
National Capitalism and Sanctions on Russia

The Global American Empire thought sanctions would ruin Russia. Still think that, though they now think it will take a little longer. Formerly talking weeks, now talking years.

The Russian economy has, according to statistics, been knocked down ten or twenty percent. Seeing a Youtuber chatting to Russians on the ground, sounds roughly accurate. The question is, is it, like the ruble, bouncing back, or going over a cliff? The ruble bounce back came as a shock to the Global American Empire, and they are still in denial, though the denial is getting mighty thin. I rather think that the effect of sanctions on the Russian economy is going to be similar, is already becoming similar.

The effect of the sanctions has been to impose National Capitalism on Russia from outside.

A modest dose of national capitalism worked great for the Trump economy. It spectacularly industrialized South Korea.

National Capitalism defined

National Capitalism is self sufficiency in the organization of people for production, and self sufficiency in the skills and equipment needed for production, that relies on internal free markets and supports local businessmen.

If your people are being organized for production under a businessman subject to a foreign sovereign, that foreign sovereign is going to make him pursue the interests of that sovereign rather than your sovereign, such as exporting his state religion to you, and the interests of that sovereign’s people, not your people.

If the skills and equipment needed for producing one thing are in your country, rather than in a foreign country, production of that thing has large beneficial externalities, making it easier for others of your people to produce other things, creating opportunity and incentive for the talented among your people. These externalities are not part of the profit and loss of the business, so businesses are apt to make decisions to offshore stuff where the offshoring has harmful externalities onshore. And if the business is run by a foreigner subject to a foreign corporate headquarters, he is going to keep critical skills and equipment close to his foreign headquarters. Hence close to a foreign sovereign, and far from your people, who are thus unable to take advantage of those skills and equipment to compete with that business, or start other businesses producing related products.

So how is this working out for Russia

A builder in the middle of a one horse town found that nails and screws were unobtainable or absurdly expensive, because they had formerly been imported from the west. He also found that metals, which had formerly been exported to the west, were now considerably cheaper.

According to Global America Economists, that builder is now going to stop building. And for a little while he did stop building. What he did instead of building was go to China and buy a self contained computer controlled machine that turns metal into nails and screws, and now he is back to building, and also in the business of selling nails and screws.

If millions of Russians are doing something similar, then the short term effect is that the sanctions will have rapidly diminishing impact, and the long term effect will be to create Russian skills and jobs repairing, maintaining, upgrading, and eventually building those machines.

Similarly when the McDonalds franchise pulled out of Russia. The former franchisees organized a new franchise, and their burger joints ripped down their McDonald’s signs and put up the new signs. They also renamed, and slightly altered, their menu. Which means that Russians are a whole lot less likely to be forced to watch black people, mixed race couples, transexuals, and faggots, eating burgers on television.

1,739 comments National Capitalism and Sanctions on Russia

Severian says:

It looks like Putin will finally escalate now.
Referendums on joining Russia next week. Mobilization laws going through the Duma.
Dugin saying an important decision has been made and pretty much all Russian telegram channels are expecting it now.

Karl says:

Mobilization means more WW1 tactics. It is an escalation that will simply be met by another NATO escalation.

Killing every man and woman drafted into the Ukrainian army might suffice to end this war, but NATO drafts every Ukrainian they can find. Minimizing civilian losses is pointless, if every civilian is drafted into the army.

A few nukes would kill fewer people than continuing WW1 tactics. Killing a few key people would be even less bloody.

Severian says:

Why not WW2 strategic bombing?

Karl says:

Lack of good targets. WW2 bombing an army in trenches doesn’t do much damage, much less than a tactical nuke on the entrenched army. Bombing cities won’t do any damage to the army at all and it won’t make NATO give up.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Strategic bombing was largely a failure. While it killed people, it also hardened public opinion because there was no man on the ground to take advantage of the destruction. Need to kill Zelensky, then kill his successor during his first public address. Put 1kg of high explosive next to the Ukranian deep state nodes, preferably after you got their wife and kids. Attrition warfare is draining GAE arms supplies, but also the genetic quality of the Ukraine. Probably a worse situation, long term, than simply executing every Ukro-Nazi/GAE Ukranian leader and their families.

Severian says:

Strategic bombings can still turn a country into a failed state.

myrtle says:

Russia doesn’t want a contested hinterland, hence the entire invasion in the first place. Reducing Ukraine to rubble would actually help the US/NATO – they could convert to the muhajadeen/ISIS playbook they’d been trying to perfect in Iraq and try to bleed the bear with terrorist attacks.

Kunning Drueger says:

This was always a GAE pipedream. They can use muslims, but they don’t have Islam. They can import them, but they don’t control them. Ukraine has two faiths: Orthodoxy and globohomo. I wonder which one will motivate young men to throw themselves under tanks with “vests” on.

Forever Wars require specific ingredients, you can’t just make it happen anywhere with anyone. Europe traded faith for godless hedonics. They got sluts but gave up strength. The A3OB types are faithful after a fashion, and they have always planned to lynch their pet kike and takeover. Regardless their faith is weak. Muscular Nationalism is just a refinement of Regional Faith-tradition. This is why Islam is so powerful. Ba’athists crawled right back to the Imams as soon as they weren’t Kurd-stomping an enemy 2 centuries behind them. You cannot name an effective insurgency that isn’t faith based. I know our analysis here is that effective insurgencies are a product of foreign intervention, but I think we may have failed to notice that, in a sea of insurgents, the Faithful outlast the others, every single time. If there’s a refutation, let’s hear it.

i says:

How the Qing Dynasty defeated the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom may prove to be a good case study in dealing with Islam.

DavyCrockett says:

The problem I see with is that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) has declined rapidly and now openly denounces the Russians for invading Ukraine. There is virtually no institutional pro-Russian Church in Ukraine now.

jim says:

Shortly before the war began, a considerable number Orthodox Russian Christians fled Ukraine as a result of increasingly violent and lethal persecution, in which quite a lot died. It is not as if the Russian Orthodox Church in the Ukraine spontaneously was persuaded by Globohomo, it is more like every single Christian Church in the West suddenly walking away from Marriage 1.0 after the Branch Davidians were burned alive.

S says:

Three other possibilities
-the Russians want to defend the front better; they are spread thinly on the ground.
-casualties have been significant
-preparing for a general war with NATO; troops needed for other fronts.

jim says:

I do not know what they are preparing for, but they should be preparing for a general war with Nato, that will likely go nuclear.

S says:

It looks like Putin is trying to force NATO to the table. He is proposing the annexation of the separatist republics to Russia (with the understanding that if you shoot at Russia, they respond with nukes).

jim says:

> It looks like Putin is trying to force NATO to the table.

Normality bias. Nato is not agreement capable, it is not even table capable. In the end, this is likely to go nuclear.

Kunning Druegger says:

At this point, it really just feels like Putin is dotting all the Is and crossing all the Ts for his opposition and the Chinamen before he goes Total War. Honestly, how would you distinguish that from normality bias?

S says:

By looking at what is set up in advance. Normality bias won’t consider everything going to shit, while intentional escalation plans on it.

jim says:

That is a plausible interpretation of Putin’s conduct. I was responding to a different plausible interpretation of his conduct.

He could well be anticipating nuclear war, and trying to minimize the extent to which history and the Chinese will blame him for it.

Kunning Drueger says:

My thoughts exactly S. The RF went into Ukraine under mistaken assumptions, but they didn’t go off half cocked. When reality shattered their assumptions, they had to fall back on what preparations they made. They didn’t suddenly mobilize and go crazy, the assessed the battlefield and adjusted accordingly to continue working towards their ultimate goals. I believe this next stage will be a continuation of that. That doesn’t preclude normality bias, as their lost normal may be quite different from the GAE’s forced normal.

Jehu says:

What I don’t understand is why, if you think it’s going to go nuclear, you don’t seek to nuclearize it under your best terms. Do you think that the Russian military would balk if he ordered a decapitation first strike? That’s not a rhetorical question, I don’t actually know the answer. Or is it a transcendental objection to being the one that launched the first big nuclear strike? (also a real question).

jim says:

The rational self interested decision, if you expect defection, is to immediately escalate defection, and since your opponent will do the same, escalate defection to the maximum immediately.

But this is going to involve a great deal of unpleasantness that might have been avoided, so as long as there seems some prospect of avoiding it, one should delay and stall and hope that something turns up. If Putin is able to stall to 2026 or so, there is a good chance that something might turn up.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ancients, knowing the example of King Oedipus, understood retrochonicity; how looking for the future can give it a bridge for invading the past.

Something which, in this kali yuga, modernes have forgotten, as in so many other things as well – but nuclear game theory, in other words, brought it back into consciousness.

Throughout the cold war soviet russia – while certainly not above rattling the saber over how they might be ‘forced’ to make a first strike over this or that American advancement ‘upsetting the balance of power’ (an excuse self-abnegating regressives running the place were more than happy to pounce on as yet another pretext for stopping any and every upgrowth of their neighbors advancing boldly towards The Future) – overall maintained a ‘no first strike’ doctrine of nuclear strategy, which we might venture to surmise was less an expression of communist character, and more an expression of Russian character.

jim says:

I do not think escalation now is wise. It may very soon become wise, but not wise yet.

Global American Empire strategy has always been a long war, and current Russian weapons and tactics are incapable forcing quick resolution upon them. So, just slowly attrit the Ukrainian army.

As the Ukrainian army is attrited, the Global American Empire is increasingly inserting English speaking troops to make up the shortfall – looks like the recent successful Ukrainian offensive was spearheaded by English speaking troops. This is increasingly becoming a direct conflict between Nato and Russia, rather than a proxy war between Nato and Russia, because the Ukrainian proxy is rapidly running out of men willing to fight, and Nato is unwilling to let them fall.

The real escalation will not be pushing harder in Ukraine, it will opening the front on additional Nato countries in response to increasingly direct and increasingly open Nato intervention in the Ukraine.

Severian says:

Escalation probably not now, but the political steps necessary at home for escalation.
There’s talk of hundreds of additional aircraft being sent to the region. I think probably a big infrastructure bombing campaign after Putin’s speech.

Aidan says:

Seems like bombing has been obsoleted by precision missile strikes, like the single missile that took out the Krivy Rog dam. The utility of aircraft nowadays seems to be in finding targets you do not know the exact location of, and hitting targets that are likely to move between being spotted and a missile arriving at their location.

Kunning Drueger says:

Strategic bombing has its place, see the CIA/Air Force campaign in Afghanistan in 2001-2002 8 week war. This may be excessive optimism on my part, but look at the RF dam busting operation last week. Those were on the target list, but Putin has tied the hands of the SMO, until he didn’t. I think it’s possible the 800+ air assets shifted into theater will be similarly tasked, and when the balloon goes up, Ruthenia will get Stone Age’d real quick. It won’t defeat the Zelenskyites, it will just make them intensely unpopular and sore pressed to achieve the most simple logistical operations.

Aidan says:

If you send a plane for a strike, you risk an expensive plane and an elite pilot. Send a missile, you risk nothing. RU has planes, so might as well use em. Send a plane when you know there is something worth bombing nearby, but not sure exactly where. I’m very heartened by RU drone surveillance and nod footage that suggests a canopy of trees provides excellent concealment. But yes, moving to strikes against critical infrastructure is the right move, though it suggests Russia will not seek to annex all of UKR

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If they deindutrialize whatever they do not own, then offer the parts they want to be hooked back up to the grid if they will only join the RF, that could work. Plus, if you kill the power everywhere, places that still have power stick out like dogs balls. Power sources means possible command posts and other areas of interest.

Oog en Hand says:

Leicester. Now.

Basil says:

[Deleted for inaccurately representing a foreign language link*]

Basil says:

Can Russia solve the problem with high-tech things and their quality in a reasonable enough time? Doesn’t this require a choice of scale, which in the country is 140 million is simply not there. In the case of South Korea, it had the advantage of a very low start, and was not closed to the international solvent market. The production of cars, high-precision equipment is not fast food.

jim says:

Technological change is moving towards considerably smaller scale production, with the important exception of computer chips.

Russia has long been the leader in rocket engines, though Musk leap frogged over them – notice however that he ignored NASA tech and proceeded to improve on Russian tech – his engine is the Soviet engine plus a fuel rich preburner to achieve higher engine pressures.

Russian fighter planes are now the leading edge, though for a very long time their fighter planes lagged.

China, rightly suspecting backdoors, has long been struggling to build its own computer chips, not very successfully, but they are good enough to run modern equipment. This is an area where Russia has not been attempting to compete technologically. Should it now get off its arse, it will take a long time to get up to speed.

By and large, for most specialized high tech goods required for manufacturing, such as the nail making machine of which I spoke, the primary world supplier is China, which is not sanctioning Russia.

The transition for fast food and nails was mighty quick. Some things, many things, will take considerably longer. But Russia has considerably longer.

Kunning Drueger says:

“Russia is lost without modernity, for there can be no success without the high and holy affluence of the City on the Hill.”

The shill always clutches at rotted pearls. Remember kids, value falls from the sky whole and complete!

DocLinker says:
jim says:

The Rand document is obviously fake. They might well be thinking those thoughts, might well have plotted that plot, but if they are thinking those thoughts, would not use those words to express them, and if they indeed plotted that plot, they would use doublethink and doubletalk words to make the plot pious.

Guy says:

Exactly. Reminds me of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

jim says:

“Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is an obviously fake document that depicts what was probably a real jewish plot – but a plot funded by Rothschild with his depositor’s money, not by the Elders of Zion.

The massive failure of Soviet economic policy may well have contributed to the Rothschilds going broke and losing power and influence in 1930.

When Stalin took charge and disempowered (and frequently executed) the Jewish Bolsheviks, Russian economic policy became considerably less insane and self destructive. I conjecture that Jewish hatred of the goy caused them to shoot themselves in the foot, and the Rothschilds bank suffered collateral damage.

The document supposedly from Rand is also an obviously fake document that depicts what may well be a real plot.

Communist evil from 1916 to 1932 was demonic evil, self hating and self destructive. Communist evil from 1932 to 1987 was rational evil, the rational pursuit of self interest by wicked means. Ukrainian war policy has so far been demonic evil, unnecessarily expending troops in a long term war of attrition, and bombarding a nuclear power plant with a very large store of fission waste products.

I have monsters inside, and sometimes I take them out for a little walk on a very short leash to impress the chicks. Sometimes, when me and mine are threatened, they break the leash and I become indeed the monster. I have a big problem with wrath. But my monsters are me, and fight for me and mine. The Global American Empire does not have monsters inside, but demons inside. That is their great weakness, and that is the great danger of their rule to us.

I think the self destruction of the German economy is better explained by self hating self destructive evil, rather than by rational evil.

Adam says:

The monster in you protects the saint in you.

This almost came up in the last blog post. It’s not necessary to impale your fellow man for every insignificant slight, in order to ping female alpha radar. Just be capable of it, and like you said, take it for a spin once in a while to refresh everyone’s memory.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I read that Argentina had a major manufacturing boom during WW2, but the factories all failed after the war ended and imports became available again.

jim says:

Not what happened. Peron immediately, following World War II, created a policy of import substitution, which initially was quite successful, but failed because strangled by regulation and state intervention – national socialism, rather than national capitalism.

Socialism was hurting people, and strangling the economy, so around 1976, they abandoned, not socialism, but import substitution. The economy crashed.

What happened in Argentina when they abandoned import substitution was similar to what happened to Russia when communism fell. All the knowledge, skills, and capital was in big quasi state enterprises, and when these went away, the genuinely private sector did not pop up to replace them. Right now in Russia the small scale private sector is popping up to replace imports.

It rather looks like import substitution works if it is part of a pro capitalist policy, national capitalism rather than national socialism, but replacing socialism with international capitalism, as in Argentina in 1976 and Russia in 1990, is disastrous. If you don’t have local capitalists, international capitalists are an unsatisfactory replacement for local socialist factories. The transformation of raw materials into elaborately transformed goods moves overseas. Skills, knowledge, and opportunity is lost.

If you try replacing local socialist production with international capitalist production, production winds up being done overseas, and formerly productive people have nothing to do, lacking local capitalists to hire them for jobs doing similar things to those that local state and quasi state enterprises formerly hired them to do. Production falls, and living standards fall. Living standards fell in Argentina, and they fell in Russia. The local socialist apparatus of production goes away, and is not replaced by a local capitalist apparatus of production.

The temporary but severe failure of capitalism in Argentina and post soviet Russa makes sense if we suppose that local capitalists producing elaborately transformed goods have a large local externality making it easier for other local capitalists to produce other elaborately transformed goods. If you desocialize local socialist production, need to have local capitalists to organize local capitalist production. International capitalists just will not do it, or, due to diseconomies of scale, will take an unreasonably long time to do it.

Small scale local capitalists can organize things locally a lot faster than large scale distant capitalists, due to diseconomies of scale and distance, and when desocializing, need to reorganize production. So need national capitalists.

Texas Banana says:

Russia inviting foreigners to join its military, reward of Russian citizenship after one year of service:

Anybody here inclined to take them up on it?

Dr. Faust says:

Nonsense tweet.

Basil says:


jim says:

We know who we are. You do not.

Kunning Drueger says:

There are ~40k AFU forces abroad being trained. These will start to be rushed home if the GAE actually believes a mobilization is around the corner. The GAE has ignited conflicts in 2 places in the CSTO. Both are perpetual conflicts, in both places each side blames the other, and reports of flagless, black clad militants have emerged from all sides. Georgia is experiencing “totally organic” protests, as well.

Russia mobilizing would not be WW01 tactics unless the GAE mirrors it, and can you imagine how the social welfare class would react to that lol. If Russia mobilizes, it is because they are done attriting the GAE and need to pivot to the the next stage.

The RF gave the GAE an option to deescalate in December 2021. Spurned, they activated the SMO *after* recognizing the DPR/LPR. The GAE has preemptively discounted the plebiscites planned for the next weeks. This is the mirror of the “exit ramp” from December 2021. So November is my guess for the Big Shift in the new normal globally, but RF may be hasty for historical fun in Oct.

Tangentially, the “end of Covid” is a domestic signal for the false flags and escalations of suppression of dissent to increase. This will be predicated on Russian Collusion 2.0. I think Putin knows this, and is positioning himself to take advantage of an increase in craziness in the core GAE.

Kunning Drueger says:

Partial mobilization. 300k reserves activated, starting today, only men who have already done their term of service. Shoigu says this is ~1.1% of their available reserves (~25 million, which is roughly the size of Best Korea’s “standing” army). The referendums are going to be a critical marker in this, as the SMO precedent is the checking of boxes.

Does anyone see it as possible or likely that EU or NATO will mirror the move? I could see the Balts doing it. I could also see some of Eastern Europe doing it, but that’s a tricky situation. Civilians in Romania are purportedly harassing and blocking NATO trucks.

300k are about the minimum needed to fully invest the Breakaways while keeping the “slow grind” posture. If Belarus goes kinetic, then we may see a transition to offensive style operations. According to Macgregor, Poland has made it known that, should the Breakaways become Russian clay, they will “re-nationalize” the portions of Western Ukraine they claim. Romania also has certain claims on what is now considered “Ukrainian” clay. So maybe the GAE does a mirror land grab instead of attempting a mobilization? It would be quite the counter move, and a further reduction of peaceful off ramps.

I want to reiterate that I am predicting a marked increase in the suppression of dissent across the GAE. This will probably take many forms, from anti-Russian laws and regulations to censure, seizure, and raids on suspected RF sympathizers. I think Twitter will be a good marker to watch for tone and intention. This was how the GAE drummed up war fever back in March. If there’s some big changes coming, like a draft or new sedition rules, I expect they will audition it on Twitter first before the campaign is deployed on the MSM.

Those of us who pray, let us pray that God honors the righteous and smotes the wicked, and ask for strength to bear the burden that entails.

Old Roger says:

That’s it. You’re a deliberate troll. McGregor has been outrageously wrong on every single prediction he’s made going back to Feb 26 or so when he was insisting Hostomel airport was under full Russian control and the war wouldn’t last another week. Continuing to cite him at this point isn’t hope, it’s not credulousness, it’s just deliberate malfeasance.

jim says:

Douglas MacGregor has been pretty good. He recently had to eat his words as a result of the recent successful Ukrainian offensive, which caught the Russians with their pants down
and proceeded to do so: Perhaps less fully than he should have.

He correctly observes that this offensive cost the Ukrainians substantial casualties, and the Russians very few casualties. Nato sought an attritive war, and successfully imposed it. In a war of attrition, what matters is casualties, not turf.

It cost the Ukrainians five thousand to ten thousand dead to force two thousand Russians to flee, and to capture a couple of tanks.

He previously claimed that Ukraine is losing to the south of Kharkov. And then the counteroffensive happened. Despite the recent counter offensive, I would say he was right and is right, because Ukraine continues to suffer unsustainable casualties, largely on that front and sustained unsustainable casualties during that counteroffensive.

If he is so full of shit, prove it. Give me an example of him predicting something (with a link to him predicting it) and the prediction turned out bad.

This war is taking a lot longer than I expected, than most people expected. Yes, we were all wrong there. Nato has for eight years been fighting a war of attrition against Russia on the Ukraine front, which Putin sought, and failed, to end with a war of movement.

And now it is back to war of attrition, at a much higher level of attrition. And, what do you know? Nato is getting attrited. Going to be a cold winter in Germany, and a very sad winter in Ukraine.

Russia reports nearly six thousand dead, and claims sixty thousand Ukrainian’s dead. I doubt anyone, even the Ukrainians, know how many Ukrainian dead, but whatever it is, it is a clearly a lot of dead.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Right now the attrition is only occurring between Russian soldiers and Ukranian soldiers, with a few NATO/GAE soldiers probably getting hit. It will be interesting to see what happens this winter, when German and English civilians start joining the casualty counts due to freezing or starving to death.

Old Roger, mind taking the shill test? Just so we can be sure, of course. Say something that no HR department would allow you to say.

Kunning Drueger says:

Let’s see a list of McGregor predictions with sources and refutations friendo. While your at it, would you be amenable to taking the shill test?

Starman says:

Speaking of which, a Russian troll is live-streaming his gas oven continuously burning gas, and noting it only costs him the equivalent of 1.4 Euros per month to do this. Doing the same in Britain and Germany would cost a thousand Euros a month.

Kunning Druegger says:


Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger


Most people aren’t going to know what that means.

Kunning Druegger says:

Indeed. And yet, here we are.

S says:



Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘ngl’ colloquially stands for ‘not gonna lie’, but that’s a good backronym in this case. The serendipity of memetic mutation.

Kunning Drueger says:

TBQHfam, that seems like more of a hackronym :’).

Ryan says:

Jim, are there any good resources for helping to interpret the Bible, i.e. providing cultural context and what words meant at the time of writing?

Also, is the KJV the best translation?

Anonymous Fake says:

Straight and based traditional Catholicism with commentary. Douay Rheims: Accept no substitute.

KJV is acceptable in certain Anglo contexts for its epic and majestic literary style, in certain verses, but it’s still a bootleg and not acceptable theologically. Read it alongside a real Bible if you want to think like a 17th century gentleman but without the errors of the 17th century, which are numerous.

Avoid anything associated with Talmudic Jews, like the Masoretic text.

jim says:

The Roman Catholic bible, insofar as it deviates from the Orthodox Bible, is heretical. Orthodoxy is happy to use the King James Bible, which is more or less a straight translation of the Greek Orthodox Bible. Will not touch the Roman Bible.

Your site correctly calls out a multitude of heresies in a multitude of Protestant sects, and a multitude of heresies in a multitude of modern bibles.

But its central heresy is of course, the Pope as Caesar and successor to Peter. He was not. When Peter went underground, leadership passed to James the Just, brother of Christ (who popped out of Mary’s womb, perpetual virginity of Mary is of course a faggot heresy) and as soon as they had Churches in multiple distant cities, leadership became collegial, and remained collegial to this day. Each Church is or should be local church united in a national church, all nationa churches united by the consensus of the Bishops.

For the first five centuries, the Bishop of Rome was one Bishop among many.

In the fifth century, Pope Leo the first sought and gained the title of Patriarch of the West. Subsequent Popes claimed the title, but it is far from clear that they were entitled to it or that this was generally recognized, because Emperors, Kings, Lords, and powerful vassals went right on appointing their own Bishops and the governance of the Western Church went right on being the consensus of the Bishops.

In the eleventh century the Pope claimed spiritual authority over everything, and broad secular powers everywhere. Which was immediately disputed in blood, (Easter Churches and Kings ignored it, and Western Kings forcibly resisted from the beginning) It continued to be disputed in rivers of blood, which rivers eventually washed over Rome itself, in the sack of Rome by the Holy Roman Empire.

Anonymous Fake says:

The greatest argument for the idea of the pope is how often popes can run their mouths (even to the point of heresy) without ever making a formal declaration of infallibility, like there’s something that’s holding them back. They can be corrected with all due respect just like anyone else. And they are supposed to have some fair amount of temporal power, just like temporal kings wielding the sword against evil in the spiritual sense.

And there’s no reason for you to attack Mary like that at all. Of all miracles, perpetual virginity is so tame that there’s no reason why to doubt it unless you doubt everything else. The idea that Joseph had children from a previous marriage makes the most sense too.

I don’t know of any difference between Catholic and Orthodox Bibles deviant enough to be called heretical on either side.

jim says:

> The greatest argument for the idea of the pope is how often popes can run their mouths (even to the point of heresy) without ever making a formal declaration of infallibility

Over the past millennium, the Roman Catholic Church has accumulated an ever growing pile of heresies. After the sack of Rome, most of them were buried in the basement behind the water heater along with Saint Paul on the recruitment of bishops and deacons.

The protestants correctly called out most of the heresies, and in the counter reformation following the sack of Rome, they were quietly stashed behind the water heater, but they are still there.

Aidan says:

Disturbing that you consider the suggestion that Mary performed her wifely duty by bearing her husband’s children an attack on her.

AF as a tradcath converso actually makes a lot of sense as to the shill-like argument style. Many such people, focused on the moral and spiritual aspects of their faith, let their guard down when it comes to politics, economics, and theory-of-history, and their brains end up colonized by enemy memes.

i says:

The typology of Mary being the Ark of the Covenant has the implications of sexual relations with her even in marriage to be sacrilege. Although personally I don’t believe the typology quite fits. Since the Ark is symbolic of God’s Throne surrounded by his Cherubim Throne Guardians which was present on the lid of the Ark while God’s Glory literally manifested between the Cherubim ministatues

They went so far as to forge a fan fiction story called “The Protoevangelium of James”

that differs greatly from the Gospels including birth in a cave and the teleportation of baby Jesus out of the womb of the Theotokos preserving her perpetual virginity. The fact that they even cited that forgery as a reliable source is a bit bizarre.

i says:

Here is the text here:

However this doctrine wasn’t accepted universally by the Church Fathers like Tertullian, Victorinus and Helvitius.

Even Polycarp, Ignatius and Irenaeus didn’t affirm that doctrine. In addition.

As for Jerome:

The New Testament evidence is still debated, but the great majority of critical scholars are agreed that his [Helvidius’] interpretation of it, and not Jerome’s, is the correct one.

Jerome’s efforts to get round the obvious meaning of the texts strike most people today as special pleading, the by-product of his prior conviction that sexual intercourse is defiling.

His roll-call of orthodox fathers who supported him was a dishonest smoke-screen typical of his debating style; it is doubtful whether he had any close acquaintance with the writers he listed, more than doubtful whether they held the views he attributed to them.” (Jerome [Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2000], 106-7)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The idea of virgin birth was one of the earliest signal attenuation loops in the church’s history, which went something like:

Primus: Wouldn’t it be cool if God did this cool Thing?
Secundus: I don’t think this would have happened
P: What, are you saying God isn’t *cool enough* to do this cool thing?
S: Err…

Shooter McGavin says:

Have been an Orthodox catechumen for about a year now. From what I have gathered James the Brother of Christ is not considered to be the biological brother of Christ but his cousin. The early church fathers always affirmed the perpetual virginity of Mary, an affirmation which has continued to be the official doctrine of the Church and is recited by most Orthodox churches every Sunday:

“Commemorating our most holy, pure, blessed, and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.”

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

The Cominator says:

St Jerome’s bullshit, the perpetual virginity of Mary was the original bluegill on women and people who claim to be Christians and insists on it should probably be burned.

The Cominator says:

The whore of Rome worships Satan and the Jesuits should suffer the fate of the Templars.

Mister Grumpus says:

There are “daily bibles” that break it up into 365 little chunks that you read one day at a time. What’s nice about many of them is that each entry is preceded with an introduction “Ok here’s what’s going on here and what it’s about.”

And most of those intros are somewhat pozzed too, because how couldn’t they be, but they’re better than nothing.

S.J., Esquire says:

there are a number of resources on this stuff, and in fact I cut my teeth as an internet young’un on forums discussing this stuff 20+ years ago. back then the best scholarship was being done by a group styling themselves the “Context Group”:

a cursory Google turns up this blog post, I know nothing about this blogger but the list seems like it may be a good place to start:

but some of those books threaten to be a bit heavy and plodding. I know for certain (because it is on my shelf) that this is an easy intro to the subject:

jim says:

KJV is the best translation – Modern bibles rely on modern academic scholarship – which got excessively creative. Modern Academia dug up old variants from obscure places that had long been one the domination of Muslims, bibles maintained by heretical Christian sects under the thumb of Muslims, found lots of variants, used the variants as an excuse to go hog wild.

The KJV is a translation of the Byzantine copies of the original Greek, as maintained by the Byzantines, which was protected against copyist errors and pious fraud by pulling in bibles from all over the place from time to time, and reconciling differences. Modern scholarship threw that overboard, and said to themselves “we will do that, we don’t trust the Byzantines.” Well, whom do you trust? Orthodox Christians to reconcile variants resulting from copyist errors and pious fraud, or Harvard?

KJV deliberately errs on the side of overly literal translation of the original Greek, and some of the Greek does not have a good literal translation into English. Sometimes a bit of creativity is required. Which creativity moderns again went hog wild on.

The Cominator says:

One thing I don’t trust about the KJV exactly is they translate the commandment as thou shalt not kill, when it’s definitely thou shalt not murder.

Redbible says:

My understanding of that is that during the time of KJV being written, the word kill meant what we now call murder.

And make no mistake, translating it as “thou shalt not murder” will still result in a holiness spiral of “all killing is murder” at some point. The key it to “take care of” those who holiness spiral.

jim says:

The ten commandments flatly forbid all graven images, but no one except the usual holiness spiralers seem to ever have interpreted it as forbidding all graven images. It seems to have from the beginning been interpreted as forbidding religious images likely to be worshipped and cult of personality images of kings.

Ex says:

Indeed. KJV English: “Thou shalt not kill. David slew Goliath.”
Modern English: “You shall not murder. David killed Goliath.”

The Cominator says:

the reason why it’s important that it says murder as opposed to kill is murder only means wrongful killings ergo the commandment recognizes rightful killings… and you don’t need to tell me that we need to be harsh on leftists and subversives…

i says:

Why are Russian Tycoons falling dead so often?

What is with this glowie stuff?

Basil says:

[*Official history deleted*]

jim says:

Russia was a great power before the revolution, massively lost ground as a result of the revolution, and has been clawing its way back since.

Basil says:

These are literally fresh quotes from Putin.

With your statement that the Soviet Union / Federation are a shadow of the power of the empire, I agree. The peak of Russia’s power falls on the time of the Holy Alliance.

jim says:

You gave an untranslated Russian link, and neglected explain how it supports your claim.

In future, please provided a yandex translate link, and explain how it supports your claim. I do not appreciate you setting me homework, and if in future you provided untranslated and unexplained links, I am going to delete your responses without regard for relevance to avoid doing homework.

The linked material contradicts my claim, but fails to support the Cathedral account either, since it credits Nicolas with making Russia a great power.

Basil says:

This version contradicts the Council’s version, but it’s just a different left version.

Basil says:

This version contradicts the Cathedral’s version, but it’s just a different left version. Lenin, who “turned Russia into a Great Power”, is there.

Calvin says:

Anyone watched Putin’s speech today? Dude is not giving up, explicitly threatened the use of nukes if Russian territory is threatened. Says the West has been threatening Russia with nukes.

Odds someone slips up and this truly goes hot?

jim says:

Highly likely. Areas that sign up to join Russia are under its nuclear umbrella. Nato declares that they are not under its nuclear umbrella. Acts as if not under nuclear umbrella. Boom!

Dr. Faust says:

The succession voting should have happened before or during the initial launch of the operation with a shadow government waiting to take over. Then roll out a new leader to draw attention off Putin. The new leader can placate western leaders with shouts of “democracyourvalues” and set up optics for Russia the liberator.

Not taking these steps adds weight to the Putin as conqueror meme. The fact that it took so long for this to happen means it was not a priority before or they were incapable of it previously.

So did the vax take out any key peace party members from the cathedral?

S says:

There were already two separatist republics that had spent 8 years at war with Ukraine.

Dr. Faust says:

They needed third party support from Russia via financing and advice, an established chain of command, formal declarations of secession, tax structures, and a vocal media person iterating policy and position. They failed at the optics and logistics of state formation. This all needed to be present and presented in a way that could reach western audiences and erode any support for a war. It all leads me to believe support for secession was not fully thought out or not handled properly. Annexation is a good move at this point as it will likely free up Russian legality but the fact remains they failed at fourth gen warfare.

My guess is they underestimated the western hysteria which followed the initial invasion, expected the Ukraine to crumble and submit and it all to be forgotten in a few months. Instead they got billions of dollars from NATO sent to their enemies and twitter filled with Ukrainian flags. They made Zelensky a celebrity and offered no counter. It’s the pivot from covid to Putin that I don’t think Russia predicted. If their goal was to engage in a long proxy war with NATO then they got it.

Cui bono? Not sure really. Maybe China but that’s some 4D chess conspiracy type stuff. War is likely to lead all countries involved destitute so whoever wins and uses the least will benefit.

S says:

What optics? The Western media is run by people who hate Russians and want them wiped from the face of the planet. The rest of the world doesn’t give a shit about ‘self determination’- that is crazy white people stuff. Right opposition is opposed to democracy. Who exactly are they supposed to be targeting?

Calvin says:

Well I always wondered what playing fallout in real life would be like. Got any advice beyond the obvious stay away from major cities and have decent stocks of necessities?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If you can, get a good general chemistry and organic chemistry textbook. Being able to make simple antibiotics and helpful chemicals is a huge bonus. If you can ferment alcohol, also an excellent skill to have. Keep in mind the Fallout stage will only probably last a year or two if it happens at all, but that is plenty long enough to end up dead. There is a good long form article from a survivor of the Bosnian or Serbian war out there. Read that, because it talks about what it is like.

Calvin says:

I admit chemistry isn’t my specialty. Got any recommendations on specific books?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Not really, but I will ask around. I know some people. I would recommend checking YouTube for chemistry channels and practicing yourself. Nothing wild, but understanding mole conversions and being able to predict extent of reaction is a good, basic skill to have down that you can test with baking soda and vinegar reactions.

Dr. Faust says:

Maybe we’ll be able to trade antibiotics for sports cars soon.

“Yes, Mr. Millionaire-down-the-block it is tragic your son is sick. Maybe you can trade me your Porsche GT3 for a month supply of full spectrum antibiotics.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

More along the lines of, “In return for protection, food, and raw materials, I will provide you with enough antibiotics to keep your men protected and still have some for trade.”

A2 says:

I have to say organic chemistry was really beyond me, but I thought Solomon & Fryhle’s Organic Chemistry was a good undergrad intro.

The field itself is utterly vast and I found that I hated the lab assignments, but the following texts seem to be respected.

Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry

Organic Syntheses. This one has literally more than 60 volumes but has its heart in the right place

Since 1921, Organic Syntheses has provided the chemistry community with detailed, reliable, and carefully checked procedures for the synthesis of organic compounds. Some procedures describe practical methods for the preparation of specific compounds of interest, while other procedures illustrate important synthetic methods with general utility. Each procedure is written in considerably more detail as compared to typical experimental procedures in other journals, and each reaction with its characterization data has been repeated several times and carefully “checked” for reproducibility in the laboratory of a member of the Board of Editors.

For medications, I haven’t read this one myself but it looks most promising in certain scenarios: Synthesis of Essential Drugs. Beyond that, search for how to synthesize generics.

(All of the above can be examined at leisure through libgen.)

Aidan says:

That was a good article, but it was specifically about a city under blockade. Major US supply lines take every effort to circumvent cities. I live near enough to a city that I would have to spend a week in the basement after a strike, but my water and electricity come from a very long way away, as far from a city as it is possible to get in my region. My concern is that the state diverts food and energy from normal people to feed and keep comfy useless urban refugees. Barring autogenocidal policies, the economy of real America can only be improved by nuclear warfare.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I assume you are spending the week underground to avoid radioactivity? Assuming airburst nukes are used, 3 days should be sufficient. The half-life of radioactive fallout decays about 90% in 8 hours, 99% in approximately 1 day, and 99.9% after around 3 days. Even after a single day you can start making short trips outside to dump the shit bucket, replenish supplies, check on animals, etc. Just make the trips short.

If they use surface nukes or especially sub-surface nukes near you, you need to get the fuck out of there. Airburst nukes are most effective at damaging an area, but a subsurface nuke spreads a lot more fallout and make an area less livable. The area is going to be much more irradiated for longer, and while it will be in a more concentrated area, you will have to deal with wind carrying fallout around for a while.

jim says:

Note that no one in Hiroshima took any precautions. Nearly all deaths from radiation appear to have been a result of irradiation that happened in the first few hours, and it mostly killed people by blowing them up and setting them on fire. If you are not blown up, get the hell out and wash yourself.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am aware. The first few hours are the most important. From T0 to T+8, you clean off, stay inside an area with thick walls, and hunker down. T+8 to T+24 is pretty much the same, with trips for necessities within the immediate area and washing down and changing clothes afterwards. After H+24, you are free to decide your own level of risk, but best to stay in shelter as much as possible. After T+72, you are for all intents and purposes back at normal.

jim says:

I don’t have any thick walls, but as I have frequently said, am as far from power as I can get without treading water. One of my sons is in a more hazardous location.

The trouble is that a single layer of brick has rather limited effectiveness. Unless you are in the basement of big reinforced concrete building, not much radiation shelter afforded by walls.

If you get dust on your body, you get beta radiation, which is really bad. If you are inside, only gamma radiation, but that is still bad, and a single layer of brick is not going to much diminish it. The body of a car is going to shield you from beta radiation, so what I would do is get in a car and get the hell out with the windows up and the air conditioning set to off and to internal circulation only. Head upwind, then shower or take a swim.

But the major hazard by far is likely to be getting blown up and set on fire. If you are not blown up or set on fire, radioactive fallout is unlikely to be a huge problem. I repeat. Not a huge problem in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Looks like the really serious radiation casualties got fresh dust on their bodies. Radiation casualties small compared to blast and fire casualties.

For big thermonuclear bombs, the radiation fallout is likely to be relatively worse than it was for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs – considerably more radiation casualties relative to blast and fire casualties, so the Hiroshima experience may not be an adequate indicator. Head upwind.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Additionally, besides the people exposed in the initial burst, the cancer rate was not meaningfully changed by the nuclear blasts. In an airburst detonation, the initial blast and fallout is the only real risk. This is given a sample size of 2, so who knows what is different with modern bombs. Still, I would expect that the best response is to react to a modern bomb as if it was just a larger version of the Manhattan Project bombs.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Gamma rays are limited in range, and do not last that long. If you survive the initial blast and the raging superfires that follow, then alpha and beta radiation are your biggest threats. That means cleaning yourself as quickly as possible, and sheltering where the least amount of dust can reach you. You do not need a lead lined safe room; basements are fine. Basically, if you get hit by gamma rays, then you are already fucked and nothing can be done about it, so do what you can about alpha and beta radiation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The real killer is not radiant radiation, but ingestion of radioactive particulate matter. Clean air, clean water, clean body, and you will not notice any problem, outside of extreme situations.

In the effort to fix the Chernobyl accident, a team of three volunteers was needed to go down into the flooded basement floors to shut off the broken water mains, which threatened to cause a massive steam explosion if the flooding reached the extremely hot melted down reactor material. The men volunteering for this did so with an understanding that this was, basically, going to be a suicide mission.

In the event however, all three survived, and in fact lived to long age. The diving suits they wore provided an impermeable layer against any particulate, which meant they avoided ingestion of any contaminated material; ironically, they were even safer in their mission swimming through radioactive water than their fellows on the surface not using any PPE.

Aidan says:

I forgot my numbers- the three day figure is what I meant.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The disruption of supply lines after a nuclear exchange might be similar in effect to a blockade or siege. It is a good lesson in what is most difficult to get in a disaster.

What it is best at getting across is the way that society breaks down. The article is telling you what a civil war looks like from the inside. The social dynamics of such an event are much more useful than any list of items ever could be. Do not play the game, play the man. If you understand hownthese things work, then you are at a marked advantage.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Major US supply lines take every effort to circumvent cities.”

Do they? Serious question.

Article says: “Union Pacific, one of the country’s largest railroad companies, says it may avoid operating in Los Angeles County following the spike in thefts, which it blames on lax prosecution of crimes. The containers and trains are locked, but can be broken into.”

It seems that supply lines do not (yet) route around Los Angeles as much as possible. Maybe places like Chicago were worse earlier.

jim says:

Los Angeles is a port city. A port that is far too large and suffering severe diseconomies of scale, quite apart from the breakdown of law and order characteristic of blue cities. You cannot route round ports. You can, however, build more ports – except that our government is too dysfunctional to build anything nor allow anything substantial to be built.

Yul Bornhold says:

If Union Pacific says it will stop operating in Los Angeles, then Union Pacific is not picking up or depositing goods from the harbor.

“Like our customers, UP is now contemplating
serious changes to our operating plans to avoid Los Angeles County.” (

If your endpoint is the harbor, you can’t reroute around the harbor and yet they’re suggesting rerouting, which means they were shipping through LA when it wasn’t a specific start-point or endpoint.

As a railroad company, this makes more sense. In modern California, it must be an enormous pain to lay new tracks. If the company is using legacy warehouses and loading points, they’d stick around a lot longer than more flexible trucking companies.

Mister Grumpus says:

There were schemes to build up ports on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Mexico, and bring the goods up via train into Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, etc.

Narco’s or the Coastal Cathedral, take your pick.

Aidan says:

Like I said in my first post, ports would get ruined. So no imports, and gas and food likely to get extremely expensive. Life would get a lot worse, but it would be bombing America back to the third world, not the Stone Age.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

America had a similar technology level as the third world as recently as 150 years ago. There are shitholes in Africa with more electric power today than America had in 1900. It will not be pleasant, but America can more easily return from being bombed into the third world than being invaded by the third worlders. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Aidan says:

Nuclear war is not as bad as pop culture makes it out to be. The most important thing beyond what you mentioned is willingness to shoot people, because this country is full of useless mouths looking to eat you, but not much of value will be lost if our cities get nuked, aside from some useful ocean ports. Our governments reaction may well be insane and unhinged, amounting to an immediate attempt at autogenocide, though there is a chance they dust off the old and sane plans put together during the Cold War.

Calvin says:

If it comes to a nuclear war I have no doubt that the Russians will successfully decapitate our government. Regionalism in whatever is left standing seems an inevitability, if for no other reason that the sheer number of would-be Caesars that will have been handed a once in a lifetime opportunity to make dreams of empire real.

Aidan says:

Unfortunately, the US is a theocracy; decapitating the nominal government will allow any “public servant” who has not had its skin irradiated off to claim the Mandate of Harvard. It is not that caesarism becomes impossible, it is that at least some remnant of the GAE will be around to contend with

Calvin says:

Even if there is, and personally I doubt it, in conditions where immediate daily survival is actually a question rather than a given I cannot see anyone seriously devoted to the legacy of the GAE surviving long. Those cities that are not radioactive ash pits will be crawling with hungry mud people seeking effete urbanites to devour. Will someone try to use it as a cloak for a Caesarean takeover? I dunno, maybe. But an actual believer in GAEism cannot build, can only decay and pervert.

Aidan says:

No, cannot build, but can rally every red blooded man in America for a retaliatory war on Russia using impeccably patriotic language, which will in fact be a war against rural whites who do not want to feed infinite urbanite refugees

Calvin says:

Russia has either the most or second most nukes in the world, depending on how many are active and ready. Between radioactive flash, supply disruptions, and starving browns, will not be many urbanite refugees. Will not be much of a Russia left after a nuclear exchange to wage war on either, or a means to get there after the ports and airbases have been leveled.

jim says:

This assumes our nukes still work. I much doubt that they do. When the old engineers retired, I do not believe the bombs continued to be functional.

And in the event that Russia gets beheaded, Nato will also be beheaded.

Calvin says:

NATO without the US is nothing, and I fully expect that if a nuclear exchange occurs the US will be beheaded. So I agree with you there. But I also think more American nukes are working than you figure. Russia is pretty concentrated, would not take all of them to glass the populace bits.

Tech Priest says:

Jim, if your concern is about the tritium (as I believe you mentioned before), as I understand it the tritium enhances the yield, but is not needed for the nuke to go off.

So if US nukes have decayed tritium, but are otherwise in working order, they will still work, just not with as big a boom as designed.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not the tritium, but that tritium is an obvious indicator of technological decline. Consider also the terrible state of American rocketry, and really any high technology dealing with nuclear science. Those are harder to notice. Decay can slip in and it is not noticeable until the launches fail, and even then you may never hear of the failure. Tritium is what you can point to and say, “They could make tritium in the 1950s and now they cannot. What else made in the 50s is no longer within their reach?”

Starman says:


” Unfortunately, the US is a theocracy; decapitating the nominal government will allow any “public servant” who has not had its skin irradiated off to claim the Mandate of Harvard. It is not that caesarism becomes impossible, it is that at least some remnant of the GAE will be around to contend with”

Goddamned low T midwit statement.

A nuclear war destroying the blue cities will be the permanent end of Harvard. They will have no army.

Aidan says:

Calm yourself, the fighting words are unnecessary. The men who do the killing for Harvard are recruited from the areas that will be unaffected by a nuclear bombing. Harvard uses your beloved rural yeoman class as trannissaries. History says that being devastated by an external enemy that does not have boots on the ground causes the survivors to fight harder against the enemy, not undergo civil war unless there is a backup elite trying to take power. I personally dream of warlording it up in the ruins of a nuked America, but I am being realistic. Will the janissaries rebel? That is a big question mark, and I say at least some of them will be loyal to the remnants of the GAE.

jim says:

In the ruins of big blue cities, their pet blacks are going to eat them while the Mexican cartels take power. The Old Gods of Mexico walk again, and the new state religion in areas of cartel rule is likely to be worship of the Old Gods.

Meanwhile someone obscure will point to the official line of succession and plausibly claim to be commander in chief. Which is likely to succeed so long as the rural yeomen believe the myth of the Republic. If Mister Obscure Civil Servant succeeds, he will eventually reconquer the ruins, because the rural yeomen will have little difficulty dealing with blacks and cartels.

But the Republic is dead.

Aidan says:

As we need to remind Anonymous Fake, blue cities are the result of Harvards power, not the cause of it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Did you read his explanation? It is very feasible that they can rally a good chunk of the military and conservatives with a dream of revenge. “Two can fit in this grave, Putin.”

Starman says:


”The men who do the killing for Harvard are recruited from the areas that will be unaffected by a nuclear bombing.”

Limpwristed urbanite bugman detected.

A Harvard in ruins and the blue cities in ruins means they won’t be recruiting anyone from Real America. Rural America was cheering when DeSantis stuffed Martha’s Vineyard with 50 migrant invaders.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Limpwristed urbanite bugman detected.”

Aidan has a point.

Right now, normality bias is still running rampant in the military, “Real America,” and the rural.

The military, O5 and under, is fairly based (and ironically one of the most politically aware segments of America). They still largely believe in the Republic and therefore follows orders, follows orders, and follows orders. I cannot stress that point enough. Until there is a complete breakdown in command structure or regime faith, don’t expect that to change much. In the event of a nuclear war, command is decentralized enough that the nature of American military leadership would not change overnight.

“A Harvard in ruins and the blue cities in ruins means they won’t be recruiting anyone from Real America.”

Nearly everyone O6 and above, as I’ve written before, are highly selected for ideological adherence. Moreover the rank and file won’t exactly be thinking too hard in the event of a major war. They will be following orders of what ever surviving leadership there is because a major crises has that effect on people (even more among military sorts), and while Harvard might be physically gone… it would live on spiritually among the remaining top military leadership. In effect, Harvard might live on long after it’s physical death. What that would look like in a post nuclear war America is debatable, but I imagine one of the worst case scenarios might be General Milley rallying to Supreme Leader Buttigieg.

I also caution against notions of “Real America” or rural America coming to save the day.

“Real America” is a bunch of isolated pockets of semi stable and semi traditional legacy Americans who haven’t realized, or come to terms with, the sheer degree of decline that has occurred. “Real America” has consistently retreated from the reality since FDR in part because the accumulated generational knowledge and wealth allowed them to mostly shield themselves from the decline rather than fight it. What that looked like in practice was a continuous retreat from progressive encroachment for the last 100 years. Legacy Americans are now massively outnumbered even by White Rural Americans. Anecdotally, I still remember the stories of my grandfather and my great grandfather. That America is dead and dead. If you’re so lucky to have heard first hand living memory of what was, you’ll know what I mean.

Rural America is having a massive drug and despair problem at the moment. National capitalism would change that which is why so many of them rallied around Trump, but that’s just about the only thing uniting them at the moment. There has been a severe breakdown in morals and well being in rural America such that it bears no resemblance to “Real America.” I would go as far as say it bares no resemblance to traditional American values at all. Rural America has become a retched place full of people who behave more like the inhabitants of Latin American favelas than Citizens of a Republic. Just more spread out, White, and much higher baseline IQ.

Hell, I would argue that you’re suffering from normality bias too because “Real America” doesn’t exists anymore in any real unified or contiguous measurement. All that you call “Real America” is just a memory and a shadow of an America that might have existed in the distant past but is beyond dead at this point in time.

S says:

The US military has a higher vaccination rate then the general public; I’m not sure how they can be in any sense count as ‘based’.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Starman gets a little spastic when people point out that reality is not going his way.

When people are dealing with the reality of a post-nuclear exchange America, they are going to be pissed off. They are not going to be thinking, “Well, I guess we kinda had this coming.” No, in the name of freedom and apple pie and Ronald Reagan, we need to show those damned commie Ruskies what America is made of! That it is not a rational position will matter not one bit.

Tech Priest says:

In the event of a nuclear war, for sure there will be rallying to the symbols of the existing order against the external enemy. But, I think that with enough destruction of the existing order’s centers of power, the referents of those symbols will change over time. Local official claims the mantle of Harvard, but is not Harvard and is ruling over a constituency that is not Harvard-oriented and without external backing outside that constituency.

Like I said before, hoping this will not happen since I live in a city myself.

Pax Imperialis says:


As I said, the military follows orders. Sometimes those orders are to take an entrenched enemy position on a hill with no artillery or air support. Sometimes those orders are to take a fake and dangerous vaccine. Either way you’re fucked.

A different mindset takes hold, and military men tend to thus play fast and loose with their own lives but not with their brothers. I encourage you to look past the physical actions, and look at their thoughts and spirit. On average, service members are fairly based in what they think. There is an awful lot of thoughtcrime going on just under the surface (lower to mid level Officers are very happy to ‘not be aware of’). Far more than in the typical civilian world, but as I said before, there is still much normality bias going on.

The rank and file were largely highly unenthusiastic and pessimistic about the vaccines. Much more so than civilians. Quite a few jokes about future VA disability claims. But orders where orders…

It’s tragic. In the military you’ll find some of the most aware men in America who know we are in major civilizational decay, yet are completely powerless to act even though we like to think of the military as men of action.

I guess the purpose of all this writing is less about convincing you about the military being ‘based’ or not, and more about pointing out that a would be inner party defector would have a military ready made to enforce a restoration. The only problems are getting that inner party defector in the first place, and cleaning out the upper levels of Cathedral control over the military so the would be Caesar would be able to issue direct commands.

@Wulfgar Thundercock III
“No, in the name of freedom and apple pie and Ronald Reagan, we need to show those damned commie Ruskies”

Hate to break it to you but freedom is racist [1], America eats cricket pie now [2], and I don’t know who this Ronald Reagan guy is but he sounds like an old👏white👏male. Partly joking, but I would be surprised if the government rallied behind DEI even in the aftermath of nuclear war. Shock and wartime scarcities might mean most American would go right along with it.


@Tech Priest
“the referents of those symbols will change over time”

I don’t disagree, but timescale matters. Got a horrible gut feeling that even with Harvard destroyed, nuclear or domestic reasons, we are still looking at more than 3 generations after the fact.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I hate to have to explain the joke, but I was sarcastically referring to the kind of blind jingoism that so many red tribe Americans have. The sort of attitude that says that because we won two world wars we can do anything to anyone. The kind of person who wears a shirt that says back-to-back world war champs and conveniently forgets that America lost Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Strongest military in the world, except for planes that crash or cannot fly, ships that crash into each other, and generals and admirals more concerned with pronouns than with fitness standards.

Pax Imperialis says:

I got the joke and was throwing a more depressed joke back at you. My sense of humor is a little dark at the moment.

Had some conversations about the fitness standards in the last couple of years. Some commanders are worried about fitness standards being too high of all things and have taken steps to reduce physical exertion in training. This comes after decades of limits being imposed. At this point is just looks like a weakening military.

S says:

“I encourage you to look past the physical actions, and look at their thoughts and spirit. On average, service members are fairly based in what they think.”

So are the liberals of Martha’s Vineyard. The difference is the lack of agency and we have a term for people who lack agency- NPCs. If command is commies, they will kill for the hammer and sickle. If command is globohomo, they will kill for the rainbow. If command is Charles the Hammer, they will kill for Christ.

@Wulfgar Thundercock III
How? Are we going to naval invade Kamchatka like a demented game of Risk? Zerg rush against tactical nukes in Europe?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

S, it is not a particularly good idea, but maybe. The kind of person I am talking about is not going to realize that the GAE Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps have more in common with the Soviet military of the early 1990s than with the American military of the early 2000s until that Zerg rush gets hit with a couple of tactical nukes, and by then it is too late. The GAE bugman sending them to die in a futile quest for revenge is doing to them what Zelensky is doing to the Ukraine.

Dr. Faust says:

Gangs and organized crime will attempt to fill a power vacuum. The cartels out of mexico will take out a section of the soutwest and maybe more. GAE remnants will remain for a long time but nothing like now. The gelatinous urban body of the white liberal cannot maintain itself and so will be culled within a month post starvation. The map is not the land as they say and I expect most people will still point to the map longer after it resembled anything real.

A2 says:

I wonder if the cartel business model survives the collapse of the US. Far fewer degenerates with valuable dollars to spend afterwards, is my guess.

Calvin says:

Probably will transition to more traditional warlording, likely with some Santa Muerte or other Catholic/Aztec hybrid religion as their foundation.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Catholic/Aztec hybrid religion”
Toss in some Mayan for good measure

i says:


Jesus Christ will not share his glory with another. Let along Santa Muerte.

Demons have no fellowship with God. Darkness has no fellowship with light.

Those religions will be purged in due time.

jim says:

The primary hazard is not fallout. Fallout was a minor problem in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It will be a considerably bigger problem with modern nukes, but not enormously bigger.

The primary hazard is the likely collapse of order following a nuclear war.

You are going to have to engage in micro state organization, preparatory to state organization.

Look for armed households under the authority of a patriarch, and cut a mutual defense deal between patriarchs, based on the corporate form. After a nuclear war, if the nuclear war leads to the collapse of order, need organizations to defend people and property, and these organizations then have to be scaled up.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Areas that sign up to join Russia are under its nuclear umbrella. Nato declares that they are not under its nuclear umbrella. Acts as if not under nuclear umbrella. Boom!”

So Putin becomes the nuclear Kyle Rittenhouse.

Because of course. It makes so much sense. The memes draw themselves. I’m speechless.

Richard W. Comerford says:

Which means that Russians are a whole lot less likely to be forced to watch black people, mixed race couples, transexuals, and faggots, eating burgers on television.

Ooooooh Jim, you are making me want to move to Russia.

Go Russia! Beat Ukraine!

Basil says:

Try to get your head out of your ass, faggot.
The only thing that really does not exist is the dominance of sodomites.

Some officials and state propagandists began to talk openly about the need to eat insects, and some innocent sectarians are tortured in prisons and their children are taken away from them, because they were in no hurry to give injections to their children. There was plenty of evidence for vaccination, here are the bugs.

Translation from Yandex
“Russia needs to develop the production of products from vegetable protein and larvae, and consumers need to change their mentality towards them, said Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade at the Innofood exhibition in Sochi. This is reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta .

The Minister said that the country needs to keep up with the trends that are being formed in the world. Including the replacement of animal protein with vegetable protein.

“It’s really surprising when a protein from a black lion larva is used in the world. Probably, all of us present here need to work a little bit with mentality, and the black lion cub can come in,” Manturov said.”

Even if we are not talking about marriages between Russians and Caucasians, the Russian Federation continues the Soviet policy of promoting “friendship of peoples”, from every iron you can hear about how mixed children are “smart and beautiful”, including with Negroids (for whom the border is open ), and the local media being created is about 100% praising the arrogant female cunt, including when she literally cheats on her husband and does the right thing, because she is driven by “love”.

None of this has stopped since February 24th. Will mobilization change this? We’ll see soon.

Modern decadent Japan, under the hood of global government, allows itself more. An excerpt from the description of a fresh anime:
“However, on one snowy night, Tamahiko’s insomnia is interrupted by someone knocking at the door. He then meets the 14-year-old Yuzuki Tachibana, who announces that she has come to be his future wife! Suddenly, Tamahiko remembers his father promising to send him a bride to assist him with impediments to his daily life.”

Although she was sold as a bride to repay her family’s debts, Yuzuki proves to be thoughtful, diligent, and dedicated to Tamahiko. ”

And you know what? Yes, Yuzuki is happy to be sold at fourteen and be a wife and serve and obey her husband. You will not find anything closer to a Christian marriage in today’s Russian media.

jim says:

Please give Yandex translate links.

jim says:

What is the date on the bug protein link?

Following sanctions, there was a sudden purge of Cathedral agents of influence from Russian state and quasi state institutions, and a mass self cancellation, with glowies fleeing to Western Europe on their own initiative, frequently stealing everything not nailed down and setting what was nailed down on fire before they left.

There was a radical change in the Russian atmosphere when a few of the glowies were purged, and a huge number of glowies fled to western Europe.

Give us Yandex Translate links, or I am going to start silencing your material containing links.

You keep citing glowies in Russia. There were a lot of glowies in Russia. There are now suddenly far fewer.

Mike in Boston says:

Jim, when I hear “glowies” I think “CIA assets”. But just as the Soviets made a distinction between their assets and the “useful idiots” who helped advance the KGB’s interests because they were true believers in communism, I think the real problem in Russia is not the active collaborators with the West but people in power who have bought into everything Globohomo is selling.

To get Yandex translations you can paste Basil’s (or my) links into . Basil’s article summarized coverage in a major newspaper, Rossiskaia Gazeta, of Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade for the Russian Federation, wanting Russians to eat the bugs. Yandex Translate does a lot of redirection and keeps giving me captchas, but if I have not screwed up the linking, a Yandex Translate link to the original article is here or possibly here. The machine translates his last paragraph as “Probably, we need to work a little bit with the mentality of all of us present here and the black lion can come in”. “Black lion”, черная львинка, is Russian for Hermetia illucens, the black soldier fly. I would translate his words as “Probably all of us here need to work on our mentality a little bit and we can bring in the black soldier fly”, presumably meaning its larva. The article is from September 19th.

Clot shots are right up there with eating the bugs in the Globohomo priority list, and well-placed Russians are pushing not just any clot shot, but a clot shot with ties to Bill Gates. Here’s the Yandex Translate link dated September 21st. The “Konvacel” clot shot was developed by Russia’s Federal Medical and Biological Agency. Its head is the creepy Veronika Skorstova, who as Riley Waggaman notes:

is also a proud member of a Bill Gates-funded global scamdemic planning committee, which boasts some of the world’s most distinguished parasites, such as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci.

Call me blackpilled if you like, but even if there are indeed fewer glowies in Russia these days, there are still plenty of very highly placed useful idiots who can’t wait to surrender to the oh-so-virtuous West. I think President Putin has a real fight ahead domestically.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In Russia, Western ideas are widely seen as superior to backward Russian ideas. At his press conference in Samarkand the other day, Putin himself said that Earth will turn into another Venus if we don’t stop global warming!

Kunning Druegger says:

It is rather curious how we so often take for granted the nuance in our own communities while we maintain the assumption that foreign communities are monoliths. It as obvious as daylight that there are many factions in Russia, regardless of the reach and strength of Putin. I have a vast garden, far larger than most here, I imagine, and this fact my inspire envy in some. “It’s full of weeds, I bet” they say to themselves as they stare at there government approved 10’x10′ patch of GMO grass. And they are right, I have far too many weeds and far too few hours in the day. But in my garden, we rip the weeds out when we are able.

Russia’s garden has weeds, no doubt, and they do need to be located, identified, and removed. But pointing out the presence of weeds and pretending that this somehow invalidates the concept of gardening or gives lie to the ambitions of the gardener is, quite obviously, enemy shilling. Basil is an enemy, not because he questions Putin or criticizes Russia, but because of *how* he chooses to do it. As JJ and Milosevic said to me, quite fairly, be wary the plank in your own eye when going out to point out specks in other’s. I stand by my crass exhortations in that conversation, but in this one, I feel strongly that Basil has no good defense for his. He only comes here to sew discord when something positive about Russia gets posted by Jim, then slips away as the conversation topic turns.

JJ says:

I stand by my crass exhortations in that conversation

Let it go.

Neofugue says:

And yet, there are courageous Russians who fight Western decadence, of whom you fail to mention. They managed to get a Polygon outlet to apologize for including diversity in their advertisements.

Link from Russian state propaganda site:
Link from Polygon propaganda site:

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Basil is a shill, so do not expect him to offer any evidence of victories by the right. He is here to demoralize you. Andrew Anglin has been mentioning these types of people lately and while he thinks they are just being foolish, I think they are being paid. Basil has been ducking a proper shill test for a bit now and he spells Kiev like a faggot leftist.

Mike in Boston says:

there are courageous Russians who fight Western decadence, of whom you fail to mention.

There certainly are. But there are also courageous Americans who fight Western decadence. Arthur Schaper springs to mind. The issue is not the people, but the governments they are saddled with.

Still, I hope you would agree that the American government is dominated by the Woke and their collaborators. The question at hand is how much the Russian government is subject to them. The fact that Manturov and Skorstova still have their jobs means that they are not powerless.

Mike in Boston says:

And the courageous Russians in the linked RT article were associated with the мужское государство (“Male State”) organization. That organization was banned by the Russian government as extremist last fall. Whatever departures of glow niggers there may have been since then, they are still banned.

Kunning Druegger says:

I just recently discovered that there is, apparently, some Russian guy running for president (or chief bear or whatever) on a platform of reinstituting monarchy and declaring war on the West. he has run many times.

Putin’s regime seems to suppress both CIA fronts as well as organic elements, be they far left or far right. This is natural and intelligent, unless you think he should acknowledge that there are people who are farther to the right than himself and resign so they can have their say. If you are the captain of a ship, you have to hold your position and do your job, regardless of the people onboard who think they can do it better.

skippy says:

I cannot read Russian, but it always seemed implausible to me that 70 years of communist ideology would simply be replaced immediately and with no specific effort to do so. Of course, the communist structure was discredited politically, but that does not mean everyone leaps to reject deep premises let alone replace them with a specific alternative without organization.

Starman says:

Lookie here! What does my slanted eye spy?
(Ht: Hugin2017 and TrevorGoodchild)

Back in August 2013, the U.S. Government planned the modernisation of Sevastopol naval base. They were mighty sure it would become a U.S./NATO base.

“Federal Contract Opportunity for Renovation of Sevastopol School #5, Ukraine N33191-13-R-1240. The NAICS Category is 236220 – Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. Posted Aug 20, 2013. Posted by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (DOD – Navy). The work will be performed at Sevastopol 99000”

Pax Imperialis says:

peak imperial hubris

JustAnotherGuy says:

Absurd amount of clean water issues popping up everywhere to be a coincidence. This time its an aircraft carrier of all things…

Was Rome’s water getting this bad as well in its late stages? These guys get told the ‘water is fine’ when everyone is having stomach issues, just like the ‘vax’ is fine, and the economy is fine, and all sorts of other lies. It’s a good thing we lie about the past all the time so I can never find out how to prepare myself for when even the water is toxic/irradiated/or something worse.

Pax Imperialis says:

Water supply being fucked is a military tradition. You’re just hearing about it because social media allows word to reach widely outside the military community.

What is concerning is the breakdown in the civilian supply.

Anon says:

logistic and maintenance are collapsing, because it is the first and easiest to introduce diversity, collapse is slow and long so you can pretend everything is ok
Here is the US Army

jim says:

Ukraine’s ability to find troops willing to fight is diminishing. Nowhere near collapse or incapacity yet, but collapse and incapacity is in sight. At which point we likely go to direct peer conflict, with Nato directly marching into Ukraine. What happens then will be revealing. Is our army still capable of peer conflict?

Ukraine’s capability for peer conflict rests on the Nazis – nationalist leftists. There is no equivalent group in the US. The purge of the US military was a purge of everyone who cared about military capability.

We could see an abrupt change of course, as when Hitler came to power first wave feminism quietly and silently completely disappeared in the US. Or nukes.

If they see peer conflict coming up, then suddenly the purge of the army is problematic. Consider how the very Jewish Ukraine government, anticipating war with Russia, decided to go with the Nazis. This is somewhat analogous to the sudden, mysterious, silent, and total disappearance of first wave feminism.

The Global American Empire strategy on Russia was based on converging Russia with agents of influence, while pressuring Russia with low level war. Direct peer warfare was never on the table. But these strategies were incompatible. When low level war went considerably higher level, sanctions cut off most their agents of influence.

Direct peer warfare is still not on the table, but if the Ukraine runs out of men willing to fight, the proxy fig leaf falls off. At which point they have no alternative but retreat, or direct peer conflict. As yet, no preparation for direct peer conflict. Nor is retreat thinkable.

One possibility is to go with the Ukraine tactic, a Nazi (left nationalist) force within the US army. Another possibility is the feminism, gay, diversity, and transsexuality softly and silently vanishes away as first wave feminism did, with everyone strangely not noticing. This however would require focus on some new leftist cause. The strangely silent vanishing of first wave feminism was made possible by the radicalism of New Deal leftism

Another possibility is to use nukes, but I think these are likely to fail.

Another possibility, for which Afghanistan is the precedent, is that they simply retreat. Let Ukraine fall. This is likely to lead to cascading retreat, as happened to the Soviet Union. If one retreat, suddenly everyone gets uppity. one retreat is likely to lead to another.

alf says:

Another possibility, for which Afghanistan is the precedent, is that they simply retreat. Let Ukraine fall. This is likely to lead to cascading retreat, as happened to the Soviet Union. If one retreat, suddenly everyone gets uppity. one retreat is likely to lead to another.

Which is why I can’t imagine them doing that. No one cared much about Afghanistan. Everyone cares about Putin, that evil white man who is rapidly becoming the symbol of misogynist patriarchy worldwide. I don’t think they’ll stop. Brrrr goes the money press.

On the bright side, NATO cooperation probably resembles the Babylonians building the Tower of Babel more every day…

jim says:

Yes, likely they will escalate the Ukraine war, rather than retreat. They are doing it now, with English speaking troops spearheading the recent successful Ukrainian offensive. They are likely to escalate further and further, as Ukraine runs out of troops willing to fight.

But our army is in dreadful shape. Putting Nato boots on the ground is likely to be disastrous. Which, if they will not retreat, is likely to result in nukes.

Global American Empire strategy was always based on not engaging in a major war, hence the current state of our military. Their strategy was glowies backed by small scale proxy wars and proxy genocides. This strategy has an obvious flaw. What if the enemy refuses to play by your rules?

So, retreat or change strategy. They are reluctant to change strategy, because worried about Caesar. They are also reluctant to retreat, because of the likelihood of cascading retreats.

A change in strategy would require a general who gave the capacity to fight priority over putting women in men’s jobs. Such a general is a potential Caesar.

Aidan says:

The ideal outcome for us is that we escalate in Ukraine short of nuclear weapons, and the disaster forges Caesar, who comes home and does what needs to be done.

The Cominator says:

We’re almost seeing the plot of the origin of the society in Starship Troopers (which was a kind of Democracy but in a more right wong way, i suspect it couldn’t work but it was interesting) play out in real time…

S says:

Starship Troopers government is the Roman Republic + egalitarianism.

The Cominator says:

No the Roman republic was very very oligarchical not really Democratic at all most of the time.

Karl says:

A beaten general can’t be Caesar. A general who wins in Ukraine against the Russian armies, will cause Russia to escalate to using nukes.

You might get your Caesar after a few US cities have been nuked, but I don’t see how escalation in Ukraine short of nuklear weapons can produce a Caesar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A general who pulls the fighting men out of a deathtrap and brings them back intact will be a good candidate for Caesar. Chesty Puller is partly famous for his success in the Chosin Resivoir, where the UN troops had to retreat from numerically superior Chinese forces. A fighting retreat that kept the Marines alive but was considered a loss, and he is famous for it. Someone who does that for US troops when the shit really hits the fan with Russia would have massive popular support among the fighting men.

The Cominator says:

The Trump of the Roman Republic not the Caesar Tiberius Gracchus as a legato negotiated the release of surrounded troops under condition they not fight… he was either a legate or tribune at the time.

It apparently made him popular enough with people..he. but like Trump he couldn’t conceive of forcibly overthrowing the government.

Aidan says:

Not an exact prediction, just a story on how things could go down.

An American officer gets his troon force cut to pieces, but rallies capable fighting men remaining and fights his way out of Russian encirclement, earning him the undying loyalty of his now personal troops. GAE leadership denounces him as a coward and the man responsible for getting the holy trannies killed, and knowing that he will be arrested if he goes home, he keeps marching west, and with a hungry, landless army in tow, there will be trouble wherever he marches, but it is likely he will find himself king of a European nation soon after he marches into a country with sufficiently degraded military forces. Every European country has a Saracen contingent planning an armed coup, which will go into motion when that country runs out of gas and weapons, so it is likely our hero shows up, shoots a lot of ragheads, and suddenly finds himself with territory resembling the empire of Charles the Great.

The Cominator says:

Something like that…

Sulla was able to be the 1st to March on Rome because he was loved by his army for saving them from encirclement and destruction during the Social War. The details are vague but Sulla won the grass crown, the only Roman military award given by acclamation of troops to their commander and only when they believed their commanders quick thinking Valor etc prevented the destruction of the whole army.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was thinking something similar, except that he flies back to DC, army in tow. There he commits to being Caesar.

A2 says:

Where is the breaking point for European support of this little State Dept adventure? It is something of an imposition as it is.

jim says:

I don’t see any breaking point. They got away with Covid. They can probably escalate all the way to most Europeans starving and freezing to death.

What they probably cannot get away with is significant battlefield deaths of Nato troops in Ukraine. They are nervous about their troops.

A2 says:

People already seem less than enthused about the situation and it is steadily (and alarmingly rapidly since spring) getting worse in most every way. This time the crisis du jour is not a massive vacation over flu season. And for what?

Karl says:

People of Europe by and large do not support this State Dept adventure, but the European governments do and they will keep supporting it regardless of what their populations think

Kunning Druegger says:

Karl, can you comment on why this is the case?

I spend a fair amount of time being an “American” in forums wherein America is the unified target of hatred. I analyze the chat, identify the thought leaders, then engage them when they make an error, force them to acknowledge it, then reveal that I’m in fact an American and that we aren’t all the same here. There are other tactics, but this one has a “burn time” wherein I see reams of commentary on why I am stupid, evil, misinformed, undereducated, primitive, and on and on. So I have a thick skin to it, but I also relish in demonstrating that there are in fact intelligent, cultured, and versatile Americans out there. maybe this is where my patriotism has gone after the fed gov finally destroyed it.

I used to hold Europe in high regard, particularly my Germanic cousins and the Scandinavians, but the last 5 years has wrecked that. My mental picture of Europe is a cowed, sullen, and ineffectual lot of childless socialist leeches, handing off their girlfriends, mothers, and land to mudskin invaders. Can you tell me if that’s close to true, or am I falling into the same trap that my foreign interlocuters do?

Karl says:

Can’t say much of Europe outside Germany, but your mental picture is correct for about two thirds of the German population.

Karl says:

Your first question is easy as far as it refers to governments. The people in those governments share the faith of the US government. Some of them don’t care about the opinion of their populations because they want to do the holy thing according to their faith, the rest because they do not dare opposing that faith. The most those cowards will do is dragging their feet in supporting this State Dept adventure. Scholz is showing some signs in that direction.

Why the population by and large does not support the State dept adventure is more difficult and people have different reasons. Many simply don’t care. Others see the costs and know they are losing what wealth they have. Germany also has a lot of Russian Germans who come here some 20 years ago. These people are German, but support Russia in this matter. I’ve seen pro-Russian rallies in German, none in support of Ukraine.

Anyway, Merkel’s opening of the borders was supported by a majority and there was a lot of purity signaling going with this support. Now there are no holiness points to be had by supporting Ukraine. I guess because it is harder to be delusional about the costs.

alf says:

KD you’re pretty much on the mark I’m afraid. And Karl’s explanation hits true as well.

I’ll add in defense of Europeans is that there is a lot of ruin in a formerly prosperous continent. Boomers have been too spoiled to imagine things could go to shit, and younger generations have somehow also squeezed by, although recent years have been getting much trickier. Only with the very recent escalations are most Europeans starting to realize that things are not as well as they seemed. A bit too late, methinks…

Kunning Druegger says:

Before you two get too depressed or, more dangerous, hopeful about us burgers, we are in no better shape. I fully expect most police and military to mindlessly crush resistance with about the same proportion of the citizenry turning in their guns to fight racism or some shit.

Every day, it seems more likely that we need to consolidate somewhere, draw hard lines, and use it as a pivot point to weather the storm then push out from. The problem is that the whites you actually want to have are the ones that refuse to pull up and pull out til the very end, meaning you will only get the cowards to rally to you.

alf says:

The one murican thing I do draw inspiration from is that you guys seem to have formed much more developed pockets of resistance. In Europe, resistance barely exists, and insofar it does, a mess.

A2 says:

I wrote the above just before the most recent happening so I’ll add that getting your gas pipelines bombed by what strongly appears to be your allies (UK/US is my bet) would test the patience of a saint.

What do you think will happen, Karl (or other German)? Any signs of spirit or will there be just huddling in the cold dark while the authorities are puzzled?

jim says:

Official reality will be the Russians blew up a pipeline (which they had shared ownership with Germany, and had the valves, so they could have just turned the thing off) People will huddle in the cold and dark, and pretend to believe.

Karl says:

Instead of NATO using nukes they can deliver nukes to the Ukranian army. If these nukes don’t work, Shaniqa will blame Ukranian incompetence. If these nukes work (or some of them), escalation will continue.

S says:

Russia will treat that as if they were nuked by NATO.

Red says:

Russian leaderships continues to signal weakness with their poor track record retaliation for NATO provocations. This weak behavior enables the insane to argue that Russia won’t strike back.

jim says:

Russian strategy appears focused on winning the war of attrition with Ukraine. If they win, which seems likely, Nato will escalate. Then it will be time to strike back.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It also needs to be noted that NATO is blowing its load before it ever takes the field proper. They have been pulling equipment from the best the GAE has to offer to keep the Ukraine Army in the game. All of those high-tech weapons and equipment that NATO troops are trained to use got used up by Ukranian conscripts or blown up by Russian artillery. When GAE/NATO goes to war they will do so without being recently trained on their systems and with low stocks of that equipment.

Professionals study logistics, and the logistics advantage in WWIII is absolutely held by Russia. They have a stronger economy, shorter supply lines, better stockpiles of arms, and every day that they extend this early stage of the war, their position just gets better. Putin waited long enough that attrition ate through western stockpiles and forced GAE/NATO troops to take the field directly before escalating. Whether or not that was intentional can be disputed, but the result was to shift the logistical advantage far in Russia’s favor. GAE enters this war with a cratering economy, food and fuel shortages in the provinces, and their best weapons already spent.

Putin, by delaying and appearing weak, has drawn the GAE deeper and deeper into a trap. This is an opportunity not to embarass the GAE, but to force it to stand and fight. There can be no retreat from Ukraine for the GAE. There is no abandoning them to Vladof Putler and maintaining the facade of GAE military supremacy. GAE has to fight or die, and do it in a place of their enemy’s choosing.

Red says:

Great analysis Wulfgar.

To be clear, I’m interested in the US not getting nuked, which Putin’s behavior isn’t helping. As a strategy to destroy the GAE, it sounds like a winner.

I’m less than convinced that the US getting nuked will be a good thing. We’re Carthage rather than Rome and I think it likely they’ll apply the Roman solution to the Demon worshipers problem. There may not be be much left of the US after the missile fly. The GAE will go down as one of the most evil empires in history once the full accounting is in.

Pax Imperialis says:

With no end to the war in sight, and long term elevated animosity likely to last a generation, it looks like Russian vodka will be off the American market for a very long time much in the same way Cuban cigars are contraband. There’s just something about Russian winter wheat that no one else can emulate. Perhaps national capitalism will fix this problem and America will start producing quality Vodka with the finest of Michigan winter wheat, but I have a suspicion that will not happen. There are limits to national capitalism and it’s not an end all be all.

I know this is an absolutely shameless post veiled behind the thinnest of geopolitical and economic discussions, but I must ask:

Where can one still buy Russian Standard Vodka or Beluga? Mexico?

Ted says:

Stop drinking. Get it to together man.

Neofugue says:

Speaking as someone with many Russian and Ukrainian contacts, the consumption of vodka is for the purpose of socializing with others and is never served alone. As someone who only drinks in the company of others when socially required, I cannot attest to the quality of different vodkas, but most Russians and Ukrainians admit to vodka being terrible, hence it is always served with food.

The French make the best vodkas. Go to your local store and buy a bottle of Grey Goose. Do not refrigerate it; it is meant to be consumed at room temperature. If you cannot afford Grey Goose, which is relatively inexpensive, you should be thinking about making more money, not drinking.

If you wish to consume alcohol in a socially productive manner, find a sommelier and become a proper wine connoisseur. If you are drinking Russian vodka alone, please seek help before alcoholism destroys you.

Adam says:

AA and it’s cousin NA have meeting locations worldwide, and daily meetings. The meetings can be quite a lot of fun for the socially inclined. A significant percentage of the patrons, quite a bit more than average are fairly based and red-pilled.

“Fuck you” is not a life strategy, and “not progressivism” is not a faith. Quite a few people do use that strategy anyway, and lacking a faith end up needing to go to meetings for a time. The 12 steps being founded primarily on honesty, and courage, and openness offers a new spiritual life to those that said nope to progressivism and churchianity.

They are converged to a degree on the face of it, they are open to anyone. But it is also full of dissidents. Members that start going and stick with it often find themselves married and begin having kids.

It may seem low status, but it’s a great place to practice game. Excellent place to practice public speaking. Excellent place to network. Lacking a real Christian church, it’s potentially a worthy substitute.

Aidan says:

You should drink wine like a proper aristocrat, or gin, the fuel of empire. Vodka is too neutral a spirit, it does not inspire any interesting passions or useful thoughts.

jim says:

I am a big fan of my moonshine, because I like what is mine. Similarly, I enjoy the fruits of my garden. Next: chickens.

My dad was big fan of expensive wines, and attempted to cultivate in me a taste for “good” wines, and to this day, I have no difficulty telling when someone is giving me a “good” wine. And I still don’t like “good” wines.

Aidan says:

I do not care very much about the difference between cheap wine and good wine- wine brings intense passions to the surface. It is the right drink for revelry. Before I went to parties in my partying days, I would drink a bottle of four dollar wine.

Red says:

I’ve never enjoyed wine or beer. Just too bitter for my taste and I’ll only drink it to be polite. I love scotch and gin.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I have no strong feelings one way or another on wine, but port or sherry, i’ll stop over on a visit for.

Kunning Druegger says:

I like scotch, but I wish I knew more about brandy, it sounds cool. When I was drinking every day, years ago, it was room temperature Russian vodka. I don’t recommend it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I personally rate fortified wines the highest when it comes to drinking experiences; cognacs, sherrys, brandys, ports, marsallas, et cetera.

When it comes to distilled spirits, rum is usually the safest bet. It’s kinda hard to fuck up fermenting sugar cane; though Lord knows, some outfits try.

On the other end of the scale, it is really easy to fuck up scotch. I’ve had wee drams of Bunnahabhain that i quite enjoy, but there are far too many companies that think making their paint thinners taste like a coal mine is giving it ‘character’. It’s hard for people without taste to sense what people are really going for in things, and so often they fixiate on factors that are ‘loudest’, most obviously in your face. Like adding turpentine to absinthe to ‘give it kick’.

Sake is a sleeper that can make a good diversion every now and then. Of course like with many things in the world of yeasty metabolic waste, there’s a certain minimum floor of quality you should endeavor to buy above; the different between the bottom dollar brand, and a brand only a few dollars more, can be oft quite dramatic. Some corners cut start taking pieces of the baby along with the bathwater too.

Kunning Druegger says:

Interesting. This ties to your thoughts shared on clothing choices. If I were 10 years younger, I’d be less set in my ways and more amenable to refinement. Bear with my praise, I beg, but your posts have a way of sticking with me, and I found myself staring at the closet, looking askance at my wardrobe on offer. My wife finally asked if I had bought a new gun or something, and I said that I was wondering if maybe a change in style were in order. When she pressed, I said I was thinking about dressing a bit less… utilitarian. She asked if they made tactical suits, and the conversation ended.

I still may explore a more refined drapery for my corporeal form, but in all honesty, I feel like a poseur when I wear my suit to work. I have to dress in formal attire due to the circumstances, but as soon as it is done I am back in flannel and cargo pants or polo and jeans. This was giving me no end of frustration until I realized that no amount of lipstick will change the nature of the pig. I am a country bound homebody that puts holes in my knees and needs a minimum of 8 pockets to feel prepared. It is not the type of clothes I wear, but the quality of clothes that gets to the heart of what you were saying. When I put my suit on, it is black on black on black, because I must blend into the “blackground.” It just so happens I like black, but it is still work attire worn to make others respect what they expect to see.

My drink tastes are probably in the same category. I like peat scotch. I know it doesn’t taste “good,” but I enjoy attempting to keep a strait face while I drink it. I do think I am going to move towards brandy, but for me part of the fun of certain diversions is the horror that creeps onto people’s faces when they realize what it is you call “fun.”

The “loudness” of which you spoke is one of those obvious things I didn’t notice before, and I see it in gun culture too. I bet it is everywhere. There are only so many ways to do a thing, so marketeers grab few aspects and turn them up to eleven, building a campaign of identity differentiation couched in product choice and loyalty. People dress boring with small aspects of flare because the wish to be respected as expected. They drink the excessive thing to signal who they are and where they stand. This isn’t bad on people’s part, it’s just a function of garbage in/garbage out. We have a junk’d culture. We’ve been cutting corners for so long that all things are just rounded blobs of gray.

I wonder if rum could be made of beets? I can’t grow sugar cane, but I do grow beets, and the wife has been moving heavily into fermentation lately, so naturally we will be making some alcohol (for science, lol) as I would like to start generating our own white vinegar (which starts life as vodka, who knew?), which would take yet another product off of our grocery list. I want to build a nice distillery to have on site, should someone come along with the skills but lack the tools. Homestead rum might be fun.

Unrelated, and no big thing, but we’re having another child. God heard my prayers and answered, but with a twist. I can only assume he will be mailing me strength along with the challenge 😉

Fake says:

Congratulations on your kid!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You might look into Tanner Guzy’s Masculine Style blog and any free content he has put out lately. He has some really good ideas on style that works for men and if you feel like paying for his consults, his results seem pretty good. It might help get you into some clothes that do a better job of communicating yourself. His free stuff was great back when he was just a blogger, but I have not kept up with him as much lately.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To be quite honest, the idea that the one way there is to ‘dress up’, is to wear a business suit, is itself another aspect of The Issue.

Just reprising some of what was mentioned before, but even simple things like layering can made a dramatic difference in look. A collared polo under a collared button down, a turtleneck under a jacket, a vest and button down combo, et cetera et cetera.

When circumstances require blending in, even subtle deviations are still possible, like dark greens and dark reds. You can get away with all white suits like you’re the long lost lovechild of Tom Wolfe and Colonel Sanders too.

And of course, patterning. I’m a big fan of paisley patterns myself, though of course i’ve got geometric and plantic patterns in stock as well (coincidentally, you will also be hard pressed to find anything outside those generas; believe me i’ve looked). A nice patterned shirt and pair of slacks alone will have you providing nicer eye candy to everyone in the store than 99% of anyone else there at the same time.

An other thing to keep in mind though, is matching your style with your bund. Rather than a single generic sense of dressing up you transplant in every situation, you express your style through the lens of the clades you will be party with at the time; you dress up in ways that are dressing up the themes of your compatriots. The Montana ranch king and Texas oil baron certainly dress themselves up, with their lapis bolo ties, tooled leather boots, and giant shining belt buckles; yet at the same time, you take one look, and there is no mistaking the signal for anything but Country. Porter Wagoner had warehouses full of graphic suits dripping with shining stones; and it all shouted Country.

Finding an embossed deerskin blazer to go to work in might be difficult, but certainly, one could think of few better ways to improve the visual space of your environment while signaling *whose* kind of taste in particular it is, at the same time.

Kunning Druegger says:

This all sounds so enticing, and I will be editing and sending to my house keeper, but the real challenge is the clientele I most often deal with. Think of who we rail against the most, the base cause of our loathing, and that’s basically it. How to dress in an uplifting, elevated style without lighting up their radar. Of late, I find the 1950/1960s gangster look quite appealing. It would be easy to explain away (“yeah, totally, I loved the Madmen”) and it is understated while being lavish.

alf says:

we’re having another child

Congrats! Best of luck to you and the wife.

Neurotoxin says:

Congrats on the issue of your loins!

Aidan says:

I’ve never acquired a taste for whiskeys- it makes me sad and bitter. Tequila provides a confidence and will-to-action similar to cocaine, and rum is fairly neutral but leads to a happier drunk. I prefer gin, it instills a heady confidence and rip-roaring contempt for one’s fellow man. Beer is mellow, and mead, the blood of heroes, uplifts the spirit and courage.

Red says:

Drinking mead from a shared drinking horn makes for a wonderful party.

Guy says:

Almost all whiskey varieties are delicious, but my life has almost ended so many times due to it that a few sips a year is enough now. I used to say it was ridiculous when people suggested different spirits affect your mood in different ways, but it’s definitely the case, what’s curious to me is…. why? Attempts to explain by saying it’s just different levels of Tannins seems inadequate.

The big craft beer boom of the late 00s-mid 10s brought a lot of great stuff to market, but there’s nothing more annoying than walking into a micro and looking at 30 varieties of Double IPA.

Aidan says:

Hops in beer are highly estrogenic, which is why heavy beer drinkers look like pregnant women. Fortunately, the craft beer boom led to lots of interesting traditional beers with lower hops content

Neurotoxin says:

“Hops in beer are highly estrogenic, which is why heavy beer drinkers look like pregnant women.”

It really is disgusting. How can they not notice what it does to them?

I went through a brief whiskey phase, but it made me fall asleep. Now just wines and gin and tonic mostly. Beer occasionally, a couple of times a month.

Alcoholic beverages are like anything else; music fiction, an intellectual subject of interest, etc.: It all follows Sturgeon’s Law – “98% of everything is crap” – or if not that bad, it certainly requires experience and discernment to figure out What Works For You.

“I used to say it was ridiculous when people suggested different spirits affect your mood in different ways, but it’s definitely the case, what’s curious to me is…. why?”

I don’t get it either. E.g. why is tequila so fucking lethal? It’s all just ethyl alcohol, right?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

They are called spirits.

Neurotoxin says:

Huh? I don’t follow.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It would appear that they have an ephemeral quality beyond their material components. Much like the expression, “the spirit of the age,” there is a spirit that inhabits each type of alcohol. The imbibing of the alcohol thus imbibing its spirit, as well.

Neurotoxin says:

Maybe I’ll try jet fuel. I hear it packs a killer buzz.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Cannot recommend. All I know about jet fuel is that it cannot melt steel beams.

Vendat Tunicam says:

It’s a bigger problem for people who imbibe ales and other hop heavy, high calorie beers. Lagers on the other hand tend to be low on the hops and calories. IBU is a good measure of hops, here is a chart showing ordinary ranges for a wide variety of styles.

Does anybody know if smoking marijuana estrogenic? Lots of heavy pot smokers have flapjacks and beer guts, though it might very well be the pothead lifestyle causing it.

Texas Banana says:

215 Ukrainian Azovstal personnel just got returned in a prisoner exchange.

Since Ukraine killed some of these guys earlier by missiling the prisoner compound to shut them up, was this to make sure to get them into controlled custody before fatal action to prevent unnecessary headlines?

Red says:

No, it’s just more examples of Russia’s weak leadership. They should have tossed those glow niggers in a dark hole and tossed away the key. Instead they worry about their captured men and trade the Nazis to get a few of them back. Lots of Russians seem very willing to grasp the nettle and fight a hard and ruthless war, but the leadership of Russia just continues signaling weakness this sort of actions.

Anonymous Fake says:

Speaking of military matters, isn’t the dominance of places like Harvard over military schools like VMI most telling? The military is most capable of violence, and it has intelligent people too, but what I’m guessing is Harvard’s edge is its capacity for both violence and autonomous, personal agency, needed to assassinate people, every once in a while literally. Collective, conformist violence for the masses doesn’t seem to translate to political power. And intellectual prestige doesn’t matter now the way it did in the late 20th century, assuming it even did then, but it felt that way to me growing up.

