Parapundit discovers that 130 000 US soldiers have suffered brain damage in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is far too high a price. We have to defeat Islam, but cannot do it this way. We have use methods that inflict much higher costs on Islam, at much lower cost to ourselves.
Category: war
War with Islam
The Muslim brotherhood has majority support in Egypt, and supposedly moderate Muslim organizations that are linked to western governments, and supported by them, are in large part Muslim brotherhood organizations. Memri translates a sermon by the Brotherhood’s “Supreme Guide†posted on the Brotherhood’s website. … they are disregarding Allah’s commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah’s word will reign supreme and …
Losing to Islam
Islam is theocratic. It intends to conquer. Shariah law, as interpreted by most Muslims, treats women fine. Trouble is, as interpreted by all Muslims, even Sufis, it requires that infidels submit to law that makes them second class to believers and that Muslims fight to impose such law – and we are in fact submitting to such law. The rather small Sufi minority merely propose less drastic measures to impose …
Mao’s murders
Rummel estimated that Mao killed wrongfully killed seventy seven million, and the Black Book of Communism estimates sixty five million – but, of course, it is notoriously difficult to say what a totalitarian terror state based on slavery and mass murder is up to.  They called it an iron curtain because you could not see what was behind it. So how should we judge the accuracy of estimates? One good …
The weak horse
Mark Steyn brilliantly skewers our Afghanistan policy. He primarily blames Obama, though the rot set in under Bush. Why would Putin, Ahmadinejad or the ChiComs take Barack Obama seriously when even a footling client such as Hamid Karzai can flip him the finger? … The toppling of the Taliban was an operation conducted with extraordinary improvised ingenuity and a very light U.S. footprint. Special forces on horseback rode with the …
If Jews bleed, it does not lead
The biggest story of the last few days has been Israel’s interception of peace activist ship to Gaza, in which they killed nine peace activists. Here is a picture of some peace activists holding down a soldier at knifepoint, with what appears to be a pool of blood on the bulkheads. When the the picture gets carried at all in the mainstream media, the knife and the blood gets cropped. …
Freedom flotilla vs Israeli Defence Forces.
Don’t take a knife to a gunfight. Israel is blockading Gaza. Activists attempted to force the blockade with pathetically inadequate weapons. Perhaps the intent was to suffer some pathetic casualties, that they could then whine about, or perhaps they were just stupid. If you are going to engage soldiers and marines, you should either take no weapons at all other than moral force, which may not be all that effective, …
The strong horse
As a result of our defeat, Arab terrorists have moved into Korengal valley. Now Al Quaeda has safe haven in Korengal and their objectives will not be restricted to protecting the freedom of those in Korengal, but destroying our freedom in lands far from Korengal, murdering Jews and Americans, wherever we may be, anywhere in the world. Here is the Taliban video of their great victory in Korengal valley:
Losing in Afghanistan
In trying to impose the Kabul government on them, we are imposing injustice. Thus the only possible ways of winning are to rule them ourselves, colonial style, or slaughter enough of them that the Taliban decides not to tolerate anyone who goes looking for trouble with far away infidels.
In favor of war
Bad people are always willing to fight. If good people are not willing to fight, they will surrender in a succession of small steps, and bad people will rule. Without England declaring war, the Nazis would have ruled by 1942. Without Reagan encouraging a multitude of small wars, the communists would have ruled by 1990