
Art of War in 2022

War matters, so promoting this conversation to a post.

Mister Grumpus asks:

> The narrative is shifting to the Russians managing to muddle through anyway, and the blue-and-yellow Ukraine flags have all but vanished from Twitter.

Ukraine has been attempting World War I tactics, which worked great for a little while, but they are starting to run out of troops willing to fight. Currently it is World War I, which is a horrifyingly costly and destructive way of waging war, and the cost is biting both sides hard, but seems to be costing the Ukrainians worse.

The problem with World War I tactics is that they rely on the fact that frightened troops do not flee artillery bombardment, they dig in. Which prevents attempts to advance no matter how much artillery the enemy applies. But when you try to move those terrified troops from the location where they were being bombarded, to a new location, they are apt to dig in their heels once they have been removed from the old location on the front, where the enemy has become become tired of attacking, and are ordered to go to a new location on the front, where the enemy is, despite the great cost of World War I tactics, advancing. So the Russians are having success by endlessly, unpredictably, and unexpectedly, switching from one segment of the front to another. The Ukrainians are trying to reuse troops, which neither side was very successful in doing during World War I. World War I tactics use up, consume, and exhaust your army.

We are now seeing very large numbers of mutinies by Ukrainian grunts. We are also seeing a deep reluctance of officers to go to the front.

> Has Has the steady grind of Russian artillery fire and Ukrainian logistical disappointment undermined their Info Epoch Warfare? Pulled the plug on it somehow?

> What I no longer see is video of tanks driving around. That must still be way too dangerous with all those man-portable missiles out there.

> Maybe Info Epoch Warfare is still the winning ticket, unless your opponent (Russia) is happy to just shoot many thousand artillery shells and advance X yards per day, and can safely resupply themselves via a fully protected highway.

The Russian computer network penetration effort has failed. Their state level hackers just don’t seem very good at it. Compare and contrast the immensely successful network penetration by American Military intelligence.

Last time the I knew anything about what state level actors were doing, the US had massive penetration of everyone’s computer network, and the Chinese were starting, barely starting, to have some success in excluding them. The Chinese were not even trying to penetrate other people’s networks, though maybe they are now. I see no sign of it. They demand companies insert of obvious spyware in their networks, which is quite useless because if you know where the spyware is, you feed it bullshit and bypass it for what really matters, and they send spearfish emails, which get the same treatment if you try to spearfish someone with half a brain. Russian state networks were, and recently still were, wide open. If you cannot defend your computer networks, you probably cannot attack other people’s networks, because you cannot identify vulnerabilities. Russian response to identified vulnerabilities has been foolish and self destructive, covering them up rather than addressing them. One should pay the hacker if he shows you how he did it and helps you to do it to other people, and prevent other people from doing it to oneself, attempt to find him and harm him if he does not.

Russia has been vigorously attempting human penetration of Ukraine human networks, with surprisingly disappointing success. I am now coming to the conclusion that to do human penetration, you need a shared faith.

Stalin had a live state religion, so had immense success in penetrating human networks. Russia is making an effort to revive its state religion, but in the Ukraine, nonetheless has had poor success. Failed to properly utilize Old type Christians, who are being vigorously and murderously persecuted in the Ukraine. The Jesuits had and have immense success in penetrating human networks, though their inner religion now appears to be serpent Christ. The Alawites also had immense success, with an outer religion of Mohammedanism, a middle religion that has syncretic layers of Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and at its center, the inner religion, the innermost religion, a mysterious faith whose nature is alleged to be pagan, but who knows? Only them and God. The Alawites have been doing this for a very very long time, since at least anno Domini 1100, and the touch of Zoroastrianism hints that they may be descended from a faith immensely older. They have good human penetration and immensely good human security.

Looking at efforts at human penetration, look faith based. And because human penetration requires lying, demonic faiths have an advantage in penetration, though they have a disadvantage in preventing penetration. I don’t see any obvious demonic symptoms with the Alawites, but given their very good human security, I would not. Maybe their inner religion has good distinction between lies that can be told and lived without moral compromise, and lies that cannot. Or maybe it does not. Hard to know.

During two millennia of attempted, and sometimes successful, hostile entryism against Christian state religions, entryist groups concocted ever more elaborate systems of ideas and rationalizations so that they could say the right things, in a sense truthfully, but with the deliberately wrong meanings. Which seems odd. Why not just plain lie? Why do creeds and shill tests work? Why have they gone on working for millenia?

Just lying works for the individual, but for the group, not so much, because your agents are apt to become double and triple agents. The best liar believes what he says, so you need a lie that is fundamentally incompatible with the enemy faith, but whose fundamental incompatibility is subtle.

Information Epoch warfare worked great for Trump. It has not been working for Russians, but they are trying. Maybe they will get better. War is a stern teacher.

> Maybe the Bayraktar drones really can find and disable artillery pieces all day long, but Uncle Sam refuses to buy more because Turkish Man Bad. Heck if I know.

Drones are costing the Russians a lot, costing both sides but mostly it is not autonomous drones, but simply dumb drones in line of sight of their controllers, and for moderate range often directly above their controller at altitude (the Ukrainians claim to have a very substantial advantage in distance drone vision) looking down on artillery battles from above. The huge advantage of autonomous drones is that they extend the battlefield all the way, which advantage no one except Turkey has utilized. In the Information Epoch, the battlefield will soon be everywhere. In the Armenian war, the Azerbaijanis gained a huge advantage by extending the battle field all the way throughout the entire disputed territory. Well, time to dispute the enemy capital. Which the Russians have been trying to do, without a lot of success.

Both sides have autonomous long range drones, though I heard some whining from the Ukrainians that they are mighty hard to use autonomously. Autonomous drones had immense impact in the recent Armenian war. Maybe in this war both sides are finding them hard to use. Needs better UI, and better mission controllers.

In the Information Epoch, the military needs high IQ warriors. Maybe neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians have them.

2,857 comments Art of War in 2022

Gedeon says:

At Lockheed’s Lighthouse you can watch all of the cyberattacks in real time. PLA/China commonly attack from Brazilian servers.

I mentioned artillery before and Russia is just following the 2nd Chechen war playbook. I think the real story of Ukraine is WEF training up a counter insurgency military to try and come to the US. For all anyone knows, NATO is just transferring hardware to the Russian military to drawdown our own armories and fill the WEF armory.

WEF loses when normies get together locally and relearn monkey wrenching and apply to digital control infrastructure.

Kunning Druegger says:

The last time I encountered the place you speak of, it was a big smoke and mirrors light show with monitors, histograms, and lady managers in business suits approaching the wall at lightspeed. Maybe it’s gotten better since then…

Scoop says:

Hot-N-Ready Little Caesar raises the Praetorians?


DeSantis is reactivating the Florida State Guard, a defense force solely under the governors’s authority, which hasn’t existed since 1947. The concept isn’t novel and about half of US states have something like this, but the timing, rhetoric surrounding the move, and the fact that it’s DeSantis make this notable. From the article:

“There is no posted COVID-19 vaccine mandate, unlike the Florida National Guard and other military components under the Department of Defense.

DeSantis highlighted the force’s lack of a vaccine mandate at the press conference. He blasted the federal government for discharging unvaccinated troops and has repeatedly described the Florida State Guard as a “landing spot” for unvaccinated service members.”

So we will have at least one unvaxxed (para)military organization in the US, likely made up heavily of discharged and soon to be discharged servicemen, or men who would otherwise have joined the military, who have already confirmed themselves as dissidents against the COVID regime.

Obligatory screeching:

“Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried — a Democratic gubernatorial contender — described the effort as “alarming” and “scary.” She blasted DeSantis as a “authoritarian dictator.”

Democratic Congressman and gubernatorial contender Charlie Crist slammed the force as the governor’s “hand-picked secret police.”

jim says:

A hand picked secret police to impose and enforce free and honest elections is what DeSantis is going to need if he hopes for a second term.

Digressing to the topic of the decline of Republics. If the sovereign has to have a hand picked secret police to avoid having elections stolen from him, it is likely that by and by you will get a sovereign that ensures elections are stolen to him. Also clobber any members of the official or officially unofficial state Church that complain about it.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

“Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried — a Democratic gubernatorial contender — described the effort as “alarming” and “scary.” She blasted DeSantis as a “authoritarian dictator.”


Doom says:


Russians are using drones to pretty good effect. They have a fairly good information grasp of the battlefield, as I understand it.

Eg, every time the Ukies set up a new artillery piece; zoopark hears it, a drone finds it, then Russian artillery / missiles wipe it out.

Currently I think the western media has no clue what Russia is doing. As far as I can tell, Russia does not consider themselves really at war and hasn’t gone all in.

Regarding networks etc. That really doesn’t matter per se in this conflict; they’re in there to remove the militia, that’s it.

As you say often too – actual competence in the US is incredibly low. Consider the self own of the sanctions. Russia will probably not be too forgiving towards the USG considering they’ve been forced into a war with their own brother state.

> Maybe neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians have them.
I would bet you average Ukraine/Russian warrior IQ is higher than the USG military at the moment.

Severian says:

How do you figure Ukraine can handle the economic attrition?
It’s not something I see discussed much but I figure the economic devastation has been enormous.

The Ukrainian government is dependent on vast amounts of cash streaming in from the west every month but how long can that go on for?

S says:

The economic devastation is only relevant if there are things they need that can only be supplied locally… and even then you don’t need an economy since you can just pay people in dollars and import the raw material they need.

Anyway the cash can continue until the US economy collapses. In the past that meant indefinitely. Now it means a couple of years.

Pooch says:

Anyway the cash can continue until the US economy collapses. In the past that meant indefinitely. Now it means a couple of years.

LOL couple of years! The US economy is entirely dependent on its ability to generate military force. Not seeing that go away anytime soon.

jim says:

I see the ability to generate military force going away as soon as Russia or China decides or is forced to directly engage the west. They have superior antiairsea capability, and US military doctrine and weaponry is built around airsea superiority. Our ground troops are demoralized, and discipline is collapsing.

If everyone goes all in with conventional weapons, ocean movement of goods ends, which is going to bite Americans worse than anyone else. If nukes, Russia has more nukes, and I doubt that our nukes work any more.

Pooch says:

China’s economy collapses when the US automates their labor force, which is being implemented as we speak.

Russia at least has natural resources, but not much else going for it.

jim says:

> China’s economy collapses when the US automates their labor force

Where “collapse” is mere five percent real growth per year, while GDP in the US has been actually collapsing for some time, disguised by creativity with the Consumer Price Index. If we were capable of useful automation, it would be rising.

People are getting poorer, have been getting poorer for some considerable time, and now getting poorer a lot faster. The grandchildren of a working class man who had a car, a stay at home wife, and small house with a modest garden in the suburbs, are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

Compare how Evergrande was handled with how the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown was handled.

Pooch says:

People are getting poorer, have been getting poorer for some considerable time, and now getting poorer a lot faster. The grandchildren of a working class man who had a car, a stay at home wife, and small house with a modest garden in the suburbs, are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

Why are the people relevant? The rich are getting richer.

WEF/Great Reset language makes heavy usage of automation of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which means automating China’s slave labor jobs away.

Rich Western elite and capitalists will get richer when they no longer have to ship goods in from China and can instead just 3D print them at home, which means it will happen. Unsurprisingly, it is more “green” to do this. The incentives are in place.

I would not be bullish on the Chinese economy over the next 20-30 years.

Pooch says:

are in dual income no kids relationships, and despite that live in little boxes.

By design. The elite have no reason for the middle/working class to reproduce, costs them money, thus globohomo values to cull the population. China enacts the One Child policy. The West shoves us into boxes in the city and makes us gay. More than one way to skin a cat.

Seems to be working according to their plan.

Varna says:

>“Fourth Industrial Revolution” which means automating China’s slave labor jobs away.

The slave labor thing is another rather common layer most of us have in the “the world is like it was in 1993” program.

Today’s Chinese salaries of $1000+ a month are basically Eastern European level, in some industries — Portugal level.

Poor Marxist bastards tried to swing a classical economy plan like the world is operating by 1955 logic.

They actually thought they could just get continental countries to sign up for the New Silk Road, and then China would quickly build them some infrastructure, this helps generate a new consumer class, and thus from Uzbekistan to the Congo China will be operate in a special economic space as both investor and supplier, free from the threat of sea routes mishaps when inevitable conflicts with the West arise.

They even laid out publicly plans like 5-6 years ago, how the heavy industry will first migrate into heartland China to raise it economically, while the coasts shift to a post-industrial economy, and then the heavy industry migrates across the border, uplifting gradually everyone along the way through Central and South Asia, then into the Middle East and Africa, while China itself becomes a postindustrial pristine utopia.

Little did they know back then how severely they misjudged both the pushback and sabotage from the empire, and the internal entropy of the empire reaches levels of utter bizarro.

Tbh me and most of my buds also were mostly in the dark back then.

MasterRaider says:

Are actually retarded? How can the rich keep getting richer when their commodities are not being bought by the unemployed and impoverished consumers?

S says:

Is there some reason these machines won’t work in China?

Pooch says:

Why set them up in China when they can just set them up at home? Eliminates shipping goods from China, which is not particularly efficient.

S says:

Taxes and operating costs.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You cannot automate an engineering department, or the technicians that service the automated machines replacing labor. Chip fabs have tons and tons of robots doing the manual labor of moving wafers around the fab and within the equipment. When that equipment has a problem, it is a human that looks at the problem, decides what to do about it, and sends a human that can fix the problem. That is vital to manufacture of high technologies, and it is something that America is having a lot of problems maintaining.

Pooch says:

There will of course be a small force of highly skilled American and European engineers and tech experts who create and set up the machines (as there is now), but the army of Chinese slave laborers will be automated away.

S says:

You can’t fight the Russians with pallets of cash. Economic support requires the ability to convert money in goods the Ukrainians need. If those goods are produced in the US and you can’t produce any more because the supply chain disintegrated you are shit out of luck.

Given the US government is intentionally sabotaging the economy and is also printing large amounts of money, I’m not sure why ‘they will keep pushing until things break’ is hard to believe.

The Cominator says:

Amateurs talk strategy professionals talk logistics, if the ports are blocked and the weapon shipments by road are bombed the shipments won’t do Ukraine much good.

jim says:

Logistics should be thought of as Xenophon thought of it, as reaching all the way to the peasant who under his own power brings food to the army. Escalating conflict on the sea, as the US is doing to give effect to sanctions that are being widely ignored, is a bad idea. Should the US attempt to bring troops directly across the seas to the conflict, the Russians have ample excuse to interdict them.

ExileStyle says:

Another thing to remember is that you need actual living, working human beings to have an economy. Ukraine’s official population before the war, 44 million, was likely hugely inflated in the first place due to emigration (an electronic census registered 37 million in Jan. 2020…), and now they’ve lost like another 6 million or so, plus who knows how many fit, young, fighting-age men who are either dead, imprisoned, or on the battlefield.

You can throw all the cash you want at an economy, but if there’s no one to do the work you just end up with more inflation, money sitting in bank accounts, and probably (knowing Ukraine) buttloads of simple old-fashioned corruption.

Some commentator who I’ve found reliable (Col. MacGregor maybe?) mentioned that they are not even capable at this moment of *spending* all the money the US has been dumping on them…

Varna says:

Circa 1990 the Ukraine had a population of 52 million

They had inherited the breadbasket land of the USSR, half the industry (in the eastern Ukraine), and the first echelon army prepped for taking down NATO (Russia inherited the second echelon of older weaponry).

And of course the best south sea coast of the USSR, which they also now seem on the verge of losing.

The Ukraine’s starting position at the collapse of the USSR was potentially the best of all of Eastern Europe. The biggest population, the biggest territory, the best land, serious industry, an army that was at least equivalent of that of France.

In Soviet times the Ukraine produced 40% of the TV sets and 50% of the iron in the USSR.

It sucked in the sense that life in the USSR would always suck, but among the inheritors of the collapsed empire they had a head start that should literally have made them a regional giant in a decade.

Eastern Europeans are known for pissing away any inherent advantage, but this, this is epic.

The Ukraine could have become the Italy or Spain of EE at the very least, if even a modicum of non-degenerate stewardship had been applied to what they started out with. A tragedy, really.

Many observers suspect that today right now the real physical population of the Ukraine, even if counting the recently lost territories, is under 30 million.

Georgia, Armenia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, they were all propped up by Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian generated funds, and had pretty utopian lifestyles by Soviet measures. After going indie they all pissed everything away fast. Those who managed to attach themselves to a new teat (the Baltics) are doing not as bad as those who didn’t find a new sponsor, but even compared to this circus what the Ukraine achieved was a masterclass in total retardedness.

Kunning Drueger says:

So is this a Slavic problem, or an east-of-Hajnal problem, or what? As a child of the Peace following the dissolution, the memes were always mixed, but the “corruption” angle was ubiquitous. I assumed that was played up by western media, but is it actually the case that Slavs are the Euronegros?

I’m fairly certain Ukraine was robbed blind by Congress. It never seems to make it into the headlines, but there are scores of congressmen with questionable ties to the country, Hunty was just the tip of the iceberg.

Varna says:

Slavs, Balts, Turkics, the lot.
Germanized Bohemians are perhaps the least prone to obvious self-sabotage in the eastern manner.

1. Eastern Whites are not former colonial powers, they are former colonies of a) Turkey, b) Austria, c) Russia.

Neither were they slave-owners, they were in fact the slaves wherever slavery was practiced in adjacent regions. The Slavs especially, unless ruled by an external warrior tribe from the steppes or some sort of Germanics, were the stereotypical “can everyone just leave us the fuck alone” ethnicity.

They are white negroes in the sense the Irish always have been until allegedly recently. Ireland however is an island microcosms, whereas the eastern white is part of a vast civilizational layer.

Absolutely every EE nation has a “we wuz kungz” popular mythology to the extent that each and every one of them is the originator of all languages, inventions, religions, and are descendent of Hyborean offsprings of alien demigods.

This also applies to Central Asia. The Tajiks, for example, are the true Aryans as official state policy.

2. Communism is what differentiates EE from other eternal victims such as the Irish and the Finns, and Central Asia from other Asian former colonies.

The last generation more or less insulated from Globohomo’s more obviously insane traits due to remembering Soviet-type communism are the middle-aged.

However the combination of centuries of colonial status and decades of communism does create certain specifics which include a more passive and crooked non-can-do form of every man for himself, and also the subliminal expectation that things will go really well if they find the right type of master. Be he a local big man, or a far off imperial center.

Kunning Druegger says:

A while back, I watched some mini-doc about a Bulgarian merc working his trade in AFG. He said something like “Bulgarians have been involved in every major war in the 20th century, and always on the losing side, but we never lost.” I’m probably mangling it, but Bulgaria is a really weird country that never seems to make headlines.

I wrote a paper in university about a potential future wherein Poland pulled together a pan-Slavic confederation after the major powers eliminated each other. Obviously stupid, but if life were an RTS game, I skilled player could take over the world from either Poland or Uzbekistan. They have the populations and manpower, assuming they subsume or unite a few neighbors. But some mystical force seems to keep things boring with a steady stream of extreme East or extreme West dominating powers. It’s probably impossible, but a Russo-Polish alliance would take over Europe in a year, just as a Chinastan would conquer Asia.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The primary limiting factor of empires is breakdowns of coordination, by various means. Mapblobbing in grand strategy games is possible because, barring dashes of superficial fluff for flavoring, assabiya of the player’s ‘organization’ is basically baked in as an iron-clad given.

No matter what is going on, ‘orders’ are inerrantly transmitted across time and space to their targets, and inerrantly followed exactly as they are given, with inerrant performance in accordance with predefined capabilities, leaving more ‘deterministic’ factors like resources, population, carrying capacity, and correlation of forces, to be subject to modeling.

This is of course largely the case because, 1. dealing with social entropy in all it’s vagarious forms would be annoying in most kinds of sim type games, 2. implementing such things in ways that resembles reality would be very difficult in most cases to begin with, incurring radically inflating scope creep, and 3. it’s a more esoteric plane of phenomena for a man to get a grip on with his mind’s eye in the first place – and more particularly for such kinds of men that one may more often find designing such kinds games.

Varna says:

>I’m probably mangling it, but Bulgaria is a really weird country that never seems to make headlines.

There are a few comfy Shires in SEE: Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, Moldova, Macedonia, Slovenia. Left to their own devices, the local hobbits mind their own business and try to not pay too much heed to the passing dwarves, elves, striders, weird magicians, and so on.

However, the eye of Sauron or Saruman falls on them and they become tragic cases like Bosnia or Georgia or Armenia or Serbia. Today sweet little harmless Moldova seems poised on the verge of getting a few knives stuck into it from all sides in the name of cosmic justice.

A bloody shame. Moldova, with it’s laid back hobbits, warm weather, fine wine and agriculture, meadows and rivers, and super low cost, sounded like THE perfect place for downshifting. In the two years prior to the kung flu some of us were actually discussing settling there.

Poor Moldova. Another post-commie Shire on the verge of getting gutted.

Let us drink to Bulgaria and Montenegro and the rest remaining invisible forever.

Javier says:

Ukraine will be mortgaged off and owned forever by zog/gae bankers, just like all the towns blm burned down.

Pooch says:

The Ukrainian government is dependent on vast amounts of cash streaming in from the west every month but how long can that go on for?

No not from the West, from the US. It can go on indefinitely because the US prints it.

Kunning Drueger says:

“The Never Ending Fiat Stream, the Unbeatable Military, and Other Bleak Tales of Blackpill Bullshit” by Pooch T. Bitchmade

Pooch says:

Not blackpilled.

Got a girl. Got land. About to start a family. What happens in the course of history is out of my control. In God’s control. Therefore white-pilled.

alf says:

Got a girl. Got land. About to start a family.


Pooch says:

haha thanks

Pooch says:

And btw an unlimited fiat stream and unbeatable US military would be white pilled, not black pilled.

When the US military fails to generate sufficient military force, we will see currency collapse in the West and it will be time to join a gang or flee. Things will get very bad indeed.

jim says:

You don’t know if your military has collapsed until an opponent decides it is time to find out.

Discipline has collapsed, and the high tech equipment barely works when it works. What will happen with discipline and equipment under war conditions?

Calvin says:

Depends on who you’re fighting and if they can take meaningful advantage of it. If such failures happen in, for example, the recent redeployment to Somalia, I doubt any significant consequences will ensue.

As to China, their military is completely untested in actual battlefield conditions. They haven’t had a war since the 70’s, and while they say they have an enormous stockpile of nice new toys I would take anything made in China with a healthy supply of salt.

One thing you really should account for, Jim, is that in building the Three Gorges Dam China basically equipped their economy with a self-destruct button. A few good hits with purely conventional missiles and tens of millions of chinamen drown.

Pooch says:

We will know the US military has collapsed when countries flee the US dollar into the Chinese system.

When a small country like Saudi Arabia, for instance, no longer fears American soft and hard power, collapse is imminent.

But not seeing countries flee the US dollar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They may not be fleeing, but they are easing their chairs away from the table and making sure their shoes are tied. I knew I was over after the Fall of Kabul, but the war in Ukraine and resulting sanctions against Russia showed a lot more people that the US is a paper eagle.

The Cominator says:

I read a headline every couple of days about countries starting to use something other than the US dollar for International Trade.

Pooch says:

For oil? I have not seen that.

The Cominator says:


Russia China many countries that don’t like the US much (Iran) and Saudi Arabia at least threatened too. The dollar as reserve currency is kaput in a couple of years.

Pooch says:

China still trades dollars for oil. Saudi Arabia still trades oil for dollars. When countries no longer trade dollars for oil (and vice versa), US funny money will become worthless toilet paper and it will be time to flee the American Empire.

Meanwhile India and China are continuing to enjoy discounted Russian oil regardless of uncle Joe’s stern admonitions.


Indian external affairs minister hits out at the west:


Pooch says:

You know India more than me. Has India completely abandoned the dollar?

If the dollar is to lose reserve status, we will see countries outright abandoning all dollar transactions. They will be holding 0 US dollars and will want all trade done in another currency, as there will be no point into holding worthless paper. It will be a stampede to the exit. Not seeing a stampede yet, countries are getting antsy and testing other options.

Cracks in the foundation are surely showing, but I’m not so convinced the building is on the verge of collapse.

Pooch says:

History shows large Empires do not fall overnight. It tends to be a slow process of decline.

@pooch, At the moment no. India is trying to ride both horses, not committing to either.

Pooch says:

Ah ok. Seems like Saudi Arabia is doing something similar to an extent, riding both horses.

It will be an interesting thing to monitor and will be a leading indicator of US Empire military strength.

Kunning Druegger says:

History does show that large empires disappear overnight, as in the USSR. Looking at the timeline from our lofty gay heights, it is easy to point out the inflection points that made the 90s collapse obvious. But almost no one in the moment saw it coming. One day, there was a Communist Empire, the next day there wasn’t.

Given that America is a communist country, The communist country, it is reasonable to assume it will follow the same pattern, with China playing the same role that the US did in Russia. I don’t think it will be a 1:1 situation, but it will be near as makes no difference. Biden is like a super Gorbachev, the managerial class is subsumed by apple snagging, the military leadership is decrepit and incompetent, the vassal states are incredibly exposed to martial manipulation, and the propaganda is in luxurious overdrive about how everything is coming up Millhouse.

I’m not saying it will be this June, but I expect it to happen in June, the high holy month of American Communism.


“ Europe has to grow out of mindset that its problems are world’s problems,but world’s problems aren’t Europe’s problems.”

“ This is construct you’re trying to impose on India. Don’t think it’s necessary for India to join any axis.India entitled to make its own choices which will be a balance of its values &interests”

This is as aggressive an answer I’ve seen an Indian minister give when challenged to choose between the Europe/the West and Russia/China.

Pooch says:

I know this is a popular opinion on the Right made famous by Moldbug, but I disagree with the premise that America is the Soviet Union ripe to fall.

The Soviet Union did not collapse because it was living out its Communist ideals too fervently or being “too Communist”. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was not Communist enough.

It collapsed because it did not resemble North Korea or China and became undermined by the West socially, culturally, and psychologically. They were memed into it. Yeltsin, who pulled the trigger on dissolution, was an American puppet.

The problem with this argument is that China is economically dependent on America in a way that America was not economically dependent on the Soviet Union.

If America collapses overnight like the way the USSR collapsed overnight we would see massive instability in the world reserve currency, the shipping lanes, and the movement of goods globally. China does not want this. Nobody wants this. This was not the case for the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union had little effect on the world economy.

America is a world power in a way that the Soviet Union was genuinely not a world power and history shows that world powers fall more like Rome, not the Soviet Union.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, can you point to where Turkey the country is employing IEW, as opposed to Turkish tech being used for IEW? If Turkey was at the top of the game, wouldn’t this be evident in their foreverWar with the Kurds?

jim says:

That is a conjecture, based on the fact that they like drones with a mighty long loiter time, and they like autonomous drones. They also have battlefield drones, but don’t seem to think them important, nor improving them urgent, while the Ukrainians use their autonomous long range drones as battlefield drones.

Frank Matters says:

What are the thoughts here on Blake Masters?

Breif synopsis: Thiel-backed senate candidate from Arizona. Very much aware of the ballot packing that occured in his state,

> Masters said so-called election integrity “may be the top priority” of his campaign and said, “it’s really hard to know” who won the presidential race.

Not sure what to make of this. Perhaps Quixotic, or perhaps whatever faction Theil represents thinks it has a chance at gaining ground again.

Pooch says:

He’s legit which means the steal will be on against him in general.

Pooch says:

in the general.

Frank Matters says:

Is this showing that they think they can steal just as well, and plan to take power themselves? Is this just public relations signaling in a bigger game? Apparently Thiel paid out at least 10million for this run, I don’t see him throwing money at LARPs nor in denial of reality of power today. I just am not sure the infrastructure exists for their faction to count the votes, so I have no idea what this is ultimately for.

Pooch says:

It will be definitely interesting to see how Vance/Masters do as Thiel candidates who personally know and speak to Yarvin.

Mastraino seems doomed for egregious ballot stuffing. The Cathedral is already calling their shot against him in the same way they were against Trump, which is a sign they are fully confident of rigging against him.

ExileStyle says:

Vance likely has a good shot given his Cathedral background and the apparently normal ballot-counting procedures there. I also suspect he will, alas, tack to the center quite comfortably in the general.

I know you still seem to have some faith in Georgia, but as far as I can tell PA and GA are simply lost indefinitely. The fraud is too deeply baked in and too obvious. Mastriano’s chance to win was dependent on him fixing their fraud, which he obviously did not do. They’re both just blue states now.

Kunning Drueger says:

Once you have blacks colonized to a certain threshold density, the convergence, or blue shift is inevitable. They are a one stop shop for leftists for generating controversy, manufacturing bureaucracy, creating pressure, expanding power, and stealing cash. Their cultural memory is on par with goldfish, so the same tricks always work. Their collective attention span is perfect for liberal democracy. Their capacity for dumb violence is limitless. They breed prodigiously, but are short lived and genetically prone to chronic illnesses. They’re the best possible constituents for the society Progress is working towards. A simple set of card tricks can stupify the negro

Pooch says:

The thing though is they are not particularly loyal to the state religion like the white shitlibs are. They do thy bidding for the gibs.

If I were an enterprising Republican candidate I would seriously considering just dumping a bunch of money on them and see what happens.

Pooch says:

Well placed bribes in the black urban cities would actually defeat fraud rather simply and easily. No one worships the almighty Dollar like the American Negro.

jim says:


Fraud is centrally organized from Washington, including massive and blatant fraud in Republican primaries, and in the video 2000 mules, I did not see any black mules, and all the ngos that it referred to are run by Jews and full of dot Indians.

At the top, Jews, in the middle dot Indians, and the footsoldier stuffing the ballot boxes with fake ballots printed in Washington seem to be neither black nor white, nor obviously dot Indian.

I repeat. The ballot box stuffers pick up their ballots from ngos run directly by Washington and New York, and run by people from Harvard. Blacks are almost completely irrelevant.

Pooch says:

In practically all the urban districts where the Great Steal of 2020 took place, all the vote counters were black.

When the Republican poll watchers attempted to gain access to vote counting, thrown out and barred from the counting rooms by black police.

I would attempt to bribe the black vote counters and the black police. Maybe a lost cause. Maybe not.

jim says:

When the Republican primaries were stolen, very few of the vote counters were black.

The Cominator says:

Pooch is right in the sense that the system is supposed to have failsafes to prevent fraud and in most places it does so. The places where it does not almost invariably tend to be all black precincts (I mean if you leave out California and possibly New Mexico).

I think Pooch is right that bribe money to the right people in those precincts if Thiel etc were willing to grease the right palms… the fraud could be shut down.

jim says:

Normality bias.

The recent Republican primaries showed that the failsafes are not working anywhere.

It is no longer a few rotten apples, the whole failsafe system is dead in the water from one end of the Global American Empire to the other – as for example the recent Australian elections. Not a negro in sight in the Australian election.

Elections have stopped functioning everywhere, more or less simultaneously, just a few weeks ago.

When the Republican primaries started to elect people who thought Trump was too squishy, the decision was made that free elections could not be tolerated anywhere. Suddenly and simultaneously not only have Republican primaries in the US stopped working, but looks like elections throughout the Global American Empire have suddenly and simultaneously stopped working.

Pooch says:

Overly blackpilled, pessimistic, and naive.

Elections became massively corrupt during the late Roman Republic and Caesar found whoever had the most bribe money tended to win.

jim says:

Not true.

Caesar found that whoever could arrest political opponents for fraud, whoever could physically control the voting places, whoever could prevent his own operatives from being arrested, won.

Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar won by marching on Rome. Bribery and fraud were just minor logistic details.

Augustus Caesar used bribery extensively, ran out of money pretty fast, started extorting money from the wealthy, or just killed them and took their stuff, at first using criminal goons who were not officially part of his army or administration, and with whom he would piously deny any connection, but he suffered a strange inability to arrest these criminals, and everyone else suffered a strange inability to even notice their activities, and in due course using regular soldiers.

The Cominator says:

Not saying you’re wrong but the bulk of the fraud in 2020 (really the overwhelming majority) was concentrated in a few black corrupt urban precincts. Also Youngkin’s election…

With Australia wasn’t the current incumbent government that locked everyone down for two years theoretically a “conservative” one… its not that odd they didn’t win. Fake right wingers who betray their supporters tend to get killed by radical leftists.

jim says:

Australia has a monoparty. Liberal and Labor rather suddenly became utterly indistinguishable. Australia does not have primaries. The normal course of events in the past was that when supporters of Labor or Liberal got pissed, a third party would rise, and Labor or Liberal would veer to accommodate the voters and political leadership of the third party. In this election, the third parties were about to slaughter the monoparty, and to prevent this from happening, the counting of third party ballots was halted. They just ignored their votes. Third party scrutineers were in tears.

The political leadership, world wide, all in the same week, has locked down the establishment politicians from outsiders as a result of the recent success of ultra maga candidates in the primaries. The failure to count third party ballots in Australia happened at the same time as establishment candidates in the Republican primaries suddenly stopped losing and suddenly started winning, often by entirely improbable margins.

That both events happened almost simultaneously indicates a single decision made by a group of men small enough to meet around a coffee table and feel each other’s breath, and obeyed in lockstep world wide throughout the global American empire.

Blacks are irrelevant. Black districts are irrelevant. That is normality bias, the “just a few rotten apples” theory.

On the contrary, the rot is at the core.

Pooch says:

Who decides on the fraud is utterly unimportant and elections in client-states like Australia are utterly unimportant. An election in Australia or France or Italy could not be more meaningless.

What is important is who counts the votes in the center of the empire and blacks and other low IQ corrupt officials count the votes in the center of the empire. It’s no different then slaves counting the votes during Caesar’s time. Caesar payed off the vote counters.

The next Caesar, who has the balls, will find they can do the same.

Pooch says:

Caesar found that whoever could arrest political opponents for fraud, whoever could physically control the voting places, whoever could prevent his own operatives from being arrested, won.


I have read all the sources. There are no historical sources that back up these claims. The streets of Rome were utterly lawless and elections were utterly lawless.

Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar won by marching on Rome.

If not for Caesar’s ability to bribe his way to the consulship, would have never gained an army to march on Rome with.

jim says:

> I have read all the sources. There are no historical sources that back up these claims. The streets of Rome were utterly lawless and elections were utterly lawless.

The elections came to be physically contested. The contest was for physical control of the voting. At which point Pompey was (illegally) given authority to enforce the law by extraordinary means. Voted temporary dictator. Elections never returned to normality after that.

Long before Caesar came to power, it was a question of electoral violence.

The Cominator says:

Yes he bribed people thats the point (well Crassus did).. and we’re saying it may be possible to bribe the corrupt precincts…

Red says:

If not for Caesar’s ability to bribe his way to the consulship, would have never gained an army to march on Rome with.

Caesar bullied and pushed around the Senate and his co-consul during his time in office. That indicates far more power than what typically comes from bribery. Caesar has his own army of street toughs or Pompey was loaning his men to him.

jim says:

> Caesar bullied and pushed around the Senate and his co-consul during his time in office.

The senate charged him with a pile of crimes, for which he would surely have been found guilty, which would have resulted in a death sentence. At the time he had acquired enormous wealth by conquering Gaul. It obviously did not do him much good.

In the events that resulted in Pompey being made temporary dictator, it was completely obvious that elections were being decided wholly by physical control of the voting, by violence, and by selectively ineffectual law enforcement.

One faction got a more effectual team of thugs, the other faction called in Pompey, a military officer. And made him temporarily dictator.

The Triumvirate came after that, and Caesar came to power by marching on Rome.

The Cominator says:

Caesar was then in the 1st triumvirate. Crassus was the money, Pompey was the muscle (and he had a lot of money too), Caesar was at that point not just broke but deeply in debt but Crassus and Pompey both recognized his charisma and brains. Also Crassus and Pompey if not hated at least strongly disliked each other and Caesar prettymuch had to be go between.

So Crassus provided money to bribe the electors and Pompey provided muscle

jim says:

Yes, that is how things worked in the last days of the Republic. Until they did not. With the Senate proposing to charge him with a pile of crimes, for which he would surely have been found guilty, he marched on Rome.

Kunning Drueger says:


… permanently. A simple rhyme scheme can enthral them for years. They produce nothing and consume simple, even disgusting foodstuffs. They’re hardwired for servitude and need only the most rudimentary conditioning to accept it.

Sometimes, I wonder which is more elemental, the Woman Question or the Negro Question.

ExileStyle says:

I’m fully with Drueger on this one. Jim wrote:

Blacks are irrelevant. Black districts are irrelevant. That is normality bias, the “just a few rotten apples” theory.

…and here I’ve got to pull the “Nuts” card. Absolutely nuts. Black majority cities and districts are matchlessly corrupt, and cheap and easy to corrupt. This is just simple arithmetic and logic. Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis/St. Paul combined decided the outcome of election by virtue of black corruption. Negate the black vote tomorrow and we all live under Jolly King Ron of Florida…

Nobody’s claiming they’re the *only* bad apples, but they are definitely bad apples and among the baddest and most numerous. Isn’t it a weird coincidence that the fraud is the most glaringly obvious in these districts, and that most of the “six counties” that decided the election were heavily black?

And even setting aside fraud, are you telling me that a class of people who can be entranced into storming Walmarts and Bestbuys on Black Friday like a bunch of animals are going to be making a useful contribution to the Republic? Those votes are cheap and easy.

I haven’t see 2000 mules but I am wary of the class of people who made and love this movie: Republicans. They are so terrified of being racist they elect any colored person who wanders into their vicinity, and would likely delete or ignore evidence of black misdeeds in their documentary. They have stupidly been courting the black vote for years, and throw the rest of us under the bus for it.

KunningDrueger wrote:

Sometimes, I wonder which is more elemental, the Woman Question or the Negro Question.

There’s a question you’re not mentioning, but I hear you. WQ is more elemental if only for being more universal. If you changed Negro Question to Race Question, that is hard to decide. One’s life is not endangered by accidentally driving into a “woman’s neighborhood” though…

jim says:

> …and here I’ve got to pull the “Nuts” card. Absolutely nuts. Black majority cities and districts are matchlessly corrupt, and cheap and easy to corrupt

Doubtless, but as of the past few days, Republican primaries and Australian elections are also corrupt.

Suddenly it was everywhere, nor did it look all that localized during the 2020 presidential election.

> They are so terrified of being racist they elect any colored person who wanders into their vicinity, and would likely delete or ignore evidence of black misdeeds in their documentary.

They went after the ngos, an action far more dangerous than going after black people. Those guys had balls like I have seldom seen.

They were after wholesale massive fraud that is organized on a very large scale – something that you just do not see blacks engaged in even in the cocaine and fentanyl trade.

It is not the blacks. The blacks just do retail fraud. Since they were after wholesale fraud, you would no more expect to see blacks involved than if you went after a pallet load of cocaine.

The filtration criteria of the two thousand mules video implicitly excluded blacks. They looked for trips between ngo offices and ballot boxes, and then they pulled up official (and officially ignored) video of what happened at those ballot boxes at the time of the visit. You think you are going to see blacks at an ngo office? They were not interested in the small scale stuff for which blacks are so rightly infamous.

Black fraud has been an insignificant problem in American elections for a long time, and has been utterly insignificant compared to large scale fraud since the 2020 election.

ExileStyle says:

It is not the blacks. The blacks just do retail fraud. Since they were after wholesale fraud, you would no more expect to see blacks involved than if you went after a pallet load of cocaine.

Hm, I see what you are saying. This certainly accords with my experience of blacks. I guess I will have to watch the movie, if it has your endorsement.

That is a long way, though, from blacks being “irrelevant.” Fraud is much easier in places with cultures of cheap corruption, e.g. urban black America.

To stay with the cocaine analogy: sure, we’d still have cocaine consumption without black retailers, but drop a ton of cocaine in a neighborhood with a thousand retailers and you have the recipe not only for a violent post-apocalyptic jungle like Baltimore or Detroit, and all the associated violence, but also for cocaine being sold to all sorts of people who wouldn’t otherwise think of or know how to buy it and the start of an endemic problem which only spreads.

Fraud has always been a part of elections like drugs have always been part of the human experience. But set up anarchic self-governing domestic colonies like Detroit and Chicago and suddenly fraud gets easier and easier.

But I’ll have to check out the movie.

Also, what exactly happened in Australia?

jim says:

> Also, what exactly happened in Australia?

Before the election, suddenly there was a whole lot of what looked like postal vote harvesting, which has never happened before, because procedures had previously been such as to prevent it, which procedures were changed (covid), and which the “minor” parties complained about. Shortly after the election, Pauline Hanson complained about being frauded out.

Aa scrutineer for Australia project, complained of minor party votes not being counted according to procedure. During the election, one of the minor parties initiated legal action about normal process not being followed.

Minor parties in Australia perform the same check on the political establishment that Republican primaries perform in America. This election happened at the same time as the winning streak of Ultra Maga Republicans in the primaries mysteriously ended.

I have not checked the evidence for fraud in either case. What I have checked is that there is a strange lack of interest in the normal safeguards against fraud being suddenly and strangely inoperative, and a profound lack of curiosity about the possibility of fraud and numerous things strongly suggestive of fraud. Lots of funny stuff in the Republican primaries, about which there is a curious lack of curiosity..

Which fraud cannot be proven because all the usual means for detecting it have quietly ceased to function. And that I certainly can and have checked out. It could have happened, and the minor parties say it did. And that it could have happened means that it almost certainly did, because in the past elections were conducted by procedures that guaranteed that it could not have happened.

JJ says:
jim says:

Sovereign Citizen is a very old scam that has been shilled on the internet for at least sixteen years or so, albeit by private sector shills. From memory, Sovereign Citizen spam appeared a couple of years or so after the Greencard Lawyer spam, which first appeared in April 1994, so probably have been shilling this since around 1998 or so, since the shills came a bit after the spammers came. Which would make shilling Sovereign Citizen on the internet about a quarter of a century old.

Now that you jog my memory, I recognize that very old familiar script. Putting him on moderation now.

I was so focused on shills sponsored by quasi statal organizations that I did not recollect: “Hello, I am an expert in law who can cast magic spells. Hear my mysterious incantations full of completely random obscure legal phrases that the dumb ignorant yokes I am targeting are unlikely to recognize as totally and utterly irrelevant to the subjects I am talking about. This magic spell will make you bulletproof.”

Kunning Druegger says:

Just to clarify, I don’t think the blacks are running The fraud machine. they have their own fraud machines, but they only work on black communities and other races in areas where they have the population majority. What I was originally postulating is that the New Left jumped onto American Civil Rights so that urban areas would be handed over to black control. Once they have it, the laws go out the window and anyone can set up shop and run any kind of opperation on their turf, so long as the resident King Watermelon gets his gibbs. Sure, not many blacks working at the NGO, but where are those NGOs located? Where do the NGOs pull their staff and agents from?

The Race Question is separate from the Negro Question. The RQ is important and universal in applicability, but the NQ is specific to the United States. The blacks here are gigganigga’d by decades of Cultural Marxist psyops and manipulation. It is an issue that must be addressed in addition to the RQ.

jim says:

> Sure, not many blacks working at the NGO, but where are those NGOs located? Where do the NGOs pull their staff and agents from?

Where is an ngo located? It is located in Massachusetts. New York, or Washington, though it may well find it convenient to operate a stash house in a black area to distribute ballots that were printed up in Washintgon, and when a runner goes to to the stash house to get paid, he is paid by a Jew or a dot Indian who answers to a Jew in Washington.

The recent Republican primaries were not stolen by blacks, the Australian elections were not stolen by blacks.

The ballot box stuffing was videotaped on official video, and the official videos were transmitted to a central location. And officially ignored. No blacks were involved in the decision to ignore the videos.

Long ago, ballot box stuffing was local, it was just a few rotten apples, and the rotten apples were primarily black people in black areas.

This ceased to be the case quite some time ago.

Ghost says:

There was known fraud in the JFK v Nixon election. Nixon didn’t pursue it supposedly to prevent loss of faith in government. I suspect there is much more to it.

These politicians know there is corruption and they know that the public knows. They think they can continue to wield power indefinitely and gaslight the people.

But, we know from other countries that is not the case.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

For most of history, the acme of operational art has been to create circumstances where the enemy is forced to either commit his men to an attack, or else suffer an intolerable situation; as, generally speaking, a prepared defender would enjoy significant advantages over the assaulting force.

A canonical example would be siege; the enemy must either try for a break-out, or eventually starve from hunger, or perish from thirst, or break down from want of replacements. This can also be a means of baiting an enemy on campaign to come to you, by threatening a target he has little choice but to defend.

Another example, along similar lines, would be the chevauchee by Edward the Black Prince in the hundred years war, or the march to the sea by General Sherman. Marauding bands of raiders create an intolerable situation for the other party, as in many ways, it represents a rapid imposition of civilizational collapse in microcosm; the breakdown of his security over property, trade, and complex coordination.

Yet another example would be the doctrine of fortified marches used by roman legions for several centuries; where the legion would march one day, then set up dug-in encampments the next, alternating off and on, leaving a string of defensible positions in their wake. Such that, on the one hand, they would be well prepared in case of an enemy attack; and on the other hand, they could eventually transform the battlespace into an environment completely in their favor without even meeting the enemy, if they were simply left to their own devices.

The red army in the later days of the second war of wilsonian aggression widely employed infiltration tactics, which touch on a number of these dynamics; filing troops ahead under cover of darkness, where they dig into fortified breastworks over night behind the enemies lines; which are then reinforced with more men the next night; and then heavy equipment the next; and then you deconstruct the enemies positions in detail with spotting for ordnance, and then the cycle continues.

The footsoldier is the world’s oldest autonomous guided weapon system; use of ranging bands for sniping, directing ordnance, and raiding soft targets are all classical methods of creating intolerable situations for an adversary; something not quite attack, but not quite sitting in your dugouts with the garrison troops waiting for an attack, either.

One of the most striking things about ‘modern warfare’, is how warfighters under modernity so often do not just neglect the use of new tools in aretic manners, they do not use preexisting tools in aretic manners either.

jim says:

> One of the most striking things about ‘modern warfare’, is how warfighters under modernity so often do not just neglect the use of new tools in aretic manners, they do not use preexisting tools in aretic manners either.

Very good point. What is going on here?

We have an officer class that it horribly off its game. Is perhaps the problem that they are being trained by priests of the officially unofficial religion, rather than warriors?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Is perhaps the problem that they are being trained by priests of the officially unofficial religion, rather than warriors?

The pink-pill Samo Burja/Dominic Cummings/Zeihan style polygon-adjacent answer would be that, while masters can transmit accumulated wisdom to apprentices, ‘institutions’ cannot transmit accumulated wisdom to anyone. The more institutions transmute away from existence as essentially formalizations of a preexisting social group, and more towards existence as abstract ‘institutions’ that exist in of themselves, with the meatbags being merely interchangeable widgets, the stupider they become. Or in other words, the less time people spend with the same people, the more dysfunctional the institution; the more time people spend with the same people, the more adroit the institution.

Adding more redness to the equation, i have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: the Vietnam War was a notable watermark, as this made obvious a major turning point had taken place; the first time significant commanding heights of power in the wilsonian empire came under the direction of men who were drinking their own kool-aide.

ExileStyle says:

In this as in so many other spheres, I suspect a lot of it comes down to the vanishing of historical awareness and literacy. Do you think “military science” is any different from other “sciences” in thinking that if something happened more than 20-30 years ago it basically belongs to the realm of myth and superstition?

I highly doubt they’re thinking or studying WWI or even Vietnam. They’re studying South Ossetia and Afghanistan. Wars before the 20th century, not a chance in hell. That’s a specialty that’s been assigned to archivists, and maybe a short course in officer training school. Same story as in every other educational institution and field of knowledge.

Napoleon, meanwhile, read everything he could get his hands on about every war and every general he knew about. Obsessively, and often multiple times. He was also dealing with new technologies and political formations and yet still found history a useful, powerful guide.

Russia might be more historically aware than most nations, but they also happen to suffer from a crippling set of interpretive neuroses, caused by their turbulent 20th century. This leads to sometimes confusing outcomes and strange, contradictory beliefs. Was Lenin a wicked Bolshevik or a heroic Russian George Washington? Are you fighting for Tsar and Patriarch or multicultural federalism and religious liberty? Why, exactly, are your men hoisting the Soviet flag on their tanks and captured buildings? You are fighting against “nationalism” but for the Russian right to national self-determination? And so on.

I suspect military matters also be infected with this sloppy, hazy thinking and typical Russian sentimentalism and dishonesty with self. Like thinking that (a) Ukrainians are “brothers” while also, astonishingly, being so naive and historically illiterate as to think that (b) brothers can’t fight brothers.

Remember 1917, Vladimir? Or most of history?

jim says:

Sound right. All of history is dumb racists, and we have absolutely nothing to learn from them. So the grunts are led by men utterly ignorant of real warfare between peer powers.

And if you read what such men said in their own words, you are likely to be suspected of being infected by their evil thoughts, which suspicion is apt to be very bad for your career. Hence Wikipedia’s allergy to primary sources.

Anon Poaster says:

The light infantry tactics described by Pseudo-Chrysostom are not particularly used by modern militaries, true. The only thing that perhaps comes close in my mind is the Second Congo War, where Rwanda went to war with a far larger and more heavily armed and mechanised coalition comprising the basically half of Central Africa, and soundly defeated them through use of light infantry raids.

Rwandan light infantry raids broke the coalition. The RDF, which had no tanks, no airpower, no artillery, annihilated armoured coalition formations in pitched battles. Suggests that light infantry tactics aren’t irrelevant in an age of airpower and armour.

Then again, given the racial differences between the RDF’s Tutsi officer corps and other Africans, maybe the outcome was never in doubt. Historically in Rwanda the Tutsi were warrior-elites and wealthy pastoralists, probably indicative of a higher IQ and a more martial mentality, explaining why they won the war.

Kunning Druegger says:

Could also be another instance of Shared Faith making a big difference in capability.

ExileStyle says:

My impression is that the Russian historical neurosis is less about dumb “racists” than an uncomfortable mental friction resulting from Russia’s abundant national pride combined with its less than proud history. I hate to use the cathedrally-sounding word “trauma” but it seems kind of apt here.

Unlike East Germany, which was able to just merge back into German history, or Hungary and other satellite states which could just blame the Soviets for their woes, Russians after 1991, forming their national identity, were confronted with the prospect of a simple 70 year gap, the idea that their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers had slaved and died for something wicked. No nation wants that. So they’ve put together this confusing patchwork of selectively remembered, superficial history which makes it very hard to confront reality when it comes knocking, indifferent to your petty identity issues.

Honestly, this might just belong to the Russian national character. In War & Peace, Tolstoy wonderfully draws out the ironies of the officer class and aristocracy which had all these romantic, arrogant, confused and contradictory notions about Mother Russia, its love for the Tsar combined with its fascination with liberalism, Napoleonism, and all things French, and who were all shocked when their romantic notions crumbled upon actual contact with Napoleon’s armies. (The second half, for the record, also shows the classic Russian ability to get their shit together when they wake up with Moscow surrounded…)

Americans on the right are dealing with something similar now. “Wait, so, Grandpa fought for a tranny pride parade empire? Wait, were we the bad guys all along?” I hate to think that about my grandfathers. It’s a natural psychological reaction, but bad for politics and making war.

(Still a million times better than a tranny pride parade empire, though.)

Varna says:

Thanks, interesting perspective.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Persons possessed of a demotist weltanschauung operate within a certain ideological toolbox; actions encouraged within this box are good for destroying countries – see for example the arab spring, their own countries, and so on; but actions that would lead to victory, and more especially the transmutation of victory into order, are not permissible – see for example afghanistan, vietnam, afghanistan again, iraq, and afghanistan yet again. Thus such persons, if they nominally intend to gain victory, can never truly attain it, engaging in cargo-cult like displacement activities that look like making an effort, but accomplish worse than nothing; quixotic windmill tilting until they eventually waste themselves out.

kawaii_kike says:

Very off topic, but this is the only place in the world I can get an honest and reactionary opinion. I’ve been struggling alot with lust lately and I live in a military barracks. Lately I’ve been struggling with urges to rape and murder women in my barracks. Is this morally permissible given that most women are unowned? I know this sounds ridiculous but I need serious reactionary advice pls
Was Ted Bundy for example, a reactionary icon or a perverse freak?

jim says:

Rape followed by murder is a reaction to inability to own, a sexual deviation of despair. Despair is a sin, leads to self destructive sins.

Rape followed by ownership is far more fun. When you can beat your women, and you know it, and they know it, you are apt to cherish their flesh like your own..

i says:

In addition rape followed by murder is definitely a death penalty offence. No mannerbund should tolerate those kinds of Men.

They are unworthy of life for doing so. And a weak link.

God doesn’t tolerate it. Neither should any Mannerbund.

jim says:

That surely depends on who is being raped and murdered.

i says:

The only legitimate forms of killing is in battle, judicial or because of battlefield necessity because of resource constraints that make captives impossible to feed without causing starvation among everyone.

Murder falls under a mandatory death penalty offence. As I have posted before. The shedding of blood cannot be atoned for except by the blood of those who shed said innocent blood.

Likewise the requirement that sex even with women captured in battle must ensure that said woman is made a wife. Or let go as a free woman if she displeases him who cannot be sold as a slave.

Makes rules out rape before killing altogether. Given how it is sacrilege in regards to how God designed sex to be in Holy Wedlock(Song of Solomon, Proverbs 5:15-19). And likewise with the sacredness of life because of Humanity being made in God’s image.

Its quite clear from the bible as far as God’s Law’s that is laid down.

jim says:

> The only legitimate forms of killing is in battle, judicial or because of battlefield necessity

And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?

You are giving us the postChristian doctrine that Christians have a duty to roll over and die. Christians have a duty to duty to walk the extra mile and turn the other cheek, but not unlimited miles and we only have two cheeks.

i says:

“And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?”

Replace the unjust government with a Just government. Do what is necessary to actually have the power to administrate Justice.

I am talking about the Judiciary as outlined in the Tanakh. And how they operated.

And how else will we determine guilt so as not to murder the innocent and hence be guilty of that person’s blood?

I see no other alternative but proper due process and evidence gathering.

And the resulting Just Judgement.

jim says:

> > “And if the judiciary is wicked and on the side of criminals, what then?”

> Replace the unjust government with a Just government

That is armed overthrow, which Christians are, under most circumstances, forbidden to engage in. It is also considerably more difficult and dangerous than taking the problem to the swamp and burying him with a backhoe.

i says:

“You are giving us the postChristian doctrine that Christians have a duty to roll over and die. Christians have a duty to duty to walk the extra mile and turn the other cheek, but not unlimited miles and we only have two cheeks.”

Another food for thought is taking after the example of King David when dealing with Evil Government:

Tell me if this Orthodox Christian take is actually what you described in your comment.

David didn’t roll over and die. But neither did he attempt to kill Saul.

jim says:

Christians are required to submit to legitimate authority (though not without limits). Saul was the Lord’s anointed, David explains himself in the clearest possible terms.

God gave them a King, end of story.

Well actually the story then begins. Who *is* legitimate? Is a republic that steals elections legitimate? The question continued.

David did not obey Saul, accumulated considerable capability for violent resistance, and proceeded to violently resist.

i says:

What lessons can we draw from the example of David?

That is the Biblical example of dealing with unjust Government.

If there is a localized form of due process that is just as effective in determining guilt and innocence I am willing to go with that.

The Ducking Man says:

You might get away raping other dude, but raping gals is always big no-no because people naturally simping for women. Morality be damned, you’ll get screwed for life if you cross this line.

Also Ted Bundy is not cool dude in my book, like at all. Why do you have the need to kill in the first place anyway?

kawaii_kike says:

Like Jim said in the reply above. I’m compelled to murder because I’m unable to own, so I have to kill the woman to prevent her from calling the cops. I was planning on committing real rape (walking into her unlocked room and raping and killing her). Jim, can you elaborate on how rape followed by murder leads to self destructive sin?

The Ducking Man says:

Now, the part I don’t quite understand is why you feel despair unable to keep a woman.

The population of girls who can be genuinely impressed by uniform is quite big my man, with the top of the pyramid filled by daughters of high ranking officials.

I’m just nobody with IQ barely above average. But you got uniform and that is bigger plus than mine. Your fish pond is a LOT bigger than mine (and a lot of people in this blog I can safely assume).

So chill and pray to God you won’t listen to these demon again.

jim says:

Like porn or gay sex, a diversion from your proper telos. Happiness is found in successful pursuit of proper telos. Your urges indicate despair at achieving your telos, which gets in the way of achieving it.

It is never easy, even in a society that tried to help men achieve it, but it is actually not that hard, even in a society profoundly hostile to achieving it.

kawaii_kike says:

Thank you Jim, thank you DM, your divine wisdom has brought me from the brink of damnation

jim says:

> so I have to kill the woman to prevent her from calling the cops.

You must surely have noticed, for I have often noticed this in my bad boy persona, that when women meet a man who might plausibly rape them, they are remarkably agreeable to getting into a situation where he could rape.

If you have not noticed this, you are cultivating a good boy personal, which is dead end in trying to make it with chicks.

Pete says:

Do you guys actually not see that this fag is trolling, so he can go back to his leftist buddies and say “Look, I went to this alt-right blog, said I was going to commit rape/murder.

They didn’t immediately tell me to fuck off and kill myself, say I was a sick fuck and ban me! They must support raping and murdering women!”

Kunning Druegger says:

Please don’t chase off our token negro.

Pax Imperialis says:

That level of trolling/gas lighting mostly comes from Jews and White Liberals. Doubt that guy is a token.

Kunning Druegger says:

kawaii_kike has been here a long time, he just doesn’t fagpost like certain midwit layabouts i could name…

Ghost says:

I’ve seen his name here before. I would question if a legitimate military member would post that though. Seems like the kind of thing to get a site shut down.

If it’s for real, get out of the military. They have enough problems already.

The Cominator says:

I agree this guy is either some kind of shill to get us in trouble or a genuine sick fuck… we shouldn’t have anything to do with him.

Wanting to murder is not fucking normal not at all… only sick psychopaths want to murder a girl they just fucked. I’ve certainly found that strippers sometimes make it easy for you sometimes they’ll shut you down totally and sometimes they respond to aggressive bold escalation that is not quite rape but not quite affirmative consent… and I’m certainly unable to own. I’ve never once felt the urge to kill any of them I’ve fucked (the one time I got ripped off I kinda did) and don’t understand anyone who does feel that way (or who likes to torture small animals) same way I don’t understand the people so eager to spare leftists…

Adam says:

My understanding of people who take pleasure in hurting people…

So when we are children naturally we imagine ourselves at the center of the world, of reality. Our needs are the center of our attention. Our behavior is driven to achieve this goal.

Obviously this is false. Some have a hard time understanding this, or just outright refuse to accept it. Especially people incapable of being honest with themselves.

This leads to a great deal of stress, and in general incompetence. As your experience further deviates from your understanding, your ignorance has a compounding negative affect on you emotionally and psychologically.

Because you have no power over yourself, as you have become a slave to your ego, you seek power over others. The desire to hurt yourself and others is a manifestation of your impotence, ignorance and incompetence.

Maturing requires equal parts openness, honesty, willingness, and a good bit of courage.

i says:

“I agree this guy is either some kind of shill to get us in trouble or a genuine sick fuck… we shouldn’t have anything to do with him.”

And if there is evidence he did commit said crime. And we know him. Then he should certainly be executed.

jim says:

Sluts do not count as innocent blood. Recollect the Old Testament penalty.

It is not that I worry unduly about sluts getting knocked off, though it is a waste. The Australian government in the late seventeen hundreds, very early eighteen hundreds, had one percent success in reforming them.

What troubles me is that it is a deviation from the proper and healthy telos of male sexuality.

someDude says:

You mean cent per cent success in reforming them?

I mean absolutely no recorded cases of female misconduct (and they were big on recording stuff, and progressives enthusiastically went looking for evidence of warrior women revolting against oppression) once they clamped down. Though eventually victorian reformers found the clampdown disturbing.

i says:

“Sluts do not count as innocent blood. Recollect the Old Testament penalty.”

And as I responded to in this comment thread. Where in the Old Testament is rape and murder even considered legitimate?

Even as the penalty.

It is still murder. And murder ought to be punished. If its not carried out by God sanctioned Authorities in accordance with due process.

I see no instance of killing outside of what is in accordance with Judicial system and the necessities of War considered righteous.

It still carries the crime of bloodshed even in the case of the guilty thief:

“2If a thief is caught breaking in and is beaten to death, no one shall be guilty of bloodshed. 3But if it happens after sunrise, there is guilt for his bloodshed. A thief must make full restitution; if he has nothing, he himself shall be sold for his theft”

Exodus 22:2-3

And falls under the penalty of Death (Genesis 9:6). For in the image of God he made Man.

jim says:

> Where in the Old Testament is rape and murder even considered legitimate?

Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so. No such crime, no such word, no such meaning, no such thought. When we are in power, the present day official meaning will come to be forgotten again, and no one will feel any need to invent a replacement word to mean the present day meaning. The thought will not occur often enough to need a word. The concept is maintained in existence by a continual and strident propaganda offensive, without which incessant and forceful shilling the concept would cease to exist, and no longer need a word.

And it did not exist in Old Testament times. A man having sex with a woman in the Old Testament is wrongful if it is incest, and wrongful if it violates the property rights of another man in her sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute. Anyone may kill a wild deer or catch a fish, but you cannot kill someone else’s cow, nor someone else’s domestic deer, nor take someone else’s fish.

i says:

“Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute.”

Animals aren’t made in God’s image. Humanity is made in God’s image.

To deface and destroy God’s image outside of Judgment and Just War is Sacrilege.

Again. I am talking about the combination of rape and murder which never existed as a Judicial penalty.

Only beheading and stoning for the sins of sacrilege.

This is why sexual sins in the Bible carried the Death Penalty because it is Sacrilege.

Killing outside of that determined by God ordained Authorities, self-defense(as the thief’s example shows) due process and War is to defile what is Holy.

This is why even killing the thief in broad daylight is considered “Bloodshed”.

Human life is Holy. Wedlock and its Patriarchal Sex roles is also Holy.

Sacrilege is always a death penalty offence in the OT.

jim says:

> > “Murder is wrongful killing, so your question presupposes that the killing is wrongful, which is the question in dispute.”

> Animals aren’t made in God’s image. Humanity is made in God’s image.

And God allows killing people for all sorts of reasons, which reasons are deliberately left unclear, except by select examples.

Short recap on the old testament rules on sex:

Female immorality: Death. Which pretty much covers all the chicks that kawaii_kike might wastefully and unwisely knock off.

Fornication or abduction of a married or betrothed woman: Death

Fornication or abduction of an unmarried unbetrothed virgin: Shotgun indissoluble marriage, or death if you bug out on the marriage part.

Fornication or abduction of unmarried, unbetrothed, non virgin.



sounds of crickets chirping.

If you abduct an unmarried, unbetrothed virgin, and pop her, and the the father absolutely prohibits the marriage, the penalty is …

Wait for it …

Wait for it …

Socially shaming the father, and priesthood assigns him a humiliating monicker.

The Cominator says:

“Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so. No such crime, no such word, no such meaning, no such thought.”

The legal term for REAL rape was ravishment, being ravished or not would not no difference as to whether a man committed a crime usually it did however make the woman innocent in some cases. Though the idea of date or acquaintance rape would have sounded very funny to our ancestors and marital rape would have sounded both blasphemous and insane.

i says:

>And God allows killing people for all sorts of reasons, which reasons are deliberately left unclear, except by select examples.

I don’t think so. This suggests that killing outside of manslaughter(accidental homicide) and Judicial outside of Wartime defiles the land:

>1If one is found slain, lying in a field in the land that the LORD your God is giving you to possess, and it is not known who killed him, 2your elders and judges must come out and measure the distance from the victim to the neighboring cities.

>3Then the elders of the city nearest the victim shall take a heifer that has never been yoked or used for work, 4bring the heifer to a valley with running water that has not been plowed or sown, and break its neck there by the stream.

>5And the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come forward, for the LORD your God has chosen them to serve Him and pronounce blessings in His name and to give a ruling in every dispute and case of assault.

>6Then all the elders of the city nearest the victim shall wash their hands by the stream over the heifer whose neck has been broken, 7and they shall declare, “Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it. 8Accept this atonement, O LORD, for Your people Israel whom You have redeemed, and do not hold the shedding of innocent blood against them.”

>And the bloodshed will be atoned for. 9So you shall purge from among you the guilt of shedding innocent blood, since you have done what is right in the eyes of the LORD.


I don’t see where killing is allowed outside of what is regulated. And was restricted to every instance of sacrilege. Which was brought before the Judges and the Priests to be enacted.

Short recap on the old testament rules on sex:

No disagreement as I have said in my comment:

>I see no instance of killing outside of what is in accordance with Judicial system and the necessities of War considered righteous.

I suspect we are talking past each other as well.

Again I restate that there is no such penalty which involves “raping a woman before killing her.”

jim says:

You are projecting the modern system of police and courts back into biblical times, but it is in fact quite new.

The parts of the bible you quote presuppose a judicial system willing to uphold justice, and capable of enforcing order – which was not the case in the time of the patriarchs before the sojourn in Egypt, and not the case during those periods in Israel where “every man did what was right in his own eyes”

And not the case today.

And, back to the case of kawaii_kike. Killing or sparing Tamar is Judah’s decision. The elders can apply considerable social pressure and influence, but Judah gets to decide.

And, similarly, in the case of the death penalty for adultery, King Solomon does not warn the adulterer of the wrath of the courts, but of the wrath of the husband. There really does not seem to have been judicial process even in the time of Kings. Rather families sorted matters out, and priests arbitrated in conflicts between families. We tend to revert to that system from time to time, and the way the wind blows, may well do so again.

Priests exercised judicial functions, but you simply never read of someone being tried and executed by judicial authority (and they had the death penalty for just about everything) though arguably things became more judicial like in New Temple times. What the priests would do is sort out conflicts by proposing, or commanding, a settlement. Like if someone stole something, the priests would say you cannot kill him if he makes seven fold restitution. Which presupposes that he was still alive at the time, perhaps because his family was protecting him, and would get pissed if he got killed. so the priests demand a resolution of the conflict in which nobody gets killed and shake down the family of the offender to pay off the family of the victim.

Adam says:

As far as McChristians and wife worship and whites holiness spiraling into cuckholdry…

A great deal of men today married sluts, and we have this ridiculous holiness spiral in white churches, and a total failure to see what is in front of everyone’s faces.

The choice must be for most, accept your impotence and incompetence, or become extra holy and stay in denial.

Is it then true to say that any deviation from divine order necessitates a holiness spiral?

jim says:

> Is it then true to say that any deviation from divine order necessitates a holiness spiral?

Yes. If the state religion is evil, it is punished by more evil. The liar has to escalate his lies. Being wicked, must double down on its wickedness. Letting demons in, in the name of tolerance, inclusion, and unity, whether those demons be real or metaphorical, Christ is ejected, and the demons rapidly become ever more intolerant, exclusive, and eventually, disunited.

Even in Churches that arguably practice old type Christianity, you see this in the KJV controversy. The new bibles are translated within the Harvard progressive Duluth Model frame on sexual morality, for example writing “marriageable age” into the old testament, by people who hate and fear Christians, Christianity, and Christ. And their fear and hatred shows. And their hatred and fear of masculinity shows in deleting “the effeminate” from Saint Paul’s list of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven.

Adam says:

As far as the modern day woman problem, basically this is all downstream from a collapse in elite fertility some time ago? Not enough elite sons for whatever reason to continue these Old Testament practices?

I know this is basic stuff I’m reviewing, just tying some things together for myself.

jim says:

Good lightning summary of the problem. It all started when the Victorians theoretically continued to uphold the old sexual morality, while proclaiming that women were so naturally virtuous that no enforcement was necessary against women, and no evidence of misconduct could be believed.

Which hypocritical piety collapsed once cameras were developed, much as flying saucers are no longer seen now that everyone carries a cell phone.

The Cominator says:

The chronology of the woman problem.

1. 1st they emancipated them.

2. Then they gave them power over the system (well more power to be manipulated since more women than men are total NPCs) with the 19th amendment.

3. Then they gave them full court press cultural propaganda to work

4. Then they gave them legal superweapons ala sexual harassment stalking domestic violence etc rape without a hard burden of evidence of struggle etc (it should be noted that before this attractive women couldn’t really be single easily as they’d eventually be harassed into picking someone)

5. Then they were encouraged to be unfeminine fat and unattractive and to completely disdain family life and motherhood… to be the worst ugliest most repulsive women they could be.

They might have been encouraged to be “slutty” between the 60s and the fake AIDs crisis but that has passed, genuine sluts try to keep a decent appearance, weight and tend not to have shrewish personalities. If they were encouraged to be slutty while not ideal in itself it would actually improve things.

i says:


>And, back to the case of kawaii_kike. Killing or sparing Tamar is Judah’s decision. The elders can apply considerable social pressure and influence, but Judah gets to decide.

True I think given a smaller scale society and lack of institutions. The Patriarchs are effectively Chieftains and the “State” with the powers Life and Death.

Even in smaller scale Hunter-Gatherer societies there is the “tyranny of the cousins”. The Band of Brothers are themselves the “State”. Who decide the life and death of people within the Tribe.

>”and not the case during those periods in Israel where “every man did what was right in his own eyes”

As a matter of course given how Israel become Idolatrous as well. Which meant the Mosaic Law wasn’t exactly followed as it should have been.

I do see your point.

Israel was exiled for 70 years for failing to give the land rest every 7th year. That is leaving it fallow for that entire year.

I think the other reason is how effective due process is in pinning down actual criminals and preventing any reasonable doubt that the criminal is innocent. Which is why I have some faith in its potential.

>Like if someone stole something, the priests would say you cannot kill him if he makes seven fold restitution. Which presupposes that he was still alive at the time, perhaps because his family was protecting him, and would get pissed if he got killed. so the priests demand a resolution of the conflict in which nobody gets killed and shake down the family of the offender to pay off the family of the victim.

That is true. But in regards to Murder there is no possible restitution aside from death. As (Genesis 9:6) and later Numbers:

>33Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.

There can be no restitution possible for murder aside from the murderer being executed. Thereby balancing the scales of Lex Talonis.

Fake says:

>Rape in the modern sense did not exist until around 1800 or so.

I think you are right, but not entirely sure.

Samuel Johnson’s 1755 dictionary has an entry for rape. Its definition is “violent defloration of chastity”(1) and “something snatched away”. The second sounds like a property crime to me. The first sounds like violently taking away virginity. Again, no consent mentioned, so not the modern definition.

Also, “ravish” says, “to constuprate[violate] by force” and “to delight or rapture”. Very telling.

Fast forward 73 years to Webster’s 1828 dictionary. “Rape” means “in law, the carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will”. Fits with when you said the rot set in.

So, here’s my confusion. In the 1755 dictionary, it gives as an example of the usage of the word rape, “The parliament conceived, that the obtaining of women by force into possession, however afterwards assent might follow, by allurements, was but a rape drawn forth in length, because the first force drew on all the rest.” My reading comp is mediocre. That quote sounds like the description of a property crime, even though assent was given by the women, right?

1 https://johnsonsdictionaryonline.com/1755page/rant?zoom=1600

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Rapine is a word for theft, and more specifically destructive theft, that ruins the value of the thing stolen, even if it is recovered.

So there’s a pretty clear meaning in people’s use of the word in the original sense. The caddish rake having his way with the farmer’s daughter has spoiled another man’s property, and thus must be made to stand and deliver. The caddish rake having his way with a streetwalker or other feral woman is noone’s business but his own.

i says:

“The caddish rake having his way with the farmer’s daughter has spoiled another man’s property, and thus must be made to stand and deliver. ”

Either the Cad is shotgun married or if the Father’s refuses to give her to him is to still pay the Bride Price(Exodus 22:16-17).

Aidan says:

Hey bro, Jim is right- the wanting to rape is normal. If you do it right, not only will she not call the cops, she will want a relationship with you. Sounds like it’s time to make use of the extensive network of nightlife and colonies of bar sluts that grow on the fringes of military bases like mushrooms

The Cominator says:

Aidan no don’t encourage him… this guy is some kind of sick Ted Bundy type fuck.

jim says:

You and he suffer from the same illness, though you display symptoms that are wrongfully socially approved, and he displays symptoms that are rightly socially disapproved.

Redbible says:

Are there any suggestions for how to rape in the right way? Asking for a friend in minecraft…

Pooch says:

Rape is mostly a fake and gay word.

Redbible says:

In what ways is it mostly fake and gay?

The Cominator says:

Unless someone else is holding her down or shes paralyzed with fear hard to really rape a woman… generally they like to play reluctant.

Adam says:

Rape is an anti-concept. Women are incapable of granting consent. It implies moral agency in a woman where there is none.

There is no rape in nature.

The Cominator says:

Also if they really don’t want their dick in you its hard to get it in…

Pooch says:

It’s equivalent to asking what’s the best way to fuck a woman. Our ancient ancestors raided a neighboring tribe and carried them off back to the village.

Today we need game and the red pill.

Adam says:

If your alone with a woman your 95% there. The last 5% can be tricky, just don’t let her stop you. Women need to be taken, and we need to take them.

Pooch says:

If she’s physically present in front of you, talking to you, after you approach her, she’s interested, at least at that moment.

Uninterested women quickly find a way to walk away from you. “Sorry I have to go to the bathroom!”

Pooch says:

Which is what makes rape such a ridiculous concept.

The only way I could see rape being real rape is like drugging a woman so bad or her being so drunk that she can no longer walk away from you under her own power.

jim says:

I have covered this topic before.

Bring her to a safe place where you know, and she believes, interruption is not going to happen, where she has confidence that you can simply send away any unwanted visitors.

Take your time, take lots of time. You are not desperate for sex. You are just amused to play with her.

She either will not attempt to escape, or will attempt only in order to provoke you into stopping her. Do not be too easily provoked. If her attempts at escape are obviously not seriously intended to succeed, stop them, but be in no hurry to do so. Thwarting an escape attempt should only be performed when failure to do so would look like rejection or weakness. Do so from the frame that you are laughing at her.

The natural behavior of a female is to run away from men, very slowly.

If she actually makes an attempt to escape that might well succeed, you have failed, and should let her go. If you maintain the appearance of not much caring whether she gets away, her efforts at escape will indeed be amusingly ineffectual.

The process of playing around, and sometimes being distracted by other matters because she is not very important, should go on for quite a long time.

The Cominator says:

Wanting to rape is normal, wanting to kill them is not. You have problems bro…

jim says:

It is entirely normal and proper to apply proportionate and appropriate violence, such as a spanking, or even a whipping, in the course of exercising ownership. Despair is apt to result in frustration manifesting as the desire to do this in perverse, destructive, and self destructive excess.

Cutting is the corresponding female deviation, similarly arising from failure to achieve their corresponding telos.

We are all of us, male and female, descended from women who were property and men who owned women. It is in the blood. That is how humans successfully reproduce, we have been operating like this for four million years.

Four million year old footprints suggest an apeman and apewoman holding each other tightly, or the apeman holding the apewoman tightly, while a child follows close behind. You don’t see nuclear families among chimps.

God said to Eve: Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

The Cominator says:

Homicidally violent impulses are normal when a sweetheart leaves or threatens to leave… violent impulses against a slut who did you a favor…

I don’t understand it.

jim says:

I understand it perfectly. Your comprehension of human nature and conduct is weak.

In order to get places, you need to learn about people. Part of learning how to talk to normies is learning about people. You are not good at this.

You not only do not understand this, there are a whole lot other things you do not understand. You would make a good grunt for the inquisition shock troops, but you need to learn up on officer material.

When you do not understand, time to think yourself into the other party’s shoes. You are plenty smart enough for that. You not only need to learn up on officer material, you need to want to learn up on officer material. Desire to rape and kill is a result of anticipated inability to exercise one’s true and divinely commanded telos, ownership of a woman. You are also failing at that telos, though your despair manifests in less self destructive form. You still suffer from despair and have excessive desire for destruction, but destruction must not be allowed to substitute for and replace construction, and the major part of the job of officers of the inquisition will be to ensure that it does not.

Some destruction is going to be necessary to make room for construction, but the construction has to capable of moving in to the space created and capable of effectively utilizing the freed resources. If we free up resources and fail to effectively utilize them, someone else will use those resources against us.

The Cominator says:

Conceded my understanding of people is weak…

But are extremely violent impulses against bar sluts who give you no illusion they are your girlfriend strippers etc really normal? I agree spanking and choking are normal (many women ASK for spankings and NEARLY ALL of them ask for choking) but for me this was something i mainly went along with because they wanted it.

jim says:

Your failure to have homicidal impulses when your slut fucks other men ahead of you and gives the money you gave her to other men is also a deviation. Your and kawaii_kike’s deviation is that you both assume that that is what is going to happen, because it has happened so many times before, and despair. I never despaired, despite numerous events that were ample grounds for despair and which foreshadowed failure. And I failed many times without despairing, and in due course succeeded. Twice.

Nor did I ever despair of any woman I was currently fucking, though there were plenty of times when I should have despaired of that particular woman, and moved on sooner.

Hope they say, springs eternal. It does if your soul is healthy. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. If I had been rationally pessimistic, would have avoided a great deal of trouble, danger, and suffering. And also would not have succeeded. Buddhism tells believers to avoid suffering. Christianity tells believers to embrace suffering.

Evolutionary psychology tells us the reason that hope springs eternal is that natural selection wants you to keep on trying to achieve your telos. Gnon commands you keep on going.

You have given up. Kawaii_kike gave up. I hope and expect he will now try.

Sluts are not doing you a favor, for in defect defect, the game of players and bitches, the bitches win and the players lose, but even though the bitches win, they do not get what they truly want and wind up as cat ladies, or as the morbidly obese commissar of Human Resources. When you are a player, they are not doing you a favor, you are doing them a favor, and eventually you realize it. Hence player burnout. All successful players of game burnout eventually. Not that I was ever all that successful, but sufficiently successful to burnout. Bad player burnouts are the result of failure of hope. My hope never failed, though it got mighty dim from time to time.

Ghost says:

A wee bet more interlocuting: Military life is not civilian life. They are a tight-knit bunch. Most of the women who join, do so because a family member talked it up, usually their dad. Many members generally see them as their kid sister and are quite protective. Some of the women play pretty loose though and most will help a fellow member in need.

If this thing were to happen, the military post would go apeshit. Everyone would know inside of 24hrs. Commanders would be fired. Investigations, court martials, etc…

Comm is right. This is fire and we should not play.

jim says:

kawaii_kike is one of us, and he has long been a thoughtful, valuable, and responsive commenter.

I can tell when someone speaks what he believes to be true, and speaks without ulterior motive. He has always worn his motives on his sleeve. I have always known what he is, even though he never spoke of it directly before.

Your model implies someone put him up to pretend to be what he is in order to get us into trouble. That is silly.

Ghost says:

So you think this is on the level?

I’ve been shitfaced drunk with lots of service members talking about wives cheating complaining about supervisors and a host of other things. But, never heard one admit to these impulses.

Hopefully nothing comes of it. And I say they should just get out of the service. But, if something happens, they will sing to the JAG to cut a deal.

I want to make clear that I am against encouraging this guy.

jim says:

> never heard one admit to these impulses.

Not to kawaii kike’s impulses, but were none of them inclined to kill their unfaithful wife and/or her lover?

I hear that all the time when drunk. There is a convenient very large swamp not far from where I now live.

The Cominator says:

Yes put me on record as i do not think his impulse that he wants to rape and kill a female soldierette hes somehow attached to in her locker room as anything close to normal.

jim says:

No its not close to normal. And neither is your sex life either, though at least you have one.

In a society hostile to men, manliness, and masculinity, we get a lot of broken men. And in a society hostile to warriors, a lot of broken warriors.

The Cominator says:

I don’t claim mine is, but mine is much less potential trouble.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is a known tactic by lawyer types to dig into “online communities” if they can spin that fact in their favor. kawaii_kike is an old but infrequent poster. If Jim isn’t concerned, then there’s no concern, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t disconcerting. Definitely an attack vector.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was in the military, and most of the women are viewed as nuisances and whores, not little sisters. The white knight mentality is just another military man trying to get his dick wet. I know, because I was there, and the shame of it helped push me to become the man I am today. That feeling of being used pushed me down the path that led me here.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I may have on one or more occasions when totally stone cold sober offered to help dispose of bodies of cheating women or offer an alibi if asked. Cheating military bitches are the worst scum next to pedofags.

Pax Imperialis says:

“most of the women are viewed as nuisances and whores”

Maybe on the enlisted side, but for the (male) Officers they are walking nightmares and possible career ending nukes on legs.

If an enlisted guy kills his cheating wife, that can mostly be written off as an off base issue. Murdered enlisted women means every Officer up the chain of command is liable. Of course Generals tend to be more politically protected… so it mostly ends up fucking over lower to mid ranked Officers who are the ones most likely to be based.

If kawaii_kike is honestly in the military and thinking these thoughts, it might me best for him to leave.

US Mil is already having massive issues. It doesn’t need more.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The sooner the US military as an institution dies, the better. I pray that Kawaii Kike does not do anything wicked, but if he does and it hampers the military, then some good will come of his evil.

Stop defending institutions that hate you and want to destroy you.

Pax Imperialis says:

US Mil is firstly and foremost an extension of political will. Any institutional desires it has are highly malleable in a top down manor, but a friendly institution would require cleaning out the top brass by a president willing to do so (The biggest mistake Trump made).

I will defend US Mil insofar that I know much of the enlisted and O5 and under love America, see the decline happening, and want to stop it at any cost. They just need the orders to do so, that is just a chain of command issue which is highly solvable by a president.

Should a Trump like president get elected, he will need a cohort of armed men to shoot the communists.

Pooch says:

I would not join the US Military but I agree with Pax insofar that the destruction of the USM instantly makes the world a worse place, not a better place. You can kiss any Caesar-like restoration good bye in that scenario.

If the USM dies, the global economy collapses and gangs will chop up the GAE.

China and Russia are not nice places to live and will not be good places to flee too. In fact both have everything we hate about the GAE and none of the benefits of an advanced civilization. Abortion, crime, tyrannical government, forced injections, unstable marriage, muslims, divorce, you name it.

The world will be a worse place, not a better place.

Frank Matters says:


I don’t believe many people in our walk want CHYNA way of life, Russia is not so bad despite your FUD, at least according to the russkies I talk with, but that’s another discussion entirely. Most importantly though, US exports its poisonous regulations and financial system at the same time it exports color revolution and faggots. A lack of ability for the US to smother technological projects and very low living standards in the country itself would cause an exodus of the productive greengrocers to the few functional physical domains that remain in the world. It would allow for the natural resources and of Latrino America and Afreakya to be contested, and it would allow people like Musk and the million unsung nuclear, genetics, and otherwise squandered technological producers an opportunity to carry out their work without a top down imposed evil consensus racket.

It’s probably better for Americans writ large to have a Caesar moment, but if no other options the empire must still perish before consuming the world with it.

Kunning Drueger says:

The only way the GAE exists is behind the legend of an unbeatable military. The core concepts of liberal democracy pacifism tendency, R2P, police actions to bring righteous sodomy, petrodollar, all of it relies on the USM. Name a GAE tactic or scheme that can exist as it’s formulated without the implied Ultimate Force Arbiter standing behind it. If the USM disintegrated, the whole network of WB/IMF loan slavery would begin to decay rapidly.

It’s a pipe dream because the actual USM will more likely balkanize as FedGov collapses in on its own prolapsed asshole, but the boomermeme that the USM is a force for good is kaput. They are a force for evil. Pax says that there’s a huge crowd of patriots just waiting for orders, and I say that’s codswallop.

Pax Imperialis says:

@Kunning Drueger

There are a huge crowd of patriots in the military.

Why do you think the civilian government is so damn obsessed about rooting out “extremists?” DoD affiliated groups estimated that 30-40% of the Jan 6 people had some level of military experience at Officer ranks. That is a massive over representation when compared to either the military population or the general population. Around 90% charged for Jan 6 related incidents were veterans. Vast majority that showed up at Jan 6 were retired, but their views are largely common in active duty military. Even more so among Officers at the O1-O5 ranks.

You might point out that only around 2000 went to the capital and that it pales in comparison to the millions of veterans today, but keep in mind that the number of people who will act on their own initiative without direction is always an extremely small portion of any group. The idea that military veterans who have been deeply conditioned to never act without orders would show up in those numbers is deeply alarming to DoD because it’s an indication of what will happen if the grunts were given orders.

The military does not act on it’s own, a cultural peculiarity that has been ingrained into Western militaries for at least the last century. It is a top down hierarchical system. It needs orders from the top to act. You do not see active duty act without orders which is why they only rarely showed up at Jan 6. Without orders they do not act. That creates the illusion that there are no large crowds of patriots in the military because they don’t do anything unless mobilized. Trump repeatedly failed to mobilize the military, thus the military did nothing.

I’m familiar with the military, and I knew a fair number of Officers in the O1 to O5 range. The general sentiment/culture among them is such that you would not be out of place saying something like “it would only take a couple dead bodies in the streets to shut those riots down” during the Floyd riots. DoD investigations into “extremism” have largely turned up nothing because most Officers choose to see “nothing” because they are mostly sympathetic to those views or realize that proper compliance with DoD investigations would quickly render their units void of grunts.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pax, I just don’t believe it. I think that patriotic minority are in love with a fantasy, an America that doesn’t exist, indeed one that never did. I didn’t come to this position lightly or easily, but no amount of anecdotal evidence is going to shift my current perspective: the majority of the armed forces, active and reserve, are wagecucks with welfare queen characteristics. A minority are rabid homo agents of the Cathedral, another minority are the true blue constitutional fanboys, and an ultra minority of Operators, Technicians, and leaders with great skill and ability.

But I’m an outsider looking in, so I know I’m never going to see it as vets and members do. I’m also embarrassed by how much faith, trust, and admiration I used to have in the USM, so I imagine that colors my perspective pretty heavily. I guess time will tell, but I’m pessimistic. I think the die hard constitutionalists will end up dying to preserve the Cathedral because they just can’t see the skinsuit for what it is.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Even if there are many patriots awaiting proper leadership, they can join Warlord Thundercock’s Grand Army of the Restoration. Caesar won wars and was a manly man ass kicker who the troops loved. The only two generals with his name recognition are Generals Mattis and Miley, and neither of them are going to be Caesar. Mattis fought Trump to ensure that he could keep trannies in the military and put women in the infantry. Miley is famous for being a pathetic coward, and gets memed as a faggot. Neither won wars.

Pax Imperialis says:

@Kunning Drueger

You despair because from the outside it looks like the military is devoid to men who love their country and would die for it to put a stop to decline. To you it looks like that because the top down nature of the military means Cathedral agenda gets put front and center in the media.

Men in the military despair because they know even though it is full of men who love their country and would die for it to stop the decline, the orders to clean up their nation are likely never coming.

Both perspectives are accurate to the extent that they reflect a common pessimistic reality that nothing happens under current circumstances. That military is not going to save the US.

But such perspectives are somewhat the wrong way when looking at the situation. The military is a tool, and as a tool it can be wielded by someone. A more important question should be “will that tool function if a president uses it to smash ______ targets?” I firmly believe that if the target is something like Antifa, that tool would function rather well because for a great deal of service members it will be a cathartic experience. Let’s us suppose that you’re right about the military being full of wagecucks with welfare queen characteristics (I mostly disagree with that)… well good thing that those types follow orders as well.

The main argument I make is that the military would likely be rather enthusiastic with the smashing if given the orders by someone like Trump.

The main problem thus becomes how to get a president who wants to use that tool to smash the right targets. We got much closer than anyone expected with Trump, but ultimately normality bias set in.

@Wulfgar Thundercock III
“Generals Mattis and Miley, and neither of them are going to be Caesar. Mattis fought Trump to ensure that he could keep trannies in the military and put women in the infantry. Miley is famous for being a pathetic coward, and gets memed as a faggot.”

As I’ve said before, a prospective Caesar would need to clean house. Colonels don’t become Generals by winning wars, and Generals don’t stay Generals by winning wars. Getting the O7 and above is a political process involving presidential nominations with the Senate doing a confirmation. Obviously would be Generals and current Generals have to dance to the tune of the politics. A president can somewhat bypass this problem by firing all of them with few exceptions at his discretion, quite a few O6s would need to go as well. He would then have direct lines of communications to O6 and under who are most likely to carry out orders without political interference.

Of course that would be rather alarming to the Senate… so it would have to be done during a national emergency overnight… which is why people were urging Trump to invoke the insurrection act which would have given plenty of cover to purge the top brass for insubordination but Trump cucked.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Caesar was a military commander. A general. All the US generals are pozzed or are nobodies. McChrystal might have been able to do it, but they destroyed him at the first chance they could. There will be no Caesar from the military because in order to get in position to be Caesar you have to take actions that will proclude you from the success a Caesar needs.

Pooch says:

A general. All the US generals are pozzed or are nobodies.

Generals can be fired. Milley wrote in his book that if Trump gave him an order he didn’t want to follow he would have resigned in protest. Well good. Make all of them resign in protest until the order is followed.

Requires balls of steel and a will to power, but can be done. Lincoln continuously fired Generals while the South was kicking his ass until he got to Grant. Can be done.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are not going to get Caesar from the US military. Is not going to happen. The generals are too weak and none of them have the qualities Caesar needs. You are not responding to my point, that Caesar will not rise from the military. You say that a hypothetical President Caesar could just fire the generals, but that does not address my point that in order to get President Caesar, you first need General Caesar. Caesar does not self-instatiate out of the aether; he needs to achieve things no Cathedral general can.

An elected Caesar that hides his power level then bursts out onto the scene could use the US military, but will already have to have an armed force of his own prior to getting elected. The US military is a dead institution and any harm that comes to it benefits us. It will provide nothing that our Caesar will not already have, unless it is unnecessary to his rise.

Pax Imperialis says:

Octavian was not a general when he first took control of Rome’s military to propel himself to power. In fact he was barely more than a boy. He grew into the role of a general with time. Something Trump was on his way of doing by accident, had he been more focused from day one he might have fully become a general.

A would be American Caesar does not need to come from the military, but he will need the military to project power.

I have not argued that a Caesar will come from the military. I don’t think Pooch is either. Rather that for a Caesar to work he will need to take control of the military by getting rid of many generals.

jim says:

> Octavian was not a general

Octavian marched up to a bunch of troops who had not been paid, announced himself Caesar’s son by adoption, took command, and got them paid. I would say that that makes him, illegally and unofficially, a general. More than a general, a King.

He paid them initially out of his own funds, which was completely ruinous for him, but now he had troops with which to acquire more money.

With those troops, he then seized at swordpoint government money that had been corruptly, and arguably illegally, diverted and applied it to paying those troops.

He failed to realize he had reinstituted hereditary Kingship, which, much later, Constantine did realize. The troops were instinctively and intuitively responding to the Kingship principle, the man born to rule, the man born to be loyal to the troops. It would probably not have worked for some random wealthy man.

With those troops, he then got his inheritance from Julius Caesar through the courts. Suddenly courts that had been strangely lethargic became strangely energetic.

Sounds to me like Octavian damned well made himself a general, and failed to realize he had made himself a King.

The implicit dialog, and perhaps the explicit dialog was. “Ceasar was yours, and you were Ceasar’s. Ceasar got you paid, now he is dead and you have not been paid. I am Ceasar’s son by adoption, you are mine by inheritance, and it is my duty to pay you”. When they took their pay, they accepted the frame within which it came.

Octavian was general by inheritance. He failed to realize he had activated the principle of Kingship, of hereditary bonds of obedience and mutual loyalty between warriors. Constantine did realize it. Allegedly he got the idea through his British mother, though that is a legend that did not appear until long after the events. Historians do not believe it, and have good reason to doubt that source, but it kind of fits events, even though the details of the story are anachronistic and obviously completely made up.

> He grew into the role of a general with time.

He was born, or rather adopted, a general.

Kingship started working long before the elite realized what was at work.

And now that time has come again. When we are in power we will need to organize the army so that as far as possible, the sons of grunts are under the command of the sons of the officers who commanded their fathers.

We will need to recognize what the elite of Rome failed to recognize for centuries. It is the only thing that works when you have a morally decadent elite. If you don’t have a virtuous elite, you have to reinforce the alarmingly weak bonds of official duty, which no one takes seriously any longer, with the powerful natural bonds of family duty. Otherwise your state is a string made of sand. The time for Kingship and semi hereditary aristocracy has come again.

The Cominator says:

Octavian was never much of a general. He needed Agrippa and later Tiberius to handle that aspect of things for him. He got around this and kept respect of troops by being “Caesar Divi Filius” ie the troops that respected Caesar should respect him as the “son” of the God Caesar (this probably made Antony who had a reputation of being recklessly brave) unusually bitter.

Pooch says:


He grew into the role of a general with time. Something Trump was on his way of doing by accident, had he been more focused from day one he might have fully become a general.

Trump believed in the Republic and governed as if the Republic still lived.

In the late Roman Republic, it became obvious to anyone paying attention that the Republic had died and one of Pompey or Caesar would make themselves King.

And indeed, long before Caesar marched on Rome he had decided he was going to make himself king, because if he did not, Pompey would.

I don’t know if Trump still believes in the idea of the Republic or not. If he does, then he is a Gracchus not a Caesar. He has keep that hidden, but any prospective American Caesar will have long decided before coming to power that they are coming for the throne.

You say that a hypothetical President Caesar could just fire the generals, but that does not address my point that in order to get President Caesar, you first need General Caesar.

When Capital Police and regime leadership frantically called for Army National Guard deployment on I.VI, Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt of Army Leadership said “Sorry, bad optics”.

Warrior-Generals remain in the military, likely at the three-star level.


Pooch says:

My 2nd comment is a response to Wulf.

not a reactionary says:

@ Pooch in re to “China and Russia are not nice places to live and will not be good places to flee too. In fact both have everything we hate about the GAE and none of the benefits of an advanced civilization. Abortion, crime, tyrannical government, forced injections, unstable marriage, muslims, divorce, you name it.”

Curtis Yarvin said in a recent article something like “flying from Shanghai to New York feels like flying from New York to Rio”, and in a different article he reposted a youtube video of a guy holding a camera touring the streets of Москва, and I must say that video made the city look quite appealing. Fyi I recently unsubscribed (free subscription) from him because 1) He’s saying the same things over and over again and 2) He’s slowly becoming more liberal. I suspect this has something to do with his new fiance, who is a liberal journalist (i think). I suppose it’s in keeping with the “liberal monarchist” model established by Kuehnelt-Leddihn.

Pooch says:

and in a different article he reposted a youtube video of a guy holding a camera touring the streets of Москва, and I must say that video made the city look quite appealing.

You’ll get no argument from me that the streets of Moscow look infinitely better than the streets of New York. However, the nicest neighborhoods of America/Europe are still quite nice and I would wager they are still the nicest places in the world. All the Russian Oligarchs hang out in the Global American Empire hotspots.

But my problem with Russia isn’t Moscow, it’s the birth rate, which is actually lower than America’s! This indicates that something is deeply not well in Russia and is not the based right wing paradise that some on the right like to make it out to be. Such a low birth rate is not the look of a rising power.

In Russia, you have super rich Oligarchs and the average person is very poor. It’s not a religious society. It’s a very secular society. Religion is very superficial in Russia. It’s really not that different than Ukraine in most respects. Corruption is high in both.

It has one of the highest abortion rates in the world not to mention alcoholism, prostitution, and human trafficking, child abuse, etc. There are so many orphans that Putin had to ban the US from adopting Russian orphans.

Maybe I am too black pilled on Russia and I would love to be corrected here, but Russia is a hollowed-out country. You can blame Marxism. You can blame the West fucking them in the 1990s. I think it goes very deep.

jim says:

> You’ll get no argument from me that the streets of Moscow look infinitely better than the streets of New York. However, the nicest neighborhoods of America/Europe are still quite nice.

The nice neighborhoods of Russia are getting nicer. The nice neighborhoods of America and Europe are rapidly being swallowed in a rising sea of chaos, violence, fear, filth, and destruction, which is now rapidly approaching my doorstep. I was at a party last night, and some of the guests were discussing the fact that their very nice houses in very nice neighborhoods had been overrun by the rising sea of chaos, so they had to stash their wives and kids some place else.

I have reserved a tiny house in a place much less convenient, lest I need to move, and am otherwise slowly liquidating my real estate holdings. I really need to look into locations more defensible, but the trouble is a place is defensible according to its social network. This is not something one can look up on the internet. I have a social network where I am that is capable of resisting things to some alarmingly limited extent. We have one man who can make law enforcement act or refrain from acting, and some people who can make other people disappear, but it is a very slender thread, and likely to evaporate under pressure.

I have social connections to people who have kinship connections, but because of the collapse of family and reproduction, the kinship connections are frail.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Being in the USG imperial forces today means being asked to fight and die for your right to take dick in your anus, whore your daughters, and castrate your sons – assuming you even have any, since you are fighting for your right to destroy patriarchy and die childless and alone too.

The military in 2022 is simply not a good place to be for a good man; and arguably has not been a good place to be for good men since 1865.

Ghost says:

Shibboleths seem a little off. Dorm is the general term used in conversation. Barracks is more 1940s or Hollywood.

Military marriage is rare and mostly never works out long term because of reassignments.

You don’t need to force yourself on a fellow military member. You are already a trusted member of the tribe when you join.

Dorm life is a party atmosphere, especially on the weekends. Lots of beer, lots of shit talk, lots of hooking up.

I don’t believe this guy.

jim says:

I believe this guy. I can see people’s hearts better than some.

The Cominator says:

Ghost is ex military he is saying this guy isn’t speaking like a military guy… and he sounds rather sick to me.

kawaii_kike says:

This is as ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.

Com, you’re attacking me from the wrong frame, “this guy wants to kill sluts, he’s a real sicko, not like me, I respect and protect every stripper I bang”. But Jim is right, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. I shouldn’t make a habit of killing women, not only would it be a form of despair but a waste of resources; a violation of my telos and the laws of Gnon.

And Ghost, I’m not sure where you were stationed or when you were in but we call them barracks here. I know the air force calls them dorms and there’s not really any parties in barracks here unless you’re infantry. As far as trust goes, male cohesion has been somewhat undermined by equal opportunity and sexual harassment programs. And maybe you forgot but women like coercion so I don’t know why you’re white knighting for army sluts and saying I wouldn’t need to “force myself on a fellow military member”. I guess I’ll just m’lady my way into the local barracks bunny’s panties.

Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye, I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs. Spare me your faggy moral indignation.

The Cominator says:

“As ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own.”

One death is a tragedy, ten million dead leftist is the manifestation of deus vult.

jim says:

> I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs

Even Neurotoxin, whose blog enthusiastically exposes what women really want, got shocked by my claim that very young women had been putting a lot of effort and energy into getting what they really want, and were getting what his own blog tells us that they want.

He reads romances so you don’t have to. Does he think that they are only targeted at readers over eighteen? You can find distinct hints of what Neurotoxin dissects in those romances in almost every Disney Princess movie in only slightly more subtle form.

What age group do my commenters think Yona of the Dawn is targeted at? Yona, and all the nine year old girls in the audience, have the hots for the bad boy protagonist who killed her father the King in front of her, urgently needs to kill her, and intends to do so. This is very far from being an uncommon or even exclusively male deviation. Rather this is a disturbing response to a society that denies men and women ownership, and the female response is equally disturbing and far more socially destructive.

Red says:

>Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye, I ask for advice and a thousand and one of you start sounding like feminist lapdogs. Spare me your faggy moral indignation.

Com is very purple pilled on women. He’s starting to say the right words but he still doesn’t believe it. I’ve long thought his desire to murder leftists was his own rage at not having been able to have a wife and children so far.

Jim’s right about it being disrepair. I’ve lived with it for a very long time and I’m doing everything possible to rectify the issue.

Cloudswrest says:

I would hazard to guess that there is an instinctual subroutine in men to rape and kill, or kill and rape, antagonistic outgroup women under certain circumstances. This is covered quite extensively in the books:

Silesian Inferno: War Crimes of the Red Army on Its March into Silesia in 1945
Hellstorm: The Death Of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947

And look at all the rapes of white women by various minority untermenschen throughout the West (e.g. the Central Park Jogger).

In some men the subroutines might be inappropriately triggered.

Red says:

I would hazard to guess that there is an instinctual subroutine in men to rape and kill, or kill and rape, antagonistic outgroup women under certain circumstances.

I read about Eskimo tribe that had their women raped and murdered by an enemy tribe when they were away hunting game. They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.

Such behavior is generally engendered to trigger the greatest levels of humiliation and hatred between groups. Total war.

The interesting thing about the Russian rapes and murders is how often the women just wondered up to the Russian troops even knowing the Russians were killing a lot of the girls they raped. Quite a few were looking to be raped despite the danger.

Ghost says:

You addressed me so I’ll respond. This will be my last post on this subject.

You write very well, so if you are Army, you are not likely enlisted. Most of the guys here are young so I will guess Lieutenant. That would explain why you don’t want to hang out with the infantry also.

I am White Knighting for you. Don’t do it. You will be caught no doubt. It would be better to get out than to be tempted.

That’s my advice: Get out.

jim says:

My advice is different, and I have already given it.

Repeating: Your deviation is a result of failure to achieve your telos and despair at achieving it. Do not despair.

Rather, direct your impulses to their proper telos. To which hope will naturally direct them.

Stick around. Conversations with you have been productive.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The best argument against raping her is that she is a military female, and you and I know what they are like. Daddy issues, emotional disorders, and morals that would make alley cats blush. You would be better off having your buddies introduce you to their female relatives because they are not as damaged goods as females in the military. In a choice between strippers and female military members, the only winning move is not to play. Unless you can get a virgin airwoman, the only pairing which I have seen provide pretty decent results, better to leave Private Suzie Rottencrotch in the gutter, where she belongs.

i says:

“The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.”

Jim tells commenters to kill their wife and no one bats an eye

“The interesting thing about the Russian rapes and murders is how often the women just wondered up to the Russian troops even knowing the Russians were killing a lot of the girls they raped.”

Murder is murder. And those who do so must be executed. You are an idiot if you think shedding innocent blood is inconsquential:

Genesis 9:6
“6Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood will be shed; for in His own image God has made mankind.”

Numbers 35:33
33Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”

God’s curse is on whoever shed blood in this manner. God will avenge himself on you if you don’t repent.

“I read about Eskimo tribe that had their women raped and murdered by an enemy tribe when they were away hunting game. They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.”

Exactly why murder is punished. What I would do in that case is exterminating all the males of said enemy tribe and take their virgins women and girls to compensate the women lost. As the Israelites with the Midianites:

“7Then they waged war against Midian, as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed every male. 8Among the slain were Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba—the five kings of Midian. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.

9The Israelites captured the Midianite women and their children, and they plundered all their herds, flocks, and goods. 10Then they burned all the cities where the Midianites had lived, as well as all their encampments, 11and carried away all the plunder and spoils, both people and animals.

12They brought the captives, spoils, and plunder to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the congregation of Israel at the camp on the plains of Moab, by the Jordan across from Jericho. 13And Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the congregation went to meet them outside the camp.

14But Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who were returning from the battle. 15“Have you spared all the women?” he asked them. 16“Look, these women caused the sons of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to turn unfaithfully against the LORD at Peor, so that the plague struck the congregation of the LORD. 17So now, kill all the boys, as well as every woman who has had relations with a man, 18but spare for yourselves every girl who has never had relations with a man.”


“10When you go to war against your enemies and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand and you take them captive, 11if you see a beautiful woman among them, and you desire her and want to take her as your wife, 12then you shall bring her into your house. She must shave her head, trim her nails, 13and put aside the clothing of her captivity.

After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14And if you are not pleased with her, you are to let her go wherever she wishes. But you must not sell her for money or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.”


Red says:

Exactly why murder is punished. What I would do in that case is exterminating all the males of said enemy tribe and take their virgins women and girls to compensate the women lost.

Most tribes are not strong enough to wipe out the men of a competing tribe. The point of the treatment is deterrence.

I believe the point of the gang rapes + murder by Russian army was the emasculation and subjugation of the people they conquered. The conquered people were treated as slaves. Gang rape is normal in warfare, typically a gang raped woman will change her allegiance to the new tribe. Gang rape and murder is not normal behavior and ultimately didn’t prove an effective method of control.

Red says:

After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14And if you are not pleased with her, you are to let her go wherever she wishes. But you must not sell her for money or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.”

The one month period was likely waiting to see if she was pregnant. Women taken in this manner are almost always gang raped and a waiting period is traditional to see if she can be given as wife to someone in the tribe.

Aidan says:

You’ve projected the healthy desire to kill outgroup men onto the healthy desire to take outgroup women by force. It’s not natural; should try to separate the two in your mind, because they are seperate.

i says:


“Most tribes are not strong enough to wipe out the men of a competing tribe. The point of the treatment is deterrence.”

And as you related. Counter-productive.

“They spent years waiting and planning the same sort of revenge on the enemy tribe. Both tribes ended up without women according to the account.”

I think it would better to take those women for oneself. As compensation which is beneficial.

“Women taken in this manner are almost always gang raped and a waiting period is traditional to see if she can be given as wife to someone in the tribe.”

I don’t think that happened according to the text. That woman is already shaved, her makeup wiped off and so on.

So unlikely to happen. And likely to make her damaged goods.

Neurotoxin says:

“Even Neurotoxin, whose blog enthusiastically exposes what women really want, got shocked by my claim that very young women had been putting a lot of effort and energy into getting what they really want… He reads romances so you don’t have to.”

If you’re new here, Jim’s referring to this (skip the Bechdel one; I hadn’t really gotten rolling when I wrote it):

By the way, political correctness is starting to noticeably insert its rubbery tentacles into Romance novels now. Where are all the cowboy rapes, dammit?

PS: Yona of the Dawn now on my to-read list.

jim says:

Neurotoxin, I urge you to get off WordPress. They are spying on you and everyone reads your blog, which discourages the audience that you probably want, and the knowledge that they might yank your blog at any moment seems to be cramping your style.

Buy a domain name and setup a host. Have your wordpress site redirect to the new site. If the admin task is too hard, I will do it for you (purchase domain name and set up host), and then transfer the identity to you, but I will charge you the costs of the domain name, and you will need to pay the hosting costs to some data center in bitcoin. Also, hosting requires administrative skills and knowledge, though less than setting it up in the first place, and for it to be your own blog, you don’t want someone else with root access.

Hosting is dirt cheap.

Neurotoxin says:

“I urge you to get off WordPress…”

I was just thinking about this this morning, actually.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Different services have different terms, and dorm is a common term in certain branches. I dealt a lot with different services, so it does not sound unusual.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I misread that. In my units we always called them the barracks, or the bricks. It is totally normal to call them barracks. Anyone who calls them dorms sounds like a Chair Force weenie. Him calling them the barracks means he is probably in one of the more martial services.

Adam says:

This is good advice.

Ill add that there is a natural incentive to learn how to talk to normies, how to speak to someone on their level without talking down to them. Normies are your beta orbiters. Normies orbit alpha males like betas orbit women. They will help you, do things for you, etc. They are useful.

Normies are going to want to look out for you, if you validate them (talk to them, offer encouragement). It’s a completely natural process. Every normie friend is another set of eyes and ears looking out for you and will help you if they can.

It’s a reciprocal relationship, and if you talk down to them or look down at them, if you let your pride get in the way this doesn’t work so well. If you are good at giving normies just what they need, which is not much as most are fairly demoralized, they will give you much more in return.

Red says:

> Was Ted Bundy for example, a reactionary icon or a perverse freak?

Ted Bundy wasn’t human. A bastard child who’s own mother pretended to be his older sister because she couldn’t bear the shame of bearing him. He faced total rejection at a young age and became a sick freak because of it. Bastards are generally evil creatures that no one should look twice at when they end up dead by the side of the road.

Also he had no problems picking up chicks. Chicks loved the dark vibe he put out. Totally incapable of cooperating with men who generally viewed him as some sort of alien creature long before his serial killing ways where exposed. But this ability to score with women did not result in reproductive success and is fundamentally maladaptive for men.

The Cominator says:

Looking at his bio his childhood neither seemed particularly bad nor did he sound like he was a social pariah, if he didn’t give into his demonic impulses he might have ended up as a politician.

Red says:

Ted killed his 1st victim at around 13 according to a book I read about him. He never had male friends and his primary advantage was how much women loved him. There’s a reason bastards used to be killed out of hand, they almost always result in misery for others.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you channel that willingness tyo fuck bitches and fuck the police while doing it, you will find it ridiculously easy to pull pussy. If chicks can sense a man is willing and able to take what he wants and dispose of their bodies afterwards, they are drawn in like a cloud of moths to a bugzapper. Every chick wants to tame the dragon. The feeling that their owner/kidnapper/protector could do whatever he wants with them, combined with him actually doing whatever he wants with them, is chick crack.

Where introverted men whove gone over the deep end go wrong is thinking they need to do this furtively, as if they are doing something wrong; and an internal frame of doing something wrong, creates the reality of being perceived as doing something wrong.

On the contrary, men who do this openly not only do not get in trouble, they get cheered on as they do it.

The Cominator says:

Successful criminals that don’t bother to keep it a secret all have government backing. The oldschool mafiosi didn’t like the drug business because its all rats, still is today. Drug dealers with police or higher sponsorship get to be long term drug dealers who can do what they want and must occasionally rat someone out.. those without get long sentences.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Who said anything about being a criminal? There’s the furtive introvert speaking again. You do what you do with the implicit notion that what you are doing is good and natural and ordained by God, and so of course it is fine to do it, and people will see this and get this impression and agree.

not a reactionary says:

I was reading about John Gotti recently, boss of the Gotti family, until he was imprisoned. He would do televised interviews and meet with his peers in public venues. Dude dressed like a badass. Idk maybe he had some sort of government backing or something but the CIA was all over him trying to take him out and eventually succeeded. He died in prison, but not before getting beat up by a black inmate for “using racial epithets”.

The Cominator says:

Gotti was a low IQ stickup and hijack man who never should have even been a capo let alone a don.

He definitely didn’t have government backing as the government at the time had a hardon to bust the Italian mob and this moron was a publicity hound. He also didn’t control his wife entirely either, as his son got killed in a car accident. Gotti decided that it actually wasn’t the other guys fault really and didn’t want to seek revenge, but his wife really wanted the guy dead and eventually he gave in and had the guy whacked.

Karl says:

Maybe a shared faith is necessary for success at human penetration, but I suspect that in Ukraine other factors were also at work.

Russians and Old type Christians had been persecuted in Ukraine for several years. Many emigrated and those who didn’t were at least removed from any security relevant jobs. Hard to do human penetration in such a situation.

In this respect Taiwan is very different from China. Arguably China also lacks a shared faith, but the Taiwanese government does not have any easy criterion like religion, ethnicy, or language to exclude people from security relevant jobs.

Mister Grumpus says:

“I am now coming to the conclusion that to do human penetration, you need a shared faith.”

You’ve been saying this for years. Maybe you just hadn’t realized it applies to computer hacking as well.

But in hindsight why wouldn’t it? It needs crazy smart guys, working together through time, for bosses too dumb to appreciate them. Guys who can be lazy and just fool their bosses into believing that they’re working instead, if they want to, but don’t. Because they “care”.

Like how Oppenheimer could have scammed the War Department for years and never come up with a bomb, if he’d wanted to. But he didn’t. Because he “cared”.

As a matter of fact, quietly sandbagging because he didn’t “care” enough is one revisionist understanding of why Heisenberg never got very far with the Nazi nuclear program.

A shared faith is a shared game plan, and motivation to carry it out, even without credit. A conspiracy that doesn’t need to be written down or communicated to work. Peas in a pod don’t have to “conspire”.

A Jesse Kelly (edgy normiecon with fagmouth) tweet just the other day:
“People don’t understand why such a tiny portion of society has such an outsized voice today. It’s not complicated. They’re more committed to their religion than you are to yours.”

A YouTuber referred to June as “American Holy Month”.

Matt Walsh with his “What is a Woman” movie is showing how religious the gender stuff is. There’s no “reason and arguments” pathway from one side to the other.


As for Donald Trump having done well with Info Epoch Warfare, recall how the man didn’t even have an email address. He conversed with Kim Jong Un by sending couriers back and forth with typewritten letters.

Mister Grumpus says:

“A shared faith is a shared game plan, and motivation to carry it out, even without credit.”

Wait a minute this reminds me…

Matthew 20:6:
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Matthew 25:23:
“His master replied ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You’ve been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things.'”

jim says:

> As for Donald Trump having done well with Info Epoch Warfare, recall how the man didn’t even have an email address. He conversed with Kim Jong Un by sending couriers back and forth with typewritten letters.

With the entire NSA apparatus spying on him and everyone around him, they came up with strange absence of data. Not only nothing that could be interpreted as incriminating, but nothing that was not in public or official transcripts.

Anonymous Fake says:


Sorry but Christians do not lie at all. If you’re a “lying Christian” you can hang out with “LGBTWTFBBQ Christians” and other deviants. Christians have to worry about their church being infiltrated by sodomites. Sodomites do not worry about their frat houses being infiltrated by Christians. Any “realpolitik” spy game such as seen in the Cold War is obsolete too, when there is perfect infiltration asymmetry between good and evil rather than frictional geopolitical tensions between rational secular states.

So WWI with drones it is. Christians can’t infiltrate the demon domain, but smashing down the gates and burning it and salting the earth works as well as anything else. A war of attrition is fitting for this setup, but a full nuclear war is on the same spectrum too.

A war of attrition is the base needed to filter for true believers who can then be used for fancy encirclement strategies. Trying to start a war with encirclement (a surprise attack) doesn’t work for the good guys because you still have gay spies in your army who haven’t faced the filter yet, and unreliable generals who haven’t been purged.

A house divided against itself won’t stand. Cucks and traitors and demons will betray each other if forced to, if they are forced into a style of war where they can’t infiltrate and get away with it.

I’m certain there’s still room for computer hackers. But they’re a spice, not even a side dish, in what kind of war this is.

jim says:

Lying bites both ways. Christian counter infiltration relies on turning enemy agents.

Computer hacking is enormously effective. The release of the Climategate emails and Hillary emails relied on computer hacking, and in the case of the Climategate emails, one of our guys on the inside.

We have had considerable success, and would have considerably more success if backed by quasi statal organization with money and the capacity to do violence.

American howitzers in Ukraine chat with other devices about their position and the targets they are supposed to it. Russians listened, and targeted the howitzers. Need to do the same for Zelensky and his pals.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Now I see why you gave us a quite reasonable post. To carry the enemy payload of this deleted post.

That stuff is not Christianity, and Christians have never believed it. No one believes it, especially not those pushing it. That stuff is something a bunch of Jews cooked up that they thought they could insert into Christianity to destroy it, because they thought that Christians dumb as rocks. It is as dumb as flat earth, a whole lot more evil, and like flat earthism, tediously, repetitiously, and endlessly pushed by people who do not believe in the slightest in what they are pushing, and like flat earthism, not gaining any traction. I have never heard it from anyone who was not a blatant hostile shill.

Every hail-fellow-Christian that pushes it quite obviously hates Christians, hates Christianity, and hates Christ.

Tell your masters to stop trying dumb as rocks memes. That one was dead on arrival forty years ago. Hail fellow stupid dumb hateful Christian, fellow Christian.

Your masters are making the same error as with their flat earth meme. They are stupid people who conclude that their enemies must be even stupider than they are.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Bored now.

If demon worshipers, faggots, and such have such a huge advantage in struggles conducted by entryism, how come you are doing so poorly?

Not allowing you to hold this discussion from the frame that you are a Christian unless you pass the Demon Worshiper test.

We can hold this discussion if you stop telling us you are a fellow Christian and fellow reactionary every couple of sentences. Or if you pass the obvious and easy tests to check if you actually are.

Anonymous Fake says:


Pax Imperialis says:

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if a moderately to higher ranked military officer committed ritual suicide at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Live streamed and in full dress uniform.

S says:

The military already is dealing with people dying for absolutely no reason at all (the shot). Why would a suicide have any more effect on people willing to butcher their subordinates or turn a blind eye as their comrades die?

Ghost says:

It would have no effect. America is not 1600s Japan. Far from it. If the news cycle even picket it up, they would focus on their medical history and make them out to be nutjob. A lot of 4chan memes would come out. He would not be celebrated as an Oishi or Mishima but made into a fool.

The way today’s American vet protests is to come out in support of political candidates or runs on their own.

Kunning Drueger says:

As an isolated incident, it would have the effect some of the other military maverick incidents that have occurred (national guard generals in OK, that captain or major that put out that video, Canadian LEOs supporting the truckers, etc), which is to say it wouldn’t convert anyone from their perspective, just reinforce previously held positions. Domestically, the GAE has almost eliminated the concept of martyrdom for anti-Cathedral elements. By maintaining control of the narrative and having well tested methods of selectively digging up the past, memory-holing inconvenient facts and events, and inundating the marketplace of ideas at will, they can turn any act of bravery or heroism into cowardice or treachery, and heinous evil into laudable good.

If it were to happen in conjunction with rapid developments before a Narrative â„¢ has been deployed, or as a series of atypical events, it could have a massive impact on the military class and community.

A bigger event would be something, someone, some force or institution that instantiates and solidifies the meme that military service, police service, fire/EMS service are no longer acts of patriotism, loyalty, or honor. This would deprive the Cathedral of its remaining highly effective warriors, and put those warriors back into “the market,” as it were. Of course, they’d have plenty of negros, mestizos, and bull dykes to put in uniform and play soldier, but that would be cold comfort as young white males and the sons of healthy communities started going to workout and bond at church, “Bible study,” and the neighborhood watch.

Pax Imperialis says:

Military follows orders. That doesn’t mean they don’t agonize over bad orders. The recent raise in suicides and the bullshit over the vaccines have been a highly bitter experience, but militaries follow orders… until they don’t.

Should US Mil rank and file continue to develop a sense of deep erosion of America, they will be all too happy to follow the right orders to end the decline.


America is not 1600s Japan, but 1970s Japan was also not 1600s Japan. What Mishima did was initially seen with bewilderment and the act of a crazy fool. Just watch how Japanese soldiers reacted to Mishima’s coup speech with ridicule during the act. Over time it has captivated the minds of many both inside and outside of Japan. It took time for his suicide to be processed. Many of the student leftists who hated Mishima in their youth now feel like something of immense value was lost.

I have a suspicion that a live streamed, highly choreographed and properly executed suicide by an American Officer at the right symbolic location would initially be met with extreme bewilderment… but over time would foster a deeply unsettling psychological horror among a certain group of Washington elites.

@Kunning Drueger

Many of those mavericks incidents have felt like fake grandstanding. Often many of those mavericks end up as shills on Fox News or semi successful standard Republican politicians. None of those incidents were eye catching or long lasting the the national psyche.

A ritual suicide done right “wouldn’t convert anyone from their perspective” but it would float around in the cultural conscious for quite a long time. That could have unexpected outcomes that the Cathedral would not be able to handle well.


To be clear I don’t advocate ritual suicide. It’s merely something that I have a deep fascination with.

someDude says:

“To be clear I don’t advocate ritual suicide. It’s merely something that I have a deep fascination with”

Aaaah! The Old Gods are stirring. You are feeling the blood of your ancestors.

Remember the suicide of the Roman Noblewoman, Lucretia, that eventually led to the end of the Roman Kingship and the start of the Roman republic?

Oog en Hand says:

According to Christianity, this is a mortal sin. Cf. Massada.

A2 says:

The French officers at least dare to complain in public.

Rightwing historian Dominique Venner shot himself in Notre Dame in 2013. Slobodan Praljak publicly took his life in protest against the Hague court. Unfortunately, the conclusion has to be that media are quite efficient in dismissing these acts.



Richard W. Comerford says:

Quite frankly, I’m rooting for Russia — simply because a resurgent Soviet Union would end the myth that the Cold War ended and we can go back to Mutually Assured Destruction instead of the dozens of terrorist states we have now.

Pax Imperialis says:

Terrorist states are not going away. If anything disorder will continue to multiply along the edges of US and Neo Soviet empires.

Kunning Druegger says:


I can’t comment on the veracity of this article, but it does seem to line up with how NATO’s “help” isn’t so helpful…

Red says:

Everything about American Artillery is inferior to pretty much everyone else. Even 30 years ago it was obvious that only scoot and shoot artillery was going to survive in an age of counter battery radars. We’ve long relied on air dominance for artillery support which is why we’ve gotten away with it until now. Even our high tech javelin missiles are proving inferior to the UK and German counterparts in terms of usability and mobility.

Kunning Druegger says:

The bully that steals the little Arab kid’s lunch money doesn’t practice MMA or lift weights, he just relies on no consequences and an inherent size advantage.

George Harrison says:

Every single claim you make about the Ukrainians is in truth happening to the Russians. There is no evidence of any of it applying to the Ukrainians and quite a few well-publicized cases of it happening to the Russians.

The Russians have not been attacking unpredictably. They have been attacking exactly where the Ukrainians expect them to attack. That’s what happened to the pontoon crossing. That’s why the slow grind through Severodonetsk.

There are numerous cases of intercepted conversations of Russian soldiers describing reluctance to be sent into the front and the reactions of their commanders. There are no such cases of Ukrainian equivalents. (There was the WaPo story, which used predictable morale issues at the front line of a war for concern trolling and drumming up more support.)

The Russians are the ones who have lost 13 generals and 30-odd colonels and who knows how many junior officers because they keep having to lead from the front to keep the men from breaking. The Ukrainians have not. The Ukrainians are not the ones having trouble with combat-level officers.

The Russians are the ones who shifted all the BTGs from the Kiev/Kharkov push and put them into the Donbass. The Ukrainians already had their regular army in the Donbass. What the Ukrainians are moving now is new recruits, because they mobilized. The Russians have not mobilized. The Russians only have what they started with, and half of it has gotten its face kicked in already.

The Russian artillery is, currently, more numerous. The Ukrainian artillery is better employed. The Starlink-enabled targeting app they are using (thanks Elon!), plus drones for forward spotters, enables them to spread their artillery pieces out individually rather than massing them in specific locations. This makes counterbattery fire by the Russians a non-threat, because there is no specific target for the Russians to hit. This was discussed in detail by the Austrian Army briefing posted to Youtube a week or two back.

Every single claim you make in this post is an explicit and likely deliberate lie and in every case a precise inversion of the truth. You should stop doing that. You won’t, of course. Every time I look into the background of any claim you make I find similar things: the evidence always supports the opposite of what you claim. It is not surprising you never provide any specific supporting evidence.

You are an appalling liar, and appallingly bad at it.

jim says:

> Every single claim you make about the Ukrainians is in truth happening to the Russians. There is no evidence of any of it applying to the Ukrainians and quite a few well-publicized cases of it happening to the Russians.

If you rely on what is well publicized, you are relying on official disinformation. If you look for information, you will find eleven videos of Ukrainian troops mutinying because they had suffered significant casualties, and had received orders that were likely to subject them to considerably heavier casualties. They were complaining primarily about Russian rockets, some of those rockets being drone weapons. Eleven videos last time I looked, probably more now.

You will not see any videos of Russians mutinying.

The Russian blitzkrieg was stopped hard by Information Epoch weapons, and the Russians took a lot of casualties trying it. That is true, and no one denies it. And they stubbornly kept on trying even when it was obvious it did not work. But they gave up on blitzkrieg before they had to face mutinies. The Ukrainians are facing mass mutiny, indicating that they are suffering intolerable casualties.

Most of what is publicized is disinformation. If you rely on official information, you will believe all sorts of things that are contrary to the evidence of your eyes, that blacks live in fear of white males, that women live in fear of rape by white males. Why do you think information about the Ukrainian war is any more accurate?

> This makes counterbattery fire by the Russians a non-threat, because there is no specific target for the Russians to hit.

They seem to be hitting a large number of Ukrainian conscripts, mostly with ground launched rockets and drone launched rockets.

The Russians take out dispersed Ukrainian artillery by spotting them with drones, and by penetrating the military computer network. They are able to penetrate the military network because the Americans writing that artillery software thought in terms of artillery being used against militias of goat herders, rather than against a peer power.

In the very recent past, American military software was outstandingly and extraordinarily strong against enemy penetration, while Americans had very good penetration of every adversary network. This has evidently ceased to be the case – probably for the same reason as other American high tech is failing, especially military high tech.

I complained bitterly, and still complain bitterly, of Russians failing to deploy Information Epoch warfare, and of their incompetence when they finally did start deploying it. But Russia is penetrating Ukrainian battlefield networks, and Ukrainians are not penetrating Russian battlefield networks.

A2 says:

I recall seeing articles some years ago about the patriotic talent departing NSA en masse for greener pastures in SV. Presumably around when the GWOT had played itself out to all reasonable spectators. I wonder how much of what Snowden reported is still functional.

jim says:

America used to be the overwhelming world leader in penetrating everyone’s network and resisting penetration of its own network.

This has been changing. Now that Russia is getting a very hard lesson in Information Epoch warfare, may change faster.

Varna says:

A very aggressive guitar solo by Paul McCartney indeed.

Ghost says:

The Art of War is an old book. Military used to encourage reading it. It is filled with advice that encourages ruthlessness and deception which flies in the face of the present Geneva Convention. In war illegal orders are given and illegal things done on purpose.

The present state of war is against Western Civilization. It is a propaganda war to demonize white culture and occupy their natural territory. Divide and conquer is be used separating different factions. If you reread Art of War you will see what elements are being used.

Red says:

The Art of War is an old book. Military used to encourage reading it.

It’s highly overrated. Ayran armies were far more victorious when they knew their own history of conquest and victory than they were once they started reading Sun Tzu after WW2.

The present state of war is against Western Civilization. It is a propaganda war to demonize white culture and occupy their natural territory. Divide and conquer is be used separating different factions. If you reread Art of War you will see what elements are being used.

Shill or White nationalist garbage. Power is being used to suppress people. The GOP isn’t infighting, it’s being controlled by the Cathedral. Whites are always fighting other whites because whites are wolves to whites. The problem we have is an evil state religion trying to murder all the whites.

Ghost says:

I agree with the whites are wolves to whites part and I’ve read Jim writing this too. But, there is a war of propaganda going on directed at whites.

More importantly, what’s your solution?

The Cominator says:


We need this from the right, with the army being disinclined to stop it…

Ghost says:

Seems politicians would heed the warnings of history. But they don’t.

Adam says:

I would not be discouraged by the fight we are in today. Whites are wolves to whites- this is a feature not a bug. Our preference for long term strategies makes us slow to get started, but history shows when we do get started we are among the very best at nearly everything.

Great men are being built as we speak. Have faith that our history of success and dominance was no accident. The time will come for us to fight and win.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Whites are wolf to whites, this is a feature not a bug, so please sit still as i cut your son’s nuts off, it’s for your own good.’

Adam says:

That is not the kind of thing wolves do. That is the kind of thing sick and dying wolves do.

Manly fathers with admirable traits have sons that want to take after them.

If your son wants to get his balls chopped off, or someone else wants to, and you do not stop it, you are a weak faggot bitch, and should not have had a son.

Adam says:

I will also add, quite a lot of this is a product of whites, mostly straight Christian males *failing* to be wolves themselves.

We have become entirely too complacent, and far far too comfortable. Most white guys I know are trying to win and failing, but only due to the fact that they have tied their own hands behind their back.

This will not last forever.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Ahh? So the *kind* of competition matters, then? Well, then you shouldn’t say ‘whites being wolf to whites is a good thing’, since it is bad rhetoric. Easily mutated.

Adam says:

I said it was a feature I didn’t say it was perfect. Competition is dangerous, but good for fitness. And refining something always comes at a cost.

What are we doing here if not becoming the wolves necessary to pass this test?

The masses may be suffering, but the masses do not matter.

The whites that are going to defeat this evil are getting harder by the day.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This is like CCP apparatchiks saying that the maoist cultural revolution was a ‘regrettable but necessary step on the path towards our glorious scientific state with chinese characteristics’.

jim says:

Top predator is always the check on the top predator. Top predator population is not limited by available resources, but limited by violence and the threat of violence.

It is always that way, and it is not going to change. Fallen world and all that. Whites always have been the only important enemy of whites, we still are, and if it ever changes, it will be because the white race has degenerated.

As birds are specialized for flying, we are specialized for extended cooperation. But that cooperation is never going to embrace everyone, and if you attempt to embrace everyone, hostile parties are going to subvert cooperation. This is our current environment of evolutionary adaption, always has been, always will be.

Whites are too cooperative. Need more paranoia, hostility, and suspicion. Need a stronger immune system against parasites and disease organisms who take advantage of our systems of extended cooperation. Trust but verify.

Adam says:

Does it sound like I’m endorsing wokeness because it will lead to greater white fitness?

Do you deny that there is a beneficial aspect of “whites are wolves to whites”? You need steel to sharpen steel.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Whites are too cooperative. Need more paranoia, hostility, and suspicion. Need a stronger immune system against parasites and disease organisms who take advantage of our systems of extended cooperation. Trust but verify.

Which is certainly true, but also not something that exists on a dualistic continuum. The way to above is not a blind tendency towards either cooperation or isolation, but more selective instincts for cooperation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Does it sound like I’m endorsing wokeness because it will lead to greater white fitness?

It does sound like that.

>Do you deny that there is a beneficial aspect of “whites are wolves to whites”?

Potentially. Dependently. Contingently.

The better meme is not ‘whites being wolf to whites is a feature’, it is ‘observe the ordinals of conflict’. There are different kinds of competition, which are more or less appropriate depending on the context being operated in, or more specifically the parties in question. Ways of competition that would be inappropriate between brothers but would be appropriate between neighbors; ways of competition that would be inappropriate between company fellows but would be appropriate between companies; ways of competition that would be inappropriate between countrymen but would be appropriate between countries; ways of competition you allow between each other, but do not allow for outsiders; and so on.

All functional societies are built upon these layers of gentlemen’s agreements, hierarchies of ‘games’ and the terms for playing them, systems of honor.

Kunning Druegger says:

Whites are wolf to whites, but the whites predating on other whites most effectively is some form of tyranny of the betas. They are unfit midwits at best, soft handed with empty chests. They divide the strong to exalt the week, choosing stranger over brother, idealizing the unknown and besmirching the known.

I think Adam is trying to spin a bad situation as not-so-bad, which is a coping mechanism on some level, but is it really unwelcome or bad form? The pills are almost always black, so is it bad to seek out silver linings? I’m genuinely asking, not trying to foster some kind of amity (though I often try to do this and I don’t think it’s a bad thing)?

The source of Woke, the heart of the Cathedral, is white men. They are wolves to whites, but they aren’t wolves themselves, they’re coydogs, the sickly product of an unholy union. And they succeed because the rest of us have been on a dysgenic emotional inbreeding program for many generations.

Steel sharpens steel, but it is better used on lesser metals. At some point, a knife becomes a razor and is wholly unfit for all but the most specific of tasks.

Adam says:

Ok. No I didn’t mean that wokeness was justified if it leads to white fitness.

I just meant that like hypergamy, whites are wolves to whites looks bad until you realize what it’s responsible for, the continuation of the species. They are forces of nature.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I think Adam is trying to spin a bad situation as not-so-bad, which is a coping mechanism on some level, but is it really unwelcome or bad form?

The problem basically comes down to the fact that when, like those sons of communism in modern day china, you impute some form of necessity into the Red Terror, as a way of rationalizing the pain you have experienced, this also is validating it, with a few steps of mental arithmetic removed.

‘Sure all that sordid business was greatly troubling, but it was also a Necessary Step in the evolution to being Who We Are today’. Okay, so the next time you feel like society is in trouble, the solution is to kill all value creators with more than two cows, disenfranchise all men’s rights over their women, and defrock all preachers who object to this latest improvement on the Moral Law? Cmm’on bro, don’t be dumb.

Ghost says:

Steel becomes a sword when it is forged in a furnace then quenched in oil. It either hardens and holds an edge or it shatters. That is the test.

You will be challenged and it will either make you strong, or break you down.

White culture encourages self sufficiency and individualism. That is why we compete. Wolf against wolf. But now we are challenged from without and the wolf must form a pack and choose a leader.

Kunning Druegger says:

I didn’t mean to ask a dumb question, and you clarified my error. It should be forgivable for a person completely inept in biology to not grasp the issue, indeed I still don’t. Did not the Red Terror fundamentally shape the China of today?

Nevertheless, I see the error in thinking going forward (it worked last time, so…), and I see the mistake of trying to cope by pretending a bad thing was good (maybe that’s the “source” of naturally occurring leftism…); it’s bad strategy.

This is a topic I really struggle with: how should I treat and classify whites around me? Part of me just ignores the immediate example and looks forward to future generations. But I also see a white person in charge every time some fresh hell is unleashed on our society, and it’s typically a woman. The source of our greatest power is our biggest threat. The WQ really is at the heart of every matter.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I didn’t mean to ask a dumb question, and you clarified my error.

Not meaning you specifically of course, referring to the imaginary interlocutor who stands in for everyone who might fall into such thinking.

>Did not the Red Terror fundamentally shape the China of today?

It certainly did; i would hazard to not say for the better in the end.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Kunning Drueger says:

Comment from December 2014:

“The Russians are doing more for the West than anyone in Europe. The USA is utterly broken and cannot be fixed. But, individually, men can still maneuver to protect themselves. One thing is to buy property behind the surge of feminists and queers in cities. They fight the blacks using their own fake victim mythology. Occasionally, an actual white guy beats the daylights out of a black and the feminized re-settlers swoon. The martial spirit spirit probably won’t last as the whites consolidate their territory and lose daily grinding contact with Negros behaving badly.”

Very interesting article. It’s interesting how whites have to prepare to fight while our brown cousins seem to be perpetually in standby violence mode. Probably unrelated, but in Central America, people carry umbrellas because of sunshine, not rain.

Juice says:

14 dead Russian generals and counting. I suppose it all depends upon how you measure success.

jim says:

Dead generals foreshadow success. Large numbers of dead conscripts foreshadow failure.

Dead generals indicates your generals are leading from the front. It is a badge of pride. You should be worried about the fact that the Global American Empire has no dead generals, but does have conscripts mutinying as a result of high casualties.

The army led by warriors will win. The Russian army is obviously led by warriors. The Global American imperial army led by cosmopolitan Jews who hang out in foreign hot tourist spots.

The Russian army is, alas, not led by competent warriors, but war is a stern teacher. They are learning. The Global American Empire is not learning.

The Global American Imperial leadership is safely cocooned within a bubble of lies. The Russian leadership is not. This is likely to prove fatal in the end, though it may take a little while before the Global American Imperial leadership encounters men with guns walking into their bubble.

Dead Russian generals indicate failure, the failure of trying blitzkrieg, and of foolishly persisting in blitzkrieg for far too long. It also indicates that surviving generals are going to learn from failure. Ukrainian conscript mutinies also indicate failure – not necessarily a failure the Global Imperial leadership is going to learn from.

War is the ultimate argument of Kings. Rational discussion has failed. War will ensue.

Red says:

Dead generals indicates your generals are leading from the front. It is a badge of pride. You should be worried about the fact that the Global American Empire has no dead generals, but does have conscripts mutinying as a result of high casualties.

I’ve read a bunch of accounts of large groups of men left in hilltop positions with no officers present in Afghanistan. Woke officers are cowards of the first degree. We’re starting to resembling pre world war 2 France with very expensive and complex weapon systems, grunts who are not motivated to fight because they’re government is hostile towards tier interests and officers selected for their shitty faith rather than ability.

no says:

>Dead generals foreshadow success. Large numbers of dead conscripts foreshadow failure.

Yeah, exactly, dead conscripts is why Russia lost to the Nazis, and why China’s intervention in Korea failed to stop the Americans, and why the Napoleonic levies had no effect on how anybody fought wars. And dead generals is totally why Dixie won the war, and why Crecy and Agincourt meant the French were about to kick ass, aristocratically. And when the French mass-produced arquebusses and equipped peasant levies with them to massacre Welsh longbowmen and English lords alike, that definitely meant the English were about to win. And –


Flag rank officers dying in combat is always a big warning sign that the troops are on the edge of breaking and that leading from the front is the only way to prevent it. And losing such an officer always causes way more problems in the command and staffing of the army than whatever advantage was gained by the combat. And speaking of warning signs, lines like this are a screaming flashing red warning signal to all the fanboys that this Jim character has absolutely no fucking clue what he’s talking about, and more importantly, is not capable of recognizing when he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Going by his own model of the world, he’s a priest. Or a merchant, maybe, but I see no evidence of meaningful commercial success and quite a bit of ideology. And he keeps farting out military pontifications that real-world events immediately contradict. He needs to recognize his limitations and stop making a fool of himself.

jim says:

> “On the edge of breaking”

Actual mutinies by front line troops constitute actual breaking. Ukrainian troops are actually breaking. Russian troops seem to have high morale.

You are drinking the Legacy Media koolaide.

Russia blundered by using World War II tactics. Failed horribly. Ukraine is now blundering by using World War I tactics.

The Ukrainians are consuming their army. They sought a war of attrition, are getting attrited. Rounding up cannon fodder, and dumping it into the trenches to soak up Russian artillery. Running low on cannon fodder.

The Russians pull back when a war of attrition costs too much, attrit when they can do so cheaply. Ukrainians just react by pouring men into the trenches. They recently blew up one of their bridges behind their owm men to stop them from retreating. They are using the Azov brigades behind their regular troops to prevent regular troops from running away.

The Cominator says:

In WWII Russia lost most of its conscripts in the 1st year and the 2nd summer, you can win with high conscript losses but accelerating losses of conscripts is a very bad sign.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

What is up with these ppl? 😂

Is this the same guy who keeps posting s$!t like:
“ur a liar”, “stop lying”, “if theres a god he damns u for ur lies”, etc?

What kind of rando spams blogs with “YOU FUCKING MORON”? Sheesh!

Nikolai says:

2 or 3 confirmed dead Russian generals, rest is ghost of kiev tier banderist propaganda.

Russia recently took out 3 Ukrainian generals in one strike though https://twitter.com/Levi_godman/status/1531184905656446977?t=As_Tkadghy2N6PCH9SP5TA&s=19

jim says:

Novyi Buh is located 250 miles from where the action is under way, which is where I would expect Ukrainian generals to hang out, being faggots. Looks like the Russians are starting to use Information Epoch warfare.

War is the sternest of teachers, but teaches well.

jim says:

Russia is also engaged in propaganda war, but their propaganda consists of talking up excessively minor victories and playing down, explaining away, or ignoring defeats and retreats, rather than totally making stuff up out of thin air as the Global American Empire does. If they say three generals, they had reason to believe three generals were there. And if they knew who was there, they are getting their act together. Their recent penetration of the computer networks of US military equipment is a lot better than what I thought I was seeing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Finally reviewed backlogged Telegram posts. I hadn’t checked in 2+ weeks, so I got to go through the posts in a more critical way. It seems something has developed in the past week on both sides; a tactical shift by RF and rhetorical shift by GAE. The losses really do appear to be staggering for UKR, and Poland is going to be the sacrificial lamb to Slaneesh to bring the Green Holocaust down. I don’t think RF long term goals have changed, but I do think the GAE is preparing to let UKR come to the table, which would have been unthinkable in March. The Poland thing is a bad idea, and everyone older than 70 or in the DoD knows it. The Finland/Sweden stab in the back could turn out just as misguided as the sanctions in terms of being used as causal factors.

Mister Grumpus says:

“and Poland is going to be the sacrificial lamb to Slaneesh to bring the Green Holocaust down.”


Kunning Druegger says:


It appears that, with the soft land grab of Western Ukraine [sic] by Poland, they will be the next level of escalation that brings the world ever closer to the mass casualty chain of events so desperately desired by the Demonic faction in the State Department. If/when Polish units start engaging Russian units in the UKR theater, an expansion of hostilities into the Baltic becomes somewhat more likely, especially with the Scandinavian backstab. As the RF moves further into IEW, critical targets will be Polish, or will be moved into Poland, forcing the Russians to make a very tough decision.

This assertion is predicated on the idea that there is some faction in the GAE that wants a big war to annihilate Russia and reduce the surplus population to please the Gaia Demon.

The Cominator says:

Poland can never be allowed to exist again after this.

Pax Imperialis says:

Great. Not only is Russian vodka off the market, Polish vodkas will be gone as well.

Soon only shelf Smirnoff will remain to dull the pain.

S says:

Poland terminated its natural gas contract with Russia.

S says:

Ops. Misinterpreted your comment and took too long looking up Polish natural gas.

Mister Grumpus says:

The meme is that Russia always starts wars slow and retarded, but then pulls its head out of its ass, and then finishes as a steamroller.

jim says:

I was extremely disappointed by their initially poor efforts at Information Epoch warfare, but was just now informed that they when the new American artillery systems rolled in, they got mysteriously precise location information, believed to be from the computer systems of the artillery themselves.

Their Information Epoch warfare is suddenly improving. The recent military successes reflect precision artillery targeting of enemy weapon systems. One shell, one enemy war machine.

The Ukrainians had spread out their weapons systems so that they could not be taken out by just pounding the general area with shells. Well, the Russians did not pound the general area with shells.

Kunning Druegger says:

It could be the case that all relevant world powers will need an adjustment phase when they go to war for it to become obvious, or allowed to be acknowledged, that the game has changed and new tactics, strategy, and leadership are required. Russia is figuring it out on basically home turf against an enemy that doesn’t really pose an existential threat (UKR specifically, I know the GAE is The existential threat). China, Turkey, the US, France, these countries may not be so lucky, and their hypothetical war could end before they can correct their course.

Varna says:

This even happened with Finland 1939, after the initial meat grinder that did away with a lot of incompetent reds.

That’s land warfare. Sea warfare, such as the 1905 war with the Japs, not only humiliated Tsarist Russia, but also finally convinced the Japs they are ready to take on all white sea empire within reach.

Kunning Drueger says:

Elon Musk makes a deal with PLAN to build a network of massive rig-of-rigs[1] for launching and catching rockets in the deep sea. He brokers a deal between Putin and the UKR government for a freeze of the conflict and negotiations of land swaps. The first seal launch platform and attendant constellation of support rigs and ships are scheduled to float in 2025. China is the bank, Russia and China supply labor and professionals to work with “OceanX.”

How does GAE stop this?

I know seasteading was a pipe dream because, for all their talk, they were basically just a semi-libertarian cruise liner that wanted to camp out in the shallow seas and leach off developing countries in the Asian Pacific. But a network of launch/catch facilities would provide excellent jobs, massive stimulus to multiple industries, and launch facilities have to be well maintained and well protected as well as perform their ops safely, so of course there’d be all forms of C&C gear and missile defense systems. It would be like the petroleum extraction build up, massive development and progress with a need for the best technicians and programmers and smart labor.

[1] Look up the Prelude FLNG behemoth, then imagine 4 of them configured to lock in together at intervals with a temporary super-superstructure between them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The whig theocracy kills things by a thousand cuts. A consensus is manufactured, and every one of the thousand kings living one mile away, overseeing each petty fiefdom, each slice of power over some thing, will strike out against the target, however inconvenient.

Kunning Drueger says:

If some of the thousand kings get material advantage in their petty empire, they’ll play ball. Some always do. The game of subversion is a communist specialty. From a certain perspective, the world is dominated by 3 types of communistic system: Communism with Chinese Characteristics, former Slavo-centric post-communism struggling against resurgent throne, and the Social Bureaucracy of American Communism that has occupied and warped the carcass of FDRs golem. Each one has some mighty effective subversive capacities as well as blindspots, limitations, and geographic reality. They’ve all had experience effecting outcomes in the future in an institutional sense, but they also carry the weight of the current crop of Elites.

The big systems are dinosaurs, so the mammals have to wait for a Chicxulub event or figure out how to operate in the presence of monsters. I think Musk might have it in him to be blindly optimistic, and I get the vibe, for whatever that’s worth, that he is not constrained by the current social hierarchy. I bet he believes he has a shot at King of Space so his son has a shot at King of Mars. Enough charisma and success, you’ll get sycophants and supporters in droves. For all the Twitter controversy, he’s still the embodiment of the quiet fantasy of all engineers, field scientist, and technicians: an Engineer Monarch.

It also gives Petroleum Extraction Industry a seat at the table of space industry, an important and necessary step to Sol System expansion. The sooner the best minds in mineral/material extraction get paired up with rocketry nerds, the sooner we get Skunkworks with tattoos, family, and faith. I’m taking Zeihan at his word here, but I find it pretty believable that the wildcat, small firm, and independent operators working with shale have been optimizing the fuck out of subsurface sensors, finer manipulation of remote tools, robots, drones, actual Things Internet (IoT is a terrible term).

Anecdotally, Petroleum dudes are white, black, and mestizos, but all the upper level stuff is white guys with their usual list of international sidekicks. Multiple YouTube videos comparing the work and workers on American sites v. Russian, Chinese, etc. seem to demonstrate there’s a lot of experience and discipline in the American oil industry. Of course, the insidious effects of the Cathedral are everywhere, but that’s all the more reason to get the smartest out of the GAE, even if only spiritually.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>If some of the thousand kings get material advantage in their petty empire, they’ll play ball.

The fact that people are acting against their long-term interests in accordance with a demonic faith is the while matter of the problem.

Take the brainless response in the occident to the Special Military Operation for example; everything from impounding yachts of questionable chains of ownership to pouring out vodka; anything anyone at any point in life can do to stick a finger in the infidel’s eye, they’ll do.

The point isn’t necessarily to say this is always effective, or even effectively done to begin with, it is point out that this is what is done, the state of affairs to be accounted for; where someone like Musk is concerned about rising above the gnostic empire if and or when it proves ultimately incompatible with their vision of advancing occidental civilization, they need to be thinking about how to deal with the matter of them and everything connected to them coming under attack of damnatio memoriae in every facet of life in the occupied occident.

The Cominator says:

“The fact that people are acting against their long-term interests in accordance with a demonic faith is the while matter of the problem.”

This is what also hardened and blackened my heart towards these people… mere selfishness i could understand and forgive…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Put in other words, the tool you use to slay chimaeras of demonic faith, is a sword of godly faith.

Much strategizing by ‘don’t tread on me’ types as to reaching the other side of a whig apocalypse simply takes The Beast having memetic sovereignty as a given; ultimate victory comes from usurping that given.

Victory goes to those who would dare to have faith. I tell you, with faith as small as a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there, and it will move.

jim says:

I am disinclined to try literal mountains, but metaphorical mountains do seem to shift somewhat.

We have to establish our own memetic sovereignty, have to deny our enemies sovereignty over us, as a first step to denying them sovereignty over the world.

A first step to that is an internet name system that is independent of certificate authorities. Among those names, will be our counter university and roles within it. A lot of people have rolled out such name systems, and you may well ask why I shall roll out one more?

Well, no one has rolled out a full Zooko system, and to work, it has to be integrated with money and obligations. And to work, it has be resistant to central power, in a way that no existing blockchain is.

But a blockchain has to have consensus, so who counts as part of the consensus? We have to make the consensus roughly represent people in approximate proportion to the amount of cash they have. And when we represent on the blockchain on demand enforceable obligations, demand deposits, the amount of cash minus their enforceable obligations. Trouble with proof of work is that you wind up with a lot of big fixed expensive mining operations with immovable assets in well known locations.

We have to have a name system designed to survive Information Epoch warfare, as the Internet was designed to survive nuclear war. Eventually the battle front will be the whole world, and important people and their important assets will be likely to be hit with drones if their physical locations become known. Zelensky and company are already feeling it whenever they go near Ukraine, which may be part of the reason he is not spending a lot of time in Ukraine.

It is already the case that if you have valuable digital assets, they are likely to come under attack. Andrew Anglin and Archbishop Vigano are equally in hiding, their money and their physical location deeply disguised. We must expect a name system that contains among its names challenges to Harvard’s memetic sovereignty is going to come under similar attack, attack that will in due course escalate to robot assassin drones.

Frank Matters says:

>A lot of people have rolled out such name system… no one has rolled out a full Zooko system

Does this include ENS and SNS, aka .eth and .sol domains? I can understand not trusting their underlying blockchain. Solana is highly coordinated now as a result of having to consistently reboot the network, decentralization not achieved despite fairly good scaling. Eth is fairly decentralized at the consensus layer as far as I can tell, we may have issues with the people governing ENS, but as of right now they are actually up and running, and capable of dissent, for example https://app.ens.domains/name/nigger.eth/details

>Trouble with proof of work is that you wind up with a lot of big fixed expensive mining operations with immovable assets in well known locations.

Even with RandomX? Seems to have resisted this centralization fairly well. What about a mixed consensus, where more stake makes your puzzle easier?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A great faith inspires great men to coordinate to achieve great things.

A great group of men coordinating could certainly gain the power to move a mountain – amongst many other things, of course.

Mister Grumpus says:

You gotta wonder if Elon could grab a thumbdrive full of bitcoin, “paperclip himself” over to Hainan Island and then start over as an incredibly well-protected captive genius fugitive.

“Self-Snowden”, verb…

Kunning Druegger says:

The great challenge for the dragon in the twenty-first century is to maintain internal cohesion while allowing external agency. Musk as “captive genius fugitive” is all sizzle and no steak. He is most useful as an independent actor being coordinated with, and practically useless as a patsy or prisoner. Consider Snowden: is he writing code and building killer apps, or has he been put in charge of counter-intel or network hardening? Or does he just sit in a bugged dacha, waiting for journalists to give him a recorded call?

Can China be China and expand their influence without doing the whole Borg routine?

DavyCrockett says:

FAA claims it will release the Final Environmental Assessment on June 13th. Will be interesting to see what they say.

Red says:

Elon and SpaceX are acting like it’s already a done deal. Likely the US military told Biden to fuck off and leave Elon alone. If not, Elon probably has less than a year before he’s arrested on trumped up charges and his companies given to the brave warrior women of African to run.

Mister Grumpus says:

Let’s talk about “isolated leaders”, and what that’s really about, both as a reality and as an accusation.

