Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I told Scott Alexander

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

I told him, your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends.

A few hours ago, he shut down his blog, Slate Star Codex, because the New York Times came after him.

Every year I have lived, it has been getting crazier, faster and faster. If Trump fails to become Caesar Augustus, Scott Alexander will not very long afterwards be killed by those he regards as his friends, unless rescued by those he regards as his enemies. Reflect on Venezuela. It started in Venezuela with pulling down statues, renaming streets, and revising the curriculum. And pretty soon they were revising the people.

He neglects to name the reporter: “(out of respect for his concerns, I am avoiding giving his name here.)”

Come on Scott. Everyone who works for the New York Times is evil, and you cannot appease them, because they hate everyone, including themselves. Being nice to reporters just gives them more opportunity and incentive to hurt people, starting with whoever is being nice to them. You should have encouraged and enabled your readers to take vengeance, not to maximize utility by protecting the next hundred people this reporter will destroy, but because vengeance is the right thing to do, when authority will not provide justice.

Scott, when a crazy fat woman in your circle of friends started accusing people in your circle of sexual harassment and sexual assault, what did you and your friends do about it? How did being politically correct on that turn out for you and for her? And do friends who respond in that way qualify as friends?

Scott is a smart guy, and a good writer. If he starts blogging with stronger anonymity, using a domain name purchased with bitcoin laundered through Monaro on a cloud computer similarly paid for, he might he able to be more wary about his “friends”, and less hateful to his “enemies”.

Praise the Holy StarProphet!

Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Americans back in space on an American rocket, launched by Musk, who was protected from Nasa by Trump.

The reason he can successfully launch stuff from the Nasa launch pad, is that he could launch stuff from a pad where the Range Safety Officer is Space Force, rather than Nasa, a pad that gets blown up from time to time. The space suits they are wearing have Nasa logos, but they are SpaceX suits, were personally designed by Musk as the prototype for Space Force’s space uniform. The primary design criterion for SpaceX space suits, is that they can be worn by heroes in space. The primary design criterion for Nasa’s space suits, is that they can be worn by morbidly obese middle aged lesbians larping space travel and no one can notice the difference between a hero and a morbidly obese middle aged lesbian.

The Cathedral and the Holiness Spiral

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

“The Cathedral” was the hacker metalepsis for centralized authority, which Moldbug appropriated to describe the rule of the most holy unofficially official state religion of progressivism.

A real life Cathedral is not run by a single CEO, but by a synod of bishops, and “The Cathedral” is the Beast with Seven Heads, several conspiracies struggling with each other for power and status, each composed of several individuals struggling with each other for status and power.

Rule by priests tends that way, because warriors prefer a clear chain of command, with a single man able to give command, while priests like to work by consensus. And consensus tends to madness.

Priests want to develop a shared story, so that people hearing the story from multiple seemingly separate sources will be more inclined to believe it, so naturally tend to develop their story by consensus. Warriors want a clear decision to deal with some external problem.

We are always ruled by priests or warriors, or some mixture of both, and when too many priests acquire too much power, they butt into the affairs of warriors and merchants, where consensus is a really bad way of making decisions.

The capacity of the Cathedral to abruptly and uniformly changed its line in a cohesive and coherent way indicates that the number of individuals is not a whole lot larger than the Dunbar number. Variations over time in its ability to act coherently and cohesively indicates that the number of influential individuals changes over time, and that the Cathedral struggles to preserve it ability to act cohesively, to act like a single being with a single will, not always successfully.

The Cathedral tends to be dominated by the most cohesive groups. Thus each group struggles for cohesion, as the Cathedral as a whole struggles for cohesion. One ever popular source of cohesion is blackmail through participation in shared crimes, and perhaps the Clinton group derived substantial cohesion from this source, but this necessarily only works for a quite small tightly knit group, which may well be at the center of a larger group. To hold a larger group together requires a shared faith, and so you derive cohesion by recruiting the most zealous believer in the faith.

To ensure loyalty and cohesion, the group, and the Cathedral as a whole, recruit the most zealous defenders of the faith.

Thus competition to join the group, and to rise within the group, results in ever more extreme demonstrations of holy faith, which is apt to result in manufacturing more ever extreme things to be holy about, in order to promote oneself and one’s faction, and cast out other factions, and competitors within one’s own faction, as insufficiently holy.

