
Where we are now

A survey of the talking heads talking about the fall of Kabul confirms that our major military objective in Afghanistan was to teach nine year old girls to put a condom on a banana.

I am happy about the fall of Kabul, because Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. It is where empires go to die, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

We face two live faiths that hate us and want us to die, progressivism and Islam. The Taliban hates you and wants you to die almost as much as our government does. In this case, the enemy of your enemy is definitely not your friend.

Then there is Xi thought, the Chinese state religion. It is walking dead, like the faith of the Soviet Union after Stalin, a zombie, irreparably rotting and falling apart. Xi is trying to revive it with an infusion of Marxism, and is currently allied with progressives in America against Americans, while at war with their muppets and sock puppets closer to his borders, taking advantage of disunity and corruption within the American elite. At the moment, the left that is in his pocket is in the saddle within America, and is comfortable letting the American empire fall back. But the left that is not in his pocket is getting steamed about the collapse of empire.

I hope that Xi will turn right to Confucianism. Trying to revive Marxism as the Chinese State Religion is not going well for him. It’s dead, Jim.

In Russia, protected by Putin’s nukes, Christianity is returning from the dead. It is good at returning from the dead. But while no longer dead, is not altogether alive yet. Still has merely the aliveness of a mustard seed.

Holy war is coming, and you need to take a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Our best prospect for winning is the Christianity that is barely beginning to show tiny shoots of green in Russia.

Old Type Roman Catholicism is alive, and I wish it well, but the Pope is a heretic, an apostate, and a pagan, and the Vatican is in the pocket of the lavender mafia. This is a fatal weakness for a supranational centralized faith. It is a fatal weakness of supranationalism, universalism, and centralization. Always rots from the head down.

Worse, even Old Type Roman Catholicism is fatally blue pilled, and has been ever since it capitulated to the Troubadours. We need a state religion that is compatible with elite fertility, or else whites will disappear and the remnants will be wiggers.

Orthodoxy has the great advantage of being a coalition of national faiths.

When the Tsar conquered some place X that was not orthodox, he would install a King of X, and would send a Russian Orthodox priest from Russia to X to run their state religion, who would give a quick touch up spray paint job on the existing state religion of X to make it orthodox, declare himself X orthodox instead of Russian Orthodox, and fiercely defend the national prerogatives of the distinctive and significantly different national X Orthodox Church (The touch up job was seldom very thorough). The King of X installed by the Tsar would take orders from the Tsar, and the Russian priest installed the Tsar would take orders from that King, rather than directly from the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, but Russian Orthodoxy and X orthodoxy would remain in communion.

We have to replace our existing universalist state religion of progressivism and woke with a national and nationalist state religion, and Orthodoxy fits the bill better than old type Roman Catholicism, which is fatally and inherently blue pilled and fatally supranational.

Empires go to Afghanistan to die. They die not because Afghanistan is a tough nut to crack. It is easy to conquer Afghanistan. It is not very hard to rule Afghanistan. Imposing your State religion on it, is, however considerably harder, because you have to intrude the state into every nook and cranny, which is, in Afghanistan, extremely difficult. Successful governments in Afghanistan kept order and safety on Afghanistan’s primary asset (the crossroads of central Asia) and let the rest slide, relying on the roads across Afghanistan as their primary, and often their only, source of revenue, and political and economic power. Unsuccessful empires in Afghanistan went there to impose their universal state religion, and forgot about the roads linking central Asia. In our case, forgot about the roads, pipelines, internet, and electricity grid linking central Asia.

Defeat in Afghanistan was foreshadowed by the fact that the Afghan internet is an outlying branch of the American internet. A competent empire would have made it the central node of the central Asian internet so that it could spy on the network traffic. If the war had been run competently, everyone along the roads linking central Asia would find themselves with good internet connections, and everyone near the roads would find a good internet connection on their cell phones, with a short ping time to all of central Asia.

Keeping the roads open, orderly, and safe is the sort of thing that empires are good at and can easily do. Getting nine year old girls woke is pushing muck uphill, and empires go to Afghanistan to die because they are pushing muck uphill.

1,075 comments Where we are now

Calvin says:

Do you think Xi and the CCP are going to resort to breeding quotas to fix the idiocy of their one-child policy? It’d be an interesting approach and if anyone could make it work it’d be them.

jim says:

Nothing will fix fertility except male control of female sexuality. It takes two. To reach cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, need to have secure and respected property rights. The woman needs to owned. Her owner needs security that no one can take her away, and she needs security that her owner cannot disown her except for very grave fault deserving of punishment and permanent disgrace. The state declaring a state property right in children and female sexual services will always reduce, not increase, fertility. You always wind up with Uncle Sam the big pimp.

Calvin says:

Honestly, I’m kinda surprised that China hasn’t taken advantage of having thrown so many Uyghurs in camps by sending in some of their excess men to claim every local fertile age female in sight. Ravishing your way to ethnic homogeny sounds like something the party would want and it would ease some of the pressure of their sex imbalance to just garb every non-Han woman from the provinces.

jim says:

China has taken advantage of having thrown so many Uyghurs in camps to send in some of their excess men to claim every local fertile age female in sight.

But they are too blue pilled, shy and nerdly to an adequate job of ravishing, which leaves the women somewhat resentful. Women love a good ravishing.

Dave says:

Not a good idea unless you tie their Fallopian tubes and impregnate them with the eggs of Han women.

Calvin says:

Han eggs are already too scarce, and that many surgeries would just be crazy expensive. Much more efficient to just demolish every mosque, work the men to death as slave labor, and ravish the women. Islamic women are still females, they’ll submit to their conquerors soon enough and pretty soon no one will be able to tell there were ever Uyghurs at all.

neofugue says:

> Islamic women are still females, they’ll submit to their conquerors soon enough and pretty soon no one will be able to tell there were ever Uyghurs at all.

This policy worked well with regard to the Dzungars, taking care of the Uyghurs should be no different.

Robert says:

Agree, but dont see this happening any time soon in America, but there are practical steps we can take. Don’t support financially a daughter who wants to/is going to college. Tell your daughters they can live with you until marriage and that you will help them find a husband. Your sons can’t ensure ownership of their wives, but they can of their children. One can marry a women, have some kids, and divorce them while they are still happy with you. I mean divorce as fas as the police are concerned, you would still be husband and wife in all other ways. This will ensure you 100% custody of children supported by the government. After that she can never take your children. If she resists you are still in better position to fight than years later when she takes you by surprise.

Wolf says:

“One can marry a women, have some kids, and divorce them while they are still happy with you.”

Why marry in the first place and how does it ensure 100% custody of children?

Robert says:

In America (or at least most of it) if you aren’t married to the mother of your child you have no legal custody to it, so if you don’t get married she can take kids and there is nothing you can do. In divorce you determine legal custody, the father can be granted 100% custody if mother allows it, so if you divorce while mother is happy much higher chance of this happening.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can you verify your claim that in most of the US there are no paternity rights at birth unless there’s a formal marriage? That seems unlikely, though definitely possible in cities…

The other claim is so fucking stupid I don’t know how to interact with it. “Our relationship is great, we have a bunch of kids, so here are the divorce papers, dear.” It’s like your only experience with females is through a Ukrainian Lolita pleasure doll.

Guy says:

What he is saying is absolutely not true. You sign a form attesting to your paternity in the hospital and retain the same rights as a married father.

Robert Ferry says:

Seems paternity in some states is as simple as fathers name on birth certificate (I didn’t know that), in my state not a guarantee of paternal rights, but being married is.

Modern marriage is a prisoners dilemma, at any moment your wife can divorce rape you. You don’t like the sound of it, but its only solution I’ve ever heard of, and it worked for me. If you have a great marriage maybe a bad idea, but they’re all great until they arent.

Robert says:

I get it that it sounds crazy. But modern no fault divorce is a prisoners dilemma. At any moment your wife can divorce rape you. Marriages are good until they aren’t. You either live every day with the fact she can take your kids or you do something. I did this four years ago, my marriage actually got better afterwards, but it wasn’t great to begin with.

Dave says:

In American family courts, the mother always gets custody and the father is forced to pay. They might make an exception if the mother lights up a crack pipe and offers the judge a toke.

notglowing says:

Can a woman asking for divorce be legally justified?
Do we draw the line at beating her too severely, or excessive violence towards her children? Refusing to provide for the family at all and being “dead-beat”?
Or perhaps the man having committed crimes leading him to serve a lengthy prison sentence, making his participation in her family impossible.
Or does nothing justify it?

On the other hand, I don’t think it should be possible for a man to arbitrarily withdraw his vow. Adultery is a good justification for a man divorcing his wife, but what else?
Would it make sense to allow voluntary divorce if both parties agree? I don’t like the idea. Jews have this, and jewish men get tortured by gangs forcing them to agree to divorce their wives.

What if the wife is completely infertile, this has been a famous point of contention in the past. Probably the biggest controversy.

A woman misbehaving but not being defiled by other men doesn’t seem grounds for divorce to me, because a man should be able to control his wife.

Something that I find particularly detestable about our current system is that women become essentially shareholders in your wealth and can cash out. I would not marry without a pre-nup. Pre-nups are easier to justify when you are wealthy, so it can be an advantage to be wealthy.

I think that alimony should be eliminated. If it was possible for a woman to be divorced through no fault of her own then giving her enough to live with for one, two years while she finds another man seems justified. But it should be a fixed amount based on general cost of living.
No man should be forced to support offspring that isn’t genetically proven to be his, and which he did not outright refuse to take care of, and a single mother should be forced to find another man in due time, and not be maintained financially for long by anyone.

jim says:

To attain cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, has to be binding at both ends. The woman must be owned, and may not run away, but neither can her owner disown her except for grave cause deserving of punishment and disgrace.

Saint Paul listed permissible grounds for divorce – his prescriptions are sound. Beatings were not among the grounds listed.

Pooch says:

but neither can her owner disown her except for grave cause deserving of punishment and disgrace.

How do you reconcile this with Henry VIII?

jim says:

Kings sometimes do bad things, and husbands sometimes do bad things.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A man who in one moment happens to have power to do something, does something bad with it.

Thus, to prevent anyone from ever doing bad things, we should remove all power from everyone, thus noone can possibly do anything bad. There also can’t possibly be anything done at all, but lets not let minor details distract us from the important thing.

Such is the demotist solution at any rate; the solution to the problem of life is it’s abnegation.

Kgaard says:

It’s interesting to note that the Chinese covid vaxxines — SinoVac and SinoPharm — are inactive virus vaccines. They don’t create the microclotting and infertility issues of the viral vector and mRNA vaccines. But they are not approved in the west. Hmmmm

notglowing says:

The Valneva vaccine will be approved in europe soon, and it’s an inactivated virus vaccine. We’ll see where that goes.
It seems interesting though, at least it should be no more dangerous than the disease itself.

The Ducking Man says:

Might as well jab yourself with salene than those chinese vaxxine.

Kgaard says:

Yes of course. The only point is so that when you get stopped at a checkpoint you have papers to show them. The best you can hope from an injection is that it won’t eff you up. I don’t expect it to do any good. So then it becomes a matter of “which vaxxine does least harm?” And that’s clearly the inactivated virus ones.

Brutus says:

If it’s protection from the virus you want, a tdap booster cuts your risk in half due to immune pretraining without being too dangerous, whereas flu shots seem to double the risk.

notglowing says:

Valneva isn’t chinese, it’s british, but it’s the first western inactivated virus vaccine.
I’m looking at it as a backup option if I am forced to take a vaccination.
Maybe I’m wrong but it should be strictly less bad than catching covid itself.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The problem is unowned women, not unowned men – and you don’t solve the problem of unwoned women with even greater enslavement of men.

Calvin says:

China has Pakistan and several other countries bent over a barrel right now, pillaging some of their women alongside all internal Uyghur, Tibetan, etc. minority women would probably solve a good bit of the sex imbalance issue.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They could have ten women for every one man, and it would be nothing more than a temporary blip, because the underlaying issue remains the same. Fertility rate would vastly underperform relative to the potential expectation of such a state of affairs; men still would not be able to own women, the structure of society would not validate and support men in doing what it takes to keep a woman owned, and not even a rational appraisal of their own vanishing chances at reproduction in such a sexual marketplace would stop a woman from reflexively shittesting and acting to break up existing relations anyways, in order to smoke out alpha.

The shortage of wombs on the market is already completely artificial, there are already millions of women waiting chastely for another booty call from Jeremy Meeks – or Jing He Khan, as the case may be – not even consciously perceiving the existence of the masses of the good little betas at the strong and empowered lawfirm she is deputy vice chief adjunct of human resources at – adding even more women to the mix just means even more alpha widows.

Calvin says:

I’m assuming a China bold enough to just pillage their vassals for women will be fairly upfront to said women that they are concubines and breeding stock for Chinese men, and Uncle Xi will throw them in a concentration camp if they get uppity.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Theoretically possible. But the chicoms, having also descended from and not formally broken with a modernist ideology, also have a big involuntary celibacy problem, if unprincipally held from metastasizing into an aggressive cancer as it has in the contemporary occident.

jim says:

Your assumption is regrettably invalid, because, in an effort to breath life into a Marxism that is stone dead, Xi is zigging left.

Calvin says:

Pity. He ought to zag right into some form of nationalistic Confucianism or something similar. But I don’t really see why a nation with nukes should find pillaging some women any more difficult than exterminating a troublesome Muslim minority. It’s not like the Cathedral is any kinder to the latter than the former.

Viking Beard says:

No Afghan ever called me cracka. (just kidding)
You can’t help but respect their tenacity and never give up attitude, because they live there that’s why.
Read earlier that back in early 2000’s an Afghan tribal warlord was chatting with an apparatchik and pointed at her watch saying…you have watches but we have the time.

restitutor_orbis says:

Hey Jim –
Do you think a book that offered up red-pilled interpretations of the Bible would be useful/valuable?

I have made a hobby this year of reading the Bible and then looking up how those passages could be interpreted, have been interpreted historically, and then are nowadays interpreted. I find that there is in virtually every case evidence of – for lack of a better word – weakening or feminizing the message.

For instance, the word used for “violence” in the OT has three meanings in Hebrew: “violence,” “wrongdoing,” and “cruelty.” So when OT says things like “God hates the violent”, it could equally well be translated as “God hates the wrongdoer.” But modern Bibles always translate it as violent, which makes the Bible incoherent, since God openly advocates violence in other cases.

Another example is in references to swords. In every case where Jesus speaks of swords, modern translations and commentators insist that the sword is a metaphor for the spiritual struggle of the Christian faith, because Jesus is a man of peace who surely doesn’t mean a real sword. The exception is when Jesus mentions “live by the sword, die by the sword,” when suddenly he means a real sword. So when Jesus says “sell your cloak and buy a sword,” he means that you should commit to Christian spiritual struggle, but when says “if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword,” he really means that if you pick up a physical sword you’ll come to a bad end. Its, again, incoherent nonsense.

I haven’t seen a book that explores this — maybe it already exists. Thoughts?

jim says:

The red pilled translation of bible urgently needs to be written. By someone fluent in first century Greek, working from the Greek texts that Byzantium preserved against copyist error by from time to time bringing together variant texts from all over the world and reconciling them.

Ditch the Alexandrian texts, which Muslim curators used to wipe their backsides, and which, when curated by Christians, were curated by heretics who found the original wording inconvenient, and ditch the modern Hebrew texts, which are loose reconstructions from the fragments surviving each expulsion. The Septuagint preserved in Greek by Byzantium corresponds more accurately to what we find in the Dead Sea scrolls than do the modern Hebrew texts, which are reconstructed texts in a reconstructed language.

The original writers were red pilled on women, and cheerfully accepted both the humanity and divinity of Christ without overthinking it or worrying about the contradictions. Needs to be translated by someone who can fluently read the original text, and who is also red pilled on women and who cheerfully accepts both the humanity and divinity of Christ without overthinking it.

We need translators who are fluent in the original writers’ language, and who can think themselves into the shoes of the original writers, to understand what they meant, rather than what they would have meant if they were as Enlightened as our highly Enlightened selves.

Aidan says:

There are probably exactly 0 people fluent enough in ancient Greek and also red-pilled enough to make a proper translation today.

I am very, very good at learning languages, and have the right mindset, but I would need a patron paying me to do it full time, or else I would be an old man by the time I finished.

Fëanor says:

I was once working on learning Greek so that I could just read the originals directly. Attempting a translation would be interesting but I don’t think I’d have time to finish it either.

Robert says:

Seems to me KJV is redpilled. It’s the modern interpretation of it that’s the problem. When I see the word nation in the Bible, I know it basically means race, but when modern man sees the word nation in Bible, they think it means modern multiracial country. When I read KJV it is clear to me that it is telling me that my wife is my property. Part of the problem is the changing meanings of words. It doesn’t matter what your redpilled Bible says if it just gets misinterpreted to mean gay shit. Part of the solution to this in the past was having a clergy/elders who interpreted/cleared up tricky parts. Unfortunately ours (the wests) is pretty much ruined at this point. Don’t know much about orthodox, but would be a hard sell to American Christians like me.

onyomi says:

Yeah, the King James Bible is a major literary achievement from a time of white peoples’ greatest literary achievements. Of course, great literature doesn’t necessarily make a great holy book, but it helps.

chris says:

I remember reading somewhere that the old definition of adultery was considered female exclusive. That is, it only applied to women’s sexual infidelity. Then the definition morphed to be gender inclusive as progressivism took hold. The only term remaining that indicates female sexual infidelity is cuckoldry. Does that mean the commandment “Thou shall not commit adultery” should really be interpreted as “Thou shall not commit cuckoldry” ?

Alfred says:

Cuckoldry is a man willing allowing his women to fuck around on him. If a mad finds out his wife has been cheating on him and fails to divorce her and/or kill her and her lover then he’s a cuck. I doubt the Hebrews could have even convince of such of a concept. Any man who failed to defend his sexual property rights was no man.

A man can commit adulatory by sleeping with another man’s wife. A man does not commit adulatory by sleeping with a unowned woman. Adulatory is a sexual property rights issue.

chris says:

“Cuckoldry is a man willing allowing his women to fuck around on him. If a mad finds out his wife has been cheating on him and fails to divorce her and/or kill her and her lover then he’s a cuck.”

That’s a wittol, not a cuckold.

Kunning Drueger says:

Traditionally, a cuckold is a male that raises the offspring of another male.

Niiiidriveevof says:

If anyone can find any source indicating this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Miserius says:

St. Basil the Great:

“Custom, however, will not have it thus, but in regard to women it insists upon exactitude and stringency, seeing that the Apostle says that he who cleaves to a harlot is one body with her, and that Jeremiah says that if a woman goes with another man, she shall not return to her husband, but shall surely be defiled, and again: whoever keeps an adulteress is foolish and impious. Custom, on the other hand, commands that men who are guilty of adultery or of acts of fornication must be kept by their wives; so that as regards a woman who is cohabiting with a man who has been left can be accounted an adulteress. For the fault here lies in the woman who divorced her husband, according to whatever reason she had for undoing the marriage. For whether it be that when beaten she could not bear the blows, but ought rather to have exercised patience, or to obtain a divorce from the man with whom she at the time was cohabiting, or whether it be that she could not afford to lose the money, neither is this any excuse worthy considering. But if it were on account of his living in a state of fornication, we have no such observance in ecclesiastical usage, but neither is the wife of a faithless husband commanded to separate from him, but, on the contrary, she has to stay with him owing to the fact that the issue of the matter is unknown.”For what do you know, O wife, whether you shall save your husband?”. So that a woman who deserts her husband becomes an adulteress in case she comes to another man. The man, on the other hand, whom she has left, is pardonable, and a woman who cohabits with him is not to be condemned.”

“… a wife must accept her husband when he returns from fornication but a husband must send a defiled wife away from his home.”

jim says:

Everyone used to know this. That is what it meant within my lifetime.

Miserius says:

It’s very tragic that modern religious traditionalism is the greatest source of cuckoldry on the Right. Catholic trads especially are totally sissified.

notglowing says:

The traditional Catholics I know understand, but don’t usually say out loud, that a married man sleeping with a whore and a woman betraying her husband are not even close to being of the same gravity, but both constitute sins. It’s intuitively obvious they are not the same.

One is giving in to his lust, the other is betraying her husband.
I wouldn’t sleep with other women if I was married, especially if I had children, and I do consider it to be pretty immoral, but it would be better if my wife thought I was capable of it, and she should not take me for granted.
But sleeping around, and being discovered doing so, would hurt my pride, and it would be shameful, because I do not want to be known as a man without restraint, who cannot even hold his vow.
I could never forgive her if she cuckolded me. At the very least, divorce is a necessity in that case, but I would not be against much harsher penalties.

Miserius says:

Common argument directed at men that I hear from trads is “You can’t ask for a virgin wife, if you yourself are not a virgin,” as if men and women were equal, and is if in today’s world it isn’t a far more likely for men to be virgins than women (so a doubly bad take, and even if you find a virgin girl, she’s most likely a fake one, and was probably taking it mouth and ass for years). In the olden days, it was considered a good deed, and extremely generous to marry a non-virgin woman.

notglowing says:

I do not like arguments like that, because they put men and women on the same level in matters where they are clearly not the same.
No man should desire a non-virgin woman to be his wife and bear his children, and that is ultimately what this is about.
Though ideally men and women would simply be married off through arranged marriage at the right age, and not have to concern themselves with sex outside of marriage.
If men pump and dump virgins there cannot be enough virgins for men to marry. There is a negative externality from this kind of behaviour.

I have often heard the argument from men online, that those who want virgin women clearly are just insecure since they do not want to be compared to previous men.
Therefore implying that this makes one less masculine, as he doesn’t believe he can measure up with others.
It’s a difficult argument to counter, because it does contain some truth, you do not want to measure yourself with every man she has had intercourse with.
But being “the bigger man” by getting sloppy seconds or thirds is nonsense.

jim says:

The situation is fundamentally asymmetric.

When we are operating in defect/defect equilibrium, the game of players and bitches, Miss Average can bang Mister on in Thirty, so, of course, she does. But Mister Average cannot bang Miss average. So, if you are not the first, then of course you are the lesser man.

If you don’t smack her around and tell her to get out because another, considerably better, booty call is on the way, and then never see her again, you are the lesser man.

Because that is probably what the first dozen guys who banged her did.

If there is not a hotter chick knocking on the door at an inconvenient time, you are the lesser man.

notglowing says:

> So, if you are not the first, then of course you are the lesser man.

This is a persuasive counter to that argument

chris says:

“But being “the bigger man” by getting sloppy seconds or thirds is nonsense.”

Is reminiscent of;

“I’m so straight, I can take a dick in the ass and not be gay.”

Miserius says:

>Though ideally men and women would simply be married off through arranged marriage at the right age, and not have to concern themselves with sex outside of marriage.

Modern traditionalists demand abstinence from both sexes, from both sex and masturbation, but ignore the fact that in the olden days girls got married off at 12, boys at 14. Without patriarchy and early marriage, none of that Christian sexual morality stuff makes any sense whatsoever. And you’re right that marriages were arranged, marriage without parental arrangement was considered fornication. Problem is, these days, we don’t really have any of the social structures the Christian morality was made for.

>If men pump and dump virgins there cannot be enough virgins for men to marry. There is a negative externality from this kind of behaviour.

Yes. Old canons state that if you had slaves, you could take one (and only one) slave-girl as a concubine, but could freely marry the free-born woman later, provided that you renounce the concubine.

>Therefore implying that this makes one less masculine, as he doesn’t believe he can measure up with others.

That’s got nothing to do with measuring up with others, and everything to do with the fact that it’s hard to pair-bond with a woman like that. It’s not impossible, but it requires you to be extremely r@pey towards her, i.e. r@pe her ’till you break her. I bullshit you not. I didn’t believe it myself, until I read a few r@pe-kink confessions by women. Women, in fact, love r@pe.

notglowing says:

> in the olden days girls got married off at 12, boys at 14
I have heard this, but I don’t really know if it’s true.
I’ve read that they generally married around 18-20, and so did my grandfather, and my ancestors before him. My mother was born when he was 20, but she had children much later.

Marriage was allowed in the middle ages at the ages you specified, but I believe most actually married closer to the ages between sixteen and twenty. A man actually had to be able to support his family, the laws most likely reflected what nobles did, and they married for political reasons. They were also the ones who needed well defined laws for marriage and succession, more so than peasants.

Where I live in Europe, the age of consent is actually still 14, and people are not quite as scandalized about the idea of say 17 year olds dating young adults as they are in the US, though. That is a very american thing.

jim says:

Rome, typically 12 or 14. Marriage at menarche. During their decline, commonly much later, Very early marriage common, but far from universal.

West of the Hajnal line, late marriage normal, but early marriage far from rare. This was accompanied by extremely drastic, and frequently unsuccessful, efforts to preserve virginity for an unnaturally long time. Women really need to be banged, and will take drastic, though unconscious and seemingly irrational, measures to secure it. Very early marriage standard east of the Hajnal line.

Miserius says:

>I have heard this, but I don’t really know if it’s true.

We know it is, because of St. Augustine, for example. He had a concubine and a son. His mother arranged for him to get married, so he was forced to drive away his concubine (of two decades) and his son. His betrothed was too young for marriage, so he would have had to wait two years to get married.

>the laws most likely reflected what nobles did

Nobles could do it even earlier (they had the power to bypass canonical impediments). For example, Lady Margaret Beaufort first married to John de la Pole when she was somewhere between 1 and 3 (the marriage was annulled), and then married Edmund Tudor at 9. King Milutin of Serbia married Byzantine princess Simonis when she was 5.

>I’ve read that they generally married around 18-20, and so did my grandfather, and my ancestors before him.

My great-grandmother had 10 children with my great-grandfather, but they never got married. I don’t know how early they got together, but they stayed together their whole life. But, what I’m trying to say is that shotgun marriages were very common in the era before the sexual revolution, so the age of marriage doesn’t necessarily correspond to the first sexual activity.

Miserius says:

>This was accompanied by extremely drastic, and frequently unsuccessful, efforts to preserve virginity for an unnaturally long time.

I have heard (I have no idea of the period or countries affected) there was a Medieval law or custom which stated that no woman over the age of 20 can be considered a virgin.

info234 says:

“Marriage was allowed in the middle ages at the ages you specified, but I believe most actually married closer to the ages between sixteen and twenty. A man actually had to be able to support his family, the laws most likely reflected what nobles did, and they married for political reasons.”

The assumption built into that is the non-existence of an age gap.

A man could be older and could support a family whilst marrying a younger woman.

A man in his 20’s marrying younger is quite capable of support a family.

Aidan says:

That argument is countered with an appeal to love of all things.

“No woman will ever love you like a virgin will”

And this is true no matter how alpha you are, and how you measure up to a woman’s past men, even if you far exceed them. Today we derisively call it puppy love or teenage love, but the right word for it is virgin love, and indeed many cultures call it “maiden love”. This facet of female sexuality, to fall hard for the man who pops her cherry, facilitates early marriage, arranged marriage, and male coverture of women, and it should be encouraged.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Some cuckservative trad Catholics say this, and there are many of them. But what they have to nervously argue is taken for granted among other groups who call themselves Christian. The proportion of young men who are Jimian on sexuality, or near enough, is higher than virtually all if not all those groups.

Miserius says:

The problem with most Christians is that instead of controlling and restricting female sexuality, they focus on demonizing male sexuality. While we’re all aware of bad stuff that comes from improper use of sex, but it’s all a consequence of female emancipation, and cannot be fixed without unemancipation. However, since Christians cannot bring themselves to be Red Pilled on women, they double-down on demonizing male sexuality. Even those women who LARP as trad-wives are miserable, because that’s it, it’s just play-acting, their man is still just a beta simp (even worse if their man is Christian, because then he’s sexually repressed beta simp that’s afraid of his own shadow, let alone freely expressing his sexuality).

jim says:

All true, but I am still waiting for you to pass the shill test.

Take the shill test.

Miserius says:

>Take the shill test.

Didn’t I answer twice already? Well, third time’s the charm.
The answer is:
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Yes, and the parent of your comment already says anything else I’d reply with.

jim says:

I stand corrected

Jehu says:

That’s funny, because I know several women, one in the biblical sense, who married as bona fide virgins for religious reasons, and none of them married male virgins.

The Cominator says:

They married young or were frigid, normal women even if they intend to stay virgins just cant unless totally frigid, so unattractive no man wants them, or kept guarded in seculusion. A woman’s sexual response system is designed to overwhelm and override all scruples. Religious scruples are in the weak higher brain, her limbic and lizard sexual attraction and response system are of a more primitive and stronger ancient parts of the brain.

David Collins says:

All married before their late 20s, and all were fairly attractive. Of course virgins were easier to come by even 10 years ago.

Jehu says:

Yes they all married before their late 20s. But it was easier to get virgins among the religious set even 10 years ago, to say nothing of 20 or 30 years ago

The Cominator says:

Late twenties is way too late… 22 at the very latest and that is a stretch.

Aidan says:

Here is my prediction. The flight of USM from its base a month or two ago was quick and terrified. So the deployment of troops to Kabul meant to assist with evacuation will likewise be quick and terrified. They are going to scurry in with their heads down and slink out with their tails between their legs. Whoever is giving the orders to US troops is obviously very afraid that they will lose. If they take fire from the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, I predict that they will run rather than shoot back.

Alfred says:

If they take fire from the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, I predict that they will run rather than shoot back.

I agree. One of the problems the French army faced during the battle of France was their socialist officer core losing their shit and surrendering or fleeing from inferior Germany forces. French troops were quite willing to fight hard and often did fight very hard, but their officers fled at the fight sign of danger destroying their ability to coordinate a defense. The US has a similar problem with it’s woke officer core.

Yul Bornhold says:

In the hunter gatherer age, tribes frequently annihilated each other. Free land was worth more than captive labor, besides which, hunter gatherers lacked the social tech to control large groups of slaves.

In the agrarian age, defeated tribes made excellent serf farmers. Even today, serious farming was hard work. Back in the day, it was pretty wretched. Look at Hesiod’s description. The conquered tribes evolved into the lower class while the conquerors evolved into the chad military elite. There were, of course, instances of genocide in the bronze and classical ages, but these were instigated as military dominance displays. Every time the conquers slaughtered the defeated, they lost out on prime slave labor. Recall how the children of Israel often had difficulty obeying God’s commandments to nuke and pave.

In our modern industrial age, vast swathes of the population generate a net economic negative. It would make a good deal of sense for conquerors to liquidate all thirty-one million Afghanis. The Chinese appear to be doing this with the Uyghurs, if, out of respect to the Cathedral, more slowly. Women prefer sex when “it just happened!” Likewise, the Cathedral prefers genocide when “it just happened!”

Alfred says:

The conquered tribes evolved into the lower class while the conquerors evolved into the chad military elite.

Generally stronger tribes started as military elites who took slaves from their conquered peoples. These slaves seldom reproduced. Serfdom typically happened once the easy supply of slaves dried up, but I don’t know if it’s ever been established if it was the conquered people who made up the serfs or not. As a rule civilizations are more cohesive if the people making up the various classes are of the same blood at least in the male linage. Places where entirely foreign and inferior people are made into the serf class like Mexico and Latin America do not show signs of high levels of cohesion. If you want a strong civilization, pick your own damn cotton.

Aidan says:

In places conquered by the Aryans, slaves tended to have more rights and autonomy than one would imagine in chattel slavery. You lived in your own house and farmed your own field and were more or less king under your own roof until the master decided he needed something in particular from you.

Y-chromosome genetics show that plenty of slave men managed to pass their genes down to the present day. 1/3 of Germans today are descended from Old Europeans in the male line. Basically every Aryan-built society is miscegenated with niggers. Maybe the Old Europeans were better stock to miscegenate with than Aztecs and Dravidians, but probably not. The Latin American countries were islands of Castillan civilization in a sea of niggers, which makes cohesion difficult. Cohesion gets easier when you breed more than the locals and fix the imbalance of a tiny elite ruling over an ocean of lower humanity, but for most Aryan nations, this happened in the mists of very ancient history, so we have no way to view and comment on it.

Fëanor says:

> Maybe the Old Europeans were better stock to miscegenate with than Aztecs and Dravidians, but probably not.

I suspect better on IQ, worse on almost everything else. I’ve long believed that the entire left-right conflict goes back to Old Europeans vs. Aryans and there is probably still a significant correlation with haplogroup today. The most cucked ethnicities remain those (Jews, Scandinavians) on the edge of the old Aryan empire whose Aryan ancestors most failed at God’s commandment to nuke and pave.

Kunning Drueger says:

I wonder what happened to the Scandinavian population, because they weren’t always su cucked. I’d like to believe there is recessive greatness hidden in their gene pool. I know their outward facing politics are disgusting, but the Finns Norwegians, and Danes definitely still have based military elements.

Fëanor says:

Pureblood Aryans have always been a minority there, and Aidan says they’ve always been cucked, but the based ones probably had greater cultural and political influence before democracy.

The Cominator says:

Snowniggers have always been simps compared to most of the world. Not cucked on everything but they’ve always been somewhat cucked on that.

Aidan says:

I have since revised my opinion on Scandinavia after learning new facts- see below. The democide of their warriors in the 17th century probably also accounts for the high proportion of Old European Y-haplotypes today

Aidan says:

Swedish emperor Charles XII sent 43% of Scandinavia’s male population to their deaths, because the Swedish Empire was the first to introduce mass conscription. Scandinavia today is a nation descended from exclusively draft dodgers.

The Cominator says:

Draft dodgers should be potentially cowardly (maybe, American hillbillies largely dodged the Confederate draft, not out of cowardice but because they didn’t believe in the war) AND noncompliant the way Med types tend to be noncompliant. Nordics are just the opposite. I find it hard to believe that all the Swedes that lived deliberately dodged the draft… Nordics don’t have that kind of noncompliance in them.

Sweden is worse than Denmark and Norway, but only to a matter of degree.

Aidan says:

I don’t mean literal draft dodgers, metaphorical draft dodgers. Universal conscription isn’t universal; need men at home to plow the fields and smith the swords and so on. But when the conscription orders come, it was the strong, manly, and brave half who went and the weak and timid who remained.

At that time, the Swedish Empire encompassed all of Scandinavia and all of Scandinavia was conscripted.

The Cominator says:

I looked up Sweden under Charles II, did not include Denmark and only included part of Norway.

Aidan says:

Late response, but I was doing more research. You are right that Sweden did not conquer Denmark and Norway and send their men to their deaths, but Denmark and Norway mustered similarly large armies in order to resist Sweden, despite being less populated, which produced a similar effect.

someDude says:

Does your definition of Scandinavia include Finland? If so, the Finnish resistance to the Soviets in WW2 defies your thesis. Man for man, the Finns fought better than the Germans in that War.

neofugue says:

Mass conscription was first introduced during the Thirty Years’ War under Gustavus Adolphus, not Charles XII. Being drafted to fight in Germany especially during the early stages of the Swedish Intervention was almost a guaranteed death sentence.

Finding exact casualty figures for these wars is difficult. As for the Thirty Years’ War, I recall a source claiming females outnumbering males 6:1 in certain villages after the war. The Swedes and Finns lost 350-400,000 men in the Great Northern War out of a population of 2.5 million, which forever prevented them from claiming great power status again.

Aidan says:

It began during the 30yrs war under Adolphus, but killing all the fighting men of a nation took a few generations- the figure I remember was from the end of Sweden’s military adventures.

Fake says:

The last Norwegian invasion of Britain was 1066, right before William the Conqueror. The Norwegian army was a conscription of half of all males and it was destroyed. Norway didn’t do much until 500ish years later, when it appears Norway had recovered enough to contribute to the 30 Years War. Maybe in another 100 years, Scandinavia can be a world power again. If they fix their women problem, of course.

Aidan says:

I highly, highly doubt that Harald Hardrada’s invasion force of 10-15k represented half of Norwegian men.

info says:

Downward social mobility where excess sons of the elite married down substantially changed English gene pool:

Niiiidriveevof says:
Alfred says:

The Taliban are going door to door making it known all girls over the age of 15 will be assigned a husband. (7/)


someDude says:

Husbands who have fought for the Taliban. That’s the way.

Karl says:

If the father doesn’t like it, he could marry his doughters off to someone else. There should be some time left to do that, maybe two or three day at least.

If he can’t marry his doughters off in time, he should be grateful that some of the Taliban’s fighters is willing to marry her.

Kunning Drueger says:

Hey Jim

This may be a terrible suggestion, Lord knows I make them, but the 3 posts in quick succession gave me a thought: what about just a comment section, like a metacomments that is readable by all but only postable by hand picked users at your discretion or a frequency of comment, like just regulars? I know some people just drop in, and others just lurk, but some of us basically don’t go anywhere else. It might be useful to have a social network aspect to blog dot jim outside of post comments. If this is dumb, feel free to delete, just a thought that occurred.

jim says:

Might be a good idea. What do you suggest?

The Gab commenting system is unreadable, because thread support is incoherent. Sometimes you can bring up a thread, sometimes you cannot.

Blogs are the least bad social media we have for usability, and the only social medium where you get shill resistance.

I am using WordPress open source, which is good software, though it is now suffering from bitrot – idiots have taken over. So I have to do things their way. Writing my own is a big project at the bottom of an ever growing todo list.

Kunning Drueger says:

If there is any validity to the idea, I trust St. John, TC, and others will have more valuable input than mine. Maybe just another section like Recent Comments called The Deep End or something kitschy. It is interesting you bring up Gab because their comment on URLs was such a cool concept that just didn’t take off. Twitter is ultra gay, but I actually use B.J.C as a news source because I’m very unplugged and I have no interest in getting plugged in, but I do enjoy the hot takes of this crowd. Not a lot to go on, but I stand by my assertion that other, more suited men will run with it if it’s worthy.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve speculated (maybe it’s already this way, I don’t know) that it would be easier to manage comments if the posters were grouped into three lists.

Whitelist – comments get posted directly. Commentor has a good reputation.
Greylist – comments are held for moderation. Unknown/new commentor.
Blacklist – comments are autorejected or are invisible to most readers.

Pooch says:

Jim does this already. His moderation is superb and the major reason this place has such a continued high level of discourse.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, he does an incredible job keeping out the riffraff. It is probably his greatest contribution to the canon. Rediscovering the shill tests comes before all else, because it allows us to speak without being drowned out by entryists and lunatics.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’ll pile on. Jim’s moderation is stellar and provides a lot of good foundation for formulating and maintaining institutions.

My original suggestion was a selfish desire for a based and redpilled social network, which is pretty much what the comments already are. As is probably obvious, I want more connection, networking, dialogue, and discourse.

Is there a way to have a “secret room” on a public website? Like a digital speakeasy?

Cloudswrest says:

Another way might be a form of automated moderation based on a web of trust with up/down voting on the commenter. But not everybody’s vote is equal. The vote should start with a root level voter (Jim), and then those in his good grace. This might ease the moderation burden.

The Cominator says:

Fuck no. No voting systems. Truth is not democratic. I stood in defiamce of consensus here in the early days of the covid hysteria… would have been worse with (((voting))).

Cloudswrest says:

As I implied, the voting was not egalitarian. In any case some for of automation/AI/crowdsourcing is needed for moderation as it’s a labor intensive process.

jim says:

It is a labor intensive process, and I keep screwing up and taking a break. Miserius had to pass the shill test repeatedly before I noticed, and was kept on moderation far too long.

It does need automation, and automation requires human judgment and human inputs. But distributing that human input and human judgment in a way that does not lead to abuse is an inherently hard problem that people have been struggling with unsuccessfully for a very long time.

jim says:

Observed behavior is that moderation systems that have voting always fail catastrophically. Leads to brigading, the organized enforcement of consensus, and premature consensus always leads to madness and evil.

Consensus should be people eventual noticing that everyone who matters already agrees on some issue, and anyone who disagrees has hostile ulterior goals that they will not state up front. If you try to find consensus, try to construct consensus, or worse, try to socially enforce consensus, you always wind up with madness and evil.

If you find that you need consensus to get something done, you are doing it wrong. If something needs consensus to get done, probably should not be done. If human judgement is required to make one decision for all, then appoint a board, who appoints a Chief Executive Officer, and everyone follows the Chief Executive Officer, unless he fucks up or does something evil, in which case the board appoints a new executive officer. Or, since the board is probably in the Chief Executive Officer’s pocket if he is doing something evil, because he would not be doing something evil unless the board was evil, the stakeholders appoint a new board. And if the Chief Executive Officer does not foul things up really badly, he should remain Chief Executive Officer for life, and should be followed by close kin. Board elections should be held about as often as open heart surgery, and held for similarly dire reasons.

Board elections should only happen because a hostile shadow board causes them to happen, and should be an up down vote by a relatively small number of important stakeholders on whether the shadow board becomes the new board. And it should be hard to make them happen.

And before doing any of that, need to ask “Do we really need one decision made for all?”

Kunning Drueger says:

What about voting with no effect? Like, you can see where a comment stands in terms of popularity of position, but it has no effect? Might give interesting perspective on attitudes and how they shift.

Many years ago, I was an avid participant on Imgur. It was always pretty gay but it used to be fun. They use(d?) an upvote/downvote system similar to Reddit. It was abused much as you describe, Jim, but had a plan for trying to fix it. Each user got a monthly allotment of upvotes and downvote. You could harvest more based on viral posts, and on 01 January, everything reset, so no banking up/downvotes past that point.

I am opposed to democracy, but I do think demotic tools can be useful if a system is structured properly. Not possible at a country level, but I do think it is possible to do with IQ/trade/talent groups that are highly specialized and adequately informed. A Martian colony, a warrior band, or Jimian Christianity could all use demotics for certain cases of decision making.

jim says:

Merely knowing the popularity has bad effect. I have seen this happen over and over. You have seen it happen over and over.

There are lots of good ideas for fixing it. I am full of good ideas for fixing it. But I just lack confidence in voting, and expect that every clever idea that I have to limit democracy will expose new clever paths of attack.

Every distributed crypto currency needs to be a distributed voting system designed to rapidly and repeatedly generate consensus. I am working on this problem. Working hard, and it is a hard problem. Should not be solved unless you absolutely need a solution.

The Cominator says:

Lots of people will post in a way to try to max their votes. That in itself will lead to all sorts of madness.

Kunning Drueger says:

Heard and understood.

Jim, this is probably a very ignorant question, but how hard would it be to build an app that would be a message board for B.J.C regulars only?

jim says:


One message board system, to be worth building, and to attract enough software contributors to maintain it, needs to be open sourced and used by multiple message boards. And the software development team invariably comes under massive attack by progressive shills, who poison and subtly corrupt the software.

This is an important project that is worth doing, and indeed I am addressing it – sort of. In the sense of a design document. But the root of identity needs to be a crypto wallet, in place of Pgp identity that really does not work for what is needed. And my crypto wallet is currently pre-alpha. When it is alpha, (still unusable, but recognizable as a wallet, and sufficiently structured that other people can add stuff without breaking it even further) I intend to open source it.

Since crypto currency necessarily requires a distributed consensus system to get total agreement on the set of accepted transactions and the total order of accepted transactions, maybe that could be leveraged to have distributed moderation. But my current design document only proposes moderation by a single human will, albeit the clients get to choose whichever moderators they want, and as many moderators as they want.

A2 says:

One man, one vote, one time.

Kunning Drueger says:

>that feel when you get reminded that B.J.C is actually just one part of a prehistoric website

Always fascinating reading, but I’m a humanities midwit so I can’t sit at the adult’s table for too long before I get anxious

Joe says:

Somewhat related:

But before you ask: no, there is no open registration. At this point, open registration is impossible, because the FBI has unlimited resources to flood the place with agents calling for bombings and assassinations.

In actual fact, the way the FBI floods everywhere on the internet where right-wing people are trying to talk with terrorist threats is really just another form of censorship, as it is a way to shut down the public discussion. I would be happy to open up the forum if it wasn’t for this issue. But at this point, the feds have so many resources to hire people to post terroristic threats on right-wing forums that it is not manageable.

yewotm8 says:

He moves closer to Jim every day. First I’ve seen him invoke Gnon.

Need it for School says:

No news yet on my religious vaccine exemption. However I have been attending and enjoying orthodox liturgies.

In other news there’s a woman I know who I want to make a move on. if successfully executed this would be my first so I’m wondering if anybody can give me notes on what I’m doing wrong. She is a professional in her late 30s from an Asian country who has come to my university to do a PhD. I know her because we used to live in the same apartment building and we talk sometimes. When I move in to the town where my school is I want to invite her to my apartment for drinks and then try to make out with her or maybe fuck. Will she get the signal that that is what I want if I invite her over? I want her to know I’m interested but don’t want to turn her anti-“slut” defense on.

I hope I don’t seem too pathetic with this but in my opinion everyone needs to start somewhere. I think this woman is the perfect candidate to not be an insane firebreathing ballbuster when the chips are down.

jim says:

At her late 30s, probably not.

I am an old man, and have a simple rule. Never start a relationship with a woman thirty or over. She is burned out psychologically, starting to run out of eggs and go evil and insane, for lack of a strong man’s hand.

Women need sex, and can easily get it. How many men more alpha than any of us have been through her much traveled pussy?

At 28, sweet spot of desperation and rapidly falling standards, but before evil and madness.

Make any excuse to get her to your apartment, lock the door (not to keep her in, if she leaves under her own power let her go, but to give her security that when the action starts, interruptions are going to be ignored). Also turn off the phones. After a little while bang her regardless of protests, and maintain the relationship for only as long as to give you safety against regret rape charges.

Then look for someone more suitable for a permanent relationship.

Need it for School says:

Thanks jim. Not sure if I have the balls to do this. But it seems like you think just inviting her for drinks would work.

Need it for School says:

That is, it will let me bang if I want.

Miserius says:

Just make sure she’s properly wet before sliding it in. And use a condom.

Aidan says:

I forbid condom, condom is faggotry and spiritual death. You are turning yourself into a rubber dildo for some woman’s peace of mind, you might as well put on a gimp suit and let her tie you to a chair.

The Cominator says:

I’d say women on average hate them more than guys… maybe my experience is unusual in that regard…

Miserius says:

You’re turning yourself into dildo to avoid paternity lawsuits and venereal diseases (after all, you can’t demand that she get tested beforehand, can you). You can always do coitus interruptus, of course, if you hate the darned rubber so much.

The Cominator says:

Heterosexual risk of VD is massively overstated. I can confirm the experience of BAP’s friend “delicious tacos” whos rawdawged a lot of overseas whores. I’ve rawdawged a lot of them domestically… haven’t gotten anything. Paternity lawsuit risk is more real.

I’m convinced that most of your really bad VDs come from gays and drug addicts who spread them to women (“bisexual” gays) by depositing infected semen into them.

Aidan says:

Hey, guess what, sex ed lied to you. Shocking, I know. The risk of male VD is vanishingly low. Men get VD from eating pussy, shooting heroin, or being fags. Unless you have an open wound on your hog, you’re not going to catch anything but syphilis, which is not around anymore.

Miserius says:

I’m prone to living according to the Murphy’s law.

oliver willis says:

>The risk of male VD is vanishingly low.

Then how the hell do you think the women catch it in the first place?

jim says:

Probably from male bisexuals.

someDude says:

Yes, inviting her over to your place for drinks will work.

But if you feel that’s too forward, invite her over to happy hour. After a couple drinks inside both of you, invite her over to your place.

Then do the Jim thing.

jim says:

If a woman goes into a secure place alone with a man, she is down to fuck, but will shit test you with extreme brutality before fucking. Just pass the shit tests.

Need it for School says:

Not to turn this into a game masterclass but is an in-advance invitation OK or does it need to be more spontaneous, like “tonight” the day of asking?

jim says:

No idea, but every woman that came to my place, my invitation, if I invited her rather than her just showing up, came on the spur of the moment. I did not plan any of them. Whether this is good tactics and strategy, ask someone else.

You are thinking about the wrong things, and asking the wrong questions.

Men conquer and women surrender, but men perform and women choose.

Perform alpha, and the opportunity to conquer will arise.

Alfred says:

Getting logistical options ready is a good idea. Planning how things should go is not. As Jim says, work mostly on performing Alpha.

Pooch says:

You want to make sure she is available so spur of the moment tonight may not work for her and also shows a bit of desperation, but at the same time you don’t want to plan too far in advance so she flakes out and finds better plans.