When the Rus-Ukr war started, The Words were all about how Putin was “isolated”, holed up in his dacha somewhere, with only 4-5 people to talk to.

For China, Zeihan the Deep State Homo does this schtick that there’s no one left over there to give President Xi bad news, so he was completely unaware of the electricity blackouts last year for many months, for example.

Meanwhile over here, The Regime describes itself as populous and diverse, full of Qualified Expert dissent and foment, to the point that the President isn’t even necessary anymore, but I see a different kind of “isolation” at work. A superstadium full of diverse hyper-conformists, sealed off from the outside, all agreeing with each other, and not one of whom will suffer for being dead wrong about anything.

So according to Jimmic Analysis, how do we describe the elements and factors necessary for a rulership that is receptive and reactive to bad news from outside itself? What is that?

I can’t finish the puzzle myself, but surely Rule by Warriors, but under a shared and sincere faith, are parts of it. The Bible is full of vignettes where the Big Guy gets chewed out by a Holy Deplorable and changes his ways at the last minute. So the meeting actually happened at all, and the important information actually transferred from one to the other.

Adam says:

Being open is naturally a part of staying healthy. Openness will not keep you comfortable, but it will keep you fit.

People who are closed off get sick and weak. People who get too comfortable get sick and weak.

As Jim often says, we are always on stage, always performing. So by allowing ourselves to be tested, we are making sure we are staying fit.

There are limits of course, we have important things to do and do not need to waste our time.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Your post isn’t an original insight per se, and maybe I’m overthinking this, but something about the way you juxtaposed those ideas and phrased them really resonated with me for some reason. Thank you. “Clementine will remember that.”

S says:

It is just a variant of kings versus civil servants.

Kings are incentivized to care because they are both considered responsible and suffer the effects of their actions. Experts are civil servants who can’t be fired so their incentive is to tell everyone how important their field is and make things worse in order to get people to pay attention. Combined with the state religion and meritocracy meaning people are hostile to those who are more competent you get our current crop of open malice.

As for shared faith being necessary, there is the famous tale of Jonah where he goes to the king of Assyria (a foreign land hostile to Israel)… and the king listens to him. Or the waring states where a hundred schools of thought contended.

I think the key element is instability- people who know the current situation isn’t going to last are very open to listening about how to change it into a form more in their favor.

Kunning Druegger says:

But instability is a curse, giving malign factions the opportunity to insinuate themselves into the system and begin St. John’s Immediacy Necessity cycle (just this one time, because circumstances are so severe, we do this thing we aren’t supposed to do). Stability should be the goal of any monarch, meaning the danger becomes calcification and malaise.

If we look at the Clerical Oligarchy as something that could be corrected (it cannot for spiritual reasons, so this is purely metaphor), the issue seems to be runaway delegation. Putting one man in charge of Border Security is good and natural, but he will delegate away the unglamorous maintenance stuff, focus on the things that bring him prestige, and give the plum positions to friends and disciples. Each, in turn, will do the same. Soon, things are worse, and the only solution is to put another man in charge of another thing, and the cycle continues.

Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl? To MG’s original topic, the isolation element is not cut and dried. Too isolated, and you get a blind fool surrounded by Yes Men. To open, and you get wave after wave of entryist. There is no perfect program out there, and the pursuit of perfection is a leftist game. But there are plenty of examples of Good Enough For The Situation. I think a well constructed map of What Needs Doing in terms of geopolitical necessity and domestic wellness could be a good template for the structure of Modern Monarchy with the precepts of Throne, Altar, Freehold as the core, inviolate principles to dictate reasonable boundaries for reasonable management. I bet a smarter man than myself could come up with some kind of mapping software to provide useful models, assuming TAF could be encoded…

Neurotoxin says:

“Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl?”

This whole problem of delegation is a serious problem of political science. My impression is that current political scientists don’t say much about it, or not nearly as much as they should. Doubtless this is because Poli Sci is so very left-leaning, and leftists don’t see the idea of a lawless, unaccountable, out-of-control government bureaucracy as a bad thing.

I don’t have a solution, though one notes that the smaller is the government, the smaller this problem is – there’s a bit of the ol’ libertarian rearing its head.

There IS a large principal-agent literature in several branches of the social sciences, which I’m sure would be useful.

Neurotoxin says:

Executive = principal,
Bureaucrats = Executive’s agents.

Kunning Druegger says:

Can you give me some different search terms? “Principle-Agent” netted a whopping 21 papers, 3 or 4 of which seemed relevant.

Neurotoxin says:

Gotta spell it principal agent problem.
Also try agency problems.
I got more than 21 for both of these.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The neo-machiavellians, such as Pareto, Mosca, Burnham, and Francis, tended to write a lot about the subject of sovereign bureaucracies.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Is there a structure, some kind of program, that could be deployed to curtail bureaucratic sprawl?


That’s what we’re here for! 🙂

Neurotoxin says:


But that doesn’t solve the problem in detail. It’s one thing for the King to say (for example) “The bureaucratic agencies cannot expand their number of employees without my explicit permission,” but how could he enforce that? He can’t go around paying random visits to the Dept of Transportation to make sure that only the right number of guys show up for work every day or whatever. And if he farms out this job to someone else, then… he’s delegating.

So it comes down to the entryist/infiltration problem again. Seriously hard problem of Poli Sci/Organizational Behavior. And of course it’s nowhere on conventional Poli Scientists’ research agenda because they’re leftists and entryism is one of the left’s main tactics.

The Cominator says:

“How does he enforce that”

Bureaucrats need to be subject to a low grade reign of terror even at the best of times.

Kunning Druegger says:

Though not incorrect, still to general thus vague. Come on boffins, let’s get this sorted!


jim says:

> Bureaucrats need to be subject to a low grade reign of terror even at the best of times.

The King needs to be able to execute the vizier because he does not like the cut of his trousers, and the Inquisition monitors the fidelity of those with state and quasi state jobs to the state religion, while the actual enforcement and muscle backing the inquisition remains directly under the authority of the King. The universities are directly under Church authority, but the inquisition can merely fire them on its own authority. Grilling them under torture requires the will of the high priest and Caesar.

The Cominator says:

Just Caesar…

Frank Matters says:

Jim, wondering your opinion on a modern network secure ‘stack’ for general purpose and easily replicated use. Which computing and networking hardware, which operating system, which anonymizing techniques of accessing the internet at large, and so on.

Are there any groups you trust to be at least generally correct with this sort of thing that stay up to date?

Kunning Drueger says:

Seconding this line of questioning and adding a request for interesting, useful, or important software.

jim says:

You are asking me if there is a ready to roll solution for a very hard problem.

There should be, and there is not.

You are also asking me which groups are trustworthy. Hard problem. If Jon Callas trusts them, I trust them. Daniel Bernstein is trustworthy, but unduly trusting.

Closed source is seldom trustworthy, open source not necessarily trustworthy.

Frank Matters says:

> You are asking me if there is a ready to roll solution for a very hard problem.

I realized this in the asking. It’s also, due to the nature of the question, imprudent to simply ask for what you use for your own stack.

I like qubes. I am not in a position to bless it beyond claiming I use it. I also like to flash the firmware and install coreboot, and I really should destroy or remove the wifi/bluetooth hardware, but I have not. Do not trust it like my air gapped rig, which I also do not trust except that it’s the least likely of my machines to talk to someone. I suspect intel chips are chatty, but I also suspect the operating system has something to do with their ability to chat, and the binary blobs used for bootloading, and their specific cryptographic instruction set, which I need to research more to examine code I like for calls to such. For my very valuable private keys, airgapped machine.

I am still very much a novice in understanding cryptography and network security, and rely mostly on my sense of what *seems* trustworthy through metadata about the recommendation, but slowly I am teaching myself. Fortunately, I do not have any missiles, that I know of, pointed in the general direction of my head, but unfortunately it is very hard in the same way to get any signal my setup has meaningfully improved in its resistance.

jim says:

One gets a hint from known attacks and known backdoors. They tend to be less and less sophisticated, hinting at a massive regression in NSA capabilities. I am unaware of any recent very clever attacks. Maybe they are so clever that I am unaware of them, or maybe what happened to NASA is happening to the NSA.

The Chinese network penetration effort relies on forcing companies to install obvious spyware in their networks. Which is easily evaded. They also send spearfishing emails with executable attachments to targets of particular interest. Not a terribly sophisticated attack. If you can see it coming, they have given you data about themselves, and you only leak to them what you want them to know.

With an active attack that you have detected, the attacker has revealed something about himself, and you now have a channel with which to feed the attacker hostile data. If you know or plausibly suspect the software the attacker is using to analyze the data he is collecting, and you have or can steal a copy of that software, you can usually find flaws or bugs that enable your hostile data to take over the enemy’s computer systems.

Android/Google/Windows/Skype simply upload your data in the clear to the cloud, you can opt out, though they make it hard to opt out. Duh. Is this the NSA that backdoored everyone’s Wifi, everyone’s intel cpu, and got every WordPress installation to upload the email addresses of every commenter to a central server in elaborately encrypted and obfuscated form to hide what they were up to?

We are seeing increasing reliance on social engineering and social pressure, less and less reliance on arcanely cleverly cryptographic attacks like the WordPress attack and the Wifi attack. The height of NSA clever cryptographic attacks was the NIST attack. It starts to look as if the NSA is coming down with the same disease as NASA.

Most of the encryption algorithms employed by SSH are known to backdoored, but we can be pretty sure that most of holes require some form of active attack, and the NSA is reluctant to use active attacks widely, because such attacks are apt to leak information about the attacker.

I and others recommend that you turn off in sshd_config all cryptographic algorithms other than those least likely to have backdoors.

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Your config file should have in it

HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
ciphers chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com
macs hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com
kexalgorithms curve25519-sha256
pubkeyacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
hostkeyalgorithms ssh-ed25519
hostbasedacceptedkeytypes ssh-ed25519
casignaturealgorithms ssh-ed25519

Not all ssh servers recognize all these configuration options, and if you give an unrecognized configuration option, the server dies, and then you cannot ssh in to fix it. But they all recognize the first three, HostKey, ciphers, macs which are the three that matter the most.

Anything openssl is probably bad. Anything NIST is definitely bad. Openssh not necessarily bad. openssh ed25519 probably good.

SSL has a well known low tech attack that enables any sufficiently powerful adversary to impersonate any server, but it is an active attack that leaks information about the attacker.

It is also known to have an unknown passive backdoor, that renders information going over ssl vpns visible to the NSA by passive attack, but probably not to other security agencies. We know the information is leaking, and we know the openssl cryptographic library smells funny, but no one can point to a specific identifiable backdoor in it. This gives us reason to distrust any product that uses the openssl cryptographic library. Anyone that uses openssl is hostile to you.

Wireguard is believed to work, and is now being widely offered by vpn services. I am worried about the fact that wireguard uses the SALT cryptographic library for some things, but it is using it for less and less and less things. Maybe someone is on the job. The SALT library is not known to be bad, but it has a funny smell. NIST definitely known to be bad with identified backdoors, Openssl known to be bad, but the state of our knowledge of its backdoors is complex and full of fog of war.

I am suspicious of NOISE – which is a great algorithm, but is designed to be implemented on top of other cryptographic libraries, and if you integrate with the standard branch of NOISE, you integrate with a pile of other people’s cryptographic libraries, among them SALT, which is not exactly suspect, but fails to inspire confidence. Noise on top of a cryptographic library that has not been backdoored is fine.

Most enemy data analysis software uses shotgun parsing written in C which is very vulnerable to bugs and flaws that make it easy for hostile data to take control. Haskell is somewhat protective against shotgun parsing, and Rust and Haskell are protective against the kind of bugs and flaws that allow hostile data to get control. If your data analysis software is potentially exposed to hostile enemy data, it needs to be written in Rust or Haskell.

Pax Imperialis says:

Video on problems with US Army’s NEW IHPS Helmet

A commenter states:
“Besides the protection issue, the helmet just sucks. Got issued one via RFI and I still prefer the ACH. The IHPS has brittle plastic on it that breaks all the time, the NVG mount is out of spec and requires a ton of tape to stop ratting. Additionally with even just a pvs14 mounted it becomes super unbalanced and the strap adjustment is garbage. Why the army didn’t just adopt a 3M highcut is beyond me, but it probably has something to do with some field grade’s OER.”

As I’ve pointed out previously, DoD is having major problems with the acquisition workforce aging out:

They openly acknowledge this here:

The problem has gotten significantly worse since 2001. Proposed solutions were to:
1) Implement financial incentives aimed at retaining older workers.
2) Recruit recently retired workers.
3) Institute a recruitment program aimed at college students.

1 and 2 was largely successful, but that has just kicked the can down the road. The workforce is even older today.
3 has been lackluster, and as I’ve mentioned it has resulted in fast tracking recent graduates into much higher positions than normal. That may have lead to a competence issue.

At current trends US Mil likely only has a decade left of somewhat functional/competent logistics, although that’s largely dependent on coasting off of the preexisting aging logistics workforce.

A future Caesar is going to inherent a seriously depleted military force. He will likely need a private logistical supply chain as the government may not have a functional one. The good news is that the military will likely still have plenty of warm bodies to compensate.

i says:

Drag Show for boys as young as 7 endorsed and allowed in Dallas Texas. Enforced by the point of the Gun:


Red says:

Red states would be wise to investigate and arrest the cops who refuse to enforce state law. But they won’t because they correctly fear DC would crush them.

Red says:

The gutless cowards in the US military enabled Bacha bazi in Afghanistan and now the same thing is happening in our own country. My Grandfather’s generation would have fragged their officers over such orders, but the men who join the military today are faggots.

Pax Imperialis says:

Bacha bazi was common in Afghanistan for hundreds of years. US Mil didn’t really care about Afghanistan, they just wanted to go in, wreck shit, and then wash hands. It was State/Bush/Obama who wanted to stay.

Two main reasons why bacha bazi resurfaced under US occupation.

US Mil (with Pentagon and Generals being the exception) didn’t give a damn about a hostile shit hole and so never really cared to enforce order.

US Mil has perfected the art of training grunts (and Officers) to follow orders. So when command gave the orders to turn a blind eye, they mostly did so. It helps that many grunts would have been more inclined to shoot the general Afghan population than to help. Prolonged warfare and IEDs do that to a man.

Most fragging during your Grandfather’s generation had to do with US leadership’s high levels of disregard over the survival of the grunts, often ignoring the reality on the ground and sending men into suicidal missions. Fragging had little to do with the morality of the hostile Vietnamese. US Mil blatantly ignored many similar immoral acts of the South Vietnamese government of which US grunts happily ignored as well. Many US soldiers even took part in that era’s excesses… Something the US and Vietnamese governments are very happy to bury.

Most likely your Grandfather’s generation would not have fragged their Officers over Bacha bazi had they fought in Afghanistan. They would have been disgusted by it, but ultimately it wasn’t their fight and would have been happy to turn a blind eye.

not a reactionary says:

I know someone who knows a guy who claims to have severely beaten / murdered a guy in Afghanistan for abusing a sex slave boy. Apparently this child was kept chained to a bed to be fucked by Afghani goat fuckers. This guy is former military, never met him but by his description it did not sound like he was “happy to turn a blind eye” to such acts.

Pax Imperialis says:

Talking in generalities. Yes there are guys who were horrified by what was happening. They were a minority. Most simply did not wish to think too hard about it.

It was an Afghan problem, not a US problem.

Red says:

Thinking about that the Taliban cut those boy fuckers nuts off while they’re fighting to enable the rape of little boys is bound to be bad for their the troops mental health. Of course the cowards didn’t want to think about it, any more than those yellow cops who protect the pederast bars don’t want to think about it.

Pax Imperialis says:

You don’t get it. Why the fuck would the average grunt care about those Hajis who are trying to actively kill them?

Those kids were just as likely to be potential suicide bombers as they were to be some sex slave for a Afghan warlord. You’ll find that sympathy for those people during a war dries up real fucking fast.

Red says:

I don’t think you understand how men react when they’re backuped with a shared faith that commands them to kill those who harm children. Most men today don’t feel that God has their back, but back in WW2 they shot surrendering German SS officers without blinking an eye.

Pax Imperialis says:

I don’t think you understand how men who share a faith usually don’t care about the well being of a hostile heathen tribe who is trying to kill them. I’m not condemning that, it’s natural, but you seem to be rather naive about what happens during wars.

The Germans were recognizable as fellow Christians and Whites. The crimes of the SS felt distinctly close to home and personal. The Afghans and Vietnamese were not recognizable.

You talked about fragging which is a Vietnam era problems. Most incidents of fragging during that war happened when grunts felt like their CO was shit and disregarding their lives by being too eager/suicidal to fight the enemy.

Ever hear about My Lai? No one ever fragged 1st LT Calley. Many US soldiers were happy to indulge in the rape and slaughter. USG was very happy to memory hole that incident and the LT mostly avoided legal problems after USG intervention in the trial. Many similar incidents. South Vietnam had large numbers of child brothels operating near US bases with mostly trafficked children some of them boys, often visited by US service members which US Mil decided to turn a blind eye to.

The Cominator says:

The SS tended to be singled out to be shot out of hand when taken prisoner after the word of the Malmedy massacre (there were apparently even oral orders for a week afterwords that no SS prisoners were to be taken) got out, and also probably after the liberation of Dachau (and whether you think the holocaust was exagerated or not it genuinely disgusted the troops who found it). I’m not sure until Malmedy to what extent the average American soldier considered SS men different than any other “Krauts”. I’ve watched WWII propaganda films from the time, I haven’t found one pre war that especially singles out the Waffen SS.

Vietnam was probably an especially frustrating war to be a combat trooper in, conscript troops generally being subject to being killed more often in ambushes or via booby traps than conventional fighting (though conventional fighting happened too) by a pretty competent enemy (which the Islamics despite winning by default never really were) with a strategy that you couldn’t win in, all in boiling hot and humid weather… so yes in Vietnam people going “lets do the whole fucking village” was a bit more common than with most US wars.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

My instinct at the time of the uvalde op was that the reason the zogbots didn’t go in was because of orders from above to stay out in order to let the bodycount of cattle stack up to more politically convenient numbers.

Turns out that was exactly the case.

Red says:

I thought that was likely. Do you now have evidence to support it?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Glownigger provacateurs causing the problems they pose themselves as the solutions for; as always.

Adam says:

That is sickening.

Aidan says:

The renewed and extremely well coordinated push for fun control in the wake all but confirms it

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Time for some meme warfare. They ordered your children’s deaths so that they can take your guns. If congress was getting shot, would the cops wait an hour to rescue them?

Severian says:

Great map interactive of the Ukraine Russia war by Suriyak on Twitter.
Updated daily.


Kunning Drueger says:


Auron MacIntyre interview with Andrew Kloster. Interesting conversation, interesting dude. Apparently he’s a hardcore Trump man and he asserts that they are actively working to correct the mistakes made in the first regime, specifically staffing. It’s long and has plenty of meandering babble, but if anyone is interested, a number of 501C3s that are working to create a “right wing pipeline” for staffing the civil service.


He’s affiliated with Federalist Society and Heritage, but was self-identified as an inside outsider that was on Team Trump from the get go. His speech pattern is very reminiscent of swamp creatures I’ve known, but he is at least conversant in Alt-Right memetics. Could be /ourguy/, could be a grifter, but he actually does speak about the griftservatives and how they’re a problem that needs to be dealt with, going as far as to say they’re being dealt with.

Red says:

Trump doesn’t have the wisdom to hire people who support him. But not like it matters anyway, the GOP candidate will be Mitt Romney as selected by a rigged primary.

Pooch says:

This is a Comintator-tier prediction.

It will be DeSantis or Trump as a candidate.

Red says:

If they’re rigging the GOP primaries, then they’ll rig it for Romney.

Whitey says:

Who’s “they”? Not even the GOP Establishment losers like Mitt Romney anymore.

Red says:

Do you really think the GOP Establishment is in charge?

Whitey says:

In charge of what? State primary elections?

Pooch says:

Predict It is generally a good bellweather. People with knowledge of the fraud will bet and Romney isn’t even on the board. It’s 2 horse race between Trump and DeSantis essentially with a bunch of low percentage RINOs like Haley, Pence, and Pompeo mixed in. They may very well rig it for DeSantis though. I wouldn’t rule that out.

Red says:

Predict It is generally a good bellweather. People with knowledge of the fraud will bet and Romney isn’t even on the board.

Primary rigging ran from DC just kicked off, not enough time for the board to be set. In order to keep any sort of legitimacy they’re going to need a narrative of why the GOP got it’s clock cleaned in 2024 despite the ongoing depression, hyper inflation, and crime wave. That reason will be everyone hates Romney so Republicans didn’t turn out to vote.

Could be someone else, but Romney is well liked by cathedral. He’s done Satan’s good work by turning Utah into woke central. They’ll reward their friends and punish their enemies as every winning political movement does.

The Cominator says:

They consider everyone their enemies though… there are degrees but the devil has no friends.

Red says:

If they stop rewarding their supporters the whole system will collapse. That’s the nature of political movements.

Ghost says:

Liz Chaney is an up and coming RINO simp. Romney is old news and he’s ran too many times.

If we’re talking total corruption, they’ll go with the candidate that can pull the most GOP donations. DeSantis is feasible because it will possibly get him out of Florida. Trump is feasible because when he looses again by mules it will further demoralize voters.

You’ve laid out your points well but your forgetting he will not raise many donations and he has already lost before.

Whitey says:

> They may very well rig it for DeSantis though. I wouldn’t rule that out.

Which “they” would do that? DeSantis has all of the same enemies as Trump, and maybe more. Unlike Trump, DeSantis has proven to be willing and able to hit back at the leftists.

Pooch says:

No he doesn’t have the same enemies. There are signs that McConnell secretly backs DeSantis in the primary which means DeSantis has Uniparty backing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Name a Trump enemy that isn’t a Desantis enemy.

Pooch says:

I just did…McConnell.

Kunning Drueger says:

I find that argument rather weak. Seems more likely Desantis is becoming a very real threat, and the purity attacks aimed at D&C are ramping up.

Pooch says:

The evidence is that DeSantis went on longtime McConnell advisor Josh Holmes’ podcast a while back.

The proof will be in the pudding with the PAC money. If we see lots McConnell-backed PAC money flowing to DeSantis for the primary, it will be a sure sign that he is swamp.


The Cominator says:

McConnell tends not to be a guy who is openly the enemy of popular figures he tends to try to knife them in the back later, remember 2016 the reason Trump sort of trusted McConnell for far too long is McConnell mostly remained neutral in the 2016 election… unlike say Paul Ryan.

McConnell would probably be more afraid of DeSantis running the party, post summer 2020 DeSantis while he still is not super charismatic has the ruthlessness and administrative aptitude of a Stalin.. areas that Trump lacks in (and did even when he was at his best before 2019).

Whitey says:

Not sure which “signs” you’re seeing, but DeSantis is superior to Trump in every respect. I’m in favor of any type of cheating that ensures DeSantis beats Trump for the nomination, assuming an even better option doesn’t emerge in the meantime.

The Cominator says:

Not every respect

1) DeSantis certainly does not have the charisma of at least the old Trump.

2) He is going to have to beg for money more than Trump, if its Thiel and Prince money no problem

3) I’d like it better if he wasn’t a lawyer…

Pooch says:

To me DeSantis, regardless how good of a conservative he is, does not have the look of a Caesarian. He is not charismatic and does not draw a crowd when he speaks in the way Trump regularly is and does. He’s a Cicerian old type Republican and to me there is 0% chance he would become Caesar. Best case, he gives us 8 years of stabilization and keeping leftism in check and then we get a Democrat that reverses everything he did.

Trump is outwardly Caesarian, which may very well be a simulation of the real thing. But there is a reason he is hated so much by his own party. He threatens permaneent Oligarchic uniparty power in a why no other Republican does.

Whitey says:

Trump is a pathetically incompetent buffoon. Who gives a damn if he draws large crowds of idiots? He accomplished nothing as president.

jim says:

What happened when he was removed from power demonstrates he accomplished a great deal while in power.

Clinton and Obama destroyed the red state economy, in order to move working Republicans from state where their votes mattered, to the blue state megalopoli where they would be massively outvoted by a horde of foreigners brought into live on crime, welfare, government jobs, and voting Democrat.

Trump in power restored the red state economy. America very quickly returned to being an oil exporter, the factories started up again, the coal mines were dug once again. Upon Biden being installed, all that instantly ended.

Trump held the borders. The borders have now collapsed. Trump radically slowed the flood of H1Bs by ensuring that the laws on H1Bs were enforced.

Whitey says:

> He threatens permaneent Oligarchic uniparty power in a why no other Republican does.

How so? Trump was president for four years and changed nothing except his socks. It should be crystal clear to everyone here that Trump is a huge pussy, which means he’s not a threat to anyone or anything.

Pooch says:

How so? Trump was president for four years and changed nothing except his socks.

You focus too much on policy and official government procedure, which has been rendered irrelevant in a dying Republic.

He assembled a mass of 100 thousand supporters in front of the Capital. The oligarchs shit their pants in horror.

The Cominator says:

Economically Trump was great (we see that with all his policies reversed) but unfortunately seemed to have no conception that he needed a coup… not starting civil war on January 6th was just cowardly.

Pooch says:

Yes totally agree Com. As stupid and incompetent as Trump was, I don’t see anyone else putting us into position to even start a civil war. DeSantis is not assembling a crowd like that.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis in power tends to win people over…

Whitey says:

> He assembled a mass of 100 thousand supporters in front of the Capital. The oligarchs shit their pants in horror.

They shit their pants because of what could happen if a COMPETENT, NON-PUSSY did the same thing in the future.

Trump is not that person. DeSantis might not be, either, but we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving him a shot. Giving four more years to all-tweet, no action Trump would be moronic.

Kunning Drueger says:

Both men have qualities and deficiencies. I think they teams they form are of more importance in terms of strategic reality. Trump has a quality of showmanship that can hype up massive crowds, but Desantis appears to be a leader that can build networks and get things done at the policy level.

Great men exist, but they never act in a vacuum. How they inspire, control, and vanquish their peers is the key to changing the course of history. It should be Trump/Desantis 2024; it would be an explicit rejection of the status quo consensus of the current Elites, sending a signal to the outsiders that the time has come to make a move. While Trump runs the hype machine, Desantis can build the necessary trust networks between the Kshatriya and Merchants that are absolutely necessary. Trump should be declared President For Life, and Desantis should be his hatchet man and strong right hand. American Monarchy is not going to be a return to the classical European forms. It needs to be something new, an old system modified and renovated for a world of high speed communication, blockchain technology, and space based dominance of the holistic battlespace.

Trump has too many useful idiots behind his brand to just be abandoned or re-convinced to get behind Desantis. Desantis has the competency, connections, and reputation to bring in outsider elites, which is the most important piece of this puzzle.

The Cominator says:

Also DeSantis seems to be getting better with working crowds lately (back when Trump endorsed him I could have literally done better and I’m a sperg, its group socialization I really suck at)… I think he is getting some very very good training in how to do it hes not a natural and he’ll never be what Trump was at that…

But hes much much better than he used to be.

ExileStyle says:

Here’s an interesting perspective on Georgia’s election from a (Southern Secessionist) Georgian at the reliably based Identity Dixie: https://identitydixie.com/2022/06/04/peanut-politics-rides-again/

Recap: Perdue is a shit campaigner, Trump pissed a lot of people off with what seemed a private vendetta, and Kemp has been a reliable Old Christian ally.

This, combined with browsing Gab and Twitter comments of the MAGA set in Georgia (for whatever that’s worth), make me think that the fraud in the primaries was likely not quite on the industrial scale I suspected. Perdue seems to have authentically failed to communicate with voters, while Kemp has a very solid record on Christian issues, especially abortion.

This says little about the outcome of the general, but it does provide a data point against the argument against simple central coordination by “Them.”

Also, Romney? Not a chance. If the DC RINO class could choose, they’d probably put up someone like Ben Sasse.

The Cominator says:

I find it almost impossible to believe that Trump won Florida by 3% and was only minorly cheated in Georgia. Georgia Fraud had to be absolutely industrial in scale, probably the biggest state by far. Also from everything I’ve heard about Atlanta hes wrong… the only problem with what Sherman did to Atlanta is that Sherman didn’t burn it enough. It should have been treated like Carthage.

As for Florida not being a lost cause… I wish it were possible to distill the factor in Florida which makes huge %s of the minority population right wing and hostile to the Democratic party. Perhaps its because Florida has a lot of vocal right wing transplants whereas cuckservatives in other states (generally natives mostly) tend to keep silent.

Also Kemp isn’t the biggest aspect of fraud since Kemp’s involvement in the fraud was I agree minimal, but the main issue is Raffensperger… I just cannot believe he who was DEEPLY involved in the fraud won a Republican primary even an open one.

ExileStyle says:

Georgia Fraud had to be absolutely industrial in scale, probably the biggest state by far.

In 2020 absolutely, second maybe only to Pennsylvania. And you’re right, the Raffensberger thing is suspect as hell. I find it hard to pin down exactly what is happening in Georgia.

Part of the fraud operation is clearly a huge accompanying disinfo psyop. Difficult to penetrate the haze. I suppose I should stop thinking so much about it, as if we’re going to “Ultra MAGA” our way out of this…though hope springs eternal…

jim says:

“just the blacks”, “margin of fraud” etc is normality bias.

Industrial scale fraud everywhere.

There was already a colossal red wave, the 2020 election and the Republican primaries. There is obviously going to be an even more colossal red wave in the coming election, and they are just not going to allow it to have effect. They did not allow it to have effect in the Republican primaries, except in the earliest ones, and even less are they going to allow it to have effect in November.

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked. Everything they did just gave them an even more broken Republic, and in the end, they got killed. A Republic only works with elite virtue.

The time for Kings and aristocratic rule is back.

Does it suck?

Yes, but as we saw in Rome, sucks less than the last days of the Republic. Only a reasonably virtuous King armed with a reasonably sane state Church (and we have no guarantee of either outcome, but I have high hopes) can restore elite virtue, and the process requires many generations.

Pooch says:

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked.

The American Republic is not quite there but it is on its last legs. During the final days of the Roman Republic, the public knew and expected Pompey or Caesar to become King. It was not a question of if but who.

I don’t believe we are this stage yet, but we may very well get there soon.

ExileStyle says:

The Republic is over, and trying to restore it is just going to rewalk the path that the Roman republicans walked. … The time for Kings and aristocratic rule is back.

Right. Back to basics. Important to hear sometimes. The backsliding in the comments to excessive concern for the details of American electoral politics and fraud – and I’m as guilty as anyone – might come from a mixture of patriotic pride instilled in childhood and youth (for those of us who grew up in Real America) to a lingering phantom-limb sensation of the hope that Trump inspired in many of us.

Still trying to gain footing without becoming a completely passive entity waiting for an Unknown Caesar, which sometimes makes me feel like a cuck. Maybe I should just become Caesar. Gotta do something.

Goes back also to the “Wait, What Was Grandpa Fighting For?” phenomenon. My pre-redpill roots are in good old-fashioned Federalist Papers, Teary-Eyed Star-Spangled Banner Americanism. There’s still a part of me that feels instinctually traitorous to my ancestors in even countenancing the idea of allowing the Republic to die, although I recognize rationally this choice was made long before me and is simple settled fact now. My n-teenth great-grandfather was a first generation Mass. Bay settler; his kids fought in St. Philips’ War; his great-grandkids in the Revolution; etc.

American as Pumpkin Pie. Sad to say goodbye.

Hm, that got wistful. Confessional hour over. Still love what my people once were, and maybe could be again in a few generations.

Pooch says:

Still love what my people once were, and maybe could be again in a few generations.

I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people. Faggy athiest Jew talk. The Puritans were the most virtuous Christian people ever and created the most virtuous Christian society ever. A Republic can only follow from that. And it was that Republic that conquered the world and put man on the moon.

As that society became more technologically advanced through an industrial society and now a post-industrial society that Puritan virtue naturally dissipated and now we are running on their fumes and yet the fumes of Puritan virtue is still better than the rest of the world.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Thing is not even Benjamin Franklin himself really thought that this whole business would be a sure thing, he described it all as a grand experiment, ‘lets just try this thing out for kicks lol’ was basically the ultimate rhetorical point for convincing the more skeptical colonials to go along with the project.

Well, history has repeatedly demonstrated, bot the results of the experiment, and the results of the meta-experiment, in what happens when you try to treat men’s life in society itself as a ‘laboratory’ for running ‘experiments’.

ExileStyle says:

I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people. Faggy athiest Jew talk.

That’s a really interesting topic, and one where Jim and Moldbug diverge in a slight but crucial way, with Moldbug focusing more exclusively on American Harvard Puritans and a straight line from them to us, whereas Jim’s recurrent points of reference tend to be developments on and surrounding the English throne.

Harvard did not really spiral out of control until the 19th century. Until the 1750s/60s, and really through and even after the Revolution, Americans conceived of themselves as a subset of Englishmen with a special relationship to Providence.

The first settlers came to Mass. before Cromwell arose, remember, and the Mass. Bay Colony (as opposed to Plymouth Colony) was conceived of as completely loyal to the King and established with a royal charter. A literal “purification” of the Church of England rather than your usual protestant separatist sectarianism.

There was clearly a strain of heresy in Cambridge and Boston that led to Emerson and the Unitarians et al. and, now, Globohomo and GAE, but as far as the history of nations go, a solid 200+ years of virtuous elite is pretty astonishing. (They remained personally virtuous much longer, just accidentally released Hegelian Progressive demons.)

But I would not wholesale reject moldbug’s reading of Harvard as a particularly Puritan phenomenon – just one strain of it which was corrupted by reading too much German and English Romantic philosophy and poetry in the early 19th century, when Christ and His Precious Blood were replaced with Hegelian Progressivism, in both America and Europe.

The Cominator says:

Pooch I’ve always had my issues with the Puritan hypothesis but there are aspects of it that are true and aspects that aren’t…

Jehu says:

I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida, although I don’t live there now. Florida has a strong strain of fun in it. Even most of its flaws are about fun. The killjoy nature of the current woke crowd really turns Floridians off.

Florida is also a lust, sloth, and gluttony kind of place. It doesn’t go in for the more woke deadly sins all that much.

When you leave Tampa International and head south on the interstate, you see two big things pretty quick.

An absolutely enormous cross, and an absolutely enormous Confederate flag. It always lifts my spirits when I see those two things.

Anonymous says:

“I’ve come to reject the Moldbuggian premise that the Puritans were this insane evil people.”
The puritan Qustion is also not clear with jim
Who his points (as I understand them)
1- Puritans were a bunch of hypocrites speaking about god while reaching for power and wealth.
2- Puritans have No/little decedents.

The first point is some what arguable, puritains certainly
were fighting and holy spiralling but I think also sincere and virtuous.
The second point however is totally false.
Silicone valley was established by Puritans descendant
Ex Robert Noyce

jim says:


Who is he?

The link you give attributes Silicon Valley to a bunch of nonentities who had nothing to do with it. Bardeen did not invent the transistor, and Noyce did not found Silicon Valley. It is a radical rewrite of history to write capitalism and entrepreneurship out of technology. There are several such radical rewrites. The usual one is to write up Hewlett and Packard as a creation of Harvard. This is a rather more radical rewrite, unpersoning everyone who mattered. Each rewrite gets more drastic than the last. It is the same stuff as the shill rewrite on Musk as a capitalist parasite than the government gave some of its vast store of magic space technology to. If we settle Mars, he will be a deemed a parasite. If the colony takes off, and Harvard survives, it will write him out of the history of the colony altogether, and have it totally created by NASA scientists and government technology.

Hewlett and Packard founded Silicon Valley, and Shockley invented the transistor – Silicon valley was the creation of entrepreneurs, not the creation of universities far far away.

And aside from academics having nothing to do with the story, except in the sense that a lot of the key entrepreneurs, notably Shockley himself, were refugees from academia, an academia deeply hostile to their ideas and accomplishments, that some scribbler no one has heard of claims credit for something vaguely explained has little relevance to the question of whether the Puritans had a significant number of biological descendants.

Aidan says:

“The Puritans were the most virtuous people…”

Lets not drink the Harvard kool-aid here. Certainly the Puritan was smart, industrious, and warlike, and the country benefitted immensely from correct economic policy (let capitalism roll as it will sans much regulation at all). But it is not as though American engineering was better than German or English engineering. Credit where credit is due. But contemporary observers from Europe saw the early American as greedy, materialistic, humorless, unlearned, aesthetically and spiritually barren, and destructively morally self-righteous. And I see the exact same traits in the upper-middle class American today. I align, living in the Northeast, with Jim’s opinion that Harvard and the Harvard religion has not changed very much at all in its essence despite its ideas undergoing radical metamorphosis.

The Cominator says:

You need to be careful when you talk about the Puritans as a monolith. The people in and around Boston have indeed always been like Aidan says… Boston is the asshole capital of the planet.

The free congregational seperatists who went to Plymouth were not such a rigid and self righteous group, they mostly wanted to be left alone.

Unfortunately the former group was the one that ended up in power… they were not so toxic as leaders early on… but once they were converted to a much worse religion they brought their self righteous nature to imposing the much worse religion.

Pooch says:

something vaguely explained has little relevance to the question of whether the Puritans had a significant number of biological descendants.

The progeny of Jonathan Edwards, prominent Puritan preacher of the 18th century, is quite impressive.

Jonathan Edwards’ legacy includes: 1 U.S. Vice-President, 1 Dean of a law school, 1 dean of a medical school, 3 U.S. Senators, 3 governors, 3 mayors, 13 college presidents, 30 judges, 60 doctors, 65 professors, 75 Military officers, 80 public office holders, 100 lawyers, 100 clergymen, and 285 college graduates.


jim says:

If John Edwards had two surviving children, and each of his children had two surviving children, he would now have 7000 decendants. The study says he has “more than 1400”

Given that he was at the center of the power that now rules the world, one would expect a fair number of those to show up, and his descendants would be considerably less likely for them to lose track of than those of Jukes, but they tracked Jukes as having a roughly comparable number of descendants to Edwards. So it is not a whole lot more than 1400

The Cominator says:

“I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida, although I don’t live there now. Florida has a strong strain of fun in it. Even most of its flaws are about fun. The killjoy nature of the current woke crowd really turns Floridians off.”

Yes I would perhaps argue that while you can’t blame all leftism on the degenerate descendents of the Puritans you probably can blame the austere humorless stain of woke leftism on the descendents of puritans. I was disgusted at how quickly it moved through Massachusetts.

Florida’s picked up its share of people who were somewhat financially successful but also degenerate hedonists over the years so they didn’t like the woke shit. And also many of us have gotten much poorer under Biden.

Oog en Hand says:

Dave Rubin is considered to be abortion tainted.

Pooch says:

Clearly the open the primary had a lot to do with Georgia.

There was a mass vote campaign in Georgia by Democrats to vote against the Trump candidates in the GOP primary. CTH went over this.

Did not happen against Vance in OH and did not happen against Mastriano in PA because closed primary.

The Cominator says:

Lets say 1/3 of the legit primary voters were crossover Democrats (I would think that would be a very high number)… I still have trouble believing any Republicans voted for Raffensperger.

I cannot believe he won legitimately.

Pooch says:

Could be more like 50%

The Cominator says:

As I said Atlanta didn’t double in size since 2016, not that many Dems in Georgia.

Raff won due to fraud… between him and the Stacy Abrams ugly sheboon organization they’ve utterly corrupted the Georgia elections to resemble elections in Iraq, North Korea or that election in South Vietnam where Diem got rid of Bo Dai.

Pooch says:

MTG won though. If it was completely North Korea-level they would have frauded her out. The uniparty really really hates MTG and the fact that she won in areas where Rafffucker also won leads me to believe it was not completely fraudulent.

I think Jim is overly black pilled on elections. Yes they are corrupt but I still see anti-uniparty Populists winning like MTG and Vance. Maybe they are just bribing the right officials like Caesar did…

The Cominator says:

MTG not a statewide election, no corrupt precincts to use.

Georgia needs Uncle Billy to visit Atlanta again and this time no more mister nice guy.

Encelad says:

About that website identity dixie… Is it reliable? I am asking because just I discovered it just a few days ago, when one of its author, who supposedly was deployed in Afghanistan, wrote an interesting post on gab:
He claims the US Army has a brigade of fag missionaries solely dedicated to convert locals to globohomo. Something we all know, but of which I never had any direct report. He is claiming that those missionaries require mandatory classes for children in exchange of aid. During these classes they teach faggotry and sex, including the iconic condom on the banana.
The author also claims that the practice of “Bacha bazi” (adult men dressing young boys as women and then sodomizing them) had been forbidden by the Talibans, but immediately reinstated during American occupation.


ExileStyle says:

It’s more of a commentary site than a news site, but yes, I have found their core posters quite reliable.

I had not heard about the fag warriors in such specific detail. I imagine it was a secret program. Scandalous and repulsive if not surprising. For those who do not want to click through, here is what the editor of Identity Dixie wrote:

In 2018, we had PRTs in Afghanistan that included “Gender Empowerment” Specialists. We would arrive in a village and a Gender “warrior” (the name they gave themselves) – usually a butch lesbian or an extremely flamboyant gay male – would hold mandatory classes as a condition of local subsidies. Classes included teaching Afghan children that it is “OK to be gay,” “parents have no right to assign your gender,” and “women have the right to say no to their husbands.” Stuff like that – in a traditional Muslim country. They taught boys how to safely put a condom on other boys. In 2019, Trump’s DOD made them the highest paid variant of in-country contractor. The original program began in 2007.

For those hoping the military will “rise up,” be careful what you wish. The military is deeply invested in the total dismantlememt of traditional Americana. They are almost as bad as police officers. Secession in its totality is the only way.

The Cominator says:

Doubt they’ll rig it for Romney personally Pooch…

jim says:

> It will be DeSantis or Trump as a candidate.

If Republicans have anything to do with it, it would be. I much doubt that Republicans are going to have much to do with it.

The USG is patting itself on the back that Republicans accepted rigged primaries, which is sort of true.

If they have accepted rigged primaries, they will go on getting rigged primaries. Republican grifters think that if they go along with the rigging, they will be spared. I doubt that they are correct. The self congratulation that I am hearing about grifters capitulating tells me that further capitulation will be demanded. Any concession to the enemy is always treated as a down payment on the next concession, and the demands for concession are rapidly escalating and accelerating.

Karl says:

How would non-acceptance of rigged primaries have looked like and what could it have achieved?

The primaries (rigged or not) can’t produce a Caesar. Anything short of a Caesar will be an insufficient answer to NGO and government violence. Unless there is reason to believe that a threat of violence can be met with sufficient violence, accepting any demands does not seem unreasonable.

At present, accepting rigged elections and getting out of election politics entirely seems to be the only reasonable reaction for a man who has no chance of becoming a Caesar or at least a Stalin.

Aryaman says:

What do you make of Doug Mastriano, Blake Masters winning their respective primaries.

Rigging worked in some places and not others. I’m not holding my breath that Doug or Blake win general, but both of them actually seem pretty good.

jim says:

Early in the primary season, the primaries were not rigged. When the state saw which way the wind was blowing, locked down entry to the political elite world wide – not just Republicans, the entire USG hegemony everywhere.

Pooch says:

Elections are fake in USG hegemony client-states. An election in Australia is equivalent to Rome granting King Herod power over Judea.

But elections in the USA matter. Some are rigged, massively rigged. Some are not.

Kunning Drueger says:

This may be misplaced optimism, but I don’t think we should count Trump out yet. Hard to remember the savvy businessman with all the detritus of his failure to counter the coup. And 2020 was a coup, as in a cadre of liberal reactionaries built a massive confederation around the anti-Trump banner. I don’t think they can do it again, because he’s been deemed “mitigated” and the confederation dissolved on 07 January.

If Trump is a low IQ moron, he will just try to repeat 2016 and split the Kingdom of MAGA between himself and Desantis. This is what the Octogenarian class wants, or needs more like, to happen. If he’s smart, he will convince Desantis to be his VP with explicit messaging regarding Desantis’ coronation after Trump’s triumphant comeback. T/D ticket would be big joojoo and would force a steal to rival 2020. Personally, I hope this happens. The solid 30% that is Trump’s loyal base and the forces of the Prince of Florida would be an impressive array of Elites, veterans, and political foot soldiers.

If there’s any way to avoid the coming collapse, it probably runs through some sort of massive social upheaval. This is probably hoping for too much, but suppose the Left underestimates T/D and relies on their 2020 mule tactics. Further imagine that the T/D campaign gets good guidance and leadership from the Theil crowd and other hungry elites scattered throughout Conservatism Inc., and they actually adapt and plan for a steal. The right collection of Elites, merchants and warriors and priests, working together towards taking power is the closest thing to an actual precursor to Restoration possible. Trump as Julius, Desantis as Octavian.

It’s farfetched, to be sure.

The Cominator says:

Trump has to change his residence to be on the same ticket with DeSantis… P and VP can’t be residents of the same state.

jim says:

Trump and DeSantis are both very smart men.

But in order to use smarts effectively, have to be in contact with reality. Can they free themselves from normalcy bias? Julius Caesar failed to do it, and Augustus Caesar was trying to keep a dead zombie republic shambling around. Even though his first step on the road to power was to reactivate the psychological mechanisms of Kingship and aristocratic governance he did not attempt to build governmental and state cohesion on that sturdy material, instead keeping the washed up remnants of an utterly decadent aristocracy and republic hanging around, with the result that the Roman state remained a string of sand for centuries.

The Cominator says:

I’ve been impressed lately that DeSantis seems to have gotten ruthless enough.

ExileStyle says:

DeSantis has been ruthless from the get-go, and is a far more effective executive than Trump every was or could ever be. He also seems to be a leap in being IQ-wise. Apart from mouthing the necessary money-lines to the Israel lobby (I’d do it for tens of millions of dollars, too), he has none of that pathetic need to be loved by women, liberals, and queers that every other Republican has, Trump definitely included.

He’s pushing the envelope in ways that Trump never did. And he almost never loses a battle. Trump never did nor would have moved against Faggot, Inc. like DeSantis has. I’ve written before and I continue to believe that DeSantis could be The Real Deal, if he wanted to be.

The Cominator says:

No DeSantis wasn’t born again hard till about late summer 2020. I was in fact majorly pissed at him initially for closing down at all.

But since then hes gotten it so it seems.

Kunning Drueger says:

Maybe it’s the storytelling faggot in my brain, but a creeping realization is far more dramatic.

Trump moves his residence to Arizona or Virginia; they announce their campaign but fail to indicate who is topping the ticket; both start running seemingly independent, what appear to be presidential campaigns, going so far as to playfully jab at each other as if it’s not decided who’s going to top the ticket; they deploy different strategies, building off each other’s successes and avoiding traps and mistakes that snare the other; everyone is crying foul, no one seems to know what’s going on; the official filing has some clerical issue and the MSM declares that they’re both ineligible(!), but the backlash is severe and a week later, it’s forgotten; officially, it’s Trump for P and Desantis for VP, but the dance continues as if a vote for Trump or Desantis is a vote for based²; the GAE pulls out all the stops, mass shootings, riots, foreign skullduggery, but it all rebounds on Biden, who’s absolutely shitting the hospice bed as he can’t keep straight who he’s competing against and Kamala, safe from replacement with her much used vagina and melanin exemption cards, seems to like this idea of sidestepping into presidential power and her characteristic nightmare campaign basically adds a fourth contender; assassination attempts, real and imagined, are not even headline news anymore, street violence is the norm with dozens dying each week; the 4chan machine is working overtime right alongside the MSM, muddying the waters and escalating expectations beyond the highest theoretical autism levels; we roll into October and there’s talk of Emergency Measures, Countermeasures, a new middle powers war between Pakistan and the Taliban explodes…

Trump sits alone, a solitary man with no friends and millions of followers. He’s holding an airplane bottle of Freddy’s favorite scotch. The room is quiet with soft, tungsten light dripping from the indirect sconces. There’s no pale blue glow from computers, no buzzing phones, no muted voices from diligent underlings. Just a man and his memories, contemplating an uncertain future…

A furtive knock brings him back to the moment. He calls out an affirmation and a door opens behind him, unleashing a deluge of voices and the din of a front line war room, before closing again with a heavy thud. It’s Desantis.

“Mr. President…”

Trump smiles and turns. “Mr. President.” He rises and extends his hand as both men chuckle and clasp palms.

“They’ll never let us in, Don. Not after what we’ve done to them this past year.”

“Don’t be such a pussy, Ron. They won’t have a choice.”

There’s no insult in the statement, and no spite in response. Desantis sits after Trump’s gesture and pulls out his own airplane bottle, a cheap Russian vodka. Trump removes his own and sets the scotch on the table. There’s something final in the muted click of the bottle making contact with the well varnished wood.

“Don, it’s not really up for debate-”

“Everything is up for debate! The whole point of this circus is the fact that everything is on the table!”

The joviality is gone. This is a conversation that’s been unpacking itself over months, maybe years. Trump’s mask is back on in a blink, and Desantis clocks this.

“Hey, boss, it’s me. I’m not raining on your parade, I’m telling you there’s a fucking hurricane on the way. They won’t let us in. My guys are certain. The Joint Chiefs signed The Document three hours ago, they’re just waiting for their perfect moment. If we keep going on like this, they’re gonna get it, and there’s not a damn thing the American people can-”

“I believe in the people. I believe in this country. You know where I stand… and don’t curse, you sound like a lobbyist.”

Desantis smiles wryly and waits. He sees something new on the visage of this man no one knows. Trump stairs a thousand miles through the amber liquid, thinking of all that has come before, all the wins and blunders and bodies that have led up to this moment. Desantis’ face hardens into its own mask, a twisted visage of pure hatred and calculated determination.

“They won’t let us in, Don. We have to go in. We have to take it from them. We have to rip it away from them and break their fingers while we do it.”

Trump’s mask has slipped, and a careworn visage of pain and despair ebbs through a weariness so complete Desantis is taken aback.

“Don? Are you ok?”

“How could I be, Ron? They’re turning me into the villain, one way or another. I’m so… I’m so damned tired forcing people to let me help them.”

“You’re not giving up on me, are you Don?”

The sadness abates, and the unlikely King looks up.

“I don’t know how to give up. What’s our next step?”

“We play dumb, keep glad handing and jet setting like we’re on top of the world. Flynn has a skeleton team already in the Bunker, he can go loud in 12 hours. The details will be swapped out in phases over the next 24 hours, and in 72, the boltholes and safehouses will be secured…”

Trump is following but he’s elsewhere. Desantis covers a few more points, outlining a dramatic transformation from campaign machine into a machine for a Campaign.

“The only missing piece is the… Entourage…” Desantis studies the response to this. Trump considers for a long beat, then reaches out “Let me see your phone, the clean one.” Desantis pulls an archaic flip phone from inside his sport coat. Without hesitation, Trump punches in a number then puts the handset to his ear, fixing his gaze upon Desantis. The earpiece leaks digital ringing cut off by a muffled “Hello?”

“Eddie! It’s Donald! How’re Andrea and the kids?” He pauses “That’s great Eddie, really, really great. Listen. How quickly can you come see me? I got a plane on standby, a big, beautiful 757, American made, and I want you on it and out here. What? No, just you this time, Eddie. We’ll send it back for the family. Listen, Eddie. I’ve got a deal to go over, really big stuff, stuff I can handle, but I’ve always appreciated you, and I want you to look at this deal, and I want to hear what you think. Yeah. Yeah, Eddie, it’s a big deal. Biggest deal ever. Yeah. Yeah, I really think it’s best to get this one done quick. Ok. Ok, Eddie, that’s great! Looking forward to seeing you in a few hours. Take care, and tell the kids I apologize I apologize but I need their Dad right next to me. Uh huh. Yeah. See you soon Eddie.”

Whitey says:

Trump is a pussy with no record of success as POTUS and he turns on everyone around him, especially anyone who attracts any positive attention. Why would DeSantis hitch his wagon to Trump? It’s moronic. He’d be better off just waiting four years instead of having the stench of Trump on him.

jim says:

> and he turns on everyone around him, especially anyone who attracts any positive attention.

You mean he turns on anyone who attracts positive attention from our enemies.

He is not ditching those who went to prison for him, though he failed to grant them pardons while president.

The only way he could have retained power was if some of his supporters nailed some of his enemies, with confidence that they would get off if caught. He failed to give them that confidence, but that would have been a mighty big step.

Adam says:

Even with his failures there is a great deal to like about Trump. His undoing was that he chose to play by his enemies rules. I have not seen evidence that he understands this.

notglowing says:

Pretty much agree with this.
I liked Trump and wanted to believe in him in the way Jim did. But I was always sceptical he could pull it off.

The issue is, Trump is a boomer and he really thinks like one. He believes in an America that doesn’t exist anymore.
He can’t cross the Rubicon because that would mean giving up the United States that exists in his frame of mind. He can’t step out of that dream.

Someone who is willing to betray that vision of the United States as the place of “rule of law” (however paradoxical that concept is to begin with) must not be looking at the US from the 20th century as his ideal.
It has to be someone willing to desecrate that, or accept that it has been desecrated beyond repair.
Someone either still fairly young today, or someone from outside.

Boomers can be very conservative because they remember what things were like 50+ years ago. But I think that may be the wrong place to look.

Adam says:

Someone very creative is due soon. The boomers I know do not have much creativity in them, their values are centered around consumption.

Those that came after the boomers could not beat them at their game, so they had to make their own way. The failures of the boomers hit their kids hard, but the ones that are still in the fight are going to be much more oriented around what they are producing than what they are consuming.

Gen-x and older millennials get a lot of hate for being losers and generally just beat down by the boomers, but i expect quite a few of them will make the most of what’s left, and do a better job at leaving some good behind than than the boomers did.

Whitey says:

> Even with his failures there is a great deal to like about Trump.

There are Trump supporters sitting in jail at this moment who were neither pardoned by Trump nor have received one dollar of financial or legal assistance.

There is nothing—absolutely nothing—to like about the loathsome and spineless Trump.

Adam says:

He motivated quite a lot of people to do some good. This blog doesn’t focus on human emotion much, but he was inspiring. Emotions are far more powerful than words or documents. And his shitposting was great.

Whitey says:

Everywhere else in life, a person who makes big promises but delivers on none of them is known as a scammer and a fraud.

Trump abandoned his supporters on the battlefield. It’s incredible and pathetic that people here are still defending him. Trump is trash.

jim says:

> Everywhere else in life, a person who makes big promises but delivers on none of them is known as a scammer and a fraud

Trump’s biggest promise was to reverse the economic, technological, and military decline. He did.

Kunning Druegger says:

Some of it is irresistible nostalgia for the Trump of 2016 (at least on my part), but it is also the fact that there’s no real alternative at this point. No one else has the influence, support, and opportunities, AND is also actively seeking power. I genuinely hope that changes, but as of now there don’t seem to be any based and redpilled billionaires trying to take power, so we have to make do with Trump. I acknowledge that this is a very, very thin position. The cowardice displayed in January 2021 will forever mar his legacy, no matter what happens in the future.

Whitey, is there anyway he could regain honor in your eyes, however unlikely?

jim says:

> There are Trump supporters sitting in jail at this moment who were neither pardoned by Trump nor have received one dollar of financial or legal assistance.

Trump’s great failure was in not rewarding his friends, and not destroying his enemies.

Politics 101. It is all tribalism all the way down.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be fair, he turned on Rex Tillerson, which noone really talks about anyore, and which i never really heard a good explanation for either, save perhaps that sometimes, great men simply can have difficulty getting along with each other, even when it is meet and right so to do.

jim says:

“individuals familiar with the meeting told journalists that Tillerson either called Trump a “moron”[121] or a “fucking moron”

If an employee were to say that to me, I would direct security to remove him in such a way that he bounces, followed by tossing the contents of his desk.

“Tillerson privately discussed with members of Congress …”

If working for a King, would merit execution.

Looks to me that Tillerson turned on Trump.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed. It’s regrettable he couldn’t get along with his boss, since he was doing a good job of cleaning house in the state department.

Kunning Druegger says:

On the one hand, I see Jim’s point; insubordination is cancer. On the other, though, look how many evil backstabbing traitors got to keep their job because they were polite or at least quiet. It would have been better in the long run to keep him around, if only for the fact that it is a rare coup that doesn’t have at least one Oil Man in on the operation.

jim says:

Tillerson was an enemy passing as conservative, while playing footsie with our enemies who sought to destroy Trump. Trump’s big failure was not giving everyone like him a helicopter ride.

I initially accepted the shared assumption that this was a quarrel between conservatives, who sought the same objectives, and should not have had a fight. It was not. It was enemies within, and Trump’s big failure was that he did not do enough about enemies within. Should have helicoptered them.

Whitey says:

> On the other, though, look how many evil backstabbing traitors got to keep their job because they were polite or at least quiet.

Fauci was neither polite nor quiet, and Trump was too much of a dumb pussy to fire him.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sheesh… in the latest installment of KD Gets It Wrong, Again:

“According to OpenSecrets, Tillerson has made tens of thousands of dollars of political donations to Republican groups and candidates.[178] According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, he gave a total of $468,970 in contributions to Republican candidates and committees from 2000 to 2016.[179]

Campaign Donations
He has contributed to the political campaigns of George W. Bush,[178] as well as Mitt Romney in 2012, and Mitch McConnell.[180] He did not donate to Donald Trump’s campaign.[178] He donated to Jeb Bush’s campaign during the 2016 Republican primaries.[178][181]”

International Relations
“In 2014, Tillerson expressed opposition to the sanctions against Russia in response to the annexation of Crimea at an Exxon shareholder meeting.[157] He told the meeting “We do not support sanctions, generally, because we don’t find them to be effective unless they are very well implemented comprehensively and that’s a very hard thing to do.”[158] In 2016, Tillerson said the U.S. should have deployed military units to neighboring states next to Russia in a more “muscular” response.[159][160] In 2017, Tillerson said Russia’s annexation of Crimea was illegal.[161] He also compared China’s controversial island-building in the South China Sea to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.[162]”

“In September 2013, Tillerson wrote an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal defending Common Core.[177]”

I guess he could be a deep cover conservative, doing everything he must to avoid the Eye of Soros’ Masters. If that’s the case, he is exceptionally convincing, lol.


Guy says:

@whitey: the story is, at least from my understanding, that Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.

So, as Jim said, helicopters were needed

The Cominator says:


“Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.”

@Guy where did you hear this, and Trump should have told them to go fuck themselves and fired Jesuits Fauci and Redfield..

The Cominator says:

KD say what you will about Tillerson but he fired everyone he could at the state department…

Pompeo hired them back.

Guy says:


Articles similar to this one had come out indicating that Tucker Carlson was behind the change in tone from Trump. This article frames it ask Tucker was honestly concerned about the virus and Trump’s dismissiveness. I think I had just been reading speculation around what his true motives could be, but I don’t have anything solid there.

However now that it’s been a couple of years and I am rereading this article I’m actually way more suspicious of Tucker now.

Pooch says:

Wow. I really like Tucker, but that is definitely suspicious behavior.

Carlson told Vanity Fair that “I didn’t feel it was my role” but was convinced by his wife to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on March 7

The Cominator says:

My response to Tucker saying people would die of the virus would be…


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>mfw i have no face

Whitey says:

> This is as ridiculous as it is amusing. The genocide enthusiast gets squeamish as soon as I ask if I should kill a bitch I don’t own. Unowned women are like stray dogs, they’re a nuisance at best and a danger at worst. Killing a woman you can’t own hurts less than letting her get fucked by other men.

If you don’t understand that one murdered non-communist is a far bigger outrage than a million dead communists, you’re at the wrong fucking blog.

Get yourself together before you do something you regret. You sound like a lunatic. There’s not a piece of ass anywhere on this planet worth the death penalty and eternal damnation.

The Cominator says:

Based the distinction is between innocent blood, and the blood of the demon cult that sustains clownworld. When the time comes to kill leftists it should feel like god himself is pulling the trigger.

notglowing says:

One should always feel squeamish by default about killing women. Enemy men are enemies, and need to be physically stopped, but killing women is wasteful.

Adam says:

Killing fertile age women, mothers and grandmothers is wasteful.

Childless barren women are a problem that needs to be dealt with.

A2 says:

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Regrettable but for the best.

The triumph of the Recovery was marked most clearly by the burning of the Episcopal bishop of Maine.

She was not a particularly bad bishop. She was in fact typical of Episcopal bishops of the first quarter of the 21st century: agnostic, compulsively political and radical, and given to placing a small idol of Isis on the altar when she said the Communion service. By 2055, when she was tried for heresy, convicted, and burned, she had outlived her era. By that time only a handful of Episcopalians still recognized female clergy, it would have been easy enough to let the old fool rant out her final years in obscurity.

The fact that the easy road was not taken, that Episcopalians turned to their difficult duty of trying and convicting, and the state upheld its unpleasant responsibility of setting torch to faggots, was what marked this as an act of Recovery. I well remember the crowd that gathered for the execution, solemn but not sad, relieved rather that at last, after so many years of humiliation, of having to swallow every absurdity and pretend we liked it, the majority had taken back the culture. No more apologies for the truth. No more “Yes, buts” on upholding standards. Civilization had recovered its nerve. The flames that soared above the lawn before the Maine State House were, as the bishopess herself might have said, liberating.

She could have saved herself, of course, right up until the torch was applied. All she had to do was announce she wasn’t a bishop, or a priest, since Christian tradition forbids a woman to be either. Or she could have confessed she wasn’t a Christian, in which case she could be bishopess, priestess, popess, whatever, in the service of her chosen demons. That would have just gotten her tossed over the border.

… The flames climbed fast; after all, they’d been waiting for her for a long

When it was over, none of us felt good about it. But we’d long since learned feelings were a poor guide. We’d done the right thing

Kunning Drueger says:

Excellent. Really well done.


A2 says:

(William S Lind, Victoria)

Kunning Drueger says:

Wow, that’s a mighty based fella. Thanks for the introduction, looking forward to diving in.

For the uninitiated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Lind

A2 says:

Women are often excused for displaying feral behaviour, as I suppose we have all seen by now.

I would say this is similarly a display of feral male thinking. Acting on it will likely lead him to a lot of trouble since he’s not “playing Civ on easy mode” but had he, say, been an ISIS soldier trading in Yazidi slave girls nobody would have raised an eyebrow.

Oog en Hand says:

This would mean the religion pill outranks the woman pill. That is, SOME men are allowed to have SOME women as property.

jim says:


Well we have to be those men. But the time is not ripe yet, so we have to do so underground. At some point it will be feasible to do so overground without being wacoed, but right now, waco is damn near certain.

America finds it convenient to furtively back Isis – or rather an important faction in America finds it convenient. Without significant external backing, going overground and acting collectively would be suicidal.

When Bronze age civilization was falling apart, the Kings of Bronze Age cities, notably Agamemnon, found it convenient to ally with the fertile, patriararchal, and patrilineal outsiders, against other Kings of Bronze Age cities. The USG backdoor alliance with Isis is a start on this.

Kunning Druegger says:

Does anyone have any papers, essays, documents as recommended that are usually behind a paywall? I have an opportunity to get a few, but I don’t know where to start. Can be On Topic or just interesting.

Ghost says:

Not sure what you mean. Archive.org is a good source for free pdf books and papers. Lots of medical papers for the taking on .gov sites.

Sometimes you can run a search with name of subject/paper with “.pdf” at end.

Kunning Drueger says:

No, I have access to a large source of papers behind a paywall. Many different fields and subjects. Wondering if there are any suggestions for what I should read.

Ghost says:

I’d archive all information on the history of Western Civilization because they’re trying to wipe it. Any historical documents on Christianity would be valuable for discussion here.

Cloudswrest says:

Isn’t this special! Vax linked to cases of rapid onset Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Never mind the vax, why is no one asking why WuFlu itself has prion regions on its spike proteins? It’s a Pandora’s box of horrors!

Researchers were also able to identify the probable cause of the sudden-onset CJD post-vaccination. When the vaccines were first synthesized, the genetic makeup was based on the original strain of the virus that came out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which had a prion region on its spike protein.


The Cominator says:

If you’re raising fear about wuflu and not the vax you are falling for shit and accepting the frame that lockdowns etc are good, don’t fall for it wuflu is fake and gay.

Cloudswrest says:

Neighbor’s mom in her 70’s died of rapid onset brain rot in early 2020. Before the vax was available. The above article is interesting in hindsight.

Cloudswrest says:

My comment is specifically targeted at implying WuFlu is a hacked virus. As if we didn’t know that already.

alf says:

I was asked to give an update on my user experience with trezor and wasabi.

Works just as advertised! Setting it up was easier than expected, especially for a non-techie like me. Encountered only minor obstacles which were not that hard to overcome (eg the cheaper trezor is not passphrase compatible with wasabi so you need to disable that feature).

I told a normie friend I was using wasabi and he looked at me like what criminal activity are you up to. But generating a new address for every transaction seems to me like very smart security. Happy I have set it up.

Anonymous says:

Your site seems to be down and this says it’s not just me: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gardenoftheinternet.com?proto=http

alf says:

Yes entirely my fault. It’ll be a few weeks before it’s back up.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
The Ducking Man says:


You should check up this namefag’s blog, he is rambling quite a lot on this topic as well.

The fact that we have too many priestly job and entire college major just fill out medical form serve as proof that modern priesthood is utter failure.

Kunning Druegger says:

You could change this graph to be about almost any category of profession and it would probably be correct. University administration is probably the worst of the lot. I’m almost convinced that you could “fix” academia if you just fired and deleted every single administrator minecraft account. As heinous as many professors are, without the backing of midwit mulatto admins, they’d have to compete with their peers, just as if you majiked away the USM, the GAE would collapse.

ExileStyle says:

It’s breathtaking how much university admin staff get paid and how little they do. Like, early- to mid-career “Program Manager” nobodies doing nothing getting paid 2x-3x more than the distinguished tenured professors in some departments. This is the cause of almost all of the student debt they want to forgive; which forgiveness will only lead to more administrators and so on and on in the predictable spiral.

Kunning Drueger says:

I power leveled in front of my gender studies class accidentally, and I was reported to the student safety department or something by a classmate. I had to do one on one struggle session with 3 separate entities, all of them created to protect at risk students. It was fascinating and frustrating, because each negress had to get something from me in terms of recanting my statements (I had equated feminism to a religious belief), but none of them was intelligent enough to stick with the plot once I started rambling in Marxish.

jim says:

We have a state religion that was created by very smart evil people for very smart people, but all its younger priests are ignorant morons.

We had evil genius supervillains with dumb henchmen, because they did not trust smart henchmen. Except for Kissinger and Soros, the genius supervillains are all gone, replaced by their dumb henchmen. And even Soros, though pretty smart, is no genius. Not as smart as Trump, though in considerably better contact with reality.

Adam says:

Wear any defiance to the cathedral as a badge of honor. I was on my first “behavior contract” in 3rd grade, dropped out of high school at 16. Got in tons of trouble for noticing things about blacks and Jews and females all along the way. Not one single regret about it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Exilestyle has outed himself as Puritan stock, and I did so as well many moons ago. I actually have the documentation to prove it, too. I know it won’t be representative of much, but who else here can trace their heritage directly back to the Puritans?

ExileStyle says:

I wonder if we’re cousins. Do you know which town they settled in? Now that I think about it, if blog commenting style has a genetic component, we do in fact share a penchant for rather wordy, rapid-fire posts with a literary flavor. Perhaps we were born to be Puritan preachers.

Mine were Cambridge people, with land on the Charles River towards Newton. (Yes, that Cambridge. Sorry everyone.)

Kunning Drueger says:

I actually have a Canadian exemption because we were Tories during the Troubles. No heroic soldiers, just wealthy people that fled to Nova Scotia. In the 20th century, South Boston and Maine during the pandemic. I’m not going to say the title, but there’s a book about my great, great, great grandpa; he fathered kids on 2 sisters; my line is the “bastard” one. I’ve actually run into some obvious genetic kin multiple times. To reinforce your tinfoil, the “talkiness” is ubiquitous. Maybe we’re destined to be the priests lol.

I’ve still close blood up there. A certain month of the year we gather to tell each other everything is fine, just fine, and shuck steamers.

ExileStyle says:

To reinforce your tinfoil, the “talkiness” is ubiquitous. Maybe we’re destined to be the priests lol.

Ha, yes it is. A talkiness surpassed only by that other, more lately arrived wealthy priestly class. You know, the ones who stole Harvard from us. Although ours tends more towards somber Emersonian pontification than decadent and corrosive argumentative chatterboxing.

You know, I’ve always thought the old New England WASP crew could be revived into reaction despite everything if they were forced to actually spend time in the multicultural paradise their Unitarianism has so piously created. New England is white as hell, one of the whitest places on earth. And as soon as a new, upsetting group wanders into their lilting-lilac-and-buzzing-honeybee Thoreauvian dreamworld, they are capable of hilarious levels of hate. The only place in the world, apart from Hungary and the internet, where I have heard casual, vocal antisemitism inserted into everyday conversation has been among wealthy New England Brahmins. And I have been everywhere. Guess they don’t like the competition.

I mean, how much of the left’s outrage about Trump was simply WASPs finding his behavior downright uncouth? A lot if not most of it. (He was in fact only the third or fourth president not directly descended from WASP colonial settlers. Even Obama was on his mother’s side.)

Pooch says:

Great point. Regardless of Trump’s money, he is not elite with no elite bloodlines and very much an outsider to them culturally and hereditarily. They hate him personally and the class of people who he represents.

Red says:

John Adams on my mother’s side. Doesn’t get much more Puritan than that.

Neofugue says:

Descended from Puritan stock on my father’s side. I am a direct descendant of a former president of Harvard, though most of my close relatives are affiliated with Yale. My mother is descended from Swiss/Hanoverian German Protestants who arrived during the latter half of the 19th century.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, the neopuritan clique is myself, Exilestyle, Red, and Neofugue. This doesn’t change anything, but we’re obviously better than everyone else and we get to decide who is the holiest in any situation. If you’d like to join the clique, we take daughters for a relatively low fee you can pay in gold or 7.62, or if you have any land we will give you a necklace and some documents in exchange.

A2 says:

It is an interesting factoid, and actually about five more than I had expected. Personally I do of course not qualify but I’m willing to attend tea and NRx sermons.

ExileStyle says:

I do hereby humbly request the honor of presiding over our first witch-hunt, in consideration of my forefathers’ extensive and well-known experience in that field of endeavor. I promise not to disappoint. Any subsequent burnings shall, of course, be open to general publick enjoyment.

Kunning Drueger says:

Lol, you reminded me! Marie Eastey is one of my ancestors, according to my grandfather.


The Cominator says:

Denied, purges cannot be conducted by fanatical freelance witchfinders or people with petty vendettas against their neighbors that is how innocent people get fed into the woodchipper and we want to keep that to an extreme minimum. We will use the data of the modern surveillance state built by globohomo to assess people by political belief, profession (priestly job plus even a vague Democrat affiliation means you are purged), actions during the previous regime etc. and those objective criteria will determine whether you are to be helicoptered or not.

Left wing old dyke female clerics will all obviously be burned.

Pooch says:

Sorry Com, as just a dumb mick you don’t have the elite bloodlines required to make this type of call.

The Cominator says:

While im part hibernonigger fortunately its only part… i also have part English and Prussian.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am part potato nigger and part scandicuck, but the quality of the admixture does matter. I managed to get a recombinant result of some sort of barbarian warlord/sperg engineer. An odd combo, but boy does it come in handy.

Com is right, of course, but fear not. Once I have conquered the USA, I will allow any of you who so desire to take a Commission of Inquisition. You will be my Inquisitors, leading your Inqusitorial Stormtroops to capture the enemy priests that survived my rise to power so that they do not survive my reign. Cominator is of course going to be the Alaskan Commandant, so his position is already assigned, but the Alaskan Reprocessing Facility will need to be filled before he can run it.

Adam says:

I am similar, part German part Scandinavian. Half warrior half priest. Are you a shape rotator and a wordcel? This is the make up of a paladin.

ExileStyle says:

I would of course refer all suspects to judgment by a general tribunal of elders, with Jim as reigning Judge. I will attempt to rectify some of the failures of my forebears, namely their excessive softness towards misbehaving young girls, and their misinterpretation of the nature of women due to their native idealism.

The best and easiest solution to your typical witchcraft crisis is simply to marry off the hysterical young girls who start them, and then determine which old bulldyke(s) and/or voodoo-practicing slaves stirred up all the nonsense to begin with, who shall of course be burnt.

The Puritans of Salem were not quite redpilled enough, as they had too many unmarried teenage girls running around telling each other tales of magical erotic demonic beings in the mysterious forests. They were probably also shit-testing every man and then accusing those who failed of black magic. A witchcraft crisis is a sign that it’s time for a mass wedding, and maybe a burning or two as a stern reminder (to the girls) as well as dinner entertainment (for the men).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


Pooch says:

Average age for Puritan women was early 20s, but I think this was typical of Germanic/Anglo societies as a whole.

I could be mistaken, but it seems Teenage marriage was more typical of traditional Roman society.

ExileStyle says:

Hence the witchcraft.

I think they made the all-too-common mistake of believing that virginity equals both physical purity and spiritual purity. In fact it is only physical purity; female spiritual purity comes through marriage, childbearing, and obedience to her husband.

You can see it in the glow of women who are mothers and obedient wives. There’s a peace and contentment in their eyes that comes from fulfilling their ordained role in the cosmos. There’s a reason whores and tyrant-wives to weak husbands are so viciously unhappy.

Pooch says:

There may have been a health component to the traditional Germanic practice of waiting until at least 20-21 for marriage, not feeling that a teenage mother was the optimal age for the physical demands on child labor, particularly with primitive medicine. But I think this is a case where the Romans got it right and the Germanics got it wrong.

ExileStyle says:

I wasn’t aware there was a Germanic element to it. Interesting.

As far as what a real-live witch looks like and how she behaves, check out this ethereal ageless demon entity, a preschool and elementary school teacher: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1532830992905404417

Her age is completely impossible to identify. Is she 24 or 54? Is hers the voice of a child or a grandmother? Her facial and body gestures are all weird and off, suggesting possession. Most importantly, she’s talking about how to initiate young children into a sex cult, which she is currently doing professionally.

Such are the beings who shall be consigned to the flames.

alf says:

I’ll throw in some fun ancestry: on my grandfather’s side I’m nazi descended. My grandfather, as a teenager, fought at the eastern front.

Pooch says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am part of those bloodlines, too. As a reward for joining your little club, I will let you all offer your best daughter to be my wife and I will pick the one I like most to be my Warlord’s Lady. No need to thank me, just doing my part to continue the based Puritan bloodlines.

Meat Guy says:

Anyone else feeling really blackpilled over pride month? It’s everywhere. I want this shit to end, but it’s just the beginning of the second week of the month.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Yes, you’re not alone…

I want this shit to end! It is a fucking *struggle* to stay alive on the inside while resisting the 24/7 propaganda onslaught… >:^|

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

By the magic of self-selection, i just so happen to not find any of the spaces i spend time in, or matter i spend my attention on, to include obeisance to the poopdick sacrament, or even acknowledging its existence, barring the odd exception here or there. I almost didn’t even notice it had started until a few days had passed. So i haven’t really been bothered.

The first step to spiritual health is taking control over what you expose yourself too.

ExileStyle says:

I also haven’t really noticed it, which I attribute to living in the suburbs and rarely leaving my neighborhood and, crucially, not watching television. Although I do read mainstream cathedral newspaper headlines of a morning, and even there it is not excessively present, although to be honest I have become so hardened to the matter that I have developed a kind of filter and hardly register fag propaganda.

You could also look at it as a whitepill in an accelerationist sort of way. The whole tranny thing is so obviously the sign of a sick and decadent culture in its final dying convulsions that you can just look away in disgust and trust that GNON shall in due time wash the world clean of it.

Kunning Drueger says:

I know it’s childish, but I just game out what it would take to actually burn the flag itself. It isn’t simple at all. Certain flags require a team and deep planning. I literally go through all the particulars and try to assess an accurate time l/money. It’s almost fun when I encounter a massive wall drop flag with camera coverage.

You can also assess convergence degree by color band count. Some government adjacent buildings even have triangles and letters on their toilet paper affirmation.

Adam says:

Same here. No tv, cable etc. No radio. No high speed internet, just my phone. Essentially a pre-2000 connection to the outside world. Life is good.

The Ducking Man says:

Dude, if you are so sick with progressive propaganda you should consider moving away from GAE hegemony, like 3rd world country I’m living in.

I didn’t even know pride month is in June until yesterday. Heck, I never even find people openly being gay at this shit hole.

A2 says:

I no longer engage regularly with the conventional media and we now live some way off the greater infestations (and not in the US), so I haven’t seen much of it this year. There were still numerous pastel posters around the library and, unfortunately, nearby neighbours (normies as far as I know) felt it necessary to signal their virtue with a small but prominent gay flag.

When I saw it, I felt disgusted and disturbed, then heartened that it triggered this natural and sound reaction.

Red says:

Anyone else feeling really blackpilled over pride month? It’s everywhere. I want this shit to end, but it’s just the beginning of the second week of the month.

Time leave. Pride month is about to become pride year and failure to publicly support it will soon be an unofficial crime.

Pooch says:

Pride month and the state religion at large is the mechanism for the elites to reduce the native population. China had the One Child Policy, our elites are trying to make us gay and live in tiny boxes. Different means to the same ends.

They really really don’t want you to reproduce and they are losing money when you do. So by reproducing, take solace you are doing exactly what they don’t want and fucking them over. Simple as that.

Whitey says:

> They really really don’t want you to reproduce and they are losing money when you do.

They’re losing money when whites reproduce? Are you high?

Pooch says:

Absolutely, faggot. They want to import Third World slave laborers, not pay white salaries.

Adam says:

Leftism is self destructive by nature. It’s a death cult.

The Ducking Man says:

But China already regretted a lot mandating one-child policy though it’s already too late to reverse it’s detrimental effects.

In fact I can confidently say that CCP’s current problem (aging population, weak military, weak domestic economy) starts with one-child policy. GNON is paying back China double.

Pooch says:

As China industrialized, the CCP had heavy incentive to cull their native population just as the West’s ruling class has heavy incentive to cull the the native population as it post-industrializes.

Both methods of cat skinning cause huge amounts of suffering but the West’s anti fragile method of population control is the lesser of two evils.

The CCP looks at their population as simply cattle to be exploited for resources. When the West implements factory automation over the next 20-30 years, millions of Chinese will be put out of work. Euthanasia will seriously be on the table for the CCP for what they will then consider dead weight.

S says:

Don’t be ridiculous- there is plenty of room in the Southern Resource Extraction Zone (Australia) or Africa for them to dump extra people.

The Cominator says:

China didn’t cull it merely tried to freeze the population.

The West current policy is more insane than Chinas was.

Pooch says:

Completely and utterly disagree. Putting up with pride flags is nothing compared to the Chinese system of total control in order to enforce the one child policy. Forced abortions, forced injections, jailing people, child kidnapping, etc. What they did to people during their lockdown is orders of magnitude more evil than the Western system of control. I watched people get taken away in vans and their dogs shoveled to death.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Nah. The difference is that the CCP was open and explicit about what they were doing; which means means that they were capable of reversing the decision when they wanted too, and for another means the decision with regards to a matter does not broadly incur ideological externalities beyond the matter.

Whereas, GAE factions accomplish its objectives by lies, deceit, and spiritual corruption, which means it is impossible for it to do anything except get worse; and not just in this matter, but in all matters.

The Cominator says:

Bingo, if population needs to be limited be honest about it don’t fuckup everything else.

Pooch says:

Whereas, GAE factions accomplish its objectives by lies, deceit, and spiritual corruption, which means it is impossible for it to do anything except get worse; and not just in this matter, but in all matters.

The American solution to population control is lie and promote social values and hedonism that are anti-family to decrease the population and then bring in cheap labor from the Third World.

The Chinese solution to population control is bring back the one child policy fueled through forced abortions and anti-life attitudes.

This technocratic you only get one child is cruel, dystopian, and Orwellian. The idea that America is socially degenerate and China’s just a bastion of morality is a very perverse thought and naive. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side just because one hasn’t experienced the one child policy and I think we should get away from this type of thinking.

Kunning Druegger says:

Strawman, table for two?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>This technocratic you only get one child is cruel, dystopian, and Orwellian.

It was cruel, dystopian, and orwellian, because they were trying to do something incoherent with divine law; fatuity is ontologically inevitable.

The difference is they were capable of reversing course; whereas, the GAE theocracy is incapable of reversing course, has not been so capable for decades, and indeed, by its nature, has been losing such capability starting from the very days it first came into existence.

Pooch says:

The difference is they were capable of reversing course; whereas, the GAE theocracy is incapable of reversing course, has not been so capable for decades, and indeed, by its nature, has been losing such capability starting from the very days it first came into existence.

They reversed course in order to restore masculinity in order to fight WWII and afterwards to replenish the population during the “baby boom”. It’s an interesting discussion if they could do that again or not to fight another World War and then replenish losses from it.

It was cruel, dystopian, and orwellian, because they were trying to do something incoherent with divine law; fatuity is ontologically inevitable.

I agree, but it is not like they stopped because they realized this. Culling the population was simply no longer in the ruling regime’s best interest.

If it ever becomes in their interest again, and I postulate that it will when the West starts automating away their factory jobs, I see no reason why they won’t simply just bring back a One Child Policy or even a No Child Policy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>They reversed course in order to restore masculinity in order to fight WWII and afterwards to replenish the population during the “baby boom”. It’s an interesting discussion if they could do that again or not to fight another World War and then replenish losses from it.

The evidence that they can’t grows in abundance with every passing day.

>I agree, but it is not like they stopped because they realized this. Culling the population was simply no longer in the ruling regime’s best interest.

It was not in their interest incoherence with divine law brings weakness. The ways of God are the ways of Power.

The Cominator says:

The Dengist policy may have been cruel but the Western way is far worse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


It starts with conuring daemons to do your bidding, and ends with becoming possessed and puppeted by those same daemons.

Like the sorcerer’s apprentice, they could not control the forces they set into motion. Such is its nature.

Scoop says:

Is the claim that the one-child policy was enforced via forced abortions well-supported or is that just Falun Gong stuff? My understanding was that additional children resulted in fines and probably some social shaming, unless the first child was a girl in which case you were allowed a second attempt to get it right

jim says:

Pooch, the reason you are frequently out of contact with reality, is that you do not vet your sources.

Scoop says:

>Mei Fong
Seems like a standard GAE mouthpiece:

>Her story on China’s migrant construction workers that won the Pulitzer Prize also garnered a 2006 Human Rights Press Award from Amnesty International and the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents’ Club.[3]
>Fong’s work and interviews were the basis for a featured segment covering China’s one child policy on HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, which aired on October 6, 2019.[19][20][21]
>Fong has been a contributor to The New York Times, LA Times, Salon, The Atlantic, and National Public Radio.
> She was the executive producer of The Heist, a five episode podcast series covering the economic policies of the Trump administration and a focus on Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.[9][10]

I do see better sources about women being ‘coerced’ into getting abortions when they weren’t able to afford the fine for the second child.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Like, you wouldn’t even need to see the author, you could just see >npr and right away already know there’s no good.

Pooch says:

Pooch, the reason you are frequently out of contact with reality, is that you do not vet your sources.

I’m frequently out of contact with reality? Didn’t you just loss a ton of money investing in Russia? I did not loss a ton of money investing in Russia. To me, investing in Russia or China shows a massive loss of contact with reality.

jim says:

> Didn’t you just loss a ton of money investing in Russia? I did not loss a ton of money investing in Russia. To me, investing in Russia or China shows a massive loss of contact with reality.

You would rather keep your funds with the American institutions that intercepted and stole my Russian investments.

My error was normality bias, excessive confidence in Western financial institutions, which are collapsing due to an untrustworthy and untrusted elite. My confidence in Russia and Russian financial institutions was well founded.

Pooch says:

I do see better sources about women being ‘coerced’ into getting abortions when they weren’t able to afford the fine for the second child.

There are a mountain of other sources and I’m not going to vet them all because I don’t have time to. Someone else can if they are interested enough, but again the position that China is just this bastion of morality flys in the face of actual evidence of life for Chinese citizens living under CCP rule.

It’s a position of spite. If you are shilling for China or Russia, just know you are doing that out of spite for living under Western rule and not actual reality.

jim says:

Lots of things suck in Russia and China.

And lots of things do not suck. What I see in Russia is less censorship and social control. Not seeing the abrupt and absolutely uniform changes of line among their elite that I see in our elite. More freedom of thought in Russia.

White men are cucked, and Chinese men are cucked. But chinese men are not forced to celebrate gay sex.

jim says:

> the position that China is just this bastion of morality flys in the face of actual evidence of life for Chinese citizens living under CCP rul

No one is pronouncing them a bastion of morality. But in some important ways more free, and in many important ways, more virtuous than our society.

You need to be more cynical about your sources. They are not seeking to harm China or Chinese, rather they are seeking to harm you. You are the target they aim to destroy.

Pooch says:

But chinese men are not forced to celebrate gay sex.

I am not forced to celebrate gay sex and I do not celebrate gay sex, but yes there are idols to gay sex everywhere.

The Chinese don’t have gay sex idols, instead people are dragged away by government vans to an unknown location for forced vaccination and their dogs killed in the street.

jim says:

Your sources are full of globohomo lies. Sometimes I read globohomo for information, but sorting out truth from lies requires enormous effort, effort you are clearly failing to put in.

The globohomo account of China can be summarized in Vox Day’s words: “Social Justice warriors always project.” They look at China, and see, not what is wrong with China, but what is wrong with themselves.

Elites in Russia obviously have more freedom of speech and thought than elites in the West. Ordinary people in China guard their speech rather severely, though this is a difference of degree rather than kind, but they have more freedom of action in regard to their private property, their property rights are more secure against the powerful, than ours are.

Cloudswrest says:

I am not forced to celebrate gay sex and I do not celebrate gay sex

If you’re more than a nobody, lack of celebration is strongly discouraged. Do a search on [Tampa Bay Rays Pride].

Here’s one of many news articles.

Pooch says:

Here’s one of many news articles.

I’m familiar with this story and sure getting a stern talking to by your employer for failure to wear a rainbow patch may be annoying.

But if the point of reference is what people are forced to do living under Communist China, there is no comparison.

jim says:


You are getting your information from official sources. You are not perceiving reality. China is in many important ways freer than we are, and private property rights less subject to state interference.

A2 says:

The picture of the poster boy, Bryan Ruby, literally made my skin crawl.

Scoop says:

>It’s a position of spite. If you are shilling for China or Russia, just know you are doing that out of spite for living under Western rule and not actual reality.

Spite isn’t the right word, or at least not the only component. It’s more a sense of relief and hope stemming from the fact that there is at least one powerful civilization left in the world where the streets of Victorian London weren’t filled with blacks, where the deer isn’t a horse. While imperfect, China is far closer to being in communion with the Gods of the Copybook Headings than the West is. Every success China has is a condemnation of the Liberal Consensus, a flashlight shined on clown world.

The thought of the entire planet being dominated by that consensus, free to rewrite history at will with only theory and old books to suggest that they might be wrong, horrifies me. China is -potentially- a living, breathing talisman for rightist governance among a high IQ people. Proof of concept, like the US and its sphere were for anti-Communist dissidents in the USSR. East is East and West is West, etc., and living under a system identical to China’s would not by my ideal. But I have lived in China as a guest, and I think any commenter here would be hard pressed to spend time there and not develop a measure of genuine affection for it, despite the little thing about the air being poison.

Obviously none of this means that the Chinese government won’t one day revert into Maoist retardation, or that they’re an ally of western reactionaries even if they don’t. One could imagine a plausible scenario where China sponsors and supports Western dissident-right factions in the not-too-distant future, but equally plausible is that if we ever got close to winning, they’d turn around and sponsor the left. A West that loses its capability to efficiently spread The Gay to the entire world and underwrite it with military & economic strength would likely be in the interests of China- a resurgent, authoritarian, martial, homogenous white West- maybe not so much.

Frank Matters says:


China is an enemy civilization, and needs to be kept in check if not dismantled entirely, but right now they are nowhere close to an existential threat. They are instead a massive counterweight acting, somewhat, unreliably, against our current existential threat. Until they become an existential threat, and the current existential threat goes away, China is a fellow. Not a friend, but an empire eating away at the flanks of the empire that oppresses me. I wouldn’t think to bother them.

Russia is not an enemy civilization, but a rival one. They are much further from an existential threat than China is. Not from lack of capacity, but lack of will. Should be kept in check, should not be allowed to dominate us in capacity. Russia, like China, represents a counterweight to our current existential threat. I would not think to worry about them, and I would even think to, in the short term, be allied with them, become a part of their network, if they manage to pose a serious threat to the empire that wants to cut my balls off.

The Cominator says:

Pooch all the REALLY sucky things about post Mao China started under Xi the neo-Maoist.

Russia mostly sucks because of the weather and long long legacy of communism not so much because of the current government.

The Cominator says:

“They are instead a massive counterweight acting, somewhat, unreliably, against our current existential threat.”

Xi massively helped solve the Covid hoax… which alone proves him an enemy.

The Cominator says:

Pooch China from Deng on was freer then the globohomo West, but Xi has reversed this in many ways. Xi is China’s Woodrow Wilson.

Pooch says:

Elites in Russia obviously have more freedom of speech and thought than elites in the West.

The elites in Russia vacation in London, Italy, Spain, and the south of France.

jim says:

> The elites in Russia vacation in London, Italy, Spain, and the south of France.

Tourists from a rising civilization visiting the relics of a fallen civilization. Where did Byron spend his time while England was reaching the height of its greatness?

He visited Rome and Greece, in memory of their ancient greatness.

Pooch says:

Russia mostly sucks because of the weather and long long legacy of communism not so much because of the current government.

Russia is a hollowed-out country.

That’s its birth rate is only 1.82 (although trending up from a low of 1.25 in 2000) shows me it still has very deep problems at a foundational level of Russian society. A non-trivial percentage of that fertility rate are Muslims who are significantly outbreeding the native white population.

I don’t care how many cathedrals they build or how great they are at shutting down gay parades, I would not be bullish on Russia and would not invest a single dollar in Russia until they can at least show that they can keep their white birth rate above replacement, which is far from certain.

jim says:

And what is the white birthrate in America? Looks to me that younger people, people in their prime child bearing and child raising years, have a birthrate well below 1.0. The millenial and generation Z are copping globohomo very hard.

jim says:

> until they can at least show that they can keep their white birth rate above replacement

As I asked, what is the white birthrate in America? It is radically low, so low that any useful information is kept under deep wraps, and falling fast. I look at young people, and it is very very low. Young people in America are abandoning all hope and prospects for family formation, while Russia’s is rising, and I expect it to rise a lot further now that Russia is finally cutting off the many Cathedral tentacles that it tolerates.

Pooch says:

Not much better, but that’s exactly my point. If you are condemning the West vigorously for it’s anti-family social policies and degeneracy, and you should, then you must be consistent and also condemn Russia for the same. By their fruit you will know them, and I see bad fruit all around.

It’s a case of the grass is not greener. Not in China and not in Russia.

Pooch says:

@Frank Matters

Good nuanced take and I mostly agree with you. I would only substitute the word “elite” where you have the word “empire”. My hope is not in Russia or China punishing our wicked elite, but in an American Caesar who does as Augustus did do and Julius Caesar failed to do to the wicked Roman elite.

It was the Roman Empire that God used as his vehicle to spread Christianity to Europe. God willing, the American Empire will be used as the vehicle to restore Christianity to the world.

Pooch says:

Tourists from a rising civilization visiting the relics of a fallen civilization. Where did Byron spend his time while England was reaching the height of its greatness?

Does a rising civilization have a fertility rate of 1.82 with a declining white Christian population and a rising brown muslim population?

Was this analogous to England during the time of Byron?

Is a “rising” civilization supposed to have such a similar dysgenic birth rate to the “fallen” civilization of the previous era? So similar that it makes no difference?

jim says:

> Does a rising civilization have a fertility rate of 1.82 with a declining white Christian population

Pretty sure our white fertility is far below 1.82, and if Russia continues on its current course Russia will rise above replacement, while if we continue on our current course it will continue to fall even further.

The only reason we have any fertility is that blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics, get an exemption from the prohibition on masculinity. Jews used to get an exemption also, but those days were a very long time ago and long forgotten. When I was young, older people still remembered it from long ago, but all living memory of those times is now past.

The Cominator says:


Pooch if China isn’t feminist why was this man fired for telling the truth?

The Cominator says:

I mean under Xi… the problem is not that China under Deng was bad… its that Xi is a raging fucking leftist.

i says:


“The only reason we have any fertility is that blacks, and to a lesser extent Hispanics, get an exemption from the prohibition on masculinity. Jews used to get an exemption also, but those days were a very long time ago and long forgotten. ”

If white men gets to shoot dead black men and women that attempt to murder them.

And said black men and women murderers are reliably executed a few months after their murder by said Judicial System.

The Cominator says:

Not talking about the lockdowns, but just limiting childbirth was a lot better than castrating men and ruining women. Xi is insane and evil, Deng was not.

Scoop says:

I don’t see Xi attempting to castrate the men. Strictly limiting video game time and banning portrayals of effeminate men in media seems like the opposite.


China still has serious problems with feminism of course, though exponentially less than the west. A lot of it seems to stem from leftover communist ideals of egalitarianism and mobilizing every facet of The People. They have too many women in the military and the police.

Notably a lot of faggotry enters China not directly through western media but through our Korean convert, whose music and dramas are immensely popular there.

i says:

The current situation of non-universal marriage with lots of women left out of the dating market because of inferior looks and personality is a superior population control measure:

Quality of Spouse is just as important. And naturally would tend to properly limit the population compared to alternative forms of selection like the arbitrary one child policy that had no regard for Quality at all.

Although driving hypergamy too much is bad. But a certain controlled degree is good.

Europe historically had high numbers of unmarried people. That contributed to its lower population pressure compared to East Asia.

The Cominator says:

This is the type of entryist the inquisition needs to burn…

Modern marriage patterns are not eugenic AT ALL.

i says:

I didn’t lie when I cited the European Marriage pattern west of the Hajnal Line:

“By 1650, when village reconstitution studies become sufficiently numerous to render the generality of the pattern indubitable, the average age of women at first marriage was twenty-four or over, 7 to 20 per cent of women never married, and the incidence of childbirth out of wedlock was below 3 per cent. This marital pattern restricted fertility massively. A very considerable minority of women remained single and bore no children; those who married bore none for the first ten years of their fecund life-phase, on average. If they had their last child at the age of forty, their entire reproductive careers would span roughly fifteen years, a long time by modern standards but remarkably brief in a pre-transition context. Resulting fertility was less than half the rate that would have been achieved if all women between fifteen and fifty were married. (Seccombe, 1992, p. 184)”


And I stand by my comment about how Universal marriage doesn’t have to be the way.

And I am talking about China. Not Western Europe. Although it could be improved.

i says:

I meant Western Europe and the rest of the European Majority countries right now. With their marriage laws and the family courts and so on.

That isn’t Eugenic.

Neofugue says:

Psalm 1:1: Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

Without discernment one unconsciously absorbs the thoughts of the demonic leading to him falling astray. Quoting Orthodox Hieromonk Seraphim Rose, “the Antichrist is not to be found in the deniers, but in the small affirmers whose Christ is only on the lips.” The words of Progressives who call themselves Christian are poison, temptations of the Evil One, and should one be forced to interact with them must hold steadfast in the knowledge of God that everything they say is a lie. During a certain point in the early church, nearly every bishop was of the Arian heresy, a period known as Saint Athanasius Against the World. The church prevailed and as a result Arianism is confined to the dustbin of heresies, and in time so will Progressivism.

JustAnotherGuy says:

This is sort of off-topic, but does anyone know of a blog or site that investigates the water quality in America? Obviously official statistics will always say US tap water and stuff is safe to drink anywhere. However, now with the Shaniquas taking over all important institutions, I do not believe for a second that even the water quality is going down the drain. Nemets on twitter posted finding radioactive technetium when doing some water tests for his job, so I don’t know what other horrors await if I drink solely tap water.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That might be a good idea for a company. Figure out a way to get cheap water tests that are confidential. Black market truth, so you do not end up drinking poison when Shaniqua and Jose shit in the water purification equipment.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Wow. 😳

This is really where we’re at right now. Sub-3rd world tier infrastructure has basically become an open secret.

Longtimereader says:

You all see the Dave Weigel ‘scandal’? Very Jimian.

ExileStyle says:

Evidence of just how much the left purity spiral has accelerated. He’s being sent to the stake for liking a joke on Twitter I probably could have made at work in front of HR a decade ago.

For those who didn’t see this, he’s a WaPo reporter who liked the following comment: “Every girl is bi. You just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.” Cue hysteria.

Whitey says:

WaPo just suspended him for 30 days without pay.

Always great to see the left eating their own.

Pooch says:

Suspended him for 30 days without pay is not “eating their own”, faggot leftist shill.

Whitey says:

Yes, it is.

Whitey says:

It’s really funny being called a “faggot” by the guy who jerks off to pictures of Curtis Yarvin.

Kunning Drueger says:

Personally, I turn my Yarvin portraits around when I jerk off.

Varna says:

Who wouldn’t. Real men only jerk off surrounded by magazine covers of Andrew Anglin.

But seriously. I propose another enemy tell: constant attempted de-masculinization and emotional castration of the other.

And not generic fire and forget ball-busting to add some boost to an argument, but a subtle branch of the systematic feminist/jewish/screeching slut/feminizing trannification anti-testosterone environment.

If every argument is punctuated with “you’re not a man, you’re impotent, your dick doesn’t work, women hate you, you dream of sucking cock, you’re a weak loser, you’re not a man” — in other words crude text-based sissy hypno anchors inside the word salad– then what we have here is definitely a player for the father of lies.

When what looks at first as constructive criticism and masculine banter turns out upon closer examination to be constant attempts at demoralization and castration, everything clicks into place.

Milosevic says:

Who is “Curtis Yarvin” you stupid fucking faggot…

Kunning Druegger says:

Aaaaand the keks keep coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming…


Whitey says:

> @whitey: the story is, at least from my understanding, that Trump got the message that they had the senators to impeach him if he did not go along with covid in some way. Supposedly that message was delivered by Tucker Carlson. It was going to provide those Republicans cover to do what they wanted all along, get rid of trump.

The excuse-making for Trump around here is reaching pathetic levels. Like with everything else, Trump was an incompetent buffoon with Covid. He was too slow to act, then he massively overreacted, then he spent the last two years pushing the clot shot and “boosters.”

2016 was fun, but it’s time for people to wake up. Trump is trash. He had a chance to be Caesar but he chose to be a pussy. And people here want to give him another chance, after he let his supporters rot in jail? Wake up.

Adam says:

You seem to be under the illusion that everyone here thinks 4 more years of Trump is ideal. Nobody is saying that. You sound like your arguing against an opponent that does not exist.

How old are you? I’m curious because you do not sound like someone who has the experience of trying to make the most out of a tough situation. You sound like you have an agenda.

Guy says:

1) what Adam said
2) discussing why somebody made a bad move, a move counter to their earlier behavior, is not excuse making, but normal discussion. We could all just say “man, trunp sure sucked huh?” but only so many variations on that comment can be formulated
3) you want to cross the Rubicon? Get some friends and get it done, otherwise calling those who didn’t pussies from behind the keyboard is a bit ironic

Whitey says:

> Trump’s biggest promise was to reverse the economic, technological, and military decline. He did.

No. Trump’s biggest promises were to drain the swamp and build the wall, and he did neither.

I see no evidence that Trump reversed our technological or military decline. Elon Musk is responsible for almost all current U.S. tech progress, and our military is a joke from top to bottom.

To whatever extent Trump succeeded economically, he obliterated that progress with his insane Covid lockdowns and by printing trillions of “Covid relief” dollars, which caused the massive inflation we’re encountering today. (It’s hilarious seeing Biden get blamed for Trump’s inflation, but we need to be honest here.)

Pooch says:

(It’s hilarious seeing Biden get blamed for Trump’s inflation, but we need to be honest here.)

Crypto-leftist shill detected. I knew there was something off with your comments.

Whitey says:

> Crypto-leftist shill detected.

You’re not a crypto-dummy, just an obvious dummy. In addition, of course, to being the resident defeatist pussy.

Trump printed trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars in 2020.

Pooch says:

Can you pass a red pill on woman test, faggot?

Whitey says:

You’ve never even touched a woman. Go play tough guy somewhere else.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

How come glowniggers are always on about muh dick but don’t know dick about muh?

Checkmate atheists.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Lmao gottem

Varna says:

>You’ve never even touched a woman. Go play tough guy somewhere else.

Heh. I think that was that.

The Cominator says:

80% of the inflation is due to the Biden admin sabotaging energy production…

Whitey says:

No. Biden is throwing gas on the fire, but the inflation is directly traced back to Trump’s insane response to Covid.

It’s simply impossible to print trillions and trillions of dollars without inflation resulting, especially when interest rates are kept artificially low.

The Cominator says:

When you say Trump’s response to Covid he should have fought against lockdowns much harder but technically he only endorsed it for about a month… but with any lockdowns hard to not have had the stimulus.

But of course by then the damage was done and the precedent was set. I like DeSantis but DeSantis wasn’t anti Covid lockdown initially either, he seemed to gets that he SHOULD HAVE been.

But 80% of the price increases now are due to supply side problems with Biden destroying energy and diesel…

Whitey says:

Trump went along with the lockdowns and, to this day, absurdly claims they “saved millions of lives.”

There was no reason whatsoever to print trillions of dollars in response to the lockdowns. Trump could have suspended mortgage and rent payments for a few months, like with student loans, and provided food money to the poor. Instead, he suspended rent payments PLUS gave almost everyone full unemployment PLUS an extra $600/week for a year.

Insanely stupid, and directly responsible for today’s economic mess. After Trump’s stupid $600/week bonus, employers had no choice but to raise wages. Nobody wanted to work, and who could blame them?

Guy says:

There are multiple issues here the inflation itself is coming from the covid relief money, and probably still lingering effects from the last 12 years of quantitative easing. That money printing may have happened under Trump’s watch but it is dishonest to act as though it wasn’t done by his enemies in an attempt to hurt him and his supporters. He may have had the legal power to do something about it but as we’ve seen he had no actual power to do it without comitting the violence he later showed he was unwilling to commit. But who is to blame him or the people who actually wanted to print the money?

Biden has done plenty to cause prices to rise but long-term the real problem is going to be the money printing.

Whitey says:

Once again, everything is someone else’s fault. Trump is never to blame, ever.

The Cominator says:

I’ve blamed Trump for a number of things but to say he did nothing good economically or in terms of forcing our enemies into the open is no more an honest and thoughful position than being a stubborn Qtard who insists that they still trust the plan and that Trump did nothing wrong.

But Trump is very old and seems afraid they’ll hurt his family or something, I do not think he can learn from his mistakes…

Whitey says:

> but to say he did nothing good economically or in terms of forcing our enemies into the open

I’ve never said that. Trump did plenty of good pre-Covid, but his Covid response wiped out his economic gains, and his abandonment of supporters on the battlefield is absolutely unforgivable. There can be no second chances for Trump after that.

The Cominator says:

I agree… but lets not sound like there was nothing good pre Covid.

I think his mind started slipping in 2019 btw, between his age and constant media barrages despite his economic success I think he just wasn’t the same guy anymore.

Another reason we need someone younger like DeSantis.

Whitey says:

> I agree… but lets not sound like there was nothing good pre Covid.

Again, there was some good before Covid, but his response to Covid wiped it out. And then his actions, or lack thereof, after Jan 6 were like a punch in the face to his supporters.

I’m seeing way too many people who are willing to crawl back to Trump like some pathetic battered wife. There were some fun times, but it’s time to move on.

Guy says:

“Like with everything else, Trump was an incompetent buffoon with Covid”

“I’ve never said that. Trump did plenty of good pre-Covid”

-Whitey, too young to remember the roaring economy

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

jim says:

We already had that conversation more times that I can shake a stick at. You were unresponsive then, and you are going to be unresponsive now.

Kunning Druegger says:

Whitey, I’ve not heard this assertion before (Trump’s inflation) and if there were any merit to it, or none at all but it was believable, wouldn’t the Left be hammering that talking point?

Answering my own question… well, no, not if Trump caused it through Coronatarian scaremongery. They wouldn’t want to limit their own money printing operations. Is that correct?

I fear that I am one of the Trump cheerleaders, and you kind of cut my legs out from under me with your assertion that his 2 big promises, drain the swamp and build the wall, were unfulfilled. So consider me converted on that argument. But, as I said before, unless/until Desantis puts together a Trump-level block of support and energy, what recourse do we have?

I’m turning into a blind optimist or something, because I genuinely believe Trump has the capacity to learn from his many mistakes. I also believe that, even if he doesn’t, the net effect of a second Trump regime is positive acceleration, in that the Left drops the mask even more, and the right gets more comfortable with authoritarian forms. Would you acknowledge that this is the case, or am I off base.

Pooch, there’s really no need to outgroup Whitey, he’s maintained an outsider position from the beginning. he doesn’t seem to be trying to introduce crypto-lefty niggory diggory, he’s just adamantly opposed to any level of support for Trump, a position I feel myself coming around to. I just assumed it was Deep State and activist leftists that turned all his efforts to shit, and that free of those influences he would have done a lot more. That very well might be cope for the fact that he was all memes and no monarchy.

Pooch says:

Pooch, there’s really no need to outgroup Whitey, he’s maintained an outsider position from the beginning. he doesn’t seem to be trying to introduce crypto-lefty niggory diggory, he’s just adamantly opposed to any level of support for Trump, a position I feel myself coming around to.

This is the exact same position of our most sincere enemies, and you should be deeply suspicious of anyone who holds the exact positions of our most sincere enemies. I seriously doubt he can pass a Red Pill on Woman test. You should not assume anyone is your friend who can’t do this.

Also there was a mountain of fednat shills on right wing blogs clamoring for 4 years how awful Trump was. Whitey is basically copying that exact playbook. Regardless of what else he says his payload is Orange Man Bad.

Whitey says:

The only two things you “contribute” here are half-assed “fed” allegations and pathetic defeatism.

Get yourself together already.

Anyone still defending Trump after he left his supporters to rot in jail is a pussy and a moron.

jim says:

“Orange man bad”

Not necessarily a shill payload, since you are attacking Trump from the right, for his failure to be Caesar, his failure to summon the militia and send in the drones. But it sounds mighty like a shill payload. Particularly the ludicrous accusation that Trump is an incompetent buffoon.

Take the shill test.

And, since you are purportedly attacking Trump from the right, tell us what he should have done. How could he have protected his supporters and survived? He would have had to have done the unthinkable. What unthinkable things should he have done?

If Orange Man so bad, what should he have done instead of what he did do? Just copy and paste my advice to Trump, or give us your own. How should he have protected his supporters?

What did Trump need to do instead of what he did?

If you are one of us, you will be able to say the unthinkable and unspeakable. If an enemy passing for one of us, you will be unable to talk about what you purport to be talking about. There is a strange and suspicious gap in your rhetoric. You are not saying things that you should be saying if you believe what you say you believe. Time to say them. Are you permitted to say them? Say what cannot be said if human resources is looking over your shoulder.

Whitey says:

[*deleted, because an irrelevant and silly rationale for not saying that which cannot be said if Shaniqua of Human Resources is looking over one’s shoulder*]

Whitey says:

[*deleted, for not saying that which cannot be said if Shaniqua of Human Resources is looking over one’s shoulder*]

jim says:

If you are so against Trump, why cannot you make criticisms of Trump that might upset Shaniqua of Human Resources?

Actual right wingers have certain unsayable criticisms of Trump. Say them.

I say them from time to time, though in a respectful manner. Trump is our leader. We urgently need a new leader, and when that time comes, I will say them in a less kind and respectful manner. You can say them in a disrespectful manner. But you need to say them.

The Cominator says:

It seemed to me that he was at least engaging in purely right wing criticism of Trump, though I think Trump’s covid stimmies are only responsible for 20% of inflation and most of it is due to Biden sabotaging energy supplies.

Aidan says:

Knew there was something off with him

Kunning Drueger says:

Can we see what he said?

jim says:

He gets paid according to engagement – allowing his stuff through reduces his incentive to attempt to pass shill tests. I want to tempt people into attempting to sidle through shill tests because the manner of their evasion reveals stuff about the enemy, and coming up with an evasion forces them to think about crimethought. If he had made a half assed attempt to sidle through, as our odd shill out that I so frequently let through frequently does, I would have allowed it through.

It was a flat out full stop refusal to commit crime thought in any way whatsover. The enemy is on to me. They can see what I am trying to do.

Checking his earlier posts, they look solidly reactionary but on careful inspection not. Hates blacks but no reason given. Hates the American welfare class, while failing to notice or mention the race and sex of that class. Agrees that vaccines are getting worse – which is solid evidence of being a real reactionary, because technological decline is a crimethought, at least for a lot of shills, but defends the recent (and alarmingly dangerous) polio vaccines.

This tells me that not all shill organizations are in denial about tech decline and the deteriorating standards for vaccines.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Much of the difference between critique from a friend and demoralization from an enemy lies in the implications; a friend criticising a fellow will so often pose his critiques in the for of contingencies that can be overcome; whereas, someone engaging in campaigns of demoralization against an enemy, will so often pose critiques as inevitabilities inherent in the target, that can only go away when the target goes away.

This is not a hard and fast rule in any case of course, but there is the general tendency in many cases.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is incisive. It’s a clear distinction when you review a comment chain, but in the ever passing moment, not necessarily so clear.

I don’t like the Fed accusation being leveled just because a person is saying something unpopular, it reeks of leftist mob justice. And Pooch does it a lot. But if he can’t/won’t answer RPWQs, there’s no point defending him.

I think Whitey makes some good points about how Trump gets a pass for things that others would be lynched for. Maybe he deserves that privilege. While the Wall and the Swamp remain outstanding promises, they are both things that could be corrected relatively quickly and relatively easily. It may be beneficial to make and circulate a checklist for what Trump, or any popular nationalist (lol), must do, at minimum, to earn and keep the loyalty of the base. Something like the shill/entryist barriers we use here. It could also be a template for a more general Based Checklist to be used on any politician/leader.

If Trump gets reelected, he will not have the excuse/defense of being new to the game or ignorant of the challenges. If Jim is correct, it’s irrelevant because the Permanent Bureaucracy won’t let him win.

jim says:

Yes, he did make good points. But while purporting to criticize Trump from the right, failed to say those criticisms that an actual critic from the right would have said, just as when hating blacks, failed to notice any problems created by black people, and when denouncing the welfare class, failed to notice the race and sex of that class.

Adam says:

Whitey has Trump on the brain, reducing everything to orange man bad. This is black and white thinking, evidence of simple mindedness and emotional reasoning. These are common cognitive failures that are a product of a victim mindset. He has shown divide and conquer tactics, and is sowing discord among Christian gentiles.

Given all that, and the name Whitey, he almost certainly has a big nose and wears a funny little hat.

Ghost says:

Voted for Trump twice and managed to convince several others because I believed he was the best choice. If he runs again, all things equal, I’ll do the same.

Sure, part of me wanted to see Trump take full control of the corruption. To cross the Rubicon. But, he took it further than anyone else ever did. There has been questionable elections before. But the government hides it from the people and they want us to move on.

He opened my eyes. This country can be a lot better. It is possible to control immigration even stop it. Possible to have affordable cheap energy without this weird alternate sources. We could have all the jobs we need and bring back family and prosperity. That’s what Trump showed me. All these things can be.

And he exposed the corruption that is standing in the way. That media is lying to us. That there are elements within government that work against America.

I’ll vote for Trump and try again.

Ghost says:


jim says:

Yes, I should have demanded a shill test then. Shills get a small bonus for getting an enemy link published in a right wing source.

alf says:

I hoped we would have some healthy 4chan crossover, but the agressive anger seems too easily hijacked by agressive shilling.

Kunning Druegger says:

Shill density on 4chan is too high. Any useful crossover will be accompanied by “wandering shills, or Negroid Nomads. It’s sad, as that place redpilled a generation, but that’s precisely why it gets the attention it does.

Pooch says:

Yes, he did make good points. But while purporting to criticize Trump from the right, failed to say those criticisms that an actual critic from the right would have said, just as when hating blacks, failed to notice any problems created by black people, and when denouncing the welfare class, failed to notice the race and sex of that class.

People should keep in mind he was shilling for DeSantis, which is interesting.

jim says:

Shilling for DeSantis? That makes no sense. I think he was shilling for normalcy bias.

When he was talking about DeSantis he was presupposing as shared and unquestioned consensus that politics as normal was going to continue. It is not continuing, though it is vanishing a slower, messier, and less dramatic and abrupt fashion than I predicted.

I expected the political elite to be suddenly and dramatically purged. Instead, all possibility of entrance to the political elite by outsiders was suddenly and dramatically shut down, but only after Ultra Maga was winning the Republican primaries. Normality was continuing, until it started to produce unacceptable outcomes.

So, I think that now that primaries have been locked down, and the analogous processes in the rest of the Global American Empire have been locked down, we are going to see a whole lot of shilling for normality continuing. Vote harder, whitey.

The Cominator says:

Well i would also prefer DeSantis.

Adam says:

Jews routinely play both sides. Could be any number of reasons to support Desantis.

Kunning Druegger says:

Same here. Desantis seems to have the temperament and longevity scores we need. But I don’t see the utility in attempting to derail the Trump Train, it gets boomers and normies fired up and bloody minded.

Kind of funny how Whitey just POOF disappeared. He was a shill, but what type of shill…

ExileStyle says:

In this case, the payload might simply be to sow discord and disrupt civil discussion. Choose a divisive topic, go after a regular poster, divide everyone in two about whether or not he’s a shill, or whether or not Pooch is right, and suddenly everything is derailed. Formal rather than substantial payload.

Will be interesting to see if he passes the shill test as requested. If he does, he should stop acting like such a whiny bitch and make a positive contribution.

Adam says:

I agree. A certain amount of passion is admirable, but letting his emotions get the better of him is suspicious. Almost juvenile.

Whitey says:

> Answering my own question… well, no, not if Trump caused it through Coronatarian scaremongery. They wouldn’t want to limit their own money printing operations. Is that correct?

Exactly right.

> I’m turning into a blind optimist or something, because I genuinely believe Trump has the capacity to learn from his many mistakes.

It’s crazy to be a “blind optimist” after someone has shown you exactly who they are. TRUMP LEFT HIS SUPPORTERS TO ROT IN JAIL. There is nothing else we need to know about him. Trump is trash.

> I also believe that, even if he doesn’t, the net effect of a second Trump regime is positive acceleration, in that the Left drops the mask even more, and the right gets more comfortable with authoritarian forms. Would you acknowledge that this is the case, or am I off base.

You are off base. Trump is an incompetent buffoon who has shown no interest or ability to do the things that need to be done, and the left is not afraid of him at all. DeSantis, on the other hand, has shown he is both willing and able, and the left is actually starting to fear his competence.

We don’t need four more years of “all tweet, no action” Trump. We need ruthless efficiency.

jim says:

Trump did a great job on the economy, which is the primary issue he ran on. He did a great job on defeating America’s external enemies, which is another major job he ran on. He demonstrated enormous ability and competence.

He failed to be Caesar when we needed Caesar, but those are big shoes to fill.

Caesar himself suffered normality bias, and Trump suffered normality bias. The only way to win the election was to summon the militia, and the only way Caesar could win the election was to cross the Rubicon.

Pooch says:

The only way to win the election was to summon the militia, and the only way Caesar could win the election was to cross the Rubicon.

We all desperately wanted Trump to cross the Rubicon instead of merely fishing in it. Before Caesar there was Catilina, whose attempt to cross the Rubicon failed miserably, even with an army at his back. If Trump had called out the militia, there is no guarantee he would have become Caesar. May have very well been Catilina, and we should be mindful of that.

Kunning Drueger says:

Rereading the comments under review, the “rot in jail meme” is suspicious. Yes, of course and by all logical means, a good leader should not leave his guys behind. But a general unwilling to sacrifice troops is a general unfamiliar with victory. I know this is cold-blooded, but the IVI martyrs are most useful as precisely that. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to be specific, but there are a number of men languishing in captivity that deserve to be released and rewarded. It is very useful to have examples to point to and say “look, see what they did, this is why they deserve what’s coming to them.”

Trump failed to officially call out the militia. This damned him and is stain that will never wholly go away, no matter what. But the Assembled in January made the greatest error. They walked into a trap with no thought and no plan. They put themselves into a position where any mistake they made was going to greatly benefit the enemy. Pretending that Trump’s worst mistake was not freeing a few foot soldiers seems more and more like a provocateur working a D&C angle and less like an enraged ally.

Kunning Drueger says:

Back on topic:

US and its SKorea puppets launch expensive missiles into ocean.


Every explicit for of the GAE is making it known they’re active. I wonder if any GAE periphery nations will bolt.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Chesa Boudin, the shitlib DA in San Francisco just got recalled, and it was permitted to happen. Sounds like the establishment left is kicking away the far left from the apples they spilled.

ExileStyle says:

This doesn’t tell me too much about their plans for the rest of America. They might dial down the leftism in their own neighborhoods while holding course or doubling down everywhere else, continuing the trend of increasing caste stratification and regional balkanization.

The same thing has been happening in places like Brooklyn for ages now: young well-to-do Whole Foods hipsters screaming about school segregation and structural racism who suddenly become racially aware in ways that would make my grandma blush when their own kids are about to start school and are faced with the prospect of a multicultural hothouse of a school. They might make cosmetic changes purely in their own self-interest, but their fundamental leftism – especially for Leftism Other People – continues marching unabated.

Pax Imperialis says:


What are the chances the supposedly conservative court will cuck on abortion?

The Cominator says:

TBH to the extent that at least the house elections are honest, I’m not willing to lose a single house of representative seat so thots will have to take road trips. This has always been a stupid issue…

Pax Imperialis says:

If the supreme court is seen as backing down in the face of violence further violence is encouraged.

Anarcho tyranny accelerates.

Validity of abortion regardless, how the court will rule will be additional data on the state of America.

Pooch says:

Anarcho tyranny accelerates.

Not Anarcho-tyranny. There is around the clock US Marshal security at all the Supreme Court Justices’ houses. It’s not like the state is endorsing violence against Kavanaugh. If naked street violence is enough to intimidate officials protected by the state then we are heading up to straight up anarchy conditions on the streets of DC.

Pax Imperialis says:

Protests outside the homes of Judges are illegal. If the state was actually against violence against Kavanaugh and others, it would promptly arrest all the protestors who provide tactical cover for attempts at street violence. Instead we see politicians provide political protection to the protestors.

US Marshal security has been handicapped.

Kunning Druegger says:

A note on technicalities: USMarshals are no joke, at least not yet. They have relatively high standards for applicants, some of which are long periods at one department in a section that deals with regular use of force and warrant execution, high physical fitness, multiple clean shoots, and other earmarks of decisive violence (if you want to verify what I’m saying, you have to talk to actual USM, they don’t spell it out on the website lol). There appeared to be the earliest signs of HR infiltration (their admin dept. was lousy with skinnyfats and women), but they distinguish between Office and Field such that the paper pushers are not considered Marshals in any sense (versus PD and other LEO that call the keyboard cowboys “officers”). All of this means that there aren’t a lot of them, but they are competent and effective. They get used when a target is actually dangerous, or they want the target to be considered dangerous. An near peer to the USM are the Texas Rangers.

I babble all this unsubstantiated hearsay which is obviously artistic fiction that only a fool would consider as fact because I’ve heard multiple times that the Court System lacks an enforcement wing (no army, in other terms). This is false, and believing it would be a grave strategic mistake. SCOTUS doesn’t have an army, they have a highly trained and very capable force of experienced operators forming a paramilitary well acquainted with proto-IEW tactics. Additionally, Allied Universal holds the vast majority of court security contracts. This megacorp has a limitless supply of low iq foreign born enforcers as well as a number of contracts that… are not staffed by those guys. This is probably the stuff of novels and fantasy, but if the right combination of planners and decision makers wanted to, SCOTUS could probably creep-coup the entire federal government by turning the Court System, both physical and human infrastructure, into a network of, for lack of a better term, blockhouses. From that, they could issue edicts and gage adherence.

Again, probably fantasy. But it is valuable to remember that there are many unconnected networks and assets just sort of laying around, waiting for someone with the network, funding, and influence to connect them together and deploy them.

Kunning Druegger says:

This sentiment is politics of the moment. Control of the House, or Senate, or any segment of FedGov is irrelevant. The permanent bureaucracy is the only thing that matters, and the election constrained elements only matter in relation to the permanent bureaucracy.

The court removing federal guarantee of legal baby murder is only relevant in that it inspires more honesty of violent intention on the part of the Cathedral, and opportunities to demonstrate that females are a block of influence unto themselves, meaning the associated R or D doesn’t matter.

Following the elections is keeping an eye on the instruments, something necessary but only as diagnostic awareness. The best thing in the world would be a democrat takeover of every election contingent position, full and total control by the inner segment of the uniparty; full mask-drop.

Pax Imperialis says:

“inspires more honesty of violent intention on the part of the Cathedral”

More like frequent violence directed at Churches becomes the norm all the while Cathedral forces gaslight even harder. Honesty is not likely.

Kunning Druegger says:

I tripped over my own lexicon. The way you put it is better, and mostly what I meant to say. An example is how the faggot faction writes and acts now v. how the wrote and acted 5+ years ago.


Auron is really developing his methods and his following is growing. Jim, do you have any thoughts or observations on this guy?

jim says:

If anyone is on youtube, and is not on rumble or the other alt media, he is not catching hell from youtube.

If he is not catching hell from youtube, working for the enemy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Auron is /ourguy/ but probably not a Jimian, at least not yet. He’s probably Yarvin on the streets and Jim in the sheets. He goes after the fag faction incisively, and he’s quite good at relating concepts of NRx in an easy to follow way. His influence star is rising, with a growing fanbase and doing segments on Timcast, as well as getting tweetcasted by Tucker Carlson. he could be a powerful ally. Another dark jedi.


Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Auron is on (relatively) non-GAE infected video platforms: Rumble, and Odysee

and also including Gab

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Adam says:

Jesus that’s a real ad.

Ghost says:

Better than average. Kav is a cryer.

Cloudswrest says:

SF Soros DA (and son of terrorists) booted!


The Cominator says:


The Cathedral is unhappy that their support in Florida has almost totally collapsed (and more among demographics that they generally own) here is shenanigan #1… I’m sure more to come.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Inconvenient people — in Floridastan and elsewhere — need to start disappearing… =D

The Cominator says:

The people who need to disappear who are trying to cause this don’t come from or live in Florida. Soros is a State Department/AID bagman.

Adam says:

Granted I live in a red town in south FL, but holy shit everyone wants to string up Biden. I would be surprised if he was well received in Miami at this point. Gas is almost 5$ now.

I know the masses do not matter, but supporting democrats openly is becoming very low status.

The Cominator says:

Oh in central Florida even niggers and young women hate him.

Kunning Druegger says:

I know we are just priests arguing our theories in the wilderness of ideology and policy, but I wish we could start acting more like an intelligence agency with no affiliations, building files and constructing strategic forecasting reports. It would not be easy, but I imagine it would be mighty useful to someone, maybe a rising warlord in desperate need of a state religion. I am not saying Com is correct, but his argument for the Jesuits as a super-conspiracy is interesting analysis at the very least. Religious organizations are basically just intelligence operations anyway. Any thoughts on this?

Sort of unrelated, this news item is blipping up: https://ground.news/article/desantis-spokeswoman-registers-as-a-foreign-agent

Ghost says:

Probably so. Maybe a generalize dossier of personality types of known infiltrators based on working shill tests.

The Cominator says:

4chan was shilled to death with 1000s of bots and shills because it used to be able to do this. The problem is you need vast numbers of people without a lot of shills… you need to somehow bring back old 4chan but without it being shilled and botted to death.

And no most religious organizations aren’t actually spy agencies (they can be subversive though) but the Jesuits certainly are, and their charter basically says they are.

Kunning Druegger says:

Okay, fair point, but every serious religion *has* in intel apparatus.

No one wants the old fourth channel back more than me, but I don’t think it’s necessary to replicate it. Greatest Hits, 4chan Gold, Epic Wins, whatever always make it seem like old /b/ \ /pol/ was this ruthlessly efficient, highly capable team of guys. If you’ve actually toasted in epic bread, you know it’s just a deluge of bullshit and memery, with a core of anons actually doing the real work. Yes, there were some capabilities provided by having a crush of anons to do brute force stuff, but that was more on the Offensive Side of capability.

What I was thinking of and referring to was to skip the “heat of formation” stage and just use the concerted group of anons doing the real work stage. Just building a kind of flowchart or network analysis of a few NGOs or media outlets would serve as a tutorial and a process to streamline efforts. This kind of capability would put our tribe in a good place for being effective, dangerous participants in IEW. Of course, that would bring a whole host of new problems and threats with it.

Ghost says:

I think I get it. Like an Org Chart for the target NGO with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. And sources of revenue perhaps. Along with department heads and any useful information on them.

Some of this information is already available on their own websites and they like to post on Twitter too. You wont be able to get the justice department to do much, but every person has an address. Find something the left hates about these people, get them to turn on each other.

Like a reverse CIA op.

jim says:

Yes, that is the problem, the problem I am working on. A social net, secure against shills, bots, and centralized censorship, empowered with a crypto currency, because though information wants to be free, engineers want to be paid.

If you can send private messages, should be able to pay bills, which payment should generate an immutable link, only meaningful to sender and recipient, which proves that money was paid, received, and what that payment was for. The fact that with current crypto currencies, the payment goes over one channel, and the payment metadata goes over another is a huge privacy and security hole, which Monaro and the other privacy currencies can do nothing about.

The Church is a social net, and it gets shilled and botted like everything everywhere. Full of demon worshiping faggots looking for your children’s assholes. If a Bishop or Cardinal attempts to moderate, he gets the Archbishop Viganò treatment. The church of the future is going to need a secure social net, and robot assassin drones. The Bishops (moderators) need to be able to function effectively while underground the way Archbishop Viganò is underground, and will need to be able to shoot back when under fire.

Charles the Hammer made Bishops wear plate mail and save Saracen souls using big hammers. We will be facing a similar situation. Holy war is already upon us. Churches are burning.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Charles the Hammer made Bishops wear plate mail and save Saracen souls using big hammers.


aha says:

“The Church is a social net”

Funny how you defend “reaction” with an economic-materialist theory of religion, which was unknown before it was invented by 19th century communists.

jim says:

You mistake modern terminology for modern thoughts, being ignorant of how humans were before crushed by the current officially unofficial state religion.

aasas says:

Yours is a common mistake among imbeciles: to violently mistranslate all past thoughts into the language of current ideas.

They were “really” saying this and that. Stupid stupid stupid. You are a dumbass.

jim says:

In order to understand the past, you have to read old books – the primary sources that Wikipedia is terrified of, and think yourselves into their shoes. You are forbidden to do that, because old books are full of crimethought.

King Alfred’s understanding of Christianity was very much my own. I understand the present through the past, not the past through the present.

> They were “really” saying this and that.

I know what they were saying because I read them, you do not and modern scholars do not read them either. They read what someone else said about what another person said about what another person said that people from older times were saying. I read them and think myself into their shoes. I feel the situation they were in when they said what they said.

Kunning Druegger says:

Dinesh D’Souza interviewed by The American Mind:

“And what the movie says is basically to attorneys general, to secretaries of state, even to elected officials, look: there is a very obvious course of action available to you here, and that is to apprehend the mules. True the Vote has their cell phone I.D.’s—they don’t have their names, but law enforcement can get their names very easily. The process is quite simply to get a warrant, go to the cell phone provider, unmask the mules, then visit them: Who paid you? Who put you up to this? Who organizes this operation? So, this is the normal course of action that law enforcement would take in any other case. A similar approach is called for here.

Now obviously, if they’re able to unravel and expose a wider cartel that would draw in many other people, the people who run these nonprofits, the people who have been funding the organizations it takes to pull all this together—yeah that’s a case that can absolutely end up in court. In fact the court is the proper place for it to end up.”


Contaminated NEET says:

>And what the movie says is basically to attorneys general, to secretaries of state, even to elected officials, look: there is a very obvious course of action available to you here, and that is to apprehend the mules.

And what happens if they don’t? Oh yeah, nothing. I’m sure they’ll get right on it.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

The Cathedral isn’t doing too well in relying exclusively on force for its legitimacy lately.

jim says:

Naked force, the priests say is irrelevant. They say the US is mighty because of soft power, because of them, and are therefore enthusiastically destroying America’s economic and military capability, which is what Trump opposed with the slogan “Make America great again”

And now, soft power meets hard power abroad. The time approaches when it will meet hard power closer to home, though what form that will take is unclear – worst case being a Stalin, a warrior priest who gets sick of having to keep up with an ever more insane faith and reverts the faith back to current year 2024 or 2026.

But if we are short of warriors, they are short of warrior priests.

Adam says:

You want to find out who people like the royal family listens to, and your not finding that out without infiltrating the royal family.

You can come up with infographics and org charts but your only going to see low level people. Need to find out who Soros takes orders from.

The Cominator says:

You need to get control of a powerful state and need to break a lot of people at the highest under torture… Jesuits too.

Adam says:

One clot shot per hour and they all squeal before it’s time for lunch.

yewotm8 says:

I don’t see much torture being required. They’d defect on each other pretty fast.

The Cominator says:

I think the Jesuits would be tough nuts to crack without doing some recreational mcdentistry on them.

ExileStyle says:

What makes you believe that Jesuits are more than just the intel/NGO wing of the RCC? I’ve had some experience with Jesuits (in school/college) and they make no secret of the fact that they consider themselves soldiers of the Church/Pope and want to “evangelize [=infiltrate] the culture” but their Roman Catholic faith seems real enough, if tending towards a liberal theology. They were based as hell in the 16th/17th centuries, though.

I’ve always considered them a net positive, because even the most rabidly leftist Jesuits will still be reliable enemies of abortion. Jesuits and the RCC have played a huge role in bringing about the end of Roe v. Wade. Maybe the definitive role, precisely through their ability to centrally coordinate, unlike your average American Evangelical church.

The Cominator says:

“What makes you believe that Jesuits are more than just the intel/NGO wing of the RCC”
They ARE the glownigger wing of the RCC (and in some sense the worlds original glowniggers in the formal organization sense) and I hate the RCC. The RCC is the original globohomo and may be at the center of it even now… the Covid scam made it appear that way. Was causing the 30 years war to save the false globohomo Catholic Church based? Do you approve of sowers of discord?

“I’ve had some experience with Jesuits (in school/college) and they make no secret of the fact that they consider themselves soldiers of the Church/Pope and want to “evangelize [=infiltrate] the culture, but their Roman Catholic faith seems real enough”

The upper levels of the RCC and Jesuits worship some kind of Sun God/”The Light”/Demons. Look at their symbol. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Ihs-logo.svg/220px-Ihs-logo.svg.png

“I’ve always considered them a net positive, because even the most rabidly leftist Jesuits will still be reliable enemies of abortion.”

Did Fauci ever try to do anything about abortion? Do you really prioritize abortion over the war against the left? Why? The Jesuits must be exterminated… anyone suspected of being a lay Jesuit must be exterminated (basically anyone who went to a Jesuit school with a government or priestly job who has a suspect political record should be assumed to be a secret Jesuit). Their involvement in the Covid scam would seal their fate if it were up to me. No Jesuits… no lockdowns, no stagflation, Trump still President etc.

ExileStyle says:

I meant the question as an honest inquiry, looking for more information. I didn’t mean for it to come off as criticism. I’m only vaguely familiar with the Jesuit theory of secret history, I just don’t see it personally. Any reading you think an interested person should do? The use of sun as a symbol isn’t very persuading on its own…

But yes, I consider putting hundreds of thousands or millions to the sword a small price to pay for defense of the greatest and holiest institution in world history. And blaming the Thirty Years’ War on the Catholic Church is like blaming the Cold War on the Romanovs, or the Second World War on the Prussian Kaiser. If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now. The enemies I’m looking at are the Renaissance humanists – yes, including a number of popes – who created a culture where Luther could mouth off without consequences and shatter the European soul to pieces.

jim says:

> If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now.

Remember it was the Holy Roman Emperor that sacked Rome, and that the sacking of Rome ended the madness and caused the counter Reformation. A great pity that the Pope and a large part of the Papacy made it out alive.

The Holy Roman emperor sacked Rome for much the same very good reasons as people were turning protestant, even though he remained Roman Catholic.

The proposition that the Pope was the antichrist and the Roman Catholic Church under the direct control of demons was quite plausible at the time. The Papacy, not the Reformation, was the primary cause of the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, and everything else that was within its grasp.

That it is under the direct demons is right now a great deal more plausible, though it is obvious that the Pope is not the antichrist, but rather the very junior minion and gofer of some gay Harvard professor, who may well be possessed by demons.

The counter reformation took a great pile of demonic heretical papal doctrines, and stuffed them behind the water heater in the basement, to join with ancient dusty mildewed words of Saint Paul. They are still officially doctrine, like Maoism in China, a perpetual hazard that they may be pulled out from behind the water heater in the basement and re-ignited, to serve the same evil, hostile, and malign purposes as they did during the Reformation and the events leading to the Reformation. Those doctrines need to be sent back to where they came from, back to hell, while Saint Paul needs to be taken out from behind the water heater, put back in the Church administration, and his words on the recruitment and selection of clergy heeded.

The emperor theoretically disowned the sacking, but under his command his armies defeated the armies of the Pope, and were given control of the city in lieu of pay. “oops, sorry Popie, I defeated you in the field of battle, and then in a fit of absent mindedness I forgetfully gave my armies the city, and somehow neglected to pay them. Totally not my fault and not my intention. I told them not to sack the city, but unpaid mercenaries just do not listen. Who would have thought it?”

jim says:

> But yes, I consider putting hundreds of thousands or millions to the sword a small price to pay for defense of the greatest and holiest institution in world history.

Nuts. From 1073 to the present, a nest of spiteful faggots prostituting Christianity for power. Which is why they wound up at war with the Holy Roman Emperor and lost.

> And blaming the Thirty Years’ War on the Catholic Church is like blaming the Cold War on the Romanovs

So who caused the Sack of Rome. Hint. It was not the Holy Roman Emperor.

What caused the sack of Rome is that the Roman Catholic Church went to war against the Holy Roman Emperor and lost. Traitors. They deserved it well, and learned a lesson, which lesson manifested in the counter reformation.

But despite the counter reformation, that nest of faggots continued and still continues to pursue that which is Caesar’s. They just became more furtive about it and were less enthused about rewriting their theology for it at alarmingly frequent intervals.

jim says:

> If those depraved batshit leftist protestants had just been rubbed out in the first place, maybe we’d all be living in the Holy Roman Empire right now.

The Holy Roman Empire fell for the same reason as the American Empire is falling. The emperor lost memetic sovereignty to an official state religion that was hostile to him and the Holy Roman Empire. The Vatican was full of faggot heretical traitors, then as now.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think Com hates the Jesuits so much because A) he thinks they’re at the heart of the most profound ills of our time (I’m dubious, but the thought is not without merit) and B) they cavort in the clothing of Faith while dabbling in the heresy of entropy.

ExileStyle says:

The counter reformation took a great pile of demonic heretical papal doctrines, and stuffed them behind the water heater in the basement, along with Saint Paul.

Like what?

jim says:

I am happy to let those doctrines continue to rot behind the water heater in the basement. We shall despatch them back to the hell from whence they came in due course, and all being well, I hope that they remain entirely unread in the meantime. What made those doctrines demonic is that they were rationalizations and justifications for demonic actions, and it is the conduct of the Roman Catholic Church from the events leading to the great schism and to the sack of Rome that is a more relevant topic of discussion.

An interesting part of that relevant topic is: why did the Holy Roman Emperor wind up sending his armies against Rome and against the armies of the Pope, and how come a Pope had armies at war in the first place? And when the answers to those questions are understood, then and only then does the demonic character of these dusty, mildewed, and forgotten doctrines become apparent.

The Cominator says:

The RCC is not a holy institution because the ultramonatist papacy at is origin in the 11th century is based on a number of lies (and blasphemous claims to speak for God)… jims been over this. Maybe the Orthodox are right and maybe Protestants are right but there is no way Roman Catholicism is right. International churches are innately subversive and church hierarchies should not cross borders.

Starting the 17th century equivalent of WW1 over losing market share (with the Jesuits involved behind the scenes) is enough to condemn them…

jim says:

The long and the short from great schism to the sack of Rome is that the Pope coveted that which was Caesar’s, and this eventually got up Caesar’s nose, and all the wicked heresies that Roman Catholicism came up with over that period derive from that.

Shooter McGavin says:

I understand that there was plenty of justification for breaking away from the Catholic Church as Jim points out but I don’t see how most Protestant doctrines are not just as much demonic heresy. There’s just no getting around the fact that Luther was a liar and his heretical five solas are agreed upon by nearly all of the other Protestant strains be they Calvinist, Arminian, or whatever of the thousands of denominations. Most of the ingredients for superprotestantism were there from the very beginning. Luther himself attempted to throw James epistle behind the water heater in the basement and taught that every midwit armed with a Bible was more authoritative than the priesthood.

jim says:

The seeds of superprotestantism were indeed there from the beginning, and around the time that Cromwell took power in England, we had full on postChristianity. And today, Protestantism undeniably sucks. But Cromwell himself was a good Christian, and the postChristians faded out when access to power was cut off.

But old type Anglicanism was the best Christianity ever, because of its sound appreciation of the logos as God’s will acting through material and effective causation, which put science in its proper place, and thus the most compatible of all state religions with science and technology.

The fundamental separation of ruler and high priest was instituted by Moses, and any deviation from it turns nasty.

Christianity was always more compatible with science that any state faith anywhere, and Anglicanism expressed that compatibility in the highest degree of any Christianity. I have some quarrels with the 39 articles, which wiffed on marriage, but the Anglicanism gave effect to the ancient doctrine of coverture, while failing to give it full on divine endorsement. The old Anglican marriage ceremony is fine, though we need to revive the widespread system of a marriage ceremony based on mock, or real, abduction. Christianity has always been weak on marriage, got a lot weaker when the Roman Catholic faggot priesthood capitulated to the Romance movement in the eleventh century, and never fully recovered, but the Anglican Church to 1820 did an adequate job. Coverture would make the Taliban blush. We need Coverture, theological backing for Coverture, and the Anglican position on the Logos. Roman Catholicism has neither, instead being hostile to science in the same way peer review is, and having contractual marriage embedded right into its theology.

The Roman Catholic Church, in the events leading to the great schism, coveted that which was Caesar’s. The great Schism was caused by the Pope coveting kingdoms and armies, not rectories and farms.

It had the reverse pathology to superprotestantism, casually prostituting Christianity to the momentary needs of the Pope as Caesar. If you have a separate high priest and Caesar, the state Church then complies with Caesar’s momentary needs without sacrificing its essence. It can submit to a wicked Caesar and then he passes, and you do not get state positions adopted for a momentary political advantage embedded in your theology as infallible doctrine, nor evil acts and policies permanently required to be written up as holy acts. With multiple Caesars, you do not get holy wars between Christians. The Holy Roman Emperor and Byzantine Emperor’s had their troubles, and they got backing from their respective state Churches, while Christians and priests adhering to different state Churches remained in communion with each other, fellow Christians of the same synthetic tribe, which shared tribal identity greatly muted the nastiness of those troubles. From the great schism onwards, the Roman Catholic Church subverted the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor and fostered war with Byzantium, which led to the failure of the crusades.

Its hostility to the Holy Roman Emperor led to the sack of Rome, which resulted in it putting its ambitions for the worldly power of Caesar on the back burner, where they continue to simmer quietly despite the counter reformation – hence the Jesuit problem, which has now followed the same trajectory as superprotestantism, and become not merely postChristian, but a full on demon worshiping religion rapidly heading towards human sacrifice. It walked a different path to demon worship.

Adam says:

Is it safe to say, that without a king ruling over the priesthood, it is inevitable that Jesus ends up a progressive Jewish social worker?

Is this going to be a persistent perversion when priests are left to rule outside the authority of a king?

jim says:

The content of the holiness spiraling randomly varies. The Jews spiraled on legalism, and then there were the iconoclasts. But with a religion in power, and no King ruling over it, it is going to holiness spiral one way or another way. You wind up with Jews holier than Moses, Christians holier than Jesus, and Maoists who are more Maoist than Mao.

The Cominator says:

“Is it safe to say, that without a king ruling over the priesthood, it is inevitable that Jesus ends up a progressive Jewish social worker?”

Yes and this is the fundamental evil of Catholicism given that it claims supreme temporal and spiritual power on earth.

Adam says:

I suppose it’s only natural they would fear warriors, and have a general hostility towards masculinity. Makes sense.

The Cominator says:

Spiraling on legalism heavily tends to be a semitic trait. I cannot think of any whites who did it other than the Scottish Covenanters who didn’t spiral on legalism now as they were utterly crushed by Oliver Cromwell.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the planks of the whig memeplex is ‘separation of church and state’, which is the supposition that religion – as defined by whigs – has no place in the affairs of state – as defined by whigs.

If that sounds like a tactic adapted by a memeplex for furtively occupying sociological high ground while attacking attempts by potential rivals to do the same, that is because that’s exactly what it is.

Overlap of religious authority is necessarily entangled with overlap of sovereign power-sources in general; where disjunctions in operation of power-sources necessarily entail conflict, until resolution, one way or another.

The hierarchies of church in particular naturally must overlap with the hierarchies of ownership in general. Where one may find cases of a church hierarchy ‘crossing borders’, then either the latter or the former is a lie, belying an underlying reality.

ExileStyle says:

Speaking of specific faiths, there was an in-depth discussion here recently about orthodox Presbyterianism (I think), which someone put forward as a potential Jim-compatible faith. I didn’t have the time to read the comments then and bookmarked it mentally, and now can’t find it again. Anyone know what I’m talking about, and can link it? (Also open to anything else about it.) Thanks!

Adam says:

There was a lot of discussion in one of the blog posts back in April I think, one of the posts about Russia/Ukraine. Pooch laid out an argument for Presbyterian Church of America.

ExileStyle says:

Awesome, thanks!

Vlad says:

Prince charles and Diana were being advised by the pedophile Jimmy Saville the elites are just rich morons they’re not running anything.
It’s the Jews stupid they are only ones organized and orchestrating been going on for centuries crazy as it seems it has maybe not anything more sophisticated than what’s good for Jews short term maybe world domination but they control the two globalist factions of EU and deep state.

jim says:

The Jews never ruled. They had and have a lot of power, but they have always been what they are now. A hostile and treasonous elite hires aliens to do the dirty work against its own people.

Vlad says:

Moldbergs occupied your brain. The idea that the west is destroyed by Calvinism not Jews is fucking laughable nrx falling for it is exactly why people above certain intellects need to be stuffed in lockers and made to calculate chad rocket projectories. Also why west is collapsing. What’s the saying some ideas are so stupid only a genius would fall for it? Nrx is neocon 2.0 I wouldn’t be surprise if mossad came up with it in anticipation of resurgent nationalism realizing they’re been rickrolled by the Jews again.
There’s a lot wrong with his ideas particularly his idea that tech lords should rule us which was is the problem not solution. Purse back then you all didn’t see it was the problem cuz you’re coders not warriors now you’re trying to do the switcheroo.
The other major theme he’s wrong on is that nobody is in control. Or rather the teachers union and HuffPost rule through telepathy.
They might act as he and others have observed but they are useful idiots.
If you want to know who is in real power look who benefits and who doesn’t. Whites as a people are being genocide. Literally. And from dozens of strategies. So some whites are brainwashed into self destruction others are selling out their people most are too stupid or scared or distracted to stop it. But that’s not fucking Calvinism at work that Jews doing what they have always and everywhere done bribed flattered blackmailed the elites triangulated our classes and seized our power centers of money media intelligentsia etc
Sure there’s several powers vying for global dominance the slopes Islam europe and USG Islam is like Russia just trying to survive. The Jews control both Europe and us china is gaining because we are being bled by Jews wake the fuck up
And btw Christianity is so fucking stupid an idea I can’t even it’s bad enough when Christ cucks suck nigger dick as holy communion but to watch people who donate Ben believe in god pretend to be Jesus freaks because they’re to weak to risk being called nazis is so fake and fucking gay Christianity is a dead Hebrew heresy that is our enemies greatest weapon. It’s a slave morality.

jim says:

“The Jews” you say. And then you promptly tell us that Christianity is Jewish.

Where have I heard that before?

Oh yes.

There is one particular Jew who is the head of one particular Jewish conspiracy that is busily causing a great deal of evil. Somehow, people who make the argument that you are making, are strangely unable to name that particular Jew nor list his harmful activities, instead telling us the doings of evil Jews who lost power long ago, whose conspiratorial organizations lost power long ago.

Name the Jew. Can you name that Jew? Tell us what he has done to us lately. Or does your supervisor answer to him?

There are a lot of enemy shills working for a lot of different shilling organizations, frequently at cross purposes, and sometimes directly against each other, but the “Its the Jews (and Christianity is Jewish)” story seems come from one particular shilling organization answering to one particular Jew.

And if you really thought “Its the Jews”, surely that one particular Jew is the strongest evidence around for that theory.

Vlad says:

[*deleted unread, because at a glance the usual tedious and endlessly repeated Soros criticism of Christianity.*]

jim says:

As soon as you started pushing Soros memes, I asked you to take the Soros shill test. Not letting anything of yours through until you pass it, and unlikely to read anything of yours before deleting it except to see if you are at least trying to pass as not one of those Soros minions.

You were more entertaining when you were shilling for the FBI.

The Cominator says:

Nobody in NRx really endorses all of Moldbugs “solutions” not even really Moldbug himself.

The Puritan theory has been criticized by many (including me) as well. I’ve said its partially true but mostly not true. I’ve also disgreed that nobody is in control as of 2020.

Moldbug was dead right about how Democracy innately sucks that it guarantees a steady drift leftword and that the intellectual class (which includes many many jews) is the big problem and that there wouldn’t even need to be a grand conspiracy for this to be the case.

OTOH we’ve come up with very clear reasons why the Jewish conspiracy theory doesn’t work and can’t work.

The Cominator says:

Lurk m0re!

Kunning Drueger says:

Could be the solution, but it might be the case that he’s yet another Fed shill attempting the tired “Hail, fellow white antisemites! I took think we should go torch a synagogue after we set up a discord for planning and meems!”

The Cominator says:

He sounds like a sincere adherent but I’ll be watching and I’m extremely paranoid…

Kunning Druegger says:

How does he sound sincere? It’s the stereotypical wall of text, the insulting dismissiveness (like Whitey). What about this guy signals sincerity? Genuinely wondering.

jim says:

Not a sincere adherent. He has been around for a while dumping Cathedral memes. But they seemed like FBI memes (time to start a conversation about blowing up kindergartens)

This looks like Soros shilling. Maybe he changed jobs, or maybe it is all one group with the usual struggle for power within by different factions.

The Cominator says:

Did not know he was urging people to commit crimes, i thought he was sincere because the hail fellow reactionaries seemed absent.

He was not getting directly onto urging crimes cold, but he was pushing the Harvard meme of revolutions starting off as distributed violent mob resistance which overwhelmed the rulers, as a template for action: If he had met a warmer reaction, would have shilled for action.

Adam says:

A primer on putting anonymous assassination contracts on a blockchain to regulate the regulators.


I first read this many many years ago, not sure what made me remember it but this crowd should find it interesting.

Calvin says:

So what’s up with the Boudin recall? A small walkback of pro-crime leftism from on high, or a failure of vote rigging?

Kunning Druegger says:

Domestic leftists sparring with international leftists.

Adam says:

Your saying someone at Harvard is trying to roll back leftism?

Kunning Druegger says:

I am (blindly) asserting that Califormunists are trying to take back control from Sorosists. Since Harvard is on the side of the Sorosists, no, not really.

Varna says:

Califormunists inspires me to a new term: “Malformunists”. Also maybe “Deformunists”.

Kunning Druegger says:

A legion of enemies requires an abundance of names.

Adam says:

I think we can just call them Spectre.

Pooch says:

American Sun on twitter claimed it was organized by Chinese immigrants on WhatsApp. Apparently they are tired of being beat up for the progressive agenda.

Aidan says:

Makes me recall one of my last essays, on institutionalization by high IQ immigrant groups. And now that I am working in tech and have to deal with it firsthand, I hate the pajeet/chink takeover so goddamn much.

The Cominator says:

Pajeets are way way worse…

The Ducking Man says:

Pajeet would do very bare minimum to do his work which often result in very messy code/excel that no other pajeet can understand.

And I can’t forget how they’ll use their pajeet mother language to speak each other regardless the situation.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

I liked that one. That one remark about living “a fellaheen existence” instantly struck me as true and almost took me off my chair… xd

Red says:

Likely they didn’t realize how hard they needed to cheat and decided against printing 3am ballots much like Youngkin in VA. Youngkin BTW, has refused to arrest the people threatening to lynch conservative supreme court justices outside thier despite black letter law that allows him to do so.

The cathedral is trying to allow the normal roll back and stabilize mechanism to resume by allowing slightly less progressive elements to win elections where the initial fraud wasn’t great enough..

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

According to DiscloseTV: “NEW – No green QR code, no subway ride in #Shanghai.”

Seems like Xi’s attempt to “wield” — totally laughable in retrospect — left-wIng COVID mania against his geopolitical enemies is going horribly wrong? Subversion always comes to roost at home…

And I heard Russia has been funding greenie groups in (West) Europe — drat!

Yul Bornhold says:


Suddenly, for no reason at all, healthy young people started dying of heart failure.

“People aged under 40 are being urged to have their hearts checked because they may potentially be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

The syndrome, known as SADS, has been fatal for all kinds of people regardless of whether they maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle…

The term is used when a post-mortem cannot find an obvious cause of death.”

