
Excess mortality by country

Source: Igor Chudov, data

Countries with a low jab rate have low excess mortality, countries with a high jab rate have high excess mortality. That the mortality keeps going up with boosts indicates that they damage is cumulative. You don’t heal up – or the time required to heal up is considerably longer than the time between boosts. Since the jab modifies DNA, and was, contrary to what was claimed, designed to modify your dna, to the extent that it modifies your dna, the damage is permanent.

Death, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. Each jab gives everyone some circulatory damage, some heart damage, some reproductive system damage, some immune system damage, and some brain damage. If someone already has a problem, for example diabetics typically have heart and circulatory damage, they are likely to die of heart attack. If gay, already have a lot of immune system damage, likely to die of aids like cancer or opportunistic infection. And everyone gets a bit stupider, some of them a lot stupider.

Deaths up ten or twenty percent, fertility down thirty or forty percent. The effect of widespread stupidity is not yet obvious. Well, it is becoming obvious to me, but there is no statistical evidence, only my subjective impression. Suddenly programmers cannot program. Instead of debugging their programs, they are deprogramming their bugs. I was listening in on a video conference, and people were announcing that stuff just could not be done.

Over time, programmers tend to wind up working on tasks that are at the edge of their ability, dumb programmers produce simple solutions to simple problems, smart programmers produce clever solutions to hard problems. Suddenly a whole lot of programmers are finding that what they are working on is beyond their ability.

1,346 comments Excess mortality by country

The Cominator says:

No refunds.

SomeDude says:

hahaha, this wins the comments section

Red says:

I’ve never heard the phrase deproggramming bugs before. Could you explain further?

Zaphod says:

So, Polonius… Born Stupid, achieved Stupidity, or did you have Stupidity vaxed upon you?

Jehu says:

Imagine you’re in an RPG, and you have a coding skill, that is added to some random roll and compared to the target difficulty of what you’re working on. Beat the target difficulty and you’re adding useful code and functionality with only minimal bugs. Fail to beat it and you’re adding bloat, more bugs and generally degrading the system you’re working on.

Jim’s saying that many programmers work out at their limits, because sometimes the reward for good work is harder work (or sometimes just more work). Accordingly if they degrade their ability just a little (or a lot), they jump from reliably producing net good code to net bad code plus bugs. He’s also making a play on words, which is probably his main intent, but this is my parsing of his metaphor.

Red says:

I get all that, it’s the Deprogramming I’m not sure of.

The only time I hear that Deprogramming is pop culture mumbo jumbo about cults. Does it mean Removing/Rewriting features because they can’t debug it? I’ve seen that happen with dumb programmers, IE they re-write blocks of code because they’re too dumb to actually understand how the code works or they bipass the system they don’t understand. This happens a lot when a dumb programmer debugs code that includes a cleaver solution written by someone else. They assume the bug is caused by the cleaver solution and it must be wrong because they can’t understand it, so re-writing it (and generally breaking it) is the solution.

jim says:

play on words: Instead of debugging their programs, they are deprogramming their bugs. The changes they are making just cause the program to fail worse. And eventually they announce in the review or video conference that the issue they were supposed to fix is unfixable, the functionality or added feature they were supposed to provide is impossible. Just cannot be done. Often there is an obvious way of addressing the issue, obvious at least to me, and they are just not walking that path, just not taking the path that they would need to take to accomplish the needed functionality, instead just kind of farting around with the code at random. Less program, more bugs, thus “deprogramming”. The code is being replaced by noise. The problem is in one place, or the functionality needs to be added in one place, and they are making changes in other places, many other places at kind of random, that address particular manifestations of the bug or particular manifestations of the absence of the feature. Which just degrades functionality in those other places.

King Lizard Intercourse says:

That’s some scary shit.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Feel bad for the people living in the cities to be honest.

Next stop is poisoning the water supply (they already do this of course, just push it to the next limit). No one will be allowed to escape 100 million world population plan.

I did a check up on my nearby city to check the quality of a public area water fountain, it looked very rusted and dirty, and the water was rather brownish. I knew I didn’t even need to bother taking a reading because it was obvious that its not drinkable.

So at first the water quality issues will be down to negligence and incompetence, but will soon turn to active malice and hatred when they realize they can assign a whole ton of water inspectors whose job it is to make sure everyone who drinks it eventually mysteriously passes away. I can already picture the plan in my head, ‘New minerals added into the water to ensure good health and safety’ and it will be just a nice little quip in some site and it will take a while for everyone to realize what is happening to them.

That’s why I am keeping an eye about what is going on with the water treatment facilities because it really isn’t hard for any of them to mess with that stuff and nobody really seems to keeping track of this area.

Kunning Drueger says:

I know opinions vary on the Canadian Lobster Appreciator, but I think his observations on how the National Socialists started from a place of ostensible compassion through the lens of cultural disgust are instructive. So too with the international marxists in Russia; it was compassion that was used to argue for the initiation of methods that transformed into their genocidal operations. Obviously, the true sentiment is hatred, for oneself and the whole of existence, but they use compassion, awareness, and tolerance as a costume.

We may soon enter a situation wherein the next step is something like “millions of children are being forced into a gender binary and due to cultural repression and systemic bias, they are unable to realize their true sense of self. In order to address this, it is necessary to put all children through a chemical regimen that will unlock their true selves. Even one unwitting non-binary is too many.” So, out of an abundance of compassion and under the cover of tolerance, it will become a situation wherein all children are put on puberty blockers. Obviously, there will be resistance to this, and those evil, backwards people will need to be educated on the True Science until they are sufficiently compassionate.

We should expect the children of conservatives first then everyone after to be rounded up and “mass medicated ” while resisting parents are interred or executed.

Mister Grumpus says:

Just a few wrinkles:

There have certainly been mass persecutions that were never publicly described or justified as class-action phenomena. Like feminism and child support law busting up families. That’s always been described in media/law as a case-by-case kind of thing, but the sum effect has obviously been “class scale”, as in “liquidating the traditional father as a class”. It was just never officially described that way.

At another corner of the graph there’s “white flight”, which was certainly caused by general conditions and policy, but only described as a mass phenomenon intended and inflicted… by its victims.

Someone smarter can better synopsize what I’m trying to comprehend and get at here.

Kunning Drueger says:

>That’s always been described in media/law as a case-by-case kind of thing

But in lecture halls, salons, and boardrooms it has been known to be a class thing. Single motherhood and abortion at scale where always a goal, they just portrayed them as case by case issues.

Mister Grumpus says:

You’re helping me think. Thank you.

When “we” do it, it’s about the individual. “Protecting each person’s sacred human right to -whatever-“.

When “they” do it, it’s some kind of faceless inhuman en-masse “backlash”, “cleansing”, “denial” or “supremacy”.

I think that’s it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, but match the truth (terms you used) with their jargon (terms they use): backlash==justice, cleansing==sacrifice/reparation, denial==positivity, supremacy==equality. My couplings may be less than perfect, but building a “prosetta stone” makes meme construction easier. Like how Jim taught me to always interpret “anti-racist /-bias /-discrimination” as Anti-White. Or Diversity==Domination by foreigners, Equity==Domination by incompetents, Inclusion==Domination by inferiors.

Pete says:

Water quality in cities is bad because the Dems allow white people to be ethnically cleansed from cities. The white men who would be dutifully keeping the water system running have all moved away, so their wives don’t get raped and kids don’t get shot in school for stepping on a nigger’s shoe by accident.

The nigs placed in charge of the water treatment system just steal the public funding, don’t give a shit so they sit around jerking off to porn in their offices, or else just can’t figure out how to fix it.

Red says:

The Donald has been keeping a long list of shitlibs slowly dying from the vax from archived twitter posts:–part-4/

Kunning Drueger says:

That format is so tedious, which sucks because there’s a lot of hilarious/horrifying/cringe gold in there.

jim says:

Igor Chudov has some good data on total death rate, but, anecdotally, looks like some forms of death and disability among the jabbed are up way more than others.

Shingles, aggressive fast acting cancer, and perinatal mortality in children of the jabbed.

Of course the biggest killer of the jabbed is heart failure and circulatory failures such as stroke, but that does not stand out so much because there was plenty of heart and circulatory failure before the vax. But that used to be primarily in older people. Anecdotally, looks like heart and circulatory failure in young people has risen tenfold or a hundredfold, but I cannot find recent data breaking it down by age group.

Mister Grumpus says:

As for the two graphs, thank you, but what would really help would be a third where the X-axis is “how many people got sick with Covid.”

Confession: How to actually gather that data, such that it would mean anything, I have no clue.

jim says:

Igor Chudov has been gathering that data, and there is a great deal of evidence that the more jabs, the more Covid, that the jabbed are more likely to get it and more likely to spread it. On the other hand, hard to disentangle more jabbing from more testing.

The first jab gives some slight protection against catching Covid for about four months, but the covid tends to last longer and so they are more likely to spread it. It gives considerable protection, for the first two or three months, against the Covid being severe. But both protections fade with time, and with each boost, the protection is less, so about six to eight months down the line the fully vaccinated and fully boosted are more likely to catch it, more likely to spread it, are sicker when they get it, and more likely to be suffer consequences requiring hospitalization from it than the purebloods. But, because of the confounding effect of testing, a simple graph of countries would not be meaningful.

He has the data you are after, but not in the form of a simple catchy graphic compellingly making the obvious obvious.

Fidelis says:

If those programmers are anything like me, they’re demoralized by lack of agency on big civilization level concerns and find it hard to care about paycheck programming.

The Cominator says:

That is a general problem all men of vision in clownworld have… Musk may be the sole exception right now.

Cloudswrest says:

Ted Kaczynski calls this “The Power Process”.

Red says:

I’m in the same boat. I’ve been considering the idea of looking for a job Telsa or SpaceX.

Fidelis says:

I’m not living in america until we get a reasonable shot at Caesar. Do not feel like dying to some african nigger or alphabet nigger only for someone left of Stalin to cement a powerbase anyway. So I can’t work for our favorite Muskrat.

Ideally I would work for some newer crypto tech company, but the majority glow bright, and a plurality are being built for a world in which the hegemon is friendly and not going to attempt to destroy your network. I don’t see anyone building BTC/XMR level tolerance to internet hardware based attacks but with the protocol efficiency bought by new cryptography. Instead everyone just wants to build stupid highly transparent highly fragile systems BUT WITH 10X THE TRANSACTIONS PER SECOND OF THE LAST SYSTEM OMG.

I would have to spend a fuckton of time doing it myself, meaning recruiting likeminded and protocol design and implementation, since no one else is and the XMR and BTC people do not seem interested in massive protocol overhauls. I would also have to do it for free because fundraising at the moment seems fucked, especially for a project that would need me to be anonymous to prevent unwilling suicide.

Just an enormous pain in the ass while I have a huge set of other life problems to solve as well. I’m not nearly prepared enough for what is coming to devote the energy this project would need, and it’s frustrating and demoralizing to continue working on paycheck programming while knowing this.

Pax Imperialis says:

Maybe poke around in the Urbit crowd?

Fidelis says:
“The Urbit ID registry is live and deployed to the Ethereum blockchain.”

They’re either glowing or stupid. Eth is a terrible choice for both technical and ideological reasons. We’re not in 2015 anymore, and while they claim

>”Urbit ID isn’t specifically wedded to Ethereum – someday we’d like it to be hosted by Urbit OS itself”

Well, plenty of alternatives that are cheaper, glow less bright, and are just as secure have existed for years now.

Pax Imperialis says:

>someday we’d like it to be hosted by Urbit OS itself”

It looked like they are asking for solutions and they also have developer meetups for those creating add-ons to Urbit without working for Urbit on the edge of GAE influence. Seems like if you were recruiting you might find some like minded people there.

But I’m mostly a hardware guy and know little about software.

jim says:

Urbit is insufficiently troubled by the problem of Cathedral domination.

It was always intended to be fundamentally a communications and publishing protocol – everyone gets the equivalent of their own server supporting the equivalent of email, a blog, dns, and a website.

Heard any interesting stuff first published on Urbit?

It was intended to be the antiuniversity. Not seeing it. An anti university needs to curate empirical truth and reveal genuine consensus. Not seeing such curation.

In a world where truth and reality is massively suppressed, forbidden truth should migrate to a platform resistant to Global American Empire domination. Not seeing forbidden truthers setting up shop on Urbit.

Spandrel was an important and valuable source back in the day. Set up shop on Urbit. Have not heard any interesting new data and analysis from him, which is what Urbit was supposed to enable.

Moldbug was revolutionary and immensely important. Namefag Yarvin too boring to read. Urbit stuff seems, by and large, to be Namefag Yarvin tier.

The Global American Empire is at war with truth and reality. A communications platform should support truth and reality, thus must be at war with the Global American Empire. Namefag Yarvin wanted Urbit to duck that war, which is why he went with Ether. It was a bad choice, but that choice of ether is more a symptom than a cause. It is a symptom of him ducking the war that the purpose of Urbit required it to fight.

We have a bajillion zillion shitcoin crypto currencies. But even the very best crypto currencies, such as bitcoin and monero, rely on the transaction metadata passing through Global American Empire owned communications infrastructure, which is an inherent huge security flaw and vulnerability. A crypto currency needs what Urbit was supposed to be, its own communications and publishing protocol, and thus needs its own truth and reality system. And thus it needs to be willing to be at war with the Global American Empire. Its developers need to figure on a significant probability of being murdered or forced to flee, as Satoshi figured. Namefag Yarvin should have pulled a vanishing act, and continued work under a new identity, or several new identities.

Pax Imperialis says:

Thank you. That was informative.

Some clean room engineers I know have been talking. Looks like the big industry players are going to completely shift away from X86 to ARM by 2030. Integrated Circuits for everything. Allegedly security vulnerabilities at the hardware level are purposely not being dealt with. Thoughts?

jim says:

The big reveal of evil was Intel and AMD’s on chip source of randomness, which is enemy owned.

NIST SP 800-90A is a standard designed to make it impossible to determine if the on chip random numbers are in unpredictable to an adversary. Not a standard designed to be useful or cheap or easy to implement in hardware. It requires large amounts of complicated on chip circuitry whose only apparent purpose is to protect against people knowing what is actually going on the with randomness generator.

It is possible in principle to build an ARM chip that is knowably secure. I am not aware of any sixty four bit arm chips that are knowably secure.

Fidelis says:

Dharmabros should be proud, the only person I see on the public internet pushing for actually workable Anti-versity and off-central-platform communications is Balaji Srinivasan.

Ledger of Record aka how to prevent history rewrites

“What’s holding back scientific progress? The US government establishment”

Advocating anti-coercible social media

I’m sure there’s others, but his messaging is consistently extremely on point and amazingly effective for normie conversion despite being a facefag. He also acknowledges the limits of facefaggery itself and advocates building a reputation under a pseudonym.

jim says:

BTC and XMR were built for a hostile world.

And we are in a world rapidly getting more hostile.

And we now have cryptographic tools appropriate for a more hostile world.

Needs a system with the metadata surrounding the transaction encrypted (chat capability, somewhat like WeChat support for inapp sales)

And, for your liquidity event, need to be able to exchange with BTC and XMR inapp.

Then just wait for the heat to come down on BTC and XMR

Fidelis says:

That’s something like Penumbra, but I don’t want to work closely with that team. They also need to make their network consensus more robust, PoS alone is too vulnerable to internet splintering attacks due to liveness needs.

Adam says:

It’s the market for pussy. Too many men have lost hope. By the time girls graduate high school most have been alpha widowed.

You can overcome alpha widowhood by being a bigger alpha, and you should if you can, but girls never return to what they were like as virgins.

Arakawa says:

Someone pls explain where pureblood girls are most likely to be found.

Adam says:

Upper Midwest, rural town with one stoplight in 50 square miles. 8 churches serving 1000 people. No off sale of alcohol on Sundays. The colder the climate the better.

There are still places where 3 kids represent a small family, and it’s common for a woman to have a child and a grandchild the same age.

Fast paced high population density lifestyles produce the most options thus the most temptation for both men and women. Everything moves slow in the cold, especially out in the country.

Good conditions for making a man out of yourself too, and any sons.

The Cominator says:

The most respectable group of girls you could find where very very many didn’t take it is new ager/yoga type girl groups.

Also once again strip clubs… whores are often very redpilled as far as women go (not that drug habits aren’t common but many many refused the vax and thought covid was bullshit).

As for Adam’s advice… Upper Midwest snow niggers are not especially redpilled or right wing generally just the opposite (Swedes have as much of an innate tendency to leftism AT LEAST as jews) and you’re a fool to expect their normie women to be. Rural women are less likely vaxxed than urban women of course but probably more purebloods in the South than the North. If you want cold and rural I’d go to Northern New Hampshire…

“There are still places where 3 kids represent a small family, and it’s common for a woman to have a child and a grandchild the same age.”

Maybe Mormon fundamentalist compounds but you aren’t getting anywhere near their women not without buying in for a lot of money.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Scandinavian libbery is not like khazarian leftism. The former has more to do with thoughtless trust in the good intentions of authority and neighbors, which overlaps with an easily manipulable altruistic impulse, and what i can only describe as ‘niceitude’; id est, ‘isnt it nice if everything is nice? someone feeling bad about something is not nice, so we should all be nice, so noone feels bad about anything’.

The latter of course has more to do with lack of de facto identification with nominally de jure neighbors altogether.

The Cominator says:

“Scandinavian libbery is not like khazarian leftism. The former has more to do with thoughtless trust in the good intentions of authority and neighbors”

How does anyone fucking carry this attitude past second grade. There is no excuse for this stupidity. As a sperg I learned that normies lie and you can’t trust them early in school (which is like prison I thought) and that also you can’t trust the authorities or your neighbors.

Niceitude Ned Flanders style is good to be around ideally but one should never translate it to clear enemies or to politics.

I can sort of understand the desire for niceitude but I can’t understand how anyone remains a trusting person in clownworld into adulthood. I’ve been an outright paranoid since probably 11…

Western Taliban says:

Probably because your normies are not their normies.

You live in a country overrun by niggers, niggerism, faggots, faggotry, wahmen, whamenism, Jews, Jewry, and thousands of other social illnesses and dysfunctional apes, home-bred and strongly promoted and supported by the State Department.

Danish people live in a country where if you’re European, decent looking and carry yourself respectable, beautiful blonde women openly approach you for sex on the street and friendly guys invite you to join their group and go drink together because they think you’re cool. I’m talking about personal experiences here.

Copenhagen has apartments on the second floor (I believe Americans call the first level as such instead of ground floor, for Europeans it’s the first floor) where the exterior has more crystal than paint and no one looks inside without permission, at least no one native. You hear honking? That was one of the few niggers around, natives don’t do that shit. They don’t even jaywalk a 6 foot street at 12am even if not a single car passes in hours.

You cannot understand Scandinavia unless you visit Scandinavia, do not try. We Europeans can somewhat understand America because “we are all living in Amerika”, but Americans cannot understand 90% of Europe. You don’t have the material or the point of reference.

Remember, in Sweden the government authorities didn’t try to murder their citizens offering donuts and lotteries, they didn’t even locked them up. You just can’t compare to living in Weimerica. The closest you’d get I guess is some giga red rural town where everyone knows the sheriff and niggers and beggars are silently guided outside of town if they appear.

The Cominator says:

Im talking about American Minnesotta snowniggers…

Western Taliban says:

Well, you were referencing someone talking about Scandinavian behavior. My answer is to your question right after that.

But yes, I get your perspective.

ten says:

How are random “Minnesotta” amerimutts swedes lmao

Arakawa says:

> Maybe Mormon fundamentalist compounds but you aren’t getting anywhere near their women not without buying in for a lot of money.

True that, for an urban yuppie such as myself based religious groups are subject to the Groucho Marx rule: the ones worth getting into are the ones that won’t have you.

Adam says:

I am unaware of any Mormons in the upper Midwest. Nearly all are Lutheran or otherwise Protestant. It’s not so much that people are red pilled. Rural life is different. Resources are scarce. Nearly all property is private property. There is a sort of crab bucket effect especially among the women which keeps them in line.

If your average or below average in SMV, still way better odds at finding a decent looking chick to wife up compared to a bigger town or city. Lots of beautiful women married to short guys who pay their bills on time.

Buy a truck and a cool snowmobile and start going to church. If you can fit in with average family oriented people finding a girl won’t be too hard. Odds are good she will find you.

Fidelis says:

That particular problem is not as bad outside the anglo dominated world. Still plenty more problems you cannot really do much about.

Basil says:

Why is the total fertility rate in the Faroe Islands so high by European standards? Yes, this is a village. But in Danish and Norwegian villages, women do not give birth to 2.3 children.

jim says:

Small islands, cold weather, far from anywhere, hard for women to avoid scrutiny of their families. Less defection, more cooperation. Makes reproduction a lot easier.

Robert says:

My niece just recently visited there, asked her a bunch of questions. From what I gathered they are still very traditional, very Christian, much more so than mainland europe. Also she told me they have a bunch of tunnels connecting all the islands which was pretty impressive to her. The whale is a big part of their culture too, kids take off school to go with family to hunt whales, niece told me whale meat is salty.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Lots of videos on YouTube about Faroese men importing Filipina wives because young Faroese women “go abroad to study”.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Another tragic victim of the jab: Magnus Carlsen, who abruptly withdrew from a chess tournament in St. Louis after losing a game to a low-rated opponent. I’m far less intelligent than him, but I enjoy nerdy hobbies, and would be absolutely devastated if my brain suddenly became unable to perform them.

We know he’s jabbed because he came to the US as a foreign national to play in this tournament.

Red says:

A programmer Friend of mine whom I’ve worked with 15+ years suddenly seems slow after 3 jabs.

Pax Imperialis says:

Possible but…

No mention of Niemann being a self admitted cheater and likely a prolific one at that? No mention that Niemann has supposedly improved at such an unprecedentedly high rate that it is statistically so improbable that it defies belief? Really?

Chess is also not just about skill. It requires discipline and a subsequent mind game as well. Carlsen has a bit of an ego. It’s quite possible that Niemann got in his mind and he under performed. Wouldn’t be the first time it has happened to chess players.

Moreover, computer analysis of Carlsen’s games show little change in overall skill.

alf says:

That was about Niemann cheating.

Rent-A-Knight says:

I obviously didn’t get the jab, I also talked my pregnant wife out it and have a healthy vax-free baby girl now.

My question is, we have gotten COVID twice now, are we at risk to become an excess mortality stat?

jim says:

My experience of Covid is moderate flu. But then I took Ivermectin.

Looks to me that most of the effect of Covid is a nocebo if you are a strict materialist, or demon worship if you are not.

Long before the great Covid drama, I looked into having a flu vaccination. Concluded that the flu vaccination is not very effective, and is far from safe. The Covid vaccine is even less effective, and is enormously more dangerous.

Red says:

I posted a study a earlier that showed that only people with the Jab got heart problems from COVID based on UK data. You’re fine.

Anon says:

Milquetoast election results so far. Looks Like Republicans will or may narrowly take back the House, but Senate is going to be about the same, either a narrow Democrat victory of 50-50 or better or a narrow Republican victory of 51 or so

alf says:

Sounds like a victory for the normalcy faction.

Kunning Drueger says:

Don’t you think victory for normalcy would have been a red wave, just like was predicted and expected and wanted? if that had happened, a 2024 steal would have been far easier to justify. I think I called it accurately: there were definitely some steels perpetrated by the more zealous and radical, but there was not a full and unified attempt to retain and expand the status quo of blue control. as well, the mainstream rate didn’t do anything more than the bare minimum, and the extreme right was foolishly convinced that if they played ball they would get to play ball. I’m not saying I was perfectly correct, but I do think I had the rough picture correct.

The Cominator says:

The victory for the normalcy faction is that there are way too many pussies not yelling fraud.

Red says:

Exactly. They’ve muddied the waters quite effectively. Dems are still stealing races as we type, but the cohesive movement required to call out election theft isn’t happening.

Kunning Drueger says:

let’s not be to hasty. while I have no expectation of the RNC suddenly growing balls and learning that they have principles, I think we might be surprised by the social media tribes that have formed around the right wing. wing meme generators. I know this is not historically where one would expect any kind of cohesive dissent movement, but those meme communities have a way of taking a given sentiment and amplifying and modifying it. Right now, they are super pissed at all. the people who didn’t go out and vote. This suggests that they still believe we can vote our way out of the mess we are in. only in this way are they anything like the RNC types. They are, very unlike the RNC types, incredibly susceptible to our memes, anglins, memes, and other thought viruses from the evil corners of the censored internet. we should be thinking about how to start getting a more sophisticated interpretation of our message into that stream of thought. I know this may seem like a long shot, but God gives us burdens we can only bear but just. just food for thought.

Red says:

I think we might be surprised by the social media tribes that have formed around the right wing. wing meme generators.

They’re currently over run by shills and being betrayed by propaganda agents who spent years signalling that they were on their side. I’m sure they’ll resist later, but the schelling point has already passed. Elite leadership is desperately needed.

The Cominator says:

This the shilling since 2016 makes it pretty impossible to have a memetically sovereign right wing online kingdom the way the old chans used to be.

jim says:

Moderation is essential. And moderation has to be arbitrary, autocratic, subjective, capricious, and unfair, because if there are consistent stated rules that can be enforced mechanically in a predictable way, enemies will game them.

On the other hand, shill tests seem extraordinarily effective, and can be imposed mechanically and predictably. Why do our enemies not just lie their way through the shill test the way they lie about everything else?

The devil, they say, is the father of lies, but it seems that there are some lies he cannot speak without catching on fire.

What happened during the holy wars is that one side would concoct some overly clever theology so that they could speak the words of the enemy’s creed without exactly lying, because in their overly clever theology the words of the enemy creed were given some overly complicated meaning that would come as a big surprise for those that they intended to destroy. With the result that the creeds got longer and longer and more and more complicated, but they never seemed to face a problem with enemies just flat out lying barefaced on the creed. Rather the enemy would turn intellectual somersaults in order to cleverly sound as if they were saying one thing, while actually saying a very different thing.

You might almost think that a Divine lie detector was standing over them.

alf says:

A red wave would have been a blow to the idea that democracy is over. A blue wave would’ve decisively confirmed to all that democracy is over. A mixed bag gives some plausible deniability that democracy is over.

Zach says:
Fireball says:

In Portugal with our 95+% of vaccinated we have to go back a century to find a month with the number of deaths we are having now.

Red says:

What’s the excess death rate increase in Portugal?

Fred says:

Apparently quite high

Fireball says:

Depending on the month 20% to 25% and slowly increasing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic but important:

Col. McGregor is strongly indicating that Jim was right, and the GAE is preparing to engage in Ukraine, and they are quite possibly going to start in Moldova.

The whole thing is worth watching, but here are the key points, starting at 11:15:

– US troops from multiple divisions are in Poland doing heavy conditioning training, preparing for combat tempo operations
– Hungary blocked a support column that went through Moldova instead “coincidentally

someDude says:

I just don’t understand the motivation a soldier (who is forced to salute a female superior officer) has to risk his life? It can’t be the pay check.

How man of these soldiers are being divorce/alimony/child support raped right now? Whats going on?

Mister Grumpus says:

Expect a shitload of sandbagging, that’s for sure, which I understand to have been a significant “problem” during the Syria thing.

Honestly if I was with those guys (though I’d have certainly been kicked out by now), I’d be highly suspicious that they were putting me there just to get killed for a bloody cover photo for Time Magazine.

Nikolai says:

Have you seen the film Top Gun Maverick? It’s about Tom Cruise and the drummer from Whiplash bombing a nuclear reactor on behalf of NATO.

Wildly successful at the box office. Especially with normie R voters. I hate to say it but there’s still a solid contingent of flyover state whites who are ready to commit war crimes for ZOG.

Kunning Drueger says:

“War crime” doesn’t exist. It’s a Cathedral meme. Killing people, burning things, and destroying stuff is a powerful motivator, always has been and always will be.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘War crimes’ is just another way of saying ‘loser crimes’. Everything the winner did is harsh but understandable in light of the necessity of combatting the evil loser, while everything the loser did is unforgivable depravity that just further highlighted the necessity of destroying them by any means possible.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I just don’t understand the motivation a soldier

The adrenaline rush of life and death situations are so great that it’s an altered state of mind. There is complete telos along with every sense dialed up so far beyond standard baseline that perception of reality becomes surreal.

>Expect a shitload of sandbagging

There will be some of that, but in a professional all volunteer military you tend to get men searching for telos ending up in combat arms. They will perform. Others are looking for a ‘good’ death. They too will perform. Some still think they will survive and are just there for a paycheck. For them either the adrenaline kicks in and they perform or they will die.

>‘War crimes’

They exists… sort of. The high of adrenaline erases fear and guilt. It feels great. Then your guys die, and you are still high and feeling great. Then the adrenaline wears off and the full horror sets in that it was your guys who died. Society says only psychopaths are supposed to feel great while your friends die and so you can’t talk about it out of shame and fear. And now you think about it all the time and the trauma never heals. Now the whole experience surrounding the war feels like a crime.

Kunning Drueger says:

war crime==hate crime. It’s a trick or prose. St John fully explained it above. It’s the result of letting women dictate taxonomy and categorization. They want to be notable in their field, but aren’t willing to defeminize themselves and actually become specialists. So they always seem to discover a “new thin.” “No no no, that’s not this thing or that thing, it is actually a distinct thing with characteristics of both this and that. We need a new category for Other Things.” The literature expands, new specialists are needed, textbooks reprinted, and 2 distinct concepts are now Frankensteined into some different concept, forever muddying the waters.

Pax Imperialis says:

What I was describing was the origin of what we call war crimes. It was largely the result of guilt from a mismatch between societal expectations of warriors and what adrenaline highs feel like. The mismatch results in deep trauma that then leaks out into a desire for catharsis. Without anyway to confess to such severe spiritual sins, men will confess to lesser material crimes to describe what they are feeling. End result is that Private White Boy from Fly Over America is so traumatized from a friendly fire incident that he is too ashamed to ever admit to that he confesses to stealing a chicken and destroying civilian property and goes to Fort Leavenworth.

>war crime==hate crime

A modern invention. History is full of men losing themselves in the heat of blood lust and inadvertently feeling great while their own men died, or even worse when they killed their own men through accident or rage. That was the original type of crime committed during war; however, it was mostly a spiritual crime that could be absolved by a priest. Fog of war is a bitch.

The modern trick was to change such spiritual crimes to material crimes and afterwards expand the definition to include killing the enemy.

i says:

My definition of War crime is killing people out of spite rather than necessity.

Since Man is made in God’s Image. Killing mustn’t be done lightly but must only be done to an proper objective.

(Deuteronomy 20:1-15, 20:19-20, 21:10-14) is a good guide to the Laws of War according to God.

Also in rare cases like when Elisha got God to blind the Arameans leading them into the city disarmed instead of killing them. Gave them a great feast which stopped them raiding Israelite territory for a long time(2 Kings 6:8-23).

Echoing the Book of Proverbs:

21If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. 22For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

Cloudswrest says:
Nikolai says:

Even if the term is relatively modern, war crimes obviously exist. Unless you think it’s impossible to do anything illegal or immoral during wartime.

Ex. Azov kidnapping random civilians and using them as human shields so they can accuse Russia of murdering said civilians, acts of cannibalism, sadistic torture for no reason other than to inflict pain on enemy soldiers, tricking a truck driver into becoming a suicide bomber. etc etc.

Aren’t we fucking white here? The British would conduct war in such a gentlemanly fashion that they’d literally organize into lines and fire at each other from 30 yards away. I look at Liberia and think “what a bunch of contemptinle savages”, not “what heroic warriors”

Kunning Drueger says:

If you have to ask if you’re white…

Your describing “crimes.” Prefacing crime with “war” is yielding memetic sovereignty and countenancing Cathedral meme speak. The Brits fired plenty of hits, exterminated vermin, and fought war to the inch. It is not what Azov does that makes them evil, it is who they are and what they fight for.

Kunning Drueger says:

*fired plenty of huts, sheesh

i says:

It is not what Azov does that makes them evil, it is who they are and what they fight for.

Evil is defined by actions as much as by identity. As the Law of War in Deuteronomy implies.

Israelite Soldiers aren’t meant to be like the Sadists of the Assyrian, Babylonian Empire. If you read up on their practices.

Red says:

The British shot at each from 30 yards because of shock tactics. The army with the greatest morale and training would win. Non European armies went down like bitches in a Tijuana whore house from the shock of massed musket fire.

They also had 2 modes of fighting civilization and war to the knife. If your foes failed to fight in a civilized manner, then it was time exterminate them until they stop acting like beasts.

skippy says:

Fighting in lines was about maneovure and control, not gentlemanliness. Everything who could train and discipline troops to do it would do it. The idea of “sniping from the bushes” is fine until the enemy just marches on your roads and blocks your food supply or your farmland and burns it. Sure you can exclude the enemy from backwoods land with low population density and little economic value but who cares?

With lines, you cannot just march past the enemy to his vital logistics and transport points. You have to march through him and cannot easily flank him. A more diffuse but still continuous line might have been preferable in theory but not when the battlefield fills up with smoke and nobody can see what is going on.

The British would enthusiastically burn farmland and otherwise destroy civilian infrastructure to force a reluctant enemy army to battle or to enforce compliance on unrecognized combatants/franc tireurs. This has been an acceptable and necessary part of warfare in all of history until the late 20th century.

A war crime has customarily been the infliction of pointless suffering in cold blood, pain and death for the sake of pain and death once the rush of battle is over. Even the Nazi Germans would sometimes punish their troops for this sort of crime.

ten says:

Immorality != crime. Don’t conflate.

“illegal during wartime”

Pretty stupid concept. “Ok we can’t get along so we’ll send our mean tough guys to slaughter, ravage and reave until you do what we want you to do, BUT we will do so in strict adherence to an unspecified law that governs how to slaughter, ravage and reave in a gentlemanly fashion”.

Follow that pattern and you will end up dying to whoever defects first.

Sometimes soldiers inflict pointless suffering. Bad. Better to fight with honour. Fighting with honour does not mean doing things nicely despite it harming prospects of victory. The britbongs fought for victory, not to be gentlemanly.

If you abandon honour and victory, you get liberia, because defection wins. The concept war crime is holiness spiraled dishonour – “You recognize it is bad to torture toddlers to death and rape and scalp virgins in front of their parents to goad them to making a military mistake? That it leads to cycles of ever increasing savagery until we are liberia? Yes? Excellent, now i will drop thirty thousand tons of high explosives on your daughters if you kill the human shields my insurgents surround themselves with, because you commited a war crime”

The concept of war crime is a trap, and the reality you are talking about is called dishonour.

Red says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”People voted for a mentally disabled vegitable to control the course of their lives and livelihoods because they felt sorry for him.”

Lol, lmao.

Starman says:


“>”People voted for a mentally disabled vegitable to control the course of their lives and livelihoods because they felt sorry for him.”

Lol, lmao.”

And they will be feeling those mRNA rubbery “tree branch” clots grow and grow in their arteries…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A major factor unlying the sheer scale of death and disablement is the novelty of the threat.

Normally, slow but progressive degredation of health and wellness to disablement and death comes about from chronic low level exposure to a stressor, spread out over a long time period. A lethal result from a single encounter is usually also imediately lethal. This can include things like elemental containants, more complex high molecular weight carbon-hydrogen molecues, and also most forms of hostile microscopic life, from prions to fungi. The only common phenomena with a remotely similar epidemeological progression would be something like a dormant protozoan or parasitic organism with multiple life-cycle stages, that don’t start ‘commig online’ until given periods of time.

Virii can be discreetly isolated, and most chemical contaminants can likewise be denatured or mobilized and extreted with compatible antidotive compounds, whether existing in nature or synthatically manufactured. But what do you do when a subect’s own cells have been mutated with alien DNA as the root of pathology? Will mitosis result in it becoming endeic throughout all cells in the body in toto? Could apoptosis remove the bad seed from play?

Theoretically, this could be treated if there was some means of targeting mutant cells for destruction. There is likely research from cancer studies to this effect that could be adapted for this purpose; but this is also one thing that the presently regnant institutions of medicine will never do, because it is the same institution that aided and abetted the very calamity it would be responsible for treating in the first place.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is frankly almost impossible to conceive that something this evil has actually happened – that there are beings that exist that could actually countenance perpetrating such a thing.

Millions of people, through ignorance, impulse, or coercion from family, business, and rulership, have brought doom upon themselves by corruption of chaos, an accursed ritual spellwork, a literal mark of the beast.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>68.2% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Arakawa says:

The bizarre contrast between the overheated rhetoric and threats of enslavement and ostracism vs. the reality of how limp and sissy by historical standards the persecution turned out to be against anyone who showed the slightest spine, strongly suggests a spiritual basis for the threat. Those who gave in were those who wanted to give in. Those who did not want to give in, did not give in.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I know of one guy who, at the time, thought the ‘vaccines’ were just literally injecting people with the effective equivalent of covid infection in the first place, thus explaining the morbidity. But by that same token, he twisted it into thinking he could ‘cheat the system’ by using prophylactic measures that are effective against wuflu, to get the jab (and thus the stamp of approval) without suffering for it. In effect, pitting his magic against theirs.

At the time he claimed he had no adverse effects beyond injection site pain in the first few weeks. That was about two or so years ago. But, last we spoke, prompted by some of these recent articles, i mentioned other common symptoms of the jab that people might not normally associate it with, like kidney pain, and he said that yes, he actually has noticed a persistency of twinges in this area, even years later; and once that was noticed, it was basically like a floodgate of other things he originally thought of as isolated or caused by other factors, that he now feared were all caused by the jab as well. The course was decided in ignorance of the true nature of the threat.

Pax Imperialis says:

There has been so much imperial excess for so long that Americans are conditioned to try to cheat the system. Everything from college admissions to business regulations.

There is little push back to most government tyranny because of that. Most of the time all it requires is very small inconveniences to avoid much larger imposed inconveniences. Most* thought they could cheat the vaccine as well. Turns out they (me included) were wrong.

*In my experience in DoD and government circles

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course, sample size is N=1; but as they say, all evidence is anecdotal evidence at the limit.

I suspect that a lot of it was really a way to rationalize giving in to the social pressure coming from living and working in a bluetribe community. This was someone who was normally based about a lot of things, and never at any time recommended anyone else get the jab – or any other vaccine for that matter – yet somehow, came up with a reason to take it themselves.

Pax Imperialis says:

For what’s it’s worth you can make that N+1;

I thought I could cheat the vaccine requirement by getting J&J. I thought I could cheat J&J by taking prophylactic measures against clots and inflammation.

I think you know how that turned out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Another angle to consider is, i wonder how many cases there are of people of people going to medical facilities for one reason, and being surreptitiously dosed under the pretense of some other kind of injection. That local anesthetic they’re shooting up for a toothache: whose to say they haven’t mixed in some fauciuice with the serum as well.

And why not? It’s safe, safe, safer than water, and it’s for the restive cattle’s own good anyways.

I honestly wouldn’t put any kind of skullduggery as unconscionable at this point.

Red says:

They’re going to go after the kids that way.

JustAnotherGuy says:

A good friend of mine literally got jabbed after ending up intoxicated at the hospital.

Anyone remember Jim’s story of doctors literally trying to get him killed when they got him on the bed by trying to force him into some sort of trap?

Docs didn’t even bother asking my guy for permission or anything, they just straight up jabbed him after checking his records to see he was unvaxxed and gave him a note that he’s been successfully jabbed at so and so.

Any, and I mean ANY hospital stories I hear of these days confirms that I need to treat those places like death traps, like giant manslaughter machines made just to cause endless suffering and eventual death. If I can afford too, I’m never going to get into a hospital for any reason.

Arakawa says:

That’s certainly a counter example to my overall rule. But in most cases the situation has been as Francis Berger’s blog puts it, “they will do everything in their power to ensure the choice is yours”.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

This was obviously intended to be permanent systemic disablement that will be passed on to children as well through affected germline cells.

I can only pray for the sake of the innocent – however few there may be – that it is shaniquatech that will malfunction in some way with respect to this intended behavior.

Red says:

If not, the unvaxed shall inherit the earth.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That was always the idea of course.

But then of course, the plan was for only the effendi to be unvaxxed.

That’s the irony isn’t it? The kind of people willing to do such a thing, would not capable of the kind structural competence to actually pull it off for real. And so instead, what we are looking at is, in the large majority of cases, a bluetribe genocide in every part of the atlantic empire.

Mister Grumpus says:

“If not, the unvaxxed shall inherit the earth.”
“That was always the idea of course.”

Please elaborate a little on why and how you perceive intentionality here, that the vax was intended to harm people, as opposed to “simply” the result of cultural revolution moral panic, with Shaniquatech.

I’m not even arguing. Just asking.

Because so far, I just can’t “handle” the intentionality theory. What I CAN “handle” is that the vaxx IS harmful, there were plenty of reasons to predict and suspect as much at the beginning (ADE and Vox Day’s “case nightmare kitty”), but the anti-Trump anti-Kulak “mass formation” moral panic terror around Covid was so strong (plus some profit motive of course) that there was simply no one with any authority who could let himself be seen hitting the brakes on it.

But I sure as heck can’t disprove intentionality either.

For example, this is the one that really gets me: We have athletes in some sports, like European soccer mainly, who are having heart attacks on the field, but not one American pro athlete doing this. This certainly implies, to me, that SOME authorities knew that the vaxx was dangerous (plus unnecessary for healthy people), and that they therefore needed to give saline solution to the athletes who would be on live TV, so as not to “give people the wrong idea”.

I can see that, but I can’t quite make the jump — not yet — to the vaxx being intentionally harmful from the beginning. Rather, that it was known to be harmful, or at least unnecessary and potentially harmful, and some elites — who were unable to be seen refusing the vaxx themselves — found a way to dodge it with saline solution, but only as an emergency mid-stream work-around, rather than a master plan.

Oh and also, those Covid skeptic African leaders (Tanzania was it?) getting assassinated. That bolsters the intentionality theory too!

What “exhibits” pushed you over the edge?

Red says:

Blacks in the US are very holy and thus got the saline solution in pro-sports. Father away from the heart of the empire, the lesser beings were not told that they should take the saline shot instead of the vax. Though I’ve heard french leaders took saline shots instead of the vax.

Karl says:

Nah, saline shots are only for those that need to be told they got the vaxx.

French leaders (or anyone else who could make a physician hand out a vaxx pass for a saline injection) didn’t bother with any injection all. They just took the pass that certified they were vaxxed.

Red says:

Please elaborate a little on why and how you perceive intentionality here, that the vax was intended to harm people, as opposed to “simply” the result of cultural revolution moral panic, with Shaniquatech.

Modern’s patenting of a good chunk of the COVID spike protean in 2016. COVID was built in a lab and the vaccine was built before COVID was released based on how quickly both mRNA jab makers were able to start testing their vaccine.

Mister Grumpus says:

Good point. I don’t know if it was 2016 or what, or for what, but the fact that “Covid stuff” was already patented, and that they had thousands of “test kits” all ready to go like a week into this thing, I mean how does that happen exactly if they’re genuinely responding to something new and unexpected. So fishy.

The Cominator says:

Fauci the Jesuit in charge said that it was certain Trump would face a pandemic in 2016 I think. They knew well in advance.

jim says:

> I can see that, but I can’t quite make the jump — not yet — to the vaxx being intentionally harmful from the beginning. Rather, that it was known to be harmful, or at least unnecessary and potentially harmful, and some elites — who were unable to be seen refusing the vaxx themselves — found a way to dodge it with saline solution, but only as an emergency mid-stream work-around, rather than a master plan.

Vaccine created first, thing it was supposed to vaccinate against created next.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Vaccine created first, thing it was supposed to vaccinate against created next.”

To what are you referring here, though? To vaccines — or at least big elements of them? — having been patented before the pandemic even started?

Red says:

To what are you referring here, though? To vaccines — or at least big elements of them? — having been patented before the pandemic even started?

The spike protean was the only particularly novel element of COVID19 and it was patented in 2016. IE they build the vaccines first, then the virus.

skippy says:

As I see it, Vaccine is not so much “Shaniqua tech” as “grant system science.”

The plan makes logical sense:

1. make a virus that depends on a very unusual protein you designed

2. make a vaccine that targets that very unusual protein

Nobody had ever deployed this on humans before. All other vaccines somehow train the immune system on an entire pathogen. But there is some logic to it.

Also, it worked in local trials.

And then, it proximally appeared to work in population trials.

What had they missed? Evolutionary dynamics. If you target a very specific part of the virus, you create massive selection pressure to change that part of the virus and that part only. Since the virus as a whole doesn’t have to change all that much, good chance it can evolve out of immunity and yet still be virulent. Also, original antigenic sin.

These things were known. But in the grant funding world, scientists are “experts” on one very narrow task and they work on it in 2-3 year increments. Nobody has cross-disciplinary knowledge. The people designing viruses and vaccines in labs knew a lot about their day job, but nothing about dynamical systems.

Also makes more sense to me on grounds the system knows Shanique is dumb, but does not “know” that the grant system/compartmentalized science is “dumb”.

jim says:

Right from the beginning the heat came down and doctors to not diagnose morbidity symptoms of jab – for example D-Dimer tests were not to be given, and if given, had to be “confirmed” by MRI. (Because the MRI shows nothing, the stringy bits being long, thin, and about the density of blood, the D-Dimer test is then deemed a false positive)

Similarly, someone dies mysteriously, the coroners sees his arteries are full of strange stringy bits, turn a blind eye to those strange stringy bits.

This indicates mens rea – they knew from the beginning that the jab was killing people, and had a very good idea of some the major and most common symptoms of death by jab.

As the jab was rolled out, doctors and coroners were simultaneously told to that noticing certain things would be very bad for their careers.

Mens Rea.

Red says:

@Skippy that doesn’t explain why they deep sixed the J&J vaccine when it wasn’t killing enough people or why they replace the Oxford-AstraZeneca with the mRNA ones as soon as they had the supplies.

It appears to be a concerted effort to kill people.

jim says:

Obviously a concerted effort to kill people and destroy fertility, since they were issuing fake vaccinations to some people and groups.

skippy says:

Their goal may have been both to kill people with the vaccine and also to “stop the pandemic.”

I’m not totally sure why, but then I’m also not totally sure why they wouldn’t just kill people with a deadlier virus if their aim were to only kill people.

jim says:

> why they wouldn’t just kill people with a deadlier virus if their aim were to only kill people.

The initial release of the virus was deadly, but deadly means virus does not get transmitted, so it rapidly evolved back towards wild type, just another cold/flu/sniffle.

The virus was bioengineered to attack the lungs, and in the early days there were a whole lot of reports of those affected turning blue by oxygen deprivation.

Patients turning blue was the original deadly form as designed. By the time the virus spread beyond the old people’s homes in which it was initially seeded, those infected beyond the initial seeding no longer turned blue. From the point of view of the virus, the deadliness mods were just baggage. Attacking lung tissue was a dead end.

Attacking the lungs is only useful to virus to result in coughing. If the virus deprives its host of oxygen, less likely to be transmitted. The virus wants you walking around and doing your normal things.

When the truly deadly version of the virus was swiftly outcompeted by more infective versions, which spread far faster, they decided to engineer the “vaccine” to have the same effect, albeit primarily in the slower and gentler form of infertility, miscarriage, and perinatal mortality.

The cholera bacterium produces spores that can last for a very long time outside the body, so does not mind killing its host too much. Cold/flu/sniffle type viruses are extremely fragile. Soap and water kills them, dry air kills them, damp air kills them, warm air kills them. Would not surprise me if giving them a dirty look kills them. So they need close contact between the carrier and next victim, so do not want to incapacitate its host too severely.

Would have had better luck with a smallpox type virus. I thought that monkeypox was their second attempt, but it seems to be a natural disease opportunistically targeting populations with weakened immune systems. Typically gays who have been massively jabbed.

If you don’t want your disease to evolve away from lethality, you need something spore or mosquito transmitted. Rather than figuring out how to enable a common cold/flu to attack lung tissue, should have worked on enabling various mosquito borne diseases to attack new species of mosquito, and to kill their human hosts. Adapt breakbone fever or one of its many relatives to mosquitoes common in white countries, and once it can infect temperate zone mosquitoes, improve its lethality to humans.

simplyconnected says:

There was a video from NIH Sept. 2019 iirc where you could pause and see in a refrigerator a box labelled: “covid-19 vaccine”. I’m looking but can’t find it at the moment. If interested I can dig it up, it should still be possible to find.

jim says:

Vaccine first, disease next.

Planned the jab, then planned the epidemic. So the jab was to serve some ulterior purpose.

If the purpose was as innocent as making money, would have been difficult to keep the lid on a the conspiracy. For something on this scale, you need a conspiracy of the faithful.

simplyconnected says:

While we are discussing foreknowledge, one can look at FDA meeting Oct. 22, 2020 [2hr 33min 40sec]. Presenter quickly skips slide showing known adverse effects of injection (prior to rollout). FDA and Pfizer tried to have that information hidden for 75 years. They knew, wanted to keep it hidden, messed up showing the key slide for an instant during a public meeting.

simplyconnected says:

If the purpose was as innocent as making money, would have been difficult to keep the lid on a the conspiracy.

Sasha Latypova’s (longtime pharma executive) argument is that if their motivation were money, they could’ve injected saline. Higher profit (since zero cost), and wouldn’t have raised suspicion (no adverse events), so uptake would’ve been higher.

It also would’ve more easily allowed for their vaxpass/digital ID introduction. As we discussed some time ago here, they may have miscalculated, they likely thought they could inject everyone:

Which begs a question: hasn’t the unleashing of deadly mRNA jabs been a strategic mistake on the WEF’s part? I mean, they are literally wiping out their most ardent supporters. It seems to me that they just couldn’t resist to commence with the depop agenda in front of everything else. If they delivered placebos in people’s arms, they would still be able to introduce the mandates, digital IDs, vilify the unvaccinated and so forth, without risking anything. Unless they truly believed that they would be able to jab 100% of us.

Starman says:

@Simply Connected

”Which begs a question: hasn’t the unleashing of deadly mRNA jabs been a strategic mistake on the WEF’s part? I mean, they are literally wiping out their most ardent supporters.”

It’s a stunning example of evil marring evil.

God will not be mocked.

Red says:

It also would’ve more easily allowed for their vaxpass/digital ID introduction. As we discussed some time ago here, they may have miscalculated, they likely thought they could inject everyone:

They’re still going to inject everyone. Look a big push shortly focusing on children.

jim says:

Sterilization by vax to be followed by hormonal intersexualization.

simplyconnected says:

Red wrote:

They’re still going to inject everyone. Look a big push shortly focusing on children.

I fear this (and I avoid hospitals like the plague for this reason) but what can they do at this point? Recent booster uptake is everywhere below 50%, and vanishingly low for children. They had to close those awful child injection centers in NYC because no clientele.

Red says:

Vaccine requirements to attend school. Someone leaked that NY is planning it after the midterms. All the blue states will probably do it.

I saw the first story about COVID on reddit in ages today concerning a cruise ship. Looks like they’re ramping up again.

simplyconnected says:

Red wrote:

Vaccine requirements to attend school.

They always keep pushing, and maybe it works in blue cities, but I find it hard to imagine they can force people when possibly a majority is now skeptical of all vaccines. Looking at uncensored comment sections (in MSM, and until they realize and censor them), people seem to know what’s going on. We shall see I suppose.

Red says:

They always keep pushing, and maybe it works in blue cities, but I find it hard to imagine they can force people when possibly a majority is now skeptical of all vaccines.

Then school goes ahead and jabs them without telling the parents the same way they turn them tranny without telling their parents.

simplyconnected says:

Red wrote:

Then school goes ahead and jabs them without telling the parents the same way they turn them tranny without telling their parents.

I’m afraid you are right. What’s worse is that, as injections are shown to be increasingly harmful, they may become increasingly fanatical.

simplyconnected says:

Red wrote:

Then school goes ahead and jabs them without telling the parents the same way they turn them tranny without telling their parents.

I’m afraid you are right. What’s worse is that, as injections are shown to be increasingly harmful, they may become increasingly fanatical.

Pax Imperialis says:

The flu is gone. Weak Covid replaced it. No more annual flu shot just means an annual Covid shot. When it is renamed so it’s not immediately associated with the original mRNA shots a good portion of people will return to getting their annual shot.

Mister Grumpus says:

Thank you. You guys are awesome.

Mister Grumpus says:

“When the truly deadly version of the virus was swiftly outcompeted by more infective versions, which spread far faster, they decided to engineer the “vaccine” to have the same effect, albeit primarily in the slower and gentler form of infertility, miscarriage, and perinatal mortality.”

Hey wait. Didn’t you just reverse the time and logical order here, saying the vaccine came later?

I do remember how the J&J shot, in particular, was getting a bad rap in the media about “blood clots”. What’s conspicuous to me now is how the J&J company didn’t fight back to rehabilitate their product and make a few more bucks. That would make more sense. I notice that dog not barking today. Maybe the idea was to let people believe that the bad vaccines were gone, so only the safe ones remained. Someone had to be the patsy.

And while we’re here, what do you guys make of the Sputnik 5 and Chinese vaccines?

jim says:

Vax first, then disease engineered for massive lethality. Lethality failed, due to evolution back to wild type, plans adapted ad hoc on the fly.

i says:

Which begs a question: hasn’t the unleashing of deadly mRNA jabs been a strategic mistake on the WEF’s part? I mean, they are literally wiping out their most ardent supporters.

The Satanic world system is a damnation machine. Now the Demons will have their harvest of souls who put themselves beyond redemption.

And they will all be dragged into hell with the Devil and his Angels.

Andy says:

Does anyone have predictions or thoughts on how mass Covid “vaccination” might affect the political scene in the next 10-20 years if heavily vaxxed and boosted blue tribesmen start dropping dead and fail to reproduce even more? Will the death/disability/infertility rate be small enough to not have much of an impact overall? I suspect it will be studiously ignored by msm in any case.

Anecdotally, the unvaxxed in my area have a much higher fertility rate. It makes me wonder what things will look like in 30 – 50 years if we aren’t annihilated in some sort of conflagration.

Starman says:


“Does anyone have predictions or thoughts on how mass Covid ‘vaccination’ might affect the political scene in the next 10-20 years if heavily vaxxed and boosted blue tribesmen start dropping dead and fail to reproduce even more? Will the death/disability/infertility rate be small enough to not have much of an impact overall? I suspect it will be studiously ignored by msm in any case.”

There won’t be much of an MSM after this.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t know bro. it’s just too effective to have a widespread megaphone for transmitting mind viruses to the Commons. I’m pretty sure something would rise to take its place quite quickly, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, by the way. imagine if we let the Taliban run the mainstream media. based, red-pilled, and lit… as in the side of mites would be on fire as they fell from the rooftops.

>side of mites

This was a VTT transcription error and I love it. I humbly ask everyone to incorporate “side of mites” into your various meme operations.

Andy says:


From your keyboard to god’s ears

Robert says:

Off topic but I just found that march of dimes has a bunch of good info on fertility in america, down to county level, race, maternal age, bunch of stuff.

Kunning Drueger says:

“…but I’m only linking it if you donate to my GoFundMe.” Or what bro? Post dat link, my son.

Robert says:

Take my hand, I’ll lead you there

And I was gonna ask everyone to subscribe to my only fans instead.

jim says:

This does not contain information that would enable us to compare prejab and postjab fertility and perinatal mortality.

This resembles the situation that happened with the death rate when the jab was introduce. Data was delayed, and recording was changed that made pre jab and post jab records incomparable.

Also, there were and are massive internal discrepancies in the post jab mortality rate data indicating massive fraud, and discrepancies with insurance and funeral data.

What I see is not fertility data, but a suspicious absence of fertility data.

Kunning Drueger says:

jfc I was going to say “only fans” but I was trying to be incrementally less gay for once.

Severian says:

Elon keeps taking out the trash. Let’s hope walks on that Twitter moderation council.
I agree with Yarvin on this. Twitter should be in the truth business, but not outsourcing it to the mainstream. The Community Fact check system is a good start.

Severian says:

I meant let’s hope he walks *BACK* on that twitter moderation council.

Mister Grumpus says:

Long haul, my dude. Art of the Possible.

A2 says:

It seems likely to me that Musk will have to implement some sort of moderation. But note that the moderators don’t have to be activist LGBTs from India. (I’m guessing most of the moderation will be automatic btw.)

What if the human moderators instead are, say, straight white men from the balkans, or perhaps formerly suppressed Australian (cough) posters? Preferably such that are not defeated by lawgic traps and the like. I think I could live with that.

Mister Grumpus says:

Sticking feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a chicken, and writing “moderator” on your namebadge doesn’t make you Cathedral.

That said, there are still some straight-face plausibly-deniable games that might remain playable, especially while Twitter is shut down for three months of Chapter 11 proceedings. I’ve always been a fan of publishable “blocklists”, so that someone could subscribe to the SPLC’s and ADL’s curated list of un-see-ables, if he wanted to.

But that too has a 1% chance of working out, because the point of moderation isn’t to make crimethinkers invisible to Cathedralites, but rather to make crimethinkers invisible to each other.

(Still though, if you’re reading this, Mr. Thiel, give Elon the good word anyway, OK?)

A2 says:

Elon, if you get turned into the next moderation bitch, at least make sure they turn on the ad spending again in return. And recruit the next moderator team in Nigeria.

Neurotoxin says:

The situation with Musk at Twitter is great: He’s doing to Twitter what the left has been doing to the western world for more than a century: Converge it or kill it. The left tries to take over an important institution. If it succeeds, great for the left. If not, it drive it into failure. Either way, normal people lose an important institution protecting them. Musk, whether intentionally or not, has done the same thing to Twitter now that there’s talk of Twitter going bankrupt.

Red says:

Musk does that pretty regularly in order to induce employees to work hard. He did it with SpaceX last year over raptor 2 engines production issues. I don’t think he’s lying, he sold a bunch of Tesla stock to keep SpaceX afloat. My guess is he doesn’t try to save twitter if it fails.

Neurotoxin says:

Either way it’s good. Either Twitter stays afloat with Musk as CEO or it goes down in flames.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Zucc, like many skypes, feels attracted to priestly forms, but that does not by necessity mean competence at priestly forms.

Looks to me like much of it is leaning more on the side of thanklessly trying to buy his way into power, like many merchants, while his ‘clients’ are making the choices on how the money gets used, not him.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Amerikaner says:

A few thoughts/questions on setting up a wireguard vpn on a vps for opsec:

– Use only on a machine/vm which is running linux and not associated with any real life accounts or info, ie don’t log in to Google on it
– Set up killswitch on machine, ie with firewall or iptables to only allow traffic through wireguard interface
– On both client and server, set ssh settings as recommended by Jim in section 4.1 here:
– Pay for VPS with monero or washed btc
– VPS should be in country relatively outside GAE influence, ie nothing in US/Canada/EU. Probably best places are EE, Asia excluding China/Korea/Japan.

Am I missing anything?

Would it be a mistake to rent a VPS from a company which is based in the US or has a US presence, even if the VPS is offshore?

I know people probably don’t want to reveal their favorite countries or companies for hosting, but can you give me any clues on what to look for?

jim says:

Exactly so.

Though I would recommend having several such machines, some of them in enemy jurisdictions, corresponding to one’s identities that have different exposures. They do not cost all that much.

Adam says:

This question may sound stupid but how would one get an email account without using another email account or phone number to set it up?

Red says:

If you live in the US you buy a burner phone with cash. They’re still legal in the US because black criminals use them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Burner phones and obscure webmail services with no KYC (you’ll have to do lots of trawling for this) can be used for boostrapping to desired accounts with no direct links.

Adam says:

Thanks guys I appreciate it.

Red says:

Head up burner phones generally ask for an email address or exiting phone number during setup. They’re designed for black criminals so canceling the prompt or a fake email generally works. They don’t have a desire to verify that it’s your email address so anything works.

Amerikaner says:

You don’t need a burner phone. Try tutantota or protonmail or something like that, if they ask for a confirmation email use a temporary email service like I don’t trust these email providers, but it’s ok since the only email you receive there should be for account signups to the same identity. Obviously if you need secure communication use GPG or bitmessage.

skippy says:

Protonmail does not allow anonymous signup. They want your personal details or a “donation” (credit card info).

Protonmail is probably a CIA front. Maybe they have to work harder to get info out of PM than out of google.

Red says:

If you try to sign up to protonmail behind a VPN they require verification (working email, phone number, etc). If you use a regular ISP and browser you can get an email account anonymously. But yes very likely they’re handing everything over to the NSA or CIA, so using them isn’t good opsec.

skippy says:

If you sign up behind your real IP then how are you anonymous?

They are saying they require your fingerprint, but you can choose what fingerprint to give them, and you only need to give them one, not the whole hand.

Protonmail is a service that is designed to present as oriented towards privacy, but always leaves a hole.

Red says:

>If you sign up behind your real IP then how are you anonymous?

Anonymous as in you don’t have hand over dirrectly identifying information. You could sign up a friend’s house or the public wifi to go around it.

VPNs are often used to create spam email accounts so the requirement of identifying information when signing up from a VPN is legitimate. But I wouldn’t trust them not to hand over your IP information to the Feds. Pretty much every corp in the west is compromised when it comes to federal spying.

Which is why I recommended a burner phone.

skippy says:

If you are going to use an internet cafe in another city or another country, and check it first for cameras, then OK.