My rule of thumb was if I got a girls number I waited 24-48 hours to text her and see if she was Available that weekend Friday or Saturday (whichever was more convenient to me), then based on her response plan a time which worked for both of us. If she is geniuanly interested she will be agreeable to your lead. If she’s not very interested she will be extremely flaky over text and may cancel on you last minute.

jim says:

yes, you always setup a date some time in advance, but I never set up taking a girl to my place in advance. Strike while the pussy is hot. Or maybe not. It never occurred to me to do anything different.

Pooch says:

Yes strike while the pussy is hot. Gauging her interest while getting her number is important. If I can tell she is extremely interested I’ll set up the date sooner rather than later (with the intent of going back to my place after the date). If she is lukewarm, I will wait and let her wonder why it’s taking so long for me to text her.

Need it for School says:

I’m going to say “Hey, you should come over tonight to have drinks and see my new apartment.”

Pooch says:

Bold but can be good strategy if she is very keen.

Need if for school says:


This is a woman I’ve known for a while, almost 2 years now. So it’s not right after a pickup. This is more taking an acquaintance into an active zone. She is not a “friend” just somebody I know.

I hope she is keen (esp. due to her age & demeanor towards me) but IDK for sure.

Need it for School says:

@pooch: This is a woman I’ve known for a while, almost 2 years now. So it’s not right after a pickup. This is more taking an acquaintance into an active zone. She is not a “friend” just somebody I know. I hope she is keen (esp. due to her age & demeanor towards me) but IDK for sure.

jim says:

Among older women, it is pretty common that they compare all prospective males with some super alpha of the days when they were young and hot. So no one who looks at them twice or puts up with their company for very long is good enough.

That is one of the things I meant when I said that when single women reach a certain age, they go evil and crazy.

That said, if she comes to your place, she is down to fuck. If she is not down to fuck you at her age, she is not down to fuck anyone, other than the man who long ago banged her in the back alley against the back wall of the bar.

Older single women are apt to be bitter and black hearted. The young and hot are tricky to keep around, but the older are not always easier. First they get desperate, and their standards drop, so they get easier, but after a while they go crazy and evil, and then they demand a six foot six athletic billionaire vampire King. Whom they plan to make dance through hoops.

The younger and hotter, the harder to keep around, but they tend to be simply nicer, as well as more desirable.

If you have known her for two years, if she was down to fuck, she should have shown up on your doorstep and offered to make you a home cooked meal. Older women with some slight contact with reality realize that they have to provide wifely services in addition to warming your bed.

Need it for school says:


So I should not feel too bad if she rejects my invitation as she would have rejected anyone. Cool.

Do you confirm that there’s no chance she will not perceive my invitation as being an invitation to fuck? She is not from the US, so there may be a misunderstanding on a cultural basis, but she should probably be old and ‘wise’ enough to know.

jim says:

If she is down to fuck, she is not going to be consciously aware that she perceives your invitation as an invitation to fuck.

But whenever a woman goes behind closed doors with a man, on his secure turf (show that it is your secure turf) she is down to fuck.

Need it for school says:


Thinking about this, yes, she offered me food a lot when we lived near each other. But she cannot cook. But she never propositioned me. I didn’t do the same to her either because it would have been hell living next to her afterwards. Read that either as my rationalization or my rational thinking.

jim says:

Women never proposition a man. Ever. At most they just spontaneously start glowing and look dopy.

If she offered you domestic food, offered her cooking, good sign.

The Cominator says:

They don’t unless you’ve fucked them already… ive gotten propositioned by girls I’ve already fucked (yes non stripper).

Pooch says:

Jim did you meet your current wife when she was in her 20s? Is there any age gap that is no longer socially acceptable nowadays?

jim says:

She was 28.

I had been dating a much younger and cuter girl, but dazzled by her beauty, wimped out and failed a shit test, lost her, and my current wife, who had been waiting in the wings, swooped in on me while I was distressed and depressed, and comforted me.

I have never encountered social problems dating radically younger women except from single women closer to my own age who do not approve. Everyone acts as though it is completely normal and common. Pedo hysteria is totally fake and fictitious. It is a complete pious pretense.

People are outraged at pederasts. No one blinks at older men dating fertile age women regardless of the age difference. Absolutely does not happen.

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic, but there is absolutely a pedo problem: gay predation on young boys. Might be pedantic, but I’m biased as a father. Out with the family recently picking up supplies, stopped for ice cream, and having a great time. This “””family””” shows up, corpulent mother, dumpy weak father, and two tranny kids. Completely wrecked the moment, but more tranny families started arriving and it was fucking disgusting. These parents dressed their sons up as whores and brought them out for display. The pedo problem is the gay problem.

Fëanor says:

>Pedo hysteria is totally fake and fictitious. It is a complete pious pretense.


People maintain the pretense by drawing a very hard line at age 18, and then not thinking about whether this is justifiable. Plenty of people who will be fine with, e.g., 40+ and 23, but will flip their shit at 23 and 17.

jim says:

I have gone a fair way below 18, have not noticed anyone flipping their shit. It is completely fake, a pious pretense.

People say, and perhaps believe, that they will flip their shit, but on encountering the situation in real life, smile.

People will believe any crazy stupid thing that they are required to believe, but are apt to separate from actual life.

People believe that they believe what they are supposed to believe, then the actual situation arises and they do not act as if they believe it, but they continue to believe that they believe.

Fëanor says:

I suppose the actual reaction I’ve encountered (from men) is closer to flipping shit just long enough to signal their superior holiness, then smiling. Nonetheless it is noticeable. And of course if she has beta orbiters they will remain mad, but they were going to find something to be mad about anyway.

neofugue says:

Катюша – Aleksandr Marshal & Valeria Kurnushkina

Handsome late-middle-aged man sings a World War II love song with a pre-fertile-age girl. No complaints, just cuteness.

Fëanor says:

Unrelated, but did you used to have a Twitter account with a PFP of JS Bach? Your screen name seems familiar.

neofugue says:

While I am not Bach Groyper, we shared a fondness for classical music. Most of the Twitter accounts with funny and entertaining content keep getting banned.

Speaking as someone with an extensive musical background, fugues are the hardest form of music to write. Unlike most pieces with a defined melody and accompaniment, fugues are pieces consisting of multiple imitating melodic lines on top of each other. The ability to write a fugue and direct it effectively takes a lifetime to master, and composers such as Mozart and Beethoven did not perfect the art until the end of their lives.

Bach Groyper liked Karl Richter, who recorded Bach choral and organ works before the period instrument revival. Progs introduced “Historically Informed Performance” as a means to bring Bach under the ethos of modern classical music. When we win, our musicians will no longer strip away interpretation and beauty in the name of formalism with regards to the great composers.

Mister Grumpus says:

“People believe that they believe what they are supposed to believe, then the actual situation arises and they do not act as if they believe it, but they continue to believe that they believe.”

Profound +1. Also quite a lot of horror in here, TBH.

James says:

Personally I set the limit even younger at about 24. They really only get worse past 20 or so unless they are under a firm male hand, and if they’ve been feral for more than a few short years, they’re generally not going to be suitable as wives or anything else.

Astralturf says:

If you’re going to join Orthodoxy you might as well forgoe the fornication. You may find a wife in the church and the more purity you have the better.

If you decide to go for it a roastie in her 30’s is a good bet. If she likes you she’ll play the cougar and make it easy for you.

jim says:


You are using the blue pilled definition of fornication. Which is Orthodox, but it should not be. And, not so long ago, it was not Orthodox.

See my discussion of this issue:

Miserius says:

In czarist Russia, boys fathers would pay bordellos to train their sons for the marriage.

neofugue says:

According to Cathedral-approved sources complied by professors of Slavic studies on intersectionality of “gender” and “sexuality,” I’m waiting…

Miserius says:


jim says:

Take the shill test

neofugue says:

It’s not an mortal sin if you intend to marry her in the process of banging her. Fornication as a male sin if done with non-virgins is somewhat worse than onanism, and while those blue-pilled shame men for the latter, no one shames 10-year-old girls for doing it. I may have my disagreements with some on this blog regarding certain practices, but going for complete purity is impossible outside of arranged marriage, difficult for a cradle nigh-impossible for a convert.

The advantage of Orthodoxy is that it is spiritually pure and intellectually separate from Western theological/philosophical decay, not the laity. Because Orthodoxy is fundamentally immune from atheism the system is great for organizing men, and I talk about NRX subject material with friends and can set up male groupies for picking up girls. However, game is required for dealing with women and other than my priest who married his high school sweetheart almost all of the women in my parish married around 30-35.

neofugue says:

[accidentally sent draft, updated comment below]

Fornication if done with non-virgins is a sin but not far off from onanism, the latter only considered serious by blue-pilled people shaming men while strangely ignoring the improprieties of 10-year-old girls. I may have my disagreements with some on this blog regarding certain practices, but going for complete purity is impossible outside of arranged marriage, difficult for a cradle nigh-impossible for a convert.

Orthodoxy is best for organizing men around a genuine faith, given that the theology is mystical and thus disconnected from the atheism of the Enlightenment. I routinely talk about NRX subject material with friends and set up groups to pick up girls. However, other than my priest who married his high school sweetheart almost all the women in my parish married in their early thirties. Having church friends does not negate the necessity of game.

Miserius says:

An Orthodox priest told me masturbation wasn’t a sin if done without imagination, or porn. It’s not like it’s even remotely possible to go from puberty to late marriage (in 30s or 40s), with zero sexual release whatsoever. I have no idea why various Christian denominations lie to children like that. It leads to all kinds of mental (and for boys, later, physical) illnesses. It’s evil and cruel.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not advocating either way, but wet dreams are the body taking care of necessary release.

Miserius says:

But they’re not really a reliable way. You can wake up half-way through, horny as a horse. On the other hand if it does happen, then you’ve sullied your underwear. You can not have them at all, if you get up early and never enter that phase of sleep (this wrecks your prostate hard). Of course, not having any release also makes it miserable, and virtually impossible to be around women. Proud Boys originally had no masturbation policy, but then wisely changed it to once a month policy.
It goes without saying, that if you have a woman, then by all means, you should never masturbate. It leads to dead bedrooms and dead relationships.

Alfred says:

Chimps only masturbate in captivity, never in the wild. When horny they go find a female to fuck. Men and boys needing to masturbate instead of banging a woman is a sign that they’re slaves who not allowed to do what’s natural and necessary.

Miserius says:

I am all for a return to marrying 14 year old boys to 12 year old girls. But, for that to happen, feminism and evil cult of schooling need to be destroyed. There’s no reason boys can’t learn a trade via apprenticeships, and girls only need to learn how to do housework.

Karl says:

That would not be a return, but a novelty.

Men married as soon as they could support a family. Unless the man was a noble or very rich that meant he had to have his apprenticeship completed.

If he started it at age 14 (which would be a very reasonable age), he’d be about 17 to finish it and only then would he be ready to marry.

Marrying a 12 year old girl would have been very unusal, a bride of 14 much more common.

info234 says:

@Miserius, Karl

You guys are still assuming no or minimal age gap. If guys would only get their ability to support a family in the 20’s then they should marry in their 20’s to younger women. Simple as.

And if I remember in regards to the medieval regulations. girls were allowed to be married at 12 but cannot cohabitate until 14.

So effectively the minimum age is 14. Which must be due to the higher infant and maternal mortality rate of marrying at too young an age even when taking nutrition and hygiene into account.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Contemporary historiographers frequently (and often purposefully) conflate betrothal – which is basically two broders in the bund promising their kids to each other, thus creating a reliable future – with marriage proper – which is what happened when they actually became one flesh.

Yul Bornhold says:

(((Freudian))) perspective from a lost age that thought the Church tormented society with puritanical sexual restrictions. If only we had onanism and free love, the earlier progs taught, there would be no unhappiness. They also thought compulsory education would eradicate crime. Now you come along, regurgitating their loathsome concepts.

The Church wasn’t wrong to forbid you masturbating. The Church was wrong in not encouraging your early marriage and you should know that because you’re reading Jim. Yet you’re not mad at the Church for the marriage business. You’re mad at it because it forbade onanism, justifying yourself with a ludicrous anecdote of physical problems.

You have recommended (a) masturbation, (b) prostitution and (c) the diminishment of the monastics.

Oh, and after complaining you experienced celibacy as a great torture, you blithely claim that the sufferings of soldiers far exceed the ascetic struggles of monks of which celibacy is only one struggle. You then advocate for the ranks of the monastics to be flooded with homosexuals.

Don’t know whether you’re a shill but you’re certainly coming across as an enemy.

Kunning Drueger says:

He’s just another Glennfilthie, caught in the web of poor choices, bad luck, and post-before-editing syndrome. He’s not a shill, or he’s a really bad one.

neofugue says:

Miserius strikes me as an omega male with a classic omega backstory, perhaps a mild version of Dolarhyde from Red Dragon. Getting up early in avoiding nocturnal emissions and beating himself down for looking at women, he was a devout member of a cultic group and turned to generic internet atheism in response, which is why he sounds (((Freudian))). His revealed past is reminiscent of Progs straw-manning generic fundie Southern Baptist groups so there is reason to suspect dissimulation. However, his background is irrelevant when investigating his comments.

jim says:

I suspected that this is prog reddit atheist straw manning of Southern Baptists repurposed against Orthodoxy, but a prog reddit atheist could not pass the shill test.

So, I think a Greek Orthodox Omega male – albeit I suspect in real life his troubles have more to do with his school being progressive and his priest converged, that his orthodoxy was converged, rather than orthodox.

jim says:

But Miserius is a responsive enemy. Discussion with responsive enemies is worthwhile. If he becomes unresponsive, merely repeating his points like Anonymous Fake, will go back on moderation.

I don’t think he is a shill. But he is deeply marinated in the progressive perspective, he is purple pilled, and tends to assume it unquestioningly, and assume that we assume it unquestioningly and unquestionably. This behavior is shill like, but the difference is that a shill is trying slip the false appearance of consensus past us, the classic and extreme example being the troofers, while the purple pilled delusively and unquestioningly accept the false consensus and are startled when they get denounced and are flamed for it.

I initially thought him Jewish, because a very (((Freudian))) view of the false consensus. Now I am inclined to believe he is what he says he is, but he has been rather more deeply marinated in (((Freudian))) memes than Orthodox memes. He is not coming to us from Orthodoxy but, as you complained, from (((Freud))).

He is pissed about the lack of whores, pornography, and masturbation, all of which exist in excessively ample oversupply, while failing to be pissed about the shortage of young obedient virgin wives, which dire shortage is near total, and is causing population collapse.

Miserius says:

What are you talking about? I was mostly posting about youth marriage, and I never mentioned pornography except in the context that it should be avoided. And also don’t remember mentioning whores.

jim says:

You are unaware of the worldview that you swim within, as a fish is unaware of water.

I was reading between the lines, perhaps excessively. You are not posting the full Freudian cultural Marxist worldview, but are posting from within that worldview and relying on sources that post from within that worldview. So I accused you of the full Freudian worldview, which accusation I think is accurate, even though the full Freudian worldview is not directly and explicitly present in your comments.

Miserius says:

>So I accused you of the full Freudian

I have never once in my life read Freud. Read plenty of Orthodox literature.
BTW I remember where I mentioned whores. It was when I mentioned Samson and that’s it. I didn’t advocate for (or against) it, nor made any value judgments. Just stated the fact that Christians can’t comprehend the Samson story.

jim says:

> I have never once in my life read Freud

Nobody has, but we are all marinated in Freudianism and Marxism, the synthesis of the two being cultural Marxism, to an extent that it takes a certain amount of thought and effort to notice and reject it. I get the feeling that you have been marinated more than most, and have not made the necessary effort to reject it.

Which I find odd, because those raised Orthodox are generally substantially less marinated.

Yul Bornhold says:

He’s (((subversive))). Here’s a guy who says that your prostrate will be damaged if you don’t masturbate, that Czarist Russians had prostitutes tutor their young sons (which claim he then mysteriously forgets making), that the monasteries are full of homosexuals (which is meant to be funny.) He casually promotes condoms.

All the while, he acts like everyone agrees with these gay propositions. These statements contain implicit arguments that Christian sexual morality is an impossible delusion and that monastic spirituality is inherently sodomite. Note that he doesn’t present these statements as such. He merely implies them.

It’s offensive. You may not feel that way, Jim, since you’re not Orthodox, and I don’t ask you to, since this is your site, but for those who are, seeing holy things trampled makes the bile rise. Especially when blithely presented as if the Orthodox would agree with such nonsense.

jim says:

I do feel that way, but we need to talk with our enemies.

And the tendencies he complains about in Christianity are there, though I see them not as central and essential, but rather the result of entryism and of inevitable human failings.

The Cominator says:

Unless you have experience its hard to believe that you wont get horrible diseases sans rubbers.

jim says:

Never used rubbers. Never got anything, though perhaps my whores have seen rather less traffic than yours.

Marius says:

>Especially when blithely presented as if the Orthodox would agree with such nonsense.

Any Orthodox who isn’t merely a child (spiritually speaking), or blind (spiritually speaking) not only agrees, but knows it to be true. You are free to delude yourself and think that Orthodoxy is free from all that you are aware Catholicism is guilty of. All of it shouldn’t scandalize you. It’s nothing new in the history of Christianity. For Catholics you have writings of Peter Damian. For Orthodox, you can check out Gerontikon to see what ancient monastic elders say:

“Fathers spoke that for the monks children are bigger devil’s trap than women. They also spoke that where there is wine and children satan is not needed.”

“Abba Isaac said: monks are never to accept to live with boys. Four churches in the skete have been deserted because of the children.”

Miserius says:

>Especially when blithely presented as if the Orthodox would agree with such nonsense.

Any Orthodox who isn’t merely a child (spiritually speaking), or blind (spiritually speaking) not only agrees, but knows it to be true. You are free to delude yourself and think that Orthodoxy is free from all that you are aware Catholicism is guilty of. All of it shouldn’t scandalize you. It’s nothing new in the history of Christianity. For Catholics you have writings of Peter Damian. For Orthodox, you can check out Gerontikon to see what ancient monastic elders say:

“Fathers spoke that for the monks children are bigger devil’s trap than women. They also spoke that where there is wine and children satan is not needed.”

“Abba Isaac said: monks are never to accept to live with boys. Four churches in the skete have been deserted because of the children.”

jim says:

> > Especially when blithely presented as if the Orthodox would agree with such nonsense.

> Any Orthodox who isn’t merely a child (spiritually speaking), or blind (spiritually speaking) not only agrees, but knows it to be true.

I see you confidently asserting Orthodox believe such and such, and actual Orthodox confidently denying it.

Produce a current Orthodox Church website, rather than repeating confident assertions. If unsupported confident assertions keep coming, waste of space.

Your stories about what Orthodox believe sound like they come from Cultural Marxism, not from Orthodoxy. They sound like what Jews who hate Christianity and Christians say, Jews of the Cultural Marxist school, Jews who liven in a bubble containing no actual Christians, Jews who just fundamentally do not understand Christianity and who have never wanted to.

Give me a current Orthodox Church website which says such stuff.

Normally I say “give me an old book”, but that does not work in this case, because given the gap of culture and language, there is always going to be something that a cultural Marxist can use – I can think of plenty of similar stuff coming from the English monasteries shortly before they were rightly and justly dissolved.

Henry VIII did not dissolve the monasteries because he was a good Christian, but because he wrongfully coveted their assets and rightfully feared their power. But the fact that they were not good Christians either gave him a plentiful supply of ammo, such stuff being among that ammo. Even back in that distant time, a whole lot of Christians found that doctrine suspiciously self serving, so even then and there, not an intrinsic and widespread part of Christian doctrine.

That stuff was hypocrisy, corruption, venality, and simony at a particular time and place, rather than a being a fundamental and widespread part of Christianity and Christian doctrine. And in any case the claim you make is that this belief system is widespread now. not that it was widespread in some distant land for a little while half a millenium ago.

Miserius says:

Yeah, there’s also ancient monastic rule:

Raro solus, nunquam duo, semper tres.
(Rarely one, never two, always three.)

Why do you think it is so?

jim says:

Moderns cannot imagine reasons other than buttsex, because of all our cultural space is occupied by gays. As I remarked, if it is legal for gays to be themselves, it is necessarily illegal for straights to be themselves, thus reading buttsex into old texts is presentism.

The Cominator says:

“Never used rubbers. Never got anything, though perhaps my whores have seen rather less traffic than yours.”

No I don’t use them anymore but I used to buy into the fear propaganda and did use them.

Then I had more than one dancing girl just put it in without putting one on in a short period (I was rather surprised in both cases)… after I got nothing I realized it was propaganda. Thats what I mean by without experience.

Miserius says:

>Give me a current Orthodox Church website which says such stuff.

Well, you’ve already seen sayings of monastic elders from the Gerontikon? You can also look at the canons dealing with penances. You’ll notice they’re unusually gentle with with same-sex activity (this is because monks wrote the canons).

Pseudo-John suggests a penance of only 80 days for “sexual intercourse of men with one another” which refers to male-male sex with no penetration i.e. mutual masturbaion, “between the thighs,” etc. (40 days is regular masturbation, so this is just treated as double-masturbation), treats natural fornication of monks and laymen as equal (itself ludicrous, ’cause monks made a vow of chastity), and as far more serious than non-penetrative male-male sexual activity (suggesting a penance of 2 years for fornication), and 3 years for adultery. Penance suggested for male-male penetrative sex is only 3 years, the same as for natural adultery. Now, if this is to make sense logically, monks ought to get harsher penances than laymen (because of their vow, they are transgressing far more than regular people), and far, far bigger penances should be suggested for all forms of male-male sexual activity.

If you want scandals (of course, these won’t be advertised on church web sites):

jim says:

Provide empirical evidence for your claims about today’s Orthodox Christian teaching or stop pushing them.


Fails to support your claims about what Orthodox supposedly believe.

You can always mine ancient books for random silly stuff, because over two millennia there has been lots of wickedness, lots of silly stuff, and lots of silly transparent excuses for wickedness.

Your claim was about widespread Orthodox belief here and now. And if it was widespread here and now, it would be preached here and now on Orthodox websites here and now. Your claim was that the Orthodox are preaching this stuff here and now.

With doctrines that are silly excuses for wickedness, such doctrines do not last long, because people start laughing, whereupon the corrupt elements of the priesthood come up with a new silly doctrine excusing the same old wickedness, thus such old excuses are not part of current Christianity (which has new doctrines “consenting adults”, “Global Climate Change”, excusing the same very old wickedness.)

Centuries from now, Jews, if any remain, will be industriously mining ancient twenty first century Christian texts issued by today’s Popes and suchlike for ridiculous Christian theology about Global Warming and female emancipation.

Whether you are who you claim to be or not, you are isolated inside a bubble that is out of contact with Christianity and western civilization. The Jews digging through old Christian texts with hostile intent are looking for ammunition, not understanding, so no amount of hostile mining gives them contact with Western civilization, its roots, or its greatness. They are looking for dirt, and the dirt is the same among all peoples at all times, so they don’t find what makes Christianity and Western civilization different and great. They can see only dirt, and are blind to gold.

Yul Bornhold says:

> Any Orthodox who isn’t merely a child (spiritually speaking), or blind (spiritually speaking) not only agrees, but knows it to be true.

What is the difference between agreeing with a true/false statement and knowing it to be true?

On what spiritual basis are you speaking, seeing as you “might as well count as being on the outside”? “I have Orthodox *spiritual* insight even though I’m not really Orthodox” isn’t a convincing take.

Whole lot of throwing around fancy words stripped of their meaning.

Alfred says:

>“Never used rubbers. Never got anything, though perhaps my whores have seen rather less traffic than yours.”

STDs are pretty prevalent where you have faggots who fuck women as well or with women who fuck niggers. Women who use drugs are also bad news in this regard. You’re about as likely to get a VD from a tinder hookup as you are from a whore or stripper.

Also, don’t eat pussy. HPV isn’t dangerous to a guy if it’s on your dick, it eventually goes away. If you get it in throat, welcome to throat cancer later in life and there isn’t shit you can do about it.

Miserius says:

>Provide empirical evidence for your claims about today’s Orthodox Christian teaching or stop pushing them.

I never claimed it was an official teaching (it’s not like anyone is saying it’s good to be gay), just a widespread and very common abuse (so common it became a joke in Orthodox countries). There are many homosexuals in monasteries. As I’ve said in one of my previous comments, many people (both Orthodox and Catholic) with abnormal sexuality are drawn to a life of celibacy from best intentions, because they think it’ll help them overcome their aberrant sexuality, reasonable no? And, as I also said in that comment, taking a vow doesn’t magically get you rid of an ability to have an erection.

Monasteries are iffy in general:

jim says:

> I never claimed it was an official teaching (it’s not like anyone is saying it’s good to be gay), just a widespread and very common abuse

Provide evidence of it being widespread and common, or even of it existing at all, or shut up.

Miserius says:

>Provide evidence of it being widespread and common, or even of it existing at all, or shut up.

I’ve provided the links to news about the sex scandals. That’s the top of the iceberg, the things that got out. What more do you want?

jim says:

We are talking at cross purposes. I was unclear.

I am referring to your surprising claim:

> Doesn’t everyone keep telling you how this life doesn’t matter, that true life comes after death, how this life isn’t the destination it is the road, etc. etc. and that sensory things lead away from God

If “everyone” – or indeed anyone with authority within the orthodox church was saying that I would expect to see it somewhere on the web. Maybe it is all over the place, but I am not seeing it.

Miserius says:

>I am referring to your astonishing claim:

That’s not something specific to Orthodoxy. It’s Scriptural:
Matthew 6:19-20, Matthew 6:25, Matthew 19:21. While the seed is Scriptural, developments were largely influenced by, and are, in fact inseparable from the Hellenic, philosophical milieu Christianity developed in (see if you can track the article Pythagorean Traditions in Early Christian Asceticism). It was very much opposed to the senses:

“The world is a deception of the senses, and genuine knowledge is not realized through the senses. Sensual perception is rather something anti-natural.”

jim says:

> That’s not something specific to Orthodoxy. It’s Scriptural

You read scripture very differently to how I read it.

> Matthew 6:19-20, Matthew 6:25, Matthew 19:21.

I fail to see the relevance.

I don’t see your words in those words.

Indeed, that the body is more than rainment seems to me pretty much the opposite meaning. Money and clothing is not “the senses”.

And then Jesus nudges us in the ribs and foreshadows what is coming: Matthew 19:25-26, and everything you quote has to be read and understood in the context of what is foreshadowed. You are not supposed to stop at 19:21 and then toss the rest behind the water heater and run with 19:21. Many people do stop at 19:21 and run with it, but those people are not Christians.

Miserius says:

>I don’t see your words in those words.

So, why you do you think Desert Fathers happened (this later lead to the development of monasticism)?

Of course, words are preloaded with meaning depending on the cultural milieu you’re coming from. But, the fact that so many people went into the desert means that many people saw exactly that meaning, that they should give away all their possessions, give up on the world, and spend the rest of life in the desert.

jim says:

The monastics are attempting to live the versus you quote.

But I doubt that they would agree with the meaning that you give those verses.

neofugue says:

> Any Orthodox who isn’t merely a child…or blind…not only agrees, but knows it to be true

According to the omega male apostate typing from the lofty corners of his basement. I feel sorry for you and what you went through, but one should go outside and meet people before pontificating on what is “Orthodox.”

> Monasteries are iffy in general…[link to]

Certain people were upset with the reunion between Synod and Moscow Patriarchate, but most were out of the loop. My priest was involved with the reunification process; one of his anti-Sergianist colleagues expressed delight at how the MP delegates were as anti-Communist as he was, and relations between the two remain excellent to this day. The linked site by no means speaks for Orthodox Christians as a whole, much less Russian Orthodox Christians in the Anglosphere.

From meeting people in real life, I know which monasteries are solid and which ones have reputations for homosexuality. In the United States there is one monastery with problems, but almost all the others, including the ones I purchase my icons from, have solid reputations.

All of the Orthodox I know in real life speak highly of Elder Ephraim and his monasteries. Being upset with Elder Ephraim while failing to mention entryists such as Elpiphidoros is indicative of a vendetta against Orthodoxy. It is not surprising that the highly-converged Greek church produces scandals, but if sodomy was endemic Mount Athos would not have the reputation it does today.

> The world is a deception of the senses, and genuine knowledge is not realized through the senses. Sensual perception is rather something anti-natural.

Reading is difficult for many people, but context is important:

Repentance is this constant exodus, an alteration of the form of thought — μετάνοια, a new setting of mind or thought. Man is connected to the world through his senses, through sensual impressions — not so much through the body itself as through sensuality. The soul’s impurity is in this dependence on sensual impressions — in the liveliness of sensual impressions lies death and the deathliness of the heart. Sensual images blind the soul’s vision and prevent genuine perception — the passions burn the soul’s knowledge.

Christianity is not opposed to the “senses” as a whole, it is opposed to the passions which separate us from God. The quoted church father goes on to describe how one fights the passions through struggle and humility. According to Progressive academics, Christ stating no one comes to God but through him means everyone comes to God through him. If this is all omega male miserius has, it isn’t impressive.

Miserius says:

Ad hominems serve no purpose. Nor psychoanalyzing my motivations, but no I’m not an atheist. You can’t lose your faith that easily. However, the church is a mess, and I just don’t have any more fucks to give. It’s not milk and honey, nor is it some kind of based utopia, and hierarchs are just as corrupt and degenerate as the Catholic ones.

See, you acknowledge there are monasteries with the gay problem. That’s a sign of spiritual maturity, rather than sticking a head in the sand and pretending Orthodox homos don’t exist. There are homos on the Athos too, though there they are a minority, and aren’t regarded as a problem (the biggest temptation for the monks of Athos is pride). Athos monasteries are actual monasteries, rather than tourist attraction.

You can’t pretend it’s some kind of life-affirming worldly success oriented right-wing doctrine however you cut it.

“Why did He give these commands?

To free you from hate, sadness, wrath and revenge and to grant you to obtain perfect love. This is impossible for whoever does not equally love all people to have, just as God loves everyone equally.

Whoever has perfect love does not make distinctions with people:

He knows that we all have the same human nature, and for this reason without exception he loves everyone the same:

The virtuous ones he loves as friends, whereas the evil ones he loves as enemies and benefactors them and long-suffers and forbears, if they harm him, without considering at all the evil which is done to him.

On the contrary, he considers making them friends also, if possible. And if he does not manage this, he does not change his disposition, but continues loving everyone equally.

Struggle, as much as you can, to love every man: If you cannot do this yet, at least don’t hate anyone. But neither this will you be able to achieve, if you don’t scorn the things of the world.”
St. Maximus the Confessor

jim says:

> Whoever has perfect love does not make distinctions with people

You are preaching progressive heresy as official doctrine, and telling us all Christians already agree. No Christians agree, and those that say they are Christian and agree are entryists.

You are preaching works of works of supererogation, and telling us Christians preach works of supererogation. No they do not.

Argument from false consensus. I will not allow this method of argument on my blog whether you are a shill or not.

What you are preaching is not Christianity. You are doing to the bible and to Christian doctrine what Talmudists do to the Talmud. Grab one line and run with it to manufacture a whole new doctrine that bears scarcely any resemblance to the original line, and tramples over all the other lines.

Well this is not a Christian blog, so post Christian heresy is allowed. But this is a Dark Enlightenment blog, so argument from false consensus is not allowed.

Do it again, and you are back on moderation

You are not attacking Orthodoxy from a Christian perspective, but attacking Christianity itself from an “I am Christian and all Christians already agree with me” perspective. Attacking Christianity is allowed. Entryism not allowed. You can attack Christianity as an outgroup member, our Hindu commenters do that all the time, and they are great, but not while while wearing the identity of an ingroup member.

Attacking the ingroup while wearing the false identity of an ingroup member is unacceptable behavior in the dark enlightenment. Your doctrines are not Christian and you are not allowed to present them as if they were.

You are obviously not a direct employee of the Cathedral, but you are still performing an entryist attack on Christianity. Attacks are allowed. We have a lot of them, and they are great. Entryism is not allowed.

The worship of Gnon is Dark Enlightenment doctrine, and some Hindus, though not very many of them, are are Hindu worshipers of Gnon. Christians worship Gnon, and if you are not worshiping Gnon, not Christian.

If a Muslim worships Gnon, a lot of Muslims would say he is not a Muslim but an apostate, and needs to have his head cut off. While I object to the head removal part, I have to agree he is not a Muslim.

jim says:

> Ad hominems serve no purpose.

Unmasking an enemy priest wearing false colors is vital. Entryism is intolerable.

What you are preaching is not Christianity, but a hostile enemy faith, and it is entirely relevant, indeed centrally important, to identify you as a hostile enemy.

To preserve rational debate, argument from false consensus is banned.

To maintain a safe space for debate, entryism is banned. People need to be able to know whether they are talking to friends or enemies.

We are happy to talk with enemies. We are not happy to talk with enemies wearing false colors.

Your fundamental argument here is that “All you backward stupid ignorant hateful Christians already agree that Christianity, rightly understood, is hippy progressivism, and you are hypocritically failing to live up to your own faith by being insufficiently progressive”.

I am not going to allow you to preach an enemy religion if you keep telling us that it is what all Christians already think.

Miserius says:

>Do it again, and you are back on moderation.

Jim, those are not my words. The entire bloc between the quotes is by Saint Maximus the Confessor (is says St. Maximus the Confessor underneath). He was the big fighter against Monothelite heresy.

jim says:

You are grabbing lines from their larger context and running with them, as the Talmudists do.

What you are preaching is not Christianity, but a non Christian doctrine hostile to Christianity and hostile to Christians lifted from anti Christian prog entryist websites.

You are getting your stories about Orthodoxy not from your lived experience, but from a progressive entryist website, which casts doubt upon your story of being raised Orthodox, and casts doubt upon your claim that you were Omega because of an evil Orthodox priest. More like *are* omega because of an evil cat lady in the government education system.

neofugue says:

> You can’t pretend it’s some kind of life-affirming worldly success oriented right-wing doctrine however you cut it

Straw man. No one says Orthodoxy is a “life-affirming worldly success oriented right-wing doctrine,” we understand the faith as an ancient religious system with a traditional morality. There is no “right-wing” or “left-wing,” there is simply Christianity and Progressivism, with the Left Wing accelerating the decline and the Right Wing gracefully losing every battle.

All of your attempts at conflating Christianity with heresy have been refuted over and over again no matter how many misleading church fathers quotations or other nonsense you bring up.

> See, you acknowledge there are monasteries with the gay problem. That’s a sign of spiritual maturity, rather than sticking a head in the sand and pretending Orthodox homos don’t exist.

No one said there aren’t homosexuals in the church; there are gays in every religious institution including those without monastics. I’m sure Elpidophoros and his associates have skeletons in his closet, among them other evil people whom miserius fails to mention.

> “no I’m not an [apostate]”

Press X To Doubt

> Why did He give these commands…[Saint Maximos]

Go back to Reddit, your tactics are better suited there.

neofugue says:

> You are preaching progressive heresy and Works of Supererogation as official doctrine, and telling us all Christians already agree

Should have checked his quotation. Miserius copied and pasted the quote from Redzambla, a Progressive entryist site espousing Ecumenism.

Misquoted “forbears” from the link below:

Well, now everything is clear, Miserius is a Progressive entryist. This explains his hatred for monasticism and Elder Ephraim while failing to mention Elpidophoros and his ilk. Currently looking into the quotation from Saint Maximus as I cannot find it outside of that particular site. The quotation may be fake.

jim says:

> The quotation may be fake.

Fake, deliberately mistranslated like modern versions of the bible, or lifted from context and given false context and interpretation. It does not matter. We know where his framing of that alleged quote comes from. A line by line dissection of the fruit of a poisonous tree is hardly needed.

Miserius says:

You’re straw-manning. I was complaining that church made me unable to get married, and scared of women. How are you going to get married when you suffocated your sexuality? Is there such a thing as an asexual sex?

Oh, monasteries are already full of homosexuals, which you can see for yourself if you visit one and stay there long enough.

Miserius says:

They say humor doesn’t translate well. But I’ll still try.

Abbot tells young novice who came to the monastery: “Child, know this, if you can’t manage, every day except on Thursdays, there’s a barrel in courtyard. The barrel has a hole. Just stick it in the hole until you’re done.”
The novice asks: “And what about Thursdays?”
The abbot answers: “On Thursdays you’re the one in the barrel.”

Aidan says:

If you’re a single, healthy young man, you have to beat it sometimes, because in the state of nature, if single, you would get horny and just go rayp the shit out of some girl, and try to kill any man who got in your way. Having full balls makes modernity absolutely intolerable to a man. If I completely refrained, and could not get laid, I would have beaten some random guy who bumped into me on the street half to death and be in jail right now. We jack off to nerf ourselves and make modern life livable.

When I was single and horny, I would feel the odd compulsion to go out very late at night and wander the streets. The desire to rayp is very strong if you are a healthy man with high testosterone. You need the release. Jacking it is spiritually unhealthy and wastes valuable nutrients, but you can mitigate that if you keep it to once a week or so. After a week I would seriously entertain thoughts of committing stranger rape, though it would just make me go pick up a girl at a bar. If you have it in you to rayp and murder, it actually makes getting laid “consensually” easy.

One thing I noticed is that I never got laid with a girl I fantasized about prior to banging her, so don’t do that. I’m not exaggerating, it never once happened. All the girls I’ve ever been with, I never beat it to the thought of them beforehand, and this fact is something that makes me believe in the supernatural. And obviously, don’t cuck yourself with porn, and don’t fantasize about weird shit. Also, do it right before bed. Don’t ever make plans, socialize, or overthink when you have empty balls.

Miserius says:

>Jacking it is spiritually unhealthy and wastes valuable nutrients, but you can mitigate that if you keep it to once a week or so.

Never use porn (this way you avoid spiritual pollution). Take zinc supplements to restore nutrients. And I’d say keep it to once a month, or rarer (in order to preserve high levels of hormones).

If not single, never jack.

Miserius says:

>don’t fantasize about weird shit

Don’t fantasize anything!

Aidan says:

Abstaining for a month is clearly unhealthy based on the look and consistency of the semen that comes out after that time. The body was designed to bust a nut once in a while. Chimps only masturbate in captivity, but guess what, single men today are in captivity.

Didn’t you say below that a bad priest fucked up your sexual energy, or can you not get your story straight? Should not speak about what is healthy for a man if you admit to being fucked up. I cannot walk past a young fertile woman without imagining tearing her clothes off like wet tissue and railing her out.

In the sermon on the mount, Christ does not say “don’t get randy for hot young sluts”, he says “don’t lust after your neighbor’s wife”. There is nothing at all in the bible discouraging a man from being horny, and a whole lot discouraging men from being hot for owned women.

Dave says:

One thing I noticed is that I never got laid with a girl I fantasized about prior to banging her…something that makes me believe in the supernatural.

Seems pretty natural to me. You fantasize about her and she rejects you for the same reason: You are dazzled by her beauty. Even Jim is not immune to this; he let himself be dazzled and got dumped. Heartiste told of a man who scored chicks way out of his league because, owing to his failing eyesight, he was not dazzled by their beauty.

Miserius says:

I read somewhere that it takes a month for there to accumulate enough necrotic cells for it to become carcinogenic to the prostate gland. That’s why consistency of the semen that comes out after that time looks unhealthy. And that’s exactly why you need it out. If you don’t, after a while you’ll start discharching that unhealthy-looking semen when you take a piss, or after you take a dump, as it starts overflowing within your reproductive system.

Miserius says:

Of course, if you have higher testosterone levels you don’t need to wait out that long in order to preserve testosterone levels. But, for me, one a week would be way too often, and I’d not be motivated (read horny) enough for women to interest me at all.

Aidan says:


That is what I thought at first, that it poisons my interactions with said girl due to the submissive frame of fantasizing about her. But it also applies to girls I was only talking to online being willing to meet up, and I don’t think there was any difference in the way I was texting.

Bilge_Pump says:

First off, Chimps in the wild do jerk it. In chimp groups there are alphas who control the territory and get most of the poon. Then there are secondary chimps who get side poon, when the female chimps slink off while alpha chimp is doing some other shit. Then there are tertiary chimps who get little to no poon whatsoever. Sometimes the chimps will form groups to depose the alpha, there will be wars, but when the dust settles the system reestablishes itself and there continue to be poonless chimps. These chimps do in fact jerk off. I keep seeing it stated that only chimps in captivity jerk off, not true, and used to try to convince people that there’s some sort of “natural” state in which they will get laid more often.

Second, “One thing I noticed is that I never got laid with a girl I fantasized about prior to banging her, so don’t do that.” This is true, every encounter I’ve had with women I didn’t fantasize about her, didn’t know her beforehand, or was even slightly annoyed by her.

Third, “Should not speak about what is healthy for a man if you admit to being fucked up”, this implies a few things. one of which is that a man can never “admit to being fucked up” without his comments being illegitimate. Who here has not been “fucked up”? Let he who has never been / gotten fucked up cast the first stone. As Jim says, Pimps are cucks, and as I read some famous Russian author say one time, “we are all cuckolds” (plz let me know if you are familiar with this quote as I don’t think I’m going to be able to find it again).

Fourth, “Never use porn”, absolutely, porn is a disease. better to fuck a whore than to jerk off while watching some other guy fuck a whore.

Bilge_Pump says:

Another thing I’ve noticed is that, if I ever have a conscious plan laid out in my head to get laid, it doesn’t work. There have been times where I knew I was going to get laid, but this wasn’t due to any reflective internal planning or anything like that. Pretty much every time when I go out thinking “I want to get laid” I end up going home and jerking off.

Pooch says:

This touches on why the manosphere leaders would always stress “Don’t make women your mission.” Leaving your house with the specific intent to get laid (especially by yourself with no tribe) gives off a level of betaness and desperation that women are fine-tuned to pick up in your behavior. Alpha males are busy men who have a mission that takes priority over women. I had drastic improvement in my close rates when I internalized that principle.

Pooch says:

If I happened across a broad eyeing me up while I was out and about or partying with my bros I would approach as an opportunist, but leaving the house with sole purpose to approach women always produced a low success rate for me, personally.

Fëanor says:


I’ve gotten away with it, in an online context similar to what you describe (a different case from the one you know about). It is a mindset thing, as far as I can tell, and nothing supernatural, although the communication is probably so subliminal that it might as well be. Nonetheless, in most cases, probably too late even by the time you’re seriously tempted.

(OTOH, I’ve gotten far more obviously and immediately smited for whacking it to porn while in a relationship but physically separated for a while. God is even less merciful about that one, probably for good reason.)

alf says:

I’ve done it, with my current girl even. I remember specifically because I was wielding Rollo Tomassi’s ‘three times a charm’ rule and she made me wait longer which gave me big ol blue balls.

Kunning Drueger says:

@Bilge Pump
He said captivity. You rebut, then describe… captivity. So the original point stands. Here it is, said differently: male mammals masturbate involuntarily when they are, or believe they are, trapped. You have this conclusion buried in your post, BTW.

Also, point three, sick people telling other people how to be healthy just comes off as stupid, even if their advice is good. This is literally my waking life. My advice is good, my life is a mess. I shouldn’t give advice because the quality is not the issue, the example I set is.

Aidan says:

@Pooch, Bilge

Yeah- going out “to get laid” doesn’t work. Trying too hard pedestalizes women and ruins your frame. Need to go out to have a good time in a place where there are women around and let the magic happen. The more experience I got, the more the female maxim of “it just happened” makes sense. As long as the conditions are right- that you are high status in the local environment and there is an isolated place to bring a woman to, it does just happen. If you plan to “date”, invite a woman along to do something fun that you like to do, that you would have done anyway, and make what you bring her along to your priority. “i’m doing x, come along?”


The flip side of what I described is that I can also summon girls I have slept with more than just once or twice back into my life by fantasizing about them at the moment of orgasm. For masturbation it is ~30% that said girl will just hit me up in the next day or two, which is at least two orders of magnitude better than random chance. Becomes almost foolproof if you use a different woman however. But I am reluctant to mention this because it is sex magic, dark magic, and God does not like it at all.

@Bilge (again)

I would be talking out of my ass if I gave career or investment advice for example, because I am not wealthy and successful. But I am healthy, physically and mentally, manly, at least compared to the men of today, and good with women, so I will give advice on those topics. Miserius talking about what a healthy male sex drive is like is the equivalent of me butting in on a discussion of cryptography or programming languages.

alf says:

The flip side of what I described is that I can also summon girls I have slept with more than just once or twice back into my life by fantasizing about them at the moment of orgasm. For masturbation it is ~30% that said girl will just hit me up in the next day or two, which is at least two orders of magnitude better than random chance. But I am reluctant to mention this because it is sex magic, dark magic, and God does not like it at all.

It’s interesting though. Not the first time I hear theories about some kind of shared consciousness link. Hard to substantiate.

Fëanor says:


I generally try very hard to avoid believing in that sort of thing, as it lends itself very easily to a bluepilled mindset. But I’ve definitely seen nonzero evidence for it.


I have tried that. Does not work for me. But, also have come to regard any behavior toward exes that isn’t pretending I never met them to be bluepilled. Perhaps this is extreme, but better than the way I used to be.

Also, on related note, what does one do about a girl (you know who this is, Aidan) who periodically (that is, approximately once a year) hits me up out of nowhere for no apparent reason (and I’ve checked for the obvious ones) then appears to mostly lose interest within a week? It must be something I’m doing, so I’ve half a mind to just ignore her, but this is a case where I legitimately do smell something supernatural. Someone out there is trying really hard to keep giving me chances.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I can barely sleep if I don’t jerk off nightly. I get that itch you mention, to start roaming the streets at night, but I didn’t know what it was until you named it. The few times I have gone a week I was about ready to start stabbing people.

The shared consciousness thing has some backing by science. They were talking about it in the context of apes, where they were teaching apes to use certain tools or abilities, and isolated groups on nearby islands would pick it up simultaneously. No contact, no communication, but spontaneous development of a new skill.

I use the same principle of consciousness to sneak up on people. If I am thinking of someone when I sneak up to them, they will start to look for me. Instead I focus on something innocuous and they are oblivious until I am right behind them. It works with people with whom I have regular contact, but I have never really experimented with it. I do not know how it works, but it does, and its one of those strange skills you can train.

Pooch says:

Also, on related note, what does one do about a girl (you know who this is, Aidan) who periodically (that is, approximately once a year) hits me up out of nowhere for no apparent reason (and I’ve checked for the obvious ones) then appears to mostly lose interest within a week?

Jeremy Meeks hasn’t booty called her in a while so she is wondering if her value has dropped. Your immediate response confirms and validates that she is still high value.

Aidan says:

We can call it “shared consciousness”, but I just call it magic. I think people have different experiences with it because the ability to influence other peoples’ consciousness with the will and strong intentions varies individually.


A girl from your past will randomly hit you up because she misses you and has no other options at the moment, with an emphasis on that last part. Consciously, she does it for attention and self-validation, she is feeling unwanted and thus will reach out to a man who she knows wants her to feel wanted again, but all attention-seeking behavior by women is a shit test, it is all geared towards getting a man. Obviously, you left an impression and have a chance. If the logistics are not favorable for sex, and iirc they aren’t, of course the conversation will fizzle out. If the logistics are favorable, just make plans to see her.

But all that boils down to is, assume she wants you and that sex is thus inevitable.

I treat exes like we are still together, just going through a rough patch, even if it has been years. And I do travel to see women. Some guys will say it is beta to drive two hours to get laid, but I like driving; it’s not detrimental to my frame. You’ll usually get a shit test implying it is beta and desperate for you to drive a long distance to see her, but just pass it. It’s easy to pass the shit tests you anticipate.

jim says:

> Some guys will say it is beta to drive two hours to get laid, but I like driving; it’s not detrimental to my frame.

Send a driver to pick her up. It can be mighty expensive, but it is better for your frame.

If a girl reaches out to you, or you can get away with framing the interaction as her reaching out to you, no matter how implausibly, first order of business is a compliance test. If you go to her, you are failing her compliance test. If she comes to you, she is passing your compliance test.

Not that I should be giving advice to you. I enormously respect your advice. But while only incels think girls are gold diggers, gold can be used to pass tests that other men fail.

Pooch says:

Obviously, you left an impression and have a chance.

Is this always the case. I’ve had interactions from out of nowhere texts where my feeling was I was solely being used as validation because Jeremy Meeks hadn’t texted her in a while and they knew I would respond because I was still interested. Maybe my response speed simply was failing the test. I probably should have responded to those girls some absurd time like a week later or never responded at all and make them double-text. Oh well water under the bridge.

