Archive for the ‘war’ Category

The color revolution playbook

Friday, September 11th, 2020

I have been reading the color revolution playbook. It is phrased in politically correct lies, so this is a translation.

  • A powerful elite faction backing the color revolution
  • Lawfare to protect criminal acts by that elite faction and their mobs
  • Loud denunciation of the sovereign
  • Tight discipline and strong organization of the color revolutionaries
  • Much noise that the election result gave an outcome different from that which it appeared to give.
  • Massive astroturf on the streets
  • Providing cover for treasonous elements in the sovereign’s coercive forces to remove the sovereign.
  • If the traitors are defeated by the loyalists, the US air force bombs the &%@# out of the offending loyalist forces.

The reason that the treasonous elements of the coercive apparatus succeeded in past color revolutions was the threat or actuality of US air force bombing. This may not be available in this attempt at color revolution. Nonetheless, it would be advisable for Trump to ready anti air capability in the vicinity of the Whitehouse for the election outcome dispute, as he readied counter snipers for a Maidan massacre in Lafayette Park.

Under Obama, the US air force dropped thirty thousand tons of explosives on loyalist elements in Libya. It is likely that similar orders will be given after the November election, though whether they are likely to be obeyed is another question. They will be less likely to be obeyed if there are loyalist anti air capabilities in the vicinity of the Whitehouse.

You will notice that an election is a critical part of this playbook, so previous efforts at color revolution in the US were aborted when they ran into headwinds. They are planning to go at it for real come November, as disputing an election outcome is the best time for color revolution. The BLM riots are dress rehearsal, training and organizational drill. If the planned attempt following the November election fails, they are likely to give up. The rejection of the election outcome come November will be their make it or break it window.

Due to Trump’s arrests and internal incohesion in the left, the tight discipline and strong organization part does not seem to be working out too well. They are overrun with IQ 100 wiggers, who claim superior holiness on the basis of critical race theory.

Loud denunciations are having diminishing effect, and the mainstream media is discrediting itself, which will limit the effect of loud announcements that Dems won the election, and that Trump is criminally failing to acknowledge Democrat election victory.

in the event of competing delegations that claim to be electors of each state the house and senate have to authorize the electoral college presented by the states. The senate is unlikely to approve obviously fake delegations, and the house is unlikely to approve the real ones, leading to an electoral college with numerous states missing, and whose legitimacy no one accepts, or to two competing electoral colleges. The plan is to launch civil war at that point, with warm ups and trials of strength for the civil war well in advance.

The shots heard around the world.

Sunday, August 30th, 2020

The cold civil war is turning hot.

What always happens is that authorities take sides. And different authorities are taking different sides. As things get hotter, expect mass arrests of normies in blue state cities.

I do not expect high altitude bombing of cities and mass artillery barrages until 2024 or so, but escalation has been happening steadily, dramatic escalation just happened, and escalation will continue. Vox Day has long predicted 2033, but I have for decades predicted 2024-2026. Things seem to be happening on my schedule, maybe faster, looks to me we are now ahead of Vox Day’s schedule.

In the sixties they came to Detroit to burn people’s homes, destroy their businesses, and drive them out. And now they have come to middle America in flyover country. Kenosha is small town America in center of flyover country. We are out of places to run to. If we retreat to cabins in the woods and do business by videoconference, they will come to us when the shops in Kenosha are cleaned out.

Fortunately for us, the war has started with clean cut boy scout Kyle Rittenhouse versus evil Jewish hardcore felon Joseph Rosenbaum.

As he leaves the group of militiamen guarding the car lot, a group of antifa pursue him with deadly weapons and attack him.

All of those that attacked him have criminal records, in particular Joseph Rosenbaum.

Kyle shot three of his attackers, two of them fatally, one will be one armed for life.

We could not have started the civil war on a better opening: We are the good guys, who will protect you, they are the bad guys who intend to burn your homes and businesses and kill you if you resist. This is way better optics than starting it over tearing down statues and desecrating churches.

As individuals, we can retreat to cabins in the wilderness and work by video conferencing, if Musk gets his internet in space working. But cities matter for organizing collective violence. If we abandon all the cities, we will find ourselves in same boat as South African farmers.

Any solution has to be “Here is how to end the war victoriously and quickly”, or, more realistically, “Here is how we can make peace once the combatants have been exhausted and the logistic base of one side or both sides has been destroyed or exhausted.”

We have passed the point where a handful of executions could stop the left singularity from getting lefter. Any compromise peace that allows the left to keep getting lefter will collapse. Any solution is going to require a significant number of major enemy figures being permanently removed from circulation.

And as the war escalates (or if the left is temporarily victorious, as the left singularity goes ever lefter) the number of figures whose removal is required to end the left singularity will increase.

Fortunately for us, the civil war has not started with antifa versus fascists, but antifa versus normie boy scout types.

Shoot me” says Joseph Rosenbaum to militia.

Since they don’t shoot him, he later attacks a militiaman with a deadly weapon. Shots heard around the world ensue.

The left is not agreement capable. They cannot make peace.

If we win, which will likely require killing several hundred, perhaps several thousand, of them -(obviously killing two of them was not sufficient) we will impose peace. If they win, they will impose war. It will go on, and on, and on, like the great communist democides, killing millions, perhaps as with the seven kill stele, killing everyone, as each leftist tortures other leftists to death for insufficient leftism, till the land is utterly emptied.

Law is only possible if there is order and peace. Peace requires victory Order requires victory. Victory requires war.

Victory in war requires a leader. We will lose if the boogaloo happens without a clear national leader. The time approaches for Trump to step up the job of commander in chief.

I hope he is waiting because he plans to restore order close to the elections, giving our quarreling enemies the rope they need to hang themselves.

Trump rescued the McCloskey’s and brought them the RNC convention.

He brought Nick Sandmann to the RNC convention, and presumably would have rescued him if he was charged.

Trump needs heroes and has been rescuing the heroes he needs. He will rescue the kid who defended life and property against Antifa and the BLM

The red meat at the Republican National Convention: The left hates you and hates me, intends to destroy our lives. Hates regular normies who work for a living, obey the law, and just want the authorities to let them be. Biden is in the pocket of the left, or too “sleepy” to control them, and Kamala Harris is the left. She hates us, and when she is president, will destroy us.

Kenosha was the first shots. There will be more shots. Violence will escalate until one side wins and one side loses. That is how large scale violence works, that is the nature of war, that is why you cannot have half war and half peace, cannot have “mostly peaceful protests”, except that they are rendered peaceful by being crushed.

Violence will always escalate, until someone wins, and someone loses. That is the nature of violence.

If the side that chants “Death to America” wins, legacy Americans will be exterminated not long thereafter.

We will win, or we will die.

War is coming

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020

The Democrats are openly planning to openly steal the election and launch civil war when the election result is disputed.

This is unlikely to be the final decisive conflict that I have long hoped for (the dead body of the Roman Republic continued its death spasms for sixty years after large scale political murders and large scale military violence, rather than the consensus of the elite, became the principal method for resolving political disputes) but we can hope. With luck and courage, the death spasms of the American Republic may be over in a considerably shorter time.