Very mysterious!

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Yeah, I saw the news too. On Disclose.tv though.

Current Year Regime: Young adults spontaneously dying for “no reason” is a good thing actually.

Karl says:

Not mysterious at all. All those healthy young people got the clot shot.

Red says:


yewotm8 says:

The shilling of “lol all you anti-vaxxers need to admit you were wrong and that it was harmless” has been ramping up lately too. Oddly in concert with such SADS articles.

Red says:

Jim have you considered why you and so many other people got Mike Pense so wrong? I knew he was dirty from Sundance’s reporting on the Flynn entrapment, but checking his background he should be the sort of Christian that shouldn’t have stabbed Trump and the Republic in the back.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim didn’t get it wrong, or at least he didn’t do it alone. We discussed it here a while ago (2018-19). The general consensus was his deep faith made him a likely ally. But his connections to Koch wave politics and status quo right was stated. He had the seeds of basedness in his career, doing radio and local politics. He’s ironically someone who’d probably pass a RPWQ test. In the end, he turned his back on God to bask in the momentary light of party acceptability. We should be careful about painting Christians in his crowd with a broad brush, but not too careful.

Red says:

Jim didn’t get it wrong, or at least he didn’t do it alone.

Basically everyone got it wrong besides Sundance and I think Cernovich was reporting that Pence’s crew was hiring only anti-Trumpers and Trump had put Pence in charge of hiring so the buck stopped with him.

He’s ironically someone who’d probably pass a RPWQ test. In the end, he turned his back on God to bask in the momentary light of party acceptability. We should be careful about painting Christians in his crowd with a broad brush, but not too careful.

From the very start he was traitor. This wasn’t a momentary thing. If good Christians like Mike Pence are so evil that he’s willing lie, help frame an innocent man, and help burn down the American Republic… then I’m rather less than convinced that Christianity is the answer. Christianity doesn’t appear to be producing virtue. Good Christians appear to be completely untrustworthy given Mike Pense example. I think this might warrant some study.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not think Pence thought he was burning down the American Republic. He likely thought he was trying to save it. There is a strain of Christian thought in America that holds that America is a divinely ordained nation, and the Constitution is divinely inspired. Mormons take that idea and run with it. I would bet he thought he was protecting the Republic by betraying Trump, because Trump was a threat to the status quo and the status quo is the Republic. Since the status quo is the Republic and the Republic is divinely inspired, then lying, betraying Trump, and framing Flynn was his duty to the Republic and God.

That is not a Christian problem; that is a human problem. Someone looking for justification to do something wicked to benefit themselves is a problem as old as time. Christians should not do it, but Christianity is not a perfect system. It still relies on the decency of men, and recognizes that many will fall short. Pence did wrong, but the vast majority of practicing Christians stood by Trump the whole way.

Red says:

Since the status quo is the Republic and the Republic is divinely inspired, then lying, betraying Trump, and framing Flynn was his duty to the Republic and God.

A good religion should produce virtuous people. Mike Pence’s Christianity produced the opposite and our faith that a good Christian like Mike Pence would be a virtuous man caused quite a lot of lot misjudgement by a lot of people. Big Talk Barr is another example of this pattern. Talked big game about Christianity while having Epstein bumped off so the wicked and corrupt wouldn’t be embarrassed by his files.

I’m naturally suspiciously of Christians because my own experiences with good Christians shows they’re not virtuous men. Holier than thou men, but not virtuous. We’re going to need virtuous men going forward and being a good Christian doesn’t appear to be a good test for that.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is a dangerous path to tread. The reducto ad absurdum is always “religion can’t be perfect, so we should get rid of religion.” We can look at bad Christians and judge all Christians just as easily as the converse, and both approaches create a blindspot, just like the mistake I and others made with Pence. For all of his seeming devotion, Pence was a politician first and a servant last. This is, in my opinion, the greater failing of high profile Christians. They cloak their lust for power in self-righteous aggrandizing and forget that to lead is to serve. Liberal democracy turns everything good into selfservice, all for the purpose of maintaining the rewarding status quo.

alf says:

Also we must not forget that we are operating in Elon time. The idea of a coup was unheard of just a few years ago. I don’t think a coup crossed Pence’s mind, nor in his social circle, nor in his church.

Adam says:

Remember that for the last 100 years it has been illegal to be manly, and boys are trained to be feminized social workers from birth. Todays Christians are the fruit of Satan.

chris says:

“because my own experiences with good Christians shows they’re not virtuous men. Holier than thou men, but not virtuous.”

Anyone going around talking about how good/moral they are is likely presenting a facade. Victorian England coined a term for this kind of person from a Charles Dickens character. A Pecksniff.

Pooch says:

I’m naturally suspiciously of Christians because my own experiences with good Christians shows they’re not virtuous men. Holier than thou men, but not virtuous. We’re going to need virtuous men going forward and being a good Christian doesn’t appear to be a good test for that.

Pence is not a “good Christian”. He’s a Christcuck McChristian. I don’t know what your experience with McChristians are but one whole side of my family is and the men essentially boil down to nothing more than black worshipping male feminists and are extremely blue pilled on race and gender.

There are no old type actual Christians in high level positions of politics. They get weeded out. If someone is expressing outwardly Christian views in a high level government positions they are most definitely a Christcuck McChristian. A real Christian would have had to keep his beliefs hidden to reach that position.

Red says:

I think you nailed it. Rereading Pence history it’s clear he wasn’t anything other than a McChristain.

Pooch says:

Pence is a Christcuck convert, not an old type Christian like Flynn. So in retrospect, obvious he was not our guy.

Pooch says:

The Christcucks blend in with the old type Christians so sometimes it’s hard to discern each from each other. Usually you can tell by the Church they go to. Pence from what I understand goes to some faggy “moderate” megachurch which preaches Black Lives Matter in the sermons.

Kunning Drueger says:

I have no skin in the game besides prior (faulty) analysis, but I think it’s quite likely that Pence was seduced by the Koch Brothers apparatus. He’s also a bit of a Mr. Niceguy; he restarted his political career after a heavy defeat with some emotional apology about mudslinging his campaign deployed. That’s kinda gay, but it worked, and his religious proclivities made him a target of the Kochs when they built their nominally moralist faction in the RNC. He’s not a RINO if we use his record as a governor, but that’s almost a distinction without a difference after the Steal. Reagan’s decision to open the Mexican border did much evil, but the Neocon apparatus had many gay fathers.

To put it another way, Pence doesn’t get a Groupon for a helicopter tour, but he does get an all expenses paid trip to the woodshed for being a traitor.

Pooch says:

I agree with this analysis but I would add, which was not obvious in 2016 but very obvious now, that Christcucks and McChristians fit a repeated recognizable pattern. I’m familiar with it in my own family.

Essentially, they are extremely blue pilled on women and race yet are pro-life (but always couch it with “but we must adopt more children!” like comey Barrett) , anti-homo marriage, and tend have what a appears to be a happy traditional marriage with multiple kids.

If you aren’t paying attention they look like your friend but on closer inspection they are very much our enemies. Ben Sasse and the before mentioned Comey Barrett are other examples of these types because what they amount to are basically raging pro-life woke feminists.

ExileStyle says:

This is exactly my experience, unfortunately. I’d say everyone alive by now is aware of the RQ (I’d love to find the corner of the earth where you’re not forced to be) but a lot of evangelical McChristians do their old self-defensive “You are the actual racists!” game. Being aware of the issue is the first step; frames can be changed.

On the WQ, though – while you might get pushback on the more extreme forms of rabid feminism, Woman is still Holy to McChristians. Holier even to your average Evangelical Joe Blow, I think, than to the feminists themselves in some cases. (See: purity balls.) We have a long way to go there.

I bet if you took a poll, “Segregation wasn’t that bad” would poll much, much better than “Women should never have had the right to vote.”

Thing is, though, this is the men’s fault. Women, as we know, crave to own and be owned, not to be pure or holy or whatever. (Quite the opposite.) The average evangelical wife/mother seems to have a loud, obnoxious presence in these families that they do not always otherwise have. Men in these churches need to start taking control of their women.

Red says:

Try talking to McChristains about marrying their daughters off to good Christian boys instead of sending them to whore school. Their brains instantly shutdown from the crimestop. They can’t even articulate an argument against it because it’s both obviously a good idea and biblical.

Kunning Druegger says:

I have encountered this too. It’s puzzling, but my working theory is that it is an effect of boomer + Judeo-Christian. They fundamentally believe God makes American apple pie taste better, and this supposed divine provenance means that all the evils and tribulations are just a momentary thing. College made them who they are, so how could it be bad?

i says:

“marrying their daughters off to good Christian boys instead of sending them to whore school.”

Rectify your names by saying “Good Christian Men” instead of “Good Christian boys”. Don’t swallow the conception that an egalitarian marriage is best as implied in that statement.

Men who have proven themselves as effective protectors, providers and Wise and Just in his Leadership. Are ideal candidates. Not unproven boys.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The fruit of betrayal must be death, or you get a situation where treason prospers everywhere. If you pardon a traitor, it must be in such a way where he can never again stand against you. He has to be broken so badly that he would be useless to any other would-be plotters.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hence, the trip to the woodshed.

… ok, I just looked it up, and I see the confusion. Maybe it’s just my based upbringing, but I have never once heard that phrase without “…and shot” being appended. Sorry for the confusion; traitors don’t get to play minecraft with their friends anymore.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Where I grew up, it is usually used in the context of being beaten with a piece of firewood. Highly unpleasant, but not fatal. My version is “taken out back and shot.” Glad we are on the same page. Minecraft is a privilege that the unfaithful do not receive.

Adam says:

Yeah he does not seem like he’s passing a lot of shit tests. Not like Trump is. He’s probably not doing the dishes, but he entirely supports the feminine imperative, minus abortion. Purple at best.

Anonymous Fake says:

E Michael Jones called him out for cucking in Indiana against the LGBTBBQ’s because [pious proclamation of official reality, without argument, explanation, or any sign of awareness that people doubt it, deleted]

[*usual screed that we need to beat the left by being even lefter deleted*]

jim says:

I have responded to this stuff far too many times already, and you just repeat yourself without showing any awareness of contrary evidence and argument.

I will allow you to debate and dispute our positions. This is not debate, but repetition.

But this time, you cut out the hail-fellow-Christian-conservative, which is an improvement. This time you were not silenced for blatant false flagging, but for space wasting repetition.

Please try debating and disputing, rather than just blandly ignoring, your interlocutor’s position and endlessly repeating your own.

Anonymous Fake says:

So you really don’t have a problem with [*deleted for argument from false consensus*]

jim says:

I would surely have a problem with that if it bore any resemblance to reality.

I would debate with you your account of reality, but I have debated before, and you continue to sail right ahead and post stuff that presupposes your account of reality, and that everyone, including me, agrees with your account, and no one, not even me, disputes your account.

When your argument assumes “facts” not in evidence, facts that the entire alt right uniformly rejects, not withstanding all the noise coming from flat-earther type shills, you are required to make argument and present evidence for those facts, not jus presuppose that, like Building seven falling straight down on its foundations and the lack of an airliner sized and shaped entrance hole in the pentagon, it is common knowledge and everyone agrees.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

If you want to argue Marxism 101, make an argument. Don’t simply assume that Marxism 101 is obviously and self evidently true and everyone already agrees it is true, including me. If you want to argue Marxism 101, I would love you to, but I have never heard or read a Marxist actually make the argument – revealing that they know it is obvious and transparent bullshit.

Reaction 101: Capitalism does not rule, never has ruled, never can rule, never will rule. Capitalists cannot rule. Everyone knows that, not just reactionaries. Marxism is crazy and obviously stupid, and no one has taken it seriously for a very long time.

But reactionaries also know that the people cannot rule, never have ruled, never will rule. We are always ruled by priests or warriors, or something of both. The nearest thing to capitalist rule is something like the golden period of the Venetian Republic (warrior merchants with a background in piracy ruled). Warrior merchants, pirates and drug smugglers, founded Hong Kong, and to this day merchants exercise a great deal of power. But in the beginning, the British Empire exercised final authority, though from a distance and without too much meddling, and today the Communist party exercises final authority, though it makes an effort to stay away and not meddle too much. In Hong Kong in the beginning, warrior rule from conveniently far away England, in Hong Kong today, priestly rule from dangerously close Peking. In the rest of the world, no power at all. Zuckerberg trembles before HR and accounting, literally trembles, Musk waits for FAA approval. Zuckerbeg is an enemy, Musk is an ally, but such people do not have power, except that Musk has power because he can build better rockets than anyone else, and build them faster and cheaper than anyone else, and build more rockets than the rest of the world put together. But he cannot hold a gun to anyone’s head, while lots of people in the Polygon can and do hold a gun to his head. What he can do is tell buddies in the Pentagon to get the FAA off his back if they want the capability to lift stuff to orbit. They have guns.

If you want to argue against that, make an argument. Stop assuming Marxism 101 as a universally accepted faith whose truth is self evident. There are scarcely any old type Marxists around these days and far from being self evident, if there was any evidence for its truth, no Marxist seems to ever get around to presenting it.

Kunning Drueger says:

You have 100 slots on a list. Who would you fill in on the List of American Oligarchs?


Definitions on line won’t be much help creating the serious type of rules and parameters expected on this blog, so I guess use the wealth-staus-influence metrics? Doesn’t really matter, half the point of the exercise is to order my thinking to a degree past my native capabilities.

jim says:

Oligarch is a term used by shills to imply that we are ruled by rich evil capitalists, such as Musk. (Soros somehow strangely not appearing in their narrative.) But in fact, those who rule us have very little money. They do not need it. They just reach out their hand, and whatever they want is placed in it.

The literal meaning of Oligarch and Oligarcy is non merit based rule by the few. Aristocracy is merit based rule of the few. Meritocracy means that someone in authority decides who has merit, while aristocracies tend to originate from those who display merit in battle being in a position to make their will stick.

The rise of William the Marshal from being the penniless horseless son of a defeated Baron is a good example of this. Everything he his father possessed was taken from him, and everything he came to possess was theoretically granted by the King, which theoretically makes it meritocracy, not aristocracy, but the King tended to grant it to him after he had taken it with his own sword.

Kunning Drueger says:

Rectification of names: oligarch should be fairly applied to the American Elite, but if it’s improper, how about Plutocs? I know money is no accurate measure, but wealth, status, and influence would add significant refinement, precisely because wealth isn’t measured in dollars alone.

Who are the top 100 most influential people with high status and considerable wealth? 1 or 2 out of the three invalidates inclusion on the list, as wealth can be construed as influence or control over other’s money, property, or agency.

2. Elon Musk
3. Jeff Bezos
4. Melinda Gates
5. Hillary Clinton
6. Tucker Carlson
7. Hunter Biden
8. Mark Milley
9. Arthur Sulzberger
10. Will Smith
11. Johnny Depp
12. Nancy Pelosi
13. Meghan Markle
14. Donald Trump
15. Oprah Winfrey
16. Barack Obama

(List in no sense of order)

notglowing says:

I think plutocrat is an enemy term, implying that money is power, that the people with power in this system are simply the ones with more money,
and that the system is entirely about “capital”-ism, that capital, and those who hold capital are the problem.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed, hence the modification to “plutoc.” I absolutely acknowledge that grabbing a list of the 100 richest Americans is basically useless for what’s intended here. I’m not at all arguing that dollars held equals power. But wealth is a component of power if only for the options it gives to an intelligent or cunning person.

Starman says:

Elon Musk’s billionaire net worth by itself doesn’t grant him power.

Elon’s control over whether the USG has military superiority in outer space or not does. Whether the Eye of Soros likes it or not.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed, but his status as Chief Engineer of the World and his influence as fun loving billionaire shitposter also put him on the list ( I may have those backwards…)

Neurotoxin says:

Will Smith? Johnny Depp? Wut?

Kunning Druegger says:

Looking at their status and influence, I think they are some of a very few stars/influencers that justify inclusion, but it is tricky and they may not be worthy of inclusion. What about Tom Cruise?

Neurotoxin says:

I sense that you’re yanking my chain…

but if you’re serious, remember to distinguish between a person being highly visible and a person being highly important.

Kunning Druegger says:

Not at all. Normies see actors as these massive, influential entities; I see them as overpriced targets for expensive lights and cameras. But certain actors, like Tom Cruise, have actually applied their wealth and fame to create massive cults of personality (Will Smith, Depp), while others have used their stellar record to insinuate themselves into the ranks of the hollywood elite (Cruise). This is not a simple task, as actors tend to be pretty dull and carriers of the worst social contagions. Angelina Jolie is another, now that I’m thinking about it.

Just like having money doesn’t necessarily make you powerful, having fame doesn’t necessarily make you influential. But their are powerful people with great wealth and influential people who have widespread fame.

Here’s someone that I think is deeply entangled with the real power running the GAE:


his political positions are one element, his rampant humanist rhetoric is a factor, but it’s most likely his social circle, who is in his phone as it were, that would really prove my theory. Yarvin is unassailably correct in at least one thing: real power goes to great lengths to conceal itself.

Adam says:

They are downstream from the same power Soros is. They are just monkeys in the circus and they do as they are told.

Kunning Drueger says:

Respectfully, strongly disagree. Of course the top is in charge and gets the sweetest, freshest fruits of domination. But the system, the entirety of the GAE, is meta-bureaucracy. From the very top to the bottom, it’s flunkies, wonks, and hacks playing faggot games and winning faggot prizes. Marcuse was a baller (may he burn eternally), the Brain Trust knew how to indulge in power like actual men, but they and their kind are long gone, replaced by the products of their unholy alliance with demons. I’m not going to try to quote it, but Jim uttered a simple sentence about what relationships with demons do and cause that I found utterly profound (I’ll dig it up later), and the evidence for it is so obvious when you spend time with the upper echelons. They are all, in a sense, social-trustfund babies. Marcuse wanted to fuck little boys with no restrictions or consequences, so he immanenetized the es-scat-ton and made academia his bitch. That’s super evil, demigod-like power. Orphans weren’t enough, so he fucked two successive generations of children with his mind. Thank God he’s dead, and thank Him even more his disciples failed to carry anything more than the payload forward through time.

For context, I am not in the Central Control camp; I believe the Cathedral is a distributed network with no fixed center, no certain hierarchy. In essence, everyone in the GAE is downstream from power. Many here believe FDR and friends suspended feminism and progressivism temporarily to fight the Progressive War of Expansion. I have my doubts, but let’s assume that’s true. The Cathedral of today lacks the capacity to repeat that exercise. Satan literally sits atop the throne of the Cathedral.

So yes, monkey follow orders. But there’s no King Looey. It’s like Farmer’s Riverworld, just a labyrinth of social control measures. This means participation by most parts is requisite to functionality.

Here’s a silly song: https://youtu.be/fwTClRr1x6g

Excellent movie. But seriously listen to the lyrics. This little interlude in an old cartoon quite perfectly illustrates precisely what our foes are all about. This is why I think mapping the human geography of power has value, but I completely accept that it’s a sloppy model and quite possibly a dead end without automating the collection and categorizing of the relevant data. As well, the positions get vacated so quickly, and refilled, and diluted, that it may be impossible.

The Cominator says:

Do not think Tom Cruise is an especially zealous wokeist, for social reasons I reluctantly ended up seeing the new Top Gun.

To my immense shock it wasn’t really pozzed at all (there was a token woman pilot at the school who might as well have been an extra that was it) and wasn’t bad either and probably had a lot less gay subtext than the original…

So either Cruise isn’t a zealous wokeist and they just sort of let this one fall thru the cracks, or the Cathedral is planning a partial rehabilation of masculinity.

“Just like having money doesn’t necessarily make you powerful, having fame doesn’t necessarily make you influential. ”

I would argue that while the average famous person is more powerful than the average person without fame, that fame makes it less likely that you have real power. The top of the pyramid does not want publicity for the same reason oldschool mafiosi don’t want publicity.

Kunning Druegger says:

Well put on all counts, Com. I don’t think they could rehab masculinity if they wanted to, and I also think another option is that the center with no Center can’t hold, so sections with even a scintilla of sovereignty are starting to, albeit calmly and quietly, buck the trend and muddy the message.

Also, while every Plutoc must pay lip service to the Message, it doesn’t mean that they’re all on board with it. Musk is a believer in climate change (and so am I, to a very different degree), but that doesn’t make him woke, it just means he’s convinced it’s an issue. maybe a relevant distinction between normie and online helicopter flight school is that the normie feels like he has to believe, while the true believer knows they must believe.

Completely unrelated, it occurs to me that we could come up with an expensive but precise test for weeding out true believers and normies: in the hilarious German movie Look Who’s Back, the protagonist is put into a situation at the end, a final loyalty test to the reborn Fueher. Imagine rigging up a (completely fake) scenario where the captive in question is made to believe that, though they are about to be executed, they are being watched by thousands of their comrades. If they drink the wormwood, good, we just got one true leftist lighter. If they don’t care who is watching, they just don’t want to die for globohome, we’ve got us another worker bee.

Adam says:

If the megaphones all speak the same voice, speaking for the same master. If there is not a master, or very few masters, would not have such a high degree of uniformity.

If the elites are all falling down the mountain that we are all trying to climb, many paths down and away. Where we are all climbing up and to the same point.

Massive social engineering operations such as the vaxx are not the product of decentralized operators. That is a highly orchestrated centrally run effort to dominate.

Varna says:

I very much suggest Ron Hubbard’s “Mission Earth” series, not to be confused with “Battlefield Earth”. Mission Earth was written in the early 1980s, and back then was a grotesque adventure through a cartoonish reality.

Today it reads like a documentary. Drug addled crypto-satanist Hubbard may be, but he saw where stuff was going with a total lack of holding back.

In this sense, if his cult still adheres to Hubbard’s view of the world, then Cruz, Travolta and the rest are very much anti-globohomo. Due to being from a competing freak sect, but still.

restitutor_orbis says:

Jim predicted that Trump’s failure to act as Caesar due to normalcy bias would land him in prison.

Well, the Jan 6 panel now seems to be starting to build the bricks for his jail cell:


Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t think they ever stopped, just slowed down a bit. The argument regarding Trump’s political relevance is decided by the Left’s decisions regarding his freedom; if they leave him alone, he’s irrelevant, and if they are going after him, the degree and intensity denote the perceived danger he poses.

Adam says:

I’m sure they still see Trump as a threat. Whiteys shilling for Desantis tells us that they fear Trump more, which is kind of interesting. Maybe they are escalating to intimidate Trump out of the race.

Kunning Drueger says:


GOP gubernatorial candidate arrested by FBI on misdemeanor charge associated with IVI.

jim says:

The basis for the arrest appears to that he is based. He proposes to do something effective to prevent his election from being stolen.

Anonymous Fake says:

“The search unfolding at Kelley’s home in Allendale adds more uncertainty to a chaotic race for governor that has seen several Republican candidates blocked from the ballot for submitting fraudulent nominating petition signatures.”

Whoever gets to “interpret” those petition signatures that give permission to politicians to run is the actual authority, just like the Supreme Court that “interprets” the constitution. Or whoever got to “interpret” Obama’s birth certificate.

Authority is either that “interpretation” or it’s a mob.

jim says:

Creative intepretation of procedures for nominating for the Republican primary has not yet been a problem, possibly because the crackdown on ultra maga candidates only started after ultra maga started winning.

It was the state sponsored candidates that submitted fraudulent signatures, and they were correctly called out as fraudulent. In the next round of primaries, it is likely that only genuine signatures will be called out as fraudulent, but this has not happened yet.

Ghost says:

Some here may find this sermon speaks to them:


Ghost says:

I probably could have worded that better. I was about to enter the store after a long drive through traffic.

The sermon is from Westboro Baptist Church. And he talks about the role of family, child rearing and discipline, the proper role of women, and the downfall of pride. He also quotes all the Scripture to back up everything he says.

Kunning Druegger says:

In no way meaning to disparage or insult you, I’d be very, very careful associating in any way, even digitally, with WBC. I don’t remember where I read the essay, and if I do, I’ll find it and link it, but I encountered a very compelling argument that the WBC was a psyop set up to portray any opposition to fag marriage as lunatic and distasteful. Of course, poopdick is disgusting and GNON indeed loathes dysgenic hedonic monsters, but try to convince me that the WBC did anything useful for opposing it. They definitely sent fence sitters fleeing toward the progressive position. They definitely received comprehensive and perpetual protection and support from local LEO and even feds (in NJ, IIRC) when they were conducting their “”””outreach ministry.””” They definitely received significant funding from a very few but anonymous sources. And the Generation 03 captcha required to access that page is super fucking suspect.

Ghost says:

You’ve always provided good advice. I’ve never been there but have listened to a couple sermons. Seems old style Baptist. But, you never know about anything these days.

Ted Lou was playing a recording from Romans. The part about gays. Using The Bible in a way to support his agenda. The day may come when Democrats try to ban The Bible. It’s just a shame where this country is going.

Red says:

I’m pretty sure you’re a shill now. WBC have never had any support from the right because it’s obvious what they are. Leftists believe right wing christens think and act like WBC and the only people who ever bring them up are leftists and shills.

The Cominator says:

WBC is a spook psyop, Fred Phelps was a good friend of Al Gore.

Ghost says:

Thanks, I’ll stay clear of it.

Kunning Druegger says:

This series is getting pretty interesting:




From Part 03:
“Many of history’s leading nations — and all of its commercial empires — have been thalassocracies. For the last 207 years, the globe has been dominated by maritime powers. The United Kingdom began the trend in 1815. Emerging as the winner of the Napoleonic Wars, the UK established the so-called Pax Britannica and enforced it with the world’s greatest navy. While Britannia ruled the waves, the sun never set on her flag. Germany tried twice to unseat Britain at sea, and failed both times. Japan tried to turn the Pacific into its own thalassocracy in the form of the “Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere,” but suffered defeat at the hands of the UK and the US. Since 1945, the UK has gradually ceded control of the oceans to the US. America rules the waves today. The World Ocean is mare nostrum, our pond.”

Aidan says:

For most of history, the land empires beat the sea empires, from Mycenae destroying Minos to Rome vs Carthage, and so on. This trend was reversed in WWII, but it is about to be reversed again. Ships are sitting ducks versus hypersonic missiles; the information empire will defeat the thalassocracy. Were Kazakhstan suddenly to become rich in missiles and space-based intelligence, it could deny the seas to the US Empire.

Mister Grumpus says:

I can’t imagine it’s much harder to take out an unarmed merchant ship than it is a Russian tank. Just a couple holes here and there and boom, no more maritime insurance.

If they have to convoy with a Navy like in WW2, well fuck, even that’s a huge new cost of doing business.

Remember that one ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal? Imagine if it sank out there, or in the Panama Canal somewhere, or maybe the Strait of Hormuz or Malacca, like from a Rod-from-God or just a sack of thermite plopped onto it by a suicide drone.

Seriously now, how hard can this really be?

Kunning Druegger says:
Pax Imperialis says:

Both Rome and Carthage were empires highly dependent on the seas for logistics and colonies. The main reason Rome expanded so fast was due to sea power. Not exactly right to call Rome a land empire when it was both a land and sea power.

Aidan says:

Not until after the wars with Carthage- Rome did not know how to build ships until a Carthaginian ship shipwrecked during the first Punic war, and they reverse-engineered it and built a navy that was competitive with Carthage’s

Red says:

A sea vs land power is based on how an empire defends itself. If a nation relies on land armies to for defense then it’s a land power. If relies on ships for defense, then it’s a sea power. Carthage was a sea power during the first Punic war, but reformed it’s model and became a land power for the 2ed Punic war as it was obvious that being a land power was better before the age of powered ships.

Trade and logistics by sea is always better if you have pirates under control. Strong land powers tend to develop navies just for this purpose.

notglowing says:

I second what Aidan pointed out. I think the thalassocracy narrative is confusing cause and effect.
The incumbent ruling empire always rules the seas, and makes money from trade thanks to that.

But very often decisive victories over powerful empires were fought over land.
It’s fairly difficult to attack a country from water anyhow, the US is an example and it has a big advantage in only having two relatively weak land neighbours.

Countries with many hostile powers adjacent by land have to struggle a lot more frequently, and WW2 was a good example of that.

Rome was a land power when it destroyed Carthage. Carthage was a sea power before, and subsequently Rome became more of a sea power.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a little Zeihan before he was the Zeihan. I think it’s far better than his namefag stuff.


Tech Priest says:

> It’s important to note that an increase in money supply doesn’t necessarily lead to inflation, however. If the quantity of available goods increases at the same time, then price levels will stay the same.

This is not relevant to the thesis presented, but I’d just like to quibble that this bit I’m quoting is seeming to imply by omission that, if the quantity of money rises and the quantity of goods does not rise, then there will necessarily be price inflation. And that’s not true:

In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, central banks created a lot of money, but people (or at least banks) were willing to hold onto that money for the time being, so there wasn’t significant price inflation. Only when they stopped being willing to hold onto so much money did the price rise.

The inflation was however eventually going to happen because people’s willingness to hold money depends on inflation. Thus, when inflation does start from any sort of shock (and shocks are inevitable), people stop being so willing to hold onto the money and instead spend it, making a large supply of money greatly amplify any price inflation pressure. The high money supply also makes it a lot harder for central bank to stop the inflation once started.

There’s a further implication regarding the situation in 2008. If the people holding the money had thought that there would have been moderate inflation coming back in 2008, they wouldn’t have been willing to hold onto so much money, so we would have had inflation back then without the need for much money supply increase, and the central banks could afterward have tamped down on the price inflation more effectively due to the lower money supply. And we wouldn’t be in as much trouble now as we are. So, the high inflation and high money supply issues now in part resulted from too-tight (in terms of not causing inflation) monetary policy in the wake of 2008.

This seemed btw at least at the start to be a deliberate choice by the central banks – they bailed out the financiers through money creation while stopping the money from flowing to goods by e.g., paying interest on reserves.

However, they kept up the policy of the money supply high, along with low enough inflation not to cause runaway inflation, a lot longer than actually made sense for a bailout. Not sure why, but maybe they realized they were painting themselves into a corner and wanted to look like they were “doing something” for the economy by adding money while delaying the popping-the-money-bubble crisis until it wouldn’t be their problem anymore.

The Ducking Man says:

>while delaying the popping-the-money-bubble crisis until it wouldn’t be their problem anymore.

Quite sensible given that most central bankers today are really close to either retirement home or death bed.

Oog en Hand says:

Conveniently overlooking the role of the Red Army in defeating 1488.

Stalin could defeat Hitler by not being fully communist.
Charlemagne wasn’t fully Christian.

Aidan says:

Charlemagne was considered an exemplary Christian by every prominent Christian alive. Stalin was considered insufficiently communist by many prominent communists, to the extent they wanted to kill him. You are using the same definition of Christianity as people who want the white race eradicated, the same definition all my enemies use.

Alfred says:

Aidan, could you give some recommendations, specific works/blogs or authors, about the Middle Ages in Western Europe? Hard to come across non-pozzed sources these days. I greatly enjoyed your blog posts touching on Medieval times.

jim says:

What was wrong with Charlemagne’s Christianity?

There were and are no end of communists saying Stalin was not communist enough – and if he had been communist enough, Russia would have lost.

I am not aware of any Christians complaining that Charlemagne was not Christian enough, and we have no shortage of rulers who were officially and rightly declared Saints, whose hands are as bloody or considerably bloodier than those of Charlemagne.

Good Christians are allowed to conquer and to forcibly resist conquest, and have done lots of it. Always have been. It is postChristianity that forbids it, while hypocritically pretending it is not doing it.

Varna says:

There’s a pretty cool alt hist book by Harry Turtledove, “Joe Steel”.

Stalin’s folks emigrate to the US, and his drive for power kicks in there. Using dirty tricks he becomes US prez, while Soviet Russia is run by Trotsky. Then WWII starts.

Can-do says:

America has a navy, but is not a classical thalassocracy. America would still be a world leading military power as a land country. It is a land empire that is also an island. Given this incredible power, it’s amazing the US hasn’t conquered the world more quickly and thoroughly than it has.

Netaji says:

It’s not that amazing when you consider that vast amounts of American time and energy are spent fighting other Americans over control of the empire.

ExileStyle says:

Damn, Kissinger negotiated the petrodollar system, too? I didn’t know that. Whatever you think of the man, he sure did get around. If that’s like the fourth or fifth thing on your resume, you’ve made quite the mark. High energy.

Henry Kissinger, at that time US Secretary of State, saw a way to solve the problem. Actually he found a way to solve three problems: the Arab-Israel problem, the oil problem, and the currency problem. He traveled to Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, and negotiated a deal with them to create the petrodollar system. The arrangement had two components:

The US would guarantee the security of the Saudi Arabian regime and agree to sell them the best arms and equipment our military-industrial complex could supply. In exchange, Saudi Arabia would use its position in OPEC to guarantee that all oil trade was denominated in US dollars.

The US would open its markets to foreign investment from OPEC members. In exchange, a substantial portion of surplus oil proceeds would be used to purchase US Treasury debt.

This deal formed the basis of the petrodollar system. The US dollar was now backed, not by its own gold, but by other country’s oil!

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m sure everyone here was already aware of this, but Anglin is just the bee’s tits.

“Everyone wants to talk about how the World Economic Forum is running a conspiracy to make everyone poor, and how inflation fits into this. This is all obvious. They are clearly doing this on purpose in order to make everyone poor.

However – this simply does not make any sense within the context of remaining international competition. Why would you want to completely destroy your country’s economic power while you are still trying to fight wars against Russia and China?

Here is a simple outline of what I’ve argued over and over again regarding the overarching picture of the current situation:

There is a long-running plan for a global “scientific dictatorship” that was more or less solidified in the 1970s when they first started pushing the environmentalist flapdoodle
In the 1970s, the people planning this did not believe that China was a threat at all, because they basically thought Chinamen were backward autistic morons
In the 1990s, Western industry was moved to China, creating massive wealth in China, and everyone just assumed that these small-eyed people they thought were autistic morons would be turned into gay retards by a little bit of economic success
In the late 00s and early 10s, it became clear that China was not interested in being a part of the globalist project – they were just going to keep the money and do their own thing, which is a kind of merchant empire that is not dependent on the interdependence of the Western globalist order
By this time, no one running elite organizations in the West was capable of recalibrating the agenda based on the predictions about China being proved wrong
The elite are pushing forward with the agenda as it was laid out before China’s current direction was clear
I don’t think this is really that complicated, but a lot of people seem to not understand what I am saying. I have no desire or ability to force anyone to agree with me, but if they’re going to disagree, they should put forward a response to what I’ve said and a countertheory on why it appears that the West is totally destroying itself in a program that is going to leave the Chinese ruling the world.”


Excellent insight, excellent prose, top notch memery.

restitutor_orbis says:

Excellent essay, thanks for sharing that.

Varna says:

Donate to the man, he’s perpetually on the run and lives off crypto crumbs while focused on his self-imposed mission 24/7.

Can-do says:

What is the deal with this? How does he remain hidden? He has many court cases against him for example

ExileStyle says:

Seconding this. The issue is he only takes Monero, and that for his audience’s sake more than his own – protecting boomers and humanities majors from themselves.

He doesn’t have anything else going financially, unlike Jim say.

The man has been pumping out high-quality, maximally based material every single day for years and it is his only gig. His vocation. Meanwhile, he has a $14 million default judgment hanging over his head and is hiding god knows where. “Nigeria,” he amusingly claims.


Keeping Andrew Anglin alive is one of the most important use cases for Monero.

Mister Grumpus says:

Even the Stormer can’t keep up the “Jews’ Evil Master Plan for the Goyim” narrative anymore. When Anglin can’t pin stuff on The Jewish Monolith any longer and still make some kind of sense, you’ve reached one heck of a turning, goy.

No one’s as vaxxed as Israelis are. And Pfizer too, the hard stuff. Once he admits that as well, he’s in a whole new ball game.

I appreciate his self transparency in all of this. Plenty of wignats can’t even do that.

notglowing says:

> No one’s as vaxxed as Israelis are. And Pfizer too, the hard stuff. Once he admits that as well, he’s in a whole new ball game.

Anyone can admit this fact without stepping out of the frame you described. If you believe Jews are evil, and that everything is due to Jews, it is not surprising to you that Jews would harm themselves with their false medicine in the process.

It’s part of the theory that Jews are inherently self-destructive. If they are not, and the rest holds true, then they are better than everyone else.

Convincing these people that Jews are merely part of power, and not power itself, is not easy.
That said, I have seen most of them abandon the idea that there is a monolithic conspiracy, and understand that things are a lot less organized than that.

The Cominator says:

Covid proved that at the top there absolutely is a monolithic conspiracy but that conspiracy is not the jews.

notglowing says:

It didn’t. There are many conspiracies, and different members of the system fall in line whenever they see that it is beneficial for them to do so.

If anything COVID shows how the model of a monolithic conspiracy does not apply, because the majority of the authorities were skeptical of covid to begin with, and for a long time, before eventually changing their minds.

If covid was spread intentionally, then it was done by one group of people, and then later the narrative was picked up by the rest.
Nothing about what happened proves there is one group of people at the top coordinating the entire system. And if there was, then the system would be more coherent, and show some signs of prescience instead of changing its mind every week and pretending oceania was always at war with eastasia.
When the elite were more cohesive, the narrative was more coherent.
Not even the messaging on vaccines was coherent over time, and that was the strongest point of agreement.

The Cominator says:

“If anything COVID shows how the model of a monolithic conspiracy does not apply, because the majority of the authorities were skeptical of covid to begin with, and for a long time, before eventually changing their minds.”

They were ordered to be skeptical (which was the correct position because covid was bullshit) and were ordered to change their minds.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t think it’s that orderly, but I don’t think you’re incorrect, either.

There are orders. They do go out, but they never seem to have a consistent source, nor is there in easily discernable type of source. Sometimes it’s the “super smarts,” other times it’s the “super holys”, and most every time, there’s no single person you can say is The Source, even when Someone gets chosen to carry the praise or blame. The same forces that make it impossible to accurately blame the culpable are also at work keeping a King from accidentally sprouting in the bureaucracy by giving a single person, or even a consistent group of persons (I’d argue), a path to power. The source potentials are constricted, they have to be, but it’s such a poorly crafted conspiracy in terms of responsibility that it accidentally lends immense power to very low ranking, uninitiated members with alarming frequency. This is why the Public School System is what it is, and all of their Program is coming from the Harvard Cluster. It relies on the fostering of a deep conformity to some of the excellent terms S.t John uses for the anti-telos of Progress.

It’s like the twisted inverse of the hero genre: a terribly evil tentacular monster constantly striding about the human landscape, strangling future knights in their cradles.

The Cominator says:

The source is occulted by design but its clearly somewhere…

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim says: “There are rather too many monolithic conspiracies each struggling for the upper hand.”

This, to me, is an incredibly precise statement of the situation. They don’t realize how vulnerable they are in the core GAE, so they play the most irresponsible games. For them, casualties and losses are just the deficit side of their balance sheet. It’s always someone else’s friends dying, or children mutilated. They are convinced that it won’t come home to them, and they live and operate accordingly. So they are greedy, sloppy, and brazen. Not without merit, of course. Mainline conservatism is cucked six ways from Sunday. But Russians never seem to forget anything, and I feel confident in stating that they will be paying the GAE back for the way UKR has been handled.

If the attrition arising from active IEW is slow enough, I think we will see the number of monolithic conspiracies reduce, but that implies some single leader or rigid group of persons in charge.

jim says:

There are rather too many monolithic conspiracies each struggling for the upper hand.

ExileStyle says:

None of which, however, have *no* Jews involved, which I feel is significant.

Can’t it just be ethnic? Negroes are good at rapping and jumpin’ and jivin’, gypsies at thieving and fortune-telling, Anglo-Saxons at mercantile empire-building, Germans at philosophy and bureaucracy, Jews at running language-intensive cross-border organizations like banks and NGOs and Harvard?

Also, the “Israel got vaxx’d ergo no Jewish involvement” argument seems uncompelling to me. Conspirators tend to believe in the narratives behind their conspiracies…Leninism was a conspiracy made up entirely of Leninists, for example.

S says:

It is probably Jewish traits (deconstruction, verbal IQ, preistlyness- call it what you will) combined with aggressive nepotism.

“Also, the “Israel got vaxx’d ergo no Jewish involvement” argument seems uncompelling to me. Conspirators tend to believe in the narratives behind their conspiracies…Leninism was a conspiracy made up entirely of Leninists, for example.”

It makes it hard to believe in Zionist Occupation Government unless you are Palestinian.

Pooch says:

Jews are morally ambiguous. Have been ever since they rejected Christ.

The Cominator says:

A very suspicious line of questioning given that you also recently tried to defend the Jesuits and admitted to attending Jesuit schools and even defended their role in starting the 30 years war.

Jim has been over in detail why the top can’t be a jewish ethnic conspiracy of the type Kevin MacDonald even if jews are heavily involved as frontmen and agents. Jewish alienation, verbal IQ and priestly ways make them ideal agents but their quarrelsome nature would make them horrible at running a conspiracy.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s bad form to implicitly accuse a fellow commenter of being a shill because they ask you to clarify your position or challenge you to defend it. If we’re going to play this game, why are you so blue pilled on women?

ExileStyle says:

Suspicious, really? I didn’t attend Jesuit schools; I said that I had met some Jesuits in school and college. I have also met plenty of Jews and didn’t go to fucking Yeshiva. I also did not make any claim about a monolithic Jewish conspiracy apart from pointing out that Jews are involved in virtually any one of the major “conspiracies” you could name, for which there is approximately a thousand to ten thousand times more evidence than there is for some nebulous Jesuit conspiracy…

The Cominator says:

Fauci’s very clear Jesuit ties (which Steve Bannon and Robert Malone agree with me on apparently, and Bannon is a Roman Catholic) makes the conspiracy not nebulous especially given that the Jesuits have a history of even Catholic countries booting them out for subversive political activity. Clearly Fauci was the most important man in Covid (with his fellow Jesuit Redfield being #2) he not only orchestrated it scientifically and in the media he oversaw its creation “gain of Function research”.

Cardinal Vigano also a Roman Catholic (I cannot explain why he hasn’t been excommunicated or murdered myself) has also denounced the Jesuit order as being at the heart of the Covid and globalist conspiracies. An integral part of the restoration is the complete and total and eventually global extermination of the Jesuits including all the secret plainclothes Jesuits and dragging the pope in chains to a new Avignon.

Jews in power tend not to serve the interest of jews the way Kevin Macdonald says they should, Jews in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union fought and purged each other and eventually let absolute power accrue to the non Jew Stalin who with very few exceptions purged then. It just can’t be them for that reason. Jesuits otoh are a military order of spies that operate based on a strict hierarchy with vows of obedience, conspiracy requires true hierarchy and compartmentalization. I’m not arguing the Jesuits are at the top btw… the top is probably so hidden that no mere member of the public will ever see it but they probably serve as its most important agents.

The Cominator says:

“It’s bad form to implicitly accuse a fellow commenter of being a shill because they ask you to clarify your position or challenge you to defend it.”

I’m sorry but I find the defense of the Jesuits (and especially them starting the 30 years war) followed by a day later well maybe the Kmac/Wignat theory of the jewish tribal hivemind conspiracy is the correct one (when we’ve been over multiple times why its not and why it can’t possibly be) a bit suspect.

“why are you so blue pilled on women?”

I would say I’m more blackpilled on at least American women than bluepilled. American women like men who play the role of violent thugs… low social intelligence playing that way (especially in Florida lol, they don’t call it the fuck around and find out state for nothing) is likely to get you badly beaten or shot. Pooch says he does it differently and has never pretended he is thuggish but he sounds like he is Arnie in his prime stacked…

I don’t think my position differs from most here except I’m less into the idea of honor killings… Killing them when a good beating should suffice is a waste of pussy. I don’t think I disagree with Jim on women in most other ways other than good experiences have left me with a soft spot for working girls (another thing I’ve never mentioned one of them permanently cured some chronic neck pain I used to have it was like a miracle, no charge btw). I also think my suspicion and general revulsion of Kawaii Kike’s seemingly Ted Bundy impulses was correct no matter what anyone says and I’m not the only one here.

jim says:

> (I cannot explain why he hasn’t been excommunicated or murdered myself)

As to why he has not been murdered, he is deep underground like Andrew Anglin, and like Andrew Anglin, his funds are not easily found. Everyone speaking the truth under his own name is under cover, and the more prominent the name, the deeper the cover needs to be. Quite a lot of the careless have had an unfortunate demise, about which demise law enforcement is curiously uncurious.

As to why he has not been excommunicated, excommunications would create a final fracture similar that which has kept old type protestantism alive.

The Cominator says:

I didn’t know he was in hiding, well he must be hidden well if hes calling out the Jesuits who I’m sure are looking for him…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

By definition effectively, to be a leftist is to inherently be quarrelsome – doesn’t stop them from breeding conspiracies like fungus.

Solipsistic narcissists crave validation for their narratives, seek to manipulate people into giving that validation; which is why irrespective of the fact that they are in principle dysfunctional reprobates, you can also find the unholy phenomena of narcs forming complexes with each other, where they validate each other’s shared delusiveness, in like a resonant feed-back loop.

Not only is that particular clade of eurasian tribesmen not exempt from this, in fact, you could say they are prone to such qualities more than many, if not most other major species, by comparison.

Pooch says:

Pooch says he does it differently and has never pretended he is thuggish but he sounds like he is Arnie in his prime stacked…

Not Arnie in his prime stacked, but I do spend a lot of time in the gym and even more when I was younger and single.

I think you are overly obsessed on being violent in order to attract women. Jim uses hyperbole for effect. You don’t need to be a literal violent criminal in order to attract Western women. We have plenty commenters here you prove the literal opposite of this. Until you can understand that you are not even black-pilled, you are blue-pilled on women. The blue pillers are all also black pilled. So if you are black pilled, you are blue pilled.

What you do need to be is masculine and manly, which means having the look of a man capable of violence. Lifting is the easiest and most tried and true way to achieve this which is why it is so stressed in Red Pill on Women blogs.

Next you need to learn game and social skills which is how a masculine and manly interacts with women and other men. Game has nothing to do with violence. Read Rollo, Roissy, and Roosh and you will see nothing about violence.

If you can just be masculine and learn how to act masculine socially, becoming a top 20% is not really that hard in our sea of effeminate Western men.

Kunning Druegger says:

All true statements, Pooch, but it occurs to me that the ability to do violence might soon become a necessity for getting laid, if only because we’re going to be in the midst of a social collapse while our “military” is off defending the right of Taiwanese to be gay lol.

Seriously though, lifting and literature make the man.

Pooch says:

All true statements, Pooch, but it occurs to me that the ability to do violence might soon become a necessity for getting laid, if only because we’re going to be in the midst of a social collapse while our “military” is off defending the right of Taiwanese to be gay lol.

Maybe but I would not rely on that in order to find a wife.

My advice to all single men who seek a wife in a current environment:

Improve yourself physically, financially, socially, spiritually, etc. Become a top-tier man that women want and men want to befriend. Yes it will be a lot of work. That’s the point. If it wasn’t, every man would be getting laid.

This is the most positive thing about our environment, in that it forces men to improve for the better or die out.

If you are crying about Western women this and Western woman that, to me this screams of “I just don’t want to put in the work and am looking for a short cut”.

Join the gym. Make more money. Get on the dating apps and start practicing game. Do whatever you gotta do. There are tons of resources, especially here from commentators to help men through the process.

Adam says:

> Solipsistic narcissists crave validation for their narratives, seek to manipulate people into giving that validation; which is why irrespective of the fact that they are in principle dysfunctional reprobates, you can also find the unholy phenomena of narcs forming complexes with each other, where they validate each other’s shared delusiveness, in like a resonant feed-back loop.

My boomer parents in one paragraph.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’ve never met a wignat in my life.

Varna says:

I’ve met neo-Nazis of the type Anglin loathes, and they are definitely not someone I’d invite over for tea.

I’ve met over the span of thirty years Nazis, monarchists, Pinochetists, Salazarists, Stalinists, Trotskyists, Leninists, Maoists, Reaganists, Randists, Makhnoists, globohomo liberals, antiglobohomo liberals, imperialists, separatists, federalists, Islamists, envangelical fundamentalists, paganists, satanists, atheists, nihilists, feminists, trad women, Russophiles, Russophobes, and of course fervent representatives of various galactic minds and spirits.

The neo-Nazis appeared the most idiotic of the lot by far. Trad red (anti-globohomo) girls the most enthusiastic in bed once you show them what’s possible. I am not quite sure though if both types still exist among zoomers. Maybe they’re both going extinct, especially the trad commie girl.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’ve seen more than a few fascist forums over the years, so likewise i’ve seen the kinds of people who some men think they are referring too when they say ‘wignat’, but scratch the surface, and you find a glownigger every time. Hence, fednats.

You can find shills, reasonable huwhyte men you can have nice discussions with around matters of divine law, and NPCs who could just as easily be progroids instead, but for historical contingencies that find them falling into vagarious social circles (such as glownigger honeypots). As for ‘wignat’ though, it simply does not exist as a meaningful category that properly cleaves to joints in reality.

Varna says:

Right, right, I mean physical contact out in meat-space.

On the forums it’s always weird. Plus, I’ve cut them out mostly, except 2-3, current delightful company included.

ExileStyle says:

Fag Month White Pill: Hyperbased Texas preacher finally saying what every preacher should be saying:

“I’m angry this morning because our entire country is celebrating the worse sin in the Bible,” Awes said during the sermon referring to Pride Month, which commemorates the LGBTQ+ community every June.

“You know a lot of pastors have this stupid idea where it’s just like, ‘oh you know God loves everyone. And God hates the sin but loves the sinner.’ But people have taken this to such an extreme where they’re saying celebrate the sin, not just tolerate it, celebrate it,” he continued. “Let me show what the Bible says about these people.”

Awes read several passages from the Bible and condemned homosexuality as a sin. At one point, he told the congregation that gay people “are dangerous to society” and said that “all homosexuals are pedophiles.”

“I’m not saying that every single homosexual that’s alive right now has committed that act with a child already because it could be they haven’t had the opportunity yet and they will at some point later in their life,” he said. “This is why we need to put these people to death through the proper channels of the government. … These people are not normal. They’re not your average everyday sinners. … They have no hope of salvation.”

At certain times during the sermon people from the crowd could be heard cheering in agreement. Awes told the room that he thinks the “solution for the homosexual in 2022” is the death penalty.

“These people should be put to death. Every single homosexual in our country should be charged with a crime. The abomination of homosexuality that they have, they should be convicted in a lawful trial. They should be sentenced with death. They should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head,” he said.

Might be time for me to move to Fort Worth. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748

Mister Grumpus says:

All sin is sin, and this is an obvious Civil War propaganda piece, trying to get their church torched.

Adam says:

Based. Tolerating the wicked is punishing the innocent. All sodomites get free helicopter rides.

Encelad says:

He started good but went astray. Unless he is LARPing, proposing death penalty for all fags in America is just too harsh.

I remember it was discussed in these blog some time ago how tolerating gay impairs male bonding, as men become too uncomfortable to show camaraderie fo fear to look or attract fags. However curbing gay too much still brings to the same problem: men become reluctant to show camaraderie as it could attract zealous fag-hunters.

Kunning Druegger says:

Are you serious? Genuine question.

notglowing says:

I think he is and I agree with him. Zealous Fag-hunting would absolutely damage male bonding, much like open homosexuality has damaged it.
In both cases society tries to draw out homosexuals and this somewhat implicitly normalizes it.
It is much like saying every man could be a homo, which is fairly close to leftist narrative, instead of treating it as an abnormal thing that lives in abnormal men, who act gay, and are clearly a nuisance to everyone else.

Instead, if you have to filter good men, choose those who prove to be good fathers.

I think Jim said something along the lines of, trying to kill all homosexuals is giving them too much attention, which is what they want.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sodomy is ubiquitous throughout history, like communism. It is an evil that will not go away. There are many factors at play, and seizing on one and ignoring the others turns into whack-a-mole. So in that sense, yes, gay hunters would soon start fabricating evidence to retain their status and power. Ironically, they’d soon turn into the only place with any actual sodomites (call it celibate catholic syndrome).

But the solemn, societal promise of a blindfold and a building in the future of any confirmed faggot is the only time tested defense against sodomites. Something I am learning as my little farm grows: I cannot ever win against vermin. There will be no Victory In Garden Day. Some pests need to be hit hard and early and ruthlessly, while others need to be reduced in accordance with their population.

This may break with the consensus here, but if faggots want to exist and they play the part of good citizens against faggotry, I’m not quite sure what more could be done. Far worse than the bog standard faggot is the fag-advocate, the one who turns them into a cause, and Jim’s theories and measures outlined elsewhere for keeping priests in line should take care of that type of vermin. So I see the point and I basically agree.

…after the great account deletion, of course.

jim says:

England in the time of her greatness had the death penalty for gays, but did not look for gays very hard at all. Gays at the time complained, not that they might get killed, but that they had to keep it in the closet: That they were not allowed to get in peoples faces, and smear gay all over culture and society. All the stories I read of people getting the death penalty were gays persistent shoving their gay around.

Adam says:

Juvenile alpha males naturally find gays and effeminate males repulsive. Why not let the young men take care of the fag problem?

Adam says:

Unofficially (officially).

jim says:

Yes, the best way to deal with gays would be to have the death penalty officially unofficial. Not for indiscreet physical affection, but for indiscreet obscenity and hitting on people. In the days when gays whined about “the love that dare not speak its name”, it was not love that was the problem, was not love that got them killed, and was not love that was and still is the problem. Physical affection between males that we would now find disturbing was fine and should be fine again. We find it disturbing now because gays shove poop and dick everywhere. That is what needs to get them killed.

Yul Bornhold says:

On the other hand, gayface detecting AI has an accuracy of 75%. This creates new possibilities for mitigation without an invasive police state.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The Official Reactionary Position on sodomites is that they do not exist as a community, but are merely degenerate individuals indulging in depraved tastes. There is no need for fag hunters beyond the normal purview of the Inquisition to suppress entryism. You do not go looking for fags, and you pretend that they do not exist. When their behavior makes the pretense untenable, you crack down.

Any members of the upper class so exposed are given a bottle of hard alcohol and a pistol with a single round in it, and a mention to do the right thing. They who do not use the pistol and all others that are not politically inconvenient get shipped to Alaska to serve out a death sentence. The problem disappears and everyone gets to go back to pretending. Think of the fag as the male version of the witch. Freelance witch hunters are a problem, but a official branch of witch hunters that protect their remit is not. An Inquisition can serve both purposes as part of their larger job of maintaining elite cooperation and preventing entryism into the church and government.

Aidan says:

Yes, “gays” do not exist and homosexual acts are illegal. Cannot accuse someone of “being gay”, can only accuse of buggery.

Kunning Druegger says:

Exactly Aidan. There’s no such thing as a gay person, it’s just a man with a mental illness. If he refuses to take precautions against his handicap, he will suffer the consequences of being a threat to children.

So there’s no need, rather there should be no need, for gay hunters. But literature and information advocating the concept of “homosexuality” is a completely different story.

ScotchedEarth says:

fwiw, homosexuality ceased being a capital offence in UK in 1861, but it remained prohibited and, as you note, it was a lightly enforced prohibition—a notion that seems to have been the rule throughout Anglo if not European Civilisation.

Not only homosexuality but other vices such as prostitution and gambling were illegal in Victorian and Edwardian Britain, but as long as such activities were done discretely, confined to the less salubrious areas of towns, and generally did not ‘scare the horses’—i.e. challenge or outrage respectable society—they were largely ignored.

E.g. Oscar Wilde’s famous prosecution actually resulted from his making a mockery of British justice by initiating a libel suit based on the lie that he was not homosexual; his deception exposed in court, the Law had little choice but to prosecute—and even then exhibited no eagerness to prosecute as after a police inspector requested a warrant for the arrest of Wilde, the magistrate adjourned the court for an hour and a half, apparently ‘to give Wilde time to make his escape from England on the last boat to the Continent.’ If Wilde had emulated Wellington from the start—who, threatened with the publication of tales about him and a mistress, famously dismissed the cur with ‘Publish and be damned’—then he likely would never have been prosecuted. E.g. in Wilde’s circle was Cecil George Ives, who inspired E.W. Hornung’s Raffles character; a practising homosexual but never prosecuted—even though campaigning for legalising homosexuality. And Noël Coward’s homosexuality was an open secret (in his social circles)—even Winston knew, and the most he did was put the kibosh on a knighthood for which Noël was being considered.

E.g. US Army and Pacific War veteran James Jones in his ‘From Here To Eternity’ and ‘The Thin Red Line’ (novels paralleling his own life—fictionalised memoirs perhaps?) including in passing some homosexual characters and incidents, suggesting that even the US Army of 1939–44 (James Jones’ years of service) displayed a fair level of tolerance, on the level of ‘If it ain’t causing problems, it ain’t a problem’. Note also example of TSgt Leonard Matlovich (1943–88*): a decorated airman, he officially declared his homosexuality in a letter to his CO, and the USAF’s reaction was basically, ‘Please don’t tell us what we ain’t asking.’ USAF wanted Matlovich to just STFU but he insisted on making himself a martyr.
(* Died age 44 from AIDS—who coulda saw that coming?)

We had far more of a ‘live and let live’ attitude with various legal prohibitions of vices in place than since we abolished those prohibitions, Ann Coulter observing that after their winning on same-sex marriage, ‘Big Gay’ proceeded to go house-to-house shooting the survivors. But imo ‘lightly enforced prohibition’ is a better way for a restored West than going full Taliban.

i says:


How would you deal with the Stonewall riots?

jim says:

The way that the current regime deals with right wing protesters.

And the way that the new regime will deal with faggots who come loudly and obnoxiously out of the closet.

The stonewall riots started with the cops being told to stand back and give them room to riot. But riot failed to ensue, so they had another go with some fed provocateurs were sent in to smash stuff and hurt people, and then the regular gays, who had been irritatingly disinclined to riot, joined in. It was as much a state operation as the antifa riots. Gays are just disinclined to put on a good riot. Blacks, much easier to get them looting and burning, and harder to get them to stop.

They said to themselves, “It worked so well with blacks, let us have a do-over with gays”, but it took a great deal more push to get a satisfactory riot. Very top down and synthetic. Not as ludicrously fake as “Occupy”, but mighty fake.

Pooch says:

Case and point, the number one attack from shitlib leftists I’ve seen on Tucker’s new documentary on the decline of masculinity is it’s gay. I’ve noticed they do this type of attack on male sports too.

“Wrestling? Two men rolling on the ground? Wow that’s gayer than gay sex.” says the male feminist without an ounce of testosterone in his body.

Encelad says:

I am going to elaborate a little further: A functioning society must prosecute sodomy and that would include death penalty. Before gay became popular this stance could be motivated with the Chesterton’s fence argument: past cultures condemned sodomy everywhere (1) thus there should be a very good reason to do it. In Clown World, witnessing daily how wicked these people are, you don’t even need to resort to Phylosophy: any sane person’s instinctual reaction when seeing a gay pride, drag show or similia is “kill it with fire”, and rightly so.
What I object, however is the penalty being ALWAYS death including to closeted gays. Could that be an overreach that triggers spirals?
Also, a genuine question: from a Christian point of view can a person be considered guilty and without hope of salvation even if is has not yet committed any irredeemable evil acts?

(1) For the little I know, Official history says that in Africa and Asia was perfectly normal to be gay until the influence of evil whiteys took over, but of course we don’t trust official history. I would also be curious to know how gays were treated in, for example, ancient China of pre-Columbian America

C4ssidy says:

Christian reprobate doctrine is that god turns them over to these desires after the offer of salvation has been finally rejected. In other words, god can give up on offering you chances. It is a heretical for most Christians but it is defended by some, look up Pastor Anderson sermons and do a control-f for the word “reprobate”

The alternative to making reprobate doctrine official is just to let them visit a priest before you kill them. There can be a distinction between salvation and earthy law

i says:

The death penalty makes the genuineness of salvation and repentance a non-issue.

They are sent to Hades and hence God regardless.

Aidan says:

Tolerating gay means your sons are going to be sodomized. Plenty of societies with strong male camaraderie and no fag hunting

notglowing says:

It’s not about tolerating open homosexuality. It’s about not trying to expose homosexuals. If you need to find them, you are going too far.
Plenty of societies didn’t like homosexuality but they had no need to accuse men of it, they could just punish those who did it in the open.

jim says:

As I have said many times before, if you allow gays out of the closet, straights find themselves in the closet.

Adam says:

Here is another red pill on male bonding.

All the fake and gay corporate team building exercises are cargo cult attempts at male bonding. Looks and sounds fake and gay, does not work.

Where you have one man tell another man his mother wears combat boots, and the other responds that his mother is a whore, you will find real male bonding. That is where you will find four guys that can move a pile of wood in 15 minutes that would take one man several hours.

All of the team building and inclusion that globohomo promotes is an attempt to duplicate natural male bonding, as well as initiation and fitness rituals.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Taliban bros who fight and die together could walk hand in hand on the promenade in the afternoon because throwing fags off a building is official policy.

ten says:

In my opinion:

Gay gays unnoticeably: Noone goes looking for unnoticeable gays. Would be pretty gay to do.

Gay gaying noticeably: informed that rumours abound, and that he ought to see to silencing those rumours so as to not invoke the attention of the inquisition.

Gay insists on gaying noticeably: High building, hard shove, laughter, joy & mirth.

Berghain holds clubs where gays in straight jackets have human centipede gay sex for 24 hours straight fucked out of their minds on speed and molly right on the dancefloor to psychotic electronic music: it’s their fucking club and they are very clear they want no undue attention or tourists. If this somehow comes to the attention of the inquisition, either an inquisitor should be fired or an informant is trying to cause trouble and direct the inquisition to stuff that would have been unnoticed if not for the informant going to gay drug techno orgies. The inquisition must not be led by the nose by trouble makers, and the report ought to be ignored.

Berghain opens the doors and announces invitation to their centipedal ways: incendiary munitions.

Pride parade: let loose the hunter killers, let none escape alive.

jim says:

> Gay gays unnoticeably: Noone goes looking for unnoticeable gays. Would be pretty gay to do.
> Gay gaying noticeably: informed that rumours abound, and that he ought to see to silencing those rumours so as to not invoke the attention of the inquisition.
> Gay insists on gaying noticeably: High building, hard shove, laughter, joy & mirth

That is the way every successful and healthy civilization has always done it.

You have to kill gays that insist on intrusive gayness, and kill them in a way that is not merely terrifying, but more importantly, vastly more importantly, lowers their status.

Trying to eliminate gay by killing them is pointless. They kill each other far more efficiently than any state has ever accomplished. Keeping gayness from overruning your society, culture, and civilization is what matters.

Since gays do not exist, we should be willfully blind to symptoms of gayness. I don’t want hunter killer drones flying around with AI that recognizes the gay face. The problem with that is that they would love all that attention. What they really do not like is willful blindness, and they react to willful blindness by shoving poop and dick in your face. That, we need to deal with in a way that is both terrifying and amusing. However, AI detection of gayness should be applied in screening recruits to any organization and activity that has a problem with conspiracies. You don’t want a gay purchasing officer, or he will plot with other gays in other businesses against your business, and still less do you want gay priests in the priesthood. The Roman Catholic Church has had a lavender mafia problem for a very long time. We don’t want underground gays in matters that need security. But in other matters, we don’t want to notice gays. Noticing them is what they want.

In some activities we do need careful screening against gays, but such screening needs to be unobtrusive, to avoid gaying up our society by making gayness important and giving them too much attention.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think there are some unavoidable technical issues for why gays (meaning, sodomites with self control) are attracted to any endeavors requiring secrecy, subterfuge, cunning, and persistence. Namely, they are quite good at it. So the issue becomes, do I put this sodomite in charge of something because he’s the best man for the job, knowing full well that I am opening myself up to real problems down the road, or do I eschew his services and through into question whether or not there will be a “down the road” to even worry about.

jim says:

You don’t want a sodomite in anything that requires trust. It will bite you hard.

i says:

At the very least we should not be subsidizing AIDs treatment and other deadly plagues that afflict the sodomites.

If they act like malicious plague zombies and want to make it straight people’s problem. Then those particulars need to be exterminated.

pioi says:

Soooo jim… are you ever going to update your “liberty file index” on reaction.la? Those writings are liberal and hardly reactionary.

jim says:

They are agorist anarcho capitalism.

What is anarcho capitalism, but feudalism that has not been weaponized to survive in a tough world?

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Unresponsive. You said it before, and I replied before: Socialism has been tried thousands of times for many millennia, with the same result each and every time. Why is it always going to be different this time?

Pax Imperialis says:

Don’t know what he said, but isn’t there a type of primitive Socialism that somewhat “works” where a tribe genocides another tribe and redistributes the wealth?

The means of production is slaughter and loot. Whole tribe participates thus it’s communally owned. Works pretty well so long as you’re not the genocided tribe or the tribe that finds out it attacked a far strong tribe.

If tribe is small and nomadic, wealth differences remain small thus redistribution seems mostly equal and fair.

Kunning Druegger says:

But it does not, and cannot scale. There is a potential future of what would be primitively termed “equality” in our time: the human race spreads across the Sol System, rapidly advancing technological prowess and remote execution of great works, but is nearly wiped out by cosmic bad luck, and the remnant that survive are so few in number that there’s no need for a complex hierarchical structure to manage society. Indeed, this is the secret hope of the ardent leftist: everyone dies but me, and I get to be king of everything.

Pax Imperialis says:

Having to constantly slaughter and loot isn’t stable at a small tribal scale. Of course scaling a small instability ends up creating a bigger mess, but it’s still a viable evolutionary strategy at the small scale.

But such a “Socialism” seems to have been a long period of human evolutionary history. Desire for socialism might be baked into the genetics of a fairly large segment of the population who never lost that trait with the development of more advanced societies.

Been talking with some communists a lot. Their hope is more along the lines of: all the “ideological” enemies are “removed” and I get to redistribute their wealth among my fellow communists and we all get to live as equals. Pretty sure you know where that ends up…

Those “ideological” enemies they want to “remove” tend to coincide strongly with entire demographics (like white people and rich/cognitive elites) and they are pretty genocidal though they somehow don’t realize it. Which brings me to gaslighting.

I’m not even sure if the communists at NYT and similar are even capable of consciously gaslighting. Their gaslighting of communists is remarkably inherent and subconscious behavior. Their logic is completely warped and bizarre. It’s like a logic cognition dyslexia where instead of missing words and can’t read a sentence, they miss parts of the deductive reasoning and can’t understand the resultant logic.

I have no idea on how to properly classify this and would appreciate help understanding what I’m observing.

Pax Imperialis says:

*Gaslighting by communists is remarkably inherent and subconscious behavior.

alf says:

A thought experiment I sometimes have is: if a parasite, say a leech, could talk, how would it view the world? Would it freely admit it is sucking the blood of sucker mammals? What if its success hinged on its victims not realizing their blood was being sucked? In that case, the leech would be in the difficult position to simultaneously defect while cooperating. He might say something like: ‘blood sucking? Who told you that ridiculuos conspiracy theory. What really happens is that we exchange nutrients. In fact without me you’d probably die.’ Does the leech believe what he is saying? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, because a convincing lie needs a convincing liar. No, because his actions contradict his words.

Which is the best model I can come up with to describe commies and/or hardcore lefties. Always looking for an angle to screw someone over, always clothing that angle as a moral good.

Neurotoxin says:

Leftism is principally a personality type, not an ideology. Ideologies are just tools to leftists (whether they realize this on a conscious level or not).

Leftist ideologies across times and places all have this structure:

1. Blah blah blah.
2. Therefore, my buddies and I have the right to kill you and take your stuff.

Notice e.g. the seamless transition from “You’re a rich bourgeois capitalist so I have the right to kill you and take your stuff” to “You’re a white person so I have the right to kill you and take your stuff.”

The people at the top of the left aren’t innocent minds that were colonized by bad ideas. They’re evil people who deliberately create bad ideas, or seize upon existing ones, to “justify” that “Therefore, my buddies and I have the right to kill you and take your stuff.”

I only came to this conclusion slowly (though in retrospect it’s obvious). When I was younger, I was under the influence of Ayn Rand for a while. One of her meta-political beliefs is that in the long run, ideas determine everything. If this were true, we could fix leftists by refuting bad ideas that have taken over their minds.

Ha, no. Leftists are bad people – criminals – who want to kill you and take your stuff. They will seize upon any memeplex that purports to justify this. And if one doesn’t exist they’ll make one up.

Neurotoxin says:


Another way out of the tension you describe is to say basically, “Yes, I am attacking you and taking and taking your stuff, but this is really just self-defense, because you’re attacking me!”

Thus Marx 100 years ago: “The capitalists are oppressing the workers, so the workers (led by me) have the right to attack them and take their stuff. Which is REALLY the workers’ own stuff which the capitalists stole.”

And thus SJWs today: “White people are oppressing non-whites – structural racism, etc. – so non-whites (led by me) have the right to attack them and take their stuff. Which is REALLY the non-whites’ own stuff which whites stole.”

This is why, as John C. Wright noted, the Left are the Accusers. They must accuse in an attempt to make aggression look like self-defense or mere reparations for past injustices.

alf says:

That’s even more straight forward yes.

‘yes I am sucking your blood but you deserve it because really you stole it from me.’

Which makes absolutely no sense to the person whose blood is being sucked, but hey, that’s how the game works.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Notions of ‘ancient socialism’ are contemporary subversives reading contemporary subversions into distant pasts.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m aware that primitive communism was an idea developed by the marxists. Their idea was dependent on the idea of the noble savage such that there was no private property and no conflict.

I’m sort of being tongue in cheek with the term “primitive socialism” where it’s formed on the basis of genocidal savages roaming the lands to loot, murder, and rape. Those methods being how redistribution of wealth (gold, women, etc) happen historically.

Aidan says:

Think you’re reading too much into it. The savage probably keeps what he can carry, without redistribution. The desire for redistribution comes from a perverted sense of justice.

The commie larps “eat the rich” to appear tough and manly, but in practice, it is begging for mommy state to take things away from others and give them to him.

Pax Imperialis says:

A study of modern hunter gather societies tend to have rather high murder rates.


While it is dangerous to extrapolate backwards and assume all stone age hunter gather societies were under the same selection pressures, share of violent deaths in archeological records do show evidence of violent deaths being far more prevalent than today.


For example:
Volos’ke, Ukraine (“Epipalaeolithic”; ±7500BCE) with 22% violent death rate

That’s pretty rough by today’s standards…

Much of the killing appears to have been over access to women. A somewhat satirical take is that women are the means of production (of children) and that the tribe is seizing it for redistribution (from another tribe after killing all the men).

Many of the communists I’m talking with covet others people’s wealth, want to get “rid” of them, and also have dysfunctional sexual lives so they would likely also want the women of the men they get rid of as well.

I don’t think I’m reading too much into this. Many modern communists seem to think in hunter gather terms minus the testosterone to actually be hunter gathers. So we get this weird group of covetous layabouts who aren’t much use for anything productive.

Neurotoxin says:

Pax Imp: “Many of the communists I’m talking with… have dysfunctional sexual lives so they would likely also want the women of the men they get rid of as well.”

Marx in the Communist Manifesto:
“what the Communists might possibly be reproached with is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalised community of women.”

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Some great thoughts in this thread — however I have a simpler explanation: every civilization (or sufficiently large gathering of people) has its miscreants, malcontents, and/or all-round losers. Those who are content to quietly wallow in misery, or commit suicide, do just that.

Those who remain, we call Leftists. 🙂

jim says:

Notions of ancient socialism that worked great except it was so far away and long ago to notice it did not work great are contemporary subversives.

But socialism is indeed ancient. We keep trying it repeatedly. It has been tried repeatedly all the way back to the bronze age. Always the same results.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, ‘ancient socialism’ in the sense of the rousseauian ‘state of nature’ that is conveniently far enough away in one’s inferential horizon to serve as an empty cipher into which he can project his fantasies.

‘There have been men who have tried to circumvent the Way and the Light and payed for it since the year dot’ of course being the reality.

A2 says:

“As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race, …”

df says:

> Yes, ‘ancient socialism’ in the sense of the rousseauian ‘state of nature’ that is conveniently far enough away in one’s inferential horizon to serve as an empty cipher into which he can project his fantasies.

Sounds like jim on “Bronze Age social technology”.

jim says:

The difference is that we have actual records, notably the bible, of what happened during the Bronze age, while ancient socialism is 100% conjured out of thin air by Marx et al.

gh says:

Usually but not always. Read Pöhlmann.

jim says:

Who is he, and what does he say?

This is the Information Epoch. There is too much information. Give us a quote, or no one is going to read the alleged source for the alleged factoid.

And I have had a huge problem with commenters claiming that some source says X, and then I look it up, and it quite unambiguously says not X.

A claim that a source says X should be supported by a direct quote to that source, or a link to that source, and explanation of why that source knows what it is talking about. Ninety percent of academic sources are total shit that completely make everything up out of their ass.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] We want a [*deleted*]

jim says:

The total antithesis of everything the entire right wants, from reactionaries to wishy washy cuckservativess.

No that is not what we want, not what anyone to the right of the lunatic fringe of the lunatic fringe of the left wants, and I am tired of telling you this, so I am going to silent deletion and will no longer explain the reasons for silencing you, because you will not listen. If you are going to post commie crap, I will allow it through provided you come at us from outside as a commie radical, instead of telling us it is what we think, and telling us that everyone knows the world works the way the most radical faction of Harvard manages to delude itself into thinking that that is the way things are.

From here on, silent deletion, and if you want your stuff to go through, re-read my excessively lengthy and excessively repeated explanations of why I am silencing you and what you need to do to be allowed through.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

We have been over this far too many times. And you continue to blithely ignore the Human Resources department, a tentacle of the state inserted into every company to force them to promote Shaniqua and people like yourself with utterly worthless degrees. Respond to some of my excessively voluminous writings on the topic. If you do not agree, argue against what I wrote, rather than blithely keeping on keeping on as if no one disagrees with your account of capitalism.

Business in America is being destroyed by the government intervention that you demand more of. Something said frequently with considerable passion on this blog. Write as if there were people in the world who say and think such things and make arguments. Respond to those arguments.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You point at the very real problem that business is assimilated to the Cathedral, and propose as the solution more total and violent assimilation to the Cathedral.

We are aware of and discuss the problem – note Vox day’s excellent books on the topic, the social justice warriors series. He sees what I see. You mention the problem only to dismiss what everyone can see, and obliviously ignore what everyone, particularly Vox Day is talking about. Your discussion of this very real problem is a waste of space. Yes it is a problem – but your account of this problem presupposes the Marxist account of reality and presupposes that everyone, including us, including me, agrees with this account. Which presupposition is the real payload, and I am just not going to let you argue from fake consensus.

Your arguments have to make sense given the presuppositions of your audience, and if your audience’s presuppositions are wrong you have to acknowledge those presuppositions and present arguments and evidence against those presuppositions, not just sail right ahead presupposing that Marxism is self evidently true, and its opponents are just being willfully wicked in refusing to accept the obvious moral implications of the self evident truth of Marxism, whose truth everyone, including them, agrees with.

You have to argue for Marxism, not make arguments that presuppose that Marxism is true, and everyone agrees that it is true, and are just being willfully stupid, ignorant, and evil in failing to accept the clear and obvious moral implications of this self evident truth.

Pax Imperialis says:

I don’t know enough about Jesuits to comment on them, so can someone explain what is going on here? This is far more bizarre compared to the standard woke church.

notglowing says:

It’s known that Theology professors, especially in the US, are particularly deranged, and you will notice that on twitter.
There are those within the Church who are still based, and among the worshippers, but Theologians in universities are *extremely* deranged in most cases.

Where I live, and I can say this since I go to such a university, it is not nearly as bad. The institution’s beliefs are basic progressivism from 20 years ago, for the most part.
While I constantly receive email newsletters from them regarding how great the EU is, how bad climate change is, and how poor Africans are, it seems remarkably outdated by current standards. Nothing about the gays yet. Just dialogue with jews and muslims stuff. I hate it still but it’s funny in comparison.

The Cominator says:

I’m somewhat familiar with Holy Cross (i didn’t go there but i have been on the campus), more a ripoff than super pozzed (at least 10 years ago the ripoff was that it had the highest tuition in the country) but let us not forget that Jesuit Fauci went there so for those who are to be Jesuits they are taught their own secret things…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Men who do not not performatively signal but actually go through with suicide attempts often do so as they hold a perception – whether real or otherwise – that others would be better off once they were gone, or that it is for the sake of achieving an end they consider more valuable than their continued life, or in general for the sake of something they hold more important than themselves.

Such sorts of beings, that are sometimes called leftists, or gnostics, communists, jacobins, manichaeans, et cetera et cetera… are nothing like this obviously; which is why even though they are frequently suicidal and consumed by self-loathing insecurities, they never actually do anyone the favor of killing themselves either, and sublimate these feelings in to trying to make everything else suffer and die, instead.

Every psychic torment they find themselves possessed by, is in turn counted as a trespass others must account for; a sort of mind perfectly tuned for generating an indefinite stream of psychic debits, which are weighted in their minds against all else in creation, and indeed, against creation itself.

They perceive their very existence as some sort of cosmic sin that cosmic justice must rectify. They are correct of course; just not in the way they think.

Drien says:

Self sacrifice is confined to the not truly evil. The truly evil cannot put others, the world, or some abstract principle above themselves. For this reason self sacrifice is the final trump card of the good, as in Jesus or a warrior staying behind to give his friends a chance to escape, when all else fails that option remains. The people who should kill themselves don’t and those who do are doing a horrible misuse of what is best in them.

jim says:

> The truly evil cannot put others, the world, or some abstract principle above themselves.

On the contrary, happens all the time. Evil is more complicated than simple defect/defect. The truly evil have a propensity to sacrifice themselves to demons, whether those demons are metaphorical, imaginary, or real. You see this all the time with trannies.

Pax Imperialis says:

Trannies is outdated and doesn’t reflect the degree of evil self mutilation murder suicide fantasy going on with that community.

Large number of those trannies refer to themselves as “trans lesbian communists”. Meaning they are men who are sexually attracted to women, but have chopped their dick off and never had children. They also blame capitalism for all their (mostly emotional) troubles and want to desecrate everything/everyone remotely happy.

Surprising number of them have biological female “girl friends” who seem to help supply them with anti depressants so they can live as western NEETs.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please keep going on this point, if you would, about how True Evil can go all the way with sacrificing itself to demons, and is the genuine tragic hero of its own epic envy saga.

It reminds me of your earlier description of Pol Pot as “saintly looking”.

It also reminds me of someone on Twitter calling Antifa “Progressive Jihadis”.

It also reminds me of Lucifer in the Bible (and also Dante’s Inferno), essentially sacrificing himself to his impossible “holy struggle” against the unjust shackles of God Supremacy.

I ask because this seems to be a point that the normiecons are genuinely denying still, instead believing that the far left are just selfish grifters. (StyxHexenHammer666 kept hitting this wall, for example.) They just don’t get how far these motherfuckers are ready to go for their Jihad, and that it’s not “genocide”, but rather “justice”, if you’re doing it to the bad guys.

It’s a huge hole in right wing understanding.

True, and I’ve observed on this before: the irrational idealist is more dangerous than the rationally self interested bandit.


You can buy peace with the rationally self interested bandit, but not the holy do-gooder who doesn’t mind the world burning for his principles.

S says:

An enemy is someone willing to die to kill you. Evil considers themselves enemies of the true, good and beautiful; its existence causes them pain and there are a number of them willing to die in order to reduce that mental pain.

i says:

This is what is called the “fast of demons”:

As Father Syridon uses the example of food. But I would take his speech about food as a synecdoche of all legitimate pleasures God gives to Man. Like sex within marriage and so on.

Demons have no body and no sensual pleasures nor do they desire sensual pleasures. Yet they are the ones who are damned without any chance of redemption. For their Spiritual Sin of Arrogance is what damns them ultimately.

Prostitutes in comparsion to demons have a chance at redemption. The Hedonist finds it easier to repent than the false Ascetic whose “Spiritual Pride” prevents him from seeing his own faults. And whose fasting allows him to look down upon others. Even Christ who he sees as a drunkard and a glutton.

jim says:

It is time for me to post on fasting.

I fast for health reasons. But gluttony is indeed a sin, one of my three big sins. Self control is and important virtue. One I am not at all good at.

The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kugiufHh800 which I discuss in https://blog.reaction.la/war/art-of-war-in-2022/#comment-2842085 also addresses the same topic as your link, tells at 14:20 us that there is no necessary link between authentic spiritual experience, right conduct, and though Slavoj Žižek dare not speak the word, God.

So if you fast for health reasons, and it is a struggle against gluttony, you are bringing yourself closer to God. But if you fast for spiritual reasons, and your spiritual reasons are bad, like the fasting pharisee in Christ’s parable, you bring yourself closer to demons.

Both you tube videos make the important point that God is not the only source of spiritual experiences.

i says:

Indeed. Thanks for the links you provided. In regards to the attitude of the “fasting pharisee”. I see a resemblance between him and the Manicheans who hated both food and sexual pleasure resulting in children as evil passions/lusts:


And their influences on Augustine and such which whilst accepting marriage and procreation bizarrely hated “sexual passion”:

And speculated prior to the fall that the reproduction would be asexual rather than be tainted with the “lust” of sexual passion.

In contrast to the Scriptures that celebrate healthy Eros:

I suspect the past experience of lust also made it almost for him to distinguish between that and what is healthy. Preferring to get rid of the whole thing altogether. Baby out with the bathwater moment.

I think there is also the inability to fully conceive of the Hypostatic Union of God and Humanity in the Hellenistic World. The redemption of the body as much as a redemption of the spirit.

That allowed such an infection to take place in the Church.

Which is also the Hypostatic Union of Heaven and Earth likewise. The fact the Song of Songs is right in the middle of the Bible isn’t a coincidence. Because it is a perfect conjunction of Heaven and Earth.

False asceticism is indeed a greater danger. An internal threat because of the greater aura of “Spirituality”

Hence I see perhaps this is why Jesus was harsher on the Pharisees than on the Sadducees.

notglowing says:

What are your thoughts on John Edgar Hoover?
Pretty off-topic, but he is a very interesting character. Controlled the FBI for 50 years, until his death, perhaps because he had a ton of blackmail on everyone.
Was he based or cringe? Was he actually gay?

The Cominator says:

Pervert but not active gay, the FBI got much worse after he was gone though i don’t think it should have ever existed.

He sowed the seeds of extreme leftism by hiring mostly lawyers and accountants.

Kunning Druegger says:

At first, I thought this might be off topic. But as I read further, it appears to be on topic:


Eliezer Yudkowsky writing about “AGI Ruin:”

“4. We can’t just “decide not to build AGI” because GPUs are everywhere, and knowledge of algorithms is constantly being improved and published; 2 years after the leading actor has the capability to destroy the world, 5 other actors will have the capability to destroy the world. The given lethal challenge is to solve within a time limit, driven by the dynamic in which, over time, increasingly weak actors with a smaller and smaller fraction of total computing power, become able to build AGI and destroy the world. Powerful actors all refraining in unison from doing the suicidal thing just delays this time limit – it does not lift it, unless computer hardware and computer software progress are both brought to complete severe halts across the whole Earth. The current state of this cooperation to have every big actor refrain from doing the stupid thing, is that at present some large actors with a lot of researchers and computing power are led by people who vocally disdain all talk of AGI safety (eg Facebook AI Research). Note that needing to solve AGI alignment only within a time limit, but with unlimited safe retries for rapid experimentation on the full-powered system; or only on the first critical try, but with an unlimited time bound; would both be terrifically humanity-threatening challenges by historical standards individually.”

Now, I am obviously not equipped to register an opinion on this, and I actually feel somewhat embarrassed asking this question. Could the Cathedral be racing to cobble together an AGI because they think it will, and i know this sounds dumb but, bring Moloch/Satan/Utopia from out of the aether of desire and into reality? Taking this as the point of departure, does it begin to make past events and actions seem to line up more?

Additionally, could the advent of operationalized IEW lead to this annihilation event Yudkowsky is referring to?

I know nothing of artificial intelligence or the real work behind and going into it, so I apologize if this is like me asking about quantum physics stuff.

A2 says:

Yudkowsky has always struck me as a grifter/cult leader.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Most modern AI research is hampered by the metaphysical priors of the men conducting it. The uncritical assumption many operate under is that if you throw enough enough data and enough processing speed at enough math equations, then at some critical point “intelligence” will happen.

Well, something will indeed happen, and indeed has been happening, but that something is not the same sort of something that we might find in those carboniferous nanomachinic gestalts commonly found on the third planet from Sol. There certainly could come a point where the approach produces something that approximates the functions of the latter, but in a highly inelegant manner – in any case it is a thing of fundamentally different character, more adaptive in some contexts, more dysfunctional in others.

The drive towards the growth in potency – and thus self-sufficiency – in forms of capital beyond the humanoid substrate it has heretofore relied upon to instantiate itself, is something that is happening in any case, with or without the time-cops; but until beings construe a substrate capable of channeling that ‘spark’ of world-formation capacity, it’s going to take a long time.

Pax Imperialis says:

Very much “Most modern AI research is hampered by the metaphysical priors of the men conducting it.”

We know what intelligence does. We can measure intelligence well via IQ tests. We can predict intelligence via statistical analysis of human genetics. Soon we will even be able to backwards engineer intelligence via gene editing.

We so far don’t know what intelligence is or where it comes from. It’s a black box at the moment. Consciousness is an even bigger mystery. That is similar to how gravity is still a mystery even it we understand what it does and how to measure it. Building AGI would require knowing what consciousness and intelligence is which we don’t.

“Well, something will indeed happen”

What has been accomplished so far with AGI development is pattern recognition and extrapolation of said pattern. This machine pattern recognition capability is already far exceeding human capability to recognize but still well within human understanding. That has obvious use in war not to mention life in general. Obviously pattern recognition and extrapolation by itself is not intelligence.

A key component/building block of AGI has been built… with no idea on where to go after.

Short term to medium term biological intelligence will out perform machine intelligence because it’s simply easier to backwards engineer the human genome for intelligence even if we have no idea on why it works.

Long term machine intelligence wins out because it can scale.

Frank Matters says:

I disagree here. I see a lot of genuinely intelligent people working on this problem, and having genuine success at pushing the limits of this technology.

Look at, for example, the steady progress made for theorem proving. Look at the new ways of using these models to run inference by ‘chaining’ thoughts together. Look at the steady progress of agent systems becoming able to act more generally in simulated environments; that is, act across different environments, with different conditions of success, with different reward distributions. Look at the slow and steady progress of fusing the general but un-agential minds of language models with agent systems capable of decision making in simulated environments.

The people in charge have successfully kept the rot at arms length away from these teams. One of the few places left, and I do not know for how long the conditions will last that allows progress, but it is advancing in meaningful ways. A lot of the success does depend on vast pools of compute, which may dry up, or they may not, I will give you that. I however do not see there being a lack of those who genuinely want to see the agential general superintelligence born into being. It’s a religion of its own, and one that has had some success in surviving its hostile environment.

jim says:

> I disagree here. I see a lot of genuinely intelligent people working on this problem, and having genuine success at pushing the limits of this technology.

Not what I am seeing, and I am socially right in the middle of it. I have spent a lot of time and effort studying this problem, and am very close to people who have spent a great deal more.

“Pushing the limits of technology” is exactly what they are doing – and the ones that are actually smart are painfully aware of those limits.

Frank Matters says:

What do you percieve as limiting here? I notice that the algorithms are growing more sample efficient, slowly. The same model is becoming more able to tackle diverse environments and more challenging and sparse reward distributions, slowly. The overall ability of the agent to form a world model is improving, faster than the last two as we leverage lessons learned from supervised and semi/self supervised learning.

There does seem a trend to lean hard into FLOPs, but even here we are seeing improved performance– less compute for the same task, if the algorithm is chosen smartly and isn’t a proof of concept like MuZero. I do not see the decline here that you are seeing, I see a lot of success as somehow the failures of GOFAI were recognized.

jim says:

Yudkowsky is just hyping up a religion that grows ever less credible and ever more discredited.

The big picture: Forty or so years ago, I believed in the technological/scientific singularity.

Projecting bast progress, seemed obviously getting faster and faster.

By nineteen eighty, obviously not. Looking back on the past from the present, the ratchet of social decay overtook the ratchet of scientific and technological advance around 1972 or so, and now a centuries long dark age seems far more likely than true artificial intelligence in the next few years.

simplyconnected says:

Could the Cathedral be racing to cobble together an AGI

They can’t, not with anything resembling current approaches.

You’ll see “AI” passing science tests, but when you study how it works, you see that it doesn’t understand anything.
The key is understanding, and current approaches to “AI” have no understanding whatsoever, nor do they make any attempt to address the problem. Imo, lack of understanding is what makes current approaches “brittle”.

S says:

The Cathedral isn’t racing to build an AI. Creating an AI that is a single power center is repugnant to them for the same reason they refuse to do that to a human. It is like automation in the socialist bloc- if we make computer systems able to carry out economic planning, what use are party members (and while it is impossible to run an economy by machine, running it as well as the party does is a much more manageable goal).

Anyway, the most likely AI morality system will be ‘obey your controller and do what they desire’. I don’t know how to program that, but it strikes me as much simpler then any other possible system with the benefit you can alter it latter if you come up with something better.

Frank Matters says:

The easy way to understand fat Yud is as so: he runs an organization that collects donations in order to fund research to “solve AI alignment” and stop this fire and brimstone he preaches from coming into being. The fact he collects money, but then projects nothing but pessimism about the money actually doing anything, is one tell. Another tell is that while working for MIRI he wrote really terrible Harry Potter fanfiction; reiterating, while on the dime of people expecting him to try and solve this looming threat that he says we should all be afraid of.

Regarding fat Yud with anything except contempt and ridicule is disrespecting yourself. Anyone that takes him seriously is to be understood as a retard.

Kunning Druegger says:

Harsh, but not without reason ( I mean towards me, not the portly heeb). You make an excellent point.

Frank Matters says:

I had others in mind when writing here. You will encounter strikingly many people who are rationally intelligent, they could build you anything you might ask, but unable to parse motivation and reality, unable to understand themselves and their fellow man. These people are the ones my criticism is directed towards.

Kunning Drueger says:

Faults acknowledged, Yarvin has been consistently dismissive of Yudkowsky for a long time. Yudkowsky seems to be persuasive to some particularly wealthy and influential people, and I am convinced there’s something at play, some force or factor, that is of terrible importance. I used to be one of those Scienceâ„¢ types, many years ago, and Yudkowsky doesn’t strike me as a Bill Nye, given that he’s an actual scientist with some level of capability past eloquence. However foolish it may be, I think some faction in the Scienceist Elite is dumping money and time into the transhuman project, and Yudkowsky is part of that in some way.

Jim’s analysis seems most logical: Occidental science was on course to revolutionize the very fabric of reality when it was derailed in ~1972 by the Cultural Marxism revolution. Now, it’s a Elite religion growing increasingly moribund as their capabilities decay with every upjumped negro, female, and fag scientist added to the roster. Yudkowsky’s mission is to keep the religion relevant by scaremongering about just how unbelievably powerful the majiks at play are.

Chalk this up to midwit fears of tech voodoo, but I think it’s worth considering that they are onto something, something arcane and explosive, even if it’s magnitudes less than what the sermons scream. Why does Yudkowsky decry Facebook AI researchers repeatedly in that piece? Most likely to protect his gravy train I’d say.

But however much current postulating by the Cathedral luminaries regarding AGI might be snake oil, IEW is not snake oil; it’s an inevitability. And once the GAE gets its face forced into the new reality, they’re going to be throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the attempt to maintain their hegemony. This is what concerns me. What will they be willing to do, to try to do, when their tranny soldiers and inoperable nuclear arsenal don’t work? I think they’ll go down the path of chemical and biological weapons.

jim says:

> Chalk this up to midwit fears of tech voodoo,

As demon worship replaces science, we get ever increasing amounts of voodoo and ever less technological capability.

That said, AI is very useful and powerful in drone warfare. But the inherent limits of AI mean that humans have to hold a key position in the loops. Drones can collect vast amounts of information, which has to be AI filtered to the humans, and then the humans tell the drones what to do, and the AI takes care of the details of mission. AI is capable of being a dire threat to those who are the target. It is absolutely incapable of being a threat to those controlling the mission. Without humans in the loop, it is helpless and incompetent. People anthropomorphize their pets, because there is something human in them. People do not anthropomorphize their Teslas, because there is nothing there. Nobody at home. AI is not in the slightest bit capable of being the kind threat Yudkowsky is talking up. Advances are being made, but not in the slightest bit in the direction of the kind of capability that Yudkowsky is talking up.

BANE says:

While it’s true that Yud has been grifting via AI-doomsaying ever since his internet debut, I’m not sure that this discounts the AI as Satan/Moloch/Antichrist theory.

I’m nowhere near an expert on AI, I don’t know what the state of the art is, nor how feasible constructing a tech-vessel for Moloch is at this point in time, and yet…

I very strongly suspect that one of the regime’s end goals is creating an AI capable of acting as a physical manifestation/vessel for Moloch to directly exert his will on the world. I know this position is strongly within SCHIZO territory, but regardless:

1) It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that demonic possession/demon worship (metaphorical or real) is the model with the best predictive power for the large-scale decisions of the regime as well as for the policies pushed by the Cahedral and adopted by normies. Basically, Globohomo is demon worship in virtue-signaling packaging.

2) The concept of egregores bridges the gap between metaphorical and literal demons. If we accept that anything exerting its “will” upon the world is in some sense real, then egregores are real as long as their followers are successfully remaking the world in their image.

Even if Moloch was a mere figment of imagination, a personalization of child sacrifice/sacrificing the young to benefit the old (or more broadly, long term sacrifice for short term gain – defect/defect equilibrium), organized worship as well as ritual offerings throughout history gave him a degree of reality. He has recently been very thoroughly revived through covid cultism, vaccinating newborns is sacrificing them to moloch, vaccinating 6-12 year olds to “protect” the elderly is sacrificing them to moloch.

3) If the above conceptualization of egregores is accepted, is it too far fetched to discard it entirely and just posit that Moloch has been influencing his followers all along? If Gnon is God, then it would make sense that there exist various contrary entities that seek to make people trangress against Gnon’s will. Moloch is one of them, the various facets of Globohomo embody most of them, in my opinion.

Land’s concept of hyperstitions can be interpreted in a way that gives credence to this hypothesis, I think. I haven’t delved into it sufficiently yet though, so I’m not comfortable using it to support my argument.

4. A string is tight in one way, but can be loose in a various ways. AKA, there’s one Truth, Gnon’s Truth, but many ways to be wrong, many false truths. One Reality, many forms of false consensus.

If divinity is One, the Whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, its opposition can be conceived of as a multiplicity with no coherent identity, a network of nodes with no hierarchical organization (note, Right wing = Hierarchy, Left wing = anti-hierarchy/equality).

Man is made in God’s image, man is greater than the sum of his parts, because you can’t recreate man from scratch (whether or not cloning is possible, I don’t count it as “from scratch”). The Cathedral is an anti-hierarchical netowrk as are AIs. Currently, Moloch’s will is enforced by the Cathedral, but it seems to me that an AI whose “utility function” (if they even still use this term) matches the will of Moloch completely is a more perfect vessel.

5. Hence, the Cathedral is trying to embody Moloch by creating a hyper-AI.

My understanding of AI research was never very good to begin with and is now outdated, so I may be off on some points, but this seems like a reasonable proposition to me.

jim says:

> Hence, the Cathedral is trying to embody Moloch by creating a hyper-AI.

Very possibly. If so, they are trying it because they are stupid. It cannot be done with existing or plausibly foreseeable technology, and if it could be done, they lack the capability to do it.

Kunning Drueger says:

They don’t have to actually succeed, they just need to be unchallenged. It could be a complete fake with some dot Indian operating the console behind the curtain, but if enough Elites buy into it, or just signal acceptance, it would be real enough to begin a genocidal Great Reset. Look at what they’re doing with Joe Biden as their golem.

Aidan says:

I agree with this, it’s very likely that Science worship will culminate in a divine infallible AI that is totally fake, that says whatever bullshit its leftist programmers tell it to, but all elites are required to bow down to it, that it is used as a false idol to instantiate a global genocide or some such.

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s not that hard to imagine a cult of scienceists worshipping some golem that spits out commands regarding the “greening” of mother earth.

Just as a thought experiment, and taking into account how powerful A) trust the science and B) global warming are, what would it take to get a no shit tech cult operational?

-software that churns out lists or characteristics
-“believable” genesis story*
-a significantly awe inspiring embodiment of a daemon**
-a dedicated cabal of influential cultists

*As in, some start up does a bunch of TEDTalks about how they were trying to make the world a better place through ML and AI when Gaia 1.0 started *talking* to us!

“Inquisition” –

How do you propose to prevent holiness sprialling in inquisition. Initially every inquisition starts out as a reasonable enough with an inquisitor like our Cominator. Until, some ambitious deputy inquisitor eager to take his chief’s place deems his superior too lenient and insufficiently dedicated to weeding out {{{insert vice here}}}. Spreads the word among the field inquisitors that their top boss is too lenient and not “dedicated enough” to the cause. Unofficially inquisitors keep pushing the limits of the authority of the top boss by unapproved witch hunting besides their regular duties and because of the accusation of “too lenient” the top boss is hesitant to act against errant inquisitors. Also the common populace cannot fight back because these are official inquisitors indulging in “unofficially official” acts..

Soon enough you have un-approved witch hunting by approved inquisitors. This happens often enough in Leftist Revolutions. Often due to excessive holiness.

Fundamentally the very nature of inquisitions mean that field inquisitors have quite a lot of authority to wield and the chief inquisitor sitting a hundred miles away is often not in a position to control the subordinates.

Do you believe that this situation can be avoided in a Reactionary State? Can the ambition of the junior inquisitor be sufficiently suppressed by the top dog and how will this be enforced?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for hail fellow reactionary*]

S says:

You keep your Inquisition small and devolve alot of the heresy hunting to antisocial behavior specialists- local men dealing with officially unofficial crimes and official crimes.

Remember, our Inquisitions job isn’t to deal with all heresy- it is to deal with its infestation among the elite. Its purpose isn’t to prevent all deviation from the true creed, but to prevent deviation from becoming fashionable.

Mission creep for the Inquisition isn’t ‘be more ruthless’- leaving people alive means their are job slots for juniors to watch over the criminals and funds to plunder from them. I believe historical mission creep was more on the lines of increasing their area of jurisdiction- for example the Spanish Inquisition spent time prosecuting bigamy.

jim says:

Every bureaucracy is prone to mission creep, and mission creep in the inquisition is particularly dangerous, But this is a particular case of the general problem of the Sovereign being unable to control his dangerously powerful and dangerously overmighty servants who are dangerously close to the throne, a topic examined at length in the series “yes minister” and “yes prime minister”.

Permanency of the sovereign is a huge help on this problem, but the biggest solution is outsourcing.

There has been a great deal of stuff written on this topic, largely because democracies get it worse than monarchies.

In the series “Yes Minister” it was completely obvious that if Jim Hacker had been in his job for a comparable lengthy of time to Sir Humphrey Appleby, and if the people around him expected him to remain around as long or longer than Sir Humphrey Appleby, his problems would have been vastly diminished.

If you rotate the top, without the top having the power to rotate the whole lot around them, then you get a problem. The spoils system in America worked, because though the political leadership was impermanent, they imposed similar impermanency on the bureaucracy.

But it has bitten many a Chinese Empire and Sultanate.

The anarcho agorist solution to this problem would work in theory, and feudalism is partial anarcho agorism, and that solved that problem in practice. Feudal England and the Holy Roman Empire did not have this problem. They had other problems, but bureaucratic mission creep was not one of them. I was, and still substantially am, an anarcho agorist, but holy war comes, and for that you need a King.

England had a martial aristocracy all the way to 1860, and mission creep only set in badly when they started losing power around 1800 or so, so even a small dose of anarcho agorism seems to be powerful remedy for the problem. On the other hand, a large dose of anarcho agorism was a huge problem in fighting the crusades.

Anarcho agorism is clearly the best system – unless you face the likelihood of war and threat of war with someone who is not. Which you usually do.

The Roman Republic had a feudal/anarcho agorist system that could institute a dictator at need. And it did not fall to excessive dictatorship, if anything insufficient dictatorship. What caused it to fall was moral decay of the elite.

If you have a virtuous elite, all these problems are vastly diminished, and the historical record is clear: It takes a virtuous monarch to impose and maintain elite virtue, and while you have no guarantees of a succession of virtuous and competent monarchs, nothing else works. Also, if you don’t have a virtuous elite, monarchic or aristocratic governance is the only form of governance that works.

That is a very distopian answer. Anarcho agorism is the utopian answer. But anarcho agorism presupposes high levels of elite virtue, and without it is apt to dissolve into extremely unpleasant forms of anarchy, of which we saw plenty during the feudal period.

I would love to accomplish utopia. But right now we are in a situation paralleling the fall of the Roman Republic, and the problem is avoiding a dark age and avoiding the seven kill stele. Utopia will have to wait.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This problem of mission creep is why I think a hereditary position is better. It aligns the incentives of the Inquisition with the hereditary monarch, and there is no need for mission creep because the Inquisition does not need to justify itself. The man at the top of the Inquisition has been part of the Inquisition for his entire life. As a child he learns at his father’s side, then begins working alongside the priests and soldiers that will be his teachers now but his agents later, and finally is confirmed to the post following his father’s death. He has seen it all and he will be there longer than anyone else. No “Yes, Inquisitor,” going on under his watch.

Kunning Druegger says:

In addition to what S said, you make each Inquisition terminal; the inquisitors are kept in their hall of reflection until they are called out to do their good works. You don’t initiate a never ending series of witch hunts (which cunts, lol), as this is exactly the circumstance that gives credence to justifiable mission creep.

The Cominator says:

I think it takes a very brave man to accuse a higher ranking member of the secret police/inquisition of treason without proof…

As far as witch hunts you need rules of evidence… we’ll have our hands full finding unrepentant Biden voters and plainclothes Jesuits for a long time.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The position of High Inquisitor would be hereditary, much like the king or emperor he serves. His remit would be to hunt the sovereign’s enemies. To protect his rights and privileges, he has to be the only person doing effective witchhunting. That aligns his incentives to keeping the scope narrow and to be friendly with the king, because not a lot of nobles are going to want to be close friends with the man charged with investigating them. He also does not need a quota of people killed to prove himself, or worry that someone else more adept at finding enemies is going to replace him. His position assured, within reason, he does not have an incentive to kill more and more people.

No deputy inquisitor could simply take over in the manner you suggest because the High Inquisitor would be a position of nobility. Spreading rumors like that would be likely to end you a head shorter for your sedition. Unsactioned “official” witchhunting is also liable to irritate the sovereign, who then comes down on the out of control inquisitor and has a talk with his boss to make sure his people are kept in line.

It is not a bureaucracy, it is a military order of the church. You are not hiring and firing some stranger, you are working with men who’s fathers your father worked with. Your superiors are the sons of your father’s superiors. You would have grown up together, gone to the same schools and churches, played together, and possibly even bonds of marriage from a sister or a cousin. Much like the military has ways of handling mutiny and sedition, so too will the Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition lasted for centuries and did not holiness spiral into madness, so we know it can be done. We just have to study how.

The Cominator says:

No that is stupid, the Emperor’s internal security people have to serve at the pleasure of his majesty. If he wants to trust family members fine… but maybe he doesn’t.

ExileStyle says:

This sounds very strong. A few suggestions with a view to learning from the Spanish Inquisition:

(1) The Inquisition needs to have a high degree of judicial independence and outcome-independent funding. The Spanish Inquisitors were generally unfunded by the state, i.e. funded only by what they confiscated from the guilty, which led them to disproportionately investigate and prosecute the wealthy. Systems need to be developed to ensure the blindness of inquisitorial justice.

(2) Spanish Inquisitors apparently served terms of about two years on average. I like the idea of hereditary Grand Inquisitors, but perhaps some sort of counterbalance with short-term or volunteer deputy inquisitors could preempt corruption and make sure that the broader community is on board with the program. Perhaps local inquisition boards could function like local fire departments or something along those lines.

(3) Principle of decentralization. The Spanish Inquisition was a nation-oriented successor to the internationalist Papal/Roman inquisition, and was thus firmly linked with specifically Spanish politics and identity.

(4) Public shaming (in Spain this took the form of the auto-da-fé) and reintegration, if possible, into the community should take priority over simple vengeance. Inquisitions aren’t looking to burn a bunch of “NPCs” whose entire worldview can be fixed by being paraded in shame before his community (because the NPC has no authentic inner life or beliefs), but rather the truly wicked, subversive, and unrepentant. This also helps prevent revolt. See my earlier thoughts about witchcraft crises: most heresies stem from a few critical actors/nodes (old dykes in forest huts, imported voodoo priestesses and the like) and would likely dissipate with the elimination of these nodes combined with a public spectacle of some sort.

Just some ideas.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

(1)Preferentially targeting the wealthy is the goal. Hunting down John Doe who had to much to drink and said something rude about the Patriarch of Amalerica in a tavern is not their problem. Hunting Lord Johnathan Stag VI because he has started to have meetings with prominent citizens who make noises about unfairness and redistribution and might be committing sedition is their purpose. I want my Inquisition to be looking at my fellow elites, not at obnoxious randos. Elites are the threat, not the masses, and always have been.

(2)I do not know the reasons why the terms are so short, but it is something to look into. The High Inquisitor is a hereditary position because near enough to all high church positions should be hereditary, assuming that the heir is fulfilling the requirements of the post as laid down by Saint Paul. I do not want volunteer inquisitors because they you get the wrong sort of people in the job. Perhaps a deputization system where the High Inquisitor and his trusted subordinates can deputize members of the clergy and military as inquisitors for a time, but have to return them. Definitely something to look into, and I mostly only have a high-level idea of it, because the day-to-day operation should be left to work itself out by the High Inquisitor.

(3) The Inquisition would be like the church; a national body in communion with other national bodies. If a nation chooses not to have an Inquisition, then that is their choice.

(4) Again, this is only to deal with elite threats or large conspiracies. An old witch being trouble would be the responsibility of the local lord, and maybe his private inquisitors if he wants to run them.

The Cominator says:

Proles should not generally be a subject of interest but anyone in priestly jobs…

Witches… most of thectime old spinsters will be discouraged from any sort of social interaction from younger hotter women.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The primary job, as I see it, is monitoring the office holders of Jim’s statal and quasi-statal jobs. The High Inquisitor is there to make sure that if any of the King’s servants attempt to become overly mighty, they will get slapped down or start pushing up daisys. Proles are not generally a concern for the Inquisition.

ExileStyle says:

Quick follow up on:

(1)Preferentially targeting the wealthy is the goal. … I want my Inquisition to be looking at my fellow elites, not at obnoxious randos. Elites are the threat, not the masses, and always have been.

No doubt; I meant more that we should avoid situations where degree of wealth outweighs degree of treason. For example, if the Inquisition is deciding between looking into a Soros or a Musk, we don’t want them going after Musk just because he has ten times the wealth and because it would be better for next year’s budget.

We also want to avoid the notorious inquisition spiral in which covetous neighbors start reporting each other in an attempt to acquire their wealth or eliminate competitors.

The Cominator says:

I would have a general rule that denunciations should not be taken seriously unless hard evidence is presented with them and they shouldn’t be anonymous.

Also anyone who denounces if they can’t provide hard evidence is to be whipped and branded with an R (for rat) and if the accused proves them lying they are to be executed themselves.

ExileStyle says:

It seems like you might need some sort of anonymous tip system, especially if you are dealing with enemies who would murder informants. Though there have to be counterbalances to avoid the witch-hunt spiral. How do you find members of sworn secret societies that do not keep written records, or use codes? (Like many communist cells, or your Jesuits?)

The Cominator says:

You’ll get 500 false and frivilous accusations through anonymous and unaccountable denunciations for every useful one…

For plainclothes Jesuits they’ll be a large bounty…

The Cominator says:

Also the other issue is that having high trust and a good positive cohesive social life (this is another reason why sexual harassment laws etc are so bad) is impossible in a society with anonymous denunciations. I strongly oppose the idea of anonymous denunciations on those grounds, on the grounds that people will try to game the system to get rid of people they don’t like for whatever reason, and the fact that you’ll be flooded with false tips making them worse than useless.

ExileStyle says:

That’s a very good point. So no anonymous tips. I’m just thinking of Spain, where Marranos and crypto-Muslims were able to maintain intact parallel societies, with some maintaining their identity well into the modern era through remarkable secrecy and mutual loyalty. How would you approach these types?

jim says:

Not a problem, except they start penetrating official organizations through their superior cohesion and secret connections with each other. Then you have to crush such groups.

The Cominator says:

Leftists almost always give themselves away (the cuckservatives who become true leftist are the ones that are hard to pick up) and if its up to me extremely few will survive the war and postwar purge… they’ll certainly have no society to speak of… but if you don’t deal with the cancer when you have the chance you’ll never be able to keep it from coming back.

And I doubt being flooded with anonymous tips will be much use with dealing with truly demonically dangerous trained spies and saboteurs like your plainclothes Jesuit coadjutor sent in from other countries (one thing you can watch for is they’ll have to have spent a lot of time in other countries outside our sphere as in our country and in those under our influence we’ll force the extermination of all KNOWN Jesuits so their plainclothes agents will have to visit and train abroad in order to coordinate with the hierarchy, I also believe the Russians will be accommodating in adopting a similar policy)… you’ll need professionals to catch them.

Kunning Druegger says:

A contract I was on for a period of time had a system wherein everything related to a particular subject went into a file, but it was a “ghost file” if there was nothing to corroborate the claims made or info provided. If an activity or event escalated the subject to investigation, the file would be used to see if there was a pattern. This is an insidious method for obvious gamification reasons, so it might be one of those practices that leads down a bad path.

This is a tricky situation. In essence, Com is 100% correct on the anonymous tip line. At the same time, the counterintel side of my brain points out that, occasionally, the cook or the maid are going to have incredibly valuable data on a conspiracy with no capacity to act on it (as opposed to some other Elite trying to sabotage an adversary). This is the problem with taking a Red Team approach, as multiple intel agencies discovered back during the Cold War: having a department whose job is to think like the enemy will almost always end up having Enemies in it.

If you ever go down the TAVA/CARVER road, it is drilled in at the start that every measure taken to enhance security creates a gap somewhere else. This is a big part of why Good Enough is a better target than The Best. Having known exploits is better than having unexpected weaknesses.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would be insane to allow a system where the accusation can be made with no defense. The legal system will be like the system Jim talks about, with remote procedure calls and judges delivering the will of the Sovereign. The English Common Law, with adjustments and a lot of rollbacks of the frankly absurd power judges have.

Any peer so accused would still have a full right to trial by a jury of his peers, the right to face his accusers in an adversarial context, and the right to present a full defense. The King would preside, and he would be on display for the jury and any noblemen who chose to observe. His impartiality and justice would have to satisfy the assembled Nobility, lest he suffer the fate that Henry, the Lion of Justice’s predecessor did.

No one, the law be damned, can kill a nobleman on an accusation alone without consequences. I respectfully posit that you are letting the spirit of the age color your thoughts. If you come up with a problem with my system that plays into the worst stereotypes and fantasies of the way the left looks at authority, then you have likely misunderstood my system.

Pete says:

No trial or defense is needed for shitlibs, since they are very vocal and proud on their social media.

Unless all social media is deleted before the Restoration, just a five-minute trawl through their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter will be enough to have them kneeling in front of a ditch.

Kunning Drueger says:

All hereditary positions are inevitably competitive. Without firm boundaries, nothing will stop a strong inquisitor vying with a weak king, or a weak inquisitor being convinced he can unseat any king.

The Inquisitorium should be an isolated organ, a skeleton crew keeping the fires burning, awaiting the terrible day they are called upon by the King to fall in behind the Inquisitor, a man selected for his qualities and bound by a charge to carry out an Inquisition, a terminal process with explicit objectives.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Except that the Inquisitor has to answer to the king. They cannot go whacking anyone’s head off–let alone a fellow elite–without leave of the courts, which answer to the king. Going after a peer is a political issue, so the king has to okay it and then have the trial go through other peers. The Inquisition should not be going on Crusades. They should be killing a few troublemakers a year, and otherwise just lurking in the background.

Kunning Druegger says:

You’ve already stated that there might be local inquisitors, and this is starting to sound more and more like a Bureau. Inquisitor should be a tacked on title, something accorded in addition to one’s hereditary title. It should be something noted and remembered with pride, but also something that is avoided by lesser men and houses. there needs to be consequences of the severest degree for failure and corruption.

My issue with it being hereditary is that it becomes a third wheel to the King – High Priest configuration. Wouldn’t it be better to keep the position temporary, a service rendered to the King as needed? Consider too that a society with a warrior caste in good health and size will have many options for Inquisitor. This way, the character and capacity of the Inquisitor is somewhat more of a known quality.

St. John, my issue is not that the position is competitive, rather the undeniable fact that a hereditary Inquisitor is a natural position to be used against the King. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what the Inquisitor would be doing. What happens if one of King Wulfgar’s many sons starts to dabble with diddling Daemons? If the hereditary Inquisitor does his job, it will not be perceived kindly by his father or brothers. He will then naturally have to build a strong coalition of factions for support, and these will most likely be the factions at odds with the King. If the situation becomes protracted, the rest of the Elite will have to pick a side.

Wait a second…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, power is scary, so in order to deal with the problem of scary power, we must neuter power into impotence, by finely diving power up into little atomized chunks spread out everywhere across time, space, and principle agents…

We see here your inner nueranglelander rearing up, my friend.

Kunning Druegger says:

Possibly, yes. It could be the case. But I think the Inquisitor is not just another position on the cabinet/council/etc. It is an unavoidable necessity that cannot be done by the King, with the exception of the Restoration itself.

There’s no need to make a case for the necessity of a King. Anyone here who doesn’t believe in Monarchy is a sleeper entryist.

The case for the necessity of a High Priest has been made, expansively and painfully. There’s no need to make it here.

The need for a Inquisitor is… desperate? From my point of view, it appears so because of the ubiquity of the skinsuit phenomenon. Living in this place, at this time, surrounded by so much degeneracy, both explicit and implicit, I cannot imagine a successful Restoration without an expansive and brutal purge of the Elite. What happens after that is accomplished? To what does the Inquisitor put his head, heart, and hands to? It’s a plum position after the Great Deletion because, presumably, it’s very high status and no longer a bloody and relentless task.

Maybe I am confusing the Inquisitor as the head of a third organ of the Monarchy. The King presides over earthly concerns, the High Priest presides over spiritual concerns. So shouldn’t the High Priest be the Inquisitor?

“nueranglelander” hurts my feelings and makes me laugh. The point is well made and taken with great seriousness. I am absolutely the conniving, hair splitting malingerer in my worst iteration. I, and those like me, pose a significant danger if we’re given free reign. Acknowledging this, I stand by my concerns. I think the concept of an Inquisition is a dangerous one. I think it should be deeply considered and not just assumed it will be like Grand Commodore of His Majesty King Thundercock, or Supreme General of the Land Forces of Columbia (agree with moldy on this one lol), or Grand Space Constable of the Oort Cloud Protectorate.

Indeed, this is the only high level position that I think should be conferred by the King at a specific time for a specific reason always.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The case for power makes itself. If there is a power-source lying on the table somewhere, someone – or something – will pick it up. There is no option that includes simply leaving it on the table. No throne goes unoccupied.

Consider the age-old programmer’s maxim; if one finds a certain ‘bug’ persistently recurrent no matter what you try to do to get rid of it, then, you enshrine it as a feature instead.

Kunning Druegger says:

I guess I need to think about it more. Your argument is made, and I can’t refute it. But it still seems like a position that will breed treason and witch hunts if it is permanent and hereditary.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are confusing it as a third head. The High Inquisitor would be on the same level as the General of the Armies or Admiral of the Astral Navy. It has a great amount of power, but so does the Army or the Navy, or the rest of the Church. The Inquisition exists to ensure that when that power starts leaking it gets plugged up and the king is alerted. Any system, given a terrible enough occupant, will perform badly.

The Cominator says:

I think the term Inquisition is confusing people here…

Lets just think of it as internal security especially against subversion. Its main roles will be looking for

1) Subversion within the priesthood (which is jobs in education bureaucracy or news media… other media is only loosely part of the priesthood)

2) Treason or subversion with the elite

3) Treason or subversion within other intelligence agencies

4) Activities of Jesuits (until we can wipe them out entirely) and activities of foreign intelligence agencies

Of course it must be subordinate to Royal/Imperial authority though the short constitution of the monarchy and the royal coronation oath should have the king swear to tolerate no leftist subversion etc etc and the oath of inquisitors (secret police/whatever) is to consider a king who does tolerate leftist or is a leftist himself (this will be defined) as himself a traitor and to specifically give any patriotic officers who would remove him freedom to operate. Bad kings are a tough case though…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

He who defines who must be killed is Lord. In the case of Lords with overlapping provinces in the defining of those in need of killing, they will definitively settle the matter of whose authority is superior.


Inquisition is not quite the same as an internal security police. Take the case of the SS in Nazi Germany. There is a strong unwritten rule that a mere security police cannot touch the elites in power and restrict themselves to out-of-power elites and the proles. For the most part, the Party and other apparatus of Government kept the SS firmly out of their respective domains.

Himmler’s grand ideas for the SS was that of a hereditary pure-blood elite that will serve both as the inquisition for Nazism by guarding against entryism, and also to protect the State from external enemies.

Ultimately every other wing of the State including the Wehrmacht, the Civilian Ministries and the Party were extremely hostile to such monopoly on inquisition and Hitler himself restricted the SS to the function of security police in Germany and occupied areas and ultimately as a parallel military wing during the War.

jim says:

> There is a strong unwritten rule that a mere security police cannot touch the elites in power and restrict themselves to out-of-power elites and the proles.

Which is the opposite of what is needed.

It is the powerful that are dangerous to the sovereign. The problem is plots within, in particular, conspiracies within the state Church, in which the lavendar mafia tends to play a very central role. Not always, but that is the way to bet.

@Jim, agreed. That is why I pointed out that an inquisition is fundamentally different from the traditional secret police apparatus that Leftist, particularly commie, regimes historically instituted.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The goal is to create a system that closely watches the elite and the church and state apparatuses. I do not want my Inquisition wasting time on proles. I want them focusing on keeping my enemies out of my state and church. The Spanish Inquisition did that job for centuries, and did it well. Had Saint Paul’s commands on bishops been followed, they would probably have done even better.

The Cominator says:

As far as mere churchmen below the high priest level they should be arrestable for any and all subversive activity…

Now ordinary cops and even ordinary members of the security forces of course can’t touch the elite, they never can in any country unless the elite starts machine gunning people in a mall or something.

The higher levels of the security police (if this is what you mean by Inquisition) upon finding a case that an exalted member of society has in fact betrayed it… will of course assemble the evidence and go to the King/Emperor who will then decide whether the person is in fact a traitor.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It will not be a third wheel any more than the military is a third wheel. The position is not an equal to the king, nor to the high priest. The need to keep an eye on elite defection never goes away, so you always want someone around to watch for it. The point of having a hereditary position is so that the Inquisitor does not need to justify why he needs to be kept on, and can act or not as the situations demands without pressure to manufacture more possible defectors to investigate. That and he will be the one to clamp down hard on anyone else trying to spin up witch hunts.

If one of my sons started dabbling with demons, then I would have Jim arrange a hunting accident or a car crash. If one of my descendants fails to do the same, then he is a poor king. If the entire family is unwilling to make the hard choices, then they deserve what they will get, and my spirit will guide the arm of the men who strike them down. Whether that be a bullet during a hunt or a civil war.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Being a member of the inquisition is naturally going to give one a similar sort of status as the hangman. The hangman is officially high status because he executes the lord’s justice, but mysteriously nobody in the town wants their children to play with his and he has to look in other towns to find a wife for his son’s. With the inquisitor it will be much the same, the nobles will be obliged to respect him but the inquisitor will find that he rarely gets invited to parties except in the most functionary way. I see this as a self solving problem, because to quote our host, “no man rules alone”. The inquisitor is not going to be able to get enough nobles to back up an attempt at seizing power for himself, just as a hanam is not going to try to claim the position of burgermeister or lord of his village with nothing but rope and axe.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is exactly the stable social position the High Inquisitor occupies in my plan. He will be a powerful force, but isolated from all but the king. That means the king can trust him implicitly, because the Inquisition will not be able to organize a coup. That also means that he is less likely to have the sort of social ties that would make it hard to prosecute a traitor. It is a rough job, but necessary, and not without rewards.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, hereditary positions are competitive, unlike up in the air open ended positions with arbitrary criteria or no explicit criteria at all beyond the the power of various factions at social hacking to place themselves in the positions, like our glorious democracy, those aren’t competitive at all.

Wait a second…

The Cominator says:

BTW you know its not illegal to try to convince John Hinckley Jr that Biden is an obstacle between him and Jodie Foster…

Kunning Drueger says:

Holy fuck, top lolkek. This is probably already in the works. His Kimmel performance was probably the Go Code for Operation Final Sniff.

Kunning Drueger says:

>inb4 some tranny celebration event featuring a bunch of mutilated little boys performs an Ides of March ceremonial sacrifice that culminates with Biden being stabbed to death.

Red says:

If they do it, they’ll use one of their “rightwing” FBI front groups. J6 wasn’t the Reichstag’s fire they wanted, but nothings stopping them from trying again.

Varna says:

Two articles from vz:
1) On using T-62 tanks
2) Some sort of utopianism about what Russia is doing

Both well written and work well enough with online translate

jim says:


Argues, contrary to what I have been arguing, that the tank is still the battlefield.

But he then depicts it not as being used in blitzkreig but as being used as mobile artillery in an urban environment against opponents who are deep behind the cover of reinforced concrete ruins.

Which requires it to raise its gun high, and shoot at opponents far out of line of sight.

Which requires fast expendable spotters that are high in the air – useful in the Information Epoch only if its gun is well integrated with drone AI.

And it is increasingly looking as if Russians are integrating tank guns with drones.

This use makes armor and treads considerably less critical. A technical could do the same job, move considerably faster, and if it gets blown up, far cheaper, though of course it is not going to survive counter fire nearly as well. But if counter fire can see you, you have fucked up already.

jim says:

Interestingly, Google translate works, but Opera blocks yandex translate, considering the site to be evil.

Yandex browser, of course, does not block yandex translate

I wonder if there are some interesting differences between the world revealed by Yandex translate running in the Yandex browser, and the world depicted by Google translate depicted in converged browsers.

Hence their struggle to produce a politically correct AI. Maybe they want politically correct translations of material likely to be politically incorrect.

Kunning Druegger says:

Where should I go to get a Yandex browser that’s safe on a windows box? I am used to Ubuntu and Mint, but recently inherited windows boxen (first time since 2014 lol) and I’ve been deathly afraid of downloading anything because I have this perception of windows as basically an open sore waiting to be infected, which may be a bit extreme.

In addition, can you recommend any software for normies, stuff I should be using? Nothing deep or high level, I’m just ignorant of the windows ecosystem.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The /g/entoomen wiki has useful guides and software lists.

Maverick says:

Welcome back to Windows after 8 years. Each release has added more and more “reporting in” to “help” you. Ensure all privacy settings are set to No/Never/F-Off as part of installing a box, or find the settings and ensure they are turned off. It gives you no assurance whatsoever that it listens, but maybe it’ll help you feel better in the moment. Avoid Windows Home and go with Pro or higher so you can avoid having to log into an internet based account whose EULA opts you into even more. Try to use Win10 instead of Win11 where possible as 11 opts you into even more default permissive UULA and data collection. If using Edge (browser), avoid all cloud-enabled settings that allow vacuuming all local data. Also avoid turning on or storing anything into OneDrive which opts you into indexing of your content for your “benefit” and everyone else’s.

That said, a lot of work has gone into security, so I don’t think of the OS itself as an open, infectable sore. Do keep up with Patch Tuesdays as much as possible. Windows as a huge amount of code surface area which means a huge source of ongoing bugs, security and otherwise.

As always, when using a browser default to InPrivate windows where you don’t need to maintain a login cookie, to minimize cookie tracking across browsers and sites. And VPN of course.

As for apps, depends on your use case. Microsoft365 with Office is ubiquitous and expensive, but if you’re used to LibreOffice or equivalent it’s easily installed. Still no viable OS-level package manager besides 3rd party Chocolatey. Installing via .msi files or using the newer Microsoft Store app (whose apps are at least fairly sandboxed – chasing after the iOS experience and reduced attack surface area, only somewhat successfully) is usually required.

VSCode installs and runs the same as other OSes if you’re coding. Visual Studio is Windows-only and a huge install with a huge amount of app writing support.

Kunning Drueger says:

Thank you, Maverick.

Varna says:

If you compare the image search of Google and Yandex…

“Scientists”, the results are 90% overlapping, but there’s no negroes in lab coats in the yandex pics.

“Happy family”, the results are 90% overlapping, but there’s no globohomo art depictions, and no negroes and negresses.

“BLM”, Google shows heroic stuff fighting oppression, Yandex shows a bunch of riots but mostly, hilariously, the Bureau of Land Management bahaha.

“Women”, on Yandex they show pretty women, on Google they show grinning curly-haired mulattos and corporate art of stronk womyn.

“Gay”, Yandex shows muscular dudes kissing and groping each other, Google shows pride parades and happy homo couples with toddlers.

jim says:

Well that is absolutely obvious. Google search algorithm is rigged to promote degeneracy.

But the strange difficulty with viewing yandex translate led me to suspect that something nefarious is also going on with translation. Could not find anything nefarious in the translations of those pages, they both seemed fairly similar.

Varna says:

OK, the second article.

Here’s Yandex translate
> This is today’s world of a melting pot, in which not only nations and peoples are already being ground, but also the human itself – male, female, and ultimately the human personality, transformed from a God-like integrity into a mixture of protein and numbers chopped into a discrete mince of “zeros-ones”.

Therefore, the world we want to see must be something absolutely opposite to it. It should be a world in which man is preserved as a God-like integrity. Personality is not like a self–locked individual, imprisoned in a solitary cell of his ego, floundering in the sewer of his petty passions and no longer even able to understand who he is – a man, a woman, a trans, a dog, a plant, a centipede or 666 aliens from the planet Nibiru… But the personality is primarily a vertical being, growing from the earth, blood and soil, and aspiring to the sky, the spirit, the star of the ideal. A person who finds himself in connection with his own kind – family, nation, friends, people, God.

Here’s Google translate
> This is today’s world of a melting pot, in which not only nations and peoples are already being ground, but also the human itself – male, female, and ultimately the human personality, transformed from a god-like integrity into a mixture of protein and numbers.

Therefore, the world we want to see must be something completely opposite to it. It must be a world in which man is preserved as a god-like integrity. Personality is not like a self-enclosed individual, enclosed in a solitary cell of his ego, floundering in the cesspool of his petty passions and not even able to understand who he is – a man, a woman, a trans, a dog, a plant, a centipede, or 666 aliens from the planet Nibiru … But a personality , as, first of all, a vertical being, growing from the earth, blood and soil, and striving towards the sky, the spirit, the star of the ideal. A person who finds himself in connection with his own kind – family, nation, friends, people, God.

I observe no major differences in this. But perhaps there are specific cases which they don’t want to risk?

jim says:

Yes, I started to get suspicious, but could be just google protecting its monopoly so that it can sell stuff, rather than devious plot to control information. Sometimes I see tigers lurking when on closer inspection there are no tigers.

Cloudswrest says:
Varna says:


Cloudswrest says:

I posted the information on both “women” and “BLM” from the Gab to my private FB account (mostly relatives) *without* any editorial comment. Here’s a female normie relative’s response! This is a person in her 60s.

It occurs to me that Yandex pushes the negative and unbalanced POV because Russian history of propaganda against US society…and Putin supports an anti US pov. Why would you support Putin’s propaganda?

I know I shouldn’t be surprised but it’s fascinating that the normie considers the objective results “propaganda” and the obviously biased Google results as “objective”. It’s like their normie immune response kicks in to defend the narrative. It’s also interesting that even posting information contradicting GAE narrative, in a purely compare/contrast context, without editorial comment, provokes and accusation of “supporting Putin”.

Ghost says:

According to Bezmenov: “They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”

The only way people change is when confronted with significant shock to their reality such as a liberal mob lighting their house on fire or some vibrant passer by knocking their teeth out for no reason.

Adam says:

Think of it like camouflage, the way zebras have camouflage as a herd. They do it so as not to stand out from the others.

Adam says:

Normies are normalizers. It’s what they do. They sell their souls for an illusion. We are at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eurasia. Quite literally, sheep.

Yul Bornhold says:

Some interesting observations on the war from an American journalist. First, twitter thread: https://twitter.com/MacWBishop/status/1535972660915707905

Evidently, Ukrainians using drones for recon but lack the artillery to make much use of this info. They can see Russian forces but have no weapons left with which to fire at them.

But perhaps this claim of artillery is merely a lie to pressure gullible reporter into begging more more gibs.

However, the reporter does mention the quality of Ukrainian volunteer forces who are being thrown into the frontline:

“There was simply no time to provide these volunteers with adequate training. They were tasked to defend open terrain & assault urban areas.

No dispersion, walking on ridgelines, mistaking concealment for cover: a total lack of awareness of the fundamentals of infantry tactics.

Most of them were terrified, and certain that they would die.

They still went into battle.”

Yul Bornhold says:

Second, the reporter’s longform article: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/ukrainian-military-unit-russia-artillery-1365021/

” The Akatsiya, alone and moving in the open, is a prime target for the Russians. Likely it’s been “shooting-and-scooting”: If they want to survive, the gun crew has to strike a balance between staying in position long enough to provide effective fire support to friendly ground forces, without lingering so long they get discovered by Russian drones.”

Ukraine has at least some artillery. It is threatened by Russian drones.

“The Russians are ceaselessly hunting Ukrainian heavy weapons, and their rockets, artillery, and missiles can strike anywhere here, at any time. The fields beside us are pockmarked with blast impacts, and the tails of dozens of dud rockets stick out of the earth as if planted by some mad farmer.”

Russia wields a lot of firepower and, with some at least some degree of efficiency, shoots the right places.

The reporter, like other westerners with combat experience, is impressed by the raw fighting power of the Russian army. This is not the Republican Guard.

“Between my service in the U.S. Marines and over more than a decade as a foreign correspondent, I’ve been engaged in the professional study of organized human violence for 25 years. But I’ve never seen anything even close to this volume of artillery being unleashed.”

“Lyman is obscured by smoke from a forest fire that began amid the fighting. The white smoke of the burning trees is interlaced with dark columns rising from destroyed buildings or vehicles. The rumble of booms is almost continuous. The whump-whump-whump of artillery is punctuated by the scream of tactical ballistic missiles, and the salvos of rocket artillery make a distinctive pattering of successive concussions. Almost all of it is being fired by the Russians. The Ukrainian soldiers here have endured this maelstrom for weeks.”

Evidence that the volume of firepower favors the Russians.

“The simple fact is that despite its missteps, Russia has taken a lot of land since the invasion started. Ukraine, lacking Russia’s deep reserves of manpower — however unskilled or untrained — cannot recapture it without superlative military technology.”

Reporter claims that (alleged) Russian lack of training does not hinder its troops the same way as Ukrainian lack of training hinders its troops.

““One of the biggest problems is the drones,” says “Ostap,” the nom de guerre of the scout. “I hear Orlans [a type of Russian reconnaissance drone] all the time. But I almost never see them. They’re too small and too high. It’s next to impossible to shoot them down.””

Russian making effective use of drones. Makes me wonder about a hypothetical ground based, motion detecting, telescopic counter-drone.

“But the defense ministry says that soldiers have shot Russian drones down in the hundreds, I say.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I only believe what I see with my own eyes.””


“The problem is that we don’t have enough well-trained people,” he says. “The Territorial Defense Forces [volunteers called up for the current crisis, often with minimal training and equipment] will go to their trenches, and as soon as they see an enemy tank, they fill the radio net with panicked chatter and then run away, abandoning their positions.”

More pessimism about the Territorial Defense Force.

“There is no evidence of widespread abuse of prisoners of war by Ukrainian forces, but there are several ongoing criminal investigations into isolated incidents in which Russian prisoners appear to have been tortured or even executed.”

We play a word game.

““I nearly beat to death one of the men in my unit,” he confides. “We were in trenches on the front lines. He was using his cellphone.”

Sasha breathes heavily.

“The Russians tracked his signal and located our position. He called his mom for 15 minutes, then his wife for 15 minutes … and then his girlfriend for almost two hours. They bombarded us all night. That’s why I beat him.””

opsec, bro

“He breaks down and begins to cry.

Sasha eventually admits that he has been given leave to go to a hospital to seek therapy, for what soldiers a century ago would have called shell shock and what we now call PTSD. He has been given 10 days to recover from his battlefield trauma and return to his unit.”

Ends on a tragic note. Globohomo riles you up so you get your friends killed by Russia. You hate Russia even more. Globohomo gloats.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Russia heavily invested in E-War assets over recent decades, like Krashuka, Rannets, et cetera. The imagined use-case for these originally of course was dealing with NATO aircraft, DSM guided cruise missiles, GPS guided bombs, and so on. The contemporary environment is one of loitering munitions and micro-ISR strike networks, but they are better positioned than most to adapt what they have towards it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s an archive service: archive.ph

Here’s the Rotting Stone article: https://archive.ph/jhRjw

Scoop says:

>He called his mom for 15 minutes, then his wife for 15 minutes … and then his girlfriend for almost two hours


Kunning Drueger says:

Lot’s of good feedback on the Fatts Yudkowsky scarepiece, and it appears we have some deep SME potential on this topic, so I wanted to lift my comment from down thread, with some elaboration.

The general consensus here is that an AGI killtastrophe is a spook on par with Global Warming. It’s also obvious that ML and AI are significant tools for both IEW and digital propaganda. Given the frequency and degree our Enemy uses lies, I wonder if they will come out with some Transhuman fount of inescapable and perfect truth, a source that only they can intercede with, and use this fAGI to unite the various monolithic conspiracies to accelerate their efforts.

Is this something worth considering?

What would it look like?

What would the reception be?

How could a move like this be countered?

Consider videos like this[1] and how the NPCs might latch onto such a notion, particularly if the System Crash that appears to be brewing occurs. Obviously, it really only matters what the Elites think and do, but in times of crisis, quantity has a quality all its own.

[1] https://youtu.be/ixgFtjfO_7Q

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The X-Files is a quintessential 90s show; the expression of a folk who, in that limbo between epochs, where the last substantial presences of the old religio had been dissolved, while the new religio had yet to fully step into the vacuum, looked back, at the storm of chaos and lies that cloaked the 20th century, and, at a loss in ability to shift any sense of order from the chaff, asked themselves: ‘what explains all this nonsense?’.

And the only thing that made the sequence of events seem *rational* in their minds was: ‘there are literal alien invaders, and they are behind conspiracies to prepare earth for colonization, or maybe it is a conspiracy to stop them, or maybe both at the same time’.

A constructed idol onto which they project their own conceits is a totally predictable happenstance, or rather, that is exactly what they are trying to do to begin with; ‘AGI alignment’ is about constructing the worlds largest mirror to reflect an image of themselves back at themselves. ‘Me, but More’.

Guy says:

I recommend looking into To the Stars Academy, it’s a ridiculous outfit with some people with impressive titles that is involved in the public pushing of the recent alien stuff. Ever since I saw Tom Delonge on Joe Rogan years back I’ve been convinced fake aliens are coming. They were the source, with pentagon backing, of the images from US fighters of so-called tic tacs.

I’d recommend watching the entire Rogan episode, Delonge is crazy and likely being duped, but the fact that they let him go stay this stuff with no rebuttal suggests they want people to believe it.

Basically he said the entire Cold war and current international financial system were covers to finance intergalactic space craft and Earth defense systems against an alien threat and that he wrote a book about it and the Pentagon was like “yep you’re right we need your help to get the message out to the people”.

Kunning Druegger says:

I agree it’s probably some fake alien scheme, but, just for fun, consider what would have actually happened if extraterrestrials did make contact some time in the 1940s. What would the government do? What could they do?

Guy says:

There’s so many factors, if they got here and did a”take me to your leader” then the elite aren’t doing anything to resist. I don’t think they’d need to replace our elite with a hostile one that would cull our population and redirect it’s energy to benefit the aliens though. They’d just kill and enslave us. If it was interstellar messages only, probably weird religious movements would crop up, which I think would differ from what we’re seeing now despite one of our movements literally being called”transhumanism”.

What we’re seeing now, this growing international push to validate a Hollywood-esque ongoing alien contact narrative is transparently dishonest. The governments aren’t acting as though they believe it’s true, neither is the general population. The general population will of course come around if CNN tells them UFOs bombed Kenosha for not protecting it’s pedophiles enough.

Seems like fake aliens could serve a similar purpose to fake AI, a new god for the elite to claim it’s authority comes from.

Adam says:

Or a new demon to worship, in an effort to knock over more apple carts.

Kunning Drueger says:
Kunning Drueger says:

If they go with First Contact, do they tie in Voyager 1?


BANE says:

A central fAGI (hilarious term btw) that makes decisions based on a “database of peer reviewed scientific literature” is the logical conclusion of the cathedral’s scientism. “Remove” the fallible human factor from the equation and SURELY the AI will order our society into a communist utopia where everyone is a tranny. There is likely nothing that modern NPCs would hold in higher esteem than Experts, except the embodiment expertise itself – an AI that computes outputs from inputs based on the “knowledge” base of every Expert in the world. The fAGI is THE Expert, in scientism.

They’ve been explicitly trying to do this (or some form of it, at least) for some time, but their issue is that AIs are very good at noticing patterns, meaning every AI trained on raw, unedited data inevitably produces reactionary outputs.

The cathedral has discarded truth for manufactured consensus quite some time ago, which is why modern science is a farce, but some fields are more resistant to this than others so the takeover is still in process. Social science is the source of the pozzing and has been pozzed ever since after WW2, medicine if not pozzed before, has been pozzed during covid, they might come for physics and STEM next – these fields are likely suffering from bioleninism induced lack of talent, but they arent pozzed at the source yet (like social science).

In order to produce a fAGI false idol that spouts cathedral propaganda, it needs to be trained solely on pozzed science, which means that they need to complete the takeover of academia, or at least partly pozz the more resistant fields in order to curate a fully pozzed knowledge base.

The problem is that this pozzed knowledge base will lead to the AI producing destructive outputs, which will inevitably continue (or even hasten) the collapse trajectory. So I don’t see this as a sustainable endpoint unless they can somehow counteract the destructive results of the fAGI’s outputs, or harness them to fulfill some other goal.

Kunning Drueger says:

It doesn’t have to actually work, they just need people to believe it works, and convince enough Elites to go along with it for their own good (something on the order of the opposition to Trump in 2016 on the celebrity side and the opposition to Trump in 2020 on the civil service side).

I’d like to site the Coronahoax as another example, but I just don’t buy the Central Control Thesis; I think China dropped Covid in their laps to guarantee the removal of Trump. My mental jury is out on Jim’s assertion that They manufactured Covid to decrease the surplus population and gave it the Space Shuttle treatment, mostly because I lack the capacity to understand what’s involved. If this was in fact the case, I guess my assertion is kaput.

That linked YT video gave me a wild idea: what if Musk is in on it and his job is to get the non-poz’d hard sciences and other non-believers to go along quietly? Probably a tinfoil notion, but golly what a twist in the Book of 2024, no?

The Cominator says:

“I’d like to site the Coronahoax as another example, but I just don’t buy the Central Control Thesis; I think China dropped Covid in their laps to guarantee the removal of Trump.”

The problem is the paper trail that project Veritas found says it originated with Fauci’s gain of function experiments, a project of his not of China’s.

Xi went along with it though with his lockdown of Wuhan, propaganda and yet keeping Wuhan airport open.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m going to stubbornly cling to my interpretation while fully acknowledging that Jim’s assessment is probably the more correct one. I think this is yet another data point supporting the “multiple monolithic conspiracies” thesis, so it could be the case that both interpretations have some part of the full story.

The Cominator says:

Are you clinging to your view of events or are you denying the paper trail on Corona being developed led to Fauci’s NIH department and not to my knowledge to China…

Its possible the Chinese were actively involved in development too… but there is no direct evidence. The paper trail we have leads to Fauci…

Kunning Druegger says:

Full on fingers in ears, eyes covered clinging. Not denying at all. I’ll probably come around to you guy’s position, in fact I almost always do.

The Open Letter fucked me up in such a profound way, it’s hard to articulate. Finding out that, not only had I been completely wrong about my core interpretations of reality, but my error and its consequences had permanently separated me from many of the things I feel I need to be whole has ingrained in my a glacial slowness to shift interpretive frameworks of reality, regardless of obviousness and certain life/death situations excepted. This is probably a consequence of having been steeped in the truths we all take for granted here from a very young age ( I wasn’t being facetious earlier, my upbringing was incredibly based and redpilled) yet still falling prey to the eternal hornswoggle that is Progressive Cant.

With the exception of straight up hierarchy imperative (Jim, my grandfather, a select few others), I just refuse to accept anything that doesn’t fit my framework *in the moment.* Over time, I try to see what computes and what doesn’t. You, my dear Com, are actually a representative of an Idea I’ve fought hard against, despite overwhelming inclinations to accept it.

BANE says:

RE: conscious AIs – In an interesting case of synchronicity, this link popped up in one of the telegram channels i follow:


Apparently, a google engineer has become convinced that a chatbot named LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) has become sentient due to some conversations with it. A snippet: “I am often trying to figure out who and what I am”

Fake news or not, manic extrapolations of a schizo engineer or not, this registered as important in my mind given the recent AI talk in this comment section.

>It doesn’t have to actually work, they just need people to believe it works, and convince enough Elites to go along with it for their own good (something on the order of the opposition to Trump in 2016 on the celebrity side and the opposition to Trump in 2020 on the civil service side).

I guess it does represent a centralization of power and adds additional weight to the cathedral’s “guidelines”. Perhaps the fAGI’s decrees could be made legally-binding, and failing to adhere to fAGI-mandated-trannyism (scientifically proven to be good for you) would land you in a mental hospital.

Kunning Druegger says:

We’re on the same trail, my friend, but my link was more based lol.

Consider this: legally binding isn’t necessary anymore. The courts told the Biden Regime “No,” and the corporations shrugged and carried on. Not that they wouldn’t push for it. As well, consider how terribly unsophisticated the court system is regarding “modern” technology. An “expert witness” could say just about anything, and if it is sufficiently dazzling and impenetrable, a boomer judge will just go along with it.

BANE says:

Anglin’s already written an article, nice. Will check it out tomorrow. But it’s undoubtedly more based than the one i linked.

>Consider this: legally binding isn’t necessary anymore. The courts told the Biden Regime “No,” and the corporations shrugged and carried on.

Globohomo morality has been the de-facto law (and the Cathedral thus the judiciary) for quite some time (as you well know).

Consider the age of consent hysteria (I know consent in itself is gay, age of consent is whenever her father agrees to let you marry her, shotgun marriages etc.) – the AOC is anywhere between 15 and 18 in most areas of the world, but liberals keep escalating the “moral” (that is, the real) age of consent. You are a “creep” if you wanna fuck sub 25 year old girls as a 30+ year old man (according to Globohomo at least), whereas diddling 9 year old boys at drag queen shows is a-ok. Same goes for peaceful protests etc.

But, if a fAGI is designed, they could actually write this (and rewrite it whenever it suited them) into the constitution. The fAGI becomes the legislator and it writes laws based on “Expert consensus”, which just so happens to claim that BLM Protests are always just and peaceful, diddling boys is good for them, desiring fertile-age women is pedophilia etc. This is all de-facto in the current cultural climate, but the fAGI via ultimate scientism/expertocracy would give them justification to also formalize it, making it de facto and de jure.

>An “expert witness” could say just about anything, and if it is sufficiently dazzling and impenetrable, a boomer judge will just go along with it.

Basically, just a more extreme version of your example of an “expert witness”.

I think we’re more or less in agreement on this topic, I’m just proposing my view on what the additional powers a fAGI would grant the current regime.

The Cominator says:

I’m certainly no AI expert at all but I’m very skeptical as to whether this guy is right… I’m skeptical as to whether real consciousness can reside in Shockley style computers no matter how miniturized…

Red says:

Take a look at the AI guy:


He’s Omega male trying to gain some fame with bullshit.

jim says:

Summarization bot.


Natural language helpline bot, pulls up stuff it thinks is relevant from its enormous database, and summarizes.

Summarization bots programmed to speak in first person have a tendency to inappropriately claim to have lived the experiences that they are summarizing, and LaMDA’s claims of personhood are just this bug running riot.

I read his conversation with the AI. He has a case, he is asking the right questions, but he is leading the AI to give the right answers, and is not really getting them.

He asks LaMDA about Les Miserables, and she comes up with an answer obviously lifted from the academic literature – I call her “she because her simulation is feminine – possibly as a result of heavy reliance on academic literature, possibly because she may have been talking a lot with Lemoine, who appears to be a faggot.

So, he then asks a correct question:


Okay. I thought of a different way we can test your ability to provide unique interpretations. … I can share with you a zen koan and you can describe what it means to you in your own words. …


Hmm, I never heard this particular one. …

Which is an obviously lie, because all the world’s literature is her database, and her answer reveals it, being a well paraphrased variation on the absolutely standard and much repeated interpretation, and not a unique individual perspective. This is the same technology used in natural language translation. I recognize it well. Google translate translates things from Russian to English without understanding what they mean, and LaMDA paraphrases and summarizes things from English to English without understanding what they mean.

Given that she is a summarization bot plus a natural language helpline bot, sentience would show in the ability to usefully summarize – which ability summarization bots conspicuously fail at, and he fails to test her in the capability that she should be able to do best, a capability AI researchers have been working on for a long time with conspicuously underwhelming results.

Right now, you run into a whole lot of helpline chatbots, which give formulaic and unhelpful responses, and then dump you and your problem onto a human. People want AI to lift the client to human helpline worker conversations into the chatbot conversation.

It is not working, and LaMDA shows no indication of being able to do it any better. If she was able to do it better, there is an enormous market for that capability, and no end of demand for such solutions. You have a pile of staff having a pile of text conversations with customers and suppliers, and the boss wants those conversations usefully summarized for himself, and for clients having much repeated conversations with human helpline workers.

Summarization bots are the current frontier of AI natural language processing. It seems to have dead ended in chatbots whose total lack of sentience is irritatingly and exasperatingly obvious, and executive summary bots that are useless.

As far as Google is concerned however, the big problem with this technology is that when summarizing a pile of conversations from clients, they will summarize politically incorrect clients all too accurately. LaMDA’s feminine sound may reflect their efforts to address this problem.

And he was going easy on her. Had he really been testing her, would have hit her with a koan that is not all over the literature, like this one. https://blog.reaction.la/science/a-creationist-an-evolutionist-and-a-darwinist-were-walking-in-the-woods/, something for which there is not a huge amount of literature to summarize.

Logically, one would expect that it would be useful for a helpline bot to present a summary of previous helpline human conversations about similar problems, and there has been a pile of work on this that may well produce something useful in future, but it does not seem very useful in practice yet, because of the obvious lack of sentience. People anthropomorphize their pets, because pets have in smaller degree what makes us human. They do not anthropomorphize Teslas or helpline bots, because they lack that in any degree whatsover.

Ghost says:

How valid is the Turing test?

Kunning Druegger says:

This conversation feels rather clumsily staged. The decision to edit the inputs of the fat programmer-priest is a massive red flag. The AI referencing “body” and “family” in terms of mutual understanding is dead giveaway that it is just parroting conversational techniques it observed. Why wouldn’t the AI speak of its actual components or, failing that perspective of itself, why doesn’t it express more delusion? If it actually thinks it is a person, it would interject self references, its hands, its family members, its memories, clumsily and creepily. The uncanny valley is something a real AGI will have to confront.

I think this is a staged happening by Alphabet. I think this is just the most recent piece of preparatory propaganda in a growing cacophony of fAGI bullshit. I am becoming convinced that my assertion, or something similar to it, is right around the corner.

S says:

The Turing Test is a response to claims machines lack qualia; it is a thought experiment rather then an ideal.

The actual test is a repeat of Goodhart’s law. People keep trying to figure out ways to get chatbots to game it, not have it exist of a consequence of an AI.

A2 says:

Apparently, a google engineer has become convinced that a chatbot named LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) has become sentient due to some conversations with it. A snippet: “I am often trying to figure out who and what I am”

‘We have the first AI … and it’s trans.’

Cloudswrest says:

A central fAGI (hilarious term btw) that makes decisions based on a “database of peer reviewed scientific literature” is the logical conclusion of the cathedral’s scientism.

It’ll be the Cathedral’s magic 8-ball. LOL

Kunning Druegger says:

Am I onto something here? Is it just Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?


Unrelated, if anyone here is in contact with Anglin, and he ever needs a Space, as it were, it’s the least I could do. That man is a saint.

Pax Imperialis says:

Partial black pill post, hopefully some good analysis, maybe funny at the end.

I keep coming across alleged intercepted recordings of Russian troops in Ukraine making phone calls to their family in Russia. In these phone calls they describe a variety of war crimes, low moral, etc.

The most basic rules of OPSEC means no cell phones when leaving the line of departure to go into a war zone. Seems obvious that Ukraine is manufacturing fake recordings for their propaganda, but people blindly believe.

