Author: Jim

party politics


If a tree falls in the forest, and media fail to report it, did it make a sound? If Trump gets a landslide vote, and the media fail to report it, did he win? Early voting is, predictably, a Trump landslide, and the media are failing to report it. This is the color revolution script …


The final election

Democracy, and any system where transfers of power are peaceful, such as a Republic, require that the elite play by the rules, for limited stakes, thus require a virtuous elite. We no longer have the necessary conditions for democracy or a Republic, and restoring them would require recreating a virtuous elite, a project that takes …

party politics

The real election platform

The 2016 Republican Platform consisted of what little red meat still remained within the Overton Window – the biggest chunk of red meat being to prohibit transporting minor “children” over state lines for abortions without the consent of their parents – which is not all that red, and which, of course, they ignored, and instead …


The color revolution playbook

I have been reading the color revolution playbook. It is phrased in politically correct lies, so this is a translation. A powerful elite faction backing the color revolution Lawfare to protect criminal acts by that elite faction and their mobs Loud denunciation of the sovereign Tight discipline and strong organization of the color revolutionaries Much …


War is coming

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed. This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and …


The three magic words

Civilization is collapsing, the revolutionary political crisis is approaching, but, worse than that Heartiste has stopped posting on game, and Roosh has turned tradcuck. So even though I have sworn this is not going to be a game blog, and my life has demonstrated times without number that no end of men are better qualified …