Because of the incohesive nature of a left singularity, a civil war ensuing from a left singularity frequently has a swift and decisive outcome. Leftists start wars unwisely, because the war is started by the leftmost to grab power within the left from those slightly less left than themselves, without much concern, or even interest, in how to end the war victoriously. Conversely, we cannot win a war without an all powerful imperator, so everyone on our side has to impatiently await Trump’s command and refrain from doing anything that would screw up his optics. Trump is aware of what is happening, and has a past record of playing threedee chess while his opponents are playing checkers (as with the Deep State efforts to attain war with Russia over Syria) so, while Trump’s zigzags are frequently disturbing and disappointing, we have no alternative but to trust what he is up to. Who else is there?

Trump appeared to have capitulated to the Cathedral on Syria, and appeared to be escalating the war on Syria and heading into war with Russia as they had long intended and demanded, but when the dust settled, he had the oil, he had peace with Russia and Syria, and the Cathedral’s proxies in Syria had bullets in their heads. Similarly, the much delayed wall, now being built under assorted emergency powers using funds that Congress refused to authorize. The power of the president grows, as Trump enthusiastically milks Obama precedents – except that this time around, it is actually president using those precedents, rather than an army of nameless bureaucrats.

After the election, many states will report a delayed result. The final result that they eventually report is likely to reflect a great deal of political violence during the remarkably prolonged counting process. A quick and decisive result is likely to reflect quick and decisive state violence.

If Trump wins, Democrats do not intend to respect the result. “Not my president”. They did not respect the result last time, and even less will they respect it this time.

I have predicted a Trump autocoup for a long time, and it has not happened, but we are with increasing speed approaching a situation where there will be a Trump autocoup, or Trump dies. Whichever happens, the trend to political disputes within the elite being resolved by violence will accelerate. The Democrats crossed the Rubicon with Sheriff Joe. If the left can resolve political disputes by arresting its political opponents, why not the right? If the right cannot, then very soon the insufficiently left will find that they cannot either. If we do not have civil war between Progressivism and National Capitalism this year, we will have it between different strands of Progressivism shortly thereafter.

A lot of normies hope and expect that Democrat victory, obtained by whatever means, will result in the restoration of normality. This is unlikely. The Clinton crime family could rule the Democrats. Who can rule the Democrats today? Kamala Harris? Like Biden himself, she is a transitional figure, chosen for her incapacity to govern, by shadowy people who hope to govern, by rather too many shadowy people with rather too many agendas. If the Democrats win, chaos and violence will escalate. Observe the current condition of the blue states: lockdown and blood in the streets. If Trump wins, it will not necessarily diminish – it took Augustus Caesar a long time to impose some sort of order on the Roman Government, and Trump has not got as much time as Augustus Caesar had. The job will have to be finished by his successor, if it is ever finished.

Everyone outside a rapidly shrinking Overton window is apt to called a Russian agent. If democrats regain control of the security apparatus, these “Russian agents” are going to be arrested. The deep state hopes to rule, but the deep state is far from being in agreement as to who shall rule the deep state.

The Democrats response to the China Flu emergency was and is “never let an emergency go to waste”, hence the odd response of emptying the hospitals and locking people sick with China Flu in old people’s homes, resulting in astonishingly high death rate in New York State, among others. Lockdown is a blue state thing, and a blue municipality thing, with a wildly inconsistent patchwork of lockdowns on the Democrat Republican divide. In some places, school attendance is mandatory, while right next door school attendance is forbidden. The high death rate in Democrat states reflects “never let an emergency go to waste”, while the substantially lower death rate, and often radically lower death rate, in Republican states reflects a somewhat relevant and rational approach to dealing with a public health problem. If the Democrats win, expect no end of similar emergencies. The Democrats intend to immanentize the eschaton through emergency. It is a path that allows them to move along without any underlying agreement on what the eschaton is going to look like or any single authority that is attempting to impose one eschaton rather than another. Should the Democrats win, expect an unending stream of emergencies backed by startling violence. New York State cannot stop one man who walks along the subway smashing stuff, but can arrest you with the greatest of ease for opposing him, or for violating China Flu emergency, even though New York has long since reached herd immunity. New York State, now suffering white flight and elite flight as Detroit did, fleeing rapidly escalating political violence, as everything becomes political. If the Democrats win, everywhere will be New York State, and there will be no place to flee to.

The normies want normal to return, but the Democrats do not intend normal. They intend an immanent eschaton. The Democrat program is Portland and New York State. Since this is violently unpopular, they have little use for continuing the pretense of democracy, though doubtless for a very long time to come, everything that will be done will be done in the name of democracy if the Democrats win, and in the name of the Republic if Trump wins.

I hope that this gets quietly sorted out by a bunch of arrests for election tampering the day after the election, but have made preparations for the case that it goes all the way to the Seven Kill Stele.

Color Revolution

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

This blog does not pay much attention to the events of the day, because if you pay too much attention the events of the day you lose track of the long term trend, which has been in a leftist holiness spiral for two centuries, ever holier, ever faster, which unless checked by military dictatorship, ends in infinite leftism in finite time. We had such holiness spirals in the past, many times, and they usually end in disaster, unless terminated early by military dictatorship. Since leftism is inherently destructive, going all the way means total self extermination of the group subject to the left singularity. Sometimes they end in the near total disappearance of the population subject to the holiness spiral as with Szechuan and the Seven Kill Stele, where everyone tortured each other to death for insufficient leftism until there was almost no one left.

But the events of today are a conspicuous new stage in the left singularity, color revolution, which is likely to result in Trump and his family being murdered, or a Trump self coup.

If a left singularity is not halted by strong and harsh dictatorship, with a single man exercising absolute power, it usually ends when the self extermination reaches a point that it profoundly weakens the polity, resulting in foreign conquest, as with Khmer Rouge Cambodia. But sometimes the foreigners sit back and let it go all the way.

Usually that single man ascended to power by being one of the holiest, as with Cromwell and Stalin, and then discovers that suddenly no end of his followers have become even holier than his very holy self, and are demanding greater holiness, which superior holiness might well be implemented by them taking power and him losing power, and them picking up the apples from the applecarts knocked over in the process. He is usually a military man, and therefore turns from those who were loyal to him because of shared faith in the holiness of the synthetic faith based tribe, and instead to those who are loyal to him because they were with him in committing organized violence, and who do not care much about the supposedly shared tenets of the holy faith, turns to those who identify primarily with their band of brothers, rather than the people of the very holy faith. When Cromwell set his troops around to make a problem go away, the person causing the problems found the troops had little interest in discussing the Trinity, the Resurrection and the Incarnation. Stalin relied heavily on the far from communist Beria and on Beria’s apolitical gang.

If Trump halts the left singularity that would be great, because, unlike Cromwell and Stalin, not very holy. Unfortunately, unlike Cromwell, not very military. But though a merchant, Trump has a warrior spirit, and great support among the rank and file at the tip of the spear. He is a man they would like to be able to follow.

