Category: party politics

party politics

Clinton’s Booby Trap

Hillary wants the alt right to take over the right, to become the Republican party. Which means that the alt right gets all the lovely beltway gravy that the Republicans are getting today – and like the Republicans, gets no power. Like the Republicans, becomes the outer party. The Republican party then becomes the white male party because white males are about to permanently outvoted and rendered politically irrelevant. It …

party politics

Hillary’s condition

Hillary has been photographed being stabilized by two assistants as she climbs the stairs. This used to be Hollywood’s way of depicting someone as drunk – that he needed assistance to climb stairs without falling over and falling down. Hillary is known to have injured her head by falling down. Hillary has seizures. Seizures are typical of repeated severe alcohol withdrawal. Diazepam is used to control seizures and to treat …

party politics

Why Trump is Hitler

You have doubtless seen lots of people arguing that Trump is Hitler. Often “Trump is literally Hitler!” Of course people who read my blog know what “literally” means, and though Trump is obviously not literally Hitler, there is in fact a good argument that Trump is Hitler. But for some strange reason, Democrats never make the argument out loud in plain words. I wonder why. The argument, said outright in …

party politics

Alt right at the Republican National Conventional

The left thinks the alt right has taken over the Republican Party and gave the Nazi salute from the Podium, and are fantasizing about creating a replacement Republican party in which white males will no longer have significant representation. The reason the Never Trumpers were unable to agree on anything is that some of them wanted Ted Cruz as nominee, and some of them wanted an unspecified nonwhite female nominee …

party politics

RNC convention: No riots, no floor fight, Trump in charge.

The headlines and stories about the floor fight were written in advance. I heard what I presume was the floor fight live. The speaker called a vote that the troublemakers should not be given the opportunity to sound off, that that part of the proceedings should be skipped. Thunderous ayes. Two or three nays, perhaps four people shouting as loudly as they could. Maybe there were some quieter nays that …

party politics

Another prediction: No kayfabe at the Republican National Convention.

At the coming Republican National Convention Trump will be officially nominated as Republican candidate for president, in a process more like a coronation than a vote. A long distance outside the coronation, there will be small, and exceedingly peaceful protests. Anyone unpeaceful will be hammered down so hard and fast you will scarcely get a chance to see him. The reason I predict small and exceedingly peaceful protests is that …

party politics

If you are a conservative

You believe that a wall for the US is immoral and racist, but a wall for Israel is not. You believe deporting anchor babies is unconstitutional. You believe that free trade consists of other nations accepting US copyrights, patents, and US investment, but not US goods. You believe that the US should be the world’s policeman. You believe in gay marriage. You oppose abortion but support state funding for an …

party politics

Trump for King

This image, and this entire blog is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License This is an outline of how President Trump might well become King Trump the first, if we are sufficiently lucky and virtuous. The world is sick of anarcho tyranny, and hungers unknowingly for the power and authority of Kings. The recent election of Duterte, on a platform of his praetorians simply killing the bad …

party politics

Trump for King

History does not repeat, but it rhymes. Today’s America is Wiemar Germany.  But Trump is not Hitler.  Rather, Trump is Kemal Ataturk. Kemal Ataturk abandoned most of the Turkish empire, because most of it was run against the interests of Turks.  It was the anti Turkish empire, as the American empire is the anti American empire. This put Kemal Ataturk on a collision course with the Caliphate, which continued to …

party politics

Trump is the man

It is clear that Trump had this scandal in his pocket ready to fire at Ted Cruz for some time. Why did he not deploy it earlier? He deployed it now because Ted Cruz went after Trump’s wife. Trumps biggest political advantage is that he cares about things that are more important than political advantage. With every other politician on the face of earth you ask the question “Is it …