The Cominator says:

I believe in a universe of consciousness myself as opposed to pure EM spectrum senses but my consciousness is closed off to some degree so I lack all such abilities..

Fëanor says:


Logistics are significantly better than they were, in that I no longer live four hours from her, but there is still the other problem. I will let you know how it goes. (But not on a public forum under a pseudonym she knows, however unlikely it may be that she would even attempt to read Jim’s comment section. Do you still have Signal and is your number the same as it was? Mine has changed.)


Definitely true that you made an impression, otherwise she would not value your impression of her value. Possibly not that she’s still interested, although in general as Aidan said, everything is a shit test.

Cloudswrest says:

“I believe in a universe of consciousness myself as opposed to pure EM spectrum senses”

I’ve often speculated to myself that consciousness may not be self contained within the brain, in that it could be some sort of global field that permeates all space, and structures in the brain “tune into” it like a transistor radio. This is why I think a classical digital finite state machine may never be able to fully simulate consciousness in real time. Perhaps there are whirlpools, eddies and currents that mutuals get into. “Phase locking” or “frequency pulling”. This could explain things like synchronicity, and other forms of “magic” mentioned above.

Aidan says:


It’s a difference of station in life more than anything. An older, established man with property breaks congruence by going to girls. When I was 22, living at home, made total sense to drive a couple cities over to spend a weekend with a girl I used to bang. My status was well established, takes a minor hit by going to her, and then recovers when I impose on her hospitality in a cheerfully rude way.


You can still reach me on signal, my number hasn’t changed. Though I will say that sometimes you lose or miss out on a girl you could have had in an infuriating way that makes you question your own status, but it is healthier to let it go. But if this is not the case, nothing wrong with having a few girls in very far orbit, like Haley’s comet, who talking to is an amusing diversion, though you can opportunistically jump on them when the time is right.


Feanor is right, that her even seeking validation from you is a marker that you have a decent amount of status in her eyes. It is not wise to go back to a girl with the intent of keeping her. Hypergamy means that she has either been chaste since she saw you, i.e. you alpha widowed her, or that some guy more alpha than you isn’t returning her calls. Not a gamble I’d be willing to take, but banging her again isn’t necessarily hard. I don’t follow rules about when to reply. I text back when I have free time and I feel like it.

Jehu says:

If you’re really old school, taking a woman’s virginity IS marrying her. It’s not the fancy marriage certificate, it’s the sex that consummates the marriage.

Miserius says:

I commented yesterday about how common shotgun marriages were, before the sexual revolution. It used to be implicitly assumed.

Jehu says:

You broke it, you bought it.

Miserius says:

You do, what you have to do. And if you get penance later, so be it, but don’t worry about it too much. Technically, self-defense is a sin too, and canons proscribe penance for killing in self-defense, as well as killing in war. It’s just a technicality, one shouldn’t worry about it.

Calvin says:

You may want to see about adjusting those canons – strikes me as a very easy way for a holiness spiral to begin. Killing in war is a sin, so a pacifist faggot who lets himself get beheaded and his wife raped by durkas is holier than a sane man who fights back.

Miserius says:

Yup. He’ll be declared a martyr and venerated as a saint. There are also saints who fasted themselves to death. And others still, girls of supreme beauty that decided to become nuns and then plucked their eyes out and burned their faces and their hair off to become ugly. Muslim spirals mean they go apeshit on heathens, Christian spirals mean own goals.

Calvin says:

Justinian would never have tolerated such idiocy. God created beauty, and beauty reflects God. Why the hell would you despoil that by making yourself deliberately ugly? Why would you fast more than is good for you – Christ was accused to being a drunkard and glutton because he enjoyed normal earthly pleasures so often. The only point of fasting is self-improvement, physical and spiritual.

Orthodoxy definitely needs a tsar to keep such lunacy in line.

Miseerius says:

Why the hell? Because Christian practice was very much based on platonism, stoicism, pythagoreanism and certain strands of gnosticism, rather than on the Bible. Christianity developed under Hellenic culture, not Semitic one (remember that even Epicureans who are “hedonists” have a distaste, if not utter contempt, for sex and sensual pleasures), which is why it was hard for Christians to understand e.g. how Samson can whore around and not lose the Holy Spirit? And central premises of those systems are that feelings and sensuality are evil, and the more unfeeling you are, the better, the less enjoyment, the better. And it’s best if you don’t feel any enjoyment whatsoever, and are actually greatly suffering, but you don’t care. Under such a worldview, the one who is holiest is the one who has never been born.

Yeah, monasticism needs to be kept low-status, and preferably relegated to be something solely intended for homosexual men. As it is now, it is full of homosexual men, but it’s waay too high-status in Orthodoxy. Monks are literally worshiped by superstitious church ladies.

jim says:

Where are you coming from.

Are you criticizing Christianity from the outside or claiming to criticize it from the inside?

Miserius says:

>Are you criticizing Christianity from the outside or claiming to criticize it from the inside?

Cradle Orthodox, but someone who’s seen through smoke and mirrors. At this point I might as well count as being on the outside.

jim says:

You don’t smell cradle orthodox.

You smell Jewish. Your criticisms of Orthodoxy are in substantial part valid criticisms that the right frequently makes, but they sound like a left – anti Christian of Jewish background using our talking points for a very different purpose. They sound strangely prog Jewish.

Well if you say “Might as well be outside’, I cannot fairly ask you to take the Demon Worshiper test, so, instead, a “Judeo Christianity” test,. What is your take on the parable of the wicked vinedressers. Did Jesus say what he said and mean what he meant? Even if you think he just a man, what did this man say about Replacement Theology.

And you still have to take the shill test. Can you say things, or even acknowledge other people saying things, that one cannot say, or even notice, with Human Resources looking over one’s shoulder.

Miserius says:

>You don’t smell cradle orthodox.

I think Orthodox Christians can be just like Jews, but in different way than Catholics. Whereas Catholics attempt to jew God, Orthodox tend to think the sabbath is more important than the man. Traditional belief in my country is that you’re going to drop dead if you do anything on holidays. Similarly, some mothers don’t breastfeed their babies on Wednesdays and Fridays, because those are fast days.

>Did Jesus say what he said and mean what he meant? Even if you think he just a man, what did this man say about Replacement Theology.

Jews are no longer the Chosen People.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You are effusively preoccupied with trivia that are just not very big issues (ironic).

neofugue says:

Whether or not fed shill Miserius was baptized as a child, his comments indicate he neither attends church nor has any familiarity with practicing Orthodox Christians.

> some mothers don’t breastfeed their babies on Wednesdays and Fridays, because those are fast days.

Ignoring the obvious necessity of daily breastfeeding in an age without baby formula, infants and sometimes breastfeeding mothers are exempt from fasting requirements. Fasting is not about pleasing a Semitic bean counter, fasting is about bringing one closer to God by fighting the passions. Adding onto Pseudo-Chrysostom’s observation, it is not that Miserius is preoccupied with unimportant minutia. The purpose of mentioning Mary’s Girdles, Six Spears of Destiny, not breastfeeding on fast days etc. is to poison the comments with notions of Christians being stupid and ignorant.

> Why the hell? Because Christian practice…

Anathema, all gross mischaracterizations of Christian doctrine and spirituality. Miserius is confusing Christianity with Gnosticism in an attempt to demoralize and poison the well.

Miserius says:


jim says:

You found a saint from centuries ago who exemplifies what you say is wrong with Orthodoxy.

But every commenter on him in recent times distances himself and the Orthodox Church from that aspect of the saint’s teachings. It is not a problem in current Orthodoxy. It was a problem long ago in some branches of the Orthodox Church.

This was the pietist debate. The pietists were wrong, and were quietly recognized as being wrong, without a schism. Their faith was genuine and zealous, but misguided.

Pietism was a problem a long time ago. Debating it now is flogging a dead horse. Waste of space.

Miserius says:

[*unresponsive and looks scripted*]

Miserius says:

C’mon Jim, how can I respond if you keep deleting my comments? Besides, what do you care that I criticize Orthodoxy? It wouldn’t make sense even if it were apologetics blog. You used to allow Hindus to criticize Christianity, and I can’t? Just because this one guy got his little neophyte pride hurt?

jim says:

Pietism is a dead horse.

You are not a shill, and I will allow your comments through from here on, but this is not a debate we need to have.

You claim there is still a lot of pietism in the Church. Possibly. And if the orthodox Church was in power, it is easy to imagine a Pietism holiness spiral. But in Russia, the Orthodox Church is in power, and we are not (yet) seeing a pietism holiness spiral.

Taking you off moderation. I should not have put you on moderation – it looked like an attempt to sow faction, but I was to trigger happy. Yes, you were raised Orthodox, and you are not a shill.

The empirical question is to what extent pietist tendencies exist in the Church, and how dangerous they are.

They were excessive, but not dangerous, centuries ago. The problem today is not too much asceticism, but too little. The huge problem that needs fixing is not ascetism/pietism, but failure to adequately recruit married priests with well behaved children, and particularly and especially, not mere failure to recruit, but specific exclusion of married bishops with well behaved children.

Two vital recruitment criteria that are not being followed are high external status, status unrelated to position in the Church, and success in raising well behaved children.

Miserius says:

>You found a saint from centuries ago who exemplifies what you say is wrong with Orthodoxy.

I agree that no-one who reads this blog is likely to be hurt by Orthodoxy, but as a cradleite, I was. In my youth, I was even afraid to look at a woman. Now, cradleites are usually far more relaxed, but I lived during the fall of communism, and resurgence of faith, and it has had me completely sexually repressed (which is why my anger is so palpable). Find the comment where I say what can happen when you don’t masturbate. That’s all from experience. I hurt my prostate by not having sex, not masturbating, and getting up early so that I don’t have even nocturnal emissions. Of course, there are sane priests, I was just unlucky.
Still, the point is, it is a sort of Russian roulette (pun not intended, Russian church is attempting to fight against guruism), and you can get hurt if you take the faith seriously and you come across some lunatic.

jim says:

Saint Paul’s advice, given in a society where girls frequently married at twelve and were usually married by fourteen, was to marry.
Late marriage is something that is terribly wrong and evil with our society, but in the modern world, blaming Christianity for it (while it used to be true) is seriously out of date, and Russian Orthodoxy is now preaching teen marriage, which is a substantial movement in the correct direction.

Paul also told fathers not to keep their daughters back from marriage. If we married off girls as soon as they started acting up, problem would be solved.

The cure is young virgin marriage, and what is the only significant movement in the west advocating that?

Yes, there is a huge problem, and for centuries the Christian Church was a major cause of this problem. It is not the major cause today, and there is one branch of Orthodoxy that is pushing back on this problem.

Everyone masturbating is involuntarily celibate. Involuntary celibacy is the problem, not masturbation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The dialogue between aryan christians and traditional hindus produced movement in very fruitful directions, which is why shills were popped up to poison the well – which they more or less succeeded at here, at least in killing the energy, mores the pity.

So if one were, hypothetically, to continue on that tack of snuffing out sparks of vitalism that might promise to move things in more fruitful directions, that would naturally mean moving on to/moving back to ‘self-destructive’ rhetoric aimed at orthodox christianity, the most vital and most likely schelling point for a restoration in present existence.

jim says:

We can acknowledge what is wrong with modern Christianity by celebrating the mustard seed of Christianity that is right.

Debate is problematic when it identifies the bad things and bad tendencies within Christianity as a Christian essence, as intrinsic to Christianity and the Church, rather than as a poison in our society that also happens to be poisoning the Church.

Miserius says:

I wholeheartedly agree we need teen marriage, that’s what I was advocating the whole time. But, in the meantime we need sane priests, like the one that told me that masturbation without porn or imagination isn’t a sin. He also says that it isn’t a sin if you have pre-marital sex with the girl in order to marry her (after all, which non-“leftover woman” will marry you without dating in this day and age). The priests who taught me in my youth, made it impossible to marry in this day and age. That’s the burden all Christians who keep to the traditional morality face in post-sexual revolution world. Your comparison with field and ploughing was apt. You simply can’t win when you pretend things are as they should be.

jim says:

A bad priest made things hard for you.

But what really made things hard for you was a bad society that did not enable you to marry at an appropriate age.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘morality’ that is only ‘traditional’ if your frame of reference is measured in decades, not millennia. Your ‘traditional morality’ is a modern invention.

Again with debasement of good terminology. Your rhetoric could, at best, be described as artless, lacking much in more recommendable virtue. The frame with which you approach issues is consistently impoverished in a strategic sense. Another irony; speaking of ‘own goals’, while racking up own goal after own goal.

(Unless, of course, one is not infact shooting at one’s own goal.)

Calvin says:

@jim: What if the problems are intrinsic to Christianity, though? If holiness is defined by loving everyone as yourself how do you stop that from spiraling into “give everything in your country away to the four billion niggers pouring across the border because God demands it”? It seems like it could be made to work in a era of small populations with lots of space and limited communications, but how do you get it to function when every parasite on the planet can see the riches of your society and wants a piece of it? How does a good Christian bring himself to machine gun hordes of screaming foreign women and helpless babies crying for mercy and food, as will be necessary if any white society is to survive the coming storm?

neofugue says:

Apologies regarding grammar, sent previous post early…


I have never heard of anyone getting up early in avoiding nocturnal emissions. While it does seem far fetched and insane, if it is true you have my utmost sympathies as you had a demonic priest.

If what you say is indeed true, which is questionable.

On a Leftist forum, one would avoid quoting either Stormfront or Jim’s Blog. Copying from r/OrthodoxChristianity and referencing Cathedral professors of gender and sexuality studies is bad form. I am a former commissar from academia; if someone quoted the Progressive equivalent of r/OrthodoxChristianity in a paper he would be fired instantly.

This is not my blog; if Jim wanted to he could put me under moderation. I don’t attack Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, Jews, etc. for no reason. If Miserius had said that Orthodoxy is bad because the parishoners do not practice early marriage and none of the clergy publicly speak out against women’s rights, not even the monks, that could be acceptable criticism. Instead, here are some quotes from his hateful mouth:

> under such a worldview, the one who is holiest is the one who has never been born

> monasticism needs to be kept low-status, and preferably relegated to be something solely intended for homosexual men

> the leadership positions in the Orthodoxy are filled with homos and pedos

> there are also saints who fasted themselves to death. And others still, girls of supreme beauty that decided to become nuns and then plucked their eyes out and burned their faces and their hair off to become ugly

If I attacked Catholicism in this tone or blasphemed Hindu gods without provocation I would expect people here to respond accordingly. If one wishes to throw shit at the wall, some of it may come flying back when there are no more cheeks left to turn.


The dialogue between aryan christians and traditional hindus produced movement in very fruitful directions, which is why shills were popped up to poison the well – which they more or less succeeded at here, at least in killing the energy, mores the pity.

I am regularly reading here though I’ve dialed back on commenting as frequently. I agree that we had a lot of interesting discussions. Unfortunately it seems that any discussion on ancient Aryan religion and Hinduism is likely to get sabotaged here by certain (irregular?) commenters?

Miserius says:

>If what you say is indeed true, which is questionable.

I don’t know about diaspora, but here in the old countries we have all kinds of crazies. There was this married couple, they were married for five years and didn’t have any children because their staretz said they have to live as brother and sister. I have no idea how they married, but it was probably through the staretz (it’s likely they were both his “spiritual children” and he simply ordered them to). Then a priest saved them from the staretz, and now they have normal marriage and children. Guruism and gerontolatry are recognized problems.

>hateful mouth

Am I not right tho’? Doesn’t everyone keep telling you how this life doesn’t matter, that true life comes after death, how this life isn’t the destination it is the road, etc. etc. and that sensory things lead away from God. What is the conclusion?

Monasticism needs to be kept low-status, so in order to have your best and brightest spreading their genes, not becoming evolutionary dead ends. Orthodox homosexuals are already attracted to monasticism, because they think it’s a solution for their condition (but is frequently counterproductive, because monastery is like a harem for homos), which leads to the next thing.

In my country we have had multiple bishops retired for paedophilia. It’s not something reserved for Catholics. Celibacy is very attractive for people with abnormal sexuality. Unfortunately, taking a vow doesn’t magically remove your ability to have an erection.

Outside this blog, in an Orthodox setting, this last one wouldn’t be considered scandalous. We are taught that ascetic feats are praiseworthy, exactly in connection to the first thing how this life doesn’t matter, and how physical beauty fades, and how avoiding sin is the most important thing.

Deal with it. Christiany simply isn’t life-affirming or worldly success oriented religion.

jim says:

> Doesn’t everyone keep telling you how this life doesn’t matter, that true life comes after death, how this life isn’t the destination it is the road, etc. etc. and that sensory things lead away from God

Not everyone. Only gnostics.

Whenever I hear something like that on this blog, or something that makes me suspect that that is the intended payload, I hit them with the demon worshiper test, and they can very rarely pass.

The gnostic is holier than you are because he worships the right God in the right way, so if he borrows your lawnmower he does not need to return it.

Not what the pastor that conducted my marriage told anyone. What he told the wedding guests was mighty similar to what I would have said if I had been delivering the sermon.

Of course I hunted down a red pilled pastor, who is doubtless atypical, but he quite certainly believed, and believed he was delivering one hundred proof old type Christianity.

When I attend Church, I am apt to see women performing priestly roles, and get lectured on social justice, and I cease to show up. But I have attended quite a few Churches and have never heard such stuff. I hear no end of the blue pill, but the stuff you report, I simply never hear.

What you claim to have heard is more or less similar to what the demon Krishna told the Aryan Lord Arjuna, and Arjuna believing him led to the destruction of Arjuna’s family.

The payload of what Krishna told Arjuna is that holyness and goodness is disconnected from being a good father, a good son, a good husband, a good brother, a good friend, a good employer, a good employee, a good craftsman, a good soldier, and an honest bargainer. Hence the chronic inability of gnostics to cooperate with each other or anyone else. Which is why lending them your lawnmower is likely to be a bad idea.

But I find it hard to believe you have been running into all that many gnostics. I don’t think you are getting this from Christian Churches, even those that celebrate gay weddings with giant black dildos and celebrate Easter with terrifying clowns. I think you are getting this from the Frankfurt School.

Yes, you can find plenty of Christians who write stuff that can be plausibly construed as gnostic doctrine, and sometimes it is gnostic doctrine and sometimes it is not. Usually not.

Reflect on the events leading to the dissolution of the monasteries. The monasteries were accumulating more power and wealth than the King of England, and the King and the Aristocracy were getting a bit tired of this.

To which the monasteries replied that they needed all this stuff so that they could contemplate the divine and worship the lord. They needed lots of material things in order to be unconcerned by material things and indifferent to them.

Which sounds rather similar to what you say “everyone keep telling you”, though it is not quite the same.

And to make sure that the monks were contemplating the divine and worshiping the Lord, they were supposed to attend a continuous round of rituals, which ran 24/7, though they only had to attend in shifts, they did not have to worship 24/7 individually, but there was supposed to be formal worship 24/7 in every monastery and nunnery. There was supposed to be a shift of monks 24/7

Well, the King and the Aristocrats got curious, and found that actual 24/7 attendance was zero in all the monasteries and nunneries except one nunnery. Which was the one nunnery that survived the dissolution of the monasteries.

Most of the time, most of the rituals, no one showed up to conduct them. Perhaps the monks were contemplating the divine in their beds after consuming a few hearty drinks of monastery ale.

Miserius says:

Jim, Orthodoxy is currently where Catholicism was just before the Reformation (the Orthodox “miracle on demand” equivalent to Rood of Grace is Holy Fire of Jerusalem). However, it’s less dogmatic and more pragmatic than Catholicism, and thus should be able to change (every Orthodox can imagine married bishops, Catholics still can’t even imagine married presbyters).

Rob says:

Muslim holiness spirals tend to look like ISIS. Ahmed al-Camelhumper decides that Mohammad al-Goatfucker isn’t Islamic enough/doing the right Islam and saws his head off.

neofugue says:

> There are also saints who fasted themselves to death. And others still, girls of supreme beauty that decided to become nuns and then plucked their eyes out and burned their faces and their hair off to become ugly.

> There are also saints who fasted themselves to death. And others still, girls of supreme beauty that decided to become nuns and then plucked their eyes out and burned their faces and their hair off to become ugly.

Bullshit. Give examples of specifically Orthodox saints or GTFO.

Saint Lucy had her eyes plucked out by Diocletian’s men. There are no anorexic saints in Orthodoxy. Origen castrated himself and is condemned as a heretic.

neofugue says:

My bad, should not have used cuss words, the proper word is “anathema.” The sentiment still applies though.

Miserius says:

Saint Blaesilla famously starved herself to death, and that was only controversial because she was a young girl. Extreme acts of self-mutilation and torture were not a norm, but weren’t uncommon, as Climacus reports:
“From the large number of prostrations their knees had become wooden, their eyes dull and deeply sunk in their sockets. They had no hair at all. Their cheeks were scarred and scorched by the heat of their tears. Their faces were white and gaunt. In every way they resembled corpses. Their chests were lacerated with blows, and from their oft striking their chest, they spat out blood. Where could one find any comfort of beds, or clean and starched clothing? Everything was dirty, ragged and full of lice. By contrast, what is the hardship of those that are possessed, or of those who weep for the dead, or of those who have been exiled, or of those that are punished for murder? Their involuntary suffering and torture is nothing to be compared with the voluntary suffering seen here. I beseech you brothers do not think that this is a fabricated tale.”

The book Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs 900–1700 says “Other saintly heroines mutilated themselves to become repulsive to the men who desired them. One young nun plucked her eyes and another maiden cut off her nose and lips,” it provides the references, but doesn’t name them.

Christianity can drive people completely batshit insane, and while in Catholicism it’s guaranteed if you take it seriously, in Orthodoxy, owing to its doctrinal latitude, it depends on the doctrines you hold, but is absolutely possible, and even common. Especially if you let monastic literature rot your brain.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think you should lay your cards on the table and be absolutely explicit about your dislike/mistrust for Orthodoxy.

Miserius says:

>I think you should lay your cards on the table and be absolutely explicit about your dislike/mistrust for Orthodoxy.

It’s not dislike/mistrust of Orthodoxy. I dislike/mistrust Catholicism more (hence my previous shitting on TradCaths). I just think it’s an objective take on things. People who participate in craziness, don’t think it’s crazy, and don’t see how it’s crazy.

neofugue says:


You are a shill, and an enemy of God and Orthodox Christianity.

You quoted Saint Climacus from r/OrthodoxChristianity, a haven for shill entryists into the faith.

You misquoted the word “resembled,” which means you weren’t reading from a book, you cut and pasted from Reddit. The death of Blaesilla is an old Pagan critique of monasticism, revived by Progs looking at ways to demonize Orthodoxy. She died of illness, not “anorexia,” end of story.

“Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs 900–1700” was published by Cathedralite Eve Levin, who specializes in issues relating to “gender” and “sexuality.”

The only question remains whether or not you are a Fed. To that end:

Women misbehave because:

[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.
[B] The (((Joos))) make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at White women, who are angels.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

Miserius says:

>You are a shill, and an enemy of God and Orthodox Christianity.

I’ve been hanging with Orthodox Christians since before you were born. Jim can look at my IP address. So, suck it.

>you cut and pasted from Reddit

Yes, I did. But I knew what to google to find that part! Would someone who doesn’t know shit about Climacus know how to google for a specific part of his book? I specifically wanted the part that showcases the Prison. It’s a proper example of a holiness spiral in Christianity.

>was published by Cathedralite Eve Levin, who specializes in issues relating to “gender” and “sexuality”

So what. She provides a reference. I’ve read my fair share of lives of the saints. It was long ago (and certainly not in English). The fact that I don’t remember names makes it hard for me to find examples you are looking for. But I found you an English reference.

>looking at ways to demonize Orthodoxy

I openly admit that certain aspects of Orthodoxy deserve demonization. But, you’re just a neophyte and not really intimately familiar with Orthodox culture. It’s understandable that you have a rose-colored glasses view of it.

jim says:

> She provides a reference

Ooh, I am so impressed. And did you look up the reference to find if it supported her claims or not.

But if you had, you would have found it a circular link – one twenty first century progressive cites another, who cites another, who pulled it out his rear. Always check original sources.

You usually find that they have more or less accurately quoted a fragment, but framed it to change the meaning that it had in the original context. And often enough, rephrased to give it a related, but opposed, meaning.

You have been asked for the shill test, and I am asking you for the Christianity test.

Anyone who has the faintest suspicion that the Cathedral story is not true should have tried looking up academic citations, and found them to be a pile of cow manure.

“She gives a reference”. And that provides her story with impeccable credibility. Pull the other one. It has bells on. Check any references supplied by enemies.

Miserius says:

>Check any references supplied by enemies.

Patericons and matericons are genre of ascetic literature. But, I don’t think you need to wade through those to find examples of body-hatred. Some examples of ascetic rigour are well known, such as stylites. Modern ascetics such as Joseph the Hesychast beat themselves until they fell unconscious from pain. It’s not something scandalous at all. Quite the opposite in fact. The tone in all those writings is that of utter acknowledgement and praiseworthiness, which is, why I’m so critical, those writings encourage such spiraling.

>You have been asked for the shill test

That’s easy, E.

jim says:

Surely the inanity of the Stylites, if not their heresy, is now widely recognized and accepted among Christians.

Modern Christianity has some terrible problems, but the foolishness of the stylites is well known and no longer with us.

While your criticism of such writings is well founded, I am just not seeing this problem in modern Christianity. Its problems with sex are more aptly described as being cucked and selling out to the feminists and the gay mafia, rather than asceticism.

We could do with some more asceticism. Fasting is good for you, gluttony is extremely bad for you. If anything, not enough asceticism. Have you ever heard a sermon on gluttony? Asceticism is no longer a live problem, and has not been since the stylites.

And you still have not answered the shill test.

Miserius says:

> Its problems with sex are more aptly described as being cucked and selling out to the feminists and the gay mafia, rather than asceticism.

It is cucked and soled out. But, at the same time, there are monastic gurus that make their “spiritual children” live as if they were brother and sister, and not husband and wife. Admittedly, officially speaking, this is heretical and canon law deems this a type of forbidden perversion (if you wanted to NOT have sex, you shouldn’t have married). But still, it is accepted in practice, and of course, it tends to ruin marriages.
There are good and sane monastics, who aren’t homos, or manicheans, of course. But it’s sort of a Russian roulette about what you’ll end up with when you visit a monastery.

>We could do with some more asceticism.

I agree, but it needs to be properly directed asceticism. Laypeople shouldn’t be aping Desert Fathers, they have a different Charism.

>Fasting is good for you, gluttony is extremely bad for you.

Problem is that Orthodox don’t really fast. They can’t. There’s too many fasts annually (since rules currently in practice were intended for monasteries). So it turns to just avoiding meat, which ends up for most people as gorging on pure carbs 200+ days of the year (because it’s cheapest, fastest and easiest, and you don’t have time to worry about food). And that isn’t healthy at all. On the other hand, bishops “fast” on lobsters and other shellfish, and don’t have to worry about work or children, but still have other people prepare food for them. That’s certainly healthy, but isn’t very ascetic.

>Asceticism is no longer a live problem, and has not been since the stylites.

I’d say there’s too much useless asceticism, and not enough properly directed asceticism. Your life as a practicing Orthodox turns into ticking off all the boxes, rather than improving yourself. In fact, sometimes ticking off the boxes directly prevents you from improving yourself. You endlessly obsess over fulfilling all the minutia, instead of dealing with what’s wrong in your life.
During Byzantium there used to be parish typikon and monastery typikon. Today, monastery typikon is universal, hence there’s this thing where laity is expected to live as if they were monks. It’s understandable. During Ottoman rule, parish life was hurt, and monasteries came to reign supreme. It was planned to revise this state of affairs, but then Communist Revolution happened, and parish life ended up completely gone.

>And you still have not answered the shill test.

I already said E:

They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

neofugue says:

> That’s easy, E.

While I figured not a Fed, still a shill.

> She provides a reference

Cathedral priests lie and quote each other’s lies as citations. My professors forbade me from using old sources for papers even if they were valuable and informative. While it is clear that you, Miserius, hate Orthodoxy and Orthodox Christians, there is no need to be dishonest and use Cathedral sources.

> On the other hand, bishops “fast” on lobsters and other shellfish, and don’t have to worry about work or children, but still have other people prepare food for them. That’s certainly healthy, but isn’t very ascetic.

Yet another comment indicating Miserius does not have any interaction with practicing Orthodox Christians in real life, assuming he is in fact cradle Orthodox. Bishops work long hours without vacation tending to their duties; the priests I know who have served alongside them quit after a few months owing to overwork. Having other people prepare food for them is more than acceptable.

> Problem is that Orthodox don’t really fast…

Generalizing may work in your Christian-hating circle, but it won’t work here. Fasting guidelines are guidelines, some Christians abuse them, others do not.

I see Orthodoxy for what it is. It has strengths and weaknesses, but the problem is not monasticism, the problem is entryism and moral subversion. Misdirecting anger away from the Cathedral towards targets it hates is a common shill tactic, and Miserius does this by redirecting anger at entryists towards monastics.

Oog en Hand says:

Jewish holiness (Bar Kohba) resembles Muslim holiness. Otherwise, very good points.

The Cominator says:

Self defense is not a sin, commandment translation is thou shalt not MURDER not thou shalt not kill.

jim says:

There is a lot of holiness spiraling in Orthodoxy. Not as much as in Roman Catholicism, but still needs a vigorous purge.

Self defense is not a sin. Bishops should be recruited from married men with well behaved children.

Needs fixing, and needs Caesar to fix it.

Miserius says:

After WWI ended all Orthodox soldiers got penances, despite the fact that they’ve performed far greater feats of asceticism and self-denial than any monk.

Calvin says:

Imo monks should never be allowed to govern anything. If you have to have monks give them monasteries far from worldly troubles in the ass-end of nowhere and let the church be run by vigorous men with good families as Paul says.

But I think the idea of monks completely disconnected from the world is itself a major incubator for holiness spirals and generally quackery. People need normal social interaction to remain sane, a proper sense of holiness should be compatible with this. If God made man in his image, you should be able to find God in your people and society. No need to wander off into the middle of nowhere and act like you’ve cut your nuts off. Protestants did a lot wrong but getting rid of sexual weirdos amongst your clergy can only be an improvement.

Miserius says:

Indeed, how can those that have themselves given a vow of obedience order the others around? Married men with families no less.

Aidan says:

Monasticism is a good thing when done properly. Sticking your holiest men somewhere far away from both the normal clergy and political power, so they cannot try to grab power. And the retort to “holier than thou” becomes “If you are so holy, go join this monastery, and spend the rest of your life in prayer, rather than hanging around trying to stir up trouble”.

A problem with Orthodoxy is that the status it gives to monks is too high. Or rather, it is fine to praise the sublime holiness of the monks, while not letting the monks talk back and tell you what to do.

Basil says:

Meanwhile, Tsar Putin is doing nothing to drive the internal Islamists of the Russian Federation underground, to whom the heroes of Islam who have taken Kabul are about to join. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan looks like an easy target.

Mild scenario: Russia will be dragged into another long hybrid war, into which the lives of young soldiers and a bunch of resources will be poured, while Russian women enjoy feminism here, and the birth rate is at the bottom. I am sure that propaganda videos will show unhappy girls who are married at fifteen, as well as the horror that Afghans have extended families and the right to justice. The migration of Uzbeks and Tajiks is accelerating.

Hard scenario: the smelly holes of Central Asia surrender in a few months, and then jihad / revenge on kafirs for the Soviet invasion begins. Local Muslims are collaborators. The country is falling apart. Nuclear weapons will not be used, exactly as during the genocide during the disintegration of the USSR in the former “union” republics. But on a large scale. Christians are being slaughtered. If you’re lucky, there will be one or two emirates with a white population, something in the spirit of Albania.

The Cominator says:

Don’t think central asian jihadis are going to be getting Pakistani (and therefore Chinese) subsidies the way the Taliban did certainly not to the extent they did.

Putin already massacred enough of Chechneya to make a point to Muslims. You are too critical.

Ishmael says:

Seems like Latin Mass Catholicism is still a better sell in America. More of a synthetic tribe. Most of the metropolitans, around my neck of the woods anyhow, are mideast, Slav and Greek ethnic enclaves. Nothing wrong with that, just seems Latin Mass churches seem more accessible. That being said, anecdotal evidence from friends, haven’t been to either. Can confirm High Church Anglicans are very pozzed.

Planning on doing RCIA in the fall. I will do a field report on how it goes if ligma variant don’t stop worship.

jim says:

Old type Catholicism is alive, though far from well. Cucked and debased. Less bad than the rest of them.

Miserius says:

They very much remind me of Jews, spending all their time in scrupulous hair-splitting about what constitutes a mortal sin and finding logic loopholes in order to jew God. It all ends up with you carrying brown scapular at all times, because, apparently, if you die with it, you won’t go to hell. I always wondered what do they think would happen if you committed a suicide with brown scapular on?

SomeOtherName says:

I’m in the trad-Cath scene. What we mostly talk about is 1. Getting out of cities and sitting up communities, 2. homeschooling programs/ raising our children, 3. dealing with heretical friends/family 4. How to avoid going down with the American Empire ship
We do talk about sin and stuff, but mostly as a part of conversations on theology and philosophy

linker says:

“dealing with heretical friends/family”

This sounds very Jewy. Stephen Colbert and Rod Dreher are considered good Catholics, but your atheist libertarian brother and your Protestant friends are “heretics”.

Miserius says:

NFP is one of numerous examples of Catholics jewing God, and certainly the most notable one. Classical Jewish tactic of avoiding the spirit of the law while preserving the letter of the law.

Niiiidriveevof says:

>Stephen Colbert and Rod Dreher are considered good Catholics

Not among old type Catholics, they are not.
Your objection to the other case is not cogent.

linker says:

You do not see how anyone would object to calling family and friends “heretics who need to be dealt with” while not considering people like Stephen Colbert “heretics who need to be dealt with”?

Kunning Drueger says:

You said those two shitbags were considered good Catholics, not him. Pelosi is considered a good Catholic, presumably, by some fucking retard. I’m no friend of that faith, but picking on them for being “jewey” over the fact that he calls heretical people heretics is kind of silly. It would be like me saying Nick Fuentes is a faggot because people consider him a faggot, then arguing from that presupposition like it is unassailably true. I have family that are Progressive Elite. They are evil, by commission or ommission. My based family and I discuss it quite often. I guess I just don’t see what’s wrong with his initial statement.

Bilge_Pump says:

“based family”

damn. my dad is an atheist, his family are Catholic (I’m assuming prog, my dad is a bit of an outcast from his family), and my mom’s side of the family are redneck / white trash, some racist, some wiggers. As far as family near me, my brother is a literal fag prog, and my sister is an obese feminist. guess I’m fucked?

Kunning Drueger says:

Find woman. Dominate woman. Find land. Dominate land. Make children and beautiful things, both worth considering and investing in. Nothing comes easy. Envy is the worst. Life is too short to think too much. Life is too important to not think at all.

In my short time living, the one thing I’ve found to be true is this: have kids. Crank them out like clockwork. If you’re a Worthy man, they will motivate you. If you’re unworthy, they will indict you. Don’t think, don’t plan. Fuck hard and raw, sew seed and reap consequences. Your value will be evident.

Also, Glock is obviously the best and make sure you buy a 556 barrel.

Vladimir1387 says:

Rod Dreher is considered a good Eastern Orthodox, and with good reason, because he is Eastern Orthodox and is accepted in the Eastern Orthodox community.

Miserius says:

So, you don’t spend any time worrying whether you’re in a state of grace, or not?

jim says:

If someone worries about it, he should not let on.

It smells of “More Christian than thou”

neofugue says:

> So, you don’t spend any time worrying whether you’re in a state of grace, or not?

Shill question.

No genuine Christian would ask this of another person in that manner. A “holier-than-thou” heretic would state plainly that those unlike him would not be in a state of grace.

The Cominator says:

I agree with neofugue that its at least a question asked in bad faith.

Asking about a state of grace question used to literally be a prosecutors trick in trials for heresy and witchcraft. If asked the question answering either yes or no made you a heretic. Joan of Arc (lets just say an odd true NAWALT by historical standards) had the best answer in a trial when she said “If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.”.

People who ask others about whether they believe they are in a state of grace are up to no good and trying to trick you.

Miserius says:


jim says:

Take the demon worshipper test.

Aidan says:

I’ve really had nothing but good experiences with old type Catholics in real life. The people who pretend to be TradCath online and as you say, debate minutae and try to jew God, probably do not go to church and might just be shills. The Pope de facto banned the Latin Mass a week or two ago, which tells me that the fags in charge of the church hate and fear it, and from personal experience, it is because the Latin Mass is alive and fills up with the real faithful.

What I hear from the mouths of real Catholics in real life is that none of the rituals like the rosary and the scapulars are meant to guarantee them salvation, but they think it makes God happy, and therefore they do it, and imo it’s a sign of a living and ancient faith that they have a bunch of little rituals that they think especially please God.

Miserius says:

What are you talking about? Jewing God is what those old Tridentine types live for. “Hm, low mass takes much less time than high mass, I’ll go to the low mass. I’ll do a rosary while I’m at the mass so as to maximize the merit acquisition per second. Eh, let me just keep this third class relic on my person, it’ll bring even more merit.” It’s toxic, superstitious, evil, and insane.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Hostile, false propaganda. Not descriptive of us in any of the places I’ve been in the US.

Arakawa says:

Where there’s a competent priest, part of his job is to keep the laity from spiralling into too many scruples and superstitions as denounced by the grandparent comment.

Miserius says:

But traditionalist mentality is composed of those. How can you not spiral? And besides, it’s not like it’s something unofficial. Private masses are liturgical abuse par excellence, yet it’s something completely accepted as good and proper by the trads. And since mass is meritorious (even when it should be, in fact, invalid) let’s build multiple altars in a single church, and instead of having one nice mass have five private masses. Quintuple merit! Another example of jewing God, I guess. The fact is, a lot of tradition was outright wrong, and needed to be thrown under the bus. You can slap it a nice sounding name “tradition,” but old delusions are still delusions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>But traditionalist mentality is composed of those.


>The fact is, a lot of tradition was outright wrong, and needed to be thrown under the bus.


Miserius says:

So having three Mary’s Girdles, six Spears of Destiny, and twelve Holy Prepuces is a great thing? We ought to have more of that?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You don’t know what tradition or the traditionalist mentality is.

jim says:

Old rituals are an expression of solidarity, with Gnon, with each other, and with our ancient predecessors.

However, holiness spiraling the performance of old rituals is more Christian than thou, and innovating or elaborating rituals is to disown our predecessors and our civilization, which is demonic.

Miserius says:

>You don’t know what tradition or the traditionalist mentality is.

It was never anything more than old delusions for me (e.g. creationism). Progressives prefer new lies to old truths. Traditionalists prefer old lies to new truths. I prefer the truth, no matter whence it came from.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The problem here, as has become obvious, is that you are using precious definitions of words that conflict with and debase the meaning of words used for referring to very good and important and valuable things, like Tradition, or a Traditional mindset, which, empirically, are essential for actually getting actual truth.

neofugue says:


> Traditionalists prefer old lies to new truths.


> you are using precious definitions of words that conflict with and debase the meaning of words used for referring to very good and important and valuable things

Nah, Miserius is a shill and he knows exactly the meanings of the words he is using.

The Cominator says:

We’ve had this debate before. The Papacy and pervasive faggotry make Catholicism an unacceptable religion.

Aidan says:

The Pope was a problem from the schism to the sack of Rome, because he was trying to be Caesar rather than render unto Caesar. Since Emperor Charles V sacked Rome and pwned the Pope, the papacy has been rendering unto Caesar again for 500 years. The problem is that Caesar today is the poz, so the Pope renders unto the poz.

Pervasive faggotry is a real problem, clerical celibacy is a problem, and Catholicism needs to be rolled back to the time when the Emperor had the power to confirm the Bishop of Rome. A decent argument can even be made within Catholicism to reduce the power and importance of the Pope. There are canonized saints on every side of the Avignon schism, which means that as a Catholic, it does not matter very much who the Pope is or what you think of him, or even if you militarily or politically oppose him.

The Cominator says:

“The Pope was a problem from the schism to the sack of Rome, because he was trying to be Caesar rather than render unto Caesar. Since Emperor Charles V sacked Rome and pwned the Pope, the papacy has been rendering unto Caesar again for 500 years. ”

They still meddle with governments behind the scenes. One reason a genuinely right wing government never came to power in Germany was that Hitler was for some reason the Vatican’s man and his right wing socialism was their ideology (they didn’t care what he was doing to the Poles too much did they). The center party would never support a Prussian monarchist reactionary but they did back Hitler.

Also the Jesuits were kicked out of even Catholic nations for a reason. We cannot tolerate a foreign priest endorsing policies and governments, with his own intelligence service, vast financial resources, his own megaphone etc.

No to Roman Catholicism, it can be discussed if the papacy is abolished.

jim says:

Pretty sure this is official history.

The Pope decided to get along with Hitler when it was worried about him converging Christianity to something pagan

The Cominator says:

No the Church supported him early on despite Hitler at least privately not liking Christianity. Don’t ask me why but they did.

jim says:


The Catholic Church in Germany vigorously opposed Hitler during the 1933 elections and told the laity to not vote Nazi – and opposing him after the 1933 elections would have been unwise.

The Cominator says:

Haven’t read that but they probably told people to vote for the Catholic Center Party, the Catholic Center party which immediately agreed to join Hitler’s coalition and promptly voted for the enabling act.

jim says:

The enabling act was passed with Hitler’s SS standing in the chamber and twenty six politicians who were being difficult imprisoned.

Hitler was a leftist and a revolutionary, and the right and most of the establishment, among them the Catholic Church opposed him.

A faction in the establishment, Papen and company, believed they could use Hitler to give themselves democratic legitimacy, while continuing to be the real rulers, not realizing that democracy was already dead, and they had killed it.

They thought he was useful fool and useful tool in the power struggles within the establishment, but their power struggle was premised on normality bias, not realizing they were relying on the protection of rules and customs that they had already massively broken. Which protections and rules Hitler promptly proceeded to ignore. They thought Hitler was going to be constrained by rules that they had not been following. Hitler gave them all the facade of democracy they wanted, in return for power to keep the police off his back. The deal was that they got everything, except the power to selectively enforce the law. The SS and the SA did the rest.

“What! Wait! You cannot do that! You are treating the members of the establishment itself the way we have been treating our non establishment political opponents! That is unthinkable!”

The Cominator says:

“A faction in the establishment, Papen and company”

Papen was also the Vatican’s man in the German establishment (also got Imperial Germany destroyed by starting an insane campaign of industrial sabotage in the US)…

My main point is whether you can prove it or no… its a mistake to trust anyone who is too Catholic… if jews are dual loyalists Catholics can be even worse the typical Catholic isn’t but ruling class Catholics are even worse than ruling class jews. This used to be well understood in the English speaking world.

Fëanor says:

>Catholicism needs to be rolled back to the time when the Emperor had the power to confirm the Bishop of Rome

I assume you mean some more recent iteration of this power than that exercised by Justinian &seq? Because rolling Catholicism back to the time of Justinian is indistinguishable from simply mending the schism on Eastern terms.

jim says:

The correct solution is to mend the schism on eastern terms. The schism was the Pope grabbing what was Caesar’s. The Roman Catholic Church’s grab of what was Caesar’s resulted in rivers of blood, and ended with the sack of Rome, when those rivers drowned Rome itself.

Aidan says:

I am talking about the Ottonian prerogative to appoint the Bishop of Rome. The Investiture dispute holiness-spiraled a number of things not related to the primary objective of grabbing power- rolling things back to the time of Gregory I is not exactly “mending the schism on Eastern terms”, but the outcome is distinct national churches and distinct rites.

pyrrhus says:

Having been to the famous Latin mass in the Florence cathedral, I thought it was pretty awesome…And I am not a Catholic by any means…

Miserius says:

Keep in mind that Tridentine masses are gone for a good reason. Back when it was the norm, vast majority of masses weren’t Solemn High Mass, but Low masses, where priest mumbles to himself (inaudibly) in Latin, and fanatical Catholics would do rosaries to maximize merit, while everyone else would just do crosswords, or their taxes, or something.

Guy says:

If the reason was to get people to pay more attention, then they failed, nobody goes to mass anymore. Maybe Vietnamese people, that’s about it.

notglowing says:

I am not a big fan of “futurists”. They often talk about technology to prevent the effects of aging.
The idea is for humans to eventually become “immortal”, they can still die, but do not age.

I am wary of technology that tries to disrupt fundamental aspects of our nature, and the people promoting it are clearly very hubristic.

They make a reasonable argument, we should try to prevent diseases associated with age rather than just treat them.
Seen from that perspective, it seems like a rational approach for medicine, where instead of trying to prolong the life of individuals who are more and more decrepit, we instead make them not be decrepit.
We save money in endless treatment, while retaining the economic utility of these people.

It does seem that the current approach isn’t ideal.
Life and retirement keep being extended, and our time for being sick and elderly and not useful is extended.
Elders used to be people in their 50s, and the wealthy who didn’t encounter early death expired at 70.

However I do not trust their idea, because it seems like it is based on hubris, and it is also disruptive to society in ways that aren’t conducive to order.

It might seem like this would promote a more reactionary system, since people can survive for much longer and still participate actively in government and management.
But it would be a threat to the concept of the family itself, which is what constitutes our current immortal legacy.
If you can live for an indefinite period of time, you do not need to have children, nor do you need to be concerned about being too old for that purpose.

It would be an illusion of immortality, sure, but it would give them ammunition to end not just the family, but religion with it, since thinking that death is not inevitable would make it easy to think of eschatological matters as irrelevant.

Is the Cathedral going to collapse before or after transhumanism reaches mainstream relevance?
They are already pushing the trans stuff, and want to force everyone to be vaccinated. I see a trend in wanting people to not just be more controlled by the system, but in particular of wanting to push artificial changes on them, and of normalizing that notion.

Aryaman says:

Michaelangelo lived to 88. From Pliny’s records, clear that supercentenarians were not obviously much less common in the first century before Christ than they are today. A review of ancient men with firm dates of death recorded in the Oxford Classical Dictionary indicated among those who did not die violently a median life span of nearly 80 years, though of that set just under one quarter died violently. Among Hindus, the husband’s 1000th moon (corresponding to about ~80 years) is and has been for a while an important celebration.

Which is to say that the length of a natural life among those not particularly morbid does not seem to have much changed over the millennia. One might even deduce it has fallen, though I would not take the historical record to indicate central tendencies proper as much as establish that modern old age was never particularly rare any more so than it is now. Hard to tell how much but current figures are inflated somewhat by means of our ability to somewhat acutely extend the end of life for a handful of years at best though usually quite a bit less, at considerable public expense, in ways that were not available in the past and would not be available if people were paying for things with their own money.

It isn’t exactly surprising that the natural life span has not changed much. After all, most children are not born to very old men, are born to men well before natural longevity can be selected for.

info234 says:

Its the high infant and child mortality that skewed life expectancies in the past. Otherwise once in 20’s its not uncommon to live to 70s or 80s.

Anonymous says:


I am wary of technology that tries to disrupt fundamental aspects of our nature, and the people promoting it are clearly very hubristic.


However I do not trust their idea, because it seems like it is based on hubris, and it is also disruptive to society in ways that aren’t conducive to order.


It might seem like this would promote a more reactionary system, since people can survive for much longer and still participate actively in government and management.


But it would be a threat to the concept of the family itself, which is what constitutes our current immortal legacy.


If you can live for an indefinite period of time, you do not need to have children, nor do you need to be concerned about being too old for that purpose.


It would be an illusion of immortality, sure, but it would give them ammunition to end not just the family, but religion with it, since thinking that death is not inevitable would make it easy to think of eschatological matters as irrelevant.


Is the Cathedral going to collapse before or after transhumanism reaches mainstream relevance?


TheMostAnonymouslyAnonymousOne says:

To be clear, I am confident I know who “notglowing” (what an interesting name) is IRL. But I’d not say so at this time.

notglowing says:

I’m fairly confident you do not know who I am. I’m not famous, nor have I given any information sufficient to find me.
And by the way, I am not American.

notglowing says:

If you want to be believed then reveal a fact about me that I didn’t mention here on this blog.

