not to compensate for atmospheric distortion, which is non existent at those frequencies, but for other causes of distortion.

And Icon’s shutdown of the discussion of the decline of science is still working.

The Cominator says:

Hmmmm looks like they have cameras that can do that too… never knew that. I thought there IR cameras and cameras for ultraviolet light but honestly never knew there were cameras to sense and rectify the rest of the EM spectrum.

Cloudswrest says:

Adaptive optics words by dynamically adjusting the shape of the mirror to compensate for fluctuations in the atmosphere. There are man little “pistons” mounted behind the mirror to push or pull on it. Typically it uses a reference “guide” star to maintain its position and pinpoint focus. It is presumed the rest of the field will then have optimum focus.
As for high energy photons like x-rays and gamma rays, they are too penetrating so they can’t be focused using surfaces with high angle of incidence, so traditional parabolas are out. They require low incidence glancing surfaces to do the focusing. So the lenses are more like fresnel lenses.

Icon says:

Actually, I do know about it. More than you anyway. But, you just wanted to open up dialog with me so you could later pretend to out debate me.

You’re so negative about everything and can’t stand to be disagreed with. You know nothing about law, very little about science, and your history focuses on issues that have long passed.

You cannot arrest people for being a Democrat alone, or having their name in a news article. You need evidence of a crime. And the military will not arrest people for you either.

You are so full of shit Jim. And the other names on here are either you posting pretending to be other people or lemmings.

You aren’t going to accomplish shit behind a keyboard. And if you’re a computer type, as you claim, you’re either a skinny nerd or a fat slob.

I’ll be back to troll you more later so keep me moderated. I do like your writing style though.

Not Tom says:

He’s obviously trying to bait you, just put him back on moderation.

Shills have obviously been given some updated scripts to pass some of the tests, or been given slightly more autonomy, but they still aren’t going to contribute anything of value.

RedBible says:

The Prussian school system (the same system US schools use currently) is designed to do three things:
1. Make the “students” conform to the correct norms
2. Discourage learning (not just in school but in life in general) and instead focus on Memorizing trivia (rather than learning logic and reasoning.)
3. Reinforce the idea that life sucks so that the students can be controlled their whole lives.

Having gotten to interact with kids and adult who were homeschooled, the difference is almost night and day on the willingness and desire to learn.

Having also seen some who were homeschooled and then put through modern college… they are almost undistinguishable from others that go to college…

neofugue says:

> Discourage learning (not just in school but in life in general) and instead focus on Memorizing trivia (rather than learning logic and reasoning.)

Thinking about western education in terms of learning is aiming for the matador’s cape.

Public and secondary education do work for their intended purposes, just not in the way most think it does. Brainwashing is not trivia, it is inculcated morality and epistemology through socialization.

When an NPC type consumes Leftist media, he interprets the information through his pre-programming, which causes him to think his opinions are his when they are in fact not.

Before the advent of public schooling, “public education” was done through the parish. The education of the future must be incorporated into the church in the same way it is now incorporated into Harvard; in other words, there can be no distinction between the two.

The Cominator says:

Most people should not get much in the way of “education” beyond basic literacy. Then its right to their trades for men and to marriage for women.

European Mutt says:

Exactly. Women should have the max number of children they possibly can, and that requires young, virgin marriage and a husband with enough money and ideally a house. The more money and the younger the women–the more kids.

Even the priests should learn a trade probably, they can go to college after finishing an apprenticeship. Keeps them down to earth.

By the way, coding, engineering and business should absolutely be trades.

Mister Grumpus says:

@Ducking Man:
“ Though at the end of the day, all of them fiddle, hear, and plan like a blind monkey, the very example of biblical fools. They hear and see wisdom but receive it not.”

Oh come on give us some kind of details. Just something to hang your narrative on.

The Ducking Man says:

I can give the lots of example because they are doing it every month.

Meeting purpose: Discussing costing to lease existing infrastructure to outside party. The biggest cost in the costing is Maintenance Cost.

The meeting goes:
Me and facility manager who do the costing: “Historically our target pricing is 20 cents/MT of traffic, taken from $1 million/200,000 MT of traffic from previous years performance”

The Harvard graduate CFO: “9 months running your traffic is only 90,000MT to date, now change the quantity let’s say 100,000 MT”.

The costing is now $0.40/MT

The Harvard graduate CFO: “See I know what I’m doing, I’m giving you free money” (note: he never went to the facility, never know any person involved in the operation, never know how the facility works)

The customer aptly reject our proposal for being too expensive because elsewhere is a lot cheaper.

The meeting with them is always hilarious.

A few years back I was dating a grad school student who was going for an advanced degree in the hard sciences. She realized, too late, that the thesis she had spent years preparing was total bullshit, that it was fake science, and there was no time for her to redo it. I read her thesis, because I would edit her papers for grammar and coherence, and even I could tell that it was bullshit. The model she invented would not only fail to accurately predict future events, but it could not even explain the actual data that she actually had. She was terrified that she would fail out, that the faculty would expose her thesis as garbage and she would not get her degree.

Instead, the faculty unanimously approved the paper, and her professor put his name on it, and it was published. From this I concluded that her entire department was doing fake science, since they could not tell the difference between real and fake, and that every department everywhere was doing fake science, since “peer review” obviously failed to stamp out a fake department of fake scientists.

Like Jim said, the problem with education is that it is all fake, it teaches all lies, lies from head to tail, and thus selects for people of middling IQs and high conformity.

Dave says:

Like all good Marxists, the faculty applied the Labor Theory of Value to something your girlfriend evidently worked very hard on.

European Mutt says:

Jim’s comment made me realize, very belatedly, that education in American/anglo society is really infested primarily with the Labor Theory of Value, more than in any other culture including Soviet Russia. The bizarre anti-cheating fixation in academia (cheaters=’scabs’)*, the ever-widening definition of plagiarism, participation trophies (‘at least you made an effort’) etc.

*To be fair this is also necessitated by the ‘grading on a curve’ system which reflects more of a Harvardist conception of equality, but is equally retarded.

BC says:

Cheating isn’t really punished in higher education anymore. Blacks and browns can’t pass classes without it so it’s basically OK. I’m not sure how whites and Asians are treated when caught cheating.

European Mutt says:

The left has never been good at following its own principles, but has always been great at loudly proclaiming them.

The Ducking Man says:

Sounds like modern corporate america are neck-deep in woke movement and in dire need of Trump calling out their BS.

Oh how I long the days when I can freely calling out everyone’s bs.

Javier says:

Taking the test itself was a mistake. You should decline on the basis it infringes on your first amendment rights, assuming you are American. Compare it to mandated Dianetics.

Basically they can’t use the system against you if you refuse to participate.

Not Tom says:

1. The law doesn’t matter.
2. Even if it did matter, the first amendment applies to governments, not corporations.

Seriously, I keep hearing this “first amendment” shit regarding corporate training and corporate censorship and it’s just so damn stupid. Go ahead and use that strategy if you want to (a) lose, (b) get laughed at and (c) get yourself on some kind of blacklist.

If you work in one of these corporations out of necessity, then first of all you have my sympathy, and second, shut up and keep your head down and pay whatever lip service is required (as BC says, treat it like a religious Inquisition). If you work there and either don’t care about your job or can’t be fired, then just troll the inquisitors and don’t bother with legalfagging. And if you need to have some kind of job but have easily transferable skills, then find a better (generally smaller) employer now, before the Inquisition finds you.

There is no situation whatsoever that merits this incredibly gay “muh first amendment” blathering.

Javier says:

The point isn’t to *actually* sue, it’s to throw the ball back rhetorically and force them to try to justify brainwashing you. As you reveal, many people *believe* 1A has power, even if that power is actually quite limited in reality. As long as you aren’t instantly combative and hostile, you’re unlikely to be fired, and you may save yourself and others from a dumb struggle session. May even save the whole company. Worked out pretty good for James Damore, and he did way more than politely decline the training.

Also seems to be working out well for this guy:

though he is going with the autistic ‘dems are the real racists’ angle so I guess we’ll see.

Not Tom says:

What are you talking about, “worked out” for Damore? He was fired and blacklisted.

Nobody believes the first amendment has power over corporations except some lolbertarians (ironically) and maybe the bottom quartile of cuckservatives.

Yeah, sure, “heighten the contradictions”. How’s that working out for our side? Is it not obvious to you by now from this massive and open election fraud that they don’t care? And that even if they did care, they’re not capable of any strategy other than doubling down? In what universe do you imagine freeze peach faggotry to be even remotely effective?

BC says:

I passed the test easily. And I partially took it because I was curious about how it worked. I’ve learned many tricks over the years to avoid being detected as a heretic of the state religion. As I said the test was more like voodoo. Any heretics they detect are almost certainly not heretics.

Thales says:

[[[It wasn’t a moaist struggle style session, but the head of HR came after me hard for being a white male.]]]

The irony is that if someone comes at you hard for being a white male, you’re supposed to report it to HR.

People need to start reporting these incidents to their supervisors as there are laws against racial/gender harassment in all 57 states, and if management ignores the problem, that’s grounds for law$uit.

bjorn says:

In how many recent legal cases (recent defined as: since social justice started emerging in 2012 or thereabouts) did an anti-discrimination suit on behalf men/Whites/straights win?

This isn’t a rhetorical question, for all I know it could be many or it could be zero. But the written law of the land contradicts the unwritten law, so I would bet that the number is zero, or close enough to it.

Thales says:

Would need to research, but I’ve been in a supervisory position for 15 years, and from what I’ve read, legal outcomes tend to be fair in that winners rightly win, and losers rightly lose. This is in part because it’s easy for employers to avoid liability by taking adequate steps when responding to complaints. Most common outcomes I read are white person wins because employer was pozzed shitheel who thought “who/whom” would protect him in the end, and black person loses because massive sense of entitlement and harassment was either imagined or remediated by employer.

Now, the Struggle Session Industry has been around for a few years, gaining notoriety for the past couple years and massive notoriety after the death of St. George Fentanyl. I haven’t read of (or gone looking for) the results of lawsuits due to aggressive bias training since it takes a while for people to find their spines, but the potential exposure for liability here is huge because what’s key to the “hostile work environment” is the employee’s feelings and what steps the employer takes in response.

The situation is not unlike the lawsuits brought in response to collegiate kangaroo courts, where men are expelled after a regretted sexual encounter without even the appearance of due process, and win in civil court. In civil court, there’s no Soros-bought-and-paid-for DA to enforce “who/whom” via prosecutorial discretion.

Pooch says:

I’d have a hard time working there after that.

BC says:

Welcome to the future of all corporate jobs. 10 or so years ago I and a bunch of people pushed back hard against white privdge training and got the people pushing it to shutup and back off. Today they’d toss anyone who tried that out the door in 5 minutes and send our home addresses to antifa.

There left’s using COVID to destroy small businesses because corporate is much easier to control.

European Mutt says:

Dealing with people like that is incredibly easy in a way. Just say the shibboleths and they’re happy even if it makes no sense. The religion of stupidity. The hard parts are to not sound too smart and to shut up about the truth.

How is the religious frame not obvious to people? In fact that’s why Moldbug made so much sense to me right from the start, he saw what I saw.

suones says:

The hard parts are to not sound too smart and to shut up about the truth.

Reminded me of an article by Scott Alexander regarding the Stalin-era Russian mathematician Kantorovich[1] who thought he had worked out how to run the perfect planned economy:

How could such a smart guy make such a stupid mistake? My guess: the Soviet government didn’t officially say “We will kill anyone who criticizes us”. They officially said “Comrade Stalin loves freedom and welcomes criticism from his fellow citizens”, and you had to have some basic level of cynicism and social competence to figure out that wasn’t true.

PS: Kantorovich’s approach works really well, as long as all inputs and processes are predictable within limits. I would love to see a modern corporation apply these principles. Scientific research to enhance production seems to have died out after Henry Ford. Even Aldous Huxley thought our dystopian future would be one of huge efficiency, if nothing else. What a spectacular change!

PPS: No, “scientific Communism” still isn’t possible, even though Real Communismâ„¢ has never been tried.[2] That’s because it fundamentally depends on other people’s money, which people end up getting killed sooner or later. Markets do not solve for the computational problem (which is trivial in the modern era), but for the information-flow problem which is decidedly non-trivial in a general sense.


European Mutt says:

Thank you for the links. I faintly remember that article. But then how did Scott Alexander not internalize exactly what he had written and made this exact mistake by talking to NYT?

I was unfamiliar with Kantorovich. Could probably be used for some things, but then again you will probably hit a bottleneck as soon as it comes to hiring, firing and retraining employees. Employment needs to be a market, otherwise you have universal slavery. Socialist countries solved the problem by never closing plants that hemorrhaged resources, but that is not an option for capitalist businesses.

jim says:

Observed Scott behavior was to continually come up with overly clever rationalizations for orthodoxy.

The medieval scientists who wisely avoided criticizing the Roman Catholic Church also cut themselves off from knowledge of what was wrong with the Roman Catholic Church – which probably did not harm them much.

Cutting yourself yourself off from knowledge of women, sex, and the nature of the legacy media is apt to slit your own throat.

In the Kathy Forth suicide, his whisper network was telling him a slightly less evil and insane version of the story – but the difference between the orthodoxy and what was on his whisper networks did not matter, they were both evil and insane. The difference was not interesting or important. A trivially different version of the same destructive and self destructive lies.

The trouble with taking that option is that you are immersed in an environment of lies, and tend to internalize the lies – the double think gets inside. He cut himself off from his whisper network, because it was filled with those horrid evil people who had horrid evil thoughts.

He engaged in a personally self destructive and hurtful cuck lifestyle, which grossly endangered himself and his friends – observe their grossly defective response to Kathy Forth. He massively failed, at immense cost to himself, to avail himself of the information about women, sex, desire, and love, widely available on the internet.

Scott Alexander hurt himself by not knowing about women, and he hurt himself by not knowing about the legacy media.

He and his whisper network were pushing back on the orthodoxy in small ways on small issues, when the orthodoxy is evil and insane in big ways on big issues.

European Mutt says:

Indeed, looks like he has always been a leftist. Probably rightists and leftists read this Scott article in completely different ways.

Observed Scott behavior was to continually come up with overly clever rationalizations for orthodoxy.

Which combined with talking to the media ended for him like it would ordinarily have ended for Kantorovich.

The trouble with taking that option is that you are immersed in an environment of lies, and tend to internalize the lies – the double think gets inside.

I don’t know why many are so vulnerable this internalization–but I personally know such cases as well. I suppose the trick is to have an outlet–sane people you can talk to. Scott did not have that.

jim says:

> Probably rightists and leftists read this Scott article in completely different ways.

And probably the sane part of Scott’s mind, locked in a closet and screaming to get out, wrote it with the sane meaning, while the rest of his mind read it with the insane and evil meaning. The sane part of him was telling the insane part of him how to find his way back to sanity, and the insane part was not listening.

>I don’t know why many are so vulnerable this internalization–but I personally know such cases as well.

Depression is low self-regard. Self-regard or self-esteem are internal meters evolved to track social status but they work only about as well as appetite tracks nutritional needs. Believing low-status ideas = feeling like a worthless piece of shit, for people who are prone to depression. So I see it the a bit the other way around, it is not the lack sane people but being in leftist circles who very clearly signal that they consider everybody not toeing the line a worthless piece of shit, it really makes that type anxious.

Thing is, leftists today have low SMV. For me even way back them when I was really naive, it was sort of obvious I am not gonna hang out with sexual losers. As for me that was really the status ladder that mattered. I sort of reflexively weighed people’s IRL opinions by their SMV. Opinions from low-SMV people always sounded like sour grapes to me.

European Mutt says:

Makes some sense. I tend to see it the other way around because to me it’s also a danger–safety thing. Leftism vs rightism is currently a conflict between being socially safe but physically in danger, and the exact opposite. Leftists socially condition/shame people into ignoring the physical dangers while rightists supply a dose of reality.

By the way I think I figured it out since last time we discussed this–male depression and female depression are two quite different conditions. Male depression = low self-regard, female depression = persistent despair.

European Mutt says:

Sane people you can talk to IRL. Online doesn’t seem to be enough.

The Cominator says:

I know someone who got much much much worse after he went from Central Mass (which still had some sane people up until early 2016 or so… virtually none by 2018 when I left) to non rural California (which to my understanding had none).

If it is true that childhood antidepressants made him asexual, he did not have much of a practical motive to learn about women. Of course a serious intellectual cannot just ignore studying the sexual motives of human behavior as they are obviously huge, but if he himself does not know what it feels like flying on the autopilot in the pants, he won’t understand them anyway.

jim says:

Your instincts know how to seduce women a whole lot better than your conscious mind and willed intent. For me, the biggest part of game was knowing that the autopilot was doing things right, and my conscious mind should shut up and get out of the way.

But your conscious mind does need to navigate the social environment to get a woman isolated in place where sex can take place. From there on, autopilot works.

The information-flow problem might be real, but what I find remarkable is that Soviet engineers often designed advanced weaponry that could not be produced because it required more precisey manufacturing, smaller tolerances, that was doable in practice. A year or so ago I posted here a video of how Trabant cars were made in East Germany, fairly hilarious. There was something very bad on the basic management level, getting decent work out of workers.

My take is that of Talebs, that systems learn by elimination. That is, the point of markets is not really motivation. If a factory manager does not have an internal motivation to run the ship well, you cannot just motivate him by dangling a cash prize in front of him, I think in this sense people tend to misunderstand how capitalism really works. Rather you want that guy out and the place taken over by a manager who does have an internal motivation to do it well and this is what did not work. So you want that factory to go bankrupt so that its assets and workers are taken over by a better ran one, or that guy fired by shareholders who keep seeing red figures. I keep seeing people defende capitalism by saying you motivate people by cash prizes and I think it is missing the point.

European Mutt says:

‘Hurr durr capitalism motivates people because everyone wants to have more money than all the others’ is a Marxist meme that unfortunately many capitalists have internalized. There is a grain of truth to it but not much.

Capitalism works if, and because, the only way to get a profit, any profit, is to improve the lot of other people. If you find someone who has the internal motivation as well, so much for the better. The essence of NRx is that this principle should equally apply to the state.

And, I just realized, this maps perfectly to democracies and monarchies and the stages in between. From monarchies to republics to democracies the ‘managers’ get more and more disinterested and increasingly lack internal motivation as you put it, and at the same time increase their cash prizes.

The Cominator says:

There are a number of reasons capitalism works.

One is that there is a limitation of competence of central planning no matter how smart the central planners are. Pricing is an extra special problem in this respect.

One issue is motivation, so yes it does channel personal greed to at least sometimes positive incentives.

Doing something socially useful is not the only way to make a profit, I’m essentially a gambler right now (though my preferred vehicle is securities). Gambling is socially useful in that the smarter gamblers tend to end up taking the money from the dumber ones over time, and MIGHT eventually really invest the money in more useful ways if they actually go VC.

stan says:

Off topic but interesting. Waiting for the vaccines is completely pointless:

All they do is reduce the symptoms. They do not protect you from the covid infection. Therefore no herd immunity, lockdowns forever ….

European Mutt says:

They are also amping up the reinfection narrative. Gay Boris Johnson self-isolating a month ago because one of his staff had COVID, even though he had the disease already and reinfections are incredible outliers (cancer patients etc.)

And ‘long COVID’ leading to fake disabilities like chronic fatigue, i.e. chronic welfare mooch syndrome.

Completely divorced from facts, exactly what they are accusing the right of being. At this point it should be obvious to normies that it would be kinder to shoot them in the head than to let them live out their delusions for one more day.

BC says:

Watching them dump the concept immune system immunity overboard in real time has driven me crazy. I can’t argue with people over science anymore because science is effectively illegal to know now.

European Mutt says:

Science has been illegal to know since about 1970. I learned most about what I know about science even today as kid from old Asimov books: (published in 1960 and probably even then was pozzed on some points, for example I remember him being a warmist but then the left was coolist back then)

Then in school I failed an exam for explaining evolution ‘incorrectly’, i.e. describing how natural selection works. I still don’t know what that Karen teacher wanted to hear from me back then, but it was not natural selection. Maybe tree of life:

And as Jim describes peer review since 1945 had killed scientific research long before. They are just tearing the skin suit apart now. I thought they would milk ‘the science’ a little longer but it looks like it’s not of use to them any more.

European Mutt says:

Lockdowns forever, for whites… For rapefugees they are oppressive and racist. At this speed of the holiness spiral, expect an op-ed to that effect in about a week.

The Cominator says:

I was well justified in calling for a mass execution of all so called public health experts who did not from an early time oppose lockdowns.

Pooch says:

They will be tried at the Military Tribunals along with all the vote fraudsters.

S.J., Esquire says:

“Only 29 percent were willing to get a haircut”

What in the bloody cripes? Tell me you guys are getting haircuts.

Dave says:

Walmart now sells hair clippers for eleven dollars. Ask a family member to trim the back, or look around for a haircut-buddy. I’ve been doing this since long before Covid because haircuts are so expensive, owing to the time and expense of getting a barber’s license.

S.J., Esquire says:

My wife does my boys with clippers, but I never take this advice seriously for an adult. She was doing my hair briefly in the spring, when all barbers were closed, and did a horrid job.

European Mutt says:

No woman has ever given me a good haircut. Always get it from a man.

neofugue says:

I pay $65 for my nice haircut once every 2 months from a late middle-aged Japanese barber who has his own studio.

It’s expensive but I like looking handsome.

S.J., Esquire says:

Good stuff.

European Mutt says:

Off-topic, would you take a vaccine? Something tells me the rollout is going to be massively delayed anyway and there are going to be a whole lot of saline solution injections. I am ordinarily no anti-vaxxer but I don’t trust the medical industry any more because of tech decline, especially not with mRNA. (WTF)

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

From a very early stage, the notion of a ‘covid vaccine’, when looked at as something that could be pushed as an unofficially officially ‘mandatory universal injection’, could then also be used as a convenient pretext for pushing through other ‘riders’ in to go along with it, that folk otherwise ordinarily would never stick themselves out for.

The banality of evil bureaucratism could be the least of it; ie, functionaries mandating vaccines in accordance with their Official Science, such as only ‘approving’ vaccines that use old mercury or aluminum based preservatives to prove to the bigots that there is nothing wrong with heavy metal poisoning.

jim says:

Pretty sure flu vaccines kill more people than flu does.

Vaccination was great back when we were worried about smallpox and polio, but more and more vaccines are being applied more and more indiscriminately against ailments that are less and less lethal, and for which vaccines are less and less effective. We are well past the point of declining returns.

Social security payments indicate the excess death rate resulting from China flu is now zero. There are no China Flu deaths. There are people who died of their ailments who had been exposed to China flu some time in their past. Pretty sure that if we vaccinate everyone with yet another vaccine, there are going to be some vaccination deaths.

Cloudswrest says:

“Social security payments indicate the excess death rate resulting from China flu is now zero.”

Basically what is going on is that Covid takes out people in the hospice stage of life *sooner* that they would have died otherwise, but the total deaths overall is still the same. From a computer science/engineering point of view Covid is draining the hospice FIFOs faster than before, but the FIFOs are still being stuffed at the same rate. So there may be a little bump as the FIFOs are initially drained and emptied, but the FIFOs aren’t being stuffed any faster, so there is natural flow control. There may be an initial transient, such as the NYC Cuomo nursing home fiasco, but the steady state death rate is still the same. This is standard pipeline theory.

Not Tom says:

Basically what is going on is that Covid takes out people in the hospice stage of life *sooner* that they would have died otherwise

No, it’s not even that. People went with that narrative back in June-ish but it can still be used to justify lockdows and shit based on “life-years” and other statistical sleight of hand. But it isn’t causing anyone to die sooner, that’s the new revelation from a few weeks ago. It’s just displacing other diseases and causes of mortality, especially heart disease.

It is as though a company announced $100 million in revenue from a new product and hyped it up through the media, but when you actually take a look at their financial statements, you find that every last dollar was cannibalized from some other product the company was already selling, and that they didn’t attract any new business whatsoever. That’s Covid, we just took deaths from other columns and put them in the Covid column, neither the people nor the times of death changed.

Possibly, some people did die early in places like New York, but not due to Covid, rather due to De Blasio forcing them into dangerous living conditions.

Not Tom says:

Actually, better analogy is that this hypothetical company decided to bundle their new product with all of their other products and booked it all as sales of the new product, with no changes at all to cash flow at any level – monthly, quarterly or annually.

Pretty sure this would raise alarms at the SEC, if done as a business practice. But when it comes to “public health”, par for the course.

Mike in Boston says:

it isn’t causing anyone to die sooner

Isn’t this is an overly broad statement? Lots of diseases have long-term effects that cause you to die sooner, especially if they weaken the heart. One relative of mine had a bad case of rheumatic fever in her thirties that weakened her heart and gave her lifelong heart problems; she died in her sixties, a couple of decades before her sisters. Families of long-term TB patients have similar stories.

And now my colleague, a very active 61-year old, had a bad bout of the Wuhan coronavirus and although mostly fine now, can no longer do the punishing 90-minute morning workout he used to do pre-coronavirus. His GP is sending him for an MRI to confirm heart damage from the (still very poorly understood) hyperthrombic activity associated with the coronavirus. It is hard to imagine that this did not age him a few years prematurely.

This blog is at least in part about believing what one sees with one’s own eyes, and what I see is a nasty viral illness less severe than the Spanish flu, but with potential long-term consequences much less well understood. I would be surprised if Anatoly Karlin’s early estimate that the Wuhan virus knocks a couple of years off of average U.S. lifespan doesn’t turn out to be mostly accurate.

The Cominator says:

If you get a virus that causes pneumonia you aren’t going to fully recover for a while afterwords. Pneumonia sucks.

But not recovering for a while after pneumonia is typical of any virus that causes pneumonia.

Mike in Boston says:

not recovering for a while after pneumonia is typical of any virus that causes pneumonia.

Perfectly true.

But the hypercoagulativity that comes along with a bad case of the Wuhan virus seems to be much worse, and maybe qualitatively different, than what you would have gotten from even the worst flus of the past. This virus also seems to cause morbidity associated with elevated seritonin levels in a way that is weird and not yet understood.

Of course it’s criminal for our elites to use the Wuhan virus as an excuse to lock down society in a dry run for whatever they’re planning later in the decade. But our side in the upcoming civil war is supposed to be the one that recognizes and acknowledges reality.

If I make sweeping generalizations about the coronavirus that are contradicted by what people see firsthand in coronavirus patients, then I undermine my credibility with those people, who I would rather have on my side in that civil war.

jim says:

We are just not seeing those deaths in the social security data, except in the first two months.

I would say that anything different about the China flu was caused by the use of ventilators, not the flu

Major issue with the virus is that it drops your oxygen levels more than other flu, and in ways that other flues do not. Any flu is going to impair your oxygen intake, and if your oxygen intake is already pretty bad, you have a problem.

Which gives doctors an excuse for heroic high status radical medical intervention.

In the first two months we had a pandemic of heroic high status medical interventions against frail people, not a pandemic of flu. Or rather we did indeed also have a pandemic of flu, and it did kill quite a few people who did not receive heroic high status medical intervention, but it only killed people who were going to croak in a couple of months anyway from cascading organ failure. The drop in oxygen levels sped up the cascading organ failure.