The recent rioting was a state sponsored color revolution. Antifa funding and delivering piles of bricks, Antifa paying rioters, which is to say the US permanent government paying, either with Soros as a cutout, or directly. The riots were given cover by Democratic blue state governors and the legacy media (but I repeat myself). When the relatively peaceful mob of plains apes passed an Antifa selected target, white Antifa agents would break windows and start fires. The sound of breaking glass attracted the plains apes into the target, as blood in the water attracts sharks. The Antifa agents would move out as the plains apes moved in, to repeat the operation at another target, while police stood around like potted palms.

Trump tweeted about sending in the military to restore order. The Twitter blue checks laughed. “Empty bluster” they said. “He has not got the power”

What did they mean by that? Legally he has the power, by the constitution and by numerous acts of congress. Presidents have done it before, many times, starting with George Washington, and have done it within living memory, as for example the LA Rodney King riots.

What they meant, or what the handlers writing their scripts meant, is that the permanent government would not let him.

The blue checks, or the handlers writing their scripts, expected the permanent government to successfully ignore him, or that Trump would not try it because the permanent government would successfully ignore him and this would likely result in his death.

The color revolution narrative: The color revolution script is “he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker, he is falling, he is falling, falling, falling, falling, he has fallen”. And if enough people actually believe he has fallen, then belief creates reality, and the State Department gets a bloodless victory. But often “He has fallen” is announced prematurely, resulting in at best a bloodbath, at worst genocidal holy war. Color revolutions are apt to turn into genocidal holy war when the other side does not play along with the script.

When Trump cleared out Layfayette Park, he showed he was not weak. When the military obeyed him, not fallen.

The protesters had peacefully assembled in Layfayette park to peacefully assemble for the redress of grievance, and proceeded to peacefully vandalize the Church where Trump goes on Sundays, peacefully start a fire in it, and peacefully throw peaceful rocks at police.

Trump gave the order, and it was not ignored. Trump marched in triumph into Lafayette Park. And I assumed that would end the matter. I thought, and said, that was the end of that, that the color revolution was over. But they are still trying, not entirely unsuccessfully, to countermand Trump, and are shouting ten times that they are successful for every time that they impede his footsteps a little.

Color revolutions do not stop. It is dangerous to be the first man to stop cheering at a gay wedding, and it is dangerous to be the first man to call a halt to color revolution. Hillary was able to call an end to the color revolution in Libya, but she was probably able to get away with it because the Libyans had sodomized and decapitated a senior State Department official, which made a good stop signal. And today, no one is in charge to call a stop, even if Trump were to have a few senior State Department officials sodomized and decapitated.

The Mueller frame up went on and on, despite repeatedly blowing up in the Democrats faces, and it looks like color revolution in the US may well go on and on. Indeed, the Mueller frame up has still not stopped. They are still pressuring General Flynn to commit perjury against President Trump, though since he has not committed perjury under far more severe pressure, he is certainly not going to under present circumstances. But just as the frame up came unstuck at the beginning, when the Clinton dossier was exposed, the color revolution came unstuck at the beginning, when the troops were deployed and continued to deploy.

The usual color revolution is instigated by Soros and the State Department in a foreign country, and color revolution in the US itself may not necessarily follow the same course. In a foreign country, a color revolution stubbornly persists, and when it is not going too well, it becomes more violent and destructive, more and more unpopular, with the hand of the US government more and more visible, with greater and greater direct US military intervention. The US dropped thirty thousand tons of high explosive on Libya. In the US itself, direct military intervention is unlikely to be available, and were the hand of the US government to become unduly visible, as it inevitably will if color revolution continues, criminal and treason charges might well result.

The Republic has been dead for a long time, and its corpse starting to stink, but Trump needs to restore the American Republic the way Augustus restored the Roman Republic. Augustus probably believed he was restoring the Republic, and I expect that Trump will believe it also. Although helicopter trips to the Pacific would be far more satisfactory and effective, rolling up the deep state for perverting the course of justice, treason, and color revolution would likely suffice. And they are going to continue, until Trump loses or he wins. If he loses, he and his family will likely die. If he wins, he and his family will likely rule for generations. And he has not won, he is indeed weak, so long as those who perverted the course of justice against him and set American cities on fire are not in prison, and are still in his administration. They will continue with investigation, except that they lost interest and ran with Wu Flu to shut down normal America. And when the opportunity to have riots happened, they lost interest in Wu Flu. But they are going to keep on going with all of these, throwing one thing after another at the wall to see what sticks, until they are stopped. As long as they can commit criminal acts unpunished, and we cannot perform lawful acts unpunished, their unlawful acts are going to get bigger, and happen more and more frequently. They will continue on color revolution, as they are continuing on Wu Flu and the Mueller investigation, and if none of these pan out, and it looks like none of them are going to pan out, they will start another thing.

War with China

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

In December Biden proposed that if elected he will go to war with China:

“I am not proposing war with China, but …”

He proposes to use the air force and navy to prevent China from oppressing dissidents, which presupposes US Navy and air force engaging and defeating the Chinese air force in the South China sea and over China. And, in the unlikely event that the US Navy and air force was not immediately sent to Davy Jones locker, what would they do with air superiority over parts over China? The Chinese are not using planes and tanks on trouble makers. They are using cops, and seldom more than one carload of cops or soldiers at a time. The only effectual thing US planes could do is blow up large concentrations of armed Chinese and blow up Chinese strong points – which is what the US has done everywhere else where the authorities or local militias have resisted color revolution.

This appears to be Cathedral policy. Has to be the most unpopular policy in history – the US navy and air force would decisively lose an airsea war in the South China sea, and the US would lose the ensuing nuclear war, because of technological decline.

My previous posts have focused on the likelihood of coup, democide, or internal war within the United States. However, as I mentioned in the previous post, it also resembles the lead up to World War I. Serbia was conducting low level war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which Germany reasonably regarded as low level war against Germany, and was incapable of not making low level war, albeit the same lack of cohesion that made it incapable of peace also made it incapable of full scale war.

If you talk to someone in the lamestream about female misconduct in the workplace, or accurately describe female nature, not only will he not notice the things you notice, he will not hear what you are saying, will not notice that you notice. And in the same way, if you talk to someone in the lamestream about American aggression against China, he will not understand what you are saying either. And if you talk about Chinese military supremacy in and near China, he will not only not agree, he will not disagree either because he will not understand what you are saying.

These are thought crimes, and progressives will not only not think them or say them, but they will not hear when other people say them. It is like the mysterious invisibility of female misconduct in the workplace. The British failed to notice that the mighty British army was humiliatingly defeated in Basra and Helmand province by handful of goat herders, and the US army that rescued them failed to notice that they needed rescue and had just been rescued.

A million people in concentration camps … What we started in our administration, but Trump stopped … We are going to be there to protect other folks … We are going to stop the Chinese from their actions. This is as far as you go, China. … We are not looking for a war, but … we are not going to back away.

We are going to use American airsea military power to protect people in China from the Chinese government. I am pretty sure the Chinese achieved airsea superiority in the South China sea during the Obama or Clinton presidencies and are continuing to extend the area where they have airsea superiority.