Protonmail seems more like an op designed to scoop up data on people who believe they have some reason to need anonymity from the people that direct Protonmail, than a real privacy service.

Guerillamail appears legit, but also likely to be rejected as a legitimate email provider by many services (not all though).

Kunning Drueger says:

Hey Basil, watch this video of a few Ukes finding a package of Russian soldier rations:

Red says:

Looks like pretty decent food.

Basil says:

This video confirms my position that the war was not needed. These same half-starved men would not object to economic integration if Russia were East European Germany, but with normal legal norms and without queers and feminism in cultural life.

By the way, Kherson was just surrendered there and now you can see a yellow-blue flag over the city. And here is Lukashenko’s fresh quote “Minsk is committed to developing bilateral relations with Warsaw and is ready to” build bridges of friendship, not border walls with barbed wire. ”

Putin lost not only Ukraine, but also Belarus.

jim says:

What makes you think that their opinion on economic integration matters?

What makes you think that their opinion on anything matters? They are cannon fodder under the control of authorities that hate them and want them dead.

Ukrainians face the choice of run or die. They just have not figured it out yet. So, in the end, probably will die.

The big weakness in Russian strategy has always been that they want to avoid killing Ukrainians and the Ukrainian government wants Ukrainians killed.

Basil says:

Ukrainian oligarchs who trade in coal/ore/grain/ (…) do not need borders with Belarus and Russia. Ukraine, at least until 2014, was a classic oligarchic state. People who come to state power are direct agents of certain oligarchs, or they themselves are such oligarchs. Ukraine is a weak state, and only the war made possible the consolidation of power in one hand.

jim says:

And after 2014, a Soros Muppet state. The war did not consolidate power in one hand. Rather, the consolidation of power in one hand made it possible to make war.

this is why you will lose says:

[*social justice warrior projecting as usual*]

Trump 2024 says:

Putin’s just getting started in the Ukraine.

You’re looking at cannon fodder. NATO has spent years training a massive army of professional Ukrainian soldiers on Russia’s border, and ZOG is flooding the country with mercs.

The war is just.

Pax Imperialis says:

I don’t get the Soros fixation. Soros is bad but overblown. He’s just one of the many money launderers of Harvard. Got a naked feminist protester problem in Russia? Pepper spray and some burly dudes. What about Soros funded university in Hungary? Close it down. A boat of a mere 230 migrants heading to Italy? Just say no…

What’s Soros going to do? Send in an army he doesn’t have? The power of Soros is an illusion. He’s no more powerful than the Church functionary that passes the donation basket down the pews and collects it at the end. True power has always resided with the state religion of Harvard.

Open Society has a paltry 32 billion to burn. That’s a lot of shills. Harvard has an endowment fund of 53 billion and growing. That’s a lot more shills and likely much smarter ones at that. Add in the rest of the Ivy League and it grow to around 100 billion. Add in the Harvard ecosystem where their graduates go to work like NPR, Radio Free Europe, CNN, NGOs, State Universities, etc etc and you’re definitely in the hundreds of billions if not trillions.

But I suppose that if one is a small European country surrounded by State Department controlled vassal states, that maybe it’s easier to blame Soros as a proxy of America without directly saying America and risk overtly pissing off all the neighbors. I may have answer my initial question.

The Cominator says:

Soros is a functionary but to some degree Harvard is just a functionary too… yes many powerful people go through Harvard but Harvard is just a metanym for power. I doubt the executive body of the media is the Kennedy School of Government Tenure Comittee or the Harvard board of trustees…

Pax Imperialis says:

Check out CNN’s leadership. It’s dominated by the New England cohort. Awful lot of Harvard or affiliated Ivy League types with the odd Jesuit school alumni. The executive body of CNN might as well be the Kennedy School of Government.

Now repeat for all major left wing media outlets and you’ll see the same structure. Calling Harvard power is a little more than figurative.

Where are all the Stanford, MIT, and Caltec graduates in media? Aren’t they suppose to be just as smart as the Ivy League graduates if not smarter?

The Cominator says:

The Jesuits are probably the ones in charge they were in charge of covid… Tokugawa Ieyashu did literally nothing wrong.

Pax Imperialis says:

Zuckerberg’s CZI (Harvard) is burning though billions in covid related funding. It’s clearly a distributed group effort of the New England system. Those Jesuit schools are all in both close physical and intellectual proximity to Harvard (Ivy League in general).

Might as well call it ‘Greater Harvard.’

The Cominator says:

Or greater Georgetown…

Pax Imperialis says:

Well now you got me researching how many of those New England schools are Jesuit. Elite high schools included.

Neofugue says:

The important private schools on the East Coast are Protestant, not Roman Catholic.

The uber-wealthy are mostly Protestants, while the upper-middle-class is divided among Jews, Protestants and Catholics, each living in different areas.

The Jesuits are one of many factions within the Polygon. Catholic elites are wealthy and influential, but are not as wealthy or influential as the Protestant or the Jewish elites.

The Cominator says:

Faucis wasn’t.

Neofugue says:

He got his MD at Cornell, hardly a Catholic school.

The Cominator says:

But his high school and regular college was holy cross.

Redfield’s school were all Jesuit schools even the med school.

Kunning Druegger says:

There’s no single entity “behind it all.” That’s Hollywood horseshit. I totally get the desire for a single enemy, it makes things simpler. But if you pushed a button and all the Jesuits disappeared, the Cathedral wouldn’t disappear as well. Same for the jews, same for the sodomites.

…now if you made a button that could push three buttons at once…

Cadfael says:

Zuckerberg attended Exeter, while the Bushes and others attended Andover. Both prep schools are feeders to the Ivy League, and were originally associated with Calvinists who fled Harvard when it turned Unitarian. Don’t think there was too much Jesuit influence there.

The Cominator says:

“There’s no single entity “behind it all.” That’s Hollywood horseshit.”

There is a unified command… maybe various factions fall under it but the Jesuits are the best link there is.

Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit…

Humanism was the original leftism and more or less it came from the Jesuits.

And given that they seem to like to tip their hand in weird ways in the media and pop culture remember what the devil says in the Devil’s Advocate… he says I’m a Humanist.

Anon says:

Do you have any material to recommend on the Jesuit theory?

Kunning Drueger says:

The paucity of modern literature on the very theory is quite honestly TCs biggest point in his favor in my opinion. As I’m sure he will no doubt tell you, many people of note used to be very leery of the Jesuits. With good reason, most Catholics are quite annoying, and Catholics that are part of a secret community with lots of money and power are magnitudes worse. I do not agree with him on this, though. I do think they are part of the overall cathedral hierarchy, but I will say that the ratio of tin foil to actual substance has been shifting in my mind over time. The hurdle that I will never be able to get over is that I just don’t believe in centralized control within the framework of what we see going on currently. This is not to say that there couldn’t be some centralized control mechanism for a society, or collection of societies, like ours, I just think it would be configured much differently.

Neurotoxin says:

“I just don’t believe in centralized control within the framework of what we see going on currently.”

Ditto. Factionalism has always been one of the left’s Achilles heels. E.g. Jim on Trotskyites: “Two Trots, three factions.”

As bad as our situation is right now, if the left could really do unity it would be so much worse. Thank God their genetically-encoded personality type is “Betray! Betray! Betray!”

If the “unitary actor” model turns out to be correct, though, that would be good if we ever find out the names of that small number of people: A small number of people to politically neutralize.

Dr. Faust says:

What is the Jesuits goals and mission?

jim says:

> I don’t get the Soros fixation.

During the twenty first century, no other specific identifiable Jew has committed anything like as much specific identifiable harm.

So if someone says “Joo Joo Joo name the Joo Joo Joo”, but is strangely unable to notice any specific identifiable misdeeds by Soros, you know who that someone is working for.

Similarly, when someone says “9/11 was an inside job” I ask them about Mueller.

The anticapitalists are, for the most part, working for Soros, (“Joo Joo Joo” being a leadup to the theory that capitalism is recent and Jewish) The troofers are, for the most part, working for Mueller.

If someone says “Joo Joo Joo Joo name the Joo Joo Joo” he likely spends a vast amount of energy and effort trying to get you to Musk or people like Musk. If you don’t hate Musk you must be a tool of the Jews he tells you.

Pax Imperialis says:

>no other specific identifiable Jew has committed anything like as much specific identifiable harm.

Zuckerberg (Harvard graduate) and his $45 billion CZI is the hot new thing. They are increasingly messing around in politics and based on the facebook feed I get from people who work there, it’s all for left wing causes. Zuckerberg also bankrolls Soros backed groups and talked about supporting an “open society.”

Soros is about to kick the bucket. His atrophied and gaunt faced son is a joke coasting off of his father’s legacy. Open Society is already becoming an extension of CZI.

How do you know they are strangely unable to notice Soros because of Soros? What if they are strangely unable to notice Soros because of Zuckerberg?

Do the “Joo Joo” people name Zuckerberg?

The Cominator says:

Zuck im pretty sure got extorted with threats they were going to nail him for tax evasion if he didnt cough up the money…

jim says:

Zuckerberg is not overthrowing governments and burning white people out of their cities.

I am not aware of Zukerberg funding shills and entryists. He may well be doing so, but I have not noticed any, while Soros is funding huge numbers of shills and entryists, so even if Zuckerberg was burning white people out their homes like Soros, Soros would still be a more useful test against entryists.

Of course the most general and universal test is the women question, but when I see a shill who appears to be working off a Soros script, would rather hit him with the Soros test. Similarly, FBI script, Mueller test.

If Zuckerberg was funding as many “Joo Joo Joo” people as Soros, I would probably have a Zukerberg test

Pax Imperialis says:

>Zuckerberg is not overthrowing governments and burning white people out of their cities.

State Department uses facebook to facilitate color revolutions. Taking Zuckerberg’s political sympathies into account, he was at the very least complacent in overthrowing governments if not outright facilitating it.

Zuckerberg founded in 2013 for “criminal justice reform and immigration” policies and funds it through CZI. FWD advocates for a massive reduction in incarceration. In 2013 FWD was mainly concerned with Californian politics, but by 2020 has gone national with a specific focus on Arizona, New York, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.

CZI does not have to report the organizations it is funding due to LLC status, but in 2020 they announced $500 million over the next five years to support organizations and leaders to fight for racial equity in CZI focus areas. That sounds a lot like burning white people out of their cities to me.

Soros might be a bigger player than Zuckerberg right now. That is changing quickly.

Kunning Druegger says:

Can you address:

1) The massive seeming boondoggle that is the Meta transition

2) Doesn’t your position rest on the assumption that Zuckerberg is in complete control of his company?

Pax Imperialis says:

1) Zuckerberg in his IPO letter stated:

[blockquote]Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission […] we don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.[/blockquote]

For him making money is secondary to a social mission. Since the primary point of all business is to make money. That’s a very odd thing to say prior to an IPO.

[blockquote]Facebook aspires to build the services that give people the power to share and help them once again transform many of our core institutions […] Facebook exists to make the world more open and connected[/blockquote]

This is open society talk. Then you look into the early days of Facebook and see that there was likely CIA funding and a crap ton of former CIA in the company. Is it a coincidence that all the facebook revolutions took place in target countries of GAE?

2) Facebook’s S-1 elects it to be a controlled company such that:
-Has no need for independent directors – as other companies are.
-Not required to have a compensation committee.
-Not required to have an independent nominating committee for proposing new directors.
-CEO has effective control of the company forever through his 57% voting stake and the right to appoint his successor from the grave.
-A classified board.
-CEO selects jurisdiction for any shareholders who brings lawsuits against the company.

Pretty clear Zuckerberg likes having a high degree of control, but my positions don’t rely on high control. What is being built with CZI is an institution that largely hires based on ideology (reduces the need for control) and whose purpose is to funnel money to a wide range of left wing organizations (as long as money flows everyone’s happy). Black Voices for Black Justice Fund among other DEI fronts for example. Since these types of organizations can’t exist without outside funding for they produce nothing of value, the funding becomes the control. While that isn’t direct or complete control, it is delegated control. That is how Soros’s Open Society functions and why a nearly dead 92 year old can operated in 120 countries (that they admit to).

It was in 2020 that Zuckerberg really started to move into the traditional territory that Soros use to dominate. It was also 2020 that Soros started to call for the removal of Zuckerberg. Coincidence? Zuckerberg is still in control of META and CZI which should give a clue who’s more powerful inside GAE.

Pax Imperialis says:

I hate switching between Typescript, C, and HTML

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok that is all very compelling. it is not my particular area, so I will have to take your word on it. He does seem rather goofy to me, and given my beliefs that Donald Trump is actually a mirthless near sociopathic do gooder trying to save his country and putting up a fabulously constructed false front as some bombastic Long Island personality, it would be reasonable to believe that a dorky Jew with no social skills who larps to the level of the coder guy in the movie Grandma’s Boy is actually some kind of new world order leader.

jim says:

You have a compelling argument that Zuckerberg has power.

Does, however, he have a large crew of shills and entryists?

Pax Imperialis says:

>Does, however, he have a large crew of shills and entryists?

Don’t know. He’s burnt through $2.9 billion through CZI and $400 million through SVCF. His ‘Justice Accelerator Fund’ alone is getting $70 million a year. It’s full of all the classic progressive types that you typically see in a Soros operation and looks like it’s building up to become a long term project. How many shills that that buy?

He also controls Meta. If Twitter is any measure, there’s a lot of shills on Meta as well.

jim says:

> It’s full of all the classic progressive types that you typically see in a Soros operation

Soros overthrew the Ukrainian government, leading to the current war. What governments has Zuckerberg overthrown?

Shilling and color revolution are essentially the same operation, both being entryist operations. If Zuckerberg is shilling, probably overthrowing governments, and vice versa. Maybe he is shilling and overthrowing governments, but I am not yet aware of any Zuckerberg shills.

Pax Imperialis says:

>What governments has Zuckerberg overthrown?

Overthrowing the Trump government was a group effort, but it appears he had a fairly large role in it. In NPR’s own words “Facebook’s CEO Saved The 2020 Election.”

Red says:

@Pax, I think the Zuck bucks in 2020 was to pay for the vote rigging. This year it was the FTX scam from laundered US Government money sent to Urkirane, laundered again by a Jew.

I don’t see anything indicating the shills we’re seeing are anything other than the Dems, Soros, and FBI shill groups. There’s also a RINO shill group, but I haven’t seen them post here.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yeah, there isn’t really a disagrement here. We have a Soros flavored shill test because Soros NGOs/nonprofits have been active here. If there are Zuck shills here, we either don’t know it or they aren’t a problem yet. But I think Pax’ hard work has demonstrated a causal link between Zuck’s efforts and steals. Hard to deny at this point.

I am grinding my teeth to powder on this “vote harder” meme. Because our side refuses to see the fakeness and fraud, (((their))) side has all these effective weapons. If conservatives just withdrew from electoral politics, easily half of the adversay’s efforts would suddenly become pointlessly burnt money, and probably much more.

Red says:

My impression is Zuck was blackmailed into funding the 2020 steal since they were finding it hard to get government funding on the scale needed for the bribes (Trump was clamping down on a lot of that stuff). I haven’t heard yet how much he kicked in for this election, but my guess isn’t nearly as much as it was in 2020.

Merchants always roll over when the elite put pressure on them. Zuck strikes me as more of a Merchant than a player. Not that is matters, someday he’s going to end up mindcrafted for his roll in 2020, assuming the leftists don’t do him first, since that’s typically how holiness spirals play out.

Red says:

I am grinding my teeth to powder on this “vote harder” meme. Because our side refuses to see the fakeness and fraud, (((their))) side has all these effective weapons. If conservatives just withdrew from electoral politics, easily half of the adversay’s efforts would suddenly become pointlessly burnt money, and probably much more.

Not like it maters since the US government is funding it. Sitting out an election just gives them cover to implement full communism like they did in Venezuela. However, you probably got your wish. I doubt most of the grass roots of the GOP are going to bother with 2024, they know it was stolen. Most of the voice you’re listening too are part of the RINO shill team, trying to get people to keep voting for the GOP when elections are fake and gay.

The winners in 2024 will be whoever bribes the most or is willing to use violence on the vote counters. Voters don’t matter.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Zucc, like many skypes, feels attracted to priestly forms, but that does not by necessity mean competence at priestly forms.

Looks to me like much of it is leaning more on the side of thanklessly trying to buy his way into power, like many merchants, while his ‘clients’ are the ones making choices on how the money he provides gets used, not him.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Zuck bucks in 2020 was to pay for the vote rigging

To add on, rigging involved legal and physical infrastructure that once built gets reused for subsequent elections. Zuck bucks will haunt American elections for quite some time. Main difference between 2020 and 2022 was the the timing of mass ballot dumps mostly shifting to the beginning of the count, but the methodology remained the same.

>I don’t see anything indicating the shills we’re seeing […] post here

I mostly pay attention to irl shills and my initial post was about the Harvard/New England ecosystem and how it completely dwarfs Soros. Like all good discussions, things went off on tangents.

I’m speculating about the future in regards to Zuckerberg. Soros is a decrepit, near death, 92 year old. His son looks like a weak fag. He’s going to be replaced sooner rather than later, and I doubt his son will have the pull to keep operations running smoothly.

Zuckerberg is 38 and has stashed billions into an organization that is looking more and more like Open Society Foundations with each passing election cycle. He’s a convenient replacement. The hip young progressives who graduate from elite universities and want to ‘change the world’ and ‘make an impact’ don’t want to work at stale OSF or boring BMGF. They want to get hired at CZI (at least anecdotally in my social circle). That may be due to his history of saying things at elite universities like:

I wanted our services in China because I believe in connecting the whole world and I thought we might help create a more open society.

That was at Georgetown in 2019, and he has made similar statement stretching back to 2012.

Likely too early for a Zuck shill test, but it’s possibly needed on the horizon. Luckily this can be tested. All we need to do is ask the ‘JOO JOO’ shills about Zuck and see how they respond.

BobtheBuilder says:

” What governments has Zuckerberg overthrown?”

Arab Spring. Just because it wasn’t a 100% success like Soros in Ukraine (because Zucc is a limp-wristed dweeb), doesn’t mean he didn’t try.

jim says:

It is not so much I care about how big a player the player is.

I care about identifying who is running this particular shill, who issued this particular script.

Trump 2024 says:

Soros topped the megadonor list this election cycle, giving $129m to the Democrats.

Kunning Druegger says:

He does this consistently. Chesterton’s Fence, Pax. Not idly do the Jimian Shill Tests fall.

Pax Imperialis says:

On the surface level Soros made $129 million donations to Democrats compared to Zuckerberg’s $0. Does that seem right for someone so close to power? Look under the surface of direct donations to “charities/nonprofits/etc” and you see something else.

In 2020 Zuckerberg dumped $419.5 million into CTCL and CEIR (mostly) through SVCF. These are “nonpartisan” nonprofits which avoids landing Zucerberg onto megadoner lists.

CTCL was founded by Epps-Johnson, a former Obama fellow, who, along with her co-founders, had worked at the progressive New Organizing Institute.

CEIR was founded by David Becker. He was a former senior trial attorney for the voting section of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and was a senior staff attorney at the progressive advocacy group People for the American Way that was “founded to fight right-wing extremism.”

Coincidentally, these “nonpartisan” organizations went on to fund and train “vote navigators” who “assist voters, potentially at their front doors, to answer questions, assist in ballot curing […] and witness absentee ballot signatures.” Moreover, CTCL specifically demanded the promotion of universal mail-in voting. CTCL drove the proliferation of unmonitored private dropboxes mostly in DNC run cities. CTCL greatly increased funding for temporary staffing and poll workers.

All these actions helped the left, maybe “nonpartisan” is really just a method to avoid showing up on the same lists Soros lands on. Now look at CZI and the fact that none of those grants are “political” and for the most part classified as donations to “charities.”

Since 2015, CZI has given $2.9 billion in grants. That’s roughly $414 million per year. Many of those grants go to shill advocacy groups like the ‘Justice Accelerator Fund’ (created by CZI in 2021 and lead by former ACLU Ana Zamora) which will receive $350 million over 5 years for criminal justice and immigration reform (reducing sentencing for black criminals and open borders). Another example, the ‘California Black Freedom Fund’ got $100 million for in their words “Black power-building” and for “confronting racism and anti-Blackness.”

CZI has over 2100 grants listed. Over 600 are “Justice & Opportunity.” This is a machine may have already overtaken Soros in dollar spending within continental US and is still getting bigger.

Kunning Druegger says:

It would appear then that Zuck is the other side of the Soros coin. An I’m sure it is just a complete coincidence that they are jews, right guys? The same kind of coincidence that has all the prominent child mutilating surgeons and tranny advocate lawyers sporting similar noses. But don’t worry y’all, the jews are just the fall guys for the real evil masterminds… white men!!!

lol, lmao even.

Jim, how much more does Pax need to do for us to all agree we need some kind of Zuck shill test? Although, looking through the orgs Pax mentions, they don’t seem like they are online pathfinders or sappers. Their ken seems to be brick & mortar institutions, a true High and Low targeted operation. They are connected to the elite donner class and the weaponized pet minorities. Man, as if our situation weren’t challenging enough; we spend years just trying to get slivers of a percent of white people to pay attention, and a bunch of rich kikes (complete coincidence, of course) can just hand money to negros with LibArts degrees. We get a handful a of Gab converts, they get stolen elections and foot soldiers.

The pills, like America’s idols, are black.

Red says:

Why would we need a Zuck shill test? Zuck funds the Dems, and lets the feds spy on people using fagbook. The question is does he employee shills? So far no evidence of it.

>But don’t worry y’all, the jews are just the fall guys for the real evil masterminds… white men!!!

Is Dr. Fauci Jewish? Hillary Clinton? Pelosi? The elites are generally white with a sizable Jewish and now Dot Indian component.

Evil Jews are evil Jews. Then there’s Jews like Dr. Zelenko who told the truth about COVID while evil white men like Fauci where busy murdering Americans. Jews have no problems murder the goyim and the cathedral loves killing white Americans.

A match made in hell, but they’re not the masters pulling the strings. If they were there would be a Jewish doctor releasing COVID while telling the Jews to get Saline shots. As far as I know that didn’t happen.

Bro, you’re pissed that the fake and gay election, turned out to be fake and gay. It sucks, but it’s reality.

Pax Imperialis says:

Jews and Whites have a way of bringing out the worst from each other. It’s like a weird mutual codependency. Hmm…

An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others
A tendency to confuse love and pity, with the tendency to “love” people they can pity and rescue
A tendency to do more than their share, all of the time
A tendency to become hurt when people don’t recognize their efforts
An unhealthy dependence on relationships.
An extreme need for approval and recognition
A sense of guilt when asserting themselves
A compelling need to control others
Lack of trust in self and/or others
Fear of being abandoned or alone
Difficulty identifying feelings
Rigidity/difficulty adjusting to change
Problems with intimacy/boundaries
Chronic anger
Poor communications
Difficulty making decisions

Might need to replace ‘abandoned or alone’ with ‘purged or kicked out,’ but otherwise looks like most of the list fits.

Red says:

Soros money comes from the US government. Hence the US government funded the Democrats to the tune 129m and Soros was the bag man.

The Cominator says:

The big funds really came from the FTX crypto heist.

Red says:

Looks like that was mostly money sent to the Ukraine. They laundered it back through FTX and then onto the Dems.

I wonder how much the vote rigging costs? Can’t be cheap.

The Cominator says:

Well they may steal the house (Jim was right) which means they had to make a lot of payoffs outside the demoshitty shit machines if any part was really expensive I would say it was that.

I hope they robbed some foreign gangster types in that… its about the only way we’ll see the kind of minecrafting the Dems deserve…

Red says:

I’ve seen multiple reports that the upstate Rural NY numbers were just straight up faked but only for governor. So they only paid for the governor not the house seats there. They can basically rig everywhere, when the elites get corrupt eventually everyone gets corrupt and has their hand open for a bribe.

The vote manufacturing after the election is probably the most expensive and difficult operation to run. The Arizona faggots are probably making a bundle right now.

dog owners association of rome says:

People need to give the head of a snake a name, even if it is more of a synecdoche than accurate.

Pax Imperialis says:
Kunning Drueger says:

When I first encountered Land, I was not super impressed. As I’ve gone back over his work, though his inherent Marxism always shines through to me, I’ve grown to appreciate his contribution much more. I don’t like it, necessarily, and I do think it’s very easy to blackpill people with Accelerationism, but I genuinely appreciate his thought on the page.

Neurotoxin says:

I hadn’t heard this, fantastic. For those who don’t click through: Musk locks Twitter coders out of Twitter code, brings in Tesla coders to look at Twitter’s code.

i says:

Hey looks like the Blackmail Kompramat Operations didn’t stop. It just changed locations:

The Cominator says:

Jim was the recent (as in yesterday) music discussion deleted?

jim says:

Not intentionally.

Still see lots of music discussion

Can you recollect an indentifying phrase from something you recollect as missing?

The Cominator says:

okay there it is… couldnt find it. even tried google advanced…

Red says:

OT: The next play seems to be branding Christians as Nazis and using the tagline of Christofacist to justify violence against the faithful. Any thoughts on how it’s going to play out?

Kunning Druegger says:

Fuck, I hope Christmas comes early and the answer to your question is “locally.”

Rux says:

Good old fashioned martyrdom works wonders for the faith. Whether the opposing powers have the wherewithal remains to be seen.

Dr. Faust says:

What lead you to this thought?

If you see the left mostly as an avenue to power then nothing is beyond the pale. In the last few months they pivoted on covid and war. Going further into the past the left was the most holy of racists. Corporations, bankers, the 1%, have all gone from the most evil evil to holy in their eyes.

Their current target is feminists. The head has signaled that tranny is the most holy now and 2010 feminism is bad think. The signals take time to reach the fringes but most will flip eventually. The remainder are the true believers and become the new extremists.

I view it as a wave ridden to power. Once the wave peaks it crashes and rolls back. Which ideas are ascendant and which are rolling back? Often we don’t notice until the wave is breaking, the period of greatest destruction, until afterwards.

Prediction is hard but I’ve not seen signs of the left moving against Christians. None more than normal. No signals from the top that the wave is ascending.

But the left created blacks into a monolith and have ridden that wave many, many times with great success. But bad think blacks have used their celebrity and status to break through against another leftist group: the Jews.

It might seem absurd but the future often is. If the left can’t contain the wave of black antisemitism they’ll either need to pivot on blacks or Jews. So my estimate is that there is about a 51% chance of a new leftist form of anti-semitism.

Red says:

Prediction is hard but I’ve not seen signs of the left moving against Christians. None more than normal. No signals from the top that the wave is ascending.

I’m reading enemy propaganda. Jews popping back up to the head of the victim hierarchy indicates changes to their current focus. Now that voting is over, they view the big danger target as christian nationalism. World War T is over.

Then there’s this:

Christian verse means 6 gazillion dead Jews according to this teacher. The only reason a teacher would feel comfortable saying this is Christians = Nazis idea coming down from above.

Kunning Druegger says:

In addition to the explicit anti-Christian messaging (and there is a whole lot, and has been for some time), there’s also the coded messaging. “Pro Life” means “Christian with actual principles” and that has been who is being raided by the FBI. Their stance on abortion is secondary, it’s their standing on the promises of God that make them targets.

Adam says:

Something I always found funny is how pastors and ministers frequently hire armed security for themselves whenever there is some hint of a threat. So much for all the turn the other cheek stuff.

To be honest so many churches have bent the knee to feminism and generally progressivism at this point they all have it coming. They all support adultery, mass immigration, equality/equity etc.

If they are to save themselves they will have to turn and fight like the rest of us. If they can’t find the courage to turn and fight then they don’t have the courage to speak the truth and have no business selling whatever it is they sell with the name of Christ.

I have no pity whatsoever for those wearing the Christian church as a skin suit. I find it more offensive than almost anything else in clownworld.

JJ says:

The early Church Fathers tell us not to involve ourselves with such people.

But let every one that comes in the name of the Lord be received, and afterward you shall prove and know him; for you shall have understanding right and left. If he who comes is a wayfarer, assist him as far as you are able; but he shall not remain with you, except for two or three days, if need be. But if he wills to abide with you, being an artisan, let him work and eat; (2 Thessalonians 3:10) but if he has no trade, according to your understanding see to it that, as a Christian, he shall not live with you idle. But if he wills not to do, he is a Christ-monger. Watch that you keep aloof from such.

Kunning Druegger says:

Off topic post.

Here is a Pole discussing what is happening:

It seems clear to me that the GAE has settled on a pretty dependable method for eradicating those that would most effectively oppose them: send them into an unwinnable war. This hearkens back to a previous conversation wherein some asserted that the Poles Are Cucks. There are definitely useful idiots and GAE zombies in Poland. But there are also plenty of good men in Poland, men with brains and hearts and minds. The GAE, particularly the war faction, wants these types of men gone.

What’s particularly insidious about this methodology is that you cannot name a single based group of men out there that don’t have some historical beef, some cultural axe to grind. The intellectual shock troops of the GAE will use these deeply held sentiments to burn populations to cinders. Even here in the US, they could very easily get based whites and blacks to go after each other, or whites and mestizos.

There’s really only one solution to this as I see it: precisely the least deserving of punishment on the side of the GAE leadership has to be the first on the list for 7 day free trials in the appropriate video game.

jim says:

Accurate analysis of the situation: The goal is genocide of white people, Ukrainians and Poles as much as Russians.

Mister Grumpus says:

What an evil situation. GAE wants to kill off Whites, Ukrainians and Russians, and Russia doesn’t.

When I first asked you about the Tet Offensive, years ago, you pointed out that one of the left’s super powers is that it’s willing to go genocidal, while their enemy typically isn’t.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a video of a Uke volunteer/conscript lamenting over his sudden realization that he is merely cannon fodder:

If you are not into clicking links:

-he claims that he was part of a tank company/battalion that had 30+ tanks, now only 7 remain

-he claims that his whole grouping was liquidated

-he claims these losses were in an attempt to gain very little ground, and failed anyway

-he claims that the overwhelming messaging from the officers is that they (the men, him and his ‘brothers’) are worthless, “nameless,” “meat,” and “just soldiers” [the implication being a thing of no value to anyone]

There is a lot going on here. I had assumed that the rhetoric would be uber-patriotic, constant reaffirmation of holiness, rightness, messaging about the right side of history or whatever. This is suburban American fantasy on my part. It could be that Slavs just don’t work the same way, but it could just as likely be that the GAE handlers, the upper level commissars, are using messaging consistent with their actual, spiritual positions, those being that these useful idiots are trash, worthless bullet sponges with no need of faith or assurance.

This is a single data point, so one must assess whether it is representative or atypical for themselves. But I was struck by the emotive similarity between this selfie-vid and some of the messaging I’ve seen about all the fools dumb enough to take the vaxx. In both cases, I am completely miffed as to how and why it took so long to realize it. No American can claim ignorance of the Coronatarian regime and its mandates, and I likewise believe that no Ukrainian can pretend they are ignorant of the methods being used to fight this war. Nonetheless, it seems there is no end of ignorant and stupid fools ready to dump poison in their veins or march towards certain death, being peppered with insults and derision from “their side” the whole time.

Kunning Druegger says:

I so rarely get to post on topic:

Scroll down a bit. The literal vaxx poster child dies of unknown causes in Argentina.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is being reported that 2 missiles fired by Russia have landed in Poland, hitting agrarian equipment and purportedly killing 2 civilians. The Balts and other NAFO frens are all anouncing solidarity and saber rattling. Russian/Pro-Z TGram alleging it was missile parts from aerial defense or UKR false flag.

Who knows if this is real, but the war faction has been champing at the bit for a cassus belli.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

At this turn i can only think, ‘good’.

The GAE is in an objectively weak and weakening position, and only Putin’s refusal to play the cards he needs too is keeping their puppet on the gameboard. The trotskyites actually succeeding in pushing the empire into the high intensity war they want would honestly be a positive development at this point.

nice poasting with ya'll says:

Yeah that’s WWIII.

Kunning Druegger says:

Very well may be the end of the beginning (or the beginning of the end…), but there is the distinct possibility that the flames of actual war jar a lot of fence-sitters into new positions. The War Faction wants a rapidly escalating chain of events that no one can interrupt, and they probably think it will flare up and die down quickly, reducing the excess whites and bringing them closer to their garden world utopia. But these guys are not as smart as they esteem themselves, or as our side portrays them to be. It would almost definitely spiral into a protracted multi-war*, at least at first, and the SMO has shown categorically that all the fancy dancy modern weapons systems, on all sides, do not perform as advertised. Shahed/Geran weapon system has thus far outclassed everything else in terms of paradigm shift, with all the amazing autoloading, multi-azimuth artillery from the brightest minds in Germany, Norway, France, and the US underperforming significantly. Big, expensive, multi-purpose weapons systems are not standing up to small, cheap, simple weapons systems.

A world war is not possible, in the sense that the only nations even remotely capable of fighting them (China, Russia, maybe India) are the least likely to prosecute them, and the most war rabid side (the core GAE) is the least able to perpetrate one. Even if Article 05 is invoked tomorrow, there would be a significant period of marshaling, mobilizing, and transporting. Another scenario, a GAE first strike, could be a spectacular display of hubris as rockets fail to lift off, payloads fail to deploy, and nuclear devices fail to trigger.

I think we will see instead a complexifying of the proxy wars, wherein Poland goes all in on “advisors and support” but the conflict stays in the Borderlands while core GAE looks for other suckers (Romania, Bulgaria, the Balts) to jump on the war wagon. We could also see a severe spike in localized conflicts (middle east, sub-saharan africa, central asia) as the GAE pivots away from their many, many “gay to get paid” scams and towards Eastern Europe. Both France and England have announced a sooner than scheduled withdrawal from Mali (ostensibly due to Wagner involvement… one must assume that the female “””soldiers””” are flocking to the Orchestra camps for that alpha-Slav dick). It isn’t being reported on, but the USM, primarily the USN but also strategic bombers of the USAF, is ramping up operations in the Pacific and East Asia. As well, much is occurring in the Arctic theater and, probably the most exciting, low earth orbit is absolutely going to be a battleground if/when the GAE fully drops the mask. Many, many moving parts.

All of this is wild conjecture from an armchair asshole, and we could be swimming in fallout this time tomorrow. But modern warfare is not Red Alert II, and the Core GAE has exported most if not all of their manufacturing capacity at the same time as they emasculated their populations. They won’t be able to build a new army overnight (, so I honestly think it will be proxy action for a while (or first strikes…), if anything happens at all and cooler (read: straight white non-jew male) heads prevail.

*as opposed to a world war, wherein one side defends against everyone else gangbanging them, or two sides gather and combine everyone else into a clean dichotomy. WW02 began as a multi-war that the Allies forcefully transitioned to a World War, but at no point did Germany and Japan coordinate during the war; only one side had plans for world conquest and acted to suborn all elements in the single-minded pursuit.

Neurotoxin says:

“A world war is not possible…”

Cue the boss from Office Space:
Oooooh, I’m gonna go ahead and disagree.

Neurotoxin says:

Cur = Cue.

The Cominator says:

People whats happening I’m gonna need you to ah go ahead and be in a nuclear war yeahhhh Russia didn’t meet their quota for trannies in their TPS jobs (TPS = total priestly sinecures) and ah so we need to nuke them for Moloch yeahhh.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, fucking kek. Point taken. But there will be a substantial ramp up time necessary. Last I looked, replacing what we gifted Ukraine will take 2+ years. A full scale war would go through stocks like that in days or weeks.

Neurotoxin says:

Not enough trannies in Total Priestly Sinecures, LOL.

jim says:

> A world war is not possible

War is easy, peace is hard, in the sense that falling off a cliff is easy, climbing a cliff is hard.

When people forget how terrible war is, and how difficult peace is, war resumes.

The only way to not have a world war is if one hegemon is so absolutely dominant that anyone who gets difficult gets crushed.

But even if you have one absolutely dominant hegemon, as white America was, no man rules alone. The empire united must divide, the empire divided must unite. If one hegemon is absolutely dominant, it will suffer internal rot.

Neurotoxin says:

Presumably both sides have nuclear subs parked close off each other’s coasts right now.

I think the GAE’s war faction is betting that Russia essentially has no options between “do nothing” and “go nuclear.” So they think they (the GAE) can keep a forever war simmering away until Russia’s ability to defend itself is simply degraded to the point of ineffectiveness.

So far this has proven disappointingly close to the truth, close enough to encourage the war faction. For ex, the GAE can destroy Russia’s gas pipelines, a move between “do nothing” and “go nuclear.” Russia so far hasn’t shown an ability to retaliate with attacks of a similar nature. It’s also possible that Russia can do such but it choosing not to. I think that’s a mistake: Letting the pipeline attack slide without a retaliation tells the GAE that they can do things like the pipeline attack without suffering any retaliation. It doesn’t matter why that’s true; whether it’s Russian forbearance or impotence. The point is, the GAE can attack without retaliation. Therefore such attacks will continue.

Red says:

Russia’s plan is to let the west implode on it’s own economic sanctions and the destruction of the dollar. In that regard, it’s not worth it to retaliate. Don’t get me wrong, it’s bad not to retaliate as it makes Nuclear war more likely but they’re betting the GAE doesn’t have a lot of gas left in the tank, so they’re waiting.

Note that the blowing up the gas pipeline hurt the US more than Russia. A lot of Europeans woke up to the fact that they’re subject states of the American Empire rather than allies to it. That’s likely to go the Delian League route when the US eventually invades one of it’s “allies” to prevent them from defecting to Russia.

The Cominator says:

“Russia’s plan is to let the west implode on it’s own economic sanctions and the destruction of the dollar. In that regard, it’s not worth it to retaliate. Don’t get me wrong, it’s bad not to retaliate as it makes Nuclear war more likely but they’re betting the GAE doesn’t have a lot of gas left in the tank, so they’re waiting.”

This is the way I see it, Putin doesn’t think he needs to worry about an internal revolt as Russians traditionally have a very strong stomach for long and ugly wars and as long as the West is ruining its economy while Russia’s economy is in fact getting stronger he perhaps doesn’t even want to defeat Ukraine entirely… as the West keeps supporting this gangrenous limb.

Neurotoxin says:

“A lot of Europeans woke up to the fact that they’re subject states of the American Empire rather than allies to it.”

I was shocked that they did it. They said to Europe, “Fuck you. We have the power to fuck you over and there’s nothing you can do about it.” This sort of thing makes people enraged and burn for revenge. The instant the GAE is in a position of vulnerability, Europe will fuck it over. Unless the actual European populations have been totally and permanently disempowered. But, to bet everything, unnecessarily, on them being totally and permanently neutralized… Unbeleivable that purportedly sane people would make enemies unnecessarily like that.

“perhaps doesn’t even want to defeat Ukraine entirely… as the West keeps supporting this gangrenous limb.”

Yeah, who’s scamming who here?

The Cominator says:

The GAE has been burning its bridges with everyone lately…

it means the end is likely near but that the end is likely to be ugly.

Neurotoxin says:

Question for the Europeans here: What exactly is the attitude in Europe toward the sabotage of the pipelines?

alf says:

The usual: those who know, know. America the great Satan. But most don’t know and either blame Russia or are, like the media, memory-holing the entire thing. I’ve heard one hot take that it was China.

Neurotoxin says:

Oy vey.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here is an interesting video of a cruise missile being shot down. This is not the missile in question, just an uncharacteristically good shot.

Mister Grumpus says:

And just like that I can retrospectively understand the Kherson pullout.

In Russian:

“Guys. Here come the false flags on the neighboring NATO countries like Poland and Romania. Pull back from the westward positions and wait, so that the fake-and-gay incongruity glows even brighter.”

Kunning Druegger says:

Also just reported:

-Transnistria (Russian supported breakaway region of Eastern Moldova) is without power due to the wave of airstrikes that hit UKR today. This is relevant because massive protests (largely undocumented by MSM) have been ongoing against the GAE puppet presidentess of Moldova. NATO forces have been moving to/through the country, particularly after Hungary started blocking NATO supply convoys heading to UKR.

-a second alleged terrorist attack in a district of Istanbul, Turkey. The Turkish government announced today that they consider the US & frens partly responsible for the first attack, allegedly perpetrated by some skank in need of dick or some dishes to wash.

-Poland is considering invoking Article 04 (The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.) This would be a necessary step towards invoking Article 05 (Female run countries banding together, marching on Moscow, and demanding dick from Putin and Lavrov personally). Here is the NATO treaty: . Polish military is reportedly raising its military readiness, potentially prepping its diaphragm in expectation of massive Russian cock.

-Pentagon is slow rolling the idea that Russia hit Poland. In light of the Balts all banging the war drums, this comports with the theory outlined here at JB that significant membership in the Pentagon leadership is not onboard with Operation Eradicate Whitey. Situation is developing, but all the warmongers of NATO maintain it was Russian missile attack, and all the countries that matter are saying No Comment or soft skepticism

-The RF aerial bombing of UKR today is purported to be the “largest yet” with power systems flickering and failing, piecemeal, across the country. In a bold move, Zelensky has invoked Article 05 and declared war on Russia for the European governments, as they are quite busy robbing their populations to pay for the next round of funding and couldn’t be arsed to do it themselves.

Red says:

>-Pentagon is slow rolling the idea that Russia hit Poland. In light of the Balts all banging the war drums, this comports with the theory outlined here at JB that significant membership in the Pentagon leadership is not onboard with Operation Eradicate Whitey. Situation is developing, but all the warmongers of NATO maintain it was Russian missile attack, and all the countries that matter are saying No Comment or soft skepticism

Based on the evidence it’s Ukrainian S300 Anti-air missiles. That’s going to be a hard sell.

If the Poles do kick off WW3, I hope all them pay the nuclear price for their stupidity and intransigence.

Ghost says:

This article today:

Uses some of the same terminology/memes. i.e. officially/unofficially. There was a chat called gamer that is down now. Could be standard Alt lingo or shared members. Good article on a failed false flag attempt.

Ghost says:

This Potassium Iodine is as close to what shelters used to carry for treating radiation exposure:

Veterinary Ivermectin is available at any Tractor Supply. Just divide weight. Say a colt of 200 pounds would be about 1/6th dose. Weight of total dose is on the box.

Opioidus says:

Threadly reminder that we’re trying to create a compilation of Jim’s best posts turned into a book. post your candidates.

alf says:

Kindly requesting to add

to the JSRL.

Karl says:

Kindly request to add:

The holiness spiral is one of the central concepts needed to understand what is happening and what we are facing.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, I really do want to do this with the Tribe and keep more work off your desk, but you aren’t trapped in an unreachable history, so by all means please add any of your posts that stick out in your mind; you fairly often seem to drop links of previous works when someone asks an answered question. Just covering bases, this is still something I will be doing.

Kunning Druegger says:

Karl and Alf, entries added to the list. I am hoping Jim can take a look at this list and make some recommendations.

As a refresher…

The goal of the project is to create a reading list that effectively summarizes the core concepts of Jimian Christianity, including theories and analysis.

There are two general formats I am deciding between: Neurotoxin’s 7 points or KD’s 3 of 3s structure.

Neuro-‘s 7 points:
1. Democracy is not a long-run tenable system. People have been making this point for centuries if not millennia, but the “Jimian” description of the problem is more modern than someone commenting on ancient Rome or whatever.

2. The analytical perspective of evolutionary psychology-cum-game theory.

3. The application of this perspective to all the sex stuff. Female psych, etc.

4. The phrase “social technology.” Certain laws and customs regarding marriage, for example. Property rights are another example. This is one of those phrases that just clicks when you first encounter it and makes you wonder why someone didn’t coin it a long time ago.

5. In the last couple of years there was a post on the social effects of widespread acceptance of homosexuality. A poster (I forget who) originally wrote it and Jim turned it into a post, IIRC.

6. Holiness spirals/signaling spirals/purity spirals. I don’t think Jim originated the term, but this blog is probably one of the key nodes for spreading the concept.

7. The insistence on modeling the left for what it is – a bunch of evil people, briefly – and only paying attention to the left’s “ideas” as is necessary for practical purposes. The comments thread from the last year in which we all tried to define the damned thing has some great stuff. [I NEED A LINK TO THIS THREAD OR THREADS PLS]

KD’s 3 of 3s: 3 movements of 3 parts each with 3 subsections per part.

Both of these would be summarizations of Jim’s work with links embedded in each point/section and/or a reading list of linked posts at the end. The purpose of this project is to create a tool that facilitates sharing the voluminous work that has been done here. Instead of link bombing someone, or expecting them to RTFM as Nature intended, you can give them a single link that lays everything out brief enough to get through in a single sitting, expansive enough to cover the key concepts, and have the needed links if they are Worthy types who want to go deeper.

Neurotoxin says:

To be clear, my list wasn’t intended as complete. Just the stuff that occurred to me.

As to structure, I have no position on that. The ideal to aim for is that the material itself dictates the structure. E.g. if there were only two main points then there would be two main parts.

Your request that’s all in caps: I’m 99% sure I archived that and can find it in the next couple of minutes.

Neurotoxin says:

Here it is:

There was an extensive discussion in that post. I have a note that after a while HerbR (remember him?) summed up the discussion up to that point. Extended HerbR quote:

– De Jouvenel AKA HLvM [high and low vs. the middle]: Elites weaponizing underclass (collectively “left”) against middle class (“right”).
– Cladistic: Leftist ideologies all share common memes and derive from common ancestor(s).
– Social-network: Leftism inferred from personal/institutional ties, parties attended, etc.
– Antinomian: Christian definition, elevating “divine grace” over established law, usually to describe Puritan/Quaker movements.
– Revolutionary: Actual etymology of “Left/Right”, the revolutionaries vs. royalists – more generally, hatred of non “consensual” authority.
– Economic: Leftism as destruction/”redistribution” of capital, rightism as capital creation.
– R/K: Leftism/rightism as manifestations of different reproductive strategies (r and K, like rabbit vs. wolf).
– Status-maximizing: Leftists as “sociopathic status maximizers”, best to just google it.
– Warrior/priest: Jim Lite, leftism as priestly rule, rightism as warrior rule.
– Game-theoretical: Leftism as defect/defect, rightism as cooperate/cooperate.
– Thermodynamic: Leftism as social entropy, that which creates disorder and regresses us to a more primitive state without constant energy input.

But this list isn’t supposed to be a “pick any one you want” buffet, the reason the list exists is that all of the models have some predictive power (some more so than others) and none of them are complete.

[End extended quote.]

Neurotoxin says:

I am pretty gung-ho about this project. Right now we’re a bunch of long-haired hermits howling in the wilderness, but what if we do win? After we nuke Harvard (twice), the first thing we do is make it a requirement that to teach Political Philosophy or Political Science you have to be a member in VERY good standing of the new state religion. So it’s necessary to have a well-defined state religion.

– – – – – – – –

By the way, I really feel like this community is making intellectual progress. While the raving loons in the universities get ever more evil and insane, we’re actually assembling a better study of human politics. Concepts like holiness spiral, the inevitability of a state religion, etc. constitute a significant step forward.

We always have a state religion because an elite or would-be elite without one can’t coordinate and therefore can’t fight (on a collective scale). Therefore, in the very unlikely event that an elite without a state religion were to ever be in power, they wouldn’t be in power long: They’d be supplanted by a new elite with a state religion. Note this totally nukes the libertarian fantasy, that we can have a government whose ideology is not effectively compulsory. Nice fantasy, but no, we can’t. So we need the best state religion possible.

Kunning Druegger says:

I feel the same, on many of the subjects you covered. How can we/should we go about working with each other, and anyone else that is willing or able to collaborate? There isn’t going to be a perfect answer to this question, we just need a Good Enough option.

Neurotoxin says:

Hmm. We can’t ask Jim because he’s too busy. We can’t ask me because I’m too busy (I could do it via my blog, but not right now. Also, I’d have to get my ass off WordPress first.)

Can we establish a community blog to do it? Is that OpSec-compliant?

Is there anyone here who has a web site and feels they have too much time on their hands? Alf? Arkiduka? The no-doubt dozen people I’m not thinking of?

We could also ask Jim to create a one-sentence post dedicated to this particular topic, with a no-OT rule. That would take like zero of Jim’s time. If we do it that way we’re going to need a dictator or this will quickly devolve into a too-many-cooks situation. (“Volunteering” someone for extra work is not cool, but if it were I’d nominate alf, since Jim trusts him with moderation privileges.)


jim says:

> Hmm. We can’t ask Jim because he’s too busy. We can’t ask me because I’m too busy (I could do it via my blog, but not right now. Also, I’d have to get my ass off WordPress first.)

> Can we establish a community blog to do it? Is that OpSec-compliant

If lots of people can moderate and can add articles, lots of people can see email addresses (which should all be fake.) This allows any of those people to forge a post from any other of those people (Obviously I am working on software to address this issue, but it is a long way from readiness.) It also allows any of those people to see anyone’s IP (which should be vpn)

That is not terrible for OpSec if the community is trusted and not very large.

Kunning Druegger says:

We don’t need a bunch of moderators. We just need a place to post things and discuss them, really. And at this point, it is me, Neuro-, and Alf (potentially). Is it possible to have a blogpost + comments section where only he and I can comment?

Alternatively, if Alf is willing, we can just tag (as in reply to) any posts that are off topic or irrelevant and they can be silently deleted.

Neuro-, does that cover everything? I usually work out of an editor than copy/paste it into the comment box anyways. And I just highlight and C/V stuff in if needed.

Neurotoxin says:

“Neuro-, does that cover everything?”

You’re asking the wrong guy; I know the bare minimum about this stuff to get by.

Let’s see what Alf has to say.

Meanwhile I am going to start thinking about the actual content more.

Something to note while I’m thinking of it: Jimian theory is not a system-building kind of political philosophy of the sort that everyone from Locke to Marx to Ayn Rand used to do. And this is a good thing, obviously. It’s not an attempt to start with like three basic principles and build up an 800-page political philosophy from that. This is because it’s based in empirical reality, which doesn’t give a fuck about system-building. This has implications for structure.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was more asking if there’s anything else we needed to “work” on the document.

Yeah, we’re actually doing the opposite: synthesizing a decade of political theory and analysis into a single essay/document.

alf says:

I am barely keeping up with the comments on this blog as is, so best not to count me in on extra projects.

INDY says:

What is the FTX crypto heist?

Kunning Druegger says:

I was going to mock you for being out of the loop, then I realized that’s pretty gay. Here’s the investopedia breakdown:

I have no idea if it’s accurate, but it should give a good basic familiarization. The only thing I would add (being a midwit humanities biased analyst) is that some black crypto dude called out the FTX leadership was 100% joo-flavored, and was subsequently fired 2 hours and 50 minutes later.

Neurotoxin says:

Wow. Collapse of cryptocurrency-related institution has the same basic structure as every other traditional financial collapse EV-AR.

Leveraged (i.e. highly indebted) financial institution (FI). Check.

Internal accounting that at best was sloppy, at worst criminal. Check.

One or two key players publicly saying or doing things that reveal a lack of confidence in the FI’s viability. Check.

A spreading panic caused by previous item. Check.
(This one is similar to a bank run or a run on the shadow banking system: People suddenly say, “I want out; liquidate me to cash RIGHT NOW.” Apropos of nothing, Robert Heinlein: “It’s not good to try to regulate a system by positive feedback.”)

Executive of wobbly FI makes public announcement that EVERYTHING IS FINE. No one believes him. Check.
(A guy who worked at Lehman Brothers during its failure said a few years later that one of the things they learned was that if you trot out the CEO to say “We don’t have a problem,” the entire world goes, “They’ve got a problem!”)

Rumors of a bailout by some more solvent entity, whether the government or another FI. Check.

Sweet leaping cats; it’s actually rote at this point.

Kunning Druegger says:

Forgot to add (and the article doesn’t address this): the supposed “hack” that drained the actual -coins held has been alleged to be Bankman-Kike or some of his cronies or patrons stealing what value was left via insider access/information. I have only heard this, I have not seen it substantiated. But given that FTX was heavily involved in both funding Zelensky Regime as well as funding the DNC Midterm Operations.

Rereading the article, this whole thing could have been covering tracks and enabling more crypto legislation down the road.

Kunning Druegger says:

Off topic:
SLS launches into space. Link should take you to T-1:00 :

A bit of egg on my face, as I said that SLS would never launch.

Red says:

I watched the launch last night. They said fuck it and despite the red flags, it worked. Kind of what happened with James Webb Telescope. Don’t worry KD, I’m sure one of the later ones will blow up.

Kunning Druegger says:

lmao. I have been and remain a stellar civilization primacist. SLS getting off the ground just makes our job a bit harder in terms of acknowledging tech decline, I don’t think it disproves it. Even with a successful (thus far) Artemis I, it remains the case that SLS is not an example of technological advancement, rather it is a case of entropy delayed.

Adam says:

Elon acknowledges tech decline-

Gedeon says:

I told you guys two years ago that you don’t know shit about aerospace that isn’t musk PR and it still shows.

oh, and ((FTX)).

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Looks like a bunch of the satellites on the SLS failed to launch properly and now the thing might miss gravity capture by the moon. Oops. But what do we know? NASA! NASA! NASA!

Red says:

@Wulfgar, I can’t find the news about Orion missing the moon.

Kunning Druegger says:

A successful SLS launch (decades behind schedule, one might add) does not ameliorate the myriad other failings of NASA and its pet minorities. They can’t build anything new, and they have to contract out to build anything old.

jim says:

I said the same.

That it did launch puts it ahead of the starship.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve speculated they’ve been slow walking Musk in order to give Artemis a first launch. Now that Artemis has successfully launched, SpaceX will start moving again.

Red says:

They still haven not granted the launch license. Though Elon has become less risky with the possibility of losing stage zero(the launch tower/catcher complex). That’s not a cheap item to replace if Starship blows up on the launch pad.

That sort of disaster was the ultimate cause of the 2 year delay and thus canalization of the N1 project in the USSR.

Red says:


Red says:

I think generally economic decline proceeds tech decline. As things get more expensive then simpler and lower tech solutions are used.

Kunning Druegger says:

Off topic: Jay Dyer interviews Col. Macgregor

The latter third is specifically interesting as Macgregor hits a lot of points that are Jim-lite, regarding the uniparty, the importance of faith and identity, and other things. Worth a listen.

dog owners association of rome says:

Extremely low effort post but lol Chudov. Sometimes the littlest coincidences.

blue-or-red says:

Woman policy of nsdap:

not that purple even if the rhetoric is purple

jim says:

Some elements of Nazis were purple pilled, even somewhat red pilled.

But this document hastily backs away from purple towards blue.

Nazism is a branch of leftism, and it shows.

Women need to be property, and they need to be the property of their husbands, not their fathers, not the state, and not quasi state entities.

Mayflower Sperg says:

That pamphlet was written in 1932, when the Nazis needed to pull a large percentage of the female vote to seize power in the “one person, one vote, one time” election of 1933, so it had to pander to the feminist sensibilities of the day. How did Nazis handle the WQ once they held absolute power?

jim says:


I don’t think emancipation, abortion and all that appeals to women voters.

Kunning Druegger says:

Off topic:

2 incidents occurred in the realm of the Border War that in truth is decades old but appears to be bubbling up into the social consciousness.

A truck of peace plowed into a bunch of police recruits in LA:

Maritime unit of CBP got tinto a gun fight with smugglers off the coast of Puerto Rico:

This has been a quiet war, ongoing and ignored, both for political reasons in Washington DC.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In 1989, the Soviet leadership realized that communism was a lost cause, and decided to try liberal democracy instead. Now that liberal democracy is dying, what system comes next?

Your links support my hypothesis that the answer is “Mexican narco-cartelism”. We’ll have the same official government in 2040, but decapitated bodies of police, soldiers, journalists, and politicians turning up by the roadside will be as common and unremarkable as children dropping dead of heart attacks is today.

A2 says:

Since the police, soldiers, journalists and politicians are (by assumption) already owned by the cartels, there will be no need to decapitate them. There might be a well-funded but sedate War on Drugs, I guess, to pay off various interests? Whatever opposition can be detected will be ironically put in J6 prison or something. No big difference compared to today.

On the bright side: fewer wars in the Middle East.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Fewer wars in the Middle East, at least fewer wars that involve us, and more wars at home. Piles of headless bodies of people who either refused to work for a cartel, or worked for the wrong cartel and got kidnapped, tortured, and killed by a rival cartel. Still the pretense of liberal democracy, but to any impartial observer, a third-world failed state.

The Cominator says:

Coordinating as dissident intellectuals is useless the only thing one of us could potentially do is start a wildly successful mercenary company or a religion…

Fireball says:

You have to coordinate as dissident intellectuals to start a new religion.

Milosevic says:

The Invisible College is real.

The Cominator says:

Nah you just need one that has charisma…

Fireball says:

Charisma alone is nothing but a liability in a leader.

Kunning Druegger says:

This just seems like blackpill defeatism. Leaders, coalitions, organizations, cadres, regiments, communities… these things don’t fall from the sky whole. They have to be formed, developed, and defended. The seed crystal of any entity is the principle(s), ethos, creed, or rhetorical framework that justifies its genesis.

A while back, I pitched the idea of starting a security company. IIRC you said that was impossible. Now I see you have come around a bit. That’s progress!

The Cominator says:

I believe I said it was impossible to start explicitly redpilled security companies within the US.

What you would want to do is start a mercenary company in say Africa…

Kunning Druegger says:

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding about how these things work. If your idea of a mercenary company in Africa is a few guys with black market guns, that is just not a real thing. I have not personally done either, but setting up an international business that provides security services in a shithole like sub-Saharan Africa seems wildly more complicated than setting up a legitimate business in the US. Certain states make it very complicated, other states substantially less so.

The key issue is finding and retaining talent, both on the labor/officer side as well as management. A while back, I linked an interview with Eric Prince. In it, he discusses, albeit briefly, why OG Blackwater was so good: 80% management and 20% top tier training, pay, and gear. The management portion requires money, connections, and reputation.

I still think a security company is well within our collective “grasp” to accomplish; it wouldn’t require international travel, international business wrangling, and international patronage. Instead, these things could be restricted to a single state. The looming challenge would be talent acquisition. You have to pay enough to be attractive, but the high value operators don’t just care a bout a paycheck, they care about the company culture and the reputation of those involved.

It is far, far easier for us, vagabond, dissident priests, to build a synthesis of our great and good and voluminous work here and work to spread that than it would be to fund, stand up, and operate a security firm. I know that isn’t as sexy, but it is actually grounded in fact, as opposed to fiction.

The Cominator says:

It’d be more complicated for ordinary businessmen types, it would not be more complicated for an ex army/marine/specops officer with combat veterans who knew him who say reached out to some African warlord who was interested in hiring some veteran white soldiers…

And this is just to get your start.

Kunning Druegger says:

As priests, our duty is to take the ineffable mysteries of our God and structure their interpretation such that our Warrior and Merchant brothers can launch both military campaigns and business ventures under precepts that edify our tribe, nation, and race while complying with the will of GNON. This is our burden to carry. It is not “useless.”

The Cominator says:

i think as priests our job is to find a priest among us with real charisma… get him some other charismatic writers and apostles and persuade him to start a christian nationalist (and HARDCORE anti churchianity) religion… which will seem like a new religion…

Kunning Druegger says:

I agree, and I am pretty miffed how it appears that you are reading from my offline notes ;). That’s a capital idea you got there… And putting together the JSRL is an integral part of that operation.

Adam says:

What should the Branch Davidians done differently? They weren’t destroyed because their priests were not well read. If Koresh would have been Jimian, same outcome.

Contaminated NEET says:

This is an astute question. I’ll give it a go.

Don’t go live in some weird commune all together out in the countryside. Don’t form an official organization with membership rolls. When they come after us, physically or legally, make them do it one at a time. Organization is important, but all the formal tools of organization are de facto illegal for us, so we must do without, find alternate methods, or have extremely good information security.

We don’t have the strength to resist our enemies in open battle, either physically or legally, so concentrating our forces is a mistake. The guerilla avoids battle unless it’s on his terms, at a time and place of his choosing; he does not hold territory. The BDs thought they controlled their little territory, and Uncle Sam was happy to show them how wrong they were. This is not to say we should form a literal guerilla army, but we must see ourselves as cultural, moral, social, and legal guerillas.

The Branch Davidians should have been an eccentric church. They should have purchased individual homes in the same general area and just spent a lot of time socializing and studying together, favoring fellow members in business and marriage and minimizing dealings with outsiders. The Beast might have eventually come for Koresh anyway, but he’d probably still be alive even then, and likely out of prison by now. They didn’t have much on him that could hold up in court. In any event, the community would have survived.

The Cominator says:

Guerillas tend to concentrate their organization within friendly foreign states… if only we had one.

Kunning Druegger says:

We do! Aim small, miss small is a wonderful concept. As converged as constitutional process is, there are more than a few states with law and policy very conducive to our ends. If you set out to change the world, you’re just going to be a tool for better financed operations. If you set out to take over the neighborhood watch, or a town council, or some other small government apparatus, I think you’ll find that determination and iron, simple principles are enough to beat most opponents. Hearts & Minds campaigns actually can work when you’re the little guy.

Adam says:

One of the features of the cathedral is how it is designed to protect those inside from those outside. It’s in the language of progressivism, it’s in the institutions, and it’s even in the architecture.

