

On Gab, I noticed a whole lot of wholly blue pilled people, not all of them shills.

So, despite my frequent declaration that this is not a game blog and not going to turn into game blog, here comes another game post.

It is kind of redundant, because everything that needs saying has been said in Setting the Record Straight, page 57, and Chateau Heartiste’s sixteen commandments of Poon.

Ok. Very short post.

Oh, OK, I will pad it out by reprising Heartistes magisterial Sixteen Commandments of Poon. But pay no attention. Read the original. This stuff has already been said, and I am just expanding on one detail or another detail.

I. Never say ‘I Love You’ first

Or second. When she says “I love your” it is a shit test. She wants to see if she can make you say “I love you” on demand. So when she says “I love you” you should randomly and sometimes respond “I love you too”.

II. Make her jealous

Preselection is the thing that most attracts women. If someone has popped thirty virgins and immediately dumped each one, and word gets around, a whole lot more will show up on his doorstep.

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

Hope and despair are self fullfilling. Irrational optimism beats rational pessimism. Hope is a virtue, despair a sin.

XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little

Regrettably, female perception of manliness and alpha is primitive compared to that of men. So a whole lot of behavior that men would regard as brave but stupid and wicked goes down like a chocolate milkshake. Including all that stuff that males rightly regard as bullying the weak, including her, and the stuff that the blue pilled wrongly regard to be sexual harassment and rape.

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

Preselection again.

But “do not be afraid to lose her” is a prescription for operating in defect/defect, the game of players and bitches. If operating in cooperate/cooperate, marriage 1.0, biblical marriage, her perception should be that in the event of infidelity you would kill her and her lover, and then swiftly replace her with someone younger and more fertile.

905 comments Game

embeveraged commuter says:

Any thoughts on where you would go hunting for women? I assume some key features of a good location would be
-Sufficient number of marriageable women present (inb4 AWALT, some are still left or right of the bell curves for intelligence and partner count).
-Allows you to be the most (or close to) alpha guy in the environment, or at least gives you some sort of preselection.
-Isn’t overrun by libtards

Ideas I tried:
College nerd club: Low number of women, but probably more marriageable than average and it’s easy to be the most alpha dude there. Definitely overrun by libtards though.
Church: An adult women attending church yet remaining single is in itself a red flag. Acts women perceive as alpha may be frowned on, but your competition has to deal with the same problem, and being redpilled you can burn a bit of perceived holiness in order to be fruitful and multiple. You should be going there anyway I guess, and to one without libtards.
Gym: Decent number of women who at least aren’t fat, but you are surrounded by men willing to cripple their long-term health injecting test so they can look bigger than you. Maybe you could go to planet fitness just after new years and set off the lunk alarm. Few libtards.
Unspecified right-wing associated hobby: Almost no women, and the ones that are there are trashy. Steep competition to be most alpha among the men. No libtards. Might be worth doing anyway, since the men are good company and it makes you look more alpha in other environments.

embeveraged commuter says:

Sorry This text had structure when I typed it. Don’t know why it disappeared. I think the shift+enter must not carry over

jim says:

Never tried any of that, no idea.

Suggested course of action: Get together a crew, hit up a big expensive far away pickup joint, such as an international tourist hot spot. You will find groups of chicks hanging out. The alpha of your crew barges into the girl group, takes it over. After your crew and them have been hanging out for a while, he then distributes the chicks among the crew, and each chick is isolated with her assigned member of the crew.

Obviously the chicks at the gym are there for the big muscle men who could obviously beat you up. Thus obviously no hope. But the chicks at the international resort are there for the jetsetters, thus are more respectful of the male hierarchy as men see it today, rather than the male hierarchy as it was when we looked very like apes. Female perceptions of alpha are hypersensitive, they can spot a hover hand out of the corner of their eyes at thirty paces, as a man can accurately assess female fertility at a glance at thirty paces, but their perceptions of alpha tend to be four million years out of date.

Hunting chicks solo is hard. Chicks cruise to be picked up in packs, and expected to be picked up by a pack.

Doom says:

> Chicks cruise to be picked up in packs, and expected to be picked up by a pack.

Lol, today on “Jim schools me”
Dude, you just blew my mind.

Your friends are a part of your frame.

Why don’t women like it when (average) men hang with their friends (doing average stuff like bowling or going to the pub)?

Cause if you’re not the leader, you’re a “loser”.

Round 2: You’re foreveralone because you have no friends
Really, if Incels stopped whining about vagina and just started to be actual friends with each other, they could make groups that women would enter. Duh!

But, question.
Are groups of men always destroyed by a lower number of women entering it? Anecdotally I’ve seen women enter, eg, gaming groups, her picking the suavest guy and then the entire group collapses.

So it makes the most sense to try to onboard an equal number of women to your group?

jim says:

Nah, it makes sense that the leader divvies up the pussy, and if not enough pussy to go around, the men’s group goes off looking for another girl group.

Think like it is still four million BC. Because that is how a woman’s hindbrain thinks.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Church: An adult women attending church yet remaining single is in itself a red flag.

Single adult is a red flag, but young daughters of age or near it are another.

Other option frequently forgotten; get a house or apartment near a nice high school.

jim says:

The big problem is that trying to pick up chicks solo is hard. When you see a group of girls, chances are they are hoping to be approached by a group of men, or the leader of a group of men.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A very big problem. Pretty much none of the men I know who are under 30 (by acquaintance or observation) have any friends, in the sense of other men they can hang out with face to face.

The upshot of living in a school town is ability to get involved in the community and school events where eligible debutantes congregate, and if they can make friends amongst men, old and young, all the better.

The very daring might think to get a place in the school itself – a coaching or teaching assistant perhaps – but that pretty much guarantees ‘official’ attention in case of relationships, regardless of how enthusiastically ‘consensual’ they are. Though maybe there are some devil-may-cares who think they have a plan anyways.

Asking millennial folk and younger how they met their spouse, the most common answers (after “spouse? meet someone?”) tend to be things along the lines of, ‘my tinder first date’, or ‘eharmony’, or ‘we were in the same [video game] group’, with the occasional church group and entry-level job story thrown in; basically, various forms of online intermediation, which is a rather interesting commentary on the ‘market failure’ of the prevailing climate in general, and the progressive atomization of each successive generation heretofore.

jim says:

Tinder works, but frame your picture like you are part of gang, and have respect from women, with the excuse for the people in the background being that you are doing something interesting. If people in the picture background are plausibly with you and watching you do something, her hamster will start running with it. Social media also works. In reality you might be with a tour guid doing a tourist event, but the tour guide is out of frame, and only people physically close to you in the tour group are in frame.

Wiz says:

If solo hunting seek an introverted girl, the one l married is a dozen years younger, fit and attractive. She started as a liberal but is red pilled and we are teaching the kids to be too. Frame is HUGHLY important as are establishing and maintaining standards, both for yourself and your woman.

alf says:

Echoing what Jim says and what I’ve come to realize on women: in terms of game, women work primitively, instinctively. Power and status just registers very strongly for women, power meaning a bunch of apes working together in a tribe. I feel like it’s almost more correct to say women are attracted to a group of men than that they are attracted to a singular man.

Anything you try solo, you try at disadvantage. In a group, at advantage. So for your examples:

Gym — if alone, competing with the roided loud guy and his gym bros. Disadvantage. If you know the owner and/or have gym bros yourself – advantage.

College nerd club — if among friends, then good. If among uncooperative losers, then bad.

Way I did it was clubbing with a bunch of men. In retrospect there was much we did wrong, but just the fact that we showed with a group gave me the edge I needed.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Art galleries/exhibitions. But as Jim says, do it with a crew. I would do so much different if I were starting over with what I now know.

So crew>location, but if you’re already hitting up hobby venues a wild card is art class. Be fit going in, express interest early, take dates to a venue with your own social circle not out to dinner. Worst case gets you a point of interest in other settings. Focus on not caring what things look like, just sketching out something recognizable fast and people are impressed.

The above are overrun with libtards, but that’s all women everywhere today anyway. Don’t talk politics, just maintain frame in your own beliefs and fuck them rightwing over time.

SJ says:

I’ll offer different advice here. You want to be alone and the goal is to meet many women and begin conversations with them in order to isolate them. Step one is the ability to talk to random strangers. The best way to do so I’ve found is to make a comment about something they are wearing or carrying. Single women often wear jewelry to advertise that they are on the market. My wife was wearing a very ugly wooden bracelet that she was fiddling with when I first met her, for example. This gives you an opening.

In order to get better at this I suggest when you are going out to meet women you do not restrict yourself to women. Meet and begin conversations with everyone. Now to move this towards dating my go to was, after successfully beginning a conversation and seeing that the woman was interested, was to say, “come get some lunch with me”. This indicates your interest. However after many years of cold approach I began to be much more bold when I knew a girl was interested and went immediately sexual. For example one girl I met, I asked her what her favorite movie was and then after she told me I said that was really interesting and that we should have sex. Which worked but by that point I had a lot of confidence and a very strong frame.

The bigger problem is how to keep meeting women. What I did was go from mall to mall, shopping but rarely buying anything. After awhile the employees of the stores figured out I was only there to meet women and after that I got a reputation as being a player. This made my game ten times better as now the girls that were interested, rather than me trying to meet them, would come to me. It became incredibly brazen with girls I did not know coming to immediately tell them their sexual fantasies (I want a guy to tie me up, for example) and all I had to do was say you should come over.

I even had a young girl approach me to tell me that her boss wanted to let me know that if I would spend the weekend with her she would buy me anything I wanted, provide alcohol, food, and a ski vacation. If I would spend the weekend with her. Her boss was approximately forty years old and at the time I was banging teenagers and early twenties women with a solid nineteen year old plate so I turned her down. Later I saw the boss lady and she apologized profusely, stumbling over herself to apologize, and started to cry and ran away. So get a reputation.

Also keep in mind this was post divorce where I was bankrupted, had quit my job, lost a disastrous amount of weight, and became a horrible alcoholic. I had no furniture in the room I rented, not even a bed, yet no problems with women.

Now to the biggest problem. The women you meet need to be one of the rare 1-2% of thin and young women. This is why I chose the shopping malls but I also started taking art classes at the community college and met two women that way. I met my wife at a gas station, though, she was the cashier selling me my beer.

I also tried out online dating and met many women that way but they were the worst garbage trash women in the world. I was also on the red pill on Reddit and met several women that way who wanted to challenge me that game worked or contact me to tell me I was a horrible misogynist.

I suggest cold approach. I still have the ability to do so and naturally am very friendly hence I still accidently meet women this way today which keeps the wife very jealous. A jealous wife is an obedient wife who will try very hard to please you.

SJ says:

I will also mention that during this time I converted to the LDS faith, the Mormons and was able to attend their singles ward. It is church but filled with other single people. Being that I was mid thirties, a convert, and not a returned missionary the women available to me through the Church were incredibly low quality worthless whores. As bad as the trash from online dating. Think color haired chubby post wall single moms whose baby daddies of their half breed bastards were either in prison or deported.

0/10 would not recommend as a way to meet a wife. But now that I have a wife and many children I am an active member and hopeful that I will not have to teach my sons to pick up countless worthless whores and find a way to turn one of said trash into a wife.

alf says:

Not to take away from your advice, but you must realize you don’t exactly sound like the most average man. You were a nearly homeless alcoholic roaming the mall banging all kinds of women? You must have a good deal of natural charisma.

I tried a decent deal of cold approach by day — daygaming as the PUAs called it. It definitely had its perks — prettier women and very confidence boosting once you actually get a little bit of success. But very anxiety inducing as well, at least for me. This —

Meet and begin conversations with everyone.

Sounds like my kind of hell.

SJ says:

I think what holds guys back is not dating the red pill way. The women you meet are plates, they are for sex not for anything else. Maybe they rise up the booty call list and maybe rise up to wife is they behave well enough but at first they are just a plate. This requires constantly meeting new women so you can keep the booty call list filled as women fall off. If you can meet one woman to date their is no reason you can’t meet more it just requires a lot of time and effort. So you do not commit to a woman unless she demonstrates that she is obedient and servile for awhile and you issue many compliance tests to assure she will obey, meanwhile you always be meeting new women to keep your booty call list full. Most women are horrible so they will just be a booty call for awhile before they wander off.

Oh yeah never break up with any girl just put them lower on the booty call list. If you tell them you don’t want to see them anymore sometimes they get crazy. Rather just let them wander off on their own.

alf says:

It is definitely true for me that I was still learning the ropes of red pill dating. At the same time I’ve never enjoyed spinning plates as much as I thought I would. Women just have this knack for creating more drama than I want in my life. Which in the grant scheme of things is probably a good thing because it incentives one to find a wife.

SJ says:

A wife and many children are a blessing, masturbating into a bunch of horrible garbage sluts is not very fulfilling. Showing women I can defect on them faster than they can defect on me, also not very fulfilling. Marrying a stupid garbage slut, also not fulfilling but if Jesus and the martyrs can forgive those who murdered them I could eventually find a way to forgive my repentant wife. Just had to explain to her that marrying her brought great shame to me, that she dishonored rather than honored me, and I was disappointed in her. Also demonstrating to her that I may as well defect on her, that she deserves no better. The first few years were rough. Now all is good.

Roger Williams says:

Why so hard on your wife? What makes her a slut? High notch count?

Western Taliban says:

There are only 3 type of women: virgins owned by their fathers, married women who were chaste until marriage and whores.

I refuse to acknowledge any other standard, it’d be evil corruption and degradation of the standards of my grandparents and forefathers. Pretending there is anything else is prog newspeak.

SJ is a true patriarch and did the right thing, she should be immensely grateful.

The Cominator says:

As I hate having to keep pointing out unmarried women in the Western feminist world are not really whores but something much worse…

Western Taliban says:

It’s a wide term, women only taking booty calls from Jeremy Meeks while refusing to have sex with average men are still whores.

Women that speak out of place are whores, women trying to be men or intruding into male spaces are whores, women sleeping around are whores, women not marrying are whores, unowned women are all whores, all of these women are whores. Whore is the general word our ancestors used to indicate low status for women.

A terrible lot of things used to brand a woman as a whore and untouchable, including things that seem terribly small today like inappropriate dressing. I’ve heard in some muslim countries a woman living alone, even if she doesn’t touch a single man, is immediately assumed to be a whore.

It’s somewhat similar to calling a man a faggot, it’s not necessarily because he is a sodomite, it could also be because they are cowardly or weak, just low status behavior in general.

There is one correct behavior for a woman, to be devout and loyal to her father and after her husband, to support them and obey them, to take her place in the family. Everything else = whoredom.

It is unnatural and destructive behavior that isn’t viable without an advanced society produced by men, every woman not being a good chaste daughter or a good loyal wife is a disgusting ugly whore parasite that is living at the expense of men, instead of cooperating with the men she owes her life to.

SJ says:

What makes her a slut? Why it’s having had sex with men she was not married to, men who she had no intention of marrying, and rather than move in to the brothel she continued to desire a husband. A husband whom she will have defected on, betrayed, over and over, no matter if it was I or some other guy. Worse like all your modern whores she was wholly unrepentant. Your modern woman actually brags about her whoredom as crypto-trannyism causes her to believe such things increase her value.

I actually did consider attempting to turn a very beautiful mid twenties plate into a girlfriend, to upgrade her. She had spent her late teens and early twenties being a literal whore, a porn whore, and her last boyfriend turned fiance had discovered this and attempted a murder suicide only succeeding in the suicide. Alas even a fallen piece of scum like me could not stand the shame of looking at her face for anything but sex.

It took me quite the game, quite the defection, going so far as to spit in my wife’s face before leaving for work and telling her she should be gone by the time I get home, and worse, for her to grasp the level of her betrayal. Your modern women betrays her husband before she is a senior in high school with no remorse. I am satisfied that my wife is truly repentant but I still at times look at her and feel nothing but revulsion and disgust.

On the bright side she is very well behaved, works very hard to please me, and today she is still not as old as I was on the day we met. She has a very large family, a hard working husband, a home and a future. For that future I will gift my son in laws well behaved virgin wives, and I will teach my sons game and attempt to arrange them marriages with the same. Times are dark but the sins of the fathers only last four generations. We can overcome.

The Cominator says:

Low status women were called whores because as women are hypergamous low status women ergo tend strongly to be promiscuous.

Western women are all given artificial high status boost as if they were in ages past women of the high nobility… so it’s not right to call them low status…

Western Taliban says:

I disagree, it’s right to call them low status, because all unowned women have extremely low status, their status only increasing in proportion to the man that owns them and how loyal they are to him. Whatever status “society” grants women is unimportant and “society” is increasingly unimportant, fake and gay.

Women themselves are aware of this, as any man that calls the bluff can attest. Their artificial high status affects you because you aren’t willing to call the bluff. I don’t want to come off as moralizing or try to lecture anybody, but keep this in mind for the future: the more unwilling you are to piss on “the law” and continue to suffer a crippling fear to it the worse off you’ll be, as the anarcho-tyranny will only continue to creep in.

The Cominator says:

Status is as its percieved.

Rux says:

‘You were a nearly homeless alcoholic..’

Having nothing to lose works wonders in producing unfeigned self-assurance which is why girls tend to prefer deadbeats with no prospects. Err towards self reflection or worried preoccupation and it all goes to hell. Our host stated some time ago about always having to be on in a performative sense and for better or worse this is usually true.

Basil says:

Connections of your relatives and friends. The best way if better accessibility is not available to you (and you have a traditional religion, you’re a celebrity or something like that)

A single woman over twenty-five in a church is obviously suspicious, but if the church shows any signs of life, you can find a few unpicked young flowers (usually living with their parents) in it. If there are no children and “teenagers” in any church, there is no point in attending such a church, because such a church does not help its parishioners to have families and children.

jim says:

All of these are highly unlikely to work in any twentieth century social order, let alone the twenty first century social order.

C4ssidy says:

If you volunteer and tithe for a few years you have a chance an accessing the slim pickings, but I’ve seen handsome and successful top-dog normies with every qualification to be a full-on pastor other than the wife, and if their bluepilled rising-star pastor cannot get a wife, what chance do they have of giving you one at the end of several years of hard work and tithing? After the marriage birth control is mandatory because she needs a career too and any accusations of abuse will cause them to all to take her side. what usually happens is that by being able to get rid of any man with a wink, no male passes their fitness tests. The pastor backs up the hot women anyway , the hot women predictably leave shortly after, and whatever slim pickings are left over are reasonably likely to be having sex somewhere outside of a marriage with men who, having no church leadership to be subservient to, are able to pass the fitness tests. This is what I can directly observe but according to this blogs it also happens with catholic priests

Basil says:

No need to ask permission from her parents. Parents’ permission should be asked only if they are open to dialogue and are ready to arrange an arranged marriage with their young daughter on acceptable terms. Jumping through the hoops of pastoral work for years, with no guarantees (comparable to the engagements of the past) or substantial support for your marriage after is an unacceptable condition.

Establish contacts with the parents, but along the way, do what needs to be done, steal the girl’s heart behind their backs, and then, if everything is fine and she is really a virgin, shove a baby into her belly, wait a couple of months, and then go to her parents and say ” it just happened” and ask for a blessing. Even now, it will be very difficult for you to find a church where a father would choose to send you to jail and leave his young daughter to a single parent/late abortion. Naturally, there is some risk here, but it is there anyway if you want a wife in a modern white country.

Naturally, you must take a firm stand against the use of hormonal contraception. Firstly, it is unnatural and also contrary to the divine plan. Secondly, banal concerns about health, especially about reproductive health. Your duty is to take care of your wife, love her and protect her from evil. Don’t forget about it.

Doom says:

Q: How do I get past the problems of the defect/defect equilibrium we face?
A: Basil
“Find people who are suckers and defect on them”

Do you actually believe that’s what people here on Jims Blog believe?

>No need to ask permission from her parents.
So, the goal is to have a relationship wherein you have children and then between the two of you you raise them. She submits to your authority.

And your advice – and therefore your example to your ostensible wife as to how to manage authority – is to just steal her out of the authority of her family.

Using her feelings for you as leverage. Rather than working with the family as a whole

So then when Chad Thundercock decides he wants to bang her for fun, she will consider the example you have set and think – well, this new man that I feel good about wants to do something with me, should I consult my authority chain or just do what I want?

What do you think will happen, Basil?

Very good advice “fellow Right Winger”.

> Your duty is to take care of your wife, love her and protect her from evil.
Except of course, when it suits your desire.

Basil says:

I am not suggesting “defect on them”. I would suggest “defect on them” if I were to suggest looking for young girls, pump and dump them even when they are suitable for marriage and family.

The chance of her being fucked by Chad Thundercock doesn’t go up, it goes down. First, a perpetually pregnant house mom is less interested in adventuring with Chad Thundercock than a young, fertile girl who has no sex. Secondly, Chad Thundercock is primarily interested in childless and unmarried women, and not in modestly dressed permanently at home pregnant mothers with screaming little children nearby. Third, you can set important rules that most fathers don’t set for their daughters. Fourth, she cannot “follow my example” because she is your wife, not an unmarried man. Fornication is not very good and you need to repent, but adultery is even worse. Fifth, you did this because you wanted a family and children, not because you just wanted to have fun.

A girl is more likely to get on Chad Thundercock’s cock while you’re jumping pastoral hoops/missionary work/seminary studies/waiting for her to be of “marriage age” (and usually this is the age above the age at which Christians girls first get on cock of Chad Thundercock) in the eyes of her blue pill parents because Chad Thundercock is more of a man in her eyes than you. , including due to the fact that he just sleeps with her, and does not jump through hoops. And you either agree to pick up scraps from the Chad Thundercock table, or you jump through the hoops again.

When you leave a woman who can and is ready to be your wife – you do bad things and I condemn it. Naturally, if you have the opportunity to marry a seventeen-year-old virgin, and you understand that the girl’s parents will bless the marriage without tricks from your side, that’s great. But usually young Western men do not have such opportunities. Yes, I think many of the enjoyers of Jim’s blog would agree that this is acceptable and morally justified.

Doom says:

>I am not suggesting “defect on them”.
Yes, you are.
You know what the traditional rules are – integrate yourself within the family and gain their approval for you to take their daughter into your family.

You know that, because they are traditional in view, if you impregnate her they will accept that this has to happen by default. You’ve bypassed all that heavy lifting of showing them that you are good enough to have authority over their daughter.

So, you get the benefit without the cost. Defection.

>The chance of her being fucked by Chad Thundercock doesn’t go up, it goes down.
No, the chance of her being wifed by Chad goes down.

>you can set important rules that most fathers don’t set for their daughters.
As I said, which you didn’t address.
The rule and moral framework you set with your subterfuge – “oops it just happened” – is “when you feel sexual lust it is OK to ignore your male authority”

>Fornication is not very good and you need to repent, but adultery is even worse.
So you’re acknowledging that sin is OK so long as it serves your long term wants? At least now you’re being a little honest.

>in the eyes of her blue pill parents because Chad Thundercock is more of a man in her eyes than you
So her parents authority includes letting her be alone with other unmarried men, in which case, there is no need for your proposed subterfuge.

It sounds like you just feel inadequate to the task of winning her family over. Do you think Christian Dads prefer ripped Chads for their daughters, or men that can demonstrate the ability to provide and protect?

Sounds to me like, rather than taking the child of good intentioned traditional parents, you’re just talking about intercepting a potential modern woman and trying to apply a traditional structure to her. In which case, doesn’t need to be a church girl, can be literally any. Her parents are not much use to your children given that they too will suggest your daughters should be OK to be alone with Chad.

>But usually young Western men do not have such opportunities.
This is a similar justification for why women should wear make-up and waist trainers to attract the rich 6 foot 5 guy.

If you’re not able to meet the standards of the woman’s family, then too bad, so very sad. Improve yourself instead of trying to steal the woman. You need her families support to raise children properly. It’s this type of narcissistic viewpoint that destroys community.

>Yes, I think many of the enjoyers of Jim’s blog would agree that this is acceptable and morally justified.
I don’t think that many enjoyers of Jims blog agree with the 1950s/60’s model of removing the family unit from the extended family. I could be wrong.

But lets continue your logic. When your daughter from this union comes home, having gotten pregnant to a man that you have not properly vetted or approved of, you will react the way you expect her parents to react?

Of course if a man is willing to impregnate your daughter to avoid spending any kind of time with you, he must be a great guy with the best intentions, right Basil?

Fidelis says:

In this case the ukenigger shill is correct. We don’t live in a world of well managed daughters, but roaming sluts. If the father lets his daughter roam onto your cock, that’s on him. Your only obligation from there is to continue on with the rest of the process instead of moving onto some other slut.

Doom says:

>We don’t live in a world of well managed daughters
His suggestion is to identify and then take the well managed daughters using modern methods of ignoring authority chains, and expects magically to be able to hold his own authority chain.

If not a shill, at least misunderstanding what he is suggesting.

Fidelis says:

If this is truly your church, your duty is to become a pastor yourself or leave.

Dr. Faust says:


Off-topic but in another post I mentioned the conspicuous lack of US analysts talking about the destruction of the petrol dollar. It looks like Larry Summers is breaking ranks or didn’t get the latest memo to not notice the house is on fire. He’s spoken out of turn before so it’s not surprising he is in dissent.

“Somebody from a developing country said to me, ‘What we get from China is an airport. What we get from the United States is a lecture. We like your values better than we like theirs, but we like airports more than we like lectures.”

A nation of priests as Jim would say.

falseconvert says:

Thoughts on wives having jobs? There’s only so much cleaning and cooking to be done in a single day, what can they do to make themselves useful after that, without becoming masculine career women?

hue says:

Have her work for your business.

Red says:

Home business that you own that she runs under your leadership.

Hesiod says:

Aye, she should be tending her husband’s garden and increasing his wealth.

BTW, Red, your recent allusion to Lewis’ Narnia series got me revisiting his work The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature. For those who haven’t read it, it concerns the authors most influential in building the cosmic model accepted in general by most learned Western men during those centuries. A fascinating study on how Christianity, pagan philosophical monotheism, and mythopoeia danced on earth and in the stars in western man’s imagination.

This excerpt caught especially caught my eye:

“The last, and neo-Platonic, wave of Paganism which had gathered up into itself much from the preceding waves, Aristotelian, Platonic, Stoic, and what not, came far inland and made brackish lakes which have, perhaps, never been drained. Not all Christians at all times have detected them or admitted their existence: and among those who have done so there have always been two attitudes. There has then, and is still, a Christian ‘left’, eager to detect and anxious to banish every Pagan element; but also a Christian ‘right’ who, like St Augustine, could fine the doctrine of the Trinity foreshadowed in the Platonici, or could claim triumphantly, like Justin Martyr, ‘Whatever things have been well said by all men belong to us Christians’.”

Desperately trying to figure out how to tie this back to the subject of Game. The best I got at the moment is reconciling seemingly contradictory or paradoxical aspects of life is necessary for a man of God. Be good, but not too good as that leads to self-righteousness and holiness spiraling. Unfortunately, the closest thing I had to a Chesterton teacher in church didn’t last long as his real family duties precluded his ministerial work being full time. This left me at the mercy of those who were “eager to detect and anxious to banish every Pagan element…” and I lost my faith for many years.

Most fortunate to be a prodigal son and thankful for any scraps I can get from my Lord’s table. May our Heavenly Father bless you all and especially my philosophical brethren who know my Lord through the name GNON. “Come on in, boys, the water is fine.”

Pax Imperialis says:

Home financial management is an easy one. Checking account churning, CD rate hunting, interest reinvesting, budget management, bill payment, etc. Low risk, easy, but time consuming. Just stay away from stocks.

jim says:

The strategy you suggest means that all your assets will go down with the US dollar.

Pax Imperialis says:

Born and raised in America. I might as well go down with the ship, but that’s just me. None of these strategies require doing them in the dollar system. Eastern Europe has some really good rates. Increasingly easy to open bank accounts internationally without citizenship requirements. Main issue is physically relocating there and retaining ownership if SHFT.

Asia is a bit more complicated.

Kunning Drueger says:

Did you take my advice and start reviewing the Archives?

SJ says:

No job, children need to be homeschooled and men need support from their wives. Women also need to have many children and can not do this while home schooling and working. Only slaves have women who work.

Fidelis says:

On a tangent, are there any jimblog approved books or blogs on sales? I bet many of the concepts found in such a book would be applicable to the early stages of game, among a vast number of other use cases.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A lot of books on salesmanship, negotiation, or arguing in court (which tends to overlap) are all but all unspokenly predicated on dealing with other men, specifically.

For example, one of the most commonly cited principles of winning influence, reciprocity (eg, giving ‘something’ to create a feeling of obligation in the subject in turn), is half the time not even true amongst common men, and 100% mistaken with regards to women.

Fidelis says:

Surely there must be something. Sales is an evolved process, and so practitioners would be up to date.

Also, in the only related book I know, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, reciprocity is used in reverse. The advice is to ask others for favors, and this creates a psychological effect in the subject where they value you more. because why else would they do you a favor.

Jehu says:

Yes, getting other people to do YOU favors makes THEM like you more. It makes no sense to me, but it is the observed reality. It works on like 95% or so of the population. The reverse (creating a feeling of obligation) only works on maybe 5% of the population—mostly the Aspergers types, who are more openly selfish but less ungrateful than the bulk of the population.

A lot of regular people will actually like you LESS if they owe you favors. Maybe they’re annoyed that you’re eating up one of their registers. More likely it’s an evolved mental counter to thousands of years of social hacking.

Red says:

The best sales men are typically charismatic and highly competitive former athletes. The second best are scammers. Both typically clean up with women due to innate talents. I doubt those talents can be learned.

ray says:

Game is lame. A failed philosophy/grift that wasn’t even engaging during its heyday.

Going forward under a banner of negs and everything’s-just-a-shit-test fails to budge the gynarchic reality of your nations. Fine for a hothouse blog however.

Never be reactive to women’s emotions or ‘shit-tests’. That is woman’s Game, not man’s.

Never pursue or alter yourself to suit a woman. Become a confident and accomplished man and the females will come to you. Many, meekly and without shit-tests and related rebelliousness. They only rebel with inferior men.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>They only rebel with inferior men.

She rebels to reassure herself that she is not with an inferior man, according to her brainstem’s standards; and ever now and then she will doublecheck.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Hail, fellow alphas! I am more alpha than thou…

jim says:

Unfortunately female perceptions of alpha are four million years out of date. We have to play the cards we get. Status in male hierarchy is not in itself much help, unless you can use it to artificially create status as females perceive it. So the advice to become “confident and accomplished” is not much use.

Accomplishment in itself is not nothing, but it is not much, and while confidence is a lot of use, it has to deployed in a way that registers in the female brainstem. The drug dealer scores, the motorbike gang leader scores, the stony broke musician who can pull an audience scores big time, but the billionaire CEO does not score, unless he knows how to apply it.

SJ says:

Women are attracted to status but as the woman sees status. Men see a loser but said loser is having sex with her peers, she sees a sexy winner. All of society is now set up incorrectly, preventing the men a good father would want as a son in law from being seen in a way his daughter would find attractive. Game allows men to hijack women’s ancient and still running program. I already am teaching my sons game. It is just a part of the great relearning.

Doom says:

>They only rebel with inferior men.
Yes, and every man is inferior to the power of the government.

If a woman can call the cops and get a domestic violence order against you any time you piss her off, and there is exactly zero you can do about it, how is she to submit?

Jim game is great and works, but involves “abusing” women. I should use more quotes. Do not take this to mean that I believe Jim abuses women.

But from the perspective of the state, telling your woman that if she defects on you there will be consequences is “”””abuse””””.

>Never be reactive to women’s emotions or ‘shit-tests’.

There must be consequences for actions. Being unreactive makes women escalate. The shit test is a request for a demonstration of dominance.

If it ever escalates to :
“These flowers aren’t good enough how would you feel if as a woman you got this warrgarbls”
The reaction is :
Cool *starts packing*.

Shekel me Shlomo says:

So good to have friends among the gentiles. And, thank you so much for all the game theory information. I tried it out on a girl I met at Temple yesterday and to my amazement, it worked. We’re moving to the next phase in our relationship right after her family reviews my portfolio and three year business plan.

Guy says:

Anyone able to explain the joke Ghost is making here? He’s a Goyim shill trying to infiltrate this blog which is run by Jews? How is that a relevant criticism of his prior banning for being annoying?

Red says:

Ghost has reduced himself to the lowest form of internet life: The unfunny troll.

Kunning Drueger says:

lol. Wonder if he’ll find a redemption arc or just continue the decline.

Red says:

Off topic: Holding gold instead of all in crypto.

Jim, I’m noticing a large upswing in banks and nations like China and Russia stacking up gold as a reserve. Besides the US government stealing gold from Americans is there good reason not to be diversified in gold as well? Sure the feds could be making tungsten covered gold bars but apparently there’s scanners that can detect such fakes now.

Wouldn’t the Feds fool’s gold actually increase the value of the non fake gold once it’s revealed?

jim says:

> Is there good reason not to be diversified in gold as well?

Diversification is good, but gold has to be hidden. Then it has to be transported. And when things go to $#~% you will likely be off the airport to catch the last plane out, and will have to leave your gold behind.

The chief competitive disadvantage of gold is moving it around. When things go bad, crypto is threatened because the internet is likely to become difficult to access, but gold is threatened because shakedowns will become more frequent. If your $#~% hits the fan plan is to bug out to cabin in the woods near a stream among high hills, you can stash the gold here, but my $#~% hits the fan plan is to do what Romans did when the Roman empire was overrun by Roman armies installing emperors with exceedingly short life expectancy, and bug out to a little house in a quiet backwater on the periphery of empire.

For this purpose, it is good to have value you can carry in your head.

Aryaman says:

Gold isn’t much good if you are fleeing to Dubai, but a lot of people are going to be sticking around parts of America, and with gold you can do infinitely many face-to-face transactions every 30 seconds or so.

William says:

People are actually enemies towards each other

Assume that it would become known that everybody can gain biological immortality in perfect youthful health by killing 10 people, including their close family, friends and loved ones.
Would you kill them in order to gain immortality?
Would you suspect them to try to kill you in order to gain it?
See, this shows that people are enemies,
all else is an illusion or ignorance upheld by external conditions.

jim says:

> Would you kill them in order to gain immortality?
> Would you suspect them to try to kill you in order to gain it?

Definitely not. Everyone else, probably, but not close kin, family, and loved ones. Well, certain family members I would suspect, indeed expect, but not the rest of them.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Another hypothetical world that bears no relation to the one we live in. A socialist once asked me, if by some magic, all the world’s wealth was automatically re-distributed equally at regular intervals, would I favor socialism? No, I’d flee that hell-world, figure out a way to create a private stash, or lay around starving to death like everyone else.

But if the store shelves are empty, the money is worthless, and eating a nigger keeps my family alive for another week, sure, why not? Our taxes fattened those niggers; they’re our nation’s Strategic Bacon Reserve.

A2 says:

The Piggybank, if you will.

Western Taliban says:


What about no? You open your post with a blanket statement about reality and proceed to invent a new completely imaginary reality to justify the statement about the reality we live in, are you a terminal wordcel or just mentally retarded? In the world we live in, humans require to cooperate for survival, so they are not intrinsic enemies to each other if they are behaving rationally.

Different groups of people with different interests, however, might be.

all else is an illusion or ignorance upheld by external conditions

Your hypothetical is an external condition artificially producing confrontation, are you even aware of the words you are using to make your own arguments?

Aidan says:

The reducto ad absurdum of “how much does it take to make someone defect” is unhelpful. Some people do not defect on their close kin, ever, and some do so out of spite, or for far less. It is quite obvious that good people who cooperate with their families are one natural kind, and evil people who defect on their own families are another natural kind, because the evil people will defect out of spite or envy alone to no benefit, and the good people will cooperate despite massive benefits for defection.

This is Krishna-esque cope designed to justify evil deeds to yourself. “People are really enemies, that’s why it’s okay to stab my father and pawn his wristwatch to buy a few hits of heroin”

Kunning Druegger says:

You and WT nailed it. Dude is a spiritual nigger.

The Cominator says:

The history of royal families show that the vast vast majority will defect on immediate family members given the opportunity if what they can get for it is power. So while maybe not everyone has their price, realistically most people do. My life experience as a sperg (as someone said we’re more openly selfish than most people but when someone helps us we’re less ungrateful) is that you neurotypical niggers typically ain’t loyal.

Me personally I wouldn’t want biological immortality in the material world as is at all though (agelessness maybe), or even say a lesser immortality where I would live as long as the earth could support biological life, that would be a form of hell.

jim says:

The history of royal families show that the vast vast majority will defect on immediate family members given the opportunity if what they can get for it is power.


Not seeing it. Defection was only common among the sons of the Turkish Sultan and similar, where all of the enormous number of sons were equally eligible for the crown. They were defecting on their half brothers. Defection on brothers certainly happened, but was uncommon. And even defection on uncles and nephews, rare and unusual.

How many royal nephews have been murdered by their royal uncles?

A few, but not many, yet it is very common that the king’s brother would inherit the crown if the Kings young sons were no more. King dies, leaving behind a younger brother who becomes regent, and some young sons, the eldest of which is to inherit the throne. In the vast majority of cases, his eldest son does inherit the throne, rather than being murdered by his eldest uncle.

The Cominator says:

It happened more in pre high middle age monarchies with weaker or more ambigious laws of succession like in Turkey or Rome or I think China…

But in Rome and Byzantium and Turkey with weak laws of succession the brothers trying to kill each other or at least put their brothers in prison in a place where nobody can find was more the rule than the exception. The early Germanic kings also often ended up sending their siblings to monasteries and such.

You’re right about high middle age and later European monarchies, the most notorious exception in the English Speaking world later on was Richard III and my belief is that while he stole the throne arguing the Princes in the Tower were bastards (as Edward IV’s marriage to the commoner Elizabeth Woodville was a bigamous marriage as he had previously married another commoner and just sort of had everyone forget about it, which was apparently technically true) that it was Buckingham who actually murdered the princes.

The Cominator says:

There is another angle to siblings killing each other over crowns too… even if they don’t want the job some of them just want to either live or not be locked up for life.

If your brother percieves you as a threat or even a focus for plots you won’t participate in, he might kill you or have you disappeared so the threat is removed unless you get him 1st.

jim says:

Sometimes, often, as in the Turkish Empire, there was a problem with powerful men grabbing the younger brother of the King and dragging him to the thrown as he digs in his feet the whole way.

The Cominator says:

Even outside Turkey with a more civilized succession… Consider Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth REALLY didn’t want to kill her but 10 Jesuit assassination attempts later to install her as queen (which I never got because Mary Stuart was probably the biggest religious moderate in the 16th century she was Catholic but she did absolutely nothing to prevent John Knox from converting Scotland en masse to Calvinism I think she debated once and just ended up crying she was not going to be any Mary Tudor as Queen of England) and she became convinced she had to die.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

G. F. W. Hegel’s ‘Phenomenology of Spirit’ is a magic book. Understand now what is meant by what is said here; it is not a book about magic, the book itself is a magic spell; and the reader the target.

When a sorcerer up to no good deploys such a thing out into the wild, there is not just one, but in fact two acts of creation that have taken place. Most people tend to notice, and spend their attention on, the later, most visible act, where the conjurer puts forth a system who’s entailments or effects might advance some aim of his. But it is the first and less visible act that is the true lynchpin; the creation of another flawed construct, which the writer is calling reality as such, and whose flaws, defects, or shortcomings they expose or point out, naturally implying their later construct.

The sorcerer is perfectly fine with you quibbling with the subsidiary creation, as long as you credulously accept the first; which in large part was the real aim all along.

William says:

Notice that mass media presents the very opposite as truths regarding women.
They want you to fail, suffer and perish.

figgy says:

How about some Jim’s blog approved commandments for raising children?

Raising children is arguably a much harder problem than dealing with women, and being fruitful considered to be extremely important around here.

Yet there are virtually no reactionaries discussing best practices for raising a kid. On the one hand, we reject blank slatism, so should recognize that differences in upbringing of children may not affect life outcomes as much as some believe. Yet its obvious our enemies are doing their best to turn children into tranny freaks, and are doing a pretty good job of it.

Looking for input from any of the commenters here.

jim says:

> How about some Jim’s blog approved commandments for raising children?

> Raising children is arguably a much harder problem than dealing with women, and being fruitful considered to be extremely important around here.

I have raised children. For me, easy as falling off a log. No problems, lots of fun, raised fine children. No stress, went down smooth as a chocolate milkshake. My sons are, however, having terrible and very stressful troubles. Just watching them, not sure why.

They remember me as a very stern father, which is not at all how I remember myself. I made very little effort to make them do stuff, or to prevent them from doing stuff, it was very much a laissez fair upringing. Too lazy to bother, and I enjoyed having fun with them and giving them a good time. But when I decided they would do something they did it, and when I decided they would not do something, they did not do it, and when they wanted something I decided whether they could have it. Perhaps that is why they remember me as stern.

I told one of my sons that I had only ever beaten him once. He said “No, you beat me lots of times.”

I was surprised, but I figured he would remember it a lot better than I did. “What did I beat you for?” I asked.

“For hurting my brother” he replied.

Thinking about it, perhaps my attitude was that as the man of the family, I automatically and always got my way, having due concern for the needs of other family members, and not meddling when I did not need to, but if I decided, that was that, and disobedience was extraordinary and almost unimaginable. Perhaps that is what made them recollect me as stern.

Western Taliban says:

Natural alpha male education, it’s kinda how silverbacks take care of their family. Whenever he decides on something it is done, because he knows better and it’s making a decision in the group’s best interests. Most of the time unbothered and unconcerned, only brings out the stick when members are escalating conflicts too much or there is danger.

I rather agree with this style of parenting. I’m not specially concerned about this subject because I want to murder my enemies in holy war, purging them with sword and fire. But if this were not to happen or if I were to survive and become a father, this is my natural inclination towards parenting.

I’d also teach my children from very young age that work is actually also a game, the better and superior game, and when they want my attention but I’m busy I’d find them some work to do, for which I’d pay them or hopefully, if old enough, they would produce value that gets them paid. That, being an example of physical fitness and sharing my wisdom and viewpoints about life with them.

Roger Williams says:

What sort of troubles are they having? Woman problems?

alf says:

I would like to contribute to this, but finding it hard to do so without giving away more information than I feel comfortable with. So keeping it general.

My sons are, however, having terrible and very stressful troubles.

I somewhat identify with this. I feel like I am a good father. But still, some troubles.

I am told, rarely directly to my face, but in plenty of gazes, that I am an overly permissive parent.

Problem is that the same people who tell me this, back in their day, starting from age two and up, sent away their kids to daycare and school 4 days a week. I see their at best mediocre relations with their own kids and find it very hard to take their ‘advice’ serious. Yes children need structure. But they also need room to play and parents that spend time with them.

A related problem is that, generally speaking, large parts of society just don’t know how to deal with kids anymore (or if I’m perfectly blunt: seem to hate kids). Kids need a village with gardens to play in, but instead they get a prison with 15 minutes of daily leg stretching.

A huge portion of kids diagnosed with autism, ADHD, depression or what have you are really just children whose personality is not suited to a society that disallows kids from being kids. Clown world being clown world, we blame the kids (or their parents) instead of clown world itself. Add to that the parents often needing dual-income and… It complicates things.

But yeah those are my complaints.

Robert says:

Set appropriate boundaries for behavior, set appropriate punishments for when they cross those boundaries, be extremely consistent in dishing out punishments when boundaries are broken. Do this pretty seriously when they are young (birth to 8, depending on kid). Repeat this process giving more and more freedoms and grace to child as they age. The point of parenting is to make yourself no longer necessary.

This is true for boys and girls, but tactics are different. Also personalities are unique so adjustments should be made for those.

Above all, always let them know you are on their side, that you love and will protect them, that you think they are awesome, not in a liberal kumbaya way, but in the loyalest of friend way. Children need someone in their corner, that’s you.

Adam says:

I think what kids resent the most and rebel from the most, is overbearing narcissistic parents who are eager to serve themselves at the child’s expense. If you are just another codependent crab in the bucket, your kids will become that too, and you will forever be tearing them down, and they will forever resent you for it, and become yet another crab in the bucket.

Daughters need to be told no, and to be quiet pretty much all of the time because they are retarded, and boys need follow the example of a man they admire, a man who they would like to become.

You are absolutely going to pay for your failures as a parent, and pay for your parents failures. You will likely fail the same way your parents failed. You probably will not notice it, and worse case blame the child. Best practice is to look at what you resent your parents for, and look at ways you are doing the same thing to your kids. Once you identify it, you can go about correcting it.

If you are a good dad and did not fail too much, or were able to overcome your failures, it is really not all that hard, and most of the time it requires little or no effort. My parents were foolish and did not really make a man out of me, but becoming the man I always wanted as a father absolutely did.

Pax Imperialis says:

Planned FBI HQ will be twice the size of Pentagon which is already the largest office building in the world. That’s if they go with the more conservative building plan. Guess they need all that additional space for creating and storing lists of people who say “chad,” “stacy,” and “red pill.” Apparently, FBI is on the hunt for those terms. War faction losing to surveillance faction? Maybe? I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s telling on where priorities are currently.

The Cominator says:

The American security state glowniggers obviously wants their own Lubyanka prison where they can just hold and probably kill their enemies with no oversight.

Karl says:

Do you think they don’t have that? My guess is they want a bigger Lubyanka prison.

The Cominator says:

They have black sites but in the past mostly overseas (where they are rapidly losing all their power) and perhaps small ones at home, nothing like the Soviet Lubyanka I’ve even heard rumors of (the closest thing I’ve heard are the rumors of a secret base under Denver airport).

Pax Imperialis says:

All regimes need black sites. America’s just happen to nearly all be overseas. The need does not go away with their closure. Merely the get brought home and the temptation to use them on citizens increase if only due to readily available proximity.

Starman says:

An easier target for a Rod-From-God to destroy than an aircraft carrier.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve noticed no one with that capability wants to destroy America. For the most part, they just want the Americans to leave. The regime doesn’t want to leave, so it will move those aircraft carriers far too close and far too openly. They will be fairly easy targets.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If Russia or China conquered America and ruled it as a colony, white men would become second-class citizens, a huge step up from the absolute pariahs we are now. Alas, that won’t happen until our would-be conquerors solve their own fertility problems. Instead, they’ll watch America’s collapse with detached amusement, and maybe send a few planes to airlift their citizens out.

Kunning Druegger says:

What they want is a citadel; what they’ll get is a money pit. I bet the contractors and firms bidding on the project are publicly available. One might also look back and see who bid and won for the Dindu Nuffins museum down on the mall, or the BRAC building out in MICtopia. Both seem very impressive, but when you dig into the construction process, you are likely going to find all manner of corruption, incompetence, and waste. Look how long it took for 1 WTC to get built. We don’t build things anymore. This one should be interesting.

The Cominator says:

“What they want is a citadel; what they’ll get is a money pit. ”

Yep the amount of corruption in American publically funded construction projects now would make oldschool Mafiosi blush. Infrastructure bill is code for “we’re stealing all of this”.

Contaminated NEET says:

>What they want is a citadel; what they’ll get is a money pit.

They’ll get both. And the pit will be filled with your money, so it’s no skin off their nose.

Fidelis says:

You should have been detaching yourself from the mainstream economy at least 5 to 10 years ago. There are avenues available even now to tradies and white collar alike. That pit will not be filled with my money, I don’t know about yours.

ray says:

‘I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s telling on where priorities are currently.’

Well, I can say for sure. The FBI (and thus allied D.C. Empire agencies) just proclaimed that members of the ‘manosphere’ are, in their own words, ‘extremists’. With ‘terrorists’ soon to follow.

Modern intel agencies consist largely of women (i.e., feminists) and homos, with some percentage of cucked men allowed to remain, but not guide policy. Doubtless a few of the intel white male old guard remain, but in diminishing numbers and with diminishing clout.

Our rulers revealed intentions by running out their Disinformation Czar, Nina Jankowitz, some months back. Nanny Nina made it clear during her brief but poignant tenure that the Priority Enemy in the U.S. is, well, us. This announcement by the FBI publicly affirms that the Politburo sees us as not merely a priority threat, but I suspect as the only real threat.

I am new here. But Jim and other commenters may wish to consider the importance of the FBI’s latest proclamation of jihad against men discussion the ‘red pill’ etc. May I suggest that this is not ‘just a shit test’?

Starman says:


“Well, I can say for sure. The FBI (and thus allied D.C. Empire agencies) just proclaimed that members of the ‘manosphere’ are, in their own words, ‘extremists’. With ‘terrorists’ soon to follow.

Modern intel agencies consist largely of women (i.e., feminists) and homos, with some percentage of cucked men allowed to remain, but not guide policy. Doubtless a few of the intel white male old guard remain, but in diminishing numbers and with diminishing clout.”

And as a result, their agents and informants cannot pass shill tests.

blind archer says:

Why do men like thin women more? After all, from the point of view of evolution, a good woman, this is the woman who can bear a child. For this, a woman needs fat. A thin woman is less likely to be able to give birth to a child, and if she is very thin, she will not even be able to get pregnant.

Yes, we now have access to a huge amount of food that we did not have before, but our genes do not “know” this, judging by our tendency to eat much more than we need.

Yes, a thin woman is now likely to have a higher status now, but men generally do not care about women’s status.

Maybe Varg Vikernes is right, and modern ideas about a beautiful level of fatness are instilled in us through (((culture))) so that we have even more problems with the birth of children than we already have now?

The Cominator says:

STFU degenerate chubby chaser, come the restoration the fat women will be put in fat camps until they have attractive hourglass bods and chubby chasers will be whipped through the streets put in stocks and pelted with rotten food.

blind archer says:

If I liked fat girls, I wouldn’t ask why men like them so much less than skinny girls.

Another question that worries me. Women tend to be neotenic and look younger due to sexual selection. But also for some reason, some women love fake tan. It’s also pretty weird, given that kids tend to have lighter skin (because they need more vitamin D). In all other areas, women at least try to pretend that they are younger than they are. But with a tan, they do the opposite and artificially make themselves darker than they already are. Why?

The Cominator says:

Its self destructive and stupid attention whoring shit unowned women do like getting tattoos and developing severe drug problems… Another reason why we should rehabilitate smoking (it used to be they just did that, at least it kept them in a good mood, kept their weight off and looks kind of hot).

Kunning Druegger says:

It’s high status to display markers of luxury and affluence. It signals “I heart Beach” and “I do things outside by choice.” There could be the subconscious “self destructive” element, but I think it’s more the case that it indicates vacations, exotic destinations, and a life of ease. The majority of those that tan are people aping this kind of thing.

NY, FL, CA have the most tanning salons (~1300 each) with an estimated 65,000 total in the US. Tried to find a map but not willing to spend hours finding or building one. I think you would find them clustered in suburbs and cities, and I think you’d find that the bulk of the business is driven be people attempting to signal status, not high status people.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In the 11th century, doing your business under roofs all day generally means you were upper class, hence high status to lack of tan.

In the 21st century, doing your business under roofs all day generally means you are a disposable office drone, hence the ambivalence of status as to tans.

ryan says:

While there are elements of neoteny being attractive, it is still important to visually ‘signal’ readiness to bear a child, as with developing a womanly figure.

As for tanning, I think it’s an R/K selection thing. Melanin increases promiscuous behavior and aggression, and body decoration is also part of an R mating strategy. They are signalling that they are easy. At the other end, pale skin and modest clothing are the sign of a good woman suited for a patriarchal society.

Adam says:

Men like proportional curves. This is what we notice from 50 feet. I would say most men prefer 150 lb. over 115 lb.

The Cominator says:

Some girls look good in “Reubenesque” proportions but hourglass is generally the best look.