Biden probably does not remember this speech, he is unlikely to become president, and if he does become president, no one in the government is going to pay much attention to him. But the disturbing thing is that he could say this stuff and get no pushback on it, that no one noticed how stupid and dangerous this was.

Libya is poor and technologically backward, but the war on Libya ended with a transient American occupation, failure to impose the government that America was attempting to impose, and Americans retreating from Libya, which is now cheerfully reverting to its centuries old ways, as if Western influence had never been. The war on Libya was an attempt to impose progressivism on Libya, which is now a lot less progressive than it has been in a very long time.

The Democrats are demanding that the Chinese allow them to impose progressivism.

It is unlikely that the Chinese are going to back away from ruling China. One side or the other has to back away, or war. The intrusion into Hong Kong would have led to war. Had Obama been ineffectually at the helm, a hundred or a thousand people in the defense agencies and the State Department would have each been trying to impose superior holiness on the world more vigorously than each of the others.

You will recall that when China was vastly more oppressive, and vastly poorer and weaker, you heard no tough talk. Outrage about Chinese oppression started when China dropped most of the oppression and started on “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”, which characteristics look suspiciously like a good stiff dose of Hong Kong capitalism. Any time someone talks about China, he is required to say how totalitarian and oppressive they are, something that back in the days of communism, it was terribly impolite and disreputable to say. Rhetoric that is likely to lead to war is mandatory, and noticing facts that would make war on China a really bad idea is not socially acceptable.

The problem is not that Biden is headed to war with China. Should he become president he is just going to fall asleep. The problem is that the holiness spiral is headed to war with China.

We see with China the same inability to see as we see with women.

I don’t think this is a sinister plot by evil plotters to have war with China. Biden is a genuine peacenik. But, China has been heading right, the holiness spiral is heading left, so China is unholy, and all goodwhites must put a stop to any unholiness. So if you are a good person, you must prevent China from heading right – that China happens to be an independent nation with nuclear weapons, and those nuclear weapons probably work while our nuclear weapons probably do not, is irrelevant. “We are going to stop the Chinese”.

If you try arguing that China is obviously on the correct course, moving from desperate poverty to affluence, and terrible oppression to considerably milder oppression, that Chinese airsea war capability is likely to actually work, while ours is suffering mysterious malfunction, that China is an independent nation and we are morally required by Christian principles and the Peace of Westphalia to not butt into their internal affairs, it is not that they will be horrified by what you are saying. Rather, they will be unable to comprehend what you are saying. Crimestop shuts down their mind. Diversity cannot tolerate the existence of difference, because the existence of real difference is intolerant. China is different, so must be morally improved at gunpoint.

“World Order” against America

Sunday, March 15th, 2020

Trump has not yet built the wall, though it is starting, and has protected the most critical border areas. He has made little progress on draining the swamp. Some of the key swamp critters have “resigned”, and then been given immensely well paid sinecures by the Democrats and their pet media, but Democrats, for example Schumer and the Biden family, continue to commit shockingly illegal acts with impunity, while Trump supporters face grotesquely unjust trials, long prison sentences and enormous legal costs for frivolous or artificially contrived offenses. The underlying offense that Flynn committed was that one of the mortgage documents that he signed omitted relevant information. Did you read all the documents in that enormous pile that you signed when you took out your mortgage? And do you think that the bank read them any more than you did? Normally no one would read them unless the mortgage went bad, but it is evident that Mueller’s lawyers went through anything signed by people on the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb.

But one area where Trump has had real impact is dismantling the New World Order – the international rule of “Law”, which is to say, the international rule of Harvard.

Pentagon demanded that the US protect Turkish troops from Russian air superiority, and prevent Syrian troops from being protected from Turkish air attacks. Trump told the pentagon to pound sand. The Russians did not engage in air to ground strikes against Turkish troops, but without air superiority, Turkish ground troops got cut to bits by Syrian ground troops.

US involvement in that conflict would have likely resulted in Russians and Americans shooting at each other.

The international rule “law” would mean that the other nuclear powers submit. Not submit in the sense of US troops marching into Peking, but submit to Harvard ngos meddling in their culture and society, submit by holding a gay pride parade in Moscow. And, as we have seen in numerous third world countries, failure to submit results in “color revolution”, and failure to submit to “color revolution” results in getting the hell bombed out of you, as happened to Libya and Syria.

When Trump came to power, color revolution abruptly and suddenly ended everywhere.

The Democrats, in particular Biden, propose to resume pursuit of World Order – which pursuit draws us towards war with Russia and China.

Since Russia and China are both making advances in nuclear reactors, particularly Russia, it is likely their nuclear weapons still work. The problems we are having producing tritium, enriched lithium, and Plutonium 238 suggests that our nuclear weapons are unlikely to work.

Massive wars tend to start, not because someone deliberately decided to start a war, but because of small incidents leading to uncontrollable and unpredictable escalation. You need a sovereign that can make war and peace, a sovereign who can ensure that when he says “peace” all his subjects are forced to behave peacefully, and when he says war, all his subjects are forced to make war.

If the sovereign is weak, some of his subjects are apt to act in ways that drag everyone into war. Elements of the Serbian government instigated the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand. The offenders were punished, but Germany was not happy because obviously more stuff along those lines was going to happen. The Germans demanded that the Serbian government remake itself so that unauthorized elements of the government would stop engaging in warlike acts. The Serbian government refused, and likely was incapable of complying, and one thing led to another, and eventually World War I.

In Roman times, some Jews rioted against their Greek neighbors, because a Greek had sacrificed chickens on his land adjacent to the path by which they walked to their synagogue. Roman cops showed up to restore order, the Jews killed a Roman cop, the Romans did not like that sort of thing … And eventually war between Israel and Rome, leading to the destruction of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple, and the expulsion of the Jews.

And if Trump had succumbed to Pentagon pressure to “secure” the Syrian/Turkish border, which is to say, prevent Syrians from securing it, Americans would have likely wound up killing a Russian pilot.

If you have a collapse of cohesion in the ruling elite, and you don’t have a sovereign powerful enough to keep them in order, elements of the ruling elite are going to engage in provocative acts.

“World Order” is Harvard exporting the American unofficially official state religion, and increasingly exporting with guns, bombs, and heavy artillery, as in Libya, Syria, and the Congo. And Russia and China know that this export program is targeted at them.

Harvard does not want war with Russia and China. It wants them to peacefully see the light, but when Russia and China obstruct Harvard’s noble efforts to help Russians and Chinese see the light, Harvard is apt to use the resources of the American state to engage in violence, usually without presidential approval. The intervention in the Congo was laundered through intermediaries, much as the assassination of the Archduke was laundered through the Black Hand group. If Trump was not president, we would be blowing stuff up on Hong Kong right now.

Much of the rage against Trump is rage at his failure to export “democracy”, and at his vigorous obstruction of governmental and quasi governmental efforts to export “democracy”

Had Trump not been president, the US would have intervened in Hong Kong, with some Harvard ngo doing what Serbian military intelligence did, and some bunch of US sponsored antifa types doing what the Black Hand group did. China might well have responded with a bunch of demands similar to those that Germany made against Serbia, and then …

Or as, in Libya, and Syria, the US might have engaged in direct military support of Hong Kong “protesters”, to which China might well have responded by destroying US military assets in and near the South China sea. This would then be declared to be another Pearl Harbor.