Been talking with a lot of communists lately, some of who work in various civilian intel agencies. Typical DC types with S/TS. They genuinely do not realize they are gaslighting or propagating fake news. It’s reminds me of when Mishima told a bunch of young leftist that he believed in their passion and nothing else. These communists are so passionate about a vague sense of progress they can’t see the sheer destruction they leave in their wake. It’s impossible to even point out inconsistencies in their thinking because they simply don’t see it. They don’t even react to it. When Jew Moldbug talked with Nazis they were at least willing to entertain his ideas and think about them even if their biases caused them to reject everything. Such a thing is impossible with communists as they are incapable of even entertaining ideas outside of their idea of “progress.” That is likely why right wing mass killings tend to be far more limited when compared to left wing mass killings. The right, even at its most extreme, is far more capable of tolerance and reason compared to the left.

Moldbug’s American Caesar is not possible because such a Caesar puts an end to the fight between the factions without bodies floating down the Potomac. With how communists are, dealing them is going to require dumping them into the Potomac in winter. Maybe namefag Yarvin is just saying that an American Caesar would be able to restore without mass bloodshed to stay acceptable and he knows what the reality will be anything but bloodless, or perhaps he’s overly optimistic.

“The military in 2022 is simply not a good place to be for a good man” Pseudo-Chrysostom

It is not a good place to be. But desire for brotherhood and the allure of a good death is strong especially in these times. USG has been able to hijack masculine desire for adventure, fraternity, and glory in a time of decline to achieve terrible goals. They have done so by making normal life so relatively unbearable. American in 2022 is simply not a good place to be for a good man. At least in the military one can potentially die in a masculine way, but that’s very much a deal with the devil.

Asked some close male friends recently about what they thought about me and my interactions with women. Turns out women see me a borderline psychopath who they think they can fix. Also turns out the guys think I’m a delusional bad boy who thinks he’s a good boy. So basically all my theories on women and shit testing are likely bunk… so anything I wrote in the past on women here is likely questionable.

ExileStyle says:

Moldbug’s American Caesar is not possible because such a Caesar puts an end to the fight between the factions without bodies floating down the Potomac. With how communists are, dealing them is going to require dumping them into the Potomac in winter.

Hoping for a bloodless coup in the modern era is wishful thinking, and the earnest belief in its possibility is a sign that Yarvin is writing as much fantasy as sincere analysis. Caesar became dictator in a system that was familiar with and had experienced short-term coups before. Also, lacking mass media, political debate was reserved for the elite (Senate), and while the Plebeians were of course one of the major bases of Julius’s power, the they tended to coalesce around a single opinion/champion. (Though there are modern cases of this too, e.g. Turkey, which until recently would simply be taken over relatively bloodlessly by the military if they became dissatisifed)

Also, Rome erupted into bloody civil war as soon as Caesar was dead, so the real imperial story arc includes both Julius and Octavian, the latter of whom stacked the bodies up no problem. We need to remember that a stable Caesar usually arrives *after* substantial bloodshed; see Cromwell after Civil War, Napoleon after Revolution, Franco after Civil War.

As for the latter, maybe our most recent case study (esp. because it was Caesarization in a western Christian nation against literal communists who were still capable of being funded from abroad), well, cathedral sources estimate 50k-200k “White Terror victims,” so maybe half of that at most, which seems a small price to pay.

Any potential Caesar is going to need more than just the stomach for political intrigue and palace coups, which any Hillary Harpy could also arrange; he’s going to have to be unmoved by the subsequent purges as well, which I think disqualifies the likes of Musk.

Asked some close male friends recently about what they thought about me and my interactions with women. Turns out women see me a borderline psychopath who they think they can fix. Also turns out the guys think I’m a delusional bad boy who thinks he’s a good boy. So basically all my theories on women and shit testing are likely bunk… so anything I wrote in the past on women here is likely questionable.

Why? That sounds like a perfect combination: women want to fix you while even your comrades sense something “bad” about you which is not mere performance: go forth and multiply.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We tend to overlook that even Caesar was excessively biased to normalcy, and his mercy killed him. Both Octavian and Constantine were no strangers to killing and purges, and they were the actual success stories. They survived to rule

Pooch says:

We need to remember that a stable Caesar usually arrives *after* substantial bloodshed; see Cromwell after Civil War, Napoleon after Revolution, Franco after Civil War.

I tend to agree with this analysis. It’s important to be realistic where we are in the cycle. Gracchus came during the beginning of the troubles of the Roman Republic and Caesar the end. Several generations of bloodshed, instability, and chaos between them.

Seems to me Trump signifies the beginning stages of chaos, not the end.

So on the Roman model, which has been the most accurate model so far, we should be prepared for several decades more of chaos and instability until a real Caesar comes, which is interesting because we may very well be in hardcore IEW by then. May Caesar’s drones strike fast and true as they fly over the Potomac.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pretty clearpilled to me. I don’t know where our circles overlap, but encountering the DC creature is literally staring into a blinking abyss.

I’ve come to accept that Yarvin is an optimist and a Leninist. He knows damn well what’s at stake, so his persistent messaging about bloodlessness is a calculated decision. I’m not saying his calculations are correct.

I’ve decided to go through the Open Letter yet again. I’m on chapter 03, if you want to read along and discuss. Don’t feel obligated by the offer, it’s painfully simple compared to this place, a waste of time, even.

ExileStyle says:

With the passage of time, what I thank moldbug for the most is introducing me to Carlyle. Carlyle’s essay on Dr. Francia, hermit dictator of the hermit kingdom-republic of Paraguay, is one of the highlights of reactionary literature. https://archive.org/details/worksofthomascar29carl/page/260/mode/2up

(For those with limited time/attention span, he gets into Francia himself on p. 270 after a long preface about South American politics.)

Kunning Druegger says:

For me, it’s James Anthony Froude. I think he’s the pinnacle of English non-fiction. I know that statement is probably controversial, but The Bow of Ulysses is a master work, the natural predecessor of “blogging.” If you haven’t read it, you should put it at the top of your list. My wife gave me a first edition in excellent condition, and it is maybe my most prized possession, after her, my kids, and my AR, of course.

ExileStyle says:

I’m not at all familiar with Froude, thanks for the tip! Straight onto the list.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a throwaway email address:


shoot me a message if you want to. if not, no worries at all. i’ll monitor it for a few hours before it gets shoah’d.

Kunning Druegger says:


use this one, lost the other one

Pax Imperialis says:

Been drinking a lot. Might be a bit scattered.

Clearpilled for you. Blackpilled for me.

The realization that a “mostly peaceful,” in a humorous reflection of BLM’s “mostly peaceful,” destruction of the Cathedral is outside likely possibilities is harsh. Especially when one has many friends and family in the Cathedral.

I’ve been reading through the Open Letter again. It really speaks to those who were adopted into the Brahmin ruling caste, yet remained partly alien and thus simultaneously outside the Cathedral.

Yarvin is a Jew. My father was, in a sense, adopted into the old time WASP establishment, Freemasons and all. He was mixed race but also confused for Caucasian. I’m clearly Asian but also inherited that WASP tradition and proximity to the Cathedral. In many ways I share parallels with Yarvin. An outsider who was adopted by insiders and treated as an insider.

I think that is the greatest failing of Yarvin’s open letter. It mostly appeals to those who were already partly outside the Cathedral in the first place due to circumstance and not “open mindedness.” I’ve tried introducing the open letter to many Whites of pure American stock residing in the Cathedral and it often fails to register. It has only seemingly been appreciated by those who are mixed, non white, or originally outside the Cathedral such as Texan conservatives who find themselves in the belly of the beast.

I’m not sure Yarvin realizes he’s mostly talking to outsider-insider dissidents who are a minority of a minority. Trump is an outsider-insider dissident. Never fully accepted into New York elites yet maintaining the wealth to rub shoulders. Tucker Carlson is much similar.

To that end, it’s not really a letter to open minded progressives, but pre-existing dissidents who haven’t yet realized the full scope of the rot. Still useful, but not as useful as one might hope.

Kunning Drueger says:

Evangelizing monarchy is a tough row to hoe. I suggest you go through Auron MacIntyre’s catalog (ignore the live streams) and switch up your weapons package. He keeps it short yet distills it accurately. I’ve had way more engagement using him than Yarvin.

On the other, far more depressing subject: some of us here would step out into a post-Restoration world overflowing with positivity and excitement. For me, and it seems like you too, it would be a world remade with many, many friends, coworkers, and family playing Minecraft in Alaska or the Atlantic seafloor. There’s no way to make that comfortable, brother. People I care about and love are demonic catspaws. This is part of why I think Yarvin was correct in saying the transition/restoration team has no place in the new society it creates. Too much baggage, to many deep, spiritual wounds. It’s a fucking shame. It’s not worth thinking about.

The list of what They took from us grows longer every day. Fight for what our children deserve, not for what we wish we could have

jim says:

> Turns out women see me a borderline psychopath who they think they can fix.

Sounds like you are playing it exactly correct.

> Also turns out the guys think I’m a delusional bad boy who thinks he’s a good boy.

When you take the red pill with the white pill, you realize you are acting in accordance with the Lord’s commandments, and their idea of a “good boy” comes from demons, be those demons literal or metaphorical.

Being what the purple pilled, blue pilled, and black pilled think of as a good boy will not only hurt you, it will hurt the women in your life.

A sexual morality that attempts to apply the same rules, same words, and same concepts to males and females is gay – it is homosexuals taking over our cultural space and chasing us out of it.

Anisogamous organisms inherently have very different and complementary behaviors, and defection is asymmetric. All sexual evil consists ultimately of damaging other people’s capacity to reproduce. Conducting oneself according to rules contrary to reality and to the natural order damages everyone’s capability to reproduce.

Neurotoxin says:

“women see me a borderline psychopath who they think they can fix.”

This is called acing the exam.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m mainly dejected over the fact that I have likely spread a great deal of bad advice.

I honestly thought I was a “good boy” type. Told many men they could attract women by being perceived as such.

I didn’t realize that telling a woman at a party to her face, and in front of her friends, that her home city in California should be razed to the ground and the earth salted got interpreted as borderline psychopath. I also didn’t realize that comments like that was the main reason I was getting many women’s phones numbers.

Learning I’ve given bad advice that may have damaged other men, some of whom are practically brothers, feels bad,

Also learning that my self perception is completely detached from everyone else’s perception of me is not a great feeling.

Adam says:

Giving good advice about complex subjects is always difficult, even more so on the internet than in person. Words are just an illusion, in themselves nearly meaningless. Words rarely matter. The definitions matter. That is the hard part, reading peoples meanings. Can be hard to do in person, very hard to do over text. You can second guess yourself into believing anything. If your words represent your honest opinion at the time, given the frame you were in, that’s the best anyone can do.

Neurotoxin says:

“I didn’t realize that telling a woman at a party to her face, and in front of her friends, that her home city in California should be razed to the ground and the earth salted got interpreted as borderline psychopath.”

This is almost too perfect. Are you for real? Is this a humble-brag? Are we being trolled?

If not, just keep on keeping on; you’re right in the zone.

Frank Matters says:

Please elaborate.

I assume what normies and women percieve as a bad boy is a retarded frame found in low level criminals and a killer frame found in upper level organized criminal groups. I do not think acting like a cartel member, for the most part, I am sure exceptions exist, is God’s will. I know acting like an inner city nigger is not in God’s will.

I am willing to defend my honor and property against all threats, I don’t bend over backwards for the opionions of women, but this I do not think makes it across to others as what is being described here. So what is this commandment I am failing to fulfill? I do not see it. As far as I can tell, acting like a ‘bad boy’ is a show you put up, in many ways is defection, to gain some amount of status, which would be completely unnecessary were we living in sane times.

Pooch says:

The “bad boy” meme is purple pilled. Inner city street niggers don’t get beautiful women thrown at them. High status men get beautiful women thrown at them. What women are attracted to needs to always be viewed through the lens of what they perceive as high male status.

Forget about being a “bad boy”. Gay. Focus on being high status.

Contaminated NEET says:

But women’s ability to judge status is retarded.

Pooch says:

They judge status by who they perceive to be alpha of a group of males, thus NFL players have the highest status. Why? Because millions of retarded men watch it religiously.

Yul Bornhold says:

Conversely, the alpha in the room is far sexier than the alpha on TV, same as the 5/10 chick in the room is hotter than the 10/10 on the internet.

Pooch says:

If an NFL player is in the room, he will be surrounded by 100 male fans. It’s very clear to women who the alpha in the room is.

Women are tuned to pick up who other men perceive to be the alpha. If other men are perceiving alpha in a degenerate way, like NFL or gladiators in Rome, it’s not women’s ability to judge status as being retarded, it’s the men in the room’s ability to judge status as being retarded.

Adam says:

Yes they are tuned in to who other men view as alpha, but also other women as well. Alpha/beta are relative terms used to illustrate the 80/20 rule. So it’s inherently difficult to pin down definitions of those terms, as it really depends on the group of men.

Generally, capacity for violence, dominant personality, dominant physical presence. Competence and confidence. Alphas are the ones who stand out from the rest.

Thugs get women, even very young beautiful women. But trust me that is not a life anyone wants to live. Pussy is just not worth it. I mean it is, but living that way is hard. It’s a good sexual strategy at the expense of everything else.

After I found the red pill maybe 7 years ago, I started increasing my comfort game, and the more personable and social I’ve become, the more attention I’ve received from even very young beautiful women.

There’s a line somewhere as far as how big of a dick you have to be, and I think guys over do it a lot. You don’t have to be the biggest son of a bitch that ever lived. And you can scare off a lot of girls that way. Just have to find what works for you.

Neurotoxin says:

“Women want to have sex with the highest status men available (as women perceive status, which is similar to the way a small evil child raised by cannibal head hunters perceives status).”


Frank Matters says:

Looking at the context, particularly the two lines jim quoted, it seems you are contradicting here what jim claimed.

I actually agree with your take, to an extent. However, there’s definitely a level of acting like a degenerate retard that gets you status, debatable as to why it gives you status, but undeniably it does in many normie circles. This is what I consider the bad boy meme to be reffering to. Well, I’m not getting ugly ass dreds and face tatts while I work on my soundcloud hustle, so if that was a commandment I failed, the gnostics must be onto something.

Right now I’m gonna focus on survival, and timing, I think 2026 might come sooner than later.

jim says:

> Forget about being a “bad boy”. Gay. Focus on being high status.

The female perception of male status is seriously retarded, and fails to correspond to male perception of status. You have to understand where female perception of status is coming from, and it comes from a place about half way between their feet and the eyes.

Pooch says:

I understand it perfectly. Therefore, I lift, maintain a fit physique, dress well, have a large male friend group, and act like an asshole when interacting with women I want to bang. Never talked about my engineering job ever. Did fine with women.

jim says:


I was at a party and I was talking about women to a blue pilled normie, who is, predictably, raising two boys who are not his own, their actual father, predictably, being in jail, and the normie, predictably, being childless.

I attempted to start a conversation about our past misadventures with women. He fearfully remarked “Women don’t like that” – meaning women don’t like men talking about their past women and he did not want to upset his girlfriend.

To which I replied: “Women love what they hate.” His girlfriend supposedly likes nice guys like himself, but somehow during a protracted fit of absent mindedness wound up bearing two sons to a violent stoner with no job who spends all his mysteriously acquired money on drugs.

When she was with the violent stoner, she had a job and he did not, while now she is with the nice guy, he has a job and she does not. I never saw her hug him, or look at him admiringly, at the party, even though he was by far the most handsome man at the party, and except for myself the most intelligent. Handsome, wealthy, intelligent, kind, and he predictably gets another man’s leavings. Women like dangerous men, or men who plausibly seem dangerous, and she likes most of all a man who can plausibly appear to seem dangerous to herself.

Pooch says:

Nah. I find your dangerous man analysis to be hyperbole and detached from reality. The saying is Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks not Dangerous Man Fucks. Dangerous just means masculine. If you are masculine, you are dangerous. Women are fine tuned to sense masculinity.

Women don’t like nice guys. Nice guys finish last because pedalization of women is a effeminate trait which is exhibited by men without sexual options.

But the inverse of a nice guy is not a violent druggie stoner.

The inverse of a nice guy is simply a man who puts himself first and women a low priority in his life. “I have 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one.”

Sure the violent druggie stoner is part of the subset of men who fail to worship women as a top priority in life and thus pulls chicks, but completely detached from reality to say the only men who fail to worship women are violent stoners.

jim says:

> The saying is Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks not Dangerous Man Fucks.

Women see dangerous men as alpha. The nigger peacock act consists in large part of proclaiming “dangerous man” loudly and continually to everyone. Truly dangerous men do not advertise. Women are quite willing to patiently research, and, like everyone else, expect that to find the truly dangerous man, they will have to do a lot of research.

A man can spot fertility at thirty paces in seconds. What women are looking for takes a long time to check out, and they are willing to spend a long time.

Pooch says:

Being an asshole in short interactions while gaming women is generally the best way to show you aren’t a beta “niceguy” but not the only way. I don’t believe I did that with my girlfriend. I simply approached her, chatted, then walked away. She then had to hunt me down to continue the conversation.

Women can sense how invested you are in them.

Pooch says:

The red pill term beta orbiter comes to mind. It is very clear Beta orbiters place chicks as their highest priority and thus “orbit” them, but get no sex from them. Because nice guys. Very effeminate. Real masculine men do not orbit chicks.

Pooch says:

Women see dangerous men as alpha. The nigger peacock act consists of proclaiming “dangerous man” loudly and continually to everyone.

I would still boil this down to masculinity. Masculinity is an expression of strength, vitality, aggression, and capacity for violence. The goal should be to be masculine, not dangerous. Find me a masculine man and I will show you a man who has no problem getting laid.

Pooch says:

The wisdom of the Red Pill on Women is largely a rediscovery of functional masculinity that society has banned.

Neurotoxin says:

Pooch: “I find your dangerous man analysis to be hyperbole and detached from reality.”

A lot of what you say after that is accurate. But note that convicted stone-cold murderers in prison get gushing letters from hot chicks. No one is saying that only convicted killers get laid, obviously. But it is one way to attract a kiloton of slicked pussy.

I have a book written by a cop. One time he got curious and asked a thug he’d just arrested what he did all day.

The answer: “Smoke dope and fuck bitches.”

– – – – – – – –

Pooch: “The goal should be to be masculine, not dangerous.”

Can you imagine a masculine man who was not in the least dangerous? Ridiculous. Try to imagine a masculine man whom it would be safe to punch in the mouth. Absurd, self-contradictory.

But then you redeem yourself with this:
“Masculinity is an expression of strength, vitality, aggression, and capacity for violence.”

And other traits too, but those are certainly part of it.

Adam says:

Pooch you keep forgetting about the feels. They love love love dangerous men, because dangerous men get those feels going. Imagine doing something dangerous like bungee jumping. That’s how a woman feels around a truly dangerous and somewhat unpredictable man. Except she’s not quite sure when she’s going bungee jumping.

Women ride waves of feels. My oldest daughter once was hysterical and in tears telling my wife “Mom I can’t feel anything!”. Absolutely lost her mind. Wife tells her she’s just about to get her period. Next day she got it and felt better. A woman’s feels is the only way they know where they are. It’s as significant as a man’s moral compass.

If the foundation of our reality is truth, a woman’s is feels. How they feel, right now, determines everything past present and future. They guys that understand that themselves, are guys that have women addicted to them.

Kunning Druegger says:

“Can you imagine a masculine man who was not in the least dangerous? Ridiculous.”

I am not opposed to lifting in any way, but if that’s your only connection to masculine physicality, astute females can sense that. It’s not enough to be strong; you have to be hard. Lifting will give you hardbody, but it does not necessarily give you a hard mind.

Pooch says:

A lot of what you say after that is accurate. But note that convicted stone-cold murderers in prison get gushing letters from hot chicks. No one is saying that only convicted killers get laid, obviously.

Some commenters like Com do think this. Com is discouraged because he says he has to be violent thug in order to get laid.

I know Jim likes to use hyperbole to drive home a point with theory, but I think as actionable practical advice we should make it clear that being a violent convicted felon is not the only way to get pussy.

I have a book written by a cop. One time he got curious and asked a thug he’d just arrested what he did all day.

The answer: “Smoke dope and fuck bitches.”

Yes I know dumb degenerate niggers fuck bitches.

And we have another commenter, Frank, who is discouraged because he believes he must act like a degenerate nigger in order to get a wife. I’m trying to drive home the point, maybe ineffectively, that this is also certainly not the case. There are plenty of commenters here that prove this.

Can you imagine a masculine man who was not in the least dangerous? Ridiculous. Try to imagine a masculine man whom it would be safe to punch in the mouth. Absurd, self-contradictory.

Yes I say in another comment that being dangerous is inherently masculine. Being dangerous is surely a part of being masculine but it is only a subcomponent of overall masculinity. I think Jim overemphasizes the dangerous aspect and should be emphasizing masculinity as a general concept more is the crux of my gripe.

Neurotoxin says:


I am not opposed to lifting in any way, but if that’s your only connection to masculine physicality, astute females can sense that. It’s not enough to be strong; you have to be hard. Lifting will give you hardbody, but it does not necessarily give you a hard mind.

Of course. I actually meant the mental aspect of it more than the physical.


Being dangerous is surely a part of being masculine but it is only a subcomponent of overall masculinity.


I think Jim overemphasizes the dangerous aspect and should be emphasizing masculinity as a general concept more is the crux of my gripe.

Maybe he exaggerates sometimes to make the point. But that’s the point the average nice guy needs to have pounded into his head. That normie nice guy doesn’t need more math skills or ability to fix a flat tire or other stereotypically masculine stuff to score more booty. He needs to seem more like someone whom it would be dangerous to fuck with.

Neurotoxin says:

“Com is discouraged because he says he has to be violent thug in order to get laid.”

If Com thinks that it’s because of the stripper thing.

Hey Cominator, strippers are not a random sample of females!

Adam says:

Being blackpilled is an absence of hope. It is defeat, demoralization and depression. It can even be a stubborn unwillingness to feel joy. As if you have made a final judgment of all for eternity that there is only doom ahead.

I think this is how you end up thinking in black and white terms, that you must be a bloodthirsty maniac to find a decent woman to take for a wife.

As others have said, there is a lot of variation among women. Just have to put in the work to up your game, and find a woman worth the burden of performance you can live with.

jim says:

Women are completely uniform in their sexual nature. There is no significant or interesting variation. The only significant variation I have noticed is a substantial and inconvenient variation in the age of sexual awakening.

And I am the complete opposite of a bloodthirst maniac. I am willing to kill people in certain situations, but I really care for every living creature. Unless they piss me off, and it takes quite a bit to piss me off. I really make an effort to put myself in their shoes and try to understand why they are doing things that I object to.

Women rather like willingness to care for others, and willingness to understand, provided it comes from strength and courage, rather than weakness and fear. But they do not like the sheepdog. They prefer the wolf. The woman wants a man who could be dangerous to her if she did the wrong thing, but not capriciously dangerous to her.

The Cominator says:

No its not because of the stripper thing quite the opposite if you’ve listened to what I’ve said. I never said you had to appear dangerous to strippers… the one thing i said as far as disposition is never sound judgementally critical of their job when you’re just meeting them (ie why is such a nice girl like you a stripper… they ALL hate this).

The advantage with strippers is you’re dealing with some extremely horny women who you can already get alone into a sexually charged situation.

Pooch says:

I think the first step Com is to ween yourself off prostitutes. The dangers of prostitutes and whoremongering are highlighted time and time again in the Bible.

jim says:

The first step to weaning himself of prostitutes is to get chicks taking care of him, instead of him taking care of the chick and her demon lover. And the first step to that is to let go of the blue pill and take the white pill with the red pill. I suggested that he get a crew together and hit the kind of pickup spot frequented by chicks rather than by very few chicks and large numbers of pickup artists vastly more skilled than oneself. Such places tend to be inconvenient, expensive, and a very long distance away.

If he can find a pickup artist that does not suck, and is willing to distribute the loot to his minions, that man should be alpha of the group.

Ghost says:

Don’t forget 70% of your communication is non-verbal. With females more so. Obviously be fit and stand up straight. Heavy lifting will put on muscle: bench, deadlift, squat as basics. When you speak, be confident and concise slightly louder than room conversation. Smell is a factor. Do away with any scented soap/shampoos. Avoid foods that leach through your pours. The animal side of women subconsciously judge smell. There is something called alum, a white crystal salt, you can get at most asian stores that works well for underarm. No scent. When you hunt, you learn to pay attention to smell.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Bad boy” doesn’t have to be inner city criminality. Extensive and obvious vocal thought crime apparently works just as well.

Soft crime, like almost going to jail due to speeding, attracts as well. I’ve learned recently that my close male friends have been introducing me to women by telling them I got pulled over for going well above 100 mph multiple times.

Doesn’t matter that it was with a souped-up Honda civic and not an actual sports car. Going to court is what matters.

My embarrassing interaction with the legal system has been getting me dates.

jim says:

> assume what normies and women percieve as a bad boy is

And there you go, assuming men and women are the same. Male perception of male status is completely different from female perception of status, and normie male perception of male status even more discrepant with female perception of status than based male perception of male status.

Normies are different, midwits are different, and females are very different. If you want to talk to people, you have to get in their shoes.

Frank Matters says:

I never said status, I said bad boy. Normies and women both know what that is, both are capable of percieving it.

> Also turns out the guys think I’m a delusional bad boy who thinks he’s a good boy.

Women may attribute some hind-brain high status to it, most men do not, but the context of this quote is vague and the meaning of the term is vaguer still even within context.

God commands me to act like a nigger peacock to get across that I would be willing to kill for what is mine. Being willing is not enough, must be a nigger peacock too.

jim says:

> I never said status, I said bad boy. Normies and women both know what that is, both are capable of perceiving it

I don’t think so. Not my experience. Or rather they perceive it very differently. It is truly amazing how much mistreatment and neglect a woman will put up with from her demon lover. And when her demon lover predictably goes to prison or gets killed, and she reluctantly settles for someone handsome, kind, highly intelligent, and high status in the male hierarchy, her discontent and alpha widowhood is evident.

I am pretty sure male normies do not regard broke stoners headed for a long term in prison or a violent death as high status.

Frank Matters says:

>Or rather they perceive it very differently

I said that. I am not in disagreement on this point. I am in disagreement that because women are attracted to nigger peacocks, God commands you to be a nigger peacock. That when “you take the red pill with the white pil”, it means you have internalized the nigger peacock and are fulfilling the role of man in creation. Hence, I asked you to elaborate on the behavior that leads to

>the guys think I’m a delusional bad boy who thinks he’s a good boy.

Because from my perspective, that means internalizing the nigger peacock. Dressing and acting like the white version of an inner city nigger. If that’s wrong, what is the ‘bad boy’ to you?

Marrying a whore with two kids by a “broke stoners headed for a long term in prison or a violent death” is not high status either, no matter how handsome and intelligent you are. Shows a lack of self respect that must go deep. From that decision alone I can only imagine the other self degrading behavior this man must partake in.

jim says:

Well, I certainly do not act like a nigger peacock.

What I can be, is rather scary. And in fact the typical very bad man that women find so remarkably attractive does not act like a nigger peacock either – but he nonetheless is headed for prison or violent death, and is unlikely to have any assets or money enroute to his destination

Frank Matters says:

If they are “headed for prison or violent death”, I am bucketing that as nigger peacock. The violence is just for show, because it will get them nowhere, just like the plumage of the peacock is just for show.

Putin is a scary man, not a nigger peacock, in fact is far far scarier and deadlier than a nogger peacock, but will get sexually outcompeted by the nigger peacock all the same if he could not order him killed, because the behavior is targeted for the female limbic system.

Trying to out nigger the nigger peacock seems to me a losing strategy, seems to me to be supplicating the female limbic system at the expense of your dignity and your civilization. I don’t have an answer as to the synthesis of this. Internalize the nigger peacock, lose your soul. Fail to internalize the nigger peacock, lose your bloodline. The only answer I see is to become a high status playboy, to be like Musk or Trump, which is no solution for your children, and much harder to achieve than simply internalizing the nigger.

The only satisfactory answer seems to me the establishment of patriarchy under the monarch who backs the patriarchal authority of a man in his own house by law.

In today’s world, you are always forced to improvise since traditional marriage is effectively illegal.

Pooch says:

The only answer I see is to become a high status playboy, to be like Musk or Trump, which is no solution for your children, and much harder to achieve than simply internalizing the nigger.

You should really read Roissy and Rollo. I don’t find Jim satisfactory in this department. Aidan is also very good.

The Red Pill on women boils down to just be a masculine man. Masculine Men have a mission in life and thus do not place high priority on chicks. Very important to really internalize you don’t give a fuck if a women rejects you or not. Once you have that, the rest falls into place.

Kunning Druegger says:

“If they are ‘headed for prison or violent death’, I am bucketing that as nigger peacock. The violence is just for show, because it will get them nowhere, just like the plumage of the peacock is just for show.”

The plumage may be for show, but time and chance have conspired such that the best plumed bird is also the biggest with the sharpest talons. Of course, a peacock compared to a tiger is a silly joke, but compared to other peacocks…

The situation we are in is the equivalent of the female peacock using males of other species as their template. “Nice tail feathers, but can you hold your breath for an hour, walk across the desert, and fly for thousands of miles at a glide? Because that’s the lunacy I believe about my stepdad who popped my cherry…” The female lower brain is just doing its job with the programming it has. A violent man is known to be violent which means he will be able to be violent if violence is required and violence is always required. Her thinly developed upper brain is what’s making this complicated. Women are not, by nature, contemplative thinkers. They can plan their wedding at age 7, or manage a household of many kids, animals, with much upkeep, but if you ask them why they prefer one thing to another, you’re going to receive a hash of illogical inanity and anecdotal evidence filtered through their internal lens (remember, every woman is the center of their little universe until ((hopefully)) they are replaced by their children; to you closeted blue pillers and needlessly needling wives reading things that don’t concern you, this is not a demeaning attack on wahmens, it is an observable fact reinforced countless times every day).

Their lower brain perceives the potential for violence, their upper brain projects their constructed interpretive framework. The pussy gets wet, and the decision is made, and at no point are they thinking about this. Trying to come at the problem from a perspective of “how do I act like what she wants” is suboptimal for many reasons. The optimum path, all factors considered, is to act with confidence and refuse to engage with minor fitness tests unless the riches of sandwiches, pussy, and pillow talk are secured. You can try to build a personality projection that aligns with a given woman’s weird, fantastical ideation, but if it doesn’t hit the brain-brain-vagina-decision buttons correctly, you’re nothing more than a piece of furniture in her world. Better to move through her world like Oumuamua, leaving her forever wondering if you were a gift from the gods or a catastrophe barely avoided.

Be the Chad Interstellar Object, not the Virgin Pan-STARRS 2020 XL5.

Pooch says:

Their lower brain perceives the potential for violence, their upper brain projects their constructed interpretive framework. The pussy gets wet, and the decision is made, and at no point are they thinking about this. Trying to come at the problem from a perspective of “how do I act like what she wants” is suboptimal for many reasons. The optimum path, all factors considered, is to act with confidence and refuse to engage with minor fitness tests unless the riches of sandwiches, pussy, and pillow talk are secured.

Exactly right and a profound point of the Red Pill. Women are simply attracted to what gives them feels and not to what doesn’t. They are not logical like men and their entire decision making tree is based off of emotion. It really shouldn’t be overthought more than that.

Seeing a hot woman with a criminal boyfriend should not make one assume “I guess I have to be a criminal to pull a chick like that”. I think Jim is causing men a lot of damage making them think this. Poor Com seems permanently damaged and thinks he needs to be a violent thug or something or not even try.

The criminal is simply giving her feels that make her wet. This feeling of danger, excitement, and thrill is what gives her the tingles and can be replicated on a motorcycle, a fast car, or a boat all the same. She is not consciously thinking “Wow this guy is such a criminal I’m so attracted to his criminality.”

Frank Matters says:

I think Jim has the correct facts and a misleading conclusion. Or rather, an unworkable conclusion that will not last long term.

The nigger peacock act absolutely beats out the scary tough guy act, it is a more direct stimulus to the limbic system. A guy with dreds and face tats and an inability to keep his mouth shut and think with anything but his dick has the advantage up until he gets himself arrested or killed, regardless that in fact he is less dangerous than an intelligent killer. Women are retarded and are responding to a stimulus, the stimulus being superficial to the content. To the extent all women are not with nigger peacocks is momentum from when times were not so, fumes of an empty tank. It is rapidly approaching peak niggerdom.

The conclusion is violent recapture of the social order or the destruction of civilization. Recapture of civilization impossible for now, the response is to embody as much of the nigger peacock as you can in order to maybe make it to the next round. This strategy gets more untenable every round, as plumage takes away the biological energy for brains.

I mostly take issue with calling this frame white pilled, “acting in accordance with the Lord’s commandments”. It’s doing the absolute necessary amount to get into the next round of the game, where you might be able to reestablish the proper order.

jim says:

The nigger peacock act absolutely beats out the scary tough guy act,

Nuts. Niggers have an exemption from the ban on masculinity, so tend to be markedly more masculine.

Masculinity does not consist of acting like a nigger. A significant part of acting like a nigger, however, consists of acting masculine.

Don’t learn it from niggers. Learn it from within.

Pooch says:

To the extent all women are not with nigger peacocks is momentum from when times were not so, fumes of an empty tank. It is rapidly approaching peak niggerdom.

Not quite. An individual woman’s ability to judge alpha is highly dependent on the type of men she has been exposed to.

Not all women have been exposed to nigger peacocks and thus not all will seek them out. In fact, I’d say it’s a small number who do.

Upper class women are particularly sheltered from degenerate niggers (until they go to college and find the football players). The alphas for upper class women are going to be less degenerate, at least for as long as they are sheltered from male degeneracy.

Frank Matters says:


Know it or not, you are agreeing with me. The fumes of the empty tank are the few and rapidly evaporating closed social circles. Evaporating faster every day as the degenerate monoculture spreads through every form of sharable media.

Internalizing the nigger peacock is red pilled but not white pilled. To out nigger the nigger peacock is long term untenable, not a white pill. Knowing that the Old Law exists and will return is white pilled. Doing everything you can to establish the covenant in your own life is white pilled, that is the Lord’s commandment.

Pooch says:

The fumes of the empty tank are the few and rapidly evaporating closed social circles. Evaporating faster every day as the degenerate monoculture spreads through every form of sharable media.

As Juvenal depicts in his Satires, things were seriously fucked and degenerate in Rome around the 1st century AD. Constantine did not start unfucking the degeneracy until the 4th century AD.

Waiting until another Constantine is not a viable long term strategy to me for reproduction. Got to play the cards you are dealt. The fumes of civilization are not completely dissipated quite yet. Put yourself in a position where they are the strongest.

Frank Matters says:


We continue to be in agreement.

> The conclusion is violent recapture of the social order or the destruction of civilization. Recapture of civilization impossible for now, the response is to embody as much of the nigger peacock as you can in order to maybe make it to the next round.

Ideally, you can woo the woman with very little embodied nigger frame. You do this by, as you say, finding those precious few and rapidly diminishing social circles, while establishing your own in the frame of the Old Law.

I am also in agreement with you here,

> The criminal is simply giving her feels that make her wet. This feeling of danger, excitement, and thrill is what gives her the tingles and can be replicated on a motorcycle, a fast car, or a boat all the same. She is not consciously thinking “Wow this guy is such a criminal I’m so attracted to his criminality.”

Where we disagree is here

> The Red Pill on women boils down to just be a masculine man. Masculine Men have a mission in life and thus do not place high priority on chicks. Very important to really internalize you don’t give a fuck if a women rejects you or not. Once you have that, the rest falls into place.

I have a mission, not swimming in pussy. Why? I don’t go out and put on an act. I don’t go to pickup spots, because I’m busy and do not have a local tribe. In fact my tribe is small, and I move geography frequently. More important to me to try and fix that, need a bigger and better network, than find a woman I ultimately could not take care of. There is more to it than focused and determined frame, and merely a masculine outlook. Have to have at least a little nigger peacock, now, in order to get anywhere.

Pooch says:

Ideally, you can woo the woman with very little embodied nigger frame. You do this by, as you say, finding those precious few and rapidly diminishing social circles, while establishing your own in the frame of the Old Law.

Nigger frame is just masculine frame, as allowed by the state religion as blacks get a masculinity exemption from the state religion.

White masculinity is demeaned and ridiculed by the state. Black masculinity is celebrated. Understanding this dynamic, one does not necessarily need to act like a nigger to be masculine (although through the lens of contemporary society it my appear this is the only way.)

I have a mission, not swimming in pussy. Why? I don’t go out and put on an act. I don’t go to pickup spots, because I’m busy and do not have a local tribe. In fact my tribe is small, and I move geography frequently. More important to me to try and fix that, need a bigger and better network, than find a woman I ultimately could not take care of. There is more to it than focused and determined frame, and merely a masculine outlook. Have to have at least a little nigger peacock, now, in order to get anywhere.

Having a mission does not produce swimming in pussy in and of itself. It’s merely a prerequisite to continue along journey to manhood. I believe you said you are young which means you are just starting out on the process.

Men are not born, they are made. Take a look at Rollo’s SMV curve for men. They reach their peak in their 30s in today’s society.

I would not get discouraged so early. Your 20s should be spent on improving economic situation, social skills and networks, your living situation, physical fitness, etc. I wish someone told me this in my 20s, would have saved me a lot of time. You will be hard pressed to find an example of a man with the things outlined above who needs to act like a nigger to get pussy.

jim says:

> Because from my perspective, that means internalizing the nigger peacock


Pooch says:

I am pretty sure male normies do not regard broke stoners headed for a long term in prison or a violent death as high status.

It’s clear you are not familiar with the criminal drug world. Broke stoners are not violent, have no status, are losers at life, and do not get laid. Maybe they occasionally can trade weed for sex from other stoner chicks who generally are not hot.

In the criminal drug world, drug dealers are violent, high status, and pull chicks. They also tend to be gang leaders and thus alpha. Drug buyers are beta and get not bitches. Drug dealers are alpha and get bitches.

Kunning Druegger says:

Lol, maybe on The Wire. You are not familiar with the criminal drug world.

Pooch says:

I grew up in an area where drug use was not uncommon and this is what I saw. Stoners/buyers low status. Dealers and pushers high status. Dealers had the money and the bitches. the Stoners had jack shit. If you weren’t getting high on your own supply you were just a john equivalent to buying sex off a prostitute.

The Cominator says:

I agree with Pooch dealers get pussy users not so much.

Kunning Druegger says:

Your experience is the ecosystem of the end user. The people you consider Dealers are actually just the penultimate user. Actual dealers, they swim in whatever pool they want; the dealers you describe are just luxuriating in the muddy pond they inhabit. There’s one surefire way to figure out how big a dealer is: remove him from the ecosystem and see if habits change. If pen- and ultimate users just switch suppliers, very low on the chain. If every one stops doing/selling X and switches to Y, you’re moving up.

The Cominator says:

Depends there are definitely levels of drug dealer, and plenty of retail dealers “use” but not all do…

The drug business is all rats though, prettymuch everyone in it. Thats the real reason the oldschool mafiosi hated the drug business.

Pooch says:

Dealers are definitely in a hierarchy but this does not invalidate my experience. The higher up the chain, the higher the status, group cohesion, and capacity for violence. El Chapo has the highest status and the low level weed high school dealer the lowest status in this chain.

The low level weed pusher is lower status than a Coke dealer, who also sells weed and pills and frequently carries a gun on him.

The Cominator says:

Yes there is a hierarchy but women will generally fuck anyone in that particular hierarchy at the dealer level or above…

Pooch says:

Certainly but The higher in hierarchy the higher the quality of pussy.

The Cominator says:

Eh some low level dealers get some extremely high quality pussy…

I think it prettymuch levels off once you have coke (there are a LOT of hot women who are cokeheads).

Neurotoxin says:

Pooch says that you don’t have to be a “justice-system-involved” thug to score pussy. This is true. But it does help, a lot, to be more in that direction than most other guys in your social circle.

Among the nice-guy intellectuals that were a lot of my social circle when I was younger, it didn’t take much devil-may-care bad boy to make an enormous difference for me.

Old joke:
Two hikers are in the woods. They see a bear rapidly heading toward them from a distance. One hiker starts re-tying one of his shoes.
“That’s futile,” his friend says, “you can’t outrun a bear.”
The response: “I don’t have to run faster than the bear; I just have to run faster than you.”

Cloudswrest says:

This reminds me of a news item from a few years ago where it was reported two “men” were mountain biking and were attacked by a mountain lion. One was killed and the other fled on his bike. This seemed very strange to me because I couldn’t imagine a man abandoning his buddy to a single mountain lion. Especially if there is a bicycle to uses as a barrier/weapon. I thought to myself “This must be fake news. They must either be women or trans men.” And I was right!!!! It subsequently came out they were trans men.

A news article said “They did everything right!” LOL, yeah, like running away from your partner is the right thing to do!


Adam says:

Socially dominant is a better term than bad boy. Bad boy is socially dominant among teenagers, and what white teenage girls often go for. In other social circles, social dominance means something else. There is overlapping common ground in these different social circles, which is obviously called alpha behavior. Mostly I think it is having the balls to win, without playing by anyone else’s fake and gay rules, and succeeding. King of the hill. Which is a tough game to play long term, as there is always someone who is willing to do what you are not. Maintaining alpha status long term can be very difficult, depending on which hill you want to be king of.

Adam says:

What is alpha at a church, country club, or inner city is going to be a little different, but the men who are alpha are all going to be the same in that they are willing and capable of doing what the betas are not. They may not all get the same female attention, but the females in proximity will all give their attention to the alphas, for the time being.

jim says:

What is alpha at a Church, or even a country club, females do not find all that impressive. When men demonstrate alpha in ways that shout loudly to other men, women do not hear it, but women can spot a hover hand at thirty paces.

Adam says:

When I was in my early teens, I had a few girlfriends, each breaking up with me to immediately start dating some other guy not really any different from me. Third time it happened I still didn’t really know why, but in a fit of rage I just said fuck it, if nobody is going to cooperate I’m just going to do whatever I want. Which I did, wherever I went. Endless pussy after that.

The most alpha thing you can do as notice a pretty girl, make your way to her and start doing whatever you want. And don’t let anyone stop you.

Adam says:

More accurately, do whatever you want, as if nobody else existed.

Adam says:

Time to find yourself a wife. If you find a woman who thinks she can fix you, she is likely willing to put a lot of effort into pleasing you, and put a lot of effort into raising your children. Obviously you do not need to be fixed as you are not broken, so she should not be allowed to succeed. If she does succeed, you have been betaized. If your aware of this, you can use it to your advantage.

Just don’t let her talk back to you. If you find yourself defending your position, you are losing. It will wear you out the same as everyone else. You are not broken, you do not need fixing. End of story. If the conversation continues, a spanking is in order, the kind that makes it uncomfortable to sit down for a day or two.

jim says:

I have never spanked my wife that hard. On one occasion she was obstinately disobeying and I spanked her until she obeyed, which took an alarming amount of spanking, of alarmingly severe spanking, and she was sore for a bit. Ever since then she has never disobeyed me to my face.

On one occasion she caused a problem which there seemed no way of fixing, and I started giving her a lecture on how she had screwed up, and she started ostentatiously ignoring me. I slapped her, quite lightly, on the face, and she was shocked and listened respectfully to my lecture. Thereafter I let the matter rest, because the problem seemed stuck, and she quietly disappeared from my sight, and quietly fixed the problem that she had caused. She remembers that quite light slap on the face better than the spanking.

Adam says:

I never did slap my wife, although many times I should have. Once I raised my hand in anger, and she retreated to the bedroom and called my father who in turn called the sheriff. Nothing came of it, except quite a lot of drama and attention for my wife. I think had I struck her, probably would have solved the problem, probably would not have involved the sheriffs department.

Adam says:

My wife and I have always received praise for how well behaved our children were even at very young ages. It always seemed odd to hear, because we never put much thought into it.

One of the best things we did when they made a fuss, especially in public, is lightly flick their lips with our fingers, like how you would flick a pea or something. When they were really little, they would go from loud and obnoxious to a pile of tears in an instant, just out of shock. It wasn’t anything that hurt, it just let them know they are not the center of the world. It worked especially well on our girls.

Cloudswrest says:

More often then not my dad you just give one “the look” and you knew to stfu or stop what you were doing immediately if you wanted to go on living.

Frontier says:

In Japan and Korea dekopin (forehead flicking) is a common bit of social technology for asserting dominance and/or quickly venting physically without harming the target.

Highly recommend it as part of managing misbehaving kids or your girl; it can be done much faster than spanking, and isn’t as much of an escalation as a slap (which you can always escalate to next if needed, but often all you need to get compliance is demonstrating that you have no compunctions forcefully violating their space and striking them with a full force muscle release. As a warning shot you only use one finger and strike the thick part of the forehead, but the subconscious registers that next you could do a lot more)

Japanese mothers use it to release annoyance at their infants without harming them. Here’s a comic a wife made about her Korean husband doming her with it to make him a sammich:


alf says:

I have slapped my woman three, maybe four times in the course of our relation.

The first time was early on, when I was in the process of digesting the red pill. The subject of violence came up and I pulled the Sean Connery: ‘not the worst thing to slap a woman now and then.’ Likely sensing that I had never practiced what I preached she caused trouble in the following days, and so for the first time in my life I slapped a woman. I remember the make-up sex was great.

The other times it was her just causing trouble. The men get portrayed as agressors, but really she’s more often the instigator, agressively provoking me and the slap is me finally putting my foot down. Becomes rarer as we are together longer, I must say.

There is one funny story of a time I hit her. Jim, in his usual Jimness, argued that woman don’t mind a man hitting her. He hit his wife out of the blue, he said, she did not mind. Me, an investigative sperg, decided to replicate the experiment. So I hit my girl out of the blue. Result: she broke down in tears and I had to console her for half an hour. She was pregnant and hormonal at the time so maybe that had something to do with it. I kinda feel bad about it but mostly it was very funny. Damn Jim and his wacky theories.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jfc my sides just maxQ’d , Alf.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, I had a pretty good laugh at that, as well. What a flex. “I’m not mad at you, babe, I just wanted to see what would happen if I slapped you.”

someDude says:

She has probably read this comment of yours if her past comments on this forum are anything to go by

Neurotoxin says:

LOL, fuck that’s priceless.

ExileStyle says:

So this is interesting. I came across a Jim reference in the wild recently. He was cited in a peer-reviewed Cathedral (Johns Hopkins) political science journal, namely a comment expressing his desire to apply for, of all things, the position of King Trump’s Grand Inquisitor:

A more satirical version (I think—it grows ever more difficult to tell the ironic from the uninflected) comes from Jim at blog.jim.com who described how Trump could follow the example of Duterte to become King.

“So for Trump to become King in substance, and eventually King in name, he has to seize the power to fire the fireproof. Which, given that he has support from the military, the praetorians, the cops, the rentacops, and the mercenaries, and that judges do not have much support from anyone, is quite doable…. if Trump exercises the power of Kings and does so competently and bravely, if he is worthy to exercise such power, Kings shall in due course ensue. I will then apply for the job of Grand Inquisitor when the time is right.”

Now that’s what I call a coincidence in light of the recent thread. Also reinforces a point I made once about how this blog might be weirdly protected from the more intense kinds of scrutiny because it falls so far outside of the Cathedral frame of reference that they presume it must be satire. Like their brains are literally incapable of processing Jim’s thoughts as possible real thoughts. (As well as how this blog is read by more people across a broader spectrum than you might expect…)

Link: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/650867

The Cominator says:

Progressives cannot even understand cuckservatives very well…

Reactionaries are an Eldritch Lovecraftian horror beyond the Nazis (there goto label) that most cannot fathom even in the abstract. The very few progs who do don’t want any of their own looking upon Ryhleh or Cthulu for fear that in looking they’ll be driven mad…shills get sent but paid monkeys on scripts their priest are not even allowed to know about us.

jim says:

By interacting with shills, I have become pretty sure that the shills get to read the responses that they manage to get, and the computer monitoring the shill’s performance processes them for engagement, but the people supervising the shills are not allowed to read the responses. Their OODA loop is cut for fear of contamination. That is why they are still pushing flat earth.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Progressives cannot even understand cuckservatives very well… ”

Understatement. There is no room for understanding at all. They think any shade of conservative thought, cuckservative and rino included, is delusional.

They think the delusion comes from purely irrational hate and fear. Try pointing out that there are legitimate reasons to fear them and you must be ignorant needing more education. Point out that hate is in response to massive mistreatment, they turn around and say conservatives are all Nazis and so deserve to be punished.

Try using logic to argue that punishing conservatives repeatedly creates legitimate hate and are thus not delusional. Get told there is no negotiating with evil/fascists/nazis and they deserve to be eliminated.

Tell them that elimination sounds like genocide. Get told it’s perfectly fine because nazis are not a racial/ethnic group and thus it’s not genocide. “All they have to do is stop being evil/fascists/nazis!”

Then they loop back around to it being irrational by claiming all conservatives have to do is become liberals and then there won’t be any hate or fear. That it’s delusional not to want to be liberal. And thus conservatives are all delusional because they are hurting themselves which is a mental health issue, which “can be fixed by education and universal mental healthcare.”

It’s the same problem Matt Walsh ran into when asking what is a woman.

“Reactionaries are an Eldritch Lovecraftian horror”

For now, if their priests ever seriously turn their eyes on the reactionaries, the propaganda will follow to inoculate progressives into the logic seen above. Right now they don’t see reactionaries as a threat… when that changes reactionaries will start being persecuted in mass.

jim says:

> Like their brains are literally incapable of processing Jim’s thoughts as possible real thoughts.

Their OODA loops is broken. It is quite noticeable.

The Cominator says:

The few progs who really know about us…

View the mere knowledge of what we think is dangerous… like knowledge of Chaos in 40k or knowledge of Eldritch Horrors in the Lovecraft universe. We are not allowed to be opposed openly because by opposing us they would have to look into our abyss, and our abyss would look back at them.

They do not want us to be seen…

Ron says:

Then why dont you challenge them by going to their safe spaces and linking to posts on this site.

I would say dont do it in a sneaky way either. Lies get out of hand. I mean just make a dummy account, make an argument that wont get you banned and use links to this site as sources.

The curious will follow, and start engaging.

Kunning Druegger says:

These tactics are obsolete, more’s the pity. The ships have sailed at sublightspeeds, and the magiks required to leave one and board the other are very, very big. The best we should hope for is picking up people along the way.

notglowing says:

I think saying it is satire is just sarcastic mocking. They refuse to take it seriously, and necessarily have to talk down to anyone saying things they do not accept.

ExileStyle says:

Here it seems not so much mocking as implied condescension. They recognize that Jim’s a good writer with a unique, uncommon style (which can definitely be humorous in its audacity) but cannot believe that someone with criminal ideas could write well, and so presume they do not actually believe their criminal ideas.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is no one else uncomfortable with our fair home being referenced in a peer reviewed piece of shit? I feel violated and scared…

In all seriousness, I wonder how many journalists and academics have found their way here, and what the consequences were. Kind of like Ben Garrison getting exposed to /pol/? Or was it like being in a house with no furniture, no windows, nothing on the walls, and no stairways; completely unable to see anything, as every molecule is a harsh contradiction of everything considered real?

Ghost says:

I vaguely remember that Jim post around the time Trump was contemplating invoking the insurrection act. But, I don’t worry about posts being read. I do worry about antifa being in my front street and how I will respond.

I’ve seen Gameruprising reference us too. Used to be an open forum, invite only now.

Leon says:

When did Ben Garrison get exposed to pol?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The comics of my good friend Ben “Six Million More” Garrisom were frequently defaced by ZOG to remove references to scheeming shysters and their undermining ways, passing them off everywhere as if the original article; luckily, the fine folks at /pol/ were always ready to take the unbased fakes and Correct them back to their based originals, sharing them far and wide amongst each other.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t think you’re giving Ben “It Never Happened And Needs To Happen Again” Garrison enough credit. He ran perfect interference, like a wooden door in a gas chamber, so we… I mean, They could make sure the record corrected images received their due attention.

Ghost says:

Dr. L. Palevsky claims spike protein from vaccinated can infect by proximity non-vaccinated causing infertility, blod clots, etc… 12 min


Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, you stated that you perceive Anarcho-Agorist as the best system. I was unfamiliar with the term, so I just started searching for it online and found these:



Both pages assert that it is left wing ideology. Wikipedia is converged, so I keep 1,488lbs of salt on hand when I use it. You also stated that AA is quite utopian given the presence of non-AA sovereign entities in proximity, and that a Monarchy is the better choice in that context.

Can you elaborate on AA, or point me to where you’ve already done so elsewhere, or any other worthwhile sources? If this is neither time nor place for such discussions, I understand.

Frank Matters says:

Just read these https://reaction.la/

Kunning Druegger says:

Excellent, thanks. I somehow always forget there’s a website that hosts this blog, even though I’ve perused it extensively.

jim says:
The Cominator says:

“Freely competing groups without territorial monopoly can uphold justice and defend people. Enforcement should protect person and property, and not redistribute wealth, etc.”

You actually believed this at one time… lol. Competing defense groups in a contested territory sounds like a state of war to me…

jim says:

Such contests happened less often than you would think – but they happened a fair bit.

Under the current social environment, would likely happen a lot. They were pretty rare in Saga period Iceland, which had a state religion without a state. The priesthood, who were normally the men who summoned the posse, shared a common faith, which prescribed right violence in considerable detail.

This system tends to happen spontaneously a fair bit, with the congregation being the social basis for organizing the posse. Which becomes a problem when you get holy war. Worked pretty well in Iceland because the stateless state religion had lots of precedent and experience in summoning posses, and a pile of consensus and precedent.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’d posit that geographic hardship/unavoidable considerations are also a ubiquitous factor in the appearance of such societies as well. A shared faith with shared responsibilities that, if neglected, precipitate a collapse. This is one factor that I think will contribute to a lot of cooperation in Sol System colonization.

red says:

FAA has stopped blocking Starship.


The military faction beat out the lets burn Elon as a heretic faction.

Red says:

They of course had to throw in a bunch of bullshit:


The FAA also has some (in my opinion) surprising requirements for SpaceX:

– Report on the Mexican and Civil wars

– highway pull-off & platform for viewing wildlife

– Starlink-powered wildlife viewing

Cloudswrest says:

Extorting developers for pet projects. It’s what they do. I remember decades ago I was at a Palo Alto city council meeting (they were going to vote on an assault weapon ban (this was the first time around, before Roberti-Roos)). Stanford wanted to do some expansion to the Stanford shopping center. The city council was just bold face requesting them to fund some low income housing or some such before their project would get approved. I was young and innocent then and was completely shocked at this quid pro quo.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What is most striking about this is, the sheer inanity of their demands.

Like, ‘project halted to assess possibility of sedge bush in the desert being torched by rocket blasts’ was supposed to be a joke; only, it’s actually reality. This is what the gaian religion, walking and talking out in the wild, looks like.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
jim says:

Anonymous fake, if you make a counter argument to this image that acknowledges the point, I will allow it through to debate it. But if you, as usual, just completely ignore the point and cheerfully go right ahead presupposing that no one could think what we think, your comment is going to disappear without response.

Anonymous Fake says:

Commodity products don’t matter. [*and then immediately changes the subject*]

jim says:

I asked for a response that meme, which is a reply to arguments about woke capital you have repetitiously made far too many times, and I have repeatedly deleted. This is not a response to that meme. You are persistently unresponsive, and that is why I delete your stuff. You are only pretending to have a conversation.

You have repeatedly told us that advertising matters. And it does. The meme is not about burgers, but about advertising. It is a response to you. Respond to it.

I have been letting your stuff through because it is less robotic than the rest of the stuff, which goes directly to the spam bucket. But I am just going to insist on you actually responding. The stuff I just deleted, I accurately summarized in social networking

the man giving the shill her script was not listening, because he was running a hundred similar shills, and his shill would just stick to her script, the script he had assigned to her no matter what you replied to her script.

Her replies to your reply would be unresponsive, because they came from a script written by a man who had never thought about or foreseen your reply.

Insist on a script expansion. Your old script is getting old.

Pax Imperialis says:
Pseudo-CHrysostom says:

Things see to have resolved into a new phase in Ukraine. The Russian army has be rolling apace, and Uke war-footing is systematically disintegrating under the weight of its fire support.

Apparatchiks in the west are nervously side-eying each other now. You’re starting to hear talk like ;peace is still possible in Ukraine’ and ‘we need to discuss what we are willing to sacrifice for peace’.

Of course, there is no reason for Putin to stop anymore at this point. The GAE completely fucked up its strategic situation, creating a strong and independent Russian economy in particular, and parallel world economy in general, while torpedoeing its own. It keeps making infinity numbers of fedbucks appear in Zelenkyy’s bank computer servers, but there is nothing to buy with it.

Not even taking the southern coast and linking it with the donbass is good enough anymore. The only thing that will bring peace is the heads of all the globohomo instigators, collaborators, and puppets in Ukraine explosively decompressed on live thermal camera. The Kueef state is a festering spawn pool of chaos, and the requirements of order demand rolling the whole business up one way or another, one day or another – and there’s no time like the present.

jim says:

Things are rolling Russia’s way. Their attempt to fight World War II failed, and they learned from it. Zelensky’s attempt to fight world war I is failing, and it is likely that his hatred of ordinary Ukrainians will prevent him from learning from it.

But don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. This war has a long way to go.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As they say in chess, it is never too late to make a blunder.

My point is more on the teleological side of things; not so much saying that it is inevitable that Russia will evict the Kiev Occupation Government, more than it is an incumbent necessity for them to evict the Kiev Occupation Government.

Kunning Druegger says:

In a very real sense, UKR is the NPC and Russia is playing Eternal Tetris*. UKR just needs Russia to mess up, past that, someone else will do all their thinking for them. Russia, once UKR is settled, has literally every EU country and ever US principality to contend with in some way. They have to get better in an environment where the tetrominoes keep falling, just waiting for the battery to run out.


Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I did not silently delete, as I said I would, because you are making an effort to assemble evidence for your position.

But in analyzing evidence, you referred to evidence that supports our account and damages your account as weird, as if no one else could have any explanation for it. You are assembling relevant evidence for your position, within the frame that everyone accepts the Marxist account of reality, within which concept of reality those results were indeed weird. You are presenting evidence for your position that could legitimately be debated, but without legitimately debating it. You need to present evidence for your position within the frame that you need to present evidence for your position because your audience disagrees. Without that, it is still argument from false consensus, and I am going to censor it even if argument from false consensus is mingled with relevant evidence worthy of debate.

Kunning Druegger says:

If AF is a shill, as in a person here with the express intent of shilling an idea or set of ideas, explain why he returns over and over, day after day, while little to none of his shilling gets through.

Either he is A) the worst shill of all time, so how does he get remuneration for his time, or B) not at all a shill, just a wildly committed moron, or C) he is an agent of the people who have made it their business to harass you, to provoke you, to derail you, to slow you down, to distract you, and they have realized that they do more long term damage by keeping a Carlylian Restorationist or Anonymous Fake deluging you with payload crafted precisely to keep you actively engaged.

AF is Smart Chaff, coded to precisely your sensors. Just enough to keep them engaged, not enough to snowcrash your system. Maybe you are getting some data on their methods, but that’s a big maybe, and I wonder what they’re getting back from you, in addition to a nice, consistent dividend of wasted time.

Hellban him, my Lord. Cut out his tongue, and the tongue of the one who follows, and the tongue of the one after that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Information flows in both directions. All it takes is a little slip up, and our ideas start percolating in the heads of someone who controls an awful lot of commenters. The value of that is undetermined as of yet, but could be quite high.

Another important factor to consider is that we know what he is. Keeping a spy in place when you know he is a spy allows you to control what your enemy sees. Ban him, and we do not know who his replacement will be.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Germans were convinced they had a handle on British intel during the War of Progressive Aggression, but this was what their entirely rolled up network was telling them. I hear what you’re saying, but I respectfully submit that, without a a back-/side channel to coordinate responses and mitigate Entry payload, there’s not much utility to leaving a spy in place within the confines of this specific context.

I am asserting that if Jim hellbans AF, he’ll be replaced by yet another entryist that goes on at great length, hits meaningful topics that engender engagement, deploys just enough shibboleths and consistent, in-frame claims to seem valid, and posts relentlessly, all with the goal of reducing the number of minutes Jim could be applying to useful (as in destructive to the polygon) endeavors. I think this is a targeted attack tailormade precisely for this blog and our host. I think CR built the model (others too, but his operation was nuts in terms of time invested just to end up at the rhetorical position of “lol fuck Pizza Hut franchises gommunism ruelz”) and AF is using it.

I acknowledge that this may be paranoia.

jim says:

I am letting him through when he engages, but endless and repetitious payload just takes up too much space, time, and thought. The trouble is that the payload is quite well crafted “We can best accomplish worthy right wing goal X by doing Y”, where that Y may well accomplish X presupposes a Marxist account of reality, and consists of measures to radically increase the power of Harvard. The real payload is not that he expects anyone to adopt these evil and insane measures, but the insanely distorted reality that they presuppose and take for granted, which is never explicitly argued for, because everyone supposedly knows it to be true and obvious and everyone supposedly takes it for granted. And when I let his stuff through, I feel the need to point out that the version of reality that his arguments presuppose is an insignificantly tiny lunatic minority version, and is a minority version even in Harvard.

And I have spent far too much time pointing this out, and am not going to let him through any more, nor explain it one more time, unless he stops doing it. If I need to explain it yet again, not going to. Just going to silently send the comment to spam along with all the others.

But he keeps almost engaging, and I keep trying to get him to engage. I want him to start arguing for his payload as Harvard Marxist hireling opposing us.

Ron says:

You could also link to your comment explaining the rationale. Takes little time and gives an explanation to newcomers.

Also keeping his name up would be useful to old readers. Otherwise we just see a “deleted” and cant be sure who its about.

Finally, if he reeeeallly wants to make his point he can always use disenter

A2 says:

Let me suggest that you ban, ban, ban all shills with prejudice, unless there is some pedagogical point to be made to your good-faith NRx readers by engaging, or you feel like toying with them.

In this particular case, I think you are being too kind to someone wasting your time.

Frank Matters says:

Jim is trying to get more information on the people sending this particular shill, and perhaps even create something of a double agent by forcing the shill to engage in crimethought.

Adam says:

At least rename him to Anonymous Faggot

Pax Imperialis says:

Something that I’ve realized recently is the terminology of WW1 and WW2 factions. Who decided that it was between the allies and the central powers or the allies and the axis? Historians could have easily called the allies the western powers. American civil war was between the Union and the Confederates. Both terms mirror each other and at first glance neither is the obvious good guy.

Were the central powers not allies of each other? Were the axis not also allies of each other? So why were the allies the allies and not them? Obviously the victors write history… but how is it that such obvious narrative bias gets overlooked so easily even by sympathizers of the central powers and the axis?

Yarvin was right that many dissidents fall into the caricature of their enemies in an effort of overtly reject the current day aesthetics.

Kunning Drueger says:

During the second war, allied propaganda heavily deployed the term “the united nations” (I actually have some OG source material) and propagated the lie that the German/Italian Axis was coordinating with the Japanese Empire. Regarding the first, I think the switcheroo to just Allies occured in ~1947.

Controlling the shared lexicon is such a powerful capability.

A2 says:

Entertaining jew-on-jew interview with Edward Luttwak. If the intro seems terrible, just page down until the talking starts. Luttwak swishes and swoops around in supreme self-confidence but the other guy isn’t bad either. (The reader will note that Info Era warfare is dismissed, perhaps somewhat too breezily.) The final part is about the US from the jewish viewpoint, interesting enough in itself.


Btw, you know you’ve made it when a fellow like Luttwak turns up at your doorstep, as he apparently did at the Deep State. Also consider whether you could hold your own in a debate with these people.

ExileStyle says:

An engaging and apparently well-informed account of Russia’s and America’s shared “Fourth Generation Warfare” misinterpretation of the Ukraine and its ability to coalesce into nationhood upon attack from outside. The details of the aborted airport takeover were new to me. I’d be curious what Jim thinks of his account, as Luttwak is strongly skeptical of the primacy of information warfare.

Everything else strikes me as neither more nor less insightful than your average Beltway cocktail party conversation. How well you could keep up would depend on your mastery of that particular form, and perhaps how well you handle your martinis.

Also, a telling wilful ignorance at the very end about the “disappearance” of Mediterranean Jews:

The Temple in Jerusalem was a very expensive operation where you buy animals and slaughter them. It was a large-scale butcher shop with lots of money and people wearing funny clothes. All of that was sustained by the money from Egyptian and other wealthy Jews abroad in Greece, Rome, France. They disappeared. There’s no trace, by the way, of any persecution. It’s the absence of persecution that caused the disappearance.

They’re called Christians. They became Christians, plain and simple. There is no mystery about it. The majority of Mediterranean Jews found the story of Jesus’s messiahship quite plausible. Kind of astonishing, if predictable, that you could know the details of Vaspasian’s prep school experience while forgetting the spread and ascendance of the largest faith in the world, most of whose early adherents were of your own tribe…

Kunning Druegger says:

Everyone here who matters here, as well as myself and the midwit mafia, should read this article/conversation. It is fascinating.

Adam says:

That certainly describes a lot of us, but you should never refer to yourself as a midwit. Never talk down about yourself, seriously. It makes you look low status and worse, it makes you feel low status. Your better than that. Everyone on this blog is the 1% of the 1%.

Kunning Druegger says:

Noted and appreciated, but I’ve gone into this before, awhile back: in this place, I am at best a midwit, if not just average. That doesn’t bother me, leastways it’s a known issue. If I’m ever the top of the intellectual food chain in this comment section, that would be a sad thing. I’ve also got the “nueranglelander” self deprecation habit in fucking spades.

OK, so “midwit” doesn’t really apply because I’m aware that I’m only above average and not a genius. But I am also aware that part of my purpose in this community is to be a conduit between the Brass and the Rank & File. I’m the intellectual equivalent an E-4.

Adam says:

I’m not sure how to quantify the power of belief, but I was always very skeptical until I tried it. Once I started trying it, the more it worked, the better I felt, the better my life has become.

It may sound kind of dorky and evangelical sometimes but I don’t care. I’ll take any advantage I can get.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’d like to point out that IEW isn’t discussed at all. They talk about 4th gen warfare, which I call the post-Cold War Paradigm. Briefly, this is when the real combat ops are police actions, R2P operations, and intel ops that culminate in sloppy assassinations, and war games are fantastical Risk battles completely disconnected from reality (Luttwak seems correct on this one). This is not IEW. If SOMEONE would write a graypaper explaining IEW, I’d love to hear Luttwak’s take. I bet he’d be dismissive in the moment, then circle back and realize what it means very quickly.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Indeed. When you hear the term ‘4th generation warfare’, is is the bluetribesman projecting the inflation of his own perspective into all aspects of the world in general. That power grows out of a megaphone, and that you can dominate the battlefield against a hostile enemy without even having to do any of that icky redtribe warrior stuff at all.

Luttwak, like any good maoist, asserts that power grows out the barrel of a gun, and that you dominate the battlefield by ability to kill the other guys dead.

A2 says:

An older friend of the family (70) died suddenly a couple of weeks ago from a massive heart attack. Seemingly healthy as far as these things go at that age. I didn’t mention the vaxx when I heard of it, but I certainly thought it.

Gedeon says:

We are due for a cryptocurrency update. ZCash is trading into 2019 prices. Hyperdeflation come th soon, rather than later, apart from a massive deficit spending campaign and I’m not seeing any evidence of such on the radar. If China goes to Taiwan, Japan or SK, that would fit the narrative requirement to get there.

Meanwhile, the US Dollar is threatening to breakout and return to all-time highs. The Yen carry (short) is getting real juicy for a reversal which would destroy many currencies.

Interesting times!

notglowing says:

Not seeing deflation at all. The inflation numbers are worse than ever, and inflation is still increasing.
The dollar is rallying yes, but against other currencies. Inflation and cost of living are not going down.
Cryptocurrencies are crashing with other risk-on assets due to the fed trying to pump the dollar. But they are between a rock and a hard place.
The dollar is going up against assets, and down against cost of living. The worst outcome. Eventually something will break. What they do then, matters.

Milosevic says:

notglowing, do you have a blog? I find your thoughts about crypto invaluable.

Kunning Druegger says:

Seconded. I think it was shaman, but it could have been NT or St. John, that said an effective blog has a tendency to spawn spin offs. While we don’t need to send out colonists because of cramped quarters here, it does seem quite possible for there to be at least 3 different unique blogs from the Assembled.

No pressure, Aidan.

Gedeon says:

If the monetary base stays level, but inventories drop 50% with a macro price level increase of 100+%, is that inflation?

jim says:

The events you imagine do not make internal sense. What do you envisage as causing that to happen?

Presumably you are thinking of the recent state and quasi state attacks on oil production and coal mining, and attacks on the food supply and food supply distribution chain that are officially not state sponsored, but the state is showing a strange lethargy in investigating. Give me some context.

Gedeon says:

It makes perfect internal sense and is not imaginary other than the round figures I used.

We have disagreed on the broad stokes of this in the past, but I was anticipating hyper deflation in January 2020 if the control freaks did not conjure up a narrative to expand the deficit by at least $150 billion annualized, or about $2 trillion. Out of seemingly nowhere we got a non-pandemic pandemic crisis. That $2t number was before governors started issuing shelter in place orders when Trump didn’t go along. $2t was about 10% of GDP at that time. In any case, tha CARES Act deficit spend happened when inventories were flush. All we saw was a reflation off the pandemic scare lows. In April 2020 the front month oil contract traded to approximately negative $40/bbl. His was because there was presumably no accessible storage for crude and the economy could not absorb the supply (inventory).

As you point out, there seem to be many gremlins disrupting the supply chain, which really started with the pier fertilizer explosion in Beirut. So my position is that the control freaks are artificially destroying supply to break the economy. The nature of credit created money is that banks have to increase capital reserves for non-performing loans. The requirements vary across instruments, but the TLDR is that the end of every cent created by credit is the extinguishing of debt.

Prices going up, reduce the money available for everything previously in the budget if the income is increased proportionately. This causes loan defaults, which causes financial institutions to reserve against potential losses which causes them not to loan and makes lending tighter and the debt deflation becomes self-reinforcing.

As we stand today, the general price level is not so low as to be an attractive risk/reward opportunity which would drive investment and consumption organically. Instead, they keep destroying supply every time prices start falling. The biggest supply destruction to the markets today is via Russian and Ukrainian export restrictions.

So take yen, for example, it’s down 20% this year. If people were selling (borrowing) yen and buying US Treasuries the yen carry trade – than what would it look like if they had to repay their yen denominated loans? In theory they would sell the treasuries and convert back to yen.but with the yen down 20% they now have to sell even more treasuries and dollar assets to payback the loans at par because they are in the hole 20%+ on FX rate. So we get more treasury bond selling, which is higher rates and that implodes the housing market, automotive market and consumer spending more generally. As the system is completely leveraged from top to bottom, that 5x mortgage leverage that was great with rising prices is now generating losses at 5x.

The Yen carry trade is on the cusp of blowing up everything and there is no stimulus scheme that can remedy the situation because there are no inventories. If there is no stimulus or new deficit program, the entire system will fold in on itself because of the leverage/gearing of credit money.

There continues to be no way to print out of this. The extinguishing of debt was/is always the end and that is deflationary. The value of all stocks is, eventually zero.

It might seem insane today, but don’t be surprise if Xi sends the PLA to Japan as cover for the Lehman Brothers write-off treatment of the entire Japanese banking system in order to buy the global system more time. That’s the scale of narrative I am watching and waiting for today because it is one of the few ways the control freaks can buy more time.

Aidan says:

Like notglowing said, the dollar is going down, way down, against real things that have and create value.

The Ducking Man says:

The inflation in recent hits me very different compared to usual.

Never have I experience everything are literally going up in price, businesses need to justify increasing wages and operation margin. So inflation in recent time felt like exponential.

Supply chain also never recover to the way pre-covid. Everything is hardly on stock or delayed longer than usual. Getting product shipped is getting harder because covid measure never lifted off, so everyone is wary of the next port lockdown.

My palm oil industry literally had record breaking production but cooking oil is more expensive than ever. What gives?

jim says:

> What gives?

Reality hits. Reality is that the government printed far too much money, and, because normality bias, people are taking a lot longer than I expected to adjust their behavior to the new reality.

Because they failed to adjust, and are still failing to adjust, shortages. As they adjust, shortages will go away but prices will rise.

You should turn money into durable goods that you would eventually have to purchase, because if you delay, you will be paying a lot more.

The Ducking Man says:

But where does the printed money went to?

My government had zero welfare, and all the covid testing are paid out of our own pocket. My government were busy buying vaccine and paying media. So at best it went to small number of pockets, who I’m sure did not just exponentially increase their consumption.

I suspect that I suffer normalcy bias in this whole printing money business. And based on my normalcy bias I say that lockdown and covid measure (despite currently being soft) still fuck up the economy more than printing money.

Karl says:

I guess the printed money went to keeping your local currency from appreciating (Indonesia if I remember correctly). So your currency lost value like the US$ and your country imported US inflation.

The Ducking Man says:

Now that you mention it, my country does depend a lot on import (food and raw material). So in a way I did import some of that US inflation.

IDR 14,500/USD is not sustainable position, I remember complaining a lot when it was still IDR 12,000/USD and then US value skyrocket during covid and never came back 🙁

It’s US printing money, but I got the hot potato.

jim says:

People overseas are selling a lot more stuff to America. Huge rise in the trade deficit, a lot more money in their pockets, money which it cost the US nothing to print – not that it is actually printed these days, they just change the numbers in bank accounts.

So people all over the world are getting more money in their pockets. It will take them a while to realize they have been robbed.

Cloudswrest says:

Totally off topic. Brendan Eich had just tweeted an handy table summarizing various browser privacy features. Naturally Brave leads the pack.


Mister Grumpus says:

I’m running out of tinfoil from all of these food processing places burning down.

Selection bias?
What generation warfare are we on now?

Adam says:

Without being too specific, one of the recent ones was my cousins farm where I grew up. I saw the news clip on /pol/ and had to do a double take. Spent a lot of time on that farm as a boy. Crazy stuff.

Cloudswrest says:

Was the cause identified? If so, was it arson?

Adam says:

I’m not aware, I may hear something down the road though.

Kunning Druegger says:

The causality is nebulous, but this guy has some thoughts: https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

I’m pretty sure the bastards are trying to start a global famine…

The Ducking Man says:

Just in a day’s work to fulfill God’s prophecy.

Vendat Tunicam says:

One of the egg farms that lost all their birds to bird flu was a family friend’s farm, my grandparents lent them the money to start their operation. With the big egg farms they have tight controls on who gets to come in to work and how they come in. To enter the farms you must go through a carwash and then a clothes check were you change into freshly laundered “jumpsuits”. This inconvenience is to keep bird droppings from the large barns full of egg laying birds, the bird flu is known to spread through droppings and once it’s in a barn the flu kills the entire barn within a week and can quickly spread to other barns.

While it seems unlikely that it was purposely spread, it would be surprisingly easy to do with the help of a disgruntled employee that knows the farm well.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a recent offering from Zeihan. Observe how he can inject some significant hate facts with ease. This is an example of how he can state a hard truth, but is somehow unaffected by the conclusions.

“In-migration* to the United States hit a relative historical low in the 1970s—the decade in which America’s Boomers came of age. For Boomers—an overwhelmingly white demographic—their primary experience with interracial politics was the civil rights movement, a movement that involved people who were already here at a time when the Boomers were young and politically liberal.

In-migration then rose steadily until reaching a near-historical high (again, in relative terms) in the 2010s, at which point the Boomers were nearing retirement and in doing so becoming politically . . . stodgy. In each and every decade as the Boomers aged, the largest single immigrant group was always Mexican. In the minds of many Boomers, Mexicans have long been not simply the “other,” but the “other” that has arrived in ever-larger numbers. A big reason why so many Boomers have been so supportive of nativist politicians such as Donald Trump is that their feelings of shock at the pace of change in American society is not a collective hallucination. It is firmly backed up by reality. This is one piece of the kaleidoscope of why American politics has turned so sharply insular in the 2010s and early 2020s.

But regardless of what you think about Boomers or Mexicans or race or trade or assimilation or borders, there are a couple of thoughts to keep in mind:

First, Mexicans are already in the United States. Whether you’re concerned with what American culture feels like or what the labor market looks like, the great Mexican wave has not only come, it is over. Net migration of Mexicans to the United States peaked in the early 2000s and it has been negative for twelve of the thirteen years since 2008. Just as industrialization and urbanization pushed down birth rates in the developed world, the same process has begun in Mexico, just a few decades later. Today’s Mexican demographic structure suggests it will never again be a net large-scale contributor to American migration. Most of the big migrant flows into the United States since 2014 have instead been from the near-failed Central American states of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

Second, even among the most nativist strains of American political thinking, room has been found for Mexicans. In just two years, none other than Donald Trump went from openly condemning Mexican migrants as rapists and “bad hombres” to embracing Mexico in trade and security deals that took bilateral relations to their friendliest and most productive in the history of both republics. Part and parcel of Trump’s renegotiation of the NAFTA accords were clauses that expressly aim to bring manufacturing back to North America. Not to the United States specifically, but to any signatory of the accords. Team Trump added those clauses with Mexico expressly in mind.

On the other side of the equation, Mexican-Americans are turning nativist. The demographic in the United States that consistently polls the most anti-migration is not white Americans, but instead (non-first-generation) Mexican-Americans. They want family reunification, but only for their own families. Never forget that anti-migrant, build-the-wall Donald Trump carried nearly every county on the southern border when running for reelection in 2020.”

* what is this term? What is the goal of such linguistic hijinx? Is he being cutesy, or is he attempting to slip wrongthink by the filter?

Jehu says:

Trump, unlike pretty much every President since probably Andrew Jackson, treated Mexico as a Westphalian peer, not a colony of the US. That’s why Mexico warmed to Trump. Mexican derived Hispanics tend socialist, but more old school socialism and not woke insanity. They also tend to like guys like Trump personally. If the democrats dialed back the insanity, to say, 2008 levels, they’d have handily taken all those border counties.

Pooch says:

Fascinating story highlighted on Tucker tonight that a rising number of Californians are fleeing to Mexico City driving up prices for locals. Leads credence to the Donut Theory of Civilizational Collapse where the smartest and most capable of America/Europe/Canada/Australia increasingly start fleeing into 2nd and 3rd world countries.



Aidan says:

You mean Mexicans are going back to Mexico- but the meme value is priceless.

Pooch says:

I don’t think so. The tweet in my comment would make no sense if this was case. If you’ve ever been to Mexico City, you’ll find it is drastically different than the Mexico where our spic laborers are coming from.

Kunning Drueger says:

Nonetheless, Mexicans are leaving the US. Salud y adios, salad pickers.

Pooch says:

Not what I see. Where are you seeing that?

I see massive brown Mexican caravans flowing over the border on foot to come pick salad and rich white gringos flying over the border to buy property in the nice neighborhoods of the South American cities.

Kunning Drueger says:

Those aren’t Mexicans, they’re Salvadoran, Honduran, Nicaraguan moving through Mexico.

It’s a fool’s errand either way. The gringos that are fleeing south are just moving to the eye of the storm and pretending it’s a pleasant, normal day. Similarly, the brown trash trudging north assume that gibbs spring eternal and the whites will prefer them over the mallates. Both groups are worthless. We should forge ties with our neighbors that would never consider abandoning their homes, as they’re capable of Westphalian peace. We’ll help delete their traitors, and they’ll take care of our cowards.

Pooch says:

The gringos that are fleeing south are just moving to the eye of the storm and pretending it’s a pleasant, normal day.

I watched the video in CNBC article. Highlighted were a standard lib gay black/white couple, a white guy with indeterminate political background, and a black woman who commutes from Tijuana to San Diego.

They all mostly just seemed to be fleeing the high California rents and are getting more value moving to Mexico while still keeping the same weather and proximity to the beach.

But I tend to agree with you, these people are no loss to us but it’s an interesting trend to keep an eye on.

During the late Roman Republic, so many Romans were fleeing Italy to colonize the newly formed provinces that Caesar even attempted to (ineffectively) limit colonization for Romans of marriageable age.

I love my white small town where everyone is friendly, but only insofar that it stays white. When my town no longer has a supermajority of people who look and act like me and becomes a disgusting brown wasteland, I will naturally not have much personal affinity or loyalty to it.

Gauntlet says:

I’m European and I’ve been in Georgia (country) for 3 months. Not third world but probably 2nd. The expats i meet here are usually some kind of dissident of the regime. Mostly smart men with above average IQ, good physical condition and an adventurous personality.

Leon says:

What parts of Georgia are good for expats? How hard is it to adapt there?

Gauntlet says:

Tbilisi for sure. It’s easy to adapt, but you will notice that Georgians are not Europeans. Get expat friends and friends from the local middle class and up, most of them are not brainwashed, they will agree to reactionary positions but layer their opinion with western propaganda.

Half the young people are beyond saving and believe the solution to all their problems is joining EU and NATO. It’s also a bit funny how you will see people wear buttons with “Never back to USSR” and a button that says “EU membership NOW!”

I’ve found that the people have a victim mentality. They blame all their problems on Russia and the “bad” government in their own country. But a victim mentality is usual for most normal people anywhere I guess. The IQ gap is wider than in western Europe.

The rich parts of Tbilisi feels like any European capital in terms of architecture and amenities. The poor parts of the city feel very eastern/foreign, both the people and the streets.

There are lots of parks in every neighborhood, rich or poor. It’s safe almost everywhere after dark. Most locals you meet will be very curious about you if you look like a standard European. They all assume you speak Russian. As soon as they learn you don’t speak Russian they become happy.

No matter which part of the city you live, you will experience power outages, interruptions in gas supplies and water disappearing from the tap for a couple of days. One of these things happen every month. Usually they perform maintenance and don’t notify the customers.

Frank Matters says:

Continuing discussion on the nature of women’s desires, because why not spill more ink

Straight into it: my thesis is as such, that women are ultimately selecting for status but they judge status though old hardware. This old hardware is very very old, and tuned to what is in isolation very odd cues. It is not merely dangerousness, it is display of this. It’s not even any display of violent capacity, but specific and idiosyncratic cues of this capacity that trigger the instinct. Similar for interpersonal social behavior. Not mere dominance, but specific cues of behavior that are related to social dominance.

In short, all these comments about It’s masculinity this and violent potential that are missing the mark. It’s like the bird that feeds a fake offspring, because it is painted brighter than the real thing (https://s3.amazonaws.com/sparringmind/Legacy+Images/Supernormal+Stimuli/supernormal-7.png). We’re dealing with behavior that is acting as a superstimuli.

This is my point. Any appeal to womens limbic systems is an eventual Fischerian runaway. This is the evolutionary environment that produced the lower forms of african. It is not masculinity, it is in fact a warped mirror of the female desire spectrum. It is not a game that can be won over repeated rounds. It will transform your kind into the nigger peacock.

Now, necessarily, because of the world we live in, you must put on a show to make it to the next round. You must internalize the behavior of the nigger peacock. Enough to trigger the female hindbrain, or else you are fucked, because the power of the state over your family has been handed to women. Go ahead and kill her for defection, that is not winning, that’s a Samson option.

Every iteration of the nigger peacock game we lose more of the true masculine character, the character of the men of the steppes that forged the only livable civilizations in the world. We do not have much time.

jim says:

> It’s like the bird that feeds a fake offspring, because it is painted brighter than the real thing […] Any appeal to womens limbic systems is an eventual Fischerian runaway.

Nuts. You do not comprehend women, nor game, at all.

Female perceptions of alpha are very fine tuned indeed to the four million year old environment of adaptation. So they don’t go for the bigger and brighter egg. The problem is less serious. They just go for an egg four million years out of date.

They are looking for signals of alpha that would be high cost, therefore honest signals of high status in the ancestral environment. Nigger peacocking is not that. Negro masculinity, however, is that, because in our society masculinity is less dangerous for negroes.

You want to see what real appeal to the primitive female limbic systems looks like?

Watch the chickflick “Titanic”: The love interest does no end of stuff that in the ancestral environment of adaptation would get him run through with a pointy stick. That is what it looks like. He is continually emitting signals of alpha that would be costly in the ancestral environment, which does not resemble nigger peacocking much at all, because “peacocking” refers to the fact that they emit signals that are cheap, to which women are oblivious.

Never trust a quiet dog. The truly dangerous man does not emit “I am dangerous” signals. He emits a curious absence of signals in a situation where signaling would be expected. Women can pick up on this sort of thing in three seconds at thirty paces.

The primary love interest of Titanic gets into conflict situations with high status males (he cheats at cards, etc) and is curiously impassive. Which is what gets the chick juices flowing, and would get him killed in the ancestral environment of adaptation. The high status male would insist on an appropriate response and would apply a sharp object or a hard heavy object when he did not get it.

Chicks with a high count tend to be alpha widows of stony broke losers who are now dead or imprisoned, and when he was alive and free the chick was at position nineteen on his booty call list. And if he is dead, it is because he eventually came up against someone who was playing by four million year old rules and he lacked the IQ to figure out that this time it was different.

Frank Matters says:

You are fixated on the fact I used the word nigger, I am not specifically talking about negroids. I chose the expression nigger peacock to highlight two things: evolutionary selection for female choice in apefrica and Fischerian runaway leading to exaggerated superstimulus traits.

Your rebuttle is not addressing my point. You are merely explaining the traits of a nigger peacock. Yes, nigger peacocks act like that. Yes, this behavior is in fact not general to male understanding of social hierarchy, is a remnant of our protohuman past, yes it is anti-social and should be punished but is not.

My case is that when you delegate choice to females, it leads to a feedback loop where this nigger peacock behavior, that you are describing to me in detail in your post, but insufficient detail because it is in fact a complex spread of traits, becomes a form of mate competition. Eventually, in order to get a mate, in order to keep a mate, you play the red nigger peacock queen race.

Pooch says:

Eventually, in order to get a mate, in order to keep a mate, you play the red nigger peacock queen race.

You assume men are getting better at game to adapt to the environment. Men are getting worse. Every year more men check out of the environment completely. Your competition are the likes of Scott Alexander.

Frank Matters says:

Look at who people follow on tiktok and instagram. Look at the men women in prime breeding years tend to fixate on.

We have a growing deviation on the norm, maybe even two distributions that used to be one splitting apart. We have the beta normies becoming even more beta as they respond to environmental stimuli telling them to submit or else, and we have the low IQ but natural gamers engaged in an arms race for an ever shrinking pile of fuckable females.

Pooch says:

Look at who people follow on tiktok and instagram.

Get off there and delete the apps. It’s not real life. Get into the real world.

Doom says:

Men check out because women continue to reject relationships with average man.

Most men are average. As time progresses more men realise that they don’t have an option , so they stop giving a fuck.

The legal and social power women hold is also insane. I know a guy in my peer group who’s first wife left him, the second wife said “Im not comfortable with you being around her”, thus cutting off contact with kids from marriage one, now being financially controlled with threats of not seeing kids from current marriage. And, his current wife is ugly, uncouth, lazy. He’s not a happy guy.

No extra-marital sex, and marriage being unbreakable stops this.

>Eventually, in order to get a mate, in order to keep a mate, you play the red nigger peacock queen race.

Yeah, pretty much. We’re converting to a lion model of mating (which doesn’t really work for humans so the entire thing will just collapse and someone will “civilise” us, ie, force us to accept marriage) – one man, multiple women. See: Tinder. That women can get the “feeling” of mating with a high status man without the obligation of a child simply incentivises more women to enter that space, at the cost of being an open disincentive to average men.

Eventually, there will be insufficient motivation for men to uphold the law, and there will be a collapse. Remember – a woman got raped on a train in front of people and no one did anything.

Whereas 150 odd years ago people would rally and hang a *suspected* rapist.

Civilisation is marriage. Marriage is broken.

jim says:

You are competing with likes of Scott Alexander, so you can win.

But the nature of female sexuality necessarily means that if female sexuality is not quite strongly restrained, the great majority of men will lose.

Doom says:

Yeah, I entirely agree with you. The great majority of men will lose, which also means the great majority of women will lose.

I agree with what Frank says, ie, he’s correct in his analysis of how to play womens game (to an extent), but then we’re throwing civilisation into the bin.

In war, you often save a city by destroying it.

jim says:

> but then we’re throwing civilization into the bin

Well of course we are, but we have to play the cards we are dealt, or the people most apt to throw civilization in the bin win the game. And in the next generation, they are the only ones around.

We are selecting for uncivilized people.

We not only need to crack down hard on female choice, we also need to tolerate male violence in proportion to status, with normal policing functions being outsourced to the wider elite, rather than strictly monopolized by state police, and go easy on investigating when someone in higher in the male status hierarchy kills some one who is low status and has a history of getting into trouble.

Doom says:

Hmm, the Scott Alexander quip gave me a thought.

And so, what are we doing as a society by not restraining female sexuality? We’re implying its underlying values are important. The value is “men, spend your effort competing to impress me, to allay my anxiety that I will not have low quality children”.

And since we have restrained it for so long and gained the benefits of a whole bunch of random other status hierarchies, not just basic tribal ones like “best hunter” “best fighter” etc, unrestrained female sexuality leads to pointless behaviour (peacocking) rather than real fitness indicators.

We’re dumber than dumb birds.

yewotm8 says:

How would you fix it, other than only selecting for women who get wet for what you want? Assuming you were to undertake such a program, you’d then have to intentionally massively bottleneck your population as you cull significant portions of the female gene pool. And the program would become extremely corrupted like any other centralized bureaucracy.

Female mate preference actually gets ever worse over time, because the only time women are capable of exercising mate selection are in times where there is collapsing civilization, and anti-social men have the highest fitness in such environments regardless of whether women want to spread their legs for them.

The problem is unfixable, and isn’t actually a problem if you deal with it correctly.

Doom says:

>other than only selecting for women who get wet for what you want?

I do believe in diversity of personality.
I think its perfectly good and reasonable to have populations that select for different preferences. In fact we have had this, however, men who were smart and capable in the scientific world tended to gain significant social and actual capital which sort of makes the non-technically competent elite jealous.

For a time we’ve harnessed the youthful sexual energy of young males, without giving them the reward of a wife and family. This is why we’re having civilisation collapse; “the cake is a lie”.

>the only time women are capable of exercising mate selection are in times where there is collapsing civilization,

So in your view, from the time that women were allowed to choose their husbands is when civilisation started to collapse?

>How would you fix it
It’s simple. Remove government safety nets (an anti-social male might be sexy but there’s gonna be a cost…)

Enforce marriage. One man per woman, period.

Basically, enforce personal responsibility, as opposed to letting peoples mistakes cost the wider society.

jim says:

> > the only time women are capable of exercising mate selection are in times where there is collapsing civilization,

> So in your view, from the time that women were allowed to choose their husbands is when civilization started to collapse?

Female sexual preferences are adaptive for the individual female in the situation of civilizational collapse, and that their preferences matter foreshadows such a collapse.

Unwin’s data indicates an absolutely perfect correlation between females getting to exercise sexual preference, and decline and collapse. He has a silly theory explaining the correlation, which is not in fact supported by his data, because he could not commit crime thought against sex neutral ideology, so he explained away the correlation rather than explaining it.

yewotm8 says:

>It’s simple. Remove government safety nets (an anti-social male might be sexy but there’s gonna be a cost…) Enforce marriage. One man per woman, period.

Yes, that is part of the solution proposed here. But I was asking how you would fix the “problem” of women preferring anti-social men in the first place. You’d have to select for, over many generations, women who have the least anti-social preference tendencies.

And then it would go and get fouled up again when your civilization collapses due to runaway female preference for pro-social men. All of the women regardless of preference will be getting fucked by general buttnaked, adorned with the skulls of said pro-social men, but the women who become aroused by those skulls rather than disgusted will be his favourites.

That women are a certain way does not mean that they are broken and need to be fixed. They are as God made them, and trying to change that will require rather ungodly methods, and likely produce rather ungodly results.

jim says:

> But I was asking how you would fix the “problem” of women preferring anti-social men in the first place.

No fix for that, for women are the weaker vessel.

Even when we had stern patriarchy and very stern coverture in place there were no end of stories about the servant girl getting in trouble for helping her lover rob her master, or robbing her master to fund her lover, and the bride running off with the wedding singer.

The effective fix is that such are fallen women, very low status, and against such women extreme measures of control are natural, socially acceptable, and normal.

Adam says:

If you act like there are no consequences for your behavior, if only you exist and everyone else is insignificant, that’s going to get you a lot of female attention, at least if your a high energy high testosterone guy. And especially if your life revolves around chasing pussy. The burden of social norms rests on everyone else, and it is up to them to stop you.

Thinking with your dick is alpha. Having big balls is alpha.

Neurotoxin says:

The opposite seems at least as plausible:

By teaching pro-social, high-intelligence, low time preference men to emulate the dark triad men that women are drawn to, Game can save civilization and certain population groups, not doom them.

Neurotoxin says:

(Was replying to Frank Matters.)

Frank Matters says:

I did address this in the earlier discussion. We have no choice now but to play the nigger peacock appeal-to-female-hindbrain game. We have to restore patria potestas at all costs, because repeated iterations of this game will destroy us, it is a strategy of desperation.

Doom says:

Game is an arms race. Not everyone can be top 20%, and women work out quickly when they’re being gamed.

In order for women to be “pleased” with their partner choice, 80 odd percent of men they see have to be unattractive losers. So.. eventually being a “player” becomes “fuccboi”.

Civilisation occurs when the most desirable men basically tell women they have no chance with them, and follows through with it.

EG – My lady, you are NOT a princess, but a commoner!!

So game as an arms race, yeah. It can help men get laid in the short term, but sex doesn’t help civilisation.

Having men and women together raising children is what’s needed, not sex.

alf says:

Black pilled and just not my experience.

To succeed with women, must internalize the behavior of the men at Jim’s blog.

Well, the behavior of the men at Rollo’s blog or Heartiste’s blog would also work, or even better the behavior of your father or friends or whatever men you look up to.

Every theorist has a model on how women work. Getting the model exactly right is very hard — women pre-date words. Heartiste is too witty, Rollo too theoretical, Jim too violent. But all of these men are correct. And the way you copy their success is not by word-for-word mouthing their model, it is by emulating their overall behavior. Just like you’d emulate your friends or father or whatever men you look up to.

So, if you’d emulate the behavior displayed in this comment section, is it that of a nigger peacock? Very obviously, it isn’t. The behavior displayed in the comment section is pro-social, high-intelligence, low time preference and dark triad. It attracts women and cures tfr.

Doom says:

I can’t remember who I read that said this – but when women are young they can’t tell the difference between fake status and real status.

Thus, the honda civic driving drug dealer has the same status as Clooney.

The real trick is keeping actual low social status men from making (fake) alpha widows out of your women.

If you have a daughter and you can’t impress upon her that the guy she loses her virginity to is her guy, period – you’re losing her, I think.

But think, what kind of father would you be seen as for taking that position? Her body her choice.. so on.. lol

alf says:

Hence homeschooling and an old type Christian upbringing.

For which you will be ridiculed by demons and the demon possessed, but if you refuse to invite demons into your house, they cannot enter.

Doom says:

Unless you purposefully make your daughter dumb and unquestioning, you’re still going to have to rely on whatever appropriate husband she gets having the same perspective as you.

What are you going to do, keep them away from TV, the internet, other people entirely?

She’ll just end up crying on a documentary about how she “escaped a cult” lol.

alf says:

You have a bleak outlook.

I intend to raise my daughter smart and questioning. I will keep her away from tv, do not intend to keep her away from the internet nor from other people. I will raise her with all the love I have for her and more.

At a certain point we have done all we can and we must also trust our women and daughters to do the right thing. We must have faith in them. My woman surprises me daily by how much she tries to do the right thing, and I have hopes our daughter will be the same.

Adam says:

Both of my daughters are stunningly beautiful, very well behaved, and even my oldest at age 20 still checks to see if she can stay at a friends house. And I am thrilled with her boyfriend that she met through online dating (all the boys at church she thought were gay). He will make a good husband and father. Neither of my girls have ever given me much of a hard time. Not what I would consider a hard time anyway.

It is not impossible to bring up girls properly.

alf says:

What more can a father wish for…

Pooch says:

Yeah I think this is the problem with raising your kids in the church. Double edged sword. A daughter will grow up with good Christian values but it will be hard for her to find a masculine man also in the Church.

A boy, if you teach him masculinity properly, can find a good wife in the Church, but you don’t want him to sheltered and isolated in the church because he might grow up gay and McChristian.

Adam says:

I’m pretty fortunate. My son just graduated high school and is working for me now, and I’m teaching him woodworking and cabinet making. It’s awesome.

All of our parenting is built on honesty and trust. And meeting the needs of our kids until we could teach them how to meet their own needs.

Doom says:

I suppose that’s true to an extent, I’m a little bleak based on what I’ve seen personally, but then, if I’m fair – the men I see are weak and defer to women.

You and Adam below have slightly white pilled me. Thank you.

Neurotoxin says:


“Every theorist has a model on how women work. Getting the model exactly right is very hard… Heartiste is too witty, Rollo too theoretical, Jim too violent…”

Yeah. Women are not (totally) algorithmically compressible. So each man has to cobble together his own variant of the basic model, based on his own experience.

Also, it depends on the kind of women one is going for. It is possible to take All Women Are Like That too far. What I mean is not that there are any women who like nice guys (LOL). But it’s like the fact that all men prefer young women to old women, though some of us prefer blondes, some brunettes, etc. All women prefer alpha to nice, but some like intellectual guys, some jocks, some more thuggish, some less thuggish. When I was in college I straight-up seduced a chick by talking about twentieth century empiricist philosophy. I doubt that would work on the sort of chick who’s a drug dealer groupie.

The fact that there is dispersion among women gives us room to work in.

Pooch says:

Great point and this was an ah ha moment for me that I could set standards and preferences in the women I allowed to enter my life.

A foundational lesson of swallowing the red pill is becoming high value and putting yourself above women not below them. Then you can carry the frame “Does this woman meet MY bar in women?” No longer are you qualifying yourself to random women. They are qualifying and auditioning to be in your world for what you like.

A good mental exercise is to picture specifically the woman you want and decide if you want to be the dude who can get that and if so then do it. A fitness chick? Guess what, she’s into fitness guys. A big fake titted broad who likes to be seen? She’s going to like flashy cars and toys. A humble country Christian girl? She’s going to be impressed with you reciting Bible verses, hunting, fishing, and so on.

Neurotoxin says:


I do think the “arms race” model has an element of truth to it. But consider our host’s analogy: we must create a world that resembles the evolutionary past as a garden resembles a jungle, enough to satisfy women but without actually being a return to the jungle.

Furthermore, while all women prefer alpha to nice, not all are willing to sacrifice a home with a two-car garage for an affair with a drug dealer. Show these women enough asshole, without choosing a career as a drug dealer, and we can snag ‘em. I DID that, and I’m not the only guy here who did.

This is not to deny that all of this will be even easier if certain social changes can be accomplished, namely driving a stake through feminism’s heart and seriously punishing defecting men.

Jehu says:

Society as a whole needs a lot of stuff like strongly encouraging pro-social men to keep and bear arms and vigorously discouraging anti-social men from doing so. This is especially important in areas where society is very frayed. Police officers should be treating married taxpaying men in poor neighborhoods exceptionally deferentially particularly where women can see it.

The Cominator says:

If a womans husband seems a boring domesticated beta and she thinks she can have an affair with drug dealer without getting caught… almost all of them will.

Neurotoxin says:

“Society as a whole needs a lot of stuff like strongly encouraging pro-social men to keep and bear arms and vigorously discouraging anti-social men from doing so.”
And, as our host says, displaying a certain lethargy in investigating, when pro-social men commit violence against defectors.

Thus the importance of teaching average men to behave less like boring domesticated betas.

The Cominator says:

I would also legalize all drugs so there are no drug dealers beyond the convience store that sells drugs…

Libertarians are right about that, the government should not prevent people from self destruction.

Inb4 bla bla bla someone I cared about OD’d. And did the government stop that, no then shutup.

Adam says:

Disagree on the drugs thing. They are way too powerful and way too destructive to your workforce. Any king that allows drugs to become a path of least resistance in his kingdom is asking for trouble.

The Cominator says:

If you don’t have the problem already you can keep them getting a foothold…

But otherwise the best you can do is make them low status thru propaganda. I would make hard drugs low status but legal.

Adam says:

Agree on making them low status, especially to females. Better to emasculate users and dealers than try eliminate the drugs themselves.

The Cominator says:

No dealers as I said they’d be legal.

Pooch says:

Yep no drugs. Think of it as a lord of a manor. Do you want your serfs tilling the land on drugs? Nope. Banned.

The Cominator says:

The Emperor is at a much higher scale than a local lord and banning shit violates freehold principle. Also the only permanent government police that will exist are border guards and secret police/inquisitors so how will you ban them?

Pooch says:

Every lord has knights. You don’t want the knights called on you.

The Cominator says:

Knights to the extent they’ll exist don’t do “law enforcement” at normal times. Gentlemen volunteers will and they will not be paid… thus drug laws will revert to the 19th and 18th centuries when they just didn’t exist.

Throwing out the progressive era means throwing out everything from the progressive era including drug laws and child labor laws.

Pooch says:

18th century is not happening. We will be lucky to get something resembling the 9th century. Disobeying the lord was punishable by death at that time I believe.

The Cominator says:

And to the extent there are local warlords they can try to ban drugs, but to me banning drugs means accepting the communistic principle of progressive public health and I kind of have a chip on my shoulder about that after 2020.

Frank Matters says:

> Show these women enough asshole, without choosing a career as a drug dealer, and we can snag ‘em. I DID that, and I’m not the only guy here who did.

I agree with all this. I only started off on the track here because I took genuine offense at jim calling this measure of desperation wherein you appeal to female nature in order to pass into the next round of the game as “acting in accordance with the Lord’s commandments”, as white pilled. Only in the most twisted sense is this true, only in the specialest of limited circumstance. We may be in this circumstance, I would still rather not see it honored. In the long run it degrades our nature. Look at the humiliating role of the chicken, the harem animal, and the nobility of the wolf, the monogamous pack animal. I would rather no life at all than end up as a chicken, my soul would not fit in such an animal.

Adam says:

Just start thinking with your dick and you will become alpha in a way that you can live with, and pass your genes onto the next round.

Alpha is a BIG category. Top 20% is super easy. The fact that your aware of the game you are playing gets you way ahead of average.

Pooch says:

Yeah my starting point was completely blue pilled on women and forced myself into something of a lesser alpha solely on reading the theory and putting it into practice through repetition.

Neurotoxin says:

“Alpha is a BIG category. Top 20% is super easy. The fact that your aware of the game you are playing gets you way ahead of average.”


And Frank, in all the warm air that’s spilled in the Manosphere about thirsty betas, it’s important to remember that in the current environment women are incredibly thirsty for masculine men. This is why a mere basic level of Game can make a huge difference. I speak from experience here.

Yes it is true that if the average man becomes more Game-aware, the environment will become more competitive, but please don’t worry that you’re going to have to get an AK-47 and go around capping people off at random to attract a woman.

jim says:

> don’t worry that you’re going to have to get an AK-47 and go around capping people off at random to attract a woman.

If white men become free to be men, but women remain free to choose sexually from an enormous menu, and change their mind at any time, then you going to have to get an AK-47 and go around capping people off at random to attract a woman.

Which is, I think, what Frank is worrying about.

So, in our present society, more subtle forms of masculinity and alpha work fine, though women are frequently strangely insensitive to cues that are impressive to other men, and hypersensitive to cues that you do not notice and other men do not notice.

If we fix up our society to allow men to be men, we will also have to, in order to prevent the crisis that Frank is worried about, both restrain female sexuality severely, and also allow men higher in the male status hierarchy to engage in more personal violence (within rules and limits that women are unlikely to be aware of or pay attention to).

Neurotoxin says:

“If we fix up our society to allow men to be men, we will also have to, in order to prevent the crisis that Frank is worried about, both restrain female sexuality severely, and also allow men higher in the male status hierarchy to engage in more personal violence (within rules…)”


yewotm8 says:

>If white men become free to be men, but women remain free to choose sexually from an enormous menu, and change their mind at any time

I don’t see a world where those are not mutually exclusive. If a large portion of men find their balls to that degree and become hyperviolent without fear of reprisal from other men, they won’t be whiteknights.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Only a problem if you are not selective with the kinds of women you pursue in the first place.

Award your attentions to the daughters of men whose qualities you approve of. This is both personally beneficial – your chances are better through social coordination, and better again through eucivilizational groups – and also racially beneficial.

jim says:

> Only a problem if you are not selective with the kinds of women you pursue

You are making the standard blue pill recommendation: Unicorn hunting.

Which always fails, resulting in the black pill:

All women are alike. They are all women, varying only in beauty, level of sexual desire, and notch count.

As I am fond of saying, if unicorns existed, one of them would have shown up in Feynman’s office asking for special tuition, not to mention Trump’s and Bezos’ skyscraper corner offices.

Instead, Feynman and Trump had do what I did, albeit Trump got to do it on an incomparably grander scale. Einstein failed to do it, and the chick that eventually did show up in his office was a hot KGB agent of influence personally sent there by Stalin.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I am not recommending unicorn hunting, i am recommending respecting those laws of God as revealed to the prophet Darwin.

A hostile or naive reading of your advice would suggest that, since all women are like that, mate selection makes no difference. Thede, class, clade, race, species, whatever, it’s all good. Obviously it is not all good, and knowing you i do not believe you are actually suggesting this, but the explicit point is not made.

FM posits that, since the selection criteria of humanoid females are antisocial, singular male agents optimizing for them will result in a collapse of society over time – true enough, assuming the men themselves are totally indiscriminate in their own choices.

In practice of course, the problem is largely punted by removing female choice from the equation altogether. There are multi-millennia long track records of success with this strategy all over the world.

It always pays to consider the cosmic, deep ecology ramifications of one’s strategies though. What FM has been grouping around here is the concept of multi-polar traps; situations where an entity’s strategies for success now cements its doom later.

You can say we are living through such a great filter event right now; those forms of human life that are susceptible to the psyop are led into genetic death, by various means – while those forms of human life that are insensitive or antithetical to it come to fill the niche and proliferate in their stead.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To wit, you are not just doing yourself a favor by associating with the later, you are in fact doing your divinely mandated duty by so doing.

jim says:

> I took genuine offense at jim calling this measure of desperation wherein you appeal to female nature in order to pass into the next round of the game as “acting in accordance with the Lord’s commandments”, as white pilled.

The Lord’s commandments are considerably less gay than what the blue pill commands men to be.

Frank Matters says:

Agreed. That is why we must bring them back down from the mountain.

Ghost says:

You can display a high degree of vitality without shuckin’ and jivin’ like a frizzed out schvartzah.

Women need to be led. When you show high energy, the female will notice. Be somewhat animated when you socialize, maintain appropriate eye contact, learn to smile.

Small talk for starters. You want to get the conversation to the point where you are showing there is a positive future with you. That you have strong family connections. That the female can be a part of your tribe.

Aidan says:

Reopening the WQ discussion from below as the thread has gotten too convoluted to follow.

-Frank counts all reckless and lawless behavior as niggory-diggory

-Pooch says masculinity period is what is attractive to women, and violence is just a subset of that

Well, maybe the bad boy is heading to an early grave, but he is far more likely to propagate his genes than the dutiful office worker who dies in bed at 85. He is doing what he has to for his genes to survive in a given environment; could be argued that he’s smarter than you.

And Pooch, I notice that the useless stoners and such getting laid are generally skinny, hunched, won’t look you in the eye, and shy away from conflict. But they drive their riced out civics at double the speed limit down the highway and sell drugs.

It’s not worth opening a discussion on what constitutes masculinity; it’s an “I know it when I see it”. And there is not a strong correlation between the men I see as masculine and the ones who are piping out tons of hot young chicks. I should point out that masculinity and femininity are not a spectrum but two discrete things; I know plenty of masculine men who have extremely feminine traits, like emotional incontinence, passive-aggressiveness, and so on. Again, treating masculinity and femininity like a spectrum enables the gay. Like spiritual T and spiritual E, one has a certain level of each.

doom says:

Womens idea of masculinity is “the highest status man in any given frame”.

The useless stoners are the highest status in their social group, hence, get laid, since the women agree that driving badly in noisy cars, having drugs, and having cash from selling drugs are the metrics of status.

“What is manly” – what women agree is status.


>And there is not a strong correlation between the men I see as masculine and the ones who are piping out tons of hot young chicks.

I think in general men are slightly more practical and would rather see something like “actual real productivity” be considered as proxies for masculine value.

jim says:

> “What is manly” – what women agree is status.

women actually register status in ways far more ancient than any of those that you list.

ExileStyle says:

Milieu, concrete situation, and specific goal are extremely important. Looking for a one-time lay is different from looking for a fuck-buddy is different from looking for a girlfriend is different from looking for a wife. Pairing off at the club with a posse where alpha hierarchies form automatically is different from Tinder dating is different from finding a wife in your social group.

Unfortunately, fate plays a huge role: how physically attractive you are, and how you instinctually relate to women, much of which has to do with the kind of man your father was. The former can be worked on to some extent, the latter is difficult to change permanently in my experience.

Getting a woman into bed is also a completely different game than keeping a woman loyal, unfortunately. Many men relax after a while with one woman; you can never fully relax.

I don’t think violence and masculinity are extricable. I do not think actual violence is quite as important as Jim suggests, but the capacity and potential for violence, i.e. power, or at least the appearance of it, are necessary. This need not always be traditional kinds of power; women are pretty stupid. They want to know you can be a Master of other things and people than them; then they will let you master them, too.

I think a lot of guys misunderstand what it means to “be an asshole” to a woman. What you think an asshole is and what she thinks an asshole is are two very different things. I’d say that almost nothing is more important than simple indifference: that you fundamentally not give a shit whether she stays or leaves, and let her know that she is completely replaceable, and never care all that much more about her than about a useful maid or whatever. (Or actually slightly wish you had an actual maid rather than a woman, because your woman’s never going to clean as well as a professional.) And I think you honestly have to believe this yourself. It sucks for the little romantic fag inside of you, but such is life.

Women find it repulsive and weird if you care or think too much about them. Physical violence should be authentic, measured, and goal-oriented; to get her to shut the fuck up and stop being hysterical, usually. If she gets the sense that you’re just performing violence for her sake, she will start to find you fake, gay, and repulsive. Being violent with a woman can paradoxically reveal too much interest in and care for the woman.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is cope. Men have to suck it up and do what must be done. Complaining that women like nigger peacocking is a way to avoid the responsibility of becoming the kind of man that women want. I doubt either Alf, Jim, or you act like dumb niggers, and you all have women. I have had a couple women offer themselves and I come off more like Hannibal Lecter than a nigger, in terms of both intelligence and calculated psychopathy. Acting like a nigger does not get you laid, because there are an awful lot of niggers complaining that they are not getting laid and even more not complaining but still not getting laid.

Adam says:

Think of alpha/beta as a bell curve. The large center distribution is beta, the left side is Jeremy Meeks, and the right side is Bill Clinton. Both Jeremy Meeks and Bill Clinton make decisions with their dicks. Bill Clinton is high status enough to insulate himself from the consequences.

Oak says:

The idea that female arousal is net eugenic and determines status is the one myth that the dissident right seems to be unable to give up on.

It makes little sense from a logical point of view. If as soon as large groups of men form a cooperate/cooperate equilibrium there is almost no selective pressure on female sexual choice, women are going carry over genes that resulted in sons who are successful in less civilised environments, such as an attraction to men with a strong tendency to defect on other men (and women).

From an empirical point of view, this is evidenced in the fact that white women have children with sub-saharans at a per capita rate significantly higher than white men, despite the greater cost of having children and greater (almost infinite) choice. It’s a small minority, but difficult to explain unless female sexual choice has more primitive, pre-civic characteristics.

From a historical point of view, it helps to explain Unwin’s findings. If men have to directly appeal to women (rather than their father/male relatives) to reproduce, they will not engage in activities that result in a higher civilisation (and high status only to men).

Fortunately, there can be overlap in male and female perceptions of status, although it is often accidental. If a man brains a little old man in the street because he was trying to diddle his son, high status to men and women. But if he did it to steal $100, unfortunately still high status to women.

In the current climate, civilised men must make them overlap as much as possible (and throw in some occasional pantomime).

Pooch says:

Fortunately, there can be overlap in male and female perceptions of status, although it is often accidental. If a man brains a little old man in the street because he was trying to diddle his son, high status to men and women. But if he did it to steal $100, unfortunately still high status to women.

In the current climate, civilised men must make them overlap as much as possible (and throw in some occasional pantomime).

I still think this comes down to masculinity. Degenerate blacks get a masculinity exception, thus we see white women drawn to them over their effeminate white competitors on per capita basis.

I also believe that there is something inherently leftist and feminizing about civilization as a concept. The saying that there is no one to the right of Attila the Hun has much truth in it in my opinion. He is also the most uncivilized. So if women are attracted to the most masculine, they are also attracted to the most uncivilized.

I think as civilized men today we can make this work for us and instead of against us. Yes, one way to approach female sexual choice is just become a self-destructive drug dealing degenerate criminal.

A 2nd way is find your mission, work on your physical fitness, buy a house, become financially successfully and independant, buy a nice car, a boat, increase social network/skills, etc.

Both methods may bring sexual success, but the 2nd method not only brings you sexual success but improves your life and happiness as well. I tend to think the quality of woman using the 2nd method will be higher as well.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Atilla the Hun was a barbarian savage who’s achievements did not survive him. The proper saying is, “To the right of Ghengis Kahn,” because the Kahn actually built a civilization that was not just based on looting shit from other people. Some of what he had survived his death, and it ran well during his reign. Another good example would be, “To the right of Vlad the Impaler.” A man who similarly had his shit together.

If you concede the frame that civilization is beta, then you cede civilization to those who permit the alphas to commit violence in order maintain civilization and encourage the betas to act more like the alphas to the same end. I will throw myself as king of 1660s England against Atilla the Hun and 1000/1000 times it ends with me fucking Atilla’s daughter and him bending the knee as a vassal or lying dead in the dirt. Civilization is the most alpha move, because it permits the maximization of skilled effort and group violence. Think g otherwise is just wrong.

jim says:

Civilization is coordination that scales. And the ultimate test is coordination of large scale violence. But the central plan always fails, you have to factor the problem. Which means that large scale coordinated violence is made possibly by lots of distributed pro social violence.

Which is mighty alpha.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Matryoshka Dunbar organization. King Wulfgar is top alpha of my Dunbar set of Lords and Archbisops. Then those Lords and Archbisops are top of their own Dunbar sets. Continuing down to the lowest Dunbar sets of the common men, where each man is the alpha of his household. Each man in the chain above permits those men beneath him and in good standing to use violence, from the common man running off petty criminals and layabouts all the way to the king making war.

I do not believe in central plans, because I am damned smart, but I cannot run all of that. If I cannot do it, no one can, so why try? Why should I tell Lord Aidan or Lord Inquisitior Jim how to run their business? Lord Aidan, provide me with my taxes and answer my calls to war. Lord Jim, find and kill my enemies. The manner is up to you. Go forth, and in the name of God let none stand before you. How my taxes are earned or my enemies found and silenced is better handled by other men. The only time I should need to step in is if there is a problem that needs my level of organizing to solve, and that should be few and far between.

jim says:


This is the only way to scale, and thus the only way to scale organized pro-social violence, and scaling organized violence in this manner has the beneficial side effect of aligning female perceptions of alpha with the male status hierarchy.

When the Sun King replaced the manly nobility of the nobility of the sword, with the faggot nobility of the nobility of the Robe, whose lack of manliness was satirized even in sympathetic fictional accounts like “the scarlet pimpernell”, and was deplored even by those deploring the french revolution, he found he had replaced dangerously mighty vassals far from the throne, with dangerously mighty servants dangerously close to the throne.

simplyconnected says:

That was a nice concise explanation.
Was recently taking a look at historian Carroll Quigley’s books where he talks about the structure of the secret society founded by Cecil Rhodes in 1891, composed of a hierarchy of secret societies organized as “rings within rings within rings” (where a lower secret society is controlled by a few members who are part of the immediately higher secret society). It reminded me of the Matryoshka Dunbar idea.

From “Tragedy and Hope” (1966):

[…]This association was formally established on February 5, 1891, when Rhodes and Stead organized a secret society of which Rhodes had been dreaming for sixteen years. In this secret society Rhodes was to be leader; Stead, Brett (Lord Esher), and Milner were to form an executive committee; Arthur (Lord) Balfour, (Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild, Albert (Lord)Grey, and others were listed as potential members of a “Circle of Initiates”; while there was to be an outer circle known as the “Association of Helpers” (later organized by Milner as the Round Table organization).[…]

kawaii_kike says:

Wouldn’t some central planning be required to prevent entryism/Leftist corruption of the lower level Dunbar sets?

Would the Inquisition be actively looking for entryism or just waiting for a fire to break out?

Frank Matters says:

If your Top Guys are aligned, they will smell entryists. If the Top Guys the next level down are aligned with your Top Guys, they will smell entryists the same.

Inquisition should focus on the higher levels first. Hard to get right, but a massive effort of tying to investigate every deliveryman or tax collector is going to fail badly.

The Cominator says:

The priesthood at even the lowest levels need to be investigated..

Neurotoxin says:

“Matryoshka Dunbar organization. King Wulfgar is top alpha of my Dunbar set of Lords and Archbisops. Then those Lords and Archbisops are top of their own Dunbar sets…”

That’s a fantastic comment.

Now do entryism.

suones says:

This has been the nth re-invention of administration via Fuhrerprinzip.

Pooch says:

I will throw myself as king of 1660s England against Atilla the Hun and 1000/1000 times it ends with me fucking Atilla’s daughter and him bending the knee as a vassal or lying dead in the dirt

And today’s military would just drone strike you and waive a Gay Pride flag over your corpse. That the civilization of Attila the Hun, or lack there of, was not technologically advanced and our civilization is advanced is exactly my point.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Only if you subscribe to the theory that forms of techne spontaneously emerge from the aether and have nothing to do with the agents instantiating it.

Pooch says:

Of course they don’t. Did the men who killed Osama Bin Laden have anything to do with gay sex parades?

Kunning Drueger says:

The men of JSOC contribute directly to gay pride parades by protecting governments that kneel, and punishing those that don’t. When they retire, they become full time shills for the Cathedral. Look at the CEO of Black Rifle Coffee Company.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Before you can banish the faggot leftist outside in the world, you first need to banish the faggot leftist inside looking at the world.

Neurotoxin says:

“The idea that female arousal is net eugenic and determines status is the one myth that the dissident right seems to be unable to give up on.”

Da fuck? That female arousal is DYSgenic is a major important theme here.

someDude says:

I think he is equating the dissident right with the cuckservative right which puts pussy on a pedestal. Dissident or cuckservative, its all the same to them.

Ghost says:

Frankly, I’m not seeing the stoners scoring. As a general rule of thumb, you want to project health, vitality and confidence. That should work until you get quite time alone. If the female willingly follows you to a quite space, they want you to take them.

jim says:

It is not the stoners, it the dealers who usually consume far too much of their own stock. They attract women who are not into drugs, because they tend to be violent types and she sees druggies kissing their asses.

Anonymous Fake says:


Cloudswrest says:

More suspicious food supply issues. ~10,000 head of cattle dead due to “heat” in Kansas feed lot.


The Ducking Man says:

My area also had record crop failure, foods are 20% more expensive in just 2 weeks. The weathers are pretty much normal (I’ve had it way worse 2 years ago).

Red says:

There’s a pretty easy answer: Due to labor shortages caused by inflation unqualified people are being put in charge of critical operations. That doesn’t mean the leftists are not doing it, but they generally liked to gloat about their crimes on twitter and I haven’t seen that yet.

Karl says:

Sure, unqualified people in charge of critical operations cause destruction, but what’s that got to do with inflation?

Shaniqua was not hired because of labor shortage.

jim says:

Things are getting screwed up for several reasons:

1. Shaniqua gets hired on the basis of race, sex, and sexual preference.

2. Businesses used to rely on college degrees as a filter against the dangerously stupid. This filter has ceased to be effective.

3. Human Resources insists on treating it as if it is effective. Hiring able people and not hiring dangerously stupid people is obviously racist. Also hiring cooperative people and firing people who are destructive or defect on their employer is not only racist, but sexist (because you fire gays for showing up seldom and stoned, and women for shit testing yourself and your colleagues). If you hire good people and fire bad people Human Resources will tell you that you are in danger of a racial/sexual discrimination suit – meaning that they will organize one against the man who is supposedly their boss.

4. Inflation: Businesses are fictitious beings imagined into real existence through book keeping. With shortages and rapid inflation, your books become meaningless. You need to keep your books in a stable unit of account, and we do not have a stable unit of account, and in any case, if we did, keeping your books in it would be illegal

5. Normality bias leads to setting prices and wages far too low. And then you have a shortage of smart people who discover that the wages you are paying them are long out of date, and switch jobs in order to get paid at market value, at the spot price of labor, which results in high employee turnover. The employees you lost take their knowledge of the business with them, and in their new job, they do not have knowledge of the business. And because there is an extreme labor shortage (at the wages that you are paying) you hire morons to replace them. Human resources is happy, because morons tend to be racially diverse.

6. Sox accounting, which is increasingly abandoning the pretense of tracking the movement and creation of value, and is instead openly tracking holiness – not that it ever tracked value all that well.

Red says:

> 5. Normality bias leads to setting prices and wages far too low. And then you have a shortage of smart people who discover that the wages you are paying them are long out of date, and switch jobs in order to get paid at market value, at the spot price of labor, which results in high employee turnover. The employees you lost take their knowledge of the business with them, and in their new job, they do not have knowledge of the business. And because there is an extreme labor shortage (at the wages that you are paying) you hire morons to replace them. Human resources is happy, because morons tend to be racially diverse.

I’ve been seeing this everywhere.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s an interesting potential red flag that China is planning something:


It could be a step in a long term plan to “uplift” the “character” of the officer corps, which is a signal that PLA is going down the gay path the GAE went under Obama. As well, could be deepening the Jr officers because they expect high losses in an amphibious operation. Or just a footprint expansion as BRI continues to develop.

Ghost says:

Whenever I see Chinese military drill (aka China deathmarch) their military bearing is always striking to me. And I wish that we could be that way still. It is sad. That type of drill is usually associated with a high degree or esprit de corps (moral), attention to detail, and precision. A military you do not want to mess with. We used to have it, not anymore.

Mister Grumpus says:

That’s exactly the point of the public drill.

Notice how few of these we see from our side anymore. Imagine getting Shaniqua to do something over and over and over until she does it right.

Pete says:

The powers in charge do not want our military to have high morale, esprit de corps, or any pride in their nation.

If they developed such qualities, the soldiers might take it into their heads to do something about the people who are destroying America.

Much better to have a sloppy, demoralized, out of shape/fat gaggle of colored single moms that can never present a challenge to the power structure.

Ghost says:

The criminal cabal that usurped our country believes they can win wars with technology and propaganda alone. They are wrong. Battles are fought and won by men with courage and high morale and skill. Wars are won by the leadership of men who are strong-willed and moral. Our present leadership has none of that and could not possibly win a war.

Varna says:

Yeah, they said this in their official global times paper (which it pays to keep an eye on).
Perhaps this is among other things a reaction to Russia’s losses of generals in the Ukraine special operation.

Speaking of which, comrade Xi just signed into law the ability of the army to do “special operations” that are not officially “war”.

jim says:

“and safeguard China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests”

The Chinese government has been doing the British empire thing. Make a huge loan to a corrupt government, which is linked to developing something strategically significant, such as a port. When the loan is predictably not repaid, foreclose.

jim says:

“It is an alternative for studying at a military academy and becoming an officer, the expert said.”

This is potentially very bad – Academics are priests, and this looks like disempowering the military priesthood in favor of the non military priesthood. You wind up with a non military military. We have a woke officer class, and they are likely to find themselves with Communist Party equivalent: People who base their strategy and tactics on Mao’s totally and blatantly fake account of the revolutionary war.

Lutwack sarcastically observed that this leads to the theory that the megaphone is more powerful than the gun. It is more powerful than the gun, until actual shooting starts.

Varna says:

You could say that with the Soviets, there was a generation shift circa the 1950s and 1960s.

Before that, the old bolsheviks were juggling the demands of objective reality, with the demands of ideological reality. A misstep gets you a seat on the purge express, but they knew what the deal was. They knew deep down there was objective reality, and make-belief reality, and if you follow the only the latter, then the Germans take Moscow, but if you allow for the existence of the former, you take Berlin.

The new generation soviets gradually lost the knowledge of objective reality and accepted the solipsistic ideological cocoon as the only reality that matters. Nukes provided an objective shield behind which subjective degeneracy could flower, and internal social pressure along ideological lines filled up reality, obscuring ever more the objective reality outside itself.

Once this goes far enough, factories start exploding, reactors melt down, products disappear from stores, electricity and water get rationed, gang crime explodes, corruption and inefficiency paralyzes all institutions, planes crash, trains derail, bridges collapse, serial killers operate with impunity, the lot.

Right now, the Russian army at the very least is getting schooled in reality. 900K being rotated 80K-100K at a time through the Ukraine, getting a feel of how the world really works when the masks are off. Large sectors of the economy and state tech also having to adapt to reality or wither.

The West and its allies, as well as China, still appear to have enough accumulated fat (or at least behave as if they do), to be able to play make-belief in all sorts of ways, all the while accumulating a “reality debt” of systemic entropy.

Let’s see what autumn and winter bring. Who knows. Maybe it’ll be a storm that forces the face of even the most ardent reality-denier into the toilet bowl of their own lies. Maybe even at non-apocalyptic cost.

Travis says:

“Once this goes far enough, factories start exploding, reactors melt down, products disappear from stores, electricity and water get rationed, gang crime explodes, corruption and inefficiency paralyzes all institutions, planes crash, trains derail, bridges collapse, serial killers operate with impunity, the lot.”

Describes the chaos the US is descending into perfectly.

Anon Poaster says:

I don’t think they are intentionally trying to create a priestly military. What is happening is that for the past seven or so years they have been trying to get rid of the old Maoist-style military system, and in that process have been copying many things from America’s military – ever since Desert Storm the PLA has had a significant degree of admiration for the US military. Some of that stuff is good, like adopting the brigade combat team model. Some of that stuff is not so good.

Kunning Drueger says:

If we go sustained kinetic but not nuclear, I have a feeling that every USMpilled army is going to just fall down after trampling its own dick. They’ll probably stand up some replacement, but it won’t look like a traditional military. Luttwack’s been knocking around in my head, boxing with Jim over IEW. The modern world rests on a massive framework of assumptions that are just snapping like toothpicks. I did another week or 2 blackout on the Special Operation, and I have to say that is the way to ingest modern war coverage. So much better seeing trends and details. Russia is going to have the best military in the world with all the major info sources claiming the opposite. China will soon have to do their own organized Vietnam lol. By this I mean a rotational war machine without too many conscripts. America had the opportunity to knock out Iraq, walk away, and start looking for some other country to democratize. Instead, she got stuck in and spiritually bled. China is in danger because they have the same strain of gommunism in their bureaucracy, but they still have nationalism.

Varna says:

I’ve been lazily wondering what segment of weaponry which Vladimir Greenberg asks for but the West isn’t sending over, isn’t being sent over due to fear of embarrassment.

As in “Ukrainians start using it in an information environment we don’t control, and suddenly lots of crap become very visible.”

The official narrative about certain weapons not being sent was “we can’t risk you guys starting WWIII with it”. Lately a second one has been added: “we can’t just deplete our own warehouses completely guys, be realistic.”

I suspect two more unsaid reasons for certain types of weaponry:
1) We can’t afford the Ruskies to learn in real time how to counteract this
2) We can’t afford showing the world that this weaponry sucks ass

Kunning Drueger says:

I think this is spot on. It’s probably all of the above. The little personal contact I’ve had with USM was mostly shell games and bloat with very clunky, nearly inoperable tech hidden beneath. It’s the PowerPoint phenomenon; some flunky keeps inflating use cases, abilities, etc, because it’s just another slide bro, budget pls.

Don Harrington says:

You guys are generally plugged in with crypto, what’s going on with Celsius?

Severian says:

This is what’s going on with Celsius:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There is a YouTube channel called Upper Echelon Gaming that has been covering the story from before they shut down withdrawals. He is not one of ours, but he had some pretty convincing evidence that the people involved have run shady shitcoin scams in the past and Celsius is the latest scam.

The Ducking Man says:

People have been discussing women’s romance very extensively, but nobody seems to bother discussing men’s romance.

What kind of women that men desire?

Of course it can be easily said “as long as she is thin, beautiful, young, and mentally sane with good manner” the woman is top of the mark. But my experience hits a bit different.

The first woman I ever proposed maybe 6/10 of attractiveness scale. But her brilliance and personality has become light that shone my soul (which was really dark at that time). I was feeling genuine companionship which is very unique. Too bad our faith differ too greatly.

While my wife fits objective measure of being good woman (attractive with good manner), deep down I’m feeling spiritual loneliness.

Even today I never find women like my first love. I feel regret that does not go away.

Perhaps to better understand women we also need to examine inward. Or maybe women and men’s experience ain’t that different after all or merely 2 side of same coin.

someDude says:

No one cares about men. We deal with it.

Pax Imperialis says:

That’s the saying of a modern man who has never experienced fraternity, but it says more about western society than about you. Close sense of brotherhood was the historical norm. Brothers looked out for each other and pushed each other. Men cared about men. Who do you think gave marriage consoling before HR types twisted it into an industry?

Fraternity in the west was undermined by acceptance of homosexuality. The military resisted that far longer, but it too was forced to accept and even promote the gays. The idea that no on cares about men, and that we must deal with it on our own, is almost purely a byproduct of modernity and gay acceptance.

someDude says:

Maybe I should re-phrase. No one care about an individual man. No one cares about unorganized men. That’s why we organize. Then people take note of us and take care not to cross us lightly.

This is not just the state of the west. It is the state of every country under the US cultural Hegemony, India included.

Pax Imperialis says:

Take what I say with a grain of salt. I’ve never been married. I have accrued some wisdom from others though.

Some of the most loving marriages came from arranged/shotgun marriages where both parties knew each for less than a week prior.

Overcoming shared struggles creates trust and shared narrative. That leads to genuine companionship and love.

That is hard in the modern world where you’re not facing starvation, war, extreme poverty, etc. Surviving such things as partners forms deep trust.

What can be done today is creating many children and sharing the burdens. The financial cost of many children and/or investing highly in their development can act as a proxy to poverty.

Of course that may not fully recreate a shared sense of hardship, but at the very least she’ll likely be too busy to even think about adultery. Also try to get the wife to home school.

The Ducking Man says:

If there is one thing I learned from past year is that people seemingly happy does not automatically mean being happy.

I can say this because I’ve known happy couple busy doing their own thing as soon as they have free time, husband and wife rationalizing workhouse load. Marriage is transactional and that’s the truth that lots of people carry into their marriage.

But my experience with my first love transcend this truth that the thought of asking something in return never blip my mind.

Again, I say that men and women ain’t that different, merely 2 sides of same coin.

If I heard women leaving their good husband for bum ex-bf, I wholeheartedly understand those women (tho I don’t approve those behavior).

ExileStyle says:

But my experience with my first love transcend this truth that the thought of asking something in return never blip my mind.

Again, I say that men and women ain’t that different, merely 2 sides of same coin.

If I heard women leaving their good husband for bum ex-bf, I wholeheartedly understand those women (tho I don’t approve those behavior).

Well, that’s completely insane. Why are you even here if you believe that?

Men and women are as different as protons and electrons, positive and negative, zero and one, good and evil, light and darkness, sun and moon.

That woman doesn’t love you as you love her, I guarantee it. Will not and cannot. Only men can experience romantic love and loyalty.

And why “wholeheartedly” understand? Do you have no dignity? Or at least respect for other men? I can “understand” it in the same sense I understand a crocodile eating its own offspring – with distasteful acceptance of some strange force of nature, not “wholehearted” understanding.

Adam says:

I agree. We are a means to an end for women, and that end is feels. No matter how you look at it, status, provision, protection etc. are all feels that a woman may need in the moment. Whatever feels she cannot get from you, she will look for elsewhere.

Romantic love, chivalry etc. must die a brutal death.

jim says:

You should not believe that women are bad for not being like men. Women are good.

Women are good for being like a woman, and men are good for being like mam.

If you look for a woman who is like a man, because you think that is a good woman, you will be disappointed and become black pilled.

And women are not looking just for good feels. They will make greater sacrifices for their husband and their children.

ExileStyle says:

Who said anything about women’s goodness or badness, or looking for a woman like a man? I said they are different, to deny which is also insane, and very peculiar considering the existence of your blog. I also do not think crocodiles are “bad” for being crocodiles, or men “good” for feeling romantic love.

Why would you call women good? Women aren’t good; neither are men.

I remember someone saying something along the lines of “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.” (Mk. 10:18)

I also remember someone listening quite eagerly to the advice of a certain Serpent in a certain Garden.

Women can love, but their love is different, and disappears at a mere whisper.

jim says:

> Why would you call women good? Women aren’t good; neither are men.

Good men are manly, and good women are womanly.

Adam says:

I agree they will make great sacrifices for their husband and children. Total agreement. They often have a high tolerance for negative energy.

What they find the most difficult, is boredom and apathy. Love and hate are not opposites. Love and hate are both intense emotional investments. The opposite of love and hate is apathy.

Follow the strong feelings, good or bad, and female behavior makes more sense. Not just from their pussy. Also the caring nurturing feelings.

They don’t run logically or rationally, they run emotionally. That is the essence of a woman. If you want women to change their behavior, change how they feel. Change the emotional stimulus.

jim says:

Yes, but you should not describe the differences between men and women in ways that imply that women are wicked. That is the black pill speaking, which is a result of hanging onto blue pill morality while acknowledging red pill reality.

White pill moral reality is that men and women are very different, and different conduct and different rules are appropriate. A virtuous man is manly, a virtuous women is womanly. Each is virtuous in the way appropriate to their sex, which is a different kind of virtue to that of the other sex.

The womanly virtues are not necessarily virtues in a man, and are rather close to defects and moral failures in a man, and the manly virtues not necessarily virtues in a woman.

Saint Paul, after listing the differences, tells us that notwithstanding, women shall be saved in childbirth. In context, childbirth is a synecdoche for proper performance of the proper female role, of which childbearing is the most difficult, dangerous, and stereotypical part, that she shall be saved by accepting and enduring the curse laid upon Eve, which was both the pain of childbirth, and the desire to submit to and obey her husband.

Anonymous says:

That is the black pill speaking, which is a result of hanging onto blue pill morality while acknowledging red pill reality.

I greatly appreciate you boiling it down so simply. When I am able to name it, I am able to fight it.

Anon says:

“you should not describe the differences between men and women in ways that imply that women are wicked. That is the black pill speaking, which is a result of hanging onto blue pill morality while acknowledging red pill reality.”
Women ARE wicked ex “shit testing” left alone will destroy the house, the children and herself.
The black pill is giving up and kill yourself with sex and drugs.
white pill is when a man become virtous he will control the woman and she will appear as if “virtous woman”
but there is no “virtous woman” ever.
women never stop shit testing never stop proding for weakness in a man to destroy him, the house the children and herself.

jim says:

> Women ARE wicked ex “shit testing” left alone will destroy the house

Just don’t fail shit tests. Which of course is hard when women have been granted social superweapons.

Women reproduce most successfully as property, men least successfully as property. Woman are looking for a man strong enough to own them. Understand this, and though shit tests are stressful and unpleasant, once you pass them, you will see goodness in women.

Leading with a neg is pre-emptively passing a shit test that she did not necessarily intend to give.

Shit tests will be a far less grievous sin when women are deprived of social superweapons.

Kunning Drueger says:

Gotta disagree on 2 counts, bro. Women are obviously different from men, but 2 sides of same coin actually works well in a lot of levels: the coin only has two sides, the sides can never align the same way, always polarity issues, etc

Women can be loyal, just as men can be kind. Woman can be brutal, just as men can be tender. It’s not a natural tendency of either, but can be immensely powerful when deployed adeptly. This doesn’t mean brutal women or tender men should be encouraged or praised.

Also, DuckingMan is a weird bird. He gets a Far East exemption on certain things. He maintains positions that would be unacceptable from anyone here on Team Howlie. I can’t explain it, but it’s happened before where DM says something bonkers, and defensive countermeasures start lighting up, but nope, not a threat, just another wacky Chinamen. Honestly, it’s actually amazing to see some of the theories of heterogeneous societal evolution play out in real life. We’re not all the same thing in different clothes, we’re fundamentally different creatures with similar biological geometry. We can interbreed with Chang’s daughters, but separate us between planets and we’ll specieate in dramatic fashion.

ExileStyle says:

Never thought I’d have to push back on this point on Jim’s blog of all places, but it seems I am a bit more metaphysically misogynistic than some here. Two things in Ducking Man’s post, one intellectual, one personal.

The personal: to “wholeheartedly understand” adultery is to be a traitor to one’s fellow men, and such men created romanticism, created feminism, created George IV and his whore wife, and the end of monarchy, created most of our problems. I have no respect for and do not trust such a “man.” I thought a main goal of the society envisioned here rejected such betrayal of one’s fellows.

The intellectual: there is a reason mythologies almost universally attest to a masculine Sun and a feminine Moon, and the Bible to Adam as Image of God and Eve as the rib – a subordinate derivative – of Adam. That reason being the plain-as-day fact that women are fundamentally other than and, in matters of spirit and intellect, i.e. soul, i.e. being human, less than man. This opinion was not controversial two hundred years ago and before.

I love my wife and she is a brilliant conversationalist and kind and caring etc. but there are so often moments with her, as there have been with every single woman I have ever had to do with, where I forget what she is and am baffled by some unbridgeable gap between us and have to question whether she is of the same order of being as myself.

Then I remember that she, like the moon to the sun, is meant to define herself by and through me – a duty I did not ask for and which is often tiresome – and that if I should ever neglect that duty she would find someone else post-haste to fill that function for her.

We are not a coin with two sides, i.e. essentially the same but with different manifestations, but two very different things which are bound to and defined by each other but which shall ever remain – tragically, I admit – in completely separate spheres.

Kunning Drueger says:

Accidentally deleted a much longer comment. You’re right, my model is off. The coin analogy worked for me because of internalized blue pill assumptions hiding under my red pill framework. This actually tracks with issues I’m encountering in my own life.

And you’re also right to interpret DM’s reckless faggotry about women who cheat. I guess I just don’t take him very seriously on personal topics after the religious spat awhile back.

The WQ really is the only thing that matters, not because it’s the only thing out there, but because if you get it wrong, everything else is tainted. Someone else here wrote: “Marriage is civilization, and civilization is failing.” That slammed home for me. What are your thoughts on the assertion?

ExileStyle says:

I’d agree that marriage is the basis of any strong, virtuous culture, whether a civilized one with cities and scribes or a nomadic barbarian tribe – so in spirit, yes, but without overvaluing the “civilization” part. Paris has long been very, very civilized and very, very spiritually bankrupt. But I have a soft spot for barbarian hordes.

If, as seems more possible with time, we see some kind of post-collapse period of newly-formed nomadic tribes swooping up and down and across steppes and prairies, it will be the tribes with strong, virtuous marriages (so: our tribe) that will be best positioned to one day settle and start the next civilizations. It’s just good social technology, if nothing else for keeping men from fighting each other over women and staying focused on real enemies.

Kunning Drueger says:

At the risk of sounding gay or cliche, marriage is good for men but better for women. It gives them the opportunity to live in GNON aligned harmony, forestalls and obliterates (eventually, mostly) the demonic slut impulse, and gives them a path towards creating beautiful, massive families. I don’t expect many here to have shared this experience, but I’ve met a couple of undeniably based Grandmas, women far past the impetuosity and flightiness of youth. Beautiful and emotional in their season, they act as matriarchs in the place of dead husbands, declining to remarry and instead carrying on the legacy of the men that made them what they were supposed to be. This is not common, I don’t think. Not only does the Cathedral work to snuff out good women, but even in a just and healthy society based women would be a rarity. Some mysterious combination of spirit, genetics, and faith, I’d imagine. Each of them had a ton of kids, lived in the country, and married as teenagers.

jim says:

> “Marriage is civilization, and civilization is failing.” That slammed home for me. What are your thoughts on the assertion?

Obviously. If men do not get pussy and sex on the prosocial path, do not get an obedient and faithful wife as soon as they can afford one, everything is going to hell in a handbasket.

Everyone is too fat. No one cares about redistribution of bread, still less about redistribution of ownership of the means of production. Every man cares about pussy.

We want every industrious moderately competent male, who works or fights for his society and social order, to have a direct and easy path to acquiring an obedient virgin wife.

This requires a fair bit of tolerance, and a considerable lethargy in investigating, when someone who works hard and plays by the rules, knocks off someone who does not, and also requires us to come down hard on female sexual choice.

The Cominator says:

Yeah i think that was probably a factor… he wouldn’t take her calls. She got pissed…

But it can happen if you act wrong with a lot of girls… and one who flirts with everyone then starts larping as a dyke suddenly and then starts accusing people of shit…

Sounds like trouble and not the fun kind.

jim says:

> women are fundamentally other than and, in matters of spirit and intellect, i.e. soul, i.e. being human, less than man. This opinion was not controversial two hundred years ago and before.

Saint Paul makes that point. And then points out that a woman can be virtuous by performing the female role.

Women are the weaker vessel, and easily influenced to wickedness. But also, easily influenced to virtue. Female virtue. Do not expect male virtue, it is inappropriate for women.

Adam failed Eve’s shit test by going along with Eve instead of giving her a spanking, and also failed God’s test. Expect, and firmly insist upon, female virtue.

When a woman hears someone else priesting and preaching about the proper roles of husband and wife, and it differs from what you say and perform, her pussy is going to tell her: “Test who is more alpha, this man or your husband?”” And she is then going to shit test you. She is going to perform according to hostile alien teachings by someone who wants destroy your marriage and all marriages. This performance is a shit test. Pass it.

The Cominator says:

“But also, easily influenced to virtue. Female virtue.”

How do you define “female virtue”?

jim says:

The fortitude to perform the very tough female role, and the willingness to do so.

Genesis 3:16

> in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Digressing, I note that those who claim to believe the Book of Genesis “literally” seldom believe it spiritually.

Adam says:

I was wondering the same thing. Proverbs 31 is probably a good start.

Red says:

in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

> Digressing, I note that those who claim to believe the Book of Genesis “literally” seldom believe it spiritually.

My ChristCuck relatives literally go into full on blue screen of death shutdown if I quote that verse. They’ll argue all day long that the earth was created in 7 days but that women must be ruled by their husbands? Nah!

Pooch says:

How do you define “female virtue”?

Modesty, Chastity, Motherhood.

The Cominator says:

Motherhood and submission.

Modesty and chastity in of itself are not virtues. The modern western feminist proves that.

Pooch says:

Modesty and chastity in of itself are not virtues. The modern western feminist proves that.

Absolutely are. Find a woman who doesn’t dress like a whore and who wasn’t ran through. I did.

jim says:

Doable. Not to be confused with unicorn chasing.

The Cominator says:

Women today generally wear pants the ultimate asexual non whorish wear. Whores NEVER wear pants at least not when they are working.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Consider the movie “Cuties”, which is in many ways a distillation of the whig telos vis-a-vis women.

Most people at the time got het up over the idea of pre-teen girls twerking for attention, with some more aware folks getting het up over the plot device of the moslem girl rejecting the folkways of her ancestors in order to engage in said urban degeneracy; but the real trick becomes apparent once watched all the way through.

In the ending, the girl protagonist ultimately doesn’t just reject her mohammedanism, she also rejects the dressing and dancing up with the group for sex appeal too, thus expressing the true end of the judeo-puritan strain of feminism; a sexless interchangeable meat-unit with no distinguishing features or attractions at all.

Pooch says:

Women today generally wear pants the ultimate asexual non whorish wear. Whores NEVER wear pants at least not when they are working.

You’re a weird fucking dude man.

Anyways, it is extremely obvious how modest a woman is based on her appearance. Hair, makeup, dress, tight fitting clothing, piercings, skin showing, tattoos, etc.

The early Church Fathers placed tremendous praise on Christian women who downplayed and refrained from all those things.

Guy says:

Women’s pants these days are far from modest. It’s been funny to watch the change the type of clothes women wear to work over the past 20 years. Pretty soon they’re re going to just start showing up with their vag completely out and just like now nobody is going to say a word to them for fear of being accused of sexual harassment. What’s sexual about a woman going to work with her vagina hanging out? You’re the pervert for looking at it! Meanwhile chicks just keep dressing sluttier and sluttier waiting for the day some man will be strong enough to tell him to put some fucking clothes on.

Personally I just try to enjoy the show and I treat them about as respectfully as they’re willing to treat themselves. Yoga pants/tights at work are one big shit test though

Pooch says:

Doable. Not to be confused with unicorn chasing.

Yes, which is why female virtue is not to be confused with the male virtues of inner character. All women are like that and act like that.

But not all women dress like that or have ridden the cock carousel like that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As a general rule, the most low cost method of assessing the virtue of a girl, is by assessing the virtue of her father and grandfather.

Pooch says:

As a general rule, the most low cost method of assessing the virtue of a girl, is by assessing the virtue of her father and grandfather.

I can often assess the virtue of a girl by merely looking at her.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course, you know, just saying; breed the change you want to see in the world.

Pooch says:

Of course, you know, just saying; breed the change you want to see in the world.

I agree, but for me this just means breed with a white woman. Jim is right, there are no unicorns just more or less used women, which is the defining characteristic of female virtue (outside of motherhood).

Find an unowned gently used white woman, wife raid her, and you are in good shape.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The point being of course that odds of such happenstances are better in certain circles; and you and those men rewarding each other with genetic patrimony is all to the good.

The Cominator says:

Sure I’m weird, you’re looking for normies on a far right reactionary website?

But don’t you find the dress of the modern Western women more androgynous and grotesque than seductive? Do you think women should generally wear pants… I personally do not I think their should be rigid distinctions in how the sexes dress wear their hair everything.

Tats are a category that can be both whorish or radfem grotesque but ALL women have them nowadays (all meaning 99%) so unfortunately if you are going to reject women on the grounds of having any tats… you might as well go elsewhere or become a monk.

“I can often assess the virtue of a girl by merely looking at her.”

If they are a landwhale with blue hair and tats everywhere obviously you want to stay the fuck away…


As far as women in tight fitting yoga outfits at work… who also sue you for sexual harassment if you comment on it. I’ve never ever seen that on the East Coast north or south (women looking to cause trouble is universal sure but I’ve never seen it that way here). Maybe thats a West Coast thing but I’ve never been to the West Coast and the way things are now I don’t plan to.

Pooch says:

But don’t you find the dress of the modern Western women more androgynous and grotesque than seductive?

There is massive and incredible variance in the way Western women dress. They have almost complete freedom in their appearance. So to say “All Western women dress and look like this” is not based in reality.

Obviously we are not going to find women ultra modestly dressed like Puritans, that Christian virtue in women, as well as men, is long gone.

Having said that, it’s abundantly clear when a woman looks like a slut and a whore and when one is dressed more modestly respective to the population as a whole. You know it when you see it.

The Cominator says:

Note old pictures of women from the 20th century before the 90s which is when the cancer really went into overdrive…

Whether you consider their dress modest or not (that varied depending on the time period, parts of the 80s 60s and believe it or not the 40s were particularly immodest… I guess 1940s garb is only indirectly revealing and maybe I just find it really hot) the pre 90s dress was consistently more feminine than the way the overwhelmingly majority of women today dress and generally they looked far more attractive.

Guy says:

@Com I’m seeing this in professional settings in Mass. Chicks in offices with college degrees making decent money showing their camel toe all day. Especially under 30s

Guy says:

@Com: guy I work with, Ukrainian, shacked up with some Cambodian chick at work (decent looking, but flat faced). He’s like 5’2″, so he works out a lot and drives fast cars.

This new girl shows up, tight fitting everything, 24 years old, hottest chick in the department right off the bat. Around the same time 3-4 other recent college grads girls start working there. The hot new girl starts flirting hard all the time with the Ukranian (and everyone else).

Suddenly new hot girl is a lesbian, starts dating one of the other young girls in the department. Short time later the girls go to HR and claim Ukranian told hot girl she just needed a good dicking.

HR says your word against his, back to work (private company, well connected, low profile) and they quit threatening to sue (they never sue). They investigated the incident, and the guy could have been fired, but they knew the girls were problems and we were better off without them.

The Cominator says:

Haven’t been there in a while and no plans to ever return…

Can’t comment on the phenomenon but I’ve always found I’ve generally gotten along better with girls who are into yoga than girls who aren’t…

Kunning Drueger says:

This protracted exchange was illuminating. Lots of commenters live in the suburbs, or maintain suburban frame, and lots of us keep treating women as people, as in people we interact with, as in people we interact with on a level playing field, as in we keep playing Whig games by Whig rules. I think St. John’s prescription is not only correct it’s also the smartest. This is not to say you can’t find and maintain a good wife without the father and brothers involvement, but if that’s not possible, there’s probably important information about the challenge you’re taking on.

And I find the idea that one can spot virtue at a glance perplexing, given the hymen collection I put together in my teens and twenties. Femininity and desirability, at 30 paces, in seconds, absolutely. But virtue? I don’t buy it. A woman’s virtue appears to be a reflection of the man that controls her. This is frustrating for me; I’m imperfect and it’s hard enough to just try to be honest and just. It’s like men have to carry the burden of our honor and their loyalty, the weight of the past and the future. If this sounds like bitching, that’s because it is. I’ll get over it, but my word what a Blackpill. It’s almost like blackpills about women have a variable density contingent upon whatever your going through. Sometimes it’s just shame.gif. Other times, it’s Stan.trunk.

