Category: party politics


How to fire big bird

Romney has promised to defund the Public Broadcasting System. Reagan promised to defund the left, and did not seriously try it. If Reagan did not, what chance Romney? But if Romney is serious about it, which I doubt, here is how to do it: The Public Broadcasting System is, in large part, half a billion dollars paying media people to be left wing, which includes paying them to be nasty …

party politics

The Romney/Obama middle east policy

The major problem with Obama’s policy is that it is a progressive policy. By being nice to our enemies, and hateful to our friends, our enemies will supposedly come to love us. This policy has been tried from time to time over the last several thousand years, particularly by Christians towards Muslims over the last thousand years, with entirely predictable results. Though doubtless sincerely believed, it has in practice a …

party politics

The reaction to Clint Eastwood’s speech

Every television station, every radio station, every newspaper … Every mainstream blog that mentions the topic is being spammed with suspiciously repetitious comments. An abrupt and coordinated attack, endlessly repeating a single message, is like an army, its behavior showing it is thrown into action by a single command, issued by a single commander. And what is that single message?

party politics

Correction: Tea Party Express not wholly left entryist

Earlier I accused the Tea Party Express as being left entryist, on the basis that its emailings tend to analyze the political spectrum as Democrats, right wing Democrats, moderate republicans, and conservative republicans, language that treats the left as normality and truth, and everyone else as deviations from normality and truth. However, emailings have recently changed that terminology, and the Tea Party Express blog always analyzed the political spectrum as …

party politics

Tea Party Express is far left entryist

In its mailings, the Tea Party Express conceptualizes the political landscape of the US as  “conservative republicans”, “moderate republicans”, “right wing democrats”, and just plain “democrats”.   There is, it seems, only one liberal democrat, and no liberal or left wing republicans. Thus betraying the writer’s real viewpoint – that the far left is normal and mainstream, and all the rest are weirdoes,  despite the fact that today’s “conservative republicans” are …

party politics

Paul leading in Iowa

As the last non leftist still standing, Paul is now leading in Iowa, the first actual vote of the Republican nomination. Paul twenty three percent, Mitt Romney twenty percent, Gingrich fourteen percent, ten percent or less for all the rest.

party politics

All Republican nominees extreme left by 1996 standards.

There is Governor Romneycare, who created the original of which Obamacare is a copy. There is Governor Perry, a man who fully supports the underclassing and the suppression of Christianity by state power combined with state sponsorship of alternatives to Christianity such as Islam. There Newt Gingrinch, who talks like a right winger, but is an entryist.