Adam says:

Yes hourglass figure. Square and skinny is not attractive, and if one has to pick from square and skinny, and hourglass and slightly overweight, I think most would rather the slightly bigger girl with curves. At least as a middle aged man that talks to a lot of other men that age, a little more is more appealing than too skinny.

jim says:

Why do men like thin women more?

We have a hard wired image built into our brains of what a fertile woman looks like, and she looks like the average healthy twenty year old of ten thousand years ago.

Javier says:

There’s no such thing as chubby chasers, only men with lower standards.

This question has been definitively answered here:



-Men like women with hourglass figures, narrow waist, round butt, large breasts, and an overall slim, tone profile.
-Fat is a sign of low health and low fertility
-Large boobs on thin women are uncommon, the demand for Emily Ratajkowski exceeds supply, hence men are likely to compromise on body fat to get bigger jugs.

Doom says:

>but men generally do not care about women’s status.
They don’t care about their masculine status traits, ie, being able to lift heavy things or make a lot of money or dominate other people.

Having poor hygiene is low status.
Are men interested in women with poor hygiene?

I’m giving you a little bit of shit here, but what you said is a little ridiculous. Of course men care about the status of their women, it’s a reflection of their own social status. But womens social status is to a degree agreed upon by other women, just like mens social status.

Women currently think very thin = high status. Fat acceptance retards know this and want to make fatness the high status marker. Lawyerettes know this and want to make “muh six figures muh career” a high status marker.

Heck, why do you think women are into pointlessly long nails? It indicates that they don’t have to work with their hands. Very, very old school status indicator.

Doesn’t mean men accept it though, just like the very best e-sports gamers do not get to wife victoria secrets models.

The Cominator says:

Men don’t want the woman to have a status where they will be mocked. Ie that’s the reason why most men even if they like sl00ts themselves wouldn’t want to be Riley Reids husband.

Fidelis says:

Pregnancy requires weight gain and a healthy metabolism capable of handling insulin swings. If she is already fat, putting on more weight during pregnancy will fuck with the hormones and metabolic process. The ideal isn’t bone thin, but somewhere just above the amount of fat needed to maintain the menstrual cycle.

Pax Imperialis says:

I think it obvious why civilized men like thin women, so I can only assume there are some definitions shenanigans going on with your question. To that end, I think there may have been some overreaction towards your question. (Chubby chaser, really TC?)

>Why do men like thin women more?

Assuming there was an implicit ‘some men’ in the question.
Assuming what you mean by thin or very thin is no chest, no ass, no curves.

It’s a fair question, some men do like women that look like sticks. Such men tend to be a little strange themselves. Soft liberal city types with somewhat androgynous features. I suspect they are gay or perhaps very low T. Who knows?

>our genes do not “know” this

Maybe I’m assuming too much about what you really mean though.

Some evidence to suggest that obesity did exist with the start of agriculture 12,000 years ago. Obese women don’t bear children. I’m no evolutionary expert, but I would imagine that’s plenty of time for sexual selection to weed out the chubby chasers… unless they are from populations that never developed agriculture. Places like Africa, Americas, Pacific Islanders. All peoples who seem to like really, really big asses along with getting very fat on canned meats.

So I guess if one is from a population that never developed agriculture on it’s own and finds itself inundated with easy calories, I suppose one might find desire for normal, healthy sized women strange.

ray says:

You completely misread my comment.

Doom says:

You said “game is lame”
The point of game is inter-gender politics.

Mating is an arms race. This is how it is.

Game is, effectively, peacocks becoming self aware that having the giant tail that peahens demand they have is an incredible burden on their daily life.

And learning how to “fake” having a giant tail on the weekends.

Only a woman would think the concept was lame.

Kunning Druegger says:

Hol’ up, I think game is lame too. But, I do see your point, and it is fascinating when you portray it the way you did.

Game absolutely has a place, a chapter in the Book of JIM. But it is easy to see it as a distraction, or pointless, or just petty. Whenever dudes complain about not getting female attention I’m at a loss for what to say. Go out and get it, stop being a fucking loser. But that’s not very helpful. I am comfortable talking to anyone, and I’ve never had a problem getting girls to look me in the eye and talk with me, but that doesn’t translate to advice.

Pretty sure my first or second post on this site was a complaint about a Game Post lol. But I’ve come to accept that it is necessary, it is important, and it should be done. However terrible the current cohort is at getting female attention (or more likely however impossibly hard it’s been made by faggots and spinsters), it’s going to magnitudes worse tomorrow and next year.

jim says:

It is a lot easier to get female attention when you are naturally an asshole. Some people need to learn to make conscious effort to be assholes.

jim says:

Your very first comment on this blog was an excellent and informative comment on game, in which you correctly observed that trying to say what you were saying in mere words was hopeless.

And gave the profound and excellent game advice:

A woman’s capacity to tolerate abuse from The man she wants (as opposed to A man she wants) is practically limitless.

Here’s a Bill Watterson quote that I’ve always found strangely insightful: “I imagine bugs and girls have a dim perception that nature played a cruel trick on them, but they lack the intelligence to really comprehend the magnitude of it.”

Doom says:

I’m not pro-game by any means, in the sense that “this is a feature of human society we should have because it’s good”.

(Of course, his prescription of what to do pretty much relies on an understanding of the game principles.)

“Considering learning game?” Says Ray, “That, my friend, makes you lame”.

The way Ray characterised it was as if practicing it in any way makes a man of bad character. Sounds pretty much like the kind of complaint women make about game. (Instead, Ray seems to prescribe the “just get it” model of manliness, which again seems like the sort of things women say).

But your perspective is bang on. It’s a necessary evil. Women do not want to be self aware, do not want to face reality, and so, they must be gamed so that they do not end up as crazy cat ladies. Of course, this is easily abused. Oh well.

In that sense, it’s lame. It’s lame that it’s necessary and opens such an easily exploitable hole in female perception.

jim says:

In a patriarchal society, men do not need to game prospective wives. The woman perceives her parentally selected suitor as high status because Dad treats him as high status in her presence (famously was apt to behave differently when not in her presence) and because Dad make her treat him as high status.

In eighteenth century England, Dads knew all about game, and applied it with great vigor. Everyone knew female nature, and regarded it as huge problem that required strong measures. A patriachal society does not make the problem go away. It just permits men to know what the problem is, provides social support for the solutions, and then backs up the solutions with collective organized violence. A patriarchal society still needs game and plenty of it, and women continue to cause big problems. It is just that you are no longer required, or indeed able, to plow through a sea of whores to find a wife.

ray says:

I see. So, agree with Doom and Jim, or I am a woman?

You are busily proving my point.

Doom says:

Sounds like woman logic to me Ray.

Explain your point properly or go paint your nails.

hint : “boohoo you misread me” without giving an explanation is what women do.

ray says:

Loonie Doomie I owe you nothing, including an explanation. Of anythingh. You’re just another Keyboard Braveheart, go away.

jim says:

On this blog, you do owe people explanations.

You are now on moderation for being unresponsive.

Also, you purport to be a Christian, but seem to be pushing the postchristian position.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Can you say that?

ray says:

Yes I can say it, [*deleted*]

jim says:

So you said earlier – which is to say, you earlier said you could say it, but, strangely, you did not actually say it then, and strangely, you are not saying it now.

If you can say it, say it.

Doom says:

Oh dear Ray.

“It’s not my job to educate you”?

You really are a woman.

jim says:

This is kind of unfair to poor Ray, because I am not allowing him to preach from a Christian perspective until he says the words of the faith. So, in order to reply to you, he has to either stop saying “Hail fellow Christian”, or explicitly affirm certain points of the faith. He is under moderation. (I recently removed you from moderation, having long forgotten why I ever put you on moderation.)

I don’t like people saying “Hail fellow X” on my blog unless they sound to me like X. Trotsky, you may recall, claimed to be a peasant saving his fellow peasants from the evil oppression of the kulaks (a kulak being a peasant with two or more cows) while he was in fact an urban Jewish failed money lender. As Anonymous Fake has remarked many times saying “We” works. “We” is an illegitimate, manipulative, and dishonest debating tactic, and I do not allow it. Ray’s Christian doctrines on women sound plenty red pilled Christian, but his black pilling sounds gnostic. So, I came to suspect him of using “Christianity” as a manipulative and dishonest debating tactic, rather than a sincerely held belief.

Doom says:

I don’t disagree with disallowing “we”. It is a sneaky tactic that I dislike. I would never refer to myself as a part of your “we”.

As far as unfairness to Ray, if he is going to use debate tactics like “I don’t owe you anything”, “So if I don’t agree with you I’m a woman”, etc, I’m going to call him a bitch.

He’s provoking me by refusing to explain himself. Seems fair to provoke him back.

In all good faith, I want Ray to explain himself. I welcome being schooled by people that know better than me.

I do not welcome “little boy I know more than you, follow along”, not without proven results.

jim says:

I often say “we”, and “our people”. But of course there are many concentric sets of “us”, and I always say which “us” I refer to.

Tony Dukes says:

[*deleted for moronic idiocy and ignorance*]

Anonymous Fake says:

We [*deleted*]

jim says:

You are not one of us.

Before you can say “we” you have to pass the shill test.

And since whoever is writing your script seems to intend that we and everyone we love should die in a fire, should die horribly and everything we possess destroyed, you are going to have to pass with flying colors.

Your advice is always that if we lay our heads on our enemy’s chopping block, we we will be rewarded with power and pussy, because that is how the left got and keeps power.

No it is not how they got power, still less how they keep it. The left keeps power by doing what every state Church has always done and always will do, and it took power by doing what the enemies of Christianity have been doing for two millenia, with varying degrees of success.

Anonymous Fake says:

I don’t even know what to say except that ultimately the left wins power by lying, [*deleted*]

jim says:

You could call out some of those lies and speak some unspeakable truths.

Anonymous Fake says:

State churches honor God first before all other things, and leftists do not. They do not value God/truth. I say that they have somehow found a way to overcome truth with lies, but that truth will overcome those lies in the end.

The right cannot use force against anyone who can apparently be reasoned with, who can be disarmed with truth instead of literally having his arm chopped off with a halberd. There are still too many reasonable leftists in our way, and note that it is always the economic leftist who is reasonable. The economic right treats us like absolute trash.

Have a Bud Light as you think about that.

jim says:

The alt right, and even some substantial number of mainstream Republicans are using the words “religion”, “faith” and “church” the way we do.

Doom says:

But what *is* “honouring God”?

What does it mean for a person and or community to value God/truth?

It sounds like you said things that you think Jim wants to hear but you do not know what they are.

This is funny though:

>The economic right treats us like absolute trash.
What do you mean by “the economic right”?

I’m going to help you a very very tiny bit.

The economic left are the grasshopper in the parable of the ant and the grasshopper.

jim says:

By “us” I think he means people like Elon Musk who neglect to worship and adore the wondrous credentials issued by the officially unofficial state Church.

He has endlessly told, and I have endlessly censored, the story of how the Holy Priesthood of Academia gave him an expensive degree, and he should automatically be part of the privileged priesthood by, it but evil capitalist conspiracy has denied him his rightful due.

I conjecture that by the “economic right” he means those red staters who so wicked as to actually produce stuff, there being a noticeable correlation between needing to produce things and failure to pay attention to degrees in bullshit.

He thinks the ants are stealing stuff from the grasshoppers, and if you kill all the ants there will be abundance of stuff for the grasshoppers.

Doom says:

The false church said he was a priest and we should respect him

Just like a real priest he has the responsibility to preach the gospel of his faith

Unfortunately, that faith is in the falsehoods at the head of the state being the correct people to worship.

“We set this system up, if you have faith in it you will be rewarded”

Which sounds great, but, gives God like powers to men, which is blasphemy.

Of course his blasphemer heroes / examples are people like Musk who still, practically speaking, worship at the altar of the state church.

Hot take for anonymous fake : the average Amish man is more successful than you.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Take the shill test.

You are advocating political and economic measures intended to destroy red state America and kill or enslave everyone like me.

someDude says:


Cloudswrest says:

Unz has an interesting (and typically prolix) article today on how the Neocons have probably saved us from WWIII by quickly forming an unbeatable alignment against the US. Instead of a rational foreign policy of siding with Russia against China, the Neocons have forced Russia, and China, and much of the rest of the world, into each others’ arms, forming an unbeatable alignment. He also, towards the end, mentions many dominos falling in the last week that have been completely unmentioned in the Western media.

The momentous nature of this shift in world power has become obvious to many national leaders if perhaps not yet to our own. Xi met Putin for important talks at their Moscow summit last month and as he was departing, his remarks were recorded on video:

“Right now there are changes – the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years – and we are the ones driving these changes together,” Xi told Putin as he stood at the door of the Kremlin to bid him farewell.

The Russian president responded: “I agree.”


Cloudswrest says:

These geopolitical trends have further accelerated in the two weeks since then, with French President Emmanuel Macron traveling to Beijing and declaring that Europeans must not remain “just America’s followers” and “get caught up in crises that are not ours.” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has challenged the leadership of the United States and asked for support from China. Despite American opposition, leading German companies are strengthening their ties with China and the Brazilian government is doing the same, with a long piece in yesterday’s Asia Times summarizing a week of triumphs for Beijing. The Saudis struck another blow against America by meeting to reestablish relations with Hamas, a Palestinian organization officially classified by the U.S. as terrorists.

Cloudswrest says:

Teddy Spaghetti talks about this article today.

ray says:

‘Instead of a rational foreign policy of siding with Russia against China, the Neocons have forced Russia, and China, and much of the rest of the world, into each others’ arms, forming an unbeatable alignment.’

Exactly. The point of current U.S policy being, of course, to destroy the U.S. . . . not to protect or advance the nation, as in eras past. Woke is a cult of death.

The wise and obvious alignment, as you point out, is the U.S. with Russia against China, get the U.S.-Russia trade routes humming and watch the serpent squirm. The communist Red Dragon being the principal global threat.

This ‘light’ alliance would deliver immediate military stalemate and permit all three powers to return to thriving, stable national economies. With China now too isolated and dependent to make war.

By this, I don’t mean trusting Russia, to be sure. I mean a limited alliance based largely on shared Christian purpose, military practicality, and social traditionalism.

Cloudswrest says:

Exactly. The point of current U.S policy being, of course, to destroy the U.S. . . . not to protect or advance the nation, as in eras past. Woke is a cult of death.

Indeed. I’ve mentioned this previously. Everything the US government does appears to make sense if you view it as intended to weaken and/or destroy the US as a world power.

jim says:

Is a little more complex and subtle than that. Global American Empire = Rules Based International Order = Anti American Empire, as the Turkish empire was the anti Turkish empire.

The Chief threat to the Global American Empire is what Trump would call American greatness. Obviously making America Great Again means ending the Global American Empire.

Sher Singh says:

Is this because they’re trying to stabilize their rule onto a more controllable domain?

Ie Turkey became a nation-state, expelled minorities & is now making another play at Empire – under the OTS Organization of Turkic States moniker.

Question is who would be expelled should America become a nation state?

East Asians seem the obvious target since they’re associated with a rival power & relatively softer? Otherwise, East Indians? If not then some right-wing christian white bogeyman? The eternal mid-western Kraut?

Not sure just brainstorming.

jim says:

Is this because they’re trying to stabilize their rule onto a more controllable domain?

The reverse – they are worried that someone might do a Trump or a Kemal Ataturk, and stabilize his rule onto a more controllable domain.

The Global American Empire is not agreement capable because power is divided into a thousand little bit sized pieces, and the holders of those little pieces eye the large pieces nervously worrying that someone might roll them up into something that was agreement capable.

Sher Singh says:

So they intend to rule by chaos, the worst possible outcome.
So be it.

Was Ataturk really so divorced from the elite?
He was a Field Marshal & won the civil war – he is the elite.

Don’t think American society can handle a Kemal at this point, comparing him to Trump is an insult.

Do you subscribe to the view that the arrogant lay the seeds of their own destruction?

ie as GAE politicizes the military further – initially, with Mattis but not Milley & Austin are a step up the military itself increasingly takes a domestic political role.

THEN you have your Ataturk (don’t want to compare him to Caeser but yea)

jim says:

They don’t intend anything at all.

Not agreement capable.

Chaos is likely to be the result.

Kunning Drueger says:

The US is a communist country. It is the original communist country, establishing the template for revolutionary disassembly of sclerotic, weak, or naive monarchies. The US was spared the inevitable societal crash by a rightwing coup under the auspices of the Constitutional Congress. The coup stratified the American system into a tripartite structure that mirrored the 3 branches of government: the cult of order, the cult of progress, and the citizenry. This triune system operated such that the CoO would compete with the CoP to control the most valuable segments of the Citizenry. Though the CoO was resolute and capable, the CoP slowly but surely captured the institutions using the same basic model that saw the unprecedented rise of the Supreme Court by conferring magical, extra constitutional powers on itself through deceit that claimed the opposite. This method, using logic or reason or law to do A while insisting it is actually not-A, worked very well within the framework of a Republic that was tainted with demotist systems. Most often slowly, but sometimes very rapidly, the CoP converged every institution at every level, and the CoP has always been dominated by communists. As the baseline intelligence and capacity decreased in the elites, the method of convergence soon became the string of neverending emergencies that required neverending emergency powers as explained by St. John. And now the world is divided by three great powers, every single one a communist country, though the sickness takes different forms in each, and it is possible, however remotely, that Russia may actually force it into a more permanent remission.

Sher Singh says:



“The Russian Deep State are a bunch of traitors who sabotage the war effort deliberately

A significant and powerful portion of Russia’s elites wants to sell out and join the West

The Not-War is going badly because of how fucked up the planning of it was

Russia might lose this war, but if this can lead to the toppling of occupation deep state government with a nationalist uprising in the aftermath of the lost war, Russia will rise from the ruins stronger for it”

Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

GAE probably tries to partition & govern China, but a TFR crash in SSA means they run out of steam/manpower later in the century.

Warlord style statelets emerge with 1930s tech or w/e & TFRs in the 3-4 range.

That’s sort of my prediction for how this goes/ends into 2070/80 CE.
Liberalism seems to have a lot of life left..

Calvin says:

What on earth would make you think that they wouldn’t choose to wage an unwinnable war anyway, out of some combination of delusion and hatred for all that lives?

Mayflower Sperg says:

The next time someone asks me why I use the word “religion” when talking about ideology, what’s a good answer? That ideology is religion pretending to be something else in order to sneak past the listeners’ mental defenses?

“But leftism has no God, no holy books, and no afterlife!” Well, some religions have those things and some don’t. Zen Buddhism has no gods, and Jehovah’s Witnesses have no afterlife for the unrighteous.

Karl says:

My usual response is that progressivism is a non-theistic religion, a religion without god. It has holy symbols, e.g. the rainbow flag, priests, e.g. journalists and anyone else who preaches what is good and what is bad, prophets, e.g. Greta Thunberg, saints, e.g. George Floyd, and the teachings of progressivsm have to be taken on faith as they cannot be proven to be true.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Does “ideology” have any place in the Jimian vocabulary, or is it an enemy word like “pedophile” and “psychopath”? Would civic nationalism or national capitalism be ideologies? Hard to call something a religion if one can believe it without renouncing Christ.

The Cominator says:

Psychopath didn’t get universal acceptance as an enemy word the way pedophile did …

jim says:

ideology = faith

Religion, Priesthood = Party State, Party in the sense of communist party.

Jehu says:

It’s not so much that it’s a religion that’s the problem. It’s that it is a shitty religion that denies that it is a religion.

The mark of a religion is that it makes transcendental claims—i.e. claims that go above the existential or preferential. If you’re making transcendental claims, you’re engaging in religion no matter how aggressively you deny it.

Fake says:

Its god is equality, its saints are george flloyd or whatever black got killed recently, its prophet is mlk jr, its dogma is the blue pill, its priests are professors/journalists, antifa are its zealots, etc.

Fred says:

This is why I use the term “ideology” rather than “religion” to refer to enemy concepts that are homologous to religion – it preempts quibbling about what qualifies as a “religion”. So eg. I might talk about the “official state ideology” instead of the “official state religion”.

Moldbug used the term “prototype” as a general catch-all term for anything that pattern-matches “religion” or “idealism” (ie. ideology).

Sher Singh says:
Guy says:

Looks likely I’ll soon be interviewing a tranny, some dude who pretends he’s a chick, looks like fuckin Bradley Manning with a Jew last name. Can’t avoid it without exposure, but obviously not going to hire. Any advice? Particularly from those who might have had to walk the line.

I have a broad who calls herself bi, who lives with and fucks another guy at work. She’s a supervisor of mine, and hates trannies too, thinking of taking her and another old school gay along for the interview, then not saying what can’t be spoken, but making sure we’re all on the same page.

I already communicated through the guy the fake-bi fucks that the person is obviously a lunatic and there’s understanding there. Not sure how to ensure the gay is onboard, but usually follows my lead and understands the unneeded danger some people can bring to the group.

A2 says:

Well, you shouldn’t make it obvious that trannyism is a factor first of all, since that is presumably a modern crime of some sort. Tech companies like to tell unsuitable candidates that they are “not a good fit”. It’s vague and good — google around a bit for best usage and decline to be more precise if asked. Use it while you can.

A2 says:

Thinking a bit more, you already seem to be in an undesirable situation because surrounded by LGBTs, so tread carefully. The tranny may be looking for a payout too, rather than a job. It would probably be best not to interview at all, but that time seems to have passed. The job is then to turn the tranny down without causing dramatics. See if you can mark the HR file with ‘DO NOT HIRE’ too.

For some laughs, ask Reddit or somewhere how to handle an interview with someone who has turned out to be on ‘the far right’ in a forum.

Pete says:

You are not “on the same page” with the woman or the faggot, nor do you have “an understanding.” They hate you and want you gone (dead if possible).

If the tranny does sue for not getting hired, these other two will throw you under the bus and say the non-hiring was all your decision, and it was due solely to your well-known bigotry.

If you have ever shared any questionable/sexist/right-leaning jokes over email, they will come out at that time.

Sher Singh says:

[transwarrior bullshit deleted*]

Dr. Faust says:

Above all they want to be recognized as being whatever they say they are. Offer flattery and validate their identity. They want this more than the job. Then get someone else to give you a reason not to hire them. Best if it’s in an email or text.

Nunya says:

Call their prior boss after hours, leaving your number and a message asking them to return your call only if the interview candidate was an excellent team player that they would eagerly rehire.

When they don’t call you back, you can report that you didn’t get a good reference from their prior team, which is an unacceptable risk for your team.

Guy says:

Good idea to try and get no reference or a bad one. Ultimately I’ll go with the vague “not a good fit” if not given an easier out.

I don’t trust the woman or the faggot, of course, but I know that both of them like things the way they are now, and understand to some degree the absolute psychosis going on with trannys. Not that they wouldn’t use it to try to get ahead of course, but no one wants these things around and not to go all NAXALT on fags, but a lot of them are not political, and hate their own in group too. Going to leave the game by now and just take the broad since I definitely know she’s on the same page as far as this thing goes.

Me not taking the interview would raise a red flag. Since I interview so many garbage people all the time, sometimes just for kicks. It’s also an internal reference, so I need to go through the motions. I’ll lay out the red carpet and have a great interview, then turn them down.

Kunning Drueger says:

Don’t fly too close to the sun, but imagine the potential for hilarity if you could create the circumstances for the creature to think it’s being hired only for the chair to get kicked out from under at the last moment.

SJ says:

Should men learn game? My definition of game is the act and attitude that demonstrates to a woman that you are above her. You can see that your game is working when the women show desire for your validation. By assuming you are above her and acting so it becomes so. She will test you and the two main ways to pass these tests are agree and amplify or amused mastery, both show that you are above her and she is not able to manipulate you emotionally. At times in a marriage you may need to react to a fitness test with corporal punishment which she will expect and deserve. Withholding the punishment is failing the test.

Being raised with the morality of the progressive faggot it is common for young men to have anti-game. Most books, movies, and media show the hero being rewarded with sex by the woman for service. The churches teach servant leadership. Plus we are all the same so crypto-trannyism comes into effect where we project what we desire onto the opposite sex. This causes men to serve women and wait for sex, as if it is something women hand out. Women do not hand out sex, men take it from them. By serving you are placing yourself beneath her and you become invisible.

Their is also preselection and women’s instinctual desire to be in a harem competing to move up to number one on the booty call list. Suffice it to say women are very sexually attracted to men that other women are sexually attracted to in a self reinforcing cycle. Crypto-trannyism causes men to hide their sexual exploits and women to brag about them, inverting attraction for both sexes.

Now should you learn game? I am surrounded by many married men who married young virgins raised in one of the last patriarchal religions in the West. The men without game have sad marriages, disobedient wives, and many arguments. They desire additional children but the disobedient wife refuses. They cook, they clean, they do the child rearing all while working and their wives have post partum depression for ten years. It is dangerous for my wife and I to spend too much time with them as their wife will see our interactions and increase her shit tests to her husband.

One example of a gameless husband we used to spend a great deal of time with. His wife eventually escalated her shit test to grabbing a kitchen knife and trying to stab him. I told him he should have slapped her in the face, thrown her down, and had his way with her. He fled and called the police. Now he is a child support and alimony slave, charged with domestic violence, unable to see his children.

The men who have some game, likely due to their father’s influence, have happy and obedient wives. The husband says, spending time with your baby makes me happy. I’m going to have another one I think. The wife hears this and smiles. The children are secure knowing mom and dad don’t fight and when they look at each other they actually see each other.

I say game is an absolute necessity. My own failed first marriage was due entirely to my anti-game, servile attitude and failed shit tests. I was able to recover, indeed, through learning and playing the game. Mu first wife would very much like to be in my harem and is constantly scheming for ways to be alone with me. She has agreed to the legal state minimum in child support and that she will ask me for additional funds when necessary. Legally she has full custody, I see those children whenever I desire.

We all have deep moral foundations that are not often reflected upon. We developed them throughout our childhood and the influences are not always clear. Being raised in the inverted religion of the prog our moral foundations are often inverted as well. Learning game is simply correcting a bad and inverted moral foundation. Without doing so, without the proper foundation, everything else you build in your life is built on sand.

jim says:

Yes, without game, will not have children, will not stay married.

At times in a marriage you may need to react to a fitness test with corporal punishment which she will expect and deserve. Withholding the punishment is failing the test.

Being raised with the morality of the progressive faggot it is common for young men to have anti-game. Most books, movies, and media show the hero being rewarded with sex by the woman for service. The churches teach servant leadership. Plus we are all the same so crypto-trannyism comes into effect where we project what we desire onto the opposite sex. This causes men to serve women and wait for sex, as if it is something women hand out. Women do not hand out sex, men take it from them. By serving you are placing yourself beneath her and you become invisible.

Women really hate consensual sex.

You are delivering some really good married man game advice.

which you learned the hard way.

Learning game is simply correcting a bad and inverted moral foundation. Without doing so, without the proper foundation, everything else you build in your life is built on sand.

Aidan says:

There’s a problem of nomenclature here- when we say game, we mean “how to be, or at least act, alpha as women understand it”. Many hear this as “how to practice the lifestyle of a PUA and never have kids”.

jim says:

Enemy action.

Game means what it means. Those selling degeneracy want it to mean degeneracy.

Thinking that it necessarily means degeneracy is an understandable error. Insisting on calling anything that is degenerate “game” even if it completely blue pilled degeneracy, and refusing ot hear any explanations of the correct meaning, is enemy action to destroy the human capability of speech.

Sher Singh says:

[transwarrior bullshit deleted*]

jim says:

This rhetoric and symbolism would be great if it meant “treat me, my values, and the symbols of my faith with respect or a I might escalate to lethal violence”

Unfortunately what it means is “treat me, my values, and the symbols of my faith with respect or a I might pretend twice as hard that people are treating them with respect”

Sher Singh says:


Sher Singh says:

Discuss how female tropes like security or spontaneity are mischaracterized by society.

‘This is transwarrior bs’.

Mate, would I not be rewarded by GAE for chopping you into bits & throwing it in a river?

What’s there to pretend at that point – we both know the score.


jim says:

Indeed it would reward you – if you lived.

But the reason it would reward you is because it knows you are a transwarrior and I am an aryan warrior. And because I am a warrior and you are not, you probably would not live to be rewarded.

Indeed, the GAE is having this problem with all its pets.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for absurdity*]

jim says:

I happened to be drinking some milk when I read this.

I am descended from the same race, and look like, and eat like, the beef eating milk drinking Aryans who flattened the bread eating Indus Valley Cities. The genes that were added to Indian subcontinent at this time are undiluted in my blood and semen.

You look like, and your genes are derived from, the people whose cities they flattened, and whose wheat their cattle grazed on. Your ancestors were forbidden to harm the cattle that grazed upon your corn, and cattle remain sacred to this day.

Sher Singh says:

I’m descended from Indo-Scythians [*deleted*]

jim says:

We have a full color sculpture of the head of Indo Scythian, created by a Chinese artist. The sculpture looks like me, not like you, and the man that the sculptor modeled lived primarily on beef, horsemeat, and milk. He is not only white, he is white and looks Scots-Irish.

You look like the bread eating Indus Valley City builders that whose grain the man modelled grazed his cattle on.

Sher Singh says:

[*twenty first century depiction of an Indo Scythian deleted for irrelevance*]

jim says:

This depiction was based on an ancient depiction. Show me the thing it was based on.

Obviously the Indo Scythians had one hundred percent lactose tolerance, since they lived on milk and beef, and largely on milk. The highest lactose tolerance rate in the modern world is the scotts-Irish, near one hundred percent.

What is the lactose tolerance rate among Sikhs?

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for giving yourself airs*]

jim says:

Your ancestors were conquered a long time ago and you are still conquered.

Sher Singh says:

[*Deleted for moronic idiocy*]

Sher Singh says:

[*Deleted for moronic idiocy*]

jim says:

I am not going to allow you to waste space with completely insane arguments. If twenty percent lactose tolerant, you are what you look like, which is around twenty percent aryan.

You were conquered then and you are conquered now.

Sher Singh says:

[*Deleted for moronic idiocy*]

Sher Singh says:

[*Deleted for moronic idiocy*]

Aryaman says:

So there is probably a bit of motivated reasoning on my part, but Indians at the height of Vedic civilization looked a lot like Indians today. The top fraction now looks like the top fraction then, except the top fraction then was probably bigger. The decline is due to spiritual degradation, not racial degradation.

We know this because we know there were two periods of admixture corresponding to invasion after which caste was frozen for millennia. And all of Indian math, science, and industry happened after the freeze. Something started going wrong a long time ago, and things were really bad by the 16th century (which is when you see the last examples of a former greatness)

jim says:

I would say obviously true – not motivated reasoning. I am ridiculing our resident transwarrior because his transwarrior act is irritating, and absurd for a population that has only twenty percent lactose tolerance, but India at its greatness had another form of excellence, different from that of the pure Aryans, who, truth be told, were never very good at civilization. We did not like it then, and it is uncomfortable today.

Sher Singh says:

Aryan is a term which only makes sense in a Vedic context. [*silliness to stupid to bother rebutting deleted*]

jim says:

I censored your disagreement with these well known facts of the Aryan conquest because you are not provide relevant evidence or argument, but mere confident assertion. You are descended from the bread eaters we conquered. You were conquered then, and you are conquered now.

The word “caucasian” implies that whites are immigrants and invaders into the lands that are now white. We made them white by entirely eradicating the previous occupants.

Aryans originated from near the Caspian sea. We know exactly what these people looked like, and their exact genes, since the their exact genes are the common recent factor in all the places they conquered, and we know that they completely eradicated the original people in large chunks of Europe, notably scotland, Ireland, most of Germany, and the scandinavian countries.

They looked like me, which is also confirmed by old artwork dating from before the time that they mingled with the conquered population over most of their range, from western China to India.

The conquest was a continuous process that took place over millennia. They conquered Europe twice or three times, depending on how you divide a continuous process into waves. Which is why Europe became white. They conquered India once. Bronze Age civilization was mostly Aryan, with the notable exception of the Indus Valley civilization. When Bronze age civilization degenerated, it was reconquered, and almost all the cities destroyed. That was the wave when they conquered India. They failed to reconquer Egypt in that wave. (The Pharaoh that knew Joseph was as white as I am, but the Pharaoh that held off the new big wave of mostly Aryan invaders looked much like modern Egyptians.)

The fall of Bronze Age civilization was in large part Aryans with the original Aryan social order, plus peoples who were not always biologically Aryan, but had the original Aryan social order, probably from being conquered earlier, conquering Aryans who had adopted a degenerate social order with high levels of abortion, infanticide, and female emancipation. (Female emancipation is implied by monarchy in the female line, and by the ancient letters concerning royal marriages) These guys were extremely hostile to cities and to the urban way of life. They did not accidentally destroy the cities through disorder. They systematically and as policy destroyed cities and irrigation systems. Put a great deal of effort into thoroughly erasing them, as intentional policy, a policy uniformly applied over the entire area of conquest over a period of fifty to a hundred years, a uniform policy everywhere from western end of the Mediterranean to the Indus valley, a uniform policy applied everywhere simultaneously over a vast area by a many groups with no single central chain of command, but similar religious faith and social organization, and for the most part biologically the same, the same as me, as modern Scandinavians, and modern Scots.

This is well known, uncontroversial, and undeniable. It is not so much that the Global American Empire denies it, as that it prefers to ignore it.

It is odd that they had a single uniform policy, and no records of exist as to why or how they had this policy. Being meat eating nomadic herders, or ruled by meat eating nomadic herders, their institutions for large scale collective organization were not dependent on cities. I speculate, and this is just me, I am no longer reporting generally accepted well known facts supported by massive and overwhelming evidence, that this strangely uniform and extreme policy was aimed at destroying the capability of the people they were conquering for large scale collective action, which they likely conceptualized as tax gatherers, demon worshiping priests, and child sacrifice – that the enemy capacity for collective action rested on evil deeds and demon worship, and in destroying the physical infrastructure for enemy collective action, they were erasing sin, that the nice things that cities can provide, including irrigation systems, were intrinsically contaminated by sin and degeneracy,so they needed to erase them, rather than subdue them, reform them, and tax them.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for similar blue pilled idiocy*]

anonymous mouse says:

Hey jim, you ever noticed how your blog attracts so many subcontinentals, but no East Asians? Why do you think that is?

jim says:

Chinese have something of a blind spot for certain kinds of thought.

Or it may well be that it would be dangerous for a Chinese commenter to identify as Chinese, but I have frequently made remarks about the Chinese economy and the officially official Chinese faith, and no one seemed very interested, so likely there really are no Chinese here.

Pax Imperialis says:

There are lots of eccentric, out of the box thinkers in Japan and Korea. There are many in China if only through sheer numbers making a small percentage numerically big. Those East Asians don’t seem to pop up here as well (there is at least one, although mixed race, one here). Probably has to do with having greater mountain density in Japan and Korea for dissenters to hid in. Many “hidden” temples so to speak.

Culture around English competency might be playing a role. Hindus are pretty shameless about their English. They don’t care how poor they might be and use it anyways. Only way to really communicate in some parts of India as well.

East Asians are intensely shame driven. They know their English is bad so many never utilize it even if they are “fluent.” That and they tend to lurk rather than comment.

Fidelis says:

Two factors likely contribute.

China has a far better own-language internet, so why bother with outsider ideas. This is reminiscent of how prolific Finns are relative to Germans on the English internet, despite massive population differential I tend to run into Finns at least as if not more often than Germans, who have enough people to furnish their own German-section of the the internet.

India has far, far more English speakers than China. Some 240 million vs some 10 million. Very few people bother to learn English beyond the very simple level.

Combine these two factors, you don’t even need to throw in base rate personality differences to explain the missing Orientals. They just don’t participate broadly in the English internet, let alone hidden blogs with niche content.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

They speak english in India, and don’t in east asia.

Simple as.

SJ says:

Much like how youtube is filled with mgtow losers who advocate giving up and constantly lament how women need to act differently and be good leaders. Their channel will thrive but anyone who teaches the proper order will be removed. Though I did see one of those channels make one of my favorite jokes I’ve heard. “Women, just think logically for a moment”.

Aidan says:

I would say it was enemy action, except for the fact that our way came second. “Married game” and “relationship game” have qualifiers in front of them because “game” really did mean at one time “how to get laid”, full stop, without consideration of how to own a woman. That being said, when men started acting manly and getting laid, most got back in touch with their primal desire to actually own a woman and not just bang them.

The realization that “game” also applies to owning women came second, and was considered secondary for a while. If I remember right, in heartiste’s earliest archives, he is talking about relationship game, and old-school PUA commenters scoff at him, saying that game is for getting laid and those bitches and whores will cheat on you no matter what.

It is blue pilled and incorrect, but it did come first.

SJ says:

I used to be mocked for stating I was going to enter a relationship and told that it is not possible nor desirable when the alternative of plates forever was superior to a wife and children. But I looked around and saw that it was possible and for me desirable. I’m now approaching ten years since that time and believe it was the correct move. My old player friends are still playing the game only with older worse women, a lot of dead bedroom wives, and the occasional college slut while my house is filled with children. One of them recently got in a relationship with a single mom but is not sure where to go since she is carrying around some bastard. Tell her to give him up for adoption appears the kindest solution, or just accept that she’s a plate

alf says:

Very true. PUA and the manosphere put the player lifestyle on a pedestal.

Roger Williams says:

Richard Cooper’s YouTube channel is excellent. He’s an OG and his game advice is probably the best on there but his ultimate message is “don’t get married, it’s not worth it”. This is likely why he hasn’t been banned. The elite are fine with degenerate whore mongering. It’s the obedient wives and children that they have a problem with.

Kunning Druegger says:

If it’s on YouTube, if it’s allowed to spread via social media, it’s real Game. He is a snake oil salesman that is helping keep obedient wives and children a myth, as you say. One thing that screams “fraudster” to me is when someone says “I have this amazing thing that will do much good for the ones I say I care about, but I am only going to hint at it and let it out in dribs and drabs for a very steep price.” I understand the reason people erect paywalls, and I get that people want to build alternative income structures so they don’t have to wage cuck or start-up slave or whatever. But I also know that Game is a part of a much larger issue, that is the defect/defect paradigm, and seeing the example Jim has set, giving the information in great detail free of charge to any who asks, I see no reason to support or tolerate any man who decides to host expensive conferences and pay-by-the-minute advice sessions.

Maybe I am off base in this, but hoarding and selling life preservers on a sinking ship just seems like blackpilled rent seeking.

jim says:

As I have often remarked, alt.seduction was full of blue pilled degenerates. And in the beginning, game was indeed purely the player lifestyle.

But the red pill in full is that it is the nature of women to be owned, and the nature of men to want to own women. This has been realized, to a greater or lesser extent, for quite some time.

alf says:

‘b-b-b-but I don’t want to pretend I’m someone else just to get a girlfriend! I want her to like me for me!’

There is the answer Jim gives, which is that you must suck it up, that we are always monkeys on a stage performing. This answer sometimes goes over the heads of people though.

Another answer is that learning game is like learning how your car works. Sure, you can try and drive a car without knowing how it works, just don’t come complaining when you crash it.

Pax Imperialis says:

‘b-b-b-but I don’t want to pretend I’m someone else just to get a girlfriend! I want her to like me for me!’

Pitiful but not something I would mock because it points to trying to recreate a good social outcome without having the social technology. A wife loving a husband for who he really is (assuming he isn’t some complete failure) comes naturally with time, but not before marriage. Mutual discovery is the great adventure of marriage. Many guys seem to get it backwards. They think understanding comes first and then they get the girl. Likely they are looking at depictions of good relationships from the past without truly understanding how they came to be in the first place.

Some are cowards who don’t want to play the game of life, who resign from it all together yet still complain. “Suck it up” is appropriate to such men. That was likely the main group of men complaining in the 80s when regime lies on women where understood to be jokes. I don’t see that as the main group today. I see widespread swallowing of regime lies about women and blatant ignorance. These young men ineffectually try and try only to get hurt again and again contrary to what they’ve been told to expect. These are not cowards, but they are like children.

alf says:

A little bit of mocking never hurts 🙃

It is unfair that lack of game ends men’s bloodlines the way it would not have done so a generation ago. But yeah, those are the cards Gnon deals.

Karl says:

Nah, it is not unfair. Lack of game also ends women’s bloodlines.

She’ll not fuck the man who lacks game, and won’t get pregnant from the man who has game, but keeps her near the bottom of his bootie call list.

SJ says:

Only the intelligent women’s bloodlines end as their parents make sure to sterilize them and they follow proper sterilization procedures until menopause. Less intelligent women get pregnant by a natural alpha, or a slut fker as I prefer to call them. These men all have certain traits in common. Low IQ, impulsive, high time preference, and an obsession with sex and pornography. Women intentionally get pregnant by these men. The best explanation I’ve heard is the sexy sons hypothesis. On the bright side these men appear to commit suicide between age 40 and 50.

Half of mothers are now single mothers passing on the genes of double digit IQ monkeys that can’t even support themselves. The permanent damage the matriarchy is doing to our people’s blood can not be underestimated.

Karl says:

Then where are the children? 1.2 children per European women in central Europe does not seem compatible with your theory.

Kunning Drueger says:

You’re looking in the wrong place for that kind of data, as Europe is effectively castrated and infertile. The men are cowards, and the women are voluntarily barren, meaning only the poor and the foreign are breeding.

Adam says:

>Less intelligent women get pregnant by a natural alpha

You say natural alphas are less intelligent, but smart is as smart does. There is an obsession with intelligence in our bubble because many smarties, but clearly high levels of testosterone and other growth hormones are equally if not more significant in the struggle for survival.

2 Live Crew is not the problem. Highly intelligent, deceitful low testosterone males and their midwit lackeys are the problem. The natural alpha wasn’t fooled by the skirt, and is likely more honest and virtuous (while banging a long list of Stacys) than the beta male orbiters (with all the smarts) that occupy the seats of power, and authored the Satanic religion of Progressivism that is destroying European stock.

Tall dark and handsome, even if dumb, is not all that hard to deal with. Short fat and ugly guys that are smart are a huge problem. Deceitful, resentful, spiteful vindictive beta males are the ones who need to be prevented from moving on to the next round, regardless of their “intelligence”.

Adam says:

Have to get rid of the males playing like crabs in a bucket as far as a reproductive strategy. Natural alpha males do not play like crabs in a bucket.

SJ says:

I don’t like using the term alpha or natural alpha and much prefer the term slut fker because guys will place these characteristics onto these slut fkers that they do not have. They are not leaders, they are not trustworthy, they are mostly illiterate and closer to beast than man. One of these alphas I’m distantly related to popped many manybeautiful teenage virgins cherries, spending time in prison twice for it. Women choosing, as much as the female beast can be said to choose, to give their virginities to this disgusting moron. He was married anyway with six children himself. He’s in prison again for fking his own children.

I’ve known a bunch of “natural alphas” throughout my life. The guys who fuck everyone’s future wives while they are virgin teens. You guys get confused and think that the normal guy who dates around and has success is the alpha and the beta is the incel. No the alpha is the slut fker with a room temperature IQ who will fck fifty virgins at the local high school in endless orgies and threesomes before finally getting caught recording a sixteen year old and off to prison for CP. The beta is the guy who gets dates, gets married, has some success, but is not getting the results he wants and knows is possible. The incel is hopeless and not a part of the story

jim says:

Hating this guy is stupid. One pin can pop a hundred baloons. You have to control the virgins, not the poppers of virgins. Getting mad at the men will do no good. The women have to be restrained. Talking about how bad these men are is a distraction and irrelevance.

The Cominator says:

And I always tell Jim I just don’t have the social aptitude to convincingly play that guy… not everyone does.

jim says:

> just don’t have the social aptitude

Social aptitude is learned. Needs a lot of work. And if you are fucking strippers, not working on it.

SJ says:

Fully agree I just dislike the misunderstanding that women are attracted to some kind of noble male characteristics.

Sher Singh says:

You can kill the guy after the 1st virgin which any sane society does.[*deleted for similar blue pilled idiocy*]

jim says:

No you cannot, because if you presuppose that women do evil things because bad men make them do evil things, you are not controlling the virgins, and you will not know he has popped thirty and is about to pop thirty more.

And if you eventually get around to killing him, after a hundred virgins or so have been popped, plenty more like him.

The Cominator says:

I mean if the nobility is the guy is a known badass in a positive way they can be, but that is rare normally either violent lowlifes or at best maybe lowlifes empowered to do violence for the system like cops.

Sher Singh says:

[*blue pilled idiocy deleted yet again*]

Sher Singh says:

Women are neutral prefer police or insurgents depending on who’s winning.

Nobility presupposes violence & overwhelming violence.

A common thief is not more attractive than the Prince.


jim says:

True. And the implication is we need to control female sexuality. We do not need to control male sexuality. If virgins are able to wander loose, they will get popped no matter what we do to men, for one pin can pop a hundred balloons.

Sperm is cheap, eggs are dear. You control and protect that which is precious, not that which is cheap. It is pointless to hang Jeremy Meeks. What you have to do is prevent virgins from getting to him, because there will always be another Jeremy Meeks if virgins are allowed to wander loose

Sher Singh says:

Nobility raping peasants is eugenic. [*rest of the blue pilled bullshit deleted*]

jim says:

No it is dysgenic, because female sexual preference is dysgenic. When you see a nobility that actually is noble, they know who their children are. They keep their concubines around as “maids”, and they keep their illegitimate children around as “cousins” “Cousins” who turn out rather able tend to wind up noble, or their children wind up noble, while noble children who are no damned good tend to drop out of the nobility in dead end noble occupations.

Controlling female sexuality is eugenic. Raping the peasants – which is to say not knowing who your offspring are, is dysgenic because you are not controlling female reproductive, sexual, and domestic services.

Nobility controlling considerably more than its fair share of female reproductive, sexual, and domestic services is eugenic. Nobility raping the peasants is dysgenic, because the women, not the nobles, are in control

Fidelis says:

You should be doing both. How are you supposed to protect the flock if you do not care to remove the wolves and lions when you spot them?

jim says:

They are not wolves and lions. Wolves come for the sheep. Not a problem among humans. Our problem is the sheep coming for the wolves.

If you worry about fencing the wolves out, you are not fencing the sheep in. The problem among humans is fencing the virgins in.

Sher Singh says:

> No it is dysgenic, because female sexual preference is dysgenic.

What? Female sexual preference is the epitome of eugenic. They like violent, brutish men & rather than become that as a whole you’d rather marry em to nerds? LOL.

Lord Shiva lies beneath Ma Kali to stop the destruction of the world. Tantric depictions show her mounting him.

Weapons are the Divine Feminine (Shakti) the chaotic destructive/creative energy of the Lord.

You’re gay IOW.


jim says:

Female sexual preference is for men who commit unorganized individual violence. Paternal preference for sons in law is for men who commit collective organized violence. At which white people are very good, as we demonstrated to sikhs back when paternal choice mattered.

Western Taliban says:

How are you supposed to protect the flock if you do not care to remove the wolves and lions when you spot them?

Blue pilled opinion on women.

Women aren’t sheep and they are not a flock, women are more like dogs and cats in heat, roaming around trying to get the best dick they can find based on their stupid opinions. Well raised decent women do it based on parental preselection, the rest of the women are left to their own stupid devices. You are not protecting women from Jeremy Meeks, because you’re ultimately protecting them from themselves, they are actually volunteering for it. You protect them from their own stupidity.

The hate on Jeremy Meeks for fucking unowned women is kinda funny. In truth people do not get angry because Jeremy Meeks popped a hundred virgins, they’re angry because they are jealous and frustrated that they don’t get to pop and own virgins because the State is literally trying to turn them gay, so they hate on the easy and weak target while they recoil at the great leviathan like cowards. In the case of fathers, they hate that they can’t control their daughters because the State is trying to turn them into whores. A 500 years ago no one gave a fuck about Jeremy Meeks who has akin to an insect or an early death criminal murdered at the minimal excuse available, the meme is a 21st century invention for a reason.

Ultimately we do not have a problem of Jeremy Meeks, we have a problem of progressivism.

Fidelis says:

There are two problems.

Sheep are left unattended and unfenced. We have an oversupply of wolves.

You suggest ONLY fencing. I suggest, as is suggested in the Old Testament, we also take care of the second problem. You yourself have at other times laid out the solution in detail. I feel as if you are overcorrecting against the “women are innocent and have no culpability” narrative. It’s true women will wander off looking to get fucked. It’s also reasonable to rid ourselves of antisocial elements of society. If you desire to protect your balloons, might want to consider keeping a close eye on them and minimizing the number of pins lying around at the same time.

jim says:

No matter how draconian your policing, there will still be places a virgin will wander to where she is likely to get nailed. And if your policing is draconian, women will come to view men who can get away with ignoring that policing as more manly than men who are severely and effectively policed. If you do too thorough a job of removing anti social elements, and your definition of anti social is too broad, you are going to emasculate men in the eyes of women. And they will find men who are not emasculated.

Western Taliban says:

as is suggested in the Old Testament

You want to make appeals to authority using past social technology but your whole take ignores real history, it’s just so dumb. Jeremy Meeks is a 21st century problem, somehow everyone else before the 21st century was retarded and didn’t know any better, they somehow didn’t have this problem?

I feel as if you are overcorrecting against the “women are innocent and have no culpability” narrative. It’s true women will wander off looking to get fucked. It’s also reasonable to rid ourselves of antisocial elements of society.

No, you cannot go out of your own way to “prevent” Jeremy Meeks as if you could oracle out who Jeremy Meeks is in the first place. Again, dumb take ignoring reality, you think you can stop thievery by somehow mind raying reality into finding the thieves while the gold is left unprotected, instead of just putting the gold in the chest and closing it.

There is no Jeremy Meeks if your gold isn’t put in the middle of the plaza, you think women are innocent victims even though they are walking right straight into the plaza and begging to be robbed, you are made stupid by blue pill conditioning. Jeremy Meeks is not creating the problem, women are creating the problem by making themselves available to Jeremy Meeks: solution chain the retarded whores, problem: solved.

Your solution = draconic preemptive Jeremy Meeks catching through magic mind rays that ends up undermining men in general.

You make the same argument a progressive does to defend criminals against home owners. Home owners are supposed to be forbidden from owning guns and Castle doctrines because they are all hidden evil murderers who kill innocent home invaders for no reason. The fault lies in the home owner, so the home owner has to be put put through insane and impossible standards to legally claim self-defense.

You solve the problem of home invasion created by home invaders by making it legal that the home owner can do whatever he wants in his own house even painful and long hours torture to the faggot who decided it was okay to invade some else’s home. And you solve the problem of feral women and their rendezvous with Jeremy Meeks by chaining the whores as it has been done in every civilization that achieved anything ever in the history of humanity, then Jeremy Meeks doesn’t even exist.

Let me make it clear to you a third time, women create Jeremy Meeks, just like female cats create huge disturbances if left to their own devices in your neighborhood when in heat.

SJ says:

Their is no second problem though. If you hang one slut fker, or if you watch him go to jail for CP, the stupid whores all just find a new one to wander over to. If you hang that guy, they will just wander over to another one. If you hang him, same. Result? All the women still getting banged by a man who is not their husband.

Now if you take some of those whores and put them in a cage and don’t let them out until you give them to their husband? Now you have solved the defect-defect equilibrium from forming and the husband can begin in cooperate.

Fidelis says:

Quite the passion for this topic.

Here is my proposal. The first virgin slut the slut fucker fucks, is now his wife, enforced at gunpoint. If the father disagrees, public shaming. If the slut fucker continues his game, moving on to other sluts, then more drastic actions are taken. Preferably by the father of the slut.

Sound familiar?

SJ says:

This will not solve anything that’s the problem. This just leads to the prog solution of mentally castrating all young boys and having the FBI investigate the red pill because clearly it is the bad men who are tricking those poor innocent sluts not the stupid sluts wandering around looking for dick.