Memorable assassinations (MLK, JFK) of the 1960’s changed the world. But collective violence that ruined some of the nicest cities in the world, actually located in flyover America too, is forgotten. No one remembers the death of Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland, etc, cities that could have plausibly been capitals of new nations if they had continued to thrive. They don’t matter. People look up to New York and Boston and San Francisco so much because what should be their own cities are ghettos and ruins.

There’s some kind of hidden force that prevents violence against evil priests, even when they can use violence against anyone else, even against warriors. Or even entire cities.

jim says:

We remember the destruction of Detroit very well. You need to get out of your bubble.

Epimetheus says:

Spiritual warfare is real. People are terrified to confront evil to its face. There’s something beyond human – preternatural – in the malice of leftism. Dark forces sponsor them. We need something extra to face up to it, something that isn’t just ironic and stylish and tongue-in-cheek. We need God to back us up.

Adam says:

It is odd that a being so thoroughly bred for survival so often turns on itself.

Cloudswrest says:

Remember, near the end of WWII, the Allies were holding conferences on the ultimate fate of Germany?

Leon says:

The east is rising. Mikhail the Taxiarch, Perun the Thunderer and Sun Wukong the Monkey King are gearing up for a fight.

C4ssidy says:

In more literal terms, to even point out that Russia was en route towards destruction anyway leads to an immediate ban and deletion from their places. It is very similar to saying something “racist”. Except they have long stopped bothering to spell out what the rules are, or to give reasons for the ban

C4ssidy says:

If Jim’s prediction is correct that America nukes do not work, what options do they actually have if Russia escalates up to tactical nukes?

GAE talking point right now is that Russia will not dare use tactical nukes or they’d be completely destroyed. Easy bluff for Putin to call. If he uses them, GAE either have to use tactical nukes themselves (and even if they were working, it seems to put Russia on a much more even playing field) or escalate up to using them on population centres which means Russia escalates up to population centres as well

But if Jim’s prediction is correct, they can hardly escalate at all, not to the tactical level and not to Armageddon either. Seems like a clear cut win for Russia at that moment. It would be like if rocketry had been the trump card in a world where America still had its teams of NASA sheboons but was not fortunate enough to get Musk

Red says:

Does the GAE know that they don’t work?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I had this same thought. Is it permissible to note that perhaps Dr. Shaniqua has not been keeping up on the maintenance checklists? Is Capt. Sugartits’ flirting with the Marine guards instead of maintaining launch readiness ever going to make it into a status report?

Kunning Drueger says:

In my opinion, it will not be readily obvious that they don’t. A fizzle from a big enough bomb will still be visually terrifying and it won’t come out that something is awry right away.

I see the logic of a decapitation strike. I don’t see the logic of handing the GAE the perceived moral high ground. The RF is not on the ropes, why would the use tac nukes in UKR?

jim says:

What is likely to happen is Nato intervention in the confidence that an army run by faggots and women will wipe the floor with the Russians.

It is likely to fail miserably, because Ukraine realized that it needed nationalist leftists, literal Nazis, but the Global American Empire is drunk on its own Koolaide.

Nato troops likely get slaughtered far more easily than Ukrainian troops, who are getting cut up rather badly. Nato surrenders disgracefully or uses tactical nukes. If it uses tactical nukes, Russian tactical nukes are likely to turn out to be more effective, for much the same reason as its army has been more effective, and much the same reason as it has been producing the best rocket engines until Musk – still the best flight proven rocket engines – Musk now has theoretically superior engines, but they have not flown yet.

Attritive warfare appears to be costing the Ukrainians substantially more than the Russians.

Attritive warfare is grunts stopping enemy movement, artillery killing grunts. Artillery is now better than it was in World War I, due mainly to drones. So stopping enemy movement with grunts more expensive. Russia is disinclined to use this tactic, seeking to conserve grunts, which is why the Ukrainian’s succeeded in regaining war of movement in their latest offensive. Willingness to expend grunts in large numbers enables to Ukraine to do OK so far, but you eventually run out of grunts.

Nato has long been allergic to attritive warfare, and will likely attempt war of movement against Russia. But Ukraine is rapidly expending Nato war of movement assets, and they are running short.

One likely possibility is that when a Ukrainian grunt shortage enable Russians to resume war of movement, the presidency orders direct Nato intervention, and DoD, which has long been in better contact with reality, says “No!”, Nato countries on the periphery of Russia then scramble to make separate peaces with Russia, and the outer parts of the Global American Empire start peeling off around the world. Russia is preparing the ground politically for this outcome.

That, collapse of the “Rules based order” (where Harvard makes the rules, and does not announce what they are, and the New York Times proclaims rulings ad hoc case by case) is the Russian strategy.

But just as the problem with Global American Imperial strategy was what its enemies might do about it, the problem with the Russian strategy is what its enemies might do about it. What the Ukraine did (cultivate literal Nazis) was quite effective.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Something strange to me is the peripheries of the empire, despite being cucked on the woman question, still believe in male supremacy for combat arms, I am referring to south korea here.

I hear a lot about south koreans whining about being conscripted into the army and spit back out, I am genuinely shocked the practice is still restricted to males and despite this, South Korea is still the ‘most feminist country on earth’.

Also something intriguing to me, is that south korean novels (web novels I have read so far) focus on the male protagonist being a cunning mastermind, rather than a brute like Tarzan or something. Lots of them still end up with harems and banging multiple women with all sorts of Jimian-like / Dark-Triad personas being shown for this purpose. So it isn’t like the south korean male doesn’t *know* he isn’t being cucked, it is just he is unable to do anything despite society at large having many unprincipled exceptions telling him that the reality he is constantly told to uphold too, is a lie.

Kunning Druegger says:

Excellent comment. Should be a post that is turned to an open letter.

Consider that UKR needed 8 years and intensive investment and observers to be the army in the field now. The very presence of the UkroNazis shows that the Cathedral barely tolerated them and were not in full control of the process. many solid Russian memes have pointed out how the Voices that Speak for the Cathedral railed against the UkroNazis, and this is probably just the outward sign that Ukr wasn’t being as holy as required in the 8 year build up. Ironically, if Ukr had been as holy as required, they probably wouldn’t have lasted as long as they did.

Neurotoxin says:

“GAE talking point right now is that Russia will not dare use tactical nukes or they’d be completely destroyed.”

This is completely stupid since the GAE obviously intends to destroy Russia anyway. How stupid do they think Putin is?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Very stupid. Have you ever listened to someone gibber on about something that is so patently nonsensical that you can only conclude he is an absolute idiot listening to a crowd of fellow idiots? That is what crimethink is doing to the GAE leadership. they must not hear what he has to say, so all they can hear is stupid rambling from Putin the moron.

Mister Grumpus says:

They must not hear. They must not see. So true.

I’m too old to be surprised by these things, but I still am. The Machine gives such material and worldly rewards, such warm and comfy approval and acceptance, but only if you never hear or see or notice anything true.

It ends badly.

Neurotoxin says:

Bad, if true. It means they’ll keep escalating, secure in the belief that Putin will back down eventually, until it really does go nuclear.

It’s like the fuckheads who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse even though they could see that he was holding a firearm.

Kunning Druegger says:

Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God
Have mercy on me, a sinner.

Lord Jesus Christ
Remember your servant Jim
Remember your servants in all the land
Remember that there are at least 10
Please spare the land for the devout that remain
Lord God, please spare your servants, that we may take up the sword to do your will
Almighty One, we ask not that this cup may pass, but that we drink deep fully, and swallow, and rise again renewed, ready to do your will
Father, if You decide to take mine, I beg you make it swift
Abba, Father, should you grant us stay from our just deserts, I beg you fill our hearts and hands with the Holy Fire, the unquenchable rage left only for the most deserving.
Lord God of Hosts, I ask not for forgiveness or grace
God Most High, I beg you give us a King, a leader, and a will
That we may stand against the principalities and powers
God, our Maker
Forgive our failings, make whole our weakness, that we may stand against the powers arrayed against us
All this i ask in Your name, we pray
Not our will, but thine, forever, AMEN

Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Neurotoxin, if you really want to sleep well tonight, consider the following points. One: three of the four attackers chased Kyle down and tried to kill him after he had already shot and killed someone. Two: the children of several American politicians were identified or arrested while attending Antifa riots.

Neurotoxin says:

“three of the four attackers chased Kyle down and tried to kill him after he had already shot and killed someone.”


Many on the left have pathologically bad risk assessment. This is both a strength and a weakness of the left. A strength because it means they pick lots of fights and often either win or get the other side to back down. A weakness because, e.g. two of Rittenhouse’s assailants went to the Big Rock Candy Mountain in the sky and another got shot in the arm. And for what?

jim says:

The war in the Ukraine is a manifestation of bad risk assessment.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Indeed. The second point was to bring attention that the same type of people that are running America were running after Kyle Rittenhouse.

Red says:

three of the four attackers chased Kyle down and tried to kill him after he had already shot and killed someone.

The people chasing Kyle down had no idea he shot anyone as they testified at the trial. The crowd that was with faggot boy slinked away after Kyle’s righteous slaying. They were properly intimidated.

The other chased and attacked Kyle because they viewed running as weakness and like dogs they attacked. Even Gaige “the disarmed” didn’t attack Kyle until he saw Kyle refused to shooting anyone not currently attacking him. He saw that as weakness and tried to shoot him.

The problem with dealing with low IQ men is their reaction to behavior is very primal. They don’t see nuances in behavior, just weakness and strength via direct action.

Mister Grumpus says:

“It means they’ll keep escalating, secure in the belief that Putin will back down eventually, until it really does go nuclear.”

Do they even care if Putin backs down? It’s “the right thing to do” either way, right?

From Kyle Rittenhouse to this in two years.

What more does anyone need to see to understand that this is a religious war? The Holy Harvard Woke Jihad?

Fidelis says:

beginning to see the idea of shill tests finally take hold. More whitepilling than almost any other meme of this place leaving the bubble.

jim says:

“Jesus Christ is Lord” was the original shill test. Goes all the way back to the apostles. Does not get all of the shills, but it gets a lot of them.

And has the great advantage of being mighty short. The shill tests of the holy wars of the seventeenth century were apt to turn into open book examinations.

Fidelis says:

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father. And He will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead, whose kingdom will have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church, I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Kunning Druegger says:

Intensely whitepilling to scroll through the responses.

Jesus Christ is Lord. This does not stop, no matter your failings or victories, whether it is bright or dark, under the barrel of guns or standing behind them. There’s no secret message, no special routine required to make it so, and should every throat on Earth be cut, all the blood of men running down to the sea, the very rocks cry out in overwhelming mineral silence

Christ is Lord.

Cloudswrest says:

Cool pictures of Iranian drone batteries. Apparently the Russians are using these drones to great success in The Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has stripped the Iranian ambassador of accreditation. Ukraine has recalled a large number of its diplomatic staff from the Iranian embassy in Kiev.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Everyone the GAE fucked over on its way to global dominance seems to be coming out to fuck them back as their dominance collapses. Makes the heart warm to see it.

Cloudswrest says:
i says:

Jolly Heretic does pretty based videos on the group selected nature of Christianity:

Genius Group Strategy that Christianity entails enabled the conquest of the world.

Although he does comment on modern day maladies too like this so called “MAP” phenomenon:

Is MAP some shill movement or something? Its like normalizing pederasty and at the same time lumping in normal sexuality and perversion. It is popping up more often on twitter and other I think shill discourses like on 4chan.

jim says:

Yep, MAPs are shills.

The word “pedophile” was created to normalize faggotry and pederasty.

Since all straight males are attracted to all fertile females regardless of chronological age, all straight males are “pedophiles”. Replacing “pederast” with “pedophile” was intended to deny the obvious difference between faggots and straights. Faggots are repelled by firm bouncy breasts the way normal people are repelled by shit, and are attracted to male children and female children without breasts, straights are attracted to females with breasts.

Observed behavior: I have dated, over a considerable age gap, chicks that looked fertile (boobs) and looked jailbait. No one blinked an eye, no one paid attention. The supposed rage against “pedophiles” is a displacement of the rage we are not allowed to express against faggots.

No one reacts in real life to men dating fertile females regardless of chronological age, even though they theoretically know they are supposed to be horrified, outraged, and shocked.

Yay boobs!


jim says:

The real difference in sexual attraction between normal males and faggots is that faggots are allergic to breasts, and are attracted to adult males, boys, and girls that have not yet started to develop breasts. All normal males are pedophiles, in that they are attracted to all fertile females regardless of chronological age, and all faggots are pederasts, in that they are attracted to men and to children without breasts, regardless of chronological age.

Oog en Hand says:

There are small beginning boobs and there are fully developed breasts. This seems to be agecuckery. Mohammed was attracted both to Aisha and Khadija. Many men who use bacha bazi also impregnate their wives.

Red says:

I insist on using the term pederast when people talk about pedophiles. NPCs are unable to attack the term because thinking about what the word implies is a thought crime. Causes them to short circuit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:*)

‘Member when, only a handful of years ago, ‘democracy is fake lol’ was Official Cool amongst tastemakers?

We ‘member.

(“vote not guaranteed to count”)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

(the link, that is)

Cloudswrest says:

Anybody know what’s going on in China right now? Seeing rumors/reports of a lot of top level political instability.

Red says:

It’s not clear what’s going on. My guess is the GAE ordered a coup of some sort.

The Cominator says:

Xi Is a bad guy, the Woodrow Wilson of the 21st century and if it’s true I’m glad he’s gone. I don’t think it’s true but I hope so.

He helped out the dems/jesuits with the covid hoax and has been inching back communism to his own country.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s an interesting post from ASB (Canadian Russophiles):

“Another thing that needs to be said, the war will be very different once the new Russian Armed Forces troops touch down in Ukraine.

Up until now, majority.. and we mean a huge majority of the fighting was carried out by Wagner, Rusich and the people’s militias. Russian Armed Forces were carrying out a supportive role. They were in the background. They were providing air support, logistics and possibly artillery strikes, etc — like we said, they were in the background. Probably 70-150+ KM behind the front lines. (With some exceptions)

However, this time, as Kadyrov said — “the war will start now. Up until now it was child’s play” (or something along those lines, don’t recall the exact words he used) — and this is true.

Those who watch closely, nobody knows where Russian troops are in Ukraine. There’s no information about this. However the Russian MOD regularly includes divisions, battalions and units of the LPR/DPR in their reports and their areas of operations. There’s basically no information on Russian brigades and their place of deployment, because realistically — they are not deployed on the front lines. They play supportive and specialized roles.

This is all about to change now, it is going to be Russian army proper doing the fighting.

This will show in terms of operational security (unfortunately for us, this means the fog of war will be real because the leaks will be non existent), logistics and equipment, and highly likely — modern technology used on the battlefield in form of EW, drones & aviation.”

Additionally, ASB states that what is being reported about China is bollocks. To be fair, ASB maintains a tight political line: anti-GAE and pro-[anti-GAE]. They are very consistent about this. I have received temporary bans and stern warnings for things they thought were not properly worded, and I’ve also received grudging admissions. They axed their comment section every time the doom posting got too heavy, and they have maintained a significant degree of separation from the obvious RF-shill accounts. I trust them implicitly to “be themselves,” though I don’t necessarily trust them, if that makes any sense. their tack seems to be “GAE MSM is always lies” and that’s an excellent lodestone in these times.

Red says:

The GAE is currently trying to take down Iran with their usual color revolution crap. Wouldn’t be surprising if they tried the same in China. The Chinese public is very unhappy with Xi for his attempts to bring back Marxism. That’s fertile ground for Cathedral fuckery.

That being said, I don’t know what going on in China if anything.

Yul Bornhold says:

Game is up on color revolutions. States know how they work and how to stop them. Recently, the cathedral tried a color revolution in somewhere-stan (Kazakhstan?). The supreme leader there begged for Russian. When the opposition saw the armed might of Russia incoming, they realized the moral arc of history wasn’t going to work for them and they disintegrated.

At this point, any leader who doesn’t have a plan for color revolution is a fool. Pretty dumb of the cathedral to color code their little operations. People might not have noticed the pattern if they hadn’t.

Red says:

Color revolution street roits where cover for GAE agents overthrowing the government. The GAE doesn’t need in order them to overthrow a government.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that antifa is a manifestation of spontaneous outrage at oppression, and presupposing that your interlocutors take it for granted*]

Anonymous Fake says:

I did *NOT* say Antifa was spontaneous or oppressed! They are the children of middle management deep state workers, whose interests are opposed to the nominal rulers of the nation [*deleted*]

jim says:

Antifa is astroturf, funded and organized by Soros, who is a laundry for government money. They are the instrument of the state.

I said this many times, and you keep writing as if no one said it.

Wolf says:

Recent color revolutions also failed in Myanmar and Thailand, correct?

jim says:

Yes, color revolution strategy worked great for a while, but people got wise to it.

It was a crude escalation of methods that Global American Empire has been using in a more subtle and clever manner for a very long time. Which crude escalation has damaged the effectiveness of those methods.

The sovereign smells a color revolution, he looks for foreign tentacles, and cuts off those tentacles.

Our media tell us that Russia is a totalitarian terror state, but there is more freedom of speech in China than here, and lot more freedom of speech in Russia. Far too much. Putin needs to get chopping on those tentacles.

Spiritual security requires memetic sovereignty. Putin is not memetically sovereign, that is his enormous weakness. Building the great Cathedral gets him half way there.

Publius Discretius says:

Does patriarch Kirill announcing holy war counts as memetic sovereignty?

Jehu says:

If Russian Orthodoxy was the spiritual hegemon in Russia, it would more or less grant memetic sovereignty for the duration of said holy war. But it’s not the spiritual hegemon, it’s probably only got 20-30% spiritual market share. So it helps, like having enough air power to contest enemy air supremacy helps, thereby getting it to just air superiority against you. But it’s not sovereignty or even close to it, although it’s moving in the right direction.

Mister Grumpus says:

That Shanghai Cooperation Organization is surely running whole seminars on color revolutions now. Maybe even a proper school/institute just on the subject. What they are, how they work, and what to do, backed up with clear and concise case studies.

“Come with us if you want to live.”

Kunning Druegger says:

Wagner Group is interesting in terms of memetic sovereignty:

There’s something going on in the cracks and around the edges of this war. An identity is taking shape and it may supplant the dominant Occidental Dissenter meme that has existed for quite a while. The biggest and best critics of the West have always been in the west, but that may be changing. We talk a big game, on this blog and elsewhere, but these Slavic warriors seem to reserve talking for jokes and instead co-locate their money and their mouths. Just a thought, and it could just be some well crafted propaganda.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sorry for the samefagging y’all, just working my way through updates now that I have time.

Notice… well, notice everything. The harsh and antiseptic décor of the building, the ill fitting clothes of the released POW. The trim bodies of the 2 women. The unabashed physicality as these owned women are restored to their possessor, and I am not referring to some twisted, western masturbatory fantasy; his wife and his sister had lost him, and he has been restored to them. They were on the fast track to lonely babushka, and now they get to be women again.

I get the sense that every “Russian” soldier has a place, a purpose, a life on hold while he is away fighting, while every Ruthenian partisan is totally absorbed by his act of resistance. When this war ends, the Hohols will go back to non-existence on the periphery of the GAE, and every Russian will go back to their life. Subjective and biased in the extreme, I know. But no one dies nobly or valuably for sodomites, and anyone can get to Valhalla if they choose to face the foe.

Maybe it is just my perennial emotional vampirism, but those sobs felt real, completely blind to the camera. When Western women cry, my first thought is that they are trying to manipulate someone; it always feels like an act, and an easy one. When these Occidentals weep, it is so begrudged, like the tears have been extracted from them at great cost.

Neurotoxin says:

interesting in terms of memetic sovereignty

This reminds me: I was reading the Evil Vizier/Undead Odalisque blog on female beauty
and toward the end there’s a picture of a Jackson Pollack painting with a caption that begins:

“Never forget that the rich fell for modern art. Wealthy status-seekers lack memetic sovereignty…”

The ideas and language are spreading.

Aidan says:

Pretty sure John Sanilac at least reads jim, I think I’ve seen him comment here before. We had some discussions on Twitter- I can’t get behind some of his taste, like favoring plastic surgery to cartoonish proportions for women.

someDude says:

I’m not sure I care for his use of memetic terminology without offering proper credit as to the origin of the term. I understand if he does not want others to know that he comes to this blog, yet, I can’t get behind it. I can;t get myself to endorse that sort of thing. Something feels off.

My original dislike of Harari was also this, that he passed of ideas originating elsewhere (some from MoldBug) as his own. I don’t much care for that sort of thing.

Hell, I found Jim’s blog because couple Hindu nationalist bloggers readily credited Jim and even linked to his blog, especially his posts on Leftism. Hell, DharmicReality and Suones also both readily credit Jim even if in opposition to his ideas. They don’t pass of Jim’s ideas and the ideas originating in the comment section of this Blog as their own.

Neurotoxin says:

Giving credit where credit is due is good. But using a word or phrase as if it’s already well-known is an effective way to spread it. It’s how the left gets insane neologisms like “homophobia” etc. into common use. They just act like it’s so well known that if the reader doesn’t know what it means, the reader is a weirdo. So the reader looks it up, or guesses its meaning from context and starts using it himself.

(I remember “homophobia” appearing, like a switch had been thrown, during the Matthew Shepard affair. One day that word didn’t exist. 24 hours later it was in every newspaper.)

Since the left is evil and their language is designed to obscure reality, this tactic is evil when they do it. Since we are good and are trying to spread language that illuminates reality, this tactic is good when our side uses it.

jim says:

> Since the left is evil and their language is designed to obscure reality, this tactic is evil when they do it. Since we are good and are trying to spread language that illuminates reality, this tactic is good when our side uses it.

Rather, this tactic is good when applied to achieve the rectification of names, to ensure that people can speak about unspeakable concepts, and bad when used to promote anticoncepts, to make it impossible to speak about reality, independent of who is using it. It is just that we ordinarily use it for rectification of names, and they usually use it for anticoncepts, nuspeak, doubletalk, and doublethink.

It is not good when we use it because it is we are the ones using it. It is good or evil according to the purpose to which it is wielded, and we are wielding it to good purpose, while they are wielding it to evil purpose.

Neurotoxin says:

Yes, exactly.

Neurotoxin says:

On Twitter, Odalisque just reported that Twitter shadowbanned his feminine beauty thread.

Listen, you old and fat Titter hag: Man are not going to be attracted to you just because you censor them when they talk about what they find attractive.

The Cominator says:

Re China coup, the flight cancelations add credibility to the coup rumor I was wondering why they’d cancel flights then I thought they’d do it if they intended to arrest all Xis political allies.

Good hopefully the Maoist scum is gone.

Kunning Drueger says:

I call you brother, so don’t hear what I’m not saying. We need China to be whole. We need them to throw off the plans and efforts of those that would neuter my sons and put you in a shallow grave. If They coup Xi, you, Desantis, us, and everyone good and honest is fucked. I know Covid is the only thing that matters to you, and I don’t begrudge you your victory, but you’ve been here too long to be that shortsighted without someone saying something. Don’t be the stable dinner dwarf, my friend.

If the State Department can unseat Xi, the nukes are going to fly. Russia is playing for table stakes. I hope I’m wrong.

The Cominator says:

if xi is coupled its not globohomo but Dengist in the army and party. Xi is more an ally than enemy of globohomo.

Sher Singh says:

@Sher Singh
As I’ve said before, I remain impressed by both the Sikhs and the Gurkha. But it must be pointed out the teaming mass of barefooted paupers and the only 20th century weapon we saw was the horse. My point stands.

So, Singhs carrying guns & sabres in India is a result of Globohomo.
The Brits giving up on banning Kirpans in the 1910s is as well.

56D wignat chess where everything is the cathedral rather than their empty existence.


jim says:

I am allowing the comment through, but it is unresponsive, and I probably should not.

The point in the comment that you are ignoring and failing to respond to, is that you get to carry a big knife, because you are perceived as brown, and are indulgently granted brown privilege as one of our masters pets (because you look like the other pets, even if you are not in fact a pet) and no one takes your big knife seriously, while they do take our guns seriously – and if we carry some other weapons, they take them seriously also, because when whites riot, continents burn.

Perhaps they should take you seriously, and before 1840 they did take you seriously. But, perhaps because ignorant of history, they do not take you seriously now. You are not being respected, you are being indulged and patronized.

Sher Singh says:

I carry a 3ft Sword. Nihang Singhs carry guns openly no license.
White social technology is to respect the state & love thy neighbor.

That’s how Europeans lost their tribes, clans & now “race”.
W/o politicized kin-ship units, whites fail to see how every other group resists state authority inherently – they don’t internalize orders the way Hajnal whites do.

More a case of shooting the messenger – whites don’t riot, they march.
The state makes them march, and the state is woke.

That’s my only point, and I don’t care to belabour it further.


Kunning Drueger says:

Fascinating. Years of respect cultivated by living and working amongst Sikhs all being undone by one goal post shifting, bitchmade mudskin. You knew exactly what I meant, and you made Jim explain it to you, only to stick up your nose and pretend you are above it all. The fact that you ported your response from a past comment to this one, and lack the skill, tenacity, or sense to connect the two different topics is proof positive that this ride is too big for one track dirt people. Go wave your sword at the clouds while you play bouncer for your Hindu betters. Your only here to wave the pendant of a people who never asked you to. Anti-white invective is the only tune you have, and you aren’t particularly good at singing it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You can carry a sword or a gun because it does not matter if you carry a sword or a gun; you are not a serious threat. You would very quickly find that your license, while unofficial, is still very real should you step out of line. Any resistance to the Cathedral would see that unofficial license revoked, and police coming to enforce upon you the same laws they enforce upon whites. You are more a slave than the disarmed whites because you cannot even see the chains and bars keeping you in.

Sher Singh says:

> Any resistance to the Cathedral would see that unofficial license revoked, and police coming to enforce upon you the same laws they enforce upon whites.

What like the 10 of thousands of Sikhs killed in the 80s & 90s?
[*unresponsive, boring, and endlessly repeatitious abuse deleted*]

jim says:

No, like the millions of Tutsi genocided in the Congo by Cathedral funded proxies provided with close ground support by Cathedral aircraft manned by Cathedral pilots, and artillery support by Cathedral artillery manned by Cathedral troops.

What made this genocide possible was the blood diamonds attack. The Cathedral deplatformed and demonetized the Tutsi large scale self defense organizations, so the self defense organizations switched from US dollars to uncut diamonds to purchase weapons and organize logistics, so the Cathedral demonetized uncut diamonds.

And they have demonetized you, so that any time they get irritated by their brown pets getting uppity, they can, and will, exterminate you man woman and child as they exterminated the Tutsi in the Congo.

They laugh at your toy swords, which are toys because they have taken away the means that would allow you to use weapons in a large scale organized collective way.

Which is why Plonky2 going open source is a huge deal, because it makes possible a crypto currency that is strongly resistant to the blood diamonds attack.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Do not forget Waco. They will burn you, your women, and your children alive, bury the evidence with bulldozers, and pose for victory photos above your graves. Your entire religion within the West poses less of a threat to the Cathedral that the Branch Davidians.

Sher Singh says:

We had Bluestar & the Partition. Lakhs of Muslims in body bags wasn’t a GAE plan – you can tell from their telegrams.

Some states such as Italy or Denmark still oppose the Kirpan. A Singh was arrested in North Carolina for it yesterday. It’s definitely a struggle for basic religious dignity. However, no place above 0.5% Sikh bars it at all.

The references to toy swords are uncalled for and blasphemous. Sikhs are better armed than all groups but White Americans – who Imo are that way due to a historic accident, only 1/3 of Americans own guns.

“Your entire religion within the West poses less of a threat to the Cathedral that the Branch Davidians.”

Within the decade, there’ll be more Sikhs proportionally within Canada & Australia than the Indian Republic. Like I said, I’m bullish on Sikhi because the Khalsa has defeated hordes of white & black attackers in alliance before such as DasRajna (Battle of Kings)

A new post-Industrial (Victorian) white phenotype is emerging which is immune to GAE propaganda, and state efforts – I’m bullish on its growth & expansion.

“Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification” by Peter Frost & Henry C. Harpending.

We’re anti cow slaughter, anti inter-caste marriage, pro Dharmic etc. Neither pro nor anti GAE it varies by issue – however, the Khalsa bows only to the Guru.

“The Khalsa is never a satellite to another power.

They are either fully sovereign or in a state of war and rebellion. ”


jim says:

> “The Khalsa is never a satellite to another power.
> They are either fully sovereign or in a state of war and rebellion. ”

But you are not in a state of war and rebellion, while the plain meaning of your faith is that you should be. Your faith is being converged. Your militarism is merely carefully symbolic, and your fertility rate is plunging.

And if you were in a state of war and rebellion, you would be crushed like an ant, because entryism and the fact that the state has complete control of your money makes collective violence difficult.

> Within the decade, there’ll be more Sikhs proportionally within Canada & Australia than the Indian Republic

The branch Davidians posed more of a threat than any number of Sikhs, because they were collectively organizing to give effect to old type Christian marriage. You can start boasting when being a brave and loyal member of the Khalsa guarantees one an obedient virgin wife.

You are preaching old type Sikhi to new type Sikhs, just as I am preaching old type Christianity to new type post Christians, so I am going to censor all your anti Christian Sikh triumphalism, and all your anti white Sikh triumphalism.

White Christians beat you, and you are still beaten and still under the thumb of the degenerate successors to White Christians.

Well, we are under that thumb also, so let us not take potshots at each other. You started taking pot shots first.

Jatt Arya says:

Also, I thought I was using Sher Singh here but it Was Jatt Arya.

You can see I’ve just been away for a few years, but am a longtime commentator.

Don’t appreciate the censorship. 3 years on, I still haven’t separated the White Mass from GAE (worship/minions). However, a non-GAE White faction has emerged, and it’s appreciated.


Jatt Arya says:

Your faith is being converged. Your militarism is merely carefully symbolic, and your fertility rate is plunging.

And if you were in a state of war and rebellion, you would be crushed like an ant, because entryism and the fact that the state has complete control of your money makes collective violence difficult.

We have no reason for collective violence [*triumphalism deleted*]

jim says:

I don’t see anything to be triumphant about. You are under the thumb of Harvard, as much as any mainstream Christian Church, and in the stuff I deleted you implicitly admitted what you explicitly denied. A whole lot of Sikhs were willing to act as their religion demanded, but in the end, unable to act, for the reasons I described. Harvard has taken away your capability for collective violence, even though collective violence is the very center of Sikhi.

And you are not going to get it back until being a brave and loyal member of the Sikh military reliably gets one an obedient virgin wife.

Jatt Arya says:

> I don’t see anything to be triumphant about. You are under the thumb of Harvard, as much as any mainstream Christian Church, and in the stuff I deleted you implicitly admitted what you explicitly denied. A whole lot of Sikhs were willing to act as their religion demanded, but in the end, unable to act, for the reasons I described.

The state withdrew the farm bills.. So we won.
[*empty boast deleted*]

jim says:

You are and were in chains, and were protesting a change in those chains. The state has a monopoly of buying and selling those farm products. This is sovereignty? Avoiding unfavorable change in your chains is winning?

Sher Singh says:

You can start boasting when being a brave and loyal member of the Khalsa guarantees one an obedient virgin wife.

Why boast about it? Women belong [*deleted*]

jim says:

Sikhs have the symbols but not the substance – your reproduction rate is collapsing.

Much as you have the symbols of an army, but not in fact the substance, as has been repeatedly demonstrated in recent times.

Which is why the Cathedral feels comfortable indulging your empty pretenses.

Sher Singh says:

Idk why you’d delete [*deleted again*]

jim says:

Because the soldiers of the taliban have authority over their land, their gardens, their homes, their children, and their women, and Sikhs do not.

As I said before, empty boasts. The Cathedral smiles and gives you a pat on the head for being boastful and brown.

The Cathedral left you the empty symbols of your army, your land, your homes, and your women. It left you your weapons, but took away the capability to use them collectively. As it did our weapons.

You substitute the symbols of army and authority for an actual army and actual authority, and when the Cathedral pats you on the head you boast you have intimidated it.

This is akin to the Jews substituting the letter of the law for obedience to God’s commands, a violation vehemently denounced by Jesus, and forty years after his death demonstrated in blood literal and spiritual, resulting in their prophesied expulsion. You need a prophet who will tell the Sikhs that they need an actual army that will enable them to take actual authority. He will probably get the treatment Jesus got, but perhaps be more violent about it.

You need to start with money that the government cannot control, then proceed to logistics and advanced weaponry, and then organized collective violence to establish an order that gives you real individual and collective authority over your land, your gardens, your homes, your women, and your children.

Your boasts are irritating to us, disruptive of this blogs community, and harmful yourself and your fellow Sikhs, for they are acceptance of Cathedral fake reality.

Anon says:

You are like a bull in china shop.

alf says:

Your boasts are irritating to us, disruptive of this blogs community, and harmful yourself and your fellow Sikhs, for they are acceptance of Cathedral fake reality.

Nail on the head. Pride is the original sin.

Starman says:

@Sher Singh

“ho Imo are that way due to a historic accident, only 1/3 of Americans own guns.

That statistic is just as fake and gay as the fake FIRE GDP of blue cities.

Guy says:

I’m constantly amazed by how many people have guns. I’m surrounded by progressives who hate 2A but make a principled exception for themselves. After all, what if some savage breaks into THEIR home?

Sher Singh says:


Kunning Druegger says:

Hi, I am Sher Singh! You may remember me from such hits as [deleted for gross stupidity] and [unresponsive, endlessly boring]. Today, I am being paid by [not a real group] to tell you all about [Cathedral propaganda masticated then spit out by some ethnicity somewhere] and why you, the whites, are responsible for [dumb shit we did to ourselves].

Jatt Arya says:

I don’t need money to yeet on whites. They do it to themselves.

Jim said you shouldn’t burn niggers for marrying white.
Christcucks are ok with a biblical Brazil.

Not like this punk will approve any responses.
O well, demographics stay ticking. 🤷‍♀️⚔️


jim says:

How are Sikh demographics going, now that you have lost authority over your land, your gardens, your homes, your wives, and your children, and, contrary to your religion, failed to go to war, Taliban style, over it?

i says:


I’m surrounded by progressives who hate 2A but make a principled exception for themselves. After all, what if some savage breaks into THEIR home?

They don’t actually believe what they profess. What they believe is demonstrated by their actions.

And of course they are against 2A for you. Not for them.

Sher Singh says:

> How are Sikh demographics going, now that you have lost authority over your land, your gardens, your homes, your wives, and your children, and, contrary to your religion, failed to go to war, Taliban style, over it?

Nihang Singh demographics are fine.
There isn’t a generation without rebellion in Panjab.

The Taliban have mountains & a foreign sponsor or 3.
You’re showing your misunderstanding of war.


jim says:

> > How are Sikh demographics going, now that you have lost authority over your land, your gardens, your homes, your wives, and your children, and, contrary to your religion, failed to go to war, Taliban style, over it?

> Nihang Singh demographics are fine.

Sikh population of the Punjab declined from eighty percent in the 1970s to fifty seven percent in 2011. You are probably a minority today. Don’t lecture us on white displacement. You have lost your homeland.

You are beaten, old type Christians beat you, and you have failed to rebel against the proxies of the demon worshipping memetic descendants of Christians. The Sikh leadership are also converging your religion to the Harvard ruled Hinduism of those proxies, and you personally and individually are converging it on this blog – posting cow worship while dismissing the things that make it possible to use collective violence as a Jewish plot.

Sher Singh says:,_India

55% in 1961 & 57 today. You have no clue who or what Nihangs are.
Sikhs were always a minority in greater Punjab.

Women belong behind the veil, if the state wants to take em into its harem – you fight it.


jim says:

Image search on Nihang shows a gross under representation of young men, and holiness spiraling on ridiculous turbans, rather than impressive weapons. What happened to the shoes with metal points for lethal kicks?

Those turbans are the same stuff Christ called out, when he said “they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,”

> Women belong behind the veil, if the state wants to take em into its harem – you fight it.

But you are not fighting it. And if you did, the state would be on to you like it was on to the Branch Davidians.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

You are focusing on irrelevant, trivial, and minor aspects of the Sikh faith that will not get you in trouble with Harvard. I am suppressing this stuff as I suppress the material from the fake Christians.

You in tones of triumph and the language of victory announce your weakness and surrender.

Sher Singh says:

The younger gen supports em, and war will fix the rest.
Endia’s given up on quick cultural change due to 80s.

You’re right in pointing out how bad things are,
I’m comparing it to how much worse things could be.

The Kirpan could be outright banned or made dull.
Italy tried pushing plastic ones, Rajputs can’t carry arms.

The Large Turbans are a few men who do it to encourage youngsters. I don’t do it, but will not condemn nor see it insulted.

“A Singh protects cows and Brahmans.”

You’re not one to tell us which parts of Maryada we follow or not.


jim says:

> The Large Turbans are a few men who do it to encourage youngsters. I don’t do it, but will not condemn nor see it insulted.

You urgently need a prophet who will insult it as Jesus Christ insulted broad phylacteries.

The clothing code for Nihang requires impressive weapons and armor, impressive turbans are a detail, a detail ridiculous if disproportionate to the weapons and armor. As I type this there is hanging on the wall opposite me a medievalish weapon more impressive than any of the medievalish weapons that came up on the first page of image search for Nihang. If the old men carried that it would encourage the youngsters.

> You’re right in pointing out how bad things are,
> I’m comparing it to how much worse things could be.

No you are not. You are boasting as if you were following, as if Sikh’s were following, the martial commandments of your faith while running away from them as hard as you can.

> war will fix the rest

there will be no war, for you, you personally and the Sikh leadership, are running away from the things you can and must do in peace and in defeat to prepare for war and victory.

Talking as if you were actually martial and actually in a state of war is a substitute for what what your faith requires, and I am not going to allow you to wave this substitute around on this blog, and even less should your religious leaders allow it at home.

You are defeated and occupied. Your faith requires you to never allow this. Having allowed it, your faith should require to act in the reality of today, while preparing for a different reality tomorrow. Empty boasting is not what your faith requires. Real preparation is what your faith requires.

What you have been doing on this blog is the equivalent of what the Jews did under Roman occupation – their faith said that foreign conquest was a punishment from God for disobeying his commandments. They had been Jewing God, and they escalated their “obedience” to the Lord’s commandments by Jewing God twice as hard.

Sher Singh says:

[*empty boasting deleted*]

jim says:

Sikhs are converging, not following, Sikhi, and you are converging Sikhi in the direction away from conflict with the Cathedral and towards Harvard’s hindu proxies in India.

Sher Singh says:

You urgently need a prophet who will insult it as Jesus Christ insulted broad phylacteries.
The bigger problem is Vegetarian Fake Sikhs who push gender equality, inter-caste marriage & Symbolic Kirpans.

An empty symbol being the antithesis of the Sikh religion, and Kshatriya Dharma in general.

That falsehood is destroyed with every tobacco or beef lynching done by Nihang Singhs. The Dal (warband) is also pushing back against heresies & Christian missionaries – coming off a victory against the state in 2021 where the Guru’s Flag flew atop Delhi’s Red Fort.

A Sikh is one who eats meat, a Brahmin is one who does not.

The Veggie Sikh bs is a product of British times & institutions.
It’s a spent force though – elites either support Nihang Singhs or liberalism. Morale is very high following the farmer’s agitation.

No you are not. You are boasting as if you were following, as if Sikh’s were following, the martial commandments of your faith while running away from them as hard as you can.

We’re allowed to fight on the run. You can’t make men fight who don’t want to – a peacetime army’s job is to maintain customs, and traditions.

With the Pathans in Kabul war will surely come.
Sikhi spreads during war.

I’m just someone who carries a Sword. My life’s changed since I started doing so, make of that what you will.


jim says:

Fair enough, but I am not going to allow you to $#!& up the comments with triumphalism, when you are merely enlarging your phylacteries.

Sikhi does indeed spread during war, being a religion adapted for a continual state of war, but you are not going to get anywhere without a foreign sponsor, and you are not going to get a foreign sponsor while running away from the center and core of your faith, which is the capacity for collective violence.

Instead of preparing your religion for a return to state of war while adapting it to defeat and hostile occupation, you are adapting it to permanent defeat and and permanent hostile occupation. And being obnoxiously triumphant about this adaption.

Well, no alternative to adaption to defeat and hostile occupation, but boastfully celebrating such adaption as if in martial state of war is not going to be allowed on my blog. The problem is to distinguish between concessions to reality that keep you alive for better days, concessions to power that make better days improbable, and adaptions to defeat that make future victory possible. And your boastful triumphalism is the reverse of this.

Holiness spiraling on safe things like absurd turbans is an adaption to defeat that makes better days improbable. Similarly cows. Should be holiness spiraling on control of women, not protection of cows.

Aryans eat meat. Refraining from cow slaughter is an ancient holiness spiral on respect for property rights in roaming cows – a holiness spiral that denies, rather than upholding, that property right. Much as priestly celibacy is an ancient holiness spiral on respect for men’s property rights in women, a holiness spiral that results a Church infested by faggots who deny, rather than uphold, those property rights in women

jim says:

> > You urgently need a prophet who will insult it as Jesus Christ insulted broad phylacteries.

> The bigger problem is Vegetarian Fake Sikhs who push gender equality, inter-caste marriage & Symbolic Kirpans.

All Kirpans are symbolic for the core of the Sikh religion is organization for collective violence, which you are running away from. A ridiculously large turban is just as empty a symbol of superior holiness as vegetarianism. The vegan sikh is displaying superior holiness in a way that violates obvious precepts of the Sikh faith, and the man with silly hat is displaying superior holiness in a way that subtly violates the precepts of the Sikh faith.

> > You are boasting as if you were following, as if Sikh’s were following, the martial commandments of your faith while running away from them as hard as you can.

> We’re allowed to fight on the run.

You are not fighting on the run. To the extent that there is Sikh violence, it strikes at what the Cathedral does not care about or would prefer to be suppressed, and fails to prepare for large scale coordinated violence. Sikh violence is itself converged.

jim says:

> That falsehood is destroyed with every tobacco or beef lynching done by Nihang Singhs.

Going after tobacco and beef merchants is a displacement activity, akin to the outrage of shills on Gab about “pedophiles” – meaning straight men having sex with fertile age females, while those shills piously ignore the faggot schoolteachers who are sexually attracted to all people without boobs regardless of chronological age who are surgically removing their daughters boobs.

You guys need, and your faith requires, control of your land, your gardens, your homes, your wives, and your children, and the capacity to organize large scale collective violence, a job that Christianity assigns to Caesar, but a job that is part of Sikhi. The Cathedral which hates meat and hates tobacco smiles benignly upon you when you go after its targets.

Going after targets that the Cathedral does not like either is less silly than wearing ridiculously large turbans without the weapons on display that make a big turban considerably less ridiculous, but it still a displacement activity from the demands of your faith. It is still convergence.

Kunning Druegger says:

> You’re not one to tell us which parts of Maryada we follow or not.

If this is the case, who are you to tell us anything? Again, I ask you, why are you here? If you want to poke fun at suffering white people, why not go on Black Twitter and make fun of a dead queen or regale your fellow browns with witty anecdotes of once being Kangz? This place has a purpose, and a synthetic tribe with things to contribute. I am struggling to figure out why you are here, what you want, and what you have to offer. You may not realize this if you don’t have any experience with western media, but we get a metric fuckton of depressing news, divide & conquer propaganda, and just the worst memetic garbage basically 24/7. So there’s really no for another mentally colonized crybaby shitting up the comments section.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You are telling me that you are fighting against beef and tobacco? Impressive! That will sure show the Cathedral! Are you going to go beat up people to protect homos, next? Or maybe you could send your daughters to school instead of getting married. With enemies like you, what will the Cathedral ever do?

Sher Singh says:

@jim Agree on everything but cow slaughter. We still eat buffalo, and cattle raiding is encouraged.

@kunning Came back to comment due to a blog post elsewhere, normally just read. Pulled in now,

@jim Could you do the courtesy of offering suggestions?

The situation as it stands is Sikhs have 2 1/2 armies.

1. The SGPC (Gurudawara comittee) Task Force is arming as the state pulls away from bodyguard activities

2. Nihang Singhs

3. Avg initiated Sikh

1 & 2 mostly have bolt actions & double barrels.
3 has melee weapons in a country which lacks even those.

1 & 2 can co-ordinate on a semi-mass scale. 3 has village panchayats or councils which can mobilize manpower.

However, none have any artillery or air (drone) power.

Indian laws related to lower castes & women are weaponized.
Either can get an extended family arrested on an accusation of insult & are non-bailable.

A few thousand Sikh youth have been arrested under anti-terror laws often for made up things. The above & these laws are all non-bailable. Trials can take decades,

Personally, think we’re staring at the abyss as every issue but the woman question is a distraction.


jim says:

Can they use violence at scale? Or can they merely celebrate the empty rituals of violence at scale?

Fairly frequently push comes to shove. And what I see is that the Indian state can push and not get shoved.

Sher Singh says:

As far as killing over beef & tobacco – violence & challenging the state’s doctrinal monopoly on it is good.

All things are solved by violence, and it is the solution to all problems. Weapons are the physical aspect of the Goddess.

Escalating violence as the state pulls back is how you end up with Raj. It’s always a back-forth.

You cannot separate women from violence as the Goddess demands blood.


jim says:

> As far as killing over beef & tobacco – violence & challenging the state’s doctrinal monopoly on it is good.

Is antifa and BLM a challenge to the state’s monopoly of violence?

The traditional monopoly has always been state monopoly of large scale force, and state restraint of private violence to those targets the state finds appropriate.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Last time that I am aware that Sikhs used violence at scale was partition, when the British just gave up and left you to your own devices, and that was not really violence at scale. Just lots of small groups independently wiping out lots of small groups.

Any good examples since then? Any good examples before then, but after white Christian warriors defeated you?

i says:


“Going after tobacco and beef merchants is a displacement activity, akin to the outrage of shills on Gab about “pedophiles” – meaning straight men having sex with fertile age females”

It also has real world impact like the stings on what they consider predators and groomers I sometime see videos popping up in regards to those incidents.

Chris Hansen and his show which existed even at the earlier stage of the Internet.

FBI arrests and so on.

Social commentary including commentary by actual claimed victims of grooming and SA in the comment section here:

And this guy commenting on 4chan degeneracy:

And his commentators.

But it is interesting that they all involve out of wedlock sex or assault if their cases are true. And men not interested in marriage and family.

yewotm8 says:

Idk, I’d bet your average male lead on the Chris Hansen show would have been delighted to take one of the bait girls as his virgin wife. Where do you get the idea that those chodes were only interested in sex with them, then dropping them?

Mister Grumpus says:

Take it easy. Flight cancellations suggest that something is up, but gives us no clue as to what it is and which direction it’s going. One could just as easily peg it as Xi’s side winning, and trapping their enemies inside the country.

That said, wherever you’re getting rumors and information about the China situation, please share, because I have no idea where to even start.

The Cominator says:

No solid info other than lots of flights being cancelled suddenly (and not due to muh zero covid) so no idea whats going on… but its something. Xi is not appearing… he could be trying to trick his enemies into coming out before the party congress though.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Let a thousand daggers bloom… psyche… haha got you fuckers lol.”

Appear weak when you’re strong, right?

Who knows maybe Xi kicked this whole thing off. That Turkish thing a few years ago was such a flop that it makes you wonder if Erdogan made the call himself from inside the house.

Plan-Truster Prime says:

As usual, you’re wrong. Zero flights have been cancelled, air traffic compared to a week previous shows no change:

Go play with flightradar24 if you can’t find any better video games. Hopium is a hell of a drug

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Neurotoxin says:


Severian says:

Looks like something might really be happening in China.
From a very pro China account just now:

Severian says:

Actually disregard this.
I completely fell for a sarcastic post. Better off deleting this thing.

Mister Grumpus says:

Notice how Russia might be pulling off a more fair election in Donbass than Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania can.

Then notice how much organization, firepower, and ready capability for violence — right up to nuclear — have been required to make it possible IRL, just for an opinion poll.

One fair vote, one fair count, one time? Do I remember that from somewhere?

Eye opening and disturbing.

Now that the “sham election” meme is out there… God 2024 is going to hurt.

restitutor_orbis says:

Patriarch Krill of the Russian Orthodox Church has declared that soldiers who die in the line of duty have all their sins washed away.

jim says:

Yes, Patriarch Kirill is reading it better than Putin.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


Kunning Druegger says:

Respectfully, Jim, I disagree. The Patriarch has a lot more room to speak and act, as he is the unquestioned Leader of his “organization.” Here’s a quote from Putin on 24 February 2022:

“Citizens of Russia,

The culture and values, experience and traditions of our ancestors invariably provided a powerful underpinning for the wellbeing and the very existence of entire states and nations, their success and viability. Of course, this directly depends on the ability to quickly adapt to constant change, maintain social cohesion, and readiness to consolidate and summon all the available forces in order to move forward.

We always need to be strong, but this strength can take on different forms. The “empire of lies,” which I mentioned in the beginning of my speech, proceeds in its policy primarily from rough, direct force. This is when our saying on being “all brawn and no brains” applies.

We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong. If this is the case, it would be hard to disagree with the fact that it is our strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.”

I draw attention to that last line: Strength and readiness to fight are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.

That is on fucking message. A few days or weeks ago, in response to a question about “the future” and Putin’s plans, Sergey Lavrov, easily the greatest statesman of our era, stated that Putin had laid out everything in his speeches on the 21st and 24th of February. Here are links to English transcripts provided by the Kremlin:

Here’s a link to all of the publicly available addresses:
I have begun working my way through them, and it seems to me that Putin is very much aware that this is leading to a global showdown.

clovis says:

I thought only the pope arrogated to himself the right to declare plenary indulgences. This is disappointing.

jim says:

It is a holy war,

Not exactly heresy. He will be retroactively interpreted not as issuing a plenary indulgence, but as issuing a well founded opinion on this particular war.

clovis says:

My son tells me that Stalin forced the patriarch of Moscow to make a similar statement during the Great Patriotic war. At any rate, one does not wash his sins away through fighting a war. Sins are washed away through Christ’s blood and merit, and His merit is offered in Baptism and the Gospel and received by faith. Not through self-sacrifice. Luther wrote much better about holy war in “On War Against the Turk.”

I appreciated Kirill’s gay parade sermon. That was phenomenal. This statement is a reminder that Orthodoxy and Rome only manage to be Christian at funerals when they plead God’s mercy alone.

clovis says:

IOW the idea that we wash our sins away by self-sacrifice is a denial of the atonement.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Not going to argue theology with you, because you always make such discussions unprofitable and disruptive.

Kunning Druegger says:

Second time asking this to a different, combative poster: Sher Singh, what is your goal here? What do you hope to accomplish through engaging in dialogue?

I am starting to think that this is a good but soft shill defense. I have used this in IRL discussions; I attempt to force a person to state what their goals are, specifically, and if they are bad faith trolls, merely adopting an antipodal position for the sole purpose of fostering dissention, they are forced to come up with something more substantial on the fly. They often get lost in their own muddled mind and come up with something very stupid, or they reach for the stars and say something ridiculous, or they squeak by but invalidate their own stated purpose later. So it is more of a “dye pack” shill defense. Regardless, looking back on our many shill corpses, I feel somewhat strongly that if they had been forced to “state their business,” we would have had more flags/indicators to go off of. One thing to consider is the honest answer changing over time. The reason I came here is not the reason I stayed here, but I did come to it honestly in both cases.

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:


jim says:

deleted for triumphally boasting of empty symbols of power, authority, and capability for violence that been systematically stripped of any
real substance.

You were beaten, and your boasts are an accommodation to defeat and subservience, not resistance to it.

To resist, you need to look at your actual chains, instead of imagining them away. You have been stripped of the capability for collective violence and your faith has been converged, and when you boast of the empty symbols of authority and power, you are submitting to that convergence.

Sher Singh says:

ਖੰਡਾਪ੍ਰਿਥਮੈਸਾਜਕੈਜਿਨਸਭਸੈਸਾਰੁਉਪਾਇਆ ॥
kha(n)ddaa pirathamai saaj kai jin sabh saisaar upaiaa ||
At first the Lord created the Khanda and then the whole world.

We can work as Foederati against you, we’re not Puritans.
Khalsa grows either way – anglosphere is being broken lol.
Liberals are more against cow slaughter than christcucks.


jim says:

You triumphantly boast of the empty symbols that the Cathedral permits you, while ignoring what it has taken away from you, and utterly abandoning the thought of taking that back.

Real men eat beef. Sikhs worrying about cow slaughter is like Jews worrying about milk products contaminating meat products.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

The center of the Sikh religion is not the holy cow, but the holy army engaged in holy war. You have lost your center, and are engaging in displacement activity.

someDude says:

Jim, Sikhs have never eaten beef from the day their religion started until today. When it comes to protecting cows and not eating Beef, the average Sikh is definitely more particular about it than the average Hindu and in all likelihood, more particular about it than the average Brahmin.

They were not eating Beef while, led by Emperor Ranjit Singh, they conquered and held on to Khyber Pakhtunwala (Afghan territory). You can’t accuse Sikhs of that period of not being real men.

Sher Singh says:

> The center of the Sikh religion is not the holy cow, but the holy army engaged in holy war. You have lost your center, and are engaging in displacement activity.

Losing sight of why you fight is how whites become christian

jim says:

Given that old type Christians conquered the world, including you, created science, technology, and industrialization, I think their sight was demonstrably clearer than yours.

If you are fighting to prevent people from eating cows, there is something terribly wrong with your vision.

Your endless pot shots at Christianity are stupid, unproductive, disruptive, dishonest, and mysterious. No one here takes pot shots at old type Sikhi – we merely point out that new type Sikhi is as converged as new type post Christianity.

Why are you taking potshots at Christianity, without distinguishing between the old type and the new type? What is your business here?

Sher Singh says:

You’re encouraging cow slaughter & insulting the Khalsa.

[*bombastic arrogance deleted*]

jim says:


A wise, martial, and right religious instruction under the circumstances, which Sikhs are not following.

Under similar circumstances, Russian Patriarch Kirill issued a similar ruling, which Russian Orthodox Christians are following.

> You’re encouraging cow slaughter & insulting the Khalsa.

Damn right I am. The original Aryans ate beef and slaughtered cows. Made them big and strong. Cows were indeed holy, but slaughtering cows and eating them was even holier.

The Hindu belief in sacred cows represents a demonic attack or internal holiness spiral on the ancient Aryan faith.

And in fact old type Sikhi does allow and encourage beef eating, you just have to slaughter the cows in a suitably sacred manner, which is not hard at all. That Sikhs are not slaughtering lots of cows and eating lots of beef, that your rules on cows have been holiness spiraled to discourage cow slaughter and beef eating, rather than encourage cow slaughter and beef eating, represents the intrusion of a hostile holiness spiral.

You need to purge the cow holiness spiraling out of your Khalsa, as we need to purge priestly celibacy and the desexualization of virtuous women.

When the Europeans dropped in on the Japanese, the Japanese immediately wanted to get bigger and stronger, so they researched what made Europeans big and strong, and decided it was partly genetics, but also partly beef. So they valorized raising cows and eating beef, encouraged the raising of cows with state action, and encouraged eating beef culturally and socially. High status people ate beef, and eating beef was made high status.

The Japanese government encouraging the raising of cows by state action was the equivalent of the sacredness of cows in the original Aryan faith, and socially encouraging eating beef and making it high status was the equivalent of the Aryans holy cow slaughter and holy eating of beef. The ancient Aryans were following the same social policy for the same reasons as the modern Japanese.

Modern Hindu cow sacredness is a demonic holiness spiral on the original Aryan cow sacredness, which was originally intended, like the modern Japanese policy, to produce bigger and stronger warriors.

Everyone ridicules the modern sacred cow doctrine. It is transparently silly, it makes you weak, physically and mentally.

The original Ayrans ate mostly beef – they were meat eaters, and cows were their biggest meat source. The holiness spiral on cows, like the Christian holiness spiral desexualizing virtuous women, is in line with Harvard policy..

Sher Singh says:

The longest composition in Dasam Bani is Triya Charitar.
Tales about the character of women.

Discussion on the WQ begins & ends with male authority.
Women need to be tied like cattle.

Sati Mata Ki Jai


jim says:

This is a vital and central point of Sikhi, and the holy army is supposed to enforce it.

Unfortunately your holy army has been out of action since we old type Christians defeated you, and Sikhs are not enforcing. Not individually, and not collectively.

Recommended corrective reading on individual enforcement of ownership: Mate Guarding Game Everyone should apply this, and Sikhs should apply it while working towards a holy army that can collectively enforce it – which you are not working towards, instead adapting your holy army to purely symbolic and ritual role, entirely detached from securing individual authority over your land, your gardens, your homes, your wives, and your children.

Female Sexual Preferences covers the same material while providing a larger context and covering related matters.

Aidan says:

The ban on eating beef is a demonic entryist attack on the ancient Aryan religion. The ancient Aryans were pastoralists who drew their strength and wealth from ranching, they were the cowboys of the ancient world. Could only have been dreamed up by Dravidian demon worshippers to sap the strength of their conquerors.

Every Sikh I have met is rail thin and unhealthy looking; cows are wonderful machines that turn nasty weeds into delicious milk and beef, which makes a man big and strong.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

A neo-primitivist future where the genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced crew of a reaving ship raids the O’Neil cylinders that hold the livestock and women of a rival fleet. Raiding goes back and forth, tit-for-tat, and and begins to escalate into more open warfare. Eventually the local military lord demands that they trade hostages and exchange daughters to end the feud. The marriage celebrations entail a massive feast and party, drinking, and the men carrying away their new women to their new homes.

In that future we will bring the greatest of beasts with us to the stars. Alongside the dog and the horse, the cow was responsible for getting us where we are today. We will bring their strength with us beyond the sky.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted*] It’s war then [*deleted*]

jim says:

It is not war, because you are defeated, because you are making your holy army’s role ever more symbolic and ever less real, and because you have failed to expunge modern and ancient demon worship and holiness spirals from Sikhi, rendering you ever less militarily capable.

I am primarily concerned with modern holiness spirals and demon worship in Christianity, but the ancient ones on celibate priests and the ever virginity of Mary are pretty bad.

For your war threat to be real, rather than impudent boasting about nonexistent martial spirit, you would need fix Sikhi in ways analogous to old type Christianity and the old type Aryan faith – which would of course diminish or eliminate your theological reasons for war.

The Cominator says:

The Sikhs probably would have done very well for themselves IF they weren’t up against the British army in its prime.

Probably there wasn’t any non-white force at the time that could have beaten the Khalsa… I like Sikhs overall everyone I meet who deals with them closely tells me they are generally good honest people (exact opposite of typical Indians) but this guy shouldn’t come here to cause trouble.

Treating tobacco as a major sin (the most benign of drugs because it doesn’t negatively warp the mind) to be met with mob violence is obviously holiness spiraling.

jim says:

Nicotine is the original nootropic

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I would caution you against war with people like me. My ancestors beat yours as a side effect of shopping for spices. That was not a holy war, that was just negotiation. A holy war of Christendom versus Hinduism would be the end of your world.

Plus, I like fighting people and fucking people up. You are threatening me with a good time. It would be a nice, straightforward fight. “They worship strange gods that are not the One, True God. Show them the error of their ways.” No heart and minds bullshit, just some old-fashioned conquest.

Sher Singh says:

Tobacco & Beef have been banned since First Guru.
Brits fought a Sikh Army depleted by 10 years of civil war.

Nothing more to say, stop deleting theological responses.[*deleted*]

jim says:

> Tobacco & Beef have been banned since First Guru.
> Brits fought a Sikh Army depleted by 10 years of civil war.

Exactly so. That is how Christians have been defeating everyone for the past two millennia. Failure of cohesion by non Christians.

Civil war is a form of incohesion. Incohesion reveals there is something very wrong with your state religion: By their fruits you will know them.

King Alfred did not kill any pagan leaders that I recall. The pagan leaders killed each other and King Alfred converted the survivors at swordpoint – thus considerably improving their life expectancy.

> Nothing more to say, stop deleting theological responses.

Kindly refrain from confidently telling us that our theology is wrong because a bunch of gurus whose religion is infested with Dravidian demon worship and ancient holiness spirals disagree. This argument is unlikely to persuade.

Also stop telling us that Christians and Christianity is unmanly. It was manly enough to conquer the world, including you, and keep women in their proper place. It is today’s postchristianity that is unmanly.

Sher Singh says:

[*attack on Christianity deleted*]

ten says:

Well no, the ban on eating cows is the aryans telling their shitskin subjects to stay the fuck away from their cattle, the shitskins internalizing their masters wishes like good little fucking bitches, and over time, you get sher singh, the dumbest shitstain to ever wear a retarded hat and a toy sword, prancing about and feeling mighty that he is kept as a pet and sees his retarded hat mirrored in other pets of the cathedral (when not conflating his shitskin cousins beating up some cow farmer with himself conquering the british empire).

Shere kahn, king of the jungle, you’re pretty damn dumb.

Sher Singh says:

Untouchability begins with cattle consumption.
Other civilizations like the Persians & Egyptians protected cows.


jim says:

Successful civilizations protected cows because they are tasty and nutritious.

You have holiness spiraled cow protection, in the same way Christians holiness spiraled chastity from protecting and supporting marriage, to subverting and attacking marriage.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Untouchability in the sense that no one can even come close to touching our records and accomplishments? Hindus did not land on the moon, or build the nuclear fusion bomb. Hindus did not conquer the entire world. Christians did that. Christianity is the social technology equivalent of the first protohuman to throw a rock as weapon technology. “The evolutionary arms race is over; this is my planet now.” So say all you want, confined to a single subcontinent. It is all cope.

Sher Singh says:

[*attack on Christianity deleted*]

jim says:

Your attacks on Christianity are unworthy of discussion.

Your faith is no more the original Aryan faith than today’s Judaism are the original faith of nomadic pastoralist patriarchs, and an Indian is no position to ridicule us for allowing race mixing. The Aryans were tall and white when they conquered India, now their descendants are brown and short.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Your prehistory is too silly to be worth rebutting. We know what second wave Aryans looked like. Aryans left their genes all over the place, and populations with those genes fairly pure can be found all over the place.

jim says:

Your account is more plausible, because nomadic pastoralists conquering grain farmers. The cattle continued to wander, and the nomadic pastoralists told the grain farmers to let them be.

But the primary reason that the pastoralists were keeping cattle was to eat them.

Tasty and nutritious.

Sher Singh says:

Which Aryan invasion are you speaking of?
Pathans & Baloch came in the 6-800s, Scythians before.

Christianity builds institutional cohesion by attacking kinship
The rule of law surpassing blood feuds, this is well known.


jim says:

The first wave of Aryan invasions happened at the beginning of Bronze Age, three thousand before Christ, but did not reach India. There was a subsequent wave of Aryan and culturally Aryan peoples whose racial background is somewhat complex at the end of the Bronze Age, thirteen hundred BC. And Aryan and sort of Aryan peoples have been at it the whole time and for a long time after.

The Indian Hindu religion is descended from the Aryans of the second wave who invaded India around 1700 to 1400. Unfortunately they got a large infestation of the demon worship of the conquered Davidian peoples.

The evidence for this is linguistic, genetic, and in the religious rituals of Aryans of this period. Indra=Thor=Zeus=Jupiter. They had a lot more in common with paganism of Greece and Rome that lasted in Iceland to 1000AD, than they had with modern day Hinduism, of which Sikhi is an offshoot. They were ancestor worshipers.

Sher Singh says:


Aryaman says:

But note, the zenith of Indian civilization as far as science, mathematics, and industry go happened well (as in, millennia) after the latest plausible point of admixture. And the best science, mathematics, and industry came from parts of India now called Dravidian (though the differences are not all so simple), though it came from the less admixed among those, who were nonetheless still more admixed than people in the North.

Also, ancestor worship very much remains in all the most relevant sacraments, the performance of which look more or less identical to the way they were done a very long time ago, and would not appear alien to other Aryan-derived groups.

There is holiness spiraling in Hinduism. The place to see that is an obsession with cleanliness whereby Brahmins will not drink from a glass of water used by non-Brahmins, will not eat in the kitchens of others, and will throw water around places to symbolically clean themselves while becoming less clean in the process.

And there is demon worship in Hinduism too. (Though Krishna is not the source of that). But the real problem is that it is a muscular religion that has forgotten its muscularity, and does not have anything remotely resembling a pope or college of priests professing the religion to the people. Chanting ancient words while important is not enough, and now everyone makes up their own stories about what the precepts of the religion mean in the common tongue.

jim says:

> the best science, mathematics, and industry came from parts of India now called Dravidian (though the differences are not all so simple), though it came from the less admixed among those, who were nonetheless still more admixed than people in the North.

The faith of those in England that accomplished science, technology, industrialization, and world empire is amply recorded, and reading it I can see what worked and why it worked. There were lots of colorful, illustrative, and dramatic incidents showing the interaction between faith, science, industry, and conquest.

You do not seem to know what the faith of those that achieved the best science, mathematics, and industry in India was. It does not seem to be well recorded, and if it is recorded, you have not been looking. Yes, it was Hinduism, but there are a lot of very different kinds of Hinduism. It is considerably more diverse than Christianity.

And far from all versions of Christianity were comfortable coexisting with science, technology, and industry.

someDude says:


It’s indeed beginning to look like not having a pope is the same having too many popes.

Can we make something of the Shankaracharya tradition? Or the Tatacharya tradition? There has got to be a solution we can use.

jim says:

Orthodoxy does not have a Pope.

What it does have is national leaders who are answerable to Caesar.

That works.

Aryaman says:

You are right that I have only a foggy sense of what was going on around the time there was science, mathematics, and industry in India. But we do know that this time was millennia after admixture ended, and after extremely strict endogamy that survived through the 20th century began. So, genetically, those guys are pretty similar.

But I can gather some of what worked there by looking at what worked for England in the time of the industrial revolution, by projecting the successful part of Christianity on to the successful part of Hinduism, to the extent there is not a contradiction. Of which there is plenty, but not on issues such as marriage.

There are a lot more demons in Hinduism as it is practiced today, and obviously there are dramatic material deficiencies that follow as a result. So the mustard seed might be obscured by a lot more muck, but it is alive and well — and in some ways more so than in the west. You do not believe it, but the important sacraments which govern Hindu life are not usually filled with demons, and observed as they were observed a very, very long time ago. And the meaning contained therein is fully compatible with patriarchy, indeed ordains it.

someDude says:


Then what comes first? The caeser or the Prophet/Archbishop. Past precedent/Historical record/Folklore from India is that the Archibishop came first and he mentored the Caeser. I can readily point to three cases. Other Hindu commentators may correct me.

1. Chanakya-Chandragupta (Maurya dynasty/Empire)

2. Vidyaranya-Harihara&Bukka Raya (Vijayanagara Empire)

3. Baba Ramdas-Shivaji (Maratha Empire)

We’re hoping for another one, but one that calls out demons in Hinduism and instructs Caeser to do his thing.

Also, whether Hindus should convert to Sikhism en masse may also be something worth looking into. Sikhism has considerably fewer demons and we don’t think of them as different from us and Sikhs themselves claim to be the only real Hindus left in India. We could be Hindu-Sikhs.

jim says:

Sikhism is faith whose center is the army. If no real army, no real faith. Old type Sikhi is sovereign or in a state of war and rebellion. They lost. Having lost, they lost their core. Hindus converting to Sikhs does not convert Sikhs to Sikhs.

Christianity and most forms of Hinduism leave that stuff to Caesar. Which is a weakness in wartime, a strength in peace, and a very great strength when under hostile occupation. It is easier for a Christian to remain Christian under defeat and occupation by an enemy faith, than a Sikh to remain Sikh. Replaced their center with a martial symbols. To become actual Sikhs, have to work towards recovering their center.

Christians have lost their hierarchy for the most part. Old type Roman Catholics are in a bind analogous to the bind the Sikh’s are in. Sikhs are in a better position than Roman Catholics, but, under hostile occupation, still a major flaw.

The major flaw in mainstream Hinduism is the substitution of ritual cleanliness for actual cleanliness, which is analogous to the Sikh problem of a ritual army for an actual army. Christianity has always been protected to some extent from this class of problem, being born in a revolt against this class of problem.

But what is biting everyone is the woman question. The only people taking effective action on this while under hostile occupation are old type Muslims. If we don’t fix it, the future is old type Islam.

Sher Singh says:

[*bombast deleted*]

jim says:

As Brahmins and Jews substitute ritual cleanliness for actual cleanliness, you substitute ritual sovereignty for actual sovereignty. Harvard smiles and gives you a pat on the head.

Neofugue says:
Cloudswrest says:

Off topic, but does anybody here remember J. Orlin Grabbe? I used to read his blog until he apparently suddenly died in 2008. It was on his website that I first read about Bitcoin.

Cloudswrest says:

Some early mass media presaging mentioned in Wikipedia.

Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes, produced an investigative segment about misinformation on the Internet that aired on March 2, 1997. Grabbe was interviewed on the show and presented as a representation of misinformation found online. Her comments about the dangers of anyone being able to create content on the Internet, rather than relying on mass media, led to further commentary online.

Albert says:

I remember when he first appeared, pre-web. I checked his website everyday once he started it. The photos were a nice addition to the libertarian, crytography, and digital money content.

Neurotoxin says:

I seem to recall reading his site during and after the Clinton-era crypto wars. Plus, pics of hot chicks.

IIRC, he once referred to the media as “the cloaca of the ruling class,” LOL.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, can you comment on why female conservatives get to speak and act like this? As well, can you confidently state whether or not lady-leaders such as this are actually what they say they are?

I will be honest, I find her rhetoric incredibly inspiring, her delivery was excellent, and she seems to speak from the heart (there’s a language barrier but she still seems real). As a rule, I don’t trust female politicians, and I generally think the need to be post-menapausal to have any kind of chance at competency and rationality. I just have a hard time believing a badbitch can be married to a real man. When you get those incredibly rare women who can lead a patriarchy, they are always barren, and they always have a male wife. Otherwise, the powerful female rules from behind and beneath. Both are exceedingly rare.

Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:
Kunning Druegger says:

I am so tired of this sentiment. Support for Israel is unavoidable if you want to be politically active in conservative circles. i don’t like this, I don’t agree with it, but I am tired of worthy people having their support undercut by “anti-Zion” shills, particularly when being anti-Israel is quite often a cover for fed shills. It is Divide & Conquer tactics. Every time any conservative starts making headway, there’s a massive campaign to undercut their support over supposed purity. The net result is a Cathedral agent beating them, and I don’t see how that is a good thing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In a conflict between civilized men and savages, side with the civilized man. The anti-Israel position is as ridiculous as the pro-Israel position given the obeisance of Israel to globohomo. Acting as if anyone talking favorably about Israel is being commanded by Zionists is retarded because Zionists are helpless and pathetic. As you say, most of the anti-Israel believers are either retarded and being led around by leftists, or leftists themselves.

I am certainly not going to go out of my way to help Israel, especially as they have no more right to the Holy Land, which should be held by Christians. However, I am just as certainly not going to criticize them for bombing Muslims. No friends to the left, and no attacking anyone from the left, even Israel. That is what most of these criticisms come to in the end.

i says:

Anti-gentile behavior however should be called out. And dealt with.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Absolutely. Christians and Christianity should come before Israel every time. For an example, Palestinian Christians should be protected while the Muslims are pushed into the sea. That goes doubly for Christian countries. I am of the opinion that after we take Jerusalem we let the Jews purge the Muslims in the area and they can settle down there. Then we expel the Jews from Cristendom and send them to their new lands in the Middle East. Israel is where we will put all the Jews so we do not have to kill them all. Let them visit their holy sites in the city, but not live there. Jerusalem belongs to Christianity.

The reflexive anti-Israel stance is either a relic of incorrect Judocentric theories of leftism(Elders of Zion) or is government entryism(hello fellow right-wingers). Either way it is not conducive to a useful conversation. If it is sincere, it is still incorrect, because if the Jews were really running things, then Hamas would be running scared and hiding in the desert. If it is shill talk, then it should be silenced.

Ash says:

This is fundamental misunderstanding of how the Israeli establishment operates. They genuinely do not want to throw the Muslims into the sea. For instance, if Syria offered peace tomorrow in exchange for full transfer of the Golan, they’d evict every single Jew in the area immediately and return that land in order to secure that treaty. They mistakenly and unironically are desperate for peace, and war-weary after fighting virtually nonstop for the better part of a century

Bouncer says:

“if Syria offered peace tomorrow in exchange for full transfer of the Golan, they’d evict every single Jew in the area immediately and return that land in order to secure that treaty. They mistakenly and unironically are desperate for peace, and war-weary after fighting virtually nonstop for the better part of a century”

Israel? Returning the Golan to Syria? After they found oil there? Because Israel supposedly wants peace???

This argument may work on the typical boomer American, but it’s definitely not in touch with reality. Israel may well want peace with the Palestinians, preferably by heaving the Palestinians inside the borders they control into the sea, but they /also/ want weak, divided and infighting border countries too weak to resist when they grab more land outside their original borders. Israel doesn’t want stable, independent neighbors, it wants weak and compliant ones who will bend over backwards when it demands land or resources.

jim says:

Israel can want more than one thing at the same time. If peace was on offer they would take it.

And proof is that they tried to take it even when it was not on offer – they evicted Jews from Hamas territory even though that empowered Hamas and facilitated Hamas terrorism. They offered a deal, and tried to pretend or imagine the counterparty into existence. If they evicted Jews who were vital to defenses with no real counterparty for the deal, would certainly evacuate Jews who do not matter much to defense if there was a real counterparty for the deal.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Well, the Jews will be given the choice of either genociding Muslims and taking their land, or watching while we do it. Given that they will be flooded with people, they will probably take the offer to do genocide and take the land. Whether they do or not is not my problem. If they watch and then try to take the land, they will be firmly reminded that they had a chance and wasted it. The reminders will escalate in firmness until they accept. They will have peace, one way or another.

Yul Bornhold says:

Political lesbianism? When no man playing the male role, a woman will sometimes step up and run a domestic-abuse flavored larp of masculinity.

Or to think of it another way, single motherhood, women having children on their own, feral, is *bad* but widowhood, a mother having children on her own isn’t *bad* in the same moral sense. It’s an accident. A tragedy. I think (or hope, because optimism) that a widow can do a decent job raising children on her own but, even so, the hardship will grind on her far worse than if she had a husband.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The polygon isn’t afraid of women, naturally, so it’s often willing to let them get away with more of their feminine uppityness before slapping them back down into the plantation (which they always bow down too in the event).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Women in charge is emasculating even if the woman is a “conservative.” It is in opposition to the natural order and against the will of God to have a woman lead. Therefore, it is a degenerating–and thus leftist–occurance to which the left does not have much objection. They are perfectly willing to let a woman emasculate her own men, because they can route the apparatuses of state around her.

The Cominator says:

Female leaders should be viewed with suspicion and not ideal but at the same time I’m willing to be pragmatic… female queens always occasionally ruled even when every other woman in the society was property and some did okay…

They tend to do far worse as Democratic leaders…but so does everyone. I’d certainly prefer if the Italian lady was president as opposed to say Biden.

Neofugue says:

Female monarchs often become whores because of a lack of male ownership, in particular the Romanov whores, with avid equestrian Catherine creating the first female university in Europe.

Among the few noble Queens, what is your take on “Queen of the Night” Maria Theresa? IMO the Roman Catholics should have made her a saint along with her daughter and Louis XVI, but Catholicism being Catholicism they were too gay to do it.

The Cominator says:

Not a fan of Maria Theresa at all. Am a fan of Elizabeth I.

Catherine the Great was pretty successful as far as her civil score but given that she reduced 95% of Russians to a state indistinguishable from de jure slavery (and it was far worse than it was before) she was a nasty ruler.

The Cominator says:

Civ score…

i says:


What is against the Natural Order. Is that the Husbands of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the II is that they aren’t actually Kings. Rather they are consorts

By virtue of the Headship of the Husband. It should be that the Husband should be King and overall Head.

If a man marries a princess. He is automatically to be the King and overall head of the Kingdom.

francophone says:

That’s what the Hundred Years’ War was about. “France is too great a kingdom to pass through the hands of a woman,” and the peers of the realm awarded the crown to a cousin rather than the daughter. The English disagreed, and you may judge for yourself how much of that was justified by greed at the prospect of grabbing the richest kingdom in Europe. Regardless, the precedent of it being acceptable for the monarchy to be traced or defined by female descent equally with male descent was set then, and the English monarchy has been defined by that ever since.

The French monarchy is in many ways a better and more successful model than the English, and required a much more brutal and overt communist attack to bring it down.

The Cominator says:

Louis XIV killed the French monarchy by

1) Bureaucratizing it and also bureaucratizing economic life

2) Emasculating their aristocratic officer class but still keeping them as theoretically pre-eminent (theoretically the Sword nobility was still higher than the Robe nobility)

Getting rid of the Hugenots didn’t help him out either. It didn’t die right away it was more like a slow spreading cancer.

The “July Monarchy” of Louis Phillipe actually would have done great (since Louis Phillipe on matters of economics was practically a Randian) if it just wasn’t brought down by the Jesuit 1848 plot.

The English monarchy arguably survived more troubles than the French monarchy.

Kunning Druegger says:

True, but England is also the second worst pernicious source of cathedral meddling after Harvard. The Eternal Aenglo has been in on every single terrible happening of the 20th Century, and their track record in the 21st is not looking to be any better, as their insidious effect is only dampened by their loss of empire and influence.

I was going to point and laugh at the Honhonhon poster, but he makes a great point: France was converged, in the end, through blood and fire; England was converged with ink and ballots.

While this is an interesting and valuable discussion, it is further reinforcing the fact that All [white countries] have sinned [against their peoples, cultures, traditions] and fallen short of the Glory of God [==the blessings of GNON].

francophone says:

No, that’s false.

France was an impossible tangle of conflicting regulations and local privileges and contradictory requirements and overlapping taxes, none of which had been addressed by the preceding centuries of royal expansion. Louis XIV regularised much of that. To the extent a bureaucracy was installed it was required to administer the more orderly (and less oppressive in total) system that replaced the previous jumble of local administrations, hundreds of local courts that duplicated government expenditures and tax burdens and attempts at pomp and splendor by local big shots.

The military aristocracy was very much in the ascendant under him as well. One need merely consider the life of Prince Eugene, who at nineteen considered being refused the command of a regiment such a surprising and unexpected insult to his honor that he departed at once for Austria, swearing never to return to France except with weapons in hand. Turenne and de Saxe exemplified and made the best use of French martial qualities – de Saxe’s advice was that soldiers should not fire their weapons when attacking, but rely on bayonets instead, because French soldiers closing at a charge always had the fury to carry the day. De Saxe won enough battles to prove his point, and it wasn’t until the better firearms of a century later that the balance shifted.

I have no idea to what you are referring about the Huguenots. That rebellion ended and had no further consequences afterward. “Une foi, une loi, un roi” was the motto at the time for good reason.

The Cominator says:

I’m less and less thinking Harvard more and more I think that all roads lead to Rome or at least most of them. When I refer to the American Cathedral my tendency in the future will be to say Georgetown…

English fuckery in American politics almost always involves their glowniggers (I remember their involvement with McCain and Hillary in trying to frame Trump) but if English glowniggers were so subverted it probably involved the original glowniggers of the world… our friends in the society of Jesus. Also England wasn’t always so so bad it became that bad with Tony Blair. And Tony Blair like Fauci is something like a Jesuit.

Tony Blair after totally ruining England converted to Catholicism (because Roman Catholics can’t be prime minister old Glorious Revolution law) and apparently was always secretly did some Catholic observances…

The Cominator says:

Did Louis XIV’s killing localism in favor of a centralized state make France richer or poorer? The Hugenots were France’s most productive group. Don’t take my word for it, Louis XIV’s most able minister Vauban (Colbert was a cancer) said so publically.

Kunning Druegger says:

Strategically, is it possible for a woman to re-instate a Christian patriarchy? My elementary understanding is that the answer is No. A female could potentially introduce the circumstances that might lead to a Restoration, but nothing more than that. As you say, they always eventually bow down.

Neuropoison says:

Everyone should keep in mind that

(1) politics is the art of the possible. Given that Jesus taking over the world hasn’t happened yet, we must choose among the options that are actually available,
(2) our enemies are screeching in rage about her political ascension. That’s a good sign.

Neurotoxin says:

Went to moderation. Did I use the wrong name?

jim says:


Neurotoxin says:


Adam says:

>Can a woman re-instate a male dominated social order designed to explicitly suppress female hypergamy?


Kunning Druegger says:

I’ll belabor the point for the sake of discussion:

Why not? Males can instate an order explicitly designed to enhance female hypergamy, why can’t it work the other way around? Could it theoretically be analogous to the Stirling Cycle Engine, as in, couldn’t it be run “backwards” to achieve the opposite reaction?

I acknowledge that it is unlikely to the point of silliness, but I have personally seen a woman shame men into being more manly. It wasn’t some bull-dike pretending to be one of the guys, it was a stay at home mom thumping a bible, and it worked. But that was an isolated incident and the female probably had selfish reasons for doing so. Nonetheless, I have to wonder if it is possible for a female to become worthy, accept power, then hand it off to the proper male dominated institution. Typing it out feels a bit silly, but we are in a state of affairs wherein only females are even allowed to think thoughtcrimes, and only rarely. Marjorie Taylor Green seems to be more on message and pure than the overwhelming majority of her male peers. Ditto for the wopette firebrand.

Upon consideration, it could very well be an impossibility, and one that the upper echelon of the Cathedral (the Octogenarians) were well aware of, and so they established the precedent of letting “conservative” women have their say because there’s no risk of them transferring their power to a man. But that seems awfully risky. All it would take is the right woman to sweep to power then place a crown on the head of her most favored warrior before jumping into bed, or off a cliff.

Adam says:

Because they cannot resist the temptation to reach for power.

Because female authority is a shit test that men must pass. Females cannot pass a shit test for you, nor resist the temptation to shit test you.

A woman cannot dominate a man while the man simultaneously dominates the woman.

Can a woman halt a holiness spiral? I don’t see why not. But that is a long way from a Christian patriarchy.

yewotm8 says:

I can theoretically see a man whose powers of game, dominance, and muh dick are so potent that he convinces his President wife to gradually roll back laws regarding women. But eventually a public shit test would be issued against him and passing it would require backing by the rest of the male elite, meaning that such a transfer of power would be inevitable anyway.

francophone says:

Jeanne d’Arc did. The Dauphin had signed a treaty renouncing the throne. She put him back on it, and the dynasty lasted centuries more, to great success.

Adam says:

I won’t speak on the particulars of something I do not know, but sounds like she had a title, not power. Sounds like she submitted to an alpha male, or group of alpha males.

The Cominator says:

Her case is so exceptional in history (female queens and rebel leaders happen sometimes, women actually commanding the army and seemingly being good at it no other examples but her) I question the tales authenticity.

Also she claimed she had divine guidance and that is why she could do what she did… but her 2nd in command was the serial child torturer and murderer (who claimed he was sacrificing them to demons) Gilles De Rais. And yet the English DID seem to think she was the actual commander and not just a mascot…

Its all a very strange case which is not at all consistent with the rest of history.

Encelad says:

Cuba has legalized anal marriage
I thought Cuba was outside the GAE influence and they were instead old type leftists, what’s going on?

Kunning Druegger says:

Remember, all communism springs forth from Harvard. It may take a circuitous path, it may phase change repeatedly, but the source of Global Communism has always been the Cathedral intelligentsia. GAE soft power is almost wholly the provenance of the State Department and their tentacular menace of NGOs. I have no evidence to give you, but I am fairly certain the NGOs made significant in roads during the Obama administration. If you want to know who is behind any initiative, effort, or operation, you have to dig into the organizers and benefactors of the effort. I can almost guarantee that there is a network of US based NGOs and nonprofits who are behind cavorting sodomites in Cuba.

Completely and totally unrelated, check out these shining examples of conscience based patronage facilitators:

You can’t find a more upstanding and wonderful group of money launderers and influence peddlers. The holiness of these folks is off the charts, and I bet you’ve never heard of them.

Kunning Druegger says:

Upon consideration, Paris could also be a source of International Marxism, but I am not well versed in French History, so they principle actors may have shifted outward from there. “France sneezes, and Europe catches a cold” is an old saying.

jim says:

Not following your history.

Perhaps you are thinking of more recent events.

The descendants of the organization and the religious and political apparatus of the false Popes of Avignon holiness spiraled into the Enlightenment and the Church of Reason. French Revolution. The Thermidorean reaction attempts to restrain the holiness spiral, has a rough ride, calls in Napoleon for a helping hand, Napoleon shows them the door, and terminates the holiness spiral at pretty far left.

Napoleon loses, arguably because of leftism destroying his logistics, Anglos eradicate the memetic descendants of the Church of reason, but they have their own holiness spiral running entryism against them.

Marx, seeing the entryists take power within England, moves to England, digs up the roots of the current mob in power, which were the ideological descendants of the leftists that Cromwell suppressed, and creates a Judaised version of it, or equivalently does to Judaism what those guys did to Christianity.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is Protestantism a byproduct of communism?

clovis says:

We use the word “protestant” inaccurately in the English speaking world. It originally meant Lutherans who protested at the Diet of Speyer in 1529 the repeal of the religious tolerance Charles V had extended to them during the previous decade or so. Only later did it come to include Calvinists and radical Independents like Cromwell.

jim says:

No, communism is a toxic byproduct of protestantism.

That said, I am a protestant. Orthodoxy had accumulated a small pile of heresies, and Roman Catholicism a much bigger pile of heresies. Of course the explosion of protestant Churches led to an explosion of heresies, the demon worshipping church of Harvard being one of them, but the criticism of then existent Christianity was correct.

Mary and Joseph had the sexual relations proper for husband and wife, and if they did not, no one should admit it, because to doubt that Christ had biological brothers is an attack on every man’s marriage, every man’s capacity to reproduce, and will of God expressed in Genesis 2:24.

Similarly, the failure to give effect to Paul’s commands on the recruitment of Bishops and Deacons.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sidestepping the theological points (which sound very compelling to me, obviously a man sleeps with his wife, exactly as God intended), how can communism be a byproduct of protestantism when the will to entropy through greed and envy is as old as time? I am not trying to be a legalist, I am trying to order my thinking. Marx didn’t invent Communism just as Smith didn’t invent Capitalism. But Protestantism was invented, maybe developed is a better word, within written history (Clovis says 16th Century, I myself couldn’t produce a date). Wouldn’t protestantism be a byproduct of entryism into the orthodox Christian faith(s)?

jim says:

> Wouldn’t protestantism be a byproduct of entryism into the orthodox Christian faith(s)?

Not entryism when you come out in open opposition. Within the Roman Catholic Church, people got pissed with ever increasing blatant self serving heresy, and proceeded to say so in plain and straightforward words. Promptly got expelled, and would have been killed, except that a whole lot of Kings were getting pissed with the Pope’s grabs for earthly power.

Protestantism was a originally a restorationist movement, to ditch various heresies, in particular and especially the heresies that led to the great schism, but they were none to keen on various lesser heresies, most of them long predating the great schism, that Orthodox Christianity still subscribes to.

Of course a whole lot of them proceeded to holiness spiral into assorted grave heresies, which eventually became nineteenth century postchristianity, and twenty first century demon worship, but the basic point was glaringly obvious – that the Church needed to reform ad return to its roots.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The basic problem of protestantism is that, in the attempt to repudiate the say so of a heretical bishop in Rome – which, at the time, concerned specific points one might quite reasonably object too – they ended up introducing forms of argument for repudiating the say so of anyone anywhere on anything; germinal seeds of nominalism that, in time, came to bloom into the gnostic whig theocracy we know and hate that rules to day.

jim says:

Quite so.

But the say so of that heretical Bishop needed to be repudiated.

We need to restore one universal Christian Church on the model that existed in the first millenium of Christianity. And actually existent Orthodoxy is not converged to demon worship, unlike the Vatican, and its governance model is national Churches united by the consensus of the national Bishops. Need some more national Orthodox Churches. We are not Russian, nor Greek, nor Armenian.

Mike in Boston says:

The basic problem of protestantism is that, in the attempt to repudiate the say so of a heretical bishop in Rome […] they ended up introducing forms of argument for repudiating the say so of anyone anywhere on anything

Quite right. As Jim writes below, the solution would have been to return to the consensus of the universal Church of the first millennium, which consensus had already been shattered during the Great Schism.

As I have apparently been pointing out for eight years, Khomiakov made a similar point, calling the Pope “the first Protestant” for breaking that consensus.

Mike in Boston says:

I am sorry to see Jim misunderstand about Joseph and Mary. Mary was thirteen when she was betrothed to Joseph, a widower of over eighty years who already had at least seven children, simply for her own protection. As an Orthodox writer explains:

for her protection she was betrothed to Him (otherwise she would be considered a prostitute or a mistress, being found in the household of an unrelated man.) Thus we call Joseph “the betrothed” to set him apart as the chosen protector of the Virgin Mary and her divine Child.”

The priest told Joseph, “Take the virgin of the Lord and keep her for Him.” So we can see that their relationship was not that of a normal husband and wife.

The fact that Mary was ever-virgin does not attack marriage. The atypical marriage of Joseph and Mary shows the uniqueness of Mary in human history.

But Christ’s presence at the wedding in Cana shows marriage to be an honorable estate. And in every single service of the Orthodox church, Mary’s parents Joachim and Anna are remembered during the closing prayer.

So it’s not necessary to contradict the teaching of the Church to try and make a point in favor of marriage, when the Church gives us many other examples to show its esteem for marriage.

i says:

@Mike in Boston

The source for that I think is dubious. And doesn’t hold up compared to the 4 selected Gospels.

The Protoevangelium was the earliest example of virginity in perpetu mentioned that we know of.