Hong Kong protesters have been destroying shops and businesses owned by mainland Chinese, or that they think are owned by mainland Chinese, and the Hong Kong police have been handling them with kid gloves. But there is much outrage in the US that the Hong Kong police have been obstructing the protesters at all. Absent a strong president, there would probably have been some vigorous US action to protect protesters against this terrible oppression. It is politically incorrect in America to say anything negative about the Hong Kong protesters. Political correctness means that not only can you not call out warlike acts, the elite refuses to know it is engaged in warlike acts. Even when they were bombing Libya into the stone age, they did not know that they were doing it. They could not see thirty thousand tons of high explosives, just as they cannot see female misconduct in the workplace. And Serbia refused to know it was making war on the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Harvard is outraged at the sudden cessation of color revolution throughout the world, but is unable to notice that color revolution has involved ever larger amounts of American high explosives, the connection between the American government and the color revolution has become ever more blatant, and the color revolutions have drawn ever closer to Russia and China.

The Turkish empire was the anti Turkish empire, and American empire is the anti American empire. The people empowered by World Order are for the most part Americans who hate America, and who loot the countries where they are installed in power.

Because the American ruling elite lacks cohesion, the American rulers installed by color revolution act like mobile bandits rather than stationary bandits. When color revolution comes to power, it robs the target country blind. Color revolution has become ever more unpopular, ever more violent, and ever more directly sponsored by American military power, not because anyone planned it that way, but because of the natural dynamics of a disorderly elite. Any one member of the elite personally and individually profits by color revolution that he is connected to, as for example Hunter Biden, whom Trump has renamed “Where’s Biden”, but only bears a small part of the risk it imposes on America and Americans. So, an elite without order and discipline inevitably behaved in ways more and more aggressive, and more and more likely to bring about World War Three. The way the wind blows, World War three is likely to take place because the nephew of the mistress of the undersecretary of someone in the USG State Department was looking for a million dollar payoff. The assorted ngos involved in color revolution have been stealing more and more and more cash, as they impose ever greater risks of World War Three on the US. And they personally and individually hate America and hate Americans in flyover country, so they don’t care, even if they were aware of their own actions, which they are not. The risk is socialized, and money is privatized. We will know the swamp is being drained when we get a full accounting of the money that has flowed through Where’s Biden’s hands, and a full accounting of American involvement in the Hong Kong troubles.

The American ruling elite drifts towards war internal and external, because it lacks cohesion. Increasing violence externally drags us towards war with Russia and China, and increasing violence internally, the grossly political use of police power to criminalize political disagreements, while legalizing criminal conduct of the elite, drags us towards civil war. At some point we are going to have dueling arrest warrants, when one faction of the elite attempts to arrest the other, and the other wants to arrest them for attempting arrest. The over the top reaction to investigating Hunter Biden cannot be resolved peacefully. If illegal acts by the elite are not prevented, they will escalate, and if Trump uses police powers to stop it, the Democrats will likely attempt to arrest Trump. Government is violence, and if government is incohesive, that violence is likely to escalate, internally and/or externally. It has escalated a great deal in the past few years, and reasons for its escalation have not changed.

Warriors, Merchants, war, markets, and capitalism.

Saturday, February 1st, 2020

From the time of Xenophon to the Crimean war, every long distance campaign by westerners had a free market following the camp and the march. Every single man in the army fought, and the camp followers fed them, clothed them, and armed them.

Alexander, fighting a long distance campaign, had ten camp followers for every soldier, but every man in Alexander’s army fought in every major battle, including Alexander himself, and every man close to him.

Socialist war is an attack by priests on warriors. Insourcing logistics was part and parcel of valorizing camp followers such as the whore Florence Nightingale, and valorizing camp followers was part and parcel of demonizing the heroes of the Crimean war.

The army is funded by pillage and extortion, but the camp followers are protected from pillage and extortion. They have lower status than warriors, but some of them, what we would call contractors or small businesses, considerably more freedom. The army protects the free market that feeds, clothes, and arms it. When two such armies meet, as in the Crimean war, each attempts to impose socialism on the enemy market, while protecting the freedom of its own market, as in the Crimean war, which was largely a war of logistics, the key British military victories being to smash the market in the towns through which private merchants organized the flow of goods to supply the Russians.

The priestly classes insource logistics to lower warrior status. It is that simple. The Western way of war, from Xenophon to Lord Cardigan, is that the camp and the march has a market following it around. That is what made us strong. Abandoning it has made us weak.

Weapons in Xenophon’s army were private property. Finding themselves short of ranged warfare capability, Xenophon proposed:

we must get slingers as soon as possible and cavalry. I am told there are in the army some Rhodians, most of whom, they say, know how to sling. Suppose, then, we investigate and find out first of all who among them possess slings, and for these slings offer the owner the money value; and to another, who will plait some more, hand over the money price; and for a third, who will volunteer to be enrolled as a slinger, invent some other sort of privilege

In Carnage and Culture, Hanson tells us:

Capitalism in its most basic form was born in ancient Greece; that heritage helps to explain why the postclassical Europeans in their centuries of religious and political cannibalism nevertheless protected their autonomy from non-Westerners and were as wealthy as their more unified Islamic rivals. The word for profit, kerdos, is ubiquitous in the Greek language. … by the fifth century b.c. Greek economic activity—especially at imperial Athens—was decentralized, governed by supply and demand, and characterized by sophisticated notions of markets, profit, banking, and insurance, with government assurance of the sanctity of private property and rights of inheritance.

For those states, ancient and modern, that failed to adopt the tenets of capitalism and private enterprise, if they were to war long enough, they would eventually encounter Western armies that were supplied by an amoral and unfettered market. In such cases, the numbers, brilliant leadership, and battlefield courage of the Other could be nullified by smaller, even poorly led armies that were better fed, equipped, and armed by those who saw profit in war.

Xenophon’s “March upcountry” uses the word “market” thirty nine times. Market logistics is ever present in his military considerations and political negotiations. The word “market” appears about twice as often as words such as “sling”, “sword”, or “spear”, and somewhat more often than “wounded”.

Suppose there was a rational military reason for insourcing logistics. What then is the rational military reason for giving logistics workers the same job titles and uniforms as warriors?

The recent humiliating defeats of the British in Basra and Helman province happened because the entire British Army can only put a hundred boots on the ground to hurt people and break their toys. With non fighters getting stolen valor, your army quietly melts away, and you do not notice until war comes. If you have one man in the army who does not fight, by and by you have no men in the army who fight.

Socialist logistics is working horribly badly, and even if it was working great, it would still be the case that stealing the valor of real soldiers cripples your military capability.

It is very hard to get for troops anything through conventional channels, and in practice, just as Soviet Russia operated on the black market, fighting men often have to engage in “drug deals” by trading whatever surplus stuff they have with other units that have what they actually need. There tend to be months or years delays between applying for some urgently and vitally needed replacement part, and getting it, but a soldier can order pipe tobacco online, and have it in within two, three weeks at the latest.