Bilge_Pump says:

bruh this chain of “wat” is not useful in any way

aon says:

Jim, before you put down the blackpillers, look what content they are hosting:

Bavo, sir! says:

I recognize this writing. Shaman confirmed for 145+ IQ meme magician turning incels into neoreactionaries.

The Cominator says:

Subsidizing prostitution is a terrible terrible idea. Merely legalize it.

Do you want to inflate the cost of it to the level of college tuition and health care? The rest of it isn’t bad.

Aidan says:

Lmao most of that list is pure faggotry. Subsidize male SMV? “Game is 90% looks?” Like any trash motivated by envy you want to destroy others rather than uplift yourselves.

The frame of wanting to “solve involuntary celibacy” and not “how do I get a wife and kids” is proof that you people are spiritual niggers who just want to get their rocks off. Read some history and learn about your great ancestors. The great men of the past wanted wives and secure property rights in their families not because they wanted to bust a nut in hot wet pussy every night or because they needed wuvv and suppowt but because they had more important things to do than constantly worry about their woman and whether their kids were theirs or not. I have an ancestor who had the important task of conquering a fucking nation, and when his wife died without producing him an heir, he wrote a letter to a friend of his and had a new one delivered, who he proceeded to impregnate multiple times in between his business of killing men with an axe and storming castles.

Because in the modern west my property rights in my woman are insecure, I have to devote more time, attention, and game into keeping her around, and that comes at a detriment to building my power, doing my work, and planning a future for my offspring.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well said. It is a nuisance how much effort women require.

Bilge_Pump says:

“The frame of wanting to “solve involuntary celibacy” and not “how do I get a wife and kids” is proof that you people are spiritual niggers who just want to get their rocks off.”

Lol. Says the guy who brags on his blog about how many women he’s fucked, and keeps saying “oh I’ll get married someday just you wait”. Let’s say you’ve had sex with at least 20 women, not one of them could have been knocked up and married?

And here you are calling guys niggers who can’t get laid at all, would probably give away their life savings to their first girlfriend…. degeneracy all around.

Kunning Drueger says:

Mote vs. Plank. Don’t punch right. We all have value and bullshit.

The Cominator says:

I think he has said he is married or at least has a woman acting as a wife in that capacity now.

Encelad says:

Are our elites actually surprised that Kabul fell so quickly, or it is just posturing to hide incompetence?
Taliban were fighting for God, heaven and war brides with whom have lots of children, a worthy cause to fight and die for.
Nobody in Afghanistan was obviously willing to die for defending Progressivism, which I think is the primary reason why all USG aligned troops folded almost immediately without even trying to fight back.
In Washington they look surprised, are really so blind to believe that “the Afghan people” would have fought for “Democracy”, feminism and gay parades?

Aidan says:

DC was surprised. The army was not surprised. The actions taken during the evacuation indicate that the military officers were terrified of getting into a firefight with the Taliban, suggesting that they knew that the US would lose. They would never say it, but their actions speak louder than words- the US Army cannot fight a battle, and the Afghan homo forces less so. At the same time, the politicians in DC are completely blind to reality. They are incapable of noticing that nobody in Afghanistan wants to fight for the homo regime, that the army keeps defecting en masse if not outright running away. They did not plant a damage control narrative ahead of time. If they knew that Kabul was going to fall, would have been blaming Trump for abandoning our ally weeks ago, and when Kabul fell, the messaging would have been “told you so”.

The Cominator says:

Yes the lack of damage control is telling and incredibly amusing.

What do you mean nobody would fight for feminism, corrupt Ivy league lawyer thieves and gay pride parades?

Encelad says:

Yep, “Democracy” meaning you have to choose which Cathedral’s puppet will rule you. Many normies in the West are still under the charm of “free elections and rule of the people”, but I expect no normie Afghan ever took it seriously.

The Cominator says:

“Yep, “Democracy” meaning you have to choose which Cathedral’s puppet will rule you.”

Recently they decided that our elections should be like Baath party elections in Iraq so not event that…

Karl says:

Were any Afghans surprised? I’ve seen some news reports that tried to indicate that natives in Kabul were surprised,even panicked, but I’m unable to believe that.

The Cominator says:

Obviously people who are likely to find themselves on the execution list are surprised. They didn’t think they would have to leave this week.

Karl says:

Maybe they were surprised by the timing, but they should not be surprised that they are on an execution list.

Leaving would be difficult even if the Taliban were still a week away. Perhaps the Afghans on executions lists are progressives who believed propgressive propaganda like their masters?

James says:

The Taliban mostly hates the progressives, and rightly so, so most of the execution list are progressives. It’s completely unsurprising, almost to the point of being uninteresting.

jim says:

Did a brief survey of talking heads immediately after Kabul fell, but before they accepted that it had fallen:

As far as they were concerned, they believed the Afghan people would fight for feminism and democracy. Drank their own koolaide.

pyrrhus says:

The Afghans falling off the American transport planes probably realized their error in the few seconds they had left…,.

Starman says:


“Did a brief survey of talking heads immediately after Kabul fell, but before they accepted that it had fallen:

As far as they were concerned, they believed the Afghan people would fight for feminism and democracy. Drank their own koolaide.”

“The Brave Wahmen of Herat shall fight the Taliban…”

Ha, ha, ha..

notglowing says:

>Who says they are heading toward democracy at all? Do you stop at fascism along the way? Afghanistan was essentially our state. It was beginning to prosper and experience the rights and freedoms already established by our presence–why do “they” need to create a government if we already have one that works and that their people seemed to like?
We should open up to voluntarily annexing states like Afghanistan and Puerto Rico instead of continuing to drool over some fuedal age government philosophy. Invite people in. The current system of fight-and-flight is looking a bit dated.

Found this somewhere, it’s an example of the level of delusion our enemies are in right now.

jim says:


After the Russians left, the government they set upfought the Taliban for many years on its own before folding.

The government we set up, having about a six to one advantage over the Taliban and considerably better equipment, folded with scarcely a shot fired before our withdrawal was complete. Do you wonder why?

It was a holy war, and our side was not the army of Christ but the army of Satan, to ensure that pederasts could bang little boys and that nine year old girls would learn how to put a condom on a banana.

No nation with a gay parade has won a war, and it was unsurprising that we would not be the first.

Our mission in Afghanistan was to export woke by force of arms, and unsurprisingly the fighting men of Afghanistan just did not like it.

notglowing says:

>It was a holy war, and our side was not the army of Christ but the army of Satan, to ensure that pederasts could bang little boys and that nine year old girls would learn how to put a condom on a banana.

Indeed, it’s obvious to everyone on our side why they didn’t put up a fight and simply surrendered to the Taliban. They had nothing to fight for.

But progressives are so drunk on their own Kool-Aid that they do not understand it and they are even convinced the Afghans are in despair right now because their beloved freedom and democracy is being taken from them – as if the Taleban and the Afghans are completely separate, and they are just helplessly being conquered by an evil enemy.

Found an even better one:

I really hope this doesn’t result in another refugee crisis for Europe. But with some luck they will bring stability to the country, and few Afghans will leave.

Kunning Drueger says:

I hope Europe gets swamped; the pressure will drive the Overton Window in divergent directions based on cultural tendency and geographic location. Balkanization then restoration.

notglowing says:

That’s not what happens, what happens is you have a permanent foreign population now playing ethnic tribalism against the locals, and using the leftist governments to undermine their traditions as happens in America.

Europe’s biggest advantages over the us are having a longer history, not being the center of the empire, and having homogenous populations with a clear national identity. You flood them with afghans, and you give the government one more reason to delegitimize and dilute that national identity.
Bad things don’t seem to ever actually work out in our favour, no matter how much people seem to hope that happens.

The Cominator says:

Do others here think its is a very very good thing that Afghanistan collapsed so rapidly in the most embarrassing way possible for the regime is a very good thing.

As far as the woke fake being fashionable it makes it look ridiculous, and no rising faith can afford to look ridiculous (I mean I guess the tranny thing looks kinda ridiculous to me). This is the equivalent for progressivism of when Scientology got the whole Xemu thing made public.

notglowing says:

The US looks ridiculous. But few people are looking into it so deeply as to think that progressivism looks ridiculous.

To begin with, for most people, progressivism and democracy are not a faith, they’re just supposed to be self-evident absolute universal goods.
If you told them that this is democracy and progressivism failing they would not believe you, or even understand you.

But it is very very good still, because they are still being humiliated, and it is funny.
For once in a long time I am enjoying some current events that are unfolding. In a sea of bad news this is good entertainment.

The Cominator says:
Kunning Drueger says:

I think Razor is dead on. This is a very bad situation for all Americans for very different reasons. The response to the situation is going to be interesting to watch, and I do think we’re going to see some kind of false flag, cointelpro fuckery. Whatever the case, TC is right and the ridiculousness of the optics may force some grave errors. GNON grant our enemies the blindness, hubris, and stupidity they deserve.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It means the military is going to be in a shit spot. Think post-Vietnam, when it was full of losers and druggies because all the serious warriors passed on enlisting. The credibility of the military is shot, and the absolute failure of leftists is on full display for the world to see. I think the Chinese reaction was the most telling. They saw that and told Hong Kong and Taiwan to play nice and return to the fold.

The message the world saw today is that the Americans will not have your back. No matter what people say out loud, that is what the world took away from that. Unlike in Vietnam, Russia is not a collapsing socialist shitpile, but we are. The warrior class is not going to recover from this, unless pretty aggressive steps are taken to bring women under control. They are not coming back to be a world power now, because others are rising to take their place.

Atavistic Morality says:

Taliban program according to

So the Taliban offensive only seems to be gaining power and they now have control of 2/3 the country. They are killing thousands in the areas they have taken over. They have just issued a list of people who civilians need to report to them so they can be executed.

Anybody who worked for the previous government

Bankers and financial workers

Anybody committing child abuse


Women in political office


TV presenters

LGBT activists

LGBT individuals

Taliban statement:

Our message to the American people and people of the western powers who fought us, who we know are hurt by this defeat, is simple: we do not have any hatred for you. Your government, ran by Zionists and atheists, who want to spread their anti-Islamic views here, were our enemies, not you. We pray for the day when you liberate yourselves from their grip and there can be peace upon this planet.

They do not sound like my enemy jim

Kunning Drueger says:

If Islam stayed oriental by default, they wouldn’t be. But they are already here, there are more coming, and they have nothing good for us. People keep saying Islam vs Progressivism is an obvious choice, and should it ever actually come to that kind of mutual exclusive, aloha snackbar to you too, Habib. But that isn’t the choice. We need to dig in, build up, get fukkin gudd, and wait for GNON to provide opportunities and challenges. If you really want to pack up and move to Talibanistan because the Cathedral is dominating in current year, by all means follow your heart. But acting like Mohomedans and Trannies are the only choice available is ignorant and incorrect.

Contaminated NEET says:

>But that isn’t the choice\

Isn’t it? When have we ever beaten Progressivism? When have we even held our ground against it? Islam probably doesn’t have what it takes, but at least it doesn’t have a century-long unbroken losing streak going.

jim says:

> When have we ever beaten Progressivism?

Beat progressivism in 1660 and got science, industrialization, and empire.

Deng rolled back Marxism, and got industrialization.

Trees do not grow to the sky, but they grow till they fall over.

forester says:

You just do not know a goddamn thing about trees.

Trees grow until they stop growing. Then they sit there for a few dozen or hundred years, alive, putting out leaves and fruit each year. Then they get sick and some of the branches start losing bark and getting bare while others are still healthy. Then the tree dies and stands there for a few more years while the beetles hollow it out. THEN it falls over.

Stop using this example. It makes you look like a blowhard running his mouth on topics he doesn’t understand.

jim says:

Maybe that is true for some kinds of tree, but it is not true for the trees I see.

I did an internet search on the question, and came up with this paper, if you believe the peer reviewed literature.

Figure six shows trees growing till they die.

Kunning Drueger says:

You regenerate most of your cells in 6 months. Humans grow until they day. You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.

Aidan says:

I doubt you are a forester. Trees really do grow until they die. Sometimes the branches outgrow the roots and they fall over and kill themselves. Sometimes they get sick- most trees have some infection somewhere- but they keep growing while they are sick until they fall over.

Fred says:

How do we know that Islam isn’t just winning because they’re allied with progressivism? That’s more or less what bioleninism hypothesises.

jim says:

Yes, they are allied, and in conflict, the same as with all other leftisms.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Why aren’t you progressive?

You didn’t respond to my little zen koan response to your reprisal of this basically similar comment in a previous article; if ‘progressives’ (definition to be determined) never lose in a contest of memes – why have they lost against you, me, jim, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, of others who repudiate it in favor of another vision? If they can make anyone a believer, why have they failed to make people believers?

Instead of peddling patently falsifiable black-pill, adopt a more realistic, which is a more useful, perspective, and start asking why, exactly, it fails in all these cases, and what essences you can extract from that, what you can make from that.

Contaminated NEET says:

>if ‘progressives’ (definition to be determined) never lose in a contest of memes – why have they lost against you, me, jim, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, of others who repudiate it in favor of another vision?

I have to admit, that’s a good question, and answering it might point us toward a weapon against Globohomo. But, winning one person’s mind, or even minds of a handful of weird internet malcontents, is a very different thing from winning minds on a mass scale. You’re obviously right that Progressive memes sometimes lose on the individual scale, but on a society-wide scale, they just don’t lose.

What counterexamples have people given me here? Spain 1937? England 1660? You have to reach back so far for a reason. Spain predates TV, and it went proggie in a few decades anyway.

jim says:

Memes backed by violence and intimidation always win. Being able to beat people up and smash their stuff is always inherently high status. There is nothing special about prog memes. It is just another holiness spiral. There have been many holiness spirals before, same every time. The memetic content is almost irrelevant.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Memes backed by violence and intimidation always win. Being able to beat people up and smash their stuff is always inherently high status.

OK, agreed. If we were allowed to beat Leftists with impunity, our memes would win. But Leftist memes are particularly good at organizing and motivating masses of people to do violence and to tolerate others doing violence in their cause.

Leftism is weaponized envy, right? It’s all about knocking over applecarts to gather other people’s apples. Well, there are always going to be people with a lot more apples than the rest of us, and those without so many apples are going to envy and resent them for it. Leftism taps into this power. It’s not just a set of memes that happened to be lying around when the holiness spiral started; it’s a set of memes that justifies and harnesses envy on a mass scale. It’s an extremely powerful and well-adapted memeplex, a miracle of evolution; only the great world religions come close.

jim says:

Exactly so.

Holiness spirals evolve to what we now call leftism, just as all metastatic cancers look and act alike regardless of their tissue of origin.

They start out being holy about some random thing that was lying around when the holiness spiral started, and they manage to grab some stuff, so people are more holy about that thing and elaborations and exaggerations of that thing, but pretty soon the things that they are being holy about devolve mostly to weaponized envy because that is good at bringing out a mob, with a random few hangovers from the original holiness spiral.

And related to this, is the freedom of speech issue. If speech is “controversial” it is always because its speech to organize taking away someone else’s stuff or their status or their women, and if you allow that speech, pretty soon it is speech to organize resisting having your stuff, or your status, or your women taken away that is “controversial”.

“Freedom of speech” only exists when the heretics have not yet gained power, but are moving into power. As soon as they are in power, it goes away, at first only for the priesthood – freedom of speech for academics was utterly silenced by 1906, probably earlier, but once it is gone for the priesthood, soon gone for everyone.

In 1820, they wanted freedom of religion, but pretty soon, they ended it.

If you want your society to have cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, people need a clear and secure property right in what they have, in which case you have to come down hard on people organizing to take away that property right.

Sacrilege is aimed at taking away someone’s status. If you successfully commit sacrilege, you undermine someone else’s status, and by so doing, gain some status. Thus eating heavily salted fatty meat gives you status, at the expense of the busybodies, who have gained status through being holy about random food taboos.

Hence sixteen year imprisonment for burning a rainbow flag, while no one dares to complain about Churches burning, and burning the American flag is extremely sacred. Recall the outrage when pussy riot was given an entirely proportionate punishment for vandalizing a church and war monuments. Horrible horrible horrible unthinkably horrible violation of freedom of speech.

We have to enforce dire punishments for desecration of symbols of people cooperating in ways that make their established authority over stuff, status, and women, in order to get a society in cooperation. Freedom of speech is unstable. There should be the fullest freedom of speech on stuff that does not impact money, power, family, and sex, but when speech starts to bite on those issues, it is only a matter of who is going to win. Whoever loses is going to lose his freedom of speech.

Kunning Drueger says:

You’re looking at centuries when the game is measured in millennia. There was a period in my life where I considered the Conversion. There’s actually a lot to recommend it, Lord knows they need IQ and occidental injections, and they are a quite accommodating people (Arab Muslims). But I’m a son of the West. It is not in me to wrap myself in another man’s cloak and culture, not permanently. I’m a liminal entity, so I like to spend time, sometimes lots of time, being the outsider. I’ve lived with Muslims, and I’m telling you it will be like a vacation in that it is only nice to visit and all the magic will disappear if you stay.

You’re giving progressivism way too much credit and esteeming yourself, your brothers, and your identity with far too much depression or derision. Just because we cannot fight now does not mean we need to give up or give in, which is precisely the choice between Islam and the Cathedral.

suones says:

There was a period in my life where I considered the Conversion.

Your soul is uncomfortable in the Lies you wear.

But I’m a son of the West. It is not in me to wrap myself in another man’s cloak and culture, not permanently.

May the Light of your Fathers guide you.

Korth says:

>When have we ever beaten Progressivism? When have we even held our ground against it?

Spain 1939. Stop it with the blackpilling already.

The Cominator says:

Progressivism had an unusually good century mainly because of that immense faggot Woodrow Wilson. Its normal pattern throughout history is that if they don’t get military crushed in their own country they get militarily crushed by others.

They’ll start getting crushed outside of the US with the fall of the American Empire…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

And boy, did the crushing start ignominiously. Beaten by Taliban and run out of the country on a rail, and their biggest strategic rival announces the next day that conquering rebellious provinces is just a matter of time and that the US will stand by and let it happen. No man worth his salt wants to be a soldier for the USSA today.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’m not talking about Islam though? Jim made a direct reference to the Taliban and the Taliban haven’t ever done anything to me. I didn’t say they are my friends either or I would join them.

But you judge people by their actions, the tree by the fruit, before calling them enemies. Again, no Taliban has ever done anything to me. I don’t observe or assume all Christians being the same, including Christians and “Christians” and everything in between. I don’t assume the Taliban are Assad, the Taliban are ISIS, the Taliban are oil princes or Persian mongrels or Turkish cockroaches, I don’t assume any of this.

And so far the Taliban haven’t done anything to me, they don’t claim to want to do anything bad to me but instead ask for diplomatic good relationships which they are already engaging in with Russia and China, and their actions are very agreeable.

If there are people talking about defecting to Islam, strong horse theory applies. What you offer is empty words, intangible and weak, while progressivism offers homosexuality and death, those talking about joining Islam see real strength, real results and a living opportunity.

“We need to dig in”, who is we? I direct my own actions to defend my own interests based on my own calculations, which don’t include obscure internet shitposters. And in those calculations the Taliban are not the enemy and they haven’t shown themselves an enemy, just like you and I have never had a beneficial and mutual relationship that justifies friendship.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Taliban, engaging directly with China and BlueGov, have flooded my country, my community, with heroin. Act of war and should be treated as such

…but that doesn’t matter to you, because it’s all about you and your interests. So we have come to the conclusion of this dialogue and, as usual, St. John nailed it. You already picked a side: the atomized, isolated, self involved, self-interested nüMale.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Doesn’t the Taliban mostly hate the drug trade? I know that US troops had to protect the drug fields, and that the opium trade dried up when the Taliban were ruling before 2001, and in places where they were in control during the occupation. Also, if they did ship it over, the US was occupying them, so it is not as if they were sending it to innocents.

Kunning Drueger says:

If the export dries up with the Taliban restoration, I’ll mail them an apology. Haqani network can fuck right off.

Atavistic Morality says:

The Taliban, engaging directly with China and BlueGov, have flooded my country, my community, with heroin. Act of war and should be treated as such


…but that doesn’t matter to you, because it’s all about you and your interests. So we have come to the conclusion of this dialogue and, as usual, St. John nailed it. You already picked a side: the atomized, isolated, self involved, self-interested nüMale.

Why should I give a shit about you, your community or your country when I don’t know you and I don’t belong to any of it? Yes, it’s all about me and my interests and those who are aligned with me and my interests like my family and friends.

You’re a demonic cowardly faggot appealing to Scripture to fit his own needs, do you have a real argument to make here? Or like progressive demonic faggots you are going to play the universalism card and tell me I have to defend what is good and an interest for you at my own expense because of “justice” and “morality”? St. John never told anyone to care about demonic faggots like you.

Kunning Drueger says:

Didn’t appeal to scripture. I’m not a Christian and never claimed to be. St. John is a reference to a commenter here. You seem mad because I pointed out what you are. You are free to vent, moan, groan, and project. At some point, you should probably wipe your nose, stand up, and move on.

jim says:

No they have not. Opium trade shut down when they were in power, opened up when the US was in power.

Opium trading in Afghanistan is allegedly large in the hands of pederasts.

Karl says:

The Taliban are Muslim. They say they have a religious duty to make war against all infidels. Why not take the words of someone who says he has a duty to make war against you at face value? Why don’t you judge them by their words?

If anyone says he has a duty to kill me and mine, he is my enemy.

jim says:

The Taliban is the enemy of our enemy.

Does not make them our friend.

But our enemy tried to conquer them and failed. Which gives me hope that they will fail to conquer us.

It was right to go into Afghanistan to take out Al Qaeda, and I supported that.

It was wrong to stay in Afghanistan to impose Globohomo on them, and I opposed that.

I was happy when our warriors destroyed Al Quaeda.

I was happy when the Taliban defeated our sodomites.

The Taliban are a far enemy. Fighting in good cause, they defeated our near enemy.

Karl says:

Of course I’m happy that the Tailban defeated our progressives.

Any enemy far away defeated an enemy close to us.

My comment above was to contradict Atavistic Morality’s argument that people should be judged by their actions (only). My stance is that people should also be judged by their words – especially if they are priests.

jim says:

The Taliban are warrior priests. And they won.

In the coming civil war, we will need warrior priests.

Kunning Drueger says:

It seems from this conversation that AM thinks the Taliban is a good option for our warrior priests, or the only option, or maybe I’m misconstruing it…

For my part, no Taliban ever called me racist. I’m happy they have possibly won their freedom, and I trust a GNON to bless the worthy. Past that point, Islam has no place in the Occident. End of discussion.

jim says:

Orthodoxy has potential for being a crusading religion. I see orthodox crusaders celebrated in Russia – though not by the Church, by the laity.

To be based, the Church has to celebrate them.

Miserius says:

The problem with Orthodoxy is the same as the problem with Catholicism, only in Catholicism it is everywhere and in Orthodoxy it is limited to the higher echelons of clergy. That is, mandatory celibacy for bishops and up, which, of course, means the leadership positions in the Orthodoxy are filled with homos and pedos, who are additionally completely cutoff from real-world life experience (and are also infinitely despotic towards lower clergy and laity, because they are completely atomized sociopaths). Married bishops need to make a big comeback. If that is not possible, then at least to pick bishops from the ranks of married clergy by choosing old, or widowed priests (but to outright exclude monks from being considered for the position).

neofugue says:

> the leadership positions in the Orthodoxy are filled with homos and pedos

While the church hierarchy and bishops remain celibate, entryists into the Orthodox Church purging Jonah Paffhausen are left with accusing him of “ignoring sexual misconduct.”

> are also infinitely despotic towards lower clergy and laity, because they are completely atomized sociopaths

My priest in the Orthodox Church loves and reveres his bishops more than I love and revere my own father. The only “bad” bishops are the Prog entryists.

The Renovationists tried to implement “progress” in the Orthodox Church under full Soviet backing and failed; neither will the Fordhamites nor any other Progressives.

Pete says:

GloboHomo did not actually try to defeat Afghanistan. If GloboHomo hated the Afghans, they would have replaced the people. As they are doing to us.

If GloboHomo had imported 100,000 beaners and niggers per month for all 20 years, then Afghanistan would have been ruined, it’s traditiona and culture completely swept away. As America has been ruined. GloboHomo hates us a lot more than they hate the Taliban.

Jehu says:

The ANA was comprehensively defeated by the Taliban because they lacked any cohesion or morale. The ANA had plenty of supremacy in terms of firepower. One wonders if the tactics used by the Taliban have future application closer to home.
As I understand it, individual members of the ANA were contacted directly via email, social media etc and told, don’t be left hung out to dry by Globohomo, they haven’t got your back. Surrender now preemptively, here’s a form and a link.

jim says:

Logistics matter more than tactics, and it was a holy war, in which faith mattered more than anything. Faith outweighs logistics, and logistics outweighs tactics. Xenophon talks about the market far more than he talks about tactics.

The Taliban had a logistic base, Pakistan. We don’t. Big important difference. We will have to conquer our own logistic base. Isis managed it. The Taliban won despite massive logistic inferiority, and Isis overcame total lack of logistics by the power of faith. Also the power of entryism. The Cathedral was so hard up for progressive Muslims that under Obama anyone with brown face saying “Hail fellow progressive. Islam, rightly understood, is merely a low status form of progressivism” was apt to be given a pile of guns.

Jehu says:

I’m thinking more in terms of, how much morale and cohesion would the US military have to lose to be vulnerable to an ANA-style preference cascade?

jim says:

Not a lot. The British in Basra and in Heland province suffered a shameful Afghan army style collapse, and had to be rescued by the US and Canadian armies.

The American army today is starting to look a lot like the British army then.

Alfred says:

Wouldn’t take much to overthrow them the problem is building a movement that’s not riddled with feds. Secondly, it’s clear the Taliban was getting funding from several States. Nothing like that currently exists in America.

If the state is going to be overthrown it’s going to come from a US elite faction. Hence why we wait for Cesar.

Of course if they fuck the country up enough it could come apart at the seams and cause a general collapse. At that point every group able to defend itself becomes a de facto nation state.

Wolf says:

The Taliban lost 60k men over the 20 year occupation. Who knows how many wounded. Would Europeans be capable of fighting through that? Reduction of employment prospects seems to be a strong enough incentive against almost all resistance.

Kunning Drueger says:

We need a faith. Simple, powerful, and easily spread.

Pooch says:

I read the transcript of the first Taliban press conference. Not sounding like an enemy. Surprisingly, They granted pardons to all including the US soldiers who fought them maintaining their only goal was their land free of occupiers. With their land free of the occupiers, their stated goal is only peace now with the international powers. Does an enemy grant this type of mercy?

Bilge_Pump says:

The Taliban would be annihilated if it pissed off China Russia Or the US too badly. The problem is that the US can’t decide what it actually wants to do. Does it want to destroy imperialism or force faggot imperialism on far away brown people?

Anyway, the Taliban is in no position to be belligerent toward any of the superpowers. They would be if they could get away with it because many of them are crazy goatfuckers.

Fred says:

That’s for Western public consumption (are you unironically going to take their word for anything?)

1) That radical Islam has been a bluegov client since at least the Iranian revolution of 1979 shows which side they’re on (the loss of Afghanistan is bluegov dunking on redgov – yet again);

2) That they’re notionally anti-poz doesn’t mean anything because a) smart countries are anti-poz at home while supporting poz abroad to undermine their enemies, and b) poz and anti-poz sides might be notionally opposed, but the sides espousing them have no problems cooperating against le ebil whitey, as Spandrell cogently explained with his bioleninism hypothesis;

3) How will they treat non-Muslims? If they eg. start murdering Christians (there are probably at least some in Af-pak), then they’re bluegov on steroids, not “based”.

Guy says:

I question how much of a “redgov” exists at this point. It seems to me to have been completely subsumed by globohomo in the Obama years at the latest. I mean in actuality I question the entire model and think the elite was far more unified in the past. Sure there’s military vs. state dept. rivalry and violence, but Afghanistan had been a state dept. project for a while now. They’d have been dunking on themselves.

This seems mostly organic, “Biden” might have left in the dead of night for some super secret reason, but sounds like it’s just retardation and chaos. Hopefully”Muslim terror” displaces some COVID talk. Maybe a few false flags could help with that, anything is worth it at this point.

The media seem content to hang this on Biden. Maybe they’re lacking a cohesive plan at this early stage, I doubt they give Kamala the presidency in any case, unless they have something else they plan to put on her, like full monetary collapse.

James says:

Why don’t you think they would give the presidency to her?

Mike says:

Where do those quotes come from? Is he just pulling them out of his ass? Haven’t seen anyone talking about them anywhere else, not meaning mainstream media mind you (obviously they would not show that) but other bloggers+RW Twitter.

Calvin says:

I recall seeing them last night on 4chan, but no source there either. May be made up, maybe not. Either way, never trust a goddamn word a Muslim says, lying to infidels is literally a religious mandate for them.

Alfred says:

I cheer on what the Taliban is doing to the poz, but they’re still our enemies will murder and enslave us if they’ve given the opportunity.

The Original OC says:

“We pray for the day when you liberate yourselves from their grip and there can be peace upon this planet.”

By this they mean conversion to Islam, not restoration of Christianity, or creation of new national religion.

But sure, the “atheists and Zionists” are getting so dangerous that conversion to Islam is looking preferable.

Mike in Boston says:

Taliban statement:

I will bet you five bucks this was written not by a Talib, but by an English-speaking internet LARPer, our side’s version of the fake gay Syrian girl.

Vox Day’s heart may be in the right place, but he sure posts a lot of bullshit.

neofugue says:

Make that $1000

The language used in the “Taliban Statement” is not the language of statecraft rather of pundits; if any diplomat spoke in that tone he would be fired immediately. Vox is not as smart as he says he is, as a writer he should have been able to notice that detail instantly.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe a diplomat, per se, didn’t write it? Either way, I agree it is probably fake because Al Qaeda pointed their rhetoric to the West but the Taliban always seemed far more ethno-nationalist in its aims…

neofugue says:

The statement first appeared on /pol/ as a translation of a Taliban official’s victory speech. It could be plausible that a mujaheddin wrote this and passed it off as the words of someone more important, but this article comes across as the words of an English-speaking LARPer. A member of the Taliban who just won after 20 years of bloodshed would not be immediately obsessed with Zionism and Palestine.

Kunning Drueger says:


Starman says:

Looks like the link to Kabul University’s GenderBender and Whore studies is now broken.

info23 says:

“Wokeness” shouldn’t even be weaponized. Its a demonic memeplex which will have the same effect as “ironically” summoning demons. Demons will still get summoned this way:

CCP is treading very dangerous self-destructive grounds here.

This is why Sorcery is banned in the Bible.

Because it will open doors to demonic influence.

jim says:

Xi is on a course that is most unwise, and is likely to bite him.

Bilge_Pump says:

The difference is that the Chinese don’t have to make any sacrifices to blame white people for all the world’s problems, while white progs have shoot themselves / everyone else in the foot constantly to satisfy their own moral requirements

ExileStyle says:

Some Taliban men are asked by a beautiful brown woman whether people will still be able to democratically elect women to office under their rule:

Is that one definition of a band of brothers? Men to hold you up as you fall down laughing?

Pooch says:

Pure alpha confidence in the face of stupid female shit tests.

Alfred says:

The closeness between the men in quite striking as well. Men in America couldn’t be that affectionate without being thought of as gay.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Which is the precise utility of throwing gays off a roof and it being socially understood that any man who was gay would have been thrown off a roof – the possibility of deep bonds between men; and bands of men with deep bonds between them are the most potent force in the world.

A ruling class that mandates acceptance of homosexuality makes bonding between men impossible.

wtf says:


jim says:

I fail to see the relevance.

notglowing says:
The comments on that video are great. Most agree with the Taliban

bomag says:


It’s been a bad few months. I just got done rooting against the US women’s soccer team, and now I’m rooting for the Taliban.

Varna says:

Gag from the Ruski internetski:

“Catholicism in the 21st century,
Protestantism in the 21st century,
Orthodoxy in the 21st century”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


jim says:

Alfred says:

This shit is awesome.

I’m going to have to check out my local Orthodox church.

jim says:

Greek Orthodoxy has a based faction, but is almost as powned by Globohomo as Catholicism. Russian Orthodoxy, protected by Putin’s nukes, is based.

Orthodox Churches in the west tend to be based, but not all of them. As I said before, the nearest Orthodox Church to me, which is unfortunately a long way off, has a website that nearly qualifies as a reactionary blog.

INDY says:

Attended a G-O would’ve appreciated the vows.

The marriage, however, has proved modern and fruitless.

Alfred says:

>The marriage, however, has proved modern and fruitless.

I grew up in a homeschooling group who had a very large christen family(9 kids). They were super traditional but they sent their girls to college. They have zero grandchildren. Everyone got married but no children were produced from the marriages as all the women involved couldn’t be bothered with children.

Boko Haram.

Oog en Hand says:

Thanks to nukes, supplied by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

As funny as it is, those two traitors may have done more good than harm in the long term.

jim says:

You have not seen what comes next.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Is it better that Russia have nukes or not have them? I have a brief idea of what it turns into, and it is not good, but I still think we are better off with Orthodoxy growing in the shade of Putin’s nukes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bergsteins gave nukes to commies in the 50s, not orthodoxy today.

Pseudo-Klausius says:

The churches in the Anglo-sphere under the omophorion of the Patriarch of Moscow are generally solid. With parishes under other jurisdictions, it is very much hit and miss. There even were some solid Greek parishes (a good sign is if they have connections to St. Antony’s Monastery in Florence, Arizona), but Elipodophoros, the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in America and a potential future Patriarch, is almost as bad as Pope Francis. I will not be surprised at a reunion between Constantinople and Rome in the next ten or twenty years, which will cause a schism within Orthodoxy that will make the ecclesiastical crisis in Ukraine look trivial.

Pseudo-Klausius says:

I’ll add that unfortunately, even in Russia itself, Orthodox people are still rather blue-pilled about the education of women, and I have to constantly push back again this in my family.

A conversation with my half-Russian and fully-Orthodox daughter last night, after reading a footnote in a historical novel that women were not allowed into universities until the later 19th century:

Klausiovna: That’s not right.

Klausius: Why?

Klausiovna: Well, women are more important than men.

Klausius: Why?

Klausiovna: Because only women can have babies.

Klausius: Yes. And that’s exactly why women shouldn’t be wasting time in university.

Klausiovna: …

Calvin says:

Apparently the US took their military dogs off in planes while leaving Afghans behind. At least we did one thing right.

The Cominator says:


notglowing says:

I saw that. I can only imagine the seething. It’s great.

Mister Grumpus says:

Holy fuck. The continents are shifting and The Great Heartening is underway.

Seven words that won me over to “Jimmism” from bitter (and incompetent anyway) MRA/PUA-hood were this “verse” of his, refrained verbatim for years now, in reference to men and women in frustrated and “modern” Defect-Defect Equilibrium:

“No one gets what they really want.”

Got that? OK now let’s listen again to a clip of Tucker’s monologue from just yesterday (and not needle on his use of the word “neoliberal”):

“So maybe it’s possible that we failed in Afghanistan because the entire neoliberal program is grotesque. It’s a joke. It’s contrary to human nature. It answers none of our deepest human desires.”

Jim also reminds us that politics is well downstream of fashion, and fashion is downstream of… violent power. For example, how gay marriage is “downstream” of the fact that gays, today, can find you after work and straight beat you up, while everyone watches, and then walk away and get away with it (and muslims, and negroes, etc.):

Tucker again:

“It’s ridiculous, and ideas that ridiculous can only be imposed by force, only with armed men at gunpoint. The moment these ideas are not mandatory — the second the troops withdraw, in fact — people tend to revert to the lives they prefer to live. That may be the real lesson of Afghanistan.”

The real lesson, of Afghanistan, for…

Anonymous Fake says:

The most effective violence occurs at the point of maximum plausible deniability, but with a hint of potential legitimacy. The Taliban can get away with guerilla warfare because that’s what’s normal in the third world, with the only restriction being one cannot get away with outright genocide. Usually.

In the first world, the violent sweet spot is usually based on threatening children with bad grades in school if they don’t obey the Cathedral, and that this would affect their ability to secure a career that could provide for a family. Rural bubbas thinking they could play Taliban, or street theater, completely miss this sweet spot and their attempts at political violence are suppressed laughably. But professors are absolutely feared, or at least were…

American decline isn’t a result of the bubbas doing anything right or wrong. It’s a result of the loss of leftist violence with that ideal mix of credibility and deniability, the power of grading in school. So much of GenX and Millennials are un/der/employed at least compared to Boomers, despite being the best educated generations in history, that GenZ is no longer intimidated by the school power. They don’t care about COVID either because they’re still young and invincible. And they grew up completely with the internet and smart phones.

jim says:


No one cares about school grades. The left does not care, because they know school grades are blatantly fake, and conservatives care that they are blatantly fake, but correspondingly pay no attention to them when hiring.

The left burns cities, the left videotapes and widely publishes attempted murder, and you are talking about school grades?

School grades are a reflection of the power of the left, not the source of its power. The source of its power is state violence and nominally private, but state approved violence, as we saw in the Stonewall riots and burning of Kenosha.

Mao said power comes from a gun. In America, it comes from breaking heads, but they are starting to use guns. Been a lot of Epstein’s lately.

It is not the grades that matter, it is essay topics where one has to affirm loyalty to Globohomo. You don’t get into a good university without writing suitably pious essays and a history of leftist activism, though the best university entrance high schools have organized clubs for faking up a history of pious left wing activism.

The top universities pretend to still care about school grades, but every day the pretense gets thinner.

Grades are like the rituals the monasteries were supposedly conducting before the dissolution of the monasteries. Supposedly shifts of monks kept the rituals going 24/7 to keep their minds focused on the God and the next world, but after a while, no one was bothering to show up.

Anonymous Fake says:

[Deleted, because too silly.]

jim says:

The burning issue that the right should campaign on is that students should be given even higher grades for even stupider inanity?

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

All your comments are the same comment. All the bad conduct of the priesthood is caused by merchants, conservatives, and families, and can be fixed by giving the priesthood more money, status, and power.

I am tired of this argument, and am just not going to argue about it any longer.

Pooch says:

It is not the grades that matter, it is essay topics where one has to affirm loyalty to Globohomo. You don’t get into a good university without writing suitably pious essays and a history of leftist activism, though the best university entrance high schools have organized clubs for faking up a history of pious left wing activism.

Jim, was there ever a period where getting into and graduating from good universities was a reflection of actual intelligence and competence, or were they always just mere indoctrination centers for whatever current year leftism was at the time?

jim says:

Universities were always, and should always be, indoctrination centers, should be run directly by the official Church, and always have been run directly by the official Church. The path to skilled jobs used to be, and should be, apprenticeship. A University degree should only be for state and quasi state jobs where loyalty to the official state religion matters.

But to 1875 they doing their best to recruit the very smartest people. After 1875, their focus on recruiting smart people began to decline. Until quite recently, a university degree was an indication of intelligence and competence. This became significantly and seriously less true around 1975, though the rot set in far earlier. But after 1975 it started to become a serious problem, which problem has been getting steadily and rapidly worse.

Joe says:

The most effective violence is as that of God Himself: a attack without warning that dissolves into nothing of a hand unknown, against which retaliation is impossible. A bolt of lightning, if one could be harnessed, would be the perfect attack.

jim says:

Rods from God. Very small hypersonic missiles.

Cloudswrest says:

Tungsten telephone poles falling from orbit.

Kunning Drueger says:

Rhodesian lawn darts. Call Elon, I bet he’s got something…

Cloudswrest says:

Re. “A bolt of lightning”

I’ve actually thought about using a stimulated bolt of lighting as an assassination method.

Assuming your target is in the vicinity of a thunderstorm.

1. Fly a high altitude drone above the target.
2. Shoot a UV laser at the target.
3. At the same time shoot a rotating UV laser into the thunderstorm.

The UV laser ionizes the air forming a higher conductance path for static discharge.

jim says:

I think it would take a remarkably powerful laser to get enough ionization all the way up and all the way down. An ionizing UV laser does not penetrate air very far at all, and weighs as much as a small truck. You are looking at an eximer laser, and those things are big. And big though they are, they still don’t penetrate air very far at all.

Cloudswrest says:

I would think you don’t have to cause much ionization. Even a little bit will cause lighting to start to send feeders causing positive feedback.

jim says:

The problem is that UV frequencies capable of causing ionization cause a lot of ionization, with the result that the beam is stopped by a few inches of air.

To get just a little bit of ionization, you need high X ray frequencies, which lasers cannot do, or a relativistic electron beam. (Which requires a building sized generator, and can only be rendered mobile by an aircraft carrier sized ship)

Kunning Drueger says:

Seems unreasonable, but it would be awesome to have an assassination ray called the Thoughts & Prayers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Frying someone with an electrolaser already looks a lot like a lightning strike. You could perhaps drone them during a thunderstorm for ‘what a coincidence’, but not necessarily an express necessity.

In any case though there is a lot of cool shit that could potentially be done, but can’t enter the realm of possibility until USG stops artificially preventing human civilization from advancing to the next step on the Kardashev scale by making 60 year old technology illegal (man scale nuclear drivers for machinery).

Pooch says:

until USG stops artificially preventing human civilization from advancing to the next step on the Kardashev scale by making 60 year old technology illegal

*until USG is no longer able to enforce it’s laws competently

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

*until men cease their affrontery to Gnon and live in greater accord with Divine Law

There, spiral successful.

Mister Grumpus says:

They did it because:

Strong dick brown man good (passes shit tests), cucked white army man bad (fails them)

Humiliate and purge the non-desk military (I repeat myself)

Pack the refugees into red states before 2022 and 2024

(I want to vomit, so it must be working.)

ERTZ says:

Neither the US-withdrawal nor the quick take-over by the Taliban were surprising for any major power, instead were planned for and expected for over a year ago.

The media propaganda of a fleeing US military is propaganda.
Nothing significant unexpected or unplanned did happen.

Large amounts of weapons and gear (all the non-high-tech stuff) has been orderly left deliberately for the Taliban to find and use.

jim says:


Look at their faces. This totally discombombulated them. This was shocking to them, though completely predictable and much predicted.

The Cominator says:

What makes this implausible is the lack of a damage control narrative and how embarassing this is for the woke religion.

BAP’s podcast last night just likened the American ruling class to a retarded three year old with nukes. This is not a good look for them.

jim says:

Ertz is a known shill, and this is a damage control press release appearing everywhere right now simultaneously – many shills, one narrative all at the same time: Supposedly the collapse of the Afghan government was all planned, the Jews did it, and the Jews are in control.

The point and purpose of the narrative being to prevent our rulers from being seen as weak, incompetent, and deluded.

They are worried, for Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.

Letting this through because it is a new script, and is likely to be changed or abandoned very soon.

The Cominator says:
Starman says:

Here are two shills on Gab who sound exactly like ERTZ and were demonstrably unable to even see a RedPill on Women question.

The Cominator says:

What will be the economic impact of the chinks taking Taiwan if they restrict exports of computer chips?

I think Taiwan could fall within the next few months?

Alfred says:

Almost every computer chip we use is made there. I can’t even guess at the level of economic destabilization from it.

Pooch says:

I would think the CCP would not want to hurt that gravy train tho.

Calvin says:

Never estimate the ability of the CCP to shoot itself in the foot for no real reason. This time they actually have a reason (dominate the regional seas, hit the US where it hurts).

The Ducking Man says:

Exactly what I’ve been telling in this blog.

Will China start a war?, Jim said they won’t because it’s extremely stupid on their part (if they do) and because China has this silk road master plan.

I beg to differ, one scenario I can think of is, the PLA being incompetent but very proudful army will in one flick of unintentional accident will do something stupid that give precadent to make war because the allies has been taunting PLA non stop past few months. Xi and his cronies not knowing that PLA is incompetent will declare war because they think they can win against US and whatnot. Afterward only time will tell.

The Ducking Man says:

Exactly what I’ve been telling in this blog.

Will China start a war?, Jim said they won’t because it’s extremely stupid on their part (if they do) and because China has this silk road master plan.

I beg to differ, one scenario I can think of is, the PLA being incompetent but very proudful army will in one flick of unintentional accident will do something stupid that give precadent to make war because the allies has been taunting PLA non stop past few months. Xi and his cronies not knowing that PLA is incompetent will declare war because they think they can win against US and whatnot.

Adjudicator says:

So basically a Mukden / Manchurian incident done by the prideful PLA, (Or its naval arm, involving the contested islands?) which will drag the rest of the PRC into a protracted war?

The Ducking Man says:


The tensions is building up, recent allies naval mititary mission in south east china is evident, they call it “keeping international water true to it’s identity” or something like that. Though really other nations are just taunting PLA and CCP non stop.

Karl says:

What does in your opinion indicate that the PLA is an incompetent army?

The Ducking Man says:

Oh man, where do I begin.

1. China has 3 airship carrier, with 3rd unit slated to be nuclear power with electromagnetic propulsion system, and of course it will be their biggest carrier yet. It looks good on paper until you realize that PLA only have J-15 (chinese bootleg SU-27), 27 units or so of china’s original SU-27 is not carrier spec’ed, J-18 and J-20 (bootleg F-22/F-35) is not ready for production.

So in short, PLA has very expensive sitting duck target slated to roam south china sea with Allies roaming around.

2. PLA submarine is known to be detectable from INTERNATIONAL WATER of all places by UK’s naval ship, and then have the nerve calling out UK.

3. Also the story of PLA warded off by Thailand’s tug boat.

You need to youtube PLA and their embarassment time and time again.

jim says:

China does not need aircraft carriers, nor want them.

Aircraft carriers are for projecting power to far away. China wants the South China sea, and has therefore built a mightly fleet of unsinkable, but entirely immovable, aircraft carriers in the South China sea.

The Ducking Man says:

Jim, you are talking like camry/accord owner, “surely people only stick to what they really need, and of course people don’t need anything more powerful than this Camry”.

But Jim, CCP (and even by extension Chinese people) are aspiring Lamborghini/Ferrari owner.

“Do CCP really need top of the class carrier just to conquer south china sea?”, of course they don’t.

“Do CCP really fascinated about having carrier like US?”, it appears to be resounding yes with 4th and 5th carrier already planned ahead.

“Wait, why do they need it so much?”, because they are dick, but their neighbor already knows best.

Karl says:

Items 1 and 2 efer to eqipment. Useless equipment is not incompetence. Incompetence is about skills.

Item 3 might indicate incompetence, but I’m not familiar with that incident. Anyway, it did not lead to war with Thailand and so does not support your idea that incompetence of the army might lead to a war.

We’ll know about the PLA’s competence or lack there of as soon as it goes to war.

Kunning Drueger says:

China absolutely needs a global fleet if it wants to maintain its globalized economy. As it stands now, China is completely reliant on the US and others keeping trade lanes open and safe. If the US stopped guaranteeing the high seas trade network, piracy on a level unprecedented in the modern era would explode almost overnight. This would be amazing, especially if BAP is not just a talker but a Doer.

The discussion about aircraft carriers and their efficacy is always so strange. They clearly matter to many governments. They clearly have usefulness in extending the threat and application of force. We don’t know how they will perform in a defensive capacity in the Advanced Jet Age (probably not well), but as it stands, the main reason the US is relevant on the world stage is the blue water navy.

PLAN just ran an exercise with a 10,000 ton class civilian landing ship. I don’t know if it was a RO/RO or something like that, but it is purportedly the first time they’ve drilled with something that big. It is quite obvious that they are just rattling Taipei’s cage, but if they ever do want to perform amphibious operations, their impressive shore based arsenal isn’t going to cover that effectively. So the question is, from my perspective, does China want to project force outside of their core and proximal periphery? The answer to that, again from my perspective, is does China want to maintain the trade status quo? These are, in effect, the same question. China doesn’t have to answer it yet as the US Navy is still actively guaranteeing global maritime trade. But they planned carriers seems to indicate that yes, they do want to project force because yes they do want to maintain global Chinese trade and they think the US cannot or will not continue to be the guarantor.

jim says:

> China absolutely needs a global fleet if it wants to maintain its globalized economy.

No it does not. China needs the crossroads of central Asia, Afghanistan, open for business. (Keeping Afghanistan closed was the one small shred of sanity in our Afghan war. As long as Afghanistan is closed, America holds the leverage of the threat of shutting down Chinese trade.)