So many of our solutions are coup complete as it’s illegal to resist entryists. Even if you establish patriarchy and marriage 1.0, how do you keep it white? Easiest would be to stay very rural and more or less poor and low status (from the cathedral’s perspective). The Amish seem to do well this way. How far could a Jimian community like that go? Probably pretty far as far as Gnon is concerned, and a good life for many, better than they would have otherwise.

Much of what we talk about is coup complete because we want to take over the world. Or at least we are solving problem’s as if we were to. This makes it seem like Jimian Christianity is a harder problem than it is.

Reproduction is the only issue until it is no longer an issue. If we start there and build off of that things look more doable.

Jehu says:

Branch Davidians got a lot of attention if I recall locally because they used lots of welfare and social services. Having white people do that really really pisses off the Cathedral and draws the Eye.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’d have to do a deep dive, but my gut says the things you mentioned are probably correct. Being almost ignorant of the whole thing, I would hazard a fair amount on the assertion that, like most cults and extremists in the US of A, they get greedy and stupid after they begin to exert power in a small area. They isolate and dominate, and they forget just how big the USG is. They are able to throw their weight around in some county, and forget that they cannot compete with the Stationary Bandit. That’s the stupid part. The greedy part is denoted by hideous policies like abandoning sons and hoarding daughters, a charge laid out by Pax in a different thread, and one that is disgusting in the extreme. I have a deep well of dislike and mistrust for anyone who labels themselves a conservative but collects unemployment, disability, or other mommy government gibbs. Let me be clear: using loop holes and taking cash left on the table by low IQ fedgov bureaucrats is absolutely a useful methodology. But making your “living” by collecting checks from government while loudly proclaiming your independence is the same order of stupid as flying a Thin Blue Line flag and a Gadsden flag.

Koresh didn’t make just one mistake, he probably made many. I don’t think theology or family were those mistakes.

Jehu says:

I don’t know if they went as far as the abandoning sons and hoarding daughters, but I understand they did have tons collecting welfare and AFDC. Basically if you had 4 wives, at least 3 were collecting social assistance as unwed mothers. That’s from talking to relatives that lived in Texas at the time a few counties away.

Kunning Drueger says:

It was a few years ago, so I don’t have any links to substantiate it, but I distinctly remember reading an article about a bunch of Hasidic Jews, being “caught” collecting benefits for children and other things while claiming they had little to no income. They did in fact have income, but it was hidden under religious exemptions and other tribal bullshit. when caught out in their scheme, they of course stated that everyone who thought they were doing anything wrong was anti-Semitic. If I recall correctly, we were talking about millions of dollars. The fraud extended to multiple families, it wasn’t just one guy and his enterprising house frau pulling a scheme. They were covered by legal representation from the Orthodox and atheist Jew community. In a separate incident, some Hasidic or orthodox Jew owner of a industrial scale meat processing operation had been violating a ton of regulations regarding the goyslops He was bringing to market. when questioned about the violations and cheating, he made some kind of comment that if it wasn’t kosher related, it wasn’t any of his concern.

I’m not just trying to hate on those with tiny hats, I wanted to illustrate that you are perfectly allowed to violate any and all rules if you are the right phenotype or tribe. that being said, it is a terrible strategic decision to rely on fedgov gibbs If you are going to act like you are anti-establishment.

The Cominator says:

White collar crimes in reality are only sporadically prosecuted, tiny hats couldnt get away with covid regulations all that much.

Bill says:

Well for 1, hoarding automatic weapons and having explosives delivered by USPS is surely going to attract the attention of the state.

The working model is the Amish/Orthodox Jewish strategy. You maintain a separate minoritarian ethno-religion and don’t assimilate to the majority culture but you’re still loyal to the state.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s the issue with that model: what do when the pretense of civility drops? Hasidic jews are awful. The are terrible neighbors, rude people, and a backwards culture. No one likes them, normal jews most of all. They exist in their current numbers as a by product of their more palatable cousins’ efforts.

I genuinely love and respect the Amish, though I like Mennonites more. With no entity to guarantee their Special Case status, they are merely a poorly armed, poorly equipped bunch of carpenters and farmers. They’d probably make great slaves.

Over a placid long term, both models are quite viable. Any general turbulence thrown in, they are literally the first targets in their respective haunts.

Bill says:

Do Hasidic Jews or the Amish care what you or the mainstream culture at large thinks of them? What they have is a community that insulates them from the rot around them.

When a Hasidic Jew’s wife shit tests him, he has a group of men who will back him in a religious structure and communal framework. When a man in the mainstream culture’s wife shit tests him, he has only his own competence which is bound to fail eventually. Just look at Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, etc. It’s communal pressure that women respond to.

Ultimately, a religion is a test of who you are willing to work with and who are you not. If you are a self-proclaimed Christian yet you are willing to work with atheists, pagans, etc to further the aims of the white race, well your religion isn’t Christianity, it’s white racialism.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Can’t resist slipping in a few poison pills in between the pink ones, eh?

Basil says:

And will the modern Amish be ready to resist when everything collapses? Or will they calmly look at how guys from Mexican cartels and gangs of nigers rob them and rape their daughters?

It doesn’t matter how cohesive you are if you’re not ready to kill your enemies. The Hasidim have no chance at all to survive in the event of a collapse, they are too urban and they do not have any weapons in their hands. In addition, antifa militants simply hate them. If I were an American living in the Northeast, I would remember what God said to do in Numbers 31:14-18 to save those who can be saved.

S says:

The Amish are armed; they started after a couple of Amish girls were attacked and the Amish realized they couldn’t rely on the US government to protect themselves.

skippy says:

Celebrities exist in a sort of anti-religion of constant surveillance by people well funded to destroy them and eager to do so to get famous themselves. It is incredible to me that any celebrity manages to reproduce.

Neofugue says:

You could be like the Amish or the Hasidic Jews while also being normal, kind, and polite.

You don’t have to be a weirdo to be a moral person.

My family and I do our thing at our church. We are different from most of the congregation, and to be quite honest I do not like most of them, but we remain civil with each other.

Bill says:

The early Christians were regarded as bizarre weirdos to the “normal” hedonistic Romans around them. They employed the minoritarian strategy then that the Amish, Orthodox Jews, etc employ today.

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s a silly comparison.

jim says:

That is a long tough road.

Might be the only road.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Consider: what is the most defensible house?

A fortress with 20 foot thick bulkheads?

A bunker 100 meters underground?

A layered trench system 5 miles deep? Well now you’re getting warmer…

The most defensible house is one that is surrounded by a community of like-minded men who will band together to fight.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Much kibbitzing by the chattering classes over Musk firing people for not showing up to work.

This is the same way Musk has run all his companies of course, so it should come as no surprise, but this is a society of The Eternal Current Year; noone notices anything, noone remembers anything, and noone connects between what they remember.

Of course it has long been extensively demonstrated by experience in practice and studies alike that longer work hours doesn’t actually mean more productivity (for any meaningful sense of productive); that for pretty much everyone there are a few hours each day where they can be dynamic and get quality work done, and everything else beyond that is more or less good only for scut work.

But the more meta-level dynamic is that demanding excessive working hours from employees, is essentially a hackjob proxy for serving as a plausibly deniable form of loyalty test: filtering out people who don’t feel personal dedication to the mission in general, and deference to the boss in particular.

The Cominator says:

Almost all twatter employees were useless because it was essentially a government front…

Kunning Druegger says:

And the few useful ones were probably hounded out or cruelly suppressed. I would not be surprised at all if Twitter the company was more like some bureau of government than a tech company, with all the attendant black, gay, and female foolishness so replete in the civil service.

The media megaphone is loud, but it is forgetful. I wonder if based and utilitypilled guys will come out of the woodwork and join up with the new Twitter. This could be a good test case for our own Project (that being the Restoration) in terms of how to de-skinsuit and reanimate a converged institution.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>This could be a good test case for our own Project (that being the Restoration) in terms of how to de-skinsuit and reanimate a converged institution.

Easy: fire everyone, and say anyone who cares can reapply through your ‘hiring process’.

A2 says:

How about switching the roles, at least if you have a friendly presence above you? But can’t just fire them all.

For a university: Put the onus of performance on the skinsuiters so they won’t have so much time to make mischief, and meanwhile make sure you appoint hardcore political infighters tasked to hire only right and clear out the leftists (e.g., for non-performance).

Make conditions intolerable every now and then (require oath of loyalty to Trump? close enemy student associations?) to encourage the remaining leftists to flounce off.

jim says:

> How about switching the roles, at least if you have a friendly presence above you? But can’t just fire them all.

This is not hard, it has been done before. Everyone in a state or quasi state position gets invited to re-apply for his job. Part of that interview is an affirmation of faith and a promise of conformity.

The only problem is what do you do with the nonconformists.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We send Cominator and his wife to Alaska to build a compound. We send all the nonconformists to Cominator’s Alaskan Spiritual Retreat and they love it so much that they never come back and are never heard from again. Eventually, Cominator and his family return to society, and no one is allowed to ask questions about what happened in Alaska. Small video clips and blurry pictures are released onto places like 4chan and are quickly pulled down and the posts censored. That will spread the rumor that maybe, just maybe, the Alaskan complex was something much more sinister.

The Cominator says:

Nonconformists dont get sent unless they attempt entryism into the government, demon worshippers do.

And I’d be more like Heydrich… the equivalent roles of camp commandants and einstatzgruppen commanders (and for any normies here we arent talking about jews but leftists and such) are carried out by cuckservatives in order to bind them to the regime. All our “atrocities” will be carried out by cuckservatives for this reason.

And when it is done we will be very public about what we did to them and why… secrecy only before they arrive in Alaska…

At least in my opinion.

The Cominator says:
Kunning Druegger says:

Full fire/rehire is totally doable, barely even an inconvenience. Just put your core leadership team together and have them build their own departments/branches. The only hard and fast rule, as I see it, is no HR; hiring, benefits, and corporate culture is part of the job for leadership. The moment you shovel off the minutia is the moment you surrender sovereignty.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Of course you can fire everyone: you have your own people, don’t you?

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s how I have been going about JSRL:

-I collect the recommended posts into a list of hyperlinks
-I ask how it should be organized

I know, I know, super advanced, Restoration when. I have a good list going, so I am ready to move on to the next step:

-Take the recommended articles, read through them, and begin reducing them as much as possible. Take a paragraph, read it a few times, then reduce it to a single sentence. Sometimes this easy, many times it is not. The goal here is to summarize, not to prove categorically. Basically, we are taking oranges and making orange concentrate.
-Take the concentrated posts and order them conceptually and/or thematically

As I see it, the goal is to make a single essay that asserts then supports Throne, Altar, Freehold. I know this leaves a lot out, stuff that we priests deem essential. But we are not trying to engage with priests. Priests are easy to find, you can’t throw a sodomite off a building without bumping at least 3 of them on the way to impact. We are aiming at normies generally, and warriors specifically. Also, we aren’t trying to convince normies/warriors as they are and act now, we are targeting normies/warriors when bread costs $10 a loaf and street violence is the rule, not the exception.

Very, very, criminally even, briefly, we are writing a pamphlet that states (sort of): things are bad, but they don’t have to be; here is why they are bad, and here is how we can make them better. Alf did amazing work, and I am trying to condense that even further.

Does this make sense? Does anyone have any worthwhile critique or suggestions? If your critggestion is that all is lost, it’s impossible, urgay, or anything like that, silence is more convincing than wit. I’m not afraid of friction, I am just too busy being a crab in a pot and reminders aren’t helpful.

For further reference:

Ghost says:

Great. Can you save the whole thing in a single .pdf so I can download it and save it in case the site goes down. Thanks!

Kunning Drueger says:

When it’s done, yes.

alf says:

Sounds good. I’ve summarized things in my way, looking forward to reading your way

Neurotoxin says:

Arright, biznatches, a stab at item #1 on my list. It quickly expanded, as such things will to the inevitability of a state religion, etc. Everyone can chime in, but especially alf, Kunning, and of course Jim. Too long? Too short? Too wrong?

1. Democracy is not a long-run tenable system. It cannot defend itself against attacks such as electoral fraud and hostile infiltration of governmental institutions.

In general, political orders that are broadly “liberal” – that is, in which there is no official ideology to which citizens must affirm allegiance – are unable to defend themselves. This is because collective defense, including collective violence, requires an intellectual and ethical coordinating mechanism. (Collective action cannot occur without coordination.) That is, defense requires a shared faith. A shared faith – among many other functions – plays the role of identifying enemies, facilitating decisions about which enemies to attack, etc.

When a shared faith is officially part of a government – when affirmations of allegiance to that faith are necessary at least to hold certain positions of power – we call it a state religion.

State religions are inevitable in human politics because an elite or would-be elite without a state religion can’t coordinate and therefore can’t fight (on a collective scale). Therefore, in the unlikely event that an elite without a state religion were to ever be in power, they wouldn’t be in power long: They’d be attacked, defeated, and replaced by a new elite with a state religion.

Thus the classical liberal vision – of a government whose ideology is not effectively compulsory – is not viable in the long run. It is unstable in the cold logic of war.

Summarizing these ideas:

We always have a state religion.

2. But the state religion is not always official. The need for effective defense presses for it to be official. That is, it should be implemented by means such as explicit affirmations of faith which are legally mandatory in at least some cases. This helps to make it clear who is an enemy. (It does not solve the problem entirely; see “entryism/infiltration” elsewhere in this document. [Note November 19, 2022: Obviously this hasn’t been written yet.])

Unofficial state religions have another problem: they cannot control their own evolution over time. By assumption, an unofficial state religion has no state institutions responsible for identifying correct doctrine, identifying heresies and uprooting them, etc. (If it had such – if it had a State Inquisitor – it would be the official state religion.)

Unofficial state religions are uncontrolled because any person can contribute to the religion. Their evolution over time is decentralized. This makes them vulnerable to holiness spirals. [See entry, etc.]

The western democracies of the early 21st century have a state religion but it is not official. Officially they still claim to be liberal in the eighteenth-century sense. In fact they have a state religion, but since it is unofficial it is “a game that anyone can play.” This is one reason for its accelerating extremism: There is no state inquisitor who could stop it.

The Cominator says:

“Thus the classical liberal vision – of a government whose ideology is not effectively compulsory – is not viable in the long run. It is unstable in the cold logic of war.”

Great post in general my quibble is with this part.

The government faith is only necessarily compulsory for those holding government office or state or quasi state office. Its not a proper job of the Inquisition/State security to look for every nonbeliever rather they are to look for certain evil demon worshipping counter religions.

Leftism of all kinds, hardcore Sunni Islam (I would be content to let this one slide in the current year but if Muslims start getting devout again like they were in the early 2000s it would be active), whatever the fuck the Jesuits believe… making everyone believe almost guarantees entryists its more important to identify demon worshipping religions and wipe them out. There is really no reason to go after Cynics Buddhists or New Agers unless they are also leftists.

S says:

“1. Democracy is not a long-run tenable system. It cannot defend itself against attacks such as electoral fraud and hostile infiltration of governmental institutions.”

You should either skip or elaborate this.

Democracy is prone to unofficial state religions because the institutions of democracy are designed not to exercise power; made up of large numbers of people, in positions for limited time and with (officially) disparate goals. So power moves to small groups, with long time horizons and unified goals that operate either inside or outside the government.

While it is possible to design a democracy less vulnerable to this (eliminate the Supreme Court and presidency, make Congress 101 people who serve for life) it doesn’t happen- high trust groups establish monarchies.

“Unofficial state religions have another problem: they cannot control their own evolution over time. By assumption, an unofficial state religion has no state institutions responsible for identifying correct doctrine, identifying heresies and uprooting them, etc. (If it had such – if it had a State Inquisitor – it would be the official state religion.)”

I’d go further, religions have a purpose- ‘peace among men of good will’, ‘honor ones parents who honored their parents who honored…’, ‘what is good for the Jews?’, etc. The purpose of unofficial state religions is ‘seize power’, so they can’t be fixed and renewed- they devour societies to reward followers or die.

Neurotoxin says:

Cominator: “The government faith is only necessarily compulsory for those holding government office or state or quasi state office. Its not a proper job of the Inquisition/State security to look for every nonbeliever.”

Yes, absolutely. I intended that, but I guess I didn’t say it.

S: “the institutions of democracy are designed not to exercise power”

Not following. Explain?

“I’d go further, religions have a purpose- ‘peace among men of good will’, ‘honor ones parents who honored their parents who honored…’, ‘what is good for the Jews?’, etc.”

Of course. I tried to delay that discussion by writing “A shared faith – among many other functions –” But of course that discussion, of a state religion’s necessary and sufficient functions, must be part of this document. E.g., hatching, matching, and dispatching, as Jim says, etc.

“The purpose of unofficial state religions is ‘seize power’, so they can’t be fixed and renewed- they devour societies to reward followers or die.”
Indeed. Marxism is the example par excellence here.

S says:

“Not following. Explain?”

I was thinking separation of powers and term limits. They are explicitly designed to prevent the exercise of power.

I did have a bit of Americanitis and forgot unitary parliamentary governments, but they still diffuse official power. The more members parliament holds, the shorter the terms, the less it is able to exercise and the more it ends up in the hands of political parties and civil servants.

I don’t know the exact number before things become unworkable, but the Taliban operate with about 30 people in their Leadership Council.

Red says:

Civil service wasn’t really a power until FDR. Before that they were political loyalty pay off jobs but it was still the actual elite who ruled.

>I was thinking separation of powers and term limits. They are explicitly designed to prevent the exercise of power.

It’s designed to prevent kings, not the exercise of power. Republics and Democracies only really stick around if they create a system and civic religion that’s highly anti king. Otherwise as soon as the Democratic leaders shit the bed and things are going to hell the average man is going to demand a real king gets back in charge.

Generally with bodies too large to self govern like the house, powerful members tend to tell the others how to vote. Democracy works well when you have virtuous near dictators directing it and poorly when it’s functioning as it’s suppose to work, IE Mob rule.

S says:

“Civil service wasn’t really a power until FDR. Before that they were political loyalty pay off jobs but it was still the actual elite who ruled.”

Yes, as long as civil servants are hired and fired with their representatives, they are subject to the same barriers to accumulating power. Once you get a ‘professional’ civil service is when they act independently.

“It’s designed to prevent kings, not the exercise of power. Republics and Democracies only really stick around if they create a system and civic religion that’s highly anti king. Otherwise as soon as the Democratic leaders shit the bed and things are going to hell the average man is going to demand a real king gets back in charge.

Generally with bodies too large to self govern like the house, powerful members tend to tell the others how to vote. Democracy works well when you have virtuous near dictators directing it and poorly when it’s functioning as it’s suppose to work, IE Mob rule.”

=So power moves to small groups, with long time horizons and unified goals that operate either inside or outside the government.=

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Fear of power and fear of responsibility – which is effectively the same thing – is an animating impulse of demotism and bureaucratism alike.

Basil says:

Typical Pax Rossica news:

A handyman from Uzbekistan, Shokhrubek Karimov, stabbed to death the saleswoman Yulia Tkacheva, whom he had been caring.

In Russia, which wants to survive, all owners of such Wahhabi beards must be destroyed on the spot as terrorists. Both migrants and “citizens of the Russian Federation”. The state, the army, the police, the militia, caring uncles – anyone. Not? Some people don’t want to live.

By the way, Yulia Tkacheva was originally from Horlivka, and three years ago she moved from the Donbass to Moscow…

Kunning Drueger says:

Going Nowhere: The Basil Story.

Red says:

I’m sure he’s getting plenty of action in his local bathhouse.

Kunning Drueger says:

Per reports I’ve seen on TGram, More than 80,000 illegals have crossed into the United States since October 1st.

Jim, what is the likelihood that the cartel will start operating in earnest in the border region on the American side? might this be a part of the 2024 plans?

is it possible that certain factions in the cathedral have realized that the foot soldiers they have to hand, like antifa and others, will not be up to the task of facing down armed and angry citizen groups? If this is indeed happening as I portray it, what should we expect to see in terms of actual operationalization?

Karl says:

What do you mean with “operating in earnest”? My understanding is that the cartels are a criminal business organisations that earn most of their money with drugs. I assume that is always serious business and they are earnestly doing it.

Anyway, I don’t think the government needs cartels. They have an army, several armies in fact considering how many branches of the government have their own armed troops.

Kunning Drueger says:

By operating in earnest I mean acting with the same level of brashness and openness north of the border as they do south of the border. while violence definitely leaks over the border, it is nowhere near the magnitude of the cartel war violence in Mexico. off the top of my head, more than 50,000 people a year can be murdered, /killed in the violence between the various cartel groups. while this is substantial, most Americans are completely oblivious to it. If they start operating north of the border in the same fashion, it is going to be much harder to ignore.

I know there is lots of information out there online that talks about how big and expensive and capable the United States military is. in reality, something like 80% of the military is bureaucratic or support only in nature. This means people that sit in offices, or drive trucks, or do any of the other millions of things. the US military has decided it must do. The US military is not very effective at all, particularly when it is trying to actually fight wars. look at what happened in Afghanistan over a period of 20 years. If the US military has to go up against the cartel, it could be a lot worse. another aspect of this is, if the cartel is doing the violence, the political factions in the US can decry it and make laws about it but never have to actually own up to it or do anything about it, just as they do with black violence in the inner city.

Red says:

20,000+ Americans were murdered last year in the US. I expect numbers to be even higher this year. We’re already approaching Cartel levels violence.

Kunning Drueger says:

The real question is: is 20,000 high, low, or average? whatever the case, most murders are interpersonal violence and negro crime in the cities. If we start to see cartel style violence, and it should be noted that this will look a lot more like South Africa than Mexico, that may move the needle in many respects.

Red says:

It was 14,249 in 2014. It’s been increasing around 2,000 a year since 2018. Numbers are being under counted now too. If the victim doesn’t have a family that cares about them(huge chunk of official murders are worthless shits that no one gives a fuck about), they’re being ruled natural causes or suicide to try and keep numbers down(started in 2019). Real numbers might be in the 25-28k range this year.

The point is crime is approaching Mexican levels and will be there in another 3 or 4 years. In city near where I live a woman was out at 10am scraping off the frost from her car and a group of niggers drove by in a uhaul truck, stole her car and tried to kidnapp her. Broad daylight in a nice area of town.

It takes criminals a while to move from small crime to major ones, but we’re at the stage where the criminals who got started with the soft on crime approach starting in 2014 have fully graduated to major crimes.

The Cominator says:

Its hard for me to grasp this aspect of clownworld because this is one thing that so far just isnt happening in Florida… I can walk down the streets of nigger and spic neighborhoods here in Florida and be perfectly safe.

Are the streets of most cities outside the hotspots of Camden Memphis Detroit (and i mean the nigger areas) that bad now…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Chiraq and Detoilet have been this bad for decades, and only getting worse. NYC vacilates between just as bad as its ‘sister cities’ and interregnums with semblances of order as the segment of ruling class bluetribespeople occupying the place made unprincipled exceptions for their own backyard, but any contemplation of exceptions was likewise completely evaporated by the ascendant cult of negrolatry from 2019 onwards, and coupled with the autophagy of covidianism has largely become a no-man’s land as well.

Red says:

I can’t say for all states, but crime is rising fast in most areas. DeSantos land might be the exception to the rule. My extended family just moved to Southern Red State to get away from the crime and I’ll be following as soon as I get a job lined up, but the area they picked already has me worried. They’ve got drag queen kiddy shows going on and the local supposedly “Republican” authorities are ignoring it despite it being a straight up violation of state law.

They’re seeing a large increase in crime as well, but it’s loads safer than the blue state they moved from. I live in a purplish area where’s it’s pretty safe but it’s trending towards dangerous. No Mexican cartels in sight.

The Cominator says:

What state, Texas Georgia and believe it or not Alabama GOP are totally infested with cucks.

For some reason Florida GOP (perhaps because its dominated by people who lived in areas ruined by leftists and possess a real passionate hatred of leftists) has gotten very hardcore…

Red says:

I know very little about Florida so correct me if I’m wrong, but the GOP in that state seem to speak with one voice and act with great cohesion. I think that voice is Ron DeSantis. He’s built a strong personal following it’s effects are quite telling in pushing back against today’s leftism, even if Ron is just 10 years behind the current thing.

The Cominator says:

It does now…

jim says:

I expect state failure.

But I don’t expect any one specific form and process of state failure. There are an enormous number of ways for a state to fail, and very few ways for it to function successfully. And, similarly I do not have any specific date for state failure, though infinite leftism, which I expect imminently, is likely to trigger it.

The Cominator says:

I guess the million dollar question is if you expect state failure when does the US go from anarcho tyranny to just anarcho… 10 years? 20?

jim says:

I expect the unexpected.

But I expected a lot more drama by now, and it has not yet been happening.

There was a vast apparatus of enforcement, which was primarily targeted at the affluent and smart, to force the jab on them – a jab that significantly and substantially reduces IQ, and appears designed to destroy fertility in both males and females.

And now this apparatus of enforcement has softly and silently vanished away, though I still see numerous notices announcing it is still in force.

What is happening now I do not understand. There was power that has murdered tens of millions, and when that power was checked, one would expect to see some drama. Why the absence of drama? How can they be checked, without winding up hanging for their crimes?

This does not fit my world model. It is clearly war related, as I said, Putin cured Covid. Somebody decided that mass murder, sterility, and stupidity was probably a poor move in the log term struggle with Russia. But not seeing a someone who could make that stick, without halting the holiness spiral.

The Cominator says:

My theory is that the halting of Coronatarianism is that the Jesuits have largely met their objectives, most women got jabbed ergo they have their sterility plague. Women are the bottleneck not men.

Trump out of power and votes firmly rigged for the forseeable future perhaps until the system collapses. Hence no need to potentially start open civil war (especially with Texas and Florida close to open rebellion if they tried to enforce vax mandates here) especially with them now focusing on destroying Russia…

Oog en Hand says:

“My theory is that the halting of Coronatarianism is that the Jesuits have largely met their objectives, most women got jabbed ergo they have their sterility plague. Women are the bottleneck not men.”

True. But the sterility gene is recessive. So, if they are all impregnated by unvaxxed men…

Bill says:

Or your Holiness spiral model has been proven to be false. Maybe time for some humility.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Belief in such a thing as ‘slippery slope fallacy’ is a classic midwit trap; beaten only by all time great thought-terminating cliches like ‘correlation is not causation’.

The Cominator says:

The slippery slope is not a fallacy its almost always true, while correlation is very often NOT causation.

jim says:

Correlation is always causation – it is just that it does not reveal what is causing what. If C and D correlate, D could be causing C, or C could be causing D, or B could be causing both C and D.

But something is always causing the correlation, and if someone has a plausible candidate for that something, then disregarding that candidate is self induced stupidity and self induced ignorance unless one has a better candidate in mind.

The Cominator says:

Low average tests scores in the South are caused by niggers, leftists say it was caused by Republicans..

Now you could argue that niggers eventually caused southern whites to vote more right wing (i mean back when voting was semi honest) but whites never voted as right wing in say Michigan which was also full of niggers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Have you checked the correlation of test scores by numbers of different species vs the correlation by number of R voters?

I would wager the former is likely much stronger than the later.

Kunning Drueger says:

So correlation always implies causality, and the challenge is to isolate and understand the causal force.

Slippery Slope needs more research. It isn’t a fallacy, and anyone who maintains that it is is either ignorant or malevolent. But I think there needs to be a more formal treatment of the process.

Both concepts are essential to building and maintaining societies, which is probably why the Matists put so much effort into muddying their waters.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The empirical record on slippery slopes is that all slopes are slippery.

For example, a kingdom shifted to a parliament of lords, and an ochlocracy shifted to a parliament of lords, is not the same situation, because the cardinalities are different.

Neurotoxin says:

I suspect the “slippery slope is a fallacy” thing was started by leftists during the Cold War. It was an attempt to make us let down our guard against communism. “Slippery slope” often came up in that context. (It was like the domino theory in geopolitics, or the idea that each concession to socialist economics only facilitates the next move toward socialist economics.)

The whole notion that it’s a fallacy is monstrously idiotic. Consider a literal slope that is literally slippery. if someone steps onto it, he’ll fall down a steep slope and break his arm. Suppose that happens. Leftists: “That didn’t just happen. Are you going to believe our claim that that’s impossible or your own lying eyes?”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

No essence means no pattern means no prediction.

Solipsistic nominalism strikes again. Life if nothing but an Eternal Current Year.

jim says:

If everyone dies in 2030 rather than 2026, that would not prove my holiness spiral model to be false. It would prove I was on Musk time.

As retrodiction, it fits. Things have been getting holier faster. Normality has not returned. They have backed off from forcing everyone to be jabbed, but are sailing right along on transitioning your children, war with Russia, and collapsing the economy as a holy sacrifice to Gaia the global warming demon.

Red says:

Is this CR’s new handle?

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m noticing that you strangely don’t respond to my good faith rebuttals and responses.

Can you clarify, explicitly, how the Coronatarian saga negates the Holiness Spiral model?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The frankenjab situation left the theocracy caught between a rock and a hard place; they could not simply *stop* pushing covidianism, but at the same rate, covidianism required them to make life intolerable for literally everyone to a degree that ump way past the ‘normal’ rate of boiling the frog, on the grounds of pretenses that likewise literally everyone could see as false with their own two eyes. Everyone was being pushed away, the perception of legitimacy collapsing battle lines were being drawn. It is not an exaggeration to say that civil war or soviet style implosion was immanent, in a historical sense, if the course of things stayed as they were.

But pushing Putin into a war gave them the out they needed; an excuse to just quietly turn off the burners boiling up mania and pretend they never tried and why don’t we just let bygones be bygones.

Red says:

This sounds right. I was seeing a lot of very upset middle ranking blue people upset at the lock downs and very upset the vaccines were not doing jack shit to stop covid. It felt like something had to break, and then the moment the war got started in the Ukraine, almost all the restrictions where removed all at once. They’ve even been allowing official talk of the lab leak and the some of the dangers of the vaccine. An Iseriali study showing that the vax not covid caused myocarditis was very surprising. Not so much that it showed it, rather that it was published without it’s researchers being canceled or killed.

Anonymous Fake says:

State failure will be perceived most acutely when people refuse to send their children to any school at all, state or otherwise (the “ideal” state schools might be New England preppy Jesuit schools for all I know). Since 2008 they already do not honor school based meritocracy, and the underclass that only sends its children to school because they don’t like them is killing itself off with opioids and abortion. And the best doctors are now foreigners, since COVID exposed American medicine as a conspiracy of snake oil salesmen.

If doctors lack respect and prestige and a meritocracy tradition, then lawyers certainly do too, and from there all the turtles on the way down can just collapse.

Contamianted NEET says:

Poor old AF, your straight A grades and 85th percentile standardized test scores didn’t make you a millionaire, and it’s the the greatest injustice ever done to man.

Accept that they lied to you and move on. It sucks that they screwed you; they screwed me too. We’re not getting our money back though. The time, the effort, the fraudulent self esteem – that’s all gone, and there will be no compensation. Come up with a new plan, and for god’s sake, find something new to complain about.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s a video that will be infuriating:

To cuckservatives discuss gun crime, statistics, and the FBI.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis imho will not leave Florida to try to win an election he knows will be rigged against him, he is no fool.

Red says:

That would be wise of him. He really does seem to know the score. If he starts building his own security forces up that might be a good sign for the future.

The Cominator says:

Ill put one proviso if someone like Musk plays Crassus to his Caesar and gives him 20 billion and he gets another 20 billion from various other billionaires… enough to buy the vote counters off then he might.

Red says:

That might not be possible once the feds have those 80k armed IRS agents. I think that’s the federal security force they’re intending to use to ensure only members of the party can rig elections.

Though thinking it over, it was the personal loyalty of Caesar’s and Pompey’s men that allowed them to used danger men to allow for fair voting. I rather doubt anyone hired by the Feds have a lot of loyalty to it and they’ll all being willing to take bribes.

The Cominator says:

Its a kleptocracy now of course theyll take bribes.

Red says:

Absolutely. It’s still just hard for me to wrap my head around it. Normal is taking bribes these days.

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s normal to take the Left’s bribes to do good, proper, legal, and appropriate things you were going to do anyway, probably, just maybe not so enthusiastically. You could call it “doing well by doing good.” It’s certainly not normal to take bribes from the other side. That would be criminal, and wrong, and you wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.

The Cominator says:

The thing when societies get really low trust and corrupt it eventually doesnt matter…

Contaminated NEET says:

We’re not anywhere near there, Com. In the enemy’s minds, they’re really not doing anything corrupt. They don’t think their bribery is low trust behavior, and in a perverse way it really is kind of high-trust, at least within their circle of insiders.

The average member of the political/bureaucratic/expert class really and truly believes he is a moral and ethical paragon, even as he takes a bribe. The game is nobody ever admits it’s a bribe. There’s a quid, and there’s a quo, but there’s no explicit pro connecting the two. He’s doing something good and right, and he’s receiving well-earned compensation for expertise in an unrelated area, thus it’s not criminal, and it’s not even unethical. They truly believe this. This is why the Right can’t pull the same trick. At best, the Rightist pays the quid and never gets the quo. After all, nobody ever actually said it’s an exchange. At worst, the Rightist makes it clear and explicit and ends up in jail.

The Cominator says:

Nah were at the point where almost all the leftist true believers are white women from coastal suburbs who are also incompetent and useless… the rest of them can be bought.

Kunning Druegger says:

Sloppy google search results:

Total Federal (civilian) Workforce Count – 2,167,192
Male – 55.64%
Female – 44.36%
Black/African American – 18.35%
White – 61.45%

States with the most FedGov employees:
CA – 180,397
VA – 160,774
TX – 157,232
MD – 152,643
FL – 105,288

Total fed workforce (civilian and uniformed): 4,253,133

These numbers are wonky. All pulled from single source[1]. The assertion that all “true believers are white women” doesn’t stand up IMO. What defines a true believer is worthy of debate, but we need to establish what’s more relevant, true belief or ability to act on beliefs? I am of the opinion that fedgov employees matter far more than “voters.” We then would have to look at state governments demograqphics as well. The fact that governance in the US has not imploded basically proves that white males are still the majority, though it’s a thin one and growing thinner all the time. The assertion that it’s “coastal suburbanites” is spot on IMO.

We are not at the point where one can just bribe whomever needed successfully and consistently. The race of the briber matters a good deal, as does the race of the bribed. Alphachads are at an advantage with attractive women, but so are degenerates and minorities in certain circumstances. Think about the legions of Karens in both fed and sate gov; being a cat person may be enough to get that envelope full of cash and/or sex toy coupons accepted.

[1] **PDF**

The Cominator says:

Not all but most of them…

Kunning Druegger says:


The Cominator says:
Adam says:

I think we’re pretty close to there. The priesthood has a complete stranglehold on construction by way of zoning, permitting, inspections etc. Not to mention insurance. Those are all bribes. It’s formalized but it equates to the same thing.

Kunning Drueger says:

attempting to play the lefts game, which is to say faking elections with Astro turf and fraud, is a fool’s errand for the right. Core principles and cultural patterns are precisely what makes the right wing so bad at our current style of politics. these are not failings, and they should not be treated as such. DeSantis would be much better off biting his time and being the change he’d like to see locally while slowly building up his personal retinue and providing a primer for other elites in positions of power.

The Cominator says:

“Core principles and cultural patterns are precisely what makes the right wing so bad at our current style of politics. these are not failings”

Bah muh principles cuckservatism.

Kunning Druegger says:

So you are spitting on having principles and abiding by them now? Or is that when I write “conservative” or “right wing” you only think of Mitt Romney or David French?

The Cominator says:

My principles when it comes to leftists are anything that can beat leftists…

Kunning Druegger says:

Puerile and pointless, further reaffirming my conviction that leadership must be limited to men with submissive wives and obedient children. The politics of vendetta are leftist politics.

The Cominator says:

Moral BS has lost the right everything since the McCarthy era… if the right had been united behind the idea of killing 3 million communist traitors in the McCarthy era eventually the Republic would still have fallen but there would be no accompanying cancerous leftist problem.

I hate moral arguments when it comes to limiting actions in the war against the left…

Pax Imperialis says:

>Moral BS has lost the right everything since the McCarthy era…

This isn’t meant to be a blackpill, but 1950s McCarthy era was all a puppet show. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover provided much of the information McCarthy used. Entire purpose was to clean house of the pro-soviet communists after the war while keeping anti-soviet communists in charge.

The communist problem was around prior to WW1 and became dominant by the 1920s.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Kunning Drueger says:

like it or not, principles and values are a core aspect of everyone in our society who is actually conservative. you are side stepping my point completely by pretending I somehow brought into the discussion a moral argument against violence being applied to the demon worshipers and their vassals. playing stupid democracy games in an attempt to beat the left is political masturbation. Even if the RNC tries to play that game, the principles and values of their voter base will not allow for it to be done as effectively as needed.

If there is ever to be a violent reckoning for the managerial class in this country, those pulling the triggers will be men who stand on principles and their morals, regardless of what cowards and quislings say or do. The issue here is neither the principles nor the morals of actual conservatives, it is the hand waving and negotiating and cowardice of the pseudo-conservatives who are ostensibly in charge of the RNC and the various conservative institutions. McCarthy could have had a leftist purge if not for all of the fence sitters and turncoats.

The Cominator says:

“like it or not, principles and values are a core aspect of everyone in our society who is actually conservative.”

And we’re reactionaries here we’re not conservatives, there is very little about clownworld society we want to conserve.

“Even if the RNC tries to play that game, the principles and values of their voter base will not allow for it to be done as effectively as needed.”

With enough money it would actually succeed and nothing succeeds like success…

Red says:

This isn’t meant to be a blackpill, but 1950s McCarthy era was all a puppet show. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover provided much of the information McCarthy used. Entire purpose was to clean house of the pro-soviet communists after the war while keeping anti-soviet communists in charge.

That’s probably the best take I’ve ever seen on McCarthy. Fits all the know facts, and shows how a weak alcoholic could gain so much insider knowledge.

Adam says:

Com is right, conservatism is a strategy the way leftism is a strategy, and a losing one at that. As a strategy it resides entirely inside the territory of gay anal democracy.

Patriarchy is creative and reactionary. “I don’t believe in divorce” is conservative.

Big fish eat the little fish. It’s a red pill truth. As men of creation we have every right under the banner of Christ to convert or kill every leftist by sword point. Because either we eat them, or they eat us. And every time we fail to do so, they get bigger and we get smaller.

Red says:

>like it or not, principles and values are a core aspect of everyone in our society who is actually conservative.

Who replaced KD with a cuckservitive reply boy?

Conservationism is and always has been bullshit. People either have virtue or they do not. Values are virtue signaling rather than real virtue and when the people signaling see some sort of gains by dumping those values they do so in a heart beat.

I’ve practiced real virtue in my life as informed by natural law. Areas where I fail in virtue, bother me and I am unable to describe myself as a good man in such areas. Cuckservtives on the other hand are always good men because as long as they signal the right values, that makes them good. There’s no virtue in a cuckservitive.

The Roman Republic crumbled because the Cuckservitives endless signaled good Roman Virtue, while abandoning the practicing it.

Kunning Drueger says:

The fundamental misunderstanding seems to be twofold: celebrity ideation and common v. proper nouns.

Due to media inundation, people become overwhelmed with the requisite mental modeling needed to keep track of “what’s going on” in their incorporated reality. Out of necessity (or, less charitably, laziness or intellectual incapacity), people find placeholder personalities to represent segments, or factions or groups, of a population and thereby avoid the need to factor in nuance. This is a natural proclivity typically expressed as discrimination or categorization, and it is an essential tool for successfully navigating life when Dunbar Limits are overwhelmed. The problem arises when this proclivity gets hacked by another proclivity, that being the tendency to start believing in something after a sufficient number of repetitions. Thus, seeing the term “conservative ” repeatedly and consistently attached to the likeness of a particular celebrity, like John McCain or Ben Shapiro, creates the illusion of a fixed association.

Conservatism is a fake and gay ideology espoused by the outer segment of the uniparty to reinforce gains maid by the uniparty. A conservative is a person who lives by Chesterton’s Fence Concept as a matter of course.

We need an army. Armies are comprised of commoners attached to elites, and elites attached to leaders. This is not an RTS game where we can build a Barracks, research the Monarchy upgrade, then pump out ideologically sound gigachads so we can wave assault the AI before it does the same to us with NPC hordes. It is essential to build the whole path from There (the place where natural conservatives are) to Here (knowing the proper friend/enemy distinction and acting on it by reflex). Natural conservatives are currently enthralled to pseudo conservatives, or Conservatists. These outer party cucks need to be eliminated, conceptually first, then minecraftually most of all.

Placing Morals and Principles into the category of Accessory is just ideological relativism, and I’m not into gay shit. There is truth, there are bodies of fact based on truth, there is correct morality, and there are vital principles. Moral Relativists are at best useful idiots; I’m happy to have them march in front of the guys I actually care about.

Red says:

Conservatism is a fake and gay ideology espoused by the outer segment of the uniparty to reinforce gains maid by the uniparty. A conservative is a person who lives by Chesterton’s Fence Concept as a matter of course.

A conservative today is busy conserving Women’s sports. I’m old enough to have grown up during the early days of Women’s sports where they insisted that women were just as good as men and it was unfair to exclude them. I got to experience integrated sports first hand. What a fucking joke girls were past age 10. They simply where not built to compete and didn’t the mentality to compete effectively. So instead of continuing that nonsense, separate sports leagues were pushed where they could pretend women were just as good as men. That’s what conservatives are trying to preserve.

I realized early on that sports was training for warfare and group hunting. Women have no ability in such areas and they should never play sports. Generally they naturally don’t want to play sports, but it’s pushed on them so they do it. It’s just pointless behavior aping men. Now girls spend a good chunk of their youth playing sports when they should be developing useful skills like cooking and child rearing. But hey, your fucking worthless cuckservtives want to preserve that nonsense and fuck up women’s general worth with it.

Conserving last year’s progressism isn’t saving anyone.

Chesterton’s Fence is useful tool, but if the fence was put up to protect the failures of the previous generation of progressive bullshit then you’re not doing any good. We need to return to behavior and virtue that works.

Today on /r/Consrevitism rank and file conservatives defend the rights of anal fisters to marry each other and adopt children that they’ll molest, but they oppose Trannies grooming children in gay bars. 5 years form now they’ll defend Trannies molesting children in gay bars, but open sodomy of young boys in public by pederasts will be too much! On and on it goes.

Red says:

We need an army. Armies are comprised of commoners attached to elites, and elites attached to leaders.

Now I get it, your trying to use “conservatism” as the religious to build on army on. Won’t work. You need a real working religion for army. Conservatism was just the slot dissidents got shoved into while the progressives continued to subvert them.

Now Christian Nationalism on the other hand has real potential as a religious force. It scares the crap out of the left.

Kunning Druegger says:

You are either deliberately ignoring what I am writing, or incapable of following what I am saying. The combined comment chain spells out my position sufficiently enough for me. Time will tell if I am on target or off base.

>I say Conservatism [capital C and -ism suffix critical] is fake, gay, and needs to be eliminated, along with its leaders

> You bring up r/Conservatism [hey look, capital C and -ism suffix!] and then insinuate that I want to use these people to build an army.

I attempted to elaborate on my position in detail. The test results indicate this was ineffective.

Revenge fantasy is gay and retarded.

Playing pretend is for children.

Moral relativism is a couple steps away from child anal advocacy.

Men with no land, no children, no principles are at best in the way and at worst future enemies.

Grab some Nikes, race to war now.

The Cominator says:

Stop looking for ways to outgroup me (this is not the first fucking time you’ve done this) and stop looking for reasons why in the event of victory that shitlibs should receive mercy. This is a mere message board and here in this obscure corner of the internet I’ll always have the prestige of being the guy who was both right about covid and the guy who boldly charged the machine gun nests of those who were wrong about covid (and also predicted very dire consequences that the right didn’t solidly oppose the hoax at the time… the dire consequences have come to pass).

Its a revenge fantasy because we aren’t in power right now but its very important if we get into power we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past in sparing them. If we win we will have one chance to get rid of them… its not something we’re going to be able to do later even with an autocratic government. To spare them we will end up like Chile and Spain did for sparing them. I’ll admit I do want revenge but my logic is still sound.

Cuckservatives can potentially be useful sometimes but there should be zero concessions to their preferences and memeplexes. Cuckservatives are an engineered memeplex and they are engineered to be fighting a losing war.

Also if you are going to call childless men a liability I think men with only daughters are worse than childless men, as they tend to simp for the interest of women never met a guy in the West with only daughters who wasn’t at best a tradcuck feminist.

jim says:

> If we win we will have one chance to get rid of them

Leftism is entropy, social entropy. Cannot get rid of leftism once and for all, have to endlessly pump entropy out of society. A palace has to have a sewer. Organisms have to eat and excrete.

However, if leftists are organized into a conspiracy, which is to say organized into a priesthood, one can get rid of that one particular priesthood once and for all, and we certainly would be a lot better off if Charles the Second had done so rather than allowing them to self exile to New England.

> never met a guy in the West with only daughters who wasn’t at best a tradcuck feminist.

This is the my precious pumpkin syndrome, which syndrome destroyed the Roman Republic. Hence my position that we should allow marriage by seduction, elopement, and abduction, piously pretending that all such cases are marriage by abduction, with the father’s property right in the daughter being entirely extinguished, and the abductor receiving a complete property right (provided he is able and willing to keep her forever and look after her)

The Cominator says:

You can’t rid of envy but I want to reduce future leftism to what it was in the days before the idea of Humanism ever existed…

It would become to paraphrase Tolkien a malignant spirit in the wilderness.

Kunning Druegger says:

TC, your positions vis a vis morals and principles are enemy positions. You chose that, not me. Further, my position on men of substance v. men of words is not based on you, you’re just a handy example in this specific place.

You have decided to associate with strippers to the exclusion of all other females, and honestly you’ve made an excellent case for why you do so. But it doesn’t change the fact that you are, at the end of it all, childless and family-less, which is exactly what the Cathedral wants for all white males. You can extol upon the Why’s of it all, and you can line up an endless list of reasons, but nature is the purest judge. If God takes away from me my family and land, I’ll be in the same situation. I’ll have arrived there by circumstance not choice, but there I will be.

Further still, you continue to personalize all disagreements and opposition, claiming that the only reason anyone would oppose you is because you were right on Covid. You chose to take that position, and you choose to maintain it. I have explicitly defended you when some shill asshole (Bill) attacked you for no reason, and I will oppose you when I find your positions incorrect, untenable, or reprehensible.

If you are feeling out grouped because of your decision to give up on procreating… good, that means it is working. Shame is the most reliable motivator for correcting incorrect cultural and social behavior.

There is no other way for me to put this: barren men with relative morals and no held principles are bad men, either potentially or actually. As I’ve said before, I genuinely hope you come around, and I consider you a bro, even if I think you are too single minded and too black & white.

As I see it, the core issue, when all personal stuff is stripped away, is precisely this: you are in the Sprinting Camp, and I am in the Marathon Camp. We both have good points and blind spots, but I remain convinced that Marathon is the correct strategic approach. This is a holy war, need a religion to fight a holy war, can’t have a good religion based on moral relativism.

jim says:

> If you are feeling out grouped because of your decision to give up on procreating… good, that means it is working

Yes, he deserves pressure over his unwise decision to give up, but I don’t think we should be too severe on him. Things just are mighty tough, and I know how tough they are as well as anyone. It is tough for me, and it is tough for famous movie stars.

If the opportunity for holy war comes in a timely way, we will assign him a conquered woman, and he will heal up.

In the meantime, he should try putting out the necessary effort. I have advised him often enough on what he should try.

Red says:

>Moral relativism is a couple steps away from child anal advocacy.

That’s a fake and gay term that covers for people committing evil. Natural law is easy to understand, as is tradition. People who spout off about Moral Relativism are either covering for evil people or are useful idiots.

When a leftist tells me that morality is different in different places explain away child rape or human sacrifice I know they’re evil and intend me harm and they should die for it. When a Cuckservitive comes along and tells that leftist is just using moral relativism and they’re just deluded for believing that concept, I laugh in their faces. They’re men without chests who are unable to call out evil, so they make excuses for evil people.

>Men with no land, no children, no principles are at best in the way and at worst future enemies.

Such men are the basis of an army. Men need a tribe, you provide them that tribe, women, and land and they’ll kill for you. Worked for the founders of Rome and it could work again today. Instead it pisses you off that a such a man has a decent standing in this group due to his contributions to the group.

You’re consumed with envy over it. That’s a bad place to be. Envy is a deadly sin, let it go.

jim says:

> > Men with no land, no children, no principles are at best in the way and at worst future enemies.

> Such men are the basis of an army. Men need a tribe, you provide them that tribe, women, and land and they’ll kill for you

This formula works. Has worked over and over again.

To which, however, I need to add my much repeated observation that an army needs a faith. The faith of the US army was the republic, and the republic is no more.

Red says:

There is no other way for me to put this: barren men with relative morals and no held principles are bad men, either potentially or actually. As I’ve said before, I genuinely hope you come around, and I consider you a bro, even if I think you are too single minded and too black & white.

Define what you mean by principle. It sounds like faggy Cuckservitive talk, but lets see what you mean. Keep it simple and short, not your normal pages of crap. Also define why you think Com has relative morals. Most people who prattle on about relative morality don’t understand the differences between out group and in group morality.

Finally, what’s your evidence that Com is a bad man? You shall know them by their fruit and Com continues to produce good fruit for Jim’s blog.

The Cominator says:

Making moralfag arguments for not pursuing effective if distatesful enemy tactics is the enemy position. I’m not saying morality is wrong I’m saying that applying morality to leftists is wrong, leftists have no scruples and no honor.

If you want to make an amoral matter of fact argument for why certain leftists tactics can’t work for the right (and there are tactics like mass protests that either cannot work for the right or can only work for the right in moments of sudden anger if 30 million people join) that is another issue but do not make it a moral argument when you make it a moral argument the problem is YOU ARE ARGUING THAT MORALITY APPLIES TO LEFTISTS when my position is that MORALITY DOES NOT APPLY TO LEFTIST OR ANY OTHER DEMON WORSHIPPER. The moral thing with such people is to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to beat them and to show them absolutely no mercy in victory. Cuckservatives are very strongly against the idea of whatever it takes they argue muh principles no matter what you are up against… and I don’t think any reactionary should agree with that kind of thinking.

“You have decided to associate with strippers to the exclusion of all other females”

I said I prefer them to typical clown world women… that is a personal flaw and I certainly don’t argue it for everyone. I mostly pointed it out because I suspect there is far more inceldom than is self reported and that there is one real solution to that…

“Further still, you continue to personalize all disagreements and opposition, claiming that the only reason anyone would oppose you is because you were right on Covid. You chose to take that position, and you choose to maintain it. I have explicitly defended you when some shill asshole (Bill) attacked you for no reason, and I will oppose you when I find your positions incorrect, untenable, or reprehensible.”

When you immediately do this a week later it does not foster trust.

“If you are feeling out grouped because of your decision to give up on procreating… good, that means it is working. Shame is the most reliable motivator for correcting incorrect cultural and social behavior.”

I’m not I’m feeling that you are trying to do this.

As for relative principles… my principles are relative to peace and war and to whether I’m against normal men or demon worshippers. Peace on earth is towards ALL MEN OF GOODWILL… entirely different principles apply to enemies and in particular to enemies who have no honor themselves.

jim says:

> I suspect there is far more inceldom than is self reported

You are right about that.

> and that there is one real solution to that…

That is not a real solution.

You need to make an effort where it might produce a real solution. Even if you rationally conclude your chances are mighty bad, there is a lot you can do to make your chances considerably better.

Things are tough, but you are competing with broken men. Things are not hopelessly tough for those who will boldly do what it takes.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ve outlined at length my positions in regards to the OG subject, that being the Right taking up the tactics of voter fraud espoused and deployed by the left. I’m not going to explain it like you’re five, Red. Not my pigs, not my farm.

If explanation at length is something you don’t like, no one is making you read my comments, bro. I prefer arguments at length, as any competent, occidental priest class member should, in my opinion.

You continue to put words in my mouth and do that feminized bullshit “So what you’re saying is…” I did not call TC “bad.” You are pot stirring like some DMV negress. Cut it out.

I maintain that the inherent characteristics of the rightward volk and the rightward elites make the adoption of many, maybe most, leftward tactics poor strategy. Time may prove me wrong.

TC says: “My principles when it comes to leftists are anything that can beat leftists…”

Fine. Defensible. I disagree. I think there are depths to which we should decline to sink. I am not talking about minecraft, force, or brutality, not at all. But I am talking about policy and procedure, because these things are put of the “2-way sewage pipeline” outlined by Yarvin in his earlier works. He asserted that the intelligentsia thought it could lay down with dogs, run with dogs, play dog games, and rise up flea-less. This is not about courtesy, politeness, or refinement. It’s more about choices regarding political tactics. I think there are spiritual ramifications for policy and process decisions.

As for short, sweet principles I espouse:

>no females in leadership
>no childless, family-less, landless males in leadership
>no negotiating with daemon worshippers

This is not everything, obviously, and I am still constructing the principles on which I choose to stand.

The Cominator says:

“depths to which we should decline to sink.”

Jesus descended into the depths of hell there is nothing we shouldn’t do if we don’t have to do.

I would not be eager to say go after people’s families if the family members did nothing that should be avoided if we can avoid it… but even that there are probably situations where its unavoidable (its probably the only way to discourage active extreme Islamic terrorists if there were still all that many around) I greatly dislike hurting the innocent to cause terror for the guilty.

Everything besides that we should be fully willing to do to the extent we can do it.

Now of course the right is not suited to certain tactics… I see why the right is not suitable for protesting and full time “activism” I do NOT see why we can’t theoretically steal elections too and in the Late Roman Republic all sides sometimes stole elections. Most of the people involved in crooked elections are more crooked than they are ideological. Fat black Shaniquas want envelops of money way way more than they want tranny rights.

The Cominator says:

“no childless, family-less, landless males in leadership”

You don’t want males who are bad at patriarchy priesting to the flock sure and I certainly have never argued against Jim on this point in fact I enthusiastically agreed with him that this was one of the many many flaws with the Roman Catholic Church*.

But the weird reactionary revolutionary situations are different, families etc are a lever the regime can use against men… so there are some advantages to having men with less attachments who run on a sort of pure hatred for the existing order in leadership.

* Given the early discussion it should probably be required they have a son… no men with only daughters either. They just can’t help turning into feminists and we can’t have that its like having someone who was based morph into an entryist by weird biological daughter simping processes.

Red says:

You continue to put words in my mouth and do that feminized bullshit “So what you’re saying is…” I did not call TC “bad.” You are pot stirring like some DMV negress. Cut it out.

There is no other way for me to put this: barren men with relative morals and no held principles are bad men, either potentially or actually. As I’ve said before, I genuinely hope you come around, and I consider you a bro, even if I think you are too single minded and too black & white.

You did indeed call him bad. You’ve made this same argument several times about him.

KD, I’m not a priest, I’m an engineer. I reduce complex systems into simple steps and functions that work together logically. Your overly long arguments with many superfluous points are boring. So I skim your arguments and look for the points that actually matter.

The point you keep coming back to is Com is bad for wanting to kill evil leftists. Everything else is fluff around that point. Sometimes you attack him on family status, sometimes you attack him on the basis that he shouldn’t be in leadership, despite Com not being in leadership. Today you’re attacking him over not being a Cuckservitive talking “muh Principles”.

You attack over his stripper stuff which everyone here dunks on him for. Com doesn’t get any traction trying to turn his vice into a virtue. But I will say again, Com is a good man. Not a man who is currently fit to lead other men, but good man never the less.

If you can’t debate him on the points of his Final Solution to the Leftist problem then drop the issue.

The Cominator says:

Thank you Red btw I also never quite claimed that whoremongering was a virtue… merely that for some men its a lot better than inceldom to do… at least for a while… at least so you know you can and as such you can kill your inner simp.

Obviously a good man wants a good wife (as good as women can get) a house and a garden and a legacy.

Red says:

NP Com.

btw I also never quite claimed that whoremongering was a virtue… merely that for some men its a lot better than inceldom to do… at least for a while… at least so you know you can and as such you can kill your inner simp.

Fucking a whore for money is much better than inceldom and something I do when I can’t find a date. But talking about a stripper pill is trying to talk vice into virtue. People often do that sort of stuff when they’re stuck with a vice that feels good. It’s easy to pay for sex and I recommended if a man can’t get anything but using it as a crutch to avoid trying to find a harmful for you. Vice at it’s root is things that feel good, but are long term bad for you.

Use that spergy brain of yours and try. You may fail but you in so doing so you are attempting what is good and that is virtue.

Obviously a good man wants a good wife (as good as women can get) a house and a garden and a legacy.

So say we all.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There are no such things as conservatives, KD. There are elites and normies, and the normies follow elites. The normies flocked to Trump because behind all the bluster and insults was the assurance that he was going to stick up for them. It will not matter much what we say, because what we will be assuring them is that we will protect their kids. If we start throwing fags off roofs because they were lurking near kids, soon enough everyone will just assume that fags deserve to go of the roof as a matter of course.

The only moral principle that applies to leftists after the one-two punch of the vaxx and “nuke the straights, tranny war now!” is that everyone needs to be put to the sword. If they were a janitor for the Democratic Party, they get to go into the woodchipper headfirst. If they actually mattered, it will be feet first. Jericho, Sodom, and Gomorrah are the model we follow, now. If they will not follow, they had better get out of our way. If the “conservative” tries to stand in our way, we ride him down and rape his women.

They escalated to genocide. If we get a chance, we escalate just as far, if not farther. Them. their kids. Their friends. Their pets. Mass human sacrifice and trying to start a nuclear war for more sacrifice has one punishment, and that punishment is death. I said at the start of the vaxx thing that if it turned into human sacrifice we were doing it Cominator’s way. Well, it turned into human sacrifice, so we do it Cominator’s way. What would Cortez do? What would Scipio African Africanus do? What would Joshua do? Kill them all.

The Cominator says:

“If the “conservative” tries to stand in our way”

As I’ve said the men of conservatism inc should be made to atone for their failures by carrying out the distasteful dirty work. Ben Shapiro can perhaps avoid being shot but hes going to need to personally shot a lot of leftists and then run a camp.

I’m not certain we need to kill the janitors (I’ve personally known people who ended up hating Democrats who had call center jobs for them in the past) but anyone who mattered or volunteered or had a high position… or who believed yeah. Basically the priesthood…

Attractive women (most Dem women are not particularly attractive but SoCal is probably full of them) can perhaps look forward to a life of slavery. They probably can’t reproduce now or have diminished ability (vaxxed). Its a tricky question because the past few years have made it such that most of the remaining true believers are women…

Adam says:

Reproductive success and fitness should be the foundation of what defines good and evil, or at least right and left.

Leftism does not lead to good it leads to evil and hell. It does not reproduce life it consumes it.

To truly live your life as a servant to God and to obey his commands you must be willing to kill and you must be willing to die. If you are not willing to kill and not willing to die, you are not willing to live. Both are intimately woven into the fabric of all life on earth.

Jim as well as others has gone over this many times. Leader -> faith -> army. Only then can the holiness spiral be stopped, and faith be restored. We are not priesting our way out of what lies ahead.

Pseudo-Chrysosotom says:

Principles matter; and principles that entail clemency for the damned are children of their father, the devil.

i says:

Leftism is entropy, social entropy. Cannot get rid of leftism once and for all, have to endlessly pump entropy out of society. A palace has to have a sewer. Organisms have to eat and excrete.

A Lex Talonis Restitutional Justice system serves this role.

Executions for example flush entropic humans into the afterlife. Executions is necessary in every society that wants to be functional.

Red says:

> Executions for example flush entropic humans into the afterlife. Executions is necessary in every society that wants to be functional.

I’m convinced that civilization is evolved intentional by executing people who can’t act in a civilized manner and it dies when that civilization stops executing it’s criminals.

That’s the reason the penalty is death for every major crime in the Old Testament.

Jehu says:

That’s apparently the website for the Florida state guard, created this year. I recall the Babylon bee story alluding to it, that said DeSantis is breeding his own army of Uruk Hai.

Adam says:

“…and is at all times under the final command and control of the Governor as commander in chief of all military and guard forces of the state.”

Ages 18-60. Going to have to look into this.

Hesiod says:

“REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” screamed every CNN anchor while breaking the story and running in circles with their hair on fire.

Hope springs eternal, Baldrick.

Basil says:

The girl who scolded her late father at the funeral for being a white heterosexual supporter of Trump turned out to be the 19-year-old daughter of billionaire Donald Foss. The late Donald pays Samantha’s tuition at Oglethorpe University $57,350 a year — $347 more than the average white American earns.

Samantha Foss (using “they/them” pronouns) didn’t give up on the “racist money” and “racist mindset” she inherited from her father. But she took advantage of family grief to spit in the coffin at the funeral of the person to whom she owes everything in her life.

A typical biography of a socialist. And this man is not sorry. He himself sent his daughter to a college for whores, to remain a respectable progressive male pro-feminist, not a cave retrogad.

alf says:

The father, like any father, is deeply ashamed that his daughter hates him. Yet he does bear the blame for what has become of her. Evil religion brings out the ugliest sides of men.