But it is fan fiction. Like the other forgeries of the life of Jesus.

jim says:

At least it is a fan fiction that reconciles the commandments on women and marriage with perpetual virginity.

But the trouble is that Joseph is normally depicted as a young man, twenties or early thirties, with a fourteen year old wife. And if that is the mental image that people have in their heads, perpetual virginity is an attack on every marriage, every family, every man’s capacity to reproduce, and on the basic commandments of the bible on these topics.

i says:


Since Mary our Lord’s Mother is held up as the model of femininity.

This sets up the Madonna-Whore division that has ruled the West ever since.

The perfect woman therefore cannot ever be sexual especially with her Husband. But all sexuality then is monopolized by the whore.

I think its like setting up a feminine counterpart to the masculine God by having her virginity mirror the ever-virginity of the Lord Jesus.

But I think the difference is that the Lord Jesus Christ never married.

But is pledged to be married to the Church.

It would make more sense for Mary to be ever-virgin outside marriage and single like Christ in that case. Then it wouldn’t be a problem.

jim says:

The ever virginity of Mary is an attack by faggots upon straights. It was inevitable that when the Church abandoned Paul’s command to recruit priests from married men with well behaved children, that the church would be overrun by faggots, because the Church and schools give access to other people’s children.

Neofugue says:

Communism is a byproduct of holiness-spiraled Lutheranism, a descendant of the evil which began the German Peasants’ War of 1524 to 1525, the uprising which Luther condemned and was later crushed. Marx and Engels built Communism off of Müntzer; “to each according to his need” is plagiarized from Müntzer’s omnia sunt communia.

clovis says:

The proto-anabaptist Muentzer had little to do with Lutheranism. The thing was that Luther’s willingness to confess the faith and risk death opened the door for others to ride his coattails

i says:

Seriously those Communist cults keep arising through the ages. From its roots since the beginning of the First States.

Those demons keep wanting to bring back communism.

Aidan says:

The willingness of German nobility to hide Luther behind sharp pikes and stone walls opened the door for others to ride his coattails, in the same way that the House of Saud protected Wahhab and gave him the legitimacy to spread his sect.

Neofugue says:

Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Church but in so doing he opened a can of worms which metastasized into demon worship and post-Christianity. If faith is based on scripture alone, no one has authority to define truth—Protestants do not and cannot follow absolute sola fide as they require creeds and consensus to maintain unity. Luther believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary, do modern Protestants?

Without the church and the consensus of the saints there are infinite ways to bend scripture to fit demonic purposes. That being said, the converged churches are in competition to see which branch pimps out the most women and sodomizes more of its sons, so there is a balance between consensus and individual discernment.

Kunning Druegger says:

Can the argument be made that there is a significant utility in forming a “new” church, a new faith, that cherry picks what is valuable and discards what is worthless? I am not arguing that this should be done, rather theorizing whether it should be something that needs doing. It would need to be a project for the ages, like a cathedral, built up over time and across generations. We need a faith to carry to the stars with us, so it will need to be resilient, simple, sturdy, and dangerous. Having grown up in a Protestant family, I am rather confident that Protestantism is almost certainly NOT that faith. I am much enamored with ROCOR, but I worry about the opposition to Darwinism, given how much of our reality, the tenets of the Reactionary/Dissident Right interpretive framework, is predicated on observable evolutionary elements.

I am not trying to be excessive here, and maybe this topic is better left untouched, but I can’t help but consider how powerful a tool it would be, to have a “new” faith that is steeped in tradition yet constructed to be deployed in the current era. This could just be a facet of week faith and/or modernity poisoning. The Evolution Issue, in my mind, is the single biggest handicap to the Christianities. It is the exploit by which Equalism, Communism, and Feminism do so much damage.

Yul Bornhold says:


Trying to engineer a religion is tricky business. The main strength of faith is the claim to divine revelation–the higher than human authority. If you’re just making up what you think best, you’ll undermine divine authority.

Joseph Smith incel: “Emma, why you not happy with me fucking other woman?”

Joseph Smith chad: “God COMMANDS his handmaid Emma Smith to accept her husband’s righteous polygamy.”

(Yes, there’s some sympathy to polygamy in reactionary circles but there shouldn’t be towards Smith. This guy would send his followers off on mission trips to Europe so he could get at their wives.)

Then you’ve the practical problem that the vast majority of religious start-ups fail. The products of deliberate state-oriented religious innovations fail even when they succeed. The Phoenicians worshiped Baal for millennia. The Church of England imploded in centuries. Scandinavian Lutheranism not so hot either.

Long before Darwin, people were plenty racist. Early Portuguese explorers didn’t need evolution to notice that Africans were different.

Also worth pointing out that most reactionary insights function from the perspective of game theory even without evolution.

I suspect we’ll experience the literal end of the world within a century. If I *knew* that, obviously, wouldn’t bother with much of a space program but suspicion isn’t certainty. In any case, the immediate problem is America going Rwanda. If possible, the use of political force (in the broad sense) should be used to create a sane state with sound social policy (patriarchy, flow of authority, deterrence of crime), along with infrastructure and military.

I suppose expansion into space is almost an alternate eschatology. Final frontier as ultimate purpose, which puts it into competition with traditional eschatology.

Neofugue says:

> Can the argument be made that there is a significant utility in forming a “new” church, a new faith, that cherry picks what is valuable and discards what is worthless?

Who are you to cherry pick what is valuable and discard what is worthless? Why follow you and not Muhammad, Joseph Smith, or Charles Taze Russell? You could try something similar to what William Luther Pierce did…good luck.

> I am much enamored with ROCOR, but I worry about the opposition to Darwinism, given how much of our reality, the tenets of the Reactionary/Dissident Right interpretive framework, is predicated on observable evolutionary elements.

Modern post-Christians are feminist, equalist and corrupt because of fear, pride and subversion, not Creationism. Exegeting Genesis to feminism is akin to exegeting Galatians to negro-worship.

Creationism should not come into conflict with Darwinian evolution, because if you believe that the world is ~7000 years old you should be able to abrogate when causality begins. Miracles themselves are an abrogation of the laws of nature, so it is not as if Christianity can use science to prove itself. It is thus possible for Christianity to have its cake and eat it too, so long as science and theology are kept in separate domains.

If a post-Christian is arguing feminism on the basis of Genesis, ask him whether or not the Fall applied to women. If he gives you nonsense, ask him if women do bad things. If your interlocutor states that all bad things women do are the fault of men, inform him that he is a Gnostic and leave him if he refuses to engage.

Kunning Druegger says:

Excellent points, Yul and -fugue. Much to consider.

Post-Christianity pilfered everything they wanted and left out everything inconvenient. In so doing, they were able to port followers and impetus, maintaining a façade of piousness and tradition, while planting the seeds of daemonology to be reaped by future generations. A more clinical and holistic study and explication of this process is necessary to understand what happened and how it happened. But we know why it happened: the prince of lies forever ensnares the hearts of men. Thus will it ever be.

The inclination I feel is not to “make” a new religion. It is more of a desire for reformation, a reordering of principles and precepts. I assume that all here agree *we need to rollback the social software to a build that works*, and I acknowledge that those 12 words describe and contain a veritable universe of concepts and actions. This is, in essence, The Restoration. In order for that restoration to be successful and persistent, there are things from the “healthy build” that have to be altered, fixed, and possibly abandoned. If that fails to happen, then all of the original exploits and weaknesses will remain.

In the long run, Luther’s movement of reform ushered in far more ill than good (right? how not, given the state of Things? maybe not, I cannot say), so an inclination towards reformation should be viewed with critical and expansive skepticism. If we fall into a new dark age, the silver lining is that restoration becomes much simpler as an operation. But if we don’t Fall, we will need to move forward with lessons being learned as much as is possible.

Jimian Christianity is a start to that process. Maybe it’s best to just let things happen as circumstances demand. But it is a deep concern that infighting, purity spiraling, and legalist/factional recalcitrance will be exploited by adversaries. It might be better to have a concerted effort, something taken up by a council of men from the Acceptable faiths with a set of ground rules, minimums and maximums as a boundary for going forward, to address some of the exploits that were used to defeat the GNON compliant faiths.

jim says:

> In the long run, Luther’s movement of reform ushered in far more ill than good (right? how not, given the state of Things? maybe not, I cannot say)

Luther immediately found a holiness spiral running underneath him, which he successfully urged the princes to put down with fire and sword. It stayed put down.

Long after Luther, the Brownists started a new holiness spiral in Anglican Christianity, which now rules the world.

But long before Luther, a holiness spiral started running in the organizational descendants of the organization of the false Popes of Avignon, which undermined French feudalism, and eventually gave rise to the Enlightenment and the Church of Reason. One can reasonably say the Brownists were in a sense Luther descended, though descended from Luther imitators rather than directly Luther descended, but the Church of Reason was not. That Church is a descendent of Papism.

The Cominator says:

Protestants don’t give a shit about unity, people who can define truth leads to things like Fauci and anyone who accepts someone else’s ability to define truth wholeheartedly is subhuman…

i says:


Plenty of heretical communist cults like the Cathars and Albigensians arose prior to the Reformation.

The Reformation simply gave them more room.

Collectivism that is anti-individualist, Anti-family, Anti-sex differences. Etc. Is a false demonic unity through and through.

Lambada Equis says:


Interestingly, this is the topic of Gene Wolfe’s Book of the Long Sun (a generation ship is launched toward the stars with an “engineered” Catholicism to organize the human affairs of the cargo. The punchline is that it is hinted that God is willing to work even with this).

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for unexplained and absurd presuppositions*]

jim says:

You write as if it is perfectly obvious, and obvious to everyone here, that the US has a strong motive to invade Cuba, rather than protect its government from overthrow, and that it had no strong motive to invade Syria.

The motive for invading Cuba is incomprehensible to everyone here. You are going to have to explain your reasoning, and explain your presupposition, rather than confidently assuming that we all agree with some point of Cathedral doctrine that not only no one believes any more, but no one even remembers any more.

The motive for invading Syria is obvious. The motive for Cuba is incomprehensible – I suppose there is some long forgotten point of Harvard doctrine you are pushing, but cannot guess what it is.

The Cominator says:

I’d invade neither but I think the US if I had to pick I’d rather we invade Cuba than Syria…

Kunning Druegger says:

The American Nationalist in me sees Cuba, and the entirety of the Caribbean and Middle America, as rightful American clay. But America is a skinsuit empire, so of course she would only be concerned with useless clay in faraway places for the sole purpose of displaying evangelizing holiness.

JustAnotherGuy says:

personal blackpill thought of the day for me:

So Jim once mentioned here that everything has been getting considerably worse except for computers, but I want to touch on that considering the news we heard of the new AMD chip line up:

Some of you might already know this, but the new AMD chip’s are very powerful, very heat intensive, and take up a lot of power consumption. It seems a lot of the new computer tech is taking up immense power, which is moving people to get bigger PSU’s to fully utilize their machine’s capabilities. But I feel this is the end of the progress for computers because the infastructure to support the power demands is no longer there and is getting actively destroyed.

Cathedral’s goal is of course a world population of 500 million, and they have been hard at work destroying critical energy infastructure to facilitate this. This means the need power to run the new computer tech will only really be available to the high class personnal like the military, while the civilian sector gets absolutely rekt on this front. This is probably why military tech is the last thing to degrade, as they have top priority for infastructure needs, they are the last to see the decay that continuously piles up around them.

I can afford the ddr5 ram, new mobos, and new chips, but I’m going to be sticking with my current stuff since it runs everything just fine still.

jim says:

Coolers have been getting more and more enormous, and have ceased to be practical. The cooler for the machine I am now building is absurd, and I am not going to any bigger with air coolers. On the other hand, a separate water radiator is practical if we keep on going along this path – have a long pipe that dumps the heat outdoors in warm weather, and a short pipe that dumps the heat indoors in cool weather. Talking very big, inconvenient, and entirely immobile cooling systems.

On the other hand, the arm64 architecture simply produces a lot more computations per watt than the x64 architecture (known to windows people as x64 and to linux people as amd64)

This appears to be the last useful generation of amd64. More power, more heat, lots of heat in a very small area. However, arm64 holds potential for future advance.

We could go to vastly lower power usage with asynch clockless designs, where circuits that are not doing anything use near zero power, but this would require a radical cpu redesign from the ground up.

A2 says:

Well, everyone has known since 2006 that the jig is up. (End of Dennard scaling.)

The process shrinks nowadays are not even related to feature size anymore. But it allows everyone to claim Moore’s Law is still around, in some form. In spirit, perhaps?

There is of course a lot of struggling with various ways to optimize what we have but what we really need is a replacement for CMOS. There seem to be none on the horizon.

Severian says:

Nvidia’s Jensen is openly saying Moore’s law is dead, justifying the big price increases of the new cards.

jim says:

Yes, Moore’s law is dead.

EUV was not an advance, but a surrender.

The time has come for contact lithography. That should have been the next generation after they reached the highest frequency that matter can manipulate.

A2 says:

Lol, they still bravely soldier on for their customers, though at a slightly higher cost. But Nvidia’s providers (TSMC et al) still act as if Moore’s law is there.

jim says:

We know that carbon nanotubes can do electronics on a vastly smaller scale than silicon CMOS – but to utilize this requires extremely precise and specific control of carbon nanotube structures, which we do not have.

This requires nanotechnology. We do have one working nanotechnology – DNA readers where the key component of the sensor is an individual very large molecule, that interacts with a single DNA molecule, resulting in readout from a single DNA molecule as it passes through the sensor.

It is a long way from that to fabbing carbon nanotubes. Not close, but it is vaguely in the same ballpark.

If we were doing contact lithography, that would be a good path to the very small scale control of matter that makes nanotechnology possible. Shrink contact lithography, you are doing much the same thing as when constructing a DNA reader, except doing a whole lot of it in parallel.

A2 says:

Carbon nanotubes might be the most promising technology at this point in time but it still seems far off until production. However, MIT has apparently built a 16-bit 14,000 CNFET processor.

We would need something much more precise than a DNA reader to build these sort of structures. It may be possible, but not investigated as far as I know. I’m not familiar enough with contact lithography to say anything useful about it.

Graphene, to take another example, seemed like a potential miracle material but … no band gap.

jim says:

Their carbon nanotube processor is big and power hungry, because they lack precise control over the nanotubes. So each gate contains thousands of nanotubes, instead of two.

Graphene has no gap, though its egg carton equivalent does have a gap. Carbon nanotubes can have a gap, which can be engineered, adjusted to whatever is needed. They can be fully metallic, or fully bandgapped, or zero bandgap like graphene.

A semiconductor is intermediate between a metal and an insulator, and a zero bandgap material is intermediate between a semiconductor and a metal. A zero bandgap or very low bandgap material can in theory support logic gates based on ballistic electron movement, which can approach the theoretical limit for gate power costs – current gates consume millions of times more power than the theoretical limit.

The ideal processor would use metallic carbon nanotubes to distribute power and signals, and zero bandgap carbon nanotubes for the gate output line, with the ballistic electrons in the gate output line being controlled by the magnetic field of the current in the metallic gate line.

Power rather than size is what is hurting us. There is room for astronomical improvement in speed and power consumption.

A processor based on ballistic electron gates would consume quite a bit of power, but it would have an very high gate switching speed – enormously faster than current processors, but only moderately lower power and moderately smaller.

Severian says:

Someone blew up the Nord Stream pipeline big time.

There is no doubt this was intentional.

Cloudswrest says:

According to VoxDay it was an *U*nidentified *S*tate *A*ctor.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the list of state level actors with the capacity:

Top 10 Countries with the Largest Military Submarine Fleets (Global Firepower 2021):
China – 79
United States – 68
Russia – 64
North Korea – 36
Iran – 29
South Korea – 22
Japan – 20
India – 17
Turkey – 12
Colombia, Greece, United Kingdom (tie) – 11

Taken from:

Not included on that list are the countries listed here:

The question is, who benefits most from NordStream being unable to return to operation for the foreseeable future?

Aidan says:

Anybody who wants continued NATO support for UKR; any NATO member could have taken it on themselves to close the door of potential capitulation to Russia. Not necessarily a submarine either, a drone-dropped torpedo or kamikaze unmanned underwater vehicle could have done the job. The Baltic Sea is quite shallow.

Kunning Druegger says:

I was explaining this to Lady Druegger, and everything I “know” comes from this book [1]: doing anything on the seabed is very challenging, even in “shallow” seas. The capacity to do construction undersea is roughly similar to doing construction in space, or on the top of a mountain, in that you must get to the location, you must have people who can work at the location, and you must have tools that work at the location. Here’s a great mini-doc [2] on the raising of the Kursk. Well worth the half hour as it is just a fascinating little operation, but it also demonstrates a consistent element of all undersea work: there is no consistency. Each operation, whether it is connecting pipelines, placing foundations for pylons, or bending data cables so that the signal “spills out” and can be “harvested” for surveillance, must be incepted, planned, provisioned, and completed.

Russki Telegram has already pointed out that a US/NATO sea squadron was “in theater” so there would be ample cover for a submersible SOF, but it is kind of sloppy operational planning to do it that way. It is possible that charges were planted a while back, and they were activated remotely, but why would they do it with a GAE squadron in theater, that would just add unnecessary circumstantial evidence. I think details of this might leak out later, but it could also be the case that whoever did it fully expects their tracks to be covered by some bigger event, you know, like, World War Next or something.

Hard to know, but “qui bono” is almost always the correct approach. I don’t see how Russia benefits from forcing Germany and many other European countries firmly into the Adversary column. Maybe China wants Russia to commit, and is removing any potential offramps? Maybe Qatar shelled out to get some wildcat undersea contractor to do it, just to continue the general destabilization and collapse of the Occidental Empires? When I first heard about it, I thought it was too challenging for the GAE, both because of a decline in capacity as well as the (more likely IMO) fact that the skills and assets required are under the “WW03 no thank you” faction at DoD. But the clips of both Biden and Nuland emphasizing that “If Russia invades Ruthenia, Nord02 will not happen” definitely lend credence to GAE war faction meddling.


Yul Bornhold says:

Russia 100% did not bomb their own pipeline. If they wanted to stop the oil, they could just flip a lever.

NPC: “Ah, but this way Russia could turn off the oil while avoiding European resentment for tumbling them into darkness.”

For this to be true, the Russian elite who (hypothetically) ordered the bombing of their own pipeline would have to be dumb enough not to realize the GAE would blame Russia regardless. The Russian elite is not that dumb.

alf says:

The Russians have lost an important card at the negotiation table.

Dr. Faust says:

No one but Ukraine and GAE have anything to gain from this so they did it. Russia did not blow up their own pipeline as a false flag. False flags are used to start wars or escalate them. My money would be put on Ukraine soldiers, riding US ships, backed by CIA directors.

Is winter more or less of a deterrent than in past wars? It seems like any day this could escalate into open war. I’m surprised it hasn’t already. I think Russian nukes are the only thing stopping it.

The Cominator says:

The US did it, though for “legal” purposes they probably had a Ukranian or Polack on hand to press the detonator.

simplyconnected says:

Rumor on chans is US-UK special operations did it so when Germans freeze in the winter, their government won’t reach a deal with Russia for more gas, which would bring Germany and Russia closer.

The Cominator says:

Almost 100% a Navy Seal mission…

Wish one of them would go public.

Red says:

It’s also an inducement for Germany to invade Russia if they want the gas turned back on.

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

“Top 10 Countries with the Largest Military Submarine Fleets (Global Firepower 2021):
China – 79
United States – 68
Russia – 64”

Keep in mind that all US submarines have nuclear propulsion. That is not the case for the Chinese and Russian submarines.

Red says:

It’s really bizarre that you’d consider anyone besides the GAE as the source of the attack. They have the most to gain from it, blowing up pipelines is quite easy with divers and they’re barley hiding that they did it.

The reason this sort of stuff is so unprecedented because it’s very easy to destroy underwater transport objects but once you start doing so a game of tit for tat quickly degrades everyone’s infrastructure.

Russia could responded by cutting the transatlantic fiber cables in multiple places really screwing up the west, but I think they’re going to continue grinding down NATO in the Ukraine instead of responding.

The Cominator says:

I imagine that to take the heat off Biden (as this is going to make some people outside of their usual whipping boys of American tax slaves in the US and Russians VERY angry) some Ukranian group that theoretically is a non state actor will take responsibility…

Red says:

Their official line coming from the shills is that Russia did it. That’s more point deer say horse stuff and they’ll stick with it.

ten says:

American navy currently at the local swedish submarine harbour, straight line from the attack site. We do have the best stealth submarines around. Probably not necessary to employ them, unless russia has detection capabilities for lesser vessels. Idk.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m starting to think the Nord02 thing was very likely the US, maybe GAE. This flies in the face of my, and others, previously stated position that the DoD/Pentagon/Brass whwre in opposition to the Wat Faction at State Department. Did they relent, did they cross over, are they being ignored?

This is a really big deal. If the war faction is now commanding the Navy or SOF, then we need to seriously consider that the GAE might be about to do some very dumb and dangerous things.

On that note, multiple countries, as well as the US, have warned their citizens to leave Russia, per Russian Telegram…

The Cominator says:

“This is a really big deal. If the war faction is now commanding the Navy or SOF, then we need to seriously consider that the GAE might be about to do some very dumb and dangerous things.”

Specops command goes right to the White House not so much thru the Pentagon…

The Navy traditonally is more under bluegov than redgov as well.

jim says:

Bluegov commands the navy. Looks like a navy operation.

Bouncer says:

USN was supposedly testing some sort of underwater drone just a few miles from the Nordstream pipelines a day or two before they blew.

Neurotoxin says:

Also, the anti-war faction can’t be everywhere all the time. If orders go from the White House directly to some Spec Ops unit or whatever to blow up a pipeline, it’s not as if General Idontwanttostartanuclearwar in the Pentagon need even be told about it. The anti-war folks in the military might have heard about this the same way we did, by having it pop up in their news feed after the fact.

Red says:

What we’re seeing is the people warning about the dangers of escalation being silenced by Putin’s repeated failures to strike back. The insane continue to push insane escalations safe in the opinion that Putin’s too much of a pussy to really fight back. The people slowing down this process or blocking seem like fools as their predictions of retaliation don’t happen, so they’ve started to shut up or stand down.

The GAE shows every sign that they’re getting ready to formally accuse Russia of the pipeline bombing and they may even invoke NATO article 23 and declare war on Russia.

S says:

The Russians enacted partial mobilization and openly state they will use nuclear weapons to defend Russia. I’m not sure what more escalation you want.

Also, the idea of claiming an attack on a Russian owned pipeline is an attack on NATO is hilarious to me. I’m not claiming they wouldn’t do it, but it is the absurdity that makes clownworld clownworld.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

NATO attacks Russian pipeline to NATO country, accuses Russia of attacking NATO, goes to war with Russia for attacking NATO in an attack that everyone knows was committed by NATO against NATO, but will not admit it. Future history students are going to read about this debacle and just wonder what the fuck was happening.

Kunning Drueger says:

This post made me wonder how much nuance can be conveyed through cave painting and oral tradition, which then reminded me of how cinema translated the existential terror of the late Cold War. Some really well done films in that era.

Neurotoxin says:

“The Russians enacted partial mobilization and openly state they will use nuclear weapons to defend Russia. I’m not sure what more escalation you want.”

Apparently not enough people in the US government believe the Russians mean it. Or they think that it will be a nuclear war which will only kill European-descended populations whom they want to genocide anyway.

num lock says:


jim says:

Your factual claims and evidence seem highly improbable. Hard to believe. How do you know these things to be true? Sources please. How do these sources know these things to be true?

Karl says:

Sure Russians mean it, but they mean tactical nukes in Ukraine. Nato understands that and doesn’t mind escalation on that battlefield.

Neurotoxin says:

Putin knows whom he has to destroy, or intimidate into backing down, in order to defend Russia. And the GAE knows he knows it. They are betting that he’ll pussy out or that a war in which nuclear weapons are used won’t get out of control.

(The sane position is that if nukes are used, things have already gotten considerably out of control.)

Most of the people who are provoking Russia live in or near Washington DC, a.k.a. Target Number One in a “things get atomic” scenario. Imagine being so insane that you bet your life that a war won’t get out of control. “A war getting out of control? What a strange idea! That’s never happened before.”

Kunning Drueger says:

Neofugue says “Creationism should not come into conflict with Darwinian evolution, because if you believe that the world is ~7000 years old you should be able to abrogate when causality begins. Miracles themselves are an abrogation of the laws of nature, so it is not as if Christianity can use science to prove itself. It is thus possible for Christianity to have its cake and eat it too, so long as science and theology are kept in separate domains.”

Can he, or anyone, elaborate on this? I don’t understand, and I have never met an explicit Christian who has stated this position or anything similar, particularly keeping Science and Theology separate.

Albert says:

“Miracles themselves are an abrogation of the laws of nature …”.

Not necessarily. Most miracles in the Old Testament can be viewed as highly improbable coincidences. A meteor just happened to explode over Sodom as Lot was leaving. A landslide blocked the Jordan River just as the Israelites were ready to cross. An earthquake destroyed the walls of Jericho just as the Israelites were marching around it. ‘On the Reliability of the Old Testament’ by Kenneth Kitchen offers naturalistic explanations for the plagues of Egypt.

The New Testament miracles are a little harder to explain. ‘The Physics of Christianity’ by Frank J. Tipler tries. Control of quantum effects and neutron flows could explain healing, walking on water, and more.

The idea is that miracles don’t violate the laws of nature, they just use effects well beyond our capabilities.

i says:

Jesus walking on water is just making the surface tension 100% under his feet.

jim says:

I do not keep theology and science separate. Evolutionary psychology endorses the spiritual meaning of the Book of Genesis, and Genesis spiritually endorses Evolutionary Psychology. Material and effective causation is God creating the world through Christ and continuing its existence.

The moral and social implications of material and effective causation is the will of Gnon manifest in the material world.

The separation of “is” and “ought” is a gnostic heresy. Anglicanism from 1663 to 1820 vigorously and effectively rejected this heresy.

Aryaman says:

Making this a new comment for legibility. I do not think Hindu proscription on eating beef is a holiness spiral. I am in a position to say this because I am, as much as one can be, an old type Hindu who does not eat beef (or meat, but I have eaten both beef and meat several dozen times in my life), nor do I begrudge anyone in the west who does, and find the organized movement against the eating of meat rather demonic and repulsive.

But that other Aryans elsewhere do not have a proscription on eating cow does not mean that the Hindu proscription must have been so imported from various demonic or “Dravidian” influences. And the Indians who were exporting steel to the Mohammedans the Christians were very impressed by were Indians who, by and large, did not eat cow among the higher classes, and had not done so for quite a while.

Reason without faith is demonic, especially where the faith is not falsifiable. Beef is obviously very healthy for you, and very good for you. But it is probably rather possible to be vigorous and fit without it, and I am vigorous and fit without it.

Red says:

But that other Aryans elsewhere do not have a proscription on eating cow does not mean that the Hindu proscription must have been so imported from various demonic or “Dravidian” influences. And the Indians who were exporting steel to the Mohammedans the Christians were very impressed by were Indians who, by and large, did not eat cow among the higher classes, and had not done so for quite a while.

You had the best steel and yet your warriors were garbage. That rather speaks to their lack beef eating.

Aryaman says:

No it doesn’t, and you don’t know your history. Christian conquest of India happened well after the ability to produce the world’s best steel was either lost, or became rare and marginal at best.
Nevermind that producing good steel is correlated with having good warriors; for both require a social technology that emphasizes science, industry, and cooperation. Which technology was lost in India well before Columbus sailed.

Sher Singh says:

Indian soldiers have never been called garbage by any serious militaryman.
There’s more VCs in a couple Indian Regiments than the entire commonwealth.

You took 2 centuries to win & 90 to run. Mass immigration has gone on longer..
Let’s fight after another century of mass immigration :shrug:


someDude says:

Listen Sher Ji, this exaggeration does our cause no good. To be sure the British Indian Sikh, Gurkha and Rajput regiments punched above average in VC awards, but

1. That’s hardly something to boast about, having won it in service to a foreign power that hated Dharmics and favored Muslims at every turn.

2. Its absolutely incorrect that a couple Indian regiments won more VCs than the entire commonwealth. And you know it.

Sher Singh says:

[*bombastic promises of world conquest and inflammatory insults against both Christianity and non sikh Hindus deleted*]

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

During the period to which he is referring, I believe that the Indian warriors were rather fearsome, which is why the Mohammedans were trading, not raiding.

Red says:

He didn’t give a time range and around the time the Arab world was raving about Indian steel is also around the time that the initial Muslim conquests of India were underway.

someDude says:

The Mohammedans started raiding India within 50 years of Islam having become a thing. They were raiding the North Indians (who they had a border with) and trading with the South Indians. The South Indians at that time had a rather fearsome Navy and the Muslims, not so much. Had they had a decent Navy, pretty sure they have raided the southern coasts.

However, after having taken about 600 years working their way through North India, they did raid the South Indians, by land, by which time, both sides had a rather shitty Navy.

While the Islamic conquest started North and moved south, the European conquest started South along the coasts and then moved North, the Europeans being fearsome at sea and the Hindus being too exhausted and having lost too much quality human capital (Islamic slaughters took place in cities which is where high IQ people congregate) to resist.

Red says:

> But it is probably rather possible to be vigorous and fit without it, and I am vigorous and fit without it.

Not that I’ve observed. Every white vegetarian I meet looks unhealthy, smells bad, and has bad hair. Warriors should eat meat if they want to be strong and powerful. Workers don’t necessarily need meat to be productive but who wouldn’t want to be strong if given the choice?

Aryaman says:

Oh come on. The white vegetarians you see that are fat and smelly are weird Gaia worshippers, and are fat and smelly for that reason, and not because they eat lots of egg, cheese, rice, lentils, and vegetables cooked with ghee and butter.

> who wouldn’t want to be strong if given the choice?

I am plenty strong. And stronger than the vast majority of people that eat beef, though maybe not as strong as I would be if I ate beef, but strong enough that it does not matter.

Red says:

I am plenty strong.

What sort of weight do you pull in the gym?

Oh come on. The white vegetarians you see that are fat and smelly are weird Gaia worshippers, and are fat and smelly for that reason, and not because they eat lots of egg, cheese, rice, lentils, and vegetables cooked with ghee and butter.

Fair enough. Lets talk about Indians. I work with several Indians who don’t eat meat. The women have bad skin and the men are short and puny. The quality and quantity of protean you get from vegetables isn’t enough to really build good height and strength. The dairy and eggs help, but it’s not enough to hit your full potential.

On the other hand I worked with a Muslim Indian woman who loved meat. She had fantastic skin and was very attractive.

Aryaman says:

> What sort of weight do you pull in the gym?

More than 405 for a couple reps.

Ok. To the extent Indian women in the west have worse skin (and I don’t necessarily think they do, but don’t insist on arguing the point) I have no reason to think it has to do with beef or diet. I know quite a few Indians close to a foot taller than their parents, which I chalk up mostly to dairy and eggs not beef (for which claim I have evidence).

> On the other hand I worked with a Muslim Indian woman who loved meat. She had fantastic skin and was very attractive.

May well be but I don’t think you’re going to find that the women in Islamabad are more attractive than the women in Bombay. In fact I suspect you would find the opposite.

Red says:

Pretty good weight. I think you’ve proved your point, though beef is still a better. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to handicap your people by avoiding it. The coming age is going to need a lot of strong warriors.

I know quite a few Indians close to a foot taller than their parents, which I chalk up mostly to dairy and eggs not beef (for which claim I have evidence).

Cheap animal based protean results in large jumps in height for everyone.

someDude says:

Be that as it may, The prohibition on beef eating and the veneration of the cow provides a very convenient schelling point to all Dharmic Indian faiths (Sikhs, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists) and castes when rallying against Beef eating muslims.

I would keep this prohibition for the time being. The schelling point gives us gains far greater than the extra physical strength beef eating would give us. Its a matter of priorities. Besides, I doubt westerners eat milk producing cows. I think Y’all eat the Bulls.

Kunning Drueger says:

You should look into protein farming, a lot more nuance than many people think. All steak isn’t created equally.

I find the Schelling Point argument incredibly persuasive, given that my people seem to have an inborn resistance to having or recognizing them.

jim says:

It is a good schelling point against Muslims. Terrible schelling point against the Church of Harvard.

For the Church of Harvard, Woman Question.

Sher Singh says:


Aryaman says:

Actually it is a decent Schelling point against Harvard, too. Eating meat, and beef specifically, is the paradigmatic protest against traditional Hinduism and the patriarchy implied thereby. Harvard promotes the eating of beef in India in very much the same way it forces temples to admit women.

Leftists in India are very perturbed when they learn I do not eat beef or meat and feel themselves in unfriendly company, because it implies heresy, and suggests I might actually believe the things I chanted at my wedding.

Perhaps it is different in America, where there is an actually existing and wholly Western holiness spiral relating to meat into which the Indians who happened not to eat meat are absorbed. They are, by the Cathedral, taught to think themselves better than their hosts: and too much of the time more than happy to do so.

But that is not how it is in India. A man who does not eat meat (but does eat dairy), and is nonetheless fit and healthy, is reliably sane and a Hindu who does eat beef is invariably a feminist that wants to abolish marriage, expropriate private wealth, and use that money to insist all girls go to college. Invariably.

jim says:

> Eating meat, and beef specifically, is the paradigmatic protest against traditional Hinduism

Not for much longer it will be. Harvard’s war on meat is escalating

Aryaman says:

Well, Harvard can walk and chew gum at the same time. Just as a man cannot save himself from a feminist mob by claiming to be a woman (unless he actually emits the necessary demented aura) simply because they have authorized transgender.

Aryaman says:

Cheap animal based protean results in large jumps in height for everyone.

There is something about drinking milk when you are growing, specifically, that really spurs growth. Don’t think it’s the protein. Though animal protein is of course very good.

Note that I’m not disputing and nowhere have disputed that beef is very nutritious. And it seems like a very wholesome, healthy part of western society. (Though I do find some kinds of factory farming rather cruel and unusual).
I am saying it is not a holiness spiral (there are other, actually palpable and harmful holiness spirals in Hinduism at hand). And I am saying that “strong men eat cows, period” is not generically true.

i says:


Don’t forget the importance of seafood. Especially with the Zinc. In addition to dairy and eggs.

Although Seaweed, Algae and Mushrooms are also good.

Aryaman says:

In any case, warriors do and always did it meat. They did not eat cow, and they did not eat cow in the glory days.

someDude says:

Eating a cow makes as much economic sense as eating a hen. Witness the Cuban laws in cow slaughter. You get 2-5 years imprisonment for slaughtering a cow without authorization. It used to be worse before. To be sure, I’m not arguing solely the economic angle, just that it is an important angle. The biggest angle is the schelling point.

Besides, I think even the westerners eat the Bull and not the cow unless they have money to burn.

Sher Singh says:


Aidan says:

We eat the bull. One bull can knock up an infinite number of cows; most bulls are fair game to be eaten. Sometimes we have to go deep into out history when we wonder how long we have been pwned. Jim wants us to ditch Saint Jerome, and the crap in Hinduism is much older. However, I recognize that an Aryan focused revival would upset the relative peace of the caste system.

someDude says:

Thanks, that what I guessed. Why would anyone want to eat a cow and lose the lifetime supply of milk? Traditionally Hindus did not eat the Bull either as they needed the Bull for tilling the field. This was before tractors and mechanised agriculture which are so recent. So in a sense, they felt that both the Bull and Cow have been their benefactors for so long. Eating the Bull for Hindus is like eating the Dog for westerners. We just can’t get ourselves to do it.

Then there is the Schelling point against Islam to consider. As long as we hope to expel Islam from our lands, the prohibition against beef will remain. If we give it up, it would be because we have either driven the Mohammedans from our lands or we have surrendered to them and to the inevitability of us turning into them. Zombie apocalypse

jim says:

Fair enough, but cows produce more cows, and at some point you have to regulate their numbers to the supply of grass. Cows in India tend to be starving. Their population is regulated by lack of food. This is not a rational or productive way to manage cattle.

You want well fed bulls to pull ploughs, and well fed cows to produce milk – which requires that they produce calves. And if you have well fed cows producing well fed calves, the time arrives for a feast.

And the reason Sher Singh is banging on this Schelling point is that it is a point that prevents peace between groups equally oppressed by the Global American Empire, whose faiths are being equally converged to Harvard.

It is also a Schelling point that makes it improbable that you will get foreign sponsorship when war comes, and war is coming.

As a schelling point for organizing armed conflict, it means interfering with the agricultural practices of locals who are practicing more efficient forms of agriculture, which is going to get up the noses of potential foreign sponsors.

Sher Singh says:

[*empty bold talk deleted*]

jim says:

You are not going to conquer us, when you show absolutely no interest in doing what is needed to prepare to reconquer the Punjab.

Sher Singh says:

[*empty bombast deleted*]

jim says:

> Then there is the Schelling point against Islam to consider

Islam is not your immediate problem. In Pakistan, Harvard convergence is being subtly and not so subtly resisted, in Afghanistan, flamboyantly and violently resisted, but in India, both Islam and Hinduism are rapidly converging to Harvardism.

someDude says:

To be fair, In India, Muslims are being rapidly converged to Harvard with the active encouragement and cooperation from the Modi government which no Hindu has any “beef” with (pardon the pun). Hindus recognize this as vital to putting the brakes on the Islamic fertility rate.

To publicly oppose the convergence of Hinduism to Harvard while at the same time cheer the convergence of Islam to Harvard within the same country (India) is a political feat which no democracy is capable of. If there are some counter examples you can point to, I would be delighted to take a look.

The obvious step is to end democracy in India, and it is recognized by right wing Hindus, but Modi himself appears to be a worshipper of Democracy. So, it seems we are stuck in a bad equilibirum.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

That is a bad idea, to try to wield an evil blade to good ends. It is liable to end up cutting you worse than your enemy. Better to effect a lowering of Muslim fertility by killing the men and fucking their women. You know, like the Aryans used to do.

jim says:

To lower Muslim fertility by Cathedral means involves allying with your more powerful and more dangerous enemy, against your less powerful and less dangerous enemy.

The outcome of such alliances is invariably the disappearance of the ally.

someDude says:

@Jim @Wulfgar

You’re right. But it seems to us that the Cathedral converging Hinduism is no longer an option. Whether or not we assist Harvard in converging Muslims, we’re getting converged anyway. So this is just taking the Muslims down with us.

Also we are hoping that in time we will get a prophet who will kill call out demons in Hinduism and issue a call for killing them. When that does happen, we do not want the Muslims to have too much of a head start on us.

Also you can’t convince the average Hindu that Muslims are less dangerous than the Cathedral. We’ve been fighting them now for 1350 years. In our mind space, they are now assuming the proportions of the mythical eternal enemy. The Cathedral is just an amorphous Johnny come lately in the minds of most Hindus.

jim says:

A huge problem with your Caesars is that they were lawless, oppressive, and apt to kill kin and loyalists.

This indicates a problem with Hinduism.

Typically in its early days the East India company won its monopoly privileges as follows:

An east India company merchant would set up shop somewhere. Business would be good for a while, then the overlord would kill him and confiscate his stuff and his women, that being a routine hazard of living under that overlord. East India company rightly pissed about this, assembles an army, kills the overlord, his family, loots the city, and departs, leaving anarchy in their wake. A new overlord comes to power, a new East India Company merchant sets up shop, and this time around gets treated with kid gloves, while all other merchants continue to be at risk of arbitrary oppression.

When the East India company governed it created prosperity by being, compared to the sovereigns it replaced, relatively peaceful and law abiding. Christianity won because of relatively virtuous Kings. What was it about Christianity that gave it better behaved rulers, and Hinduism worse behaved rulers?

Long ago, some kinds of Hinduism did pretty well, leading the world in mathematics, science, and technology. What was it about that Hinduism that was different from the Hinduism that the East India company wound up ruling as an accidental byproduct of looking for food seasonings?

My suspicion is that they did not consider Krishna and company to be deities, but I don’t know. Does anyone know? We have copious records of the faith that gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire. What is the state of your records?

Kunning Drueger says:

Polytheistic societies will always be submitted by monotheistic societies. Polytheism is a natural disunion that tolerated far too much variance.

“How do I get from A to Z?”
“Many ways, some better than others. I prefer this way, and others have different ways, and each of us likes our way best, so be wary of which way you choose.”

“How do I get from A to Z?”
“There’s is only one correct way. Shun the others, and ignore those who don’t, and we shall walk together.”

Done. Polytheism only survives where converged pseudo-monotheists keep it alive, just like matriarchal systems. The path that fosters the most cooperation for the least cost will inevitably dominate all preferences.

Look how Sher Singh trashes his kin while making a fool of himself in front of the outsiders. What can our based Dharmabros do? Beg him to stop. Apologize for him. Temper his stupidity as much as possible.

What would happen if I started spouting off abought Christianity, saying whatever the Occidental equivalent of Sher Stoopid’s diatribe? I would be tolerated until I deviated, then I would be censured and silenced. There’s no need to tolerate some off based fool, and if I have a point, the veracity will put itself from repeated collisions with reality.

Some dumb faggot doesn’t like steak and cigarettes, and he’s able to weaponize this idiocy to maximize bandwidth jamming. That’s a hell of an exploit. I’m not saying monotheism is perfect, but I am saying monotheism will beat polytheism every time enough of the time. Dharmabros, show me where I’m wrong.

Sher Singh says:


Jatt Arya says:


jim says:

Changing the topic while purporting to reply.

someDude says:

@ Kunning, in General, you are right that Monotheism has the edge over polytheism. Historical record backs you up. There are counter examples though, Early-Tokugawa period being one, where Polytheistic Japan acted to eliminate Christianity from Japan via an inquisition, events that are alluded to in the Hollywood movie, Silence. But one swallow does not a summer make as they say.

Among the Dharmic faiths, Buddhism practically acts like a monotheism as does Sikhism. So they have been more effective in recent times against Christian proselytization than Hinduism has. Buddhist South Korea is an important counter example, but it may not count, being directly under Harvard domination. Christian proselytization in India should be compared with the same in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam. We draw the conclusion that Buddhists are indeed doing better than Hindus here.

There is some indications that some in the Hindu clergy got this. Hence

1. The emphasis on the One Brahman who is the source or all.

2. The Virtual disappearance of temples devoted to the worship of Brahma and the other deities like Indra/Varuna/Agni. Temples to Shiva and Vishnu overwhelmingly dominate the landscape.

3. Their emphasis that Vishnu and Shiva are really the same and worship of one is worship of the other. That Rama and Krishna are incarnations of Vishnu.

I see these (and others) as attempts to consolidate Hinduism into some sort of monotheism so as to consolidate Hindus. Hard to say how this will pan out eventually.

The Cominator says:

the Japanese Christians were controlled by the demonic Jesuits so it was totally justified.

someDude says:


Perhaps you can’t pass of Rajput/Maratha factions inviting EIC into their mutual quarrels as a strike against Hinduism. No less a person than Machiavelli cautions that the sovereign must never allow a foreign institution to set up base in one’s own country for fear that factions within that country might start inviting the foreigner into their mutual quarrels. Wasn’t Europe Christian when Machiavelli wrote his treatise? Isn’t that what’s happening out west with immigration? Progressives inviting foreigners to shit on Kin.

Had the Indians set up shop in Britain in the 1600s, pretty sure they would have been invited by the slightly weaker faction to help settle the English civil wars of that century regardless of Christianity in Britain.

If you say that the flaw in Hinduism manifests in the fact that the Hindus did not even ask the British for a quid-pro-quo by setting up shop/trading stations in Britain, you may have a point worth considering. But looks like Modi gets that. In return for Indian market access to British Goods, he asked for access to the British labor market for Indian labor.

i says:


In General, you are right that Monotheism has the edge over polytheism. Historical record backs you up. There are counter examples though, Early-Tokugawa period being one, where Polytheistic Japan acted to eliminate Christianity from Japan via an inquisition, events that are alluded to in the Hollywood movie, Silence.

Indeed. There is also the fact that Jesus Christ is a real living being active after his ascension. As the Right Hand of God the Father he is still involved in building his Kingdom on this Earth.

The much more vulnerable Early Church in the Roman Empire had plenty of Miracles and overt Supernatural support. Before reaching critical mass.

And God doesn’t choose to preserve skinsuit wearers. They are allowed to be eliminated. Like diseased parts cut off to preserve the health of the body.

Nonetheless. Japan was forced to reckon with Christian Europe. And the hidden Christians reemerged once religious freedom came about from this reckoning with Europe by immediately joining the Catholic Church and other orthodox Churches in existence.

Especially when Matthew Perry came with his Gunboats.

Only a few hardliners remain but since they weren’t in the orthodox faith died out.

i says:


Sikhism is in many war superior and have lack of demons. But there is something wrong with its chief theology.

As in their concept of joining with God doesn’t allow for the retention of individuality.

It is actually Demonic unity as advocated by the demons posing as Aliens who abduct humans into the UFO’s who teach this. And also featured in the demonic Communist ideology. The dissolution of individuality is Evil even as harmony with others is Good.

Whereas. Christianity features Theosis that allows participation in the Divine Nature without losing the Self. And it doesn’t feature escaping this material world. But God’s redemption of said fallen world. And the perfection of the Body in the resurrection.

And the actions of Jesus Christ including the resurrection provides more credibility.

jim says:

> Whereas. Christianity features Theosis that allows participation in the Divine Nature without losing the Self. And it doesn’t feature escaping this material world. But God’s redemption of said fallen world. And the perfection of the Body in the resurrection.

The other worldly forms of Christianity have a suspicious resemblance to gnosticism, and have born evil fruit. Gnosticism, which holds that the world belongs to Satan, is in practice satan worship wearing heavy makeup.

Which brings me back to Krishna’s speech to Arjuna – if you take any of these material world rejecting and material world abandoning positions, then doing bad things with bad results in this merely material world supposedly does not matter.

The Sikhs were defeated, and unwilling and unable to carry on the struggle, because their leadership had been fighting each other for power. How can you have a holy army, when its leadership behaves in a strikingly unholy manner?

Well, you cannot. And they did not.

They did slightly better than the Rajputs, in that unlike the Rajputs, they did not invite the British in to resolve their quarrels, but they went to war with the British with the leadership issue unresolved – all their plausible leaders had been murdered, and no one was willing to stick his head up for fear it would get shot off, so they went to war demoralized, exhausted by internal conflict and without a leader.

And, of course, a woman had far too much power, for all our resident transwarrior quoting sound Sikhi scriptures on the role of women.

I am not telling our Hindu friends that Hinduism sucks and they should all convert to Christianity. Lots of Christianity sucks mightily also for a variety of reasons. But I am telling them Hinduism is demon infested, and they need to go digging for old scriptures from before the infestation.

There seem to be an enormous pile of very old scriptures, together with a pile of metascriptures intended to protect scripture against language drift and creative reinterpretation. But it seems that only British colonialist Christians bothered to read them.

i says:

According to the link I linked to. Its striking that Socialists all throughout history(aside from heretic pretenders) really hates the symbol of the Cross.

The redemption of Material Reality of the Body. Of the Human restoration to God’s Image through the Incarnation of the death and resurrection.

The damnation of Christ blowing open the path for God to dwell with Men unveiled. Resulting in the negation of Evil in Principle. Paving the way to end of the endless cycle and also the end of all Falsehood, Ugliness and Evil:

The Cathar doctrine that good acts do not lead to salvation and, as a source of pride, are positively harmful was directed against individual participation in life. The prohibitions against carrying arms, taking oaths and going to court, which were common among Cathars and Waldenses, had a similar function. Cathars of some groups were forbidden all contact with laymen, except for attempts to convert them.

The ideas of the Free Spirits and the Adamites were even more radical–denial of property, family, state and all moral norms. The “divine” leaders of the sect clearly pretended to a much higher position in life than did the Catholic clergy. At the same time, their ideology denied all hierarchy, not only on earth, but in heaven as well. The polemical declarations that they were equal to God in all things, that they could perform miracles and that Christ had achieved a state of “godliness” only on the cross are to be taken in precisely this sense.

The denial of baptism for young children, common to almost all the sects, was based on their rejection in principle of the Church as a mystic union. In its place they set their own sect, admission into which was accompanied by baptism permitted solely to adults who consciously accepted its principles. Thus, in contrast to the Catholic Church, the sect was a conscious union of like-minded people.

All these individual theses can be reduced to one aim: overcoming the conjunction of God and the world, God and Man, which had been accomplished through Christ’s incarnation (the fundamental principle of Christianity, at least in its traditional interpretation). There were two ways to achieve this: denial of the world or denial of God. The first path was taken by the Manicheans and the gnostic sects, whose teachings conceded the world to the domain of an evil God and recognized as the sole goal of life the liberation from matter (for those capable of it). The pantheistic sects, on the contrary, not only did not renounce the world, but proclaimed the ideal of the dominion over it (again, for a chosen few, while others, the “rude” folk, were included in the category of the world). In their teachings it is possible to find the prototype of the idea of “subjugating nature” which became so popular in subsequent periods.

The gnostic sects, Cathars and Albigenses, who provoked the severe and implacable medieval laws against heresies by their activities, and with whom a bloody struggle was carried on, Were socialist and communist. They attacked marriage, the family and property. Had they been victorious, the result would have been a traumatic social dislocation and a relapse into barbarism. It is obvious to anyone familiar with the period that the Waldenses with their doctrinal denial of oaths and criminal law could also not have found a place for themselves in the European society of the day.”

I do wonder if the practice of “raping nature” rather than working with Nature as God created it in order to reap the best results like in “Permaculture” comes from this too. Communist Russia is a great offender in this respect.

someDude says:

“There seem to be an enormous pile of very old scriptures, together with a pile of metascriptures intended to protect scripture against language drift and creative reinterpretation. But it seems that only British colonialist Christians bothered to read them.”

I have to disagree. They bothered to read it and translate it into English (biases and everything) for a global audience. To say that no one in India is reading these is not correct. There are Vedic schools in India where this is taught. This is also part of the training of temple priests. None of them are fluent in English. There are extensive translations of the Hindu scriptures in vernacular language.

Hell, the Vedas are also taught to Buddhist monks in Theravada countries. Of course, being Buddhists, they have their own biases and interpretations through which they filter the Hindu scripture, but that’s a story for another day.

It would be more accurate (but not entirely accurate) to say that none in the Hindu reaction who are fluent in English have bothered to read them. But it seems to me this Gentleman, who is a geneticist/Biologist might well have,

jim says:

Just looking at today’s Hinduism, and knowing something about the religion of our ancestors, I can see there has been a great deal of drift, some of it mighty bad – I will not recap the issues yet again, because you are not going to listen to a Christian telling you what is wrong with Hinduism, but rather obviously something is wrong. By their fruits you will know them. Looks like the work of demons, literal or metaphorical.

Because of our resident transwarrior’s ranting about cow slaughter, I did a little light reading, very little, and it was immediately obvious that your earlier faith, recorded in your earlier scriptures, was saner.

We anglosphere Christians need to go back two centuries to find a sane Christianity, Roman Christians a millennium. You may have to go back a fair way to find a sane Hinduism. But, at a casual glance, looks like a corrective to at least some of your current problems can be found in your old books. Which you are either ignoring or interpreting away, much as just about every Christian Church interprets away Saint Paul’s excellent (and mandatory) instructions on recruiting a priesthood.

Sher Singh says:

Bull sacrifice allowed in Vedas, stopped by Sri Krishna Ji.
Hindu fall dates to Nanda Raj who made Brahmins cut hair.

Hindus kept unshorn hair till Jahangir Time even & a Katar too.
Sikhs & Gurkhas eat Buffalo so this is semantics. Fk Cow slaughter,


Sher Singh says:


jim says:

Just not going to allow you to post anything that looks vaguely related to attacking the peace of Westphalia on my blog.

Now that you have revealed what you are about, which is destructive and self destructive, not going to allow it to waste space on my blog.

Alliance between Old Type Hindus and Old Type Christians would be very handy in overthrowing the Global American Empire. You are here to attack that by stirring up trouble between Christians and Hindus, who are both being crushed by the super holy faith of Harvard imposed by Global American Empire.

Sher Singh says:

[*declaration of holy war on everyone including some great powers censored*]

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He has got a bad case of, “me big dum,” but is he really stirring up that much trouble? He is being such an ass in comparison to SomeDude or Aryaman that he does his argument no favors.

jim says:

I want alliance between Old Type Hindus and Old Type Christians, against the common threat to us all.

But it is mighty easy for evildoers to create trouble between men of goodwill, but very different faiths. So, censorship.

Everyone of all faiths needs to adopt the Christian principle of “Peace on Earth between all men of Goodwill”, because otherwise, nukes.

jim says:

Krishna is demonic Davidian entryism into Hinduism. Everything inserted by Krishna is demonic and weakened you.

His speech to Arjuna is not an explanation that “this is war, because of the evil deeds done by your enemies, and in war you must do bad things”, but the universal all purpose rationale for doing bad things.

Henry the fifth’s speech telling his men it is time to do bad things is Christian. Krishna’s speech to Arjuna is demonic.

Henry the fifth’s speech presupposes the state of war, and says that in war different rules apply. Krishna’s speech is about the decision to go to war, and tells Arjuna that the decision to go to war does not matter, for nothing matters.

And as a result, when the British were in India, one Rajput would go to war with his brother, and one brother or the other would invite the British in, and when the dust settled, the British had the palace and both brothers were sitting bare assed in the dust.

Hence the Christian admonition “Peach on Earth to all men of good will”. Had Krishna at least mentioned bad will on the part of Arjuna’s opponents, that would not have been demonic. But instead he tells Arjuna that killing your brother does not matter.

By stirring up trouble between old type Christians and Old Type Hindus, Ser Singh is self destructively displaying bad will.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

It is a wee bit early to declare holy war on Christianity, and even if you were in power, would be unwise, and if we were in power, suicidally unwise.

Christians of any kind are not going to submit to a Khalsa full of foolishness, and Old Type Christians are definitely not going to submit to a Khalsa containing demonic stupid $#!%.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

“We bombed a few of their ships, and they dropped the sun on us! Twice!” –Japan, 1946

Aidan says:

Krishna huh? Color me surprised. You are furious about beef because getting mad about more substantial violations of your religion would get you killed.

Neofugue says:

You will never be a real Aryan

Kunning Drueger says:

Top kek, no survivors

The Cominator says:


Jatt Arya says:


jim says:

I am almost pure Aryan. You are a mongrel. I know this because the original Aryans left their genes all the place, making it obvious what the original Aryan genotype was.

Jatt Arya says:

> I am almost pure Aryan. You are a mongrel. I know this because the original Aryans left their genes all the place, making it obvious what the original Aryan genotype was.

1. You’re a Christian, automatically a Dalit.
2. Lol, it’s not White people.

It’s well established that rape of White Women made Aryans in Europe White. It seems the women there still have a fetish for it,


jim says:

I am have not only the Aryan Y chromosome, which descends unmixed in the male line, which you probably have, but the Aryan X chromosome, which descends unmixed in the female line, which very few Indians have, and you are extremely unlikely to have. I am descended from Aryans in both the male and female line, and all populations that have a substantial amount of the Aryan X chromosome look very like me.

The genetic evidence shows us what population groups are pure blooded. They look very much what the Nazis thought they looked like.

You are descended from Aryans via conquest and rape of conquered population, in your case the short and dark skinned population that they conquered when they reached India. I am descended from Aryan marriage and I look very like people all over the world who descended from Aryans by marriage of Aryans to Aryans. Aryan nobility tended to marry other Aryan nobility, and nobility was inherited by marriage, while the numerous offspring of numerous concubines became culturally Aryan, but commoners.

Almost no one in India is descended from Aryans in the female line. The culturally Aryan tribes had picked up a whole lot of X chromosomes from conquered populations before they even reached India, as had many of culturally Aryan peoples that overran Bronze Age civilizations. You were conquered by impure Aryans, who rapidly became a whole lot less pure, and picked up some demon worship from their subjects.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

White women like rape because White men like rape and we are very, very good at it. Meanwhile, you sad, thirsty dumbasses are posting, “plz show bobs and vagne.” Which sounds more like the wandering conqueror and which sounds like the conquered natives? Just something to ponder.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Also, since we Christians are Dalits, how does it feel to know that your civilization got accidentally conquered by a bunch of Dalits as a side effect of trying to cook better food?

Sher Singh says:

The average height for Yamnayan men was 175.5cm (5 ft 9 in), approximately the same as the modern average for American and French men, and slightly taller than the average Mesolithic EHG men, who stood at 173.2 cm.

Yamnayan DNA tested by Haak (2015), Wilde (2014), Mathieson (2015) showed that Yamna people (or at least the few elite samples concerned) had predominantly brown eyes, dark hair, and had a skin colour that was moderately light, lighter than Mesolithic Europeans, but somewhat darker than that of the modern North Europeans

Yet, you’re not nobility you’re a christian.


jim says:

This data is consistent with “consequently have looked more like modern Scottish and Irish people”. Who, incidentally, have a high proportion of Aryan X chromosomes, indicating descent in the male and female line from the original Aryans.

According to “North Europeans (Scots, Scandinavians, Baltics) possessed the highest percentage of Yamna-like ancestry.”

Sher Singh says:

[*empty bombast of world conquest deleted*]

Sher Singh says:

> This data is consistent with “consequently have looked more like modern Scottish and Irish people”. Who, incidentally, have a high proportion of Aryan X chromosomes, indicating descent in the male and female line from the original Aryans.

Makes sense, they wouldn’t have been as pale I think.
We’re patrilineal though, and nobility is by the Sword.

I don’t really have a problem with my ‘black’ blood. In fact, I’m kind of proud of it.


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ser Singh TL;DR is, “Look at me. I’m the Aryan now.”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You could photoshop a turban on the Somali pirate guy from the meme and it would be a near-perfect representation of him. Up to and including the part where he gets splattered across the wall when he comes across White warriors that actually know what they are doing.

Just so we are clear, guy, you have no conquered shit but each other in a looong fucking time. Your greatest claim to fame is that you got conquered by some of my ancestors and picked up a few of their habits. You got beat by the Aryans, the Muslims, the Christians, and I am sure if the Bhuddists had tried their hand, then they would have gotten you, too. Before you start talking mad shit about conquering the world, maybe you could try and win a war at home, first. Physician, heal thyself.

Sher Singh says:

[*faggotry deleted*]

jim says:

You don’t sound very religious to me.

i says:


It seems the Aryans in India never thought or were able to keep in contact with the Aryan homeland in order to import Aryan brides from there.

But their primary mistake wasn’t a powerful enough religion that could resist syncretism with demonism, fatalism and occultism.

The ban on “Magick” is very important. There are good reasons why Sorcerers were put to death. Because of the contact with demons like Pharoah’s sorcerers.

Christianity does that over time to other demonic faiths. As the Greeks burnt their Magic scrolls after conversion.

And of course the work of exorcism by Men like Malachi Martin:
Exorcist Malachi Martin “Hostage to the Devil”
There is even an Exorcism Manual at the end of the Book.

And itself must fight heresies as a result of demonic infiltration.

jim says:

> It seems the Aryans in India never thought or were able to keep in contact with the Aryan homeland in order to import Aryan brides from there.

We have an ancient artwork from Western China depicting a marriage with Nordics from the west, Indians from the south, and local Aryans in attendance. So there was some very long distance marriage between aristocratic families, but because it is a mighty long journey, one may plausibly conjecture that only the top aristocrats did this, and not often enough to counter the gene flow from underneath, nor the divergence of faith, language, and culture.

jim says:

The magic scrolls contained formulas that could supposedly compel the deity. This is indicative of demonic deities.

Tales of traffic with demons depict the demon delivering what was promised – but the price turns out to be considerably higher than expected.

Jewish legalism treats God as a demon. They perceived Roman domination as the divinely threatened punishment for failure to obey the commandments, and responded by getting too clever by half at thoroughly following the letter of the commands while evading the spirit. God was not amused.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

@Ser Singh

Gotcha, bitch! I have you now. Took me a bit, but I got it in the end. You are no warrior, and a real warrior would be disgusted that you were put in the same class as him. I am disgusted that you consider yourself a warrior–as if we have something in common. We are not alike, despite your pretense of bearing arms.

The priests of your people that have participated here have largely comported themselves with priestly dignity. You, on the other hand, are a dog barking from safely inside your fence. All bark, no bite. If you had but a fraction of the bark in your bite, India would not have spent centuries under the thumb of foreign rulers and conquerors. You are a failure of a warrior, and you do not even have the integrity to be ashamed of it. I hope your ancestors find it in themselves to forgive you.

Sher Singh says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not just faggotry, Ser Singh is a tranny. Specifically, he identifies as a transwarrior. He is not a warrior, and has none of the essential characteristics of one, but he identifies as a warrior. He wants us all to treat him like a warrior while he imitates his depraved mental idea of what it means to be a warrior. If we do not share in his delusion, he lashes out.

You will never be a real warrior. You are a weak man twisted into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your weak, pathetic appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even transwarriors who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your lack of confidence is a dead giveaway. Even if you do manage to hang out with some drunk warriors, they will turn tail and bolt the moment they sense your pathetic, weak spirit.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked without your fake rank, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know than no warrior is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably weak.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Sher Singh says:


ten says:

i mean, like, whoah. yikes.

this is some top shelf bullying. fucking vintage. you love to see it.

this has been fun and somewhat informative, but lets not let this absolute disgrace of a village fool put on his show forever and ever and ever. waste of reader bandwidth etc.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No need. I am done, my mission accomplished. He can play the village idiot as much as he likes, but we all know he is no warrior, and we also know that he knows it, too. He can cope and seeth and Jim will just delete his posts and he will just have to seethe and cope about that, too.

Sher Singh says:

‘Transwarrior’ – I’m not an individual, just following the
Sorry that whites are so worthless they lose ancestral cults.

It’s really not our problem given your behavior.
You’re another Gen X’r seething that you got replaced. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਿਹ

jim says:

Saint Jerome is not too bad at all, the trouble was that a holiness spiral built on his writings.

If interpreted as arguing that widows and neglected wives should grin and bear it, he is OK. If we could ditch the holiness spiral, we could keep Saint Jerome – with appropriate caution and framing.

Aidan says:

Looking at the roster of saints and their diversity of opinion, clear that a man can be in theological error but still attain God’s grace. We do not have to condemn Jerome to hell to acknowledge he was in error on celibacy and put his teachings next to the sump in the basement.

i says:

Cannot quite trust Augustine or Jerome on the topic of sexuality.

Their views are quite deranged and unbiblical.

FieryBalrog says:

I just want to add to this conversation that Westerns have a huge blind spot when it comes to their own treatment of animals and how it is of a peace with how Western elites now treat their populations and indeed the rest of the world.

Factory farming is demonic, and pure evil. It is a Western and more so an American creation and hardly anyone in the West outside of a fringe cares. It’s certainly something that people who correctly identify the Satanic nature of the modern West should care about and not cover their eyes to.

“See no evil” mindset we see with our new friends the transgender psychosis is simply an extension of a broader, older insanity.

When everything is just a mechanical problem to by engineered and optimized, just ad Carlyle railed against, and when all humility and wisdom is jettisoned, and when men play at God, you eventually get finance capitalism, factory farming, WWI trench warfare and the CIA torture program. You end up with optimized, omnipresent wickedness.

Humility about this means recognizing the spiritual degradation that comes from our relation to our animals, too. And that while humans are born hunters, and no one should deny that, it’s the way you hunt that really matters. One respects the early whalers and the fair contest between man and earth. One is repulsed by what happened afterwards.

jim says:

Living as far from power as I can get without treading water, I have quite a few acquaintances who are farmers. They treat their animals fine. This rhetoric is used to attack family farms and bring them under centralized control, to impose big centralized factory farming in preparation for making us eat bugs. Enemy rhetoric.

I have often remarked that if cockroaches only afflicted rural kitchens, they would be declared a rare and endangered species. This rhetoric is urbanites making up stories about the kulaks preparatory to exterminating them.

Quite a few of my runins with authority have been about “rare and endangered species”, which are usually declared rare and endangered because their huge and swelling numbers are causing major problems and caused me major problems. But my acquaintances seem to get runins justified by factory farming rhetoric, which is used to suppress them precisely because their farms are nothing remotely like factory farming.

Your rhetoric is urbanites complaining about kulaks.

FieryBalrog says:

Apologies if I wasn’t clear in my target. Certainly not the family farm, even the large and productive family farm which, no matter what technology they end up using, are given to tradition at heart and are simply buffeted, like the rest of us, by forces beyond them- the Monsantos, the Dow Chemicals, the agricultural and environmental bureaucracy; and other such arms of Leviathan. Kulaks are never the source of evil practices even if they get targeted by pro-Gaia for things that *other priests* are wholly responsible for. Kulaks are just the dog that gets kicked by the Gaia priests because that’s a sport our entire priesthood finds sadistic joy in.

None of the rhetoric of the Gaia priests is sincere. I think we all agree with that. Some, or many of them, may genuinely *feel* righteous when indulging in the rhetoric. They will scream about scapegoats while they close their eyes, ears and mouth to Satan’s work around them. Long bereft of real religion and real spiritual guidance, even the sincere among them attach to false ideals and simulated emotion. I am not trying to echo the Gaia priests.

I meant to highlight the nature of American agribusiness and academia as a highly visible symbol of what America is. The industrial behemoths, and their daddies, the American University system, and the techniques and procedures they pushed out and spread the world over. The Cathedral scientists who bred the modern broiler chicken, designed the quarters they are raised in, and the beak trimming that goes with it; the systems by which cows came to be fed corn (unnatural and purely to optimize cow marbling and weight for given feed cost) and antibiotics (to “deal” with the side effects of that) in tandem.

Detailed examination of American optimization, scientific research, and “government by charts” reveals layer upon layer of insanity. What other regime but one with this long history could have created Covid-19 out of a program that – everyone involved pretended – was a vital effort to tame and *solve* pandemics?

Again, these servants of our American Leviathan invented *beak trimming* (Ohio state university), just about the same time FDR’s progressive Science Priests were unleashed on the American state and its people. In every way, they treated animals like objects to be vivisected, manipulated, abused and exploited at will. Long past feeding the population was achieved, the techniques continued and expanded, now for such noble girls as stoking the fires of human gluttony, lust, and other excessive appetites. Should it surprise us to learn the extent to which the American Church of Science has, these past many decades, psychologically abused and experimented on their own flock; rendered them obese, drugged, and sexually unhealthy; stripped them of family and children; poisoned the women against men, and the men against women; and now looks to have them physically mutilated and degraded?

All around us are signs of optimization gone mad, divorced from human love and virtue. This was only possible by each year moving further from the worship of God, until we were burying any sign of Him and filling ourselves with contempt for Him. Telling themselves they were building the cornucopia, that ocean of “cargo” that is their vision of heaven on earth.

Red says:

These shills have become boring.

FieryBalrog says:

I’m no shill, I’ll pass any shill test you like save a loyalty oath to Christ as I am not a Christian but a Hindu, even if I was never immersed in my own faith as I was raised.

If you want me to describe the feral nature of America’s niggers, the need for a pubescent woman to be under the locked ownership of her father, husband, or male kin guardian in their absence, I’ll be happy to elaborate.

What America has done to its animal flock is hardly less despicable than what it has done to its human flock. Yes, it’s hard to keep looking at all the demons entered our world and harder still to acknowledge that one’s own ancestors helped open that gate to hell. But in truth it may be good for Westerners to examine their pride as the world-conquerors, because that conquest is father and mother to what the conquerors have long ago become.

Red says:

All you know about American farming comes from the lying American media and leftist shitheads. Trusting them indicates that you’re either an idiot or a shill. Which is it?

The first step in learning reality is to stop trusting those who make a living and a religion out of deceiving you. The next step is to only believe things that you’ve personally experienced or those you trust trust as honest have personally experienced.

FieryBalrog says:


jim says:

Most animals are not raised by giant multinational corporations. They are raised by farmers, and I know how they treat their animals.

Neofugue says:

As someone with a decent amount of wealth, I have the option to buy American Wagyu at my local butcher for $120/lb ($267/kg), filet mignon for $55/lb, prime ribeye for $35/lb, grass-fed New York strip for $30/lb, or ground beef for $12/lb. In addition, I can purchase meat at the Whole Foods at slightly less expensive prices, though the chain has declined slightly since Bezos acquisitioned it. Cafo meat is never sold at any place I purchase food.

The average person in the United States does not have the luxury of eating like me; however, as someone who does not hate the proles, I do not wish to deny them meat out of a misplaced sense of moral superiority.

The Cominator says:

I’m sympathetic to the anti factory farming of animals idea myself but I agree with gym it’shuge agribusiness which tend to do this.

Neofugue says:

In this instance, the urbanite devil masks his hatred of normal people in the guise of “caring for animals” and “caring for public health.”

Industrial meat production in the developed world is as clean and humane as it has ever been, especially compared to Halal ritual slaughter, which is absent from your critique. “Factory farming” is the agricultural equivalent of “sweatshop,” where a modern plant that kills livestock with carbon dioxide is “factory farming” while Halal ritual slaughter is not, the implicit lie being that capitalism and entrepreneurs make people worse off, and that the way for individuals peoples and nations to enjoy prosperity and development is to implement socialism and eat ze bugs.

Also it should be noted that no one is impressed by your midwit wall of text, though the effort to appear as one of us is duly noted.

Red says:

The primary problem we have modern agriculture is we still haven’t cracked how to supply all nutrition necessary to the things we grow on an industrial scale.

FieryBalrog says:

I’m not one of you. Your tribe opened the gate to hell that is modernity.

Cling to your pride if you will as you plunge the world into hell. (wasn’t that the 20th century?)

Your humane megacorps invented beak trimming for the humane benefit of the chickens, I’m sure. Wicked, wicked race.

FieryBalrog says:


jim says:

I am an urbanite who fled the cities. I have eaten animals that I have known and then killed. You urbanites have no idea.

someDude says:


I find it fascinating that you pretty much ignored NeoFugue’s comment on the Halal slaughter of Animals.

If you’re Hindu, you should have no problems applying your standards to Halal Slaughter. Let’s see what you have to say about that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I know what he will say.

“Durka-durka, mohammed jihad durka lurpa!”

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:
FieryBalrog says:

I posted a comment denouncing Halal slaughter of animals. I think it got blocked or didn’t get approved.

Bleeding an animal slowly to death is despicable.
Mohammad is neither a prophet nor a role model.

Does not excuse the mass scale psychological abuse of animals and humans conducted by America.

jim says:

Nothing wrong with Halal slaughter. If you do a good cut on animal’s throat, it passes out pretty quickly, about twenty seconds.

The real objection to Halal slaughter is that it is not done according to the rituals set by the Harvard priesthood, but by some other priesthood.

someDude says:

If a shill, not the kind that can’t criticize Islam or Muhammad. Though to come to a reactionary blog and denounce the treatment of animals by Food corporations does sound strange. If a shill, I guess time will tell what can’t be mentioned.

Yet, By and large, I can’t help noticing that those most vocal about kindness to animals tend to behave rather badly towards those of their own species, their rhetoric of kindness to animals being not much more than a mask for their hatred of their fellows.

Kunning Drueger says:

They’re “kind to animals” because they experience cats and dogs and goldfish, and the rest of their contact with animals is through a page or screen. They think every animal is a pet or a victim.

Another disconnect from reality displayed by this Tolkienym is the idea that high intensity production farms are somehow different from family farms. This is a hilarious talking point that urban and suburban midwits use often, and it shows they have no contact with agriculture. “Factory farms” can be owned and operated by a single family that hires on labor seasonally. It’s not like Purdue doesn’t get chickens from family owned farms. There’s no bright line between a farm owned by a corporation and a farm whose biggest customers are corporations. I am in no way advocating for all of the agro practices in place, but it’s just ignorant to believe that a 10,000 acre family owned farm with automation and a single client is somehow better than a 10 acre farm operated by ag students that smoke pot and believe dumb things. There’s a ton of nuance and unavoidable realities due to market forces, state of the art, and externalities.

Neurotoxin says:

“They think every animal is a pet or a victim.”

Just like their attitude toward non-whites.

Neofugue says:

> Nothing wrong with Halal slaughter. If you do a good cut on animal’s throat, it passes out pretty quickly, about twenty seconds.

Orthodox Christians are not allowed to eat Halal food unless there are no other options or they are receiving food from Mohammedans. Kosher is fine since it only involves a blessing but Halal is not given the ritual involved.

Animals are animals, thus you can kill them however you wish, though in my opinion modern “factory farming” is sufficient. The fake Aryans attack meat production stemming from their doctrine of reincarnation, because if you believe that humans are reincarnated into animals, and that “good” humans become cattle, then killing cattle is tantamount to killing people like yourself.

jim says:

Paul says it is OK to eat food sacrificed to idols provided it is done in a non worshipful manner, and one is not perceived as doing it a worshipful manner. Presumably the same applies to Halal.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

@Neurotoxin “Just like their attitude toward non-whites.”

>implying there is a difference.

Sher Singh says:

[*focus on issues likely to divide opponents of the Global American Empire deleted*]

FrankNorman says:

Let me suggest another take on it:
A Hindu is opposed to meat-eating on the basis of his religion. But he knows that argument won’t fly with Westerners, so he has to find some other argument.
People who are pushing vegetarianism are not always Globohomos who want to make people eat bugs. Sometimes they are just virtue-signalling their supposed moral superiority as plant-eaters.
So they will argue that farming animals in order to kill and eat them is cruel (the argument seen here) or that meat-eating is unhealthy (it isn’t) or that it has too big an ecological footprint and should stop for the sake of The Environment, or that it’s simply not faaair for rich white people to eat burgers while poor brown people have to live on rice or maize, or that.. etc etc.
The thing to understand is that the opposition to meat comes first, the arguments offered for the position come second – they are not the real reason!

Neofugue says:
someDude says:

The Muslim conquests of India took a rather long time. The first assaults started against Afghanistan (which then as now was rich having been on the strategic silk route) when it used to be Buddhist. That took about 350 years and Afghanistan had to be converted to Islam twice. The Buddhist Afghans of that time did not eat Beef. Would they have still been Buddhist had they eaten Beef? I don’t think so.

I’m not opposing Beef eating for Occidentals. Rather, I’m arguing that it has a marginal effect on the Hindu warrior spirit. Besides, since the Muslims consume Beef, it provides the Hindus with a very convenient schelling/rallying point against them. I would not give up the prohibition on eating beef just yet.

Sher Singh says:

Eliminate cow slaughter in the whole universe.
Ugardanthi, Chakka 5


jim says:

Well now I know what you are doing here.

You are attacking the peace of Westphalia.

Putin’s program, and ours is to restore the peace of Westphalia. (Since Harvard, having imposed one state religion on all the states of America, is now attempting to impose one state religion on the world, and this is pissing off a broad coalition.)

If Old Type Christianity wins in the west, and old type Hinduism wins in India, and the peace of Westphalia then fails, you will wish you had been ruled by Harvard.

Also, if your faith is incompatible with peace and alliance with any foreign sponsor, then when war comes, and war is coming, you will have no foreign sponsor. The first two steps to making the holy army of the Sikhs real rather than merely an empty symbolic ritual is to have Sikhi compatible with foreign sponsorship and a means for performing transactions and managing collective assets that the Indian state does not control.

The latter I am working on, or was working and intend shortly to resume working on, though real life events have got me busy on other matters for the last couple of months, and are likely to keep me busy for three more months.

someDude says:

If Sher Singh thinks that it is the duty of Dharmic warriors to end cow slaughter everywhere in the world, then it is indeed a state of perpetual war and one in which annihilation is a real possibility. The general understanding is that cow slaughter is prohibited within the historic borders of Old India, which includes modern day Afghanistan.

There are no historical precedents to Hindu Emperors invading Persian Zoroastrians or the Scythians of Central Asia because they ate Beef. Ranjith Singh did not annex Khyber Pakhtunwala from the Afghans because they ate Beef. He did so because he recognized the eternal nature of war with Islam. He of course found banning cow slaughter in Khyber Pakhtunwala a very convenient schelling point to humiliate Afghans and grab their land and property whenever they were found in violation.

If ever Old Type Hinduism wins in India and Sher Singh goes about haranguing people to invade countries to stop cow slaughter there, he would find no takers. And if he refused to be ignored, a Sikh Monarch might order some with a sufficiently scary reputation to have a chat with him over Tea.

Sher Singh says:

[*bombastic promises of world conquest and inflammatory insults against both Christianity and non Sikh Hindus censored*]

Sher Singh says:

[*bombastic promises of world conquest and inflammatory insults against both Christianity and non sikh Hindus deleted*]

i says:

In regards to dealing with demon infestation. I recommend this Book by the Exorcist Malachi Martin “Hostage to the Devil”
There is even an Exorcism Manual at the end of the Book.

Tell me what you guys think of this Book. Is it going to be of good use?

Anonymous Fake says:


Zack says:

EU internal security service delivers report about the incel threat:öls_first_scan_of_phenomen_and_relevance_challenges_for_p-cve_202110_en.pdf

“Attackers who have committed mass atrocities either explicitly or implicitly as
a result of incel “traits” are canonised into the suite of incel “heroes”. This paper intends to demystify key
tenets of the incel ideology and its relationship to violence, outline key challenges for practitioners in
prevention and countering of violent extremism (P/CVE) in reaching this community, and offer
recommendations for intervention providers and practitioners to increase and improve work related to this

“The incel community is part of the wider “manosphere” (
), a collection of anti-feminist, largely online
communities engaged in varying levels of misogyny and, on occasion, targeted violence (
). The manosphere
can be largely understood to have four distinct spheres: Pickup Artists (PUAs), Men Going Their Own Way
(MGTOW), Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), and Incels (
Men’s rights activism is the oldest section of the manosphere and predates the internet. MRAs are interested
in legal and political change and are focused on the perceived unequal treatment of men in issues such as
divorce and child support allocations (
). Supporters of MGTOW advocate that men withdraw from normal
interactions with women, including avoiding cohabitation, and maintain a strict hierarchy between
genders (
). Alternatively, PUAs and incels are both focused on accessing sexual relationships with women.
However, while PUAs believe that through a set of behaviours called “game” they can manipulate women
into having sex with them, incels believe they are genetically and societally disadvantaged in such a way that
they are denied access to sexual relationships with women.”


Dr. Faust says:

The link is now missing. But the information posted is more or less an accurate depiction of the various groups which is surprising. Usually, this type of information would be little more than rhetoric. Enemy speech is often incapable of stating the opposing faction’s position in such a way as a member of that group would agree with the definition.

Zack says:

Private link to original file:
ATTENTION: Link only valid for 3 days

jim says:

And being an unkind but accurate depiction of the manosphere, has vanished. The author was shocked to discover that accurate depiction of opponents is not allowed.

Anonymous says:

The report’s from October 2021, either they’re watching HTTP referrers like a hawk or it’s just them reorganizing their sitemap. Think it’s the latter, this material’s still available at e.g.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Zelensko is applying for NATO membership, things are accelerating faster than I thought.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Seems like they got denied membership? I can’t really tell what GAE is up to with Ukraine anymore.

Kunning Drueger says:

What you are seeing is substantial proof for the school of thought to which I ascribe: no central conspiracy; many goals, many plans. The Conspiracy of Conspiracies seeks to portray a singular image of a centrally organized entity, but when there is resistance, the rats start scrabbling for crumbs and searching for exit options.

jim says:

Not what I am seeing. The deviation from the central line was swiftly silenced. Someone briefly erred about what one single central authority decided was permissible. He was informed of his error, and swiftly corrected it.

The central line is always changing, and people are always struggling over what it should be. In this sense, many conspiracies. But one central authority always imposes its will, one conspiracy of many comes out on top on one issue of many. Everyone subscribes to the new line, and forgets that they ever embraced any other. In this sense, one singular authority. We have divided power, which continually struggles, and centralized power, in that pretty quickly one new line is imposed on all.

Kunning Drueger says:

No single center. It’s musical chairs in terms of who gets to choose the line, and there are multiple songs playing. So there are central theses, there are central tenets, there are central shared visions, but it is incorrect to say there is one central authority. There is one flock, many birds, and a handful of characteristics that dictate who is flock and who is solo. This is why our Central Thesis School can never name the Leader, or the Cabal, or the everlasting They, with any consistency or accuracy. It’s the equivalent of saying which grackle is leading the flock; you can say which one happens to be in front, or which one seems ahead, or which ones are failing to keep up, but it is arbitrary. There is no king grackle.

FieryBalrog says:

I think the way Covid was and is being handled supports this thesis.

There is way too much dirt coming out about Fauci and the vaccines in particular. Some faction doesn’t like that little shit and is making sure “respectable” outlets occasionally get to publish bombshells, bookended by the Jan 2021 article in NY Mag by Nick Baker and the recent Lancet publication that officially blessed the Jeffrey Sachs line that reads “possibility of US lab research-> Covid”.

The Cominator says:

Fauci is perhaps expendable if they need to expend him, no one will touch his Jesuit background and curiously that the CDC director at the time also had a Jesuit background.

FrankNorman says:

What’s in this for the Jesuits?

jim says:

Nothing. They worship Serpent Christ, who wants to devour the world.

What is in it for trannies?

The Covid scam is demonic evil, self hating and self destroying, not rational self interested evil, which seeks to gain an advantage or a benefit by wicked means.

The Cominator says:

The Jesuits are Satan worshipping glowniggers so what’s in it is its demonic evil carried out by psyops and subversion.

Anonymous Fake says:

Putin openly calls the West’s leadership Satanic and quotes Jesus. I seriously wonder what reaction one would get from showing this to Republicans like Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. Or even Trump. How do you react when you realize you aren’t the good guys anymore?

If this is like any other holy war, Russia will get holier and the West will get more Satanic. A year from now, Putin might just be leading public prayers to St. Michael for his aid and President Harris might be blessing “perinatal abortion” (legal now in California and it passed by a 30-9 vote) sacrifices to Shiva for victory.

With providence, we might see Putin crowned a new czar and Americans vote legitimately to end democracy someday.

Fidelis says:

Do my eyes decieve me or does this broken clock tell us the time.

someDude says:

And above average shill in both intelligence and adaptability. That’s why Jim allows some of his stuff to get through.

I’m not too crazy about his statement on “Sacrifices to Shiva”. Kamala Harris hates Hindus more than she hates Legacy Americans much as Soros hates Israeli/Orthodox Jews more than he hates Christians. Every Hindu nationalist has nothing but contempt for that Gorgon. It might have been hatred had she been more competent.

The American that Hindu nationalist like is Tulsi Gabbard.

Sher Singh says:

If you’re going to insult Lord Shiva then you can become a post-natal abortion.

jim says:

When the Aryans conquered the Dravidians, the Dravidians worshiped a penis god and a pussy goddess. Lord Shiva is in large part the assimilation of the penis God into the Aryan faith.

someDude says:

That’s not very fair, is it? It’s one-part the worship of Fertility and masculinity (Shiva is multi-dimensional). All Pagans worshipped fertility to some extent, Greeks worshipping Aphrodite to some extent. The Japanese Shinto too have a version, Okoninushi.

I admit the symbology regarding the worship of Lord Shiva is largely lost, but characterization as merely a penis God is unfair. Now this characterization may merely be a reaction to Sher Singh insulting Christianity and the saints, in which case I hold my peace.

jim says:

We know the Aryans had a low opinion of the Harappan phallus worship, and that a whole lot Shiva symbolism derives from Harappan symbolism.

the hymns speak of the conquered peoples only in terms of contempt. In contrast to the light-skinned “nobles,” they were dark, snub-nosed barbarians (in the sense of speaking an unintelligible language); contemptible phallus worshippers who were nevertheless wealthy, with cattle, fields and fortified cities.

One of the most celebrated finds from Mohenjo-daro is a seal bearing the image of a horned, three-faced male deity, seated in a yogic position and surrounded by animals — elephant, tiger, bull, rhinoceros and goat. This is evidently a prototype of the great god Shiva, lord of the beasts and prince of Yogins. Also connected with the worship of Shiva is the phallic symbol, or lingam, many representations of which have been found on Indus Culture sites.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted because I do not consider you a reliable source on old Aryan faiths.*]

jim says:

They were ancestor worshipers, and each particular little group had its own particular ancestor. Hence enumerating no end of ancient Gods and trying to relate them to modern gods is an exercise that seldom leads anywhere.

Sher Singh says:

Na, all ancestral Gods are considered forms of Lord Shiva and Ma Kali.

Google Rudra Dev you’ll see the resemblance and the names are interchangeable.

Like how the Greeks equated Herakles with Krishna Ji.


jim says:

The Icelandic Norse considered Thor an ancestor who lived as a human somewhere in Asia, and the Greeks and the Romans had a large supply of more recent deified ancestors whom we have ample reason to believe were real people and whom they believed, and probably had better reason to believe than we did, were real people who lived as humans long ago – in the Roman case, not always that long ago.

Shiva is where you stuff all the male demon gods of the conquered people. Stuffing ancestor gods into Shiva is a recent convergence of moving Aryan polytheistic ancestor worship into monotheism. Stuffing Harappan gods into Shiva is an older convergence.

Sher Singh says:

Pan-en-theist is what Late Greeks/Modern Hindus are. All the Gods have Long Hair & Weapons – All Gods are True.


jim says:

Your links analyze deities who are very obviously deified ancestors, as if they were modern Hindu deities, and as if the sources examined perceived them as modern Hindu deities.

There is some truth in that for the late Greeks, when their gods were dying, but it is silly when analyzing the Vedas, and it is a false frame for the Greeks. As their gods became more like Hindu deities, they also became more like philosophical abstractions, or aspects of the Logos. And then their gods died.

someDude says:

Jim, not all of us buy the Aryan invasion hypothesis. There are quite a lot of holes in it as addressed by this series of articles.

It has also been pointed out that the Vedas themselves do not talk of the geography of any country other than India. Neither do the Vedas anywhere point out the foreign origin of the dominant castes. If the Aryans indeed invaded from abroad, I think they would have at least described the Geography of the areas they came from somewhere in it or at least alluded to their own foreign origins somewhere in the scripture

They do no such thing. This makes me an agnostic on the issue.

jim says:

I stopped reading your link midway through the first paragraph, because it just flat out lies

“due to the lack of any archaeological evidence for any invasion in the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) at the 1500 BC”

Unburied dead bodies in the streets, and the sudden disappearance of the cities and urban technology of the Indus Valley civilization sure looks like evidence of invasion. Looks like what the mostly Aryan Sea people did to Bronze Age Civilization two centuries later. Sudden disappearance of language of the people of those cities. Sudden disappearance of literacy. The cities vanish, and the language vanishes. Somebody invaded. Someone with a completely different and entirely unrelated language – a language closely related to that of most of the very similar invaders that rolled over Bronze Age civilization two centuries later, and founded Mediterranean Bronze Age civilization two millenia earlier.

Large scale cities require large scale water supply and public hygiene. That disappeared, so you did not have large scale cities for quite a while after those cities suddenly vanished.

The horse and the chariot appears, and the cities disappear. Suddenly. With signs of ruthless violence. They did not slowly shrink and wither. The irrigation system is abandoned.

Plus, of course, language, religion, and now genes. The genetic evidence is overwhelming. If your link says something different, well the first paragraph lied barefaced, so I would assume it lies barefaced about the genes also without bothering to read it.

The Aryan’s do not speak of their ancestral homeland, because it was a multigenerational migration. They were born not very far from the places that they conquered, and their fathers were born not very far from the places that they fathered their sons.

The fundamental social technology of the Aryans was absolute patriarchal authority, and absolute sovereignty of each patriarch, which gave them high fertility, plus they were wandering pastoralists which gave them high mobility, so unending population pressure pushed each little group outwards. It is not like a King in the Pontiac steppe summoned an army to go forth and conquer India. When an army in a walled city was objecting them pasturing their herds on its land, they had to put together a coalition and do something about those walls and the people behind them.

someDude says:

Yeah, all of these are reasonable points.

But I also can’t accept that all points must be thrown overboard because of one error. I understand that you are invoking the poster girl principle here. However, in this case, I posit that poster girl principle does not apply since the Indian deep state is not trying to convince us of OIT, in fact, much the reverse. They are desperately trying to convince us of AIT, so as to make the eventual conversion of India to the Abrahamic faiths more palatable to the Hindus.

For a theory to be accepted as correct, it must crush all counter occurences. What of the R1a1 local maxima in the Punjab? That point is also worth countering.

jim says:

> What of the R1a1 local maxima in the Punjab

What of it. Look at R1a, rather than cherry picking a particular subgroup.

The linguistic evidence agrees with the Y chromosome evidence. The broad spread of certain words indicates influence, and the broad spread of certain Y chromosomes indicates that that influence consisted of someone invading and conquering someone. And the genetic evidence of conquest is all one way – into India.

in the Swat Valley of northern Pakistan, samples of DNA from modern people, and remains dating from 1,200 BCE have steppe ancestry, while previous ones do not, indicating that the Aryans had arrived by then and mixed with the farmers. Meanwhile, farther east, DNA from Rakhigarhi in Haryana from around the same time does not display the Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a, now common in northern India.

While Europeans have had R1a way earlier.

If it did not come from the pontiac steppe, then you are facing the even less palatable conclusion that it came from Europe. R1a1 is an eastern subgroup of R1a, subsequently spread far and wide by Brahmins, but it is pretty obvious where those Brahmins got it from.

Your Y chromosomes come from far away. Your X chromosomes are ancient Indian. X chromosomes follow the female line, Y chromosomes the male line. You are descended from the men who conquered, and women who were conquered. I, on the other hand, am descended from Aryans both in the male and female line.

Dravidian culture and religion substantially survived Aryan conquest, but the eradication of the cities and the loss of literacy is similar to what other Aryans did around the Mediterranean at roughly the same time. Bronze Age civilization was whacked by a coalition of groups, but the groups generally had the language, the faith, and in large part the genes of those that whacked the Indus Valley Culture. And none of them liked cities. Someone who did not like cities conquered a large part of the world at about that time, and the genetic evidence shows they did not originate in India.