China is at present keeping the seas open by bribing our hopelessly corrupt and disunited political elite. This is far cheaper than aircraft carriers, but it is a lot more fragile than aircraft carriers. They are too corrupt to stay bribed.

However, the modern solution, which China is working on, is not aircraft carriers, but hypersonic missiles, which make aircraft carriers obsolete. And China has, or appears to have, long range hypersonic anti carrier missiles, which America does not.

What is really needed is long range hypersonics with a relatively small and rapidly re-usable boost vehicle, so that you can shoot and shoot and keep on shooting. That, at present, no one has. If the Cathedral shuts down Musk, he may well have another customer.

At present Chinese boosters seem to be fueled by dinitrogen tetroxide and udmh, which is not what you want if you want to launch one hell of a lot of hypersonic missiles using re-usable boosters.

Kunning Drueger says:

Taiwan is a tough nut to crack regardless of American involvement. If China invades in a traditional method, the losses would be atrocious just getting to the coast. Then they’d have to occupy the island and pacify resistance. They’d have to balance losses at home as well as external probing by competitors. I think they’d avoid this if possible. It might be better to foment a civil war then sweep on to “restore order,” but even that would be tricky.

hcm says:

*If* they have any will to fight. Doubtful.

Kunning Drueger says:

Do you honestly think there is no one on Formosa willing to fight for their autonomy, no matter how contingent?

jim says:

What autonomy?

Who will fight for Harvard and Globohomo?

Kunning Drueger says:

I think much of Europe, modern Africa, much of South America, and much of the Indo-Pacific. Of course, they don’t see it as fighting for Harvard and globohomo, but they will answer the call. Look at how many Amerikaners fought for Harvard and globohomo in AFG with only the most shallow reasoning constructed for GWoT.

James says:

Sadly, in Taiwan, quite a few people. Similar to hong kong, there are plenty of cucks willing to fight for globohomo. Except they have a real military and an entire hollowed out mountain range full of SAM missiles. Little need to actually fight in the traditional sense to inflict enormous losses.

The Cominator says:

Would Taiwan fight.

Under normal circumstances ie if Xi was like Deng, Jiang or Hu then no.

Xi however is something of a real Marxist control freak faggot and he might inspire some of the Taiwanese to fight for that reason.

Pooch says:

I still think we are ways away from the CCP taking Taiwan, but I could see both the CCP and Russia making a deal to simultaneously move on Taiwan and Ukraine, seeing the American regime as weak as it is, thus giving credence to Jim’s theory that we may have some combination of multiple simultaneous wars abroad and domestic.

chris says:

No real reason for Russia to take Ukraine. They have Crimea, and the rest of Ukraine is poor and would be full of partisans. They just want it to not join EU/NATO, and they can achieve that without having to invade.

jim says:

A clear threat of invasion has so far been amply sufficient.

The Cominator says:

There would no economic impact of Russia taking Ukraine unless we do something really really stupid in response (which there is a good chance of).

Taiwan Semiconductor and its 10 billion dollar four years to build (and you also need very smart non woke device physics and electrical manufacturing experts) factories are far far more important.

nils says:

smi conductor fabs are easy, taiwan has them because they are illegal here. loosing the electrical grid, missisipi river and all international trade is absurdly more damaging then loosing taiwan industry, if america goes to war with china it has fuck all to do with chips

Kunning Drueger says:

Disagree on the International Trade point, it is barely represented in GDP. Otherwise, excellent point. Might actually be a very good thing to happen; more pressure on the industrial/manufacturing sector to admit Shaniqua and Gay Raymond suck at their “””jobs.”””

jim says:

They are far from easy when you have to include Shaniqa on your team.

If you have one dud working in your team on a high tech project, the team fails.

If one team fails, the project fails – which would be easy to fix if someone could name Shaniqua, but they will not be able to, because not inclusive.

The Cominator says:

Couldn’t the dud just be assigned to get coffee and such and given no real duties?

jim says:

been tried: Sexist and racist.

What we did is put all the women in the art harem, but after a while, HR got wise to that. They also wondered about the fact that the art harem was as far away as possible from the actual engineering team.

They seem perfectly happy with the principle that one drop of black blood is sufficient for a black engineer, but one drop engineers are in high demand.

Alfred says:

>Couldn’t the dud just be assigned to get coffee and such and given no real duties?

Nig Nogs are never happy unless they are center of attention.

The Cominator says:

Could they been given duties they have no desire to actually do with someone else “assisting”…

jim says:

Maybe. Sounds like a plan. I have seen that done with a black engineer, but there were problems. I don’t know what the problems were and I don’t know if they were caused by the black engineer. Women tend to not like being “assisted” because they don’t like beta males around. The assistant would have to be personally alpha to them regardless of his formal position, and these days alpha male engineers as women perceive alpha are in short supply. Women like the art harem solution, but HR does not.

What you are asking for is an “engineer” of the correct race, sex, and sexual preference, who is in on the red pill conspiracy. But since the red pill conspiracy is unspoken, or spoken only as significant silences and exaggerated facial expressions, it is hard to organize even among straight white males.

It is kind of hard to run an engineering project as a revolutionary plot against the regime, though these days any successful engineering plot is run as a revolutionary plot against the regime.

Kunning Drueger says:

There is no place for a useless team member that doesn’t detract from the overall output.

Alfred says:

>Women tend to not like being “assisted” because they don’t like beta males around. The assistant would have to be personally alpha to them regardless of his formal position, and these days alpha male engineers as women perceive alpha are in short supply. They seem to prefer the art harem solution, but HR does not.

I generally take over and tell women what do when “assisting” them in software development. I should probably try to be more alpha in my behavior with them. I really need to think this one over.

D Brinn says:

> Could they been given duties they have no desire to actually do with someone else “assisting”…

Companies try that at first. But eventually the worthless employees pull in more worthless employees, and the “assistants” spend more time cleaning up after them than doing anything productive.

There’s a meme called “Changing the Face of Coding” that portrays it perfectly, with 5-6 diverse women who do things like redesign the company web site or ensure the ethnic variety of the cafeteria menu, and then one white guy named Chad who writes code.

Mister Grumpus says:

“though these days any successful engineering plot is run as a revolutionary plot against the regime.”

Someday someone is going to spill the beans on how the heck Tesla and SpaceX are keeping their stuff together even as well as they are. Did you see that AI Day video? Incredible. How dare they!

Maybe one reason aerospace projects always relocate to far-flung exurban places is that there are so few POC’s around to complain about not getting hired there. No POC resumes, no problem. Easier pickings in town. I see this manifesting internationally at Rocketlab, where the stock is at NYSE but the labor pool is in New Zealand.

So much plausible deniability going on out here.

I’ve also seen chickstuffing going on with positions like “project manager”, who maintain the charts and Microsoft Exchange macros but don’t have any power.

someDude says:

Taiwan falling in a few months. Is that a question or statement?

jim says:

Taiwan could fall in a few months, but chances are it will take considerably longer.

The current Chinese strategy is to slowly escalate the military pressure while pursuing a “peaceful” solution in which Taiwan “voluntarily” accepts a one China policy. Basically the same policy as the EUs “ever closer” (and ever less democratic and ever more centralized) union. Takes a while, but that way they get Taiwan intact, rather than ruined.

Or it would be the EU strategy if they could defeat a band of boy scouts. The EU’s hilarious performance during the breakup of Yugoslavia and the similarly amusing performance of the British in Basra gives me optimism that a relatively small band of Amerikaners will soon be able to defeat the Pentagon. But right now, no way.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is probably too optimistic, but a Texas Split, or some other kind of seni-balkanization, would be an incredibly good sign. Like, a governor basically asking, very politely and calmly, for all federal infrastructure to vacate the state. No statalizing, or seizure of property, just forcefully purchasing BLM land, buildings, and equipment. Is that legal, or even possible? South Dakota seems like a good candidate for fefederalization and statalization.

Anonymous Fake says:

Taiwan is in a state of population collapse and they want to rejoin China to replenish their demographics, because following the Western model and importing masses of Indonesians and Filipinos is insane to them. Any “conflict” between the two is going to involve a lot of winks and nudges and the ultimate goal is to trap America in a Chinese handcuffs trap. The ending is already decided, and all that is in question is how much damage they can do beforehand. Probably a lot, because America’s elites are either gullible or not gullible but wish to harm America.

South Korea will quietly accept juche and slip out, too, for the same reason, reuniting with North Korea rather than becoming replaced. But when Japan goes, the American empire will be officially over.

jim says:

You speak confidently of matters of which you know nothing. No one wants ethnic replacement – it is always a plot by treasonous elites against the near enemy, their own people.

China is an empire, and is dominated by a particular ethnic group, and within that ethnic group, an ethnic subgroup. China is multiracial, as empires tend to be, and the ethnic groups in other places, let alone the ruling elites in other places, have no desire for domination by ethnic group dominant within China. A policy of ethnic replacement always hopes to import inferior people incapable of functioning as members of the elite. One of the ethnic groups inside present day China, the minority with which I am most familiar, has Chinese faces, but bigger and less childlike faces, and are about white size and strength. They are also better at the kinds of engineering that most Chinese engineers are not very good at. That group is very pissed with dominant ethnic group.

The Cominator says:

“and within that ethnic group, an ethnic subgroup”

What ethnic subgroup dominates the CCP? I was unaware the Han had subtribes and that one dominated the CCP?

Taiwan has a big Han group but also another Asian group correct.

jim says:

My knowledge of Chinese ethnic groups is based on the spoken word, and I do not know the corresponding written word, or if I even know the spoken word rather than a collection of misheard chinese curses and ethnic slurs. It is not something that people are apt to commit to writing, except in a most indirect and flowery manner.

neofugue says:

> One of the ethnic groups inside present day China, the minority with which I am most familiar, has Chinese faces, but bigger and less childlike faces, and are about white size and strength

According to various Korean and Japanese friends, ignoring small regional minorities there are the Northern and Southern Chinese. The Northern Chinese are descended mainly from the Jurchens and to a lesser extent the Mongols and are tall and handsome, while the Southern Chinese tend to be shorter, ruddier and more neotenous. The Southern Chinese have a reputation among Koreans and Japanese of being dirty and gross. My uncle visited China in the 80s before Deng and he said the wet-market he visited in Guangzhou was the most disgusting thing he ever saw. The heavy intermarriage between the Manchu and Han peoples were enough to eliminate a formal ethnic distinction but not an informal one.

yewotm8 says:

I know of one Chinese man like Jim describes (even as far as being the only competent Chinese engineer I have ever met), but his family is from near the Mongolian border and he claims to have largely Mongolian DNA.

neofugue says:

Back in High School I worked with a student from Harbin on a resolution for a Model United Nations conference.* He came across differently than most other Chinese I have met; his characteristics and demeanor were consistent with the traits Jim describes.

*For those unfamiliar with the American higher education process, one needs a holistic list of activities on his application in order to get into a “good school.” While I did not recognize it at the time, Model U.N. doubles as a “holy” option.

alf says:

You got MUN in Europe too. I never liked it. Something about the disconnect between students in serious suits and the actual content of the simulation, namely those same students going around like Jehova’s witnesses asking you to ‘please sign this resolution on saving the baby seals!’ I’d rather play Diplomacy.

neofugue says:

MUN was about having fun, making friends, attending parties, and fooling around with girls on the dance floor. Schools such as Dalton go to win awards, and foreign students attend as part of a vacation. It is great for learning group dynamics and overcoming one’s fear of public speaking.

alf says:

I caught on to the ‘MUN is not about MUN’ thing way too late, although I’m pretty sure it’s still not my crowd.

Cathedral prestige programs have for a long time had all the pretty and smart girls. The EU Erasmus programs for example are also not about the Erasmus programs.

Calvin says:

Taiwan wants to solve it’s population problem by hooking up with the same people who made China’s fertility crisis one of the worst in the world, or flat out the worst if you believe some estimates?

Mister Grumpus says:

Xi has the whole world on a platter if he can just drop the Marxist stuff and switch to something that works, like Jim’s Confucianism suggestion.

They can take down stealth bombers, but can they take down ‘dem hoes?

Hoes. The final frontier.

Miserius says:

They know what they’re doing. They still draw their legitimacy from Leninism. If they could make a switch to Confucianism it would be dangerous. As long as they are officially Communist, their legitimacy cannot be questioned. If they switched to Confucianism, they could be subjected to criticism, because Confucianism says that legitimate government is only that which governs well. Confucianism grants subjects the right of rebellion.

Calvin says:

These are the same big-brains who spent decades gutting their own population growth with a completely unnecessary and counterproductive policy of sterilization and forced abortions, who hold the world record for the most people killed in a single man made famine, and who tore apart almost all of their nation’s cultural heritage in a fit of leftist insanity. I wouldn’t count their ability to foresee problems.

pyrrhus says:

Very unlikely, because China can largely control Taiwan without bothering to take physical possession…Xi is usually a patient and calculating guy, having wisely hidden out in caves to avoid the Red Guards, and yet ultimately ending up on top..

Mister Grumpus says:

I expect Taiwan will cry out to Beijing to save them from being used as a human shield by the Weak Horse Hostage Taking Uncle Sam. Someone will force a plebiscite and then that’s it, the people have spoken.

Especially if Xi gets smart and helps Chinese incels get dates.

Change My Mind.

Alfred says:

Will they reverse course on the woke military? It has to be dawning on them that they’re no longer going to powerful with a military that can’t fight.

Kunning Drueger says:

How can they? To do so would be a tacit admission that their whole program is a sham. I think it is going to actually increase. “Racist white males are why Afghanistan was such a disaster. We need more stunning, brave, and diverse soldihers!”

Alfred says:


Kunning Drueger says:

Agreed. It is actually kind of uplifting to think about: if they actually slow down, stop, or reverse, the cracks will be undeniable, and inevitably the Midwit Mafia (Carlson, Shapiro, etc.) will begin hammering them. If they carry on, opposition and resentment will continue to grow. If they speed up (my wish, GNON forgive me), so many fence-sitters will be forced to our side of the table.

Pooch says:

If the woke military accelerates to an all sheboon military fighting force, a few white farmers with pitch forks will be able to defeat them with no elite backing.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail a book worth reading. While I completely agree that a Woke Military is a joke military, it does not require an amazing fighting force to suppress and starve a nation. After 2020, I have serious doubts about Amerikaner capacity for self defense and organization. Hopefully, they keep a steady pace of suppression, cancellation, and spiralling. If we can get to 2026 on Slow Burn, I think there may be an optimistic future. I worry that we, Americans, are too Europeanized and will gladly trade sovereignty for hedonic excess. Maybe I’m just a bit blackpilled, but I am utterly convinced that there’s no possible opportunity or good turn that can’t be bungled by Conservatismâ„¢.

Alfred says:

> After 2020, I have serious doubts about Amerikaner capacity for self defense and organization.

We need a religion before we can fight a holywar. We await Cesar or a prophet of Gnon.

Kunning Drueger says:

We have the prophet. I’m not convinced we need the Caesar, or even if we want one. Not because I’m opposed to the concept, but because of what Caesar was: a very experienced, successful, and old man. Do you catch my meaning? If Caesar is just a boy now, there is a lot of bloodshed and hijinx in our future.

Whatever the case, I think we need to git gudd, and that is incredibly hard to do in isolation and fear. I lack the wisdom and IQ to prognosticate effectively. The next few weeks will be Interesting Times.

Alfred says:

>We have the prophet.

The time is not yet right for a Prophet of Gnon. The only Public Prophet I know of is the Holy Star Prophet(PBUH) Elon Musk but his ministry is that of taking mankind to the stars, not establishing the righteous rule of Gnon on earth.

When the time is right, we will have a Prophet.

Mike in Boston says:

> After 2020, I have serious doubts about Amerikaner capacity for self defense and organization.

We need a religion before we can fight a holywar.

I share those doubts, but it seems to me that the problem is not necessarily the lack of a unifying religion. Granted, a shared religion is necessary to fight a holywar, and holywar allowed the Taliban to create regime change. But the Nazis did not require a new religion to do so. They just needed a replacement state. As Hitler later said:

it is not enough to overthrow the old State, but that the new State must previously have been built up and be practically ready to one’s hand. … In 1933 it was no longer a question of overthrowing a state by an act of violence; meanwhile the new State had been built up and all that there remained to do was to destroy the last remnants of the old State — and that took but a few hours.

It seems to me that as USG becomes more and more dysfunctional, some new state would be able to step in. The question is, what would that new state be? And how could one be formed without FBI entryism? Maybe there will just be secession and the governors of Texas, Florida, and Alaska will lead the new States?

jim says:

> But the Nazis did not require a new religion to do so.

The Nazis were just the usual. Movement ever further left, resulting in dictatorship. The dictator sees that continued movement left will kill him, puts an end to it. Same story as all of the others.

The Nazis were just the next move even further left, until the night of the long knives, and everyone saw them as movement ever further left.

Everyone on the left figured that movement ever further left would continue forever, and positioned themselves to ride the next movement even further left into power. But Hitler had other ideas. Same as always.

Right now we are in a phase that corresponds to the constitutional monarchist phase of the Russian and French Revolutions or the last days of Weimar. It will not last. Things will take a turn for the considerably worse quite soon.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Building a replacement state without infiltrators will be hard, but Jim has showed us the way. Aggressively test shills and exclude those who fail. Orthodox Christianity as the religious base, and a core of true believers that can filter out shills and feds. I would even, as Jim notes, consider letting in feds to turn them as our own double agents. Continue the organization until it is called upon. Unfortunately, I am not a leader, so I cannot do it, but I would absolutely join if someone had a chapter near me.

alf says:

I am not a leader

Chapters, mannerbunds, cooperative ventures come in many forms, most of them off the grid, and most of them need leaders. People suffer massive normalcy bias, not just in the political sphere. They are under the impression that property rights are magically permanent, that children and families spontaneously materialize out of no where, and that you can do whatever the f*ck you feel like with little to no consequence.

I at this point have little faith in official proud boy-esque, hestia-like secret societies. Keep it informal, like the sicilian maffia. Merely allowing for honest conversation, as happens here, does wonders.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Cesar was old and established – but his nephew Octavian, was not.

Pooch says:

Right now we are in a phase that corresponds to the constitutional monarchist phase of the Russian and French Revolutions or the last days of Weimar. It will not last. Things will take a turn for the considerably worse quite soon.

These were all rising and developing societies. I am not convinced they are the most accurate comparisons. We are a decaying and declining society like Republican Rome. Unless the crazies take over the House and the Senate, the current old aristocratic regime is not on the verge of being replaced. The Senate is solidly old regime and the House, although the crazies have a solid foothold, is also solidly in control of the old regime.

jim says:

> Unless the crazies take over the House and the Senate

Normalcy bias. The activities of the House and the Senate resemble the Queen going to Parliament in stagecoach to open parliament.

Kunning Drueger says:

This may be a point of honest contention between factions here, but I don’t honestly think House or Senate has any real power. I think the staffers do, the think tanks do, the bureau and administration chiefs do, the DNC/RNC donor class and bureaucrats do. So in my mind, the question is how likely are each of these groups to be infiltrated and/or influenced by the crazies.

jim says:

> the question is how likely are each of these groups to be infiltrated and/or influenced by the crazies.

Normalcy bias.

What always happens is that the group with the best cohesion, the crazies, makes deals with each of the other groups, which deals consist of each group shafting all of the others, except the crazies. And then they all get shafted, except the crazies.

If this goes all the way, each of the groups you list is going to die. And it is not going to stop until one man seizes absolute power and stops it.

And the further it goes, the deadlier the means that that man will need to use. And if he is a true believer, he is not going to stop it.

Pooch says:

Who has the power? Those with the money or those who simply stick their hand out to take it?

Kunning Drueger says:

I am positing that the power is hideously fractured across a staggering number of offices, institutions, bureaus, agencies, schools, associations, and formal/informal groups. I base this on anecdotal experience, organized academic study, Jimian Frame, and Yarvin Frame. Elected officials can’t dress themselves, literally, without input. There isn’t a power behind the throne for there is no throne.

jim says:

Quite so. And within each group the crazies are plotting with all the other crazies in all the other groups to destroy the group to which they belong.

They are probably not drawing up the death lists yet. Wait a few years and they will get onto it.

Power has been divided into a thousand bite sized chunks. But it is the nature of power to cohere into fewer and bigger chunks, and the nature of a priesthood to organize that by consensus.

As the process of building consensus becomes more and more deadly, warriors will start to matter, and it is the nature of warriors to cohere behind a leader.

Pooch says:

Normalcy bias. The activities of the House and the Senate resemble the Queen going to Parliament in stagecoach to open parliament.

Who is ordering the torture of the 1/6 prisoners?

Kunning Drueger says:

The same people who ordered the MSM to shit on Trump 24/7. Which is to say, no one did. They did it based on an assumed consensus predicated on a completely subjective set of expectations deemed reasonable. No one tells everyone to listen to [particular slut pop artist]. Certain groups and organizations have a kind of potentiality they can attempt to unleash to get whichever Satan worshiper they prefer to go viral, but it is no certain thing. It is some kind of emergent political principle, or principles, that is ubiquitous in all late-stage materialist oligarchies, clerical or otherwise. No one is in control and there are far too many people who could be. Imagine there is a room with 10 locked doors in a hidden location. Inside is a lifetime fortune for 100 people. The first 100 people to enter the room die. There are 10,000 people who know where the room is, and another 100,000 people who have a key to one of the doors.

“Society” demands the 1/6 terrorists be tortured, and they will be, until “society” demands the release of the 1/6 heroes.

I know you’re asking Jim, not me. I just found the subject matter very compelling.

The Cominator says:

The orders are given by those who can enforce them, whatever social nerwork has enough sway over the security state to strongarm the media and tech moguls

Kunning Drueger says:

Convenient timing:

Mister Grumpus says:

> We have the prophet.

I want to point out how effective the Ayatollah was with his (non digital) “cassette tape revolution” from Paris in the 60s and 70s.

Also note Trump’s reach and effect from his Twitter account, especially before his election.

That is to say: No secure crypto-tweeting, no prophet. At least we can express it as an engineering problem. As soon as Gnon gets his own megaphone, holy shit.

Pooch says:

Absolutely not. The regime is gay and retarded.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Will they reverse course on the woke military? It has to be dawning on them that they’re no longer going to be powerful with a military that can’t fight.”

Why is a woke-weak military a problem for the far left? Who cares? Seriously. Tell me.

That doesn’t stop the money flow, and the only enemies they really have anymore are stranded Amerikaners who aren’t allowed to fight back anyway. No Afghani or Iraqi or Somali ever got cancelled for giving DC the finger. So much demoralization is possible by remote control now too, through TV, censorship, education, vaccine passports and anal sex story time.

So the dollar goes to junk because the Gulfies feel safer with China than with DC? That’s good for them. That means even more economic chaos at home, which justifies liquidating the Kulaks even faster. Liquidating Kulaks is the whole fucking point, remember?

If they kick White Christian men out of the military, and keep them out, then that means no White Christian men are getting military training moving forward, or meeting and learning or trust each other in battle, or getting retirement pensions later.

So tell me. Why is a woke-as-fuck military not obviously attractive — to them and at present — in the ever-lefter-ever-faster-can’t-stop sense?

Jim’s right that they’re eating their seed corn and cutting off the branch they sit on. But these people don’t understand that because they haven’t lost in decades (at least), and those who do understand this are shutting up and/or getting out while they can. I’ve met these shut-up-and-get-out future-former-greengrocer people, and frankly probably am one.

We’re finally seeing the ugly flip-side of being “safely” bordered by two oceans, Mexico, and a few moose and faggots. Vietnam and Cambodia couldn’t finish their Year Zeros because China and Vietnam were right next door and ready to roll in, respectively. Even East Berlin had West Berlin and a huge NATO army right next door. We’re an isolated off-world kill box compared to them, which reminds me of South Africa now that I think about it.

Kunning Drueger says:

My opinion, so take it with a grain of salt: oftentimes, your comments have a strange, stream of consciousness neuroticism element I find frustrating. You also self-deprecate excessively. But I want you to know this comment, especially the last paragraph, shows some very profound insight. I’m no leader and I am learning to accept that I’m a midwit, but I do read and write enough to recognize progress, so if you were looking for some feedback, I wanted to let you know that you gave me a perspective I hadn’t really contended with before and I think you should self edit a bit more judiciously because I bet you have a lot of profundity to offer if you can cut away the cruft.

It’s a terrifying thought seeing our geographic barriers being turned into the walls of a Gulag. I can see in my mind’s eye Mexican soldiers walking through deserted cities as Canadian relief workers broadcast messages over loudspeakers to the ghost of a country that couldn’t save itself from itself. But that’s just fiction, because the Left never stops; its trigger finger just gets tired.

Mister Grumpus says:

+1 😉

LuminousPill says:

You are forgetting that the bloodthirsty cartels are already making inroads into US states. The Mexican government is already a hollowed out farce propped up only to appease international goons, the same will happen here. It will happen at an accelerated pace as the nominal order collapses.

Such actions and success inspires imitation. In the case of a dysfunctional national guard, you will have an absurd number of ethnic and not-so-ethnic gangs vying for power; just as they already do so in major cities. The government could not even build a website, but you expect them to coordinate an effective genocide against people that the grunts do not want to fight, against people holding an insane geographic advantage? Quit jacking off to fear porn, make some friends and get ready to ride the wave. Totalitarianism is over and dead, the coordination technology has been lost. There’s only banditry now.

Kunning Drueger says:

As fun as this picture seems, I don’t think it tracks well with reality at all. I agree that certain regions of the US could go that route, and I genuinely hope they do. But the Cathedral is failing abroad which is maybe, possibly, hopefully going to shake loose some opportunity at home. This is no guarantee, and while there are some shithole cities with collapsing societal structures, there are far more cities being gentrified and compartmentalized. This means obedient serfsoomers with sections of militant diversity ready to be unleashed on disobedient denizens.

More to the point, the greatest and most favored weapon of the left is targeted or rampant starvation. You don’t need big brain operator legions to control the food supply.

Cementmixer says:

Speaking of food supply, I’ve heard some rumors that the US department of agriculture is currently paying farmers x1.5 the value of crops to destroy them which is caused by the Biden administration trying to create a food shortage.

Has anyone any intel or thoughts regarding the reality and feasibility of such a plan?

The Cominator says:


Cementmixer says:

Just something I heard from a friend who heard it from a friend. He saw it on facebook in a tiktok compilation of farmers blowing the whistle, and that it was for “environmental reasons”. But facebook appears to have taken it down.

jim says:

I have read people who claim to be witnesses.

I don’t think it is a coherent plan. It is just that our masters regard any production and any productive activity as hateful. They think everything was stolen from the brave warrior women of subsaharan Africa and just want it destroyed.

Alfred says:

Sounds like Biden’s going to have be removed soon rather than after the midterms. I wonder what President Cunt is going to be like? It sounds like she’s allied with the insane left.

jim says:

Figuring out what is happening among our rulers is as opaque as kremlinology used to be, but the tensions are rising, and it may become clearer soon what is going on. The Woke Critical Race Theory left is feeling its oats, and likely to make a move before long.

Mister Grumpus says:

It makes the Biden-Cunt ticket make so much sense now, doesn’t it? Establishment thought they were getting Their Guy, but what they really got was a Fall Guy.

That Cunt is going to rip, slash and slay like nothing we’ve ever seen before.

Someone smarter please comment with an anecdote about how the Mensheviks thought they were humoring and using the Bolsheviks by keeping them as junior partners.

yewotm8 says:

If Trump had no power, Biden and Harris have even less. They exist as vehicles for their handlers to exert some policy in a certain direction, but not nearly as much as they’d like. I don’t see The Harris Administration being much different from The Biden Administration.

jim says:

But which handlers? There are rather too many of them. A power struggle is under way. It will end only when one man becomes dictator and puts an end to further movement left.

Movement left ended rather suddenly in Germany and England, but in Russia and China, nearly reached the everyone kills everyone else for insufficient leftism phase. In Cambodia did reach the everyone kills everyone else phase. In Shaanxi province. reached that phase and killed everyone. Only a tiny handful survived.

Calvin says:

Judging by the miserable route of its forces in Afghanistan, the cathedral’s ability to kill everyone seems to be waning rapidly. Now just hope they don’t pull us into a nuclear war with China and our people may yet survive this debacle.

Yul Bornhold says:

Don’t read into the Afghan withdrawal too much.

The Cathedral doesn’t consider Taliban the real enemy. The real enemy is 90 year old bible thumping grandma in Tennessee. The Cathedral will be ruthless against grandma rebellion in a way it wasn’t against Taliban.

Calvin says:

But who is going to be willing to actually fight and die on its behalf? The ANA’s collapse shows that fancy toys don’t mean anything if no one is ready to actually risk their lives for you. The military only loses espirit de corps the more woke it gets. Who’s left to fight a serious war?

Kunning Drueger says:

Never underestimate the dangerous capacity of low IQ proles with minimal training that live paycheck to paycheck.

D Brinn says:

Take troops from New York and deploy them in Alabama. Deploy troops from Alabama in upstate New York. Tell both groups they’re there to root out a dangerous pack of child-molesting, drug-dealing terrorists. Back that up with media propaganda. Wipe out the targets with overwhelming firepower so the troops don’t face much risk and you leave no witnesses or evidence to disprove your lies, a la Waco.

It wouldn’t work forever, but it would work for a while.

Mister Grumpus says:

How many boots on the ground did the Holodomor really take? I have no idea, but we might be surprised how few.

There’s just so much damage to be done by “remote control” via brownstuffing suburbs and schools, media, education, finance, electronic payments, vaccine passports, email sniffing, etc. It doesn’t have to work well, just rack up victim quotas. The party grows stronger as it purges itself.

I also agree that the KGB and Stasi didn’t have Shaniqua working for them, and that matters too. Cracks are showing in South Africa that aren’t showing in Australia, for example.

James says:

The Harris administration will be radically different from the Buden administration because as a nonwhite woman she has a near-complete biological incapacity to understand the constitution. Similar to nonwhite female judges, she literally will not even be able to understand the idea of being impartial, let alone implement it. She will shit test the nation by shitting on our basic freedoms, and half of the nation will cheer in response.

yewotm8 says:

My point was that does not matter, because she’s only the President.

Mister Grumpus says:

Critique please:

Kabul is not like the of the fall of Saigon. It’s more profound, more “off axis”, more Thoughtcrimey.

Saigon was the Cathedral’s/Blue Empire’s “good guys” winning, plain and simple. “The Commies were rough around the edges but their hearts were in the right place.” Like Castro & Che or the Khmer Rouge.

Kabul is different. Neither Blue Empire nor Red Empire claimed the Taliban. They’re not even the “bad guys” anymore because they won. They blew up the game and changed it to a different sport entirely.

OK shoot.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think you should include the fact that Vietnam was a big deal to Hollywood and the Media, but completely small potatoes in terms of the Cold War. Afghanistan was the whole war, Iraq was a distraction, and Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Philippines are contingent.

ExileStyle says:

My sense is that the ideological shift since ’75 has been deeper and more fundamental than that. Back then, the press still (nominally at least) cared about the Silent Majority and what it thought about the world. Most of the mid-career men writing in the newspapers had grown up on a diet of anti-communism, whether of the Eisenhower or Kennedy variety. The Critical Theory or “New Left” people who started colonizing the universities around the time Saigon fell (who have in turn trained our generation of mid-career journalists) were and are as opposed to old-school leftism as they were to old-school rightism (because Old bad, New good), neither of which cared at all or even ever thought about “justice” for people who were not working men with families, or men who wanted families.

What we are seeing now is rather the complete burying of that old generation, and its replacement by New Left Thought (and its blowback, Us). Their work in undermining (allegedly) universally-acknowledged political standards has ironically led to half of the Western world looking on in sympathy at the Taliban, with the other (New Left) half unable to say anything because “vive le différence,” cultural respect, etc. (and some souls such as myself just straight up rooting for them, because they’re men acting honorably and with remarkable self-control in a world historical moment).

That’s also kind of a white pill thing as I see it. All of this hysterical respect for “differences” (best seen in western tranny worship) means that no one really cares about Afghan women anymore, or is even allowed to care, lest they appear Islamophobic, or worse, admit that women are different than men, or that brown is different than white, or Islam different than any other way of seeing the world.

Need it for school says:

Religious exemption: granted.

Now to actually become orthodox; I can imagine having to do a lot of these exemption forms in the future

ExileStyle says:

Congratulations. What kind of documentation, if any, did you need to show ultimately?

Need it for school says:

I used this document: and also included my transcript. My attached statement (submitted as part of a form so I can’t share it verbatim) basically said I’m orthodox, I oppose “benefiting from abortion” on the basis of my faith, and so I can’t get the vaccine because I would be profiting from sin. I also pointed out my excellent grades & track record, as a show of loyalty in part.

alf says:


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Probably a sign that the administrators are drinking their own kool-aid; ‘haha those dumb fundies, not taking the Safe and Effective vaccine so they can just get infected by the Deadly Omega Variant, i cant wait to see their faces!’

Calvin says:

Literally took less than a week for them to officially surrender Taiwan lmao:

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pretty impressive how fast the empire is ungluing.

But honestly, when this is the image the imperial stormtroopers projects, it’s not hard for anyone else to think they can test their luck

chris says:

Check out how they advertise becoming an army ranger. (see the army ranger family photo).

“You too can be a cuckold if you become an Army Ranger!”

notglowing says:

That’s incredibly brazen.
Of course whoever made it would probably claim the child is adopted and you are racist for thinking otherwise.

But what could be a more obvious way of showing that someone is a cuck in a picture, than his baby being of a different race. There’s no other way you could show it more clearly, and considering how often army men get cucked, it’s a very relevant association.

Calvin says:

Less normal, well-adjusting fighting men in the cathedral’s armed forces can only be a good thing for us. I hope they continue until they ban every straight white male from service altogether.

Pooch says:

Agreed. The acceleration to a full blown sheboon fighting force for USG is a possible way through the holiness spiral for us.

Bilge_Pump says:

lmao look at that those poor fuckers saluting the sheboon. And that dude standing at parade rest while captain faggot twerked for tiktok. lol

Bilge_Pump says:

The dude who was forced to suck the dildo probably lost a bet, he looks hesitant

Kunning Drueger says:

As usual, the cock sucker is the symptom, the adoring crowd is the sickness.

The Cominator says:

I don’t like Islam but they are apparently troing the Cathedral hard on the woman question.

Apparently some actual Talib made this meme to troll western feminists lol.

Kunning Drueger says:

Hello, I am Ivan al Totallymuslim. Check out this dank mem. Either way, hilarious.

Mister Grumpus says:

A lot of false-flag trolling incoming, both hilarious and touching, by our guys pretending to be Habbibi and pushing the deep buttons of real and secure family formation that almost no Gen Z’s have ever known they even had.

Great Awakening brought to you by TalibAnon. Watch these nutty geniuses even break post-pubescent “pedophilia”. Through the looking glass, lads, we’re breaking the conditioning raaahhhhhh!

Fëanor says:

If the actual Taliban has any sense, which they may or may not, and care about converting people to Islam, which they presumably do, it won’t be all false flags. They could convert a lot of white western young men just by advertising that what they do when they win is go door to door rounding up all the unmarried fertile age women and assigning them to their followers. To win we’ll have to compete with that.

Mister Grumpus says:

“They could convert a lot of white western young men just by advertising that what they do when they win is go door to door rounding up all the unmarried fertile age women and assigning them to their followers.”

They’ve already been converting women who want to cut the line, don’t forget.

My point is that this is Thoughtcrime-level stuff. Top floor. Red phone. The final boss.

Cathedral vociferously denies that these desires, in both men and women, even exist at all, and thought until recently that it had Predator drones and working nukes to make sure that no one noticed the truth. But these are the very desires that the Taliban is trolling us with right now. Or maybe ourguys pretending to be Taliban. Who cares.

The memes that work point to the truth.

So Cathedral will need to censor the shit out of them, but also won’t be able to, because Brown Man Good, and especially Brown Man who Wins. It’s all about awakening real and honest desire, in an uncensorable way.

The Cominator says:

I don’t honestly care that much if they are real Taliban or not.

Ever seen the movie Mother Night, I don’t care if its part leftist propaganda about evil Nazis… it has a great scene as the Reich is falling where his father in law (also a high ranking Gestapo agent) tells him he always hated that his daughter married him he wanted her to marry a German soldier and always wanted to prove he was a spy. But he then tells him he now doesn’t care if he was a spy, that the best “Nazi Memes” he ever got came not from Hitler but from him.

Its also the only movie that ever accurately describes what real despair feels like…

pyrrhus says:

Epic based meme…more please!

Fëanor says:

The account is an actual Taliban fighter, but the screenshot is fake.

Axe says:


jim says:

Whenever someone tells me what true Christianity is, I am apt to suspect I am hearing demon worship.

Before you tell us “Hail fellow Christian, I am more Christian than thou”, affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died in Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

The Cominator says:

Curious as to your thoughts Jim on the Cathedral strongarming onlyfans to become tame and vanilla.

I have half a theory that the Cathedral’s shock that nobody was willing to fight in Afghanistan for faggotry and women’s rights is behind it. Onlyfans gives whores an alternate source of income besides fucking men.

Did the Cathedral just make the radical decision they need to solve the incel problem soon or they may be swinging from nooses in a few years ala their Afghan collaborators? I recall you said that 1920s early feminism was crushed after Hitler came to power on the fear they might have to fight another war and that a bunch of bitter angry sexless more effeminate men couldn’t and wouldn’t fight.

Alfred says:

They’ve neutered a bunch of major porns sites by reducing new content to almost nothing. Bunch of redditors were grumbling about it along with the Only Fans stuff.

Alfed says:

Looks like the campaign’s been underway for a long time now:

The Ducking Man says:

I remember when Pornhub got purged to delete hunter biden’s sex videos. Can hardly find any new true amateur videos on pornhub since.

Oh wait, isn’t holy star prophet elon made his first fortune selling paypal. So now that paypal part of cathedral.

Now the question is, “is elon originally part of cathedral?”

My vote is resounding Yes.

jim says:

Obviously he was part of the Cathedral, and still attempts to pass. Has to be acceptable as a Nasa contractor. But I am pretty sure he no longer is.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Very soon after the range officer refused to take his calls, Musk started to talk up China. What a great place it was, how they helped him build his factory, etc. Team Red was horrified. “Muh human right, muh freedumb,” but it was Elon being Elon. A not-too-subtle reminder that if he cannot build his rockets in America for Americans, he will build them in China for the Chinese. Ad Astra!

I believe this shows that the Cathedral at some level considers him an enemy, but not universally. The high-level board that does command and control is either undecided, split, or indifferent, but lower-level Cathedral operatives dislike Musk. I sort of expect him to split from the Cathedral at some point, just out of necessity to get into space. That will be an interesting fight to watch.

James says:

They are definitely chafing with Elon, but it’s kind of hard for them to just jettison him.

Even prog white techies like him, because on the surface of it, he has nothing against trans rights, women’s rights, the fight against global warming, or globohomo. The issue is just that he’s a white male who wants to actually get shit done, and while that’s an aesthetic the left hates, the faction of the left currently in power can’t quite afford to openly say they’re anti-getting-shit-done. So Elon currently has them in a bind.

How long that lasts remains to be seen. I’ve noticed that non-white (or at least less white than a typical castizo) techies *do* hate him, and I’ve learned in the last couple of years that with enough media attention, they seem to be able to make almost any insanity fashionable. Anti-space advocates could become big in the coming years.

James says:

That said, if Elon got pissed and ran for office, he’s the only person I could see becoming our Stalin, freeze leftism at ~2010 levels, and bring in a decade or two of sanity. I don’t think I see anyone at all who will be able to hold together America for longer than that without a genocide.

The Cominator says:

Anti-space is already a thing on the left.

Musk is the eventual target but lefties were seething that Bezos was interested in trying to get into space too. They were all saying that the money should be used to give Shaniqua a raise.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

Elon Musk’s transcendent purpose is to bring in the One World ISP, Starlink. Starlink will “connect” everyone and everything on Planet Earth. Starlink is critical to the Internet of Things agenda, which is to say, the adtech-ification of your psychical environment, which is to say, total surveillance of you everywhere for all time. As it turns out, they weren’t really opposed to “collect it all” mass surveillance a la NSA, they were mainly incensed that they weren’t doing it themselves. Finally, an Internet of perfect earthly coverage is necessary for CBDC.

jim says:

Musk’s purpose is perfectly clear. To make humanity multiplanetary.

Mars, being an even harsher environment than the lands where Aryans originated, will bring forth a new race, and a new civilization, should the earth self destruct, which is on the cards in a holiness spiral.

Since Martians will be in direct struggle with a harsh environment, they will have no room for Globohomo. Put women or blacks on a high tech team, the project fails. On Mars, the high tech project is life support. If the progs manage to found or take over a habitat on Mars, it will die.

If progs manage to take over SpaceX, SpaceX will fail.

Because progs are not in charge of SpaceX, they hate Musk, hate his rockets, and hate his goals.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

Elon Musk’s purpose to himself is to make mankind multiplanetary. This is a laudable goal. I won’t be going, myself, but I support your going. But that is not why Elon Musk is useful — the transcendent purpose of Elon Musk to his deep-state backers is to be the world’s most effective advocate and obsessive driver of certain kinds of technology that reinforce their national-security interest. DARPA created the Internet; the Internet created Elon Musk; now Elon Musk is busily creating the One True ISP on the back of Literally Rockets. This is not an accident, lol. It would not be happening without the backing of a dominant faction of the MIC. And obviously it’s part of the Democrat complex. This is easy to see: Elon’s brother lives in Boulder and the Republican-ish NASA/Boeing/… people absolutely hate Musk because he has completely destroyed their aerospace cred and caused them to lose face.

jim says:

> But that is not why Elon Musk is useful — the transcendent purpose of Elon Musk to his deep-state backers is to be the world’s most effective advocate and obsessive driver of certain kinds of technology that reinforce their national-security interest

A better internet and better rockets are not a national security interest. They are in the interests of individual humans and of the human species.

> people absolutely hate Musk because he has completely destroyed their aerospace cred and caused them to lose face.

Corruption and incompetence that destroyed their aerospace cred caused them to lose face long before Musk. The problem was that NASA was losing the capability to build rocket engines even as they started the shuttle project.

They put wings on it because they were having increasing difficulties putting engines on it, so they decorated it with entirely useless wings to create the appearance of progress, when in fact there was regress.

Rockets and long range artillery were one of the first areas of technology to be devoured by the priesthood, because it is the area of technology most closely linked to the state, which is the source of the priesthood’s power. Back in those days it was not Shaniqua yet, but it was academic pseudo engineers replacing actual engineers, it was academic accreditation that destroyed rockets.

The decline of rockets and long range artillery is most definitely not in the national security interest. Those who actually care about national security love Musk, hate NASA, and are none too keen on large elements of our national security apparatus who have lost interest in national security and are primarily interested in national delusion.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that technology causes the holiness spiral*]

jim says:

Technology is a sword, cuts both ways. I wield the internet for freedom. Right now, it is mostly wielded for tyranny, but the Khmer Rouge did a fine job crushing freedom by bonking people with a shovel.

Pseudonymous Flake says:


jim says:

I would be happy to debate those claims, but fans of Alex Jones and the like find confident assertion to be sufficient. I don’t think Alex Jones is a shill, but he is an idiot our enemies find very useful.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

Offer accepted. a) [*censored*].

jim says:

That was not the offer. You and Alex Jones can make dozen ridiculous claims in thirty seconds, and regularly do, which claims would take hours for me to rebut.

The offer was that you should provide actual evidence for one of his ridiculous claims, so that I could rebut that evidence for that one claim.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

The sitting POTUS was ousted by tens of millions of fake votes, overt coordination between every major tech company, and every major country is blatantly implementing the same policies in accordance with the same edicts promulgated by the same groups, first among equals the U.N., down to specific catchphrases (“Build Back Better”). I call it the transnational financier-spook cabal and it’s what I want to talk about. Meanwhile you deny that this power structure even exists??? How???

jim says:

The widespread zeal against straight white males generally and Trump in particular is obvious and widespread, the desire to oust Trump by any means necessary was obvious and widespread, and you deny it exists?

We are combating an enemy religion and enemy priesthood, not an enemy business. In so far as businessmen are involved, they are, like Zuckerberg, weak and terrified, or like Bill Gates, aspiring unsuccessfully to be allowed to pass from the low status role of mere billionaire, to the high status role of priest, and being treated contemptuously by the actual priests.

In the financial network you speak of, Zuckerberg and Gates are on the outside, not the inside. If they are on the outside, who is on the inside?

The likes of Fauci and Hunter Biden are on the inside.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

[*misinformation and irrelevancies*]

jim says:

Not going to debate bullshit. Waste of space.

Your accusations against Bill Gates are nonsense, but I don’t want to discuss them because then I would be defending Bill Gates, who deserves condemnation for entirely contrary reasons. You are trying to force fit Bill Gates into capitalism as Marxists imagine it to be, and make up a Marxist backstory for him.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

bro, it’s just a coincidence, bro, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain

trust me, I’m a doctor

jim says:

They are not behind the curtain. Their names are listed right on the link, and I am well aware that they are paying no end of money to co-opt and backdoor digital ID, private messaging networks, and the crypto currency ecosystem.

No curtains, no cover story, I am having a discussion (under a slightly less radioactive identity) on a mailing list with one of their guys, who is completely up front that he is planning that everyone like Jim of Jim’s blog to be sent to the gulag and is considers it completely horrifying that people can use bitcoin to buy domain names.

Or rather he thinks it would be fine so long as the blockchain connects every transaction to a code that links to your your health records, injection records, bank account, financial loans and assets, shopping, events, travel visas and so forth. He does not seem to be aware that anyone might disagree, so opsec does not even occur to him.

He confidently believes he is working on privacy and secrecy technology – but obviously no one wants to be private from legitimate authority, do they? Except for Nazis and criminals.

A conspiracy has opsec and the curtain for the man to stand behind. Not a conspiracy, because no curtain, and completely worthless opsec.

Some of his (in)security design is quite good, and could be used for another purpose. A sword cuts both ways. The technology is neutral, it is just a tool that can be used by bad people for bad purposes or good people for good purposes. He says he is working on privacy and secrecy technology, and in fact he is. His code cannot be used except for his purposes, but his design can be used for purposes that would horrify him.

Black pillers want us to abandon swords because our enemies wield swords.

The Cominator says:

The media and tech financiers obey the spooks who obey the ruling social network whoever they are exactly.

The tech and media moguls don’t give the marching orders they take them.

The Cominator says:

I’m not sure this guy from what ive seen should be treated as a shill…

What he says is mostly true we can debunk the little bits of bullshit which may be genuinely believed by him.

jim says:

He is black pilled, and is full of shill memes, but I am coming to think he might be shilled, rather than a shiller.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

no, you don’t understand. the tech companies are not ordered around by the (Civilian) Intelligence Agencies, the tech companies ARE the (Civilian) Intelligence Agencies. that isn’t “black pilled”, that’s TRUE

jim says:

I got directly ordered around by people who acted like they were being directly ordered around. I don’t know how they talked to the boss, but it was obviously not his own idea. Maybe he was happy that important people gave him the time of day.

Private companies act as arms of the state, but I can directly see the hand of the state. How the state applies power I do not know, but I can see it applying power and directly making decisions. There is a hand inside the muppet. Maybe they eagerly volunteered, but they are not making decisions.

George Wilson says:

The attack on the sex industry through taming onlyfans and pornhub could be the jewish pornographers trying to keep their power. notice what content they attacked: for onlyfans it was whores who had no (((managers))) and for pornhub it was mainly amateur content.

The Cominator says:

Pornhub as far as I could see was responding to holiness spiraling on supposed women trafficking and it was a joke because the other big porn sites didn’t follow suit. When the government wants something done all the major providers “independently” decide to do it at the same time. Like banning Alex Jones. Since they did not the directive did not come from the government directly.

Onlyfans is more difficult to puzzle out.

Pooch says:

Makes sense. Only fans takes their cut away so they got pissed about it and decided to crack down.

Varna says:

I think the coomers won and the onlyfans thing isn’t happening anymore.