Javier says:

an interesting example of what could be called the kapernick effect. Colin Kapernick is a bastard mulatto, unwanted by both parents, then raised by a loving white family. in the end he sides with his absent black dad, probably the least caring person to him, not even a part of his life!

don’t know the full story here but it’s pathetic when a billionaire white guy has to go oil drilling for a wife only to end up with an ungrateful negress daughter who abandons the tribe. essentially the one drop rule is correct, and miscengenation should be viewed as willing cuckoldry at best.

Red says:
Pax Imperialis says:

Might just be the angle or lighting, but Musk looks bad. Might be working himself half to death.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I expected something like that might happen; the polygon acting to wear down Musk by a thousand cuts through heaping distractions on his plate from every angle; choruses of shrieking banshees and sibilant sussurations of wormtongues alike.

jim says:

Wormtongue dragged him into the Ukraine war.

Really bad idea. With communications being critical, Russia may well decide to eliminate satellites passing over Ukraine. Just put a cloud of buckshot into the opposite orbit.

Mister Grumpus says:

Elon and his shareholders know it too. Remember that very blatant anti-satellite demonstration caper that Russia pulled not long before February 2022.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Every satellite with an orbital inclination greater than 44 degrees passes over Ukraine once or twice a day. Starlink satellites are all in 60-degree orbits except a few are 90 degrees to cover the poles. So you’re talking about the complete elimination of the Starlink system.

The best place to launch this buckshot is anywhere along or south of the 60th parallel, which runs from St. Petersburg to Magadan, though if possible, frying the satellites with some sort of electromagnetic radiation weapon would be a lot quicker, cheaper, and less likely to set off a Kessler cascade.

Starman says:

@Mayflower Sperg

”less likely to set off a Kessler cascade.”

Cassini passed through Saturn’s rings with no problems.

Tech Priest says:

I don’t think that buckshot (or any other currently available technique) can take out Starlink satellites cost effectively, given that they are launched in groups of 60 per relatively cheap Falcon-9 launch, space is big, and they’re low enough altitude that debris will re-enter in about a decade (and be at Starlink altitude for much less time).

If there is a way to fry them from the ground, that would obviously likely be cost-effective, but I don’t know of a viable means of doing that either (though it depends on how fragile they are). For the electromagnetic frying bear in mind that anything at 550 km altitude is going to be at least about 550 km from any ground equipment at the closest, and the wavelengths that you’d likely use to fry them are going to be hard to focus down to a spot less than than hundreds of meters across at that distance unless you make a huge antenna. (rule of thumb (diffraction limit): minimum focus point diameter / distance from antenna ~ antenna diameter / wavelength of electromagnetic wave used) (might be some O(1) factor there as well, not working it out right now).

Tech Priest says:

err, obviously I inverted one of the ratios there.

Starman says:

@Tech Priest

”I don’t think that buckshot (or any other currently available technique) can take out Starlink satellites cost effectively, given that they are launched in groups of 60 per relatively cheap Falcon-9 launch, space is big, and they’re low enough altitude that debris will re-enter in about a decade (and be at Starlink altitude for much less time).”

With the buckshot, it’s not enough energy, and too much space.

With just the reusable Falcon 9 first stage, Elon can put more metal in orbit than every single country combined.

With Starship, no one can challenge Elon in space.

Kunning Druegger says:

Okay, that claridies it for me. i was going to ask above if your Cassini comparison was apt, as it was 1 satellite and the rings are not anywhere near as dense as they seem, but the very same principle applies to Operation Buckshot, right?

From my admittedly limited point of view, the options are a big, expensive fleet of big, expensive hunter/killer satellites, or some ground based laser weapon, is this correct? Hasn’t Russia hinted at some sort oof ground based system?

Regardless, as you point out, Musk’s lift capacity puts space warfare in a very lopsided pre-WWI place, wherein Musk has far more “little soldiers” and everyone else has too few cavalry and no ability to build trenches or effective artillery. So Musk’s failure point remains throttling his lift capacity.

jim says:

Russia has been doing some stuff with a ground based laser system. What its capabilities are are not yet known, and probably it does not yet quite work.

Big free electron optical frequency lasers should, in principle, be able to take out satellites. No one has done that yet. It should be quite doable.

It is billed as an anti drone weapon, but they have been testing it by firing it straight upwards.

Russia has hunter killer satellites, but it would be foolish to attempt to use them against someone with Musk’s lift capability.

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

“i was going to ask above if your Cassini comparison was apt, as it was 1 satellite and the rings are not anywhere near as dense as they seem, but the very same principle applies to Operation Buckshot, right?”

Saturn’s rings are dense enough to cast a shadow on Saturn, and the ring debris travel at higher orbital velocities than anything in low Earth orbit.

Earth orbit debris doesn’t cast such a shadow on Earth, even if Starship were to do daily launches right now putting junk into Earth orbit.

Cloudswrest says:

Russia has been doing some stuff with a ground based laser system. What its capabilities are are not yet known, and probably it does not yet quite work.

One is not necessarily limited to just ONE ground based laser on target. Nor just ONE microwave beam on target. Nor just a laser OR microwave beam.

Tech Priest says:

In theory a large and powerful optical frequency laser could work against satellites. In practice, I expect difficulties achieving the necessary focus.

Also, permanently disabling a satellite with an energy weapon should be much harder than doing the same to a drone, due mainly to much greater distance. Not only does the distance likely cause most of the energy to miss unless the focus is extremely tight, but also the energy that hits being more spread out over the target reduces its ability to do damage to any one point.

Russia seems to be in need of shooting down drones, so I’d expect them to use such a weapon on drones before it was developed to the point of being able to disable satellites. “Testing it by firing it straight upwards” sounds like they just haven’t figured out how to aim it yet. Unless you can cram a lot of energy into an extremely brief pulse, you would need to track a satellite while firing, so firing straight upwards would not be sufficient.

Tech Priest says:

Clarification on “cram a lot of energy into an extremely brief pulse”:

I should have emphasized the “lot of energy” part and not so much the duration of the pulse (laser pulses can be really short, but to do significant damage with a single such short pulse would be hard).

jim says:

A free electron laser does not do extremely brief pulses. It does a high intensity beam. In the tests, the beam seemed to be on for quite a while, and they were not tracking a target.

A free electron laser, like any laser, can achieve perfect focus, though atmospheric distortions are a hard problem – a problem with, however, a known solution. You can detect that atmospheric distortion from the backscatter, and compensate.

Assuming your laser is firing through a telescope with one meter aperture, and is aiming at a target two meters wide, and your wavelength is 600 nanometers, then most of the energy is still going to be hitting the target at three thousand kilometers.

Free electron laser beam weapons can hit anything in near earth orbit.

Neurotoxin says:

Every state actor probably is also reluctant to go after other nations’ satellites for the same reason they’re reluctant to start using nukes. If satellites become fair game it would literally change the world. We’d be back to the pre-Clarke era, or take a significant step in that direction.

That’s right, isn’t it? Without satellites, either you have cable, or all communication is line-of-sight. Maybe I’ll have giant mirror mounted on my roof so I can be part of the all-new AT&T network.

Tech Priest says:

I hadn’t been thinking of free electron lasers specifically when I remarked on brief pulses, but I don’t see why a free electron laser could not make a fairly short pulse (as long as you don’t also need it to be strong). The length of the pulse is basically going to be (1) the duration of the electron beam plus (2) the time it takes the electrons to traverse the electromagnetic fields triggering the light emission plus (3) the distance between mirrors times number of bounces divided by speed of light if using mirrors instead of single pass, and AFAICT all of those could be pretty brief if you wanted (at least not worrying about whether the pulse could also be strong).

Lasers can obtain better focus than other light sources due to their collimation, but when you set a high enough standard (like focusing onto a satellite) all sorts of little issues that wouldn’t have been problems at an easier task will need to be dealt with. Like, your components will wiggle a bit, or not be perfectly homogenous, etc.

Also, depending on the power level, simply hitting the target might not be good enough. Current laser weapons focus to a small point on the target to get enough heating to actually do damage. A spread out beam, even if all of the energy hits the target, will likely do a lot less damage.

Starman says:


“If satellites become fair game it would literally change the world. We’d be back to the pre-Clarke era, or take a significant step in that direction.”

Nah. It will be pre-Clarke era for those who only have expendable rockets.

The Cominator says:

Hitting satellites is not a very easy thing… it takes very very precise calcs to even get a rocket or sattelite to even launch into the right orbital plane but to hit one directly very very hard…

Hitting a satellite is way worse than trying to hit a sniper shot at 3+ miles I think tech will get there eventually but it isn’t there yet.

Starman says:


“Hitting satellites is not a very easy thing… it takes very very precise calcs to even get a rocket or sattelite to even launch into the right orbital plane but to hit one directly very very hard…

Hitting a satellite is way worse than trying to hit a sniper shot at 3+ miles I think tech will get there eventually but it isn’t there yet.”

Any orbital collision is “hitting very very hard.” While using a Starlink to hit another satellite with 3000s Isp propulsion would be hard, there are vastly more Starlinks than there are enemy satellites with 3000s Isp propulsion, plenty of chances to make a hit.

Satellites with chemical hypergolics as the main propulsion, have an Isp in the 200-300s range. Very weak deltaV, so they are in fixed predictable orbits.
And a man who can land rockets on barges in rocking seas, is going to have no trouble taking those out.

Neurotoxin says:

“Nah. It will be pre-Clarke era for those who only have expendable rockets.”

Huh? You mean, for those who don’t have expendable rockets? (A nation that doesn’t have expendable rockets can’t fight back or credibly threaten to fight back.)

Kunning Drueger says:

pre-Clark for the handful of countries with domestic rocketry, nascent stone age for everyone else, I believe. Right Starman?

Anonymous says:

[*off topic*]

splatterblaster says:

The USA would consider that an act of war and everybody knows it, including you. You just lie about the fact that you know it.

jim says:

And blowing up the pipelines was not an act of war?

Sending an American “Private” Military Company full of American soldiers onto the front lines of Ukraine Russia war was not an act of war? Ukraine’s recent advances on the Donbass front were not Ukrainian advances but American advances.

Bombarding nuclear waste storage facilities with American himars in areas full of Russians was not an act of war?

Shelling Donbass since 2014 was not an act of war?

This is the sort of floridly insane thinking that will lead you guys to nuke Russia, and say there is no way Russia could respond, because responding would be an act of war.

We are ruled by lunatics, and you are echoing their madness.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, what is the likelihood, from your perspective, that the GAE has already crossed a “first strike” red line for the Kremlin? I feel like the Nord Stream attack was a sufficient casus belli and we may have entered the Preparation Stage. The RF does not have the density of population to get it “wrong,” so any first strike has to be very coordinated to handle the possible (though possibly fantastical) Response.

jim says:

My feeling is that this is a long way down the road.

But our GAE shill evidently feels that nothing the Global American Empire could ever do could ever constitute an act of war, so presumably his masters think that, or find it politically convenient to think that, in which case they are going to engage in ever more dreadful acts of war against the Russian federation.

Jehu says:

Personally, were I Vlad, I’d probably have already attempted a disarming and decapitating first strike against NATO.

My basis would be primarily mathematically. I estimate a high probability that it ends in nukes, and the expected damage is way way lower if you destroy most of NATO’s assets on the ground and then threaten hardcore ‘countervalue’ strikes if NATO retaliates in any way. I think that Russia’s expected survival is maximized that way.

I suspect Jim’s estimate differs from mine in that he estimates a higher probability that the West’s leadership collapses of its own accord prior to edging over the nuclear precipice.

I think that the GAE is trying to play Kahn’s game of

One of us has to be reasonable, and it isn’t going to be me

To which I think the only reasonable response is to set the game board on fire. Otherwise you’re screwed as they take concession after concession. Conservatives on the domestic front have been in this sort of a game since at least the 1960s, although with somewhat lower stakes (give in to us or we’ll riot and otherwise destroy your social peace). The only way out is to be willing to destroy it yourself, at a time and manner that best advantages your side. Once you hear Kahn’s game, you should be thinking of the cheapest method of annihilation. Reasonable discourse and peace really aren’t possible anymore. Imagine a Neo-Aztec world power that threatened the world with cobalt jacketed bombs unless a yearly tribute of millions of sacrifices and tons of gold was provided. Because, of course, the Sun wouldn’t rise unless sacrifices were made.

jim says:

> I think that the GAE is trying to play Kahn’s game of

> One of us has to be reasonable, and it isn’t going to be me

Exactly so, but I do not think this is a result of rational game playing strategy.

Rather, like our shill splatterblaster, it is unimaginably politically incorrect to think yourself into the other player’s shoes.

Of course, whatever the internal mental state of your opponent, it does not matter, your only recourse is to grab an axe and set the board on fire. Nuclear fire.

The winning strategy in a game of chicken is to down a bottle of vodka and throw the steering wheel out the window.

On the other hand, one also wants to postpone the final game for as long as possible and hope that something turns up in the meantime.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m following the logic from both of you, but I wonder if the consideration of internal collapse is playing a bigger roll. Xi’s righthand man wrote a book about the inevitable collapse of the US due to societal configuration (back in the 1990s IIRC), and it is obvious to every sober analyst that some kind of collapse is inevitable, though the US financial zombie has unparalleled endurance (thus far…).

So, from the outside looking in, why run the risk of nuclear catastrophe (and this takes many forms, not just nuclear exchange, but accidents/faults during launch, unpredictable black swans, unpredictable 3rd party responses and actions, and cultural guilt*) if forbearance and patience can yield a much cheaper and cleaner result? We have discussed at length here how much of a paper tiger the USM is, and the GAE trying to actually go to war would have, based on what we say here, disastrous results for the GAE. As long as the progressives retain control and continue trying to keep every stupid passion ball up in the air simultaneously, it would be in Russia’s best interest to keep the conflict localized, continued, and costly. Should a strongman arise, should a decisive purge occur and the Core GAE start speaking AND acting in one voice, then a first strike becomes a necessity. If there’s any validity to this assertion, it could be the case that the only thing keeping the missiles in their silos and tubes is the cold civil war in the US.

*I know it’s very popular on this site for many of us to post with a cold brutality about things we consider black & white, but this is a luxury of those firmly ensconced in the realm of theory and conjecture; in reality, there’s a very wide range of legitimately and/or honestly held morals and principles, however illusory they may be deemed.

Red says:

Putin is desperately trying to avoid the mistake Hitler made. Hitler declared war on the US when he was in no position to destroy or even harm the US. There’s no upside to Putin declaring war on NATO until it’s viable to destroy NATO. Until total economic/social collapse in the west Putin is very unlikely to declare war. That’s assume the conflict doesn’t go nuclear, because once that match is lit, the only real choice is a full strike.

Jehu says:

The problem with trying to delay is that it increases your expected damage—let’s call it nuke equivalent damages—should it turn into a nuclear exchange.

Assume there’s some probability P that Russia gets out of this with no nuke equivalent damage. Maybe the GAE folds, maybe Globohomo collapses. Hey, I can dream too.

But there’s also 1-P, which i think is considerably over 50% where nukes do wind up flying. Delaying vastly increases the probability of subcases like;

Idiotic escalation, where both sides ratchet up the nukes over time or

GAE strikes first

Russia strikes first is way better, and Russia does a planned strike first with proper preparation far better still.

I’ve not seen any indication of the kind of Information Age Warfare from Russia of the kind I’d do if I was preparing for this contingency. I’d be working like hell to subvert GAE’s ‘second strike’ capabilities, but I’ve seen no evidence of this so far. How hard can it be, for instance, to identify the addresses, family centers, hometowns, and so forth of the men actually entrusted to deliver the second strike? In the 80s, pretty hard. Right now, pretty easy. Owing to certain familial connections and associations, I suspect I’d know if this was being done in a manner similar to how the Taliban did this with the ANA.

Kunning Druegger says:

>I’d be working like hell to subvert GAE’s ‘second strike’ capabilities, but I’ve seen no evidence of this so far.

I mean, why would you, unless you have some really intense insider info from China, Russia, Qatar, and Israel? (these are the countries that spend the most/do the most to infiltrate USG)

If you look through the last 20 years of open source reporting on the US nuclear arsenal, it becomes pretty obvious that it is not operating anything near optimal. Add to this that for every article you find that addresses three or so significant issues, assume there are scores more problems that are hidden.

It’s hard to know what’s true in current era, but in the last few months I’ve seen a number of posts/articles that USAF is really struggling to keep planes flying, USA and USMC barely retain, barely train, and cannot hit minimum quotas for entry. USN can barely keep from colliding and crashing. And added into this, trannies, minorities, and females are being hoovered up and promoted at lightspeed while competent males are being ejected just as quickly.

Maybe this is all BS put out by Russia, conservatives, and bitter retired USM officers who are pissed because bio-leninists are actually amazing technicians, pilots, and operators. But if that was the case, why would recruiters be quietly begging anti-vaxxers and domestic shmerrorists to reenlist?

It was memory-holed very quickly, but in the last (1 year? 2 years?) it came out that the Kremlin has been funding and supporting every major green/anti-energy group in Europe. This was, supposedly, to get nuclear cancelled and get EU addicted to natgas. That was a pretty successful operation, no? Soviet era KGB was integral in initiating and perpetuating Cultural Marxism throughout the cold war, and they did it by subverting education and entertainment. Maybe those things evolved into lovecraftian horrors that operate on their own, but it’s quite the coincidence that edutainment industrial complex is also at the center of feminizing and diversifying the USM.

Red says:

It was memory-holed very quickly, but in the last (1 year? 2 years?) it came out that the Kremlin has been funding and supporting every major green/anti-energy group in Europe. This was, supposedly, to get nuclear cancelled and get EU addicted to natgas. That was a pretty successful operation, no?

I’ve never checked if this was true, but it makes sense for Putin to do it and it makes sense for the Cathedral to allow it for their own goals. However the pressure to get nuclear cancelled was always driven from above by the Cathedral. Activist groups were just cover for the elites to do what they already planned to do.

Jehu says:

The way you’d subvert would be by telling people on boomer subs and other second strike capabilities something like this:

Hey, your family lives mostly in areas that aren’t target zones. And as long as your submarine never launches, they’ll stay that way. But if it does, your bloodline will be terminated with extreme prejudice. Most of your comrades will get this communication too. Do what you need to do to protect your family should the nukes fly.

Because of the necessity with such an approach in contacting substantial numbers of people, I suspect I’d know about it, because I know several people who’d likely get contacted.

Neurotoxin says:

“The USA would consider that an act of war and everybody knows it, including you.”

Oh no! We couldn’t possibly do anything that the US would regard as an act of war! That’s unthinkable! Why, it might start doing stuff like blowing up our pipelines, sending demolition teams into our country, etc.!


Neurotoxin says:

The US is destroying gas pipelines and Russian oil refineries/depots… all the while screeching about how Russia attacking Ukrainian energy infrastructure is an Act of War.

I have a feeling the rest of the world is getting pretty fucking sick of this shit.

Red says:

Elon just put someone else in charge of Star ship management recently. Twitter and everything else is taking a toll on him. I still don’t know why he bought twitter.

The Cominator says:

Elon has apparently decided he needs to go to war with the Biden regime and that they will destroy any hope of going into space… lets wish him luck.

Red says:

You might be right. That launch License for Starship has still not been issued.

Kunning Druegger says:

Two reasons, at lest: it’s fun for him to “do what can’t be done” and, far more critically, Twitter is an IEW super weapon.

lamehorse says:

All the ideals about love and family that have been hammered into you since childhood are fairy tales that have very little to do with reality. A woman will never love a man the way he loves her. And for the existence of a stable happy family with a strong wise husband and a faithful caring wife, a huge complex social construct of patriarchal monogamy is needed, which no longer exists outside the third world, and even there it is on its last breath.

A woman is capable of giving birth at the most to one child a year, and the main task dictated by her instincts is to occupy this slot with the best genes available, and at the same time provide herself with food and security during pregnancy and feeding. In other words, the challenge is: for each gestation cycle, find a male that provides enough resources and that has the most attractive genes. And, generally speaking, it is not necessary that it be the same male. And certainly it does not have to be the same male for two different pregnancies: there is only one slot, and it is foolish not to take it with the best male available at that particular moment. Well, if it’s hard to choose, then you can always push such males with their foreheads, make your beloved fight for yourself and surrender to the winner.

Alas, this is not at all how society portrays female love to boys and young people who are eager to build relationships and a family with a girl – a pure and gentle creature, who will certainly remain faithful, striving to support her husband in sickness and health, and loving her husband just like he does. her, and even stronger. And if this is how you imagine a woman’s love, then I have bad news: she will never love you. At least, she will not fall in love in this understanding of love, because not only does it not correspond to female instincts (also known as the “call of the heart”, which women love to follow so much), it directly contradicts them.

Of course, there are examples where women demonstrate the behavior of a “correct wife” – fidelity and care for her husband. After all, not all marriages end in divorce. But you need to understand that such a wife follows, first of all, the rigid cultural attitudes hammered into her from early childhood. She does not act according to the will of her female heart, but contrary to it. That is why such behavior can be observed in third world countries. Do not expect such attitudes from young girls from “civilized” countries. Remember: a woman only acts within the framework that society sets for her. In a society that does not set limits for her, a woman will no longer be in them.

If children are important to you, then move to the country of the Philippines and stay there. Other requests, fortunately, are also quietly covered by paid services. People may argue that this is a “transactional” relationship, while they want a “real” relationship. I want the girl to truly love them, and not exchange a good attitude and sex for resources. Alas, as I have already painted, such female love does not exist. Absolutely any voluntary sexual relationship between a real living man and woman is transactional. Pure, sincere, selfless, unconditional love of a woman for a man exists only in anime. If you want it, then it is there that you should look for it.

jim says:

> and, generally speaking, it is not necessary that it be the same male.

Actually it is necessary that it be the same male. A woman cannot raise multiple children without substantial assistance, so the correct thing for her latest boyfriend to do, if he intends to stick around, which is to say marry her, is to kill her child by her previous lover.

Each additional child is a huge burden on the father, and he is not going to stick around for that burden if it is someone else’s child. He is going to dispose of that child, or else he is going to leave, in which case in the ancestral environment mother and both her children starve and/or get eaten by lions, or both her children get killed by her third lover.

The correct behavior is get rid of the previous lover’s child one way or another, and provide safety, food and shelter, for one’s own children and for the women who are bearing them.

Stable isotope levels in the bones indicate that up to twelve thousand years ago, all humans lived on an all meat diet, and as recently as three thousand years ago, Aryans still lived on an all meat and milk diet. Meaning that children were entirely dependent on the support of their fathers to survive. No father, then pretty soon no child.

Your explanation of why marriage is unstable is simply wrong.

Marriage is unstable because cooperate/cooperate is unstable to defect/cooperate, which is unstable to defect/defect, which is stable.

It is not in the individual interests of women and men to act in a way that is optimal for their joint interests. External coercion is required to impose cooperation on women. If women are forced into cooperation, then men will cooperate without much external coercion because the woman has their children as hostages.

The optimal behavior for a woman is to fuck the most alpha male around. But since all the other women will be fucking the same male, she is not going to get marriage and support from him.

So she has to be compelled, against her will to marry someone more appropriate, and to fuck him and only him whether she likes it or not. State, Church, society, and family have to back the authority of the husband, conditional on his willingness and ability to stick around and look after his wife and children. Which means that if the bride runs off with the wedding singer, the wedding singer has to be beaten to death in a public and humiliating fashion, and she has to be punished according to her husband’s will, and forced to stick around, assuming she survives the punishment.

If a woman is forever free to fuck someone more alpha than you, not much incentive to invest in her. So a woman cannot predict or control whether a man will invest in her, so might as well fuck the most alpha male around, without regard to the likelihood that she will receive investment. Which of course reduces the incentive for any man to invest.

Under these conditions, love is war, and all is fair in love and war. We get the game of players and bitches. Hard to reproduce under these conditions.

lamehorse says:

This is for those who want the group to survive, not for the woman herself. Women don’t care about the group they belong to. The woman stayed with only one man when she was forced to do so. This means that from an evolutionary point of view, there is no such thing as devotion and loyalty to a husband. And when power does not force her to be faithful, she will not be faithful.

A woman can create the appearance of loyalty, when society and the state forces her to pretend that she is a devotee, this does not follow from her inner motivation. If women’s “loyalty” ever had an internal character, we would not need a complex scheme of social engineering that forces a woman to be “loyal”. We don’t need a complex system of social engineering to make dogs loyal to us, because through the process of selection, mankind has chosen those dogs that have an inner drive to be loyal.

As for hostage children, a modern woman knows perfectly well that her children are protected by law and, in which case, she will be able to rely on social security from the pope-state, and the media gives her the false impression that she will also be able to find herself a two-meter anti-social guy on named Chad, who has just returned from a successful pirate raid and who will not be embarrassed by her thirty years and the presence of children from another man. Rather, now children are hostages for their fathers.

i says:

so the correct thing for her latest boyfriend to do, if he intends to stick around, which is to say marry her, is to kill her child by her previous lover.

Given the stats also if not ending up physically attacking and killing her children. If female. Then he will be more apt to take the daughters of the single mother for himself.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Chad and Tyrone can father many children by many women, but they cannot feed and protect those children who, when EBT cards stop working, will be killed and eaten unless they’re female and old enough to fuck.

This implied threat of hunger and cannibalism is why laws against underage sex are weakly enforced in second-world countries and pretty much ignored in third-world countries. In the USA, many black and Latina women are in prison because she kept a man around by letting him fuck her daughter.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is an incredibly gay post, full of blue pill and black pill landmines. Jim very comprehensively rebutted it, so I know I’m not really adding, but, just for gits and shiggles, I want to practice condensing Jimian Logic.

Marriage is a conspiracy by men against women to create optimal circumstances for successive generations more able to successfully capitalize on the trial and error of previous generations and avoid the need to reinvent the wheel every 20 years.

Monogamy is a social evolutionary adaptation that suppresses biological evolutionary tendencies to establish, maintain, and enhance cooperation between the full stack of male IQ and capability with a wide array of downstream consequences that make stable advanced society possible.

Monogamy is an attribute of patriarchy in effect while being a causal predicate of patriarchy. The system is circular, not linear, thus monogamy is simultaneously upstream and downstream from patriarchy.

Wrongthink Criminal says:

Men that want “female love” have mommy issues and are looking for approval, literal pat by pseudo-mom. They are effeminate, weak and one step away removed from faggotry.

Any man who believes marriage is about love is gay, and also probably retarded. Marriage and virginity have always been about securing yourself an heir, a son, or several, to continue your legacy. Historically this is why men have sacrificed the most, their children are their better selves that project them into the future, the more time passes and the more the child demonstrates his potential the less the father cares about himself and ultimately will sacrifice just about anything for his son. And then his grandson.

That is how it usually was for the successful men that built our civilizations. The FF don’t get the best rep from Jim, but they were like this too,, the words come from actual records, notice the emphasis on the future and children.

The boomers are faggots, degenerates and get the pillow precisely because they’re the opposite and the reason why western civilization is collapsing at hyperspeed. This cucked garbage about marriage comes from them, just like the insane obsession with infertile sex. Do the Henry VIII and bog the barren whore.

A society that doesn’t care the most about its children has no future, it’s absolute garbage, that’s how clown world comes to be.

Kunning Druegger says:

Agreed. I would like to add “fuck”, “yes”, and “this is the way.” hashtagforeverpillows

lamehorse says:

The husband wants his wife to invest herself in his children. The husband does not know if the wife will invest herself in children. Given the banal common sense and what kind of women men want to see as their wives (what men who want to invest in children want to see), we can conclude that women who show loyalty, modesty, caring and show what they love their husband and are faithful to their husband, are willing to invest more in children than women who do not. A wife who loves her husband will babysit his children instead of going to make new children with a neighbor while the husband is at work. Also, if the woman does not show it, the man, in turn, will have more energy to make sure that the woman does not sleep with a neighbor, or to make a spare child with that woman over there, instead of investing his energy in resources for children. Marriage will be much more fruitful for children when women love their husbands. Submission out of fear of hunger/shame/… is unstable and can collapse at any moment and be buried under it along with it.

jim says:

> Submission out of fear of hunger/shame/… is unstable and can collapse at any moment and be buried under it along with it.

Women are just not turned on unless they fear a man.

If a man fears another man, he will avoid him, or flee him, or drive him away, or kill him. The weakest man can kill the strongest, and if push comes to shove, is apt to do so. If a woman fears a man she will fuck him, serve him, and love him.

The Bible commands wives to obey and fear their husbands.

It commands husbands to cherish their wives. It nowhere commands wives to love their husbands.

1. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2. While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

4. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

5. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

6. Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

Adam says:

Yes fear predicates tingles and a woman will love a man that she fears even more than the man’s own mother.

The love a wife will give a man is not different than the love a mother will give a son other than the sexual component, which is driven by fear.

Encelad says:

Troubling study about permanent DNA damage from the jab. Reading the article, which describes the features the vax was provided with, gives the strong feeling that the jab was designed with to harm intentionally, and not accidentally. I felt a sense of dread reading the line below:

“It is therefore conceivable that such a
process could take place following mRNA vaccination, which would result in an infant whose cells would have the capability of synthesizing spike protein and whose immune system would view the spike protein as a self-protein, with unknown consequences.”

It perfectly fits with Jim’s theory that the main goal was child sacrifice rather than reducing the population.

Red says:

That would explain why those clots continue to develop long after the vaccine was injected. They continue to produce spike proteins causing the body to go insane trying to protect the arterial system. If babies start dying form these same sort of clots… then we’ll know.

Kunning Drueger says:

Col. Macgregor doing an interview with some Polish journo/podcaster.

Interesting enough, but I share this specifically because Macgregor uses the term “uniparty,” making that the 3rd time in 10 days I’ve encountered it from a non-NRx/dissident right source/space. Haters and cowards can prattle at length; our intellectual frame is our greatest strength.

Red says:

I believe Uniparty is a Conservative Treehouse/AceOfSpadesHQ thing originally going all the way back to the GW Bush years. The NRx is take Inner/Outer party which is closer to the truth, but hasn’t been memed much so far, probably because very few people actually read 1984.

The Uniparty take allowed for the conquest of the Right half of the Uniparty via primary voting, which really hasn’t been possible since they rigged it against Pat Buchanan. They rigged it against Trump as well, but he simply overwhelmed the limited rigging.

The primaries were odd this year as they tried to push fake MAGA candidates like Oz and then tossed on the breaks when real MAGA candidates started sweeping the primaries. They needed some MAGA people in order to show that they would always lose when they rigged the general election, but it going to be all MAGA candidates winning the primaries which freaked them out and turned on the fraud taps against them.

The Cominator says:

They didn’t need to rig it against Buchanan he just wasn’t that popular with Republicans at the time… Buchanan turned off the disaffected cynics he needed to win the primary with the moralfagging talk. But the rigging was limited at the time in any case as you said. Ron Paul had the same problem with lacking sufficient popularity. Ross Perot was genuinely popular when he ran but he should have run in the Republican primary he would have won.

The Trump of 2015 otoh (and I don’t consider Trump 7 years later to be the same man) knew how to work a crowd… but hes old now and the rigging is unlimited.

Red says:

I’ve read pretty good evidence they switched votes to make sure Buchanan didn’t win because they were sure he’d lose the general election. Never again Goldwater was the idea. A more obvious case was McCain’s selection.

The Cominator says:

I’ve never been on the left in my life I agree that installing McCain as the nominee was just weird… nobody liked him. But I stand by my assertion that when Buchanan ran he just wasn’t that popular. The arguments of the Paleoconservatives was too much moral arguments and not enough about cost and benefit, profit and loss.

Perot could have won if he ran as a Republican Perot WAS genuinely very popular.

Red says:

I agree that installing McCain as the nominee was just weird… nobody liked him.

McCain winning screamed fraud. So much so that they tossed in Sarah Palin as a balm after McCain’s anal raping of the primary voters.

Perot could have won if he ran as a Republican Perot WAS genuinely very popular.

The FBI/CIA pulled out some blackmail on Perot. That’s the only way I can way I can explain his actions at the end.

The Cominator says:

The problem is he probably still wouldn’t have won as he was winning 3rd party sure he was threatened but he should have run in the Republican primary he would have been Trump 20 years earlier… at a time when maybe something of America could still be saved.

Your Uncle Bob says:

“Buchanan unpopular”

Was he, or were we just told he was, and without the full development of the internet we had no way of connecting and getting an accurate head count?

“Ross Perot’s actions at the end”

Very possible he was manic-depressive. Early success would coincide with a manic swing, mid-campaign dropout the depressive, then back into manic to try to win it but it wasn’t enough.

If there is anything to that it’s a shame, because if he’d had the ability to pick personnel I wouldn’t even have cared. Better timing and he might have got in. Or, they might have had to fraud hard earlier.

But then there’s his charge that the Bush campaign was planning to sabotage his daughter’s wedding. Which sounds like a strange hill to die on for either party, but could be the cover story for something else someone was threatening, or just hinting at. Bush was CIA, this was right on the cusp of the Clinton era (and bodycount)… things are weirder now, but I wonder now just how long assassination has been a tool of American politics.

The Cominator says:

I just dont remember any popular enthusiasm for Buchanan the way Trump and Perot had.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a quick rundown of the brush fires that have kicked off in the last few days. I am not posting this to idly chatter about news of the day (though I do find this stuff interesting), rather I hope others here point their radar in the direction of these conflicts so we can collectively add to, subtract from, and correct Jim’s thesis regarding Info Epoch Warfare.

-Turkey has initiated strikes against Kurdish bases and control nodes in Turkey and Syria

-Iran has initiated strikes against Kurdish bases and control nodes in Iran and Iraq

-Clashes between Afghanistan’s Taliban and Pakistan broke out along the border between the two nations

-Iran continues to face armed uprisings and attacks internally, mostly from Azeris (per media)

-US assets are in the line of fire, incidentally it appears, in both Syria and Iraq. For those less versed in the relevant International Relations field, the CIA and State Department has been instrumental in supporting the Peshmerga (a self defense entity) and the YPG (a sort of mercenary force for both offense and defense). These Kurdish entities are rhetorically leftist and often used as Yay Woman Strong Warrior propaganda.

-Malaysia is experiencing political turmoil due to their first hung parliament, and there is fear from the establishment regulars that supposedly pro-Taliban parties might gain the upper hand [I know it slips under the radar, but historically things done by the Cathedral in the US trickle out into regions where the NGO/nonprofit leviathan is most active; could be some “fortification” of elections in lots of places, so may be good to keep an eye out]

And in patriarchy whitepills news, watch this father of 7 return home in Russia after fighting for ~8 months:

Red says:

And in patriarchy whitepills news, watch this father of 7 return home in Russia after fighting for ~8 months:


jim says:

Normal levels of conflict escalating a bit as the hegemon’s grip weakens.

Iran and Turkey are the leading experts in drone warfare. As war continues, they will doubtless get better at it. Russia is buying Iranian drone expertise and technology – Russian drones built to Iranian designs.

Some elements of the Global American Empire want to fight and win. But, to actually fight and win, need to go all in on support for Elon Musk and purge women and coloreds from the tech teams. Which measures other elements of the Global American Empire are not keen on.

The Global American Empire is seeing increasing military disregard for its hegemony, and is reluctant to pitch in and fight directly. Prefers proxy war. Which as long as the provinces of the Global American Empire continue to import American inflation, it can continue to do.

splatterblaster says:

Half of this (and you left out Armenia/Azeri) is the Turkey vs Iran matchup, with Ukraine lined up with Turkey and Russia lined up with Iran, and everybody on the anti-Iran side having seen that Russia cannot impose its will and therefore figuring now’s the time to act.

Failing hegemon indeed.

jim says:


Turkey is mending fences with Iran, and Iran/Turkey are jointly attacking US created and backed “Kurdish” militias.

It is not that the enemies of Iran have been emboldened by Russia being bogged down in an unsuccessful war in the Ukraine, it is that the reluctant “allies” of America such as Turkey are feeling a weak hand on their reins, and are unworried about pissing off the Global American Empire.

Escalating violence in Iraq, similarly, since today’s Iraq is an American creation, a creation that is getting divided between Turkey and Iran.

Kunning Druegger says:

splatterblaster [I think this guy is our DoD/DIA shill, btw… he is fond of handles based on a current topic], do you actually view any of the “other side’s” reportage on UKR and elsewhere? I notice that you GAE shills are always very up to date on the GAE side of things, but you have a strange blindness to anything else.

For instance, why is the AFU not fully occupying Kherson on the right bank? Wouldn’t a confident, capable, fully provisioned, and aggressive force on the offensive be quickly and merrily occupying and fortifying a recently vacated point of defense? Or is Kherson only important defensive node when the RF needs it, and is otherwise worthless for anyone else?

Why is the RF still using the Black Sea Fleet for missile strikes against Ruthenia? They lost the crown jewel of the fleet, then were disgraced by autonomous sea drones, so shouldn’t they be incapable of this tactical option?

How is it that Russia fires 90 missiles, Ukraine intercepts 70 missiles, and 35 targets get hit by missiles? Does the RF have some magic missile capable of hitting 2 targets separated by many kilometers?

If the RF is failing, why has the AFU stopped taking territory? As well, how is it that the RF can fire roughly 3x as many shells per day as the AFU and not deplete its stocks?

Why are the superior and unstoppable HIMARS not used in conjunction with each other, instead of being used for snapshots on individual targets before being rapidly moved to a different location?

When is the RF goin to run out of cruise missiles?

If Iran is opposed to Turkey, why aren’t their airstrikes overlapping, much less pointed at each other? Why are their fire missions jointly supportive?

splatterblaster says:

Here in the real world, I still cannot use crypto to buy my groceries or fill my gas tank or pay my property taxes or settle a debt with a neighbor. A couple of jars of honey, sure, they’ll take that. Crypto? Haha, that’s funny. That was the reaction.

Crypto is still not money.

jim says:

Not “here in the real world”

In your (and my) parts of the real world you cannot use crypto currency to buy gas or groceries. But in other parts of the real world, you can.

And right now I can, and do, use crypto currency to lease servers in data centers, buy and sell domain names, and buy computer hardware to build servers to run inhouse.

I can buy stuff with crypto currency that would be difficult or dangerous to buy with fiat money.

The legal hazards and difficulties of moving money between countries grow ever more complex, with the result that we are increasingly seeing big transactions performed by couriers flying around with small but strangely heavy carryon bags chained to their wrists. Moving fiat money between countries grows ever more dangerous, which is why international sales are moving to crypto currency. (As well as those strangely heavy carryon bags)

The Cominator says:

BTW in case anyone needs more evidence that every Jesuit should be tortured and interrogated with special iinterrogation drugs for months until they reveal who is working with them followed by being dragged thru the street flayed and then broken on the wheel… you only need to watch about 3 minutes of this.

Arakawa says:

I can’t help but notice that St Francis Xavier went to Japan and soon after Japan was like “nope nope nope let’s hold off on interacting with these people for a few more hundred years”.

The Cominator says:

As I have said Tokugawa Ieyashu who flayed Jesuits and then crucified them in the tide did nothing wrong.

Red says:

Is is this a case of evil marring evil or God will not be mocked?

A man who helped pass D.C.’s historic criminal code overhaul was shot and killed hours before council passed the bill last week.

Guy says:

AP fired the journalist who reported Russian missiles had hit Poland:

That’s more power than I would expect the sanity faction to have. Did this guy just jump the gun? This, unlike everything else in the news nowadays, actually seems organic to me.

Pax Imperialis says:

Looks like we got lucky with FTX imploding when it did. SBF was trying to implement his model in the agriculture market. Looks like the House Agriculture Committee and regulatory agencies were on board and criticizing industry experts warning against SBF.

Europe is still steadily rolling towards a food and energy crisis. The coming winter is on track to be unusually cold. German Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BKK) is urging residents to stock up on supplies such as food, water, and energy; however, BKK was forced to retract and apologize for causing panic

We may be seeing a weakening on the anti-Russia stance. AP fired the journalist who ran the Russia attacked Poland story and NYT ran a story that appears to be testing the waters on Ukraine with their examination of the killing of Russian POWs; although, the comment section is not encouraging. NPR is conversely getting gayer.

Europe is developing an Italian problem. Meloni, in typical woman fashion, is dragging out a laundry list of French misbehavior. She was fairly chill until Macron just had to stir things up. What started out as a small dispute over a single boat of 230 migrants has exploded into accusations that France bombed Libya to prevent Italian energy security while France maintains an overseas colonial empire to secure it’s own energy needs. Meloni is starting to remind me of Mussolini in disposition and behavioral ticks; hot headed Italian stereotype is true.

Kunning Druegger says:
onyomi says:

I think Jeff Tucker makes a great point here:

Convenient timing between FTX’s rise and the coordinated push to get Trump out of office/Great Reset w/ lockdown “science”; also a confluence w/ “effective altruists,” like Scott Alexander, who literally wrote a poem the day he got vaxed.

Obviously crypto has good uses; has historically arguably been a greater weapon for “our” side than others. And probably not everyone interested in “EA” and “rationalism” (e.g. Gwern) is an enemy or Branch Covidian, but there is a scary confluence now between techbros, “effective altruists,” “rationalists,” crypto schemes/money laundering/exchanges, and the bigger left/globalist managerial elite thing.

jim says:

> but there is a scary confluence now between techbros, “effective altruists,” “rationalists,” crypto schemes/money laundering/exchanges, and the bigger left/globalist managerial elite thing.

Techbros write code. Not seeing any coders in that confluence. Even leftist faggot coders are not part of the confluence you describe. The coders, even left coders, are not in bed with effective altruist left globalist managerial elite. In bed with the rationalists, but they tend to part company when rationalists become effective altruists.

The KYC exchanges are part of the globalist managerial elite. The Dex exchanges are often in bed with the KYC exchanges, but the Dex exchanges in bed with the KYC exchanges tend to be short of techbros.

Javier says:

the globalists want to implement a global digital currency after collapsing the dollar. Collapse of the dollar is proceeding apace but they lack the technical competency to develop the replacement. too many avalanches are in motion to stop now so they are desperately flinging cash at any and all firms offering to develop the new bitdollar, which FTX was happy to steal.

Red says:
Red says:

The documentary is disgusting, but there is an upside: all of these people are going to die. All of the annoying and evil liberals, the women, the people on 4chan who called us schizos – they are all going to die, and the world will be a much, much better place for it.

We are going to have to figure out a solution to breeding, because many more women than men took this shot. But we’ll get to that. Right now, we just need to be happy that God sent down this delusion, and our enemies willingly killed themselves.

Sure, it’s a shame that some people took it because they were pressured. That’s a shame. But those people are weak – much too weak for the New America emerging that will only be populated by white supremacists, QAnon kooks, and black people. This is going to be a glorious new era of humanity.

jim says:

Yes, he figures that the jab is going to induce mass die off, as well it may, but we do not know yet.

I don’t think everyone is getting those stringy things in their arteries, but how many jabbed are getting them, and how much of the stringy things they are getting is unknown. Does seem that a large proportion of sudden “unexpected” young adult deaths are those stringy things.

The problem is that all jab related deaths are ignored and denied. There is flat refusal to look at information that would tell us what is happening, which information could tell us what is going to happen. So we do not know the odds of everyone jabbed dying, or a large proportion of those jabbed dying.

It is apparent that the elites imposing the jab were not jabbed, or were fake jabbed with saline, so chances are that someone has a fair idea of what the death rate is going to be.

Because of the permanent effect on people’s genes, it is possible to determine how much they were actually jabbed, so if justice for these crimes follows, we can detect the insiders by gene testing them. If there is a major discrepancy between their recorded jab status, and their actual jab status, we will then know that they knowingly intended what has happened.

Jehu says:

I personally doubt it’s going to induce a massive die-off, unless of course it’s used as a targeting vector for another bioweapon. But the thing is, it doesn’t have to. If it inflicts even a 10% or so reduction in fertility of the people who took it, that’s humongous. Especially considering most colleges are STILL demanding it. Even a lot of basic public schools are.

Red says:

> If it inflicts even a 10% or so reduction in fertility of the people who took it, that’s humongous.

4 shots is likely to be a 90% reduction.

Considering how many shots most young women took, the most valuable thing on the planet is now unvaccinated fertile age women.

Jehu says:

Seems like the magnitude of the reduction can be inferred from birth statistics. I doubt it’s 90%, but I bet it’s more than 10%. Don’t suppose anyone has data?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

if we find a discrepancy, the whole family goes. If their women are unjabbed and fertile they will get taken and spared, but the entire male line gets culled.

The Cominator says:

Fake vaxxes doesnt always mean elite it was my plan if i had to get one to get a fake…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Specifically, if the person in question ever demanded or supported forced vaccinations. If I test you and you have papers but come up clean, we will high five and go kill some leftists. If I test some politician and he comes up clean, he gets strapped to a gurney and gets fed a diet of milk and honey and gets a vaxx shot every day until he fucking dies.

The Cominator says:

Oh yeah dragged thru the streets flayed disembowled hands and feet burned broken on the wheel short of death and then boiled alive.

Red says:

I just watched a video of people dying from vax induced strokes. That’s far too short and not painful enough. They Jones towned the entire fucking world.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Look up Persian honey and milk torture. It is a long, slow, bad way to go.

Red says:


Heavy D says:

I just got an erection.

Karl says:

That would be overlooking the big crime and giving capital punishment to good men simply because their father might have commited a minor offence.

Seriously, a man who was bullying others to take the clot shot commited great evil worthy of punishment. Whether he took the clot shoot himself does not make much of a difference. If he did take the clot shot that idicates that he was a dumb fool helping others to commit a huge crime. So what? That should not get him off the hook.

Some crimes are so big that not only the master mind deserves punishment but also those that were abetting and helping without knowing the whole evil plan.

Why punish anyone for faking vaccination? If he was powerless and need the certificate to get by, he did nothing wrong. If he was in power, punish him for what he did to others while he was in power.

Punishing people for a petty offence while ignoring capital crime is bad.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

You punish the men who have lied because they knew it was dangerous and took it anyway. You punish their children because the apple does not fall far from the tree, nits make lice, and you are tired of people like Chesea Boudin popping up decades later to finish what their fathers started. No more. It is time for the great selection; time to end bloodlines.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In Minecraft.

Karl says:

You see a crime in that they lied. I see a crime only in that they pushed others to take a vaccination. Whether they truly believed it was beneficial or lied about it, is a minor point in my view.

Why do you think that lying about a medical fact that should be nobodies business to know is a capital crime, rather than the act of bullying others to submit to a taking a vaccination?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It demonstrates mens rea.

Karl says:

Mens rea needs a crime to be relevant. Is lying about vaccination status by itself a capital crime in your opinion? If not, why not focus on the crime that is clearly visible, namely bullying others take a vaccination? Or is bullying others to take a vaccination no crime in your view unless lying is involved?

jim says:

Lying about vaccine status while telling other people to get vaccinated indicates mens rea.

jim says:

> Mens rea needs a crime to be relevant.

The crime is saying “safe and effective” when behavior reveals the knowledge it is unsafe and ineffective.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

There are four kinds of people. If you supported or opposed vaxx mandates, and if you have been vaxxed or not.

If you opposed vaxx mandates and have no vaxx: Yeah, let’s kill some leftists!

If you opposed vaxx mandates but got the vaxx: Sorry to hear it, bro. I hope you pull through. To help you feel better, let’s go kill some leftists!

If you supported vaxx mandates and got the vaxx: Haha you fucking idiot, good luck with your clots! I hope you die of “suddenly!”

If you supported vaxx mandates and did not get the vaxx: Your sons have already gotten a lethal injection of morphine, along with your wife. Your daughters are being put up for auction as we speak. Now what is going to happen is that you are taking the vaxx. Today, tomorrow, the next day, until the day you die. But don’t worry, it won’t be long. See, your diet has been carefully calibrated to keep you alive, but give you the worst diarrhea you have ever had. You will lay in your filth, tied to this gurney, until you die from the jab or from disease as your flesh starts to rot and necrotize. Consider this a warm up for hell, and when you get there tell the Devil that Wulfgar Thundercock III sent you to tell him that Christ is King.

Red says:

I’d add to that anyone who demanded that people be denied healthcare over not being vaxxed should be deleted from mindcraft. Lots of the COVID deaths were hospital works basically murdering the unvaccinated and they knew what they were doing.

I had to tell my family if you end up in the hospital, tell them you’re vaxinated or they may kill you.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I will be going through the medical profession like a grim reaper, and they have the presumption of guilt. Unless that have proof of innocence, they get the axe, too. Especially if an unusual proportion of their unvaxxed patients ended up dead.

The Cominator says:

Presumption of guilt in public health and academic medicine…

Not public health preponderence of evidence.

Jehu says:

Perhaps this needs to be written into some sort of ‘fiction’. Somehow 300 high ranking officials in GAE are tested. How many fake jabs? Fake jabs on their teenaged children would be especially telling.

Markuse says:

Where is the info on elites getting fake jab?

Karl says:

It is apparent that the elites imposing the jab were not jabbed

Why do you think that is apparent?

jim says:

Allegations by nurses administering the jab, and the curious lack of sudden deaths among elites imposing the jab.

Karl says:

Don’t think there is a curious lack of sudden deaths among elites imposing the jab. Germany has (officially admitted – I have no other numbers) excess mortality of abot 70,000 in 2022 so far. For a population of about 80 million that implies about 1 sudden death among 1100 people. No surprise that no member of my government has died suddenly. I assume the numbers for the US are very similar. Maybe there is more elite in the US than in a province of the empire, but one death among 1000 is difficult to spot if you can observe only a sample of about 1000 people

Wasn’t aware of any allegations by nurses. Do you have a link?

I wonder how nurses would be involved if someone gets a fake certificate. People who get a fake certificate have no reason to be anywhere near a nurse administering the jab. They only need a piece of paper with the signature of a physician.

Red says:

Lots of people pushing the jab where vaccinated on camera to encourage the public. Those injections were almost certainly saline shots and nursers involved would be aware of that.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is anecdotal, and I can’t give too many details for obvious reasons, but elites in a number of circles, including but not limited to “the science,” “the medicine,” and industrial defense are having an unusually high number of “board types” not showing up to big events or participating in “group activities.” Not scores and scores, but enough to cause issues that require expensive changes to expensive events.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Gavin Newsom missed several important events after a booster jab, and one Congressman’s 17-year-old daughter died in her sleep. Seems not everyone got the memo about taking the special VIP vaccine.

Also note that most of our ruling class is extremely old, and old people are less likely to drop dead from the vax. As one guy said, “All the Boomers I know took the vax and were fine, but all my friends under 40 who took it got so sick they wanted to die.”

Heavy D says:

Great, great article.

What’s the theory with the Jews? Nobody looks out for themselves like Jews, but nobody pushed the clot shots like Jews. What happened? Did they use a placebo jab? Or was it a very rare Jew screw-up?

Anyone seen excess mortality numbers out of Israel?

S says:

The dominant Jewish personality trait is neuroticism; in this case expressed as fear of disease.

Israel adopted the vaccines earlier then anyone else

50% of the population by March 26, 2021; vax uptake fell off after that and is current 65% (for comparison US is 68%, Germany 76%, Spain 85%). Note this is for the full vaccine rollout. Other variance is age difference and 74% of Israel’s population is Jewish.

Israel stopped publishing their excess death numbers after the rollout.

Jim’s post


“Our reanalyses of these data explain why during the massive vaccination project initiated mid-December 2020 during a confinement, daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases failed to decrease as they do during confinements, and, more importantly, why numbers of serious, critical, and death cases increased during that period that covered at least one month. From mid-December to mid-February (two months), 2,337 among all Israeli 5,351 official COVID-deaths occurred. Our analyses indicate orders of magnitude increases in deaths rates during the 5-week long vaccination process, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process. Presumably, asymptomatic cases before vaccination, and those infected shortly after the 1st dose, tend to develop graver symptoms than those unvaccinated.”
“The Ynet article is organized in an exciting way and uses data provided in an erroneous way by the Ministry of Health. It is unclear whether this was intentional to prove the vaccine’s efficiency or if this was done erroneously because the provided data were misunderstood. Note that in Israel, all vaccines are from Pfizer.
“The data in the table, rather than indicating the vaccine efficacy, indicate the vaccine’s adverse effects,”

jim says:

> Israel stopped publishing their excess death numbers after the rollout.

I noticed. Mens rea.

As America is ruled by white people who hate everyone, but hate whites more than anyone else, Israel is ruled by Jews who hate everyone, but hate Jews more than anyone else.

Ted says:

You guys on the dissident right can’t read between the lines. When the White liberal elite say they hate white people and go on about white supremacy they aren’t referring to themselves. They are specifically referring to the white warrior class, their class enemy.

jim says:

Naah, they hate everyone, including themselves. Sure, they hate the white warrior class even more, but I have seen their self destructive, self hating, conduct, up close and personal.

Evil starts off with vague good intentions. The good ends being inconvenient, get dropped, and they accomplish evil ends with supposed good intentions, which supposed good intentions make them feel good.

Evil outcomes get rationalized, which justifies deliberately pursuing evil ends with glib rationalizations, which swiftly become an evil faith, where evil deeds are performed out of selfish and short term rational self interest. But, having an evil faith, pretty soon evil deeds are performed in pursuit of evil, at the expense of even rational short term interest, as the evil faith swiftly becomes demonic, the pursuit of evil for the sake of evil at the expense, not only of everyone else, not only at the expense of kin, friends, and allies, but at one’s own expense.

Mister Grumpus says:

We’re going to need diagnostic tests for proof of non-vaccination very soon. Already actually.

simplyconnected says:

I heard rumors that red cross:
1) can tell vaxxed from unvaxxed blood (not sure if they test or looking at it is sufficient)
2) ask you whether you’ve had ANY covid-vax at all
3) unlike hospitals, which start pressuring to vax you as soon as they find out you are unvaxxed, red cross just shuts up and takes your unvaxxed blood.

My guess is there are people willing to pay a premium on unvaxxed blood and red cross is happy to oblige. Those people cannot be regular unvaxxed hospital patients, because those are being denied unvaxxed blood. Possibly another sinister facet of this horror.

Adam says:

Red Cross asked me once if I was jabbed. I was not and the nurse (older Karen type) looked at me for a second but made nothing of it and took my blood and haven’t asked since.

Karl says:

Should be possible to test for that by looking at antibodies in connection with covid.

Vaxxed have only one specific sort of antibodies. People who have recoverd from covid have few of those and in addition other antibodies relating to the virus.

Mister Grumpus says:

This is an IQ-90 take of course, but just take a moment to notice that there’s way more evidence that this vaxx is deadly than Covid was (or armed police, or AR15s, or finding trannies repulsive, or…). Just think of the panic that the Karens and CNN could have us in by now if they wanted to.

“What smokestack?”

I’ve seen enough. We are a deeply religious species and the Old Testament is still going.

Sharpie says:

Long time reader, first time posting.

I am deep in liberal territory (FAANG). Obviously, I make an effort every single day to conceal my true political beliefs. This has had negative impacts on my mental health (trust issues) because I understand that I may not be the only one doing this (a persons true beliefs and motives are hard to identify). I have to tell myself that lying is acceptable because I am lying to people who want to harm me and the good natured people who seek truth in the world. But lying I do, everyday. We must remind ourselves that being a liar is playing with fire, but sometimes we must do what we must. We are being silenced on such a wide spread level it is evil.

Liberals do not have principals. They are evil. For years we have heard them scream “MY BODY MY CHOICE!!”. Of course now they want full government intervention in people’s body choices by mandating vaccination. This obvious 180 degree turn in beliefs is only explained by them having evil motivations, they do not have political principals. They want women to be able to choose to sacrifice their kids for vanity and worthless sex cravings. They will instantly turn their beliefs to force dangerous chemicals into people’s bodies.

It has been remarkable to witness smart people attempt to make sense of vaccination numbers. The Covid-19 Dashboard from John Hopkins’s University is currently reporting a total mortality rate of 1.035%. This is what everyone is so afraid about? This??? I mean like wtf? Did everyone just get incredibly stupid or what? Obviously if we subtract out senior’s from the death count we’re looking at a mortality rate as a fraction of that 1.035%. I will hazard a guess that it is less than 0.5% for healthy non senior people. Everyone who is being honest knows deep down that this was a sham, it was drastically responded to for evil ulterior motives.
And by their own admittance the total rate of infection is actually probably even higher than it is reported because it is such a weak disease that many people who had it didn’t go to the hospital to be diagnosed. Fauci has said it might be a factor of 3. In conclusion, healthy non seniors are at higher risk of dying from bee stings than Covid-19.

Now here is the really damning thing… the Covid-19 vaccine and its booster shots has, accordingly to JHU, have been administered over 12 billion times. ( If I make the assumption that the total number of people vaccinated is actually 3 billion shitheads that went and got the original shot plus 3 subsequent booster shots that would be around 3.2 billion people that each got 4 total shots. If the combined health impacts of receiving 4 vaccines negatively effects 1 out of every 100 people in this group, we’re looking at 32 million people who will have problems. That is more than 5x the Covid (Official Truth) death total. I mean…… working with this assumption, the combined negative health effects of receiving this many shots only needs to kill 1 out of 500 people in this group to have killed as many people as the original virus they supposedly want to protect people from.

They are delusional if they believe that the Covid-19 shot is free of side effects. This would be the first medical treatment in existence that is free of side effects that can have dangerous or lethal effects on a subset of people who receive it. They can’t even admit that the Covid-19 vaccine is like any other medical treatment in that is has associated side effects.

The people who are Dying Suddenly are the fatalities. The young people who randomly drop dead are those fatalities. They have force injected these chemicals into their bodies and the body was damaged as a result, and it is further damaged with each subsequent shot that is being forced. These poor victims didn’t have to die, and their deaths are the consequence of liberal mandates in a pure over reaction to a dismally weak virus. I can’t say with any proof that this was ever their master plan (I believe it probably is at the higher level but I can’t prove it). What I can prove is that the forced vaccination requires people to probably have less than a ~0.2% lethality rate to not be as deadly as the virus itself. These numbers, to any self-interested person, are not working in their favor.

Covid-19 is a dismally weak virus and the Official Truth surrounding it is a crime against humanity. The vaccine itself is likely to kill more people than Covid-19 will if it has mortality > 0.2%.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Liberals think there are too many people in the world. I agree that there are too many liberals in the world. (Also too many niggers, but cows are not Hindus and niggers are not liberals.)
What better way to thin the liberal herd than to flood the liberal media with propaganda telling liberals to take an experimental “vaccine” and require all students in the liberal seminaries to take it?

If the Cominator had suggested such a cunning, dastardly plan before 2021, I’d have thought he was nuts and it would never work.

Adam says:

Leftists do not understand the paradox of desire. Without faith everyone ends up in hell by their own doing.

The Cominator says:

Unfortunately i think for the most part the vax will be a sterility plague.

Cloudswrest says:

Interesting thread. Apparently variations of the old, traditional TB vaccine (which is dirt cheap but not available in the US naturally) are not only effective against Covid, but there is recent research saying it reverses Type I diabetes. The latter effect is due to it moderating/reducing autoimmune expression.

Cloudswrest says:

The BCG shot also has 92% efficacy against all variants of Covid. Countries with routine BCG vaccination had much lower mortality rates.

It’s like the only vaccine that the CDC doesn’t recommend though. Have to get it on the black market or go to Japan (Tokyo strain is best).

Red says:

Interesting. I’ve got Raynaud’s disease which is generally considered an autoimmune disorder. I wonder if the vaccine would help with that?

Cloudswrest says:

I also have the same recollections as this guy.

Red says:

>Alleged Colorado gay club shooter is ‘non-binary’, uses ‘they/them’ pronouns

That explains a few things. I remember when I heard about it happening I figured it was either a faggot or a muzzy.

Pax Imperialis says:

The whole incident feels manufactured. He had a prior run in with the law and there was ample evidence to lock him up for a long time. There was plenty of legal mechanisms to prevent him from buying guns and being a threat to others. So what does the DA do? Of course the DA chose to pursue no charges. Now the DA is lying about how because the family wouldn’t cooperate they couldn’t pursue charges. The DA could have said fuck the family and pursued charges anyways and still successfully convicted.

Hearing the army veteran talk about the incident was bizarre. This is a presumably straight man taking his wife and daughter and daughter’s boyfriend to see a drag queen show. He also performed first aid on a dying woman and her husband. He took his family there because according to him it’s about community. A straight man feels community with sexual deviants?

Red says:

Maybe they dropped the charges because he’s a tranny? Trannies are basically above the law right now.

A friend of mine took his girlfriend to a gay bar for her birthday. I asked him why he said because that’s what she wanted to do. Gay bars are very high status and thus women love going to them.

On the other hand the guy is obviously a schizo, exactly the sort the FBI loves to setup for mass shootings.

Red says:

Looks like Elon kept the content censorship team around because he cut a deal not to have twitter ad revenue starved:

They didn’t keep their end of the deal.

jim says:

The deal was Musk would not invite the purged back on Twitter until the censorship team was in place.

Like Trump, Elon Musk was trying to make a deal with those with whom no deal is possible. Typical merchant error.

He is still trying to cut a deal, and I expect he will find that those he has fired have powerful friends.

Some people say we are ruled by the super rich. Well Trump was super rich, and could not rule. Should have summoned the militia, but he was too much a merchant, and not enough a warrior.