Off Topic: SARS-CoV-2 public service announcement

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Wash your hands before touching your face. Soap and water not only removes the virus, but kills it. Disinfectant works, but is unnecessary.

The virus survives for a day or two on glass, steel (such a doorknobs) and plastic (such as supermarket wrappings) Windex spray kills and removes the virus. Clean everything that has been exposed to outsiders. Windex spray is more convenient than soap and water for doorknobs and such.
[pdf-embedder url=”/misc_upl/NovelCoronaVirus.pdf”]

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It is likely that the anti malarial drug Chloraquine is effective against the virus.

It is also likely that the virus is evolving into less lethal forms, evolving into its own live vaccine, which protects you against more lethal forms.

Soap and windex is the best public and personal health measure.


Friday, February 21st, 2020

The big winner of the Democratic Party presidential nominee debate was, of course, President Donald Trump.

The commies called out the oligarch for being an oligarch, and the oligarch called out the commies for being commies. The commies lost and the oligarch lost worse.

Following the debate Bernie Sanders gleefully referred to “our networks” – implying that some nominally private networks are in fact owned by the Permanent Government / Democratic Party, and frequently answer to commies. As obviously they do.

The word “Oligarch” in its old and correct meaning is a member of the permanent government. Newer usage, however is to refer to members of the permanent government that substantially exercise power as capitalists on the revolving door between regulators and regulated, such as Jon Corzine, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and Jeff Bezos. Soros’s wealth comes from buying up worthless third world debt, and then having the World Bank, which is to say the American taxpayer, make it worth something.

Oligarchs(new meaning), is a small subset of oligarchs(old meaning) Bloomberg and Bernie are both oligarchs(old meaning) but only Bloomberg is an oligarch(new meaning)

Capitalists are not usually oligarchs, though some capitalists such as Bezos are also oligarchs. The Microsoft/Amazon conflict is a capitalist versus oligarch conflict, with the oligarchs(old meaning) coming in on the side of their fellow oligarch, and President Donald Trump coming in on the side of the taxpayers, and also on the side of his fellow capitalists at Microsoft.

Under Obama, the oligarchs ran wild, looted the nation, and proposed to loot it a great deal worse (the infamous Trans Pacific Partnership). This gave the commies plenty of entirely justified complaints and arguments, which is why Bernie Sanders is doing OK despite being two steps behind Judge Ruth Ginsberg in front of death’s door.

The elite is losing cohesion, leading to anarcho-tyranny and internal conflict, which internal conflict was on display in the recent Democratic party debate. Oligarchs(new meaning) should exercise power from behind the scenes, relying their allies(oligarchs in the old meaning) to tell the voters “hail fellow non white, hail fellow oppressed woman, hail fellow gay”. When they have to put their own faces forward, they are in trouble. It shows that Bloomberg does not trust the Democrats to look after the interests of his sort of people the way Clinton and Obama so generously did.

Oligarchs(new meaning) are worried that their fellow capitalist Donald Trump is stabbing them from in front, while fellow oligarchs(old meaning) are going to stab them in the back.

The Transpacific Partnership was a plot by oligarchs(new meaning) against capitalists, a gigantic pile of lobbyist written law and regulation.

As a result, we are now seeing the rich oligarch(new meaning) face of the Democratic party and commie loser face of the Democratic party on display simultaneously, with Bernie Sanders being a wealthy oligarch(old meaning) and commie loser simultaneously.

A lot of people say that a president Bernie would not do anything, because being rich from political gravy, he is not inclined to do anything, because he is a fellow oligarch(old meaning), and the oligarchs(new meaning) in the government would not allow him to do anything.

But the holiness spiral, running leftism ever lefter, has installed a lot of commies in the Permanent Government. A president Bernie, unlike President Trump, would have enough of his own people in the Permanent Government to get stuff done by executive order, and he, unlike Trump, has people that will cheerfully carry out some quite extraordinary executive orders, which is how Hugo Chavez destroyed Venezuela and Allende destroyed Chile. I don’t think he intends to turn America into the Soviet Union, and if he does intend that the Permanent Government will not allow it. But he does openly and enthusiastically intend to turn America into Venezuela, and there are plenty of people in the Permanent Government who are mighty keen on that idea.