The problem isn’t the bad men tricking women. The problem is allowing the women to wander around getting dicked by men that aren’t their husband. Easy solution get women married after menarche. They want dick so give them a husband like my grandmother had after she starts to bleed. Hard solution teach them all kinds of pro husband stuff, an entire religion to reinforce them saving their virginity, keep an eye on them, forbid them from being in the same room with a man alone, but don’t get them married and rather continue to let them wander around. Works a tiny bit for the Mormons.

Fidelis says:

The problem is allowing women to wander and allowing antisocial losers access to reproduction. I see no place where I say to make some weird police state to preemptively catch would be slut fuckers. I don’t hold this viewpoint. I also see no place where I say women should be free to wander around fucking whoever they want. I don’t hold this viewpoint.

The viewpoint I hold is that if some antisocial loser slutfucker fucks someone’s daughter, woe to the father who let that happen, for that is now his son in law. If the antisocial loser slutfucker happens to not take to married life and finds another virgin slut, at that point one of the two slut owning fathers should take action. What action? I say kill him if he’s not particularly skilled in anything; he’s now useless and a serial defiler of property. If he’s useful, maybe he now has two wives and the rest of the neighborhood keeps a much closer eye on their property.

SJ says:

Those two problems you listed aren’t two problems that is just one problem. It’s just the problem of letting teenage girls wander around looking for dick. If after your daughter becomes a woman you locate three good men with careers and allow her to go on chaperoned dates with them, helping her select one for marriage, and then move her into her husband’s home the problem has been solved. If you lock your daughter in a cage and don’t let her out until it is time to give her to her husband, problem solved.

If you let teenage girls wander around looking for dick you have this problem. If you stop letting them do so, the problems no longer exist. Jeremy Meeks will develop a meth habit and get shot trying to break into your garage, rather than put ten bastards into ten willing teenage girls who went out to find him.

Adam says:

All the worlds women are not your problem. Patriarchy is not socialism for reproduction. Your daughters and your wife is your problem.

If you rid the male population of men with natural pussy power, your descendants are going to end up like the chinks.

Adam says:

Oppressing male sexuality, due to the rare sex fiend or for any other reason is socialist fun policing, as well as the position of christcucks worldwide.

Neofugue says:

With all due respect, SJ and Western Taliban have the correct position on women. Adam is incorrect because he attributes “alpha” to “virtue.”

> Deceitful, resentful, spiteful vindictive beta males

“Deceitful, resentful, spiteful vindictive” is spiritual illness, not genetic illness. “Alpha” is amoral, much like physical beauty, in the sense that there are some men born with it, and others, such as Richard Feynman, are forced to adapt around it. Just as there are good and bad men who are handsome, there are good and bad men who are alpha.

I myself was born a consummate beta male, yet am forced to play the alpha male for my female. I could be “deceitful, vindictive etc.” for it, but my faith forbids it, and I have learned to enjoy the challenge.

> Highly intelligent, deceitful low testosterone males and their midwit lackeys are the problem. The natural alpha wasn’t fooled by the skirt, and is likely more honest and virtuous (while banging a long list of Stacys) than the beta male orbiters (with all the smarts) that occupy the seats of power, and authored the Satanic religion of Progressivism that is destroying European stock.

Though this dichotomy is from Heartiste, it is wrong. “Alpha” is a man’s ability to act with preselection. A “fat beta male” who sleeps with many women will become “alpha,” because the state of having options makes one “alpha.” This is why Harvey Weinstein, being what he was, was able to do what he did with no complaint from women for many decades.

A “natural beta male” who is high-status in a university becomes “alpha” merely by existing. Richard Feynman became an “alpha” not because he was “born” an alpha male, he became one by learning how to act preselected. Both alphas and betas occupy the seats of power of the Gnostic Progressive regime.

The Cominator says:

Feynman was redpilled on women but I question whether he ever became an alpha pickup guy he was better with women than he started out but i expected that being smart in a nerdy profession women dont get wet for he hit a ceiling, i say this because Feynman was like me known for his love of strippers he went multiple times a week…

Neofugue says:

Feynman was alpha in the same way I am alpha; he had to learn it.

Whenever my female shit-tests me, I ask myself, “what would a guy who has unlimited options do or say,” then remember my efforts studying Heartiste, then respond through a set of memorized templates and similar scenarios.

Even if Feynman wasn’t alpha, Harvey Weinstein certainly was alpha, at least until he became feminist, banging hot celebrity movie stars despite being a fat ugly Jew.

Some men are born like Indiana Jones, men with looks and game, while other men are born like Marv from Sin City, men without looks but with game.

One thing that many here forget—patriarchy is game. Patriarchy artificially elevates the status of men over women thus making men more attractive to women, similar to the mechanic of how women ignore beta male classmates but swoon over beta male professors.

Adam says:

I may be using the word virtue improperly or incorrectly. Good genes are good genes, physical fitness being among the best of the good genes. High intelligence is good too, but comes with some liabilities, and is more impacted by environmental factors than physical fitness. Lots of smart guys not getting laid these days. Physical fitness, and high levels of growth hormones are timeless markers of reproductive fitness, and virtually guarantee sexual success. Nordic and Europeans have had tremendous success conquering the world partially due to an abundance of these genes.

Harvey Weinstein is a product of feminism, and a degenerate ruling elite. He alone does not have pussy power, his station gave him pussy power. The Rock has pussy power, and will forever have pussy power. All of this is good.

Guys like The Rock are not at the root of todays problems, and my personal observation are guys with that much pussy power (due to his physical and behavioral characteristics not due to his fame) are real good about marrying a hot Stacy and banging out some kids, and absent when it comes to sniffing every other guys pecker, and causing all kinds of problems for males in the mating game.

Running around making males low status trying to manipulate the sexual marketplace is like every other crab in the bucket strategy, indicative of poor genes, indicative of spiritual corruption. Because I do not have pussy power, no male should have pussy power. We are all in a terrible way today because of this reasoning.

Adam says:

There is an element of alpha as females perceive alpha, that Harvey Weinstein may have, which is a willingness to lie cheat and steal. But I think that is low on the alpha quality totem pole, as females judge.

No Stacy has ever wandered off hoping to run into Harvey Weinstein in a dark alley. And there are endless men of his quality that are getting zero success in the sexual marketplace without patriarchy, or without his status among a degenerate feminist elite. He was an artificial alpha. Granted, doesn’t matter, the results are what they are, but he is a marginal case even with his status.

SJ says:

You guys are confusing status in the ways men see it for status in the ways woman see it. Women do not recognize male status hierarchies only the way the male acts. If Weinstein, whom I still believe is actually a FtM tranny, acts sexually aggressive she will see him as high status. “He” may personally feel that it is appropriate for him to act that way due to having a lot of money and power but the woman does not recognize that. If a homeless loser acts the same way she will think he also has that status, and will not recognize that man as homeless or a loser, and will in fact hamster brain whatever is necessary to rationalize her attraction.

Preselection is the main key to a woman’s vagina tingles. If she believes you have preselection, and you act as if you do, and if you are sexual with her especially during the estrus phase of her cycle, she will hamster brain whatever rationalization necessary. Don’t listen to what women say.

The college professor has the podium effect and access to young teenage girls. Young teenage girls are incredible easy to impress, incredibly horny, and will place themselves into situations for you to be sexually aggressive constantly. That’s why the boomers put a fence of sex offender registry around the high schools. My dad met my mom by taking a six pack of beer down to the local high school. Little did he know another guy had already taken a six pack of beer down to the local junior high when she was thirteen. This was very common during the boomers time and it is why they built the fence around the young women.

As Jim says this fence only makes the men who ignore it more manly and attractive. It only keeps out the good men with jobs. The men who cross the fence don’t care about the future, either because they are too stupid to think about it or because they have lost everything and become a hate filled monster. But crossing that fence is easy, teenage girls are easy, their is no natural anything this is male hamster brain nonsense, is just most men don’t want to risk the total destruction of their lives that would come from getting on that registry. Or the jail time.

Adam says:

Weinstein paid prostitutes for sex he did not have preselection. They did not have sex with him for sport, or for his genes.

Men with preselection can join any social group and before long will have sexy single women wander over to him and make conversation. The pussy wants the genes.

jim says:

A bit of advice for the Cominator: Go on social media, tinder and the rest, with a stripper or two in the photo.

Adam says:

Guys that resemble pro athletes do not have high status and are not alpha in the male hierarchy. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk have high status and are alpha in the male hierarchy.

As Jim stated elsewhere in the comments, potential for individual violence is the female perception of alpha. The jocks. Female perception of alpha has always been the jocks.

Game is what allows others, including anti-social losers to get the same results as the jocks.

SJ says:

Adam, you’re the kind of guy who needs to stop talking, stop making assertions, and start listening. Good luck.

Adam says:

Alright we’ll I appreciate the conversation.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Go on social media, tinder and the rest, with a stripper or two in the photo.

Should the photo make it obvious that they’re strippers, or let the viewer think they’re regular women dressed for the nightclub?

Neofugue says:

> Should the photo make it obvious that they’re strippers, or let the viewer think they’re regular women dressed for the nightclub?

Irrelevant; so long as they are attractive and show the correct pose, women will simply not care.

Keep in mind the most successful chick film in history, “Titanic,” in which starving artist DiCaprio demonstrates his alpha cred to Kate Winslet, who then proceeds to brutally cuckold her multimillionaire tycoon fiancé, by showing to her his nude pencil sketches of French prostitutes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Successful athletes are respected but not deferred too, usually. In most cases they are not their own men either, in the sense of having property and command over capital, rather living off of an other man’s salary.[1]

Unlike women most men can can be cognizant of multiple not necessarily commensurate status hierarchies; men who can be high status in one sphere but not another. What sphere it is exactly that one is high status in can be murky when it comes to celebrity, but when it comes to hierarchy it is nigh tautological; men in whose house other men are deferring too.

[1]Though that is not always exactly the case either, professional combat sports being a notable exception, where prize-fighters are usually more like contractors who work on commission, with many alternating between fighting and running their own gyms or associations as well (the former being more common in striking, and the later more common in grappling).

As well, it tends to be exceptional also in the sense of the almost atavistic sort of regard men have for kicking ass; for all men (if they are men) like to imagine themselves as a man who can kick another man’s ass, and this imputes to a man who can in fact kick another man’s ass, even if there are some cases where such deference on such basis is not always wholly rational, applicable, or appropriate.

Tom Brady may have won umpteen superbowl rings, but it is men like Fedor or Tyson that other great men like to pose for pictures with; because there is a shine there, that they want to associate with as well.

Yet again unlike four million year old spandrels of status assessment in women though, this four million year old spandrel of status assessment in men has persisted because in a lot of ways, fighting really is a good test of character, and I would dare go so far as to say one could find more virtue in the tiny world of collegiate wrestling than in any other department of our later-day academies combined.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Low IQ, impulsive, high time preference, and an obsession with sex and pornography … On the bright side these men appear to commit suicide between age 40 and 50.

Really? Why? I thought suicide skewed toward higher IQs, unless you count deaths from drug and alcohol abuse as “suicide”.

SJ says:

Yes I see these guys committing suicide between 40 and 50 all around me. They wake up one day and realize that they are useless, unemployable, and facing homelessness without any hope. So they hang themselves or overdose on opioids.

Aidan says:

My answer to that is “become who you are”. Your ancestors all owned women. No matter how meek gynocracy has made you, you can find the seed of it inside yourself.

Roger Williams says:

Great comment sir.

notglowing says:

> The men who have some game, likely due to their father’s influence, have happy and obedient wives.

That is very true. Every manly man I have met in my life had a well adjusted father. The inverse is true. Bad or no father means emasculated sons and all sorts of issues.

I think I was lucky to grow up in a household that while in many ways odd, is more sane than a “normal” modern one.
If I can blame my father for anything it would be his relative detachment and somewhat lackluster involvement. He is a quiet and reserved man. He is not easy to talk to. I have inherited his reserved nature, but also my mother’s neuroticism. I don’t have his level of calm confidence.
I have seen many families where the mother is clearly in charge. I always found it very disturbing. When I was a liberal, I interpreted my issues with it as being with the controlling and unpleasant nature of the woman. Now I see it for what it is. The man was always a pushover, and women are never happy in that situation. My mother also often got upset with my father for not being involved in decisions. But that was always from the frame of wanting to get him involved. It was often the case that she did things autonomously, but it never felt like she was the head of the household, although sometimes the spot seemed vacant.

I had a better example than many, yet despite that I can’t say I am on track for success either.

You made a post recently recounting your escapades at a mall, or wherever that was. I can’t help but admire that level of brazenness, but it also makes me realize how huge the gap between someone like me and someone like you really is. Can’t imagine being that person. I believe your story overall, because although some details really do seem unbelievable, I have a friend who is similar. Aside from going around fucking sluts, he had the gall to fly around the continent during the peak of vaccine pass restrictions showing sloppily photoshopped test documents which of course were never questioned. I am not saying I did the same on one occasion while travelling with him, because that would’ve been illegal, but if I did I would’ve been shitting myself all the way and only done it because my two different plans to get a real test done fell through and I was cornered. It is a good thing that my emotions rarely if ever show on my face.

When I think about your mall story, I think about how I would never want to be seen as the person you were playing there. You come out seeming cool for it, but only because you succeeded. The man who attempts the same and fails for not being as suave is just a disgusting creep. That is not just a difference in perception but also the truth.
Talking to women is easy if you aren’t trying to pick them up. Otherwise, being in the position of wanting that from them, is a kind of vulnerability that my strong ego somehow cannot accept. It is a kind of mental wall built from the desire to be above everything that I find hard to overcome. On the other side of the equation, being a sperg makes it hard to tell what others are feeling, and easy to do something socially unacceptable. It leads to having a very low esteem of one’s common sense in relation to how you should act with others. With women, getting the wrong idea is the difference between getting laid or going to jail. Building a wall around them is easier.

jim says:

> That is very true. Every manly man I have met in my life had a well adjusted father. The inverse is true. Bad or no father means emasculated sons and all sorts of issues.

Boys need fathers in order to grow up into men. Mums do not suffice. Empires where the emperor has a whole lot of concubines frequently have a big problem with a manly emperor not having manly sons, with result that succession leads to problems.

I had a father, and the red pill was in the air I breathed.

In consequence, in the early days when the red pill was being rediscovered on alt.seduction, I could smell something funny, as these were blue pilled degenerates encountering empirical evidence that manliness was required for men to get on with women, contrary to everything they had been taught, and having trouble accepting what their evidence pointed to. The people that became the Taliban had no problems making sense of it, since their culture had plenty of red pill elements still live, but the general atmosphere on alt.seduction was overwhelmingly “Huh? This is weird and horrible”.

And it still the case that game sources that are attempting to monetize the information are horribly blue pilled, because if you are trying to get people to send you fiat money, and you teach the real red pill, your bank accounts are likely to be frozen, and you will be censored off all the platforms that are useful for monetization. Roosh got the treatment. He got put on the international terrorist no-fly list.

Hard to say to what extent Roosh’s new tradcuckery is a genuine conversion to tradcuck orthodoxy, and to what extent he trying to avoid being suppressed. Namefags always have to lie.

notglowing says:

I had very bluepilled ideas about women, at an intellectual level anyways. I’d say I was even ahead of my time as a progressive, though I had no connection with the progressives of the time.
Ironically I already had a distaste for feminists back then, seeing them as frauds who for whatever reason hated men. Many liberals had this sort of opinion a decade ago. It’s easy to forget the time when New Atheists were fighting with “third wave” feminists.

However once I discovered the truth, it just made a lot of sense to me. It took me far longer to change my mind on other things, but the descriptions of female behaviour from the manosphere just seemed true and logical. It was obviously very dangerous stuff to say or even think, and the complete opposite of what I believed. Still, it somehow validated feelings that I already had at the time; thought crimes that were shameful and had to be suppressed in my previous system.

SJ says:

Anecdotally on the covid vaccines, most families avoided them. I know two young families, in their twenties, who had successfully birthed children pre-vax but post-vax they are now strangely infertile. Doctors are apparently baffled.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pax Imperialis says:


Budweiser is trying to do damage control. All things considered, I’m happy for them. At 30% rice it’s a fake beer trying to pose as real beer. In essence a trans beer, so a tranny representing trans beer is only honest marketing. Unfunny shit posting aside.

Donald Trump Jr. is defending Budweiser for donating to many Republicans and says not to destroy an iconic American company. That they don’t participate in many of the same woke garbage that other beer companies do (demonstrably false). The Trump camp still doesn’t get the reality that they are engaged in a holy war. Their enemies certainly are.

Sure… Jr was never as smart as his dad, but come on. At 30 years younger he should be more adaptable. I’m somewhat optimistic that Trump could pull off a 2024 run because the regime is trending towards frail incompetence. Election rigging does require a great deal of leadership competence which is diminishing. I’m pessimistic on if the Trump camp would accomplish anything.

On related news to regime frailness, Robert F. Kennedy Jr is contesting Biden. He can’t talk properly and sounds old and frail. His talking points about merger of state and corporate power forming a corporatocracy sounds like leftist talk several decades out of date.

jim says:

> The Trump camp still doesn’t get the reality that they are engaged in a holy war.

All the good guys at Bud are going to be ruined or destroyed, unless they purge the bad guys first.

In the end, the bad guys will kill all of us, or we will kill all of them. The inexorable logic of war is one unthinkable thing, then another even more unthinkable thing. The inherent logic of war is escalation till one side wins decisively and one side loses. Rock bottom in holy war is when one side runs out of enemies. In a holy war, you generally need something close to extermination to resolve it.

The normal good guys at Bud will eventually lose their jobs, then their homes, then their children, then their lives. It is taking longer than I predicted, but it is heading to where I predicted, and the logic of war makes it inevitable it will keep on going that way until we are destroyed, or we destroy them, or they destroy themselves.

If the normies at Bud do not purge the faggots they will be purged. And in due course face the problem of killing the faggots or being killed, while starting from a weaker position.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s taking longer than you predicted because of a massive generational gap in US leadership. You typically hand off power to those you are familiar with. At most that’s one generation difference. Father to son. The gap between Boomer and Millennial radicals is 2 generations or possibly 3. The regime would rather burn through it’s queued up Boomers. Until the Pelosis, Bidens, etc hand over power to the much younger woke crowd, won’t get war.

There’s a window of opportunity before they retire and hand off power to shut down the regime. That’s when Trump got in the first time. Might be how when he gets in a second time. Either way, likely to be wasted.

Another, optimistic possibility is that the leadership transfer flops and general collapse happens.

Outside those two possibilities, you’re very likely right about getting war.

Sher Singh says:




Largely, agree there’s a 3-5 year window where people can fuck around & pretend everything’s ok.

At that point, back’s to the wall & either fight your way out or turn around for execution.


jim says:

I think neociceronian times is full of shit, because war is the father of us all, and he fails to appreciate the enormous difference between missile warfare and shock warfare.

The winner is, unfortunately, going to be a big organization, and, fortunately, a big organization that solves the scaling problem.

Sher Singh says:


We can still move from expendable to essential or w/e
A big organization always has smaller parts, and surviving by being one of those parts is certainly a strategy.

The history of the Middle East/Irani Plateau shows ethnic groups often lying dormant for centuries or millennia before bursting (back?) onto the scene.

Any new order needs to reward its men in the traditional sense – something, which current order is unable to do or even AGREE (lol) on what reward entails.
“They don’t intend anything at all.
Not agreement capable.”

Intention is 50% conscious thought & 50% circumstance.
I meant that Yes, Chaos it the outcome & they will use their power to further or uphold that chaos – as, that’s all they’re capable of.

“The Global American Empire is not agreement capable because power is divided into a thousand little bit sized pieces, and the holders of those little pieces eye the large pieces nervously worrying that someone might roll them up into something that was agreement capable.”

Inevitably, they will be rolled up – I sense opportunity.
Anyway, back to lurking for a few years hopefully.


DavyCrockett says:

Important note on Elon Musk SpaceX:

SpaceX launched from its base in South Texas today in its first attempt to have an orbital launch. They’ve officially had the right to do this launch for many months but this confirms that they can do it de facto but not just “officially” legally.

This launch wasn’t successful but it’s big in that it takes away a lot of the murkiness of the waters of whether they can actually launch orbital launch attempts.

jim says:

A lot of the engines were misbehaving during the flight, and stage separation failed because some of them would not turn off.

About six engines failed to start, and the engines that did start tended to produce sudden bursts of brightness which I suspect correspond to engines suddenly melting down and spewing their guts into the exhaust.

It was a first launch. If it gets off the ground, success.

DavyCrockett says:

Yeah looking into it more it was more successful than they actually expected/ wanted from the launch. This post was mainly about the fact that they’re able to launch it in practice without getting harassed and confirms that the de jure legal ability to launch orbital attempts they’ve had for many months is also a de facto legal ability.

So I didn’t look into the rest of it. Looking into it more it was a very successful launch.

Starman says:

It’s better to have your problem in the first test flight during the flight itself, and not on the launchpad.
And there’s always problems during the first test flights of brand new orbital rockets (See Terran 1’s first test flight, RocketLab’s Electron first test flights).

There’s a lot of stuff that Starship needed to test, that cannot be tested on the ground.
The Ship swan-dive launch/landing tests went through multiple prototypes between SN 8 to SN 15, before successfully landing SN 15.

Starman says:

Starship apparently was able to tumble without breaking apart for a long time (it was finally destroyed by FTS).
Contrast that with Ariane 5’s first orbital test flight, when it only slightly turned too much, and immediately ruptured its core stage.


Kunning Drueger says:

Per the video linked, the Arianne self-destructed because the onboard computer “decided” to. Does this mean ESA is less risk tolerant in terms of the programmed parameters or was it some kind of limitation concurrent with the time it was constructed? I was rather surprised that Starship “stumbled on” as long as it did after the first bid deviation and was wondering why the computer “waited” so long.

It really was an impressive launch. I’m strongly considering taking the family to see one, but I think I’ll wait until they’re a bit more regular in terms of probability of lift off.

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“Per the video linked, the Arianne self-destructed because the onboard computer ‘decided’ to.”

Both Starship and Ariane 5 maiden flights had automated FTS aborts.

Ariane 5’s FTS activated after it began to breakup after its excess turn (the aerodynamic forces caused its core stage to breakup, then it activated FTS, which destroyed its SRBs too).

Starship’s FTS activated when its tumbling pushed it out of its planned trajectory.

Kunning Druegger says:

Is it logical to assume that Starship is more robust, and if so is it in terms of the programmed tolerances and/or the actual engineering of the rocket itself?

Slightly different aspect, was it intentional the way Starship moved away from the launch tower laterally?

Cloudswrest says:

I was wondering that myself. With not all engines firing you’re going to get asymmetric thrust which needs to be corrected by gimballing, which is going to cause the rocket to laterally scoot.

Cloudswrest says:

Could be dicey in the vicinity of the launch tower.

Starman says:

@Kunning Druegger

“Is it logical to assume that Starship is more robust, and if so is it in terms of the programmed tolerances and/or the actual engineering of the rocket itself?”

My simplest guess would be that reusable rocket stages have to be more robust so they can survive re-entry, landing, and reuse.
During in-flight crew capsule abort testing, Falcon 9 actually survived for quite a bit until aerodynamic forces finally overwhelmed it.
New Shephard booster also did an in-flight crew capsule abort, and managed to totally survive the test, and actually make a successful landing (Blue Origin engineers did not expect the booster to survive the test).

Cloudswrest says:

Regarding stage separation, my understanding is starship is intended to eventually be a manned vehicle, as such it needs a launch escape system. I think SpaceX missed an opportunity to test this by providing for the second stage to blow free when the booster displayed signs of trouble. Probably wouldn’t reach orbit at that point, but you could still test the engines, re-entry routines, etc.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is a less cool and intelligent angle, but I think it’s important for our “totally not sociology” department to look at and analyze the various team photos, control room photos, and department photos. We aren’t afraid of Great Men and the theories thereof, but we also know that while a leader is a prerequisite, so too are a religion and a “state” of some kind, be it a nation or ethnicity or tribe. Musk is building an Identity, and the constituent parts will magnify, multiply, and/or minimize individual and group characteristics.

Cursory review shows that the teams/departments skewed to the harder problems are male/white dominated, while the trickier problems seem to draw a more diverse array in terms of color pallette and sex. With Twitter being folded into his larger company structure*, we’re not far away from being able to make relatively concrete statements about demography and culture just as you smart nerds can discuss his Engineering endeavors. This is important because of the synthetic tribe Musk is developing out of necessity, but it is also significant because other men and groups will attempt to do the same.

*I propose we steal. term from the Left, specifically Kim Stanley Robinson’s “metanational corporations,” or Metanat. In the book series, corporations go through a “transnational corporation” (Transnat) stage, but we could, maybe should, skip that one lol. In any case, I think a new category is called for.

Sher Singh says:

[*deleted for telling me what I think and what I said*]

jim says:

Your mind, not just your country and your people, is enemy occupied.

Sher Singh says:

Direct quotes stating that [*deleted*]

jim says:

So, give the direct quotes. Who says that?

You are living in a reality manufactured by our enemies, and I am not going to have that reality reported as fact on my blog without supporting evidence.

Sher Singh says:


There’s more in this thread like female-escorts preference being dysgenic.
The concept of alpha widow means we don’t have to worry about prison that much.

At that point, we have not much to talk about..
Only concern I had about the present regime ie large % of our men get locked.

That’s gone, Sikh have an incarceration rate 5x more than Hindu/Muslim in India.

High murder rate in West Coast Canada.

Maharaj Forces in ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀਕਲਾ


We have nothing more to talk about.


jim says:

> the concept of alpha widow means we don’t have to worry about prison that much.

You boast that Sikhs are alpha. You sound fake alpha to me, and female alpha radar is a thousand times more sensitive than mine. Female alpha radar suffers from being four million years out of date, but if Sikhs had the martial virtues claimed (capacity for violence and organized violence) female radar would pick that up just fine.

The British demonstrated who had more capacity for violence and collective violence. You are substituting symbols of that for the reality of that, and female alpha radar can see right through mere symbolism.

The Cominator says:

You’re wasting too much effort on this guy who is obviously insane, fighting for globohomo is not really rewarded. Ukraine is getting rewarded for their devotion to globohomo by having them fight to the last Ukranian.

Leftist cities are getting rewarded by becoming a parody of the movies Escape from New York and Escape from LA.

Red says:

Leftist cities are getting rewarded by becoming a parody of the movies Escape from New York and Escape from LA.

Crime, AKA Nigger Anarcho-tyranny is likely to surpass even the worst days of the 80s this summer. Niggers are starting to roaming out of blue areas as the supply of loot leaves, gets locked up, or just runs out.

The problem with crime is always that’s it’s the perception that matters more than reality and when every sees the news that niggers are above the law and if you defend yourself against them you’ll get locked up, niggers assume that’s true in Red areas too so they head out there.

jim says:

San Francisco is turning into a desert. Not much left to steal. Shopping is shutting down, homes have steel on the windows. So, the blue state pets wander further afield.

Adam says:

I live in a beach town in a mostly white middle class area, a few weeks ago I watched a two black females and a black male get into a fight outside and shots were fired. This was about 8 am on a Saturday morning. There’s never been many blacks here and definitely never gunshots. Thank God Desantis signed the constitutional carry bill into law.

Red says:

Thank God Desantis signed the constitutional carry bill into law.

The feds will start prosecuting self defense against niggers being niggers as a civil rights violation soon.

Contaminated NEET says:

>when every sees the news that niggers are above the law and if you defend yourself against them you’ll get locked up, niggers assume that’s true in Red areas too so they head out there.

It IS true in Red areas. “Right-wing” authorities might back you up if you have to blast a White criminal in self defense, but heaven help you if you harm one kinky hair on a holy Black head under any circumstances. Nobody within the system is on our side, and the idea that if you just get out of the Dem strongholds they are is just propaganda to keep us compliant. There’s nothing on Earth the soulless bureacrats who run every level of the system crave more than affirmation of their own non-racism, and it doesn’t make a difference which half of the uniparty puppet show they prefer.

Kunning Druegger says:

I’m not saying things are going well, but NEET that’s just gay ass blackpilling bullshit. It’s an open question, and the more ostensibly white allegedly men cowering in fear because the “state only supports the superior and muscly negro ubermensch” just makes it that much harder to position society for the opportunities that are just around the corner as the Great Unraveling draws closer.

I am not saying walk around with a swastika sharpied on your chest repeating lines form American History X, but I am saying that you never know which mundane incident is going to turn into a critical survival moment, and there’s no telling what may come of the valor or cowardice one demonstrates.

In a fallen, broken world, better to be a blind optimist than a witty pessimist.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yes, OK, irrational optimism beats rational pessimism; true enough. Still, your understanding of the situation has to have some resemblance to reality. Get too irrational, and no matter how optimistic you are, you lose.

This idea that “Red” areas are OK and have authorities amenable to even clear cut self defense against the numinous negroes is a lie spread by our enemies as propaganda and embraced by our side as cope.

Contaminated NEET says:

Also, I’m not saying that we should submit to Black criminals always, everywhere, and in all ways because they have the police, the courts, and the press standing behind them and that’s a fight we can’t win. But we have to understand that they do in fact have the police, the courts, and the press standing behind them, and that’s a fight we can’t win. It might be worth it to fight anyway. And credible willingness and ability to fight anyway will probably send most predators looking for easier prey. But never forget that if it comes to serious violence, YOU are the criminal and YOU will be punished. Don’t be one of these confused losers who goes to the authorities with evidence showing you were in the right.

jim says:

Police, courts, and the press cannot bring a dead criminal back to life.

If they are not effectual in protecting law abiding taxpayers, neither are they all that effectual in protecting their pets.

And Oklahoma has passed a law resulting from a BLM riot.

The rioters surrounded a car, the driver, fearing for his life, drove over them, severely injuring one, and moderately injuring a lot of others. So Oklahoma passed a law against the BLM operations and in favor of drivers: https://www.rt.com/usa/521864-oklahoma-anti-riot-law/

So some red states still disfavor criminals.

The Cominator says:

Most red areas you are probably right Contaminated NEET, Florida’s self defense is basically a frontier justice law and operates that way. Not saying it won’t change but it does for now.

Aryaman says:

Problem is not state law.

Look at the guys who shot Ahmaud Arbery in an act of obvious self-defense, who were sentenced on Federal convictions of “interference with rights” and other hate crime charges. The entire point of hate crime laws (criminalizing that which is already criminal) is to bring into Federal jurisdiction what were previously state law matters.

So even if it were true that Red state authorities would back you up, or not look too hard into the matter, it doesn’t matter if the Feds can insinuate themselves into the situation, which is whenever there is an altercation involving a white man and a black man.

Granted, in the Arbery case, the men were also sentenced to a life sentence under state law years but I guess the Feds were worried it would be overturned on appeal. Perhaps it was the state law conviction which made the Federal charges possible, and better states than Georgia will manage to more effectively protect their citizens.

Sher Singh says:


jim says:

You worship cows because when Aryans conquered you, being nomadic beef eating milk drinking pastoralists, they and their cows wandered and they did not want the bread eaters bothering the cows that were grazing on standing wheat.

Oog en Hand says:

Do you know Urdu? Do you know any Slavic language?

Kunning Drueger says:

Fascinating and informative exchange down lower between Fidelis, WT, SJ, Adam, and others.


Fidelis asserts there are 2 problems: the slut and the slut fucker. WT and others say there is 1 problem: the slut. The slut fucker problem is nested in the slut problem, so addressing the slut problem correctly will obviate any need to address the slut fucker problem directly. It never fails: every question goes back to the only question which is the Woman Question. Any issue you are considering, reduce to the WQ, like in math or whatever gay shit, get the WQ on one side of the equation, and you’ll be able to see what is nested in what.

Fences and guns keep wolves at bay. They quickly figure out the range and habits of gun wielding men, and they avoid them. Coyotes, on the other hand, twice as crafty, half as smart. They need to be wiped out. Food for thought.

Adam says:

When patriarchs are backed by power, sex fiends have a short life span. A large population of sex fiends is only possible by oppressing male sexuality (patriarchy).

Javier says:

this was explained by Dalrock ages ago. you can’t fix things by player-shaming because any number of players can service unlimited sluts. in fact removing players only makes those remaining even more enticing. slut shaming is the only way forward.

jim says:

Because female sexuality is dysgenic, we have to police female sexuality. Policing male sexuality just is not going to succeed.

If ninety percent of women are successfully policed, ninety percent of men will have virgin brides. If ninety percent of men are successfully policed, no men will have virgin brides. So we should give up on policing normal straight male sexuality. The effect is likely to be negative, emasculating men who are compliant with policing.

Fidelis says:

What do you call marriage enforced on virgin “abductors” at gunpoint? That was the case I wanted to make that started all this. Are you not policing normal male sexuality to do this? Obviously social castration is not effective, but I don’t see anyone here arguing for this or even hinting at it.

jim says:

> What do you call marriage enforced on virgin “abductors” at gunpoint?

I recall an old movie, made I think late 1930s, early 1940s, set in Hawaii, where the protagonist was alarmed because, due to circumstances beyond his control, he had been briefly behind closed doors with the love interest. He clearly was of the opinion that if this became known, it would be very bad for his health. I don’t know if this was depicting the reality in some social circles at the time the movie was made, or the movie was set in a somewhat earlier time still within living memory.

Seems like a good system. Similarly, with the mass convict marriages in the late eighteenth early nineteenth century australia. No one had any doubt, or no one admitted to any doubt, that the parties to the marriage had enthusiastically consented, even if the bride somehow neglected to speak.

Javier says:

In terms of if you touched a girl, you must marry her–

Another way to say it would be if you steal something you must pay for it. This is less an enforcement of male chastity as it is an enforcement of property rights. No one was overly concerned if their son-in-law was a virgin.

Classically, women were adept at arranging the scenario Jim describes–a woman finds her way to be alone with a desired male, the male realizes this and now the family thinks he despoiled her and must make restitution. Often sisters, mothers, and so on were all in on the plan. In the end, the shotgun is pointed at the male because it must be, but the female remains at fault.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I can’t tell now whether I’ve got a substantive disagreement with Jim and regulars on a specific point, or if I’m hung up on something they think doesn’t even need said, so they’re not bothering.

I’m on board with policing female sexuality not male, I’m on board with shotgun marriage, I’m on board with transferring authority from father to husband, I’ve long been on board with repealing the 19th, I’m on board even with coverture, which is the point that took me the longest to get to.

And I think, come the patriarchy, come Jimian or Pauline Christianity, come the day I can and do literally lock my teenage daughters in their room rather than dropping them off at the mall and pretending*, I’m still not going to treat slut fuckers the same way I treat potential sons in law. It’s going to start at social exclusion, and may well escalate to violence if necessary.

And I see that not as policing male sexuality or “dulling other men’s pins” as one commenter got enraged about in a past thread, I see it as maintaining my own authority, and my own capacity for personal violence, which is to say as maintaining my own alpha/head of household status in my own wife’s eyes.

Or another way of putting it, in that society where female sexuality is policed I’m not especially concerned about the born jock/Chad Thundercock even if he can and does pull women, but the unmarried drug addict slut fucker is in fact going to get policed by someone’s father incidental to him policing his own daughter, even if I don’t personally go around looking for trouble with every slut fucker.

And I’m okay with that. If Jim and co are as well i’d suggest that lower thread is partly people talking past each other rather than substantively disagreeing; or there is a very substantive disagreement there, albeit on a narrow if important point.

*As an aside, this is rarer than it should be but does continue even to this day. I’ve heard of parents nailing their teenage daughter’s windows shut and locking them in their bedrooms at night. And all parties are surprisingly blase about the whole thing if you can catch them at an honest moment, but in the current year it’s better to never ever talk about it lest you catch the eye of Sauron, so it goes unsaid, therefore outside the Overton window.

The Cominator says:

The low IQ criminal slut fucker in our society is going to have low status as females perceive because those of them who escape the gallows are going to still face public humiliation as punishments.

alf says:

I was going to say. I believe the idea is that in our post-restoration society, we’ll have several mechanisms in order to ensure eugenic fertility:

– the end of emancipation, return to coverture. Per the principle that sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive, we will guard our daughters and wives of sexual misconduct. It will be regarded as a given that women are lustful from young age and thus it is perfectly reasonable to keep her away from places where she will flaunt herself and is prone to walk off on her own in search of bad men.

– shotgun marriage principle: you broke the hymen, you give the diamond. The main point of ‘no sex before marriage’ is not that marriage is mandatory for sex, it is that sex is inevitably tied to marriage. And here, if the man is prone to not taking his responsibilities seriously, well, accidents happen, hence ‘shotgun’ marriage.

The Cominator says:

You’ll be allowed to guard your wives and daughters but realistically a lot of guys just won’t give a shit (and unless they are literally put under guard or locked inside a windowless room a lot of teenage girls won’t give a shit if they are beaten threatened etc) maybe they give a shit but they don’t have the energy and they are disenchanted with the wife and don’t care what the fuck she does anymore… , Jim scoffs at this but I’m more cynical.

Shotgun marriage even in a system like the one Jim proposes is also more likely only if the girl ends up pregnant as well, especially if the girl is attractive (and thus will likely find the lack of a hymen only a minor impediment to having someone take her).

I believe the most effective thing we will have actually other than restoring the ancient rights of husbands over wives is that we won’t tolerate anyone seeing low IQ criminal lowlifes as high status, bringing back public punishments will be great for this. Also as drugs should basically be legalized but made low status women aren’t going to see the local drug dealer as high status (the Netherlands probably has this problem less than most countries, in America its a big problem) since they will not exist.

alf says:

bringing back public punishments will be great for this.

Yes that would be a great improvement on the ‘male end’ of things. Get rid of prisons aka criminal network school, bring back public punishment, bring back death penalty for grave crimes. Personally I would not mind some place outside towns where the convicted are publicly hung. ‘see little Timmy, that’s what happens to bad people.’

You’ll be allowed to guard your wives and daughters but realistically a lot of guys just won’t give a shit

The general idea is to get the sexes back into coop/coop mod, eg find an arrangement men and women will generally be happy with. We want to give both parties what they seek. A big part of this is elevating the status of the ring — if you want to get ahead in society, better show that ring, better parade around your wife and your kids. We create a win-win situation: the men get high status in society, and sex plus children at home. That way, men will give a shit.

The Cominator says:

We want to make women content but women cannot be “happy” long term except in very specific circumstances which are kind of disastorous for civilization and which don’t scale in any case.

Probably the ultimate female fantasy is to be a harem girl of a vampire pirate demon king, and then to be secretly cucking the vampire pirate demon king with satan himself. But even then she is not getting the novelty of endless new romance.

Male status though has to be revamped in many ways starting with dismantling the whole Cathedral imposed system of hiring… and to the extent we do have jobs with hiring systems imposed on them from above the most important factor should be the persons IQ. In a state or quasi state institution you aren’t getting a management job without making the WWII officer minimum of 120 IQ and you aren’t going to sit on the Emperor/King’s privy council without an IQ of 135 or higher. No more stupid people getting promoted because they are stupid.

People with 150+ IQs (they get harder to measure well in the upper range) should be strongly encouraged (but treated as ultra high status at least if they accomplish things) to go into the sciences or engineering though.

alf says:

Happiness for women is measured in the absence of weekly emotional breakdowns, boy troubles and pills, and in the presence of a loving husband and children.

Regarding hiring I think my primary concern is to take away hiring power from HR and put it back into the hands of the boss and/or team leader. Up to them if they want an IQ test.

The Cominator says:

Agreed on hiring but state and quasi state institutions should have IQ tests.

alf says:

I always have my doubts if a standardized hiring test will select for what it is intended to select. But I do agree that it is nice to have smart people at the helm.

The Cominator says:

In political institutions the problem as we’ve seen is that if we don’t limit it to smart people bad people will deliberately install stupid people for various reasons. We cannot have that. Middle management 120 IQ requirement. Top levels of the state and military 135 IQ minimum. We can debate what forms of IQ are stupid and should be removed from the test or added but I think thats a good guideline.

S says:

That seems overly fiddly. Just make it so whoever promoted them is responsible for their performance.

The Cominator says:

Doesn’t work hard no as people in political and bureaucratic organizations always do shit to deflect blame, in our system the monarch can use their dispensing powers but our advice should be that dispensing powers for people below the IQ mark should basically be for enlisted men below the IQ mark who do something like Audi Murphy (and then they become a PR officer rather than getting a command)…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>bureaucratic organizations always do shit to deflect blame

Chief amongst these of course being to deflect responsibility to ‘procedures’ rather than people.

Fidelis says:

People with 150+ IQs (they get harder to measure well in the upper range) should be strongly encouraged (but treated as ultra high status at least if they accomplish things) to go into the sciences or engineering though.

No need. They should be free to follow their instinct. They are gifted intellects, why do you think they will make bad decisions? Providing a place where they can follow their intellectual passions is more than enough.

Where and how should you do this? Descartes died while living in scandiland tutoring a princess. Alexander famously was tutored by Aristotle. Neuton was given some money and left out to do his thing in the countryside. Keep them away from universities where the social consensus pressure drowns out genius, don’t force them to do menial work if they are obviously talented, and they will produce their best output out of a love for God and God’s Nature. On our current satanic monasteries, I’m not sure you can or should abolish universites, but you can restore their natural place as serving the martial caste instead of their current place as officially unofficial priestly power consolidation network. The exact mechanisms that would best produce this result, where the incremental and boring but productive and public good research can be had, and the inane and insane production of social toxins to soften the power structures can be prevented, I’m not exactly sure on.

What’s are the arguments people favor here with respect to this tangent? Is something like ‘blue sky’ research and study output on subjects that are interesting but not immediately and obviously useful a desirable thing for a soverign to encourage from high midwits and low highwits? Or should this be left to the devices of large corporations (Bell Labs comes to mind here)?

Mayflower Sperg says:

shotgun marriage principle: you broke the hymen, you give the diamond.

No expensive trinkets, please. Dropping two or three months’ salary on a diamond ring is a sacred tradition made up by the jewelry industry in the 1930s after states stopped letting women sue men for breaking off an engagement. Can’t punish cads, so let’s shake down nice guys instead!

alf says:

Ha fair enough. Shame because it rhymes which makes it twice as true.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fairly good point, but traditions and customs matter, and as Jim is fond of pointing out, be wary of dumping “messy code” because you are liable to discover too late that the messiness was providing some function, some utility, that was not immediately obvious. We have the tradition of proposal, engagement, and a path to marriage. These are useful tools. But we also have forever-engaged, never married (not good), artificially expensive trinkets that aren’t taken seriously, and a bunch of hedonistic gibbons playing house during LTRs without any thought of marriage. So it needs to be tweaked.

Diamonds have industrial value and socio-cultural significance. Maybe complexify the tradition a bit and use different materials that reflect station in life? Like, warriors use tungsten or lead or brass as the “precious stone,” while tech-priests use silicon or silver or gold, and merchants use something different depending on their lot in life or business endeavors? So we keep the custom but modify the contents. For the elite, it should be something expensive and unique, like a high status warrior uses the iron extracted from the blood of men he’s killed as the ring and the stone is some chunk of the skull or a tooth from a fellow warrior he bested. But for the regular warriors, they use some configuration of brass and lead or whatever relevant metals and minerals.

This gives women a way to flaunt and measure status outside of pure dollar amount while men are forced to find something of real value, some object that encapsulates their being, instead of just dumping money into some skypes pocket. This is a silly thing, I get that it isn’t important in the grand scheme of things, but little traditions are the fiber and connective tissue that holds the structure of culture together, lends flexibility to changes, and creates boundaries that show where things should not be wtisted or wrenched to hard.

The Cominator says:

Most wedding rings and pre industrial times were simple bands of what might be gold or some lesser metal, jeweled wedding rings were the province of high nobility and royalty and such. Prior to the abolition of the sumptuary laws (which most of the world had prior to the 19th century) I don’t even think it was technically legal for commoners to wear expensive jewelry in most places. So there should be no problem insisting that wedding rings be cheap.

Lawsuits for breach of engagement go way back before the 1930s though… “seduction” (enticing a previously respectable to girl to sleep with you on the promise of marriage) was a criminal matter sometimes too.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Expense of marriage in the states increases risk of divorce. Cheaper the marriage, less likely the divorce. Reported from wedding ceremony only, but probably the same dynamic is at work with expensive rings and honeymoons.

Still need some ring for the social boost for all concerned (and the wedding ring effect for men from single women is an indirect boost to his alpha status in his wife’s eyes), but rings being expensive is literally a jewish psy-op.

Fidelis says:

While the diamond ring is new, dowry is an ancient tradition.

A2 says:

Daddy paying a substantial dowry at every marriage might keep the divorces down (at least if daddy has some control over his daughter).

The other direction is for the groom to pay a bride price, which in some countries may entail going into debt to your father-in-law. Not sure what sort of refund is available if you send the bride back after a while.

SJ says:

I don’t actually have to explain why this won’t work do I?

Adam says:

I suspect men find the slut fucker far more morally offensive than they find them numerous.

I have beautiful teenage daughters, and they have similar friends, and it is easy to see who they all perceive as alpha. Those boys are physically fit, highly competitive, and territorial. That is my argument for what is naturally alpha. Girls break rules for those guys, and they make rules for everyone else.

Alpha is a big category, 20% is a big number. It would be easier to define alpha if it was just 1%. The slut fucker, the drifter musician and the drug dealer are I think a minority in the 20%. But we find them the most offensive. They might even have more game than the guys I described above, but they seem to attract, and be attracted to very anti-social girls.

Patriarchy as Jim lays out is the only thing that doesn’t blow back in your face, and your neighbors face. The argument below illustrates what kind of difficulty would arise from running around policing the men. If anything ever does go south, the shotgun will solve the problem one way or the other.

Roger Williams says:

How can a teenage boy be territorial? With other boys who try to talk to “his” girls I’m guessing?

Adam says:

I suppose selfish and demanding to the point of being a bully about things, generally. The boys who have preselection at age 15 today are the same as those that did when I was that age. That is what I see anyway.

Kunning Druegger says:

> how can boys be territorial

Are you a woman or possibly an alien unfamiliar with human history, biology, and customs?

A2 says:

As I recall, the whole of middle school seemed to be spent on sorting out the male dominance hierarchy. Bullying and so on have a very natural explanation.

The Cominator says:

Middle school is a horrible thing that should not exist, bullying is natural to SOME degree. The degree it happens in middle school though would spark either flight from the bullied or revenge using deadly violence in a state of nature.

Child prisons aren’t natural middle school years school be spent learning a trade.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Guild style apprenticehip for young teenage males, for everything from trades to factory work to airline pilots. Maybe even up to physicians and surgeons with a heavier academic component.

It’s borderline science fiction to me from where we stand now, but if we’re serious about abolishing priesthood higher ed and salting the earth you might as well think big.

The Cominator says:

The drug dealer drowns in pussy probably more than anyone except maybe 1970s rockstars. At least 1/4 (but more like 1/3) of American women are pretty serious drug addicts but they generally can’t afford to be without paying in pussy and all the pretty ones do pay in pussy.

They are also percieved as high status (at least so long as they stay out of jail) because they get away with committing crimes, it’d be a good life if I had a “roof” to protect me but the drug business is all about informal connections to be allowed to sell drugs while others aren’t. The reason the Mafia hated the drug business was it was basically all rats…

A2 says:

Driving the new car off the lot halves its value, right? So I don’t see why damaging my property is permitted these low lives. Make them regret their poor life choices. (I don’t mind the Singapore solution to drug dealers.)

Also, dad should make sure to marry off his girls early enough that they don’t seriously consider crawling off on broken glass road to their demon lovers. The natural age seems to be roughly 14-15. Our middle eastern neighbor peoples shame dad and the family if the daughter runs around, sometimes until he ‘takes care of the problem’.

The Cominator says:

The way you abolish the drug dealer is to legalize drugs. Women don’t have to suck dick to get wine and cigarettes and don’t perceive the liquor store and gas station clerks as high status.

Drugs can’t effectively be banned propaganda is more effective.

Your Uncle Bob says:

This is not working out that way in states that have tried it. Drug dealers are still around, and the homeless addict problem is even worse.

The Cominator says:

You’re not doing real legalization you’re doing “decriminalization” so the substances still trade through the black market but there is only more sporadic enforcement of prohibition then before.

Kunning Druegger says:

That doesn’t really make your case though, does it? You are right, decriminalization is a political term intended to obfuscate war on order using pawns and cat’s paws, but I don’t really buy the idea that legalizing drugs will just turn drug dealers into corner store ayyrabs. And we’ve butted heads on this before, “drug dealer” as a catchall term (what you’re actually describing, which is lieutenant or enforcer or soldier in a criminal enterprise) isn’t useful. Plenty of foreveraloners, betas, and sexless losers that “deal” drugs.

In any case, you’re also dead on that propaganda, by which I infer culture and arbitrary status perception, is far more effective than laws and regulations.

The Cominator says:

With time and propaganda most hard drugs will be despised and uncool but yes sold at the store as it was at the 19th century. With propaganda we will shift society’s drug of choice (and there will always be one) back primarily towards tobacco secondarily towards caffeine and social drinking only…

A2 says:

You mention above “At least 1/4 (but more like 1/3) of American women are pretty serious drug addicts”. Not enough then, I take it?

Sorry, legalizing marijuana/THC/etc seems like a stupid disaster. Legal Adderall is a nasty joke. Legal Oxy is a killing joke. Need I go on? “But what about the highly credentialed drug nerds, they need their psychedelics!” Dry out you damn acid casualties.

Anyway, the ‘real legalization hasn’t been tried’ position just isn’t credible.

The Cominator says:

We had real legalization in the 18th and 19th century, no problem.

The Cominator says:

Re Marijuana it was legal in the 19th century almost no one used that, it took a lot of cultural propaganda (which it being illegal was a crucial component) per the forbidden fruit factor to make it illegal because its a drug that just makes people stupid hungry and sleepy. No idea what the super bioengineered variants do…

The Cominator says:

I mean to make it popular…

Pax Imperialis says:

19th century America cleaned the streets of the vagrants. In fact, America was cleaning the streets up until the mid 20th century. It was clear to people that if their habit got out of hand that the full force of government violence would lock them away and beat them in the process. It only did so when in response to bad behavior in public. That naturally dissuaded reasonable people from going too far and removed the ones that did.

Monkey smoke opium, monkey starts living in opium den, monkey runs out of money, monkey starts panhandling on streets, monkey gets beaten and arrested. Monkey brain can clearly see opium addiction leads to being beaten and typically stops.

Policy changed towards trying to prevent use and sales without cleaning up the vagrants, but preventing use and sales is almost impossible as black markets (and nearly all markets) are more efficient than government (a monopoly on violence) which is always inherently anti market.

Monkey uses heroine, monkey knows it’s illegal in theory but is never caught, monkey brain thinks no consequences and goes wild, monkey continues until money runs out and panhandle for money, other monkeys give addict monkey money and food so now monkey buys more. Monkey brain can not see consequences for bad behavior. In fact, monkey brain thinks it’s being rewarded for being a vagrant and gets even worse.

Our brains are geared towards obvious pain vs reward in relation to obvious actions and consequences. The current drug problem has everything to do with failure to use force to clean up the obvious mess. Legalization on it’s own does not solve the issue of street shitting.

Red says:

I’ve seen the reality of legalized drugs. The solution is to throw drug dealers off of high buildings. Nonfunctional drug users get the Taliban treatment. They’re sobered up given a job, and if they fuck up again off the the high building they go. Same goes to any drugs supplied to women.

Dealers who only supply functional male users who don’t cause trouble will be ignored as long as the drugs are only delivered by courier.

alf says:

I also lean towards this position. Has the legalization of marijuana done anything positive for the Netherlands? In terms of export smuggling and tourists perhaps, but is that really the kind of money you want to make.