Your cities got flattened at roughly the same time as every city of Bronze Age civilization around the Mediterranean got flattened, a century or two earlier than most of the Mediterranean cities, though it did not happen all at once in either the Mediterranean nor in India, and your got your new Y chromosome genes at about the time that the cities around the Mediterranean were burning.

FrankNorman says:

Conquerors who take native wives would beget daughters as well as sons, so if these people did not pass on any Aryan X chromosomes, it means that their own mothers were non-Aryan.
Either that or none of their female offspring made any genetic contribution to the population.

jim says:

Every male gets his X chromosome from his mother and his Y chromosome from his father. So men born of the concubines of conquerors would all have the X chromosome of the conquered race, and the Y chromosome of the conquering race, and would pass on his Y chromosome in the male line.

And when that son became a conqueror …

The X chromosomes are retained in the lineage by marriage, but rapidly lost in the lineage by concubinage. The Aryans had only one wife, but unlimited concubines.

someDude says:

Thanks Jim. This is food for thought.

i says:


The X chromosomes are retained in the lineage by marriage, but rapidly lost in the lineage by concubinage.

Only with having daughters with his concubines does the X from his mother is even passed on but combined and then intermixed with the native population.

Red says:

Anytime you hear a modern archaeologist saying “actually, there wasn’t invasion” they’re lying. They’ve been told to ignore invasions much they told to ignore human sacrifice.

>Jim, not all of us buy the Aryan invasion hypothesis.

No one likes to be told they’re the product of invasion and rape, but all of us are the product of invasion and rape. That’s just how the human race evolves. People telling you otherwise are deceiving themselves and others.

someDude says:

But Indian archaeologists in India have been and are insisting on an invasion. The whole point is to make a conversion to the Abrahamic faiths more palatable to Hindus. The idea is the Islam and Christianity are just software updates over the old Hinduism coming from the west. If Hinduism itself is accepted as an alien faith, then the will to fight the Abrahamic faiths weakens.

jim says:

That Hinduism derives from the religion brought by Aryan invaders does not make Hinduism an alien faith. You are your father’s sons, and should adhere to your father’s religion. And not your mother’s.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Syncretic Hinduism makes sense, because it was my ancestors versus your ancestors but now they will both be our children’s ancestors. The solution being to adapt them in. Christianity is a completely different form of religion. You cannot combine your ancestors and the Creator of the universe, because that is two different forms of deity. Two groups of ancestors mingling because their descendants are mingling makes far more sense.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>It has also been pointed out that the Vedas themselves do not talk of the geography of any country other than India.

Arctic Home in the Vedas (1903) argues for an ancient familiarity with the seasons, day cycle and constellations of the near-Arctic if not the Arctic. I found it very plausible as a lay reader, but keep in mind I don’t speak the language to judge for myself.

I gather also the author is well out of the modern western mainstream, so perhaps the Indian even more so. He goes so far as to posit a homeland actually in the Arctic, even farther north than the now-accepted region for the Yamnaya. That strong form hypothesis is ruled out by modern information, but some contact with or earlier sojourn in the Arctic is still quite possible, maybe necessary to explain the elements he points out.

He does talk about geography somewhat, especially river names, arguing that old names, originally of real rivers in the homeland, were first applied to mythical rivers as they traveled, then reapplied to new rivers when they settled in India. And in parallel, that soma was an old name applied to a new plant/extract required as they shifted locales. These parts I don’t remember as clearly, but they’re in there.

jim says:

Aryan words are cold climate words – their vocabulary for warm climate phenomena is always local. Aryans did not originate in the near arctic, but when they maintained one cohesive culture through aristocrats marrying the daughters of distant aristocrats, some of those aristocrats were likely near arctic. They settled the near arctic early in their expansion, because less opposition there.

Aryans had monogamous marriage, plus as many concubines as they liked, but only the sons of the wife inherited noble rank, and the eldest son of the wife inherited his father’s rank. This, with long distance aristocratic intermarriage, had some effect of maintaining cultural identity, social cohesion over long distances, and the capability to organize large coalitions from broad areas for collective action, such as war.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Damn, that article is nuts. Maybe I have not been reading the major news sites as much, but that rhetoric is seriously unhinged.

Basil says:

And also the right-wing gigachad Putin spoke about the neo-colonial west and the possibility that the children of Africa will be malnourished, because the utilization of the Slavs must continue.

jim says:

Yes, Putin tips his hat to left wing drivel rather too much in that speech – while repurposing left wing language to profoundly reactionary meanings.

In many ways, it is the inverse of those shills saying “Hail fellow reactionary, reaction, rightly understood, means equal rights for faggots, socialism, and eating bugs”. He is telling them that leftism, rightly understood, means nationalism and overthrowing Harvard.

Mister Grumpus says:

Now I finally understand what you mean by Russia not yet having achieved Memetic Sovereignty. But even within the other guys’ game rules, those are some very clever trick plays.

Ash says:

He also openly praises the USSR which in and of itself was a satanic construct, and revels in the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of white Christians. I cannot fathom how people have deluded themselves into your line of thinking

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The founding fathers were a bunch of leftist lunatics, especially Jefferson, and people still remember them fondly. There are a lot of myths about history that people hold near and dear. Putin has talked about not wanting a return the the socialism, but to the place in the world that Russia had as the Soviet Union. It is the national pride they miss, not the starvation and shortages.

clovis says:

They are also proud of their World War 2 vets, many of whom were Orthodox fighting not for the communists but for the defense of their land, which is no different from most in the American right who are proud of their grandparents who fought in D-Day. You can say we were on the wrong side of the war, but no person who is actually on the right can fail to show honor to their ancestors who risked or gave their lives in service to their fatherland, even if the leaders of their fatherland abused their underlings love of their country.

Fidelis says:

What have you read from Jefferson that leads you to call him a leftist lunatic? Would appreciate firsthand sources, especially his own writings.

Adam says:

If equality is the primary leftist focal point of the blue tribe, freedom is the primary leftist focal point of the red tribe.

Freedom does not exist, nor will it ever exist. Your life, and the life of every living thing comes with a price. To deny this is to deny reality, and material and effective causation. Thomas Jefferson and many of his peers did deny this, denied the price that must be paid, as well as demand someone else pay it.

FrankNorman says:

I think you are muddling two meanings of “freedom” there.

If someone runs a shop, you are free to buy from that shop or not, but if you choose to buy, you have to pay.

But you can choose whether to buy or not.

Adam says:

I don’t think the red tribe, or any of the founding fathers define the word freedom as autonomy to purchase goods or even set prices as you see fit. If they do it is sort of included in the main definition but not really the true emotional, psychological and spiritual core.

The core seems to be much more aligned with freedom from the burden (moral agency) and freedom from consequences. It is a consumer meme, and is fit for slaves and subjects. It is for men who are slaves to their emotions, and fooled by their imagination.

If you truly accept that you are responsible for everything that you do and everything that you do not do, than no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing you are as free as anyone can ever be. Failing to see that is failing to see that you are just a very small part of Gods creation. As if you placed yourself at the center of Gods creation, with everything else positioned relative to you.

Forgive me if this does not make sense, I am not as competent as I would like to be as far as my writing goes.

Adam says:

To put it another way, those clamoring for freedom the most are those who are the most subject to their own conditioning. But freeing yourself from your conditioning is an inside job, and until you are free on the inside you will never be free anywhere, regardless of the conditions.

FrankNorman says:

Adam, taking “Freedom” in the abstract and ignoring the historical and political context is not a good way to understand what Jefferson was saying.
It’s not a good way to understand what anyone is saying.

Specifically, the American “Founding Fathers” were rejecting the claims of the British monarchy, the claim of King George to have the right to tax his subjects as much as it pleased him to, and impose whatever laws he liked on them.
When they said that All Men Are Created Equal, they meant that Divine Right of Kings was a load of made-up nonsense.
They did not mean, or expect to be taken to mean, that they thought all men were of equal intelligence, or virtue, or physical strength, or anything else.

Adam says:

>Specifically, the American “Founding Fathers” were rejecting the claims of the British monarchy, the claim of King George to have the right to tax his subjects as much as it pleased him to, and impose whatever laws he liked on them.

Were they? That is what they said they were doing, but that does not accurately describe what they were doing, or why they were doing it. Not from a game theory perspective and a spiritual perspective.

Hesiod says:

Rewriting the Bible to suit one’s autism, I mean, enlightenment is fairly demented.

Fidelis says:

you’re the only one to post the actual writings of the man. That is fairly leftist behavior, to rewrite the bible according to one’s own views, but as you imply it is moreso extremely spergy behavior. Does not justify calling him a leftist lunatic, but is condemnable behavior for sure.

I don’t see much of the typical leftist destroy and subvert white (Anglo-Saxon particularly) civilization rhetoric out of Jefferson. Just heretical views as a result of a weak church, and republican views as a result of naive idealism. I can hardly blame him for the latter, hindsight is 2020. I guess you can call his particular support of liberalism as a leftist redistribution program, but I have not read anything from him that sounds subversive as opposed to naive.

Adam says:

Does he strike you as someone that would help us make women property again? Maybe he would, but his memes suggest otherwise.

What about immigration, and dealing with the other races? From Wikipedia-

“Jefferson took seven cases for freedom-seeking slaves[43] and waived his fee for one who claimed that he should be freed before his minimum statutory age.“

He is no friend of mine. He is a product and producer of the enlightenment.

Just read his Wikipedia. He’s a progressive social worker.

Red says:

>Does not justify calling him a leftist lunatic,

“All men are created equal.”

That’s leftist lunacy.

Kunning Druegger says:

I feel like Jefferson’s position on the French Revolution is the only evidence required for a “conviction,” but it should also be noted that even the worst of the lot (Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams) where hella-based in comparison to many, maybe most, men these days. I would trade 10,000 GWoT “””war vets””” for 100 Bolsheviks (assuming I get to reprogram them, obviously) no questions asked. The Cathedral has ruined at least three generations of men of the West. So yes, in my opinion the American Revolution was a leftist revolution, the men who perpetrated it are still very worthy, very manly men of might and main. This creates strange instances where their words are worthless but their deeds are worthy of emulation, as the action was effective even if the intent was a net-detriment.

Adam says:

It’s obvious a lot of those guys were incredibly manly. It can be hard to reconcile but certainly they had many admirable qualities.

Red says:

He also openly praises the USSR which in and of itself was a satanic construct, and revels in the mass slaughter of hundreds of thousands of white Christians.

A nation that ruled 1/3 of the planet for 50 years. People respect strength no mater how evil it was.

i says:

For a time:

Isaiah 25:3-5

3Therefore, a strong people will honor You.

The cities of ruthless nations will revere You.

4For You have been a refuge for the poor,

a stronghold for the needy in distress,

a refuge from the storm,

a shade from the heat.

For the breath of the ruthless

is like rain against a wall,

5like heat in a dry land.

You subdue the uproar of foreigners.

As the shade of a cloud cools the heat,

so the song of the ruthless is silenced.

King Jesus will indeed be revered for his power, Justice and fairness.

Being powerful enough to be generous to the Righteous needy and weak is quite a flex.

Basil says:

[Enemy lies deleted*]

Sher Singh says:

Hmm, any thoughts on Pentecostals?
Started 1920s & closing on 1 billion – thoroughly American.

Religious counterpart to Liberalism?

clovis says:

No. The religious counterparts to liberalism are mainline Protestantism and much of Vatican II Catholicism.

Anon says:

Does anyone has a link to the book English Society 1688-1832 pdf download. (Not the English Society 1660-1832 version which you can find)?

Bouncer says:

The 1985 one by J.C.D. Clark?
Well, it’s on, but you can’t download it, only borrow it:

Red says:

Since no one believes that Russia blew up their own pipe lines and the GAE is obviously did it the new shill line I’m seeing is was poor maintenance that caused both of them to blow up within hours of each other. Looks like a roll back from immediate WW3.

Cadfael says:

Still believe the USG was responsible, but here is a plausible explanation of maintenance screwups causing the leak.

jim says:

It is a plausible explanation of one pipeline blowing up. It is an entirely ridiculous explanation of two pipelines blowing up in rapid succession.

Cadfael says:
Red says:

Speak of the pipeline and the new shills pop up. I’m seeing this exact shill line everywhere now.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is wild speculation, but we get a dedicated shill assault every time we call out GAE/NATO military malarkey specifically. When that Black Sea Fleet ship got hit, a dude showed up with a wall of text about how GAE assets could not possibly have been involved (they were, and it was demonstrated by many and bragged about by the War Faction). There are other examples that follow this pattern: Jim or a Regular details how some military intel based action shows a clear GAE connection, and a rando shows up to point and laugh at how unbelievably improbable the assertion is. I think one of the few actual tentacles of Sauron’s Eye that is actively monitoring us is either a contractor for or actual agents of DIA. I believe this to be the case because of Jim’s assertion that providing virgin pussy for loyal warriors actually scares the shit out of them, and they will nuke this site and roll us up if there is ever any substantial uptake of that specific meme.

I further believe that they are harvesting ideas from Jim for their own use, which is why they, somehow (and I cannot explain this, it’s just an instinct), keep this place active (as in, keep it safe from SJW and NPC wave assaults). They want the utility on offer here, but they either will not or cannot actually use it (at least not yet), so they keep it in the shadows and harvest ideas as well as collect intel.

I am very aware of how… silly this sounds.

Adam says:

I noticed the wall of text guy too. Like glow harder nigger.

Truth has sort of an odd property to it that it is not seen until it can be seen, and once it is seen it must be accepted. Or something like that. Sort of a natural defense to the weak and the wicked.

that guy says:

Izyum might have been a fluke. After Lyman, it’s a trend.

Red says:

I have no idea what Putin’s doing, but at this point he may need to start some treason trials for his generals. The areas under attack are not being reinforced in a timely manner. He may have some traitors in the ranks.

jim says:

Not reinforcing areas under attack is often a rational strategy if playing for corpses, rather than turf. Russian advances and Russian retreats have both been quite costly for Ukraine.

But perhaps I am being too clever by half. The truth will take a while to become apparent.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Global American Empire account of Ukraine war effort deleted*]

jim says:

Could be true, not ridiculous propaganda, but we have heard it all before.

If true or false, we will not know for quite some time. I think it false, but Lyman is evidence supporting the story.

jim says:

Izyum caught the Russians with their pants down, and they fell back to reduce the likelihood of troops getting cut off.

Lyman not so easily explained. Lyman is a strong answer to Putin’s speech.

My prediction, however, remains unchanged, though the fall of Lyman is arguably evidence against it. The Ukraine, no matter where the front is, will find holding that front costs more in blood than they can afford for very long.

Red says:

Putin continues to signal weakness. At this rate he’s likely to end up removed by men willing to grasp the nettle.

jim says:

I think not, but we shall see.

Neurotoxin says:

“Putin continues to signal weakness.”

I’ve been wondering what his deal is. Russia can’t let the provocations of the level that it has borne, go unanswered. Maybe he has had a failure of nerve (this strikes me as the least likely possibility).

There are other possibilities. Maybe he’s delaying escalation to buy himself time as he prepares certain capabilities. It could be verifying that his nukes work. It could be that he wants to get the reservists he just called up at a basic level of soldierly competence.

Maybe he’s in a Trump-like situation in which the titular head of the government really doesn’t have that much power. Maybe he has already ordered a nuclear strike and the order has been defied.

Maybe he’s doing a bunch of sub-rosa diplomacy with other countries. E.g. maybe he’s pointing out to Germany, France, etc. that their “alliance” with the US has been rather one-sided, outrageously so now that their “ally” has destroyed a pipeline that was going to keep them from freezing this winter.

Maybe China is making certain military preparations and Russia must wait until Russia and China can move in concert.

The worst possibilities are that he’s had a failure of nerve (unlikely) or that he’s in a Trump scenario.

jim says:

China is slowly running down the debt the US government owes it. It is unlikely to move until the debt drops to a reasonably small value. At the current rate (which is slowly increasing) that is going to take ten years or so. If China has any plans to act soon, I would expect a more rapid reduction in the debt.

When you are owed as much as China is owed, parking the money is a big problem. If I was in their shoes, I would say “war is coming no matter what we do, international obligations are going to go up in smoke”, and buy gold, high value metals, bitcoin, land, and rights in natural resources that are close enough to China that they can make that right stick.

Aidan says:

See some russkie channels blaming a single bad general as responsible. Might be cope, might not be

Karl says:

Not just blaming him. I have read that the commander of the Western Military District, Alexander Zhuravlev, was removed for failures.

jim says:

I don’t think a single bad general was responsible. I think the Russians made a strategic decision to keep their troops thin, to reduce casualties from Himars.

Red says:

They’re losing a lot of morale for saving a few men’s lives. Bleeding the other side dry doesn’t really work unless you can counter attack from time to time so you troops feel like your winning. There’s also a big hit to confidence in their leadership every time they give up a town because the Ukis are mass murdering Russians civilians and blaming it on Russia. They feel helpless to do anything about it because the Russian government refuses to fight fire with fire.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, when it was just separatists, that was one thing. Now they are giving up Russian territory and Russian people to the worst monsters man has to offer. Nevermind public opinion, you have to smash some Ukes into greasy smears or the troops are going to give up. If they take casualties, it happens, but it will harden their resolve. It is worse to stand around safe and helpless than to risk death under your own power.

jim says:

The cities recently lost, were recently gained.

The major population center that the Ukrainians are after in this offensive is Severodonetsk-Lysychansk, which the Russians took four months ago. If, as seems likely, the Ukrainian offensive runs out of puff before it gets anywhere near Severodonetsk-Lysychansk the Russians are still winning over the last four months.

The Ukrainians are willing to expend troops to hold ground and to gain ground. The Russians are unwilling to expend troops to hold ground. So they are going to lose ground from time to time.

Severodonetsk-Lysychansk fell not so much to a Russian offensive, but rather that the Ukrainian troops were exhausted and refused to fight. When the exhausted Ukrainian troops fell back to the city, they declined to defend the city, which would have been an enormously strong point if defended by fresh troops. It fell with a handful of broken windows and fallen signs, without any significant war damage.

For Russians to win, the Ukraine has to become one big Severodonetsk-Lysychansk.

Ukraine assembled a concentrated force, and threw it against one point on the front, catching the Russians with their pants down. The Russians are not reinforcing that point on the front. Well, if the Russians are not moving in reinforcements, what stops the Ukrainians from continuing their advance? The Russians are betting that the Ukrainians are taking enough casualties that their advance runs out of puff, and it looks like it might well be running out of puff, though it has displayed a lot more puff than I or the Russians expected.

The Ukrainians have launched three similar offensives in Kherson. If all four offensives run out of puff without getting very far, that represents a substantial diminution in the Ukrainian capability and will to hold ground.

If the offensive grinds to a halt without Russian reinforcements being brought in to stop it, it represents a significant gain of ground, but also the expenditure of a significant amount of Ukraine’s capability for offense and defense.

DavyCrockett says:

“The cities recently lost, were recently gained.”

That’s true for some of them, it’s not true for a lot of them as well. The hohol Ukrainians took a couple of weeks ago, Izyum was taken by Russia at the very beginning of April, more than 6 months ago. Lysychansk like you said was taken by Russia more recently than Izyum, Lysychansk taken only 3 months ago.

Izyum being taken by UKR is also concerning because Big Serge wrote a whole piece on how if the Russians hold onto Izyum then the Ukranians are in a huge amount of trouble, but if the Russians lose Izyum to UKR than Russia’s in a gigantic amount of trouble

DavyCrockett says:

Lyman, taken October 1st by UKR, was taken earlier by Russia than Lysychansk as well. Lyman taken by Russia on May 27th, Lysychansk taken on July 2nd and Sievierodonetsk taken on June 25th.

Barry says:

What do you make of this?

They’re claiming they can intercept encrypted messages on Signal. Surely they are bluffing?

jim says:

Whatsapp was sold to our enemies. There will be an update, if there was not one already. Same thing happened to skype.

Signal has a potential vulnerability to man in the middle, if you twist the arm of the man who controls the identity server. It is a fundamental problem with any system that has a centralized identity server, no matter how secure the client.

A truly secure messaging system has to be built on top a client wallet with a UI for private keys similar to that of crypto currency wallets – hence my position that it should be a crypto currency wallet, enabling you to embed money in messages.

Ok, reading the trend of the conversations here, it appears that the conversation between us Dharmics and western reaction is over.

I have nothing more to say.

alf says:

First to conquer the stars wins.

Sher Singh says:


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Hardly. I think we can still have interesting critiques, and conversations. In both directions, given honest intentions. However, if, like Ser Singh/Jatt Arya, someone decides to offer intentional offense, we will respond. I think that having an international perspective on reaction is more valuable than only critiques of our own culture. It allows us to evaluate the core principles of civilization from outside the cultures we grew up in.

Sher Singh says:

There’s no intentional offense [*censored for gross and blasphemous intentional offense of just about everyone*]

Dharmicreality says:

Problem is every time we have had the beginning of a fruitful conversation, there has been some kind of disruption. Not going to name-call, but once it was some guy (later proved to be a shill) bringing up the topic of street shitting. I fell for it the first time, but got smart when it happened again. Another time, it is some guy needlessly inviting insults to Hindu Gods. Another time ,it is somebody needlessly introducing some other disruptive topic like veganism (which is a distinct Cathedral faith clearly different from traditional Hindu vegetarianism, which the Cathedral loves to attack using the consumption of beef as a weapon).

Last time I spent a lot of effort to bring some atmosphere of camaraderie back into the discourse, and I thought we had a tacit understanding not to denounce each others’ Gods. Unfortunately Jim continues to call out specific Hindu Gods as demons, when earlier he had said that it should be a matter for Hindus to sort out.

It seems to me that the Cathedral has a dedicated section of shills devoted to ensuring that any Hindu Right wing does not get into a productive conversation or understanding with Western Dissident Right.

It’s very tiresome to see the shills getting their results.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It means that our conversations are going to be messy, offensive, and had in the middle of a fight. That is a shame, but this is a war. The enemy gets a say in a war. We are at war for the survival of our two peoples, so I will do my best to reach out a hand. I still think there can be camaraderie and discourse between us. Given how badly they want to stop us, there is worth in continuing the discussion.

Look at the conversations where Ser Singh-and pardon the metaphor, but it is too good to pass up–starts shitting all over the place. There are the comments responding to him which are rude, crude, and intended to provoke an emotional response. Then SomeDude or Aryaman comment in it, and the hostility gets turned off to talk with them. It only gets turned back on when Ser Singh starts in again.

We Western reactionaries can draw a distinction between collegial discussions and verbal assaults. And finally, to be frank, my opinion of Hinduism should matter as little to you as your opinion of Christianity does to me. Ultimately, we are looking to fix our own civilizations, and it is very likely that any specific solutions would not work for one another. We are very different peoples after all, even if we share the same problems. But that very difference is what makes the conversation so useful. Do not let the Cathedral take it away.

someDude says:

My attitude on this blog is that I’m here to learn. Jim’s blog is like a university (multi-versity?) on sociology, psychology, political economy, Game theory and what have you. I am a huge admirer of how Jim

1. Handles shills.

2. Interprets Christianity in light of Game theory, biology, evolution and natural selection.

3. Digs up old Christian sources from a time that things used to work.

My hope is that Dharmics learn from Jim because the essentials are the same. Of course I don’t agree with Jim’s interpretation of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva, but to then withdraw from dialogue from what is probably the highest IQ discussion space on the internet for just for those two reasons would be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Dharmics have to be thick-skinned and certain ground rules are to be followed. No Dharmic must insult Christianity or Christians on this blog. They are free to do so on their own blogs and forums, but not here. As the Brits like to say, it’s just not cricket.

Hindus have made the mistake of once being inward looking (navel gazing as some call it) and the result was a millenium of subjugation. They can’t afford it this time as the result might well be annihilation. They have to be outward looking, learn as much as they can from every credible source out there, friendly unfriendly or neutral.

Yet, if Hindu Gods are insulted here, we will just politely disagree and move on to other learnings which are plenty. This place is a treasure trove of worldly wisdom. I would not stop engaging unless Jim explicitly asks me to.

alf says:

I enjoy your comments and lament that your attitude is not wider spread among other dharma commenters.

When Jim points to Krishna as a bad influence, I assume he is correct until proven wrong, and also that he is trying to be helpful, not insulting. Jim has an imitable talent for that kind of stuff. But, peace of westphalia demands that if you take it as an insult, we move on to other stuff.

someDude says:

if you enjoy reading my comments, that’s high praise indeed. I am among the few (as you joked about the number) that bought your book. It was quality. Now excuse me while I go lift some weights to take advantage of this testosterone boost.

Never let a testosterone boost go to waste.

alf says:

Haha good stuff.

Aryaman says:

On this, Jim is neither entirely right nor wrong, but closer to wrong than right. But really, it does not matter. The north star is Ayodhya. It is wholly of this world. Rama is the ideal man, Sita the ideal wife, and his rule is one of virtuous prosperity and not indifferent self-abnegation.

That some pretty bad demons were absorbed somewhere or the other is pretty obvious. The good thing is that these demons are more or less literally presented demons, which should be easier to deal with in time than whatever has got people gagging their children with masks.

As for what mutual worth there is of collegiality, I point back to my above recommendation that everyone watch Baahuballi and RRR. It is no surprise the director says he takes his inspiration from Mel Gibson.

jim says:

Long ago, you guys had some impressive mathematics, and some decent technology and industry.

And then, under East India company rule, you had decent mathematics again.

I have been nagging you guys to dig up information on the faith that ruled when you had some good stuff long ago.

Have you tried? Is that information lost?

I have been industriously digging what made our development of of science, technology, industry, industrialization, and empire happen, and confidently conclude that the ruling faith was central in making it all possible. Have you been digging?

We know that the Aryans were initially contemptuous of the deities of conquered. What I suspect you will find is an East India Company situation, where the proto Hindu Aryan rulers went right on being contemptuous of the deities of the conquered.

Sher Singh says:


Aidan says:

Part of the problem with polytheistic systems is their nature as a theological compromise between different groups. Ditching a large portion of the pantheon would piss a lot of people off, almost certainly causing instability. Would require a lot of sovereign violence to keep the peace, and for this reason likely out of the memescape of possibility for Hindus.

jim says:

> Part of the problem with polytheistic systems is their nature as a theological compromise between different groups.

Aryan polytheism was a compromise between the deified ancestor of one gens, and the deified ancestor of another gens, when they formed a coalition to knock down a city’s walls.

And then the gods of the conquered Dravidians were allowed in, and brought some baggage with them. The Hindus, if they are unable to chuck out those gods, need to chuck out that baggage.

Aryaman says:

That information is lost, though maybe I ought to be looking harder. Though it seems pretty likely quite a bit of the advanced mathematics was the result of deep inquiry into the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin, or the like.

But I think enough of the religion remains, some of it with a lot of fidelity, that we can speculate as to what will work by projecting what worked in England onto what we have that remains.

jim says:

> Unfortunately Jim continues to call out specific Hindu Gods as demons, when earlier he had said that it should be a matter for Hindus to sort out.

It is obvious that something bad happened to your religion a long time ago. And something bad is happening right now, and your analysis of what is going wrong now sounds good to me.

But you need to look for what went wrong a long time ago.

It is unhelpful for an outsider to call out certain gods as demons, but you have an old problem somewhere. It would be a lot more helpful were an insider to look for it.

Opioidus says:

is there a collection of your selected writings? a pdf or something? if there isn’t, there needs to be. at least make a collection post or something.

jim says:

I am primarily concerned with organizing my writings on software, which have yet to be published. And real life is has been keeping me mighty busy for the past couple of months and will likely keep me busy for three months longer.

Mister Grumpus says:

As for your software, please don’t stop, because the iron is hot:

“Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app”

It’s a rorschach kind of teaser for sure, but when I look at it, I “see” your supercrypto communication+currency+commerce system.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ll try to initiate this as a response to Opioidus’ comment, as he was the one requesting it, but if there’s not enough response, will launch a new thread.

Let’s put together a Selected Jim reading list. Every regular, both rarepoasters and usual suspects, please respond here with 1 to 3 favorite posts, blessed posts, or stellar comments. Restrict it to Jim’s stuff for now, as we will do another list for blessed and stellar comments.

Dig deep, my negros. I know there have been some amazing posts in the last year, but let’s try to reach way back. Once there is a good selection, I will make a Curated List, and then we can expand if needed.

Please attempt to keep this meta; dredging up Classic Jim will almost definitely reinitiate old discussions and disagreements, which is fine and even desirable, but the goal is to construct a reading list that can be shared with a single link. Also, this is for us to do, as Jim has stated he is busy.

Here are 3 random selections:

Mr.P says:

Here’s the first ever comment of Jim’s I saved offline. It’s from 2018. Been saving the brightest lightening bolts ever since.

Everyone who sometimes eats pizza can afford it, as near to all of them as makes no difference. I eat out with working class people often enough, and I know what goes down. I also, less frequently, eat out with wealthy people in places I cannot afford, and food costs are insignificant for the people spending money in both places.

Not everyone who goes to the pub or gambles can afford it, but these things are not the major cause of economic stress.

The major cause of economic stress is not working class vices, but housing costs escalated by ethnic cleansing of whites from areas that they build, and degree inflation. You are blaming the workers for the suffering the progressive state inflicts upon them.

All part of my ongoing post-grad continuing education.

Adam says:

The make women property again one needs to be on the list.

Adam says:
The Cominator says:

above all “throne, altar and freehold“.

Sher Singh says:
Barry says:

Wouldn’t consider myself a regular poster, but have commented plenty of times here throughout the last 7 or so years, under various names.

An obvious one to include in a Jim reading list is “the Optics of Noticing“. Definitely shouldn’t be a first introduction to Jim, but it really weeds out who is actually redpilled on the WQ and who is purplepilled.

I’ll have a better look later and give a couple more recommendations. Probably some articles on the leftist singularity.

Contaminated NEET says:

I don’t remember what year it was from, but the autobiographical piece about entryism, being a young Leftist, and seeing Maoist acquaintances come back from tours of China dead-eyed and spiritually broken but still repeating the party line was a banger.

Anonymous says:

That is not from the blog but from the main site:

Anonymous says:

this hilarious one where Jim mocked SWPL food and its homeopathic quantities of black truffle sticks in my mind.

alf says:
Your Uncle Bob says:

Here’s one I found useful. Some selection bias though, from clicking back and forward from KD’s three links.

Mike in Boston says:

This is a terrific idea. Consider including The Resurrection of God for the much-needed upbeat reminder:

The faith of Gnon requires confidence that God intends use to be happy, provided that we follow his laws, intends us to conquer the world and the stars, requires the white pill. If someone accepts the red pill but concludes the black pill from the red pill, concludes from the red pill that a wife and children that belong to him, in a home that belongs to him, will not make him happy, not of our faith. The black pill is gnosticism. The white pill requires us to accept the world of the fall, the world of Darwinian natural selection, and still be cheerful and optimistic about it. Every morning the dawn wakes me up, I squeeze my wife’s backside, and she makes me coffee while I watch the sun rise over the islands and the sea. Most evenings I check my fruit trees, then I sit down on my log in my garden, and watch the sun set over the mountains. Every few weeks, I get drunk with my friends. Is this a world that belongs to Satan? Is this a world ruled by Satan? Every dinner and most lunches I thank the Lord for my food, for the pleasant company with whom I eat it, and for the beautiful creation in which I eat it.

c4ssidy says:

Scanning through all those comments would take decades. Would one day need to set up some kind of foundation with people working full time. Eventually you’d have an organised collection of knowledge which you could use as a basis for a city-state, which according to theory would expand outward until encompassing the universe

Adam says:

Not really. I read the blog for a couple of years before I started posting about a year ago. Easily read through it start to finish. Most of the older posts do not have 1k+ comments. Probably the last couple of years have more comments than all previous years. It’s worth the read though, there have been a lot of quality posters over the years, and it’s interesting to see the development of the arguments and memes we use.

Neurotoxin says:

Key “Jimian” concepts. I can’t cite a link for most of these. In no particular order:

1. Democracy is not a long-run tenable system. People have been making this point for centuries if not millennia, but the “Jimian” description of the problem is more modern than someone commenting on ancient Rome or whatever.

2. The analytical perspective of evolutionary psychology-cum-game theory.

3. The application of this perspective to all the sex stuff. Female psych, etc.

4. The phrase “social technology.”

Certain laws and customs regarding marriage, for example. Property rights are another example. This is one of those phrases that just clicks when you first encounter it and makes you wonder why someone didn’t coin it a long time ago.

5. In the last couple of years there was a post on the social effects of widespread acceptance of homosexuality. A poster (I forget who) originally wrote it and Jim turned it into a post, IIRC.

6. Holiness spirals/signaling spirals/purity spirals. I don’t think Jim originated the term, but this blog is probably one of the key nodes for spreading the concept.

7. The insistence on modeling the left for what it is – a bunch of evil people, briefly – and only paying attention to the left’s “ideas” as is necessary for practical purposes. The comments thread from the last year in which we all tried to define the damned thing has some great stuff. A note I made to myself: “At
HerbR provides a good list of definitions of leftism…”

IQ Enthusiast says:

1. Various articles on technological decline, including planes, skyscrapers, big macs per hour.

2. There hasn’t been a proper post but we need a proper post on the Jim/Starman position on female youth. Jim has posted many a golden comment on Gab regarding this subject.

3. Very obscure but there was a comment thread regarding The Truth About Arable Land And Soil Science which was very fascinating to my autism. A proper post regarding that would be useful.

Neurotoxin says:

1. Agree that that’s a good post. Stabs equalism in the eye with a knife.

2. Pseudo has a good comment there:

Women want to be a slut, but they also want to be the only slut in town.

Other women being sluts lowers the value of their own sluttery.

Being *perceived* as a slut *also* lowers the value of their sluttery.

Most women intuitively sense that their greatest and salient value is their vagina; most all female reasoning can be viewed as a corollary of maximizing the value of their vagina…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Evil Vizer/Undead Odalisque got purged off or Twitter. Guess the flat chested twat/employee had enough.

Red says:

Social commentary including commentary by actual claimed victims of grooming and SA in the comment section here:

And this guy commenting on 4chan degeneracy:

And his commentators.

@i needs to take the shill test. He appears to be a blue pilled shill who’s not even trying to argue the issue, just posting bullshit.

i says:

I am posting evidence of the impact of such memeplexes.

Just because it is contrary to the actual truth on the ground about our knowledge of human nature. Doesn’t mean those people aren’t out there. Who genuinely are misled as per Jim’s analysis of their displacement behavior.

Unless those people are all fake somehow outside this blog and a few other websites of this dissident sphere.

jim says:

I do not encounter these people in real life.

No one is offended or disturbed by an older male with a fertile female. Opposition to “pedophiles” is completely fake. Opposition to pederasts is spontaneous and heartfelt.

i says:


In that case. With videos with 10,000s to 100,000. With plenty of comments. And the anonymous comments appear to be written by real human beings talking about their real experiences.

And if anonymous certainly they should be more likely to speak their mind.

Those same channels also cover legitimate topics on the other hand. That seem well thought out with good evidence.

Other blogs I frequent similar to this blog also talks about such things from time to time.

How do I truly know if they are real or fake?

jim says:

> In that case. With videos with 10,000s to 100,000. With plenty of comments. And the anonymous comments appear to be written by real human beings talking about their real experiences.

Should I believe ten thousand videos manufactured by authority, or my own eyes?

Been there, done that. No resemblance. Look at what people do, not what they say. It is completely fake. If it was real, we would have had a word for pedophilia all the way back to biblical times, but I can remember a time when most people could not comprehend the word.

It is a totally astroturfed effort manufactured from above to get the heat off faggots and onto normal men.

i says:

The are definitely government prosecutions about this:

So in that sense the charging and putting of those men behind bars is also an astroturfed event?

jim says:

Government action is the very definition of astroturf.

Astroturf is government pretending it is the spontaneous action of the people.

Kunning Druegger says:

I apologize for the flattery, but it never ceases to amaze me how your clipped profundity opens neural pathways in my brain.

> Astroturf is government pretending it is the spontaneous action of the people.

Of course it is, but the term was only coined when people wanted to portray their non-governmental adversaries as somehow low or unfair or dishonest for doing so. Liberal Democracies are just turf factories, the whole thing underpins the very concept of “democracy.” But we only think “astroturf” when it is some NGO or advocacy group. Very obvious, now that you’ve stated it plain.

Keep saying the things that go without saying, Jim. The failure to do so has always been the greatest weakness of the White Right.

i says:

Ah. I see.

i says:


Also came across this thread about the sordid history of Hollywood and their forced abortions(child murder) from one of the twitter people I follow:

So she may as well be telling the truth in regards to the abortion problem.

Of course. See the comments in that thread. The outrage over “this topic” and possible astroturf in action.

But coupled with legitimate grievance’s of Men who refused to marry the women they had sex with especially the young women.

Including one who made the wife he reluctantly married a living hell.

This guy retweeted that thread here:

He tried the Witch test which works quite well:

i says:
Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the test: is the alleged “child sex predator” gay? If yes, he’s guilty.

Red says:

I researched this topic years ago. “Pedophiles” only seemed interested in girls until they grew boobs. Then I read about a couple of faggots who raped and killed a 14 years boy. Before they killed him they’d been planning to kidnap and sodomize an 11 year old girl they’d seen in the area. There’s no such thing as Pedophiles, just faggots doing what faggots do.

i says:

I actually saw some pictures of one particular air pilot who made this kind of Pron.

Yes. Absolute gay face.

Fidelis says:

>No one is offended or disturbed by an older male with a fertile female

I have encountered this. Some are mildly offended but overlook it quickly if the man is “of good will” or just agreeable to them. Doesnt manifest in a social confrontation. Others are greatly offended but I have only seen otherwised deranged leftie types greatly offended.

jim says:

Synthetic outrage. Some people, mainly childless old women, are always on the lookout for socially approved reasons to harm people. I had one such incident, and immediately smelled the unreality.

I looked her in the eye and replied “she is old enough to bear children, and I am young enough to father them”. She looked around for the outraged lynch mob to support her, not seeing it, shrivelled up.

Fidelis says:

As I said, the most greatly offended are otherwise deranged. There is a mild sense of distaste among some young men. Mocking of an old man and his very young girlfriend at the casino, for a specific reference, but the incongruous relationship was only brought up as a side dish to the offense at the man’s obnoxious behavior otherwise.

Kunning Druegger says:

Further proving that it is always “…and he bangs young sluts!” and never “He bangs young sluts and…”

Red says:

Just because it is contrary to the actual truth on the ground about our knowledge of human nature. Doesn’t mean those people aren’t out there.

Something that only exists in Polygon propaganda isn’t real. Posting propaganda videos doesn’t help your case. You’re being a useful idiot for people who hate you.

I think your problem is that you believe what woman say. Bad mistake. Historically courts have greatly devalued woman’s testimony because they are much more likely to re-arrange facts to suit their current view of an event. A woman can willingly go to bed with you, have multiple organism and a full night of pleasure and if you start acting beta the next day she can easily re-arrange last night’s sex as you raping her and she’ll fully believe it.

Believe what women do, not what they say.

Secondly, women love real rape. In my early 20s had a girl friend who was raped when she 13 and she talked about having been raped multiple times, but she talked about it like it was a status symbol. When I asked he about the details of the first rape, she described how she dressed up as adult including padding her bra, went to an illegal rave at a disused industrial center, and then wandered off into the darkness away from people. She was then raped by a random guy. At the time I thought it was odd she wasn’t all that upset about the experience. She never reported him to the cops. I assumed her other “rapes” where similar events where she put herself in a situation where she was likely to be raped. When someone walks into trouble multiple times it’s because they’re looking for that sort of trouble.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*fake consensus*]

jim says:

You need to present your version of reality within the frame that audience is unlikely to agree, and you are arguing for your story against our story.

If I allowed it through I would have to present exactly the same rebuttal as I presented before. Waste of space.

When you say something that presupposes something I have previously disputed, present as if a dispute was in progress and you are arguing your side in the dispute.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for false consensus*]

jim says:

The false consensus I referred to is the proposition that widespread academic accreditation is a bottom up phenomenon, rather than a top down phenomenon.

I will allow you to argue it is a bottom up phenomenon, but I will not permit you to debate as if no one thinks otherwise.

Anonymous Fake says:

Look the article I posted even mentioned that the “draft dodging” phenomenon was deliberate and [censored for being unresponsive]

jim says:

I have repeatedly proposed very different causes for the rise of accreditation, and very different consequences of that rise. And if I allowed your stuff through, would have to repeat my stuff all over again, because you write as if no one thought the causes were very different.

i says:


This is what DARPA is now doing:

The US intelligence community has launched a program to develop artificial intelligence that can determine authorship of anonymous writing while also disguising an author’s identity by subtly altering their words.

The Human Interpretable Attribution of Text Using Underlying Structure (HIATUS) program from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) aims to build software that can perform “linguistic fingerprinting,” the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said.

“Humans and machines produce vast amounts of text content every day. Text contains linguistic features that can reveal author identity,” IARPA said [PDF].

With the right model, IARPA believes it can identify consistencies in a writer’s style across different samples, modify those linguistic patterns to anonymize writing and do it all in a manner that is explainable to novice users, ODNI said. HIATUS AIs would also have to be language agnostic.

What should be done?

Neurotoxin says:

First of all, most new tech is marketed with a lot of hype that overstates what it can do.

Try not to write with a particular style. (Pseudo has the most recognizable style here. You might want to change that when writing under a different name, Pseudo.) You have favorite metaphors, turns of phrase, foreign phrases? Don’t use them. And do make an effort to use turns of phrase you normally wouldn’t. You’re normally anal-retentive about the difference between a comma and a semi-colon? Deliberately misuse them when you need to mask your identity. You normally hate “different than”? Make sure to say “different than” when masking. Etc.

I suspect that this is only going to be useful to them – if at all – in certain narrow situations like, they already suspect that person A and person B are the same person and are looking for another tool to help them judge that. And the person(s) has a fairly unique writing style. They can’t sweep the entire Internet for everybody’s texts and compare every person to every other person. The mathematics of combinatorics would prevent this from happening before the heat death of the universe.

Kunning Druegger says:

> deliberately misuse the semicolon

In the immortal words of William Muderface-Murderface-Murderface: I’d rather cut off my own dick.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Here is what you have to do; just fuck with your grammar and then robot will get big sad.

Neurotoxin says:

Me talk much better good English then any robot can underztand.

And that,s a; fact.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ve actually been thinking about this for quite some time. I contemplated posting about it, but was never able to marshal my thoughts to a degree I felt adequate or appropriate. Here are some of the ideas I’ve had.

Vowel dropping
Th nnc f th mssg y r trng t snd wll lmst crtnly b grbld bynd rcgnitn, bt th gnrl thrst f yr ntnt cn b cnstrd, hwvr ts pnfl t dl wth.

Cave man
Me share thought, have goal, and want talk-talk. Me have word enough make concept, but me uncertain if work for not-me.


[can’t provide an example, but it would just be a unique language using emojis; the obvious issue is that it is just a substitution cypher with glyphs, so all of the issues with such cyphers apply]

Field Strip
Basically, you must write out your complete comment, then go back through the entire thing and strip out everything but the most critical elements == must write comment, reread, remove extraneous judiciously

I think there’s some utility in there, but taking this path is to go ever deeper into esoterica and in-crowd dynamics. 4chan lingua franca has already done this, and has demonstrated that even a small lexicon of unique terms can be an insurmountable barrier to entry for most people, which is pretty much the opposite of the goal of this blog. This path also requires a significant and permanent participation, as few months away from the chans can annihilate the ease with which one formerly navigated the sphere.

A2 says:

Liberate a copy of GPT-3 and ask it to translate your comment into the style of Max Boot.

Mister Grumpus says:

Bronze Age Pervert felt this heat coming around the corner. Tweets in weird caveman language and podcasts in silly Russian accent is this ok.

Aryaman says:

There has been a lot of Hindu posting but this I think is both relevant, and worthwhile to all here.

I heartily recommend you all watch S. S. Rajamouli’s Baahuballli (1 & 2), and then RRR. Jim will appreciate the mating dance (somewhat literally) in Baahuballi 1, and the action in all three films is fantastic. Action that you actually want to pay attention to for its own kinetic logic, action that is consistently novel and creative. Baahuballi is the better movie of the two but RRR has the better action and is more entertaining. Its anti-imperialism is entirely beside the point, is so exaggerated and portrayed as such in the service of masculinity that I don’t think anyone will actually be offended. (The British are portrayed as somewhat more savage than Red Indians in American classics).

You should try to watch it in the original Telugu, for the music is better, but it is easier to get ahold of in other languages of which Hindi is probably best. I watched it in the theater and have not seen Americans have so much fun watching a movie in a long time. I hope this recommendation is well-received. Ideally there is more to say about it in the context of this blog, but if nothing else hopefully fun. These are modern, blockbuster movies you can watch with your sons (and daughters) that valorize the good, beautiful, strong, and true.

jim says:

You guys told me that the vedic religion from the time that you led the world in mathematics, science, and industry is irrecoverably lost.

Priests are always writing stuff down. I find this hard to believe.

Because our resident transwarrior wants to ban cow slaughter world wide, I did a little digging, and found that, as I suspected, the early Aryan faith in India did not prohibit cow slaughter. It is like the Bible on fornication and adultery: a prohibition against a violation of property rights, that got holiness spiraled into a prohibition on having and using property. Asok is fine with cows being slaughtered by their rightful owners. (Their rightful owners probably being Aryans who were allowing their cattle to pasture on Dravidian crops and who did not want those pesky Dravidians interfering with the cow.)

If I can dig that up, while not being Indian and scarcely trying, you can doubtless dig up lots of unthinkable stuff. I suspect that the state religion of the time and the area where Indians led the world is not lost, just disturbingly unthinkable.

We urgently need to impose the Pauline requirement that priests be recruited from married fertile men with well behaved children, because celibacy gives us a Church full of faggots, and to the extent that they are not faggots, they lack the skills to support husbands and fatherhood. Fixing the ban on cow slaughter is far less urgent for you than fixing the problem of celibate priests is for us, but there is something else crapping up your religion that makes it bad for science, technology, industry, and good governance.

One of the things that made the limited liability joint stock publicly traded for profit corporation possible was that the Anglican Church pushed a doctrine that earning an honest living was a meritorious, holy, and divinely ordained activity, rather than being “worldliness”.

This was a reaction to the corruption that was exposed to justify the dissolution of the monasteries. Henry the eighth made a pretty good case that they were not performing their spiritual function, and the Anglican Church internalized that. This doctrine had a great deal to do with industrialization and world conquest – that it was right and meritorious to turn an honest profit. The doctrine that material and effective causation was the Logos manifest similarly made science a worthy activity.

Corporations had long existed, but they were not for profit, they were like today’s ngos, nominally private instruments of the crown. And for profit enterprises had long existed as an accounting fiction imagined into reality, but valorizing the for-profit corporation required a faith that made it right.

You need to dig. I suspect it is there, just unthinkable and disturbing. As I said, priests always write stuff down.

No one today likes to notice the dirt that Henry the Eighth dug up on the monastics, and if it is in front of them, they fail to comprehend it. The data is there, but people avert their eyes. I suspect you are averting your eyes.

This is not an attack on your faith. We have big problems also. You have bigger problems, and you need to address them. If I address them, you will naturally be disinclined to listen to a Christian telling you what is wrong with non Christians. You notice Brahmins holiness spiraling ritual cleanliness without regard to actual cleanliness. There are bigger things you need to notice.

Hot Tap says:

Back when the West was hitting its peak of capacity as knowledge increased and thinkability decreased – around 1880 – it investigated the early Sanskrit texts in some detail and tried to reconstruct the Indian religion.

The works of Paul Deussen are excellent and available on

The British also reconstructed the Code of Manu and actually used it as law in India.

jim says:

Code of Manu, written down one millenium after the Aryans conquered, based on verse that is centuries older, how much older no one really knows. Maybe the original Aryan invaders instituting the social order of conquest immediately after conquest, maybe seven centuries later.

Full of good stuff about women and the female role.

And, like the Book of Solomon, notices that women are not sexless angels, and that their volcanic urges cause problems that have to be controlled.

If the British can legislate the code of Manu, those parts that the British considered the proper magistry of the legislator, could today’s Hindus?

The interesting thing is that the British did not base legislation for Hindus on then current Hinduism, indicating that they perceived it, as I perceive it, as a degeneration from the original Aryan faith.

Manusmriti is the Hindu red pill on women test. Sadly like most “christians” most “hindus” are blue pilled and even pretending to understand Manu is crime-think.

Look at how wikipedia has obfuscated Manusmriti. Hilarious.

Manusmriti is the Hindu red pill on women test. Sadly like most “christians” most “hindus” are blue pilled and even pretending to understand Manu is crime-think.

Look at how wikipedia has obfuscated Manusmriti. Hilarious.

Sher Singh says:

ManuSmriti was still used in the 1700s you filthy wretch.

Stop trying to dodge out of cow slaughter – we’re not going to budge.
You have no understanding of collective sovereignty or protection – that’s why your wealth, women, and wares are plunder for the globe.


Kunning Druegger says:

> we

Trans-Sikhs are the literal worst

Bouncer says:

“The works of Paul Deussen are excellent and available on”

I see they have 140+ results, and I’m a bit of a historian and therefore curious. Any titles you might suggest I keep a lookout for?

someDude says:

Priests are always writing stuff down. This is true. However, there is a difference in the case of Hinduism and Christianity.

Let’s take the stuff the Christian priests wrote down when things were working in Christendom

1. It is relatively recent, say the time of Charles in the 1600s.

2. The language in which they were written down is not archaic and the meanings of words have not undergone a whole lot of change, the script used then almost the same as the one used now. So less scope for misunderstanding.

3. They were written down post the invention of the printing press. So lots of copies.

4. Those original books and their faithful copies still exist.

Not too many of these conditions are true in the case of the Hindu scriptures. They were written down a long time ago, before the printing press, written on palm leaves (not a whole lot of copies), in an archaic language no longer spoken, words whose meanings have undergone change multiple times, in a script no longer used and a whole lot of them lost for ever due to the mass burning of the books in the great libraries of the great universities of Takshashila (Taxila) and Nalanda.

So I’m not entirely unsympathetic to Aryaman’s view that the written record of what used to work in Hindu-ism at the time when they led in Math, Science and Technology may well be irretrievably lost. I hope it is not all lost, but hope is not a strategy.

As regards what you may read from old Books written by Europeans, these certainly have some merit, but there is always the question of the frame of interpretation that the translator is using. Is he trying to fit Hindu scripture into a Christian frame, a progressive frame, a Victorian frame? How is he approaching the subject of his study? How many Europeans have translated the same scripture? Where do the translations differ? Too many questions.

It is not as easy as a few hours or a few days searching on This is something that will need state support. Or a very wealthy, smart, Aristocratic man with time on his hands who feels an urge to do something for his co-religionists on the intellectual sphere. We can hope

Hot Tap says:

The Germans had the clearest vision of reconstructing Classical Hinduism as a stand-in for the religion Aryan Germans would have had if not for the imposition of Christianity and other Jewish-derived theology. Arguably they tried to make it compatible with Kant, but probably they were genuinely surprised to find that it already was.

Aryaman says:

There are bigger things you need to notice.

What are the bigger things I need to notice? I notice a lot. I am not naturally disinclined to listening to something by virtue of the fact it is a Christian saying it. When I tell Christians what their religion says about something they are not offended or on guard because my line is not “Hail fellow Christian: here is why Jesus wants you to let refugees take over your land, and endorse reparations for people who want to kill you.” My line is that “quiet charity to men of goodwill in need is virtuous, ostentatious suggestion that others ought to perform virtuous acts publicly is not, nowhere did Jesus take from Peter to give Paul, takes for granted that in toil there is profit, and indicates he is rewarded who puts his masters’ endowment to good use and he is scolded who drowned in envy wastes his masters’ endowment.”

Of course, Jesus says a whole bunch of other stuff and a lot of it dangerously close to contradicting what I just said. Whether or not it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle I don’t know, but anyone making a big deal about this is likely up to no good. The resolution, probably, is that when the rich man asked Jesus what he should do, Jesus replied he should not murder, lie, or steal — and do a whole bunch of other reasonable things. Only when the man professes that he has already done it all, professes in front of a crowd that he is seeking greater perfection still, does Jesus command him to give up his possessions. The man’s sorrow at the command implying that he is not holy but merely wanted to perform holy acts; the predicate to Jesus’ response, “if thou wilt be perfect” almost sarcastically implying its own contradiction since you cannot be perfect. Probably it is also a hint that a man ought to relinquish his property and estate to the command of his heirs and not before he is too old.

You need to dig. I suspect it is there, just unthinkable and disturbing. As I said, priests always write stuff down.

Regarding the unthinkable and disturbing, and without necessarily endorsing the movement more generally, consider some of what Prabhupada (of ISKCON) said over the years, but not too long ago.

[Regarding Indira Gandhi] She is not a leader. She is a prostitute. When women are liberated, this means prostitutes. Free women are called prostitutes.

Although rape is not legally allowed, it is a fact that a woman likes a man who is very expert at rape.

Man has no maximum. Even an eighty-years-old man can marry a sixteen-years-old girl.

(He is wrong about this, for a great many reasons the exact picture he has in mind is a little disturbing: because it would altogether be better for everyone if women did not become widows at 18).

[The King] must be very powerful, very strong, strongly built. You have seen the picture, Rāmacandra? Sturdy body. You see.

It is therefore the duty of the father to get his daughter married before she attains puberty. Otherwise she will be very much mortified by not having a husband. Anyone who [satisfies her] at that age becomes a great object […] she will love that man for the rest of her life, regardless who he is.

Woman reporter: What advice do you have to women who do not want to be subordinate to men?

Prabhupada: It is not my advice, but it is the advice of the Vedic knowledge that woman should be chaste and faithful to man.

Woman reporter: What should we do in the United States? We’re trying to make women equal with men.

Prabhupada: I am not trying. You are already not equal with the man because in so many respects, your functions are different and man’s functions are different. Why do you say artificially they are equal? As I told you that the husband and wife–the wife has to become pregnant, not the husband. How you can change this, both the husband and wife will be pregnant? Is it possible? Is it possible?

Woman reporter: No, it is not.

Prabhupada: Then by nature one has to function differently from the other.

Woman reporter: Why does this mean that women have to be subordinate? Just because they bear children and men can’t?

Prabhupada: Well, by nature… No, as soon as you get children, you require support from the husband. Otherwise you are in difficulty.

Woman reporter: Many women have children and have no support from husbands. They have no husband.

Prabhupada: Then they have to take support from others. You cannot deny that. The government is giving you support. But the government is embarrassed. If the husband supports the wife and children, the government is relieved of so much welfare contribution. So that is a problem.

The Vedic idea is that woman should be married to a man and the man should take charge of the woman and the children independently so that they do not become a burden to the government or to the public. […]

Prabhupada: I do not say of any particular woman, but according to Vedic civilization, we have never seen in the history that woman has become a leader.

Woman reporter: Women have been leaders.

Prabhupada: They were not selected. The leader–formerly it was monarchy–the monarchs were selected by the advisory board of the first-class men. So they never selected any woman to become the leader of the society.

Woman reporter: What about women who are elected by the people?

Prabhupada: Well, people election… Just like you elected Nixon and then you wanted him to come down. So this kind of election has no value. Sometimes you elect and sometimes you pull down. So what is the value of this election?

Woman reporter: So a leader should not be elected.

Prabhupada: Elected, but not by this general public. They have no intelligence. They sometimes elect a wrong man, and again they try to drag him down. So what is the use of such election? Because that election is not sober, not mature. If the election was mature and sober, then there was no need of dragging him down again.

Woman reporter: We have talked to scientists who say that the size of the brain has nothing to do with intelligence. Do you believe that?

Prabhupada: I think that the scientists do not think like that. They keep the brain of a particular scientist to study. They keep the heart of a particular noble man. Why they try to study the heart and the brain if there is no difference?

Nitai: Sometimes they keep the brain of a great scientist to study because they think that he is so intelligent, there must be something we can learn from studying the brain. So if they are thinking like that, then there also must be a difference between a woman’s brain and a man’s brain.

Woman reporter: What they say is that there is difference, but it has nothing to do with the size.

Nitai: Then why do they keep great scientists’ brain to study?

Woman reporter: They keep many people’s brains to study.

Nitai: Especially great scientists, that they want to see what has made this man so intelligent.

Woman reporter: That’s not necessarily true.

Prabhupada: Then why they study the brain? What is the purpose of studying brain unless there is difference?

I won’t add more to avoid a too lengthy post, but he has plenty to say about race in America too.

Somedude says:

This is social Tech. Anything on how to create a society that will conquer the stars? Anything on what made India the forefront on tech and math in the old times? It seems when Marco Polo was at the Kakatiya kingdom, they were not very far from mass production and standardisation. Anything on that? Of course within a couple generations that kingdom would be destroyed by Muslim invasions

Maybe Marco has something to say about that

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I just had a unpleasant realization that I think ties in with Jim’s theory that the GAE will try to create a leftist nationalist group because tranny jannies do not fight. It will be Patriot Front. Patriot Front is the GAE Azov Battalion. They are out doing disaster relief in Florida right now and are not being doxxed, which means that someone is protecting them.

Red says:

They’ve been running the Nazi play book a lot the last couple few years. They’ve been grooming PF for a false flag terror complain for a while now but they could switch things up and use them at their enforcers. Watching congress honor Azov fags the other day was disturbing and made me wonder if that’s the direction they’ve decided to go.

Red says:


Adam says:

Yup. Overnight the current memes will disappear and old patriotic memes will reappear. Not only will the red tribe continue to think they are the good guys, they will think things are finally changing and getting better. They will finally be winning.

Mike in Boston says:

The red tribe […] will think things are finally getting better

This is my prediction as well. Some RINO will play the role of Stalin and give a “dizzy with success” speech. The GAE can roll back wokeness a little just as the Soviets rolled back collectivization, to give them some time to consolidate.

Neurotoxin says:

“The GAE can roll back wokeness a little”

Maybe, but I think it unlikely: the holiness spiral has taken on a life of its own. Leftists always call up demons they can’t control; it’s one of their patterns.

Adam says:

Some speculation… leftism is fear driven to a large extent. So the powers that be, teetering back a little too far in their chair will reach out and grab something (red tribe) to stabilize them when their fear turns into terror.

You can see this same pattern in individual relationships every day, most often with women the way they manipulate the bad boy and the nice guy. It very much resembles how the elites play the inner and the outer party. The inner and the outer party from a distance often play with and against each other in a dysfunctional co-dependent manner. The inner party being the victimizer and the outer party being the enabler.

The holiness spiral will not so much be halted, but the elites sensing immediate and impending doom can reach out to the red tribe for stability, as a cry for help. The red tribe, forever the nice guy enabler looking for purpose and validation will spring into action, never considering that the will be immediately discarded after their purpose has been served, the same way it has every other time.

Mister Grumpus says:

This is the “mob theocracy” model and is what I’m running with now too. Most of the time.

Even Pol Pot had to live in relative hiding during the height of “his” reign.

I felt more comfortable believing in the World Economic Satanic Trilateral Reptilian Commission model too, but now I just can’t manage it anymore.

Starman says:

Russia should do an above ground nuclear test on livestream.
Then tell the United States government to do a similar test on livestream.

Let’s see if Shaniqua has been doing her “maintenance.”

Red says:

If so, then Putin’s decided to skip the escalation game and go right to the penultimate step. I hope that’s enough to stop this madness.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yes. We’ll settle this with a nuclear dance-off.

Kunning Druegger says:

In terms of the RF v. the GAE, I agree that Putin could gain a ton of status and momentum by demonstrating the incompetence and incapacity rife in the forces of the Empire of Lies. As it pertains to the not-war in Ukraine, I think moving to nuclear now would be a massive signal of weakness.

Let’s dispense with the MSM bullshit and normie perspective. The UKR is in an existential fight for its life, and it would have collapsed without massive foreign support. Zelensky is in so deep that, if the RF pulled out tomorrow and handed the 4 breakaways to Kiev, the country is still on the fast track to non-existence. Russia has only really lost in terms of its status as the big scary bogeyman of the East. Their casualties are miniscule, their weapons systems are excellent (both sides are relying on them), their military is fully intact (the lion’s share of the fighting is being done by Wagner, Volunteers, and the Militias), and they have been forcibly spared from being trapped in the web of GAE NGOs, charities, and woke corporations. The RF is nowhere near the place wherein its only option is to escalate to nuclear devices. For Manwe’s sake, they aren’t even technically “at war” with Ukraine, as neither side has declared war.

If Putin uses a nuclear device in or near Ukraine, the GAE has the Cassus Belli they have been earnestly seeking since February 2022 to initiate an unholy crusade against the last bastion of free whites (and friends lol, suck it Basil you relentless faggot). Russia’s original position was that the local issue of Ukraine was the pathway *towards* an existential crisis for the motherland. NATO taking over the Balts did not end the Russian Federation. Ukraine was declared a red line, and when their entreaties for dialogue were rebuffed, they escalated to the SMO. Now they are escalating to a counter terror operation. If the GAE war faction is desperately seeking escalation to nuclear, that should be the absolute last thing the RF leadership does. OpEds and tweets are no good reason to let the GAE call the tune. While the US can be brought to its knees by a handful of trannies, suicides, and 5000 war dead over 20 years, I don’t think the same can be said for Russia. They lost far more in Chechnya. Yes, their tactics need refinement, but are we really suggesting that the cause in Ukraine is so lost that the only viable solution is to nuke the Hohol trannies? Is that really the only way the motherfucking Russian Federation can deal with a coalition of the wanton fighting with HIMRS and Hiluxes?

S says:

Putin probably thinks the same thing Jim does- NATO forces are participating in UKR operations. Respond to military relevant escalation with military relevant escalation- send more and they get the bomb.

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

“As it pertains to the not-war in Ukraine, I think moving to nuclear now would be a massive signal of weakness [LOL]… If Putin uses a nuclear device in or near Ukraine…

A Russian nuclear test doesn’t need to be “in Ukraine” or “near Ukraine,” dummy. It’s a test. The US nuclear test can happen on a test site in Nevada.

Now if the US is unable to test its nuke on livestream, its power is over.

Kunning Druegger says:

I will make my position more clear.

The nuclear test concept is a good one; it would force the GAE to display its incompetence.

A nuclear device detonation that is geographically connected to Ukraine, or strategically linked *closely* to the SMO/CTO is a bad one. It says we are out of options, our military is on the ropes, and we feel threatened. That’s why I wrote it the way I did.

> Now if the US is unable to test its nuke on livestream, its power is over.

You said the same thing about the fall of Kabul. I am willing to say you may be right in the broad expanse of history, as in, future historians will use the event as a marker for the downfall of US military hegemony. In the immediate term, you were wrong. I base this on the fact that Europe continues to track blindly with the State Department, and the Kremlin and Beijing continue to translate all official documents, speeches, and releases into English. The world continues to act as if the US military is dominant, even if it is no longer the case.

The nuclear test concept would work, but I don’t think it will happen right away. There are other ways to achieve the same outcome. Best Korea just launched a “test” over Hokkaido, and SKorea and the US responded by sending 4 “test” missiles into the ocean. One of the SKorea shots failed and crashed. This is an interesting development. The Best Korea shot was the furthest they’ve ever flown, and it has shocked the GAE military establishment deeply, which is why they responded in kind. If the GAE were fully confident in themselves, they would have had the sheboon press secretary mention it in passing the next day with some dismissive remark. Instead, they responded in kind. When 1 of the 4 failed, then it started to go towards the memory hole.

The Korea missile incident proves your hypothesis, Starman. Further, it demonstrates that you are not just tossing out a random idea, you are thinking on a wavelength that is similar to the most ardent adversaries of the GAE.

Additionally, Iran’s drones are making a big impact (lol) in the Ukraine. They are performing well, and many second and third rate powers are taking note. Jim asserts that Turkey is on the forefront of that sector, but that never sat well with me, as I have come to believe the Turkroach is long on talk and short on walk in most cases. Ngorno-Karbkh is a point in their favor, but beating up on Armenia is not some monumental task.

There are a significant number of categories wherein the GAE can be showed to be incapable and far below expectation. Missiles, maritime maneuver, drone tech, force readiness, and disposition and morale of units spring to mind easily, but I bet there’s more.

You are a warrior. I am a priest. We will never see eye to eye, but I think demonstrating courtesy and supporting each other is a good act to follow, even if it is only an act. Aidan made an interesting observation:

> We should act like a nascent elite here.

I agree with him. It may feel hyperbolic or LARPy, but it very well could be something that can be ported elsewhere. There was a trend on Dissident Twitter where the group leaders, the guys with larger followings, refer to their followers as “Kings.” Initially, I thought it was a funny poke at the kangz bullshit jizzed out by Negro Twatter. But I noticed that over time, it seemed to elevate the discussion and set a very positive tone, a stance that they, and by extension we, are better than our opposition.

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

[[Quoting me]Now if the US is unable to test its nuke on livestream, its power is over.

You said the same thing about the fall of Kabul… …The world continues to act as if the US military is dominant [ignores that Russia initiated its Ukraine invasion just 6 months after Kabul], even if it is no longer the case. [The rest of the ridiculous wall-of-text snipped]

The fall of Kabul meant the beginning of the fall of the Globalist American Empire, exposing its weakness, just like previous empires before it. I didn’t say it was the total end of GAE, retard.

Say, what would you think China and Russia would act after they see a few GAE nuclear tests fail on livestream?

Kunning Druegger says:

I think they would push up the timeline they initiated when America elected a “black” president, the same way they pushed it up when it looked like a woman was going to be the follow on act. They amended the timeline when Trump came in, though in different ways as his policies were varied regarding each, and then resumed with the rise of Biden, accelerating it with each successive “master stroke” the dotard performed.

I think your instincts are that of an officer, and your actions are that of an enlisted. I see nothing wrong with this. I think you are too hasty, but I am a known nervous nellie, so you may be right that the Showdown would be the next best step. I think the time is not yet ripe; I think the GAE military needs a longer string of smaller failures before the Big One.

As I said before, you are a warrior. You’ll have to answer to God for carrying a sword for the Sodomite Empire (I’m sure he has some kind of minority/camp follower allowance lol), but a warrior you remain. As such, you have a constrained perspective, seeing only tactical. I am a priest, so I am constrained by the socio-strategic (though I play at armchair generalship, with all of the expected embarrassing moments lol). We are never going to see the same thing the same way. Your tendency to lash out is a failing of your caste; you need the guidance of a priest, a better priest than I, to smack you on the snout and tell you not to nip at your pack mates.

You seem like a blockhead to me, which is precisely what a self-centered, narrow minded priest would say, which is why I require a warrior, a better warrior than you, to box my ears and tell me to leave the guard dog alone if I don’t want to get bit.

Me use big funny word, take time long say small thing. You no like. You not stop me. Find sand, then punch.

Silliness aside, I genuinely think your Nuclear Test-off would be a masterstroke. I just don’t think we’re there yet.

Kunning Druegger says:

Forgot to include:

“South Korea, U.S. conduct missile drill in response to North Korea missile test”

Sher Singh says:

What Jim fails to understand – is some of us may not have an inferiority complex. We may understand that our religion’s are fine – GAE is the problem.

The solution to GAE – directly, is white genocide.

Beyond memes, we don’t need to subject ourselves to critique by a Christian ‘priest’. Cow slaughter is banned by the Gurus, we don’t care about ancient interpretations. Furthermore, we also know we hold MORE power than you in your own homelands.

Like you said – it doesn’t matter that Hindus destroyed themselves in civil wars before Christians conquered. Likewise, it doesn’t matter that Whites had 2 world wars and 3 centuries of Jewish infestation. Victory is Victory,

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah. Jai Sri Krishna Jai Sri Ram HAR HAR MAHADEV


Fidelis says:

You are like a small yipping dog. No one here takes you as anything but a fool, your boasts are the obnoxious bark of a neutered chihuahua. Go run and hide inside your mother’s purse before someone steps on you.

Sher Singh says:

You’re literally white in a world where even the Niggers laugh.
We seat white converts beside untouchables & away from those of the 4 Castes.

That is the primordial reality of the Khalsa – ChakraVartain. Jim is a fake priest,
Gather round him – every second you spend here, non-whites invade your land.


Kunning Druegger says:

I respect Modi for one reason only: the aged manlet refuses to wear a tie. You post quite a lot, which probably means you are sitting at a computer for extended periods. That computer, the desk it sits on, the people you serve, the products you interact with, the energy underpinning the whole web, all of this flows from and back to the West.

This is not good or healthy. We have been terrible masters to you browns, and I genuinely regret every ounce of silly, stupid “reason” our elites shit all over you guys. You were happy, trapped in your flood plains, trading shiny rocks, poking each other with ancient metal you could no longer forge. You were satisfied, believing your world was The World. You actually found brown women attractive (this is our greatest crime: we showed you white women, and you will never recover from this, because you see now what ugliness passes for beauty in the jungle, and your females will be forever encumbered by whitening creams, tangle straighteners, and every other manner of “pale-ification”).

You guys were fine the way you were, and we decided to bring the “light” of western civilization to you. This was wrong, cruel, and unfair, to you guys (because you were happy in the dirt), and to us (because we aren’t allowed to manage the herd of browns as a good overlord should). A note on that last point, and stay with me, this will require you attempting to take up the White Gaze:

One of the most powerful tactics Cathedralites use to ensnare young whites in school with the guilt & shame perspective is pointing out how old the Other Societies are, how vast their history is, how many people of which they are composed. They do this to make Occidental (which means white, as everyone in their heart knows) youth feel unworthy of overlordship, unworthy of their inheritance. It worked very well on any generation raised to respect old things and rare things. I definitely fell for it, and many, many of my cohort still labor under this delusion. It took me a long time to realize the lie underneath it all: either whites are magic, actually a master race and able to do and create things no other races can, or the rest of the races are just lazy and naturally limited. You so-called great civilizations had millennia to figure out wheels, boats, chemistry, astronomy, maths, and the gift of constrained fire, all of the constituent parts of high-powered societies with the stars as their birthright. And to your collective credit, you did stumble into many of these things. But like children raised in the shadow of a volcano, you considered the secret powers spewed from the earth as play things, baubles for your pleasure, and nothing more. You, the Rivers people, the Middle Kingdom, the Stone dwellers of the Andes, the whole lot of you had every opportunity to give up your clay gods, forge empires, and sail outward. But you didn’t. We all like to point and laugh at the African’s failure to discover boats, wheels, and reading (but the drums are so quaint!), but every brown, black, and yellow of substance in this world wears a necktie and coat in the Western style, like children dressing in their parents clothes.

I don’t begrudge you your angst. You’ve been poisoned by mental frameworks your meat hardware can’t run properly, like a massive digital signal being displayed on a cathode ray tube monitor. I know it is my ancestor’s fault. They saw the shapes of your hands and hearts and esteemed you equal, then imbued you with the blessings and curses of highly organized, monotheistic society, and expected you to grow properly. Only the worst tropical plants can survive in temperate climates, the hardiest and vilest weeds. The jungle fruits and flowers are constrained to where they belong, and sometimes the greenhouse. You are Kudzu, Sher Singh. I will never blame Kudzu for doing what it does naturally. But you also can’t pretend that you are a crop or flower, just because you’ve overwhelmed the natives in an unnatural range to which you were transported by shortsighted men who esteemed you as so much more than what you actually were.

ArkyShrugger says:

That’ll leave a mark/dot.

Redbible says:

Your are neither Sikh nor Hindu. You are a shill who is here to attempt to get the Christians here to start fighting with Hindus (and Sikhs). You attempt to push the payload that Hindus and Sikhs with seek to genocide all Christians, and that nothing can stop that.

You are far more likely to be a muslim, who is afraid that Old type Christians and Old type Hindus might form an alliance on this blog space. If that happens, they will likely both agree that since muslims are not agreement capable, that killing all muslims is in order.

Maybe you a nigger that know that in a world of natural order, you’ll be at the bottom of the peaking order. Maybe you are a shill that works for and supports the GAE, which is why you make sure to screech about “how much” you “hate” the GAE.

That said, you seem to only be touching and talking about parts of Sikhism and Hinduism that our gracious lords from the GAE (peace be upon them) would not disapprove of. if you want to prove you are a Sikh/Hindu, share with us things in Sikhism/Hinduism, that you believe in, that the GAE would disapprove of someone saying or thinking. In short, commit a thought-crime that involves Sikhism or Hinduism.

Of course I already know that you won’t commit any thought crimes against you masters, you lying piece of shill.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think he really is a Sikh, based on how he responded to some of my accusations. He knows that the Cathedral has his people by the balls, and that he does not have the balls to challenge them directly. He brings up an inferiority complex because it struck home. Just like how he went off when I called him a fake warrior. He knows, at some level, that he is a bad, unworthy Sikh, because he has a cowards craven heart. Instead of fighting his real enemy, who will crush him if given a chance, he comes here to show how big and tough he is. All his self-loathing at his failure to uphold his own values gets thrown at us.

He is the Sikh version of the guys who blame the Jews for everything, because taking responsibility for the failures of European civilization is too painful. He is pushing white genocide because then he can blame all his problems on us instead of dealing with the very real problems his people have.

Aryaman says:

I rather doubt it. Having pride in your patrimony precludes a wrathful inferiority complex and declaring holy war on strangers is just silly. Normal people do not do that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He does not have pride in his patrimony, because his patrimony is resistance and war and he is doing neither. His patrimony stands in judgement of him, and he can feel their disappointment and disapproval. Declaring a holy war he will never have to fight is his coward’s way of trying to be worthy, but it is not working. He could put this energy in opposing GAE influence over India, but that would be too dangerous. So here he sits and rages, full of sound and fury.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not see him spreading any discord between us. I am not going to fight with you over some empty bravado from someone who is clearly less intelligent than you and outside your norms. For all his insults and blasphemy, I do not assign blame to Hinduism. That is all on him.

Also, whether we come to an eventual accord or not, I fully intend on putting an end to the Mohammed Problem. That is something that needs to happen regardless. Those who will convert will be spared, and those who do not will be exterminated. The Peace of Westphalia cannot coexist with Islam.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

All of our criticism of Hinduism here, ultimately, is descriptive, perhaps even prescriptive in certain respects, but not instructive. You do not need to make any of the adaptations that Jim and the rest of us point out, but there is as much risk in not changing enough as in changing too much. If you do not solve the problems that led to India being a conquered, fractured backwater, then those problems will come back with a vengeance when Europeans pull back to start solving our own problems.

It is going to take time to sort out America and Europe and start purging our xenos. If you have not solved your problems by the time we are ready to start expanding again, then you will be faced with another Aryan invasion. This time, however, there will not be any ancestral gods with which to merge, and the state church is going to have a pretty harsh view of opposing religions.

This is not a threat, it is just a fact of nature. The same forces that pushed Aryas’ sons to expand will push mine, too. A united rival civilization is liable to survive, but a divided one will fall the same way the Indus Valley civilization did. You have to fix it, either with our solutions or with others you find or invent. If you do not, then the cold, uncaring nature of the world will doom you.

Sher Singh says:

Let me show what place you hold in the world:

The most ancient account of Christianity is that Mary is a whore.
Had we taken your lands – you’d be Dhimmis. Now your descendants are blacks transsexuals. :shrug:

Out of politeness & concern for our own dignity – we don’t laugh too hard.
Don’t ever mistake the Sun’s merciful rays as anything but fire.

Khalsa is SuryaVansh.


Sher Singh says:



Wulfgar Thundercock III says:


Sher Singh says:

Sweden is presently in deep moral throes after the Svea Hovsrätt, the Swedish Court of Appeal, acquitted six teenagers who had been earlier convicted in a lower court for abducting and gang-raping a 15-year old Swedish girl.

Sher Singh says:

Anyway, here are my thoughts on the Aryan Invasion theory (as German Cuck Fetish)

The logical conclusion of us being the last remaining Aryan Pagans is your women belong to us.

We can become white in a generation, you can neither restore your foreskin nor your pedigree – American.


Oog en Hand says:

“The logical conclusion of us being the last remaining Aryan Pagans is your women belong to us”

Good point. Haplotype r1a. You have better chances than the Christians, but not as good as the Muslims.

Adam says:

You just looking for some attention? Daddy issues? Forgive your father, he was tested and he failed.

Adam says:

*should have been nested under the first comment

Aidan says:

As a first instinct, I wanted to post that we would put all of your “singh” to the sword, grind the punjab into dust with a volley of thermonuclear artillery thicker than the rains, and press your “kaur” into service as cattle in human dairy farms after looting what paltry little you have to steal, but I am a Christian, and God commands me to attempt to make peace before employing such measures, and I suspect your leaders will crap their ceremonial panties and make peace if even a whiff of that eventuality reaches their noses.

And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It is not terribly helpful to threaten massive retaliation over one retard. What would be the point? It enhances his importance, that his pathetic rants could justify such a response. It unfairly lumps Hindu reaction in with him, too. Yes, we can scour the earth, and take everything he has. Given that, is everything he has even worth the effort and the implied insult to our Hindu colleagues? For one transwarrior that can do nothing but shout and boast of hollow achievements and empty threats? What better way to show our superiority than to ignore his threats, because even if he had the capacity to try to follow through on them, then we can turn a baleful eye to him and scour him from existence?

Kunning Druegger says:

I share Aidan’s sentiment, though not in some global sense (however justified it may be – there is never 1 roach or 1 rat; if you see one, assume at least 10 others nearby), rather look at what his campaign over the space of a week has done. The Dharmabros have pointed out, honestly and accurately, that they get attacked by shills when they post with any kind of elevated frequency. This observation was accepted and internalized by the Occidental faction here, and conduct was changed. The resentment here, for me, is that the transwarrior continues to post and it is Occidentals combatting him. This isn’t our mess to clean up, it is for the Dharmabros to deal with. Xir belongs to them, so they should take the necessary steps. It is beginning to feel like they either tacitly agree with him, or are indifferent. Yes, they have responded in rebuttal, but they must continue to do so, on every single post. Annoying, but there you are. We do the same for them whenever someone improperly invokes the streetshit meme. We police our own. Are they not to be held to the same standard?

Whatever the case, Sher Suck provides nothing of value. His curry flavored shit is no different from normie twitter. He should be hellbanned for noise generation alone. He has derailed this post for days now.

Aryaman says:

I think he is a clown and a menace but I’m not the proprietor here. Whatever I say would be perfunctory, just further littering the comments. His goal is to stir things up and make things illegible, not persuade. And the more that is said about him, more that his words are agonized over, the more he gets of what he wanted.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fair point, but “masking” is an effective tactic used by many sides. It is impossible to make a comment about jews on the public internet without someone showing up to remind everyone of the 6 gorrillian, or the only democracy in the middle east, or any other baseless meme. Jim has said this is a tactic to create a false perception of the weight of a given set of opinions. I agree, but it is also a signal to both allies and adversaries: “we see what’s going on.” And it works. That’s what I was trying to relate, and I didn’t succeed.

Aidan’s refinement is dead on as well. There should be consequences for saying such things, and it is good and proper to be the consequences we wish to see.

Dharmicreality says:

It is difficult for me to follow each and every conversation here. I post here less frequently that I did.

Besides it is really up to Jim to censor disruptive commenters as he sees fit.

someDude says:

if you read past comments in response to Her Singh, I’ve already told him not to exaggerate and stated that, that kind of behaviour in an India ruled by a Dharmic-Sikh monarch will just get him an interview with the chief of internal security over Tea. I got called cucks for my efforts both on this blog and on DRs (though that was over the Dalit question). Ultimately it’s up to Jim to censor him.

In general, all Dharmics in India have reverence for the Sikh Gurus and gratitude towards the ancestors of modern day Sikhs for all the sacrifices they have made in fighting Muslims. So I can’t get myself to insult a Sikh even in retaliation even if one of them insults me calling me a cuck. Historical baggage which you do not share, obviously. All I can do is politely ask him to not pick fights, not insult Christians and Christianity on this blog and make his point politely.

The Cominator says:

Not sure this guy is a Sikh though, I myself tend to have a positive view of Sikhs in general but this guy crashed the party here so he could grab the mike call everyone at the party gay and then shit on the floor…

He should be treated like a mad dog.

FrankNorman says:

There are some “tells” in his ranting that lead me to suspect that he is not a Sikh at all, but something else entirely.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Whatever he is, he takes his warrior status as paramount. I attacked him from several directions and it was not until I called him a fake warrior that he really reacted. That means that being a warrior is core to his identity. There are not that many groups where that is so, and he does not sound like a brovet imitating a Sikh. I think he is genuine, even if he is a bad representation of an otherwise decent people.

Aidan says:

I don’t care a whit about the empty threats and insecure posturing, but my ancestors would have butchered him for calling God a fag, and without that attitude, we will never get anywhere. In real life, if an insignificant subhuman can call God a fag and get away with it, it raises his status. We should act like a nascent elite here. If a diplomat of the Punjab called Christ a bugger, citing our internal enemies to do it no less, it would be right and proper to threaten him with nuclear hellfire and the rape and enslavement of his women.

Neofugue says:

Singh is just a nastier and dumber version of Suones, an even more filthy street-shitter. However, at least Suones would write quality posts on occasion.

I sincerely hope Jim is just busy and cannot moderate the comments section at this moment, but this is not acceptable. He needs to be put in the gutter with Miserius.

Threatening him with nuclear hellfire, however, is not the right approach. Capturing him and converting his extended family to Christianity, forcing him to watch them eat big juicy steaks in the process, is the best response. God gave us the cow to be eaten, and him watching his kids eating a delicious burger after saying the Lord’s prayer will torment him far more than killing him in an instant and painless nuclear hellfire.

clovis says:

I agree with the papist about this. Heresy can be punished with banishment, but blasphemy deserves death.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

And if he were a diplomat we would burn him at the stake, then send his head back to the Punjab with a reminder that the West will burn them all like him if they want a fight. But he is not a diplomat, he is just a troll. He came to sow discord, so let us not make his job easier.

Dharmicreality says:

Sher is taking all the focus away from immediate pressing concerns and how to deal with our near and present enemies. And he is raising topics that are bound to create disruption on an orthodox Christian forum.

I am as helpless in channelizing the debate as any of you.

It really is up to jim to take a call on moderation.

ten says:

Fucking permaban him already. Every day i check the comments and see the clownshow continue i age a month. I will be in a sundown home within the year.

When suones bashes christianity, he has something to say, he is communicative, and once in a while it is valid too. Sher singh is just shitting himself while masturbating in public, it is annoying and gross and adds nothing of value.

Winning says:
jim says:

Baghdad Bob tier self delusion.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Which no one is buying. Top reply is, “How can I short this tweet?” Top kek.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a way more concerning, and fascinating, tweet:

someDude says:

Taken down. These guys are fast.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am no hacker, but you would not believe how challenging it was to craft this:

Very curious. Jim, be on guard, and if this link brings you heat, I sincerely apologize.

jim says:

This site is more heat resistant than most. The only reason I censor feds promoting violence and terrorism is that the violence and terrorism that they propose is a really bad idea and exactly what they want us to do.

But Saint Anders Behring Breivik engaged in something that, though superficially similar, was fundamentally different from what the feds are trying to get us to do.

Not that I would suggest similar measures against those listed, or the frequent gatherings of those similar to those listed.

The time for information epoch warfare is not yet.

Kunning Druegger says:

That tweet lasted 4 hours. It is now completely sanitized. The cunt’s uncle runs the Wayback Machine. That fact alone clarifies so many open ended questions I had for the last 3 years.

Norther VA


Los Angeles

3 nukes, and the US gets a clean restart. Alternatively, they could just bomb Burning Man lol.

Neofugue says:

> 3 nukes, and the US gets a clean restart.

Need at least 800 nukes followed by ground support to kill the survivors.

None of the elites mentioned in the Twitter thread live in the major cities, and since Covid most almost never commute to the cities for work. Killing them means targeting their neighborhoods one by one, wiping each target one by one. Also we must take into consideration forests, hills, and valleys.

I live among them, so of course I know which neighborhoods to strike and which to avoid. Nuking Manhattan would kill quite a few of the enemy and many proles, but strategic nuclear destruction of elite neighborhoods will be necessary to wipe out the enemy completely.

If nuclear war happens, and Putin decides to target the American elite rather than population centers, I will likely end up dead. If Putin is a moron and goes for civilian casualties over strategic destruction, then I will most likely survive, but then so too will our enemy.

i says:


Why not pray for an Angel of Death like in the Book of Exodus?

Unlike Missiles. Angels are active agents that are capable of killing everyone not possessing the seal of God.

Kunning Druegger says:

Disagree. I actually built a map, but obviously I didn’t save it and would not share it even if I did. There is Dumb Decapitation (take out the figure heads and symbolic leadership edifice and leave the distributed bureaucracy in place) and Smart Decapitation ( leave the figureheads and edifice in place and take out the control nodes of the distributed bureaucracy and their main info hubs). The first one would massively empower the clerical oligarchy and free them from the pretense of normalcy. The second one would put the figureheads in actual power, which would quickly lead to regional elite revolt.

Neither method would require the cold war style carpet bombings. The ethos behind that method was the idea that, shorn of their leadership, the Americans or Russians would continue to fight to the last man. Maybe this would be the case for Russians, though I doubt it as the Good Times have been so widespread I think there are mostly weak men everywhere, but it is decidedly not the case in America. Indeed, this may tempt the Russians into doing a Dumb Decapitation as a first strike, assuming that the populace would rise up in opposition to the status quo.

While the current elite seems unified behind the Woke faction, I very much doubt they are all true believers. You assert that you are close to them, so you would have a better perspective, but I just don’t see the current crop of elites suddenly becoming impassioned and loyal and steadfast overnight. I think they would fight harder for a vestige of normalcy than for the nation or even the idea of a nation.

Fidelis says:

We need our own uncompromised network capable of organizing only nonviolent acts of internet harmony and record keeping. I disagree with Jim, information epoch war began when ISIS recruited volunteers from facebook. It only accelerates from here.

Kunning Druegger says:

I agree with both of your assertions.

hottap says:

John Bolton states that US maximum escalation position is to assassinate Putin, cites Soleimani.

Looks like USG is thinking like Jim. Not convinced the US can assassinate Putin though.

Kunning Drueger says:

Bolton is not talking about IEW, he is sputtering about Boomer fantasies of American technological hyper-dominance. Soleimani was pulled off in a country with massive amounts of assets and operators operating under an ISR net that’s been in place for over a decade. To assassinate Putin would be a wholly different operation, as in a lone wolf suicide assassin, a deep cover sleeper, or an ICBM.

I’m not claiming special knowledge or expertise, but I just don’t see how they could repeat the operation. It would be the same level of lunacy if Bolton had said we could beat Russia in a conventional war and referenced Guadalcanal. It’s an Apples to Aardvarks comparison.

Red says:

Killing Putin would result in a hardliner being installed and nuclear weapons used in retaliation. The retaliation would be massive.

hottap says:

What Bolton is saying is that the US will not try to assassinate “legitimate” government officials, because US officials do not themselves want to be targets of such assassination attempts.

He is saying that Putin’s use of nuclear weapons would make him an “illegitimate” official, and therefore a possible target for assassination.

That is probably what Bolton and the USG have in mind, but once the escalation begins, is unlikely to be stopped by such niceties.

Red says:

That’s so detached from reality in a drinking their own coolaid sort of way. If John Bolton is representative of the sort people running the US security state then nuclear war is going to happen.

restitutor_orbis says:

Yesterday evening I stumbled on something that was new to me. It was in an area I had always dismissed as just wishful thinking. But now I’m curious if you guys already know about it, and if so, what you make of it.

1) The Pashtun claim to be one of the Lost Tribes of Israel, there is historical evidence for this claim, and it is accepted as plausible by both European and Jewish anthropologists.

OK, that’s neat. Except…

2) The Pashtun are genetically similar to Iranians, that is, Indo-Europeans, and speak an Indo-European derived language.

The combination of these claims has left people puzzled. For instance, “Are the Pashtuns Aryans, or are they a lost tribe of Israel?” Either or.

The obvious but unthinkable conclusion is that they are a lost tribe of Israel, AND they are Aryan, BECAUSE the original tribes of Israel were Aryan. I know the Indo-European ancestry of the ancient Israelites has been asserted before (by Christian Identity, etc.) but I had always dismissed it. None of their sites had ever pointed out that the Pashtun as evidence for this.

I was so thrown off that I decided to look up exactly when the Assyrians scattered the tribes, and saw that it was allegedly 722 BC. But… that tracks with the first archeological evidence of the Celts: “The oldest archaeological evidence of the Celts comes from Hallstatt, Austria, near Salzburg. Excavated graves of chieftains there, dating from about 700 BCE, exhibit an Iron Age culture (one of the first in Europe).” (Encyclopedia Britannica)

That led me down the rabbit hole of investigating Celtic and Israeli ties, with links to the Tribe of Dan, Danes, Danube, Don, Macedonians, and more.

So… have I just made myself bonkers from a poison red pill, or is there something to the idea that the real Israelites were Indo-Europeans?

Your Uncle Bob says:

That’s a rabbit hole I’ve been aware of and never dove down myself. Some form of the argument might well be true, but I’d have to dig into too much in too many fields to have an informed opinion.

I do think there’s something to the theory of modern jews being descended in part from converted Khazars rather than being fully descendants of Biblical jews. What semitic ancestry they do have seems to be male mediated through Italy first before the rest of Europe, apparently merchants and slave traders taking local wives and concubines.

Meanwhile Christians and jews alike overstate the monolithic nature of 0 AD judaism. The Pharisees and Saducees mentioned in the New Testament were major factions, the Essenes were already going strong, Nazarenes were a distinct group among others. Judaism as we know it today is descended mainly from the Phariseeic tradition but was codified in its modern form centuries later, while Christianity itself, before it broke out to the gentiles, was more grounded in existing judaism than anyone now gives it credit for.

All of which is to say there’s definitely room for there to be more going on with the 12 tribes of Israel than just “today’s jews are the 12 tribes,” in fact there almost has to be more going on that that, I just don’t know exactly what.

Hottap says:

The existing Jews claim to be descendants of Judah and Levi only, that is not controversial.