Most of the deaths were caused by ventilators, and the rest were deaths that were in the pipeline.

On the social security data, it is the worst flu we have had for a long time, but not enormously worse than the 2018 flu, and it is likely that if not for heroic medical intervention, probably would have been fairly similar.

Mike in Boston says:

We are just not seeing those deaths in the social security data, except in the first two months.

Suppose for the sake of illustration that the Wuhan virus were to, on average, knock two years off the life of those who catch a bad case of it.

Then I think you would expect to see, first, the deaths of people who were going to succumb to something else within the next couple of years.

Next, you would see a slightly elevated death rate over time as the same effect pulls deaths backwards in time, but that would be hard to tease apart from confounders. For example, it might have been hard to tell that my relative’s death in her sixties had anything to do with the levels of rheumatic fever decades earlier given all the other changes over those decades.

If you’re not seeing any increase in overall death rate, that could be a flaw in my reasoning. But it could also mean that excess coronavirus deaths are more or less matched by reduced deaths from other causes.

I would say that anything different about the China virus was caused by the use of ventilators, not the virus.

Certainly ventilators seem to have been the wrong prescription for this virus and were dramatically overused.

But I would point to hypercoagulability in particular to claim that there is indeed something different about this virus compared to influenza. Even if that difference can’t be seen in death rates, if people notice it qualitatively firsthand in terms of post-infection morbidity (as I see with my colleague’s case), then it undermines the credibility of the Right if we stick to the contention that this virus is just a flu. So we should be very careful of painting with too broad a brush.

That’s not to say any of the establishment response to the Wuhan virus was proportionate. Doctors’ tendency to heroic high status radical medical intervention has a flip side: the medical establishment’s self-serving claims that there are no antivirals effective early, except maybe remdesivir, and it would take a (very holy, Cathedral-blessed) RCT to establish otherwise.

In fact, it seems very likely that early intervention with many things except than remdesivir would be effective early. But the establishment found it politically preferable to impose lockdowns and wait for establishment-blessed vaccines and RCTs, rather than pursuing low risk early treatments.

With platelet activity so high in bad cases of this virus, the simple suggestion that people ought to take a couple of aspirin and some Vitamin D daily as soon as they feel sick would likely have saved lives and certainly couldn’t have hurt. The fact that even this basic step wasn’t done suggests to me that our elites just didn’t want to let the crisis of a moderately severe viral disease go to waste.

jim says:

> If you’re not seeing any increase in overall death rate, that could be a flaw in my reasoning. But it could also mean that excess coronavirus deaths are more or less matched by reduced deaths from other causes.

The invisible intangible demon.

Your demons are powerless.

Mike in Boston says:

invisible intangible demon

Invisible in death statistics? Maybe.


If it were me that could no longer do my morning workout, I would consider it very tangible indeed.

And I would look more favorably on a Right that emphasizes the establishment’s botched handling of the disease, rather than one that emphasizes a narrative of it being just another flu.

The Cominator says:

“If it were me that could no longer do my morning workout, I would consider it very tangible indeed.”

You get any pneumonia causing flu and you aren’t going to be in great shape for a while.

“And I would look more favorably on a Right that emphasizes the establishment’s botched handling of the disease, rather than one that emphasizes a narrative of it being just another flu.”

Switzerland, South Korea and Japan could keep it from spreading. The US government no matter how smart the leader was… probably could not have. Trump or someone better would need to have been an autocrat for 10 years before the US government would have that level of competence on both high and low levels.

Emphasizing botched handling implies it could have been kept from spreading (in the US), that it was Trump’s fault and downplays what an overblown hoax this was from the beginning (yeah the virus exists, no its not that deadly). You essentially want the right to emphasize lies over truth.

Mike in Boston says:

Emphasizing botched handling implies … that it was Trump’s fault

Only insofar as the permanent government thwarted Trump at every turn.

The one thing I can fault Trump for, is that he should have taken pandemic response away from the CDC (a microcosm of the whole rotten establishment: leftist politicians at the top, ignorant black women at the bottom) and turned it over to some competent military officer.

The Cominator says:

Even if the permanent government had been willing it wasn’t competent enough. This is not Japan or South Korea.

Couldn’t have been done here, herd immunity should have been our policy from day one. Lockdown health risk people on a voluntary basis but otherwise do very little.

Cloudswrest says:

“I would be surprised if Anatoly Karlin’s early estimate that the Wuhan virus knocks a couple of years off of average U.S. lifespan doesn’t turn out to be mostly accurate.”

Similar to what I’ve read. Actuarilly your chance of dying from Covid is approximately the same as your chance of dying from natural causes over the next two years.

Cloudswrest says:

That is, *if you have a Covid infection your change of dying …” The statistic doesn’t include your chances of catching it.

jim says:

> “I would be surprised if Anatoly Karlin’s early estimate that the Wuhan virus knocks a couple of years off of average U.S. lifespan doesn’t turn out to be mostly accurate.”

If getting sick with Wu flu knocked two years of people’s lifespans, it would cause a bump in the excess deaths indicated by the social security data for two years.

It has not.

The worst case estimate consistent with the social security data is two months. And that we were using ventilators and stopped using ventilators after two months because we realized we were killing frail people suggests that the worst case estimate is pessimistic.

The social security data is consistent with it killing people who already have cascading organ failure that is going to kill them very soon indeed.

neofugue says:

Anatoly Karlin is a competent entryist into the dissident right, in that he is able to publish ideas such as “Soviet Freezer Theory,” presupposing Progressivism the natural course of history, and still is taken seriously. All he does is blackpill and demoralize. Anyone who presumes Progressivism spreads not by force is an enemy, and it is best to avoid filth.

Not Tom says:

Agree, Karlin is great at writing stuff that’s plausible and complex and almost always misleading and mildly evil. He is absolutely not to be trusted, as are most Unz writers. (I still like Sailer, but overall the Unz Review is like a training ground for entryists.)

Mike in Boston says:

Anyone who presumes Progressivism spreads not by force is an enemy, and it is best to avoid filth.

Really? Here’s a version of Soviet Freezer Theory that I believe to be consistent with our host’s very compelling framework:

Progressivism is civilizational entropy, and entropy increases on its own as society proceeds towards the left singularity. Only an organized effort– energy input to the system– can halt the entropic increase of Progressivism, as the efforts of the Soviet state did for a while, mostly by accident.

jim says:

The Anglican Church organized in 1660, and the Royal Society, were organized effort to reduce civilizational entropy. The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.

Similarly the Christian state Church created by Alfred the Great’s ancestors.

Judges Israel and saga Iceland were theocracies without a state, or with very minimal and barely existent state. They worked fine for a while, eventually succumbed to entropy, (the sons of Samuel not following in their father’s ways) which entropy necessitated a King. Pagan Iceland got a Christian theocracy under a King. Under Solomon, the priesthood was purged.

Following Constantine, we see his social technology being replicated across the board, as in Alfred’s England and the end of saga period Iceland.

Charles the Second’s England was a recovery of the social technology of Alfred the great, which was a copy of the social technology of Constantine directly exported from and copied from Constantinople. I don’t know the chain of transmission of the social technology applied to Saga period Iceland, but it came originally from Constantinople. The priests were answerable to, and appointed by, the local King, but were part of Orthodox Christianity, so probably a direct export similar to that received by Alfred’s ancestors.

Alfred defeated the pagans, because the pagan leaders were always murdering each other. The pagan social technology for cooperation was failing, as it was starting to fail in Iceland. We see in Iceland the Godar (which can be translated as “god botherer”) becoming increasingly cynical about their supposed beliefs. It is probable that Charles the Second was pretty cynical also, but everyone shut up and went through the motions, and that sufficed. The Royal Society’s absolutely genuine commitment to observable truth meant that the state Church could survive a fair bit of quiet cynicism. What the state Church failed to survive was entryism by Socinians, who sincerely believed in something that was not Christianity, nor observable truth. Quiet cynicism was vulnerable to sincere heresy. People stopped caring about the 39 articles – which were designed to keep out very real enemies, the second article being the Socinian stopper.

Mike in Boston says:

Thank you Jim.

But I think that although progressivism is entropic and spreads naturally, neofugue was not wrong either.

Progressivism is spread by force, as witness USG’s strong-arming of its client regimes to allow gaymarriage and pride parades.

The question is why? Is it just that holier than thou leftists can’t abide the thought of heretics or dissidents existing?

The Cominator says:

The progressive state uses force to enforce progressive policies of course (such as lockdowns) but how does progressivism convert people to at least pretend convincingly to be progressives themselves…

Well progressivism being feminine in its essence as opposed to masculine old style Bolshevism prefers the velvet glove to the mailed fist.

Force is sometimes used, but more often overwhelming social pressure and coercion short of physical force is used.

Mike in Boston says:

Indeed so. And people are converted to progressivism because of its perceived higher status, funded from the progressive state’s robbery of apple carts and the extortionate tuition that the progressive university charges as a lottery ticket for admission to the progressive elite.

All that is clear. And it seems to me that as cracks begin to appear in the progressive edifice, it’s clear what the right wing must do: organize. Create a nexus of order to take over when progressivism either collapses in the left singularity, or (we may hope) to push the progressive state aside before its final collapse, a la Franco or Pinochet. And then to ensure that status within that new order is derived from creating actual value.

So maybe it’s irrelevant why progressivism is such a jealous god that it seeks to spread itself by force. But understanding one’s enemy can only help to defeat it, and that is one aspect of progressivism I still don’t understand.

The Cominator says:

“So maybe it’s irrelevant why progressivism is such a jealous god that it seeks to spread itself by force. But understanding one’s enemy can only help to defeat it, and that is one aspect of progressivism I still don’t understand.”

All universal religions have jealous gods.

Since progressivism is a form of universal demon worship… its going to be especially jealous.

Mike in Boston says:

Well and pithily put, Cominator. Thanks.

European Mutt says:

The reason is ‘equality’ and covetousness. If they can’t make all people equally smart, rich or attractive, they settle for making them all retards, crazy, welfare moochers and trannies. If anyone in the world retains virtue, he needs to be killed and assimilated, otherwise he is not equal.

It fights against anything that is ‘good and true’ because it can’t bear being compared to it. It’s an entropic force the way a fire is, but you put out a fire, you don’t put it into a freezer.

The Cominator says:

“The reason is ‘equality’ and covetousness. If they can’t make all people equally smart, rich or attractive, they settle for making them all retards, crazy, welfare moochers and trannies.”

Yes the endpoint of progressive logic is the short story Harrison Bergeron. The state puts handicap shit on everyone to make them equally suck (the movie where they had a hidden elite that ran things and that wasn’t crippled wasn’t in the original short story).

European Mutt says:

They call ‘Harrison Bergeron’ and ‘Modern Educayshun’ parodies. When our grandkids ask us why nobody stood up to the left for so long are we going to say ‘because we thought it was all a big joke’?

neofugue says:

> Progressivism is civilizational entropy, and entropy increases on its own as society proceeds towards the left singularity. Only an organized effort– energy input to the system– can halt the entropic increase of Progressivism, as the efforts of the Soviet state did for a while, mostly by accident.

That take is acceptable but it is not Karlin’s “Soviet Freezer Theory,” which frames the advance of Progressivism as the march of history. Every nation has measures to counter entropy which must be disabled in order for Progressivism to spread; for example, support for homosexuals obtaining marriage contracts in Russia has declined in the last ten years, disproving Karlin’s Soviet Freezer Theory. The key is not the ideas themselves, it is how they are framed. It is impossible to look at someone who writes about “magacope” and conclude him anything more than a shill.

Anon says:

Katlin is an idiot and a Richard Spencer flunkie. He has a political economy degree from UC Berkeley, writes at Unz Review (entryist shithole), and regularly has terrible takes on Twitter:

European Mutt says:

I have no intention of getting the vaccine, and I’m pretty loud about it because this is still within the Overton Window here. Makes no sense anyway, I’m young and healthy and most likely had COVID already. Should have gotten an antibody test back then, Cathedral sources say after some time antibodies vanish, but that might be horseshit too.

This is more about convincing other people, or in the event they suddenly make it mandatory. Plan B might be paying off the local doctor to administer saline. I am not really worried about the vaccine itself being very harmful, even the preservatives, I’m more worried they are gonna screw up the manufacturing.

Info about flu vaccines is hard to come by. To Americans getting a flu shot seems to be a very ordinary thing, while in Europe they primarily give them to old people. You read some anecdotes on the internet, but usually from stopped-clock conspiratards. But of course, vaccines by the nature of them always have some risk. Believing in a religion that makes this-worldly claims cuts you off from perceiving trade-offs.

My kids are going to get the same vaccines I got–polio, diphtheria, measles (although maybe even that is not necessary) etc. But definitely not chickenpox–that’s retarded.

Oak says:

The story so far

> Modelling by ‘experts’ establishes logical connection between rate of deaths and final death toll due to health services reaching overcapacity.
> Amazingly the experts were wrong. So no logical connection between rate of deaths and total death toll.
> Through malice/stupidity/status-seeking by academics, governments continue to target rate of deaths with lockdowns and simply delay the inevitable (very ineffectively).
> Elites realise that people might actually analyse excess mortality/use Sweden as a control when all is said and done. Real risk that normies get angry about economic devastation and (more importantly) their malice/stupidity might be exposed.
> Must reestablish logical connection between rate of deaths and total death count by introducing vaccine ASAP and definitely before herd immunity reached.
> Rush through vaccines that would otherwise take years to test.

And this is all ignoring the fact that the virus is extremely mild and could never be used to justify this level of government interference by anyone with a sane risk tolerance.

Mister Grumpus says:

What’s the insider’s vocabulary term for data that routes around cathedral filtration and fake news? Like for example the Social Security pay-out figures being used to reveal the death rate in accidental/unauthorized fashion?

That has to be a whole professional specialization, just right there.

lambda x says:


Anonymous Fake says:

Lots of people below are talking about education reform. No one talking about fairly compensating those who performed well under the old system. I sense a lot of closet revolutionaries here, not reactionaries. Ever think you’re trying to beat the left at their own game?

jim says:

No one deserves compensation for performing in academia.

Academic qualifications are only of value if they are evidence of ability to create value.

No one deserves or should receive compensation for work. They deserve value for creating value. Work has no value, unless it creates value. Work is worthless and deserves no compensation. People deserve the value that their work creates, if their work creates value.

And they also deserve the value that their wise application of capital to its highest and best use creates.

Work has no value. Creating value, however, often requires a great deal of work.

Looking for diamonds creates no value and deserves no reward. Finding diamonds creates value and deserves the value created.

I will resume silently deleting your excessively numerous comments if you ignore my response, and just go on presupposing that labor content is value and no one disagrees. If you want to debate the labor theory of value, we will proceed with that debate, but I expect you to just go right on assuming the labor theory of value is self evidently true, and everyone, including me, agrees that it is true. Which unresponsive responses I intend to continue to silently delete.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

As I expected, you, as usual, explained to me what I am really saying, what I really meant, and what my reasoning really implied, on the presupposition that I accept the Marxist theory that I just flatout rejected.

Returning to silent deletion.

The Cominator says:

So what useless cathedral job do you have, I had an ee degree I got in the mid Bush years and I almost guarantee my academic course was harder than yours. There were no entry jobs for white guys so I’m not sympathetic to you.

Mike says:

@Anonymous Fake

While I do have sympathy for those unfortunate few (and I do say few, most who go for the leftist sinecure path today do so knowing full well what they’re doing) who went for academia/media/HR due to their parents or society pushing those careers on them as “high-status,” the reality is, sometimes you get hit. You can’t expect every closet rightist or misguided bureaucrat to get a fair shake during a mass purge. I’m sure some academics, politicians, and bureaucrats who weren’t “true believers” got fucked over during Franco’s purges, it happens. The vast majority of the people in those fields however, at this moment in history, are full-on leftists who deserve little to no thought whatsoever. At best they deserve to be demoted and given new superiors who are aligned with the new way of doing things. At worst, they deserve to be fired, exiled, or shot.

European Mutt says:

Is he already trying to negotiate his terms of surrender? Should not be negotiated under any circumstances.

Anyone with a useless degree but enough competence in any area will land on his feet if we win. Fertile women will go back to being housewives. Cat ladies will have to become nuns or whatever equivalent of nuns to survive.

Fairness and equality do not exist. Progs and marxists always get very angry and incoherent when you explain to them that the real problem is poverty.

Not Tom says:

“Wah wah wah, I’ll be out of a job, my useless degree will be useless, if you don’t do something about that then you’re no better than the revolutionaries”.

What a dipshit. Revolutionaries want to kill everyone and take their stuff. We just want them to stop trying to kill us and take our stuff and paying useless parasites such as yourself a tiny fraction of the spoils that none of them earned.

And yes, you’re clearly one of them because you’re a Marxist, and all Marxists are either parasites or revolutionaries, which are just the passive and active versions of the same thing.

The Cominator says:

To be fair I at least want to be similarly merciless to them and all who support them. And any greengrocer’s better have acted entirely under coercion, the minute they acted beyond the bare minimum they stop being a greengrocer and start being a prog…

Not Tom says:

Since the rules are informal and constantly changing, there are going to be a few who act in anticipation of punishment absent actual coercion. That doesn’t make them leftists.

But no one is coercing anyone to take African Studies. That’s self-evidently not done under real or anticipated coercion, it’s an obvious attempt to gain entry into the progressive priesthood. There’s a clear difference here, no need to purity spiral.

The Cominator says:

“Since the rules are informal and constantly changing, there are going to be a few who act in anticipation of punishment absent actual coercion. That doesn’t make them leftists.”

Nits make lice.

jim says:

Coercion is unobvious, implied, and unpredictable. No one knows whether they are being coerced, so it is impossible for an outside party to know. You see this dynamic in the climategate files.

The Cominator says:

Businessmen in blue areas can plausibly argue coercion. Businessmen who are systematically important like Zuck can plausibly argue coercion. People with jobs in big corps can plausibly argue it. Loss of livelihood and possible violent or legal harassment should be considered a defense.

Other people should be assumed that they weren’t coerced that they did it to be fashionable (this is what I saw when I lived in Massachussetts) doing it merely to avoid losing social capital absent loss of job or livelihood should not be considered a sufficient defense.

jim says:

Look, I am not happy with executing Scott Alexander, despite the fact he did no end of crimes worthy of execution while under no direct coercion, and indeed rationalizing away the knowledge that he was being coerced even when he was in fact acting under quite direct and open coercion – because his very thoughts were coerced, causing him to “voluntarily” engage in no end of evil, self destructive and self hurting acts that he could have easily gotten away with not doing.

Thus, when he wanted to do research that would have obviously produced thought crime data, hate facts, he was quite directly and overtly silenced by the official organs of the state, and proceeded to generate innocuous rationalizations of his silence and the fact that he was being quite directly silenced, which rationalizations bled over into his private life and caused him to do wicked and stupid things that he could have quite safely avoided doing.

And if he had done the research, he would have come up with a clever rationalization of the hate facts, and would have told the inquisitors “Hey this data is fine, it merely implies X”. And would have been punished anyway because the inquisitors would know what they did not know and could not say, or even think, that the data did not imply X, but Y, where Y is unthinkable and unsayable.

European Mutt says:

People who did it only to be fashionable have no incentive to continue doing so when the wind happens to be blowing in the other direction. So present them with 39 or whatever number of articles, including ‘Nazism is left-wing’, ‘Women are the lustful sex’ and ‘Gays must be killed’. If they affirm all of them, they get off scot free. If not, which won’t be the case for many, then maybe execute them.

I agree with executing the top leftists and essentially all the ‘true believers’ but image-focused normies are not a comparable threat.

The Cominator says:

Sure but they have no interest in truth and I hate them for that in itself.

BC says:

@Cominator, that’s a pretty normal way to look at it for Spergs who value correct information above all else. However, we’re dealing with religion here. Religion is about shaping people’s behavior through ideas, not truth.

jim says:

When religion starts making this worldly claims, some of them are bound to be wrong, as Saint Augustine complained and foresaw.

Then, to protect the religion, the religion starts making war on truth, which war gets out of control.

Religious claims should be demonstrably and reliably true, or else unfalsifiable.

The most important religious claim applicable to this word is to settle the rules and expectations for cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, to prevent people gaming what constitutes cooperation.

Saint Augustine declared himself a biblical literalist, and then proceeded to qualify and redefine “literalism” to allow for all sorts of empirical facts that he clearly suspected might well be true, among them, old earth creationism.

I am a biblical literalist as Saint Augustine was – meaning I know the earth to be immensely old, I think that the story of exodus is true poetically, but the divine wrath and the ten plagues of Egypt manifested through cause and effect, chance and necessity, as described in the Admonitions of Ipuwer, rather than through literal miracles, that Adam was the first priest patriarch, that Babel was the first big city and the first empire, and that in Babel people’s language was not supernaturally divided, but rather that a polyethnic polylinguistic empire fragmented along ethnic lines that approximately corresponded to dialects and languages, with ethnic groups departing the central city to create nations and expand cities of their own ethnicity, the point of the story being that division into many nations is divinely ordained.

I think the best way I am able to navigate modern politics is by the Bus analogy, wherein we can map left-right politics easily and find out who’s a real leftist and who’s a real rightist.

From my own understanding of Jim’s writings, which are extraordinarily sane and meaningful.

Bus = State

Straight narrow path with leftward direction signs showing “this way to Utopia” = Constitution

Leftists = Competing bus drivers who compete to increase the speed of the bus regardless of whether it stays safely on the straight narrow path, because they think they can reach the destination faster.

Modern Establishment Right = Bus drivers who’re alarmed at the speed of the bus, rather than the direction and who want to keep the bus on the straight narrow path regardless of whether the movement is further leftwards.

Normies or common people = Passengers who are blindfolded and who’re repeatedly assured by the Leftist bus drivers that they’re on the right path to the destination safely while the Establishment Rightist bus drivers are crying out against the increasing speed and lack of safety. They are confused by the competing signals but still believe that the path they’re heading towards is right, because all the drivers say so.

Reactionaries = Passengers with blindfold off who shout that we are heading in the wrong direction and that the signboards are wrong. They want to halt the bus and take a 180 degree turn and return to the original spot from which the bus started.

Dictator of the Stalin mould = A driver who takes control of the bus by eliminating all the other competing drivers and decides on what he determines to be a safe place to halt the bus, because it preserves the bus and keeps him in power.

I think the main argument among reactionaries seem to be able the mechanics of halting the bus and taking the 180 degree turn safely. Some want the bus to crash hard and hope to survive the crash and build another bus to head back to where they came from, whereas others seem to think that it’s possible to safely stop the bus by eliminating the Leftist drivers completely, tying up or eliminating the Establishment Right drivers kicking and screaming, and then steer the bus back home safely with most of the passengers intact.

jim says:

> others seem to think that it’s possible to safely stop the bus by eliminating the Leftist drivers completely, tying up or eliminating the Establishment Right drivers kicking and screaming, and then steer the bus back home safely with most of the passengers intact.

Obviously I hope for the latter solution, but I was severely black pilled by Trump’s Saturday Georgia speech, in which he seemed to presuppose that politics as normal would resume. Politics as normal are not going to resume.

BC says:

Obviously I hope for the latter solution, but I was severely black pilled by Trump’s Saturday Georgia speech, in which he seemed to presuppose that politics as normal would resume. Politics as normal are not going to resume.

Lots of people are encouraged by the Biden’s politics as normal cabinet picks, he dumped the progressives overboard and social media is now banning progressives like they ban conservatives.

They’re playing at putting communism back into it’s box and focus on making corruption money. I doubt it will work but the GOP seems to believe it.

Trump always plays the win/win and he’s setting himself up to be the GOP king maker or cross the Rubicon. Of course if you’re going to cross the Rubicon it’s best to make sure your foes don’t know about it.

When Caesar crossed the Rubicon he only took the 13th with him. The Senate had spies watching his other armies for signs for preparing to move, so Caesar only moved with lightning speed with a single legion so they wouldn’t have the time to react. His moves at the Pentigon are centered around bringing US troops home but could just as easily be used to strike at his foes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Don’t blackpill.

The first reason being that what blackpills you is also what makes his foes relax. Appear weak when you’re strong. You know this isn’t complicated, but it is truly torturous at the emotional level.

Trump has to be so careful now. He has to communicate X to A, but also Y to B, and yet still Z to C, all without getting his speech censored off of Fox News and Youtube.

I’m not saying anyone is wrong about anything, but you might be.

The basic logic of “Well if they can rig this one, then they’ll just rig all of them forever” is too obvious for anyone to miss. And from there it’s just a baby step to “and if that’s the case, then they’ll never stop doing whatever the fuck they want because no one can vote them out”, and we all saw in June what that will mean in real life.

People are scared to death of signing their names, faces and cell phone GPS records to a failed Ins Act, but people also know danger when they feel it. Their minds are too afraid to say anything but their guts know what’s up.

BC says:

@Mister Grumpus

You missed the point of my post. If Trump is going to cross the Rubicon it’s best his foes don’t believe he will just as Cesar’s foes didn’t see the 13th coming. This will require him to look weak and potentially agree to walk away in exchange for being GOP kingmaker.

But of course those signals from Trump could be his true intentions as well. There’s no way to tell from our perspective, which is good. If we can’t tell, then neither can the left.

ten says:

Humans have had individually way more use of compliance to power than of truth in evolutionary time. Individual truth seeking is a win in the edge case where power is going all in against truth and will cause the destruction of the compliant.

Not Tom says:

in which he seemed to presuppose that politics as normal would resume. Politics as normal are not going to resume.

The most ridiculous part being the Senate runoffs, as if any Trump voter either (a) cares which establishment faggot gets to play political make-believe if Trump doesn’t remain in office, and (b) isn’t going to get disenfranchised by Democrat election fraud anyway. The only possible way those seats get filled by Republicans is if the Democratic machine either wants them to or doesn’t care, which implies something like he made a deal with them in order to keep the Senate, a deal which they probably have no intention of honoring. But that last part is just my speculation.

Barnes uses Andrew Jackson as an example of someone who actually did lose to fraud and came back 4 years later with a huge movement and a team of loyalists. But Jackson didn’t lose as an incumbent with his job half-done, and political machines with the size and scope of Milwaukee/Atlanta/Detroit/Philadelphia didn’t exist back then. He has a great knowledge of legal and political history in the American context but doesn’t understand the broader context, the decline and fall of empires.

I can understand the concept of Trump’s speech being misdirection, and why people would want that to be true, but that type of misdirection really isn’t Trump’s style. It would be unprecedented for him, not even Syria was that devious. Refer back to what I said several days ago about massive optimism, it’s more likely he’s been listening to people like Barnes and actually believes he can somehow make a comeback in 4 years, or even survive that long.

There is one other simple, less-blackpilled possibility which is that the Georgia speech came from a different speechwriter. No President ever writes his own speeches, so maybe a cuck wrote that speech and Trump doesn’t have time to vet them all in advance.

Starman says:

@Not Tom

“but that type of misdirection really isn’t Trump’s style.”

Trump did plenty of misdirection during the 2015/2016 election campaign.

Not Tom says:

Trump did plenty of misdirection during the 2015/2016 election campaign.