Cut out the military supply chain bullshit and let Amazon handle it. The regimental commander should contract with whom he damn well pleases. Back in the days when logistics was largely taken care of by the regimental commander and the camp followers a large proportion of the camp followers, including nearly all the highly skilled camp followers, for example Cardigan’s French Chef and the dual function whores, came from Europe, following the army around.

Those behind the lines, loading and unloading planes at the base near Basra, managing the equipment, and all that, kissing the ass of numerous four star generals who never leave the base, and never actually shooting and getting shot at, should not get medals and honors and be counted as soldiers. They should be camp followers, whores, and comfort women.

Let me tell you the real story of the charge of light brigade:

Due to the usual screw ups and fog of war, Lord Cardigan received a very stupid order to attack some enemy guns He protested the order vehemently, but then obeyed it, leading his men from the front in his very conspicuous privately owned officer uniform. Since he had a superior horse, which he personally owned, he got far in front of his men. He arrived at the enemy, personally took one whack at the leading enemy officer, then signaled the retreat before most of his men had arrived, obeying his orders to the letter pro forma with the least possible danger to his men, and the greatest possible danger to himself.

Let high ranking officers take their French chef and their numerous mistresses along with them. But don’t issue medals to the French Chef. The priesthood (the mainstream media) complained that Lord Cardigan brought his French chef along while his men ate salt beef, but Lord Cardigan, unlike present day commanders, tended be in the front when the bullets were flying. So, would you prefer a regimental commander who eats the same food as you, or a regimental commander who gets exposed to the same bullets as you?

Current news

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

We in Flight 93. The plane is headed directly to the ground. Trump is in the cockpit fighting the hijackers, but even if he wins, that is no guarantee he can pull the plane out of the dive.

I normally don’t pay much attention to the latest political events, nor cover them in this blog, because it is mostly a distraction, intended to confuse and mislead. It is more important to cover the long term trends. The democrats crossed the Rubicon with Sheriff Joe.

However the coup is starting to go critical, and it might make a difference. Judge Roberts is a deep state operative who is connected to the infamous Trump Dossier, in that he is running cover for the Fisa court, hence the Republicans correctly insist he follows precedent by reigning over the impeachment, rather than ruling over the impeachment. We shall see what happens, but even if he puts lipstick on the pig, not going to make a difference the outcome of the Senate trial itself. He will be working with Schiff, openly or furtively, but Schiff’s dog won’t hunt. What might well make a difference is a change in who is providing security during the trial.

Trump plans to call Wheres Hunter, Adam Schiff, and the “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella.

Eric Ciaramella is a low level deep state operative who was involved in the infamous Trump Dossier, which gets mighty close to incriminating Judge Roberts personally. He is part of the FBI coverup of misconduct related to the dossier, and if low level operatives get busted in a Trump self coup, they will probably have no end of dirt on higher ups, thereby likely opening up another Trump supreme appointment.

Attorney General Barr understands what is going on – a holiness spiral that leads to the holy abandoning the rules that make peace possible within the elite.

Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the State to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursing a deific end. They are willing to use any means necessary to gain momentary advantage in achieving their end, regardless of collateral consequences and the systemic implications.

He is preparing for a situation of duelling arrest warrants, where each faction in the political elite orders the arrest of the other faction, which was obviously going to happen eventually once they arrested Sheriff Joe, the only question being how long before the proverbial hits the fan. Barr is campaigning like a politician for support among the cops on the beat, and Trump is going after warrior support in ways quite disproportionate to their voting weight.

I don’t expect it to happen soon, though it well might – but it is looming near enough to impact political behavior. If the Durham report is not another greywash, it may well lead to the arrest of low level operatives who will likely finger Judge Roberts, leading to his impeachment. I am still betting on the shooting to start around 2026 or so, but the Democrats eagerness to get this off to the Senate, where it would go down in flames if normality continues, suggests the deep state has or had plans for a big surprise during the Senate trial.

During the House hearings, they were fishing for support among the brass. I am inclined to believe that what happened is that they found support among the brass, hence the desire to get impeachment done in a hurry, rather than continue milking it forever, but after the last minute the brass discovered that they lacked support among the praetorians, and changed their minds, hence the desire to stall.

A less dramatic and conspiratorial explanation is that Judge Roberts is in their pocket, and the Clinton precedent denies him the power to rig the trial, so they want to ditch the Clinton precedent in any way that they can. They are arguing about how the trial should be conducted so that the conduct of the trial gets thrown into Judge Robert’s lap.

The trial, assuming it is not interrupted by a change in security at the Senate and the arrest of key people in the Trump administration, is likely to sink the narrative, and, more importantly, get Judge Roberts out of a position where he could give constitutional color to a coup. If the Durham report opens with an arrest of deep staters, they are likely to attempt to respond by arresting Trump and his administration. We are likely to get dueling arrest warrants, and we don’t want Judge Roberts in a position where he has judicial authority over Trump while we have duelling arrest warrants.

The obvious risk is that the deep state, instead of sitting on its ass waiting for Barr and Durham to launch arrest warrants against the deep state, pre-emptively arrests all key personnel suspected of loyalty to Trump during the Senate trial and replaces Senate security, whereupon Judge Roberts issues a ruling that this is completely normal and entirely legal. I think that was their plan during the house hearings, though I think that Trump and Barr have forestalled this plan by securing praetorian support.

If the deep state do sit on their ass, we are not going to get the Durham report until after the trial.

We have known since 2012 that the deeps state has been acting illegally. If they continue to get away with acting illegally, the hijackers are still in the cockpit and are still flying the plane into the ground. Removal from the cockpit will manifest as a storm of arrests. Which is likely to result in duelling arrest warrants.

If Barr arrests the deep state without himself being arrested, they are going to sing like canaries, giving Trump autocratic power, because he will be able to purge the government and the Democratic party.

The conservative projection is that Trump leaves power in 2024, when his second term runs out, that the Republic continues as normal

I think it more likely he will leave power to prison, or become Caesar Augustus and bequeath the role of Imperator to Don Junior.

Once the elite started using direct state coercion on each other, it became inevitable that we will eventually get Bonapartist government. The only question is how soon, and how much bloodshed?

What I hope for is that after the Senate Trial, then the Durham report opens with a sudden storm of arrests, and Trump gets coronated as Caesar Augustus in 2020. What I fear is more likely is increasing use of violence and coercion by the elite with inconclusive and indecisive outcomes, eventually leading to full scale war around 2026 or so, possibly involving nuclear weapons, followed, after years, decades, or centuries, by a Stalin restoring order.

Let us pray that Trump Senior becomes Caesar Augustus, and Trump Junior becomes Emperor Constantine.

Creeping coup

Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

Doing illegal acts and getting away with it due to state power is a creeping coup. If one side in a struggle for state power can do illegal things, and the other side cannot, the illegal things eventually escalate till the political leadership of side that cannot commit crimes flees the country or goes into hiding. We are in hiding, and people in the military with dangerous ideas get prosecuted for war crimes. People associated with the Trump campaign get charged with obscure and incomprehensible crimes that everyone unknowingly commits, while Democrats stuff ballot boxes and collect bribes with complete immunity. Jon Corzine (Democratic party privilege, not Jewish privilege) got off for robbing investors, and the banks were forced to make the people he robbed whole.