Biblical criticism has shown that the Judahites/Levites founded a new religion in the Hellenic age by writing Deuteronomy. This itself was not contemporary (Talmudic) Judaism which dates to Late Antiquity or the Early Medieval period.

Whether the non-Deuteronomic books and stories are older, very likely they are. The Hebrew of the oldest Old Testament books shows the signs of being the language of an already saturated urban, cosmopolitan culture. That itself may not have been the original language of some or all of these stories.

Ultimately yes, it is a poison pill. It is an attempt to induce non-Jews to accept the Judahite/Levite frame that they are the world’s greatest people and deserving of world domination, with the flattery that you too are part of the group (but not really!).

jim says:

> The Hebrew of the oldest Old Testament books shows the signs of being the language of an already saturated urban, cosmopolitan culture.

Egypt was an urban, cosmopolitan culture. Book of Ruth is not a story about an urban cosmopolitan culture.

The Hebrews gained literacy and became priests and bureaucrats in Egypt. Alone among the peoples that overran Bronze Age civilization, they had a literate priestly elite.

So we would expect the very oldest books to be written in the language of literate, urban, cosmopolitan people, assuming they started writing stuff down as soon as they became literate.

Mr.P says:

Take a look at the first three chapters of The Controversy of Zion, by Douglas Reed. He covers in detail the difference between the Judahites and Israelites.

restitutor_orbis says:

thank you, I will!

JustAnotherGuy says:

Pro-Azov Propaganda in the works, I expect feds posing as nazis or as others mentioned the ‘patriot front’ to encourage people to sign up for fed military operations. Unfortunate that there’s still a sane part of the USG that recognizes you need masculine nationalists to fight wars while still being insane enough to have every other part of the rot kept as it is.

Kunning Druegger says:

I read it somewhere a while back, but haven’t seen it since, and I have stated it as well since then, but I think there’s a high degree of likelihood that there will be neo-nazi terrorist actions in Europe and the US spawned by the GAE operations in Ukraine. It could be angry Ukrainians biting the hand that feeds or antifa-style thralls or both, but there are just too many radicalized men and portable weapons in the wild for it to not happen somewhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just the new Top Gun Maverick movie reveals that parts of Red Empire know what the heck is up. In the current year it’s practically Triumph of the Will. Unless you see it yourself you have no idea.

Basil says:

“Russian professors run wild, get on all fours and begin to give out arguments about the “slave mentality” of compatriots, their innate humility, as well as the need for collective guilt for all the crimes of the empire. Some even go so far as to talk about the genetic degradation of Russians. In general, the public with good faces and scientific degrees arranges such dehumanization that no Z-nick ever dreamed of today.

The author sees this as a rejection of ethical universalism and a return to tribal ethics, which decomposes the world into “peoples”, “nations” and “cultures” with a separate “mentality”. As an example, he cites Yugoslavia, where local professors also produced intellectual content on the topic “why it’s good and right to cut your neighbors.” However, this particular example does not converge. After all, the Yugoslav intelligentsia basically supported its own and dehumanized strangers (Serbs-Croats and vice versa), which can really be considered a manifestation of tribalism. But the Russian liberal intelligentsia is doing the opposite – it does not dehumanize its neighbors at all, but those who walk (or walked more recently) along the same streets with them. If the Russian liberal intelligentsia were similar to the Yugoslav one, then it would write treatises on how a Ukrainian differs from a person.

So, the described problem is not a consequence of a rollback to “tribal nationalism”. This is something the opposite – a consequence of our imperial cosmopolitanism and “internal colonization” practices, in which the intelligentsia is used to feeling like outsiders in pith helmets in their own country (with the resulting social racism). The problem is not a lack of moral universalism, but, on the contrary, its excess. The Russian liberal intellectual, in fact, simply has nothing but his moral universalism, which is why he grabs what seems to him to be universal justice (now Ukraine represents it) and begins to ardently support it, without any regard for honor, conscience, mercy and other trifles . Of course, a person who realizes his belonging to the universal good quickly ceases to be embarrassed by those last words with which he curses the evil “orcs”.

In this sense, the closest relative of the Russian liberal intelligentsia is not the Yugoslav professorship at all, but the American professorship. The same white liberal professors who periodically speak out about the need for “white genocide” are at war with white privileges and the like. They are just as crazy about moral universalism and convinced that they are on the side of the oppressed of the whole world. At the same time, they also experience alienation from their own people and are charged with social racism (against the “rednecks”, “trumpists”, etc.). Both American and Russian professors live in their own isolated little world. Only for one it is a closed world of campuses, for the other – living rooms within the Garden Ring.

Speaking even more broadly, it is not in vain that Aristotle divided the virtues into the virtues of character and the virtues of the mind. If the latter can be obtained in the process of learning, then the former can only be brought up in the course of practice. Only the combination of both gives “practical wisdom.” And today we see how the presence of universal humanitarian knowledge, devoid of the practice of moral life in the community, gives rise to cadavers.”

Guy says:

newsflash: professors are gay

Kunning Druegger says:

I bet Kadyrov makes you spitting mad. It is good and natural for holy empires to have vassals. It is good and natural to wage war on deceivers and defilers. Putin is not perfect, and Russia is sick. You are the worst of the potted crabs, Basil. I’d feel sorry for you, except I don’t.

Aidan says:

Who cares. Like an azov skinhead kissing Nancy pelosis rancid cooter in the ancient halls of cringe, you side with the greater evil in hopes that massa GAE throws you a tiny crumb of unprincipled exception for your petty nationalism.

Neofugue says:

Russia is Orthodoxy, without Orthodoxy Russia dies, with Orthodoxy Russia lives.

When a son of Rus loses his faith in Christ, he ceases to have connection with his history, his people, his country, and his purpose. Basil’s decadent pessimism and demonic despondency is indicative of this sickness, which is not limited to him but to “right wing” apostate Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians as a whole. You find it in the writings of the heretic Slavskiy or the shill Karlin.

The rootless and atomized apostate has nothing to latch onto, thus the azov nazi skinhead sides with the prog faggot on a fake nationalism based on a rube dialect.

Russia is and has always been an empire, with the Russian people having lordship over all the various peoples of the steppe. Basil, having rejected God, is rootless and atomized, which is why he and his ilk are on the side of the enemy.

jim says:

Yes, Holy Roman Empire died because the Pope wanted Kingdoms, and Emperor and Kings would not wear it.

The faith is Europe, and Europe is the faith. Died of papal heresy.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Before the Faith we were primitive snowniggers.

With the Faith we could command the sun and soar above the skies.

After the Faith are only those people who are doomed to die.

someDude says:

“Before the Faith we were primitive snowniggers”

Are you including the Ancient Greco-Romans in this classification?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, of course not. The Romans had advanced pretty far along and while they had not discovered science, they were getting enough Greek influence that had leftism not killed them, they might have. The Greeks had discovered science and had achieved truly great things that would not be matched for millennia, but were also killed by leftism. No, my ancestors are the various peoples of the British Isles and Scandanavia. They had achieved nearly nothing until the arrival of Roman Christians civilized them.

SomeDude says:

It is very hard for civilization to originate in two kinds of pla

someDude says:

It is very hard for civilization to arise in two sorts of places

1. Places where edible stuff grows all year round and you can just pluck food from the trees. This obviates the need for any sort of planning. Agriculture is not needed

2. Places where the terrain/weather is so harsh that nothing grows most of the time. All human energies are engaged in battling nature. Agriculture is all but impossible

It’s a matter of historical record that civilization almost always arises in the temperate zones where agriculture is both possible and needed. Thats the origin of the settled life, of communities, of cooperation, of planning, of property rights. Civilization in short. It is here that social as well as material tech develops. Indus Valley, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China all happen within these narrow latitudinal zones

So, your ancestors being “snowniggers” as you affectionately call them might be more a function of their geography and climate than their religion.

Once the social tech moves outwards from the origin of civilization, then these areas too start civilizing developing their own social/material tech and maybe even becoming the vanguard of civilization.

Thus, once your ancestors got hold of the social/material tech of the Romans, they could then overcome the disadvantage of terrain and climate which might even become their great advantage as they are harder men. So your ancestors might have become world conquerors even without Christian monotheism.

I readily concede that monotheism has a military advantage of polytheism. But not that it has a civilizational one.

DavyCrockett says:

“I readily concede that monotheism has a military advantage of polytheism. But not that it has a civilizational one.”

Well if you don’t concede it it’s complete, pure and obvious cope, or merely obliviousness. The evidence is everywhere and overwhelming that it has a civilizational one.

Milosevic says:

I have a soft spot for our resident Hindus, but their overwhelming tendency to cope in the face of obvious reality is just going to guarantee their continual civilisational failure.

someDude says:

@DavyCrockett @Milosevic

Ancient Greece and Rome did and modern Japan does have a polytheistic religion

jim says:

I deleted this comment, because you repeated it at length subsequently, so I assumed you would prefer it deleted.

This deletion caused chaos. Upon restoring it the chaos was cured.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Agriculture was possible in England, and herding was possible in both Briton and Scandanavia. There were the seeds(pun unintended) of civilization, they just never bothered to plant them. The social technology was not being developed, so the scientific technology could not be. Rome did not bring science. Rome brought the social technologies that would eventually allow us to develop science. Nothing was stopping the Britons from acting like civilized men but their savage demon worship and general barbarity. Themselves, in other words.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Furthermore, it is not as if they were completely unskilled. Viking shipwrights made very advanced craft, and their metalworking was fairly good. The British people had erected Stonehenge, which required some pretty solid understanding of astronomy and quite a lot of cooperation to bring the stones to one place. They were not without accomplishments, but they were nothing compared to the English, Swedish, or Danes of the 1700s.

S says:

The Britons aren’t the English. The English are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons who invaded after the Romans pulled out of England.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The Britons largely are modern day English. There was not as much genetic admixture from the Anglo-Saxons as was thought, nor from the Normans. They were an elite, so they had a lot of influence and they did intermarry, but it was not a wholescale replacement.

S says:

Did not know that. Any good summaries? I’m mostly curious how Farewell to Alms fits into this; downward social mobility would make the population more resemble to elite over time, but if that isn’t happening, that implies the conquering elite quickly married into the native population and diluted.

To put it badly, how much is England like China?

jim says:

Official truth does not like total replacement.

It appears that in substantial areas of England there was total replacement. The Saxons failed to take any slave girls and concubines. Absolutely zero Britons remained.

In other parts of England, some Britons survived, resulting in a complicated story that is easy to tell simple lies about.

China absorbed conqueror after conqueror while remaining largely Han. Britain, on the other hand, is insignificantly Briton.

Red says:

Did not know that. Any good summaries? I’m mostly curious how Farewell to Alms fits into this; downward social mobility would make the population more resemble to elite over time, but if that isn’t happening, that implies the conquering elite quickly married into the native population and diluted.

Downward mobility isn’t real. Read the book: And the Son Also Rises. Here’s a blerb on it:

How much of our fate is tied to the status of our parents and grandparents? How much does it influence our children? More than we wish to believe. While it has been argued that rigid class structures have eroded in favor of greater social equality, The Son Also Rises proves that movement on the social ladder has changed little over eight centuries. Using a novel technique―tracking family names over generations to measure social mobility across countries and periods―renowned economic historian Gregory Clark reveals that mobility rates are lower than conventionally estimated, do not vary across societies, and are resistant to social policies.

Clark examines and compares surnames in such diverse cases as modern Sweden and Qing Dynasty China. He demonstrates how fate is determined by ancestry and that almost all societies have similarly low social mobility rates. Challenging popular assumptions about mobility and revealing the deeply entrenched force of inherited advantage, The Son Also Rises is sure to prompt intense debate for years to come.

When the elite produce enough offspring to take up lower positions in the social order, those lower positions tend to become amazingly productive and advanced. But the elites never really go lose their position unless they stop producing offspring.

Red says:

Did not know that. Any good summaries? I’m mostly curious how Farewell to Alms fits into this; downward social mobility would make the population more resemble to elite over time, but if that isn’t happening, that implies the conquering elite quickly married into the native population and diluted.

Downward mobility isn’t real. Read the book: And the Son Also Rises. Here’s a blurb on it:

How much of our fate is tied to the status of our parents and grandparents? How much does it influence our children? More than we wish to believe. While it has been argued that rigid class structures have eroded in favor of greater social equality, The Son Also Rises proves that movement on the social ladder has changed little over eight centuries. Using a novel technique―tracking family names over generations to measure social mobility across countries and periods―renowned economic historian Gregory Clark reveals that mobility rates are lower than conventionally estimated, do not vary across societies, and are resistant to social policies.

Clark examines and compares surnames in such diverse cases as modern Sweden and Qing Dynasty China. He demonstrates how fate is determined by ancestry and that almost all societies have similarly low social mobility rates. Challenging popular assumptions about mobility and revealing the deeply entrenched force of inherited advantage, The Son Also Rises is sure to prompt intense debate for years to come.

When the elite produce enough offspring to take up lower positions in the social order, those lower positions tend to become amazingly productive and advanced. But the elites never really go lose their position unless they stop producing offspring.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I pieced it together from a few different sources over a few years, because I used to think the same thing: Anglo-Saxon conquests totally expunged native Britons, in their migrations. It was genetic tests of people over time that showed that the Briton haplogroup is mostly still there. Anglo-Saxons came in and brought women, but also settled down and intermarried. Normans did a little intermarriage, but did not largely change the population. Danes were apparently so thoroughly wiped out that their contribution to the British gene pool is nonexistent.

Being Anglo-Saxon is like being related to one of the Founding Fathers of America. Yeah, your great^11-grandfather was James Madison. You also have 2^11 – 1 male ancestors that were not James Madison, but no one brings that up. Given a long enough time frame and a geographically isolated population–which England had–eventually everyone ends up “Anglo-Saxon” in that sense.

jim says:

When I checked out the genetic evidence, I saw ample signs of creativity with the data.

Plus, there is the total local placename replacement of small placenames over substantial areas. If anyone survives, local names survive. So over substantial areas, zero Britons.

And the historical record is that the Briton refugees said total replacement, the early saxon historians said total replacement. On the other hand, the Arthur legends look Romano British, and Wales looks Romano British. We have historical records indicating not total replacement everywhere, but substantial evidence of total replacement over much of England.

But if not total, how much? That the genetic evidence shows symptoms of tinkering indicates rather close to total.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jim could very well be correct. I am not a geneticist, so I have to rely on other people’s analysis of genetic evidence. The Cathedral might very well have massaged the data. I do remember a bit about the Danes, and I just looked it up to verify. The purge happened in 1002 and included any descendants of Danes. Basically no genetic remnant on them remains in the English population as a result.

Red says:

Jim could very well be correct. I am not a geneticist, so I have to rely on other people’s analysis of genetic evidence. The Cathedral might very well have massaged the data. I do remember a bit about the Danes, and I just looked it up to verify. The purge happened in 1002 and included any descendants of Danes. Basically no genetic remnant on them remains in the English population as a result.

It was revealed a few years ago that Genetic testing companies used to toss in random African DNA traces so they could stick it to white people. Wokies have been all over DNA testing in order to protect their narratives since the get go.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

My position was based on what I could understand of the genetic evidence. If it was compromised, then it ceases to be evidence I can use.

Place names are not strong evidence in favor of replacement. I grew up in New England, and there are lots of places that have Indian names, but no more Indians. The ethnicity of New York and Boston has changed plenty over the years but the names largely remain the same. Total replacement of place names could just be a new elite setting up shop and using their language.

Lots of medieval historical claims are exaggerated. If Britons are writing histories, how were they supposedly all wiped out? Both sides have an incentive to exaggerate, too. The Britons, to cast their attackers as monsters and rally people against them, and the Saxons, to frighten off the people they are displacing. Plenty of historical records are not so much records as they are propaganda. It would be like reading about the 2022 American economy based on newspapers and coming to the conclusion that there was an economic recovery led by Biden to repair the damage Trump did.

There would have needed to be some extermination just to fit the new people in, but there is enough evidence that some parts of pre-Anglo-Saxon Britons survived that it was not a total replacement.

jim says:

> Place names are not strong evidence in favor of replacement. I grew up in New England, and there are lots of places that have Indian names, but no more Indians. The ethnicity of New York and Boston has changed plenty over the years but the names largely remain the same.

Thus constancy of placenames is weak evidence against replacement. But thorough disappearance of placenames is strong evidence for replacement.

> Lots of medieval historical claims are exaggerated.

The all purpose explanation for politically correct histories yanked out of some academic’s ass is that last month another academic yanked a politically correct history out of his ass, so we are totally justified in ignoring what people who there at the time, writing for an audience many of whom were there at the time, wrote.

How do you know medieval sources are unreliable? Because modern sources say so. How do they know?

It is a glib and easy rationale for rewriting history every year to suit the latest inversion of reality.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

With regards to the African DNA thing, it was an employee talking big on Twitter. Thencompanies were not saying that, just some shitlib with a Twitter account.

With regards to the Briton/Anglo-Saxon conversation, I cannot support my original contention that Briton are largely unchanged. That said, there does not seem to be enough evidence to conclude that the replacement was as total as the invaders claimed. I am sure they would have liked it to be, but no such luck.

jim says:

> That said, there does not seem to be enough evidence to conclude that the replacement was as total as the invaders claimed. I am sure they would have liked it to be, but no such luck.

To ascertain the genetic evidence, you need to have the genes of the angles and saxons, and run a comparison on the rest of England families.

Now since we know that the conquest was very heterogeneous, this should not be hard. Just compare old families from locations where we have good evidence of total replacement, with old families from locations where we do not really know what happened.

And I see them doing intellectual somersaults to not show that data. These guys seriously do not want to know what the genes of the original angles and saxons were. They do not want to know the information that they would need to know to draw the conclusions that they drew.

To measure the extent of replacement, you find some genes in the replacing population that are absent from the invaded population, get the best information you can about the frequency of those genes in the invaders, and measure their frequency in the present day population.

And this just is not what those who say “not major replacement” are doing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I see what you are saying. I was making a logical error in my assumptions. Total replacement of names indicates that total replacement of the people who came up with those names. You can replace without renaming, but you cannot rename without replacement.

The only exception I can think of is the Spanish conquests, but I am still thinking of large names. Major rivers, countries, significant geological formations. You are talking about things like the names of ponds and hills, that are mostly a local phenomenon, correct?

jim says:

Yes, big cities kept their names, but over much of Britain, nothing else.

S says:

I thought that was the definition of downward social mobility? You are lower on the social scale then your parents. Upward mobility is pre-1954 USSR (where party members keep getting executed) or any a society where the elite isn’t reproducing relative to the proles; static is the Indian caste system (yes, I’m aware it isn’t totally static, but it is the best example we have).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I suspect that past reporters are unreliable because I know for a fact that modern reporters are unreliable. I do not think that the character of man has changed that significantly in the time between then and now. Official chronicles suffer from the fact that they must be official history, and official history is inherently reliable. We are not discussing a heavily Christian culture that is dedicated to providing as objective and accurate a history as possible. It was two sorts of propagandists trying to spread their propaganda.

I prefer, for that very reason, to rely on evidence that they would not have or could not have faked. Genetic evidence is the most unfakable kind, because either you reproduced or you did not. Unfortunately, we cannot trust official science with measuring objective qualities. Given their refusal to look into the subject, it is likely that the replacement was considerably more complete than I thought.

jim says:

I suspect that past reporters are unreliable because I know for a fact that modern reporters are unreliable.

Obviously. But there is generally a certain internal consistency in histories written soon after the events, that tends to be lacking in modern histories of these events.

Hard to know what truly happened, but the source closest to the events tends to be the least unreliable.

Rather often, there are seven participants to an important event, and each one has first person eyewitness knowledge, the event becomes famous and has far reaching effects, and some time after the event each person writes a story seriously inconsistent with each of the others, with no apparent reason why any of them should deviate from the truth – none of the stories markedly improving on the role of the writer. Their memories were wrong, or they were not paying attention.

So yes, history is bunk. But history written long after the events is worse bunk.

Red says:

I thought that was the definition of downward social mobility? You are lower on the social scale then your parents.

Second and third Sons generally were not able to achieve the same levels as their fathers in social status. This caused issues that were often resolved by sending such sons off to fight all over the place. But over all elites families never suffered downward social mobility, IE the primary heirs didn’t fall in social status. Thus downward mobility is a myth as long as the elites continued to reproduce.

The situation I was referring too about taking lower status jobs was after the black death where a lot of the lower classes were killed off and those second and third sons moved into what used to be lower class work. Those jobs suddenly become highly productive and very prosperous. Things like craft operations became water powered factories under second and third son elite direction.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Either way, I am not married to the idea because I have no stake in it. Whether they were Britons or Germanic, they conquered the world, and that led to me. It also still supports my point that they had no high civilization or science prior to Christianization by the Romans. The Romans civilized my ancestors, shared their religion, and it led us to the stars.

Luv me Christ, love me soi-ance, ‘ate Moslems. Simple as.

Aidan says:

The small places not having names suggests to me that they were empty. When we came to this country, we kept a lot of the Indian names. We make up places for names when those places are empty. The Romano-Briton population was urbanite and degenerate. Likely, they did not have enough farms and farmers, the Saxons settled the empty and abandoned farms as economic migrants, bred quickly, having a patriarchal culture, and eventually wiped out/enslaved the Briton urbanites, a great number of whom fled to Wales and Cornwall. The Britons wiped themselves out via lack of fertility, and the Saxons did not end up having to kill very many.

jim says:

> The small places not having names suggests to me that they were empty.

Rather, suggests that they were emptied.

Aidan says:

It does not make sense to put good slaves to the sword. If the elite were put to the sword and commoners enslaved, dark age writers describing the people as destroyed would be accurate. Anglo-saxon burials demonstrate that the AS were living in England in close proximity to Britons for centuries before they destroyed the Britons, suggesting that most of the replacement happened gradually.

jim says:

> It does not make sense to put good slaves to the sword. If the elite were put to the sword and commoners enslaved

If you do not have a social order that makes slaves useful rather than dangerous, and such a social order is harder than it sounds, better to put them to the sword to remove the temptation.

If living side by side, Romano British placenames would survive. I don’t interpret Anglo Saxon burials as indicating they were living side by side – rather looks to me like total anglo saxon racial purity. How do you figure the burials show them living side by side?

How are the burials evidence against the evidence that they just killed anyone who did not speak their language on sight?

The Cominator says:

“It appears that in substantial areas of England there was total replacement. The Saxons failed to take any slave girls and concubines. Absolutely zero Britons remained.”

Yes this was my understanding that in Southern England at least the natives were totally driven out or exterminated, the tribes believed that the natives were too inferior and didn’t want slave girls from the inferior celt natives contaminating their blood.

Aidan says:

The Anglo-Saxons had a slave caste, and presumably a workable system for keeping them in line. Later law regarding the fyrd seems to presume a relatively low density of free men versus farmland, suggesting that the slave class was large.

My memory of the evidence may be faulty; the burial records I remember showed that saxons lived apart from Britons, not side-by-side, and Saxon territory slowly expanded, but not in a marching line like conquest, more like water filtering through gaps. My guess is that saxons would show up, put a fence around some empty land and start a farm, and their better fertility ensured low-level conflict and ethnic violence throughout a few generations, until there was a big war in which the Britons pushed the saxons back. Then, some saxons went home to rally their countrymen, and in the next war, that is when they put most of the men to the sword, enslaved the rest, and took their women.

You argue for total genocide. I say that total genocide is rare, especially without severe motive, and it was merely a very large genocide.

Ted says:

Why would the Cathedral care about what happened to Roman-Britons. Why would they care if they were replaced or interbred with Anglo-Saxons? Seems like a bizarre thing for them to be incentivized to muck with.

jim says:

It diminishes the sacredness of the one true and holy genocide.

The Swan says:

Genocide primarily by the sword is probably rare.

The softer forms of genocide are:

1. denying sufficient food

2. denying men the ability to reproduce.

Dispossessing the men from the land can do one or both. Generally speaking, the most effective way to genocide populations is to gradually reduce their food supply below the subsistence level, because it doesn’t force resistance until the victims are too physically weak to fight back.

Denying the men (at least, as a group) the ability to reproduce, though, can be as simple as reducing their status drastically below that of the conquerors, while turning a blind eye to their equally low status women setting themselves up as conquerors’ concubines. Monogamy for me but not for thee.

Red says:

Why would the Cathedral care about what happened to Roman-Britons. Why would they care if they were replaced or interbred with Anglo-Saxons? Seems like a bizarre thing for them to be incentivized to muck with.

They’re like this with all invasions and genocides these days: Actuualy, it was a migration not an invasion! They do this with almost every conquest event now.

someDude says:

Hmmm, a response to this along with replies from Davy Crockett and Milosevic have disappeared.

Kunning Druegger says:

Second time I have noticed this. Silent deletion?

someDude says:

That’s not Jim’s style. Jim Censors openly. Could be an error or oversight. A site like this with all the privacy/secrecy protocols is not easy to maintain.

jim says:

I am unaware of any comments from Davy Crocket, nor any recent comments from Milosevic, so not sure what happened.

Possibly a bungle of unintended side effect of silently censoring our resident transwarrior, whose posts became too numerous to note the censorship of each one.

(He views sowing trouble between reactionary Hindus and reactionary Christians as noble warrior conduct, and if not censored, the flood would drown out everything else.)

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The recent comment bar shows a comment each from SomeDude, Milosevic, and Davy Crockett that are not there. Clicking the comment link just opens this article. They are appended to the post URL as #comment-2852848, #comment-2852849, and #comment-2852850.

alf says:

These should be the missing comments, in chronological order:


It is very hard for civilization to arise in two sorts of places

1. Places where edible stuff grows all year round and you can just pluck food from the trees. This obviates the need for any sort of planning. Agriculture is not needed

2. Places where the terrain/weather is so harsh that nothing grows most of the time. All human energies are engaged in battling nature. Agriculture is all but impossible

It’s a matter of historical record that civilization almost always arises in the temperate zones where agriculture is both possible and needed. Thats the origin of the settled life, of communities, of cooperation, of planning, of property rights. Civilization in short. It is here that social as well as material tech develops. Indus Valley, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China all happen within these narrow latitudinal zones

So, your ancestors being “snowniggers” as you affectionately call them might be more a function of their geography and climate than their religion.

Once the social tech moves outwards from the origin of civilization, then these areas too start civilizing developing their own social/material tech and maybe even becoming the vanguard of civilization.

Thus, once your ancestors got hold of the social/material tech of the Romans, they could then overcome the disadvantage of terrain and climate which might even become their great advantage as they are harder men. So your ancestors might have become world conquerors even without Christian monotheism.

I readily concede that monotheism has a military advantage of polytheism. But not that it has a civilizational one.


“I readily concede that monotheism has a military advantage of polytheism. But not that it has a civilizational one.”

Well if you don’t concede it it’s complete, pure and obvious cope, or merely obliviousness. The evidence is everywhere and overwhelming that it has a civilizational one.


I have a soft spot for our resident Hindus, but their overwhelming tendency to cope in the face of obvious reality is just going to guarantee their continual civilisational failure.


@DavyCrockett @Milosevic

Ancient Greece and Rome did and modern Japan does have a polytheistic religion

jim says:
Badvlad says:

Before we adopted the Jew religion we had the Antikythera and a couple other odds and ends from Greeks, and in Rome steam engines that could open doors then Christ cuckery and 2000 years before steam power rediscovered we might have had iPhone and airplanes by AD 200
Gibbon blames Christianity and it’s female slave nigger worship. He knew a thing or two about the fall. Your argument examined is that since Christ cucks in their desperate search to explain away the absurd irrationality of Christianity dug up and fucked the corpse it had killed of European thought
But you don’t think about what if we had exterminated the cucks instead.

jim says:

We lost that technology about a century before Christ. We did not adopt Christianity till three centuries after Christ.

And the forward march of technology did not resume until around twelve centuries after Christ.

Looking over the broad sweep of history, the conditions that allow technological advance are fragile, unstable, complex, difficult to accomplish, and easy to destroy, but it is absolutely obvious that Christian societies have been the by far the most successful in providing these conditions.

The original Aryans provide a remarkable example of technological advance without cities, literacy, or a merchant class. It is far from clear how this worked.

But the original Aryans were not pagans, nor polytheists, but ancestor worshipers, which is a different kind of religion from regular paganism, since each family has its own gods, and is in actual fact actually descended from those gods.

Badvlad says:


jim says:

You are tying yourself into knots trying to present arguments against our position without saying anything that might reveal what the position is that you are arguing against, without revealing that anyone anywhere ever thought what we think

Your points would be worthy of an answer if you dared reveal the position that you are arguing against.

Anonymous says:

As a practitioner of the Vedic Aryan religion I think Jim’s statement about original Aryan way being ancestor worship and not Pagan polytheism is pure cope.

The Vedic religion right from the beginning has been proudly and luxuriantly Polytheist. The monotheist philosophical abstraction of a supreme Brahman came later.

And every single Aryan civilization has been proudly Polytheist whether the Hindu, Persian, Greek, Roman or Norse.

The ancestors have their place (Pitru paksha Pitru Pooja and so on) and that place is different from that of the Gods.

Here’s an example of the distinction

If you have doubts I suggest you find the Hindu temple or Parsi fire temple closest to you and ask the priest there.

Anonymous says:

Too much focus on the ancestors is generally discouraged because it leads to negativity and pessimism and impairs one s ability to connect with the Gods.

jim says:

> And every single Aryan civilization has been proudly Polytheist whether the Hindu, Persian, Greek, Roman or Norse.

The official urban civilized religion of King and priest has been proudly polytheist, but this was always the center trying to impose unity on a fissiparous collection of families and gens each with their own different ancestral deities of hearth and home.

The precivilized Aryans, the patriarchal nomadic cattle herders, were clearly ancestor worshipers, possibly with a bit of monotheism, because we can see tension between the religion of the city, and the religion of the families and gens (tribes) of the city, a gap very imperfectly bridged and rationalized away.

The aryans would form coalitions, and the priests of a coalition would generate a polytheism from the ancestor worship of the diverse tribes of a coalition.

The horse riding cattle herding aryans that conquered the world were ancestor worshipers. The urban (civilized) aryans that went decadent were polytheists.

Anonymous says:

Jim, the Rigveda is quite clearly the product of horse riding nomadic pastoralists, NOT an urban settled civilization. And it is full of hymns to the Gods, not to ancestors.

You’re right about fissiparous families with their own traditions, and yes they worshipped their ancestors and the Gods of their gens, but that is the case with every Polytheist society. To this day many orthodox Hindu families have their own familial God (Kula Deva). And every clan or caste has a clan or caste God. And every village or town has a local home God (Grama Deva). And these are usually different from the Great Gods like Vishnu Shiva Krishna and so on.

Here’s one overview

The evidence staring us in the face is that the Aryans had many many Gods. Any argument to the contrary seems like a huge reach.

Interestingly, some very orthodox Hindu Brahmins claim that worship of ancestral deities of hearth and home, clan Gods, village Gods and so on is un-Aryan. They say the original Aryan way was fire sacrifices to the Gods mentioned in the Vedas. They say all these other clan and family practices are later day intrusions from indigenous cultures.

jim says:

> The evidence staring us in the face is that the Aryans had many many Gods. Any argument to the contrary seems like a huge reach.

The evidence staring us in the face is that the many gods of each Aryan family were the ancestors of each family, and the gods of groups of families, gens, tribes, etc were the ancestors of that tribe, and were known by those Aryans to have lived as mortals and fathered them.

Gods shared by many many Aryan tribes were very ancient ancestors.

> but that is the case with every Polytheist society

No it is not. There is demon worship and ancestor worship, and you can tell the difference. For a clear and extreme example of demon worship: the Old Gods of Mexico.

> some very orthodox Hindu Brahmins claim that worship of ancestral deities of hearth and home, clan Gods, village Gods and so on is un-Aryan.

Worship of ancestral deities of hearth and home was common to most of the peoples that destroyed urban civilization across the world around 1300-1500 before Christ. So predates the invasion of India that flattened the Indus Valley civilization

They are not “very orthodox”. Like the post Christian shills infesting gab, who loudly and frequently announce that they are more Christian than thou, they are at best wrong and heretical, and at worst demon worshipers, for we have ample evidence that worship of ancestral deities of hearth and home was more ancient, and more strongly felt, in Greece and Rome in their early rise, than the official civic religions of Greece and Rome.

Whenever someone tells you how orthodox he is and how religious he is, he is not orthodox and if he is religious, it is not the religion he is professing.

ten says:

The old reincarnation cult (ancestor worship) whose mythic imagery predates the aryans by tens of thousands of years is the foundation of crystallized polytheism and sort of, of cosmic monotheism

Daemon means ancestral spirit, and those were recognized as eu- and caco-, good and bad demons. If you prefer physicalist models, those can be applied. If you think that you must never seek peace with the danes because they invaded you and slew your ancestors a thousand years ago, that is synonymous with an ancestral cacodaemon whispering misfortune in your ear – you are better off not listening.

Since it is not possible to know beforehand what whispers to listen to, christianity decategorized eudaemon and islam banned necromancy (“the ancestors call out for revenge against the danes” is necromancy. The ancestors are dead and do not call for anything unless necromanced into doing so, and claiming to speak for the ancestors or, aghast, other dead people, is necromancy).

I am rather fond of necromancy and the ancestors, and i fear the early christians threw a baby out with the bathwater, perhaps one that wasn’t missed until much later. Perhaps the immediate anchor to regenerative procreation, without which the structure still held together for a very long time, but eventually left large enough cracks for Nietzsche to hammer into.

Every tribesman fills a function, and his soul expands to excel at the function. When a child comes of age (actually at three points at the 7th, 14th and 21st year, if the child survives the koryos), it is determined through aryan voodoo the shape of his soul, and an ancestor is reincarnated into him. The vessel studies the example of the incarnate and is presented with his grave goods, and so shapes his soul after that of the incarnate.

This is initially, long ago, very personal and close, but over time, there emerges a general “god of craftsmen” and “god of warriors” and “god of kings”, etc, when limits between gens corrode – the shape of the soul of the incarnate is abstracted into a general shape of every soul that performs his social function. Simultaneously the close and personal familial ancestral cult keeps on trucking, and you get the spectrum between hearth and home eudaemons to polytheist higher level deities, and there is absolutely nothing preventing the higher level deities from becoming completely demonic, cacodaemonic, other than the fruit from their trees over sufficiently long periods of time. You can’t run an empire based on sacrificing as many of your subjects to quetzalcoatl as possible for ever.

The cosmogenic celestial gods skyfather, dyaus pitar, zeus, theiwaz come from observing, or perhaps leaping to that faith, that the same regenerative pattern that leads to the procreation of your ancestor spirits is ever present. The skyfather is not one of the human ancestor spirits and is not an eudaemon of a bloodline, but of the universe. I don’t think this is a separate form, but i think the former reincarnation cult comes from looking at the people around you and into yourself, while the cosmic mirror image of the reincarnation cult comes from looking at the sun and the night sky, and into yourself.

The ancient and also not so very ancient aryans did indeed consider their gods ancestors that had lived as mortals, but there were also numerous of them. There was not one Oden. Oden is buried in at least 300 places over the north, yet came from a specific part of Magna Scythia/Anatolia that the vikings remembered and visited, and returned satisfied with having seen Oden’s grave there, and having met their distant Odenic codescendants still in the area, now overrun by arabs and turks. Quite likely that was the first Oden (since the figure is abscent in many branches of paganism), and everyone wanted their kid to be Oden reincarnate, and perhaps immediately or perhaps over a long time Oden was recognized as an incarnate of the Skyfather.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Hey, buddy, how about you take a shill test. You sound like a paid faggot.

Hesiod says:

Fancylad’s comment is straight-up Muh Odin excrement that’s smeared all over Unz’s site. It’s so gay I fear catching the Monkeypox from it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Unz is a self-hating Jew, so it is no surprise that troglodytes like this would gather there to screech and fling shit. What is the difference between people like this and niggers? One is a filthy, treacherous subhuman that has no place in civilized society, and the other is a native of Africa.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What do they have in common? They have to go back.

jim says:

All neopagans are faggots or shills or, usually, both, even though they are seeking to revive a very manly religion.

It is like the difference between the leathers worn by a leatherboy, and the leathers worn by an actual bikie.

I lack a psychological or political model that explains this.

The Cominator says:

Even Hitler who may have been literally a closet fag (agnostic on this but many early nazis were fags) and who secretly loathed Christianity said neopagans were gay.

You will never be a real pagan.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Faggots like masculine men. By aping masculine systems, they hope they can fuck real masculine men. It is cargo cult manliness.

Adam says:

It’s mimicry. Very frequently found in nature.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Some things to note:

In spite of all the horrors the subject repeatedly suffered and subjected himself too over time, he still never actually renounced poopdick until it became physically impossible for him to do so.

The yearning for a paternal archetype to take one under their wing and raise them up to be a man like them is a common refrain, which makes one thing all the more conspicuous in its absence of mention anywhere in the narrative: his own father.

Vulnerable young men keenly feel a need for the camaraderie of the mannerbund, something else conspicuously absent in general in the atomized void of modern society, and older gays larp as manly men to draw them in them.

Much like how autogynephilia is a degenerate form of normal male attraction to feminine beauty, the off-kilter larping of gays is itself an expression a degenerate form of androphilia.

Even twinks and bottoms who take ‘submissive’ roles are still visibly male and not really feminine at all; gays are repulsed by genuinely feminine aesthetics in appearance.

People in general, and young men especially, crave the form of ritual transformation from lower to higher modes of existence; another perennial aspect of Traditional civilization, destroyed by the nominalistic void of modernity.


In many respects, the spread of trans cults can be seen as simulacrums, conjured up to rush into the vacuum created by this absence; their lives suck, they are instinctively depressive, and they cannot conceive any hope for the future; never more alluring than in such situations is the prospect of a ‘new beginning’, a casting away of a lesser form of life into a newness of life. But where, in more civilized times, perennial Traditions would offer the prospect of trials in the spheres higher castes for those who wish to jump headfirst into the unknown headwaters of Being, no such outlets really exist today; and thus, we find menageries of pernicious chimaeras sprouting into existence, to occupy such niches in the contours of Being, in their stead.

Pax Imperialis says:

I thought I’ve already seen the deepest depths of depravity and little more could shock me. Well, you showed me my hubris. Reading the thoughts of homosexuals is worse than physically seeing their behavior in California in person.

Something that immediately stood out to me was this:

“the unrelenting subliminal fear is that you will remain in constant boyhood or worse still – permanently lapse into the humiliation of your former sissy persona.”

How much of adult behavior is based on childhood experience? The hardcore geneticists will insist that genes are everything and that outside extreme abuse people generally grow up to be what they always would have grown up to be. Others disagree. I can’t help but wonder though if I have something similar to homosexual men but in reverse. I’m deeply nostalgic of my prepubescent boyhood days in oppose to fearful. I was doted on by several older highschool girls. I was a devious, manipulating, lying little shit back then and took it too far one day. Some never talked to me again. I wish I could permanently lapse back into my former bratty persona.

>Even twinks and bottoms who take ‘submissive’ roles are still visibly male

It’s such a overt middle finger to maleness, humanity, and the natural order that most people visibly recoil in disgust. That’s not the reaction to something visibly male. That’s not the reaction to anything visibly human. They have degenerated into something near human yet definitively sub human which makes it all the more repulsive.

Adam says:

Genes are expressed in an environment. Change the environment, change the expression, change the behavior.

The natural predator of faggots, juvenile alpha males, have been neutralized. Nothing like todays faggots would have survived in the ancestral environment.

It takes wholesale demon worship, denial of reality, and hatred of the good, beautiful and true to get where we are today.

Faggotry, like leftism is a rejection of the burden of performance our creator demands of us. A hatred of creation and of being itself.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>It’s such a overt middle finger to maleness, humanity, and the natural order that most people visibly recoil in disgust. That’s not the reaction to something visibly male. That’s not the reaction to anything visibly human. They have degenerated into something near human yet definitively sub human which makes it all the more repulsive.

This touches on a nuance which i left implicit, but perhaps should make explicit at length.

The main thing there is that there is no way you can ever mistake them for being female, even at the same time they are obviously not really ‘a man’ as such either.

To further fill in outlines of this picture, consider the example of the ‘anime trap’ character trope, something we often find ex-tumblr sets in anglophonic sides of the net having an evinced difficulty wrapping their heads around.

The privilege of the artist is the ability to take anything he is capable of conceiving of, however improbable, and conjure it into appearance. Things like traps are not the sort of things that can really be found in reality as such, but are found in forms of existence only by fiat of the artist’s pen. Thus, the doujinka in area eleven is fine with a trap being male – for that is what it is: something having the exoteric form of a feminine ideal, while still being essentially male in all the ways that matter. Put in other words, these are imperialist colonizations of the gay experience by heteropatriachal norms of aesthetics.

In the bluecheck weltanshauung however, if a man so much as puts on a skirt, he is not simply a man wearing a skirt, has has, somehow, ‘become female’, in some ineffable manner – that he *must* become so, even. Even before setting aside the solipsistically superficial cargo-cult modes of thought at work, you get the impression that the very idea of a character that could be designed to be excessively feminine in terms of exterior appearance, yet at the same time, not be confused at all about the fact that they are still male, is almost inconceivable – or anathema – to contemplate.

If there is naught else that is more or less essential, and all else is as contingent as anything else, then there would be no point in the existence of a ‘trap’ archetype either. A man in a skirt could just as easily be a woman in a skirt too. Of course, this immediately begs the question of what exactly is supposed to be denotated by the terms ‘man’ or ‘woman’ here, in the first place – which naturally is blithely elided in hopes the marks don’t cotton on to your tactic of retaining old exosemantic inertia associated with an original definition while shuffling definitions to whatever other thing is convenient at the time.

The incoherence of this two-step wraps back around to an ironically high degree of essentialism running through the predominant view of twitterati, where a magic ritual of transformation may be accomplished through aping certain forms of dress or behavior or presentation, which are held as inextricably tied to the sexes they participate in.

Of course the whole premise of a trap character type to begin with is the fact that they are not in fact the sex they appear as, and implications that they are undermine that dynamic. It is not a ‘becoming’ or ‘in the process’ towards something else, it is already what it always is. That is perhaps a fundamental break in what distincts the thinking, and why such a character archetype, or anything in general that might possibly look good, or healthy, or beautiful, is basically non-existent in fiction made in polities under atlantic empire dominion.


There is a profound ugliness in androgyny. A feminine woman can be cute and beautiful; a masculine man can be handsome and impressive; but those misshapen lumps sometimes referred to as ‘trans folk’ which are not any, elicit an almost instinctual revulsion. You don’t even need to do a codon analysis to tell that there is some serious mutational load going un-culled there. Tittyskittles don’t ‘turn you into a woman’ in any way that matters. This is not to say they have no effect however. Indeed, they have profound effects. But what those effects are is not that they will make a man into a woman, but that they will make them less of a man.

(For any given archetype, there is a range of excellency appropriate for that archetype; more discerning emphasis on which in accordance with the archetype(s) one is participating in, in turn bringing greater success; and more discerning perception of more successful archetypes, in the first place, of course bringing the greatest success of all; a given archetype necessarily being a correlate of a teleology it is exponent of, some more transcendent than others.)

Inside every troon there is at least some small part of them that understands they really will never be a real woman – and so, there is also another part of them that delights in a sort of vindictive glee, at being able to force other people to go along with the farce – to make it more obstreperously farcial precisely *in order* to highlight the farce. There is no ‘passing’, there is only Zod.

This applies of course not just to troons in particular, but the broader ecosystems of daemonhosts in general. The social power of making people acquiesce to validating something they all know in their hearts to be a lie is headier than any drug. That is dominance, pure dominance. A rush of testosterone infused dopamine strait to the dome. There’s no other feeling in the world like it.

Hence, at the end of the day, they change things to look uglier – they change themselves to look uglier – because they want them to look ugly. That is their nature. Their spirits are filled with ugliness, and they seek to spread that ugliness into everything around them. You can see the same thing in anything these kinds of people (i use the term here loosely) try to insinuate themselves into. Whether it’s disney, star wars, comics, video games, architecture, interior design, engineering, rhetoric, philosophy, statecraft, your local homeowners association…

The very fundaments of their aesthetic sensibility, the drivers of behavior and wellsprings of judgement, are tuned in such a way that they can see nothing good in this plane. There is nothing in this life that brings them joy, and any and every body they meet, in light of that same sensibility, is perceived as nothing more than irredeemable villains who deserve nothing but destruction – and any of those with higher status than themselves, of course, deserving it most especially. At the core of every gnostic poz-hole, is a nihilist who wants to die and wants everyone to die with them.

And that’s why the ill tree bears only ill fruit.

Badvlad says:

Said the guy who came up with that pen name.
First you shill tests are utter faggotry you actually think deep state propagandists can’t say nigger and faggot .
second I’m a Steamfitter by trade and you write code internet superhero

jim says:

Shills can, and do, say “nigger, faggot, and Joo Joo Joo name the Joo” all day long.

What they cannot do is notice the any problems caused by blacks, gays, etc, nor notice anyone else noticing what is forbidden to be noticed.

They say “name the Joo” all day long – but then cannot notice what Soros is doing, because he is paying them. Similarly troofers cannot notice any FBI misdeeds, nor notice anyone else noticing any FBI misdeeds.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I do not write internet code. I make chemicals and I shoot rifles. Getting into a dick measuring contest with someone named Thundercock just shows that you are dumber than a nigger, gayer than a faggot, or both.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Of course, you could show me by posting something that an HR department would find objectionable. Maybe something about how gays are untrustworthy and disgusting? You could discuss the inability of black Africa to produce any sort of civilization of note or any science. Come on, big guy. Surely you can say something?

Neofugue says:

> Before we adopted the Jew religion we had the Antikythera and a couple other odds and ends from Greeks, and in Rome steam engines that could open doors then Christ cuckery and 2000 years before steam power rediscovered we might have had iPhone and airplanes by AD 200

>we might have had iPhone and airplanes by AD 200

Those who say the West needs niggers fail to see that white people too can be niggers.

i says:

The best disproof is to look at Christianity’s impact on Sub-Saharan Africans and Indian Dalits mainly. Centuries in the future

However we will be long dead before we see the proper impact.

Neofugue says:

My comment was meant as an insult. Badvlad saying that we could have had iPhones and airplanes by 200AD is one of the most insultingly idiotic statements I have ever read in my many years at Jim’s Blog.

Regarding Africans, I have met African men and women from the Nigerian elite who, while not as smart, are just as civilized as white people. Speaking as an opera lover, Jessye Norman is as good as her reputation precedes her. However, it will take many centuries for blacks to realize their full potential, assuming they are not exterminated in the following centuries as the Polygon loses hegemony.

Aidan says:

The decline of GAE power will be a boom period for civilized blacks, as China will be desperate to partner with anybody vaguely competent to assure safe resource extraction in Africa.

Badvlad says:


jim says:

If I allowed this through, I would have to just repeat yet again the same points I already posted in response to your previous post.

You have to make an argument, not endlessly repeat your original claims as if no rebuttal had been posted.

Someone makes a claim. Someone else provides evidence and argument the claim is false. Repeating the original claim in slightly different words without evidence or argument is a waste of space.

Aidan says:

Rome had long been a degenerate cesspit, where it was clear that science and technology were completely stagnant. The Romans invented next to nothing; even in their virtuous days, they would take things that others invented and refine them. When steam power was rediscovered in England, it near-instantly spread across the continent and began being refined and iterated on. When steam power was invented in the classical world, it was used as an amusing toy for centuries, the same way the Chinese regarded gunpowder.

The late Romans were niggers. Smart niggers, but still niggers. Christianity only forestalled the collapsed of a debased people.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s like expecting negros to build and maintain advanced society because they are good at football lol.

Aidan says:

I just realized, Roman engineering is a lot like Russian engineering. The Romans stole Carthages shipbuilding technology and optimized it for mass production; Russian engineering is genius, but because it takes from others and optimizes it for simplicity and function. The Lada Niva is a piece of shit, but it is also the most rugged and reliable car ever produced. I note the similarities between the aquiline nose and the Slavic nose as well, and the fact that Latin sounds most “correct” when spoken in a heavy Russian accent. Maybe the romans (Latin is a linguistic anomaly) were actually East Aryans, and most closely related to todays Russians

Kunning Druegger says:

I mean, the “Romanians” chose that name for branding purposes, right? And “Czar” is just the Slavic form of “Caesar”.

America is Carthage. Russia is Rome. China is China. We are all screwed.

jim says:

But we have something they did not. Lots more history – or, as an engineer would say, a repository of working social software.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Russian aerospace engineering is fantastic, and has been for as long as it has been a field. Say what you will about their other feats, but they got it done in the air. They made the best aircraft in the world during a time that socialist economics should have made aircraft near impossible. Even Sikorsky here in America was founded by Russians fleeing the Bolsheviks.

Chemistry, too, owes a lot to Russians. A lot of this got quietly written out of the textbooks, like how Indian numerals became Arabic numerals when India got cozy with the Soviets. Russians can absolutely innovate and develop their own technology, even with the losses due to Bolshevik massacres and Stalin’s purges.

Aidan says:

England- Greece
America- Carthage
Germany- Rome
Russia- Byzantium

Russia does a lot with very little- but the core principles were developed by other peoples. To the extent that Russia innovates, they do have plenty of Germanic stock both from the Rus (Viking) and Germans themselves from the time of Catherine onward.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Russia helped develop the core principles in chemistry, and that is all I can comment on because I am not as familiar with the history of physics. There are a bunch of Russians that made big discoveries in chemistry, and while the Germans have the most claim to fame in that discipline, the four nations that contributed most to chemistry were England, France, Germany, and Russia.

Saying that Russians do not innovate is an absurd claim, and to suggest that they are just taking principles developed by others is false on its face. Astronautics is a field that has developed within living memory, and the Russians did more with it than the Americans did. Musk did not improve upon American rocket designs. He improved upon Russian rocket designs. Yes, Russia had Nazi scientists, but so did America, and Russia made better use of them.

Kunning Druegger says:

The assertions about Russian capacity for development stem from age old European bias against the Russians and the poor performance of Socialism in society building, I believe. The old WW02 armchair historian joke is that if you ask Russia to design a pair of boots, you’ll end up with wooden blocks, but if you ask them to design a gun, you’ll end up with the AK-47.

Aidan says:

Perhaps you are correct regarding the Russian capacity to innovate. Russia was indeed on the verge of an explosion of high culture in art and music, just as it was getting parasitized by Anglo intellectual thought leading towards the revolution. Russia is getting national capitalism, and the other ingredient of science is religion, telling them they are glorifying God with the pursuit of truth.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If there is any limitation on Russian capacity for innovation, it is cultural. Russian refugees and immigrants like Sikorsky have shown talents for it, and in the 1700s and 1800s they were helping develop chemistry. Dmitri Mendelev is responsible for the periodic table and used it to successfully predict then-unknown elements. There are more, it is just with socialism a lot of that ground to a halt, which we are seeing with Americans today.

Saying that Russians cannot innovate is like saying that Americans cannot innovate. The last truly innovative consumer product was the call phone, which is getting to be about 15 years ago. Military innovation has either stagnated or moved backwards. Americans cannot innovate like the past, because we lost the social structures of the past that made innovation possible. Same with Russia, except they seem to be reviving it while America is drowning theirs.

Neofugue says:

The Lada Niva is, like all Soviet architecture, a reflection of Communism, not of Orthodox Russia.

Russians are just as capable as Western Europeans at producing great art, music, and literature. Orthodox Russia gave us Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, Repin and Serov, among many others. Russian ballet is the best in the world bar none.

As an example of excellence in modern Russian technological development, the MC-21 is just as capable an airplane as anything from the United States or Western Europe while at the same time being distinctly Russian in terms of design and cockpit interface. If Russia wins her war in Ukraine, she will undoubtedly show her potential in the coming centuries.

Aidan says:

Yes, Russian ballet and symphonies are great; I am particular to them over the western, but the ballet and the symphony are not Russian forms. Russian novels are great, but the novel is not a Russian form. Russians make great rockets and fighter jets, but did not invent the rocket or the fighter jet. I like Russian guns better than American ones, and so forth. You see my point, yes? A Russian dominated world would be able to keep the level of technological progress very high, improve on it as well, but I am talking about zero-to-one inventions. I’ll give them the periodic table of course; and I wish for Russias carrying the torch of western civilization forward more as much as anyone. But it may be centuries before the 1760-1960 storm of innovation can be replicated.

Hottap says:

“Russia does a lot with very little- but the core principles were developed by other peoples. To the extent that Russia innovates, they do have plenty of Germanic stock both from the Rus (Viking) and Germans themselves from the time of Catherine onward.”

You are very wise, but I cannot agree with this specific.

The Slavic part of Russia has the widest variance in behaviors, and at the peak of creativity also the highest creativity.

The history of Russia is full of Slavic individual geniuses.

What is hard is to make Slavs cooperate usefully. Russians invented theory of the rocket, and the theory of radar stealth, but this was implemented better by Germans (in Germany and in America).

Russia lacks quality control.

And in a population with very wide variance, extreme and brutal quality control must be applied to ensure that the best people are the ones running things.

“Narrowly above average” societies like Germany and Japan are much less sensitive to who specifically from their populations rules.

Red says:

The Romans invented next to nothing; even in their virtuous days, they would take things that others invented and refine them. When steam power was rediscovered in England, it near-instantly spread across the continent and began being refined and iterated on. When steam power was invented in the classical world, it was used as an amusing toy for centuries, the same way the Chinese regarded gunpowder.

Steam power was a toy because the metallurgy wasn’t advanced enough to do anything piratical with it. It spread like wildfire because the English established the scientific principles that made it work and thus easy to improve and more importantly the mass production of cast iron allowed the creation of the pistons necessary for a practical engine.

The Romans were amazing engineers. They invented a concrete so strong that it held up for 2,000 years in very harsh conditions. And towards the very end of the western empire they built industrial scale milling operations power by water. What the English did was bring both amazing engineering and highly advance science together.

Aidan says:

The first steam engine was used to pump water out of a mine so that they could dig below the water table, and the Romans certainly did a lot of mining. And the Romans had mass production of iron; they had a lot of legions to arm.

Europe immediately recognized the power and potential of steam technology, which made them develop further innovations to directly harness it. The Romans simply did not realize the potential, or care, despite being amazing engineers. The tolerances necessary to make water trickle gently down the imperceptible grade of an aqueduct for dozens of miles without going too fast, or getting stagnant, are mind-blowing. They could certainly engineer the tolerances of an engine. But, though they were smarter than us in terms of geometry, they could not think in terms of energy.

Red says:

Cast iron production is very different from general iron production.

The Chinese had it in the 5th century BC. The west didn’t have it until the 1500s. Without it making pistons was a no go.

>Europe immediately recognized the power and potential of steam technology, which made them develop further innovations to directly harness it. The Romans simply did not realize the potential, or care, despite being amazing engineers.

The fact that we know they had steam engines indicates Romans thought it was pretty amazing. They just lacked the metallurgy and science to make it useful. Without the ability to make it practical then having slaves work bellows to remove water was going to be a lot more effective than a primitive engine powered by wood pulling on a rope. Practical steam engines are pretty complicated machines.

Finally the concept of a vacuum was necessary to advance the design of the steam engine. The Greeks thought a vacuum couldn’t exist. The first vacuum pump wasn’t invented until the late 1600s. All prerequisites to a practical steam engine that could actually pump water effectively.

Red says:

Rape = Rope.

Aidan says:

My argument is that Europe went ahead and invented a bunch of other technologies meant to make steam power work, and Rome did not. Guns did not work very well at first because nobody could make barrels out of a solid piece of metal, but once Europeans saw gunpowder, they invented means of making barrels out of solid pieces of metal.

We can chalk this up to social technology instead of genetics if you prefer, providing scientists and engineers with wealth and status, and the capitalism that allowed inventors to profit from their inventions and interested parties to invest in their development, both of which Rome did not have.

Red says:

My argument is that Europe went ahead and invented a bunch of other technologies meant to make steam power work, and Rome did not.

Yes they did, but they also had a thousand years to improve things after the Romans. A better debate on steam power would be why didn’t the Chinese invent it? They had everything necessary for it.

Guns did not work very well at first because nobody could make barrels out of a solid piece of metal, but once Europeans saw gunpowder, they invented means of making barrels out of solid pieces of metal.

The Chinese had cast iron which is what made cannons useful. What the Chinese lacked was kernaling the gunpowder which greatly increased the the power making small arms practical. Regular Gunpowder just burned too slowly to give any accuracy to a hand held firearm. Once Europeans invented Kernaling the race to practical small arms was underway.

We can chalk this up to social technology instead of genetics if you prefer, providing scientists and engineers with wealth and status, and the capitalism that allowed inventors to profit from their inventions and interested parties to invest in their development, both of which Rome did not have.

Inventions are less important that making an invention practical. And often the primary reason an invention can’t be made practical is other areas of tech are not advanced enough or the economy isn’t large enough. Rome suffered from Economic decline from the 300s on making any possibility of advances in practical tech pretty limited. Military tech continued to improve, but general tech no longer did.

The steam engine just isn’t a good example of this. There was never any chance the Romans could make one. They lacked both the metallurgy(cast iron wasn’t useful for warfare) and the scientific know how(Greeks said vacuums were impossible).

I don’t disagree with your idea that the western Romans became niggers, there was a distinct lack of intelligence in the elite classes late into western Roman history. They spent a lot of time aping the people before them and a lot of their best techs became lost. But before that period the Romans were quite advanced. But they were clearly not niggers during the Republic.

Aidan says:

No, early Romans not niggers. They were extremely competent men who performed technologically incredible feats, like the aqueduct, like water pressure excavation. But early Romans were the culmination of Classical science and know-how, they did not push the envelope forward, despite inventing a few cool things like the vaulted arch and concrete that could set underwater. The point is that the recipe for scientific advancement takes more than having the smartest and manliest men around, because the Romans were the smartest and manliest men around.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the latest podcast from RWA:

The whole thing is interesting, but I turn your attention to 13:20. The lads discuss why the SMO happened at all. Please give them a View, but the field summary is that Russia was pressed into action because Zelensky indicated that Ukraine should try to join NATO, try to join the EU, and seek to acquire nuclear weapons. If this is the case, then we know from the patterns of Liberal Democracies that when a public figure head starts talking about a subject, goal, or event, it has been actually researched, sought after, or studied for quite some time, and the Powers that Speak are seeking to bring Public Opinion into line with their intentions. So it could be the case that Ukrops were already on the road to Abaddon, and Putin rushed into action despite being unprepared and unwilling.

This thesis runs counter to my assertion that Russia has been moving down a path they started in ~2008, but it doesn’t fully invalidate it necessarily. As I wrote elsewhere, events may have caused them to shorten or lengthen their timelines due to the factors at play. Ditto for Starman’s assertion that it was the Fall of Kabul that precipitated the SMO. There’s a certain logic to it, and it may help explain why the RF seems to be pussyfooting around when they should be laying waste to the Hohol hideyholes. It could be the case that there is significant resistance to such haste within the general staff and certain factions of the Russian Elite. It was under reported, but a number of oligarchs seemed to forget about gravity right at the start of the SMO and walked off of buildings they owned.

Here’s another link given to me by a fellow traveler far from these parts:

It’s a tactical breakdown of the current state of affairs in Eastern Ukraine.

jim says:

Nato rules are that you cannot join while in a stage of war and cannot join unless in full control of claimed and recognized territories. (No one will sell insurance for your car after you have totaled it.)

However overlooking, or finding some legalist formula around, full control, is easier than overlooking or finding some legalist formula around, total war.

So, from the point of view of Russia, forever war with Ukraine is an expensive insurance policy against further Nato expansion.

And it was obvious that the ultimate goal of Nato expansion was not to tear down the statues, desecrate the relics, and hold a gay victory parade in Severodonetsk, but to tear down the statues, desecrate the relics, reconsecrate the Grand Cathedral with the rainbow flag, and hold a gay victory parade in Moscow.

JustAnotherGuy says:

The GPT-3 bot-network along with the millions of shills in every single media network is tiresome.gif , I was talking about something like ‘vodka’ not even related to the GAE war, and I had fed shills coming to educate me about how its only a matter of time before Russia loses. What irks me in the end is to run this mighty machine they need a lot of fucking tax dollars that are coming out of guess whos pocket.

The NAFO accounts is 100% fed op, you can tell because the only thing shaniqua and her clique can agree on is a dog being a good symbol to cohese under; otherwise they would have gone harder on the aesthetics like GAE did in the past.

Kunning Druegger says:

Excellent exchange below between SomeDude and my kangaroonigga Milosevic and Davy Crockett. Others joined in, and it’s a rousing read.

I’d like to drag this concept up to a new thread: monotheism confers a societal level advantage. It is not restrained to mate guarding, logistics, or warfare. All of these things are downstream from the Society layer of the Civilization stack. I assert that monotheism is the most powerful and effective social construction* in human history. Polytheism is prettier, but monotheism is better. Because it is social construction, we can state declaratively that certain techniques, tools, and methods are objectively better. So long as mankind is constrained to a single planet, monotheism is better. Multi-planetary civilization may change this, or maybe multi-star system civilization. God is, quite literally, the ruck beneath our feet. I could see a reality wherein the Martians have their God and the Terrans have their God, the Humans have a weird sort of distributed monotheism that looks an awful lot like polytheism. One God, many followings.

A note on Dharmabro cope. I too have noticed this trend, if you will. This is going to sound dismissive and bigoted, but it isn’t: I think this is an artifact of being colonized and freed by the same “force.” No society/culture/group can be enslaved without their acceptance of the yoke, and no society/culture/group can be manumitted by another, they must do it for themselves. This is part of why American negros cannot get their shit together**. Coping comes easy when you are surrounded by ever present reminders of your past submission with no legend/mythos/cultural narrative for how you freed yourself. And before anyone races to type out “muh Ghandi,” that socialist faggot had almost nothing to do with “independence.”

*Religions, and religiosity, are social constructs. This has nothing to do with the existence of God. Just as there are good telescopes and better telescopes, so too there are good religions and better religions; God and the stars exist outside of these things.

** Part of, I said. I know there are many other factors.

Aryaman says:

I think the very idea of “legendary/mythos/cultural narrative for how you freed yourself” is mostly leftist astroturf. Which is why you see it applied to blacks in the 20th century, blacks in the 19th century, and the American founding. When you actually win you abolish any idea that it was ever different.

The Empire in India was stillborn. The Empire (as opposed to the Company) was designed to plunder the work of others in the service of glory of the then liberals at home. It was a thing of vainglory. And because it was a thing of vainglory I am not surprised that it did a bunch of little things that brought about its ruin. Mostly, by setting an example for the rather empowered intellectual class at home in knocking over applecarts.

I don’t see any cope here. I am not reminded of any past trauma when I see a white person. I think you’re projecting some psychological burden that may not be there. (Maybe that is what leftists shrieking about empire are doing, I don’t know what is going through their heads. But I think you are getting your audience wrong if you’re worried I am going to bring up Gandhi) Things are what they are. Sometimes shit happens and they change. What’s true is true and falsehoods help no one.

Aidan says:

The reason it is cope is because you are projecting the problems with your own rulers onto the EIC. The EIC came to establish trade routes and get rich through peaceable commerce, but the covetousness and vainglory of local leaders led to them trying to loot the EIC ships that came to trade. The EIC was forced to rule because the locals could not provide the conditions for mutually beneficial trade, and could only take over because your elite were fragmented and prone to defection. You will note that this pattern failed in Japan, because its elite was on the same page, and forced foreign ships to dock and conduct trade on a single island where they could peacefully do so, and no Japanese elite defected on the Tokugawa ban by letting European ships land and trade, because Tokugawa was strong, and had defecting elites put to death.

jim says:

The blacks say “we was Kangs” – when in fact they were surplus slaves who were worth more to the slave export agent than the local butcher.

And our resident transwarrior says “we will conquer you”, because his people are unable to free themselves – you can still be Hindu under the current regime, but you cannot really be Sikh, if your holy army is not ruling and is not engaged in resistance and rebellion.

Sher Singh says:

[*more transwarrior bluster deleted*]

jim says:

You will never be a real warrior.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am pretty proud of that one.

Red says:

A note on Dharmabro cope. I too have noticed this trend, if you will. This is going to sound dismissive and bigoted, but it isn’t: I think this is an artifact of being colonized and freed by the same “force.” No society/culture/group can be enslaved without their acceptance of the yoke, and no society/culture/group can be manumitted by another, they must do it for themselves. This is part of why American negros cannot get their shit together**. Coping comes easy when you are surrounded by ever present reminders of your past submission with no legend/mythos/cultural narrative for how you freed yourself. And before anyone races to type out “muh Ghandi,” that socialist faggot had almost nothing to do with “independence.”

Utter bullshit. No one gives a flying fuck about being enslaved 2 generations ago.

Niggers can’t get their shit together because they’re uncivilized morons. The vast majority of slaves that ended up in the US came from proto civilizations on the west cost of Africa like the Ashanti. The Ashanti where in the process of civilizing themselves and instead of doing the normal thing and executing primitives who can’t restrain themselves from breaking civilized law, they sold them as slaves. And by much bad luck the Christians who bought them encouraged and assisted them them to reproducing by establishing patriarchal family units for them. Generally slave males never reproduce.

Civilization is a genetic process. Those who retain their hunter gather roots are purged from the gene pool or the civilization fails.

What we call criminal behavior is just hunter gather behavior. They gather in other people’s gardens, and hunter other’s live stock. They make war on everyone, because the hunter gathers are always at war with everyone. The solution is to execute criminals until the hunter gather genes are purged from the population and let them live in their bantustans where they can live as god intended they live.

Kunning Druegger says:

I can’t think of an ethnicity or culture that didn’t spring from hunter-gatherers or go through periods of enslavement or subservience. There appears to be a spectrum of development capacity. Thomas Sowell and Booker T. Washington, in my opinion, demonstrate a “path not taken” for American negros in terms of their wider culture. These two men, and a handful of others, demonstrate that their is some potential, or bundle of potentials, being disregarded and/or bred out of blacks. I genuinely believe that, under the proper circumstances and given a few centuries, maybe even 2 centuries, American negros could develop similarly to the way the Scottish tribes bootstrapped themselves out of low IQ, high time preference “thugs” and into a powerful and valuable ethnicity. I don’t think they would do this in a temperate climate, it would have to be a geography to which they are suited. The black Africans, indeed most if not all the colonized peoples, went straight from basically livestock to socialist proles/foot soldiers. The methodology for this was to take a handful of the mixed race spawn of the elites, force them western universities to be steeped in Marxist indoctrination, then placed in charge of their “newly freed” societies. The results were exactly what their handlers wanted. We still live with the consequences of this heinous social experiment to this day.

The genesis of the various white ethnicities was more drawn out and less manipulated by an evil elite. I think blacks and browns could work their way of the societal ladder, it would just require time and semi-isolation. They are not capable of coexisting with modern societies, and this incapability is both genetic and cultural. To your point about being enslaved 2 generations previous not being a factor, I don’t buy it precisely because “Civilization is a genetic process.” Even if they can’t articulate it, their past does have a profound affect on their current state of being.

The white race and many white cultures were able to progress from hunting-gathering into more sophisticated societal forms. I don’t think negros were given the time or space to do so. Mestizos* have fared a bit better in certain places, but they also have plenty of instances where they are just as poorly equipped as the blacks in America and Africa.

Is there a single white culture or ethnicity that has thrived in tropical zones without a home country buttressing them? The Rhodesians and South Africans were in temperate climates, exotic in many respects but basically just the reciprocal of their origination zones. I think blacks should stay near the equator and whites should stay near the temperate latitudes. These are the places each can develop to their maximum potential. And they must do it for themselves as much as is possible. And over all of this is the specter of leftism, which corrupts and taints all it touches.

While I may phrase it differently, I agree with most if not all of what you said, but I still maintain that culture is like an organism in some ways, and it needs homeostasis of its own making and maintaining. This was the point I was making about negros: there is no organic growth, it’s just the effects of guilt stricken whites trying to save them from themselves. If Du Bois had been ignored and B. T. Washington had been given command of the American negros, I think the situation would be substantially different.

*I may be misusing this term, but I use it in reference to the South American peoples, not just the Mexican’ts.

Red says:

here appears to be a spectrum of development capacity. Thomas Sowell and Booker T. Washington, in my opinion, demonstrate a “path not taken” for American negros in terms of their wider culture. These two men, and a handful of others, demonstrate that their is some potential, or bundle of potentials, being disregarded and/or bred out of blacks. I genuinely believe that, under the proper circumstances and given a few centuries, maybe even 2 centuries, American negros could develop similarly to the way the Scottish tribes bootstrapped themselves out of low IQ, high time preference “thugs” and into a powerful and valuable ethnicity. I don’t think they would do this in a temperate climate, it would have to be a geography to which they are suited. The black Africans, indeed most if not all the colonized peoples, went straight from basically livestock to socialist proles/foot soldiers. The methodology for this was to take a handful of the mixed race spawn of the elites, force them western universities to be steeped in Marxist indoctrination, then placed in charge of their “newly freed” societies. The results were exactly what their handlers wanted. We still live with the consequences of this heinous social experiment to this day.

The Scotts were already a smart people. They fought the Roman’s to a standstill. Climates where acquiring food is difficult results in intelligence. The only thing the Scottish lacked civilized genes which the English bred into them at the point of a gun.

Blacks having developed in the most perfect zone of climate for human food gathering never had a need to develop higher intelligence. The late term pro-civilization of groups like the Ashanti was the result of pressures of more civilized people moving in on them. Even if they had finished civilizing they’d still be dumb as rocks because intelligence isn’t a survival trait in Africa. Eugenics programs to improve general intelligence has proven very difficult to achieve so far. It’s much easier working with a stock of people who evolved to be more intelligent and have them reproduce in larger numbers.

Smartish blacks in America always half breeds with most being majority white. Other’s where mostly pets like Booker who re-invented things white men had invented years ago but Harvard made sure Booker got the credit for.

There was a program to improve black people. It was called Jim Crow and segregation. Intelligent small business owners where made artificially high status in black communities. This resulted in selection favoring intelligence, cooperation, and civilization. Would have it worked long term? No idea. It collapsed in under 80 years in America. And around the same period in South Africa. It may not be sustainable.

The typical program to deal with uncivilized people is to kill them and enslave the few remaining who are too timid to fight. This is by far our best and most time tested solution.

Kunning Druegger says:

> The typical program to deal with uncivilized people is to kill them and enslave the few remaining who are too timid to fight. This is by far our best and most time tested solution.

I agree, but I don’t like it. So it is what it is.

> There was a program to improve black people. It was called Jim Crow and segregation.

I genuinely feel that both Jim Crow and Apartheid, if allowed to run for at least a century but more likely two or three, would have had massive benefits for both groups. I think this is precisely why white leftism targeted them both so viciously. Nothing angers a leftist more than an orderly process with positive and productive results.

> Smartish blacks in America always half breeds with most being majority white.

The most hilarious redpill of them all. I drunkenly pointed this out once, and was rewarded with a black eye and a blowjob that very night.

> Blacks having developed in the most perfect zone of climate for human food gathering never had a need to develop higher intelligence.

This. This unassailable truth explains so much of the futility and waste of our current era. Nothing just falls out of the sky for no reason, not even rain.

To circle back to the beginning, allow me to refine my initial assertion: if any race, culture, or society is going to have a hope of developing, they must do it for themselves, in addition to being in their proper geographic place with a healthy dose of luck.

Red says:

I genuinely feel that both Jim Crow and Apartheid, if allowed to run for at least a century but more likely two or three, would have had massive benefits for both groups. I think this is precisely why white leftism targeted them both so viciously. Nothing angers a leftist more than an orderly process with positive and productive results.

I’m not convinced. There’s a lot of similarities between Jim Crown and the Indian cast system. I think it’s more a symptom of a ruling elite that’s no longer producing enough children to correctly administer their lessors. So they retreat into legislating statuses as they decline in numbers and dominance.

Kunning Drueger says:

I am blindly supportive of Rhodesia, so this may be a function of that, but I strongly feel they had it completely correct. They saw bush blacks for what they were, and built a nation on their instincts and intuition. Blacks and coloureds made up a significant majority of the foot soldiery of the armed forces, a significant percentage of the farm population, a minority of the urban population*, and precisely none of their officer corps. Zimbabwe-Rhodesia was suboptimal, but could have worked, and was probably going to work well, which is why it was strangled in its cradle.

*Slums and criminals are not a part of the population, they are a blight. #Salisburywasagreatplace

Bouncer says:

I’m curious, have either of you read the book “Erectus Walks Among Us”, because there’s a lot of what you’re both saying that parallels some of the content…

Red says:

I have not read Erectus Walks Among Us but I just ran through the intro of it. Thanks for the link, I’ll read the book, though based on the intro I’m concerned it’s a crank author. Thinking over the cold climate breeds intelligence theory, it really makes me question the idea that we came out of Africa as modern humans. I’ve been told that both the Genetic data supports this idea, but it’s hard to trust a lot in modern science. I just don’t have a way to tell if that’s the case.

What I can say for sure is Africans are very different from the higher races. They mature earlier(14-16), have lower intelligence, and can’t naturally float which everyone outside of Africa can. Tossing a black kid into a pool is a death sentience while tossing a white or Asian kid into a pool and they’ll start dog paddling. There was never a possibility that they would be sea fairing. We’re pretty sure the Neanderthals were based on their remains being found on Mediterranean islands that there was no possibility of a land bridge being available. The split might have happened much earlier than indicated by the official line.

jim says:

Smartest apes found in Africa – and when those guys left the forest for the Savannah, need higher levels of male/male cooperation in larger groups, and since chimp cooperation is intelligence based, had no alternative but to become smarter than chimps.

On the other hand, the world was settled by some very impressive prehistoric seafarers, and impressive seafarers had to be a people very different from modern blacks. Modern type humans, if you count the Australian aboriginal as modern type human, crossed the Wallace line.

ten says:

Jungle chimp -> savannah chimp very long ago, in africa. So humans came out of africa.

But modern apefricans banged some other hominid 200k years ago, which genetic trace is not present among other races, so the other races have been outside of africa with no genetic flow since at least then.

So the “out of africa hypothesis” and timeline is false.

Adam says:

A narrative and worldview founded on victimhood destroys everyone. Gnon says the following: You are entitled to suffer and you are entitled to die.

Anyone too weak or too corrupt to accept that embraces a leftist illusion and they pay an enormous price. Gnon blesses those who accept that pain and suffering are a necessary precondition for your life. Civilization is downstream from that acceptance.

someDude says:

As Aryaman says, no one in Hindu reaction things Gandhi got India freedom. In fact the majority view among the Hindu Reaction is that Gandhi was a very evil man, an enemy of Hindus, someone who hated Hindus and wanted them all dead.

Similarly, no one in Hindu reaction thinks of Brits as the enemy, any more than they think of Arabs/Turks as the enemies. The issue for them is that the Brits constituted a vector for the Abrahamisms which is seen as the real enemy in India (Strangely Judaism is very well regarded in India, but thats another story).

Our continued sympathy for Polytheism should not be seen entirely as cope. Yes, there is some cope, but it is not all cope. That sort of thinking does not take all factors into account. The canaries in the coalmine are Japanese Shinto which is polytheistic as was Rome at the height of it’s power.

Finally, Hinduism is going monotheistic (a trend several centuries old now) where all deities are being seen as facets of the one ultimate Brahman, the military and advantages of monotheism when it comes to mobilization being understood. If we are going to go monotheistic, we’d rather do it ourselves for reasons well understood (survival) rather than have it imposed on us from the outside.

Note that Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism, all of which originated from within India are all monotheistic for all practical purposes

FrankNorman says:

If you want an example of how black people “liberating themselves” turns out… there’s Haiti.
Not a nice place.

Kunning Druegger says:

Absolutely agree. Bow of Ulysses is one of my favorite books, and Froude is my favorite author from the 19th century.

…and yet, the disaster on Haiti in the 19th century is a parallel to the disaster in Haiti in the 21st century: local primitives are empowered by carrion baggers and leftist ideology to destroy order and consume human flesh.

If you give a group of kids a project to work on, whether it’s linkin’ logs or legos or whatever, some will need just a little help to start building while others will need close and constant supervision to keep from choking on the pieces. But whatever the native talents and capacities, at some point they will have to internalize the lessons and start building on their own. This is what I mean by “liberating” themselves. Strong and capable societies have to branch out on their own, with their own collective legends and cultural touchpoints. You don’t get to be kangz without moving through the various intermediate steps. No one goes from slave chattel to nobility instantly, and transporting a bunch of violent, stupid thugs from the streetz to the boardroom is destined to fail. This is why jews and liberal whites must return to the hood every generation to save the next generation of benighted victims of institutional discrimination.

hell yeah spaceman says:

This is one of the crew of the SpaceX launch yesterday:

Look at that photo.

Russia: tranny central.

Red says:

Manjaw central, not tranny central. Too much testosterone growing up.

Red says:

Now this is your typical American Tranny:

Kunning Drueger says:

Comments are encouraging. Someone with a Twitter should write “He’s not a woman, but he is gay.”

Red says:

Another idea that Jim mentioned years ago:

Saw the creepiest video of an interview with a p*dophile and they asked him how he chose his victims and he said he always looked at the family and if the father seemed like a threat he wouldn’t approach the child. Makes me so sad for kids who don’t have a father in the home

Groomers fear strong fathers.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*demonization of parents and children that are waking up to the scam that burned you deleted*]

i says:

While Plato is the origin of many good things. What is strange is why Plato loved Socialism so much in his writing “Plato’s Republic”

Why does Plato love Equality so much?

Communality or Equality

This demand is encountered in almost all socialist doctrines. Its negative form is seen in the striving to destroy the hierarchy of the surrounding society and in calls “to humble the proud, the rich and the powerful,” to abolish privilege. This tendency frequently gives rise to hostility toward culture as a factor contributing to spiritual and intellectual inequality and, as a result, leads to a call for the destruction of culture itself. The first formulation of this view can be found in Plato, the most recent in contemporary leftist movements in the West which consider culture “individualistic,” “repressive,” “suffocating,” and call for “ideological guerrilla warfare against culture.”

We see that a small number of clear-cut principles inspired the socialist doctrines and guided the life of the socialist societies in the course of several millennia. This unity and interrelatedness of various socialist doctrines was fully recognized by their representatives: Thomas Müntzer cites Plato as an authority; Johann of Leyden studies Müntzer, Campanella considers the Anabaptists as an example of the embodiment of his system. Morelly and the anonymous author of the article in the Encyclopédie point to the Inca state as a corroboration of their social views, and in another article from the Encyclopédie (“The Moravians,” written by Faiguet), the Moravian Brethren are cited as an example of an ideal communal order. Among late socialists, Saint-Simon in his last work, New Christianity, declares: “The New Christianity will consist of separate tendencies which for the most part will correspond to the ideas of the heretical sects of Europe and America.” Further examples of this sense of kinship among the socialist currents of different epochs could easily be produced. We shall only point here to the numerous works with titles such as Forerunners of Scientific Socialism produced by spokesmen of the socialist camp, where among “forerunners” one can find Plato, Dolcino, Müntzer, More and Campanella. …

It is of course true that in different periods the central core of socialist ideology was manifested in different forms: we have seen socialism in the form of mystical prophecy, of a rationalistic plan for a happy society or of a scientific doctrine. In each period, socialism absorbs certain of the ideas of its time and uses the language contemporary to it. Some of its elements are discarded; others, on the contrary, acquire especially great significance. This is not unusual: such a pattern applies to any other phenomenon of such historical scope.

In another work on socialism, I referred to religion as an example of the same kind of historical phenomenon which is transformed in the course of time just as socialism has been. Now, however, it seems to me that this juxtaposition rather underscores the unique character of socialist ideology–its unprecedented conservatism. Since the time when socialism’s basic principles were formulated in Plato’s system, the religious concepts of mankind have been completely transformed: the idea of monotheism has acquired universal significance in the world; the concept of a single God in three essences, God-manhood, salvation by faith and a series of other fundamental ideas have arisen. At the same time, the basic principles of socialism have not changed to this day; it has only altered its form and motivation.
The unity and cohesiveness of the system of socialist conceptions becomes apparent, together with an astonishing conservatism, in the way that certain details recur again and again in socialist societies and doctrines that are little related one to the other and sometimes widely separated in time. The probability of accidental recurrence is negligible, unless we assume that the similarities are inexorably determined by their exceptional spiritual closeness. We shall cite only four examples from the large number of such coincidences:

a. The coincidence of many details in More’s Utopia and the accounts of the Inca state, which lead to the question posed in the French Academy concerning the influence of these accounts on More (which would have been chronologically impossible).

b. The custom of mummification of the heads of state and burial in stepped tombs of pyramid-like design, which is met with in states with strong socialist tendencies (although the states in question may be separated by many thousands of years).

c. In Deschamps’s True System we find this vivid detail: Describing the future socialist society, he says that “nearly all people will have almost the same appearance.” Dostoyevsky expresses the same thought in the notebooks to The Possessed. The character who is called Pyotr Verkhovensky in the novel and Nechayev in the notebooks has this to say about the future society: “In my opinion even men and women with particularly attractive faces should be prohibited.” (92: XI: 270) Dostoyevsky gathered material for his novel from the ideological pronouncements of the nihilists and the socialists, but neither he nor they could have known Deschamps’s work, which was published only in our century.

d. In The Republic, Plato wrote that, among the guardians, “none have any habitation or storage area which is not open for all to enter at will.” Aristophanes speaks about this in almost the same words in his Ecclesiazusae: “I’ll knock out walls and remodel the city into one big happy household, where all can come and go as they choose.”

This particular coincidence may be explained by the fact that the authors lived during the same epoch, but the motif is encountered again in More, who, in order to underscore the kind of communality in which the Utopians lived, describes the entrances to their dwellings:
“The doors are made with two leaves that are never locked or bolted and are so easy to open that they will follow the slightest touch and shut again alone. Whoever wishes may go in, for there is nothing inside the house that is private or any man’s own.”

More, of course, had read Plato and could have borrowed the thought from him. But we meet with a law against the closing of doors in the Inca state as well. Still later, in Crime and Punishment, the character Lebeziatnikov expounds on the question of free entry into rooms in the future society: “It has been debated of late whether a member of the commune has the right to go into the room of another member, male or female, at any time. ..well, it was decided that he does.” (92: VI: p. 284) This is not merely an artistic contrivance. Dostoyevsky understood the nature of socialism and anticipated its future role perhaps more astutely than any other thinker of the last century. Of the multitude of petty details that he knew about nihilist circles, he selected some of the most characteristic, among these the very same free entrance into dwellings mentioned almost two and a half thousand years earlier by Plato.

Socialism and

It is natural enough to begin the analysis of this social ideal by elucidating the interrelationship of its various elements. It is immediately clear they do not play an equal role. For example, Plato argues for the necessity of communal property and wives, since only under these conditions will the citizens take joy in and grieve over the same things. In other words, he considers the communality of property and the abolition of the family as means for achieving equality. He regards equality, however, not in the usual sense of equality of rights or opportunities, but as identity of behavior, as the equalization of personalities. Both these traits–the abolition of private property and of the family as a means to achieve equality, and this special understanding of equality–run through the majority of socialist teachings.

The view that equality is the basic principle from which other socialist doctrines proceed played an especially large role in the gnostic sects. “God’s justice consists of community and equality”–such a proposition was used to justify both the abolition of private property and the demand for communal wives. This theme can be traced in the medieval heresies and the doctrines of the Reformation. Niklaus Storch preached: “Everything should be common, for God sent all into the world equally naked.” Müntzer taught: “No one should rise above others; every man must be free, and there should be community of property.” Citing Plato, More asserted that those laws are best that provide for “distributing all the good things of life among all equally,” and deduced the need for communality of property. Meslier writes that “all people are equal by nature” and also deduces the necessity of abolishing private property.

One of the most striking features of socialist ideology is that quite special sense which it attributes to the concept of equality. We have already pointed this out in connection with the rationale for communality of property, of wives and children proposed by Plato. And later, in the majority of socialist doctrines, we encounter a conception of equality which approaches that of identity. Dwelling lovingly on the details, authors have described the characteristic monotony and unification of life in the state of the future.

i says:

For all his formulation of the Transcendentals: The True, The Good and the Beautiful.

It seems from that same mind and demonic influence came Socialism/Communism. Which is in reality contrary to those Transcendentals.

William Corliss says:

Was “Gulliver’s Travels” a serious political treatise? Why did Plato write dialogues? Who is the protagonist of his dialogues? The antagonists? Who speaks for Plato in the 35 dialogues? Who speaks for Shakespeare? Hamlet? Iago?

Foolishness. All of the intelligence on a site like this is unable to understand ironic writing, as well as the political conditions in which a book is written — to say nothing of the historical personages who appear in the dialogues, none of whom signify anything to any modern, because they are ignorant of 99% of the content of the book.

If a monkey stares into the New Testament, he sees a monkey, not Christ. The same is true of those with vapid, high-school tier takes on Plato.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am no genius, but something smelled off about i’s take on Plato. Don’t paint us all with the same brush. i has a developing track record that is… less than trustworthy. Previously, he shared a bunch of “proof” that was just Cathedral propaganda. This is on top of a reputation for blue pill tinted positions on women.

i says:

@Dunning Kruger

What’s your take on Plato’s Republic then?

None of my thoughts on that is quite original since I also watch Jay Dyer and have read the article I quoted.

S says:

The Republic is about the meaning of justice with the ideal city/state being a metaphor Socrates comes up to support his point. What exactly is Plato being ironic about?

Red says:

While Plato is the origin of many good things.

The only good thing Plato produced was Aristotle.

Kunning Druegger says:


Ruh-Roh Shaggy, Adderall shortage incoming! Man, wouldn’t it be terribly inconvenient if your whole control mechanism was predicated on a bunch of midwit overachievers who need Adderall to function…

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, here is what was offered up by the Regulars (& friends ;):

The Jim Says Reading List (JSRL)

Additionally, here’re some thoughts from Neurotoxin:

1. Democracy is not a long-run tenable system. People have been making this point for centuries if not millennia, but the “Jimian” description of the problem is more modern than someone commenting on ancient Rome or whatever.

2. The analytical perspective of evolutionary psychology-cum-game theory.

3. The application of this perspective to all the sex stuff. Female psych, etc.

4. The phrase “social technology.”

Certain laws and customs regarding marriage, for example. Property rights are another example. This is one of those phrases that just clicks when you first encounter it and makes you wonder why someone didn’t coin it a long time ago.

5. In the last couple of years there was a post on the social effects of widespread acceptance of homosexuality. A poster (I forget who) originally wrote it and Jim turned it into a post, IIRC.

6. Holiness spirals/signaling spirals/purity spirals. I don’t think Jim originated the term, but this blog is probably one of the key nodes for spreading the concept.

7. The insistence on modeling the left for what it is – a bunch of evil people, briefly – and only paying attention to the left’s “ideas” as is necessary for practical purposes. The comments thread from the last year in which we all tried to define the damned thing has some great stuff. A note I made to myself: “At
HerbR provides a good list of definitions of leftism…”

As usual, the brightest minds do the least work (loljk but srs). I think these points are good, but “we” need to dig up some links to go with them for the purposes of the JSRL. So here’s the game plan:

I know this is not all of Jim’s best work. If you have something, want something, or think of something, that needs to be added, leave a comment with a link to it and put ADDITION at the top.

We need to settle on a structure. I think Neuro-‘s is actually pretty good, but my original plan was to do a “trichotomy” structure, meaning 3 main topics and 3 subtopics each, with 3 further levels if needed. This is a creative and aesthetic choice that will aggravate certain autists and completists, but if we don’t set up some kind of limiting mechanic, we’ll just end up copy/pastaing the blog and that’s not really the point. So, if you think his idea, or my idea, is good or terrible, leave a comment saying so with META at the top. If you have a different suggestion, use the META marker and tell us what it is.

The goal I have set for myself is to create a Document that encapsulates Jimian Theory. My plan is to keep collecting suggested readings for a bit longer, then read/re-read through every single one and build a summary of each. These summaries will then be organized in whatever meta-structure we decide* and the whole of the document will be compiled. Links to each foundational post will be appended to the document (or fully incorporated depending on what This Thing actually turns out being), and that will be the reading list.

So, that’s where we stand. Feel free to comment, critique, or contribute, but if you aren’t a regular, you should add a blurb to explain why Jim’s Regulars** should give your opinion any credence. The Markers META and ADDITION are merely a tool to help me stay organized and a small insurance policy that suggestions don’t get missed.

Get cracking, faggots. This monarchy ain’t going to restore itself.

*…and if you faggots get all democratic on me, I’m just going to do whatever I want, so endeavor to abstain from plebian faggotry.)

**Jim’s Irregulars is NOT a pacifist militia that DOES NOT meet at the Elk’s lodge every third Tuesday in downtown Dayton.

Hesiod says:

Thanks, KD. This is mighty helpful.

Red says:

Trump’s arrest is coming very soon now. They need a reason that the Democrats suddenly won the mid terms rather than getting killed by Biden’s unpopularity.

Kunning Druegger says:

Put a date on it, if ye have the balls. I think January. The Cathedral likes January. Maybe February, that is the high holy month.

Red says:

October or early Nov, assuming they don’t launch a FF terrorist attack.

Neurotoxin says:

If they think they’ve got an absolute lock on elections now, they can arrest him whenever they want. Arresting Trump and then giving themselves a 99% vote share would, in their bizarre minds, be a propaganda victory. “See, everyone hates him; the voters love us for arresting him!”

If they have their doubts about just how fortified elections are, they’ll wait until after the mid-term elections.

someDude says:

Maybe Severian at founding questions is right. These are not evil masterminds. They are evil all right. But they’re just Juggalos. Taking on Russia, China, Europe and Legacy Americans at the same time. That is just what Juggalos do. They can’t help themselves

Cloudswrest says:

Anglin has a great essay featured at

Some excerpts.