Only in the opposite direction, e.g. “lock her up”.

If Trump has two public faces, one as a hardliner and one as a deal maker, then the hardliner is the less trustworthy one. Sometimes that might work to our advantage, and to the advantage of the USA, such as the Syrian fake-out and North Korean “diplomacy”, but it means we have to take speeches that sound hardline with a grain of salt and interpret as a possible feint.

You may not like it, but I’m just being honest here when I say that observed behavior is for him to dog-whistle to the far right for greater support while actually playing mostly mild normie politics. We can all recall examples such as Lafayette Park, but that’s the availability heuristic/bias (i.e. we have no idea how probable it is for Trump to take drastic action, so we substitute a few vivid easy-to-remember examples).

And I would say that Jim has largely made the same point: Trump has no real desire to be a hardline dictator, but we think, or maybe hope, that history has him in its grasp and has left him with no other options for dealing with a hostile, fanatical and hysterical enemy. Well, there’s always an alternative to survival, it’s just a shitty alternative.

I’m with Jim that Trump has the will to survive and that survival means winning this war; there’s simply no alternative in which Trump and his family survive. However, I’m not going to idealize the man and substitute wishful thinking for reality. He’s had perpetual personnel problems, was barely able to claw away enough power just to remain in office for his first time, and is certainly no wartime consigliere. But, I’ve learned to do lots of things out of pure necessity, and my optimism lies in the fact that Trump can too, and observably has for most of his career. Which means he will get where he needs to be only with great reluctance and many stumbles, but will nevertheless get there somehow.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

‘Women are the lustful sex’ and ‘Gays must be killed’ are strong, ‘Nazism is left-wing’ is weak.

A Honest Indian says:

@jim, yes, the bus is already off road, by some considerable distance I think. The only question I suppose, is whether there will be a Stalin who will drive the bus to safety and halt it somewhere or whether the bus will crash hard into a tree.

~loclun-midwyt says:

I see Betfair have him at 32 to 1. What’s the chance if Trump wins, they still payout for Biden on some technicality? Otherwise that seems like free money.

INDY says:

I didn’t bet on any websites before election day for this reason. I still imagine they will try and weasel out.

I made several personal bets and made sure it was “Biden will be in office Jan 22 vs Trump will be in office Jan 22”

Gack says:

Back in 2008 my son bet online against Guáantnamo being closed. the website adjudicated it had been closed because Obama said he was going to close it.

Pooch says:

Yeah I bet pre-election on an off shore book and they already processed my Trump bets as losing bets. I would make sure there’s fine print about who is being inaugurated like INDY is saying.

BC says:

I looked into betting but considering the sort of insane crap I expected with this election I decide they probably wouldn’t pay out no matter what.

jim says:

I would not bet, because I would not expect a payout.

I bet very heavily on the collapse of the great minority mortgage meltdown. It collapsed exactly when I and everyone else expected it to collapse, and I did not get a payout.

The official prices of worthless mortgage backed securities remained high, and they continued to be rated as equal in security to government bonds, even though no one could sell them at any price, and they stopped paying out.

Dave says:

The technical term for this is “counterparty risk” — you win a bet but the other guy doesn’t pay up. You probably shouldn’t buy earthquake insurance for the same reason.

jim says:

When your counterparty is quasi statal entity, and you are betting against the state, you will be declared to have lost your bet, no matter what happens. Short of total government collapse, in which case your counterparty is not going to pay out anyway.

suones says:

I do not understand. Isn’t counterparty risk (along with all other risk) already priced into the initial transaction price?

How is the price for a junk security kept high if no-one is willing to buy at any price? In my country the usual technique is that the Govt starts buying those securities (using funny money) through various proxies, thus the price actually remains high. If you hold such junk yourself, you can sell to the Govt proxy and at least recover some of your investment.

I understand if you shorted the junk, expecting it to go down catastrophically, and it doesn’t, then you take a loss. Mybe this is what you did.

bindine says:

I believe our host sees this incorrectly on a few levels

If the odds are currently 3% but Trump makes convincing moves and the odds go to 30% you can exit your position up 10x

The counterparty risk becomes someone else’s problem only if they hold into February

If you knew or stongly suspected that Trump’s chances were under valued Nov 2 at roughly 20% but were bound to increase election night to 80% as returns came in, before plummeting to 30% or lower as forged ballots were discovered?

There was no reason not to make tens of thousands of dollars as it played out.

Likewise if we all strongly suspect that Trump will can convince the public like he has a 50% chance of winning then we should all make a lot of money between now and February.

Many places to make these bets including crypto platforms.

jim says:

Been there done that with mortgage backed securities in the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown. (Which melted down exactly when, and in the manner, everyone with half a brain expected them to melt down, but the people shorting them were not paid.)

In such a circumstance, you are betting that the bookie is honest when you are betting that the game is rigged. The official price of mortgage backed securities remained at their official price even though they had stopped payments and noone could sell them at any price.

And if you bet that Biden will not become president, the bookie will say he became president even if Trump has him shot on January nineteenth. This being what happened to people attempting to short Mortgage backed securities.

hegs says:

Slight difference between normal bookie and Betfair as it is an exchange, therefore punter vs punter, and takes a commission, approx 2% on settled bets, therefore their interest is primarily in settling the market.

Interestingly, the ‘USA – Presidential Election 2020 – Next President’ on Betfair is open for over a year, on the night after the election there was about $500 million staked, this market now has $2000 million staked. The 2016 election I think was their previous biggest market on anything which ended up at around $300 million so this is a staggering volume.

Trump is now about 25/1, free money to be made with odds moving, as Betfair must settle this market to make their 2%. Though a wise move would be too cash out when Trumps odd collapse in again once he makes his move.

jim says:

This has never worked in the past. It would be astonishing if it worked in the future.

bindine says:

If you bought TRUMPWIN at .20c and sold at .80c you would have 4xd your money.

This was absolutely possible on election night. The order books and charts are public.

Say you buy TRUMPSTAY for .11c today. After supreme court victories, insurrection acts and audits roll in and pump the price to .33c you will triple your money.

What happens if you hold TRUMPSTAY until expiry on 12am 1 Feb? That is harder to predict but it doesn’t really matter. By that point you will be so deep in the money you will properly hedged or taken profit.

Try it with $100 so that *next time* you have this kind of alpha you can win bigger.

Jim got burned 13 years ago on a series of bets with complex structure, sure. But don’t let that stop you from making simple trades on prediction markets when you have an edge.

BC says:

Looks like the left has singled Antifa to start attacking Trump supporters again. They’re back out in force wearing full battle gear. Check out Andy Ngo’s feed.

Bilge_Pump says:

I try to warn my parents about feral minorities and communists burning and looting shit. They treat me like I’m making shit up, and go back to listening to NPR….

Starman says:


Your parents and social circle are quite a contrast to my relatives and social circle, who are mostly police, military and veterans. They are deeply enraged by Antifa/BLM violence and the election fraud.

Bilge_Pump says:

I don’t want to give too much away but my dad’s side of the family has a long history of military / government involvement, and he is paid as a contractor to do things with members of the armed forces. He claims he’s not a liberal, but he listens to NPR / reads NYT daily and looks and me like I’m retarded when I talk about antifa / communist subversion.

Starman says:

So not actual military, but DC contractors/civilian employees who work with the military?

Nobody in my military/police social circle listens to NPR.

pyrrhus says:

Apparently they bombed the house of a Trump supporter in MI on Saturday night…

The Cominator says:

Looks like the military command is loyalist controlled enough that they are refusing Biden intel access, Rubicon looks like it should go off without a hitch.

European Mutt says:

If Biden ever made it to the White House would he be facing a military coup? Sounds more and more like it.

jim says:

Biden is irrelevant. He will be ignored, not couped. The deep staters may well be couped while Biden remains in place.

European Mutt says:

Would be funny to watch at least. Imagine Dementia Joe or Cameltoe having to announce something like the deportation of all illegals as ‘their policy’. If Trump had the sense to flee to Kazakhstan he could come back like Napoleon from Elba. Might even work but very risky.

jim says:

I would strongly recommend that quite a lot of people flee to the periphery of the Russian or Chinese hegemonies.

The Cominator says:

Nah looks like the Rubicon will be crossed to me…

Pooch says:

Betting against Jim is often not a smart play.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yes, but then so has betting against Trump. How often has he said or done something that appears to be suicidal, and yet he comes out looking better than ever. Whenever it looks like Trump has put a gun to his head, once the smoke clears all his enemies are mysteriously the only ones who caught a bullet.

jim says:

I have hope.

Eli says:

There is one week remaining for action. I don’t see how he has more time than that.

Not Tom says:

Election challenges can and have lasted until the day before inauguration, and some of those in the past have been when inauguration day was much later.

It’s not over until either Trump concedes or Biden/Kamala is in the White House. I doubt that the latter will happen without the former happening first, so even if the Electoral College is a sham, still not over if Trump doesn’t concede.

Remember the Democrats’ wargames? Don’t concede under any circumstances. Their own words for their own strategy.

The Cominator says:

I’m not talking about “legal”.

Jehu says:

If the courts basically say, yeah Biden stole it but we can’t or won’t do anything about it, that pretty much guarantees there will be war, probably hot war. It might even go hot before the ink is dry. People will not accept being procedurally defeated in a case like this, even if it has ‘sound’ legal reasoning.

jim says:

It will lead to war eventually.

It will lead to war before the ink is dry if Trump proclaims the insurrection act.

If he fails to proclaim the insurrection act, will lead to war around 2026 or so.

BC says:

Would any part of the American periphery be somewhat safe? My family has friends well established in some of the freer parts of Latin America.

jim says:

I expect the American empire to contract.

Further, when Rome went down the toilet, a whole lot of the Roman elite moved to the periphery of empire, where things remained tranquil for centuries.

[…] To understand modern day politics and why labels such are Left and Right have become nonsensical without an absolute scale, we need to actually understand what is true Left and Right. This is actually not my own invention but what I have gathered from reading and understanding neoreactionary stuff. […]

loclun-midwyt says:

I was also quite blackpilled by the Georgia rally, though a lot of normie MAGA twitter accounts seem quite happy.

What I saw was Trump complaining about blatant fraud, and complaining that the governor has the power to change things, but won’t. Insisting on election reform, but that we’ll be doing it once we win the senate, once its too late. Praising Dan Crenshaw, Cucker, and others. It would seem like an attempt to return to the preelection state of things. Joking about having to wait until 2024 to run again. Lots of emphasis on how great he did on election night. Some discussion of fraud (the video was good), but no real discussion of how he plans to win or any of the court cases. Or punishment for the culprits. Just generic “in a few weeks we will win and the media won’t be happy” type comments.

If Trump was a dumb boomer, this would be the exact speech he would give if he intented on giving up the fight. Go out with a bang. A huge rally, with the biggest crowds. Convince all of his supporters that he truly did win bigly, though give them no way of fighting the corrupt system, but rather, endorse the rigged system by telling them all to vote in the runoffs. With the added bonus that he can add keeping the senate majority to his legacy.

But we know Trump isn’t a dumb boomer. And we know about the restructuring of the military he has been doing, and the blocking of Biden’s people from intel. So for now, I’m willing to trust the plan.

Someone whitepill me by explaining how retarded my interpretation is.

Jehu says:

Well, you can’t say.
The states are corrupt, the legislatures are corrupt, the media is corrupt, the federal courts are corrupt. They all know this was stolen but they refuse to do the right thing. Therefore I am calling out the military and we’re going to burn them all down, have military tribunals and helicopter rides,
Until you have sufficient support for burning it all down among whatever group you’re relying on to do it. Therefore you say nice doggie, and stoke the anger of your supporters while you try to get critical mass.

BC says:

Telling your foes you’re going cross the Rubicon is likly to result in them having a bunch of armies waiting at the Rubicon. If you put them at ease, you have better chance of striking when they don’t have their forces assembled. My guess is Trump is ready to cross and he’s counter signalling so his foes won’t be ready for it.

But that’s just a guess.

onyomi says:

My sort of grey-pilled interpretation reconciling the “passing the torch,” “cementing my legacy”-type talk at Georgia with the more bellicose tone of the Oval Office address and suggestive reshuffling of Pentagon leadership, etc. is that Trump is still trying to win through conventional means like SCOTUS and state legislatures but is aware of the need to enforce victory and put down an antifa rebellion if and when he achieves such favorable outcomes. The black pill is that he is not acting like he intends to stay in office even in the case all legal victories are denied, but the white pill is that, so long as he still has, at his fingertips, the power to enforce a victory and put down an antifa rebellion, he can, at any time prior to 1/20, decide he doesn’t actually need them.

Also a mixed bag: it was clear the crowd in GA was 100% there for #fightfortrump and 0% there for #keepthesenate. The white pill is that the people genuinely love Trump and, I think, would literally fight for him if called upon to do so. The black pill is that, being lawful good types, it seems unlikely they will fight back en masse if not directed to do so by a leader like Trump, which are not a dime-a-dozen (people will not go to the barricades for Ted Cruz). It will be very sad if this intense anti-establishment anger, loyalty, and unity goes to waste.

Pooch says:

Was Trump’s speech directed to the Senate? Although rapidly becoming irrelevant as it did during the fall of the Roman Republic, Augustus smartly rallied for support of the Senate against Mark Antony, knowing it was necessary for him to be viewed as the savior of the Republic.

Starman says:


I suspect that it was.

stan says:

Rudy Giuliani tests positive for covid. Time for Trump to quit the court game, I guess.

The Cominator says:

For anyone who is feeling bad or blackpilled right now I’ll remind you of four important facts

1. The Democrats have made it clear they intend to prosecute and imprison (and yes eventually probably murder but they aren’t saying that part yet) Trump his family and anyone around him. They’ve made it clear they will not respect his pardons either.

2. Trump has said recently “Biden can’t be President”.

3. Trump immediately after the election installed a loyalist command structure in the Pentagon and cut the perfumed princes out of specops command entirely.

4. The military has refused Biden’s transition access to intelligence.

BC says:

Big Talk Barr stepping down now that he’s job of protecting the deep state is done:

BC says:

Early on some RINO once said that Trump should be taken out like Cesar, get someone close to him and then knife him in the back(metaphorically). That was Barr’s job.

pyrrhus says:

Flynn MI team forces way into Antrim County Courthouse, copies Dominion hard drive, squashes Sheriff’s attempts to stop them….

Not Tom says:

If we want a play-by-play of Teddy’s blog then we can visit it ourselves. He’s a good guy, but he links to Qtards and isn’t a reliable source on the election saga.

peter y connor says:

Not Tom, Your continued use of the word “Qtards”, Q being a highly successful morale operation that has caused the Cabal to expend resources in an unsuccessful attempt to squash it, and complete lack of knowledge of what Vox actually thinks and advocates, raises serious questions about your usefulness…

Mike in Boston says:

caused the Cabal to expend resources in an unsuccessful attempt to squash it

A “morale operation” that lulls our side into inaction, telling them to trust some nonexistent plan? No thanks.

The “Q” grift, like the Republican party, seems to have two purposes: to channel and dissipate the energy that could otherwise be used to productively oppose the Cathedral; and to make money for its principals.

I’m sure our side has poured more money and effort down the rathole of “Q” bullshit that whatever trivial expenditures the Left has made in the process of half-heartedly aiming a few desultory blows at it.

Not Tom says:

Ok mister complete stranger newfag, your opinions about my usefulness are very important, we’ll all stop noticing and pointing out that Q is enemy propaganda because we want Jim’s blog to be a carbon copy of Ted’s blog. Thanks so much for your valuable input.

jim says:

Trump has to cross a Rubicon, and needs a general.

Looks like he has a general.

But Steve Gruber is not a reliable source.

Do we have independent confirmation that General Flynn’s team is taking action?

Edit_XYZ says:

Whatever happened in Antrim County, gen. Flynn is just fine with Trump invoking the insurrection act:

That is to say, if gen. Flynn’s team really forced their way to the voting machines, things are well on their way to becoming kinetic.

jim says:

But the question is: Is it true that Flynn’s team forced their way to the voting machines?

Not Tom says:

The legal judgment for Antrim actually happened, and I can believe that they tried to ignore that judgment and some force was required. The rest seems made up. The best disinfo tends to incorporate little tidbits of truth so that disinfo agents can play motte and bailey.

Notice also how quickly they pivot from the magic German server to the magic Antrim machine. Very similar narrative, the Antrim machines actually exist but they are wanted for auditing purposes, not for the gay Qtard muh-algorithms narrative.

jim says:

> I can believe that they tried to ignore that judgment and some force was required.

The Qtard stuff does not matter. What matters is “some force was required”.

They surely would have tried ignore that judgement. Was force required, and who applied that force?

Trump says big things happening in the next couple of days.

Big things are not going to happen without the application of force. Is force being applied, and who is applying it?

Not Tom says:

I would assume local police. If Trump stormed in with military troops, we’d be hearing about it in the legacy media, not fringe wacko sites.

Trump always says big things are happening, I tend not to put too much stock in it. He signals as a dictator then acts moderate. Whatever will happen will happen, but I’m just enormously tired of all the tea-leaf reading and confirmation bias. This disinfo campaign has been relentless, I just want to stick to independently verifiable facts. This is what they do, even if you don’t fall for their bait directly, it wears you down over time until you just stop caring.

jim says:

> I would assume local police. If Trump stormed in with military troops, we’d be hearing about it in the legacy media, not fringe wacko sites.

No. We would not hear about it from the mainstream media.

But we would hear about it from more than one wacko site.

On the other hand, for the court’s order to be actually acted on, someone had to storm in with military forces. Has the court’s order been acted on?

Not Tom says:

Dude, legacy media would be shrieking at the top of their lungs about any military troops in a civilian office. We know they would, because they did exactly that any time there was any federal or federally-deputized presence during the 2020 Festival of St Floyd.

They didn’t want to open up, so some local cops busted down the door, and one or two wackos invented a ridiculously complicated fairy tale to go along with it. Occam’s Razor, case closed.

jim says:

> Legacy media would be shrieking at the top of their lungs about any military troops in a civilian office.


Mentioning any coercive investigation of ballot fraud would undermine the no evidence of ballot fraud narrative.

you are suffering from normalcy bias.

jim says:

> so some local cops busted down the door


No damned way are some local cops busting down that door.

“A group of patriots from northern Michigan answered Mr. Bailey’s call for help”

This is not normality happening.

One source says patriots, another source says troops with Flynn in charge. Two sources reporting something highly abnormal, not clear what, and whatever went down, that machines were secured at all could not have happened unless something highly abnormal went down.

Laws, legality, elections and due process ceased to matter on 2020-11-04 04-05 Any time something like this happens, it is someone pointing guns at someone.

War is upon us. The only question is are we fighting back. If the machines were seized, and I still do not trust that information, someone is fighting back.

Not Tom says:

Mentioning any coercive investigation of ballot fraud would undermine the no evidence of ballot fraud narrative.

How so? Their narrative is “Trump is trying to overturn our totally fair and legitimate election and disenfranchise millions of voters”. They’d love to be able to show military intervention.

And it was locals, the clarification from Pooch had already come in before you replied. They were escorted by some local sheriffs. Sounds like they didn’t really have to break down the door, just have law enforcement physically present.

“Normalcy bias” isn’t taking police into a ballot office to take away a machine for forensic analysis, no matter how it was precisely organized. Give us a break.

Pooch says:

I’m not hearing anything about this outside of this Gruber guy. As of now, it’s just an internet rumor.

Pooch says:

Never mind here’s another source…

Says nothing about them being Flynn’s team or force being. Sheriffs escorted the IT team to the airport.

Pooch says:
Anonymous Fake says:

Ever get the feeling that the WWII “greatest” Generation did everything right, and still lost their country and civilization because they did not fix the schools? And do you ever get the feeling that you (probably a Boomer) aren’t as good as they were? And the latest generation, well…

I say that the school are the weak link in this civilization’s chain, the single most important point of failure, and they aren’t being fixed by the right because there still isn’t a plan to fairly compensate their victims. The “solution” is to flood the country with uneducated immigrants in an attempt to lift up the salaries of college graduates to what they feel like they were promised. We see where that ends. It ends so badly that WWII veterans can look back with regret at everything they thought they were fighting for, to see it all taken away.

jim says:

Allowing this through because it is an actual argument, rather than presupposing we agree with cultural Marxism..

What the schools are doing wrong is that instead of educating people they are training an enemy priesthood in an evil religion, producing a gross oversupply of priests, who then intrude into the activities of warriors and merchants.

“Compensating” the miseducated means supply priestly jobs for evil priests of an evil priesthood.

To suppress the hostile enemy religion, we have to penalize its adherents with loss of wealth and status, not reward its priests. It is time for the dissolution of the monasteries, which is not actually all that rough the competent monks and nuns, because they get jobs, marriages, and children, which the schools are denying them.

But those who have no capability to create wealth, only the capability to be holier than thou, just have to suffer humiliation and hunger, or they will continue to afflict us, and even the competent former monks and nuns will fail to produce, fail to get married, and fail to have children, and will continue to suffer. We have to suppress the oversupply, which is necessarily rough on those with no capability to do anything else. In order to have value, we must reward those who create value, and punish those who cannot or will not create value.

At the time of the dissolution of the monasteries, England had far too many monks and nuns, who had an alarming amount of worldly wealth and power.

Theoretically they were supposed to focus their attention on the next world, and theoretically they had a round of rituals that were supposed to keep their attention focused on God and eternity, but in actual fact there was only one nunnery, and no monasteries, in England that were actually conducting this round of rituals.

The vast majority of the monks and nuns got productive jobs and marriages. Some of them, a significant minority, became vagrants, beggars, and thieves. It was a minority, but a large enough minority to cause considerable problems. For which they were publicly whipped, branded, and sometimes publicly hung. That is the cure.

Experts in priesting simply have to lose their jobs. We cannot operate a functional society with this many people trained primarily in holiness. They will just have to find other jobs – which may well be greeter at Walmar or barista at Starbucks, as a great many people with a hundred thousand in college debt training them for a job in Human Resources imposing critical race theory on the corporation already wind up doing, because of the gross oversupply of stupid people trained only in holiness and priesting.

For the productive to get their rightful reward, the value that they create, the unproductive have to suffer hunger and humiliation.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

That is plausible argument for Marxism, rather than robotic npc spam, and if Marxism was serious opponent, I would debate it.

But Marxism has lost both to rational and evidence based argument, and, more importantly, lost because everyone has enough bread, but no one has enough virgin pussy. So, I am ruling that debate a distraction and a waste of space. What happens when the state crushes the merchant class is evident and undeniable. Want to debate that?

Locust Post says:

The powers are crushing the merchant class. I know because I am one. This morning I woke with thoughts that I’m a small business that is being snuffed out by the never ending lockdowns, “peaceful” protests (yet another marched by this past Saturday and killed the weekend by chasing patrons away) and outright unanswered crime. Somehow I’m supposed to pay bills and the latest property tax has a 15% increase and the tax is now much more than I make.

onyomi says:

How does flooding the country with uneducated immigrants lift up the salaries of US college graduates? You mean, even though labor is oversupplied at the bottom end the priestly jobs will be uplifted relative to that mass of uneducated serfs? I don’t think that’s how it’s worked in practice, as academic and other “priestly” jobs have gotten more competitive and less remunerative in recent decades even as the total number of societal resources sucked up by student loans, administrators, and otherwise turning college campuses into resorts has ballooned.

Jim is probably right that there’s no avoiding diminishing the social cache of Harvard et al. and especially of the four-year degree as a stepping stone to a good job (they are working on that already by trying to phase out the SAT and other elements of rigor at the selection phase, which is the real sorting mechanism). But it seems to me a good initial step is cutting immigration across the board, including of the sort of H1B1 visa that tech companies use to compete with the local talent. Even people that get what they assumed to be more practical degrees, like STEM now have to compete with an unlimited supply of Indian and Chinese candidates who will work for less, not make waves, not unionize, mouth the right pieties…

Not Tom says:

Wrong. We have a very good solution to the problem of the academy: eliminating it, i.e. dissolving the monasteries. Trade schools and perhaps engineering may be allowed to remain, if they are willing to shed 100% of the pozzed administrators.

It’s obviously a solution you don’t like, because you feel entitled to other people’s money, and formalizing your worthless degree as worthless will make you lose status and opportunities for more parasitism. But it is not only a great solution, it’s the only practical solution.

Bilge_Pump says:

Problem? School is turning out useless fuckwits.

Your solution? Compensate “victims” for learning how to be useless fuckwits.

How is this not basically a more cynical and honest version of Communism? Who do you think you’re talking to?

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>the right…flood the country with uneducated immigrants in an attempt to lift up the salaries

Schizophrenia is funny to laugh at a distance; annoying to see in person. Clean yourself up.

Robert Nares says:

Some very mixed signals from the Trump admin that I find difficult to draw any overall conclusions from.

As others have said, the Georgia speech seemed pretty complacent, pretty afflicted by normalcy bias. But then Trump clears house at the Pentagon and appoints loyalists, seemingly preparing for a non-democratic power struggle of some kind. Anyone willing to hazard a guess as to what Trump’s game is?

Edit_XYZ says:

“Sullivan ignored the law when he refused to grant DOJ’s motion to dismiss Flynn’s charges, he ignored the D.C. circuit when he refused to even rule on the motion, and now he’s ignoring the full pardon of Flynn. He needs to be removed from the bench.”

Blatant disregard for the law.
We’re definitely at a point when the left ignores any law, any decision that is not to its advantage.

Trump most definitely sees this, also.
At this point, him not invoking the insurrection act would be treason of the american people.

The Cominator says:

I think hes going to wait until the left fraudulently wins the Georgia senatorial elections so the GOP cucks get the message… january 6th or 7th. The left will be celebrating… best time to take them out.

Edit_XYZ says:

The Cominator

Yours is an interesting idea. For a surprise attack, the moment is ideal.

But is a surprise attack needed? Especially when january 20th is so close to january 5th?
This depends, of course, on what forces Trump has, and what forces the left has. We have no idea of the behind the scenes plotting.

Of course, the worst case scenario would be for Trump to only follow the legal and legislature paths.
Perhaps because he has faith the republic will right itself, or because he thinks he doesn’t have enough forces?
But I simply do not think Trump is so naive, so foolish. The left’s behavior was and is too in the face; Trump must know by now what’s coming if he abdicates.

As for the GOP:
A convincing case can be made that the GOP made a deal with the democrats: the never trumpers cheered the prospect of geting rid of Trump in favor of Biden and the return of business as usual. And the GOP gets to keep the senate, therefore keeping power.

See for, example, how the hundreds of thousands of ballots from the night of november 4th were for Biden only. I don’t think it was because the left operatives didn’t have time to fill all positions. They just wanted to project the appearance that they are keeping their alliance with the GOP – needed in order to cover up this blatant, shameless fraud.
That is to say, evidence presented at the legislatures showed that the left had a much better hidden system of election fraud put in place. And with it, they did steal votes/positions from the GOP. It’s just that Trump won in such a landslide, that he overwhelmed any cheating that could be more or less hidden.

Also, see how much of the GOP was strangely silent and inactive since november 4th, or outright traitorous in covering up the election fraud.
I think they are getting nervous, though, especially after the revelations about the left’s hidden election fraud. The Georgia secretary of state just started a lot of investigations aimed at elimination of leftist cheating – but only for the january 5th election.

