My blog has been down for a while – the perils of being your own system administrator. Because of political events, I have moved the blog onto a server physically located on the boundary between the US empire and the Chinese hegemony, in a country that piously proclaims fealty to both, and tends to be left alone by both. (Which means we are now being spied on by twice as …
Category: Uncategorized
I am back
If you have problems viewing this site or commenting, clear your browser caches (except for passwords and such) Some browsers cached messed up data during the transition. I am feeling optimistic about my safety, because I have taken some additional precautions, and the move seems to have taken me off the radar. About America, not so much. After the Republic died in Rome, it took a long time for a …
This blog is going down
This blog, and the associated email addresses are going away until it becomes apparent which way the wind blows. I am going to sell the domain name. When it becomes apparent which way the wind blows, a similar blog, with all the original content and comments, will re-open on a less valuable domain name in a safer administration. Bets on the outcome of current events should be settled in 2020 …
Where we are, and where we are going
This blog has never been in the business of covering today’s news, but rather of covering the long sweep of history, and putting today’s news in the long sweep of history. And today’s news amounts to the fact that we are not going to get a good look at the ballots printed at midnight after the voting finished until and unless Trump proclaims the Insurrection Act: The President, by using …
I told Scott Alexander
I told him, your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends. A few hours ago, he shut down his blog, Slate Star Codex, because the New York Times came after him. Every year I have lived, it has been getting crazier, faster and faster. If Trump fails to become Caesar Augustus, Scott Alexander will not very long afterwards be killed by those he regards as his friends, …
Praise the Holy StarProphet!
Americans back in space on an American rocket, launched by Musk, who was protected from Nasa by Trump. The reason he can successfully launch stuff from the Nasa launch pad, is that he could launch stuff from a pad where the Range Safety Officer is Space Force, rather than Nasa, a pad that gets blown up from time to time. The space suits they are wearing have Nasa logos, but …
The Cathedral and the Holiness Spiral
“The Cathedral” was the hacker metalepsis for centralized authority, which Moldbug appropriated to describe the rule of the most holy unofficially official state religion of progressivism. A real life Cathedral is not run by a single CEO, but by a synod of bishops, and “The Cathedral” is the Beast with Seven Heads, several conspiracies struggling with each other for power and status, each composed of several individuals struggling with each …
Off Topic: SARS-CoV-2 public service announcement
Wash your hands before touching your face. Soap and water not only removes the virus, but kills it. Disinfectant works, but is unnecessary. The virus survives for a day or two on glass, steel (such a doorknobs) and plastic (such as supermarket wrappings) Windex spray kills and removes the virus. Clean everything that has been exposed to outsiders. Windex spray is more convenient than soap and water for doorknobs and …
The big winner of the Democratic Party presidential nominee debate was, of course, President Donald Trump. The commies called out the oligarch for being an oligarch, and the oligarch called out the commies for being commies. The commies lost and the oligarch lost worse. Following the debate Bernie Sanders gleefully referred to “our networks” – implying that some nominally private networks are in fact owned by the Permanent Government / …