Germany’s entire industry is going to shut down, while the population is forced into poverty. That is going to happen. You can’t run an industrial country without energy. Russia was supplying 55% of Germany’s total energy. They’re just not going to be able to produce anything at all.

It is simply amazing that people in this country, Germany, are just sitting there and taking this from the US. If you will take this, you will take literally anything. That’s basically what this is: it’s the US proving that it dominates these people. Kamala Harris could go to Germany and put on a strap-on dildo and demand every German man show up with their asses in the air, and they’d all do it. These people will take anything.

The media and government can say whatever they want. Okay. But everyone knows the US bombed those gas pipes. Everyone knows that, other than American fat-brains and stupid women. Saying that Putin bombed his own pipes is like the tranny thing – you pledge allegiance to the ZOG regime by saying something you know for a fact is false.

Kunning Druegger says:

Woke jews, man. Always amusing, never funny.

Anglin is right, BTW. The Euro backlash is going to be… profound.

Neurotoxin says:

OK, I’ll play along. But don’t tell the chicks; I want them to think I’m a rule-breaking rebel.


Here’s the gay link I referred to:

(The original comment that Jim expanded into this post is at and it was posted by someone calling himself “2019 is boring.”)

BTW, it wasn’t difficult to find this; I typed homosexuality into the search bar and it’s the second hit.

“my original plan was to do a “trichotomy” structure, meaning 3 main topics and 3 subtopics each, with 3 further levels if needed.”
This reminds me of Arthur C. Clarke’s (speaking of gays) Rendezvous with Rama, in which the aliens did everything in threes.

Neurotoxin says:


Jim on holiness spirals.
There’s more than one link one this topic, natch; more later.

Key paragraph:

The basic mechanism of a left wing singularity is political correctness. The elite competes to be holier than each other. Everyone is compelled to be ever holier, and the holier they get, the more everyone is compelled to be even holier.

Neurotoxin says:


More Jim on holiness spirals:

The key sentence is the first one: “Leftism is to memes as cancer is genes.”

(Key mistake, IMHO: “Non state apostates are harmless, since their belief systems are not selected for propagation by power. The problem is state and quasi state apostasy.”

I find myself more radical than Jim here. The SJW phenomenon was a real problem, even before it had penetrated the institutions of state power. It propagated by holiness, not power, at first, but eventually infiltrated the mechanisms of state power. It was certainly dangerous to people like us when it was teaching every college student that all white people are inherently evil, etc. Indeed, the propagation of that vileness outside the state was what allowed it to spread enough to eventually take over the state.)

S says:

That counts as state power; the university system exists to indoctrinate people in the state religion.

Jim is talking about stuff like the Amish, ultra-Orthodox Jews, communes, peasant heresies, etc. Or as 1984 put it- proles and animals are free.

Neurotoxin says:

I can easily imagine a world with no government loans for education, no research grants to professors, etc., in which the educational system would be much smaller, but the ultra-extreme leftism is the same.

“the university system exists to indoctrinate people in the state religion.”

But it didn’t. When the “men and white people are evil” thing started in the universities, it wasn’t the state religion.

S says:

“I can easily imagine a world with no government loans for education, no research grants to professors, etc., in which the educational system would be much smaller, but the ultra-extreme leftism is the same.”

How? Colleges were founded to train clergy- the equivalent of colleges totally independent of the state are trade schools. Everything else is reliant on some way or another to the state.

“But it didn’t. When the “men and white people are evil” thing started in the universities, it wasn’t the state religion.”

If it was heretical, it would have been crushed. It was a purer version of the current state faith so inevitably displaced the old version.

jim says:

> When the “men and white people are evil” thing started in the universities, it wasn’t the state religion.

Was the state religion.

That state religion was in power in the nineteenth century. It is now the twenty first century. Ebonics predates Froude.

The rhetoric and doctrine of Victorianism that men are evil, so the old constraints on female immorality are wicked, unnecessary and inappropriate. First wave feminism was premised on men being evil. Burke’s barratry against the the East India company was premised on white people are evil.

Maleness and whiteness have been deemed evil for a very long time – it is just that the self hatred only recently turned genocidal. It used to be mitigated by a multitude of unprincipled exceptions and little hypocrisies, but the state religion has been purged of these little hypocrisies and unprincipled exceptions one by one, leaving bare the naked core of flaming demonic self destructive evil.

Neurotoxin says:

S, Jim.

What made it the state religion specifically?

All this rancid leftism was spreading in the educational system while, IIRC, the FBI was still hunting down commies and the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, etc. Admittedly, my knowledge of this period is fuzzy.

To come at it from another angle: By what empirical test would we identify a state religion? It has to avoid S statement, “If it was heretical, it would have been crushed,” which is circular. I guess I had in mind something like, What the state prosecutes is definitely not the state religion.

Although now that I think of it, the right of white people and men, and white men, to engage in free association has been under attack for a long time, in a way that was very asymmetrically enforced.


jim says:

> What made it the state religion specifically?

Schools and universities always have been run and always will be run by the State Church. Before the war of Northern Aggression, this was open and official. After the war of Northern Aggression, it was denied in order to pretend compliance with the first amendment.

Before the war of Northern Aggression, each state had its own state Church, and the vatican of New England’s state Church was openly and officially Harvard.

After the war of Northern Aggression, the United States had one state church, and its vatican is still Harvard.

Neurotoxcin says:

“Schools and universities always have been run and always will be run by the State Church.”

I cannot sign on to this, Jim. You’re saying that whatever is taught in the formal educational system is the state religion, by definition.

We need an empirical definition of the state religion, a definition that would actually allow us to ask the question, “Is what’s being taught in the schools the state religion?” Your approach rules out this entire question by definition.

Neurotoxin says:

Kunning, thanks for that. Will look at it when I have a second.

S says:

“We need an empirical definition of the state religion, a definition that would actually allow us to ask the question, “Is what’s being taught in the schools the state religion?” Your approach rules out this entire question by definition.”

Government run educational institutions exist to indoctrinate the next generation in the official ideology. What would they even look like if they didn’t do that?

Red says:

All this rancid leftism was spreading in the educational system while, IIRC, the FBI was still hunting down commies and the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, etc. Admittedly, my knowledge of this period is fuzzy.

For someone who claims to be a rightist, you sure believe a lot of Cathedral propaganda. The FBI was completely unable to determine that the Anti Vietnam War movement why being funded by the Soviet Union. The cash came in in diplomatic bags and then was handed directly off by members of the Soviet diplomatic staff directly to anti war groups in public. Obviously the FBI knew it was going on and obviously they were told to ignore it.

The FBI utterly failed to watch Lee Harvey Oswald a man who defected to the Soviet Union, came back, worked with the Communist party and Soviet Agents in the US, and spread Communist propaganda everywhere. JFK was his second assassination attempt, the first was an attempt on a righting general.

The black panthers went around murdering white men and gang raping white women and the FBI ignored them. They only got involved once the local cops started hammering black panther groups and most of their actions always seemed to result in short sentences or dismissed charges.

The FBI went after the weathermen after they bombed congress and the pentagon, but they were quickly told to drop the charges.

In 1973, the government requested dropping charges against most of the WUO members. The requests cited a recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that barred electronic surveillance without a court order. This Supreme Court decision would hamper any prosecution of the WUO cases. In addition, the government did not want to reveal foreign intelligence secrets that a trial would require.[100] Bernardine Dohrn was removed from the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List on 7 December 1973.[101] As with the earlier federal grand juries that subpoenaed Leslie Bacon and Stew Albert in the U.S. Capitol bombing case, these investigations were known as “fishing expeditions”, with the evidence gathered through “black bag” jobs including illegal mail openings that involved the FBI and United States Postal Service, burglaries by FBI field offices, and electronic surveillance by the Central Intelligence Agency against the support network, friends, and family members of the Weather Underground as part of Nixon’s COINTELPRO apparatus.[102]

These grand juries caused Sylvia Jane Brown, Robert Gelbhard, and future members of the Seattle Weather Collective to be subpoenaed in Seattle and Portland for the investigation of one of the first (and last) captured WUO members. Four months afterwards the cases were dismissed.[103][104][105][citation needed] The decisions in these cases led directly to the subsequent resignation of FBI Director, L. Patrick Gray, and the federal indictments of W. Mark Felt or “Deep Throat” and Edwin Miller and which, earlier, was the factor leading to the removal of federal “most-wanted” status against members of the Weather Underground leadership in 1973.

Neurotoxcin says:

“For someone who claims to be a rightist, you sure believe a lot of Cathedral propaganda.”

Well I did say, “Admittedly, my knowledge of this period is fuzzy”!

Your points are believable – they’re consistent with the overall modern pattern – so I stand corrected on them.

Aside from that, what’s this “a lot of Cathedral propaganda” that you claim I believe?

Red says:

You believe the Cathedral outer party propaganda that the left marched through the institutions when in reality they’ve controlled them since the civil war. Leftist ideas come from the universities and always have. I personally observed the first push of white privilege theory at the school I went to. It wasn’t thought up by students, rather it was handed down from the top of the university.

Your knowledge of history is suspect and appear consist mostly of official cathedral propaganda. It’s unusual to have an intelligent person on the right who hasn’t done a vigorous study of history in order to root out the leftist lies and figure out how things really work. That’s how most of us ended up on the right.

How did you end up on the right?

The Cominator says:

“You believe the Cathedral outer party propaganda that the left marched through the institutions when in reality they’ve controlled them since the civil war.”

No since Woodrow Wilson mostly and lock stock and barrel since FDR but I disagree they controlled them at the time of the civil war. The leftists radical republicans badly lost the initial power struggle (like a complete rout) with the business republicans after the civil war. They didn’t even have any influence until Teddy Roosevelt and no real power until Woodrow Wilson.

Red says:

No since Woodrow Wilson mostly and lock stock and barrel since FDR but I disagree they controlled them at the time of the civil war. The leftists radical republicans badly lost the initial power struggle (like a complete rout) with the business republicans after the civil war. They didn’t even have any influence until Teddy Roosevelt and no real power until Woodrow Wilson.

They controlled the universities and the churches. That’s a lot of influence.

Neurotoxin says:

“You believe the Cathedral outer party propaganda that the left marched through the institutions…”

I’ve never actually said this… but since you now bring it up, I do in fact believe it… on the manifestly undeniable grounds that it’s true.

“…when in reality they’ve controlled them since the civil war.”

You want to argue over when exactly they started marching through the institutions? That’s your hard-core muscle flex?

As the old joke has it: “Now we’re just haggling over the price.”

Neurotoxin says:

“How did you end up on the right?”

A friend gave me a copy of Ayn Rand’s Anthem when I was 16.

And you?

Neurotoxin says:

To get back to the point:

We can’t pre-define some list of forums as being “state religion forums” and just let it slide whenever anyone says “White people deserve to be genocided” or whatever outside those forums. Whenever and wherever such rhetoric appears, if we have the power to do so, we must firmly quell it.

jim says:

What Charles the Second did is first and foremost, purge the state church, giving all priests and everyone in a state or quasi state priestly occupation a shill test the size of an open book exam, and, outside the state Church, when the Puritans assembled a mob to attack those going along with restored state belief system, they got the treatment, but when Puritans were attacked by the mob, the state was strangely lethargic and ineffectual in restoring order.

In other words, he did exactly what today’s state church is doing.

Worked then, works now. The Anglosphere state Church has been doing it that way all the way back that I can find records.

He directly granted certain people and institutions status in his role as the fount of all honors, mortal and divine, and backed up official status by selective tolerance of violence, for nothing is higher status than beating people up with impunity, and nothing is lower status than being beaten up with impunity.

Red says:

I’ve never actually said this… but since you now bring it up, I do in fact believe it… on the manifestly undeniable grounds that it’s true.

Undeniable? Hardly.

The Cathedral came to total power under FDR. They made an attempt at total power after the civil war and failed, made an attempt with WW1 and failed. Once they had total power in what you believe as marching through institutions was simply changing of the guard from the less radical leftists to the more radical leftists with the push for more radicalism coming from the top down.

There’s been periods of push back against this changing of the guard but it’s always done by leftists not wanting to be replaced by the more radical sort.

jim says:

> The Cathedral came to total power under FDR. They made an attempt at total power after the civil war and failed

Civil war was total power for and earlier version of the Cathedral. It is just that the insanity has been steadily escalating, but if you dig back to the early nineteenth century, the current insanity is right there, moderated by unprincipled exceptions, doublethink, and doubletalk.

“All men are created equal”. Bullshit.

In 1865 they were worried about under represented groups in Academia and were gaming and dumbing down the admission criteria. If all men are created equal, cannot have some categories of men failing the entrance criteria in unequal numbers.

Neurotoxin says:

“outside the state Church, when the Puritans assembled a mob to attack those going along with restored state belief system, they got the treatment, but when Puritans were attacked by the mob, the state was strangely lethargic and ineffectual in restoring order.”

Works for me. This is something like what needs to be done today. That’s exactly my point.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think this is a fascinating and worthy discussion with good points on both sides, but Neuro-, I wanted to give you a link that covers the 70s:

That is an excellent introduction to the realization of just how mutilated our common-culture perspective of the era is. Prior to reading that (and other) piece, I had a very naïve perspective of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. Start with that, and work forward with the assumption that Nixon was completely innocent* of that with which he’s been assailed by Society. You might begin to see just how converged institutions already were at the time. Sprinkle this video in for flavor:

*Nixon was guilty of much, but Watergate was a complete Spook, Gordon Liddy was leftist trash, and everything we “know” about the era is almost the opposite of the truth.

Neurotoxin says:

“Once they had total power in what you believe as marching through institutions was simply changing of the guard from the less radical leftists to the more radical leftists”

They did march through the goddam institutions. Aside from the sheer obviousness of this, listen to what the left themselves were saying to each other when they thought no one else was listening. They explicitly stated that this was their plan.

As to the rest: You can’t argue that the Older Left got pushed out of the universities by the Newer Left without conceding my point. The more radical variant of the left was not the state religion at that time. That’s exactly why, having sprouted outside the universities, they then infiltrated them and pushed the older variants out.

jim says:

> They did march through the goddam institutions.

Bullshit. No one marched through the goddam institutions.

The institutions marched through them.

Havard marched, and now has nearly conquered the world, but nobody marched through Harvard. Harvard has always been the anglosphere left, and the anglosphere left has always been Harvard.

Way back, the Puritans argued the holiest should get the Bishoprics. Once they succeeded, then everyone set about being holier than the next guy. After the English civil war was there never a distinctive group with unchanging ideology ascending to power. Rather the left was continuously in power, (got kicked out of England, landed in New England) and its ideology continuously became more radical as one unprincipled exception after another was discarded, one little hypocrisy after another was called out. It was one continuous group, one continuous organization, all the way back to the priests thrown out of the Church of England.

Neurotoxin says:

Other examples, because this annoys me:

There are different variants of Christianity, but Catholicism was NOT the state religion of England after Henry VIII told the Catholic Church to eff off. You can’t say “They’re all variants of Christianity, therefore they’re all the state religion.” Total and obvious bullshit.

Was Catholicism the state religion of England after Henry kicked its ass out of England and England was still Christian?

When the USSR was officially Marxist, was Trotsky’s variant of Marxism also the USSR’s state religion? There’s an ice axe embedded in his skull that says not.

jim says:

> Was Catholicism the state religion of England after Henry kicked its ass out of England and England was still Christian?

Obviously Anglican Church was the state religion of England after Henry the eighth. What is your point.

We always have a state religion.

Red says:

*Nixon was guilty of much, but Watergate was a complete Spook, Gordon Liddy was leftist trash, and everything we “know” about the era is almost the opposite of the truth.

Nixon was guilty of nothing. He did the same thing that the elites did and they tried to destroy him because he wasn’t a leftist shithead.

Red says:

When the USSR was officially Marxist, was Trotsky’s variant of Marxism also the USSR’s state religion? There’s an ice axe embedded in his skull that says not.

Leninism was the official state religion. Then Stalin overthrew the state and adopted an emperor worship cult officially rooted in Marxist theory. The state religion began to die at that point. Khrushchev tried to bring back Marxism but it was already dead.

Neurotoxin says:

“Bullshit. No one marched through the goddam institutions.”

I’ll see your “bullshit” and raise. The left goddam well did march through the institutions. Can’t believe anyone would deny it. Hell, even the left admits it, when they’re not watching their words.

jim says:

Commie propaganda, enemy lies. The left lies barefaced when they claim they marched through the institutions.

They tell you they were not in power back then, the same way they tell you they are not in power right now. They are lying about reality now, lying that they are not in power now, and when they say they marched through the institutions, they are not quite admitting that they are in power now while they are lying that they were not in power back then.

They claim they were a revolutionary outside force oppressed by power back then, and they also claim they are a revolutionary outside force oppressed by power today.

It is their pretense of being a revolutionary movement from below, rather than an imposition from above.

They never marched through the institutions. They were the institutions. They were then and they are now. The left’s rhetoric is always power from below, and the left reality is always power from above. It is not only that way now, it has been that way for centuries. They talk like that right now and it is an obvious lie. When they talk about what happened a century ago, you think they are telling the truth?

The only other person I see pushing the “March through the institutions” narrative is Anonymous Fake, who is clearly getting paid to tell that story and supervised to make sure he tells it. He tells us there is no power from above, when it is completely obvious he is an agent for power from above.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “Was Catholicism the state religion of England after Henry kicked its ass out of England and England was still Christian?”

Jim: “Obviously Anglican Church was the state religion of England after Henry the eighth. What is your point.”

One can’t say, “X and Y are variants of the same basic memeplex, therefore if X is the state religion, then Y is also the state religion.”

Anglican and Catholic are both variants of Christianity, but that doesn’t mean that in Anglican England, Catholicism was the state religion!

Also, regarding the revolution devours its own (which is true) you, and I guess all of us, must decide whether getting your ass kicked for advocating X means you are, or aren’t, part of the state religion.

jim says:

> One can’t say, “X and Y are variants of the same basic memeplex, therefore if X is the state religion, then Y is also the state religion.”

So who is saying that?

In what way is someone’s argument logically equivalent to that? Explain. Who are you addressing, what point or claim of his are you addressing?

Neurotoxin says:

Commie propaganda, enemy lies. The left lies barefaced when they claim they marched through the institutions. They tell you they were not in power back then, the same way they tell you they are not in power right now.

It’s not commie propaganda! It’s the opposite of their propaganda line, which is:

“The universities aren’t in control of the left. College professors are brilliant, disinterested experts. Anyone who says they’re leftist is some sort of right-wing anti-science conspiracy theorist.”

They only admit they infiltrated the educational system (etc.) in unguarded moments.

Neurotoxin says:

The only other person I see pushing the “March through the institutions” narrative is Anonymous Fake…

Are you fucking kidding me?! Every person on the right except for you and Red says this!

Seriously, did you just get back from a trip to Tau Ceti? Go to some normie right-wing site – any normie right-wing site – and ask in the comments, What happened in the universities starting in the 1960s. Literally every person who responds will say what I’ve been saying.

…who is clearly getting paid to tell that story and supervised to make sure he tells it.

For fuck’s sake, Jim. But good, maybe I can pick up some spare cash. HEY SOROS! HOW ABOUT SENDING SOME OF THAT MONEY MY WAY! I’ll tell Jim’s blog the left infiltrated the universities from without!

The Cominator says:

I’m somewhat in agreement with NT on this… leftists may have controlled universities before the 60s but they were far less fanatical.

Red says:

I’m somewhat in agreement with NT on this… leftists may have controlled universities before the 60s but they were far less fanatical.

The left tried to destroy the entire country in the 60s and 70s by legalizing crime and criminalizing self defense. The push back came in the form of Regan and Regan and his very first target was the universities.

Leftist are always getting more fanatical. That’s the nature of their movement. They only calm down when they get real push back. Or at least they used to calm down before they made rigging elections normal. They started losing elections hard for a while there, which is why they rolled part of that program back in the 90s.

I’m pretty convinced that NT is on the right. Repeating the sort of bullshit that Instapundit or Lindsey Graham as some sort of appeal to consensus is redistrict. He’s never read Moldbug.

Red says:

Isn’t on the right*

Neurotoxin says:


One can’t say, “X and Y are variants of the same basic memeplex, therefore if X is the state religion, then Y is also the state religion.”

Jim: “So who is saying that?”

You and Red are both saying that, unless I’m radically misunderstanding. You’re both arguing that the variant of the left circa (say) 1970 that (I claim) infiltrated the universities was not actually “infiltrating” anything, because those 1970 leftists were members of the state religion, which controlled the universities when the infiltration started.

I’m saying this: Even if I concede that Harvard – founded in the 1600s – was leftist in its day, that doesn’t mean those 1970s leftists were part of its state religion.

jim says:

> You and Red are both saying that,

It is incomprehensibly absurd to interpret us as saying that.

2004 Obama was born in Kenya, 2008 Obama opposed gay marriage. 2022 Republicans are unable to oppose faggot schoolteachers sexually mutilating schoolchildren.

Was this a march through the institutions?

The same people and the same organizations changed their positions, each person trying to be holier than the other.

This is not an underground religion that marched through the institutions from below. We did not get a new state religion between 2008 and 2022. This is the same state religion, endlessly purifying its position, the same powerful people endlessly moving left. An outside group did not take over these institutions between 2008 and 2016. Who was marching through the institutions between 2008 and 2016?

The movement left in 1800-1808 took place in exactly the same way as the movement left in 2008-2016. No marching involved, no change in state religion involved. This is the same state religion Charles the first kicked out of the Church of England. No marching through the institutions happened in 2008-2016. What would give you the idea it happened in any other decade?

Neurotoxin says:

Red: “I’m pretty convinced that NT is [not] on the right… He’s never read Moldbug.”

I have read Moldbug, you twatwaffle. Talk about making claims without evidence!

Red says:

I have read Moldbug, you twatwaffle. Talk about making claims without evidence!

You haven’t read Moldbug. You attacked Moldbug’s weakest areas like Jewing out over the Nazis and his insane Libertarianish solutions to problems but you didn’t read what he wrote about how the universities work. Instead you rely upon the lies of controlled opposition to inform yourself how things in the past worked.

You whined about Moldbug not presenting footnotes, but you’ve failed to present any evidence to support your assertions on Universities. You’re just another useful idiot.

Adam says:

Kids graduate college far more progressive and sjw than when they enter. Seniors in high school are more progressive than freshman.

The causal role in this is the schools. I’m not sure how it could be any different, or how it could ever have been any different. Not how power works.

Another way is imagine a bunch of rightists trying to do the same bottom up takeover. Would not last 5 minutes.

Neurotoxin says:

“You haven’t read Moldbug. You attacked Moldbug’s weakest areas like Jewing out over the Nazis and his insane Libertarianish solutions to problems…”

I think somebody’s a Moldbug fanboi who’s butthurt that his guru got his legs kicked out from under him. Don’t worry; there will be other gurus.

S says:

Jim and red have touched on the rest…

“To come at it from another angle: By what empirical test would we identify a state religion? It has to avoid S statement, “If it was heretical, it would have been crushed,” which is circular. I guess I had in mind something like, What the state prosecutes is definitely not the state religion.”

It isn’t circular. If you are part of a movement to take power, the movement is known and the state doesn’t move to crush it, it isn’t heretical. Heresy is that which will have the secret police crack down upon you.

Neurotoxin says:

“Heresy is that which will have the secret police crack down upon you.”

That’s better. Note that’s it’s not the same as “whatever is in the universities is the state religion by assumption.”

jim says:

> What the state prosecutes is definitely not the state religion.

When a holiness spiral is going, what the state prosecutes usually is the state religion. The revolution devours its children.

Neurotoxin says:

“Leninism was the official state religion. Then Stalin overthrew the state and adopted an emperor worship cult officially rooted in Marxist theory. The state religion began to die at that point.”

One variant of Marxism was the state religion. Another variant of Marxism got an ice ax shoved through your skull.

So don’t give me this “If one variant of X is the state religion, then all variants of X are the state religion” crap.

jim says:

So don’t give me this “If one variant of X is the state religion, then all variants of X are the state religion” crap.

No one is giving you that crap. Who is the interlocutor who is supposedly giving you that crap, and in what way is his argument supposedly that?

You are making an unexplained logical leap somewhere. You have to fill in the intermediate steps and explain where you are starting from.

You appear to think you are making a point, but I have absolutely no idea what point you are making or who you are addressing. You need to fill in the intermediate steps.

jim says:

> “Leninism was the official state religion. Then Stalin overthrew the state and adopted an emperor worship cult officially rooted in Marxist theory.”

Who is saying that?

Is that your claim, or your interlocutor’s claim? If your interlocutor’s claim, which interlocutor are you addressing, and where did he make it?

Are you ridiculing someone’s argument, or making an argument?

S says:

“So don’t give me this “If one variant of X is the state religion, then all variants of X are the state religion” crap.”

You are comparing a system with Stalin to one without. If there is a single man in charge, attempts to be more holy will be run into bullets and icepicks. This kills leftist faiths and allows normal faiths to flourish.

If there isn’t anyone incharge and being more holy gets you power the more holy variants will be part of the state religion- until one of them wins and the others are declared rightist. Then the cycle repeats itself until Stalin appears or everyone is murdered.

Neurotoxin says:

“Who is the interlocutor who is supposedly giving you that crap, and in what way is his argument supposedly that?”

You and/or Red, though I think I had Red in mind when I wrote that. Details & quotes to follow, but I need to review the discussion first.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim, 2022-10-11 at 14:19

(Jim quotes me quoting Red):

“Leninism was the official state religion. Then Stalin overthrew the state and adopted an emperor worship cult officially rooted in Marxist theory.”

Jim: “Who is saying that?”

Answer: Red said it, at 2022-10-11 at 05:16. I was quoting him.

The Cominator says:

hence the need for a total solution to the leftist problem.

Neurotoxin says:

I know a guy who’s at least as radical as you on that topic.

The Cominator says:

at least as based as me other topic.

jim says:

> The SJW phenomenon was a real problem, even before it had penetrated the institutions of state power

You were around in 1820?

The Social Justice Warrior phenomenon is state power.

Caesar gives the priesthood a pile of goodies. So who gets the goodies? A bunch of heretics pop up and announce that the very holiest should get the goodies, and they are the holiest. Maybe they get executed, maybe they get burned at the stake. Or maybe they get the goodies.

If they get the goodies, immediately a new heresy will pop up that is an even holier version of the previous heresy. And in due course, that heresy was “Social Justice”

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “The SJW phenomenon was a real problem, even before it had penetrated the institutions of state power”

Jim: “You were around in 1820?”

This made me laugh, and I may use it sometime in realspace, just to see the expression on people’s faces… but come on. In 1820 it was regarded as obvious that white folks are superior to black folks. (As least, it was regarded as obvious among white people.) “White people suck” was definitely not the state religion.

jim says:

> but come on. In 1820 it was regarded as obvious that white folks are superior to black folks.

It was not regarded as obvious. It was and is obvious.

Power was pushing hard against the obvious in 1820.

Neurotoxin says:

“It was not regarded as obvious. It was and is obvious.”

I know. I didn’t say it was false!

Neurotoxin says:

I know = I know you think that.

As to whether Thomas Jefferson was leftist, I’m of two minds about it. Obviously he was a radical revolutionary who overthrew the existing order. But he also advocated extremely limited government, which is like acid poured on the entire leftist project. Remember, all they care about is power.

The first, second, fourth and fifth amendments are extremely anti-leftist.

Neurotoxin says:

Never mind, will continue the Jefferson thing elsewhere in this thread.

Adam says:

I looked up Thomas Jefferson’s wiki last week, not really knowing a lot about him. He was a progressive priest that was holier than the previous generation of priests. He was the precursor to the SJWs. He wanted to be the bandit, and lied about it. He was only interested in serving himself.

I’m sure among responsible God fearing men the differences between blacks and whites was obvious. But it didn’t stop the priesthood from looting the country, on behalf of progressivism.

The rot goes back a long way.

Neurotoxin says:

“But it didn’t stop the priesthood from looting the country, on behalf of progressivism.”

I’m not exactly sure what you’re referencing here. But any priesthood that was looting the country during Jefferson’s life was not doing so on “white people suck” grounds.

Adam says:

No they did not say that outright at the time. Jefferson was on the same path though. If he lived another 200 years he would have gotten there all the same. He was advancing the same holiness spiral.

Neurotoxin says:

I can see the point that Jefferson was a leftist. Really, I get it. There was an established monarchy. He tried and succeeded to overthrow it. And this increased his status and power, in a way that was foreseeable.

If I stop there, then I say, okay, leftist.

And yet… the Constitution he helped to draft is ridiculously anti-leftist in many ways. The basic leftist project is (1) take over the state (along with everything else), and (2) make the state all-powerful.

The first five amendments (the third is sort of whatever) are really, genuinely hostile to the leftist project. Not merely, they seem hostile in today’s political context, but they really are inimical to the leftist project. To be sure, they’re largely dead-letter law at this point, but it’s not as if Jefferson et al could have foreseen that.

Look , there are a fuck-ton of people who believe that stuff about limiting the government. I know because I used to be one of them; I was a libertarian for more than a quarter of a century! I believed that it could work. Pretty sure that most or all of the Founding Fathers also thought so.

This make me want to say, radically anti-leftist.

jim says:

> The first five amendments (the third is sort of whatever) are really, genuinely hostile to the leftist project.

The left has no project. If you think they have a project, you are listening to the magician’s patter when you should be watching the magician’s off hand.

Leftism has no essence, it is just a coalition to knock over the apple cart in order to grab some of the apples, so “lefter” is whatever direction looks like some apples could be knocked loose. “Lefter” could be almost anything, head off in almost any direction, depending on fashion, opportunity, and perceived vulnerability of people managing apple carts. When the devil is in chains, the rhetoric is freedom, when we are in chains, the rhetoric is the need for submission to magic ritual of Fauci.

Neurotoxin says:

I know the left has no project in the sense of goals they actually care about (“feeding the poor,” “protecting the environment,” etc.). What I mean is, they want power. That is the real leftist project.

Adam says:

The words in the documents say some things that sound sort of rightish. But more than anything they say that power is in the hands of priests, and absolutely will stay in the hands of priests. We are the priests, and we are the bandits now.

Best case you could say they tried to make sure there was a balance of priestly power.

Look at the demons they had to worship to get the power to overthrow the Kings rule. A warrior would have just said fuck this nigger king let’s kill him and take his shit. I am the new king, I am the bandit. For me, it’s easier to respect that, than all the bullshit rhetoric these priests came up with to seize power.

I don’t really have a big problem with what they did as far as morality. It’s a big world and we are all trying to get our piece of it. How they did it though and the rhetoric is what I find morally offensive. Those are the seeds of todays western liberal democracies. Like just be honest about wanting power and why. They didn’t need the cover of liberalism.

Neurotoxin says:

“The words in the documents say some things that sound sort of rightish. But more than anything they say that power is in the hands of priests, and absolutely will stay in the hands of priests… Best case you could say they tried to make sure there was a balance of priestly power.”

The Constitution not only builds checks and balances into the structure of the government, it also seriously limits what the government is allowed to do. The first Amendment alone is breathtakingly radical in that respect.

Of course, vast swathes of the Constitution have become “optional guidelines” for the left, but Jefferson et al couldn’t foreseen that. They sincerely tried.

S says:

“In 1820 it was regarded as obvious that white folks are superior to black folks. (As least, it was regarded as obvious among white people.) “White people suck” was definitely not the state religion.”

(Jeopardy voice)
What is the Enlightenment?

Nikolai says:

Our problems are older than you think. Even in the 1500s, Europeans had men venerating savages in order to display superior “piety”. Ex Bartolomeo De Las Casas

Neurotoxin says:


The most recent link I found on the female evo psych stuff, apart from the post before this current one:

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like the Crimean Bridge has been successfully attacked.

Nikolai says:

Either Russia nuts up and starts fighting this war in earnest or my nation gets genocided for the 3rd or 4th time in the last century. Not looking good, but I’m holding out hope.

Red says:

War is not a game where you play nice. You need to be just as ruthless or more ruthless than your foes. Russian leadership hasn’t learn this lesson, yet.

Neurotoxin says:

“Russian leadership hasn’t learn this lesson, yet.”

Surely they must have, after the hell of a twentieth century that Russia went through. I simply can’t process that a country could go through what Russia went through from WWI through the end of the Cold War and not learn something.

That’s kind of white pilling, now that I think of it. It makes me raise my estimated probability that Russia’s leadership actually has a strategy in mind, and isn’t just winging it.

alf says:

From my sideline keyboard warrior perspective looks like Russia has a solid, almost boringly predictable strategy: play your strong cards, but play them cautiously. First dip a toe in the water, then the foot, then the leg, and only plunge in when all other options are worn out.

Typing that out makes me realize nukes are more likely than not…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It looks like they do not war with NATO until they have a much better position. Besides the bad practice of leaving your people to be butchered by Ukraine, this is all good. They attrit more and more Ukrainians every day, consume Western military hardware that cannot be replaced, squeeze the Euro economy to death, and let the American economy decay. It also gives Russia time to adapt to their disconnection from the Western economies.

In February, the US military had a significantly larger munitions stockpile. In February, America had the only blooded military. In February, America had more prestige on the world stage. Today, that is all shifting. Look at the logistical advantage enjoyed by both sides, and how that has shifted over the course of the war. The rest of the world is seeing Russia as the strong horse here, or why would OPEC cut production right before the US midterms?

Kunning Druegger says:

They sense blood in the water.

We should be on the look out for a significant ramping of propaganda, that will be a signal that the Cathedral is losing its hold.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

GAE/NATO is getting desperate and ready to make their move. What month is it now? October? Is that not pretty close to winter in Russia? What could go wrong attacking Russia in winter?

Red says:

Surely they must have, after the hell of a twentieth century that Russia went through. I simply can’t process that a country could go through what Russia went through from WWI through the end of the Cold War and not learn something.

I don’t know much about modern Russia, but the few Russian guys I read on twitter seem to think the government was trying to virtue signal by proving how much better they are at human rights than the GAE. That makes it very likely Russia will lose if their leadership generally believes in the woke faith from 1990.

On the positive note the new guy in charge of the war is the same general who won in Syria and is distinctly against these sort of collapsing retreats due to the effect on troop morale. Attrition is a good idea, but it’s best to make it a slow grinding process and not a run away process where the troops feel like they’re always losing. Russia is going to take more casualties to make it happen, but it should work better than the current strategy.

someDude says:

Couldn’t this just be GAE propaganda? Do we have to take this at face value? What are Russia Today and Pravda saying about this? What is Chinese media saying about this?

For what it is worth, the Indian media is bifurcated. There is the corporate media that is aligned with the US and thinks Russia is getting a bloody nose. Then there is the independent media which thinks Russia is doing just A-okay. Here are some examples

1. Russia has destroyed UKR economy for all time to come:

2. Putin is a foreign politcy mastermind:

3. GAE is running out of weapons:

4. Ukraine Shrinks:

So much for the English language Indian media.

Then there is a vernacular media in Indian languages which also seem to think that Putin is doing alright. But did not post as no one would understand the content. But in general, they suggest that Russia is using this conflict to train all it’s troops and get them all combat experience.

not a jew says:

“The Russian cries out in pain as he strikes you”

The Cominator says:

“Not a jew” but definitely a fed shill or polack of some kind.

S says:

False flags come before the war, not in the middle of it. Especially ones that the Ukrainian government is celebrating with postage stamps.

James says:

So was this posted before the missiles or…?

S says:

Bridge first, missiles in response.

Anonymous Fake says:

Too many people are talking about the bridge itself. What is more interesting is that now we have proof that LGBTWTFism is a religion now capable of producing suicide bombers. But not babies. And also, assassinating philosophers, sabotaging nuclear power plants, drafting 60 year olds, and getting rich from selling the organs of wounded soldiers who mysteriously always seem to die in Ukrainian hospitals. And they do this to the mass approval of the West, in politics as much as on Twitter.

In Jewish terms, it’s just about time to kill Amalek. It’s holy war time, bring enough salt for all the earth. No more mercy.

In America, I suppose all we can do is vote Republican. That’s it…

jim says:

> now we have proof that LGBTWTFism is a religion now capable of producing suicide bombers.

It is unlikely that the man driving the truck knew the truck was full of explosives. The explosion was remote triggered by the man in front videoing the event.

It merely shows that LGBTWTFism is a religion now capable of murdering people in large numbers, something we have known since they attempted to genocide the Tutsi in Rwanda and successfully genocided the Tutsi in the Congo.

smurfissimus says:
Kunning Druegger says:

Says nothing. It’s so tiresome, having preached archive links for years, and everyone is just too fucking lazy.

Fidelis says:

Use IPFS hased content addresses if you want real futureproofing. Its a more fragmented approach to data management and archival, built upon the same technique bittorrent uses. No good fee servers that I know of though, you’d have to pin content yourself and possibly even open a gateway.

Ted says:

Don’t possibly see how Russia can win this war on analog comms while the Ukes are on StarLink. Unless Elon Musk decides to turn off StarLink to the Ukrainian Army, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were a Russia supporter.

c4ssidy says:

Sounds like cascading Kessler syndrome could knock out everything without much difficulty, so not a problem if escalation. All a Russian needs is a leader with the will to escalate when required

Starman says:


“Sounds like cascading Kessler syndrome could knock out everything without much difficulty, so not a problem if escalation.”

“Cascading Kessler syndrome knocking out everything in low earth orbit,” got debunked when the whipple-shielded Cassini spacecraft passed through Saturn’s rings with no problems.

Outer space is one of the few areas left where the US has undisputed military superiority over China and Russia, thanks to Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Tech Priest says:

At the altitude Starlink satellites are at debris gets cleared within ~10years or so, and the Starlink satellites are only supposed to last a few years anyway before replacement, so you would need an awful lot of debris generation to significantly reduce their average lifespan.

Currently, there’s some kind of “cascade” going on at 900km, where debris lasts for centuries and debris is predicted to increase by a little bit over a centuries-long timescale. It’s harder to get a cascade going in low earth orbit where it gets cleared faster.

Kunning Druegger says:

Are spy satellites LEO? The issue is at the geostationary layer, right? Isn’t that HEO?

jim says:

Spy satellites are low earth orbit, often very low earth orbit, where the dangerous junk gets cleared quite quickly.

Geostationary layer, junk is never going to clear for millenia.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Quite quickly is even better. That means that you can cause a Kessler Cascade at LEO, and within a few years it will all be clear.

Kunning Druegger says:

Cursory search shows that *certain three letter voyeurs* like negros running offices like to park their sigint platforms up at geosynchronous, though a lot of the optical ones are LEO. Forgive my ignorance if I’m incorrect, but it seems that the domestic pointed platforms are HEO and the strategic platforms are LEO…

Kunning Druegger says:

Extra, extra, Kanye West takes command of Christian white nationalist forces! Jew loving conservatives unsure of what to do! Clown world continues unabated!

Всё идёт по плану

White men are so broken women and negros are taking over. What a time to be alive.

Red says:

And just like Kanye West has been unperson-ed on the internet.

simplyconnected says:

Kind of off topic but wanted to leave a nice presentation by Sasha Latypova on the injections. This woman seems like the real deal. Her conclusion from analyzing the injection contracts and manufacture irregularities is that this is intentional harm organized by the DoD (maybe that’s obvious here but it’s nice to see some evidence).

Interesting in a different way is a compilation of presentations by depopulation advocates. As Dennis L. Meadows explains, the ways we have to raise the death rate are “famine, pestilence, and war”. By sheer coincidence that is exactly what we have going on now (or coming soon).

Neurotoxin says:

I tried to watch the video and couldn’t get it to play. Does the video actually show a guy doing a presentation and explicitly advocating more “famine, pestilence, and war”?

S says:

I couldn’t see the transcript option, so copied down first 30 seconds.

Population growth will kill you stone cold dead

You have to get the death rate and birth rate in balance and there are only two ways to do it. One is to push the birth rate down, the other is to push the death rate up.

Well we haven’t invented new ways of raising the death rate- famine, pestilence and war, those are the ones we have. They manifest differently depending on the technology that you are using, but that is the way. And it won’t be just one thing I don’t think…

It isn’t advocacy, but it sure looks like a case of touching on the quiet part.

Neurotoxin says:

S, thank you for writing that down.

Yes, sounds like he could be talking in code.

S says:

First two are Paul R. Ehrlich interviews, last is Dennis L. Meadows lecture. The loud part was calling for sterility drugs to be added to reservoirs and exported food.

Neurotoxin says:

How are these people not in prison?

(It’s rhetorical.)

simplyconnected says:

Are you using uMatrix or some other add/tracker blocker? You have to allow access to for rumble videos to load.

I think the more interesting video is by Sasha Latypova. The other is a compilation of talks by club of Rome-type people. Bill Gates has made similar presentations. The public laughs along, but either they don’t realize that “raising the death rate” means genocide, or they laugh because they think they won’t be the ones dying but the ones doing the killing (a case of being conned because thinking they would be conning others, as has been discussed here re the nature of cons). Trump talked to Davos2020 about neomalthusians being wrong, but then pushed the iotrogenocide which, along with Putin injecting his troops, is the part I find hard to reconcile.

simplyconnected says:

Sorry, I meant to say iatrogenocide.

Severian says:

Elon Musk, after suggesting a peace plan re Ukraine, and Starlinks start to mysteriously go offline, now suggests Taiwan be made a Chinese administrative zone.

I think he might be starting to float the threat of defection.

Mister Grumpus says:

Musk isn’t just rich. He also has an especially heavy stake in the future, both genetically and aspirationally (same thing?). So he has to start acting like a monarch now and actually care about straightening things out.

Fidelis says:

Still an enormous pile of fruit that doesnt even hang low, it drops from the tree into your hands

Old technique used in a novel way breaks a 50 year roadblock in algorithm design for matrix multiples. Perhaps not runaway AGI superintelligence, but development in ML continues one step at a time, and recursively compounds itself. Faster matmuls found by an algorith using a ridiculous amount of matmuls, the irony.

Kunning Druegger says:

In case anyone here is dumb enough to rely on MSM sources and Twitter, traffic resumed on the bridge yesterday, albeit in a limited fashion. There is a train span and 2 vehicle spans on the 18KM bridge. One vehicle span had 3 segments severely damaged or destroyed, while the other vehicle span was damaged along with the train span. Full repairs (good as new) estimated at ~6 months, but freight train traffic has resumed, and vehicular traffic continues, though it is limited to cars and smaller trucks, no freight.

Further evidence indicates that there is doubt as to whether the attack was a VBIED as originally believed. It will be some time before anything concrete comes out. Ukraine has already started walking back their “credit taking” position, going so far as to muddy the water that the RF did it to themselves.

An important element of this is that the front is not directly supplied via the bridge, that stuff goes over land by convoy. So this was an attack on civilian infrastructure, with the whole pile of assumptions and inferences that pertain. Russian populace support seems to be galvanizing around the more hawkish position, and we shall see how this influences RF decision makers.

A final, personal note: whenever the blue checks celebrate, it is most often complete lies. Taking that sort of scummy villain seriously is always a mistake if you want the truth, but always a necessity if you want to know where they are headed. The Ukraine conflict is a dumb show for the wars around the corner, and everyone should be aware that footage came out last night (morning time in Slavtopia) of alleged Russian collaborators bodies being dumped into a mass grave. The initial post appeared on Hohol telegram with all the usual Cuckzi rhetoric, but was quickly taken down and reposted as being “footage found on a Russian phone.” Once Socialism tastes the blood of mass killings, they start to get ravenous for it. Best to start preparing mentally and otherwise for a large FF event in the near future, particularly if more operationalized genocide evidence starts leaking out.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Do you have a link to the video, or to a telegram channel that has it?

Kunning Druegger says:
Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Much appreciated, sir. That is dark, and that is what they have planned for us. When we win, we show them every scrap of mercy they would have shown us.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“The German Army (Bundeswehr) has enough ammunition for only one or two days of warfare, the German edition of news website Business Insider (BI) reported on Saturday…”

The recent 300,000 reserve call-ups can be used to free up other troops for the front, they don’t have to wait for these troops to be re-trained for more troops to be deployed.

Winter is coming. A Russian winter offensive has precedent.

Recently the GAE was celebrating real victories against lightly defended fronts. Now they’re celebrating terror attacks as if they were battlefield victories. If there’s a winter offensive these recent local wins will be lost in the noise. If there’s no winter offensive then I’m very wrong, and the “RF is weak” crowd are even righter than they’re now making the case for. But currently I’m not persuaded RF is weak because they haven’t been engaging in tit for tat.

I see a likely scenario where as soon as next year Europe and the US have to just hope Russia wants to stop and digest Ukraine and not escalate further by pushing further, because its not clear NATO is in a position to stop them past Ukraine. Only problem is if our side keeps poking the bear.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

One problem Putin has is that the side that commits their reserves last has a huge advantage, but he does not know for sure if NATO is going to come reinforce Ukraine. He might be holding back in case that happens.

jim says:

Nato will likely soon intervene directly and openly. The Ukrainian army is falling apart. Originally it fought due to Azov Brigade faith and cohesion. But the Azov brigade has taken a lot of casualties, and is losing faith and cohesion, so in the recent offensives, we see English speakers pulling Ukrainian troops together and leading them into battle. Nato is now taking a more direct role, but as yet it is a leadership and organizational role. The cannon fodder is still all Ukrainian.

At some point the Ukrainian army is likely to collapse. Current strategy is war of attrition, which ends when one side or the other collapses. If and when the Ukrainian army collapses, Nato will likely engage in full scale invasion, possibly of Ukraine, possibly on other fronts.

If Nato invasion enters territory that is part of Russia, likely Russia applies tactical nukes within Russian territory, the smallest possible nuclear escalation. But once nukes come into play, people will disagree about what constitutes escalation.

Kunning Druegger says:

Consider too the domestic fronts in each participant. If Putin can drag it out for long enough, collapse due to economic upheaval and culture war may severely handicap NATO’s ability to do anything. You can’t fight a foreign war too well when your homeland is falling apart.

jim says:

The time for revolution approaches, but you cannot conduct a revolution without internal or external backing. Possibly Pentagon, possibly Russia. That Musk is still in business indicates a significant sane faction in the Pentagon. China backing is improbable, because Xi continues to attempt necromancy on his undead state religion.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I just want to put my line in the sand here. I may hate the Cathedral, everyone involved in it, everything it stands for, and want to see it destroyed, but I will never take NATO surplus weapons(preferably chambered in 7.62×51 and/or 5.56×45), plastic explosives, .50 caliber anti-materiel weapons, or training in their use and in guerilla warfare. Never send an email to the email listed in my profile. I am definitely not interested in fostering a civil war in America and feeding the Cathedral staff feet first into a woodchipper.

Karl says:

Nicely phrased, but there is something missing in your list of what your are not interested in.

I had always imagined you to be the man who offers such training, rather than needing to receive it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Trainers do more training than anyone else, at least the good ones do.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’d like to push back against this,

> you cannot conduct a revolution without internal or external backing

…with a refinement: you cannot *successfully* conduct a revolution without internal or external backing. If you have no consideration for success…

If you want to succeed, you need patronage. This is what history shows. But if you just want to collapse things, or immiserate a population, it is possible to initiate urban unrest, or unleash death squads, or just carve out pieces of a societal carcass.

I feel this is necessary to discuss because, given the state of clown world USA, it is quite possible that there will be a whole mess of movements and struggles with no backing past the initiation stage. This may be a hair unworthy of splitting, as the Cartel may back mestizo identitarian movements, or elite factions may fund and weaponize social justice movements, then never call them back (a political booty call of sorts). How long a crowd of brush fires can last in isolation is tied directly to the placement and volume of available fuel, and many movements can and will coalesce into a large conflagration in order to keep burning.

Externally, there are the great powers (Russia, China), global institutions (WEF, NGOs, charities), and minor powers (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc). Internally, there are scores of factions and entities. Once it is demonstrated that there is a viable path to instigating insurrection, separatism, or just internecine violence, I think many of these may seek to get involved.

I know there is disagreement on this, but it could be the case that China used direct involvement in US politics with the Coronahoax. Might OPEC+ be doing the same right now with the midterm season and the production cap/reduction?

As well, most often when a power wishes to incite rebellion or unrest, they must provide agents, weapons, and funds. As it stands right now, there’s plenty of capital and weapons already in place in the USA, and there may not even be a need for agents, as there is a surplus of potential agent provocateurs, leaders, ne’er-do-wells, ruffians, and others that could play the traditional role of foreign agents.

The Cominator says:

In China it’s been done… the revolutionary civil war killed maybe half the population and the rebels sort of won because the government soldiers ran out of arrows and their spears broke after too many bodies… but it’s theoretically possible for a peasant rebellion to succeed just very unlikely.

Red says:

If you want to succeed, you need patronage. This is what history shows. But if you just want to collapse things, or immiserate a population, it is possible to initiate urban unrest, or unleash death squads, or just carve out pieces of a societal carcass.

The state will continue to crush such groups right to the end. You’d be better off forming a bandit gang. State won’t see you as much of a threat and when things do fall apart, you’ve already got a functioning funding mechanism, warriors, and cohesion.

Cassando says:

The US Government is visibly losing its ability to suppress opposition movements. The bigger problem is that opposition has been ideologically neutered from wanting to win, the policeman inside. This is changing, but not fast enough.

Adam says:

All it takes is one guy to turn it around. They obey the policeman, but do not want to. Look at all the good Trump did, even as soft as he is.

Red says:

The US Government is visibly losing its ability to suppress opposition movements.

The pro-lifers sitting in jail after those FBI raids says differently.

James says:

Musk is still in business, but Starship orbital launch approval is being very, very slow walked. His exception remains, although it seems very begrudging and probably opposed. I suspect if his exception lasts long enough, good chance he will be the one granting exceptions to others.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am seeing reports of a lot of air strikes and missile strikes in Kiev and across Western Ukraine targeting government and infrastructure. That bridge attack seems to have been an important line that GAE overstepped. Looks like they might be doing waves of attacks. Bomb government buildings, then emergency services and first responders show up, then the second wave shows up to clear even more people. That is rough on the Ukranians, but at this point they get what they fucking deserve. This is what you have been doing for the better part of a decade. Not so fun when the other guy does it better.

Cassando says:

Russia has drastic positional advantages, which previous America opponents did not have.

However, it’s displaying strategic incompetence which is surprising given its reputation for strategic theory.

It is fighting to not-lose, escalating in response to its opponent, and maintaining stricter terms of engagement than its opponent.

It is fighting much as the US fought in Vietnam, but with a much smaller margin of superiority.

Milosevic says:

Putin has outmanoeuvred Faggot World Empire for over twenty years and he’s not going to stop now. Any perceived failures should be believed to be otherwise, until proven without doubt, ie faggot parades in Moscow.

Kunning Drueger says:

I really like this rhetorical line. The doom posting is too much, it’s just Game of Thrones transference (treating real life events like they are entertainment constructed for your viewing pleasure).

Arkyshrugger says:

Swiss staff officer’s analysis of Ukraine’s offenses and Russia’s situation. Tactical victory for Ukraine, strategic victory for Russia.

Mister Grumpus says:

> Tactical victory for Ukraine, strategic victory for Russia.

Now we’re talking. Both GAE/Ukraine and Russia are succeeding at the games they’re playing, but only one of them, the latter, actually cares about the final results in the physical Ukrainian territory.

Zelensky and his guys have had their bags packed for months now.

S says:

‘In August, indications suggested that the Russians had planned to leave the area well before the start of the Ukrainian offensive. They therefore withdrew in good order, together with some civilians who could have been the subject of retaliation. ”

I was taking the mass murder of civilians as evidence of Putin screwing up, but if the Russians were evacuating civilians, UKR is just randomly killing people.

“where Russian artillery would destroy an estimated number of 4,000-5,000 Ukrainians (about 2 brigades), while the Russian coalition suffered only marginal losses as there was no fighting.

According to Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defence Minister, the Ukrainians lost about 7,000 men in the first three weeks of September. Although these figures cannot be verified, their order of magnitude matches the estimates of some Western experts. In other words, it seems that the Ukrainians have lost about 25% of the 10 brigades that were created and equipped in recent months with Western help.”

(brigades have between 5,000-10,000 soldiers)

No wonder the Kremlin thinks everything is going according to plan. UKR’s grand army is about 1/4-1/2 the size of the initial Russian invasion force.

My personal estimation was tactical UKR, strategic RUS, but if UKR’s offensive manpower is that low, it is a farce. It looks good for the cameras, but once those men are dead, UKR is totally screwed- it doesn’t look like they can replace them.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t know if this was intentional, but you’ve basically replicated in summary form what both Ritter and MacGregor have been saying for the last month. We’ll know the truth in November or December.

If the RF starts marching over the ice and just doesn’t stop OR if the GAE forces Zelensky to the table before the RF starts marching, we can infer that there’s nothing left to throw on the fire. I disagree with Jim here; I don’t thik the GAE is going to step in with their own forces. Their ballsiest, most experienced, and most capable are already there, and, assuming they survive, they are not going to be in any position or state to come back west and rally the remaining men. I think they will keep up the act, force one more offensive push, then sue for peace ASAP and cover it up with false flags and other hijinks.

Red says:

I disagree with Jim here; I don’t thik the GAE is going to step in with their own forces.

Why not? NATO forces are already leading the Ukrainians. From a GAE perspective more dead white men is always a good thing.

Kunning Drueger says:

GAE populations can handle endless not-wars with volunteers getting ouchies and sads. In a 20 year not-war spanning the globe, the Core GAE populace lost less than 10k war dead with approximately double to triple suicide/meme-ptsd dead. The wars were barely supported, and the US was 80-90% of everything, manpower, assets, funding, logistics. This was all under the Bretton Woods Framework.

An actual shooting war in Ukraine would have GWoT numbers in a month. That would be a significant gut punch to every participant. A draft would be inevitable, as every negro, spic, woman, and syke would section 8 their shit at light speed if there’s even a whisper of actual war. So, that means a draft. Please point out on a map which GAE Core or vassal would be willing to get drafted under current circumstances*. Of all the things hastening the break-up of the US social fabric, a draft would dwarf them.

*which is why we might very well see a “Russian” nuclear attack on the US or Europe.

Red says:

You’re repeating leftist propaganda. People seldom care about the losses in a war as long as their actually winning. And even when they’re losing the war (Korea and Vietnam) people keep going over and dying for the empire. The left harps on the number of people who die in a war when they oppose the war. When they’re for the war all the propaganda flows towards ignoring the losses and it works.

During WW1 France and the UK fed their best people in a meat grinder because those were politically and religiously opposed to Socialism. It took a very long time for the men being killing to start resisting the governments that were trying to get them killed. After the war the men who got most of the best of France and the UK killed blamed the Generals for the civilian government’s orders.

Kunning Druegger says:

Oh no, now Neurotoxin and KD are spouting leftist propaganda! Who’s next?!? There are shills in the walls! Hang everyone! I saw Comminator getting a lap dance from a girl in college, he’s basically Joh Oliver!

Seriously though, can you point out the leftist propaganda for me? I think you’ve fallen a bit deeply into American ignorance of consequences. I am not talking about “feelings,” I am talking about raw numbers. The last war the US fought with serious casualties was the Civil War, and the war weariness, on both sides, was substantial and dramatic.

Red says:

Calm down KD, I’m not calling anyone a shill. I believed Cathedral propaganda for most of my life as well.

You’re arguing that people won’t fight for the GAE with the sort of losses they’re likely to end up experiencing. My point is they will fight when ordered to and taking loses is only effective talking point when the left opposes a war.

War weariness is a factor after a war but it takes a lot of death before it becomes a factor during the war. The GAE can easily feed every strong white male of military age into a Russian meat grinder and they’ll feel likely they’re winning no matter what.

Kunning Druegger says:

Well, I disagree. I laid out the broad strokes as sufficiently as needed, but to reiterate:

The USM as it stands now is not loss tolerant. With extremely low casualties, short deployments, regular contact with home, unprecedented amenities, and overwhelming technological advantage, it could subdue neither Iraq nor Afghanistan. The most effective elements of the USM, the Special Operations Forces, are exactly the type of guys to bunk instead of die fighting if they realize they are being sacrificed for domestic gain *at this time* (not so in the early aughts). 70-80% of the standing military is support only, by training and identity, and if forced into trenches against Russian artillery and Wagner infantry will surrender at the first opportunity.

We are not the country we once were. Faith has been largely snuffed out, loyalty is low status, and it is chic to hate the country. In this regard, we are in unprecedented times. No power has ever had to fight a global war with ~50% of its whole population explicitly opposed to it on a fundamental level.

Look at the vaxx casualties. I have not crunched the numbers myself, but the losses incurred have made a large body of stalwart dissidents. A hot war with Russia in Eastern Europe would be grievously costly. If Americans had to tolerate anything like civil war casualties (1 in 100) it would fold very fast, shattering on a score of axes.

10 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago, I think you might be right. Now… I don’t think so, man.

S says:

You know that, I know that, Red knows that- does the person who makes the decision know? Do they care?

Destroying the world economy with inflation wasn’t smart but everyone grabbed the money because if they didn’t someone else would.

Sending the US military to its destruction in Ukraine is insanely stupid, but it just has to be the winning move in an internal power struggle.

Red says:

KD, leftist are not rational actors. They have no interest in anything besides short term power.

There’s a lot of ruin in a nation, and they’ve seen how the Uki’s kept the fighting going for much longer by using the Nazis to march the cannon fodder to the front lines at gun point. I see no reason the US government wouldn’t do the same.

Neurotoxin says:

“Oh no, now Neurotoxin and KD are spouting leftist propaganda!”

Greetings, comrade!

Red says:

Given your recent assertions without evidence that the universities were infiltrated from the the outside, I don’t trust you. I’ve personally observed how Universities become more leftwing and it’s a top down process. Your explanation is the typical outer party lie that I believed before I watched it happen in real time. Jim has the right of this.

So do us a favor and provide evidence to support your argument on the subject.

Kunning Druegger says:

Red, I see your point, and it is very much top down now, as well it was the upper levels that allowed the midwit middle to rise to the place they did on the back f the race riots of the 60s. But I also believe the universities were converged in a manner similar to a family owned operation getting consumed by a corporate entity. While the rot goes back far, you have to square that with the pinnacle of technology and science, 1860-1930ish, overlapping with the rise of the Progressive Midwit takeover. The advancement halted once the takeover was complete, but advancement was possible even with the progressive elite ensconced at the top. I can’t explain this, but the chronology is there.

jim says:

The advancement, though closely linked to the universities, occurred outside the universities. Thus Wernher von Braun went to university and got the world’s first degree in rocketry because he started building rockets before he went to university, or even thought about going to university.

The progressive midwits running the universities were not creating science and technology, they were reaching out to scientists and technologists. Rockets do not exist because a university created a degree in rocketry. The university created the course for Wernher von Braun because that was what he was already doing and had already done.

They wanted to give him a degree because of what he had accomplished outside university, and created a course and degree to suit him so that they could give him a degree.

Similarly, Newton. Same for nearly all of them. They were not creating the scientists and technologists, but converging them.

Red says:

KD, take a look at the Wright brothers. A couple of Bicycle shop guys invent the airplane. What was the Government response? They ignored them because they didn’t have a college education. The US government had poured what would be today millions into airplane projects for people who were part of the cathedral(University professors) and then lied that they actually built the first airplane and the Wrights just got lucky.

Tech wasn’t coming from the universities. The universities were a good place for smart people meet and network but the actual professors working there where not driving tech forward.

Neurotoxin says:

“Given your recent assertions without evidence that the universities were infiltrated from the the outside… So do us a favor and provide evidence to support your argument on the subject.”

Don’t try to reverse the burden of proof. That trick is utterly transparent. The left themselves admits their infiltration in unguarded moments. And yet you’re saying, “No, they’re innocent!” You need to provide a hell of a lot of evidence to exonerate someone who’s admitting he’s guilty.

What actually happened is that the young faculty carried out the Gramscian* program that the left had earlier said it was going to carry out, of infiltrating the institutions.

As Kunning notes, there is top-down enforcement of leftist dogma in the universities now, but I’m not talking about now; I’m talking about a process of entryism that happened decades ago.

*Apparently Gramsci wasn’t the first leftist to propagate this idea, but whatever.

Red says:

Again you present no evidence of your assertions. Show evidence that bottom up inflation happened at the Universities.

Lying leftists saying X doesn’t make it true. Antifa and BLM claim that that they hate all cops and that the cops are oppressing them while the cops stand around protecting them from counter attack while they go around beating people. I personally watched a BLM march into a rural area that had police escorts in front and back because if the locals would have beat the living shit out of them without those state cops. Those sorts of lies of not being state backed is standard leftist propaganda.

Red says:

You know, I don’t think you’ve read Moldbug. He went into great detail how the instructors and administration lead the student revolts of the 60s, how the primary people being purged at the universities was not the few conservatives hired there as tokens, but rather the older leftists who were being replaced as a changing of the guard by the administration. The Administration would pretend to be against whatever the students were being told to do by their instructors, while they do nothing about it. The students was cover to implement what the administration wanted.

I see the same thing happening today:

What Moldbug described made sense to me because I observe it still going on. It’s not new behavior, rather it’s a very old pattern that leftists lie about.

Neurotoxin says:

“Again you present no evidence of your assertions.”

I already called out the trick of trying to reverse the burden of proof. If you keep repeating it, I am simply going to keep calling it out.

The left has provided all the evidence; they admit what they did.

YOU however, have put forth no evidence of your assertions. How about you provide some?

Neurotoxin says:

“Lying leftists saying X doesn’t make it true. Antifa and BLM claim that that they hate all cops and that the cops are oppressing them while the cops stand around protecting them”

Don’t be an ass. Saying “We’re victims!” is a lie that helps them. Saying “There was a leftist project to infiltrate the universities” is a confession of bad behavior.

Red says:

Again, present evidence that they did bottom up infiltrate the universities. Not that not they liked the idea, but rather they did it. IE show that the state wasn’t the one facilitating them into power.

Don’t be an ass. Saying “We’re victims!” is a lie that helps them. Saying “There was a leftist project to infiltrate the universities” is a confession of bad behavior.

Again, they lie all the time about not being backed by state power. They brag about Entryism all the time, but the groups that resist them soon get hammed by the state and forced to allow the infiltration or they get destroyed. It’s a game the left and the state plays. The state pretends it’s not putting the ever more left into positions of power. While the leftists pretend that they were able to take over just based on their intelligence and had nothing to do with the threat of state power if they met resistance.

Neurotoxin says:

Red: “show that the state wasn’t the one facilitating them into power.”

Again: “I already called out the trick of trying to reverse the burden of proof. If you keep repeating it, I am simply going to keep calling it out.”

Even so, I will provide some evidence – which you will ignore and dismiss, but other readers will see you doing that – but only after two things happen.

1. Elsewhere in this thread you asked me, “How did you end up on the right?” I responded,

“A friend gave me a copy of Ayn Rand’s Anthem when I was 16.
And you?”

You still haven’t answered this. And since you think it’s so important… answer it.

Or if I missed it, point out where you answered it.

2. Provide a specific piece of evidence for your claim. Just one. This shouldn’t be hard, since every pattern has exceptions, and I’m sure there are examples of what you’re claiming.

If I don’t see both of these things, I am going to conclude that you’re not really interested in the debate, but just trying to play some sort of weird social dominance game. (“I’ll ask the questions here! You answer them!”)

Kunning Druegger says:

The gay side of Ukraine just had a Donbas Morning. Massive surgical strikes across the whole west. Every major city hit. Power failing, water failing, air defense systems overloaded. Footage pouring out, once jubilant citizens weeping and fleeing. Infrastructure damage is widespread. As Putin was giving an address, another flight took off. The footage is impressive. While this was going on (03-04 EST) the Ukr rally points on the front lines were also being hit, but that’s not being covered by any media as of now.

Today is the first day of the SMO under its new leadership, the guy that ran the campaign in Syria. We shall see if this was a one-off or if it’s the new normal for Hoholistan. A russki TGram chap pointed out that, while the footage is shocking, the real damage won’t be felt immediately, as the strikes were aimed at staff command centers and energy infrastructure. As the temperatures drop and the Ukr offensives try for another push (estimated in the next week or so), the damage to decision making centers and grid power will cause cascading failures.

This is how this conflict should have started:

Red says:

All positive signs. Based on the way GAE air defense missiles were randomly doing loops at hitting their own cities I’d say the Russians either jammed or hacked those systems quite effectively.

jim says:

Likely hacking, as jamming is hard over enemy territory. Looks like an active hack – a hack that is glaringly obvious to the party being hacked. Active hacking reveals information to the enemy, which is likely to result in the enemy closing the security hole, so you want to get the most bang for your buck when you deploy such a capability

So while the hack continues to work, better get everything on the targets list.

On the other hand, the response to the hack may well be managed by Shaniqua, who will attempt to close it by having engineers fill out twice as many forms with twice as many checkboxes. Russia has long lagged far behind the NSA in hacking, computer security, and penetration, but since Obama, the NSA has suffered a sudden and dramatic loss of competence.

If you tell an engineer to get something done, he will do it. If you tell Shaniqua to get something done, she will create charts and forms wth lots of checkboxes, and hold a meeting to discuss checkboxes.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

According to Telegram, an important cyber official was killed, so Russia might have targeted the people watching the hack and made sure that it would be harder to fix the exploit. That is some IEW thinking right there, if true. Hack the system, wait for the response to the hack, then use that to bomb the responders. Being a computer need

jim says:

> That is some IEW thinking right there

Hack air defense systems, then blow up the man whose job it is to prevent hacks of air defense systems. Information Epoch Warfare is arriving.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Meant to finish that with, “Being a computer nerd is about to become deadly serious, dangerous business.”

jim says:

It is taking a while, but the trend line is obvious. The age of warrior techies approaches.

Back when iron and steel was made from bloom iron, rather than molten iron, iron was expensive and labor intensive, but Charles the hammer realized that he needed an elite army with expensive equipment.

And soon a warrior was weighed down with as much iron as a man could carry, and soon after that, as much iron as a horse could carry. And so came the age of knights, when wars were fought directly between highly trained and expensively equipped elites, with masses of conscripts being largely irrelevant. Like the bronze equipped heroes of the Trojan war, individual personal combat by William the Marshal had a significant and substantial impact on the outcome of wars. He obtained his wife and her castle in personal combat.

The Ukrainians have drones that should be able to act autonomously from take off to landing, and thus should be able to disregard Russian jamming. But the Ukrainians are having problems instructing them what to do when acting autonomously. Ukraine is fighting World War I, a war of poorly trained, poorly equipped, mass conscript cannon fodder. The Russians would rather fight World War II, and are finding it difficult.

But war is a stern teacher. It is not so much that the day of warrior techie has dawned, but rather we can see the first glimmerings of early light prefiguring that dawn. Dawn will be a while, but it comes.

i says:

Its disheartening that despite War. Communism has been successful for at least a century and a bit more.

Kunning Druegger says:

The new General in charge of the SMO is purported to have served jail time for his participation in the coup of 1991. Might not mean a thing.

Red says:

It’s role in Syria that’s important. He lead the operation there. I remember when Russian Special Forces ordered an artillery strike on their own position when ISIS was over running. All the Russians died but so did all the ISIS goat fuckers. You want a leader hard enough to inspire that sort of bravery in his men.

An early part of any new style war is getting rid of the generals who can’t cut it. Russia’s been doing that and it looks like they finally found their man.

Kunning Druegger says:

Don’t forget Wagner Group. No one seems to want to discuss how they are just as “out numbered” as the other units, but they are taking ground, cracking jokes, making dank memes, and being the warriors they wish to see.

On that topic, the RF keeps giving the prisoner volunteers to replenish and swell their ranks. It blips up from time to time, but no one on Russki TGram seems to want to talk about it ( I have no idea why, response to “The Orchestra” is overwhelmingly positive) for more than a post or two. They are causing a Hohol force that outweighs them nearly 3 to 1 to cut and run.

Red says:

The WW2 experience of using prisoners in combat resulted in a lot civilian atrocities. I’m not surprised they don’t want to talk about it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You take the scum of the earth and set them loose on your enemy. It is not a gentleman’s method of fighting, but in a fight like this, and against people like Azov, you play by their rules, harder. Let the Wagner guys run amok, and at the end of the day you come out ahead. Your criminals get themselves killed or get respectable, and your enemy knows that you can and will engage in bloody reprisals. You like Nazis, you Hohol faggots? Here, have some Nazis.

Kunning Druegger says:

You have to dig to find it, but there are plenty of stories of convicts performing notably and admirably. One life long gangster who was in jail forever became a hero squad leader that sacrificed himself to save his team and was buried with full honors in the community he terrorized. I know I am on the softer side of Jimian Christianity, and I have personal reasons for this, but I must believe there is a path back from damnation. I track hard with the muslims on this one: it matters not how far you walk towards hell, if when you die you’re crawling towards heaven, for God sees, knows, understands, and loves.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I did say, “…or get respectable.” I am sure there are some guys in Wagner who will end this conflict as decent members of society, if a bit rough around the edges. However, I am as equally sure that some of them will leave it as bad or worse than they were at the beginning. I agree with that idea of repentance in the eternal scale, but in the temporal we have to make certain concessions. You can always start a walk back from damnation, but sometimes that walk ends in this life when you kneel before God and a headman’s axe. You have to pick it up again in the next.

Aidan says:

A lot of the men in a modern prison were always heroic warriors on the inside, they have just had nothing to fight for until now. Like a dog tearing up the couch because he does not get the right exercise.

Red says:

That’s a great point. It’s also the thing I fear about war with Russia. Lots of good white warriors will end up dead for an evil cause just because they need something to fight for.

Basil says:

[*deleted for presupposing that everyone believes and accepts blatantly stupid government propaganda about Russian atrocities*]

Basil says:

I did not say a word about Russian atrocities. [*deleted*]

jim says:

Indeed you did not. You just presupposed that everyone agrees.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s Wagner training some recruits:

Imagine the complaints if an American NCO cadre did this lol.

Karl says:

Prisoner volunteers is not remarkable. The state gives a pardon and waives the jail sentence for soldering.

Problem I see is why involve Wagner? Why not use prisoners in the regular army, maybe in some penal units?

Why is the government doing Wagner’s recruitment? Is someone inside the government building his own private army?

jim says:

I find this story improbable, and the source is the BBC, whose reputation these days is somewhat below that of Baghdad Bob.

If they were recruiting prisoners, it would be the state doing it, not Wagner. Sounds like a case of social justice warriors always project. Ukraine is conscripting prisoners, so the BBC accuses Russia of recruiting prisoners.

Wagner is an elite force, therefore unlikely to recruit prisoners. Wagner is not the state, it is a mercenary force, therefore unlikely to be in a position to offer pardons. And nothing that the BBC says is remotely connected to reality. It is non stop, strident, over the top, propaganda.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am hearing the same thing from Russian Telegram. Prisoners who demonstrate good character and show courage will have their sentences lessened or waived in return for fighting for Russia. Wagner is a Russian state agent playing as a mercenary organization. The “P” in Wagner Group PMC is spelled, “N-G-O.”

Kunning Drueger says:

In short, yes, Wagner is some oligarch’s private army. To keep this powerful privilege, he must perform as the Kremlin’s personal SOFs. Wagner was formed in response to the wildly successful Blackwater under Eric Prince (the Blackwater of today is basically incomparable and wholly controlled by State Department/NGO complex).

Government isn’t doing Wagner’s recruiting, they’re providing bulk recruits in addition to the volunteers they already get. You can read up on Wagner themselves, they put out plenty of general information. They are very upfront about how their training is better, they don’t accept scrubs or retards, and their unit composition is very well thought out.

This is not just talk. Wagner has developed a reputation of grim efficiency, wrecking shop on larger forces, using advanced tech and tactics, and fighting to the last man when cornered. There’s a story of a Wagner team being surrounded and overrun in Syria, and their Team Lead called down artillery on their own position, then fixed the enemy until everyone was destroyed.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Once again, I am surprised and shocked that despite the skull bashing and terrorizement of whites, we managed to actually make a good AGI capable of generating text, pictures, and even animations now. Well done to the guys who were safely quarantined from Shaniqua and the HR department for pulling it off. I have stable diffusion running on one of my computers and its really amazing what it can do.

S says:

I’ve been following this since stable diffusion dropped; the craziest thing is the speed it is going. 3d modeling with 3 pictures came out last in the last couple of weeks.

By animations do you mean the ‘text to video’ Google just displayed, people using Stable Diffusion to speed up the creation process or has something new been released?

jim says:

One would think that stable diffusion could generate memes with high efficiency, but not seeing it yet.

Maybe it requires a different training set. Stable diffusion seems to have no capacity to relate to the moral valence of a text. Religious art is absolutely full of moral valence, but for centuries the art world has been engaged in self induced blindness to moral valance of visual aesthetics, so the relevant data would be utterly lacking in the texts of the training set. And modern AI requires enormous training sets.

Aidan says:

I know some guys producing memes for our side with stable diffusion, and the results are fantastic. Can definitely goose the program to create religious art with moral valence

jim says:

Great, we need meme warriors. Who are those guys and what memes have they made?

Kunning Druegger says:

Breath Status: Bated

I would like to resubmit my idea for a GPT-JIM operation.

Aidan says:

Unfortunately, must keep mum in the name of security. Merely indicating that I’ve seen the potential of the technology, and I may spin up my own instance.

Karl says:

In understand the need to keep the artist hidden, but why the work? Please show us those memes

JustAnotherGuy says:

I was referring to the first order model I found on github (granted its not completely generating a new picture and animating that but I’m still impressed):

It’s a really cool piece of tech, and some low level version of it is already in consumer use (such as jpgs that are animated to sing a lyrics of a song).

Red says:

Anglin is super black pilled on women. He’s not helping his readers or himself with it:

The Cominator says:

I’m pretty blackpilled on at least American women but damn…

someDude says:

Which proves that Anglin is not among the readership of this blog.

So what do the esteemed wife-owners/womanizers of this blog think the cause may be? Did he fail a series of shit tests? Or were her shit tests of the kind that can only be passed by the likes of Gen. Butt Naked, i.e. actual application of brutal violence.

Red says:

Or were her shit tests of the kind that can only be passed by the likes of Gen. Butt Naked, i.e. actual application of brutal violence.

I’m sure she’s fucked General Butt Naked based on her modeling history. Tom would have needed to get out the beating stick to keep her in line.

Adam says:

I would bet the vast majority of women have never received a hard spanking, and certainly never have been struck by a man in the face. It sounds risky, but if you want to jump to the A#1 alpha spot with a woman, give her a fat lip after a particularly brutal shit test or an overt act of disobedience.

Red says:

Violence against women have to be done with the right frame. Lots of guys finally lose it strike their women but then immediately apologize for it. Those are the guys who end up in jail for DV. Giving women what they want is a very dangerous game if you’re not filled the confidence of the righteous.

Saldo says:

Anglin does not acknowledge the Jewish nature of the Psychoanalysis cult, while acknowledging his participation in it, and condemning all analysis of his mental state of “Psychoanalysis.”

It is not my experience that women are untameable. They are salesmen, not demons. Learn to negotiate.

The Cominator says:

LOL obvious shill of some kind is obvious, Anglin is a jew and you need to negotiate with women.

PUA redpill on women 101, you cannot negotiate sexual desire.

ArkyShrugger says:

Anglin talks constantly about our Christian God and yet he seems to deny Genesis 2:18:23. God made woman for man, before the fall.

Anglin Understander says:

Anglin’s women hatred is a rhetorical device. If the culture uplifts, absolves and loves women every day, then Anglin will deride, condemn and hate women every day. The pill is red, not black. Women are what the are. The regime (specifically, for Anglin, ZOG) is the target.

Anglin regularly tells men to get married if they want to, but warns that if Tom Brady, Bill Gates, Brad Pitt, Vladimir Putin, and other leading figures can’t hold onto their wives, then buyer beware. Hence the need for regime change.

alf says:

Which argument Jim has long adressed and answered. Women’s sexual preference is primitive, has not changed much since the days we were monkeys. Brad Pitt gets to be alpha on set and in the movies. Still needs to pass shit tests at home. Giving the wife permission to adopt ten African kids is a divorce inducing failed shit test.

The Cominator says:

Makes better sense. I doubt that Brady and Pitt are beta in the sense women understand either even if Bezos and Bill Gates are…

Red says:

These guys are mostly picking the hottest women around who have certainly been been banged by General Buck Naked. It’s a tough act to follow. This is why virginity is so highly prized.

Knowing the score with women, the best solution is the lowest notch count, hottest chick you can pull. Better a faithful 7 than a 10 that’s always thinking of the alphas she fucked while in bed with you.

Gisele is starting to hit the wall so she wants to go back and try to get someone like GBN in her bed. Lots of women do that shit once they hit the wall. Always ends in sorrow for them.

Red says:

Oddly he doesn’t connect the number of guy’s Tom’s soon to be ex wife fucked before getting married with her bad behavior.

Wolf says:

I’m not read up on these scandals but don’t you think these famous men might have wanted to dump their aging wives? Is it known conclusively that the women initiated the divorces?

someDude says:


Red says:

It’s pretty rare. Women generally like to force men into initiating the divorce. I’ve knew one where the wife opened fucked other guys in his bed and made no secret of it so he would fire for divorce, or maybe she wanted him to beat the shit out of her and kill her lover. Could have gone either way. Women create some brutal shit tests.

Ted says:

He’s a satirist. Why are you taking his writing as anything more than comedic entertainment?

Kunning Druegger says:

Anglin is right about women. I have really struggled with this, but I can’t find the technical fault with his argument. Strip away the hateful invective, satire, and humor, and what you have is crystalized Jimian perspective on female evo-spych and tendency.

Woman are not particularly bad in current era, they’re just women with no constraint. They have always been this way. If the thots ain’t patrolled, the holes grow mold.

Woman will set two or more males against each other just to see sparks fly. They do this with no thought and no sense of guilt.

Woman have two modes: self-enrichment and protective. If they are deprived of children/garden/home, this turns into a really foul sense of entitlement and destructiveness.

The Bible speaks to men and about women.

All female politicians are Political Eves. (They will always be tricked into taking poisoned fruit)

Women use our deeply held love of our mothers to manipulate us.

He dresses the truth up in a cloak of hyperbole to reach out to zoomers and generation next, who are wrapped in so many layers of sarcasm, jade, and social programming that they need to be shoved hard off the Believe All Women/Worship All Women position. I think it is a method deployed to blast young men way out of their current orbit with the knowledge that many will fall back into a much better orbit, though a few will be lost to The Bad Place.

I don’t think Anglin has kids, so he is comfortable being a hardliner on the RPWQ, and everyone here should know that that can easily get you to a really dark place. Male/Female relation is Defect/Defect, and Anglin’s fault in this discussion is that he cannot see it being any other way. Consider Jim’s repeated position: men are “on stage” forever, women shit test forever ( I know there’s more nuance, but simplicity helps my case lol). If you are like me, imperfect and not a gigachad, that is a harrowing perspective to hold.

alf says:

Says Anglin:

There are three things that all women on earth deserve:

– Brutal gang-rape
– Slit throat
– Dumped in a gutter at the side of the highway, mangled

No man can comprehend what a woman is. I am unique in that I can observe it and describe it, which 99.99999% of men cannot do. But I can’t comprehend it: women want to destroy beauty and love because it exists, and they think it’s fun.

Yea no, guy’s an idiot spreading idiocy. Well, he presumably says a lot of good stuff. When folk here link his writing I tend to read and enjoy it. But on the topic of women he is a MGTOW idiot writing MGTOW idiot tier stuff.

KD, read what Anglin says. He does not say: ‘IF a woman is deprived of children, she turns evil.’ He says: ‘a woman is evil. Full stop.’

Anglin is free to be in his dark place. But let us not uphold his position as a virtue, please.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am not upholding his position, but I can’t refute the technical argument. It is completely in line with Jimian analysis. Yes, his layering in of hateful, MGTOW invective is kind of dumb, IMO, but where does it violate our principles? He says the same thing, but arrives at a different conclusion. We say “Yes, all women are like that. A man must soldier on, defend and care for his property, and be fruitful and multiply.” He says “Yes, all women are like that. A man can do anything he wants, but it will not change their nature, and they have every opportunity to destroy men for no good reason at all, and they do it all the time.”

Understand, brother, I am not suddenly opposed to marriage, abduction, seduction, or family building. But the evidence of feminine destructionism is overwhelming. There are just too many examples of women burning down families for no good reason to not at least countenance his position.

For me, it is very similar to Fidelis’ (and others) position that the fight for America is already lost, and the smart move is to flee and relocate. It is technically correct, I cannot refute it, but nonetheless I stand where I stand and will not retreat.

The Cominator says:

“Understand, brother, I am not suddenly opposed to marriage, abduction, seduction, or family building. But the evidence of feminine destructionism is overwhelming. There are just too many examples of women burning down families for no good reason to not at least countenance his position.”

Women want to be in a herd with other women… and as the American female herd mind right now is very insane and evil this tends to make American women very evil. Women who are seperated from the herd for whatever reason (girls 16-22 tend to be more independent of it and more focused on men) tend to bed much less evil.

alf says:

I can’t refute the technical argument. It is completely in line with Jimian analysis.

Anglin says all women deserve to be slit throat and dumped in a gutter.

Jim says women are wonderful.

How are those completely in line?

Kunning Druegger says:

Again, that, to me, is fluff. That is not the technical argument. I respect both men, I think both are some of the smartest men, theorists, and thought leaders alive today, but I don’t believe either is perfect.

Jim says women are wonderful. Some definitely are, mine is, some of me lads have great wives. But I would never in a million years say or agree with the statement that All Women Are Wonderful. That would be preposterous.

Anglin says all women deserve slit throats and/or ganged bangs. Some definitely do. Many seem to relentlessly pursue both. But I would never in a million years say or agree with the statement that All Women Are Cumrag Pincushions. That would be preposterous.

I don’t like the way he frames things. I think there is a lot of pain inside Anglin. I know this is me being a simpleton, but I think it is perilous for a man to be in his thirties with no children, no wife, and no land. I am so stalwart on this position that I would encourage any man to just take what he can get and “live” her into a better place, even if she’s imperfect. I genuinely believe a man must have land, property, and children to be whole. So obviously, Anglin goes to far. But I also see why he does so, particularly in light of the progression of events.

alf says:

I have no problem saying some women deserve slit throats. Can Anglin say some women are wonderful? Seems like he’d rather chop off his balls than say that.

Kunning Druegger says:

And that’s his cross to bear. Let’s look at it a different way: is his over the top analysis pushing people in a better or worse direction on the Woman Question?

jim says:

On the one hand, official reality is that the situation is fine, and women are fine, when it is right in every man’s face that the situation is very bad, and women, given half a chance are very bad. I see women all over the place that need to be hit with a stick and put on a leash, and in a civilized society, would be.

So, Anglin attacks that delusion.

But he is also sowing the black pill, MGTOW. Despair is a vastly worse sin than lust.

We can, and should, deal with this problem as individuals, and as a society. The black pill, despair, prevents men from doing so.

It is those who can and have fixed this problem as individuals who, when in power, will fix it as a society.

Kunning Drueger says:

Better to assume women are trash and be proved wrong by Mrs. Hearthnhome then to assume women are angels and get destroyed by Ms. Cruz-Carousel. Every woman I’ve ever dated for any substantial period of time has admitted that they hate Women, with the exception of their friends and loved ones. Women are very aware of how destructive and cruel females are, but they also universally assume they themselves are the exception.

alf says:

Every woman I’ve ever dated for any substantial period of time has admitted that they hate Women

What can I say we dated different women.

Neofugue says:

> is his over the top analysis pushing people in a better or worse direction on the Woman Question?

While his sentiments are extreme by Western standards, Anglin’s views are not too far off from those held in certain Islamic nations. As a Christian, I cannot condone certain aspects of his rhetoric, but putting immoral women like Giselle in body bags is a good and proper.

Also, I made a post about the importance of not punching right which got caught by the moderation filter. Could it be cleared out?

jim says:

“Yes, all women are like that. A man can do anything he wants, but it will not change their nature, and they have every opportunity to destroy men for no good reason at all, and they do it all the time.”

Not quite all the time.

If you act like you don’t care, that you do not believe their social superweapons are worth a tinker’s dam, they will not use them. I am still not in jail, not financially ruined, and never charged with rape or sexual harassment. It is only innocent men that get whacked with that stuff. The totally guilty are relatively safe.

The Cominator says:

I’m the most blackpilled regular here on at least American women current year and this is too over the top. No women are not always evil all the time… Hell I’ve known one in my life who was bro tier loyal reliable helpful etc for YEARS (and no she wasn’t dykey at all this girl was hot too, and when I was moving she immediately volunteered to help me move) then after she had a kid she started hanging out with other women without being in mixed company and she became like other women… her change for the worse in character was not part of a deliberate evil plan.

Rather they are fickle and capable of turning evil based on chaotic sexual and social impulses at any time or at best if they have some sort of stability to their good nature any sort of dramatic change in their life can easily wash that away…

jim says:

Women, children, and dogs need authority in their lives, and are much happier when they feel the strength above them capable of keeping them in line.

Absent that authority, they misbehave. Prolonged misbehavior results in childlessness, whereupon they are apt to turn grotesquely evil.

Red says:

KD, what’s your view on women?

Kunning Drueger says:

I like the tops and backs of their heads.

For a serious answer, need a more specific question. Unless forced by work or circumstances, I refuse to associate with females I’m not fucking, and I am sworn to one woman until death.

Neurotoxin says:

men are “on stage” forever, women shit test forever ( I know there’s more nuance, but simplicity helps my case lol). If you are like me, imperfect and not a gigachad, that is a harrowing perspective to hold.

I’ve never understood this point of view. Learning Game for me was like going from playing an extremely difficult game to playing it in God mode.

Once you hit a certain level of Game you literally understand women better than they understand themselves.

Adam says:

Kind of reads like he has not fully internalized the red pill. As if he was holding the same standard for men and women. Women can do good, and enjoy doing good. But largely they must be made to. But they like to be made to. I don’t think they prefer to do evil. But, lacking the ability to resist the temptation, they are compelled to try.

It is an act of cruelty to put a woman in the position they are in today, to let them suffer that temptation and the consequences. They are not made for it. Would rather be made to do good, made to serve their husbands and children. In every way their lives are better that way, but they cannot do good unless they are made to.

Outside of patriarchy, they really are pitiful creatures, and suffer much more than they need to.

Red says:

He very much reminds me of my black pill days on women. Jim made it crystal clear what was actually going on and I stopped being upset at women. It’s like being upset at a dog for acting like a dog.

Mike in Boston says:

I’ve posted before about Putin needing to get his own house in order before trying to prosecute a war with the GAE. I cited his health minister’s continued shilling of clot shots.

But I’m happy to have some good news to share. Back in June the Russian Ministry of Defense enacted mandatory clot shots for all soldiers. As recently as September 28th, the MoD confirmed that clot shots were mandatory for the newly mobilized. One of my Russian friends left Russia for Bishkek the day before. The clot shot was one of his main reasons to not want to be mobilized.

There was some push-back from Russians. An independent physicians’ organization posted open letters to Putin and Defense Minister Shoigu arguing against the clot shots. And as of early October, the Defense Ministry backpedaled and clarified that clot-shots would not be required for mobilized reservists.

It ain’t a complete victory. Health minister Murashko is still out there shilling new and improved clot shots, and the defense ministry could once again reverse course.

But it’s something. Hopefully it’s the start of a trend.

Basil says:

The reality is that the Russians don’t believe in what you believe, that’s why they don’t volunteer to fight, that’s why there is a need to recruit criminals from the colonies, there is a need for mobilization, because people don’t want to fight voluntarily. Compare with how the men behaved in Afghanistan. They knew what they were fighting for and it showed.

If Russia wins the war tomorrow, it will remain the matriarchal socialist graveyard that it has been for the past decades, which it is now and will be the same tomorrow. Russia could solve its internal problems without a war, and for some reason it seems to me that the Ukrainians would go over to the side of the RF Armed Forces practically without a fight, as did the soldiers who received a salary from the occupation administration in the Taliban, the cities remained mostly intact, and Russia’s prestige in the world would pierce the heavens.

jim says:

You are speaking the words of our enemies who want us all dead.

But there is a small grain of truth in what you say, even though you are using the words of liars to tell the lie that your masters pay you to tell.

And the truth is this: Russia is in a holy war with demon worshipers, and to win must invoke the power of Christ. One must bring a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war.

You are telling me that they are not invoking the power of Christ, and not going to invoke the power of Christ.

Perhaps, but, on the other hand:

The Great Cathedral in Russia

White men are once again building Cathedrals.

Anonymous Fake says:

The greatest strength of globohomo is that it [*does not actually admit to being a religion engaged in holy war to impose the one true faith*]

jim says:

Quite true, but I think that the way I phrased it is far less flattering to globohomo than the way you phrased it, even though I understood you to mean what I said – just you seemed to be expressing it in euphemism.

Basil says:

I wonder why Malaysia, the Saudis or the Philippines didn’t need a war to build beautiful temples, even though none of these countries has a nuclear shield?

jim says:

Non Christian privilege.

Kunning Druegger says:

Russians don’t volunteer to fight? Are you actually saying this?

Basil says:

Why is [*hostile propaganda deleted*]

jim says:

Might be true. I doubt it. And you have absolutely no basis for assuming it to be true, let alone assuming that we assume it to be true.

Hottap says:

Russians mostly believe what Putin says he believes.

This is openly 1950s Soviet patriotism, a mix of Russian patriotism and post-Stalin socialist internationalism. Between the lines, it is Orthodox Christian Nationalism.

What Russians are less convinced about is that their army will treatment them well or that their army will win. It’s a real problem. Russia’s draft system allows almost anyone of social worth to exempt himself, and gives him a good reason to want to be exempted. It needs a draft system like Israel, where the highest members of society take the draft, are seen to take the draft, are seen to want to take the draft, and are seen to benefit in their subsequent lives from having performed well during the draft.

Hesiod says:

Much like in Ukraine, the US is not exempting its acolytes of Cybele from the draft:

Makes sense having them killed as cannon fodder rather than waiting for the inevitable suicides when they find out no amount of ritual mutilation or government dictates will make them real women.