In my opinion, the GOP is idiotic. They lost their electorate with their refusal to help Trump in this stolen election.
And without the electorate, the only way to keep their positions is by electoral fraud. But the left controls the electoral fraud system, and the left has the fanatic operatives that have no problem stealing hundreds of thousands of votes. The same left that really wants its political opponents gone.
And the GOP has, what? The DOJ, perhaps? Without Trump winning now, the GOP is fucked, even if they manage to keep the senate, short-term.

The Cominator says:

“But is a surprise attack needed”

Its always an advantage, particularly when the enemy is liable to be mostly celebrating and drunk…

“Of course, the worst case scenario would be for Trump to only follow the legal and legislature paths.
Perhaps because he has faith the republic will right itself, or because he thinks he doesn’t have enough forces?”

The left has made it clear with the phony pardongate story, and the phony refusal to allow Flynn’s case to be dismissed even that he has nothing to lose. He might have cucked before but I can’t see him surrendering peacefully now. I really don’t think he wants to get on a plane to Kazakhstan on January 19th.

“As for the GOP:
A convincing case can be made that the GOP made a deal with the democrats:”

In Georgia Kemp did (and either Raffensperger did or he was an enemy agent from the beginning) did but mostly they are just kind of cowardly. I think the ones who were in a position to help us but showed cowardice in the face of the enemy should suffer the same fate as leftists though.

“In my opinion, the GOP is idiotic. They lost their electorate with their refusal to help Trump in this stolen election.
And without the electorate, the only way to keep their positions is by electoral fraud. But the left controls the electoral fraud system”

They’ll realize this when the left steals the two Senate seats as well.

Not Tom says:

I’m not so convinced that Trump is planning some elaborate trap, but I do think he should let them lose the Georgia elections purely on principle. Let them reap what they have sown. That’s the real reason I found his Georgia speech kind of sickening, not because he believes in the system (or pretends to) but because he appeared willing to reward their abject cowardice and/or treachery. If they can’t deliver a few electors, why should he deliver them Senate seats?

Not that establishment Republicans really mind losing elections, it’s practically part of the job description.

BC says:

That’s the real reason I found his Georgia speech kind of sickening, not because he believes in the system (or pretends to) but because he appeared willing to reward their abject cowardice and/or treachery. If they can’t deliver a few electors, why should he deliver them Senate seats?

I took it the same way. That’s why my hope is Trump is falsely signally that he’s going to place GOP king maker and leave office as the GOP has been offering him in exchange for leaving. I hope instead he’s giving the appearance of giving up while readying his counter stroke.

BC says:

They’ll realize this when the left steals the two Senate seats as well.

The problem with cowards is they only react to the people currently threatening them. As far as I know there’s no one on the right threatening to harm the cowardly GOP cucks. As such, they’re likly to continue to cuck until they’re murdered by one side or the other.

The Cominator says:

Well a surprise coup will put them between the devil and the deep sea now won’t it.

BC says:

I rather hope it puts them up against the nearest wall. Rigging an election and committing treason against one’s own people should never be treated lightly.

Anonymous 2 says:

“In my opinion, the GOP is idiotic. They lost their electorate with their refusal to help Trump in this stolen election.”

Indeed. Not a good look when you’re selling “standing by muh principles, even if uncomfortable”. I suppose principles will be resumed after this short break, please stand by.

Pooch says:

Wow genius. Now this is one of your predictions I can get behind. Complete 4D chess if true.

onyomi says:

Trump tweets that Sullivan has finally dismissed the case against Flynn. I don’t know if this means anything bigger, but obviously it’s better if judges, for now at least, don’t think they can simply ignore presidential pardons.

Sonny Jim says:

Hey jim, thoughts on Curtis’s newest piece?

jim says:

I don’t think much about what namefags write.

Sonny Jim says:

Why exactly? Like, I get where you’re coming from, that people who use their real names are unlikely to say controversial things out of fear of retribution from friends, employers, universities etc. But Curtis is economically independent due to Urbit, so he has no reason to fear any such retribution.

Pooch says:

He fears for his life.

jim says:

I compare what Curtis says with what Moldbug said.

Curtis is a namefag.

Sonny Jim says:

But how exactly do they differ? Can you provide any examples?

Not trying to be rude, but I really think you’re being unfair. If Curtis were really such a namefag he wouldn’t have moved UR from Blogspot to a snazzy new website and he wouldn’t be selling parts of UR as ebooks on Amazon. He would be trying to distance himself from UR as much as possible, which he isn’t. Curtis doesn’t run any more risk from saying something controversial today than from the mere fact of having said equally controversial things a decade ago, because everybody knows that Curtis is Moldbug.

jim says:

Observed behavior: Since Moldbug has been doxxed, not saying anything interesting, and when he re-runs his old stuff, it is full of gross and politically correct inaccuracies. Not expecting him to say anything interesting or useful, and have observed that he is a major source of misinformation.

For example “Trump would have to cross five Rubicons”. Only one Rubicon, and it has been crossed so often already, starting with Lincoln, that the bridge is getting worn. Not worth the time and energy to read someone who writes anything that matters heavily coded, and keeps inserting misinformation.

After saying Trump would have to cross five Rubicons, he then kind of says, in a heavily coded way, that the one Rubicon Trump needs to cross has been crossed every eighty years or so since the founding of the Republic, so, in heavy code, he corrects the misinformation, but it is just too much work to decipher the code and detect the lies, even though he probably wants us to detect the lies he is compelled to tell.

Sonny Jim says:

>After saying Trump would have to cross five Rubicons, he then kind of says, in a heavily coded way, that the one Rubicon Trump needs to cross has been crossed every eighty years or so since the founding of the Republic, so, in heavy code, he corrects the misinformation, but it is just too much work to decipher the code and detect the lies, even though he probably wants us to detect the lies he is compelled to tell.

But neither of these statements contradicts the other. Curtis has indeed pointed out that America changes its regime every eighty or so years and we’re due for the next one. He just doesn’t think that Trump can or will pull off a successful regime change. This is a perfectly valid opinion even if you disagree with it, and it’s extremely uncharitable to characterize it as a “lie” or “misinformation”. None of us knows for certain what the President will do, because none of us knows the President’s mind, so any guess as to what the President will do between now and January 20th cannot possibly be a lie. Nor can it be some kind of politically correct motivated opinion, because Curtis still condemns the current regime and still wants it to be replaced. There’s no reason to believe that Curtis’s views on the election are anything other than an honest opinion based on his own understanding of the facts. And, honestly, it’s been a month and still no autocoup or Rubicon-crossing, so if anything Curtis has been vindicated.

jim says:

> But neither of these statements contradicts the other.


Whether Trump can or will pull it off or not, it is not five Rubicons.

BaboonTycoon says:

>because Curtis still condemns the current regime and still wants it to be replaced
yeah, and so does the DSA. Would you extend such charity to them?

Pooch says:

Didn’t Curtisfag also say Coronavirus was going to kill everyone?

European Mutt says:

He did and he managed to override my intuition and convince me it was not just a heavy flu. Will take a while till I trust him again on anything.

To be fair, a pandemic response is a mind-hack for the right. On the right you are unlikely to be criticized in the short term for coming down too hard on a potential threat, which is not always a good thing. I still think leftists would never have come up with lockdowns on their own.

yewotm8 says:

The very concept of “a Rubicon” means that there can only be one. Making an irreversible declaration of war, a declaration that you are done with negotiations, cannot happen 5 times. Unless he was declaring it separately against 5 different enemies, but he appears to have only one enemy “faction” that he needs to deal with.

BC says:

He hasn’t written anything interesting and true since he was outed.

Not Tom says:

Eh, all he’s writing now is Old Moldbug, repackaged to be even more circumspect, safer, abstruse and meandering. I mean, Unqualified Reservations had that quality, but it was breaking new ground, so it was worth the slog. This one’s just an obscenely long elaboration on the peace/security/order hierarchy, the modern caste system and coup-completeness.

I don’t really understand whom he’s even speaking to; the far right already knows this stuff, the cuck right is gonna keep on cucking, and the left ain’t listening anymore. What’s the point of trotting out 15-year-old ideas and slapping on a new coat of paint? Ok sure, they’re actually much older and timeless ideas, but the point is, the time for that kind of talk has long since passed.

Nibui says:

Some people just like to listen to the classics all the time, man. This time around he’s pretty explicit about turning the enterprise into an e-grifting scheme. The final book might eventually have as much as 5% new content, we’ll see.

simplyconnected says:

Wasn’t he saying he would vote for Bernie in an interview?
He is afraid (who wouldn’t be?) Anyone writing under their real name has a filter, it would be unlikely that filter is not affecting his writing, and even if it didn’t affect his writing, there would be no way for us to know.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Moldbug’s shtick was always packaging reaction in such a way to avoid the left’s immune system (i.e by continually retreating to abstractions and redefining common terms with new names randomly pulled from SF novels.) He’s pretty good at it, which is why he’s never been “cancelled” with any serious effort yet despite his name having been public knowledge for a long time.

But it’s unclear who he’s trying to reach — are there even any “open-minded” progressives left? Maybe there were ten years ago, but now? Reading Gray Mirror feels like watching a man write a book while avoiding using the letter ‘E’ — kind of impressive, artistically, but also pretty much pointless.

Pooch says:

He was canceled from speaking at programming conferences after he was doxed.

Nicodemus Rex says:

I’m aware of that, but the cancelling was pretty halfhearted (he’s gone to other tech conferences after that one), and they didn’t try and destroy Urbit completely, which leads me to assume that most of the people who would normally have gone after him just weren’t smart enough see the wrongthink in his writing.

onyomi says:

It strikes me that the “namefag” problem is a microcosm of a more general problem we see nowadays (maybe a perennial problem, but I expect it’s worse in decaying societies): something like, if a candidate or elected official doesn’t inspire seemingly hyperbolic, apoplectic rage among “respectable” people, he’s probably no good. If a policy doesn’t inspire chicken little cries of doom it probably will have no effect. If an idea is allowed to be printed in the NYT or shown on Fox News, much less CNN, it’s probably not dangerous to the powers that be, if an election commissioner lets you conduct a “recount” or “audit” without a vicious fight, it’s probably going to be useless or they’ve already figured out how to game it… and if someone with a wife and kids is willing to put his name and face on an article it’s prima facie unlikely, again, his ideas, at least as expressed explicitly, are a danger to the status quo.

I guess it’s called “you know you’re over the target.” Recently, the threats leveled at anyone with a name, face, and good aim have intensified greatly.

From what I understand, Leftism has created an illusion of a worldview in which the most Holy Left of a particular time determine the topics that can be debated, the manner in which the debates can take place and the limits to which you can safely go, all while keeping up the pretence that “normality”, “dissent”, “freedom” and “democracy” are alive and kicking. Some people can recognize this evil but are forced to consciously walk the “safe” path for their own safety because they know that this evil knows no limits and will go to any extent to silence them, while others cannot even recognize the evil and think that there is no other worldview other than that constructed by Leftism and deludedly think that they can debate or fight Leftism by the means constructed by Leftists themselves to cripple all opposition.

“Overton Window” seems to be the name of this “safe zone.”

Only a rare few are foolish or brave enough both to notice the extent of the evil they are up against and also speak the truth with their real identity revealed.

Also whenever convenient, Leftists create some illusory targets for their “opponents” to practice on if only to keep them away from real mischief. If the opponent has internalized the same illusory framework as the Leftists intended, they fall for it, thinking they are fighting Leftism, while actually they are only fighting an illusion created by Leftists for their enemies to be distracted and confused by.

It’s the old weapon of adharma – Maya or illusion. Illusory weapons cannot be efficiently defeated by old conventional weapons.

The reason I’ve consciously framed it in terms of Dharma-adharma is because, as a Hindu, this is the absolute reference on which morality can be determined and is incorruptible. Of course, Jim is one of those who has internalized the Reality by other names from a Christian perspective while even a large section of those who call themselves reactionaries/NRx haven’t.

onyomi says:

Jim’s argument as I understand it, and he can correct me if I’m wrong, is that the problem is two-fold: one, we have a pernicious state religion (liberalism) in the West, and two, we have an open-entry priesthood (academic-media complex) that by its nature encourages holiness spirals of “lefter than thou.” A redditor whose name I forget now argued that social media has greatly accelerated such spirals because it makes it super easy to call out hypocrisy and unprincipled exceptions, which are actually not always bad, as necessary to keep any system functioning in the real world.

A question I’d like to ask Jim, or maybe someone can point me to one of his older blogs if it’s answered there, is whether the badness of our current state religion and its tendency toward holiness spirals are related, or if holiness spirals are just a fact of life that can only be controlled by eliminating the open-access priesthood and not causally related to the nature of our current state religion.

For example, if Jim-ism became the new state religion, my understanding of Jim’s position is that we would still need some inquisitors or limits on entry to the priesthood of Jim, otherwise we’d eventually get an out-of-control spiral of Jim-er-than-thou, such that even Jim would be judged insufficiently Jim-ist or, at best, not the beneficiary of our superior understanding, within a generation or less. The fact that Jim-ism was, to begin with, a big improvement on our current state religion might not prevent it growing pernicious eventually?

The above makes sense to me because I think the urge to virtue signal is probably universal; it does raise the question of whether even “truth” and “objective moral good” can be standards to cleave to. Though not religious, I tend to think objective moral truth exists. At the same time, human psychology and status competition may be such that even pursuit of truth may become twisted, as we see it has with leftist cries of “believe the science!” So maybe just “our state religions pursues truth!” is not enough.

If this is true then even if we had e.g. a nation ruled according to the principles of the Bhagavad Gita, we could still run into a problem of more-dharmic-than-thou holiness spirals unless we restrict access to the priesthood (maybe traditionally this was by birth into Brahmin caste, etc.). So perhaps, paradoxically part of the truth/dharma/proper way is realization that excessive zeal on the part of too many in pursuit of the truth/dharma/proper way can actually lead one astray?

At the same time it seems to me that running a society according to traditional principles is just better, because Lindy, in an objective sense? Also, most of the out-of-control holiness spirals we see in history seem to take on a particular (usually egalitarian) character, which would suggest it is leftism per se, rather than holiness spirals per se that is the bigger problem?

I am also curious to hear more about how non-open-entry priesthood could work? Perhaps the key is to get the priesthood back to focusing on moral and metaphysical questions with no objectively verifiable/falsifiable answers and somehow kick the scientists out of it/diminish the fetishization of science without actually stopping people doing science? The idea of e.g. only allowing those with the proper pedigree to research and publish on academic/scientific questions doesn’t sound very feasible.

Actually in ancient India, Brahmins were NOT the ruling caste. This is a huge misunderstanding in the West that has perpetuated a lot even in NRx circles.

Kshatriyas ruled exclusively and Brahmins were mostly relegated to the temples, ashrams and dealing with the religious and spiritual affairs alone.

In the strict traditional hierarchy, Brahmins were prohibited from accumulating wealth and had to earn on a day-to-day basis only for satisfying their basic needs, forbidden from indulging in luxury and barred from most professions except religion instruction and performing religious rituals. Brahmins had no entry into politics, except only the Raja-Guru which was a hereditary position of advisor to the King, who could be overruled by the King anyway.

There are also tales of how Kings of those days used to dress up as commoners and visit his subjects incognito to get a feel of the general mood of the public and also to not be totally reliant on his subordinates. Also how the King could be directly petitioned by the common subjects when they did not get justice from his subordinates.

I think Hindu kingdoms of ancient India did not fall into holiness spirals, because it was recognized that the priests should not rule. When that social balance was upset, things started falling apart.

onyomi says:

Yes, I know the Brahmins are not the traditional ruling caste; I guess then there is a third aspect of the problem Jim identifies: priests (rather than warriors) ruling, open-entry priesthood, and the actual content of the priesthood’s religion being bad. I would guess these are all interrelated to some degree.

Priesthood should necessarily demand sacrifice of personal comforts (but not Celibacy), accumulation of money except to the extent of satisfying basic needs like food and clothing, luxury and a lifestyle detached from worldly affairs especially politics, except to the extent of providing purely spiritual guidance in respect of worldly actions.

Not sure how these rules can be enforced, except by a Monarchy though.

Of course, this may lead to a shortage of priests, but it is better than having too many priests each with too little to do.

Forgot to add, the role of the Raja-Guru was to limited to providing general spiritual guidance in respect of the worldly actions of rulership and to provide divine sanction to the Monarchy. Not to micromanage the affairs of the state.

Karl says:

Spandrell has written extensilvely about holiness spirals. I try to summarize.

There is always a tendency to holiness spirals as they are a rather safe way to increase status. If there is a general agreement what is “good”, being a “good” man gives status, being a better man gives more status and a way to attack competitors.

Being “good” is especially important in priestly professions. In these professions the incentive to be a more holy is larger as the top job is often given to the most holy. The more people compete to be most holy, the faster the standards for “sufficient holiness” increase. Hence, open entry priesthood suffers more quickly from holiness spiral.

Entry to priesthood can be limited by having a hereditray priesthood or by creating a barrier to entry into priesthood. Barriers may for example be a requirement of a lifestyle that will not be attractive for many applicants, e.g. celibacy, or a significant investment of time and effort, e.g. memorizing hundreds of pages of scriture.

Holiness spiral, leftism, pharisees – all words that describe the some thing.

Celibacy is not in the natural order of things, so I feel that celibacy cannot be demanded of Priesthood. However, the other aspects like sacrificing personal comforts, accumulation of wealth and not being allowed to most professions except religious practice and performing religious rituals can be made mandatory..

jim says:

> For example, if Jim-ism became the new state religion, my understanding of Jim’s position is that we would still need some inquisitors or limits on entry to the priesthood of Jim, otherwise we’d eventually get an out-of-control spiral of Jim-er-than-thou, such that even Jim would be judged insufficiently Jim-ist or, at best, not the beneficiary of our superior understanding, within a generation or less

Limits to entry work.

But if Jimism was the state religion, and open entry, it would rapidly go off the rails.

I think the more I think about it, Right is not analogous to the Left. The terms Left and Right are downright confusing sometimes because I think Right is neither an ideology or religion.

Leftism is actually an evil religion whether or not of actual literal demons or metaphorical ones it does not matter, nonetheless an evil, godless one. And a religion without an absolute God tends to spiral because every priest wants to become God.

Is actual holiness spiralling even possible to the “right”?

I think almost every religion in history has been subverted by demons and not by holier Gods.

Leftism = evil religion out of touch with reality and holiness spiralling is actually a kind of lunacy spiralling with each spiral further and further detached from reality.

Right = neither evil nor a religion.

But mostly religion has been subverted by entryism (always to the Left) and then holiness spiralling but the movement has always been leftwards.

Leftism works by subversion of existing religion by out-Holying it, but only further to its Left.

By the very definition, any holiness spiral which is actually better defined as lunacy spiral (being moving further and further away from reality) is subversion and that can only happen to the Left.

If somebody is really more “Right-wing” than Jim, then it means that the said person actually recognizes some greater truth of Gnon that Jim has not and actually both parties would discuss it in a sane and reasonable way. And actually that’s not holiness spiralling. It’s moving closer to reality by definition.

If somebody claims to be more “Right-wing” than Jim, but actually speaks holy language of the Left to out-holy Jim, then it is simply somebody subverting Jim-ism. If somebody subverts Jim-ism by out-holying Jim without being actually to his Right then I would 100% state that the person subverting it is a Leftist entryist.

BC says:

At it’s core Leftism is the exercise of power for short term gains, while Rightism is the exercise of power for long term gains.

Sometimes power needs to be executed for short term gains but it’s destructive when used and is best used sparingly and long term assets should seldom if ever be given up for something short term.

A Honest Indian says:

While I can get this, from the point of view of explaining holiness spiraling how does this model work?

Not Tom says:

To answer the specific question you’re asking, it’s best to use the model of leftism as social entropy. It behaves just like physical entropy: always increasing, always moving in the same direction, and requiring vast amounts of energy to “reduce” (really just move) in any complex system. It may have very different effects depending on what it’s affecting, but it is always the same force.

Holiness spiraling is defection, it’s a form of social entropy and therefore always moves left. But there are other failure modes on the right, such as the Cominator failure mode of expending enormous amounts of energy on diminishing returns in the hope of completely eliminating leftism, which can’t be done, as surely as one can’t eliminate chemical entropy. Complex systems instead require frequent maintenance, which is, more or less, the Jimian position of a state religion with occasional Inquisitions, in which we take the unusually holy and send them to Siberia on missionary work.

A Honest Indian says:

But does entropy have a direction? I find it hard to wrap my head around this concept because as per the holiness spiral theory, Leftism heads towards a singularity while entropy is complete chaos.

But maybe the Left singularity is actually complete chaos.

Anway, I get the point that we are all using different mental models to map the same thing, but the analogies used tend to lead to some confusion.

jim says:

Entropy is in one sense the absence of direction. But that on a large scale, in all high entropy states look boringly alike, it has direction.

As I regularly say leftism has no essence, and what is “lefter” at any one time and place is the shakiest apple carts with the shiniest apples.

During the age of empires, to the start of World War II, the shakiest apple carts with shiniest apples were curated by men in splendid and colorful military uniforms, and nationalism was leftist. Now nationalism is rightist and globalism is leftist.

International order between nations, each with its own state religion, is the peace of Westphalia. Globalism is universalism, an attack on the peace of Westphalia.

The peace of Westphalia, plus capitalism, implies national capitalism. Multilateral trade agreements are an attack on the peace of Westphalia, which manifest as corporations being turned into priestly instruments whereby one state religion assaults someone else’s state religion.

The Cominator says:

“But there are other failure modes on the right, such as the Cominator failure mode of expending enormous amounts of energy on diminishing returns in the hope of completely eliminating leftism”

Um I have said you cannot eliminate “natural” envy based leftism but Marxism and Progressivism are religions and can be eliminated in the same way the Cathars were eliminated.

suones says:

…more “Right-wing” than Jim…

Jim wants the re-instatement of Christianity. Alf felt that Christianity is Sol Invictus 2.0, beyond recovery. I know that Christianity is a holiness-spiralled version of Antique Judaism, and contains the seed of Leftism. Jim reconciles this with observed reality by explicitly prohibiting religion from indulging in any temporal claims, particularly any falsifiable claims, at all. While I agree this is a good requirement for religion, and Christianity starts spiralling only when it ventures into the temproral realm, yet I do not believe it is sufficient. Only time will tell.

Crumbs for the brave/inquisitive: #SuetoniusWasRight #NeroDinduNuffin #Chrestos==Christ #ClaudiusDinduNuffin #TacitusIsFake

The Cominator says:


What is your basis for claiming Tactitus is fake?

suones says:

@The Cominator

Not that Tacitus himself was fake, but rather that the main tract we have of him regarding Chrestians has been tampered with by Chrestian monks.

Suetonius mentions a Jewish community organiser suspiciously named “Chrestos” who incited Communist Jews in Rome, who were being ‘excessively holy’ (literally superstitio — holiness spiralling) to riot and therafter they were expelled from Rome by Emperor Claudius. Chrestian apologists say “Chrestos” could not possibly be “Christ” because he was already dead/resurrected in Judea because the spelling of the name is different, and not “Christos.” HOWEVER, Tacitus doesn’t mention “Christians,” but rather Chrestians, where the ‘e’ was changed to ‘i’ by Chrestian monks.

Also, the Communist Jewish menace continued in Rome, culminating in the Reichstag Fire Great Fire of Rome, after which good evil Emperor Nero purged the terrorists Chrestians, oops, Christians, by feeding them to lions. Of course, modern (((historians))) all believe that it was Hitler Nero himself who lit the Reichstag fire Great Fire of Rome as a false flag operation to scapegoat his enemies the good Communists Chrestians. Also, that Nero played the lyre while Rome burned is a 100% confirmed historical Factâ„¢ and totally not slander.

Finally, Chrestianism gained enough power that Romans thought it capable of driving a wedge among Jews, and Emperor Nerva made them tax-exempt. This was de-jure recognition of their power, as Jews themselves remained subject to tax. This is how to build a new religion: fight in the streets, survive when they try to purge you, make peace with the remaining power, take power when Constantine a vacuum presents itself.

jim says:

> Not that Tacitus himself was fake, but rather that the main tract we have of him regarding Chrestians has been tampered with by Chrestian monks

We have plenty of early historical records of Christians, and for each one someone has a clever – and improbable – rationalization explaining it away.

Christianity was a live and significant movement at the time that Josephus wrote. This stuff that you are claiming might explain away one historical record, but when they all get explained away, it is obviously motivated reasoning.

If Tacitus had been tampered with by Christian monks, the tampered writings would have spelled the name in the same way Christian monks did. The rationalization is absurd. And so are all the other rationalizations for all the other records.

That the early history of Christianity is much as it is depicted in the Book of Acts is not in doubt by anyone seriously interested in the evidence.

Joe says:

Christianity is a holiness-spiralled version of Antique Judaism

What do you mean by this?

jim says:

Whatever he means by it, he is wrong.

The pharisees were holiness spiraling the letter of the law to violate the spirit and intent of the law.

The counter offensive of Jesus against this can reasonably be interpreted as holiness spiraling the spirit of the law, but Saint Paul and early Christians led by Peter came down hard on this interpretation, arguing that the crucifixion was Christ being very holy so that you don’t have to.

When Jesus Christ was holiness spiraling the spirit of the law, he was laying down an impossible standard so that you would seek and receive the forgiveness of Jesus Christ for not being able to live up to it.

neofugue says:


No need to continue being salty about the British invasion.

Joe says:

Thank you.

The Cominator says:

Jim Tacitus also despite being the most unambigious confirmation of the historicity of Christ and that he was in fact executed (probably around 30ish AD not 0 AD because Tactitus says that Tiberius was Emperor when it happened) its also clearly not a forgery because Tacitus (a reactionary oldschool Roman who admires ancient Agrarian Rome and hates the Rome of his own time, he clearly also admires the Germans as a virtuous martial people, hating only their lack of work ethic, and seems to predict that one day they are going to overrun and conquer the Empire) clearly despises the Christians and thinks of them as an evil subversive cult that caught on among the population of Rome because Rome in its affluent subsidized peaceful decadence is where “all things hideous and shameful in the world gather and become popular”.

Karl says:

Perhaps it would be better to use the term “progressives” rather than “left”. The progressives are those at the leading edge of the holiness spiral. The opposition -right or whatever you call them- are those who want to stop the holiness spiral.

In those terms it is easier to see that it can apply to any religion.

Not Tom says:

I want to bring up another manifestation of this that’s going to rustle a few jimmies but needs to be said: if the judiciary allows or grants any relief in litigation, it is because they think it will have no negative impact on the establishment.

Thus, they are happy to allow forensic examinations of voting machines because they know it will turn up nothing of interest. But try to get a hearing on signature verification and there are a million and one reasons why it can’t be done, most of them being bullshit procedural issues around being either too early or too late.

SCOTUS refusing to hear the Pennsylvania case means they really do not want that evidence to be heard or that argument to be made, because they have no legal argument against it, and believe that any additional public attention whatsoever would be damaging.

onyomi says:

I think Scott Adams was right, unfortunately, that the superficially positive reshuffling of SCOTUS regional assignments was actually designed to make cucking easier, because “Alito declines to hear Trump electors’ appeal” doesn’t sound as bad as “Kagan declines to hear Trump electors’ appeal.”