Bilge_Pump says:

Lol of course Redditors would be complaining about a lack of porn.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It might be where the anti-sex types and the worried establishment types find common ground. Ban porn, so that the glorious lesbian revolution can begin and so that the incels do not turn into an army. Most of the social media comments on Taliban “abusing” women have been along the lines of, “if she didn’t want to get beat by the Taliban, she should have stayed in the kitchen.” How much is irony and how much is truth in jest is another question, but it might be worrying them. I know I am worried about what is happening, and I am not the one responsible for it.

Banning OF could be a sop to the people they consider Y’all Queda, but it is hard to tell. I know OF was working on this for a while, because service restrictions were starting to bite them. It’s been in the news before, but this announcement could be timed to placate the incel mob. Either way, it is going to be fascinating to see how women react to this, and how OF dies without porn. Clearly it’s not a business decision going on here, or if it is, it is some Harvard MBA-level stupidity.

Karl says:

I don’t think the Cathedral can make radical decisions to solve any problem. It can only go ever more leftwards. There is neither will nor consciousness in a holyness spiral. It just happens, like a stampede.

Yul Bornhold says:

Yes. This sort of thinking is political animism. Moldbug’s main point, ten years back, was that the Cathedral acts out of collective unconscious yearning for power, not out of any reasoned movement towards a goal. This is the understanding that divides reaction from normie politics, qtardism, conspiracy thinking and pretty much everything else.

A state governed by the *will* makes sense. A state governed by the will is natural. Monarchy works because the king is an exalted alpha and our brains understand alpha. Real democracy with real elections sort of syncs with the human brain. “The will of the people” is nonsense but “the majority” is real, if transient and unstable. But we are under neither of these systems.

The Cathedral is a collection of processes. No one is in charge. Even that mega Zoom call that triggered the “fortifying” of the election was only the spark that started a process. Once they begun the process, the participants couldn’t possibly halt the steal if they’d wanted to, even though it was months away. The “fortification” itself wasn’t even their idea but rather inspired by the media’s blathering about Hitler-Trump and the Mexican holocaust. The media, in turn, got their idea from Harvard which is fueled by envy, not by rational planning.

If someone says the Cathedral “decides” to do something, he’d do well to point out where in the vast organism these decisions are made and how they transmitted from that point.

The Cominator says:

At lower levels it works more like hat.

But the fact that narratives can turn on a dime suddenly and that they can speak with one voice and decide for instance to go 24/7 orange man bad strongly implies command and control at the higher levels. Zuckerberg did not want to affiliate but was strongarmed, who strongarmed him.

He gives orders who can enforce those orders, who could strongarm Zuckerberg? In my opinion the social network that controls the security state.

Karl says:

A school of fish can also turn on dime.

Of course some people have influence. Sometimes influence is enough to trigger a turn of events or to cause a stampede in a given direction. That is different from control because there are always only a few directions to escalate holiness. As soon as someone has control, the holiness spiral is stopped

Kunning Drueger says:

This makes no sense. Karl pointed out schooling fish, and I think that single argument guts the C&C paradigm completely. There are dozens of extant biological models that reinforce the axiom that coordination does not imply command and control. Believing that there is some control group out there, pulling strings and making decisions, sounds like hollow conspiracy theory. I want to be clear, I’m not invoking that term to quash dialogue. I genuinely think that the idea of a C&C entity is a deliberately propagated falsity.Crowds are an example of what we’re dealing with. Crowds can be led, they can be planned and coordinated and used. But they don’t have to be. An entity can arrange factors to generate a crowd, but that doesn’t mean they control it.

What substantial evidence can you provide that points to some centralized control of the Cathedral?

jim says:

The school of fish may change direction suddenly, but every fish is perfectly aware that it is changing direction, and its neighbors are changing direction.

With schooling fish the school makes a simple, somewhat random, decision to go one way rather than another way.

Suddenly agreeing on a new story is more complex, and thus more indicative of command and control. The new story is adopted without debate, without coming from any identifiable source, and without anyone acknowledging that it is a new story.

Female fashion changes are sudden, and a result of distributed consensus, but everyone can see a fashion change and everyone points at the fashion leaders who were influential. When the Cathedral changes line, the change is not only abrupt, but conspiratorial. Every single academic in the entire American empire claims that they always thought what they now think. Every single one. That yesterday they thought the opposite goes down the memory hole, while with a new women’s fashion, every woman says “Look what I am wearing now.

There is not a single article in the literature that acknowledges that the line changed on Lamarck, and when I bearded an individual academic on the topic, he would not acknowledge it either.

There is not one academic discussing the matter who will say “Well we used to think X, then suddenly everyone thought Y, but now some people are saying X again.”

Karl says:

Progessives are always toeing the party line, unless they are trying to be to the left of the party line. Admitting to a change if opnion implies that one has been wrong before. That is somewhat enbarassing, especially for progressives. So it is not done. For progessives it is always year zero and they are used to the fact that some thing must not be mentioned.

So I do not think that central command and control is necessary to prevent progressives from admitting the story has changed.

Moreover, how could central command work? Sure, some key people could be ordered that they are to tell a new story and if they do not obey they are punished. But then why does even un unimpotant junior progressive also change his story and forget he ever had a different opinion? Difficult to assume such perfect control that even the junior progressives are ordered and coerced to obey. Much easier to assume that progessives are conformist by nature and change their opinion with their environment.

Then any influential person might succeed changing public opinion. It is very much like fashion, but with the difference that noone will acknowledge where the opinion came from because everyone pretends that he always had that opinion

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Moreover, how could central command work?

How else do you think commands are issued in a theocracy? Through the preachers, of course. The same op-ed in the NYT is copied in ten thousand other letterheads.

And where do preachers get their sermons from? Some, many, make them up themselves of course, but where do they get the idea in the first place? By what criteria do the vicars allow this preacher but not that preacher to proselytize their message on their platforms, to begin with?

Karl says:

Pseudo-Chrystom, what you describe is influence. The op-ed might work to change public opinion or it might fail. Many influential groups can issue such commands, but none of them reliably prevails. Otherwise, we’d already have a Stalin controlling everything.

Either there are different groups inside the cathedral that are competing for control or there is only one central command. If there are different groups, noone is in control until a Stalin takes control. If there is just one group, then the leader of that group is in control, like Stalin and he can crush anyone who tries to take control from him. If There is a Stalin, there is no further drift to ever more crazy left. I still see ever more progressivism, don’t you?

jim says:

The leader of that one group is not in control. That is not how priests organize. That is how warriors, and to a lesser extent, merchants, organize.

The leader of that group is riding the tiger, and until 1936 or so Stalin also was riding the tiger.

The Cominator says:

The orders are probably issued by representatives of the security state to the “owners” or commanding managers of big media outlets and big techs. The outlet owners then give orders to their subordinates. It works via influence from NYT CNN and WaPo sometimes but other times more direct orders on narratives are given to.

We’ve seen this happen, Conrad Black and Zuckerberg initially told the people who gave them their marching orders to go fuck themselves, then things happened to them. Black remained defiant and despite his wealth connections and being a peer of the realm he ended up in jail on a minor paperwork technicality.

Pooch says:

The entrenched elites in Congress are the command and control. The institutions then figure out the details.

jim says:

If the entrenched elites in Congress were in control, we would see them busy controlling stuff. Rather, they engage in empty meaningless rituals of power while courting people full time.

The Cominator says:

The elites find it important enough to control the Senate, but the elite is more than the Senate.

jim says:

> Admitting to a change if opnion implies that one has been wrong before.So I do not think that central command and control is necessary to prevent progressives from admitting the story has changed

Your argument would work for Trannyism, but progressives acknowledge the story on trannyism has changed. Maybe the progressive you are talking to believes he always had the right opinion, but will forcefully say that lots of people used to have the wrong opinion. Now we are smarter, wiser, and more virtuous he tells you.

Your argument does not work for Lamarck. That ever single academic everywhere in the English speaking world fell into line instantly and uniformly and firmly believed we have always been at war with Eastasia, that the change was, and still is, unmentionable even though it has kept on changing, fails to fit your model..

The Cominator says:

I don’t believe a bunch of seperate organizations are like a school of fish, they lack physical proximity and your dealing with distinct compartments of priests. Sometimes you’re even dealing with foreign media (media in different country).

I can give evidence against school of fish and for command and control, Conrad Black and Mark Zuckerberg. Neither of whom wanted to tow the Cathedral party line and wanted to run their own companies as independent fiefdoms for profit (and in Conrad Black’s case because he thought the Cathedral narrative was insane and wanted his papers to tell their own narrative). Things happened to them.

I obviously can’t prove school of fish false completely and I can’t prove where the command and control is, but I believe in command and control at the higher levels not school of fish.

Yul Bornhold says:

Can’t think of any narratives that turned on a dime, though, admittedly, I don’t listen closely to Cathedral propaganda.

Trump appeared in the election of 2015. Previously apolitical, he ran in the hated redneck party. To make matters worse, he openly denied the holiness of immigrants and Muslims, which the cuckservative candidates did not. Orange man radiated “enemy” signals to Cathedral receptors. Of course it hated him. The cells of the Cathedral, the professors, the reporters, the teachers, the normies, all *believe* in the elections and the elected government. They don’t understand the real government is the agencies. They thought he was going to take over the real government. They thought themselves existentially threatened. How could they not go 24/7 orange man bad?

Zuckerberg was converged to the 24/7 orange man bad campaign. He couldn’t help it any more than all the businesses which fly the fag flag. The Cathedral is a river. He got in its path and he was swept downstream. Don’t see any need to ascribe it to a central and rational intelligence.

Guy says:

Narratives that turned on a dime include the following off the top of my head:

Iraq War was actually bad, no WMDs
Masks good/masks bad during covid
The oftmentioned Lamarck /Darwin changes Jim always mentions
Gay marriage not even a debate
Hackability of American elections
Everytime global warming narratives change

Cloudswrest says:

“If someone says the Cathedral “decides” to do something, he’d do well to point out where in the vast organism these decisions are made and how they transmitted from that point.”

You might as well say the same thing about the human brain. There’s no point localized homunculus in the brain deciding things.

alf says:

Smells like just another holiness spiral.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Feminism always had a strong puritan streak to it. ‘Sex positive feminism’ is still too close to a litany of things the gnostically-minded hates, like allowing anything in the market that might satisfy the tastes of men.

Happenstances such as this are basically the ‘destroy beauty standards’ fat genderfluid blob faction triumphing over the others.

The Cominator says:

Radfems (the Cathedral backed faction at least since the 1980s) are a bunch of man hating dykes who view anything sex industry as a tool of muh patriarchy. In a weird way with true whores they are right, the more open competition regular women face from true whores the better they would be as compared to current circumstances. But I don’t consider camgirls real useful whores…

The sex positive libfems tend to be a bunch of amiable whores and nymphomaniacs (actually self identified women of this type tend to be amiable and not fat or unattractive either, before I learned there was two different types of feminist I was generally shocked when these type of women said they were a feminist because they are night and day from the other type). I think they dislike muh patriarchy mainly because they like having the ability to cuck their boyfriend at will.

Leon says:

Doubtful. They probably just strangled only fans because men enjoyed it and women who couldn’t compete with it hated it. Leftists can’t think long term anymore.

The Cominator says:

Not sure what % of men really liked it. I like whores in the flesh but I consider onlyfans simps to be pretty pathetic.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They also paid cash money for the privilege, which is pretty strong evidence that the patheticness was in line with their preferences.

Bilge_Pump says:

Alright so help me out here. How do I find a genuine cash-for-sex hooker, and what should I be aware of / look out for when doing so? I know you have to be aware of being ripped off, rules about being alpha still apply and she’ll milk you if she can.

Guy says:

I see the nbc article on the subject claims conservatives and bigots pressured the financial institutions, which I read as them trying to lie about the motives, which I read as meaning the motives are protecting the porn industry from a disruptive element that eliminates the middleman

Fëanor says:

At least some part of it is lobster-boiling of the simps to see how small a crumb they’ll buy. First they replaced actual whores with porn, now they’re getting rid of porn too. I suspect, though, that the “men” who are responsible for most of these whores’ income aren’t going anywhere. IIRC, Belle Delphine actually lost subscribers when she started going hardcore porn.

notglowing says:

Something a lot of people discussing this are missing is that they are not banning *pornography* at least for now, they are banning *sexual acts* on their platform.
That was the language, and nudes are still allowed.
I haven’t used OnlyFans, but from what I know about the websites it was mostly girls selling pictures of themselves, some nude, some just risqué.
I would not be surprised if hardcore porn is much less common than that.

There’s a lot of that elsewhere on the internet, but the reason why this site had such success both with girls and simps, is that it wasn’t quite that far, and allowed the men to have this kind of parasocial relationship with them. For the girls, it didn’t feel like they were whoring themselves out since it isn’t straight up porn.

It’s different if they have sex on camera, just like simps freak out if e-girls have boyfriends.

Nicodemus Rex says:

OnlyFans was a way for whores to make money off simps easily without fucking them. Now its a way for whores to make money off simps without fucking them or fucking *anyone* (but they can still be nude of course). Shouldn’t be surprising.

Alfred says:

I’ve never used any fans, but I’m assuming the real money is with their streaming stuff similar to Chaturbate, IE lots of sex toys pretending to get off due to the men sending money and texts.

This article bears that out somewhat:

With Chaturbate the most popular rooms are are all solo shows, men want to pretend they’re the ones fucking her and having another man fuck her is a buzz kill. Most porn is shot to avoid showing the man’s face as much as possible in order for men to pretend the are the guy doing the fucking. As such, it’s more interactive than porn which is probably the big appeal. Nude pics isn’t going to cut it.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like OnlyFans isn’t suppressing “sexually explicit content” out of the goodness of their heart. They’re being threatened with cancellation by the payment processors.

The Cominator says:

Obviously not a voluntary business decision, the question is who gave the order and why?

Cloudswrest says:

Wait ’till we get to the point where it’s not even some real woman behind the camera. Instead a virtual woman, eg S1mOne. Or perhaps a “hybrid” “woman”, i.e. a virtual trans where you’re really interacting with some dude whose image and voice are dynamically digitally morphed in real time that that of a woman! See this short Nvidia clip.

Fëanor says:

There are already open-source AIs that can generate human-fooling images of faces. Don’t expect that generating porn would be harder. Anyone with moderate coding skill and a beefy GPU could probably set up multiple fake camgirl streams and make passive income. I don’t endorse this idea but it would work.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I am not continuing this conversation.

You are not engaging in honest debate, merely endless repetition.

Honest discussion of where and why the change of policy on onlyfans and the like came from is welcome, and it is perfectly obvious that the crackdown is against disintermediated whoring. And is therefore relevant to dangerous centralization of the internet.

And your solution to every problem, not matter what the problem, is to put everything under centralized priestly control and crush capitalism.

We want a decentralized decentralized internet, decentralized national capitalism, a radical reduction in the priestly class, including the journos, who need to be replaced by disintermediated journalism, and the judges, who need to be tarred and feathered and dragged through the streets, and we propose to crack down on whoring at the whore level, not the pimp level, by marrying off the whores, making capitalism irrelevant to the whore issue.

The Cominator says:

Whats your theory on why the order was given to onlyfans?

jim says:

They don’t like disintermediated whoring. It is not that they don’t like whoring, it is that they don’t like disintermediation. Same as the effort to regulate crypto currency and crypto.

Pooch says:

An awfully big apple cart that needed knocking over.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for misidentifying enemies*]

jim says:

As always, the bad things you point at are really bad, which bad things we are rightly indignant about, and then you point at bad people implementing those bad things, who are very bad people whom we rightly hate, and then you point at the supposed power behind the throne, the faction or group, that supposedly commanded those bad people to implement those bad things, which supposed power behind the throne is always some group that is utterly out of power and being ruthlessly crushed, and urge us to support the people in power who are crushing those out of power people, but need even more power, money, and status, in order to crush them even more thoroughly.

Tired of this discussion. Not allowing it to continue.

someDude says:

Haha, Takedown of shills is one of the highlights of this Blog.


Fred says:

My usual first suspicion, whenever it comes to sex-related things men want being strangely exempt from cathedral pro-degeneracy, is women banning the competition, but the most obvious culprit here is anti-disintermediation – the porn industry doesn’t want to be cut out of the loop.

Cloudswrest says:

Right after I posted this I see that The Cominator already started a thread on this.

Kunning Drueger says:

I want to start by saying I am not a scientist and I have only a passing vocabulary for discussing physics or chemistry.

I think the Cathedral is a society level structure that defies bright lines and clear delineations. It is inherent to the construction itself, that being a distributed memeplex that is inherently invisible to itself. I think of it as a sort of astrological entity that is so large there’s no telescope or position wherein it could be seen completely. We can see stars (Harvard, Hollywood) and we can detect localized effects (Antifa being released, 1/6 participants being tortured) and we can even make some fairly accurate predictions (Jim on the fall of Kabul, Jim on the Red Wave/Blue Win), but we cannot, at this time, accurately map it out. We also seem to have issues with establishing the network of causal relationships, for instance is CNN a star or is it a localized effect? Is Tucker Carlson a member, agent, or dupe?

Pooch and Ducking Man have made assertions with which I disagree (Congress members as power holders and Elon Musk as member/agent respectively), but while I feel as if I argued against the former effectively I have a harder time articulating a riposte to the latter. While I disagree, I think they both are being logical and reasonable and I see why they say what they say. Am I a part of the Cathedral? I’ve worked in The Voice, I attended a University meaning I helped fund it as well as participated in more than a few events, conferences, etc. I was a voice in opposition many times and exposed a few people to Antiversity-esque ideas, but we know from the Uniparty concept that opposition within the official acceptable framework is a fundamental part of the continuity and coherence of the Cathedral.

Is it possible to map super-systems like the Cathedral, USG, or the State Department? What intellectual language should be used to articulate the mapping? Is there a utility to establishing if certain people, groups, or associations are explicitly part of the Cathedral?

The Cominator says:

I think most Senators and a very few House members (Pelosi) have real power over it.

McConnell and Schumer certainly have a bit of real power…

Hillary also had a lot of power as a rogue operator not because she was liked all that much by the ruling social network (I don’t think she was) but because they were afraid of her because blackmail files and willingness to kill people.

But puzzling out the executive command and control ie who the voting and leading members of the social network are is almost impossible.

Pooch says:

Yes I agree. There are back room meetings and deals that we just can’t see. The back room meetings and calls of the Congress leaders and military leaders on 1/6 was a window into that back room.

The Ducking Man says:

>Is there a utility to establishing if certain people, groups, or associations are explicitly part of the Cathedral?

Do you want THE GOOD life?, becoming object of jealousy, shielded away from reality of life, becoming people who can say “the world is my oyster”.

If you do, better start working for people (or a person) with actual power (even tiny bit works too). Agent of cathedral is good master to work for.

Don’t believe me?, just browse people who used to work for Elon, I can count at least 3 who now works as CEO now. Getting into MBB also works (basically csthedral’s priest in business world).

Dave says:

I don’t know, people who worked for Hillary had a strong tendency to off themselves.

The Ducking Man says:

Good point.

Though you know what people say “no pain no gain” “big risk big reward”, it just seems like people in Cathedral is taking these saying to the extreme.

I think you can still find it on YT, there is this Dutch former banker who used to work for Cathedral saying “all my coworkers are probably dead by now”.

Alfred says:

I’m assuming the end of the J6 narrative has something to do with the power struggle between leftist factions?

Pooch says:

Yes. The Republicans are not all the way on board with it.

Pooch says:

Looks like not the end of the J6 narrative with the charging of Owen Shroyer, the Infowars host. Tucker surmised the FBI shutting down the organized plot narrative was simply to protect the feds who actually did organize the breaching while continuing to politically prosecute dissidents.

Euranon says:

Hi Jim,

I live in one of the EU countries (my country being somewhat corrupt) with a covid vaxx pass required to visit many places. Obviously, as time goes on more and more places will be excluded to unvaxxed people, and eventually grocery stores may even be, in the not too distant future.

Because of this, what do you think is my best course of action? Obviously not going to take the clot shot. In my opinion, people buying black market/fake paper covid passes are asking for massive trouble, as if or when they get caught the book will be thrown at them for not taking their vaxx-sacrement. So I don’t want to do this in an amateur way. Hypothetically, I think my best course of action is to offer a doctor a small fee in exchange for putting me in the official database. Would you agree? Do you have any idea on the best countries in the EU to do this at? I probably cannot travel outside my country unless getting the vaxx pass at the destination is a sure thing. Am I better off going to a rural vaxx clinic or a corrupt large city? How much money should I offer to show I am genuine but not a glowie? Or is there a better way to avoid the covid pass entirely?

I know it is very hard to offer advice without knowing my situation intimately, but I would appreciate your answer as this is quite worrying to me and I want to get ahead of it before things really start holiness spiralling badly.

jim says:

You are over estimating the efficiency of enforcement. Complying with obnoxious laws is apt to be amazingly complicated and difficult, and ignoring them amazingly easy and safe. For most obnoxious laws, they really never get all their ducks in a row about enforcement.

But clearly, the best way is to find a friendly doctor, or even a friendly nurse, who will allow you to fake inoculating yourself, and pretend to not know. I would not offer any money directly but I would go to an unreasonably expensive clinic, where the staff tend to be more helpful and more “helpful”. If you are already paying through the nose, confident and pleasant interaction will get you quite few little extra benefits. A female staff member is apt to comply with any reasonable request, and also to comply with quite unreasonable requests.

Euranon says:

You are probably correct that I am over estimating enforcement efficiency, although I have seen some Anglo countries successfully fining individuals thousands of dollars for the most minute amount of disrespect to the covid regime, making me think that enforcement efficiency is not as weak as you suppose either.

Regarding self-injection while the nurse looks the other way, what would be a reasonable excuse for this? I can’t imagine a nurse going for this, regardless of expensiveness and pleasantries.

Also, do you think this is even worth the risk of being reported, or do you think I should simply not comply and hope covid pass restrictions don’t further tighten/wont be enforced efficiently?

jim says:

I can imagine nurses doing all sorts of things. Your respect for authority is excessive.

People are being made an example of, because they stuck up obtrusively against the covid state. Don’t do that, and you will be fine.

Ask yourself what would Sean Connery or Hans Solo do when interacting with the nurse.

Chances are that the Covid state will be endlessly tightened, and will be enforced with less and less efficiency.

It is too soon to know if simple noncompliance or fraud, is the best option. Start with simple non compliance, and after a while the fraud and conscientious objection paths will become clearer.

Euranon says:

Makes sense, thanks Jim.

The Original OC says:

“although I have seen some Anglo countries successfully fining individuals thousands of dollars for the most minute amount of disrespect to the covid regime”

Did you hear those through personal contacts, or from media sources?

My belief is that they have performatively given unreasonable punishments to a tiny number of people and then broadly publicized this tiny number of cases to give the appearance of strict enforcement.

One hears from the television of old women being fined for walking alone in empty fields, and one hears from friends that it was possible to walk through the middle of London, past police, at the height of the lockdowns.

Dave says:

The problem with being a sperg is that cops all think you’re a criminal and criminals all think you’re a cop.

Encelad says:

What do the people think about the Pass there? If countries start deploying these passes, I am not excessively concerned about the government authority itself, but rather about the zealot normie nextdoor. The celerity with which the hatred against dissidents, instilled by the Cathedral, spread among population started to worry me. There seems to be just too many people, “normal” people, too eager to inflict whatever misery they can to “anti-vaxxers”, and it is quite clear that “anti-vaxxer” is just a codeword for “non leftist”, as the MSM keeps repeating over and over that objections to the holy vaccine all come from the “far right conspiracy theorists” and such.

jim says:

I have confidence that a great deal of that holy zeal is fake. They promise to enthusiastically support the inquisition, in the hope, which in the end is likely to prove deluded, that the inquisition will not come for them.

But if they actually get enforcement more organized and competent, then it is time to take the path of fraud.

Or, go for religious exemption.Russian Orthodoxy has saved one commenter’s ass.

Karl says:

Germany already has vaccination passes. If you want to enter a restaurant, a hotel, a gym, etc. you are legally required to either have a vaccination pass, a certifacte that you recoverd from covid or a negative test result not older than 24 h. And of course, you are required to wear a mask, unless you have a medical exemption.

People stop caring. If you confidently walk into a shop or restaurant, chances are staff will simply assume that you have a medical exemption. The more expensive the restaunrant, shop, hotel the better your chances.

Likewise with your papers. You’ll have an excellent chance that staff will assume that you have the necessary papers and not bother checking. Funny thing is that they are legally not required to check your papers. It is legal for them to trust your word and your are (presently) only risking charges for misdemeanor.

Pooch says:

Have you been personally barred entry or booted from a business for not having the pass, Karl? I’m curious what enforcement is like in Europe.

Cloudswrest says:
Varna says:

Saw a new NSFW term for the clot shot today–“kike spike”.

Anonymous Fake says:

Christianity isn’t a community so much as it is a ritual tradition. Dating and career progression for Christians is based on schools as much as for anyone else, although schools are far more strict about heterosexual interactions than they used to be. People hook up on Tinder because the schools are afraid of lawsuits and aggressively regulate romantic interactions between students, especially private schools. Businesses are the same way.

People usually become Christian in middle age after securing a career and spouse in the secular sphere. Islam is a young person’s religion, ironically, when you think about it.

neofugue says:

> People hook up on Tinder because the schools are afraid of lawsuits and aggressively regulate romantic interactions between students, especially private schools.

True, but moreso about coeds being sluts than anything else.

> People usually become Christian in middle age after securing a career and spouse in the secular sphere.

My parents attended the local Presbyterian church in order to get asked to join the nearby country club. No one at church took it seriously; it was about socializing with others at coffee hour while having one’s children undergo basic religious education.

neofugue says:

western education is forbidden

Contaminated NEET says:

Hear, hear!

neofugue says:


Alfred says:

Why would you post a Cathedral propaganda mouth piece article?

I grew up in the American Christian church, I know how bad the rot is and that article is one slyly celebrating the Cathedral’s triumph over the church. Any girl sent to school is going to become a whore. Any girl who isn’t married off early is going to be become a whore.

neofugue says:


The Progressive state relies on holding a monopoly on all social organization, and Miserius was sent here to dissuade people in Western countries from joining churches, whether Orthodox, Roman Catholic, or Protestant. Ecumenism is the sin of phyletism, and many apostate cradles hate the idea of their adult after-school club being turned into a real church. Most apostates attend church infrequently or not at all, so fear genuine Christians joining.

In order for reactionaries to win, we must organize and network through religion, for our words on this blog are meaningless without action.

neofugue says:

*thus they have fear of genuine Christians joining their churches.

Chad Boomer says:

Gather round spergs. Wanna tell you how things were back when the based boomers roamed the earth. There was no such thing as NEETS and boomers spent their weekdays at something called “jobs” where they earned money and status and created useful things. Of course there were no smartphones, Internet, or social media. When boomers socialized, they did it face-to-face like men. Computer types were scoffed at as nerds or social retards.

Now on the weekends, boomers liked to party. The would go to places called “clubs” were there were boomer chicks (probably your mom) and they would socialize, dance, and drink till the early morning hours. They never feared catching a cold or flu. Often times the night would end with heterosexual activity. Boomers called it hooking up. Boomers never got confused about their own gender. And homosexuals were despised and made fun of by all. On Sundays, boomers would go to church and confess their sins. Even though they were human, they never lost site of God.

Here we are today. You millennial types don’t know crap! You think you’re edgy and hip but you’re all a bunch of INCELS hiding in grandmas basement. You know most boomer men today even in their 80s can knock a woman up while you millennial types don’t even know what gender you are and can’t even get it up.

Stop being a pussy. Stop eating soy and drinking from plastic. Eat steaks, exercise, get out in the sun and socialize with people in person. Get a damn job and a haircut. And shave that stupid beard off.

The Cominator says:

Hooking up isn’t a boomer term you fake boomer.

jim says:

I was born and raised in a little enclave out of time of old type culture, and my fellow boomers looked mighty emasculated and blue pilled to me. Things back then were not as bad as they are now, but they were pretty bad. The rot was at the core of the tree.

neofugue says:

> On Sundays, boomers would go to church and confess their sins. Even though they were human, they never lost site of God.

Boomers send their daughters to whore schools, seems like they lost sight of God a long time ago. To be fair, they did not pass the Civil Rights Act 1964 at 14 years of age, Hart-Celler 1965 at 15 years of age, nor Roe V Wade 1973 at 23 years of age, so the rot existed long before they came about.

> The would go to places called “clubs” were there were boomer chicks (probably your mom) and they would…

Your mother is a whore. Most of our mothers are whores and most of our children will have whores for mothers; however, there is no reason to brag about it.

Guy says:

Boomers would be the ones in power now and at least somewhat responsible for the recent faggotry, inevitable as it all may be. They’re clearly lashing out as their power fades.

Aidan says:

Okay, I’ll bite the bait because it’s funny.

Shut up you old fag. Go back to eating your 11 daily servings of grain, then wash it down with margarine and budweiser while you wonder why your gut is growing and your cock shrinking. Even though you were raised and expected to hate fags and love God, you by some demonic inverse miracle grew up to be even less based than the generations raised to love fags and hate God. I think you need to check your credit card statement and think long and hard about why your wife booked a two-week vacation to Cancun right at the same time the landscaper and pool boy that take care of your McMansion decided to take time off. As a consolation prize, you can whack off while I give your daughter shrieking, bed-destroying orgasms within earshot- that’s just hooking up like you used to do back in the day right? I won’t be around to look you in the eye during breakfast tho, cause you wake up at 5am and shamble off to sit in a little box in traffic for three hours every day on your way to another little box where you push papers around under the glassy sapienceless eye of Shaniqua; gotta pay off the 200,000 you dropped on giving your daughter a chance to meet guys like me after all.

Kunning Drueger says:

I fucking love you, bro. Looking forward to mountains, conversation, gunfire, and chainsaws.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

11/10, would read again.

Starman says:


This is truly art!

Bilge_Pump says:

4chan-tier faggot post. I don’t want to read anything you write ever again.

Shooter McGavin says:

Was thinking about my debate with Jim on the trinity. I realized that my own theology required that Christ have a divine nature. His human nature is born and dies, while his divine nature must be eternal. His divine nature, as well as the Father and the Holy Spirit, are eternal and therefore inextricable. The Holy Spirit relating between the Father and the Son as Aquinas believed and of which I am convinced forms the consubstantial trinity. Therefore, God is three and is one.

I would only remark that I believe you are doing yourself a disservice by leaving the trinity in the mystery box.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It has to remain a mystery, because it is part of that which is beyond us. Any time someone come forward and says, “I have fully understood God,” that man is either lying or a fool. In either case he is dangerous. Some things are beyond us because they are greater than what we can perceive. We should be glad there is still a little mystery in the world.

Shooter McGavin says:

You are conflating my understanding of an important doctrine with a complete understanding of God. Was Aquinas wasting his time when he tried to rationally explicate the doctrine? What about the whole tradition of theology? If Christian doctrine is always left in a shroud of mystery then atheism will always appear as the more rational and scientific worldview. I don’t think that this need be the case since it surely has and will lose many potential converts.

jim says:

There are no end of questions in mathematics that are unanswerable. There are rather more unanswerable questions in life. We can live with that. We are frequently unable to live with people who claim to have the answers, and a great deal of blood has been spilled over this.

Shooter McGavin says:

Trinitarian dogma is itself a requirement that one should have the right answer and that anything else lands you somewhere that has demons. Vox never claimed that the trinity is impossible, only that he refused to positively affirm a belief in something which he did not know, i. e. the connections between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How is this not the same respect for mystery?

Kunning Drueger says:

In one sentence, explain to me why trinitarian dogma is important to building the man, the family, the community, the nation.

Shooter McGavin says:

The precepts of Christ become divine commandments for all men if he is divine, otherwise, they are merely an interpretation of the ceremonial laws by a radical Jewish prophet.

Kunning Drueger says:

You sound like a candidate for the monastery. You can spend your days reflecting on the divine, internalizing the precepts, and weeding the potato patch.

jim says:

That the Trinity is beyond human comprehension is long established doctrine, and people who think that they comprehend it are often up to no good.

The Ducking Man says:

I am not christians, never went into sunday service, but I’ve done my attendance is bible study seminaries (both offline and online) which later turned me into huge OT/Torah believer. So I’m talking from frame of Torah believer who only reads Matthew and Book of Revelation.

Even in my days of listening bible study almost everyday I still cannot grasp why all of sudden people need to accept trinitarian doctrine to be God believer. In my understanding in the old days of Isreal the criteria seems a lot simpler.

1. Do this if being told directly by God
2. Don’t blaspheme God
3. Don’t do this list of things (seems like a lot until I realize it only fills 2 4A paper on 12 point font)

It seems like people in Torah only shocked when hearing Word of God, but the one that instill primal fear is only God’s direct presence.

“The word of God which has been with God since the beginning which later on became flesh and called Jesus Christ” – I can understand and accept this part.

Should I confuse Jesus as true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? I don’t think so.

Alfred says:

Even in my days of listening bible study almost everyday I still cannot grasp why all of sudden people need to accept trinitarian doctrine to be God believer.

Because when you allow for one Son of God who can change the rules, then you end up with a never end stream of Sons of God each claiming total religious authority and before you know it your religion has gone to shit. However if that one Son of God, who’s really just part of the Triune God and there won’t be a second one because God is 1 and God is 3, not 4 or 5.

Mohamed said he was the last Prophet of Allah because if he wasn’t, there be an unending stream of Prophet’s of Allah who came after him creating endless disunity.

The Ducking Man says:

>Because when you allow for one Son of God who can change the rules

But people under monotheism never have rule changes because that authority to change law is only by Supreme God on heaven. No mere mortal can propose rule changes.

If Israelites doing bad thing, that was them backsliding, the law still stand firm.

On the contrary, christianity is the one having rule identity crisis. One good christian is chowing bacon for breakfast but his neighbour only eat clean food following Letivicus.

>because God is 1 and God is 3

My problem with triune god is you put Son of Man >Mohamed said he was the last Prophet of Allah

But Islam.have 2 God, Allah and Muhammad because moslem prostate to both.

Muhammad was not just prophet of Allah, he is a God only very slightly below to Allah, Muhammad is present in daily prayer always proceding Allah.

Moslem won’t admit it, but their prayer is self-evident on this truth.

>there be an unending stream of Prophet’s of Allah who came after him creating endless disunity

No need for new Muhammad, scholars are creating disunity among moslem. Sunni Shia divide, even among Sunnis the 4 schools of Sunni disagree on a lot of things, so they don’t mingle.

Moslem are forbidden to marry moslem from different schools of Sunni (I know it first hand).

Moslems are always a mess because they have 2 Gods on almost equal terms, further fueled by scholars never agree on almost anything.

jim says:

> But people under monotheism never have rule changes because that authority to change law is only by Supreme God on heaven.


You guys reinvent Judaism every few years, and have been reinventing it every few years for six hundred years.

You reinterpret the rules to make them stricter in a holiness spiral, then the congregation groans, then you invent some loopholes, magic spells to excuse people from doing stuff, rinse and repeat.

Judaism is the youngest religion of them all.

How far back does the prohibition against taking babies for a stroll on sabbath go? How old is Hanukkah?

How far back does the business of separately cleaning plates used for cheese and plates used for meat go?

Your religion is the fastest mutating religion of them all, ever running in circles.

The laws get re-interpreted, re-reinterpreted, re-re-reinterpreted, then magic spells are invented to evade them.

The laws on sex and marriage keep going out of date, and reinvented out of thin air to accommodate the surrounding culture – you don’t even pretend to re-interpret them, you just pull them out of thin air de-novo.

The Puritans got upset because Saturnalia was made into Christmas sixteen centuries ago, but Hanukkah is younger than I am.

The Ducking Man says:

>because God is 1 and God is 3

My problem with triune god is you put Son of Man><Holy Ghost on equal terms. When clearly God of Abraham have accute God Complex. God of Abraham never accept having equals, He is the supreme being.

He thinks His status is so high no random Israelites can give service to Him.

I'm puzzled by christian having random white people titled pope claiming to represent God, random people burning incese, random people giving Sunday service. It's not random people's job, that is Levites' job.

Jesus performed miracle to signify he is Son of Man, but God of Abraham's grandiose is whole new level. Abraham instinctively prostste when he knew God personally came to him, Lot and his daughters shat their pants when God came to Sodom and Gomorrah, Israelites feel they were almost dead glimpsing God.

All in all, God of Abraham wouldn't like hearing triune gid because his God complex is just so severe.

info says:

“Jesus performed miracle to signify he is Son of Man, but God of Abraham’s grandiose is whole new level. Abraham instinctively prostste when he knew God personally came to him, Lot and his daughters shat their pants when God came to Sodom and Gomorrah, Israelites feel they were almost dead glimpsing God.

All in all, God of Abraham wouldn’t like hearing triune gid because his God complex is just so severe.”

Abraham will fall prostate before Jesus Christ because he is the same God that appeared to him in his lifetime.

As for the miracles to prove he was the “Son of Man” its in reference to this:

“9As I continued to watch,

thrones were set in place,

and the Ancient of Days took His seat.

His clothing was white as snow,

and the hair of His head was like pure wool.

His throne was flaming with fire,

and its wheels were all ablaze.

10A river of fire was flowing,

coming out from His presence.

Thousands upon thousands attended Him,

and myriads upon myriads stood before Him.

The court was convened,

and the books were opened.

11Then I kept watching because of the arrogant words the horn was speaking. As I continued to watch, the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was removed, but they were granted an extension of life for a season and a time.

13In my vision in the night I continued to watch,

and I saw One like the Son of Manb

coming with the clouds of heaven.c

He approached the Ancient of Days

and was led into His presence.

14And He was given dominion,

glory, and kingship,

that the people of every nation and language

should serve Him.

His dominion is an everlasting dominion

that will not pass away,

and His kingdom is one

that will never be destroyed. ”

The Son of Man is the Son of God. And who in the Book of John and the Book of Hebrews clearly proved to be God in the Flesh.

God-Man, Homo Deus.

jim says:

Take a look at the list of things that are supposedly not to be done.

And reflect on the events that led to the Jews being expelled from Israel.

How is the last of the ten commandments featured in that list?

And, answer me how the important commandments on men dealing with men feature in this list, and I will then answer you on the triune God.

You will notice that most of the things that you were supposedly told to do or not do directly by God are silly, arbitrary, and irrelevant to the human condition. Yet the ten commandments are sensible, not arbitrary, and are relevant to the human condition. At what stage between the ten commandments and today did God start to sound like a lawyer? Can you give me a rough date?

And, it has been a long time, words shift in meaning, particularly when lawyers and priests are up to no good. There are a lot of incidents in the Old Testament where people are contaminated by blood. How do those incidents shape up with the pile of legalese you have now?

If you have a bunch of laws issued by God, you are going to have a bunch of lawyers Jewing God. So what should God and or man do about this problem?

The Ducking Man says:

>How is the last of the ten commandments featured in that list?
Are you referring to “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s”

I don’t understand this question because children of Israel didn’t just broke 10 commandment, they broke all commandments equally.

God already put disclaimer “you broke the law, you out of the land”.

To put in perspective, in Sodom and Gomorrah and Tower of Babel story, people need to fucked up real bad before being punished by God.

Coveting other people’s wife (king david) only result in life-long suffering. Children of Israel fucked up READ BAD that modern people don’t have a clue who they are the same way we don’t have a clue who are people in Sodom and Gomorrah and Tower of Babel.

>answer me how the important commandments on men dealing with men feature in this list

Commandments on men dealing with men is just portion of law people need to obey. “you broke this law, God will ensure karma will come and get you”, amazingly I’ve never seen it fails.

jim says:

> I don’t understand this question because children of Israel didn’t just broke 10 commandment, they broke all commandments equally.

They did not break them equally. They broke some of them rather specifically, and broke them as a collective group, not just individually. There was a direct relation of material and effective causation between breaking certain commandments as a group, as a religion and a tribe, and getting expelled, because certain commandments, when you break them, you piss other people off.

jim says:

Recapping the discussion with Miserius, which is now over:


Christians are always saying X.


What! No they are not,

I have never heard a Christian say X.

Link me to a website run by Christians saying X.




You are still not linking me to a website run by Christians saying X.


It is in scripture, and in the writings of the fathers.

By which he refers to the scriptures and the writings of the fathers quoted on hostile anti Christian websites.


No it is not.

Kunning Drueger says:

I maintain he isn’t a shill, but I also think he is Glennfilthie reborn. For newer folks, Glennfilthie was a fucking boomer-tier moron that got run off for excessive stupidity.

There was something malevolent about Miserius. Can’t really put my finger on it. In any case, a reminder that our enemies are multitudinous, so shill tests alone are not sufficient for gatekeeping. More and more, maintaining a blog seems very similar to gardening.

jim says:

He is not a shill, in that he is clearly has not been sent by the Cathedral and is obviously not drawing a paycheck.

But he is using the debating methods of shills and entryists, which are harmful to discussion and group cohesion.

neofugue says:

This guy?

Glenfilthie is a boomer moron; on the other hand, Miserius is intelligent and evil.

> There was something malevolent about Miserius. Can’t really put my finger on it.

The Antichrist is not to be found in the overt deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips. Miserius is a servant of the Antichrist.

There are many evil people in Orthodox Christianity, and Miserius is one of them. LeftCaths are demonic, but LeftOrthos are something else. While they seldom attend church, there is a palpable air of death that surrounds them. Perhaps as a Progressive being surrounded by evil on a daily basis has given me the ability to detect the subtle ques, but there have been numerous instances when my gut raised alarm at seemingly nice people only for me find out later they were demon worshipers.

Commies hate monastics and express a special type of derangement towards murdering them. There is something about a Holy ascetic life that bothers the demon worshiper, although I left Progressivism before I reached that stage.

The Cominator says:

I think monasticism has a place for men… though perhaps like Peter the Great it should be restricted to men 40 or over. On the other hand I don’t think it has a place for women… Luther was right about nunneries.

I think the Orthodox are better about this as Orthodox nunneries were not encouraged as excessively holy.

Alfred says:

I don’t grasp the point of nunneries.

Karl says:

Monasticism is a place for men who do not deserve killing, but can’t be allowed to be unsupervised or can’t manage to live unsupervised.

Some for women, although there are usually far fewer women can’t fit into society outside a cloister

The Cominator says:

There have been monks who have made intellectual discoveries… certainly a life of disciplined meditation contemplation etc has its appeal at times.

But yeah i see no point to nuns or nunneries. Women are to serve men period… nothing can be allowed to be holier than this.

Alfred says:

I can see one case for this. I have a relative who suffered an injury as a child that prevented her from having kids but didn’t discover it until after several years of trying to have children with her husband. She eventually adopted a girl from overseas which worked out horribly with the girl rejecting her after college as such adoptionees tend to do today. Only close relatives should be adopted.

She got married and divorced a couple times but late in life she became a fervent leftist wack job. The whole thing Jim says women become evil and insane when they don’t have kids? I see it in her. She’d send my entire extended family to deathcamps if she knew we all voted for Trump. All she has left in life is her insane religion to the point where no can stand to be around her.

She’d be a good candidate for a nunnery just to stop her from making others lives miserable.

The Cominator says:

Leftists other than fertile age women (or who are otherwise very useful somehow) get the helicopter en masse.

Karl says:

Cloister were there to make people useful that would not be useful outside of cloisters, but did not deserve killing.

We all know that your standard of who deserves to be killed is much stricter than that of any medieval judge. Although it has to be noted that cloisters were only an option for Christians who noone wanted outside of cloisters and progressives are no Christians.

I’m not sure what medieval judges would have done with some who was not Christian. My guess is they would have allowed conversion (reconversion?) to Christianity so that cloisters would be an option.

neofugue says:

Monasticism is a path for people who cannot deal with the struggles of life. There is a small percentage of the population who are unable to function in which monasticism provides them an appropriate venue.

Personally, were it not for my desire to have kids I would become a monastic. Life is too difficult to justify not having children.

Calvin says:

Repeating a question I asked about Christianity below but seems not to have been noticed.

What if the problems are intrinsic to Christianity, though? If holiness is defined by loving everyone as yourself how do you stop that from spiraling into “give everything in your country away to the four billion niggers pouring across the border because God demands it”? It seems like it could be made to work in a era of small populations with lots of space and limited communications, but how do you get it to function when every parasite on the planet can see the riches of your society and wants a piece of it? How does a good Christian bring himself to machine gun hordes of screaming foreign women and helpless babies crying for mercy and food, as will be necessary if any white society is to survive the coming storm?

Calvin says:

What do you do when hundreds of millions of Africans, having inevitably exhausted the carrying capacities of their native lands, come storming to your borders, pushing women and children to the fore, demanding to be let in and fed? That post doesn’t answer that. It seems to me all any progressive need do is wave the verses about “doing unto the least of these” into the faces of the border guards and any sincere Christians among them are at the very least extremely reluctant to do what needs to be done to preserve their homelands. The image of being sent to hell for gunning down thousands of genuinely destitute and desperate refugees seems hard to overcome, but if you don’t there goes any white society anywhere.

neofugue says:

> The image of being sent to hell for gunning down thousands of genuinely destitute and desperate refugees seems hard to overcome, but if you don’t there goes any white society anywhere

The image of a 17 years 11 months old non-virgin getting married to an older man 4 years her senior she no longer has the gina tingles for seems hard to overcome, but if you don’t there goes any white society anywhere.

Sink the ships. Europe has a refugee problem because the European nations have traitorous elites. No one has the right to immigrate to a Western country, and using one’s own women and children as human shields for an invasion is despicable.

Calvin says:

What do you say to a genuine Christian soldier who has read Matthew 25 and is really worried that by gunning down refugees he is gunning down Christ?

neofugue says:

Quoting you from threads involving Miserius:

> a pacifist faggot who lets himself get beheaded and his wife raped by durkas is holier than a sane man who fights back


> the idea of monks completely disconnected from the world is itself a major incubator for holiness spirals and generally quackery. People need normal social interaction to remain sane

Assuming monks do not have social interaction

> Christ was accused to being a drunkard and glutton because he enjoyed normal earthly pleasures so often

No Christian believes this, we call this blasphemy

Are you a sock puppet account of Miserius? Calvin is erecting a Progressive straw man of poor innocent refugees completely helpless at the mercy of the evil white man being gunned down by vile racists. If refugees wish to flood into western countries, they will be turned back. The question is dishonest, manipulative and unresponsive.

Calvin says:

No, I am not with Miserius. I am not and have never been an Orthodox Christian, frankly I am not sure of what to believe in religious terms. I do know some people who are “refugees welcome” on religious grounds despite being otherwise fairly red-pilled on subjects like the woman question and am just trying to puzzle it out. If jim wants I can take a shill test, but I’ve been here longer than Miserius.

jim says:

Sounds to me like you, Calvin, are a Demon worshiper who just wants all Christians murdered, and wants to take their guns away so that he can do it itself.

You sound very like Miserius, but Miserius could pull off the superficial pretense of Christianity better than you can, also he sounded more Jewish than you do, leading me to suspect yet another Indian working for the Cathedral shilling operation on an H1B visa, so time for the affirmation and the shill test.

And your questions incline me to doubt that you know any Christians, let alone Christians red pilled on the woman question. They are questions from within the bubble.

Calvin says:

Also, regarding that first quote it was explicitly a hypothetical.

In regard to the second, I think isolation from the world and celibacy are both bad for human psychology, and I stand by that.

Finally, I didn’t say Christians believed Jesus was a glutton or drunkard, I said that his enemies accused him of being one for eating and drinking as he did. Which is just true, they did do that. I did not say the accusations had weight.

Calvin says:

I will take any shill test you wish to give, Jim.

jim says:

If a long time reader of this blog, you know the shill test and the affirmation.

Just commit heresies against the Cathedral that would get you fired, and, since you are telling us what Christian doctrine requires, affirm the basic tenets of Christianity.

Waste of electrons to discuss what a Christian’s duty is with people who hate Christianity and Christians. They will always put the most hateful, evil, moronic, stupid, and wicked interpretation on any Christian words they can use against Christians and Christianity, and it just wastes electrons to debate such interpretations as if they were serious, honest, sincere, and well intentioned misunderstandings of Christian doctrine.

When a non Christian tells a Christian that the bible and the Church fathers command X, it is very rarely the case that the bible and the Church fathers command X, and explaining what they do command is a pointless waste of space.

When Christians tell non Christians that Christ commands the Christian to do X, usually the truth as they understand it. When a non Christian tells a Christian what Christ commands, it very rarely is and discussing the matter rather than simply denouncing the conversation is apt to be a waste of time and electrons.