Musk is super rich, and Twitter is supposedly a private business. We will see if being super rich does Musk more good than it did Trump.

The Cominator says:

Musk IMHO will not keep trying to make a deal the way Trump did.

jim says:

We shall see if being rich does Musk more good than it did Trump. So far, does not look promising. But at least Musk, unlike Trump, can fire employees who do no work or are nakedly hostile.

He seems to have at least a roomful of men who can write code and seem willing, from their body language, to take orders from him.

The Cominator says:

Well i knew his legal consigliere very well in the past and despite being a lawyer and a jew I think his lawyer/legal advisor is a good ma nand will advise Musk NOT to deal with these people again once they broke faith.

Jehu says:

Getting coders who will take orders from Musk isn’t really hard. Just don’t piss on them and there are plenty with the code of honor: stays bought. Getting his army of lawyers to be loyal is a lot harder.

skippy says:

Musk has a better and probably more loyal pool of employees to call on.

Looking at Trump organization, people like Michael Cohen are not impressive. As it turned out, not loyal either. Big men who have to rely on people like that do not have a big base of smart and loyal retainers.

Musk has Tesla and SpaceX which I am informed operate like cults (not meant as a criticism).

jim says:

In the modern world, network apps benefiting from Metcallf’s law, resulting in network lockin, are a critical source of political power.

Unless your key programmers hold a faith, are cult members, your network software is going to be penetrated by an enemy cults.

We already have a word for a warrior priest, a paladin. In the Information Epoch warfare, we are going to need a world for programmer priest.

Star Prophet: “Elon Musk Paladins”

Maybe we do not need a new word, Paladin will do, given that programmer priests are always in conflict situations. As yet non lethal conflict situations, but lethality is likely to arrive sooner or later. And sooner is on the horizon.

The Cominator says:

“Musk has a better and probably more loyal pool of employees to call on.”

I feel confident that Spiro won’t be a backstabbing POS like Cohen… if the DOJ threatens to kill his family or something I don’t know but short of that the man is solid.

Mister Grumpus says:

Your reputationally doxxing Spiro here as a friend of a friend of the NrX reactionary enemy frog faction gives me the creeps.

Mister Grumpus says:

Accusing rather. The heck do I know.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s a pretty sussy thing to do honestly. Mr. Spiro’s recent troubles might or might not be unrelated.

Neofugue says:

Cominator is reputationally doxxing Spiro to make himself feel important when in reality he is defeated and powerless.

If Cominator wants to have an impact, he needs to get a wife and have children. As the family is the foundation of society, having a family and managing a household differently is the first step towards societal change.

The Cominator says:

All i said is hes an old friend of mine and is a good guy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Sure, but you could have done that a lot more elliptically with a lot less incrimination.

The message i and doubtlessly other people got was ‘do not get close to James Comey’s good friend; your secrets will spill and your confidence will not be kept’.

The Cominator says:

I revealed zero secrets other than i (a theoretical anon) used to know him and thought that despite being a jew lawyer he was a really good guy… who was unlikely to deliberately stab Musk in the back.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Maybe you don’t see what the big deal is on account of the tism or some such, but any alphabet boi playing seven degrees of kevin bacon would have a mere three point spread to go through; nevermind the prospect of throwing shade on a supposedly good man, it’s not something anyone worried about incriminating *themselves* would do.

For the sake of comparison, all kinds of people have corresponded in confidence with Andrew Anglin over the years, including even a great many of the kinds of people who would be on our proscription lists – and in all his years of effortpoasting he has never spoken a word about it beyond the fact that it happens. He makes no mention of any personal relationships or conversation with anyone, neither contents nor metadata (who where when), unless it’s for a bit like the Blake Masters/Mark Kelly thing.

Kunning Drueger says:

Consider this: Musk might be further down our path than anyone realizes, and cannot for any reason have his cover blown. Crazy, right? That could never happen. This is just internet larping to blow off steam because we are society’s losers and we’ll never win because nothing happens. Right? There is an army of Cathedral drones who have made it their life’s work finding us and ruining us, and they take a particular joy in hurting as many innocents tangentially connected to us as possible.

It is fucking embarrassing that this must be stated explicitly:

Don’t doxx people.
Don’t post names.
Don’t post information without a very good reason.
Take this seriously or go to Reddit.

Autism is not a fucking excuse for abject retardation. There will be a time to drop masks and raise banners. There will be times to send out signal flares, and those are going to be bad and necessary times.

Scoring points by star fucking, outing “celebrities” by pointing out writing patterns, doing the Fed’s job for them. All of these are rope offenses.

The Cominator says:

As far as Jimian thinking about divorce or at least marriage stability I may have seen this meme on a debate group and the comments were overwhelmingly pro OJ…

The children of divorce and clownworld sort of at least halfway induce Jimian thinking about at least a woman with kids who tries to runoff…

Red says:

[I really need an edit feature]

I’m not sure that was an exactly uncommon feeling even back in the day. I remember being shocked that OJ got off, but I also thought Nicole had it coming for not letting OJ see his children. What the fuck did she expect would happen? Take a man’s kids away and a man is going to kill you to get them back. My friends generally agreed with me on it. I was quite blue pilled at the time but fuck, you don’t take a man’s children away.

Also the knife used in the attack was hers. She cut OJ with it and he disarmed her and in a fit of rage killed with it. Today we’d say she fucked around and found out.

Do you have a link to the debate group? I’d love to read it.

The Cominator says:

Too potentially compromising IMHO because I’m on there…

Red says:

Fair enough. I used to see stuff like that in the Manosphere back when it existed, but the only part that’s still around seems to be the MGTOW stuff, which is just awful. Black pill city.

jim says:

The real life consequences of divorce at momentary female whim, plus cash and prizes for destroying your family, are so horrifying that lots of normies can see that the unthinkably old fashioned solution is justified and necessary.

Personal observation: Every woman who gets divorced thinks that no end of six foot two athletic billionaire pirate kings will be happy to sweep her off her feet and be a loving father for her 1.5 children once she ditches that irritating encumbrance of a fat husband who keeps failing his shit tests. They figure that because when they were fourteen, they could snap their fingers and get banged by anyone they felt like, therefore, they conclude, at thirty six, grossly overweight, and encumbered by another man’s children, that they can snap their fingers and whomever they want will remarry them.

Red says:

Not too long ago there was a post on Reddit where a woman was basically doing what you described. 32, looking to fuck mr Big after divorce raping her Husband.

Another woman who was now in her 50s said she did the same thing but she was never able to find anyone who was at her husband’s level. She’s been sleeping alone for 20 years and deeply regretted the divorce. Her husband then lost the weight and married a younger woman to replace her. The hive mind went nuts and her account was quickly banned, but someone snaged a screen shot of it before the deletion.

jim says:

> Her husband then lost the weight and married a younger woman to replace her.

This happens in almost every divorce. Wife is industriously banging every Mister Big in town, and thinking all is well, but after a while notices that she no higher than number eight on their booty call lists. Then she notices that her children are being brutally abused by all the strange men passing through her bedroom. Then she notices her husband has just married a woman younger, prettier, and more virtuous than herself, falls into depression, and then stops answering booty calls telling her to show up at mister big’s bedroom at ten in the night, knowing that she will be kicked out at ten thirty in the night. Consumes large amounts of anti depressants for the rest of her life and never gets laid again.

Adam says:

Does not quite explain Tom Brady’s situation or other top guys who can pull younger and hotter yet have wives that file for divorce. A few women, and I suspect mostly very beautiful women will divorce tall dark and handsome if she does not feel properly owned or desired. Especially post wall. Their lack of control coupled with increasing insecurity will drive them crazy, and if the man does not cherish her and fails comfort tests it can and will escalate to divorce.

Your description is the norm no doubt but there are nuances especially for very beautiful women and dark triad men who are still ideal as far as hypergamy is concerned.

Red says:

Does not quite explain Tom Brady’s situation or other top guys who can pull younger and hotter yet have wives that file for divorce. A few women, and I suspect mostly very beautiful women will divorce tall dark and handsome if she does not feel properly owned or desired. Especially post wall. Their lack of control coupled with increasing insecurity will drive them crazy, and if the man does not cherish her and fails comfort tests it can and will escalate to divorce.

Their wives fucked more alpha men than their husbands when they were young. With their fading looks they decide they want to return to fucking more alpha men before it’s too late. But it’s already too late. Women make terrible choices which is why they cannot be empowered to make them.

This is also why virgin wives is so highly prized. It’s hard to be more alpha than the only man she’s ever fucked.

Brady’s mistake was marrying a whore. If he’d married a virgin, the chances she’d cheat on him or divorce him is pretty much zero.

Adam says:

Probably in his case as she is literally a whore but not necessarily. Lots of guys fall off during faggot marriage and get betaized. They have kids and get too comfortable and stop playing the game. Wife has kids and looks fade and the guy loses interest.

I think guys worry too much about previous alpha, I don’t think it’s nearly as important as you yourself being alpha and staying alpha. Girls ability to determine past previous and future is retarded, but they are very good at determining now.

The hard part for guys staying alpha is most women were previously whores, and no top guy is going to cherish a whore. We cherish virgin and chaste. So you have to find young enough and hot enough to overcome previous whorishness.

Also if you stay in shape and have game you have options, and older wives cannot compete even if they are beautiful and their neuroticism will cause them to self destruct.

The Cominator says:

Tom Brady goes from being GOAT star sportsball quarterback to has been quarterback also possibly lost money with FTX scam. Gisele thinks she can get younger still super high ststus guy, also pissed that Brady lost money (its not that women are gold diggers but if you lose a lot women can be genuinely pissed about that).

Red says:

Starting of the divorce predates the FTX loses and she was the one reportedly pushing for his involvement in it.

The Cominator says:

Women dont blame themselves for stuff.

A2 says:

I get the impression Gisele got mad about Brady not retiring. From what I recall hearing and seeing, they divorced, she then very noisily departed for Costa Rica with her yoga teacher (how cliche) and subsequently bought a house right across the water from their original house. It seems fairly obvious to me that she wants Brady to come and claim her back, no excuses accepted, as fascistically as possible. But will he? If I were Brady, I’d instead feel pretty done with it all at this point.

A2 says:

Now this is what I call some deep reactionary thinking.

Adam says:

> It seems fairly obvious to me that she wants Brady to come and claim her back, no excuses accepted, as fascistically as possible.

I think this happens a good bit to top guys who either lose interest in their wives or the wives become intoxicated with their power due to progressivism.

I don’t think OJs wife necessarily was looking for her former alpha lover, certainly not with the Goldman guy. OJ cut her head off it doesn’t get much more alpha than that. More likely OJ was sick of her and she was trying to get attention like all women will do.

Comfort kills attraction and nothing fucks guys like commitment so the drama either stirs the guy back up to put her in her place thus re-establishing attraction or she moves on and keeps looking.

Women are perfectly capable of alpha widowing themselves and frequently do so.

Neurotoxin says:

“Now this is what I call some deep reactionary thinking.”

Why did you just approvingly comment on your own comment? Is this a failed attempt at sock-puppeting? It’s like you forgot to switch usernames.

Red says:

I don’t think so. Compliments on posts are pretty rare around here, so he probably was proud of thinking through the issue to that degree.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

In fairness, it is a very insightful comment.

Red says:

It really was. I wasn’t attacking him for it.

Gisele wants Brady to kick down her down, beat her Yoga instructor/lover to death and drag her back to his home to be ravished.

As far as shit tests goes, that the sort of nuclear level shit you get form whores.

jim says:

I know shit test when I see one, and I have had a few that only General Buck Naked could pass.

spotting that this was a General Buck Naked level shit test was a valuable insight.

Red says:

Gisele wants Brady to kick down down her door, beat her Yoga instructor/lover to death and drag her back to his home to be ravished.*

The Cominator says:

Gisele was a model, to make it big she got banged by a lot of guys. In Brazil there was none of this crap about it being illegal that they nailed Weinstein for it was just the way it went. Though I’m not sure how many guys in the modeling business would resemble General Buck Naked.

She probably has a perverse impulse now that she has hit the wall to see if multiple guys still want to use the way they did when she was a young model.

Adam says:

The Goldman guy OJs wife was screwing was no general buck naked either. These women are post wall and are unable to cope with what that means. Women who fail at accepting this always end up screwing lesser men than their former lovers/husbands.

Really hot chicks have it rough hitting the wall because they got so much just for their looks. It’s kind of the opposite of when a man has a midlife crisis.

The Cominator says:

Yeah this is one thing i kind of disagree on with Jim, whores by nature have far less exacting standards for men than normie women and crave general buck naked far less… owning one you need to be general buck naked not because she has insane standards for men but because she needs to scared out of her desire for novel dick. And when she is at the wall the desire for novelty is going to be REALLY high because she fears being old ugly and unfuckable and wants to prove to herself she still has it.

Red says:

>The Goldman guy OJs wife was screwing was no general buck naked either. These women are post wall and are unable to cope with what that means. Women who fail at accepting this always end up screwing lesser men than their former lovers/husbands.

Nicole really wanted to OJ to snap and doing something violent to show how alpha he was. She got her wish.

Women don’t make good choices.

Red says:

>Yeah this is one thing i kind of disagree on with Jim, whores by nature have far less exacting standards for men than normie women and crave general buck naked far less…

Nicole Simpson had her General Butt Naked: His name was OJ Simpson, a man who regally smacked her around. The problem was that with age OJ stopped being as violent. So started acting badly in order to provoke a violent reaction from him.

The Cominator says:

It was a combo of

> She wanted OJ to do something maybe a bit short of what he perhaps kill her lover and kidnap and rape her
> She wanted a new dick in her for the 1st time in a while

Red says:

>> She wanted OJ to do something maybe a bit short of what he perhaps kill her lover and kidnap and rape her

Women do not make good choices. Giving them agency is always a disaster for them.

The Cominator says:

Nicole didnt have a job in her background where banging lots of guys was part of the job, Gisele did though.

Red says:

Yes, but OJ had stopped beating her. She wasn’t getting what she needed. Some women need to beat on a regular basis to be happy. So she used the super weapons the state has given women and launched a nuclear level shit test (IE took his kids away).

Red says:

Gisele looking for her general Butt naked that banged her when she was younger and still giving Brady a nuclear level shit test while banging her Yoga teacher. She giving Brady the chance to become more alpha by going on a rampage like Ulysses did.

If Brady passes he still might face another where she insists Brady kill whoever was her General Butt Naked. The best way to play the game is not to marry a whore. The shit tests are a lot more reasonable.

The Cominator says:

Im sort of saying a whore doing this is probably more novel dick seeking and being pissed about certain things than a nuclear shit test per se…

Whereas with Nicole who didnt have such a background it was probably more a nuclear shit test with novel dick seeking being a more minor factor… if Brady retired and didnt lose whatever he lost with FTX she probably would have cheated (as she has probably done many times before especially when he was travelling during sportsball season) without running off.

Red says:

> if Brady retired and didnt lose whatever he lost with FTX she probably would have cheated (as she has probably done many times before especially when he was travelling during sportsball season) without running off.

You think if he complied with what she wanted, she would have run off on him? That’s the opposite of my experience with women. Compliance with her demands results in a lowered status for the man, IE it’s generally failing a shit test.

Why do you think it’s not a shit test?

Red says:

*would not have run off on him?

The Cominator says:

Well he apparently promised hecwould quit and didnt do it…

Didnt seem she liked that very much.

Red says:

She just blew up her marriage because he’s playing football? Ya mate that doesn’t make any sense.

My Husband’s isn’t around for 6 months out of the year so I’m make sure he’ll never be around! That’s retarded women after the fact justification.

No wonder you’re black pilled. Don’t believe what women say, believe what they do.

The Cominator says:

Well clearly still playing didnt work out…

Red says:

I’m sure if he’d just complied with his whore wife demands she wouldn’t have blown up his marriage. Then everyone clapped!

Now back in the real world…

I’ve watched men comply with an ever increasing list of demands from the wives that have already decided to divorce them. Every time the man complies it pisses the wife off. When he finally stops complying when the increasing insane demands she uses it as the justification for the divorce.

The only solution is to not play the game. If the wife is going to divorce then there’s a bunch of things that can do to try and stop it but playing her games isn’t one of them.

Com, you’re treating women as equals. Big mistake.

jim says:

> I’ve watched men comply with an ever increasing list of demands from the wives that have already decided to divorce them.

The demands are a shit test. Therefore, have not already decided to divorce them unless they fail the shit test. Complying with the demand is failing the shit test, but simply not complying does not resolve the issue. Wife is likely to escalate the pressure until you comply or shut down her misbehavior.

Some shit tests are tough to pass, and can only be passed by illegal acts.

Adam says:

>Yes, but OJ had stopped beating her. She wasn’t getting what she needed. Some women need to beat on a regular basis to be happy.

Yep stopped beating her and stopped banging her. She was looking for attention.

Nicole should have been charged with the murder of Ron Goldman, and her own cause of death should have been ruled a suicide.

Neurotoxin says:

What, lol.

OK, History is Spirit at war with Itself.

Neurotoxin says:

Awesome comment!

simplyconnected says:


A2 says:

Lol, the explanation is that I afterwards thought my analysis of a gossip-press happening was time spent on a somewhat trifling topic, and was being self-ironic. Though I’m sure Brady and Gisele find it all too serious.

I do think it’s correct but Jim’s old, great article referenced elsewhere here really said it all.

Neurotoxin says:

Noted. I don’t have a problem with the comment; I just thought the meta thing was odd. As to the substance of the comment, of course it’s true; Giselle is hoping for – at a minimum – a spanking that will leave her unable to sit down for a week.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

Andrew Anglin is right about women.

jim says:

Andrew Anglin is close to the truth, but he suffers from the black pill.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*Deleted for failure to give us anything on the Soros test, the Mueller test, the Women Question test, and the Christianity test*]

jim says:

You endorse Andrew Anglin on the woman question. What is Andrew Anglin’s position on the woman question?

YE24 says:

Nick Fuentes.

jim says:

That is not Andrew Anglin’s position on the woman question

YE24 says:


jim says:

Not an answer, also a lie – you attribute to Andrew Anglin shill positions.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*Deleted for failure to give us anything on the Soros test, the Mueller test, the Women Question test, and the Christianity test*]

academic appreciator says:

Scott Alexander is an “effective altruist” Jewish psychiatrist, so there’s that, but his short article “Is Wine Fake?” may be a gateway to some serious thoughtcrimes. (Thoughtcrimes which Scott will not commit, but which he hints at)

jim says:

Scott is dangerous to his friends.

Anonymous says:

Dangerous to which friends? I’m not aware of anyone who was harmed due to being Scott Alexander’s friend. If anything, it’s Scott’s associates who are dangerous to him. Topher leaking the email about Scott’s thoughts on neoreactionaries, David Gerard suddenly turning into a rationalist hater after he attended a SSC meetup and heard too much HBD talk, the whole NYT thing, Barry the male feminist, and there are probably more I don’t know about

jim says:

> Dangerous to which friends?

A chick was throwing around allegations of rape and sexual harassment. She was fat and pushing forty, and was obviously drunk with power, malice, and evil. Childless women that reach a certain age tend to go evil and insane.

But, of course, we must treat all such allegations sympathetically and seriously. Of course. All women who complain are obviously aggrieved and obviously holy victims.

It being totally unnecessary to treat the victims of false accusations seriously and sympathetically.

And he proceeded to go through the motions of doing so, though, he and everyone else knew what the score really was.

You can point out that he committed the thought crime of implying a suspicion that the accusations were not well founded. But this does not make him a good guy in that debacle. It makes him a reluctant accomplice in dreadful evil.

alf says:

Article for reference. One of Jim’s most bad-ass articles. Said what needed to be said in the context of very heavy female shit-testing.

A2 says:

Man, my comments were tight back then. And what happened to Peppermint? He was great.

The Cominator says:

Roberto is the best missing guy from that thread…

Kunning Drueger says:

This. That guy was awesome.

Neofugue says:

Peppermint was outed as a homosexual deviant and was bullycided by Shaman over his opposition to early virgin marriage.

Red says:

Hmm, I didn’t know he was faggot. I do remember he pretend to be woman when he first showed up here. I always thought it was odd that he was nuked over that.

A2 says:

Ugh, Shaman/JP may have been the very worst commenter on this blog. From what I recall, he so enjoyed to stir up trouble, smack his lips about screwing young girls, and making the comment section a war zone. In retrospect, almost certainly a shill.

If memory serves, the Cominator was the bullycidaire of Shaman; cheers to that and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Red says:

>If memory serves, the Cominator was the bullycidaire of Shaman; cheers to that and good riddance to bad rubbish.

Shaman flamed out over Com and Pooch. No one bullycided him out.

I liked Shaman but after the bullyscide of Peppermint he was never the same.

Neofugue says:

Shaman created the Red Pill on Women test, allowing us to detect Fed Shills with ease.

More importantly, he bullycided all the garbage that used to comment here. The occasional trans-warrior is nothing compared to what existed five or six years ago.

Cominator did not bullycide Shaman. He flamed out after an argument with Cominator, but in all likelihood he was experiencing burnout and was looking for an excuse to make his exit.

alf says:

Shaman was great, really moved the conversation forward. Unfortunately lacking in longevity.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Shaman wasn’t a shill, but his khazarian instinct to backbite neighbors was always simmering under the surface, barely managed to be directed in more positive cardinalities, and occasionally spilling over the edge, like the case with pmint.

The Cominator says:

“Cominator did not bullycide Shaman. He flamed out after an argument with Cominator, but in all likelihood he was experiencing burnout and was looking for an excuse to make his exit.”

Yes I was rather shocked when he “ragequit”… we generally got along.

I believe the substance of the argument was he thought 100% of prepubescent molesters were faggots while I thought merely 95% of them were faggots.

Neofugue says:

Shaman donned the moniker of “Jewish Pedophile” to ridicule the 18-or-else-obsessed anti-Semites who blamed all misbehavior of young girls on the Jews, or so I thought. Was he an IRL semite?

Red says:

@Com, Shaman was suffering from burn out, it wasn’t anything to do with. He could raged out on me, or pretty much anyone. The people who burn brightest sometimes burn themselves out the fastest.

Starman almost did the same after Trump lost, but he’s starting to return to form. His posts have become good again and his gab is excellent.

A2 says:

“More importantly, |Shaman] bullycided all the garbage that used to comment here. ”

Was he assigned this role by Jim, or did he self-elect to the position? The comment section functions infinitely better nowadays with the guiding hand of Jim.

A2 says:

“Yes I was rather shocked when he “ragequit”… we generally got along.”

Thank you for your service, even if inadvertent.

Anonymous says:

I genuinely don’t understand why anyone liked Peppermint the combative faggot who always insulted Christians and called them cuckstains. Nobody liked Oog en Hand the pagan who kept implying that he knows better than Christians about this or that but was at least more polite.

A2 says:

Possibly because much of the modern church is, alas, hallucinogenically cucked.

A2 says:

On consideration, I think I’ll leave the topic of Shaman. It seems to lead me nowhere good, and might be his final curse. So begone foul spirit, and I shall try to be a better man.

Anonymous says:

In the shaman vs. peppermint debates about teenage girls, you supported peppermint’s position and opposed shaman’s. Is that why, 5 years down the line, you’re still triggered by the side that won?

Neofugue says:

> On consideration, I think I’ll leave the topic of Shaman. It seems to lead me nowhere good, and might be his final curse.

You remind me of Pooch. Are you a fed shill? Let’s start first with a pictorial Redpill on Women Question:

Is this female a woman or a little girl?

The Cominator says:

“In the shaman vs. peppermint debates about teenage girls, you supported peppermint’s position”

If you are talking to me no I didn’t, I support early arranged marriage shortly after puberty though I’m less keen to allow marriage by abduction unless the father fails to do his job by a certain age.

Marriage by abduction is essentially female choice by other means and women will arrange to get themselves abducted at 13 by the biggest older delinquent they can find.

jim says:

> Marriage by abduction is essentially female choice by other means and women will arrange to get themselves abducted at 13 by the biggest older delinquent they can find.

That is the story of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet was thirteen. Romeo demonstrated alpha by killing Juliet’s brother.

OK. Juliet gets nailed by Romeo. What does state, Church, and society do now?

Anonymous says:

If you are talking to me

Not to you.

A2/Anonymous2 was at the time on peppermint’s side, and given that he never passed (in an explicit or implicit manner) any of the shill tests on women, one would figure that this is the reason he is still bitching about shaman.

Instead of bitching about posters from 2018, maybe A2 should commit some convincing thoughtcrimes about the subject of adolescent sluts whose yoga pants happen to reveal labial contours.

The Cominator says:

To put it mildly allowing early marriage by adduction will lead to lots of young girls trying to do everything they can to get abducted by “Todd” and not a guy their father would pick.

jim says:

Better that than they get banged and Todd then has to run and hide. Marriage by abduction just cleans up the inevitable leakage when dads cannot restrain daughters.

Adam says:

Com your granting agency where there is none. Girls are going to go after who they go after regardless of consequences.

Arranged marriage is plan A. Marriage by abduction and shotgun marriage is damage control because plan A is difficult.

A2 says:

Well, Shaman-adherents, since you ask so nicely, here we go.

I consider early marriage good, probably a lot earlier than daddy would like; I’m however against girls slutting around before marriage (in contrast with Shaman/JP, if memory serves), and think women should have N=0 at marriage; I furthermore think age of consent is a foolish and pointless concept, weaponized by feminism. (The point being, as far as I can tell, that older men must marry the HR hags when these turn 30.)

Expel all non-european migrants from Europe, machine gun their boats and any survivors, dissolve and criminalize charities that give money to Africa in particular, sink the charity ships that ship mhigrants and hang the crew. Let’s see … did I miss anything? Treat arabs similarly. The concept of ‘refugees’ is completely outdated, useless, and poisonous.

While I enjoyed Peppermint as a commenter, and can’t recall that he was out (but then I don’t have the option to read this site from end to end so I’ll just leave it as a personal observation), I’m also fully against the whole nasty LGBT circus. Transsexual surgery on children is a crime against humanity and all involved must burn. Drag queen story hour likewise, including the librarians who organize it. The homo circuit parties, likewise. Pederasty. And much more.

I’m with the Cominator on helicoptering leftists in great numbers when the day comes. Regrettable but unavoidable.

Regarding jews, I can’t say I hate them as a group, but neither do I trust them, for all the many reasons. There are many jews worthy of our hatred or disgust though.

Oh yes, and I think it would be nice if the US would stop evolving into a pure cancer tumor. Dissolve NATO, dissolve the GAE.

To conclude, I’m here because the current world is broken and insane, and Jim’s approach of going far back to right the ship is interesting and worth listening to.

jim says:

> Jim’s approach of going far back to right the ship is interesting and worth listening to.

The core problem we face is incapacity to reproduce, the failure of cooperation between men and women. Love is war, and all is fair in love and war.

So when did we have a fix for that? England till 1820.

Which means turning the clock back to the religious and political order of 1663 – which also happened to give us industry, science, technology, and world empire.

A2 says:

PS. On the personal plane, I’m pleased to report that IRL I’ve helped a friend and mother fend off a transsexual trying to infiltrate the chat of her preteen daughter and her friends. Not much, but it’s something.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Oog is circumlocutory and rarely ever tries to forthrightly say anything of substance.

Pmint was funny and when he talked about cuckstains his crosshairs were centered on the worst aspects of the converged demon worship passing itself off as modern christianity. He fired on the right targets and posed valuable criticisms that would benefit from being addressed; similar to suones but with better rhetoric.

Starman says:


“Ugh, Shaman/JP may have been the very worst commenter on this blog. From what I recall, he so enjoyed to stir up trouble, smack his lips about screwing young girls, and making the comment section a war zone. In retrospect, almost certainly a shill.”

Shaman was the best commentator on Jim’s Blog. He was the one that invented the multiple choice Redpill on Women Question, the ultimate shill test.

alf says:

Peppermint had issues. But he also had his moments.

Neurotoxin says:

That post is a nuclear bomb of truth, even by Jim’s standards. A classic.

jim says:

Not seeing any thought crimes that is a gateway to. I think you are being excessively charitable. What thought crimes do you think it points to?

Also I can taste the difference between expensive wines and cheap wines fairly well, and prefer the taste of cheap wines – as most people do when they are tasting blind – but unlike most people, I continue to prefer the taste of cheap wines even when I know that I am drinking extremely expensive wine. I can usually tell when my host is giving me the expensive stuff, and one of my acquaintances is apt to serve me very expensive stuff.

academic appreciator says:

What thought crimes do you think it points to?

Widespread cluelessness among the expert class. Intellectuals don’t really know what they think they know, are wrong about core assumptions, and improperly interpret the data available to them. Even when the intellectuals are broadly correct, the commoners won’t be able to tell what it is that said intellectuals believe, because journalists misrepresent their findings according to their own biases.

From the article:

But although wine experts really do know more than you and I, the world of wine is insane. People spend thousands of dollars for fancy wine that they enjoy no more than $10 plonk from the corner store. Vintners obsess over wine contests that are probably mostly chance. False beliefs, like the superiority of French wine, get enshrined as unquestioned truths.

If sommeliers and wine tasters — Scott’s analogy for scientists, or “scientists” — are often wrong, are easily fooled, and even when not wrong and not fooled, make judgements that are irrelevant for the public at large, then wine (SCIENCE!) is a borderline fake industry.

All the oenophiles and expert tasters of the 1960s and ’70s got one of the most basic questions in their field wrong. Why? Maybe patriotism: Most of the wine industry was in France, and they didn’t want to consider that other countries might be as good as they were. Maybe conformity: If nobody else was taking Californian wines seriously, why should you? Or maybe a self-perpetuating cycle, where if any expert had made a deep study of Californian wines, they would have been able to realize they were very good, but nobody thought such a study was worth it.

Which is his way of saying that ditching the rigor of the scientific method in favor of status-derived collective consensus (“we are the experts in the field, and we believe in so and so”) leads to erroneous conclusions and madness. Also, the media perpetuates false beliefs by only looking for answers under the lampposts of its heavily ideologically-tinted purview.

Wine is not fake. Wine experts aren’t fake either, but they believe some strange things, are far from infallible, and need challenges and blinded trials to be kept honest. How far beyond wine you want to apply this is left as an exercise for the reader.

If modern science is bespectacled know-it-alls in white robes meeting behind closed doors to decide what the consensus is within the “scientific community,” then modern science is untrustworthy. Anthony Fauci, for instance, is untrustworthy. This is a major thoughtcrime against the Cathedral.

jim says:

Wine experts are not holy the way academics are holy. You read too much into him. The reasoning only follows if you suspect that the state religion is fake. Which Scott probably does, but he neglects to draw the connection that is obvious to anyone who already suspects that the state religion is fake. He fails to make, or even hint at, the analogy that obvious to you, and is probably in his mind.

Ghost says:

Wine starts to get better when you continue to distill it into cognac. Martells is pretty good. Just sip it slowly.

i says:

@academic appreciator @Jim

There is a reason why the Transcendentals: Beauty, Truth and Goodness are a Trinity.

Beauty that isn’t True and Good is mere illusion or simulacrum. But Beauty that is True and Good is what Beauty is mean to be.

For example there is a correlation between sex dimorphism and symmetry in humans:

Which indicates Genetic Quality and Physical Health. From this it can be deduced that God has a Platonic Bodily Ideal for everyone. Perfectly Beautiful but unique to every person. And the degree of Genetic Entropy causes us to physically deviate from this Ideal and Original Design.

Cosmetic modifications on the outside without addressing the genetic entropy responsible for this deviation causes simulacrum. Which is fake and gay.

Real Beauty is the Beauty of the Stars and Galaxies. Of the Sun and of the clear waters of a River. Of Green Lush Meadows. All of them are exemplaries of Truth, Goodness, Beauty as Triune Unity as it is meant to be even as there is a degree of marring by sin.

And likewise God draws a contrast between Simulacrum and True Holiness:

Matthew 23:25-26

25Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.

26Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, so that the outside may become clean as well.

Arakawa says:

Expensiveness of a product like tea or wine says nothing except that the makers can’t make a lot while a lot of people happen to want to buy it, possibly because of ignorance. For example, I’m sure Swiss wine is expensive because it’s Swiss. Whoa dude, have you even heard of anyone who heard of anyone drinking Swiss wine? It must be super unique. You can come up with all kinds of rationalizations. However, on the other side of the same hill is France, and essentially the same wine grown by essentially the same people in essentially the same conditions is much cheaper because it’s just French wine from the uncool side of France.

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:

[*deleted for stubborn stupidity*]

Majestic Reptilian Bonking says:


Anonymous says:

A good example of Scott Alexander’s serious thoughtcrime is the email leaked by Topher Brennan about why he thinks neoreactionaries are worth listening to and taking seriously.

Neurotoxin says:

I haven’t read that and would appreciate a link.

Meanwhile, the salient fact is that he didn’t post it on his blog; it had to be leaked.

alf says:

(I will appreciate if you NEVER TELL ANYONE I SAID THIS, not even in confidence. And by “appreciate”, I mean that if you ever do, I’ll probably either leave the Internet forever or seek some sort of horrible revenge.)


‘if one man knows it’s a secret. If two men know, everyone knows.’ I’m stealing that.

Red says:

Finally, there’s a social aspect. They tend to be extremely unusual and very smart people who have a lot of stuff to offer me. I am happy to have some of them (not Jim!) as bldg commenters who are constantly informing me of cool new things (like nydwracu linking me to the McDonalds article yesterday)

It was always odd to me how much hate Jim gets. He’s quite reasonable to argue with, has amazing ability to turn complex subjects into understandable statements, and has a workable solutions to the problems that Moldbug had shitty LOLbertarian tier solutions.

I think it came down to the nature of women. Moldbug wouldn’t touch that subject with a 100foot pole and other reactionary writers would touch it either. Jim went there and was radioactive because of it.

Neurotoxin says:

Thanks for the link.

Red says:

Might have been leaked by DeSantis but still very positive about his behavior:

“Whoa: A week before Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended state attorney Andrew Warren, DeSantis’ staff prepared an internal memo weighing the “benefits” and “drawbacks” of the move.

One of the benefits?

“A leftist prosecutor is removed from a position of power.””

Blue tribe removes Red man. DeSantis removes Blue man.

A2 says:

From the heart of the enemy:

COVID-19 vaccination and menstruation

I have little to say here though (a) there is an effect and (b) the summary seems a little convenient.

“The findings of these formal approaches have been remarkably consistent: COVID-19 vaccination is associated with a small increase in menstrual cycle length, but this rapidly resolves.”

(about one half to one day prolonged for 1-2 doses from an average of 4.2 days; cycle length returns to normal next cycle)

Ghost says:

Any proof of shedding or environmental exposure? Pfizer wrote a white-paper:

At paragraph environmental exposure (shedding) is mentioned. Any other research or proof on this?

A2 says:

Sorry, no particular knowledge in this area but I thought the article was worth mentioning.

The Cominator says:

Shedding is a c00ties type scare, vax c00ties is bullshit the spike protein and the mrna hack causes whatever it does from you getting a large does of it injected into you but its not a virus that is just obvious bullshit.

Adam says:

Are you confident enough in that to bang a vaxxed chick?

The Cominator says:


Red says:

I’ve banged several. I’m pretty sure I’m not dead from COVID. Heck I haven’t been sick since I caught Omicrom.

Ghost says:

Cooties? There are other meds that have environmental exposure risk. Nitroglycerin is one. Prizer docs say there are environmental exposure risk.

There are reports of unvaccinated having circulatory and allergic symptoms after coming into contact with vaxxed.

The method of delivery is there: sweat, skin dander, breath.

If you want to seed a vaxie, fine by me. I don’t want some deformed kid that I have to pay for for decades.

The Cominator says:

This is all nonsense and socialist distancing propaganda by other means.

It is a new heterosexual aids, second hand smoke etc. Dont worry about this shedding bullshit just dont get jabbed yourself.

But yeah birth defects and infertility with vaxxed women is a real thing.

Red says:

The Shedding stuff is designed to make you look crazy. It’s classic muddying up real conspiracies with fake ones to make anyone talking about the real stuff too low status to listen too.

The Cominator says:

Possible but people worried about ailments are sometimes just REALLY stupid as the whole covid saga proved… Nobody on the right should have been fooled for a second… but so many were.

Whatever it is its stupid and no one here should pay any attention to this crap. If you don’t want to be marry a vaxxed slut because of risk of birth defects and infertility fair enough but don’t worry that fucking her is going to give you vax cooties.

Red says:

> Nobody on the right should have been fooled for a second… but so many were.

Most were fooled(including me) by the Chinese reaction to it. To this day I don’t know why they’re so nuts about zero covid. Nor do I understand why Putin went hog wild forcing vaccinations. If either of those nations had just gone natural immunity and got it over with the whole COVID plot would have failed.

The highly religious women and hookers had the least uptake on the vax. So if you want children the choice is going to come down to marrying a good religious girl, or trying to tame a prostitute. Reproducing just got a hell of a lot harder.

Though I’m seeing some numbers indicating that birth rates may improve over time. It may not be as bad it seems.

The Cominator says:

Youre damn right that strippers (and i assume escorts who cost about 8x more in the US) generally didnt get it… reason #10000 why i like them more than normie women.

Highly religious girls it probably depends on the religion and if their church was against it… redneck chicks also less likely to get that but they tend to only like outlaw bikers and redneck guys.

Adam says:

Not getting the vaxx is antisocial in clownworld so I sure there are plenty out there. Tougher to make a wife out of but still doable.

Ghost says:

Snopes agrees with you on no shedding.

Dr. Mccullough might be a nutjob though?

If there is a shred of truth to anything, they haul in Alex Jones to run with the story to make it look whacked. He’s been all over this theory to make everyone look ridiculous.

I’m no Biochemist, but I know even when you eat garlic it comes out of your breath and pores. When you drink a few beers you can smell it coming out of your pores the next day.

They lie constantly. That’s your best proof the energy they use to say it isn’t so.

The Cominator says:

I don’t care who says what about it I know just enough about biology plus use of applied reason to know its bullshit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The body sheds everything, spike proteins are no exception. Not a mortal concern like an actual frankenab though.

The Cominator says:

The thing is you aint getting a ton of spike proteins in your blood from contact with a mudblood, not even if you buttfuck a mudblood girl.

Ghost says:
Mayflower Sperg says:

There was one unvaxed person who died with blood vessels full of those white noodles. He’d recently been injured in an accident and received blood transfusions from vaxed people.

Without exchanging bodily fluids, a living person cannot give you any non-self-replicating substance in sufficient quantity to harm you. Maybe mRNA self-replicates, but it must be injected to work.

The Cominator says:

Yeah blood transfusions are a real risk, though probably more a risk from the recently vaxxed. If you end up getting transfusions chew nicotine gum or smoke a lot of cigars for a week after… nicotine seems to block the spike protein from the ACE2 receptors.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

TV yiddoctor: ‘childrens hospitals are starting to become swamped; i’ve been seeing more hostializations of children now than at any point in the last three decades’.

Meaning you weren’t seeing it the past two years? Lol, speaking volumes with sotto voce.

Adam says:

I heard this exact thing today only it was attributed to RSV.

Fireball says:

The only time i saw defections was when the vaccinations of those less of 12 years old was being ready.

Neurotoxin says:

Yo, someone wanna ‘splain a me what’s going on with Musk and Twitter? I can’t make heads or tails of it.

Red says:

Com thinks he’s gone to war with Biden. The FAA still hasn’t handed out his launch license for Starship.

I’m unsure what Elon is up to. Antifa is planning on attacking Telsa location tonight because they’ve started banning their accounts on twitter for advocating for violence and for sharing child porn. Almost of Antifa organization and planning was done on twitter.

The twitter app is likely to be de-platformed by both google and apple shortly.

Musk was planning to turn Twitter into what he calls app X, the American equivalent of WeChat, an app that the Chinese use to do pretty much everything.

“WeChat (Chinese: 微信; pinyin: WÄ“ixìn (listen); lit. ‘micro-message’) is a Chinese instant messaging, social media, and mobile payment app developed by Tencent. First released in 2011, it became the world’s largest standalone mobile app in 2018,[2][3] with over 1 billion monthly active users.[4][5][6] WeChat has been described as China’s “app for everything” and a super-app because of its wide range of functions.[7] WeChat provides text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, broadcast (one-to-many) messaging, video conferencing, video games, sharing of photographs and videos and location sharing. ”

The Chinese basically don’t use physical cash anymore, they scan an IRQ code with their wechat app and pay for it instantly.

There’s a shit ton of money to be made in doing that but no one in America could pull it off because of diversity requirements for tech companies.

Ghost says:

Seriously? You know a hell of a lot Red.

Always knew Antifa used Twitter as communication central. The Dem terror group. Hope they all get shut down.

Musk says he’s independent, but he leans one way then the next. I’ve got a fake Twitter account that went to More Comments when I came out Republican. So they’re still shutting down conservatives.

Been thinking about going Defcon 3 on my account and go for full shutdown.

Red says:

[Jim can you delete my other comment? I must have used the wrong email]

>The Dem terror group. Hope they all get shut down.

I think they’re really a FBI terror group. We found very late in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial that the FBI was flying a drone(s) above the rioting that filmed the attack on Kyle before he fired his first shot. Since the FBI did exactly nothing to stop the rioting or arrest anyone who rioted, I think they were there for command and control of their terrorist group.

Since the FBI is the Gestapo for the Dems, then by extension Antifa is the Dems terrorist group. Antifa is mostly a group of druggie/faggot/pederasts, so they make for poor quality troops. So the FBI is diversifying these days, they’ve got Patriots Front as their Neo-Nazi group that they intend to be their equivalent of the Azov battalion. Note how both Antifa and PF have uniform gear and equipment that looks high quality. It’s always government or quasi government funding when that happens.

jim says:

I have not heard anyone examining the drone footage for what it tells us of command and control of the attack on Kylie. Does it hint that the people controlling the drone were directly sending commands to attack suitable targets? ?hich is to say, did they notice one of the defenders going off on his own, and follow him before the attack was initiated?

Red says:

I think it likely that Richie McGinniss setup Kyle up. He interview him earlier in the evening and he was Johny on the Spot for both shootings and even saved Comrade Bicepless from bleeding out. McGinniss is a very strange guy. He came out attacking Kyle after the trial giving up front of objective reporter guy.

Kyle got a phone call to head over to the other lot and when he heads out there video showing Rosenbaum moving into an Ambush position behind some cars ahead of Kyle.

The drone footage presented:

That doesn’t mean that was the only drone they had, I’m assuming they had several and that’s all they showed at the trial.

Rosenbalm does not strike me as the sort of guy who could plan an ambush. Someone was telling him what to do. Kyle went around the ambush and that’s when the chase started.

After Kyle fired there was shitload of shots fired towards him from the edges of the area. The shooting was quite bad and it didn’t come close to him. During both the initial shooting and when Kyle was running to the cops there was a lot of in the distance gunfire. You can see the muzzle flashes on the videos. The shots were wildly inaccurate, but there was some sort organized attempt to kill him.

Who could have organize that? I’m assuming the feds since they were the ones flying around with a drone. Antifa has a very good coms group, far too good for a bunch drug addled faggots. Since the FBI refuses to investigate them much like they refuse to investigate Ray Epps, I think it more than likely that Antifa is run by the FBI much as they’re running Patriots Front.

Kunning Druegger says:

This may be too out there, and I am just going to assume everything you’ve related is accurate, but this doesn’t sound like FBI, it sounds like private contractors working for some entity, some Crushingly Invasive Assholes. Very complex, many layers of operation, wide range of skillsets. The FBI is not an organization of nuance in my limited experience. They are very silo’d, their counter intel groups used to be the shit, reportedly, but the GWoT messed up so much about the small teams that were effective across the sharp side of government service.

I can’t back this up, but after the last 1.5 year, I have just worked from the assumption that anything effective done by fedgov is done by contractors. They shop out a TON of work to small boutique firms when it comes to IT stuff, managing OSINT stuff, collecting intel, etc. The reason tossed around is deniability, which I used to buy, but based on many discussions here, seems more like atrophy and loss of skillsets due to the rise of shanikwa.

It seemed like a real flash in the pan, but that documentary Shadow Gate made a fairly convincing case that every major race kerfuffle is the product of psyops/intel ops performed by private extensions of the fine fellows I referenced earlier. The claim is that they tested and perfected methods of “vote guiding” and grassroots action in IRQ and AFG, then imported it to the west.

IIRC the assassination of that Maga guy in Portland was asserted to be a professional hit. I saw a video that broke it down and it seemed compelling. The real issue with any of these theories, and actually a conspiratorial point in favor of said theories, is the meter thick murk surrounding the details. The idea of the FBI floating multiple drones, managing ICs and undercovers, using a media cat’s paw to iso a target, then try and kill him really strains credulity. The paper trail alone would be a mile wide, not to mention possible agents with cold feet or secret patriot types. A boutique firm using a bunch of drug addicted soulless GWOT vets and shady former IC types seems a lot more plausible.

PF is getting weird. Their propaganda is top shelf video, their gear is clearly bulk bought… it just screams FED. What’s the angle? I hear what your saying about American A30B, but to what end? Why not just use cartel and other immigrants? Seems cheaper. And I wonder about Antifa. FBI seems likely, but I could also see it being run by something completely unexpected, like a big charity aggregator or the National Lawyers Guild or something outside the DOJ. They act like a very gay, malnourished personal army.

Neurotoxin says:

If Antifa were funded and organized by a private charity and nothing else, they wouldn’t have the political and legal cover they have. Even though we live in surveillance state with cameras everywhere, somehow Antifa never gets persecuted the way that, for example, IVI participants are persecuted.

Antifa has cover at the highest level of government.

Red says:

The FBI contracts out for there spying on Americans, so wouldn’t surprised me if they did the same in Kenosha and other stuff.

>IIRC the assassination of that Maga guy in Portland was asserted to be a professional hit. I saw a video that broke it down and it seemed compelling.

It was a professional hit with the Antifa SUV pulling up seconds after the shooting wasn’t even subtle. Lots of video of them looking for someone to kill that day, and when they couldn’t get some to pull a gun on them during the fun, they looked for someone local to target afterwards.

Kyle was intended to be something similar but they got him in actual combat situation and he smoked them.

We know that the FBI or their contractors can organize large groups effectively even if it’s a clumsy manner. Look at J6 and the team that Ray Epps was running.

PF like Azov have a religion. It’s old school race socialism, but it’s more effective than anything the feds have. Mexican cartels are still run by Mexicans. They don’t fight well, they have poor morale, and they fucking hard to control. White nationalists on the other hand are putty in the hands of the Cathedral.

jim says:

The cartels also have a religion.

When the Spanish crushed the Old Gods of Mexico, they allowed some of the more acceptable as Saints, and allowed quite a lot of the less demonic Old God Iconography in churches, much as Solomon’s temple and the early Christian Churches did. Solomon’s temple was a temple of the then economically and politically dominant Moloch worshiping faith, with the demons fairly thoroughly expunged.

The Cartels have reversed this operation – restoring the Old Gods with a thin touch of heretical and demonic Christianity.

The Cominator says:

Im glad, anyone who wants to get rid of cash needs killing…

jim says:

With recursive zk-snarks, or, as I idiosyncratically prefer to call them, recursive zeeks, it is possible to do a non cash economy in a way that enormously improves privacy, rather than reduces privacy, and does not run into the scaling problems that are now biting bitcoin, that scales all the way up to totally taking over the world economic system.

The cold start problem makes it difficult to successfully introduce that, but whoever does successfully introduce that, creating a blockchain that can perform weChat functionality while preserving privacy and pseudonymity, will become stupendously wealthy.

The Cominator says:

or die suddenly and conviently in the middle of their project…

Red says:

Probably the Vax. Asian uptake on the vaccines is seriously disturbing.

Arakawa says:

Cool. I like that, look forward to buying computer stuff with it.

What I don’t look forward to is explaining to the Amish I buy milk from what a snark is and why they would want one in the house.

jim says:

When the time comes,we will create physical tokens of crypto currency. The physical token will have a cryptographic secret inside that can only be extracted by destroying the token.

simplyconnected says:

I’m probably being retarded, but how do you then verify a given physical token is authentic?

jim says:

Not retarded at all. Token has to contain active electronics which can perform a Diffie Helman operation, proving knowledge of a secret key whose corresponding public key corresponds to unspent transaction output on the blockchain. It does not, however, need an internal power source, since the electronics are passively powered by the strong external signal querying it for proof of knowledge.

simplyconnected says:

Token has to contain active electronics […] proving knowledge of a secret key […]


Kunning Druegger says:

This is a solved problem of sorts. Whole companies exist to transport desired Amish labor from A to B. The Amish are secluded, not stupid. They eschewed the car because the, quite rightly, thought it would degrade their communities. So long as they get a chance to look at it, understand it, and think about it, they seem to be able to figure out whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for them.

…now I want to make a movie about a brand evangelist that sets out to bring the Amish to crypto, falls in love with a 16 year old trad girl, marries in and has to become part of the community, then rises up to lead the first Amish colony on Mars.

Mister Grumpus says:

An “X” app, WeChat with Signal-ish privacy, crypto payments and seeded with Square, Tesla and Twitter users, would be so amazingly powerful that they could sell (or give away?) dedicated handhelds for it.

Instant Metcalf, so there’s your cold start right there, hombre.

That would leave the payments clearing and IP stack problems, but remember that they already have a project going to make Starlink speak 4G, if slowly. Just imagine if they owned the device as well.

Pretty blatant really. If I can figure it out…

Jim’s super crypto master plan is still the Platonic Ideal and I’m all for it, but no one here, and dare I guess including Jim himself, saw the Shaniqua Tsunami hitting as soon and as quickly as it has. Maybe X can live with some lubricating compromises if Cathedral is stuck with a half million vegan Karen’s and on-break Shaniqua’s to exploit them at scale.

Or, the whole thing is just to head off Jim’s Cryptopocalypse and grab us up into the Global Panopticon forever. If I was really that smart then I wouldn’t be…

jim says:

> Or the whole thing is just to head off Jim’s Cryptopocalypse and grab us up into the Global Panopticon forever.

WeChat is the Chinese Panopticon. The Global American Empire has a clumsily duct taped together panopticon operated by Karens and Shaniqua-on-break. Musk could give them a properly working panopticon, as he has given them a properly working rocket, and he probably would if he could make a deal. But I suspect he is trying to make a deal with those with whom no deal is possible.

Kunning Druegger says:

He could be learning. He made a deal with the ADL mafia. They violated their own terms, and he swiftly culled their lieutenants and went a different direction.

Adam says:

The shills are saying he cannot manage Twitter because he is an incompetent leader and the success of spacex and Tesla is due to the competence of those that built the companies around him.

There is probably a grain of truth in that as far as Twitter already being an established company and Musk is essentially an outsider. That is going to be a tougher test especially when making big changes and especially being that Twitter is a leftist cesspool.

Elon needs to set a couple of very holy priests on fire.

Red says:

> There is probably a grain of truth in that as far as Twitter already being an established company and Musk is essentially an outsider. That is going to be a tougher test especially when making big changes and especially being that Twitter is a leftist cesspool.

Are you retarded?

Adam says:

Yes I’m retarded thanks. Do you think everyone at Twitter is doing their best to make it easy for him?

Red says:

Twitter’s rapidly improving. There search function works for the first time in ages, they got a monthly payment system up in like 2 weeks for a subscription service, the app runs faster now than it has in ages. User numbers are way the fuck up, and with the reduction of staff they’re likely to be profitable for the first time sometime next year.

The shills are full of shit and you’re a retard for listening to them. Push back on twitter is purely the US government trying to shut it down.

Adam says:

Disciplining your own teenagers is easy because you have been doing it their entire life. Disciplining someone else’s teenagers who did not have good parents is quite a bit more challenging.

No doubt Twitter is better than it was, but if you think it has been easy considering many employees are also likely working with the enemy then you are the retard.

The Cominator says:

I think almost all of twitter’s political commissars are gone…

Neurotoxin says:

“almost all of twitter’s political commissars are gone”

Great news, if true. But I keep hearing contradictory things. Musk says he wants free speech on Twitter, then says he’s keeping the “Trust and Safety” council, etc.

Though if Antifa is attacking Tesla, that’s a very good sign that he’s one of the good guys.

Kunning Druegger says:

Musk has been replying to the likes of Ramzpaul, jack dorsey has been commenting on hard right threads. It is truly strange. Red brought this up already, but official Antifa has taken a massive hit. It is very strange.

Red says:

Antifa posts child porn all day long on twitter. Elon goes after child porn and poof, there goes Antifa.

dave says:

exactly. elon fired everyone but hardcore coders, who have suddenly found themselves unleashed, drinking red bull and rewriting whole sections of code overnight.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m glad you said this, Red. I was starting to feel like I was going insane. I never thought I would type these words but… Twitter has been fucking based for a week or so. Ridiculous shit going on all over the place. They are fully enforcing rules and there is still too much scrutiny for any kind of Minecraft discussion, but the skids have been greased for Musk to carve out a substantial online diaspora community, and it isn’t just rightwing nuts and sycophants.

I don’t know how you’d do it Jim, and best to wait a bit, but if we can craft a “softening” of message and the trend continues, it might be time to consider deploying resources, as it were. If that’s a bridge too far, maybe just go check out what’s going on. It really appears to be a substantial change in trajectory in at least one major online space.

Now, it must be said, this could be substantially optimistic and something bad could happen if it gets too out of control. But it does seem like there are opportunities coming into reach that seemed completely impossible just a few months ago.

jim says:

> this could be substantially optimistic and something bad could happen if it gets too out of control. But it does seem like there are opportunities coming into reach that seemed completely impossible just a few months ago.

I suspect this is another Trump momemnt, that will end in Twitter once again returning to its bad old ways, and also in Musk being unable to reach Mars. I, like you, have hopes that Musk will succeed, and so far he is succeeding, but I have much to do, and am not going to risk producing a whole lot of content that winds up banned or shadow banned. If I post stuff on Gab that matters, I in due course post it here, because it is going to be lost on gab, and is even more likely to be lost on twitter.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Well if I can’t launch Starship now then I’ll hand that off to Gwen and focus on this instead.”

Root causes, right?

Red says:

That’s my guess. He wants to go to mars, but no amount of trying to cut a deal with the Cathedral is working. So he ups the anti by going grab the primary cathderal propaganda organ. As Jim noted he probably was/is offering them an American Panopticon which the Cathedral would love to have, but they’re incapable of making a deal.

The most interesting part of twitter is how little of the censorship was doing by automatic script. Everything was dong with black listing, shadow banning, and an endless stream of censorship topics that required manual intervention. I think google is no longer working properly due to the same sort of crap going on. The Cathedral really doesn’t have any good coders working for them.

The Cominator says:

The only organ where censorship works more by automatic script rather than via human reporting and intervention is f@gb00k. Zuck as a blackmailed Cathedral asset refuses to pay for a twatter style censor mob of large size he demands it be done via script.

I notice that once I adopted the practice of automatically mispelling anything that might remotely be a trigger word I almost never got the Zuck.

Red says:

Proper information age censorship requires profiling people to determine their threat level and then censoring them according all done via script and AI. Minimal cost, easy to scale. The fact that no one is doing it indicates a total lack competent coders working for these companies.

It sounds like half the bans on twitter was pissing someone off who had a contact inside of twitter and sending them a cash app for the ban.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, would you consider going to Twitter, or is that an unnecessary risk? I know it isn’t possible to be pure and unadulterated there, but it is quite the megaphone. Of course, the big risk (besides the Obvious Risk) is attacks from the right. Still…

jim says:

I intend to go on twitter when things have clarified, if twitter becomes a useful platform.

Gab has a big shill and entryist problem, and Twitter bigger shill, entryist, and bot problem.

Twitter has the huge advantage of the network effect – a bigger network with more people on board provides more benefit to the individual user than a smaller network, so people tend to move from the smaller to the bigger.

But right now preserving the true faith to more favorable times against enemy efforts to poison our memes matters more than maximizing impact.

The shilling and entryism has taken down the Christian Churches, with the result that they are now dying – few children in the pews, few baptisms, few marriages, lots of funerals.

Red says:

Who are you guys following on twitter? I’ve got people like BAP, but with the unbanning of the actual fun people on twitter going on I need a new list of people.

Frontier says:

Aedan Mac Lir

Covfefe Anon on twitter has commented her before, but I forgot what his handle was

Neofugue says:

Not Tom

Kunning Drueger says:

Synchronicity much, sheesh. I posted my comment before I saw this, but my point stands. I see no utility to making OSINT contractor’s jobs easier for them.

Red says:

Don’t link posting handles to twitter accounts. I was looking for people to follow, not doxing.

Aidan says:

I don’t mind people linking to my twitter here.

Kunning Drueger says:

Just pick a handful of NRx accounts, then follow the on message posters as they appear seems to be a viable strategy. TBH I’m just waiting to see what the Left does. They tried whining, then shaming, now they are ragequitting. I suspect they are waiting for mommy government to step in.

jim says:

Mommy government can step in at any time by deleting the twitter app from apple and android, and can apply the ultimate weapon – seizing the domain name is it keeps seizing Andrew Anglin’s domain names, though this would likely shard the internet into splinternet.

To address the splinternet attack, a crypto currency has to support a name system and zooko names. At present the official name system is cheap, and massively supported by hardware and software that is in the government pocket, so there is not a lot of demand for an alternate name system.

There will be.

Kunning Druegger says:

Musk is on the record saying he will attempt to set up an alternate online marketplace as well as develop a handset should the tech oligopoly play that specific game. Two things to consider: this is not a finger snap kind of operation BUT up to this point, Musk has an impressive record for doing what he says he will do.

I know I toss out bales and bales of 0.02$ ideas. Some are good, most are not.

One of the biggest impediments we run into on this site, and in our tribe, specifically is the inability to coordinate and organize. The reasons for this are many and profound. What if we quietly move to Twitter, but not transplant to twitter and not for memetic operations? We need to wait and see what’s going to happen, but if DoD needs Musk, he has some real staying power. I have no special information, I am only seeing what is freely available. But Musk, the CEO, shows some hard to fathom and very promising signs. I don’t think he is one of Us, but I do think he is actually a genius (technical definition) that is honestly worried about an Occidental collapse. He does seem to buy into certain elements of Gaia Worship I find stupid, but he is also on the record about fertility collapse and tech decline. If he was redpilled on the holiness spiral, he would know that there’s no point talking about it and losing platform or support. Instead he would… leverage assets to take control of the digital town square. All of his companies seem to roughly fit into a pattern of “Forestall the Collapse.”

I am not saying he is Caesar. But I do think his activities are providing cover for our, and many others, activities. It’s irrelevant at this juncture whether it is intentional. Rightly or wrongly, he believes in the marketplace of ideas. I hate to think that there’s an opportunity for us to positively influence Christianity in the Occident and we might miss it.

Let’s see where it goes. Maybe we should go full on gas the bikes, race towards cows, or maybe just quietly sneak in the back door and start making friends, or some other path. Whatever we do, 2026 is closer every day.

Mister Grumpus says:

Perhaps Starlink can do its own DNS.

Either way, this Twitter thing is a tiger ride to the end. It’s already Metcalf Complete, so they can’t live without it, but they can’t let Elon have it either. Thus performative deplatforming, followed by work-arounds to same, followed by the next performative deplatforming, etc.

Knock it off Apple and Android? Twitter Phone.
Knock it off DNS? Starlink Names.
Knock it off SWIFT? Pay your $8 in Bitcoin/Ether/Doge.
(Then what? Arson more Tesla dealers? Trans more of his kids?)

The bluechecks need to signal to each other, but they also need to shut it down, but they still need to signal to each other, so they might themselves end up forcing this thing all the way out to Jim’s Cryptopocalypse.

Red says:

Either way, this Twitter thing is a tiger ride to the end. It’s already Metcalf Complete, so they can’t live without it, but they can’t let Elon have it either. Thus performative deplatforming, followed by work-arounds to same, followed by the next performative deplatforming, etc.

That’s a great point. They really can’t give up twitter.

Mister Grumpus says:

What they can definitely do is put a fatwa on Tesla, Elon and his children. Nutjobs just trying stuff, and trying stuff, and trying stuff, and netting plenty of GoFundMe money.

Remember that guy who got jumped approaching the podium with a gun at a 2016 Trump rally? How he was sympathetically interviewed on TV soon after? I wonder what happened to him.

The Cominator says:

The problem is the Milgov faction considers Musk completely essential and they are now disenchanted with bluegov anyway. They will attempt to use lawfare and threats against Musk…

I’m glad that my old friend is Musk’s main lawyer.

Adam says:

@realjameswoods is based and pretty funny.

Red says:
Red says:
RMIV says:

interesting thread re: the Vaxx

i do not know if it will be news to you but the data seems to track with your own understanding of this phenomenon’s Why & How.

RMIV says:

apologies. the thread is better read beginning here:

Mister Grumpus says:

How many people alive can discern and pinpoint the differences between this story and techno-babbling scramble-talk?

Thus the excess mortality, vaxx noodle and collapse videos. Those, people can understand.

simplyconnected says:

Saw the original 4chan thread when it came out two years ago.
Those are the nice leaks: full of specifics which can be later verified.
One of them was the LINE-1-mediated reverse transcription, which was proven considerably later, so quite possible the leak was legitimate.
If legitimate, then sterility affects second generation (daughters of vaxxed). Leak claims sterility-inducing gene is recessive, which makes sense if they want to reduce but not wipe out human population, since any sterility-inducing genes would disappear in a few generations.