So clearly cucking is their first instinct; my optimistic take is that we could be entering into a “no good cucking option” zone where e.g. there is a big public outcry if SCOTUS agrees to hear a case on election integrity brought by a bunch of state AGs, but also a big outcry if they refuse to hear it.

BC says:

The basic message the GOP is sending to it’s voters is yes they rigged the election, but you just have to live with it because fighting it would be worse. The base hates this message, but they need a leader if they’re going to fight back and Trump still hasn’t committed to this role.

Pooch says:

So apparently they can still hear the PA case, only the injunction was denied. Don’t know if that changes anything though.

BC says:

It does not. There’s isn’t time for the normal process. If the SC was going to hear it, then they would have.

onyomi says:

So apparently the state of Texas qua the state of Texas has sued the states of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania over how they conducted/are conducting their election procedure, as I understand with the goal of forcing them to allow their legislatures to select electors if they want to, as I thought the Constitution demanded. Anyway, don’t know the details, but as an explicit interstate conflict this seems a very positive step in terms of escalating things beyond “normal” procedure about the transition from one POTUS to another, possibly toward the (hopefully brief, decisive, not too bloody) civil war that seems inevitable, and/or maybe even secessions.

In other news, Ted Cruz says he will argue the PA case in front of SCOTUS himself if they grant certiorari, which may be a kind of showboating, but at least indicates a certain degree of GOP support, seemingly decreasing the likelihood, to my mind, of SCOTUS just punting on everything.

Thales says:

Clever girl to force this on SCOTUS via original jurisdiction, but it’s not clear how TX gets a legal say in how other states select their electors.

restitutor_orbis says:

Texas is asserting that the other states are violating the US Constitution by allowing their courts and governors to direct the manner of appointment of electors, when the Constitution vests that right exclusively in state legislatures. Their doing so violates the right of Texas citizens to equal protection of their right to vote.

I think it’s a strong case, personally.

jim says:

Legality only matters to the extent that it will add to credibility of Trump’s claim to be restoring the Republic in the eyes of the warriors. That from 2020-11-04 04-05 onward, guns matter, and courts do not.

I am reluctant to make predictions, though I have some money riding on Trump – quite a lot of money, if you count my investments, a small amount of money, if only count my bets with friends and net acquaintances.

That his legal case is compelling matters not at all. Who is securing the Supreme court is what matters. And, if he wins in the supremes, the verdict only matters if he can make it stick, if he is willing and able to do what it takes to make it stick.

restitutor_orbis says:

I agree with all of the above. It’s a matter of power, not law.

But the presumption of legitimacy is a type of power. It seems to me that having the imprimatur of a Supreme Court judgment in his favor is helpful in the same way having the Pope declare your war to have God’s sanction was helpful in the Middle Ages. You can go to war without the sanction, you can win the war without it, but it helps your army’s morale to have the sanction.

The Cominator says:

For my part I’ll march on the Emperor’s command I don’t care whether he and I are excommunicated for it or given a crusade banner.

Aldon says:

“Genome-wide sequencing of human populations has revealed substantial variation among genes in the intensity of purifying selection acting on damaging genetic variants. While genes under the strongest selective constraint are highly enriched for Mendelian disorders, most of these genes are not associated with disease and therefore the nature of the selection acting on them is not known. Here we show that genetic variants that damage these genes reduce reproductive success substantially in males but much less so in females. We present evidence that this reduction is mediated primarily by cognitive and behavioural traits, which renders male carriers of such variants less likely to find mating partners. These findings represent strong genetic evidence that sexual selection mediated through female mate choice is shaping the gene pool of contemporary human populations. Furthermore, these results suggest that sexual selection accounts for 21% of purifying selection against heterozygous variants that ablate protein-coding genes.”

They obviously won’t admit the unwoke implications (that civilization being more than a bunch of mudhuts depends on women having their reproductive ability kept under control).

Gestahlt says:

>depends on women having their reproductive ability kept under control
My question is if the current abortionarian mindset and contraceptive technology represents something new or if it is a regression back to matriarchal values of the pre-Aryan world.

jim says:

Abortionarianism is a regression back to the problems that prefigured the collapse of Bronze age civilization, depicted in the Admonitions of Ipuwer.

The Cominator says:

There were methods of abortion via inducing miscarriage that were fairly reliable going way back, whores in the Roman Empire and Middle Ages would find a lot of trouble earning a living if they didn’t have a fairly reliable way to take care of things, so obviously they did.

European Mutt says:

You are never going to have zero abortions, legal or illegal. There is an argument for not banning abortion but heavily discouraging it via the church. That’s what Russia is doing. They still have one of the highest abortion rates though iirc.

jim says:

The problem is not abortion in itself, but female control of reproduction. Women are maladapted to having control, and not happy when they have it.

European Mutt says:

Well since I can remember I considered abortion murder, was my biggest heresy against the left for a while. Feral women are a far bigger problem of course, abortions are the symptom. Feral women will always exists just like stray or aggressive dogs, but on a much smaller scale.

Russia has plenty of feral women still. I think in Russia they just figured abortion beats single motherhood in that regard. Traditional marriage is plenty protected now for the men who want it with no divorce rape and domestic violence legalized.

The Cominator says:

Russia’s feral women (and feral women in most of Asia) are different than Western feral women.

As Russia and most of Asia do not have firm formal patriarchal authority the single women are still feral. But they do not make single women high status either.

Asia and Russia thus have a “whore” problem. The women may be fickle and uncontrollable but men are higher status then they are and thus they are more amiable and more likely to sleep with you even if you aren’t a celebrity billionaire vampire psychopath who looks like Jeremy Meeks. A “whore” problem is more livable than what we have. These women are more likely to get married in the end as well but its not as stable. After you are married they may be slightly MORE likely to cuck you than Western women… but less likely to initiate divorce (and much less likely if you have kids).

The US and most of Western Europe make single women high status, this is much much worse than a whore problem as the women just aren’t interested in most men at all.

European Mutt says:

Yes for example in Russia women can have careers but only if they are married. Otherwise they simply don’t get promoted.

Divorce is very frequent in Russia but divorce rape is not really possible by design. It’s largely an artifact of Soviet naive feminist law, from the POV of the state marriage is mostly an official version of “boyfriend and girlfriend”.

Russian and American whores aren’t too different in the end, but Russian whores are much more pleasant from the get go. Therefore American and Western European women are eager to label them as gold diggers.

The Cominator says:

Many facets of feral female behaviour changes based on low or high status. Even their self destructive behaviour will change.

Feral Russian women are much less likely to get tons of tattoos (I can tolerate this one but its not attractive and lots of guys REALLY hate it), gain tons of weight or cut their hair short than women in feminist countries.

Feral Russian women are far more likely to decide since that since they don’t want to get fat but need to suppress their appetite that a diet of zero calorie soda and 2+ packs of cigarettes a day is a good idea (to be fair its probably better for you than obesity even if you are smoking heavily at the 2+ pack a day level) and more likely to decide that getting drunk in public every night on some zero calorie form of hard liquor is a good recreational activity (now I hear British women do this too and they are plenty feminist except its not low calorie booze).

The Cominator says:

1. Why does the GOP have so many abject cowards in it.

2. How the fuck do you get this attitude in a Southern State which recognizes a wide variety of threatening circumstances that justify defensive deadly force. I’m not in Georgia but NOBODY in Florida was worried about left wing rioters at all… the rednecks (even some of the broads) and some of the Cubans were outright hoping they would riot because they wanted to blow them away.

3. Atlanta is a cancer on the whole region anyway.

Gack says:

I think the real reason is they are compromised and corrupt and also afraid of receiving the same treatment as Harrison Deal.

European Mutt says:

A very small step towards the dissolution of the monasteries:

Looks like she wanted to fudge the numbers together with some other local swamp creatures. Finally the taboo against arresting very holy ‘scientists’ is breaking down.

The Ducking Man says:

Looks like the scientist went with classic “number of cases” scare mongering tactic which we all know pretty much pointless and don’t scare the masses anymore.

A senator had enough of china virus demons, the priest won’t budge. All is well, the priest got what she fucking deserve.

Theshadowedknight says:

Nah, she needs to be made into an object lesson. Perp walk the bitch in front of her kids and set the precedent that if you fuck with us, we humiliate you in front of your family and peers, and saddle you with brutal court costs. Those are the rules now, so we need to be the ones enforcing them on our enemies.

Get the co-conspirators in the government, too. Walk them all out in handcuffs.

Karl says:

She has kids? I’m surpised. Usually such bitches have only cats or -at most- one child.

European Mutt says:

lol just a few days ago they switched their rhetoric to the number of deaths, with coronavirus as a justification for lockdowns. Probably exactly for that reason, it sounds scarier to them. Completely retarded even according to week-old official science that at least admitted death numbers are a lagging indicator. Holiness spiral now moving in daily increments.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota have joined the state of Texas in its suit at SCOTUS.

seems a bloc of trump states with friendly governments is forming.

The Cominator says:

Trump is still going to have to cross the Rubicon anyway, the court is probably going to be too cowardly to reverse the fraudulent election.

This isn’t blackpilling its just saying that the legal system isn’t Trump’s way out of this, Trump’s way out of this is using force in a very illegal and unprecedented way to overturn a very illegal and unprecedentedly fraudulent election.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Probably the closest they will come would be to nullify the results in the contested states allowing them to send unbound electors. They could also not allow those electors meaning neither trump or Biden get 270 and the house decides.

Imagine: The house elects Trump 26-24, Riots in the streets and the nation burns, Washington DC in disarray and the west coast starts to seriously talk about secession. Intel agencies rebel.

Trump would have to cross the rubicon to keep control.

Gack says:

If they throw it into the house, trump will probably win because these things historically are almost always decided on a partyline vote which he wins. however enough Republican legislators are likely compromised corrupt or afraid of getting the Harrison deal treatment, that I can’t feel confident in this. if he loses in the house that would be bad, although I would hope he would still invoke the martial law option.

BC says:

I have no confidence in the house. The GOP is full of cucks and they will cuck unless Trump’s people have guns pointed at them.

Pooch says:

I still rather have SCOTUS’s blessing because along comes with it is the Senate’s blessing, as cowardly as they are they are important for Trump being viewed as restoring the Republic and bringing to Justice the mass amount of traitors.

Pooch says:

In the same way Augustus brought to Justice the treacherous outlaw Mark Antony, enemy of the Senate and the Republic.

The Cominator says:

The right needs to psychologically reorient itself to a more machiavellian and will to power mentality…

The morality mindset (I blame Burke for this) has hurt us badly…

jim says:

Burke was no rightist.

He launched lawfare against the East India Company, denying its right to rule, denying it the authority granted by Charles the Second. This was an attack on order in the British Empire, and corruption of the legal system in Britain, the first major attack of many major attacks under many rationales on the apple carts full of shiny apples and on the men in splendid colorful uniforms curating those apple carts.

The Cominator says:

Yes he was a fake rightist the 1st cuck as you called him but his mentality has deeply hurt the Anglo right IMHO.

jim says:

What I expect and hope for is that court reverses the fraudulent election. And then the court is ignores, allowing Trump the pope’s imprimatur for a crusade.

If the court reverses the election and its reversal is actually followed, which I would love to see but do not expect to see, then the Republic is not dead. But it looks like it has been dead for quite a while, the corpse is starting to stink, and is in urgent need of decent burial.

European Mutt says:

In the event the Republic is truly not dead and Trump gets a completely regular second term, what are his options for cleaning out the deep state and civil service? Does he have to take the slow route then, via criminal investigations etc.? If I’m not mistaken then ironically conceding the loss would be the best play for the left in the medium term. They would show weakness but keep some power. Of course I can think of no historical example when they did that.

jim says:

Right now the bureaucracy is slow walking schedule F, and it will continue to be slow walked until and unless some unpleasant people with guns take those slow walking it away from their offices for a little chat about policy decisions by supposedly non political permanent bureaucrats.

After a few such chats, schedule F will be fast walked, and then the awesome power of the presidency will be in the pocket of the president.

Absent such chats, the presidency is going to continue to ignore schedule F, and thus continue to ignore the president.

All these problems are coup complete, and the Trump family staying out of jail and avoiding eventual execution is also coup complete.

European Mutt says:


Not Tom says:

This is looking increasingly unlikely, given that the same Supreme Court rejected the Pennsylvania case without giving any reason.

Pooch says:

Unless they are looking at it as being redundant to the Texas case, but I’m not all that hopeful.

Starman says:

SCOTUS moved the Kelly PA case aside for the Texas lawsuit against WI/MI/PA/GA. A whole host of Trump states have joined that lawsuit.

Not Tom says:

I’m aware of the expansion of the TX case but they cited no such rationale and there is no reason they couldn’t hear both cases.

And, per the heuristic I recently mentioned in another comment, if indeed they are sidelining the PA case for the TX case, it is because they think the TX case has less merit and will be easier to dismiss without a public outcry.

onyomi says:

Regardless of the merits/content, I don’t see how a case filed by the attorneys general of multiple US states against multiple other states will be easier to dismiss without a public outcry than a case filed by some individuals against the SC of a single state.

In terms of news headlines, I can’t see how “SCOTUS tells Kelly and Parnell to take a hike” could cause more public outcry than “SCOTUS tells Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota to take a hike.”

Pooch says:

Normally SCOTUS would rather make a decision on the less broad case over the more broad case, but we are not in normal times.

Not Tom says:

So we’re clear: I think the Texas complaint looks great, makes specific claims, shows tons of evidence, even explains how and why Democrats benefited from the fraud in order to preempt the “you can’t prove damages” argument.

But my heuristic now is that SCOTUS would only prioritize the case if it saw that case as somehow less harmful, maybe saw it as a way to crush all the other cases at once. Thomas and Alito are clearly on the right side but these Federalist Society guys are proving to be 100% cucks and traitors.

Trump has more in-party support than he’s ever had, many congresscritters and pretty much all of the state legislators backing him, but it’s not enough to win through the old and decrepit and dying system. It’s not over till it’s over, but I don’t think Trump wins without a war, and don’t think he survives without a win. While I’ll continue to wish for a SCOTUS blessing, I hope Trump is ready to take on the Supremes in the likely event that such blessing fails to materialize.

jim says:

If he wants to live, must cross the Rubicon with or without the supremes.

I worry that his irrational optimism may bite him, but probably it will not bite him this time.

His base awaits the emperor’s command.

Caesar offered the senate a deal in which he would have not have been prosecuted until after he attempted to win an election that would surely have been rigged to make sure he lost, but the Senate, not being agreement capable, just went after him anyway. While the US is in the situation of the Roman Republic before Pompey was made dictator, Trump is in the situation of Caesar before he crossed the Rubicon.

Cross or they will imprison him, then eventually, probably a few years down the road, kill him.

G.T. Chesterton says:

Before the actual event consumes all debate the world over, I just wanted to pop in to tip my hat to Cominator, whose post here (a month ago?) was the first and only I had seen, suggesting Trump States should sue the Fraudulent Six in the USSC. I thought it was brilliant then, and never heard it anywhere else — until it happened.

Good call, sir.

Karl says:

Nah, Trump has ways out of this using very legal forms of violence, namely riot act and 14th amendment.

The violence would not even be unprecended as there has already been a civil war.

pyrrhus says:

The South will rise again…minus Georgia

onyomi says:

At least any sort of “passing the torch,” “moving on,” “cementing the legacy,” “accepting the inevitable”-type vibes we may have got at the Georgia rally do not seem much in evidence here, though perhaps what Jim describes as Trump’s excessive optimism is:

onyomi says:

“Irrational optimism,” that is–he still sounds potentially irrationally optimistic that state legislatures and/or the Supremes will pull through for him, though he’s also not necessarily giving off vibes that other options are off the table if they don’t (though he probably wouldn’t regardless; just glad to hear him firm in his “we won and Biden can’t win” messaging, which could be part of his “say it till it becomes reality” power–the more he publicly says “I won; Biden can’t be president” the better I feel about him not giving himself an easy out).

I think there is a huge gulf between Western politics (and US politics in particular) and politics at home.

In India, a Trump-like figure being backstabbed by his party would have led to Trump splitting the party and taking a whole bunch of loyalists to form a separate party based on his own unquestioned leadership and leaving the traitors leaderless and discredited. This happens so often that almost every state in India has a party that was formed by dissenting leaders in the Congress party which was the uniparty of India after independence.

I think this is where Western countries differ. Your politics seem oriented around Priestly ruled political parties where individual leaders are severely restricted in power by the priests whereas in our parts, political parties are headed by dictatorial leaders who impose their unconditional leadership on the party and will not tolerate internal dissent.

I think this is why our politics has not fallen prey to holiness spirals, because any time an Indian political leader is threatened by a holiness spiral, he either throws out the dissenters from the party or if they are too strong, takes away his loyalists and forms a new party which owes allegiance to his own leadership.

Note how many times the Congress party in India has been split by dissenting leaders and even the Dynasty itself (Indira Gandhi).

The question is, is it possible for Trump to form a “Trumpist” party based on his own image and win an election? Or is the priestly elite of the US too powerful to allow this?

BC says:

With massively rigged elections and the FBI ready to jump on any non Democrat who tries to rig them, there’s no point of forming a Trumpist party.

onyomi says:

Though America has had many charismatic presidents (and many more uncharismatic presidents), cult of personality seems comparatively inimical to our cultural DNA. Even charismatic leader figures like Reagan and FDR end up sublimating themselves, to a degree, to a political party, even if they end up transcending or remaking that party to a degree.

Trump is definitely a leader with a degree of cult of personality and also an awkward fit for the Republican party as it exists today. One can blame first-past-the-post, no ranked order voting, Duverger’s law, lack of a coalition system, etc. but whatever the reason, systemic, cultural, or historical, it seems historically much harder (at least since the Civil War) to break off and form a whole new entity in US politics as compared to remaking an existing entity from the inside. Maybe this is symptomatic of a bigger civilizational decay/malaise, whereby dominant entities/industry players, etc. keep gobbling up enough of whatever vitality new competitors offer without ever thoroughly reforming themselves, top to bottom (Silicon Valley giants that stop innovating but manage to remain profitable by acquiring innovative startups, for example).

Though America is a relatively “new” country, the Democratic Party of the United States, I’ve heard it claimed, is the oldest existing political organization in the world. Of course, the Democratic Party of today bears little resemblance to that of Andrew Jackson, but the fact that it’s even nominally the same entity may say something about antifragility of US political institutions, for better or worse.

As a (somewhat reformed) libertarian, my instinct is to distrust “strong man”-type figures (Putin, Bolsonaro), but honestly it seems today like they are the only ones posing any real threat to a much more sinister cabal of global elites working more in the shadows. This is probably related to the shift Jim describes whereby nationalism (and with it, presumably, “national greatness” charismatic leaders like Lincoln?) ceased to be leftist sometime around WWI.

Lincoln’s charismatic leadership was bad because it ruined the regional character and self-determination of US states in favor of a unified US identity. Trump (and Putin and Bolsonaro and Duterte’s) charismatic populist nationalism is good because it fights against the forces trying to force the US and all developed countries to give up all their regional character, exclusivity, and distinctive wealth and culture in favor of the globohomo utopia.

A Honest Indian says:

I think “cultural DNA” is right. In the “Orient”, strong leaders have always been worshipped and idolized while ideologies have traditionally subordinated to leadership, though it’s always been a struggle. While one-man rule leads to other problems, the problem of priestly rule and holiness spirals is relatively absent in our political setup.

Reading Indian history from this angle I find it fascinating how strong leaders have always nipped holiness spirals in the bud. Indira Gandhi is a prime example. Ironically the Nehru Dynastic leadership of the Congress party has probably kept the Congress from spiralling leftwards at ever increasing speed.

suones says:

Ironically the Nehru Dynastic leadership of the Congress party has probably kept the Congress from spiralling leftwards at ever increasing speed.

Dynastic politics is the only thing where I unironically support the Congress way of doing things, and vehemently oppose the RSS/BJP way, where to reach the top one has to be childless/family-less, to “prevent” dynastic politics from arising.

The majority of Congress party’s problems arise from the current dynast’s ineptitude, rather than some inherent problem. Indira Gandhi’s Congress remains widely respected even among nominally opposition figures.

A Honest Indian says:

I was thinking the same thing. The BJP’s criticism of Dynasty politics is an imitation of the Progressivist media’s criticism of Congress from the left but more from a wrong sense of “duty” to the nation which is a leftover from the older Jana Sangh politics wherein the sacrifice of independence fighters was still fresh in memory. Which I don’t think will serve BJP well in the long run, because Dynastic politics is not the enemy. They’re just beating a dead horse at this point.

Though we may oppose *this* particular Nehru Dynasty as they are on the wrong side of history, we definitely want a restoration of a Dynasty of the Right.

Bilge_Pump says:

“Ironically the Nehru Dynastic leadership of the Congress party has probably kept the Congress from spiralling leftwards at ever increasing speed.”

This is kind of surprising to me. I’ve heard a lot of talk about how feminist laws and female empowerment memes are worse in India than they are in the US.

The Cominator says:

I’ve heard India is sort of like a pefectly corrupt anarcho tyranny with no real law (I mean the US increasingly doesn’t have real law either). The laws such as they are are byzantine incomprehensible and insane and everyone in the government can and expects to be bribed.

Bilge_Pump says:

I remember seeing a YouTube vid a while ago about how difficult it is to start a business in India compared to the US (can’t find it on YouTube because it has changed so much in the last 10 years). They were trying to start a business selling toys and kick-knacks, took them several years in India and they had to deal with tons of red tape and bs.

Bilge_Pump says: Channel called MGTOW Indian. Full disclosure I’m not MGTOW, used to be, but have decided that getting laid is more fun than choosing not to get laid. MGTOW are great at finding problems with women, but their ideology is individualism, which I disagree with on a fundamental level.

suones says:

Though America has had many charismatic presidents (and many more uncharismatic presidents), cult of personality seems comparatively inimical to our cultural DNA.

200 years do not a people make.

There is no such thing as “cultural DNA.” Just that USA was created by people who were traitors to their King, and the sort of people who would attack an enemy Christian Army in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, and the sort of people who would celebrate this act of brazen cowardice as bravery. This backstabbing continued throughout history, with their Libyan ally (“shores of Tripoli” fame), and the latest being Mujahideen, where America can’t seem to decide whether they are friends or enemies (former Caliph al Baghdadi was an “austere scholar” per NYT).

The fruits of treason are many, but they are all evil. Since they metaphorically kiled their King, they’re haunted by the spectre of a King arising naturally, and expend continuous, and more and more ridiculous, effort into preventing that from happening. In this way, they’re very like Republican Rome, where the elites feared and hated The Return of The King, and in fact Julius Caesar got murdered for fear of becoming a “King.”

A similar conundrum faced Russian Whites. Who could claim to stand for what was right, when they all had been complicit in betraying the Czar?

Every single nation the “Americans” come from has a bona-fide monarchy of long standing, and it is only in “America” that this King-less experiment has been tried for two centuries, with the resulting global plague of progressivism. You might say that the actual DNA, so far as it influences politics, is monarchical but their cultural milieu forces them to deny it.

Sanity can return only when Americans get over their betrayal of their King, and install a new King of their own.

someDude says:

In war, winning is everything, closely followed by grabbing all the land and the women, not necessarily in that order. If attacking an enemy christian army on Christmas Eve gives us victory, so be it. What has bravery and cowardice got to do with it? It is this confusion of ideas that causes idolators to lose every single time.

Jo jeeta wahi Sikandar, (He who wins, that’s the one and only Alexander)
Jo haara woh bandar (He who loses, that’s the monkey. It rhymes in Hindi)

Which army would you join If you want to win? George Washington’s or PrithviRaj Chauhan’s? Don’t know about you, but I’d pick Jorge over Prithvi every single time. I like winning, see?

Come of out this sentimental mush, idolator! As if polytheism wasn’t enough of a handicap, you want to add sentimentality to it as well.

suones says:

In war, winning is everything, closely followed by grabbing all the land and the women, not necessarily in that order. If attacking an enemy christian army on Christmas Eve gives us victory, so be it. What has bravery and cowardice got to do with it? It is this confusion of ideas that causes idolators to lose every single time.

Well said! This is literally Islamic fighting doctrine. A Muslim army knows no “Peace,” only “sulh,” a cessation of hostility until better circumstances prevail. Europeans misinterpret this as them being “agreement incapable” or some such. They only know total victory, and have not yet faced total defeat in 1500 years.

The irony in attacking a Christian army on Christmas eve was only that the attackers themselves claimed to be Chrestians, and their successors continue that tradition.

That said, we will try to not repeat the mistakes of Nero and Prithviraj Chauhan. The final only solution is in fact to Cominate them all. If we don’t get gulaged first, that is 🙂

someDude says:

I see that you are also an admirer of the Cominator. Even though that man makes me nervous, I can’t help admiring the clarity and decisiveness he brings to his thinking. Cominate is hereby declared added to the reactionary dictionary like Jim-ism.

What PrithviRaj did is not a mistake. Reminds me of this Englishman

The difference between the Indian and English is this. While Indians in their maudlin sentimentality still see PrithVi as an honourable man, the English correctly accuse Byrhtnoth of the sin of pride and hubris. Contrast the clarity of the Anglo-Saxon with the confusion exhibited by the Sons of Bharata? If Prithvi wanted to exhibit compassion, he could have freed all the outcastes or elevated their condition however slightly.

Between the Anglos saxons and the Bharatas, who ended up conquering whom?

If it guarantees victory, you should attack the enemy when he leasts expects it. If that means attacking on Ramadan, so be it. If it means attacking on Diwali, so be it. If it means temporarily or deceptively claiming to be a monotheist/atheist/polytheist/deist/trinitarian/whatever, so be it. You can always revert after victory. After victory, who dares contradict you? Their is no honour in defeat. None! Who will survive to tell your tale of courage if you lose?

The Polytheists need a cult of victory at any cost.

Karl says:

A holiness spiral is a society wide problem rather than a party problem. A holiness spiral is something like a carrot and stick thing. In the US, the leading edge of the holiness is democrats chasing the carrot, the trailing edge is republicans fearing the stick.

If you say that India is at present less affected by a holiness spiral, I’ll take your word for it, but I assume that the reason has more to do with lack of a common religion. A Muslim who tries to more be holy than other Muslims won’t impress a Hindu – and vice versa.

Once a holiness spiral gets going within any of the religions in India, you’ll get get civil war very quickly because going after the insufficiently holy is a sure way to score holiness points.

A Honest Indian says:

I think it’s a bit more fundamental than that. For instance, among friends or family it’s common to discuss unironically about politics by saying that we need a dictator to get rid of all our problems. Indeed, the idea of a strong leader taking control of our country pervades our social consciousness that the idea is casually discussed. I don’t know if political conversations in the US among normies tend to that level of cynicism or not.