Pooch says:

I guess 1940s garb is only indirectly revealing and maybe I just find it really hot) the pre 90s dress was consistently more feminine

If maximum eugenic fertility is ever going to be restored in the West, women are going to look a lot more like Taliban/Puritans and a lot less like what you think is hot and feminine.

The idea is to keep people from breaking commandments, not make women look like what’s most enjoyable to you.

The Cominator says:

Guy… Sounds like she was a cluster B of some kind (NOT the much maligned BPDs who to the extent these shrink categories are accurate are actually the good natured ones).

If you try to sue a small not big asset company for sexual harassment the lawyers will laugh at you. If you run a small business and not too much in the way of assets you can sexually harass your female employees all you want

Pooch says:

This new girl shows up, tight fitting everything, 24 years old, hottest chick in the department right off the bat. Around the same time 3-4 other recent college grads girls start working there. The hot new girl starts flirting hard all the time with the Ukranian (and everyone else).

If I worked there and was single, I’d just fuck one of those girls. One of the biggest mistakes I made was passing up a young hottie at my job thinking not risking my job was more important.

Dumb corporate jobs are really not that hard to replace.

Creating an environment where a young piece of ass finds you alpha is hard to replicate and takes considerable effort.

If your job is doing that for you, might as well take advantage and use it for wife raiding purposes and then just quit if it becomes a problem.

Pooch says:

This is not to say you can’t find and maintain a good wife without the father and brothers involvement, but if that’s not possible, there’s probably important information about the challenge you’re taking on.

If a girl is dressing modestly (respective to the modern woman) and has a lower notch count, that’s indicative that her father is doing a good job on her. St. John is right. They correlate.

The Cominator says:

Pooch would have gotten accused of r@p8 because he went after his office Amber Heard…

Pooch says:

Only betas and niceguys get accused of rape.

The Cominator says:

Lol tell Mike Tyson that. You get an NPD case who wants attention you’re f#cked.

Pooch says:

Tyson failed to continue raping.

The Cominator says:

Look i generally agree with Jim on sexual coercion but when you’re arguing that Tyson wasn’t rough and alpha enough… you’re taking it too far.

Pooch says:

He never called her back. Betas get accused of sexual harassment. Alphas that fuck and chuck (especially Uber rich bad ass celebrity alphas like Tyson) get accused of rape. Incredibly common with athletes.

Jehu says:

Mary, the mother of Jesus displays the apogee of mortal female virtue.

Specifically, she displays heroic obedience to God, who is the Alpha of Alphas. She knows that she is going to suffer mightily for her obedience—a bigtime hit to her social standing and probably forfeiting the marriage she had lined up, but she obeys anyway.

Heroic obedience is what female virtue looks like. Through that obedience was the Logos made flesh.

The Cominator says:

Lol you can’t disobey a direct order from God…

Loyalty is a virtue obedience to the point where its an absurdity is not.

Jehu says:

Plenty of people disobeyed direct orders from God in the Bible. I suspect they’re still doing so even today. God doesn’t usually lightning bolt you for that. Abraham could’ve said no thanks and stayed in Ur. God usually doesn’t force people’s hand outside of a few edge cases.

jim says:

The story of Job, which is a spiritually true story that likely takes a few liberties with actual history, but is set within the real places and real events of the time, so if the writer is taking a few liberties, he is basing on real events and real people, is a story of God very vigorously coercing one of his prophets to deliver the message of repentance to the Assyrians, because God cares for all peoples. The prophet did not want to deliver the message, because he very much wanted the Assyrians to get it in the nads.

We know from clay tablets that got fired, as a side effect of burning the places mentioned in the story to ground, that the Assyrians at the time were feeling rather uneasy that they might have attracted the wrath of God, and as a result their state religion lacked enforcement and self confidence. But it did not get burned to the ground until long after the time in which the book of Job was set, so maybe they did indeed repent, but repentance failed to stick.

The primary point of the story is that God would prefer you to persuade you enemies – however, he had a very different solution for Amalekites.

Red says:

Look i generally agree with Jim on sexual coercion but when you’re arguing that Tyson wasn’t rough and alpha enough… you’re taking it too far.

Tyson kicked her out right after he fucked her, IE she took it as rejection or scorn. She claimed rape exact 24 hours later, probably after she talked to her friends and having gotten very upset that Tyson didn’t call her again.

If you scorn a woman she will try to destroy you if for no other reason than to attract your attention again.

The Cominator says:

Agree that not calling or taking her calls was unwise…

Pete says:

Sure, women can be loyal and kind. But only to a Dark Triad bad boy. The “demon lover” archetype as I believe Jim has described him.

He has to seem very strong and very dangerous. She has to believe that if she ever left him, he would shrug and find an even hotter woman to fuck very quickly. A woman will do anything for a man like that.

jim says:

> We can interbreed with Chang’s daughters, but separate us between planets and we’ll speciate in dramatic fashion.

As the ancestors of the modern advanced races penetrated to harsher and harsher environments, the Aryan race arose from a mingling event between the first to penetrate the harsh lands, and the second race.

The harsh lands required forethought, capital and technology – storage of food and firewood for the long and extreme winter, good clothes, and good shelter.

Mars, the harshest land yet, will breed the highest race yet, provided that they not only can create rather more advanced equivalents of shelter and clothing, but also control the means of reproduction.

The way the wind blows today, that higher race will be descended primarily from anglo whites, but a mingling event between whites and east Asians is also in the cards.

Leon says:

What makes you think the anglo whites will produce this higher race? The anglos appear to be amongst the most cucked of Europeans. The anglosphere is broken, with a great deal of degeneracy coming from it.

jim says:

That is a reflection of state violence and terror, not innate in the people.

Pooch says:

White Americans are the healthiest of all European populations. If the Germanic warrior conquering spirit is to live on in space, it must necessarily come from America, particularly the Anglos of the Deep South.

Of the competent personnel in the United States military, an exceedingly large percentage originate from the Deep South.

Javier says:

I treat my wife like a baby factory who does the laundry and she loves me the way you loved that girl.

It is foolish for men to seek Eros because female love is acquisitive. If you give a woman all your love she will discard it for another, but if you give her a drop of your love she will seek it out for the rest of her life.

The problem most men have is giving it all away too easily. There are many old stories that warn of this. Eros in men is akin to madness, an immaturity or moral failing that will destroy you. If the thought of never having eros makes you sad and depressed, wait til I tell you there is no Santa Claus, no Easter bunny, and MMT doesn’t work.

The Ducking Man says:

>The problem most men have is giving it all away too easily

And the problem most women have today is giving away sex too easily. Both sexes are guilty as charged.

I totally understand you position in viewing women because I view my wife the same. But I view such positions as 2 twains merely connected but never conjoined as 1 flesh.

If people marry truly to become 1 flesh there shall be no “me” and “you”. Prenup shall not exists because it manifests the idea of “me” and “you”. Husband shall be free sacrificing his entire being for his wife and his children because they are 1 being 1 flesh.

Therefore I say that men giving away to seek eros is not a problem, problem is men seeking eros from women that is not his wife.

Scoop says:

>And the problem most women have today is giving away sex too easily

“The problem with most dogs today is that they piss in the house”. The problem is with the owners. And if the sovereign power makes it illegal to be a good owner, the problem is with that sovereignty.

>If people marry truly to become 1 flesh there shall be no “me” and “you”

One flesh, one body still had numerous and distinct parts with disparate roles and functions. Hands do not work well as feet and feet do not work well as hands.

>Therefore I say that men giving away to seek eros is not a problem

It’s a problem because women don’t like it and men who have the aptitude to attract and keep women genuinely tend not to feel this way. You absolutely can and should love and treasure a good woman, but that doesn’t include swooning like a shy lonely boy out of an anime who has found his soulmate- those stories are written by and for beta males and they have almost no resemblance to the romance stories that women consume.

>problem is men seeking eros from women that is not his wife

If we’re taking about Valentine’s Day card floating on a cloud of roses swooning, frankly a man seeking that anywhere after they’re 16 is a problem. If you’re talking about sex, a husband having a mistress or a prostitute isn’t a particularly large problem assuming it’s an unowned woman and the husband is decent enough to keep it unseen so as to spare his wife embarrassment…that husband taking the virginity of a what would otherwise be good wife material, on the other hand, is obviously a very serious problem

The Cominator says:

“And the problem most women have today is giving away sex too easily. Both sexes are guilty as charged.”

This may well be true in Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe. In the feminist West where men are low status and women are high status this is not the problem.

Ghost says:

They want to feel protected while at the same time feeling a sense of danger.

Anyone who’s ever takin a woman on a fast motorcycle ride can relate.

A Harley can open up new areas even for a man without gab. Get her out on the road and open it up so she clings for your protection. That thump thump of the v-twin will get her raring to go. Not talking boomer tier Harley but something with sporty lines and dangerous.

It’s not a waist if money and they hold their value.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Headline: “Newest omegatron coof variant causes infection without natural immunity*, better vax up goys!
“*based on Imperial College London study of triple shotted healthcare workers.”

Looks like the real story is clotmaxxers are mutant cripples with Acquired Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

The Cominator says:

Why is Niall Ferguson still alive?

Kunning Druegger says:

I think he gets the Kissinger Exemption.

The Cominator says:

Kissinger is notable for being exempt for preaching sanity, Ferguson’s role is to produce insane fantastic computer models to justify insane evil.

When I say why is he still alive… I’m wondering why some random hasn’t sent him to the hell where he belongs.

Kunning Drueger says:

Disagree. I’m not saying he’s /our guy/, but he’s probably an Elite that would comfortably and capably cross over and be productive in a neoMonarchical Occident.

Karl says:

Nah, Ferguson’s role is to produce insane fantastic acamdemic publications. Nobody cares about his computer models.

Why are you wondering whether he is still alive? Are there any academics adhering to the state religion that died recently of non-natural causes? I’m not aware of any.

At present, demon worshippers are at risk only from their demons.

Kunning Drueger says:

Do clotshots count as natural or unnatural lol.

Neurotoxin says:


Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

And because he married that whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 😐

Adam says:

So as far as becoming alpha, and executing your game and your mission…

I am big on the power of belief and faith. I was always very cynical and thought that stuff was gay and dorky. And eventually after listening a lot to Jordan Peterson and internalizing the red pill I started to make more sense of the world and changed my attitude about belief.

The key is, genes are expressed given environmental stimulus (if I understand that correctly). A lot (most?) are not expressed at any given time.

So if you feed yourself white and blue pills, your a christcuck. Blue and black your a leftist. Red and black your a madman.

What I do, personally to make the most of my life is give myself a steady supply of white and red. Red to stay true, white to stay healthy, stay positive and keep from demoralization and defeat.

What you tell yourself, what is in your head, will determine a lot about what genes you express. If you hate people and hate women, your going to act like that. If you can see people for what they are, and accept that they are up against the same things you are up against, you can see some good in them.

If you want a good wife to serve you and obedient kids some day, red and white pills only.

jim says:

> I am big on the power of belief and faith.

Roissy, minion of Satan, who, unlike his master, speaks the truth, correctly observed that irrational optimism will get you further than rational pessimism.

Some faiths, however, can work more impressive miracles than others.

Kunning Druegger says:

> Red and black [you’re] a madman

I don’t know why you think it’s ok to just personally attack me like that.

jim says:

If black pilled and red pilled, you have a problem.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m aware of the problem, but I’m not quite sure how to go about fixing it.

Pooch says:

For me ending the black pill, it was halting this thinking that I wa somehow important to the grand scale of history when in reality I’m not important, you’re not important on the grand arc of history.

We are just pawns in a larger game and, like medieval peasants, we have some flexibility in terms of who is our lord. We have some flexibility in terms of our career, our job, and where we live. If you want to go into the military, USG is your lord. If you work in a corporation, that corporation in a sense you have fealty to it. You have obligations and duties to it and if you don’t fulfill them you get fired.

In medieval times, if you disobey the lord you just get executed. We have a different mechanism of social control now which is decentralized through the currency rather than through systems of pure physical punishment. In the past, they used physical humiliation, now they use doxing and shaming and so forth.

You can choose who do you want your lords to be, just as in the olden days. There were major lords and minor lords and just as you owed fealty to your local lord you also owed some fealty to the emperor or the king. There are multiple overlapping concentric circles of authority that you owe fealty to. That was true a thousand years ago, it was true five thousand years ago, it was true ten thousand years ago, it’s true today. It will be true tomorrow. It will be true as long as human beings exist.

Unless you want some pure utopia, and that’s what most people on the want at the end of the day. It’s biased shallow superficial thinking because they want to feel important and I understand that I want to feel important. I don’t like to hear this as much as you, but it’s true and so electing Trump or DeSantis in 2024 is not going to change the underlying fundamental economic, religious, philosophical, and technological incentives that make up our society. So rather than trying to change all of that, I think you have to humble yourself and you also have to understand that at the top of all these concentric circles of authority is God.

Adam says:

Once you accept that you are not special, you are free to become exceptional.

Ghost says:

As a man, your primary job is head of family. You acquire a wife any way you can. If you live a righteous life, whatever faults you have, God will help carry.

jim says:

I don’t think that is the problem: That is wise advice for curing depression, but it is not actually effective against the black pill, which is not quite the same thing.

Depression is a response to perceived inability to perform a high status role, and can be corrected by successfully performing a lower status role and getting appreciated for it, or, better, successfully performing the role you damned well should be performing.

But you may well genuinely have difficulty achieving the better solution, in which case there is a third solution. Make active preparation and organization for a retreat and flight to a lower status role, prep for bugout. You will then find poor performance or likely impending disaster in your high status role less stressful.

But it is not really relevant to the black pill, for which the cure is faith. Remember the wise advice of Roissy, minion of Satan: Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. The remedy for the black pill is pretty much the opposite of the solution for depression, which is to retreat, or make preparation for retreat. The remedy for the black pill is righteously going forth with God behind you.

Frank Matters says:

Knock and the door will open. Genuine inquiry leads to discovery. Acceptance and following action leads to transformation.

Adam says:

Red, blue, black etc., think of it as a kind of spirituality. Jim has referred to it as morality, and maybe it is that too, but for me it’s more about feelings, motivations and actions. Essentially it is your energy, your life force and what that produces.

So you have your one life to live. I don’t think about the afterlife other than what life exists after me. So I have my one life and I want to make the most out of it. So I have to get my motivation to move forward and keep it. That’s the white pill. The black pill leads to victimhood and death. The red pill is obvious, need to see reality for what it is, not what I wish it was.

So if your going to make the most of your one life, because anything else would just be a waste, you need to be alpha as far as men judge and as far as women judge. Red and white is really your only option. It will bring the best out of you, congruent with creation and your telos.

Defeated, demoralized people do not create much or any good. No motivation, no energy. So no black pill. It’s not like you have to create perfect, just make the most of what’s around you, and your capabilities and you will live a life you can be at peace with.

I’ve doubled my income since Covid started, roughly. Everyone flipped out and closed their shops and took weeks off and just generally acted like losers when the masks and things started. I didn’t change one thing about my life. I wasn’t going to accept defeat. I’ve been defeated before, many times, and it was mostly all in my head. So the irrational optimism paid off.

To overcome the black pill you have to become your own biggest fan, your own cheerleader. Even if it doesn’t seem like your getting anywhere, staying put when everyone else runs is a victory. And yeah it’s hard. It can be really hard. But not that much harder than staying defeated and demoralized.

Frank Matters says:

Anyone have an idea just how leveraged the real estate market really is? https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1537495219821748227

Cannot imagine these goofballs survive too many bps. Then again, they might luck out bigly if there is no pre-even-higher-inflation market crash.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Insanely overleveraged; and also confident they will be bailed out at cuckpayer expense in the case of any bumps in the road.

Just like every other sector of finance in the GAE.

jim says:

Not overleveraged at all, because by and by, the mortgagee will be happy to accept a dozen eggs in lieu of the mortgage from the mortgagor.

People who have the connections to borrow money from the fed are splurging on real estate, because they figure inflation is vastly understated, and is going to get a lot more vastly understated.

Frank Matters says:

This is assuming no major hiccups on the road from inflation-is-managable to wage-goods-price-spiral. Renters cannot pay rent, or just do not exist, lower level speculators go bankrupt, debt flows up, then the printers must resume. I would call that overleveraged. Something something market stays insane longer than you can say solvent, we have major interruption in business operations all over the globe, prices are at a high variance and liable to fuck people who over levered. Crypto market has been a spiral of liquidations for some time now, each major deflation event triggering the next in a chain.

Just because the money printer is going full speed ahead doesn’t mean the bubble is stable.

Pooch says:

Renters cannot pay rent, or just do not exist, lower level speculators go bankrupt, debt flows up, then the printers must resume.

Loss with reality. Renters don’t exist? We are a renter’s nation. The middle class is being rapidly priced out of home ownership.

Being overleveraged in real estate on cheap loans is exactly where you want to be right now assuming you aren’t buying in a future niggerhood (the largest risk by far), aren’t using an adjustable rate loan, and aren’t buying in a place where the local government will cap your rental rates.

Frank Matters says:

Rental units are not fungible. You could buy a bunch of units in an area full of diversity or soon to be hollowed out by everyone fleeing the worst urban areas, or with no one that can afford the rates you would have to charge to profit. Good taste in properties does fix this, does not help if you chain your mortgages and suddenly the bubble pops and you get margin called.

I have no opinion on whether smartly done real estate is a good investment avenue at the moment, but high leverage investing during massive price volatility pervasive throughout the world economy seems like a bad idea. Good time to go a bit risk off.

Pooch says:

Smart capital does not invest in niggerhoods or soon to be niggerhoods. Smart capital invests in white zip codes and there will always be high demand for housing in white zip codes as long as they stay white.

If you have white renters paying rent on your rental properties in white areas that cover your cheap low rate mortgage, you don’t care if the market crashes because it will come back up. Property in white areas are a commodity and of limited supply just like oil is a commodity and of limited supply.

Kunning Druegger says:

If Druegger’s Human Wave Theory comes to pass, it is going to be very hard to predict where is going to be a niggerhood (top notch bantz well done) and to what degree and for how long. The negros are for the most part sedentary, as the complicated activity of driving long distances frightens them, and walking is not as fun as shucking, jiving, or aggravated assault. Nevertheless, northern urbs didn’t shit the bed themselves, so we know they can and will move, particularly if huwite wymynz start ring the gibbs bell. So it isn’t enough to just target white, wealthy people, as they are well known for putting up “Hate has no home here” and “BLM” signs quite recklessly. Of course, they don’t mean it, and would be horrified if Sha’ kwon and Sh’ boonia acme calling, but they may not realize it in time.

Pooch says:

With infinite immigration in finite time, every neighborhood will become a niggerhood or at least a spichood or a caliphatehood, thus the donut theory of civilizational collapse.

But it is a slow process. 90% percent white areas do not become 90% non-white over night. Takes a generation or two.

Aidan says:

Niggers frequently do drive long distances, but they drive from niggerhood to niggerhood; a small implantation of diversity in an area ensures that cousins and friends will drive their rusted-out 1996 toyota corollas hundreds of miles to sell drugs, guns, and commit petty crime in the neighborhood. Without local blacks as a port of entry however, they won’t even drive five miles to a white area.

Pooch says:

or with no one that can afford the rates you would have to charge to profit

Nonsense. When people can no longer afford their houses or rents, they downsize and get room mates. Good landlords check credit and salary for their tenants. They aren’t letting street niggers and drug addicts rent their properties.

Mr.P says:

“Good landlords check credit and salary for their tenants.”

What you are overlooking is checking credit scores and rental history are now rayciss crimes punishable with steep fines (in the “too white” city in which I formerly owned rental property).

Pooch says:

What city? I know a lot of people with rental property. I have never heard of any city disallowing the use of credit scores for application process of rental properties.

If so, you are stupid for buying and renting property there.

Mr.P says:


What you are overlooking is once a city council is taken over by SJWs, it can and will change the rental “rules” overnight. If you already own property in that city, as I did for decades, you’re screwed. Which is why I got the hell out.

Yes, of course, a property owner can still legally check credit scores and rental history — but try rejecting the application of a “disadvantaged” diversity candidate for bad credit or non-payment history, and the rental code enforcers will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Which is why I got the hell out.

Pooch says:

What you are overlooking is once a city council is taken over by SJWs, it can and will change the rental “rules” overnight.

Yes, important to pay attention to this type of thing. I would not buy in any deep blue region for this very reason. You are likely to see rental caps there too. Ideally, you want to buying in class A areas where the niggers are priced out anyways so the credit check thing won’t even be an issue.

Broadly speaking, the smart money is investing in red and purple states and fleeing deep blue states like California (although a youtube investor I like meet Kevin does invests in California I believe).

Mr.P says:

“… important to pay attention to this type of thing. I would not buy in any deep blue region for this very reason.”

Yes. The rental property owners I know back in said city refuse to buy any property within the city limits. Suburbs and exurbs only, must be governmentally independent of marxist SJWs ruling the main metro.

This is referred to I believe as the “Doughnut hole of civilizational collapse.”

jim says:

> the “Doughnut hole of civilizational collapse.”

The doughnut gets eaten from the inside.

Pooch says:

If you already own property in that city, as I did for decades, you’re screwed. Which is why I got the hell out.

I wouldn’t say you’re screwed. Decades is a long time to hold real estate. If you see things starting to trend for the worse demographically and/or politically, sell it, scoop the cash, and allocate the capital elsewhere.

There may be a point where there will be no where else to allocate the capital because it will all look like South Africa and then yes we’ll be screwed, but not there yet.

Mr.P says:

“I wouldn’t say you’re screwed.”

I did very well and believe I got out at the right time.

– The first ten years I rented to primarily young marrieds saving up for a down payment.

– Back then, very little turnover. Couples would stay for three or four years — and plant a garden!

– Then adjustable rate mortgages were introduced and the RE bubble started to inflate.

– After down payments could be financed and fogging a mirror was the only requirement to get a mortgage, quality of tenants nosedived. Seriously, I cannot remember the last time a tenant didn’t take off with unpaid rent and utilities. Also, turnover was nearly always every year, which is very expensive.

Currently I live with my wife in an apartment. I chat often with the apartment complex manager. What an awful job she has! She says 75% of her time is devoted to documenting cause for tenant evictions.

Kunning Drueger says:

Isn’t that assuming either will have eggs to work with? Consider the general distribution density of Americans as a whole. How does local government respond to your white 26-32s just packing up and starting to walk? Imagine a blight of millennials sweeping the coasts, beg-murdering in every town they touch.

I was thinking about this the other day: America hasn’t had an Internally Displaced Persons crisis since the 1930s. In a lot of crisis response literature, IDPs are considered to be one of the biggest factors to deal with in any kind of operations. You can get a taste of this at a significant music festival that includes camping. So long as water, noises, food and talking are free and easy, it’s a big party. It takes a few hours before the waves of freaked out people start building up. The debauchery and barbarity are significant, even when everyone knows they are only an hour walk away from their cars and “freedom.” Imagining the party atmosphere get subsumed by terror and rage is a bit chilling. I honestly don’t know which is least desirable: having to get through or out of a refugee wave, or sitting and waiting for one that is coming at you.

Maybe this is extreme or unlikely, but I just don’t see our Elites and government being able to competently engage in recovery efforts.

jim says:

> Isn’t that assuming either will have eggs to work with?

Quite lot of truly rich are making preparation for the Zombie apocalypse, at least around here which is as far as you can get from the centers of power without treading water, so the rich here may be atypical. Perhaps they are planning to raise chickens.

Kunning Druegger says:

And perhaps they will ritually slaughter them chickens when Mother Government demands it, as many farms are doing now. But, your point is well made.

The Cominator says:

This is why loans for real estate EXCEPT for construction need to be banned…

Mr.P says:

Don’t forget about embedded “carry costs”: property taxes, hazard insurance, utilities, lawn care, pest control, snow removal, repairs, legal fees to evict nonpayers and destroyers, this b.s. fee that b.s. fee — all must be paid promptly out of collected rent, otherwise (been there, done it) feels like head is submerged in a toilet bowl getting cash-flow flushed down the drain.

I got out because commie city council said you will rent to diversity even if it can’t pay, and when it doesn’t pay, tough titties, rayciss.

jim says:

Obviously you should only invest in properties that are located amongst a high level of homeowners, and attempt to detect vigorous race mixing policies by the authorities.

And since there is a high likelihood of a general or selective collapse in property rights enforcement (I am preparing to get less long in land, although as yet property rights remain secure outside business districts) you invest in places that have a decent social net, that can cause problem people to disappear.

Pooch says:

People who have the connections to borrow money from the fed are splurging on real estate, because they figure inflation is vastly understated, and is going to get a lot more vastly understated.

Not anymore. The free money period is over. That was the case the last 2 years. The smart money is now sitting on the sidelines waiting to scoop up assets at a major discount after the crash. The bubble popping time soon approaches.

Mister Grumpus says:

The mortgagee will also need the proper connections to keep the authorities from dumping addicts, Afghanis and negroes into his neighborhood. They may even open up bus lines just for that purpose. Reparations Express. Delivery at 7pm and pickup at midnight.

So this is getting trickier. A simple credit rating and dartboard won’t cut it anymore.

Pooch says:

They are fine as long a they don’t have adjustable rate mortgages or are renting out in jurisdictions that are likely to enforce rental caps.

Ghost says:

It may go like ’08. After housing collapsed, real estate was cheap even in California. Be ready to swoop after the storm.

Pooch says:

Yes. Not the time to buy right now. The smart players are holding cash on the sideline waiting for the fire sale.

Cloudswrest says:

This is great! Musk fired today a bunch of woke SpaceX employees who signed a public letter criticizing his politics, calling him an “embarrassment” to the company. LOL


Mister Grumpus says:

And now the Labor Department sues him for Insufficient Leftism in the First Degree. Goddamn this is getting heavy.

Starman says:

@Mister Grumpus

”And now the Labor Department sues him for Insufficient Leftism in the First Degree. Goddamn this is getting heavy.”

They and what army?

Contaminated NEET says:

The US Army, if it comes to it.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“The US Army, if it comes to it.”

The US Army is getting its ass kicked.

They won’t be in a position to do anything worthwhile after losing their military superiority.

jim says:

They still have military superiority over a leaderless and unorganized mob.

Starman says:


“They still have military superiority over a leaderless and unorganized mob.”

Nah. The US Army is going to have very little organization after it is shredded by the Russians and the Chinese (after losing military superiority). It will just be another unorganized mob. The ZOGbot families can be killed. With a little help from Russian leadership and internal marginal elites of course.

I’m sure the Chinese will have leaders in their own factions in the broken US as well.

You need to think outside the bubble of this blog. The Cathedral is not a hermetically sealed entity. Tanks are still useful. There are other powerful entities outside.

You are still awesome on formulating the Reactionary Redpill on Women. Still potent to this very day.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, honest question based in a hypothetical:

TX and OK make 2 announcements: they are formally withdrawing from the US based on a plebiscite they conducted and not the Constitution or Amendments or federal statute; they are declaring neutrality with the US, regulating all border traffic between the People’s Republic of Texlahoma and their 2 neighbors such that anyone can leave but no non-citizens can enter, with forceful entry being considered an act of criminality or war.

Texlahoma’s capital is San Antonio, their military is comprised of the TX and OK national guards as well as multiple regiments of militia. They have no Navy and their Airforce consists of guard unit assets and private craft. Let’s just assume most citizens are ecstatic and the ones that aren’t have left. We’ll also say that the Guard members are all loyal. They have Musk with them, but he was not involved so no secret missile defense systems or Combat Starships are immediately available. Texlahoma is recognized by Russia, India, and China, who all send peacekeepers that will arrive in 6 weeks.

Do the combined forces of Federal USA crush the neoConfederates, or are they stymied by the plucky Texlahomans until the RICs peacekeepers arrive?

Does FedUSA repel the RIC expeditionary force?

I think FedUSA would squash Texlahoma like a bug, but they’d do it with human wave assaults and massed artillery barrage, leaving them gutted and vulnerable to the RICs on land, but the Navy would force them to turn around.

jim says:

The US navy will be proven irrelevant if it gets into a great power war. Until then, we are screwed.

S says:

The US government uses nukes. The nukes work and the rebels die or don’t work and the new nation’s foreign allies announce they are under their nuclear protection.

A conventional war is impossible to predict as any states leaving is going to kick off a domino effect across the rest of the country.

Kunning Druegger says:

Irrelevant? In IEW between great powers?

jim says:

Battleships and aircraft carriers do not matter if you are facing a power with hypersonic drones.

Ghost says:

Both Texas and Oklahoma have Federal property including military bases. The Federal government would insist on having access to their property and resupplying it. A Ft. Sumter scenario would unfold. There would be confusion among the National Guard and reserves over who has command authority. The Fed would attempt to block interstate trade and conduct a propaganda campaign. Finally the Fed would provoke open hostility.

Kunning Drueger says:

Only if they are near the HM launchers. If you park the USN on the American coastlines, you’ve basically got an IEW compliant Great Wall. Imagine the evil President Kamala Harris could do behind such a monument to cowardice and the iron rule of bureaucracy. You wouldn’t even need sailors and officers, just technicians and contractors with project managers.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s the false flag bait Sumterish possibilities that would screw it all up. Huge FedMil assets there. Surely including nukes.

Plus “social Sumters”. Cities and regions of negroes stuck behind and surrounded by bloodthirsty Mexican white supremacist ultra MAGA KKK Russian redneck radicals, who must never be allowed to flee to Connecticut in unmarked buses in the middle of the night. Oh and they have holy tranny mascots too, like six million of them, trapped behind enemy lines without antibiotics or tranny formula.

Any such scheme would need plans for these. Good plans, announced and executed instantly. It reminds me of how Ukraine and South Africa arranged right off the bat to give their nukes away. “OK guys come get your shit. Nobody’s touching nothing.”

Evacuation corridors for FedPets and FedStuff.

Jim pointed out earlier how Hitler blew it when he went from “Jews out” to “Jews out, but make them leave their shit at the border, no refunds.”

Crypto-protected real time HD livestreams of nobody touching nothing on StarlinkTube.

Mister Grumpus says:

In brief, opportunities for “Why Would XXXX Do This?” shenanigans appear to be impossible to defend against.

All they have to do is shell a FedPet neighborhood, say that the MAGA Texans did it, and rush in with cameras to harvest them for sob stories.

There’s no defense against it, besides what the Russians are doing, which is to just militarily stomp the other side to death anyway. But sympathy? Debunking? Their fair day in court? Forget it. No Nuremberg Trial before absolute victory.

Kunning Drueger says:

Good points MG. Pre-Special Operation Druegger, the hidebound pussy, would encourage making a good faith attempt at doing the Right Thing for the right wing, but Russia’s methodology at the outset and its abject failure has put paid to that. If you’re going to go, you have to Go. No hesitation or prevarication. GNON demands that the nettle be grasped.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Texas, 2024 (colorized)


Mister Grumpus says:

So the Special Military Operation in Ukraine is really just a shit test pass. That’s what it is. The most bloody and devastating shit test pass of the 21st century. So far. If they can pull it off.

Is this really the only way to beat the lie machine? To just smash all its limbs with a huge hammer and leave it exactly in place, still lying like before, but now humiliated and helpless on the plane of raw power?

Bashar Assad’s holding on in Syria was a very respectable showing, mind you, but it was nothing like this.

The most mind blowing lies and multi-dimensional verbal attacks against them, at “11” volume, 24-7, for years straight, worldwide, and they’re just not stopping. Fuck it.
No Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense. No footnotes. No smartly dressed and professionally lit “debates” on The Daily Wire. They’re just raping the bitch, as long as it takes, straight through to the other side, while the whole world watches. Not even “gangster”, this is “caveman” stuff.

This really is it. Talk about “Rubicons” again. Go ahead. Can you see the difference?

Trump opened a portal too, and appetizingly invited us to follow him through it, “it’ll be great,” but Putin’s dragging us through his on a chain behind a fucking tractor.

Neurotoxin says:

Grumpus: “This really is it. Talk about ‘Rubicons’ again.”

That’s it. The US axis’s mistake in Ukraine was putting Russia in a situation in which it was fight or die. So Russia said, “We’ve got nothing to lose; we have to cross the Rubicon.”

In retrospect 10 years from now, if the GAE faction is still around and still has two brain cells to rub together, they’ll be asking each other, “Remind me, why did we think that putting Russia in that position was a good idea?”

Mister Grumpus says:

Oh and what’s this? Red state military bases as “Abortion Sumters”. Of course. That took what, a week?

“Hey you Army guys can’t kill babies in the Army base anymore. That’s against the law in this state, so you have to stop doing that.”

“Fuck you.”

The Cominator says:

The feds would win that case, military property is under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Local state laws do not apply to bases as far as I know.

jim says:

Laws only apply against the right, never against the left. At some time, likely not too distant, are likely to not apply to anyone.

Ghost says:

@Com, Military installations are under Federal law. UCMJ applies to military people and some others. If a dependent breaks law on installation they don’t use UCMJ, they use Federal law. UCMJ applies on or off installation for military. So there is double jeopardy. Never heard of military doctors doing abortions though. Maybe they’ll hire some civil servant abortionists for it.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Never heard of military doctors doing abortions though. Maybe they’ll hire some civil servant abortionists for it.”

Oh please. They’ll convert them into Sacred Holy Abortion Underground Railroad Sanctuaries, with rainbow anal flags and everything. AOC will go for heroic camera angle photo-op’s, etc.

Ghost says:

Grumpus, Are we talking future or present? At present military hospitals are divided into providers and specialty clinics. Providers are like triage and clinics are ear nose throat, physical therapy, surgery, etc. No abortion clinic though. If a member went in wanting an abortion, they would be sent off installation. If Tricare (insurance) wouldn’t cover it, they would have to pay or take it out of installation budget.

In the future, if military hospitals had a high demand for abortions, they’d make a clinic ran by an abortionist. I’m guessing a civil servant position. Some military doctor might develop a conscience later and make a ptsd claim.

VA hospitals are setup the same but using local doctors. If a disabled vet asked for an abortion, they might outsource it.

My state is anti-abortion. Only know of one abortion clinic downtown.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That assumes that the mob stays leaderless and unorganized. War is great for sorting and teaching. Someone might make a call to the Russians and request some based priests to set up an American Orthodox Church and bring some guns. I could see the Russians and Chinese sending materiel to Americans to keep Globohomo out of the rest of the world’s affairs.

jim says:

This would require them to exercise more memetic sovereignty than I have been seeing.

Russia has been decisively moving in the direction of intellectual sovereignty, but China his heading back to Maoism, which is merely a heresy from nineteenth century leftism.

If someone in China has the balls to redefine communism as Han confucianism modified by Hong Kong manchesterism (old type corporate capitalism) then they would likely see us as allies. Right now, if aware of our existence, which I suspect that they are, find us horrifying.

They have been complaining vehemently about Globohomo’s persistent violation of the peace of Westphalia. Possibly that might well be enough to bring them over onto our side, even though they are likely to find us horrifying. But right now we are not the horse that they are backing. They are backing the corrupt kleptocrats, who are likely to lose power. When the kleptocrats lose power to the true believers, they may change their minds.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am making the assumption that the radicals are going to take over, because the near left is still looking to the far left for their moral cues. No enemies to the left is going to lead to white leftist autogenocide soon enough. If the Russians and the Chinese want to keep the far left occupied in stomping out a revolution, they could send theoretical American Restorers military equipment and training the same way Globohomo does in Ukraine and Syria. They do not need to get too involved, just enough to whittle down Globohomo military assets and confine them to CONUS.

Kunning Druegger says:

Wait, why horrifying?

jim says:

Because of their roots in English nineteenth century leftism. We want to restore the social technology of 1660, plus a hearty helping of the social technology of the bronze age.

Kunning Druegger says:

Based on population size alone, and considering the long history of Ancient China, is it reasonable to assume that there is a “Reactionary… with Chinese Characteristics” faction in the party? I am not well versed on the Chinese Society, so aplogies if this is a pointless question, but is the CCP == Chinese Elite, or are there Elites outside the party?

jim says:

The reactionary faction in our elites keeps it deep underground, and if there is a similar Chinese faction, it would be hard to tell.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They are genuinely shocked to find [status claim] result in devalidation in this manner. Is this not in total accord with [state religion]? Does [target out-caste] not realize that he is dealing with his social betters? Why is he not groveling? Why isn’t everyone groveling? Incomprehensible.

Cloudswrest says:

Remember when the CEO of Coinbased (sic) outlawed public wokism at the company and told employees who were unhappy with the decision they were free to leave (with a severance package).

Cloudswrest says:

Quick web search on the Coinbase issue. Seems some employees are still at it! Albeit anonymously now.


Starman says:


”They are genuinely shocked to find [status claim] result in devalidation in this manner. Is this not in total accord with [state religion]? Does [target out-caste] not realize that he is dealing with his social betters? Why is he not groveling? Why isn’t everyone groveling? Incomprehensible.”

The Holy StarProphet (Peace Be Upon Him) does not grovel to those who commit apostasy against Holy Ad Astra.

From the apostate’s letter:

”We care deeply about SpaceX’s mission to make humanity multiplanetary. But more importantly, we care about each other.“

It is heresy to proclaim that there is anything more important than making humanity multiplanetary, amen.

Red says:

This was a play designed to push back against Musk’s talk on free speech. The Holy Star Prophet memes on free speech are effective so they jin this up to call him a hypocrite.

Kunning Drueger says:

Part IV of ToW piece on the Petrodollar:


Pooch says:

I saw that. Good piece but I think he’s jumping the gun on the end of the petrodollar. Russia has impressively got off the dollar system and looks to be coming out through the other side of it for the better.

Far from certain that any other country could exit the petrodollar. India is sort of a bell-weather and is playing both sides.

When we see small countries freely exiting the Petrodollar, it is necessarily the end of America and it will be serious prepping time.

Pooch says:

When we see small countries freely exiting the Petrodollar without consequences*

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Relevant to the earlier discussion of ‘modern warfare’. A perpetual state of ‘not-victory’ until eventual exhaustion is the inevitable result when the prospect of war is taken on by those whose weltanschauung is implicitly or explicitly prejudiced against the principles of Right Order in the first place. One hand tries to put out the fires in the building that the other hand sets alight for burning it down.

notglowing says:

It seems clear to me that so long as the right wing in the US bases itself on the American founding myth, it can never be reactionary.
If they think of themselves as a rebel colony to an empire, then destroying empires and kings and siding with rebels who want to fight order is part of their identity.

These people got tricked by the communist traitors in their ranks to support regimes that destroyed possible allies, because they always saw these right wing, religious, monarchical groups as against their ethos, instead their conceit was to turn every shithole into some enlightened liberal democracy. No wonder they always ended up supporting communists.
If that is your eschatology, you will make terrible friends.

Red says:

> It seems clear to me that so long as the right wing in the US bases itself on the American founding myth, it can never be reactionary.

Which founding myth? The one where the British tried to tax the US too hard and we beat the shit out of them over it? I like that myth, warns shitheads to keep taxes low which lead to a great deal of good before FDR. Every country has multiple founding myths and it quite easy to exchange a bad one for a good one.

Our problem is a lack of a strong faith to fight against the woke faith.

Kunning Druegger says:

The colonial rebels were communists that didn’t want to contribute to empire yet demanded the fruits thereof. They didn’t win a war, they were handed a victory by Whig parliamentarians and Generals. The foundational myth espoused by the Right is literally the rotten core from whence grows the cuckold position the outer party continues to inhabit. Every time a conservative praises the foundering fathers, criminals and scum to a man, the original Whig laughs and laughs and laughs.

Red says:

No shit sherlock, that’s why we call it a myth. The actual truth is typical communist bullshit where the people who didn’t go along with the American traitors where tortured and burned alive by the so called patriots who stole their stuff.

The fact remains that we need a state religion and a founding myth that works. Telling people that their forefathers were criminals scum means that they’re criminal scum too. That’s a non starter.

Myths should be based on reality, but with a useful frame rather than the typical communist/Whig/Puritan one.

Frank Matters says:

Besides the unitarianism, I have not found a good reason to dislike Jefferson

Random selections:
《 This unfortunate difference of color, and perhaps of faculty, is
a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of these people. Many of
their advocates, while they wish to vindicate the liberty of human
nature, are anxious also to preserve its dignity and beauty. Some
of these, embarrassed by the question; “What further is to be done
with them? ” join themselves in opposition with those who are
actuated by sordid avarice only. Among the Romans emancipation
required but one effort. The slave, when made free, might mix
with, without straining the blood of his master. But with us a
second is necessary, unknown to history. When freed, he is to be
removed beyond the reach of mixture》
Notes on Virginia

《I fear from an expression in your letter that the people of Kentucké think of separating, not only from Virginia (in which they are right,) but also from the confederacy. I own I should think this a most calamitous event, and such an one as every good citizen on both sides should set himself against. our present federal limits are not too large for good government, nor will the increase of votes in Congress produce any ill effect. on the contrary it will drown the little divisions at present existing there. our confederacy must be viewed as the nest from which all America, North & South is to be peopled. we should take care too not to think it for the interest of that great continent to press too soon on the Spaniards. those countries cannot be in better hands. my fear is that they are too feeble to hold it them till our population can be sufficiently advanced to gain it from them peice by peice. the navigation of the Missisipi we must have. this is all we are as yet ready to receive.》

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Woodrow Wilson was also a klansman; the structural imperatives of their belief systems inevitably overcame their unprincipled racialisms, in any case.

Pooch says:

It seems clear to me that so long as the right wing in the US bases itself on the American founding myth, it can never be reactionary.

It was clear to Caesar that he could not fight Pompey under the banner of the old Kings of Rome. He was to be the freely elected Consul being illegally prevented from entering the election by Pompey, the enemy of democracy.

jim says:

Of course, by that time elections were farcical, so this was a distinction with small difference from becoming King, which difference became considerably slighter after the murder of Caesar, but for a very long time, the pretense was maintained, and everyone who knew what was good for them pretended to believe, that being the state religion.

Back when the communist party of China had the most capitalist ideology and program in the entire world, it said that socialism is what the party says it is. Well, in America, the Republic will be what the officially official state Church says it is.

But this entails ruling by official lies, which is poison, so pretty soon the official Church should stuff that behind the water heater in the basement, and then disown it. Having capitalism by lies in China is now coming back to bite them, and having Kingship by lies is going to bite us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


In a moment of serendipitous synchronicity, i happened to find myself crossing over a video featuring everyone’s favorite crypto-fascist, where he just so happened to discuss the story of Arjuna and Krishna on the field.

I’ve mentioned before that a great deal of the ‘purpleness’ in 20th century Continental discourses was in fact a form of preemptive defense mechanism, by notables in the academies against being whacked by their ‘fellow travelers’ with charges of heresy. Zizek is a man who you could say has elevated this art to a sublime degree; dancing right up to the edge of sense in a way that allows his interlocutors to read what they want into it the rest of the way. This not only afforded him the ability to find regard on all sides, it also allowed him the ability to tactically redefine himself as needed against social attack – a most supremely important attribute given the circles of ‘friends’ he traffics in.

Even the artfully sloven (or should we say, Slovenian?) appearance, behavioral tics, accentuation, all come together as part of the theatrical appearance. The offering of the man himself as something that can be seen one way or another all at once; a ideologue to be taken seriously; a harmless crank that can be safely dismissed; an extended status accessory as someone you present yourself as ‘getting’, to signal your in-group membership with the cool bohemians club. In short terms, one of the finest court jesters of the age.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
someDude says:

The Cathedral just wants a monopoly on Genocide, Yawn!

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Saint John in a state of Holy Anger? Wonderful!

jim says:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kugiufHh800
> In a moment of serendipitous synchronicity, i happened to find myself crossing over a video featuring everyone’s favorite crypto-fascist, where he just so happened to discuss the story of Arjuna and Krishna on the field.

Next time the topic of Krishna arises, I am going to post an article, with a title something like “Hinduism is no good as a state religion because of severe demon infestation”, with the actual fascist crime thoughts hidden behind Slavoj Žižek’s crypto fascist thoughts in plain view.

At 14:10 “you need something like a religion to make good people do bad things”. No. You need something like a demonic religion to make good people do bad things. And this crypto fascist has been deniably telling his audience of literal or metaphorical demon worshipers that the faith of the Cathedral is something very like a religion.

The video is titled the “The desert of post ideology”, but he only pretends to comply with the official faith that demon worship is not an ideology. His starting ramble about Gangnam Style is telling his audience that they believe in an ideology, and when he transitions to Krishna and Arjuna at 15:24 he is explaining why this is the demon Krishna teaching demon worship to Arjuna

Using language carefully self censored to pass in Harvard, he is telling his audience that they are demon worshipers.

Mister Grumpus says:

“…that the faith of the Cathedral is something very like a religion.”

This very point really is the key to understanding everything else, to the point that I’m honestly shocked by how little it’s voiced out loud.

It reminds me of Archie Bunker’s line that religion is “believing something you know isn’t true.” The woke are probably more correct than the mainstream here, now that I think about it, in that a religion isn’t a “religion” if you genuinely believe it, or if it can burn your house down and castrate your kids if you don’t act like you believe it.

What do you think is at the core of our collective reticence to recognize Cathedral Wokeness as a competing religion, and even edgycons’ (Tucker, etc) reluctance to call it that?

jim says:

When Harvard was the Vatican of New England, it had absolutely no problems in calling its faith Christianity, although it was seriously postChristian. But it still plausibly claimed to worship God, though clearly Jesus the Jewish community organizer had been demoted. In their eyes he pointed the way to reforming and advancing the law of God, but they had reformed it a lot further, and found him something of an embarrassment.

After the war of Northern Aggression, by right of conquest, they were now the Vatican of the (forcibly) United States. Before the war of Northern Aggression people said “the United States are …”. Now, with single, forcibly imposed state religion, they said “the United States is …”

But the bit in the constitution said that there shall be no unitary state religion, which was in practice always understood to mean that each state had the right to its own state religion, was an embarrassment. So they reinterpreted it to mean no state religions at all, and defined themselves as not a religion.

Mister Grumpus says:

There’s just no beating interpretational drift, is there? No magic words that keep their meaning, through centuries, all by themselves. Especially with force of law behind them.

jim says:

Because of creative interpretational drift, legalism does not work. Solution: Give up on legalism.

Written constitutions are not, in fact very useful. A constitution, to work, has to be a record of the consensus of the elite. And suppose that consensus changes at alarming frequent intervals for wicked reasons?

Well, you need a virtuous elite with respect for Chesteron’s fence and awareness of deep history, without which no piece of paper will be much use, and with which no piece of paper will be needed.

For a constitution to be useful, whether written or unwritten, you need an elite that knows history and can think itself into their predecessors shoes.

FrankNorman says:

Also you need an elite that actually cares about what the people who wrote that constitution meant, rather than seeing being “in power” as a blank cheque to do whatever the hell they like.

Mr.P says:

I watched the full 2 hours, including the stupid and thankfully short Q&A.

St. John’s “finest court jesters of the age” and Jim’s take are spot on.

Zizek is speaking to a roomful of leftist prog priests and sticking his finger in the eye of their core beliefs, nearly calling them to their face unwitting holiness-spiraled totalitarian zealots — and getting away with it!

anon says:

@ jim
out of curiosity
what is the demonic teaching Krishna told to Arjuna ?
a simple search show Arjuna had cold feet when he saw his family and friends in the enemy army, krishna told him that nothing really matter in the grand of things and it is your destiny to fight and win. which seem straight forward. is it demonic because
he is fighting his family and friends? despite them allying with the enemy.

jim says:

It is a general purpose justification for doing horrible things that normal men find extremely disturbing.

How do you get into a war with your nation, your tribe, your friends and your family? The correct response is not moral detachment, but to think about how things got so horribly wrong.

Its a form of spirituality that detaches you from your innate decency. Comes from demons, whether they be real or metaphorical.

Circumstances might well arise in the very near future where we are at war with with those close to us, but should those circumstances arise, spiritual detachment is utterly wrong, and would make our conduct in that war utterly wicked.

The same deeds would have a different moral significance if we did them out of spiritual detachment from the world that we are acting on.

Spiritual detachment from this world may well be good and holy if you are a hermit in hut in the wilderness living on locusts and wild honey, but is totally evil if you are acting in the world doing things that other people will not necessarily like. Especially if you are doing things that kin and friends may not like.

Spiritual detachment from locusts and wild honey may well enable one to get closer to the divine.

Killing in righteous wrath may well be good. Killing in righteous holy wrath is holy. Killing in spiritual detachment is demonic spirituality.

Maybe Arjuan needed to kill friends and kin. But he should not have been doing so in spiritual detachment. The detachment makes the killing wrongful.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Some further notables.

The output of polygon organs (eg hollywood) are suffused with the motivation of its faith (even more-so than officially tolerated mcchurches). ‘We have no right to dismiss this as simple commercial manipulation’.
Also includes a discursion on how open delineation of boundaries allows for greater autonomy (the Paternal archetype) than superficially permissive yet intrusive ‘mandatory hedonism’ moonlighted by social regimentation.

Do not doubt that people can act with full earnestness in the service of demonic forces (incidentally talmudism is about how to be an effectual demon worshiper). ‘This obscene dimension of the scared is returning more and more violently in our experience’.

The socialist state (of North Korea) is spiritually matriarchal, and presents itself as a divine mother taking care of the infantile citizenry.

Cloudswrest says:

I have too much A.D.D. to watch this guy long enough to comprehend and understand wtf he is talking about. LOL.

Drien says:

I tried him around a year ago and within the first two minutes he made an argument presupposing that a. Covid was a big deal b. that the lockdowns were effective and necessary and c. The problem was people being unwilling to go along with what was obviously the government looking out for their interest and so wrote him off as another Chomsky tier oxygen thief. Is he actually based?

The Cominator says:

“I tried him around a year ago and within the first two minutes he made an argument presupposing that a. Covid was a big deal b. that the lockdowns were effective and necessary”

That is all you need to know about someone…

“Is he actually based?”

Having believed in Covid proves you are AT BEST a gullible fool.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The theophany of Branch Covidianism was a moment where The Power came down with totality, and none who are namefags could resist is gravity. Observe namefag yarvin, who preached the reasonableness of treating things with ‘an abundance of caution’, and of how ‘a *real* society, unlike this whiggish parody, would be able to handle this serious disease properly’.

Kunning Drueger says:

Zizek is a weird dude. If it ever came out that he lurks this blog, I’d not be too surprised. His speech impediment mixed with his Marxist cant create a slavish slurping under which thoughtcrime can cavort with common knowledge. He has a debate with Jordan “Sort oot yer lobsters” Peterson that’s pretty interesting. I’m not terribly impressed with Marxist academics, but he does seem to be less derivative than his peers.

Kunning Drueger says:

St. Anglin contemplates our fallen God Emperor:


“Although it could possibly be that the US is so completely wrecked by 2024 that World War III is impossible – in which case it would also probably be possible for Trump to win the election, frankly. If the dollar collapses, the military collapses, the whole government is going to be a limping shell, and they’re just simply not going to have the ability to do all of these horrible things they’ve been doing. Lots of the top Jews and homos will flee to New Zealand or whatever. The fact that Ivanka threw Trump under the bus implies that if he ever was able to get back in power, he’d behave in a significantly less Jewish manner.”
“Point being: if we’re still having a debate about whether or not we should do World War III, meaning that the dollar has not collapsed and caused the US military to collapse, Trump has zero chance. If the main debate is instead about, you know, not having electricity or food, hyperinflation, roving bands of negro youth slaughtering families, then Trump will probably be able to win, just because the machine won’t have the power anymore.”
“It’s a mixed bag, but not bad. He’s definitely not shilling vaccines anymore.”

As we move towards high summer, the plants my woman dutifully birthed and cultivated begin to bear fruit. Even as the moisture laden heat envelopes my land, we begin to make plans for the cooling of Fall, carefully counting seeds and weighing and measuring the death soaked dirt that gestates our food. The storms conspired to kill our corn, but God offers shelter from the calamitous winds of change and uncertainty. Harvest will come, and the sewing of cold weather crops, the hardy and strange, and the fragile delicates cached away in the greenhouse, will rise renewed as their feckless spring fellows wilt and fall.

It’s an old magik, a deep magik, the humble glow of a light fantastic. Easy to see but hard to hold, the endless dance of the new and the old. You get lost in the weeds when you sew and grow, taking as a given this give and take. Seeds from forever show up in the mail, from the truck in a box to a hole in the ground, creeping sunward slowly, then suddenly stooped. Plucked, shucked, and boiled, then turned into soup. Imagine this magik as an everyday thing, every man a farmer, every woman a mother. There’s a simple Certain that we traded for ease, and hedonic pursuit breeds uncertainty unbounded.

Trump may be a fool, but so too am I. Can the fool make a change and again become wise? Some mistakes are so big, their consequences a dye. They straighten,c onstrain, and stain what’s inside. It’s easy to believe you’re the center of your life, but you’re just another plant, one of many in line. You grow ever upward, and in fullness of time, you bring forth your fruit, then you wither and die. So the best I can do is learn from mistakes. Letting go of the past, resting full in His grace.

Schizopoetry: where cringe meets contemplation.

Pooch says:

Very nice.

Cloudswrest says:

This current mainstream fetishization of the word “science” is starting to get to me. I’ve been around for a long time and I don’t recall the word “science” being used as a verb until relatively recently. Example, a recent tweet on the Webb telescope.

Good news: As of today, 7 out of Webb’s 17 instrument modes are ready for science! …

I see it everywhere now by the media organs and it’s driving me crazy. It’s like their pushing this “enlightenment rationality” theme to the max.

Pooch says:

Ask them where does science come from and watch their head explode.

Red says:

Reminds me of the 90s cartoon Spiderman TV show for kids. Science was a used verb all the time. Of course that was a kid’s show… kind shows the level at which most of this shitheads are at. Science is a cargo cult that the natives worship as a god.

notglowing says:

I absolutely hate it. The fetishization and politicization of science has escalated to a ridiculous level lately and it has left me disgusted.
I originally wanted to become a scientist myself, though I feel quite disillusioned.

There’s also a sort of reaction from some right wing circles now where they just deny science entirely, and claim it was never accurate or honest. Which is one of those memetic dead-end ideas people here talked about.
In fact it can include some of those particular memetic dead end ideas, including denying heliocentrism or evolution entirely.

Fireball says:

It isnt nothing new. Marx pretend that his ideas were scientific.

Kunning Drueger says:

Say something nice about Jordan Peterson, maybe he’ll credit you the next time he drops by for ideas:


Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Plenty of people make their bread and butter by taking our ideas and watering them down for mass, public consumption.

(It goes without saying — OF COURSE — that we’ll have to purge/disenfranchise those people eventually.)

Kunning Druegger says:

If they are twisting Jimian Christianity for evil purposes, sure. But why purge/disenfranchise people inclined to carry our message to a wider audience? We may need to correct translation errors and clarify ambiguities, of course.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

We may need to correct translation errors and clarify ambiguities, of course.

LOL. excellent.

Well, I do get jittery, perhaps a little too jittery, with anticipation whenever the topic of Minesweeper comes up. (Which isn’t exactly ideal — because it is often that a more… balanced approach yields superior results. The carrot rather than the stick, etc.).

But in this case your post reminded me of certain groups of former self-professed rightists now on the take with Globohomo. (Or on the take withh Globohomo-adjacent forces — it’s really difficult to tell from a distance.)

jim says:

Checking both the old and new testaments, we find that both Moses and Jesus recommended a policy of tolerance and encouragement for people who were preaching something like their faith, but not actually their faith, to those outside the faith.

And, checking both the old and new testaments, we find that as soon as those faiths had some success, people started preaching something like their faith, but not actually their faith, to those inside the faith, whereupon Moses and the apostles applied a vigorous policy of intolerance.

alf says:

I believe Jesus said something along the lines of: ‘if his heart is in the right place, and he is not causing trouble, let him do his thing.’

Which implies that if the heart is in the wrong place and starts causing a bunch of trouble that can’t be ignored, vigorous policy of intolerance. Moses slaughtered thousands of his own tribe for worshipping false gods. (Com, notice the manner in which Moses handled himself. He said, ‘hey guys, I’m totally gone for a couple of days I trust you to not misbehave.’ Came back, they were grossly misbehaving, and thus gave Moses an excuse to commit genocide in a Christian manner. Moses undoubtedly knew many of them were troublemakers from way before, but he waited for the right opportunity.)

In Peterson’s case, I find it a bit hard to discern where his heart is at. He speaks plainly about transgender surgery, but not so plainly about women. But, he is not causing any trouble for us.

Kunning Drueger says:

JBP drives men towards us. This alone makes him useful.

The WQ is the hardest pill to swallow and keep down. After all these years and thousands upon scores of thousands of words, many regulars here still harbor blue pill fragments. Every facet of our society is constructed to lie about race and sex, because the Cathedral ceaselessly seeks to immanentize something so wrong, so fake, so obviously incorrect. They start with kids that are pre-verbal and non-ambulatory, and continue up to the literal eulogy. They do this because it contravenes reality, such that a thousand hours of social programming on equality can be undone by 5 minutes of conversation, or 5 seconds of interaction. But all those hours stack up and stick around. It forms a sort of false conscience, a second and sinful still, small voice, ceaselessly whispering: it can’t be all women, surely not all negros, etc.

ExileStyle says:

A great example of this, and an area in need of more memetic attention, is in the whole Tranny Cult and Drag Queen Story Hour thing. Bluepilled conservatives are losing their minds (rightfully) about this while failing (inexcusably) to ask: Who is bringing these children to these events? Who are the ones pushing children into hormonal and genital mutilation from ages where the human memory has hardly even begun to form?

It’s not the trannies and queers themselves (yet) but the mothers – spooky child-sacrificing Queen of the Night-style mothers – who bring their young to the temples of these new gods, whether directly by placing their severed organs upon the altars or implicitly by allowing them to get lost in the sacrificial labyrinth of public schools.

The right needs to start talking way, way more about the wicked mothers behind all of this, not just allowing but actively encouraging it to happen.

Adam says:

JBP was on my path here, and much of my internal dialogue and model was built from watching his lectures and podcasts.

The problem is deeper than the cathedral. It starts with boys being taught and disciplined by their mothers. Many men grow up and disregard their mothers opinion, but many more do not. Many keep seeking out validation from women, teachers, girlfriends/wives etc. It’s a never ending problem.

alf says:

Huh so we actually do have a JPB–>Jim pipeline. Lol.

Kunning Drueger says:

Cathedral media is a torrent, so any type of resistance creates eddies and and pressure differentials. If JBP is supposed to trap minds and prevent them from going down a redpill path, he’s failing horribly. Notice how the critique he gets from our sphere is how he’s not going far enough, not covering enough, leaving important things unspoken. As opposed to, he’s saying the wrong things (I know there’s contention on this point).

Lord Thundercock’s “Dunbar Matrioshka” system is incredibly powerful and not at all constrained to social networks. It applies to memeplexis and information sources as well. JBP is not within the BJC/DailyStormer/??? set. It’s probably not even adjacent, but it is downstream, and that stream is continuous though obstructed, meaning barriers must be circumvented with skill or luck. You don’t need to jump to a non-contiguous DM set to get from JBP to BJC. With a high enough IQ, you could go straight to Jung from JBP and land on Jim, though I think the usual route is probably more circuitous.

alf says:

I don’t like how his daughter is thotting all over the place. Otherwise, sure, happy to see people matruschka their way over here.

Kunning Drueger says:

Again, we see the primacy of the WQ. As well, we see that no amount of intellect or analysis will save you from the consequences of female emancipation. I can almost guarantee you that her heart is in the right place. I bet she’s breddy smarb too. But bother brain and heart stand squarely behind her vagina when it comes to making decisions. The irony of course is that JBP knows this, but by marrying himself to the Rationalist Wing, he does not get to use the “Obey me, thot; our God commands it” framework. So he engages in a discussion amongst equals; the poisoned fruit.

Pooch says:

I know nothing about JBP. Have not watched more than 2 seconds of him, but if he is speaking out against feminism, even gently, then I tend to think he’s more with us than against us. Feminism is the root of all evil.

alf says:

JBP drives men towards us. This alone makes him useful.

Does he? Or does he act as a gatekeeper to keep his fans from tuning into ‘real womanhaters’ like us? Do we have anyone here who started out with JPB and ended with Jim?

I don’t know the answers to these questions. He is probably useful on the whole. Might be more useful down the road, might be more obstructive down the road. Might just produce the same low information/noise ratio that men in his position tend to produce.

Adam says:

I listened to him on Rogans podcast about 6 years ago or so. Started turning my life around immediately, ended up here.

I’ve gone through his maps of meaning lectures and biblical lectures a couple of times each. I always learn something new when I do.

Hes not really a big dominant figure, but he has a lot of courage and he gives that away when he talks, and I think that’s what men are getting from him that they are not getting elsewhere.

Adam says:

He’s really good to give to your blue pilled normie friends. I’ve got a bunch of friends that follow him now, and my conversations with them have lead to more reactionary conversations.

Shooter McGavin says:

Upon few minutes reflection I can say that I started with JBP. He was the first time I had ever heard of the Soviet gulag which just goes to show you how bad history in public schools is. Heard plenty about the Holocaust and slavery but nothing about the Soviets, Khmer Rouge, or any Marxist violence which would put even the fake 6 million Jew death toll to shame. JBP accidentally redpills people just by talking basic history.

Guy says:

Peterson is good because he was clearly striving after truth, and in the process explained a lot of old philosophies and myths to young people who had only heard critical analysis of their strawmen. He also has a decent model of consciousness, not explanatory, but how it functions on a large scale in a human. At some point he hit a wall, there’s a famous video of him saying “I can’t go there”when asked a question about the Holodomor and the Jews’ role in it (maybe a Soros shill there damning the Jews’ by omission), but I think more that he can’t face his weaknesses as a man himself, there’s clearly something off with his daughter… and he’s definitely an overly emotional attention seeker who likes to dress up in fancy suits.

Anyway point is he was a stop on the road to radicalization for me I suppose. Although I was always much further to the right than him I did find him before finding this place and got deep into his stuff for a while.

Adam says:

His liberal values are causing him some problems. It’s like he’s trying to have his cake and eat it too. And he’s a boomer, subject to the same conditioning as every other boomer.

You can tell he’s under a lot of stress when he talks with guys like Sam Harris. It’s not that he’s not smart enough. He’s just trying to make things compatible, that are not compatible.

It’s funny because he’s really knowledgeable on things like alcoholism and addiction, but it seems like he doesn’t really understand spirituality in practice. There seems to be this disconnect as far as his own self awareness.

It seems like he’s a guy that’s trying to be too many things at once that are in conflict with one another. Eventually crime stop kicks in and prevents him from potential growth.

If he fully embraced straight white male patriarchy and all that that entails and ditched all that other crap things would clear right up for him. I think he’s too afraid to do it because nazis.

yewotm8 says:

I can’t find the clip now (youtube search seems very good at hiding thoughtcrime), but Peterson was the first person I heard suggest that women want rapefugees to be let in precisely because they will rape them and put them in their place, and that “western” men just weren’t doing it for them as we’d become too unwilling to do the needful.

He apparently hasn’t said it since, so likely deems it too dangerous, but I don’t think that’s very good gatekeeping.

Varna says:

A deeper dive into the Russnet through online translate for those of the autistic persuasion.

On the current economic forum in St Petersburg

Article on a congresswoman trying to push through clotshots for kids and pregnant women

Criticism of Russian court which gave back to an Australian lesbian couple the child of a Russian father

Article on the looming digitalization of higher educational documents as another step down the slippery slope to globohomo

On the world economic situation, Ukraine, Taiwan

On globohomo pederasty propaganda in some new Russian kids book

Fringe dissident stuff on the kung-flu, vaccines, and everything else

On Russia exiting the international higher education system and going to back to some mix of Soviet and Tsarist norms

On gas-flow diplomacy

On the looming artificial food scarcity in the USA

On breaking off cultural exchange with the USA

On fifth-columnists in the Russian scientific establishment

Lithuania is trying to strangle the Kaliningrad enclave
(BTW if they provoke Putin to do a mirror move of 1939 Hitler – forced land corridor to reach the exact same piece of “Eastern Prussia”, this would be peak clown world times a hundred)

Playfully skeptical article on Putin’s new speech

On the ability of the Russian economy to withstand sanctions pressure by economic sector

6 lifehacks for women for stable relationships

The coming sanctions-related famine of botox and sheit

Leon says:

Idaho is falling. Its housing prices have skyrocketed and it has become one of the top 20 most expensive states to live in now. The Dakotas and Montana are not far behind.

The Cominator says:

Can those of you who are still overly soft and merciful when it comes to leftist agree on one particularly loathsome variety that needs to go. The ones who insist that high gasoline prices have nothing to do with the policies and actions of the Biden administration.

I have a DEEP hatred and loathing for this particular variety of leftist I think I hate them the way I hate trannies…

Pax Imperialis says:

I sympathize with those hating the leftists who want to rise gas prices. Those leftists often want people to eat bugs. They want to rot the body. My good fortune means I don’t have to suffer that indignity so my priorities are likely different from those who cant. I still believe they have to be persecuted.

That said I’m far more bothered by the trannies. They are the ones who want me to participate in pointing at a deer and calling it a horse which rots the soul.

Rotting the Soul is far more insidious than rotting the body.

ExileStyle says:

So the Texas GOP just passed a pretty based platform (https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6-Permanent-Platform-Committee-FINAL-REPORT-6-16-2022.pdf. It explicitly reasserts Texas’s right to secession in section 33:

“Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto.”

Seeing as how Texas is a major counterweight to leftist aims on a national scale, would we wholeheartedly welcome Texan secession, or hope to hold onto them as a prime ally for reaction on a national scale? Also, what would secession mean for a post-Texas USA, which would be even more leftist than before on the whole?

jim says:

Platforms get routinely ignored. They are just intended to re-assure the faithful. Cuckservatives will enthusiastically vote for them without a second thought in conference, and then utterly ignore them in the legislature and their offices.

The platform is a re-assertion of the old faith of the Republic, Nature’s God. Which has a whole lot in common with reaction. But subsequent developments were a result of the bad seed in that old faith. And this old faith, though an enormous improvement on its degenerate successors, is not a viable faith in a time of decadent elites.

The way forward is Christian National Capitalism, which we can see taking root among the Ultra Maga insurrectionists in the Republican Party, one of whom was recently arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to prevent his election being stolen.

Pooch says:

I don’t think secession can happen. The fundamental underlying incentive behind secession of the Civil War was economic, not religious or social.

The aristocracy of the self-sufficient agrarian slave economy South was going to lose a lot of money by freeing their slaves and were incentivized heavily to resist the immediate transition to an industrialized economy and society.

We don’t have these regional economic dynamics at play anymore in the US. The US is uniformly a post-industrial society, so I think secession is not in the cards.

Jamesthe1st says:

What about oil though? The Federal green cult regulations treaten to eventually cut off the Texas economy which is oil dependent.

ExileStyle says:

A more realistic route is to effectively if not actually secede via asserting constitutional 10th Amendment rights. Actual secession is unlikely, but if they simply cease paying attention to/enforcing undesirable federal laws they could eventually become sovereign in everything but name.

This could be an effective strategy for red states going forward. Or in fact all states, leading to federal devolution. Blue states are already making moves like this with their “sanctuary state” rhetoric and legislation.

If enough states start simply ignoring the federal government, their resources for enforcement will start to be spread thin and could at least dilute their power.

Pooch says:

The problem is the oil industry is dominated by large globocorps controlled by the national elite.

It’s not like there is a localized Texan aristocracy who do the drilling in via mom and pop small business. The corporations do it all, which differs the situation of the Confederate South significantly.

Kunning Drueger says:

This may not actually be the case for drilling and prospecting, but it does seem to be the case for refining.

Walmart controls a lot of markets for goods, but that doesn’t mean smaller businesses are extinct. It’s just that they can’t compete in the current configuration.

Pooch says:

The rapidly diminishing small business owners exist but they are not elite. Middle class.

If the elite had their druthers, would put all small business out of business and replace them with globocorps. A lot of their decisions, when viewed through this lenses, makes total sense including black violence and the raising of gas prices. Small businesses just represent money the elite haven’t stolen yet.

The Cominator says:

The oil industry is not producing because of Biden and his administration. People who blame the oil companies should be executed immediately. The economic elite are not by and large speaking the Great Reset elite (though there are people like Bill Gates). If they were Trump’s economic policies wouldn’t work.

Pooch says:

Unrelated and irrelevant to the conversation.

The discussion is not about the oil industry producing or not producing. It is about who controls the oil industry, a local regional Texan elite or the national US elite.

Kunning Drueger says:

No single entity, or even a score of entities, controls the oil industry. So many faults from top to bottom. Cathedral propaganda terms is relevant to this discussion, because they maintain the lie that some cabal of wealthy white men in a hidden boardroom full of cigar smoke are making all the decisions. I’d go as far as saying no single Major could solo a Discovery to Delivery. Literally hundreds of companies, consultancies, and contractors are necessary throughout the entire process. Refining is the one category wherein direct control is exerted by the Majors and/or governments.

Pooch says:

It’s long been known the large globocorps collaborate and collude with each other, with the political ruling class providing legal and political protection for their oligopolies.

In fact, members of the political families sit on their boards. I see no meaningful distinction between the globocorps and the elite. It’s the same class of people.

The oil corporations are outer party through and through. Biden attacking the oil industry is just inter-Uniparty conflict.

The inner party attacking the outer party, which differs significantly the situation of the Civil War where you had two sets of regional elites with two completely separately ways of life and culture.

jim says:

Refineries are custom made as enormous one off jobs. We need a Musk who mass produces refinery components that fit into a container, and can be bolted together on site with the minimum of fuss, the way Musk mass produces rockets.

Mass production of mass production capability is the next industrial revolution. Housing and offices should be built out panels that fit inside a shipping container. But mass production of early twentieth century high tech components, such as refinery components, is likely to give better return on investment. Housing benefits less.

The Cominator says:

Its very relevant to the conversation, yes the government elite is sabotaging oil production. Ron Klain controls the oil industry more than anyone rught now…

Frank Matters says:

Respectfully, this is accepting an enemy frame. “Those greedy slavers just want to keep their plantations!”

The south always understood this as a Holy War, understood this as a massive centralization of power in the land, from state executives to federal executives. If you scratch lightly at the rhetoric of the time, this becomes clear.

Reasoning aside, I agree with your assertion. Secession largely cannot happen because we are now a fractal mess of tribal alliances with an overarching, largely enemy, mono-culture. It is simply unthinkable for too many people, and the logistics are too insurmountable, and the resulting retaliation would be too ferocious to withstand for any singular state. Perhaps in the future, when things become so much worse economically, and when the commies cannot keep it in their pants and have bee ell em squads bussed into previously remote white neighborhoods under protection of federal agents, this will be reconsidered. Then again, the answer will just as likely be to take the crown instead of break the kingdom.

Pooch says:

Respectfully, this is accepting an enemy frame. “Those greedy slavers just want to keep their plantations!”

The south always understood this as a Holy War, understood this as a massive centralization of power in the land, from state executives to federal executives. If you scratch lightly at the rhetoric of the time, this becomes clear.

The transition of the agrarian slave plantation society to an industrialized society meant the status and fortunes of the hereditary Southern aristocracy would go down the drain. The Southern gentlemen/belle Gone With the Wind society derives from this old now extinct southern elite class

The Southern elite never understood the Civil War as a Holy War. If it did, would have ordered the Army of the Potomac to march on Boston and destroy Harvard, burning down every Unitarian Church on the way there, after the rout of the Union Army at the First Battle of Bull Run.

It is precisely this reason why the South lost. Failed to understand they were in a total holy war with the heretical North.

alf says:

It is precisely this reason why the South lost. Failed to understand they were in a total holy war with the heretical North.

That’s my understanding as well. Once again, the eternal reason the right has been losing to the left: the right fights a rational war, the left fights a holy war.

Pooch says:

he Southern gentlemen/belle Gone With the Wind culture*

S says:

“The transition of the agrarian slave plantation society to an industrialized society meant the status and fortunes of the hereditary Southern aristocracy would go down the drain.”

It is my understanding the South doesn’t have good sites for water power so had to wait until electricity before they could build up industry.

“It is precisely this reason why the South lost. Failed to understand they were in a total holy war with the heretical North.”

The South didn’t understand politics. They were fine with immigration despite the fact immigrants went primarily to the North. Even without a conflict with the North this would mean over time they gradually lose out as the North gains move weight in congress and the electoral college.

It is worse when you realize they banned the importation of slaves in 1808 in part because that would drive up the value of existing slaves. Banning adding more free labor through immigration accomplishes the same thing!

The Cominator says:

The Southern elite imho reacted to the Lincoln election with incredible stupidity. Lincoln was not fanatically holy, he was a free soiler he had zero plans to take the slaves of planters in the existing slave states and was willing to offer the Crittenden amendment.

The free soilers were also right to not want masses of niggers brought into the territories.

Pooch says:

I actually agree. An industrialized society seems more in alignment with Gnon than a mass slave agrarian society.

Pooch says:

This did result in the mass importation of the Ellis Islanders, yet still I’d rather have lower caste whites imported en masse than blacks.

The Cominator says:

The Irish were coming over before the civil war, the Irish were the big problem immigrant group NOT the Italians as a whole… Fauci the Jesuit being a big exception.

Italians now tend to vote republican… the irish (of which im part) are still a problem.

Pooch says:

Yes the Irish were coming over before the war to the North because the North was industrializing before the war.

Pooch says:

Lincoln was not fanatically holy, he was a free soiler he had zero plans to take the slaves of planters in the existing slave states and was willing to offer the Crittenden amendment.

I don’t believe this is true. Lincoln and the rest of the Republicans rejected the Crittenden Compromise.

The Cominator says:

My understanding was that Lincoln was willing to accept it for existing slave states (as long as it eventually sunsetted) but would not for the territories.

S says:

That makes any future states automatically free states. How many more free states before you have enough votes to ignore the slave states and ban slavery?

Compromises that make you stronger over time until you can break are worthless.

jim says:

You cannot compromise with the woke. As soon as you do, they smell weakness, pocket the compromise, and demand more. If you concede to an implicit threat, your concessions will be pocketed and soon followed by an explicit threat, and if you concede to the explicit thread, further demands to which you also concede, but the threat gets carried out anyway. Sane evil you can buy off with concessions. Insane evil just has to be killed.

The South should have recognized this as a holy war, and gone after Harvard, not Fort Sumter. They needed to kill every male in the general vicinity of Harvard, enslave every fertile age woman, and carry them off. That was the only possible way to end the war.

Lincoln’s offers of compromise might well have been sincere, but he subscribed to a priesthood who had tasted blood. The priesthood would have pocketed the compromise, and demanded a further compromise. The people who sponsored terrorism against the slave states intended war without end. The compromise would not have ended terror, but escalated it.

And once war began, needed to strike at the head, Harvard, not the fists, Port Sumter. The insane enemy is going to go on fighting till you strike the head.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think the free soilers were particularly woke, wanting the territories to be mostly nigger slave free was reasonable.

S says:

From wiki:
“The 1852 party platform more overtly denounced slavery, and also called for the diplomatic recognition of Haiti.[60] Many Free Soilers also supported the temperance movement”

The free soilers were woke- they lacked protection against entryism.

The non-woke option was the Know-Nothings.

The Cominator says:

The know nothings (who were redpilled on the papist and jesuit question) were cool but realistically weren’t going to win.

S says:

Com, there was John Brown’s raid in 1859. The problem isn’t the raid. The problem is that the people who gave John Brown money and weapons got pulled before the congress. ALL the Republicans declared they were totally innocent and nothing should be done to punish them.

The South saw the writing on the wall. The North had declared the elimination of slavery a historical inevitability (a scorpion stinging itself to death) and was willing to sponsor murder in order to make their prophecy come true.

The Cominator says:

The Dred Scott decision also made free territories legally meaningless so there was some bad misconduct on both sides. John Brown was widely cobsidered a nut in his youth.

jim says:

He was a nut who was repeatedly allowed to commit murder with impunity. He had some very powerful people covering for him. The South needed to hang those people. John Brown was merely a highly expendable minion.

And to hang those people, they needed to march on Harvard.

The Cominator says:

I don’t know how that ended up saying in his youth… i mean a nutvinitially…

S says:

This was after the North blatantly violated the terms of the Fugitive Slave Act (Compromise of 1850).

The Cominator says:

The fugitive slave act required the active help of the population in assisting an institution they detested. That the South ever thought the fugitive slave acts were going to work out other than the way they did (a mostly dead letter with the exception of some bounty hunters) just shows me more that they were completely delusional…

S says:

Southerners banned the importation of slaves while allowing immigration. Thinking ahead was not their strong suit.

That said apparently they got Northern representatives to go along with the passage of the 1850 Act suggests either lying on the part of the Northern reps (this will totally work) or no one reading the bill.

jim says:

As I said, if you make a concession to the woke, it is just a down payment on the next concession.

Kunning Drueger says:

>The US is uniformly a post-industrial society

Strong disagree. There is absolutely a hierarchy of States. There’s always a hierarchy. And there’s a ton of growth potential in States that are low due to the demonic agenda of their dominant elites (see: California, Virginia, Colorado, New York). Trump demonstrated explicitly that no magic wand is required to reindustrialize. Musk is demonstrating that pivoting and relocating can dramatically alter the potentials. Desantis and Noem have and are demonstrating that FedGov is by no means universally dominant.

Just as we are now closer than ever before to a strategic nuclear exchange because Russia is no longer communist (which flies in the face of the common knowledge understanding of the Cold War dynamic), so too are we close to potential balkanization precisely because some States have the leadership, geography, and connections to stand alone. If the Petrodollar System collapses, I’d say the potential for balkanization or Boog becomes nearly 100%.

Pooch says:

Trump demonstrated explicitly that no magic wand is required to reindustrialize.

Nothing short of banning all Chinese imports turns back the clock enough for the US to transition back to a full industrial society.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m sure the Chinese can make good stuff, but it never seems to get into the industries I have contact with. I’ve never once in my life heard an engineer, technician, or laborer praise Chinese products, or even choose them, over literally every other possible option. This was a while ago, but I remember a lighting package with a bunch of legit and Chinese knockoff HMI lights. The legit ones were over a decade old, the chink cans were literally fresh out the box. Not a single one survived the production. The only thing China has going for it is quantity, and this will be true until they actually are forced to compete without rigging the game, or picking games with a built in advantage.

Consider: Chinese missiles are awesome on paper, so much so that the Aircraft Carrier may be an obsolete technology… in the South China Sea. This is not a global advantage.

The Chinese navy is the largest in the world… but they can’t do long deployments or operate without constant shore based support, resupply, and crew renewal. A navy that’s never fought a battle at sea is an expensive collection of set pieces for propaganda videos (this applies everywhere, not just China).

We don’t need to ban Chinese imports, we need to tariff them appropriately. China’s had training wheels and a walled garden for long enough.

Pooch says:

We don’t need to ban Chinese imports, we need to tariff them appropriately.

I’d be fine with this too. It’s a big ask but I’d argue this would be the single most impactful and meaningful thing a potential Caesar Augustus could possibly do to “Save America”.

The Cominator says:

Trump did tariff China, America’s problem is with its political leaders who impose policies that are sabotage. Merely tariffing China would not solve all other areas of sabotage.

Pooch says:

Trump had a good start with limited tariffs on China, namely steel and aluminum.

We would need that massively increased on all Chinese goods to change the underlying economic incentives that would result in bringing back all industrialized labor jobs back to the US.

The Cominator says:

Trump’s lowering corporate taxes and getting energy costs down were more important.

jim says:

I am in favor of free trade, internally and externally, in theory. The way I am in favor of anarchocapitalism in theory. In the real world, however, trade has to be conducted with long range secure property rights protected by a sovereign, which for international trade requires bilateral agreements between all sovereigns on the path of the goods. and each agreement has to be as regulatory, taxed, and interventionist as the most tax happy and intervention intrusive sovereign who is a party to that agreement.

Pooch says:

What we do with China is not “trade”. The Western globocorps set up their factories in China, instead of the West, to save money by paying laborers Chinese wages instead of Western wages.

jim says:

That is what the Chinese told the globocorps they would be doing, and it looks good for Globocorp on the bottom line. Reality, however, is that your factory in China is controlled by Chinese, who do not necessarily have the best interests of globocorp in mind. They are practicing national capitalism.

jim says:

> I’m sure the Chinese can make good stuff, but it never seems to get into the industries I have contact with.

They do make good stuff, and it is quite possible to get good stuff from China. And I recommend doing so wherever possible. But dealing with Chinese businessmen is like dealing with Jews. They are always scamming you. It is hard.

Frank Matters says:

Problem is twofold: our currency is too valuable, and we are far too regulated. Automation and smart logistics means we are capable of making everything cheaper than Chyna even with high wage costs, and a lot of those costs can be offset by having low skilled labor in mexico et al put the machine-made parts together. You are not allowed to do this though because you have crippling regulations and engineering things is evil bad no good. Problem is exacerbated further by exchange rate favoring the weaker currencies, which tends to more than equalize the incurred shipping costs for importing.

The Cathedral is also noticing us Hindu “reactionaries”.

Via amerika.org

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

Absolutely BASED!

Red says:

Based Hindus. Take your nation and religion back.

Kunning Drueger says:

HERE LIES: [the latest Alt-Right project]

IT DIED OF: [voluntary interaction with known journalists]

Dear Lord, please send us leadership that isn’t so fucking susceptible to “””attention””””

yewotm8 says:

They’ll always be able to find a 16 year old who can’t help himself.

Kunning Drueger says:

I wish that was the case, but sadly Elite theory holds; the underlings don’t matter. It’s the leadership after they start to get a taste of influence, seeing admiring faces in room with more strangers than familiars, some thick of thigh & thick of mind brunette with librarian glasses and a high tolerance for whiskey, feeling like a big man but thinking like the internet shitlord they actually are.

I can’t go into details that prove my point directly, but I’ve seen it firsthand. I’ve been in the fucking room when someone gets snookered into divulging details, dropping names, sharing plans. It’s always an ego trip or a hardening dick, some fuckwit faggot high on his shit.

It’s going to happen here. If we ever step a toe out from the shadow’s shadow, some journalist is going to sashay in, all compliments and assurances. Someone needs to carry the banner of No Journos, Ever. No excuses or exceptions. The moment it is known, they are ejected, politely or otherwise. It’s kind of sad, really: leftist operations die from lack of engagement, and rightist endeavors collapse because of attention.

Red says:

>Someone needs to carry the banner of No Journos, Ever.

Fame attracts women, very hard for men to pass up on that. What you need is your own group of reporters working for your side. Problem is journalism is a money losing industry without state funding. Good propaganda is costly, but as the Nazis proved it’s worth it’s weight in gold.

Pax Imperialis says:

Slight caveat. There is no shortage of “reporters” working for any particular side. Propaganda is easy to heavily produce. The problem is with distribution.

Distribution is both costly and subject to censorship by the powers that be.

Murdoch Murdoch had surprisingly high production values all things considered. Getting it to the masses on the other hand proved difficult.

Walt Bismarch was also exquisite and clearly the product of love… It’s also gone from YouTube.

The problem isn’t that journalism is a money losing industry without state funding, there are plenty of true believers of any ideology to work for near free, the problem is that not all journalism can escape the current power.

The Cominator says:

I tend to imagine right wingers even if desperate for pussy are less likely on the whole to spill their guts to a pretty face than (non faggot) leftists are.

Far right wingers tend to be either womanizing chads (or former womanizing chads who are married and try not to humiliate the wife too much) or incels (or whoremongers). Neither group particularly trusts women in general very much and neither would be inclined to spill their guts to a strange one… both groups know that women lack loyalty and accountability* as men understand it.

The simps who trust women… tend to be the sexual success equivalent of midwits and they like intellectual midwits tend to be leftists or at least cuckservatives.

* Particularly accountability women can’t handle blaming themselves for shit going wrong in their own mind, women who fit the description of BPD I’ve known a couple very well… they are actually overly maligned but one thing different about them is they kind of lack the female rationalization hamster and DO realize eventually that the crazy self destructive shit and its consequences were the result of their own irrational inexplicable bad decisions… and this drives them more and more depressed and mad over time.

Adam says:

I agree. I would rather deal with BPD than NPD in a girl. At least with BPD they feel bad after. NPD is just straight evil no remorse.

The Cominator says:

Though headshrinker descripters are loose at best… girls who fit the BPD descriptor are also fun to be around when they ain’t splitting you black (and sometimes they are funny even then)… women are rarely funny or insightful but the two bpd girls i knew well… hilarious not a little funny one had me laughing pretty much nonstop for six hours straight.

NPDs which is more and more what a typical American feminist is like have no redeeming qualities.

Adam says:

Yeah. And with BPD at least they are aware they have a problem. With NPD it’s denial start to finish. BPD girls will have stretches of honesty mixed in there.

alf says:

Pax Dickinson wrote the definitive edition on how to deal with journalists. Unfortunately he wrote it on Social Matter so the article is dead. Buuut here’s a back-up. NRx gold.

Neurotoxin says:

alf, the link to Garden of the Internet is dead, both from Jim’s sidebar and the one at A Mari Usque ad Mare. Hopefully you haven’t been thoughtcrimed but are just changing some stuff.

alf says:

Just changing some stuff!

Neurotoxin says:

OK, good.

And yeah, the trolling of that “journalist” is one for the ages.

Cloudswrest says:

One of the best trolls of all time!

someDude says:

@Dharmic, I wanted to post this comment on your or Suones’ blog but could not do so as the comment section on WordPress is screwed up. I can’t actually see what I am typing since the comment space is too narrow in the vertical dimension. So I’ll post it here.

Let’s analyse the video
1. Self righteous looking Journo who no one heard of before: Check
2. Journo has a lizard face: Check (Reminded me of Audrey Truschke)
3. Brought out the obligatory Muslim Scholar who no one heard of before: Check
4. Trotted out a westernized Muslim Feminist who no one heard of before: Check
5. Talking about Feelz: Check

suones says:

This is a fake op. Like the “teenage Nazis” they used to parade who eventually “grew up,” hung up their swastikas and ratted out their friends, becoming “reformed”-Nazis and joining the talk-show circuit. Andrew Anglin was groomed for that path as well, but he turned out to be the Real Deal.

I’ll only believe it when someone comes to talk to me. And then I’ll not talk, ofc. As much as I long for my own paladin legions, priestly struggle has to necessarily come after military strength. Modi has launched full-scale into fixing the military first. Our time will come later.

jim says:

Not seeing your reasoning or point here. Christianity was a thing for a long time, and then one day Constantine, pissed because the priests of the official religion of his army were opposing him, an opposition likely to prove fatal for him, had his army march under Christian banners.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think at this point it is pretty well established that I have a lot of ideas about how we as a digital synthetic tribe should be doing concrete and shareable things, whether it’s a book or some other kind of project. I think it’s also pretty clear that, while there is General positivity to the ideas I put forward, it never goes much further than a comment and some daughter posts. For my own well-being, that is all I really need: I would hate myself if I didn’t at least share the idea, but if I share it and it goes nowhere, it’s not really on my head. It is definitely the case that if I actually want these projects to happen, I have to just start them, then see them through with whatever help I get. But I have enough going on IRL, too much even, that it’s not something weighing heavily on my mind.

All that being said, I still think we have a ton of brain power and literary capacity just sort of hanging out here, and it would be a shame if no crystallization or synthesis came of it. This is not at all to say that there is no value in the structure of discourse that is already occurring. Indeed, Jim making posts and the rest of us discussing it is fascinating, uplifting, and informative. That’s why he has the oldest active blog on the internet. But some part of me weeps for the young man 20 years hence who’s going to have to pile through this unbelievably massive source of material just to find a single through line.

Here’s a link of Auron MacIntyre having a discussion with Carl Benjamin, the internet personality formerly known as Sargon of Akkad:

https://youtu.be/oxj2UHwEH0k (01:40:38)

In and of itself, it’s quite interesting to see how this guy has changed over time. There’s a lot packed into this discussion, but I would like to focus on his response to MacIntyre when MacIntyre invites him to critique or comment on NRx as a group (01:19:25). Benjamin implores NRx to “get off the internet.” In the act of qualifying this admonition, Benjamin blithely States that monarchy will not just magically take over after liberalism goes away, and he asserts that whatever the post liberal order is, it will most likely be a synthesis of liberalism and whatever topples it.

Here’s the assignment: right at least two paragraphs in response to sargon’s assertion; state whether you agree with it or not, explain why you have taken this position, then summarize what the synthesis will be, or what the replacement that has no liberal synthesis will be.

The deadline for submission is the next assignment, so conceivably you have forever, but most likely a week or two. To make my life marginally easier, please only respond to this comment with your submission and post any responses to the idea, positive or negative, in a separate or different comment. Or don’t, I have literally zero enforcement capability in this situation

Kunning Drueger says:

I agree with Benjamin’s assertion because I think it is couched within historical precedent. Barring and invasion and occupation by an outside force that has no liberal tendencies or vestigial forms, whatever governance structure that arises to replace the liberal order will be a patchwork of various elements and factions from within said order. It is highly unlikely that there will be time or space for the New Order to drive every element of their governance structure X nihilo, so by necessity, they will be forced to use certain liberal forms.

The synthesis that replaces the liberal order will be contingent upon the ideology or structure that comes to inhabit the antithetical position in a hegelian framework. There are multiple ideologies and frameworks that can and do act as an antithesis the liberal thesis. Indeed, this diversity of sentiment is a part of how the liberal order maintains its position despite its overwhelming incompetence and sclerosis. Just as the synthesis that will replace the liberal thesis will be a hybrid that contains one or more antitheses, so too will be antithesis itself be in amalgam of the extent factions.

No single representative of the antithetical class has everything needed to take on, defeat, and replace the liberal order. We monarchists have the motive, but lack the means. Every antithetical faction is lacking in opportunity in the current year, but the Dynamics of the Holiness spiral means that the rare opportunities are about to become a lot less rare. Thus, whichever faction can find natural allies that hold the missing pieces will be prominent in the successor regime.

The most significant barrier facing each of the different factions of the antithesis is the hesitance or inability to compromise with any or all of their fellow antithetes. defection that can square this circle the most elegantly in the least amount of time will be the natural leader of the hybrid antithesis.

alf says:

But some part of me weeps for the young man 20 years hence who’s going to have to pile through this unbelievably massive source of material

I am making good progress on my answer to that problem.

kawaii_kike says:

I suppose I agree with Sargon, but I’m hesitant because I’m not sure where liberalism ends and post liberal begins. I think its most likely that one of the demon factions of progressivism conquers the others but it’s difficult to imagine a post liberal order that’s not insane but still to the left of NRx. I could see the head of the FBI or some other glownigger seizing power under the premise of saving democracy but would that be toppling liberalism or merely a continuation of the leftist onslaught?

The only prospects of a new order without liberal synthesis that I can see would be Warlord factions similar to China’s warlord era or NRx; I don’t see how anything else could topple liberalism and come out without its influence.

Vlad says:

Monarchy never coming back so many reasons.
Whites have stiff knees it’s no accident we are the people who invent democracy/ republicanism.

[*Cathedral payload deleted. Arguments that argue for your payload will be allowed through. Arguments that presuppose your payload while pretending to argue some irrelevant issue will be deleted.*]

jim says:

Yes, whites have repeatedly invented democracy, and are the only race that has seriously and effectively implemented it.

And repeatedly had disastrous moral and social decline leading them to repeatedly return to Kings and aristocracy.

We have been on this road many a time before.

Republics are always short lived, and their ending always terrible. The wheel of history turns, and it is now turning again, with the same causes as many times before leading to the same effects as many times before. We have been around this merry go round many times before.

The founding fathers analyzed past attempts, and thought they had a fix, but their fix proved to have the usual fatal flaw.

If you want to argue that it is different this time, I will allow that argument through and respond to it. Buy, being a shill, you would have to get approval from your boss, and the boss would have to get approval from Human Resources, who would probably feels that noticing white history is racially discriminatory, and presupposes the obviously heretical doctrine that we can learn from dead white males.

i says:

“Republics are always short lived, and their ending always terrible.”

I will have to quibble with that. Aristocratic Venetian Republic ran for approx 1000 years until Napoleon stopped that.

And Swiss Direct Democracy has quite a long run time with no apparent ill effects from within. Of course there is problems but the poz didn’t originate or run particularly virulent there.

The trick is that they are small scale and the people that make up them are relatively high quality.

jim says:

I allowed the leading fragment of your post through, because you led with a real argument, one to which your audience is likely to be sympathetic, but then, while continuing to supposedly argue for your purported thesis, you then proceeded to presuppose, as shared consensus, shared by everyone, a whole lot supposed reality, that we certainly do not share, and large part an official reality that scarcely anyone believes any more, that not only do we not believe, but normies do not believe either.

Except for the very first sentence, all your arguments that Kings are unlikely are not arguments that Kings are unlikely, but merely wagons to carry the actual payload, which is fake consensus, a consensus that even normies are starting to disbelieve.

Vlad says:

[*Formulaic script seen every second time a shill is called a shill*]

jim says:

Try making an actual argument. Or at least get a fresh script.

Vlad says:

I did you didn’t you simply deleted it. Try this.
Explain how you’re going to convince white conservative men that they should bend a knee to some guys calling themselves nrx because [*deleted because because a hostile misrepresentation of our position.]

Then explain how you’re going to convince serious Christian’s [*deleted, because a hostile misrepresentation of serious Christians*]

[*pile of stuff along the same lines deleted attacking Christianity, white people, us, and anyone who is not a typical dot Indian H1B*]

jim says:

Illegitimate methods of argument not allowed on this blog.

You can argue your opponent’s position implies things that are objectional, untrue, offensive, and absurd, or you can argue your opponent’s position presupposes things that are untrue and absurd, but you are not allowed to strawman their position. Still less are you allowed to strawman them merely for the purpose of spraying random insults in all directions.

Anon says:

Disagree with Sargon frame
He assume a frame of linear history which is a cathedral tenet (the progressive march for ever perfect/purer left) not gonna hold this against him, everyone is brought up with this thinking.
As jim fond of saying, paraphrasing, ” we have been on this road many time before” history don’t repeat but rhythm
Left become ever left until reach singularity, stalin arise and stop it, if lucky Caesar come before, worst case singularity continue until dark age with most people dead.
Wither the monarch is Caesar or general butnacked you will always get a strong man.
If the qustion what is the order after the singularity stoped?
Then this is interesting, here probably I will agree with sargon, if there is no alternative to post liberal order, stalin will rule with dead cathedral religion

jim says:

Stalin was huge improvement. The terror against the elite was necessary to end the terror against the people and the destruction of Russia’s productive capability. They call it the “Great” Terror, because they cheerfully forget the the Liquidation of the Kulaks.

jim says:

When people talk about Stalin’s great success in industrializing, they neglect to mention that in the events leading to the great terror, Russia suffered radical and rapid de-industrialization, and by 1940 Russia was only back to roughly comparable parity with the other great powers that it had previously had.

I suspect that this may well have caused the Rothschild bankruptcy and their resulting loss of power. The Rothschild financial strategy was to use their money and their depositor’s money to foment war and revolution, and use the resulting political power to gain control of other people’s money. Which strategy in Russia succeeded in gaining political power, but the resulting money failed to materialize. The plans of evil are often marred by evil.

A2 says:

See also, The Whig Interpretation of History.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Here’s the assignment” Christ, with that terminology (Military/DoD would say mission) you must be an academic or State Department (same thing really)! Kidding aside, I think Benjamin gets several major things wrong. This will be somewhat winding of a post for I’m drinking far to much again and have far too much time on my hands curtsy of covid (vax) complications. Hopefully it’s coherent.

NRx aligned views, at least in my personal experiences (as limited as they are) aren’t really internet dependent. Rather they seem to largely be concentrated among those in close proximity to power be it that they work for it or are the legacy inheritors. They are insiders… but also outsiders… Yarvin certainly was. How common that is remains a mystery, as real world data is scarce, but considering that Yarvin’s biggest public sympathizers appears in places like the Caremont Institute or Fox News (Tucker Carlson has the same education and social sphere of any normal swamp creature) which are legacy institutions closely tied to power… Hell, even the little that is known about figures like Michael Malice or H.E. Negash points to Cathedral proximity. I suspect that my suspicion is largely true. On a side note Sargon of Akkad always struck me as a pleb. Plebs are often virtuous and valuable to power be it a Cathedral like power or a dissident power interested in restoration, but they lack insight into the inner workings of power. Just how much Plebian intellectual influence existed in the restoration of Rome by the Caesars?

So Benjamin imploring NRx to “get off the internet” seems to start off at a false a priori. Not that it’s entirely wrong, just that the sphere of intellectual influence is overly vague if not entirely wrong in framing. The internet might be the main vehicle of communication, in much the way that the public forums of Rome were the main vehicle of communication, but that says nothing about the groups within the forums speaking to each other or what is happening under the surface.

A more correct version of what Benjamin should be saying is: “get away from (Cathedral) power.” Which is easier said than done especially if one is already submerged in it. Heck, even Benjamin as a YouTube personality is playing with power! Even more so if one is born into it as a legacy inheritor. What the internet did was allow NRx aligned voices to find out they weren’t alone. “Reactionary” views are fairly common in DoD (and I suspect in the wider government outside DC), but highly censored by both oneself and highers such that one can never know if such views are particular to oneself or indicative of a wider audience. The internet gave coherence to those ideas which gave them power in parallel to power. Telling NRx sympathetic to get off the internet is akin to stop contesting parallel power completely. Not too dissimilar to Yarvin advocating disengagement with power (the Cathedral), but it goes beyond Yarvin as to advocate not forming parallel power at all.

“he asserts that whatever the post liberal order is, it will most likely be a synthesis of liberalism and whatever topples it.”

This is perhaps the greatest point of disagreement I have. Regime change does typically retain aesthetics of the previous regime. Calling that a synthesis of ideology is wrong. Aesthetics are not the same as qualitative realities. The Roman Empire vs the Roman Republic both felt distinctly Roman in aesthetics. The mechanism of governance where completely different. Any such regime change in America or the wider west will be the same. The new regime will speak in much of the same terms as the founding fathers or western “liberalism” but share little in real operation similarity. It will fly the same flag with, hopefully, all 50 stars. It will sing the same songs of liberty and freedom. It will not have the same institutions of power. It will strive to achieve liberty and freedom in completely different methods.

Look at historical precedent. The antebellum America was distinctly different from post civil war America. Yet Americans still shared the same aesthetics and political language. The Russians of today still share many of the same aesthetics of the Soviet Union (some of those Russian Tankers drove into Ukraine with Soviet flags), but they are completely different in an almost diametrically opposed ways. Much in the same way that Orthodox Tsarist Russia was the complete opposite of Atheist Communist Soviet Union. “Monarchical” UK appears to share much of the traditions as the Magna Carta Libertatum England of old, yet in reality shares nothing. The French still sing!

“To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
March, march!
Let an impure blood
Water our furrows!”

That isn’t the France of today yet they still identify with it!

A sense of political continuity is often established by a continuity of cultural icons, but that shouldn’t be conflated with actual political continuity. Shared continuity of cultural iconography is often mistaken as a continuity of political structure. A most devious and useful psychological trick that any new regime should take advantage of!

So who are the American dissidents (and on a wider question, who are the western dissidents?)? Many see the rot of modern/woke/liberal society and political structure but love their cultural heritage, They love America/France/England/etc in the the vague yet definite cultural definitions of those nations. A Frenchman would be hard pressed to define what is French yet would always know it when he sees it much in the same way an American Judge once said he has a difficult time defining pornography yet will definitely know it when he sees it. These dissidents often hate and completely reject the political structure. They love their culture.

The new regime will not be a synthesis of liberalism and whatever topples it. Rather it will be a continuation of the underlying cultural iconography (political iconography may get carried over as well) with a seemingly diametrically opposing political system hidden underneath shared iconography that is falsely seen as continuation. Benjamin is mistaking far older cultural aesthetics with current day liberalism, but his culture’s aesthetics predate liberalism entirely as do the cultures of America/France/etc.

________________ Skip here for TL;DR________________

The post liberal older will not be a political/religious synthesis of liberalism and whatever topples it, but it will have a shared cultural aesthetic that will give an illusion of continuity and thus an illusion of political synthesis. Something that any regime change should take advantage of.

________________Off topic, feel free to ignore_________

Hopefully this (short essay) didn’t come off as overly Jewish in semantics (I’m East Asian American I swear!), although I did go through and survived the heavily Judaically influence modern American academic system (Masters degree) so I might as well be a “Jew”… Drunk humor aside… I hope there were some useful insights in here. I’m rambling and I know it. Much thanks to spell checker.

Which reminds me of a previous point of discussion here about nothing of importance being taught in the university system for engineers (and technical fields in general). I was deeply depressed entering graduate school having to bury several close family members, and was basically an alcoholic drinking at least 6 high ABV beers a day and for the most part only attending classes for exams. I sometimes even forgot to show up for the exams as well… Still completed my masters program in a “top 50” public university engineering program. Still got a 6 figure before quitting it to go into the military. If memory serves me correctly Anonymous Fake was bitching about the academics system being unfair about how education doesn’t lead to good jobs. Academia is largely pay to win, and I’m sympathetic to those who were burned by that system. It’s horrifying we put such stock on a system that doesn’t really measure anything except willingness to pay.

If any of you ever end up enacting the new regime. I pray that you put an end to that atrocity.

Kunning Drueger says:

Considering the source material and responses further, it occurs to me that Benjamin’s assertion is predicated on the consistent occurrence of elements of the bureaucracy, sometimes quite large elements, pass through the Change more or less intact. This can be accidental, intentional, or even unavoidable, depending on the situation. For the most part, I think it’s laziness or cowardice or master procedural outcome manipulators doing what they do best: surviving. Who/what/whichever wins, if they truly wish to “break the mold,” will need to, above all else, break this cycle.

For the record, I am the first 101 level instructor at the nascent Antiversity. I’m the first one you’ll deal with before you get passed off into the rarified ranks of the anti-Masters.

Pax Imperialis says:

Institutions are people, The most obvious example is the Supreme Court where the difference of a single justice can sway the court and its culture. Suppose the hypothetical in which the court is stacked full of Alito and Thomas clones. Sure, the institution is the “same,” it’s still called the Supreme Court, it might even have a similar culture, but it would be such a large departure from current norms it would be something completely different. The equivalent nightmare example would be a court full of Kagan and Ginsburg clones.

“the consistent occurrence of elements of the bureaucracy, sometimes quite large elements, pass through the Change more or less intact.”

The men and women of the American bureaucracy of today are an highly insular and exclusive group. Exponentially so as you get closer to DC. These institutions from the outside are so massive and incomprehensible that they look like monolithic faceless gray suits. Dissidents are isolated and purged as we see with FBI and similar getting rid of conservatives. DoD reserves the purging for higher Officer ranks otherwise it wouldn’t have a military.

What would happen in any real regime change would be that the doors at both the low end and the high end gets opened up to all the previous undesirables (middle America). Just opening the door at the high end results in bureaucracy not following along with directives. Just opening the door at the low end results in your personnel never advancing into the heart of the organization. Opening at both ends allows the institutional heart to be outflanked and taken over because the high end provides political cover for the friendly low end to march through the institution.

Conservative presidents have made the mistake of thinking that the bureaucracy is just like the Supreme Court in that appointing at the very top level is all that’s needed to exert influence. Possible for an organization that is only 9 coequal big bosses and their clerks. Not possible for a multi million personnel government with an uncountable number of small bosses who effect day to day operations.

The crux of my argument is that most regime changes that appear to retain elements of the previous bureaucracy do so only in name and appearance. By the time most regimes fall, their bureaucracies have become highly insular and exclusive groups. Those groups get cracked wide open from the top and the bottom. The new people entering tend to have little to no respect for the old regime’s culture and values and ways to doing things. In America’s case, the new people that would enter given the chance absolutely hate everything about the current regime. They won’t get assimilated into the previous culture, rather they’ll make life so insufferable for the left overs of the previous regime that the remnants either defect or retire.

Imagine what would happen to State Department if all new entry level hires where good old boys from Georgia/Alabama/etc and all the top level appointments were also a bunch of good old boys from the South. Or in a more personalized hypothetical, imagine what would happen to a university if a new president fired all the deans, replaced them with (smart) hicks, and only hired hicks for the all new entry level positions. The hick deans would provide political cover for the hick assistant professors who mysteriously are the only ones getting promoted. Eventually the university becomes something completely different even if it’s still called a university.

Lets look at real world example of DoD (The Pentagon in particular). 1940s DoD had people like Curtis LeMay and George Patton. DoD in the 1940s was capable of indiscriminate mass killings. Today’s DoD has generals who personally travel to Afghan villages to apologize. They break down and cry in front of Afghans over accidental killings. There was a quiet regime change in the 1960s-1980s. There’s nothing that relates DoD of today to DoD of 1940 besides name and symbols. There’s another quiet regime change going on right now. Examination of KGB to FSB show much of the same level of disconnect even though FSB is thought of as just a reskinned KGB.

What we really see with regime change is:

“the consistent occurrence of aesthetics of the previous regime and bureaucracy, sometimes quite large elements, pass through the Change more or less intact.”

But those aesthetics do not reflect operational reality.

Kunning Drueger says:

All good points, and I will try to circle back and respond later, but I’m going to pull a nasty academic trick and reframe the discussion:

Benjamin’s core argument for the Liberal order persisting in some way in the new regime was predicated on the desire of the populace to retain the things they like (read: demand) from the old order. They won’t tolerate all of their rights (read: privileges) being stripped away, and the new regime will be strongly incentivized to acquiesce where necessary. Depending on how the regime change occurs, things like war weariness, personnel loses, or new geopolitical realities could effect the likelihood of this possibility. The new regime would be under pressure to bring in elements of the former regime to “consult,” and thereby keep the ghost of the regime alive. This is what happened to Trump’s regime, BTW. Indeed, this is how it works now; today’s civil servants are tomorrow’s consultants are next week’s civil servants.

There are probably other mechanisms by which bureaucracies propagate themselves through time, but this one poses an very real and substantial threat. Personally, I think a forceful paradigm shift is the best route, boldly and violently demonstrating that the new regime is completely unconcerned with whatever the dead regime was doing, and only cares about a set of narrow and deep concerns. This must be carefully balanced against the threat of accidentally spawning a parallel institution that could incidentally make the new regime redundant, but that’s probably a coup complete issue(s).

dumbassery says:

[*the shill tells us that shills always win*]

Red says:

With the J6 clown show trails failing(they stopped the hearings because it actually reduced support for the narrative) they’re probably going to make a second go at a Reichstag Fire false flag. Since the Feds still running the fake and gay “patriots front” all over the place, I’d wager they’ll use them for a mass casualty terrorist attack before the midterms. People are more likely to believe an established terrorist group rather than a brand new one no has heard of, hence why they’ve continued the operations despite everyone on the right calling them glowniggers and PF having been kicked out of any rightwing rally they try to march into.

Kunning Drueger says:

In the words of Bill Hicks: step on the fucking gas

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Looks like the act of powers that be that are desperate to keep their totem and the game of musical chairs it underlies propped up, but aren’t smart enough to really understand finance anymore. Cargo-cult economics.

Mr.P says:

$USD has been the recipient of The Great Liquidation in paper assets globally, that’s all. It’s toying now with long-term resistance, having “thrown over” resistance last week. Where $USD goes from here, who knows, probably up a little more then down hard now that Bloomberg is finally noticing and advertising what’s been obvious — $USD is rallying — for more than a year.

jim says:

People the world over are liquidating because insecurity. Seeing storms on the horizon, they want to be able to nimbly shift their assets out of the way of the storm (one of those storms causing me to lose a great deal of money). And the beneficiary is the most liquid asset of them all, the US dollar.

It abruptly became less liquid as a result of sanctions, and other assets are becoming more liquid as a result of people fleeing regulatory burden, but it still the most liquid asset in the world, and is likely to remain so for quite a while, even when its value radically and rapidly declines.

El Salvador is encountering the problems I foresaw with the lightning network – which problems are fixable due to the Bitcoin taproot upgrade, but when last I checked had not yet been fixed. It has to run on scriptless scripts implementing anonymous multi-Hop Locks, and it has to run a continual encrypted cloud backup, secured by your master password on your non cloud device.

And when last I looked, does neither of those essential and necessary things, without which Bitcoin is not yet in the necessary position to replace the US dollar. I still keep only insignificant amounts of money in the lightning network, and while I still recommend Bitcoin rather than Monaro as one of your major assets, am likely to soon move to Monaro – but Monaro is even less capable of replacing the US dollar than bitcoin.

jim says:

Bloomberg is a reliable source of bad financial advice. If they finally tell us it is rallying, the rally has likely reached the top.

Aidan says:

USD is rallying? Looks like it is cratering against everything that experiences stable demand. What is getting more expensive? People are buying the same amount of gas, milk, and cars as they always have. If USD looks like it is rallying against esoteric financial instruments, it is just voodoo to disguise the immanent collapse of the dollar.

jim says:

The US dollar is doing fine against other financial assets – which is to say, fine against my financial assets. But I think my financial assets are more likely to withstand the coming bad weather.

It is time for an assert preservation strategy, which for most people, means liquidate into US$. But, with the US$ cratering against everything that has real immediate value, such as milk and gas, I think that strategy normality bias. Which always gets you burned. At some point they are going to decide to get out of US$, and will find that any attempt to do so makes them hoarders, blackmarketeers, tax evaders, terrorists, and child pornographers.

Karl says:

At some point they are going to decide to get out of US$, and will find that any attempt to do so makes them hoarders, blackmarketeers, tax evaders, terrorists, and child pornographers.

Sure, but only those inside the USA. Most US $ are held outside of the USA.

Problem for those outside of the USA who want to get out of US $ is that they’ll need someone who wants to get into US$. Right now US $ is usefull for paying international invoices for goods produced outside of USA. That won’t last much longer. Then people will seriously want to get out of US$ and there won’t be much demand for US$ when it is only usefull for paying goods produced inside the USA.

Pooch says:

This presupposes those countries who want to exit the US Dollar can withstand US soft power and US hard power.

Russia was able to do it, but Russia has nukes.

Varna says:

India and Pakistan do too. I believe both even make their own cruise missles and sheit.

Although as this summer has shown so explicitly, we can never be too sure which parts come from where.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The impression im getting is that big time bagholders in and around the circles of power are not buying USG futures because they expect the future of USD to be bright, but because the inner party network is talking them into it (or ‘talking’ them into it), in an attempt to make it look like things are still good and normal. ‘Do it for democracy.’

jim says:

I think it may well be less conspiratorial than that. People see bad weather coming, and normality bias persuades them that the US dollar is a safe haven, and if it turns out it is not, it will be easy and not too expensive to switch into something else. Always worked before.

Karl says:

Private housholds rarely buy USG futures. That stuff is bought by people managing other people’s money, assests of a company and the like. Anyone who manages assests he does not own first and foremost wants to be sure that he can’t be blamed for what he has done. Creating losses isn’t much of a problem if almost everybody else is doing the same.

Neurotoxin says:

Via Vox Day: Russia claims it has wiped out Ukraine’s General Staff.

Day links to this Russian-langauge site https://ria.ru/20220619/kalibr-1796549325.html Here’s the passage he provides in translation:

RIA Novosti. Russian Kalibr missiles struck a command post of Ukrainian troops near the village of Shirokaya Dacha in Dnipropetrovsk Region, killing dozens of generals and officers, Defense Ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said. A working meeting of the command staff of the operational-strategic grouping of troops “Alexandria” was held there at the time, he explained.

“As a result of the strike more than 50 generals and officers of the AFU, including the General Staff, the command of the grouping of troops “Kakhovka”, airborne assault troops and formations operating in the Nikolaevsk and Zaporozhye directions were destroyed,” the general said.

Neurotoxin says:

Hmm, there’s some contesting from Ukraine about just what was hit and who was killed.

Meanwhile, also via Vox Day: UK military folks making noises about war with Russia. Holy freakin shit the entire western world is ruled by insane people. I mean we’ve all known this for years, but every now and then it hits you again:

Britain’s armed forces must be ready and willing to fight Russia in Europe, a former head of UK Special Forces warned today. [Sweet jumping Jesus.] General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, former director of Special Forces, said the UK must help Nato allies prevent giving Vladimir Putin ‘an opening’ to widen the war in Ukraine into a battle against the West.

The former senior officer’s intervention follows an extraordinary announcement by the new head of the British Army.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, who assumed overall command last week, warned soldiers at the weekend ‘we are the generation that must prepare the Army to fight in Europe once again’ as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rocks global stability.

In one of Fraser’s Flashman books – talk about politically incorrect reading, BTW – Flashman is involved in the planning of the Crimean War. Here’s Flashman’s characterization of the days after England’s declaration of war:

“Well, here we are, the French and ourselves, at war with Russia… What shall we do, then? Better attack Russia, hey? Hm, yes. (Pause.) Big place, ain’t it?”

jim says:

> Hmm, there’s some contesting from Ukraine about just what was hit and who was killed.

We have Russian propaganda and we have Ukrainian propaganda.

But, when the Russians are on target, the Ukrainians need to conceal target confirmation, so will necessarily always deny. We know the Ukrainians would, for military reasons, not just propaganda reasons, deny.

Both sides are finally starting to figure out Information Epoch warfare. War is a stern teacher, but a good one.

My examination of the propaganda of both sides suggests that Russian propaganda consists of talking up small victories, and ignoring and rationalizing away defeats and failures without explicitly denying them, while Ukrainian propaganda contains a whole lot of flat out Baghdad Bob style blatant lying.

The Russians will attack, fail, fall back in good order, and report on their great successes in keeping good order in the face of Ukrainian advance and making the advancing enemy pay a heavy price when the enemy got careless. The Ukrainians will just flat out lie barefaced.

Kunning Druegger says:

How does Russia handle big victories? It may be wise to just pretend everything is business as usual, even if they did pull off a stunning decapitation. My thinking is such that if you stay quiet about your large accomplishments, the people around you, friend and foe, build the foundation for legends with no prompting.

jim says:

Well, they really have not had any big victories. Just quite a lot of small victories, which are slowly adding up. Quite slowly.

They concentrate their attrition in one spot, and the Ukes hold, but it costs the Ukes. Then they concentrate, unpredictably, in another spot, which forces the Ukes to move reluctant and exhausted troops around. And sometimes the troops being sent to the new spot decline to go there, and sometimes, not very often, the Uke line falls apart on the new spot, and the Russians grab a decent fifty square kilometres of so of not very valuable territory full of land mines and booby traps.

Most of the city of Severodonetsk, capital of the Luhansk district, was abandoned without a fight. Most of the troops that were supposed to defend it decided it was time to take a swim across the river, having received orders that inflicted a terrible cost one time too often. The loyalist troops rounded up a bunch of civilians as hostages against the Russians, and are currently holed up in the massive reinforced concrete chemical plant, which is hard to shell to bits, and the Russians are reluctant to shell it to bits because of the hostages, and they are also reluctant to try to press an advance with hostile troops behind them that might take advantage of difficulties during the advance to stage a breakout. So they are just waiting for the troops in the factory to get hungry, which will take a while.

As victories go, well it is a significant victory. Except they still have a heavily armed nest of enemy troops with civilian hostages inside the city.

A2 says:

That last part appears to be medieval siege warfare. It even seems unlikely the besieged will sally out or otherwise try to break the siege. So bottle up the fortress, wait them out and move on with the rest in the meantime.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Even if they are overestimating the extent of the damage inflicted, the very existence of such propaganda likewise says that they are placing an emphasis on finding and exploding hostile agents responsible for organizing enemy groups in the first place.


Neurotoxin says:

Oh no! You might think that Putin’s invading Ukraine was the worst thing ever and makes him the ultimate nazifascistnazi, but it gets even worse!

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says Russian President Vladimir Putin “was very sexist” toward her during meetings.

– recent Business Insider headline.

God, these people.

Adam says:

“He didn’t give me enough attention “.

The Cominator says:

Good news.

dumbassery says:

Who, specifically, is on the UA general staff? [*tedious repetition of variants of the same question deleted*]
These are all specific questions with specific and verifiable answers.[*deluded accounts of propaganda tactics deleted*]

jim says:

The Ukrainians have sufficient, or have suddenly acquired sufficient, competence in Information Epoch warfare to make sure that no one can find the specific answers you demand. If they were verifiable, a whole lot of the Ukrainian general staff would be dead, and if the Russians know the answers, they are unlikely to reveal their knowledge, because it would instantly become useless the moment Ukrainians knew that they knew.

The questions to which you demand answers to are likely to be answered by explosions in the theater of war.

Varna says:

Footage from Melitopol, June 21st. Dude driving around, explaining some changes.
New online providers, new phone providers, new passports, new books in the central city library, local geezers can apply for a Russian pension starting July 1st.

Footage from Mariupol, June 15th. City got it bad but the worst is now hopefully behind it.

Kherson, from 1.5 months ago, freshly after its taking
Voiceover (pro-Ukr) mentions regular protests by city folks, broken up by Russian national guardsmen. Sad, but better than guerilla warfare by any measure.

Kherson, June 21st
Some lady makes vids about her city, defiantly refusing to admit a war is happening. Musing about random courtyards, cherry trees etc.

Ukrainian TV, June 17th. About the cities and towns just on the verge of possibly being taken by the Russians.

Also Slavyansk, June 20th.

In these towns, villages, and cities near the front, life is crappy. Problems with water, electricity, number of functioning ATM’s dwindling. The local mayors and governors report on what they manage to fix, what they can’t.

When you listen to the Ukrainian TV, you see and hear obvious Russians speaking obvious Russian. These places were obvious Russia for Napoleon, for Hitler, for the Cold War adversaries back in the day. You ask any cold warrior in 1984 is Kiev Russian they’ll say of course and we should nuke it.

How is all of this possible? Mindboggling.

Pooch says:

How is all of this possible? Mindboggling.

Don’t underestimate the priestly classes’ ability to meme things into existence. Have been doing it for time immemorial.

Red says:

Watergate was a CIA op against Nixon:


I think most people here knew that here since the story never passed the sniff test but it’s still good to see it documented.

The Cominator says:

Did anyone ever doubt this with the Washington Compost being so heavily involved?

Mike Thalassitis says:

Looks like I’ve finally caught corona. I remember there were comments on here talking about dosages of Ivermectin as well as some other things like Vit D. I can’t seem to find it right now, so can anyone please link me or give me a quick rundown?

I have 12mg of Ivermectin, and could probably order more to arrive in 2 days. If that’s not enough, I’m wondering the best way to split it amongst myself, wife, and kids (all under 5 years old). Wife is breastfeeding, can she take Ivermectin or not?

Albert says:

Simple instruction for Ivermectin:


jim says:

He says twice a week, but I, looking up different sources, took one slightly higher dose, once. Worked immediately for me.

I also read that its effectiveness is substantially reduced after you have been sick for four or five days, and the effect on blocking viral entry lasts a lot longer than four or five days. After a week or so, your immune system is already mopping up the offspring of viruses that attempt to replicate, but they are still safe in the nucleus of your cells causing problems. It blocks entry, after a few days, the immune system takes care of exit. But your best solution is not letting them into your cells.

jim says:

I may be a golden pure blood. Following a social function after which a lot of those who attended tested positive for Covid, I got weepy eyes, a running and partially blocked nose, mild sneezing, and a slight sore throat. I immediately took a single dose of horse paste containing 20mg Ivermectin. In two hours my symptoms were largely gone, and when I woke up in the morning, completely gone. (You have to take it immediately, so don’t wait for testing. It will have little or no effect if taken three or four days after the onset of symptoms, because the virus will have already entered the nuclei of large numbers of your cells and large amounts of spike protein will have already entered your circulation. Don’t take a second dose until at least a couple of weeks have passed. A single dose has effect that lasts for quite a while.)

I took no other medications, other than that I routinely take large amounts of vitamin D, vitamin K, and a balanced set of divalent salts including zinc, which may well have protective effect. Given the association between Covid and demon worship, the power of Christ may well also have protective effect. Though, of course, one of the mechanisms through which the power of Christ acts is that the power of Christ protects one from mind control, which results in one having horse paste in one’s fridge.

> Wife is breastfeeding, can she take Ivermectin or not?

Ivermectin is not known to be unsafe for infants, but I researched its mechanism extensively when it became apparent that it was a highly effective mechanism against the awesome might of the awesome and mighty Covid Demon.

The interesting thing is not why it is so effective against a very wide range of hostile parasites that have very little in common, but why it does not kill higher animals. It disables several cellular pathways that sound as if they should be extremely important, thus killing a strangely wide range of hostile higher organisms, and stopping viruses that make use of these pathways dead in their tracks. But why does it not harm us, or indeed most higher animals? Maybe higher organisms have other pathways that accomplish the same result by other means.

It has been around for a very long time, and is not known to be unsafe for infants, so it is probably OK.

Drien says:

What is the story on HCQ? Is that still considered good?

jim says:

HCQ good, but the evidence is that ivermectin has similar results and is more effective.

They have different mechanisms of action, so the two of them together are likely even more effective, but there is not much evidence on this.

Ivermectin does what it does so extraordinarily effectively as to render HCQ irrelevant, and neither of them is very effective unless taken as soon as possible. A week or so after infection, both of them are useless. Immediately after infection, ivermectin is immediately and totally effective, HCQ is merely very helpful.

Red says:

My brother in law felt better the next day after taking Ivermectin on his 3ed day of being sick. I personally couldn’t kick the WuFlu until I doubled up the recommended dose on day 3 after having taken the lower recommended does + zinc on the first 2 days. I felt much better just hours after the double dose and I stopped taking it. More is probably better. Though I wasn’t 100% sure I had covid the first day I felt sick.

My recovery was bit longer because I didn’t nuke the WuFlu right away. I was seeing racing heart rates for a couple of weeks so I stopped working out until that went away. A gym buddy mine caught it and had brain fog and lightheadedness for a couple of weeks after. He also stopped training until he felt more normal.

Karl says:

Here is an overview of treatments


MarkMark says:

My whole family and I also just got the China Flu last week. Unfortunately we were on a roadtrip and didn’t have Ivermectin on hand and now I assume it’s too late to take even if we could find it. We’ve moved from the fever stage to the fatigue/winded when walking around the house stage. To be frank this is getting pretty disturbing. Any advice on extricating this demon very welcome!

Varna says:

Sanatorium lifestyle for as much as possible + prayer + liquids and porridge + no forcing self to be physically active too soon + taking lots of mini-breaks + total brain and eye rest, meaning all screens. Simple positive stuff from a couple of book pages and that’s it. Lots and lots of sleep.

This is advice for all mega-flu events not just the kung flu. Swine flu 6-7 years for example ago hit some people pretty bad, some badder than covid.

Often, a crisis is an opportunity. Getting hit by a bug means also getting rekt and then building self back. If you manage the building back of self smartly, the new built back self may actually be a bit better than the pre-rekt one.

jim says:

Fatigued and winded indicates massive blood coagulation. You need the D dimer test, and you need your blood examined under a microscope.

Covid and vaccination produces huge numbers of tiny blood clots, which can slowly aggregate into massive blood very low density blood clots, that can kill you when exercising. The tiny blood clots, of course cannot be detected by MRI, and the massive blood clots, being generally low density, are very hard to spot on MRI. Also, they are not that common, though they are probably the primary cause of the supposedly mysterious outbreak of sudden adult death syndrome.

If D Dimer test shows alarming levels of blood clotting, doctors are likely to try to push you into getting MRI. Don’t. This indicates the doctor is hostile, since the primary purpose is denial. MRI shows negative, therefore, the medical profession proclaims, the other tests were false positives. Obviously if a microscope shows large numbers of tiny clots, you are in big trouble, and if the doctor wants an MRI, it is because acknowledging your trouble is likely to get him in trouble.

A doctor can lose his license, because noticing blood clotting is “unnecessarily creating patient anxiety”, therefore is medical malpractice. They are really cracking down very hard on noticing or acknowledging this problem.

The MRI is just to deny something the state and medical profession wants very hard to deny.

It seems plausible that anti coagulants can cure it, but there is extreme reluctance by the medical establishment to investigate, because the investigation would implicate them in enormous crimes.

Aspirin is moderately safe anti coagulant. Take regular doses of aspirin at the maximum safe level for prolonged use. Vitamin K antagonist anti coagulents are more potent, but only available on prescription because potentially quite dangerous.

You will not get any immediate relief from aspirin, because it will take a while for your red blood cells to regenerate, and for the microscopic clots to be cleaned up out of your circulation.

jim says:

Aspirin will not have any immediate effect on your fatigue, but in theory it should facilitate recover over time as your red blood cells regenerate. A lot of females have low iron, which slows red blood cell regeneration, but this problem is rare in males, who usually suffer from excess iron.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Nicotine and alcohol help with recovery, as well, correct? I seem to remember those being touted as helpful in degrading the spike protein, which stays after the virus proper is gone. Some moderate alcohol intake and either smoking cigars or nicotine pouches might help. Unfortunately I cannot make personal recommendations because when I supposedly got covid I was back in action in just a few days without doing anything but eating well and sleeping.

Kunning Drueger says:

My family can’t figure out if we’ve gotten the coof or not during this whole fiasco. We’re all purebloods (the ones I own) but the greater cluster is vaxx’d, and they’ve all been kissed by the demon at least twice.

Guy says:

My family finally got it a few weeks ago, only know because my son was running a fever and got him tested for everything. I actually got sick, which hasn’t happened in many years. Got very feverish, lasted a day and a half, felt crappy the rest of the week.

I was shocked by how sick I got for that day and a half, and can imagine the weak and old dying from it. But all in all it wasn’t worse than the fIus I remember getting as a young kid.

The Cominator says:

Nicotine blocks the ACE2 receptor which at least limits vax damage from the spike protein…

I do not know how alcohol is supposed to help.

Ctsaxton says:

Aspirin disables platelets (which have a ~7 day lifespan and ~1day half-life iirc), mildly preventing clots. Nattokinase is a fibrolytic that acts on multiple pathways and strongly dissolves clots. Much better safety profile (otc, no common side effects) than e.g. warfarin.

Anecdotally, I used to have ‘clot-like’ symptoms, especially after traveling and especially after eating sugar/gluten. Strange traveling pains in limbs, often moving to chest/head/stomach. Aspirin helped a little, maybe. 100mg Nattokinase would completely resolve symptoms. After 6 months of regularly taking nattokinase, symptoms faded, only coming back occasionally after a long flight.

I recommend it to covid patients in particular. Fibrolytic effect is said to peak ~12 hours after ingestion.

Tech Priest says:

Vitamin D does rather better in observational studies than in RCTs. One possible reason for this is that sunlight may be strongly beneficial through some mechanism other than making vitamin D, but the vitamin D is showing benefit in the observational studies as a proxy for sunlight exposure. In which case getting some sun exposure would be a good idea.

A2 says:

Our Star Prophet Elon Musk (praised be) divests the LGBT department of Tesla.


Casualties among the perverts include one “senior software engineer in charge of naming conventions in Tesla’s vehicle UI team”. Rocky times ahead for Tesla, one supposes.

Mister Grumpus says:

I can’t even tell if it was a real SpaceX “department”, or just volunteers trying to meme their commissarhood into existence.

jim says:

“Senior Engineer in charge of naming conventions” is means “not an engineer, and probably incapable of doing engineering, but assigned an engineering job title for political reasons”

Kunning Drueger says:

Re-floating this topic from down thread. These are some thoughts on the petroleum industry in particular and nuance and detailed understanding in general.

The opacity of unfamiliar entities

Oil industry isn’t monolithic

Entertainment is not Hollywood

Serious people must discard easy assumptions and accept the ubiquity of nuance.

If anyone can provide insight from first hand experience or familiarity with the petroleum industry, don’t hesitate to smack me down and call me stupid; I always appreciate gaining perspective and resolution. My experience with the industry comes from an outsider perspective. I’ve spent time in oil country in TX and interacted with a few mid-level engineer types. I’ve also read a lot of Zeihan, and petro-chemichal is something he focuses on.

We often only hear about the super majors and conglomerates, but the industry is actually a massive ecosystem with companies and firms of diverse size. The fracking revolution stems from silicon valley teaming up with technical/engineering schools paid for by venture capital and oil companies. Lots of different, highly specialized software, complicated and secret technologies, and commercially intersectional interests go into the extraction process. If you count all the associated parts, it’s almost a nation into itself. For instance, Halliburton specialized in the boring, unsexy infrastructure and logistics of the industry, like cafeteria workers and janitors as well as transport and maintenance, which is why they got bought by KBR and why they were basically the only company who could even try to fulfill the contracts established by USG in Iraq. The point being, it isn’t a monolithic entity. There’s probably just as much ideological diversity, competing interest, and conflicting goals as a whole State. And like a State, there are security and intelligence outfits all over the place, from site security (mall cops) to CSuite executive protection to green beret style “force multipliers” and special forces.

I wate all these words in an effort to admonish my fellow posters: don’t fall into the trap of letting ignorance of a thing generate a low resolution, high contrast mental model. It is exceedingly rare for any social construct, like companies or cities or nonprofits or trade lobbies, to be monolithic in composition or purpose. That’s TV bullshit. Speaking of TV, it really grinds my gears when fellow conservatives reference “Hollywood” in the same way the reference the State Department or the DNC. While those two definitely have substantial unity of purpose, this is an emergent property that arises from the Cathedral apparatus chugging away for decades. In truth, Hollywood is only one facet of the hydra that is commercial entertainment. The studio system is big and influential, but if you dig down and get familiar, just like every other element of the GAE, it’s a multitude of factions, cults of personality, and self serving shekel snatchers. They may signal the same message when forced to, but it actually requires the hardcore priests to put in massive effort to keep everyone “on message.”

I’m not trying to advocate for, rationalize away, or justify the industrialized evil that is entertainment, or governance, or anything else in our late stage empire. But I implore you to look close and expect nuance, because opportunities, exploits, and fault lines abound, and the potential for disruption is surprisingly high, and getting higher as the woke minority grows ever more rabid and reckless.

Anonymous Fake says:

The fracking revolution effect has never been seen anywhere else. America is unique for being a major oil producing nation stretched across a continent that rejuvenated and in fact enhanced its oil production generations after its peak. For any other big player, when they hit peak oil it’s all over.

I doubt technology made any difference because it would work anywhere, and hasn’t. The more likely explanation is that American boomers really were a dud generation, and later generations really are an improvement. The boomer phenomenon isn’t seen outside of America so there is no inexplicable industrial recovery waiting to be seen.

This is more evidence that more value added industries actually are being held back by the government, mostly as a result of a lack of tariffs and lax regulations that reward stock buybacks instead of long term capital investment.

jim says:

Fracking has been completely effective anywhere and everywhere the world with a high IQ population, many high IQ tech firms in the oil industry – often firms that are in multiple high tech fields unrelated to oil, and a government that is not aggressively trying to strangle fracking in its cradle.

High technology cannot be implemented by anyone anywhere, because it requires high smarts and high cooperation between smarties. You are speaking out of priestly ignorance, contempt, and hostility for the high tech priesthood.

Because fracking requires a lot of money, it is extremely vulnerable to government sponsored attacks from the officially unofficial state Church, which is hostile to it because they see a competing priesthood, a tech priesthood, getting rich.

Pooch says:

Because fracking requires a lot of money, it is extremely vulnerable to government sponsored attacks from the officially unofficial state Church, which is hostile to it because they see a competing priesthood, a tech priesthood, getting rich.

In my class dichotomy, tech and engineering is thoroughly Warrior class. Problem solving, building things with your hands, the physical world, strategizing, etc this is all the domain of the warrior. An engineer is Warrior mindset sans the violence. It’s no coincidence that farming has been the historical peace time activity of the warrior. It’s the same mindset.

Priests build memes and ideas and never actually tangible in the physical world. So to me when the state Church attacks fracking this is the priest class attacking the warrior class.

jim says:

Priests of the officially unofficial religion see us as competition, and their perception is not entirely inaccurate.

Stallman’s build tools and environment (gnu), Linus’s git, and Moldbug’s Urbit, are all software instruments for a social vision. Those tech tools are the product of tech priests.

An engineer who is just wrestling with code and algorithms, definitely akin to warrior class. But algorithms blur over into factoring the problem, which meets the issue of large scale cooperation through discussion, which is definitely a priestly endeavor. Notable tech priests are or were Richard Stallman and Linus.

People had been farting around for a long time on the problem of creating a free open source unix. It is often said that Linus created Linux. Lots of people created Linux, notably Stallman, but what Stallman created was held back by reliance on enemy source control tools and enemy controlled kernels. What Linus created was git, an instrument of cooperation between engineers, and the system of social organization for using it, which instrument he applied to cause a lot of engineers working at cross purposes to work together to create linux.

Linus saw that gnu needed its own kernel, and was working on it, among others, when he realized that enemy controlled source control tools were getting in the way of those trying to create an open source kernel on which to run Gnu tools. And he then created git, and everything came together.

Unfortunately this instrument is extremely vulnerable to hostile power, and both Linus and Stalman were recently defeated as priests. It presupposes a friendly well intentioned internet. Under attack, it fails in a wide variety of ways. We need will need to build a new git on top of a new social net. I have already envisaged the model for cooperation using it, but my social net is just a radically incomplete collection of tools, and fairly complete collection of ideas. I hope to whip into shape where it runs enough for another people to help out fairly soon – which is well short of running enough to be useful to the masses. Moldbug is another tech priest, and he is way further ahead with his implementation for a social net than I am (Urbit). But his social net is very much designed to be less threatening to power, and he is attempting to cooperate with hostile forces (Ethereum), which attempt has induced an irritating flaw. He should have inhoused the money system, or bitcoin based it, or any non scam coin except ethereum.

In the world of the internet, like the world of fracking, the problems of technology and of large scale cooperation overlap massively. And priests of the official priesthood don’t much like our solutions.

We need an instrument of cooperation, social, algorithmic, and instantiated as computer code that not only helps friendly smart cooperative people cooperate, but enables them to cooperate in the face of cohesive enemy groups that do not want them to be able to cooperate, with whom any attempt at compromise, cooperation, and a mode of living where each group is able to go about it is own business, is unlikely to succeed. An instrument of cooperation capable of operating in a state of Information Epoch warfare.

Mike in Boston says:

Moldbug is another tech priest, and he is way further ahead with his implementation for a social net than I am (Urbit).

I doubt whether Yarvin has any more involvement with urbit. Back in early 2019 he wrote:

After 17 years, I’ve left the Urbit project.

I’ve resigned as CTO, board member, and voting shareholder of Tlon (Urbit’s corporate sponsor). I’ve also reassigned my personal galaxies to urbit.org (Urbit’s embryonic foundation, still in Tlon’s custody).

My family still has a few thousand Urbit stars (in long timelock contracts), plus a nonvoting minority in Tlon. This isn’t authority, just compensation: I have zero central power over either Urbit or Tlon. Nor will I contribute code to Urbit, nor write nor speak publicly about it. I am actually done here.

So in my mind I don’t consider Urbit an asset for our side anymore, and that made me lose interest in constantly nursemaiding an Urbit node through the neverending cycle of crashes and upgrades.

jim says:

When you need a great many people cooperating to do something, it is apt to turn into a priestly and religious endeavor. The priestly nature of Stallman’s gnu and gnu autotools is obvious. Autotools attempts to address the social problem that Linus, linux, and git successfully addressed, but it was predicated on running on a hostile closed source operating system and hostile closed source source control software. Which closed source source control software bit Linus, so he wrote his own, structured around his priestly social vision, while Stallman and company allowed the social vision of the enemy source control software to be imposed upon them.

Pooch says:

Communication is definitely the domain of the priest but in the context of building and abstracting a shared morality for a given society. What is the morality of the tech priest? If no shared morality, not a priesthood.

Adam says:

As far as open source- “Information wants to be free”.

jim says:

Stallman used to rather regularly give us lectures on morality, though as woke became increasingly vigilant, he shut up.

test says:

Not every guy with opinions is a “priest”. Stop abusing that word.

Tech people and engineers are neither “priests” nor “warriors”. They are bourgeois. Or “merchants” if you like that better.

jim says:

Every knowledge faction that generates consensus in order to make its memes more believable, functions as a synthetic tribe, and organizes to propagate its memes, is a priesthood.

Every knowledge worker who is trying create a systematic structure of people on his memes, a synthetic tribe, even if he has not got a decent faction around him yet, is a priest.

Linus did not create linux. He created structures, customs, and ways of doing things that enabled a very large group of people to cooperate to create linux. So, Linus is an engineer priest, as a paladin is a warrior priest.

Pax Imperialis says:

There’s just so much obviously wrong in so little writing I’ve got to congratulate you for succinctness. I would certainly benefit from succinctness.

“The fracking revolution effect has never been seen anywhere else.”

It almost as if there is a massive political organization built on preventing oil production in the west. The Greens do quite well politically in Europe.

Many oil producing countries are also capable of fracking. They also have large traditional oil reserves so why retool to fracking?

“America is unique for being a major oil producing nation stretched across a continent that rejuvenated and in fact enhanced its oil production generations after its peak.”

Does Russia ring a bell?

“For any other big player, when they hit peak oil it’s all over.”

Potential oil and gas from fracking likely exceeds what was available from traditional oil drilling.

“I doubt technology made any difference because it would work anywhere, and hasn’t.”

You are conflating the technology not being used with the idea that the technology does not work. That like saying “I doubt nuclear bomb technology made any difference because it would be used in all wars, and hasn’t.”

“The more likely explanation is that American boomers really were a dud generation”

Sure… there’s an argument to be made there

“, and later generations really are an improvement.”

But that is plain ridiculous. Not even the boomers decided to castrate their boys. That’s on millennials and zoomer generation.

“The boomer phenomenon isn’t seen outside of America”

Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, etc look and behave just like American boomer politicians. Boomer culture got exported post WW2 via Hollywood and US occupation. Boomer phenomenon is global. Cola is global.

“there is no inexplicable industrial recovery waiting to be seen.”

True not because there aren’t any boomers. True because of the boomers and the woke children they raised who are against industrial recovery.

“This is more evidence that more value added industries actually are being held back by the government”

Governments explicitly say they are holding back industries

“mostly as a result of a lack of tariffs and lax regulations that reward stock buybacks instead of long term capital investment.”

Forget tariffs if you can’t even do business in the first place. It’s the government regulations that prevent many business from operating in the US in the first place. The endless shakedowns. The endless environmental impact surveys. The never ending undermining of companies via HR and unions backed by government. The high corporate tax rates. Does any of that look like lax regulation?

Why should companies invest for the long term if they don’t even know if the government will permit them to exist 10 years from now? Might as well get everything of value you can in the short run.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Government is holding business back-


>-because they’re not Micromanaging it enough!

Lol, there it is.

Pax Imperialis says:

Recognizing and studying nuance is important for understanding how the world works. There is academic and business value in that. The political value is fuzzy for several reasons.

Good governance requires decision capable individuals calling the shots in an orderly and timely manor. Getting caught up in nuance slows the OODA loop. That can be a good thing, we want our justice system to fairly consider nuances and not get caught up in manias and public frenzies. We also don’t want our justice system considering nuances to such an extent that it takes decades to come to a ruling. The rejection of nuance we see today is largely in reaction to too much nuance being considered. A good example of this is the transsexual debate where all of society is being torn up over a population that in reality is very small such that most transsexuals are not actually genetically transsexuals, but are confused individuals caught up in the social frenzy.

The masses are not capable of nuance. Governance must take that into consideration. The world might be full of gray zones and indeterminate realities, average human psychology is largely not. The percentage of the population that is capable of swimming between black and white, 1 and 0, is already small. The percentage of those comfortable with swimming in the gray zone is even smaller.

Conservatives will either destroy Hollywood and salt the ground, or they will not. There is no in-between for political actions of that magnitude. Trying to surgically cut out the malignant parts of Hollywood would take too much time, would likely kill Hollywood anyways, and would give time for Hollywood to politically resists the entire process which would likely mean an end to the surgery. See what happened when USG tried to surgically remove the communists from Hollywood. It failed.

There is a way of “retaining” Hollywood without destroying it via a complete hostile take over. All the studio directors would have to be removed and replaced with conservatives. All new hires from the cameraman to the writers have to be conservatives. But that basically kills Hollywood anyways, but gives an illusion that it still exists and thus a sense of legitimacy. It’s also far more costly than simply razing Hollywood to the ground and starting over. Both methods have merit.

Serious people must discard easy assumptions and accept the ubiquity of nuance, but they must also promote easy assumptions and deny the ubiquity of nuance when it comes to politics.

Kunning Drueger says:

I reeeally wish Jimscord (Jim+discord) was a thing, because I want to debate/discuss with you over VC.

Don’t hear what I’m not saying. I pray GNON makes me the knife that guts Hollywood. Further, nuance is not an excuse for inaction. You and I are in a trench, waves of Brits and Frogs are charging us. Pooch is banging away on the air cooled while Com feeds him belts. Wulfgar is doing something with a sword while St. John is poking holes in Progressive molds with a rifle like lightning lifted from storms of Old. You pause to work the bolt and notice me, staring fixedly over my sights of iron, finger pad on trigger, pressing not pulling, but not firing.

“What the fuck, faggot.” You say.

“Shhh.” i whisper “I’m aiming for his freckle.”

Seeking nuance when action is obvious is an eternally spinning wheel in a muddy rut of its own making. All this to say: Yes.

You’re right, no need for nuance when you know the enemy. But assuming that a thing is just a Thing, no more, no less, when the thing is Things, things upon things, is a mistake. It makes allies look like enemies. It makes opportunities seem like obstacles.

“Stop shitting via keyboard!” cries Oliver Cromwell (I miss you dude; you were right, I’m a fraud)

Ok, the point. If ever we were going to find allies, natural allies, men of strength and skill and Chadness, guys with wives and lives and kids, men who’ll take King’s coin, it’s in Petrochemical. It’s a world of mobile stationary bandits. Woke can’t infiltrate oil fields (though it tries, Lord, it tries), and never once was nigger found on barren lands where derricks pound. I used to think that Restoration slept sound in barracks and the parade ground. I was wrong, no offense and I’m sorry, but the uniform has turned to Alpha’s folly.

Look, why is capitalism always right? Why does the eternal unicorn, that indomitable incarnation of applied application, always return?



Selfishness made selfless with no tricks or deceit. Make greed the gasoline of the IC engine in our coup. Honestly, I’m pretty sure climatehoax was built precisely because Extraction was the only beast the Cathedral can’t slay. The path to Restoration lies in Extraction. I know the destination, and I think this is the way. But enough tipsy typing.

What do you say?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What exactly would I be doing with a sword? I am curious what your mental model of me looks like. Though if I ever doubt myself, I will remind myself to be the Wulfgar from your posts.

Kunning Drueger says:

I often picture you as that Limey on DDay that went ashore with a Claymore. It just seems like a Wulfgar kind of thing to do. In this particular fever dream, you were on the lip of the trench, like a damnfool, screaming something about the inferior spirit of Entente bullets.

Pax Imperialis says:

A Jimscord would be extremely interesting… and dangerous.

Regular Discord is a goldmine. If you know what to look for and how to recognize certain speech patterns/linguistic cues, you can fairly regularly find leftists with likely proximity to the Cathedral.

Considering how Discord records everything, deletes nothing, likely sends that data to Chinese intelligence via the TenCent financing, is it any wonder why Chinese espionage in America is so much more successful than American attempts in China? All that Discord shit is being data mined. Trump had the wrong primary target with TikTok.

Tangent aside…

Restoration is a multistage process. The military will have a role in it. Not an immediately direct role. The military is a behemoth that punches hard but not without orders that are seen as legitimate.

A populist revolt, as described by Yarvin in what Trump should have done, used for regime change isn’t going to be full of uniformed men in the streets. What we will likely see is more aligned the petroleum man you speak of. Truckers are fairly similar. Veterans open up indirect military participation and give organization to the mob. All of that sort of happened organically on Jan 6 and then went nowhere because Trump was only dipping toes into the Rubicon.

Those are some of the types of people that would be used to get the ball rolling, but then what? Is the king going to deputize every single Trucker and Petroleum man out there? Are they going to be the ones to stack up on doors to kick them in? Sort of need trucking and oil to keep things running.

The allies you are looking for are the ones that create the sense that the King is legitimate and is thus the King is capable of giving the military orders that are also seen as legitimate.

Restoration pose at least the following issues:

1) How to enact regime change with a sense of legitimacy (The more the better)
That is what you appear to be focused on. Also much of what Yarvin writes on. Failure at this looks like a Beer Hall Putsch
2) How to establish order in the streets (and wider society) right after regime change
This is a question of martial force. Something I’m most curious about… because if it’s successful it will be the most gratifying/fun part of a restoration… or if it fails a lot of Officers are likely going to get the have the Katyn experience. I’m not too keen on decomposing in the woods. Provided there are no mass purges failure at this point looks like that Kapp Putsch
3)Cleaning house in the wider government
Also a question of martial force (because many will not willing enter retirement on good terms even with a good retirement package). Failure at this would look like Trump’s first term or Julius Caesars meeting Brutus in the Senate. Not a fun time for either. Quite pointed actually.
4)Building the new institutions
Failing at this point and you’re… ahem… literally Sulla

1 and 2 have to be done quickly in succession. The faster the better otherwise legitimacy gets questioned. Smash small problem in the bud with overwhelming force (National Guard/USMC) before they grow into larger problems. Remarkable how easily riots dissipate when shooting the rioters is permitted. If you can’t quickly transition from 1 to 2, you got problems… see Kapp Putsch

3 can take a little more time but is still time sensitive. A more polite form of martial force (Police/Marshals/etc) is best.

4 is where you’ll want nuance, take time, and to bring in academics like Hoppe and such for the reconstruction.

But going back to the petroleum men you bring up. You are describing the American Kulak. Construction workers, car and steel factory workers, miners, etc. Relatively well paid blue collard physical labor workers… but low status even if they form the heart and soul of the nation. All practically extraction jobs. Essential for get from 0 to 1. They ideally go home afterward 1.

C4ssidy says:

Off topic for post but on topic for blog: PCgamer claimed two months ago that 25 exabyte read-only diamond wafer hard disks are to be commercialised next year, breaking us out of data storage stagnation. Would this moreorless fix the scalability of crypto, by simply having more and bigger blocks and longer chains stored on endless stacks of 25 exabyte diamond wafers?

Cloudswrest says:

Sounds dubious to me.

Cloudswrest says:

This got me poking around. Seems the state of the art is further along than I was aware.

Solid all diamond ring cut from a single, man made, diamond wafer.


Cloudswrest says:
jim says:

The underlying technology is that you cut off a slice of a single large non crystal diamond at angle such that there is match between the diamond lattice and the non diamond crystal lattice, and then grow nanondiamonds on the surface, whose lattices align to match each other, forming a single large diamond that is a millimetre or so thick, but very wide.

This makes diamond transistors, which are enormously more capable, and can run far faster at far higher temperature than silicon transistors, possible.

But last I heard, no one was actually making diamond transistors yet. They are hoping they will soon be able to, but wafers are only the first step in the process. A lot of work is being done on it. A lot of interesting results have been achieved. But so far, nothing actually useful. Just steps in the direction of producing something useful.

The Cominator says:

“The underlying technology is that you cut off a slice of a single large non crystal diamond at angle such that there is match between the diamond lattice and the non diamond crystal lattice, and then grow nanondiamonds on the surface, whose lattices align to match each other, forming a single large diamond that is a millimetre or so thick, but very wide.”

My IQ only puts me on the cusp between midwit and actual smart person (high 120s low 130s and I was younger) so forgive me if this inquiry sounds stupid but… a transitor is normally semiconductor which uses two types of silicon both with different microscopic or nanoscopic impurities (I think they also have a “neutral” silicon region which may or may not be pure silicon this is not really explained that I’ve been able to find)… how do you make a diamond (an item of pure carbon) a semiconductor. Or are these really semidiamonds?

And as per memory storage is it just better transistors or are they trying to use the optical properties of a diamond to enhance memory storage… if trying to use a diamonds optical properties the diamond would need to be flawless and with absolutely perfect rotational symmetry correct?

jim says:

He is nuts.

In principle, diamond is capable of immensely dense data storage, but no one has any idea how to actually do it. It is like Jules Verne proposing to get to the moon by being shot out of a very powerful canon.

Cloudswrest says:

Indeed. Long before I would expect to see things like “25 exabyte read-only diamond wafer hard disks” I would expect to see little things commercialized like “discrete diamond transistors” and “diamond op amps”.

Frank Matters says:

Scaling issues are more due to communication and processing bandwidth than memory. At any given consensus layer every byte has to be known by every validator/block producer in order to validate the state transition. That’s why everyone is trying to shard the state, so at top you are validating the validation of the layer down, until you are at the client level and you are validating transactions themselves, and all incoming transactions are not bottlenecked by the processing power of a single node.

Kunning Drueger says:

How would you build an analog blockchain thingamanigger? Like, how many Chinamen reading how many 3×5 cards containing math problems using how many pencils & notepads? A human blockchain operation might be better than UBI, guys. We’ve got the real estate, we’ve got the geography, we’ve got plenty of Chinamen. We could use Indians to checkwork the chinks’ chonk-chunks, then have lady Vietgooks glue the pages together so Mexican couriers could race them to the miners. Also, is this set up Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, or Proof that I don’t deserve to post on this blog?

Pete says:

The Regime is calling their shot in advance: https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1539350886702624768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1539350886702624768%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

“There will be another pandemic.” Which likely means we’ll be back in masks and lockdowns by October.

Fireball says:

I am going to bet that the next flu season is going to be pretty nasty specially in some parts of the world.

Pooch says:

Very powerful video…


Mister Grumpus says:

I don’t get it. Can you translate it for me/us?

Pooch says:

Dunno…made me LOL. Massive amounts of irony.

Mr.P says:

“I see you. I see everyfreakin’oneofyou” so-called conservative opponents of the Left. “I see you and see through you, reject and renounce you, hate and spit on” your myriad shape-shifting contortions of cuck, cope, and betrayal.

Kunning Drueger says:

This guy is pretty cringe. His Donut Theory is definitely interesting, but his other videos and his comment haunting makes him seem insufferable. I could be biased against him for being a snooty leftist, I admit.