The Cominator says:

Re the clot shot, we know its poison we know its most potent depopulation characteristic will be as a sterility plague. Not too much more to discuss on it.

simplyconnected says:

The drop in fertility and the raise in mortality are currently comparable. We’ll see how both evolve over time, I don’t believe that is known yet.

jim says:

There are a number of mechanisms that could raise the long term lethality to one hundred percent.

The string things in the blood vessels could keep on growing, the data hints that they do, and the long term effect of the jab may well be to turn the recipient into a gigantic mass of cancers.

There is also a mechanism that could raise second generation infertility of females to very high levels. The daughters of the vaxxed may well be incapable of bearing children.

We don’t know. But we do know there is significant risk, and that the people creating the jab deliberately engineered the second generation effect, so might well have engineered a time bomb for everyone jabbed.

The jab engineers have a “toss the kitchen sink in” approach, so might well have added multiple time bombs in case one time bomb fails to work.

Karl says:

If the people creating the jab did succeed in creating a mechanism that causes second generation infertility (and may be other time bombs), that would show that technological decline has not yet happened in the bio sciences. Quite the opposite really, that would be impressive progress.

Technological decline has been one of the ideas discussed on this blog. Were our ideas about technological decline wrong?

The Cominator says:

Biotech has been spared technological decline, biotech is more a matter of empirical persistence and iterative progress and less one of brilliance.

Essentially throwing millions of man hours of educated midwits at biotech tends to work in advancing the science and technology in a way it doesn’t in electronics and applied physics (which require brilliant people brilliantly trained). Genetic technology keeps steadily advancing for this reason.

jim says:

Throw in enough stuff, some of it will do something. The mrna is a way of sticking a monkey wrench in the machinery. Easy to do damage if that is your aim.

The development of mrna technology was indeed a real and important advance in biotech. Using it to set stuff on fire is not.

Kunning Drueger says:

2 things:

1) Here’s BAP on the recent Kanye/Trump media event: [I can copy/paste it if needed, but probably better to keep the prophets of Reaction silo’d]

Very interesting take. I didn’t realize how much Yang Gang was astroturf, but in retrospect, very believable to me. He was largely a data based phenomenon that fizzled IRL. I remember seeing insanely high levels of support on graphs and surveys, but he had almost no charisma or appeal on camera. If BAP is correct, it’s quite depressing. But better to know than skip merrily along through a minefield.

2) Jim, can we make it explicitly verboten to post Twitter screen captures/links/etc here with questions like “is this you, (x)?” or “does anyone think this is (x)?” This may be a rule looking for an infraction, but if the Reconquista of Twitter continues, I think a lot of the Quiet part of our side might start to go Loud, and I see no utility in blowing up people’s cover or assisting in doxxing. Am I off base, anyone?

jim says:

Good idea.

Prohibited now.

If people are not explicitly linking identities, don’t ask and don’t tell. If you want to make it public, make it public. Don’t try for shared secrets. What one man knows, nobody knows, what two men know, everyone knows.

Red says:

Like I said previously, I had no idea why you and Anglin were going nutso for a nigger Ye. The Jew rule the worlds(they wish) isn’t working as a shibboleth and Anglen needs give it up.

I can’t ever recall doxing attempts around here. Anyone doxing would be a fed. Ironically the guy who came the closest to IRL doxing people is KD with attempts to do PF style get together.

Kunning Drueger says:

You have a poor memory, but you’ve also admitted to struggling with too many details, so maybe it’s that.

Anglin is still all in on Fuentes and Kanye. He has his reasons, and he’s been at this for a long time. My position on Kanye Naming the jew remains unchanged: net gain for us. Jokes and memes about kikes and elites that would have been dismissed out of hand prior to his Defcon 03 moment now go viral and initiate substantial and productive conversations. If blacks start going after jews as a matter of clan identity, so much the better. Jews are massively overrepresented in the Cathedral, and they are responsible for negro worship; if their cultural pet pitbull starts biting the hand that leads, good.

I know nothing about Fuentes past Anglin’s advocacy. But Milo is a worthless faggot that has done nothing good in the long run. He’s done extreme damage to anyone dumb enough to let him in close, and I have little doubt he will do so again. Tolerating sodomites is one of the dumber things the dumber side of the right wing does.

I never advocated for patriot front style meet ups. If that’s the impression you got, then I take responsibility for failing to articulate myself sufficiently. I still hope we can one day formalize our various individual research and efforts. Going it alone is something done out of grim necessity, it’s neither fun nor based.

You don’t have to go on the Jim Blog camping trip Red. TBH, I don’t know how we’d even haul your old ass up the mountain anyway lol.

The Cominator says:

“Anglin is still all in on Fuentes and Kanye. He has his reasons, and he’s been at this for a long time. My position on Kanye Naming the jew remains unchanged: net gain for us. ”

You know that me and Jim have explained to you why this really isn’t true…

Naming the Jew is the real Cathedral elites going I like our escape chances because I got me a decoy.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

One might as well say as that discussing the racepill or the gaypill sucks up oxygen from the sexpill or the democracy pill and therefore proliferating discussion of the former two is counter-productive. “Name the Jew, but not only the Jews” is not a complicated idea. Even normies can probably grasp that.

The Cominator says:

I generally HAVE taken the position that overemphasizing the race pill tends to have bad consequences. One should acknowledge the reality but always remember race problems are symptom but not cause.

The woman question OTOH is both and worth far more extensive discussion.

Red says:

The Woman question and the State Religion holiness spirals are primary problems for civilization. Fix the state religion and the Race question is quickly fixed by segregation as is normal in human history. Women’s lib is quite a lot harder to fix.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Agree with your second comment but disagree with your first because they aren’t in the same spirit. I didn’t start this trek with the views I have now and I doubt you did either, “Jew bad” is not the destination but I know from personal experience that it moves the ball down the field. Kanye has taken the verboten topic “Jew bad” and is dragging it into the Overton Window, that is not what I call overemphasis. When someone says “Jew bad”, the appropriate response is not “No”, it is “Yes, and”. “Yes, and why jews/fags/niggers bad? Because no wifely women and no kings”. Now, if they rebut with “noooo I would have a wheatfield waifu rn if it wasn’t for Jewish subversion”, yes then it’s appropriate to countersignal and call them historically illiterate liberals until they repent.

Breaking the conditioning is hard, to change minds you have to meet people where they are, but the thing is people are found in more than one location. Thus a division of labor here is desirable. To the extent Kanye has not adopted our entire political programme wholesale, and yet brings us neophytes for initiation anyway, he is a useful idiot – yet useful he remains.

Red says:

The very fact that shills can scream Joos Bad, Bad, Bad but can’t speak the Red Pill on women says everything. Calling out the Joos isn’t effective as either a shibboleth or a vehicle to enlighten normies.

Hell half the fed shills I see in comment sections go Joos Bad Bad Bad and also vax bad. Normies seeing that is going to assume the vax bad is a low status idea so they won’t think about it. Call out the Jew isn’t useful based on how the shills use it.

Kyne’s primary problem is wife culkholded him. Yes the Jews are abusing him, and yes he’s getting canceled for calling out the Jew, but it’s now ex-wife behavior that’s destroying him inside. He needs the women’s question resolved in his favor. Also that faggot who threatened to lobotomize him and mentioned his children in a threatening way needs to fixed.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

That’s an apples and oranges comparison, no? The womenpill is more than just saying “Jew bad” except find-and-replace women, it’s specifically explaining that women crave subjugation and are willing to cause civilization-wrecking chaos on the off-chance doing so might prompt their being noticed by alpha dick, just like the Jewpill is more than just the Jew equivalent of saying “women are stupid for not sleeping with me even though I can’t look anyone in the eye and haven’t showered in months”. Is it your contention that shills do not say “I hate women” in a way that diminishes the status of women haters? I suppose I agree, but I also haven’t seen much comparable to that on the Jew front. Am I living just under a rock, and if so, which way do I go to climb out from under it?

Red says:

>Is it your contention that shills do not say “I hate women” in a way that diminishes the status of women haters? I suppose I agree, but I also haven’t seen much comparable to that on the Jew front. Am I living just under a rock, and if so, which way do I go to climb out from under it?

Shills do say they hate women, but they’re unable to mention what bad behavior done by women they hate. They’re not very convincing so they’re not used as much. They’re unable to simulate black pilled or red pilled men. This is why the women question shill test is so effective as a way of keeping the shills out.

The right should be using the Red Pill and Women Question for our shibboleths and shill tests, not the Jew Pill and the Jewish Question.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

>Kyne’s primary problem is wife culkholded him.

In the specific case of Kanye and his conspicuous weakness on women I see your point. I maintain though that parallel-universe-Kanye sans women troubles would be a great antisemitic posterboy.

alf says:

It’s the problem of the elephant right. Kanye is blindfoldedly noticing an elephant’s trunk, saying ‘look here’s a trunk!’ and all the shills go: ‘oh wow definitely a trunk this must be an ant eater!’

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

When shills say they ‘hate jews’, the specifics of their criticism, if there even are any, always have an odd quality of being backhandedly flattering, and they will all but never actually criticise the objects of their ‘hate’ in such a way that is actually derogatory and reflects an unflattering reality.

‘My fellow white men, the problem with kikes is that they are just so much smarter than you stupid goyim, and so we cant compete’.

You see the same pattern in pretty much everything else an entryist shill will say they ‘hate’, be it niggers or women or whigs or whatever else besides.

Red says:

Come on KD, you advocated get togethers over and over again that required doxing ourselves. Your new found respect for good opsec is a positive change. Don’t lie about the past over some gentile ribbing.

But Milo is a worthless faggot that has done nothing good in the long run. He’s done extreme damage to anyone dumb enough to let him in close, and I have little doubt he will do so again. Tolerating sodomites is one of the dumber things the dumber side of the right wing does.

Absolutely. Milo got a lot of praise from the right including here, but letting a faggot be spokesman is even less useful than nigger spokesman. Milo is a fucking disaster.

Grandmaster Nigger Ye isn’t doing shit for us. Blacks have been going after jews for a long time but it doesn’t fucking matter. Blacks have close to zero combat, persuasive, and cohesive power. What they do have is religious power but all of that comes from the Cathedral. It’s not an effective tool against Jews and the sort of Jews they end up targeting are the Orthodox types who are already enemies of the Cathedral.

I like Anglin but he’s wrong on women and he’s wrong on naming the Jew and very wrong about promoting Ye. Jews are mostly a distraction in terms of people to struggle against.

The Cominator says:

Milo had a very very good tactical mind despite the numerous and terrible personal problems that any faggot would have. He should have been writing scripts behind the scenes but he was useful… in a way I don’t think Nick Fuentes ever really has been.

Ye would be useful in turning blacks against Democrats (not for the jew thing) but the problem is we’re at the post voter stage of politics. So unless Ye can flip black vote counters… which I doubt… not so useful.

Anglin isn’t THAT wrong on women… he suffers from a blackpilled perspective on them but otherwise not that wrong…

Red says:

Milo is both destructive to himself and the others around him, as every faggot is. Playing nice with faggots no matter how useful he seemed wasn’t a good tactical move for our side.

Anglin is 100% right about gays. He’s stance on the subject is outstanding.

Blacks never mattered because they never actually voted. The poll precinct people would just vote for them at the end of the day, which is why Republicans were never let into black areas to monitor.

Being black pilled on women is being almost 100% right about women and almost 100% wrong about women at the same time. The missing link is what evolved instincts that motivates women which Jim has very clearly outlined. He really should take the time to learn the truth instead of spreading disrepair.

I went from 100% black pilled on women to the true red pill the moment Jim described women’s behavior in terms of evolved behavior, or women’s the case the lack of evolution in that behavior. It was like someone switched on a light and all the shit I’d been dealing with women for years made complete sense.

The Cominator says:

Milo was a winner for our side until a bit after the election when he got caught admitting some candid faggot sh*t. I wish he could truly be cured of his perversion but larping as a papist is the wrong way.

He should do what BAP did and just marathon prostitutes until he likes pussy (you have to read between the lines) BAP seemed to cure himself for real doing this (maybe he shocked or flaggelatted himself when he got homo thoughts)…

“Blacks never mattered because they never actually voted. The poll precinct people would just vote for them at the end of the day, which is why Republicans were never let into black areas to monitor.”

I think they did vote in low numbers and the precinct would vote for statistically plausible amounts pre 2020… post 2020 the precinct votes for all of them.

“The missing link is what evolved instincts that motivates women which Jim has very clearly outlined. He really should take the time to learn the truth instead of spreading disrepair.

I went from 100% black pilled on women to the true red pill the moment Jim described women’s behavior in terms of evolved behavior, or women’s the case the lack of evolution in that behavior.”

Understanding something (especially if in practice there is too much goddamn nuance) doesn’t always mean you have the means to use the understanding…

Red says:

If there was a sure fire way to cure faggotry, I’m pretty sure most faggots would have taken it by now. It’s not a good life and most of them know it.

“Understanding something (especially if in practice there is too much goddamn nuance) doesn’t always mean you have the means to use the understanding…”

I’ve been applying it. Results are good so far. Biggest hurdle is controlling my own fears and reverting back to being big hearted and nice gut when hit with a shit test. I passed a fairly big shit test recently even some of my beta mopping hours after the shit test were completely ignored. Her attraction level went through the roof, she was screaming so loudly she was worried the neighbors would knock on my door. Wonderful results.

Red says:

Nice Guy*

Red says:

Here’s my issue with Anglin on women:

Great article, but the end he has this:

Women have a right to be whores. I believe that and I endorse their right to make that decision – it’s not a decision that anyone else can make for them. People have freedom. However, if they do make that decision, they are also committing to removing themselves from normal society. Allowing whores to infest normal society means that all women will become whores. The previous cost of being a whore was that you were not allowed in normal society, so a tradeoff was made. When whores are allowed to simply go around everywhere whoring it up, that means that they will all be whores, because there is no cost associated with it.

Anglin is assuming women are fully capable and responsible enough to make that decision. They’re really not. Women made choices about as well as children do and no sane man lets children make major life choices. Giving them moral agency says that he truly believes in equal rights for women.

He see the destruction caused by women and blames them for it, but fails to understand he’s swallowed the progressive lie that women and men are equal. That’s at the root of the problem with the black pill.

The Solution isn’t to blame women for their bad behavior which he admits they won’t change, rather the solution is to make Women property again. Don’t treat them as equals, treat them as inferiors because that’s what they are.

jim says:

Exactly so. You have summed it up beautifully.

Women do not have the right to be whores. Men have the duty to protect women from their irresponsible sexual choices, just as we have the duty to stop children from running into traffic. We cannot expect women to make adult choices and live with the consequences of their own choices.

Women expect that men will protect them from the consequences of their actions. That is their nature. And men, inevitably, will do so. That is our nature.

Which makes total sense, for sperm is cheap and eggs are dear, therefore men are expendable, and women are not. And because that is how men and women will inevitably act, men have no alternative but to coercively control women, no alternative but to prevent them from making the bad decisions that men will inevitably wind up paying for.

Adam says:

The means to use your understanding is your effort. You can be a red pill level 99 priest and still fail every shit test.

When guys say just be confident bro, really what that means is just get comfortable failing and don’t take anything personal. Confident guys still fail shit tests and get rejected. Practicing game is about raising your batting average. Enjoy the home runs and laugh off the strike outs.

Once you overcome the fear of being rejected or looking stupid you will make progress.

jim says:

When a woman rejects you in the most vigorous, humiliating, and hurtful way that she can, is usually merely a shit test. If, on the other hand, she really does not want to be with you, she will just quietly make herself scarce. To pass the shit test, treat it with gentle amusement. It is one of those shit tests that can be passed by just not taking it seriously.

i says:

Blacks have close to zero combat, persuasive, and cohesive power.

Give them credit for expelling the French Colonial Government and exterminating every French man, woman and child in Haiti in a rage after boiling over from their cruel treatment and coordination by relatively competent Men. Except for those married to Haitian officers.

And the French Army was unable to put down the Rebellion there. If they had 0 combat power then the French shouldn’t have been unable to put down said rebellion:

They are also whittling down Boer farmer numbers and doing their usual murdering because of Globohomo help which enabled Zulu Africans to take power.

Kunning Drueger says:

In every single documented case, black victory comes from white refusal. Refusal to fight, refusal to notice, refusal to support or oppose. Haiti is no special case. Check out Bow of Ulysses. There are better books, but Froude gives great analysis.

jim says:

> Give them credit for expelling the French Colonial Government and exterminating every French man, woman and child in Haiti in a rage after boiling over from their cruel treatment


That is whig history. Similar to the whig history of how whites got expelled from Detroit.

i says:

So what explains the success of the Blacks in that case. Including expelling the French Government. Genociding the entire white population aside from those married to Haitian officers.

And including the failure of the French to put down the rebellion like Rome did with Spartacus and his slave army.

The French never tried like the Romans did with Spartacus to avenge the French that were slaughtered wholesale on the Island.

Kunning Druegger says:

I swear, it’s like every McChristian spends every waking moment trying to find a nigger dick to suck.

jim says:


To ask the question implies you are an ignorant brainwashed idiot.

The blacks were mascots. The outcome and the genocide was decided in Paris, not Haiti. The Parisian regime loathed the colonists. You might as well ask how come blacks were successful in expelling whites from Detroit.

alf says:

The giveaway is that the French revolution started in 1789, the Haitian revolution in 1791.

i says:

@Kunning Druegger

Because all they know is Whig History. And it is the only history that is available that is easily searchable in a search engine and Infogalactic.


To ask the question implies you are an ignorant brainwashed idiot.

I am ignorant. There is only so much energy and time I can devote to every subject of history. Meanwhile Whig History is in the air we breathe.

The blacks were mascots. The outcome and the genocide was decided in Paris, not Haiti. The Parisian regime loathed the colonists. You might as well ask how come blacks were successful in expelling whites from Detroit.

Makes sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Will sound conciliatory and back down when pushed back on, but will never actually change their tune, and will always return to the same playloads in meantime, until it goes without pushback.

i says:


No. Its not only that Whig history is the standard history I know.

I am pissed actually that the French let that crime go unpunished. Its been centuries and they did nothing after Napoleon’s failed attempt to put down the rebellion.

Perhaps they are satisfied with the debt they levied on Haiti monetarily.

Even God when he avenged himself on the Amalekites centuries later by the hand of Saul did so because of the atrocities that was committed on the Israelites when they massacred the Israelite stragglers as they are coming out of Egypt.

alf says:

Kanye was driven to a psychotic rage because his whore wife Kardashian cuckolded him with a Jewish guy

Pretty much, pretty much. If Kanye had kept his marriage together, as a black guy with four kids — very impressive. But as it stands he is just one more angry divorced man. Easy pickings for an astroturf.

Mister Grumpus says:

Anglin once wondered, publicly, if Charlottesville was the real “insurance policy”. Flipped my wig then, but I learn slow.

Shills + shapeshifters + media ownership = such stunning power

They’d might as well hire a Trump impersonator, film him eating a baby, and hang the real Trump on YouTube for eating a baby. The brilliance and cunning one must need to be to even theoretically make headway against these people, I can’t even comprehend it. What sorcery is that? It’s like running into a gunfight with just hamburger buns and paper napkins.

Neurotoxin says:

If this world is a simulation, some asshole set it to highest difficulty setting. Not enjoying it, to be frank. To be fun, the game has to be challenging but not too challenging. Our enemy controls the entire government, the media, the education system, and all of pop culture. (I just read a review of the new Knives Out movie. Apparently they gave the main detective guy a boyfriend.) They aren’t a preponderance of the guys who pull triggers in the military… but they control the officers who control them so that’s a wash at best. Cops, as we’ve seen in various blue city riots by Antifa and BLM, are… unreliable. We can’t vote our enemies out of power now that elections have been locked down by fraud. We’re being overrun with a demographic tsunami of immigrants. Meanwhile the anti-natalist campaign continues.

Worst, our enemy understands the importance of us coordinating and any node that grows large enough to be a potential means of coordination is promptly stomped, one way or another. Deplatforming, demonetization, screwing up the signal: noise ratio with shills, lying propaganda campaigns, or just slinging your ass in jail, etc. They’ve gotten very good at the stomping.

Against all this, our assets are Inigo’s sword, Westley’s brains, Fezzik’s strength, and the holocast cloak. And a wheelbarrow.

Seriously, our assets are… the left will self-destruct eventually. Maybe some of us will still be around after that happens. The GAE’s increasingly insane tendency to pick unnecessary fights with peer or near-peer powers abroad, viz. Russia and China. What else? Maybe Musk and Twitter, not sure.

Anything else?

Jehu says:

Best hang onto that Holocaust cloak. Vlad may well have to nuke us out of our insanity. The Judgments of the Lord are True and Righteous Altogether.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.

The Cominator says:

“Against all this, our assets are Inigo’s sword, Westley’s brains, Fezzik’s strength, and the holocast cloak. And a wheelbarrow.”

In other questions how did someone who was otherwise such a complete POS like Rob Reiner make such a great movie as a one off… inconcieveable.

Ghostrider says:

[*link deleted*]

jim says:

I regard those people as distracting sources of misinformation.

Ghost says:

Fine, your blog.

But, I wasn’t the one who put Andrew Anglin on a pedestal from the start. Which is what I linked to.

Regarding DeSantis, I’m not supporting him because when he first took office, he took his whole staff to Israel, then passed a law specifically punishing anyone with hate speech protecting that group.

Regarding the Twitter account question. Sounds like a good way to get doxed. Most Twitter accounts are tied to a real phone number or e-mail.

Red says:

Buy a burner phone with cash and post on twitter only from the burner phone. No way to dox you(note the cops can still find your location). There’s probably better methods using your own wireguard VPN located in the cloud outside of US controlled space, but I don’t currently have any untraceable bitcoin to rent a server with and I’m unlikely to start posting on twitter.

The Cominator says:

“Regarding DeSantis, I’m not supporting him because when he first took office, he took his whole staff to Israel, then passed a law specifically punishing anyone with hate speech protecting that group.”

This is why having jews on the brain is toxic.

Ghost says:

Don’t have anything on the brain! I said Israel.

You’re the one always talking about them. Not me. They’re just another interest group.

It you guys would stop reading that shill Anglin, you wouldn’t be talking about them.

The Cominator says:

Ukraine has sucked more money out of the US in one year than Israel has in its entire existence, when someone starts majorly bitching about Israel like its a big deal or its really powerful I know that I should never ever listen to that person ever again.

DeSantis main liability is that people like Paul Ryan are now pushing him, but I don’t think DeSantis likes those people very much and if he makes any sort of temporary alliance with them he will backstab them before they backstab him. Sort of the way Octavian betrayed the corrupt Optimate faction when he agreed to an alliance with Antony and proceeded to proscribe them all.

Ghost says:

Did I say money? No, I didn’t.

And if the sweaty wop went to the Ukraine with his whole staff or any other country then passed laws restricting Americans, I would have a problem with him.

I’m voting, and I’m voting Trump if I have to write his name in. You have a problem with him and I do not care!

The Cominator says:

Voting doesn’t matter… the vote counters control the count.

DeSantis has the hope of strong backing from Musk, the kind of bribe money he needs to flip the vote counters. Trump does not.

I loved Trump until 2020 but Trump ultimately failed and he is too old.

jim says:

> Ukraine has sucked more money out of the US in one year than Israel has in its entire existence, when someone starts majorly bitching about Israel like its a big deal or its really powerful I know that I should never ever listen to that person ever again.

If someone is bitching disproportionately about Israel, likely a Soros shill.

There are Jews that are causing us big problems, notably Soros, but they are located in Washington and Harvard, not in Jerusalem. Those Jews hate Israel, and seek destroy it as they hate us and seek to destroy us. They worship demons, and while Jews who worship God tend to foolishly and ignorantly think of Jews that worship demons as fellow Jews, the feeling is not reciprocated.

Zionists such as Tzionism are our allies, and if you suspect that Tzionism are not necessarily reliable allies, they are nonetheless, like the Taliban and like Putin, reliable enemies of our enemy.

Ghost says:

George Soros and family, head of Open Boarder Society. Funded directly and indirectly by U.S. State Dept. using taxpayer monies, and Democratic party using political donations. Responsible for conducting clandestine operations inside U.S. and abroad to destabilize governments and societies using political organizing. Specifically funds Antifa, BLM terror groups. Also funds migrant activities through various NGOs.

Good enough?

I’ve yet to see Comm take any of these tests yet he’s quick to point the finger. Think he’s got hookers on the brain.

jim says:

Good enough.

The Cominator says:

I say horribly forbidden shit and commit the blackest of thoughtcrimes all the time. What thoughtcrime am I lacking in?

jim says:

Who says you are lacking in thought crimes?

The Cominator says:

Ghost implying I need to take a shill test lol.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Ahh, Israel, one of the most vaxxed countries in the world. I wonder if it is going to start to bite them, or if it already has? Fauci is going to finish what Hitler started.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Wulf, almost one third of Israelis are completely unvaxed. The dose/population ratio is high because the vaxies are taking a lot of boosters.

What this portends for Israel’s future depends on which demographics are refusing the vax.

According to the CDC, 80% of Americans have had at least one dose and 68% have had at least two (or the J&J). Which means that forty million Americans took one mRNA shot and suddenly became anti-vaxers.

S says:

” We retrospectively reviewed the electronic medical files of all adults registered in a central district in Israel from 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2022.

The minority groups of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arabs had lower vaccination rates than the non-ultra-Orthodox Jews (68.7%, 80.5% and 87.7%, respectively, p < 0.001). Adults of low socioeconomic status (SES) had lower vaccination rates compared to those of high SES (74.4% vs. 90.8%, p < 0.001)."

Looks like the end of the line for the Ashkenazi.

Ghost says:

Furthermore, I don’t trust anyone pushing DeSantis. He’s just another deep state insider and a fat sweaty Wap!

Maybe you need to redo your baseline test.

The Cominator says:

Given that Musk has just said he WILL back DeSantis if he runs we should back him over Trump (not that it matters that much since these things are largely out of our hands)… Musk is the only man who can possibly mobilize the kind of resources needed to beat the election rigging.

Trump is too old anyway and in 2020 he let us down by not taking the attitude towards Covid that I had and then by not crossing the Rubicon.

Anonymous Fake says:

[deleted for shilling ‘vaccines are made from dead babies’ meme]

Neurotoxin says:

Doesn’t matter; democracy is stone cold dead. We’re in a different era.

The Cominator says:

But if anyone can unrig the election or make the rigging go the other way… Musk can.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is just silly, for all the reasons we’ve discussed at length. No one is coming to save us, and messianic ideation is one of Their more effective methods of control.

The Cominator says:

Its been discussed a little bit with no firm conclusion.

I think Shaniqua the urban vote counter doesn’t care about the left very much ideologically and will take bribes. The one you have to worry about is Karen the FBI agent because Karen is a true believer.

But with Musk level of resources there has to be ways of diverting Karen…

Heavy D says:


jim says:

The enemy meme that you presuppose being that Antifa is just a bunch of Jewish faggots, and BLM just a bunch of Jews.

Antifa and BLM are the state.

Heavy D says:


jim says:

You sail right on presupposing that we agree with what I just explicitly disagreed with. Going to silent deletion.

The Cominator says:

There are SHITLOADS of jew jew jewers in the past few days…

Wonder why that is?

Ghost says:

Part of the problem is using that word at all. I don’t say it.

This blog is on clearnet so any word used can wind up on a search engine. It’s a hot topic right now so people are looking for it and find this site by internet search.

Maybe if you stop using the word, less people would notice the site.

The Cominator says:

Its a hot topic because the Cathedral wants it to be a hot topic. Nevertheless I do not believe the sudden upsurge in these people here is organic because people are looking for it… there is no end of internet jewologists.

This place has been picked up for not falling for the Matador’s cape trick and we are being flooded in order to crack the consensus.

Kunning Drueger says:

One way or another it’s tied to the Kanye debacle. Maybe he truly went off the reservation and they’ve been scrambling ever since. It really seems like faggot Milo and Señor Fuentes were activated like sleeper cells, and now the digital warrior contractors are just flooding the chans, boards, and everywhere with jew noise. Then again, it could all be a psyop, including the dancing monkey, but then how does that figure into the manufactured crisis between Trump and DeSantis? Were the Three Jooges activated to mitigate Trumpian meme magic, playing off what BAP was talking about in his comparison to Yang Gang? Magic Minorities seems to be a very effective way of tripping up the digital right-wing.

The Cominator says:

I absolutely cannot account for all the details but the economy is bad getting worse and Brazil and possibly China are having mass riots… America may not be far behind.

A scapegoat is needed, the jews are to go under the bus soon to spare the real culprits. I will defend the jews from anything that is not absolutely true because I don’t want leftist cathedral elites and Jesuits to get their decoy.

Kanye has been through a traumatic time but he is quite mad now and hes always been a bit of a crazy nigger.

Kunning Drueger says:

If they start throwing jews under the bus, they are very close to the bus lanes.

The Cominator says:

Absolutely but we want the real culprits to go under if they can successfully blame the jews exclusively theyll skate…

Kunning Drueger says:

There’ll be no skating for anyone, is included, if the Friend/Enemy Distinction becomes operational. Iraq should have taught them that you cannot spin up a regime in exile via a single leader. Afghanistan should have taught them that technology loses to faith on any timeline past a few years. LA/Ferguson/Floyd should have taught them that their pet pitbull has the memory of a goldfish. If their big plan is to sacrifice the jews… What’s the old saying? Ah yes: don’t bring a Jew to a Slav fight. They’re going to need a bigger jew… ish population, particular when Vaxx Syndrome becomes a term in common usage.

The Cominator says:

Look at history doesnt work that way, if you wont listen to me listen to Jim.

Kunning Druegger says:

History is decisively on the side of numbers over everything. Maybe you just didn’t understand my statement. There aren’t enough jews in the world to atone for the auto-genocide that is the vaxx. If/when the awful truth is laid bare, I don’t think the teeming masses of now infertile dead ends will be sated with a handful of kosher targets. We’ll be hiding nurses basements lol… I mean, presumably, someone will. I won’t.

JJ says:

Having faith in anyone but Christ is idolatry.

Pax Imperialis says:

Faith, in the nonreligious sense, is not idolatry.

Adam says:

The word I most closely relate to faith is trust. Having faith in Christ is having faith in truth, trusting truth.

Red says:

Un-rigging an election requires military force. Musk can’t do that. Bribing people he can do. Problem is we’re likely to end up counter bribery from top to bottom so you still end up with a divided government. It took military force to resolve the issue in Rome and the same outcome here is likely. Unless Desantis is willing to go full Cesar and has the loyalty of the military to do it things will continue to devolve.

The Cominator says:

I’m not saying Musk can unrig the elections… Shaniqua is not going to stop vote counting. I’m saying that Shaniqua can probably get more money from Musk to find out that DeSantis amazingly wins with 90% of the ghetto population voting for him…

Shaniqua is far far less ideological than Karen the FBI agent. Karen is the real problem…

Red says:

Yes, but can Musk rig every candidate’s election in the country when they’re counter bribing going on? Unlikely. As best we can tell election rigging is enormously expensive and when all sides are tossing bribes around the price is going to go up.

Secondly, the vote rigging is indirectly funded by the government. I’m not sure Musk can out spend them.

I’m less sure on the FBI. I’m sure they’re taking loads of bribes these days. If we see them going into some real hardcore raids where they end up in a shootouts on a regular basis then there might be a hardcore of true believers left, but I doubt it. More likely they want to sit on their asses and safely reap the rewards on a corrupt civilization.

Mayflower Sperg says:

There’s always the cheaper option of kidnapping Shaniqua’s children and telling her they’ll be coming home in pieces if your candidate doesn’t win.

Always look toward Mexico and ask what the cartels would do, because that is our future.

The Cominator says:

Thats about 4 years off anyway… in 2024 it will be more about bribes.

The Cominator says:

Honestly I think its structurally probably more expense for the left to rig than the right if it comes down simply to bribes…

There are far fewer urban vote centers the non urban ones are dominated by people sympathetic to Republicans the expense to almost steal the house this year (funded no doubt by the FTX scam) had to be enormous in the billions (the Democrats seemed to have neglected to make enough payoffs in upstate New York thankfully).

I wish I could get data on how many vote count workers suddenly own Yachts, Mansions and Villas in the South of France…

Red says:

They did pay off upstate NY, but only for the governor’s race. Every candidate’s race needs bribes paid if one faction is to achieve full control of Government, which seems unlikely. Instead people will be bribing in all different directions at once.

“Honestly I think its structurally probably more expense for the left to rig than the right if it comes down simply to bribes…”

Again, can anyone match US government funding? The US not only funded the steal in the US, but they also funded it Brazil at about the same time.

“I wish I could get data on how many vote count workers suddenly own Yachts, Mansions and Villas in the South of France…”

Just lookup who was part of what election precinct and then start checking their social media accounts. I’m sure they’re bragging about it.

Though I doubt it was quite that much money. They had a lot of people to bribe and the people issuing the bribes certainly stole at least half the money. The problem with corruption is that it spreads like a cancel in a 6X vaxxed homo.

Starman says:


“Un-rigging an election requires military force. Musk can’t do that.”

Starship will have to be in operation with mass produced 7 meter Starlink 2.0, and with governors and private militias in Elon’s pocket… in order for that to be possible.

Adam says:

Democracy is dead and God willing it will stay dead. Musk should back Desantis because Trump had his chance and failed. Even if Trump were to become president again I find it difficult to believe he would be able to recreate the same success he had the first time around. The proles will love him all the same but world leaders and elites must think less of him after his defeat. He’s not the same man as he was.

The Cominator says:

Yes… Trump has lost some of his mental acuity since the glory days of the God Emperor of 2015. Hence in 2020 he made mistake after mistake with no course correction.

Fidelis says:

I’ve seen a few necessarily public back and forth moments between Musk and Trump. I wonder what happened behind the curtain to produce the animosity. To me it seems they’re both charismatic — Musk is pretty aspie but somehow really engages the normies — National Capitalist American men. So why bicker with each other when the common enemy is so apparent?

Red says:

Musk likely has nothing but contempt for Trump’s ability to run large organizations. He’s unable to hire people loyal to him and he’s constantly suffering from stabs in the back while Musk fires people hostile to him and turns existing employees into loyalists.

Musk initially signed on to work with Trump, got a look at how the people Trump hired where actually his enemies and bailed. Trump to his credit was able to force NASA to use SpaceX tech. Trump may suck with people but he’s no dummy about economics and tech. He would have made a great king if he’d had the right instincts.

The Cominator says:

Trump’s economic sense, diplomatic skill and ability to work a crowd are absolutely god tier. His administrative ability otoh is absolute shit.

He could have dealt with this by making someone like Stephen Miller (one of the people he hired who was actually loyal who apparently seemed to also possess good administrative skills) do all administrative work including vetting all appointments but Trump lets his ego get in the way of delegating that.

Trump would make a great economic and foreign policy advisor even in his lesser state if he would take the role… but his administrative ability and inability to vet people are a fatal weakness.

i says:

Hot take from TradCath Twitter:

The Reformation was the original woke movement: iconoclastic, contemptuous of order, hierarchies and traditions, based on simple absurd phrases, and in the end a small clique of psychopaths made off with all the money and power.

It started the pattern of every future leftist explosion: 1789, 1917, the Cultural Revolution, 1968, and today.

And put down with great loss of life by the Catholic Church. I’m not sure how left Calvin, Zwingli etc were but their ideas must have resonated with the poor who had no voice beforehand.

In reality their sociological basis was the mercantile middle-upper classes and politicians who resented Church restrictions on business and on total state power, respectively.

If you are only relying on them in 1520 then you are looking at 5% of the population. Yet the Protestant faithful quickly became at least as big as the Catholic within a few decades, and only immense slaughter stopped them

Some radicals wish every Protestant was killed.

i says:
Cataclysm Reawake says:

I’ve been down this Dissident Right rabbit hole a while, and after learning that no the problems didn’t start with Zoe Quinn, no actually they’re older than the 60s, no actually they date back at the latest to the fucking enlightenment, frankly the burden of proof in Old v. New should always be on the side of the old, and Protestantism is undeniably new. Yes this argument faces the risk of purity spiralling all the way back to cavemen and protozoa and it’s necessarily a little arbitrary where one chooses to stop the clock rewind, but reformation only predates the enlightenment a couple hundred years, a historical drop-in-the-bucket doesn’t seem a big ask. Eager to see a robust counterargument to the Twitter thread.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Oh, and full disclosure, I was raised Catholic.

The Cominator says:

I think you’re a shill and you should take a shill test. The Covid crisis presented a lot of evidence that the nervous system behind the international left and the globalist bugman project was the Jesuit order and 1st you come in here saying jew jew jew and that this is a good thing (whereas me and Jim have been over why its really not) and now you’re saying that Protestants are bad.

Red says:

I’m less than convinced he’s a shill, but the shill test is never a bad thing. I’ve taken a couple times now myself.

Vlad says:


jim says:

Not what Moldbug said, not what the Cominator said.

I would explain to you what they actually said, but I suspect that this was a bad faith comment made to muddy the waters, not genuine misunderstanding or miscommunication.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Implicitly took the test last night in the prior convo, ctrl+F “civilization-wrecking”. Anyone wanting to know what I think in more detail should ask in more detail.

Cute. I am disinterested in Jews relative to other priorities. I made the nuance of my position in that debate very clear, clear enough that any objective observer would conclude that it is not remotely fairly characterized by “jew jew jew”. You know that perfectly well and yet have chosen to claim otherwise. Makes me suspect that your /conspicuous/ disinterest in the misbehavior of Jews has less to do with the best interests of the Right and of virtuous men of good stock and more to do with philosemitism.

“And now you’re saying Protestants are bad” …Ah yes, that is definitely what I said. On this matter I am proud to let my prior noncommittal words speak for themselves.

Repeatedly misrepresenting the views of interlocutors? Smells like a shill.

Adam says:

Jim has stated before they must repent of deicide or forever repeat the same cycle of self destruction.

Proles noticing Jews is what our enemies want them to do. We must point them correctly at our enemies. And yes, many are Jewish, but they are not our enemies because they are Jewish but because they are evil demon worshiping faggots who want to eliminate the white race and everything else good true and beautiful.

If “jew jew jew” is on the path to the reactionary position, it is going to slow one down and distract them. The jews have it coming, and have had it coming for 2000 years, but this is not our fight. Our fight is with their masters.

jim says:

Tell us what Soros has been up to lately.

You did pass when you paraphrased the Woman Question, and you also passed on the Christ question, but whenever someone sounds like he is saying “Joo Joo Joo” I would like to see if he can pass the Soros question.

Just checking to make sure the correlation between these issues is as good as I think it is – which is to say, I expect you will have absolutely no difficulty with Soros, because you came close enough on the Woman Question, and nailed the Christ question. But I just want to check.

Also, I am troubled by the fact that your criticisms of Jews fail to point out the real problems with Jews and Judaism. Pseudo-Chrysostom unkindly paraphrases your position as ‘My fellow white men, the problem with kikes is that we they are just so much smarter than you stupid goyim we fellow white people, and so you we just can’t compete, my fellow white man’.

If that parody is unfair, tell us what is wrong with the Jews. I have done so often enough. My criticisms of the Jews are not new, they are two thousand years old and much repeated, and I repeat them with great regularity. If the parody is unkind and inappropriate, give us a comment on the Jewish Question for which the parody is clearly inappropriate.

The Jews are trapped in a never ending cycle that always results in self destructive evil. And then they get purged again.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Truthfully I’m kinda ignorant of Soros’ specific (innumerable) misdoings, I know he’s a big funder of my enemies but seeing how he’s a merchant I don’t mind leaving research thereof to a boomercon relative. I certainly don’t mind affirming what Ghost said earlier, it sounds about right:

George Soros and family, head of Open Border Society. Funded directly and indirectly by U.S. State Dept. using taxpayer monies, and Democratic party using political donations. Responsible for conducting clandestine operations inside U.S. and abroad to destabilize governments and societies using political organizing. Specifically funds Antifa, BLM terror groups. Also funds migrant activities through various NGOs.

What’s wrong with the Jews? Unlike the oriental peoples who are unconcerned with Christ, or Muslims who nominally revere His mortal nature, or the Biblical Hebrews who could never have known Him, Rabbinic Judaism is the only religion that is constitutionally anti-Christ because the Talmud explicitly claims that Christ was a wicked man. Christianity has over time been identified with the men of Europe, who (to make matters worse) Jews simultaneously identify with the same Romans who expelled them from the Levant. All this, exacerbated by the events of this previous century (whether one believes the official story or not), have led Jews to regard Christ-fearing Europeans with hostility and they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This hostility has manifested itself in a persecution complex, in extraordinary nepotism, and a histrionic fear of ethnic solidarity by Europeans. Jews are ludicrously overrepresented, to a degree so extreme that it would not be explained by any supposed intellectual aptitude (a question on which I am agnostic but lean toward yes), in a variety of professions that are observably part of civilization’s present corrosion: principally the legal-industrial complex, finance, show business, and pornography. Here I am less confident pontificating on the reasons why that is, perhaps it’s simply downstream from their Godlessness. None of these problems are confined to the religiously observant Jews. Much like how echoes of their ancestral Christianity can be found in traits (divorced from their original context) of the modern White liberal, so too is the ressentiment of the exiled rabbi found in most modern irreligious Jews. Only Christ can redeem them.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

Dunno how I missed this: as bad as Jews are, liberated women and democracy remain a bigger danger to Christendom. Everything I just described pales in comparison to the collapsing fertility and catastrophic mismanagement of societal assets that those two bring (and second-order effects thereof, including spiritual ones). Priorities, priorities.

Ghost says:

I don’t see anything wrong with what this guy wrote. Maybe he has some interesting things to say. Com is quick to accuse but came over from 4chan in 2018 and was critical of Trump from the start. Claims to be the darkest thought criminal when he goes on about helicopter rides. Jumped on me when I said finger on trigger which just means to be ready. But, I’ll say what I mean. With forced vaxx, child trannie agenda showing up on your street in an MRAP. If you don’t have a loaded 12ga in arms reach 24/7, you’ll find yourself in a camp.

Also, I’ve been to Florida and the hookers there are either black chicks or drug addled whites. Best hookers I ever saw were in Hawaii.

The Cominator says:

Don’t try to weasel out of where you were going with the “protestants have the burden of proof” bullshit, this is not a washington tradcuck shill site. The burden of proof you people have is to prove that covid was NOT a Jesuit plot given that they seem to have their fingerprints all over it.

To the extent jews are leftists they should die, but as leftists not as jews. Youll still get 70-80% that way.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Youll still get 70-80% that way.

Just by coincidence of course. Not all skypes are like that. You can’t derive actionable generalizations of characteristics. You just need to find a good woman- wait…

Red says:

Com’s hobby horse is Papists. Personally I’ve never had trouble from Jews but fuck Mormons. Those fuck faces do everything the Jews do and I had lots of first hand experience with them in college.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Mormons are the Jews of Christianity. The persecution, flight from their homes, the clannishness. Especially in the way that the GAE intelligence organs make extensive use of them. It is a problem that will need addressing. The “Mormon Mafias” cannot be permitted to exist in a Orthodox-Reactionary society.

skippy says:

What evidence is that covid is a jesuit plot other than fauci went to a jesuit high school in the 1950s (so did pat buchanan lol)

The Cominator says:

He got an award in Rome, and Redfield the CDCdirector had a similar background. And Italy was used to sell the whole panic.

skippy says:

Looks like everyone started dumping honors on this guy when he got famous (including israel lol)

looks like he has an honorary degree from an Italian university and an italian state medal. do the jesuits control the state of italy (but not the vatican)?

The Cominator says:

Also Fauci himself hinting at it… Bannon and Robert Malone outright saying Fauci’s a Jesuit (Bannon has Vatican connections himself which makes me suspicious of him) on a war room episode…

Im convinced he is one, but Ill admit I cant conclusively prove it but the preponderence of evidence is there and Fauci is certainly a servant of evil and he lacks any other clearer affiliation.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

I have always had a vague distrust for the Society of Jesus and the evidence of contemporary history has pretty clearly damned them. By all means, I invite you to give them the Knights Templar treatment. Destroying the Church is a rather more drastic step for which I have not seen anyone give convincing justification.

You changing the subject /aside/ (pretty weaselly itself), note that a weasel would not have preregistered their religious conflict of interest, something that I did freely. I wrote “eager to see a robust counterargument to the Twitter thread” and I meant it. Me reading that Twitter thread and concluding e.g., “John XII did nothing wrong” would be easy. My conscience demands something harder – that I give others the chance to change my mind. What does yours ask of you, that you would misrepresent me as you have?

S says:

The Enlightenment was centered on France; it cannot be laid at the feet of Protestantism.

The Reformation was flawed because they had two reasonable options- reform the Catholic Church or join Eastern Orthodoxy. They choose the third, crazy option of making their own church and declaring making your own church was right and virtuous with the result Protestantism splintered into a thousand different sects.

The Cominator says:

The first option was impossible you cannot reform the Catholic Church it must be destroyed.

The second option was difficult given that Constantinople was under the control of the Turks at the time (and Moscow was remote and almost unknown the most active group of Westerners there in Ivan Grozny’s time were our “friends” the Jesuits and Ivan the Terrible actually wrote a written attack on Luther). This made trying to join the Eastern Churches rather difficult.

S says:

I was thinking more in line with the Meiji Restoration, where allegiance is declared and coordinated around someone who has the virtue of not being able to interfere.

It isn’t a great plan since you still run into divergent theology, but it beats sola scriptura which runs into the question of who gets to interpret.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The new America will of course be populated by Real Americans, and the definition of Real American is of course perfectly adaptive with regards to Divine Law – however few or any there may be – because why wouldn’t it be? We aren’t killing America and replacing it with something else, we are promoting America, the Real America.

The man who intends to reform the world and says the old world must be destroyed to make way for the brave new world simply can’t be trusted.

The man who intends to reform the world and claims spiritual communion with the old Tradition is signaling to you what his loyalties are; whether you can trust him to cooperate with you; whether his intentions are to work for the good or ill of his object; whether he is on your side, or not.

jim says:

And now the Roman Catholic and protestant Churches are expiring, having been converged to progressivism.

But at the same time, we cannot be Greek Orthodox because converged demon worshiping faggots, and we cannot be Russian Orthodox because we are not Russian.

We need to be American Orthodox, but there is no American Orthodox Church.

Normal procedure for creating an Orthodox Church for Nation X is that the Tsar of all the Russias sends a Russian Orthodox priest to Nation X, and the priest ceases being Russian Orthodox, and becomes the head of the Nation X Orthodox Church.

So, it is not clear who to blame for the failure to join Eastern Orthodoxy. Takes two to tango. If the Tsar of all the Russias will not set up a Nation X orthodox Church for you, have to do it oneself.

As you say, doing it oneself has born evil fruit, but is that the fault of those that set up these Churches, or the fault of the Tsar?

The Cominator says:

Ivan Grozny to the degree he knew of Luther and the West at all and vice versa (Moscow was not a place many people from Western Europe had gone at the time) was not inclined to do that as under the influence of the Westerners he knew best (our friends the Jesuits) was not inclined to do so. Also it was rather late to do so at the time.

The Ottoman Sultan WAS inclined to help Luther but Luther rightly was not inclined to help the Muslims defeat the Emperor and thus Luther was not inclined to deal with Sultan’s puppet Patriarch in Constantinople (well I guess it was Istanbul already).

Adam says:

One of the things I find myself understanding more and more, is that all good comes from good men and all great comes from great men.

How many people are willing to be an island of good in an ocean of sewage? How many men have even tried? To be a hero to those that are only looking to serve themselves and wouldn’t dare act heroic.

Most cannot even do that with their family. We should be grateful for the men who dared to do good and great things, and every day put forth the effort to become those men.

Neofugue says:

> How many people are willing to be an island of good in an ocean of sewage? How many men have even tried? To be a hero to those that are only looking to serve themselves and wouldn’t dare act heroic.

It is difficult, sometimes almost unbearably difficult, but incredibly rewarding.

In my experience, by being an island of good, the sewage around you washes away leaving behind a coral reef coming back to life.

Adam says:

I completely agree.

Neofugue says:

The Orthodox Church in America was established by the Russian Church to fulfill the need for an American Orthodoxy.

According to several close friends, OCA is hit-or-miss depending on the individual congregation and the priest. Regardless of jurisdiction, my advice would be to find the best church in your area and to stick with it.

Christianity in the West lacks a proper true-believing organized elite. Most of the elites in contemporary Christianity are either demon worshiping faggots or cuckservatives. If we wish to change that reality, we must stop looking for the “perfect” church and instead become the organized elite we wish to see in the churches ourselves.

The question when entering a church is, can I create here the Christian elite I want my children to be a part of? If so, enter. If not, look elsewhere.

If your priest can pass the demon worshiper test, give him a chance.

Red says:

My local OCA is almost entirely Russians. I’d need an American one to actually attend for it to work. Also, I’m sure they’d think I’m a glowie if I showed up out of the blue. A random American wants to go to our church?

Neofugue says:

My church is nominally 90% Russian, though only half of the people who show up at a given week are Russian or Ukrainian.

My family and I are part of an unofficial clique of American Orthodox believers. We sit together at coffee hour and have parties at each other’s houses.

The only way to find out if a church is right for you is to attend it and meet people. If no one is there to receive you, find another parish.

Also, no one will think you are a glowie. Most Orthodox are normies who cannot even comprehend what a “glowie” is.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is OCA different than ROCOR?

Neofugue says:

The diocese is composed of a majority of non-ethnics and the liturgy is primarily in English. That being said, it depends on the individual parish.

There are OCA parishes that are converged and OCA parishes that are solid, depending on where you live and who lives in what area. The Orthodox priest who got in trouble for attending the January 6th rally was an OCA priest from Ohio.

jim says:

> The Orthodox Church in America was established by the Russian Church to fulfill the need for an American Orthodoxy.

I was unaware of this.

Our enemies will undoubtedly be engaging in entryism against the OCA, but their success is always less than it appears. The entryists gaslight each person that he is alone. I figure that American American Christians who sign up with the OCA are likely to be in large part those who are looking for a Christianity that Putin’s nukes allow to be Christian. But on the other hand Russian Christians are likely to be converged to the surrounding society, and sign up because Russian.

Real Christianity has to take the position of Paul and Peter on women – has to endorse the spirit of Old Testament Law on sex, marriage, and family. Which is, for cuckstians, unthinkable. And is a lot more radical than Russian Orthodoxy on women.

The ideal would be if we could get hold of one priest with apostolic succession and the Petrine position on sex and marriage.

One might complain that this is letting the best be the enemy of the good enough, but I see all the old Christian churches disappearing because they will not support patriarchal authority.

Observing which Churches died when, looks like Churches die when they stop supporting the authority of the husband and the father, and accept females engaging in serial monogamy. Congregationalism was the first to die.

My theory explaining this observation is that the family goes to Church because dad takes them to Church. He takes them to church in large part to embed them in a social group with good influences and without bad influences. And, in particular, to embed his wife in a social group that will discourage her from forever cruising for an upgrade, and forever shit testing him in order to once again decide if he is good enough for her.

If the Church fails to provide this earthly function, then it goes into a death spiral, few baptisms, few children in the pews, few intact families attending as families. And you see all these churches with a tiny congregation of frail old people in a big empty building. This is obviously biological and sex role related. God is the father. He is not the mother. Christ is the bridegroom, the Church is the bride. The bible speaks to men about women. Make the Church gender neutral, it quietly vanishes.

alf says:

My theory explaining this observation is that the family goes to Church because dad takes them to Church. He takes them to church in large part to embed them in a social group with good influences and without bad influences. And, in particular, to embed his wife in a social group that will discourage her from forever cruising for an upgrade, and forever shit testing him in order to once again decide if he is good enough for her.

Well that is exactly what I am searching for, and what I observe my woman yearning for too. So far, coming up short.

Jimmy says:

Someone else here who knows might back me up on this, but I think a case can be made that the continuing Anglican/anglo-catholic churches are the most fertile soil for the coming “American orthodox” church to grow in. In fact, in the past, bridges were being built between the Episcopalian church and the east, and were coming along, until progressivism swallowed the Episcopalian church and drove those who would be called “continuing” out. My case:

1. Ethnic fit is precisely, perfectly correct. The eastern churches will always be alien to a western man, even though they are full of our brothers. Great to visit, no good for raising a family there. Anglo-catholics use proper English translations, western music, western forms. The people who make up the parishes are overwhelmingly old American (that is, 85%+ ethnic English) stock.

2. Built in hierarchy = not inoculated against reactionary ideas. Church is ruled by bishops, most of whom have children. King Charles is revered as a martyr. Congregational churches teach a gospel that is fused at its core with revolutionary ideals.

3. They are catholic. Liturgy overlaps 80% with every orthodox and trad catholic church. They do not claim to be the one true church, but look for the restoration of the unity/diversity of the first millennium. They can work with anybody, so long as they are orthodox. Polity and view of the state is essentially eastern. Is often called “western nonpapal catholicism” and “orthodoxy for Anglo-Saxons”

4. Although not perfect by any means, in their current form the American continuing churches are among the most anti- progressive you can find, even among American “conservative” denominations. Some ethnic Slavic churches excepted, obviously.

5.Thier origin story makes them aware of, and hostile to, entryists. This is not perfect–there are clergy who are progressive in their fame even though they don’t know it, for instance. But there is never an inch given on most of the big issues that have historically been the way the devil gets his foot in the door. Sexual ethics, for insurance.

Ghost says:

I’m baptized Episcopal. Services are very much like Catholic. The problem I have and why I no longer attend is that they allow gay priests, gay marriage, and female priests. If that can be fixed, then I would go back.

The Cominator says:

All those churches are controlled by progs and you aren’t going to change that.

The Eastern Churches and Low Church Protestants are the only options…

Jimmy says:

The continuing Anglican (ACC, APA, ACA) churches are not controlled by progs. They are not very numerous, compared to the prog Anglican sects (Episcopalian, ANCA), but they are sound.

It’s funny: when looking at the same data set, I see low church protestant churches as the least-likely nucleation site for based Christian culture, and the trad catholics as the next-best option after continuing Anglican. Probably depends on where you are in the US, as well. The South and the west are different countries, etc.

In any case, I hope we find out soon.

Adam says:

On the topic of Protestant churches I did some looking into Lutheran Services (Lutheran Social Services in my home state) and Lutheran Refugee Services. On the surface it looks exactly like what I would imagine a Soros NGO looks like. Safe to assume they get government money so may actually be a Soros front.

The Cominator says:

Lutherans converged perhaps worse than anyone you need Southern Baptists or something…

Anon says:

“The Orthodox Church in America was established by the Russian Church to fulfill the need for an American Orthodoxy.”

No, not really. The Orthodox Church in America was primarily started in order to create an orthodox community that could survive its leaders being under Soviet Communist control, or at least as long as it would take for Moscow to not be under the thumbs and semi-imprisonment of the Communist Soviets.

If the Soviets didn’t take control of Russia the Orthodox Church in America would not have come into being.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yet, by the serendipitous happenstance of History, it has.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

God works in mysterious ways.

Neofugue says:

> No, not really. The Orthodox Church in America was primarily started in order to create an orthodox community that could survive its leaders being under Soviet Communist control, or at least as long as it would take for Moscow to not be under the thumbs and semi-imprisonment of the Communist Soviets.

That was the initial stated purpose behind both OCA and ROCOR as ordered by Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow. However, there was always an unstated ethnic component involved, a need for non-Russians to have their own church separate from Russian emigrés.

Red says:

Considering that the Catholics just gave us the Jab and covid, It should be the other way around. When Harvard gets nuked the Vatican and their Serpent Jesus will also get nuked.

The Cominator says:

The other thing is I think the real origin of modern leftism originated not with the Puritans or even Rosseau (though Rosseau spawned even more obnoxious forms) but with Humanism… and Humanism more or less came from… the Jesuits.

And I always liked the end of The Devil’s Advocate where the Devil says hes a Humanist…

Red says:

Competing forms of leftistism. Both converge each other and work with each other. Though clearly not a form the cathderal fears, which indicates it’s subservient to it, much as the Quakers were to the Puritans.

The Cominator says:

I’m saying that ALL forms of leftism beyond the basic envy based (why don’t we get together and smash and grab the rich guys stuff) primal leftism derive ultimately from humanism. Humanism essentially denies the limitations of humanity and the need to work within those limitations and the fall…

skippy says:

“it’s subservient to it, much as the Quakers were to the Puritans.”

what’s justification for this statement?

When I read this histroy looks like the QUakers stomped the Puritans.

Jamesthe1st says:

This is nuts, the Jesuits weren’t even founded until 1540 whereas the Humanist movement had already been happening for several decades at least. Com’s version of jewjewjew is SJSJSJ.

The current day Catholics in power aren’t clever enough to do anything, rather they are too worldly and thus bend over backwards to do what the powerful signal is viturous. As A Catholic I agree the current Church leadership is completely scandalous. But I have faith that God has not abbandoned His Church and He will not be mocked forever and will gloriously restore it when He deems it is the time.

The Cominator says:

They were a few isolated intellectuals before the Jesuits were founded… decades are not long in the spread of an ideology.

Anonymous Fake says:

[boring marxism]

Rite of Fire says:

Never ceases to amuse and astonish me that christian reactionaries can’t just point at the jews and say, enemy. They have no difficulty identifying you as one, christian white man. The jews are the ONLY people on earth who consider disrespecting christ to be funny. Muzz don’t act that way. Buddhists don’t act that way. Neopagans don’t act that way.

Every jew who was willing and capable of acting normal assimilated into aryan civilization and became christian. Today, we’re left with only the weirdest, most vicious, most depraved, most christ-hating jews that resisted assimilation for two thousand years. To be a jew is self-evident diabolism. Groids are violent all the way down to their genes, and jews are wicked all the way down to theirs. When (((they))) call you their enemy, believe them.

jim says:

True enough, but focusing on that sounds very much as if you are in the pay of Soros.

Take the Soros test.

simplyconnected says:

I’m a crypto-ignoramus, but if the problem we are facing is a collective-action problem, aren’t there anonymous crypto tools for that?
Say you want to coordinate 1000 people (lets call them yellow jackets) to do something. Each participant puts down one coin. If fewer than 1000 people put down the initial coin, the event is cancelled and everyone gets their coin back. Otherwise, you get your coin back if you do your part, you lose it if you don’t. Who has done their part is determined by group consensus after the event. That is more or less the idea behind groupon (except for the final verification step).

simplyconnected says:

Verification is difficult, and it’s probably too susceptible to infiltration and getting everyone arrested (but awesome comment!)

Neurotoxin says:

Very awesome!

Maybe the verification step at the end isn’t necessary. Or only necessary sometimes.

Red says:

What the fuck is going on in China? There letting families burn to death from their zero covid madness.

The Cominator says:

Xi is an insane commie hes not like Deng Jiang and Hu Jintao were… hence his going along with the Jesuit virus plot and now he can’t lose face and admit he was wrong to do so.

What I wonder is how this fucker ever got into the high leadership in post Deng China with insane Maoist beliefs… Xi is a case study why you have to wipe out all leftist believers.

Pax Imperialis says:

Central government is using the opportunity to enforce reduced consumption in order to increase stockpiling of goods. Not a crazy idea if they expect to get into a conflict over Taiwan in the near future. Lockdowns have also been centered around industries that disrupt US supply chain or around industries that were likely going to be shuttered anyways due to increasing prevalence of export bans.

Covid is likely just the public justification to enforce what in other times would look like wartime restrictions. Of course, since central can’t outright say they are preparing for war, lockdown orders get interpreted a little too vigorously at the provincial level.

The Cominator says:

Are their any reports of transports drones troops assembling in and around Shanghai?

Pax Imperialis says:

Forces were allocated to the region after Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan to conduct one of the largest military exercises in modern Chinese history. They practiced a blockade of the island. Those forces were never moved away. Combined with how the lockdowns were massively increased immediately after Pelosi and American talks about readying sanctions and largely concentrated around cities well known for exports or internal security issues… I just don’t see Covid being the driving motive.

I don’t think the conflict starts out with a naval invasion with paratroopers dropping over Taipei so looking for mass troop movements in China won’t work. The Chinese have been building area denial capability since the 1980s and could probably shut down all naval traffic around the island. Taiwan is a heavy food importer and practically imports all energy. The conflict would likely look like a long term siege that starts with destroying all oil reserves and ports while creating a no shipping zone. They run out of food in 18 months if the Chinese don’t target the food storage warehouses whose locations are well known. Their air force, if it isn’t shot down, will be grounded due to fuel shortage. Negotiations would occur as pain goes up. Point is that China doesn’t need a 2 million man military to accomplish this as it’s mostly an air and naval blockade with rocket artillery like the PHL-16 saturating infrastructure. Thus even if the blockade does fail, ships won’t have ports to dock at and unload. Those would be easy targets to hit with cheap rockets.

Kunning Drueger says:

This makes a lot of sense. Why risk an open war and invite “peacekeepers” when you can just create an exclusion zone and warn all parties on every platform in every language that “piracy” will be dealt with decisively?