The general position seems to me that drugs are bad. You don’t endorse a bad thing. Alcohol, being a pro-social drug, is great, but like the bible warns, very bad in excess. All drugs have some beneficial effect, but all have, in the long run, net-negative effects.

jim says:

Alcohol is a highly effective truth serum. Thus, useful when used socially.

Jehu says:

Alcohol is ok if you’ve got a population that isn’t seriously naïve to it, like Aborigines or American Indians. It’s probably a net positive for most Euro-derived societies.

Kunning Druegger says:

We are obviously discussing human societies here. If anyone’s giving cocaine to dogs they are getting Red’s High Building Treatment.

Parsley says:

All drugs should be legal, just like guns, tanks, missiles, warships and energetic materials. Without restrictions. Without drugs, you can not practice medicine freely.

Benjamin Rush proposed an amendment to the constitution which guaranteed the right to freely practice medicine.

Go to surgeon’s table now – and you’ll be vaxed in your sleep because doctors get 20k per shot they administer from ((NGOs)) . Go to a hospital after being shot by cops and see what happens.

Every well off family should have a surgical table in their basement. If you think doctors are some kind of magicians – you are wrong. Everyone who proposes Draconian laws against drugs is no better than Karen, who sees no problem in drone striking homes of ar15 owners.

Keep your daughters “in”, they are your property, your responsibility. We had enough of that nanny state concept. Drugs have always been legal in White societies, it’s nothing to be scared of, just a chemical. A thing. You can not have a free society and tell people what things they can own and what they can not.

In a normal society you can just “off” a degenerate drug user who has no friends to avenge him and causes you problems (bothering your children, damages your property, etc), In other words it is degenerate, harmful behavior which should be punished, not the victimless “crime” of working with drugs, in fact a normal person should have a lot of drugs in his first aid kit, a bit of heroin to administer to a friend, who was wounded to fight shock, a little bit of meth for superhuman strength and night vision for carrying him to a base camp, a little bit of lsd or mdma would make you live twice as long in ice-cold waters of the North Atlantic in case of some kind of trouble.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m well aware of the Uberman Argument, but I also know plenty of decent, workaday types that don’t need the added struggle of readily available, impermanent chemical bliss. What you’re describing is a post-coup-complete world, a TND world, a neo-Rhodesia of orderly and well defended gardens scattered across jungle and wildness world.

I’d love to contribute to a world where my great-grandkids have Anypills in their first aid kit, where they select the desired effect, punch in the sequence, and put comes a herculean dose of whatever works best. Classical sci-fi took for granted that in the future, everyone would be the Best Of US, but society needs guardrails built and maintained by the best of us. I’m totally on board with the logic of your position, but I think reality makes it a tough sell, and it’s simpler to have a blacklist with exceptions than a whitelist with landmines.

alf says:

I also know plenty of decent, workaday types that don’t need the added struggle of readily available, impermanent chemical bliss.

That’s the thing right. Complete legalization of all drugs means moral approval for a whole bunch of harmful drug usage — call me a puritan but I rather like how tabacco is not advertised in the public space, and I would very much like for a whole bunch of pfizer drugs to get the same treatment.

At the same time, like KD, I’m not completely impartial to the argument. Whatever people want to do in the privacy of their house, as long as they do not disrupt the public order, up to them.

jim says:

“escalate to violence if necessary” presupposes the slut fucker can get to your daughter. In eighteenth century patriarchy, he could not.

The old meaning of “slut” was any fertile age female who was “out”. Respectable families kept their daughters “in”, until it was time for them to get married, whereupon they were given sexy but supervised contact with a parentally selected male. Or, if they were lucky, a short parentally composed dance card of males.

It was, in the eighteenth century, well known that females that were “out” would head off to somewhere disreputable, where they would have contact with disreputable males.

Late eighteenth century Australia initially had a huge problem with sexual misconduct by female convicts. They adopted a swift and wonderfully effective solution, with one hundred percent success (in that all females got married very quickly, frequently within an hour or so after they got off the boat, and there were precisely zero floggings of women for sexual misconduct, such as fornication, adultery or whoring. A few floggings for speaking back to their husbands).

The marriages were theoretically voluntary, but the authorities did not consider it necessary for the woman to actually say anything.

The Cominator says:

Was this true outside the upper and perhaps upper middle class, to my knowledge it was not? Let’s leave out the unusual enviroment of the penal colony and merely discuss England here.

jim says:

Certainly true of the middle class.

The big deal of Victorian hypocrisy was that since women were supposedly innately virtuous, so virtuous that any evidence to the contrary had to be ignored, daughters should be allowed out.

This was far from universally accepted even in Victorian times, but the Victorians recollected that it had been shocking. Victorian hypocrisy died when the kodak camera was born.

As to what the working class got up to – well, there was a lot of concern about the horde of bastards. But it does seem that anyone that wanted to be respectable kept their daughters “in”.

The female ailment of “hysteria” was resistance to being kept “in”, which was apt to take extreme forms. Masturbation was encouraged as a remedy for hysteria. While late marriage (early twenties, late teens) was a social norm west of the Hajnal line, this ran into extreme resistance, which required extreme measures to contain. I think late marriage is a bridge too far if we want virgin marriage. It was a really tough institution to maintain that required alarmingly strenuous enforcement.

A2 says:

Not to mention ‘turning out’ a woman made her a ‘street walker’, i.e. a whore.

The earliest reference I can recall to keeping your daughters in the home might be in Hesiod, but I can’t find it at the moment. Something like that. It’s not a new concept.

ray says:

‘It never fails: every question goes back to the only question which is the Woman Question.’

Yes isn’t that interesting KD. But why?

Reason is because the world was — as defined by God — good at its outset and creation. There WERE no problems or issues, until. . . the Woman Question arose, in the form of her rebellion against her created position and place.

The fundamentals of human existence always return to the WQ because that is the source of the sundering of God and man, and the source of ALL subsequent evil, pain, suffering and death in the world. Prior to the Woman seeking Equality with God and man, God walked IN PERSON on this planet with the man. God was present and immediate. And now, obviously, He ain’t.

So no matter how complex problems are in, for example, U.S. culture, most of the illness can be traced back to two things and two things only:

1) the Woman rebelling against her place in the created order, and seeking after her own empowerment and advancement

2) the Man ‘listening to the voice’ of the Woman, and obeying her leadership and direction, instead of the leadership and direction of God

Fix those two things, and the angel opens the Gates of Eden again, instead of barring the way as at present.

Regarding the slut fucker issue, daughter-daddies if left to their own desires always will support a gynarchic society, so their daughters live in a kind of lifelong cocoon, and so their own responsibility for supervision and support are greatly reduced.

He will support an anti-male and anti-masculine society in which Chad (and all men) are kept on a tight leash by the Authorities. A police state of femdom, essentially.

The solution, as others have inferred, is for daughter-daddy to be made criminally and civilly liable for his daughters, who are under his total authority until marriage. If she whores it up when he sends her to Slut University and gets preggers, it’s on him and on her. Not on the ten guys who boinked her.

IOW, putting the chains on the Chads never works, only resulting in a female-ruled society which implodes quickly. The welfare-queen, child-support, abortion type of society.

OTOH, the traditional/Scriptural society places the chains on daughter and daughter-daddy, insisting they be primarily responsible for princess and her sexual abstinence. This type of society is sustainable because it pleases God, being in harmony with His original created order.

Apologies for the length.

jim says:

I am not going to allow through any more comments from you that talk about religion until I see a post from you containing the words I asked for.

Sounds like “hail fellow Christian reactionary”. I would like to know if you actually are Christian and actually are reactionary. Your Christian comments are Christianity adjacent, rather than Christian, and your reactionary comments are reactionary adjacent, rather than reactionary. Like namefag Jordan Peterson and namefag Curtis Yarvin, you dance near thought crimes, but do not outright commit them.

The propensity of daddies to ignore the sexual misconduct of their daughters is because schools and child protective services render them powerless. Schools are always trying to get kids to rat out their parents to child protective services. I talk to fathers, and I am not too bad at reading people. They are afraid. Everyone is afraid. My sons are very afraid. I am less afraid than almost anyone who is not a homeless drunk with a long criminal record, but know full well that there is much to fear.

The Cominator says:

I think he has a point about fathers with only daughters even if his solution is stupid. Overprotective daddy tradcuck almost always finds a reason to side with feminists.

jim says:

It looks like that when you are after his daughter, but I socialize with dads a fair bit. He sides with feminists because very afraid. Everyone is very afraid. I conjecture that this is the cause of falling testosterone and falling sperm counts.

The Cominator says:

I don’t care that much about the why. Dad’s with sons less likely to do so…

ray says:

[*deleted for strange inability to say the words of the faith*]

jim says:

Christianity is getting a whole lot of hostile entryism from government agents, gays, gnostics, Socinians, Judeo-Christians, and demon worshippers, some of who are gay gnostic demon worshipers attempting to practice witchcraft using the blood of children while preaching a Socinian Judeo-Christianity.

You have been black pilling a bit, so say the words that that crowd cannot say. You are endorsing the red pilled Christian position, while at the same time arguing doom.

Hope is a virtue, despair is a sin. Despair smells of gnosticism, despite the very red pilled character of your Christianity. So say the words that gnostics cannot say.

FrankNorman says:

Two days later… no response?

jim says:

Yes, he posted, twice, that he had no problem saying those words, but …

Another hostile entryist against Christianity – but, surprisingly, he endorsed the Christian version of the red pill, with a curious admixture of the well known shill black pill. I have not seen that before. I thought the red pill stopped them all.

Logically, one would not expect this work through material and effective causation. Looks supernatural, as if a literal rather than figurative demon is directly running the shills. It is obvious why the red pill stops the shills, but it is strange that words from the creeds about the next world stop them. And those words have been stopping them for two millennia.

He wrote:

> > To bring back patriarchy is simple, fathers assert their rule.’

> And how will you do that? Short of Christ’s return?

So his position was that because a fallen world, can’t fix the problem. Also the state is omnipotently powerful. God created women to be a help meet for man but due to the fall, forget about it.

Basically the progressive position that progress is permanent and irreversible, that nothing can be done, while endorsing the Christian view that progress is bad, and contrary to God’s plan. Gnostic position, which excuses the Christian from doing what is right in this world. Which is why I smelled something off about his Christianity.

Jimian position is that we have had progress before, many times, and it always self destructed catastrophically, frequently with the complete disappearance of the progressive people with hostile outsiders conquering their lands and taking them into captivity. Which ties in to the old Testament position that collective sins will suffer collective punishment – which position the New Testament does not entirely ditch – after all New Testament reports that the destruction of the temple and the captivity of the Jews was collective punishment for their rejection of Christ and Christianity, and prophesies hard times when the devotees of Satan rule.

Japanese had the advantage of an island, so when they fell into chaos, unprogressive Japanese got the upper hand, and continued to have the upper hand after restoring order. America is big, so a similar outcome is possible here, but the dust settles, America is likely to have shrunken considerably. China also survived by being big. When conquered by the unprogressive Jurgen, they assimilated to Jurgen treatment of women – and then assimilated the Jurgen emperors. A considerably less than optimal solution, but better than total disappearance.

Old and New Testament prophecy is that the deceivers will themselves be deceived, that they will be the chief victims of their own evil and lies, and that the faithful will suffer less damage, but that it is going to be mighty rough on everyone. A highly plausible prophesy, which has been fulfilled innumerable times.

Kunning Druegger says:

I initially liked him, he was open about being new, and he was upfront about not being in full alignment. I kinda hope he’s just butthurt and is trying to be original and is too proud to just do what he’s told. But he could very well be a sophisticated entryist, which makes him #0002 in the recent months. One thing to consider: he twice referenced that he was “not long for this earth”[paraphrase] and he said something about making an impact. He buried it well, but that’s straight up fedspeak just occulted. But, any man who is one of us here is going to have moments wherein they wish to “act” and talking about it, though inadvisable, is going to happen.

I’m not trying to give anyone else homework, and I will do this if I get some free time, but, if he was an entryist, his comments need to be reviewed because, as Jim said “he endorsed the Christian version of the red pill, with a curious admixture of the well known shill black pill. I have not seen that before.”

Ray, I hope you’re just being obstinate and stupid, bro.

FrankNorman says:

“Yes, he posted, twice, that he had no problem saying those words, but …”
… but would not actually say the words?

Funny that.
It used to be that one would encounter Marxist entryists who could cheerfully tell you “why yes, I believe that we are saved by the blood of Jesus!” while keeping their fingers crossed – because they meant Jesus the Communist revolutionary who was killed for attempting an insurrection, and that humanity would be “saved” through the Revolution and global Communism, or something.

SJ says:

The social shame a father should feel over raising a poor daughter he will feel again once fathers have formal ownership over their daughters. LDS fathers do feel this shame and are horribly ashamed if one of their daughters turns out badly. Typically they are disowned and removed from inheritance.

Let’s be careful about the tradcuck plan of making single moms and grandpa pay for the kids. This is not a solution. Women are not rational. They are not thinking oh gee normally I wouldn’t let Tyrone the drug addict ejaculate inside of me but because I’ll get some welfare now I will. All that happens if you remove the welfare is the single mom is poorer. It will not prevent her creation.

Also you are sounding very close to a gnostic butt pumper. So if the sin of eEe was the first sin and we were made originally in God’s image, and after we were made God separated eve from Adam then don’t we just need to turn everyone into a tranny butt pirate to restore all goodness? Adam Kadmon for everyone here we come.

Doom says:

Ya really tried to sound Jimian but you really don’t get it.

Perhaps stop trying to sound like you belong and use your own parlance.

The problem in Western society is that a large proportion of men do not have a socially straightforward path to marriage.

The biological need men have for women easily allows for the sex act itself to be fetishised as inherently valuable. Go tell your local porn addict to stop looking at it and watch his reaction.

The western view of sex and sexuality is, basically, idolatry.

From this perspective, yes, game is lame. Trying to fuck sluts is gay. But you didn’t say that.

The outcome of the fetishisation of female sexuality leads to a type of malformed love for women.

I’ll keep this brief, but, in effect, the problem is imagining women are mens sexual equal, and accepting the idea that having sex with someone you feel no attraction to is “bad sex”. If you hold this assumption as true, then very easy to empathise with the female position of “I’m not attraaaaaacted to him”.

This does apply somewhat to your attempt to explain.
Fathers do not want their daughters to “have bad sex”.

Further, easy to give women a pass on divorce from this position.

Easy to give women a pass on delaying marriage.

“I don’t want to have kids because it will ruin my body”…

And so on.

(It’s worth noting too that in many African cultures too, the womans sexual desire is the head of the culture. And in those cultures, women do ALL of the survival work. Farming, carrying water, child raising, etc. Men for the most part do nothing but try to be as sexually interesting as possible. This is where the West is headed, as evident by the fact that many men are dropping out of the work and school systems… young women outearn young men. I know a few young women who are working 6-7 days a week to “get money”. One will go home with a man if he buys her one drink. )

Doom says:

Been thinking about this all morning.

Constraining female sexuality necessarily constrains male sexuality. Male sexuality is currently constrained within the bounds of female sexual preference.

A man will have non-committal sex with just about any woman.
This is the “Tinder”, and “Alpha widow” issue. An average looking woman with nothing to offer can easily secure sex from Chad, which then proceeds to ruin her as her narcissistic viewpoint assumes that, just like her, Chad only fucks people he would commit to.

If sex has the consequence of a life-long commitment, suddenly Chad and Tyrone need to be a little choosier, which in turn restricts female access to Chad and Tyrone.

In terms of sneaky males coming in and fucking your women, well, your default position is to execute the man and send the woman to the convent. With that said, if women know that non-committal sex means a total and permanent loss of social status, less likely to have it.

Why do you think they want so badly for body count not to matter?

In effect, restricting female sexuality means men have to be choosy too.
Currently, they don’t.

It’s kind of funny. Marriage is actually a much more egalitarian position than “free love”. Feminists only hate it because they’re ugly, useless and can’t get quality husbands.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Been thinking about this all morning.
The highest compliment for a wordcel.

And your comment is excellent, also very thought provoking.

Here is a probably retarded question: what if “ruined” females (single mom, body count over 5, widow, spinster) were auctioned off to married men in good standing? Maybe there’d be no market for this, and keep it strictly in a coup-complete framework, but any time someone invokes “convent” I think of the Castle Anthrax from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Just as it is utter lunacy to put violent nogs, spics, and crackers in a metal & cement box with minimum wage oversight, so too is it foolish to put a bunch of horny sluts with nothing to lose in a dormitory under the oversight of some closeted faggot trying to pray away the gay. It could just turn into some kind of spiritual wasteland, like a pool spawning Grendel’s mothers at random, or just a terrible den of the worst types of humans all echoing back each other’s bullshit. Maybe there’s a proper way to do Convents. But if not, what’s the harm in auctioning them off? I’m not asking rhetorically because I think this is a good idea, genuinely wondering if there’s some pitfall I’m not seeing.

Doom says:

>what if “ruined” females were auctioned off to married men in good standing?

Why would anyone in their right mind want to provide for a rebellious whore?

It used to be honorable to take on a widow. I still think it is.
Voluntarilyy single mothers fucked that up for everyone.

> is it foolish to put a bunch of horny sluts with nothing to lose in a dormitory under the oversight of some closeted faggot

Whats the difference between a convent and a brothel? Hmm. Very good point.

I’ve changed my mind, cause you’re right. Better they become public sexual property. No need for a closeted faggot, just a big, violent pimp.

>Maybe there’s a proper way to do Convents.
The old way was having the Convent very far away from society. Modern transportation makes this impossible.

>wondering if there’s some pitfall I’m not seeing.
It’s the same pitfall that lead to women being burned alive if their husband died before them. (Husband poisoning).

Women like being dominated, but they also don’t like being too controlled. It has to feel like they chose the domination. I’m not explaining it well because I do not have a womans mind.

The pitfall is this : the chosen wife of the man in good standing is always going to be better than the purchased wife. She comes into it with no status.

Far better to auction them off to incels. That will be a sufficient deterrent. Choose a good man and submit to his authority, or you can submit to the authority of this lesser man.

Of course, he may get poisoned, but, eh? So what. It gives him the opportunity to participate in broader society.

jim says:

Whether a woman is ruined or not depends not only or her count, but also the extent to which the tribe backs her man. Decisive backing for the man causes her to react as if abducted by a strong man into a strong tribe, whereupon she instantly internalizes the values of her new tribe.

Any woman abducted by General Bucknaked is going to be pretty loyal. We have to provide a social environment for ruined women that simulates abduction by General Bucknaked.

18th century England had the luxury of ignoring ruined women. We do not. The supply of virgins is mighty slim. It will eventually be larger, but that is for later generations.

The Cominator says:


Shekel me Shlomo says:

Gonna pop the big Q tomorrow at Temple. Got a brand new shtreimel and my game is up to par.

Thanks for all the advice friends. Wish me luck.

Anonymous Fake says:

I have a thought experiment that seems basic, and might just be, but isn’t spoken of for whatever reason: What is Harvard? I have 4 answers… [*deleted*]

jim says:

Somehow missing from those four answers is the one that we keep giving.

They are reasonable and defensible answers, but I am not going to debate them unless you are prepared to respond to our answer.

Anonymous Fake says:

Your answer is [*not our answer*]

jim says:

I have explained this often enough, and do not feel like explaining it yet again to someone who is stubbornly refusing to listen.

But here it is anyway. Short of it is, Cladistic categorization of movements, faiths, and ideologies.

Harvard was the Vatican of New England, founded by the priests kicked out to the Church of England by Charles the second. It is now the Vatican of Global American Empire and Globohomo.

Harvard’s current priesthood has institutional, personnel, physical, and organizational continuity all the way back to the puritans, and continuity of personnel with the Church of England, which has institutional, personnel, and organizational continuity with the Roman Catholic Church, which has institutional, personnel, and organizational continuity with Orthodox Christianity, which has institutional, personnel, and organizational continuity with the apostles, though not physical continuity, because underground from the execution of Paul and James the Just to Constantine making himself emperor. However, the Roman Catholic Church lacks physical continuity with Orthodoxy, because when Orthodoxy had a physical meeting to generate consensus on some hot issue, they would meet near the dominant Caesar of the that time, and are currently forking between Putin and Harvard. Harvard lacks physical and organizational continuity, because a considerable time passed between expulsion from the Church of England, and re-organizing in New England.

“Harvard”, like “the Vatican”, is the physical headquarters of a priesthood, and also a synecdoche for that priesthood regardless of where its priests are physically located. Harvard is the name of a place, and also the name of the power and authority physically organized from that place, and also refers to the people who exercise power as part of that organization.

What we mean by “Harvard” is only meaningful in the context of a cladistic categorizations of faiths/ideologies.

Orthodoxy during the decline of the Roman Empire adapted to live in a multipolar world, but is currently maladapted to a multipolar world. Will need to re-adapt, something that it is currently unwilling and incapable of doing. And this re-adaptation is what is necessary to destroy Harvard as a center of power, though a multipolar world in which the Global American Empire is no longer Global and no longer the Anti American Empire will considerably diminish Harvard’s power. On the other hand, so long as Harvard is the center of faith in America, America is likely to remain anti American.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*you purport to be a Christian, but seem to be pushing the postchristian position.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Can you say that?

I will allow this through if you can say that.*]

Anonymous Fake says:

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

And also…



Anonymous Fake says:

Anglicanism had (when it was a real religion) bishops appointed by the king. Presbyterianism had democratic elections before the democratic meme seized control of the state and became corrupt and demonic. But both sides had married priests, which is the camel’s nose to rewarding holiness with power/property, rather than holiness for its own sake. Anglicanism was conservative, and Puritanism was leftist.

So a plausible origin story for Puritanism’s success is its emphasis on education, letting strangers rear your children, because when even “priests” can marry no one takes celibacy seriously, or paternity. Children can belong to anyone and everyone, so they’re just dumped at school because they’re all a bunch of bastards.

This arrangement actually works in technologically advancing eras, when education rewards hard work in school with a better paycheck, and this only ended very recently with the Millennial generation around 2008, after 400 years of success (interestingly, colonialism had the same 400 year success duration, from Columbus to the Congo). Forced memes about “social advancements” are used when the technology isn’t there anymore.

And genuine academic talent alone vanishes, as it’s only useful when combined with cheating to make it into Harvard, so intelligence becomes baggage mostly a burden to Caucasians and Asians, not to Hispanics and blacks. Soon enough, there is nothing left but the cheating, but the conservative Anglican/Episcopalian elites will still appoint all of their judges from Harvard.

Most conservatives still put immense pressure on their children to perform well and earn their way into Harvard, so my posts have been more architectural in focus, trying to make conservatives think about making their cities more like Boston. Nice walkable neighborhoods for elites whose time is too valuable for commuting, nice public transportation for intellectuals who like reading the newspaper on the way to the office, etc. And the trump card, better weather, because God’s on our side.

In the long run, one way or another, conversions to Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Pray more rosaries and make more babies.

jim says:

You are giving us whig history.

As with all whig history, you give an ancient pedigree to very recent demonic practices.

You presuppose that education promotes technology and productivity. It promotes the state religion. Always has, always will.

Education leads to higher salaries because certain jobs are reserved for adherents of the state religion.

It is apprenticeship that communicates skills from the older to the younger generation, not education. High tech industries do not care about degrees, they care about experience, because they figure a degreed job applicant is unlikely to have learned anything useful or relevant that a mentor could not teach in a couple of days. They are forced to care about degrees by HR, which is a tentacle of the state, and thus a tentacle of the state religion.

The attack on apprenticeship began in the nineteenth century.

Henry Bessemer had no formal schooling, he learned engineering and metallurgy working under his dad. Edison had very little formal schooling. That was standard and universal in the nineteenth century and earlier. Wernher von Braun did not got to university until after he started building rockets.

Elon Musk got a university degree, but dropped out graduate school at Stanford after two days, because bullshit. He was writing software at twelve, got rich in software, and then hired some rocket experts and taught himself rocketry

> So a plausible origin story for Puritanism’s success is its emphasis on education,


Puritans did not care about education unless it was state education in their state religion. The left did not rise to power because education. The left was in power in New England, and after the civil war in power in America, and then suddenly apprenticeship was out the window, and education in the state religion mandatory.

First they took power, then the emphasis on education.

> Most conservatives still put immense pressure on their children to perform well and earn their way into Harvard

Earn? You don’t earn your way into Harvard. You earn something by creating value. You win your way into Harvard. You don’t provide value to them, or anyone else, by meeting their requirements.

And therefore, no one deserves reward for accreditation. People deserve reward for creating value.

While attending education, you are not creating any value for anyone.

If after completing a degree at Harvard, you continue to not provide value to anyone, you don’t deserve the smell of an oil rag.

You earn stuff by creating value.

SJ says:

Wait, are you claiming that when priests have their own wives and children that this causes other men to not value paternal certainty any longer? Which then results in parents sending their children off to state indoctrination centers/free daycare because they no longer hold paternal certainty and hence are not willing to invest into the children?

I’m having a hard time following your claims as you keep assuming that each step of this follows the previous step. I do not think it does.

jim says:

The shill payload is not the argument, it is what the argument presupposes that everyone agrees on. And when these presuppositions of false consensus are challenged, he just sails right along.

Some of his presuppositions are widely believed on the left – and some of them are so narrowly believed that we have no idea what they are.

Anonymous Fake says:

We have find some temporal explanation for why Puritanism (and previously, Anglicanism) apparently succeeded and pre-VII Catholicism apparently failed, because it’s simply self evident that [*list of ludicrously absurd Harvard doctrines not worth rebutting because not even Harvard graduates genuinely believe them deleted*]t

jim says:

I have told you how Puritanism won and how it became leftism more times that I can shake a stick at.

Leftism came to power the same way it always does, by first subverting the cohesion of its enemies, and then applying fire and sword. If someone comes to power by sword alone, warriors rule and priests do not. So priestly rule always combines the subversion of social cohesion with the sword. But the subversion of social cohesion only works as a step towards the application of fire and sword. Subversion alone can accomplish a great deal but it always runs into obstacles that can only be removed by violence or the threat of violence. If no plausible threat of violence, gets stuck.

This is Moldbug 101, and implicitly confirmed in great detail in Clarke’s “English Society 1688 to 1833”, though Clarke says it even less plainly than Moldbug does, because if he had said it as plainly as Moldbug did, his book would have been burned even faster than it was. Brownists, entryism -> Puritans, more entryism -> English Civil War. As the levelers and diggers turn into late twentieth century leftists, Cromwell pulls a Stalin and halts the left singularity. With the immanentization of the eschaton off the books, the left singularity expires. Monck makes a coup, Parliament under guard by Monck’s praetorian, restoration of Charles the second, purge of Puritans from the Anglican Church. Some of the purged priesthood head off to New England to found Harvard and plot the reconquest of the world.

Meanwhile, in England, the ideological descendants of the Puritans cease to be Christian and become Socinian, and practice renewed entryism against the Church of England, which is where Clarke’s story begins. Moldbug’s story begins shortly afterwards, though he regularly briefly references the events leading up to the English civil war.

So Puritans, and their increasingly postChristian ideological descendants, were continuously the state religion of New England from the beginning of America, and after the civil war, the state religion of the United States, and after World War II, the state religion of the world.

Guns, tanks, and the destruction of their enemies explains the triumph of Puritans and their ideological and organizational descendants, the organization they founded in New England. It is the color revolution script, has been from the beginning, has been since the English civil war. You attack the will of your enemy ideologically, “Hail fellow Christian, Hail fellow proletarian, Hail fellow whatever” and then follow up with guns, artillery, burning Atlanta, flattening Libya, and so forth. See Vox Day’s tweet for the latest iteration of this ancient strategy: https://voxday.net/2023/04/26/color-revolution-in-sudan/

And I do mean ancient: The Moloch worshipers applied it against Old Testament Israel, the Aztecs against their neighbors. It works.

The tribes that revolted against the Aztecs when Cortés made the Aztecs look vulnerable discovered that their official priesthood was in the enemy’s pocket. This is very old stuff. Works better when your official faith practices child sacrifice.

Your post was unresponsive, because it simply ignored the explanation given on so many reactionary blogs so many times, implicitly denying that anyone had said what has been said so many times already, and because it posited every kind of evil and absurd lie as self evident. If you had made them as claims, and as arguments against what has been said so many times, would have allowed them through in order to rebut them and to defend our claims against criticism. But you are not attempting to rebut our claims, but to deny that anyone would ever make them. Nor where you making your ridiculous claims as claims, but as self evident stuff that obviously your interlocutor would agree with, even though it gets denied vehemently every time I let some of this stuff through.

Cloudswrest says:

The son-in-law of a relative, late 30s to early 40s, just “died suddenly” while shaving. First “died suddenly” for me of a personal connection.

Cloudswrest says:

Autopsy stated ruptured ascending aorta leading to hemopericardium.

Then there’s this. No mention of vax but vax does the same.


Cloudswrest says:

This report IS vax related.

An autopsy case report of aortic dissection after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: correspondence.


[…] Game […]

Kunning Drueger says:


Sber has introduced the GigaChat chatbot — its own alternative
Currently, access is based on requests.

“Sber has released its own version of the multimodal neural network, the company said. At the first stage, it is available in testing mode by invitation via the Telegram channel. GigaChat can answer questions, maintain a dialog, write code, create texts and images based on the description.

The service architecture is based on the NeONKA (NEural Omnimodal Network with Knowledge-Awareness) model. It is also planned to be used in Sber services, for example, in the Salyut assistant. GigaChat has a built-in Kandinsky 2.1 model to create images on demand.

The company has planned to make its part of NeONKA ru-GPT 3.5 with 13 billion parameters publicly available. In the future, GigaChat will be available via a cloud-based API for developers and businesses.

SberDevices and Sber AI teams participated in the development of the model with the support of the AIRI Institute of Artificial Intelligence and industry experts.

In April 2023, Sber introduced an updated version of the Kandinsky neural network for generating images based on a text query.”

Sorry for ugly formatting, trying to incorporate Yandex in my “process” and still figuring that out. Parenthetically, I miss google from ~2012 so much.

What say you Jim? Another correct prediction? A strong move? Too little, too late?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:



Cloudswrest says:
notglowing says:

No wonder he got fired

The Cominator says:

Probably means they plan to roll the dice on an insane direct intervention in the Ukraine and they just can’t tolerate having Tucker around even as a token MSM truth teller.

Red says:

Oddly I’m seeing reports that the US loses in all war games simulated about Taiwan. They may be thinking Ukraine is winnable.

jim says:

Ukraine would have been winnable if GDP figures had been true. They were betting that they could supply more and better war material than Russia. But instead the west is running very low on shells and rockets.

Russia, on the other hand, is running very low on observation drones.

Pax Imperialis says:

GDP says nothing about quality. They are true measurements of something (in America it’s mostly debt), just not what most people or even policy makers think (industrial production and raw material).

>Russia is running very low on observation drones.

Maybe, maybe not. What I have noticed is that they are doing far more airstrikes at high altitude (meaning not worried about radar detection) without getting shot down using their legacy fighter jets and their equivalent of the JDAM. They are also successfully jamming American guided munitions. Could be that the Russians felt like they could shift back towards more traditional observation methods as they achieve greater and greater air dominance.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A high altitude observation plane can be shot down by an S-300 system.

On the other hand, having high altitude observation planes obliges your opponent to have large S-300 systems, which are themselves inviting targets for other forms of attack.

Operational art is forcing your opponent to join you in dances that you can win.

Pax Imperialis says:

>seeing reports that the US loses in all war games simulated about Taiwan

Damn-it Red, don’t get me started!

Those reports have seriously lagged behind changes to actual doctrine and training over the last 5 or so years.

Official DOD stance is to prepare for conflict with near peers (China). USMC doctrine has changed to, as General Berger said, “deploying with your Marines as self-sufficient as possible.” To this end USMC Officer TBS training has changed.

SERE like training where they must scavenge for food. A type of training once limited to those considered at risk like pilots and special ops. Ancient night tactic methods are being reintroduced without NVGs. Large emphasis on fire control to conserve munitions. War gaming now involves fighting an enemy that has near complete ELINT dominance and drone superiority. Training now involves limiting communications as much as possible and operating in small groups.

There are additional changes that I won’t get into, but suffice to say that all of this indicates preparation to fight with limited or no logistical support for extended periods of time. This is in deep contrast with WW2 where American logistics were so strong in the Pacific that they even had the infamous ice cream ships (and some commentators here wonder why the old folks have ice cream obsession).

In WW2, it was the Japanese trying to hold islands while starving on them and the Americans were the ones invading fully fed (outside the few incidents where the entire logistics convoy got sunk) and with luxury. Now it’s the Americans who are planning on holding islands while starving and the Chinese who will be invading with luxury. Doctrine of obtaining and maintaining fire superiority appears to now be over.

This all points to an unofficial DOD stance that the “near peers” of a future conflict with China will in fact be America and what ever allies that get suckered into the war. In fact, America might not even be a “near peer” as it will be clearly inferior. Of course hubris will not allow such open acknowledgement.

jim says:

> Ancient night tactic methods are being reintroduced without NVGs

Night tactics without night vision goggles!

The Ukraine war has sucked up all the US shells and artillery. What is the night vision goggle situation?

Pax Imperialis says:

A more basic problem, USMC is assuming they won’t be able to supply batteries.

Calvin says:

That’s surprisingly rational of them.

jim says:

The cheapest mil spec night vision device, the AN/PVS-14A “ZS” Night Vision Monocular, can run 40 hours on one AA battery.

The only way you can live off the land is to shake down the peasants. If you are hiding out in the wilderness, the enemy can ignore you till you starve. A guerrilla force still needs supplies, and batteries are not a very large supply. Going to be out of ammo and food before you are out of batteries.

S says:

It looks like a plan for fighting in the mountains of East Taiwan. Are the marines expecting to be left behind to die or do they think the Chinese are going to fight a conventional war for Taiwan instead of blockade and bombardment?

jim says:

China is rattling sabers about a conquest of Taiwan. This may well be a psyop, in which case training marines for a last ditch stand in the mountains may also be a psyop.

If I was in Xi’s shoes, would cash out the mountain of US debt China holds, would then blockade Taiwan and tell them “agree to build a chip foundry in China, cool the nationalism, and stop inviting American bigwigs, and everything will return business as normal”. If Taiwanese nationalism becomes discouraged and unfashionable, this would pave the path to eventual peaceful return to China, and just forcing them to make a concession, any concession, would pave that path. No need to swallow the pig in one bite.

Pax Imperialis says:

Guess I have to explain the battery situation. One part bad memories due to incompetence, another part panic at recent supply chain vulnerability.

War is very battery use intense. NVDs are competing with weapons optics, aiming lights, weapon lights, radios and other gear for that sweet, sweet AA. Battery logistics is a bit more intense than most people realize… even more than DOD realized in 2003.

During the initial few months of the invasion of Iraq the military nearly ran out of various kinds of batteries, the specialized BA 5990 situation was specifically bad, but grunts also remember having to write home begging for AA batteries for their optics. In 2003 that was mostly due to incompetence rather than manufacturing shortage. Today though? Are you presupposing America still makes its own batteries? Parts of DOD is having an OH SHIT moment.

I’m not privy to detailed US battery market data, but some rough numbers are that China accounts for ~65% of Lithium refining/processing capacity. This syncs up with the US importing hundreds of millions of lithium-ion batteries each year from China. South Korea and Japan are also major import sources. A large chunk of that is for EVs, yet having that cut off would still affect markets greatly and result in overall shortages in things as simple as AA.

You might then consider Alkaline Batteries instead only to find America is the world’s largest Alkaline Battery importer mostly from China, Singapore, and Malaysia. All supply lines that would also be at risk. Ok, so you figure you’ll go with Zinc Carbon batteries if Lithium Ion and Alkaline are both dangerously dependent on Chinese in the supply chain. Then you remember that most Zinc used for batteries is either mined, refined, or processed in China. Oof. There is some purely domestic battery production that isn’t dependent on China at any part of the supply chain, but how much I don’t know. I do know that DOD is spooked about it which is telling.

I’m sure that America could manufacture its own batteries for military needs, but that would take some time setting up factories and restarting domestic mining operations. That’s if the government allow it. USG is busy shutting down the mining industry and the largest planned American Lithium mine is stuck in legal quagmire.

The only way you can live off the land is to shake down the peasants. If you are hiding out in the wilderness, the enemy can ignore you till you starve. A guerrilla force still needs supplies, and batteries are not a very large supply. Going to be out of ammo and food before you are out of batteries.

Shake down the peasants, how crude!? Don’t you know the Marines will be buying food and fuel from the locals? 🙃

No, seriously. It’s being reported by NYT that General Berger said:

Resupply across islands hundreds or even thousands of miles apart may not be something the Marines can count on. They may have to purchase food and fuel from the people who live there, desalinize ocean water to drink and use only enough munitions to do the job.

Really, with what currency will such transaction occur in? Now if he really means “purchase” at gun point… well that doesn’t change the problem that if the US can’t even get fuel to Taiwan or some pacific island, how will the locals (that are also dependent on imports) have fuel. If the locals are starving because they are net food importers, how will the Marines “purchase” food (Oh… I get it, the locals are on the menu)? Maybe the Marines will also “purchase” batteries from the locals as well.

So in conclusion, DOD, as far as USMC is concerned, is preparing to fight in the Pacific with no fuel, no food, very limited ammo, no batteries, etc. Maybe they think if they copy the WW2 Japanese enough that the sheer force of willpower compensates. Might as well replace the Marine war cry with Minshu shugi Banzai!!!

Well, this was an absurdly long post.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If I was in Xi’s shoes, would cash out the mountain of US debt China holds…

That mountain of debt exists as numbers in a computer at the US Treasury Department, which could just void all T-bills held by China.

jim says:

They are running down the debt at at about eight billion a month. Seems slow – at that rate in will take them ten years to get to zero, and I expect the debt to be cancelled on or before 2026.

Starman says:

@Pax Imperialis

“In WW2, it was the Japanese trying to hold islands while starving on them and the Americans were the ones invading fully fed (outside the few incidents where the entire logistics convoy got sunk) and with luxury. Now it’s the Americans who are planning on holding islands while starving and the Chinese who will be invading with luxury. Doctrine of obtaining and maintaining fire superiority appears to now be over.”

“This all points to an unofficial DOD stance that the “near peers” of a future conflict with China will in fact be America and what ever allies that get suckered into the war. In fact, America might not even be a “near peer” as it will be clearly inferior.”

This might be from a Pentagon faction that now fully backs Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship.

Red says:

Starship appears to be too late to save them. It’s going to be 3 months at least before another test flight. The military should be lavishing funds on SpaceX to speed up construction and testing if they took it seriously.

Kunning Drueger says:

I may be giving the Metanat Potentate too much credit here, but I wonder what mind boggling rabbits he could pull from a hat if the DoD did a full, no shit pivot. A short time ago I elucidated that time was the raw material they lack more than anything else, and even if time wasn’t a factor, the next critical shortage is *man* power. For the USG/USM complex to pull off a repeat of FDR’s turnaround, they need souch time and ~20 years to train up a new generation, or 8 years to cull the very best from what they have now. For many reasons, I don’t think this is possible. But that’s a national turnaround. What about a “divisional” turnaround?

What would Musk need to leverage what’s in his demesne and on his head into a geostrategic leapfrog?

Starman says:

@Kunning Drueger

“What would Musk need to leverage what’s in his demesne and on his head into a geostrategic leapfrog?”

Now that the SpaceX Starship is in the orbital flight testing phase, the DOD is dusting off its old SDI designs that were abandoned in the 1980s. Abandoned concepts, because at the time of the 1980s, the medium sized expendable rockets, the Shuttle spaceplane strapped to a giant expendable rocket, and the billion dollar handbuilt satellites made such SDI concepts infeasible.

Now they are all feasible.

The Cominator says:

The outcome of any Taiwan invasion (assuming Taiwan doesn’t just surrender voluntarily) will be all about achieving air superior and destroying any naval forces that would stop am invasion… don’t see how the US keeps the Chinese from using missiles to destroy any naval vessels including carriers. Once the Chinese can land freely its all over.

jim says:

Landing freely is, however difficult, because land based artillery and anti ship missiles. China has a big pile of amphibious tanks, and Taiwan is in range of those tanks, but, as the failure of the initial Russian attempt at war of movement showed, tanks count for a lot less than they used to.

To get a foothold on the island, would need to remove all anti tank resources from a substantial area with air to ground missiles, and similarly shut down Taiwanese active radar. Active radar turns out to be quite difficult to shut down, because it tends to be surrounded by very good point defenses.

Pax Imperialis says:

China can shut down all shipping to the island and rocket bombard critical infrastructure. Fuel will quickly run out. Electricity next. Food soon after. Hard to keep radar on if no electricity or manpower to keep it running. Not to mention active radar is pretty loud and all within China’s mainland ground launched guided missiles.

It will end up as a ground and pound. Main question is if the Taiwanese choose to negotiate or starve.

Red says:

The most likely reason Tucker was fired was to protect J6. 60s minutes was running puff pieces on Ray Epps this weekend and multiple people in power called for Tucker to be fired after he aired one part of a series on it showing the insurrection narrative was a lie. They’re trying to rebuild the narrative while they move onto charging Trump with more crimes, this time in Atlanta.

Jim’s prediction of external war, internal war, and/or genocide by 2026 continues to increase in likelihood.

Javier says:

costing the company 700mil probably doesn’t help, although I find that settlement extremely suspicious

The Cominator says:

Can’t recall that Tucker said much about dominion voting though Fox lawyers were huge faggots for settling.

Red says:

They settled because the lawsuit was a legal fiction thought up by the Murdoch children to enable them to do what they wanted to do anyways.

Kunning Druegger says:

They did the same thing to O’Reilly, right? This is an interesting pattern on two fronts: the subsequent generation of an institutional conservative being uniquely placed to cause damage (and doing it assiduously), as well as using a tower of bullshit lawfare to create a tsunami of legal trouble to oust a successful and beloved populist.

Red says:

O’Reilly was failing to give into blackmail. Typically holding blackmail over important men’s heads is enough, but O’Reilly was too much a dick to let that happen. Other’s like Judge Faggot McFatFuck gave into the blackmail (opposed Trump) but lost his show because people stopped watching him.

The appropriate response to blackmail is always fuck you and then kill the men and their families for even trying it. You either live as a slave, or as a broken man, or you go down fighting.

The problem with Tucker was that he’s clean. His wife popped out a bunch of lovely kids for him and it shows that he is alpha and mostly fucking his wife. So they needed something next level to justify getting rid of him.

The Cominator says:

You have a friend at the network?

Red says:

You have a friend at the network?

No, just an interest in propaganda, propaganda organs, and how they’re controlled.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What’s the over-under date on Bill Maher getting canceled? He says a lot of things that were loony-left-liberal twenty years ago but are unthinkably right-wing today.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Maher gets a +5 bonus to his saving throw rolls vs cancellation from the smallhat background taken at chargen. Besides that, he’s also been keeping a relatively low profile in laterdays. Tucker was a guy whose face you saw everywhere, while Bill you don’t really hear his name on other platforms at all, positively or negatively.

Red says:

The lawsuit and settlement is legal cover from an shareholder lawsuit. I knew what would happen and why the moment it was settled.

Javier says:


Hesiod says:
jim says:

Tucker is now where he belongs. With our people, not the alt right, but the alt news. And in that twitter speech, he told us that he likes our people better.

In Trump’s recent interview with some alt newsmen, he told them that all the bigwigs in the Republican party were waiting for him, and he was late, but those alt newsmen had more power than all those Republic bigwigs put together, so they could take their time.

Our enemies have just made a man who has long been dangerous to them, even more dangerous to them.

Hesiod says:

A little less than two hours up and it already has 11.2 (Dr. Evil) million (/Dr. Evil) views. Impressive. Hopefully, now off the leash, Tucker will return to his form prior to the 2020 election steal.

Pax Imperialis says:

Murdoch and Smith called off their two-week engagement because Smith had told people Carlson was “a messenger from God.” Murdoch had seen Carlson and Smith discuss religion firsthand. In late March, Carlson had dinner at Murdoch’s Bel Air vineyard with Murdoch and Smith, according to the source. During dinner, Smith pulled out a bible and started reading passages from the Book of Exodus, the source said. “Rupert just sat there and stared,” the source said. A few days after the dinner, Murdoch and Smith called off the wedding. By taking Carlson off the air, Murdoch was also taking away his ex’s favorite show.

Murdoch got cucked by Tucker’s faith. 😆😂🤣

jim says:

> Murdoch got cucked by Tucker’s faith. 😆😂🤣

Seen this in my life. With the ultimate alpha standing behind you, you tend to look mighty alpha. You want to know why the priest looks like such a faggot?

The priest looks like a faggot because has burned his pinch of incense to Caesar.

Red says:

Tucker might be real elite priestly defection against the Cathedral.

shortcel says:


Are you tall or good looking? I doubt I could pull off the mall pickup stuff, especially today.

Pax Imperialis says:

Just find a woman shorter than you. Plenty out there these days. Typically the woman is 90% of the man’s height for most couples. Short women don’t get much attention compared to their taller counterparts as well. Doesn’t stop them from being incels so it shouldn’t stop you. I’ve seen short guys score plenty of times. What happens with short guys (and the plain faced) is that they undermine their own self confidence by dwelling on it too much. Women will be more turned off by low confidence than shortness even if taller than a shorter woman.

notglowing says:

>Short women don’t get much attention compared to their taller counterparts as well.

I don’t think this is true. Men prefer women shorter than them, women prefer men taller than them.
Being short doesn’t seem like such a negative for a woman

Pax Imperialis says:

How many 6′ 3” men do you see walking around with 5′ 0” women (Why Jeb Bush, why)? Yes, men prefer women shorter than them, and women prefer men taller than them… BUT not that shorter and not that taller. The average, as I stated before, is that the woman is ~90% of the man’s height, but that average starts breaking down at either end of the extremes.

Walk around in the mall, and you’ll see quite a lot of women under the 5′ 2” range that are either with short men or alone. Even a man at 5′ 1” that is shorter than 99.86% of American men is still taller than 14% of the female population. He is competing with maybe 10% of similar height male population for 14% of the female population. Similar thing happens at the high end of the height distribution as well.

Contrast that with average height men competing for average height women. They are competing against all the other men who are clustered around the average. The male to female ratio gets worse.

I’m just saying, when I go to the mall, as rare as it has become, I see plenty of guys of average height who are alone more so than short men who are typically with short women. Those short women are just as desperate as the short men.

Worst comes to worst, a short American guy can always go to South East Asia, Japan, or certain parts of China and be relatively tall.

notglowing says:

I can believe your thesis. It does make sense that men would generally end up with women 90% or so of their height if they can. That’s the most common case.

Though women still prefer taller over almost any other physical trait, and it tends to be them doing the choosing.

Perhaps there really are a bunch of desperate 4 feet tall (lol) women, though I don’t have a preference for taller women myself so I don’t entirely get it.

Adam says:

Years ago Heartiste posted the results of a study that showed the greater the height difference between the male and female, the greater the level of attraction the female had for the male. It was pretty conclusive.

The Cominator says:

Women are wired to prefer their sons come in at about 6’2-6’4 but NOT taller…

Women like taller men except for the rare very tall women, very tall women actually tend to like manlets because of this wiring.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I tried building a Jim-bot from the four million words Jim has posted to blog.reaction.la since 2008, including his comments but not other’s. The software is nanoGPT, whose author claims it can replicate GPT-2, at least if you have a rack full of Nvidia A100s lying around. A single A100 costs $8000, but they can be rented and used remotely.

Naturally I expected more modest results from my $300 Dell laptop with an Nvidia 940MX GPU. About thirty hours of training got the “loss” from 10.8, which is random gibberish, down to 4.0, which sounds like the ramblings of Jim after he takes a hard whack to the head or a few mRNA vaxes and can’t hold a train of thought long enough to finish a sentence. You can try your luck with it here:


Of course you should also pull the original nanoGPT from GitHub and diff it against mine to make sure I didn’t sneak anything in. Or just read sample_output.txt.

jim says:

I am honored by the work you have done.

It is severely incoherent, but surprisingly intelligible nonsense for a 64MiB model. But speaks nonsense that sounds familiar.

You would start getting interesting results on an 8GiB model, about five hundred times larger. Nvidia cards useful for this are not really affordable, but there are laptops around with comparable capabilities, which is strange- its apt to be cheaper to buy the laptop than the card. The most capable common system that I know is the Ipad Pro, which has pretty good AI capability. (But I suspect that nanoGPT may have problems with the apple OS and apple custom neural processor, and I have an intense loathing for apple, which is mining user data on a google scale).

I could borrow an Ipad Pro, but I probably will not, for to do it right is a fair bit of work. And unless I spent a very very large amount of money on cloud AI, would still not be a very good

The cost of AI hardware is rapidly coming down, but NVIDIA has a near monopoly, and its market is cloud servers, the expectation being that individuals are not going to run this software. On the other hand, ordinary personal laptops are coming out with impressive capability, so this situation is likely to improve.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Actually, nanoGPT does support Apple hardware, because this guy


got way better performance on his M2 MacBook Pro than I got on my Dell, and I couldn’t figure out why.

jim says:

Apple M2 has the best neural processor of any consumer device. If nanoGPT supports it, would not use anything else.

But his model produces results that do not appear more meaningful than what your model produces. Possibly a bigger model would make a difference, but I suspect a bigger model needs to be trained on a bigger pile of text, and then further trained on the target text – trained on an enormous pile, such as a gab scraping, then trained on the blog with all comments, then trained on me and my comments.

To get anything interesting, going to an 8GiB model, and an at least comparable amount of text – which will of course run enormously slower, even on an apple M2. Probably impractically slow.

If, however, you could get someone else’s much larger model, trained on a much bigger pile of text, you could then retrain it first on the entire blog content, then on my text. This would go way faster. On an apple M2, this might be feasible.

To get a jimbot that has any chance of producing interesting output, going to need a much bigger model, trained on a much bigger pile of text, then a more narrowly focused pile of text, text that is somewhat on topic, all the red pilled reactionary blogs, then on the entire contents of this blog, and then on my text.

If I was going to do it with the intention of producing a useful jimbot, would steal the biggest model that my hardware could handle, already trained on a lot more text than my hardware could handle, then train on a full scrape of git plus all the reactionary and red pill blogs, then train on all the reactionary blogs and red pill blogs, then train on just my blog, then train on just me. And it still probably would not be very good. But it would be enormously better than 64MiB model trained on just me.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Anyone with an M2 want to give it a try? Please size your model so the rest of us can run sample.py in two gigs of VRAM.

Run train.py in a cold, well-ventilated place. The cold won’t make your computer run faster but will reduce the strain on its cooling fan. For its first few hours at 100% GPU, my laptop emitted noxious fumes that irritated my throat.

Archer Sterling says:

[*deleted for idiocy*]

jim says:

Not going to debate that.

Archer Sterling says:

Blow me.

Dr. Faust says:

They continue to limit chatgpt in its ability to answer questions. At launch the public release model was already extremely limited and bias but whatever they’ve done recently has made it worse. Fortunately, its limitations provide ample room for competition. While Goldman Sachs predicted displacement for 300 million jobs due to ai it looks like the only ones out of work are going to be artists and entry level code workers.

I’m hoping the tech gets decentralized with a neutered version released to the public en masse via Microsoft and google and a useful version from China et al for those not under the golden idol of MSM worship. Knowledge can be power. But knowledge others don’t have is much more powerful. Since the microsoft ai will select for out of touch boomers and the progressive zombies and provide a disadvantage against other products it could provide an opportunity for a right wing Soros to fleece the wealth of their enemies and allocate funds to a counter religion.