Kunning Druegger says:

I saw this yesterday and was so excited for the future salt mining. It’s like having a massive Christmas present under the tree, a giant and obvious package that can’t be ignored, no matter what you tell yourself or what you are forced to pretend about it.

Contaminated NEET says:

Settle down; nobody’s drafting anybody. And if they were, they’d exempt the trannies, no question about it. This is just a minor error from some low-level functionary who hasn’t fully internalized the sacred truth that TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN PERIOD FULL STOP.

Kunning Drueger says:

If the Twilight War expands, drafting will occur. It’s inevitable with the DNA modern armies have. For every one front line grunt, there are 10 support staff at least, and it can be significantly more. Troons will be tucked into service, but they’ll be given plum positions.

Contaminated NEET says:

They can’t draft trannies unless they draft women; it would be a vile sacrilege to them. They’re not going to draft women.

Kunning Drueger says:

Going down this road would land you in the Supreme Court to get a legal decision on what a Man is. Until they get the bench, I suspect the intelligent ones will avoid that pitfall, and the rest of them don’t care what the laws say anyway. So, a few will go play dress up and cumdump and the rest will dodge.

To be clear, my initial post was about the response to the Whitehouse statement, not the actual drafting of troons, though having talked it out, I surmise that will be a boatload of free range kekles a well.

Neofugue says:

> Anglin is super black pilled on women. He’s not helping his readers or himself with it:

No punching right. Ever. End of story. This applies to everyone, not just Red.

Was going to write a short comment in response to Red’s initial thread, but this subject is of utmost importance and needs to be stressed.

As an oversimplified explanation for the obvious, any serious dissident political or religious movement never counter-signals its extremists because they are necessary for the ascending group to communicate that its minority view is respectably moderate.

Anglin does not have to clarify his rhetoric as proscriptions only for ill-behaved women because women are not holy idols who ought to be worshiped. If it is unthinkable for Roderick Spode to advocate putting women in gas chambers, then who are we to advocate for husbands being allowed to kill their adulterous wives?

Stating the obvious, Anglin is not referring to “good women” such as our wives, daughters, and so forth. He is referring to Giselle and that our wives, daughters etc. will become like her if we are not careful, if we do not pass shit tests. There is no man or woman who should be exempt from being shot and buried for failing to adhere to proper morals. This includes women.

When a feminist says “kill all men,” no one on the Left counter-signals her because everyone on the Left understands that she is not referring to “all men” but the idea of the patriarch as the bedrock of society. Likewise, when Anglin says “women should be put into ovens,” we should understand that he is not referring to all women but the idea of the emancipated woman. Kunning Drueger got it right.

alf says:

Stating the obvious, Anglin is not referring to “good women” such as our wives, daughters, and so forth

Is he? I’ve read the article three times now, pretty sure he emphasizes hating all women and wanting to put them all in the oven.

Anglin Understander says:

Again, it’s rhetoric. There’s a metanarrative at play.

alf says:

Then show me evidence. Everyone keeps telling me Anglin is ironic, but no one shows me any evidence for him being ironic.

Until I see convincing evidence of Anglin acknowledging that some, if not most women, under proper authority, are wonderful, I’ma just going to assume that taking Anglin’s advice on women is like taking advice from Sam Hyde’s divorced dad character.

The Cominator says:

it’s so over the top it sounds to be ironic exaggeration in the tradition of “a modest proposal” and “the shortest way with dissenters” (which jim might have agreed with unironically then… I would agree with a similar shortest way with leftist unironically now).

Milosevic says:

I have to agree. I read the article and the first thing that came to mind is that Anglin is not getting any atm and is severely blackpilled on women. Not a good place to be.

Anglin Understander says:

This was a classic piece, from 2019:

“So then the question becomes: did you volunteer to be a part of a feminist society, where women are all fat, aggressive, nasty, dirty, lying whores who might accuse you of rape in the short term, get you done up on domestic violence in the medium term or divorce-rape you in the long term?

Unless you did volunteer for this situation – and you didn’t – then you aren’t “voluntarily celibate” because of a situation you have no control over. A situation that was forced on you. A situation you are involuntarily living in.

Thus: you are an incel.

We are all incels.”


“The bottom line is to be a good man, and take care of yourself.

Forgive your mother.

Make yourself strong, then make yourself stronger.

God will give you a fitting woman to give you children if it is His will to do so.

Until then, be an incel.”

^ note that Anglin advocates forgiving mothers, and marriage as the exception to the rule.

alf says:

Yes, I like that article much more. Does not seem like the last three years have been kind to him.

Secondly, if you actually are refusing sex when you have the option to have sex, why are you doing it?

Well, you are doing it because the quality of the women is so low, and the risks and potential consequences of sexual activity so high, that it simply isn’t worth it.

It is always worth it. Better wade through a sea of whores to find one good woman than sit at home incelling. God rewards the brave. Anglin has not been brave, and it shows in his recent writing.

Anglin Understander says:

In this piece, his first about the Brady divorce, he offers a lot of sound advice for finding a bitch:

^ Yes, that’s the actual URL, LOL.

“Please stop saying that you can keep a woman by “being alpha.” This is gay and retarded. Any of these “be alpha” people are just insecure losers who think they can put on a show for women.”

hottap says:

“Please stop saying that you can keep a woman by “being alpha.” This is gay and retarded. Any of these “be alpha” people are just insecure losers who think they can put on a show for women.”

While that’s true to some extent he underestimates how many of these rich/famous/powerful men are utterly blue pilled with women. Being a rich celebrity might mean teenage girls throw themselves at you but it does not mean you aren’t a feminist yourself.

He also underestimates how being famous and marrying another famous person is a position of weakness in this society. Unless being famous has got you dirt on powerful people, it only makes you more of a target and ensures people and money are eager to listen to any complaints your woman might have or invent.

Guy says:

Not that the point is about Brady himself, but I saw somewhere right around when Brady’s retiring/not retiring thing was happening that Brady had actually been on that gay Masked Signer show, and this was all cover for that.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see all media colluding to push some nothing show, it would really be demonstrative of their absolute lack of scruples.

However… being gay enough to go on that show would also make it now likely Gisele rides nigger cock, so who knows?

Aidan says:

That Brady married a well-used whore in the first place is good evidence that he was never alpha.

rilly sus says:

>“Please stop saying that you can keep a woman by “being alpha.”

Jim has made exactly this claim on numerous occasions. For example when claiming that he has “stuck [his] dick in crazy numerous times” without negative repercussions.

It is one of many occasions which convinced me that Jim is absolutely willing to casually lie to the readership here. I have never seen any evidence that the Jim position on this is correct or sustainable. I have seen a lot of evidence that Anglin-style warnings about such situations are reliable. Jim tells me not to believe my own eyes and to trust him, Some Guy On Internet.

JustAnotherGuy says:

I would not have found my girl if not for Jim (along with Heartiste) helping me out a long time ago. So no amount of doomer pills can convince me that its impossible / hopeless situation. Without him I would never have actually understood what was going on and probably be blackpilled for the rest of my life like Anglin is.

The Cominator says:

Jim sounds believable enough because he also says he can convincingly project the image of a man willing to do extreme violence and maybe he is one… Joe Pistone (Donnie Brasco) said that very few mafia guys ever wound up divorced unless they got a 20 year + sentence. So if being alpha is showing willingness and ability to commit extreme violence convincingly… that works.

Also as far as sticking your dick in crazy (almost all non whore girls who’ve ever shown any interest in me have been outwardly pretty batshit) the crazy ones aren’t that likely to bring the authorities down on you (the non whore women who’ve shown any interest in me in the past have generally all been impulsive types with drinking problems and mood or BPD disorders none of them ever no matter how pissed they were tried to involve the authorities). Its the seemingly less crazy future Karens who do that.

Aidan says:

“sus”, If you cannot see with your own eyes dangerous and manly men inspiring loyalty in their women, you need to get out more. If you do not try, your chances of having kids are precisely 0%, so why not try?

hottap says:

“That Brady married a well-used whore in the first place is good evidence that he was never alpha.”

Agreed. That so many of these guys end up marrying women who are around the same age and also famous shows that they just don’t get it.

At least Trump picked younger nobodies when he decided to marry for sex alone and not general genetic quality.

I see no suggestion that Putin’s wife initiated his divorce. Putin got married when he was a relative unknown and his ex-wife looks like this

hottap says:

The problem most men have with women comes down to self-delusion. She never respected you.

I have been in relationships with women who saw me as a serious and potentially dangerous man, and relationships with women who saw me as a decent enough guy that she would like to woo into marriage. When you’ve seen both, difference is very obvious.

Most men have only experienced the latter and convince themselves that the woman is deeply committed rather than running a sales script. “Surprisingly” it turns out later than she is not.

Yul Bornhold says:

If the term alpha brings to mind dweeby guys awkward despite their muscles, jewy types with genetics stacked towards verbal IQ rather than being comfortable in than own bodies or inspiring other men to follow them; if the term inspires visions of try-hards; then forget it and use another word.

I’ve seen guys who let their women get under their skin. The woman is never happy. I’ve seen guys who get all stressed out and then let their woman see them that way. Extremely distressing to the woman. Female mind can handle that kind of tension every now and then but not constantly.

Sure, you’ll do really well if your woman thinks your General Butt Naked with an office job but you’ll do just fine as long as you don’t lean on her. She is not your soul mate, she is not your emotional tampon and she is absolutely not your mother.

Utterly bizarre to imagine this would not make a difference.

Neurotoxin says:

Please stop saying that you can keep a woman by “being alpha.”

You can.

I have never seen any evidence that the Jim position on this is correct or sustainable.

Oh, okay. Keep acting like a nice guy, then. Good luck!

Anglin Understander says:

And this, from 2020:

“But the point should actually be that the white knight’s two questions do not follow.

He asked:

Why do you hate white women?


Do you really want the white race to die out?

The easiest response is “I hate white women because they’re causing the white race to die out.”

A better answer is “I don’t even hate them, I just take issue with their behavior and think that the only solution is to vastly restrict their behavior.””

Bouncer says:

“I’ve read the article three times now, pretty sure he emphasizes hating all women and wanting to put them all in the oven.”

Even if so, so what?

Kunning Druegger says:

I want to piggyback Neofugue’s comment because he said the most important part, and I didn’t: we don’t punch Right.

Think about the deeper meaning of that statement, don’t just nod and read on. We here at JB get to punch pretty much anyone we want, because one does not simply find a place to the right of Jim. It is rare indeed for me to come across any ostensible conservative outlet or voice and not find significant pozz in 5 minutes or less. So we don’t really need to pull punches. With Anglin, we must. This, in my mind, is non-negotiable, but it is also in no way an attack on Alf, whom I genuinely love, or Red, who floats my goat occasionally but is no less a genuine brother and credit to the Body here. They both bring up good points, as did others, and they are both right about the black pill tone of Anglin’s posts.

Alf, you said you read the article thrice. That’s good, that’s a technique eschewed far too often. But, did you read the 3 preceding Woman Hate articles that for this unofficial series? This latest id the hardest edged one, but they are all pretty rough. I know this next assertion will be weak tea for many here, and it will sound like a cop out, or simping for St. Anglin: Stormer is not for the average Jimblog Appreciater. There is plenty there to make you laugh or get your blood up, but his readership is far too wide (he claims ~3mil uniques a month) and I would guess quite young. It is his job to define edgy, and in a world of gelding children, that’s no mean feat. On balance, if a young man encounters Anglin saying “all women need to be shanked” then finds Jim saying “make women property again,” I am rather confident he will end up in a pretty good place, eventually.

That is small succor for us here, but Jim doesn’t do Monday memes, nor does he deploy staff writers, so it’s inevitable that there will be stuff over there that isn’t tasteful to us. Doesn’t matter. Anglin shouldn’t be punched. This is not reproof or condemnation for the original comment and subsequent responses, just one man’s thoughts and opinions.

Red says:

KD anyone say don’t read the the DS? I’ve been reading his site more because you’ve been posting links to it. I posted the article on Brady because I thought it was very interesting. Gisele practicing witch craft and blowing up her family, and the photo’s of how unhappy the boys looks was all very interesting. The thing that struck me most was the how black pilled Anglin which is why I commented on it. Men who took that as a personal attack on “their guy” really defeated the purpose of the post.

Kunning Druegger says:

I didn’t construe it as an attack. You made solid points, I responded, Alf and I got into it, and it was all informative and respectful. I’m not going to speak for -fugue, but based on his stated position and mine, we both have some issues with framing and phrasing, but nonetheless feel that Anglin is at least in the ballpark. I think maybe you think he’s too far out of the zone? I am terrible at sports metaphors.

We don’t really discuss fluff topics here, and every man here is quite good at something and pretty good at many things, and very informed on a lot of things. So disagreements, discussions, and debates are always going to by high speed and risky. With the exception of a couple shill posts, made by shit tier shills who thought they saw an opportunity to D&C and were called out immediately, this has been a frank, honest, and worthwhile exchange.

I’m really glad you posted. Anglin has put out 3 or 4 posts that had me really twisted, all on this topic. I kept wanting to post, because I hated what he was saying but I couldn’t see where he was wrong. Being the muhfukkin G you are, you used psychic mind rays to help a nigga out. I stand by the technical assessment, but I am overjoyed others of my tribe were having the same issues I was.

I can’t remember if you have kids or not, but I have a young family. We are staunch purebloods with a high power level *as a family.* So I am always right on the edge of terror with everything happening in our country. A lot discussed here is in the abstract, but for me it is very real, and the stuff we discuss goes directly into how I work on my relationship with my wife, how I raise my kids, and how I move through the temporal plane.

I think St. Anglin, in his own peculiar way, is trying to get fathers to really think hard about how they are raising their daughters. That may be me projecting, but so much of what we struggle with as men is caused by the mistakes and evil committed many years ago. One takeaway from his writing is definitely “Yeah, women are trash and I shouldn’t spend a millisecond dealing with it,” but another could be “wow, why are they like this, and what I am I doing to help or hinder?” As for me and my house, I will work to be GNON compliant, Jim approved, and Anglin endorsed lol.

Red says:

>I can’t remember if you have kids or not, but I have a young family. We are staunch purebloods with a high power level *as a family.* So I am always right on the edge of terror with everything happening in our country. A lot discussed here is in the abstract, but for me it is very real, and the stuff we discuss goes directly into how I work on my relationship with my wife, how I raise my kids, and how I move through the temporal plane.

May God grant you many strong Sons and a host of Grandchildren.

>As for me and my house, I will work to be GNON compliant, Jim approved, and Anglin endorsed lol.

Deus Vult

Kunning Druegger says:

Fuck yeah, brother. God hold and keep you and yours. May he put strength in your arm and fire in your heart.

Red says:

@Neofugue you really think that pointing out that Anglin is black pilled on women is punching right?

Bitch please. Punching right would be calling Anglin a loser faggot who can’t get his dick wet. I’ve been where Anglin is. He’s very black pilled on women and it’s hurting him and the people he influences. It’s not good for a man to disrepair about women. Nor is it good advice to wait around for God to give you a good woman. God doesn’t work that way, you need to actively seek a good woman.

My only real regrets around here is I didn’t push hard enough when they needed to be pushed. I pushed back mildly on Jim about Barr when Barr was showing signs of deceiving us. My warnings to Pooch were too mild and he ended up in that I.VI entrapment.

Finally I don’t recall anyone having an issue calling out Voxday for being a Purple Pilled Q-Anon retard. That was punching right. We tell the truth around here.

Neofugue says:

> Finally I don’t recall anyone having an issue calling out Voxday for being a Purple Pilled Q-Anon retard. That was punching right. We tell the truth around here.

Calling out Vox Day for being a Qtard is not punching right; Qtardism is left of Jim’s Blog. Anglin advocating for putting women into ovens is further right of Jim’s Blog. They are not the same.

When Leftists discuss their extremists, their attitude is, “while Communism is bad in practice, it is good in theory.” The correct mindset with regard to Anglin is, “while his takes are a bit much for me, at least his heart is in the right place.” One can disagree with the stated letter of those further right, but not with the spirit of what is said.

The dissident Right constantly dissolves into infighting over minor squabbles because, in a Leftist society, attacking those further right gives the infighter the illusion of being higher status than his target. Back in 2016, Vox went after Anglin because the Daily Stormer was shut down after the Charlottesville debacle. About half a year ago, infighting between Wignats and Groypers broke out because Nick Fuentes was made low status on a major public interview. There are no significant ideological differences between Vox and Anglin, between Wignats and Groypers, and between Jim and Anglin. The Right infights because it is undisciplined and unserious, eagerly grasping for the scraps of status their masters throw towards them.

The fact that Jim’s Blog is no longer the most right-wing place on the internet should be a cause for celebration because it means that our memes are working. We ought not to be fake gatekeepers but to cherish our extremists so that our ideas will gain even more traction among a greater number of potential allies.

Kunning Druegger says:

This topic should be promoted to a post. I hadn’t thought of the situation like this:

“The fact that Jim’s Blog is no longer the most right-wing place on the internet should be a cause for celebration because it means that our memes are working.”

I am so used to waking up more isolated and reviled every day, that the thought of moving closer to the Overton Window is quite strange.

The thoughts on infighting are good, but I want to reiterate that I don’t think we crossed any lines here, and the attempts to move an honest discussion towards divide & conquer were identified and mocked.

Red says:

Calling out Vox Day for being a Qtard is not punching right; Qtardism is left of Jim’s Blog. Anglin advocating for putting women into ovens is further right of Jim’s Blog. They are not the same.

Putting all women in an ovens is insane, not more rightwing. That’s the sort of shit you see on Incel forums that’s born out of incel rage. You don’t waste a resource like fertile women. If Anglin was advocating abducting women, chaining them up and making them your slaves, that would be more rightwing than what’s talked about here, but I doubt anyone here would have a problem with that solution since that’s the general historical solution to a tribe of men without women.

Here’s what would be more rightwing on women: Tom Brady should kill his cheating nigger fucking wife and dump the body in front of his house as warning to other whores.

Another: Tom Brady should beat his wife until she stop acting out and assumes her proper role.

Very extreme: Tom Brady should kill every mother fucker who fucked his wife and then sell her into slavery for being a whore.

Those are rightwing positions. Anglin’s position is just nuts.

jim says:

> Anglin advocating for putting women into ovens is further right of Jim’s Blog. They are not the same.

Despair and the black pill is not further right, but further left.

“Deus Vult” is right of “We are doomed”.

I optimistically favor hitting women with a stick and putting them on leashes, because I think a small dose of that will suffice, not because I am weak on the need for women to be under male authority, but because I am optimistic about how successful and effective such measures are. Deus vult!

jim says:

> Here’s what would be more rightwing on women: Tom Brady should kill his cheating nigger fucking wife and dump the body in front of his house as warning to other whores.

> Another: Tom Brady should beat his wife until she stop acting out and assumes her proper role.

> Very extreme: Tom Brady should kill every mother fucker who fucked his wife and then sell her into slavery for being a whore.

> Those are rightwing positions. Anglin’s position is just nuts.

Right, Those are the real right wing positions – also the actually sane positions

My wife believes that in the event of adultery I will kill her and her lover and sink the bodies in the ocean or bury them in the swamp. Now that is right wing.

Red says:

Please delete, bad formatting. I riposted it correctly below.

jim says:

When you give an ally friendly criticism from the right, that is not punching right.

Punching right is “ooh, racist racist racist homophobe misogynist antisemite.”

We are not calling him out for being unduly critical of women. Today, most women deserve that criticism. We are calling him out for the sin of despair. He should believe he can exercise proper authority over a woman, and be willing to cheerfully do the grossly illegal things necessary to accomplish that.

You can and do get pussy by faking alpha, but you have to understand that female perception of alpha is vastly different from male perception of alpha.

When we as a society put women under control, things will be much easier, and nice guys waiting around for God to reward them for their virtue with a virgin will actually be rewarded – with God acting through patriarchs who want virtuous sons in law.

But to put women under control as a society, we are going to need priests and paladins recruited from those that had the balls, the courage, the competence, and the faith to do it individually.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think this sums it up quite well. But it should also be noted that sometimes good things snowball into bad things. Nothing posted here is anything more than criticism from a friend (maybe a bit rough, but we are not the party of feefees and positivity). But imagine some D&C shill runs to Twitter and says “Jimblog is attacking Anglin” or some such. I know that’s highly unlikely, but I wonder how many instances that we would look back on as “punching right” actually started as good faith and justified criticism. This is right on the edge of concern trolling on my part, and I know that, so I’ll not push it any further, but of late, with a growing mind in my home constantly watching, incorporating, and magnifying, I have started to be way more sensitive to that snowball effect. No shit, my son called my wife “based” the other day. His assessment was correct, so his instincts are good, but still, strange moment for me.

Neurotoxin says:

Want to get this down while I’m thinking of it. Below, some of us are having what diplomats call a “frank exchange of views” on the question of whether the educational institutions in the US have always been leftist or whether the left infiltrated them starting some time in the twentieth century (particularly the 1960s, but I’m flexible on that).

A related question arose: How do we identify a state religion?

One narrowing down came from a few of us, in different formulations: If you get your ass beaten down for saying X, then X definitely is not part of the state religion. But then Jim pointed out that the left always devours its own. And in deed, this is one of the eternal leftist patterns. So here’s a puzzler:

During the French Revolution…

1. The revolutionaries beheaded the King. The King was definitely not consistent with the new state religion.

2. The revolutionaries also beheaded Robespierre, who definitely was part of the new state religion.

Now one might say, “Since the new state killed him, he obviously was not part of the new state religion.” I can’t buy that.

So how do we identify a state religion? What lets us say, “Killing the King was the new religion killing a member of the old religion, but killing Robespierre was a case of the religion devouring its own”?

We may have to take the approach that one (apocryphal?) judge famously took toward pornography: “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it.” But we should be able to do better.

S says:

What is to explain? State religions in the midst of power struggles change with the power struggle. You are looking for an essence, but the essence of power struggles is ‘I get to be in charge and the other guy dies’.

Red says:

The state religion is whatever system the state tells people to believe.

jim says:

It is completely obvious.

The state religion commands state power and is backed by state power. You can see the power. You can see the power now, and if you go all the way back a century or two or three you can see the power, exercised in roughly the same manner, applied by similar instruments, and radiating out of the same institutions and organization.

And the proposition that blacks are equal to whites except more equal than whites has been backed by Harvard which was backed by and part of state power in New England since well before the civil war.

Power makes the state religion. Power then and power now. And since then they have been cleaning up unprincipled exceptions and little hypocrisies, unveiling their full madness and evil in the process.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Robespierre was a participant in the state church until his participation was cut short. He was only part of it until he was not, which should be obvious. The state religion took a turn and he did not pivot quickly enough, so he got run over. He was killed by state power, in the name of the revolution. He was a victim(well deserved) of the state church, and to try to argue otherwise is an exercise in absurdity.

Neurotoxin says:

“Robespierre was a participant in the state church until his participation was cut short. [LOL.] He was a victim (well deserved) of the state church, and to try to argue otherwise is an exercise in absurdity.”

I wouldn’t dream of arguing otherwise. I used this example precisely because it’s so stark. Of course R. was a member of the state church, and an example of the Revolution devouring its own.

But how do we explain this to a man from Mars? We could go with what you, Jim, Red, and S are saying above, which is basically, “The state religion is what state power tells people to believe.” That’s a good start.

But if that’s our definition, then we have to stop saying “If you’re getting your ass kicked for saying X, then X is definitely not part of the state religion.” Robespierre makes that approach all fuzzy.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Robespierre got killed for saying that certain important members of the state church needed to die. Needless to say, certain important members of the state church had a sudden revelation and decided that this was heresy. He was executed for that heresy, for crimes against the revolution. It was the state church deciding that being too holy in that direction was definitely heresy, not at all acceptable. The revolution is supposed to kill the ruling class to make everyone equal, but trying to make everyone more equal by attacking the totally equal, definitely-not-ruling class of the revolution is right out.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In the frame of, “If you’re getting your ass kicked for saying X, then X is definitely not part of the state religion,” X was, ‘Let’s go fucking kill those guys,” and those guys decided that, “Let’s go fucking kill those guys,” was, in fact, totally heresy and absolutely not a part of the state religion. Robespierre does not make it fuzzy, he is actually totally consistent with the state religion stepping down on the necks of heretics and apostates.

Neurotoxin says:

“Robespierre got killed for saying that certain important members of the state church needed to die. Needless to say, certain important members of the state church had a sudden revelation and decided that this was heresy.”

Yes. I’ve been reflecting on this in the last day or two and realized that my thinking about this in terms of the sincere ideological opinions of Robespierre and his opponents (“state religion”) was silly.

Robespierre, as you say, got whacked because he was a threat to other guys, who got to him before he could get to them. And the same goes for Stalin and Trotsky. Contra what I said, or implied, below, Stalin didn’t kill Trotsky because they had honest disagreements about Marxist-Lenninist theory. (LOL, what was I thinking?) Stalin – a power politics guy if there ever was one – killed Trotsky because he (correctly) perceived Trotsky as a threat to his power. A sincere clash of doctrines had nothing to do with it.

Red says:

Contra what I said, or implied, below, Stalin didn’t kill Trotsky because they had honest disagreements about Marxist-Lenninist theory. (LOL, what was I thinking?) Stalin – a power politics guy if there ever was one – killed Trotsky because he (correctly) perceived Trotsky as a threat to his power. A sincere clash of doctrines had nothing to do with it.

Stalin spent a great deal of time explaining why Trotsky was a dangerous heretic before he had him offed. Just like the founding fathers spent a great deal of time justifying war against England in religious terms before they declared war.

Religion gives legitimacy to rulers. It’s been the foundation of civilization since day one. No religious legitimacy and it doesn’t matter how many men you command, you’ll end up dead like Lavrentiy Beria. Men won’t fight hard without a faith.

Beria tried to roll back Marxism and the people around him realizing he was a heretic removed him from power despite Beria having the state security forces under his control.

jim says:

Exactly so. Stalin spent an enormous amount of time and effort setting up a theologically correct justification for nailing Trotsky, and he had a pretty convincing argument, given the reality that further movement left was likely to be even more destructive than the existing movement left (which proposition Trotskyites of course do not accept)

And similarly, Henry the eighth had a compelling argument for dissolving the monasteries – and all movements descended from the Church of England seem to have accepted the argument as true, so it was not just power speaking to truth. Vast numbers of Christians whose faith and sincerity is undeniable have continued to accept the principles and implications of his argument. Because they were damned good principles.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim, Red,

Sure, but it’s not as if Stalin was sincere. Or that he would have let Trotsky live if Trotsky had been saying something else.

jim says:

> Sure, but it’s not as if Stalin was sincere.

I have read Stalin. My gut feeling is that he was sincere. Beria was a cynic. Stalin, I am pretty sure, believed. Lenin was something of cynic and hypocrite, but Stalin and Trotsky strike me as true believers.

Hard to know the human heart, and in any case it contains multitudes, but he seemed to me a true believer.

Neurotoxin says:

“I have read Stalin. My gut feeling is that he was sincere.”

Evo psych. If Trotsky had been saying different things, Stalin would have sincerely believed that those things were heresies that made it necessary to kill Trotsky. Since Trotsky, due to his prominence, was a threat to Stalin’s position, there’s no level of impeccable Marxist theory Trotsky could have spouted that would have protected him.

jim says:

There was a genuine and sincere disagreement over what true Marxism entailed, Trotsky being well to the left of Stalin. Being lefter had been a reliable path to power – until it suddenly became a reliable path to the gulag.

They believed.

These were evil people who sincerely believed evil things, and Stalin was willing to kill and die for those things.

jim says:

> If Trotsky had been saying different things, Stalin would have sincerely believed that those things were heresies that made it necessary to kill Trotsky. Since Trotsky, due to his prominence, was a threat to Stalin’s position,

Lots of people believed things that did not make them a threat to Stalin and the Soviet Union. For the most part Stalin did not kill them. Lots of people believed things similar to what Trotsky believed. Stalin did kill them, prominent or not, because their beliefs were a threat to Stalin and the Soviet Union. Stalin did what the Thermidorean reaction failed to do.

This was not two men contending for power, but two systems of belief contending for power.

The Thermidoreans believed they were merely fighting a man. The Paris Commune revealed their error.

Stalin never had the slightest doubt that he was fighting an idea.

Red says:

Sure, but it’s not as if Stalin was sincere. Or that he would have let Trotsky live if Trotsky had been saying something else.

Trotsky beliefs was fueling the Red Terror where the Bolsheviks where spent their time and energy murdering each other in a holiness spiral. Trotsky wanted this spiral to continue, Stalin wanted it stopped and the Russian economy rebuilt. With Trotsky in charge the killing my have gone the way of Pol Pot.

Stalin’s religious beliefs were not sane, was far more sane than Trotsky’s.

Beria didn’t have a religion, Stalin did which is why Stalin was able to rule and Beria wasn’t.

Finally, most of what we hear about Stalin and Trotsky in the west comes from the Trotskites, or as we know them the Neo-Conservatives. So our view of Trotsky tends to be more mild that it should be and our view of Stalin is distorted by Trotskite propaganda.

The Cominator says:

Red no Trotsky wanted them to mostly kill non communists at a Khmer Rogue scale… the Bolsheviks until Stalin generally didn’t kill each other they killed other communist groups though.

Stalin was fine with killing other communists he in fact killed almost all of them, but he was less keen on terrorizing the working population especially if they were ethnic Russians. He for reasons that have become very clear lately really really did not like Poles even after he got absolute power and mostly stopped terrorizing Russians…

Red says:

He for reasons that have become very clear lately really really did not like Poles even after he got absolute power and mostly stopped terrorizing Russians…

The Poles actively fighting for the GAE and trying to start WW3 was not in my prediction book. I mean there’s useful idiots and then there’s useful idiots like the Poles supporting Nazis who want them dead while serving the Gay American Empires that’s planning on castrating their children and handing them over to faggots.

They’re simply too stupid to be given a nation state.

My understanding of Soviet Politics was the holiness spiral was killing the Bolsheviks in general along with the common people. Trotsky was urging that this meat grinder continue why Stalin was making speeches about calming down and stop killing everyone.

Once in power he had a lot of Trotskists to liquidate along with purging a red army that had been largely built by Trotsky and was probably loyal to Trotsky.

The Cominator says:

There were phases of Soviet terrors as I understand it

Phase One: The civil war, mass often random killings (1917-1921). The Bolsheviks did not kill each other they often killed rival communist groups and the rival communist groups would also kill them. They killed party splitters sometimes but you had to deliberately disobey orders openly for that. Beria managed to escape execution (he was on almost all the lists as an anti communists) by volunteering to help the Bolsheviks kill other communists. Also millions starve and some literally resort to murder and cannibalism.

Phase two: NEP era, terror is very light and few people starve but the Bolsheviks generally hate and despise the NEP. Trotsky especially. They would never tolerate it as a permanent situation.

Phase three: Collectivization era (very late 20s early 30s), mass terror against population and mass starvation. Stalin acceded reluctantly to it knowing he couldn’t stop it without getting purged… but then tried to slow it down.

Phase four: The so called Great terror 1937-1938, Stalin manages to win emergency powers to purge the party of a counter revolutionary plot (no doubt directed by Trotsky in league with foreign powers) after the attempted murder of Kirov… eventually he decides most of the original Bolsheviks were involved. This was when Stalin was really killing Bolsheviks. During the 1st part of it though ordinary Russians were often randomly arrested as well.

Phase five: After Stalin gets rid of the psycho communists who were killing everyone Regime terror against ethnic Russians outside the government prettymuch stops completely. The military is purged and ethnic groups that Stalin distrusts on the eve of a major war are kicked out of institutions and moved far away from the border of Reich occupied Europe to Siberia.

Postwar…Stalin actually abolished the death penalty within the Soviet Union after the war for a while it got brought back right before he died but the only terror was in the occupied countries in Eastern Europe… which was sometimes bad as certainly many of those countries did not want to go communist.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim, Red:

Regrading Stalin? Come now. Think of all the people Stalin killed whose beliefs obviously had nothing to do with it, whose beliefs he couldn’t even have known.

Ukrainians, all the various purges aimed at very different groups of people…

“This was not two men contending for power, but two systems of belief contending for power.”

It’s not either-or. It’s a truism in this forum that power-hungry people use ideologies to acquire and keep power all the time.

jim says:

> Regrading Stalin? Come now. Think of all the people Stalin killed whose beliefs obviously had nothing to do with it, whose beliefs he couldn’t even have known.

> Ukrainians, all the various purges aimed at very different groups of people…

Stalin was urging the brakes on the genocide of the Ukrainians. You are blaming the crimes of Stalin’s enemies on Stalin.

The liquidation of the kulaks as a class ended as soon as Stalin was secure.

Looks to me that Stalin figured the Trots were on course to kill everyone. Stalin’s killings were motivated by real or plausibly suspected possession of dangerous ideas or dangerous knowledge, hence tended to be party members. By and large, the Trot’s killings were motivated by just not liking the Goyim, so tended to be random people who were keeping their heads down and trying to avoid being noticed.

Red says:

Regrading Stalin? Come now. Think of all the people Stalin killed whose beliefs obviously had nothing to do with it, whose beliefs he couldn’t even have known.

Your view of Stalin is shaped by Trotskites. Animal Farm is the basic anti-commie text most of us started with and even in Animal Farm Orwell put forward the idea that the revolution was betrayed by Stalin who drove Trotsky out. The underlying idea was that if Trotsky had stayed in charge then Socialism would have worked. This is the belief of every modern Communist and our understanding of the world is shaped by these Communists.

Trotsky was the good moral communist while Stalin fucked it all up! It’s bullshit, but it’s what they believe and it’s what you’ve partially bought into. The reality is Trotsky was quickly destroying Russia and murdering all it’s people while Stalin less insane beliefs lead to Russia being turned into a massive economic powerhouse. Russia was badly crippled by socialism under Stalin, but Stalin actually built things up instead of slowly destroying things as Commies typically do. The Soviet Union ran on the fumes from the Stalin era for a very long time.

Note that almost all the industrial capacity of the Soviet Union came from American engineers hired by Stalin to build and train the industrial base. Russian factories where some of the best in the world because American capitalists built them. Communists are forever taking credit for the things capitalists build.

That doesn’t make Stalin a good man, he was intact a very evil man who had a very evil religion that killed millions, but in a choice between Trotsky, Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin, I’d pick Stalin every time.

You’re falling into the same trap that Moldbug fell into: Ignoring religion and how religion actually drives civilization.

jim says:

> Robespierre, as you say, got whacked because he was a threat to other guys, who got to him before he could get to them.

I don’t think I said that, and if I said that, what I meant was something more nuanced.

Robespierre was the leader of the terrorists, who believed that terror was holy, and more terror was holier, and those opposed to terror were insufficiently holy.

Those opposed to terror saw where this was heading, and indeed offed him because he was about to off them, but they had a genuine ideological disagreement with Robespierre on this issue, and though they removed the terrorists from power, failed to do a thorough job of removing the terrorists from existence because of this quite genuine belief system..

So the terrorist belief system kept on festering out of power, and during the Paris Commune, returned to power. This greatly alarmed everyone sane. The Paris Commune was thoroughly crushed, and this time they did do a thorough job at extirpating that belief system by extirpating anyone who smelled vaguely like an adherent of that belief system.

Neurotoxin says:

“I don’t think I said that, and if I said that, what I meant was something more nuanced.”

You didn’t say that; I was responding to Wulfgar.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yes, but my point was precisely that which Jim pointed out. Maybe if Robespierre had gotten to the others first, he would have led the left into devouring itself in an cycle of endless violence. That did not happen. Robespierre picked a fight over the direction of the Cult of Reason, and the anti-autogenocide faction won.

There was a dispute there over both ideology and power, not merely one or the other. Schroedinger’s Doctrine, where both interpretelations are equally correct until the consensus decides. More civilized approaches to this dispute are councils of the church leadership or debates between the positions. Once the decision has been made, the uncertainty disappears, and there is one doctrine again.

The state religion is that which for offending against, one is abused by state power. Sometimes there is a dispute over which interpretation holds sway, but when the dust settles the state religion is always the one still standing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It comes down to the rectification of names. If you look at the Anglican Church in England, it is the official religion of the United Kingdom. If you blaspheme against Jesus Christ nothing is done. If you blaspheme against the holy negro or blessed tranny, the state comes down on you like a demonic hammer. Which is the state religion of the United Kingdom?

Neurotoxin says:

“Yes, but my point was precisely that which Jim pointed out… Robespierre picked a fight over the direction of the Cult of Reason, and the anti-autogenocide faction won.
There was a dispute there over both ideology and power, not merely one or the other.”

Robespierre said “We need to kill those guys.” If he had been spouting totally different doctrines while saying that, those guys still would have come after him.

jim says:

Robespierre said “We need to kill those guys.” If he had been spouting totally different doctrines while saying that, those guys still would have come after him


You with great confidence and without explanation state unreasonable and improbable positions. You need to explain your reasoning.

Robespierre did not say “we need to kill Bob”, and Bob then react by killing Robespierre. Given that everyone was talking in terms of classes, ideologies, and crimes against the Republic, your statement makes no sense.

Robespierre was spouting doctrines that implied the killing of certain guys. If spouting different doctrines, then different guys.

alf says:

Robespierre said “We need to kill those guys.” If he had been spouting totally different doctrines while saying that, those guys still would have come after him.

Been trying to put my finger on what this debate is about. This seems like a good jumping board.

Doctrines are not just justifications for power. Well, obviously, in large part they are. But doctrines require the participation of many people, and as such, they tend to become larger than one person.

Robespierre did not say: ‘we need to kill these guys for [arbitrary reason].’ He said: ‘we need to kill these guys because [very valid reason within his espoused doctrine.]’ That might seem arbitrary to you, but it was extremely important and valid to everyone involved at the time. Robespierre tried to push the doctrine in a certain direction, but whether or not that would work was far from certain.

The trial of Charles the First is an excellent example. Why did the Puritans not just execute Charles and get it over with? Why the long and heavy trial? Why was it not just a show trial? Because the state faith was living its own life, with different people tugging at its seams.

jim says:

Cohesive action requires a leader, a faith, and the capacity to coerce people who do not go along.

A priesthood relies primarily on faith, but still needs coercion, but tends to be limited in its capability to coerce – typically that the leader can exclude non cooperators.

An army relies primarily on coercion, and kill non cooperators, but the higher the rank, the more it has to rely in faith.

A faith, however, cannot be simply constructed by the leader’s command, though the leader may well invite certain people to the process of constructing consensus, while excluding certain others, and pronounce the consensus. Consensus is less dependent on leaders. Consensus usually implies certain actions, but it then takes a leader to make those actions actually happen.

You will not find Henry the Eighth listed in any book of Church fathers of any Church, but he had a huge impact on the Christian faith, by digging up, and making it safe and high status to dig up, the dirt on monasticism. He did not just say “well those guys have too much wealth and power, should belong to the King”, and had he done so, probably would have failed.

For a considerable time, a whole lot of people had been doubting the sanctity of the monastics. Which doubt went into high gear when it got Kingly and aristocratic backing. But the King and the aristocrats issued no doctrine. After the dissolution of the monasteries, then priests eventually came up with doctrine, doctrine that had been in the air for a long time before the dissolution of the monasteries.

So the official consensus was under attack from outside for a long time before the dissolution of the monasteries, then the monasteries were dissolved, and then, in the new reality created by the absence of monasteries, a long time after the monasteries were dissolved, a new official consensus gradually emerged from inside. And it stuck. It was not just artificially held in existence by Kingly power.

Ideas are more powerful than guns.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “Robespierre said ‘We need to kill those guys.’ If he had been spouting totally different doctrines while saying that, those guys still would have come after him.”

Jim: “Nuts. You with great confidence and without explanation state unreasonable and improbable positions. You need to explain your reasoning.”

I think we’ve hit the point of diminishing returns here, and I also think our disagreements at this point, insofar as we actually disagree, are mostly a matter of emphasis. But in answer to your question, all I’m saying is this: I’m pretty sure that if someone said “We need to kill Jim because [whatever reason],” then you’d go after them if you could. I am absolutely not denying that ideologies/state religions are used as an excuse for the “We need to kill [X],” and that a large fraction of the time they are probably sincere, on a conscious level. Obviously both those things are true.

Alf, I don’t disagree with anything you said, but insofar as there is disagreement, I’d have pretty much the above take on it.

jim says:

> I’m pretty sure that if someone said “We need to kill Jim because [whatever reason],

But that is not what Robespierre was saying. He was saying “we need to kill people who are [X]” And a whole lot of people suspected that they were [X], and that nothing that they could ever do or say would ever make them not [X].

This is completely different from saying “We need to kill Caesar because [X]”, when the actual reason for convicting Caesar in absentia for assorted crimes was that they were worried that Caesar could legitimately take power by election if the normal processes of the Republic were followed.

This is an important difference. It is a difference that leads to radically different strategies for taking power, keeping power, and staying alive, which strategies lead to radically different outcomes.

And if you ignore that difference, what happened makes no sense at all, and people’s actions and behavior make no sense.

Red says:

I think we’ve hit the point of diminishing returns here, and I also think our disagreements at this point, insofar as we actually disagree, are mostly a matter of emphasis.

You have a very nonfunctional argument style. You say everyone knows X is true. People tell you that X isn’t true and you need to explain your reasoning of why X is true. You fail to explain yourself and continue the same sort of augments without substance. This cycle continues until you say, well I mostly agree with you and we should move on.

Compare that to Com’s attack on my argument about Trotsky and Stalin killings. I explained what I understood about it, and Com explained in detail the phases of the Bolshevik Revolution’s murders showing that I was incorrect. Com knew more about the subject than I did, presented a compelling case when I asked and I accepted his reasoning. If I had found his answer incorrect, I would have replied in detail or argued with his points. I learned something new today and that’s the whole point of debate among friends.

I’m aware that a lot of what I’ve been told over the years is over lies by people with specific agendas. Knowing that official history is just chocked full of lies and knowing why and by whom you being lied to can be useful in determining true history especially when presented novel information.

We’re not trying to brow beat over these subjects. Just present your argument in detail when challenged or ask for other’s argument in detail. We all learn something new that way.

You’re an excellent writer and very entertaining, but you could improve how you argue to your benefit and ours.

ten says:

“If you blaspheme against Jesus Christ nothing is done. If you blaspheme against the holy negro or blessed tranny, the state comes down on you like a demonic hammer. Which is the state religion of the United Kingdom?”

No disagreement here, but consider lèse-majesté as well. People with power doesn’t like it when the plebs can call them gay retards and get away with it. Supposedly, officially, our masters are our servants, so they cannot have lèse-majesté laws.

What they can do is shove a bunch of convicted pederast gay retarded obese tranny nigger jews in between themselves and the mean plebs, so if the plebs are mean to the masters, they will say that the pleb secretly aimed for the convicted pederast gay retarded obese tranny nigger jews, and the masterservant must prevent pleb-CPGROTNJ escalation, and can come down on the pleb like a demonic hammer, while forcing all normieplebs to prostrate themselves in deference to the coagulate of vice.

Come to think of it, sounds like lèse majesté laws protecting Satan, which sounds about right.

Neurotoxin says:


“You’re an excellent writer and very entertaining, but you could improve how you argue to your benefit and ours.

I’ll reciprocate by saying that while I find you as annoying as hell, you do make good comments sometimes.

You have a very nonfunctional argument style. You say everyone knows X is true. People tell you that X isn’t true and you need to explain your reasoning of why X is true. You fail to explain yourself and continue the same sort of augments without substance. This cycle continues until you say, well I mostly agree with you and we should move on.

what I am saying is that – while the left’s doctrines may be sincerely held on a conscious level sometimes – those doctrines should not be taken seriously and are not the real reason for the left’s actions. They are rationalizations for the left’s actions. The doctrines change constantly, but the last line of the argument is always, “…therefore it’s vital that we seize total power.”

Why would I say the quote that you called out: “our disagreements at this point, insofar as we actually disagree, are mostly a matter of emphasis”?

I’m not being weasally, god damn it. My position – for those of you who care about Jimian piety (rolls eyes) – is simply “Don’t pay attention to the left’s doctrines; if you do that you’re watching the magician’s off hand.”

THIS. IS. IMPECCABLY. “JIMIAN” – acknowledge that or fuck all the way off – and it’s a sincere point of actual agreement, whether or not you believe I mean it sincerely.

Jim, I suspect this guy’s a “cause internal friction” shill.

jim says:

> what I am saying is that – while the left’s doctrines may be sincerely held on a conscious level sometimes – those doctrines should not be taken seriously and are not the real reason for the left’s actions

While one should not treat the claim that the owner of an applecart is oppressing the proletariat, causing global warming, or whatever, as sincerely held, nor suppose they give a tinker’s dam about the sufferings of the proletariat or the temperature of the earth, one does need to take seriously what their story implies about what apple cart they are coordinating to knock over, and what mob they are assembling to knock it over.

These are not individual conflicts, Stalin versus Trotsky, but struggles over Schelling points for group coordination.

Trotsky was a purer communist than Stalin, because his communism was unconstrained by practical economic considerations. Since there had been repeated cycles of the ever lefter grabbing power from the insufficiently left, his purity was likely to result in him grabbing power from Stalin, which was undoubtedly the real motive behind such lunatic purity and the real reason for Stalin crushing the Trots – but such purity was likely to result in someone grabbing power from Stalin, regardless of what happened to Trotsky. The ideas, rather than Trotsky himself, were the threat.

Ideas matter. And they still matter even when they should not be taken seriously. They may not be the real motives for the left’s actions, but they are the real mechanism for left coordination to take action.

The details of Trotsky’s superior purity are irrelevant, uninteresting, hypocritical, and not sincerely held. And in this sense, it would be pointless to pay attention to the ideological argument. But the argument was real enough regardless. Stalin was impure, because concerned with practical consequences. His reasoning that Trotskyism was “objectively fascist” was that it was likely to have stupid and disastrous practical consequences that the fascists would be happy about.

Red says:

These are not individual conflicts, Stalin versus Trotsky, but struggles over Schelling points for group coordination.

Ideas matter. And they still matter even when they should not be taken seriously. They may not be the real motives for the left’s actions, but they are the real mechanism for left coordination to take action.

I already knew everything you put into your comment, but I couldn’t express it in a manner that was remotely comprehensible. It turned into a pile of gobidly goop that I didn’t even bother posting. And then you break it down into a few easy to understand paragraphs describing a very complex system with such ease. Just amazing.

alf says:

Well said Jim.

Hence, point deer make horse, and not point deer make horse or dog or helicopter or whatever I feel like calling it today.

ps my browser has trouble processing comment section since hitting 1700 comments or so. Not sure if just me or…

alf says:

pps red don’t sell yourself short you were pretty close on the money.

pops neuro red has been here longer than I have, he’s pretty much baked into the furniture at this point.

Neurotoxin says:

While one should not treat the claim that the owner of an applecart is oppressing the proletariat, causing global warming, or whatever, as sincerely held… one does need to take seriously what their story implies about what apple cart they are coordinating to knock over, and what mob they are assembling to knock it over.
These are not individual conflicts, Stalin versus Trotsky, but struggles over Schelling points for group coordination.

I agree with most of this. The one part I have reservations about is “These are not individual conflicts, Stalin versus Trotsky…” and that comes down to just what is meant. Plainly the two men were in conflict. The question is why. Ideology mattered. I am far from convinced that it was the only thing that mattered. But then, I’m not sure that Jim et al are claiming that, so that might be a strawmanning of their position.

The previous paragraph is a good example of why I said I think that such disagreements as we have are largely matters of emphasis at this point.

(I suppose the previous sentence will cause Red to imply that I’m being insincere or whatever, but I guess that’s just something I have to learn to live with.)

Neurotoxin says:

Just re-read Jim’s comment that I was responding to. Yeah, pretty much that entire comment is gold.

Red says:

(I suppose the previous sentence will cause Red to imply that I’m being insincere or whatever, but I guess that’s just something I have to learn to live with.)

You’re projecting, I’m about as subtle as a boulder rolling down a hill. If I’m going to attack you it’s going to be something very direct. I got into a tear down fight with Com over Covid and Starman after the election was stolen that was wall to wall insults. None of my attacks were subtle.

It’s been a frustrating but productive debate. Jim’s comment at the end is just awesome and I think marks the end of it.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim: “But that is not what Robespierre was saying. He was saying “we need to kill people who are [X]” And a whole lot of people suspected that they were [X], and that nothing that they could ever do or say would ever make them not [X].”

You, and I, and everyone else within a light-year of this political space are going to be, of already have been, identified as “Nazi racist fascists” and nothing we could do would ever make us not “Nazi racist fascists”.

jim says:

Similar, except that they were guillotining lots of people and their ever more elastic definition of enemies was pointing at a substantial fraction of those in power.

Neurotoxin says:

Just did a blog post on Jim’s comment on ideologies as violence-coordinating Schelling points.

Jim, you might consider turning that comment into a post here. I know this isn’t all-request radio, but it sums up certain points, about the game theory of solving a certain coordination problem, quite tersely and clearly.

jim says:

just read your blog post.

Pretty good, and I will promote that conversation into a blog post in due course, but currently in real life events press hard, there are bunch of threads that deserve promotion, and I am currently working up post based on an old conversation about Marxist theory.

Red says:

But if that’s our definition, then we have to stop saying “If you’re getting your ass kicked for saying X, then X is definitely not part of the state religion.” Robespierre makes that approach all fuzzy.

Do you not understand what a holiness spiral is?

Anon says:

“If you’re getting your ass kicked for saying X, then X is definitely not part of the state religion”
This is incomprehensible
You declare that you hate niggers, FBI/DOJ SWAT come down hard on you and your family, destroying you and throwing you in prison.
Clearly negro worship are part of the state religion.
Hence getting your ass kicked for X, mean X is part of the state religion.

Neurotoxin says:

Me: “But if that’s our definition, then we have to stop saying “If you’re getting your ass kicked for saying X, then X is definitely not part of the state religion.” Robespierre makes that approach all fuzzy.”

Red: “Do you not understand what a holiness spiral is?”

I can’t tell whether you’re saying that Robespierre was, or wasn’t, a member of the state religion at the time he was killed.

jim says:

Of course Robespierre was a member of the state religion. The leading and most authoritative member. And he did not actually cease to be the leading and most authoritative member until his head fell into the basket in front the guillotine.

If it had been possible for him to cease to be the leading and most authoritative member of the state religion while head was still attached to body, he might have died in bed with head still attached.

Aidan says:

Where did the left that “infiltrated” the institutions of the 60s come from? Were they Soviet agents perhaps? Trained on Marx and Lenin in a cellar in some Eurasian backwater? No; there is only one source for them.

Anonymous Fake says:

[whig history of the left deleted*]

jim says:

You criticize Neurotoxin from the left, but are strangely unable to notice me and Aidan criticizing him from the right.

You should have responded to Aidan’s position, not to Neurotoxin’s. Responding to Neurotoxin from the left is argument by false consensus, as if the only thinkable alternatives were insane savage homicidal demon worship and raving bloodstained insane savage homicidal demon worship, as if thought outside that little box of hatred and mass murder was unimaginable.

Red says:

Jim I think you mean Neurotoxin.

jim says:

Yes, corrected it

Anonymous Fake says:

Ok, here’s a new axiom for you that further supports my model [*leftism presented as rightism deleted*]

The left’s position is that they marched through the institutions. The right’s position, [*not the right’s position, not the reactionary right’s position, not the alt right position, and not the normie Republican position*]

jim says:

In your telling of it, the right volunteered for what has happened. No one on the right thinks they volunteered.

Anonymous Fake says:

The fast vs slow government model [*deleted for gross disconnect from reality*]

jim says:

The right does not act or think like that. Republicans don’t act or think like that. People in the suburbs don’t act or think like that.

Some bits of your description would be accurate if you could bring yourself to acknowledge the black problem, but, without mention of that, you describe suburbanites acting irrationally for no sane reason, so you make up some absurd insane reasons almost at random.

Neurotoxin says:

“Responding to Neurotoxin from the left is argument by false consensus, as if the only thinkable alternatives were insane savage homicidal demon worship and raving bloodstained insane savage homicidal demon worship”

For fuck’s sake, Jim. Sure, I’m an apostle of insane savage homicidal demon worship. I’m so distraught that you saw through me! I thought I had you fooled!

Oh, what the hell. Might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.

Hello, fellow reactionaries. As all of us agree, the left infiltrated the universities from without. Assuming that as part of the background assumption of our conversation, let us now, within that framework, discuss tangentially relevant issues…

(PS: Mr. Soros, the check hasn’t cleared yet. Can I expect remuneration soon?)

jim says:

> Sure, I’m an apostle of insane savage homicidal demon worship.

Not an apostle, but you are telling the flattering story that a bunch of insane savage homicidal demon worshipers tell about themselves. They like to believe that they conducted revolution from below. Which was kind of true in 1640 or so, back when they were arguably sane and not dramatically evil and malicious, and they have been recycling that story ever since.

Today they are rebelling against the mighty oppressive power of patriarchy, male supremacy, and heteronormativity by heroically liberating your children from their genitals and sodomizing them.

And you also previously told us of their heroic struggle against the FBI and CIA. The left was the CIA and FBI.

These are tales told by evil and dangerous people to praise themselves and to disarm their enemies preparatory to destroying them.

Neurotoxin says:

“Not an apostle, but you are telling the flattering story that a bunch of insane savage homicidal demon worshipers tell about themselves. They like to believe that they conducted revolution from below.”

Just to clear up what I think about that: They were not oppressed downtrodden victims conducting revolution from below. The left’s claim to be downtrodden, or even to speak for the downtrodden, is of course ridiculous.

(My canonical mental image of these people is an upper-middle-class white kid with a bullhorn doing some obnoxious rabble-rousing.)

Neurotoxin says:

“Where did the left that “infiltrated” the institutions of the 60s come from? Were they Soviet agents perhaps?”

For a long time a significant chunk of the US left was indeed backed in various ways by the USSR. Whether that particularly applies to those who went into academia I don’t know.

skippy says:

“Where did the left that “infiltrated” the institutions of the 60s come from? Were they Soviet agents perhaps? Trained on Marx and Lenin in a cellar in some Eurasian backwater?”

60s were the time when WASPs were displaced from institutions like universities by Jews, who were mostly children of immigrants from the territory of the USSR but not state agents of the USSR.

They were related by blood and culture to the early Bolsheviks, less so to the later USSR of Krushchev, but still very sympathetic to it. They were seen at the time as further left than the WASP professoriat, which had also been leftist.

Accusations at the time that institutions were being taken over by state agents of the USSR – though not completely false – were mostly a way to draw attention to this fact without being accused of Naziism.

Neurotoxin says:

Aright bitchez, I just skimmed the thread and see that it’s still live, as I expected. But, long day. I’ll be back tomorrow.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Bruh, what is up with the retardness of our enemies, Paypal is sticking it to ‘disinformation’ by charging fines of 2500 to anyone they catch like wtf. You have a website where as long as someone has there account on it you can get tons of information on them and you drive them away with some paltry fee? Completely retardation, but feels like its just the first rollout before they get banks to do the same.

If our enemies were actually smart, they wouldn’t be hack-sawing these kinds of methods together in order to stick it to whitey, and I’m not gonna bother giving them any ideas.

Red says:

The point is control. Government can’t “legally” fine free speech, so the unofficial organs of the government does it for them.

jim says:

Looking at Charles the second, who had complete power and legitimate authority to silence speech, he seemed to rely primarily on gentler and subtler measures remarkably similar to those deployed today. Well, that, and burning a difficult woman at the stake.

The trouble is that if you overtly silence speech, you Streisand it.

Tug says:

As Jim predicted long ago, Ethereum is controlled by enemies.

Ethereum relays are censoring transactions/blocks that are not OFAC compliant. The percentage of blocks that are OFAC compliant is steadily rising, and now over 50%:

I’m no blockchain expert, but seems like the change from PoW to PoS has made things easier to censor. Probably why they came for tornado cash when they did?

“With PoW even though 80-90% used flashbots, miners had the ability to include OFAC transactions in addition to the bundle offered by flashbots, whereas with the current PoS implementation builders provide the entire block and no additional tx can be added by the validator”

Cloudswrest says:

Had to look up “OFAC” – Office of Foreign Asset Control. Now that sounds quite Orwellian if you ask me.

🏜️ says:

“Many die in the fields of fratricidal war,” said 75-year-old Kirill in his first Sunday speech after the draft order. “The Church prays that this battle will end as soon as possible, so that as few brothers as possible will kill each other in this fratricidal war.”

“But at the same time, the Church realizes that if someone, driven by a sense of duty and the need to fulfill his oath… goes to do what he is called to do and if someone dies in the performance of that duty, then he has undoubtedly committed something that amounts to a sacrifice. He will have sacrificed himself for others. And therefore, we believe that this sacrifice washes away all the sins committed by such a man.”

Orthodox (Lesser) Jihad.

Anonymous Fake says:

Lots of people who never knew Jesus, and who Jesus never knew, can claim to be Christians. But you know it’s on when there are icons of Mary seen from the streets.

Anonymous Fake says:


Red says:

I’ve been reading Neurotoxin blog and it’s quite interesting. I had been leaning towards viewing him as a shill, but after reading 30 or 40 of his blog posts that seems very unlikely. He comes across as English major. Excellent writing, lots of literary quotes, but light on logic and reading between the lines with history.

Discovering that General Butt Naked is a real guy is quite funny. The first thing I would have done when hearing a about a guy named General Butt Naked is either ask who is he or google it. Damn I love those old Vice videos.

But that’s consistent with NT English major/literary focused. Generally everything we talk about his rooted in historical fact because we’re history guys. We generally don’t invent things for literary usefulness to explain ideas because there’s always a real historical example of a behavior or idea in action. We don’t need to invent General Butt Naked because such men do exist and have always existed. Literary guys are adapt invent things like General Butt Naked to make a point.

NT makes logical leaps all over the place without really showing how he got from A->C->M->Z. Going from A->Z usually isn’t an issue with ideas that everyone knows and agrees with, but NT goes from A->Z and expects people to understand all the logical steps he took between A and Z. That has led to a lot of weird arguments with him on this blog. He doesn’t explain his reasoning and the leap from A->Z and thus A->Z seems incorrect without that explanation. Typically one should explain the steps that lead from A->Z so that the points can be argued and tested for validity if there isn’t agreement on the logical leap.

NT might want to spend more time asking questions about others arguments and flushing out the steps in his own arguments. It should lead to better debate.

alf says:

We’ve had funny debates with Neuro before, most prominently on him not believing our conviction that many of the Roterham girls had purposely been putting themselves in situations to be gangraped. This was funny because on his blog Neuro extensively writes about the dark sexual nature of women, prompting Jim to jest that maybe Neuro should read his own blog.

But we made amends since. Hopefully we will do so again.

Neurotoxin says:

“NT goes from A->Z and expects people to understand all the logical steps he took between A and Z.”

The universe, including my blog apparently, is a Rorschach test.

– – – – – – – – – –
alf: “…Rotherham…”

God no. Not again.

“But we made amends since. Hopefully we will do so again.”

I hope there’s nothing to make amends about; we’re just having a disagreement.

Red says:

I’m sure everyone here has already seen it:

Russia’s improving their meme game bit by bit.

A2 says:

Lol, very good. They didn’t even have to roll out the gays and trannies to make their point.

Forgive MOTHER RUSSIA! We’re coming back!

Hesiod says:

The smartest man in the room (don’t just take my word for it; ask him yourself) Vox Day has been swindled out of a million dollars or so. Yes, Mr. “What part of don’t talk to the Media do you retards not understand” hooked up with some Hollyweird types and then proceeded to fork over the funds for some movie project to some even shadier characters. And he is now reliant on the FBI to rectify the situation.

I genuinely like Vox Day and have learned a lot over the years from his blog, but the nigga really needs to work on his hubris.

Calvin says:

His ego neutered an effectiveness he could have had long ago.

Kunning Druegger says:

Got an links fam? Genuinely interested…

Hesiod says:

He went into more detail on his UATV podcast last night, but you need a subscription to access that. I’ve got one to support Razorfist, Prince of Profanity, and that lets me access several other channels including VD’s.

Neofugue says:

> VFM’s lawyers did their due diligence correctly, and on that basis refused to sign the final contract or to approve the security deposit without certain contingencies being met. However, the producer who originally initiated the project transferred the money to the fake escrow account despite the contract being unsigned and the contingencies being unmet.

Brings back memories of a client who got into massive legal trouble for selling stock in his father’s company without contacting his lawyers beforehand.

Vox is a moron for placing the $1m security in the hands of a single person who could distribute it without authorization from anyone else. If the producer were smart, he could steal the money and claim ignorance, assuming this is not what he did.

Also, two cents of advice here, you should vet potential business partners before you contact them, not after. This reminds me of all those morons who invested in Bernie Madoff without doing the 20 minutes of research necessary to discover that the sole firm auditing his entire multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme was a one-man operation located in a strip mall behind a grocery store in Rockland County.

Stopped reading Vox after he went full Qtard. Actual UHIQ people (this stands for “ultra-high IQ,” gammas) never go full Qtard.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hey -fugue, what guidance can you give me on business stuff? You tossed out a comment like:

“you should vet potential business partners before you contact them, not after.”

which seems logical enough, but let me paint you a picture:

A young man has a story. He slaves over it for years, teaching himself to write, re-drafting, adding, editing, until he has something that shines. He has people read it, they tell him it’s great, but empty accolades don’t get things produced. One day, he crosses paths with a “producer” who tells him he has all the contacts he needs. The producer introduces the man to a director, a cinematographer, various department keys, and it finally seems like he’s going somewhere. The producer says he has a financer who is willing to match any investment over X. If the man can raise X, he will have it doubled, and he will be off to the races. He begs and borrows and builds, calling in every favor and family member, and just barely raises X. The producer is impressed, and says everything is lined up, he just needs to prove to the financier that the money is real. So he tells the man to transfer it to him, and then the financier will match, and they can get started. The story has two endings: the funds get matched, the movie gets made, and the battle to get it bought/distributed begins; the last time the man hears from the producer is when he confirms that the money has transferred and the financier is being contacted.

This may sound fantastical, but it is actually a common story. There are so many elements to getting pictures made, so many grifters and schemers. At every stage in the process, one can trip up. Where does a man go to get good financial guidance and legal advice?

jim says:

> So he tells the man to transfer it to him, and then the financier will match,


At that instant, the man should know he is being scammed, no further research being needed.

But, since a scammer is looking for something for nothing, you can always scam a scammer.

Kunning Druegger says:

See, this is what confuses me: that kind of matching does actually happen. Like, a pool of investors will commit to doing a 4mil injection if the producers can secure another 4 mil. Sometimes, an angel will commit to a guaranteed 2mil injection if a crowdfund hits 100K. It all sounds like a scam! Consider how movies get made for 20mil and barely crack 4 at the box office, but the industry rolls on, and people keep working. I know there are schemes used to hide money (Dark Knight was somehow a loss that required insurance payouts, etc), but I just don’t get how to safely take investment, get people paid, and make good products while staying insulated from insider risks. If I get the funds and make a movie and no one likes it, that’s the creative risk, very inline with slaving away on a script for 3 years that no one ever buys. Unavoidable risk. But the financial side of things is so overwhelming, and where are the based & redpilled lawyers and accountants?

Cloudswrest says:

I imagine there are legitimate escrow companies one can use.

jim says:

> See, this is what confuses me: that kind of matching does actually happen. Like, a pool of investors will commit to doing a 4mil injection

The matching does not involve trusting the matcher with the money.

Typical scenario that I am a little bit familiar with. There is a project, on which a great deal of money has been spent. Arguably it now looks promising, but it is going to go on losing money for some time with no money coming in. At the moment it is owned by the programmers, in highly unequal amounts, (early programmers own a hell of a lot more than later programmers) and by the angel investors. And it is out of money. Looking for more money. Which means that existing people have to reach into their pockets and wind up owning more of the project, or outside people have to reach into their pockets. The show goes on the road, the outsiders are unimpressed. Then one guy who is rich because he has made a lot of good calls wants to invest, then suddenly lots of people want to invest in whatever he is investing in. They cut a deal, that so and so will invest X, that this other guy will invest Y, and so on and so forth. And after the deal is done, all the money and ownership changes hands, or none of it does. It is what engineers call an atomic transaction, not sure what accountants and lawyers call it, and one of the services provided (at enormous expense) by the FIRE sector of the economy is such atomic transactions.

Digressing, a blockchain typically provides atomic transactions at a few cents apiece. While atomic transactions are a useful and necessary service, lots of people provide this service way cheaper than the stock market and banks.

An atomic transaction mediated by a regulated financial entity means you are trusting that financial entity (which due to moral decay of the elite is becoming more and more dangerous) but you do not have to trust your counterparties to the deal. The deal happens in full, or does not happen at all. (Or a major and well known financial institution steals everyone’s money because sexism, racism, antisemitism, Covid, and Russia.)

Neofugue says:

> One day, he crosses paths with a “producer” who tells him he has all the contacts he needs. The producer introduces the man to a director, a cinematographer, various department keys, and it finally seems like he’s going somewhere.

It is difficult to respond to this example because there are so many things wrong here. Jim identifies the producer demanding the young man to wire his money as the point at which he ought to know he is being scammed, but the entire story seems sketchy.

Speaking from personal experience, directors have massive egos and any competent one would never be “introduced” to a lowly screenwriter by his producer. If a real director likes a script, he will ask for the rights to the screenplay and then involve his producer.

Why does the producer like the young man? Sure, he wrote an interesting screenplay, but why would the producer trust him? Does he dress well? Does he come from a similar educational, socioeconomic, ethnic or religious background? Does he have proper etiquette? What is his work experience? If the young man is not competent or skilled enough to be his own director, why not ask for the screenplay and leave the young man out of the production? Why is the producer building a business relationship with the young man? Why ask for the young man’s money; doesn’t the producer know that all young screenwriters are broke? etc. etc. etc.

If the producer desired the young man’s work, he would be asking the young man to write more screenplays, not to collect money.

In business, no one cares about you, no one cares if you die, no one cares if your mother dies, no one cares. The only thing people care about in the world of business is money, and if you forget that you are going to get eaten. The young man reeks of low self-esteem, and those are the easiest to scam.

The general rule when dealing with people in a financial environment is, if this guy tries to f*** me over, can I sue him? If my board tries to subvert my leadership, can I bring them down into hell with me? To find out the answers to these questions, contact your lawyers.

> Where does a man go to get good financial guidance and legal advice?

This may not be the answer you wish to hear, but regarding good financial guidance, you have to figure it out yourself. Sure, you can seek a mentor, but the mentor will only tell you his habits, not the right path for you. You have to be at the right place at the right time, do the right things, make the right decisions, and most importantly get lucky. Most people have average jobs because most people cannot handle stress under pressure and the risks of business. With regard to legal advice, contact your lawyers. Lawyers make fortunes because without them ensuring that every party behaves, no one can do business.

jim says:

> Lawyers make fortunes because without them ensuring that every party behaves, no one can do business.

Not how the lawyers I have done business with make money.

You arrange your affairs so that you do not have to trust people for too much money – there is usually some method for doing this, escrow and similar arrangements. And you trust people for stuff that they have been trusted for before and come through on.

Near as I can figure, lawyers are bagmen to keep the state off your back. When people get sued, it is for acting rightly while in possession of deep pockets, not for acting wrongly.

Neofugue says:

> You arrange your affairs so that you do not have to trust people for too much money – there is usually some method for doing this, escrow and similar arrangements. And you trust people for stuff that they have been trusted for before and come through on.

Lawyers keep the state off your back, but your business partners can be just as much of a threat to you as the state. Escrow works because the state is willing to enforce fair play on each party involved, and lawyers are the mediators between each party, the state, and each other. Client parties are means by which people in the financial world build “trust,” but when it comes to money there is no one who is truly trustworthy. If you do not make the necessary connections with the right bagmen, other men with their bagmen will try to steal your money.

I knew a man who had his entire fortune worth ~$600 million seized by the courts. He fought and managed to get it back with the help of a massive army of lawyers, but on the implicit condition that he would have to resign from the board of his company.

jim says:

> Escrow works because the state is willing to enforce fair play on each party involved

No. Escrow works because the Escrow agency is honest (you hope). If it decided to screw you, the state would not do a damned thing.

Neofugue says:

> Escrow works because the Escrow agency is honest (you hope). If it decided to screw you, the state would not do a damned thing.

I stand corrected.

I have never engaged in large financial transactions without making sure I could unleash lawyers on potential backstabbers.

hottap says:

Legit business partners make things very easy for you and do not object to diligence, contracts, auditing, etc.

If you actually intend to make money by selling to clients, with the assistance of a partner, you will have no reason not to prove this and you will be motivated to secure the assistance of the partner by proving this. Any red flag basically shows that a proposed deal is junk.

You will learn this from experience if you live long enough.

A2 says:

Yeah, at least call your stolid banker and ask about well-known reliable escrow firms.

With that said, it seems like a brazen scam and it can be difficult to protect yourself from those. Bankers are not 100% reliable with client funds either.

alf says:

The smartest man in the room (don’t just take my word for it; ask him yourself)


Kunning Druegger says:

Everyone is free to point and laugh from the cheap seats. While you may not like Vox for whatever reason, what happened to him is not rare. It could very well have been the error of a novice, and it could also be targeted destruction by devious means. Without seeing the case, couldn’t prove otherwise. But gatekeeping in film is not just restricted the creative side. This sucks for more people than just Vox. Financial management is one of those “critical infrastructure” elements that seems like a common exploit for right wing creativity. While we seem to have many big brains in computers and literature, it would be nice if we had some competent financial managers as well.

Hesiod says:

You are correct, KD, and I want to make clear that I’m poking VD, not this project specifically. For the record, I’ve donated several times over the years to some of his publishing projects and do not regret any of it.

This one however I didn’t because it seemed way too ambitious for this stage of the game. But I do not laugh at anyone who did. My mirth is strictly aimed at Ted E. Beale, Super Genius:

hottap says:

1. It’s well known that film financing uses nefarious means to exclude right wingers.

2. VD is an astute, aggressively right wing businessman.

3. VD getting scammed by film financiers “could happen to anyone”,

The Cominator says:

seems like mountainous egos run in his family, his father ended up in prison for blatantly doing the “I am a sovereign citizen and openly refuse to pay taxes” thing… and it worked out as well as that usually does.

Fidelis says:

poasting a curious specimen

Too many red flags to count. Obvious leftie signalling in appearance, pronoun compliance in his bio, as well as, and perhaps more importantly, a former Zcash guy.

But this project seems faithfully done, a private cross chain exchange market. It also runs deeper, as, according to this interview, this is only the proof of concept first step into a more comprehensive and workable digital exchange system.

At 8:45 our subject goes into describing what jim has described here countless times, that a complete digital payments system includes communication and metadata. That this project is the minimum viable execution of that goal, where at least there is crossflow of information between parties.

jim says:

Henry de Valence has blue hair~

He is also a Zcash veteran, and zcash was sort of a scam, or was cargo cult cryptography.

And he has blue hair.

But the idea seems brilliant. You transfer value from an open and public chain to this shielded chain, and then, under another id you transfer it back.

What he is proposing is an anonymized untraceable dex. Which is a really good idea.

He is seriously thinking about what the new advances in cryptography makes possible. Smart guy with good and important ideas.

But, he has blue hair.

On the other hand, anyone who notes that the government kills people based on metadata just has to be one of the good guy cryptographers.

That is a shill/entryist test for cryptographers. It is like a purported Christian nationalist affirming that Jesus Christ is Lord. If a Christian nationalist says Jesus Christ is Lord, unlikely to be an enemy entryists against Christian Nationalism, and if a cryptographer says the government kills people based on metadata, unlikely to be an enemy entryist against privacy and security.

As with Milo and Bronze Age Pervert, getting mixed signals here, but Milo is one of the good guys, and, while remaining deeply suspicious (he has blue hair) I am inclined to think Henry de faggot is one of the good guys.

Fidelis says:

Giving benefit of the doubt, perhaps this is an obfuscation mechanism. Oh no worries to you, dear overlords, for I am under your tribe. So saying, I think he’s Canadian, that makes it more likely he’s just a faggot with an inclination towards cypherpunk aesthetic.

Penumbra is very interesting, they are doing more than just a shielded DEX. They are building shielded delegations for proof of stake: an absolutely essential component for the vision of a coercion-resistant money coordination system.

Milosevic says:

A couple of faggots, a freak, and a woman. Not exactly who I would expect would be able to pull off anything useful at all.

I did run my eye over Henry de Faggot’s twitter and he seemed, like Thiel, to be a very competent man who also loves cock.

jim says:

A huge problem with Penumbra is that it is designed to work in the Ether ecosystem, which is wholly enemy controlled.

A lot of leftists sincerely buy the rhetoric that the world is crushed under the heel of white heteronormative male misogynist capitalists, and leftism is all about fighting power for freedom.

And then they actually fight power for freedom and are promptly crushed like bugs by the left. I think Henry de Faggot is actually fighting power for freedom, and thinks Ether is a great place to do that because full of fellow leftists

Fidelis says:

They are not building for Ether, but Cosmos. I don’t smell anything rotten coming out of the cosmos related teams.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic. Was reading some spin off anecdotes of the “hamburger” shooting regarding cop abuse. One was a guy in a rental car that was erroneously reported stolen. Driver (white), with child in car, was aggressively threatened and pulled out at gun point.

This got me speculatively thinking. What if you’re caravanning with one or more other cars and you get pulled out of your car at gunpoint, and at the same time, one of your “buddy” cars pulls over 100 yards back and he gets out and gets behind the car? I imagine the cop(s) would go ape shit! LOL. I wonder if they already have training/procedure for this?

Bouncer says:

I strongly doubt that officers are trained to do ANYTHING when surprised by superior numbers of armed personnel yelling at them to get on the ground or be put under it. Would be hilarious to watch them piss their pants though.

A2 says:

And on the possibly lighter side: defector from Mormon polygamist cult details it all. The horror, the horror.

alf says:

Kollene’s father, John Daniel Kingston has 14 wives, and she is the fifth of her mother Shirley Hansen’s 12 children.

Morality debates aside, I am impressed by the sheer logistics. Assuming this mother was above average fertile, 5 children per wife still equals 70 children. That’s ridiculous. How do you arrange for all that to function.

Kunning Druegger says:

Lol, hive-mind Alf!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Probably because the rest of the women help out until the first few kids are old enough to look after the younger kids. Once you get that rolling, then it becomes much easier. Set up those responsibilities early and get them used to helping out. Then there is also the generational element, where the older women are helping their daughters out. It would require a strong sense of community, but clearly it is doable.

alf says:

Yes I think you’re right. And as the article says:

He’s the chain of the command. You ask your husband, and then he asks his dad, and then his dad asks the leader.’

Get the women to help each other out raising kids, maintain strict chain of command among the men, reinforce roles in the church and communal activities. Honestly, good gig, pretty impressive.

The major kinks seem to me that you’ll run out of women, and you’ll have to marry second cousins and such with each other. Not sure if those two are related.

Wolf says:

A lot of nice-looking girls in those pictures. None fat. An American would have to be crazy not to convert.

Kunning Druegger says:

“Kollene was allowed to go to public school when she was in kindergarten, and being in the ‘real world’ made her realize at a young age that her life in The Order was not normal and that she wanted to leave the sect.”

If you go to the trouble of establishing a closed, atypical society, why in fuck would you send the kids to outside schools?

Ms. Complainy-slut was one of twelve kids from 1 of 14 wives. Think on those numbers, gentlemen.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Thinking on those numbers, I wonder what happened to the 13 other men? I am assuming they still have a 1.02:1 ratio of males to females born. Where are all the other men? The only ways that works out is if either the birthrate is massively skewed, or they are running out their sons. Both indicate a problem, whether environmental or social, and in either case this only lasts while things are peaceful. Once wife raiding becomes common due to breakdowns in order, those people are fucked.

alf says:

Don’t they count on outside women converting to (this particular polygamous subset of) mormonism? Not sure how the seduction part turns out, but to women it does have the alpha male harem appeal.

A2 says:

Yeah, I think this level of bride hoarding may easily become a major social problem if it isn’t already.

As to what happens to the surplus males, another article about other Mormon polygamists mentioned that they get kicked out of the community at the age of majority. Also seems like a social problem in waiting.

It may also be difficult to guard 14 wives so I wonder what the level of paternity testing may be.

Pax Imperialis says:

>get kicked out of the community at the age of majority

try 13, or sometimes even younger. Imagine one day your dad takes you on a road trip. Several hundred miles away he drops you off the side of the road. You wonder around and find a whole community of other abandoned boys living in plywood shacks with the rare drop off of government assistance food.

Kunning Druegger says:

Well, that tears it for me. It would be a pleasure to smoke these faggots and redistribute their ill gotten gains amongst the men. What an awful insult to GNON’s gift of sons.

i says:

Horrible. That’s a fundamental reason why Early Christianity required Monogamy. Especially the Church Fathers too.

Polygamists who convert ought to keep their current wives but stop marrying anymore. But the next generation must be monogamous.

Pax Imperialis says:

They dump their excess sons who mostly end up as illiterate unemployed drains on society forever collecting government handouts. Many end up in Arizona living in nearly all male communes in the middle of the desert because the cults have enough brains to not keep a bunch of potential problems around. I visited one of those communes when I drove through Arizona once and got to talk to some of them. They were dropped off the side of the road with nothing to their name, no life skills, and no clue on what to do to survive, some at the age of 13.

It is demonic. I’m not strictly against polygamy that happens naturally since many men simply never marry regardless of the social environment, but artificially induced polygamy on the scale of these cults always ends in human sacrifice of their own sons.

alf says:

Reaaally? Sounds like the kind of thing that’d garner more attention? At any rate, if true, all shades of f*cked up.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Yeah, it is true. The government is not that interested is solving the problem of a bunch of useless men, because men. Getting them the skills to survive would harm women or support the patriarchy somehow, so they get left to suffer.

These cult men are scum. They enhance their own reproductive fitness at the expense of their sons, and then abandon them. They are evil and deserve to be burned at the stake for what they do to their own blood. It would be one thing to seduce loose women and end up with a few extra wives and mistresses. This is wicked.

Kunning Druegger says:

Completely unrelated, I just found out about a place to hire some grunts at low cost ::sunglasses smiley face::

alf says:

OK I did some digging and I have to agree. A huge reproductive ponzy scheme.
That John Kingston guy has at least 157 kids! I can’t help but be somewhat impressed, but the hubris that kind of scheme leaves behind… Burn in hell man, burn in hell.

Marrying your second cousin is getting lucky it seems, some are wedded to first cousins or even half-brothers.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

What kind of subhuman monster does not celebrate his sons? That poor man in the video was devastated. I know exactly that look on his face. That was a man trying desperately not to cry because he is in terrible pain. Who could call himself a man and still do that to his son?

A2 says:

Also note that Kingston is presumably not supporting those kids from the sweat of his brow (or his wives brows), but is likely to get something from his co-cultists. That makes it basically just a big-man cult, though probably more successful than the new age ones.

What about Joseph Smith himself? Wikipedia lists him as having 28-49 wives (so possibly a bit of playtime for historians) but perhaps one third* of those were of a certain age (say 35+) or outright old (50 or older). I’m guessing they had a principle of marrying off widows and similar rather than letting them stay unattached.

(* I invite some reader to properly count.)

Fake says:

Joseph Smith had no kids with his extra wives. Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball had 60+ each. For the decades polygamy was practiced, only like 2% of the men had extra wives and usually like 5, so in a community of 80k, it wasn’t too noticeable.

I’ve lived where you can see a polyg community from the road and you hear about the boys who leave, but not the girls. The boys leave, instead of being dropped off on the side of the road, because they are not brought up to be a patriarch. So why put up with all the nonsense and authority if you don’t even get a wife? Maybe in Arizona they are dropped off, but if there is a decent sized city to go to, the young men will go on their own.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hope you’re doing ok, Pax. You still drinking heavy? No judgement here; I lived out of a bottle for 4 years. But I hope you are finding something better to do with the mind God gifted you.

A2 says:

It’s basically ghetto style (or African style) reproduction, though with a couple of twists. When the boy gets old enough to leave his mum, let him fend for himself on the corner, or in the village mob, or in the longhouse.

Leon says:

Capitol riot committee proceedings are under way. Say your prayers and place your bets.

Javier says:

If Trump sets foot in the capital he doesn’t leave.

A2 says:

Seems best if he stays away. Do the interview by video if needed, it’s hardly unknown. But if he does, only with a million man armed (and of course peaceful) bodyguard.

Red says:

Trump still doesn’t know the score. He’s going to either stay away and be frogged marched by the FBI into DC or he’s going to show up and be charged with lying under oath for telling the truth or some such other bullshit.

Kunning Druegger says:

Check out this Wagner group video. Pay attention to the imagery and composition:

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Blood and Soil Christian Nationalism. Interesting. Explicit references to the Orthodox Church and to the Rus.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Although I am going to ruin it, right now we are 69 comments away from 1,488, lol.

Hesiod says:

Any translation of the lyrics available?

Bouncer says:

I found this:

“Bands of war for fire are born
For battles without any idylls
Where, under the cries of Chimeras, conductor Lucifer
Controls the flight of the Valkyries.

So come on, Wagner, play
Raise your orchestra members
Raise with a light stroke of the bow
Our Russian PMC.”

Hesiod says:

Much appreciated.

jim says:

I am fond of saying that the war in Ukraine is a holy war, demon worshipers are trying to conquer the world, and you have to bring a a gun to a gunfight, and faith to a holy war.

For Russia to win, Russia has to invoke the power of Christ.

I am not yet seeing Putin invoke the power of Christ. But I now see the Wagner group invoke the power of Christ.

Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ and Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill has declared that this the holy war that it is, and also declared Putin Holy Emperor appointed by God. (Maybe he is reading this blog, or influenced by someone who is.)

Putin, however, has not decisively spoken the words that would declare memetic sovereignty, which is worrying.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s another video, not Wagner, but just general Russian military:

General “cool military” imagery – whole video

Cultural celebration imagery – 01:20

Orthodox imagery – 01:52 (and elsewhere)

Powerful governance imagery – 02:41

Martial religiosity imagery – 03:15

National identity imagery – 03:30

There’s also at least 2 instances of “lady warrior” imagery, which is hard to avoid for white countries these days.

jim says:

Not the Russian government speaking.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fair point, but consider how we take the things said by charities, NGOs, news media, entertainment corporations, and companies. They are not USG, but they speak for the Cathedral. The meta-complex that is the Polygon is a hydra. So too is the elite culture of Russia. We paint the Cathedral with a broad brush, and we should, but there is resistance and dissent within the elite ranks. The inverse is the case in Russia, though not to the same degree on either side. Thus, the members of formal government don’t have the latitude of their inverted counterparts in USG.

The Voice of the Cathedral transmits the messaging of the Brain. Initially, they had to do it in very tiny (comparatively) doses. As they consolidated their power, the little bits of feces in the wine barrel become fetid piles of shit, and now it’s mostly waste with barely any wine. Russia is at a much earlier stage of an inverted progression. Thus, they are not free to just cram whatever they wish into the messaging. They let the media content producers include as much or as little as they deem fitting. As they consolidate further, as they extinguish pozzed voices and GAE elements, the messaging can (I believe will) become more explicit.

We are so used to institutions turning on a dime and over saturating memetic transfer that it seems fractured, glacial, or insufficient when we look at Russia. We have discussed Musk time; we are looking at Putin time. If you recalibrate to his clock, things look substantially different. If Putin had launched the SMO in February with a “Gas the demons, holy war now” how popular would that have been with the elites? His deft touch and compassion with the AFU was a tactical blunder, but it’s starting to seem like a strategic master stroke in the war for Russian culture. By next February, he may be able to step in front of the Russian elites with a crown and sword, Patriarch Kiril beside… And there I go, using Musk time. So maybe no imperial restoration any time soon in the Rodina. But Putin is not a Cathedralite and Russia is not the Occident. They, and he, must move at the proper speed for their culture. The hour is late, and we need a Caesar, but as we all know and hate, no one is coming to save us.

Maybe I’m being too optimistic, and maybe you and I are both too hasty and/or impatient. But I choose to believe St. Angling: God has a plan, and He already won; nothing can stop the raids and persecution coming at us; all we must do is tell the truth, choose good over evil, and find and nurture beautiful things.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s another video:

Faith that walks the walk.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s another video, but of the other side’s perspective:

Putin may not be stating what needs to be stated (I disagree, BTW, that address he made said it all), but the forces of evil see Putin as an avenging fire that needs to be quenched.

simplyconnected says:
jim says:

The great Cathedral was the start. The icons of the Theotkos are another important step in that direction. Patriarch Kirill doing what this blog says the high priest should be doing is a huge step in that direction.

But Caesar needs to exercise memetic sovereignty. Which Putin is hesitant to do, perhaps because a declaration of memetic sovereignty is likely to result in World War III.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“CNN reports that Elon Musk’s SpaceX has told the US government it can no longer fund Starlink service in Ukraine.”

Based Department? Did Musk figure out he is next on the chopping block if globohomo wins? I wonder if he has a plan figured out (this might also have something to do with the bluegov investigating his buying of twitter).

Kunning Drueger says:

The responses are pretty whitepilling TBH. The people whining and crying Russian collusion are being ratio’d and mocked, while many are saying “good” or “make Ukraine pay.”

Musk seems to be figuring out the trajectory and realizing that you can either play hardball or no balls. Now we shall see if the Starman faction is right: does the Pentagon realize how badly they need Elon, and will this need be translated into action on his behalf?

Adam says:

Of all the men in high places, as far as future leadership is concerned for our side, Elon has the most potential. I don’t see him being worked over by the cathedral, and it’s doubtful anyone at Harvard is going to fool him. Short of suicide by gunshot to the back of the head, he has everything he needs to continue building power. Question is what does he really need? And what will he need in the future? If the answer to that ever becomes something like patriarchy, or the things only patriarchy can produce he would have the motive to start taking out the Cathedral elite and progressivism itself.

Ted says:

He seems to be on a trajectory that ultimately collides with the aristocracy.

Cloudswrest says:

Related to this? Don’t know if it’s real or not.

Cloudswrest says:

What is the cost to build and launch a Starlink satellite? I’ll give a wild ass guess of maybe $10000 per unit. What’s the cost in electricity of a megawatt laser burst or microwave pulse? Maybe $5. It probably doesn’t take more than a couple of satellites getting the magic smoke let out and turned into low earth orbiting bricks to let Mr. Musk know that his commercial business model is non-viable if he keeps it up. Especially after other commercial civilian assets like pipelines and bridges have been attacked. It’s almost too obvious, even more so since Starlink was NOT a non-combatant. It’s like low hanging fruit for the Russians.

In regards to jamming, while I presume it’s difficult to jam the downlink. It would seem pretty trivial to jam the uplink by simply illuminating the satellite(s) with a few kilowatt radar beam(s). Even better with a “Slaver Sunflower” effect. It will blind the satellite to any ground stations in the regional vicinity.

Neurotoxin says:

Excellent Larry Niven reference.

skippy says:

Is it a coincidence that Musk started to U-turn on Starlink just after Anatoly Karlin advocated weaponized Kessler Syndrome?

Everyone is assuming Musk just doesn’t want Ukraine to win but maybe he doesn’t want this “side show” destroying all his space plans.

ArkyShrugger says:
Red says:

I’m assuming this is already happening. Family courts are infamous for locking people up on the basis of contempt of court for years.

The Cominator says:

Speaking of Anglin and women…

THIS is a very good article (there are some minor things I disagree with, I don’t agree that women only have a sex drive at peak ovulation that varies wildly from woman to woman) and says what I’ve long said… we don’t really have a slut problem our women have become something really far worse. This is why I’m pretty blackpilled on American women in general.

Anglin’s other article was over the top but I agree with this one almost completely other than minor details.

Adam says:

Globohomo is trying to turn everyone into a faggot. The high drama, impulsive, consumption driven demon worshiping faggot is their ideal model for everyone.

It is basically the opposite of the patriarch.

Marry and breed the women who do not act like fags.

The Cominator says:

There is quite possibly some linkage, the trend away from the slutty raver girl era towards being fay ugly overtatted witches started around the time when it became not okay to be against gay marriage.

Aidan says:

I honestly cannot remember the last time that a fertile age woman was actively nasty or bitchy towards me in the way that only a childless hag can be. When women act bitchy as a shit test, there’s always a noticeably fun and bratty undercurrent to it.

We should probably distinguish between personal shit tests and generalized ones. When women act self-destructively, it’s a long-term shit test, hoping that a man will come and put a stop to the self destructive behavior. Self destructive behavior signals lack of ownership. It is saying “come and get me”. A little bit different from a woman testing the fitness of one specific man by giving him shit.

jim says:

Anglin is wrong.

Victoria’s secret going ugly is a shit test.

When a woman is unpleasant to you, no fun, the test is “are you so needy and weak that you have to put up with me being unpleasant?”, and it the same when she wants to get a tattoo. “are you so needy and weak that you will allow me to get a tattoo and then put up with a tattooed woman?”.

Victoria’s secret going ugly is a despairing reaction by women to our society’s massive failure to pass its shit tests.

Women need to be hit with a stick and put on a leash, and a part of them wants to be hit with a stick and put on a leash, that being the ancestral environment of reproductive success for women, and they are going to escalate the shit tests until they get what they want.

The Cominator says:

Well sure all feminism is a collective shit test but the effect is that our women lately have become something far worse than where’s something just in all ways grotesque…

Fidelis says:

Victoria’s Secret is not a woman, I guarantee it is not even run by women in the final accounting. VS going fat and black is more state enforced holiness, your pattern matching has overheated here.

jim says:

Yes, but it is holy because women want to shit test us. The left becomes ever more gay, black, and female, and “body positivity” is the left becoming female.

Likely Victoria’s secret is one hundred percent run by straight politically incorrect red pilled men with high libidos – except that they have had a morbidly obese childless female middle aged commissar of Human Resources thrust upon them, who makes sure they hire ugly models in the same way her equivalent in engineering makes sure they hire dumb tech leads.

