
Trump thunderbolt of 2025 January 27

With two hundred thunderbolts coming from the president in a week, it is easy to overlook this one in the noise, but he has just struck the heart of the enemy.

OPM, the HR of all HR, from which all HRs everywhere in the Global American Empire ultimately derive their power is, as they say in their post on r/fednews, being dismantled.

“The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit.”

Hat tip Bix Nudelmann

The source on r/fednews is anonymous and unverified, but is consistent with the official memos of Charles Ezell, acting head of the OPM. His memo refers to the official interpretation of Trump’s similar executive order in his first presidency, that it does not apply to the civil servants it is explicitly intended to apply to, in an unfavorable fashion. Trump’s executive order is that if a “non political” civil servant makes political decisions, he is a political civil servant, and Trump can fire him, and Ezell’s memo implies that the Trumps latest executive order supersedes that previous interpretation.

And of course everyone in the OPM is continually making political decisions, among them that men have inherent right to choose to be women, women have an inherent right to choose to be men, and every business has a duty to make every problem that ensues magically go away.

OPM is the center of priestly power in that they are the ones that ultimately ensure that HR has the power to fire you for Woke religious reasons and is staffed by critters suitably loyal to Woke. It is the center of the state coercive arm of the priesthood. On the other hand, Harvard is the center of priestly power in that they train the priests. They get to decide what is politically correct, then OPM does what it is told, then your HR department in some far flung backwater of the Global American empire does what it is told, and then you do what you are told. Hence your mandatory participation in DEI religious gatherings and coerced prayers. Next stop, tanks into Harvard.

Neet, the next time you cower in terror along with every other employee during a fire and brimstone DEI sermon, remember this: Now it is their turn to be terrorized.

60 comments Trump thunderbolt of 2025 January 27

Pax Imperialis says:

The memo, ‘Temporary Transition Schedule C and Schedule C Authorities and Noncareer Senior Executive Service Appointing Authorities’ is absolutely devastating to the administrative state. If I’m reading it correctly, it allows the transition team to directly stuff the federal bureaucracy with their people without limit. Combined with the hiring freeze, only their people are getting in.

It’s being reported that Trump is offering 8 month buyouts to all federal employees who do not wish to return to work if they resign by Fed 6. That’s similar to Yarvin’s proposal to retire these people, but at significantly lower cost.

This is really exciting because as I’ve mentioned before, DOD isn’t the only military force in America, and just as Hegseth, a Christian Nationalist, has taken over DOD, Vought, also a Christian Nationalist, is set to take over OMB which will this time have authority over OPM.

Aristoxidis says:

I m propably the only greek that reads fanatically your blog and tries to translate it here.
Greeks have it good with the jew problem, good with the Gay problem, they say open their opposite thoughts, greek church too, but are clueless about the women problem and i am having a bad time with them explaining.
Which is sad because just 60 years ago all greeks were patriarchal , our grand fathers, know the social technology, arranged marriage and shotgan marriage etc.
elon musk saw our birth rates problem and we are know close to war with turkey after years of economic war from eu and progressive politicians.
We see hope in trump and america. i hope tanks go to harvard just like in greece in 1967.
Christ is the lord, have mercy on us.
jim pass the message without any other tests.
until progressivists go from greek political scene we have no future.
golden down still on prison but they were not very clever and had no plan for the country. poor in thoughts for the wq too.

Contaminated NEET says:

We shall see. I’ve got another DEI demon-worship/submission session scheduled for a few weeks from now, and the same Oriental harridan is going to run it. Will she be chastened and fearful, or will she be even fuller of fiery self-righteous anger? I’ll go metaphorically drink my tall metaphorical glass of metaphorical estrogen and report back.

Jim says:

Your most recent mandatory Isis worship session happened shortly before the Trump thunderbolt hit the HR of all HRs.

I think the transmission line between the HR of all HRs and each private company HR throughout the Global American Empire is fairly tight. Has to be tight so that the latest twist in Harvard doctrine gets swiftly transmitted to every corner of the Global American empire. We shall see if I am correct.