Apart from that, the reason why I think holiness spirals don’t work here is that, the bureaucracy or “permanent Government” in India is too corrupt and too submissive of the in-power political masters (Indira Gandhi’s “committed bureaucracy” really did submit the bureaucracy strongly to the political dispensation and she almost managed to submit the judiciary also) so the official state religion seems to change with every change in Government and even the official state religion tends towards the personality of the leader rather than the pure ideology.

In India, bureaucrats who don’t listen to political diktats tend to get “transferred” out of their posts to less important or trivial posts. “Punishment transfers” as so common in India, that it’s almost become a joke. The uncompliant diplomats keep getting shunted out of sensitive posts, and the ones who get to the top are usually political appointees, of the party who is in power at that moment.

Leaders who tend to be loony either leave mainstream parties and form some other party which quickly becomes irrelevant.

For example, what we have today in India is Moditva, not Hindutva, though Modi officially is a BJP leader. But no BJP leader can even think of criticizing Modi at least in public, unless he himself has plans of leaving the party or getting expelled.

someDude says:

Heh! Looks like Trump could use some of that Moditva thing. But I guess with Modi prematurely congratulating Biden before the legal question got settled puts paid to friendly collaboration leading to a free and fair exchange of ideas in the future, eh what?

Not Tom says:

You’re imagining that this is culural or emotional in nature when it is actually structural.

America is the political, economic and formerly industrial center of a large empire. In the provinces, including anywhere in Europe and yes, also India to a large extent, political parties are just political parties. There isn’t that much power to fight over, just taxes and law enforcement and maybe some industry. That’s not the case in America; political parties here are proxies, not for blocs of voters but for national and international interests.

Surely you’ve read up on the “bluegov” and “redgov” metaphors by now. Democrats are the party of government, they represent the State department, the Intelligence Community, the academy, the media (both “news” and entertainment), the banks, and everything else normally referred to as “soft power”, though there is nothing particularly soft about its administration. In other words, the party is the public face of the Cathedral. Republicans, in turn, and notwithstanding increasingly frequent and successful entryism by the Cathedral, are the party of the military-industrial complex, including the treasury, the military itself, private contractors, corporations and multinationals, industrialized agriculture, resource exploitation, and everything else normally referred to as “hard power”, which does not just mean fighting wars but also economic supremacy, US dollar as reserve currency, etc.

This should tell you two things. First, why the party can’t simply be split, because the party is just a façade, and it would be like cutting the top slice of bread in half and claiming you have a second loaf. And second, why the Republican party is so obviously out of power, because half of what it is supposed to control has been partially or entirely co-opted by the Cathedral.

And if something formerly controlled by “redgov” now belongs to “bluegov”, splitting from “redgov” to create a new “Trumpgov” isn’t going to get it back. It either has to be taken back by force, or eliminated and rebuilt, and both of those are going to be much easier to do under the umbrella of the entire faction, not some silly new political party.

A Honest Indian says:

Does the POTUS have legal powers to shift personnel in sensitive positions in the bureaucracy to carry out his bidding? Because if he does not, it seems that it’s a mighty weak post. Before reading NRx and being familiarized with this concept of Cathedral, I actually used to think that the US President was the most powerful head of Government in the world.

BaboonTycoon says:

The office of the President is referred to as the “Executive” branch, and its role has traditionally coincided with that appellation. Presidents are normally concerned with enforcement of policy passed by the legislature and have quite limited ability to enact policy of their own.

The president is the one who gets to appoint most unelected members of the government apparatus and has various departments that answer to him, referred to as his “cabinet.” His appointees, however, have to be confirmed by the legislature before they can take office. The process of seating Trump’s appointees to like half a year after he took office to complete because of how much resistance and stalling there was from Congress, and when they were seated, many of them ended up stabbing Trump and America in the back anyway. Three of the nine justices currently on the United States Supreme Court were appointed by Trump, and whether or not Trump remains in office under the present system rests on whether two of them will take his side (the third, Brett Kavanaugh, has been dogmatic in making rulings based advancing the nationalist agenda and is unlikely to defect; I’ve never heard of a bad ruling from him).

The president has almost total legal authority over certain other matters, such as immigration and the deployment of military forces, however even with these the legislature has the ability to challenge him, such as a bill that passed just yesterday which prevented Trump from appropriating funds to withdraw US forces from Syria

Not Tom says:

This is roughly accurate from a constitutional point of view, but even the constitution doesn’t matter anymore.

Since the late 19th century, the President has been extremely limited in his ability to hire and fire personnel. And since FDR, the entire political pipeline is largely owned and operated by the left. The power that the President has in reality is even less than the power he has on paper, which isn’t much.

And yet, the President is the commander in chief of the military, so can essentially enforce any arbitrary command he wants, even through entirely legal means like the Insurrection Act. The question is whether or not his personnel will obey his orders. All of the paper in the world doesn’t change the fundamental law of power: “You and what army?”

The Military-Industrial Complex still has power, but is considerably weaker than the Cathedral. Still, it’s a lot more powerful than a bunch of newfag politicians with no army.

Javier says:

In America we don’t often splinter, instead we re-align.

It was very likely that Trump was going to realign the Republicans into an explicitly nationalist party, as is already under way. This would solidify the working-class base as well as numerous disaffected democrats who are getting red pilled and angry. The Democrats would fracture and bleed off into multiple sub-parties like the greens, libertarians, and socialists, with eventually the socialists gaining full control.

However the uniparty clearly had more ammo left in the magazine. With the Biden fix they have plugged the socialist leak temporarily and stopped the hemorrhaging of normie votes, at least in the public eye if not reality. Notice Biden has also co-opted several Trump talking points such as America First, even though no one actually believes he will go through with them. Meanwhile the republicans are playing their old shell game of backstabbing voters on one hand and saying “vote for us or you’ll get socialism!” on the other.

The next step will be to start a war, big enough to draw public attention away from worsening chaos and unrest, but hopefully not big enough to matter too much geopolitically. It’s the most reliable way to get Republicans behind a left agenda. “Support our troops!” becomes the mind-fogging rallying cry that prevents any real disagreement from occurring.

Trump could form a loyalist sub-party and go to local city and state elections to start winning seats, just like the Tea Party did, but the Republicans are good at co-opting such uprisings. They will all change their spots to insist they agree with Trump just long enough to fend off the challengers then go back to sucking the globalist dick. Trump also lacks the discipline for that kind of slow 10-20+ year plan, though he could pass on something like that to his sons.

None of that is going to matter though if the left imprisons and executes Trump. Plus the left has no way to stop Antifa/BLM or the worsening crime situation in every single city (disbanding police means ceding control of urban areas to local warlords and red guards), the covid scam bankrupting everyone and leading to a guaranteed recession in two years.

Revolution is coming, one way or another.

I get that at present it may be too late for any new political party solution. But was wondering what was it about the US that you could not have more than two major national parties vying for power and also why there are no strong regional/state parties (if at all) representing regional interests.

BaboonTycoon says:

There’s no real legal reason why the United States runs on a two-party system and indeed there are many minor parties that have attempted to break into the mainstream and failed (though a few have had minor success in taking state level positions at times; there’s even been third party governors here and there). A lot of it simply comes down to the mass media refusing to give them any coverage, but nonetheless, that doesn’t mean third parties have no influence. It has often been said, for example, that Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election because of a few thousand leftists in Florida that decided to vote for the Green party instead of the Democrats. This year, Democrats mounted fierce legal challenges to the Green Party and forced them off the ballot in several states to prevent a repeat of this situation (and a similar thing happened with the Kanye West bid, which would also have been bad for them). Previously, they’ve used softer methods to prevent this from happening, such as adopting some of the Green Party platform to dissuade the radicals from needing to feel like they should vote against the Democrats. The Republican Party has faced similar challenges from the Libertarian Party and to a smaller extent the Constitution Party and has often adopted positions of the former.

The Cominator says:

You can only have two real parties in a winner take all election system. The problem with the GOP is that since William F Buckley its been mostly a fake and gay opposition to the Democrats.

Trump and Newt Gingrich have been the only exceptions.

European Mutt says:

This is a feature of Harvard style democracy in general. Parties are pure grift there, not much relation to actual policy. India seems to have a somewhat different system though I don’t know how it came about exactly.

In most American empire countries parties are eligible for government funding, but only if they are over a certain threshold in a federal election. This discourages small and regional parties. It’s not uncommon for mayors etc. to be unaffiliated, but regional politicians and above are almost always in a party.

This leads to all of them being rather big tent organizations focused most on winning elections, and as a result the leadership generally lacks control. For example the greens in Germany are generally the party of extreme zealous progressivism but they have Boris Palmer who runs a sort of anti-sanctuary city (no rapefugees policy) in the more conservative south and is at least against some covid restrictions, so well to the right of Merkel who is technically in a conservative party.

In the US additionally parties are funded by campaign finance and Democrats stay big because donations to them amount to a protection racket. Jim has talked about this. Trump donated to the Democrats for years so they would leave him alone. To fight Democrats in a winner take all system, Republicans can’t risk splitting their own party.

A Honest Indian says:

Historically India was never part of the American empire, which may explain a lot of things. India, though technically non-aligned in the cold war era, was more or less in the Soviet sphere of influence.

Though Indian democracy wears the skinsuit of western democracy, the roots are not Harvard.

If you are interested, the Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi is a great way to understand how India’s “democracy” evolved post independence.

Of course, the wikipedia article contains the usual Prog narrative, but substantially you can read between the lines and understand that Indian politics has revolved around cult of personality and how the bureaucracy is completely subservient to the political masters in power at any given time.

In India, political parties/alignments are formed around the personalities of leaders, caste, regional/ethnic identities and religion. But mostly the cult of personality remains the biggest difference between Western democracy and India.

In India, after the decline of the Congress party, even though we have a winner takes all system, this has kind of leaned more towards small regional outfits with powerful leaders who want to control National politics through alliances, either with the major national parties, or by forming a “Third Front” with the Communists and other regional parties. From the Congress’ decline until the big BJP win in 2014, this has led to governments formed by coalition of parties, rather than a single largest party.

BC says:

If India’s isn’t an American Client state, why did the not to long ago abolish Patriarchy? That smacks of Harvard.

I was talking history. After the fall of the Soviet and the end of the Cold War, the Harvard influence has substantially increased in Indian politics, though not to the extent of Western democracies.

Prog ideology is in infancy at present in India. At present, India still runs strongly on the unprincipled exceptions. And among the common folk (not the English speaking city elites) prog ideology has not penetrated.

A Honest Indian says:

The English media in India is substantially ahead of the curve in terms of imposing prog ideology. But English is still the language of elites in India. Large sections of Indian people are not English speaking. The regional language media of the masses still does not speak much prog language as the English media.

Over the years, the Cathedral has been buying up media houses in India. But it is clear that with the Democrats in power in US, the Harvard machinery will be increasing their influence unchecked with renewed vigour.

BC says:

The Indian elites becoming POZed is bad news for India far more so than the average person becoming POZed. Once your elite goes bad it’s nothing but civilizational destruction on a massive scale.

A Honest Indian says:

Hmm.. if your analysis true, Modi would not have won two elections by appealing to the proles. And the Congress, which has the most “pozzed” elites, has been destroyed in numerous elections in recent times barring one or two exceptions.

In India, there is still a substantial gap between the political “elite” and the “educated” elites.

And the political elites mostly win elections without any support from the educated elites. It seems that there is a different dynamic working here than in the West.

In the longer term, you may be right. Maybe if the US empire shrinks considerably after this 2020 election and if the predicted civil war comes to pass, this problem of Harvard dominance world over may solve itself.

BC says:

I think you’re already in trouble if Modi has no family and children. That’s a bad example to set. It’s generally the failure of elite reproduction that dooms a civilization or a failure of having a virtuous elite. One of the strongest signs of virtue in a man is a having family with many obedient children.

The first law of Gnon is:”And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.” and Modi appears to be failing that law.

Disclaimer: I don’t know anything about Indian politics.

A Honest Indian says:

This is true. Modi needs some succession plan. He cannot stay forever.

The problem with the old Hindutva was they believed that to “serve the nation” they needed to be free of family worries. This was mostly derived from the Indian Independence movement, where sacrifice of personal life for the freedom of the nation was seen as the highest virtue.

Modi comes from that old Jana Sangh/RSS tradition. They are staunch old-school Nationalists, but sadly unequipped for handling the onslaught of the “New Left”.

The Old Left was cleaned up by Moditva politics, but the New Left which is still in infancy needs a stronger challenge which cannot be dealt with by the old-style.

The elite fertility problem is the biggest issue in India today.

BaboonTycoon says:

We have our Trump just as you have your Modi. And though the federal government is full of rats, it still has many people who support Trump and his agenda (though sadly not anywhere near as many as it needs). Elections are not the issue unless one happens to live in a country like Canada or the UK (even Sweden’s parties are better, despite the memes). Of course, it’s bad if they win elections, but do not expect the progressive agenda to pursue only one avenue of attack. They will infect every part of your society. Literally everything.

As an example, we have, in the United States, a large population of Mennonites and Amish. These people are basically what you get when you combine anarcho-primitivists with fundamentalist Protestantism. They are against the use of modern technology and believe it leads to sin. I went to a web page once searching for more info on these people and lo and behold, there is an organization with a mission statement to “fight racism” and “make amends for the sins of race.” Mennonites and Amish are, of course, almost entirely white.

It’s not going to stay confined to those English speaking channels for long.

someDude says:

@BC @A Honest Indian

India has been Cathedral client ever since a certain frail, bald, bespectacled half naked fakir with a penchant for fasting appeared on the scene and managed to masterfully convince Hindus that “Hinduism, correctly interpreted, is really western Progressivism.” Of course, at the time that The Great Bald Faster appeared on the scene, Cathedral HQ was Oxbridge rather than Harvard.

Fast forward to 2020, where women are joining the Indian Army on droves and Netflix is churning documentary after documentary about these Brave Amazons and the travails they face and overcome in the sexist, misogynistic, patriarchal culture of the Armed forces. For the first time in memory the Armed forces are being portrayed in a negative light in any Indian media. Earlier they used to be untouchable and off limits to media criticism the way their Judiciary is even now.

How is this not Classic western progressivism? How is India not a Prog Client state? A Honest Indian is just deluded like the rest of his countrymen. He just happens to be more articulate than the rest of them.

At the moment, their entry into infantry positions is blocked by the fact the Rural Hindus who make up the bulk of the enlisted men will NOT take orders from a woman whatever Her rank. But I expect this to change within a generation. Soon Pakistan’s ISI will be flooded with mujaheddin recruits salivating at the prospect of snatching Hindu Pussy right from the frontline.

A Honest Indian says:


I dispute your claim about Gandhi’s influence on Hindus culturally. His stock fell low when his appeals for peace during the Partition fell on deaf ears. Indian Hindus may have idolized Gandhi as a freedom fighter but I doubt whether his cultural ideology actually perpetrated to the extent you claim. The assault on Hinduism was more Marxism than progressivism at that time.

The actual Western progressive influence is more recent though.


The myth that Gandhi was universally loved by Indians especially Hindus is as much a myth created by the British as his supposed influence on Hindu culture to the extent that Hindus accepted “Western progressivism” as the same as Hinduism.

To be sure, the fakir had some influence on the political sphere at the time, but his constant assault on Hindu orthodoxy earned him enough disgust and distrust among traditional Hindus at the time of independence (and there were still a lot of traditional Hindus those days). I have no doubt that the few Hindus who actually believed in “Gandhianism” was a very small, uninfluential minority.

All of those people got absorbed into the Socialist-Marxist axis of “intellectual thinkers”, who attacked Hinduism from a different perspective. To be sure, I’m not claiming that Hindus were not assaulted on all directions even in those days – they were. The Jana Sangh/RSS politics was clearly a reaction against the old Left. But to state that the main influence on that was Harvard/Western Progressivism from the 1950s to around the 1980s-90s is incorrect.

There is a clear distinction between the intellectual framework from which the old Socialist-Marxists worked and the framework of the modern Progressives.

A Honest Indian says:


In any case, I find your interpretation of Indian history very weird and quite blackpilling. You attribute some kind of universal “mind rays” to Harvard/Oxbridge at an era without the advantages of mass communication to an extent that exists in the world today, and without looking at the causes nearer and more immediate that existed at the time.

There is no straight or direct causal line between the Gandhianism that supposedly “progressivised” Hindus as you (falsely) claim and the fact that Indian women are being recruited in the army in 2020. That Indian women are being recruited in 2020 in the army is 100% Harvard but that particular influence is more recent than you suggest.

This is probably going too off-topic for this blog so this will be my final post on this particular subject. Out of deference to our host, I will stop this discussion on Indian politics here.

jim says:

> I find your interpretation of Indian history very weird and quite blackpilling. You attribute some kind of universal “mind rays” to Harvard/Oxbridge

Ghandi was Harvard mind rays. Indian Marxist economics was not Soviet, it was Oxbridge transmitted through the London School of Economics. Ho Chi Minh spent his formative years in Moscow as part of the Soviet mind control apparatus, but the people who screwed up the Indian economy came from Oxbridge and the London School of Economics.

Ho Chi Minh was Moscow mind rays – he came out of Moscow. But Indian socialism was Oxbridge mind rays. The Indian socialists came out of Oxbridge and the London School of Economics, which is part of Oxbridge, not Moscow. Mind rays are transmitted primarily through universities.

Oxbridge was an independent power within the left before world war II, independently descended from Cromwell’s puritants, descended from the priests that failed to leave England after Charles the Second’s purge, a puppet of Harvard after World War II, a puppet of the faction expelled from England by Charles the Second.

The London School of Economics regarded the Soviets as their proxy. And so did their agents of influence in India.

Indian socialism was not Moscow socialism. It was London School of Economics socialism. India was not Soviet aligned. It was London School of Economics aligned.

someDude says:

@Honest Indian

In India, Power has to bend to Gandhi, or at least pretend to, at least verbally. Every nominally Hindu politician from across the spectrum has to pay homage to his, even if it is lip service. Even Modi. What is the nature of this sort of power? It’s the same as even skeptical Christians being forced to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord publicly in a Jim-ian Theocracy.

What matters is what Powerful people say and do, not the the hicks in the Cow Belt or the meek overtaxed middle class in cramped apartments in smoke filled cities. They never mattered, don’t matter and never will. Morally, As the King is, so his subjects will be. ‘Nuff said

It’s a straight line from Gandhi to Harvard, maybe with some intermediate steps. I’ve looked up Hindu history since the seventh century AD or so. It does not encourage optimism. If that does not cause black-pilling, I’m not sure what does. Your friend @Suones seems to have made it halfway to the Black pill.

I’m not saying you can’t win. Only that you most probably won’t. God knows how much I want you to win. You have to figure out something that works and figure it out fast. You haven’t figured it out in 1300 years and you’re showing no signs of being able to do so in the near future. And the near future is all you have left. Demographic decline and civilizational collapse is accelerating.

jim says:

> There is a clear distinction between the intellectual framework from which the old Socialist-Marxists worked and the framework of the modern Progressives.

There is a difference, but it does not matter.

The left has a hundred factions, and they continually conflict, which conflict frequently becomes lethal, but every leftist is the ally of every other leftist, because they all support each other in knocking over apple carts even as they fight over the apples rolling around.

It is the fighting over the apples lying around that drives the left ever leftwards. Once new applecarts are no longer being knocked over, leftism dies, as it died under Stalin and Cromwell.

The Soviets were a Harvard proxy to attack Harvard’s near enemies, or at least Harvard thought so. Vietnam was a proxy war between Red State and Blue State. The last people in the world to know that Soviet economics was a disaster were Academia and the mainstream media.

Indian Socialism-Marxism was primarily a tool of the London School of Economics, and the London School of Economics a tool of Harvard, not the Soviets. The Soviets may have thought the London School of Economics was their tool, but the London School of Economics thought the Soviets were their tool.

Communism derives from Judaism, and progressivism derives from Christianity, but Marxism did to Judaism what the leftmost faction of the Puritans, whom Cromwell suppressed, did to Christianity. They have much in common, and each engaged in massive entryism against the other. Mao and Ho Chi Minh won in Washington, not in Moscow. They were thoroughly defeated in China and IndoChina.

If you pay attention to the infighting, you are looking at the apples rolling around, and failing to look at the apple carts.

@jim, @someDude,

Even suppose it is true that India was a client by proxy of Harvard post independence, it does not explain the massive influence of the anti-Hindu but equally anti-Western Socialist-Marxists on Indian politics up until the 1990s.

Even today, there is a prominent South Indian political leader quite unironically named “Stalin”.

There are plenty of Indians who named their children “Lenin” and “Marx” in that era and some who do so even today.

The literal Communists were in power in a few states in India up until recently their power declined considerably.

Is it a coincidence that the “old Left’s” powers declined considerably post the Soviet collapse?

The theory that India was a proxy of Harvard doesn’t quite explain how is it that they allowed a literal Dynasty (which is the opposite of the Western ideal of “liberal democracy”) to rule India for nearly 50 years past independence.

jim says:

> The theory that India was a proxy of Harvard doesn’t quite explain how is it that they allowed a literal Dynasty (which is the opposite of the Western ideal of “liberal democracy”) to rule India for nearly 50 years past independence.

They liked the policies of that dynasty, which policies bear a clear and distinct “Made in Oxbridge” stamp. If the dynasty had pursued more authentically Indian policies, the outrage at the existence of a literal dynasty would have been unimaginably shrill.

European Mutt says:

Thanks for the pointers. My impression is that Oxbridge, Harvard and the Soviets were always struggling over supremacy in India. This infighting resulted in a comparatively ‘unmanaged’ democracy. To an extent I think this mirrors what happened in the Weimar republic. If you impose democracy over a former non-democratic country and don’t control it from outside you should expect people to take it to its logical conclusion fast and turn it into what it is on paper–elected dictatorship in the name of the people or your own ethnic group.

This does not happen in ‘mature’ democracies simply because in reality either the civil service rules there or they are ruled from outside, or both.

jim says:

> Oxbridge, Harvard and the Soviets were always struggling over supremacy in India. This infighting resulted in a comparatively ‘unmanaged’ democracy.

The left is always at war with the left.

The result is not ‘unmanaged’ democracy.

Before World War II, Oxbridge and Harvard were fighting over India. Oxbridge had the upper hand.

After World War II, Oxbridge shut up and did as it was told, and ran India as a client of Harvard.

Take a look at Indian socialism. It is not the socialism implemented by Moscow’s agent, Ho Chi Minh. It was the socialism of the London School of Economics. But socialism is always socialism, the differences do not matter. The economic outcome was similar, but there was a velvet glove around the iron fist.

European Mutt says:

I can see that in economic policy certainly. Permit Raj, British price controls and regulatory madness after WW2 and the current EU agrosocialism and regulatory thicket share the same LSE DNA and they are not exactly incompatible with Harvard but have a different focus.

I just realized when writing this reply that I have to agree with you. It’s pointless to discuss leftist infighting. It doesn’t matter to history or to the future.

Nevertheless, if you have an explanation for why Indian democracy tends to be rather more ‘raw’ than in the west I would be interested in hearing it. My theory obviously sucks.

The Cominator says:

The only authentically leftist faction that is truly truly different from the others enough to be worth discussing are the post 1937 Stalinists if only because they were sane and realistic in SOME areas and knew the informal purity spiraling hierarchy had to be replaced by an actual hierarchy.

Of course the modern left absolutely hates them and uses them as a scapegoat for the crimes of communism, even though the crimes of communism went DOWN after Stalin got into real absolute power.

A Honest Indian says:


Even suppose you are right that India was a client of Harvard by proxy and that there is no material difference in outcome between Soviet socialism and Harvard socialism, my point is that India hardly resembles a western liberal democracy as I explained earlier. As European Mutt says I would be interested in how that can be explained.

Certainly Nehru and Indira Dynasty was autocratic and Indira’s Emergency was more in the style of a Stalinist purge and takeover though it proved abortive. Surely Harvard wouldn’t have approved such “illiberal” politics.

jim says:

> Surely Harvard wouldn’t have approved such “illiberal” politics.

Harvard’s outrage at illiberal politics is strikingly selective.

Wikipedia is the voice of Harvard. Let us see what Harvard says about Nehru.

Surprise, surprise. Totally democratic.

It does mention, very briefly in passing, widespread atrocities during Indira Ghandi’s state of emergency, neglecting to tell us anything about those atrocities, but “In 1980, she returned to power after free and fair elections. … “In 1999, Indira Gandhi was named “Woman of the Millennium” in an online poll organised by the BBC.”

Her social reforms are described in absolutely glowing terms, and the disastrous economic policy is unmentionable.

A Honest Indian says:


If you say that Soviets themselves were a proxy of Harvard, then I would have to defer to your judgement, but certainly the styles of the two left factions differed considerably even if the net result, as you say, wasn’t a whole lot different.

jim says:

The Soviet Union was and was not a literal proxy. Both sides engaged in entryism each against the other, both sides manipulated the other.

But the Indochina war was or became a red state America versus blue state America proxy war.

The Cominator says:

Dont think jim thinks the Soviet Union was a client of Harvard especially post Stalin.

Pooch says:

Moldbug theory is that Soviet Communism was very much inspired by US leftism calling it as “American as apple pie”.

jim says:

And vice versa.

A Honest Indian says:

I forgot to add, Indira Gandhi’s prime motivating force was her first son, Sanjay Gandhi, who was the biggest factor in the Emergency and kind of a dynamic force behind Indira. After his death, she kind of became a shadow of her old self.

Her other son, Rajiv Gandhi was never a leader. He was more a playboy type who was pushed into politics and that’s what led to the Dynasty’s decline.

My feeling is that Oxbridge/Harvard, despite their overall approval of the policies of the Dynasty, were deeply uncomfortable with an Indira Gandhi style dictatorship. While today it is papered over by the Cathedral, a strong dictatorship, had it succeeded in India, would not have suited Oxbridge/Harvard at all particularly with India acquiring nuclear capability around the time.

jim says:

> My feeling is that Oxbridge/Harvard, despite their overall approval of the policies of the Dynasty, were deeply uncomfortable with an Indira Gandhi style dictatorship.

My feeling is that they did not give a tinker’s dam. I don’t recall the New York Times decrying her dictatorship, or any dictatorship that did their bidding.

Not Tom says:

Moldbug theory is that Soviet Communism was very much inspired by US leftism calling it as “American as apple pie”.

That’s incorrect. Moldbug said that lowercase-c “communism”, which he went to great lengths to distinguish from capital-C Soviet Communism, is as American as apple pie. In other words, that the mostly Puritan founders were accomplished apple-cart kickers and that the impulse for “democracy” and “equality” runs in American DNA.

He also argued, with pretty conclusive proof, that American elites expected “convergence” between American and Soviet Communism – which itself implies that they were distinct species and that both the Americans and Soviets knew it.

Both possessed of the same basic leftist impulse to take take take, but strikingly different in several important areas which eventually caused a big enough rift to start a cold war. The US made war on the Soviets precisely because they weren’t a client of Harvard, refused to be, and wanted to do Communism their own way. Yes, the left is exactly that petty and jealous.

Kgaard says:

Re this comment: “But the Indochina war was or became a red state America versus blue state America proxy war.”

I’m reading the new Richard Holbrooke biography and it’s fascinating on this point: The young (later to become) proto-commies in the 60s seem to have been right about Vietnam … arguing against it for reasonably patriotic reasons — and yet as they rose to power in the years after they coagulate into an anti-American fifth column.