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Thus, for example, the normalization of homosexuality. The gays were allowed to commit violence against those that disagreed with the normalization of homosexuality, the courts and police winked at the violence, and suddenly everyone agreed that homosexuality was just the cats whiskers. And now, antifa and illegal immigrant violence against white people, as for example the Kate Steinle case.

The only real crime that anyone connected to the Trump campaign has been convicted of is stretching the truth on a mortgage application. But during the great minority mortgage meltdown, every white speculator, starting in 2005 November when every white speculator realized that the bubble was going to burst, unloaded overpriced housing onto blacks and Hispanics, usually Hispanics with no income, no job, and no assets, often a drunk cat eating wetback pulled out of the gutter from outside Home Depot with a bottle of whiskey, and the loan officer, usually a loan officer working directly or indirectly for Countrywide Bank, created a pile of lies that the drunk could not read and signed with his mark. None of the people who created these highly creative loan applications were prosecuted, because the banks, and especially Countrywide Bank, were doing the very holy work of moving minorities into green leafy overwhelmingly white suburbs.

The speculators unloaded overpriced houses onto people who could not pay, because people who could not pay were unworried about the price, even if they were sufficiently sober to know what the price was and what they were signing, but were nonetheless able to borrow, because if they were not able to borrow, it would constitute redlining. Beverly Hills Bank was destroyed by the regulators for its racist reluctance to make such loans, for its insistence that borrowers should be able to pay mortgages (redlining) but when the bad loans blew up, no one was punished, everyone was bailed out. Angelo Mozillo, the biggest villain in the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown got a slap on the wrist for billions of dollars in losses on completely fraudulent mortgages and general failure to keep legally required records of who owned what, and who owed what, while Trump adviser Paul Manafort gets severely punished for a bit of creativity on one small mortgage application, which mortgage did not go bad.

Normally if a borrower is able and willing to pay on time, no one cares exactly what was written on the mortgage application, which tends to be filled out by the loan officer with whatever it is supposed to say pro forma, without too much consideration for the underlying reality for those details that are not all that relevant to the borrowers ability and willingness to pay. There are too many boxes, and they just routinely tick them all without examining them too carefully. But the details that are relevant to ability and willingness to pay, those they are supposed to be take seriously, and for white people, they do take them seriously.

Conveniently, the white speculators unloading overpriced houses had no written connection or direct financial relationship to the borrower or the loan officer, and no part in preparing the loan application, though the (usually white) speculator usually gave the (always black or Hispanic) borrower something under the table, and the (usually Hispanic) real estate agent usually gave the (frequently Hispanic) loan officer something under the table.

By 2006, every speculator with skin in the game, every speculator willing and able to pay a mortgage, which speculators were almost always white, had unloaded onto people who were borrowing against their race, not their assets. Then in 2007, the whole house of cards came tumbling down, because the white people had stopped playing the game and left the table, and everyone who had fraudulently set pen to paper was very holy, or of a protected race, and usually both, and so none of them were punished, except for Angelo Mozillo, who got a slap on the wrist for all the innumerable wrongdoings of innumerable loan officers directly or indirectly in his employ.

When the bubble burst there was frantic search for scapegoats who were not race hustlers. They eventually decided to blame the derivatives market, even though everyone knew the problem was dodgy loans. That precisely no one was prosecuted for signing a dodgy mortgage application, even though all mortgage applications are so tediously lengthy that you could probably find something dodgy on most of them, suggests that every single white speculator who was underwater unloaded before the bubble burst. In 2006 January it appeared to me that every white speculator was unloading and most of them had unloaded by the end of 2005 November. That the derivatives market was, in significant and substantial part, managed by Jews suggests that Jewish privilege is dropping to the bottom of the list of privileged people, with dot Indians way ahead of them.

If there had been any white speculators with under water mortgages still around when the bubble burst, they would today be remembered great outrage. Whites skedaddled when it became obvious how it was going to end. Only those protected by racial privilege kept on partying to the end. White speculators got out in 2005 November. Everyone who was still partying the bubble in 2007 as if it was still 2005 was protected by racial privilege or Democratic party membership from adverse consequences.

The bank did not lose any money, or even suffer any late payments, on Paul Manafort’s loan, nor was it ever likely that they would. Every loan officer everywhere is apt to routinely tick all those boring overly numerous boxes. During the great minority mortgage meltdown, they massively falsified the ability and willingness to pay of borrowers who were usually obviously unable and unwilling to pay, and sometimes had no idea what they were signing, pissing away unimaginably huge amounts of money, yet no borrowers and no loan officers were ever prosecuted, while Paul Manafort gets the book thrown at him for one trivial detail on a loan application – which implies that Mueller’s lawyers went over every document of everyone connected to the Trump campaign with a fine tooth comb. If someone went over every document that you signed, often documents with far too many pages detailing lots of boring complicated routine requirements that no one actually cares about or pays much attention to, how would you fare? The stack of documents you signed in a mortgage application is several inches thick. Did you carefully read all of them? What did your loan officer write on those documents that you signed and never read?

The loan officer wrote on your stack of documents the same thing he wrote on a thousand similar six inch deep stacks of documents. Was everything he wrote applicable to your loan? You did not read them, but it looks like Mueller’s lawyers read everything signed at any time by anyone involved in the Trump campaign.

After FDR the merely elected government lost power to the permanent government, the president lost power to the presidency and, starting around 2008, the permanent government lost power to the deep state. And the deep state is apt to send cops to the doors of its enemies, while the Democrats merely sends a mob of blacks, who are less dangerous.

The legislature has long ceded the boring tasks of legislating to the permanent government, the judiciary and the lobbyists, the latter faction reaching its ill fated and ludicrous extreme in the Transpacific Partnership, where skyscrapers full of high paid lawyers in New York wrote pallet loads of planned legislation and regulation to be applied world wide to govern the minutiae of daily life and economic activity in far off places of which they knew nothing and cared less, whose pallet loads of dense obscure legalese and bureaucratese could all be summarized in five words: “everything now belongs to us”, the ultimate absurdist end point of lobbyist written legislation. Mostly they wanted to confiscate value created in flyover country, which is what got Trump’s goat, but disrupting the value creation being done on the other side of the planet in the Australian outback would have been collateral damage, since this colossal pile of freshly minted onerous regulation would have been trans pacific.

Meanwhile the presidency auctioned of America’s foreign policy to the highest bidder, cheerfully ignoring the president. Obama was content if the foreign policy establishment gave him some photo ops. Too corrupt to stay bought, they implemented both Israel’s foreign policy, and the “International Community” anti Israeli policy. While their holy belief system was Harvard’s foreign policy, their actual foreign policy was even more erratic and less intelligible, and terrifyingly and bloodily unpredictable. They armed and funded Islamic State, and they bombed Islamic state. They destroyed Libya, and were surprised and confused when they were unable to rule the ruins. Having destroyed Libya’s military, they were unable to believe it when Al Quaeda used conventional war and a conventional military to pursue power and remove American power.