I expect your next session to renamed, rescheduled, renamed again, rescheduled again, and then have a very different preacher in charge, due to the previous preacher having resigned to pursue new employment opportunities.

We shall see.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Keep us posted, Neet, so we can see if the “red dye in the water” is really there and has gotten out to you.

Neurotoxin says:

Neet is a determined black-piller and possibly a demoralization shill. If he reports anything other than “EVERYTHING’S TOTALLY HORRIBLE!” I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Of course, pleasant developments have been thick on the ground lately…

Milosevic says:

I still find it funny people put up with this. Nothing could be worth putting up with this.

Daniel says:

Seems the US is trying to steal from and imprison Roger Ver. I’ve read most of the court docs and can’t see where he did anything wrong. US seems to be asserting a bunch of baloney and extreme manufactured twisting just like the “prosecutor/impeachment” goons were trying to do against Trump. Anyway there’s with some good vids and background. He’s already had to go to the Supreme Court once on this, strange that appeared hushed. I know him enough to call for his Freedom from all this insane Govt crap, trying to do him for life for doing nothing to anyone, that’s nuts.

Albert says:

More details.

Hesiod says:

One expert found the takeover reminiscent of Stalin.


Jim says:

He is closer than he knows.

Fidelis says:

One, a senior adviser to the director, is a 21-year-old whose online résumé touts his work for Palantir, […] The other, who reports directly to Scales, graduated from high school in 2024, according to a mirrored copy of an online résumé and his high school’s student magazine; he lists jobs as a camp counselor and a bicycle mechanic among his professional experiences, as well as a summer role at Neuralink, Musk’s brain-computer interface company.

Huh. That’s an interesting direction.

Bleppo says:

what it would sound like, if the history channel told the truth:

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s true, American boys stormed Omaha Beach so their granddaughters could fuck niggers and their grandsons could fuck each other. They just weren’t told that at the time.

The Cominator says:

The oldschool history channel (which launched before the major wave immigration of nonwhites though it started right at the beginning of 90s 3rd wave feminism) was good for what it was. Most of us are history buffs and probably loved the history channel back then… I did.

The assurances that Americans fought the Nazis so their granddaughters could be childless mudsharks or have one illegitimate kid they would raise as a single mom after babydaddy Tyrone knocked them up… and that their grandsons would fuck each other in the ass and/or cut their dicks off came a lot later.

skippy says:

They were told that by Charles Lindbergh.

alf says:

Definitely not yet tired of winning.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Some shocking whoppers in the original r/fednews message that I copied into :

(Verifying my blockquote technique here also, so Jim please fix if wrong.)

The very backbone of American Government, the HR of all HR in the U.S. Government has been taken over by outside politicals.

So they KNOW that it’s HR who truly rules, and have been so secure in their power that they feel free to actually blab about it online. Amazing. If “thoughtcrime” is a thing, then what’s this, “blabcrime”?

This is the part that was so “on the nose” that I just couldn’t believe it, and frankly still can’t. If this were real, then I’d expect them to DENY this power, never mention it at all, and instead merely bemoan that they’re just nice smart people, keeping mean dumb people out of work. But instead I see not one precious WORD of self-justification or power-obfuscation at all, and that’s what confuses me.

…they’ve sent numerous requests to all the agencies to collect information on gov’t employees that they see as a threat to their agenda. Instructions say to send these lists to Amanda Scales. But Amanda is not actually an OPM employee, she works for Elon Musk. She wasn’t even properly cleared by OPM Personnel Security.

OK let me get this straight. This Scales lady wasn’t approved, by OPM’s own people, to be allowed to be a threat TO these self same OPM people, or to be allowed to hold them accountable for disobeying their freaking boss, the President himself, who the Constitution says is in charge of the entire executive branch, which would presumably include the executive branch’s own HR office.

Again, the entitlement and self-unawareness is so mind-blowing that I presume such sentences could only have been composed by a high-IQ comedian, like Zero HP Lovecraft or The Duck or somebody. Or from inside Trump’s camp as a false flag message.

Our CIO, Melvin Brown, (also a non political career public servant)

Poor baby.

