Flynn was set up to blackmail him into committing perjury against the president of the United States. The illegal spying started when Trump walked down the escalator and announced he was running for the Republican nomination for president. The setup started when Obama was still president, but was the outgoing administration. Trump had been elected president, but not yet in office. Biden approved illegal spying on people in the Trump …
Category: party politics
Current news
We in Flight 93. The plane is headed directly to the ground. Trump is in the cockpit fighting the hijackers, but even if he wins, that is no guarantee he can pull the plane out of the dive. I normally don’t pay much attention to the latest political events, nor cover them in this blog, because it is mostly a distraction, intended to confuse and mislead. It is more important …
Creeping coup
Doing illegal acts and getting away with it due to state power is a creeping coup. If one side in a struggle for state power can do illegal things, and the other side cannot, the illegal things eventually escalate till the political leadership of side that cannot commit crimes flees the country or goes into hiding. We are in hiding, and people in the military with dangerous ideas get prosecuted …
Trump: This Witch Hunt must end NOW with a trial in the Senate, or let her default & lose. Trump wants a trial in the Senate at which Democrats get to call witnesses, Trump gets to cross examine their witnesses and Trump gets to call witnesses, and they get to cross examine his witnesses. During which he gets to put on the greatest show on earth, unlike the ratings killing …
Draining the Swamp
Trump made three big promises. To bring the jobs back, to build the wall, and to drain the swamp. Bringing the jobs back was effective almost immediately. He reversed a bunch of Obama presidential orders that had shutdown coal fields, oil wells, and pipelines, or prevented new ones from opening, and they immediately opened and started hiring at the stroke of his pen. Overnight, or rather over three months, America …
Sixteen more years
Trump when addressing the masses does not explicitly cover the issues covered in this blog, but when addressing the shale conference, addressing the merchant elite, he touched on them: He tells the shale industry that they should run shale because the merchant class should have the property rights they need to do the day to day running of the ordinary stuff: “you make this country run”.. Trump hopes to continue …
The crisis
I have predicted from past trends that 2020 will probably be the last democratic election, and the proverbial hits the fan around 2026. (Though chances are that we will still be holding elections for a very long time to come, as the Roman Empire did, and the Queen still rides in a stagecoach to open Parliament.) The current impeachment crisis is that Social Justice Warriors always project. When Trump investigates …
Draining the swamp
“Bring the jobs back†Done “Build the wall†Started “Drain the swamp†Starting Trump, because Biden is the most electable Democratic Party candidate, drew attention to the fact that Biden used taxpayer money to shut off the light on his families corruption. So, naturally they accuse Trump of doing what Biden did, and are now attempting to impeach him for it – which draws further attention to what Biden, and …
Breaking Epstein’s hyoid bone
To break your hyoid bone in a suicide, you need to tie a rope around your neck and jump off something high enough that there is a drop before the rope tightens, and the rope tightens before your feet hit the ground. And there needs to be a decent drop distance before the rope tightens. An “Introduction to the Work of a Medical Examiner†by John Miletich and Tia Lindstrom …
Mueller Testimony
A lot of people interpreted the Mueller testimony as Mueller being senile and forgetful. Did not look like that to me. He was “forgetful†under hostile cross examination: Looked to me that he was repeatedly caught lying to congress. He was not forgetful, he was changing his story in midstream. Looked to me that he is used to an environment where lying is mandatory, crimethought forbidden, so you can lie …