I think Xi’s regime are cowards who are caught between resurgent Maoism and Western degeneracy. They are afraid to lose control, so they don’t want to chance anything they can’t decisively say they’ll win/accomplish. But I also think there are actual warriors and aristocrats in the party structure, maybe even in Xi’s inner circle.

They will need some event, incident, or series of happenings to justify the blockade, though, so wouldn’t they prefer for the Taiwanese warhawks to take power, basically the opposite of the elections that just happened?

Picture this: whatever the inciting event, China declares an exclusion zone, and the GAE initiates the same thing they did with the SMO; massive propaganda blitz with astroturf calls for No Fly Zones, intervention, weapons transfers, etc. But the DoD knows they cannot safely deploy a “Taipei Airlift” nor can they risk their carriers. Decisive blow to the perception of GAE power projection.

RMIV says:

more schizo-poasting re: the Vaxx for the curious if you enjoyed the last.

“If this is true then this perfectly explains why Deagel, a military intelligence agency predicted an over 2/3rds reduction of the US population by 2025, along with similar reductions in other countries.”

thanks Jim.

jim says:

The bitchute video this links to cannot be found, so I am inclined to doubt this source.

simplyconnected says:

The video description exactly matches this one in every detail. I have been wondering for some time whether it’s legitimate. What he describes is the “long term lethality raised to one hundred percent” scenario.

Fireball says:

Didnt the jab prototypes have a 100% kill rate when tested in animals?

Anonymous says:

youtube-dl works just fine on BitChute, btw.

jim says:

Enemy is posting some misinfo to make us look stupid, so I would not put much credence in this report.

“Died Suddenly” is an enemy movie, mixing truth with lies, so that they can discredit the truth. If one contains untruths, the other probably is an untruth.

Mister Grumpus says:

Shapeshifting attacks are just so stupendously effective. “Look at me! I’m one of them! I’m so stupid! I’m such a dork!”

Can you give a couple of the lies that jumped out at you?

I haven’t watched Died Suddenly myself, but I’ve seen the preview, and it left me with two suspicious impressions:

First, I’d never once heard of the guy/outfit said to have produced it.

Second, I noticed that all of the people being interviewed looked like (or were being made to look like) losers with no friends. It reminded me of how during Covid, Scott Adams noted that not one single doctor getting airtime for questioning the virus or the vaxx had a normal haircut.

simplyconnected says:

Enemy is posting some misinfo to make us look stupid, so I would not put much credence in this report.

Makes sense. On Stewpid Peters, he became huge out of nowhere, mixes truth with lies and yells it at you. He’s also responsible for that other film about venom in the water which thankfully most people seemed to recognize as well poisoning.

Mister Grumpus says:

Became huge out of nowhere. That’s it. And he talks like a fag.

I was saying “shapeshifter attack”, but “well poisoning” is a better term for this. (It reminds me of when Alex Jones called David Icke “the turd in the punchbowl”. How many levels are in this thing anyway?)

Jim or anyone with an opinion: What is, or can theoretically be, the “defense” against well poisoning?

If I recall from the Social Networking white paper correctly, it has to do with being able to “piggyback” off the blocks and bans of others who I trust/follow to be more clever and cunning about things. So sure, we can all get fooled by the same people together, but at least I have a chance at getting second opinions from smarter discerning real people, rather than leaving everything to Karen, Jeet and Shaniqua in Sunnyvale, Bangalore and Langley, respectively.

Sharpie says:

Youtube-dl is the old version; yt-dlp is much faster and works across most of the internet. It is a great addition to all anons who wish to download stuff. A lot of shaniqua programmers who can’t do anything themselves just copy that which smart white male programmers developed back when Google wasn’t the leftist shitshow it is today, and so consequently yt-dlp just works across the internet in large scale now.

A2 says:

Thanks for the tip; I can only agree.

simplyconnected says:

This is the 4chan thread referenced.

Encelad says:

Planning a large scale culling requires a one global unified center of power which luckily is still not here. The presence of several world powers makes the culling not viable for the reasons of Prisoner Dilemma: what if China only pretends to kill off their population but instead waits for GAE to do their own culling and then takes advantage from it and conquers the West? At that point even our current elites would be destroyed.

dave says:

what if our elites are dumb and incompetent and can’t reason through a prisoners dilemma scenario?

Encelad says:

While our elites are getting dumber by the day, I doubt they can be THAT dumb. If the jab is really meant as a weapon of mass destruction it requires long term planning, which means they are smart enough to have awareness of possible future scenarios and consequences.

Fireball says:

It may be a bit too much assuming that they think it is possible for them to loose.

dave says:

Picture an evil plan being executed by the brains in “idiocracy”. We are not the same people who accomplished the Manhattan project (oppenheimer), Apollo(von braun), and the integrated circuit(Noyce).

The Cominator says:

The top hidden level is still not at Idiocracy (Jesuits are many thing but not stupid at least not yet) but its being executed by Idiocracy tier people…

Starman says:

Arab Muslims telling Western males that they are cucked by empowered womyn.

Starman says:

“Are you sure you know your real father? 🤔”

😁 Islam, once again, is right about women.

Rite of Fire says:

>I don’t know what I expected.dead_dove__.exe

I believe that Gautama Buddha had blond hair and blue eyes. I believe that the indoaryans are God’s chosen people. Martin Luther did nothing wrong. White supremacy is not an opinion. Jesus Christ was a pretty cool dude. The vaxx kills and sterilizes people because that was its intended purpose, delivered by Satan. Zoroaster was right and when browns reject their caste it is a spiritual rejection of God. I’m not a Christian no matter how much my friends insist that I am, and every living being buried their warriors with their horses. Russia will win.

>still won’t pass the shill test

>still gets oblivionmodded

ayy lmao

jim says:

Hmm. I asked you to tell us about Soros, and, surprise, surprise, you did not. Funny thing that.

Rite of Fire says:

I apologize, you actually did publish one of the comments. Please feel free to bin the rest.

Soros isn’t my personal hobby horse but I know he’s a jew and he’s elbows deep in every jewish agenda there is. They just hate white people. I believe that Soros funds a bunch of DNC pedo parties and he’s the guy out there making Nazism look bad (jew.) If the right wing had 1/10th the patronage networks that DNC pedos do they’d be able to conquer the world. Soros is smart enough to give his chomo bros free money. The right wing is desperately lacking in institutions and reward mechanisms, when some cute white girl gets kicked out of uni for saying the gamer word, nobody is brave enough to take her as a wife at gunpoint.

Still out here tryin to pass the shill test

jim says:

I asked what bad things Soros has done lately. You are not answering.

Further, when you listed the bad characteristics of Jews, what you listed was true enough, but did not discredit Jews in the way that Jews are routinely discredited on this blog by myself and others. You said “enemy”. Did not say “inferior”. So sounded a little bit like: “My fellow white men, the problem with kikes is that we they are just so much smarter than you stupid goyim we fellow white people, and so you we just can’t compete, my fellow white man.”

Rite of Fire says:

Stop capitalizing jew. What do they have on you?

jim says:

Can you make the much repeated criticism of Jews that I have made times without number, that numerous blog commenters have made, that Christians have been making for two millenia?

Rite of Fire says:

I can try. [*deleted*]

jim says:

Not the criticism that Christians characteristically and routinely make against Jews. Rather, it is the criticism that Jews attribute to Christians.

You are interpreting my words as someone from a Jewish background would, not as someone from a Christian background would.

The blood “libel” is true of a significant and substantial fraction of demon worshiping Jews, however the basic Christian criticism of Judaism is intended to apply to all Jews, to God worshiping Jews as well.

Rite of Fire says:


jim says:

With Jews you lose.

The problem with Jews is that they legalistically find too clever meanings in the letter of a bet, a contract, an agreement, a promise, or the commandments of the Lord that violate the spirit of the deal, are inconsistent with the meeting of the minds, and feel very righteous in cheating you in this way.

The Talmud is an enormous pile of too clever lawsuits against God.

This is the core of the Christian repudiation and condemnation of Judaism. And if your cultural background was Christian, rather than Jewish, you would know that. The New Testament is the original anti Semitic document.

If anti semitism is not Christian or Mohammedan, it is just Jews quarreling with each other. Two Jews, three factions.

Rite of Fire says:

ok sure. And the whole purpose of Kabbalah is to take a simple verse like “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth” and transform it into “touching little goyim kids is awesome!” I don’t know what we’re even arguing about beyond curating your little corner of the noosphere until it reads Not All X Are Like That.

Incidentally every time I try to make a fresh twitter account I get instantly locked even while using Tor and VPNs. I guess my reputation continues to precede me.

jim says:

You are still strangely unable to notice what Soros is up to, and your response does not explicitly acknowledge the standard Christian criticism of Jews, thus for example you criticized the Kabbalah, which criticism is permissible among Jews, but not the Talmud.

I have seen some shills shilling antsemitism who appear to belong to the Kabalist faction of Judaism, but most belong to Soros, who worships Satan in a different manner.

The Cominator says:

Kaballah is Jewish Hermeticism and Gnosticism.

Gnosticisms is many things but not legalistic the Talmud is the evil legalistic document.

skippy says:

“This is the core of the Christian repudiation and condemnation of Judaism. And if your cultural background was Christian, rather than Jewish, you would know that. The New Testament is the original anti Semitic document.”

Powerful stuff.

In my experience Jews know this very well and Christians don’t.

The Jews died out. The Pharisees purified themselves into everything Christ condemned and more and more. The Christians survived. The Pharisees came back for round two.

Rite of Fire says:

[*deleted for inability to notice or acknowledge the Christian condemnation of Judaism, or the dissident right condemnation of Soros*]

Rite of Fire says:

[*hail fellow white male deleted*] What I also notice is that that it’s like pulling teeth to get normiecons to point at the jews and say “enemy” without qualifications. [*hail fellow white male deleted*]

jim says:

> What I also notice is that that it’s like pulling teeth to get normiecons to point at the jews and say “enemy” without qualifications.

Complains the man who is strangely unable to notice what Soros is doing, strangely unable to notice anyone else noticing what Soros is doing, strangely unable to notice the Christian criticism of Jews and Judaism, who is unfamiliar with Christianity, but strangely familiar with Christianity as seen by Jews.

The reason that normies do not say that and we do not say that is that “enemy” does need qualification. Two Jews, three factions. Ayn Rand was great. Milton Friedman was great. Moldbug was great. Namefag Yarvin, alas, is not great.

Tzionism are allies, or at least enemies of our enemy, who make encouragingly allied sounds.

The Cominator says:

Jews are not all our unqualified enemies, most jews are on the left and are enemies and the educational indoctrination process of reform jews tends to produce more enemies than friends but not all jews are our enemies.

All leftists, feminists and jesuits otoh are our enemies.

Rite of Fire says:

Delete whatever you fucking want I’m sure you won’t believe that I’m a long time reader few time commenter. [*deleted*]

jim says:

Sure I believe it. What I do not believe is that you are white. I am pretty sure you are a Jewish employee of Soros.

I would unkindly summarize your position on Jews as “watch the matador’s cape, pay no attention to the matador’s sword”.

Rite of Fire says:

Calling me a jew is a SUPER CREATIVE way of saying you have no argument. I’m hearing this for the first time! I’m sure the mi6 insinuations are totally unfounded, I argued in good faith expecting nothing and I received nothing in return. RETVRN to your bongistan shithole we don’t want you here.

jim says:

> I’m hearing this for the first time!

Oh come on. I accused you of being a Jew and a Soros shill in response to your first post

Since then you have failed multiple independent tests for Jewishness, Soros employment, and shilling. I keep giving you tests, and you keep failing them. It is not that I am in any doubt, I am just calibrating the different tests. Also trying to assess the payload.

Payload seems to be that anyone who notices what Soros, Zelensky, and so forth are up to is in the pay of the Jews. It is like the flat earth meme. The flat earth meme denies tech decline and makes us look stupid, and your “anti semitism” denies actual Jewish conspiracies and makes us look stupid.

Rite of Fire says:

Soros is my enemy and I have no obligation to follow a script; yours, or anybody elses’. I think he’s the devil in a human skinsuit and the worst of his crimes is simply being a jew. I am not a jew – I’m not sure about all that messiah business, but I have no disrespect for Christ.

Soros, Zelensky, Biden, Netanyahu – it’s all the same DNC-pedo-jew axis. I think you’re very careful in which jews that you name and you expect your readers to be as well. I’ve got some more jews for you. Epstein, Sam Bankmann-Fried, Jon Liebowitz, Dershowitz, Ben Shapiro, Laura Loomer. How many enemies do you need before you stop making qualifications?

Ye was right.

jim says:

And yet you are unable to mention any Soros specific activities that make him my enemy.

You also lump in Netanyahu which is the standard Soros deflection “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain – look far, far, far away, look at Israel.”

What has Netanyahu done that is bad for me and mine?

Rite of Fire says:


jim says:

Your claims are improbable (How did Netanyahu do all that? Jewish mind control beams?) and your outrage is transparently fake. You don’t hate the Jews. You hate white people.

If you actually hated the Jews you would be able to notice Jews doing actual bad things.

That you are strangely unable to notice actual bad things done to white people by actual Jews tells me who you are.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The shill who talks about skypes like Bibi and doesn’t talk about skypes like Nuland, and the shill who says ‘anyone who talks about jews is a shill’, are both shills.

Setting up false dichotomies to give the appearance of comprehensiveness to what is in reality a tiny walled garden, and get people both coming and going, is a time honored polygon tactic, going back to its earliest foundations. (Naturally, most of these people are mindfucked by Hegel’s ghost.)

If a one buys into one shill weltanschauung, the theocrats benefit; and if they buy into the other shill weltanschauung, the theocrats also benefit; and if people simply become demoralized, confused, and disengage as a result of all the chaotic signal jamming, disrupting targeted social groups, the theocrats benefit.

The Cominator says:

“anyone who talks about jews is a shill’”

99% of them are either shills or not tall enough for this ride… VERY few of them take the Jimian line that jews are used as a middle manager and frontmen class to the real mostly non jewish elite.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lol, i know you’d feel called out by that. Doesn’t change the truth of the scheme though. Induced colourblindness and deracination leaving only more abstruse (and thus more easily manipulable) depersonalized categorization for friend/enemy distinctions serves polygon interests.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I’m not a Christian no matter how much my friends insist that I am
>Stop capitalizing jew. What do they have on you?

Stop capitalizing chrsitian. What do they have on you?

@jim, where do you find the energy to engage stupid?

Rite of Fire says:

Mass invasion is funded and directed by jewish organizations. jews did BLM. jews run hollywood and the record companies and push anti-white messaging in every TV show, advert, and rap album. Abortion, sodomy, and trans kids are all overtly jewish agendas. The federal reserve, fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking is all run by jews. jews did 9/11 or at least had some kind of foreknowledge that allowed the dancing israelis to be on the scene. jews ended segregation and gave us the civil rights act and racial quotas. jews installed an entire social class of pink haired, nose ringed female hiring managers who’ve been schooled to hate white men and pass them over for hiring and promotions. Who needs mind control beams – we have a jew owned media telling us every day that all of these things are good, actually.

jim says:

All that is true, except that “dancing israelis” is an FBI meme. They were not dancing, and if, as is likely, they had foreknowledge, it was because Mossad was watching the terrorists that the FBI resolutely turned a blind eye to.

But you remain unable to notice the particular Jews who are doing particular things, while vehemently pointing at other Jews, like Netanyahu and other right wing Jews, who are not doing these things. You are pointing away from the Jews who are actually doing this stuff.

Rite of Fire says:


jim says:

Bored now.

I have told you why I think you are a Jew in the employment of Soros, and why I think you want everyone like me dead.

I have told you what you would need to say to persuade me otherwise. If you were not a Jew in the employment of Soros, if you really were white and really hated all Jews, you would spontaneously say those things anyway without being asked.

The Jews we have to worry about are not in Jerusalem. Nor do we have to worry about the pawnshop owner.

Rite of Fire says:

Worry not I doubt you’ll be seeing much more of me. If we agree there’s nothing to comment about and I generally agree with you. I see that our main point of contention is about “le baste alt-rite jews” a theory that doesn’t fly with me and never will. Jerusalem rightfully belongs to Palestinian Christians, who made up something like 30% of the Palestinian population before your baste alt-rite jews showed up and cleansed them. Anyway, back to the shadows with me, I rarely engage with anyone who doesn’t already understand the order of battle.

jim says:

All valid points, and if I was a Palestinian Christian I would care.

I do not care, and I do not believe you care.

You have a strange tendency be passionately concerned about Jewish misconduct that is far far faraway from Soros, far far faraway from the American left, and that outrages the American left, including the Jewish American left.

You tell us that all Jews will do whatever they think serves Jewish interests. Soros wants to destroy Israel, and I am fairly sure that is not in Jewish interests.

Recollect the deranged outrage in the Jewish left when Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Did that serve Jewish interests?

Doubtless Kushner wanted the Embassy in Jerusalem for the sake of Israel and Jews, but it is also in US interests, because more opportunity to spy and to influence. Soros did not want the embassy in Jerusalem because he hates Israel.

Rite of Fire says:


onyomi says:

Jim, you say that COVIDism is a hidden religion and organized conspiracy by a tight group of disciplined zealots of the hidden religion of child sacrifice.

I am still more convinced by the Eugypius case that it is a more decentralized failure of the progressive managerial religion our elites openly profess, combined with their incentives to cover up or, in some cases, actively, if not always intentionally, cause certain problems. (If climate scientists could create extreme weather events in a lab, for example, we’d expect extreme weather events to have dramatically increased with the growth in climate science, even if no one scientist intentionally “leaked” a “storm” in the conscious knowledge it would increase the clout and influence of his profession.)

If you are right, how do you explain the very Chinese origins of the Covid religion, along with the fact that its most fervent and intense application and adoption were also found there? (Though there are cracks beginning to show recently, I was there from 2019 to late 2021 and talked to many average Chinese and found them very, very convinced of the “covid is a mortal threat our benevolent leaders are protecting us from” message; moreover, I witnessed the “dress rehearsal,” having been quarantined in China with the swine flu several years ago, where I witnessed much of the hygiene theater that would be exported to the West via Italy in 2020).

Balenciaga and the like certainly point toward a kind of demonic aesthetic that is, if not actively encouraged, then at least tolerated and covered up, within the highest echelons of power in the West. This too, however, may be explained by the incentive structure in democracy, one that does not apply to China: (say what you will about Xi Jinping, he clearly showed that he and his ilk, not the likes of Jack Ma, call the shots in China).

Is China just the unwitting victim/test lab for the Moloch-worshippers’ grand designs? Again, there are many nasty things one could call Xi Jinping, but “naive pawn of a class that includes Western fashion designers” doesn’t seem like one of them, nor have I seen any evidence of the demon worshipping child abuse religion in the upper echelons of Chinese power (though it could be there and well hidden).

It strikes me that, whatever it is, and however, you explain it, the Balenciaga-type stuff is a very NATO elite thing in its origins, not a BRIC elite thing (though obviously there are leftists attempting to infiltrate and undermine all of the above, as with e.g. the recent Brazilian “election”).

On the other hand, managerialism as defined by Burnham is something China very much shares with the West, only arguably more intensely, due to the explicitly Marxist regime and history.

Of course, there are many, much older instances of holiness spiraling in China, including the “seven kill stele” example you mention, but holiness spiraling is a general feature of leftism predicted by its incentive structures. That power in managerial religions would end up holiness spiraling over management of unruly populations through “science” seems not to require additional explanation.

S says:

Covid was a real disease that was exceptionally lethal. Like all lethal diseases it quickly mutated to be less lethal to stop killing off hosts.

The Chinese got the initial version, assumed the US as doing biowarfare against them and have gone slightly nuts (alternatively they can read American files, know the US is doing biowarfare against them and have gone the appropriate amount of nuttiness to keep the US back from doing another attempt).

The problem with incentive structure claims is the coordination we saw.

The Cominator says:

“Covid was a real disease that was exceptionally lethal.”

At least by the time it got to South Korea in February 2020 it was not.

The worldwide hysterical lies about this prove coordination from a central source though obviously the force had stronger agency in some countries than others (it seemed to have almost no direct influence in Japan or South Korea).

Guy says:

Has anyone else read RFK Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci? I didn’t expect much going in, but I found it very thorough, filled with useful anecdotes, quotes, and data. Not that I really care about convincing progressives anymore, but it’s written from the perspective of one while not seeming to be filled with any intentional lies, so it gives some useful talking points.

My understanding of RFK Jr’s position after reading it is that:

Fauci is a drug salesman, specializes in dumping drugs with known nasty side effects. He’s mostly just a criminal, albeit a sadistic one. Does it knowingly and it’s not at all well hidden.

Gates got onboard with him for the frags.

What stands out is that Fauci crossed powerful lawmakers regularly on both “sides” and continued to fail upwards, so somebody who matters likes what he’s doing, even if he’s just collecting the check. I was impressed that RFK brought up Gates’ family’s connection to planned Parenthood.

All in all it’s a good go to source if you don’t want to sift through a bunch of data but want to have ironclad evidence that the pharmaceutical industry, and Fauci in particular, intentionally poison people with drugs for whatever reason.

The Cominator says:

Hes not primarily motivated by money, the most evil people never are.

Guy says:

I agree. If anything I think that Gates is the one more likely to be a sincere Malthusian dope while Fauci is the definite demon worshiper. Nevertheless,I think the book was well done, it’s focus isn’t guessing at their motivation but rather just laying the facts out

The Cominator says:

Why did Gates supposedly support him? What do you mean “the frags”?

Guy says:

Gates wanted to kill a lot of people

skippy says:

Gates is an autist nerd maker who used to mock congress for trying to regulate his company. He didn’t like the results of that. Now he doesn’t care about software and wants to be invited to the best parties.

onyomi says:

Covid hysteria was/is worse in Japan and South Korea than in the US.

The Cominator says:

There was never any lockdown in either of them i cant account for the level of popular hysteria.

Starman says:


“The Chinese got the initial version, assumed the US as doing biowarfare against them and have gone slightly nuts (alternatively they can read American files”

The Chinese deliberately created fake covid videos, where those who were supposedly “falling dead,” were catching their own falls.

The videos got scrubbed off YouTube, conveniently enough.

Mister Grumpus says:

Why’d they put out those fake-fall videos, you think? What was in it for them? Freaking out and locking down the west was worth it? Or were the targets of those also in house?

Kunning Druegger says:

I think the Cathedral contracted with Big Pharma, and big pharma brought on regional CCP as a sub contractor, and as is always the case with chink subs, they did a shit job, took the money and ran. The upper tier of CCP are probably just crazy germophobic and they can’t get over their fear of western juju magic, so they refuse to believe the lab-grown virus was poorly made. really, it’s just a comedy of errors ha ha.

onyomi says:

“The problem with incentive structure claims is the coordination we saw.”

I don’t really see coordination? I see Fauci, but then I also see Tegnell. I see Newsom, but then I see DeSantis. There is coordination in the sense we see the more power-hungry, more narcissistic, less intellectually honest scientists, like Fauci, collaborating to outmaneuver and discredit the less power-hungry, less narcissistic, more intellectually honest scientists, like the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration, but that, again, is predicted by incentive structures, wherein more was to be gained in terms of status, funding, etc. in the public health world by overestimating the danger of a virus and the ability of “science” to save us from it than the reverse, or a balanced view.

jim says:

Every doctor everywhere knows not to test for indications of jab damage, and not to diagnose deaths and disability as caused by problems associated with jab damage.

It is very hard to get meaningful and relevant tests. Data is being systematically forged across the world. This looks like central coordination.

Everyone everywhere knows not to notice elevated death rates. Everyone everywhere knows not look for what is causing these unusual deaths.

The incentive structure can explain people promoting dangerous jabs. It cannot explain people being silenced across the world.

Karl says:

People are silenced across the world for deviating from the party line, e.g. noticing that there are only two genders. Noticing jab damage is just another item in a long list of facts that are forbidden to be noticed.

The apparatus of enforcement is in place. Anything that becomes official truth will be enforced.

simplyconnected says:

When the jabbing begun, only a handful of governments refused, their prime ministers were hunted down (iirc 4 dead, 1 attempted murder), two dead within the same month. All replaced by jab-friendly new prime ministers.
This isn’t just an escalation of gays to transexuals to death jabs. This was long planned, with worldwide coordination, all following the same hospital protocols, jabs, fudging the numbers, PCR, locking down the planet. All at once, all planned, rehearsed for at least a couple of decades of public tabletop simulations, likely for longer in secret at club of Rome-type meetings.
I also find it hard to believe, because it sounds like Specter in a Bond movie.

simplyconnected says:

They are too many to remember, but one that still shocks me is Kerry Mullis’ death of heart attack three months before the operation starts. Whatever happened, he could no longer derail the operation by having its inventor discredit the use of PCR as diagnostic tool.

jim says:

> When the jabbing begun, only a handful of governments refused, their prime ministers were hunted down (iirc 4 dead, 1 attempted murder), two dead within the same month. All replaced by jab-friendly new prime ministers.

I was unaware of this. It explains much. List the dead.

simplyconnected says:

This is the debooking. This is the meme [warning: facebook cdn].
* Jovenel Moise (Haiti)
* John Magulfi (Tanzania)
* Hamed Bakayoko (Ivory Coast)
* Ambrose Dlamini (Eswatini)
* Pierre Nkurunziza (Burundi)
I have to admit I saw the list long ago (along with some reports) and recall reading they opposed vaxxing, but I may be wrong: having it confirmed would be good.

simplyconnected says:


skippy says:

Dont forget the GAE suddenly discovering that Lukashenko was a dictator after 22 years in power.

Openly mocked covid as fake, imposed no measures even before the jab.

simplyconnected says:

This is a good summary.
There is a comment by Encelad in this thread making a good point: organizing a worldwide cull is difficult because individual countries’ best interest is to claim they are doing it but not actually do it. Hence it would make sense that, in order to carry it out, governments would be threatened (as we see with the 5 president deaths).

simplyconnected says:

Going by the 4chan post, 3 anti-jab heads of state killed:
* Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi
* John Magufuli of Tanzania
* Jovenel Moise of Haiti

One attempted murder:
* Andry Rajoelina of Madagascar

The rest (Ivory Coast and Eswatini) may be unrelated (deboonkers could use unrelated ones to argue claim is false).

Kunning Drueger says:

I heard somewhere that SSAfrica is ~3% vaxxed.

simplyconnected says:

> I heard somewhere that SSAfrica is ~3% vaxxed.
I think the population mostly refused. It may have also turned out that one is better protected in more incompetent countries, whereas competent countries have more effective ways to coerce their populations (try mandates when a lot of the population is unemployed or informally employed).

Adam says:

I am convinced the last Bond movie is an example of leftists telling you what they are going to do ahead of time.

> deadly virus activated by genetic coding unleashed by spectre to being about worldwide totalitarian rule
> straight white male that exemplifies competence sacrifices himself in literal “women and children first” moment
> makes way for gay anal tranny sheboon replacement
> final boss is named Lyutsifer Safin when pronounced sounds like Lucifer Satan

Adam says:


The Cominator says:

I quit watching Bond movies after that stupid one where the bad guys plan was to jack up water prices in Bolivia.

Mister Grumpus says:

I don’t know anything special, believe me, but my “what about” for the coordination hypothesis has always been

“Yeah but maybe that wasn’t coordination per se at all, but just media power being so concentrated, and Twitter working so effectively and quickly to find and spread their consensus?” Especially given the Orange Man Panic they were already suffering at that time.

Adam says:

Covidians serve Satan and are damning themselves and everyone else they can to hell for eternity. Chinese, Jesuit and progressive it doesn’t matter they are not following Christ they are following the father of lies. Lucifer is the central planner of every demon worshiping death cult.

Your Datura Reverie says:

Why isn’t there a NRx (or Dark Enlightenment) themed wiki site, like there are wiki sites for all kinds of topics and movements? I think that such a project may be no less crucial than Jim’s book for advancing the cause. If NRx is serious, or strives to be serious, then it should have its own wiki site.

Adam says:

Shills, entryists and cancellations.

Kunning Druegger says:

Minidoc on Wagner. Nationalist Patriarchal orthodoxy starts at ~20:00, but is laced through the whole thing.

The fundamental lie of “dead” history is that leaders act alone and movements are all singular. Great leaders are what they are because of the men they surround themselves with, even if they are the one making the final decisions. And movements always have a spectrum of commitment, ranging from guys just in it because they have nowhere else to be to guys in it because they refuse to be anywhere else.

Wagner is indicative of something deep, spiritual, and powerful. They could very well be the playthings of some oligarch trying to enrich himself (x doubt), but they are structured and deployed using patriarchal, nationalistic, and orthodox memes. These memes have power, and lip service by my grandfather become the sacred words of my grandsons. You may just be going through the motions, but God sees you performing the required rituals.

Pax Imperialis says:

I am optimistic about DeSantis (and those like him) in spite of of his previous stances, but because of the trajectory he and others are on due to the increasing danger of defection. At his core he is an elite defector (Yale and Harvard) in much of the same way Trump is an elite defector (New York/Clinton social group). We cannot expect defectors from such groups to have based beliefs aligning with ours, but we can expect them to develop towards their supporters as defection becomes increasingly dangerous.

There is little driving motivation to cross the proverbial river until the risk of not crossing becomes greater than the risk of crossing. However, until high risk is materially demonstrated as a consequence for not crossing, normalcy bias may continue. So long as crossing is not desired, the leader is unlikely to fully embrace men who are willing to support him in his daring attempt. As seen with Trump, the absence of fully embracing such men lead to limited political patronage being paid out. If sufficient danger is demonstrated and a leader chooses to cross, upon his victory political patronage must be paid. It’s in that moment that the leader becomes based so to speak.

Augustus got based because Julius got shanked. Most recently, Putin got based because the West tried to “shank” Donbass, break up Russia and the Orthodox Church, and speculate about killing him. It’s Patriarch Kirill that supports Putin in these times, and Putin must pay political patronage to Krill. Hence Putin may be an atheist of Soviet origins, but he has built an Orthodox Russia.

This should be great cause for overall optimism over the long term. We can’t control who will be a defector or what such a defector will initially believe, but we can shape the faith of the men any defector will have to embrace. We are tempted to lose hope because the shape of faith is an abstraction that we can not readily measure or fully grasp though they may have major concrete effects. I believe Neoreaction has had a large impact in building a faith. We see that Musk. He is an interesting case study of what defection will look like. Twitter is transforming into a capital M Monarchy and Musk is replying with scripture and Americana (Both Musk and the Plebs drink Coca Cola and enjoy firearms) back at his detractors.

He who counts, counts for everything.

Voting is over. Elections are over. The Republic is over.

jim’s position is true but potentially not strategic. Wining elections at surface level is over but it doesn’t matter. Showing elite defectors they have a potential mass of supporters willing to cross rivers with them is important. Voting wrong will not be without risk. The more fake the election, the more voting wrong becomes an act of defection, and the more dangerous it becomes. My positions is that:

Counting is a sideshow, yet voting is not over even as elections and the Republic are over.

Anonymous Fake says:

[my fellow rightists what we really need are more centrally planned cities]

Mayflower Sperg says:

Could you help a bro out here? In the two weeks since his XenForo-based forum stopped working, Anglin has heroically carried on writing a dozen articles a day, but without the comments and assistance from readers, he’s getting lonely, depressed, and exhausted.

Is there a decent free, open-source forum program that allows user reactions (like, dislike, haha, sad, etc.) and comment editing, and isn’t super-hard to set up?

jim says:

If you are running your own server, not easy

Kunning Druegger says:

What about temporarily invading an existing platform? Like an old fashioned raid with a colonialism component…

I realize there are OpSec concerns with that, just spitballing.

A2 says:

Why did the original forum stop working? Hacked, out of space, ???

Kunning Druegger says:

Not many details I’ve seen, but taking a wild guess, I bet “someone” notified them of an exploit/issue, they went down for maintenance and then, oh no! we’re sorry, our ToS/infrastructure/some random bullshit changed and now we can’t get you back up! Aw shucks, bad luck!

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim, looking at the century-as-unit-of-measurement scale, what is the outlook for whites in terms of the vaxx? Is Australia dead? Europe? The US? Maybe that was the big plan: auto-genocide out of an abundance of caution.

If the effects of the vaxx are bad enough, and those effects are documented in enough detail accessible to normies, we could see a violent hedonism take hold, an orgiastic outpouring of rage, nostalgia, and greed.

I’m just trying to model what would happen if the overwhelming consensus was “we have killed our future and there’s no escape and we did it to ourselves because we believed the experts.” I fully admit it may never get close to that point, but can anyone say decisively that it cannot get to that point?

jim says:

If it really is that bad, it is hard to predict whether the vax conspiracy gets hunted down and killed, or the purebloods get hunted down and killed.

Chances are the intent was not to kill everyone jabbed, but to ensure no grandchildren for them.

Guy says:

Their rage will pale in comparison to our joy as we watch them suffer. I care deeply for many people pressured into this that have quickly developed terrifying cancers and heart problems. I only hope I get the chance to kick some of them while they’re down. Not a healthy emotion, but that’s where I’m at.

Plenty of us didn’t vax, we’ll be fine.

The Cominator says:

The problem in aggregate is that 75-80% of women got the vax outside of very poor 3rd world countries (I can’t speak for how bad the Russian and Chinese vaxxes were).

Of the women who didn’t most fall into four categories and the ones you might get don’t make ideal Jimian wives.

1. Already married to a right wing chad (and chad told them not to get vaxxed).

2. New ager/hippie type girl (don’t trust the system, they have a social circle that reinforces that). There aren’t as many running around as there were in the early 2000s though. Also while they tend to be very sweet nice girls they tend to rack up their body counts quickly though not like literal whores.

3. Literal whores or close to it (don’t trust the system, much less of an urge to conform than other women). If you marry one I would tend to advise you to just tell her you’ll want a paternity test for all kids… the ones charming enough to get you to marry them are sweet natured though otherwise.

4. Social circle is a dissident hardcore religious community (you probably aren’t getting near these women).

Ghost says:

That’s very impressive Com, but will your handlers permit you to recite The Nicene Creed here or can you quote John 8:44?

Ghost says:

That’s very impressive Com, but will your handlers permit you to recite The Nicene Creed here or can you quote John 8:44?

The Cominator says:

Which Nicene creed I’ll do the one the Calvinists do I will NOT use the phrase “wholly man and wholly god” though.. since I sort of agree with the Semi Arians on disputing that point (and I’ve told Jim that before openly).

We believe in one God,

the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary,
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father [and the Son],
who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Ghost says:


Neofugue says:
Pax Imperialis says:

Shit. I picked up on the passive aggressiveness. Detected estrogen. Asked if Ghost is a woman. Now I have to wonder if it’s a tranny on HRT.

Btw that’s a handsome pic. I must hit the gym more.

alf says:

I know two couples trying to conceive — one unjabbed, one jabbed, likely triple-jabbed. The jabbed couple has succeeded, the unjabbed, so far, not. I know, n=2, but all I’m saying is lets keep things in perspective. Considering opinions here that the vaxx documentary was a psy-op, is it not likely that they are shilling multiple forms of bs-tier vaxx lethality on anti-vax channels?

The Cominator says:

There is going to be widespread sterility from this thing eventually not universal but far more common than it actually killing people and its killing enough people to be noticed.

Kunning Druegger says:

My No.01 (on TC’s scale) has been passively monitoring her social net, and the number of miscarriages is high, looking particularly at 2nd & 3rd trimester losses. And the pregnancy issues are just the beginning. What about all the children of the vaxxed who may be sterile? What about all the parents of the jabbed who will watch little Timmy keel over at his soccer game, or find out that Sally dropped dead in class for no apparent reason?

Perspective is precisely my point. Our cultural memory has become staggeringly short. There are college professors posting about how their students are “making up” stories about lockdowns, 2 years out from a collective experience.

Is it possible that the Cathedral has already performed a demographic killshot, and it won’t be apparent until a century later? Whites are ~11% of the global population. The satanic elite wants the gross total at or under 500 millions. Auto-genocide (of whites and yellows) plus a follow up bloodletting could get them to their target, couldn’t it?

Jim’s assertion is the position I have held for a while now: the grief and rage of the vaxxies, if the terrible truth turns out to be true, is just as likely to fall on the purebloods as it is on the authors of their destruction.

This is all just musings. The cultural forgetfulness to which I referred could also result in a complete memory holing of the entire thing, and 2 generations from now, everyone just accepts that whites can’t have children because Gaia is punishing them or something. We have a few very believable theories as to what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. The consistent element in each (or maybe just most) is that whoever did whatever did a very poor job in terms of planning and execution.

alf says:

Is it possible that the Cathedral has already performed a demographic killshot, and it won’t be apparent until a century later?

That would certainly demand I re-adjust my model of their competency. Which I’m sure is why they shill that line as well.

Guy says:

two women i work with announced they’re pregnant, both boosted, I’ll know soon enough at least about the first generation

Javier says:

there are already articles coming out which blame the increased mortality of the vaxxed on purebloods spreading fear and paranoia of the shot, causing stress and heart attacks.

Blaming the unbelievers for their lack of faith seems the most likely.

Karl says:

There are plenty of individual progressives who have killed their individual future. Once they realize it, they rationalize that they did something good and holy. When rationalization no longer works, they commit suicide.

I expect a leftist society to do the same.

Mister Grumpus says:

Unvaxxed wombs are the next Bitcoin.

It’s like that movie Children of Men, but with a Kulak twist.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK… this is a weird one… **

From the article:
“EXCLUSIVE — U.S. air marshals are planning to stage an open rebellion against the Biden administration over a plan that would strip 99% of commercial flights from federal protection as people take to the skies during the busiest time of the year for air travel .

Dozens of federal air marshals have agreed to refuse a Biden administration order that they leave their assignments and go to the southern border , where they will drive, feed, and care for illegal immigrants due to a shortage of Border Patrol agents.

“The rank and file air marshals are going to refuse to deploy and risk termination,” said David Londo, president of the Air Marshal National Council, in a phone call with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. “You’re almost going to have a mutiny of a federal agency, which is unheard of.””

** is not working for some reason, but maybe the Examiner is… not so bad? I don’t know, sorry for link hypocrisy

Redbible says:

here is the link achived:

Kunning Druegger says:

very interesting… that exact link was stuck in queue for a while.

thanks bro

Red says:

Sometimes works great other times it just spins. I generally give up if it doesn’t work within a couple of minutes.

Kunning Druegger says:


WTF dude, no comments on a bunch of Air Marshalls collectively telling their civ fed handlers to fuck off? Or does the article strain credulity? Assuming it is real and accurate, these are the small cobbles that can kick off a landslide.

The Cominator says:

I had always assumed when i heard it that Bidens people have some 9/11ish type attack planned perhaps involving a (phony) far right MAGA terrorist.

Dont believe the air marshals are bluffing… they know this will look bad.

Kunning Druegger says:

That’s not the direction I had considered, but terrifying nonetheless.

I was thinking more about how FedGov works in terms of trends and waves. Air Marshals are the literal “who dat” of 1800 series, but they individually are often pretty well connected and/or regarded. If they start acting up, other 1800s might feel enabled to also act up. Anyone still in federal police service is either blind or dumb or trapped, be it by finances, skillset, or ideology. But I personally believe that, given the proper political/social cover, even a bunch of pozzed PDs in the bluest cities might bight the hand that feeds. Refusal to comply is a virus, and the Cathedral has set the stage for it to spread wildly. 5 minutes under Shaniqua’s command gets even the most blue pilled man in a place where he wouldn’t piss on her gums if her teeth were on fire.

Red says:

I can’t think of any cases were cops overthrew a government. The best one could expect is they leave the elites to their fate when a mob shows up, but that’s typically a leftist tactic.

Kunning Druegger says:

We don’t need them to fight, we need them to not fight. If they want to come over to the side of Actual America, great, we’ll keep the beatings to a minimum. We just need them to stop working.

The Cominator says:

Air marshals are not really cops in the normal sense. They pose as normal passengers and if you try to hijack a plane by force they shot you. But otherwise keep their cover…

Kunning Druegger says:

In the field, yes. They are undercover federal agents. On paper, they are armed federal agents, series 1800. Armed Feds are the ones with that “willingness to shoot/kill” clause in the hiring requirements. They are also compelled to act if they witness certain activities, similar to off duty police in their jurisdiction (this is all fed police).

Internet says there are ~3000 of them. For reference, there are ~4000 US Marshals, and they do something like ~30% of the high risk warrants in the whole country. Not an insubstantial group by any measure.

Red says:

The ability to 911 a plane went away 30secs after the news became known about Suiciding planes into buildings. Air marshals, the TSA, all security theater.

Red says:

I didn’t comment because you see it as some sort big deal and I just laughed it. I typically restrain myself from posting replies that’s black pilling unless it’s really necessary.

But since you insist:

A) Air Marshalls are a joke almost as lame as the TSA.
B) Federal/State employees ignore orders all the time and nothing happens.
C) I think it’s funny that those federal butt sniffers are being humiliated by nurse maids to illegals at the border.

If the Federal cops had any integrity they would have revolted over the steal.

Kunning Druegger says:

I agree, but the air marshals are small potatoes with a high pedigree. It’s where real marshals and injured SOF guys go to wait out their retirement. So while they aren’t frontline, they are very respected.

Yeah, I get it. You’ve gone full dwarf. Can’t really blame you. Waiting for the perfect is definitely a strategy.

Red says:

I wasn’t aware of the SOF population within the air marshals. That does paint a different picture, but more of one where Biden’s humiliating the warrior classes. That is useful information. You should really post tidbits like that.

“You’ve gone full dwarf.”

LOL, I’ve never heard that phrase before.

I’m super black pilled on a lot of shit right now. I’m trying not to drag others down because of it it.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’ll be honest, your shit hit me hard for like a week. Seriously considered rage quitting, but thankfully reminded myself I have a dick.

It is a double reference: C.S. Lewis’ Last Battle and N. Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon. I assume you’ve read the LWW series, but I encourage you to read Cryptonomicon; it is an excellent book, and it will greatly help you understand and communicate with tech priests.

Read this:

Super long, absolutely amazing. That is Stephenson writing about his research trip for Cryptonomicon.

Adam says:

Cryptonomicon is the best fictional book I’ve ever read, runner up being Dune. Read it a few times.

Contaminate NEET says:

What the hell was the special alchemical gold, anyway?

Neurotoxin says:

“What the hell was the special alchemical gold, anyway?”

It pops up in the Baroque series. Apparently it’s an especially heavy isotope of gold. In the third volume (mild spoiler warning) Isaac Newton, as manager of the Royal Mint, is suspected of screwing up the gold content. They do an assay of a random sample of England’s gold coins, and he’s saved by the fact that while some coins are debased, they’re counteracted by the ones that are “extra heavy.” So the assay comes out about right and Newton is vindicated.

Also: the gold has magical powers that can re-animate a corpse. I don’t know why Stephenson went there, but it does explain how Enoch Root is so incredibly old.

The Cominator says:

Im surprised its so popular here given that the protagonists were a NAWALT genius girl, a puritan who is a pretty good smart guy, and a sort of lowlife scumbag…

I like now how the worst guy in the series by far (De Gex) was a fucking Jesuit. He considers himself a fanatic christian though while real Jesuits are prob satanists (even though there were larping satanists at Versailles AND in the series).

Kunning Druegger says:

Staggering misreading of the text. America Shaftoe was a trribly behaved tomboy that frightened every man she met until an omegamale hacker pumped a gallon of jizz into her on the first thrust. This cures her stupidity and she becomes what God intended. Notice also how the based jew gets the omegamale to quit wanking, which imbues him with power and control he never knew he had.

I’ve not read any following stories, not for any particular reason, just fate, and now I can’t get into fiction, but maybe someday I’ll return to the (series, I guess?).

While there were definitely unanswered questions and unresolved elements, I think the book stands alone quite well.

The Cominator says:

I was speaking of the Baroque Cycle not Cryptonomicon.

Contaminated NEET says:

I’ll believe it when I see it. Nobody in law enforcement is going to do anything to jeopardize the precious pension.

Kunning Druegger says:

I generally agree, and I guarantee you that the rad left will be going after those pensions as soon as they feel like they can. In fact, IIRC they already have in a few places.

Red says:

Some 2ed hand info from a nurse friend of mine from a very well known LA hospital. He’s not hearing about any large increases in cancers or cardiac issues but he’s seeing a shitload of very sick kids and adults. Worst flu season he can remember.

Doctors may be unwilling to talk about large increases but one would figure the nurses would know.

The jabs(4x) really did a number on him. He’s got bad brain fog, developed diabetes despite being skinny and athletic his entire life, and in general seems much frailer than he used to be. I was shocked that he was suddenly fat for the first time in his life last time I saw him. He blaming the brain fog on having gained weight. He’s starting to lose it and get the diabetes under control so we’ll see about the brain fog.

Fireball says:

Knowing or not i am not seeing why nurses would be more willing to talk specially now that the damage is done.

Kunning Druegger says:

Same. Nurses became the unofficial propagandists of the regime during Covid. Not all of them obviously, like that wonderful German nurse who dispensed something like 6000 saline shots instead of the vaxx. But it was nurses who said conservatives protesting their cars spread the virus and negros rioting in the streets did not, and I am not talking about press releases or official stuff, I mean on Twitter and in person.

Adam says:

Because nurses are overwhelmingly female and a woman’s heart is betrayal. They follow the strong horse above all else. The vax consciously or unconsciously is becoming low status because being sick (not to mention sterile) is always a sign of weakness and vulnerability.

Purebloods are high status because healthy and refusing the vax is anti-social. Chicks can spot the difference between the fit and unfit from a mile away.

Fireball says:

Purebloods can and are painted as unhealthy by being painted as mentally unhealthy.

Adam says:

Female alpha radar does not notice.

Fireball says:

There is no female alpha radar. They look for social prof and cavemen and worship power.

Adam says:

Female alpha radar is between their legs. It does not notice priestly status or consensus.

Neurotoxin says:

“There is no female alpha radar.”

Oh, OK.

Red says:

So it looks like Apple has backed off on banning the Twitter app.

This threat seems to explain why:

;TDLR Telsa phone with Starlink would bypass all the intelligence gathering systems used on the fiber optic backbones.

Pax Imperialis says:

>bypass all the intelligence gathering systems

How to speedrun towards suddenly died. Musk life expectancy betting pools soon?

Kunning Druegger says:

I read that thread when it dropped, and found out later many of “us” had as well. Musk is not some starry eyed fool, he’s a South African White with lots of friends and money. If you go on SpaceX website and look under careers then filter for Security, that should give you a clearer picture of what they’ve been building.

He is neither immune nor immortal, but I don’t think he is naïve and stupid. He is also going to need a religion when all the masks start dropping and the gloves come off.

Contaminated NEET says:

If Musk weren’t naive and stupid, he never would have bought Twitter. It was a declaration of war against the entire American establishment: government, press, NGOs, universities, corporations, and intelligence agencies, and he bumbled into it without understanding that this is what was. Now he can either surrender or be destroyed. Maybe the military value of his rockets and his satellites makes him indispensable, but does the Beast he has just poked understand this? Can it even control itself if it does?

The Cominator says:

Your not considering that maybe a faction of milgov backs him and thinks the other parts of government have gone batshit and need to go…

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s a good day when TC and KD agree on something.

I’m not saying it is over and done with NEET, but how would you go about taking on the Polygon if it were a simulation? He has all the tech bona fides, he has become indispensable to the DoD, he is seizing the means of meme transmission, and he is now building himself up as the honest guy, the guy who just wants a fair deal, the guy willing to put the work in to make the dream real. He is creating a space for elite defection, and he is doing it on more than one key front.

Perception is massively important. Musk seems to be very aware of that.

The Cominator says:

Musk is no fool and his lawfare guy long long ago was literally a good friend of mine and he is no fool… i assume this has been planned without foolish boomercon naivete.

Jehu says:

Or perhaps he’s holding a thermal detonator.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

“I have a dead man’s switch that needs to get pushed every so often, or Starlink satellites take out every US satellite in NEO. That is Near Earth Orbit for the diversity hires in the room. You lose all of your spy satellites, communications, everything. How long does DC last when I have blinded it to any inbound nukes and everyone in the world knows?” –Elon Musk (2021, apocryphal)

Jehu says:

That would be a sufficient thermal detonator for a mostly-rational Jabba. I wonder if he knows he’s holding it? The complication is that he’s in a room full of Jabbas.

Mister Grumpus says:

This helps to explain Starlink jumping to support Ukraine, and now their new “Starshield” service, which essentially lets USMIL use Starlink as an orbiting data center for spy satellites.

“You need me guys. Shaniqua can’t do this for you.”

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Surrendering does not stay executions; it guarantees them.

Red says:

Musk is far more valuable from a national security perspective alive than dead. I think he’s playing the game much better than Trump did. Though Jim might be right about twitter being another Trump moment.

The Cathedral can’t long take the mockery they’re currently getting on twitter. Victory though memes is a real thing which is why they censored the internet to death after 2016.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Musk is far more valuable from a national security perspective alive than dead.

A masculine patriotic military is far more valuable from a national security perspective than a feminine faggot anti American military.

A secure boarder is far more valuable from a national security perspective than an open boarder controlled by cartels.

I could go on and on. Point is that the Cathedral don’t care all that much about how valuable something is from a national security perspective. Only DoD cares about that and they take orders from above.

Some brain dead communist is going to look at Musk and think that Starlink and SpaceX will work just fine with a committee of Shaniquas and get rid of Musk anyways. I agree with you that Musk is playing the game better than Trump. That doesn’t remove the inherent danger of playing the game.

Anonymous Fake says:

Shaniqua isn’t the threat to Musk. The threat is more likely to be an equally competent white man who is loyal to the Cathedral because that’s just what you do to earn elite grades, an Ivy League degree, and MBA from Wharton, etc. Basically, a managerial elite in every sense in the word, the nemesis of the entrepreneur. Probably even a better person, just born into the wrong civilization and institutions etc.

You would find that type in the military lower ranked officers the most.

jim says:

As you said, the lower ranked officers.

Our enemy is short of those people in the upper ranks and getting shorter.

Pax Imperialis says:

Rephrased for clarity. Some brain dead communist from Harvard will want to replace Musk with a committee of Shaniquas.

The Ivy League types are not a managerial elite. They mostly are a priesthood and thus management is beneath them. They preach for Shaniqua being the managerial elite.

>You would find that type in the military lower ranked officers the most.

~70%+ of Officers are not from elite backgrounds. Wrong think is extremely prevalent. Out of a cohort of around a dozen I know that came from state universities, all of them thought Russia had legitimate security concerns in Ukraine.

>Our enemy is short of those people in the upper ranks

Officers that get promoted are the ones that toe the party line. DoD may voice concerns, but will ultimately follow orders until something breaks. Sending women to Ranger School was fucking stupid and some Officers vocally objected. Guess where they are now?

Officers only serve at the President’s pleasure. They are one of the few government employees that the executive can directly fire. Bush believed in meritocracy and did not fire over ideological reasons. Obama cleared house of his political enemies. Trump fired no one. Biden is doing what Obama did. End result is a bunch of yes men afraid of liberals and not of conservatives. DoD policy only ever goes left.

Pax Imperialis says:

Russian winter offensive has started in and around Bakhmut. ~300 Ukrainian casualties per day in Bakhmut alone. Complete air dominance. 9 to 1 artillery advantage. The high ground to the south of the city has been taken and the high ground in the west is under pressure. 20,000 Ukrainian forces are holding the city, but are having severe trouble being resupplied. Media is claiming that this assault makes no sense to military analysts, but should Bakhmut fall the entire Donetsk region opens up due to the road network extending from the city. Unlikely Ukrainian forces can be evacuated due to existing difficulties with evacuated just the wounded.

Russia has been conducting a large number of SEAD missions and has recently been seen arming strategic bombers in Sevastopol with what are likely cruise missiles. Reportedly data processing centers have also been a major Russian target along with the power grid.

Kunning Druegger says:

Civilian perspective here.

The consumption of war porn and hollywood propotainment has created a massive disparity in perception of reality. Kremlin has been taking the tortoise path from the beginning [I think St. John absolutely nailed his analysis and I was wrong but right in the way of a broken clock; by this I mean He was right about casualty minimizing motivations were dumb + fake/gay westernized ideas, I was wrong that the slow grind method was preferable, but I was right that the slow grind would inevitably work and always had the option to increase tempo, quickly or slowly] and each escalation has been measured an permanent.

When the massed missile campaign began, the GAE side said it wouldn’t last, and the pro-Z side, generally, said it wasn’t enough. I think the Kremlin is very aware that a win in UKR means a new war elsewhere, so they’ve elected to plod along, taking out targets in a very systematic but outwardly unremarkable fashion, as opposed to thousands of missiles landing everywhere all the time (as the US would do). Now the AFU cannot replenish without foreign equipment, period. Their ability to replenish internally has been hamstrung, and they declined to follow Frederick’s advice (if you defend everywhere, you defend nowhere) so they are systemically compromised (civilian and military needs all in shortfall) and they aren’t even in the “stone age” yet.

From 2014 onward, Kiev bought into the Western Method across the spectrum; civilian management, military management, infrastructure management, and propaganda management. While they have lasted magnitudes longer than Georgia did, they are magnitudes larger and had magnitudes more time (Georgia had months of open Western assistance and a few short years of sly Western involvement; Ukraine had 8 years of basically wide open taps). Thus, I think the downfall will be magnitudes worse, and the casualties have already shown this pattern to be accurate. The German broad that apparently speaks for Europe accidentally said yesterday that the Hohols have lost 100,000 troops by their estimation (it was quickly covered up). That was roughly my guess, but now I think that number may be higher, though it depends on whether she was exaggerating for effect or minimizing for effect, right?

Ritter and MacGregor both think Poland is putting so many “sheep dipped” troops in theater because they are going to make a play for ancestral lands currently held by Ruthenia. Zelensky just asked for an additional 1 trillion for rebuilding, and I think this is a play for one last round of private donation to tank up the accounts before the Great Flight to Government-In-Exile [are we going to do betting on where he lands?]. Will the war faction try to escalate this inevitable loss into an expansion, or will the cooler heads at DoD prevail and new lines cement along the Polish border?

Red says:

Ritter and MacGregor both think Poland is putting so many “sheep dipped” troops in theater because they are going to make a play for ancestral lands currently held by Ruthenia.

The Poles are not even trying to hide this. They have plans to rebuild the Polish Commonwealth but as usual for the Poles it’s a stupid plan. They should really be working with the Russians if that’s what they want.

Zelensky just asked for an additional 1 trillion for rebuilding, and I think this is a play for one last round of private donation to tank up the accounts before the Great Flight to Government-In-Exile [are we going to do betting on where he lands?]. Will the war faction try to escalate this inevitable loss into an expansion, or will the cooler heads at DoD prevail and new lines cement along the Polish border?

Depends on how well the Russians do. So far we’re still seeing WW1 style advances. Russia still hasn’t engaged in information age warfare.

Pax Imperialis says:

Von Der Leyen’s statement is extremely shocking and I haven’t fully processed it yet. The media is also lying about the claim saying it was about 100,000 dead service members. What she actually said was:

more than 100,000 Ukrainian military OFFICERS have been killed so far

Either she misspoke or Ukrainian losses are far, far worse than anyone wants to acknowledge. I don’t know what Ukrainian military structure looks like, but US mil is roughly 4.7 enlisted for every 1 officer. If Ukraine has a similar ratio, their total dead is in the ballpark of 500,000+. Prewar military was 200,000 active and 900,000 reserves. Keep in mind casualties outnumber dead by a wide margin… so casualties are in the millions.

>Zelensky just asked for an additional 1 trillion for rebuilding

2 million dead is not out of the ballpark if the conflict continues on like this. 1 trillion is 500,000 for each which is a typical life insurance payout. Considering that Ukraine was led into this conflict by the West, it’s not too egregious of a compensation to ask for. I doubt they will get it.

Kunning Druegger says:

>100,000 Officers

Yeah, I thought that for about 2 seconds, but I chalked it up to the civilian tendency to misuse terms, like Casualties being conflated with War dead, or the term Army Soldiers, or the term Troops meaning individualized soldiers as opposed to groups of soldiers.

I am choosing to work with 100K being the best estimate of AFU war dead.

280 days between 24.02.2022 and 01.12.2022; 100,000 dead; ~350 dead per day. That seems reasonable to me.

…but I could totally see 500,000+ dead to. They are using conscripts to block and overwhelm while mercs and actually trained exploit gaps. That is a costly offensive strategy. Recall too, that before Mariupol fell, they were holding Ts to the last faggot. Add to this the very conservative estimate of 10 shells to 1 artillery trades…

jim says:

If, as seems likely, Bakhmut falls, it is an insignificant amount of territory, but a significant proportion of the Ukraine’s forces went into Bakhmut and did not come out.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think what you’ve contributed with IEW is groundbreaking, but I also think Putin and the RF are not as out to sea as you portray them to be. They want a slow burn because they need the West to start collapsing internally. This isn’t about territory, it’s about removing the greatest threat from the game board.

WWI tactics can work if you are not enduring WWI losses, so if the other guy is burying their army in trenches and all it costs you is artillery shells, it can be a viable strategy. If the RF was actually trading, then yes I’d agree that it’s doomed strategy, but they aren’t.

Let’s see where the conflict stands in January. I said November would be decisive, and that may turn out to be accurate in the long run, but as it stands now, I was wrong that the RF would start a counter offensive.

Mister Grumpus says:

Make it grinding. Make it boring. Make it sad.

Deprive the other side of heroic poses, or even of cinematically grand self sacrifice.

“No, Matt Damon will not don a robot suit, push the magic button, commit suicide and save the day here. Ever. You will get ZERO PUSSY for coming here to fight us, in this world nor the next.”

Pax Imperialis says:

Bahkmut will likely hold for a while but the entire force will be liquidated. There are reports of 5 man “platoons” manning fortifications. That’s 80% losses. 30% losses is typically considered combat ineffective and when units are rotated out or combined.

This looks like a miniature Stalingrad.

Pax Imperialis says:

>chalked it up to the civilian tendency to misuse terms

A civilian that was the German Minister of Defense from 2013 to 2019 and described as “a star presence” in NATO by former British Secretary of State for Defense. I find someone from that background making that type of mistake alarming.

Kunning Druegger says:

I am more alarmed that this is shocking to you. Have you never interacted with the management types from the defense contractors? Every female in a civilian leadership position regarding the military is where they are precisely because they disdain the uniform, the job, and everything that makes it matter.

Western women are seeking men to possess and own them. The higher their rank/status, the more reach they have. That euro-cunt is literally begging Putin to come fuck her on the biggest platform she has access to.

Mister Grumpus says:

> That euro-cunt is literally begging Putin to come fuck her on the biggest platform she has access to.

You are making a genuine cognitive contribution with these flourishes of diction.

Pax Imperialis says:

>I am more alarmed that this is shocking to you.

I found her statement shocking because it publicly acknowledges AFU losses are bad and potentially horrific. So far only whispers of such have been coming from DoD. I found her likely terminology mistake alarming because that means she is not repeating the lines provided to her. DoD related statements, and NATO by extension, are meticulously crafted. Her background means a lot of practice repeating those carefully crafted statements. It’s alarming in the same way that it’s alarming Biden can’t repeat off a teleprompter.

>Have you never interacted with the management types from the defense contractors?

I’m keeping this purposely vague.

There was no female civilian leadership where I was at. Directly above the top civilian leadership was an entirely male chain of command. I was located in the ‘get stuff done’ directorate. It was physically hundreds of miles away from the Accounting/HR directorate. ‘Get stuff done’ people did not interact with Accounting/HR people. HR problems got dealt with internally and not reported to HR. Accounting got done internally. I’m not sure why there even was an Accounting/HR directorate. Accounting/HR directorate’s leadership is partly female and reported to a male General. It’s like DoD tries to keep HR as far away from important shit as much as possible.

Coincidentally DoD audit “failed” to account for 61% of assets.

Kunning Druegger says:

OK, I see the issue. Where you are is a vanishingly rare place. There are places that were like your spot that are now like the rest of the places. Your oasis of efficacy will dry up.

Ursula is reading what is put in front of her. Those memos/briefs/etc get put together by assistants, adjutants, specialists, consultants, etc. With very rare exception, the people “in charge” have to important skills and one vital instinct: they stay on script, they only allow loyalty near them, and the have a preternatural instinct for when to flee a ship well before it sinks.

There is no such thing as a female warrior, there are maybe 1 in 10000000 female soldiers. There are female leaders, but they only arise in circumstances wherein every elite male is dead or purged, and the requisite temperament is so rare it is safe to assume it’s nonexistent. The more praised a female is, the worse she is for everyone under her or subjected to her when she’s in a man’s role. They can be cunning and resourceful, and they can give the impression of toughness, but only minimal competency when they are post-menopausal, and they are usually very jaded and insane.

Bill says:

Future of the democrat party:

1. Sexual vanguardism. Sexual UBI: free healthcare for all trans people. Increasing disparity between men and women in education. Mainstreaming sex workers and fetish lifestyles in public life. Sex education in school including “sex positive pornography.”

Effect: 10 million trans people by 2030. Onlyfans congresswomen. Sperm counts drop. Abortion legalized state by state.