Leftism always fragments into leftists fighting each other, and leftism always solves this by cohesion around the leftmost faction. I was expecting an anti white to be the leftmost faction and that the anti white Democratic leader would try to build unity around getting rid of white people, starting with old white people in the Democratic Party, with Nancy Pelosi getting the first pass of the salami slicer, but Bernie Sanders is the leader of the leftmost faction. If Bernie Sanders loses the candidacy, Democratic Party / Permanent Government chaos and internal conflict will continue. If he wins the candidacy, the oligarchs will bend the knee. The left always does, sometimes after a few left on left mysterious disappearances and “suicides”.

A merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to all men of goodwill

Tuesday, December 24th, 2019

The strong horse and the weak horse

Friday, August 16th, 2019

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse.

Israel has a law that people who call for the destruction of Israel are not allowed visas. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar intended to go on tour organized by a “Palestinian” ngo aimed at highlighting the plight of the Palestinians. The important signal that would have been sent by that tour would not have been the plight of the Palestinians, but that the left is strong, and laws are not for it, and that the right is too weak to dare defend itself.

A “Palestinian” ngo is the USG State Department in transracial dress, so this was the USG left saying “We are strong, and you are weak”.

Israel would have allowed the tour because of US pressure, the public face of that pressure being House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Trump’s staff were playing both sides, supporting the tour while pretending neutrality, but Trump bypassed the enemies that surround him by tweeting:

It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib to visit.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 15, 2019

This tweet had two effects: It made the brown commie squad the face of the Democratic Party, as Trump Derangement Syndrome forced the entire left to come to the defense of the squad, and that it was followed by Israel barring them a few minutes later shows Trump is the strong horse – he issues a tweet, and his will instantly prevails. When the left tweets “Bad Orange man nasty to brown Democrats” they sound like whiny losers. Successful nastiness shows strength – it is failed nastiness that will bite you. If Trump halts the invasion, everyone will stop caring about mistreatment of the invaders.

A similar dynamic has been playing out with brexit, with the remainers telling everyone that Europe is the strong horse, Britain the weak horse, and supporting Europe (far) against Britain (near) .

In fact of course, Europe is the weak horse, for brexit will likely cause Britain to prosper, and Europe to fall apart. Europe is bluffing from an absurdly weak hand. The British elite love Europe, because they can blame intrusive, stupid, and disruptive regulation on people far away, because they can use the power of far against near. The Common Market made economic sense, because of market economies of scale, but the European Union does not make economic sense for larger countries with larger markets, because of administrative diseconomies of scale, which are biting, and biting hard.

Every time a British bureaucrat meddles, he is saying he is strong, because he is backed by mighty Europe, and the Briton whose life he turns upside down is weak. Government officials love laws that are confusing, contradictory, and incomprehensible, and Europe gives them an ample supply of what they love.

But the referendum made brexit a political issue, whereupon everyone saw the spectacle of remainers siding not just with remain against brexit, but siding with Europe against Britain. Corbyn has sided with every group and faction that is anti British. The squad in America, and brexit in Britain, reveals the leftist strategy of siding with far against near as treasonous and hateful – which gets overlooked if they look like the strong horse, but is apt to burn them when their weakness is revealed. If brexit prevails, the remainers will be burned for supporting Europe against Britain.

The problem with the coalition of the fringes is that fringes have to march endlessly from victory to greater victory, or else normies will notice that the left is not on their side. The converse of this, however is that Trump has to achieve substantial victory against the invasion before the 2020 election, or else it will continue to not be seen as the invasion that it is.

The Tony Abbott victory over illegal immigration in Australia demonstrates this. When it looked like he was going to fail, everyone worried that the methods he was using were harsh and cruel, and judges kept granting themselves vast powers and overruling him. When he successfully halted illegal immigration, everyone stopped worrying about that, leftist complaints about cruelty to poor pitiful illegals fell on deaf ears, and all lawfare for illegal immigrants was stopped dead by the judiciary, who quietly complied with a radical diminution in their authority.

Cathay Pacific staff and executives assisted and supported Hong Kong protests that massively inconvenienced their customers and disrupted their flights, losing the airline an immense amount of money. It seems that the Hong Kong airport occupation was an inside job. The disruption, disrupting the lives of countless important people, seemingly proved the democracy movement to be the strong horse.