So it’s like they morphed into a different and evil thing as they became self-aware of their influence and power.

If Vietnam was a proxy war between red and blue America it’s not clear red America was on the right side at that time … though later on red America would become the right side.


Post the cold-war a lot of history seems to have been rewritten in the West minimizing the Soviet influence in many parts, where it suited the modern Harvard narrative.

India got its nukes from the Soviets. India got most of its military tech from the Soviets. Indian Communist Parties practically answered to their bosses in Moscow, not Harvard (some fringe Maoist parties answered to Chinese bosses). I was born in the Soviet era and in my childhood I remember that there were a lot of Russian children’s books (translated in English by Russian authors) in book stores. Russian literature was quite popular among the elites. Indian doctors those days used to get educated in Russian universities if they couldn’t get into medical colleges in India. I remember Indian newspapers carrying quite a lot of anti-American editorials in those days, especially because it was argued that America was supporting Pakistan militarily against India.

Are you saying all that was Harvard’s bidding? If so, I am baffled, because Indo-Soviet cooperation was close and it was real.

jim says:

> Are you saying all that was Harvard’s bidding? If so, I am baffled, because Indo-Soviet cooperation was close and it was real.

And Harvard Soviet cooperation was close and it was real.

A lot of Western newspapers were outraged at Indira’s dictatorship. It was controversial.

But it was not controversial at the New York Times. Meaning it was not controversial at Harvard.

You are looking at leftists fighting over the apples rolling around. You need to look at leftists cooperating to knock over apple carts. Indochina fell because Harvard overthrew it, not because Russia overthrew it.

It was the armies of North Vietnam that gave Pol Pot part of Cambodia, and the armies of Vietnam that removed him from power, but it was Harvard, not North Vietnam, that installed him in the capital. That is a lot more than Harvard did to India.

Theoretically India was following a course midway between the Soviet Union and America. Meaning it was following a course aligned against red state america, the military industrial complex, and fully aligned with blue state america, Harvard and the New York Times.

Being aligned against Red State America was controversial in the West. Not controversial at Harvard.

A Honest Indian says:

To be fair, I’m not painting a picture that there was practically *no* Harvard influence. There sure was.

But I think the truth lies somewhere in between, in that, it was probably a struggle between Harvard/Oxbridge and the Soviets for gaining traction in the region. Obviously Harvard won this battle.

Which may explain why we are seeing the same thing from different perspectives. Ultimately of course, it all boils down to the fact that Harvard is definitely on the ascendancy in modern India.

A Honest Indian says:


Here’s an Indian Leftist newspaper with a fairly recent article (2018) on how the US and UK reacted to Indira Gandhi’s emergency,

So was Harvard really approving of the Emergency?

Ogopogo says:

I feel horrible and nervous about this situation. I’ve found my christian faith again and I’m praying every day that Trump’s team wins this. I don’t know what I’ll do if the election theft goes unpunished and the corpse is inaugurated. Maybe I’ll leave the country, but doing that would severely impact my career. This business is making it tough for me to focus on my final exams.

A ton of people I know on Twitter got banned today for electionposting. I’m excited for the Texas lawsuit. Maybe these are good signs. Maybe in anticipation of needing to cope with the fraud going unpunished, I’ve been glued to old moldbug. Does anybody remember what year it was when Yarvin got doxxed? I’d like to see how his writing changes that year.

~loclun-midwyt says:

Im not 100%, but I think he kind of selfdoxxed. He linked another post from his “friend” discussing his new computer language (something Urbit related, Nock maybe). It then became more and more obvious that they were the same person.

pdimov says:

It was immediately obvious that they were the same person.

Publius says:

I would not despair. What has been set in motion cannot be stopped. The day to day minutae of the news affects only the timing of what is to come, and even then not by all that much. We would of course prefer Trump to prevail. But regardless, we will see open war against the cathedral within our lifetimes. You will wake up to the sound of distant artillery fire and the scent of downtown burning. Heads will be put on spikes in public just like in the old days. There will be screaming, and seiges, and blood. God will call on you to help restore your nation, and you will accept God’s call. It will be righteous and glorious. A cathedral victory in 2020 will not and cannot stop these events. The elite become more corrupt, more holy, more numerous, and more deranged every year. The rate at which they do so increases geometrically. This process cannot continue much longer. Something will break soon with or without Trump in power, and when that break comes, we will restore the order of God and nature, serenaded by the sounds of cruise missile launches and helicopter turbine engines spinning up. It will be very physical and will happen in our lifetimes.

Pooch says:

Faith in god. Trust his plan.

Someone says:

So youtube is upping the ante, Leftie wankstains are not giving up yet.

I wonder if any legal channels that support trump who merely present the cases of texas et al, will get removed. I mean presenting a case might be a violation of this.

Publius says:

Hard censorship is a sign of weakness.

Pooch says:

Interesting opinion article calling for Insurrection Act on the Epoch Times…

His idea is for Trump to call it and use the military to seize and audit all ballots in the disputed cities which likely shows a Trump win. Not sure if that would work instead of just shooting people, but it’s a good sign we are seeing articles like this calling for Insurrection Act now.

BC says:

Normie Conservative comment sections that are not currently overrun by paid shills shows almost universal support for a “GO” order from Trump. People are just waiting for the command.

Everyone knows this election was rigged and that the way forward isn’t going to be peaceful.

Pooch says:

Yes this is the unanimous consensus in the comments for this article. A few are saying let’s wait and see what happens with the Texas SCOTUS case first, but if that fails then it’s go time.

European Mutt says:

What is the deal with Epoch Times? They are pretty solidly rightist (or have been since 2015 when I first became aware of them) but can still display Google ads and nobody really criticizes them. A case of it being too rightist so it goes over leftists’ heads?

Even if Falun Gong is a religion that makes for great cohesion (I have no idea) their English-language writers are probably Christians or atheists.

jim says:

Falun Gong is a Chinese religion with many western followers. It has great internal cohesion.

Epoch Times is the voice of that religion, as the New York times is the voice of prog. If there are are Christians or atheists on the staff, their bosses are Falun Gong.

Falun Gong have sufficient internal discipline to not suffer from the holiness spiral of prog. There is a significant chance that when the $#!% falls down, they will come out on top, though it would be better if a Christian sect with similar internal cohesion and discipline came out on top.

Someone is going to come out on top. Leftism is going to be stopped eventually, if only by driving the bus at one hundred miles an hour over a ravine, and hitting the bottom of the ravine. The trouble is that it may take a very long time for someone to come out on top. Christianity never got deep roots in Roman Britain, and they suffered centuries of chaos before Alfred the Great put things together.

The Cominator says:

“Christianity never got deep roots in Roman Britain”

Kind of ironic since Constantine conquered the empire by raising the legions of Britain in revolt.

jim says:

Possibly Christian troops kept getting pulled out to reconquer the empire. Our last fragmentary records as the dark age descends tell of, then hint of, would be emperor after would be emperor coming out of Britain, and then not coming back. Our knowledge of the last days of Roman Britain are legend rather than history.

The Cominator says:

Britain also had a more turbulent dark age than most places militarily. The Saxons decided that Britain was a good permanent refuge away from both their fellow Germanic tribes in the far north (with better land) and any Eastern Horse Nomads who might attack them if they moved further South.

But when they took over Britain they unusually decided not to rule over the natives as a herrenvolk and take the women (or a certain %) as slaves so much as that they wanted to keep their own superior warrior bloodlines pure and not mix with them. So the natives were told to go to Wales or Scotland or die.

European Mutt says:

Looks like you’re right. When I look at photos of Falun Gong practitioners what strikes me most is how normie they look, especially the whites. That is a sign of a religion that is alive and well.

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral is STILL clearly quite angry at Zuckerberg, they obviously don’t like the fact that he won’t ban people who say the election was fake (even if they won’t allow full promotion of it) or that covid is fake.

The Sheboon NY AG is now suing facebook.

Pooch says:

Why is Zuckerface even pretending to be neutral? He paid off tons of Dem operatives to fraud the election for Biden. He clearly is a raging leftist, so why doesn’t he just cave to everything they ask for? Never understood that.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think hes a lefitst, hes greedy but otherwise naturally apolitical. Being apolitical at this point means he actively hates our enemies.

Zuck is IMHO operating entirely under coercion. Including the payoffs… he was probably told the payoffs would make this and whatever else they have planned for him would go away… but our enemies have no honor and even if an individual member of them does the hydra of many heads is not agreement capable.

BC says:

Zuckbot is a capitalist. Like most capitalists he gives in to state power, but he’s hedging his bets both ways since the center of state power may quickly shift.

Javier says:

Globalist Inc well aware that Google, Twitter, FB can manipulate elections via algorithms and censorship alone, well before votes are even cast. They aren’t foolish enough to think such power will never be deployed against them should Zuck and crew else decide better fortunes lie elsewhere.

This may be the 2020 version of “sending the revolutionaries to Siberia.”

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>The right needs to psychologically reorient itself to a more machiavellian and will to power mentality… The morality mindset (I blame Burke for this) has hurt us badly…

The more moral ways of doing things are in fact the ways of more powerful civilizations; as it happens, the chronically insecure have a compulsive attraction to promulgating false morals that lead to the weakening of others, for if there is one thing that is endemic in the weltanschauung of modernity, it is phobia of power.

As with many such things, it is a strain of thought that bears out it’s influence in all sundry of circumstances.

Consider the classic example of superhero media. By and large, the only people you see building up organizations for themselves – ie, civilization – are depicted as villains; while, those depicted as heroes are often loners, atomized and unconnected with any larger social superstructures; likewise, they so often act in ways that sub-ordinate what is needed for greater powers, in lieu of that which is lesser.

Because that fear is inside, you see? *They see themselves as losers*, even when, and most significantly when, *they themselves might have power of others*. In the back of their minds, a semi-conscious part of themselves constantly torments them with the feeling, that if or when people ever start having standards, *they would be among those left out on the ice floes*. So they dream of power that renders good to the bad, and bad to the good.

Ironically, it is exactly that mode of thinking that makes them exactly the right targets for turning such projections into reality.

Consider also the ‘hearts and minds’ mythology, which starts to make a lot more sense when you look at it in terms of people who advocate it, themselves, looking at it in terms of what would make them happy if they were an enemy insurgent. Ie, as such a person, it would be very pleasing if the enemy you were seeking to defeat were fools who purposefully avoided actually trying to fight and win against you; were gormless cuckolds who refrain from every actually doing anything that could be construed as imposing power over you; how nice it would be if they were to even deliver their own blood and treasure to you, instead. All the better for cutting their throats in the end. One would raise a glass in toast to such men, as you danced over their graves. With enemies like those, who would need friends?

Most such beings are not really self-conscious of the way they are thinking; it is reflexive, instinctive, rather; the mindset of an insurgent backbiter seeking to hobnail power – which is to say, civilization – *is* their default mindset; including and especially when they are your neighbors.

The Cominator says:

I just don’t see superhero stuff the same way.

Comics and superheroes have only been recently pozzed as Vox Day (for all his shortcomings) has often pointed out. Organizations for evil and to overthrow civilization are a very real thing… what do you think communism was originally, the leftists may be in power now but they started off as subversives.

The superhero motif is not wrong to point out that good people in big corrupt cities and such often are loners… I’m a loner to a large extent. Rightists in the modern age tend to be cynical if somewhat noble loners.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The broader point is that people with superhuman abilities in reality *wouldn’t* be loners; the utility of abilities would not go unexploited – whether it’s throwing fireballs or superintelligence (another trait one may significantly note is commonly placed in them in designated badguys). Whether it’s akin to knights on one end, and or lords and ladies on another, the reality of power comes into alignment with the formality of power, whether it’s synthesis with an existing structure, or creation of a new one.

The background ‘set up’ of many superhero stories only makes sense in the sense of folk purposefully avoiding doing those things; avoiding ever actually cooperating to build up greater social superstructures of civilization. That’s the projected desire, see? Of power that acts powerlessly.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The increasingly schizophrenic double-think that arises from increasing dearth of world-formation capacity is not the only sufficient cause of leftist modes of behavior, but it is a frequently necessary potentiator; they see themselves as oppressed even while wielding power; they see themselves a loners even while organizing in parties; they see themselves as doing X even as they do Y; all the easier for them to loudly and repeatedly claim, without niggling reservations, that they are doing X.

jim says:

Note that Vox’s superheroes do engage in collective action, and frequently explicitly think and talk about the moral rules that facilitate collective action.

The original superman, when in moral doubt, just thought about what his adoptive father said and did. (Current PC heroes are the typical products of single motherhood). Vox Day’s superheroes talk to each other about what is right, which is the mechanism of priestly cooperation in a priesthood that is actually functional, rather than dysfunctional.

We are merely a commentariat, for the time for action is not yet, but the values of the Royal Society and the Sceptical Chymist are essential to keep us in contact with reality. Reliance on highly derived sources, as Wikipedia does, is not merely unwise, but evil.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Yes, the implication is definitely not against the premise of stories involving folk with fantastic abilities altogether, rather, that there exist today too many of such stories which present worlds that can only exist in a pozzed frame of mind.

The presentation of worlds where, if someone has power, they either, don’t take advantage of it, or, if they do, it is for nefarious purposes; those who would fain to place a mantle of superior holiness on that which is weakest, or that which acts in ways that render them functionally equivalent to the weakest – except for when it comes to cutting down anyone who starts appearing too potent.

Gestahlt says:

>The broader point is that people with superhuman abilities in reality *wouldn’t* be loners
That doesn’t hold up against the anthropological data, except in one very special and important case. Shamans and smiths, along with their primitive counterpart the witch-doctor, are always isolated members of a community, even when socially integrated. Witches, in the most extended sense of the term (heterodox female mystic aka vaginalist) tend toward social margins as well. The exception is of course the Divine Emperor or King, or in classic Roman terms, he who is Felix, favored. This supernature is not transient and participatory, like that of the Shaman or Witch, the former who moves through territories outside and the latter who allows external things to move through her, but a “passive” radiant process from him (and it is always he. The female equivalent is the sibyl) that signals his Participation.
So in capes terms: Superman is solar, he is himself Revelatory of a reality. Batman is lunar, he himself has to BECOME to partake in revelation.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

I wasn’t banking on getting lost in the weeds when giving illustrations of the mindset im talking about there, but perhaps it was inevitable.

How isolated is the brave stronger in arm than the other warriors of the tribe? The merchant keener of wit? The preacher smoother of tongue? The captain greater in vision?

Idealized forms one may arrive at by way of analogy from this or that figure are not the same thing as the actual examples as instantiated that i am talking about, the ways that they are used, the ways the writer implies one ought to follow, that i am talking about.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Just to refrain, a hardbroiled loner working against a corrupt city machine makes sense in the context of things like detective stories; well, they killed the noir genera pretty quickly after the second war of internationalist aggression; stories like that threatened to too accurately depict the way of things.

European Mutt says:

They are preparing for a repeat of the ballot fraud, this time in German state elections.

The national TV web site gave it away by admitting they printed more mail-in ballots (3.2 million) than there are legal voters in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate where there will be elections on March 14:

The article also says mail-in voting might become mandatory. In-person voting in Germany is positively fascist by American prog standards, you even need a valid id. So makes sense they will get rid of it. Federal election will be in late September and you can bet they will use the same tricks.

If the American fraud is allowed to stand, not just every American election, but every election worldwide will be fake and gay. The era of democracy is over, regardless who wins.

Pooch says:

Yes I was thinking that as well. If they can steal elections in Rome openly, there’s no reason they can’t steal elections in the provinces throughout the empire now. RW people in America have more in common with RW people in Europe than they do progs right down the street.

The Cominator says:

Germany is a puppet government of the US permanent government to some extent and has been since WWII. I would advise if you are in Europe to get East. Its not that far to visit home if you really want to…

For us Americans if we go into exile we will have to go into lands much farther away and much less familiar.

Pooch says:

I’m making a stand at the Alamo, wherever that will be.

stan says:

I would advise if you are in Europe to get East. Its not that far to visit home if you really want to…

It’s not worth it probably. You wouldn’t like living in Russia. And here in post-communist central Europe we are just a decade or two behind Western Europe. Things are getting worse and we are closing the gap. We won’t be able to make a turnaround unless America makes a turnaround.

European Mutt says:

I have made some preparations to flee if necessary. Have been making them to a degree for 10 years. I’m also very whitepilled on Russia.

But if Trump prevails or if the American empire shows signs of crumbling, I’ll stay and fight.

Germany is a puppet government of the US permanent government to some extent and has been since WWII.

Germany is an interesting case imo. It was mostly under Red empire control in the 50s because on the Soviet border, and was allowed to have a rather sane economic and social policy, unlike e.g. France or Italy. Then the Blue Empire increased its influence and turned up the poz and Nazi guilt in the 60s and 70s. The entire permanent government had been appointed by conservatives in the 50s because the Nazis had removed all of the old one and was therefore not a good target back then, so they rather turned to astroturfing and propaganda for the masses.

In 1990 then, as is a meme behind closed doors in many German households, the West joined the East, which meant the overgrown intelligence apparatus of East Germany (that even the Russians were kind of uncomfortable with) spread into the West and caused all sorts of problems. They continued their Nazi false flag strategy they had in East Germany (this is well-proven) and engineered astroturf neo-Nazi movements to make right-wing opinions unpalatable.

When supreme alpha Schröder in the 2000s attempted to forge a closer relationship with Russia and in general reintroduce some mild sanity, USG truly made Germany a puppet state. They ousted Schröder* who now lives in Korea with a young hot wife ( and doesn’t give a fuck any more about his country. I do not blame him.

Merkel has been under close supervision of USG her entire 15-year term and I think they are threatening her life now if she goes an inch against what they want. Her most recent speech where she announced a ‘hard’ lockdown sounded like a hostage recording.

Pretty much every normie ethnic German in West Germany, even those who did not even live during the 50s, is nostalgic for that time, no matter which political opinions he pretends to have. Those people are ready for a restoration, for something that is even greater than the 50s ever were. And in the East normies hate socialism and secret police.

*I have no hard proof for this, but the 180 degree turn in the my social circle against Schröder was spectacular. Everyone was saying his welfare reforms were a good thing, lazy people should work, and then suddenly they started mouthing the opposite. Made me first suspect something wasn’t right.

BC says:

So it looks like the right is coalesce around the idea the China’s calling the shots for the Democrats and the Democrats are traitors. This is a pretty decent idea when it comes to motivating people and has the beauty that the Democrats are absolutely selling the country out to China, even if China’s isn’t calling all the shots.

onyomi says:

I think it’s both accurate and rhetorically effective. Foreign influence and political opponents selling out to foreigners are easier targets than power-hungry local officials if needing to justify something like Insurrection Act.

Pooch says:

As long as it doesn’t border on “Russia, Russia, Russia” hysteria used against Trump. The Democrats are plenty evil without any Chinese influence. Having said that, there is a startling amount of Chinese money going into their coffers.

onyomi says:

On the one hand, yes, “Russia, Russia, Russia!” was ridiculous, but, on the other, it seems like the lessons of 2020 (if not much earlier) are: a. SJWs always project and b. hysteria works.

The fact that your opponent gets hysterical about the very thing they’re doing to you as a conscious or unconscious form of deflection doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attack them back just as hard or harder for what they are actually doing (though I’m open to better suggestions about rhetorical strategies to combat hysterical projection-deflection).

Mister Grumpus says:

Lying fucking works, doesn’t it? We went from “Russia-Russia-Russia” (2016) to “Defend the Election” (2020). I began to hate them.

onyomi says:

Well, the more total your control of the flow of information the less you have to bother with making persuasive arguments based in reality and the more you can just straight-up gaslight most people, it seems. I’ve stopped bothering to “debate” on non-“right wing echo chamber” platforms because the mainstream left opinion has become so braindead and indefensible.

BC says:

I stopped reading or trying to reason with the left after they rigged the election on such a massive scale and demand that I accept it. I’d rather see them dead at this point.

onyomi says:

For me the lockdowns were a clarifying moment. I can debate with a person over the minimum wage or socialized medicine or even immigration and multiculturalism and still be friends at the end of the day. I don’t know how to deal with people who think shutting down the world, putting people under house arrest, stunting children’s psychological development, destroying small business to enrich Amazon and weaken peoples’ ability to support themselves without joining a major organization plugged into woke orthodoxy, etc. all for the sake of slowing down a particular respiratory virus (and pwning Drumpf) is reasonable.

The advantage is, it’s clarifying, as I feel comfortable dismissing without further consideration anyone who still supports lockdowns at this point. The disadvantage is tons of people in my social circle belong to this category of people about whom I now “can’t even,” so to speak. Not sure how to interact with them anymore, other than by never bringing up current events, which is increasingly difficult.

Mister Grumpus says:

I fell for the lockdown myself. Just staying honest.

What got me was the HCQ thing. Here’s a cheap medicine that’s helping people, and then… nothing. No one cares. Not only that but they’re doing fake studies obviously constructed to make sure they don’t help anybody. And persecuting pharmacists who fulfill prescriptions for it. And Neil Cavuto is on Fox News shouting “you can lose your life from taking it!”

That was it for me. That’s when I was too disgusted and horrified to stay on the bus any farther. Fuck it I’m walking.

I’d thought I was cynical, I’d thought I was with it, but I’d never “seen the elephant” up close like that and I bailed right out of the nest forever.

A Honest Indian says:

After the initial lockdowns in India from March to around the end of July, there has been a lot of lip-service paid to lockdowns, mask wearing and social distancing, but very little compliance in reality.

In cities, people are going about with masks reluctantly. In rural areas, I see zero masks and almost no social distancing norms.

It seems that this urban/rural trend is almost worldwide.

After a lot of hue and cry over travel restrictions post-lockdown, governments have backed down quietly.

Even the media have become bored of this COVID talk and in fact, India seems to have reduced the number of active cases recently.

There is still talk about fresh lockdowns in India, but so far thankfully nothing in action.

European Mutt says:

stunting children’s psychological development

Closing the schools was the only good thing about this.

The Cominator says:

I came to the conclusion I think in early 2018 that nearly all people who were still Democrats or leftists at this point with the exception of your very rare Jim Webb types or your mostly apolitical new ager/hippie types (and since the lockdowns they increasingly really hate the Democratic party even if they don’t quite like nationalism or industrial society) would have to go.

BC says:

>As long as it doesn’t border on “Russia, Russia, Russia” hysteria used against Trump.

I don’t see why not. Religious fervor is useful. In this case it has the utility of both being true with China and that it’s easier to rally around an outside source instead of something created by our own people. The Military’s going to be reluctant to kill Americans, but killing traitors working for China is probably quite compelling.

The major downside is possible war with China, but China brought that on themselves with their COVID hoax. This also neutralizes or limits China’s ability to assist the left if it turns into a long civil war.

Not Tom says:

Same trap as “guerilla warfare”, “hold them to their own principles”, etc. Bad idea.

They were able to keep up Russiagate because they’re in power. Not because it was a good narrative.

I don’t care about the morality of it. But trying to form a cult (and you literally refer to it as “religious fervor”) around claims that are empirically disprovable will lead to internal fracturing and holiness spiraling, same as them. And without power to hold it together, we lose.

China is a problem, but Chinese election influence/interference is a shiny distraction designed to make you look silly and forget the real evidence (as outlined in the Texas suit, now the most convenient reference for all this).

BaboonTycoon says:

While the recent events involving Swalwell have made it topical, I still see the China nonsense as misdirection. It’s good for them that a story like that comes out because it’s not tied directly to the election and because it allows them to reframe this as a partisan issue when we just had Mike Lee passing out a bunch of green cards to Hong Kong and India last week. Already that video where David Perdue practically begs the Chinese to come to Georgia seems to have been memory holed.

The best messages are simple and bringing foreign governments into things is a good way to throw a wrench into the proceedings. Always kill traitors before you kill your enemies and all. Unless they plan a direct strike on us in the immediate future (which is within the realm of possibility), Trump should cross the Rubicon well before even beginning to think of dealing with China.

BC says:

It worked for the nationalists in Spain.

jim says:

Our elite is just generally corrupt and incohesive.

Everyone except the American public is calling the shots.

The Cominator says:

As far as covid planning AND probably planning the election fraud almost certainly it was China… that honeytrap spy who the FBI tipped off to flee the country so they wouldn’t have to arrest her… wonder if the plans were given to Pelosi through Swalwell via her.

The Cominator says:

Lol she was on the payroll for the democrats… holy shit she probably was the intermediary for chinese coordination with the democrats.

Mister Grumpus says:

Making this about China is a “permission to say ‘no'”.

The Chinese aren’t lefties, muslims, negroes or Jews, so they can still be the Bad Guy in the current year.

Plenty of people just can’t handle seeing the Ds (and most Rs) as we do. It’s just too frustrating, humiliating and scary. What they can handle, though, is seeing this blatant Chinese bribery and infiltration going on. The Chinese are a “safer target” for the normie’s ire.

By pointing his Insurrection Act outward, at China, rather than inward, at the D’s and RINO’s, Trump gets more buy in, or at least acquiescence. It’s more “national defense” than “civil war”, more “gang busters” than “helicopters”, even if the results will be the same.

Because really, who’s going to “Resist” Rubicon Don because they love China so much? How does CNN sell that?

The Cominator says:

Its easier to see the Democrats and many corrupt and otherwise worthless Republicans as we do (in non urban Florida from what I gather anecdotally the Democrats are widely hated the way we hate them) if we can say they are agents of a foreign power.

In this case it has the virtue (unlike muh Russia) of being largely true.

jim says:

> In this case it has the virtue (unlike muh Russia) of being largely true.

It is true, but less important than is convenient to make it out to be.

The concentrated interest can get its way over the dispersed interest. China is the concentrated interest, the deep state is the dispersed interest.

If power is dispersed within an organization, no one individual power holder has much interest in the organization being successful.

The grotesque corruption and dysfunction of the American elite was displayed most spectacularly in the earthquake relief of Haiti, where the relief was vastly worse than the earthquake, because the ngos brushed aside the government that was already in the pocket of the US, and ruled directly.

The unspoken theory was that since the US puppets were a bunch of dumb thugs, they should step aside for a bunch of nice Harvard PhDs with billions of aid money in their pockets.

But the dumb thugs lived there, had family there, so had some interest in the place being nice, while the Harvard PhDs were carryon baggers, and just stole everything and destroyed everything, because they intended to leave in a month or so. Their behavior reflected each one’s individual interest.

For an organization to act as one, it has to have a CEO with absolute power. The successful forms of organization allow the CEO to be removed, but very seldom, and he is all powerful until he is removed.

A religion and a priesthood is a way of manufacturing cohesion. So what we see when power is gravely dispersed in a state – the King has fallen – is both vulnerability to outsiders who have better cohesion (Chinese), and vulnerability to ever purer versions of the faith (the puppet masters whose front women are AOC and Greta Thunberg)

Chinese influence is disproportionately transmitted through Jews, which I attribute to Judaism being in large part a religion of exile, instead of being what it is supposed to be, a religion of Israel. Exiles perceive themselves as permanent carryon baggers. It is truer to attack Chinese influence than Jewish influence, and attacks on Jewish influence keep being redirected to the mythical Rothschilds, who have been out of power since before World War II, and are rapidly running out of money, and against Jewish pawnbrokers and such, who never had power in the first place.