2. Increasing geopolitical hostility toward the 2nd and 3rd world. Increasing military support.

Effect: war in ukraine every 8 years. Regime change in Iran. Iranian nukes shot down over Iraq.

3. Increasing government spending. Increasing investment in education. Drive up education costs, allow for debt forgiveness on the basis of election cycles.

Effect: normalization of 6 year degrees, adults babysat till 24, “helping” unemployment numbers. Expansion of university enrollment with 100% target. Increasing crime on campuses. Increasing police militarization on campuses.

4. Increasing racial grievance. Reparations UBI. Washington, Lincoln monuments removed.

Effect: federal and state police force replaces local police. Detroitization of Seattle, LA, Portland, Boston.

Bill says:

Future of Republican Party:

1. Rick Grenell runs for President 2028 with Trump’s endorsement, at 62 years old. “Trans inclusive log cabin Republicans” organization is founded. “OnlyRepublicanFans” is founded, a porn website for conservatives, featuring only sex workers who vote Republican and love the American flag and support our troops.

2. Increasing hostility to China. Attempt to negotiate with Russia against China.

3. Opposition to debt forgiveness.

4. Obama becomes a Republican.

The Texas triangle becomes the center of economic growth in the tech sector, as California was from 1990-2020.

Kunning Druegger says:

Oh please share more of your blakpill fanfic Bill!

Nah, I’m sure you mean well. Americans are by nature unable to think the party will ever end. They were born into dominance and they’ve watched an endless parade of idiots, liars, and frauds take over with no cataclysmic result, so they just can’t envision social collapse or America being eclipsed by any other culture. What you have described is excellent fodder for a TV show; “what would America look like in the future if nothing changes and all patterns continue?” But the perennial stasis we have inhabited for a while now is not a physical constant. It’s more like Moore’s Law.

Bill says:

And what makes you so certain we are close to any sort of societal collapse in the US? I’m not seeing it. I guess I just don’t have the prepper mindset most do around here that some sort of collapse is imminent.

Kunning Druegger says:

Immanence is relative. Collapses are not always total. Brazilification in a nation with more guns than people will have some very atypical potentialities. My contention with your theses is that both rely on the American, in the many senses of that term, not changing fundamentally. I think so much of our stability relies on excess capital to be spread around. I just don’t see that lasting in perpetuity. Once the ability to buy everyone off in some way departs, it is going to be a very different world. Maybe that option will exist for another 50 years. Personally, I agree with Jim’s prediction, but for slightly different reasons (his are better; am midwit).

S says:

Money. The government massively expanded the money supply AND made the dollar toxic to hold by kicking Russia out of swift. Traditionally the US dumped inflation on foreign countries, but this is breaking down.

To make matters worse, this is colliding with entitlement spreading growing due to the Boomer retiring.

It is physically possible to navigate this without destroying the country, but that requires leadership which our elite are more allergic to then Christianity.

Jehu says:

I don’t actually think it’s feasible to save the economy or rein in spending. Any party that does it will sign its death warrant and be outflanked by the Left. So I don’t see it getting fixed without a total collapse. Even just talking about entitlement spending will sink a party.

Kunning Druegger says:

This country is a crazed patient with a terminal illness. He has a knife in each hand and is more than willing to swing left and right. A crowd of “medical professionals” stands in a circle, keeping a healthy distance while trying to get close. They alternate between whispering and shouting, but their only message is why the other experts are wrong. Barred from entry, holding the very supplies and tools that just might save the patient, they actual doctors hear the chaos unfolding in the patient’s room. Should they kick down the door and force a fix on the psycho, and in so doing risk their lives and careers? Even if they wanted to, the experts inside would round on them immediately.

And so he withers, surrounded by experts, mere steps away from salvation, content to be the one in the driver’s seat, if only for a few moments more.

Bill says:

You retarded or just dumb? The Dollar has risen against all currencies. It’s not losing reserve status any time soon.

Redbible says:

And yet, the dollar is STILL dramatically less valuable then it was a year ago.

Since the start of this year, everything has risen at least 20%. Calling double digit inflation fine is a joke. Within a year or so of a proper crypto showing up, it will replace the USD, and that is why GAE is attacking crypto without mercy.

Aidan says:

And the dollar is still falling against houses, food, electricity, and cars. It is becoming worthless more slowly than other currencies, yes, but only because they are falling faster.

The Cominator says:

This is like the seeming resurgence of the Tokugawa Shogunate right before all the Western Daimyos rebelled and took it down.

The fed has pushed rates higher and longer than I expected (I’ll admit far longer) but given government debt levels this can’t last forever… abandoning the ZIRP means they have to pay actual money on the government’s debt. Which means they have to print more money to pay that interest… which defeats the purpose of raising interest rates to combat inflation.

jim says:

Normalcy bias.

Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent, but in the end reality will bite.

Reserve currencies always self destruct in the end – once everyone has forgotten how the previous reserve currency self destructed.

The Cominator says:

In addition as I said its not really possible to stop inflation at this point… they are just delaying it with this interest rate theatre right now.

Also being the reserve currency requires trust from foreign countries, globohomo cutting people off from banking and seizing their property (something the British NEVER did when the pound was the reserve currency even at war) is going to really make other countries want to trade in something else.

Javier says:

eh? a meal that cost me $20 six months ago cost me $30 yesterday. the stores around me have scratched out all their prices because they can’t change them fast enough. all my bills are dramatically higher than last year. my healthcare premium just jumped 40%. Biden has been keeping a lid on gas prices by dipping into the reserve but that’s all done now, expect a big jump in gas prices in the near future.

economic collapse is already happening. the only question is: will we replace the currency with the Bitdollar or the Yuan?

zero says:

diesel prices are all anyone talks about here in my corner of redistan america, it looks to me like the dominos are falling but people have not heard the penny drop, know a lot of guys whos truck fleets are parked, things are going to get wild, I am looking for where to invest and right now firewood seems like a bingo oppurtunity if we go like germany.

The Cominator says:

How far inland, feeling in Florida is that even if Biden causes real famines and shortages because of farms citrus fruit seafood we won’t starve and we’re close to the sea…

zero says:

familiar with florida, citrus doesn’t grow without trucks, dont know about seafood. Either everything breaks or things limp on, don’t know which, but we will see just how much things slide, food isn’t an issue in NA theoretically, more then enough suburbia to grow all our food, its the two legged varmints that are the problem. I don’t know what people are smoking with the whole (muh 10 billion people food crisis) this planet could easily support way more, growing food isn’t hard. I would like to make some solid money tho and goods are about to be revalued hard, trouble is I am the only one with that mentality, everyone just keeps bitching about diesel, they won’t change a thing untill they are broke and starving, I am not waiting and I am looking forward to picking up some fine pickups when the defaults start rolling. I just don’t know if the hunger crunch will cause the big shtf, the elites will likely just buy up cheap shit from the 3rd world for the cities. it would be ironic if the petrodollar died to keep the plebs fed in a lot of ways, personally I am on the side of technology accelerating the cycles of empire so maybe things just go pop, not for a few months tho and energy is looking mighty tight this winter.

Kunning Druegger says:

I love my fellow ruralites but fucking hell the IQ gap is astonishing. I’ve spent lots of time with urban people, suburban people, and rural folks. There’s a hard scrabble sense to be found in the country, but it is almost always in the older folks, say 40+. The younger ones are just drugged out fuckwits or “trucks & hunting only, faggot” types. And that’s fine, I know that the country folks will be the best off in a long run collapse, but in the short term… there is no place in the USA that is a safe bet unless you have a company strength group. The issue is not the initial craziness, it’s the long tail after the Badness. Labor is always the most important part after you have a system that works. One guy can come up with a good system, and he can run it if he has a well subdued woman draining his balls and filling his belly. But he has to sleep, so he needs a number 2. A comprehensive system needs number 2s for each subsystem. So you need 80-120 trustworthy guys to do anything worthwhile, to be too big to intimidate, to intimidate, and to earn the respect of anyone bigger.

Here’s the problem: all the most valuable men in rural areas are already beholden to some dominating ethos. Because they are simple and loyal, they refuse to countenance any idea that initially seems strange, complicated, or foreign. This may be unique to my state/region, as it is old country and therefore many, many years of lacquered over loyalties and beliefs. Maybe it is easier elsewhere to get guys to even consider that a Republican is just a Democrat with a pickup truck, or that college is whore school, or any of our more contextually esoteric positions. I’ve heard guys say, without a shred of irony, that voting harder is in fact the best strategy, or that we need to be more friendly with minorities.

This could very well be my issue, meaning I am not articulating things correctly.

Adam says:

Florida is 24th in crude oil production and 23rd in natural gas. Considering there is no real winter plus the abundance of ports I don’t see energy being a problem.

The beaches and the winter weather will take care of Florida same as it always has. A lot could change though in the next 10 years as the day of the pillow approaches.

Kunning Druegger says:

Florida has dreadfully high population. Is there enough protein production?

Adam says:

It used to be the states leading producer of cattle and still around number 10 or so and the same for seafood production.

Lots of completely useless people here though. It has a way of attracting the extremes.

Something else it has going for it is that people especially the productive classes are already adapted to a low trust environment. Thats what I attribute to it’s success and it’s return to form especially after 2008 and even Jan 6. The truly competent are much lighter on their feet and less likely to be caught off guard. It’s a high energy place.

alf says:

I hear you KD. Urban men are faggots without skills, but rural men, although they have skills, also have foreheads so thick you could wack them with a bible and they wouldn’t notice.

zero says:

Very interesting take Adam, i hadn’t put two and two together but the Florida polity has always been a bit Chicago/3rd world. Makes sense why it is doing pretty well. I don’t know if the ruralites are stupid. They are def lazy and the truck consumer culture is insane. I think a big part of it is they are not tied in on communications. It’s like they are living in the tail end of the 80s and really just don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on, altho I think the family farm to college pipeline has decimated the iq peak. Still a lot of very smart guys tho. Just out of the loop big time. But they are all solid Christians that would jump on the Justinian wagon in a heart beat, they are sacrilegious about most of the toxic shit. Had one guy tell me divorced women should be hung in front of the court house, no redos lol. Theoretically we are fine on protein in every state but when things break are there backups? Most people in Florida aren’t eating catfish and oranges from grandpa’s. I don’t think fuel will be cheap in Florida but the US is one market. Other places it’s going to be crippling and I think that will drive it up here too. There won’t be enough nat gas appliances to shift those not already on and I doubt the fedgov is going to cut red tape for installation manufacture or drilling. Altho if Biden goes full pleb protector and slams the door on energy export nat gas is going through the floor and everything else will skyrocket. It’s going to be a long cold winter of death for Harvard professors. I am looking for 40 acres and a mule and sadly a lot of these ruralites are going to be for closed on. I hope we get penny auctions.

The Cominator says:

Florida lacks midwits mostly (Massachussetts they are most of the population) and midwits are the carriers of leftism. Its got smart people and its got lower IQ rednecks but few midwits…

Kunning Druegger says:

According to Fagipedia, FL has a 91% Urban population. Hard to believe there are no midwits. The majority of people are midwits.

The Cominator says:

Urban means not living on a farm I guess… most people in Idaho and Nebraska probably don’t live on farms even.

Its not that there are no midwits of course but they are rarer than most of the country.

Kunning Druegger says:

Urban means living in a town or a city. In my mind, I categorize “urban” as people that rely on municipal services for most if not all of their well being and… sub-logos maybe? like subconscious, the background motivation that undergirds their reality. Most would be lost without water, food, power, transport, and social cues being doled out in pre-prepared parcels or a fair-to-low quality stream. So you can have urbanites in NYC, obviously, but you could also have them in Helena or Anchorage or some small town in the middle of nowhere.

I bet FL has roughly the same distribution of the IQ spectrum as most places. If I had to guess, I would say that FL has a disproportionately higher amount of elite defectors. Midwits, which again are the majority (maybe plurality?) of people, are people that are slightly above average IQ. They can make excellent decisions just as easily as terrible ones. They are the Crowd and half- and low-wits are the Mob. The whole of the public school system is centered around grooming midwits to follow other midwits that have attached status, which is unnatural, instead of the smarter/better people they are naturally inclined to, that being the aristocracy.

I know I am well into academic territory here. I also know there are probably plenty of high IQ types in positions of influence and power. Exceptions abound if one looks hard enough. But my experience with the managerial elite is that they are elites of station, not disposition. It’s hard to quantify. I think some states have an atypical aristocratic structure, like FL or TX or OH, where there is a much more natural hierarchy in place. Most places seem to have a very artificial structure in place, where the most conniving or loyal are at the top.

The state-as-unit might be suboptimal for this kind of analysis. It’s the wet dream of the managerial class to perpetuate a system of sameness everywhere, with interchangeable parts and status functioning more like a spotlight they control, and therefore they decide who gets elevated, and who gets ignored.

The Cominator says:

What makes Florida somewhat different probably is it had a LOT of people who fled bad governments almost since the time of the Confederacy (when it became a haven for Southerners who were dodging conscription)… the downside is there a lot of social atomization if you expat after your 30s its hard to really have a close friend group.

I guess when you have a lot of people who really PASSIONATELY hate the crazy left it tends to weaken the tendency of the right here to be cuckservative.

Kunning Druegger says:

That makes sense.

Fuck, I wish we had a real research team. Why is it that FL gets good diaspora but AZ & Idaho get bad diaspora? Montana is being snowed under by fleeing leftists, running from the consequences of their own doing.

If balkanization is the most likely direction, we really do need to figure out how to establish and grow agglomerations of like mined or compatible subgroups. I remain convinced of elite theory, and the only tool that matters is guided deployment of friend/enemy distinction. These are not things that can be used in the short term.

The Cominator says:

Not sure…

I think Florida gets a lot of very cynical expats who want to bang whores poolside and not pay taxes (Florida has no income tax)…

Arizona is too easy for people from LA to move too… farm states get idealistic expats, its not always right wingers who want a more rural back to nature life.

Kunning Druegger says:

That is an excellent point, and one I had not considered before you said it. The lib sees the brown wave, sees the taxes skyrocket, and thinks to itself “I need to get back to nature, to true equality” or some faggy shit. The homesteader community is way to open and accepting, it welcomes in anyone who indicates interest.

I am not a fan of FL, and that’s because it reminded my of LA at first blush (I know the panhandle is different and the Everglades are awesome, but the people I was around just seemed like LA wannabes and I fucking hate CA). I am also bona fide snownigger stock and I couldn’t live in a tropical place.

FL, stripped of climate control and amenities, is actually a tough place to live for whites, given that it is tropical. That is a pretty good motivator for pragmatism and good infrastructure. A rough year would probably bring the population way down (God’s, or maybe hell’s, waiting room and whatnot), but always under threat of brownfugees washing in on the tide.

The Cominator says:

Race relations in Florida are MUCH better than they were in New England… this is of course fragile but nigs spics and whites get along pretty well here. The social institutions (frontier justice self defense laws, concealed carry, and no power for leftists and progs) makes it possible for diversity + proximity to not equal war.

Yes as I said its delicate of course

Pax Imperialis says:

>Why is it that FL gets good diaspora but AZ & Idaho get bad diaspora?

California universities are a combination of expensive and selective relative to Arizona. Arizona universities get flooded with Californians as a result. 40% of University of Arizona students come from out of state.

AZ universities income has exploded with all the new students, employees grow, and influence expands. Tucson and Phoenix have become college cities with ASU and UofA being among the dominant employers in the state.

The culture morphed into LA and San Fran but with less crime (for now) and less expensive cost of living. Word spreads back to California and more come in a feedback loop. The proximity and land connection means fairly easy migration. It less than a day’s drive. Idaho is a similar story except it’s Oregon and Washington fueling migration instead of Cali.

Florida is simply too far away from the major blue states to make economic sense to send their college age students to in mass numbers. That has resulted in less cities dominated by the colleges and less blue tribe culture. Only about 17% of FSU students are out of state. The culture shifted less relative to AZ and Idaho, You see less migration as a result of it being foreign as well as distant. Florida man memes play a role as well.

Florida is changing though. Since 2016 out of state college students have increased significantly by around 150%. It’s more cosmopolitan colleges aren’t dominating state politics for now due to being offset by Boomer retirement migration and shifting Hispanic political alliances; however, it Florida doesn’t clamp down on out of state students it will shift Florida blue over the long term.

The Cominator says:

Florida seems to be able to convert most people who normally become blue tribe at least at current arrival numbers, DeSantis in our nonrigged elections won post graduates for example. Its apparently unheard of for Republicans to win postgraduates.

jim says:

For starters, we see the basic collapse of law and order in the big blue cities. America can live with one Detroit, but all Detroit?

Water and power is starting to fail, albeit as yet only where diversity is most severe.

The Global American empire decided on a war of attrition with Russia, but it seem to be Global American Empire that is getting attrited fastest.

The propaganda system demands adherence to too many lies at the same time, and is losing credibility. Normies are waking up to the jab. If the normie doubts “safe and effective” what else will he doubt?
Fair and free elections?

Currency collapse approached. The rise in the dollar represents an increase in the squeeze on the subject nations of the US empire. Raising the squeeze when your power to compel submission is being challenged is not a good idea.

The Cominator says:

“If the normie doubts “safe and effective” what else will he doubt?
Fair and free elections?”

I would tend to say that normies tended to be pretty sure the election was fake before they were sure the vax was fake…

Boomer normiecons who almost all got vaxxed doubted the election in large numbers, clot shot skepticism spread from small groups to normies after too many people died suddenly.

Kunning Druegger says:

Rectification of concepts:

Normies may have doubted The Election, but few doubt Elections. That’s the bigger issue. The obedient leftward normies were forced to doubt 2016 with guidance from on high, the simplton rightward normies were forced to doubt 2020 with pressure from below.

We have yet to encounter a distributed right wing that has given up on the American Project. You see this in what propaganda they find most compelling. Someone said that cops will toe the line as long as their pensions are protected, and I think this concept maps well to the quiet majority, the bump in the bell curve, as well. They may not like the images of blue city mayhem, but they turn the TV off and their apple store isn’t being looted. They don’t like to hear about the largesse and incompetence of carrion baggers in Federal City, but they have confidence in local manager #0002872’s ability to play by the rules and do their actual job.

Jim put it thus: we can handle a Detroit, but can we handle all Detroit? This, to me, is the key question, and it ports to every scenario. We can handle Shaniquas, but can we handle only Shaniquas? etc etc. Once we get to/pass a certain threshold, I think a lot of fundamental assumptions may dissolve, though many will go on believing them to be just as concrete as they were the day before.

The Cominator says:

“We have yet to encounter a distributed right wing that has given up on the American Project.”

I agree the thing is stealing one election wasn’t enough, but they know that the Senate was stolen in this one too… so thats two that normiecons know was stolen and they are pretty sure its rigged now.

When they steal 2024 (unless Elon gives extreme backing to DeSantis or something) I think that will do it.

Kunning Druegger says:

Putting us ever closer to the 2026 singularity.

Karl says:

If the normie doubts “safe and effective” what else will he doubt?

What normie doubts matters in a republic while his votes count. Why should it matter what normie thinks when votes no longer matter?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Where do incels sign up for this “Sexual UBI”? Disabled people in the Netherlands get to have sex once a month on the government’s dime, plus free sex toys, if their disability doesn’t prevent them operating such devices.

Two things that will never be legal in the USA: cis-men paying cis-women for sexual services, and straight pedo. If Desmond is Amazing was discovered to be a cis-girl, her handlers would be facing decades in federal prison. Any sex act that might eventually result in healthy white offspring is banned forever!

The Cominator says:

It will never be legal here women would lose massive bargaining power with a market comes price discovery. If the fact that Chris Rock was wrong about strippers was widely known theyd probably do what they did in strip Iceland and ban strip clubs too.

Fireball says:

That isn’t true. Pussy is cheap the problem is that wives are expensive as fuck.

The Cominator says:

Pussy is always cheap for chad, it is not cheap for most men who dont know where to look as stated inceldom is up to I think 1/3 which means the real number is higher. Yeah good wives are worse and even chads wife tends to leave him…

Anonymous says:

You are a based commenter. Keep it up, mate.

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s being reported that Biden has indicated he is willing to “sit down” with Putin if the RF is “interested in peace.” Looks like NATO is punched itself out. I wonder if the Kremlin will fall for this…

jim says:

I interpret GAE reports on the battle of Bakhmut as Social Justice Warriors always projecting.

If this interpretation is correct, then the end of Ukraine’s military capability is not yet imminent, but is in sight.

If we interpret GAE reports through this cynical lens, then defending Bakhmut is intolerably expensive and is rapidly consuming Ukrainian military capability, making it likely that they will either politically make the decision to withdraw, or will find it defended by troops no longer willing to fight, whereupon defense collapses and they then retroactively announce that they politically made the decision to withdraw.

The GAE decided on attritive warfare, being happy to expend whites in killing whites. Well, attrition is happening, and question now is, who is being attrited fastest?

It is apparent that the Ukraine military is suffering severe attrition. How is Wagner doing?

no says:

Your interpretations have been consistently wrong in every detail since Feb 25.

The Ukrainians have consistently been shown (by accounts from both side of the front lines) to be better equipped, better organized, better supplied, more focused on force preservation than the Russians. The Russians have consistently been trying to compensate by throwing more men at the problem. The Ukrainians have consistently been willing to trade land for force preservation in the expectation that they can – following de Saxe’s maxim – weaken the invader in the process sufficiently to take the land back afterward. This proved out experimentally at Kiev, Kharkov, and Kherson. The Russians have consistently showed a complete disregard for whether they were taking casualties or not.

One of these patterns leads to low casualties. The other leads to high. You know this. You are just lying about it.

jim says:

You are drinking your own Koolaide.

We see mutinies on the Ukrainian side resulting from excessive casualties, no mutinies on the Russian side.

Therefore, Russian official assessments of casualties are in the right ballpark, Ukrainian estimates ludicrously detached from reality.

The fighting around Bakhmut is currently the most intense of the war. Ukrainian’s are clearly suffering collossal casualities, and implicitly admit it, but to keep a happy face, declare even bigger mountains of Russian dead.

And then the Russians lost a much decorated officer in Bakhmut, and gave him a posthumous award. Whereupon the Ukrainians happily announced they had nailed a Russian officer. Which tells me that the Russian data is realistic. Their casualties make their news.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hello DIA contractor.

This post is sufficient for me to believe that GAE/NATO is searching for an exit. AFU is on the verge of collapse. It is alleged that there are 40K Hohols “training” in Europe and the US. Gee, I wonder what will happen to them when Zelensky gets the Mussolini treatment…

Ruthenia may hold out yet, but I doubt it. Their cemeteries are overflowing and their elite are fleeing the country. Russia has denied every single encirclement, and AFU has burned every branch, faction, and unit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The ukes have consistently proven willing to trade large casualties for the signaling privilege of painting the map a different colour; cargo-cult military science.

Anonymous Fake says:

Everything feels like a cargo cult in nations with collapsing demographics. “Clown world”.

19th century map painting was semi-serious in that the colonies in theory would be populated by future whites, if Victorian sexual morality could be maintained and stable. But discipline and rigor eventually became too strict and imposed too harshly on males, and only Chad reproduced, and eventually the whole culture collapsed into sexual anarchy.

Ukraine is in late stage sexual anarchy. Sexual liberation originally meant a restoration of virility after the excessive holiness spiral of Victorian morality, but now the mass addiction to contraception is killing the West. Ukrainian men want to be the surviving Chad who gets to dictate a new order in the ruins.

alf says:

I deleted your other comments, let this one through because it’s an amusing example of how you get things wrong even when you try to get it right.

Pax Imperialis says:

alf can delete comments!? Here I thought jim was the never tiring terminator from the future who single handily deleted all the shills.

alf says:

Jim handles pretty much all of it. But there was a small pile of AF comments sitting in moderation for a while, I assume Jim is either too busy or too bored to deal with them, so figured I’d make myself useful.

jim says:

I just got bored. All his comments are the same comment: The right should sacrifice the interests of its natural constituencies to fulfill the ponzi promises that the academic priesthood made to students. And then the academic priesthood would magically became right wing.

Aidan says:

This is an exact inverse of the reality on the ground lol. Ukraine is on its seventh wave of mobilization. Russia is on its first.

jim says:

Ukraine recently called up every male sixty year old, and has for some time been calling up women and children. Every month or two they broaden the call up.

Which indicates that the higher military quality material they conscripted earlier has been consumed.

skippy says:

“Your interpretations have been consistently wrong in every detail since Feb 25.”

Let’s be fair, many people here did predict a better outcome for Russia sooner than now.

“The Ukrainians have consistently been shown (by accounts from both side of the front lines) to be better equipped, better organized, better supplied, more focused on force preservation than the Russians. The Russians have consistently been trying to compensate by throwing more men at the problem. The Ukrainians have consistently been willing to trade land for force preservation in the expectation that they can – following de Saxe’s maxim – weaken the invader in the process sufficiently to take the land back afterward. This proved out experimentally at Kiev, Kharkov, and Kherson. The Russians have consistently showed a complete disregard for whether they were taking casualties or not.

“One of these patterns leads to low casualties. The other leads to high. You know this. You are just lying about it.”

Every single part of this analysis is gaslighting. We have seen Russia palm off Ukraine with a peacetime army for months, despite Ukraine having totally mobilized on Day 1. We’re now seeing Russia undertake a partial reserve call-up. Russia has slowly retreated in the face of an armed forces that should be multiple times the size of its invasion force.

Pax Imperialis says:

I think most people expected Russia to be much harsher and thus completely push Ukraine over in a display of shock and awe. Most of us are not Russians and likely overlooked lingering sentimental feelings the Kremlin had for Kiev. Those feelings are likely gone. Kyiv certainly doesn’t help. That it took 9 months of fighting for the Kremlin to realize Kiev is gone and may have never existed will haunt the leadership for a long time after the war.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As many have observed, if the atlantic empire wanted to go loud, they would have long since done so already; they are not known to be shy about drumming up a false flag when deemed necessary.

Vlad says:

So jesuits want to kill whites? But who will do the guitar masses?
Is this Ukraine thing then actually a crusade to make all Ukraine Roman Catholic so the jesuits don’t want to kill whites so much as just sort of a meat grinder of various Eastern Orthodox it makes sense now why catholic Poland is so eager to join the crusade.

jim says:

The pope is not Catholic, and Jesuits are not Catholic. They worship Serpent Christ which is an incarnation of the Red Dragon of the Book of Revelations, which is himself an incarnation of Satan. So they want to kill Catholics also.

The Cominator says:

They still hate the Orthodox and always have, stupid cuckolics financially support Vatican demon serpent worshippers.

The Cominator says:

More evidence on this… the Jesuits apparently have had a large role in fostering the meme of “Ukranian nationalism” as well.

Hesiod says:

Forgive if this has already been posted, but Ukraine is about to ban “Moscow-affiliated” Christianity:

jim says:

If you do not celebrate faggotry and single mums, Moscow affiliated.

Pax Imperialis says:

Biden lied.

Kunning Druegger says:

My thesis: Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. To do this, he will do absolutely whatever it takes.

The technical challenge of colonizing Mars are actually inherently solvable. I base this on the time it took to go to the Moon. It won’t be cheap, and many will die in the process. It won’t be easy, and the biggest challenges are probably not even on the horizon yet, as the lift and journey are equivalent to tying on trainers and walking to the blocks. The real challenge is the habitation and development on the planet itself.

The largest barrier to the colonization of Mars is not technical, it is social. Not a single thing needs to be created to begin the process of Outbound Development. We have dipped our toes in the ocean, we have the sail boats. What we lack is the writ of Isabella, the motivation of a State to make the aspirations of the few the will of the many.

If Musk is a smart man, he has thought about what he must actually do to get what he wants. If he is a very smart man, he has made moves that either increase his options, or sacrificed great value to achieve capabilities or access or resources that further his goal. If we start at “I will begin colonizing Mars” and work backward, do his actions make sense?

This was a big week on many fronts, sorry to drag in politics/events of the moment.

dave says:

The new world was won through plain old FOMO. Sea route to the spice Islands, Portugal in the lead. Isabella funds Columbus crazy idea to get ahead of Portugal, because why not?). Once Spain finds gold and slaves in unexpected places, France, England, the Dutch all pile on and in for the next 300 years.

Musk needs a nemesis or two with FOMO, state actors with the will and way to get to Mars first. China could be useful here in a getting us off the planet.

alf says:

The largest barrier to the colonization of Mars is not technical, it is social.

Which is where we would come in and offer a form of social organization that not only has a great track record, but also has baked into it that humanity ought to conquer the stars, and conquering mars would be a great start.

On the most optimistic, completely randomly chosen timeline, we’d have civil war in 2026, a Caesar in 2030, and Musk ascension because of his intuitive understanding of IEW in 2040. He could still be alive to see the first humans touch down on Mars.

Pax Imperialis says:

Do Americans even have the discipline and leadership capacity for a civil war? Extensive political assassination and decentralized violence a la 20th century Chile/Argentina looks more likely. That is if we don’t get into a massive conflict with Russia or China.

alf says:

Hence the most optimistic timeline.

onyomi says:

I wish a billionaire with Musk’s money, wits, and will would get behind the Aubrey de Grey longevity train (kind of surprised one hasn’t seen more of that, though I think Vitalik donated a little to him). I’d rather myself and those I care about get an extra 20, 30, 40… plus years of vigor than colonize Mars (plus I’d be more likely to live to see it).

Anonymous says:

Yeah, maybe Peter Thiel will take it upon himself eventually. Musk himself isn’t into radical life extension, unfortunately, but Thiel is, so we’ll have to wait and see.

Btw, shame that Aubrey was metoo’d by those sluts.

Pax Imperialis says:

Longevity after a certain point is probably good for the individual but bad for the group. If I can expect to only live to 30 I must burn bright. Risk taking is encouraged because I don’t have much to lose. Should I know I will live to 60, conscientious care to mitigate risk starts to overtake outright boldness. If 140 years is a guarantee and medical enhanced longevity runaway occurs as de Grey hopes for, why take any risks at all. All I have is an eternity to lose. In fact why even leave the house?

A race that is too long lived may seek to not live at all and degenerate into species death.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think the pursuit of longevity is an operation perpetuated by the Satanic, but it doesn’t have to be. Their goals are to escape Judgement; “It is appointed unto man once to die, then face the judgement.” (quoted from memory, not intended to be biblically authoritative by dint of stating) Longevity should be earned over time, dolled out as just reward for just deeds.

The son: Let me stay out for 5 more minutes!

The Father: And five minutes more? And another? Nay, return.

The son: 5 more minutes and I’ll be finished with what I started

The Father: Have 10, then return to me that you may show me your good works.

Maybe not, maybe God could care less how long we live. But I am convinced good things are earned, at the final accounting. The current elite has earned many things, and longevity is definitely not one of them.

Just A Brainlet says:

Hey Jim,

I have a couple of follow up question regarding a recent discussion here on self hosting a wire guard VPN.

1) how does this compare to using a 3rd party VPN service. As I understand it, you’re trusting them to be telling the truth when they claim they don’t keep logs. While a self hosted VPN on a VPS doesn’t have this problem, aren’t you still relying on the VPS provider to not log which IPs are connecting to which VPS? Is my understanding correct? Would multihopping different VPNs help this problem?

2) what do you recommend doing to stop browser fingerprinting? There are a few calculators online, like, but it seems hard to not be unique.

3) when do you recommend Tor rather than VPN?

4) if, for example, wireguard or XMR is found to be compromised in the future, will glowies have access to all info retroactively, or just info going forwards from when it became compromised?

jim says:

Yes, you are trusting your hosting provider not to log you, but the significant difference is that your hosting provider has no idea what you are using your host for and how you are using your host to provide that service, and therefore no idea what to log or how to log it. He could figure it out, but it is non trivial to figure it out. It is hard enough for you to set stuff up, harder for someone else to figure what you have set up.

If your hosting provider decides to log you, he is likely to need to meddle in your host, and will probably break something.

It costs at least as much effort, and likely more effort, to access data from vpn that servers one client, as a vpn that serves a thousand clients. Indeed more effort, because the spy agency is one of the clients of the vpn with a thousand clients, so easier to for the spies to detect if they have broken something.

> what do you recommend doing to stop browser fingerprinting?

Each identity has not on only its own ip due to a remote vpn, but also its own local vm, thus each identity has its own fingerprint.

> 3) when do you recommend Tor rather than VPN?

I believe tor is owned by NSA, but NSA likes to keep the information it spies for itself, and does not share it around to widely, so for some purposes and some threats tor is useful. Doubt it is useful for my threat model

> if, for example, wireguard or XMR is found to be compromised in the future, will glowies have access to all info retroactively, or just info going forwards from when it became compromised?

Wireguard is open source, so presumably runs the way it claims to run, hence should have forward secrecy.

onyomi says:

Given his announcement speech, I was pretty down on Trump 2.0 having gotten over his normality bias; this message seems more positive–that he might have a notion of what is really necessary?

Unfortunately, I now feel ever more confident that the left’s strategy is not to jail Trump or throw up major legal barriers to his running again any time before 2024, but rather this:

If he wins the nomination again, they will rerun their 2020 playbook on steroids; if he loses the nomination they will hope he runs third-party, virtually guaranteeing a Dem White House through 2029. They probably won’t ever jail him or kill him, because he’s more good to them alive and making statements like the above (which sound good to me, but also can be used to scare normies into continuing to believe that fighting Trump is equivalent to fighting the rise of the next reich).

onyomi says:

Of course, they might jail him or kill him if he lives past the point of usefulness/the costs of his continuing to live outweigh the risks of his martyrdom–something I think probably won’t happen till 2024 at earliest.

Kunning Druegger says:

It is way to early to tell, and I wish we had a FUCKING RESEARCH BRANCH so we could probe the nuances, but it is starting to seem possible that the Cathedral is being engaged on a multi-front war.

You have the regular, for-show battlefield, which is a fake thing for gays, but it still requires attention, labor, and investment. They have to invest in campaigns because “it’s all very real and important blah blah.”

You have the policy civil war between DoD and State Department, which is super messy because the NGOs, Defense Contractors, and nonprofits are all over the place.

You have a new and totally unexpected, or at least un-provisioned, front of “citizen journalism” which is basically a tech priest throwing independent journos out like ivy league pokemon, and their pet journos are not really up to doing battle like that.

You have the Coronatarian front, which is encountering a grinding and expanding reversal. This one is key, as it is just like the previously mentioned front, as it boils down to an assault on “leadership by expertise.”

You have State level warfare, which is an important front that goes unnoticed, but could instigate pretty significant reversals.

This is how you bring down the hegemon: you give it a never ending stream of “bad v. worse” decisions while keeping them fat and lazy. Pinpricks can add up, but they need to be the kind of thing that stings really bad at first, generates a sudden and violent response, and in retrospect seems pretty silly and not a big deal. By way of demonstration, pinch the triceps of someone you love, right between the elbow and shoulder, and watch how they respond. It hurts really bad for a moment, and they will jump, round on you, get angry, and possibly say something stupid, but after 10-20 seconds it will be all over and they will be feeling a bit silly.

I see no reason to become overconfident or complacent. The DoJ is the most important piece of this puzzle, and they are firmly converged. But I also think we are seeing the beginning of a potential shift, in both loyalties and preferences.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“For every [Good Thing] there is, there must accordingly be a Department of [Good Thing] for the provisioning of [Good Thing], or else how will it exist?”

And thus does the bureaucratic form of life expand its niche.

Kunning Druegger says:

Submitted without comment:

“Reportedly, a drag show in Southern Pines, North Carolina was shut down due to the power outages in Monroe County last night. Originally, it was open for minors until threats and protests by locals caused them to restrict it to 18+.

Fayetteville Observer (
Organizers of a Saturday drag show at the Sunrise Theater in Southern Pines said last week that far-right activists had tried to shut down the event for weeks.

The Moore County Sheriff’s Office has not said whether the power outage and the protest against the drag show are related.

In response to threats of violence, organizers ramped up security for the Saturday evening event, with private security and the Southern Pines Police Department monitoring the event, Sunrise Theater Executive Director Kevin Dietzel said last week.”

Kunning Drueger says:

Follow up:

“Metrics show that internet connectivity remains significantly disrupted in Moore County, North Carolina, after an armed attack on electrical substations knocked out power in the area; authorities have declared a countywide state of emergency”

Hesiod says:
The Cominator says:

Don’t spread this meme you’re sabotaging power for ordinary people mostly.

The only legitimate freelance minecrafting is minecrafting high value leftist player characters…

Hesiod says:

It’s certainly getting ordinary people’s attention in ways the media is already trying to downplay. No mention in several NC news articles concerning the power outage of the drag show for toddlers events at the center of this.

The real beauty is there are no dead faggots for the NPCs to REEE over here.

The Cominator says:

“The real beauty is there are no dead faggots”

You say that as if its a good thing.

Hesiod says:

Call me old-fashioned but I prefer burning at the stake after a proper trial and offer of confession prior to striking the match. However, future necessity may call for a more industrial-size solution.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Quality meme. Cutting off the beast’s logistics and letting their engines grind to a halt and their urban spawning pools wither on the vine is much more effective than the theatrical masturbation of suicide by cop plinking rando people who are also inmates of the asylum.

Of course, plinking such certain persons responsible for *organizing* that asylum – in minecraft – is the highest of all; but not all have the means for such heroism, and anyone with a good winmag or larger can make any transformer substation their bitch.

The Cominator says:

“Of course, plinking such certain persons responsible for *organizing* that asylum – in minecraft – is the highest of all”

Its really the only way to resist as a lone individual…

Kunning Drueger says:

Wrong. Dead wrong. Normalcy disruption is an incredibly powerful redpill. There are many paths, many men, and many levels. As in all things, there’s a hierarchy of value.

The meme in question is truly radioactive, as it carries a payload that presents an existential danger to the satrapies, outposts, and garrisons of Fedia that are far from Federal City. When the Virgin shows up, Polygon spins it to their advantage, or makes it disappear (Chesapeake Incident, Boulder Incident, Uvalde Incident, Buffalo Incident, Vegas Incident,…). It has yet to be weakened by such things.

When Chad arrives… The Substation attack in NorCal many years ago (early aughts) took zero lives, cost USG, CAGov, and their assorted vassals hundreds of millions in consultation, repair, and construction. As infrastructure continues to decay under old age and incompetent management, it will be harder and harder to distinguish between natural disaster and manmade disaster, but the costs are high and carry almost no empathy virality like Virgin Case does (could have been me, those poor kids, who could do such thing, etc).

I know we are severely constrained in what we can discuss and how, but it seems suspicious and out of character for you to react the way you did. I’m not attacking you, but I truly don’t understand. I know you may not be able to effectively respond due to the aforementioned constraints, and am acknowledging this because I’m not picking a fight, goading you into fedposting, or any other underhanded/conniving BS. I am genuinely miffed at your response.

The Cominator says:

I really rather see 1000 Breviks.

Life is cheap the grand infrastructure of civilized ages is valuable. At the End of Escape From LA Snake Blisken destroyed clownworld your way… but that outcome is what we most want to avoid if we can.

The Cominator says:

The thing is for a method to be effective it has to cause REAL FEAR in the elites…

Infrastructure destruction will not do this it just makes life miserable for normies and furthers the great reset. The globohomo elite does not care if your power is off they want your power off, they hate you and want to murder you. Think accordingly. Destroying infrastructure doesn’t create fear… even if you did it in Aspen or something it’ll get repaired quickly and they’ll all have generators next time.

Whereas if you had three men like Brevik within even 5 years there would be massive policy changes…

Hell even one McVeigh seemed to cause the Fed cops to backoff being gung ho to do bully tactics.

Cutting power (unless its part of some other operation) is g@y, if you’re gonna go down reenact the movie Wedding Crashers (yes I know weird mediocre RomCom) go to an elite wedding except your objective should be quite a different kind of bang… that shit starts happening things will change.

Note I’m strictly discussing hypotheticals not telling anyone to do anything.

jim says:

> Infrastructure destruction will not do this it just makes life miserable for normies

Normie perception is that there is no conflict. Support for transexualizing other people’s nine year old children is supposedly universal, and the abolition of what used to be known as marriage has been the supposed consensus, which to dispute is unthinkable and unimaginable, for so long that it actually now is the consensus.

A bit of collateral damage that hurts normies awakens them that they are not alone.

Kunning Druegger says:

This to the max. The Cathedral keeps everyone sedated by a mixed message: “nothing is actually happening goy, eat your slops” and “everything that is happening is good or inevitable goy, eat your slops.” Crumbling infrastructure, in slow motion or at the speed of Chad, gives lie to this somnolence inducing message.

Shmactive tooters are used to spike anxiety, ram through policy, and keep the herd corralled. As it stands, there is no ameliorative message the Cathedral can propagate right now if Chad starts roaming the land. They either admit that there is a war, which presents the Commons with the chance to choose sides and/or bankrupt themselves trying to provide security for every possible target, vetting every single technician, and providing “temporary” emergency provisions for broken toys.

If Chad starts coming out to play, I sure hope people that Know The Field do everything they can to make foosball entertaining again.

The Cominator says:

I don’t see that you see that normies don’t hate the current government but I am in Florida. I don’t think anyone likes or thinks tr00ns are normal… that is a bridge too far.

The Cominator says:

To be clear where I am normies DO hate the government and its pretty clearly known… I don’t think deliberately destroying the power and the indoor plumbing ie the shit that still works will help much.

North Carolina is outside Charlotte a Republican area too where I assume most people hate the government and hate tr00ns already.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

It stops the trannies grooming kids or it loses the power again.

The Cominator says:

If youre going to do freelance political actions by other means just minecraft the groomers… i like having electricity…

jim says:

This was a low cost low risk attack, which probes enemy will, intent, and capability.

Minecrafting groomers would yield political benefits only if one has the data in advance proving the groomer was going after specific children in specific ways, so that one could sink the inevitable narrative of “hate”. Hard to obtain that data and then release it without creating a trail. Doable, but tricky.

The Cominator says:

Normies hate trannies its not just people like us.

Even white women turned against them when they started ruining girls sports.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The power comes back on when the drag queen storytime ends.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Obviously it means our good friend James Comey’s good friend gets a lot of leeway in his ops, but there’s still at least some lengths they can’t let him go.

jim says:

> Its really the only way to resist as a lone individual…

Using violence and destruction as a lone individual is dangerous and is not in itself going to have significant impact on our enemies. But we are approaching a situation where propaganda of the deed is going to embolden normies and encourage elite defection.

Propaganda of the deed only ever works when substantial elite defection is under way. It is not substantial as yet. It is long way from being sufficiently substantial to make propaganda of the deed a useful strategy. But there are green shoots.

The Cominator says:

If a couple Saints of Norway went to a couple Dem family wedding…

Jehu says:

Norway is a far smaller place than GAE—about 60-70 times smaller. So if Breivik killed or otherwise removed 100, to have comparable impact you’re talking in the 6 to 7 thousand range. A comparable event would be something like Breivik inflicting about 33% KIA on Harvard.

Jehu says:

Somebody destroying power substations like this is basically saying.

I think the current state of affairs is totally unacceptable and I’d rather just burn it all down.

Moreover, I CAN burn it all down and you can’t stop it.

The I can be replaced by a fairly small we.

I suppose this perhaps encourages elite defection in that someone in Milgov who is less insane might realize

Hey, these people are so pissed off they’ll burn everything down and cause 90% casualties in the US if I don’t do something. Doubling down on striking them will probably just insure they succeed. OTOH, becoming Caesar, I CAN stop them, because they wouldn’t do this to a less insane Caesar and even if they did, I’d have sufficiently loyal soldiers to protect my infrastructure.

Thing is, there’s an awful lot of inferences, if->thens and chance in that strategy. In a way it’s a more competently executed version of the Trucker’s strike/blockade strategy from Canada. Both have at their root the possession of the capability to logistically checkmate the entire GAE in sort of an over the top chemotherapy.

Kunning Drueger says:

Follow up:

Watch this one, lads.

Hesiod says:

Not worth archiving as it’s just propaganda but perhaps worth noting concerning the latest narrative on this event.

It does mention the drag show but only briefly and buried deep in the article. Nothing of course about it being a Sesame Street and Gomorrah event for grooming children.

jim says:

Yes, they are reacting to this as a threatening revolutionary act. The curfew is to forestall cohesive revolutionary action by special forces elements.

Contaminated NEET says:

Huh. A curfew… The Beast is really scared of this.

zero says:

It seems like America’s economy is an inflation spiral. Cars are not able to be produced affordably. Food prices are going higher. Diesel shortages. I keep trying to see how this doesn’t pop the consumer bubble and am coming up blank. Does anyone have an idea of how fedgov could stabilize the supply chain breakdown and debt crisis of lower profits resulting in default?

The Cominator says:

Dollar inflation cannot be stopped, fundamental supply inflation could be stopped easily by reverting to Trump’s policies and even better could be done if more fundamental economic optimizations (that aren’t politically possible were made).

* Zoning abolished
* LVT replaces all other taxes except perhaps a revenue tariff
*Three letter agencies either abolished or cut down to 10% staff
* Student loans dischargable in bankruptcy
* Health insurance except for emergency policies is banned, people working in medicine that aren’t involved in treating patients or developing new tech get sent to do forced labor build roads for 20 years in Alaska or something. Even within this category covid criminals to be executed
* Anyone is allowed to practice medicine provided that they use a sign that says “quack doctor”
*University credentialism in general abolished throughout the economy

Pax Imperialis says:

Not possible to revert back to Trump’s policies due to how fickle business conditions are seen by the private sector. Take keystone pipeline for example. Construction and oil companies have been burnt so badly and so often that even with Trump policies implemented right now no one is going to want to take that risk again anytime soon. Getting that pipeline would require Manhattan project levels of government involvement at this point. Such a heavy handed approach would require significant internal security to smash anti-oil protestors and Native American groups.

I would not abolish most alphabet agencies, but roll them into DoD while getting rid of civilian HR.

Don’t fuck around with student loans. So much is tied up in them you would risk a financial crisis by discharging them right now in current conditions.

Zoning can’t be abolished under current political structure due to it being largely state level… but eminent domain might be able to solve that in the short term. Weaponize it against blue states.

Revenue being mostly dependent on LVT would destroy independent farmers and raise food costs.

The Cominator says:

My list is hypothetical coup complete

As for independent farmers. I could change the farm subsidy laws to advantage independent farmers temporarily while the kinks are worked out. Most people would have more money with no income tax or a lot of other taxes… its good if food is a bit more expensive %wise while everything else gets a bit cheaper too. Far far too many fat people in America especially women, its another thing that ruins the sexual market…

Almost all three letter agencies should not only go also most of their employees should be put on trial for their lives.

“Don’t fuck around with student loans. So much is tied up in them you would risk a financial crisis by discharging them right now in current conditions.”

I’d make the universities pay the taxpayer liability of course.

“Zoning can’t be abolished under current political structure due to it being largely state level… but eminent domain might be able to solve that in the short term. Weaponize it against blue states.”

Coup complete, I’m abolishing it at state level. Very rich places can pay extra money for a rich people house only charter from the crown but everywhere else construction decisions are in the absolute hands of the property owner who has a freehold right to build whatever he wants to maximize the value of improvements on his land. Him paying the LVT gives him that right.

A2 says:

“Almost all three letter agencies should not only go also most of their employees should be put on trial for their lives.”

Nuremberg style rules + 70 years later the 96-year olds formerly in the secretary pool go before the judge when found.

zero says:

I’m thinking more about what can fedgov do within it’s own ruleset to delay the implosion in purchasing and production that’s beginning. I am not seeing anyway out fdr style. Probably hyper inflation is the go to for keeping things limping, but are we looking at a decade of stagflation or the American economy dissolving into goop in 8 months? Do we have any comparisons? I don’t even know how to begin weighting historical comparisons but I have this awful belief that we created a frozen economy with the If it exists, Regulate it loop. As things break the only thing I see happening is agency’s using the crisis as a casual beli for change wich with the extent things are centralized leading into a Khmer rouge irrigation collapse. Maybe black markets will be tolerated and regulation will do a hard divorce from reality?. It’s looking bad tho for necessary restructuring and there are an awful lot of toxic waste dumps, auto industry, student and other debt, anti production regulations, xenoleftist heretic cults. I was hoping to have some more time to prepare.

The Cominator says:

With Biden and his handlers in power nothing can be done since they are great resetter demon worshipping morons who hate energy production and hate capitalism.

jim says:

Current strategy is to stabilize the currency by exporting more inflation to the provinces of empire.

This is working. Contrary to my expectation, inflation has stabilized at levels that, though high, and considerably higher than official inflation figures, are well short of hyperinflation.

The empire weakens, and it increases the squeeze on the provinces. This cannot go on forever, but it could go on for a while.

If empire defeated in Ukraine, likely the empire ends – it will find itself unable to fund itself by exporting inflation. If the empire victorious in Ukraine, world tribute will keep in going financially.

Bill says:

Doubtful Russia can’t win in Ukraine. It’s best case scenario is stalemate, worst case is out right lose. All the Russia Stans out there are going to have to lower expectations.

And all without the US military firing a shot. Reminds of Octavian’s use of proxy client states against Persia.

Bill says:

Doubtful Russia can win in Ukraine, that is.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Whose gonna make them not win? America? With what army?

The Cominator says:

Western wonder weapons stockpiles are apparently nearly gone at least according to GAE sources (they could be justifying their need for more money to steal).

Ukraine is robbing craddle and grave, Russia wins ugly (hardly unique in their history) but it wins.

Kunning Drueger says:

Every time I dabble in MSM, I always wonder how it possibly works on people. But as faggot shill Bill can attest, it works really well in fact. Rolling blackouts would probably do more to break the grip of The Message than any amount of counter signalling ever could.

Another dimension of this is what “victory” means to people. America hasn’t won a war since Grenada, and the pseudo-victory of Gulf 01 is apparently the yardstick being deployed. Think about that for a moment: victory was a mere reset of the previous geopolitical boundary. Same leader, same regime, military intact, authority unquestioned. America doesn’t know how to win, and cannot assess what victory even means.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Every time I dabble in MSM, I always wonder how it possibly works on people.

Are you aware that 50 to 70% of people have no inner voice?

Kunning Drueger says:

I was not, and I am unable to simulate how that works. I spend so much time in my own head.

Let us imagine the mind/brain system as a domicile. I have a modest 2 level with a crawlspace and an attic. I have furniture in each room, not the best, but very functional. Portions of my home are dangerous to me, a few chairs or couches I avoid, a room I prefer to be in and a room I know I need to spend more time in. I am a pack rat, and I have lots of furniture, paintings, objects, tools, toys, so many more than I need or use.

You are telling me that 50-70% of people have a single floor hovel with a curtain strung in the middle and a chair the carry with them between the spaces. Surely that cannot be the case.

Adam says:

Some people have no inner monologue and are also unable to visualize shapes in their mind. Among those who can visualize shapes their appears to be levels to that ability, the complexity of the shape(s) and ability to manipulate them.

A individual can have one ability, neither or both. The shape rotation ability seems like it is always a positive but the inner monologue requires training otherwise it can be a liability.

Bill says:

All you retards rooting for Russia so hard, why not go move to Russia then? You enjoy the comfy fruits of empire yet root for its demise. There is something deeply hypocritical and psychotic about that.

The Cominator says:

If you want to convince people you’re not a shill simping for the DNC satrapy they use to steal and launder our money (and also to drum up false narratives against Trump) ain’t a good way to go about it.

If you are a right winger and don’t want to see Ukraine wiped off the map you are insane. It has nothing to do with whether you love Russia but you damn sure ought to hate our ruling class and hate the fucking Ukraine. Support for Russia is mostly because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s something deeply psychotic about making groundless assertions without even bothering to try substantiating them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

PS the empire provides no comfy fruits; it actively interferes with and destroys real american’s ability to have comfy fruits.

S says:

“All you retards rooting for Russia so hard, why not go move to Russia then? You enjoy the comfy fruits of empire yet root for its demise. There is something deeply hypocritical and psychotic about that.”

Because Russia is the home of the Russians and we are not Russian. America was our home once and it will be once again.

Bill says:

What does that even mean? We are all just peasants in the American Empire.

If the Empire starts suffering military defeats, then we are still just peasants in a much worse collapsing American Empire. Not sure what you are getting at.

jim says:

Our situation resembles that of Turks in the (anti)Turkish empire. Obviously the collapse of the Turkish empire was hugely beneficial for Turks.

pyrrhus says:

The mouse may roar, but it’s not going to defeat a country that’s twenty times as powerful…Russia is systematically destroying UKR infrastructure, and reportedly has more than 500k troops on the border, with advanced weapons…,

S says:

“What does that even mean? We are all just peasants in the American Empire.”

Russian people live in Russia. It was their home under the czars, their home under the reds and their home now. It is theirs, not ours. It will never be ours.

Ours is Europe and America. It is run by those who hate us, who wish to see us driven from the earth and work tireless towards that end. One day they will all be dead and it will be ours once again.

Pax Imperialis says:

Inflation could be handled if manufacturing was expanded more rapidly than money supply, but need energy to makes stuff.

Normalize relations with Russia. Let that oil flow. Prioritize domestic energy needs before exports. Drill, drill, and drill some more. Unironically mobilize US military for logistical support. Send all those combat engineers to the Bakken/Alaska to bypass need to work through bureaucracy to lease federal land. Energy is the basis for everything, but blue tribe hates energy so this isn’t going to happen.

Open question to all. Hypothetically, where would one put $1 million for wealth protection?

Stocks are pretty dead, but might as well bet some money that Coca Cola and diabetes survives. Bonds are likely more than dead.

Thought about real estate, but land is only worth as much as it’s social location. Go too rural and there’s no security (White African farmers can attest). Go too urban and there’s extreme insecurity (Chicago). There’s a Goldilocks zone somewhere, but land can’t move and conditions are rapidly changing. Sinking assets into land feels like a trap.

The Cominator says:

Stocks will come back eventually especially in areas where the business is still good or the tech is not stagnant. Stocks actually did pretty well when the Weimar hyperinflation dust settled. In the Weimar hyperinflation gold and real estate went up 1st and then stocks second.

We’ve had temporary deflation lately and gold has lost ground to bitcoin… its not easy to tell but I would HODL assets that will do well when the dust settles. Crypto, stonks and maybe land and commodities.

The Cominator says:

Re one theory about current interest rate tightening is that its to entice people into bank savings accounts and then they switch them to CBDC only, no cash.

A2 says:

Looks like the curtains are drawn for the last act.

“So, how has this played out in 2021/22? In 2021/22 the [Australian] Reserve Bank recorded an accounting loss of $36.7 billion. While underlying earnings were $8.2 billion, valuation losses were $44.9 billion. Only $0.5 billion could be absorbed by the UPR so there still remained $36.2 billion in losses to distribute. The RBRF absorbed $15.4 billion of this before it was exhausted, leaving around $21 billion in losses. This will be recorded as accumulated losses on the Bank’s balance sheet (Table 2). This means that the Bank has negative equity.

If any commercial entity had negative equity, assets would be insufficient to meet liabilities and therefore the company would not be a going concern. But central banks are not like commercial entities. Unlike a normal business, there are no going concern issues with a central bank in a country like Australia. Under the Reserve Bank Act, the government provides a guarantee against the liabilities of the Reserve Bank. Furthermore, since it has the ability to create money, the Bank can continue to meet its obligations as they become due and so it is not insolvent. The negative equity position will, therefore, not affect the ability of the Reserve Bank to do its job.”

Cloudswrest says:

Intellectually I know I should expect this, but I still find it disconcerting when I stumble across someone who does NOT find The Babylon Bee funny. It’s basically an encounter with an alien mind!!!!

Contaminated NEET says:

Babylon Bee sucks. It’s obvious that the message (weak tea for boomer civnat grandmas) comes first and the humor second. Golden age Onion was a superior product, although admittedly it too has degenerated into ham-handed propaganda lately.

Kunning Drueger says:

You are wrong. BB is like a tiny bit of water seeping into easy to see but hard to reach cracks. Of itself, barely worth noticing, but it primes tectonic action otherwise unlikely or unthinkable. Unironically, BB has pushed more normies closer to Where They Should Be than any other publicly available outlet I can think of. It makes wrong think into jokethink, and it puts egg on the face of experts.

jim says:

Babylon Bee is great. And if you can do better, go for it.

The message is inherently funny, because disrespecting power is inherently funny.

Hesiod says:

While there is the occasional normiecon sour note, the Bee is more often genius-tier lolz. This is my favorite of theirs:

Cloudswrest says:
The Cominator says:

The Brazilian army apparently just moved in and killed some street militia leaders who support Lula, looks very very likely that the chad Bolsonarno who is one of the only leaders to openly stand against the covid bullshit from the beginning is going to hold on to power.

Kunning Drueger says:

Goshfuckingdammit don’t you give me hope…

Kanye has shifted/expanded/fractured the Overton Window.

Potentially right wing militia activity has possibly gone kinetic in NC.

Drag child auctions are being met with armed and organized opposition.

Multiple EU member states are seeing organized opposition to UKR crusade.

Trump has publicly questioned the viability of the Constitution.

Turkey is actively engaging GAE proxies in a GAE principality, as is Russia and Iran.

El Salvador has become unified under Bukele, who has called the banners and is taking on GAE funded/supported bandits, garnering unprecedented support from the Commons.

Brazil might be moving towards operationalizing the Friend/Enemy distinction.

The Taliban has begun making moves on the Pakistani Frontier.

Alberta has dipped its toes in the pool of breakaway/autonomy.

Coronatarianism is in defense mode and losing followers and support daily in most countries.

Satanic worship by elites is being acknowledged in public spaces with increasing regularity.

A powerful, popular, intelligent elite with direct and substantial ties to the military has officially become a dissident, and has publicly gone after the managerial Elite’s cornerstone vertices of Media and Campaign Policy, with public assertions of expansion of operations.

Did I miss anything ???
This is not some pie in the sky optimism, or some kind of victory lap. Some of things I mentioned may not be positive, or may not be what they seem. But recall how, when pressed to predict, Jim says “Expect the unexpected.” This is not a bumper sticker logic, it is a warning and reminder to always remember that normalcy bias are set of blinders that slip over the eyes of our minds when we start looking at something very unfamiliar, or very familiar.

The Cominator says:

Leave the crazy nigger out its a Cathedral op that mainly wignats and dumb tradcons are falling for and even Alex Jones could (rightfully) see he was batshit in 5 minutes.

WTF was that hood. As an autist I could never be that autistic…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Polygon actions vis-a-vis Kanye is more or less scrambling for damage control after the fact. They might succeed at that even, but it still is what it is. His chimpout, whatever you think of it, was foremostly on his own impetus.

If it came about due to a party within the ruling theocracy prodding him into it, that someone would have to have been an elite planning on defecting on his fellow elites.

Mister Grumpus says:

“WTF was that hood. As an autist I could never be that autistic…”

I’m old enough to remember when Trump was publicly blaming Ted Cruz’s father on TV for the Kennedy assassination.

A kind of peacocking even.

Fireball says:

They killed a pawn. I don’t think they have the will to go after the intellectuals.

Bill says:

Warnack is the Obama faction’s 2024 candidate to replace Biden. Biden knows this which is why he didn’t stump for Warnock during the runoff. I wonder if Biden has his people call off the fraud and lets Hershel win. I’m probably reading too much into it but possible intrigue I suppose.

The Cominator says:

LOL no way in hell. If they were going to let Walker win they would have let him win the runoff.

Bill says:

You mean wouldn’t have let him get to a run off. Warnack as a 2024 pick is a very recent thing the media has been pushing. I still think Warnack wins but in the off chance he loses this is the reason why probably:

Anonymous Fake says:

There’s something absolutely spooky about runoff Democrats *gaining* votes. Normally, the most marginal Democrat populations (ghettos, barrios, trailer parks, college students, wine aunts) don’t normally turn out for any kind of special election, even regular elections with no president running, but his momentum actually grew. Ballot harvesting has apparently eliminated the drop-off they normally get.

I also thought Walker was genuinely liked more than Kemp, but who even knows. But at the end of the day voting is all we have unless we’re secret billionaires, or if someone like Musk reads here.

Do Your Community A Service: Shit In Your Local School Administrator's Coffee says:

Off-topic: can anyone help me locate a source RE school? I am thinking of something I saw someone post on Twitter to the effect of graduates being given a retention exam about a year or two after leaving to see how well students remembered what they studied, and the smartest kids in the room (maths and physics) scored something like 19% out of 100, and the shittier the major is the worse the scores get, thus implying that school is at best adult daycare and at worst torture. I can’t remember what the name of this exam is. Surely it’s not the GRE?

Another one I am looking for: study was done showing children who did not attend any kind of schooling at all scored just one year behind children who attended K-12 education (I believe this was a general knowledge exam).

Fireball says:

You need a study for that?

someDude says:

It is legal to study that?

Red says:

This isn’t surprising based on the reports we’ve seen around here:

My father was on Xarelto (a potent prescription anticoagulant) daily for YEARS and he was Murderna(ed) 1.5 years ago with massive “clumps” of bloodclots engulfing almost his entire rt lung and half of his lft lung.

Taking the aspirin was very prudent of you but likely useless.

[…] was playing catch-up at Jimbo’s recently, divebombing through the recent posts, and I happened upon the comments here. We were discussing what I’m already starting to think of as the post-post-modern consensus. […]

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