The good Samaritan did not take the man set upon by thieves into his house, still less into someone else’s house. The problem is that the violence of these people is driving us out of our cities.

Your interpretation of the Good Samaritan story has the good Samaritan helping the robbers settle in someone else’s house.

Calvin says:

Women are inherently attracted to antisocial behavior and given the chance will often prefer waiting for a booty call from Jeremy Meeks to a proper marriage, destroying any chance of stable or growing populations. Female sexuality must be controlled by males in order for a functioning society to exist. Female consent is irrelevant to whether or not sex is moral, consent of her owner is what matters.

Race matters. There are inferior and superior races, and the superior races will inevitably be disproportionately represented in all fields requiring discipline, intelligence, and forethought. Blacks are inferior to whites in all three of these things.

And, again, I’m not religiously affiliated myself, but here goes on those basic tenants: Jesus Christ is Lord. Born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, was crucified, died, and was buried. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven. He will return to judge the living and the dead. He is fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.


jim says:


Calvin says:

Uh, Jim, did you see my response to the shill test?

Contaminated NEET says:

I have to agree with you here, Calvin. Gunning down hordes of unarmed, desperate, poverty-stricken women and children looks and feels extremely bad, and it’s going to be very hard to get guards of any faith, but especially Christianity, to do it.

However, this Green March/Camp of the Saints scenario, while a good metaphor for what’s happening, doesn’t happen literally very often at all. The answer is not to mow down the migrant mob, but to prevent it from forming in the first place. You firmly control the border in the times and places where your guards can actually manage the situation, which is the vast majority of them, and you arrest, deport, and turn away the migrants. Internally, you severely punish anyone who employs an illegal alien, you do not give government benefits to illegal aliens, and you swiftly send any illegal aliens you catch either back home or to an unpleasant holding camp on a remote Pacific island. Weakness invites predation, strength deters it. Follow these common sense prescriptions, and you’re not going to see howling mobs rushing your hapless border guards’ machine guns.

D Brinn says:

For the modern Christians who demand that we take care of every invader at the gates who claims hardship back home, Hell has nothing to do with it, because they don’t really believe in Hell. They do it because they want their friends to think they’re kind, generous people. In their world, the more charity you do with other people’s resources, the better person you are.

jim says:

> If holiness is defined by loving everyone as yourself how do you stop that from

Not how holiness is defined by Christianity. That is how holiness is defined by Globohomo.

See How to genocide inferior kinds in a properly Christian manner.

Calvin says:

How do you square that with Jesus’ order to love your enemies, not just those who love you, or Paul’s rather more specific command that if your enemy is hungry, feed him? I don’t think the latter ever imagined that there would be billions of hungry enemies and a few hundred thousand believers, but the command stands regardless.

jim says:

Saint Paul most certainly did imagine the situation where there would be far too many hungry people looking for a handout, and gave us specific, detailed, practical, useful, and sensible instructions on how to deal with the issue.

Which instructions can be summarized as tough love for useless people, and tougher lover for enemy useless people. The point most relevant to our current crisis being that any young women currently receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children need to be shotgun married.

Calvin says:

Hmmm, I guess you could call it tough love, to force people back to their inevitable deaths due to their own incompetence and overpopulation, but it just seems like a stretch. I just have a hard time seeing people that were not desperate and starving themselves taking that interpretation over and against the progressive one that you should let them in. It just seems like by the time anyone would think that way it would already be too late.

I could see it being plausibly Christian if you added something like the ability to help said people in the afterlife, by prayer or something, once they’ve been safely ejected from this world. Would that work? I don’t know, but I know some Christians pray for the dead so maybe?

neofugue says:

> tough love, to force people back to their inevitable deaths due to their own incompetence and overpopulation

There is plenty of passive-aggressive snark in this comment. Arguing in bad faith is not going to go unnoticed here.

There is neither male nor female; thus, we should have state-sponsored sodomy, tranny story hour, drag queens, pride parades, gay adoption of young boys, and so on and so forth.

Just as the Pharisees obsessed over ritual contamination as a justification in killing and stealing from Greeks and Romans, Progressives obsess over holiness-spiraling Christ’s commands in destroying those near to them. Of course, Calvin would not give up his own house, car, savings, et cetera to strangers, he only wants to help the innocent poor refugees:

“no I’m not a christian and I have nothing but contempt for your backward religious beliefs so yeah, this argument wouldn’t work on me but maybe if I use it on you, you’ll do what I want

Calvin says:

What are you talking about? I explicitly said that the reason the Africans will die is because they’ve bred well beyond their carrying capacity and are not smart enough to come up with any technological solutions or control their own population.

I don’t want white Christians to cuck to the rapefugees, I want you to do the opposite of that and am worried that when push comes to shove a lot of you will not. It only takes a few reluctant border guards to let in a swarm hundreds of thousands strong. I’m questioning how many of you have the resolve to do what must be done to preserve our peoples and how you justify doing it in the context of your religion.

jim says:

Well that is a legitimate question, but who is it that supports open borders in a hostile world? I don’t see Christians supporting open borders other than the gay marriage LGBTQDFHFDKJH single mothers are heroes drag queen story hour season of singleness brigade.

Which is certainly a mighty big brigade, but I doubt they are too worried about what Jesus said. They would think he was just a first century Jewish community organizer, so what would he know? He did not even drive a Prius.

That is the relevance of the demon worshiper test. I don’t think you will find too many Christians who can pass the demon worshiper test supporting open borders in a hostile and dangerous world.

The typical good Christian who actually is Christian may offer a homeless person a meal on the porch, but it will be on the porch, not the kitchen, and she will be packing heat. Actual Christians who worry about doing good to people in need tend to be very aware that they are likely to be not helping the man setupon by robbers, but a robber who setupon the wrong victim.

Calvin says:

Sorry about the duplicate comment, Jim.

And to answer your question, I know some personally, including my dad. He’s had a long and fairly traditional marriage, gave good advice on women, but also supports taking in just about the whole of South America on the grounds that we need to save their souls and how would we like it if we had to show up at someone else’s country fleeing war and they slammed the door in our faces? It’s a real phenomenon.

jim says:

Give him the demon worshiper test and get back to me.

Alfred says:

Faggots and Calvin need to be tossed from a high building as a warring to others. But I repeat myself.

Calvin says:

He passed the demon worshipper test pretty easily. Still thinks we need to absorb every single person from South America.

Kunning Drueger says:

Calvin, you’re full of shit. It’s time to stop posting.

7817 says:

Schmitt’s friend/enemy distinction is an extremely powerful tool for detecting shills. Very glad to have learned it.

Anyone that thinks we should never turn any away and just let our nation be overrun isn’t just an enemy, they are anti-christ. This person wants me to take my children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.

Fuck off with your moralistic posturing. No matter what the shill test says, your christianity is not the same as mine, and you worship a different jesus.

Aidan says:

I wouldn’t be too hard on Calvin; he sees cucked Christians today, who have holiness spiraled “love thy enemy” and correctly wonders how a Christian state religion is going to handle that holiness spiral in the future. Not that Jim and other commenters have not already addressed it, but some people are new and haven’t read the seminal posts. Still might be useful to have a copypasta to address the oft-raised concern of holiness-spiraled Christian pacifism.

I do not know the Greek, but the Latin Bible makes a firm distinction between ingroup and outgroup enemies, the neighbor with whom you have a zoning dispute and the enemy besieging your gates, and the word used for “love” is quite a bit different than the modern meaning of “love”.

The word used for “enemy”, inimicus, evolved etymologically into the modern english enemy, but “enemy” has acquired the meaning of the external foe making war on you- the original Latin is closest in meaning to the slang term “beef”. To translate it into something moderns can understand, Paul’s commandment would be “if that nigga you beefin’ wif hard up, give ‘im a hand, then you ain’t got beef no more, you got a homie”.

Because of massively centralized police state, modern whites cannot understand living in conditions where serious and potentially violent disputes with fellow members of your tribe are likely, but that is still the reality for urban blacks, so if I translate into their language you might be able to understand it.

The word “diligere”, translated as “love”, but became “diligence”, is best translated as tough love, or respect/honor, and it was taken for granted that a man would give himself tough love- restraint and self-discipline in self-interest. When you love your enemy as yourself, well, you need to be pretty hard on yourself to be successful and competent. It’s not some gay hippie self-love shit. The stuff in the bible about enemies is not advice for a state dealing with hostiles (hostis), it is advice for getting along with troublesome neighbors, advice that ancient people very much needed, if you read about blood feuds in the sagas or observe the modern black ghetto. Ancient people understood this implicitly, but the restored Church will need to explain it, and we need a proper translation of the Bible.

alf says:

I know a guy, Christian, big countryside family, takes sunday rest very seriously, the whole shebang. Yet regularly invites refugees over to his place because that’s what good Christians do. So yes, the complaint does not come out of thin air.

But seems to me the matter can be easily resolved with a refugee shill test, something like: ‘what happens to a nation if it lets in masses of faraway refugees?’
A) given enough time they mostly assimilate into our culture and copy our norms and values. That is after all how integration works.
B) they take their unique perspective with them allowing for cultural enrichment. Multicultural societies have always driven innovations throughout history.
C) it is a sign that the nation is in decline and no longer defends its borders. The refugees act as conquerors, and the natives as if they are defeated. Not to mention diversity + proximity = war.
D) they often come from poverty- and war-struck countries, and it is our moral duty to help them. Perhaps they will see the light and convert to our faith, but that is up to them —- our task is merely to help.

jim says:

It is not Christianity that is the problem. It is holiness spiraled religion.

Obviously holiness spiraled Christianity has pathologies particular to Christianity, and these are indeed its pathologies.

But the underlying dynamic is independent of what is being holiness spiraled, because it always converges to a religion optimized for taking power, and thus a religion optimized for bringing out a mob to smash stuff, and thus always becomes recognizable as twenty first century leftism, regardless of the starting point.

alf says:

But the underlying dynamic is independent of what is being holiness spiraled

Well I mean, yes and no… Yes as in if the death star did not have the thermal exhaust port, chances are the rebels would’ve found another weakness. No as in there’s no reason the empire couldn’t have plugged that g*d d*amn exhaust port.

But it’s hard to say. Maybe you can and should stop a holiness spiral for the sake of it being a holiness spiral. The idea is certainly appealing. Cue people holiness spiraling the stopping of holiness spiraling ^_^

Guy says:

My understanding of your position Jim, and correct me if I’m wrong, is that Islam is not agreement capable because of its historical traditions and the behaviors of its adherents, backed by the predominant interpretations of its holy texts. That Christianity is more desirable for a state religion because it’s troublesome textual sections are rebutted or expounded upon by other books or quotations that rulers can choose to emphasize to neutralize the bad effects any particular quote might be bring about in a society ready to go through a holiness spiral.

What, if anything, is different about Islam to cause this? Do the bad parts of the Quran outweigh the good moreso than in the Bible? Is it just a matter of their population building up too much baggage around it? Could Christianity eventually get to the point where too much time has passed since it was effectively wielded as a state religion to being it back?

jim says:

Holy texts are not infinitely elastic. You are always stuck with the basic nature of your state religion. The holy texts of Christianity are eminently rational, sane, pragmatic, and practical, it is just that there is a whole lot of potential there for holiness spiraling, which has to be firmly and vigorously squished.

The holy texts of Islam actually have less potential for holiness spiraling (not that that has stopped them) but the trouble is that while the holy texts of Christianity are aimed at high internal and external cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, the holy texts of Islam expect and intend a state of permanent and continual war and betrayal. They are optimized for defect/defect.

Pooch says:

Open priesthood is at the roof of the holiness spiral problem. A theoretical perfect religion will still inevitably get holiness spiraled to demonic levels with an open priesthood.

Pooch says:


Calvin says:

I have to disagree with you regarding Islam’s potential for holiness spiraling, Jim. It looks to me that Islam, with its open priesthood and subjective requirements for a caliph is just as vulnerable to holiness spiraling as Christianity. It’s just it’s holiness spirals tend less toward self abnegation and more towards murdering everyone else for insufficient Islam.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What happens to a people that permit mass alien migration in to their holdings?

A) Given enough time they mostly assimilate into the native culture and copy their norms and values, which creates the ground for productive civil society. This is after all how the melting pot of integration works.
B) They take their unique perspective with them, which must be preserved in their new homes, allowing for cultural enrichment. Multicultural societies have always driven innovations throughout history.
C) It is a sign that a nation is in decline and lacks the will or ability – which is the same thing – to defend its territory. The migrants act as conquerors, and the natives act as if they are defeated. Diversity + proximity = war.
D) It is our moral duty to help them, especially if they are impoverished and war-stricken people fleeing from impoverished and war-stricken nations. Whether they adopt our ways or not is up to them, but it is not the important thing —- our task is merely to help, one way or another.

Anonymous says:

> Because of massively centralized police state, modern whites cannot understand living in conditions where serious and potentially violent disputes with fellow members of your tribe are likely

That’s why the massively centralized police state is a good thing. I don’t want to live around white niggers, I want to live around people who are similar to me.

The Cominator says:

Bro you know what I’m saying is you’re fucked up, you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

Aidan says:

Violence is not bad. Failure to cooperate with your ingroup is bad. The problem with niggers is not that they are violent. Before the cops, white communities solved crime with huge levels of violence. We’ve had judges for as long as we’ve had kings, but getting the crook in front of the judge is your problem, as it should be- if the suspect resists, you whack him with a stick until he stops moving, and if he runs, he gets declared an outlaw and men were expected to kill him on sight. The problem with niggers is that they can’t achieve cooperation, which makes the places they live into ugly wastelands. If you want to live near people like you, i.e. pacifist beta males, move to Sweden.

The Original OC says:

Central police states are at most 200 years old in the West, overlapping almost exactly the time of ‘wiggerization.’

To keep proles in line, you need personal authority. For a well-ordered society, you need personal authority exercised by good men incentivized to act rightly.

D Brinn says:

> you need personal authority exercised by good men incentivized to act rightly.

Right. My town is 95% white, so crime is very low, but there’s a growing drug problem. One motel is ground central for it, and everyone knows it. A dozen armed men stationed around it, three shifts of four from dusk to dawn, could end the problem. But that would be illegal and get them arrested. So people complain that the cops aren’t doing anything, and the cops get defensive and say they can’t do anything until they’re called to a specific crime, and the cop-defenders wave their Back-the-Blue flags and say how dare you, and so it goes on.

Now concerned citizens are gathering evidence of zoning violations to try to get the place shut down that way. Anything to deal with the problem without just giving good men the authority to deal with it directly.

Yul Bornhold says:

> If holiness is defined by loving everyone as yourself how do you stop that from spiraling into “give everything in your country away to the four billion niggers pouring across the border because God demands it”?

Has anyone on Jimblog noted that the lefties who “love” dispossessed Africans and Adidas-iphone Arabs are in fact full of hate? Scott Alexander, of all people, noticed it. His librul friends got all upset because rednecks rejoiced over the death of Osama bin Laden. “No one should be happy over the death of another human being!” Then they threw a jubilee when Margaret Thatcher died.

1 John 4:20: “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?”

Likewise, if a man does not love his neighbor, next to whom he lives, how can he love some stranger on a distant continent?

There’s something deeply pharisaic about taking the command to love your neighbor and turning it into a performance show wherein one pretends to love strangers, while openly hating his actual neighbors.

From Mark 7: “He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. 9And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”

I’m not entirely sure how to put this into words, but Orthodoxy is well insulated against what you call holiness spirals. One of the most important concepts is not to judge others.

Matthew 7: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

This isn’t interpreted in the demonic sense, that “you can’t form a moral judgment of drag queen story because don’t judge lol.” It means rather that you shouldn’t let the sins of others blind you to your own sins, which is the universal human tendency. You’re not supposed to flaunt your holiness in comparison to others, which is the central mechanism of the holiness spiral.

Cathedral spirituality is, of course, the demonic inverse of Orthodoxy. To them, holiness exists only when displayed and in comparison to others.

Pseudonymous Flake says:

Afghanistan is central to world geopolitics and has been so, and recognized to be so, for centuries. Failure to acknowledge this fact is negligence at best and malice at worst.

“The Great Game began on 12 January 1830 when Lord Ellenborough, the president of the Board of Control for India, tasked Lord William Bentinck, the governor-general, with establishing a new trade route to the Emirate of Bukhara.[2][3][7] Britain intended to gain control over the Emirate of Afghanistan and make it a protectorate, and to use the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Khanate of Khiva, and the Emirate of Bukhara as buffer states blocking Russian expansion. This would protect India and also key British sea trade routes by stopping Russia from gaining a port on the Persian Gulf or the Indian Ocean.[2][3] Russia proposed Afghanistan as the neutral zone.[8] The results included the failed First Anglo-Afghan War of 1838, the First Anglo-Sikh War of 1845, the Second Anglo-Sikh War of 1848, the Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1878, and the annexation of Kokand by Russia.”

But you are an Anglophile and a one-man Antlanticist PR operation, so of course you speak in nonsensical riddles about condoms and bananas. You and that British general who got on television to demand that alleged American president Biden be “court-martialed” both, for different reasons but in equal measure, deserve the oven.

jim says:

Bothering to notice small shreds of sanity in an incurably insane opponent is a waste of time and a distraction. The madness is where danger and opportunity is.

America had a small shred of sane purpose in occupying Afghanistan. By blocking the Silk road America made sure Chinese trade was dependent on sea transport, thus America held the threat in its pocket of cutting off China from the world. Which threat is about to fade, which may well result in Taiwan falling.

But this small shred of sane purpose was vastly overshadowed by the vastly more important insane Cathedral purpose of exporting Globohomo to the least receptive soil in the world, which insane purpose was the cause of the ensuing defeat.

Contaminated NEET says:

> Afghanistan is central to world geopolitics and has been so, and recognized to be so,

Oh fucking please. Afghanistan is a backwater wasteland of barbarians, dust, poppies, and dancing boys. If it’s so hugely important, why wasn’t the world thrown into chaos when the Taliban ruled it back in the late ’90s. I remember the late ’90s. I only ever heard about Afghanistan in lame guilt-tripping chain emails that female college students would send, complaining about women’s rights and the Bamiyan Buddhas. Nobody noticed or cared that the silk road was closed or that Russia did or didn’t have access to the Indian Ocean.

>nonsensical riddles about condoms and bananas

The meaning of the condom on the banana is not mysterious in the least. It’s a synecdoche for the globalist feminist pro-sodomy godless hedonist utilitarian worldview. It symbolizes the nameless religion that the US government was trying to convert the Pashtun to.

Kunning Drueger says:

We probably agree that OP is a fag. But I think Jim is pretty on point in his response; Afghanistan is massively important because of geography. It isn’t surprising that media was uninterested in the 90s, but that doesn’t mean it is/was unimportant. Your post planted a thought in my head: what if bleeding heart manufactured concern was actually a sort of mystical red-flag for where the eye of sauron is looking? It is far too much work for me, but I wonder what kind of interesting data points could be amassed if one were to collect and correlate all the BHMC initiatives based on who had them/funded them as well as the movements/attention of Blue Empire in the form of UN and State Department/NGO interest/policy/working groups.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Afghanistan is massively important because of geography

I still don’t buy it. If Afghanistan is this world-strategic linchpin, then why don’t we see more of history rotating around it? It’s known as the graveyard of empires because empires dumb enough to mess around there are empires on the way out, not because failing to control it fatally compromises the empires’ strategic or economic position. What great power succeeded brilliantly because it controlled Afghanistan? What power failed because it didn’t?

Alfred says:

>What great power succeeded brilliantly because it controlled Afghanistan?

Mongol Empire, Timurid Empire, Mughal Empire. It was part of the silkroad. Taxing Merchants coming through is a great way to fund an army. When China went into decline it became less important and when European traders and warriors made the world safe for long distance sea trade places like Afghanistan lost it’s importance.

Sea trade is vastly superior to the silk road but as empires crumble land routes become easier to secure than sea routes.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was inclined toward your line of thinking because as a heritage American I have a very top-down, blue water navy perspective on geo-significance. But Jim has pointed out how BRI is an end run around the maritime trade routes. So it isn’t that AFG is some crown jewel to be possessed. It is very valuable to any entity that has valuable shit on either side of Eurasia.

jim says:

The Taliban have been doing a good job keeping the roads open wherever they could control a road going all the way through. A merchant paid a reasonably moderate tax going in, and a reasonably moderate tax going out, and if anyone with a gun in hand asked the merchant for some more money in the middle, that gunman died.

The American sponsored government has had random government thugs randomly shaking down merchants so as to make it impossible to move goods through government controlled Afghanistan, with the result that the entire government controlled economy was shut down and everyone was entirely dependent on US handouts, which have suddenly ended.

This does not imply that the Taliban will succeed in restoring the Silk Road, but it does imply that they will try. If they succeed, China can do what it likes without worrying too much about America cutting off their trade.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The most notable thing about Afghanistan is it’s unnotability. There is practically no place on earth that is inhabited that has less to recommend it. Not africa, or central america, or siberia, or elsewhere.

It is not like places like the sahara, or arctic tundra, that are simply completely barren; there is one thing afghanistan has that those places don’t, which is *people*; and it is ultimately this that triggers monkey instincts in ways such other places don’t.

It is inhabited… but not *aligned*; blank space on the map, which draws in powers like a moth to flame… or air into a vacuum. They simply cannot help themselves. Lack of greater establishment making it *more* attractive to waning powers, not less. That powers eternally shuffle around it like a ‘great game’, is an ultimate expression of the fact that they *can’t* make any establishment in it.

p says:

>Nobody noticed or cared that the silk road was closed or that Russia did or didn’t have access to the Indian Ocean.

If Afghanistan actually granted access to the Indian Ocean, it would have been extremely valuable not to Russia, but to China.

But it doesn’t. (And the silk (rail)road already works since 2016.)

Talking of refugees

India is allowing afghani Hindu and Sikh refugees to board flights back to India while being highly vague about whether all afghan refugees will be admitted. This is how it should be. As usual the prog media will scream about the poor afghani girl who cannot return to school under Taliban but we should not be concerned about that.

Kunning Drueger says:

Are you familiar with the YouTube channel “Amit Sengupta?”

No I am not. Is there any particular video you recommend from his channel?

Kunning Drueger says:

He has a very diverse array of topics, from geography to geology to geopolitics. He also seems like a Hindustani nationalist. I enjoy it because it is an Indian perspective. He’s got a good one on the Arctic sea route.

Thanks. Will check it out.

Anonymous says:

I’v previously called out another commenter.

“Calvin”, eh? Interesting name. Eye-raising names are a common occurrence with this commenter. (or “these commenters”. not entirely sure.)

I planned on calling in some favors with friends in high places in order to bring this person (and this person’s associates and also some other creepy crawlies) to y’all’s attention, but no plan survives contact with the enemy.

The usual shill tests will prove ineffective against this Antagonist.
(And I could have said so when I called out ntglwng, but I knew y’all would try a shill test eventually and I wanted to see the response.)

Anonymous says:

“Miserius” is also a very interesting name.

Anonymous says:

Jim’s perceptions of “Calvin” are correct. Especially the “Demon Worshipper” thing. Calvin does worship demons. He worships Cthulhu.

(If it were up to me — it aint — I’d ban notglowing, Miserius, and Calvin.)

The Cominator says:

Cryptically saying you know who people are IRL is supicious in itself though.

I do not recall much about notglowing but despite a suspicious name I don’t remember him being particularly bad.

notglowing says:

I’m none of the people he’s listing, nothing I say resembles what they say, the guy is simply insane and “called me out” in the linked post by saying he knows who I am in real life, which is highly doubtful, but constitutes a veiled threat against my person nonetheless. And that is after a weird post where he simply wrote “wat” 20 times.

I don’t know what he’s “calling me out” for, considering how incoherent his posts are, but if someone has an issue with me, and think I should be banned, they should spell it out.

Vague threats and passive aggressiveness are unbecoming and so is trying to sow distrust with no actual reasons to back your accusations.

As for my name, maybe I asked to be suspected by adopting such a silly name, but it’s simply a moniker I came up with in the spur of the moment the first time I posted here over a year ago, most likely “glow in the dark nigger CIA agents” was a topic discussed somewhere in the comments that day, or it was just in my mind.
If I was a government agent I would not adopt a name that attracts attention towards it.

Anonymous says:

eight times.

Anonymous says:

Cryptically saying you know who people are IRL is supicious in itself though.

But “person” not “people”, ’cause the “i know u IRL” thing only applies to/for ntglwng.

I said the thing about “Calvin” and Cthulhu, because anyone who willingly consumes the red pill and then afterwards consciously decides to vomit it has chosen to worship Cthulhu. Don’t have to know much about “Calvin” to come to that conclusion.

I didn’t bother to read even half of the discussion with “Miserius”. I trust Jim’s verdict. (Kinda suspect the purpose of that was to wear down Jim. Generating bullshit is easier than filtering it.)

I do not recall much about notglowing but despite a suspicious name I don’t remember him being particularly bad.

I don’t know/care what ntglwng is up to. Coulda said nothing, but I left a comment as a sort of beacon. A “hi y’all, remember this guy from earlier?” kind of thing.

And I admit I’m paranoid. Has served me well! Very well! Very useful!
(And can you even blame me. I think paranoia is just what the doctor ordered.)

Kunning Drueger says:

If you are seeking to defend B.J.C from enemies, speak plainly. State the truth and let the men decide how they feel, and the king decide what to do. If you are acting in good faith, by your fruits we will know you. Keep up this reddit tier riddlesmithing and I’m inclined to believe that you are guilty of that which you accuse, as in wasting time, wasting space, and creating mistrust and dissension.

Anonymous says:

I apologize.

But just as before a major battle one checks and double checks one’s armor and weapons, I need to take some serious precautions before confronting this adversary. (Will refrain from commenting until then.)

Kunning Drueger says:

After unwittingly participating in brigading the Hindustani faction, I feel gun shy. I’m not a mod, or anything remotely like that. But I care about this place and I want to defend it. I’m not telling you not to participate, but I encourage you to be manly in aim and delivery. Our enemies are snakes and they want us to slither like them. But GNON calls us to be lions.

neofugue says:

The shill tests detect Feds who have someone looking over their shoulder, not genuine enemies operating independently. Were it not for my scrutinizing of sources miserius may have gotten away with demoralization.

Progs do not ask honest questions; leftist arguments are variations of “you are bad, I am holier than thou, I will crush you.” Demons do not care for logic and consistency, thus the way to handle them is to call them out and provoke a response. As a result of my name calling, omega male miserius posted a fake quote of a saint from an enemy website, thus revealing his true intentions.

Leftcaths are evil, but leftorthos are much worse. Remember the self-castrated Origen was the first post-Christian universalist long before the Puritans and the Unitarians came about. To me, it is neither surprising that Russia underwent its revolution nor is it unexpected that demon worshipers have found their way here. Expect more enemies in the future.

Calvin says:

You want to ban me for asking questions in a way you don’t like? I’m not an Orthodox, I don’t claim to be and I never have. What I am is concerned that people who are will sell put white civilization because they think it’s their religious duty.

jim says:

Christianity has a whole lot of potential for holiness spiraling – this is a valid criticism.

But if holiness spiraling is off the table, if it does not get you nice benefits, there will be very little holiness spiraling.

The key problem you are pointing at is universalism. It is a lot cheaper, easier, and more convenient to care deeply about strangers far away that you have never met, and hope never to meet, than it is to care about kin, friends, and neighbors. Which makes it easy to “love” them a whole lot more than the guy who borrows your lawnmower and does not return it till you knock on his door.

If, however, universalism is a bad career move, instead of an essential career move, we will be seeing very little of it.

Calvin says:

Ok, seems like a valid solution if you have a suitably competent sovereign and grand inquisitor.

Pooch says:
neofugue says:

Is this realpolitik or a sign of moderation?

Of course it is necessary for the Taliban to form an inclusive government with the various ethnic groups of Afghanistan. The “shift” in feminism comes across as realpolitik in an attempt to carry favor with Russia and China and to prevent NATO retaliatory air strikes. The Media seems to concur, but could this possible shift be similar to what happened in Iran with a nominal conservative Islamic government adopting a degenerate female education policy?

jim says:

Could well be. But the Taliban is famous for taqiyya, so I would not be too worried just yet.

neofugue says:

Skimming through these propaganda pieces, it seems American nation building did not interfere with much of the Taliban’s initial objectives. Afghanistan has two education systems for women, one Islamic and the other Western, with the Taliban tolerating the latter in maintaining the status quo until the regime becomes more stable.

Alfred says:

They’re worried about air strikes until those Russian AA defense show up. It’s to buy time.

Karl says:

Would a “shift” in feminism carry any favor with Russia and China?

I don’t know much about Russia and China, but I had assumed these powers to be pragmatic and not to care how a governement treats its own subjects.

neofugue says:

Russia and China are feminist countries who refused to recognize the Taliban 20 years ago, and the Taliban needs to curry favor with them in order to survive economically as well as militarily.

Seems the Taliban wants Western aid:

The Cominator says:

Russia is probably the least feminist white country there is.

Putin needs to consider optics himself but he decriminalized “domestic violence”.

jim says:

The Taliban finds itself in charge of cities were everyone is living on western handouts. When these handouts stop, it is likely to face problems.

It appears to have shut down the money printing press, which is an interesting move, for such a move requires gunmen occupying the press: it has to be deliberate. As a result, suddenly everyone is without money, because the money had value only because the US taxpayer purchased it and incinerated it, and now it has value only because the Taliban has, for the moment, chosen to restrict the supply. But it is under extreme pressure to re-open the tap, which would swiftly result in hyperinflation.

In Jalalabad, it has taken action to restore the normal entrepot and craftsman productive city economy, which did not really exist under the American occupation. Likely it will undertake similar operations in all cities – it has had Jalalabad for rather longer.

On roads that it has held for a while, it has taken successful action to revive the silk road network, which the US occupation shut down. The silk road really requires the services of normal cities of craftsmen and stationary merchants manning entrepots.

Looks like a conscious effort to revive the traditional Afghan economy, which the US destroyed, replacing it with the economic order of the Covid demon. (Same economic order, but different rationales. The Green New Deal is yet another rationale for the same economic order, only with worship of Gaia the demon in place of worship of the Covid demon. Pretty soon that economic order will be justified by the diversity Huītzilōpōchtli demon, who requires human sacrifices to be rolled down the steps of pyramids and eaten by the congregation.)

These are strangely sophisticated moves, beyond the mental and organizational capability of our current elite.

It also proposes to replace central banking with old type correspondence banking, the Hawala system, which horrifies and outrages western elites.

As goods go through the crossroads of central Asia, money has to move in the opposite direction, which, if the plan is implemented, will mean a huge rise in Hawala, and a significant decline in (((central banking))), A certain hysteria is afflicting certain central bankers. They are excreting bricks.

These are astonishingly subtle and sophisticated moves, that if successful strike at the beating heart of US power.

If the Taliban succeed in reviving the Silk Road, this takes away US sea leverage over China. If they greatly expand the Hawala network and use it to provide money counterflows for goods moving along the Silk Road, this cuts the feet off central banking.

Pooch says:

May god grant the Talichads the strength and foresight to see this through.

The Cominator says:

Lets not simp for Muslims, Muslims are at least in the long term enemies.

I like them trolling and humiliating the Cathedral but never ever think that Muslims are your friends.

Pooch says:

I have read the transcripts of their press conference. Maybe not my friend, but not talking like my enemy. They seem to sincerely only be interested in ruling their own.

Mister Grumpus says:

I’m suspicious that the occupation government only ever recruited, only ever met at all, the dumbest and crookedest and shittiest Afghani men. Like those guys who couldn’t figure out jumping jacks.

Everyone worth a damn over there, no one from Globohomo ever even laid eyes on those guys. They all hung back and made plans for today. Plans like those you outline above.

The Taliban has a smart fraction too, after all.

jim says:

I was startled to find that Afghanistan’s central banker did not realize Kabul had fallen until sometime after I posted “Kabul has fallen”. Dumb as a post.

Kunning Drueger says:

I am looking forward to the deluge of books and papers about the whole thing from State’s and the NGO’s perspective. I know it will be mostly lies and BS, but it is still info and valuable data always leaks. Pentagon made sure the tactics and logistics were doomed to fail, and State made sure that no possible autonomy or sovereignty grew, both for roughly the same reason: actually winning in AFG would have spread through the warriors and back to the priests, and actually running their country would have instantiated a patriarchal society almost completely immune to globohomo.

Rnadom says:

@Jim could you go into more depth on why the rise of Hawala would cut the feet off central banking? Or do you mean central banking within Muslim countries?

jim says:

Lots of people on the bloody borders of Islam use Hawala. It probably has more Hindu and Buddhist users than Muslim, and it has a very substantial number of Christian users. If lots of Chinese goods start passing through the silk road, which China very much wants in order to reduce its dependence on routes vulnerable to American action, a lot more Christians are going to be using it.

When third worlders send money home to countries that use Hawala, it is usually cheaper, easier, faster, safer, and more convenient for the recipient, to send it through a first world financial institution like Remitly that is plugged into the Hawala network, than to send it through Western Union. At the same time, in a lot of south east Asian countries, the Hawala network is getting plugged in to crypto currency. So it is big, getting bigger, and has interfaces the west through financial institutions like Remitly, and through the Crypto Currency exchanges.

If China gets their overland silk road going, chances are that in a couple of years, when you pay for a dozen Arm based Chinese made CPUs, your payment is going to pass through the Hawala network.

Their latest CPUs are looking pretty good:

A2 says:

Hawala is basically the old school version of SWIFT, isn’t it.

Western banking has turned into an authoritarian mess, starting with Obama strangling the offshore industry, then FATF and pretend-panic about money laundring etc. Next step seems to be moving to an entirely managed electronic currency with all transactions going through a central broker. (Dark side of ledgers, if you will.)

A2 says:

The ultimate troll would be for the Talibans to instead introduce a hard currency, based on let us say gold since muslims love gold.

jim says:

Gold is obsolete. The future of physical money is coins containing secret that can only be read out by destroying the coin.

Karl says:

As long as collapse is in the cards, gold is not obsolete.

A gold coin is still an asset even if there is no electric power nor equipment available to check the validity of a secret-containing-coin.

f6187 says:

Karl says:

“A gold coin is still an asset even if there is no electric power nor equipment available to check the validity of a secret-containing-coin.”

That’s how I regard the value of various assets: not as an all-or-nothing proposition but rather valuing each asset based on the features it has and the features it lacks.

Line up BTC, gold, USD bank deposits, USD cash, and other assets in a big table with the columns representing features. Put a dot in the cell where an asset has that feature. Depending on the value you subjectively place on each feature, you may find that some of those assets complement each other nicely.

The BTC maximalists and the Gold maximalists tend to place zero value on certain features, as is their right. I just don’t think it’s realistic.

Mike in Boston says:

On the Gold vs. Bitcoin debate, I think Mark Jeftovic’s take has a lot to recommend it (Part 1, Part 2.)

jim says:

Mostly he is right, but on one big thing he is wrong.

He correctly predicts that governments are never going to surrender and hand the financial system they have created over to crypto currencies

He incorrectly thinks that this is going to make a difference.

Karl says:

Why do think that it won’t make a difference if governemts declare any crypto transaction illegal?

If it were illegal, how could I buy crypto?

Sure I could pay cash in person to a dealer I trust, like buying drugs, but that would be a real hurdle. Especially if large cash transaction are also illegal.

Buying crypto by transmitting money to a specified account anywhere in the Western banking system would only be possible if a plausible cover transaction is involved, like an invoice for goods or services that will not be delivered or are stated on the invoice with an amount that is much higher than the value of goods/service such that there is a tacit agreement that I also get crypto for my payment.

Of course, people could first get an account with a financial institution outside of the Wesern banking system, e.g. Hawala, but the government would surely make having such an account also illegal.

If crypto is illegal, any transaction involving crypto would carry a risk. Some people who are heavily involved in illegal trade, e.g. drugs, surely won’t mind, but out side of such circles? Who would be willing to risk having all his assets (except crypto of course) sized and be imprisoned for something like 5 years?

Crypto is anonymous, but the side of the trade where cryto is used to pay for goods delivered to you or where you give something to receive crypto will involve a substantial risk.

Did I overlook something? I do not understand your confidence in this respect.

jim says:

> Why do think that it won’t make a difference if governemts declare any crypto transaction illegal?
> If it were illegal, how could I buy crypto?

1. Soon you will be earning crypto, not buying it for federal notes.

2. No one wants to fill out the intrusive id required to legally purchase crypto, but somehow. strangely, they manage to purchase it anyway.

> If crypto is illegal, any transaction involving crypto would carry a risk.

Everything is illegal. If you create value, you are committing several felonies per day, each of them with several years potential imprisonment. The laws are impossible to comply with. If you work in regular employment, you imagine yourself to be insulated from the fact that your employer is breaking no end of laws, but theoretically you are not, though in in practice they will ignore you to go after the deep pockets.

Karl says:

I see you point, but some laws have always been more strictly enforced than others.

If people are paid in crypto the government’s ability to collect taxes is severly reduced. Every government employee will quickly understand this and there give enforcement of crypto related laws a very high priority

jim says:

Every government employee will quickly understand this and there give enforcement of crypto related laws a very high priority

Normalcy bias.

Law are enforced to the extent that they can be easily enforced, and that enforcement of ridiculous or impossible to comply with laws do not result in a well connected interest group screaming.

Thus, for example, enforcement of the laws to shut down western connections to the Hawala network died as a result of ngos, aka the state department, screaming when they found that they had no way to pay local employees for anything that actually produced value (since most third world banks are only in the business of transferring stolen money) As a result, you can still easily pay people with US money through the Hawala network, even though it is seriously illegal and there is erratic and unpredictable enforcement.

And very few laws are harder to enforce than the existing crypto currency laws. They are going after the low hanging fruit, and show absolutely no interest in the high hanging fruit. This is unlikely to change.

The Cominator says:

If our government were competent China… maybe it would make a difference.

The government of the botched Afghanistan pullout will try to stop a transition to crypto (or as a last ditch try to create a mark of the beast currency), but it will fail.

Joe says:

Here is a basic rule for dealing with such things:

Everyone really is as stupid as you think they are.

Mike in Boston says:

I am glad to hear Jim’s and everyone’s thoughts on this. To me, it seems obvious that the U.S. dollar is headed the way of the Hungarian pengÅ‘– but what comes after it may be on the other side of a singularity, and hence unknowable.

I have some gold, some Asian currencies, and not enough bitcoin, but maybe on this side of the singularity the best store of value will be ammunition.

Fred says:

Why would Russia and China care about female empowerment? This is some combination of:

a) Taqiyya; or
b) Taliban: From Feared Islamist Menace To Toothless Neoliberal Cucks; or
c) Part of their agreement with their handlers in the US (CIA, etc).

My bet is on b) – what’s the over/under on when the gay parades start?

The Original OC says:

They’re both left wing states with empowered women themselves. Sure they’re less crusader about it but Taliban is way outside of norms in either country.

INDY says:

Could it be a troll like the staged flag raising picture?

p says:

Easily explained by the theory of Taliban being a USG/CIA front for destabilizing China. E.g.

jim says:

Which theory is as insane on its face as trooferism.

Aidan says:

Substack is annoying in its lack of a comments section, or I would reply to Bond there.

Bond assumes a level of competence that the NOG no longer possesses, among other issues. Although to be fair, I can imagine some bugman neocon wonk at rand or whatever giggling to himself thinking that the Taliban will attack China to save their fellow muslim yoghurts. But if that is the plan, it will backfire.

The retreat of US forces from Afghanistan was fast, chaotic, and terrified. Even the generals were shocked, confused, and in denial. Does not speak to it being planned 4d chess.

He assumes disorder will result from Taliban control. I expect the exact opposite.

He expects that the Taliban will do as USG expects, but USG is notoriously vulnerable to taqqiya.

He expects that China will not be friendly with Afghanistan, but China is being very friendly, and the Taliban just a little less in response. Clear that China really wants a friendly Afghanistan, and clear that it is in Afghanistan’s best interest to be friendly with China.

He, or at least USG would, assume that the Taliban is resisting foreign influence in Afghanistan in general, when they were resisting condom on banana, and China is smart enough to leave sharia alone.

Bond says that China wants to be a sea power and would hate to have to pay attention to its western borders, but if Jim is right, China does not want all that much to be a sea power and would love to focus on its western neighbors, which until recently were dangerously close to US military bases.

Also very hard to imagine that the status damage to the US Empire is worth even an insurgency in Western China, if it somehow materialized. The US getting mogged out of Afghanistan by a bunch of goat herders makes China look like a more attractive suzerain. US media has already pulled the Hitler card, already accused China of death camps and genocide, and China just shrugged it off. I can’t imagine that China fighting a jihadist uprising could be used as a cassus belli if “literally hitler” didn’t work.

p says:

I don’t think these counterarguments amount to much. The plan to use the Taliban to destabilize China may be stupid, yes, but this doesn’t necessarily render it nonexistent. Bond doesn’t argue that the plan isn’t stupid, just that it exists.

The withdrawal was obviously botched, the idea was for the “Afghan army” to put up a few months or at least weeks of fight for saving face, instead of folding in hours. Again, this doesn’t preclude the transfer of power (and weapons, and money) being planned.

I do think that China wants to be a sea power. Its long term plan is, in my opinion, to somehow get access to the Indian ocean. (Short term is of course take Taiwan and rule the China seas.)

Alfred says:

>I do think that China wants to be a sea power. Its long term plan is, in my opinion, to somehow get access to the Indian ocean. (Short term is of course take Taiwan and rule the China seas.)

China doesn’t seem that interested in it or they’d be spending a lot more in developing a Navy. What they do seem interested in Space power. Weapons systems from Space would obsolete every capital ship in existence.

If the FAA shuts down Elon Musk, which I think is more than likely he’ll head to China and give them complete space dominance.

p says:

“In 1988, Deng Xiaoping and Liu Huaqing set three governing goals for the development of the PLAN:

1. By 2000 China would develop naval forces sufficient to defend its maritime interests out to the First Island Chain, which runs from the Kuril Islands through Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, down through the Philippines, and ends in the Indonesian archipelago;

2. by 2020 China’s maritime interests would be secured by the PLAN’s capability to command the “near seas” out to the Second Island Chain, which runs from the Kurils through Japan and the Bonin Islands, then on through the Mariana Islands, Palau, and the Indonesian archipelago with the likely embrace of Java, Singapore, and the Malacca Straits; and

3. by the time the PRC celebrates its centennial anniversary in 2049, the PLAN would be capable of deploying aircraft carriers with battle fleets and realizing China’s national interests on a global basis.

China’s naval modernization and military deployments in its near seas show that the Deng-Liu strategy remains the conceptual basis for the development and practice of Chinese sea power.”

“China’s armed forces comprise three major organizations, each with a maritime subcomponent that is already the world’s largest such sea force by number of ships.”

>Weapons systems from Space would obsolete every capital ship in existence.

Space weapons are like electric cars. Doable, but not an improvement over what we already have.

jim says:

Hypersonic missiles, however, are a major improvement on what we have – and China has hypersonic missiles.

A hypersonic missile goes up to the edge of space, and though it has less than orbital velocity, not a lot less.

Hypersonic missiles obsolete aircraft carriers.

pyrrhus says:

Hypersonic missiles are revolutionary because they are relatively inexpensive and they turn any large military platform or device into a mere target…So the future of functional militaries will be much smaller, much less expensive gadgets where the economics don’t favor missiles…The MIC is going to hate this….

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The next notable tactical development will probably be portable fire control systems. Ie, things such as millimeter wave radars like hellfire seeker heads, or shoulder/helmet mounted IRIS-T’s that can detect drones or other objects, can be multiply linked with other squadmate’s POVs for stereoscopic range finding without emissions, with targeting trajectories plotted on their eyepiece or smartpad that can be mounted onto their standard service arm, which will be around the four bore or two bore size range, like the XM-25 or QLU-25, firing explosive shells with proximity or variable time fuses, making every footmobile into an area defense system.

A2 says:

It seems we have interesting readers.

In the more interesting parts of the blogosphere, is often called Gnon, an acronym for “Nature or Nature’s God,” and that is what we shall call it.

Essay on Gnon follows. I quite liked it.

Aidan says:

I think that bro used to follow me on Twitter, or maybe he was a commenter on my site. Is he big now or something?

Kunning Drueger says:

He doesn’t look big, per se, but from my (admittedly midwit) perspective, he’s on point, on message, and pretty good at simply relating concepts. I think there’s probably a lot of worthy writing on substack of late… so I expect a shoah is not far off.

A2 says:

Not big yet but with definite potential to become big. A fine writer in the old intellectual style, of which we all need more.

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s quite the compliment. I’ll read more. It appears to me that the writing of Today is hyper-relevant to the moment and practically useless later. It is just some slightly different version of what everyone else is talking about. Good writing, like James Anthony Froude, can be highly topical, but the beauty/truth immutability shines through. Froude is a rarity though, and most of the best writing is timeless in both style and subject.

Calvin says:

China smells the blood in the water. Wouldn’t be surprised if they make a move on Taiwan in the next few months:

Alfred says:

Hospitals have been ordered to kill as many people as possible.

Pooch says:

At this point, I’m not sure I would trust a hospital with delivering my child.

alf says:

I already don’t. They are way too easy on the painkillers, synthetic oxytocin and caesar sections. Heavily overmedicalized, and it shows in the post natal damage many women have.

Of course hospitals still save lives with abnormal pregnancies. AFAIK incubators and the right Caesar section are life saving. But if healthy pregnancy, stay away from hospital. We’ve had our labors at home. 10/10 would recommend.

Karl says:

Alf is absolutely correct. Finding a midwife might be a problem though.

alf says:

Round these parts a home labor is as culturally accepted as home schooling is in the states, so yes, that was not a hard problem for us, but might be elsewhere.

Mike in Boston says:

I hate to be a wet blanket with this but be careful. Had we tried a home birth with Kid #1, wifey would have been well on her way to bleeding out postpartum by the time the ambulance arrived. If you have choice available to you, ask around and choose a good hospital and obstetrician.

Karl says:

Post partum bleeding is not that rare, but easily stopped with an injection. Any midwife should have in her bag what is necessary to stop post partum bleeding.

Was there no midwife present?

Mike in Boston says:

We were in the hospital and had the obstetrician (a woman who delivered a bunch of friends’ kids) present. Maybe a midwife could have handled it, of course, but being in a hospital felt like a good way to eliminate tail risk. Mind you the hosptial and doc were quite accommodating of wifey’s desire for a natural birth; YMMV.

Aidan says:

It is quite possible to find an amenable hospital and doctor that will let you do a “home birth in the hospital” with medical intervention only if absolutely necessary. Of course, they will still try to push bullshit onto you, but I am confident in my ability to charm, intimidate, and threaten the doctors and nurses into getting my way.

Kunning Drueger says:

I wish that were true, because it would expand the divide and hasten the day. Unfortunately, hospitals are being ordered to save every life with the magical power of superior holiness, and it seems they are going to comply, and that happily.

Cloudswrest says:

More “collective self defense against minorities is illegal” news. Although the fine seems trivial (my daughter got a speeding ticket with a bigger fine), which seems to implicitly recognize the *real* situation, it establishes more precedent. Note, bench trial, no jury, and judge is a minority.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Requesting a bench trial from a black woman was retarded. His lawyer was a fucking asshole.

Alfred says:

His lawyer was working to get him convicted.

jim says:

This is absolutely routine. If you get the wrong lawyer, he will feed you to the sharks to earn brownie points with the sharks.

Getting a lawyer who is on your side requires money, charm, and good ability to judge people.

Money, substantial amounts of it, are necessary, but far from sufficient. Often the CEO is lumbered with enemy lawyers because he has a lawyer on the board, who, no matter how lucrative the company account is, will find it even more lucrative to sell out a company with deep pockets.

Kunning Drueger says:

You’re not wrong, but the mistake he made was living where he did. Lay with dogs, wake with fleas.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He is/was military. Probably did not have much of a choice on where to live. Poor bastard is almost certainly going to get hung out to dry by his command, too.

Alfred says:

I’m still surprised people haven’t gotten smart and started hiring Spic gangs to deal with predators like this.