In the company statement, chairman John Slosar said “recent events” had called into question Cathay’s commitment to flight safety and security and put the carrier’s reputation and brand under pressure. It was time to “reset confidence” with new management.

In other words, he and the board fired the leftists in top management shortly after their role in the disruption was revealed.

I predict that the protesters will swiftly and silently melt away – that the firings show them to be the weak horse, that this will quell the protests more effectively than hosing down the streets with machine gun fire. I also feel confident once again in using Cathay Pacific’s services – that if they don’t want their flights disrupted by Democracy protesters, their flights will not be disrupted. My confidence has indeed been reset.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Peace on Earth, and goodwill to all men.

And, this being a reactionary blog, I remind you that peace on earth requires adherence to the Peace of Westphalia.

The forever war in the middle east is a violation of the Peace of Westphalia, because it is fought to teach nine year old schoolgirls to put a condom on a banana, and to ensure that more women than men graduate. if it was fought to slaughter those that allowed Al Quaeda on their territory, would not be a violation of the Peace of Westphalia, no matter how many were slaughtered.

Testosterone and weight loss

Monday, July 9th, 2018

Exogenous testosterone can cause your testicles to shut down – and possibly shut down permanently. Hence the need to get off testosterone from time to time.

I learned that my sperm production was down – not so low as to render me entirely infertile, but low enough to significantly impact my prospects of having another child.  So, I stopped taking exogenous testosterone on May 14th. By May 27th, had gained ten pounds and my abs were no longer visible. So, on May 27th, adopted the carno ketogenic diet.  Extreme low carb, with an eight hour eating window each day, and longer fasts from time to time. One and half grams of protein per day per kilogram of ideal weight.

I have now lost the weight that I gained, and it feels like my testosterone levels are recovering.  But it was a struggle to lose that weight without exogenous testosterone to strengthen me.  I miss carbs terribly, and now that I can see my abs again, am going to slowly go back to eating a little bit of carbs.   I will retest my testicles in August or September.

I have done weight loss with and without exogenous testosterone.  Weight loss is never easy for me, even with exogenous testosterone, but without exogenous testosterone it is mighty hard.

Science and Christianity

Friday, April 27th, 2018

You always have a state religion. If your state religion is easily falsified by the empirical facts of this world, then your state religion is going to be inherently hostile to science, technology, and industry.

So, if your state religion proclaims

“all men are created equal”,

you have a problem.

And not long after that, your state religion is proclaiming all sorts of remarkable things, most recently Global Anthropogenic Catastrophic Warming. Regardless of whether this doctrine is true or false it is not a scientific doctrine for to doubt is sin, to be in favor of higher CO2 or warmer temperatures, even if you live in Alaska, is sin.

You should not confuse real science, the science of the Royal society from 1660 to 1945, with the post 1945 peer review “science” of Harvard, which has murdered science, gutted its corpse, and wears its gutted corpse as a skin suit.

The key lights of the early Royal Society were deeply Christian and opposed to the enlightenment. Science rested on a commitment to truth that was rooted in aristocratic and elitist Christianity, a value system whose elitism and aristocracy ran fundamentally contrary to the enlightenment, and whose Christianity ran fundamentally contrary to the enlightenment.

Science was possible because a gentleman and a nobleman should speak the truth, and because truth speaking was a sign of being a gentleman or a noble.

Compare and contrast with the Harvard self esteem culture, where speaking the truth shows you are a deplorable and an oppresser of the holy masses.

Judaism is inimical to science. Orthodox Jews don’t do science or technology. Judeo Christianity did not do science and technology. Christianity did science and technology. Not the enlightenment, and not Jews.

Progressivism and progressive Judaism is not inimical to science on an individual level. Individual progressives and individual progressive Jews individually do lots of good science, but their collective behavior is inimical and hostile to science and the scientific method, rewarding unscientific and antiscientific behavior, because progressivism rejects truth speaking. Atheist Jews do lots of good science, a quite disproportionate amount, and usually support the scientific method (not counting progressives as atheists, because they believe in “the arc of history), but the trouble with their atheism is that they don’t have a moral basis to defend the behavior on which the scientific method depends, and so their defenses of the scientific method address the individual, rather than the scientific community. They are disarmed before progressives, who do have a moral basis for attacking science and the scientific method, who attack it as hurtful to oppressed holy victim groups and damaging to the earth.