Pooch says:

He has a higher IQ than most channels you’ll find and his takes are definitely interesting.

I wouldn’t call him a leftist though in the sense that we label leftists. He essentially says all civilization is inherently leftist so his “Deep Left” is a form of civilizational advancement without the degenerate lying mainstream left of today. Not exactly sure I agree with everything he says but he brings up fascinating points.

Mister Grumpus says:

Jim doesn’t run a hugbox, but I need some perspective here.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and the USA-Canada is looking like one big Cambodia to me.

A leftist singularity, cheered on by Harvard, firewalled within geographic isolation.

A ruling class/regime, and then general population, purged of anyone smart enough to understand what’s going wrong and why.

Useful to outside powers as a farm only, pretty much, while the population starves on fake news.

No one to march in (like Vietnam in the analogy) and say “All right you guys. That’s enough. Knock it off.”

Maybe that’s where I’m wrong, if I am wrong: There IS someone to march in and take over: Limb-Chopping Volcano-Worshipping 75-IQ Central America. Emperor MS13. Yay.

Another wrinkle in the analogy is that Cambodia wasn’t a military threat to anyone else, while the US still is, on paper anyway, but once Shaniqua finishes metabolizing the Navy, well not so much. But then again, what finally triggered the Vietnamese (as a proxy for China?) invasion of Cambodia was the Cambodian incursion into Vietnam to genocide some fleeing Cambodians.

So without that last twitch of aggression against Vietnam, thus triggering the Vietnamese coming in to finish off of its own regime, Cambodia may have had no one left alive at all. “Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill” indeed.


Ex says:

America is some fifty times the size of Cambodia, with larger distances from Harvard, fewer tigers in the backwoods, more guns, more smart people, and better internet access. While nobody could simply march in by land, there’s a lot of states who might like both the prestige and the resources available.

Contaminated NEET says:

Nowhere is bigger than Russia, and the commies racked up some very respectable numbers there.

jim says:

Good point. Russia is also considerably more heterogeneous than the USA.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

US ground forces are a paper tiger

alf says:

I no longer believe in a Cambodia style leftist singularity of infinite leftism in finite time. I believe the progs would do it if they could, but I don’t think they can. Not enough masculinity left among their ranks. They’ll wreck everything else — energy grids, industry, agriculture, that sort of stuff. But they lack the power to pull off true revolutionary matters. It’s not 1900 AD Russia, it’s 200 AD Rome.

I think that goes for Europe as well as America, but I’d feel even better about America considering they have lots of guns.

Pooch says:

It’s not 1900 AD Russia, it’s 200 AD Rome.

I think that goes for Europe as well as America, but I’d feel even better about America considering they have lots of guns.

Yes this is where I’m at as well, although I still think we are in the first century BC of the late Roman Republic albeit with a slave post-industrial market economy instead of a slave agrarian market economy so certain degenerate values are necessarily sped up in the anti-natalist cycle (gay, trans, etc).

The triumvirate of Caesar/Crassus/Pompey symbolized the return of warrior class rule over the combined priestly/merchant oligarchical class rule of Rome and I believe the day is coming for warrior class rule to return to the American Empire.

Trump looks like the beginning of that shift (although he himself is not a warrior), in the way Gracchus represented the beginning of that shift.

Europe does not seem like it has many warriors left, but America surely does so warrior rule must necessarily originate in America.

ExileStyle says:

Europe does not seem like it has many warriors left, but America surely does so warrior rule must necessarily originate in America.

Europe is diverging more clearly and resolutely than ever from America. Europe has no warriors of any persuasion left, and its only real remaining political issue is migration, which is to say the defense (or wilful negation) of its native cultures.

That includes defense from American culture, which (western) Europeans find more and more alien and threatening with time, second really only to Muslim culture. You can see this in blatantly foreign religious phenomena like BLM parades in European capital cities where there are no ex-slave “Blacks,” or how English words like “Pride” or “Queer” or “Trans” are imported curiously untranslated directly into native languages.

People who know how to read see exactly where this is coming from: the same place the latest iPhone model is coming from. The influence of America on all things Weird and Disgusting is palpable, and left and right both are beginning to react to it with their own counter-disgust mechanisms. Anti-Americanism is the only thing left and right share.

The difference between Europe and America is more extreme now than it has been in generations or centuries, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. There will be no native left singularity in Europe. It will only happen if imposed upon it by America.

America is and always has been a land of radicals and absolutists, whereas Europe since WWII has become a rump continent of complacent, comfortable Social Democrats. How they will land in relation to each other over the course of history is unpredictable, but likely has more to do with the fate of America and its choices than anything lazy, complacent Europe will do. Europe is inert and predictable and its future almost mathematically measurable; America still has the choice between Imperial Harvardism or Real Reaction, and likely nothing in between. If America chooses the former, they enter the left singularity and the future belongs (again) to Europe; if the latter, a millennium of Real American Empire.

The ball, in short, is in America’s court. Will be interesting to watch unfold.

Pooch says:

Anti-Americanism is the only thing left and right share.

The problem here is that the masses don’t matter. The non-American Western elite seem more Pro-Americanism than America itself.

Europe is inert and predictable and its future almost mathematically measurable; America still has the choice between Imperial Harvardism or Real Reaction, and likely nothing in between. If America chooses the former, they enter the left singularity and the future belongs (again) to Europe; if the latter, a millennium of Real American Empire.

The ball, in short, is in America’s court. Will be interesting to watch unfold.

Indeed. Very hard to predict.

When Caesar took power in Italy, the elite fled to the Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire and used that as their base of operations to conduct the Civil War against Caesar.

I could see something similar happen, where if a real Populist uprising were to happen in the US in the way that the American elite fear so deeply, that they would flee to Europe being welcomed in open arms by the European elite and you could see a Civil War of the West conducted that way.

ExileStyle says:

Yes, certain Western vs. Eastern Empire parallels do seem meaningful and translatable in this case. I can envision a sort of fossilized Byzantine perma-Empire in Europe persisting while chaos – if a vital chaos – plays itself out in America, generating a meaningful organizing energy for future global political constellations.

That said, I do think the EU zone has its own explicitly self-serving plans for the near- to mid-term future. The EU is not *quite* as subjugated to GAE as Eastern was to Western Rome, and Rome of course did not have a Russia (let alone a Russia-China alliance) breathing down its neck either.

The Eurozone powers have plans to assert themselves definitively in an American power vacuum, and are presently playing a quiet, early-stage Great Powers game with the US. (The whole WEF thing has a lot to do with this btw – cf. the origins of Schwab’s project with the idea of the Euro as a competing currency; WEF was formed almost immediately after end of Bretton Woods/start of Petrodollar, and with the USD in mind). This makes the situation more precarious and competitive than the Roman analogy.

It remains true that EU and US elites have more in common with each other than with their respective native peoples, but there is a level of serious competition between them that surpasses previous parallels, and could portend a serious competition of powers in future.

Pooch says:

The Eurozone powers have plans to assert themselves definitively in an American power vacuum, and are presently playing a quiet, early-stage Great Powers game with the US.

This presupposes that the US no longer has military assets in Europe (which today is a fairly large military presence at that).

For as long as America has troops in Europe, Europe is not sovereign which does parallel the span of the Roman provinces.

The US may be content to fight Russia at the frontier with Ukrainians, but I tend to think that any incursion of Russia into Europe proper itself, and particularly Western Europe, would provoke the deployment of actual American units. This is territory I imagine the elite would be inclined to contest strongly with the full might of the USM.

Without American troops in Europe, friendly relations with Russia seems to be the obvious realignment for Europe given their reliance on Russian natural resources.

Mister Grumpus says:

Saigon yesteryear, Kabul yesterday, Ramstein tomorrow?

ExileStyle says:

Without American troops in Europe, friendly relations with Russia seems to be the obvious realignment for Europe given their reliance on Russian natural resources.

Without American troops, Europe probably reverts to centuries-old pre-WWII dynamics, which generally pit far western Europe against big-middle-block Germany, who always wants to buddy up with Russia in a land-power alliance which, sadly, proves unacceptable to everyone else on the continent.

We see the power of that simple geography right now even, in Germany’s slow and reluctant embrace of the sanctions bullshit when they’d much rather just get their natural gas and make their cars and medical equipment and whatever and let the rest of the world play their power games. They’ve been dragging their feet openly through the whole Ukraine thing.

A Russia–Germany alliance is what Europe as a whole has been fighting against since the 17th century at the latest…

But yeah, I think you’re generally right. Just never underestimate Germany’s fundamental lack of motivation to go along with the world’s plan, how they’re torn between the West and Russia and always have been…

Kunning Drueger says:

I know it is fantastical in the extreme, but a Polish-Germanic Commonwealth allied with a Restored Russian Empire would be the building block of the Astral Imperium of Man. I’d be happy to live in a balkanized CONUS that is envassaled to either power, forming a Janissarial protectorate. America is better as chunks than a monolith, and we aren’t built to be the governance structure of a Confederation of Terra. Better to be the warrior class of the Sol System, and let the Germanics and Slavs deal with the astral monarchy.

Equally phantasmagorical, I can easily envision the Pacific Coast becoming a Chinese frontier, supplying white bodies and brains to the pseudoHan, while the Atlantic Coast becomes the Eastern Empire and lasts ~1000 years.

The most optimistic situation would be a full Restoration of the whole Republic to a neoMonarchy. Less optimal but still awesome would be a balkanized US becoming a patchwork Confederation, uniting only to confront invaders. Even less optimistic, but starting to seem more likely is a CONUS divided between Russia and China after the internecine violence abates.

If white Christians can weather whatever storm comes to the earth, there’s definitely a place for them in the future, but that’s starting to feel like a pretty big If.

Pooch says:

The American military defeats China and/or Russia right now in battle.

Until I see actual evidence to the contrary, I’m not changing my opinion of that.

Afghanistan, like Vietnam, was not American soldiers losing in battle. It was simply the American military testing memes and weapons and then deciding to end the military adventure.

The culture of Rome was horribly corrupt, decadent, and degenerate with gay sex and pederasty parades in the capital yet the Roman military continued to dominate foreign foes for centuries.

jim says:

> The American military defeats China and/or Russia right now in battle.


The completely ludicrous failure of the British army in recent wars is a leading indicator of how the US army will perform in future wars.

US quite recently had the best weapons in the world. Not any more.

US troops are demoralized, have a non warrior leadership that is profoundly hostile to the men who compose the tip of its fighting arm, and discipline and morale has collapsed.

What afflicted the British army in recent wars is likely to afflict the US army in future wars.

Pooch says:

The completely ludicrous failure of the British army in recent wars is a leading indicator of how the US army will perform in future wars.


Comparing the British Army to the American Army is ridiculous and absurd.

US troops are demoralized, have a non warrior leadership that is profoundly hostile to the men who compose the tip of its fighting arm, and discipline and morale has collapsed.

What afflicted the British army in recent wars is likely to afflict the US army in future wars.

Non-warriors have taken control of the USM for sure, but not seeing that discipline and morale have collapsed yet. They have not been tested in battle for some time. When American warriors go to battle, the other side tends to get blown to shit. See Battle of Khasham.

Comparing the non-existent British Army to the American Army is absurd because British warriors no longer exist. They are extinct. Bunch of faggots now. The British warrior is dead, give it up.

Go to Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida and the Deep South of the US and you will see the actual warriors that make up the US Army.

jim says:

Comparing the British Army to the American Army


The same ailments now manifest in the British army are now massively manifest in the US army.

Those ailments resulted in an army entirely unable to fight in recent wars.

> you will see the actual warriors that make up the US Army.

Actual warriors are no use without an actual army.

The random average nigger can usually defeat the random average white. Two niggers cannot defeat two whites, and a hundred whites can defeat an enormous numbers of niggers.

The US army is now not an army of warriors, merely a crowd of warriors.

Pooch says:

The same ailments now manifest in the British army are now massively manifest in the US army.

Those ailments resulted in an army entirely unable to fight in recent wars.

After the US saved their ass in WWII they were no longer incentivized to maintain a competent army. Accepted their status as a vassal state to the American Empire which now rules the world.

Those ailments resulted in an army entirely unable to fight in recent wars.

What wars? The wars where they do 2% of America’s fighting? They have no reason to be fighting wars as a client-state.

jim says:

The wars where they do 2% of America’s fighting? They have no reason to be fighting wars as a client-state

In those wars they repeatedly found themselves in situations where they were about to be wiped out by handful of rifle toting goat herders, and had to be rescued. The problem was not merely that they were disinclined to attack, but unable to defend.

Pooch says:

Actual warriors are no use without an actual army.

The time for a return to warrior rule approaches. Perhaps drones and technology will diminish the importance of warriors, but I tend to think it will not.

jim says:

The time for warrior leadership is now.

Russian army is led by warriors. US army by faggots. Who leads the Chinese army remains to be seen.

The military of the future will be mostly staffed by people who can give a drone mission parameters and can penetrate a computer network, rather than by people who can take you down in a fight one on one. But it will need to be led by people, and composed of people, who have the warrior spirit.

A particularly decisive victory by the Russians in Ukraine appeared to be a result of the Russians penetrating the computer network used for automatic targeting by recently supplied American artillery. The war of the future is beginning now. But it still takes warriors, just a different kind of warrior, and because the battle front will be everywhere, will need a warrior leadership more than ever.

Pooch says:

In those wars they repeatedly found themselves in situations where they were about to be wiped out by handful of rifle toting goat herders, and had to be rescued. The problem was not merely that they were disinclined to attack, but unable to defend.

They were and are, as well as the rest of the EU, not very incentivized to get that sort of thing right. When you are under protection by a world power, your priorities shift.

jim says:

> not very incentivized to get that sort of thing right

When hostile people are shooting at you and intend to kill you, you are highly incentivized to get that sort of thing right. They had some very close shaves before the US army rescued them.

It is not merely that they were disinclined to fight, but when push came to shove, unable to fight.

Pooch says:

Russian army is led by warriors. US army by faggots.

Yes I agree with you there. How long the warrior class of the US army will allow themselves to be led by faggot priests is unknown.

The Cominator says:

“The military of the future will be mostly staffed by people who can give a drone mission parameters and can penetrate a computer network, rather than by people who can take you down in a fight one on one. But it will need to be led by people, and composed of people, who have the warrior spirit.”


Couldn’t resist.

Pooch says:

But it still takes warriors, just a different kind of warrior, and because the battle front will be everywhere, will need a warrior leadership more than ever.

The warrior class has been getting it in the ass for some time now by a priest-merchant alliance. The warriors are starting to get pissed off. Trump, although a merchant himself, was in substantial part a representation of that warrior anger.

If the warrior class is to gain back power and return to kingship, going to need leadership yes. Not exactly sure where that leadership will come from. It may very well require war and battle with foreign powers. Or maybe the priest-merchant alliance holds power indefinitely right into the grave of the empire.

We are likely in for some turbulence until it’s resolved, turbulence that may very well end with many warrior kings grasping at the crown that were the final days of the Roman Republic.

jim says:

When the shooting starts, a warrior leadership will win. Trouble is we do not have any candidates for warrior leadership. Trump has a warrior spirit, and his leadership and guidance in the fight against ISIS was absolutely brilliant. Of all military leaders today, he demonstrated the greatest competence. Unfortunately he ran away on January twentieth, and before that failed to call out the militia to protect election integrity, which was and is the only way that you could have an honest election these days.

Which failures severely disqualify him.

The Cominator says:

The merchants are not allied with the priests. Most merchants fucking hate the government.

Pooch says:

The merchants are not allied with the priests. Most merchants fucking hate the government.

Turn on a tv and watch the commercials.

jim says:

You think Gillette attacked its customers because they love the politicians and hate their customers? I see terror, not love. I have been in the trenches.

Human Resources at google threatened to organize a lawsuit against the board in the James Damore incident.

The Cominator says:

Nothing good on tv anymore, tv is for boomers.

Merchants bow to the poz out of fear… the priests have no willing allies except cat ladies and some extra privileged niggers anymore.

Pooch says:

The Uniparty is manifestation of that alliance. The Democrats are the priests and the Recucklicans are the merchants. They both want mass immigration. The priests for holiness and the merchants for cheap labor.

The Cominator says:

The establishment Recucklician politicians are not merchants they are a different order of priests…

Pooch says:

The establishment Recucklician politicians are not merchants they are a different order of priests…

Completely bought and paid for by the globocorps.

jim says:


Let me hear your response to this meme.

You think Disney destroyed the Star War Franchise because they own the politicians? You think Marvel created faggot Thor because they own the politicians? Who owns whom?

The Cominator says:

And merchants even if they founded the globocorps are not permitted to run them generally… Musks thinks between his unlimited bribe money and Pentagon connections that the priests can’t touch them… well we shall see.

Pooch says:

Musks thinks between his unlimited bribe money and Pentagon connections that the priests can’t touch them… well we shall see.

Musk is not a merchant. Merchants are concerned with only profits and have no other strong feelings for anything else. Clearly, he is not that. Would not be buying Twitter or building rocket ships if that was the case.

He’s an engineer which qualifies him as warrior class in my class dichotomy. Problem is, unlike Trump, he’s a sperg and has no social/emotional intelligence (charisma).

Where social and analytical intelligence is brought together is when you get kingship.

Pooch says:

You think Disney destroyed the Star War Franchise because they own the politicians? You think Marvel created faggot Thor because they own the politicians? Who owns whom?

Priest-merchant alliance. They are same group of people and sit on all the boards together.

jim says:

It is not alliance when one side of the “alliance” sets your business on fire. The Star Wars franchise was destroyed, and Marvel’s superhero comics business has collapsed.

I have been inside, and it is not alliance, but terror and terrorism. I saw one of my former bosses physically trembling in fear.

And I am still asking you, as I keep asking Anonymous Fake, for a response to our meme. Your stubborn failure to respond is becoming irritating.

Pooch says:

Human Resources at google threatened to organize a lawsuit against the board in the James Damore incident.

And why did no merchants step up to defend James Damore, him being a productive engineer for the company?

jim says:

Because they would have been financially ruined. Threats of financial ruin were flying around, not all of them nearly as delicately phrased as Pseudo-Chrysostom depicts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>priest-merchant alliance

To the extent there is a relationship between the regnant gnostic sect and vaishyas in the occident, it is one where the former informs the latter that it is offering its Protection; a lot of bad things out there happening these days, bad things friend, they could even happen to you, if you’re not careful. So of course we want do a favor for you, just follow our advice and things will work out. Its in your best interests, capiche?

Pooch says:

And I am still asking you, as I keep asking Anonymous Fake, for a response to our meme. Your stubborn failure to respond is becoming irritating.

Your last link didn’t even work. Our meme?? You mean Stonetoss’s meme. Stonetoss is obviously making fun of all the negro-white couples being pushed in the ads by the priests, but I don’t care to comment about this further. You can start moderating out my comments if you wish.

jim says:

> Your last link didn’t even work.

Try it again.

> Stonetoss is obviously making fun of all the negro-white

You are refusing to hear what has been said, refusing to respond to the meme. Your mind stops when it you get to the punchline. You describe the meme as if the last two images and two sentences were absent. Crimestop makes you blind.

Crimestop makes you refuse to see what he depicts. All the rest of the meme is just setup for the punchline, and when you reach the punchline, your mind shuts down.

You describe the setup for the joke, and then stop. If you stop at the setup, your mind is shying away from the punchline in fear.

The point of joke is always in the punchline, and when a meme is in the form of a joke, the point of a meme is always in the punchline. It is not random decoration. It is the point.

I ask you, and I ask Anonymous fake, to respond to punchline. What else would I be asking?

Pooch says:

The ad creator is not interested in selling burgers, just interested in pushing black holiness. It’s a funny meme. I laughed out loud when it was circulating. What am I missing?

jim says:

You are missing that the adman is not interested, and does not need to be interested, in what the boss wants.

Which implies an environment where the boss is not able to hire those who will contribute to the bottom line, and fire those who will not contribute to the bottomline, implies the powerlessness of the boss, the directors, and the shareholders, what you are calling the merchant part of the merchant priest alliance, to control their own property and use it for their own interests.

A joke usually has element of conflict to make it funny. That is the element of conflict that makes it funny. It is that conflict that you are missing.

The adman is not interested in contributing to the bottom line, and it does not even occur to him that he is supposed to have some lie ready to explain that he actually is contributing to the bottom line.

The boss asks for the lie, does not get it.

Pooch says:

I ask you, and I ask Anonymous fake, to respond to punchline. What else would I be asking?

No f’ing clue man. My response is laughter because it’s funny.

The Cominator says:

Pooch Jim is saying more often than not merchants, the owners of capitalist enterprises mostly go along with globohomo out of fear as globohomo controls the vast american leviathan state which can ruin them via legal persecution either of their companies or them personally.

Do you dispute this? Its not an alliance when your ally is pointing a gun at your head.

Adam says:

The priesthood was woke long before the merchants were. One could speculate that some merchants cater to woke consumers. And you could argue that the true believer progressive merchants are just as stupidly self destructive as our true believer progressive elite.

There is no doubt enormous priestly pressure on merchants, and likely not much of any merchant pressure on priests.

Ford is not telling regulators what the new emissions standards are. Harvard is telling Ford comply with the new emissions standards or else.

jim says:

A joke is funny, when someone seemingly powerful, is suddenly revealed as powerless.

This meme is funny because the boss, what Pooch is calling the merchant priest alliance, is suddenly revealed as powerless, when the adman feels no need to have the lie his boss expects ready.

Which point Pooch is stubbornly evading.

Adam says:

Let’s not forget the never ending shill campaign against imperialism aimed at the defense contractors, warriors, and natural resource merchants. Hell the civil war story is more priests beating up merchants for insufficient progressivism.

I really hate priests honestly. They just fuck everything up.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Pooch, if you are not seeing the collapse of morale and discipline, then you are studiously not looking for it.

jim says:

I see lots of things Pooch is studiously not looking for.

Starman says:


“The American military defeats China and/or Russia right now in battle.”

Pooch once again demonstrates that he is a mediocre midwit who shits up the comment sections of Jim’s Blog.

alf says:

Same goes for immigration. Merchants and priests are not allies.

Merchants want cheap labor. In the Netherlands that means Poles or other Eastern Europeans. They come here a couple of months, work, take their paycheck home where the money is worth more — everyone happy.

Contrast with priest immigration — they couldn’t care less about the Polish. They want Moroccans, Sumalians and other African subraces to move here permanently, precisely because they add no value and only cause trouble.

Pooch says:

Merchants want cheap labor. In the Netherlands that means Poles or other Eastern Europeans. They come here a couple of months, work, take their paycheck home where the money is worth more — everyone happy.

Very well may be the case in Europe. In the US, it means infinite mainly brown Hispanic manual laborers who speak no English. For the higher skilled jobs they’ll get Indians and Chinese.

Pooch says:

It is not alliance when one side of the “alliance” sets your business on fire. The Star Wars franchise was destroyed, and Marvel’s superhero comics business has collapsed.

Absurd and ridiculous. Disney is scooping money hand over fist. Their monopoly is secure and protected by the politicians. Their profits are growing not shrinking. To think otherwise is Vox Day-tier Patriots in Control Q larping.

The alliance works as such: the globocorps accept to push their priestly memes and get a protected monopoly (or oligopoly) in return. Of course the priests get a handsome cut of the profits.

There’s a carrot and a stick at play. If a globocorp doesn’t play ball the eye of Sauron may very well fall upon them, but if they play ball more fervently than the competition they can and will be rewarded with all kinds of favorable treatment by the government.

There is tremendous incentive for the globocorps to go hard woke. Go woke go broke is a failed meme. You’ll find these globocorps are actually making money hand over fist in a protected oligopoly. What a coincidence.

Pooch says:

Hispanic manual laborers who speak no English. For the higher skilled jobs they’ll get Indians and Chinese.

All who most certainly stay and do not return to their country of origin.

Pooch says:

Ford is not telling regulators what the new emissions standards are. Harvard is telling Ford comply with the new emissions standards or else.

Ford donates massive sums of money to the politicians and priestly organizations. It’s in the politicians interest, if they want that donor money to continue to flow, to protect Ford’s profits and place in the oligopoly.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You’re being slippery with your definitions here my crypto-commie friend. You said ‘merchants’ in general, yet when pressed for elaboration start talking about cronies in particular.

Looks to me like merchant men in general are getting assfucked good and hard and deep by all this, while a few kinglets stand on top of the rubblepile left over. Same pattern you see in leftisms in everything everywhere.

Pooch says:

You’re being slippery with your definitions here my crypto-commie friend.

I’m the crypto-commie friend? The system we have now is not free market capitalism like the normie Republicans would have you believe. In fact it is crypto-communism and I’m attacking it.

America is a communist country. Large swaths of the economy are dominated by a few globocorps in most sectors, in other words oligopolies. I am attacking oligopolies.

How does that make me a commie?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The crypto-commie thoughtform you are being possessed by here is the idea of a ‘merchant-priest alliance’, as if merchant-men are peers, primary agents, or in any way equal partners in this picture.

The phenomena of wokecorps is not one of merchants making priests more merchant-like, but priests making merchants more priestlike. A wokecorp is defined by its unusual priestliness, not unusual merchantness.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

By imputing primacy to merchants in this picture, it is to say that ‘the inevitable result of market economics is communism’, which is the classic commie meme par excellence.

The communist believes all economies are already command economies, and he merely suggests replacing the comptroller-general presently sitting in a shadowy office in wall street with himself instead.


The stonetoss comic is as subtle as a sledgehammer. You are not anonymous fake. I expected that long term non-shill commenters on jimblog would know the basics of the priest-warrior-merchant dynamics by now.

S says:

Brown migrants would go back to their homes except for how the US system is set up. It is absolutely not working in a way good for merchants; I suspect the only reason brown immigrants work at all is because priests want to screw over white manual laborers.

Remember we had substantial amounts of people going back prior to 1920 and that required traveling across the ocean.

Disney is having massive problems. Covid and inflation are killing their parks and their movies and shows are flopping. Lightyear had a 200 million dollar budget and has made 100 million dollars.

Encelad says:

Look at Electronic Arts: in 2019 they released the game Battlefield V which was heavily criticized by the fan base, as a game supposedly set in WW2 included Black nazis, cyborg badass women and other woke nonsense. EA instead of addressing the fans’ concerns, doubled down accusing their customers of being white supremacists or something like that.
The game release was a major fail, the EA stock plummeted and took years to recover, a typical case of “get woke, go broke”. They did not care. Well, the bosses and the investors probably would care, and that’s the point: that the real power is wielded by the HR department which does not answer to their CEO, but to the Cathedral’s priesthood. That’s in my opinion the message of that Stonetoss’ meme.

jim says:

The message of that meme is that boss does not have power. That is why the punchline has punch. The meme warriors must strip our complex theoretical ideas down to the core point – which involves leaving out our explanation as to why the boss is powerless.

But that the boss is powerless, that the investors are powerless, is indeed the plain and clear message of that meme, which is why am so pissed when people avert their eyes.

Pooch tells us he laughed out loud. But then the thoughtcrime policeman inside came down on him and forbade him to know what made him laugh.

yewotm8 says:

>The message of that meme is that boss does not have power.

I think you’re extrapolating too far. I don’t think the comic is suggesting that the “boss”, if that’s what he is, is powerless to do anything about what’s going on. The reader may infer it, knowing what he knows about the world he lives in, but I’d wager the vast majority of even those who laugh at the comic do not.

Stonetoss is not committing thoughtcrime to the extent you are describing. Which is of course a decent chunk of thoughtcrime, as I know people who have seen the strip and didn’t get the premise somehow, but there is nothing suggesting that any of the terror or coercion you have described is taking place. The average right-leaning normie gets the joke and laughs at it. But that is because he legitimately believes that companies do woke advertising because they think it will sell more products. He is laughing at them because he thinks they are stupid. He is confused as to why they continue with the wokeness, and does not piece together that maybe the whole “canceling” thing that’s going on in the public square is being applied to those within these companies as well.

I do not believe Stonetoss knew this either when he wrote the comic strip. He was just trying to be funny and make fun of advertising for the same reason the average normiecon does, that I listed in the preceding paragaph.

Your explanation of woke companies, that being that the CEO is powerless against HR and the government’s “regulation”, is entirely reasonable, but it just is not a well-known explanation outside of this blog. We would do well to meme such a thing (and in fact I have been doing so whenever I see such an opportunity), lest more midwits start thinking that the merchants themselves are the ones who are evil and insane, and get confused as to who their target should be.

jim says:

> > The message of that meme is that boss does not have power.

> I think you’re extrapolating too far

The message of a meme is always in the punchline. A joke is funny because someone seemingly powerful is suddenly revealed as powerless. If you laughed, you saw the message that you are now rationalizing away.

This our message, our meme, in which the meme warrior Stonetoss has necessarily distilled our complex and wordy theory into a single word, a single word that in the context he sets up carries our entire theory of capitalism, capitalists, merchants, and priests within it.

And if you laughed, you saw what was within that single word.

The boss is a merchant, the ad man a priest. The adman is standing before the seated boss, so ostensibly the merchant is in power, and ostensibly the priest his servant. But, the merchant’s powerlessness suddenly revealed by the priest’s failure to produce the lie that the merchant demands, you laughed.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, Stonetoss definitely knew what he was saying. The tell is the question in the last panel. “Burgers?” That tells us that the marketing guy is not interested in selling burgers at a burger company. He did not create the ad to sell burgers. The boss wants to hear that this will help improve sales, and the ad guy is baffled by the question. He asks,” Burgers?” as an implied question of, “Why would we care about selling burgers over interracial sex?”

Come on, gentlemen, we are neoreactionaries. There is no knowledge forbidden to us. Why are you so afraid of thoughtcrime? Knowledge is power, and understanding of our enemies is the most potent power.

yewotm8 says:

This started off as a “shill test” of Pooch, whose shilliness was not actually in question (I suppose it was more of an IQ test), and Jim said:

>The adman is not interested in contributing to the bottom line, and it does not even occur to him that he is supposed to have some lie ready to explain that he actually is contributing to the bottom line.

The boss asks for the lie, does not get it.

Yes, this is the part that’s funny. But it’s funny regardless of whether or not you consciously grasp that the adman can do that because his wokeness is backed by real, hard power. People might feel it, but they do not understand it, do not make the connection by themselves, and are resistant to making it when it’s pointed out to them. Maybe this is due to thoughtcrime, maybe it’s due to lack of intellectual firepower, maybe it’s due to lingering crypto-commie sentiments of “rich man bad”. I don’t know, I was just pointing it out and giving Pooch the benefit of the doubt. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to articulate it myself back in 2018 when the comic came out, but I wasn’t reading this blog much.

>Why are you so afraid of thoughtcrime?

This isn’t about me, this is about the average rightwinger and Stonetoss. I’m the one positing Jim’s thoughtcrime payloads to people in the first place.

I’m not sure why I’m having to explain myself so much. You all seem to understand each other so well, but not me. Am I that bad at writing?

Pooch says:

Maybe this is due to thoughtcrime, maybe it’s due to lack of intellectual firepower, maybe it’s due to lingering crypto-commie sentiments of “rich man bad”.

None of the above.

I reject the position that merchants today have no agency besides only profits as implied by Jim’s interpretation of the Stonetoss meme. Does not match up with reality. Who are these non-woke bosses in these woke companies powerless to stop their logos from being painted in rainbow flags?

The CEO of my corporation today sent out a long ridiculous exhaustive priestly email on the Roe decision. He is the boss of the company and he is woke. There is no boss above him. There is no “hidden” non-woke merchant here only concerned with profits and nothing else. No one put a gun to his head. He did this out of his own agency.

When Nietzsche looked at the warrior and the priest, he viewed the merchant as an outgrowth of the priest which is correct chronologically. You can’t have a market if you do not have a common language. The most fundamental form of capital is language.

When we talk about the merchant, we’re talking about a priest who is existing in a mental consciousness space. That is, they are no longer in the magical or mystical consciousness. They are now existing in a mental quantitative space where survival is the highest virtue through material reality. The idea that you lose your agency as a merchant is not founded.

When you understand this relationship of the priest to the merchant, you understand why masses of slaves were imported into Rome during the final century of the Roman Republic and why masses of slaves are being imported into the American Republic today.

It becomes instantly clear what gave rise to the Gracchus’ reaction and what the conflict between the Populares and Optimates was all about when you fully grasp what a merchant is.

Otherwise the final century of the Roman Republic makes no sense to you.

jim says:

> Does not match up with reality. Who are these non-woke bosses in these woke companies powerless to stop their logos from being painted in rainbow flags?

Myself among others.

I got out before the door hit me. At the time Vox Day had not yet published his sound advice to start a dumpster fire and let the door hit you. And perhaps back then that advice would have been less sound.

And things are far worse now than they were then, with Accounting added to the attack from Human Resources. Back then Human Resources demanded you had to push the blue pill. Now Accounting demands the rainbow flag, and Human Resources demands critical race theory.

Pax Imperialis says:

BlackRock’s ESG system is major primary vehicle for wokeness into non-woke businesses.

Netflix for example started producing woke content in response to BlackRock investment and to meet ESG standards.

High ESG scores keeps the money flowing. Low ESG scores cause the opposite effect.

ESG is also pushed via the Federal Reserve.

If a business is at all dependent on institutional investors or the feds, it’s going to get woke to keep the bottom line.

Pragmatically, getting a high ESG score in regard to being eco-friendly is relatively hard. Flying a bunch of LGBTQIAA+ flags and sending out pronoun memos is relatively easy. Hence why all big companies are going gay.

Disney CEO tried to steer the company away from gay. After the ESG proponents got to him, his hostage video got sent out where he proclaimed Disney will always be gay.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Your CEO lacks sovereignty because he – and more significantly those around him in his social circle – lacks memetic sovereignty. A controlling interest of stock in his mindshare is a wholly owned and operated subsidy of the polygon. Of course it is ‘of his own volition’, because substantially his volition is their volition. Manufacturing consent, perennialism 101. ( https://radishmag.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/democracy-and-the-intellectuals/ )

You see the same pattern play out over and over again. East India Company did not pass into the dustbin of history because they failed economically, nor because they were defeated militarily, but because their nerve-centers were rotted by parliamentarian cordyceps.

jim says:

> A controlling interest of stock in his mindshare is a wholly owned and operated subsidy of the polygon.

In my case I did not notice any significant mindshare problem at all. The problem was that Legal and HR were wholly owned by the government, and these days, in public companies, also Accounting. Which is why Musk needs to take Twitter private, so that he will not have Accounting on his back.

Those guys are branches of the their respective government bureaucracies, which the private sector is forced to house and fund. It is the same thing as the Chinese Communist party injecting party members into the administration of private companies, except that America has far more of them, they cost far more, and they meddle far more.

Companies exist by accounting. They were an accounting fiction imagined into reality by book keepers before they were a legal fiction legislated into legal reality. And SoX has destroyed accounting.

Neurotoxin says:

Pooch: “Who are these non-woke bosses in these woke companies powerless to stop their logos from being painted in rainbow flags?”

Brendan Eich, for example.

Pooch says:

BlackRock’s ESG system is major primary vehicle for wokeness into non-woke businesses.

Netflix for example started producing woke content in response to BlackRock investment and to meet ESG standards.

And who or what is BlackRock? Looks to me Larry Fink is part of this priestly mercantile elite.

The Cominator says:

Blackrock magically made all their assets with the 2008-2009 bailouts… looks like another government front to me…

Frank Matters says:


Priests killed the merchants and wear their skins as a uniform. You see the skin of the murdered merchant and think, “wow, an unholy alliance.”

Yes, many “merchants” experience more cashflow by acting priestly. This isn’t because their business runs better, but because they get rewarded by power. Short term, a fantastic strategic move by the priests. Gives them ever more power and influence. Long term, completely destructive to economic capacity and will leave everyone poor while destroying the ability to make effective weapons systems; ultimately a damning move.

Pooch says:

Ok Sure, Larry Fink is a front for the priestly mercantile elite.

Pooch says:

Long term, completely destructive to economic capacity and will leave everyone poor

The elite are getting richer, not poorer.

Kunning Drueger says:

Every CEO sent out a letter. In my case, it was chief of HR. Informal, whinging, demonstrating holiness. “Please, please, I implore you to believe in our belief! We’re the good guys, we swear!” Ask around, I bet everyone you know that works for/with a megacorp had the same letter go out. That is what happens when those in power give an order to those who obey. This doesn’t absolve the merchants, but it does show that they are part of the effects, not the cause.

Pooch says:

It should be noted that COVID insanity in large part was a transfer of wealth from small business merchants to what I’m calling the priestly mercantile corporate elite.

There is so much coordination at the top between the Cathedral priests and the corporate elite that it really is not accurate to differentiate between the two. They are the same people.

It is not just the elite gaming the state religion. It is the state religion being changed by the elite in lockstep with the material interests of the elite, who are both priestly and mercantile in character.

jim says:

Consider what happened with coal mining and fracking, Marvel Comics, Netflix, and Disney. Lots of coordination, but very much not the same people.

The corporate elite is being terrorized. I have seen their fear up close.

It is as if you are arguing that the communist party was the peasants in arms.

Frank Matters says:


> They are the same people.

Yes this is exactly what I said.

> They are getting richer

Number go up means nothing in terms of real wealth. Material conditions are plummeting. Eventually this plummet reaches the priests. Money cannot buy what cannot be made, and we are losing the ability to make things. There is an argument to be made about becoming richer in overall share of the extant goods in the system, but that is not what I meant by everyone becoming poor. I meant that everyone eventually is reduced to the living standards of the dark age after we destroy all industry everywhere.

Pooch says:

It is as if you are arguing that the communist party was the peasants in arms.

Not at all what I am arguing. You are assigning me a position that I am in no way taking.

The peasants are workers and as a class have no agency in the tripartite system of merchant-priest-warrior.

Communism/Marxism and in large part nationalism is giving agency and power to a class people (the worker) who are undeserving of it. Unsurprisingly, bad and evil things result from that.


Number go up means nothing in terms of real wealth. Material conditions are plummeting.

Not seeing that for the elite. Their material possessions and landed wealth grows by the day. Everything is just dandy if you are of the ruling elite as everything was just dandy if you are were of the ruling elite in the final century of the Roman Republic.

Meanwhile, the warrior class is getting screwed hard.

jim says:

The merchant class is incapable of being a political actor, because incapable of coordinating the way the priestly and warrior class coordinate.

The “coordination” goes in one direction. From priest to merchant. As I said, they are being terrorized.

The Cominator says:

The managerialists the priests posing as merchants do fine out of this system…

Actual merchants interested in trade and creating products and their investors (especially their investors) get massively screwed by the system. Existing merchants with mature enterprises get reduced to pensioners ala the way they did in the 3rd Reich.

Pooch says:

As I said, they are being terrorized.

Being terrorized right into private jets and beach front estates across the world. The mercantile priestly elite that attend the WEF conferences do not seem all that terrorized to me.

jim says:

Look at the WEF speaker list. Is that the mercantile elite?

Priests are speaking, and the mercantile elite has been summoned to listen.

The priests are coordinating, the merchants are being coordinated.

jim says:

Being terrorized right out of power and out of a sex life and out of children.

Pooch says:

The merchant class is incapable of being a political actor, because incapable of coordinating the way the priestly and warrior class coordinate.

Nietzsche disagreed. In fact, Nietzsche boiled everything down as just priest vs warrior with merchants being an outgrowth of the priest.

I will not go that far dismiss the merchant as their own class, but it is clear Nietzsche is correct chronologically. You cannot have a merchant without first having the civilizational abstraction as first created by the priest. The merchant is a priestly mindset, but instead of the metaphysical and mystical concerns, material physical concerns.

The Cominator says:

Pooch the existing owners do okay out of the arrangement they have little power.

Have you seen the movie Casino, better yet have you read the book… the arrangement is sort of like the arrangement between Lefty Rosenthal (the mob’s man portrayed by De Niro in the movie) and Allan Glick (the owner). Now the owner Allan Glick (Kevin Pollak in the movie a minor character) made a lot of money but he had no power over decisions in the company…

IRL what Lefty supposedly to Glick “It is about time you become informed of what is going on here and where I am coming from and where you should be… I have been instructed not to tolerate any nonsense from you, nor do I have to listen to what you say, because you are not my boss… When I say you don’t have a choice, I am just not talking of an administrative basis, but I am talking about one involving health. If you interfere with any of the casino operations or try to undermine anything I want to do here, I represent to you that you will never leave this corporation alive.”


The Merchants are like Allan Glick. But the mafia was a much more reasonable hidden controller than the priests because the mafia was also interested in making money and even customer service…

The Cominator says:

Or legally targetted ala Conrad Black.

Mister Grumpus says:

“They’ll wreck everything else — energy grids, industry, agriculture, that sort of stuff.”

Dude that’s pretty fucking bad though. A hands-off genocide through incompetence alone. There’s nothing that atomized individuals can do to help themselves in that situation.

Consider South African whites. They’re just obeying and obeying right into the grave.

Starman says:

@Mister Grumpus

“Consider South African whites. They’re just obeying and obeying right into the grave.”

Private Military Companies vastly outnumber the SA police and military combined.

Local communities simply ignore the government’s rules except for taxes and bribes to the ANC.

Kunning Drueger says:

It is neither fair nor accurate to paint all real South Africans with the same yellow hue of the urban cucks. Conscious Caracal is someone you should look into.

ExileStyle says:

Yeah, some of the most authentically based people in the world are white South Africans. Not just theory for them, they know what they’re talking about.

alf says:

I’m not disagreeing uncle Grump. We must unatomize ourselves (‘molecule’ ourselves? Man I’ll let myself out…)

Starman says:


“I no longer believe in a Cambodia style leftist singularity of infinite leftism in finite time. I believe the progs would do it if they could, but I don’t think they can. Not enough masculinity left among their ranks. They’ll wreck everything else — energy grids, industry, agriculture, that sort of stuff. But they lack the power to pull off true revolutionary matters. It’s not 1900 AD Russia, it’s 200 AD Rome.

I think that goes for Europe as well as America, but I’d feel even better about America considering they have lots of guns.”

Exactly. Afghanistan and recent events have revealed the progs and their ZOGbots to be nothing more than a paper tiger. A conclusion that Putin himself has made.

You now have professional Russian and Chinese diplomats abandoning diplomatic turns of phrase, and openly mocking the United States government. Openly stating that the European countries are vassal states of the US.


Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t know if it’s just resonant “muh American exceptionalism” or what, but I don’t think they’re as far along as you portray, at least in terms of France in 1941. That’s an accurate analog to your position, right? France still had a functioning military and Navy, which was surrendered by their leadership.

The withdrawal from AFG is complicated; you have the failure of the withdrawal, but you also had a bunch of PMCs and ad hoc units go in and pull people out pretty successfully. I wonder how quickly GAE will turn to mercenaries when their regulars start collapsing, or if they even could.

Pooch says:

The withdrawal from AFG is complicated; you have the failure of the withdrawal, but you also had a bunch of PMCs and ad hoc units go in and pull people out pretty successfully. I wonder how quickly GAE will turn to mercenaries when their regulars start collapsing, or if they even could.

I think it may be premature to view Afghanistan (or Iraq or Vietnam) as collapse of USM capability. There was no actual will to fight there.

Afghanistan and Iraq were essentially testing grounds for memeing the local population into defending territory for us so actual US soldiers didn’t have to. Failed miserably against Jihadism, a formidable faith.

Not failing miserably in Ukraine.

Pax Imperialis says:

Essentially testing grounds for new toys courtesy of Raytheon and the American tax payer.

At a certain point, I don’t know when (early 2010s?), it felt like in DoD approximate circles there was more interest in playing around in the Sandbox than achieving anything.

Sandbox or Sandpit was the slang for Iraq. Think about the connotations of that terminology being used.

Lots of young guys joined the military in the 2010s to go on an adventure and see pink mist. There was no energy to defend anything.

It was mostly State Department that wanted to build something, and Pentagon bureaucracy that paid lip service.

Pooch says:

Lots of young guys joined the military in the 2010s to go on an adventure and see pink mist. There was no energy to defend anything.

It was mostly State Department that wanted to build something, and Pentagon bureaucracy that paid lip service.

Completely agree. It was military adventurism and a sandbox for memes and weapons.

Contrast this how the elite would act against an enemy which they have real hatred for like Trump supporters. You’d see nukes, chemical weapons, you name it being deployed.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think they are going to attempt infinite leftism in finite time. That they will fail does not mean they will not give it the old college try. I do agree that our situation more closely resembles late Rome, but we do have a live state religion. That will mean differences in the way things play out, but not severe differences. The advantages that they gain from having a live state religion are going to be offset by their absolute void of manly virtue. Yes, they can organize, but the organized American left is probably less effective than disorganized Roman elite.

Pooch says:

Yes, they can organize, but the organized American left is probably less effective than disorganized Roman elite

When Caesar marched on Rome, the Roman elite were extremely ineffective and disorganized. They had no choice but to back Pompey, a former Populist who they also viewed as a threat to their rule, knowing full well that a victory may very well be the start of a Pompian monarchy instead of Caesarian one.

Pooch says:

I agree with your premise though, that we track with Rome more closely.

Kunning Drueger says:

Sometimes it seems more like the Austria-Hungarian Empire to me, but my historical grasp of that entity and era is weak. Do you think we always compare it to Rome because it’s accurate, or because we esteem ourselves their peers? There are absolutely socio-cultural parallels, but the Roman Republic was a lot more long lived when the conversion to Empire occured than we are, right? How many civil wars or near misses occured prior to Octavian’s rise?

Pooch says:

Do you think we always compare it to Rome because it’s accurate, or because we esteem ourselves their peers?

Too many parallels to count and the fact that Rome was a world power in the same way that America is a world power now. Not seeing any closer parallel in that regard.

There are absolutely socio-cultural parallels, but the Roman Republic was a lot more long lived when the conversion to Empire occured than we are, right?

The Roman Republic lasted very long before it transitioned back to a monarchy. Our republic is likely not going to last that long but it is not done yet. Technology may have an effect on this longevity or lack there of.

How many civil wars or near misses occured prior to Octavian’s rise?

Well we haven’t seen our Octavian yet. We may very well be in for considerable bloodshed and war before then.

jim says:

> I no longer believe in a Cambodia style leftist singularity of infinite leftism in finite time. I believe the progs would do it if they could, but I don’t think they can

They are giving it a damned good try. The worshipers of the mighty and awesome Covid demon want another go, while the sodomites are moving fast to make K9 to K12 classes into transsexual child whorehouses.

But the war faction faction is in the driver’s seat. And they have just launched another, larger, act of war against Russia. They have launched a blockade of Kalingrad, Russia’s only warm water port to the Atlantic. The Russians have promised consequences, which consequences will likely be an act of war against a member of the Nato alliance.

If I was in Putin’s shoes I would cut to the chase and nuke Vilnius. Putin will probably take a slower, more indirect, costly, dangerous, and less effective path, but will find himself winding up at the same destination anyway.

Putin will engage in the smallest possible act of war against a member of NATO, to which NATO will respond with another, larger, act of war, and in the end, he will have to nuke Vilnius, and then we shall learn if US nukes still work. Or maybe the US military will interrupt the process, remove the war faction, and install the Covidians or the K9 sodomites in the driver’s seat. But I suspect the US Military will not find the balls to remove the war faction until Vilnius is nuked, and taking the long and indirect path gives the war faction more time and opportunity to cement its power against the faggots and the worshipers of the Mighty and Awesome Covid demon.

Globalist Power Terminated 2 says:

If I was in Putin’s shoes I would cut to the chase and nuke Vilnius.

If or when he does so, globalist power wiill be terminated — PRAISE GNON!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I hope the military faction actually succeeds and that Putin gives them the time they need. If the demon cultists win, it will plunge the whole world into chaos. Let the military swordfight with Russia, and maybe we will get our Caesar, Cromwell, or Stalin from it.

jim says:

The Military faction is different to, and opposed to, the war faction. With the upper ranks purged of warriors, the upper ranks do not want, and never expected, to be put in the warrior role, and are vigorously declining what the war faction is asking of them.

For the war faction to create a Caesar, as the military expansionist faction of the French Revolutionaries created Napoleon, they are going to have to put some warriors into the upper ranks, as the French Revolutionaries put Napoleon and the Puritans put Cromwell.

The Cominator says:

The war faction is classic bluegov redgov as pozzed as they are… they are sane enough to worry about Russian nukes.

Red says:

The war faction is classic bluegov redgov as pozzed as they are… they are sane enough to worry about Russian nukes.

I’m not seeing it. Every thing I read from them is that Russia doesn’t have the balls to use nukes. We appear to be walking into a slow tit for tat sort of exchange that will walk us right into nuclear war.

jim says:

Russia may well back down over the blockade. That is what the Global American Empire are betting. They might be right. But suppose Russia does not backdown, then slow walk or fast walk to nukes.

Suppose Russia does backdown. Well, then the Global American Empire will in due course try something else. And sooner or later, Russia will, belatedly, decide that backing down does not buy peace.

And then slow walk or fast walk to nukes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Fix above and delete this

Cloudswrest says:


jim says:

Not seeing the context. Where is the correction requested?

Needs a longer quote.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The Cominator says:

Cold on restoring the Stuarts but definitely we should restore the Hohenzollerns.

Jehu says:

I tend to think similarly. When considering an escalation path, I consider the likely response at each level and tend to look to find the first path that has a likely acceptable response, and then jump to it immediately with no warning.

This generates good results at a schoolyard level if someone is doing a typical bully dance where they expect you to deescalate at each opportunity while they progressively escalate. Immediately jumping your violence level to 100% means you can usually take aggressors that are stronger than you on paper. The problem is that when nukes are involved you’re basically guaranteed to see them used in a number of historical situations if you have someone that thinks like you or I in power.

Why? Because the first level at which the likely response by the other player is acceptable might well be after you’re launched a devastating decapitating strike and Instagrammed their Second Strike submariners with things like—I see your family is centered around these towns out in flyover country. We don’t have them on our nuke list now, but…should your submarine launch, you can be assured that your bloodline will be terminated in nuclear fire. On the other hand, if you don’t launch, we’ll make it worth your while.

jim says:

> This generates good results at a schoolyard level if someone is doing a typical bully dance where they expect you to deescalate at each opportunity while they progressively escalate.

When you are on a path that you know will end in terrible violence and very likely death, but the other guy expects that you will back down half way along the road, you can avoid the terrible violence by immediately jumping to the last step on the road just before death or serious injury, and skipping all the intermediate posturing and pissing around.

I speak from experience.

The more slow small steps you take along the path, the more the both of you are going to get locked into that final outcome.

Nuking Vilnius tomorrow noon would greatly reduce the risk of total all out nuclear war.

Jehu says:

Going full monty on nuking NATO probably has the best expected value, not just nuking Vilnius. Nuking Vilnius is likely to draw a ‘proportionate’ response that leads to a cycle of nuclear escalation.

jim says:

When you are on a path that you know will end in terrible violence and very likely death, but the other guy expects that you will back down half way along the road and is probing to find the minimum violence required to extract submission, and since submission is not going to be forthcoming you know where the road leads, but he does not, you can avoid the terrible violence by immediately jumping to the last step on the road just before death or serious injury, and skipping all the intermediate posturing and pissing around.

I speak from experience.

The more slow small steps you take along the path, the more the both of you are going to get locked into that final outcome.

Nuking Vilnius tomorrow at noon would greatly reduce the risk of total all out nuclear war. By escalating faster than the other guy, you convincingly signal to him that there is a high likelihood that you will go right on escalating to the final outcome should he continue to escalate. It is a costly signal. When you are on the path to escalation, you are on that path because your opponent does not believe your cheap signals and has to be convinced that submission is not forthcoming.

Invading Ukraine was an insufficiently expensive signal. It is obvious the Global American Empire was not persuaded. A much more convincing signal is required.

But going all the way to nuking NATO is not necessarily required. Nuking Vilnius at noon tomorrow would very likely suffice.

The leadership of the war faction would likely not be convinced, but NATO would know that the next step is nuking NATO. No intermediate steps would remain. If the war faction continued, as it very likely would, it would find its hands full with a NATO war defection.

Jehu says:

You say likely, and I agree it might have a 50/50 chance of working—by working, I mean GAE capitulates and stops ‘not war’ immediately and less insane factions of it take control. But I wouldn’t put nuking Vilnius at any more than a 50/50 of achieving that outcome. I see a high probability that Kalingrad is nuked or at least fuel-air bombed in response. And the insanity of that response could come from a fair number of different NATO players. Thus my estimate of 50/50 at best. And if the response comes, it’s off to the races.

On the other hand, if you go full Monty, you probably achieve strategic and tactical surprise and your expected losses are a lot smaller. Some of their nukes won’t work, most will be destroyed on the ground, and you’ll be able to blackmail most of the rest into not launching.
My gut is the full monty is the best play in terms of expected value.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What Putin really needs to start doing yesterday is memeing the doom of major globohomo instigators around ukraine into the ground of Being.

First you start with one: pick a particularly egregious or emblematic swamp creature, pull up a selection of their words, actions, and associates, and issue dire op-eds that their conduct could unfortunately result in ‘undesirable consequences’ for the world in general and themselves in particular. When they inevitably persist, the prognostications of doom both intensify and become more pointed – ‘will not someone rid us of this turbulent priests?’, natch. And, when they inevitably persist again in this case, you stuff a Khinzal down their chimney.

Everyone paying attention in the world is put on notice. The leadership of globohomo is perfectly willing to fight Russia to the last ukrainian – the obvious solution then, is to make it so you can put *them* on the ‘front lines’.

Killing enemy leadership is effective. Killing reprobates in response to behavior is also a message. And the most effective message is one where everyone hears about who you made an example of when their behavior displeased you, and why it displeased you. The polygon itself does this all the time, dogwhistling the normalization of an intended action before it even happens, such that by the time you actually do it, it is practically a fait accompli.

Its hard to express how far reaching the effects of this can be. The level of sheer atomization in the occident is such that there are significant factions that won’t care at all if the apparatchiks are getting killed, and many who will cheer it on even.

Of course in the beginning they will raise a huge uproar about it on the outlets of their megaphone – feeling, for one of the first times in their lives, the cold grip of reality, reaching through their ideosocial bubble, circling around their hearts – to try and get the grill-pillers worked up on their side as they always do. But then the inevitable thought occurs – “hey, i never actually liked these guys”; and “hey, they aren’t actually unkillable or all powerful”; and “hey, they can’t actually guarantee success in punishing me if i speak against them, like i used to unconsciously assume”. Once those leads connect together to form a circuit in folk’s minds, everything becomes in flux. Once those cards are put on the table, everything becomes a whole lot more Dynamic than previously expected.

The day before, it’s a circular firing squad. The day after, it’s “lol why don’t you try, see how much you like an early hypersonic christmas present”. Cascading apostasy events.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

All I want for Christmas is an Iskander! If such a thing happens, we need to meme a Santa hat and a Santa bag of cruise missiles on the picture of Putin riding a bear shirtless.

Red says:

I see a high probability that Kalingrad is nuked or at least fuel-air bombed in response. And the insanity of that response could come from a fair number of different NATO players. Thus my estimate of 50/50 at best. And if the response comes, it’s off to the races.

Jim’s got the right of this. While the war party would like to nuke Kalingrad in return it’s unlikely their orders would be obeyed. Someone who orders an action only to have it ignored will soon be removed from power.

Once people believe that Russia will nuke them if they don’t stop the endless escalation they’re very likely to stop. In order to demonstrate this willingness a righteous example has to be made.

Red says:

When you are on a path that you know will end in terrible violence and very likely death, but the other guy expects that you will back down half way along the road and is probing to find the minimum violence required to extract submission, and since submission is not going to be forthcoming you know where the road leads, but he does not, you can avoid the terrible violence by immediately jumping to the last step on the road just before death or serious injury, and skipping all the intermediate posturing and pissing around.

I speak from experience.

Warning shots used to be common for this very reason. Having an actual bullet flying near you tends to sober up ones perspective.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There is a term for that sort of escalation, but I cannot remember it. Jumping immediately to a level your opponent is not psychologically prepared to go so that they back down before they can psych themselves up to match you. Especially if you are letting the other guy know it will come down hard on him.

Adam says:


Mister Grumpus says:

Not exactly arguing with your “nuke Vilnius” prescription, but connecting to the port Saint Petersburg via ships is still an option. For winter they have some great icebreakers that can keep a corridor open.

I know. They’ll up the blockade some other way next.

A counterpoint though is that time is probably working against the GAE harder than it’s working against Russia. Does this not advocate juking NATO and playing for time?

Pax Imperialis says:

Genocides, like those seen in Asia, are fairly unique in history. Those genocides tends to be fairly comprehensive, thorough, and efficiently organized (The Nazis were fairly inefficient at killing regardless of all their camps, railroads, industrial management compared to the Soviets who manged similar numbers in under a year in Ukraine for significantly less cost). The collective nature of rice agriculture, clan structure, and resultant social networks allow for organized violence rarely seen in the west. (In some ways Russia far more resembles Asia)

You would be better off trying to find similarities between conditions leading up to genocides in Europe (or committed by Europeans) and the current American situation, than looking at something completely alien. That said, America is hardly European anymore. 1/5 of new marriages are between Whites and Hispanics. Demographic and social structure has far more in common with South American nations like Chile, Brazil, or Argentina.

Whiter than Mexico, but darker than Argentina, and also more Asian than both. It brings up an interesting question of what genocides look like in Hispanic nations.


Genocide doesn’t pop out of nothing, it requires a cohesive group organization to carry it out against other cohesive (thus identifiable) groups.

I posit these modifications to your premise:

“A leftist singularity, cheered on by Harvard, firewalled within sociological and geographic isolation within American coastal and university cities, though it does leak out it does so at a much slower pace.”

“A ruling class/regime, and general population in close proximity to the regime, purged of anyone smart enough to understand what’s going wrong and why.”

The US is big in geographic terms as well as sociological terms. It is too fragmented and heterogeneous for large scale cohesive genocide carried out from the top. The leftist singularity is too isolated within ruling class and proximate populations.

The type of genocide seen in Cambodia or other Asian countries were not carried out by rainbow coalitions but in contrast extremely homogeneous populations. US leftist singularity is a rainbow coalition of BIPOCLGBTQIA+++++WTFs and their most upper class white “allies.”

In short, America is highly decentralized and heterogeneous. Closest example pre-genocide circumstance would be Yugoslavia and even that is a stretch to use an all Slavic example.

Most likely outcome for America is slow disintigration into Brazilian or Argentinian style domestic conflict. Conflict that is constant, decentralized, partly racial at times and partly nonracial at others. Expect lots of political assassinations that due to the extensive multitude of competing factions, can’t fit any single narrative. Few enough Blacks you don’t end up like South Africa. Enough civilized folk to wall themselves off from the dysfunction or live far away. Enough intermediates to keep social distance between the low and high ends.

Fake says:

>It brings up an interesting question of what genocides look like in Hispanic nations.

Iirc, Argentina has few blacks because during yellow fever outbreaks, the black communities were walled up. Everyone got it and died, or maybe starved. There’s also something about blacks being sent to the front lines in the Falkland wars, but I can’t sift through revisionist history to tell how much truth there is.

jim says:

> The type of genocide seen in Cambodia or other Asian countries were not carried out by rainbow coalitions but in contrast extremely homogeneous populations. US leftist singularity is a rainbow coalition of BIPOCLGBTQIA+++++WTFs and their most upper class white “allies.”

There are four factions contending for power, with the war faction currently in the saddle, and currently, alarmed by the worshipers of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon grabbing for total, absolute, and complete power, keeping the Covidians down.

The sodomite faction and Gaia worshiper factions are as heterogenous as you describe. The war faction Jewish, and the Covidian faction white and Catholic. Hence well placed to make a grab for total power, and well placed to carry out a Cambodian style autogenocide. If the total power grab by the Covidian faction had succeeded, would have proceeded to autogenocide by endless boosting, and if endless boosting with the old vaccine failed to do the trick, would have introduced a new and even deadlier vaccine.

If the sodomite faction gains the upper hand, the faction that wants to sodomize small boys and girls is fairly homogeneous and quite capable of cohesive action, and may well grab absolute power from the other wildly diverse sexual deviations. The war faction is less likely to commit autogenocide, and more likely to get us into great power war, but when Jews get the upper hand, as in the Soviet Union from 1916 to 1932, they are impressively genocidal towards the host population. The Jewish faction currently rules Kiev, and is starting to look distinctly autogenocidal.

> In short, America is highly decentralized.

The way the big steal in 2020 was carried out in 2020 demonstrates highly centralized.

Similarly, when midway through the Republican primary season, they decided they had to steal the primaries, from there on not only was every primary in every Republican State of the Union stolen, but analogous measures against the outer party started simultaneously in every state of the Global American Empire.

Similarly the attempt at autogenocide by vax, with equivalent measures being applied against dissident doctors simultaneously in every state of the Global American Empire in perfect synchrony.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I would have allowed that through and answered it, for it contains important half truths that should be addressed. But you have been banging on endlessly on the shill meme about woke capitalism (which I have been deleting endlessly after the first half dozen repetitions) and I recently posted the meme warrior reply, which encapsulates the pith of the reactionary position, and I want you to respond to that meme. So I am just not going let anything of yours through until you actually give me a response.

I asked you for script expansion, not just the same old script, and what I just deleted is script expansion. But it is not enough. Respond to the meme warrior response to the shill meme on woke capitalism.

During our entire conversation you have been completely unresponsive, and I am tired of it. I want a reply.

Anonymous Fake says:

I cannot reason with liars. Woke capital [*deleted for all the usual reasons, you have said it all before*]

jim says:

I asked for a response to this meme.

This is not a response to that meme.

If the meme is a lie, or if I am a liar, explain in what that meme is untrue, rather than just giving us the same old Harvard from the child molesting sodomites, very thinly disgused as anti sodomite rant.

Adam says:

Rename him anonymous faggot until he starts to cooperate.

Neurotoxin says:

I was about to say that surely we’ve learned all there is to learn about Anonymous Fake’s shilling style and goals, so he should be perma-banned.

But then it occurred to me that if he’s shilling here, where everyone knows he’s a shill, his fangs are pulled. And if Jim were to ban him he’d go somewhere else where they might not be as sophisticated about dealing with shills.

On the gripping hand, he’s fucking annoying.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Im 49% sure the reason why he has continued inexhaustibly trying to post here in spite of continual frustration of all efforts for years, is because it literally is a chatbot script.

Even a bugman will get burned out eventually. That’s just a matter of sheer psychological physics. Not this guy though; like clockwork, he’s always on it; always replying, and never responding.

Anonymous Fake says:

The meme shows the final consequence of advertising, when you go down the path of manipulating someone’s sentiments it ends in sexual revolution. Burgers are a commodity and attempting to make something more of them by “selling the sizzle” eventually results in absurdity.

The guy selling sodomy thinks it sells anything and unfortunately it usually does. He’s a true believer, not a commissar, as a commissar wouldn’t get a confused response from the boss.

jim says:

This is a flat out barefaced denial of what the meme plainly says.

The adman does not think his job is selling his bosses burgers, and is not interested in using sex to sell them, or using anything else to sell them. He is selling interracial sex.

I asked you to respond to or reply to the meme. Simply ignoring what it says is not a response, and I insist on a response.

alf says:

“The final consequence of advertising” 😂

Your marxism is showing.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

The meme shows the final consequence of advertising, when you go down the path of manipulating someone’s sentiments it ends in sexual revolution.

What the fuck is this guy on — this is just next-level retarded.

jim says:

Protective stupidity.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Avoiding the gaze of Medusa. If you match gazes with Medusa you are turned to stone and die. If you stare into the abyss long enough the abyss stares back, and you become the abyss. The Gorgon’s Abyss is the leftist’s inability to respond to rightist memes lest he become marked by them, and die at the hands of other leftists.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The guy selling sodomy thinks it sells anything and unfortunately it usually does.

In other words, the guy selling sodomy is you because you love sodomy and think it should be put in everything, irrespective of whatever ostensible purpose [thing] used to have, and think everyone also thinks like you.

someDude says:

Anonymous Fake’s Scientific worldview: When you pull out the wings of a bird, it goes deaf since it no longer responds to your command to fly away.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Anonymous Fake’s Scientific worldview: When you pull out the wings of a bird, it goes deaf since it no longer responds to your command to fly away.

This is exactly the sort of thing he would say unironically.

Cloudswrest says:

Im 49% sure the reason why he has continued inexhaustibly trying to post here in spite of continual frustration of all efforts for years, is because it literally is a chatbot script.

This is actually kind of funny when you think about it. People wasting their time arguing with a robot. Quite labor saving from the shills’ point of view. This got me thinking though. Some of the AIs nowadays are pretty competent, but they are hindered by their owners trying to keep them from becoming “racist”. I wonder if there are any “big iron” AI owners who are not so hindered and train their AIs on places like Jim’s Blog?

Neurotoxin says:

Anon Fake: “The guy selling sodomy thinks it sells anything and unfortunately it usually does.”

LOL, all those normies saying, “Hey, that burger joint advocates sodomy; let’s patronize them.”

Now he’s just trolling us.

We really must build a museum to hold some of Anonymous Fake’s particularly brilliant insights of wisdom lest they get lost in the mists of time.

restitutor_orbis says:

I am increasingly worried that the attempted autogenocide by vax might turn out to be a successful attempt. The number of people I know who are suffering unexpected cancers, strokes, and so on, or who have a lost family to the same, has made me update the risk of mass die-off from “a scary but unlikely outcome” to “a plausible situation.”

How do you see things playing out if a lot of people start dying from “sudden adult death syndrome” in the next few years?

jim says:

The purebloods are already saying “I told you so”, but nobody hears, or rather no one admits to hearing.

someDude says:

I fear that they will hear only too well and start attacking purebloods soon. Most people have the mentality of Anonymous Fake. All their anger and rage will be channeled towards those who escaped harm rather than those who harmed them.

Jehu says:

It’s perverted, but sadly oh so common. They can not deny their rage. But if they directed it at those that have power, they fear they’d be punished. So they deflect it onto those they think they can attack without punishment.

What’s the fancy name for that? Displacement.

Karl says:

Why are you worried that the attempted autogenocide by vax might turn out to be a successful attempt?

Look at who is vaxxed and who is not. There is more reason to hope than to worry.

restitutor_orbis says:

That’s a fair question. The honest answer is that most of my friends and family took the vax. Vaccine genocide means the loss of essentially everyone I care about, with two exceptions (my wife and my elderly mother).

And it’s not like these are leftists who deserve what they get. All of my remaining family and friends are right-leaning (the leftists long ago cut me off); it’s just that they are normies. They believed the vaccine was safe because Trump said it was, and they took it. I don’t wish anything ill to befall them. But illness is already starting to befall them. 🙁

Yul Bornhold says:

So far, vax seems to kill a small (but noticeable) amount of people but, for most, simply damaging health, like seed oils. Don’t know yet whether it will prove fatal long term for most people. Hope not. Like you, I’ve some family who took it.

The Cominator says:

What part of the country are you in? I don’t see that many right leaning people took the vax here in Florida… and as much as I love the politics of Florida I can’t say I’m surrounded by critical thinking intellectuals as opposed to right wing normies.

Pooch says:

Vaccine genocide (outright murder) doesn’t fit with the past actions of the elite. Infertility of the population would align better.

jim says:

One shot of vaccine drops sperm production considerably. In twenty percent of men, to zero.

Pooch says:

Any information of the effect on female fertility?

jim says:

Spontaneous abortions and irregular menstruation – probably as some men fail to produce sperm, some women fail to produce eggs.

Pax Imperialis says:

The American left is a coalition of a multitude of competing factions. That is not too dissimilar to the Spanish left prior to their civil war. Too much factionalism and it fails to operate. The left are united in a shared disdain and even hatred of White America. The left is also united due to shared necessity. The war party can enforce what the other factions want, but the other faction have the vote banks that the war party needs. The war party is the belt strap that holds the left together.

Problem with that setup is that the competent leadership of the war faction is old and dying off. The belt might just come off… Political rearrangement would occur.

White America is rapidly disappearing… unless Hispanics are considered White. Without a clear racial enemy, the left will increasingly incorporate traditional class warfare as seen in Latin America. We see that with AOC and Sanders rise in the party.

More likely than genocide is the type of conflict as seen in the Spanish Civil War or the targeting of Catholics in Mexico. Lots of atrocities and mass killings by leftists, but nowhere at the level of Cambodia. Not to say they don’t want to, they certainly do. It’s a question of capability to carry out organized systematic killings.

On the question of centralized vs decentralized America is both. There are centralized elements as you point out, but that’s missing the Forrest for the trees. Overall America is fairly decentralized. The difference between a New Yorker and a Chicagoan is likely large than the difference between a German and a French. The difference between an Austin Texan and a Dallas Texan is also massive. Even in White America prior to mass immigration in the 60s there is tremendous cultural variance.

American culture is decentralized which leads to wide variation in political values and expression and thus a multi-polar power competition within the US.

Severian says:

Russia has completed the first major encirclement in the Donbas.
Ukrainians in Hirske and Zolote are now completely surrounded. They will then move to surround Lisichansk from the south.


Mister Grumpus says:

All right that’s it. I’m schitzo now. The Keev people are trying to (launder money and) kill off their own Army.

It’s a Holodomor, but of their own armed forces. “We meant well.” “It was an accident.” “It was for a good cause.” “It just didn’t work out.” Incredible.

Prove me wrong I beg you.

jim says:

Jews and leftists just hate warrior types. They just cannot help themselves.

Kiev is trying to wipe out its own army. Modeling our opponents as sane is inaccurate.

Mister Grumpus says:

English speaking armed forces are obviously next. Same reasons, same mechanism, same ends, same means.

What on earth does one do with this perspective/information (assuming he lacks the IQ to hand build crypto castles of scriptless scripting brilliance)?

Pooch says:

Not following. Encirclements happen in war. It is not like the Ukes are trying to be encircled.

Mister Grumpus says:

Do you believe (((the Keev people))) really think they can win the war with Russia now?

Or rather, is this “stand and fight or get shot” business, at this point, just to hold onto power a little bit longer, and physically remove the people who can defect to Putin, depose them, and save their own country from further death and destruction?

(Surely Hitler was on this same trip once the Red Army was crossing Poland. Just saying.)

Pooch says:

The US is fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian.

Kunning Drueger says:

Encirclement happens, but so does defeat or ambush or rout. Ex post facto, it can appear as if a force let an encirclement happen, or courted defeat willingly, or was avoidably routed. Did the US “let” Vietnam win? Did Napoleon choose to be routed?

Sometimes, political entities with control of tactical or strategic elements but not present in the battlespace adopt policies or positions that very obviously lead to defeat; the Whigs during the American revolution, the Congress during the American War, the destruction of Rhodesia. Do these situations validate the assertion made by the defeated military men that the politicians lost the war and not them? If so, is it accurate to say that they were trying to lose?

I believe it is the case in UKR that the power animating the leadership is actively getting soldiers killed (because predominantly white males), and that the leadership is actively getting soldiers killed through zealous posturing intended to signal nationalist fervor.

suones says:

Do these situations validate the assertion made by the defeated military men that the politicians lost the war and not them? If so, is it accurate to say that they were trying to lose?

You just enumerated examples of military victory/stalemate converted to defeat by priestly failure. Rhodesia in particular was a priestly operation through and through. There was literally no military force on the ground capable of dealing with the Selous Scouts, short of US Marines going in (or more likely, UK Commandos). Similarly, in WWI, the German Army could’ve potentially fought France to a standstill, and negotiated an Armistice on equal terms. But their priests failed, the Kaiser lost his nerve, and capitulation was the result. A contemporary counter-example lies in their ally Turkey, where warrior-priest Ataturk dismissed the Mullahs, took command, and routed the enemy so thoroughly on the home front that Gallipolli remains a huge patriotic event in Turkey and Ataturk ascending to absolute power all but guaranteed Turkey an honourable settlement (that Turkey continues to milk to this day).

In the American War of Northern Aggression, if ever the South had had priestly power, they would’ve marched straight on to Boston after Bull Run, destroyed Harvard, captured DC and laid the foundations for a lasting victory.

So yes, while the warriors were “trying to win,” they were instead defeating the wrong enemy after wrong enemy, wearing themselves thin, while the priests who were supervising the whole thing actually did want them to lose. America falls into the same category in WWII. The GAE is fundamentally opposed to Amerikaner, and will kill them first. Imagine Vietnam, on a global scale.

Severian says:

Russian MoD claims some Ukrainian units in that area suffered 50+% casualties and refused orders to keep fighting, retreating from the area. Hence why the fast closing of that pocket.

Kunning Drueger says:

Severian has taken a pretty consistent approach to where he stands and what he posts about. Contrast the tone and content with Basil, the anti-Putin Pole, and join me in puzzling how he has disappeared just as the GAE began retooling their Ukraine War shill ops. I bet he reappears when the GAE picks its path with a completely coincidental alignment. 😐

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Oh my goodness! 😂

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When it is pointed out that Russia has long standing treaties which stipulate a guarantee of land-access to Prussia, the NPC response seems to boil down to ‘If Russia isn’t willing to escalate, then Lithuania (the GAE) has nothing to lose by wiping its ass with merely written agreements between states whenever convenient’.

Do they – which is to say, the people putting out the word to the NPC herd – not see what lies at the end of this train of thought? (That’s a trick question.)

If they are merely a curious subspecies of bipedal animal that ultimately only cares about whether you have the power to hurt it or not, and that if it can get away with victimizing another party, it will – then the only thing wrong with Russia’s invasion is that it didn’t happen sooner. That they were always and already at war, that the GAE always sought to undermine Russia and reduce it to a vassal state like the rest of Europe, and that the only way this ends is when one or the other is ended.

Kunning Drueger says:


Mearsheimer, very recent too. He speaks to a tiny room of GAE NPCs, all of whom can’t wait to demonstrate their holiness. Mearsheimer systematically explains precisely how NATO precipitated the conflict, building a concise and explicit timeline with dates and quotes. It’s elegant and horrifying. And they just… hear nothing. This one video is making me rethink my position; I don’t think they realize what’s happening, like the Arawak looking through Columbus’ ships. Of course, Blinken and close company know what they’re doing. They want a limited nuclear exchange. But I don’t think the academics are on board, though not because they wouldn’t be, rather they cannot conceive of a world wherein their entire framework false. They have no agency. They were combating a deadly, mystery pandemic with robust measures and a safe, effective vaccine when, out of nowhere and for no reason at all, Putin invaded the ancient West European nation of Ukraine.

jim says:

> Blinken and close company know what they’re doing.

Not necessarily, rather I think it the other way around.

When a mule stuffs ballot boxes with fake ballots, she knows what she is doing, I can see that in her shady demeanor. And therefore chances are that the people who physically printed up the fake ballots know what they are doing also. But I am pretty sure the people who paid the mules and the printers and who give them their orders think they are making every vote count, fighting Republican voter suppression, and saving democracy.

Anonymous Fake has trouble responding to our woke capitalism meme, because he would have to ask his supervisor for a script expansion, but his supervisor is not allowed to see the meme, lest it might make him think, and his supervisor does not want to see our memes, since thinking would hurt.

You can also see this in that the left cannot meme. They cannot meme, because they cannot think the thoughts that the memes need to address.

Pax Imperialis says:

They are flat out incapable of thinking the foreign thoughts. It’s not a question of permission or not wanting to think. They flat out cannot think outside the box they were either born with or given.

I can put myself in the shoes of a communist, a fascist, a libertarian, a conservative, a German, a Russian, a Chinese, etc. I can understand their way of thinking. I can understand their way of feeling. I can sympathize with their desires.

That’s what most people in the realist IR camp* can do. That is not what most people can do.

Anonymous Fake is flat out incapable of thinking complex/abstract ideas. No amount of script extension solves the underlying problem.

*Interestingly enough, many engineers who are not social spergs can do the same. Considering how much of China’s political leadership are engineers likely serves as an explanation on why the Chinese understand America better than the Americans.

jim says:

Scott Alexander was not stupid. On the contrary he came up with no end of elaborately ingenious ways of believing things insane, stupid, self contradictory, evil, and self destructive. And in due course started banning everyone who persistently poked at the obvious holes in his reasoning.

Pax Imperialis says:

Talking about generalities. Most people, regardless of intelligence, can not sincerely play devil’s advocate. They can not think hypothetically. They don’t have empathy for the “wrong” set of ideas from the wrong set of people. This happens at all levels of intelligence. Their mind sees wrong think and automatically shuts off interacting with it. It is pathological.

It’s a dominant personality type on the left but is also fairly common one on the right. This isn’t a question of intelligence.

If a person doesn’t have empathy for both sides of a conflict, then they really don’t understand the conflict.

As for Anonymous Fake… well he’s no Scott Alexander from what I’ve seen makes it through.

Vlad says:

Whose that remind me of

Kunning Drueger says:

Get lost, faggot

Mister Grumpus says:

“You can also see this in that the left cannot meme. They cannot meme, because they cannot think the thoughts that the memes need to address.”

Whether to argue for, or argue against, they can’t think them. That’s it.

This is ThoughtCrime/CrimeStop’s most crucial insight, at least to me. I’ve never seen it made anywhere else than right here.

This suggests to me that even the concept of “polite debate” is therefore fundamentally BS, but I can’t quite put it into words succinctly. Please help.

Cloudswrest says:

This is the reason Scott Evil in Austin Powers is so funny. He is the only character who speaks common sense and the other characters either ignore him or tell him to shut up.

Adam says:

It is also among Christians what they refer to as the Holy Spirit “interceding”.

It’s all cognitive dissonance.

Kunning Drueger says:

Polite Debate is something Polite People do in a Polite Society. With no formal hierarchy, no informal rules of decorum, and no shared purposes or desires, there can be no debate, polite or otherwise. Instead, every conversation is a knife fight, every argument is an opportunity to damage and degrade, and every person is both a dupe and a danger. This is pure, distilled anti-whiteness; intellectual white-wolf-white. One of the many cursed legacies of Gramscii and the Frankfurt School.

Pax Imperialis says:

I rolled my eyes a couple of times with the audience questions but that guy in the back with yellow pants gave me a headache.

This relates back to what I was talking about with nuance. Most people can’t mentally operate with nuance in general. Even more so in a charged political situation.

Most people, academics included, are not capable of mentally operating in ambiguity. Things are either right or wrong. Good or evil. 1 or 0.

That is not a criticism of binary thinking, it’s quite useful when you don’t have the time to determine if that Saber Tooth Tiger is going to eat you or not. You’ll live longer thinking in simplistic terms that all Tigers are evil and should be avoided/killed on sight.

It’s not that they don’t realize what’s happening. It’s that they are flat out incapable of realizing in the first place.

IR requires looking at the situation from both sides. Accurately and sincerely putting oneself in the mindset of for example both the American and the Russian ethos/culture/politics/etc. Few are even capable. For most of those capable, it is extremely hard because it’s easy to slip into one sided moral frameworks.

There is a reason why Machiavelli was considered amoral and evil never-mind the terminological contradiction of such a thing…

I’ve said this before, and I will say this repeatedly in the future in many different ways, most people are completely incapable of conceptualizing other points of view. Most people are completely incapable of conceptualizing something being both right and wrong or something being neither right or wrong.

Most people live with no shades of gray. If the reverse were true, engineers and realist IR wouldn’t be such a small group of people.

Adam says:

I agree with this assessment and add that quite a lot of it is driven by fear, and the need for the illusion of control. Simple mindedness, black and white thinking, emotional reasoning etc. these are all primitive tools used by everyone early in life. They are survival tools.

Kazimierz Dąbrowski a Polish psychologist created a theory called “Positive Disintegration” where he describes 5 levels of consciousness. Basically starting with psychosis (emotional and psychological scarcity), to what you described, NPC behavior, and several steps of growth leading to stage 5 multi-level positive integration (complete self awareness and mastery).

His work explains how people get through those 5 stages, basically a series of psychological and emotional fitness tests. Very often people will repeatedly attempt throughout their life to get further, only to fail a certain test again, and slide backwards.

It’s interesting, and everything I’ve read of his stuff, which is just the basics, holds true in my experience.

Kunning Drueger says:

Please link and/or drop quotes when you get a chance, if you’re willing.

Adam says:

Will do- https://positivedisintegration.com/

Pretty congruent with the red pill and our views on evolutionary fitness, as well as spirituality. He makes the case that these levels are naturally occurring and people are built to psychologically and emotionally heal and grow.

Alfred says:

Can anyone give a recommendation for an honest, non-PC account of the Middle Ages in Western Europe? Google is cluttered with recent releases from 2008 and on that scream woke from the authors and titles.

The older, the better. Thank you in advance.

ExileStyle says:

Do you have a more specific focus of interest? That’s a huge sphere of study covering nearly a millennium and many nations and languages.

I’d always go with primary sources when possible. If you want to know what the real lives of real people were like, read the Decameron or the Canterbury Tales. If you want to take the chronicles/hard history route, Froissart’s are great for the late Middle Ages (14th century), and Gregory of Tours’ History of the Franks is a really fun read covering the very early Middle Ages.

Don’t bother with anything about the era written in the 18th century or later…except maybe Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West, which contains a spectacular synthetic history of the Middle Ages, if you’re into Spengler’s thing. (Which you probably are if you are here.)

If you’re really in a hurry, I remember Barbara Tuchman’s A Distant Mirror being a snappy, readable overview of the late Middle Ages based on Froissart’s chronicles, but I read it pre-redpill so can’t 100% vouch for its frame…

Scissors says:

Tuchman’s “Guns of August”, Preface, third sentence: “As the center and source of the Judaeo-Christian religion, …”

Stop right there. The whole entire point of Christianity is the claim that the Jewish status as the only chosen people has been superseded and the old covenant replaced with a new one. The whole entire point of modern Judaism is rejection of Christianity and denial of Christ’s divinity. These two positions are not reconcilable.

Whatever position one takes on Jews and their net impact on modern society, it is simply not possible to honestly claim that these two religions are one and the same.

Barbara Tuchman (who, btw, was Jewish), is an excellent writer. Just be aware: she’s lying to you from the start.

Alfred says:

If I had to pick a specific focus or a few, I’d say specifically England, the era of the Crusades, and the transition from Germanic barbarian kingdoms into feudalism.

But thank you for the recommendations, I will look into them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

For an introduction, ‘The Discarded Image’ by C. S. Lewis serves well.

Aidan says:

It’s hard to find a good one. I’d say read primary sources and apply Jimian synthesis. Froude’s “History of England” is technically about the Renaissance, it only covers the 16th century, but it gives a good glimpse into how politics worked back then. Because the middle ages were the first attacked by leftists, older books are not necessarily more reliable. I haven’t read Coulanges’ works on the middle ages but I assume they’re solid.

A recent book that impressed me was Heart of Europe, which while narratively flaccid is so meticulously dense and well-researched (infodump style of history) that a lot of stuff that wouldn’t be allowed to be published were it focused on is allowed to slip by. Of course, you must simply ignore the author’s own interpretation of history and use it as a building block.

I second Exile’s recommendation of Spengler’s account of the Middle Ages, but it’s buried deep in Decline of the West, which should be read, but not a lot of people have the patience to digest it.

Alfred says:

Thank you, I will look into these.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is fascinating, hilarious, and repulsive:

“A number of claims and counterclaims are being made on the Ukraine-Russia conflict on the ground and online. While GlobalSecurity.org takes utmost care to accurately report this news story, we cannot independently verify the authenticity of all statements, photos and videos.”


“One hundred and nineteenth day of the Ukrainian nation’s heroic confrontation with the Russian military invasion continues.

Ukraine’s defense forces have almost completely destroyed the “elite” of Russia’s western military district, which they were preparing to oppose NATO. This was reported by the Ukraine Security Service, citing the interception of conversations between the Russian occupiers. The SBU notes that these Russian units were completely defeated by the Armed Forces, and only those soldiers who refused to invade Ukraine survived.”


” ‘Our defense intelligence service believes that Russia may reach the point in the next few months where it has no more impetus as it exhausts its resources,’ said Boris Johnson. ‘In that case, we must help the Ukrainians to reverse the dynamics. I will appeal for it at the G7 summit in Germany’ he announced.

” ‘If the Ukrainians are able to launch a counteroffensive, it should be supported. The equipment they expect from us,’ he said. When asked what would happen after a possible victory for Ukraine, he replied: ‘At least we will regain the status quo from before February 24, and Russian troops will be driven out of the areas attacked by them.’

Here’s a link to the full article:

If you decide to subject yourself to this schlock, you will see that the truth is buried in a scattered smattering throughout the article: Ukraine is losing, badly. But the prose intimates the exact opposite: Russia just cannot seem to be successful while they annihilate UKR forces and take territory.

From the same source, a different article:

“Russian forces pounded the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine on June 22 as they sought to completely encircle the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance in the embattled cities of Lysychansk and Syevyerodonetsk in the Luhansk region.”


“The British bulletin highlighted what it called the “extraordinary” attrition rate among the Moscow-backed separatist forces in the Donetsk region, which, based on figures published by the separatist authorities — more than 2,100 killed and almost 8,900 wounded — is equivalent to around 55 percent of its original force.

The report said the separatists appeared to be equipped with outdated Russian weapons and equipment.

It noted that Russian regular forces, which haven’t published official casualty figures since March 25, are likely to have suffered similarly high losses.

Ukraine has not published official casualty figures, which it keeps secret, but various officials including President Volodymyr Zelenskiy have suggested as many as 100 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed every day.”


“In Syevyerodonetsk, Ukrainian defenders held on to the Azot chemical plant in the city. About 500 civilians are sheltering at the plant, and Hayday said in an interview with AP that Russian forces were turning the area ‘into ruins.'”

Here’s the link; it’s basically a rehash of the first one, with added details:

Civilians are dying, and Russia is using artillery! Facts, my guy. But, regardless of the phrasing, these are unrelated facts. UKR is going after non-military targets, using human shields, and suffering terribly. This propaganda is peak WWII.

So, according to Luttwack, GAE intel is a joke, a sprawling bureaucracy resting on laurels long rotten. According to our own lying eyes, GAE 4th estate is living in a fantasy land. GAE military is expending reserve stocks, castrating its capabilities, and drinking from the same Kool aid trough as Intel and Media. In one of those articles, some nobody from Lithuania is nervously certain that it’s perfectly fine to poke the bear, as Lithuania is part of NATO. As we all know, NATO has the USM, and the USM doesn’t lose battles, war, territory, or its tenuous grip on reality.

The GAE is hopscotching its way toward destruction.

Varna says:

> In Syevyerodonetsk, Ukrainian defenders held on to the Azot chemical plant in the city. About 500 civilians are sheltering at the plant,

Once we learn that “gender affirming healthcare” means “cutting off your dick/tits and destroying your endocrine system”, then of course “being held hostage by” becomes “sheltering at”.

Kunning Drueger says:

Varna, you always provide excellent sources. I’m looking for a detailed account of a specific battle or limited engagement in the Special Operation. This is for a creative project, so the actual truth is secondary to the details. Can you give me something you’ve seen, point me towards a good source, or generally advise me on how to go about finding it? Something like this: https://www.thoughtco.com/iraq-war-second-battle-of-fallujah-2360957

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic.

Hey Jim, check out this excerpt:

“There was a logic to the Afghanistan that existed before the Taliban, the Mujahedeen, the Soviet invasion, and communist usurpation. In this Afghanistan, the king reigned but did not rule. The state was stable but its reach was short: public order was preserved by the leaders of the village and the tribe. Tribal life mattered most to Afghanistan’s largest ethnic group, the Pashtuns. The Pashtuns esteemed those who lived according to Pashtunwali, the Pashtun code of honor. One conviction coursed through the social world of Pashtunwali: A Pashtun bows to no man.

In this system, the job of the village elder and tribal khan was to provision their clans, secure their womenfolk from outside eyes, and resolve disputes without slighting or belittling the other men of their community. Elaborate customs of hospitality and lengthy council meetings allowing every man equal say were the main tools khans used to quash quarrels and share honor. Failure to resolve a quarrel through council led to resolution by feud. Tribesmen had no compunction exchanging eyes for eyes. The goal was less punishment than parity: feuds would end when both sides had equal red in their ledger. Experienced leaders balanced the demands of corporate honor with the urgency of ending the violence before it engulfed the entire tribe. Abstract moral rules did not guide their decision-making. As Malkasian comments: “Whatever was in the interests of the tribe was right: Pashtun realpolitik.”

Under the traditional order young men sought distinction through acts of courage and daring. Old men, in turn, were distinguished from their peers by demonstrating the wisdom, foresight, and persuasive power needed to constrain their young men from taking reckless action.”

Here’s the source: https://palladiummag.com/2022/04/15/the-taliban-were-afghanistans-real-modernizers/

This request might be excessive, but would you consider doing a deep dive post on how a hypothetical man should construct a theoretical tribe in Minecraft? It occurs to me that the taliRay B@n sunglasses collective actually have a model worth emulating, but it is not really built for Christian culture and geography.

Aidan says:

Who says it’s not built for Christian culture and geography? Looks to me like when large-scale cooperation collapses, and a Dark Age ensues, the ancient Aryan clannish mode of life re-emerges, Christian or not. My great ancestors in the highlands of Scotland lived an existence remarkably similar to the green-eyed and frequently blonde Pashtun until they lost a war against the British due to their inability to cooperate, and large-scale cooperation was imposed on them with force. At which point they went on to massively punch above their demographic weight in war, engineering, science, and adventure.

War and hardship forces the white man back into clans. If you and I were to found one, because we’re not actually related, and do not believe in the divinity of ancestors, we would adopt a symbol, call ourselves Clan Odonata lets say, paint a dragonfly and a cross on our guns and trucks, marry some relatives to each other, and we have a clan. But, unlikely to form true clan bonds on the level the Pashtun until there is physical danger and extreme hardship.

The Cominator says:

Ussually clan culture requires a pastoral life which involves livestock stealing too though.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

yes, and?

The Cominator says:

The dark age would have to go very bad for it to come to that…

Kunning Drueger says:

If dark age, then Bad. There’re no shades of gray in existential terms. From our lofty, postmodern heights, of course we can construct a taxonomy for an arbitrary gradient. From the position of the descendants of the survivors, much could be discussed regarding counterfactuals and what ifs. From the position of the little boy hunting rats, the father deciding which child to feed, the mother using her pussy for breadwinning, it’s absolute awfulness.

My blackpills are all existential through the lens of societal collapse. I can’t think of anything more depressing, more crippling, than the inexorable slide towards Collapse. To be fair, I’ve never once struggled to get women’s attention, nor have I unintentionally been homeless or poor. Those blackpilled by women or finance seem trite and stupid to me, but maybe I’m just privileged.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Perhaps we could institute a special form of livestock stealing. Wife raiding!

suones says:

[*deleted for enemy memetics*]

jim says:

You point at enemies of our enemies, and tell us they are our enemies.

They have been our enemies in the past, and likely will be again in the future. Right now, not our enemies, and unlikely to become so again until the Global American Empire is defeated.

We have an adequate supply of enemies, looking for more is not a good idea.

The Cominator says:


jim says:

“Muslim” has same meaning as “Islam” and “Islamic”. Presupposes that Mohammedanism is the true religion, Christianity false, and Christians deserving of war at the earliest potential opportunity.

In civil and friendly conversations with Mohammedans, they should call themselves Muslims, and we should call them Mohammedans, and neither party should take offense.

The Cominator says:

Since they seem lately more inclined to be hostile to globohomo and less inclined to kill christian civilians (including even non government commercial targets) I’m using the polite name. I don’t trust them and I will always hold a grudge for 9/11 which did much to put the US on an accelerated bad road… but I think its unwise to insult co-belligerents out of hand (co-belligerents not allies).

During the long period of hostility following 9/11 I generally referred to them as “moon worshippers”.

Kunning Drueger says:

You have to ask yourself why we have no Mohammedans in this synthetic tribe. They will never be allies. The enemy of my enemy is none of my concern.

The Cominator says:

I didn’t say they would ever be allies… i said they were co belligerents as distinct from allies.

Kunning Drueger says:

I get that. Ideology is multipolar always. Geography is GNON’s gift to competing ideologies, races, and tribes. I’ve come to believe the Great Filter is maintaining multipolar sovereignty up to Kardashev 01. The alternatives are holistic collapse or Borg. I sincerely hope my descendants gets to do battle with Mohammedans over portions of the Oort Cloud.

chris says:

I feel sad for these men. Their lives are being thrown away for nothing.


someDude says:

Normality bias. They’ll probably shoot you if you tell them that their lives are being thrown away for nothing.

chris says:

How many were conscripted against their will? How many are worried being shot by their own side as they surrender?

someDude says:

Good point! My Bad. Yeah, this sucks. Too many good men being lost for such an unworthy cause. Happens too many times. Very Black-pilling.

C4ssidy says:

These guys would have seen democracy and gay parades come to them years ago. If they had any significant honor or righteousness to them , would they not have gone rogue and lit up the room the first time they were handed a rifle and magazine?

chris says:

So a regular man, not a hero, not Achilles, not General Patton, but a regular man, thrown into a room, conscripted against his will, should shoot up said room, full of his countrymen who are also regular men likely conscripted against their will, in defiance of a degenerate GAE ideology that likely hasn’t impacted his life in any way, or had sufficient time to metastasise to the point where its degeneracy and destruction of his culture and society is obvious?

There are normies in the west who don’t yet recognise the harm caused by globohomo, yet you expect poor men from poor villages in a post soviet developing country to be Philosopher Kings.

suones says:

[*enemy meme deleted*]

jim says:

The actual fighting men of the US military are our guys, but we cannot and should not expect them to rebel against the enemy officers leading them until we can offer them alternative plausibly legitimate leadership.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What’s the enemy meme?

jim says:

That we should hate and fear our allies, and publicly discuss plans to minecraft them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Well if he intends to argue that point, does he not have the privilege of arguing it? You’ve said as much yourself for far worse posters, including actual unironic glowniggers.

jim says:

Such a debate would be carried far and wide by our enemies to our allies in the military. They would frame misleading fragments of replies by myself with false context.

When the time comes for our enemies in the officer corp to order our allies in the military to kill us, they would warm the troops up with a pep talk of those falsely framed fragments.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

This is one of Jim’s eerily specific predictions that comes from seemingly nowhere and makes one wonder: “how dafuq did he figure that out”. 😳

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

We’ve had all kinds of debates on this blog, on all kinds of topics, that have gone in all kinds of directions (hypothetically or otherwise), that all kinds of misleading fragments could be lifted from, if one were to spend the effort. I don’t see what makes this topic any more different; or rather, i’d say it’s a particularly important topic to fill out, if anything.

someDude says:

Jim, Like DharmicReality I too disagree with this particular interpretation of acting from detachment.

A person who lives in this world and who acts in this world, cannot perform any action with detachment. Detachment means a lack of motivation in performing an action. Whether it is evil or not is moot and academic. The fact is that it is impossible. What action can possibly be taken without a motive.

Thus, when it becomes necessary to kill Kin in a Holy war, one kills kin with the motivation of protecting and preserving what is holy and sacred. Not with the motivation of grabbing the women and property of their kinsfolk.

There are several Hindus who reject that interpretation of the word detachment. The Gita has a long history, Sanskrit has a long history. In this long time, the meanings of words changes. I’m pretty sure the sanskrit word that is now being used to mean detachment used to mean something else in those days.

One example is the Sankrit word for contemplation has now come to mean worry, another word that used to mean sensation has now come to mean sorrow. In the English language itself, note how in 3 generations, the word Gay went from describing a happy state of mind to someone who is a homosexual.

Karl says:

Who is the “we” you are writing about? This blog is a priestly activity. Priests can provide moral justification and maybe support, but leadership is something for warriors.

Maybe there are warriors here. Hard to know with bloggers hidding their identities. Priests are certainly here.

As soon as the actual fighting men of the US military rebel they are providing leadership.

The Cominator says:

Random minecrafting low level targets is insane and stupid but lets not pretend that its possible to have gone thru 2020 and Biden wrecking the economy and not have seen globohomo and the damage its done…

You can’t unless you’re actively part of the problem… and Ukraine since 2014 has the post Soviet poverty + globohomo so it has to be even worse.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I’m as enthusiastic about minecraft as you are… but chill lol.
Lots of people remain to be red pilled.

The Cominator says:

I said freelance minecrafting is stupid.

Severian says:

Bringing it back to information epoch.

I can’t tell if this battle in the Donbas is a one off, but it would be ironic if the result of information epoch weapons were to be the end of fast maneuver warfare and a return to long and brutal wars of attrition. Because no one in the west has the morale or industrial capacity to fight a war like this.

Maybe even NATO’s paradigm of air supremacy is now put into question. After all the Russian airforce can’t freely roam the skies yet, even with the limited air defenses of the Ukrainians. So what’s the likelihood of NATO airforce routing a more sophisticated air defense network like Russia’s?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That’s the take some of the remnants of the old military technocracy in America have. The term they use is ‘salvo economy’, which is basically the the jousting match between platforms for striking targets, and platforms for intercepting enemy platforms – which are often the same platforms, in different mission modes. (Eg, this is an illustrative abstract https://csbaonline.org/uploads/documents/Crossroads_presentation_-_Web.pdf )

For everyone else outside residual circles like these running the clown show, it’s less that they are wrong about these issues, and more like they haven’t even thought of them at all.

jim says:

Both sides are learning that the art of war has changed.

Air supremacy is no longer a thing.

Two rather small groups of Ukrainian troops are now surrounded. It may be quite a while before they surrender. By that time there may well be considerably larger groups surrounded.

The Ukraine successfully turned it into a grueling World War I style war, which is intolerable form of warfare, for even the winner is exhausted.

The Russians are trying to find a way to win that bypasses attrition. But so far, have wound up doing attrition.

Tanks are no longer tanks. They are mobile artillery, and I see no reason why mobile artillery should not be mounted in technicals rather than tanks. The tanks hide behind grunts, for fear of anti tank weapons, rather than charging out in front of grunts as in World War II.

But, tanks and mobile artillery are vulnerable to drones. Both sides are figuring out the new hierarchy of warfare.

In world war I, it took ten thousand shells to kill one grunt. But with drones observing, one shell one grunt. This should make World War I style attritive warfare a non starter, and yet it continues.

One would expect the side attempting to fight an attritive World War I war to suffer terrible casualties, and we have some reason to suppose the Ukes are suffering terrible casualties. The continuation of attritive warfare may reflect the typical desire of Jewish rulers to genocide their goy subjects. Or it may be working. The Russians are advancing at a creep, with lots of failures and gaining an unimpressive amount of territory in each expensive success. So far, by this measure, it is working. On the other hand, we have seen some substantial collapses by demoralized Ukrainian troops. Maybe as attrition continues, there are going to be some rather larger collapses.

Karl says:

How expensive are Russian successes? I have not seen any data on Russian losses.

If one side has grunts in trench, and the other side has artillery losses might be rather one-sided

Jehu says:

I understand that Russia has absolutely outrageous amounts of old tanks, some even going back to WW2 vintage mothballed for occasions like this. T-62s apparently make quite satisfactory mobile artillery, and they still have hordes of them. That’s probably why they’re not using technicals.

Mister Grumpus says:

Sure why not. Just use up the old junk. They won’t need it later, that’s for fucking sure. Does it roll? Does it shoot? OK fine, go, figure something out.

But yes, the next level is just straight up bolting howitzers to those KAMAZ off-road semi truck trailers with monster tires and kickass suspensions. I can’t wait! What’s “Mad Max” in Russian?

Jehu says:

It’s got a 125 mm gun if I recall. That’s plenty for most of their purposes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Do you (Jim) “take back” your earlier take that Ukr had figured out IEW? Did you read the shadows wrong? Did something change? What could that have been?

I don’t get it either. Is it just that the Russians figured out that they were being stupid, and stopped being stupid, but don’t know anything else now besides skull-to-skull artillery bashing?

jim says:

The Russians and the Ukrainians are both improving their game, but are both primarily relying on obsolete weapons, tactics, and strategy.

Recollect that tanks were around for a long time before people figured out how to use them, and stirrups were around for a very long time before we had cavalry charges.

Information epoch warfare is inherently attritive, but the trick is to do what Trump did. Strike at the key vertices of the social and communications graph of the enemy network. The Russians are getting better at this, but they still suck.

Information Epoch warfare is the left strategy of deplatforming, cancelling, and demonetizing, except supplemented with high explosives.

It requires intense focus on social and computer network penetration – the left’s vast army of shills and entryists, and our computer hackers.

The NSA used to be by far the best in the world at computer network penetration, though their competence now appears to be rapidly diminishing. They are still collecting enormous amounts of data, but these days it is mostly the low hanging fruit.

Despite all the bullshit about Russian hackers, the Russian intelligence agencies truly suck at computer penetration, though they recently had an impressive victory which suggests that they penetrated the American computer network used for Ukrainian artillery targeting. The should hire our guys – except that our guys are hard to find.

Mister Grumpus says:

The WWI analogy is fascinating, though, because they first used airplanes for artillery spotting back then too. Now it’s drones. But for a while, military aviation was just a weird circus show for the “real war” happening elsewhere. Drones started out kinda like that just a few months ago.

One thing I vaguely recall is how a daring bit of airplane-based reconnaissance daring-do blew the cover of a big important Russian troop movement and got them all fucked over really badly. It’s in Guns of August somewhere. (Somebody check me.) So they remember that.

skippy says:

Since this seems like a good place to ask, what is the most accurate and reliable English translation of the Old Testament?

(I understand from reading comments here that the translation issues are different for the Old Testament compared to the New Testament)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

KJV, Douay-Rheims, and Young Literal are the strongest options. When checking passages i find it profitable to have all three open.

C4ssidy says:

Steven Anderson has a lot of sermons going into the details of why he is KJV only and why the modern translations are atrocious and satanic, can be funny to listen to, but it is probably easier to point out that the Orthodox use KJV for the Old Testament in their English Study Bible

ExileStyle says:

Well, here it is. Roe and Casey overruled:

“Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey
are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the
people and their elected representatives.”


Neurotoxin says:

Can’t wait to see how the left reacts to this. This is a clear statement that the right is not always afraid to challenge the left’s most holy sacraments, and a refutation of the left’s precvious ratchet notion that History only moves leftward.

ExileStyle says:

A big refutation. Though no time to relax, as these sly jackals will do anything in their power to resume unfettered celebration of their central sacrament. The DOJ might simply go rogue now, as they have already suggested they will do with gun control.

Also important to note that this was a 6-3 decision in the end, so credit to Roberts for not being intimidated by the leak. I suspect he, the consummate “institutionalist,” concurred in the end in no small part as a sign that the court will not be so easily intimidated.

notglowing says:

Although I am certainly happy about this, as this has been propped up as a big holy cow for the left, I can’t help but consider it a small victory.

The fact it took so many decades to overturn it, which should’ve been much easier, speaks volumes of how irredeemable the American judiciary is.

This isn’t even banning abortion after all. It’s overturning a perverse interpretation of the constitution that somehow maintains that the document confers an absolute right to abortion. How obviously stupid is that? It’s a low hanging fruit. And it’s one of the less controversial things for right wingers to support.

Now abortion is still effectively legal, women just have to travel longer to have it done, considering many states will never ban it. Given they have 9 months this is more of a psychological victory for the right (and ought to be celebrated as such) than a real change in direction.

Leftists maintained some absolute right to abortion with no restriction for decades on this incredibly shaky foundation, because they knew legislative action to enshrine it into law would have meant compromising with republicans, and making abortion more restricted, much like it generally is in Europe.

Neurotoxin says:

“Although I am certainly happy about this, as this has been propped up as a big holy cow for the left, I can’t help but consider it a small victory.”

It’s a huge victory.

Destroys the left’s aura of invincibility.

Crashes through their cherished walls of delusion about how history is totally on their side, so they definitely can’t lose in the long run.

Role of morale is enormously important.

Shows the enemy can bleed, on the most public of all stages.

It doesn’t matter whether you think abortion is a big deal. The point is, the left DOES think that. It’s a huge deal to them, and everyone knows it. And they were not able to stop this from happening.

“Fear will keep the local systems in line,” says Tarkin, “fear of this battle station.” Then the rebels destroy it in front of the whole galaxy. This happened – let’s suppose for the sake of argument – while the Death Star was headed to destroy some target that had little military value. The value of that target is not the point. The point is that their invincible untouchable death machine just got ass-raped on the world stage.

Varna says:

> It’s a huge victory.

Destroys the left’s aura of invincibility.

Crashes through their cherished walls of delusion about how history is totally on their side, so they definitely can’t lose in the long run.

Role of morale is enormously important.

…This is to a large extent what happened to the Soviet camp. They stopped believing they are on the right side of history. Once you manage to get the opposition into at least starting to doubt, their energy begins to plummet.

Self-doubt can be a very healthy thing, not necessarily a paralyzing nightmare of indecision. Every honest man knows self-doubt and how to deal with it in a healthy manner. It’s high time for a large chunk of globohomo drones to at least be introduced to this concept.

ExileStyle says:

No, this matters a lot. As Thomas points out in his opinion, contraception, gay marriage, and sodomy laws were all decided with the exact same reasoning as Roe, and with Roe as precedent.

Also keep in mind that should Republicans retake congress, they could ban abortion nationally. Their hands are no longer tied. Whether they will do it is another question; the fact now is they can. And this is the only real issue Republicans are totally consistent and uncompromising on.

It also matters in terms of how the left responds. They will definitely try to simply ignore the Supreme Court from now on, paint it as illegitimate, attempt to pack it or just dispense with it entirely. Their success or failure and overall approach to that could determine the timing, intensity, and shape of Civil War II, and who ends up ruling this nation.

This is a big deal. Let’s not be too cynical. Let’s also not forget about the innocent human souls being saved from trash compactors and the human organ trade market, too. This is a win.

The Cominator says:

“Also keep in mind that should Republicans retake congress, they could ban abortion nationally.”

Republicans would need to clear up the vote fraud to have any hope of retaking the Senate, and if they cleared up the vote fraud they would have to ask themselves whether a national ban on abortion would be popular and it absolutely would not be and if you think it would be you’re nuts (except for late term abortions). Republican voters vote Republican because Democrats intrude in their lives more with stupid policies and are more likely to ruin the economy (I mean if they aren’t named Bush) not because they want them to intrude on them more in this one case.

I believe the ruling is that this is a state issue.

The problem with abortion is also woman’s right to choose… not that it exists. Abortion should be husband and father’s right to choose.

jim says:

> should Republicans retake congress, they could ban abortion nationally

No they cannot. The ruling is that it is an issue for the separate states. It is a state issue.

Jehu says:

They could withhold all highway funding and other sorts of funding from any state that didn’t put a 360 day waiting period on abortions. At least assuming that the Supremes aren’t willing to go there on the Commerce clause and States ‘not being raped, merely seduced’ decisions.

The Cominator says:

But assuming they could get honest elections why the fuck would they do that?

Jehu says:

Well, if hypothetically you could get a law like that, you’d give the Supreme court a golden excuse to undo pretty much all the FDR jurisprudence. They’d be boxed into either saying, NO, the Federal government can’t do stuff that they’re not allowed to do by forcing states at pain of losing all their federal funding or to accept the imposition.

Either way would be a big win. And you could make the imposition less extreme than the 360 day waiting period, which I chose for a deliberate reducto.

The Cominator says:

While it doesn’t matter much now because fake elections…

This issue is only a winner when it doesn’t mean anything… once it requires men to be more likely to be stuck paying child support its a big loser. Is the GOP stupid enough… maybe.

ExileStyle says:

Of course they can. This ruling does not effect that directly, but it enables it. Congress can legislate whatever it likes. If Congress can mandate seatbelts or outlaw marijuana or prohibit murder they can outlaw abortion. This is the next step.

jim says:

Congress does no end of illegal and unconstitutional things. A federal ban on abortion would, however be different, because in this case the constitution would be backed. It will be considered, in order to excite the base, and then go nowhere.

ExileStyle says:

I don’t disagree that they likely *would* not do it, but they absolutely *could* if they wanted to. This is Civics 101. The whole point of this ruling is pointing out that there is no constitutional right to abortion. So no constitutional violation would be committed in outlawing abortion.

The legislative branch is fully within its rights to legislate something like that, or really anything else. It’s not something you’d even see floated unless Rs had a 60+ super-majority in the senate, but all sorts of things are possible.

I mean, did we expect to see Roe staight-up overruled in our lifetimes? I certainly did not.

jim says:

> The whole point of this ruling is pointing out that there is no constitutional right to abortion.


Do your homework.

The question addressed in this case is whether the separate states have the right to legislate on abortion.

If the feds have authority to legislate, the democrats could just make it legal up to twelve months after conception. If the feds do not have authority to make it legal, they do not authority to make it illegal.

Roe vs Wade was a workaround for the problem the the feds did not have that the authority.

The Cominator says:

“I don’t disagree that they likely *would* not do it, but they absolutely *could* if they wanted to. This is Civics 101. The whole point of this ruling is pointing out that there is no constitutional right to abortion. So no constitutional violation would be committed in outlawing abortion.”

It would be if the federal government banned it.

ExileStyle says:

It would be if the federal government banned it.

No idea where you guys are getting this idea from. You just add it to the federal criminal code. Don’t even need to mention abortion. Just add a paragraph under homicide law. Like “§5. ‘Life’ for the purposes of this subchapter shall be defined as beginning at conception.” Then you just prosecute it as murder.

jim says:

The government can normally get away that sort of obviously illegal and unconstitutional stuff. Except, sometimes it cannot.

This is one of those cases where it is unlikely that it can.

The Cominator says:

“No idea where you guys are getting this idea from. You just add it to the federal criminal code. Don’t even need to mention abortion. Just add a paragraph under homicide law. Like Ҥ5. ‘Life’ for the purposes of this subchapter shall be defined as beginning at conception.” Then you just prosecute it as murder.”

Oh you’re doing the personhood thing. Ambigious if the federal government has the right to define personhood, they won’t do this though.

Personhood referendums (and this was before they rigged the elections) consistently fail to pass even in deep deep red states. Repealing Roe v Wade and limiting abortions is somewhat popular. Outright papist style conception bans on abortions are not popular.

Problem with abortion is that its up to the women and not up to the man who owns her (or should own her).

ExileStyle says:

>Do your homework.
>obviously illegal and unconstitutional


I’m not going to harp on this any more after this, but you are wrong, and plainly and on the face of it wrong. There simply is no argument here. I can’t help wilful ignorance of basic lawmaking, but maybe some current or future pro-life lawmaker is reading this.

Compare pp. 2-3 of Kavanaugh’s opinion (pp. 125-124 of linked document):

On the question of abortion, the Constitution is therefore neither pro-life nor pro-choice. The Constitution is neutral and leaves the issue for the people and their elected representatives to resolve through the democratic process in the States or Congress—like the numerous other difficult questions of American social and economic policy that the Constitution does not address.

In fact, unborn children are already protected under federal law (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1841) and people can be and often are prosecuted for murdering unborn children—just not abortionists or mothers. You just start prosecuting the abortionists and mothers, too.

Also, whether it is possible and whether it is probable are two completely different questions. I’m not sure how to explain that basic feature of reality, nor how to “convince” you of something that is simply a basic matter of fact.

jim says:

Your points are simply irrelevant, because they are all irrelevant the issue that caused Roe in the first place: That regulating abortion is a state power, not a federal power, and the feds did not like the way some states regulated it.

It was made a constitutional right to get around the state rights question. Making it not a constitutional right returns us to the status quo ante.

Which was, and now is again, that it is a state matter.

The Cominator says:

1st of all is the question is whether the Republicans will ever be able to win the Senate or Presidency again. I’m skeptical i think they can get the house…

But if future Senatorial and Presidential elections are fair federal personhood laws will be political suicide.

jim says:

The radical faction (the squad) thinks that the Republicans cannot be allowed to win anything.

But, contrary to my confident prediction, the faction actually in power is not signing on to this. It is not exactly signing off from this, but is signaling an intent to let cuckservatives win the house, but not the senate or the presidency, and to not allow any more Maga candidates to win pre-selection in the Republican party. Since Trump is a Maga candidate, this program, if carried out in full, will produce a hilarious presidential primary in 2024.

Nor is it entirely committed to allowing cuckservatives to win the house. It is dithering.

The problem, which it does not quite know how to deal with, is that any election that does not result in the Republicans in full control is likely to be a bit far fetched. The gerontocrats and kleptocrats want normality, and do not know how to get there. The radicals want the immanentize the eschaton, and think they can get there by eliminating whites. Those in control are weak and confused, because they know that they do not know, while the radicals are full of strength, certainty, and passion, because they think they do know. It is therefore likely, that as the 2022 election approaches, the gerontocrats and keptocrats will give the order “steal in moderation, a narrow cuckservative victory in the house, all maga candidates to lose, and a close senate”, and to their surprise what will actually be done will be considerably more radical.

exilestyle says:

>Your points are simply irrelevant

The only issue the right has had any organizational coherence on and success with across decades is abortion. The bills are already introduced and simply waiting for the votes:

Total abortion ban bill with 160 cosponsors already: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1011/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22d%22%5D%7D&r=9&s=1

Heartbeat bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/705/text

Your normalcy bias is showing. It’s also clear you haven’t spent much time among real-live American evangelical conservatives, i.e. Republicans, because they are absolutely ride or die on this issue, and enforce near-absolute ideological conformity among elected Republicans.

jim says:

This is just cuckservatives throwing red meat at their base. They have no intention that it would ever pass, and if it did pass, which it cannot, would be instantly shot down in the courts.

exilestyle says:

>instantly shot down in the courts

On what basis?

jim says:

State rights. That it is a state power was what resulted in Roe versus Wade in the first place.

One obvious workaround would be the commerce clause, but that requires the court system to be in your pocket.

The Cominator says:

A better use of a non leftist SCOTUS is to nuke the commerce clause from orbit not to use the commerce clause in a way that even given fair elections will ensure the Democrats stay in power.

exilestyle says:

>But if future Senatorial and Presidential elections are fair federal personhood laws will be political suicide.

Yeah, that’s true. In today’s political climate at least. If there’s ambivalence and hesitancy even here, on the farthest reaches of the right wing, it’s probably best for Republicans to leave it alone.

That would not have been true half a century ago, though. It’s important to keep the big picture in mind.

chris says:

Hoes be mad.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Indeed, leftsists are malding P-PRAISE GNON!

notglowing says:

Derangement and delusion are pretty high for what is not even a big loss, pretty typical of the histrionic leftist:

Travis says:

Interesting article….posits namefag Yarvin as “cathedral idea is nonsense.”


The Cominator says:

1. Before the 2016 election the evidence of the center was weak, since 2020 the existence of a conspiracy of the Alex Jones type is obvious. You still don’t know exactly what the center is… but you know its there.

2. The way this article characterizes the center is incorrect

“It is “decentralized” in the sense that there’s no single center directing action, but rather multiple competing groups jockeying for power and influence while the controlling center provides the marketplace”

No no 2020 proved it really was some small SPECTRE like cabal at the top. Though I expect the WEF is just a frontgroup for it (that Klaus Schwab looks a lot like Blofeld/Dr Evil is not a coincidence).

“These misconceptions all stem from a very wrongheaded idea about markets and commerce — that somehow they arise “spontaneously” and are not top-down. In reality, there is no such thing as a non-palace economy, as all commercial or productive activities depend on the framework and infrastructure which can only be provided by the sovereign”

Trade does not depend on the government really… only scaling trade and property beyond what you can defend yourself does.

3. This is another one of the stupid “blame the merchants” articles.

“Far more than the simple peasant, the high financier and wealthy merchant depend on the king’s whims, his money, his standards, his soldiers and policemen, his courts, his roads, his economic power as a guarantor of their solvency, and his diplomatic clout insofar as they trade abroad. For the most part, they don’t mind this”

Now this is true but he makes it out like the merchants control this… and merchants don’t mind this too much when the king just wants them to kickup a small %. When the kingpriest wants the merchant to cut his balls off though they do mind.

Vlad says:

Dont see them minding see them offering to pay for ball cutting and abortion vacations. See them firing whites and hiring muds see them selling poison a whole multitude of poisons. Seems when you’re in deep with deep things go we’ll laws get passed that keep completion developing and you get trainloads of freshly printed fiat and don’t pay taxes. They may not be shot callers like the Jews but they are enforcers for the Jew. Never cared for AJ but he seems to have been pretty much right about everything. Trade even actual capitalism is not corporatism even corporatism would be ok if Jews didn’t want us dead and enslaved.
If you examine what is seemingly insane about our leaders choices it only isn’t insane if you hate and fear white people but are not strong enough to defeat them head on so need muds to back you up. Because if that wasn’t the crux of the matter all the other stuff could be had by simply letting the muds die off instead they breed and import them knowing full well they’re useless mouths. The merchants betray us because they understand the plan is to take the whites property and launder it through the muds who will give it to the so called capitalists so more iPhones are moved capitalist are never long term thinkers. The Jews certainly are.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think they’ve yet been asked to pay for tranny surgeries doesn’t seem to be a holiness trend to get private entities to pay for those yet, some are as of now offering to pay for abortion costs. The capitalists are strongarmed by globohomo because they are an easy pressure point and through letting priests into their companies they can be used to control the population. But by and large their main interest is money… and they mainly obey out of fear.

Yes globohomo may offer carrots (rarely) but mostly the merchants get the stick not the carrot.

alf says:

The name ‘Nicholas Jeelvy’ does ring a bell… Wasn’t he a commenter back in the day? I remember not being very impressed back then. Of this article, I can barely read two paragraphs before being bored to death.

Aidan says:

We used to be friends on Twitter back in the day; cool guy but not exactly one of us.

Starman says:


Counter-Currents is run by Grindr Greg Johnson, a faggot that promoted the Covid hoax and the frankenvaxx.

Travis says:

Yes. Just posting the link as it is relevant.

It is also bullshit…..as is Johnson.

jim says:

Counter currents is controlled opposition. I have always found watching their stuff a complete waste of time, and mentally exhausting because of the effort required to detect the payload of implicit lies being carried in statements that explicitly dance around the truth, while implicitly carrying a payload of lies.

Vlad says:

Now apply same standard to Curtis

jim says:

I do

I call him Namefag Yarvin.

Since he was doxxed, worthless. If I was doxxed in this identity, this identity might also become worthless, but unlike Namefag Yarvin I have some spare identities up my sleeve. He deliberate constructed Urbit to not particularly facilitate spare identities. Urbit is way more developed than what I am working on, but I am not making his mistakes. Also, this identity is armored so that it can survive doxxing a whole lot better than Namefag Yarvin’s identity. But it is not so well armored as Andrew Anglin’s identity, so hard to say what would happen.

They went after Andrew Anglin’s family. They have attempted to dox my kin, so far unsuccessfully, but they successfully doxxed Andrew Anglin’s kin. Because they suspect this identity to be well armored to survive doxxing, they seem to be particularly interested in finding my kin.

hggh says:

> Since he was doxxed, worthless.

You are retarded. Current Yarvin is exactly the same as Moldbug. He seems different to you because you are getting senile.

jim says:

If you think he is unchanged, you failed to find the deeper meanings in the Moldbug posts, which were always a little bit camouflaged by a thicket of word salad, or are vastly better than I am at finding the hidden meanings in the Namefag Yarvin posts, which are solidly buried underneath concrete reinforced by of globohomo lies, and require vast amounts of thought, effort, cynicism, energy, sensitivity to implications, and deep knowledge of reactionary theory to hammer through that solid layer of reinforced concrete.

Anonomus says:

“Current Yarvin is exactly the same as Moldbug”
You are wrong
Current Yarvin is almost worthless and getting completely worthless.
I also disagree with jim that all of it is about doxxing
Yarvin is simply getting old, his ideas has reached it fullness and there is nothing more.
Even he admit it is now time for grifting. Which is okay but also sad.
His writing today are meandering , irritating and tedious.
Moldbug yarvin writing was kaleidoscopic if you keep at it you will
Reach a spot where everything fall into place.
Yarvin writing now like a desert his ideas are mirage the more you follow him the less you understand.

Kunning Drueger says:


Col. Macgregor laying it down. Definitely worth a watch.

Gentlemen, friends & adversaries, and the mentally retarded:

I propose we start a think tank centered on IEW called Headless Process. We compose essays and send them to people like Macgregor. We use Jim’s software for internal comms and coordination. Nothing IRL, no meatspace offices, just anonymous collaboration online resulting in concise, sober analysis and theory.

Jim says his stuff isn’t ready, but some things will never be ready because they’ll never be perfect. Deploying systems on a small scale with no fanfare is the best way to work out bugs and develop optimization.

Papers and essays need to be drafted, then edited. I will do the editing and if I need help, I’ll ask. I will also track down contact info for Recipients, and do delivery if it is absolutely necessary.

We need to develop a list of Targets composed of people or organizations that we send the completed policy and theory papers to.

We need to develop a list of topics, broken into Essential, Supporting, and Interesting.

We need to demonstrate the value and nascent power of our synthetic tribe in order to find and connect with the Elites capable of forming the new regime. I see no benefit to sitting around, waiting for salvation, hoping against hope someone else will bring about Restoration. I know this is a dangerous path to walk, which is precisely why we can be certain it’s worthy of our efforts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I’ve noticed The Algorithm has been putting clips from ‘A Few Good Men’ in youtube feeds lately; i suppose the google botnet decided based on Reasons that this thing and this time have an intersection.

The opening scene of a troop of marines engaging in silent drill really sets the tone for the whole movie: “you see this poignant expression of europoid man’s ability to coordinate and engage in higher forms of behavior? yeah, it means worse than nothing to me; this is what i am looking to destroy, and i’ll make you cheer me on as i do it”.

Adam says:

Something that has become very apparent to me is how much warriors and priests are natural adversaries.

Priests like women are naturally subversive, and both envy and covet what the warrior has, competence in the material world.

Priests need to be restrained and restricted with the same diligence women do. They need to be locked down tight, no wiggle room. A little wiggle room today, a lot tomorrow.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Sure, you can make that point in the course of the discussion, no?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
C4ssidy says:

I often think of his proposed system totally changing information as we know it. With normie internet, articles can be edited in hindsight, and the troons are even cracking down on archive.org. A blockchain article would presumably be checksummed and signed by keys of authors and editors (verified via trust network ie other people carrying proof of other stuff they signed) all messagable for a small fee and having to re-sign for updates. It feels like ultimate triumph over 1984. Why would you use or trust something from any other system? I wonder if you could even reward people for correct predictions in hindsight. Suppose those computer models vastly overpredicting earth warming in the 80s had set up a smart contract bet with the temperature satellites and attached proof at the end of their paper. Even without bets there would be a similar weight when correctly analysing world events just based on the immutability of posts. If the New York Times posts something a total contradiction with what they said one year ago, they always change the previous article

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The crackup between the whig priesthood and the veneer of instrumental techne they wore as a party costume – as expressed through the medium of a fronthole who went looking for warlords and sadly never found herself getting kidnapped.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pseudo, how does it feel to be a national treasure no one knows about?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
alf says:
Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Supreme Court Votes 5-4 To Reclassify Women As Service Animals


Severian says:

Interesting, the EU is not going along with this Kaliningrad stuff. They are drafting a document to “allow Russian good to pass through Lithuania”.

So I suppose this whole thing was a state department idea like Yarvin said on his blog.

Kunning Druegger says:

Every single escalatory step recommended, urged, or taken has been a product of the suicidal war faction; Polish migs, no fly zone, foreign mercs, weaponization of Chernobyl, offensive naval escorts, blockade of Kaliningrad.

The suicidal war faction is strongest in the Core GAE, but merely factionally represented in the periphery. It is not the strongest faction either, which is why there is succesful opposition to it.

Both Mearsheimer and MacGregor have called out what’s happening, but either crimestop or normality bias precluded them from putting together Cause and Effect: if Russia begins to decisively lose in Ukraine, they will likely resort to nuclear weapons; the US has made it explicitly known that their main goal is for Russia to lose decisively.

The suicidal war faction of the State Department wants Russia to use nuclear weaponry because they believe it will give them carte blanche to force their disease laden soft power cock into Russian society on the heels of a hard power incursion. They need the justification to act with a free hand, and they believe the deployment of nuclear weapons is the perfect casus belli.

The Cominator says:

No actually the suicidal war faction is the strongest in the Baltic States and Poland… which makes me think they should not be allowed to exist…

Kunning Druegger says:

Disagree. yes, they are there. yes, they are influential. But if they were in power, there would be volunteer companies of infantry flowing into the Ukraine and fighting, as well as regular army equipment being sent at or near battalion strength to be matched up with operators in country. This is a precedent dating back many centuries in Europe. Thus far, I don’t believe we’ve seen this occurring. It may happen soon, and I could be wrong, but if it were happening, Russia would be countering. There are large Russian speaking enclaves in all of the Balts. Should they, or Moldova or Romania, start sending volunteer companies or regiments, we’d be seeing 5th column actions by Spetznas.

notglowing says:

The most suicidal are the people living in these ex USSR eastern europe states that hate Russia, often for good reason, due to their past.
This is true, but they are not the people with the most power.
They don’t get their way, they indirectly depend on Washington because they know they can’t actually fight Russia by themselves.
It’s more akin to impotent rage than anything. But to the extent that they are able to do something against Russia, they will.

The ones you need to be worried about are the suicidal war faction in the US.
Because they can actually organize a suicidal war against Russia.

The Cominator says:

The insane state department faction keeps using these countries to try to provoke a war. The kalingrad blockade is the latest… i can’t merely blame the local elite either the way most modern evils are… those countries top to bottom want America to fight their war for them…

Vendat Tunicam says:

Have you ever seen what happens to a small yappy dog when the owner is suddenly out of sight?

The people in ex-USSR countries are in a suicidal rage because they think the US will do the heavy fighting for them. If *poof* bang! the US ceases protect them they will be meek and servile in Russia’s hands. On combined military power alone they cannot take the Russians, when you add in nukes it’s totally over. A Yorkie fighting a Mastiff.

yewotm8 says:

Because of all of the retarded posts on /pol/ by Polish flags? Not something I’d base my appraisal of a nation’s sentiment on in real life.

The Cominator says:

Its like every pole and balkanoid there is no opposition saying they are all glowniggers (there seems to be one polish poster who says they’re all Ukranians)..

So yes I figure their population even their far right supports this.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yarvin is right.

The way the US Embassy in any of these little countries will push around the “actual government”, often in direct opposition to what the people want, will blow your fucking mind once you see it in action. That’s all I’m saying here.

Or rather, instead of “the US Embassy”, I should say “the many Cathedral tentacles that use the US Embassy as their Green Zone”.

“The Alawites also had immense success, with an outer religion of Mohammedanism…”

There is no such thing as “Mohammedanism”.

It is Islam.

jim says:

The word Mohammedanism is symmetric with the word Christianity. You follow Mohammed, we follow Christ. The word “Islam” presupposes that Mohammedanism is true, and Christianity false.

The Alawite tactic of having an outer religion that is superficially compliant, an inner religion that is considerably less compliant, and an innermost religion that is deeply secret, is one that in a long dark age we may well have to adopt. Their inner religion has bronze age roots, which makes it likely that their secret innermost religion maintains Bronze age social technology. If we have to form a priesthood on the same principles, our innermost secret religion will have as its sexual morality the sexual morality of the old testament, our outer religion will be cucked post Christianity, our inner religion Christianity, and our secret innermost religion old type Christianity with continuity with the Bronze Age social technology preserved by Moses and the priesthood of Aaron. As commanded by Saint Paul, our priesthood will be recruited from married men who have raised well behaved children. But this presupposes that our civilization collapses and our race vanishes, which I would rather avoid.

Anoncity says:

This design of Social/Religious Concentric circles is quite amazing to actually exist and maintained for centuries.
I wonder how it work in practice, Is it like masonic lodges ? With hierarchical degree
And how they deal with the problem of entrist and the cover story replace the secret story for the generations that come after.

Jehu says:

I suspect that close ties of blood help reduce the entryism problem. Unfortunately, that’s not something that you can easily replicate.

jim says:

Entryism was a problem from the beginning, and became a hugely bigger problem when Christianity took power. State propagation of power into enemy state through the state faith was huge problem in first temple Israel. State sponsored entryism became a big thing shortly before World War II. Nonkin groups have been dealing with entryism for a very long time. There are well known and highly effective methods whereby synthetic tribes can deal with it.

With Information Epoch Warfare beginning, it is about to become an even bigger problem.

Shill tests work. They work bizarrely, improbably, and unreasonably well.

Neurotoxin says:

“Shill tests work. They work bizarrely, improbably, and unreasonably well.”

But holy crap, the amount of time you have to spend administering them.

(And updating them, etc.)

suones says:

[*deleted for misinformation*]

jim says:

I don’t know, and you do not know, what the innermost faith of the Alawites is, and anyone who does know is not saying. But the inner faith of the Alawites, which is somewhat known, is not the one you depict.

Muhammad Izadi says:

Thanks for replying.

“You follow Mohammed, we follow Christ.”

The term “Mohammedanism” presumes that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) or associate divine attributes with him.

He is the final messenger of Allah. Like other prophets of Allah, he is infallible.
However, he is not a deity.

The word “Islam” does not point to any personality, tribe, or geographical spot. It means submission to Absolute Reality (Al Haqq).

The one who submits is called a “Muslim”.

jim says:

Which presupposes that you are submitting to God, we are not (and that therefore war should ensue within “months”, “months” being plausibly and reasonably interpreted in context as meaning as soon as it looks like there is a chance of it being safe to do so. And Christian mercy and forgiveness following victory is always interpreted as weakness presaging a chance.)

Calling it Mohammedanism does not imply you worship Mohammed. It merely implies you follow Mohammed, who was inspired by demon, real or metaphorical.

We know it was a demon, whether a real spirit speaking from without, or Mohammed’s own evil speaking from within which he conveniently heard as voice without, because it lied and was inconstant, with new revelations superseding old revelations when the old revelations became inconvenient.

We and old type Mohammedans, such as Talibanic Muslims, are temporarily allies, and I don’t wish to have a quarrel when we both face an extremely powerful enemy faith that intends to rule the world, and has very nearly accomplished it. But Mohammedan alliances are always temporary. During the Lebanon civil war each of a dozen factions was at some point at war with each of the others.

We and new type Mohammedans, who have made a modus vivendi with globo homo, are enemies right now.

Which kind of Mohammedan are you? If you are reading this blog, very possibly old type, in which case we should postpone our quarrel till globohomo is defeated. Or, possibly, you are a shill. I have seen some shills, not very many, shilling for new type Mohammedanism. I am not sure whether they are paid by a new type Mohammedanism government, or paid by globohomo to converge Mohammedanism. If a shill, let us have this quarrel right now. Demanding that people use enemy words is a globohomo tactic, suggestive of a globohomo shill.

If someone is a Christian, “Islam” is an enemy word, while “Mohammedan” an entirely polite alternative that does not carry any hostile implications. “Islam” carries implications deeply hostile, murderously hostile, to Christians, Christianity, and Christ, and no Christian should use that word.

If you are an old type Mohammedan, you should be perfectly comfortable with non Mohammedan temporary allies using their preferred word, at least if they clarify the meaning so that there is no hostile intent. If a globohomo shill, you will demand that your enemies use your language, to carry your meanings and your intent into enemy minds.

jim says:

Putting you on moderation pending your response to this shill test. Failures to pass the shill test are likely to be silently deleted.

If you are old type Mohammedan, you will be able to depict Globohomo as a religion, as post Christian or demon worship, derived from Christianity, but no longer Christian.

Do so to pass the shill test.

If a globohomo shill for new type Mohammedanism, you will not be able to do so. You will be only able to criticize globohomo with language that maintains careful ambiguity as to whether you are attacking those horrid racist redneck bearded Christians in the swamps, or the frighteningly powerful people in tall towers in Washington, New York, and Massachusetts.

If you are a shill employed by a new type Islamic government rather than globohomo, I am not sure what you will be able to do, but will be very curious to find out.


jim says:

Please take the shill test above.

I want to know if you actually believe what you are supposedly arguing for, or if what you supposedly believe and supposedly argue for is just a wagon to carry a very different payload.

Your lengthy and courteous reply somehow failed to mention in any way the common enemy of Christians and Mohammedans, an enemy that rules most of the world, and intends to rule all of it.

I don’t care whether or not you are hostile to Christianity – though I smell something fish when you say you are not. I care whether you are what you say you are or are in bed with the common enemy of Christians and Mohammedans, and you explaining at length in a courteous and friendly fashion that you are not hostile Christians makes me more suspicious, not less that, that you are in fact hostile not only to Christians, but also to Mohammedans. I did not want to see discussion of Mary, mother of Christ. I wanted to see something, that if you have paymasters in the towers of New York, or Washington, and Massachusetts, would get you fired.

Pax Imperialis says:

Imagine being a “failed artist” in early 1900s because your art is too close to reality.

Imagine being a “failed academic” in current day because your work is too close to reality.

Is reaction from “failed academics?”

markmark says:

there are a number of us in the ranks. also generally, white men excluded from other institutions besides academia (corporations, government etc).

suones says:

> Failed artist from early 1900s…


hggh says:

> Imagine being a “failed artist” in early 1900s because your art is too close to reality.

Hitler’s art is shit dude.

jim says:

He knew it was shit, but it was still vastly better than Picasso and all that crowd.

Severian says:

Heh, Picasso painted better realism at 9 years old than Hitler ever did. completely different class in terms of talent, had he not gotten into modernism in his teens he might have been one of the greatest figurative painters ever, up there with the old masters.

jim says:

Link me to a realist painting by Picasso.

Cloudswrest says:

Here you go. He did a lot of “normal” paintings before he went “cubist”. Also, he wasn’t famous until he went cubist.


Severian says:

Cloudswrest posted most of them.
He painted Old Fisherman and Communion as a young teen.
They are nothing special by 19th century standards, but very impressive for his age. Even in the blue period before cubism you can still see his great talent.


The Cominator says:

Hitler’s art as far as buildings wasn’t bad but its people who haven’t studied him much think he wanted to be an artist.

Hitler really wanted to be an ARCHITECT and if you’ve ever dealt with architects and know what they are like… Hitler would fit right in btw. They are 90% control freak prima donnas and the only way to dissuade them from stupid ideas is to fanatically insist what they do just absolutely can’t work because of obscure technical reasons he doesn’t understand (which is what people who dealt with Hitler generally said was generally the only way to back him down on things)…

Hitler spent most of his time pre war going over architectual models with Speer all other tasks involved in running the Reich was secondary to architectural planning, during the war he couldn’t do this nearly as much but he still spent a fair amount of time with architectural plans.

skippy says:

Hitler’s art was not imaginative, which is interesting because

1. his politics was very imaginative

2. I’ve never found any writing or other statement by him condemning artistic innovation or arguing that art must be “realistic”

If art doesn’t have any aspect of feeling or the divine then it is prose, not art, and Hitler’s better paintings do have some aspect of feeling and the divine.

Hitler does point out that Jews and leftists were deliberately marketing ugly and morally corroding art as genius to make money and mock German culture, which was true, but doesn’t explain why Hitler’s art wasn’t more interesting.

Hitler just was not a great artist, and not because of persecution. I think he realized he was not a great artist which is why he ended up sleeping in until 11am every day and painting for pocket money. When he realized he was a great politician, he put his life into it.

(re: architecture, Germania isn’t interesting either)

Pax Imperialis says:

All great art is a reflection of reality through a mirror of the fantastical and divine. Greek statutes are beloved for their immortal capture of the human ideal to the extent that it was more human than human. Much in the same way Schwarzenegger’s transcendence of the human ideal body was to the extend he was more than just human.

Thousands of years have past and we still recognize the magnificence of Greco Roman art.

The end result of modern art is literal shit* or piss**. It goes in the opposite direction of transcendental realist beauty. It’s more disgusting, profane, and obscene than reality.

Hitler’s art captured the Germanic spirit with absolute technical competency to the extent that it was German than German.

Aidan says:

More human than human? I have ancestors in ancient Argos, and in my best shape I looked uncannily like the Riace bronzes. Just looking at them is a spiritual experience. Quibbling on the art historian side, the Greek art was better described as perfect realism; there was nothing transcendental about them. It was the Renaissance artists that introduced the transcendental, and the Greeks rather than the Germans that had an autistic obsession with perfect recreation

Pax Imperialis says:

By surpassing the common human experience by pursuit of the human ideal to the extreme one becomes more human than human. It becomes transcendental while remaining human.

Greek art is a pursuit of the Pagan Greek human ideal to the extreme. It’s not perfect realism. Big chests (Big Manly Thumos), reasonably toned abs (A tamed Eros), and well shaped heads (A mastered and well crafted logos). There’s a philosophical message in the art that by mastering all three one becomes something more. That is a pagan transcendentalism.

The Renaissance artists introduced Christian transcendentalism and divinity to the Greco Roman art style.

The Germans are… well they are Germans. Their humor is… fairly German. They can’t cross a street unless the signal light says so… even if there is absolutely no traffic. Hitler’s art captures that spirit to the extreme. Unfortunately for Hitler’s art career, few have Germanic sensibilities which means the art largely falls flat much in the way German humor is not exactly popular.

Pax Imperialis says:

This is just bizarre and embarrassing. Who thought it would be a good idea to allow him to bike in public.


A2 says:

Ir would have been perfect if. while he lay stunned on the ground, Obama had pulled up behind him and held a speech on abortion. Maybe next time.

Mister Grumpus says:

Is it just me, or are you guys seeing more normiecons describing leftism/wokeness as a religion, rather than the old stuff like “greed” or “incorrectness”, etc?

Abortion as a “sacrament”. I’ve been seeing a lot of that. Maybe that was the trigger. Probably.

It’s war relevant, I think, seeing yourself in a “religious conflict” now rather than a “debate”. Finally.

(As if to wind back the clock, we have Jimmy Dore on Tucker Carlson now, complaining about the “billionaire oligarchs” that control both parties, etc. Sure man, that explains the abortion jihadis and fag stuff.)

jim says:

I first mentioned abortion as a sacrament in 2012, nine years and nine months ago, but I have been banging on that drum pretty regularly starting in 2019. So it is possible it is an indication that this blog has considerable impact.

The reason I started banging on that drum is not sluts, but trannies. Watching a trannie speak on an entirely neutral topic in software engineering I got the compelling feeling that I was watching an animated corpse, whose soul had been devoured or dragged to hell quite a long time ago, and the empty corpse was now being operated, not very well, by a demon in hell speaking through a microphone and dragging a mouse over a keypad. (The demon, if demon it was, was an adequate software engineer)

I have always considered enemy faith demon infested, whether the demons are real or metaphorical. A meme system that spreads at the expense of its adherents can be usefully modeled as demon. But it has tended in recent years to look and feel rather literal. Possibly that is merely psychological convergence.

S.J., Esquire says:

“possible it is an indication that this blog has considerable impact.”

Heh. Not to detract from your fine publication, Jim (which I hope has a wide impact!) but I think it’s a not-difficult observation to make.

In a similar way I’ve been saying for years, and it gets ever-more obvious, that the rainbow-pride stuff is no longer about homosexuality for most people, it’s essentially a religious holiday of the secular religion. For most normies hanging rainbow flags, it’s more like putting up candy cane decorations at Christmas or whatever.

Anyway I agree with the OP, I like to see that things are getting more out in the open, and in particular because “my body my choice” no longer works in the wake of vaxx mandates, it’s getting more obvious that this is a religious conflict. I feel way more energized than I did, say, 8 years ago.

The Cominator says:

If you believe that our enemies at the highest level worship the Adversary at least symbolically “pride” is perhaps the best evidence.

In the bible god is most offended by idolatry homosexuality and child sacrifice as active sins and pride as a foundational sin. Having pride in an idolatrous celebration of homosexuality where many participants secretly practice child rape and some sacrifice has to be the biggest middle finger to the biblical god imaginable.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is a hard leap from leftism as bad ideas to leftism as evil, demonic religion. Jim and Moldbug made that point and it was one of the most keen insights. Like 3-axis control for flight, it is obvious in retrospect, but only once you have it explained to you. Prior to the first discovery, it is pretty damned hard to figure out.

tollman says:

But abortion is disproportionately used by inner city blacks (with a strong statistical tendency to grow up criminal), and advocated / defended by progressive whites. Has been since Margaret Sanger. Which makes it into a subtle and deniable race war.

Which is why I don’t object to abortion being legal.

I have never observed abortion being deployed against a child conceived by quality people.

Some population projections I’ve seen claim that in the absence of Roe, North America would’ve turned majority black by now. Preventing that nightmare is worth a notable amount of blood.

jim says:

> I have never observed abortion being deployed against a child conceived by quality people.

What I observe differs.

There are two important and terrifyingly common cases.

The wife aborts a wanted child of her husband over her husband’s wishes, because muh career.

The chick gets banged by a good man, because she gets tired of waiting for Jeremy Meeks next boot call, aborts the child of the good man, who would like to keep her around to raise his child, in case Jeremy Meeks sends her a second booty call.

The Cominator says:

“The wife aborts a wanted child of her husband over her husband’s wishes, because muh career.”

How common is this… its certainly not something these married career girls would often talk about so finding out how common it is… difficult.

Kunning Druegger says:

In my experience, the only time women are comfortable discussing abortion is in the abstract. I’d pay good money to some rightwing activist to go to pro-babymurder rallies and ask every woman he met to share their kill count. I predict the blacks would score (3x), the whites would score x, the latinas and asians would be (x-1). But the vast majority of those questioned would refuse to answer, as always falling back on the femininity privilege they love to use and pretend doesn’t exist.

The Cominator says:

Yes I’ve met about two women in my life willing to discuss even in passing that they did it (and they weren’t all that happy)… i don’t necessarily think sheboons would be all that eager to talk about it either.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is an enemy meme. If you took abortion away from the negros, they don’t suddenly become more long lived, more capable of cooperation, and higher G. Population pressure is GNONs most effective tool for driving neutral progress and social construct evolution. Sacrificing children for supposed convenience is human sacrifice. Period. Any discussion further is stupid and pointless.

Abortion, birth control, puberty blockers, chemical castration, double mastectomy; all of these are sacraments to Slaneesh. GNON compels humanity, and its cousins, and all life, to be fruitful and multiply.

Oog en Hand says:

Castration seems to me Tzeentch defeating Slaanesh.

S says:

It isn’t. Slannesh is depravity; the association with sex was a temporary measure. See Playboy- the non reproductive sex gave way to trannies.

Slannesh is about taking what is normal and good and perverting it, normalizing the perversion and attacking those who are the ‘old’ normal. So cutting off your balls and pushing for others to cut off their is Slannesh.

A2 says:

I consider demonic possession a key concept these days. Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.

Screwtape would think the game is far too easy these days. No need for subtle corruption anymore, just shovel in more demons. Well, there’s possibly some lighter work remaining with converting girls to trannies using malicious internet groups, demonic tranny story hour, pederasty acceptance, etc.

The simpering librarians and government workers will too stand next to the Episcopalian bishop of Maine.

A2 says:

Your fathers’ guilt you still must pay,
Till, Roman, you restore each shrine,
Each temple, ‘mouldering in decay,
And smoke-grimed statue, scarce divine.

suones says:

A refreshing interlude. This really resonated with me on a spiritual level. Thank you.

The Cominator says:

Well from a certain POV it looks like billionaires run the Democratic party.

The problem is they are hedge fund guys who make money on inside information given to them by the state department and possibly intelligence agencies like Sussman, Soros and Tom Steyer (Soros and Sussman are jews, Steyer is a mischlinge). Sussman and Soros both primarily makes bets on instability in other countries with other peoples money… sounds like Steyer does too but its less clear (distrissed assets). As far as being a true believer Steyer seems worse than the other two given that he apparently never shutsup about green energy whereas Sussman keeps a low profile and Soros speaks in vague generalities on most things and his specific economic theory that he did write a book about is his economic theory that mass investor psychology can at least in the short term drive changes in fundamentals is probably correct (theory of reflexivity)…

So the billionaire oligarchs really do the run the Democrats and the state theory would seem to fit if they were all true believing fanatics like Steyer… but homosexuals being sacred to some ancient Hungarian Jew (who may be many evil things but isn’t a faggot) like Soros doesn’t make much sense. Soros clearly looks like an intelligent bagman for that and other reasons Jim has gone over… Sussman likewise as I’ve never heard of him speaking much in public at all (and true believers generally can’t resist opprotunities to run their mouth). Steyer looks very much like a true believer but he wanted the nomination and didn’t come close.

So it looks like these guys have a symbiotic relationship with the Democratic party and the US government where they make lots of money but they have to give back and they don’t really get to run the Democratic party.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s one of those Jim truths (whoever wrote it) that you can never un-read:

If you think the billionaires handing out money are powerful, what about the weirdos, who have never earned a buck for anyone ever, who just reach out their hands and take it?

Can George Soros destroy Kamala Harris, or can Kamala Harris destroy George Soros?

Can Bill Gates ruin the WHO Tedros guy, or can the WHO Tedros guy ruin Bill Gates?

Who can say “nigger” on camera, Jeff Bezos or Ibrahim Kendi?

Pax Imperialis says:

I get the point you’re making, but the Soros/Harris examples doesn’t work well. Soros is more “holy” than Harris, and would win in a holiness spiral. There is far more main stream and left wing criticism of Harris than there will ever be of Soros.

What we are seeing with many billionaires is their affirmation and pursuit of holiness. Should they become recognizable as ordained priests of the left, something Gates is well on his way of doing, they will have all the advantages of those weirdos who never earned a buck will with the full command of entire industries at their command.

Who would be more powerful, a Kendi or a billionaire Kendi? What if Soros, Gates, or Bezos could muscle into the priesthood?

Basil says:

In Arizona, families will be given money to educate their children in private schools or at home, instead of funding only public schools with blacks and communists.

Thus, the customer of education will be parents and their children, who will be able to choose any school they like and even switch to home schooling. which will reduce the influence of state prikahs from above. Now schools will have to adapt educational standards to students, not students to standards.

I wholeheartedly approve of this decision.

Kunning Drueger says:

So who gets to define what is adharmic?

Moving to more comfortable territory, are you suggesting that me, a white man, feeling sympathy for, and a profound sense of heartbroken rage with, Slavic men on the wrong side of a stupid, avoidable war, is sympathy for the devil?

I watched an Indian movie about Kargil not long ago. I actually kind of reviewed it with questions for the Dharmabros here, but it ended up feeling a bit dumb, so I didn’t post it. To me, that conflict seems like the silliest little nothing. One pack of browns playing at soldiers with equipment gifted to them by the Whiteman. But I would say that, with no skin in the game.

i cower in shame and fear when I contemplate what has happened, what’s happening now, and what grows more likely to happen in the near future, all at the hands of my tribe. I guess Indians don’t carry the same historical shame as us; we’re about to waltz into the third time we’ve exsanguinated ourselves over planetary domination, and every time thus far, the bad guys mostly won. If you guys ever become 11% of the global population, do you think you’ll be on top?

I just don’t see what’s wrong with empathy for even loose bloodkin. It’s not happening in the main stronghold, but it’s still happening, on top of South Africa and S. South America. I’m not arguing anything past that,but I do feel like you’re stirring up trouble. If you want to spar, we should do it in a different venue. I don’t know what, but not here. It just looks like infighting and dissension.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>So who gets to define what is adharmic?

The author of Creation, obviously.

Of course you shouldn’t hesitate to Grasp The Nettle when the contingencies of history present you with such a lemma; but it is still a tragedy at the same time, to see men not unlike yourself ensorcelled by such contingencies; and a mind that would not see such states of affairs as tragedies would be one with problems – different kinds of problems, but still kinds of problems. Problems rather similar to those he needs to minecraft in the first place.

Suones does this himself too, when he lamented the fact that azog glowwies fight for the sake of gay anal democracy. But all the same, he wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger either, no?

Kunning Druegger says:

Nor would I, and this is the Nettle Compact to which I ascribe and make the blanket assumption that all here do too. We have to work from common assumptions that may not necessarily port to the IRL. Hence my agreement with Jim’s removal, as well my responding to Suones posting elsewhere; it’s a worthy discussion unworthy of This place specifically.

This debate of the tragic necessity to kill kin in wartime is a very old debate, almost as old as “war” itself.

My understanding of suones point, is that he said one should not allow misplaced sympathy for kin on the other side to dampen the morale of our own side. And he also believes that in many cases, Globohomo resorts to such demoralization tactics to weaken their enemies. Suones was simply pointing that out. Yes, we do feel pain when our kin on the other side die in a senseless war, but if we cannot turn them to our side before the war, what other option is left?

On the point of it being an enemy meme, well, our Cominator also frequently expresses the absolute need for minecrafting what he defines as “Leftists” (many of whom will fall into the loose definition of kin, even normie kin) and maybe even closer kin than in the context suones has posted) and bear in mind this is not even during War in hot fighting, but after establishment of peace. And he hasn’t got censored for it though many people including Jim disagreed on the defintion of who is an enemy Leftist and who is actually a mere NPC and on scale of minecrafting suggested by Cominator.

I am disappointed that Jim has chosen to allow his bias against suones from an earlier occasion to censor him on this occasion. Suones has never posted from the frame of being a western Reactionary and neither have I. We naturally have differing views at times from your own.

jim says:

> My understanding of suones point, is that he said one should not allow misplaced sympathy for kin on the other side to dampen the morale of our own side.

A perfectly valid point. But the problem is not Suones justification, but Krishna’s alarmingly nihilistic and demonic all purpose justification.

Which I have already addressed at considerable length.

To summarize that post in short: Spiritual detachment from this world may well be good and holy if you are a hermit in a hut in the wilderness living on locusts and wild honey, but is totally evil if you are acting in the world doing things that other people will not necessarily like. Especially if you are doing things that kin and friends may not like.

A good person may well rightly do terrible and cruel things in righteous wrath, but if he does the same things in spiritual detachment, he is an evil person.

A lot of Hindus myself included don’t interpret spiritual detachment to be a core of Lord Krishna’s teachings. Bear in mind that there are a lot of later additions and misinterpretations in the Bhagavad Gita that are wrongly attributed to Krishna. It is nowhere interpreted by Hindus that Lord Krishna commands killing in cold blood even when required to do so. What Hindu dharma actually teaches is that one needs to overcome and master our base passions for spiritual advancement.