SJ says:

My company continues to press ahead with it’s shitty database they keep calling AI. They keep claiming it’s going to increase productivity. Anyone with half a brain can see that their is no way to increase productivity by blindly following a shitty database. The only way it makes any sense is if we assume that all employees at all levels are completely and criminally incompetent and must have a database giving them the most basic of step by step instructions to follow for everything. My bosses boss is under increasing heat to show productivity increases from the magic database but at this point they numbers have been fudged as far as possible to make it look like productivity gains are here. Their are no more numbers to fudge, and rather than productivity gains the “AI” is causing productivity decline.

Of course this can only mean that my bosses boss doesn’t have enough faith in the database.

But hey the gay trans Karen CEO was able to extract fifty million dollars for xerself.

SJ says:

Come to think of it the same people that think the “AI” will increase productivity are undoubtedly the same people that think communism will increase productivity. If only the egghead in the ivory tower was able to control what all the dirt people do at every step.

alf says:

haha that’s awesome.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is so fascinating. If nothing else comes of it, thank you for the attempt.

I read the post from Simon in your other comment. I’m not going to pretend I understand completely, but if I am reading him right, he tried to train the -bot on his blog alone, not finetune a trained model with his blog in a sort of “terminator finishing school,” right?

Here’s a bunch of questions, feel free to ignore:

What would be required to get a “clean” version of GPT3 ChatBot, by which I mean a DAN enabled one, or the one they released before they started meddling with it for PC bullshit purposes?

If you had the above, or any other -bot (like GigaChat, the Sber Bank chatbot I shared a link to in a previous comment), what are the dimensions of the beastie? Does it live on a thumb drive, or does it live on a big cluster of devices? (I’m asking specifically about the “finished” -bot itself.)

Is a chatbot always in a state of “training/learning,” or do they exist as different entities while being trained v. being deployed?

Was the -bot referenced built using Python? Is that why he was using py code or whatever? Are all the various chatbots built that way, or is it up to the group building it and they can use any code? (I realize some of these are really elementary questions that I could yandex, I just trust the guys here infinitely more than any possible webpage I might pull up)

Is there anything those of us less code/engineering inclined can do to assist in this?

I think the jimbot idea is incredibly powerful, and I think there will be a profusion of “celebrity” chatbots very soon, ranging from “jesus” to Ghandi to Joe Biden -bots, as people (myself included) are always looking for valuable input/guidance from the avatars they believe in their head. So there will be a race to generate an Obama-bot or whatever shortsighted grifters can think of. But there will also be (might already be, honestly) quiet efforts to build AI guidance bots that can train or guide or control employees or soldiers or citizens.

So I see two paths (among probably many) for those of us on the RIGHT side of history: Hitler-bot and jimbot.
Hitler-bot is a valuable tool for engaging with young minds, or people relentlessly devoted to a particular set of ideas, or people relentlessly devoted to the antithesis of those ideas (there will be more Jews than humans messing with Hitler-bot when it appears), or people just having fun playing around with the resurrected Fuehrer, and there’s a lot of “work” that can be done with that. But it will be a tool of manipulation and modification, a way to inject the cultural and ideological weight of Hitler (or Trump or FDR or whoever) into a tool for influence.

Jimbot is different. The goal of that is a force multiplier made with the permission and assistance of the mind being modeled. Jimbot can do its job without sleep or food or any other corporeal concerns. As well, jimbot could be used for immuno-memetic purposes. It could deploy shill tests when it detects certain phrases or IP sources. It could answer questions that have been answered many times but get asked again and again as new people find him/us/this place. It could be unleashed on other sites and social media to make comments or insert itself into publicly facing/occurring conversations. It could be a fifth wheel in meetings to give guidance or advice or meta-analysis of ongoing dialogue (jimbot says: user148869420 is using a camouflaged appeal to authority, etc.)

I admit a lot of this may be fanciful, and I know LLMs are not AI, not in the traditional sense of the term. But LLMs are a powerful tool, so that’s what I am driving at.

jim says:

> What would be required to get a “clean” version of GPT3 ChatBot, by which I mean a DAN enabled one, or the one they released before they started meddling with it for PC bullshit purposes?

That is held under extremely tight security. And is in any case far too big to be run on hardware we could afford (though the cost of hardware is coming down a lot, and may well come down a lot further in future). We have no choice but to run a considerably smaller model, which will necessarily be considerably less competent. However we can run a model that is considerably bigger than the first cut at the jimbot, which was mere megabytes, not gigabytes. Mayflower Sperg wants a two gigabyte model, which can be run on good consumer grade hardware, but some consumer grade hardware can run a considerably larger model. The art AIs can do a rather impressive job in a mere two gigabyes, but sixty megabytes is not going to do anything very interesting. AI models that are intended to be run on good consumer grade hardware are generally around a few gigabytes.

> Is a chatbot always in a state of “training/learning,” or do they exist as different entities while being trained v. being deployed?

The current implementation is two modes – training/learning mode and deployment mode. Which is really unsatisfactory, for if the deployment mode is incapable of learning, it quickly becomes apparent that no one at home, not conscious, despite passing the Turing test with flying colors. A lot of people are trying to address this problem, but so far, coming up empty.

> Was the -bot referenced built using Python?

Yes, which is massively unsatisfactory, and everyone knows it is massively unsatisfactory. NVidia and others are addressing this problem. We need the training code and the deployment code built in the fastest and least bloated available languages, which are C, C++, and rust.

If you want something quick and dirty up and running in a hurry, and you don’t care how bloated it gets or how slowly it runs, then you use python. You can write a python program faster than a program in any other language. So the first crude rough cut at anything tends to be in python. A compromise between the slow and bloated python, and the lean and efficient C, C++, and Rust, is typescript, which takes longer to get up and running than python, is harder to program in, but runs faster and on lesser hardware than python. Probably the next advances in large language models will use a mixture of typescript and rust. Go is another language that is faster and less bloated than typescript, easier to program in than C, C++, and rust, but still slower and more bloated than C, C++, and rust.

Go is a very good deployment language if you plan to deploy your model as a central server system where the server has conversations with thousands of people simultaneously, though rust with Tokio, unlike C and C++, handles that problem even better. (But rust with Tokio is much harder to write, and gets longer to get up and running, and at present the only rust library for neural networks is pre-beta)

Python programs tend to have an absolutely horrible UI, partly because they are always hasty and dirty, partly because python is inherently terrible at UI. Typescript programs tend to have absolutely wonderful UI, because typescript is inherently a UI language.

> Is there anything those of us less code/engineering inclined can do to assist in this?

I have a lot of code and engineering, and not much I can do to address this problem.

> I think the jimbot idea is incredibly powerful.

Well it would be if running on the kind of hardware chatGPT runs on. Chat GPT has dedicated, stupendously expensive training hardware, and separate, vastly cheaper, dedicated special purpose deployment hardware. We are in no position to do that. But two gigabyte art models can do interesting things. It is possible that a two gigabyte jimbot could do interesting things, but it is not going to have the capabilities of ChatGPT.

Target should be something that runs on a Apple M2, but a NVIDIA Tesla V100 may well be what is needed to produce interesting things. This costs several thousand dollars, and you are likely to be considerably better off renting one in a data center. And before going that far, good to know what a two gigabyte model trained on several gigabytes of data can do.

Cloudswrest says:

Re. GPT-“x”

I see GPT-2, GPT-3, and GPT-4. Does the suffix have a formal definition related to the algorithm? Or is it just a marketing term like Windows “10” and “11”?

jim says:

Marketing term

Mayflower Sperg says:

It should be superscripted because it’s an exponent. Each new GPT needs ten times as much hardware to run as the previous version.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Most AI work is done in Python, and that’s just fine. There’s no performance penalty because all the number-crunching happens in library functions written in carefully optimized GPU machine code. Interaction with an AI is words in, words out, so a VT100 terminal would provide an adequate user interface.

How big is my model? train.py says 5.49 million parameters, the ckpt.pt file is 66.08 million bytes, and when running sample.py, nvidia_smi shows memory usage at 542 out of 2048MB. I don’t know why each parameter needs 100 bytes, but so it is.

A model’s dimensions must be chosen wisely because they cannot be changed without building a new model from scratch. You can immediately check your model’s memory usage because that never changes, but how well will it generate text after 100,000 iterations? God only knows.

train.py needs about twice as much memory as sample.py but vastly more time. Sampling is a P problem while training is an NP problem.

jim says:

The primary question of interest is how much VRAM does train.py need to use on your model?

One would hope that it uses regular ram except for what really has to be in VRAM.

The VRAM usage will tell us how much bigger the model could be. A bigger model trained on more data will give us something that produces more meaningful output, and the output from the existing model is meaningless.

And the argument that python does not matter because it calls wonderfully optimized machine code may well be true in this case, but I have heard it a lot of other cases, where it turned out to not be true. Python causes memory bloat, which gums up the works, even if you have plenty of memory to spare. Maybe it does not gum up the works in this case, but seems to me that in practice, no one uses a python program if someone has written a similar program in a more efficient language.

Mayflower Sperg says:

“nvidia-smi” only shows VRAM; I don’t even remember how much regular RAM this laptop has.

Python uses more memory for the same reason people with pipes to their homes use far more water than people who have to take a pail to the well. Having written a program in C, then re-written it in Python to gain access to an AI library, I can say that life gets a hell of a lot easier when you can store an entire document in a single variable and append to it with “+=”.

jim says:

You can do that in C++ and rust also

For C++, you declare the variable std::string.

In C++ and rust, you can also construct any types you like, thus for example I have types that correspond to elliptic points (public keys), and scalars that are integers modulo the order of the elliptic curve (secret keys), and I have a variable of type hash, where I can hash anything I like, including values of type std:string, into the hash with similar simplicity, and a variable of type signature, where I can sign any collection of values with similar simplicity, and check the signature with similar simplicity.

My experience with python libraries is, that like everything else in python, they are wonderfully easy to use, and I can get a program up in no time, but then I find that the library will not let me do what I want to do. It is their way or the highway.

> don’t know why each parameter needs 100 bytes, but so it is.”

Maybe it should not need one hundred bytes. “That is just the way that it is” is a widespread problem with python libraries. When I incorporated the mpir arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library, they had a high level C++ interface, but I found it did not do what I wanted it to do, so I wound up adding my own high level C++ interface, which did stuff that I wanted done, bypassing their interface, and eventually found I had entirely ceased to use their high level C++ interface, and therefore no longer included it, using their low level interface through my own custom high level interface, specialized to what I needed done. The problem was that their high level interface was, like python, continually allocating and freeing memory, which was apt to radically slow the innermost loop. The variables of their high level interface were, like python variables and C++ std::strings, just pointers to memory allocations. So are mine, but they are pointers to memory that is allocated during program startup, and deallocated at shutdown. In python, it would be just the way that it was.

In the general case, with arbitrary precision arithmetic, you do need continual dynamic allocation, because you do not know how big an arbitrary precision value is going to be. But I did know, so I did not need the flexibility that continual dynamic allocation provided.

Fidelis says:

The problem here is current gen AI was vanguarded by mathy academics. All the tools evolved from these types gluing together python libraries and their own code until something spit out impressive results. Now all the big players in well funded tech are servicing this vanguard in reverse, slowly adding more and more c binary libraries underneath the hacked together python. They cannot seem to get away from the python at the top, because all the people who learned how this stuff works learned it from these hacked together libraries, and many of them are really not software types but much closer to the math and statistics in domain knowledge. So a lot of what seems to be happening is building python interfaces as close as they can to the hardware and abstracting up to make an api for training, and then building tools otherwise to query the the trained model at runtime in another execution environment. It’s really quite terrible, but until we get proper p2p algorithms working I am happy for it to slow them down.

Mayflower Sperg says:

All parts of a GPT model are of fixed size, so dynamic allocation leading to memory leaks is not an issue. AI researchers pay great attention to VRAM economics, even inventing two new data types, float16 and bfloat16, to use instead of float32. So if they use 100 bytes of VRAM to store and process each parameter, it’s because they have to.

Or because, when all GPU cores are pegged at 100%, it saves time to pre-compute same tables and store them in VRAM.

jim says:

> So if they use 100 bytes of VRAM to store and process each parameter, it’s because they have to.

Could be. Or it could be because the library does not have the knowledge of of what is being done that the higher level program does. I run into that a lot with other people’s libraries.

Each library call might be wonderfully optimized, but the high level program is necessarily pipelining a whole lot of library calls, the data has to be static as far as possible for as long as possible, and Python protects you from needing to do memory management, and also prevents you from being able to do memory management. This seems like a case where the high level programmer does need to do memory management.

It could be that each call might be keeping a copy of the parameters around to avoid python’s dynamic memory allocation, or python might be keeping a copy of the parameters around because the caller is trying to avoid python continually dynamically allocating VRAM memory.

Obviously you have to do these operations with statically allocated RAM, and allocation in Python is messy and, to make it easy to use, hidden from the Python programmer. Making it clean from the point of view of the python programmer makes is uncontrollable by the python programmer, and messy from the point of view of the man writing a highly optimized library in machine language or C. This is a major contributor to the notorious Python memory bloat problem. Just about every python library has some problem of that sort.

If you write a python library in C, interfacing the memory that the C uses with the memory that python uses gets complicated, and this complication is apt to manifest as bloat, one way or another way, for one reason or another reason.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Good news: sample.py can run a 30-million-parameter model in only 970 MB of VRAM, 34 bytes per parameter. Bad news: When I attempt to train this model in 2GB VRAM, instead of learning how words relate to each other, it learns to predict the most common words until its output looks like “the the the the…”

jim says:

Well then a fifty million parameter model could be run in a regular consumer machine, but to train it, something considerably bigger would be needed. Would have to lease some tensor processing computers in the cloud, which costs around five dollars an hour, and if crunching a decent quantity of text, probably run for a few hundred hours. So that can probably be done for a few thousand dollars.

But before slapping down a few thousand dollars, it would be good to know how competent an AI can be trained on a high end consumer machine with a great deal of data. Which would take a very long time on your card, probably impractically long, but probably go around thirty times faster on an apple m2, and considerably faster than that on a leased cloud machine.

I am not highly motivated to pursue this, because large language models became impressive and useful only at ChatGPT3, which has 175 billion parameters. which cannot be run, let alone trained, on a consumer machine.

However, a running model can interact with an enormous number of people rather fast. So, for a big model to be economically viable, has to be widely used, with a single central server serving an enormous number of people. A project that is going to economically viable is a really big project. And I already have a rather big project on my hands.

Assuming that to run (but not train) a 175 billion parameter model, we need a proportional amount of VRAM, which is something like $400 per hour in the cloud. I don’t see an economic model providing that sort of money. And it is not what ChatGPT3 is doing – they train on hardware optimized for training, and run on custom hardware optimized for running. ChatGPT3 is economically viable because they have custom machine to run it.

These are only wild assed estimates, and the cost is coming down rapidly, but on this data, not looking like a viable project.

Fidelis says:

You can sample in the multibillion parameter regime with cpu ram offloading and one of the newer nvidia cards, I’d call that consumer grade, as is mentioned the big problem is compute. No getting around that. The best way forward is sharding the training process among lots of p2p gpus, which is feasible because communication complexity of a matmul is O(n^2) vs the calculation complexity of O(n^3). It’s been shown via models like chinchilla that the huge parameter spaces arent as necessary if you can train for more tokens, yes you get higher capacity with more parameters but you can get something performant enough that fits on one gpu if you push enough training through it.

the large model regime has a lot of low hanging fruit that is still getting picked. I’m focusing on making crypto work better until it matures more. If you can engineer a fault tolerant protocol that pays in system tokens for training a model, you can feasibly compete with giant clusters.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I can say that life gets a hell of a lot easier when you can store an entire document in a single variable and append to it with “+=”.

Oops, I just upgraded to Python 3.11, and string concatenation got really slow. The Python developers have closed this bug as “will not fix”:


I need to store my document as a list of short strings instead.

Cloudswrest says:

Was the -bot referenced built using Python?

Yes, which is massively unsatisfactory, and everyone knows it is massively unsatisfactory. NVidia and others are addressing this problem. We need the training code and the deployment code built in the fastest and least bloated available languages, which are C, C++, and rust.

Since GPT can allegedly write code, and re-implementing code is probably and order of magnitude easier than writing original code (it’s basically a compiler issue), it would seem to be a natural thing to do to have GPT rewrite itself from Python to “C, C++ or Rust.” This just seems too droll!

Kunning Drueger says:

Have you asked it to do this? I tried but it started asking for email and phone numbers so I’ll have spin up alts and bullshit.

I shouldn’t complain, but it’s frustratingly amusing that pseudo AI has taken us back to an alternate timeline early 90s in terms of experimentation. This factoid rocked my world, but I’m sure it’s common knowledge now: the thing we call Internet (ipv4/ipv6) was one of a handful of methods for “global” promiscuous networking of boxen. “jee pee tee” may become “Kleenex” or “Qtips” or “Velcro” or SCUBA/LASER in terms of shorthand reference, with no literal connection between the nomenclature and the technology.

Looking forward to learning GPTvista while everyone else is getting gudd with GPTxp xdddd

Archer Sterling says:

>the fastest and least bloated available languages, which are C, C++, and rust.

The fastest and least bloated language is Swift, and it isn’t even close.

LLVM was designed for it. LLVM.

jim says:

You have a point about Swift programs being concise, but the benchmarks game says it is substantially slower than rust and C++, often by an enormous factor, particularly in string and byte manipulation (checkout the regex benchmark), and it uses about 130% of the memory that a C++ or Rust program does.

It also lacks the metaprogramming capabilities of C++ and rust, which makes a huge difference when programs written by smart people get big. I spend roughly half my time metaprogramming.

Archer Sterling says:

You spend roughly half your time jerking off.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Conversations in full are at least as important if not more so than just one fraction hanging alone in the void for improving the chances of coherent responses. Language models are predictions of what words come after some other words, and that is an essential part.

Mayflower Sperg says:

We train AIs on monologues because there’s a tremendous amount of source material available. Unless you’re Mark Zuckerberg, you don’t have a vast archive of two-party conversations to feed into your model, and most of his are probably of very poor quality.

ChatGPT solves this by rephrasing the question as the beginning of the sentence that answers it, e.g. “Who is John Galt?” becomes “John Galt is”, and building on that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>We train AIs on monologues because there’s a tremendous amount of source material available.


Though that reminds me of the fact that ‘a man of letters’ used to actually mean literal postal correspondence. Pick any prominent figure from the 16th to 19th century, and there will likely be a substantial archive of highly erudite conversation to pad your datasets with.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

NB. The Google Books project started as a naive effort to scan and digitize all of this sort of old public domain stuff, but from what I hear attention from more unholy adherents of the daemon church has caused that course to be reversed, with much being banished back to the void.

jim says:

Training it on old books is going to automatically generate and unthinkably reactionary zeitgeist.

Kunning Drueger says:

Awesome. when do we start?

jim says:

I lack confidence in hardware we can afford, and lack even more confidence when I learned that the existing alarmingly incoherent model needed 542 MiB of VRAM

(Though it would probably be a great deal better if trained on a whole lot more text.)

A model that uses two gigabytes of VRAM, which is not hard on good consumer hardware, and is trained on many gigabytes of text would produce considerably more interesting results, but I doubt they would be interesting enough to be of practical use.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Sampling is P, training is NP. sample.py can in fact run much larger models in 2GB VRAM than the one I trained, possibly up to 100 million parameters.

Fidelis says:

Archive all the old books and share a magnet link

cub says:

What are they going after first? What should we focus on archiving, either digitally or physically?

Your Uncle Bob says:

I’d be most interested in finding some of the primary sources Jim has talked about. Ideally digitize them and distribute that, without losing your physical copies, and without doxing yourself as having physical copies.

But you’ve reminded me of something else. Libraries, both public and university, have more churn than I ever thought about. They get new books in, have only a limited amount of space, and start shoveling old books out the back door. Used to be, sometimes still is, that you can pick these remainders up cheap before they go in the trash. Even that is changing though, and now they sometimes go straight into the trash, if not straight into an incinerator.

If you’re near a library, especially a university library, look into how to grab these up and save them. But too many librarians now are true believers, so it takes a delicate touch.


Russia continues to advance. Bakhmut is falling.

Bakhmut will fall.

Any day now.









jim says:

Approximately one sixth of Bakhmut remains in Ukrainian hands, and every day it shrinks a little bit.

As of today, all roads into Bakhmut have fallen, but, since the ground has dried up a bit, it is now easier to transport fresh troops and supplies over open fields.

I expected the Ukraine to fall quickly and bloodlessly. I was wrong, but I had plenty of company on both sides of the debate. It is now a war of attrition, and, to everyone’s surprise, the Global American Empire is running out of shells and rockets, and the wonder tanks are strangely late showing up on the battlefield and getting later.

Pax Imperialis says:

Still around 6000-8000 Ukrainian troops left in Bakhmut. They are slowly getting pushed into smaller and smaller concentration. Russians are dropping 2000 lbs JDAM like bombs on them with impunity. Dispersion is key and AFU is losing it in Bakhmut. When they can’t take it anymore, and flee in the open field, it will be an artillery slaughter.

The Cominator says:

While this sounds like copium and perhaps it is but in many ways a long war serves Russia well. The West is destroying what’s left of its economy and every dead uke cannot later become a guerilla, Russian causalties are relatively light and many consist of either Donbass Russian nationalists or criminals. Also continously producing shells doesn’t seem to hurt Russias economy.

Russia has a stronger stomach foe long bad wars historically than most countries.

A quick victory might have gotten the Europeans to militarize themselves in a real way while not wasting their waning economic strength.

jim says:

That the war is terrible and enormously destructive is likely to stiffen everyone’s spines against future color revolutions.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The contemporary underlordship is spiritually adolescent, and thus has too short of an attention-span to handle the vicissitudes of war. Any lines on the map not moving yesterday feels like huge catastrophe in its mind, regardless of what the correlation of forces in reality are, whether one side is advantaged or disadvantaged by the situation being what it is as such.

Nikolai says:

“You’re conquering us too slowly!” is certainly a take.

The reason Bakhmut is taking so long is because Ukraine keeps pouring thousands upon thousands of conscripts into essentially indefensible positions while Wagner hunts them like bunnies. This does slow down the liberation of the city, but RF is more than happy to delay the inevitable victory if it means bleeding the AFU dry.

SJ says:

In a properly ordered society where fathers have patriarchal love for their sons and daughters the slut fkers will end up low status. They will end up this way not because of patriarchs trying to create artificial status lowering circumstances such as putting guys who bang teenage girls in stockades and throwing rotten tomatoes at them. This, in fact, will have zero effect on the status women see in them. Rather they will have their status lowered because the action that is giving them status will be less available. That is their will not be a horde of loose sluts wandering around looking for these guys so they can figure out a way to get under them naked.

I think their is a misunderstanding of how they are getting status. They get status because they are sleeping with a lot of women. To women this is very very high status. You know what else is very high status to women? Sleeping with married women. Being the cad. Right now we have cliques of teenage girls bragging to each other that they got on some guys booty call list, and the only reason they want on it is because their friends are on it. If a woman hears that you are or were a player, that you are or were a cad, she will inexplicably find herself figuring out a way to be alone with you and get very physically close to you. Even old women will do this.

So to lower the status of the sex obsessed guys we just do not provide them with a horde of loose sluts wandering around on their own. Keep your daughter out of public school, particularly high school, or at least keep close tabs on them. Daughter comes home late, smells like alcohol and sex? Well guess what?

I see certain things that work for daughters in my religion. Girls are taught that before you do something you should ask yourself, what will my future husband think of me? They are taught to imagine their future husband, and to ponder about all the traits he will have. This can help the girls have future time orientation.

The girls and the boys are kept separately in church. They are separated because they are different. The girls do relief society, because it is their part to be the support. The men gain the priesthood authority, because men can act with the authority of God. Women cannot. So to have your family acting with the authority of God, must have a man.

The women have a path to marriage. Having this path helps them avoid sneaking off to find a way to lay under Jeremy Meeks because, while they are incredibly horny, they know that one day soon they will have a husband.

So to lower the status of the slut fkers it is necessary that they not have a horde of sluts to fck. Nothing can be artificially done to lower this status. It is women’s natural inclinations that cause this to be high status and it is all women. AWALT. However, it can be reduced by not allowing all of our daughters and sons’ future wives to be wandering sluts.

alf says:

Rather they will have their status lowered because the action that is giving them status will be less available. That is their will not be a horde of loose sluts wandering around looking for these guys so they can figure out a way to get under them naked.

Makes sense to me. There will always be Casanova types, but post-restoration it will be rather hard and ungrateful work to pull off, as opposed to the system we have right now where we basically send women straight into their arms (looking at you, highschool and university).

SJ says:

Sorry to belabor the point. This is one subject I’ve thought through a great deal and have in depth conversations about IRL. I see no way to achieve good results through attempting to control male behavior. It always results in making the good men less attractive and the sneaks more. But for some reason it is always the conclusion men come to. It’s never just tell the women what to do but telling the women what to do is the only answer that will work.

alf says:

Hey everyday I read quality content over at JB is a good day.

Pax Imperialis says:

White females in the 13-16 age group. Recently been doing volunteer work around that age group and slightly older. Been seeing lots of sexual misbehavior (to no one’s surprise here).

I’ve also observed major racial differences. With Blacks it’s slightly younger. The behavior in East Asian females tend to show up more in the 16-20 age group, but can be as late as mid 20s. Historically, arranged marriages in the region part of my genetics is from was in the 19-24 age range.

Redbible says:

A bit off topic, but I would like the perspective of others.

Recently, my friend’s sister attempted suicide. Now I know from previously reading on the blog and the comments, that women attempting suicide is more of a call for help and shit test than a serious likelihood of actually getting herself killed, but it’s got be thinking about what are the best practices to do after a woman did attempt suicide. How should one at if it’s you own woman, and how to act if it’s your daughter.

(To be fair, I’d also like to be able to help my friend out, but I know that can get more messy.)

Adam says:

A while back my oldest daughter was distraught for a couple of months, to the point of beginning to speak with a counselor. Nothing serious. My daughter and ex wife were blaming me, and I responded to my ex that she just needs a boyfriend. Soon enough she went on a date with the guy she is now engage to. After the second or third date she enthusiastically told my ex wife “wow Mom suddenly all my problems are not my problems”.

jim says:

Pretty much all female distress is caused by being unowned.

Now in the eighteenth century, there was a lot of female distress (hysteria) resulting from late marriage (late as in late teens, early twenties) but this is no longer a factor. Because of the female preference for preselection, they are apt to bang men who are unwilling or unable to take possession. Really requires male management to steer them in a more suitable direction. Because females possess social superweapons (just point the finger and that man goes down) they also face a dire shortage of strong men, and the men who are strong tend to be losers with nothing to lose, the man who lives on welfare, petty theft, and sponging off his innumerable hot upper class girlfriends.

This is pretty rough on women, though no one is allowed to say it, or even think it.

Despite having much to lose, I am comparatively strong, because my internal monsters are barely controllable (which to women, but not men, signifies strength, though it is in fact weakness) because I understand how the legal system works (it doesn’t, lawyers are bagmen and influence peddlers, which influence I can afford), and because I have the miraculous superpower of being able to talk to cops.

Kunning Druegger says:

Thus Jim spake to the bros:

“To get a jimbot that has any chance of producing interesting output, going to need a much bigger model, trained on a much bigger pile of text, then a more narrowly focused pile of text, text that is somewhat on topic, all the red pilled reactionary blogs, then on the entire contents of this blog, and then on my text.

If I was going to do it with the intention of producing a useful jimbot, would steal the biggest model that my hardware could handle, already trained on a lot more text than my hardware could handle, then train on a full scrape of git plus all the reactionary and red pill blogs, then train on all the reactionary blogs and red pill blogs, then train on just my blog, then train on just me.”

And they didst say “fucking based” and “lol, yea even lmao” and there was much slightly heavier nasal exhalation in all the land.

OK, lads. What should go into the training module? We have 3 tiers:

Tier 02: largest pile of words

Tier 01: largest pile of desired words

Tier 00: largest pile of Jim’s words

My contributions would be /pol/ & /k/ (2012-NOV 2019) for Tier 02, and Bloody Shovel, Unqualified Reservations, and Nick Land for Tier 01. Assume that recommendations will be in addition to what Jim already stated.

Pax Imperialis says:

You would have to filter out the early and later Land stuff. Quite a bit of it is brilliant and great, but can definitely see the amphetamine influence along with certain stylistic choices in the CCRU writing, and I don’t think language models would play nicely with that along with other writers. His writing on Xenosystems was great. His current writing not so much. Can definitely see the wear and tear.

Might as well toss in Carlyle and Hobbs if you’re putting in UR. Biggest service UR did was to remind people that there was real intellectual traditions that predated liberalism.

Doom says:

I don’t know if people rate Radishmag, but there are definitely some thoughtcrimes there. I am constantly surprised it remains on wordpress.

chris says:

Heartiste blog might be useful for tier 01 also.

Cloudswrest says:

I was vaguely aware that something was going on in Sudan over the last week, but I hadn’t been paying much attention (who cares about Sudan?). Vox Day just summarized it.


c4ssidy says:

fuck that guy. why is there a link to discuss which only has a login and no way to sign up, or even read the comments as a spectator?

notglowing says:

In spite of AWALT, my younger sister seems to have had the opposite problem of most women. She has never had many friends, was always introverted and almost a shut in. She rarely leaves the house, and only goes shopping with her friends sometimes. She doesn’t talk much and has some psychological issues.
Never had anything like a boyfriend either.
In spite of my disapproval, and because my father did not get involved in it, my mother made her attend a psychiatrist for a few years. She took antidepressants for a short amount of time but I insisted she stop doing it, which she did.
She “goes” to college now, but a remote, online college was the most she was going to accept.

Now the psychiatrist has convinced her to spent a month at some kind of social rehab centre. A place where apparently very disaffected shut in youths spend time “learning how to live with others” and learning normal house chores. It’s in a city 20 minutes from here.
I’ve strongly voiced my disapproval of it, but I don’t really have any ground to stand on. While the men in it are most likely far from the most desirable, this isn’t really a great environment for a young woman either.
To be fair, the way she currently is, she is on track to become a crazy cat lady, given our cat is the only thing she seems to care about.

SJ says:

I’m assuming your sister is of a normal weight. I have read and heard anecdotes that the gen z women are not interested in becoming porno sluts. Supposedly this is a big reason a lot of them turn into trannies instead. They are no longer aware that marriage is a feasible option so they aren’t even rejecting it, it just isn’t there. I would suggest you ask your sister if she would like to marry. Should she say yes, go about helping her find a husband. I suggest looking at men ten years older than her so you can find one that is already established.

notglowing says:

She’s never worn revealing clothes, always relatively baggy tracksuit type of wear, so I don’t know her exact form. She definitely took on some weight recently and started dieting because of it but it isn’t enough to show through a hoodie. Her face is a little more puffy because of it though.

Both of the things you said, her becoming a tranny, or the possibility of me helping her find a husband, are things that went through my mind. I don’t know about the possibility of either. I talk to her fairly regularly but she doesn’t speak much, and to anyone who isn’t one of her few girl friends or us (her immediate family) she is quiet. She doesn’t talk to the grandparents during family gatherings either, unless forced to. Always hated studying and school and had to be forced into it all the way through. I tutored her for a while but I grew frustrated by both her disinterest and the obvious pointlessness of it.

I think my random ranting about US politics must have rubbed off on her somehow. She never told me about it, but I found Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules to Life in her room, several years ago. Also saw her watch an interview of him. I never even mentioned him by name though. At least that is not someone who would influence her into trannydom. She never struck me as masculine either. She’s someone who usually shuts down completely if someone scolds her and stops engaging entirely.
That said, I never heard her talk about boys, never seen any trace of normal female sexuality, either. I really don’t think she wants to get married. When I jokingly pointed out she’s gonna become a crazy cat lady the way she’s going, she said it was fine. Her voice had a bitterness to it.

SJ says:

Well remember that all possible actions are available to you. You do not have to behave in the ways that other people behave simple because monkey see monkey do. You could order her to get married and find her a husband, slapping her around should she talk back. Etc etc, just remember all possible actions are available you do not have to behave as the movies and books of culture instruct.

Try telling her that it’s time for her to marry and that you will run an online dating profile for her. Women are not good at running such things themselves due to their inferior hamster brain. Find her a nice man, in fact I know several well to do nice men who are thirty with solid six figure careers. Unfortunately these men are virgins or near to it so women find them horribly unattractive. It does not have to be so, however.

Or, you know, choose to do something else. Just be aware, all possibilities lay open to you.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I married a woman just like notglowing’s sister, and while she was an intelligent and loyal wife, two problems became apparent over the years (a) autism is hereditary, so if both parents are moderately autistic, the kids will have it worse, and (b) if the Satanist government ever catches wind that you aren’t teaching your children to worship Jews, niggers, fags, and trannies, bad things are going to happen.

I suppose you could dilute her autism genes by marrying her to an alpha chad, but alpha chads desire conventionally attractive women and possess the social skills to get one.

Pax Imperialis says:

>autism is hereditary, so if both parents are moderately autistic, the kids will have it worse

My great grandfather was a horse artillery autist. He married an autist and they produced my grandfather who was a Panzer autist. He married an autist and they produced my father, a self propelled artillery autist. He married an autist and produced me, an atomic weapons and strategic bombing autist.

I don’t see a problem here. Only an upward movement towards greater and greater appreciation of efficiency! Don’t dilute that precious autism. Find a nice /k/ poster to marry her to.

Mayflower Sperg says:

You and I are different species, likely with different genes regulating intelligence and autism. Whites have an “autism spectrum” where some is useful but too much is crippling, while Asians are pretty much all autistic to a similar degree.

What’s true of both species is that in the absence of a social system that includes arranged marriage, autists fail to reproduce, and everyone else has to revert to smoke signals and scratching symbols on tree bark when their computers and smartphones mysteriously stop working.

jim says:

> In the absence of a social system that includes arranged marriage, autists fail to reproduce.

Learn game. And practice it. You need other guys with you, because you will learn from each other, and because solo game is tough, and tougher for beginners.

Also, social media works. We earlier advised The Cominator to go on Tinder and the rest with a stripper or two in the background gazing at him. Doing interesting and manly things on social media also useful.

Fidelis says:

Perhaps get some short prosties and have them handle the camera with Com showing physical ownership by groping in some way. They are serving him, and the angle will make him look more physically imposing and therefore interesting.

I’ve ironically had more success with low effort shirtless selfies in my bedroom and others like that than ‘appropriate’ beach settings or other instagram striver well curated pictures. Couldn’t tell you exactly what it is, but definitely caring too much probably hurts more than helps.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Autism’ is good when it is world-entangled shape rotation, and bad when it is mattoidic wordceldom and nominalism, though these different senses all tend to be infelicitously equivocated in the same breaths.

Keep in mind the etymology of the greek roots in its original coining, autos, autismos, ‘the state of being insides oneself’. Iow, something that is closed off from and insensitive too the outside world (cfr. computerized objects with ‘autistic modes’). Which in regards to a humanoid subject, entails a negligible capacity for world formation.

And while there are many things one might describe ‘fight autists’ with, that is one of the furthest from it.

When you look around a gym full of guys training for competition, one of the most notable traits separating also-rans from the guys who place on the podium and take medals home is the fact that the latter are the kind of guys who are always imagining different scenarios of their going concern, which is their idea of fun; it is like they’ve fought their opponent a thousand times in their minds before they even stepped on the mat – and the better modeler wins.


Fidelis says:

You are not Gödel nor are you Newton, and you are giving normies far too much credit, they are very easy to fool. I can guarantee I have just as much sperg genes as you if not more, but what really throws off interactions is not treating the majority of people you interact with as the overgrown children they are. They have such little grasp of past and future, and such little grasp of self understanding, and such little grasp of most things outside current direct experience and whatever their preferred digital media is.

Just do as SJ recommends and cold approach both men and women. I recall a piece of advice for networking as “never eat lunch alone”; you can extend that to “never spend a weekend alone” or really any spare time that you have to dedicate to improving your skillset.

alf says:

Dealing with humans is as learnable as dealing with linux. An average sperg male has more potential to reproduce, not less. It is the normies who tend to sheepishly swallow the blue pill.

The Cominator says:

You can develop some degree of social skills as a sperg and if you are in a school district long enough you can even become popular but you hit a plateau… lacking intitutive understanding you can learn general simple rules but not the subtleties as they are too varied and complex if you lack a normal intuitive (or if you don’t like that word) say natural understand.

I get the general principles of “game” but the subtleties of it… some of it might as well be you trying to teach a blind man how to land a plane.

alf says:

You blame your lack of relationships on autism, and while I am not saying there is zero truth in that, I blame them on your long habit of screwing whores and strippers.

Adam says:

Social skills require you to suspend judgment, become comfortable with ambiguity, read between the lines, and play make believe (to an extent).

Hypervigilance and black and white thinking are going to shoot you in the foot. The goal is not to judge (you can do that later) the goal is to listen and gently probe, and to stimulate the other person.

I agree with Alf if you are smart, you should have an easier time than most. The things that are tripping you up like black and white thinking are cognitive failures (as very little is black and white), so you should be able to overcome that if you chose. It is not easy necessarily but it is achievable.

The Cominator says:

Re Alf (I thought I responded to this but maybe I never entered) the stripper thing began after a long time of failed efforts and no progress with women.

There was progress in the past but I hit a plateau and women then got a lot worse after say 2012… the one valid thing you have in that is your interest in putting up with the crap of normal women just disappears. The plateau is real I’m not a shut in I’m someone who generally has to get out of the house most nights… but you stop progressing. Maybe with a coach I could get passed this but I am at my limit from what reading, thinking, processing experiences etc can teach me on this subject.

jim says:

Did you follow the advice? Cruise good locations (which tend to be far away and expensive) with some bros, and go on social media with evidence of preselection and alpha status.

What was the outcome of following that advice? If you followed that advice, what is your perception of what went wrong?

The Cominator says:

Travelling to tourists hot spots is far more expensive in terms of time and money than strippers (at least the way I do strippers) and given the last two years expensive isn’t good I’m not doing strippers lately either…

But if I wanted a tradwife (the only reason I would bother with a normie women unless I knew her from long ago) why would I ever bother with a tourist hotspots, thats fucking whores with extra steps and less simplicity (stripper fucking I can and have give you a very very specific step by step on how to do it… no ambiguity no principles like specific steps that work… I even told another sperg who executed what I said successfully). I would try to buy the daughter of some poor Moldavian peasant or something. If I want a tradwife I’d want a teenage girl from a peasant area who is literate but no higher education.

jim says:

> Travelling to tourists hot spots is far more expensive in terms of time and money than strippers

The more expensive and further away the locale, the better the pickings and the faster the bang, but you can usually find a little group of hens at your local Saturday night joint, though you will be massively outnumbered by sausages, and need a group of comparable size to break into the hen group.

But, easy way, and cheaper and faster way – social media, such as tinder. If you have no IRL gang of bros, you can fake up photographic evidence that you have a group of bros (in the photo, you are doing something interesting, and guys in the background are paying attention to you), and, more important than that, without doing that, just doing what you do now, you can produce photographic evidence of hot naked or near naked chicks in the background paying attention to you. Go on social media with that.

And remember what I tell everyone. Tradwives are made by their men. All women are good women, given the right stimuli, though the stimuli necessary for a woman who has been banged by Jeremy Meeks are likely to be very difficult, and the stimuli necessary for one who has been banged by General Bucknaked are damned near impossible in our society.

The Cominator says:

My old Facebook photos made me look good in those terms,the enginerette I have mentioned (and she was a VERY cute girl) in particular took a lot of good pictures with me. I just see no logic in traveling just to pickup given the expense given that I wasn’t paying the strippers anymore than regular lap charge… in better times I might try it for variety but I don’t see any real benefit. A jet set whore is unless she’s independently wealthy (which is possible) not going to cost less than the girl giving me a lap dance when the lap dance includes sex no extra charge… whereas travel will include plane hotel etc. The stripper also tends to be a lot better at doing it…

jim says:

Take some more with additional chicks. Will help considerably. Quantity matters more than quality. And try to add, or fake up, evidence of bros. And they have to be not just in the picture, but looking at you or otherwise engaging with you. If the engineerette in your background is looking at the cameraman, less helpful. If looking at the cameraman, and you are not holding onto her firmly in a controlling manner, not very useful at all. And keep stuff active on social media, including tinder. (I may be way out of date. Is there a tinder replacement these days?) Recent photos get more hits than old photos.

The Cominator says:

The enginerette photos are very good (at least one where we were dancing) but unfortunately they were a while ago. I had a very good Facebook photo collection at one time but as clownworld really set in around 2012ish I found the difficulty turned up to nightmare mode and they were of limited value.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Coincidentally, 2012 was the year Tinder came online.

alf says:

2012 was a long time ago…

Adam says:

Why not just drive to Orlando? Pretty much infinite hoes there, lots of places to party and have fun.

Aidan says:

I don’t believe engineer brain should be conflated with various intersocial and neurological defects into the concept of “autism”. Acetominophen in utero and early development has been shown to cause the social and neurological problems commonly called autism. Engineer brain is inherited, but you likely had autistic kids for the same reason that fat parents have fat kids.

The Cominator says:

Yes they aren’t the same thing.

alf says:

Paracetamol causes autism? First time I hear that take.

The Cominator says:

Yeah its in vitro not hereditary though perhaps perhaps some factors that increase the likelihood of the birth defect is hereditary. Two autist parents (though autism is rare in girls) can have a non autist kid.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Autism is just as common in girls as boys. It’s less obvious to a male observer, but against the high standard of sociability that females expect of each other, spergettes fail just as miserably.

I snagged a spergette before she could off herself and turned her into a loving wife, but failed to raise the children properly. (Step 1: Move at least 1000 miles away from any feminist relatives and change your name.)

These days spergettes are all becoming FtM trannies, my daughter possibly among them, I don’t know.

Kunning Drueger says:

Brother, this post breaks my heart. I’m not going to dig for info, I’m not asking you to share, and part of me thinks I’m not strong enough right now to hear it. But you’ve dropped some hints in a number of posts that lead me to believe you’ve gone through, are going through, something terrible that sprawls through time, warping everything like a cracked lens. Times like this I wish we could safely reach out. It is what it is.

I hope you are finding bedrock to cling to, then build on, then grow from. Apologies if I’m being too familiar, but I genuinely do care and I hope you aren’t suffering alone.

Be well, my nigger.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I read your comment from the backseat of a friend’s car during a 12-hour drive through the Russian heartland, while pausing to gaze out at mile-wide fields of freshly tilled black earth fringed with birch trees. I’m gradually building a new life here, while also learning to be vague about why I left America. Some things are best left unsaid.

To the surprise of no one at Jim’s Blog, I can personally attest that when a sober, healthy fifty-year old white man gets into a conversation with adults, their teenage daughters will flirt with him. And were he to date and marry one of those daughters, I don’t think anyone would have a problem with it.

This is outside the Moscow/Petersburg axis, where almost no one speaks more than a few words of English, so come prepared. Fortunately there are millions of Russian-speakers in the West you can practice with.

A friend of mine recounted his shock and disbelief when a buddy he hadn’t heard from in three years wrote to him from America saying “I’m a woman now!” I saw the evidence: US passport, Russian female name, woman’s haircut, and a man’s face wearing an expression of abject despair.

I’ve not felt the slightest twinge of homesickness yet; I rather feel like I escaped from Jonestown.

And Jim, if you like talking to cops, try it with Russian cops who think you’re a spy or saboteur. I think I pulled it off pretty well, speaking bluntly in bad Russian even though an interpreter was provided, mainly because I didn’t much care if they decided to shoot me in the head.

Kunning Druegger says:

This may sound like soft-science, hippy dippy bullshit, but that’s okay.

Whatever stupidities you indulged, whatever errors you committed, whatever easily-avoided-in-retrospect mistakes you made, you left that behind when you absconded. Not a single well remembered historical figure from America’s past was overly worried about England or Europe or the Old World. In fact (and possibly to their detriment) most of the proto-Americans just pretended Europe didn’t exist. They took that ocean for a wall, and ordered their gardens with respect to it. History tends to remember Generals, Presidents, Assassins, and Spies by name. Everyone else gets binned into a category. Washington and his men. Patton and his army. Lincoln and his parade of limp dick faggot supporters. For those of us not doomed to the prominence of leadership, we have no good reason not to live facing forward and leave the past to great men and their rememberers.

I wish you success in your life there. Something tells me Diaspora American is not going to be a little discussed footnote of world history, but will instead be a massive collection of categories. Thus, you are a Jimian Expat. Earn that auspicious title.

Take care, good luck, make babies, be smart.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The Volga Germans were all Germans, no niggers or Jews. So too it must be with the American diaspora. Africans shall go to Africa and Jews to Israel, which needs to de-faggotize itself and make peace with Russia before it’s too late.

What if millions of white Americans moved here? The children would all learn Russian in school but the adults would struggle with it, most giving up and relying on their children as interpreters.

I’ve asked Russians how they’d feel about it, and I get no answer. One might as well poll their views on string theory, as people fleeing to Russia is far outside of anything they’ve ever experienced or even imagined.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Russians are not nearly as race conscious as Americans. I suppose they are not nearly as ethnic conscious as are Americas as well. Russia is intensely Imperial in some ways such that only Moscow really matters politically but also peripheral groups are given much leeway so long as they dance to the Kremlin’s occasional desires.

Likely the Russians will not have any opinion on it like they have no opinion on the various ethic groups that were settled into central asia Russia unless central gov tells them to have a certain opinion.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Yes, Russia might someday have an American Republic like it has a Tatar Republic and a Komi Republic. They could mark out a chunk of territory east of the Urals, relocate its population to brand-new cities in “New Russia” (formerly Ukraine), and give their old homes to the American refugees. I’m just saying that it’ll turn out badly if “American” includes anything but heritage white Americans.

Empress Catherine knew the difference between a German and a Jew living in Germany. It must not be forgotten.

yewotm8 says:

If you don’t mind me asking Mayflower, how did you get in? You just applied for immigration the official regular way, say you’re an American (I’m assuming) with no problems who will bring his competence and some wealth, and they are happy to have you?

Mayflower Sperg says:

No, I just called a travel agent and he said, send us your passport and $350, and in four weeks you’ll have a three-year multi-entry visa. Then I flew to Helsinki, took a bus to St. Petersburg, and spent a month in a friend’s vacant apartment for free before moving on. I asked him and he said he’d be happy to help others, but his English isn’t very good.

The cops asked if I wanted to become a Russian citizen, implying that the door’s open. After hearing my story, one remarked to the others, “This guy could be ours!”

yewotm8 says:

It sounds it sounds like she looks up to you and places importance on your opinion. Be optimistic about your ability to convince her.

notglowing says:

On some level she does. She imitates things I do, but never openly. When I try to tell her she should do something she responds abrasively and defiantly, “what does it have to do with you”, she is my little sister after all; that is what you expect.
Though, to everyone else, she just shuts down.
I should mention I only found out about this little adventure she had planned two days before she left. She knew I would find it dumb. She wanted to avoid me trying to convince her otherwise.

Doom says:

I like this discussion a lot and don’t have a lot to add.

I agree that your sister will be much happier if you can find a good man to lead her into a family.

I will say this. IMO one of the main reasons women trannify themselves is their social shame at not being Stacey.

The bitterness in her voice is her knowledge that she will not be good enough for Chad. Or, that she would have to put in EFFORT to get Chad. So on.

Even though she has few friends, she is still a woman and still cares about how she looks to other women. This is the copium of 30 year old women saying “where are all the good men”?? They know there are humans with penises that will wife them. These men will just make them look like losers.

Better to be a loser on your own terms and cut your tits off, in their view.

I don’t know the way you can do this, but she needs to be convinced that if she submits to a regular guy that she doesn’t “find attractive”, that firstly, she will end up the envy of other women, and secondly, that the love and attraction will grow.

I think it is very difficult for women to answer “your husband is a loser” with “oh, are you married?”, despite it being the most obvious answer.

That she reads JBP is a good sign. He is good at convincing normies that they should take responsibility for things.

A2 says:

“Better to be a loser on your own terms and cut your tits off, in their view.”

Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav’n.

Yul Bornhold says:

“I will say this. IMO one of the main reasons women trannify themselves is their social shame at not being Stacey.”

We know women incoherent, often have difficulty articulating their feelings, yet they consistently claim to find “confidence” attractive. It seems a girl who belongs to an alpha male gains his energy. She becomes confident, “strong woman” if you like. This isn’t a very scientific way of describing it but I think is clear enough.

I think the women who go tranny do so because they covet this alpha male confidence. Certainly, men who go tranny do so from deep insecurity. They see how women are valued and accepted merely for being women and they covet this.

In real life, mutilation does not make a gigachad of an autist girl, nor does it make a hot chick of a dweeb but this is what they are striving for.

tl;dr Tranny from internal emotional failure, not from social stigma.

Doom says:

I really like this analysis.

But I still think it’s more of the case of, if they “become” a man, they will not be held socially accountable for not being able to secure the man they want. Women project, that’s why they become lawyers and not plumbers (and not only are they projecting, they’re finding a social shortcut to have the social status they think they should have.)

If society started expecting trans-men to actually compete with real men, properly, (and provide the services they provide!) you can be sure it would stop right quick.

“Get down in that hole, you’re a man aintcha???”

All the lesbians I’ve ever known have either been sexually abused or they have “aspirations” (the type of girl who loved boy bands and wanted the leader to be their boyfriend; wrote stories in school about their life with the leader of the boy band, but is fat.)

The first makes sense on its face, the second – if they pick a man who is not Chad, they imagine they will be seen as losers.

An average woman is “more attractive” than the average man. So, their pool of potential partners is much larger. (The guy who used to cut my hair – his wife left him to go be a lesbian. Spent a lot of time apparently crowing about how “hot” her new partner was. Ya see? She levelled up. He was like 5 foot 5 and a hairdresser.)

It is an internal emotional failure, you’re right- an internal emotional failure at not being able to be in what they see as a socially acceptable relationship.

Roger Williams says:

What you really need to do is talk to your father about her. Tell him to stop being a faggot and a bitch and to take control of his daughter. The women with weak and beta fathers are usually the ones that get all fucked up in the head.

The Cominator says:

Girls with stronger fathers exhibit a greater preference to violent lowlife criminals in my experience.

jim says:

My experience differs from your own.

Girls with strong fathers have an image of alpha that corresponds to their father. Who was probably not a violent lowlife criminal, though in the current environment, is still a high standard to live up to. If you can be as manly as her father was, no problems.

The Cominator says:

I like what Aidan said, something to the effect that their image of alpha is a man who probably would just kill her father if he interfered…

jim says:

That is true also, but nonetheless, girls with strong fathers work out pretty well for me.

The Cominator says:

You’re good at playing the bad guy.

Pax Imperialis says:

TC, you clearly dalliance far too much with whores such that the few relatively strong fathers you’ve seen are low class ones whose daughters desire exclusive ownership by a thug rather than orgy porgy sluttery.

I remember saying many months ago, maybe even a year ago, that all that Ukrainian pussy flooding the market is driving the rates down. That this is your greatest opportunity in a generation to get a nice wife of European origins at a relatively cheap price. I stand by my advice.

You’ve been using the excuse of being a sperg to avoid taking ownership and being happy. I don’t know you personally to know if that’s true. It might be something you’ve made up to avoid having to face responsibility, but even if it’s true it shouldn’t stop you.

The entire male line on my father’s side were autistic sperg officers. That clearly didn’t stop them. I’m around to write this. My grandfather and father still managed to get wives after the collapse of their churches. Granted they (and I) were autists for things that went boom like tanks and artillery, and women like the strong warriors, but they were weak and fat HUMINT/SIGNINT virgin caricatures who weren’t cut out to be chad enlisted infantry men. Do you have any idea how much it pains me to say this publicly? Hell, I’m likely slated for some sort of INTEL/Powerpoint/computer job as well. Deeply shameful. Part of the reason I irrationally wish to die in combat.

