There is some controversy over what the UK Variants concern VOC technical briefing 17 shows about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Several sources claimed that table five of UK Variants concern VOC technical briefing 17 showed vaccination made you more likely to die of China Flu “Fact checkers” said that table five said no such thing, and indeed when I looked at it, table five was about something totally unrelated. …
Category: science
It is just the flu, bro
We have big programs for monitoring flu. And it has “disappeared”. Nah, it is not that flu is being deliberately misdiagnosed as Corona. Rather, it is the other way around. Corona is being deliberately named as not just another flu in order to sound scarier. Which, now that governments have generally abandoned programs of large scale iatrogenic murder by ventilator, is killing only about the same number of people as …
The Clot Shot.
It is early days yet, but it should be showing up in the death statistics. Has not killed that many so far, though it has killed far more than a normal vaccine. Official truth is that only a thousand or so people have died after vaccination, not all them for reasons likely to be vaccine related. This data seems unlikely to be true, but it is probably not a huge …
Obesity, nutrition, and spiritual pollution
We have three massive epidemics of ill health: Obesity, low and falling testosterone in males, low and falling sperm production in males, and abnormally high, and abnormally early, very early, levels of androgens in females. It is killing vastly more people than the holy Corona Demon. Almost every older male is diabetic. (I don’t know about women because I don’t hang out or talk much to old obese women. I …
The spike protein is cytotoxic
We have seen a holiness spiral on China flu. Initial medical treatment was catastrophic, resulting in a huge number of iatrogenic deaths. Which of course cast doubt on priestlyness of the medical profession. The resulting conflict was not at first left right aligned, but every conflict gets assimilated to the left right conflict, and the left naturally took the priestly side, forcibly suppressing effective low tech treatments for China flu, …
Fill the stars and subdue them
Will of Gnon is that if we act in accordance with his law, we will fill the universe and subdue it. We plan to relegalize marriage, as marriage was from the Old Testament to 1820, which will result in above replacement fertility, elite fertility, and eugenic fertility, with elite children marrying younger and having more grandchildren. Therefore, colonialism and space. Musk plans to build many big re-usable rockets. With NASA …
Wu Flu, manufactured crisis, real deaths.
Wu Flu is off topic for this blog. But the corruption of science is on topic. Hostile and treasonous elite conduct is on topic. And we are seeing no end of both in the Wu Flu crisis. The big question is: Is Wu Flu just yet another new flu, worse than most, less bad than some, with a death rate around 0.1% or less, or is it something considerably more …
Novel Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 and technological decay
The one area where technology is still genuinely advancing is DNA/RNA technology, and closely related technologies that are working towards nanotechnology from the biological end rather than the organic chemistry end. China used ten year old technology to develop test kits for SARS-CoV-2 in a few days, and now has millions of test kits. Australia and Singapore have an adequate supply of locally produced test kits, with which they appear …
The reproducibility crisis
Watts Up With That? does a good job covering the climate scam, the only flaw being that they post so much good data that one is apt to lose sight of the forest for the trees. The have recently posted an excellent post on the reproducibility crisis. The short of it is that nineteen out twenty science papers seem to be making up their data. I would say that this …
A prediction.
Because of rationalization, prediction is a good test of theories. One can always with sufficient cleverness find a hundred and one explanations of past events that fit your model. Wrong predictions indicate indicate false models, and right predictions indicate true models, but retrodiction is always suspiciously accurate. Correct retrodiction is sometimes valid evidence for the truth of a model when it makes sense out of phenomena that were formerly arbitrary, …