The richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is currently in a power struggle with Yoel Roth, the former head of Trust & Safety at Twitter who is featured prominently in the “Twitter Files†released by Elon Musk. Yoel Roth is a Jewish faggot. That he is a Jew and a faggot is in his bio. As head of Trust and Safety, he displayed a strangely relaxed attitude to child …
Category: politics
Time to discuss the nature of capitalism, because fake Nazis on Gab are spouting Marxist history, economics, and theory: The Marxist sees bread on the supermarket shelf, and thinks this a manifestation of a central plan. He thinks we already live in a socialist economy, with big capitalists giving marching orders to little capitalists. And that is why they refuse to acknowledge that Musk is the great rocket scientist of …
Not the Babylon Bee
Somewhat after the last minute, they have proceeded with the real case against Kyle. A bunch of peaceful protestors peacefully protested by smashing cars and setting buildings on fire. The militia showed up toting guns, Kyle among them, to stop this. The peaceful protesters felt this was extremely provocative. Kyle saw a fire, and unwisely went towards it alone carrying his gun and a fire extinguisher. Ziminski was smashing up …
The fall of the Republic
PJ Media correctly observes of the botched and disorderly retreat from Afghanistan: This ensures that the catastrophe, rather than diminishing, has only just begun. It will not end when the last qualified person leaves Kabul but when the U.S. political system has found a constitutional way to clean house. Compare and contrast with the orderly and dignified Soviet retreat from Aghanistan. A constitutional house cleaning is unlikely to be practical, …
Make women property again
Women are different. Very different. This is not a game post. This post is about the application of Game and Evolutionary Game Theory to religion and political organization. If you look at the landscapes we create everywhere, it is apparent that we long for our ancestral savannah, the lightly treed environment we entered when we came down from the trees and stood off the lions. And women long for their …
Free Software Foundation pushes back
I am a fan of the Gnu development environment, ./configure && make && make install, and a subscriber to the Free Software Foundation. And for a long time my emails from the Free Software Foundation have had only the most superficial connection to free software, and are primarily about the fact that everyone like me is evil and need to go because we oppress women and nams. Also my hatefulness …
Where we go from here
Electoral politics is dead, though its corpse will continue to be paraded about for a considerable time. It will not be revived for a very long time, for a live Republic requires a virtuous elite, and creating a virtuous elite is a project that requires a virtuous King, and a few generations. I hoped and prayed that Trump would retain power – either as president, or as leader of the …
Normality bias
In the year fifty eight years before Christ in Rome it became obvious that elections were rigged. Courts and due process had ended in the sense that some political violence went unpunished, and attempting to defend oneself against political violence was the gravest of crimes, in the sense that political disagreement was a crime, as Roger Stone and Sheriff Joe recently discovered, while political violence was not, as those who …
The fall of the Republic
Today in America it is the year in Rome fifty eight years before Christ. We are here. The mob is on the streets, which the courts decline to put down, courts and legal processes of the Republic politicized and defunct, carrying out political vengeance and refusing to enforce law, elections blatantly fraudulent and discredited. Caesar crossing the Rubicon was the culmination of more Rubicons than you can shake a stick …
As I predicted, Trump wins, Democrats steal
Trump has correctly announced he has won, and the Democrats are stealing it. Currently on you tube. Make a copy, because likely to disappear. Trump: “We won’t stand for it” “We Did Win This Election,” “This Is A Major Fraud On Our Nation” Trump’s victory was well beyond the margin of fraud, but as I have stated many times, there is no margin of fraud. There is, however, a margin …