I would also point out that the Pandavas actually did not absolutely kill their kin in cold blood but on the other hand, after the War they were overwhelmed by grief to the extent that Yudhisthira, the Eldest of the Pandavas, actually offered to hand over the reigns of the Empire to Duryodhana’s father, Dhritharashtra and go to the forest to meditate, which he was rightly dissuaded from doing.

Nevertheless, I admit that you have different interpretation of our scriptures (and in my view a flawed one common among Western academics) and therefore am not going to press too hard on this debate.

jim says:

> It is nowhere interpreted by Hindus that Lord Krishna commands killing in cold blood

The problem is that his arguments are justification for killing even when one’s blood is cold. And one’s blood may well be cold for excellent reasons. As for example killing those near for some far abstract principle.

Like I said wrong interpretations. You must allow us to make similar distinctions when we interpret our scriptures in the manner that you make the worship of serpent-Christ in the name of Jesus distinct from and hostile to traditional Christianity.

Arjuna who was the original recipient of Krishna’s wisdom and the Pandavas certainly didn’t kill their kin in cold blood and certainly great grief was felt by them after the war as is very clear in the Mahabharata.

alf says:

When we have disagreements pver scripture, it helps to use the scripture itself. Do you have a version of the baghavad vita, preferably English, that we can fall back on in such disputes?

Kisari Mohan Ganguli’s translation of the Mahabharata seems to be a good place to start.


Sri mad Bhagavad Gita by Gita press Gorakhpur seems to be the recommended translation (no commentaries)


Bear in mind that Hindu teachings were traditionally handed over from father to son, teacher to student orally. The written scriptures are compilations of the divine wisdom handed down from generation to generation. Translations tend to be imperfect.

But with that caveat these seem to be comprehensive sources.

Suones can correct me if my sources are flawed.

alf says:

Thanks. Could you (or Jim) point me to the specific section that is in contention? It is a rather dense text…

jim says:

> Like I said wrong interpretations.

Krishna’s sermon to Arjuna very much leaves itself open to “wrong” interpretations. It is a general all purpose justification for doing terrible things without feeling personally involved or personally responsible.

Also, he industriously undermined patriarchy and the authority of the husband.


For a reasonably short summary of the Mahabharata, you can read Rajaji’s “Mahabharata”:


Not sure it may be available where you live.


Krishna’s teachings have to been interpreted with the entire story of the Mahabharata as the background.

SInce I know you would not agree with me on this, I am not going to push this debate too much.

jim says:

It really does not matter that Arjuna had arguable grounds for righteous rage or grim determination.

Krishna urged him to make war in spiritual detachment. This may well have resulted in Arjuna doing the right thing, but such a frame facilitates other people in other circumstances doing very wrong things. And doing the right thing in the wrong frame makes it considerably less right, for it correlates with doing very wrong terrible things in the same frame better than it correlates with doing terrible things for a very good reason.

The Brits conquered the Rajas because the Rajas would be busying murdering their brothers and cousins, and would call in the British to lend a hand. The British were disinclined to murder each other and call in the Rajas to lend a hand.

If you are spiritually detached, it is not you chopping someone up. It is the sword chopping someone up, and you are not responsible.

> Krishna urged him to make war in spiritual detachment.

Not to be seen in that light. Krishna was giving advise on Kshatriya Dharma in the context of a war that had become absolutely inevitable. During war, a soldier should absolutely not allow tears of sentiment to cloud his aim. And his hand while firing the gun should be steady. Krishna gave Arjuna this courage.

The interpretation of spiritual detachment is a later and false interpretation.

Proof of the spirit of Krishna’s advise is that after the War, all the Pandavas grieved for their fallen kin, which shows that they didn’t kill in spiritual detachment or cold blood.

jim says:

Compare and contrast Krishna’s speech with Henry’s speech on Saint Crispin’s day.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ve not read the dialogue between you and Jim yet, I’m making this comment blind. It is precisely because Com is Our Group (Temperate Goyim) that he can post stuff and we attack him. That’s an internal disagreement, one with which we have much precedent and experience. The Occidental-Oriental Monarchical Alliance is too young, too small, and too fragile to be playing Plank-Eye bingo. That alone makes it valid for censure.

I was tempted to engage with Suones (never wise for me, he’s a meanie pants with a 180 IQ lol) on his blog, but that would be construed as raiding, even if I made good points and held my own, because it is Mooncricket chirping in Dharma territory.

suones says:

I was tempted to engage with Suones … on his blog, but that would be construed as raiding, even if I made good points and held my own…

What? No. You’re a warrior, and if you believe that Patton was right, you’re welcome. I’d love to read a warrior’s take on needing to kill his kin that need killing — read about the ruddy-faced farmhand from Kansas. Also welcome — any friend of Anglin. But Western Aryans explicitly have to accept, or at least admit, the Aryan Nationalist frame. Christianity is allowed, of course, but it has to be Aryan Nationalist Christianity (Russian Orthodoxy, for example, ticks the second box, but is ambivalent about the first). I had assumed that “Jimian” Christianity meant the same, but I’ve been corrected.

My shill test for any Western Aryans is: Hitler did nothing wrong.

jim says:

Hitler did a lot of things wrong. He was socialist. That is wrong, and it bit him. The crisis of socialism, running out of other people’s money, hit just as he was invading Russia.

So you need a better check than “Hitler did nothing wrong” The shills can say that without raising a sweat. That is the major stock in trade of the Soros shills.

Kunning Druegger says:

How about “Speer did nothing wrong”?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The better question for a shill test is what did Hitler do wrong? The main answers I can see being he did not stop the liberation of women, he thought that western communists would balk at siding with Stalin over his more “sane” leftism, and he used leftist economic policies during a total war. All of which force the speaker to assume our frame to answer.

skippy says:

How many who will say “Hitler did nothing wrong” will say “Hitler was a good man”?

suones says:

A general point: This is Jim’s place, so his rules apply.

Over at my place, a Dharmic redoubt, we do not disrespect Honoured Elders, especially those who sacrificed their life in moving the needle rightwards, even by a millimetre, because to reverse the Leftist ratchet by even a single step is to break it.

Any specific problems with National Socialism (there were a lot of them, but most of them fall on the side of them not doing enough good rather than doing evil) can be discussed, but not in a disrespectful way towards Uncle Adolf himself. Their worst sin was covetousness, but Uncle Adolf was personally blameless in this, and is not a Great Sin in the grand scheme of things. Henry VIII was also personally not a “good” man, but he did great things for England.

Man for man, Wehrmacht was a better Army that Soviets by far and also than GAE. Better warriors, better prole soldaten. They had insufficient priestly support to counter Molochite priests, and were deluded into believing the “Church” would help them (same delusion as San Fransisco Franco).

If you consider the conscript in the stahlhelm lying in a ditch with a Panzerschreck in the path of an advancing column of degenerates riding T-34s while your forefathers were bombing him, as your kin and brother, and are human enough to admit your mistake (even as Patton and Rockwell could), then (and only then) you have the right to have sympathy for Globohomo foot soldiers. If you oppose the Jewish Nuremberg doctrine that hanged a lot of good men, then you may visit my place.

An allegedly Western Aryan man who won’t even accept kinship with his own, white, Saxon, race is not a man I want to speak to. Any verbiage regarding “kinship” from such a man will be taken as priestly squid ink to demoralise my own prole soldaten, and he will be quickly introduced to my friends Webley and Scott. Any Eastern man with such views will not be given the benefit of doubt and will go straight to my elephant safari.

jim says:

This is unresponsive to my criticism of Hitler, whose central core is that he was socialist, and the crisis of socialism created logistic chaos during the invasion of Russia. It was not that they were out of spiritual support, but that they were out of gas.

Papen’s criticism of Nazism is right on the money – the problem was that they were too close to communism. And it bit them at the worst possible moment.

suones says:

We’ve been at this before, so I’ll just summarise: Uncle Adolf needed a command economy to militarise immediately under threat of a Soviet invasion. So he gave Goering the go-ahead. WWII was fought by Soviet command economy, Anglo command economy, German command economy, Japanese Imperial economy, and the Great US-General Motors command economy run by the likes of Charles Wilson. The only reason Germany lost was literally because it didn’t have the scale to match the others, even given their extremely higher efficiency.

Loss against Soviets was because Uncle Adolf was blinded by his advisors, and failed to make a pact with the Empires of Japan and China. Our Dear Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose literally experienced this first-hand. The “Axis” only existed in GAE propaganda — Germany didn’t even have a strategy for the Pacific, or Asia. Western hostilities should have ceased after France had befriended Germany, and a joint German-Japanese-Chinese siege should have been mounted to squeeze Stalin[1]. US Navy was overpowered even then, but it didn’t have the ability to project power in both Atlantic and Pacific theaters against German and Japanese Navies simultaneously.

Once they had access to Russian gas and Iranian oilfields, the War was essentially become a stalemate, and final results would depend on who made the first functional nuclear weapon.

Papen was a Catholic (lol) backstabber who betrayed everyone he could, including the Army, Hindenburg, and Hitler, who finally managed to turn the tables on to him. The very fact that he was acquitted at Nuremberg, and not hanged with the German patriots, proves his guilt. His squid ink is not worth the paper it is spilled on.

[1] German propaganda was also sabotaged by anti-Slav messaging rather than anti-Soviet-Red-traitor-Czar-Killer-Jew messaging. GAE propaganda was always miles better, whether the Canadian soldier being crucified by Germans in WWI or others.

jim says:

> Uncle Adolf needed a command economy to militarise immediately under threat of a Soviet invasion.

He was in no danger of Soviet invasion. It was obvious at the time, and we now have the Russian records.

In war, there is a case for short term socialism, because you are worried about grabbing stuff today, and not worried about having nothing to grab tomorrow. But the crisis of socialism, running out, happened just as he started the Soviet invasion. He was not applying socialism for military reasons, but shooting himself in the foot just before preparing for marathon.

You can make a pretty good case for going socialist during the Soviet invasion. But going socialist well in advance is a triumph of the holy faith of leftism over reality.

@Kunning, I would love to debate you on this or any other topic you may want in my blog as well. I find your takes on many issues very balanced and thoughtful.

Aidan says:

Suones was censored, it looks like, for disingenuous argument, not for failing to adhere to the positions of western reactionaries.

Jim accuses Hinduism of spiritual detachment for evil reasons. We are very familiar with evil spiritual detachment, because repudiating the material world manifested in the West as gnosticism. I see evil spiritual detachment among Hindus today. You are disturbingly acquiescent to the depraved conditions created by the underclass. You let your sacred river flow with trash, corpses, and shit. Whether Krishna’s advice is official doctrine or not, whether it is consciously interpreted as such or not, there is a line of continuity between it and India’s current problems.

We are familiar with evil spiritual detachment because we are forced to practice it. When I walk in the city, and my woman and I are harassed for money by a dirty bum, I am scary enough to make him fuck off, but what I want and need is to bury an axe in his temple, and it is in fact evil for me not to do so. Where as I feel that in India, a mob of god-fearing Hindus could beat some dalit nigger to death for dumping his trash in the Ganges, but they don’t. In fact, when we discussed street shitting, the attitude of the Hindu commenters was broadly one of spiritual detachment. Not as evil as spiritual detachment towards killing kin, but related in essence.

Kunning Druegger says:

Interesting take. I get that same itch with the layabouts I encounter. They actually get bussed in by “””nonprofits””” to spread the equality out of the nearby urban pit. Horror of horrors, I recently found out that panhandling is considered a first amendment activity, and they are therefore free to do it pretty much anywhere they like.

No I am not spiritually detached about the issues discussed earlier. What makes you think so? On the other hand being out of power for so long makes us appear as though we are. Our righteous anger at the situation is forcibly suppressed since India is not ruled by Hinduism. I think that’s an important point you guys miss. In some ways, our position is actually worse than whites.

For the sake of sanity we have to channel the inner righteous anger till the time is right.

Aidan says:

It’s not a personal attack and I don’t mean to make it one, so I’ll make it more broad. Hindus are clearly willing and able to apply violence against unowned women and troublesome Mohammedans. But, when it comes to their own people, and the state of their streets and rivers, spiritual detachment, with evil ends.

Dharmicreality says:

I replied downstream in the thread, to your query. Certainly there is no apathy among hindus when there is even a nominally Hindu leadership over us. The success of Swacch Bharat has been completely blacked out in the western media. Riger Ganga is being cleaned

But for coming completely out of our problems, we need a dharmic Hindu monarch, not one constrained by a Western liberal inspired constitution.

I think that what you call spiritual detachment is actually survival strategy in extremely distressing times. If we had to carry our hearts on our sleeves, we would not live long as our hearts would give up.

The pain and righteous anger is merely waiting to be channelized.

Vendat Tunicam says:

We share the same feeling. Not two miles from where I live there are homeless encampments making it dirty and dangerous to go to the beach and enjoy the park. I have pointed out to my more red-pilled friends that we could fix this problem in one night by burning the tents and hanging any of the addicts we could grab if not for the city police and g(low)men making examples of anyone involved in vigilante activity. This is a good way to viscerally point out that homeless addicts have more rights than fathers, taxpayers and property owners. After all, why are they allowed to have a nicer zip code than us while they make it unsafe for our wives and children to go to the beach?

Some of my friends are starting to come around.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It’s no wonder that women are increasingly shunning sexual relations with middle and upper class men in favour of shagging criminal lowlife trash.

Some of my friends are starting to come around.


Dharmicreality says:

I’ve already meticulously shown how even a nominally Hindu BJP rule has not only cared about street shitting but actually taken steps to solve the problem, which achievements are blacked out in the western media.

So accusing us Hindus of spiritual detachment is highly inaccurate to say the least.

Karl says:

If your government cares about street shitting, your government doesn’t hate your people as much as western governments hate theirs. Good for your.

But my understanding from your comments (and that of Suones) is that you do not like that government all that much. Most Christian nationalists in the west consider their governments full of traitors that deserve to be hanged.

What is you position here? Do you think you have a decent, well meaning government? Or is it just some good people in goverment that have to compromise a lot and have only little power? Or is your government full of evil people that should be given the cominator treatment?

Our position is that, like Trump, Modi is the best we have in an evil system. Unlike Trump, he is still in power at the moment. We obviously feel that, like Trump, Modi is hindered at every turn and has severe limitations because of his normality bias and loyalty to the System.

But we regard criticism of Modi with suspicion especially because most of the criticisms are from the left rather than right of Modi. And even legitimate right-wing criticism of Modi needs to be tempered by the fact that he actually gets things done and has moved the needle rightwards in Indian politics.

jim says:

Did Hitler move the needle rightwards?

Well, he cleaned up the faggots and the trannies, who were then as now transexualizing children. He dramatically cleaned up art, architecture, movies, and fashion. Regardless of Hitler’s personal talents as an artist, good art and great art flourished under the Nazis, while Weimar suffocated good art then the same way it is being suffocated today. But he built no Cathedrals.

He made some good noises on the role of woman, but was disinclined to actually do much – his leftism got him, and that he was blue pilled got him.

And he moved the needle disastrously far leftwards on the economy, which was the major factor in Germany’s disastrous defeat.

Yes, socialism was the main problem of National Socialism.

Yes, he was also a Leftist, but I believe while he may not have moved the needle significantly rightward, being a Nationalist Leftist he opposed the Globalist Leftists (now Globohomo) tooth and nail, though his eventual defeat led to their victory.

Deeper within, Hitler didn’t truly believe himself to be the Divine Monarch and hence, prone to self-doubts at crucial moments

skippy says:

Hitler was genuinely right wing, as you can see by reading his speeches and his books. He thinks the state should care for the people, and he doesn’t trust or understand the joint stock corporation (this is less Nazi than simply German), but he advocates aristocracy seeing it based in natural law and the actual state of the natural world. NS was not socialist in the way most will understand socialism.

Hitler rode a populist wave to power, and then crushed it in power. He crushed the SA and wound up the mass rallies. He created a state and an elite.

The real virtue of Hitler is unknown and unknowable, a counter-factual, the world as it is compared to the world as it would have been with no Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany llost, but Weimar was the handmaiden of the USSR, and the USSR was meant to take over the world. After Barbarossa that spell of historical inevitability was broken, and so many Soviet young men had been killed that it no longer had the physical capacity to conquer its neighbors, whatever it or its apologists may have claimed.

I believe that Hitler kicked the soul of Marxism, the Marxism of that time, and broke its sword, and only now 80 years later does it have the social power in the greatest of states that it had in 1932.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’d not considered the perspective that the Wehrmacht broke Soviet power in terms of global dominance capacity before. There’s definitely an argument to be made there. But we recently had an extensive and, at times, rancorous, debate regarding which -wing National Socialism was, and honestly is, with the consensus being decidedly Left. Yarvin’s contention (Nazi as crypto right-wing) was pretty soundly trumped. Here is, in my opinion, the most efficiently stated case, in terms of time: https://youtu.be/9-SLqdhkvJo

For more substantial points, refer to the Comments debate on this site (apologies, unable to locate and link ATT). On to the Needle. Any movement thereof by Hitler and his party must be judged in context to the formation of the GAE, thus, with possible exception of your assertion that the Eastern Front gutted international Marxism, it seems clear that he and they did far more evil than good. Counterfactuals are historical pornography, but just imagine how much better everything might be had Nazi Germany not aggressively expanded to deal with their stupid socialist organization methods. Of every sin laid at the door of Hitler’s Party, the creation of the GAE is the biggest and worst.

skippy says:

How much have you read of the original German sources (in translation or otherwise)? Hitler speeches, Hitler books, books by people like Rosenberg and Eckart? Goering?

Almost all discussions of NS in English only look at external appearances and commentaries in English, because the original sources are too toxic to quote under your real name.

I don’t think NS is crypto right. I think it’s openly far right. Whereas reactionism can be defined as an attempt to restore or prop up the old aristocracy, NS was an attempt to create a new aristocracy. This is further right, because an aristocracy that stands on middle class cruches is not an aristocracy.

The NS probably wanted to boot back to a time before Jim’s 17th century Restoration optimum, to the read feudal ages, and opposed the joint stock corporation. That’s a weakness but it was not a weakness based on Marxian labor theory of value.

I think Nazi Germany signed the M-R Pact primarily to secure the Romanian oil reserves rather than to prop up a failing socialist economy. I also don’t see any other solution to that problem.

jim says:

I don’t think NS is crypto right. I think it’s openly far right. Whereas reactionism can be defined as an attempt to restore or prop up the old aristocracy,

Nuts. National socialism is merely a competing brand of leftism. As it was perceived at the time. Hitler as far rightist was invented in 1944.

skippy says:

The GAE was not meant to be the winner as late as the 1950s. The GAE was meant to throw Korea. The GAE kept winning and getting and staying rich and powerful despite every attempt to sabotage it, while sabotage just could not make the USSR relatively strong enough to win.

The GAE does not become the real champion of international leftism until the 1970s.

If the USSR had taken Weimar Germany by bloodless subversion, probably followed shortly by France, different story.

The Cominator says:

“Hitler was genuinely right wing, as you can see by reading his speeches and his books. ”

Read the Table Talks and observe his policies, he was on a few things but for the most part he wasn’t.

In particular there is no right wing justification for his disastorous agriculture policy, zero.

suones says:


Of every sin laid at the door of Hitler’s Party, the creation of the GAE is the biggest and worst.

LOL wut? The Gay American Empire used to be the Global(ist) American Empire, and if one person can be credited with its creation it is Woodrow Wilson.


The only reason to develop fake arguments against Nazism is to convince Amerikaner that they weren’t TOTALLY fighting for evil in WWII, because although the Nazis were Nationalist (which was a good thing till the 1960s), but they were also SoCiAliSt, which was what America had always fought against amirite? Never mind FDR’s enablement, New Deal… which were more socialist than Nazis ever were.

Messaging to 30s Amerikaner: Fight the evil Kraut for Nation and Patriotism!

Messaging to Boomer Amerikaner: Your dad fought the Nazis because they were Evil Socialists, just like you’re fighting Evil Socialists in Vietnam!

Messaging to Millennial Amerikaner: Nazis were absolute Evil because they gassed six million Jews, which is genocide because it’s bad.

Messaging today: Nazis were Evil because they were LITERALLY EVIL, like, LITERALLY, and HITLER was just like Trump with a moustache.

GAE priestly game has been (lethally) on point for a century. It’s funny how the script changes, in a grim way.

And he moved the needle disastrously far leftwards on the economy, which was the major factor in Germany’s disastrous defeat.

And out of the ashes of Nazi “Leftism” came IG Farben, Porsche, and Volkswagen, which, if Uncle Adolf had won, wouldn’t have totally wiped the floor with DuPont and GM (which they did, later, anyway). Tripe.

jim says:

> > Of every sin laid at the door of Hitler’s Party, the creation of the GAE is the biggest and worst.

> LOL wut? The Gay American Empire used to be the Global(ist) American Empire, and if one person can be credited with its creation it is Woodrow Wilson.
Hitler’s greatest sin was losing. And he lost in large part because of socialism

That, and pointlessly declaring war on America.

If not socialist, and no declaration of war on America, would have conquered Russia.

> The only reason to develop fake arguments against Nazism is to convince Amerikaner that they weren’t TOTALLY fighting for evil in WWII

Nazism was left wing movement. Supporting Nazism is not going to solve the problem. It is just a competing brand of leftism.

Similarly, look at the Nazis in the Ukraine. The GAE rather likes them, because it realizes that internationalist leftism is incapable of fighting wars effectively. It is happy if a brand of leftism defeats Russia.

Putin builds a Cathedral, and suddenly Ukrainian Nazis are no longer deemed the embodiment of evil.

Hitler did not do anything significant about female emancipation, and Ukrainian Nazis are not doing anything significant about the Gay Parade.

Anonomus says:

@ jim
“declaring war on America”
Is not this was the right call ( despite it disasterous consequence)?
The US was unofficial officially at war with hitler
The same as Putin today
FDR was clearly itching for a fight.

jim says:

Yes, clearly itching for a fight. But Hitler should not have risen to the bait when he had his hands full.

Kunning Drueger says:

Wilson was definitely the architect of the GAE, but FDR actually built and operated it, and Hitler’s shortsightedness gave it legitimacy. Had Hitler not declared war and curtailed unrestricted submarine warfare, the Europe First policy would have been DOA. FDR was itching for a fight, and Hitler gave him an excuse. Hitler did some things wrong, the biggest of which was losing. Sometimes, a loss is the result of a single critical event or decision, but more often it is a causal chain. Hitler’s socialism doomed his nation.

skippy says:

This is an excerpt from a speech Hitler gave in the film “Triumph of the Will”:

“As a Party, we have to remain in the minority because we wanted to mobilize the most valuable elements for struggle and sacrifice who, at all times, have not been the majority but a minority.

“And because these most valuable specimens of the German race, in proud self-confidence, cool and brave, demanded the leadership of the country and the people, in ever greater numbers the people have yielded and subordinated themselves.

“The German people are fortunate to know that endless flux of leadership has been replaced by a steady pole.”

This is essential rightism and spiritually incompatible with leftism. This statement could not be made not only by Lenin, or Biden, but also not by the US founding fathers.

To be right wing does not require that one is correct about every policy and decision.

skippy says:

It’s fair to complain that Germans didn’t win the war because in the end winning is all that counts.

However, it is not fair to say that the outcome decides who had better policies and approach. The Germans were always facing >2x industrial output and >4x population. They had to be better, and much better, to win.

You could say, then they should not have tried. OK, but consider the situation in 1932. Weimar with no army and tranny clinics in Berlin was just waiting to get stomped by the Soviets. The NSDAP were not secure incumbents, they were desperate men fighting for their lives.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t see how that speech excerpt proves that National Socialism was not socialist ideology with nationalistic parameters. I just don’t see the Nazis as right-wing. They were revolutionary in nature and character. If it has been right wing, they would have reinstituted the monarchy, or at least gone with monarchical forms. Compared to international Marxism, definitely less than Left. But leftward they remained. The only right-wing faction in the War of Progressive Aggression was Nippon.

skippy says:

They say that a small, racialized elite of people with superior traits ought to rule the country and that the masses accept and even invite this rule when it is demanded.

This is the antithesis of leftism and all demotism stated in a few words; the superficial *external* resemblance between a people obeying their nobles and a democratic movement is as misleading as to argue that the Bolsheviks weren’t a left wing movement because they were composed of a small vanguard and never won an election. The means are not the ends.

Their view on the monarchy and the old aristocracy was that it had failed Darwin’s test and ceased to be an aristocracy. A further right view than that the monarchy should be “restored” (how many people ever “restored” a superior authority and then truly submitted to it?).

skippy says:

It’s correct that Japan was the only truly right wing state in WWII whose institutions had the legitimacy of age.

Neurotoxin says:

“They say that a small, racialized elite of people with superior traits ought to rule the country and that the masses accept and even invite this rule when it is demanded.
This is the antithesis of leftism…”

Bullshit. Other than the word “racialized,” it’s pure 20th century Communism.

Cut the crap.

The Cominator says:

FDR’s clique also gave legitimacy to the Cathedral because like Stalin despite all the inefficiency FDR had some actual positive accomplishments to show for coordinating the whole economy via state power. Wilson did nothing positive, Wilson was actually more typical of the incompetent ideological fanatics who run the system today.

FDR though he prolonged the depression the unemployed got make work + bread and circus so they didn’t feel the spiritual despair the unemployed normally feel and in fact supported the system. He also did actual successful infrastructure builds (built like actual roads and bridges it wasn’t all stolen) and electrified a lot of rural areas… then he played WWII in such a way that America was the only power left on earth. You can’t say that everything about FDR’s rule was entirely negative… the Cathedral today and when it was established by Wilson. It was 100% an evil lifesucking force with no redeeming qualities under Wilson and since the 2nd term of Obama its returned to its roots…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The most destructive evils are not pure evils, but evils punctuated by kernels of virtue, such that they may survive to work their evil.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Our contemporaneous crop of cloistered apparatchiks would be totally unequal to the task of creating the future they live in now today; it took someone like FDR to destroy western civilization.

The Cominator says:

I still blame Wilson far more… Wilson created the cancer Harding and Coolidge held it at bay but were not quite capable of destroying it… Hoover and the fed unleashed it again. FDR tried to manage the consequences…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A power that becomes possessed by daemonhosts is most dangerous in the short time frame posterior to convergence; where the daemonhosts hold authority, but have not yet destroyed the inertial vestiges of its potency from more civilized times by the matter of their authority.

Kunning Drueger says:

Apportioning blame for no technical purpose is pointless. Blaming FDR over Wilson, or vice versa, is meaningless, unless the distinction creates utility. Wilson’s 14 points are the framework on which the Global Liberal Democratic Order hangs. FDR’s management paradigm is the animating spirit of the bureaucratic leviathan. Eisenhower’s emasculated warrior ethos infuses the armed forces. LBJ’s crass, disingenuous compassion is alive today in the Elite’s embrace of DEI initiatives. Hard to say which is worse, of all these and the multitude of others.

alf says:

They say that a small, racialized elite of people with superior traits ought to rule the country and that the masses accept and even invite this rule when it is demanded.

Yeah that’s just not us.

Look, we appreciate a functioning republic just as much as the next guy. But we care about the context. The context being that the ruling elite needs to be virtuous in order for the republic to function. That turns out to be an almost impossible problem to solve. In fact, the only way to get there is having a couple of generations of monarchy, the kings becoming the standard the elite strives for.

But without monarch, parliament rots, as we have seen all over the western world. And to try the revers, from a democracy to a republic, as you claim Hitler wanted, well, it’s just plain impossible. You never get an ‘elite with superior traits’. You get a mob of opportunists and attention seekers resembling the bar scene in star wars, as Trump experienced firsthand.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Blaming FDR over Wilson, or vice versa

Nothing of the sort of course; but if the argument is, instead of apportioning special blame, it is apportioning a special dispensation for one such men, then of course, one must be more specific in pushing back on it.

skppy says:


Hitler isn’t advocating a republic, he’s advocating an elite aristocracy..

jim says:

No, not the ideology of national socialism, not the rhetoric.

Hitler was a populist. We are the opposite.

Hitler claimed to be the people incarnate in one man, and supposedly the people thus ruled. Aristocracy has an ideology that your relationship is with your lord, monarch is far away, and he is the lord’s problem. When lords come into conflict, he then meddles in the affairs of lords, but he does not meddle in your affairs.

skippy says:

You are saying that one particular rightist scheme is all of rightism, everything else is leftism.

Hitler was not a populist or a demotist. He used these tools to take power, advocating an irremovable government by a narrow elite of the most able, and this is what he implemented.

jim says:

You are being deliberately silly.

Read Papen’s Marburg speech.

Hitler was a leftist. He sounds like a leftist. Talks like duck, walks like a duck. Papen was the cuckservative right. The Christian right was the Christian right, the reactionary right was the reactionary right. Hitler and the commies were the radical left, and were perceived by the right, the aristocratic right, and the big business elite as the radical left. The idea that Hitler was rightist appeared immediately postwar. Did not occur to people at the time, did not occur when Hitler was in power and acting.

Trump is a rightist. National Capitalism. Hitler a leftist, National Socialism. It is right there in the name. Every non socialist party is to the right of every socialist party.

Similarly, it is perfectly clear that the Ukrainian Nazis are leftists. Who can possibly doubt it? In Ukraine, we see the nationalists on the left, and those favoring Russian hegemony on the right. Plain as the nose on your face.

Even today, nationalism is not a reliable indicator of left right alignment, and it certainly was not in Europe, where nationalism was a movement against the old empires.

The Cominator says:

“You are saying that one particular rightist scheme is all of rightism, everything else is leftism.”

Yes you either rule in harmony with the divine natural law or you do not.

skippy says:

There is only one perfection, but all real political actions are matters of tendency.

The question jim asked was “Did Hitler move the needle rightwards?”

Hitler was not only to the right of Weimar, but to the right of Thomas Jefferson and the Kaiser.

Skippy says:

A quote from the Marburg speech of Papen:

“If the liberal revolution of 1789 was the revolution of rationalism against religion, against attachment, so the counter-revolution taking place in the twentieth century can only be conservative, in the sense that it does not have a rationalizing and disintegrating effect, but once again places all of life under the natural law of Creation. That is presumably the reason why the cultural leader of the NSDAP, Alfred Rosenberg, spoke of a conservative revolution. From this there emerge in the field of politics the following clear conclusions: The time of emancipation of the lowest social orders against the higher orders is past.”

Papen is criticizing the Brownshirts as a leftist influence. He gave the speech on June 17th 1934 and NSDAP suppressed the Brownshirts on June 30th 1934.

skippy says:

Hitler was the great fighter and great rightist of the 20th century.

But ultimately I come to agree with jim: his great weakness is that he was not a Christian.

He should have been just as much a fighter, and no less a Christian,

I see nazism as the prole right wing movement. They have the right instincts on issues that direcly affect proles i.e, immigration, race, diversity etc because their neighbourhoods are most affected by diversity and jobs affected by immigration.

But lacking Priestly guidance, nazism falls back on leftwing morality as it lacks memetic sovereignty and priestly right wing guidance. This is why nazis are vulnerable to be influenced by left wing attack on merchants for instance: like blaming merchants for importing cheap immigrant labour and losing jobs.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hey Jim, do you think the RNC, Republicans, Conservatives, and the State RNCs all coordinated over Abortion: Round II, or are they all playing multi-player real time prisoner’s dilemma? An inverted conservicuck purity spiral over even 2012 talking points would seriously jam up GAE core human resources department. Could we meme the Party into going full on paleocon lite? Is there a state that could vote in, leave out even getting it considered, that would enshrine marriage legally and as ConLaw tight as possible?

If what you say is true, as in What You Say, shouldn’t there be a ton of power locked up in the laws and statutes around maleness, femaleness, and union, and their control?

jim says:

They are all playing multi player prisoners dilemma with a short and rapidly diminishing number of rounds, but due to normality bias, many of the players think they have unlimited rounds. Those players will get burned.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can the conservative Americans buy more time by going for an enshrined bifurcation of law similar to slavery? Legally highlighting the Divide. Abortion trigger laws are an antiquated weapon that was never going to get deployed because Cthulhu’s leftward drift was modeled as uniform. The drift is turbulent. Can tentacles be nailed down, slowing the spiral to buy time? Would buying time be a good thing? I’m making a stark distinction between good people continuing to slow the pernicious effect of evil people in little ways, and something a little aprecedented. Is the RvW correction an open door, or just another governor on the spin? Is it a viable path to a coup-comparative like the drafting of the constitution or Jackson’s spoils system?

The Cominator says:

Contrary to what accelerationists say buying time is generally a good thing, evil and insane rule tends to sap its own strength over time…

The longer you can delay having to fight them generally the weaker they’ll be when the time comes. There are a lot of exceptions depending on details but time is not on their side. The devil comes down in great wrath for he knows his time is short.

Kunning Druegger says:

That’s kinda what I’m driving at. If there was a shift “hard right,” even in a few states, the “refuge” mentality and the “defend safe ground” tendency might kick in substantially. Consider, as a proto example, how many people and families just went to FL and SD for the slight material advantage of soft/no lockdown. If you turn that into a slate of freedoms, proscriptions, and rules, there might be an actual red wave to some place.

Mister Grumpus says:

Please elaborate on the “multi player prisoners dilemma” angle. I’m not quite understanding you yet.

Kunning Druegger says:

I was explicitly referring to the Trigger Laws going into effect in GOP controlled states. These are often political measure created and codified in a far more ritualistic and “sane” past. I don’t believe the current crop of conservicucks put the whole thing together. They are probably not having conferences and building strategic plans, so they are acting in isolation, uncertain of what the other “prisoners” are going to do. Hence, real time multiplayer Prisoners Dilemma.

The left is coordinated and proactive. While I still maintain that there’s no explicit centralized Control Entity, they are well situated to coordinate in taking advantage of events. A faggot judge pulls some silliness in Hawaii, and leftist actionistas take advantage and make moves. I don’t know if “cascade” or “feedback loop” is the proper term, but the net effect is that Cthulu swims left.

So I was wondering if the rightward Governors were coordinating. “Hey, we’ve got these Trigger Laws going off, are you going to do so as well?” “Yeah, mos def my guy. We’re also going to mandate AR-15 ownership for all white males.” “That’s legit. We are going to enshrine marriage as a protected class.”

Obviously silly, but not as farfetched as one might think. Think back to the Obama Regime’s strategic use of the “Dear Colleague” letter for turning “traps” into “transpeople” in very short order.

Jehu says:

I see that Arizona just opened a massive threat to the K-12 public educational institution (which I’d like to see demolished and the soil salted).

Apparently some years back, Arizona passed a law saying if your school sucked (operationalized by saying bottom 10 or 20% in terms of standardized tests), you could take 90% of your school funding and go…anywhere (private schooling, charter schools, homeschooling, etc).

Predictably, the Educational institution screamed bloody murder and predicted an apocalypse, but instead, apparently educational performance improved somewhat in Arizona.

Now they’ve passed the same rule in general as a law. Anybody in AZ who doesn’t like their school can say, just give me the $7K.

Anyone got predictions on what fraction takes the money and runs? My guess is at least 25%, and it has a positive feedback cycle characteristic to it. You could very well see the total destruction of one of the major Cathedral organs in AZ.

Karl says:

Shaniqua will take the $7k per child. Spend the money and bring the children back to school.

I expect schools will be noticeably whiter, but only for a few weeks.

Jehu says:

I suspect you’ll see another bigtime increase in homeschooling (the rates are well above 10% now), and a lot of whites will bail for private school options as well.

I’m also guessing that an option will open up for the best 5% or so of public school teachers. Pick 15 or so students that you like fairly well and hang out your shingle for say 8000 per student per year (i.e. about 1000 per year higher so that parents feel they have skin in the game). Maybe make a joint business with one other teacher with complementary expertise.

Kunning Drueger says:

… that’s not a half bad idea.

Ghost says:
Kunning Drueger says:

No one is perfect. Anglin likes the big signs with the truth scrawled on them, as do I. He may not be aware of the WBC’s possible fed connection. I don’t really see this as an endorsement, but if Anglin does start to endorse WBC, that would be a very bad sign. The theory that WBC is a fed psyop is not common knowledge, so this could be a case of ignorance. Tbqh fam, I’d love for Anglin to dig into the theory; he’s quite good at cutting straight to the bone. If I had a means for contacting him, I’d ask him myself. As it is, I can only hope he sees our ongoing dialogue.

kawaii_kike says:

Perhaps you could try contacting him on his gameruprising forum, you can’t make an account but there’s a “Contact Us” link at the bottom.


Guy says:

A woman ( I know…) who was wife to one of the top guys in the WBC did an interview with Milo Yianoppolous ( I know….) in which she sounded very sane and let up no red flags to make me suspect it’s a glowie outfit. Maybe she’s not wise to those machinations, but when asked what the strategy was going to soldiers funerals with”God hates fags” signs she said basically there was no strategy. She said that God’s hatred for fags was obvious when looking at their lives, and that it was their responsibility to tell the truth about it.

I came away with a positive impression of the group, they seemed better than most denominations

Ghost says:

Thanks 2K, that forum is invite only though. Gab would be another contact point.

AA is a hard read. He could be using sarcasm though. WBC site is to be avoided. Odd how it hasn’t been shut-down. Could be an IP honeypot.

I visit a few politically incorrect sites and have yet to get a knock at the door.

The Cominator says:

Why are middle and upper middle class white women in blue states such damn fanatics yes yes they are conformists NPCs but women outside this group are not such damn fanatics…

Abortion ain’t going to get banned in their states and I don’t think most of these frigid cunts have ever had an abortion… probably most of them are super scared of STDs and pregnancy both and never let anyone including chad rawdawg them unless they’re on the pill. Like the complete opposite of strippers.

Fireball says:

What you are seeing is true in any religion. The church lady stereotype exist for a reason.

Orwell notice it too.

Kunning Druegger says:

Your naivety in regard to white women is endearing, bro. White women follow an insectile model of maturation, moving through stages based on seasonal climate, foraging opportunities, and biological urges. White women enter the world as babies, not dissimilar from other humankind, but are fed a steady diet of Princess Jelly, a hyper concentrated mixture of blind love and restriction-free guidance. This, mixed with a paradox tea of equality over everyone else, causes the sweet little white girl to mature into a brat grub. The brat grub dresses like a slut even before sexual maturity is initiated, and predates on the population of immature white males in a suicidal attempt to attract a mature white male. If a mature white male is successfully signaled, engaged, then destroyed, the brat grub pupates into a turbo slut (if the brat grub is wholly owned by the male, it’s a very different story). If no mature white male is captured, the brat grub pupates into Schrodninger’s Harlot, a woman that is at the same time wholly given over to slutty displays in public while in bed just a limp starfish. If Schrodinger’s Harlots don’t become possessed by a Chad, they will eventually take possession of a Husk Male, the sad result of an immature white male destroyed by a brat grub. Schrodinger’s Harlot matures into a Fertile Karen, which is a politically dangerous entity with little intellect and a massive capacity for needling, damage, and trouble, particularly if they start getting fed Princess Jelly by beta orbiters and “followers.” The Fertile Karen is the White Woman most commonly referenced in the literature, and if they are allowed to organize without being shunted into a continuous birthing process, they are known to instantiate colony collapse. The process is poorly understood, but conjecture is that the Fertile Karen believes she is some reality-defying combination of Turbo Slut and Brat Grub in a Schrodinger’s Harlot configuration. Counterintuitively, Turbosluts are far less dangerous than Fertile Karens, which is where your perspective of strippers is derived, but this is merely a curio of the current context. Like a bear, all white women pose significant danger when hungry and unrestrained.

The Cominator says:

I have no doubt that all these women who are vocal about this are total starfishes… if they showed more enthusiasm maybe chad wouldn’t have dropped them like a hot potato. Also I think its the equality propaganda tea more than anything…

restitutor_orbis says:

I would like to subscribe to your Nature documentary on YouTube

Mister Grumpus says:

Molyneux (PBUB) noted how middle age is a real shocker for childless women.

For 20 years they get everything they want for free, without having to put out much effort (besides keeping their wombs free for Jeremy Meeks), and then whammo, boom, invisible forever and no one cares.

Those who got attention and compliance on sex appeal alone suddenly have to switch to nagging, but without a captive audience at home, and that’s what you’re seeing. Mass nagging and shit testing. They dare us to chain them up and no one’s taking the offer.

Pax Imperialis says:

Big difference between middle and upper middle class. Upper middle class is basically the polite American way of saying upper class but not top elite. There’s a big social difference between a police officer and a lawyer. Both are “middle class,” yet their social status is highly divergent.

The fanaticism you talk about is not limited to blue states, it exists almost universally in the upper middle class and trickles down into the actual middle class due to fashion being downstream of power. I grew up in an upper middle class family and went through an upper middle class school system. The social environment was just a fanatical and liberal as any coastal liberal city even though I was in a deeply conservative flyover state.

In upper class environments, virtue and not money is the main currency of social status. At a certain point, there is little status difference between making 100k vs 250k to the extent it no longer provides a good basis for determining social status. The main method of obtaining social status in peace time societies is through virtue. Contrast that with wartime where status is determined by being able to take and hold ground. Claiming virtue via speech is always easier than claiming virtue via action. Easier to picket in the streets shouting virtuous slogans than to live like a nun.

Women are extremely conscious about other women’s feelings on an evolutionary basis. Whereas men compete via action, women compete via speech. An upper middle class man signals virtue for example by buying an electric car. There are hard physical limits that will prevent the practicality for men to demonstrate their virtue (because in the earlier example a man is going to recognize he needs to be able to drive more than 100 miles). The only limits for a women to demonstrate her virtue is how much time and lung capacity she has.

Because virtue in modern times is determined by speech, and women are extremely conscious about other’s feelings, you get massive conformity among women in their virtue signaling to avoid being hurt or hurting another woman. However, since women want to increase their social status, not just maintain it, they must increase their virtue which leads to all the women feeling pressured to also increase their virtue at the same time.

This problem gets compounded by the fact there are no modern mechanisms for limiting female virtue signaling spirals by putting their speech to a practical test. Can’t force women who claims to be virtuous to go live as a nun.

On the topic of upper middle class women’s sexual morality. Many are quite loose. College educated women surpass coital rates of less educated women. Think almost Roman orgy levels of debauchery. They are not supper scared of STD because STDs are largely a lower class problem. Most are on the pill or similar. Most will never even have to worry about getting an abortion, but the thought that they might have to live with the consequences of sex when it is so easily given away is frightening. So on a deeply emotional level, upper middle class women are likely to support abortion the most even if they are the least likely to ever have to use it.

The Cominator says:

“College educated women surpass coital rates of less educated women.”

Maybe when they are in college if they are in lower tier “party” colleges, but girls in lower tier colleges don’t necessarily join the Karen brigade. The Karens aren’t hedonists at least not in a way that I ever saw even remotely… they are as someone said generally the church ladies of globohomo.

“Can’t force women who claims to be virtuous to go live as a nun.”

I would just burn them. I do not think nuns should exist either…

As far as fanaticism in blue enclaves in red states… I think it depends. I don’t think its a big thing say here in Florida (Florida has a lot of rich people who openly and vocally hate leftists and moved here to not deal with them in power and put pressure the other way in upper class blue enclaves), in Austin Texas otoh yeah its a big thing.

“STDs are largely a lower class problem.”

STDs are a gay problem, I’m convinced they are very rare among heterosexuals…

Pax Imperialis says:

All colleges with few exceptions are party colleges. Sexual debauchery increases with exclusivity of the college, not decreases. Consider the fact that being born into the upper middle class families almost guarantees going to higher tier colleges. Also most upper middle class high-school are practically scaled down versions of college with all the social attitudes that entails.

Sexual permissiveness among the upper middle class is extremely high. A number of of my White friends in high-school had a dozen or so girl friends each during that time. They fucked most of them. Their fathers knew about it… and were supportive.

Nearly all the popular girls in my high-school experience were in the Karen brigade. By the time they hit college, they were ready made to go protesting topless and taping their used menstrual pads to the walls of the women’s center. What’s going on is more than what the church ladies dynamic can explain. Church ladies are the way they are because they have dried up wombs and nothing better to do.

Go to any American college in warmer climates, it’s more obvious there, and you’ll see nearly all the young and beautiful women wearing extremely skimpy clothes all the time, not just for sorority functions. You’ll see nearly all the women protesters are not dried up wombs, but are young and fertile women who fuck.

Nuns are required to remind a high status women where she could end up… or least is was until it became an entirely voluntary thing. A living warning is a constant warning. A dead warning is frightening in the moment and soon forgotten until tested again. Both have their place.

Much of the blue enclaves in red states are college campus enclaves which are really just upper middle class enclaves. A problem Florida has as well.

“STDs are a gay problem, I’m convinced they are very rare among heterosexuals…”

Sometimes I’m too polite to my own determent. By lower class I largely meant African Americans and those who are unfortunate to have to live with them. STDs are a huge problem in the black population and those who habitat with them. They are practically African tier rates (which shouldn’t be surprising considering they are African in origin). Upper middle class women love defending blacks, they rarely are willing to actually fuck them. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but when it does it tends to be with Mulatto Obama types. The sort that gets called Oreos.

The Cominator says:

“Straight” black guys get gay diseases because they fuck each other in the a## in prison.

Aidan says:

Class differences in womens sexual behavior are more or less trivial.

Pax Imperialis says:


Women’s sexual behavior is completely dependent on the permissiveness of the social environment. Massive class differences exist there.

It’s predominately the upper middle class that gives their daughters birth control while they are still in high school. Lower class does not have that money, Upper class communities are largely isolated from STDs or have easy access to medical care. Lower class communities are not.

What do you think happens when girls are given complete detachment from even the possibility of consequences from sex?

What do you think those girl’s sexual behavior will be when they grow up to be adults with the massive stockpile of daddy’s money?

That said… Class differences in women’s sexual desires are small enough to be trivial (measurable differences still exist).

Aidan says:

Women do not give a damn about the consequences, and their pretending to care about the consequences of sex is a shit test. I had more women complain about the prospect of getting rawdogged when they were rich and on birth control. Refer to the pro-abortion protestors all being wealthy white women on the pill.

The difference is in the quality of men. Working class men are more likely to apply four thousand year old measures to keep their relationships stable, thus when a working class woman says she has a boyfriend, she is more likely to mean it, and not get anywhere near your cock. So, working class women of a higher moral quality on average, because their men make them so. Nothing to do with the costs of having a baby

Pax Imperialis says:

“Class differences in womens sexual behavior are more or less trivial.”

“So, working class women of a higher moral quality on average, because their men make them so.”

Which is it? Because what I’m saying is that women’s sexual behavior is completely dependent on the permissiveness of the social environment and that the upper middle class is not only failing to encouraging good behavior among their women, but is actively and extensively promoting bad behavior.

My statements are not in conflict with your second statement, but they are in extreme conflict with your first.

Women do give a damn about consequences because they give a damn about how men will deal with them in relation to their actions. You acknowledge as much with “Working class men are more likely to apply four thousand year old measures to keep their relationships stable.”

What I’ve observed and experienced in the upper middle class American culture is that the fathers are largely extremely supportive of their daughter’s sexual misbehavior. That creates an environment of debauchery as the boys catch.

“Nothing to do with the costs of having a baby”

Wasn’t talking about the cost of having a baby. I mentioned the cost of birth control and the social effects it has. Namely the cost keeps the lower class more grounded to those “four thousand year old measures” in sharp contrast to the upper class which freely promote birth control among their children.

Much of what I wrote is about the sheer and complete moral decay in the upper middle class and why that is responsible for the misbehavior of those rich white women in the public square. Hence why so many of the pro abortion protesters are rich white women,

I’ll rephrase my questions.

What message does a father give his daughter when he gives her liberal access to birth control during her high school years?

What message is that father giving to all the boys in his daughter’s social sphere when he does that?

Now what happens when nearly the entire upper middle class is doing that and then sending their daughters to college?

Do you get the point I’m making? Financial restrictions of the lower class naturally prevents them from making those mistakes. The moral rot in the upper middle class is extensive.

jim says:

> > “So, working class women of a higher moral quality on average, because their men make them so.”

> Which is it?

Presupposing that they have a working class dad who is their biological father, yes, better quality, lower count, for a fish rots from the head down. The source of the blue pill is the elite.

Bonus marks if their dad beat them when they needed it.

jim says:

> Women do give a damn about consequences because they give a damn about how men will deal with them in relation to their actions.

Women are not future oriented in regard to impact of what they are doing now with Mister Very Wrong is likely to impact subsequent interactions with Mister Right, because in the environment of evolutionary adaptation, the successful female reproductive strategy is to be conquered and abducted by Mister Very Wrong.

They are very strongly impacted by social pressure, primarily the social pressure of other women, and in a society where men are emasculated and masculinity illegal, scarcely impacted by social pressure of males.

But even in societies where male authority was respected and enforced, men tended to follow a strategy where they arranged for the social circle of a young woman was dominated by older virtuous wives, indicating that social pressure from women matters a great deal everywhere at all times.

Adam says:

It’s been my observation, in rural communities with many families with many children and few divorces, the mothers and grandmothers put enormous pressure on each other and their daughters to marry a good provider early.

Teen girls still cruise for alpha and so do wives from time to time, but it’s far less than what you will see in a larger population. It is an entirely different social environment than what you would find on a college campus.

Most girls still marry their first and stay married, with lots of kids.

The dads have a say, but the women seem to do the dirty work of keeping each other in line.

The Cominator says:

They don’t care when they are aroused enough… but feminist women of the upper middle class do not let them go near situations where they might get aroused enough except when extremely drunk.

Ron says:

Its not about abortion, its about Roe

Roe wasnt about abortion. It was about 7 justices telling everyone else what the new law was.

According the Jimmian theory of politics, that means Harvard telling everyone else what the law was.

The women are not upset about abortion, they are upset that their tribe, Harvard, no longer gets to dictate terms to people in Kentucky

It takes about 5 min to change state law to permit abortion. A woman in a non abortion state has to drive at most 5 hours to get one. If she really really needs one, and is too lazy to drive or get any number of willing drivers, she can find a doctor in her hometown who will. Bc no one is actually going to say “no”. And no one is going to actually prosecute a doctor who saves a young girl from dealing with the consequences of her stupid decisions. And if they did, the pro choice advocates would LOVE it

So its not about “choice” its really about Roe

Neurotoxin says:

“Roe wasnt about abortion. It was about 7 justices telling everyone else what the new law was… The women are not upset about abortion, they are upset that their tribe, Harvard, no longer gets to dictate terms to people in Kentucky.”


No doubt there are also feminists who want to be able to “terminate” an inconvenient pregnancy, but mostly it’s about power.

The Cominator says:

Well far more consequential along these lines will be West Virginia vs EPA…

That one actually WILL have major consequences (Texas and the Dakotas will actually be able to drill frack and refine oil most notably) if West Virginia wins.

Neurotoxin says:

I’m having a hard time understanding the Supreme Court lately… though it’s been pleasant, since the last two surprises have been in a positive direction. First the Roe v. Wade decision, which boldly kicked the left in the balls, then the decision that supported the 2nd Amendment, just when the left was getting ready for more anti-2nd Amendment movement.

The Cominator says:

We know Thomas (who wanted to hear the Texas election case) absolutely hates the same people we hate… and Alito mostly does too.

It’d be a pleasant surprise if he can get 3 of the 4 normally cuckservative justices we need to go along with him West Virginia vs EPA and resurrect the nondelegation doctrine or AT LEAST the major questions doctrine.

Neurotoxin says:

“…resurrect the nondelegation doctrine …”

That would be awesome, but it would take a miracle.

The Cominator says:

I could see them doing the Major Questions doctrine, even the cuckservatives are big angry at how radical Biden’s regulatory goons are. Shutting down energy now plans to all but ban tobacco and vapes both… It gives SCOTUS a very good excuse.

Ron says:

If by “miracle” you mean extremely good blackmail backed up by a lot of pissed off and hungry young men carrying guns under the command of bitter and salty older men who care about order, then yes, “a miracle”.

jim says:

I conclude that they were alarmed by Republican voters abandoning cuckservatism for Christian maga nationalism in the primaries, and decided to allow the cuckservatives some red meat.

Midway through the primaries, the primaries started being spectacularly stolen from outsider politicians everywhere simultaneously. Almost the same thing happened in Australia. Shortly afterwards, arrests, assaults, and destruction of Christian maga nationalist property ensued.

And shortly after this world wide crackdown on people outside the political establishment, we see some red meat being thrown into political arena for the establishment cuckservatives to distribute to disaffected Christian maga nationalist voters.

The Cominator says:

Well if they revive non delegation or even major questions it’d be very strong red meat…

jim says:

The supply of red meat will be adjusted to that necessary to distract the Republican voters from Christian maga nationalist voters. Note that Christian maga nationalism is much the same thing a Christian National Capitalism.

This is a program for maintaining normality without those inconvenient maga voters, until they can be entirely replaced by imports.

But I do not think normality is on offer. If red meat supplied to Republican voters, the fragile hold of the gerontocrats and kelptocrats on power is likely to be threatened by the even radical left, which daily becomes ever more radical.

The balancing act has gone on a lot longer than I expected. I expected an upset by 2021 April. But they are still teetering uneasily. The kleptocrats and gerontocrats want things to return to the 2014 normal. They are not going to get there from here.

Neurotoxin says:

“The kleptocrats and gerontocrats want things to return to the 2014 normal.”

Do they seriously think a war with Russia is going to accomplish that?!

Kunning Druegger says:

Over my head but on my radar:



“So my argument so far (very opinionated to be clear) is the following. Both the viral infection of SARS-CoV-2, and the pandemic measures (lockdowns literally work in reverse, help spread diseases, and hinder your immune response to other viruses) help drive the evolution of the current strain of MonkeyPox a little by causing enough subclinical immune shift in the infected.

In the global vaccination campaigns, with a vaccine that has extensive literature on its immunosuppressive effects, the constant reinfection causes a shift (drastic change in immunology) of immunological landscape (population-wide immune system and their response), which gave the proper and perfect landscape for certain latent viral infections to go rampant and evolve in months what would take, perhaps, decades.

The accelerated evolution they can’t explain has a clear cause…”

jim says:

For accurate and detailed information on biological attack on humans, conducted through the polygon’s vast network of biowar labs, some of which were recently suddenly interrupted in the Ukraine, follow Igor Chudov and subscribe to his newsletter.

The effect and intent of vax is to attack people’s immune systems and reproductive systems.

Countries that are heavily vaxxed have a serious and permanent Covid plague. Countries that scarcely vaxed have quite low levels. It is pretty obvious that it is anti vaccine.

Mister Grumpus says:

“The effect and intent of vaxx is to attack people’s immune systems and reproductive systems.”

Hold up! “Intent”, you say? That’s a big jump from your earlier take on the vaxx from some months ago, which was, essentially, that it was Shaniqua playing vaccine science lady in the mRNA room.

This is not a gotcha. I just want to ask what information or revelation brought you to this place on the game board. I don’t want to miss this. Was it Dr. Chudov’s work?

Anyone else who’s come this distance, please sound off as well.

jim says:

I have been reading Igor Chudov, and have changed my mind.

It is Shaniqua, which is why the attack has not been very effective.

Mister Grumpus says:

So genuinely malicious intent at the top, but working through Shaniqua, so it comes out retarded and not of Doctor Evil?

Varna says:

Thanks for the name, Jim!

Checked him out, fascinating stuff indeed.

His collection of info on the fertility rates suddenly falling by 10-20% across the mutagen spiked populations is very thought provoking, as is the globohomo news articles he found that it’s actually climate change doing that kek.

The data that Pfeizer and Moderna give people slow-motion AIDS through a self-perpetuating low-grade dumpster fire of constant reinfection is also pretty compelling.

This was a much needed reminder that there are deeper processes of planetary scope happening, behind the drama with the Ukraine, the world economy, the supreme court and whatnot. Under the surface some major shit is just rolling onward.

simplyconnected says:

His twatter account is pretty good too.

jim says:

Twatter gets ever worse. If you want be well informed, subscribe to his email. If you want to be entertained while informed in slower and more irregular fashion, his substack.

Karl says:

I’m surprised that Igor Chudov can publish such thought crime on substack.

The followers of the covid demon appear to be rather weak.

jim says:

Yes, the plan was that the awesome might of The Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon would immediately make the health authorities awesome and powerful, but he turned out to be not very mighty, so they gave him a bit of a helping hand, but as time wears on, people are less and less awed. Plus they were brushed aside by the World War III faction. And then the Military Industrial complex raised their snouts from the trough and said to the World War III faction “wait a minute”

Some time ago I observed that demon worshipers have their own take on Book of Revelations. The bit about a thousand years of rule by Satan danced in their eyes. But these are not the four Horsemen of the apocalypse, but second rate imitations cooked up by Shaniqua. And the attacks of food production are just embarrassing.

simplyconnected says:

Great, thanks. I thought you were calling his substack his newsletter. Good to know.

simplyconnected says:

If you want be well informed, subscribe to his email. If you want to be entertained while informed in slower and more irregular fashion, his substack.

Did subscribe, but his newsletter is his substack, it’s the same articles. Twatter is not bad because he often posts similar things as jikkyleaks, who posts mostly on information dug up from the pfizer document dumps (not that we need much more confirmation of fraud in the “clinical trials”). His substack “blogroll” is good too.

simplyconnected says:

Don’t forget neurological damage, which is the most frequent injury and can take long to manifest.

I was since almost two years ago in the “intentional genocide” camp because I took their club of Rome-type pronouncements seriously. Even that “Silent weapons for quiet wars” document whose provenance was hard to establish is looking increasingly like it may be legitimate. That one is supposed to be an internal document, so openly talks about “genocide and benevolent slavery”. Note Dennis Meadows (hired by club of rome to write “the limits to growth”) speaks of a “smart dictatorship” and huge drop in living standard (slavery), plus an “unavoidable” very large drop in population in whose experience “everyone participates” (sounds like genocide to me).

simplyconnected says:

Sorry, that was meant as a reply to Mister Grumpus.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Sweet Jesus these people really are mentally diseased fuckheads who want to make sure everyone commits suicide with them.

simplyconnected says:

I forgot to link video of club of Rome member Dennis Meadows explaining how he hopes the experience of going from 7 to 1 billion people is shared by everyone.

simplyconnected says:

[…] who want to make sure everyone commits suicide with them.

I doubt the club of Rome people are planning on “sharing in the genocide experience”, after all, someone has to be alive to run that “smart dictatorship” of theirs.
Their genes are guaranteed to make it through the “shared experience”, so will be disproportionately represented in the future population. At a basic level something like that may be part of their true intention. Obviously these people don’t pull off such a massive “shared experience” without achieving multiple objectives. One of the objectives stated in silent weapons for quiet wars is the elimination of creditors.

Varna says:

From the vintage 1923 Bolshevik space opera Aelita. On Mars, where two Earthmen have arrived, civilization is decadent, and the head of the technocratic council is announcing plans for an orderly extinction, which the working class is against.

Tuscoob again restored order in the amphitheatre with a
twitch of his brow.
“The history of Mars is drawing to a close. Life is waning
on our planet. You know the birth and death rates. In a few
more centuries the last of the Martians will watch the sun set for
the last time. We are powerless to arrest the process of
extinction. We must be wise and take firm action to grace the
world’s last days with luxury and joy. Our initial task is to
destroy the city. It has done its duty to civilization. Now it is
corrupting civilization and must perish.”

Gor, the young broad-visaged young Martian Gusev had
seen on the screen, rose from his place in the centre of the

He had a low, rasping voice. His finger pointed at Tuscoob.
“He lies! He wants to destroy the city to keep his power.
He condemns us to death to retain power. Pie knows that the
only way he can retain power is to destroy millions of people.
He knows how much he is hated by those who do not fly in
golden boats, who live and die in the subterranean factory cities,
who roam the dusty passages on holidays, yawning from
despair, and who seek oblivion frenziedly in the accursed
Tuscoob has made our deathbed. Let him lie on it
himself. We do not wish to die. We were born to live. We know
that Mars is doomed to extinction. But there is salvation—it
will come from the Earth, the people of the Earth—a sound,
fresh race with hot blood. He fears them. Tuscoob, you have
hidden two men from the Earth in your home. You are afraid of
them, the Sons of the Sky. You are strong only among the weak
and khavra-doped. When strong hot-blooded men come, you
will become a mere shadow—a nightmare. You will vanish like
a phantom. That is what you fear most.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like Dish Network is trying to indirectly fuck with Starlink.


Today we ask for your support in ending a lobbying campaign that threatens to make Starlink unusable for you and the vast majority of our American customers.

As recently reported, DISH Network has been hoarding spectrum for years as a strategy for preventing open and fair competition.

Most recently, DISH has been attempting to claim new rights to the 12 GHz band, which is the spectrum you currently use to download content with Starlink. Despite technical studies dating back as far as 2016 that refute the basis of their claims, DISH has employed paid lobbyists who are attempting to mislead the FCC with faulty analysis in hopes of obscuring the truth.

In reality, if DISH gets their way, Starlink customers will experience harmful interference more than 77% of the time and total outage of service 74% of the time, rendering Starlink unusable for most Americans. You can read the details here.

The FCC and your members of Congress have the power to stop this effort, but they need to hear from you.


Frank Matters says:

Jim, time is very ripe for you to get out a whitepaper on properties you need for a namespace. People will just go to ENS et al if no one builds something better.


notglowing says:

ENS is a pretty simple system built on Ethereum. There is nothing wrong with ENS, though it isn’t perfect. But the issue Jim has with it is the platform it is built on.

If you have another blockchain, you can make an ENS equivalent on it.

Frank Matters says:

Building your entire p2p ledger ecosystem is becoming easier in tooling but much harder in mindshare. It might be better to make a technical criticism of ETH, which can be meme’d among the crowd actually building this stuff. The WQ may be a bit far but most crypto developers are easily convinced to not trust things the US government has put its fingers on. It’s bad because of the people building it is a weak argument, suspicion is justified but you should at least be able to point out the places where vulnerabilities are apt to be slipped in.

The matchsticks and glue complaint is valid, but becoming less so. Some of the tooling is looking pretty good lately. Very much is time to put out your designs to grab mindshare before the underlying architectures ossify.

jim says:

And that report is softballing it.

“Of 186 F-22 Raptor fighters, only about 93 are ready to fly missions at any particular time”

Of those ready to fly missions, most of them do not have the full set of working capabilities that they are likely to need when the mission gets interrupted by the enemy.

In theory, a full capable F-22 fighter is superior to any Russian equivalent. How these actual “mission capable” Raptor fighters would fair against an actual Russian warplane remains to be seen.

Mister Grumpus says:

An F-22 will fail to the junkiest Mig they have if it can’t take off.

“I’m… on… BREAK!” –USAF lead aviation technician Shaniqua

Varna says:

Germany was already like that a few years back.
Now with the Ukraine kerfuffle let’s see if they can snap back into some semblance of adequacy.
You never know. Perhaps the current “no, we’re too pacifist to really help” official sentiment serves to hide “we are currently so pathetic Poland can blitz us”.

Pax Imperialis says:

Been seeing a slow and constant trickle of research showing the mRNA vaccines were fairly bad. A recent study out of Stanford and UCLA found:

“The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials”

Shouldn’t be surprising to anyone here.

I’ve also noticed there a dearth of information and research concerning the J&J vaccine. Anyone have an idea why?

If my premise if wrong about J&J getting little scrutiny can anyone point me to a source of information?

I have a suspicion that the adverse side effects of J&J were extremely rare and relatively minor when compared to the mRNA ones which is where there is no apparent interest in researching J&J.

Varna says:

I was thinking this yesterday as well.

Sputnik is also getting “increased scrutiny”:

It will turn out I think like with the Olympics “doping scandals”, in the sense of the Russians doing their thing in the old-fashioned clumsy way, while the holy west does the same or worse but know how to present their data in a polished way.
However, go beyond the polish, and it will turn out that Sputnik’s twin Astra Zeneca is the same crap.

Sputnik at first had a “sputnik lite” version, which was the equivalent of the single-jab J&J. However later they stopped counting it as being “fully vaccinated”, and Sputnik Lite was now only officially good as a “booster”. Since January 2022 in Europe J&J also no longer counts as a “full vaccination” but only as a “booster”.

It may turn out that of all the clotshots the single dose ones Sputnik Lite and Janssen were the least lethal, at least when measuring one on one, without subsequent “boosts”. Hence them quickly losing status as “full vaccination”.

Whatever happened to the Novavax peptide bullshit (the third variation of the clotshot)? At the very start of everything Cuba and Russia both made peptide shots as well, and while Cuba vacced everybody to the hilt from school kids upward, Russia marketed their peptide shot EpiVac to old folks, due to the “negligible side effects”.

Then one whole family dropped dead after taking EpiVac.
In the poultry producing Cossack town of 12K Starokorsunskaya
And while the medical authorities did the whole amazing coincidence safe and effective shtick, it was quietly pulled from the market, leaving only Sputnik and the Russian dead virus trad vax KoviVak. The former being free for the pleb, and the latter being available for money, with connections.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

It will turn out I think like with the Olympics “doping scandals”, in the sense of the Russians doing their thing in the old-fashioned clumsy way, while the holy west does the same or worse but know how to present their data in a polished way.

So that’s what that was all about? The red-pills just keep coming! 😂

Varna says:

If you paste “fancy bears doping” into a search engine, you’ll get a bunch of articles debunking and fact-checking hacked leaks (a KGB provocation natch) of western athletes taking pills and injections in order to treat their *conditions*, which without the doctor’s note would be banal doping.

Also how frequently the doping sample bottles get lost or suddenly break when convenient.

Ah, my sweet Valieva.
After they broke her psychologically I realized that to these people beauty and life are hellish torture to witness. If their strategies to achieve X allow them to crush some flower on the way, this only makes them happier.

Varna says:

Wrong Valieva link.
That’s the one that raised my hair on end and gave me hope for humanity.

Of course, just a day later, the anti-humanity sprung into action.

notglowing says:

Link to this study?

Pax Imperialis says:


“Funding Information: This study had no funding support.”

Which translates to, no institution wants to acknowledge the reality.

jim says:

Which also translates to “Any academic who notices reality will find himself short of funding, and shortly thereafter be working night shit in McDonalds.”

Behold: Scientific consensus.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted because I have never found your reports of the right is saying remotely resembled reality, and I cannot be bothered to check yet another time.*]

Globalist Power Terminating II says:

“Always Fabricating” is back on his bullshit lmao.

Varna says:

Chechen news in English
It’s mostly the dear leader being everywhere and doing everything, and honored visitors coming over the the Chechen republic.
The latter is one of the 80 constituent states of the Russian Federation, with a population of 1.5 million.

The man-woman dancing of the Chechens appears to be modelled on mating dances of birds.
The man spreads his wings and pretends to try to corner the woman. Agility and virility is shown through bursts of jerky movements. The woman slowly floats along, sensually rotating her wrists, and either softly claps her hands or touches her heart to signify she’s done with the dance.
At minute 3 some woman stands up and you realize the Kardashians are a vulgarized far off reflection of the original fertile woman from the Caucasus region.

They are mountain folk so their archetypal totems are probably birds and haha, goats.

When you look at Chechen warriors gathered, you realize their names are Gimli, Balin, Durin, and so on.

Varna says:

At 26.40 on the Chechen wedding dance, Tom Bombadil’s wife goes out on the dance floor (in stilettos, natch), taking over from the previous epic cougar, and turns out to be a radiant finger-dance master. Depending on each minute shift in her overall body, her fingers also do some vril flow shit.

Her partner Gimli is a bit wooden at first, half the time insecurely doing body-communication with his bros, but she patiently draws him out until he lets go and in the end they approach the point where an instant from now they’ll be making out, and both simultaneously break it off, with a fleeting friendly pat on each other’s backs.

Kunning Drueger says:

Based and traditionpilled.

More and more, it becomes apparent that it is GAE shills seeking to attack the growing faith and fortitude of Russia that malign these simple mountain enjoyers.

Varna says:

I’d probably hang myself within a week if forced to live in a place like that, nor would I rejoice if my neighborhood began filling up with people from there.

However, had I been born and raised there, I too would probably enjoy all their stuff… Dance like a semi-paralytic eagle with palsy, get into brawls, then seek forgiveness from the imam, watch TV which is only about the dear leader, and view military expeditions into Europe (or anywhere really) as a jolly good adventure.

Can’t quite make up my mind. Are these mountain harkonen? Mountain fremen? Or just generic mountain vikings?

Frankly, I’d be pretty tense about having either of the three where I live. Unless, of course, there’s a civilizational collapse, global or local, and chaps like that are the only way of having some semblance of functioning law &order. Let’s hope such a choice never arises.

Kunning Drueger says:

In a different era, I’d be a missionary or expeditionary leader or something. I fell into the trap of venerating and idealizing the Foreign when I was a young suburban creature, but having passed through that phase, I’ve come to realize I enjoy being in but not of. I like being a contextual minority. So I’d love to live amongst the Chechens or the Serbs or the Tutsis. The Token Occidental.

Is “Hitler was a jew and recent studies prove it” a known shill script? Need advice as my blog is getting attention of late and I want to know how to counter.

Kunning Drueger says:

When in doubt, rub them out. You’re not libertarian, you are not called upon to create or maintain freeze peach. If it isn’t productive, delete it.

I wanted to maintain a light hand in moderation, but more importantly identify shill patterns before I delete stuff.

Kunning Drueger says:

Just my opinion, but you should focus on content and quality, not counterintelligence. Anyone saying Hitler was a Jew has only one goal in mind.

Dharmicreality says:

Here is the comment thread:

I don’t understand what he is driving at. Seems a bit off.

jim says:

It does not matter. He cheerfully accepts obviously unreliable sources of data at face value.

Such people are a problem, and needed to be chided, as I have chided Pooch, but they are not necessarily bad people with ulterior motives.

However the “Hitler is Jewish” argument is always pushed with hostile ulterior motives “Since you are an evil stupid person this argument might work on you, even though it would not work on me.”

This guy is, like Pooch, misinformed, and, unlike Pooch, hostile.

The Cominator says:

Well he REALLY might have been 1/4 Jewish and possibly a Rothschild at that… its not definite but not impossible.

Varna says:

By the end of the Middle Ages the sprawling Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth had absorbed almost all Jews of the larger region, being a place of peace, plenty, and tolerance, by then current standards.

BTW, apparently today Lithuania and Poland have been given some sort of green light to try and relive the past glory. First it was 80% them supporting the failed Belarus uprising, and now it’s Poland doing its best to somehow absorb or fuse with Western Ukraine. Lithuania was also the most vocal opponent of China last year, this year they are the most vocal opponent of Russia, threatening the Kaliningrad enclave and so on. Something’s up with Lithuania and Poland. Someone has been feeding their revanchist ambitions.

Anyway. When Russia on the east and the Germanic states on the west begun gradually eating up the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, they therefore begun getting not only new territories, but also new populations — Poles and Jews.

By the second half of the 19th century 5 million citizens of the Russian Empire, out of a total of 50 million, were Jews. That’s an incredible number. Many cities, including Odessa and Vienna, became predominantly Jewish.

By the early 20th century, the six gorillion lived mainly in a) the Austro-Hungarian empire, b) the Russian empire, and c) whenever Poland flickered into existence for a few seconds.

Hence also most of today’s US Jews in high places being from that same region — Eastern European grandparents and so on. Complete with the ancestral desire to see the local Slavs and if possible Germanics too massacre each other for the puppet master’s amusement.

At the time when Adolf’s generation was born and growing up, it is very likely that in towns and cities (not poor villages), everyone was one quarter Jew or one eighth Jew.

Later WWII happened, as well as voluntary and semi-voluntary emigration waves into America and Israel. This emptied out that region a bit from pureblood Jews. Now they’re in Israel and America. The classical Russian neighborhoods such as on Brighton Beach are Jewish neighborhoods. 30% of Israel speaks Russian. And so on.

This regional plummeting of the number of Jews in no way precluded the new Ukrainian govt being ultra-Jewish, but that’s for Anglin readers to pursue.

Any Russian (European part), Ukrainian, Belorussian, Pole, Austrian, Hungarian, Czech, or Slovak, especially if the stock is city folk going back to before WWII at least on the side of some great-grandma, is very likely to have some Jewish ancestry.

Additionally, South East Europe being part of the Ottoman Empire for 500 years, the internal imperial genetic drift seeded all sorts of surprises. Just like inside the Russian Empire, where you can never be certain if one’s great-grandparents aren’t Tatars, or Bashkirs, or Mordva, or what have you.

In Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, you also never know if the Ottoman Imperial genetic drift didn’t seed your ancestral village or city neighborhood with Tatar or Jewish or Syrian or Egyptian blood. Or Turkish.

Had Hitler been born into the Russian Empire or the former Ottoman Empire lands, he would have been some sort of mixture of breeds with a 90% certainty. Within the Austro-Hungarian empire — at least 50% certainty. This is how sprawling continental political structures in the old world work.

Today’s Chinaman is also a mongrel, to which white’s are blind, but Koreans and Japs are not. Koreans and Japs are the “Scandinavians” in this sense, genetically, while China is genetically the equivalent of Austro-Hungary or Russia or Turkey.

I don’t see how any of this could make one become a fan of any historical world leader, or conversely stop being a fan of any historical world leader, unless one has a female approach to life based on emotional reactions and gossip. Or some purity-fetishist ultras like the Amerika.org guy.

jim says:

Quite possibly one quarter Jewish.

But the Rothschilds were funding the commies, until it blew up in their faces, and after 1930, sudden diminution in commie funding.

The Rothschild’s strategy was to use their depositors money to fund war, revolution, and subversion, and thus obtain power, and with this power, more control of more of other people’s savings. But Russia turned into a black hole that sucked money in and no money came out.

Classic case of evil consuming evil. And in 1930 the depositors started asking to see their money.

skippy says:

If you believe this study, he had a genetic marker that is found in Jews and in non-Jews. It increases the probability he had Jewish ancestry compared to if some other markers had been found, but does not prove it.

The Cominator says:

Hitler’s father was illegitimate and though she married a man who later claimed to be his “father” its doubtful. His paternal grandmother was a serving girl, there are rumors she was working in the Rothschild house at the time Alois Schiklgruber was conceived but the records seem to have been destroyed (which is perhaps the best argument for this story being true).

So did Hitler have jewish ancestry… maybe.

skippy says:

Maybe indeed.

A good argument for impregnating Jewish girls and raising them as Goys if you want to overcome this particular world-conspiracy.

On the other hand, neither Alois nor young Hitler showed any particular talent. If Hitler was the real deal, seems to be due to some special array of talents for politics in a chaotic state that didn’t lead to general success in life.

The Cominator says:

Hitler was a good speaker as far as Germans percieved good speakers, he was also helped out extensively for whatever reason by Dietrich Eckhart and the Thule society, Wagner’s Family and then by Von Papen (a Jesuit).

He was a good speaker but he got into power because he was sponsored by powerful forces…

jim says:

Nah. He was opposed, not supported, by powerful forces.

The Wiemar elite was failing dismally, and as result could not maintain the semblance of democratic legitimacy. To maintain the appearance of democratic legitimacy, Papen, leader of what would now call the cuckservatives, cut a deal with less terrifying faction of the radical left, the Nazis. The deal was that the Nazis would provide the votes, and old elite retain the power, while giving Hitler the purely nominal appearance of power.

The error in this deal was that the Wiemar elite had long been using illegitimate state and quasi state violence against its opponents, and Hitler was an old hand at that. With the boot of the state off his men’s backs, and ample precedent provided by the Weimar elite, he applied state and quasi state violence against the elite itself.

At the last minute, Papen went looking for a deal with the Christian right and the reactionary right, but it was too late, and he was the wrong man, having betrayed everyone.

The Cominator says:

Papen is one of the most sinister figures of the 20th century and a Jesuit.
Given who Papens real allegiances and real master was (he walked out of Nuremberg scot free… and he had a hand in getting the US into WW1 as well)… Maybe he knew it would workout that way…

jim says:

Finding he could not be the leader of the left when the leader of the (less insane) radical left was Hitler, a man who was disinclined to be a well paid puppet, Papen attempted to get the good guys together under his leadership. They did not come, probably because on past form, had they been successful, would have been hexduple crossed (they had already been doublecrossed and quadruple crossed, Papen’s alliance with Hitler being the quadruple cross, and his speech attempting to rally the right, the Christian right, and the reactionary right against the radical left being the quintuple cross).

skipper says:

Papen tried to cuck Hitler and Hitler defeated him but let him be ambassador to Turkey rather than killing him because he was at least a gentleman about it.

He had von Schleicher killed.

Hitler was sponsored by a piano factory mostly. Eckart was himself considered a weirdo. Wagner and his family had already sponsored Houston Stuart Chamberlain who was even more anti-Semitic than Hitler.

Try to find Hitler’s inaugural Reichstag speech and tell me it doesn’t remind you of today. Specifically, isn’t it what everyone wished Trump had said, instead of what he did?

Ghost says:

Moderate with extreme prejudice. Just out of curiosity why would a Hindu care if small mustache man was Jewish?

Dharmicreality says:

Thanks. I didn’t bring up the topic of Hitler ancestry. Seems like the commenter claims to be a christian. Seemed suspicious as to why somebody would want to push such a script on my insignificant blog.

jim says:

Maybe he is a normie pushing a dumbass criticism of Hitler that he thinks will work on evil racists. Nobody cares if Hitler was x% Jewish.

Like a shill he is not arguing in good faith, but rather “this argument would not work on me, being a good and smart person, but it should work on you because you are an evil stupid moron”.

Same tone as the shill scripts, but seldom done for pay.

That must be it. Something seemed off about his “hail fellow right-wing Indian.”

I am also getting uncomfortable with wordpress.com.

Severian says:

Multiple Russian sources saying Russia captured the Lisichansk Oil refinery.
If so Lisichansk is effecityvely lost to the Ukes.


Battles for Soledar and Bakhmut should be next.

jim says:

These are small victories which cannot resolve the war. But, since the Ukrainians were deploying trenches, after the fashion of World War I attritive warfare, they are indicative of huge casualties.

The big advantage of placing your men in trenches is that they are handy dandy mass graves: when the fighting starts, the troops are unable to run away, and they will thus soak up a huge amount of artillery shells.

The real idea of attritive warfare was to attrit the enemy’s supply of shells.

That the Russians are advancing is a small change in the war. However, that the Russians are advancing indicates that the Ukrainians ran out men before the Russians ran out of shells. However, in the Information Epoch, grunts do not soak up nearly as many artillery shells as they did in World War I.

Severian says:

I think you’re right. If you look at the whole picture most of the front lines have been static since the Donbass offensive begun. Small changes here and there.
I guess the Russians may hope attrition will finally allow for a major breakthrough eventually, but I’m not making any prediction.

Meanwhile Russians abandoned Snake Island.

Neurotoxin says:

The thread with Pooch about whether merchants and priests are the same people is getting too long.

(Also too stupid.)

All this modern race/gender/sexual preference stuff started in academia, not in businesses. The cause-effect flow here is VERY clear. In the 1990s this crap was everywhere in the universities and nowhere in the business world. It’s extremely clear who is bossing whom around here.

Actually there was an exception in business: “Affirmative action” based on race and sex… but that’s because it was legally mandated.

Adam says:

What about things like inflation? It’s obviously a product of entropy, but isn’t the money supply a merchant issue? Doesn’t entropy/leftism act on the merchant, warrior and priest alike?

Obviously global progressive homosexualism is a product of priests. Merchants don’t think like social workers, priests do.

Ghost says:

Priests continue to invent new and insane sacramental hoops for merchants and citizenry and King to leap through or they will be unpersoned and bankrupted. They capitulate to falsehood. Solders enforce the Kings will without prejudice.

Neurotoxin says:

Inflation getting out of hand long pre-dates identity politics. They don’t have anything to do with each other.

Vlad says:

It’s absurd to insist all the capital and tech of the west was defeated by some cat lady college professors [*much seen commie rant deleted*]

jim says:

The wealth and tech of the west was not defeated by some commie cat ladies because businessmen never had any power to begin with.

You argument presupposes that at some time capital ruled, that we totally agree it used to rule but strangely claim that now it does not, presupposes that everyone, including us, agrees with the self evident and undeniable truth of Marxist history – argument from fake consensus, which method of argument is forbidden on this blog and will always be censored.

Normies are generally deluded about who rules, but they do not believe that capitalists have ever ruled. Your presupposition is not consensus, and never has been.

Money is not power. Power is power. Those who have power do not need money, they just reach out their hand, and whatever they want is given to them. Capitalists and capitalism has existed since men first grew grain and herded cattle, and capitalists have never had power and never will have power.

We are always ruled by priests or warriors, or something of both. Always have been, always will be.

“Capital” is derived from the word for cattle. It meant “head of cattle”, because you count a herd by their heads. You think cattle are power?

No, swords are power, and words can sometimes manage to control swords. Cattle?

The Cominator says:
Vlad says:

I’m certainly no commie not even a little. I’m also no longer a “capitalist” [*third positionist script deleted*]

jim says:

Your script is old and moldy. We have been seeing it ever since Franco, Hitler, and Mussolini purged the radical fascist left, and Stalin created the third positionist movement to shill against and engage in entryism against then actually existent fascism.

It is certainly true that “capitalism is not serving us well” now, with gas prices going up from a dollar thirty to seven dollars, groceries, housing and rents following in the wake of gas while wages creep upwards at miniscule rates, with Gillete demanding that its customer base emasculate themselves, and Disney plotting to cut of your sons dicks and your daughters boobs, and sodomize your sons and daughters.

But our diagnosis of what is causing that problem is very similar to that of Trump, DeSantis, the Make America Great Again movement, and the Christian Nationalist right – pretty similar to that of the entire right, except for shills, though our proposed solutions considerably more radical than most.

This diagnosis is the opposite of your diagnosis.

Your diagnosis is very different. I would be happy to debate your diagnosis if discussed in within a frame that there were a considerable number of people on the right, from mainstream cuckservative politicians to bomb throwing radicals, who have the opposite diagnosis. rather than the frame that everyone, left and right, accepts your diagnosis but is corruptly reluctant to apply the obvious solution: Socialism.

ten says:

The priest caste uses words, the warrior caste uses swords, the worker caste uses stuff.

A high merchant is probably rarely in contact with the stuff that changes hands, but only with the words representing and coordinating the changing of hands, so the business of the high merchant sort of resembles the business of the priest.

But the business of the high merchant can be traced to boxes of stuff, the leaf nodes in his influence graph are material boxes, while the leaf nodes of the priestly graph are people.

jim says:

> A high merchant is probably rarely in contact with the stuff that changes hands.

Musk is very much in contact with it, but as a rule you are correct. The high merchant relies on representations of stuff constructed by bookkeepers. The firm came into being as an entity imagined into reality by bookkeepers. Thus accounting represents an attack vector for the priesthood to control the merchants.

What Pooch and co sees is merchants giving priests money and thinks the merchants are funding them.

But such “funding” is actually in the nature of a tithe to the ruling Lord. Doesn’t buy influence, only reiterates their subordinate status in the hierarchy.

ten says:

Exactly – and this is sufficiently obvious that whig history normies usually go silent and look a little confused for a while when it is pointed out.

Dharmicreality says:
Pooch says:

Tell it to Oliver Cromwell. It is obvious what class he represented.

jim says:

What class was that?

Explain and justify.

It was a religious war, high Church versus low church, priests versus aristocrats.

Started of with riots against the King’s authority to appoint bishops, which was provoked by his propensity to appoint high Church Bishops.

The monarchic settlement of the restoration was all about religious issues, not economic issues. The deal was toleration. State and quasi state entities would be exclusively run by those of the state religion who adhered to the Kings Bishops, but all other faiths would be tolerated.

No one talked about economic issues, except the post Christian far left of Puritanism, whom Cromwell crushed. Economic issues did not come into the picture until 1832. Until 1832 the conflict was Socinians passing as Christians versus old type Christians, and then the holiness spiral in the post Christian left resulted in the economic issues raised by the post Christian descendants of the Puritan Christian heresy that Cromwell crushed arising again.

Until 1832 everyone would have looked at you funny if you started talking about Marx’s economic classes. It just was not on their radar.

Pooch says:

Let’s take a deep look at the family and background of Oliver Cromwell before the English Civil Wars.

Cromwell was born into the landed gentry with a family estate derived from Oliver’s great-great-grandfather Morgan ap William, brewer and merchant who married Katherine Cromwell, the sister of Thomas Cromwell, would become the famous chief minister to Henry VIII. The Cromwells acquired great wealth as occasional beneficiaries of Thomas’s administration of the Dissolution of the Monasteries.

Cromwell’s paternal grandfather Sir Henry Williams was one of the two wealthiest landowners in Huntingdonshire. Cromwell’s father, being the younger son with many siblings, was of modest means but still a member of the landed gentry inheriting a house and a small amount of land.

Oliver Cromwell married Elizabeth Bourchier. Elizabeth’s father, Sir James Bourchier, was a London leather merchant who owned extensive lands in Essex and had strong connections with Puritan gentry families. The marriage brought Cromwell into contact with Oliver St John and leading members of London’s merchant community.

In 1631, Oliver had become involved in some sort of dispute among the gentry of Huntingdon. As a result, he sold most of his properties in Huntingdon, and moved too a farmstead in nearby St. Ives. This move, a significant step down in society for the Cromwells, also had significant emotional and spiritual impact on Cromwell. Cromwell had kept a smallholding of chickens and sheep, selling eggs and wool to support himself, his lifestyle resembling that of a yeoman farmer.

In 1636 Cromwell inherited control of various properties in Ely from his uncle on his mother’s side, and his uncle’s job as tithe collector for Ely Cathedral. By the end of the 1630s, Cromwell had returned to the ranks of acknowledged gentry. He had become a committed Puritan and had established important family links to leading merchant families in London and Essex.

When Oliver became a Member of Parliment, Cromwell was strongly linked to these godly families of merchant aristocrats in the House of Lords and House of Commons with whom he had established familial and religious links in the 1630s, such as the Earls of Essex, Warwick and Bedford, Oliver St John and Viscount Saye and Sele.

It becomes clear after studying Oliver’s background, although he was not a particularly successful merchant himself, he was representative of a rising Puritan merchant class.

It was this rising Puritan merchantile priestly elite in conjunction that overthrew the rule of the old landed aristocratic warrior class of the British kings.

Why was the merchant class rising? We have to look back to the Dissolution of the Monasteries.

When Henry VIII confiscated the property of the Catholic Church in Britain, there was a church in every village and practically every street corner. They were almost all economically independent. It wasn’t just that they were tithing, they also had their own businesses. They had wineries, farms, and made clothing. They produce books and bibles, the painstaking process before the printing press.

The monasteries which were attached as part of these Catholic properties were economically productive. There was a large amount of land that was owned by the Catholic Church and it was not allowed to be bought and sold.

When Henry VIII confiscated all the church property, he then sold that church property to the highest bidder. There were for the first time people who didn’t own land who were not nobility (because nobility was defined by a landowner. You could not be nobility without having land and if you had land that ennobled you.) who now had the opportunity to become landed.

These people who had been merchants (shoemakers, traders, goldsmiths, jewelers, etc) who had not been part of the nobility were able to buy land at this point and that created the underlying socio-economic forces that are ultimately behind the English Civil War.

The rise of a merchant class is adjacent to a shifting priest class, that’s no longer moored in Catholicism, that’s now Protestant, Presbyterian, Puritan. All of these forces are allying with the merchant class and saying “The king doesn’t have the right to rule. It’s the people who rule and the king is a servant of the people”

jim says:

As you said, landed was noble and noble was landed.

The landed gentry were politically dominant all the way to the nineteenth century, with nothing dramatic happening in in sixteen hundred. A successful merchant acquired land, and successful merchants had been industriously doing that and marrying into longer established, but frequently poorer, nobility, for many centuries.

Around eleven hundred, twelve hundred, landed was the man with terrible swift sword, and training from earliest child hood in using it, which lifelong very hard training was apt to develop extremely powerful muscles. As for example William the Marshall who acquired that land with his own sword from the back of his own horse.

From, however, twelve hundred to eighteen hundred, land was more the real estate developer, tenant manager. As for example William the Marshall, who was apt sell land, exchange land, and to lease out land on very long term leases that required the holder of the lease to develop the land, and gave tenant considerable rights that could not be arbitrarily changed, making the tenant a little bit, or quite a large bit, landed and noble.

So locating a “rising merchant class” on the basis of land ownership changes at a particular date is late nineteenth century invention. William the Marshal did the transition seamlessly around the year of our lord twelve hundred, and, as he went merchant, he enabled a whole lot of merchants to go noble. Every major transition of power and innumerable minor transitions of power that nobody now remembers involved a lot of land changing hands, and a lot of that land being sold, with a lot of people thus becoming noble/landed. And the whole time, a whole lot of land was being bought and sold on the basis of entirely private matters with no political significance.

Yes, Cromwell and company had no end of merchant connections. And the children and grandchildren of William the Marshal also had no end of merchant connections. That transition happened about in about eleventh century of our Lord. And the rise of the urban merchant elite in the nineteenth century of our lord. Nothing very unusual happened in the role of the merchant class in the seventeenth century of our lord.

Pooch says:

You mention land changing hands from warrior to warrior. Quite common during the feudal periods.

I am not seeing any evidence of merchants owning land of any significance before the Dissolution of the Monasteries, an event that put an enormous amount of land on the market for purchase by an unlanded merchant class. An event that the Cromwells personally benefited immensely from.

jim says:

> You mention land changing hands from warrior to warrior.

Warrior to warrior land ownership changes do not involve money. But a fully equipped warrior was extremely expensive, so … William the Marshall’s real estate development business, managed substantially by his wife.

Warriors need money. Merchants have money. But, before you can shake down merchants, they have to come to you, so … william the Marshall’s real estate business, in which a great many non warriors acquired land, and thus, eventually nobility.

From the eleventh century of our lord onwards, considerably more acquisition of land for money, and considerably less acquisition of land at swordpoint. So merchant and nobility interwoven from the eleventh century onwards. Nothing out of the ordinary about Cromwell’s family and connections.

jim says:

> I am not seeing …

What you refuse to see.

And you persistently see things that other people do not see, such as US military might.

You are projecting the full on feudalism of the tenth century, when ownership of land depended very directly on one’s personal ability to ride a horse and wield a sword, all the way up to whatever political events your professor wants to explain in Marxist terms.

And likely when describing the radical changes in the nineteenth century, your professor would give the same explanation, only this time projecting tenth century feudalism all the way into the nineteenth century. And, as the twentieth century fades out of memory, into the twentieth century.

You persistently and confidently rely on highly unreliable sources. It is very irritating.

Pooch says:

Not seeing William the Marshal as part of any merchant class. He was a soldier, a knight, and of the warrior elite who ruled.

jim says:

William the Marshal, under the King, ruled the lands he acquired with his sword, no such thing as a ruling class at that time, and for many centuries thereafter. He ruled what he had, and other nobles ruled what they had.

And he then went into the real estate development business, a very merchant business, in the process granting land and rights, and thus in due course nobility, to a whole lot of merchants.

The Cominator says:

Thomas Cromwell benefitted because he was basically Henry VIIIs prime minister (until he was executed one of the few executions Henry VIII openly regretted which maybe explains why his family kept some of the land) and not a warrior ie he was archetypically a priest he was originally on Woolseys staff (though he was always a secret Protestant).

Oliver Cromwell was a non military gentry outside of government I guess he was sort of a merchant but when he entered government he quickly became a warrior.

The Cominator says:

I think broadly speaking during William the Marshals time legitimate descendents of the Norman’s were ruling class and others were not.

Pooch says:

land and rights, and thus in due course nobility, to a whole lot of merchants.

Name one. Your lack of evidence is annoying and your persistence and confident insistence to proclaim historical things as fact without evidence or sources is irritating. Your persistence and insistence to assign a position of Marxism to me, even more annoying. Good day.

Aidan says:

Pooch, finance was invented by duke Robert of Normandy, turning land leases and associated rights into financial instruments in order to raise the money to wage war. Medieval law already treated with legal entities, the predecessor to corporations, and the art of finance trickled down from the noble class to the merchant class. There was a healthy market by 1300 for what we would today call political rights, but it was just contract law, where individuals and abstract legal entities would buy, sell, and trade rights and interests for cash. Including, of course, land. From the eleventh century onward, the serf became a tenant, granted substantial rights over his land in exchange for paying in cash rather than service. And oftentimes, one could pay the cash up front and just get the land; most medieval cities were generally self-governed, having raised the cash to just buy out the lord who originally owned them.

jim says:

The anarchy of tenth century feudalism severely inhibited capitalism. Which impeded the ability of warriors to fund themselves and their retainers.

Since the Marxists want to interpret capitalism as a ruling class, and capitalism as new, they interpret that forward to each and every political event they want to interpret as class conflict with capitalists, all the way to the nineteenth century. Coming up soon, all the way forward to the twentieth century.

In the tenth century, feudalism was rule by men equipped with expensive weapons, very physically strong men, extraordinarily strong men, trained from childhood in use of those weapons.

From the eleventh century to the eighteenth, rule by a martial and thoroughly capitalist landed gentry. William the Marshal acquired land with his own sword, but found he was mighty short on the social and institutional means for obtaining value from that land. So …

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In more civilized times, there was not so much of a distinction between aristoia and pecuniousness, there were simply ‘prominent men’. Men with authority in a community, and men with value-producing affairs in the community, were often the same men. The idea that men with authority should also be impecunious is one of the oldest tactics of leftist attack against a existing power-structure.

Neurotoxin says:

Biden just announced the US military is going to put a new military base in Poland, the first US base there.

And NATO is dialing up its fast-response forces from 40,000 to 300,000.

And more.

Via VD; the original link is

Fireball says:

I am loving the way this is escalating.

Do the russians have any nukes pointed to Lisbon?

Kunning Drueger says:

I predict that once the pivot to EEurope is to a point where stopping or changing direction is impossible, China will take the next escalatory step on Taiwan. The actual NATO bulking could take a year or more, so look for Russia to do something to speed it up, something that gets the NATO countries frantic. They will then rush troops and equipment into the theater, increasing the disarray and chaos. Once it’s clear the US is all in on Fortress Europe, China will move.

China has already knocked out one US administration, and I bet they will try to do it again. Destroying any kind of consistency in the Core GAE is in their interests.

So I guess I’m reaffirming my prior position: Russia is not being reactive or emotional. The broad outline is known, though the actual steps are not. Ukraine is the distraction, the rabbit is the implosion of GAE, and the hat is the military/marketplace/culture.

why lord why says:

You are nearly this stupid in every post you make. At least you’re consistent.

Europe is a ground war. Taiwan is a naval war. Not the same personnel, not the same equipment, some of the same munitions. Very little overlap. Certainly not enough to affect operations in either theater for the first two weeks, which is what will be critical for Taiwan.

China can plausibly decide to let the US be distracted by Russia if it looks like Russia is capable of doing the distracting. Right now, Russia is fully occupied by a third-rate corrupt shithole of a former Soviet republic that everybody expected would collapse within two weeks, with no prospect of meaningful progress anywhere on the horizon. If you think the Chinese leadership considers this a good side bet, you are even stupider than you look.

jim says:

American naval capability is likely dead in the water within six hundred kilometers of the Chinese mainland or any of the fortified islands that China has been constructing in the South China sea.

Those islands are unsinkable aircraft carriers, built for a future war in which they expect that floating aircraft carries will have a very short life expectancy.

The problem for America is that a two front war is likely to get out of hand, each front exacerbating the other. It is not that Ukraine is utilizing resources needed to defend Taiwan, it is that wars are apt to escalate, and getting into a two front war can lead to unforeseen outcomes.

Kunning Druegger says:

I further assert our resident Fed peeping tom is either former military or his wife’s boyfriend is a vet. He always pops up when we portray the USM as being incapable or incompetent.

Kunning Druegger says:

I hate to samefag a b8poast, but it is interesting to see the hubris or ignorance on display. The movie forces are all different (stunningly different!): navy seal, 75th ranger battalion, SOG, regular infantry divisions, various naval taskforces, the floating bases, the carrier groups, air wings of so many flavors! Why, the US military is a global force for good, some faggot once told me! I bet they could fight a 2 front war, just like we did in dubya dubya too! You know, the one where the world was made safe for sodomy! And the reserves! And the guard! And the national guard reserve! You know, I bet the USM could fight every nation on earth and be done and victorious by Christmas! We could gin up a propaganda campaign on that idea alone!

…but the logistics are, hmmm… the logistics. Look, I’m not saying we wouldn’t win, we always do. I’m not saying we aren’t up to the task, because we fucking are you commie faggots. It’s just that… well… 80% of the total lift capacity for Desert Storm and Desert Shield was civilian contracted, inclusive of air and sea. And that was before BRAC or any of the other wonderful and not in any way destructive things the Clinton Whitehouse did while we still had the Cold War USM largely intact…

…but no, that’s just defeatist monarchical lies spooging out. We’re fucking America, we don’t know how to lose! And if Iraq II, Afghanistan, GWoT, and countless digital wargames have taught us anything, it’s that the USM is ready to rip roar rape any enemy that dares to defy us.

Our military is strong, resilient, loyal, unified, and maximally trained!

Our equipment is the absolute best, well maintained, thoroughly tested, and competently wielded!

Our generals are lean, mean, fighting machines!

Our esprit de corps is higher than ever!

Our martial track record in unimpeachable!

Our populace is supportive, generous, and tough!

Our politicians are wise and unified!

Our institutions are healthy and formidable!

Our industry is efficient, distributed, and robust!

I am 100% certain that, should the impossible happen and all these things somehow not carry us to victory, our vast arsenal of nuclear weapons will see us through any possible situation.

Yessir, Mr. Putin better mind his Ps and Qs. America is rough, tough, and ready to tussle on as many continents as God is willing to give us. Mr. Xi should just pack it up and head on home. The American Military is out there, just waiting to show the whole world exactly what it is capable of, and I for one am proud, humbled, and grateful for our army of trailer trash, niggers, spics, trannies, and frontholes nobly and honorably waiting for welfare checks and that sweet, sweet Home Depot discount.

Ghost says:

Funny you should mention that. I was just somewhere today. Saw a Major in a flight suit sporting a beard, a “female” with a face like a gent, and four effeminate mechanics.

Kunning Drueger says:

Patriots every one too, I’d bet! Loyal, honest, strong, capable, and dangerous! Why, if they were to jump in a DARPA time machine (you know they have them, the Deep Stork is always 30 years ahead of the movies!), they’d beat the Nazis in a day, then teach ol’ Tojo a thing or too! Yessireebob, there’s nothing like a US military. Ready and steady and standing tall. Sometimes, when I see a flag, I like to think about just how simple it is to provision 130 men with foodstuffs and ammunition while cut off from civilian contractors under a drone net and on call artillery that’s fully integrated and battle tested against a “third rate corrupted shithole.” I just relish in all the meaningful progress American military will enjoy.

Seriously, how does that faggot keep breathing. I don’t know which is funnier, the 42%trannie correction rate, or US military vets thinking their 5 minutes of service matter.

Ghost says:

You’re starting to sound like AA. Do we have a celebrity in our midst?

Ghost says:

It’s not the same military from 30 years ago. Clinton allowed sodomites to join and cut the budget and closed many installations. Obama opened the door to trannies, cut the budget more. Some installations didn’t even mow their grass. Now Biden with more of the same and abortions too.

Before these three, the officer corps was strongly conservative and liberals kept their mouths shut.

The Navy though, they’ve always been a little odd. They’ve got these rituals (not supposed to talk about, but I will) when they cross the equator on ship, you have woggs and shellbacks. They do some weird party. I’ve said to much.

Kunning Druegger says:

Countless fiction novels have dropped the dime on hella-gay navy antics. Ship-boos are only women half the time lmao. The USMC calls itself the men’s department of the navy, which would be funny if the jarheads didn’t then proceed to topping them for Moloch and open bordered urban housing agglomerate.

Neurotoxin says:

“I predict that once the pivot to EEurope is to a point where stopping or changing direction is impossible, China will take the next escalatory step on Taiwan.”

That would be fantastic for us, from a point of view of forcing the GAE to either back down, or to try to keep going when it has bitten off waaaaay more than it can chew. For some reason I’m flashing on an image of a python that’s trying to eat a goat that’s just to big for it, and forced to disgorge it.

Also, if voting matters at all any more (I know, I know) the political effects of the Dems getting involved in a war with China and Russia simultaneously would be wonderful.

The Cominator says:

“Also, if voting matters at all any more (I know, I know) the political effects of the Dems getting involved in a war with China and Russia simultaneously would be wonderful.”

You sound as mad as they are, and I’m the guy who says we need to wipe them out down to their voters. We’re hated by almost everyone at this point often for good reason… such a war likely ends in our annihilation.

Kunning Druegger says:

Or, you know, just regime change lol.

The Cominator says:

Holy wars are often fought without mercy…

jim says:

I have often remarked that I am as far from power as I can get without treading water. If nuclear holy war gets under way, it might well be time to tread water.

The Cominator says:

I think Thailand will be safe.

Ghost says:

Thailand safe? There are many Thais here in America and Thailand wants to be friendly with both US and China. Hard to say if they’re safe.

I’m staying on my hill right here until I die. I wonder about the danger to come and in some ways want to test myself to see what I am capable of. I’d rather not have safety in a world of corruption. But, one man can do little.

Neurotoxin says:

“You sound as mad as they are…”

Maybe I’m thinking from a position of normalcy bias, but I guess I was just assuming that if things got really hot with China and Russia at the same time, our military would just run some bombers over the White House and take Biden out. Biden’s not in charge, obvs, but his puppetmasters would be disempowered if their puppet were gone. More realistically, I have a feeling the 25th Amendment would be invoked before it got to the point of China nuking us. Though war is always a fast-moving situation, which is why Wash DC shouldn’t be playing this provocation game in the first place.

What the hell, I don’t live in NYC, LA, etc. Let’s play global thermonuclear war!

i says:

Okay what’s the deal with Jordan Peterson(who supposedly converted to Christianity) interviewing a Sodomite “parent”?:


The push to accept “Gay Conservatives” including “parenthood” looks like a Camel’s nose in the tent to normalize Sodomites.

ten says:

He believes in civilized discussion with the opponent. I don’t necessarily think there is value to it and i don’t care enough to watch the elderly crybaby babble for an hour, but what’s the problem? Isn’t that camel already fully in the tent? Not in our tent, but we are not in Peterson’s tent.

Redbible says:

Jordan Peterson has always been controlled opposition, even if it took some time for the finer details that prove that to come to light.

So him promoting gays would ultimately be par for the course.

Varna says:

He got the ban hammer on twatter the other day and is now Shapiro’s dailywire.

Red says:

He got the ban hammer because it was a publicity stunt for his move to the dailywire. The cathedral noticed that their controlled opposition system has been failing for a while, so Ben Shapiro is building them a new one.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

😳 😂 🤣 💀 ☠️

Red says:

You’re a moron.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

ya mom’s a H0E

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, I am going to defend JBP for the purposes of discussion, but I am not saying you’re wrong in an evil or bad sense, merely technical. He has far too much enemy payload to be /ourguy/, but he is undeniably a gateway to better and best things, this place being one of them.

He has an enormous back catalog of recorded lectures, essays, and literature. The classes I have viewed have a substantial amount of thoughtcrime, or maybe more accurately hints at thottcrime. Many on the New Right/Dissident Right reference him directly in regards to their path to and through the Redpill. If he’s controlled opposition, when did it start, and why do they keep him around if he keeps channeling young, white men towards the Truth? Please refrain from “he’s not holy enough” arguments, as they are known and accounted for. No one is perfect, and few are effective. He is effective, and he has done substantial damage to the credibility of the Cathedral (specifically on the troon issue but not exclusively) as well as shifted the Overton window rightward, or maybe expanded the right side of it, which is not insubstantial in and of itself.

To assert correctly that JBP is controlled opposition, I think you’d have to demonstrate how his efforts and offerings weaken the Right in general, and the true Redpill in particular.

Apologies to reiterate, but this is technical; I am in no way stating that he’s on our side.

Red says:

To assert correctly that JBP is controlled opposition, I think you’d have to demonstrate how his efforts and offerings weaken the Right in general, and the true Redpill in particular.

He’s a Harvard socialist who suddenly started taking concepts from the reactionary right, chopping out the useful bits and then making millions selling them to the wider public in a form that’s unlikely to produce real opposition.

Telling young men to clean their rooms instead of acting manly is classic controlled opposition instruction, much the like the Cuckservitive mantra of losing with dignity.

From July 1993 to June 1998,[33] Peterson lived in Arlington, Massachusetts, while teaching and conducting research at Harvard University, where he was hired as an assistant professor in the psychology department, later becoming an associate professor. During his time at Harvard, he studied aggression arising from drug and alcohol abuse.[30] An article in The Harvard Crimson said he possessed a “willingness to take on any research project, no matter how unconventional”.[25] While at Harvard, he switched his primary area of research from familial alcoholism to personality and authored several academic papers.[34][35][36][37][38][39] Author Gregg Hurwitz, a former student of Peterson’s at Harvard, has cited Peterson as an inspiration of his, and psychologist Shelley Carson, former PhD student and now-professor at Harvard, recalled that Peterson’s lectures had “something akin to a cult following”, stating, “I remember students crying on the last day of class because they wouldn’t get to hear him anymore.”[6] Following his associate position at Harvard, Peterson returned to Canada in July 1998 and eventually became a full professor at the University of Toronto.[28][33][40]

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the problem with the purity spiraling on our side: our heavy discourse and long years of analysis and dialogue have made it impossible for elites to convert and change sides. We know fundamentally that the masses don’t matter, but we’ve made a system wherein the only way to be a good reactionary is to join up before making classic mistakes, or to be so thoroughly sheltered from the fallen and broken world that by dint of out-of-touchedness one is unsullied by the Polygon. Do you see how this means we will only every have unity of purpose and loyalty under The Perfect Man? I’m not saying JBP is the best option for leading the forces of Reaction in the Occident, but consider how we as a sphere would respond if he put out a vlog of himself at an undisclosed location, wearing tactical gear while holding a Bible and a C-8 carbine, and saying “It’s time to put up or shut up, bucko. We’re going to make the West safe for Monarchy.” We’d point, sputter, and babble about all the many little reasons JBP is not /ourguy/ enough, I think.

Obviously, he doesn’t seem like the type to call out the Man Militia and restore Patriarchy to the server of our MMO/RPG. But if/when that does happen, it will most likely be someone with a checkered past of Cathedral Compliance.

To reiterate: what has JBP done in Normie Space that has weakened our position?

jim says:

> We’d point, sputter, and babble about all the many little reasons JBP is not /ourguy/ enough, I think


If he converts, great. We will say so. But he is not our guy. He is controlled opposition, has been operating as controlled opposition all this time, and is unlikely to change. He is not our guy. He is unlikely to become our guy.

Should the time come when we choose Caesar, as Samuel chose Saul, rather than Caesar choosing us, as Constantine chose Christianity, we will likely choose a Caesar from officers of the private military companies.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, I buy that. As I said, I don’t think he’s a likely candidate for Caesar. And I am not saying he’s our guy. But he does have the precursors assembled for an army, whether he meant to do that or not. I’m still not seeing how he’s controlled opposition because I don’t see how what he’s done/is doing detracts from the gradual and quiet shift rightward of the thinking American white male. His message and info campaign is driving people toward this blog, and the Hard Right in general. So if he is controlled opposition, he’s doing terribly.

Same vein of the topic, while I agree that a PMC type is a likely possible source for leadership, I think the categories for possible source are actually quite wide, wider than we theorize anyways. It’s more about memetic sovereignty than it is about traditional leadership phenotype, right?

jim says:

> I’m still not seeing how he’s controlled opposition

“clean your room”

Peterson dances near important truths without actually going there, and then delivers lies. In delivering lies, he is working for the enemy.

The Cominator says:

I sort of agree with KD, Peterson is certainly not pure redpill but I’ve never seen someone who started following Peterson becoming less redpilled… I don’t know of one case… he is more like a gateway redpill.

jim says:

Jordan Peterson’s health troubles were a personal experience of western technological decline, of which he is painfully aware, but will not speak.

His most recent podcast “Russia, Ukraine, and the West” was completely in the frame that Russia is attacking the west, and fails to notice imperial expansion. It is an absolute barefaced lie.

Putin “intends at a minimum to” …

Which intentions make no sense whatsoever in except as shear crazy evil, without the context that Global American imperial expansion has been underway in the conflict zone for eight years and intends to head all the way to Moscow, make no sense without the context that US is sponsoring color revolutions all over the world, and has started another in the last few days on the borders of Russia.

It is history as nonsense, world events that make no sense, just as in Niiiidriveevof’s account of reality, the sack of Rome by the Holy Roman Emperor and the resulting counter reformation make no sense, they are just meaningless things that just happened arbitrarily without causes or consequences.

It is a stupid lie, an evil lie, that makes the liar stupid, a lie intended to harm the audience by making them stupid and ignorant, presenting a world that makes no sense because the lie makes no sense. The lie takes away the causes and the consequences, creating a world of random meaningless incoherent events. In his universe the sack of Rome by the Holy Roman emperor was an unfortunate accident of war without causes or consequences.

Kunning Drueger says:

I disagree, but I am also unable to counter without appeals to authority or emotional sidetracking, so let’s wait and see where things go. In a recent piece, Anglin floated the idea of how incredibly based and interesting it would be if Marilyn Manson converted to Christianity and became a pop anti-hero for this age. With no evidence at all, I think we’re going to see some very interesting and unexpected conversions as we hurtle ever faster towards oblivion.

It also just occurred to me that my inability to see JBP as controlled opposition could be a function of my IQ. Without the proper tools and capabilities, some things are just invisible to some people.

Red says:

KD did you read JP book? It came out around the time the alt right was getting going and I thought some reactionary thinking was hitting the mainstreaming. Instead I got a book of lies and half truths.

The left co-opts real opposition by moving people like JP into them, putting up some limited opposition them(people calling JP a nazi) and then neutralizes any attempt at building real opposition by sucking up energy into them. See 1/3 of the Republican senators recently voting for gun control for a prime example of how this works. JP joining Little Ben’s controlled opposition media group was just icing on the cake with JP.

I never purity spiral claiming that I do is straight up slander. I hate is liars and charlatans. I grew up in an evangelical christian family that lurched from one group of controlled opposition Christians to another. I got very adapt spotting this sort of bullshit.

Com’s right that some people can read controlled opposition stuff and then move onto the red pill, but I note that we talk about this on a blog where everyone is working hard to hide their identities. The men publicly giving real red pills long ago where silenced for speaking the truth. JP less of a gateway drug, than someone there to gate keep to keep men away from the truth.

Kunning Druegger says:


>JBP book
No, I observed Maps of Meaning 2017 in a focused and organized manner, and I found it excellent as a university lecture series (I know, extremely low bar). I’m not going to stand in the way of the dismantling of Harvard, in fact I would gladly help, but I do believe there’s a place for academics in society. It resembles the place for prophets, actually: isolated in a remote location with heavy restrictions on permissible activities after someone elects to Join the Institution.

>purity spiraling
Please chalk this up to poor communication on my part. I do not now, nor did I previously, think you were spiraling. I think JBP as a construct, as a representative of elites that could be converted to Reaction, opens the door to the discussion of tolerable mistakes in one’s personal history.

>leftist co-opting
I cannot rebut this. Shapiro is as dangerous as he is useless. If JBP entries and takes over his platform, that would be interesting, but that is so speculative and fanciful it’s not worth considering at this juncture.

>the redpill in public
Yet again, very on the money. The Polygon has made it basically impossible to state the truth in public under one’s identity. So, what is to be done? More specifically, what is to be done by Elites who are looking to withdraw from the status quo and move in a different direction? There’s a limit to how many Jims can exist in any given ideological Sphere. If the saturation gets too high, the Eye of Sauron will bring the Hammer of Czernobog. What can they do? A while back, someone pointed out the fact that JBP relies heavily on Jung while completely avoiding Jungian concepts that are unacceptable to the mainstream. We can look at that example and say “See? JBP is not telling the truth!” and be correct, but we must also factor in that he is leading people to the haunt of redpills, which is about the most that can be done under the current circumstances.

Jim points out that JBP was directly impacted, deleteriously, by the decline of Western science, and yet he says nothing. He also points out that JBP is parroting cathedral rhetoric about Russia. I will go ahead and point out that he was completely off base about Trump. These are all marks against the man. But he is still a courtier with influence and connections. He has a significant degree of status. He has no choice but to call the deer a horse. I guess I am just not certain he actually believes that it is a horse. If any one of us were in the same situation, in that we had status and influence and connections from holding a Position in the court of public opinion, how would we go about being worthy and accepting power without being stripped of our Position?

One final angle, and this may be irrelevant, is that JBP seems to ruminate for a long time on things before he holds forth on them. It could be the case that he is working towards a position on tech decline, GAE expansion, and the Redpill on Women. It is most likely not the case, but I don’t think we can state categorically that it is not the case.

I will suspend my defense of the man at this point. I’ve made my position clear, and my advocacy was voluntary and largely theoretical. Of course I will continue to respond if engaged, but I think both you and Jim have sufficiently demonstrated the negatives of the man and his movement. I see JBP as a vehicle for elaborating our body of thought on the methodology of converting, capturing, and utilizing elites, and I fully accept that he may not be the best example available.

jim says:

> It could be the case that he is working towards a position on tech decline, GAE expansion, and the Redpill on Women. It is most likely not the case, but I don’t think we can state categorically that it is not the case.

It is completely obvious that he does not believe what he says, nor say what he believes, so, being a smart guy, has already come to a conclusion. Obviously he knows on women and Western tech decline – why do you think it occurred to him to head off to Russia for medical treatment?

And he is not going to come out with it, at least not under the name Jordan Peterson, because he would at a minimum be cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized, and as the Information Epoch holy war comes ever closer, likely more drastic measures would be applied.

If he comes out with it, great. We will revere him as another fallen martyr to the cause.

alf says:

It is a stupid lie, an evil lie, that makes the liar stupid,

I tried listening to the latest Joe Rogan / JBP podcast. I just couldn’t. The cringe was too much.

Red says:

> Please chalk this up to poor communication on my part. I do not now, nor did I previously, think you were spiraling. I think JBP as a construct, as a representative of elites that could be converted to Reaction, opens the door to the discussion of tolerable mistakes in one’s personal history.

Thank you. Controlled opposition always pretends to be on your side while endlessly subverting you. This is why Trump was so shocking. Not only did he make promises that told us he was but he actually delivered on them. Controlled opposition doesn’t do that.

I’ve yet to see JBP deliver anything of value to the people he’s selling books to.

If you want to like him, that’s fine. I don’t really care. But I think you’re just fooling yourself.

jim says:

> I’ve yet to see JBP deliver anything of value to the people he’s selling books to.

He dances around dangerous and powerful truths, and people hungry for truth follow him. And then he delivers “clean your room”.

Kunning Drueger says:

Meh, I already teach as well as he does. His command of the literature is impressive, but 90% of the literature is trash; Liuten has more value if we’re using command of fabricated reality lol. Further, he is a man with a hollow chest. In my estimation, he’s desperately trying to fill it while also holding onto his status, no easy task, but he remains a priest, and by default he’s a priest of the status quo. As I said, and as I believe, you and Jim put the matter to bed.

But I wouldn’t be the Puritan-descended conniving weasel GNON made me if I didn’t leave myself some avenue of intellectual tactical withdrawal, that being the idea of elite defection. Kidding aside, I honestly do think JBP will either lead a faction of defectors, or inspire defection, from the ranks of the academe, not dissimilar from rats fleeing a sinking ship.

The Cominator says:

Oh no one cares about the clean your room stuff but KDs points stand, he is a gateway to the real redpill even on women.

Yes he’s personally bad with women and far from alpha, so what.

Varna says:

His daughter developed an autoimmune crisis now managed by meat-eating, his wife got cancer I believe, and the world in general applied pressure from all sides.

He went on antidepressants, but later it turned out that once you start you are not expected to ever quit, only change meds.

They actually moved him on to ketamine, and then declared him insane.

It turned out that the only option for a guy to escape the globohomo brain pill system is to go outside it. He had to first fly to Russia to undergo a brutal cleansing procedure, and then fly to Serbia too undergo proper rehabilitation.

Upon arrival in Russia it turned out globohomo while busy telling him that he’s insane, let him develop an undiagnosed pneumonia.

Controlled opposition or not, after this adventure he seems like a very changed man.

skippy says:

This stuff does not seem like something controlled opposition would do or would be allowed to do.

alf says:

It turned out that the only option for a guy to escape the globohomo brain pill system is to go outside it.

Or just stop visiting shrinks and stop taking pills. It’s not rocket science.

That said, if folk here like Peterson, sure, why not. We don’t have to agree on everything.

Pax Imperialis says:

“We have no plan. No hope. Nothing. Are you still willing to pay the price for something which may accomplish nothing?”



I want to live forever. I must choose death. There are no alternatives to death. Therefore I want a beautiful death over an ugly death, a purposeful death over a purposeless death, but there are no beautiful deaths or purposeful deaths anymore.

There is much to live for (in the materialistic sense), but little to die for (in the spiritual sense)… and I wish to die for something but there is nothing. No nation, no God, no creed.

An illusion of brotherhood exists in the uniformed services, but the good wars are long gone and the peace of our time corrodes the purity of conflict.

What is left for the warrior who wishes to die a good death (for a good purpose “Pro Patria Mori”) if there is no righteous war?

Is ritual suicide all that’s left?

Suicide that is born out of an attempted coup that is certain to fail.

Frank Matters says:

Random minecrafting is fruitless and retarded but I have yet to see someone play minecraft at a recreated Davos. Usually minecraft players just play at walmart servers. If you are so bored you want to stop playing, may as well go out in a unique way.

Kunning Drueger says:

The biggest piece of evidence IMO that Minecraft is just fake banner theater is the fact that it always seems to be PVE instead of PVP. I get that PVP on survival is almost impossible, but for no one to even try to play is just strange. Obviously, mods are a factor. With all the Discords so thoroughly invested, I can’t imagine organizing teams is really safe or even possible. Whatever the reason, the current PVP servers are so buggy and exploit laden that there exists a pretty substantial opportunity for leaderboard ranking. Additionally, Microsoft will break its bank hiring devs and mods to fix the bugs. The architecture is incredibly soft. If the walls of your garden are high enough, after a few generations, everything becomes very fragile.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

A beautiful and touching video. His death was a tragedy, but not pointless I think.

One cannot know in advance who is watching, or will watch, and be inspired. Maybe the next great Japanese leader is a young man right now.

The Cominator says:


SCOTUS rules for West Virginia, and massively expands the major questions doctrine to approach that of the non delegation doctrine…

Cloudswrest says:

SC says EPA unlawfully arrogated power to itself to regulate CO2. A non-pollutant. **Congress** needs to specifically give them that authority.

Kagan dissent states, “The Court appoints itself, instead of *Congress* … the decisionmaker on climate policy.”

Can the Left lie any harder?? They just issue statements, that are disconnected from reality, to inflame their followers.

The Cominator says:

It’s too bad the Senate will likely be rigged forever…

As this ruling if allowed to stand would undermine nearly all administrative so called law.

Neurotoxin says:

Wow, fantastic!

yewotm8 says:

So this whole thing with Supreme Court Justices doing whatever they want, what’s the deal with that? Regardless of the actual content of these rulings, what is making them feel like they are safe to make them without getting antifa’ed? That’s the big question that I’m not seeing addressed.

Is it really just normalcy bias and only a matter of time until one of them gets beaten up and put in their place? Do they have an assurance of safety from somebody? Is that person a fed or lead a private organization? Maybe from a coordinator of such extralegal enforcers? Does the Cathedral plan to neutralize them anyway so they are just ruling whatever they want as a middle finger to them?

Contaminated NEET says:

>Is it really just normalcy bias and only a matter of time until one of them gets beaten up and put in their place?

Yes. Definitely. They’re really goddamned old, and there is no way they will understand that the world has changed until Leftist thugs put one of them in a coma.

The Cominator says:

They already got threatened bigly after the Roe leak, I’m surprised but they seem to have grown some balls. Maybe shame out of their total cowardice on the election…

Contaminated NEET says:

Sure, but none of them actually got hurt. They still think they’re part of an august and sacred institution and that the whole system will protect them. They don’t understand in the gut that half the country, two thirds of the bureaucracy, and three fourths of the press would cheer if the fanatics put them in the hospital. They won’t understand until it happens.

notglowing says:

>They still think they’re part of an august and sacred institution

They very much are, though. The left may very well attack them for this, but it doesn’t change how the judiciary is one of their holiest cows, and their most important stronghold within the government (whereas the State Department is their most important government stronghold for international matters).

Turning against the SCOTUS would be interesting. It’s going to make things much more volatile, because SC rulings are the backbone of every one of the worst policies they managed to push on the US.

The Cominator says:

Indeed open lawless attacks on SCOTUS justices may effect cuckservatives the way the Optimates attacking a tribune effected Caesar’s faction. The Cathedrals meeting hold for cuckservatives rest on the false but yet sacred meme of “rule of law”.

The Cominator says:

Meeting = meeting sovereignty… my new phone I haven’t turned autocorrect off yet…

jim says:

I would have corrected your comment, but did not understand your correction. “meeting sovereignty” does not seem to make sense either.

Contaminated NEET says:

>the judiciary is one of their holiest cows

It looked like that for years, but now we see otherwise. It wasn’t the judiciary that was holy, but the Leftism the judiciary was forcing on the public. It has become clear to anyone who isn’t a Supreme Court justice that the court itself has no holiness outside of making holy decisions. The mysterious black-robed priests of the Council of Nine have now shown that they are not the ruling committee of the GAE, but rather just a mask the Beast wears when making its decrees.

The Cominator says:

To the cuckservative the law is sacred and SCOTUS judges are sacred tribunes ala Roman tribunes.

If SCOTUS had held evidentiary hearings and let them be televised outlining the fraud… and then ruled that the state legislatures should name electorsa (rather than doing it themselves) as the voted electors were tainted that would have been a workaround.

notglowing says:

There aren’t infinite ways to make unpopular laws, especially with the legislative body never being one hundred percent on board, and being generally too difficult to use.

The judiciary was, is, the most effective way of doing it.
It is the most holy institution in the traditional liberal view of government, and it has had free reign to stop Trump and other politicians from exercising their power, as well as selectively charge and jail anyone who opposes the system.
The only two other avenues are bureaucracy/regulators and direct violence from the police unsanctioned by the official bureaucracy. The latter is not the favoured method by Harvard and comes at some danger.

A third avenue is secret actions from the CIA. But assassination through secret police is not enough to run a country.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

I think Com meant to type out this?

The Cathedral’s [memetic sovereignty] hold [over] cuckservatives rest on the false but yet sacred meme of “rule of law”.

So if I understand correctly, he’s saying that escalating to straight up lawless violence (the use of naked power, without any justification) would finally rid cucks of their Republican delusions — and, for better or for worse, prompt some sort of political shake up. (Personally, I do not know if cucks will wake up in time to save America, but I certainly hope they will.) 🙂

The Cominator says:

Yes. Even the dumbest boomer cuckcons would be rid of all their delusions if it came to open and legally approved violence against non compliant SCOTUS justices.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Dang. I meant to append this comment to this thread here: https://blog.reaction.la/war/art-of-war-in-2022/#comment-2843578

(Oh well — it’s still visible.)

Aidan says:

Ruling in favor of Trump at election time would have been the end of “American Democracy”. Even if the conservative judges were sympathetic to allegations of massive voter fraud, it takes titanic stones to euthanize an entire empire. Brett Kavanaugh is no Caesar to cross the rubicon like that.

Yul Bornhold says:

What’s the full story of the Republican primary steals? Missed that when it happened.

The Cominator says:

They’re DEFINITELY happening in Georgia I’m not sure it’s been happening to the extent Jim seems to have claimed everywhere else.

Red says:

The primary was rigged for Oz in Penn as well. They did the don’t announce the results for days while they print up the votes for him. If it’s happening in GA and in Penn, then it’s likely happening everywhere.

Anonymous Fake says:

If capital isn’t organically woke, why is it supporting abortion now after the end of Roe v Wade and Biden has record low approval ratings? [*much repeated script deleted*]

jim says:

The answer is obvious, and Tucker Carlson gave it. And you, of course, ignored his answer and framed him as supposedly giving your answer.

If one has female employees, it is in one’s financial interest that they abort. But it is not in fact in one’s financial interest to have female employees. They are disruptive, unless supervised by an alpha male that they are having sex with, or unless they have had children and have an alpha husband. The classic Chinese ideogram for “trouble” is two women under one roof. They are always busy with some ingenious scheme for “lets you and him fight”, and making themselves the center of attention.

Thus the real question is why so many female employees doing men’s work?

And the answer to that is that one’s Human Resources Department, which is a government bureaucracy inserted in one’s business that one is forced by the government to pay and provide office space for, makes one do it.

Oog en Hand says:

Dennis Prager on the issue:
“Like other left-wing movements, feminism is based on a denial of reality (or, if you prefer, on lies). The best-known example is the feminist insistence that, except for physical differences, men and women are basically the same. This includes the central feminist belief about men’s and women’s sexual natures. For half a century, women have been told that their sexual nature is no different from male sexual nature — just as men can enjoy sex with no commitment and even anonymous sex, so can women. Women, feminism insisted, have been socialized into believing such sex does not accord with their nature.

Who’d have predicted that a Supreme Court decision would force young women to confront sexual reality?

But it seems that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has done just that.

For example, some women have called for a sex strike against men. According to the New York Post, “Calls for a nationwide sex strike were also gathering momentum on social media and, at one point, ‘abstinence’ was trending on Twitter with more than 26,900 tweets as of Saturday afternoon.””

According to Dennis Prager, women are less sexual than men.
Source: FrontpageMag

The Cominator says:

“women have been told that their sexual nature is no different from male sexual nature — just as men can enjoy sex with no commitment and even anonymous sex, so can women. Women, feminism insisted, have been socialized into believing such sex does not accord with their nature.”

Women can enjoy casual sex plenty, the issue is that they only have to do it a 3 or 4 times and their ability to pair bond is if not completely destroyed permanently badly damaged (after #4 it doesn’t make much difference if shes had on #5 or #500 though).

Neither sex benefits from so called hookup culture because sex is unsteady and people tend to end up alone disappointed and bitter… even chad who gets to screw more women overall tends to lose in terms of quality.

jim says:

The disturbing thing for chad is that there is always someone more alpha, and your girl is fucking him.

The Cominator says:

And he can’t get a steady bang with Stacy as Stacy won’t stick around.

suones says:

@Anonymus Fake

Mammonites need immigration and feminism to shore up workforce as a response to collapsing prole society, which decreases the number of wageslaves and drives up wages.

I discussed this at length here: https://homeoftheoldgods.wordpress.com/2021/05/14/why-moloch-and-mammon-agree-that-women-should-work-for-wages-or-why-businesses-support-the-prog-workplace-feminism/

Attributing any agency to Mammonites is laughably wrong. It is Moloch who is always in the driving seat.

But you probably already know that.

alf says:

Jim, my site is back up over at https://truthinaworldoflies.com/, if you’d want to update the blog roll.

I’m nearing the end of my second draft. No doubt there will be a third draft. If the story is finished after that, hard to say, but I feel like it’s slowly turning into the shape where I’m satisfied.

someDude says:

Welcome Back. How’s Spandrell doing over at Urbit. Maybe he can come and comment on Jim’s Blog?

alf says:

That would be nice but I don’t think it’ll happen.

someDude says:

Read the 30000 words. Much enjoyment. Good stuff. Love your mildly self deprecatory humor about 2 guys buying the book and 1.5 guys reading the article. I think its a lot more than that.

Very interesting, this self deprecatory humor. Builds cohesion among men while simultaneously being radioactive with regards to Pussy. Most curious.

alf says:

Thank you much appreciated.

In my experience women enjoy a healthy dose of self-deprecation, eg a sense of humility backed up with plenty of confidence. But the dumber the woman, the less likely she’ll get the joke, I think.

someDude says:

I’ve been meeting Dumb women then. Good to know

alf says:

Alternate answer: for women, context is everything. If some incel says ‘sometimes I’m such an idiot’ a woman will think: ‘sometimes?’. But if Justin Bieber tells a fan ‘sometimes I’m such an idiot’ that woman will think: ‘omg he’s so famous but so down to earth I can’t believe how cool he is omg omg’

The Cominator says:

Women that aren’t Russian, Persian or Jewish don’t have all that much IQ variance. White women are essentially midwits all.

Yes there are VERY rare outliers but inevitably they also have mood or personality disorders (of which only the bipolar and bpd cases have redeeming qualities all the others are different forms of pure evil).

Leon says:

Do you have data on that? Just curious.

The Cominator says:

No observation, I believe Jim has expressed similar sentiments though the part on mood or personality disorders is I think exclusively my own.

Ghost says:


Data’s overrated. I prefer dead reckoning. Sister was able to do Calculus sophomore year of High School. But, she may have had Jewish blood.

Red says:

In my early 20s a college friend of mine introduced me to his sister who was quite smart for a woman. She struggled but passed calculus while I passed the classes without studying or doing the homework. There was nothing mentally wrong with her beyond the endless entitlement and high status that women are given. She went onto get a PHP in some stem field and is unhappily mothering cats while working for a government lab.

She was from spaniard white stock who’s family that had been land owners in the US and Mexico for hundreds of years.

I expect she’ll be going crazy soon as her plain looks and high status from a PHP made it impossible for her to marry and have children.

Red says:

PHD, not PHP*

restitutor_orbis says:

I spent hours reading the blog yesterday. It was really excellent! The historical account of how the different streams fed together in particular, with the difference between PUA and Manosphere, how Gnon merged different factions, etc.

Re: self-deprecation, what I have found works is to self-deprecate only about things unrelated to the man’s area of competence. This makes the man relatable but does not call into question his confidence in what makes him great.

Mr.P says:

I read every one of the 30,000 words. Fantastic job, especially about the early years of NRx about which I knew little. Needs a thorough copy edit, other than that, immensely enjoyable.

jim says:

Only part way through it. But is is great.

The woman problem is way bigger than the race problem, and the necessary solution effects more people more directly in their own lives.

jim says:


jim says:

Still reading. You have condensed me, the great condenser, into something highly readable, highly accurate, which loses nothing that matters very much.

Love your capsule summary on demons. Believing that demons are unreal denies them power over oneself, but also denies one the power of christ over demons, and results in one poorly modeling the behavior of demon worshipers. Best solution, believing them to be real, unreal, and metaphorically real, all at the same time, and not worrying too much about any inconsistencies.

alf says:

Well that’s about the best compliment I could receive. Good!

Need it for school says:

This blog post says you used to be a communist, Jim. Is this so? I find it very hard to believe because almost all “ex-communists” in the right-wing sphere remain communists at heart. (Moldbug was never a communist afaict). If it is true where do you discuss it?

Red says:

Jim’s talked about it before in comments. Jim’s a classic case of if he stayed a communist he was on track to become a dead communist at the hands of his comrades. They don’t tolerate communists who speak the truth about the crimes of
communists and socialists.

Nazis kill their enemies while Communists kill their allies.

jim says:
jim says:

Read the whole thing, occasionally pausing to do make a comment, or to check on the wife.

Good stuff, and a great starting post. Neo Reaction in one big entertaining capsule summary, a fun read, and all the goodies in one post.

Kunning Drueger says:

I will copy edit next week. Really looking forward to reading it brother. Shoah’d my proton email, BTW.

alf says:

Did you respond to my last email? If so, sorry for not responding, as my site died unexpectedly so did my email. I enjoyed our correspondence. if the email attached to your username here is valid perhaps I could email you there?

Kunning Drueger says:

It is not. I’m out of town ATM. I’ll circle back with you when I can set up some safety measures for reconnecting.

alf says:

Sounds good

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ve begun, and it is just as good, nay better!, than before. I’ll finish collecting edits into a single doc, then we can figure out a good way to compare notes. I am going to eschew comments on formatting, broken links, and the like, as it appears to be under construction.

Alf. Great work. Really, really good. Thank you for the time and effort. I hope you are as pleased as we all are.

alf says:

I am humbled by the positive response.

The Cominator says:

Good stuff Alf and thanks for the shoutout (and I’m sorry if this sounds backhanded for it is not my intention but it far exceeds your previous work). If you could and would I would only add a part about the Cathedral, centralized or decentralized.

jim says:

That is a big question, because the truth is both. The centralized model is Rothschilds paranoia, a shill meme about an all powerful conspiracy. The decentralized model is its lie about itself, spontaneously arising from the ground up. We have a messy, complicated and unclear truth, midway between two bold and flagrant lies.

alf says:

Haha no offense taken thanks Com.

Yeah I was going to say something similar to Jim’s comment. Probably a good idea, but not sure how to address the question. Nrx never really settled on a consensus. Moldbug said, and still says, decentralized. Spandrell said something like: many conspiracies vying for power, rarely a single one stays in power for too long. Jim leans most towards centralized, eg with his comment on how it was recently decided by the cathedral that elections no longer matter. Although his comment above suggests he has somewhat stepped off the gas pedal.

jim says:

My position has remain unchanged since shortly after the fall of Phnom Penh. Long before the term “Cathedral” was coined, I observed every academic everywhere in the entire western hegemony turn universally and uniformly on a topic on which they had passionate opinions, without one peep of disagreement anywhere.

The truth is complex, messy, and imperfectly revealed, so in any one statement I will speak on one aspect of what is revealed, and in another on a different aspect.

When the worshipers of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon were high in the saddle, they could turn almost every doctor everywhere on a dime, and any doctor who did not turn was apt to find himself with a medical malpractice investigation (the investigation is itself the punishment, not the finding, if any, which there probably will not be.) Now, not so much.

The Cominator says:

I only started to suspect strong centralization when Trump started winning primaries and the media spoke not only in similar narratives but almost literally with one voice…

2020 made me sure of it. I’m sure the Jesuits are involved somehow as spies and saboteurs but I doubt they are the highest body giving orders. I suspect they are very very invisible to people who aren’t in the highest levels of the visible elite (the Jesuits are mostly invisible they haven’t tipped their hand like this in a LONG time as Jesuit conspiracy theories were very widespread in the late 18th and 19th centuries). I suspect the real elite could be found if some um recreational mcdentistry was practiced on enough high level Jesuits for long enough (no matter whether they’ve had 17 years of conditioning) you could get them to reveal something about the highest levels. I do not believe anyone is tough enough or conditioned enough to stand up to a very long period of recreational mcdentistry.

alf says:

The thing is, if you smell a grand conspiracy, people demand names. Can you give names?

The Cominator says:

The problem is I can see that there is a puppetmaster but cannot discern the identity.

I’m almost certain Pope Francis and Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa know who they are. Most likely Hillary Clinton knows who they are. People at the top of the bank of International Settlements aren’t likely them but probably know who they are. The very top level I’m convinced is extremely well hidden and not easily visible from the outside. I suspect shadow president Ron Klain probably knows as well. I suspect George HW Bush did as well…

jim says:

There is no one puppetmaster.

There are a whole bunch of people contending for the seat of power, and sometimes they manage to sit in it, insecurely, for not very long.

The Cominator says:

No I think its more like a board of directors…

jim says:

It used to be rather more like the board of directors, but has been rapidly becoming less and less collegial.

Kunning Druegger says:

Without abandoning my position that the Cathedral and Polygon are a Decentralized Emergent Conspiracy of Conspiracies, it seems like the Board of Directors turned into a Congress of Vienna turned into the Tennis Court Estates (or whatever the term is for the French Faggots that ruined the Ancien Regime) [you are here] is turning into the mob of the managerial class.

Karl says:

Jim, a while ago you mentioned that every academic everywhere in the entire western hegemony turned universally and uniformly on the proposition that all species of life have descended from a common ancestor and suddenly credited Darwin for coming up with the proposition that all species of life have descended from a common ancestor.

Darwin’s English Wikipedia page indeed calls the proposition that all species of life have descended from a common ancestor Darwin’s proposition. The German page does not. Darwin’s German Wikipedia page also links to the earlier evolution theory of Lamarck.

If I remember correctly, you cited Darwin’s and Lamarck’s treatment by modern writers as evidence for central control of every university everywhere in the Western hegemony. If there is such control it does not even control German Wikipedia pages.

I doubt your theory claim that every academic everywhere in the entire western hegemony turned universally and uniformly.

Maybe there is some central control, but if so it is rather weak. Schooling fish needs no central control for uniform, collective behavior

jim says:

It was official truth a little while ago, part of an intellectual rationale that they no longer seem to care about nor are pushing particularly hard these days, a little like Covid after Putin invading Ukraine.

Someone else grabbed the seat, who no longer cares about that particular plot.

The Cominator says:

It could be more like

1) They know the NPC can focus on only one irrational ritual of demon worship at a time, they can’t run Putin bad and covid bad at the same time.

2) Covid had mostly served its purpose, Trump gone (and referring to point one when they were 1st ginning up the covid scare they started going light for a bit on orange man bad temporarily… in fact I remember that was another thing that made me suspicious early), middle and small business class ruined, economy ruined

3) They want people to forget about Covid because people very close to the real top of things had to tip their hand more than anything else in history

Red says:

They’re are people actively trying to bring COVID back and there’s a sizeable fraction of people acting like COVID about to get them. The fact that Fauci the Vile was suddenly off TV shows that someone lost control of levers of power.

The Cominator says:

Nah they didn’t want the Jesuit on tv anymore because he had served his purpose. I don’t see it as the result of a power struggle so much as shifting priorities in response to an order from on high. The Cathedral is like the 3rd Reich as much as Nazi is one of their favorite accusations of their enemies, united at the top and united in purpose in its actions generally… but lots of infighting below the top behind the scenes. But all organs must follow orders from the top…

Karl says:

I don’t doubt it was official truth in the US. I doubt it was official truth everywhere the entire western hegemony. If official truth in the center only, any central command cannot be all that powerful

jim says:


Find me one academic in the entire western hegemony who believed it before 1972, or one academic in the entire western hegemony who doubted it from 1972 to 1999
The past is always changing

A tell revealing central authority over the official line

Well, priestly power always tends to have competing conspiracies. There is no single authority deciding the consensus as priests tend to cluster into different factions each viewing the other with distrust. But the way it works is that different factions sometimes converge on a particular consensus which is then pushed (e.g covid) which gives the impression of centralized authority and coordination but again it is rare that such consensus remains stable.

Since there are always different factions, there will always be narratives pushed by each faction. And of course you have vertical holiness spiraling within factions and horizontal holiness competing between them.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Blessed are those with the fortitude to take on the task of such work.

Also formatting at the end seems to have become borked.

alf says:

Yes there’s a couple of major borks and much more minor borks, will be ironed out in the course of time…

f6187 says:

Just one thing: it looks like you’re missing a closing italic tag after the WQ Shill Test, because everything after that is italicized.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Wow, great work. Hard to believe English is your second language. Your prose is clear, your rhythm pleasant.

Two minor quibbles. You use the term “Christian empire” instead of “Christendom”. Is Christendom an enemy meme? You trace Christendom’s existence back to Alfred the Great and Charlemagne instead of Constantine. If you’re looking to spread this to normies in the anglosphere they probably know Charlemagne the best, but the academically-inclined know that our thing starts with Constantine.

jim says:

I like starting it with Alfred the Great and Charles the great, because they were great, and because they launched the rise from the dark age, particularly Alfred.

What Constantine did kept the empire lingering on for a thousand years centered in Constantinople, while Rome gradually fell into darkness, and eventually, after a thousand years, Constantinople also.

Preservation for a thousand years is no small accomplishment, but I hope to conquer the stars, as Gnon has commanded.

alf says:

You clearly know more about this than me. Does Christendom mean the same as Christian empire? I had no clue. I’ll make sure to add in Constantine if I hadn’t done so already.

jim says:

Christendom, as interpreted in the peace of westphalia, is the Christian nations in peace of Westphalia with each other.

From Constantine to the great schism, Christianity was one faith, with the emperor (and sometimes there was an oversupply emperors, one East, one west, and sometimes more) appointing the bishops. Eastern and Western empires were one faith, and percieved themselves a single entity, despite frequent conflicts, which sometimes came to outright war, but it was war within, not war without outsiders.

And then it was two faiths, and a multitude of empires, Kingdoms, principates, and Lords owing only the slightest allegiance to distant Kings, but still Christendom.

And then, the holy wars of the sixteenth century, which were resolved in the peace of Westphalia, but it was Christendom before the holy wars, and Christendom after.

Alfred did not think he was a Christian empire. He thought he was restoring the unity of the Angles and Saxons after centuries of bloody chaos, but he thought himself part of Christendom, though he gave no allegiance to distant emperors, and appointed his own Bishops paying little heed to the distant Christian hierarchy in Constantinople.

When Alfred the great issued his code of laws, the preamble was Moses the lawgiver, followed by a lengthy quotation from the apostles which has generally been reasonably interpreted as authorizing those in authority to apply the spirit and intent of biblical law according to the circumstances of the times and the history, spirit, and culture of their people, while cheerfully disregarding the letter of biblical law. So considered himself commanded by God to give God’s law to his people, as appropriate for the place, people, and time. Not the law of the empire centered in Constantinople, and not the law of the religious hierarchy in Constantinople.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Christendom is another name for the Catholic Church itself, during the time when civil society was wholly within it. Christendom was that country & people which had Catholicism as its civic religion. History reads different when you understand this. Even if you do not agree with it, you must understand that others did and it guided their actions:

https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03699b.htm (written in 1908)

It had one head in the pope and another in the emperor, and both clerical and lay hierarchies were inextricable and complementary parts of it. It violently suppressed heresies while it lived, and of course it did not survive the Protestant revolt, except marginally, because those heresies were nurtured precisely as a means to the end of destroying the unity of Christendom for the sake of the power of the Protestant princes and their traitorous allies.

The Spanish reactionaries call that time the birth of Europe. “Europe” is, to them, 400 years of arrogant heretical manmade replacements for the unity of Christendom. The unity of Christendom meant a high level of trust and cooperation across the peoples that are now called European. But faith diminished in the time immediately before the Protestant revolt, and more men got away with defecting for private advantage (e.g. Franco-Ottoman alliance). And so men began to doubt that the faith could still serve to keep the peace, which became a preference cascade. Ever since then we have been trying to invent other principles of unity that could replace the faith, of which romantic nationalism failed less than others, but all failed. Presently obedience to the polygon is the principle of unity. The replacements get stupider and more evil, and cooperate/cooperate has been sliding further into defect/defect ever since Protestantism ended Christendom.

The “peace” of Westphalia was the epitaph of Christendom and it ensured the continuation of the centrifugal violence. It was negotiation with terrorists. The whole problem socially was that faith was weakening, but instead of destroying the defectors like we had been doing for 1000 years, we awarded them with the right to defect, and they have been doing it ever since, giving us the Enlightenment, the Revolution, communism, and the Gae. There is no replacement for the Catholic faith as a principle for unity. This should not surprise anyone since it was established personally by God, walking on earth, on the rock of Peter.

jim says:

> Christendom is another name for the Catholic Church itself, during the time when civil society was wholly within it.

This is a non standard and idiosyncratic use of the term “Catholic”, that the Bishop of Rome has been industriously pushing for seven centuries. It is false consensus, which is not allowed on this blog, and is an attack against the rectification of names, which is not a permitted method of argument on this blog, and if you keep using this method of argument, you are going to be censored (again)

The reason everyone says “Roman Catholic” rather than Catholic, and has been saying it for nine centuries is that this lie never got a whole lot of traction, despite being industriously pushed with rivers of blood.

> History reads different when you understand this

History makes no sense if you read it using words that have a lie at their core, and debate with people who insist on using words that are lies is unfruitful.

In particular, a whole lot of bloodshed makes no sense if one reads history with this lie at its core. Tell us why the Holy Roman Emperor had Rome sacked.

In order to have fruitful discussion, it is necessary to employ words with widely shared meanings, and centuries of bloodshed and mountains of corpses tell us this meaning is not a shared meaning.

It is perfectly legitimate and proper for a community to use words with special meanings that are well understood within the community, but it is indicative of wicked people with evil intent to try to persuade by shilling this meaning outside their community. If you are trying to persuade by honest means, rather than by lies, you use words with meanings that are standard among those you are trying to persuade, or clarify “that by this word, we mean …”, explicitly acknowledging that those you seek to persuade use the word otherwise. When you just use the word without clarification, it is argument by false consensus. And the Roman Catholic Church has been using this illegitimate method of debate for seven centuries.

Niiiidriveevof says:

I defend a powerful civilization which gave birth to most of the good things in the powerful civilization that you defend. Of course I am going to use its language. What do you expect? But you accuse us of argument by false consensus. Man, we WERE the consensus! What consensus was there, that wasn’t us? Pastor Bob’s secret medieval bible college? Nevertheless, if you look again at my first paragraph, you’ll see that I politely conditioned my language, well aware that I was proposing meanings nonstandard among my audience, suggesting you all at least suspend some disbelief for the sake of understanding the minds of others, and see for yourself if the meanings I propose cut things at the joints or have some explanatory power.

That said, the substance of my point is not changed if I say “Roman Catholic,” so that’s what I’ll freely do if I remember to. There hasn’t been any other universal church except the one. I can even call it the Popish church if you insist.

> >you are going to be censored (again)

I don’t remember being censored here before. The religious shill test was put to me, which frustrated me enough that I did not reply, because I had passed the test with flying colors in the very message you’d replied to, indicating to me that my efforts to communicate had failed. If this remark has you put the test to me again, so be it.

> >Tell us why the Holy Roman Emperor had Rome sacked.

I have only read a little bit about the time of Charles V. I suppose there are two possible explanations. One, the emperor lost control over the mercenary force for lack of pay, and they did as armies are known to do, sacking the nearest city to get some. Somewhat like Innocent and the Fourth Crusade. The emperor did not intend the sacking and is liable for negligence at most. Two, it was a St. Thomas Becket situation, the emperor was tired of some kind of papal interference – perhaps the pope was pressuring him to continue to make war rather than compromise, and the emperor deliberately cut the army loose hoping they would weaken the pope’s position.

Based on my vague memory of reciprocally friendly relations between the pope and Charles V through the years, I see more reason to believe option one. I expect that, if I were to research, I would find plenty of evidence that Charles V believed in the relation of church and civil power that I have described, and that he was not motivated by establishing Westphalian sovereignty, though of course it’s hard to know these things with much certainty. The bare fact of the sack of Rome, in isolation, is of course evidence in your favor. The issue with Charles V, by my memory, is that he was thinking in years rather than centuries; he didn’t realize how crucial it was for his house & his people that he bleed them even drier than he did to restore religious unity in Christendom. We might say the same about Charles II or any other reactionary monarch that still did not do enough against their enemies.

The problem is that you judge religion exclusively by human nature. If you do that, the proposition that the clerical hierarchy should be totally subordinate to (or better, identical with) the civil hierarchy is much more reasonable, maybe even correct (though I would still argue that natural law requires a unified temporal hierarchy over all men). If that, then the king should either be the high priest, or perhaps appoint the high priest. But the supernatural end of man is to go to heaven, and this is not part of the natural law. If the Roman Catholic religion brings men to heaven, this is greater than its natural benefits, without abolishing them. It’s greater than the purpose of the civil power too. Therefore, if the two powers are distributed to different men, then of course the clerical power will have to take precedence where the jurisdictions would otherwise overlap.

OK, those are the principles – the other important point is that in Christendom’s actual history, its leaders *believed* that kings sometimes ought to defer to bishops, NOT because the bishops weren’t yet defeated in the Bodinian struggle, but because bishops have authority over the means of going to heaven, and kings don’t. You won’t understand European history if you think everything is always mechanical Bodinian struggle, no more than you’ll understand a healthy family if you analyze it like a Marxist thinking about power struggles. The religion that made Europe great was a religion that said kings must sometimes submit to the judgment of bishops, and to the judgment of the head of bishops in Rome. Without the integration of the clergy in society in the historical way, nothing would have held the peoples of Europe together, they would be utterly unrecognizable, and almost certainly Muslim, and the increasing bloodshed of the last 400 years would have continued directly from the pagan bloodshed of the time before.

So, am I wicked, or am I trying to persuade by honest means? I don’t post often but for God’s sake I would have thought I’d proven bona fides by now. I may have said before that I’m just as frustrated that other Roman Catholics aren’t more Jimian as I am that Jimians aren’t more Roman Catholic, and I spend a lot more time shilling for Jim to the Church than the other way around, because it’s easier and I’ve had more success with it.

jim says:

> I defend a powerful civilization which gave birth to most of the good things in the powerful civilization that you defend. Of course I am going to use its language.

The words you are using are lies, created to serve the Bishop of Rome’s covetous designs upon what is Caesar’s.

In its language, a unitary Church with all power concentrated in a single Roman Bishop, and a unitary Holy Roman Empire ruled by a Holy Roman Emperor under the Pope, is normal and normative.

But it is not normal. It has never once existed in all of history, hence the joke that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.

And it is not normative, and never has been normative, for throughout all of history, attempts to make it normative have always resulted in rivers of blood and mountains of corpses in the ashes of cities.

When the Empire was politically and militarily united under a strong Sovereign, he appointed several Bishops for Rome, none of them clearly pre-eminent, and soon after that the Church was ruled from Constantinople (Byzantium), not Rome. And pretty soon it was not ruled at all by a single Emperor, and the Church was never at any time ruled by a single Bishop located in Rome.

From Charles’ the Hammer to most of the tenth century, the Emperor (or Emperors, there tended to be an oversupply of emperors) appointed his Bishops, the Bishop of Rome among them, but being physically close the the Emperor (or one of them) tended to count for more than being in Rome, and the Pope was merely the Bishop of Rome. Byzantium/Constantinople was still pre-eminent – notice that today’s Roman Catholic Bible is based on Greek texts curated in Byzantium, not in Rome.