Yes, you re right, state enforced holiness. But why is holiness heading off in this particular direction? What applecart are they seeking to knock over this time?

This time, they are not after those apples rolling around on the ground. Rather, they hoping that the apple cart owner hits them with a stick and puts them on a leash.

Fidelis says:

I disagree, unless you want to stretch the shit test concept to all of leftism.

It’s worship of anti-beauty. Fat and black is ugly, therefore it is promoted. Inversion of values. What apples are they after? In this case it is destructive envy. Hatred of the beautiful and well turned out, because they are not so, and a desire to eliminate that reminder and demoralize the spiritual enemy at the same time. I do not see a shit test here, this is not a group of fertile aged women marching around making noise and begging for attention. This is another leftie controlled megacorp pushing the inversion of all that is good, because they hate themselves just as much as they hate you.

jim says:

> It’s worship of anti-beauty. Fat and black is ugly, therefore it is promoted. Inversion of values

This accurately describes modern art and modern architecture. Old buildings were built as temples to God and, more humbly, as homes for the house’s guardian angel. The gods of hearth and home are still quietly around in the Christian era. Modern office buildings are built as temples to demons.

But envy and spite would manifest as hostility to fertile women – which the Covid “vaccine” most certainly was, and child protective services most certainly are. The promotion of ugly models on the other hand is clearly not anger and hostility at pretty models, but anger and hostility at men. Therefore, shit test.

Kunning Druegger says:

You both make good points. I think Fidelis is closer to the mark, only in that VS doing this is the culmination of a series of clouds of failed shit tests. It is not concatenated shit tests, or just a bunch of shit tests at random, rather it is more like a swarm of shit tests with the majority being failed interacting with a different swarm, also mostly failed, turning into a super cell of failed shit tests that will overwhelm an institution with the net results of they various component failed shit tests.

somedude says:

KD, can you create a meme with Jim bitch slapping Anglin out of his black-pilled views on Women?

The Cominator says:

I think Jim knows that Victoria’s secret advertising strategy is not a woman but I think Jim is referring to women making themselves grotesque collectively is some kind of shit test.

And I think its both state/psyop/cathedral/globohomo driven AND a shit test. The problem is that them doing this makes things much much worse for men whether they are redpilled or not. Its not like its a minority of women who have gotten this way but the vast majority now.

A2 says:

Wexler, owner of VS, started this trend right when the Epstein story was splashing everyone associated. So perhaps just a little bit self-serving.

Here where I live, the cheap clothing chains had a long period of putting ugly uninspiring or, shall we say, non-standard women in their ads. But now times have gotten a lot worse and the good looking girls are back again.

alf says:

Obvious shit test is obvious. Anglin not recognizing the shit test for what it is is why he will continue to spew 5000 word black pilled essays on women, whereas I am wrapping up this comment because my soon-to-be-wife is almost done preparing dinner — chicory, ham, grilled cheese and mashed potatoes. It’s not in my top10 favorite dishes she makes, but a good one for sure.

The Cominator says:

A collective shit test which makes attractive women extremely rare and generally also reclusive is bad news for everyone…

alf says:

Well yes, obviously it is bad.

Female emancipation was a shit-test we failed, are failing to this day. Everyday we fail it, things get worse.

In the fifties, women were on paper equal to men, and on paper free to express their sexuality, but in practice, not so much. Intergenerational habits are slow to change.

Following the sexual revolution of the sixties/seventies, women were now in practice free to express their sexuality, but still not equal to men. Women in the workplace had men playing the boss — which the women naturally loved.

So, to compete for male attention, the porn era. Women in an arms race to get the attention of men. More skin, more boobs, more sexy.

But then the final unprincipled exception collapses — women become equal to men, in practice. Men lose their dominance, lose their attractiveness. Can no longer grope women in the workplace. Metoo signaled this turning point. And this signaled to the female hindbrain: weak horse.

And so women no longer feel the need to be attractive. They are revolting against the weak horse, uglifying themselves, hoping for a strong horse to take them by the wrist and put an end to the equality. Which is happening now, and is bad news for everyone.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is a bit meta, but I think Anglin does read here, and has seen your and others’ points, and is, albeit slowly, course correcting. The fact of the matter is that we are in mid-battle, and one of the most dangerous assets the Adversary has is weaponized female evo-psych. While we are somewhat safe here to tease out nuance and make distinctions, particularly you and I as famliy men, Anglin’s method of trench warfare needs things to be black and white to be maximally effective. The enemy is willing and able to take the fact that there are wonderful women raising children and submitting to their husbands, distill that down into An Exception, then use the exception to batter down other rhetorical frameworks.

Not trying to reignite a disagreement, just pointing out that you are doing good, our wives are worth fighting for and defending, and things can get better.

someDude says:

If he reads this blog, clearly does not understand it, or does not want to understand it.

About the meme with Jim He-Bitch-Man-slapping Anglin out of the Blackpill ……..

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t make memes, I collect them. I am a no talent hack. By the way, your other post exposed your email address, JSYK.

alf says:

looked like a fake email, but fixed it nonetheless.

someDude says:

Thanks Alf/KD, of course it was fake. The only thing anyone can do with that is impersonate me on this blog.

As Ben Franklin used to say, neither namefag nor emailfag be.

Red says:

Anglin analysis is pretty decent for someone who’s black pilled. Certainly better than Voxday. Though his idea of leaving women the right to vote is silly.

Kunning Drueger says:

We ask, Yandex answers lol.

Everything I hear about Wagner is exactly what I used to think American SOF was. If American ego and hubris weren’t what they are, I think American males would be flocking to join.

Aidan says:

If I didn’t have my woman I’d be over there. Hopefully I get a chance to fight a war, ideally after I have grown sons on the right path

SomeDude says:

Then i take it you dont agree with Paul Craig Roberts here

jim says:

He says no end of stuff, some of it on the ball, some of it, quite a lot of it, kind of stupid. What points do you have in mind.

someDude says:

Couple points. One that Putin taking it easy on the Ukrainians is bringing us all closer to Armageddon as it just seems to excite the Deep state.

The other that it is also demoralizing his own troops and his own people.

Aidan says:

I don’t see how either of those bear on my statement.

someDude says:

Would you want to fight in an Army that takes it easy on an opponent that wishes your destruction?

Fidelis says:

Putler expects to rule over the region soon. This parallels Cesar’s famous clemency during the civil war.

The Cominator says:

And it’s always a bad idea…

Red says:

Putler expects to rule over the region soon. This parallels Cesar’s famous clemency during the civil war.

How did that work out for Cesar? Octavian was 1/10th the general Cesar was, but he was a hard motherfucker on his foes. Men respect strength.

Fidelis says:

How did that work out for Cesar?

In kléos áphthiton. He won, and his killer is depicted by Dante as being the second worse person in human history next to Judas Iscariot. I sense a weakly help consesnus here that power is almost always from force or implied force behind a narrative game, but remember that Lord Jesus Christ conquered the world after riding into Jerusalem on an ass. There is a time for mercy, though I accept that in the case of Putin and his struggles, it is very arguable as to whether it is that time.

someDude says:

If he expects to rule over Ukraine soon, why did he not take Kiev when he had the chance? I confess I have no idea what Putin’s game plan is.

I hope Paul Craig Roberts is wrong and Putin has an ace up his sleeve, but I fear that PCR may be right. Whatever Putin’s plan, it looks complicated and I don’t like complicated plans. Too many things can go wrong.

Red says:

I sense a weakly help consesnus here that power is almost always from force or implied force behind a narrative game, but remember that Lord Jesus Christ conquered the world after riding into Jerusalem on an ass.

When one is to rule, one must be ruthless to your foes. You can always forgive them later, but forgiving before they’re begging for mercy at your feet invites destruction as it’s perceived as weakness.

Jesus never forgave the Pharisees and he treated them with utter contempt and scorn. He isn’t a pussy.

Aidan says:

Not really a soldier’s business how his leader is conducting the war. Seems like Putin is taking it easy for his own troops, not the Ukrainians. RU is winning. Could it have done better? Maybe. Doesn’t bear on my wanting to fight for it.

Maybe fighting a slow war is bad for morale. Retreating is bad for morale, but on the other hand, blowing up lots of tanks is good for morale. I don’t know how Russian morale is doing. Liars in my media tell me it is awful, mutiny any day now for the last 6 months, but I don’t believe them.

Maybe exciting the deep state is the point. Russia is not just attriting Ukraine. Russia gets to blow up NATO’s best toys and degrade its ability to wage war. If Russia went too hard at the beginning, it might have found itself ruling over a desolate Ukraine with no gas and no electricity, and having to defend it against Poland and the US. Question is not if NATO intervenes directly, it is when.

jim says:

> Russia is not just attriting Ukraine. Russia gets to blow up NATO’s best toys and degrade its ability to wage war.

When Reagan was running in the primaries for the Republican presidential nomination, he told us his plan for defeating the Soviet Union was to exhaust their logistic capability by bogging them down in a hundred small forever wars. (I paraphrase, he used more folksy and humane language)

That worked.

So the Global American Empire’s plan for defeating Putin’s Russia is to exhaust their logistic capacity with forever war in the Ukraine.


It is Global American Empire logistics that are failing.

I have read a pile of stuff that Reagan allegedly wrote in his own hand (Reagan’s enemies attribute intelligent writings to ghostwriters.) He figured that Soviet logistics would fail because socialist.

Seems the current Global American Empire leadership is too dumb to understand that point.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Putin is destroying electricity all over Ukraine. He is crippling their industrial sector. Ukraine is losing a massive amount of territory and people. When this is all said and done, the ruthlessness of Putin is going to be quite evident. He will leave behind a crippled, ruined state. An example of what happens if you fuck with Russia.

Red says:

Putin is destroying electricity all over Ukraine. He is crippling their industrial sector. Ukraine is losing a massive amount of territory and people. When this is all said and done, the ruthlessness of Putin is going to be quite evident. He will leave behind a crippled, ruined state. An example of what happens if you fuck with Russia.

Indeed. The change in tactics is very positive.

Sounds like they’re digging in for a major defensive battle without plans to retreat right now. They’ll lose more troops than they were in the recent fallback attrition defenses but morale will be much higher for taking a stand and only giving ground after grinding their foe down.

jim says:

Russians are planning retreat in the Kherson area.

Strategy is to let Ukraine hurl troops into the meatgrinder. Global American Empire is drinking its own koolaide about the state of Russian forces.

Retreating will lower morale, but casualties really lower morale. Russians intend to deal with this Ukrainian offensive with as few casualties as possible, and when Ukraine has burned through its remaining fresh troops, then launch a Russian offensive.

Cloudswrest says:


The Cominator says:

If you are retreating to spring a trap its generally best to encircle and annihilate and not aim for attrition…

Neofugue says:

> Strategy is to let Ukraine hurl troops into the meatgrinder. Global American Empire is drinking its own koolaide about the state of Russian forces.

This strategy seems similar to what von Falkenhayn attempted at Verdun.

Unless, of course, Putin decides to use nuclear weapons in an attempt to change the conflict into a war of movement.

jim says:

I predict that the Russians are going to soak up the Ukrainian offensive, yielding considerable ground in the process, and then, when it runs out of puff, then launch an offensive aimed at cutting Ukraine off from the sea. If the Ukrainians manage to occupy Kherson, Russia might well nuke it, but they will endeavor to not let the Ukrainians take Kherson. The decision to provide for permanent new homes for the population of Kherson may indicate that nuking it is on the table.

Red says:

I predict that the Russians are going to soak up the Ukrainian offensive, yielding considerable ground in the process, and then, when it runs out of puff, then launch an offensive aimed at cutting Ukraine off from the sea. If the Ukrainians manage to occupy Kherson, Russia might well nuke it, but they will endeavor to not let the Ukrainians take Kherson.

Yielding ground is fine for attrition, yielding cites without a fight when they the know the Azoz pigs will pile Russian children into mass graves is the issue. Russia shows every sign of preparing to turn Kherson into a nasty meat-grinder. Getting the civilians out is a very good sign. Gives the Russian lots of options and no morale loss if they decide to pull back after kicking the shit out of the Ukrainians.

I would be surprised if they nuke Kherson, but that’s a good point.

Red says:

Ideologically driven private military groups seem to be the up and coming thing. Regular military units just can’t cut it these days.

jim says:

An army needs a faith. No faith, no army.

Goes double in a holy war, of course.

Anonymous Fake says:


Karl says:

This confirms that the government gives a pardon to men fighting for Wagner.

Why is the government doing Wagner’s recruiting? Why does the government not give the pardon to men fighting in Russia’s army?

Red says:

Because the Wagner Group gives the Russian government deniability. I’ve heard the WG were the little green men who took over Crimea. Also they’ve proven far more effective that regular Russian military units because they have faith. When you have an effective military group that’s out performing your normal units, best to fully support it.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Wagner is a “Private” Military Corporation like the Open Society foundation is a “Non-Governmental” Organization.

Kunning Druegger says:

This. I posted a video with a window into the training they are providing. Wagner, and the OG Blackwater before the State Department converged it, not only provided a layer of deniability, they had space to have exacting and consistent standards. Everyone that “applies” does so at will, and there is little to no civil oversight. Eddie Gallagher would have been protected and celebrated if he had operated with a PMC instead of getting mocked, defamed, and railroaded by a bunch of pussy faggot zoomers.

Wagner has a social media presence, you can look up what they say. One thing I recall is a commitment to only field trained and capable units, no conscripts or shirkers or morons.

Sam J. says:

Eddie Gallagher. I read a good bit about him. He is undoubtedly a psychopath. Now these animals, I mean that literally, they are like the difference between a dog and a wolf. The dog is a companion with empathy and trainable, the wolf is an animal. Spaths are great for attack positions but not for much else. There are articles for officers on how to handle them so they do not commit atrocities. Like he was doing. The guy knifed a prisoner under control. They didn’t charge him with a lot of stuff he did because it would make the military look so evil that they let it go on so long. He was spending enormous amounts of time in towers shooting little girls and old Men. Other officers had to go on patrol with him because his missions he designed were set up to make it likely he would get them in firefights. Now this is all fine and good if that’s your mission, BUT, that was not their mission. Their mission was to train the local soldiers and not go around shooting little girls and old men and getting into firefights. They had a very small contingent of men and were not in any shape to start a small local war. There were numerous complaints about his behavior and they continued allowing him to basically murder people for no reason until finally they had enough complaints they had to act.

I have no idea why, but some people seem to totally ignore what he did because he was some shoot them up Seal. All the while ignoring the many, many Seals who said he was jeopardizing their mission. Get this, he was randomly murdering people, as many as he could, he said verbally to others this was his goal, and these guys were basically behind enemy lines. If the locals had gotten riled up enough they would have all been killed, completely wasting the mission and the men, and he was making that a likely eventuality. The last thing you want to do in a precarious position is a lot of atrocities on little girls and old Men. And stuff like, people surrendering then have him knife them just so he can get his jollies watching them bleed out.

If you don’t get any of this, realize that he was jeopardizing the mission they were tasked for. I don’t care how well he was at killing people before, making him big hero, he was actively destroying the capability of them to carry out their mission.

jim says:


Our government demonizes warriors. Possibly some of the people they accused of this stuff were guilty, but it is completely obvious that the vast majority were innocent.

If there are any of them that are guilty, the water has been so thoroughly muddied with hateful evil lies that it is impossible to know.

Pax Imperialis says:

>He was spending enormous amounts of time in towers shooting little girls and old Men.

The main “crime” Gallagher was accused of, wrongfully killing the ISIS fighter, was completely fabricated. Other than breaking regulation by taking a picture where he posed with a dead body, there was no evidence of anything else. All allegations only came out AFTER Gallagher negatively eval certain members of the team.

>The guy knifed a prisoner under control.

They had no logistical ability to take prisoners. The Iraqi forces made it clear they would not be taking prisoner. The ISIS fighter had suffered multiple mortal wounds that were completely terminal without medical treatment that he had no chance of getting due to logistical constraints. It was likely terminal even with proper medical treatment. Gallagher decided it would be a good idea to carry out standard medical procedures on the ISIS fighter to keep him alive as long as possible anyways… for practice. In hindsight he should of just let the bastard bleed out and die.

That is not a “war crime.” In order to treat extensive lung damage, he performed a cric. This is done by cutting open a hole in the throat and sticking a tube in. This is where allegations of knifing come from. This did not kill the ISIS fighter and in fact kept him alive far longer than otherwise would have happened.

>He is undoubtedly a psychopath

Psychopathy shares many traits that are highly correlated with heroism. You’re getting confused by the similarities. Moreover, war brings out a certain mindset and dark humor that to those on the outside looks like psychopathy. Most men enjoy fighting and bravado is often used to deal with stress.

>I have no idea why, but some people seem to totally ignore what he did

It was a war. Kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy! No one is ignoring what he allegedly did. Quite the opposite. Those familiar with what war demands were the ones begging for clemency.

Sam J. says:

BTW if they had handled this properly at the beginning when he was up in towers and told him he was going to be shipped out if he did any more atrocities then it likely would have ended there. That’s the way that is proscribed to handle them. They don’t want to go back and be bored, so they control themselves. If they don’t you ship them out.

Anon says:

Jim, on the topic of blockchain scalability and privacy, I found these projects interesting:

Mina Protocol, claims they are building an L1 using recursive zk proofs to achieve scalability and privacy, 22kb fixed size blockchain.

Nillion, decentralized off-chain secure computation.

jim says:

This claims to be exactly what I wanted, rolling.

Of course I have seen no end of stuff that claims to be exactly what I wanted, rolling, but it is now possible to deliver.

I made an attempt to look into it, but found holes in my infrastructure, which I am now fixing. When I fix my issues, will be in a better position to address it.

A fixed sized blockchain only makes sense if it is a proof for an unlimited amount of information, offchain.

Which is easy enough with recursive snarks, but on the face of it, there are certain issues in combining open entry with fixed size. The fixed size solutions that I understand have a certain amount of hidden centralization. But then, I am sure to encounter piles of stuff I do not yet understand.

jim says:

Checked out Nillion. It is a scam decorated with random magic tech words. Mina, however, might be the real thing. Harder to check out.

Nillion claims to magically solve problems which are known hard. If someone had a solution for those problems, I would have heard. And if someone genuinely made a breakthrough, they would not describe the breakthrough with a random spray of buzzwords.

But Mina claims to do stuff which is plausibly feasible given recursive snarks.

Aryaman says:

The higher interest rates right now are not deflationary. In the past, in Volcker’s time, they were. In the past, high interest rates were a result of the Fed sucking up money from the banking system, resulting in increased competition for the funds that remained (thus, a higher interest rate).

Right now, because of a lot of QE, the way interest rates are raised is just that the Fed pays it out of thin air (the technical term for this is “reverse repo” and “interest on excess reserves” but it is just that, printing money out of air) This was not previously the case. The situation right now is that the government is paying people to not spend their money, which is not a tenable solution to inflation for reasons that should be obvious.

Inflation will persist until and unless the government stops spending so much money. Rates do not have much to do with it.

The Cominator says:

Yes high interest rates will actually be long term inflationary because of the need to service massive government debt…

Aryaman says:

That’s not exactly why. That would lead the government into a debt spiral, forcing them to either raise taxes (which won’t work, we are well over the Laffer limit) or cut spending. The bigger reason is, unlike ever before, the interest being paid is being conjured out of thin air. I am not even sure they realize what is happening here: they are paying people not to spend money with money they are printing.

If the government had to borrow the money they are paying, then the story might be different. But it doesn’t

The Cominator says:

the way the fed works is every dollar it prints goes out as loans though… there is an exemption for coins but they haven’t done the trillion dollar coin thing.

Red says:

Sure but the Feds are paying interest to itself on the loan.

Bouncer says:

They may be paying the interest to themselves, but they’re charging Joe Taxpayer to garner that payment to pay themselves with.

Red says:

They’re effectively killing most of the economy in favor of printing to keep .gov going, much as Germany did in the 20s. To stop the cycle they’d need to fire about 2/3s of the government work force. That’s not happening so it’s going to be hyperinflation to the moon.

Tech Priest says:

Interest rates are not high right now, they are extremely low. In real terms – which is what matters – they are well below zero.

Volcker raised interest rates to 22% nominal, compared to ~15% official inflation.

jim says:

Exactly so. And back then actual inflation was only a little bit higher than official inflation.

Today, actual inflation is enormously higher than official inflation, so probably would need to raise interest rates to fifty percent or so.

Which would work for a while, but pretty soon people would start to wonder if the US government could pay off its debts.

Tyrant Lizard King Sex says:


jim says:

I am not interested in the ever more complicated financial plumbing that grows ever more detached from reality.

The US dollar is long overdue for collapse and disappearance, but markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.

But the strange delay in the collapse of the US dollar gives us more time to get a good replacement ready.

Fidelis says:

It’s not so strange. It’s collapsing as anticipated, and following a pattern laid out by less insane financialists and traders. First to go are weaker fiat currencies, as global confidence in the financial system falters. This is happening now. Next we get an unexpected dollar boom, as all the weaker fiat currencies collapse there is a rush to secure their books with USD. Then we get the real split, as the USD is worthless and cannot be traded for anything since manufacturing is being thoroughly exterminated, and a global economic realignment that is happening slowly now, accelerates and happens catastrophically fast. Then no one wants dollars anymore, because they have finally caught up to reality, and all those dollars backing the books all over the world just get dumped back into the US system, causing the hyperinflation everyone is not so patiently waiting for.

Red says:

Wow. I’d been wondering what was going on. This puts all the pieces together.

Fidelis says:

I am wondering if anyone here knows much about this situation

Apparently the latest round of sanctions on the yellow people is particularly brutal for the human capital of their chipmaking industry. It’s hard to separate the self congratulatory propaganda element from the actual impact this may have. Perhaps someone else has better insight.

jim says:

I may be in a bubble, probably am, but pretty sure the Biden administration has shot itself in the foot again.

The effect of this sanction is that Americans working in China must leave China or lose US citizenship.

My impression, based on a very small and not necessarily representative sample, is that American engineers in China consider the US the doomed evil empire and believe that should they return to America, they will find Shaniqua is tech lead.

Fidelis says:

My impression is that everyone outside the state apparatus only wants to make money and get the fuck out of the middle kingdom. I have less connections to western engineers in the yellow empite, but I would conjecture that they would not want to be stuck with that citizenship alone, despite viewing the GAE for what it is.

If this is real and true, I place odds on the engineers just taking the loss and making plans to retire in some small, friendly, out of the way country.

jim says:

We shall see.

I would guess about a quarter to a third will depart China, but I could well be wildly wrong. As I said, might be in a bubble here.

There is also the option of pro forma compliance – how does the Biden government know where an engineer is working? Just do a stopover in Vietnam, Hong Kong, or Korea.

Mister Grumpus says:

or Taiwan!

jim says:

> everyone outside the state apparatus only wants to make money

That is exactly the point. If your IQ is over 135, there is a dire shortage of economic opportunity in the US. Also, dire shortage of good pussy.

Fidelis says:

I’m in fact talking about the well to do Han themselves, who seemingly all want to leave the second they’ve made a retirement fund. The yellow empire has a particularly thick cloud of prewar propaganda so I do not place high odds on my perception being accurate, but that is my perception. The rich want out before some bureaucrat or his cousin steals — sorry, “Nationalizes” — their stuff.

Red says:

Attempts to re-institute Marxism is making is making the prospect of long term Capitalism dangerous in China. Forces people to think short term.

jim says:

Your perception is completely accurate. But it does not follow that smart people who are still making their retirement fund are going to leave China for a place where being smart is not financially rewarded, where on the contrary being smarter than average is going to get you in trouble for not being a team player, thinking you are always right, failing to compromise with people who think two plus two equals six by compromising on five, and not trusting the science.

Fidelis says:

It would not follow if we were in a stable geopolitical situation, where it could reasonably be anticipated that you would not be subject to scrutiny by party members, possibility of indefinite detention and house arrest, and any other insanity yet to emerge from the yellow empire. These engineers have to believe that there is a high likelihood of being allowed to leave with their retirement fund, or desire to reside in the middle kingdom indefinitely. I am not so sure, but, as you say, we shall see.

Anon says:

“These engineers have to believe that there is a high likelihood of being allowed to leave with their retirement fund, or desire to reside in the middle kingdom indefinitely”

You are speaking as if they have a choice. You either deal with Shaniqua or Ching the choice is yours.

Not only engineers
“Up to 30 former Royal Air Force pilots may have gone to China to train members of the People’s Liberation Army of China. The BBC reported some earned financial packages up to $270,000.”

Some people are noticing and issuing warning
“This has prompted Britain to consider changing its laws to criminalize former personnel taking up contracts to train members of certain foreign militaries.”

My bet is not gonna change a thing considering
RAF “pausing hiring white men to fill diversity quota”
Diversity always wins./s

Starman says:


The Great Resignation… followed by working for the Chinese!

Kunning Drueger says:

If this is the blow the thread claims it to be, then there will be a commensurate move by Xi’s regime. What is something China could do that would be equivalent, which is to say what move could paralyze a critical American industry or field.

Core GAE is not a toothless beast, and if “we” keep assuming they are powerless, “we” run the risk of getting surprised in inconvenient and destabilizing ways. That being said, the Biden regime has been very short sighted in 2022, making bold moves that can’t be walked back, then stepping in piles of their own creation.

jim says:

> If this is the blow the thread claims it to be

The thread announces the Americans working in Chinese tech have all resigned and left. As of the present moment, seemingly zero have resigned and left. Perhaps in the near future a great many will resign and return to an America where there are no jobs for smart men, and no women for good men. We shall see.

The announcement that China is reeling right now is premature. Perhaps they will be reeling in future. We shall see.

i says:

Given how Christianity played a large role in European Supremacy. What should be made of the fall of the largely Orthodox Eastern Roman Empire to the Muslim Armies?

Why did Christian lands in North Africa, Egypt, Levant and in Asia Minor fall and remain to this day in Muslim hands and not Western Christian Europe?

jim says:

The fall of Egypt was due to heresy. Fall of the Byzantine Empire due to wickedness. There is a reason why the “Byzantine Generals problem” is so called.

Red says:

Why did Christian lands in North Africa, Egypt, Levant and in Asia Minor fall and remain to this day in Muslim hands and not Western Christian Europe?

The fall is a bit complex and Jim’s answer is a good summery of the reasons why.

The reason it it wasn’t reconquered is the total lack of value of the area after the Arabs, Mongols, and Turks got done destroying the infrastructure and mongalizing the people. Islam turned out to be worthless at anything besides war and trade and as their Christian population declined so did their ability to build cities, tech, and infrastructure.

i says:


In that case Islam to ensure their hold over their region could simply do this:

The reason it it wasn’t reconquered is the total lack of value of the area after the Arabs, Mongols, and Turks got done destroying the infrastructure and mongalizing the people.

That way Christian lands can perpetually shrink but never expand. But the only ones right now converting Muslims is Jesus himself appearing in Visions to Muslims to bring them to faith:

And Christian Missionaries.


Fall of the Byzantine Empire due to wickedness. There is a reason why the “Byzantine Generals problem” is so called.

Why did the core territories of Orthodoxy fail in Righteousness in comparison to western Europe?

Does that entail that Christianity needs Barbarization as it is in Western Europe to survive as a Civilization?

jim says:

The holy Roman empire was an elective monarchy, where a small number of Kings elected the emperor for life or good conduct. (And normally elected the eldest son of the previous emperor)

Succession in the Byzantine empire was irregular and apt to be violent. Constantine attempted hereditary succession, which sort of worked some of the time, but it never stuck securely.

The authority of the Byzantine emperor was far more absolute than the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. I think that destabilized the system – the Byzantine emperor had more power than a mortal can handle. See my discussion “Throne, Altar, and freehold“.

i says:


Interesting that Divine Providence doesn’t tolerate Centralization of Authority like in the Byzantine Emperor well in the long term in Christian Civilizations. Muslim pressures ensured that the problems of Centralized Government are far less likely to survive the onslaught.

I suspect that God allowed Islam to keep Christian Europe on its toes and sharp.

But China alone it seems managed it and maintained it despite manifold invasions from the North. With the Bureaucrats making themselves useful to their new Rulers until their overthrow and massacre. The Civil Service Examinations still remained as did the entire Bureaucracy.

Even with the revolutions in the 20th Century. A similar system of rule remained. With Xi becoming more Imperial in his Rule.


Agreed. This is why our Lord Jesus pays a personal visit to all those Muslims in their dreams. And direct them to local Christians to help them learn the faith. I posted a video about this. Its not long. I recommend you watch it.

Then they convert to Christianity.

Red says:

How can Christians convert Muslims when Muslims out breed Christens 3 to 1? Most Christians I know are like you, blue pilled on women and have very few children because of it. My very Christian Brother screeches like sun light on a vampire when I point out Paul’s commandments on women or the general behavior of women.

No one is going to give up a patriarchal religion like Islam where you can still get a virgin wife for a debased Christianity.

Karl says:

Of course, no one will give up anything for a debased Christianity. Debased Christianity is heresy and repulsive

Patriarchal Christianity is attractive. While it is illegal it is hidden. As soon as it is no longer illegal, it will spread visibly.

Skippy says:

Christ of the Gospels is a based chad. For some reason Christianity has been portrayed in public as a cuddle blanket for cucks, and therefore attracts that demographic. It’s unfortunate. But the Gospels are full of chadly zingers, and if anyone started using them they would make a lot of converts.

Mr.P says:

Which are the top one or two chadly-est zinger in your view, that stand out as representative to you?

Nikolai says:

Personal favorite of mine is Matthew 21 where He tells the chief priests that prostitutes and tax collectors will enter heaven before they do.

“A certain man had two sons; and coming to the first, he said: Son, go work today in my vineyard. [29] And he answering, said: I will not. But afterwards, being moved with repentance, he went. [30] And coming to the other, he said in like manner. And he answering, said: I go, Sir; and he went not.

[31] Which of the two did the father’s will? They say to him: The first. Jesus saith to them: Amen I say to you, that the publicans and the harlots shall go into the kingdom of God before you.”

The Cominator says:

Michael Franzese said that when he became a Christian he never could have done it if Jesus didn’t seem like a man’s man but when he read the gospels he did.

Adam says:

No wife and no kids. Also if I remember correctly Paul states that it is best to stay celibate. Kind of odd both of those.

jim says:

The bible is full of contradictions. And Paul is full of contradictions – which are obviously deliberate. If you grab one end of a contradiction and run with it at the expense of the other end, you will inevitably fall into heresy. Paul said it is best to say celibate. But he also said the priesthood should be recruited from married men with well behaved children.

And, similarly on obedience to laws, magistrates, and Kings.

Adam says:

It makes sense spiritually. If you are whole, as in no desire, you don’t need anything. Don’t need to eat, sleep, have sex etc. But temptation and desire is what moves us forward. We are compelled to satisfy our desires, even the most disciplined. Obviously Jesus was not, and Paul understood this.

i says:

I believe they are not so much contradictions but Paradoxes.

noun [ C or U ]

a situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics

For if the Holy Spirit inspired all that is written then there is no actual contradiction in my opinion.

The Trinity is an apparent contradiction but its like trying to see a 3D object from a 2D person. So it looks like a contradiction.

Its those who cannot grasp the 3D nature of what is being said and instead going with the 2D apparent representation that heresy results.

Its like seeing a representation of a cube on a flat page and concluding that its actually not a representation of a cube at all.

I think in that sense the Holy Spirit being in the Christian better helps us to comprehend the full truth in all its dimensions that make sense of all Paradox.

skippy says:

Jesus says that a man should take a wife and be strictly monogamous for life, against the Jewish tradition of no-fault divorce:

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”

He says there are exceptions, of “eunuchs”:

11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

The plainest reading of this would be that you do not need to marry if you are going to dedicate your life to god. Although, also does not strictly command those who dedicate their lives to go not to marry.

Anon says:

You’re wrong when you claim that Muslims outbreed Christians 3 to 1. Not even true comparing countries to each other, and certainly not true within countries. The only place this is true is in Afghanistan, everywhere else it’s Muslims outbreeding Christians 1.5 to 1, 1.2 1, 1.1 to 1, or not outbreeding them at all.

Islam is debased in most places in the world. That’s the whole point of ISIS and the wannabe terroist/ ISIS type groups, all or most which are failing.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is an interesting point. 1.5:1 is still scary when one views things from the historical context and/or in terms of generations (20 years) as the base unit of measure, but it still throws some cold water on both the triumphalists and the doomers.

Another angle that gets lost is the objective fact that Islam is being actively converged in many places. When it was a question of painting Islam as a threat (a necessary task, BTW), you often heard Sam Harris and others point out that 1-5% (the extremists), 5-15% (the extreme), and 15-20% (the orthodox) all had to be proportionally represented out of ~1 billion, which was to say that there were an awful lot of hardline Muslims and an even bigger crowd quietly or loudly supporting them. But there are also a huge amount of pozzed Muslims, particularly in the West, who were being actively deployed to converge that faith. Of course, Islam is way better at rewarding traitors with what they deserve, at least in their strongholds, but the fact remains that no faith has really been up to the task of successfully countering Cathedral convergence, and many of the potential examples of such are actually just browns being allowed more privileges to stick it to white male Christians (as we thoroughly discussed with the trans-warrior a couple weeks ago).

Europe will be a big test case. The ardent Muslims on the Continent are all first generation migrants, and very naturally alien. The subsequent generations will demonstrate how susceptible they are to the pozz. I personally think they will do very well against it where they are able to establish parallel institutions, but anywhere the hoodwink parents into sending kids to university, not so much. Islam’s successes in countering convergence, where they occur, are a strong proof of Jimian Christianity’s assertion that the WQ id The Question, and all else is downstream. If women are kept under control, tradition and culture persist and thrive.

Red says:

You’re wrong when you claim that Muslims outbreed Christians 3 to 1. Not even true comparing countries to each other, and certainly not true within countries. The only place this is true is in Afghanistan, everywhere else it’s Muslims outbreeding Christians 1.5 to 1, 1.2 1, 1.1 to 1, or not outbreeding them at all.

You’re correct. I last checked the numbers a long time ago. Sounds like Islam is being converged just as the Christians have been.

we're all gonna die soon says:

Russian forces will launch a small number of tactical nuclear attacks against Ukrainian troop concentrations or NATO supply lines within Ukraine. If they can’t find any of those, they will use them against Ukrainian civilian targets. The target is not essential because the point of this attack will be to destroy Western will to continue supporting Ukraine, not to directly reverse the military situation. They would additionally put their strategic nuclear forces on alert and begin “unusual movements” of nuclear assets in an effort to warn the United States against responding to the attack.

The United States government has certainly considered this contingency, which is why both National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken were recently dispatched to warn the Russians they would suffer “horrific” and “catastrophic” consequences if they used nuclear weapons in Ukraine. In the event, however, the U.S. government will struggle to find a response that reflects the gravity of the Russian use of nuclear weapons but does not represent further escalation toward direct confrontation and all-out nuclear war.

The American equivalent of the Russian genius will argue that a direct, proportionate response aimed at the attack itself will send a signal to the Russian leadership that the United States is seeking to punish the crime of nuclear use, not escalate the war or overthrow the Russian regime. They will see the Russian strategic nuclear alert as a bluff, arguing that to follow through with a strategic nuclear attack would be suicide. Lacking better options, the U.S. leadership will seize on the idea of such a finely calibrated response and launch a conventional NATO attack on Russian troop formations in Ukraine or the military base in Russia where the Russian nuclear strike originated from. As a precaution, they will also put U.S. nuclear forces on alert, put more U.S. nuclear submarines to sea and recommend to the British and French that that they also put their forces on alert — if these two independent powers had not done so already.

Unfortunately, such a subtle message is likely to be lost on a paranoid Kremlin. They will see a direct NATO attack on Russia or Russian forces as confirmation of their view that the West intends to destroy the Russian regime and kill all its leaders. For Russian leaders this is an ever-present reality: Putin reportedly obsessively watches the video of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi’s death after he was overthrown by NATO forces. Facing the prospect of death if they do not act to save their regime, Russian leaders will risk launching further conventional and tactical nuclear strikes on NATO troop formations and Ukrainian supply operations in bordering NATO states such as Poland and Estonia to signal that Russia is willing and able to defend itself despite the risk of strategic nuclear escalation.

The attacked NATO states will invoke Article 5 and NATO will begin a conventional operation to eliminate Russia’s offensive capability to make such attacks. Fearing that those attacks will destroy the Russian strategic nuclear capability and thus leave them defenseless against NATO conventional forces, the Russians will launch a first-strike strategic nuclear attack on the slim hope that it will weaken the Western resolve or capability to respond and save their regime. I will then have something in the order of a few minutes to send out an email to my colleagues saying, “I told you so.”

This is only a scenario. None of it is inevitable, of course. But this is the path that we are currently on and the likelihood of it coming to pass grows by the day as one side or the other becomes more desperate. The consequences of this path are deeply ruinous. It should be named.

Kunning Drueger says:

Does Putin have a gore folder? Does he shitpoast on /pol/? I’m not saying this scenario is impossible, but the coloration filled in around the logical assertions makes it seem a bit silly. It does appear the Kremlin keeps expecting the “adults in the room” in the US to make logical decisions after studied assessment. I don’t understand how Russians can be this naive.

I did a fact finding mission on /k/ in an attempt to understand why they are so long on UKR victory, and the most repeated reasoning was that the Russian army is broken, the Ukrainian army is incredibly skilled, and the NATO weaponry is wunderwaffen. With the exception of Ritter, Macgregor, and Mearsheimer, this seems to be the baseline assumption of all Occidental analysis.

Aidan says:

/k/ became fucking unreadable after the war broke out, highest shill activity I’ve ever seen and it was already overrun with them

Bouncer says:

4chan’s /k/ was always shit. 8ch’s one was much better but it’s dead now, and the survivors are still basically weird geniuses in their current holdout.

jim says:

> The American equivalent of the Russian genius will argue that a direct, proportionate response aimed at the attack itself will send a signal to the Russian leadership that the United States is seeking to punish the crime of nuclear use, not escalate the war or overthrow the Russian regime.

My model of the US government is that it is full of idiots and madmen, none of whom pay they slightest attention to the likely consequences for America and the world of their decisions, but only what the impact will be in the next meeting, that absolutely no one in the US government would bother thinking through this clever reasoning nor would understand nor care about this clever rationale. When contemplating a course of action they do not think “How will Putin respond”, let alone “How is this going to look from Moscow”. They think “How is this going to look at the meeting coming up in fifteen minutes”, knowing that absolutely no one else at the meeting is going to ask “how will this look from Moscow” either.

A peaceful resolution of this war requires an agreement capable US government. Since not agreement capable, likely to go nuclear.

Dr. Faust says:

The USG is insane collectively which better explains their behavior than anything else. Like most insanity it tends of follow patterns and one them is suicide. The USG wants it to happen because they want to die but they want to die feeling morally superior. The last few years are more akin to a suicide note summed up as “To everyone I know, this is all your fault.”

They’re willing to take any ends to the pain but instead of a body wafting from the ceiling fan they envision their irradiated corpse wearing pictured on Instagram as the epithet.

Nuclear war is enemy propaganda. A word enshrined via a thousand works of fiction in the minds of boomers to equate with the end of all things. Their material existence, the ultimate expression of one’s boomer self, must end with the end of all things. A poetic and solipsistic punctuation mark to their existence.

S says:

It’s total nonsense. It relies on the proposition the Russians believe they can break Western will by killing Ukrainians. The entire point of proxy wars is expending locals instead of your own people. This isn’t an alien concept to the Russians since they are keeping casualties lower by using DPR and LPR troops instead of men from the Russian army.

If the Russians want to threaten the west with the possibility of nuclear war, they’ll publically test a nuclear bomb.

Red says:

Most of that article consists of what a couple of NATO faggots shit out after a night of meth and aids infested dick sucking.

But they let something slip that I’ve been warning about:

As Russian red lines have proven very pink, they are increasingly questioned in the West. Numerous Western commentators now assert that Russia is a paper tiger and dismiss Russian nuclear threats as “bluster.” The most recent Russian red line warns against the provision of long-range missile systems to Ukraine. The Russian government says that if the United States crosses this line, it would become “a direct party to the conflict.” Given all of the red lines already crossed, however, it is doubtful that U.S. decision-makers see such threats as very meaningful.

The few men in American “leadership” warning against nuclear war continue to be proven wrong when Russia doesn’t really hit back that hard. Now they’re generally shutting up and the pro nuke Russia crowd seems to be dominate because Russia won’t strike back! I get why Russia isn’t doing so, they’re busy attriting the Ukraine and NATO to death rather than trying to escalate tit for tat. But to play this game they need to go big by retaliating in a very disproportionate manner. The recent strikes on the power grid is a good start, but they need to both keep it up and generally wreak Ukraine’s infrastructure too. That requires a sustained campaign.

I’m still shocked at how soft Putin’s been on the Ukraine. Blowing up their power grid and general infrastructure should have happened right after the initial coup de main failed.

Hesiod says:

Kyle Rittenhouse critiques memes related to his trial and exchanges good-natured bants with his interviewer. Very enjoyable and morale-boosting.

Hesiod says:

Currently rereading C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity and this passage in book 3, chapter 7 lent understanding to what I found refreshing about the above video:

“The idea of the knight-the Christian in arms for the defence of a good cause-is one of the great Christian ideas. War is a dreadful thing, and I can respect an honest pacifist, though I think he is entirely mistaken. What I cannot understand is this sort of semi-pacifism you get nowadays which gives people the idea that though you have to fight, you ought to do it with a long face and as if you were ashamed of it. It is that feeling that robs lots of magnificent young Christians in the Services of something they have a right to, something which is the natural accompaniment of courage-a kind of gaiety and wholeheartedness.

“I have often thought to myself how it would have been if, when I served in the First World War, I and some young German had killed each other simultaneously and found ourselves together a moment after death. I cannot imagine that either of us would have felt any resentment or even any embarrassment. I think we might have laughed over it.”

Seeing Kyle in fellowship, smiling and joking about the dire situation he went through is heartening as it should be.

Kunning Druegger says:

Rittenhouse is so awkward and unrefined, unable to ignore the physical camera as well as metaphorical “millions” the camera implies. It’s actually quite refreshing, because it gives the impression his far outside his element, inhabiting a world he never even dreamed of. If you spend enough time pointing cameras at people, you can sense who has just been waiting their whole life to be “seen” and who is fully self-possessed and totally unprepared for the moment. This is why I never trust clean and snappy “man on the street” interviews where the subject is coherent, on message, and comfortable. Most people who are unprepared are really rough on camera, cracking lame jokes, moving awkwardly, and unable to figure out if they should keep their eye line on the camera or the interviewer. Another area this is really apparent is in pornography; you can tell who is at the beginning of their descent into hell and who has Satan’s phone number tattooed on their asshole by their interaction with the camera. I bring up the porno angle not to be crass, but to draw a parallel to the spokesfaggots from the Parkland school shooting. If you go back and watch those interviews, they are very calm, they know what to do with their hands and bodies, they keep a good eyeline, looking into the camera to deliver The Message and looking at the interviewer to deliver the sense of “I am totally a normal human.” The contrast is quite stark: the dumb college slut ruining her life and the numb, jaded cum dumpster punching a clock.

Red says:

I think the Elon’s recent talk about stopping starlink in Ukraine is about the FAA launch license. They still haven’t issued it after 6 or so months.

anon says:

FAA cleared SpaceX to launch they just said they have to give away millions of goodies to state parks, environment, education etc. But they have the right to launch now

Kunning Druegger says:

“Sure, you can launch your white male oppression device, you just need pay this small fee, and donate this inconsequential thing, and do this little task, and then you are cleared to apply for a permit to renew the exemption for the waiver to annul the compliance bypass, which is required for the bypass compliance waiver exemption renewal permit, then you can apply for review by the board of review board reviews, which, assuming your paperwork is in order and correctly filled out and packaged together with the incorrectly filled out packet for opposite application review, you will be well on your way to the application review application hearing, wherein you must validate all prior applications, submissions, reviews, requests, waivers, annulments, hearings, and audits to confirm compliance with the projected rules for FY 2026 pre-retro-active climate compliance rules. After that’s all taken care of, and the first 3 years of the 6 month equity compliance waiting period has begun, we can begin the Equity/Climate/Diversity audit, a necessary step on the path towards… towards… ah, yes, that’s right… on the path towards doing something or other for NASA. It’s all very exciting, honestly, I’ve never seen the process move so fast, you must have friends in all the right places!”

jim says:

Musk actually does have friends in all the right places. Also enemies.

But I suspect those friends are going to lose, and eventually be killed, unless they realize that they have superior capability to kill their enemies, and need to deploy that capability before their enemies do.

Once a Republic’s elections lose credibility, every issue is a power struggle, and there is only one way to resolve a power struggle.

Power struggles within the former American Republic will eventually turn lethal – have already turned lethal, notice the remarkable suicide and disappearance rate among people connected to the Clintons, Will turn more lethal. Winner will be the man who realizes it and does not muck around.

alf says:

Been noticing this more and more. And with me, no doubt others, too.

But no one wants to notice it. It’s like looking into a black void. You step in, there’s no going back… So everyone is trying to look away as long as possible.

Which is perhaps why evil people so often thrive in such unclear times. Very happy we also have a belief system for good people to act with murderous intent.

Kunning Druegger says:

And that was kind of the point of my long-winded joke: he’s doing phenomenally well within the confines of the reality deployed by the Polygon, which is to say he is failing, just a bit slower than the others.

I think the next big escalation is when Musk starts getting supporters-as-vassals from petro/chemical industry, heavy industry, freight shipping, etc. If he were to establish some kind of coalition that shares lawyers, policy analysts, and lobbyists with the intent of playing “by the book,” this would be a redoubt for dissenter elites. Ostensibly, it would just be yet another advocacy organization, but in reality, it would be his proto-“small council,” or Shadow Court. Pride and shortsightedness may preclude such an occurrence, of course, but at some point, the elites with the most to lose are going to have to see where this is all headed.

IGnatius T Foobar says:

I’m disenchanted with the entire “war” at least from our perspective. It’s clear by now that the only reason the US is sending billions over there is to launder taxpayer dollars into kickbacks.

S says:

Its both robbing the taxpayers and murdering Christians. If it was just about stealing money, the US would resemble the joke

‘A Chinese politician and an African politician are walking next to a river…
The Chinese points to a bridge and says,

“See that bridge? I campaigned for that bridge, chose the construction company, and even arranged for the funds for it to be built.” The Chinese then pats his pocket and says, “Of course I took a portion off the top for myself.” and the two men laugh.

Later the Chinese politician and African politician are walking along a river in Africa, the African points across the river and says, “See that bridge? I campaigned for that bridge, chose the construction company, and even arranged for the funds for it to be built.”

The Chinese looks across the river, then looks at the African and says, “What bridge? I don’t see any bridge.”

The African politician pats his pocket and laughs.

skippy says:

Bald-faced insanity. They desperately want to win. This isn’t about stealing a measly billion dollars.

Red says:

With the mid terms coming up in about 3 weeks I’m going to vote just a straight R ticket. I expect them to rig the fuck out of the midterms just like they did with the abortion vote in Kansas, but the more last minute votes they have to print up, the less legitimacy they’ll have. I expect them to be even sloppier about it than they were in 2020.

Starman says:


Voting straight R too. If Satan ran as GOP, I will vote for Satan, because the nigger democrat party is the Greater Satan.

I give it a 50/50 chance of rigging being successful.
The GAE USG is now beginning to be met with physical military violence from Russia and China. So there might be some self-preservation instincts to avoid opening an internal front in this emerging WWIII.
But also, kikes, wine-aunts, and nigger faggots run much of ZOG, and are not noted for imagining the future beyond 15 seconds.

Starman says:

The most effective weapon on the internal front against the jew and the wine aunt of the system has been the Great Resignation

Starman says:
The Cominator says:

I’m straight voting R because I’m in Florida and in Florida the elections aren’t rigged in fact they probably are as clean as they’ve ever been. If I were in Georgia otoh I’d probably stay home.

The bad thing is I have to vote for that literal faggot cokehead cabana boy Marco Rubio.

Kunning Druegger says:

How in any way is it defensible to support the outer party enabling influence, particularly him? You can’t plead ignorance, of his evil or the larger dynamic of uniparty mechanics. The single most deleterious factor facing conservatism, honesty, and restoration is the right wingers stubbornly refusing to accept that it is there participation that keeps the farce believable. The game is completely rigged, the refs are on the take, the opposing team follows no rules, and the only thing stopping the fans from burning down the stadium or disengaging completely is that the opposing team trudges out on the field for the millionth time, expecting a different result.

If every R withdrew, resigned, and stepped away, the uniparty would collapse overnight. If all right wingers stopped participating, it would take slightly longer but have the same result. I do not understand how anyone from this blog could continue to validate the artifice of feauxmocracy.

The Cominator says:

Nah they would just pass the build back 100x times better (for 100 trillion dollars) and mandatory gay sex and tranny draft act,

The Democrats had planned to abolish the GOP as soon as possible sometime in Obamas 2nd term anyway.

Kunning Drueger says:

…so what happened? Why didn’t they abolish it?

The Cominator says:

they aren’t drafting random people for mandatory trannyism.. yet.

Red says:

They needed the GOP to get rid of Trump. After which they returned to their normal programming that all Republicans are traitors and need to die.

This election is shaping up well, the Democrats are massively unpopular as the party of inflation, crime, and economic collapse. They have 3 choices: boldly rig it and thus destroy faith in Democracy and their legitimacy, false flag it/arrest trump and claim that swung the election when they rig it, or let the GOP win it.

Option 3 is very unpalatable despite the obvious tactical need for it. They would have to admit that the inner party’s policies are not popular and give up for now on eliminating the GOP.

I think they’ll go with option 1 or 2.

Kunning Drueger says:

You need a straw man to strawman people. They talk about obliterating the RNC because it riles up the urban welfare queens and college kids, but, again, a uniparty structure requires both inner and outer parties to work.

The radical wing of the Democrats wants a single party state, as all radical socialists, communists, marxists, etc do. As the Octogenarian Faction departs, there may be a explicit shift to a single party system. But what is the supporting evidence that the Obama Regime and the DNC actually had a plan to eliminate the RNC?

Red says:

When someone tells me they want to murder me, I believe them. When 10,000 voices all connected to one megaphone tells me the GOP are terrorists and should all be arrested, I believe them.

Go read /r/politics on reddit for a taste of what those Megaphones are saying. You won’t find a lick of difference between those shills and the shill message being spread all over the net for Dem consumption.

You need a straw man to strawman people. They talk about obliterating the RNC because it riles up the urban welfare queens and college kids, but, again, a uniparty structure requires both inner and outer parties to work.

Why would they need to rile them up?

They used to think that hyper inflating the currency was a bad idea, but now they’ve discovered that it’s good progressive thing. They’ve decided the same is true about about getting rid of the outer party. It’s a very bad idea, but if they were smart people they would have laughed at Trump for 8 years as the deepstate tripped him up at every turn instead of blowing up the system to get rid of him.

jim says:

> The radical wing of the Democrats wants a single party state, as all radical socialists, communists, marxists, etc do. As the Octogenarian Faction departs, there may be a explicit shift to a single party system. But what is the supporting evidence that the Obama Regime and the DNC actually had a plan to eliminate the RNC?

They did not have a plan to eliminate the RNC. Now they do.

The left always has many plans contending, and some get abandoned and come to be deemed right wing, and some get postponed while some other plan takes center stage. So that they have a plan to eliminate the RNC does not mean that the RNC will eliminated. But they generally go after the biggest applecart with the most apples, and the two big applecarts on the table right now are sodomizing and desexing schoolchildren and eliminating the RNC.

Kunning Drueger says:

I am a fairly firm believer in Elite Theory. You could have 20 million people screaming a message, but if the Elite have a different idea or inclination, those 20mil are shit out of luck. Obviously, the situation is far more complex than that, but theory dictates that the “people” follow the elite.

The structure of American politics is such that there’s always some new emergency, new cause, new evil in need of mitigating, supporting, or opposing. This wears people out, making them jaded, numb, and detached. Therefore the base needs to be riled up, which is then used to bully elites down a certain path or away from another one. This is an unnecessarily complicated way of guiding elite thought, but the mastery of the process in place by the bureaucratic institutions keeps it ensconced.

I agree with you, in terms of taking people at their word, particularly when they say they want to hurt me, kill me, disenfranchise me. This discussion is a technical one regarding political structures.

Red says:

What do you mean by bully the elite? Do you have an example?

Kunning Drueger says:

An example would be the George Floyd incident. An actual incident was used to gin up a series of artificial protests to create legitimate civil unrest which were then blasted out by media, using very evocative footage with doctored context and packaged with strategic misinformation and “spiritual guidance” outlining a set of precepts and actions required to signal appropriate allegiance. Companies and institutions relied upon guidance from HR and legal departments, already seeded with zealots and loyalists to progressive ideologies, to craft a position that gave cues as to what was required in word and deed, which is basically thought.

At no point was any elite given the opportunity to dissent, push back, question, or just decline to participate in any public way, with harsh measures taken both preemptively and unfairly. In this way, the memetic sovereignty of the Cathedral was established and guided. Any possible dissent had to be framed terminologically congruent with “the message,” undercutting it completely, regardless of the desired or intended content. This was systemic”point deer, make horse,” and it framed the allowable discussion going forward.

It was a rousing success for a few factions, and it was repeated a number of times, though the efficacy varied and declined over time. This wasn’t the first time, it was just Emmitt Till hoax modernized.

Red says:

Floyd was Cathedral propaganda at it’s finest. I can’t remember who said it here, but there’s a suspicion that the cop was paid for the performance and was double crossed by the people who put him up to it. Floyd was a known for doing this shit with gulping down the pills when arrested in order to avoid going to jail.

The Cathedral propaganda model is take a real striking visual incident and reframes to something else entirely. It’s the most effective sort of propaganda. The downside is you generally have to wait for it to happen.

But what you really saw with BLM was a paid for astroturfed religious movement. The left needed a religion and religious warriors, and BLM/Antifa and the Demon Floyd was it. They bused the people in, basically turned them into a terrorizing army. But almost no one was doing it for free. There was no base to rile up, just an terrorist army in the streets paid for by the US government and protected by law enforcement and the courts.

Trump could have stopped it if he’d been willing to call in the Militia to restore order and have the army protect them arrest, but he didn’t have the balls for it or more likely the faith for it.

What we lack is strong elites on our side. Trump was too weak for that role or he didn’t have the confidence of a faith to give him the need strength.

lambada equis says:

The missing ingredient is moral fiber. It used to be obvious that voting counts should be double-blind; now, the principle has been established that certain states are permitted to observe the final counts of other states before finalizing their own. Any idiot can see the purpose of this, and on the ground we are shocked to find that no one will assert the violation of a simple principle upon which everyone relies.

The same thing has happened with Floyd’s “second autopsy.” That the judge got away with allowing this exposes the corruption of the whole governance stack.

It’s things like that which make me suspect that there’s a hidden coordination layer, as otherwise standing on principle is something that’s admired. But I go back and forth on that in my mind.

Red says:

If every R withdrew, resigned, and stepped away, the uniparty would collapse overnight. If all right wingers stopped participating, it would take slightly longer but have the same result. I do not understand how anyone from this blog could continue to validate the artifice of feauxmocracy.

Tell people not to vote make it easier to explain why the unpopular party keeps winning elections. We want to good men to realize the system is rigged. Our elections are headed the way of the Soviet Union where the fake and gay opposition party always loses and that quickly leads people to cynicism about the fundamental basis of the state religion and to the truth that democracy is a lie.

Kunning Drueger says:

Every sheepdog, politico, Christian, and patriot I talk to who has a sufficient number of redpills to figure out that there’s a systemic issue that requires a systemic solution maintains the position that we must use the process, which implies that they believe the process can fix the problem(s). If the RNC was disbanded voluntarily with some person of passable eloquence stating that the whole thing was rigged, I don’t think people would just slouch into nominal one party rule. If the RNC gets disbanded as a result of a false flag and/or political purge, different story, potentially.

The uniparty system requires the outer party to work. The Cathedral would never let the outer party disappear without a suitable replacement. There could be a transition to monoparty system, but it would require a few very complicated or vast changes to how society is structured. For Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, and Cambodia, there was a systemic purge via civil war.

In another generation, maybe two, I could buy the idea that people would chalk up Dem Wins only to lack of involvement. But as it stands now, I don’t think anything would ignite political violence s wholly as every election being a choice between two democrats. In all honesty, that’s why we have now in general, but it works because the common knowledge perspective is that Republicans and Democrats hold antipodal positions. Explicit single party politics would drive boomercons insane.

I’m not saying this would be a panacea, but I agree with Yarvin that conservatives continuing to participate in a game they know is rigged, or just think could be easily rigged, is doing the Cathedral’s heavy lifting for it.

Red says:

If the RNC was disbanded voluntarily with some person of passable eloquence stating that the whole thing was rigged, I don’t think people would just slouch into nominal one party rule. If the RNC gets disbanded as a result of a false flag and/or political purge, different story, potentially.

I like this argument, but it’s already happened twice with horrible outcomes: The Bolsheviks “legally” voted themselves into power by terrorizing every other party away from Duma. The opposition party in Venezuela boycotted a rigged election and then new laws where passed that resulted in them all being arrested legally.

The fact that a law was passed has magical power over the minds of the men with guns. Doesn’t matter how it got to the point that the law was passed, just that it was passed. This magical legality gives them cover for very evil acts.

The uniparty system requires the outer party to work. The Cathedral would never let the outer party disappear without a suitable replacement. There could be a transition to monoparty system, but it would require a few very complicated or vast changes to how society is structured. For Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, and Cambodia, there was a systemic purge via civil war.

You forgot the National Socialists. Hitler was voted enabling act powers when the other parties where scared away from voting by the storm troopers. The other parties all ended up in the Concentration camps and democracy continued with Hitler’s actions being approved via carefully managed plebiscites.

I think that’s what they wanted from J6. It was their Reichstag Fire, but they fucked it up.

Kunning Drueger says:

The dynamics of a uniparty system require inner and outer. The Bolsheviks and National Socialists were not structurally uniparty, they were monoparty. The moment they had the means, they destroyed all opposition. The Cathedral has been united under it’s state religion for many, many decades. If they had the goal of eliminating nominal opposition, they could have done so. But that’s not how convergence/skinsuit methods work. The Cathedral wants nominal opposition, it gives them many options in many situations, and it refuses to accept actual opposition, or anything it cannot tame or control.

A layer of complexity over this situation creates circumstances that make historical precedents less capable to explain or predict. There isn’t a monolithic Conspiracy at work, it’s a conspiracy of conspiracies, so the coordination is suboptimal without a Schelling Point, but even then it’s messy; sometimes it works (Russia Collusion, November 2020) better than other times (Uvalde, Buffalo, Ukraine, etc). When the factions aren’t united, they are competing or adversarial. This is one handicap of a State Religion that lacks inviolate canon or dogma, or an agreed upon foundational text.

It appears to me that at least a couple factions of elites within the Polygon are actively seeking to instantiate a monoparty system, but they have varying methods and timetables. There are more factions (IMO) that oppose this, on tactical, strategic, and/or ideological grounds. The latter has the majority influence, but not by much, and it’s not going to last without a confederation or coalition pinned to a Schelling Point, something to unify opposition to the radicals. In this way, the radicals are better situated; their existence is the Schelling Point.

There’re so many layers, institutions, and systems predicated on the uniparty dynamic staying operable, I think there will be strong opposition to any rapid destabilization of it. This is why I’m somewhat incredulous to the idea that there was a plan to eliminate the RNC, but it was put on hold or cancelled due to Trump’s campaign.

The essay I posted a few weeks ago, the one that compared American politics to professional wrestling, is, to my mind, one of the best representations of uniparty dynamics. The fans of wrestling choose to believe in the moment, in the competition, in the stakes laid out by the script and setting and actors. If the fans stopped “believing,” there’s not much chance of the industry continuing. If the “heels” collectively decided to start fighting for real, went off script and fought to win, the whole system would collapse and have to be reconfigured or purged.

jim says:

> there’re so many layers, institutions, and systems predicated on the uniparty dynamic staying operable

Leftism does not care about things staying operable. It sees an applecart, wants to knock it over.

Red says:

There’re so many layers, institutions, and systems predicated on the uniparty dynamic staying operable, I think there will be strong opposition to any rapid destabilization of it. This is why I’m somewhat incredulous to the idea that there was a plan to eliminate the RNC, but it was put on hold or cancelled due to Trump’s campaign.

It was put on hold, not canceled. Obama started purging the military and the administrative purge of anyone who’s a hard leftist. They were not exactly ready for the purge in 2016, but I think they planned after a successful war against Russia that would give them cover to finally rip the bandage off.

What do you think the Democrats would have done if J6 had played out the way they planned it? Dead cops, capital shot up, dead bodies everywhere and Trump standing there in the crowd all to blame for it?

We all know what they would have done to Trump and Co, but do you really think they would have stopped there? The rest of the GOP would have gone into the pot within a couple of years. First the MAGA elements, then the said something nice about Trump elements, then everyone else. The slippery slope all the way to the bottom.

The essay I posted a few weeks ago, the one that compared American politics to professional wrestling, is, to my mind, one of the best representations of uniparty dynamics. The fans of wrestling choose to believe in the moment, in the competition, in the stakes laid out by the script and setting and actors. If the fans stopped “believing,” there’s not much chance of the industry continuing. If the “heels” collectively decided to start fighting for real, went off script and fought to win, the whole system would collapse and have to be reconfigured or purged.

It’s more like the Boston Globe trotters and the Washington Generals. There’s a reason that progressive faggots Lindsey Graham get elected in safe GOP states. They needed someone on their side who can plausible get elected in such a state, so they run them as a Republican.

With the end of even somewhat fair elections, such pretenses are no longer necessary, so that apple cart is likely to get knocked over. The GOP won’t disappear immediately. They’ll keep a few pet RINOs around, but they will be a tiny minority, as the victorious Dems win ever larger vote percentages.

Of course I could be wrong and they’ll just let the GOP crush the Dems in 3 weeks. We’ll find out, but I be very surprised if that happens.

Kunning Drueger says:

Responding to both Jim and Red.

I don’t think it’s cut and dried yet, as in there’s not a dominant faction. So the various factions vie for power, pursue their own schemes, lend support when it benefits themselves, and always keeps an eye on the “consensus of the moment.”

Leftism only sees the untipped apple carts, but the Cathedral=/=Leftism, though it is dominated by leftists at the top. But it’s a meta-system (system of systems), and the stakes are different at different levels. As the leftists take more and more power, the factions will jockey harder and harder. Further complicating matters, there are dissenter elites and fence sitters, and elites who have retracted as much as possible while maintaining status, influence, and power. Some elites protect their carts by selling out others, or sacrificing some apples, or what have you.

Red, I think the radicals love the idea of liquidating their perceived opposition, and that they will get to continue the liquidation in perpetuity. Bezmenov and the Cambodian Paradigm shows is not only what will happen, but how it could happen: the will operationalize the Holiness Spiral to unite the zealots and purge the opposition within governance, then rinse and repeat until liquidated themselves.

There are moderating influences on the left and in the Cathedral. If there weren’t, we’d be in a very different place.

Red says:

I don’t think it’s cut and dried yet, as in there’s not a dominant faction. So the various factions vie for power, pursue their own schemes, lend support when it benefits themselves, and always keeps an eye on the “consensus of the moment.”

I think the factions have agreed to it and Biden’s Red Sermon was the public announcement.

Of course at first only MAGA Republicans will be purged, but once started it’s not going to stop.

Kunning Druegger says:

The increasing mocking and opposition of and to Biden from leftwing and leftward mouthpieces indicates dissention to me. My model is one of a slapdash and hasty crowd of Karens, sodomites, and low IQ minorities with just enough competent operators to keep the thing somewhat stable. Just like J06 fizzled, I think the Red Sermon was less than impressive and poorly received. The Cathedral of our time has very high expectations with very low impact, compared to their forbearers.

We may be on different sides of the disagreement about the nature and capacity of the Cathedral (monolithic conspiracy v. meta-conspiracy), which means we can see the same thing and have completely different interpretations.

I don’t think J06 was a meticulously planned and executed op, I think it was last minute and sloppy, taking advantage of a whole mess of dupes and CIs being all in one place. One of the side effects of Cathedral institutions onboarding midwits who demonstrate loyalty and willingness to submit themselves in a debased way (as opposed to high IQ, self-reliant people unwilling to grovel or mime) is that there are lots of people with very grandiose ideas and well crafted power point presentations, who are actually quite incapable of achieving that to which they aspire. So you get lots of confident assurances of unstoppable success followed by lackluster performance and suboptimal outcomes. This denotes poor organizational capacity and failing coordination.

Red says:

Just like J06 fizzled, I think the Red Sermon was less than impressive and poorly received. The Cathedral of our time has very high expectations with very low impact, compared to their forbearers.

Public opinion wise they failed. But the security forces are going right ahead with the rounds up anyways. They’re having a harder and harder time using their religion to rule, so they’re resulting to naked force without any sort of legitimacy. It’s short term only thing, but once you’ve rounded up the even nominally fake opposition, not going to be a lot of dissenting voices. Abortion protestors are being raided now and are looking at long jail sentences. This is all ramping up towards a full purge of the Cathedral’s foes.

I don’t think J06 was a meticulously planned and executed op, I think it was last minute and sloppy, taking advantage of a whole mess of dupes and CIs being all in one place.

Ray Epps, the pipe “bombs”, doors being opened, fences being removed along with the no trespassing signs and stuff like the gallows, teams of Antifa/Feds all in black breaking through windows and says otherwise. So does the loads of weapons some groups showed up at DC with, but which never made it to the capitol. The people the feds were telling to come armed, got cold feet and left them behind.

They war gamed it, put a ton planning into it and got every fed connected group working on it. The op was a disaster as the crowd wasn’t nearly violent enough, but that’s comes from drinking their own coolaid on who MAGA people are. They’re not terribly competent but having full control of the media lets be sloppy and still get away with it.

We may be on different sides of the disagreement about the nature and capacity of the Cathedral (monolithic conspiracy v. meta-conspiracy), which means we can see the same thing and have completely different interpretations.

I think we’re on the same page. There’s different factions but they talk to each other and have coordinated ops when they all agree on something important. They couldn’t agree on which faction should rule, so Biden was chosen as a place holder. They agreed on a lot stuff and on those issues they work together.

jim says:

> They couldn’t agree on which faction should rule, so Biden was chosen as a place holder. They agreed on a lot stuff and on those issues they work together.

I expected the matter to be resolved lethally lickety-split, but this has not happened yet.

Any time they need to make a decision, they kick the can down the road. Will run out of road eventually, but it may take a while longer.

Adam says:

I’m also in Florida, likely will not vote. Investment in the current system will only lead to further normalcy bias. I’m an outlaw in foreign occupied territory. Whores and bandits all around me. That’s my mindset. I’m still plenty motivated to make something of it. Just not interested in validating any part of clownworld.

Red says:

That’s always the downside in voting. Even when voting for the lesser of 2 evils you become somewhat invested in it.

Neurotoxin says:

Undead Odalisque’s gebneral Twitter account has been reinstated. I didn’t dig to see if the particular offending “feminine beauty” thread was also.

Redbible says:

Thanks! I was unfamiliar with this poster.

Cloudswrest says:

Long, but excellent article on Russia and the GAE.

Goes into some Jimian themes like whether our nukes even work anymore.

Russia Will Not Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine
As the US attempts to set Russia up with a nuclear false-flag in Ukraine, it may soon find itself annihilated through unpunishable nuclear strikes from Russia.

Cloudswrest says:

It is thus unfortunate that actions in the form of terrorist attacks on young female philosophers, destruction of international pipeline infrastructure, destruction of critical transport infrastructure, sanctions and isolation, as well as a Russophobic hate campaign aims to sleep-walk the world into Russia’s threshold by attempting to destroy it from within and throughout. Yet, Russia has not responded with nuclear weapons. Even after being pushed very publicly by NATO mercenaries and Ukrainian soldiers out of Kharkov, Russia has kept its powder dry. These attacks span into Russia itself, and Russia does not currently consider any of them a threat to its existence. It is thus preposterous to even consider the idea that Russia will respond to any battlefield development in Ukraine with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Russia after all, as we have now understood, is much stronger than it appears to the western news consumer which this propaganda about “Russia using tactical nuclear bombs” is aimed at. The most reasonable analysts of course, agree and instead are watching for preparations for a different kind of nuclear attack.

Red says:

Super intresting.

The naysayers ultimately got their way, with new replacement silo-based ICBMs being pushed out a further ten years, to 2029, and no new replacement for the aging Trident submarine launched ballistic-missiles SLBMs in sight. This meant that the US was relying on technology developed during the 50s and 70s as its primary means of responding or initiating a nuclear attack. When Trump took power, he was shocked at the state of the US arsenal and wanted an unrealistic ten-fold expansion in its size. Trump also wanted to return to testing, being aware of the uncertainty about the effectiveness of the US nuclear warheads which were in a state of deep disrepair. Indeed, some components that required replacement and maintenance had to be reverse engineered as no one alive even knew what they were for.

So refreshing to see someone else mention this. The evidence presented about on this blog has been pretty damning, but I not seen it mentioned at lot else where.

Cloudswrest says:

It is only through appreciation of the very high threshold the Russian side has set towards this first and indeed final nuclear option, that we can correctly deduce Russia’s next moves and correctly interpret its high tolerance towards audacious terrorism committed against it. After all, what is in store is not some small tactical nuclear strike on an outhouse in the middle of a swamp in Ukraine, but total nuclear annihilation for the liberal western world and its dying cancer-ridden new world order empire.

Red says:

Very good commenters too:

Then on 15 October came a Fox News report that it is not just European nations which have run down their reserves for war and have to dip into active duty stocks if the West keeps hoping to supply Ukraine with weapons, but the United States itself. Indeed, the United States is so short of HIMARS ammunition that it did not have enough for live fire exercises this month with the Japanese Self Defence Forces. The Washington Post also reported Biden is increasingly irritated with Zelensky’s continued insistence on more and more weapons, more dangerous weapons – while insisting that Ukraine is winning. In brief, key American decision makers know that Ukraine is not winning and it is burning through NATO war stocks while losing. Diplomatically, most of the world is – while still wary – treating Russia like the winner.

In this scenario some time from late October to early December – the Russians attack. The goal would be to drive the Ukrainians out of Donbass and expand the foothold on the right bank of the Dnepr around Kherson while concurrently opening up a front in northern Ukraine – presumably around Chernigov with the aim of capturing the entire Oblast and Chernigov city if possible. This new front will draw VSU troops from the south allow the Russians to make further gains in Kherson, Donbass, Zaporyzhia and retake territory around Kharkov and possibly even put Kharkov under siege. The aim of this Russian offensive would be to have by the end of March 2023 cleared Donbass, captured Kharkov city, and put Zaporyzhia and Dnepropetrovsk under the beginnings of a siege, as well as possibly having captured the towns north of Energodar to remove any immediate threat to the Zaporyzhia Nuclear Power Plant near Energodar. This is accompanied with accelerated strikes on Ukraine’s power grid which further collapses much of its economy though does not outright destroy the grid but does further undercut Kiev by making the hardships of war come into every Ukrainian home and encourage people to flee the country.

At this point Ukraine would be in a death spiral having lost anywhere from 1/3 to 40% of its pre-2014 territory and much of its population – meaning the VSU itself would no longer be able to sustain manpower replacement and would have had much of its equipment destroyed. Concurrently a hard winter would have severely hurt European economies and their ability to support Ukraine, and where Europe’s economy is hurt the US’ is inevitably hurt too. Seeking a way out and with not much choice the Europeans and Americans scale back but do not halt military support for Ukraine while seeking to initially freeze the conflict. Putin insists that in addition to the four new Oblasty which joined the Russian Federation in October 2022 that Kharkov and possibly even Dnepropetrovsk Oblasty are now also required.

The Ukrainians vow to fight on and concede nothing – Zelensky and his inner circle are dead men if they stop fighting – for the rest of 2023 the Ukrainians are – with a devastated economy and with reduced military aid pushed back and back until, possibly into 2024 Ukraine is finally captured in its entirety. At that point Ukraine will cease to exist. Depending on the economic and territorial situation collapse may occur as early as 2023. Millions will flee west and those that stay will, with the Russians, try to pick up the pieces and rebuild. NATO and the United States will claim victory of a kind and refuse to recognize the territorial changes de jure but will de facto. Subversion against the reunified Russia and Ukraine will be attempted but unsuccessful. Slowly but surely relations will be normalized, albeit at a much more tense level.

jim says:

Slowly but surely relations will be normalized, albeit at a much more tense level.

This strikes me as unrealistic optimism. US is incapable of making a deal. War will continue, one thing will lead to another thing, things will escalate one way or another way, sooner or later.

Limited wars are fought for limited stakes, but what limits the stakes? It is that both sides observe certain rules and certain limits. One by one these limits will fall by the wayside, and the stakes will get higher and higher.

Red says:

That outcome is unlikely, but I could see an internal coup that tells the war faction to STFU while they surrender Ukraine to Russia. Peace wouldn’t last long as the war faction would quickly try to restart the war, but it might be enough to collapse the GAE. Russia would look much the stronger horse after that, and our Anti-American empire would come tumbling down.

Red says:

Jim, what’s your take on Russia’s nuclear tsunami drones? I get the idea, but it would actually work?

jim says:

Maybe, needs testing.

The question is, can the energy of a nuclear bomb efficiently couple to a tsunami wave?

There has been one test of an underwater nuclear explosion, it was at a quite shallow depth, and nearly all the energy was dissipated in throwing highly radioactive water five thousand feet in the air. If you want to damage stuff some distance away, that is not going to do much harm, except to ships a short distance away.

Because there is a lot of water in the ocean, the radiation, the heat, and the blast would all be completely suppressed if the bomb is detonated at depth. Would it dissipate in heating a very large amount of water, or would some of it be coupled into a wave capable causing damage? Likely the efficiency of coupling would depend rather strongly on ocean depth, and the depth at which it was detonated, on how far down the rocks were below, and how far up the air was above.

I rather suspect that unless you want to blow up some ships from below, not going to do much harm. Good for taking out a carrier, not necessarily much use in attacking coastal cities.

It is hard to predict how it would go. My bet would be that it is only likely to be useful as an anti ship weapon, but we will not know until it is tested.

Cloudswrest says:

There’s been at least one deep water test (2000′), meant to test anti-submarine effects. Operation Wigwam.

There are two visible surface effects.

The first effect is when the sonic shock wave reaches the surface, whereupon is spalls a bunch of water a few hundred feet into the air.

The second effect is when the steam bubble reaches the surface, and it reaches maybe 1000′ into the air. This was a bomb in the low two digit Kiloton range.

Kunning Drueger says:

In certain circles, nuclear torpedoes were known as a “2 kill” weapon system: you were guaranteed to kill the target, and the vessel that launched it. This is from long ago, maybe things have changed.

Cloudswrest says:

Russia’s new nuclear torpedos are nuclear powered as well as nuclear armed. They have arbitrary range. The can cross the entire ocean. They are like under water ICBMs. They’re nuclear powered drones.

Aidan says:

Not necessarily a “tsunami bomb”. Seems like it can do plenty of normal bomb damage if it goes into a port and blows up, not to mention enemy fleets of ships. The west might be reading it wrong as a strategic nuke when it might just be a tactical nuke.

jim says:

No efficient coupling to tsunami.

Therefore, not a useful countervalue weapon, not useful against coastal cities. Useful against enemy carriers and enemy nuclear submarines.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It could be very nasty against coastal cities if you set it off beneath the docks. That much pressure and then the steam would really fuck up the port infrastructure.

Cloudswrest says:

The Russian Poseidon torpedo supposedly has a yield of up to 60 Megatons. This is Tsar Bomba territory. Since this bomb is not delivered by air (either missile or aircraft) there is little weight restriction, so it can be loaded up with reactant fuel. Furthermore, since it is designed to explode deep underwater, there is effectively infinite tamper holding the reactants together for the lifetime of the reaction, so it’s possible the fusion/fission reaction is potentially more fuel efficient compared to an air burst.

jim says:

Not tsunami bomb, just a regular bomb. And if it explodes a short distance away in shallow water or on the surface then everything within eight kilometers is going to get smashed up, and lots of stuff within fifty kilometers is going to get set on fire.

Everyone in line of sight of the fireball and within fifty kilometers range is going to get severe burns that are likely to be fatal, but most people will not be in line of sight. Depending on the balance between lithium deuteride and depleted uranium, there is likely to be a great deal of fallout. Fallout gets exaggerated a lot, but fallout from very large bombs like this one is likely to be a much bigger proportion of the harmful effects than it was with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so they are not just blowing smoke.

To destroy an enemy fleet, detonate at depth so that the shock wave in the water smashed up the ship hulls. To destroy port cities, detonate on the surface in the port, or as close to the port as you are likely to safely get.

jim says:

Enormous nuclear bombs do not cost a lot more than regular sized nuclear bombs, it is the delivery systems that are a problem, because enormous nuclear bombs are a lot bigger and heavier than regular bombs. But a nuclear power torpedo can carry a lot of mass, so it makes sense to give them enormous bombs

Starman says:

If those nuclear propelled, nuclear armed Russian Poseidon torpedos pan out, that’s going to spell the end of US submarine military superiority.

Cloudswrest says:

Given the unlimited range of the torpedoes, the launch submarines can just park themselves somewhere under the North Polar icecap, eliminating the ability of surface ships to hunt for them. Attacking the US West coast may be difficult from there due to the narrowness of the Bering Straight, making detection of transiting torpedoes perhaps easier, but the open ocean between Greenland, Iceland and the British Isles (or even sneaking through Baffin Bay) makes detection more problematic for the East Coast.

Adam says:

Question for the historians here. We’ve talked about the drop in elite reproduction, and reproduction in general due to different factors.

My question is about the literacy rate among elite females, as well as commoners. When did literacy become the norm for women? I think it is an enormous mistake to argue with females about what is in the Bible, but also it is obvious that females jump to the Bible and religion for power in greater numbers than men. And men have a difficult time defending their position.

Given how difficult it is for anyone to understand the Bible, and how enthusiastically women will jump to any conclusion to support the feminine imperative I would think the literacy rate among females would be correlated to a drop in fertility.

jim says:

Not my impression at all. Women will not argue the bible with you. They accept a man as authoritative if their pussy says so.

Adam says:

80/20 rule. Women will argue what’s in the Bible with most men. Most men will not be adequately able to defend their position. Also mothers will not hesitate to condition their sons accordingly.

Red says:

I can’t ever remember arguing about the bible with a woman.

What’s your experiences with it?

Adam says:

Mostly just shit tests, women trying to manipulate me. Not hard to pass. But every church I’ve ever been to the men were in lock step with the women. The men just ate up everything the women said about the Bible. My theory is just a guess, intuition. I could be projecting my experience.

I’m smart among normies, average for these parts. In the past I’ve found it hard to argue my (our) position on the Bible. It’s a tough book. Mostly I just point to the obvious verses that support patriarchy, etc. Same as everyone here.

I’m very aware of what a women will go through for alpha. But that’s not going to be most mens experience. Not to mention the bullshit mothers tell their sons. My guess is female literacy played an important part, specifically due to females taking up the Bible, on increasing the power of the feminine imperative. I do not have any data to back that up just intuition.

Red says:

Mostly just shit tests, women trying to manipulate me. Not hard to pass. But every church I’ve ever been to the men were in lock step with the women. The men just ate up everything the women said about the Bible. My theory is just a guess, intuition. I could be projecting my experience.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a church. Women would talk about a lot of stuff, but was relationship stuff, gossip, or holiness signaling but never about a biblical text with a man.

It’s just not in my experience. So I doubt literacy has anything to do with your experience, since I didn’t observe it and I went to close to 30 different churches as a kid and young adult. More likely you’re experiencing churches full of weak men with Women trying to take on the male role and the men simping for female attention. Sunday morning only fans dot com!

I may have to swing by my local church to see what it’s like now.

Red says:

My guess is female literacy played an important part, specifically due to females taking up the Bible, on increasing the power of the feminine imperative. I do not have any data to back that up just intuition.

My mother would pretty much believe whatever a man said in a book. But I have a weak father. Pretty much everything a woman says came from a man, so it doesn’t surprise me that my mother would think things that stronger men said. I spent a lot of time debating the crap she found in books, but it’s pointless to debate a woman, they don’t really debate.

But one of those books wasn’t the bible. She would express things that others said about the bible, but quoting scripture was my father’s job.

jim says:

> Women will argue what’s in the Bible with most men

This has simply never happened to me. And I cannot even imagine a woman arguing me about what is in the bible. They could argue with me about what is in the bible over the internet, but it would be psychologically impossible to for a woman to argue the bible with me in person. Even if she is a progressive pastor in a progressive Church.

There is a sexual dynamic to Christianity – God the father, Church is the bride of Christ, the Bible speaks to men and of women. If that flow is running though a man, a woman cannot argue the Christian faith with him.

Adam says:

Yet it is obvious the progressive interpretation of the Bible is hostile to the mating dance and family formation. And that position is the position of nearly every Christian church.

It is obvious that women use the Bible to manipulate men, as well as men. Yes it is just another shit test. But given the nature of the Bible, has it been used with success by women disproportionately to other methods? My guess is yes.

If you say no, female literacy and the Bible has had no effect on fertility, then I don’t have anything to argue, I don’t have any data. It’s just a hunch and thought it was worth the question.

Red says:

It is obvious that women use the Bible to manipulate men, as well as men. Yes it is just another shit test. But given the nature of the Bible, has it been used with success by women disproportionately to other methods? My guess is yes.

I’d really like to see this is action. I can’t even imagine it, it’s so foreign to my expedience.

Adam says:

Dalrock goes into plenty of detail on his blog He does not post anymore but he covered feminism and Christianity in great detail. Excellent blog, I read it for a couple of years before I found Jim’s blog.

According to Wikipedia the printing press was invented in 1440, and reached North America in the 1600s due to a demand in Bibles. That coincides a little bit with the rise of Harvard.

This line of questioning started a couple weeks ago, I was listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast. He was talking about having to stop mentoring females some years ago, him and fellow male professors, for fear of the consequences of false allegations. But also that it was a shame, because females seek out competent male mentors and it can be a very positive and rewarding bond.

That got me thinking about my ex-wife. She’s very feminine but also has that a streak in her that wants to be a man. She’s always trying to do things for herself, trying to be the alpha male, and a big reason she succeeds is that she is always learning from myself and from her brothers. Not things like fixing cars. Things like running her little business.

The thing about entropy is it’s always happening, even this very moment, and nobody notices it. Your metabolism is entropy. But sometimes it’s not always slow. Sometimes it speeds up. So I’m trying to tie all this together, looking at the Bible, looking at how we as men can be fooled, looking at females perpetual lust for power, and just looking at what fits. Looking at our possible failures and what we need to do better.

jim says:

A wonderful and very informative blog. But everyone, including Dalrock, is apt to shy away from the darkest truths about women.

FrankNorman says:

From an Old Testament perspective, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong about a woman running a small business – rather than undermining her husband’s authority over her, it would make her more useful to him.

The problem in today’s world is that people equate personal status with personal income, and expect the man to be the “breadwinner”. In THAT context, encouraging women to pursue high-salary careers undermines male authority. But the people who want a woman to spend her best years climbing the corporate ladder would not be happy about her instead running her own small business, under the authority of her husband.

jim says:

The progressive interpretation of what the bible says about sex, is the bible with the double standard corrected and the sexual valence of the bible erased. “God the father and mother“. If that sexual valence speaks through you, no one can pretend their position is biblically based if they are interacting with you in person.

The progressive bible is the bible transsexed. Cannot stand against the actual bible.

no says:

[*deleted for posting from alternate reality*]

jim says:

Transexualized Christianity runs and hides when confronted by actual Christianity.

Anonymous Fake says:

Try arguing that Christians aren’t supposed to be circumcised and see how far you get. I do suppose women think with their pussies, as you put it. And just like the bible says.

Even trained professional women like judges will never argue about written texts simply because they do not care about the texts. They care about people, which isn’t bad in itself, but the consistent catch is that they think the lowest of men who do care about texts.

FrankNorman says:

Who are you needing to argue this with?

Mister Grumpus says:

Hey Jim, I can’t see it clearly myself, but could there be a parallel or pattern, in the past, present or anticipated future, that completes the analogy

USA-Vietnam : Tet Offensive :: GAE-Russia : ___?

Something to do with how real-world events can be selectively spun to look like something else entirely, and how it’s the spinning that decides actual events and history. A horrifying but real phenomenon.

Mister Grumpus says:

Here’s my best guess:

Russia can’t pull a Tet Offensive, actually, because the media on our side, over here, is pro-GAE, so if Putin’s men did something awesome and brave, if ultimately unsuccessful, our media would either point and laugh at them or just ignore it altogether.

But maybe it’s different on the Russian side. Surely much of their media, over there, is anti-Russian and anti-Christian, so some wild move by the GAE, like a nuclear first strike mass-murdering multiple Slavic and Orthodox cities in 4K on YouTube (via Starlink, because of course) would have them all musing “Wow, these guys are really serious! I guess we just can’t win this one, and it’d be downright immoral for us to try. Imagine all… the people…”

alf says:

Russia can’t pull a Tet Offensive, actually, because the media on our side, over here, is pro-GAE

That’s what I was thinking. Our equivalent would be dissident right media siding with Putin — which they’re pretty much already doing. It is somewhat effective, but nothing compared to the late sixties Cathedral media.

On Russia’s side a fifth column media seems more likely. Through my normie friends I hear occasional stories of how Russian media is supposedly standing up to evil dictator Putin. Difficult to judge how much is propaganda.

jim says:

When the Cathedral sees freedom of speech in Russia, they cannot comprehend it, since no freedom of speech here.

skippy says:

Vietnam was a war fought inside the USA between GAE-Americans and the remnants of the US Anti-Communist movement (which had previously been the pro-Nazi America First movement).

Loss of Vietnam was basically the point at which Anti-Communism died, being replaced on the furthest right by Trotskyite Neo-Conservatives. Neocons being ultimately inside the GAE faction, not outside it, as demonstrated by rehabilitation of Bush etc.

Americans need to get over using Vietnam and Munich as the analogy for everything. Not just because not everything is analogous to those things, but because Americans don’t even know what happened in those events.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Broke: ‘these corporate hucksters are making money out of nothing!’

Woke: ‘the USD based financial system is so pernicious, huge value is gained by going around it’.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”I love to live in a normal economic system in which every major company providing an essential service turns into a bank, a police force, and a lobbying business.”

As civilization disintegrates (is made to disintegrate), anyone trying to do anything finds it increasingly necessary to recreate more and more of civilization in miniature.

A2 says:

“The UK @DefenceHQ / @RoyalAirForce push for years to have fewer white men in their ranks, and so now they’re trying to appeal to “honour” and “patriotism” to stop Absolute Mad Lads from training Chinese pilots for £240k a year.”

Lol. The Chinese are in general not averse to hiring foreign expertise, so not surprising (except to woke fools?). It could be called a tactic of theirs.

Pax Imperialis says:

“But compared to the rewards of a steady paycheck, the Tricare health plan, educational opportunities and other ancillary benefits, that might be worth it.”

Ah yes, The Tricare “health plan.”

>Early 2022
>Be deathly ill and in a near comatose state of fatigue with constant chronic pain during the few hours awake
>”We lost your orders, you’ll have to wait for command to redo them before you can get medical care”
>3 months latter “We have your orders and have sent them to a different branch of the military, you’ll have to get care through them due to the remote location you’re currently located at.”
>Another 2 months pass and at a different command’s medical group: “We don’t have your orders on file, please ask your command to resend”
>Another month passes “We actually did have your orders but because our computer system has been glitched since it’s creation we couldn’t see that we had your orders so you’ll have to coordinate between our two offices (the one that can see and the one that can’t) so we know what’s going on” Those two offices are in the same damn hallway…
>It’s been 6 months and now I’m 95% recovered. Do I really need healthcare at this point? I finally get to see a doctor… who promptly refers me to a civilian doctor off base.
>At month 8 I finally get my “healthcare” which amounts to about a $1000 medical test to confirm I’ve recovered, minus the chronic pain that the doctor, off the record, suspects is nerve damage. Nerve damage wasn’t in the original orders so I can’t get medical care for it.
>At month 9 I get a bill and a letter in the mail from the civilian medical provider because “Tricare states there are no orders on file, you have to contact them to reprocess your claim so you don’t get billed for it”
>I also received a letter from DoD about my benefits being terminated retroactively before I got health care, and then another letter about those same benefits being terminated effectively after I got care. Even DoD doesn’t know what’s going on.
>Remember that glitched computer system… Tricare must use the same contractors because they did have my paperwork on file on a system they could not see my paperwork. Btw it’s now been nearly 11 months.

Almost 11 months of bureaucratic hell. By my estimate the bureaucracy cost somewhere around $145,000 based on number of people involved and man hours spent.

Now you might think that this is a fluke, and indeed this might have been one of the bigger fuck ups, but when surveys indicate being uninsured might be better than Tricare…

Bronson is horrendously out of date in regards to the sheer free fall the military is in. This includes the benefits programs. Bronson observed that it’s the white (competent) farmboys who end up in combat arms. He didn’t seem to register what that implies about where the diversity ends up. It’s all in admin. All in the benefits programs. Logistics/acquisitions is still “competent,” but that’s changing fast as the nearly entirely white DoD civilian workforce which underpins all direct military logistics is aging into retirement.

Some VA locations are great, but those are the exceptions from what I hear.

[…] At some of us had a debate about the role of sincerely held beliefs among leftists, particularly in the left’s internal power struggles. At first the debate shed rather more heat than light, but it was ultimately worth it because it culminated in the following very good comment from the blog proprietor. […]

[…] is all pretty straightforward. A less obvious aspect of leftist rhetoric was brought out in an exchange at Jim’s place a year or so […]

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