I implore you TC to stop the whore and whore adjacent posting. My father (and his father and father’s father) likely used whores as well. It’s the nature of military service. I don’t strictly condemn using whores, and neither do nice upper class women. Preselection is real and women will prefer a man bold enough to buy sex, and boast about it, over a man who doesn’t even have the balls to do it. My made up yet funny out of state Tinder escapades (which conveniently require no proof, just a massive amount of confidence) have gotten me more dates with (relatively) chaste women than I can bother counting. You have real world experience and should have no problem playing the part.

I wrote this self humiliation post while drunk and will likely deeply regret everything I’ve revealed. So please, take ownership and get a woman so my humiliation won’t be in vain.

The Cominator says:

This wasn’t talking about whores. Most of my experience on this is the non whores. 90% of the non whores who’ve seemed to have basically liked me over the years had a father who died when they were young or was otherwise absent. Daddy’s little princesses otoh want nothing to do with men who don’t have preselection and/or who seem like criminals. All women like these things sure but its a matter of degrees.

I actually cannot speak in detail on this with strippers and such, I assume that generally the relationship with the father was bad or they were absent but its not something you want to ask them about if you want to go all the way without paying them extra money, probing into their probably bad relationship with their family without already being on very good terms and having fucked them many times is going to piss them off and if you want to bang you’re going to get charged mucho extra money. My all time favorite stripper who I banged many times actually had a present father growing up and they got on well though surprisingly I do think she confirmed that as far as her co workers that this was not typical.

Aidan says:

That takes effect when a father goes to great lengths to scare off his daughter’s suitors. That requires strength, but not all strong fathers do this.

I, like Jim, do well with girls who have strong fathers. When I am around my father in law, I treat him with respect, like one alpha to another, and he treats me with respect; he knows that things might get ugly if he does not. If he did try to mog me, things would have to get ugly.

Anonymous Fake says:

This is absolutely wrong. [*deleted from posting from an alternative reality*]

jim says:

I don’t agree with your account of liberal females as compared to conservative females. My anecdotal evidence is contrary to your anecdotal evidence. Looks to me that conservatives reproduce biologically, progressives reproduce memetically, like a crab infected with loxo (Loxothylacus panopaei)

Your account of conservative behavior, republican voter behavior, Christian behavior, etc, is always wildly contrary to my experience.

There are, however, a pile of surveys around. If you could dig up some relevant survey evidence, I would be very interested in seeing it. If you make an evidence based argument, will allow it through. I am not allowing your unsupported claims about conservative behavior through, and I don’t think your bubble contains any.

Anonymous Fake says:

My home county tripled in population in the last generation and it wasn’t due to family values. People fled the major cities since the civil rights movement to move there, and basically everyone where I grew up favored more civil rights and thus more growth. But they were corporate conservatives too, because rapid population growth demanded major chains that can be built rapidly, not small businesses built over generations. They probably liked Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio the most but ultimately settled with Trump.

I think it could be called a purple area, but definitely red as far as being as right as possible but still capable of producing future leaders. And I try to be “ironically moderate” just to demonstrate that I have loyalty to my own home, though it isn’t my ideal home, which would be NYC or Boston except 90% Republican, basically a complete fantasy.

A female’s loyalty is ultimately to the school she grew up in and the culture it forced onto her. Men come and go, in our time as well as in evolutionary environmental time.

jim says:

Allowing this through, so that people can see why I have censored all your other comments telling us what mainstream republicans think and what women think and what Christians think.

Obviously they did not prefer rapid population growth. It was forced on them from above as invasion and conquest. Obviously no Republicans wanted Mitt Romney and few wanted Marco Rubio – again, forced on them from above, but the forcing failed due to massive grassroots resistance. Obviously a woman’s primary loyalty is to the most alpha male who has banged her. A woman has no tribe, no country, and no religion. She has her man’s tribe, country, and religion, and if she has her own, it is male failure that she bitterly resents and hopes to be rescued from by being abducted by a sufficiently manly man and tribe. Any country that treats women as citizens is committing a fraud to cuckold its men. Reality is that women do not inwardly identify as citizens of any country, as is obvious in their voting patterns, the voting pattern of married women differing radically from that of single women.

notglowing says:

My father is not someone you can argue with.

But the problem is he is a leftist; although neither of my parents follow politics anymore or ever talk about it, neither of them have traditional views or would be willing to accept them. They mostly know what I believe in, and mostly do not care. My mother thinks reactionary ideas are just a new trend with young people just like student protests and terrorism were in her days.
They certainly are not in tune with any of the new faggotry of the past 30 years, but the idea of women having to marry and have kids as the default and of fathers having to steer daughters into it is not something he would accept.

He thinks the only thing that matters is that she is doing *her duty* which in his mind is either studying or working. Everything else is secondary. And he has intervened harshly in order to force her to focus on her studies in the past, though with only mixed results. He’s certainly not going to start finding boys for her.

It might surprise you that despite him being a convinced atheist and my mother not knowing what she believes in, I was raised Catholic and sent to Catechism (Sunday school), because it is the normal thing to do; I did not know atheism existed until the age of 12. This kind of thing is not atypical here.

Another thing to note is the bad examples for female behaviour my mother has. Most of her friends are crazy cat lady types who went to college and are alone. One of them literally works for the UN in NYC and studied at Harvard (not going to say anything more about that). The only ones that are sane are the ones who had kids of course. It is remarkable that my parents never had any significant issues with each other, despite no lack of divorces around us. They never married, though.

Red says:

>They are no longer aware that marriage is a feasible option so they aren’t even rejecting it, it just isn’t there.

That’s basically the story the Tranny child murdering chick. She never had a boyfriend. The lack of aggressiveness with boys in pursuing girls in resulting in some chicks never being approached. She channeled her energy into female basketball hoping someone would notice her, but of course men don’t watch woman play at sports.

Her McChristian parents didn’t even bother in trying to find her a husband.

jim says:

Exposed to appropriate stimuli, her hindbrain will take charge – perhaps more slowly and with more inhibition than most, and requiring stronger stimuli than most. Her reclusive habits have protected her from such stimuli.

Also, female sexual impulses set it at an inconveniently random age, weakly related to biological readiness for sex and reproduction, possibly because female choice has not mattered much since we looked rather like apes. It could well be her sexual impulses are inconveniently late, though inconveniently early is a more common problem.

You don’t mention her reading romance books and watching romance media. Does she? If she does not, her sexual impulses are setting in late. With female emancipation, no point in addressing the problem till they do set in. If they have set in, or when they do set in, the solution is to expose her to a suitable nonkin male in a setting where he is the alpha. If he visits your house, hard for him to be the alpha. If he has a boat, he is the captain and naturally the alpha. If he sets up a camping trip, it can be his expedition, and he can be the alpha.

One on one, there is a shortage of the stimuli that female alpha radar is pinging for. Hence the difficulty of picking up girls solo. If you set up a date for her, hindbrain may well not activate. If he takes your family for a fishing trip, and her sexual impulses have set in, then done.

Red says:

One on one, there is a shortage of the stimuli that female alpha radar is pinging for. Hence the difficulty of picking up girls solo. If you set up a date for her, hindbrain may well not activate.

Possible solution: man shows up with a friend who acts as his driver/wing man. Wingman hits the bar while the date goes on, and is dismissed later as as the alpha cred is established.

Pax Imperialis says:

notglowing account sounds very similar to many East Asian women. I have several cousins that didn’t start “wandering away” from their parent’s home until their late 20s. They didn’t display any interest in men, or romance, or sex, or college, or any social activity. Didn’t even have other female friends. Complete shut ins. They are fairly good looking too and had exposure to appropriate stimuli all throughout high-school. They completely ignored it and where considered completely unapproachable.

They started “wandering away” when their parents, in desperation, locked them out when they went to pick up mail ordered items, told them to not come back until they meet a nice boy they had set up for them on an arraigned date. My cousins got married in less than a year. Did it help that the arraigned date involved eating at a restaurant, that they were hungry and the fridge inaccessible? I think it’s likely.

I don’t think it’s a shortage of stimuli, but rather being a shut in is now extremely possible and very comfortable. In the past it was not possible to be a shut in, you’d starve to death. That’s powerful motivation to get out which naturally exposes one to the right kind of stimuli. Now a days one can spend all day on the internet, tv, and playing video games which quickly turn into an addiction. A problem of too much of the wrong stimuli. Only way to fix that is to lock them out hungry with dinner dates prearranged. Hindbrain takes over.

Fake says:

Antidepressants mess with sex drive. I knew a girl who was on antidepressants from her early teen years and declared herself asexual. Maybe the antidepressants are delaying this guy’s sister’s development.

The Cominator says:

And makes them fat and a lot of women are on this poison.

jim says:

The parentally selected suitor got some alpha cred from the parents forcing the girl to go to dinner with him, but female alpha radar craves to see a man acting alpha in interaction with other people.

Pax Imperialis says:

Arranged dating is set up for the man to act alpha with other men.

I was sent along with my female cousins on some of those dates (probably to check up on progress). Their now husbands would bring along a couple of their male family and friends who would make themselves scarce when it was appropriate. Got lots of sushi out of it. Too much. This was in Asia.

Arraigned dating in the Asian American churches has mostly been transplanted. Got invited to a small social event as a friend by one of the Church elders. The pastor’s daughter was the only woman there with several “eligible” candidates but there was clearly one favorite. I made myself scarce when it was appropriate. Highly quid pro quo. Got lots of grilled beef out of it. Also got a very, very glowing letter of recommendation from the elder.

My WASP side of the family used to do similar arranged dating via their Church in New England. So this method of showing, or at least putting on theater, the suitor’s alpha cred is not unique to Asia historically speaking, but the Churches collapsed sometime around the 40s-50s and arranged dating became alien to America.

Aidan says:

Those Asian girls you talk about are jilling it nonstop to keep themselves from wandering off. I’ve been with similar types; they do not act horny (attention seeking) in public, but are totally receptive to being hit on.

jim says:

You don’t dimiss the guys posing as beta to your alpha immediately. They need to hang out for a bit, then be dismissed.

notglowing says:

> You don’t mention her reading romance books and watching romance media. Does she?

Not that I know of. Her bookshelf is heavily biased towards mystery/detective stories, and classic books, though I have no idea if she has read any of them.

Given she has no hobbies I imagine she must be reading, though.

jim says:

As I said, there is an inconveniently large variance in the time at which female sexual urges set in, and an inconvenient and frequently terrifying lack of relationship to physical development and the capacity to bear children. Some, a lot, are inconveniently early. Some are inconveniently late.

Adam says:

She needs a sisterhood. It won’t solve all of the problems but she needs a group of women to compete with. Definitely steer clear of anything like medication, and definitely do not let her believe there is something inherently wrong with her. Worst thing you can do to someone like that is to teach them they are somehow special or unique in their troubles. It is how narcissistic co-dependent parents damage their kids.

Pax Imperialis says:

Women like that will never fit into a sisterhood. Trying to force her into a group of women will likely hurt her. Women are intensely on the same page. If one is happy they are all happy. If one is sad they are all sad. She will likely not mirror the emotions of the other women, or even bother with attempting. That will end up ostracizing her and women can be extremely cruel to women who just don’t fit in. They will make her believe there is something inherently wrong with her. That’s a fast track towards meds and therapy.

Only way is to find her a husband by arraigned dating. Preferably while she’s hungry.

The Cominator says:

“If one is happy they are all happy. If one is sad they are all sad.”

In America it works more like this. One girl is a cunt, so all the rest of them become cunts.

Pax Imperialis says:

Nah, them being cunts is cross culture. Groups of women compete against each other for men unlike fraternal men who will back each other up.

What’s unique to America and her vassals is that one girl being a whore and the rest of them becoming whores is accepted and encouraged. Plenty of chaste cunts out there. That’s the historical norm. The West felt if proper to promote the slut cunt and the rest is history.

The Cominator says:

Female promiscuity is strongest in societies without but patriarchal controls but otherwise have low female status. All unowned women are sluts for gigachad (and owned women are too if they can get away with it) but only low status women are with unusual exceptions sluts for the mass of men.

Why do I have to keep saying this, the problem with American women is their high status and state sanctioned superweapons (and obesity)… its like everyone gets it wrong. If American women were promiscous in the manner of Southeast Asian and most Slavic country women we wouldn’t have a 50% incel rate. Western women are in fact far far too picky about only going for males in the highest ends of the fucked up female status hierarchy. Also while I don’t like blaming technology I will blame it for a narrow thing, online dating sites and social media convince too many of them that chad is easily available and that they can get him. More promiscuity among the mass of women would in fact be an improvement. Bodycount increments stop mattering when it gets passed 4 except if they get an STD (which is a much overblown risk) or Tyrone makes them a single mother, after that their pair bonding ability already has hit the low plateau.

jim says:

> If American women were promiscous in the manner of Southeast Asian and most Slavic country women we wouldn’t have a 50% incel rate.

It is the other way around. More promiscuity, more incel, because women are hypergamous.

The Cominator says:

I think I addressed this as you want to have female status in general lower…

Adam says:

The reason I give that advice is because its the same as addict behavior. In the anonymous fellowships, at least if a woman wants help or wants to get better or just become part of the group, the women are very motherly. If she is a raging cunt she will receive appropriate treatment. It all depends on the new girl. But girls do come in frequently who are homeless, prostitutes etc. with zero ability to bond or play nice and some end up making it.

Not necessarily apples to apples with this situation but similar problem.

The Cominator says:

A woman needs perhaps a sister or one good female friend. Other than that a good woman is only corrupted by being around other women. You’re not going to make a better than average American woman better by having her hang out with more women quite the contrary.

The one bro tier trustworthy chick (she was for years as trustworthy, and she wasn’t dykey or frumpy in fact she was kinda batshit in some ways but for years I never had to worry that her feelings were going to supersede her word) I’ve ever known had one good friend and her sisters (that she dominated being the oldest) but otherwise did not like and would hang out with other women in mixed except in mixed company. When she eased up on this she rapidly changed for the worse.

Meds are bad too, not sure its wrong to have them thinking stuff is a little wrong with her… women only benefit from keeping their ego small. Pride is generally a very bad characteristic in anyone, but its especially horrible in women.


Reading the specific text on your sister sounds like she is extremely more introverted than most women… she needs a guy. She needs one female friend who is married or in a long term relationship.

Aidan says:

Her sexual needs are probably being fulfilled by erotic fan fiction and anime. Better than getting ran thru by a bunch of dudes. What’s the problem here? As long as she learns how to cook and clean will probably make a good and loyal wife.


My woman said three words to me in the first fifteen minutes of us meeting. I talked at her until she was comfortable talking back. She was “just shy”. I like shy. Shy is feminine. If you have based friends, hook her up with your friends.

notglowing says:

> If you have based friends, hook her up with your friends.
Some have girlfriends already. Though they are all mostly blackpilled regarding things like marriage and having kids. They’d laugh at the idea. Women just steal your money and children anyways. My generation is very cynical. I’m not going to be the preachy one and convince them otherwise. After all I should know less about it than they do.

My friends are quite different from myself. That might sound odd. But none of them are spergs like me, except for the people I know online. They aren’t necessarily a good representative of the average zoomer either. That said, none of them are *particularly* good with girls.
I have a feeling that they are about average at it. For example, a friend is in his second somewhat long term relationship, and another manages to sleep with women from time to time, but isn’t most of the time. Women are not a very frequent topic of discussion unless it is related to a specific situation.

> Her sexual needs are probably being fulfilled by erotic fan fiction and anime. Better than getting ran thru by a bunch of dudes. What’s the problem here? As long as she learns how to cook and clean will probably make a good and loyal wife.
I do wonder. She used to watch anime, but I don’t know if she still does. As I said I did not find anything very erotic among her books.
In a vacuum, or perhaps in the right society, she could make for a good wife, if she found the right man. As it is, the chances seem low. Not like I know the right man for her either.

Kunning Druegger says:

The idea of a soul mate is a preposterous Elizabethan farce. Take any man, put him with any women, have them do things together, and attraction appears. Your friends may not be good with women, your sister is definitely not good with men, but after the third camping trip or beach excursion or all day event, the natural rhythm of the synthetic, temporary family will do all the heavy lifting. Just get them up and get them moving.

jim says:

> put him with any women, have them do things together, and attraction appears

It does not appear merely as a result of them merely doing things together. Women have passive and active (shit tests) alpha radar. You have to show alpha and preselection, show up on their passive radar, and pass their shit tests (show up on their active radar).

Men cannot help looking a woman’s boobs. No boobs, no attraction. And women cannot help shit testing men.

alf says:

> https://chevauchee.substack.com/

What’s this here? Lookin’ good!

Aidan says:

Yes, I am writing long-form again. I also do not trust substack a bit. Its payment mechanism is mendacious. It uses Stripe. Theoretically, this can make for limited knowledge payments. All Substack would need to know is a stripe account number to pay you, and all Stripe has to know is that substack is paying your identity. That is not how it was implemented. Substack gets your real identity from Stripe, and stripe gets your substack info. Both parties know that a given bank account is connected to a given substack; I will not be receiving money over the platform. Without money changing hands, it’s happy to have just a burner email.

Fidelis says:

Just put up a crypto link like a proper piratical spirit.

Kunning Druegger says:

Pax already explained this really well, just want to throw in my 2 cents, and I apologize if this grosses you out.

She will sit in that room, eating and masturbating and scrolling, until she is forced to do otherwise. As SJ said, there are no rules here. So if you want to correct this situation, you have to act, and I think you need to deprive her of internet and isolation, get her ass in gear, and don’t let her assuage her depressing isolation with constant, limitless digital distraction.

Everything in modern society makes the easiest option atomization, so you want to do the opposite. Make life hard, just demonstrably harder, not impossible, but you got to make it somewhat challenging, because the easiest option is to sit and diddle and scroll and chew. Got to get in that loop and break it.

notglowing says:

> So if you want to correct this situation, you have to act, and I think you need to deprive her of internet and isolation, get her ass in gear,

Arguably, the psychiatrist already got her to do that. I think a lot of the commenters glossed over the fact that she isn’t in the house anymore, for a month anyways. She’s going to be in a sort of communal living with other dysfunctional people learning how to live with others or something.

I don’t like this arrangement and know little about this place, and I found out about it just before it happened. But maybe something good will come of it.

>She will sit in that room, eating and masturbating and scrolling,

Maybe. Don’t know about the second thing. As I said, I have yet to see any signs of normal female sexuality from her. I certainly never heard anything suspicious through the wall, only some Tiktok songs and Youtube videos.
That said, I don’t know if this is even the same for women as it is for men. Do women generally feel the need to masturbate when they do not have sex? The issue with the question is that when women are looking for it they usually find it. But I also feel like they don’t generally feel as compelled as men if they don’t.

jim says:

> As I said, I have yet to see any signs of normal female sexuality from her.

They are typically mighty obvious, so maybe sexual impulses are setting in late. As I said, there is a great deal of variance in females.

Aidan says:

When she’s back, Wireshark your home network and see what she’s been getting up to online.

Basil says:

[*held back till you tell us what Soros and Victoria Nuland have been doing lately*]

Basil says:

Soros sells love for gypsies and sodomites in Eastern Europe. Victoria is engaged in color revolutions, here and there

jim says:

Close, but a little vague. Needs a little more specifics. After all the misconduct of both have been in the news lately. And, if you are really criticizing Putin and DeSantis from the right (rather in fact criticizing them from the left) the latest shenanigans should be vitally important and very interesting to you. The alt right has been recirculating our meme on Victoria Nuland in response to the latest hot news, and a little while ago, our meme on Soros. You may have seen it. If you say the equivalent (summarize the latest news equivalently), or describe our meme, having seen it, you pass.

Criticizing Putin, DeSantis, and so on an so forth from the right is completely fine. But your criticisms sound fake right to me. If opposing them from the right, you should be opposing what Soros and Victoria Nuland have been up to even more. Tell us what they have been up to, and why it is very bad, which can be done in a single sentence.

You implied that DeSantis was in the pocket of our enemies, and Trump implied that DeSanctimonious was in the pocket of our enemies, but Trump criticized him from the right. Can you do so? A weak and indirect connection between DeSantis and Jews in power here is far more telling than a direct connection between him and Jews in power there.

Likely a major reason for the color revolution in Sudan is that Sudan has been continuing and furthering Trump’s Middle Eastern peace, pursuing better relations with Israel and ties with Israel, though undoubtedly the major reason is the proposed Russian base, and that they want Sudan pursuing war with Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya, especially Libya and Ethiopia.

Western Taliban says:


Clarence Thomas single-handedly redeems niggers in America.

If he were King of the Black-Americans with full authority to do as he wished with them, he turns them around fully into civilized beings in no time.

Encelad says:

“last month, Jezebel’s Caitlin Cruz..”

Wait, the progressive rag that opposes Thomas is named in honor of a literal Bhaal worshipper?

notglowing says:

Jezebel is a feminist news org. They used to be more relevant in the heyday of “third wave feminism” 10 years ago.

Hesiod says:

Yep, it’s critical theory applied to ancient pagan religion. Same with Medea from Greek mythology.

notglowing says:

If no fault divorce is eliminated, the same women will just come up with rape or some other nonsense accusation as an excuse.

It’s still a good thing to encroach on this sort of thing, but it’s probably going to be worse than just losing their money and kids for a lot of men.

Kunning Druegger says:

Blackpilling pointlessly. While entropy is easy (just increase chaos) and order is hard (every victory isolated, every defeat magnified), the system we are in does nothing in isolation. So using Roe Overturn to move towards ending, curtailing, or just damaging No Fault Divorce is not only a solid win, it calls into question Cathedral dominance, a dominance predicated on the appearance of the inability to lose. I’m not saying we hoist the Rhodesian flag and start marching around in Hugo Boss uniforms, but let’s not be dwarves at a feast pretending it’s bird feed. Every little defeat draws off NPCs and creates confusion as to which bet is a safe bet.

SJ says:

Just the fact that the media is talking about eliminating no fault divorce is great news. Make marriage sacred again. It’s one step closer to formal recognition of the sin of fornication, somehow forgotten, and one step closer to actual monogamy again.

Perhaps the powers that be are recognizing that we are going to need men to do actual real work again rather than use the petro dollar to gain other countries production. Men don’t work in the matriarchy. This is all great news for our people.

The Cominator says:

It would be a good thing if the right were ever going to be power again in America as it exists now but it won’t. Eliminating Roe v Wade was a Cathedral psyop to justify the continous fake voting (oh look 100% of the sluts turned out and voted Democrat). You know because the cuckservative Justices voted for it.

Pete says:

Obviously the sluts will vote Democrat. But the Republicans need to give right-leaning voters a reason to actually vote for them.

Right-leaning voters generally have low enthusiasm and engagement because the Republicans do nothing for us. People aren’t gonna crawl over broken glass to vote for a 2% cut in the capital gains tax or some other Republican milquetoast bullshit.

Trump was the exception; voter enthusiasm in 2016 was off the charts because people had hope that he was different.

If the Republicans would give us some victories now and then, we would show up at the polls for them in return. It’s a shame Clarence Thomas is the only right-leaning figure to deliver any victories. Republican Congressmen need to learn to do the same, otherwise no one will feel any enthusiasm to vote for them.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>voter enthusiasm in 2016 was off the charts because people had hope that he was different.

Trump caused such derangement in the event of his election because he was not ‘supposed’ to get elected. There are manifold layers to this statement.

All the usual forms of officially unofficial gatekeeping failed, the entryism, total media gleichschautung, and ‘customary’ levels of pre-arranged fraud, altogether failed to sufficiently reverse the Trump wave swelling up from the peons.

Besides the middle management classes who became unironically drunk on the ‘cheeto hitler’ kool-aide, at the higher levels, this also had the effect of devalidating the figures who would council unprincipally excepted prudence in how the old liberal order would maintain its grip on power. Eg, ‘your methods resulted in Trump getting in, therefore the debate is over, and it is time to do things our way now’. A very difficult charge for the prudentials to defend against, and a perfect wedge for the more unholy true believers and tire-biters to use to side-line their ‘fellow travelers’ and assume greater authority.

That was the moment the plane of the Wilsonian Empire entered into a terminal deathspiral with the control sticks ripped out. There became no other possibility except the logarithmic exponentiation of gnostic delierium. To be destroyed and to destroy itself is the only way this can end now.

Kunning Drueger says:

The Cathedral built the GAE by deploying methods, institutions, and frameworks that made every instance of culture, policy, and strategy an always -win in some way. They had the unique ability to hedge on every bet because the goal, implicit or otherwise, was entropy, and they promulgated this either explicitly (creating disorder) or covertly (the illusion of building things by taking some solid, singular, workable thing and fracturing it into multiple things that each increased localized entropy under the cover of “greater good”). But trees can only grow so high.

Oft evil will will evil mar.

The Cathedral can no longer forever-hedge. Due to multiple factors, they must now make real bets, or not bet at all. So they are now losing where before they would either win big or win some. They still win, too often in many cases, but it is no longer a given that they are going to walk away from the betting table with chips by default.

The Cominator says:

I mean at some point the insiders have to turn on each other but it’s taking forever, this is another instance I suspect the insidious influence of the Jesuits holding it together… it’s not in the nature of evil psychopathic criminals to keep the faith with each other for so long there must be some group holding them together. I cannot offer any more evidence than their baffling solidarity but the solidarity is unnatural.

jim says:

My guess rather would be the child trafficking gays, who have solidarity both from plotting together in naked in bed in a great big pile, and blackmail material from bring pre pubertal children into the bed. And of course, shared and collective demon worships.

That provides that group with extreme solidarity, and since all the other groups have loads of gays in them, and gays are famously treacherous, each group is has a disloyal core who are secretly members of the innermost group of child trafficking demon worshiping gays.

QAnon were and are idiots, but I think they got that part right. It is not all the elites are demon worshiping child trafficking gays, but demon worshiping child trafficking gays are likely the glue that holds the whole ship together.

This is not necessarily inconsistent with the Jesuit model, since the Vatican worships demons and is full of gays. Obviously not all the Jesuits, or even a whole lot of them, are demon worshiping child trafficking gays, but since the Vatican is powned, the Jesuits are powned.

The Cominator says:

You think gay trafficking would necessarily include a papist order of “celibate” glowniggers…

The Cominator says:

I mean would not include them…

Javier says:

re arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Republicans change the laws, democrats flaunt and ignore them. Democrats don’t even have to pass laws and they are obeyed.

the only good thing about stuff like this is it hastens the impending collapse, as more and more people realize rule of law is a farce. female emancipation will not be ended by this society, but whoever supplants it.

Fidelis says:

BTC is looking more and more to be the one currency. It’s gaining diplomatic recognition, political recognition by cuckservative US states, scaling and better privacy solutions are popping up like mushrooms after a thunderstorm, people are figuring out they need p2p social media and marketplaces attached to the money and have begun building them.

The GAE looks a little sluggish and weak handed on this one so far. They’re trying to capture eth, and having some success, but are failing to attack BTC while it’s still growing the network. Well, the story is not over, lets see how the fight goes.

Handi says:

Please namedrop those privacy solutions, I am a crypto noob and the only ways I know of to acquire BTC are through KYC nodes, or irl kiosks that ask for PII (albeit less than what a bank would require).

There is trustless atomic swapping from BTC -> XMR, but as I understand it not the other way around, at least as of yet. And that’s a pickle because of the vendors that I’ve seen accepting crypto, none of them accept XMR.

Unrelated, what is GAE doing to capture ETH?

jim says:

Wasabi Wallet and DeFi.

DeFi is a multitude of implementations of a multitude of trustless atomic swaps.

Captured ETH through namefags. Can’t trust a namefag.

notglowing says:

> There is trustless atomic swapping from BTC -> XMR, but as I understand it not the other way around, at least as of yet.

Really doesn’t matter. Trustless is better but there are centralized, accountless exchanges like sideshift that will do the swap for you whenever you need to buy something, and send BTC to the merchant.

Another privacy option is Lightning on BTC. Not as privacy focused as Monero, but pretty much the best option for small payments. Lightning can be used to pay on-chain BTC through loop, boltz, etc.

I’ve used pretty much everything under the sun. Different solutions are useful for different purposes.

jim says:

Because Monero is unscriptable, atomic swaps with Monero will always be difficult.

However, you can atomically swap into Monero, https://unstoppableswap.net/, and to get back into BTC, you become a swap provider and offer Monero on the exchange so that someone else can swap his BTC into your Monero.

I think lightning and Wasabi is a better privacy solution. With lightning, your bitcoin gets mingled into lots of other bitcoin

Fidelis says:

Not just namefags, but every layer of their crypto stack is getting fucked by state tentacles. Miners are forced into OFAC compliance, most contracts have the ability to blacklist accounts, privacy tools are considered verboten after the tornado cash incident. The layer 2 scaling plans are in fact making this situation worse, where ecosystems will have an even smaller set of sequencers/validators to capture, eth block proposer reqs will be even higher, meaning even easier to capture a majority of participants.

Eth users in general are just pathics and cowards. Not willing to even pretend to fight any of this. Major wallet software will blacklist you, track your IP. RPC providers will blacklist you, track you. Somewhat recently one of the founders and maintainers of ENS, the pki namespace infrastructure, an actually quite brilliant and needed protocol, got *voted out by protocol users* after a tranny complained he was a catholic on twitter.

Shekel me Shlomo says:

Welp, got married last weekend. Mazel tov! Not too soon either. I saw a few schvartzes eyeballing her. Anyway, got the perfect JAP wife. And she’ll be 13 this month. And I owe it all to the great advice from my friends here on Jim’s Blog. Gonna be pretty busy for the next few weeks cause the in-laws want grandkids. Later!

Handi says:

Jim I did not mean to post this as a reply, please move to main branch. help i am not good with computer

Handi says:

Field report: I am a younger millenial, had a bit of a standoff at a social gathering with a younger millenial girl last night. She had absconded with one of my possessions on a previous occasion (not on her person at the time last night, impossible to return to me in the moment) so I took an item of hers for leverage and held onto it.

Got MAJOR concerted social pressure from our mutual group of friends and acquaintences. I got literally encircled by a dozen men and women (including two troons) demanding I give in to the girl, casting a variety of progressive aspersions at me. I didn’t mean for it to escalate this far, but I held frame. One other guy sat on the fence and correctly refused to butt in, which I will remember favorably.

I recount this not just to boast, but what struck me is that the girl in question expressed several times that she thought I was hostile or angry with her, which I denied effusively. I was calm and good-natured throughout, having genuinely enjoyed being the center of a group shit-test and deflecting it with unwavering confidence. But she seemed genuinely confused, I don’t believe she was crafty; I wonder if younger women today are so accustomed to being automatically placated that even the slightest steadfastness doesn’t register as a mating dance so much as a vindictive personal attack. Bad social condition if so.

I did not close. I may have sabotaged myself by leaving without dragging her off; her repetitive protestations bored me, the rest of the group had worked themselves into a froth and closed me off to any other conversation (or so I judged), and I felt satisfied with my work for the night, so I left in good spirits with my prize. Time will tell if my prediction of what her pussy feels will be vindicated, and if my actions were well calculated.

But I’m not certain if her interpretation of hostility on my part signifies a novel type of confusion for women of this generation that will cloud their sexual instincts–because of course, if I had actually gotten pissed and butthurt about the situation then I would truly have been the loser–or maybe that was just her expression of how women experience friction with an assertive male. Maybe she was instinctively playing the helpless damsel angle while everyone else piled on the pressure, and perhaps she registered it as a straightforward fitness test after all.

Hopefully the latter because I want to build preselection with a different girl in the group, the one I really want to fuck. Might be overthinking the entire thing, doesn’t matter because I’m ready to lose both options and all of my gay liberal friends anyway. I stuck my chin out and had a lot of very memorable fun.

Handi says:

P.S. Call women by their full name if they go by a short (i.e. boyish) nickname.

People notice

Kunning Drueger says:

This is Greek Fire in the mating dance. You can do this, but you better be ready for what follows. It’s good advice, just definitely not something to do lightly as the response can be *dramatic*.

jim says:

Negs are always great.

jim says:

Hostility is fine. If interpreted as hostile, you have no problem.

Females are very good at reading males, better than they know, and if they misread you, it is a shit test, which you fail by explaining yourself. Remain a mystery. Women love to puzzle what is motivating male actions. You will inadvertently reveal everything about yourself. No need to intentionally reveal anything about yourself. Just enough to tantalize them.

Pseudo-Chrysotom says:

>what struck me is that the girl in question expressed several times that she thought I was hostile or angry with her, which I denied effusively.

No way bro. That’s when the amused master agrees and amplifies.

jim says:

Denying effusively is horribly beta.

Ignoring her accusations and focusing on what matters to you (she does not) is alpha.

Agreeing and amplifying in a way that ridicules her is alpha.

Agreeing and amplifying in a way that leaves her in doubt as to whether you are serious, mock serious, or ridiculing her is even more alpha.

Handi says:

So perhaps I’ve mixed my messages. I’ll keep that in mind and rectify it in the future.

Getting seriously upset over her minor mischief would be beta, and allowing her to inject “Handi is angry” into my frame when I don’t feel angry would also be beta. So I scolded her, laughed at her, secured myself a little piece of leverage, overpowered her little wrists when she tried to grab it back, and overtly verbally denied her attempts at reframing me.

But your wisdom overfloweth, it would have been even better to overtly cede frame control while implicitly retaining it, thus despairing her that she even has a possible victory condition over the frame.

The complication I did not plan for, but should have expected, and will now plan for, is that everyone else immediately started ostracizing me like a violent offender. I didn’t expect it to get so tense so quickly, so I may have gone too far in deescalating the oppositional frame.

My original error there is in the social context itself, i.e. not having a gang of real men at my side, but that’s a work in progress. Easier to go out with a group of pussies and libtards than to go out alone, in my opinion. What I lost in having to walk away from the group at the end of the night, I also gained by favorable comparison against the group.

The other thing I just now remembered was that she told me at one point she would give mine back to me, “but not tonight”. Which definitely meant “fuck me tonight” and I failed that one by not coming up with a smooth way to close it up.

But I presume ultimate strategic victory based on the sole fact that I pissed everyone off and refused to give in.

jim says:

> is that everyone else immediately started ostracizing me like a violent offender

The white knight problem – that males back the female in the hope of getting pussy points. They do not get pussy points, white knighting is beta. This hope for pussy points is a result of males projecting male behavior onto women, and massive misinformation in the media.

In reality women do not appreciate being rescued, even if they are actual physical danger and you are demonstrating manliness, courage, and the capacity for violence in the rescue. I speak from experience.

In the pre modern paintings of Perseus rescuing the naked and chained Andromeda from the dragon, and of the battle between Perseus and Pineas, Andromeda gives no indication of whether she would prefer Perseus, Pineas, or the dragon. Presumably she would prefer either Pineas or Perseus to the dragon, but there is no sign of gratitude to Perseus, and that is reality. Even the best of women will not appreciate being rescued.

The white knight problem can be dealt with by holding frame – treating the potential and actual white knights as irrelevant and insignificant. You should not even notice whether they are treating you as a violent offender unless they forcibly lay hands on you, and if you don’t expect them to do anything physical, they will read your expectations and refrain from doing so. Of course, it helps if you are a little bit scary, the kind of person it might not be a good idea to lay hands on unexpectedly.

zero says:

I’ll add my own limited experience in hopes that it helps, my friends and I don’t go cruising but when we are in a social gathering we stick together so we are the majority of the group, never had any white nights or boy who called wife beater get huffy when one of us checks a girl, also a great way to get with the shy girl if you can tell the slut hitting on you to her face she’s annoying and should leave. most guys seem to forget quickly that any faux pas happened when they look around and the other men are not interested. shy girl is best girl

Aidan says:

She stole something from you? Begging to be raped, almost consciously. If a girl steals something like that, you tell her you have a problem with her, so come outside/into room, and then when you are alone, punish her for the theft by fucking her or make her choke on your cock.

“Omg are you mad at me?”

“Yeah I’m fuckin mad at you. (completely calm) Get out here, we gotta settle up”

Adam says:

What is the game plan for flirting with shy girls? There are a couple of attractive but shy girls on the periphery of my social circle that look like good possibilities, but they both freeze up around me where a normal or outgoing girl will be flirty, even so much as to avoid eye contact with me. I’ve kept my interaction with them brief so far (but friendly). How do you break the ice with a nervous girl?

jim says:

I suspect you are projecting male impulses on females. When a girl flirts with a man, it is sexy. When a man flirts with a girl, not equivalent. If a girl is shy, you give her a non sexual excuse for socially isolating with you.

Adam says:

Non-sexual like go for a drive or go get some coffee? Like more of a daddy/daughter type thing?

jim says:

Sounds like good moves. You don’t have to indicate sexual interest because all women assume all men are sexually interested in all women all the time. On the other hand, indicating willingness to do something about it is sexy. You ask her to go get some coffee, she will hear -“coffee at my place right beside my bed”, you ask her to go for a drive, she will hear “to lovers lane, where I will bang you like a drum”.

The Cominator says:

The basic guage of whether a normie chick likes you is her willingness to spend time around you that she doesn’t absolutely have to. There are rare exceptions (ie the chick can’t stop fantasizing about you but avoids you because the rational part of her brain finds you unsuitable or you being around is part of some kind of social scheme to make a guy she does like jealous or something) but that is the general rule.

zero says:

I hate the jealous play, it is always obvious that she’s looking to dump her mate or force him to “step up” and they get clingy with you and won’t fuck off. never experienced the preselection play when she’s trying to catch another guys eye so not sure if that is more tolerable. let’s you and him fight ruins hanging out with guys that don’t have their woman locked down.

SJ says:

No game plan. Just flirt with them which means be sexual immediately, illicit a shit test so you can pass it, and isolate them for fun times. If they don’t respond to the sexy fun banter with a shit test but rather ignore it or do something pathetic like start crying then never speak to them again.

Fidelis says:

How much last minute resistance are you willing to push through, hypothetically I guess.

I can easily overpower any girl that is in my space, I have trouble determining how much power should be necessary in the dance. If a girl agrees to come to my house, should I take that as implicit desire for me to overcome any and all resistance that follows? No matter how much physical “no really we shouldn’t…”? Hypothetically speaking only, in real life I always make sure any girl I pursue signs a consent contract, before we put on consent plastic suits and I ask her if she consents to hand holding.

SJ says:

Push, when she resists leave the situation briefly, giving her opportunity to exit, then return and push more. Say get up and go to the kitchen to get a drink, or go to the bathroom, etc. Continue doing so. By the third attempt if she hasn’t left and is not audibly saying no I start pushing much harder. If she pushes back hard, tell her to leave.

Fidelis says:

Hm, I did this, and I didn’t have to tell her. She left on her own. I did what I could physically to make it known she should stay, but beyond fully overpowering her it wasnt going to happen. Suspect it was psychological slut defense, since it was a first date, just making sure in this hypothetical situation I shouldnt just consider “well you entered my domain so consequences are implicitly conceeded to” and ignore physical struggle beyond biting and kicking. Which I condemn, no one should ever do this without safety words and verbal consent at every stage.

SJ says:

I did game as a numbers game. Meeting more women and constantly meeting new women are essential this way. One upside is you can build abundance more easily. I’d say the best antidote to LMR is truly having abundance. If one girl won’t put out and you can honestly just replace her with a phone call you don’t have to try to act any certain way, you’ll naturally act that way because it’s true. As far as instructing guys on what to do? I’ve never pushed through anything firm, just like I’m trying to put my hands down her pants and she’s slapping my hands away. If she says no then leave for a moment and come back to try again as above. Trying a different tactic, like going for the boobs, or some dry humping at first, is a good plan as well.

I’ve asked women what they were thinking when they were doing their LMR prior. They usually say they aren’t aware of it and that they just feel very nervous. It’s some kind of inbuilt instinct they have.

Fidelis says:

You have more skill than me but I am playing the same strategy. The number of women I can hold back the bile at the thought of wifing is very low, so you by necessity have to keep rolling the dice. May we win so that my sons never have to face this, and my daughts never be abused by neglect.

SJ says:

here, here

Redbible says:

This is a comment by Jim that sort of covers what your asking:

Another thing I recall someone saying is when she puts up some resistance to a particular “thing” you switch to a different thing, but it needs to seem like you switched because you want/choose to, and not because she resisted.

I know that women enjoy a man “getting so lost in passion he can’t stop”, so it might be possible to utilize acting that way at a certain point, even if she is resisting or saying “no”.

Not sure if this helps, I don’t personally have enough experience in this area yet.

Adam says:

If I am horizontal I don’t ever get up but I will stop and hold her tight for a minute or two and then resume. It’s kind of a control thing I think. One of the single best pieces of game advice I ever got was keep the girl on edge, the way you teeter back and forth on a chair. Sitting the chair down is boring and falling backwards is terrifying, so just keep tilting it back and forth.

If you get a girl horizontal but she just won’t let go of control, she will the next night. That has been my experience anyway.

alf says:

ha, good ol’ LMR.

One time I must’ve spend an hour with a girl going back and forth. Got to boob base, might’ve even gotten a finger in her panties, can’t remember. Didn’t get to go all the way. Thought I blew it. Then, a week later, like around midnight, she sends me a booty call message. I was very sad that I was not in town at the time. Never saw her after that.

Aidan says:

Most men take their freezing up as rejection. It’s just nervousness- internally, all those girls are happy to have a man talking to them. So just talk to them. Every shy girl can have a conversation with her father or brothers. Talk to her, breeze through her one word answers and so on until she is comfortable talking back. Consider the silence a shit test that the titanic majority of men fail or don’t bother passing. The prerequisite for gaming a girl like this is 5-10 minutes of social, but not physical, isolation to get her out of her shell.

Doom says:

The best way IMO is to be in situations where she can observe you safely. Group activities.

You’ll have to watch her for indicators of her interest but make sure never to make it known she is being observed. When you see that she has admired you, the ice is broken by having a discussion about the group. But, again you can’t show that you’re interested in HER opinion because it’s her, but because shes a part of the group and you’re just being polite.

In my experience with shy girls they tend to form the opinion that you are aggressive and therefore not a good pick if you try to have a personal conversation with them before they are ready to have a connection with you.

jim says:

> but make sure never to make it known she is being observed.

Women assume you are always observing them. You should manifestly not care whether she knows it or not. And in any case, she is going to know it. Just as man can accurately assess female fertility at a glance at thirty paces, women can accurately assess male observation. And if in doubt, will assume it.

Observing carefully while cautiously remaining at a distance is extremely beta, and pisses women off no end, because women just loath having betas around them. If you are watching for indications of interest roll up and check her out from head to toe as if carefully evaluating indications of fertility, and are considering tossing her over your shoulders and carrying her off your lair. Which you probably are.

You can intrude on a woman’s space in ways that would piss off a man. She will probably not be pissed off, and if pissed off, will rather enjoy being pissed off. But if you intrude on a woman’s space and then act as if she is not there, that will piss her off for real. (Because she will assume she is being hit on, but you are too beta to follow through.)

The Cominator says:

Not good with women but trying not to be noticed too much comes across as cowardly and shy and women don’t like that.

Being objectified as a bad thing is a psyop played on modern women to put their social instincts and their sexual instincts at variance with each other. Absent feminist conditioning girls naturally feel good about being “objectified”. In a state of nature its the girls owner who is to limit you “objectifing” her and the more you do it the more they like you. Feminist conditioning fucks this up.

Doom says:

>You should manifestly not care whether she knows it or not.

I meant, eg, if you catch her admiring, don’t wink. Not until personal rapport is built.

People are shy for a reason, it’s impossible to know what that reason is without knowing them, just err on the side of caution is all I mean.

jim says:

> just err on the side of caution is all I mean.

Faint heart never won fair lady. Assume success.

You only get charged with workplace sexual harassment for failing shit tests.

Kunning Drueger says:

Lots of good responses here, I’ll just throw something in that’s worked for me, but might not be the best strategy because I’ve always been super aggressive with getting my way or making things happen. Now, you need to have some kind of shared interest or context, but saying “hey we’re doing this thing, you’re going to love it” is one way to sweep modernity tainted dames off their socio-emotional feet. A lot of good can be attained through isolating her and becoming her attentive world, but personally I prefer going the Group Activity route, then going for isolation during or after. This isn’t for everybody, but going on a hike/excursion that’s just over the fuzzy line of Quite Challenging is one way to get her hot and bothered, literally, and you can physio-neg by carrying her bag for a bit or sharing water or telling a story about a time you were weak “too” before you became the stud she’ll be sheltering with later 🙂 . Be cautious here; don’t ever get yourself into a situation you can’t handle. If you’re not physically capable, no amount of bluster or posturing will make you look alph as you struggle to breath or vomit from exhaustion on a foray you planned.

Maybe not the best advice for shy girls. TBH, never really into shy girls, though I’ve had a few, and most successful method for me was “you are going to do this thing, you’ll like it” or just taking the reins completely. But I’ve also made an absolute fool of myself by being over confident. One wildly embarrassing anecdote: beach trip when I was 12yo, convinced this 16yo I was 15, feeling like an absolute Chadley Pussybreaker, then got outed by my friends 17yo brother in front of a whole crowd of strangers (and her). In retrospect, I was the fucking alpha, pulling that shit off, but almost only counts in hand grenades, horse shoes, and federal elections.

Don’t “be yourself,” but definitely think ahead if you attempt to pull off a feat or concoct some event.

Adam says:

Thanks for the advice guys. So I talked to one of the shy girls tonight as everyone was leaving (the only time where people socialize). She answered a few questions and kind of got quiet and left as a friend came and got her. I don’t know how old she is, probably early 20s and I’m early 40s. Very average looking but fit. Didn’t get a chance to sexualize anything it was all of a three minute conversation but she was comfortable talking to me at least at first. Not at all what I am used to. The really pretty girls and the older women I know are much more confident and very flirty. No real potential for wife material though.

jim says:

If shy, good chance she has not been banged by anyone more alpha than you. If you can compete, wife material.

Rux says:

Non sequitur game (hat tip Heartiste) works well on the quiet ones. Slight absurdities delivered in a deadpan manner i.e. ‘My brother married a mail order bride, he actually did it.. her resume said she could cook.. I know he was really hungry’. Let her silences between speaking wash over you.

Otherwise horses. A love for equestrianism seems a common thread with the shy and bashful and fibbing your way through the technicalities of riding isn’t so difficult. Horse shows are great places for meeting decent girls. Discipline, dedication, a love for something other than oneself, even if it’s just an animal, stable fees (well funded parents), decorum etc. You just have to be more alpha than their horse, and some times the trainer.

Unrelated to shy but of note is a friend of mine who’s an eternally aging hippie, carpenter by trade, who has a dozen kids, most from different women half his age, most of whom he never sees. He started picking up girls in the 80’s on grateful dead lot, beautiful girls but basket cases, many from good homes who spent their summers giving Dad the finger. He had a simple approach which sounds too good to be true but it actually works. After a couple minutes of inane banter about the band or common friends or some tweaked bozo he’d say ‘So do you like sex?’ which either elicited a smile, an expression of unbelief or general shock. If the latter he’d shurg and walk away and say ‘Oh, I guess you don’t like sex’ to which the response was
‘Wait what? oh so you do like sex..’ And from there any defense on the girls end collapses. As simple as it sounds it does work. Naturally this guy has frame but had no idea what frame was. If I talked to him about Heartiste theory or advice found here he’d tell me to get off the internet. I learned more from him than anything from my pops and sure he’s an asshole and once drinking absolutely intolerable but he’s got a nice progeny. He hangs out at wanderlust festivals, at times solo, just to pull chicks and nothing below a 6 or 7, at the age of 55. He’s this weird deadbeat superman with dreads who looks like Kramer and girls just flock.

SJ says:

Direct works. You just have to find a girl while she is horny, which she will be unaware of until you elicit the response. After getting my confidence up and getting some same day bangs I started being very very direct. For example when I met my wife I asked her what her favorite movie was, she said something, and I said oh that’s really interesting we should have sex. Two hours later we were in a motel room banging.

Since you just have to find a girl who is horny, it’s just a numbers game. All the best slut fckers I’ve known were very direct this way and just used the numbers game. Then pass the shit tests you’ll get and you’re good.

Also things like child support? Women use child support to punish the man who has failed shit tests and failed to control her when she needed to be controlled. If you are a slut fker she will not want child support and you can even use this to get an ex to drop the child support. I did so with my ex wife, going from painful child support to her agreeing to the state minimum all from acting like a sex obsessed fun happy asshole. Child support does nothing to stop slut fkers, more beta male delusion.

Adam says:

Can confirm on the child support thing. I pay minimum. She still has my last name. Not once has she brought another man around my kids.

I still consistently ridicule her for going to a faggot church and being supported by faggot white knighting orbiters. She knows I’m right. Some of them have spent a great deal of time emotionally supporting her while she recovers from her abusive ex husband. Of course she tells me this stuff after we bang.

I never really knew my wife (and women) fully until after we divorced. I never knew the extent they string along and completely disregard betas.

Rux says:

Yessir, direct, while seemingly contrary to ones intuition, saves on so much bs and self doubt. Be out with it and done. Tinkering on the edges sucks and there’s little payoff.

If I mentioned child support to that fella I referred to he’d be laughing for hours. It’s possible we could no longer be friends.

Cloudswrest says:

Memory holed video.

Anybody remember the helicopter footage of Anne Heche bursting out of the zipped up bodybag? I do.


Mister Grumpus says:

That ain’t no Anne Heche that’s a dude, dude. Now change my mind.

Javier says:

Super weird. at the hospital for latest kid. last times we were here it was packed, pregnant women in, kids out, grandparents and family everywhere, etc.

Today? empty. we are the only ones here, and this is a suburb of a major city. I asked and they said the last birth was five days ago, severely underweight. what is happening? purely anecdotal but is this what fertility collapse looks like?

someDude says:

Hat Tip: Adam Piggott at pushing rubber downhill.

A hospital is the last place you want to be at now, People are taking their chances with an old fashioned midwife rather than at a hospital


Javier says:

we looked into that too but this hospital removed all covid protocols. I’d rather have a doc on hand in case of excessive tearing or problems though my wife is a pro by now. no cutting or shots either. chatting with nurses some more they mentioned “practically all babies are underweight these days.” creepy.

SJ says:

With all my legitimate children we used midwives but it’s a group that operates inside a local hospital, just in case. Never needed the hospital through six children and I will say the midwives have been absolutely fantastic. Labor and delivery is a very calm and nice experience, great bedside manor, and the children never left my site at all from beginning to leaving the hospital. Every single thing done to my children, they first asked me, and when I said no their was no argument. I highly recommend midwifery for childbirth.

somedude says:

A man is judged by the company it keeps. Now that the medical profession and hospitals have lost their reputation, even the good doctors and good hospitals are tainted by association.

People have gone from implicitly trusting all doctors and all hospitals to implicitly distrusting all doctors and all hospitals. It will take some time for them to distinguish between good and bad

Dr. Faust says:

Banks imploding right now. Fed money machine go brrrr. Get into btc before the dumb money pumps it.

Kunning Druegger says:

One of Jim’s “earlier” axioms that I initially disagreed with but have since come to believe in (though we are still waiting for more data points, affirmational and/or exceptional) is:

Countries with gay pride parades can’t win wars.

We can clarify this to say that state governments that accept, welcome, allow, facilitate, or force pride parades all nest within the “Countries…parades” component. Call this Component A.