In order to govern, it is necessary for the governing elite to act as one, which requires social cohesion and rules of good conduct, which come from ethnic and religious cohesion. Puritanism arose in a holiness spiral, which rapidly spiraled to post Christianity. A holiness spiral undermines cohesion, and post Christianity drops the the beliefs that made Christendom cohesive and effective. Thus the Puritans lost power in England in 1660, and England became sane, and remained sane for a century and a half. The holiness spiral of the Church of New England escalated more slowly, but is now reaching heights of madness comparable to those of the post Christian Puritans that Cromwell had to crush. The state religion of progressivism is succumbing to madness, rendering it incapable of functioning as the faith of an elite capable of ruling.

This manifests in the increasing use of violence and coercion, police power, and the criminalization of political differences in struggles within the elite. Convicting Sheriff Joe in 2017 crossed the Rubicon, and there are no more sharp lines between “ordinary” political conflict and civil war. If you arrest one political opponent over political differences, why not all of them?

If you arrest one political opponent who is a fellow member of the elite for his political position, eventually it will be all of them.

The design of the founders was that the elite would act as one through the person of the president, and this worked. But the rise of the power of the presidency, and the decline of the power of the president, meant it stopped working, and Harvard’s holy synods of bishops are a poor substitute, as illustrated by the chaos of American foreign policy and the absurdity of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Clinton was famously crooked as a dogs hind leg, but he imposed some order among the Democrats. When Obama became president, their legal immunity resulted in all manner of crimes. Hunter Biden’s legal troubles go all the way back to 2008. The democrats and the deep state have endless crimes that Trump could legally jail them for, but he does not. We all know what the Durham report will show, if it does not continue the pretense. We have known what it could and likely will reveal since 2012, long before Trump got caught up in this. The Horowitz report was a limited hangout, which points towards a full hangout. Chances are that the Durham report will make what everyone has known since 2012 official administration knowledge, that the deep state has been illegally wiretapping the political elite since 2008 and likely earlier.

In 2012 Edward Snowden and Julian Assange revealed that the NSA was illegally spying on Americans. And everyone shrugged their shoulders and said to themselves “Hey, they are not going to care about me, they are going to looking at important people.” And, of course, we now know that they were looking at important people, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and everyone connected to them.

The 9/11 presidential order in 2001 gave them alarmingly broad powers to tap people – which would be not too bad if the president could control that information, but inevitably it slipped from the president’s hands. In 2007 Bush rescinded that order. I conjecture that he realized it was being used against Republicans, and perhaps himself, and expected that when he left office, would be used in that manner a whole lot more, but the rescission was ignored. The actual practice has been illegally escalating ever since, and under Obama, no end of petty partisans in the elite gained the ability to spy on other members of the elite and use that knowledge for nefarious petty partisan purposes. And with the election of Trump, that presidential power inevitably came to be used by the presidency against the president. The trouble with allowing spying on Americans is that it is such a powerful tool that the elite is bound to turn it on each other, with the result that power falls into the hands of the security agencies.

Sooner or later as the elite increasingly relies on coercive means and secret police to resolve policy conflicts, they are bound to start arresting, and shortly thereafter, killing, each other. Either Trump will jail them, or they will jail Trump, and shortly thereafter start jailing each other, then kill Trump and his family, and shortly thereafter, kill each other.

If, in the Durham report, the Trump administration comes to officially know what everyone has known since 2012, that the deep state has been acting illegally, then it is war between the deep state and the Trump administration.

What is holding up the Durham report? Everyone knows what will be in it if it is not yet another cover up. I hope that what is holding it up is the same thing as is holding up Pelosi sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate. Trump is likely sounding out the praetorians and getting them in place. Everyone is getting ready for what happens when arresting members of the elite over political differences escalates a lot further than it has already escalated.

If Trump imprisons them, the pretense that we are still a Republic will continue to have some plausibility, but Trump will be Caesar, for the arrest of the deep state for illegal acts that everyone knows about but no one admits will give him the power to arrest democrats for everything from notorious ballot box stuffing to equally notorious graft and corruption. If they arrest Trump, the pretense will get a bit thinner, though no doubt everyone will continue to piously believe.

Politics played for keeps.

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

The progressives are signaling that if you are white and male very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives are starting to signal that if you are a Trump supporter, then when term limits remove Trump, or the next massively rigged election removes Trump, very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives hope that if they signal hard enough, it is only going to be white male Trump supporters.

Out of one side of their mouths cuckservatives say that it is absurd to suggest that progressives are proposing the extermination or expulsion of white males, and out of the other side of their mouths they say that if you are a Trump supporter, come the end of the Trump era, you are going to pay.

This is not necessarily a good way of removing Trump. Not in 2020, and not in 2024. In the impeachment vote, every Republican voted party line, which is an extraordinary and startling turn around. This is a vote that signals a hope that Democrats will never be allowed to return to power, and an expectation that such a return may well be prevented.

The Republicans, faced with increasingly dire threats from the enemy have united behind Trump. With the threat in front of them that from henceforth politics is going to played for keepsies, they are going with keeping. And Trumpism is increasingly moving to the position “screw the constitution, if we are ever removed from power, the constitution is dead anyway. Lets grab on to power and hang on for our dear lives.”

White males and white Christians cannot continue to win elections, and cannot afford to lose them.

What, you may ask, does Trump expect?

What they don’t know is that we hang it up in five years, or nine years, or thirteen years (pause for cheering) maybe seventeen years …

Well, what is it that the Democrats don’t know? Trump is a very good public speaker. He is not in the habit of losing the thread of his own words.

So either he is going senile, or what they don’t know is that he is preparing a self coup against their color revolution.

The great betrayal is over. America is not for sale. We are more determined than ever to drain the swamp … A lot of bad things happened, and a lot of bad things are going to be revealed.

If the people that sold out America face charges for quid pro quo, not a whole lot of Democrats in the 2020 election. Biden makes a really bad deal for the US, and his son walks away with a truckload of Chinese money. Seems that there have been a whole lot of mysteriously bad deals.

Trump deploys rhetoric that is preparation for an election, and also preparation for civil war.

They want to obliterate the rule of law, drive out faith from the public square, silence you online, confiscate your guns … they want to indoctrinate your children, destroy anyone who has traditional values. All you have to do is ask the Covington boys. The far left wants to impose their authoritarian ideology on the nation telling you what to think, what to believe, and how you should live. They want to erase our traditions, our history, our culture, and our heroes. They want to subjugate you and break you to their will.

Deep State and the failed American ruling class believe it is their right to rule over you and redistribue your wealth all over the world. … Past leaders transformed far away nations into chaotic war zones then they demanded that America take unlimimited immigration from those terror afflicted regions. … We did not fight them over there only to invite them over here.

Democrats have waged an unrelenting assault against people of faith.

Free speech, freedom of assembly, religious liberty, and the right to keep and bear arms. … Faith and family.

Trump is appealing to tribalism to win the forthcoming civil war, but a tribe needs a faith, and the priesthood is in the hands of our enemies. And when he addresses the Covington boys, he condemns the enemy priesthood.