Aidan says:

For one, the spics don’t trust us, and it’s sometimes hard to tell who has organized crime connections and who doesn’t. When I was working blue-collar I knew a guy, but now I don’t, and when I have a home and kids, probably even less likely. Also, asking for a bandit’s protection is the same as handing them sovereignty. Soon you’ll have an Aztlan gang running your town.

Alfred says:

This is a good point. I watched LA go from a nigger infested shithole to Mexico thanks to spic gangs. It was a big improvement, but clearly not ideal.

Aidan says:

I live in a fairly unique place where the old type Italian mafia seems to get along pretty well with all the beaners. And it’s so far avoided turning into Guatemala like the town a few minutes away. But it’s hard to tell which places have the remnants of white organized crime, because most of them have gone 90% legit, embedded in formal institutions with probably a lot of informal under-the-table dealing, with the little crime that remains organized around avoiding the regulatory state and what seems to be neighborhood watch-type stuff where the cops look the other way.

If you want to find a neighborhood like that, look for places with a lot of cash-and-carry businesses still owned by whites, and plenty of recent Irish or Italian petty-burgher immigrants. Italians do not come to America and just set up a tobacco store or auto garage or landscaping company. They had well-connected friends or family in town who helped them.

The Cominator says:

It’d be nice if we could find places where the Italian mafia run things (most of them were fairly benign Roy Demeo types were an exception, and their neighborhoods were nice places) but the government destroyed them. I’m sure Giuliani probably regrets his big part in doing that.

Pooch says:

The mafia still has a lot of power in Southern Italy. Being over there as the American Empire gets more insane may not be so bad. I would guess getting a covid passport could be easily obtained through the mafia-controlled black market.

The Cominator says:

The Italian mafia in Italy (and there are a couple of mafia organizations) is a much much nastier organization than the Italian American mafia which for all the occasional bad things it did can sort of almost be described (compared to how nasty the government and all the rival gangs were) in the way Vito Corleone described it… just simple men who didn’t want to live life as virtual slaves “I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those big shots”.

But hell maybe you need a nastier organization to keep the evil at bay… but I’m not sure they could stop the lockdowns throughout Italy and all that.

Pooch says:

I have no intel at all (although I’ve been to Naples and it was a lot nicer than I expected), but I have read the local police had a tough time disrupting the black market in Southern Italy/Sicily pre-covid.

A huge percentage of the work force is employed by the black market, so I would think they have ways around the lockdowns/covid passes.

Alfred says:

>I have no intel at all (although I’ve been to Naples and it was a lot nicer than I expected), but I have read the local police had a tough time disrupting the black market in Southern Italy/Sicily pre-covid.

From what I’ve read, and I have no personal experience with it, Italy is more like 5 separate nations forced together but each region pretty much run according to the sorts of people who live in the area. There’s no sort of allegiance to the centralized government.

Pooch says:

Confirmed Green pass is a joke in Italy.

Pooch says:

The fool lived in a 48% black county. You are asking for anarchy-tyranny doing something stupid like that, at least while the local government is competent enough to be tyrannical.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

As I mentioned above, he is/was in the military. He does not get a choice of where to live.

Pooch says:

Being forced to live near diversity is likely to be fatal as we get closer to singularity.

Alfred says:

Very much so. Even the local news is massively under reporting black on everyone crime and people need to get the fuck away from black areas as fast as they can.

Bilge_Pump says:

There are a fuckton of Blacks and Spics in the US military, so I think the advice would be to just straight up not join.

Pooch says:

Between that and the CIA bombing you, probably not the greatest idea in the world to join.

I normally don’t follow the news but this caught my attention.

Surely the cathedral is ”seeing” a growing nexus between what they claim as “white supremacy” and Hindutva/Hindu nationalism.

Is there an attempt by the cathedral to sow distrust between these groups by using shills to poison the discourse?

jim says:

The linkage that they give between white “supremacy” is true enough. White nationalists think that America should be a white Christian nation, and are apt to draw the obvious implication that India should be a Hindu nation.

We are seeing a lot of fake white nationalist shills who think it is horrifying that Israel should be a Jewish nation, but are strangely unable to notice what George Soros and Victoria Nuland have been up to in white nations. Perhaps they will soon be joined by fake white nationalist shills who think it horrifying that India should be a Hindu nation, but I am not seeing those yet.

Surely there are a lot of western cathedral educated intellectuals who are horrified that anybody is attempting to forge a bond of common Aryan roots between white nationalism and Hindutva. The very mention of Aryan ancestry and its link to Hinduism seems to trigger a lot of people. In fact it appears that they cannot properly acknowledge the level of crime think (even the opindia piece I linked to is extremely apologetic, and incapable of crime think).

Now you and I may differ on what extent aryan blood runs in my veins and yours, but to them the very topic brings out screams of rage and holy indignation.

Oog en Hand says:


Aidan says:

I do not know if you live in the US or not, but if not, let me explain the situation. The Cathedral chose to import a lot of Indians as enforcers, not literal muscle, but to staff corporations and the bureaucracy. Indians in the US tend to be very outwardly conformist to Cathedral views, but in private, they hold nationalist and traditionalist beliefs and are very clannish. The Enemy may not have realized it at first, but maybe they do now. They are saying “we butter your bread, and your private beliefs which you still hold are unacceptable”. It is about trying to keep the Indians (lol) on the reservation, because they ended up importing a group hostile to their own program, and are afraid that it will rebel. An Indian in America will say something like “America is a country where everyone belongs, so we shouldn’t discriminate, but fuck the muslims in India, they should be whipped through the streets like the dogs they are.” The enemy is scared that Hindus in America will apply their nationalism to American nationalism, because it is not a huge leap.

Pooch says:

Sounds very much like the Jews in America. Not uncommon to hear an American Jews to say the exact same thing about the Arabs in Israel.

Kunning Drueger says:

Sowell has a very informative chapter in Black Rednecks and White Liberals that address merchant/mercantile minorities, specifically Ashkenazi Jews, Diaspora Chinese, African Lebanese, and Gujaratis.

[Warning: PDF]

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Sorry about that mess, and thank you. Jim, feel free to delete my mistake.

That article is a good read and confirms that the Brahmin/Kshatriya alliance in power in any empire is always suspicious of Vaisya interference in their domain.

The very existence of “middleman minority” as observed in that article is nothing more than a particularly cohesive Vaisya group that seeks upward mobility. Of course, historically the Vaisyas are often of different ethnicity/religion/race in the place they do business because Vaisyas have always been mobile, by nature of their Varnashrama dharma.

The issue of hatred of the “middleman minority” is exacerbated when successful Vaisyas actively aspire to Brahminhood, and they are seen as dangerous rivals and enemies by the establishment Brahmin/Kshatriya combine. When a particularly successful Vaisya or group of Vaisyas tries upward social mobility to challenge the ruling Brahmin or Kshatriya, he or they becomes the target of the ruling elite’s anger who turn the Shudra/Proles against the Vaisyas.

Bilge_Pump says:

I can’t take anything he says seriously, after reading “Economic Facts and Fallacies” and finding out he believes that American Southerners invented racism. Apparently no other society ever was racist ever.

Kunning Drueger says:

Where did he say that about southerners?

Encelad says:

Kyle Rittenhouze’s lawyer is apparently on ventilator for china flu. Should we be paranoid about this?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He has a bunch of lawyers. Anyone in specific that you heard about?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you are talking about John Pierce, he is a scumbag grifter and serial thief that is trying to rob Rittenhouse. Hopefully the left kills him. It would solve a lot of problems.

Encelad says:

Yes, him. Don’t know him, just read on the news. Is he a conman? Good riddance then?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Barnes described him as the Michael Avenatti of the right. He fucked over Kyle, tried to rob him, fucked over a few of the Capitol protesters, and is on the run from what seems to be a couple dozen creditors. He is no great legal mind, he is just a crook who the left is allowing to run around practicing law because he is grifting off rightists. If he dies in the hospital it is a good thing, because he cannot prey on gullible rightists anymore. He should have been disbarred and imprisoned long ago, but he is politically covered as long as he fleeces the enemies of the establishment.

Mister Grumpus says:

That lady lawyer who was going to “release the Kraken” after the election. Anything bad happen to her?

Anyone sue Richard Spencer yet, for that matter? No “investigations” into his preppy ass?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The only lawyers to escape the post-Trump attacks were Jon Pierce and Lin Wood, which goes to show their allegiances.

Pooch says:

I believe Lin Wood is getting sanctioned with Powell if I’m not mistaken.

ExileStyle says:

Quick reminder that Sidney Powell *did* release the kraken, i.e. a ton of compelling evidence of election fraud across multiple states, and was subsequently deplatformed and is now defending herself against a literal billion dollar defamation lawsuit by Dominion. She seems to be holding up well, though. She doesn’t deserve mockery – that’s when I realized Ann Coulter was a useless hack, when she started mocking Powell about her “kraken,” which she never bothered to even look at.

One does have to give to Coulter, though: she’s good at detecting which way the winds are blowing to avoid getting deplatformed (and publish another bestseller).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

She was talking about gunfights in Germany to control servers and dead-to-rights proof that the vote totals were hacked. Really sensational stuff, wonderfully sexy and attention grabbing. And then she failed to produce evidence of that.

There were a lot of really mundane explanations for the cheating. The AZ audit and the GA videos show how it was done. Mass mail-in ballots were sent out, chain of custody was broken, then the bad actors used that to scan ballots multiple times, drag in late-night vote dumps from their ballot snatchers, etc. Not sensational, but easier to prove and stuff that will hold up in court.

Then Powell and Wood and a few other turned it into a circus and gave everyone a way to ignore it. Barnes was talking about that. He was making headway until the nonsense talk started, and then people stopped working with him. It gave them a plausible reason to cut off any election verification until it was too late. Powell did not help the Trump cause, she hurt it. She did good work on Flynn, but she should have stayed out of this one. She got duped by Q.

Pooch says:

Barnes is quite the competent lawyer, but no army of competent lawyers was going to beat the election fraud. The only way to beat the fraud, then, and now is an army of men willing to use tactics the NSDAP and Caesar employed to win elections.

Pooch says:


Sidney Powell, if I recall, was the only lawyer calling for solutions resembling just that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think there were a few pushing for armed action, and Barnes was not one of them. However, it was largely Wood and Powell that turned the discourse on the election into a farce. It drove off a few Republicans who did not want to ride the crazy train. If she had kept her head and talked about what they could prove and the need to act fast and sieze the evidence to preserve it, it might have gotten more traction.

Instead she went off about absurd fantasies that only would have happened if Trump had a serious force of armed men at his command, which would have allowed him to react on Election Day. This destroyed her credibility and made her suggestions to start arresting people the talk of a crazy woman. It meant that the very wise advise to act quickly and stop the steal before it was solidified came from people who were making ridiculous assertions.

Pooch says:

Rittenhouse is likely fucked and going to prison no matter who his lawyer is.

A2 says:

If so, storm the Bastille.

Pooch says:

Except we are not leftists like Revolutionary France. Any storming of the Bastille from our side is going to look like and have the result of January 6th.

A2 says:

Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, as some have put it.

Then again, while the unjust treatment of Rittenhouse stirs my blood, this is not the place for such talk and I shouldn’t discuss it. We don’t even have an FBI in my country.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, the only way he gets any sort of justice is if the DA bites it. Even then, it is an unsure thing. They might just send in another rabid leftist DA, to ensure he goes down. It might turn out like the McCloskeys, where they paid a trivial fine and had a misdemeanor conviction for a few weeks. I just would not bet on it. Not enough, at least, to risk jail by knocking off the DA.

He is going away, and self defense will become effectively illegal. At which the best course of action is to kill everyone in the vicinity and then ambush the police when they show up. Train the police not to show up at a shooting until all the shooting is long over and witnesses and evidence are gone. You want justice? It is not going to happen unless you know the kind of people who can whack a judge or a DA. Avoid the legal system at all costs, because it will be used against you to destroy you.

Aidan says:

You’re veering a bit into fedtalk here imo. Self-defense is already ambiguously legal in many places; duty to retreat clauses mean that any act of self-defense can be prosecuted as a murder, but a cursory review of case precedent makes it seem like the authorities are very reluctant to use their theoretical power to make self defense illegal.

Right now, only self-defense against politically motivated attackers is illegal. Thankfully, “protesters” tend to announce where they will be, so you can stay away from them. Holy activists doing holy violence cannot be interfered with legally. But at the moment, the nog trying to grab your wallet or carjack you does not enjoy the same protections. If that changes, and all self defense against all minorities becomes illegal, then is the time for what is essentially guerilla warfare, and you will be safer at night when nobody is watching than in a crowd with smartphones everywhere.

Pooch says:

South Africa is showing us our future in 50 years where huge nog mobs steal, loot, and burn anything they can get their hands on and non-black communities put up barricades blocking entrance backed by men at arms.

When the incompetent black police eventually show up to take down the barricades to let the looters through, they are threatened to be shot and killed by the riflemen so the barricades stay up.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I mean going out fighting if you get mugged, carjacked, or jumped, not that you should go out looking for trouble. In case it was not clear, the first few men to pursue this strategy are going to end up dead. They get to choose between going out with a bang or going to jail for who knows how long. I would choose a glorious death surrounded by my enemies than rotting in prison, but that is a choice every man has to make for himself.

If there is a protest, be far, far away from it is my advice, and seal up your house the best you can if it is coming to you. There is no sense in going looking for trouble. Dead neoreactionaries are not going to be of much use in safeguarding knowledge or rebuilding. Better to keep your head down as best you can and have as many kids as you can.

If it gets to the point of guerilla warfare, I am coming to join up with whichever of the commenters here wants an extra gun hand nearby. I have no illusions about my ability to operate on my own. We will have to set up some sort of communication and verification, but if it is a war, we will have to band together. Let us pray it does not come down to that.

Pooch says:

Like the Afrikaners, we welcome diversity to run it’s course through the entirety of the government security forces and it is no longer able to project competent violence.

The based Afrikaners are showing us the way forward. Outward facing “Civil Rights” and trade union harmless front groups that in reality are setting up parallel institutions (universities, schools, etc) and training and equipping its members for community self defense networks. This is the way. The Afrikaners are a whitepill for the Amerikaners.

A2 says:

And for some historical reading, see also the (also SA) Broderbund.

Pooch says:

Interesting. I wonder if Afriforum is the natural evolution of the Broederbond.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am familiar with that organization. It came up a couple weeks ago and I did a brief dive into Afrikaner culture. Interesting stuff, and it mirrors so much of what Jim has talked about. The font of honors is what killed the Broederbond. They looked to the Anglosphere for their honors instead of their own, and it has nearly destroyed them. I think if the Afriforum is the evolution of the Broederbond, it is only in the sense that the former arose out of the failure of the latter to secure the Afrikaner.

Alfred says:

>Kyle Rittenhouze’s lawyer is apparently on ventilator for china flu. Should we be paranoid about this?

Only as much as it clear they’re trying to murder people with ventilators. I’m seeing nothing about using oxygen to treat people who have COVID in the US these days.

Dave says:

Whatever happened to hydroxychloroquine? Seeing as the Gamma and Delta variants originated in Brazil and India, where HCQ is sold cheaply over the counter, my guess is that it’s pretty much useless now.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think they still work. Delta is the response to the cheap and plentiful drugs. Become a sickness that most people never notice, and they will not take drugs to kill you. It is why it is a milder, less lethal form of the original covid. If original covid was a bad flu, delta is a mild cold. That way it spreads and survives.

Pooch says:

So what’s the correct take on this obvious false flag attack in Kabul?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Is it a false flag? Are we sure anyone is in control of anything there right now? It seems like everything collapsed, and all the puppets and partisans are doing their own fucking thing. It just makes things look even worse for Biden, unless that is the plan.

jim says:

The attack was foreshadowed. Since ISIS security is pretty good, and it is not hard to keep such an attack secure, it does suggest a false flag attack by instruments of the USG.

Supposedly the USG is looking for the bombers 24/7 – which would be rather hard to do since US troops are no longer free to move around Kabul.

But to what purpose? Probably some purpose too stupid and insane for us to fathom.

Pooch says:

Yes it was bizarrely foreshadowed hours before:

Perhaps as an excuse to for USG to re-deploy and cancel the withdrawal? Usually when US soldiers are killed it results in a massive troop build-up. We may not know until the dust settles.

Pooch says:

“12 U.S. military KIA, 15 wounded, but no American civilians or diplomats killed or hurt.”

No non-military US casualties? Seems awfully coincidental.

“I remain concerned that terrorists worldwide will be emboldened by our retreat, by this attack, and by the establishment of a radical Islamic terror state in Afghanistan. We need to redouble our global efforts to confront these barbarian enemies who want to kill Americans and attack our homeland.”

– McConnell

The Cominator says:

Being such a stupid cocksucker… this is destroying the regimes legitimacy and while i feel bad for any soldiers its awesome…

Pooch says:

Hard to feel bad for any regime forces who haven’t resigned by now.

Alfed says:

Hard not to with this sort of stuff going around:

Of course she’d been on her knees sucking cock in 30seconds if she got into a fight with actual men.

neofugue says:

Justification for launching air strikes against captured American military equipment and providing CAS to the Panjshir rebels. The pro-war faction of the Cathedral wishes to punish the unbelievers who failed to appreciate their efforts. We will find out which side wins when Biden delivers his response.

Pooch says:

Right you are.

President Biden on Thursday said he has directed the Pentagon to develop plans to “strike” ISIS-K “assets, leadership and facilities” in response to the Kabul airport bombings.

Pooch says:

Sending energy to the Talichads.

Bilge_Pump says:

Honestly can’t say I feel bad for them and think they kind of deserve to be blown up, just for being a bunch of retarded goat fuckers.

jim says:

Ah, now I see.

They want to resume bombing anyone who fails to submit to globohomo.

Karl says:

Is that the same “they” as those who decided to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan?

Or is it the faction in the US government that never wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan and would very much like to resume the endless war?

jim says:

The USG is less and less a single entity. A fairly large faction wants to continue the forever war, re-invade Syria, and liberate Russia and China.

I was worried that they had the upper hand, but it is now apparent that they do not. Instead, the woke factions wants to make war on whites – with no Jewish exemption. We are on the race war path, with a high likelihood both sides want to genocide Jews. The left has been mounting escalating physical attacks on Jews, primarily as a result of their program of importing Jihadis to attack whites – they find it hard to believe when their pet Jihadis turn around and attack Jews and are refusing to acknowledge these attacks.

Karl says:

Does the woke faction who wants to make war on whites consider Afghans as white?

That would explain any plans to resume bombing Afghanistan including a flase flag attack in Kabul.

Afghans often do look very European, so it is not unreasonable to consider them “white”, but culturally they are not.

notglowing says:

> Afghans often do look very European
It’s because of their Iranian common ancestry

Pooch says:

The woke faction does not see Afghans as white, otherwise they wouldn’t be flooding every western country with refugees right now. They see the Taliban as masculine and not gay though which is reason enough to want to resume bombing them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, this might not be something you’re into enough to want to expound upon, but is there a trustworthy rubric for interpreting terrorist incidents, shootings, and attacks? The Colorado shooting earlier this year, the one that was fully covered until the identity of the shooter leaked, then was completely forgotten. The infrastructure attack in Tennessee during Christmas that was so portentous and is now completely forgotten. Going further back, there was an attack on an airbase in AFG that occurred after base security had been handed over to the Brits (very interesting case, worth looking into…), generated a lot of training info, then disappeared. The Mumbai Hotel attack(s) from years ago (lashkar-i-tyba sp.) and the correlation to the distributed Paris assault, both casually memory holed.

Maybe it isn’t worthy of a standalone post, and it could definitely lead to some of the Bros here saying stuff that isn’t well thought out (me being one of those idiots), but we are potentially entering a phase of direct action on the part of the IC to control narratives, and I have to assume there is a deep pool of “””unstable individuals””” with CIs dripping poisoned honey in their ears. So it might be helpful to have a set of iron laws and maxims to go through before rampant speculation does the enemy’s work for xer.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>is there a trustworthy rubric for interpreting terrorist incidents, shootings, and attacks?


As always.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can you elaborate further? I know that was Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin comment on Marxism vs. Capitalism and the inevitable outcome, but I guess I’m confused because in the end, Capitalism was subsidizing Marxism and the Communists were just LARPing as the second world. This may be terribly obvious, but I’m not getting it.

Aidan says:

Who suffered the terrorist attack, and who benefits from it?

jim says:

Instamilked to keep the forever war going.

Varna says:

The Japs just discovered metallic particles sensitive to magnetic fields inside the Moderna vaccine.

A batch produced in Spain. Putting my tinfoil hat on I’d hypothesize the dagos screwed something up and molecules of nano crap begun combining into visible size before they should.

The Cominator says:

Japan and South Korea are the only two countries where you really can trust the scientists. This means absolutely don’t get the Moderna one.

Alfred says:

I have to wonder if that if vaccines themselves can no longer be produced safely in the west.

A lot vaccines are put together by low IQ morons in the west.

Varna says:

Trad vaccines against the rona are being produced not only by players like India and China, but also by Turkey, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Iran, and the like. In this sense the west can probably produce fifty different vaccines tomorrow.

Which begs the question why is the west so determined to neither produce trad vaccines, nor import any? Why is there even no discussion of this anywhere ever?

Why are the neighbors of the west all across its periphery (South America, the non-EU eastern Europe, North Africa, SEA) using all types, but the west itself is so super determined to neither make one, nor import one, nor even mention out loud the possibility of this choice in the first place?

Quite baffling.

Varna says:

Here is the vaccine use by country
Aside from the west and its immediate vassals, everybody else uses a mix that always includes trad vaccines. Everybody else. But not the west, not Israel, not the Arab allies, and not the East Asian vassals.

Alfred says:

>Which begs the question why is the west so determined to neither produce trad vaccines, nor import any? Why is there even no discussion of this anywhere ever?

Every person harmed by the Toxic Spike Protein Cocktails is a human sacrifice to the COVID demon. The more people have to suffer from the vaccines the holier they are. I’ve heard many people talk about their suffering from the second shot of J&J or Modern and how that just proved the holy vaccines is working. There’s always a cast in the west where the slightly less dangerous vaccines like J&J are considered less holy. Vaccines that actually work well and don’t cause a lot of harm like traditional vaccines are considered unclean.

Pooch says:

Read Jim’s comments for why NASA put wings on the spaceship.

notglowing says:

I mentioned it before but the Valneva vaccine is traditional and it seems the UK is buying 100 million doses.

Varna says:

Interesting. And I just saw Fauci recommend alternative ways of dealing with the corona.

I would a great shame of they are allowed to simply reverse the narrative without getting called out, and most importantly made to pay.

Guy says:

What’s interesting to me is that this will give more credence to the most extreme theories regarding the vaccine and how it will be weaponized. Most antivax people I know are not political or conspiratorial at all and just think the push is too fast and creepy. They are skeptical of anyone trying to make them do something and not answering questions, or they just think covid is overblown.

I am more thinking lowered fertility, a modest death rate from the vaccine itself and another control tool are the problems/elite goals. This is going to make the COVID5G / Nanobot people think they were right. Is that the goal? Reuters could have just killed that story, like the media kills every story they don’t want out there. Just like they go out of their way to let us know that car accident victims and ladder falls were actually COVID deaths. They could have said they were just adulterated and left it at that. Somebody could have killed the investigation in Japan in it’s cradle

Afghanistan and the potential narrative shift on vaccines/COVID further the discrediting of government (as did the trump hysteria and Iraq War narrative shift), which is another possible goal. Both left and right are on the same page when it comes to hating American government now.

info23 says:

What are your thoughts on the Kurdish women warrior phenomeon?

And this is the video description:
“The fascinating story of Jiyan, a female guerrilla fighter who devoted twenty years of her life in the Kurdish militant struggle, reveals women’s determination for freedom not only against another oppressive regime, but also against the patriarchy.

Jiyan Tolhildan is a young Kurdish woman living in the Kurdish region of Syria. After years of oppression by her family, her teachers and the society as a whole, Jiyan decides to go to the mountains to join the Kurdish struggle for freedom.

When the Arab Spring breaks out Jiyan and her friends decide to go into the cities in Syria to join the protests. They also set out to educate Syrian women on women’s rights in the Rojava region. Now, six years after the Arab Spring, Kurdish forces have a semi-autonomous region in Syria. For the first time in history, women have an autonomous political organisation and an army in Syria. The women named creating this organisation “the women’s revolution.””

nope says:

Some women prefer to live in the comfort of a harem. Others don’t mind hardship so they can go live with the sexy alpha rebels and larp whatever they want them to larp as.

jim says:

Totally fake – manufactured by the kurds to suck up to the Cathedral. The kurds where not stupid enough to put them into positions where they might shoot and get shot at.

Allah says:

They are, actually. We’re recovering a lot more female corpses from clashes and airstrikes and they’re announcing a lot more female casualties recently. It seems the ratio of womyn warriors increased in the last few years. I think they still want to keep it at a statistically insignificant number, they know demographics is destiny.

info23 says:

How long do you think the Feminist paradise of Rojava can endure?

Shitpoaster says:

I recall Jim saying something like that when you look at mortality rates from social security statistics, they spike at the beginning of wuflu when NYC was killing people in old folks homes and with ventilators, and then they level out to about normal.

I am looking for these statistics but cannot find them. Can anyone point me to them?

S says:

Take the social security payments by month for multiple years. Pick a base year; subtract everything else by that year. Plot the years against each other. The example was in excel, but anything with similar capabilities work.

Where lines depart from the monthly trend you have excess morality.

ExileStyle says:

Hm, do we have some high-profile readers here? That laughing Taliban guys video I posted a few days back ( ended up in Trump’s latest (and pretty devastating) campaign video, via Scavino’s Twitter:

Views on the video were also about 7k when I posted it. Over 140k now. Interesting data point.

Fireball says:

More Trump? The american empire and the rest of the west really needs younger leaders.

Btw anyone knows what is the average age of the talibans?

simplyconnected says:

Hm, do we have some high-profile readers here?

Probably, but that video had circulated widely before being included in Trump’s ad.

ExileStyle says:

Ah, got it. Definitely not a bad sign, or maybe even a good one. It would be nice to stay out of the direct line of sight of the Apparatus, or at least only have a couple H1Bs working on us rather than dozens. (I’m sure Jim has is aware of audience and reach, but I admit I have no sense at all.)

Aidan says:

I have a question for jim, though others feel free to contribute. I’m finally biting the bullet and learning to code. Shockingly, I actually enjoy it and have a decent natural talent. (I really see how it appeals to nerds. For a certain subsection of low-status young men, writing a script that actually does something is probably the first time in their lives that their will-to-power had an actual material effect on the world. Which is sad, but no wonder some spend their lives behind a keyboard.)

Since I’m kind of a blank slate right now with no preconceived notions or experience, and could go into anything, I’d like to know which area of specialization jim thinks would contribute most effectively and materially to, y’know, Restoration. I need to secure the bag first and foremost, but I also want to help.

Fëanor says:

Not Jim, but know a thing or two about programming. Probably the biggest material contribution programming could make to restoration is via cryptocurrency and any other decentralization tech that people can think of. On the other hand, this assumes existing infrastructure will survive what’s coming, something I’ve always been sceptical of. I suggest focusing on getting the bag first, then storing your bag somewhere very thoroughly offline.

I also have some more general opinions on programming education, which mostly boil down to the fact that Western science has been in decline since 1972 and this doesn’t entirely exclude programming. A lot of software exists now that didn’t exist then, but the software that did exist then has mostly been replaced by things that are worse. Nearly all advances in languages and tooling have been intended to bring programming to a broader but stupider audience. This doesn’t necessarily make them useless, but its effects have been predictable. If you can understand C, you can understand anything; not so the other way around.

Watch this, if you get the chance: Not really intended for programming novices, but it isn’t really technical, and the speaker is someone who seems to be gradually inching closer to being on our side.

Fëanor says:

Also, learn peripheral skills. How to use a command-line shell, source control, at least one terminal-based editor, etc. I was shocked by the number of times I had to teach this sort of thing at a remedial level to people who were a few courses away from having a degree in computer science, just to be able to collaborate with them on projects at all.

Aidan says:

Learning the Linux shell and vim was literally the first thing I did lol. I can’t imagine doing it the other way around.

Fëanor says:

You would be surprised—most university CS students, at least those with no prior experience before going to school, seem to learn exclusively using IDEs on Windows, which renders them completely incompetent at real-world tasks even if they technically know the languages quite well.

Kunning Drueger says:

Smart move, A. There’s a guy on YouTube called Mental Outlaw. His catalog is good for introductions into topics. Let’s talk more about it soon, but check out . Not my up of tea, but I hear it can be rewarding…

jim says:

> Also, learn peripheral skills.

Yes, everyone who programs should be able to bring up a server and so forth, or else he is dependent on infrastructure someone else provides – albeit sysadmin is a bottomless pit, and becoming an expert in it locks you into our existing massively penetrated infrastructure. Before you do anything on a cloud server, make sure it goes smoothly on a local vm image of that server that is running within reach of your hands.

C is the foundation of everything, but these days the answer is rust, albeit rust is likely to be hard to understand if you do not understand C, and it is hard to get rust jobs, also hard to get rust programmers.’

You need a foundational language, such as C or rust, and a scripting language such as javascript.

C is the foundation of everything, but most of the C that matters is running on servers in the cloud executing scripts.

notglowing says:

I agree with Jim on Rust. It is one of the greatest advancements in programming languages of the past two decades. It’s one of my favourite languages now.

I don’t recommend it to non-programmers. It’s difficult to understand rust without understand the problems it solves, and understanding the problems it solves when it’s your first language is impossible since you never even encountered those problems, and everything seems very abstract, every error very arbitrary and frustrating.

Personally I found learning it to be a great experience.
But I would still recommend python as a beginner language. C is not practically useful for many applications you’d actually want to build today.
Python is well designed for what it is meant to be, although I no longer like dynamically typed languages (but there is a static typing framework)
Typescript is also useful.

For Android apps, Kotlin.
My overall recommendation is to start with a project and learn what you need to learn to complete it, not the other way around.

A2 says:

I would add that you will need to learn to use an editor and the ‘shell’ on your system so you can edit and run your programs. Later you will realize you need to learn more, of course.

I would also recommend that you find a small program that does something interesting (with source code available) and modify the source code to do other interesting things. It’s usually easier to start fiddling with something that works instead of a blank page.

Chad says:

For the peripheral skills, check out a guy on YouTube called Luke Smith. I think he is quite big now.

(He is based and redpilled, and often talks about Moldbug, orthodoxy, Latin, etc. in his livestreams. I am confident some of his followers hang around here too. He also did a podcast way back in the day with some social matter people about tech and the restoration IIRC. Its been taken down when the rest of SM went down, but I have a copy if anyone is desperate to listen.)

He is not a full on programmer but has a heap about Linux, setting up webservers, vim (text editor), command line, privac, free software, and so on.

jim says:

C will teach you the problems that Rust solves.

Python is easier because it automatically solves those problems (very badly) and hides the solutions from you.

Going from Python to Rust seems like it would be difficult, while going from modern C++ to Rust is easy.

Python is a scripting language, and people who have spent too long scripting are apt to find Rust mysterious and arbitrary, and are apt to misuse its solutions to solve the wrong problems in inappropriate ways.

Fëanor says:

My comment was in the context of collapse and restoration, in the context that the cloud belongs to our enemies, and the script interpreters that run most of the world’s software are already beginning to suffer from bitrot due to forced diversity and will get much worse over the next 10-20 years.

I do like Rust, but everyone else is right that it should not be anyone’s first programming language, and also I distrust anything coming out of Mozilla because the company itself is pozzed in the extreme. It also makes the mistake of using a central package repository, which combined with the above is a security risk. Nonetheless, those problems could be mitigated.

OTOH, I work for a 100% white 90% male startup, probably one of a minority of software enterprises with a positive innovation-to-bullshit ratio these days, and we are switching everything over to Rust and hiring Rust programmers, so it is probably indeed the future whether that’s a good thing or not.

jim says:

> It also makes the mistake of using a central package repository, which combined with the above is a security risk.

The rust packaging system is practically designed to be a security hole and a central point of failure.

How should package distribution work?

The obvious solution to me is Git submodules and subtrees. For no particularly good reason I use submodules, despite no end of articles on the internet giving lucid explanations of why submodules are a bad idea. I just have not looked into the alternatives. For me, submodules just work. So, alas, do packages. Central repositories tend to be dangerously convenient.

What are your solutions?

The solution needs to be a decentralized git solution.

And git is fatally flawed, because its hash algorithm is vulnerable. To use it securely, need to use its gpg integration, and pgp is flawed because its identity model is built around email identities and human memorable passphrases. It assume your root identity is your email reputation, rather than a strong master secret, and the SSL name system is completely insecure to anyone who has one of a thousand certificate authorities in his pocket, so gpg is broken at the bottom. In consequence, whenever gpg is used for software distribution, which is its main use these days, it is always used in a completely insecure manner. Our experience with crypto wallets shows that the root of identity has to be a strong master secret. We need ssh secret keys to have Zooko identities attached to them. (Which they already do, but no software uses or supports those Zooko identities.) You normally commit software over a ssh connection, and those commits should be automatically signed by the Zooko identity of the committer’s secret SSH key. Unsigned commits should get a pushed-by signature the first time they are pushed over ssh.

We need a git upgrade that uses ssh rather than gpg identities, and which uses a strong hash that has not been touched by the NSA – meaning Blake.

If we integrate ssh identities and strong hashes into git ssh, everything will just work, and no one has to learn anything new, other than that they had better enter a more meaningful Zooko name on their private key. At present the name defaults to whatever ssh-keygen issues.

(Not that sha256 is insecure, but if you use it, you wind up connected to the NSA software ecosystem, which is insecure. If you use secure software that has been contaminated by the NSA, you are going to wind up using insecure software that has been backdoored by the NSA. If you want to stay clean, don’t even go near sewage. The backdoors are for the most part not hidden in the algorithms themselves, but in the apis, and if you use NSA’s secure algorithms, you are apt to find yourself using their insecure apis.)

Fëanor says:

My solution is the solution that existed for years in the Linux world before things like cargo and pip came along at all: package management is the responsibility of the operating system, not the programming language. You have a central repository, but which central repository you choose to trust is a choice independent of all others, and there is a lot of competition, so maintainers have a large incentive to remain trustworthy and can do relatively little damage by defecting.

As for actually keeping software cryptographically secure from author to user, I don’t know enough about cryptography to know what would work here. Curious, however, as to what NSA APIs you consider backdoored. Are you talking about, like, OpenSSL? The shasum command on my Linux box?

notglowing says:

There’s a good reason why rust doesn’t use this model, because it was a terrible idea, and barely works for this purpose.
C works that way, and managing dependencies in C or C++ programs is absolutely awful. It is easily the worst thing about using either language.
It’s worse not just during development but makes deployment and/or distribution more difficult. With Rust all of this is trivial, and just works.

The operating system should not be your package manager for a programming language, they are different things, and package managers for the operating system already in themselves are flawed enough.

Having choices doesn’t solve any real problem, if you have 10 broken package managers, you don’t have a good package manager, *and* now everything is less reliable because everyone needs to consider their specific system incompatible with everyone else’s.

JS/NPM (only when the libraries are well maintained), and especially Rust with Cargo actually work reliably using their own package managers. It is a pleasant experience to use cargo, and dependencies aren’t always broken. When they do break, it is almost 100% of the time because there is a C++ or C dependency that is not compiling correctly, or missing its own dependencies, which gets us back to the previous point. I have never had to struggle to get rust code to compile that wasn’t linked to C++. Cannot say this about either C or C++.
There’s a reason why header-only libraries are popular, they eliminate these headaches.

Further, packages need to be per-project. It’s the only sane way of managing development. That is the great innovation that NPM brought, and Cargo adopts for its own purpose. You cannot have one global store of packages where different projects use incompatible versions, every project should define its own packages and versions, and handle them independently.

This is both to allow one to work on many different projects, and in order to allow other people working on the same project to get the same reliable environment, which is predictably recreated using files that are in source control.

You do not have this ability with OS level package management. You just have a giant mess. OS level package management already existed before these package managers were made, we got them over time because it was not convenient or reliable.

The way we solve this is by making package managers more secure. They should be trustless, only trusting the developers of individual packages, and not accepting binary blobs. Signed packages, directly corresponding to git commits.
This is not impossible to do with relatively basic cryptography today.
And the more mechanical part of distribution can easily be decentralized with IPFS.
Avoid relying on too many packages (as JS developers tend to do), which is encouraged with a good standard library.

jim says:

> There’s a good reason why rust doesn’t use this model, because it was a terrible idea, and barely works for this purpose.
C works that way, and managing dependencies in C or C++ programs is absolutely awful. It is easily the worst thing about using either language.
> It’s worse not just during development but makes deployment and/or distribution more difficult. With Rust all of this is trivial, and just works.

The problem is that C and C++ use the operating system ad hoc as the package manager.

Surely we can integrate package management with Git subtrees or submodules, rather than using a central point of failure or doing it ad hoc in an environment dependent manner.

jim says:

> The way we solve this is by making package managers more secure. They should be trustless, only trusting the developers of individual packages, and not accepting binary blobs. Signed packages, directly corresponding to git commits.

Exactly so. In which case the package manager is not a central repository, but rather the development environment’s integration with git submodules or subtrees, or some similar git thing created and maintained by the development environment.

jim says:

> My solution is the solution that existed for years in the Linux world before things like cargo and pip came along at all: package management is the responsibility of the operating system, not the programming language.

This solution sucks. But centralized package management is dangerous, granting far too much power to unknown people. Surely we can make package management not the responsibility of the operating system, but of the development environment’s integration with git submodules or subtrees.

The way to go is to fix git so that every single line of code is signed by someone, with the Zooko name associated with his ssh key, whom git-blame will identify for any problem related to that line of code, and your package management rests on those signatures, rather than the mysterious authority of a central repository.

Fëanor says:

In a trust-free environment it might indeed be a good idea to have the package manager as part of the programming language ecosystem; as things are, however, I appreciate the separation of concerns. I want to be able to use a good programming language like rust without worrying about the agenda or trustworthiness of the maintainers. I do have to worry about these things with my distro maintainers, but switching distros is a much lower cost than switching programming languages.

jim says:

Trouble is that packages are profoundly untrustworthy. We are working in a hostile low trust environment which is rapidly getting less and less trustworthy.

The official IETF release of the IETF variant of ChaCha20 has an api which you are unlikely to use in a way that is actually secure. DMARC in theory provides security against spearfishing attacks, but evidently the actual implementations have an unknown and mysterious hole in them that allows some spearfishing attacks that it should be able to stop through. Some of the cryptographic algorithms used by SSH are known to be backdoored by the NSA, and most of them are suspect.

I routinely disable all cryptographic algorithms in ssh except for
pubkeyacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519

I repeat, we need a git with a secure hash, routine automatic signing by ssh keys, and a package manager whose root of trust is those signatures, not a central repository operated by no one knows whom.

Aidan says:

Thanks- I prefer learning things from the foundations up so it looks like C.

Humble Acolyte says:

Crypto is good obviously. Hacking is also valuable as the intersection of CS and war, plus it is under-invested by our guys relative to crypto.

jim says:

Zero days are costly to find, and require social engineering to exploit. You find some software the enemy is running, which requires inside information, you find some zero days in it, which takes a lot of work, then you spearfish hostile data to an instance of that software running as root behind their firewall, and you own their network.

Doing hacking that is useful and profitable is a lot of work.

A2 says:

Security and related fields is a good choice IMO, though some of it requires a bit of lateral thinking etc. Which overall is good for you.

Then again, the state of the art is still abysmal in much of IT. (“oh no, our 100m-customer database is for sale on the dark web, how could this happen?” – T-Mobile ten days ago, “oh no, 250 government agencies just got hacked” – Solarwinds) You don’t have to be a genius to do well.

A2 says:

As an example, you could get started as a script kiddie by getting some security scripts and running them. Best to do this on your own LAN.

For instance, you could first run then write a program yourself that finds all devices on your LAN and scans them for vulnerable ports. Requires some networking background to know what this means, of course, but you will have to learn that eventually.

This is a useful example yet not so difficult to get started. Start by writing something simple and specific and make it more and more general.

Aidan says:

I’m a little iffy on security. Jim notes that a lot of times a system is going to be designed or implemented with a subtle flaw intended to allow the feds in, making the security team the fall guy. And I’d primarily be responsible for fixing the damage that results from Shaniqua clicking a link promising her a lifetime supply of powdered milk and grape soda. On the other hand, less disastrous failure of projects caused by Shaniqua on the team.

Pooch says:

This looks like something our guys can take advantage of. ‘DROP COLUMN vaccineStatus’ would be fun.

As more and more diversity hits, the regime’s ability to enforce tyranny, covid or otherwise will suffer and will be easier to exploit.

Observe that covid passports are not a problem for white South Africans. Not because it isn’t being mandated, but because it’s a laughable concept to implement with black competence.

The Cominator says:

Its clear to me that the Democrats and the oligarchy and their mockingbird media now want Biden out in favor of Harris sooner rather than later.

We should not want this… Harris is lucid enough that she can actually be blamed personally for awful decisions. Biden is clearly so far gone that normies are going to blame not a senile old man but the regime behind him. We need to try to keep Biden in as long as possible.

Most of us have moved to red states… I’ll be calling Skeletor and gay fag RINO Rubio’s office to tell them to vote no on impeachment for Biden himself (and why I oppose it as a right winger) should it come up for all the good it will do…

Pooch says:

The President is a figurehead and has no power. Replacing Harris with Biden isn’t going to mean much pragmatically speaking. What it represents though, is the beginning stages of the white governing elite being replaced by black sheboons which I welcome. An elite of DMV ladies is not going to need much to eventually defeat.

Most of us have moved to red states… I’ll be calling Skeletor and gay fag RINO Rubio’s office to tell them to vote no on impeachment for Biden himself (and why I oppose it as a right winger) should it come up for all the good it will do…

Don’t waste your time. The time for political solutions has passed.

The Cominator says:

Biden is an OBVIOUS figurehead who can’t make decisions… that is what is great about him. When he fucks up the whole Cathedral regime looks bad.

Kamala all the loathing can be put onto her personally.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, the discussions I am having are that the government is responsible for all this mess, not Biden. Only one guy is even trying to blame Biden and he is getting a lot of pushback. Everyone else looks at it as the government as a while fucking up. Plus, the longer that McConnell et al ignore Biden’s obvious cognitive collapse, the more they look complicit. The whole system is losing credibility.

The Cominator says:

Which is why we want Biden to stay in as long as possible. Not the obvious lightning road Kameltoe.

pyrrhus says:

I think that was always Kemala’s purpose…No one in either party wants her to be President…

The Cominator says:

They do now.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think you’ve made a pretty good case for Biden staying in office, but I also think that Harris is actually, objectively incompetent. So while the dynamic may change, given that Shaniqua always gets a free pass, it will not stabilize the image of the Cathedral as competent manager. I know we all have different positions on means, ends, and responses, but I think we can all agree that so long as the Mind and the Voice keep screwing the pooch (sorry Pooch), we will keep finding more and more willing ears, hearts, and minds. I for one welcome Prezzidant Shaniqua, and I hope she pushes the Stunning and Brave to 11.

Pooch says:

Exactly. Accelerate. When the stabilizing brake of the Republicans and “moderate” Democrats come off, we will really see people start waking up.

jim says:

No we will not, and it does not matter anyway.

A majority of Republicans have woken up, in that they realize that elections are rigged, and only enemy entryists in the Republican party can ever be elected.

Real waking up consists of despairing for the restoration of the Republic and looking for Caesar.

jim says:

Acceleration is not a good idea. There is no relationship between how bad a holiness spiral gets and how soon it is fixed, and it can easily go all the way to everyone tortures everyone else to death for insufficient holiness, leaving very few survivors.

Pooch says:

Real waking up consists of despairing for the restoration of the Republic and looking for Caesar.

Agreed and I am still not seeing that as long as we still have what appears as an opposition party, even as fake and performative as it is.

Pooch says:

There is no relationship between how bad a holiness spiral gets and how soon it is fixed, and it can easily go all the way to everyone tortures everyone else to death for insufficient holiness, leaving very few survivors.

Requires white competence to torture everyone to death for insufficient holiness. Our holiness spiral is rapidly turning into the Africanization of the regime. The South African government is not scaring the Afrikaners that have chosen to stay. They can barely feed their own soldiers. I welcome that here in America.

The Cominator says:

We don’t want further acceleration we want elite disunity and further appearance of ridiculous weakness and incompetence for the government as a whole. The longer Biden stays in office the better.

Kunning Drueger says:

White competence is not a prerequisite for a Cambodian Memeplex. It may even impede it. Regardless, as cucked as Republicansâ„¢ are, there are a ton of fence-sitters actively ignoring the obvious. As Cathedral wallows left and smashes right, there fence top becomes ever more narrow. To cry out in desperation for Restoration, they need to be certain of inevitable desolation. While you may be correct, Jim, in the lack of correlation in speed of spiral and emergence of solution, I can’t see how you’re sure. There are so many people who just want to be left alone. If they are forced to confront the inevitable reality that they won’t be, isn’t it better if that it happens dramatically, so they don’t have time to instantiate a new normal kind of acceptance? Like, if USG had gone full bore Coronatarianism rapidly, instead of gradually, is it reasonable to believe there would have been a lot more resistance?

None the less, I think Harris is actually far more incompetent than Biden. She does not have the deep well of DNC operatives willing to carry water like Biden does. The anecdotal evidence from campaign staff is that she is emotional, vicious, shortsighted, and obstinate. If you listen to her speak, she is as gaff prone as Biden, maybe more so. I think her ascendance would continue to transmit holistic incompetence, as well as increase racial tension.

All of this sucks. I’m not an accelerationist. But I do like it when the enemy is tireless in sending balls at its own goal. I think our best chance of avoiding Pol Pot 2: Mulattess Bugaloo is for an increase in naked incompetence.

The Cominator says:

You miss my point

Fuckup by Biden admin: system as a whole is blamed

Fuckup by Harris admin: she is blamed

Neither are competent but Harris is plausibly actually making decisions, Biden is not.

Kunning Drueger says:

No, I get your point. I just disagree. But as I said before, you make a good case. I just think Harris will continue the process.

Kunning Drueger says:

The time for political theater has passed, but the time for political solutions is rapidly approaching. Political power comes from the end of a gun, which is to say it comes from force. Organized force trumps disorganized force in the long run. Organization requires coordination between high trust individuals. High trust relationships are fostered through repeated mundane interactions. Eating dinner, getting drinks, chopping wood, discussing topics and texts.

In this regard, I’m starting a book club in my area. I plan on developing trusting relationships with guys and gradually exploring Jimian Christianity as a framework for interaction, discernment, and decision making. Unavoidably, this begins as an act of political organization, but my goal is to advocate passivism, considered withdrawal, and hyper-focus on the Character of Man. I’d greatly appreciate any advice, text recommendations, or guidance people might offer.

Guy says:

I recommend you are extremely selective with who can join. Kick anyone out who wants to do more than go to the range here and there as far as guns go. The government very much does not want you to have a book club, they will go to crazy lengths to destroy your book club unless it has drag queen story hour as a central feature. They don’t want any networks at all, if you are successful, and don’t go down the wrong paths, your group will likely be taken over by entryists anyway and anything bad they do put on you as much as possible if you’re still involved.

The best networks are families, if you don’t have one make one, recruiting people to create a community is dangerous and usually going to attract feds and homos anyway.

jim says:

This is overly pessimistic.

Feds glow in the dark. Easy to keep them out. Demon worshipers stink of sulfur.

Pooch says:

Get to know your neighbors. If they aren’t people you could depend on in a nigger riot, move.

[…] as I was drafting this post I came across some comments in a similar vein at from August […]

Pseudo-Klausius says:

In the solid Orthodox churches, marriages are still quasi-arranged, and if the father is absent or too much of a pussy to do the arranging, then the parish priest (almost always himself a married man with children) will take on the role of father. So indeed, I would say purity in both young men and women can be practical in the Orthodox Church. However, unfortunately, even the Orthodox have a real problem with over-educating their daughters and delaying marriage. Here’s a relatively liberal priest’s wife commenting on the problem:

[…] This is a clearly true statement about the priesthood. However, the problem is not limited to the priesthood, as a casual glance at the political environment in 2021 reveals. Thus I disagree with e.g. Pooch at […]

[…] At, commenter Contaminated NEET says, […]

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