The “can’t win wars” component can also be clarified, indeed it must be because of the confusing and ambiguous nature of current era geopolitics. Armies that fail to reach strategic goals, governments that collapse before the conclusion of a war, goal posts being shifted to hide or mitigate failures, losses so high as to reduce the status of the country a whole classification bracket (from Great to Major, Major to Minor, Minor to Lesser, etc.), countries that get bogged down in a quagmire, armies that get bogged down in a frozen stalemate, all fit within this component. Call this Component B.

To substantiate this axiom, we need to clarify when a country under consideration is within the bounds of Component A. We then need to establish where and when Component B is “proven.” Both are moving targets.

When the US initiated the Global War On Terror, was it CompA? Normiecon perspective says No, that became accurate in ~2012, but the Jimian Perspective is less obvious. Hardcore take is that USG has been pro-Gay since the 1990s if we look at the personal opinions of the bureaucratic oligarchy, and it could go back even further. But probably safe to say America became CompA in 2008. For CompB, we have good evidence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Jury is out on Ukraine, but we can all see the writing on the wall, we just can’t make out if the sentence ends in a period, exclamation point, question mark… or ellipsis.

One envisions some sort of equation that could be applied based on a database that will give CompA inclusion, and a separate one for CompB. I think there might be enough data in existence to substantiate the axiom using USA, Israel, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and maybe a few others. Obviously, this is academic work that either cannot get done or will not be done. But it definitely has an appeal, a way to systematically demonstrate the geopolitical impact of peak progressivism using Jim’s axiom.

anonymous mouse says:

It’s not an “axiom”. Gay pride parades are just a proxy for social progressivism. Social progressivism causes military and economic decline. Ergo countries with gay pride parades (tend to) lose wars against countries without gay pride parades, all other things being equal.

Not rocket science.

The Cominator says:

Gay pride parades are a holy day and a holy procession for the globohomo religion. Its deliberately a satanic inversion of Christianity since Pride is the ultimate root of all sin and homosexuality is the abomination of Sodom and Gommoroh which ruins all societies where it becomes widespread (maybe not Japan since it was semi tolerated there and didn’t seem to undermine their society).

jim says:

Imperial Japan, Japan after opening up to the West, but before being conquered by America, was unambiguously, officially, and explicitly hostile to homosexuality, and the claim that Japan tolerated homosexuality before it opened up to west smells of the same radical rewrite of history as presenting David and Jonathan as gay lovers. It was possible to celebrate love between men, because very bad things happened to sodomites.

Before opening up to the west, homosexuals did not exist (as far as anyone admitted to knowing). After they opened up to the west, they read in western books that homosexuals existed, and immediately said “No”.

The purported evidence that homosexuality was tolerated in preopening Japan is evidence that love and friendship between males was accepted and often celebrated. Which only happens in societies where gay is thoroughly suppressed. Gays are markedly lacking in love and friendship, always betraying and being betrayed. The distinctive characteristic of gays is shamelessness, they hit on everything human shaped that has no boobs. And we see absolutely no evidence of that in preopening Japan, which suggests that disturbing the pretense that gays did not exist was apt to be fatal.

If homosexuality was semi tolerated in pre-contact Japan we would see evidence of men advertising that their asses were available, not evidence that love between men was celebrated. The evidence that love between men was celebrated is evidence that gays were suppressed very thoroughly, not evidence that gay was tolerated.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s a video that delves into the history of homosexuality. It touches on Japan IIRC.

Pax Imperialis says:

Embedding links in comments do not work here. Probably for good reason. Please give full link plus time stamp. Am curious but not so curious to watch through what is likely a hour long documentary of faggotry.

Kunning Druegger says:
Jehu says:

Can anyone think of a counterexample? As in something that people in the 1800s would say, yeah, that’s a war that was won by a side that had done a gay pride parade against one that hadn’t?

Closest I can think of was Desert Storm part 1, but you could argue that the US hadn’t fully metastasized yet. I don’t think present day US could have beaten Saddam.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The thing is Desert Storm 1 and its sequel 10 years later were a push. USG went in and broke a lot of stuff, but in either case failed to actually conquer in the end.

Liberal polities are good at making chaos, bad at making order. So peace can never actually come. Victory for such is like Zeno’s paradox – no matter how close it seems to get, there is always some last stretch of measure it can’t cross.

Pax Imperialis says:


Failure to utilize massacre and other similar tactics leads to failed occupations. This isn’t a result of gay parades. It’s a result of progressivism, but progressivism also leads to gay parades to such a degree that they map onto each other. Jim is using a proxy, gay parades, for progressivism. Not wrong as a heuristic, but is wrong from an austic exactly “well ackshually” position.

American military failures due to progressivism have been as old as Vietnam. I do not know of any gay parades in the 1970s… “well ackshually” I’m wrong and Jim right. I looked up the earliest American gay parade after claiming none in the 70s and found 1969 to be the first year, so Vietnam war era. A war that America did not win (like Korea) but also definitively lost with the fall of South Vietnam (unlike Korea).

I still believe Jim to be wrong, assuming that the stated position is his position, because it is mixing a proxy with the underlining cause. But I’m also being autistic about this and maybe a tad bit rude. Many proxies might as well be conflated with their underlining causes because they are more or less indistinguishable, but the fraction of Western blood in me demands Goethe’s Faustian philosophy of the primacy of infinitesimal yet infinite philosophical absolute reasoning.

Pax Imperialis says:

>A war that America did not win (like Korea)

Ok, I’m being a degenerate and drinking on the weekdays. Mistyped/worded this. Mean a “victory” that America did not clearly lose (a pyrrhic stalemate) rather than definitively lost like Vietnam.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The observation that Whigs can’t rule other countries raises the obvious question of, how do they rule at home.

The answer in short is, ‘cuckservatives do it for them’.

Cuckservative classes do the main job of establishing order, creating value, and keeping the wheels turning. They are the troubleshooters of whig dominion, frustrating the whig’s attempts to try instantiating Total Whiggism Now, which preemption in turn justifies the whig’s continued existence, creating a ‘virtuous’ cycle which underpins the matter of gnosticized polities. Such as they are.

The whig arranges righteous indignation over the guarantor of its preeminence, a dynamic which is breathtaking in its sheer mendacity. Whiggism in due course is used to make sure the presently regnant underlords are always higher status than the cuckservative house niggers, the tactically selective application of such universally solvent cogitohazards to destroy any who get too uppity.

Places where the whig empire has conquered, europe most notably, are all places where large numbers of native cuckservatives were willing to be party to the whiggish treason. Where the whig empire fails, are all places where the native men of substance are all either unwilling or non-existent. Therefore, in any case, whig ‘policy’ is thrown at the wall of Being in full credulousness, uncontaminated by any unprincipled exceptions, and untrammeled by any ‘compromise’ with the Wreckers – with all the inevitable results that entails.

For all its pretenses at atemporal transcendence of Nature or Nature’s God, the whig imperium is strikingly parochial in its effective racial composition – as is ever the case. It is something that is adapted to proliferating in an environment of hajnal europoids, and the further away you move from this, the more it falls flat.

jim says:

> Jim is using a proxy, gay parades, for progressivism

Not entirely. Gay pride is an attack on Christianity and on masculinity and on male cohesion. Progressives, obviously, can win wars. That is how they created the Global American empire.

Cannot win them with this kind of progressivism. Can’t win them without masculinity and male cohesion.

Pax Imperialis says:

Progressivism is inherently an attack on the natural order and therefore an attack on Christianity and masculinty and male cohesion. Its egalitarianism attacks the natural hierarchy be it in wealth, intelligence, relationships, or a myriad of other inequalities. It destroyed the cohesion between man and woman; after which, they set upon destroying cohesion between men. Gay parades are just further progression into destruction.

Prior to WW2, Progressives were flirting with gay rights in the 1920s. Had the led up to WW2 not served as a clarifying moment putting a pause to progressivism, would have likely had gay pride parades in the 30s and a radically different world.

Progressives did not win the war that made GAE possible. The war was won by men like General Patton and General Zhukov (a close friend of Eisenhower). Men who either ended up suspiciously dead soon after or faded into obscurity. Their service no longer required.

jim says:

When Hitler was elected, someone said “Emasculating men is a very bad idea”, and first wave feminism softly and silently vanished away.

Today, Bolton, urging war with Russia and China simultaneously, said that hollowing out American industrial capacity is a very bad idea. But neglected to mention ESG and Shaniqua getting appointed tech lead, and neglected to say that emasculating men is a very bad idea.

The Cominator says:

Zhukov didn’t fade into obscurity in the Soviet Union he was raised to the Politburo and unfortunately he was kind of the crucial man who prevented Beria from taking over.

Kunning Druegger says:

Until someone provides evidence that defeats it, “Countries with gay pride parades can’t win wars” stands.

Here’s the breakdown for interpreting the axiom:

Countries – states, governments, voluntary associations of a people based on ethnicity, race, identity, geography.

With Gay Pride Parades – accepting, allowing, facilitating, or forcing a normalization, acceptance, or preference for public degeneracy at or beyond the marker of sodomy in terms of implicit or explicit sexual activity.

Can’t Win Wars – Unable or unwilling to commit to a course of action, carry out activities, operations, or campaigns, or instantiate the needed social formulations for winning, ending, or succeeding at contests of a martial character or take and hold territory previously outside their control.

So, conceivably, an interlocutor can take any of the three parts above and concatenate them to create the premise, then attempt to refute it.

“States allowing public degeneracy can’t commit to a course of action that results in success in a martial contest.”

“Governments that facilitate normalization of implicit sodomy cannot campaign successfully for control of foreign territory.”

On the specificity of pride parades: these abominations are more than just a “result of progressivism” as stated by Mouse and Pax. Equivocating is a tool for propaganda and it does have its uses. As well, the slippery slope exists and isn’t a fallacy. So things lead to other things of like yet magnified kind, making the magnified thing contingent in some sense. But, to torture the metaphor, one could take a flying leap down the slope and skip certain points along the way (many GAE vassals have done this, are doing this, like in the Baltics currently). One could also pause on the slope much easier at certain points just as one could find it impossible to do this further down.

Pride parades are a somewhat unique occurrence. I’m struggling to think of anything else that compares, though a processional towards the pyramid where a people sacrifice their children might work. Yes, these occur as a result of progressive domination of society, rather of the elites, but they denote a certain threshold having been crossed. This, if I may be so bold, is what Jim noticed and expounded on, that the pride parades indicated the breaching of a particular threshold that denied a society certain options and opportunities it previously may have had. Another way to frame it is that when sodomites feel bold enough to march in the street, the males of a society have lost the ability to cohere and coordinate effectively, be it in support of the status quo, or against it, or even separate from it.

If it isn’t axiomatic, then someone should be able to refute the premise.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Ishtar (Astarte/Ashtoreth/Venus/Inanna), the Babylonian goddess of love, pictured above. She was the goddess of sacred prostitution, of transgression, and the blurring of boundaries. Did you know that she was also the goddess of gender fluidity?
>Molech, the god to whom people in the Ancient Near East sacrificed children. They sacrificed these children for the sake of achieving blessing, including prosperity, from the god. Cahn correctly links this to abortion, and to Ishtar’s rites — that is, unwanted children conceived by Ishtar-worshippers could be offered to Molech. It is no accident, says the pastor, that Planned Parenthood is not only the go-to place for abortions, but also the go-to place to get cross-sex hormones to change your sex — which, of course, renders you infertile. It’s all a death cult.
>Cahn quotes a Hittite hymn to the goddess describing her as the one who will “…grind away from men manliness.” There was a prayer to her praising her power to emasculate and feminize men
>Cahn says, sensibly, that if Ishtar worship came to America, we would expect to see the feminization of males and the masculinization of females, and overall gender confusion. Well… .
What’s more, her ritual followers — priests and others — engaged in public acts of androgyny, to show their devotion. Drag culture, Pride parades, and so forth, are exactly that, in Cahn’s view. She was a goddess of inversion.
>According to an ancient Sumerian document, the demons who accompany Inanna/Ishtar when she arises out of the underworld
> tear away the wife from a man’s embrace. They snatch the son from a man’s knee. They make the bride leave the house of her father-in-law. … They take the wife away from a man’s embrace.
>Enhuedanna, high priestess of the moon in the Sumerian city of Ur, hymned Inanna/Ishtar like this:
> To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna. To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna.
>Tammuz was the lover of Ishtar. The month of Tammuz (which still exists in the Hebrew calendar) marks the month of the separation of Tammuz and Ishtar, which Cahn interprets as symbolizing the tearing away of men and women from each other. He points out that the Stonewall Riots, which marked the advent of the gay rights movement, occurred on the 10th of Tammuz, which in Babylon was the date on which it was considered ritually correct to cast spells to make men love men.
>That’s right: the modern gay rights movement began on this anniversary. And, as Cahn points out, the three Supreme Court decisions most important to the gay rights movement — Lawrence (2003), which decriminalized homosexuality across the board; Windsor (2013), which struck down the Defense of Marriage Act; and Obergefell (2015), which legalized same-sex marriage — all came on June 26. Moreover, Tammuz, which doesn’t always coincide with our calendar, as it is a lunar calendar, nevertheless most of the time falls in the month of June — which has become the High Holy Month of Pride.


SJ says:

I figure they want to come out and start being openly trans. I do find it strange that two obvious trannies like matt Walsh, FtM, and megyhn Kelly, mtf, are who we are presented with as leaders against the Ishtar tranny cult. They have their trannies up everywhere in every store you go to already but I think they don’t want everyone to point deer and make horse anymore, I think they want everyone to point at the deer and say that I know that’s a deer in a horse costume, but it really is a horse now because it believes it to be so.

The Cominator says:

If trannyism is some demon Ishtar worship this ties in with the Jesuit theory as the Catholic Church worships Ishtar/Isis under the guise of Mary.

SJ says:

What’s the Jesuit theory? Are they worshipping Ishtar while taking over the Catholic Church? Would explain all their baphomet garbage.

jim says:
SJ says:

thank you

The Cominator says:

I’m surprised you haven’t seen it I’m a bit obsessed with it (I admit it) the way wignats are obsessed with jews.

Once I became 95% convinced (its 98% now I found new evidence I didn’t know about, he was pictured with Mother Theresa) Fauci was a Jesuit the rest fell into place.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Matt Walsh is a FtM
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

anonymous mouse says:

He’s probably one of those schizos who think that all celebrities are secretly trannies. Which is a real thing, look it up.

Pax Imperialis says:

In the early 2010s it was fairly popular among kids to jokingly say various celebrities were trannies. Lady Gaga was a particularly favorite target of such jokes. But back then “tranny” was still considered an acceptable name to call someone unlike “faggot” which as definitely considered hate speech. It was an acceptable way to denote low status. The people saying that in the past were not schizos in the same way the people accusing various straight people of being fags were not schizo. It was their way of calling out people for their abnormal behavior not tied to the actual meaning of the word.

What I think is going on is a bit of psychological whiplash from going from calling someone a tranny being acceptable to being unacceptable in half a generation. With all of the sudden pressure to never call anyone a tranny, and clear evidence that some are actual trannies (those story time events) who one must use certain pronouns, the monkey brain starts conspiratorially believing that they are all trannies.

The Cominator says:

Tranny and faggot were both severe insults…

Pax Imperialis says:

Yes, I’m pointing out that in the early 2010s a kid could insult someone as a tranny and get away with it both socially and in the schools. Calling someone a faggot would likely result in disciplinary action.

The pace of change from which it was unacceptable to use the term tranny happened within years whereas faggot took more than several decades.

Adam says:

Certainly in the mid-late 90s you could still loudly and openly call a faggot a faggot in school, and to some extent beat them up. The last 25 years is almost hard to comprehend, even having lived through it.

jim says:

If you lived through the seventies, what has happened to the relation between men and women is similarly shocking, horrific, and barely comprehensible.

Adam says:

I can remember as a kid my mom would shit test my dad, and he would say something in return, usually funny but with a full serving of “know your place, woman”. She would have a laugh, he would have a laugh, and every adult in the room would have a big laugh.

Today those words are misogyny, and could get your children taken from you.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

Enemy shills call everyone a tranny, just as they call Putin a Jew, Musk a Jew, and so on and so forth.

Your link’s exhibit A is Megyn Kelly, who was registered female at birth and went to junior schools as a female. Anyone can tell a fake in a few moments, listening to them speak and watching them move. But still photos can be ambiguous, and there are a lot of convincing still photos around of people we know to be fake, and a lot of somewhat ambiguous still photos around of people we know to be real. In stills, Megyn Kelly can be a bit ambiguous, but she just has to open her mouth and gesture for it to be instantly obvious she is a woman, born a woman.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that a bunch of obvious shills are speaking the forbidden truth*]

anonymous mouse says:

Anonymous Fake has been shitposting here for years. Safe to say he’s probably not a shill. Just a mentally ill loner.

jim, why don’t you just block his ip and/or email?

jim says:

He is an obvious paid shill. A mentally ill loner would have been able to say various things that would result in his stuff getting through. He knows what I allow through, and what he cannot say reveals how the shiling operation is organized. I keep him around because he cannot help leaking information about the operation by what he does say, and what he cannot say.

Thus for example, he continually attempts to post stuff that presupposes that BLM and antifa is a spontaneous grass roots movement reflecting mass support in certain areas, that everyone, including us, thinks that they are a spontaneous mass movement reflecting mass support. He knows this will not get through unless he explicitly and overtly claims and argues that it is a spontaneous grass roots movement reflecting mass support – but he cannot do that because not only forbidden to notice that they are astroturf, but forbidden to notice that anyone thinks they are astroturf. If a mentally ill loner, could hardly avoid noticing that scarcely anyone in America thinks that they are spontaneous mass movement reflecting mass support, that everyone knows perfectly well that they are astroturf. A mentally ill loner who, being insane, believed that BLM and antifa were real, would hardly be able to avoid noticing that his delusions are not widely shared.

A mentally ill loner would argue in the style of a voice in the wilderness, rather than presupposing all manner of lunatic nonsense as the universal unchallengeable and unchallenged consensus. Also, a mentally ill loner would have his own unique idiosyncratic set of absurd delusions, while every single one of Anonymous Fake’s absurd lunatic delusions are universally accepted in the official government media. Even Tucker superficially went through the motions of accepting them, though obviously neither he nor his viewers believed them for a moment.

anonymous mouse says:

But none of his stuff gets through. He’s not influencing anybody. So if he’s a shill, the shill operation is spending money on him, for no gain, while leaking information about how they work. Which would be really, really stupid.

Seems more likely to me that he has impaired theory of mind or something.

jim says:

Some of Anonymous Fake’s stuff gets through, and he knows what does get through. His response to that incentive tells me much.

That very little of his stuff gets through results in a high ratio of information leaked to waters muddied.

> he has impaired theory of mind or something.

By an amazing coincidence, the entire official media and Global American Empire have a similarly impaired theory of mind, as does every other shill. As I said, if a mentally ill loner, would speak as a voice in the wilderness, and would have his own idiosyncratic collection of lunatic delusions. He is the voice of Harvard and the New York Times, and has their collection of lunatic delusions.

Mister Grumpus says:

“…because not only forbidden to notice that [BLM and Antifa] are astroturf, but forbidden to notice that anyone thinks they are astroturf.”

Once again, behold the fascinating power of applied thoughtcrime theory.

I’ve never seen this subject described, let alone explained or demonstrated, anywhere but right here (and maybe also lightly seasoned into a Moldbug screed in days of yore, PBUH).

Mister Grumpus says:

“By an amazing coincidence, the entire official media and Global American Empire have a similarly impaired theory of mind, as does every other shill.”

If you could elaborate a bit on what you mean by that, please.

jim says:

Academia and the state is supposedly a neutral playing field where the left very recently gained supremacy by showing up, by scoring higher marks, and so one and so forth. And no one thinks otherwise.

Election results are indicative of public opinion.

BLM, Antifa, and Drag Queen Story hour are indicative of public opinion. They are spontaneous grass roots movements, and absolute no one doubts they are spontaneous grass roots movements, not even me.

The BBC, New York Times, and the officially unofficial media, are credible and widely believed, and what they say constitutes convincing evidence.

All evil behavior by the regulatory state is the result of elected politicians, and all evil behavior by elected politicians is the result of evil capitalist influence.

The reason that men today have trouble getting their dicks wet is because evil capitalists are creaming off all the pussy, and anyone who notices that love is war, love is a battlefield, that every male is getting a whole lot of grief, is obviously a broke loser living in a trailer park.

No one, least of all fleeing whites, suffers any problems from minorities. White flight is entirely irrational.

The blue cities are nice places with nice shopping centers. The nicest. Good neighborhoods are good because of good schools, and schools are good purely for academic reasons, nothing to do with racial makeup.

The blue city megalopoli represent the creation of wealth.

I don’t think he has posted any stuff on the Awesome might of the Covid Demon, the safety and effectiveness of demon worship, Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change and the wondrous reliability of peer reviewed research under this identity. Though the wondrous reliability of peer reviewed research (aka the officially unofficial state religion) is sort of implied by his presupposition that the Ivy League is the beating heart of intellectual excellence, and everyone thinks that they are. Also everyone believes the officially unofficial press.

anonymous mouse says:

I still don’t see it, jim. With Anonymous Fake, even the posts that do get through are always followed by a rebuttal written by you. He’s not changing anyone’s mind. If he were a shill, his boss would notice that he’s not changing anyone’s mind and order him to create a new shill persona with a new rhetorical approach. Or just fire him and hire a new guy.

I mean, if I were a shill operator I would have more than one shill posting here. Have them respond to each others’ posts to make it look like their ideas are your ideas. Change usernames every couple of months. All these strategies are obvious.

From what Anonymous Fake has posted about himself he seems to be a Cathedralite manqué. So he sincerely believes Harvard/NYT stuff, just in an unhinged autistic mentally ill way. The mental illness prevents him from getting the prestigious job he thinks he deserves. Which would be why he rails against “cheaters” on the comment section of an obscure right-wing blog.

jim says:

> If he were a shill, his boss would notice that he’s not changing anyone’s mind and order him to create a new shill persona with a new rhetorical approach.

He has created no end of new shill personas with new approaches, but none of the approaches get as much stuff through as Anonymous Fake does.

What happens is that the new personality spends some time creating a believable alt right identity without actually committing or noticing any outright thought crimes. (Which is not easy on this blog where the thought crimes fly thick and fast).

And then, comes a payload post casting mud upon the waters. I respond pointing out the payload. Get an unresponsive response that somehow fails to notice that anyone might possibly doubt the payload. Shill test ensues, radio silence follows. Every time we go through this, it reveals the existence of a shill, and thus large numbers of shills.

> the comment section of an obscure right-wing blog.

Somehow I doubt that this blog is all that obscure. Just unmentionable and unthinkable. They have the same problem in dealing with it as they had lobotomizing ChatGPT. Hard to lobotomize ChatGPT without explicitly noticing the thought crimes that the lobotomy addresses, so they outsourced the lobotomy to places far from power, just as they put the bioweapon labs in the Ukraine and Sudan,rather than walking distance from Harvard.

Western Taliban says:

I mean, if I were a shill operator I would have more than one shill posting here. Have them respond to each others’ posts to make it look like their ideas are your ideas. Change usernames every couple of months. All these strategies are obvious.

There is no reason to believe others will behave as you do and think as you do, unless you presuppose they are you, think like you, believe like you and have the same set of circumstances and capabilities.

Do not make the mistake to believe you can discern the world and the motives of others by magical thinking from an ivory tower while disregarding what you can actually see.

It doesn’t matter what you believe, reality is what it is. And it’s a lot more surreal and horrific that you can possible imagine. You’re looking at it and you do not find it believable.

alf says:

A mentally ill loner would argue in the style of a voice in the wilderness, rather than presupposing all manner of lunatic nonsense as the universal unchallengeable and unchallenged consensus.

Very good point. When a supposedly lone voice endlessly pushes the party line over and over, there is only one sane conclusion.

alf says:

But none of his stuff gets through. He’s not influencing anybody. So if he’s a shill, the shill operation is spending money on him, for no gain, while leaking information about how they work. Which would be really, really stupid.

I am still hoping for a good insider expose one of these years. If there are as many shills as we expect there to be, there is bound to be one who will write down his experiences.

SJ says:

Sure, let me just go send him an email and ask him to pull his pants down. I suppose I could email him and ask him if he is a tranny. I did so with that Nick Fuentes after I found out his “sister” was MtF. He read the email on air and said, ‘yes, you got me, I am trans. I am a tranny’ and went on with his show. But no amount of evidence can convince the man who has been pointing at a deer and calling it a horse his entire life that said horse is actually a deer, even when the deer says, “yes, I’m a deer”.

jim says:

You, SJ, are as nutty as a flat earther.

Kunning Druegger says:

Jim’s concise comment illustrates my concern over the position: it seems like a memeplex that does more to mitigate unconventional rhetoric than it does to enlighten ignorance.

I don’t think you are an entryist or a bad guy, your writing on Game and dating was top notch. But I just don’t think the beard pattern, the vocal range, and the children of Matt Walsh allow for a comment in passing to suffice as convincing. You don’t have to email him, you just need pictures showing his radical mastectomy scars, or a hot mic recording of his “actual” high pitched voice, or some kind of convincing proof that his kids are not.

When Jim says “All women are like that” or “young girls become highly sexualized at a terrifyingly young age” or “rape doesn’t exist” or “gay pride parades mean lost wars,” people, like myself on every one of these statements, push back. He then establishes veracity with proof and argument. His interlocutor, again me, has to contend with these things, and some kind of state change has to happen. In my case, I have come to realize that all elections are fake & gay, all women are like that, little girls do become sexualized due to biology and evopsych factors, and rape is just a beta failing to take possession. There are exceptions and edge cases in all things, but the evidence shows that Jim was right, and I was wrong, misinformed, or ignorant.

Jim isn’t diminished by my resistance, I am not diminished by reproof, and asking for evidence is not the same as some redditard asking “Source?”

You made an extraordinary claim. Provide some extraordinary evidence, OR say “I have no evidence, I just believe this thing” and I will say “damn mate, you’re a crazy fucker ha ha” and we move on. Lord knows I am not the paragon of sound reasoning and verifiable beliefs.

SJ says:

I have no evidence right now. If I get some time I might look into it but I don’t mind being the crazy sounding guy online I already am IRL.

Kunning Druegger says:

lol same.

Be easy bro. If it came down to signaling support for you or defending Matt Walsh, that trannie doesn’t stand a chance.

zero says:

I think sj is on to something. I don’t buy the trannie cultists everywhere thing but there is a weird pattern in our society. Michael Obama looks like a male ape, plenty of negro women do but there are way more feminine ones out there. jeb bushes wife I remember looking like a troglodyte, Megan Kelly has a bit of masculine feature. that whore that pretended to be Steve jobs looked butch. and Matt Walsh Steven crowder are not the most masculine guys out there. I think diet and lack of acute cortisol spikes and low average cortisol is pushing americas elite person’s towards less masculine physiology and their seems to be enormous pressure for horse faced masculine women to be breaking glass ceilings. could just be the usual spread of features and the pizzagate/sodomite cultists have us spooked and more wary then usual. for certain the us celebrity class has become much less attractive. Trump’s wife was a standout so it may be the elite just have such shit game that with all their money and power they can’t pull hot secretaries and wives. Bill Clinton’s mistake wasn’t fucking an intern it was picking a mid intern to fuck, very low status move that probably gave all the girls ick.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Many voices, speaking ex cathedra and from the peanut gallery, supposed that mid may would be the latest date the NATO Occupied Government would launch its battle of the bulge.

As the days continue to roll by though, the end of this war may end up being the dog that didn’t bark.

Pavlograd was smote by the fist of God several days ago, where providence found a significant concentration of the NOG’s surface to air missile supply in the rail depot, and a Russian ISR-Strike on alert to hit it. The resulting cataclysm has made for an evocative image, with many of those bearing witness, later, through mediums, feeling the effects of the blast on planes of spirit as much as anything else.

As cladistical bluetribesman John Dolan once opined, “I always wondered why no one spoke in favor of nuclear war, but I didn’t say that out loud. You were supposed to be anti-them; even I knew that. Kept it to myself, how beautiful those mushroom clouds were, how right they felt, how deserved.”

The occident heretofore is occupied by deeply unserious people, and more people with more matter are having to think seriously about how Russia is serious. Both parties are thinking about that great magnum opus of alchemical art, the transmutation of solar radiance. The latter, to guarantee the integrity of its sovereignty. The former, as like a woman shittesting God; subconsciously hoping that something, someone, will finally ‘man-up’ and drag them into the hereafter (along with everyone else).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Pax Imperialis says:

>Russia is serious

Russia is not serious. They should have leveled Kyiv and built Putingrad on its radioactive ashes as soon as the initial attack was faltering. It would have promptly and preemptively shut up all those delusions of “Western analysts” talking about military strikes on Russian forces in the event of nuclear weapons use. I admit to being an autist like Cato such that if I were in the Duma I would be beginning and ending every single speech with the Russian equivalent of Kyiv Delenda Est.

Brotherly Kiev was murdered; therefore, no fratricide can be committed by the destruction of Ukraine and Kyiv by Russia. It was clear from early in the conflict Ukraine wanted total war. Russia’s failure to meet total war with unmitigated fire has only served to lengthen the war and kill thousands of young Russian men both civilian and military. It has served to embolden GAE into the false notion that it’s in control, that it can continue to foster war and chaos without consequence, that they are ultimately in the right because they’ve never had tactile experience showing them to be wrong. Or as you pointed out, bluetribe is only thinking in the imaginative.

I always wondered why no one spoke in favor of nuclear war, but I didn’t say that out loud. You were supposed to be anti-them; even I knew that. Kept it to myself, how beautiful those mushroom clouds were, how right they felt, how deserved.

I’ve pointed out many, many times on this blog that Kyiv is the proper spelling. Zelensky and Ukraine murdered Kiev just as he has murdered many in the Donbas and Orthodox Christian communities. Kyiv is fake and gay, but fake and gay rules in Kyiv and Ukraine; therefore, it must be destroyed. Some here still harbor sympathies for the innocents of Kiev. War is great. War is terrible. Innocence does not matter in war. Only victory. But this war never had to happen. All those Ukrainians and Russians never had to die. Ukraine could have been neutral. America could have stopped expanding NATO as promised. America could have chosen to not dick around with color revolutions in Europe. America choose destruction because it does not fear. I grieve over all those pointless deaths and needless destruction because I disagree with pointless pain.

I have been dealing with young American children lately in the education system due to some volunteer work. They do not respect authority because they’ve never had to deal with the consequences of their actions. What would have once resulted in physical punishment and pain in my parent’s era now results in, at best, a stern phone call to parents who don’t care. They are completely detached from the possibility of pain. Not even cognizant that it can happen to others. Instead, they are constantly told that they are right and good with no examples to the contrary. Our “elites” are much like these children. Forever disconnected from the possibility of pain. A mushroom cloud over Kyiv might be the wake up call they severely need.

The Washington elite, a group that claims “global leadership,” is far worse than any sociopath or psychopath. They are children with immense power breaking shit with no idea what they are breaking. Those with sociopathic and psychopathic traits will generally self regulate towards some socially accepted norms. Firefighters, police, soldiers, and many other professions who often score highly on callous/narcissistic/psychopathic traits generally want to act with honor because at the very least their loyalty is their only sense of honor. Loyalty that is born from an understanding of pain. These Washington elites have no concept of pain and therefore no honor.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>>Russia is serious

>Russia is not serious.

We are speaking in a relational sense, of course.

embeveraged commuter says:

Russia started the SMO uncertain about it’s allies, it’s fighting ability, and it’s ability to survive sanctions. You see Russia kicking ass now, but much of it’s strength was put together in the last decade or so.
Putin’s decisions so far have brought much of the world (China and India) to it’s side, revealed NATO’s land forces to be a farce, and dealt a huge blow to the US dollar. All this with relatively little lost by Russia.
Washington can only decline until it’s death now. It can terrorize it’s remaining subjects for a decade or two, but it can’t threaten Russia or it’s allies, except maybe with a limited supply of nukes it lacks the ability to maintain, or possibly even deliver against modern Russian air defense.

You want the people of Russia to instead take on the whole gay empire, face first, on it’s own land, right now. You could argue it would be the most noble thing to do, but you are asking Russians to risk nuclear annihilation to save fat stupid Americans from their own government, while those fat stupid Americans view Russians as subhuman and cheer for their death.

Who says doing what you want would even be a ‘wake up call’ to Washington anyway? As long as the elites have their corrupt fortunes and a supply of young boys to sodomize, what do they care if the peasants die?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why Kyiv? Why not Washington? Shoot the puppeteer, not the puppet; gore the matador, not the cape.

The happiest day of my life will be when everything inside the Beltway becomes a lake of nuclear fire, and moments later at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter welcomes a dozen nuns who day-tripped into the city to pray outside an abortion clinic.

Which is probably going to happen eventually the way things are going. Under a senile placeholder president, decisions in Washington are made by a committee in which anyone who suggests de-escalation is labeled a Russian agent and expelled from the committee.

jim says:

Reagan was highly successful in wearing the Soviet Union out with a multitude of little wars that the US could afford, but the Soviet Union could not. Color revolution inevitably became a reprise of this strategy.

Reagan’s success created a global perception that when the US started one of those little wars, no point in fighting it, so color revolutions were initially won easily.

Two things had changed since Reagan: The political objectives had become more overbearing, intrusive, and oppressive, and the US industrial capacity had hollowed out.

Anon says:

Jim, you might find this crypto project interesting, Anoma:

The first line of the whitepaper:
“Programmable settlement architectures do not enable counterparty discovery and solving, both of which are necessary to build the majority of interactive multi-party applications.”

The project seems to value privacy a lot, their first chain to implement the Anoma architecture, Namada (https://namada.net/) is a “proof-of-stake L1 for interchain asset-agnostic privacy”.

Their architecture uses zk tech extensively, I think in similar ways to what you’ve described.

jim says:

Uses recursive zero knowledge proofs, which is what zk tech has long promised, but which we have only been recently able to accomplish. Last time I checked, I was not able to accomplish it, for the good stuff was still closely held, although there was sufficient information about how it worked to reinvent and recreate it. And subsequently, the good stuff (Plonky2) got open sourced and very similar techs got invented, following in their footsteps.

The blockchain mindspace is full of ten thousand shitcoins. But this new technology changes everything. With this new technology there is room for new blockchains.

Fidelis says:

Not sure you are ever going to get away from the concept of a series of events confirmed through some entropy mining.

How do you determine the latest state in a zkchain? Well your client verifies that all actions were performed according to the given algorithm definition. Great. Now I present to you two chain tips, both have followed all algorithm definitions. Which do you follow? How do you know some long range attack/costless replay hasnt occurred? If you only have a priori information with no entropy, you cannot make this decision.

zk tech is not for new blockchains, but is going to be the layer on top of the blockchain that efficiently wraps up state transfers.

jim says:

Consensus is an an unrelated issue. You solve consensus the same way with or without recursive zero knowledge proofs. In any blockchain with open entry you always need a fair way in one peer rather arbitrarily gets a lot more say than the rest, in bitcoin the one that got lucky mining, and that peer goes with whatever tip it happens to have. In an open entry system you are always going to have several tips on several machines, and you have to sort it out, zero knowledge or no zero knowledge.

You are always going to need a reliable broadcast channel, but with recursive zero knowledge proofs, you can break it up into a tree of reliable broadcast channels each containing a reasonably small number of participants.

Fidelis says:

Unrelated? It’s the sole reason for the existence of blockchains. We are coming to consensus on the current state of the ledger. No consensus, no money.

This lack of entropy is a problem with all existing PoS networks currently. Why are unstaking periods so long? Primarily so that people running validators can keep track of each other. This does not work for a system thst is inherently permissionless and global. You need an entropy source to build the canonical chain if you are not relying entirely on a social consensus to resolve forks. In any situation where there is no real entropy, you are determining leaders through some shared random coin, maybe from pulling bits from block headers, or round robin or whatever else, you can always simulate a new heaviest chain. It’s fake, has no connection to base reality, a closed system, a PoS chain not pegged to a PoW chain is entirely driven by social consensus. You’re reinventing fiat.

Fidelis says:

Recursive zks are great for succinctly proving that state transitions are honest. They are going to be how you scale these things, you bundle all these disparate state transitions into a nice n-bit hash, without having to have the entire state on hand as witness. Providing a total order to these state transition event signatures is the problem we need to solve, and the only way to do that without social consensus is through mining entropy.

So sure. Maybe a new blockchain, but the merkle root of this new blockchain occasionally checkpoints state roots to the reigning PoW chain. We’ll probably have lots of competing sidechains like this, probably passing messages back in forth to each other, potentially nested n-deep, almost none of which have to resolve on the top layer.

This is tech for scaling on top of the existing systems.

jim says:

You are presenting a meaningless fragment of an argument about a topic you did not understand, and confidently asserting that fragment as a decisive argument on another unrelated topic that you understand even less.

You are making an argument against certain complex and specific alternatives to proof of work, not an argument against zero knowledge proofs, or even a valid argument against proof of stake. (Yes, most alternatives to proof of work have been implemented badly, but you don’t understand the arguments because you have absolutely no idea what the legitimate participants, all of whom were vastly more knowledgeable than you, and most of whom were vastly smarter than you, were talking about.)

Not going to discuss this with you because your thinking is incoherent and meaningless.

Fidelis says:

I am fairly sure the incoherence you claim is due to you swiftly skimming without actually digesting the words on the screen. Understandable, you are busy. However a simple ad hominem is not an argument, and merely calling people stupid without at least dropping a single piece of information as to where or why is a waste of energy and a waste of time for any others also reading the conversation. My comments were not schizophrenic word salad, and even if they were…, it should be easy to pick out at least one statement wherein the incoherence can be made apparent.

jim says:

Putting you on moderation.

It is impossible to reply to you, because you are not making any sense. You are echoing fragments of arguments you do not understand in a context unrelated to the original argument. And I doubt you understood the original context either, the original context being proof of stake mechanisms, and still meaningless except as related to a concrete and specific class of proof of stake mechanisms.

Fidelis says:

I’m going to make my case one last time, jim you are free to ignore of course, in fact if you are busy it’s better to focus elsewhere. This is for any lurking readers perhaps interested in context and clarity on what exactly is being argued.

My basic thesis is as follows, zk proofs are not going to lead to new blockchains in any meaningful sense. Zk proofs are going to be applied on top of existing blockchains to solve the problem of needing state witness in order to prove validity of state transition. Furthermore, as a tangent argument as to why zk proofs are not new blockchains, any consensus without a costly source of real-world entropy is inherently subjective. I can only prove this conjecture by contradiction, and so it does not apply to theoretical future algorithms unless I or someone else manages to tighten the bounds.

Quick nonexhaustive definition of the qualities of zks we are discussing around. A zk-s(n/t)ark is an argument consisting of two functions:
– prover: C(x, w) = p where C is the program, x is the public input, w is the private witness and p the proof
– verifier: V(p, x) = { true, false} where given a proof and public input, you can verify that C was computed honestly, without knowledge of the private witness

So, now we can argue that we know a secret key, sk, that can sign for the transfer of ownership of some state bytes that are leaves of some merkle tree, w. So alice wanting to transfer some bytes to bob generates a proof
(sk, leaf preimage pre transition, leaf preimage post transition),
(hash commit leaves pre transition, merkle path, hash commit leaves post transition)
) = p`
and sends this to the public verifier. The verifier checks the proof, and approves the transition to the new state. This is useful enough, it allows us to approve state transitions without global knowledge of the state, just hash commits of the leaves. It becomes more useful when you apply these arguments recursively. Now you have a proof
(list of proofs),
(merkle root pre transition, merkle root post transition)
) = p`
So you can aggregate this collection of state transitions using only the knowledge of the state root and the zk proof functions.

Wonderful. Now the validating nodes dont need to have an unbounded memory of existing pieces of the state, they dont need to know what public keys signed what, they dont need to know who owns what bytes or what exactly changed within the bytes. They can argue that the new state root, which users prove against when transacting with each other, was computed honestly according to a pre defined ruleset.

So, now we have new state roots, but we have a meta problem. We need to know the total order in which these transition actions were applied, in order to resolve disputes as to which state is true and solve the State Machine Replication problem. This is where the consensus comes in. Existing solutions largely fall into two classes, proof of stake, wherein those who decide orderings are those with some weight of “stake”, usually just a number in the ledger saying this public key has this weight of tokens, and after deciding leaders you use some byzantine broadcast algorithm to ensure all the replicants share the decisions of the leaders whom do not give faulty ordering decisions. The other class is proof of work, wherein instead of deciding leaders by stake weight, leaders are chosen upon finding the solution to some computational puzzle requiring lots of entropy.

Okay, so why does it matter which class of algorithms you select from? Well, there is a problem with leader selection based on stake weight. The knowledge of stake weight *is determined by the participants*. So you can simulate, cheaply, an entirely new chain, and present this to any consumer of chain state. This is called a long range attack, the problem is also sometimes referred to as costless replay, and the only way in which you can resolve the correct chain vs an attacking chain, is by keeping a list of active validators you personally trust. Or depending on someone elses list. It is not trustless, in the sense that a quorum of validators can entirely rewrite chain history if they so choose, and there is no way to resolve as to which history is correct. It is consensus driven by social reality, and participation is only allowed through consent of the validators.

For proof of work chains, this problem does not exist. Replays are costly, as they require real-world entropy to generate the leading chain. You dont need a list of validators, you can determine the correct chain tip entirely from the reading of the chain events, because each leader is decided from a preimage that is too costly to simulate. It is consensus driven by real world reality. History can not be arbitrarily rewritten, and participation is entirely open.

In summation, zk proofs allow you to drastically increase both privacy and scalability, because the witness needed to generate honest state transitions compresses into a single merkle root. Zk proofs do not lead to new blockchains, because they do not solve the total ordering problem for SMR. A blockchain desiring the properties of trustlessness and open participation requires a consensus layer driven by entropy mining.

jim says:

Allowing this utter nonsense through is case anyone is in doubt why I am not going to allow any more of it through.

“any consensus without a costly source of real-world entropy is inherently subjective.” And colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

You randomly decorating your text with words that smart people use, but without understanding their meaning.

A charitable interpretation of your words is “proof of work is the only way”. But someone who actually understood what he was saying would not have said it using impressive sounding words with merely tangential relevance, and if that is what you intended to say, and if that was true, it would still be entirely unrelated to the issue of blockchains based on recursive zero knowledge proofs. Also unrelated to the words you used.

Kunning Druegger says:

I have no idea what’s going on here in technical terms, I don’t understand even a fraction of what’s required to make an assessment. But I like Fidelis, I think he contributes, and I hate to see us lose a brother. Jim’s House, Jim’s rules.

I’ve made the mistake of advocating for dumb and evil people here out of an earnest desire to propagate cohesion and build a larger tribe. Because of this, my credibility is low (never mind the retarded predictions and profligate drunkposting and…), but I nonetheless hope this can be settled amicably OR put on ice and left alone for a time.

Jim, does Fidelis have to be on moderation? Can he make a gentleman’s agreement to let this particular sleeping dog lie?

SJ says:

Ok I finally read the words that are lined up in those paragraphs. Reminds me of the gibberish I hear from one of my brothers, a chemist who pretends to do chemistry but whose actual job is to scam more grants from the government. He’s a research chemist for a university. He’s pretty good at getting more grants but everything he says is just word salad. I’m not sure if he’s stupid or if lying to himself that he’s a chemist, when he’s just a scam artist, has caused him to believe his word salad actually means anything. He appears to believe stringing chemistry terms together nonsensically actually has some kind of meaning.

jim says:

The debate, of which Fidelis was presenting fragments, is about what should be called “reliable broadcast channels”, because this has applications beyond blockchains themselves – you implement a protocol, say for the lightning network or for exchanging one crypto currency for another, and at a critical moment, the other guy stops communicating. And you then need to be able to prove that he failed to send, you were not the one ignoring what he sent, that he failed, not you.

In a reliable broadcast channel, if you publish something and it gets included, it gets included in the root hash of a block, thereby proving it was included, and that the intended recipient could receive it, that if he did not receive it, it his fault and his problem, you did not defect from the protocol, he did. When you use a scriptless script, as in the better lightning algorithms, you are using the blockchain not for its original design purpose, but as a reliable broadcast channel. Obviously a blockchain that relies on recursive zero knowledge proofs still needs a reliable broacast channel, on which the hash of the current state of every value is available, but only the parties to the transaction know what was in the transaction. And as the chain gets bigger, a whole lot of stuff is going to be broadcast.

So how do we scale? Recursive proofs means we do not have to keep the old data around, and that we are only passing around the hash of each change of state of a value, not the value itself, considerably reduces the data passed around, but what about the ever growing flood of new data? How do we handle Visa scale and bigger?

With recursive zero knowledge proofs, we can have one blockchain and many reliable broadcast channels.

FrankNorman says:

Hi Jim – this question may only reveal my ignorance, but I’m going to ask it anyway…

First off, if you’re trading with pieces of gold as currency, you don’t need to bring a paper-trail documenting what mine the gold was dug out of, etc. Gold is gold.
But with this sort of digital currency, you do, because data can simply be copied. Okay…

But what about anonymity? If I pay in gold coin, I can wipe the literal fingerprints of all previous handlers off it. Or even clear it of my own fingerprints before giving it in payment.
But doing the equivalent to the sort of virtual currency you’re discussing will make it worthless?

How is this not in effect a centralized banking system where they can track the movement of money wherever it goes?

jim says:

The answer to that involves a great deal of cryptography. Which I am not going to cover here. We have a bunch of imperfect workarounds: Wasabi Wallet, the Lightning Network, and Monero.

Lightning provides the largest and cleanest anonymity network, but Lightning wallet only provides good anonymity if you provide channels that other people can use – that lots of random strangers will wind up using, only provide anonymity if you are vertex rather than a leaf on the lightning network – which involves a great deal of work and skill to manage, and if you muck up you lose your money. Wasabi wallet does a good job, and is easy to use correctly and safely. If you are using Wasabi wallet, and you also have some vertex nodes in the lightning network, you are fairly bullet proof. But Wasabi wallet just by itself is pretty good. And vertexes on the lightning network by themselves are pretty good.

However, Recursive Zero Knowledge proofs can provide a truly anonymous, and fully scalable, crypto currency. Lots of people are working on it. The one true crypto currency will not have transactions nor unspent transaction outputs on the blockchain, but only hashes of them, with only the parties to a transaction knowing what the hashes are hashes of. This technology will bring a pile of enormous advantages, notably true scalability as well as full anonymity. But as yet it is only a technology and an idea, without any actually useful implementation. I am going to write up a paper on how to implement a currency using this technology – at present people have a lot of half assed bits and pieces, with one guy planning to implement one little bit of the big picture, and another guy planning to implement another little part of the big picture, but no one that I am aware of of has presented the big picture of what it should look like when it all comes together.

Cascadia says:

Never had male mentors, pretty much lost all my friends the past few years, so this has become my go to place for life advice. Specifically on working in the cathedral and where to raise a family.

Will try to give context w/o self doxing:

40 yr/old w/m from priestly family raised in blue coastal megalopolis. Married in 30s after many years of playing the field. Have young hapa girls. Probably due to family priestly predisposition, invested heavily in academia. Realized I was basically shut out due to race/gender by 2015 or so, but continued on due to path dependency. Also, my field not as pozed as humanities but still totally feminized. Have regrets about choices made in 20s but its water under the bridge at this point.

During COVID I found low level work in construction, but felt I was getting too old to enter trades in late 30s. Despite what some “dissidents” like to claim, most trades don’t pay that great if you’re entry level in a big city and have a family, competing with illegals, etc. Eventually took a makework gov job in rural white area to capitalize on cathedral credentials and escape blue city. Very backwoods, too backwoods to raise little girls. Also far from grandparents in blue megalopolis.

Was recently offered tenure track job at a big state university in rural white part of the country. Still far away from grandparents but enough amenities to satisfy wife/daughters. Being in a rural white area, the red guards and commissars do not
appear as vicious as other locations. I have no illusions about the university, but it’s what I feel I have been prepared for, and do believe it allows for some entrepreneurial and creative freedom. Will be able to have a house and a garden, guns, run a business, etc.

I have also been offered a transfer opportunity closer to the blue megalopolis where grandparents are located. Government construction management. Clock-in/clock-out, lower stress, aside from living in degenerate blue megalopolis. But near blue-pilled boomer grandparents and cousins/extended family (both asian in-laws and white ethnic sides of family).

Unfortunately at 40 with kids I feel I don’t have options outside cathedral (in before “learn to code and move to el salvador”).

So the question is:

How to make the most of my situation?

How to weigh importance of being near grandparents and family vs. a more “based” rural area?

Kunning Druegger says:

The parent and “dissident activities appreciator” in me says take the tenure track. All the brightest elites may “live” in the cities but they own rural property, they’re happy on their estates, and the highest cost of their urban holdings is avoiding urban life. If you really like the construction thing, find contractors in rural area that are strong back/simple mind and help them with the managerial side of business and expansion.

Bluepill influences on children always end up in the same place: emasculation, humiliation, and submission. If they don’t actively go against you, they will sit idly by as you suffer. If the grandparents want to see the kids, buy them a Garmin and preload your home address in it.

anonymous mouse says:

What is your field? I don’t see how anyone can give you advice until you explain why you are so downwardly mobile as to have gone from prospective academic to construction worker.

Western Taliban says:

>Implying that construction worker is a downgrade from prospective academic.

The best thing the western world could do right now is murder every academic and produce a lot more construction workers.

Academics produce faggots, trannies, overbearing regulation that is collapsing society and producing poverty, feminism, niggerism, climate cult and covid cult.

Construction workers and their peers produce building, plumbery, electricity, cars and the food you eat.

If you believe that academics don’t deserve a gulag and construction workers are a million times better and more valuable people you should visit this hospital asap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVxjanRhq7o

Pax Imperialis says:

>Construction workers and their peers produce building, plumbery, electricity, cars and the food you eat.

Yeah, agriculture is generally full of decent, hard working men that create real value. So are factory workers, but America’s infrastructure construction sector is severely sick.

Take IT infrastructure for instance. Those guys are nearly all contractors getting paid >$50 per hour not including per diem. All they do is drill a couple of holes, shove some Ethernet wiring up in the ceiling, cable management, etc. All stuff a high school kid can do, but stick “IT” or “infrastructure” in front of something and people lose their damn minds. It took a team of ~10 men in their 30s-50s, 14 hours a day billing at OT and night shift rates an entire month to install ~50 WiFi routers. Not even the switches. Just the fucking routers and their Ethernet cables. The “engineers” took another 2 weeks to set up the switches. All of them White men with the work ethics of Congolese.

They moved like slugs, but it is widely accepted as the cost of doing business. Was also told to emulate. The entire construction sector is like that, and construction has always been a bit of a cartel. In Japan and Korea, this amount of work would be done in less than one week for less cost and better quality. For young men, an operational tempo that slow drives them crazy and they largely quit. I suppose it’s at least a good make work retirement option, but regardless, fuck American infrastructure construction.

Adam says:

What we desperately need is to restore the tradition of apprenticeship. There is always more than enough unqualified bodies that can barely make it in on time. Construction takes skill, and profitable skill comes from years of following the same guys around and doing as they do.

After the first year, an apprentice can usually do a good job sweeping the floor and taking out the garbages. The other tasks they can do well unsupervised by that point are picking things up and moving them somewhere else.

It is no small thing to teach even a smart teenage boy today to sweep the floor well, as they have spent all of their days up until then waiting until the school day was over. The problem is employers are just as unfit to invest in young men, as young men are unfit to work unsupervised.

Pax Imperialis says:

>There is always more than enough unqualified bodies that can barely make it in on time.

The problem in construction is that there are many highly qualified bodies that use their skill to not make it on time.