Vulnerability to Chinese influence has the same root as vulnerability to ever purer versions of the holy faith.

The deep state think that if they remove Trump, they will have power, as the nobility of the robe thought when they used the mob to remove King Louis XVI. But to remove Trump, they rely on the cohesion of a group of people to steal the election, and that group is far more cohesive than they are.

The Chinese are rightly confident than they can exercise power through the swamp. But Soros is also rightly confident.

The Cominator says:

Didn’t Feinstein have some longtime staffer who also turned out to be a Chinese spy.

It seems like at least among the West Coast Democrats having a Chinese spy close to them is pretty common.

Anonymous 2 says:

Yes, Feinstein’s driver was a Chinese spy.

Pooch says:

It’s mildly amusing Biden’s diversity pick for Sec of Defense is being attacked from the left for basically being too much of a military man. They won’t be satisfied until there’s she boons holding office in every single position of significance.

Not Tom says:

They won’t be satisfied after that, either. It’s more about the journey than the destination.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Who would attack them for advocating sheboons in any and all positions of impact?

They see people making some feelgood argument, see people agreeing with the premises of that feelgood argument, in order to agree with that feelgood argument, and simply take the implications further to their logical conclusions. On what grounds would any of their fellows speak otherwise?

Like a kid seeing a festooned box light up with blinking applause lights whether they push them in the right combination; they don’t need to actually understand anything about what is happening – and frequently don’t – they just impulsively converge towards whatever it is that causes more lights to blink back up, in the milieu they’re embedded in.

It’s not positioning relative to greater Being, but relative that lesser subset of which, which is other beings. Less of a destination, more of a vector; always being a vanguard of a new wave; and so there must always be a new wave; eternal revolution.

Pity the poor undertakers of the 20th century liberal order, who would fain to stand athwart history and yell, ‘stop!’.

The Cominator says:

“Soros and Hunter Biden are Clodius”

BTW just noticed this. If you are referring to Clodius Pulcher nobody in our ruling class is as interesting a corrupt degenerate as Clodius Pulcher was.

Bill Clinton would be the only one who remotely would have come close in our lifetime… but even Bill Clinton wouldn’t say sneak into some democrat progressive woman’s organization that men were banned from in order to rape his colleague’s wife in blatant offense of progressive pieties… manage to make a spectacle of the resulting trial and get off with a slap on the wrist and make a political ally of the colleague whos wife he planned to rape there.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Giuliani thanked Dr Zelenko as one of the doctors advising him in his rapid recovery from WuFlu.

BC says:

OT, is this true?

Sounds like China’s re-embracing socialism again.

jim says:

Yes, Nazi style socialism, which is marginally less dysfunctional than Soviet style socialism.

This is extremely bad, because I had hoped we could relocate to the Chinese hegemony if the US hegemony became intolerable.

The problem that will become apparent is that party apparats in the private sector will steal everything and destroy anything they do not steal, because they have no economic interest in the continued function or success of the firm.

When you have people in the firm that are answerable to both the state and firm (in the west accounting and human resources) they are theoretically required to pursue state interests at the expense of the interests of the firm, and apt to take advantage of the ambiguity of the source of their authority and job security to rob both state and firm.

Mike says:

The lines about forcing companies to follow state plans or quotas is indeed alarming, but I wouldn’t read too much into them putting more CCP commissars on company boards. It would be the equivalent of Western nations forcing women/minorities onto company boards…..except for the CCP isn’t the US Democratic Party and so those commissars are apt to enforce “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” which is mostly in-line with Gnon. The planned economy signals could forebode those commissars becoming toxic though.

Overture says:

Given this development, what do you suggest is the best short term and long term resiliency strategy for individuals? Is it to join the party and learn to camouflage? Is it to genuinely join? Is it to isolate? What opportunities or options / skill development would you suggest / locales to focus on?

jim says:

I hope for and expect the emperor’s command, for a crusade to restore the “Republic”.

But if this does not come, the shit will hit the fan, and sometimes the shit is really bad.

When the shit really hit the fan, the people who did best were those who fled to someone else’s hegemony. Havel’s Greengrocer is the least bad option for those who remain.

Get more passports, more residence permits.

But the shit may not go all the way to that. It frequently does not. Best outcome is it is terminated by a Sulla. Second best outcome is that the shit is stalled for a few years by a Pompey, or the shit gets somewhat bad but is stopped by a Cromwell before it gets really intolerable.

Overture says:

Thank you for this. I had not heard of Havel’s Greengrocer. What a marvelous story.

European Mutt says:

This makes it clear what China’s plan is (unlike progs they are still smart enough to be capable of long-term planning). I had that thought for a few weeks now but there wasn’t any real evidence for it, now there is. Their market reforms were always intended to be temporary, to allow them to overtake the West economically and then destroy it. Wu flu just made it much easier for them.

CCP is the enemy and needs to be eradicated. Falung Gong are right about this.

BC says:

Called it, Barr’s a traitor. I can’t believe the amount of push back I got from people who should have known better:

Not Tom says:

I’m not impressed with Barr lately, and this certainly could be true, but since when is WSJ a reliable source?

Mike says:

Out of all the remaining mainstream outlets, the WSJ does seem to be the most level-headed, but that isn’t saying much of course.

BC says:

Hard to see Barr any other way after this tweet:

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Tim Pool literally shouting into the microphone today about the corruption of the media (re suppression of Hunter Biden scandal) and the outrage of a “Biden crime family” presidency installed by the MSM.

Pooch says:

Everyone’s ready for the GE to make the call.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

As people wait for the signal, they send signals that they are waiting for Go, and signals to others to signal that they are waiting for Go, and … (add as many layers as needed).

Speed the cascade!

~loclun-midwyt says:

The media trying to tell us that the nig nog who just got executed was a good boy and dindu nuffin. Not surprising. But the interesting part is the emphasis being put on the supreme court’s role. This is a good sign as it points to them being worried that they will lose the court decision, and so wanting to discredit the court in advance.

Pooch says:

My sense is they are scared. I’m still not all that confident though. It’s hard to be white pilled right now.

The Cominator says:

I’m confident Trump will cross the Rubicon if he has to because he has no choice unless he wants to flee to Kazakhstan the night of January 19th.

BC says:

I hope, no I pray that you’re right. I’ve been watching our leader cuck out my entire life and this is the moment where they absolutely cannot cuck out.

The Cominator says:

Even if Trump is a coward as unfortunately it seems most right wing American politicians are…

Even a rat finds its courage when cornered, the Democrats who can’t shut up about wanting to prosecute Trump are our greatest asset here.

I’m not confident about SCOTUS doing the right thing, the state legislatures had far greater motivation to do so and did not. Trump will have to use force and use force with absolutely no legal basis as Caesar did.

jim says:

I am not confident that Scotus will do the right thing either. But Trump does have a legal basis.

The insurrection act and article four – preserving the Republican form of government.

Karl says:

Why do you keep repeating that Trump has no legal basis for the violence necessary? There is the riot act and there the 14th amendment. Violence on the scale of the civil war has legal basis. No US court ever said that the North had no legal basis for waging war on the South.

And if I rember correctly previous admistrations have created the right of the President to assasinate suspected terrorists.

The Cominator says:

Victory can post legalize Trump’s coup (rebellion against the government is always legal IF YOU WIN) and the insurrection act can be used to call the militia, but its hard to say that then using the militia to force state legislatures to pass an amendment at gunpoint and then murdering most of Trump’s enemies within the government was legal within existing law.

Karl says:

What amendment is needed from the state legislatures?

Anyway, there is no need to murder his opponents. There is legal basis for arresting them with as much force as necessary. Do you think his enemies would comply with a few thousand arrestes and rely on the courts to be set free right away? I think not.

The Cominator says:

No a coup where your enemies within the government live is a coup that fails, the only intermediate stage where you win is if your enemies flee the country.

Trump has 3 people who others could consider legally to be President on January 20th, without the SCOTUS ruling in his favor they have to go… by January 20th.

Trump will need to force an amendment to the constitution legalizing his takeover of the government by force and confirming at least a temporary grant of emergency powers if he goes the route of using force.

jim says:

> its hard to say that then using the militia to force state legislatures to pass an amendment at gunpoint and then murdering most of Trump’s enemies within the government was legal within existing law

The guns will be decorously kept off stage, as Monck did. And we do not need to kill the enemies if they are indefinitely detained in Alaska. Abbot got away with indefinitely detainment of visa jumpers and border crossers, with every court quietly stopping lawfare against it, realizing that judiciary had overreached by legalizing illegal immigration.

The Cominator says:

At the very least the three people have to go…

But if he removes those three probably will have to remove others to settle things…

Anonymous Fake says:

Why do burger flippers and welders make almost entirely different orders of magnitude different salaries, despite being basically the same kind of mindless blue collar work? An illegal alien in a kitchen might make $5 an hour, a welder $40 an hour, and yet they are doing fundamentally the same work. I can understand if merchants refuse to fairly distribute information in schools about careers, but why don’t they do this, well, in careers?

Why won’t welding firms poach talent from burger joints? Why doesn’t the free market work in this case? And what does socialism do wrong when it is limited to simply information distribution?

jim says:

> Why do burger flippers and welders make almost entirely different orders of magnitude different salaries, despite being basically the same kind of mindless blue collar work?

I have done a little bit of welding in my home workshop, and a lot of programming for a salary. My programs are good, my welds are crap. If I had done a lot of welding my welds would be better, but I doubt that they would be very good. No one should ever hire me to do welding.

Allowing this post through because you are making an argument instead of giving us mindless robotic npc shill crap.

You obviously can flip burgers. Equally obviously, you are far too stupid to do a decent job of welding.

Welding is a skilled job. Not everyone can do it. Takes a lot of practice and a fair bit of talent to do it well, and while anyone can with a little bit of practice make some sort of weld, not everyone can do a good weld no matter how much they practice. Pretty sure that someone who writes the way you write cannot do it. I doubt that I could make a good weld even with a great deal of practice, though I think I could eventually do one that is a good as second rate welder who can earn money doing it. There are good welders and not-so-good welders, and sometimes you just have to hire a good welder. They are in short supply and high demand. Sometimes I just had to hire a good welder.

When a good welder is done, it looks like the metal pieces just grew together like the branch of a tree. I cannot do that. Most welders who work for a salary and have done it for years cannot do that either. And when I needed that done, I was happy to pay for it to be done. I would not weld anything where it mattered that the job be done well.

Anonymous Fake says:

You’re overthinking. I don’t mind that welders would make $15 an hour, for example, because I know they’re like elite burger flippers, but at the end of the day they’re working with their hands, not their head, and the number difference just doesn’t add up.

And when I go to work, I go in a suit and tie. I don’t work in a shop, either. I’m of very comfortably high-normal intelligence. What I’m saying is that capitalism doesn’t seem to exist at the middle class level (culturally, even if overpaid working class people make more money these days), while it isn’t relevant for the lower class because their political opinions do not matter. They just exist in their own little world. But there’s something going on when white collar employees can’t figure out what their own coworkers on their own floor make.

The political ideal we’re looking for is for the government to shine its light on all the apple carts so we know where they are, but also to not let this information be used to topple them. The conservative can only think in terms of owning or seizing a cart, but he perversely joins with the liberals (even selling them the rope eventually used to hang himself) if it means suppressing the kind of person who just wants to manage a cart, and probably just because that’s what he was taught in school.

jim says:

> but at the end of the day they’re working with their hands, not their head, and the number difference just doesn’t add up.

I, unlike you, have had to pay for good welding, and I, unlike you, have attempted, not very successfully, to weld. It does not seem to be any easier to get a good welder than to get a good engineer. What I paid did add up.

You think that only priests deserve pay, and the only thing that deserves value is priesting.

No, creating value deserves the value created, and a good welder on a job that needs a good weld creates more value than any priest.

Your fallacy is that you think virtue deserves a salary, and you think holiness is virtue.

No, holiness frequently is not virtue. In today’s religion, no one is holier than the demon worshippers. And the reward of real virtue should be cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, which equilibrium frequently creates a great deal of value.

But value should be the reward for creating value, of which welders create a considerable amount.

The fact that you are talking about “overpaid working class people” is all the proof we need that you begrudge normal decent people their normal and decent lives.

The price of the burger flipper’s labor is depressed by the fact that everyone can flip a burger. If the price of a burger gets too high, like, say, if the state mandated that burger flippers make $40 an hour, the McDonald’s customer will not pay for a burger, but go home and make it himself. That’s why it’s called unskilled labor; because anyone can do it, it has theoretically zero demand, theoretically infinite supply, and therefore a theoretically zero price, except that the convenience of having someone else do it for you has a price, which is why burger flippers are paid anything at all.

I used to climb and cut down trees for a living. I made substantially more than a burger flipper, because the skill and nerve it takes to operate a chainsaw when tied to a branch fifty feet in the air, and avoid damaging life and property, is in very low supply, to the point where companies were outbidding each other in order to obtain my skills.

We do not even need to talk about value added, since people are incentivized to get maximum value for minimum price; a customer who needs a weld done would be happy to pay his welder burger flipper wages, except that his need for a good weld- high demand for a good weld- means that he will pay a good welder what the welder asks for, because the customer is unlikely to find another good welder who will do the job for less. Because the welder’s skills are in high demand and low supply, the price of his labor is high.

To put the master artisan in the same category as the burger flipper is a massive distortion of reality, characteristic of all marxist distortions of reality, and you will have to enforce this unreality at gunpoint, which will result in millions of people dying and civilization being destroyed. In short, you are evil.

The Cominator says:

“I’m of very comfortably high-normal intelligence. What I’m saying is that capitalism doesn’t seem to exist at the middle class level”

Skilled office jobs are underpaid because we’ve been pretending women can do them (sometimes they can but its rare) for a long time and in the case of engineering letting in too many immigrants who company’s prefer to hire because they are bound to their job, even though they generally can’t do the work either.

You are not getting screwed because skilled laborers (or laborers who are not super skilled but do jobs that are genuinely dangerous such as say work high steel) are “overpaid”. Skilled laborers do have the advantage over skilled office types in that you can’t pretend even for a moment that women and unqualified minorities can do their jobs well… whereas in office jobs the incompetence can be concealed and excused for long periods of time and then fixed by people who are actually competent at a late stage.

Yes, pay has been getting lower for office jobs because companies are no longer permitted to inquire too deeply into whether or not employees are actually doing the job or not, because they will find that women and minorities are contributing no value to the company. Moreover, they are prohibited from testing applicants for the ability to actually do the job.

So, underpaid because the majority of them are doing nothing. Instead of hiring one competent white man for 150k, they need to hire a sheboon, two white girls, a pajeet, and a white man, and pay them each 30k, and the white man acquiesces, lives in a 6×10 box with three roommates sharing a bathroom, because no family and no hope of starting one, though he hopes that living in the city will let him crush pussy, but it is rare that he ends up crushing much pussy.

The Cominator says:

Sometimes HIRING qualified people is impossible. Oftentimes nobody can do the job until they’ve had the job for a while they just must learn through experience, and sometimes some women and minorities do do okay especially at the more drudgery/entry level work (before I left my job that was a halfway between cad and engineering management I gave my boss an honest very good report on our voc highschool interns, one guy who wasn’t white and three women but I was very pleasantly surprised by their performance and had to give them all a good report when I left because I honestly had no complaints with their work and I had a lot of really terrible coworkers over the years at that job) but parachuting women and minorities into high level work they are not experience for or suited for is a disaster and it cuts into the wages of qualified people.

It was a lot easier to crush pussy in the city 15 years ago (women did not quite yet all have the idea that they would neccessarily end up with a vampire pirate demon billionaire king celebrity with a 16 inch dick), Roosh before he went tradcon talked about this he posted a thread about how “dating” had changed. The only positive change in the 15 years was that if you did get a woman in bed she was likely to be open to doing almost anything you wanted.

Not Tom says:

The thing is, skilled office jobs aren’t underpaid, even with all the affirmative action. They’re overpaid, because of the financialization of the US economy. Obviously they’d be even higher paid if the companies were allowed to run efficiently, but it’s the blue collar trades that are being underpaid relative to office workers.

If you’re an office worker and feel underpaid, in the sense of being genuinely unable to afford any comforts as opposed to being jealous of the CEO, then you probably aren’t very skilled. Granted, housing is far too expensive, largely thanks to the same affirmative action policies contributing to lower pay, but it’s expensive for the burger flipper and the welder alike. Ignore the artificially-inflated housing prices and the pay scale is not low.

Unskilled office jobs don’t pay great, for the same reason unskilled manual labor doesn’t pay great.

Not Tom says:

I don’t mind that welders would make $15 an hour

Hahaha, the eternal cry of the useless fucking parasite, “I don’t mind that [skilled profession] makes a bit more than me, but how can they make so much?”

I had those kinds of thoughts when I was eight years old, before I understood anything about the world and had never had to even buy anything myself, never mind sell. Literally, the economic mentality of a Marxist is the same as the mentality of a toddler.

The irony is that this mentality can only develop in people who have incredibly easy lives. Try being somewhere there is scarcity, where you need something done and just finding anyone who can do it seems like a miracle, never mind their price. But to the Marxist, food comes from a supermarket, electricity comes from a plug, water comes from a tap, internet comes from the little doohickey with lights. Nothing can possibly be hard to do, therefore nobody deserves to be paid more than anyone else. “But I wear a suit and tie!* All form, no function.

Go find some other applecarts you sad, lying little faggot, these apples aren’t for you.

Anonymous Fake says:

$15 an hour is perfectly fine for a welder when/where accountants make $25 an hour. Marxist union thug wages don’t exist everywhere.

jim says:

Most accountants create no value – their job is realistically tracking the movement of value, and they regularly fail to do so – they are agents of the state, rather than agents of the firm, and they cheat both state and firm. A chronic problem with the interface between state and firm is that it is full of parasites stealing value.

Welders create value. Bookkeeping is important, and we truly need bookkeepers, bookkeepers create value – but a good welder should have a substantially higher wage than a good bookkeeper for the skill and ability required to be a good boo keeper is far less than the skill and ability needed to be a good welder.

It is a lot easier to get a good bookkeeper than a good welder, and a good welder creates more value.

I deleted your other spam which presupposes, rather than arguing for, the progressive account of how progressivism crushed the proles. Supposedly the proles demanded it. Much as the peasants supposedly demanded collectivization and the liquidation of the kulaks.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I have repeatedly addressed the school question at considerable length. Instead of addressing it, you pretend that no one ever could think such terrible crime thoughts.

If you want to address the school question, address it in the context that there is a reactionary orthodoxy on the question, and you are challenging the reactionary orthodoxy, rather than in the frame that everyone loves the progressive solution and that it came about spontaneously and voluntarily.

If you think that even more progressivism can fix the problem, you need to explain why vastly less progressivism will not fix the problem.

Not Tom says:

Again, the battle cry of the human garbage known as central planners. “I just know what this work is really worth, even though I’ve never done it or hired anyone to do it or watched it or googled it”.

You know nothing, you contribute nothing, you’re worth nothing, and whatever you claim to get paid is far more than you’ve rightly earned. I’d take your salary and give it to welders in a heartbeat.

Anon says:

“[welders] work with their hands, not their head”

“And when I go to work, I go in a suit and tie. I don’t work in a shop, either. I’m of very comfortably high-normal intelligence”

As someone closer to suit-and-tie / office world than the welding world, this is likely BS. You’re not really doing anything of much value: you’re just mad your degree didn’t do what you thought it would, and judging by the way you write you are not of “comfortably high-normal intelligence”.

I’ve seen this same whining elsewhere:

Like this mentally disturbed baby academic, the fact is that you’re actually just an idiot with an inflated sense of your own abilities and station in life. I work with people like this. You’re not an engineer of some kind, or a physicist, or a quant, or a mathematician, or probably even an accountant. You most likely have some meme degree that you took a government loan for because you thought it was your ticket to a comfortable lifestyle that would allow you to look down on the type of people who weld. Now you complain because you have to pay back your loan on a middling salary. Too bad.

The majority of people who think they get paid to “use their head” are in fact stupid, and almost certainly doing makework that the world wouldn’t miss if it disappeared entirely tomorrow. You’re the reason meetings last an hour instead of ten minutes.

Bilge_Pump says:

“You’re too dumb to get paid to use your brain”

Oh here we go, the lefty faggot reveals himself to be secretly an elitist, but only when he’s dealing with “stupid Trump supporters”. When it comes to minorities who probably are dumber than him, he will allow any number of them to fuck his wife whenever they want.

Bilge_Pump says:

I can’t even read this shit. You go make a burger. Done? Ok now you go weld something. Never done it in your goddamn life and would be a total failure at it? Then stfu. There’s a reason trade schools exist to train welders (and other tradesmen), whereas a burger cook at McDonald’s can be trained in a couple of weeks.

This guy is a troll, idk how he thinks people who read your blog would take him seriously. Usually when I read his crap I can’t even get to the part where he tries to make a point because everything leading up to that is so retarded.

Bilge_Pump says:

I apologize for taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Publius says:

Been here 10 minutes. Spotted the NPC shill.

Gestahlt says:

In what universe is welding “mindless?” To address your actual question, improperly done welding has the capability of permanently disfiguring the welder. Getting your hand seared by fry oil isn’t comparable.

jim says:

Also, and far more commonly, permanently disfiguring the weld.

The Cominator says:

Welding is more dangerous than burger flipping (though I suppose you could injure yourself on a fryer) and its not mindless nor something anyone can do.

I being the uncoordinated sperg I am couldn’t do it. I can’t solder well either.

jim says:

I have done a lot of soldering and a little bit of welding. My welding is crap, my soldering not much better.

Todd says:

You haven’t a clue as to what you speak. In two years of training you probably couldn’t cut it as a rig or pipeline welder. It’s talent and training and often inhospitable weather. I’ll assume all your comments are equally ignorant.

The Cominator says:

Apparently its being reported that the Federalist cowards have cucked for “lack of standing” on the Texas case.

Trump must now call his people to the street, order the specops to um do what it does to the false presidents elect and takeover the state by force.

BC says:

Not surprising given their failure to fast track Trump’s lawsuits. The civil war is likly to be very nasty because of it. I’m sure Joe’s handles promised not to pack the courts if they sided with him.

Trump is Caesar in that he stands alone with no organ of the sate willing to backup his lawful claims.

The Cominator says:

The ones who voted no (I’m pretty sure Thomas will be safe) need to be treated as traitors after this…

BC says:

The Donald win is saying only Alto and Thomas voted for it. I still haven’t seen an official source on it.

Not Tom says:


The Cominator says:

Freerepublic has a thread that says Fox News and Fox Business are reporting it.

Its not unexpected to me…

Caratācos says:

Oddly brief given the case’s importance. Will wait a little longer before giving up on The Robes.

Not Tom says:

So it is. You would think these Federalist “originalist” judges would take stock of the fact that “standing” is in no sense part of the original constitution, but I can’t say I’m particularly surprised. As I said earlier, if SCOTUS prioritized this case over other cases, it likely meant they considered it an easily-dismissible non-threat. Far more important to work on Goldman Sachs et al v. AR Teacher Retirement et al.

One way or the other, it was always going to come down to Insurrection Act or No Insurrection Act. Does Trump have what it takes? Was this all just a pretext to prove that he tried every possible legal avenue, or did he really think the same establishment he campaigned against in 2016 was going to save him in 2020?

Pooch says:

I think it’s been a shock to even people on this blog that the judiciary has been completely corrupted. I think that was beneficial to point out to normies through all these absurd dismissals.

jim says:

I don’t see any prospect of judicial examination of the overwhelming evidence that the election was massively stolen. How do you see a prospect?

Caratācos says:

From what I have read, the other way is USGov vs States, which is unlikely to happen. DOJ would have to spearhead and this particular spear has been pointing other directions recently.

On a lower level there are still state SC cases not yet finished, which will also probably go nowhere.

Evidence does not seem to matter at this point as it will never be presented. State representatives have not been making any obvious moves towards assigning electors on their own. What I do not know much about is when the state delegations would get a chance to vote, so that could still be an option. Ultimately, the swamp is too deep and it will take fire and brimstone, not a drain, to get rid of it.

Robert Nares says:
Pooch says:


Robert Nares says:

It’s possible that it was a procedural quibble, i.e. Texas has no standing to dispute the election laws of a fellow state, and only the Trump admin does.

Robert Nares says:

Which, even if this is the case, is absurd reasoning. As if a state has no interest in laws that affect a national election.

Pooch says:

Wasn’t Trump a plantiff as well too?

BC says:

He applied to be one. The standing argument is bullshit. That’s just the supreme court ducking out.

Caratācos says:

It then relies on either the Trump campaign (doubt they have standing) or DOJ filing against those states. Given its recent behavior, why should we expect any action from DOJ? Also mentioned in that thread is the possibility that the “big beautiful lawsuit” will be backed by data from NSA et al. which I also find improbable. It would be fun though and it is really not over yet.

The Cominator says:

The legal battle is over Trump must use force now.

Caratācos says:

Legal battle is still ongoing, this effort was completely unrelated to all the state cases.

Trump must use force eventually, but not quite yet.

Pooch says:

Yeah the TX case kind of popped up out of nowhere. There were cases ongoing before it team Trump was pursueing. They are rapidly diminishing though.

The Cominator says:

To think we will win the legal battle at this point is to be Hitler in the bunker believing in the Endsieg in 1945.

We can win but not ah through the legal system, we must appeal to a higher authority…

Pooch says:

Yes of course but just for the sake of exhausting all paths completely, there are still few left.

Pooch says:

Interesting statement by Texas GOP

“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

onyomi says:

Jim had suggested that Supremes’ behavior might depend, to a degree, on Trump’s perceived ability to guarantee safety within the boundaries of DC. I wonder if this had any bearing on the decision or if it’s just cucks being cucky.

BC says:

They’re just being cucky. Joe promised them that he won’t pack courts(he will) and that everything would continue as normal. DC is like the Senate was in Rome before Caesar ended their power. They are only only interested in their own gift and unable to see that the writing is on the wall.

Leon says:

@Mike in Boston: On your comment about the forcing of gay marriage and tranny crap, the reason that sort of shit is forced is sexual humiliation. Sexual humiliation and degeneracy is a classic trickster tactic of breaking men, thus destroying societal trust and preventing men from grouping together to fight back. When Babylon was near its end all women were required to go and whore themselves out at least once to rich men at the temples of Ishtar. When Rome was near its end all manner of degeneracy prevailed. And of course, Jim has talked about the Ottoman empire and the sexual degeneracy near its end.

The Cominator says:

If they had hanged Taney and the other Dred Scott judges of the majority opinion after the civil war we wouldn’t be in this position.

Mister Grumpus says:

Here’s a debate topic for you. In 1994 Anglo-Dutch South Africa came out and agreed to sign themselves over as negro property, in exchange for some Status Relief promised by the Cathedral. (If you’ll allow my amateur demagoguery.)

Rhodesia was right next doo so they knew what they were getting into.

How is today different? How can it be made different?

jim says:

> How is today different? How can it be made different?

Learn from history, to avoid repeating it.

[…] Source: Jim […]

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