…was pushed aside just one week into his tenure because he refused to setup email lists to send out direct communications to all career civil servants. Such communications are normally left up to each agency.

Holy fucking SHIT, so the sysadmin guy isn’t helping his boss send out group emails.

Instead, an on-prem (on-site) email server was setup. Someone literally walked into our building and plugged in an email server to our network to make it appear that emails were coming from OPM. It’s been the one sending those various “test” message you’ve all seen. We think they’re building a massive email list of all federal employees to generate mass RIF notices down the road.

Sensational. Musk and his guys aren’t even asking “So who works here?” That wouldn’t even work. So instead, they’re just setting up an inside PHISHING OPERATION to rack up email address, to which they can send “you’re fired” messages later.

Compare this to how we imagine 2017. Trump would have sent someone to ask “So who works here?”, and the OPM would have taken 36 months to hand over a list of like 50 people, for like janitors, plumbers, HVAC repairmen and people like that.

The non-political civil servants here at OPM are watching helplessly as our government is being systematically dismantled bit by bit.

“OUR government.” These guys really do know that they’re in charge, or at least have been.

IF this message was fake from the start, then it’s a false flag from Trump’s side to make everyone understand that HR really is The Final Boss. So I’m flattered.

Jim says:

> This is the part that was so “on the nose” that I just couldn’t believe it,

Reading so many shill messages, I think I have a handle on our enemy’s delusions. I find it entirely believable. A lot of the stuff that you and I read as frank admissions of what thought criminals claim about how the government works have special amazingly clever rationalizations that make them not the thought crime that they would be if we said almost the same thing.

I simply did not know, nobody knew, that Zuckerberg was paying the legacy media to censor Facebook. Indeed Zuckerberg has never admitted it even now. We learned it by the screams of pain coming from the legacy media, who blurted out in pain what had been a deep dark secret. They regarded that as totally fair, proper and right, but realised that the ignorant deplorable unwashed masses might view it as somewhat odd.

And similarly, these guys at the OPM regard it as totally fair and right that “non politicals” should govern, and “politicals”, which is an unkind word for the merely elected government, should not govern. Not something you should tell the ignorant deplorable unwashed masses, but completely fine and totally accepted by all right thinking people.

Ex says:

Lawsuit attempt at blocking Trump:

TL;DR Having an email server with a list of employees and emails might be insecure, might be hacked by the Chinese, and hasn’t gone through the Bureaucratic Process to be allowed to collect that data. That’s illegal.

A clever attempt at sounding like there’s a concern about personal information and privacy, because there are grounds for concern in *that general area*, but absolutely insane when applied to this specific case of claiming that the boss needs to ask permission to know who’s in the company.

(reply button on Bix’s parent comment seems broken for me BTW, this Jim comment has a fine reply button)

Fidelis says:

I expect it will sit awaiting trial for about another 8 years. Meanwhile all the civil servants will find themselves kicked out, and all the judges powerless.

Excellent way to collect names of people who should be removed first, anway.

dave says:

thats why Trump fired all the IGs.

skippy says:

“Reading so many shill messages, I think I have a handle on our enemy’s delusions.”

Anyway theyre less delusional among themselves, in private. I mean people with significant jobs, not random Progs.

onok says:

One Nation, One King, Make It Great Again

Franklin says:

Some people hate Thomas Rousseau, yet is on point…

Jim says:

I have good reasons to hate Thomas Rousseau, and to assume that anyone who posts anything favourable about him is FBI, but this speech of his is not one of them.

You are, of course, still on moderation.

The Cominator says:

No idea who the guy is. Everything I’ve ever learned about Nick Fuentes has been against my will… is he the same type of thing.

Jim says:

My knowledge of both of them is similar. I study the shilling operations that are trying to penetrate this blog, not all of them.

Franklin says:

X blocks links to, and there are very few posts which indicates shadow suppression. Yet there are all sorts of traps on X. The FBI doesn’t block links to FBI’s own operations. X/Musk blocks links to real shit they dont want you to see.