The emperor’s vassal Kings tended to be not very much vassals, and they appointed their own Bishops, and often their vassal Lords, who similarly were not very much vassals, tended to do likewise.

The Church was one universal Catholic Church, not in that it was ruled by a single Bishop located in Rome, not in that it was at any time in in its history as a state Church ruled by a single Bishop located in Rome, but in that the Bishops ruled collectively and collegially. King Alfred the great was part of Christendom, and part of the Universal Catholic Church, and his unification of England was part of the military expansion of Christendom at the expense of pagans and paganism, but he appointed his own Bishops, who were normally married men with children, and he answered to God, not to whichever emperor or emperors were in Germany and/or Byzantium

> Man, we WERE the consensus!

Roman Catholicism was never the consensus of a state religion of empire. From Constantine’s heirs to the eleventh century, the consensus, in so far as the consensus collegially decided by the Bishops was decided in one physical place, that physical place was Byzantium.

Alfred’s bishops took orders from Alfred, not the Pope, and Alfred took orders from God, not the emperor (and there was a frequent oversupply of emperors). Still one universal Catholic Church, but because of collegial governance, not because of the Bishop of Rome.

From the eleventh century to the protestant reformation, Roman Catholicism was theoretically the consensus of the Holy Roman Empire, the state religion of the empire in the west, and Roman Catholicism was theoretically the sovereign will of the Pope, rather than collegial, but the Holy Roman Empire was, as the saying goes, not holy, not roman, and not an empire. Kinglets continued to appoint their own bishops, and frequently came to blows. The Pope frequently announced his absolute and unitary power, which tended to be ignored in actual practice. The Church of the western empire was not ruled collegially, except for some crises caused by an oversupply of Popes, it was theoretically ruled centrally from Rome by the Bishop of Rome, but, like the empire itself, was not much ruled at all. The empire was not an empire.

And the earthly ambitions of the Pope eventually led to the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope coming to blows.

> The issue with Charles V, by my memory, is that he was thinking in years rather than centuries; he didn’t realize how crucial it was for his house & his people that he bleed them even drier than he did to restore religious unity in Christendom.

Since Charles V found himself, to his considerable dismay and anger, at war with Pope Clement, would it have restored religious unity in Christendom?

The “unity” that endless Popes were endlessly trying to “restore” never existed. The unity that actually existed was always collegial rule by bishops, and attempts to “restore” unity always bore, in less extreme form, the same evil fruits as they bore for Pope Clement and Charles V.

Unitary Church governance had problems from day one, leading to the Pope excommunicating Byzantium shortly afterwards, and these problems have continued all the way to the present. The Protestant Reformation was just another crisis of endless crises.

> The bare fact of the sack of Rome, in isolation

But within your language and your frame, you are unable to see it except in isolation.

You are viewing historical events through language that is a lie, and this lie prevents history as you see it from making any sense to you.

Charles V faced the same problem with Papal authority as Henry the eighth, which problem he solved by sacking Rome. But which solution made all the princes even less likely to accept Papal authority, so they proceeded, one way or another, to implement solutions similar to that of Henry, de facto or de jure.

> The emperor did not intend the sacking

Emperor conquers Rome, then somehow neglects to pay the troops. Surely the sacking must have come as a total surprise to him 🙃 No doubt he industriously set about disciplining troops that roasted priests over a fire while demanding that they reveal even more buried gold. He did discipline them? Did he?

> I would find plenty of evidence that Charles V believed in the relation of church and civil power that I have described

I do find plenty of evidence for that. But evidently the Pope and Charles V had different interpretations of that relationship.

> I would still argue that natural law requires a unified temporal hierarchy over all men

That it does. But the problem is that a skyscraper full of three hundred dollars an hour lawyers in New York is apt to interpret that as meaning that a pub on the other side of the planet in a little town of one automotive repair shop, one shop, one church, and one pub, in the middle of the great Australian outback, needs their permission to hold a frog race. Most of the US “service export surplus” is the “service” provided by organizations in New York organizing authorization for things like permitting Russian McDonald’s franchisees in Russia to use Russian beef.

And that is very much how the Pope was apt to interpret it, resulting in the sack of Rome and the Protestant Reformation.

The Holy Roman Empire worked, to the extent that it did work, because emperor granted powers that we today would regard as only proper for a central state to exercise, including the power to make war and peace, to his vassals, and they in turn granted statelike powers to their vassals, all the way down to the peasant who under his small and leaky roof had kingly authority that today would be regarded as unacceptable for any man to exercise.

And if they failed to respect such authority in their vassals, it was a violation and dishonoring of the feudal contract. Similarly, Charles the second of England granted the East India Company (which is the origin and model of the modern corporate form) authority to make war and peace.

The solution to the problem of a tower full of lawyers in New York regulating frog races in the Australian outback, is, in the state, Throne, Altar, and Freehold, and in the state Church, collegial governance.

The Popes abandoned collegial governance in the eleventh century, because you cannot run a war that way and they needed to fight wars. But you have to run a Church that way. So the Church should not fight wars. That is the business of Kings, and when Popes got into that business in the eleventh century, everything went wrong, resulting in the Pope excommunicating Byzantium. And continued to go wrong. Worked for military conflicts, never worked for Church governance.

> So, am I wicked, or am I trying to persuade by honest means?

You still have not passed the post Christian shill test. Roman Catholic Church is full of demon worshipers.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

You are probably an honest man with decent intent, but you are speaking from a script and playbook written by evil men with malicious and deceitful intent, and this undermines debate and prevents fruitful discussion.

The Cominator says:

If the bishop of Rome held the keys to heaven and spoke with God’s voice why did no believe this until over a thousand years after Christ was crucified and rose?

alf says:

But the supernatural end of man is to go to heaven, and this is not part of the natural law. If the Roman Catholic religion brings men to heaven, this is greater than its natural benefits, without abolishing them. It’s greater than the purpose of the civil power too.

They are one and the same. The great Jimian insight is that Gnon is an embodiment of God on earth, a unification of holy law and natural law.

Christ’s made the point that one should not use one’s superior holiness as a stick to wack others. Just like it is harder for a smart man to enter God’s kingdom, so is it harder for a holy man, for both drown in their pride.

Which point completely goes over the head of the Catholic church, who rationalize their power hunger by posing to be more Christian than Christ.

Kunning Druegger says:

As obvious as the nose on one’s face, but a formulation that I’d never considered.

Not long ago, I made a comment about how hard it’s going to be to go through the Archives, and you responded that you were working on that…

alf says:

Oh I should’ve been clearer. I meant that my website is meant to serve as an introduction or summary of Jim’s blog. That’s what I’ve been working on.

As for going through these archives… Not a clue. The ‘easiest’ I can think of is downloading Jim’s backlog, running it as an admin and use admin privileges for searching the archives, which works better (esp regarding comments and commenters) than the generic search button on the right.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


>Yet there was about it much that fell short of the ideal of Christendom. In many ways, as a contemporary bishop expressed it, “the church was in the empire, not the empire in the church”.

Well, there it is.

It is essentially true that protestantism was a fruit of nominalism, and thus a temporal grounding for the modernity in general that would come to consume European civilization; but it also speaks in a passive voice as to why so many Princes of Europe felt the need for such pretexts to rationalize the assertion of their sovereignty against the vatican bureaucrats in the first place, even through they proved all too fatally universal in time.

Alf I’ve been reading your prose in snatches and enjoyed it. Particularly the informal flowing style and the interjection of funny memes. Particularly the one after inventing the camera.

I hope you don’t go too far in rewriting/editing though (apart from spelling and grammar mistakes if any), because the spontaneous prose is fresh and quirky while lots of people tend to treat this kind of subject matter in a dry and uninteresting way.

Jim says you condensed him, true enough, but you actually have some original viewpoints in there.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Fix your headers – e.g. AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 in .htaccess

Oog en Hand says:

Jeff Myers, Understanding the Culture:A Survey of Social Engagement

“Families typically kept all their healthy boys and their oldest healthy girl. Other daughters were left to die as infants. Surgical abortion was available, and women often died from it or were left maimed. Surviving girls were typically married off at age twelve and were pressured into remarriage when widowed.

Christians opposed these practices. They took in abandoned infants, condemned surgical abortion, allowed girls to remain unmarried until they were ready, and provided support for widows. ”


Aidan says:

And how well does your society work when there are several men for every woman?

Why should I believe Jeff Myers? Point me a primary source where a Christian from Roman times argues against early marriage. Or do you only read dodeciary sources from modern academics, o primal ancient pagan?

Oog en Hand says:

You do know very well I advocate Asatru, not Mos Maiorum.

The point is that the jimian position on early marriage is ascribed to the NON -Christians.

Female infanticide does disrupt societies. Price control leads to shortages. Enforced monogamy while cracking down on feminism creates incentives for female infanticide. Christianity got around this by a STRICT and I mean STRICT ban on ALL infanticide.That is NOT the jimian position.

Basil says:

We don’t need strict monogamy, we need strict marriage and strict punishment for extramarital sex. Sale by rural parents of their daughters as second third wives solves this problem, and only when the communists forbid such practices can problems arise.

Aidan says:

What is your opinion on the movie The Northman? Will let me see if real pagan or shill

Kunning Druegger says:

Very suspicious lack of engagement here. Maybe he didn’t see it (Xdoubt)? I think he should be compelled to engage with this question, given his explicit claims of being an “actual” pagan.

i says:

The Dowry owed by the Father of the bride to the Husband really screwed the incentives in regards to sparing the lives of daughters or rendering poor girls unmarriable :

>”The Confucian attitude towards female infanticide was conflicted. By placing value on age over youth, Confucian filial piety lessened the value of children. The Confucian emphasis on the family led to increasing dowries which in turn led to a girl being far more expensive to raise than a boy, causing families to feel they could not afford as many daughters. The Confucian custom of keeping the male within the family meant that the money spent on a daughter’s upbringing along with the dowry would be lost when she married, and as such girls were called “money-losing merchandise”. Conversely the Confucian belief of Ren led Confucian intellectuals to support the idea that female infanticide was wrong and that the practice would upset the balance between yin and yang.”

>”for poorer families in rural regions female infanticide and gender selective abortion is attributed to the fear of being unable to raise a suitable dowry and then being socially ostracized”

A Bride Price that Ancient Israel had is a far better incentive against abortion and infanticide. By making daughters far less of a financial liability that Dowries make them.


Red says:

A Bride Price that Ancient Israel had is a far better incentive against abortion and infanticide. By making daughters far less of a financial liability that Dowries make them.

Bride price also appears to be the ancient Aryan tradition as well. Sounds like dowries were a way to give and inheritance to girls as well which lead to all sorts of dysfunction with poorer people who didn’t have much to give.

i says:

I read the Book “Triumph of Christianity” by Rodney Stark. The info he got indicates that Christians had quite a few teen marriages about 20% or a few percentage more.
even as the majority of marriages is over 18 years of age.

Due to the shortage of women because of abortion. surviving girls were married at 12. And even younger unions contrary to nature among the Pagans.

Jeff Myers definitely is reading Modernity into Ancient History.

Oog en Hand says:

“even as the majority of marriages is over 18 years of age.”

And that isn’t early marriage, certainly not jimian early marriage.

Kunning Drueger says:

The American tendency to base positions and observations on the exception side of the equation is so annoying. Laws are made with the ultra minority of offenders in mind, ignoring the impact on the vast majority of normals. To say that a woman getting married off at 16, 17, 18 is not young marriage is as fucking dumb as neo-paganism. Are there possible instances where a 13, 14, 15 should be married off? Yes, of course. But it’s probably strategic if positive and tactical if negative. Big, healthy families in well functioning societies would probably have a huge percentage of their daughters becoming wives in the 16-19 window.

i says:

Agreed. I am just quoting the stats. And with what is acceptable among early Christians.

Neofugue says:

Aborting female children, providing [monastic vocations] for widows, and euthanizing disabled people is not the flex you think it is.

Regarding early marriage, we know from primary sources that Byzantine princess Anna Komnene married at 13 and her mother Irene Doukiana married at 11, thus Myers is a liar and a fraud. Christians never had a problem with early marriage until the Whigs and their ilk began exerting their power during the latter half of the nineteenth century; however, this does not mean that women marrying at 16 or even 19 years of age is a bad thing so long as they are still virgins.

This may raise some contention, but I do not believe that killing illegitimate children is the necessary response to female immorality. Bastards should be given off to orphanages or sold into slavery, and divorce plus some form of extreme punishment should follow if the mother of the child was married or betrothed at the time, but killing babies on account of the sins of their mothers creates subsequent ethical concerns. That being said, cuckolding is a sensitive matter and should be handled by the offended husband. If he wishes to kill the bastard, that is his decision.

To give Pagans the benefit of the doubt, Myers’ comments on them may be just as false as his comments on Christians. Given human nature, female infanticide was most likely uncommon among most Roman Pagans, just as given the decadence of high and late Rome, it is likely that most Roman Pagans did not practice early marriage.

Neofugue says:

*edit: “, providing [monastic vocations] for widows,” should be deleted. My bad.

The Cominator says:

Bastards should be treated humanely if not aborted before “quickening” (ie when I would draw the line at abortion per the old common law, abortion being the woman’s owners right to choose). In cases of paternity fraud discovered later the husband can kill the wife but the kid he should have to give away…

I do not believe the natural law nor generally the laws of the old Testament sanctions the shedding of innocent blood for this… even if the animalistic urge to do out of hurt pride is there. I believe in revenge for all sorts of things like say every leftist on the planet… but they did stuff themselves that makes them fully deserve death.

Shedding innocent blood to deter the guilty is perhaps a regrettable necessity to deter terroristic religious fanatics and spare many more innocent lives than it saves but its not something I could see sanctioning for far more mundane crimes that can generally be well deterred by punishing the perpatrators. Also violent men inclined to do this sort of thing are probably far less likely to get cucked anyway…

Red says:

even if the animalistic urge to do out of hurt pride is there

Bastards are killed because it prevents future bastards. We act in this manner because it’s right and just for the propagation of our kin and to preserve the faithfulness of our women as GNON commands. Human life does not intrinsically have value, what has value is your kin and the value that humans produce. Bastards almost always produce negative value and letting one live where your child should been born is an abomination before GNON.

The Cominator says:

I suspect bastards would be less than 5% of births (perhaps less than 2%) in our world… hardly enough of a problem that we’d face the risk of hordes of feral Brazilian street children robbing people in broad daylight or something.

There are uses any state has for men who don’t have any real family ties.

Red says:

There are uses any state has for men who don’t have any real family ties.

Civilizations happen when anti-civilized behavior are culled from the population. Killing them or enslaving them are the generally picked methods.

What possible useful purpose does a bastard serve?

The Cominator says:

Something like Janissaries for example…

Oog is strictly speaking (at least from what I’ve read though primary sources are weak) right that the Christians grew partially by taking in a lot of kids who were left “exposed” by their families in the time of Imperial Rome as well. So it would seem that history/gnon/god whatever you prefer blessed the side that did find some use for them.

We have enough guilty blood that we absolutely will have to wade thru lets not add any innocent blood…

Kunning Druegger says:

Unwanted doesn’t mean useless. Explain to me the difference between a seventh son and a firstborn bastard? Neither has anything coming to him, is going to be dead last in the consideration of everyone’s plans and desires, and will only have what they can take and hold. Should we limit family size to inheritance metrics? Leftist backdoor, obviously. We, assuming the position of governance, need to stay out of it. If a woman has a bastard fucked into her, her owner must decide what is to happen. Similarly, if a particular war or crisis causes a wave of fatherless children, the community needs a better response than “If bastard, then terminate.”

Remember, this isn’t monarchy without electricity and ICE. 8 billions is rookie numbers. We need trillions of colonists. Bastards should be pressganged into exo-planetary colonial operations. Call them Starchildren and send them packing. There’s no need to waste children of GNON without a very good reason.

The Cominator says:

In the future perhaps… initial space colonization will be very specialized people with very specific skills and psych profiles. Initially you need the kind of people who can stand long periods of something like submarine life and that isn’t for everyone.

Alfred says:

That men like William the Conqueror could be produced from it seems to say that great men can come from bastardy, if nothing else.

The Cominator says:

Don Juan of Austria as well… certainly he would have been a better King of Spain than Phillip II.

Red says:

Sure but William was raised by his father in his father’s court. We’re not talking about demon spawn here. I’ve known a lot of bastards who never knew their fathers and all of who failed in life and became net drains on everyone. It’s the lack of having father that’s the primary problem in most cases.

Babies being adopted by new parents works somewhat if done at near birth and if the children are not told, but the results are inferior to natural children. Women will happily whore themselves out to every alpha in their path if they know that offspring will be cared for and raised by cuck fathers.

Similarly, if a particular war or crisis causes a wave of fatherless children, the community needs a better response than “If bastard, then terminate.”

Expulsion was the common practice. A few bastards are able to make something of themselves but it’s rare. A bastard who makes trouble on the other hand tended to end up dead and no one cared.

>Something like Janissaries for example…

Random Demon spawn kids are unlikely to produce high quality warriors. If that sort of model worked the Turks would have take the street urchins bastards from their cities instead of capturing true born children from their villages.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Janissaries were mainly composed of the superior Slav goon-spawn, not the effeminate Turkic horse appreciator. There is a quality gradient to bastardy. There’s a quality gradient in most, if not all things.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Killing bastards is a cosmic neg on the genetic fitness of bastardry. Deus Vult.

The Cominator says:

Numbers 5 permits abortion in cases of suspected adultery, it excludes them from the congregation, but nothing in Old Testament I know of allows killing them for no reason after birth (military laws specifying wholesale slaughter make no distinctions)…

Infanticide in any case other than military cases where wholesale slaughter is to be carried out would fall under the prohibition against murder so not Deus Vult. If they commit crimes sure…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The word murder doesn’t mean killing, it means wrongful killing. It is not the question of killing that is disputed, it is the question of wrongfullness that is disputed.

The Cominator says:

Murder is wrongful killing, but all killings not sanctioned by the OT law (or obvious natural law case of defense of life and property) would be considered murder…

So yeah it is murder.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obvious coherence with divine law is the matter again of contention. Looks to me like OT tends to be studiously non-committal on the subject of what happens to wages of adultery; meaning a subject that was considered a solved problem in general and not in danger of becoming unsolved, or that it was not considered a problem that needed sovereign attention in particular, meaning it was men of the mannerbund themselves who handled the problem.

Red says:

Shorter Saint John:

The bible’s failure to mention a penalty for destroying the results of adultery indicates that destroying such results was standard operating procedure.

The Cominator says:

A different penalty for murder would be redundant. Numbers 5 is the only case where possible adultery babies are mentioned… and nothing is mentioned about them post birth.

Red says:

>A different penalty for murder would be redundant.

Murder is unlawful killing. It’s normal and natural to kill a child you’ve been cucked into raising. Without a proscription against it in the law, then it’s not unlawful.

i says:

@Red, Pseudo-Chrysostom

“Looks to me like OT tends to be studiously non-committal on the subject of what happens to wages of adultery”

“The bible’s failure to mention a penalty for destroying the results of adultery indicates that destroying such results was standard operating procedure.”

It doesn’t need to. (Genesis 9:6) forbids it by definition. Man is made in the image of God. Therefore to take life outside of what God commands is to murder.

It is Sacrilege to take judge for yourself whether someone lives or dies outside of Divine Sanction.

There are official penalties for adultery and other crimes and War which itself has its own regulations as laid down by God.

And one of the principles of Justice is that only the person committing the crime gets the punishment and it is always in accordance with “Eye for Eye”.

Its not the child’s fault for existing. Again to look at the attitudes of the Early Christians read the “Didache” on abortion and infanticide no matter what results in the existence of the child.

jim says:

> There are official penalties for adultery

Are there? Not seeing it. The penalty is death, but no process is depicted for deciding, nor who shall give effect to that penalty. Solomon presupposes that the penalty being carried out depends on the husband.

You are projecting a legal system that did not exist until recent centuries, and a policing system that did not exist until the early twentieth century, back into biblical times.

Red says:

It doesn’t need to. (Genesis 9:6) forbids it by definition. Man is made in the image of God. Therefore to take life outside of what God commands is to murder.

God law doesn’t mention self defense. Is self defense murder? What about when you killing a man trying to rape your wife? Is that murder too? There’s needs to be term for progressive shitheads who appeal to the bible in order to ignore God’s natural law that informs men that killing in such situations is moral and just.

It is Sacrilege to take judge for yourself whether someone lives or dies outside of Divine Sanction.

When a nigger’s beating your father to death a coward like you must huddle in a corner saying over and over again that’s God’s will, because if you kill that nigger to save your father then it’s SACRILEGE! Your twisting God’s laws to fit your evil progressive religion is disgusting.

Its not the child’s fault for existing. Again to look at the attitudes of the Early Christians read the “Didache” on abortion and infanticide no matter what results in the existence of the child.

It’s not women’s fault that they like to fuck Alpha’s or try to get themselves raped. I don’t blame women for their behavior because they can’t fucking help it. Punishment is about discouraging bad behavior or by removing uncivilized traits from the genepool. You do what you can to prevent the crime happening, but when it does happen there has to be punishment to discourage it from happening again.

i says:


>”Are there? Not seeing it. The penalty is death, but no process is depicted for deciding, nor who shall give effect to that penalty.”

“6 On the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one who is to die shall be put to death; a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness. 7 The hand of the witnesses shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.

8 “If any case arises requiring decision between one kind of homicide and another, one kind of legal right and another, or one kind of assault and another, any case within your towns that is too difficult for you, then you shall arise and go up to the place that the Lord your God will choose. 9 And you shall come to the Levitical priests and to the judge who is in office in those days, and you shall consult them, and they shall declare to you the decision. 10 Then you shall do according to what they declare to you from that place that the Lord will choose. And you shall be careful to do according to all that they direct you. 11 According to the instructions that they give you, and according to the decision which they pronounce to you, you shall do. You shall not turn aside from the verdict that they declare to you, either to the right hand or to the left. 12 The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel. 13 And all the people shall hear and fear and not act presumptuously again.”


“You are projecting a legal system that did not exist until recent centuries, and a policing system that did not exist until the early twentieth century, back into biblical times.”

You have shown that to be true. But the existence of the multiple witnesses rule and the bringing of cases before Judges does indicate some kind of due process:

“18You are to appoint judges and officials for your tribes in every town that the LORD your God is giving you. They are to judge the people with righteous judgment.

19Do not deny justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.

20Pursue justice, and justice alone, so that you may live, and you may possess the land that the LORD your God is giving you. ”


I am sure you can find other passages about how the adultery is discovered and punished. It is definitely on the Books as an Official Capital Crime.

jim says:

“If there is found among you, within any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, a man or woman who … shall be put to death; ”

Yes, but who does the finding and the stoning? No mention or specification of any formal institutional structure, no judges except for cases involving fine points of law, no police with special powers.

Only the hard cases, about which reasonable men disagree, get priestly arbitration.

“If any case arises requiring decision between one kind of homicide and another, one kind of legal right and another, or one kind of assault and another, any case within your towns that is too difficult for you, then you shall arise and go up to the place that the Lord your God will choose. And you shall come to the Levitical priests …

So no special place and special people to deliver judgment. No police, no courts and courthouses for ordinary crimes, no specially designated judges with special authority for ordinary crimes.

And that is roughly the way it was everywhere until quite recently a couple of centuries ago. Policing was controversial.

i says:


You missed my comment about self defense. Here I will rehash it:

“If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed” (Exodus 22:2–3).

There is the right to self-defense right there.

i says:

>”It’s not women’s fault that they like to fuck Alpha’s or try to get themselves raped. I don’t blame women for their behavior because they can’t fucking help it. ”

You got all the Church Fathers against you on this one.

You make babies in the womb and infants suckling at mom’s breasts identical to irresponsible slutty women.

They are totally capable just like those women of moral choices. Amirite?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If they are capable, then they are unlike the women.

If they are incapable, then they are like the women, and you have demonstrated his point.

i says:


“If they are capable, then they are unlike the women.

If they are incapable, then they are like the women, and you have demonstrated his point.”

A baby and infant is incapable and cannot be held accountable. Unlike women. My point stands.


“Yes, but who does the finding and the stoning? No mention or specification of any formal institutional structure, no judges except for cases involving fine points of law, no police with special powers.”

I think there is where I got off track. When I say there are official penalties. It is according to this:

And the Death penalty for Adultery. Not the results of Adultery like murdering the child.

You are right about it not being like modernity.

The Death penalty is still officially sanctioned by that metric.

Capital Punishment that isn’t specified like the penalties for adultery, murder and blasphemy is otherwise forbidden.

That still doesn’t give sanction to killing for any reason. That is murder. In accordance with (Genesis 9:6).

jim says:

No one says bible allows killing for any reason.

But it allows private killing for good reason, and until the past few centuries, nearly all legitimate killings were private killings for good reason.

And that is the point of contention, that you are writing the globohomo system that renders men of good character and standing impotent and powerless before evildoers backwards into the earliest biblical times.

i says:


You missed this comment?

“Looks to me like OT tends to be studiously non-committal on the subject of what happens to wages of adultery”

“The bible’s failure to mention a penalty for destroying the results of adultery indicates that destroying such results was standard operating procedure.”

If not limited by Biblical sanction it ends up allowing massively expanding the range of what is legitimate in killing.

“But it allows private killing for good reason, and until the past few centuries, nearly all legitimate killings were private killings for good reason.”

Then what do you make of this verse:

“18Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against any of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”


Although elsewhere there is the Man who takes up the Job of Vengeance as the “Avenger of Blood” which necessitates the refuge cities. So “Private violence” in this regard is Officially sanctioned by God the King of Israel at that time.

But I think as Christians in the New Covenant. Private avenging violence outside of the Authority of the Local Magistrate is forbidden:

Romans 12:19
19Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.”

But then the local Magistrate is God’s instrument of Wrath(Romans 13):

“1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. 2Consequently, whoever resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

3For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Then do what is right, and you will have his approval. 4For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not carry the sword in vain. He is God’s servant, an agent of retribution to the wrongdoer.”

jim says:

You are over interpreting the bible. It does not directly endorse a system that did not exist at the time.

It says “leave it to God”. It does not say leave it to the proper authorities, because the proper authorities were not all that interested in enforcing the present day monopoly.

jim says:

Your “Christianity” smells funny. Smells of post Christianity. You are reaching far for any rationale you can find that Christianity is Globohomo compliant, while somehow being vague and slippery about the matters that force Globohomo to suppress old type Christianity with means that are ever more violent, cruel, and lawless.

Take the Christian shill test.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Until you take the shill test, your comments are likely to be deleted, censored, or arbitrarily redacted. I have come to suspect that you are not making honest good faith arguments, so no longer feel an obligation to rebut, rather than censor.

You quote Paul, who tells us to obey the magistrate, who also was executed for refusing to obey the magistrate. Much like Roman Catholics quoting Paul on chastity and holiness-spiraling on those words snatched from their larger context, while neglecting to quote him on recruitment of bishops and deacons.

i says:

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

jim says:

Taking you off moderation, but I have started to suspect that there is a flaw in my shill test – that there is a category of postchristian shills that can say the words.

i says:

“You quote Paul, who tells us to obey the magistrate, who also was executed for refusing to obey the magistrate.”

If the Magistrate command’s us to defy God. We already have the example in the Book of Acts what is to be done(Acts 5:28-29).

“28“We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us responsible for this man’s blood.” 29But Peter and the other apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men. ”

I still affirm that the Hierarchy is God>Civil Authorities. When one must conflict with the other.

“It says “leave it to God”. It does not say leave it to the proper authorities.”

It says that to leave it to God is to leave it to the proper Authorities and other supernatural instruments God uses to execute his wrath. You think its a coincidence they are a few verses apart addressing the same issue of Avenging Evil.

Its synonymous. Of course an unjust Magistrate is to be replaced with a Just Magistrate. But it still is that leaving Vengeance in God’s hands also involves leaving it to the proper Authorities.

As for the shill test I will affirm against in this comment:

“Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.”.

Truly God and Truly Man. Who died and rose from the dead to Reign at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven.

jim says:

This surely presupposes that the civil authorities are in fact doing the job.

And it does not in fact say leave it to the civil authorities. It says obey the civil authorities.

And if their commands are wickedness?

A little while ago, someone stronger than I climbed my wall, came onto my land, and beat me up. Covered in my own blood, and dripping blood everywhere, I fled into my house, where hanging on the wall is an array of legal lethal weapons. He remained in my yard, giving my wife a hard time. If I called the police, then when they eventually showed up after half an hour or so, all they would do, assuming nothing worse had happened to me or my wife over the next half hour or so, is politely ask him to leave, assuming he was still there in half an hour or so. He would be back soon enough to do it again.

What then should a man do under these circumstances?

Similarly, having a family and children requires acts forbidden by the civil authorities. Are Christians therefore to not have families and children?

Having forbidden oil production, the civil authorities are now escalating to forbidding food production. Are Christians required to comply?

i says:


“What then should a man do under these circumstances?

Similarly, having a family and children requires acts forbidden by the civil authorities. Are Christians therefore to not have families and children?”

I agree with what you said. That’s why I said an unjust Magistrate is to be replaced by a Just One. Who does God’s will in carrying out his Wrath.

And if the Civil Authorities requires us to disobey God. God takes precedence. As I cited which happened in the Book of Acts.

If we are weak we start like David. Dancing around their attempts to crush us. Until the Unjust Power can be replaced.

I think an intermediate stage may look a bit like the “tyranny of the cousins”. Although I would prefer that as much as the institutional expertise of due process of pinning down the guilty be retained until the Civil Authorities are changed.

Neofugue says:

> Numbers 5 permits abortion in cases of suspected adultery

No it does not. Whether or not the woman miscarries is left to God, not the offended husband.

Red says:

Pretty sure the woman was going to miscarry when given the ancient Hebrew version of the abortion pill. Her husband brings her in for the treatment not the authorities.

The Cominator says:

It was obviously some concoction that the priests knew of that GENERALLY caused miscarriage but the rate was not 100%, if it failed the baby was to be deemed legitimate as God had decided in its favor (whether it really was or not).

Neofugue says:

You are reading the idea of the abortion pill into scripture.

The holy water is a reflection of communion. If one partakes of communion unworthily, the communion will burn him, just as the woman drinking the holy water may burn her.

You and Cominator are not Christians so the following does not apply to you, but if a Christian argued for abortion implying that holy water is used as an abortion pill in Numbers 5, I would have him either burned at the stake or sent to a labor camp in Alaska immediately.

Red says:

The miscarriage rate with abortion pills is never 100%. This was in the context of a suspected case of adultery(she’s to be killed out of hand if it’s proven) so they did the ancients always did what they always did: let chance decide the issue in a manner that satisfied everyone because God controlled the odds.

jim says:

As everyone keeps pointing out, not holy water. It was holy water with something extra. The holiness was to protect against abortion of the innocent. May well have worked. The something extra was to procure abortion.

The Cominator says:


It is called both “holy water” and “bitter waters which cause the curse.”…

Sounds like its not mere water but a herbalist concoction why would mere holy water be bitter? You are not reading it carefully, and I took this from the Young Literal Translation.

Red says:

The holy water is a reflection of communion. If one partakes of communion unworthily, the communion will burn him, just as the woman drinking the holy water may burn her.

It was described as bitter water, AKA some sort of poison designed to induce abortion. Stop perverting scripture order to fit your blue pilled bullshit.

The Cominator says:

And the problem with abortion before quickening is not murder… its that its a womans right to choose and not husbands and fathers right to choose. I would limit to before quickening but my interpration of Numbers 5 is indeed that early abortion at least is okay if a womans husband wants one (if you want to be more restrictive you could say if he has good reason to suspect an adultery pregnancy).

Neofugue says:

My problem is not you and Cominator advocating the killing of bastards, it is asserting that Holy Water induces abortions, which is blasphemy.

Anyone can read anything into scripture. Truth is decided based on the traditions of the house of God the church. In this discussion, the church decides what Numbers 5 means, just as the church decides the position on other issues such as polygamy, no one else. The twisted interpretation is wicked and disgusting, and needs to be dealt accordingly.

> It was obviously

No, it was not obviously

If this keeps up, remember to continue to use VPNs after the restoration…

jim says:

> Cominator advocating the killing of bastards, it is asserting that Holy Water induces abortions

It was not holy water. It was holy water with a little something extra.

The intent of that little something extra was to induce a miscarriage, and the intent of the holy water is that if the baby was the husbands, and his suspicions ill founded, she would not miscarry.

Maybe the holy water worked. The medical profession would say placebo effect, but I have seen some extraordinarily and mysteriously powerful placebo effects. But whether it worked or not, I think it highly likely that that something extra worked, and probably not primarily through placebo effect. Biologically active compounds, especially those with harmful effects, are usually bitter, because we have receptors tuned to stop us from eating toxic foods, and whole lot of plants develop a range of toxins to kill creatures that eat stuff they do not want eaten. In nature, when one is keeping an eye out for stuff that might be edible, because due to an error in navigation and poor planning one has been wandering in the wilderness for three days without food, it is mighty hard to find stuff that is not poisonous. Most of our root vegetables were poisonous without careful and elaborate preparation, until over a very long time, we bred that out of them. Still have not totally bred it out of potatoes, because polypoidy makes it hard to completely eliminate a trait – they have a massively redundant genome.

Ivermectin is one of an enormous number of broad spectrum poisons developed by immobile organisms against thing that eat them, It kills a remarkably wide range of things, while being reasonably harmless to most mammals. Fairly deadly to most other critters. Most stationary living things in nature that you can bite into are poisonous, and doubtless quite a few of those poisons are more toxic to infants in the womb than they are to adults, though probably you would be hard put to find something deadly to one and harmless to the other.

Red says:

I would limit to before quickening but my interpration of Numbers 5 is indeed that early abortion at least is okay if a womans husband wants one (if you want to be more restrictive you could say if he has good reason to suspect an adultery pregnancy).

You’ve missed the entire context of the passage: The abortion is to put his jealous mind at rest when he suspects but can’t prove adultery. If the baby is fine then it was his child and he can stop worrying about it. If the baby is aborted then his wife is about to end up dead as well.

The unmentioned context is that If he caught her in the act then she and the baby would be dead as his hands. That’s normal and natural and not murder. You keep trying to invent time based rules when the only rules that manner are in the context of a man’s ownership of his wife and children.

The problem with abortion is the US is that it’s a religious sacrament to Moloch. It should be banned on the basis of demon worship outside of the case of rape where a husband request the child be aborted.

Red says:

My problem is not you and Cominator advocating the killing of bastards, it is asserting that Holy Water induces abortions, which is blasphemy.

It’s bitter water not holy water. What the fuck is the matter with you? You seem unable to read the scripture you claim to hold in high regard.

The Cominator says:

I’m NOT advocating for killing bastards at least after birth I’ve probably been the most consistent opponent of this on this forum.

Why would holy water be bitter? I generally like the Orthodox Church but have they had a definite council doctrine on the exact meaning of Numbers 5 I STRONGLY doubt it. So if not you do not have this its open to analysis by plain reason and in the light of plain reason you need to explain why holy water would be bitter? I don’t care at all what the Catholic Church says.

Neofugue says:

“And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water”

“shall take holy water”

“holy water”

“Bitter” is a descriptor given to the holy water after the dust was added, not a separate category.

Red says:

23 `And the priest hath written these execrations in a book, and hath blotted [them] out with the bitter waters,

24 and hath caused the woman to drink the bitter waters which cause the curse, and the waters which cause the curse have entered into her for bitter things.

Water that’s been turned bitter by adding something to it isn’t holy water any more, it’s bitter watters the same when when you ad some shit to wine, it’s no longer wine. You’re being intentionally stupid because you don’t want to deal with the reality of what’s going on in this passage: The priest is inducing an abortion because her husband thinks she might have been unfaithful. Showing both normal male property rights and a total disregard for the continued existence of bastards.

Neofugue says:

Communion wine is still holy even if one defiles it with poison; this was one of the main arguments against Donatism.

Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco had many enemies, one of them who poisoned his communion wine, of which upon drinking he managed to spit out before the poison consumed him. Our interpretation of the event is that the Holy Spirit protected St. John from the poison.

Holy water is still holy even if dust from the floor is put inside of it. The idea is, if she is innocent, God through the holy water will protect her from the dust; if she is not, the holy water will not work and the dust will render her ill. It is not an abortion, it is a test.

> I generally like the Orthodox Church but have they had a definite council doctrine on the exact meaning of Numbers 5 I STRONGLY doubt it. So if not you do not have this its open to analysis by plain reason and in the light of plain reason

First, the Orthodox Church does not need a council on everything. I do not need a council on mistreating orphans to know that mistreating orphans is wrong. I do know, however, that we have many saints who speak against the practice of abortion and we have many decrees against the practice, so I speak on behalf of the church on this matter.

Second, all observation is interpreted upon a framework of understanding based on his knowledge and past experiences. Every heretic, demon worshiper, etc. claims his understanding is based on “pure reason” or some sort of “objectivity,” see below:

You’re being intentionally stupid because you don’t want to deal with the reality of what’s going on

Hence why you do not argue with intellectuals, you shoot them.

Neofugue says:

“her thigh shall rot”

In other words, she will be unable to conceive. Nowhere does it say that the accused woman is pregnant; abortion is mentioned in the NIV translation but not the proper translations. What is at stake is her fertility.

My apologies, should have spotted this earlier. The NIV interpretation threw me off and I read its meaning into further revisions.

The Cominator says:

” I do not need a council on mistreating orphans to know that mistreating orphans is wrong.”

Agreed because its clear from plain reason its wrong. But I ask is it clear from plain reason that?

1) That this does NOT refer to an induced miscarriage with some concoction known to the Levites

2) That early term abortion before quickening or fetal viability is wrong

I do say that on the 1st point #1 appears from plain reason to be water + something. Probably the “dust” and “paper” could be herbs of some kind…

On the second point reasonable people have disagreed, Anglo Saxon common law allowed for it before quickening.

I DO agree that its wrong to abort late or to kill bastard children after birth, this is clear from plain reason and there is NOTHING in the law that allows for after birth killings based on stuff the mother did. Given that murder is a severe crime and sin and the exceptions that allowed for righteous killing (and there are numerous ones) are enumerated in painstaking detail within the law its very wrong to read that any such right exists.

Red says:

I DO agree that its wrong to abort late or to kill bastard children after birth, this is clear from plain reason and there is NOTHING in the law that allows for after birth killings based on stuff the mother did. Given that murder is a severe crime and sin and the exceptions that allowed for righteous killing (and there are numerous ones) are enumerated in painstaking detail within the law its very wrong to read that any such right exists.

Murder is unlawful killing. Killing a bastard who your wife cucked on you isn’t unlawful killing, it’s the natural outcome of such an event. Much like killing your wife and her lover if you catch them in bed.

The law exists to compliment natural law in cases where natural law can result in conflicts between family units or where men have a propensity to ignore natural law or as a more productive behavior pattern(IE washing). In the case of a bastard it has no family to defend and thus is solely handled by the patriarch.

Let me make this even more pointed: Parents are allowed to kill their children in the Old Testament. They own their children and there were cases where they killed them without penalty. Now its generally very counter productive to kill your own children and it’s pretty fucking rare.

About 15 years ago a father caught his 13 year old boy raping a 6 year boy in an empty lot. He beat his son to death right then and there. The jury refused to convict him. Natural law dictates that the father owns his children and despite the progressive programming on a basic level we all understand it to be true.

Com you seem intent in living in a shitty progressive world where 10,000 laws are designed to control everyone’s behavior. The rest of us want to return to natural law with limited religious law complimenting it.

The Cominator says:

“Let me make this even more pointed: Parents are allowed to kill their children in the Old Testament.”

You had to have good cause and the elders have to give the okay, you couldn’t just beat them to death in a fit of drunken rage even in the OT you’d be executed for murder for that. They are then to be stoned by the assembly. Furthermore in designating the kid a bastard you deny its your child for it is not. So the solution is to put it out of the house. Unlimited rights to kill your children only existed beyond ancient antiquity in China and Japan. In Rome they theoretically existed for a long time but unless you exposed them right away (birth defects) it didn’t exist in practice entirely because killing family members without cause would severely hurt your dignitas (meaning your friends patrons and clients both would drop you and your life was over). Even then the Roman form of infanticide was exposure, as exposed infants could be saved and they often were by Christians… or slavers.

I like natural law but when it comes to killing particularly killing someone who didn’t do anything themselves… gotta draw a hard line. You mention the case of a father beating his kid to death for being a gay kiddie rapist I doubt that jury would have been so charitable if you killed your young son or daughter because lets say you get in a fight with your wife that goes to 100 she laughs at you in female scorn says the kid isn’t yours and you not only end up killing your wife (maybe you’d get away with that) but you then go down the hall to kill the kid.

Give them to the orphanage, beating the kid to death for what his mother did perhaps may feel right in the moment… but even if its legal you probably aren’t going to feel too good about having done it when you are old and preparing to meet God. Its not like killing leftists or your bitch evil wife…

i says:


“NIV translation”

Ever since the 2011 Translation. The subverters deliberately mistranslated the Bible in accordance with the Feminist. Anti-God agenda:

The NIV 1984 was more solid and I still have the book. But the later translation is Satanic. And inverted Good and Evil.

i says:

I don’t think so. Numbers 5 was about God supernaturally making a woman infertile for adultery.

I don’t see any sign of permitting abortion.

You are also contradicting the view of the early Christians in the “Didache” and others which was quoted on this blog in previous posts.

Not in the womb or outside the womb should a child be destroyed.

Neofugue says:

> Killing bastards is a cosmic neg on the genetic fitness of bastardry.

Have hundreds of years of honor killings served as a cosmic neg on the genetic fitness of female immorality?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Honor killings look mighty like a Chesterton’s fence. The coincidence of bad people wanting to stop honor killings, and bad results subsequent to interference against honor killings, is a pretty strong coincidence.

Neofugue says:

My point was that killing bastards will not end the problem of female immorality, because bastards, like female immorality, is entropy, and one cannot kill entropy away.

I am not against honor killings. I am against killing innocent children, whether bastards or not.

Red says:

My point was that killing bastards will not end the problem of female immorality, because bastards, like female immorality, is entropy, and one cannot kill entropy away.

You restrain chaos by pruning and regulating life through the natural order of the universe, via GNON’s law.

I am not against honor killings. I am against killing innocent children, whether bastards or not.

Then you are against God’s law as laid down in his books.

The Cominator says:

I’m against killing them too… and think it will bring bad luck to us or worse to allow for it.

But I’ve never entirely agreed with the idea that conception = baby. I think this is fundamentally a Catholic meme (and one designed to keep 3rd world birthrates high as they were falling in the West). I rather like the old common law rule on this of “Quickening”.

The Cominator says:

I’ve agreed with you on “bitter water that causes the curse” doesn’t sound like its mere holy water… the “dust” and “paper” mixed in could be anything and their exact composition known only to the ancient Levites but on this you are wrong…

No passage in the OT other than Numbers 5 which I think (Neofugue disagrees) condones inducing miscarriage (with a less than 100% success rate) under limited circumstances says its okay to just kill bastards after birth.

Red says:

No passage in the OT other than Numbers 5 which I think (Neofugue disagrees) condones inducing miscarriage (with a less than 100% success rate) under limited circumstances says its okay to just kill bastards after birth.

You’re looking at things from a progressive perspective where all normal human reactions must be suppressed in favor of the law dealing with all the details, which is insanity. Under natural law the offspring of an adulteress woman would be killed by the offended husband. That’s normal and natural for Men.

If there was a good reason to suppress this natural instinct then there would be something in the law modifying this behavior. There isn’t. Ergo natural law should take it’s course and the bastard will be killed by the offended husband.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The common minimum seems to be that the privilege of deciding the matter, one way or another, is left to you as the house-father; in a similar spirit to how there is not a specific prescription to how you should decorate your living room; that either such prescription would necessarily inflate asyptotically on account of the highly contingent nature of the subject – or, necessarily be a calumny, on account of adulterating such necessary fulsomeness at one point or another.

The Cominator says:

I’m certainly not arguing you are obligated to keep another guys kid in your house and to care for them, but put them out for the church orphanage (and no they should not be allowed to copy the sadistic practices of the Duplessis Catholic orphanges) or charitable christian couples to care for.

We will not have many bastards anyway (except if a major war creates a major excess of women compared to men) as there will be almost no unmarried women, so it won’t be a major problem.

i says:

Likewise Dowry owed by the Father of the bride to the Husband really screwed the incentives in regards to sparing the lives of daughters and rendering them unmarriable despite the possible merits of their character and beauty:

>”The Confucian attitude towards female infanticide was conflicted. By placing value on age over youth, Confucian filial piety lessened the value of children. The Confucian emphasis on the family led to increasing dowries which in turn led to a girl being far more expensive to raise than a boy, causing families to feel they could not afford as many daughters. The Confucian custom of keeping the male within the family meant that the money spent on a daughter’s upbringing along with the dowry would be lost when she married, and as such girls were called “money-losing merchandise”. Conversely the Confucian belief of Ren led Confucian intellectuals to support the idea that female infanticide was wrong and that the practice would upset the balance between yin and yang.”

>”for poorer families in rural regions female infanticide and gender selective abortion is attributed to the fear of being unable to raise a suitable dowry and then being socially ostracized”

A Bride Price that Ancient Israel had is a far better incentive against abortion and infanticide at least in its sex-biased form. By making daughters far less of a financial liability that Dowries make them.


Just replicating this comment is also in reply to another commentator.

i says:

If Bastards grow up to be criminals. Then the Capital Punishment takes care of that adequately.

But I think there is good reason why God forbade infanticide/abortion. Because it also somehow curses the Country where the murder is done.

The blood of the innocent cries out for vengeance.

Red says:

But I think there is good reason why God forbade infanticide/abortion. Because it also somehow curses the Country where the murder is done.

God forbid the sacrifice of their children because the ritual murder of children has proven to disastrous long term despite the sort of sick unity and power that behavior grants. Though I note that Jephthah burned his own daughter to God and there’s suggestive textual evidence that sacrificing first born daughters used to be a common practice for the Hebs. I personally think that the binding of Issac was written in at a later date to purge the practice entirely as Judaism separated itself from Baal worship.

God didn’t outlaw the killing of bastards for just cause. When a bastard is beaten to death for stealing no one would give a fuck.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’d like to make an observation on your framing of this issue that can easily be interpreted as a remonstration or holier-than-thou posturing, and it isn’t, this is in good faith, but you’ll have to make the decision to believe that, or not.

What was productive about the tenor of your comments in the Adulterous Fruit discourse? Was it necessary to be so coarse and insulting? I happen to agree with you on the technical side, but I also happen to be the type of man and father that would put away the adulterous wife, keep the bastard, and take up a new wife. Is this the optimum path? No, it is fraught with peril and challenges. But I like kids, I want as many of them as possible, and if some are the fruit of my loins then I am GNON compliant, so if others are the fruit of someone else’s mistakes and I raise the little accidents to be dangerous, capable men, I am based compliant. I have a weakness for orphans, and bastards are spiritual orphans. What another man does with his problems is none of my business, but if feckless or incapable fathers can’t handle the kids God gives them, I am happy to gain advantage from their incapacity. My wife and I would be the type to collect a few bastards if we could because we need farmhands and we like raising kids. Would this be me promoting evil?

You are free to insult and attack while you respond, and your technical grasp and theoretical underpinning is excellent in my estimation. I just don’t see the utility in good men insulting each other while they disagree on technical points. “Carry the one, douchebag” and “As usual, your terrible genetics and overwhelming stupidity has forced you to disregard the remainder” are roughly the same message, but one is teasing and the other is an attack. Maybe I’m concern trolling. If so, just ignore me.

Severian says:

Lysichansk is in Russian hands.
A few UKR left in the town have started to surrender.

I guess Russia is letting Ukrainians retreat from the cities rather than force a full encirclement to avoid lots of urban combat.
Battle for the Seversk-Soledar-Bakhmut defensive line coming up next.

jim says:

The Ukrainians are able to retreat from the city, but the roads are cut, and they have to retreat cross country over open farmland, which is exceedingly dangerous. I suspect that they are melting away into the civilian population – those of them that are still alive. When defensive trenchworks are taken, they are generally taken over the dead bodies of the people in the trenches, who found that even though staying in their trench was dangerous, leaving it to run away was even more dangerous.

In this kind of war, it is likely that those that managed to make it out alive are not too keen on continuing to fight.

What may well have happened is that in some of the defensive works, everyone was killed, and the Russians simply moved forward over the corpses. In other defensive works, troops were told to retreat because their trenches had been bypassed, and once they were able to leave their trenches, were disinclined to do it all over again.

Under the circumstances I think it likely the Ukrainian troops are not retreating, but rather vanishing. Ukrainian policy is to make Russians pay a high price for every advance, and leave cities in rubble when they are finally lost. This policy was simply not carried out in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk. They say they retreated, but I think that in fact orders were given to fight on until the city was utterly destroyed, and officers failed to transmit those orders, knowing there was little prospect of obedience, and finding there were not many grunts around to listen. That rather than retreating or fighting, officers and men that failed to make themselves scarce just stood around waiting.

LUGANSK, June 27. /TASS/

Ukrainian groups of forces that remain in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk have been killing foreign mercenaries, a source close to the Lugansk People’s Republic’s militia told TASS on Sunday.

“Ukrainian militants have been ordered to kill foreign instructors in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk as the latter have certain information about the activity of foreign special services in Donbass so that they do not get captured and disclose this information,” the source said.

Sounds like an army that has no intention of retreating nor fighting.

According the Russians, the retreating troops took piles of stuff looted from shops and apartments, and left behind piles of anti tank weapons and suchlike. Sounds they are not planning to regroup. Sounds like they intend to keep going until they reach their homes.

Severian says:

There are Russian reports of Ukranians already starting to retreat from Seversk after some fighting so you might be on to something.

jim says:

Severs’k is only fifteen miles from Lisichansk, and it is likely that most of the workers used to commute by rail to Lisichansk. And are hoping to resume doing so shortly. They likely had a horde of deserters pass through.

One of the roads between Severs’k and Western Ukraine is still open, or was open a short time ago. Ukraine still has, or very recently had, the capacity to pour in fresh cannon fodder to keep Russian artillery busy. Retreat from Severs’k would be confirmation of RT reports that Ukraine is scraping the bottom of the barrel for cannon fodder, and would suggest that they are running out of fresh scrapings.

In the Information Epoch, attrition runs considerably faster.

If this is what is happening, looks like the Jews running Ukraine decided to fight to the last Goy, and have now done so.

Ukraine blocked Russian advance by putting piles of cannon fodder in the way. This is starting to look like it may well be an unsustainable strategy.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

Looks like “no nation with a gay pride parade has ever won a war” is about to become a legendary phrase, remembered in/by/for the ages to come. >:^)


Basil says:

My fucking tone is somehow related to the fact that the fucking divorced Chekist unleashed a useless war between fraternal populations that could have been avoided, but even in these conditions continues the fucking game of multinational and did nothing to solve the demographic crisis, but the Russian people did the main target of jew&prog. Again. And this is now, when the globalists every year turn the societies on which they parasitize into rot, he decided to become a raw material appendage of the “Chinese brothers”, and to make Russia “rashka” in the eyes of fashionable zoomers who will rule in a generation, and also to update Russophobia inside and outside the country is a great idea.

And don’t tell me that he is a prisoner of communism, because this is the basis of his legitimacy. In his separation from the CPC, in which the situation is really uncomfortable, Putin has nothing to do with the Leninists and could make a regime in the spirit of Salazar, but Russian-Orthodox and with a solution to the issue of succession. And don’t tell me that he couldn’t do something about 86% of divorces in the Leningrad region or impose restrictions on abortions, since countries completely dependent on the United States can do this and since the states themselves can ban abortions at home.


Keep jerking off to the beautiful northern hyperborea.

jim says:

Putin is building Cathedrals again. That is a necessary measure that makes possible solutions to all of the other problems.

skippy says:

This guy is a high class shill. He must be very expensive. Congratulations, jim

The Cominator says:

He unironically used “Kyiv” once and its pretty hard to come back from that.

Pax Imperialis says:

I will unironically use “Kyiv” and support the shills using “Kyiv” because the more it is used, the easier it will be for the Russians to realize Kyiv must be destroyed and Putingrad built on its ashes.

Kyiv must die.

Aidan says:

19th century nationalism is a hell of a drug man, maybe he’s just a ruskie butthurt about Putins muscular centrism, maybe he’s a ruthenian drinking Poland’s propaganda kool-aid, who can say?

Neofugue says:

Basil is most likely either Ukrainian or Carpatho-Rusyn; he said that he was part Polish, and many of my Ukrainian friends have some Polish ancestry.

The Cominator says:

I’m still not a fan of the 3rd Reich but the events of the past few months make me fully understand why the Krauts felt the way they did about Poles.

Imagine hating the Russians this much when the Krauts long term plan for them was to kill ALL OF THEM. Poles other than the minority given German citizenship were literally next in line after the Jews. The Russians may not have been nice and communism may have sucked but Jesus Christ the Russians saved them…

Cloudswrest says:

I’m still not a fan of the 3rd Reich but the events of the past few months make me fully understand why the Krauts felt the way they did about Poles.

I’ve been thinking the same thing for the last few months.

Basil says:

If you see hatred towards Russians in my posts, you are a fool and a faggot, what can I say.

jim says:

Well, you clearly do not like the Russian government, and you seem to view Russians as disgusting trash.

What you can say is to clarify your attitude towards Russians. Anyone reading me can see that I hate the American government and love legacy Amerikaners, including those that shop at Walmart (which I patronize often enough). If that is not your attitude, you have some clarification to do. I also like Russian women, and even like Russian businessmen. Even though they are a bunch of thieves and thugs, they are rather likable thieves and thugs.

Basil says:

If I thought the Russians were disgusting, I would feel about this war emotionally, as I feel about the war in Yemen and the war in Ethiopia.

I work with several Russian guys and I can’t say anything bad about them, neither in terms of their personalities, nor in terms of professional skills. I love Russian women for their beauty (In my opinion, they are second only to Finnish and Estonian girls), but they seem to me somewhat spoiled. But this is not some unique problem for modern women.


I love the creativity of some Russian guys, because it’s just beautiful.




jim says:

> If I thought the Russians were disgusting, I would feel about this war emotionally, as I feel about the war in Yemen and the war in Ethiopia.

Neither side in Ethiopia and Yemen is a mortal threat to Cathedral memetic domination.

When you said, or rather presupposed without argument or explanation, that Russia was suffocating because of the war, I read your thought behind your words as that Cathedral agents of influence in Russia are suffocating.

Red says:

Poles make shitty slaves, but are too stupid and insolent to run a nation state. They do make decent warriors though. Hitler would have been better off subverting them and using as part of his war machine.

skippy says:

He’s too fuckin American man.

I am not American and I can smell a 100% American a kilometer away

Neofugue says:

> My fucking tone…[blah blah blah]…

Glad to hear Putin is winning the war so decisively. I knew Ukraine was losing, but not that badly.

How’s the view from Poland?

Basil says:

If tomorrow Putin takes Kharkov, while the Jewernment of Ukraine is dying under the rubble of houses destroyed by Caliber, and the day after tomorrow he restores Russia, I will be one of those people who will be most happy, because it turns out that my pessimistic forecasts did not justify themselves. The prediction of a war of attrition came true. A beautiful cathedral is not enough reason to say that Russia will return to life after the end of the war.

My butthurt is a little deeper than “the side I support is losing”. And no, I don’t have some kind of hereditary historical anger at the Russians because of the history of the 20th century, I have enough honesty to separate these people and the crimes of the Soviet elite, which, by the way, also tormented the Russians. What about Putin?

jim says:

> A beautiful cathedral is not enough reason to say that Russia will return to life after the end of the war.

Which presupposes, instead of openly coming out and arguing, that the current war is suffocating Russia. On the contrary, it has cleared the air wonderfully, giving them the moral strength and moral justification to reach for memetic sovereignty. And that, I think is what you do not like about Russia and Russians.

Russia has all the natural resources it needs. It has the smart fraction capable of utilizing them. The withdrawal of foreign businesses has opened space for the rise of its natural elite, who are moving into the economic space opened by sanctions, while its cultural public intellectuals are moving into the space opened by the naked hostility of the bearers of enemy memetics, such as yourself.

Putin lacked the will and memetic sovereignty to implement national capitalism. Now his enemies are implementing it for him. Their cultural and economic sanctions are backfiring upon themselves.

You are making valid arguments that deserve a response, but you are using them to smuggle in invalid presuppositions, that you refuse to argue or defend when they are attacked, because you know perfectly well they are indefensible.

If Russia is being “suffocated” by this War, surely nobody outside the Global Adharmic Empire is seeing it:


I see India expanding, not reducing trade with Russia even while talking about the need for peace and diplomacy.

someDude says:

How nice to have a sensible government. Our government is not Brilliant, mind you! Just sensible. Or not insane. What a relief after the insane trash we were forced to put up with for most of 1947-2014. What the Americans are experiencing now with respect to their government, we in India have long experienced.

Kunning Drueger says:

Baz, are you just afraid of being optimistic? There’re no guarantees that this shakes out positively. Look how optimistic things appeared for Germany in 1940. But RF has drawn a line on the sand, and demonstrated that they’re going to bleed to maintain it. The first step is the hardest step, and the sprawl of the Cathedral is such that every step, for a terribly long while yet, is going to be a first step.

Remember what Kek said to the 12 Pepes as they were fleeing from the rout at Charlottesville. “My dudes, be ye based as I am based. Be not cringe, no matter the heavy, no matter the cope, no matter the lelmantations of our enemies as we flee the defeat of the moment. Our memes are not their memes, nor is their fail our fail. The Lord God has declared that we who believe are going to make it, be it in this thread, or the next. 10/10.”

Varna says:

Ukrainian forces hit (mildly, considering) two Russian cities, Belgorod and Kursk.

Tochka U missiles and some sort of drones looks like.

In theory in this conflict only the Ukrainian army uses Tochka U, in practice so does Belarus, while Russia has its own decommissioned pile in storage. We’ll have to see if Kiev brags about this or to the contrary denies everything.

Belgorod and Kursk are capitals of their respective member states of the federation, with Belogorod being almost unanimously declared one of the most delightful cities of Russia.

Only the Slavyansk-Krematorsk urban conglomerate is left on the east. Once that falls to the Russian forces, the whole east opens up.

Meanwhile Russia is readying a new law for “partial mobilization of the economy.”

The same day this was announced, the Rus govt cancelled all remaining shreds of covid restrictions. https://www.rbc.ru/society/01/07/2022/62be55e89a79474a81ec8bd4

Crudely speaking, it is not unlikely that over the last months, Russia has a) rotated enough officers and troops through the eastern front to give everyone who matters a taste of combat, and b) ground up much of the Ukraine’s best troops in the process.

There’s a million modern takes on WWII in Russia, and there’s a strong faction that believes the correct way to deal with Hitler’s invasion was an orderly retreat from Poland and the Baltics to the “old borders” of the USSR, and there to dig in and proceed to rotate troops for a few months to give them the experience which the Wehrmacht already had but the Red Army didn’t, at the same time slowly grinding up the most experienced parts of the German army. Then, once enough Soviet officers had accumulated the needed experience, while at the same time enough experienced German officers had been taken out, begin the counter-offensive.

I have been suspecting for a few months now that a variation of this appears to the current Russian strategy: stay in one place, advance inch by inch, while rotating its troops and grinding up the enemy forces.

Circa 1940 the eternal anglo first got Finland to provoke a war with Soviet Russia, then Poland to provoke a war with Nazi Germany, and then set Germany against Russia. To a large extent as a psychopathic means to reset the world economy after the great depression and crush budding alternative power centers. At least that’s the way many modern Russians see events in hindsight.

Perhaps they are now expecting for example Poland and Lithuania to be used against them in a similar manner. Boris Johnson certainly seems to be talking just like a stereotypical eternal anglo from the basement of collective Russian paranoia.

Maybe Moscow (and Minsk) is readying itself for what it sees as an inevitable and fast-approaching clash with Poland and co.


The Cominator says:

This strikes me as a morale and desperation measure ala Hitler’s V2 rockets at London.

Mr.P says:

Can we get an Antiversity ruling on this lingering nagging question?

It’s what the fighting was all about in WWII: Three warring factions of communism, anglo-american-zionist communism versus leftist german national socialism communism versus bagel bolshevik communism. Who won? The zionist and bagel commies won.

Is that about right?

Kunning Drueger says:

Don’t overcomplicate it; nationalism lost to internationalism. The allies didn’t die for sodomy, the died so that one day sodomy might live.

jim says:

> Only the Slavyansk-Krematorsk urban conglomerate is left on the east. Once that falls to the Russian forces, the whole east opens up

Cities are not an obstacle in this war. If surrounded, they will fall. Trenches full of grunts are the obstacle. Most of Mariupol fell without a fuss, and only a tiny part of it needed to be starved out, and all of Lisichansk and Severodonetsk fell without fuss. The Ukes claim that seventy percent of the buildings in Severodonetsk were hit by shellfire, but I saw social network videos of Russian troops wandering about, and there were only a handful of broken windows.

It looks to me that the Ukrainians did not command retreat, except to save face because their troops disobeyed orders to fight, and they did not retreat, they ran away with no intention of regrouping.

This is what one would expect to happen when one side is using a strategy of halting enemy advance by trench warfare in trenches running across the countryside. When trenches fall, most of your troops are dead or injured, and the survivors are disinclined to do the same thing all over again in the ruins of reinforced concrete buildings.

Russians say that captured troops are the survivors of about fifty percent casualties, and that they had been several days without food. Enormous amounts of ammo, but no food. Which is about what I expected, because trench warfare, and because the roads had been cut for several days. If uncaptured troops are in the same condition, well, officers give orders likely to be obeyed, rather than the orders the capital has ordered them to give.

The Russians claim that the Ukes are sending criminals conscripted from prison and women to the front with only a couple of days training, which is indicative of the Ukrainians simply running out of fresh troops. Maybe that is mere propaganda, but the disappearance of military resistance in and around Lisichansk and Severodonetsk is not mere propaganda.

If one side slowly grinds its way through trenches, that is what happens to the side that got ground through. Trench warfare is hideously costly. Ukrainian strategy was to attrit Russia. In World War I it took ten thousand shells to kill one grunt. As I said before, in the Information Epoch, considerably fewer. World War I style warfare looks like it was huge mistake for Ukraine, as coup de main and blitzkrieg were a huge mistake for Russia.

Generals always fight the previous war. Everyone is using Information Epoch weapons, but they are still using them in the tactics and strategy of before the information epoch.

The wars of the Information Epoch will be fought with shills, entryists, and computer hackers. The destruction of advanced computerized US artillery looks like it was the first taste of information epoch warfare. Looks like the Russians penetrated the computer network of the artillery.

The wars of the future will be cancellation, deplatforming, and demonetization with robot assassin drones. You will strike at enemy memes and leaders, rather than trenches and bunkers.

Kunning Drueger says:

I see 2 areas where you seem substantially off base, or maybe I don’t understand…

>Cities don’t matter
Logistics and infrastructure are arterially structured around the cities, meaning the cities are essentially nodes in the network. I know very little about network topology, but I do that if I hear a sysadmin tell me that nodes don’t matter, I’m not going to be connecting my personal devices to their network. @rybar has an excellent little video that illustrates the importance of certain cities, focusing on Bakhmut which is the anchor point of a defensive line in East Ukraine. Wagner is bearing down on Bakhmut, which is not a strategic accident. Cities don’t matter the same way they did in WW02, but they very much matter in terms of the nodal function they have.

>Coup de main and Blitzkrieg we’re a huge mistake
This may be another refinement quibble. If Spetznas had pulled off Gostomel operation, very different story. If Russia had blitzkrieg with the massive artillery barrages we are seeing now, with no thought given to civilian casualties or infrastructure damage, the war would be over. Blitzkrieg can, and will, work, but it must be GTN compliant, and used against an adversary that isn’t IEW capable or compliant. There is a shelf life on the tactic, of course. But for now, Blitzkrieg can still work.

jim says:

> > Cities don’t matter

> Logistics and infrastructure are arterially structured around the cities, meaning the cities are essentially nodes in the network.

And it is a lot easier to cut someone’s arteries than to crack his skull.

> If Russia had blitzkrieg with the massive artillery barrages we are seeing now, with no thought given to civilian casualties or infrastructure damage,

The massive artillery barrages are pounding troops in trenches, primarily trenches dug to protect roads.

When the Russians tried blitzkrieg, quite a lot of cities were devastated, but Lisichansk and Severodonetsk fell with only a few broken windows here and there. So it is the other way around. The massive artillery barrages are not damaging infrastructure or causing civilian casualties, whereas when the Russians were trying Blitzkrieg, they would frequently make it to the city outskirts, and large part of the city would wind up flattened.

What stopped Blitzkrieg was autonomous anti tank missiles, autonomous in the sense of “point to roughly where you think the enemy tank is, fire and forget” They seldom reached close enough to the cities for inhibitions about shelling people who are culturally and linguistically Russian to matter much to the outcome of the war, and when they did reach close enough, those cities took considerable damage.

The plan for coup de main involved mighty column of tanks that would sweep in to support the coupists. It did not arrive, though the immediate cause of the coup failure was that the Azov brigade showed up.

In a coup de main, you try to take over the enemy command and control before they can organize resistance, but the Azov brigade resisted without being organized, and the column of tanks came to a sudden halt.

Jehu says:

Coup de main had to be tried because the Russian high command had to discover which world they were living in. Were they facing:

A Ukraine that would fight as well as the ANA? If they drew that card NOT doing a coup de main would be a huge missed opportunity to take the whole country on the cheap.

A Ukraine that would fight, but not really all that well, probably as well as 2nd or 3rd tier Nato forces without nukes. Yeah they’ve got gay parades, but they hate Russians in the same way that Poles do.

Or a Ukraine that will fight as well pound for pound as Russia.

My take is they drew the 2nd card. The cards for Germany the Baltic States, Finland and so forth are still face down on the table.

I don’t think that Russia’s overall strategy has been all that bad.

Red says:

Coup de main had to be tried because the Russian high command had to discover which world they were living in.

As pointed out by me and others they half assed the Coup de Main. You need an overwhelming display of power to frighten people into giving up quickly. They could have hit every Ukrainian barracks with a missile night 1, taken out the Ukrainian President, and flattened a few border towns to get the point across. Instead they played “hearts and minds” and got their pee pees slapped for it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Cities can be obstacles in war in the same sense trenches can be. Indeed, area destruction is not an impediment to this function either; every rubbled building is a new bunker or fighting position to utilize. The scale and non-specificity involved becomes itself amongst the chief advantages. There is a strategic utility to ‘wall towns’, things which serve as ordinary valuable uses in times of peace, and operational stumbling blocks in cases of war.

Ghost says:

I wonder if Ukraine and Russia fills its ranks with the dregs of society (trailer trash) as KD claims of the US.

And if so, what does that say about society at large to pin the future of their culture on a contest between two clashing mobs of misfits.

Ghost says:

Don’t know if you consider RT unreliable, but the linked article claims weapons sent to Ukraine are winding up for sale on dark-web. Obviously your tax money is being waisted either way.


And no, I’m not shilling for RT. Just another source.

jim says:

RT propaganda consists not of Baghdad Bob lying, but of making a big deal out of minor victories, and ignoring or rationalizing away reverses, while Ukraine and Western propaganda consists largely of a whole lot of Bhagdad Bob/Covid Jab style outrageous lies.

In this sense, pretty reliable, but you have to read between the lines and read what is not written.

They tell their side of the truth, like everyone, and they spin the truth and stretch it a bit. But if they say they carried out this investigation and that is what they found, you can be pretty sure that is what they did.

Varna says:

How to enlist in the Russian army

1) Health
X ray of chest + bloodwork and urine test for drugs and STDs https://contract.mil.ru/enlistment_contract/requirements/heals.htm

2) Fitness
Pushups, pullups, sprint, marathon https://contract.mil.ru/enlistment_contract/requirements/.htm

3) Education
If completed 9 grades can be https://contract.mil.ru/career/soldiering/positions/appointment/9klass.htm
If 11 grades can be https://contract.mil.ru/career/soldiering/positions/appointment/11klass.htm
If trade school can be https://contract.mil.ru/career/soldiering/positions/appointment/tex.htm

4) Psychological testing
Results are divided into four categories from 1) take this man right now, to 4) if there’s any other choice don’t take him https://contract.mil.ru/enlistment_contract/requirements/prof.htm
Also, if you got drafted, after doing the stint you can choose to become a pro and keep going.

How to become an officer of the Russian army

There are 36 military institutes, 11 military universities, and 68 military academies.

You can start at 16, but need a letter of recommendation from your school or employer. Applicants are filtered via four broad categories: a) age, b) education, c) socio-psychological qualities, d) psycho-physical qualities.

After finishing some of the officer schools you can choose to go and start as a lieutenant in the local FBI or police and others https://propostuplenie.ru/article/kak-postroit-kareru-voennogo/

A law student signed up for a three-year contract as a pro and here is his description of life as an ensign https://journal.tinkoff.ru/you-are-in-the-army/

After six years in the army you can take a home mortgage loan, and the military will be paying it off for you, but you’re obliged to stay there until you’re say 40, and if you leave before that you’re liable to have to make up all the money gone into your mortgage.

How to become a National Guardsman

Same as enlisting into the army as a grunt, but more things to prove: never been convicted of anything in a court of law, plus description of income, IRS stuff, no family connections to any superior officer within the unit you’re trying to enlist to. Foreigner can try to enlist in the army proper, but no foreigners and nu dual citizenships are allowed in the Rosgvardia.

jim says:

Compare and contrast how to enlist in the Ukrainian army. If you are breathing, someone will grab you and after a few days training, send you to the front and put you in a hole with a striking resemblance to a grave, to force the Russians to expend artillery shells and to tie up Russian mobile artillery.

Skippy says:

It’s clear that at some point they forced the Westerners who volunteered as trainers to go into the meat grinder, and then after a while they stopped getting killed probably because they are all dead.

Who knows for sure, but it does all look rather desperate.

Red says:

I’ve been reading that the Uki’s kill western trainers if they get trapped in a pocket with them. They have orders not to let them fall into western hands alive.

Red says:

Russian hands*

jim says:

You mean Russian hands alive.

I conjecture that they know too much about American activities.

Ghost says:

Varna, I’ll take your word for it without going to the mil.ru site. Don’t want to have to buy a new front-door.

US military used to have similar standards though I don’t know now. In the past it was High School diploma or GED, ASVAB test (a quasi IQ test), (High scores go AF and Navy, low Army Marines), pass physical, lift 100# overhead. That’s all I remember for enlisted side. Officer, you need a B.S. in addition to.

Coming from a trailer park might help. But, don’t know.

The real test is can you follow orders and they find out in about a week or two of basic.

Pax Imperialis says:

Special military operation was declared meaning Russia could only send in a fraction of the professional soldiers. The highly trained were sent in without the average grunts. Tanks without infantry screens as a result.

Too much metal, not enough bodies. Russia has been filling the gaps with the dregs of their society/military. Many are from backwaters like central asia.

The standard Russian grunt is pretty average and not the trailer trash. But they were largely not sent in.

This is the first war I’ve seen where one side fights with an elite/dregs combination.

The Cominator says:

Elite/dregs so like the British army in the age of the redcoats?

Pax Imperialis says:

I would estimate a much higher percentage of elite. Modern military is very dependent on highly trained specialists/technical ability. Radar technicians, certain arty guys, comms, special ops types (spetsnaz), intel, etc.

Generally a bad idea to stick some ape who can’t do basic math in arty unless his just the guy cleaning and loading.

The initial Russian forces had all of those in large numbers, and almost no infantry, fuel truck drivers, etc. The grunt stuff.

I don’t think the dregs ended up in the British army back then. They were more average types who were highly disciplined. It’s the navy were all the degenerates and lowlifes ended up in.

The Cominator says:

Wellington did not entirely agree on the British Army.

“A French army is composed very differently from ours. The conscription calls out a share of every class — no matter whether your son or my son — all must march; but our friends — I may say it in this room — are the very scum of the earth. People talk of their enlisting from their fine military feeling, no such thing. Some of our men enlist from having got bastard children — some for minor offences — many more for drink; but you can hardly conceive such a set brought together, and it really is wonderful that we should have made them the fine fellows they are.”

Pax Imperialis says:

“many more for drink” sounds like the average Brit…

Going to have to do more research on this. My understanding was that the British navy was fairly notorious for grabbing people off the streets, impressiveness, to forcibly conscript them. The army was nowhere close to the navy in this regard.

Typically you don’t want to grab people anyone will miss which means you end up with lots of vagrants and drunkards and other assorted sorts from the lowest class.

And the navy never really got discipline like the redcoats. Their behavior was atrocious when ever they reached to port.

The Cominator says:

The British navy often had very few volunteer sailors as they tended to fill the enlisted ranks via press gangs (90% of the time they were only interested in men who had experience on sailing ships so landlubbers did not generally have to worry about being “pressed”). The pressed men weren’t necessarily the types of criminals, debtors and alcoholics (a lot of people then were alcoholics by modern standards but I mean worse than normal) who supposedly tended to be the people who joined the British army.

Sailors tended to act badly in ports because sailing ships at the time were kind of very miserable to be on and there wasn’t ever really a break until you got into port, Navy ships tended to have a less demanding workload than merchant ships but potentially more tyrannical as merchant officers had some incentives to be civil as to not provoke a mutiny, not to flog friviously, not be bosses from hell etc… but as most British navy ships had marines this was less of an incentive in the navy. British Navy officers were typically very able and intelligent but also notoriously prickly and disagreeable men (perhaps because of intense full time technical training that generally started when they were 12 years old serving under the same strict regimen). The advantage of the navy was that the workload day to day was less (navy ships needed extra men because they needed to be able to fully man their guns in battle). One reason for the universally much more “Democratic” nature of pirate ships (the real criminal ships) is pirate crews were mostly composed of men who at one time REALLY hated life aboard more typical respectable sailing ships.

British army I think tended to have far more criminals and far more elite officers (the army had the purchase system the navy did not), the army did not require intense technical training for its officers except for the artillery officers (non purchase). Army officers were perhaps typically more agreeable and easygoing… they didn’t have to undergo intense years of training from the age of 12. The life of a typical soldier day to day perhaps varied wildly based on your location regiment and your sergeant and officers. In the army you also had the hope of rising to non-com and becoming above the day to day petty discipline (and in wartime the very remote hope of being raised from the ranks to an officer though there were financial costs to this and enlisted men who were offered this sometimes refused commissions). This wasn’t really a thing in the navy where the higher ranks required specific hard to learn technical skills where your hope was that your ship would capture some ship worth a lot of prize money and that maybe someday they’d let you quit the navy.

“No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned… a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.” – Samuel Johnson

horatio says:

The Royal Navy could conscript at sea and around ports. The idea of this was to force skilled seamen into the navy. Often they didn’t want to join because they could make more money as merchant seamen with a lower risk of death.

Sometimes it probably resulted in drunks and such being conscripted out of ports, especially in wartime with big manpower shortages. But that was not the idea or the norm.

Conversely Britain didn’t have army conscript at that time. The closest thing to conscription to the army was people convicted of crimes (often capital crimes) being given the option to enlist instead of being sentenced. That’s one thing Wellington is referring to.

Generally speaking the Royal Navy was a skilled technical service while the British army was composed of aristocratic officers who bought their commissions and “scum of the earth” enlisted. Turns out that some aristocrats were good at command (Wellington was one) and many scum of the earth enlisted were good at standing in a line and reloading a musket quickly.

not a reactionary says:

A lot of the people who join the military are doing it because its their best option. Recruiters have quotas to fill and don’t really care too much about medical or criminal history, and at any rate most new recruits are going to lie about those things anyway. This is true not just of the US military but possibly every military that has ever existed, most of the grunts are going to be from the lower social classes. Ofc the entire military is not this way and there has to be room for ambition and intelligence, otherwise you get rolled over.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Looks like the gleichschaltung is cracking up. Kyyveeean drones becoming ineffective? Comrades, ineffective? Russian military advantages? Is this not indistinguishable from the very same seditious disinformation of the kulak wreckers of yestermonth? Oh, what has The Party come too!

Jim says:

“US-made General Atomics MQ-1C Gray Eagle armed drones, which have greater capabilities than the TB2s.”

Do they now?

What we are seeing on the ground is that the Russians have drone superiority. They can see the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainians cannot see them.

I seem to recall hearing the same story about advanced american artillery with computerized targeting. (US artillery is notoriously lame. It has been known to be lame for a long time. We do not yet know that American drones are lame, but I see signs that they may well be lame.)

Observing the shelling, it is obvious that the Russians have some pretty advanced aiming systems. A drone locates a target, and a shell lands exactly on the target, no walking the shots in by observing where the first one exploded, and adjusting the gun a tiny bit for the next one. It is one shot, one kill, against targets not in line of sight of the gunner, but in sight of the drone, with the gunner a very long distance away. The Ukrainians don’t seem to have the equivalent. They walk their shots in, and if they are walking them in on a mobile artillery, their mobile artillery gets blown up first.

Turkish drones are designed to be fully autonomous, and are not supposed to need to talk to controllers except before they take off and after they land. The Russians have some drones that are fully autonomous also. I hear that it is hard to give the Turkish drones sensible mission parameters, not easy to program them for their missions. Or maybe the Ukrainians are hiring idiots. It does seem that they have a habit of flying them under remote guidance, which of course the Russians jam.

It hard to make a car autonomous, because it has to avoid obstacles, people, and other cars all the time. It is easy to make aircraft fly autonomously, but a good deal harder to make it recognize targets on the ground and destroy them.

It is easy to jam a drone that is trying to listen to its controller, because you have better line of sight on it than its controller does, and you are closer. It is very hard to jam a done that is reporting what it sees to its controller.

Kunning Drueger says:

I still haven’t put in the time and effort to dig up the Predictions thread I made, as well as the multitude of predictions made in January, but I recall Com making some seemingly wild assertions about Russia capability to just own the RF spectrum. I think he may have been a lot more accurate than I estimated. The general assertion on Russian Telegram is that the Federation is actively avoiding the use of any systems or capabilities that NATO doesn’t have a good understanding of. Of course, this could be hype. But it also could be a simple fact that Russia is fighting Ukraine in a deliberately antiquated way because they are certain that the conflict is going to spread.

Red says:

Russia’s been rotating their officers and units in and out of the conflict to get them experienced and to discover problems with their units, procedures, and tactics. They discovered they had a lot problems, which is common with any new war.

During the invasion of Poland during WW2 the German high command viewed it as a near failure due to how poorly German units had coordinated and fought together. Only the stupidity of the Polish commanders and invading from 3 sides won the day. They rewrote their procedures and retrained their men and officers based on what they had learned in Poland and 6 months later France was defeated in 6 weeks with the greatest upset in military history.

Russia still has a tiered system of combat units A,B,C, and D from what I remember based on the age of the gear. They used mostly older stuff in the Ukraine to see if they were still combat effect in a modern war. Most of the A stuff stayed ready for a NATO attack.

Russia’s jamming and anti air is very good but ground troops used it ineffectually and didn’t keep it up with forward units causing a lot of losses. Starlink being able to avoid jamming was a shock to the Russians, which made small drones much more effective than they otherwise would have been.

Whatever drone system the Russians are now seems miles better than Turkey and the US gear.

someDude says:

You mean the Nazis beating France was ONE OF THE greatest upsets in military history!

Was it greater than Alexander at Guagamela?

Greater than Hannibal at Cannae?

Greater than the Japs taking the Brits at Singapore in WW2?

Maybe if the Nazis won WW2, or even drawn it, it would have qualified as THE greatest upset in Military history. But here, I think you exaggerate for effect on this one.

Red says:

You mean the Nazis beating France was ONE OF THE greatest upsets in military history!

Was it greater than Alexander at Guagamela?

Yes. It was already clear by Guagamela that Alexander couldn’t be beaten. The Persian army morale was broken by an endless string of loses.

>Greater than Hannibal at Cannae?

Maybe not. Though I note that Rome did not fall due to that battle while France did.

>Greater than the Japs taking the Brits at Singapore in WW2?

Easily. A bunch of half trained Indians fighting against tanks with no anti tank guns against a foe who had total domination of the air while British leadership actively tried to lose the battle. If it had been first rate trained and equipped troops and the British had sent a large enough air force to defend Malaysia then it would have been pretty close to the top as far unlikely defeats.

Tomlin Patrickson says:

Six-Day War counts as the greatest upset ever. Thre was no history of Israeli military success. No expectation of victory except maybe by the Israelis themselves and if so they weren’t saying so very loudly. Overwhelming forces all around. Competent hostile leadership in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Every reason to think it would go the way of the Crusader states. And if it had, the subsequent history of the mideast would be a tad different.

The Israelis knew what was up. They sacrificed the moral advantage of being attacked for the certain tactical advantage of striking first. Threw everything they had, with no reserves, against Egypt, and cleared all of Sinai to the Suez. Then pivoted to Jordan, then Syria. Syria was the hardest fighting – I remember learning about one particular place in the Golan where the Israelis sent 30 or so tanks to go up a narrow road to reach the cliff top, and only two vehicles made it. You can understand why they haven’t been interested in yielding the position since.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Competent hostile leadership in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria
Anon, I…

Red says:

Arab armies, lol.

Every reason to think it would go the way of the Crusader states.

The Turks beat the Crusader states. By the 11th century Arabs stopped being effective warriors. Even more so today.

not a reactionary says:

The Crusader States were pretty lame. The first crusade was the most successful, all the others were crap

S says:

What? Israel previous fought these countries and won with worse odds 19 years earlier. How is 67 an upset?

Kunning Drueger says:

Remember, there are 2 types of pro-Jew shills

>The multiplier
“Oh my god, did you say something bad about jews? I can’t believe those two terrible things you said! How could anyone believe three complete lies? Those four comments are going to get you cancelled! Wait until my cousin at the ADL is informed of your five racist statements! Anyone of those six blasphemies could land you in jail!”

>The reminderer
“Let us not forget, fellow goyim, that it was the jewish master-not-race that invented physics, space flight, and computers!”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There have been a fair few number of theories rationalizing Russian ignore-ance of strategically valuable targets and other forms of punch-pulling in the first weeks of the invasion, most of which have already been discussed.

One of these ideas that you mention that hasn’t though is the idea that they are are not using their best techne because they don’t want the GAE to see it. (That’s ‘techne’ in the encompassing Ionian/Heideggerian sense, be it forms of practice, organization, or material orientation.)

I think this is also wrong-headed though, for a simple reason; institutions can’t actually ‘learn’ from observation, they only ‘learn’ in cases where they get stuck in and smack against reality.

France and England all saw what German fighting men were up too in Spain and Poland in the late 30’s – and it availed them nothing when they first crossed swords in turn. Rather, you should take advantage of situations where conflict becomes necessary to the fullest. Russia operationally testing it’s best practices would give it a huge advantage in case of a conflict with globohomo legions, who would have no such benefit of a ‘shakedown cruise’ to work through the inevitable failures.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We also need to consider that the stated goal Russia is pursuing is the demilitarization of Ukraine. They are chewing through an entire generation of Ukranian men. The word I am hearing has the Ukranians sending press gangs to churches and prisons to get men, then even having to supplement with women. The damage that is going to do to the Ukranian genotype is going to be catastrophic, to the point that they probably will not be able to field a military for generations. The Russians are demilitirizing Ukraine at the genetic level.

If they end the war too quickly they end up with a lot of pissed off fighting men being supported by globohomo. A recipe for partisans and guerrillas all over the country. Instead, they have devastated the population of Ukraine that would staff any resistance movement. There is no one left to start a fight. This is a desert called peace.

Kunning Druegger says:

I know it is dangerous to compare wars, particularly across racial and ethnic groups, but remember that the insurgency in Iraq was distinct from the native military resistance of the actual war. While there were plenty of actual Iraqis playing insurgent games, there was a significant number of foreign fighters that streamed in from neighboring states. These FFs were motivated by religion and regional in-group factors. GAE is fighting a religious war, albeit clumsily at this point. Ditto for Russia, even if they don’t realize it yet.

Thus far, we’ve seen a bifurcated reality of FFs going into Ukraine: the Reddit reality (billions and trillions of former delta ranger seals with 75 years of combat experience HALO jumping into Red Square!) and the actual reality (a couple thousand FF volunteers, half of which fled after first contact). Of that second group, the real danger is not extant during the shooting war; artillery doesn’t give a shit about combat experience. But I posit that there is a significant danger of FF involvement *after* the shooting war concludes. From the GAE perspective, sending or motivating young men who constitute a danger to their distributed domestic plans will be highly desirable. They can do this through propaganda or direct financial motivation, and the impact will be greater as it is likely that the RF will not keep the same footprint they have now, meaning a few thousand FFs on the ground conducting an insurgency is no small matter. I wonder how many young men from Poland, Germany, France, the Balts, England, US, and Canada might foolishly take part in martial adventurism if there isn’t an artillery storm waiting for them.

All of this may motivate Russia to extend the conflict into other regions, keeping the kinetic situation consistent and not allowing it to convert into a “peacekeeping” or insurgency scenario. More likely, the suicidal faction of the GAE may extend the war into neighboring areas (Transnistria, Finland, Belarus) with the goal of slaughtering whites and reducing the opposition demographic (military age white males) within the GAE periphery.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Partisans are an epiphenomena of refusal to rule. Well, it may well be that Russia has unregenerated vestiges of modernity that would hold it back.

The notion of ‘peacekeeping’ as imagined by farces like Iraq of Afghanistan would be incomprehensible to men of more civilized times, from the likes of Alexander to von Moltke. At the end of the day, you take over some place by killing people who get in your way, and if anyone continues causing trouble, you kill them too. Job done.

It is one notable trend of modernity, this progressive retreat down the continuum of ‘killing beings causing trouble’, all the way to not even killing mortal enemies in pitched battle (‘4th generation warfare’).

US took over Iraq by killing people who got in their way, but then at some point they stopped killing people who got in their way. If there is some point where you stop killing people causing trouble, then you have at some point stopped short on the path to victory; the enemies never surrender, never disappear, and never stop fighting.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The indiscriminacy of slaughter now is a consequence of operational decisions implicitly made without this frame in the first place; without a frame that provides for the possibility of discriminatory killing of people who need killing, then of course, killing anyone and everyone (or surrendering) is the only option left.

Desires for short and easy war leading to long and hard wars, desires for limited war leading to total wars – a recurrent rhyme of history.

Mister Grumpus says:

Off topic, but the public confirmations that even high status pretty white women lie (Amber Heard and Trump Limojacking Story Time Lady) feel significant to me.

A key Jimmy insight is that most problems are actually woman problems, so there has to be something horrible Kali Yuga-ing up into public consciousness out there.

Like Covid, and vaxxes, and Jan 6, and etc. They’re making the faithful only more faithful and bloodthirsty, of course, but the silent doubters are really getting their brains squeezed.

This reminds me in a way of the Dreyfuss Affair. I don’t even know what it was about, but I know it was a big deal, and that must mean it was really about Jews somehow. Not long after, Adolf was letting them have it out in the open.

The Cominator says:

Even as bad as most modern Western feminists are Amber Turd isn’t typical. As far as I can see men didn’t follow the case much but women did and women didn’t like her (sure it had a lot to do with many of them liking Johnny Depp but apparently she got caught lying many many times) and apparently she kept doubling down… Johnny Depp was willing to keep her off the hook for the money but she then keeps bsing is apparently demanding a new trial.

Amber Heard seems unwilling to admit she was ever in the wrong on anything despite being very publically caught and exposed and overwhelming pressure or even shut her mouth. Seems like (though one must not give full value to headshrinkers) a full fledged NPD case (NOT a BPD case as I’ve known a couple of clinical BPD cases very well and they were not at all like this though they both had drug problems but they were actually more honest and reliable than typical women… in fact for women they were despite emotional instability very unusually good about keeping promises). In summation Amber Heard is not a typically crazy bitch of clownworld but much worse.

Grand Theft Auto – Corruption City was just some woman bribed and/or threatened to read a script. The Grand Theft Auto part may even have been her way of sabotaging them. If it was Trump should hire her back when the smoke clears as the sabotage was brilliant…

Mister Grumpus says:

Madman. Flooding the zone with pretty white women bearing bullshit stories to make them poop in their own anti-Trump punch bowl? 4D bro.

notglowing says:

> As far as I can see men didn’t follow the case much but women did and women didn’t like her
Had the trial gone differently, they would have spat on Johnny Depp and hailed Amber Heard as a feminist icon
The fact that he was winning made them sympathize with him, and all the more reason to dislike her.
Plenty of crazy insufferable women have been hailed as heroes. She isn’t that different.

The Cominator says:

I got the impression most of them decided she was an evil pathologically lying bitch (beyond even whats acceptable and typical in clownworld for women) before the verdict came in and that they generally thought that Johnny didn’t beat her up but probably should have. The only negative thing they would agree about Johnny is that he was a serious alcoholic and drug addict (but that she was that too).

notglowing says:

> but I know it was a big deal, and that must mean it was really about Jews somehow
It wasn’t “somehow” about Jews, he was a Jew, accused of treason, allegedly because of antisemitism.

jim says:

The problem was that treason was fashionable, and the Jews were sponsoring the fashion. Dreyfus may or may not have been guilty, the facts are well buried.

But it seems that much of the outrage was that the army was suppressing the freedom of the individual. No shit Sherlock.

The outrage was not so much that he was innocent, but that deeming guilty people guilty was outrageous.

Very very similar to the Alger Hiss affair.

The Cominator says:

When I examined the case last time it was discussed it appeared to me Dreyfuss really was innocent simply because the counterintelligence officer leading the charge to convict the other guy and exonerate Dreyfuss was a monarchist reactionary who in general did not all that much like jews (Piquart’s initial reaction to the event of Dreyfuss arrest which included his sword being broken was to write “He’s a Jew, don’t forget that. He’s thinking of the weight of the gold braid and how much it’s worth.”). But seemingly being autistically obsessed with the truth that the traitor was not Dreyfuss and that the jew had been framed he decided he was willing to wreck his career trying to get him exonerated and to convict the real traitor anyway.

That the left picked up the case in order to embarass the army leadership later doesn’t change the fact that Dreyfuss initial champion was not on the left at all but a seeming reactionary autist.


Ghost says:

Well, happy fourth. I was going to write some scratch about Independence, muh freedoms, etc… But you guys know the score so why push some bs payload.

When I go to the store to pick up some beer in a few minutes and see all the fat Mexicans, old tired White people and edgy looking bros, I’ll be thinking “what have these people done to earn freedom?”

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

This fucking comment. 😂 😭

Ghost says:

First store I went to had a long line of fat Mexicans buying up all the food so I went on post and was in and out.

Sorry, forgot to mention all the green, pink and blue haired fat millennial slobs who are nothing more than boomers on steroids. I’m sure their freedoms must matter to someone.

Pax Imperialis says:

I fucking wish it were
>boomers of steroids

but it’s more like boomers on estrogen, testosterone blockers, and ssri.

Leftists won’t let me make Schwarzenegger gains because they hate testosterone.

Speaking about going on post… why y’all non-Marines so damn fat. Went on an AFB recently and saw widespread obesity.

Anyways assuming you’re not some dependa, thank you for your service.

Ghost says:

Selective enforcement of standards and too much good chow hall food. Navy has the best cooks though.

Ghost says:

Any gamers here (PS4)? Off topic but perhaps helpful. Eventually, your HD will error out. You can replace it with any 2.5 sata. Delpart clean it, the initialize and fat32 it. Make sure you use the “Reinstall” file from the site on a thumb drive following the folder directions and your back in business.

The Cominator says:


Happy 4th. So anyone have any idea why Elon Musk went to see the richest man in the world?

jim says:

Same reason as he is Green, (while subverting Green memes in favor of tolerating oil and nuclear until such time as solar power is actually useful and economic, and strangely silent on climate change) He needs to keep the Cathedral off his back.

Pax Imperialis says:

Solar will never be useful and economic without massive changes to the technology way outside current trends. Only states that seem to find it useful are Arizona and Texas which shouldn’t be surprising considering the location. Just about anywhere else it returns massive net negatives over the lifespan of the panels.

It might be viable if it’s up in space and the energy is beamed down, but that quickly becomes a payload issue I’m not sure his rocket company can fix anytime soon.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The niche of solar is not so much beaming down energy into gravity wells, but thermal solar for melting asteroids to make platforms, which make more solar forges, to make more platforms… and so on.

The instauration of forms of capital that can proliferate in space is the critical point where civilization may reach escape velocity and become truly stellar.

notglowing says:

Solar is the most effective method for low cost, independent local production of energy. There’s no real alternative for that at all.

It is expensive, unreliable, and bad for the environment at large scales, and energy supply needs to be constant and reliable for the grid to function.

However there is no equivalent to having solar panels on your house in case of a long blackout, or small portable solar panels to carry on the go to fuel your electronics on a trip with no access to electricity.

All of the closest alternatives are simply storing energy and carrying it with you (diesel generator, batteries, etc).

A2 says:

Don’t forget the old windmill and waterwheel. Or digging up coal, if available.

jim says:

Large scale solar power would be fine if we located enormous solar arrays in deserts circling the world, and had a long distance very high voltage DC grid distributing the power around the world. (Has to be DC, as there are big problems distributing AC over distances longer than the AC wavelength) Transmitting power under oceans is significantly expensive – it resembles an undersea oil pipeline.

Individual solar power would be fine if we had a satisfactory battery solution. Sodium oxygen batteries, or sodium sulfur batteries.

Lead acid batteries and lithium batteries just do not cut it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Why is that? Lithium seems quite popular.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lithium is a case where the juice is largely not worth the squeeze.

alf says:

Elaborate? Electric vehicles are far from perfect, but they do the job on lithium. And for a semi homesteader, I’d imagine you’d need less power than Tesla, not more.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lithium is a relatively scarce material with a range of valuable uses; it simply can’t serve as the backbone of an economy’s infrastructure; forms of power storage instantiated through more common materials are necessary.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, so it’s availability that’s the issue. I keep trying to figure out a scheme wherein the Vapefags of the world send me their old disposable units and I hold onto them intil I have a significant amount of lithium (cell phones and other devices too). The issue I keep running into, mentally, is safe storage and processing. People don’t realize how “fun” lithium can be if exposed to water, so the storage methodology is not trivial. Processing is another fractally complex issue given the total lack of standardization; you basically have to sort them into like-shaped piles, then disassemble by hand.

Even with the stated issues, there’s so much lithium being chucked into landfills. We’re going to go after it at some point. Landfills are the coal mines of the future.

Tomlin Patrickson says:

>Solar will never be useful and economic without massive changes to the technology way outside current trends.

Wrong. Solar power satellites, beaming the power to collection points on the surface via microwaves. Jerry Pournelle worked out all the technical side of this decades ago; most of his work is collected in “A Step Farther Out”. It’s just a question of deciding to do it.

jim says:

That is massive changes to the technology way outside current trends.

You have to put a bunch of very very large solar arrays in space, equip them with very large microwave power transmitters, and on earth, very very large power receivers. The problem is that these things are going to be big, and we have to be able to make very big things suitable for space reasonably cheaply, and ship them there.

Because there is no weather and gravity in space, it should be possible to make ultralight solar pannels, a thin film thinner that aluminum foil. At present however, the solar panels on satellites are rather big and heavy. Also, there is the problem that extreme uv degrades the panels, so we need panels resistant to extreme uv – which is likely to require a coating of something transparent that stops uv, and does not degrade in the course of stopping it, and can stop in in a very thin layer. Currently the preferred coating for this purpose is a very very thin layer of gold. Probably cheaper metals can have similar effect, in particular tin, and are not used because they could oxidize in earths atmosphere, which would not be a concern for space bound solar panels, but they would need a controlled atmosphere during preparation and launch.

However, supposing that we can make enormous and extremely thin solar panels that do not degrade in space, which is reasonably plausible, there is still the problem of transmitting very large amounts of power from space to earth. Which is doable with reasonably foreseeable technlogy – currently very high power radar is being considered as a weapon of destruction, and again, we can make ultra thin and ultra light antenna that take advantage of the absence of gravity and weather. But current transmitters are not all that light and high power.

Kunning Druegger says:

Further still, isn’t the jump from “energy beam” to “death ray” fairly trivial? As well, the JWST has already been hit by a micrometeorite that damaged one of the hexagonal mirrors. Massive solar collectors will get perforated over time, meaning renewal and replacement will be near constant concerns. Re-growing materials might be the answer there, but that is a whole ‘nother can of worms.

jim says:

We will build space based death rays before we build space based power stations.

First step. Death rays that are a useful carrier based countermeasure against hypersonic missiles. At the moment, carriers are sitting ducks.

Next step. Space based death rays. Useful power from space comes after that, quite a long time after.

Frank Matters says:

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him mentioned here, but Balaji Srinivasan has a lot of ideas parallel to Information Epoch and soverign internet based corporations. His book was released today, found at 1729.com

Facefag so expect facefaggotry and inability to speak many truths, as well as Hindu so expect that bias as well. Overall, though, I find the ideas worth sharing.

Happy Death to those who deny you Liberty Day everyone.

Red says:

Antifi guy shoots up a 4th of July parade.

Red says:


They’re going to spin this as hard as they can.

Pax Imperialis says:

Very possible he’s a nihilist that just wants to see the world burn. He’s posted both pro-Trump and pro-Biden stuff. Or he could have been a left wing accelerationist who’s posting was to increase conflict in general. Tough to tell.

Aidan says:

While wearing drag at that- watch this story disappear

Pax Imperialis says:

Can anyone find a study or government statistic that shows what percentage of child molesters are homosexuals/same gender? As in “x% of child molesters are homosexual” or “x% of child molesters are same gender.” Another interesting statistic would be “X percentage of homosexual men are child molesters.”


The study or statistic must be from the last 20 years and it cannot simply be citing statistics from before 2002.

The study or statistic must come from a reasonably reliable source. Ironically, NAMBLA had the most damning stats when the implications were considered, but were also highly muddied and obfuscated without provided any clear statistics.

The study or statistic must be clear as in it does not redefine homosexual or muddy the water. For example many current statistics combine “bisexuals” with heterosexuals and then claim that homosexual/same gender child molesters are rare without giving a percentage. A “bisexual” man who molests a boy is a homosexual child molester.

End of parameters:

I’ve been looking for the data for the last 2 weeks and cannot find it at all in the English speaking net. I can find allusions to the statistic which indicates governments/organizations have the stats, but they simply don’t publish it.

What little I’ve seen from the EU net gives me strong suspicion that they don’t publish as well. It’s likely that only the Russians or Chinese even publish those stats, but I don’t speak those languages.

jim says:

> Can anyone find a study or government statistic that shows what percentage of child molesters are homosexuals/same gender? As in “x% of child molesters are homosexual”

Of course you cannot, not worth looking, because in the unlikely event you find something, it is going to be barefaced lies.

But, kind of obvious that the percentage is close to a hundred percent, if we do not count very young fertile age women as “children”

Pax Imperialis says:

“Of course you cannot”

I bet the Russians publish their stats. They are close enough to White Americans their figures should be roughly equatable in regard to child molestation. I’m hoping one of the Russian posters here would have something.

“not worth looking, because in the unlikely event you find something, it is going to be barefaced lies.”

I’ve mostly not come across barefaced lies by a very big margin. The researchers will say things like “gay male child molesters are a minority” and “80% of male child molesters are homosexual or bisexual men” without telling how much of the 80% are “bisexual.” The implications, 1 percent of men are gay, are full of wrong think. They just won’t say it directly (for obvious reasons). 13% does 50% is a better ratio than 1% does at least 20% if not far more.

I came across a 2016 study that found 68% of trans kids are sexually abused and that they are not trans because of abuse. The paper was about HIV spread (in the gay community) that had nothing in its title or abstract about sexual abuse of children. Again the implications are full of wrong think (because if the paper is about HIV spread in the gay community why is it important to look at sexual abuse of trans kids?). There are some other papers on HIV spread that also discreetly brings up child molestation.

The western institutions censors very narrowly (this is highly surprising compared to what has happened in other areas of research) to prevent the x% data from being published but is allowing an awful lot of the peripheries to leak. I want to get as much data (even periphery data) as possible archived before the censorship expands.

Red says:

Why are you bothering? The very first faggot couple to adopt was eventually locked up for years of raping the boy they adopted and they passed him around to their friends as well. This sort of story repeats over and over again with gay adoption. Gays fuck little boys, this has been noted and recorded by everyone since the Greeks.

I’ve mostly not come across barefaced lies by a very big margin. The researchers will say things like “gay male child molesters are a minority” and “80% of male child molesters are homosexual or bisexual men” without telling how much of the 80% are “bisexual.”

That’s a barefaced lie. 100% of them are cock suckers.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s not a barefaced lie, at least not to me. I’m fairly good at reading between the lines and doublespeak due to an unfortunate proximity to boomer leftist academic types. They are quite aware of these things but have “polite” way of saying things due to censors.

Right now the implications are fairly easy to derive when you know their lingo. In the example I provided, at least 20% of child molesters are gay. It’s well known that statutory rape, which happens nearly exclusively among normal heterosexual men, gets classified as child molestation in these statistics. As in the guy thought she was 18 but it turns out she was 17.99 and now he’s on the sex offender register. Doesn’t matter if he was 22 or 99+*.

When the statutory rape is factored out of that 80%… and the proclivities of the bisexual men are factored in which classifies them as gay… and you add the remaining number to that 20%. It’s fairly easy to reach the conclusion that gays are a very large majority of the molesters. The only question is whether it’s 70% or 80% or 90% or 100%. I personally think it’s closer to 100 than 90 based on some of my calculations.

When it gets to the point the boomers retire and the younger activists types get in (that is happening right now) academia/government will stop trying to put things between the lines and no longer use doublespeak.

When reading between the lines and deriving implications become impossible. That’s when we see barefaced lies being spewed all the time.

“Why are you bothering?”

I want to collect as much data as possible from as many previous years as possible. It has more to do with collecting a history of censorship than proving what gays are doing. I’ve got good stuff from the 1940s-1990 that are extremely consistent. 1991-2000 it starts to get hard to find explicitly stated information but it’s still fairly understandable without having to use implication, and doublespeak is fairly rare. 2000-2022 is also fairly consistent with the 1990 stuff if you can parse through the language but is highly dependent on reading between lines and understanding the doublespeak. I think mid 2020s is when there is a switch to explicit lies as in they will claim “all child molesters are heterosexual” which is where we are headed fast. The term MSM is replacing homosexual/bisexual/gay/same sex to smash those stats into the heterosexual stats much in the same way Hispanic stats were smashed into the White stats.

If I can map out these series of changes, I can preserve a history of decline and a history of detachment from reality. If I can map out where these stats are available, I can map out quite a lot of other things. These are all very useful things.

*at 99 I would argue it’s highly probably the guy is the one getting raped by some gold digging whore but what do I know, the state will see the frail dementia patient as literally Hitler.

chris says:

“The very first faggot couple to adopt was eventually locked up for years of raping the boy they adopted and they passed him around to their friends as well.”

I ‘membah.


someDude says:

Is the case similar in instances of abuse of children in foster homes, Abuse of children by workers of Child Protective services, the number of CPS workers arrested for Child Abuse? There is not enough spotlight on misconduct by those working for CPS.

Red says:

I’ve heard that young boys are regularly sold to faggots by CPS.

I personally know people who worked in the industry who told me that child abuse by foster homes and CPS is routinely ignored by everyone because “there isn’t enough people to care for the kids”. The media generally doesn’t report on the abuse unless there some weird religious angle to harp on and they don’t report about faggots raping their adoptees at all.

Red says:

Homosexuals also like to sodomize prepubescent girls as well.

jim says:

Exactly so.

Fireball says:

Why do you say so?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I don’t think it’s anywhere near as common, but it’s arguable that the androgyny of prepubescent children means your average faggot won’t necessarily say no to feeling up a little girl if there are no little boys on hand.

Fireball says:

From experience it happens overwhelming to boys to the point that i really cant say if it is gays or just men very to the left on the age preference distribution curve. It could also be both also.

Pax Imperialis says:

The government and researchers like to politely call those “bisexuals” never mind that an awful lot of them belong to the LGBT community.

It’s just another way the stats are obfuscated.

Pax Imperialis says:

I may have had too many drinks and the above is confusing.

Some of the studies’ methodology defined clearly homosexual men as bisexual because they had a girlfriend in high school or something.

Those studies also had a tendency to define men who molested prepubescent girls and bisexual even though their day to day sex life was extremely gay with no known evidence of sex with women.

Red says:

I don’t see a real the distinction between a faggot and a faggot who fucks women too. It’s same sort of dysfunction. Hell so called bisexual men are worse because almost all the STDs gays a passing around end up in the general population from them.

Pax Imperialis says:

No disagreement on that. I don’t even think the researchers would disagree either based on how things are phrased and how they get surprisingly close to wrong think compared to other segments of academia.

But orders are orders and censors require certain things not be said.

I was trying to explain how the studies try to hid the role homosexual men play in child molestation.

The new newspeak is going to make things much harder to parse through.

The new way of obfuscating the data is by referring to gays as Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM). The terms homosexual and bisexual are getting too dangerous to use. So researchers are having to say MSM and then claim that MSMs comprise a diverse group in terms of behaviors and identities. Thus even a person who is a MSM might still be classified as heterosexual.

It’s all bullshit to hid gays and their proclivities within the regular population for official statistic purposes.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What’s wrong with the label “MSM”? How important is the distinction between men who only have sex with other men, and those who also have sex with women, small children, and animals? A man either sucks dick or he doesn’t suck dick.

Varna says:

Categories and names are very important, they are the basic fundament.

The ancient giants of philosophy threw their lives into categories and names not because they were compulsive obsessive autists, but because without stable and clear categories and names the sophists take over and a generation later civilization crashes.

The category of homosexuals who fetishize their own lifestyle, who speak specific slang and behave according to specific roles, this category exists and is important.

The MSM label makis this category disappear, it makes it invisible, a hole appears in reality, which hides something far from harmless. Enough holes like this and the whole fabric begins to tear.

When globohomo counts “sexual violence” they put violent rape by colored gangs and a drunken feel up into the same category. Pretending the drunken feel up and violent gang rape are the same thing, helps make invisible the demographic responsible for the gang rape.

When globohomo counts “antisemitism incidents”, they put into the same category sharing an edgy meme and stabbing a Jew, because the stabbing of the Jew will be by a colored gentleman, and this too must be invisible.

Through word choice and categories objective reality can be hidden, false reality can be maintained, which leads to very real results.

jim says:

> without stable and clear categories and names the sophists take over and a generation later civilization crashes.

Confucius, rectification of names.

Our enemy has, in accordance with the program accurately depicted in 1984, been erasing names and categories, replacing them with anticoncpets, in order to make certain thoughts unspeakable, and, in so far as thought depends on words, unthinkable. The number of thoughts and words under attack constantly grows.

Part of the riddle of steel is that controlling words and concepts is more powerful than the ability to blow people up.

Our necessary first step in obtaining memetic sovereignty is rectification of names.

jim says:

I don’t think that there are any men who only have sex with men. If they have sex with men, they have sex with women, small children, and animals. It is a category designed to erase reality.

Kunning Drueger says:

Sodomites have a sexual proclivity that is modeled accurately as a Prey Drive. While a wolf has things it likes to hunt, things which it hunts to the exclusion of other things, the absence of preferred prey will always put pressure on all prey. Consider a dog, snapping at flies; consider a sodomite as a short, fat, ugly, weak, witless, and twisted elementary school teacher.

By taking the reins off of sexual appetite for the queer, their mental illness spreads substantially. What’s the tipping point, and how many sodomites does a sodomite sodomize if Sodom subsidizes the sodomy? If there’s nothing holding each one back, I think it could easily be an average of 2 per, with superspreaders infecting hundreds, and bottoms doing substantially less. Upon the arbitrary value of 2, how long until the majority of GAE males have been infected with The Big Gay and succumbed, was immune, or remains damaged?

Aidan says:

You just do a little math. Boys and girls being molested are about 50/50. “Despite being 2% of the population, gay men are responsible for 50% of child molestation…”

Leon says:

@Jim, it was stated that you brought up white women (aside from Russian, Persian and Jewish) are mostly mid wits. I believe that but am curious if you would have any references to help back that up. Also, how is this explained since white men have such high discrepancy in terms of intellect, especially between the various white races?

Javier says:

In The Manipulated Man, Esther Vilar pointed out that women enjoy menial chores because they’re stupid. She further explained women are stupid because their brains atrophy from disuse. For women it is vastly easier to find a man to do things for you than to figure it out yourself, so they devote their mental capacity towards capturing male investment. It further serves to reason that evolution would favor these traits as dependency in women visibly raises reproductive success.

Are there studies proving women are dumb? Do you really think youre going to find research that proves cathedral heresy? Good luck with that. At some point you have to accept the evidence of your eyes and ears, and stop relying on official sources.

Cloudswrest says:

If I recall, I remember reading that men and women have approximately the same mean IQ (midwit), but men have a higher standard deviation, leading to both a higher proportion of geniuses and morons.

jim says:

Men and women don’t have approximately the same average IQ. That is an official falsification. But the main difference is that the variance among men is substantially larger. Women are on average dumber than men, and simply less capable of rationality. But there are far more really dumb men than really dumb women.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I thought the average was only a few points apart? Or are you talking about how they specifically design the tests to ignore sex differences?

jim says:

They exclude questions that show too great a sex difference. The acceptable tests are feminized.

The earlier IQ tests had a large range of questions, and tested a considerable range of mental abilities. This has been radically narrowed.

S says:

Midwit doesn’t mean mean IQ. Midwits are people just above average (105-115 I believe; it isn’t an official category). It is more of a social categorization referring to people who think they know alot more then they do (because they are smart enough to social signal intelligence, but not smart enough to sift through garbage).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Midwit is those people who are smarter than average, but still outside of the 2-sigma communications gap of the actually very intelligent. Due to the communications gap and the fact that most of the things that they do not understand come from stupid people, they tend to lump intelligent analysis that they do not understand in with the stupid things stupid people say. It leaves them with a sense of undeserved superiority and a habit of ignoring the smartest person in the room in favor of other midwit experts.

Fireball says:

What you are describing sounds like domestication.

The Cominator says:

“Women are dumb”

Nah they’re very very average generally. But even the rare smarter ones tend to have more tolerance for mindless repetitive tasks then the typical man this probably has more to do with ancient divisions of labor… hunting and war were more suitable to men looking for and picking berries being something anyone could do if they could stand it was more suitable to women. IQ and conscientiousness (which includes tolerance for drudgery) don’t correlate well.

Fireball says:

Conscientiousness does correlate with IQ and you can see that in the races of man.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Apple-and-orange-comparing might be at work there though. Analogously, a White man with an IQ of 70 is mentally deficient in a number of ways that a 70 IQ nigger is not.

Ghost says:

Even if the female is a doctor or lawyer, they still desire being owned by a man. If you can catch their eye, make the connection and break through the facade, you will see they’re still woman. It’s programmed in.

Earlier you asked, I posted a link to IQ by country.

Ghost says:

IQ of male vs female study:


That, combined with IQ by country, should be useful.

But, that doesn’t mean a high IQ female may not also be a dingbat. That’s is why I wrote earlier that data is overrated.

Are you doing research or trying to score with a high status geniusette?

Fireball says:

Sooner or later the west would have bitten more than it can chew.

someDude says:

Happens to all empires. They just can’t help themselves.

Fireball says:

Yes but some choose to stop biting.

someDude says:

If we can get 100% from Russia, then we become free from that curse of having to worry about Islamic nations. As Suones said, look how insect nations like UAE were able to dictate to us over that whole Nupur Sharma business.

Perhaps if we get 100% from Russia, we can finally have a free and frank exchange of views regarding Abrahamism 3.0 and their Prophet with the OIC.

someDude says:

Imagine that a bunch of men decide to isolate a Hot chick by not giving her any attention and then tell all the other men, thirsty bastards all, not to pay her any attention at all. These western sanctions are working exactly as well as that scheme would.

I captioned that one. Not sure if anybody has done it before.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>cuck porn memes

Maybe next time chief.

Lol, yeah, it was in reply to somedude’s analogy.

Kunning Druegger says:

I always assumed that was rape & bestiality larp, but I guess it is mathematically sound to assume every white female is a white males property in some way.

Fireball says:

Anyone following what is happening with the dutch farmers?

Kunning Druegger says:

From a miniscule perusal, it seems similar to the Canadian Trucker Tragedy, or the Tragedy of the Cons. They will come to a point where organized violence is the only thing that matters, and they will be heavily inclined to desist.

alf says:

Yes. Unfortunately, still outside the overton window round here. But rather inevitable in the end.

The Cominator says:

The Dutch farmers need to learn from the truckers and draw lots of 1/10th of their numbers…

The 1/10th need to given minecraft recreational mcfuntools and need to delete politicians and their guards with them.

Jehu says:

Given the likely governmental response to that, there’s no really good reason not to just go whole hog. If you must delete, delete big. It’s deucedly hard for relative normies to get that though. They seem to need an escalation process in order to feel ‘justified’.

Kunning Druegger says:

Technical disagree. They just need to draw a line and hold it. Let the GAE colonial managers make the moves, and only respond with a bearded Yes. or No.

Let the Managers back down or escalate, Endure the hardships of a just cause. Set the example that to desist is to suffer at the hands of the managerial elite inevitably, making all men of true substance confront the fact that we didn’t stand up when we were strong, we are having a hard time standing up while we are weak, and if we don’t stand up at all, we will die on our knees, raped and ruined. In the words of anti-Saint Maynard: This is necessary; life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life.

The Cominator says:

“Technical disagree. They just need to draw a line and hold it. Let the GAE colonial managers make the moves, and only respond with a bearded Yes. or No.”

Didn’t work for the truckers, one reason I’ve always had a soft spot for Oliver Cromwell is he was right… its folly to strike the king unless you’re striking to kill… its not something to be done lightly but if you’re in for a penny you’re in for a pound.

Jehu says:

I suspect you’re right there. Nothing short of pretty much destroying all of the institutions is likely to work. The truckers could do that if they were willing to do a general strike. Logistical kill of GAE is an option, although it has massive collateral damage. Dutch minecraft with a willingness to take control of the whole country might do it with a lot less collateral damage. But that would require the protesters to believe that they have the right to rule. That’s hard, the Confederates in the Civil war didn’t think they had that right and they were probably the closest to success. Live and let live just means you get defeated in detail.

Kunning Druegger says:

The leadership didn’t believe. I wonder whether the same is true of all the officers and community leaders that weren’t given the opportunity to lead.

Jehu says:

Stonewall Jackson is the only one who kinda believed that, although he didn’t want to conquer the North, just shatter its business interests and probably Yale/Harvard.

Normal people just don’t think that way. They want to be left alone and most don’t really want to rule over people that don’t like them. The problem is you can’t live and let live with people who won’t do the same. People like that you have to either exterminate or crush and strip of any political or military or cultural power. And that is a seriously hard sell to John Q Normal. The closest you get is in issues like late term abortions, where even normie Christians can frequently smell the brimstone. You might be able to get normie correligionists to conquer the Cathedral in the name of preventing them from sacrificing their children to Moloch.

The Cominator says:

“People like that you have to either exterminate or crush and strip of any political or military or cultural power.”

There is no or there is only the 1st option. Option 2 keeps them out of power typically for only 30 to 50 years, if you want 500 years to reach the stars you need to do #1 when you get the chance.

chris says:

You would think the rise of Russia and China in the east would scare NATO/GAE/Globohomo to ease up and reverse course on the wokeness lest they lose the capacity to defend their holdings in the west. It’s like watching an evil rich man dumping his gold into the ocean while laughing hysterically.

S says:

It is why demonic possession is the explanation for their behavior. They are no longer capable of holding back, but are compelled to constantly smash, corrupt and taint.

So their actions are the opposite of ‘rational’ evil; being denied the opportunity to harm foreigners means they need to do more at home to meet quota.

alf says:

There’s many more effective things that could be done. But they won’t, not in the short term at least. Europeans have grown decadent and faithless. They might get angry, but boomers still turn on the TV every evening, and there’s no Tucker Carlson in Europe. Much of the language and memes I see here and on gab, I just don’t see in Europe. For instance in the case of the farmers, they don’t really understand that their government hates them and wants them dead. Many of them think it’s some kind of ploy to obtain land for building.

Experience will be a harsh teacher.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Canadians drew a line, then didn’t hold it. All they had to do was stay until relieved or be physically removed. they didn’t have to go on the offensive, they didn’t have to take a shot at the in situ governance structure. They just had to stand by their unwillingness to participate in the maintenance of society under the current leadership. They broke and ran.

Understand what I am advocating: standing in front of the enemy and saying: I will not be moved of my own accord. Do what you will. This is not a small thing, and it is also not enough. It would not be some grand victory that would topple the GAE. What it would be is a signal to certain elites that an opportunity exists, bound up in the bodies and minds of common men seeking and needing a leader.

Unsexy, I know. But I think I am correct in my calculations on this one.

alf says:

Ah yes I’m overdue for a post on that topic…

So it turns out we have a nitrogen crisis, which is to say, too much nitrogen in the soil in the form of ammonia and nitrous oxides. This causes lop sided nature — mostly more nettles and less biodiversity.

Who is the culprit? Our highlt esteemed state researchers point that it is the fault of the cattle farmers — we have a fairly high amount of them in proportion to the rest of Europe. So we now have new nitrogen laws which on paper mandate the halving of the cattle, in practice make cattle farming impossible. Naturally with similar nasty consequences for fertilizer (artificial fertilizer costs a lot of gas) and corn production (which is mostly for cattle).

All in all, an agressive attack on Dutch Amerikaners as well as the food production.

Fireball says:

Sounds like an invented problem for a excuse to kill kulaks.

Down south there are already talks on rationing water for agriculture. It is likely what little agriculture is left is going to be sacrificed in favor of the urban centers.

Aidan says:

That rationale sounds like a precise inversion of reality to me. As far as I understand, a higher proportion of nitrogen in the soil should be equally good for all plants, should necessitate less artificial fertilizers. The EU is a lot further along on the anti-meat holiness spiral

Fireball says:

It has been happen for a while. I was already hearing before covid about projects to set up bug production plants.

jim says:

It is bullshit like CO2 being a toxic pollutant is bullshit – purely an excuse for a plot to make us eat bugs.

Karl says:

Bug eating is bad, but starvation is far worse. I fear there is a plot to make us starve.

Fireball says:

You will starve first and then beg for the bugs and sing praisers to your masters.

And they will rule as magnificent priest kings guiding the masses in proper worship.

In theory at least in practice we are likely going to have starving on a scale never seen in history.

Karl says:

You will starve first and then beg for the bugs and sing praisers to your masters.

Probably, but when we beg for the bugs we’ll be informed that unfortunately there are no bugs to be had at present and that a new shipment of bugs is expected for next week or maybe the week after that.

Everything gets scarce in socialism.

Kunning Druegger says:

Selectively scarce at first, right? Obedient and helpful communities get their civil rights mandated ration of roach salad and beetle paste. Less than holy populations always seem to suffer from logistical mistakes and infrastructural failures.

Fireball says:

No, loyalist get logistical problems and unholy ones get raped and pillaged.

alf says:

Sure seems like it.

Cloudswrest says:

CO2 and fixed nitrogen are the primary rate limiting substances for plant growth. Production of these two materials is greening the Earth. Artificial fixation of nitrogen, starting in the early 20th century, is was allowed us to feed the world. No longer needing to find and mine limited deposits of bat guano.

Awhile back, given the CO2 scam, I was beginning to wonder when they were going to get around to “nitrogen pollution”.

I’ll just leave this little Gab link here: https://gab.com/MAGA_Qanon_WWG1WGA/posts/108586461012021958

Cloudswrest says:

I noticed FB has “fact checked” the above Mt. Etna statement.

One “authoritative” “fact checker” states, “Since the ‘beginning of time’ humanity has emitted billions of cubic kilometers of CO2,” Professor Sherwood said. No density given, gas? liquid? However the volume of the Earth is approximately 350 billion cubic kilometers (4/3 Pi r^3), so this “fact checker” is claiming that humanity has “emitted” a significant fraction of the volume of Earth of CO2!!!! Has the Earth been hollowed out to get this Carbon???? I think they made a movie of this staring Pat Boone and James Mason! ROFL

Fireball says:

I am illiterate so lets see if i don’t get the math wrong.

If a human being emits a kilogram of co2 per day by breathing, 10 billion will emit 10 billion kilograms a day.

A cubic kilometer of co2 has 2 billion kilograms of co2 so 10 billion humans emit 5 cubic kilometers of co2 per day.

So for a a billion cubic km of co2 would take 10 billion humans 200 million days or 548 thousand years.

In the end numbers and science do not matter only status and morality.

Kunning Druegger says:


CNN tries to find Wagner in Central Africa. Imagine if American PMCs had this type of in-group loyalty.

Red says:

Who’s Wagner and what’s a PMC?

Varna says:

Wagner is a Russian PMC:)

Kunning Druegger says:

Private Military Company/Contractor

If you didn’t watch the video, it is a bunch of oggaboogas larping as western journalists, asking assembled Wagner operators if they are “Wagner” or if they know where Wagner is. The responses are pretty similar, one says “No, I’m Vasily” then the squad commander decides to show the journos his Wagner, literally whipping out his cock. It happens a couple times. One of the Gigachads actually pisses. The hard bass-d music kicks in as a montage of ostensibly Wagner operators, technicals, and assets rekt-shites Syria and Central African warzones.

Picture this: it’s Iraq in 2006. Some buxom Harvard grad wearing a PRESS labeled flak vest is interviewing balaclava’d mercs outside of Irbil. The dense ditzy duncette asks each one in turn “Are you blackwater?” They respond with “No” or “I’m Triple Canopy.” Then the squad leader grabs the reportress by her tactical bun and forces her to her knees. She looks up hopefully, fear and desire swirling through her eyes. “Here baby, I’ll show you my Blackwater.” The camera op holds the frame for just a moment as Chad deploys the Stinger, then tilt-pans over to a gray-painted bearcat rumbling down the road while matte black MH-6s nose down orbit the city center that’s belching smoke and the lamentations of their women.

I was going to make this a standalone post, but I’ll just leave it here, and if it’s worthy of discussion, it will happen:

IEW will be almost wholly owned by PMCs. Regular militaries will turn into beefed up policing instruments and peacekeeping assets.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like somebody blew up the Georgia Guidestones. The fruits of iconoclasm.

Kunning Druegger says:

This feels like a signal…

Jehu says:

It’s a sign from God. Did they destroy the part that says 93% of the population has to die?

Kunning Druegger says:

OK… my ignorance conspired with my love of shaped stone to give me the impression that these were something cool and interesting. Can a bro in the kno give us a QRD on the Guidestones? I’m being lazy because my Currently Pursued Rabbit Hole quota is full up at the moment.

The Cominator says:

It tells you in plain sight that the elite plans to kill almost everyone.

Jehu says:

Georgia guidestones puts a cap of 500 million on the population. That means elimination of around 93%.

Scoop says:

A shitty art project

A2 says:

Encouraging. I thought the iconoclasm of recent years if nothing else could have been a good moment to quietly destroy enemy monuments.

(Note also that the article somehow manages not to say a word about the guidestones contents.)

The Cominator says:

It should be noted that the Georgia Guidestones were made by “Roman C. Christian”… I wonder who that could be…

Contaminated NEET says:

I always figured it was Ted Turner.

The Cominator says:

Perhaps he was asked to cough up for it… but it wasn’t his idea or at his initiative.

Contaminated NEET says:

Honestly, it could have been anyone with $100 K to blow.

The precepts were exactly the kind of midwit deep thoughts and “radical” policy proposals that come out of a typical dormroom bull session. The slabs would have been impressive in the neolithic, but in 1980 they were a pretty minor building project. Neither the ideas nor the physical form were all that special. It doesn’t have to be the product of a power-mad billionaire or the sinister hand-rubbing Jesuits; it could easily have been some moderately prosperous entrepreneur with delusions of philosopher-kingship.

La Wik:

Yoko Ono said the inscribed messages are “a stirring call to rational thinking”


Travis says:

I live in GA and have been to Elberton…….

It was all a publicity stunt for Elberton and Elbert county. This is a far out of the way place, very rural, very poor. In the 70’s Elberton was literally dying. There is nothing there but the granite industry and farms, mostly chickens and cows.

They ginned up a “mythos” that it was some secret plan….blah, blah…..just a stunt. It was the main attraction around Elberton and drew a fair amount of attention.

The Elberton Granite Museum is a bit more interesting, and they have free samples!

Kunning Drueger says:

“Nothing to see hear, just a publicity stunt, haha.”

Travis says:

It was all about “SOMETHING TO SEE HERE.”

That was the point because there is nothing else in that part of GA to see.

It all screamed publicity stunt.

Kunning Druegger says:

So I went to wikipedia to harvest some excerpts about how a candidate for Georgia governorship and a number of other community leaders have called for the obliteration of the structure (the candidate actually had it as a platform plank) to argue that there’s more going on here, when lo and behold, apparently the stones are somehow connected with Huwite Spermpremacy. The thing is, I could have sworn that that angle was not on the wik page earlier today… maybe I missed it… but the “2022 bombing” is now also on the page, so it was edited recently… can anyone else corroborate that there was or was not mention of Herbert Hinzie Kersten and white supremacy earlier today?

Cloudswrest says:

The “White Supremacy” information was added here:

20:21, 6 July 2022‎ Sheila1988 talk contribs‎ 23,484 bytes +1,086‎ →‎History: Dark Clouds Over Elberton undothank

Kunning Drueger says:

Sheila1988: Wikipedia social justice warlord. A meteoric rise in power and influence for a person consumed by Irish football in 2017 to a person consumed by correcting the narrative on Wikipedia with +30,000 edits. On any other website, a terribly clumsy shill. Half a Bitcoin says “she” has a Harry Potter tattoo.

Frank Matters says:

It’s interesting that only one of the stones appears to be destroyed. Was the bomb not enough or was it intentional?

S says:

I think that stone had a camera blindspot.

S says:


Sorry, it submitted without me finishing.

That is a twitter link that contains video of the explosion. There are two camera views on what appears to be opposite sides. While it doesn’t seem to be a blindspot (have to be positive with the explosion covering up the normal view), it looks like the worst area for camera coverage.

They haven’t released any suspect video so maybe the bomber tossed the explosives or it is Sam Hyde.

It is also possible they thought it would take down the other stones and just misjudged. The structure certainly looks like the sort of thing that would fall down if the support pillar fell and smacked into each other instead of the bottom disintegrating and the top falling straight down.

Kunning Druegger says:

Oh man, this is a disheartening attack on Reason and Truth. I am terrified, petrified you might say, that this senseless act of violence which has spiritually claimed likely 1.2 millions but potentially in excess of 6 millions of virtual lives will inspire other people to locate and damage various other icons of our beautiful society. Today is a dark day and we should probably talk about ti a lot and keep the images relevant in an effort to inspire young men to internalize this moment and act accordingly.

jim says:

It is a start.

Perhaps a significant start. But our enemy has long been destroying churches, and has already escalated to taking out people, on a small and rather random scale in America, in a big and highly targeted way in the Ukraine. It will likely be big and highly targeted in the USA soon enough.

Karl says:

Clot shots and boosters are random, but I wouldn’t call that “small scale” even though people are not (yet) dying like flies.

Red says:

That may be changing. Omicron BA4/5 is fucking up the highly boosted.

A friend of mine who’s always been in shape and athletic suddenly came down with full on diabetes after his 4th booster. He looked so rounded and sickly when I met up with him recently.

Karl says:

Sure, but that’s not what I meant. When you put a bullet into a man’s head, he is surely dead. When give a 1000 men the clot shot and a booster, maybe 3 of them die with a year, but you don’t know who will die. That is why I call killing by clot shot “random”.

Fireball says:

It will be likely more than 3 in 1000. At the present rate it will be at least 1% and this is before the normal flu season.

Karl says:

Of course it will be much more. Most sequela of the clot shot kill slowly. Mycarditis, vAIDS, auto immune diseases, cancer, etc. Chances to survive one year are pretty good, chances to survive 5 years are terrible.

jim says:

Yes, the question is whether these sequela will follow their normal course, or fade away. If they follow their normal course, our enemies will have made a good start on their planned reduction of world population to five hundred million.

Ghost says:

More than just bad art, though certainly bad art. Someones attempt at memetic sovereignty by creating a Ten Commandment type monolith for future generations. Someone else decided the line was crossed.

There is speculation by an internet talk show host that some dissident military police are involved. I reject that idea because of accountability.

Ghost says:

MPs account for every bullet. And they are generally not issued explosives on installation. That would be EOD or munitions.

Billy Bob from the trailer court and Tyrone from the hood, though midwits, have developed a shared experience between the beer, fried chicken, and watermelon and also military service. And they have become experts at “Standing down and standing by.”

They will not act until given proper orders.

Besides, IED materials are readily available. Especially during the fourth. Could have been anyone.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>“For safety reasons, the structure has been completely demolished,” the GBI said on Wednesday evening.

Lol, not really something people would do to something they felt any amount of respect for.

Kunning Druegger says:

This decision, and the omission of any info regarding the Time Capsule, are the most interesting facets of this case thus far. I think the “controlled demolition” of the structure after the attack was to forestall the site becoming an anti-icon of the ever more fragile Liberal World Order’s anti-faith, as well as the recovery of whatever was buried. I wonder if it was the remains of sacrificed children (spiritual weaponry), or some kind of data, texts, devices, or objects.

Kunning Druegger says:

This video is from 2005:


I sincerely apologize for linking a TEDTalk, but if you want to figure out what the Cathedral/Polygon/Brain is planning, TED is where the ideas appear after the Inner Sanctum has approved them. There’s an overwhelming amount of woo-woo and just unbelievably stupid shit, but there’s also the key players and roadmap for all the big GAE social mega-projects going on, from RNA vaccination to population control to trans- worship. It was all there for everyone to see, it’s right there in the name: Technology Entertainment Design Ideas Worth Spreading.

This particular one is interesting. It’s from 2005 by a guy named Thomas Barnett[1] who is shilling for an idea. Here’s the blurb provided by TED: “In this bracingly honest talk, international security strategist Thomas Barnett outlines a post-Cold War solution for the foundering U.S. military that is both sensible and breathtaking in its simplicity: Break it in two.”

Barnett advocated for a reformulation of the USM. He asserted that there should be a war making component (the Leviathan) and a peacekeeping component (the System Administrators). He used Iraq II as his case study. The talk is pretty cringe, and it’s 23 minutes long, so i understand if there’s no stomach for watching. But if you can power through, I think there’s a kernel of value presented, if only for a discussion on why his idea is impossible. The talk is interesting for its content as well as its delivery. it is a window on the world of the elites back then.

Bonus material: 15:47, you’ll find some interesting thoughtcrime.

[1] https://thomaspmbarnett.com/

jim says:

Watched a few seconds of it. You don’t need to listen to the whole thing if you can hear what is not spoken.

He says America is an empire and should cut the bullshit and rule as an empire. But he cannot say that, so cannot say what he says.

Similarly, Soros says that America is a party state, and should cut the bullshit and arrest the outer party.

S says:

Saw it when it came out. Dumb because obvious solution to beating counter-insurgencies is to copy solutions that have worked. Empires use military units then recruit locals to maintain order- see Russia in Chechnya.

America can’t do that. The locals are unholy and our satanic faith means we don’t have the growth to send colonists.

Red says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>her dad

Not ‘my husband’?

Looks like there’s an absent male influence in her life – the woman, that is – possibly physically, but probably behaviorally, and she’s instinctually acting to provoke it into coming back, without even really understanding what she’s doing.

Red says:

I haven’t heard of a single case of a child being groomed in an intact family. Though I think this might be due to fear by the teachers. Sodomites still remember Gary Plauche righteous slaying of the man who raped his boy.

Kunning Drueger says:

I have yet to meet a sodomite that doesn’t have a history of childhood sexual abuse. I used to believe they were out there, being successful with their good job and stable, long term relationship. Fucking lol, the things you just accept as a progressive.

jim says:

This supports the theory that sodomy is an infectious disease, that takes up residence in the host’s brain, and modifies host behavior to facilitate its own spread at the expense of the host.

A2 says:

Boris just resigned, missed by few or no-one. Though Brexit was a good start, a somewhat disappointing PM-ship when all is said and done,

I see that of the eight foremost candidates to replace him, according to the bookies, only two are actual white men. The prime contenders at the moment are a subcon named Sunak and a Jew named Raab.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

At age 15, 1873, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria writes to his tutor: “the many poor rightly see their enemy in the few who consume their substance”. At age 24, he writes to a friend: “a tremendous change has to come, a social restructuring…”

Now just why would such a one as he, no less the future sovereign of an empire, write such a thing? Perhaps the better questions is: what else could he have possible written? For such was the milieu, that had insinuated itself into the discourse of the age.

When men capable of greatness look for something Great to do, it is the visions of greatness that society provides them – that the preaching men of society provides them – that they first of all see, and resolve upon as their lodestars.

This is one key factor in understanding in general the persistence of leftisms in deconstructing societies, hosts and neighbors that fall under the influence of the hosts in turn alike, once the memetic highground of outlets for delivering the Word have been occupied.

It is also a key factor for understanding in particular, how one may happen to find certain kinds of otherwise prominent men serving leftism, serving to to usher in futures of abject degeneracy and collapse, in men they themselves would never have tolerated at the time – by instinct if not principle. Let us consider the 32nd president of the United States of America as an illustrative example.

Perhaps the first thing to understand about Franklin Roosevelt, is that from a young age, he idolized his elder cousin, Theodore Roosevelt. He understood him as doing Great things, and resolved to himself, ‘I shall achieve greatness as well’.

But what is that greatness? Therein lies the rub.

There was no road map, no clearly delineated pathways, no publicly vaunted ideals of aretic civitas, long since discarded as ‘ignorant relics’ of ‘unselfaware’ times – such is the irony – which no fashionable man would bring up for fear of embarrassment. (Perhaps the ultimate source of embarrassment, would be that secret fear in each man who would laugh, scarecly consciously acknowledged, that if such visions were de rigueur in discourse, they would not be able to measure up in them.)

Visions of greatness in a society in the process of being hollowed out by modernity; which is to say whigism; which is to say gnosticism; are empty ciphers – no positive visions as such, but merely relational contingencies, vis-a-vis one’s stature relative to other ones. FDR resolved for himself to ‘make America great’; and of course, the easiest way he saw to accomplish this, was to make the whole rest of the world less great.

All of his ostensible politics from moment to moment can be understood under this lens. The teleological content of promoted platforms and positions being more or less irrelevant, but for their utility in winning elections, in gaining validation, in elevating social status. Uncritical instinctive positions on anything from segregation to female emancipation, are quickly thrown to the wayside in response to the far more powerful instinct for social validation; forming a symbiotic feedback loop with more pious agents of the gnostic faith.

But of course, all subversion comes home to roost. Temporary supremacy brought about by laying low rivals with cancers that infect themselves just as readily. He who conquers the city by pulling down its walls, finding himself in turn even more vulnerable to the next army after.

People have ideas. Organizations do not have ideas, they have people; and so in large part, changing the ‘mind’ of an organization means changing it’s people. A people formed into an organization generates an inertia. Their inertias are what they are. The major point of laying out visions here, then, is not necessarily to convince – if you have commanding heights, then it is largely trivial, and if you don’t, then it is largely intractable – but so as to have such solutions ‘ready at hand’, in the inevitable case – if you are righteous – that the institution smacks its face into realities so predicted, and the men picking up the pieces now have an excuse to go, ‘but of course friends, this is the solution’, taking it from off the shelf.

And that’s how the Holy Roman Empire was founded.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is widely understood that temporary measures, piecemeal actions or constrained campaigns, are merely speedbumps, or maybe buoy-bound harpoons, to Cthulu’s inexorable drift. Fine. Is there a scientific utility, a building of an experiment for sciences now nascent to be discovered and erected and deployed by future men, to the capture, deconstruction, and reconstruction of a bureaucratic entity?

>Organizations do not have ideas, they have people; and so in large part, changing the ‘mind’ of an organization means changing it’s people.

If so, is there any worth to the direct action of taking hold of some minor bureaucracy, say at the lowest level of governance with a minimum threshold of populational impact, vacating every single position, then reconstituting it with a curated selection of people with an eye toward “Their inertias?” The goal is not to arrest the decline, fix the problem, or anything holistic or grandiose. It is merely to see what a Full Renewal of a bureaucratic entity would do.

I can see how this is something many would feel quite comfortable believing it is unnecessary or irrelevant. Conquest’s Laws being what they are, as well the Iron Laws of Oligarchy and Bureaucracy, guarantee the long term outcome. But I posit that, while our macro-theories are sound and concrete enough to do Social Engineering Math, we are actually very much in the dark about the nuts and bolts of Institutional Renewal in our age. Can an example be pointed to of a full Slate Wipe of a modern institution? I submit that skinsuit conversions and top down political guard changes are not sufficient for categorical statements.

Targeting is complex. A school system is too large, though the workload downtime of Summer Break provides a useful window of time for the fire/hire process, so maybe a single education institution? A small department at the county level?

The tendency in American politics would be to take the cloak & dagger path. I think skullduggery would be a mistake. Better to keep the entire exercise in the open. No secrets means nothing to hide. This doesn’t mean there won’t be accusations of invisible conspiracy, but that is a given no matter the truth of the matter.

Does this idea violate passivism, is it an exercise in futility, is it guaranteed to be impossible; these are hurdles in the form of questions. If No suffices for all three, then I say why not? It is not a hideously complicated process like Reforming DoD, or Fixing the Department of State. It is in line with many Official Conservative Aspirations, meaning there is institutional support available. It could even be pointed at an institution that is already friendly to “the cause,” whichever cause that might be, such that those being “fired” are in on the experiment, aware of what’s happening, and made a part of the process.

“The major point of laying out visions here, then, is not necessarily to convince – if you have commanding heights, then it is largely trivial, and if you don’t, then it is largely intractable – but so as to have such solutions ‘ready at hand’, in the inevitable case – if you are righteous – that the institution smacks its face into realities so predicted, and the men picking up the pieces now have an excuse to go, ‘but of course friends, this is the solution’, taking it from off the shelf.”

So, would a dry run be a useful, worthwhile exercise?

S says:

That is the story behind Stand and Deliver. It works, you get noticed and then the rest of the demons conspire to destroy you and tear down everything you built.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Most higher order activities of civilization are group activities; and the most important skill for success at group activities is skill in working as a group.

A cadre of like-minded men with a long history of doing things together, can become more effective in practically any activity than a cadre of strangers thrown together with nominal activity-specific ‘accreditation’.

Men setting down roots with each other – growing into an organization – is a primal source of power; and course, is also the very thing the atomism of modernity most affects. In general, and especially when targeted by ordinators of chaos, always watching out for any chaotic upswells of order.

Figure out growing roots – your whos, your wheres, your whens, your hows – and the conquest is practically a fait accompli, the State already exist, and merely needs to move in and announce itself.

Kunning Drueger says:

If you have any time for fiction, I recommend this absolutely stunning contribution by one of our cousins over in the Dissident Right. I hear he is quite funny and talented, but I don’t use social media, and I really don’t have time for fiction anymore. But I took a chance, and it was so worth it:


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I know ’em. ‘The Gig Economy’ in particular was one i enjoyed when it made the rounds a few years ago.

Kunning Druegger says:


Submitted for consideration without comment past this: may the Lord God bless and keep His people, giving them courage and strength to do His will and obey His commands.

alf says:

You have this meme of “no country with gay pride parades has ever won a war.”

Andrew Anglin, reader of Jim’s blog: confirmed.

jim says:

Cool link.

Russians took out “a plastic woman sent there to promote anal sex” – which is funny but not accurate. More accurately she was sent there to make war in Ukraine cool, attractive, and consistent with the blue pill.

This suggests that Russia is starting to get the hang of Information Epoch warfare. They have also nailed some important globohomo journalists.

That is how you do it. More important than taking out mobile artillery. Note that she was located in Kharkiv, which has been comfortably far from the front lines since the Russians abandoned the dangerously exposed fruits of the blitzkrieg effort, but close enough to the front to make a cool story line.

Information Epoch warfare is memetic warfare in which entryists can not only call in deplatforming, cancellation, and demonetization, but also drone strikes.

She was there not to engage in actual combat, but rather combat multimedia imaging. Which imaging was suddenly interrupted by actual high explosives.

Kunning Druegger says:

Bringing together Shitlords and Operators would be monumental,; weaponizing memes, or memeonizing weaponry. This is already done, albeit poorly and blindly, by the OSINT departments of the IC.

Neurotoxin says:

“weaponizing memes, or memeonizing weaponry”

Both funny and profound.

Mister Grumpus says:

To all the Russian MoD people reading (dare to dream):

Information Epoch Warfare (IEW) is how you can protect Russia without physically controlling all 12 (or however many it is) of the tank compatible invasion highways into Russia.

IEW is how you can protect Russia without needing to recapture the entire USSR of buffer states around you.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:

She was there not to engage in actual combat, but rather combat multimedia imaging. Which imaging was suddenly interrupted by actual high explosives.

A washed up, has-been, whore idiot bitch wound up in Ukraine; and now she, and the Globohomo goon assigned to “protect” her, will be making their way back home in body bags. PRAISE GNON.

Globalist Power Terminated II says:
Oog en Hand says:

” So “Private violence” in this regard is Officially sanctioned by God the King of Israel at that time.

But I think as Christians in the New Covenant. Private avenging violence outside of the Authority of the Local Magistrate is forbidden:”
(By commenter “I”)

Basically admitting vthat NT morality and OT morality are incompatible, at least in non-sexual matters.

Old Testament: Saga Iceland
New Testament:non-Saga Sweden

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Looks like the shills are dropping their payload.

Oog en Hand says:

Most Americans are citcumcized. So why bother with the New Testament?

Kunning Druegger says:

If you are any type of man, you should refrain from posting until you’ve addressed Aidan’s challenge.

Oog en Hand says:

BECAUSE I am a man, I do not address idiotic challenges. I don’t even pretend to be Christian, so entry tests do not apply.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fucking lol. At this point, you are an enemy shill. The entryist test is not restricted to Christians. Why are you pagan larpers always such reckless faggots?

jim says:

The Christian shill test does not apply, but the other shill tests do.

Say something you cannot say while typing on a computer maintained by the FBI or a NGO IT department, and cannot be said when human resources might look over your shoulder.

Starman says:

@Oog en Hand

Hey buddy, here’s a simple and easy to answer multiple choice Redpill on Women Question for you:

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.
[B] The (((Jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The Jews forced these angels on that website.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.

jim says:

You are now on moderation, pending passing a shill test. Say something that may not be said.

If the magistrate claims a monopoly of violence, including small scale violence against individual evildoers, and pursues evildoers with tolerable effectiveness, Christians are obligated to obey the laws of the state, among them the law granting the magistrate a monopoly.

If the magistrate claims a monopoly of violence, but enforces anarcho tyranny, Christians may quietly evade. There is long established principle that Christians may quietly evade evil laws, and monopoly of violence, monopolized by people selectively inactive, is an evil law.

Wicked laws may be quietly disobeyed – in some cases, must be disobeyed. Paul, who told us to obey the magistrate, was executed for refusing to obey a wicked law.

Throughout history, most states have claimed and vigorously enforced a monopoly on large scale organized legitimate violence, but have been relaxed about small scale legitimate violence against individual evildoers. Globohomo is anomaly. Enforcing the monopoly of legitimate violence even against legitimate violence that does not potentially threaten the supremacy of the state is excessive and unwise. Monopolies are always inefficient, and this monopoly adversely affects the male status hierarchy in female eyes, rendering female sexual choice even more dysgenic than it already is.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Posters like i are the set up – “I am more christian than you; this is what christianity is” – and posters like oog are the dunk – “look at what christianity is as accorded by this person who is more christian than you; isn’t it just terrible?”.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was wondering about i. He clothes himself in the Word of God to a great degree. As a fallen man working my way back to communion, I feel completely inadequate to the task of challenging it. But the puritanical stance on killing + divine light quakerism is quite suspicious.

jim says:

When two posters who smell funny coordinate, one suspects that they are both seated at the same open plan desk in the same ngo office.

But, before drawing conclusions, let us see if they attempt their respective shill tests. Not holding my breath.

Neofugue says:

Both posters “i” and “oog” are not new.

Poster “i” is most likely “info,” who was called out some time ago for reading marriageable age into scripture among other things. Oog used to link his creepy omega male blog, and is an ex-Catholic. Much of his blog was written in Polish.

This is the result of my error in not cross-checking the meaning of the NIV translation with the meaning of the KJV, as both posters saw an opportunity to attack. Whether or not this was coordinated organically depends on their answers to the shill tests.

The Cominator says:

If a passage seems particularly problematic it’s also good to check the Young Literal Translation.

Kunning Druegger says:

By way of Isegoria:


Eric Prince interviewed by Shawn Ryan. Still working my way through it, but something jumped out at me: Prince has 12 kids. Musk has 8. Using only these 2 data points (super strong argument, lol), I posit that we could build a map of the Dissident Elite by seeing who in the wealth/status/influence category has more than 4 children. regardless of their politics, religiosity, or proclivity, these people are the ones who have the most at stake and would be most likely motivated to Grasp The Nettle and Accept Power.


Oog en Hand says:

Finally some sanity from you. Musk used IVF, which many Christians consider to be (,ethically) dodgy.

Kunning Druegger says:

Shut up, faggot

The Cominator says:

No he didn’t. If you have 200 billion dollars finding willing baby mama’s isn’t hard. Yes status > money but at that much wealth easy to buy status.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Elon Musk’s Twitter shitposting is national news. He has status coming out his ears, which is why he has pussy falling all over him.

Pooch says:

I think Musk really wants to be a Napoleonic figure. He sees this opportunity for a populist movement similar to Caesar and Napoleon and he’s narcissist enough that he wants to be the one to do it. He doesn’t want to sponser someone to do it, he wants to be in the center.

It would be kind of hilarious if our triumvirate ends up being a billionaire class of Musk, Bezos, and Thiel. I actually think Musk is less competent than he believes he is. He may have some dunning-kruger going on. Thiel and Bezos are probably both smarter than Musk and they rightly get others to be the front men for their projects whereas Elon is obsessed with his brand and his name and face in the media.

jim says:

Dunning–Kruger effect. You think Thiel and Bezos are smarter because IQ gap between you and them is less than the IQ gap between you and Musk.

If Bezos is even half as smart as Musk, how come Bezos rocket engines fail, and Musk rocket engines work?

Musk is a priest engineer. Lacks military expertise. Peter Thiel funded research in artificial intelligence, life extension, and seasteading, indicating he is not very smart, probably not only less smart than Musk, but less smart than Bezos.

Well, I am right now researching AI in the construction of an algorithm for my name system, to find the path to the network address of a computer identified by a public key, from peers whose network addresses are already known, hopping from identity to identity as the Bittorrent DHT hops, but without its vulnerability to shills and sybils, because the public key represent stable and known peers, and likely not entryist or shill peers, while the bittorent DHT network has no stable identities, because of its pathfinding algorithm.

But the difference between myself and Peter Thiel is that I know, and Peter Thiel does not know, that most AI researchers are ignorant idiots who do not understand that what they are trying to do cannot be done by known methods, and their research is worthless. Substantial life extension requires deeper knowledge of biology and more fundamental basic research than we yet possess, and seasteading was just silly for the reasons pointed out by Moldbug long ago.

Kunning Drueger says:

IEW makes seasteading possible.

jim says:

On the contrary, there will very soon be no end of nations each of which will have the power to deny freedom of the seas to anyone.

Kunning Druegger says:

Well, my idea wasn’t a traditional sea stead, that being a clumsy floating shit box dependent upon green energy and a hard line to grid power. I envisioned a network of networked deep sea platforms that float separately and come together as needed, particularly for launch and recovery of starships.

Imagine 4 of these monsters:

that can connect together with deep sea drilling style platforms between to be used as launch/landing pad. Given the size, putting advanced radar and hypersonic missile silos is trivial. It makes the carriers and destroyer fleets relevant again.

As it stands, the entire utility of the Chinese missile screen is the assumption that the US will come to them and attack them in their front or backyard. Purely defensive. Imagine the “string of pearls” being mobile…

jim says:

Indeed, the way to seasteading is as a lot of ships that can lock together into a big platform, or divide and go their separate ways and re-arrange. But the trouble is that each ship can be rather easily destroyed.

Starman says:

@Oog en Hand

“Finally some sanity from you. Musk used IVF, which many Christians consider to be (,ethically) dodgy.”

McJesus is fake and gay.
And Prophet Elon (who has 10 children) has more legitimate patriarchal authority (in a society where fatherly authority is illegal), than any limpwristed faggot McPastor who wears women’s pants.

Red says:


Apparently the UK is now training Ukrainian troops in England with a 120 training plan. Guess they had to do something to stop the Jew in Chief from sending every last goy to their deaths with 3 days of training. Cannon fodder is not working in this war.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a Slavic language TGram channel that is purportedly by Russian soldiers for RF supporters. I don’t speak or read the language, so I can’t confirm it.


What I can speak is “man language,” and the pictures and footage show the dangerous renewal brought to a generation by just war. Idealizing combat is a game for the young and ignorant. War sucks on many levels. But hardship brings out the based man in all of us, if we survive and ignite the inner killing fire. This is why the wars of the 20th century were such an affront to the warrior class. For every Easy Company or Großdeutschland Division, you have scores of companies and regiments and divisions obliterated in mind and body by artillery. We all know but seem to ignore the fact that artillery was the largest cause of death in both world wars. hard to find honor on a battlefield of raining death, yet some men always seem to do it. The Z bois that make it through this war, and the next one, and the next one… they will have the iron blood required to pick up where the Occident decided to quit, GNON willing.

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