The proposition that our society is not religious is obviously false. The solution is to replace a state religion which has equality as its key belief, with a state religion whose key beliefs are less easily falsified by empirical data about the world.

Take Christianity, reinterpret away young earth creationism as a parable about early humans getting black pilled, and we have a religion far more resistant to empirical falsification by the facts of this world than progressivism, a state religion far more compatible with reason, science, technology, and industrialization than our current state religion.

Fortunately the Church fathers were already onto the job, sixteen hundred years ago.

Origen, writing about two hundred years after the crucifixion, tells us in no uncertain terms in Book Four of “The Principiis” that the young earth account of creation is to be understood spiritually, not literally:

let us examine the passages of Scripture. Now who is there, pray, possessed of understanding, that will regard the statement as appropriate, that the first day, and the second, and the third, in which also both evening and morning are mentioned, existed without sun, and moon, and stars — the first day even without a sky? And who is found so ignorant as to suppose that God, as if He had been a husbandman, planted trees in paradise, in Eden towards the east, and a tree of life in it, i.e., a visible and palpable tree of wood, so that anyone eating of it with bodily teeth should obtain life, and, eating again of another tree, should come to the knowledge of good and evil? No one, I think, can doubt that the statement that God walked in the afternoon in paradise, and that Adam lay hid under a tree, is related figuratively in Scripture, that some mystical meaning may be indicated by it. The departure of Cain from the presence of the Lord will manifestly cause a careful reader to inquire what is the presence of God, and how anyone can go out from it. But not to extend the task which we have before us beyond its due limits, it is very easy for anyone who pleases to gather out of holy Scripture what is recorded indeed as having been done, but what nevertheless cannot be believed as having rea­sonably and appropriately occurred according to the historical account. The same style of Scriptural narrative occurs abundantly in the Gospels, as when the devil is said to have placed Jesus on a lofty mountain, that he might show Him from thence all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. How could it literally come to pass, either that Jesus should be led up by the devil into a high mountain, or that the latter should show him all the kingdoms of the world (as if they were lying beneath his bodily eyes, and adjacent to one mountain), i.e., the king­doms of the Persians, and Scythians, and Indians? Or how could he show in what manner the kings of these kingdoms are glorified by men? And many other instances similar to this will be found in the Gospels by anyone who will read them with atten­tion, and will observe that in those narratives which appear to be literally recorded, there are inserted and interwoven things which cannot be admitted his­torically, but which may be accepted in a spiritual signification.

And Augustine similarly tells us that the Bible is not a science textbook, and if you argue scientific facts on the basis of biblical authority, you are an idiot. Three hundred and seventy years after the crucifixion, and twelve hundred and sixty years before science and the scientific method was granted the prestige and authority it came to possess and had the success it came to have, he tells us that religion needs to stay out of matters in which science has its proper magistry – something that the enlightenment is in its arrogance and violence conspicuously and spectacularly fails to do.

Compare and contrast with the enlightenment. Irrespective of whether the left position on Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is true or false, it crushes science and replaces it with holy rolling and the persecution of dissent. Global Warming is sin. Being in favor of Global Warming is like being in favor of adultery.

Saint Augustine took various self contradictory positions on the book of Genesis, but in his final work on the topic, “the confessions” holds it to be allegorical and to contain a multitude of spiritual meanings. Fourteen hundred years before Darwin, Saint Augustine points towards Darwin’s program:

In the beginning were created only the germs or causes of the forms of life, which were afterwards to be developed in gradual course.’

This account (which is to say Darwin’s account) is, according to Saint Augustine, the “literal” meaning of Genesis, which is not very literal at all.

The proper magistry of science in religion is, for example, to confirm the doctrine of the fall with evolutionary psychology, that risen killer apes will have the human nature described in the book of Genesis. The proper magistry of religion in science is, for example, the moral character of the scientific method – that scientists are obligated to speak the truth, and use methods of evidence and argument likely to lead to the truth. And if they fail to do so (as for example in global warming science, vegetable oils, and so forth) then those scientists are sinful. Sin is within the proper magistry of the state religion.

In the argument on animal fats, and the argument on Global Warming, scientists, instead of employing the scientific method, politiced to add their doctrines to the official state religion. This should be heresy, and heretics should be denied state and quasi state employment – not heresy in claiming Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is true, nor heresy in denying that it is true, but heresy in adding either doctrine to the state religion.

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