Jim says:

Immediately after your shill post was allowed through, a second shill post linking to another post on X by Thomas Rousseau appeared, this one containing the usual painfully familiar Patriot Front shill payload, which I silently deleted.

If the Patriot Front are not FBI shills, if you are not an FBI shill, take the shill test described in the moderation policy and get white listed.

Anon says:

“Someone literally walked into our building…”
So we are going to see twitter like event where 80% get fired. LOL

Pax Imperialis says:

Earlier this week I reported that the former commanding officer of a fairly prestigious command was mysteriously not picking up 1 star, nor was the officer getting a new command posting, that the officer had been sighted wondering the neighborhood seemingly without anything to do. Now word is the officer is being investigated for pushing DEI among all sorts of other, ahem, command discretions.

If my anecdote wasn’t convincing that big changes are actually happening in DOD, today it’s being reported in the news that the Pentagon will be investigating former general Milley and possibly demoting him. Trump’s command presence is being felt at all ranks and commands. This is a big difference from his first term, and is very good news.

A2 says:

Milley was one of those pardoned by Biden, wasn’t he? That’s a great look for a demotion.

alf says:

“investigated for pushing DEI”… Music to my ears.

Still, the necessary step following de-wokification is de-feminisation. What would that look like? Seems like very few in the Trump administration, if any, are willing to even openly acknowledge that there is a women question. At the same time a good portion of Thermidor wants to win wars, so getting women out of the military is a must. Probably the low-hanging fruit is raising the fitness requirements. Would be nice to see something more than that.

Fidelis says:

No mandatory diversity, IQ and aptitude tests removes most of them. Still enough will remain to cause problems, and the biggest problem being raising the status of high IQ high achievement women reduces their fertility to near zero.

In the military, fed agencies with field work, and police units, fitness tests are going to get rid of the vast majority. Non mandatory diversity combined with quiet sanity should clear the rest.

Anon says:

PRESIDENT TRUMP WARNS FEDERAL WORKERS: “If they don’t agree by February 6 to show up back to work in their office, they will be terminated.”
The fact he said this while what look like a platoon of marine behind him.

USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong was reportedly escorted out of her office by security after she refused to leave after President Trump fired her.
lol, so it started

as Lenin said :
“There are decades were nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Neurotoxin says:

“USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong was reportedly escorted out of her office by security after she refused to leave after President Trump fired her.”

This has been reported by several media outlets. It happened.

This was the crucial thing. When Trump said “Do this,” and some leftist bureaucrats said, “No, fuck you, what are you going to do about it?”, what would happen? Would Trump use physical compulsion to enforce obedience, and could he do so? Would the men who are the pointy tip of the spear obey him?

Yes. He did. This was the point upon which everything turned. He made the right decision, gave the right orders, and the orders were obeyed by the men with guns.

Kevin C. says:

Genuinely whitepilling.

I’m naturally the sort to counsel avoiding getting one’s hopes up, and so on — to quote Yarvin:

As a pessimist by temperament, I find it important to be a pessimist by trade. Also, everyone has to be a pessimist by logic: pessimism optimizes tail-risk optionality, since you are either wrong or disappointed—never both.

— but even I can’t help but think, seeing things like this, that we are getting some actual action against The Swamp. Will he keep pushing on as the resistance escalates? It’s not certain, but I’m certainly rating the probability higher than I was a couple days ago.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pax’s Basilisk:

In this vein, there is the ominous possibility that if a left singularity does occur, the resultant revolutionary state may have precommitted to punish all potential party members who knew about reactionary ideas and who didn’t give 100% of their ideological fervor to the revolution. This would act as an incentive to get the party to be more revolutionary to reduce reactionary counter revolution, and thereby increase the chances of a left singularity. This seems to be what a Gnostic Demiurge State might do if it were causal decision-maker*.1 So a post-left-singularity world may be a world of fun and plenty for the people who are currently ignoring the problem, whilst being a living hell for a significant fraction of party members (say, the least revolutionary half). You could take this possibility into account and give even more to the revolution in an effort to avoid being purged. But of course, if you’re thinking like that, then the Gnostic Demiurge State is even more likely to want to punish you… nasty

*Note, left singularity does not depend on acausal threat to occur, but rather some rather nasty causal feedback loops, and likewise Roko’s Basilisk does exists, but has been misattributed to acausal decision making. “Rationalist” are likely attributing real thought processes to acausality because crimestop is preventing them from recognizing reality.