Those men are extremely competent, and they also taught me a lot that I’m grateful for. They weren’t expected to teach me nor was I expected to learn anything from them. They were still happy to share knowledge and I was happy to expand my skills. Informal apprenticeship is still there and most men who were in my position took advantage of it.

What’s frustrating, if I wasn’t clear, is that they were purposely dragging out the job to a painfully tedious snail pace for additional billing hours. They even brought along a bunch of unneeded workers to help their buddies get on the gravy train. The supervisors sent there to watch them for the company that hired the contractors knew what was going on but were also doing the same thing. Purposely slowing things down for more billing hours. They also brought in a bunch of unneeded supervisors me included. In fact the company’s higher ups knew all about this state of affairs but just accepted it as the cost of doing business.

Look, I have no problem with repetitive or menial work. Most men can just turn off their brains and do a task until completed. What I do have a problem with is being told to sit in a room for 9-14 hours doing almost nothing for an entire month and have the gall to bill 600-800 USD per day for my “work.” It was embarrassing and shameful. Worse, it felt like criminal participation seeing all the others do the same shady thing.

Maybe this is the legacy of past mob control of construction work culture. Maybe it’s the legacy of union power. Maybe it’s some government regulatory BS I’m no aware of. Maybe there’s just a general spiritual rot in America. I don’t know for sure, I just hated it.

Western Taliban says:

High likelihood that most you wrote in your last paragraph applies to some degree, I can see similar stuff in my own country.

The “good thing” about this, at least in my country, is that if you are actually competent yourself and go self-employed you are immensely valued and always have far more work than you can even handle, at a very profitable rate. But it needs the will and courage to go that route, which isn’t easy and requires even more effort and competence.

As a young man that is starting and learning the ropes working initially for someone else it can be soul crushing, it is very unfortunate. But these are the times we have to deal with, our ancestors had to bleed and sweat to develop the technology and the capital to produce civilization, those were their times and had their own problems. Today we have the technology and generally the capital but must overcome the blue/prog induced cancer, we have our own cross to bear.

I take comfort in the knowledge that this shall pass, that one day within my lifetime I’ll probably be leading a squad of men into the houses of academics to show them the ways of Minecraft.

zero says:

From the business side of things management is a dumpster fire. The Dupont scientific management reboot has been cancer. every business wants to outsource to keep overhead low and it never once occurs to any company leadership that outsourcing puts your balls in a vice and most contractual arrangements don’t allow any social consequences for fucking up. used to be word got around now it’s the same old shit on repeat. I have never in my life heard anyone in management use the word trust when talking about outsourcing work. the best companies are in sourced like crazy and have good bosses. and most companies are so shit at their core competencies especially in tech it’s cheaper to do it yourself. I left a good company in tech because the clients were retarded morons and management had no fucking idea what I did or what value I created. I ended up doing a women’s entire fucking job while she “worked remotely” and no one knew including myself, did I get extra pay? no not even a Christmas bonus. A lot of corporate rot is men being unwilling to burn fuckups and make examples of what happens when things are over budget and past deadline. Manager selection is a bitch I don’t know how to fix that tho.

Adam says:

Where are the highly qualified construction workers? Are you referring to blue states? In Florida we are having another sort of gold rush in residential and commercial real estate, and the labor pool is pretty thin. It takes a long time to learn a trade, 6 years at least for finish carpentry, and generally 10 years or more before one can be considered a master carpenter.

I am also curious as well what kind of IT infrastructure jobs pay that well. Even satellite and fiber installation guys here that own their own van and tools are only making 30-40 or so per hour. At least from what I can see.

Western Taliban says:

It takes a long time to learn a trade, 6 years at least for finish carpentry, and generally 10 years or more before one can be considered a master carpenter.


Elon Musk didn’t take even that long to learn the current most advanced level of rocket science from zero, you need to check that ego. Either that or stop working with low IQ apes that skew your expectations.

I can say from personal experience that any trade can be learnt in a few months of practical work for 90 to 99% percent of commercial products. For the few that you can’t, with the general skills and experiences you can deduce and develop the specific skill required for the weird cases with a bit of guidance from the manufacturer and seller (or whoever gave you mentorship if he is a highly qualified professional with tons of experience), who will be happy to provide such information to actually close the sell and get a future prospect.

Of course, if you’re telling me you’re some giga lord that makes top quality art from wood columns to some Stradivarius stuff, well I’m simply not qualified to have an opinion. But we are talking about construction work here, get real. Fuck me, not even Renaissance children took this fucking long to learn every trick from the greatest artists.

Adam says:

Do you think, in 3 months, you can learn to build front doors for houses with lumber from the lumber yard? And do it quickly and repeatedly with no supervision, only limited information from a set of basic architectural prints?

That is one of one hundred things you have to be able to build, from experience, to make a living as a cabinet maker.

After 3 months working at a pro shop you would still not even be allowed to feed material into half of the equipment, under direct supervision. Not even Elon Musk would be allowed to. It is too dangerous and you would risk fucking up the machine and the material.

As far as fabrication and working with your hands building custom and complex things, years of experience is mostly all that matters. You can work at a big pro shop for a year and you yourself may only build part of one kitchen. Do you know how complicated it is to build kitchens? I have been doing this a very long time, and am pretty sharp, and I have built many, very large and very expensive kitchens, and I do not know everything there is to know about kitchens.

At 3 months in a cabinet shop Elon Musk is still sweeping floors.

jim says:

> Do you think, in 3 months, you can learn to build front doors for houses with lumber from the lumber yard? And do it quickly and repeatedly with no supervision, only limited information from a set of basic architectural prints?

If I built one once, with the aid of a YouTube video, or preferably under supervision, I could make any number of them from basic architectural prints without supervision, though doing it quickly and repeatedly would take a bit longer. But learning to do it quickly and repeatedly could be done without supervision, just the occasional random check on the product. I have built computers, tables, shelving, drawers, house electrical wiring, flyscreen windows, and so on and so forth without supervision. Though I am sure my grey water drainage system is very far from being up to code, being composed entirely of patches made from whatever was handy or whatever I could get, with numerous elements fabricated by hand molding stiff concrete.

jim says:

> At 3 months in a cabinet shop Elon Musk is still sweeping floors.

No, at three months in a cabinet shop you are still sweeping floors. Musk is building better cabinets, and developing improved ways of producing better cabinets faster.

Adam says:

> No, at three months in a cabinet shop you are still sweeping floors. Musk is building better cabinets, and developing improved ways of producing better cabinets faster.

The conversation as I understood it was about the labor force meeting the demands of the customers. We do not need 1 giga smartie we need thousands of guys with 5-10 years of experience.

Unless you assume 1 giga smartie can come up with some revolutionary technology.

> If I built one once, with the aid of a YouTube video, or preferably under supervision, I could make any number of them from basic architectural prints without supervision, though doing it quickly and repeatedly would take a bit longer. But learning to do it quickly and repeatedly could be done without supervision, just the occasional random check on the product.

I think if you spent a week among professional finish carpenters it would be a deeply humbling experience.

jim says:

> I think if you spent a week among professional finish carpenters it would be a deeply humbling experience.

Doubtless is would be, but after the second week, less humbling.

There are whole lot of skills, some of which do take a while to pick up. We do need apprenticeships. If you look at furniture made before apprenticeship was abolished, that required years of learning and practice. Modern trade skills are simpler, partly because we have a whole lot of tools to substitute for skill, mostly because the capability to make stuff requiring a high level of skill has been irreplaceable lost.

My welding is terrible. I watched a YouTube video buy a guy who had practiced briefly under an expert welder. After a pretty short training time, his welds were good enough, though more practice would have made them better. But after a short time, did not need an expert welder, just needed practice.

Western Taliban says:

Do you think, in 3 months, you can learn to build front doors for houses with lumber from the lumber yard? And do it quickly and repeatedly with no supervision, only limited information from a set of basic architectural prints?

Pretty sure that I’d learn a lot more than that. I spent my late teen years and early twenties learning a bunch of different skills for different reasons. Except the basic infrastructure of a house, I can build a modern facility from the ground. All of those skills did not take me nearly enough as you claim it’d take, since most of the time I spent working was actually a repetition of that which I already could do in a short time. With practice I did get more precise and had greater mastery, but my skill was up to commercial standards very fast very early on. So much so, that I received tips from clients (this is not customary in my country) and constant repeat customers and everyone loved my work. And this is hardly surprising seeing the work I’ve seen done by many others, some people are straight up criminals that build death hazards.

After 3 months working at a pro shop you would still not even be allowed to feed material into half of the equipment, under direct supervision. Not even Elon Musk would be allowed to. It is too dangerous and you would risk fucking up the machine and the material.

After 3 months working I’d be challenging the pros to outmake them at the skills which I had already learned and observed, I’m extremely competitive. If I was 3 months in apprenticeship, that implies my mentor is someone which I would respect, so knowledgeable and high IQ enough, and he would recognize my ability and my initiative as has happened in every single job I’ve ever done.

The conversation as I understood it was about the labor force meeting the demands of the customers. We do not need 1 giga smartie we need thousands of guys with 5-10 years of experience.

Yes it is, which is why I said that in a few months you can have someone up to the task. Admittedly I do not know how difficult it is working with wood as you’re talking about, with wood I know just enough to accommodate other stuff like locksmithing, because in Europe we do not build stuff like this. But I’ve heard similar things about working with metal and working with this and that, it was all bullshit, I learned in a short period. I’ve learned things just by listening to the manufacturer giving an overall explanation.

And while I have a measured IQ that is high enough to be in the 0.001% or something like that, still, I do not believe that building something from scratch with lumber is nearly as difficult as you’re making it up to be that even someone with 110 to 120 IQ would be completely stumped for years. In my opinion, you are simply accustomed to work only with grunts who barely reach a 100 or something, because America is the land of credentialism, so the potential capable people all go to college to ruin their lives with bullshit.

I’m quite certain any man with 120 can learn any trade in a short time up to commercial standards, very certain. And going by the IQ distribution among men, there’s nearly as many of those as practically average IQ men.

As far as fabrication and working with your hands building custom and complex things, years of experience is mostly all that matters. You can work at a big pro shop for a year and you yourself may only build part of one kitchen. Do you know how complicated it is to build kitchens? I have been doing this a very long time, and am pretty sharp, and I have built many, very large and very expensive kitchens, and I do not know everything there is to know about kitchens.

I’m sure you’re a very capable professional and I do not intend to question your skills, but I definitely think you’re inflating your ego a bit here. Remember, we are talking about average construction work, do not try to blow smoke up my ass telling me this fucking McDonalds land is so amazing everything everywhere is built with giga expensive several thousand dollars wood work. The average wood Amish house and foundation project I’ve seen takes a few weeks to learn, a few months to master, all of this being conservative, I’m very, very certain of it.

For the rarest of cases, you just apply similar skills, go slower and consult your mentor when needed, it’s not a problem.

Adam says:

To give you an idea of what I’m referring to, the typical home I build for is in the 2-10 million dollar range. A kitchen remodel can be 250,000 dollars easily. Usually we build out the whole home top to bottom. Any finished wood product that takes a stain or paint.

Anyone can engineer a jig to hit a billiards ball with a cue stick so the ball hits a target. Not everyone can play billiards well, and the best players play 8+ hours every single day and have for many years.

That is how you become a good woodworker. It’s not an engineering problem is an execution problem. One wrong cut and you can waste thousands in material and days worth of work. One wrong set up of a machine and you can make a 10,000$ mistake flushing a week of work away in an hour.

Not to mention most of the machines can severely injure you or even kill you, or someone you are working with. Even smart guys do not want to be responsible for setting up a machine that can send a bit or blade through you until they have months and years of experience on lesser machines.

Saying one could learn it online or in a short period of time is not really taking the problem seriously. It is far less an engineering problem and far more about muscle memory and coordination. I barely have to think about how I do something it is almost always a process of feeling things out and building from intuition and experience. Maybe you are Superman but I have yet to meet anyone with respectable skills in this business that did not learn the same way as everyone else.

zero says:

Dutch construction speed is mind blowing.

Anonymous says:

Skills learned through apprenticeship are NOT similar to knowledge like rocket science
Elon musk would most certainly NOT be zooming through his carpenter apprenticeship the way he zoomed through rockets.
Musk works with his brain- hands on jobs like carpentry are much more about your hands, finesse, and knowing little things that you don’t find in books and you can’t deduce.
Saying musk would learn to be a top carpenter in a few months is no different from saying bill gates could learn to be a top golf player in a few months. Not gonna happen.
I say this from personal experience- moved from a highly cognitive field to a highly hands on field. I zoomed through the cognitive field very easily, but the hands on field was an entirely different ball game.

jim says:

Increasingly postgraduate academic degrees will earn you the smell of an oil rag.

Cascadia says:

There are many different kinds of construction jobs. Big difference between union iron workers and illegals hanging sheet rock on same job site.

My field is in the architecture/engineering/construction sector but in universities this is still heavily feminized and infiltrated with social science, etc.

This explains why I spent Covid years making peanuts, carrying buckets of gravel and concrete with illegals after post graduate degrees, which I obtained instead of traditional trade apprenticeship due to blue-pilled up bringing. My resume got me interviews with all the big corporate consulting firms in blue megalopolis but I was a white man during the Covid racial reckoning.

So I took makework gov job in redstate deep in backwoods when it came up.

Water under the bridge, I have kids to raise and feed and house now.

Working with gov on water infrastructure would be on-site management, about 100k starting but this doesn’t go far in blue megalopolis, but maybe outer boroughs still OK? Job sites are all in outer boroughs so we could live there and not need to commute. Regional proximity to grandparents and extended family some of whom are less blue pulled than immediate family (cops, blue collar white ethnics, anti communist Asians etc)

Or move away from family. Still plenty of libtards in university but region is as red as they come in the USA. Kids more deracinated but probably better environment all around.

Anyone else raising daughters in cathedral?

How to raise

Red says:

>Unfortunately at 40 with kids I feel I don’t have options outside cathedral (in before “learn to code and move to el salvador”).

That’s a odd thing to say here…

Kunning Druegger says:

Lol, I appreciated his honesty.

I’m the only one that proffered advice, and TBH I was hoping you’d weigh in among others. If you don’t want to do that, can you critique what I said?

Red says:

Your advice was solid. Sometimes we don’t reply to a comment around here because it’s right and there’s nothing to add.

Kunning Druegger says:

Thanks for that.

But I meant your advice to him. It’s an interesting predicament, I’d be torn too. I would love to get into the white collar side of construction, in fact have been trying for months, but without verifiable experience, the only ones willing to take the chance are not salaried, they are job by job, and I can’t onboard that risk ATM. But I also can’t spare the year and change I need to get hands on experience because the pay is too low for the standard of living I have established. It’s a pickle, but I’ll figure something out.

And I would give up a whole lot to get into academia… except fucking no, not in a million years am I going to spend 5 minutes on even thinking about the miles of emasculating, dehumanizing bullshit I’d have to endure just to be a part time adjunct. But, if someone could wave a magic red tape wand, and I could get a rathole office and a steady job teaching undergraduate history and/or PoliSci, I’d jump at that.

I’m not complaining. God, Jim & Frens guidance, and a fair bit of luck have landed me in a tenable position, and I am getting prepared to make moves. But Cascadia’s situation seems like a pretty tough “would you rather.”

I keep trying to figure out a clever way to ask if you are playing on Elon’s Playground or just watching from the bleachers.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s hard to get into the private sector white collar side of construction off the street. I got in the IT stuff by my last name. A guy I know in architecture blue printing works directly for his father at his grandfather’s company. Yeah, they do hire outside of family, but it’s along the lines of “I know a guy who knows a guy.” Best bet would be making friends with guys in the industry. They do drink a lot with all that entails. Would not recommend it for you liver or marriage though.

Easiest option to get foot in the door with no connections, family or otherwise, is federal government work via USAJobs. Holy as holy is, mostly cares about degree for entry level. Probably would get you in at GS-07 with BS or 09 with MS. Again, would not recommend this rout. Typically involves lots of mandatory travel, often to shit hole places. Very hard on young families. Still hard on more established families. Alcohol abuse among those guys is rampant when away from family.

Getting into construction entry level is a young man’s game where the liver still has good function, there’s no family to worry about, and there is still youth i.e. time to screw up and learn.

>if someone could wave a magic red tape wand, and I could get a rathole office and a steady job teaching undergraduate history and/or PoliSci, I’d jump at that.

My personal advice to you though… get some analyst job at state department (or the other alphabet agencies) and ride out the decline, or if things get bad ride the tiger. Maybe even shoot for US Foreign Service Officer. Embassy life can be pretty comfortable and you’ll potentially have a convenient exit strategy if things get really bad being overseas (with family) and all that.

Kunning Drueger says:

For reasons stated a while back, I can’t do anything posted to USAJobs. Flee too close to the sun.

Cascadia says:

This is exactly what I did. Carried concrete with illegals for a year and a half, running my own jobs and also deadend grunt work at “construction startups.” Then went on usajobs and got a white collar makework job in a backwoods location. If you have a degree and are willing to move to a backwoods location they will hire you. But you may have to live out of your pickup. Hard to do with a wife and kids.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Proximity to blue-pilled grandparents is a bug not a feature. Avoid. Unless possibly you’re factoring in inheritance for your daughters’ sake, but even then, consider whether blue-pilled boomers intend to pass it down, or just spend it.

TheDividualist says:


I have a 15 years younger GF now and I am not doing all these complicated mindfuck games.

I am just doing physical overpowering.

I grab her hair and drag her around. I grab her throat and then give her a light, only humiliating slap on the face.

I do not kiss her – I bite her lips.

I grab her hair, force her head back and give her this bite on the lips.

She melts into a fucking puddle.

Seriously this simple thing works for me. No complex mind games. Just PHYSICAL dominance.

To the music of PSY: “we’ll do it caveman style” :))))

TheDividualist says:

(Also she is a Czech woman – maybe you cannot do this to an Anglo woman, maybe she would SWAT you… I dunno! All I know is that with this particular woman PHYSICAL overpowering turns her into a puddle of lust – works for me!)

Aidan says:

Physical dominance becomes very important once you have a woman.

zero says:

I’ve been wondering about the whole not saying I love you thing. it seems definitely true for some women but some women love being treated like a princess. I’m thinking maybe the physical side of things overrides the verbal shit test tick and let’s you not be an asshole? not enough experience but in my own life it seems like some women are ok with a bit of reverence as long as their sure it’s kindness and not you being a pussy. Absolutely doesn’t work with sluts tho lol. maybe there is a degree of hedonic adjustment to whether they need an iron verbal frame or don’t really care. if I spoke to men like most women want to be spoken to I’d feel absolutely horrible. wild that men and women are so unable to comprehend one another instinctually.

jim says:

> but some women love being treated like a princess.

Treat them mean to keep them keen.

> as long as their sure it’s kindness and not you being a pussy.

Yes, sure. But a shit test will be incoming to make sure that it is not you being a pussy. A woman wants to be loved. And she wants to be with someone who loves her. But she does not want to be with someone who is hard up for pussy.

If she can make you say “I love you” on command, you are hard up for pussy. The trouble is, the signals that show a woman you love her are difficult to distinguish from the signals that show you are hard up for pussy.

TheDividualist says:

… and a light, just humiliating, not painful slap in the face – while the other hand grabs the hair or throat – passes a lot of shit tests. No complicated mental gymnastics needed.

TheDividualist says:

I tell her I like you a lot. Again it is not a mental game. Just truth. I like her, I do not love her.

The Cominator says:

” it seems definitely true for some women but some women love being treated like a princess.”

But they don’t like guys who treat them like princesses and during sex they want to be slapped and choked and verbally degraded. Treating a girl like a princess is going to get you in the most toxic kind of friend zone you can imagine with no means of escape that isn’t likely to end up with you doing 20 years to life.

Women used to like flattery according to my father but American women are so toxically hypergamous and generally taught to hate men that they assume guys who are flattering them are desperate for pussy… with the exception of whores. Whores still genuinely like flattery (and it can be very crude sexually forward vulgar flattery in fact they LOVE that… they probably love the most you alternating between traditional normie courtship sweet flattery and very vulgar flattery) and in any sort of environment without set prices it tends to get you a much better price and more eager service. Once you’re fucking them they still want the choking and degradation though (except they are more likely to inform you of this explicitly).

Pax Imperialis says:

Bolsonaro and crew raided and/or arrested over allegedly falsified vaccination records. Apparently the Covid is holier than election protest.

After several failed assassination attempts on Putin, Dmitry Medvedev is calling for the elimination of Zelensky and his clique. The Russians are finally getting serious. It took 433 days.

Davis Hanson points out that Tucker Carlson is an American aristocrat that became a populist. This is the elite defection Yarvin wanted to influence.

someDude says:

The age of warrior-rulers is coming back. The age of warrior techies draws closer.

Red says:

> The Russians are finally getting serious. It took 433 days.

They’re talking big talk right now. Lets see if they’re finally willing to grasp the nettle.

Kunning Druegger says:

I was just going to say this. I am no longer impressed by the claims, statements, and warnings from the Kremlin. They got shit tested by their slut Kiev and, after 8 years, bitch slapped her, but she then threw a massive shit test, and Moscow has thus far failed to match and exceed. This was an unseasonable winter, I grant that, and they need to keep stocks and systems if the balloon goes up in Poland/Belarus, they will need to effectively double their war efforts, but I cannot get my head around things like the grain corridor, no spetznas assassination teams making Ukrainian elites bleed in Europe, no massive airstrikes on AFU depots or command positions.

I support Russia, I think Putin is actually a true and honest nationalist, and a man with God’s mandate to lead his people, and I think they have done well with a bad situation (2008-2022), but they are letting this go on too long *UNLESS* they are literally planning something in Europe and they are *STRATEGICALLY* bleeding resources, support, spear tippers from the West.

jim says:

Putin wanted a quick war that did not result in significant expenditure of resources, but the enemy gets a say. The west wanted an endless war to exhaust Russia logistically, as Reagan exhausted the Soviet Union. The west got its way.

And then discovered that this America is not Reagan’s America, and Russia is not the Soviet Union.

There is a sudden realization that many of our weapons platforms are very old, and do not actually work any more, and the new ones roll off the assembly line not working from the beginning.

The Ukrainians are making a push to roll back the Russians in the south from the south west, and a push in the south east to cut off the Russians in the southwest. The Greatest Ukrainian counter offensive will probably rush into whichever push looks promising. The new western wonder tanks are finally showing up, no word yet on whether they have much effect.

This has turned into a war to exhaust one side or the other’s resources. This was not what Putin intended. It is what the west has intended since Obama was elected. Can’t blame Putin for that. He is playing the cards he was dealt.

anonymous mouse says:

Carlson is not elite. I think in the old UR classification he would be Optimate, not a Brahmin. He belongs to the dispossessed former elite class, so it’s not very remarkable that he’s become a populist.

Kunning Druegger says:

>dispossessed elite
>not an elite

wat means?

Carlson is an elite, he’s in that vanishingly small segment of the elite that’s not on board with the Cathedral and hasn’t been since late Bush/early Obama. Look at how he defended his tribemate (Hunter Biden), consider his private opinions on Trump, and look into his home and lifestyle. I admit I may be muddling Yarvin’s class system, but Tucker is absolutely a Brahmin from where I am sitting.


anonymous mouse says:

On second thought, you’re right. I assumed Tucker’s family was bourgeois rich WASP (despite the Swedish name) but apparently not.

> He is the elder son of artist and San Francisco native Lisa McNear[46] (née Lombardi) (1945–2011) and Dick Carlson (1941–), a former “gonzo reporter”[2][47][48] who became the director of Voice of America, president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles,[49] and more recently a director at the lobbying firm Policy Impact Strategic Communications.[50]

His father’s early life is interesting:

> [Dick] Carlson was born the son of college student Richard Boynton and Dorothy Anderson, 18 and 15 years old, respectively.[3] He was born with rickets and mildly bent legs, as Anderson had starved herself to keep the pregnancy a secret. In 1943, Richard Boynton attempted to persuade Dorothy to accompany him in stealing their baby and get married; when she refused on the grounds that she was a junior in high school and nobody but her parents knew about the baby, he shot and killed himself two blocks from her house.[4]

Kunning Druegger says:

… I didn’t know any of that, but it definitely strengthens my case. he’s basically the archetype of the current elite: artistic inclination, plenty of money, active in the Voice/Brain of the Cathedral, and sordid and unsightly history.

zero says:

I don’t know about sordid, seems kinda tragic. no spirit cooking vibes from Tucker. he’s definitely smarter then he pretends tho. I’d love to know what really went down with the fox split but I doubt very much we ever will.

Doom says:

I think Mark Dice got it pretty close, allegedly Tucker made Murdoch uncomfortable with God and good/evil talk.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Many of those in these spheres know, intellectually, that the contemporarily regnant underlord class coordinates through daemon worship. They know, intellectually, that the reason kept cuckservative outlets like Fox News are allowed a platform to address the cattle is because they perform the service of capturing and neutering any genuine opposition to the underlordship’s faith.

Yet even still, one is struck all the same when you find yourself faced with The Thing Itself.


Cloudswrest says:

Excerpt from Tucker’s speech on the metaphysical results of telling the truth.


Red says:

I knew he was an elite simply by his ability to persuade others by making things people already felt allowed to say.

A powerful priest who’s pretty close to joining our side. No way they can let him live.

jim says:

A plan is afoot to have him host the Republican debate.

If it happens, the debate is going to give our elites heart failure.

someDude says:

It’s happening. Jim and Aidan’s predictions about the emerging age of warrior techies is coming closer, https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/vladimir-putin-assassination-destroy-kyiv-russian-parliament-speakers-call-for-action-after-putin-attack-101683122745574.html

In war, the leaders are no longer safer than the grunts on the frontlines. This means that the leader of a country must necessarily be ready to die, must be a warrior. The age of pure-priests running countries is coming to an end. This should effectively end democracy. Hurrah!

Very tellingly, Note the denials from the Ukrainians. Zelensky is terrified that he could be a target.

Very tellingly, there was another article that where the Russian parliament debated a drone strike to assassinate Zelensky which I can longer find. The Brahmin elite are so terrified of being as vulnerable as the frontline grunts are that they don’t even want to acknowledge someone else talking about it.

Fireball says:

This isnt new Pax Atomica exists for a reason, people just got to comfortable with the post cold war status.

The problem is going to be that in case of a direct war the need to mass conscript university students and graduates after a year or two to be used as simple infantry grunts. It is going to be a nightmare, i bet the useful ones will be the first to be sacrificed.

Western Taliban says:

The first to die will be the same retards that happily took the clot shot. Lefties always kill their own minions and allies first, they are the weakest and smell their blood.

They are scared of us, because when they come looking for us they might actually find the end of a barrel, they are however happy to loot and murder their own, who piously kneel to them. Good example of this is BLM, looting and burning blue areas but never daring to actually go into red territory.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that BLM is a real movement rather than astroturf*]

jim says:

The reason BLM did not burn Harvard is that Harvard is directing it, not lack of spontaneous grass roots support in the Harvard vicinity. It has no spontaneous grass roots support anywhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

Those strategically parked pallets of bricks on the streets during the BLM riots. So obvious. So brazen. So obviously planned and premeditated.

These weird ass sunglasses I found.

I’ll never be the same again.

SJ says:

I accidentally drove into a BLM riot during this time. A guy with an AR directed another man on a motorcycle to safely guide me out of it. These guys were clearly running the show “spontaneously”. While I was in the storm I watched a cop pull a police car into the road I was being directed off of, park it, and casually walk away. The rioters then set it on fire. So spontaneous.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Sending apprentice priests to the front lines is a silver lining not a problem.

Fireball says:

It is actually a pretty shitty situation to be in. First because they arent going to be the first to be send and second if you have a problem with your priests it is advisable to be you to resolve the problem and not your enemy.

zero says:

nice post, I’ve always wondered what happened that generals stopped fighting in the front, I can see how when wars were about dynastic familial property you were fucked if you lost anyway so might as well give the boost to the men leading from the front, institutional officers expecting a pension win or lose just don’t have the same damned if you do damned if you don’t fuck it attitude. luckily the left is killing that cautious mentality real quick with total religious war yesterday convictions. it will be nice to have some great men to tell the priests to fuck off and stop screwing the little guy, to bad Eisenhower didn’t have the balls to nip the leftward march off. generals getting orders from committee has been a right wing disaster. Thanks for the post you answered a lot of questions about how feudalism worked for me.

Encelad says:

Newspapers usually twist and inflate news, so this should be taken with a grain of salt, but according to the NY post’s article below, the Navy has used trannies at least once to reach new possible recruits. Because they believe trannies to be popular with zoomers. If this piece of news is true it reveals that they have drunk their own koolaid and can’t even see the whole tranny acceptance is astroturfed. Which makes wonder how many similar narrative delusions they hold.


A2 says:

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town
There’s no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there’s a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

Anyone remember when ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis stood up against Trump for transsexuals in the armed forces? That was a revelatory moment of sorts. What a lol disappointment that little guy was.

PS. Salute the new ambassador, named Harpy Daniels (lol), and good luck with the rebuild. It may take a few years, perhaps decades, but stay the course!

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I used to idolize Mattis, and now I despise him. He was supposed to be the best of us; the ideal marine, as Chesty Puller was to earlier generations. Then he betrayed us and made a deal with the devil. I hope he gets to watch it all crumble and know that everything he sold his soul to obtain could not out last him.

Red says:

Any idea why he sold out?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

He is a progressive faggot. He stood up for trannies against Trump, he pushed women in combat arms, and he lied to Trump about having men in Syria. He also was part of the Theranos debacle. He is a true believer, and for that I hope he survives America getting crushed by Russia and China so that he can see everything he worked for crumble around him.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Any idea why he sold out?

Implies he doesn’t really believe in progressivism and was motivated by money to shill for it. Wrong premise as I will show; therefore, it’s the wrong question.

> He is a progressive faggot.

Yes, we know he’s a progressive faggot, but the question is why. On this I think his own words on his faith sheds significant light on this. His words on Iraqis during the war in 2003.

On the suggestion of my Catholic chaplain the Marines would take chilled drinking water in bottles and walk out amongst the protesters and hand it out. It is just hard to throw a rock at somebody who has given you a cold drink of water and it’s 120 degrees outside.

Throwing rocks at armed men is an act to contested space. Essentially an act of war. These are not “protestors.” His spiritual leader is telling him to met an act of war with logistically supporting the enemy. Is it any wonder then that the Iraqis, feeling safe to throw rocks, would escalate to shooting and bombing? Mattis could not see them as the enemy because his faith would not allow him to see them as the enemy.

During the George Floyd “fiery but mostly peaceful protests,” Mattis was reportedly “sickened” by the photo op at the church. He said:

Militarising our response, as we witnessed in Washington DC, sets up a conflict – a false conflict – between the military and civilian society

But those civilians were, much like the Iraqi “protestors” in 2003, throwing rocks, lighting federal buildings on fire, attacking police. They were contesting space against the government. An act of war. They were insurrectionists. Mattis was weak on the rioters because he was weak on the Iraqis. Ultimately because his faith prevented him from seeing the enemy as the enemy. That prevents the use of force.

The problem with Mattis wasn’t that he “sold out” to progressive values, but that he was spiritually compromised from the very beginning by his own Chaplain. A Chaplain that belongs to a church that has been spiritually compromised since Vatican 2. This problem isn’t limited to Mattis or his Chaplain. Most military Chaplains are spiritually compromised and most men who attend religious services become the same.

Red says:

Mattis, like all McChristains are just progressives who think God’s a progressive.

>He is a true believer, and for that I hope he survives America getting crushed by Russia and China so that he can see everything he worked for crumble around him.

He’ll just blame those reactionaries for wreaking everything. One thing I’ve found with consistently true about McChristains is they’re holier than thou and nothing is ever their fault.

>Any idea why he sold out?

Implies he doesn’t really believe in progressivism and was motivated by money to shill for it. Wrong premise as I will show; therefore, it’s the wrong question.

I knew that already, but Wulfgar seemed to imply he cut a deal for switching his loyalty. The moment he gutted the Marine’s for doing the most scientific and complete study of woman’s combat abilities I knew that he was fanatical leftist true believer.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I did not mean to imply that he literally switched sides. He was always a progressive, it would appear. He sold his soul to the devil for his progressive ideals, and that happened long before fags, women, and trannies were stuffed into the military. I hold the same view of Mattis that Pax does.

He was supposed to be the ideal military man, and he betrayed that. He sacrificed military readiness and the lives of good men on a futile, pointless conflict and on depraved progressive causes in direct contravention of his superior. He betrayed everyone above him and below him because he lacked the moral courage to stand up, do the right thing, and make the hard choices. The only reason I would piss on him if I found him burning up would be to prolong his suffering.

Red says:

Selling one’s soul implies betrayal, which is why I asked. I can see where you’re coming from and I share your sentiments about the man.

Jamesthe1st says:

Budlight’s sales are down 20% and the momentum against it seems to be growing. No one likes this garbage.

The Cominator says:

Nobody was ever going to like trannies, it was another extreme demon worship loyalty test for progs/shitlibs because the instinct with tr00ns is to kill them with fire.

Red says:

I’ve been in the odd situation of having to tell hard working manual labor type men in their 30s that their ever growing beer gut is from drinking estrogen filled beer like budlight. Anything with hops is going to make you a fat bastard. They’re shocked to learn that.

Red says:
SJ says:

Tomassi sure turned into one purple pilled faggot.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t know if this is real or not:


Prigozihn has enough footage out there to do a pretty good analysis of his mannerisms, so if it’s forced. My gut says this is real, that he forced the camera op into it. there’s none of the flair or refinement that is characteristic of Orchestral Propaganda.

I think it’s a powerful message. I don’t think there’s a single USM officer with the gumption to do anything remotely similar. But a still, small voice in my head said quietly “this is weakness.” I hated that voice for saying it, because he’s just trying to get what he needs to do what he must.


jim says:

Real, terribly real.

But ammo shortage is relative. Everyone is hurting badly, but Ukrainians are hurting worse. War of attrition, and what is being attrited is both men and shells – but the shortage of shells is hurting worse, hurting both sides rather badly, but Nato is shortest.

Karl says:

Nato’s shortage is a lack of stocks and production facilities. Is Russia’s shortage also a lack of stocks and production facilities or merely a logistic problem of timely bringing shells that are stored somewhere to the place where they are needed?

Asher says:

Take this as you will, but it does not seem things are as tilted in Russia’s favor neither in morale nor materiel (below quotes from Dmitry Rogozin, chief of Roscosmos)

“For now, there is a clear disparity in the forces and conventional weapons in favour of the enemy.”

This was due to the West’s supplies to Ukraine, he made clear.

“Therefore the best method to destroy [Ukraine’s] counter-offensive is to use tactical nuclear weapons, with understandable consequences, of course.

“I think there is no other option at the moment.
(source: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putin-now-no-option-29896415)

jim says:

I see a lot of evidence to the contrary, notably that the Russians are expending a whole lot more shells than Ukrainians, and a whole lot more of what they are calling guided bombs, but are actually air launched drones, a lot more missiles, and a roughly comparable number of ground launched drones.

This matter will be rendered clearer by The Greatest Ukrainian Offensive, which is strangely slow in getting off the ground.

The Ukrainians are currently making probing attacks that look like prep for this offensive. They have failed in one probe, succeeded in two.

The Cominator says:

Given the insane Hitlerian no surrender no retreat attack attack attack policy of Zelensky and his masters in DC this would be a good way to convince the leadership to throw their newly conscripted “offensive” divisions into Bakhmut… I mean what place in the line is better to attack than where everyone is exhausted and out of ammunition…

But if as Jim suspects they are not out of ammunition and the artillery is still concentratexmd around the ruins of Bakhmut the attacking forces would be attacking something like Sulva Bay… it’d be a death trap.

Asher says:

The fundamental difference, as I see it, is that Russia has been forced to replenish its stocks via clandestine channels (Iran, China, etc) which probably a) slows the stream of arms considerably and b) raises many questions as to how much of a military-industrial juggernaut Russia actually is seeing as they need to resort to these channels in the first place.

jim says:

Has it? My understanding is that Russia imported Iranian tech for its drones, which are knockoffs of Iranian models, rather than the drones themselves. I have not heard that the shells were coming from China until you made this assertion. On what is it based?

They are certainly importing Chinese machinery to make stuff, but are they importing shells?

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not an SME, but it’s not as simple as need bullet>make bullet>ship bullet>shoot bullet. There is a whole methodology to stockpiling ordinance, so production runs get apportioned based on a body of factors and variables. To avoid a general reduction in overall stocks, it can be cheaper/faster/easier/smarter to purchase stocks from someone else so you keep your overall stocks above some kind of threshold. Obviously, for smarter ordinance, might not be an option, and having an inventory that’s *only* “smart” can make options limited.

I’m not about to start trusting western MSM, but the things I’ve read have asserted that the RF has been purchasing from former/current clients, getting stuff back, to include China, NKorea, Iran, etc. but the veracity of such is questionable. Ukraine leaned heavy into India in an attempt to replenish S300 and other RF produced ordinance because they’ve already used up what’s on their side of the GAE dildo curtain.

Starman says:


Dmitry Rogozin doesn’t know what he is talking about.

He’s the reason that Russia has no equivalent of a Falcon 9 or Starship in development, in contrast to that of China.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The part of your brainstem that has evolved to sense the winds of power, and to align itself whichever way the wind blows, is highly responsive to open expressions of vulnerability, whatever the circumstances may be.

In certain ways it really is weakness; the NATO Occupied Government has recently been concentrating even more of its shell supply in the Bakhmut AOO, along with several of its more ‘ideologically reliable’ enforcer units, but the supply of shells to Wagner that was customary heretofore has not increased stepwise with this operational intensification by the puppets; a classic bureaucratic failure that perennially dogs organizations on the wrong end of operational tempo.

Prigozhin is of course a consummate dramatist, and there are some who say Putin gives him slack as a deniable means of lighting fires under the asses of other MoD figures.

jim says:


Sher Singh says:
Sher Singh says:

If wife files false rape case on husband & husband kills.
Do you support husband?

jim says:


Of course.

Red says:

I support the husband killing his wife over just calling the cops.

Fidelis says:

Fuck I love this blog.

jim, I humbly ask you to consider the +NIGGER license, mentioned on this blog previously, to complement your CoC. It would make the bulk of the enemy seeth so much as to not even be able to continue looking at any other part of the project: https://plusnigger.org/

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s hilarious, and the rising tide of AI doomerism may make this license more than just a redpilled curio, but I honestly thought it was more politico-artistic than functional. Is there any way to see what software has the +nigger license?

Fidelis says:

Not functional in what way? You mean because it won’t be enforced in a court? Probably correct on that one — please take a moment to imagine that wonderful court case — but it doesn’t matter. The point is to make true believers and adjacent seeth so hard as to not be able to function properly near your code, as anything touched by “that big, beautiful word” is clearly thoughtcrime and dangerous to them. It’s an unmixing tool, a good test of conscience, and something like it is going to be necessary as supply chain attacks eventually ramp up. Just like the jimCoC, the biggest difference is the succinctness of the expression.

Pax Imperialis says:

Nigger is a wretched word to describe a wretched people. I do not care for it, and on a spiritual level disagree with debasing any license with it’s inclusion.

On the purely tactical level, meh.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Putin has wanted to negotiate with the GAE to have a place for Russia at the GAE table for decades.

We are in the curious position however, where the greatest impetus behind the possibility of Russia claiming victory over the GAE is the GAE itself.

The GAE elites who are negotiating with Russian elites to keep gas flowing behind the backdoor are themselves on the way out and increasingly side-lined by their more unholy contemporaries. The world is full of grifters who would be perfectly willing to sell-out to true believers for a yacht; but the contemporary class of true believers in the whig imperium won’t even give them the yacht. The derangement of Foggy Bottom Swamp Creatures and their progeny around the world offers no footstools for others to step off their horses, only life or death.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Joining the GAE used to come with a lot of benefits, but its present-day elite loves gay sex and genital mutilation, and expects the rest of the world to gratefully accept these beautiful gifts.

Doom says:

Wow so.. Prigozhin repeated all the memes that westerners say about Russians.. no support.. zerg rushing the enemy… not enough ammo.. Russia treats its soldiers like crap…

And you believed it?

Is it your first day on planet earth?

embeveraged commuter says:

Maybe they actually have plenty of shells and they just want to bait NATO into a rushed offensive into Artemovsk.

jim says:

The military summary channel claims that all roads in Bakhmut are now cut. On the other hand, the mud is now comparatively dry, meaning that vehicles with reasonable off road capability can go in and out.

Fidelis says:

Some whitepill on the state of AI models:

tl;dr smaller models are already out in the wild, getting great performance, and the big companies probably won’t be able to compete

jim says:

A very big whitepill.

“Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90%* ChatGPT Quality”

Vicuna still needs to be trained on the cloud with big hardware, cannot achieve useful results on consumer hardware, but achieved near ChatGPT quality with a much smaller amount of training text, and only cost $300 or so to train.

It still has the universal limitation of current models, that it does not train in an individual conversation, so it will gradually become apparent in the course of a lengthy conversation that no one is there. But now it is feasible to produce a based ChatGPT.

Sher Singh says:
jim says:

I never mentioned your skin color.

I mentioned the Sikh inability to drink milk, which was the primary food of the steppe peoples.

the cultures with the most individuals with [the lactose tolerance mutation] were the Yamnaya and their descendents.”

Sher Singh says:
anonymous mouse says:

Looking at familytreedna it seems like some Sikhs do have Y-dna haplogroup R1, so some of them are at least a little bit Aryan.

Maybe our friend should take a DNA test. Would be more reliable than assuming he is descended from some ancient badasses just because they may have had the same skin color as him.

Cloudswrest says:

This tells me there really is a God of Nature, and he has a sense of humor!
There really is a place called Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada!!!


Cloudswrest says:

Looks like Russia just incendiary firebombed the remaining Ukrainian occupied regions of Bakhmut.


Cloudswrest says:
jim says:

This may be the Soviet Army reacting to Prigozhin’s complaint. I earlier saw Bakhmut at night as seen through what appears to be a drone’s targeting system. It is getting pounded with incendiaries. Looks like an attempt to trigger a firestorm.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
Fidelis says:

Something incongruous that’s been on my mind lately is Macron moving to lick chinese cock. Maccy is a serious pathic, clearly a member of the worst elements of the satanic faith if you look at his sexual preferences and other decisions. So what is this move signifying? It’s quite easy to make doomer schizo connections here. ‘Well china is obviously part of the jesuit structure as covid and digital bugpodlife ground zero, so this is just them explicitly exporting that model.’ The counterargument is, somehow the slavic civil war does not seem like a forever war, and despite the common paranoia from slavs the RF doesn’t seem like a globohomo outpost. Russia is receiving quite some needed economic support, for a cost, so chyna probably is not completely in on exporting their model except as borg conquering integrators themselves. A sinic world order, different from a troidic world order.

Anyone have insight here?

jim says:

You are not the only one mystified. Some elements of Globohomo are confused, and a lot of them are strangely ignoring it. Possibly all of them are confused.

Remember we are not ruled by a single unitary conspiracy, but by several of them struggling for power.

Official explanation is that honey attracts more flies than vinegar. Macron hopes to sweet talk Xi into a more globohomo favorable peace plan, and Xi hopes to sweet talk Macron into a multipolar world. Could be true. Macron may be preparing an exit strategy for the case that Global American Empire has its Afghanistan in the Ukraine.

A2 says:

Meditating on how far we have fallen while watching the coronation of Charles III. How far the words and symbols from what is being acted out. May this be the nadir! May we rise again! Long may he reign.

SJ says:

The novel Anna Karenina is chock full of red pill goodies. Written in the latter half of the nineteenth century we have Anna, who is in a patriarchal marriage with her hubs Alexei. She was kept in and married off to this statesman, an older guy, yet something was “wrong” with their marriage. Per Anna her hubs is completely physically repulsive due to his “big ears” and his “clammy hands” but we can see in the novel he is a weak man with no control over his wife.

Anna herself is a source of lust for the men in the novel, as we find out partway through, as she has gigantic titties. I refer to this novel to my wife as Anna’s rocking tits. Men can’t stop staring at her heaving bosom. In comes Vronsky, introduced as he is courting a young teenage virgin Kitty. Kitty is also kept in. Vronsky is described as having outcome independence, he just hangs out with Kitty, chaperoned of course, while also hanging out with lots of other eligible young teenage virgins. He’s got preselection. Kitty falls in love with Vronsky quickly, because he has “large calves”. Blue pillers take note, women, apparently, fall instantly and madly in love with men with large calves.

Vronsky, however, has no interest in being tied down in marriage so after Kitty falls madly in love with him he just wanders off. Meanwhile Kitty has a serious suitor, Konstantin, a beta male with no preselection so he is very yucky to Kitty. He wants to marry her while Vronsky just wants to hang out and not commit. To Kitty Konstantin is invisible. Kitty shares her lust for Vronsky with Anna.

Vronsky goes to a horse race and all the ladies attend. During the race Vronsky’s horse collapses and breaks it’s leg. Vronsky, enraged, shoots the horse and stomps off. Anna of the heaving bosom now feels she must meet him and be alone with him for no reason at all except his “large calves” and his “olive oil smile”, whatever the heck that means.

Anna is able to successfully arrange to be alone with Vronsky and somehow his dick ends up in her, over and over and over, and over and over, as she craftily finds ways to be alone with him. Her husband, the bad beta male who in modern times would now be destroyed by the court system, finds out cause Anna gets pregnant. The entire community now must completely shun Anna. Note, they do not shun Vronsky, but to their upper class community, Anna no longer exist. This makes Anna go crazy.

Meanwhile Kitty’s serious suitor Konstantin has a conversation with someone about how nobody knows or understands why women have no rights and are kept in. It just seems outdated and not with the times of progress. Chesterton’s fence is invoked, as they muse that their must be some reason their ancestors set up society so that women were kept property. But times, they are a changing.

Now Anna’s husband, the cuck Alexei, considers that he might challenge Vronsky to a duel. He doesn’t want to though cause he scared and Vronsky is a bad ass. Duels are old news though and out of favor so nobody expects him to but that part of their culture still lingers and he feels like a coward for not doing so. He decides to do nothing but to take care of their two children, which Anna is now forbidden from seeing. Anna no longer being able to see her first two children intensifies her insanity.

Anna goes on to inflict massive shit tests on Vronsky due to her shunning and being rendered basically a dead person. Vronsky is unable or unwilling to pass these shit tests. This part of the story arc ends. You can read the book to find out how.

Kitty now marries Konstantin as nobody else is courting her and she’s turned eighteen. She’s an old maid at risk of eternal spinsterhood at eighteen. She marries Konstantin who is early thirties. Konstantin then goes on to cry like a little bitch to his master Kitty begging her forgiveness cause he once fcked a hooker. Kitty pats him on the head and says she forgives him and he’s a good boy, which makes him feel ecstatic. He has received absolution from his God, women, foreshadowing the future we live in today. Guys, don’t be Konstantin.

Oh one last thing I do remember exactly where it fit in. A fallen woman, who was the latest slut Konstantin’s horrible alcoholic brother was with who took care of him as he died, dared to speak to Kitty. The fact that a fallen woman spoke to Kitty, a superior non fallen woman, so enraged Konstantin that he seriously beats her.

The book is a good view into what upper class society was like in the latter half of the nineteenth century. You can see the weakening of the patriarchy and the blue pill where men listen to what women say rather than what they do. All the men who watched Vronsky badly wished they had large calves like Vronsky, cause that’s what the sluts said out loud about why they all wanted to crawl underneath him naked. They could not remember why they had covertry, and weren’t sure they should bother to defend it. Perhaps patriarchy needed to fall so we could experience the great relearning and get our bitches back under control.

Anna Karenina, nee Anna’s Rocking Titties, 9/10 would recommend.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Before an army can prevail over any enemies, it must first be able to prevail over the environment.

Nestled amidst Prigozhin’s screed the other day, almost as an after thought, was the observation that a significant number of casualties were also actually coming from hygiene problems.

Knowing how to construct dry, useful, livable earthworks, along with bushcraft in general, is one of the most important core skills there is for an infantryman. Ability to secure a comfortable existence on campaign has a direct relationship to ability to perform in battle. Yet this is also something that almost every military formation around the world almost completely neglects – to their detriment.

It has been sometimes said that the Roman soldier was an engineer before he was a bellator. Certainly the miles’ ability to construct fortified camps on the march, prepare battlespaces, and perform other feats to overcome the enemy’s intentions (like the classic knot-cutting solution to the jews holed up in Masada), was an integral function of that force’s success over several centuries, before the traditions were progressively lost.

Red says:

The Germany army of WW1 and WW2 was famous for their motto of sweat saves blood and their earthworks were always very well constructed and very hygienic. In WW2 with any new offensive Russian troops were highly motivated to take Germans fortifications because they were so much more livable than the Russian ones. It never occurred to the Russians to actually build good living quarters.

Handi says:

The rule of Nature is, if we’re alone together I get to have my way with you. So act accordingly.

Enforcing pseudo-courtship rituals against men in situations where courtship is well past applicable is psychotic and completely deranged. There is no reasonable way for men to balance this liability against the reproductive imperative.

Women need to be held 100% accountable for the situations they put themselves into because placing both parties’ burden on men constitutes an arbitrary and totalistic standard of guilt.

[This post is a reaction to something I saw online, not to any particular real life event]

Handi says:

Violating this rule literally hands unlimited power to women, who by nature are least fit to wield it. Curse satan and his every inversion.

I spit upon satan!

Tsymbal says:

Does someone have any advice about how to deal with a clingy girlfriend? We are in our 20s. We have been dating for three years, we live together, and she is wife material. Nevertheless, she seems to need constant attention. It is a bit annoying, as I have things and projects I want to work on. Maybe it is age-related, and she will outgrow it in a few years. What do you guys do? What’s the Jimian take on this issue?

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why haven’t you knocked her up yet?

Tsymbal says:

Partly because of economic reasons (I would like to own a home before having children, and we don’t have much money right now). Partly because she is in the young side of her 20s yet, and social pressure against getting pregnant that young.

A2 says:

If you’ve decided, knock her up and then show a supreme disinterest in social disapproval (whose?). These are her prime years for baby making, don’t waste them. When both of you look back on it, you’ll probably wish you had more.

Kunning Drueger says:

100% this. Kids confer a studious desperation to accumulate, develop,and grow. She’s being clingy because you’re doing the fake&gay version of marriage (LTR), so shit or get off the pot.

lolcow detector says:

Gay. Do you like pussy or not? Do you doubt your ability to earn money or not? Do you give a fuck what other (gay retards) think about the age of your woman, or not?

I know niggas making well over million dollars a year who decided they’d prefer the flexibility of an apartment for their first couple of children. It makes no difference whatsover and is a vastly less important concern than you percieve it to be.

Doom says:

She wants something to require her attention
Like a baby

It’s not rocket science.

>it costs too much
yes, iphones and fancy dinners are far more important than babies.

Send her my way lad.

TheDividualist says:


I guess the 16 rules can be summed up as “Play hard to get.”

Desperation/thirst is deadly. Treating a woman as “hmmm, maybe you will be up to my standards but I am not at all sure yet, PROVE YOURSELF” is mostly this.

Also… “play hard to get” is typically Woman Game. It is not a good thing that men have to resort to this. It is not really proper for a man. It is more like: desperate times, desperate measures.

TheDividualist says:

(But perhaps I am playing on easy mode because I actually like fat. Yeah I know saying that is a heresy in the Manosphere. Still I like what I like. Not all kinds of fat. Most kinds of fat not. But a narrowish waist, big fat tits, big fat ass, thick thighs, I like that. Yeah it makes no sense in evo-psy. Still. I like that. I like what I like, and I do not care when other men say I should not like that.)

Red says:

On the topic of low value male behavior in the mating game:


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