Ok, if it wasn’t apparent, this is a parody of Roko’s Basilisk, but it describes surprisingly well a potential outcome of leftism with not that many words changed. Ideology/faith/governance systems are a system of thoughts that result in emergent behavior in groups. Group behaviors might be viewed as a sort of artificial intelligence, or somewhat analogous to it in the way the markets, guided by the ‘invisible hand’, are characterized by bulls, bears, and ‘animal spirits’ so to speak. The Austrian School of Economics saw markets and prices all as a sort of signaling system, a precursor to seeing markets as a form of superintelligence in the way Nick Land saw capital as AI. We are already living and interfacing with superintellegences.

Human interacting computer superintelligences, the first generations produced by us, are systems of thought not confined to the ghost in the machine. The tech priests are a part of the overall superintelligence just like we are a part of the capital systems (AI) today, and as many AI theorists belong to the LessWrong crowd, being Gnostic in spirit and post-Puritanically religious, are likely to accelerate into left singularity along with computing singularity. In effect, Roko’s Basilisk is a likely outcome should that priesthood not be purged. It’s just not the machines doling out the punishment directly, but the human component using the machines to justify and facilitate.

Obviously we will want our own reactionary tech priesthood to interface with the computer superintelligence they create otherwise we’ll be in for a bad time.

Pax Imperialis says:


>But the most likely bad outcome of such a superintelligence is the paperclip maximiser, which has been adequately discussed.

Leftist technopriests spiral into left singularity while integrated with superintelligence trained on managed reality data set brings about automated digital Pol Pot that continues to run until the last power plant goes offline. Arguably weren’t we already at the beginning stages of that with AI chat bots giving increasingly reality detached answers to queries and zombie glowies regurgitating the shilling points having offloaded all critical thinking processes to Gnostic possessed LLMs? Were the tech companies not building the Demiurge?

Bix Nudelmann says:

Next, Trump can decree that companies can hire by IQ test if they want. Blow that one supreme court ruling out of the water.

Make it a “social justice” thing, for all those Blacks, Arabs and Chicanos who can’t afford college.

white bread says:
Hesiod says:

Well, since Jews are such another flavor of vanilla to the radical left, this may be a bone thrown to the kosher element of Thermidor so their kids might fare better at school when the “you have to be this dark to be oppressed” measuring device gets pulled out during various disputes. My concern is with relatively recent government definitions of anti-semitism including Biblical Scripture. Pretty sure we won’t have a rainbow parade on Easter this year courtesy of the feds, but what about these other legal definitions?

S says:

“This order reaffirms Executive Order 13899 and directs additional measures to advance the policy thereof in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7, 2023, against the people of Israel. These attacks unleashed an unprecedented wave of vile anti-Semitic discrimination, vandalism, and violence against our citizens, especially in our schools and on our campuses. Jewish students have faced an unrelenting barrage of discrimination; denial of access to campus common areas and facilities, including libraries and classrooms; and intimidation, harassment, and physical threats and assault.

analysis of all pending administrative complaints, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism.

analysis of all court cases, as of the date of the report, against or involving institutions of higher education alleging civil-rights violations related to or arising from post-October 7, 2023, campus anti-Semitism

include an inventory and an analysis of all Title VI complaints and administrative actions, including in K-12 education, related to anti-Semitism — pending or resolved after October 7, 2023

include in their reports recommendations for familiarizing institutions of higher education with the grounds for inadmissibility under 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3) so that such institutions may monitor for and report activities by alien students and staff”

Tldr; Focused on colleges, political theater/purge justification

S says:

Focused on the university system- definately a boon to the Jewish wing of Thermidor as well as justification to purge.

white bread says:

justification to purge whom?

S says:

Anyone in the university system who supported the leftmost faction (Hamas).

white bread says:

So this is part of Trump’s “make isreal great again”? I guess it must be G’Ds will or something.

Jim says:

Perhaps, but if the less radical left wants to destroy the more radical left, I am not going to complain.

T says:

They have Harvard in sight.


T says:

I mean, they’ve all been reading Moldbug, and some might even have read a good ol’ Jimpost, so why wouldn’t they?

The Cominator says:

Need to get the Jesuit schools too especially Georgetown. Need to declare them not subject to 1A protection because they all swear an oath of personal loyalty to a foreign head of state.

T says:

What’s happening right now is not exactly Regime Change – more precisely it is Regime Capture. Thermidor doesn’t fundamentally alter the structure of the regime (or at least it hasn’t yet), but it hijacks the regime in terms of memes and personnel.

As Herr Fungusbourgh wrote in his latest piece,

Another analogy: true top-down White House control of the executive branch is like a bicycle that’s been sitting outside in the rain for 80 years. Previous Republican presidents, including Trump himself, had picked it up, posed with it, pretended to sit on it, actually sat on it, etc. But no one has actually tried to ride FDR’s rusty old bicycle.

What happens when you try? Do the pedals move? Does the chain break? The post? It’s fascinating to see Trump—plus a small army of revved-up nerdy zoomers—try to actually ride the bike. For all the reasons I said, it works much better than I expected. But—couldn’t we afford a new bike? Wouldn’t it be worth it? For the paper route?

Unexpected times.

Anon says:

This whole memo fiasco is magician’s hand while the real stuff is happening elsewhere.
My bet on the massive firing going under the radar.

Jim says:

What memo fiasco?

Are you talking about the antisemistm stuff? It is not aimed at us — its aimed at the interleft dispute. Thermidor is substantially Jewish, and they are worried that holiest of the left have deemed them white.

You will notice it does not address Easter directly or indirectly. The law banning Easter is still in effect, but with Trump’s government full of Christian nationalists, will probably be quietly forgotten.

The Easter ban is the left going after Christianity because antisemitic. The memo, if we are talking about the same memo, is the left going after the left because antisemitic.

Anon says:

Sorry for not being clear.
I was talking about the trump executive order to freeze all federal programs and grants .
A memo was sent from The Office of Management and Budget to all federal agencies to enforce the order , it got leaked , resulted in a lot of screaming and confusions.
This was a lot of people with a lot benefits things like Social Security , Medicare, food stamps, welfare . Basically lefts holy cows.
It was too much. In the end they rescinded the memo while the order are still in effect.

Jim says:

You are being silly. Not what happened.

Lots of ngos spending money promoting leftism, but they cannot say “Ouch I am no longer getting sixty thousand dollars a month for being gay and black and harming whites and straights” so they have to say “Your benefit is being cut”, meaning not social security and all that, but the wonderful benefits that you get from people who hate you getting sixty thousand dollars month to harm you. So they told their story as if your social security was being cut. After all, its all benefits bestowed by the government, right? A benefit is a benefit?

Does anyone still believe anything the Democrats and the legacy media say? The usual suspects told the usual lies, and the usual suspects pretended to believe their own lies. Did anyone else believe? I suppose some did, but not enough to matter.

If there were very many people still paying attention to what the legacy media say, Trump would not have been elected.

Well, apparently you believed it. Why? I don’t recall anyone except usual crowd running with this story. As far as I could tell, no one paid any attention. Why did you pay attention? Where did you get this story from?

Anon says:

I agree , but still that a lot of “benefits” and the screaming was strong enough that trump backed.
It seem right now it dose not matter to them what everybody think . I was just trying to see where the leftist wind going , right now it between old dems who like to pretend like it is the old trump, and the young leftist who screem bloody murder and want war.

Jim says:

No Trump did not back down. His obvious, reasonable, and very popular executive order stands and is being implemented as written, and no one except the usual suspects ever thought they had a chance.

Where are you getting this story from?

T says:

If I ever establish a terrorist organization, it will be called the Hegseth Martyrs’ Brigades.

This is so good.

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